Material Handling 
 Definitions, Descriptions, Illustrations and Methods of 
 Use of Material Handling Machines 
 Employed In Industry 
 Compiled and Edited by 
 ROY V. WRIGHT, Editor-in-Chief 
 Managing Editor, Railway Age, and Editor of the Railway Mechanical Engineer, Car 
 Builders Dictionary and Cyclopedia, and Locomotive 
 Dictionary and Cyclopedia 
 JOHN G. LITTLE, Managing Editor 
 Formerly Eastern Engineering Editor of the Railway Age 
 ROBERT C. AUGUR, Associate Editor 
 Contributing Editors 
 Transportation Bldg. Home Lite Bldg. The Arcade 
 Chicago, 111. Washington, D. C. Cleveland, Ohio 
 34 Victoria St., Westminster 444 Maison Blanche Annex First National Bank Bldg. 
 S. W. I, London, England New Orleans, La. Cincinnati, Ohio 
 This volume is designed to present in a comprehensive way, defi 
 nitions, descriptions, illustrations, applications and methods of opera 
 tion of the devices and equipment used in industry for the handling of 
 materials. It is divided into three principal sections: Definition Sec 
 tion, Illustrated Text Section and Catalog Section. 
 The Definition Section is arranged in alphabetical order and in it 
 are defined the devices, accessories and terms used in material han 
 dling. The Illustrated Text Section is subdivided into eight major 
 divisions: Hoisting Machinery; Package Handling Conveyors and Ele 
 vators ; Loose Material Conveyors and Elevators ; Conveying Machin 
 ery Details; Elevators; Trackless" Transportation; Industrial Rail 
 Transportation and Handling Systems. The Catalog Section contains 
 detailed information on specific devices and is designed to supplement 
 the information shown elsewhere and, as well, to help the reader select 
 from a class, the device best suited to his needs. 
 The compilation of the volume was undertaken by the editors in 
 response to the expressed need of such a work by engineers, manufac 
 turers of handling equipment and others interested in the handling of 
 materials. At the beginning of the task it was realized that the field 
 to be covered was so broad that the work could not be attempted by 
 any single person or small group of individuals. Consequently, each of 
 the major sections of the volume has been prepared by a specialist, 
 particularly fitted by experience for the work undertaken. The Cyclo 
 pedia, in its completed form, is the work of eleven specialists and each 
 contributor is to be considered responsible for the accuracy of the 
 information presented in his section. 
 To insure greater accuracy and a broader treatment, a large part 
 of the information presented has been submitted by the editors to other 
 specialists for suggestions. The cooperation thus received, as well as 
 the generous cooperation given by manufacturers of equipment, in fur 
 nishing detailed information and illustrations of their products, 
 proved extremely valuable. In expressing appreciation of this coop 
 eration the editors regret, because of the great number of individ 
 uals concerned, their inability of making this acknowledgment specific. 
 Acknowledgment and thanks for the continued inspiration and 
 constructive assistance given by Fred R. Davis of the General Electric 
 Company and Zenas W. Carter, formerly secretary-manager of the 
 Material Handling Machinery Manufacturers Association, now of the 
 Austin Machinery Corporation, are gratefully rendered. 
To the Users of this Book 
 In the preparation of the MATERIAL HANDLING CYCLO 
 PEDIA there have been two principal objectives : First, to present the 
 information in easily understood terms and, second, to so arrange the 
 text that the reader might be able to iind the information he requires 
 without loss of time. 
 To accomplish the second objective it was thought necessary to 
 subdivide the editorial matter into two principal parts: A Definition 
 Section and an Illustrated Text Section. Both of these sections have 
 been further subdivided; the Definition Section into two parts Gen 
 eral Definitions and Electrical Definitions thus making it possible to 
 arrange the major portion of the definitions in alphabetical order and 
 at the same time preserve a logical continuity in the treatment of 
 electrical subjects. 
 The Illustrated Text is subdivided into eight principal sections: 
 Hoisting Machinery; Package Handling Conveyors and Elevators; 
 Loose Material Conveyors and Elevators; Conveying Machinery De 
 tails; Elevators; Trackless Transportation ; Industrial Rail Transpor 
 tation and Handling Systems. These subdivisions appear in the order 
 named and each is further divided into sections corresponding with 
 what was thought by the editors to be the logical classification of the 
 great number of devices properly grouped under each major sub 
 In addition to its purpose as a dictionary of material handling 
 terms and devices the Definition Section serves also as an index to 
 both the Illustrated Text Section and the Catalog Section. Following 
 the definition of each device, term or subject which is treated in the 
 other sections of the book, direct references are given to the Illustrated 
 Text Section page, Catalog Section page, or both, where the further 
 information appears. In using the volume the reader is thus referred 
 from the definition to the Illustrated Text Section where the applica 
 tion, illustration and method of use of the device in question is cov 
 ered in detail and, as well, to the page or pages in the Catalog Section 
 where technical descriptions and illustrations of the device are pre 
 sented by the manufacturers. 
 As a further aid in making the information readily available a Gen 
 eral Index covering every subject treated in the Illustrated Text Sec- 
tion appears on the pages next following this one. The general head 
 ings of this index correspond with the principal subdivisions of the 
 Illustrated Text and the sub-headings with the classification of devices 
 mentioned previously. The General Index thus provides a convenient 
 reference to particular devices in any group. 
 To furnish further guidance to readers particularly interested in 
 the information presented in the Catalog pages three indexes appear 
 on the pages following the Catalog Section. These are: (1) An Alpha 
 betical Index of Catalogs, (2) a Directory of Products and (3) a 
 Trade Xame Index. 
 In the Alphabetical Index is given a list of the firms represented 
 in the Catalog Section and the numbers of the catalog page on which 
 their products are described. 
 In the Directory of Products is given a list, alphabetically ar 
 ranged, of the products of the firms whose catalogs appear in the 
 Catalog Section. 
 In the Trade Xame Index, are listed, in alphabetical order, the 
 trade names of the various products shown in the Catalog Section. 
 The name of the manufacturer of each product appears after each 
 Trade Name. 
General Subject Index 
 General Definitions 
 Definition Section 
 Electrical Definitions 
 Hoisting Machinery 
 Overhead Traveling Cranes: Construction 155 
 Code of Safety Standards 158 
 Hand Power Cranes 159, 773, 777, 778, 780 
 Power Operated Overhead Cranes: Floor-Con 
 trolled; Cab-Controlled; Outdoor; Foundry; 
 Mill; Ladle; Charging; Stripping; Wall 
 161, 773, 781, 791, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 800 
 Gantry Cranes: Traveling; Stationary 
 167, 794, 797, 798, 828 
 Jib Cranes: Bracket; Column; Braced; Steam- 
 Hydraulic 171, 780 
 Pillar Cranes 175 
 Pillar-Jib Cranes: Portable; Counterweight; 
 Work-Car; Skeleton; Stacking; Walking 175 
 Locomotive Cranes: Construction; Steam; Gaso 
 line; Electric; Wrecking; Pile-Driver 
 179, 804, 805, 806 
 Wharf Cranes: Portal; Semi-Portal; Racking- 
 Cantilever; Raised; Barge; Roof; Rotary 
 191, 797, 802 
 Shipbuilding Cranes: Hammerhead; Turntable; 
 Folding-Jib; Revolving-Tower 197 
 Chain Hoists 203, 774, 775, 776, 778, 800 
 Pneumatic Hoists 207 
 Electric-Motor Hoists. .211, 776, 781, 782, 784, 788, 800 
 Monorail Hoists and Telphers 
 213, 784, 786, 789, 792, 794, 800, 804 
 Stationary Derricks: Guy; Stiff-Leg; Tower 
 219, 802, 803 
 Portable and Traveling Derricks: Floating; Car; 
 Traveling; Pile-Driver; Jinniwink; Skid.. 221, 802 
 Light Capacity Derricks: Counterweight; Pole; 
 Gin-Pole; Breast; Tripod; Sulky; A-Frame; 
 Mast and Gaff; Shear-Leg 227 
 Derrick Details 229 
 Cargo Handling Gear 231 
 Excavating Machines 
 Power Shovels: Railroad Steam Shovel; Revolv 
 ing; Skimmer; Ditching Machine 235, 806 
 Drag Line Excavators 239, 801, 817, 833 
 Trenching Machines: Bucket; Wheel 239 
 Back-Filler 241 
 Dredges: Dipper; Placer; Hydraulic 241, 801 
 Suspension Cableways: Endless-Rope; Rocking; 
 Single -Rope; Dragline Scraper; Power 
 Scraper; Cable Drag-Scraper 
 247, 815, 817, 821, 823, 824 
 Cable Tramways: Two-Bucket; Single-Bucket; 
 Double - Cable; Stacking; Suspended - Rail; 
 Cables; Carriers; Grips; Stations 263, 821, 823 
 Loaders and Unloaders 
 Log Loaders and Skidders 273 
 Box Car Loaders: Conveyor; Projecting; Tilting 273 
 Box Car Unloaders: Scraper; Suction; Tilting. . 277 
 Car Dumpers: Cane-Car Dumpers; Tandem Car- 
 Dumpers 279, 825, 828 
 Hulett Unloader 283 
 Towers: Boston; One-Man 283, 828, 831 
 Mast and Gaff 286 
 Self-Loading Vessels 286 
 Trolleys and Carriers 
 Crane Trolleys: Trucks; Drums; Motors; Brakes 
 287, 756 
 Overhead Trackage 
 Track; Switches; Turntables. . .291, 773, 778, 782, 790 
 Hand and Power 295, 787, 790, 803, 829 
 Hoisting Machinery Continued 
 Grab Buckets: Clam-Shell; Motor; Orange-Peel; 
 Dwarf Orange-Peel; Scraper 
 301, 808, 809, 810, 812, 813, 814, 816, 829 
 Drag Line Buckets 309 
 Self-Dumping Buckets: Turn-over; Bottom- 
 Dump; Controllable Discharge; Bulk-Dis 
 charge 309 
 Plain Buckets; Baskets; Nets 313 
 Skips; Cinch-Boards 313 
 Grapples; Hooks; Tongs; Slings 313 
 Counterweight Drums 315 
 Lifting Magnets 315, 807 
 Blocks 318 
 Wire Rope 320 
 Package Handling Conveyors 
 Arm Elevators 331, 761, 765, 766 
 Suspended Tray Elevators 336, 761, 765, 766 
 Push-Bar Elevators and Conveyors 345 
 Apron Elevators and Conveyors 
 352, 761, 765, 766, 768, 770, 799, 826 
 Belt Conveyors and Elevators 369, 759, 761, 766 
 Gravity Roller Conveyors 378, 759, 761, 765, 767 
 Gravity Roller Spirals 387, 759, 761, 765 
 Spiral Chutes 390, 759, 761, 765, 767 
 Special Elevators and Conveyors: Haulage; 
 Overhead Track; Special Chain; Assembly; 
 Sling; Live-Roll; Wire-Line; Pneumatic 
 Tube; Carrousel 399, 762, 763, 772 
 Loose Material Conveyors 
 Bucket Elevators: Centrifugal Discharge; Per 
 fect Discharge; Continuous Bucket 409, 826 
 Elevators-Conveyors: Gravity Discharge V- 
 Bucket; Pivoted Bucket Carriers 
 413, 828, 830, 836 
 Conveyors: Belt; Apron and Pan; Screw or 
 Spiral; Flight and Drag; Reciprocating 
 Trough and Flight 418, 770, 773, 826, 834 
 Current Conveyors: Steam Jet; Pneumatic 430 
 Loaders Portable: Bucket; Belt 
 432, 769, 770, 773, 837, 838, 840 
 Conveying Machinery Details 
 Aprons ; Arms 443 
 Bearing Boxes; Belts; Boots; Brushes; Buckets. 445 
 Cable Conveyors; Carriers; Chains; Chain At 
 tachments 448 
 Drives 452 
 Flights 453 
 Gravity Roller Conveyors 454 
 Idlers 456 
 Pulleys ; Push Bars 457 
 Releases . . . 457 
 Screw Conveyors; Spiral Chutes; Sprockets; 
 Stops 458 
 Take-Ups; Tighteners; Trays; Troughs 462 
 Development of the Elevator 467 
 Factors of the Elevator Problem 468 
 Electric Elevators: Motors; Winding Engine; 
 Control 477, 751, 754, 757 
 Hydraulic Elevators 489 
 Steam-Hydraulic Elevators 491 
 Pneumatic Elevators 491 
 Hand Power Elevators 491 
 Portable Elevators : 492, 770 
 Elevator Details 493 
 Elevator Installations 494 
 Code of Safety Standards 495 
 Trackless Transportation 
 Industrial Trucks, Tractors and Trailers 
 Hand Trucks: Box; Baggage; Single-Handle; 
 Barrow; Push Cart; Large Wheel Cart; 
 Stevedore; Platform; Lift 519 
 Storage Battery Trucks; Platform; Low-Plat 
 form; Elevating-Platform; Tiering; Baggage; 
 Crane; Dump Body 
 524, 726, 728, 730, 732, 733, 739, 741, 743, 744, 745 
 Gasoline Engine Trucks: Cargo; Platform; 
 Dump Body 527 
 Storage Battery Tractors: Three- Wheel; Four- 
 Wheel; Center Control 
 530, 728, 733, 734, 739, 741, 743, 744, 745 
 Gasoline Engine Tractors: Three- Wheel; Four- 
 Wheel; Track-laying 531, 704 
 Trailers: Four-Wheel Steer; Caster; Fifth- 
 Wheel; Balanced; Baggage; Low Platform; 
 Dump Body; Box 535, 729, 735, 739, 744 
 Platforms, Containers and Accessories; Skid 
 Platforms; Live Platforms; Shop Boxes. 537, 746 
 Typical Methods of Moving Material 540 
 Factors Determining the Choice of Tractors 544 
 Motor Trucks, Tractors and Trailers 
 General Specifications: Frames; Wheels; Axles; 
 Drive; Transmission; Steering Gears; 
 Clutches ; Engines 549 
 Principles of Motor Selection 562 
 Factors of Motor Truck Performance 563 
 Motor Truck Applications 568 
 Demountable Bodies 574 
 Truck-Tractors 574 
 Trailers: Four-Wheel; Two- Wheel; Semi-Trail 
 ers; Pole .577 
 Industrial Rail 
 Classes of Railways 
 Inter-plant; Heavy Mill; Mine; Logging; Planta 
 tion; Long Sidings; Construction; Portable; 
 Cable; Automatic; Inclined; Rack; Skip 
 Hoists 583, 826, 827, 830, 831, 832 
 Industrial Cars 
 Platform; V-Body Dump; Scoop-Body; Charg 
 ing; Square-Body Rotary Dump; Box-Body 
 Dump; Hopper Bottom; Cable Bottom; In 
 clined Bottom; Creosoting; Charcoal; Ace 
 tone; Logging and Lumber; Cane and 
 Plantation; Dryer: Car Transfers; Ore Mine; 
 Coal Mine; Mill; Ladle; Foundry; Self-Pro- 
 pelled; Larries; Skip.. 587, 721, 722, 725, 831, 833 
 Industrial Locomotives 
 Steam Locomotives; Geared; Fireless. . .623, 720, 721 
 Compressed Air Locomotives 627, 720 
 Combustion Engine Locomotives: Gasoline; 
 Kerosene 627, 724 
 Electric Locomotives: Trolley and Third Rail; 
 Storage Battery 627, 715, 718, 731 
 Rack Locomotives 627 
 Detail Devices . ..629, 721, 722, 725, 831 
 Handling and Storing Coal 
 Preparation Plants for Coal 635 
 Large Central Coal Storage Plants 643 
 Coal and Ash Handling Equipment for Boiler 
 Houses 653 
 Equipment for Large Central Power Stations 655 
 Small and Moderate Sized Boiler House 
 Equipment 657 
 Reserve Coal Storage 661 
 Bins and Bunkers 667 
 Weighing Coal 668 
 Coal Yard Equipment 669 
 Locomotive Coaling Stations 673 
 Equipment for Coaling Steamships and Loading 
 Coal to Vessels 675 
 Sand and Gravel Washing Plants 
 Sand and Gravel Washing Plants 679 
 Stone and Lime Handling 
 Stone and Lime Handling 683 
 Catalog Section 
 Catalog Secticn .701 
 A Dictionary Covering the Devices, Accessories, and 
 Terms Used in Material Handling 
 Head of Mechanical Engineering Department Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. 
 Associate Member, American Society Naval Engineers; Associate, Society of 
 Automotive Engineers; Member, American Society Mechanical Engineers 
 Assisted on Electrical Definitions 
 Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y- 
Definition Section 
 Accumulator, Hydraulic. A storage tank tor water 
 under heavy pressure, used in hydraulic power opera 
 tions. It consists of a heavily weighted plunger in a 
 cylinder, or a heavily weighted cylinder moving up and 
 down on the plunger, the varying space in the cylinder 
 constituting the storage reservoir. 
 Aerial Cableway. An aerial conveying installation con 
 sisting of a single or double track cable stretched be 
 tween two towers, a carriage traveling on the track 
 cable, ropes for hoisting the load and controlling the 
 position of the carriage on the cable and operating ma 
 chinery, generally located in one of the towers. Tf used 
 for conveying only, it is called a transporting or con 
 veying cableway, and is equivalent to a cable tramway 
 of a single span. If used for hoisting and conveying, 
 it is often called a hoisting transporting cableway, and 
 is commonly used for construction work on dams and 
 bridges, or for the handling of bulk material in storage 
 The towers may be fixed, rocking or traveling; one 
 may move on a circular track about the other, called a 
 radial cableway; they may be at the same or different 
 elevations. Under certain conditions the. cableway may 
 be made self-operative, but power is always required if 
 hoisting is to be done. 
 Also called a suspension cableway. Cableways are 
 distinguished from cable tramways by the fact that no 
 hoisting is done by the latter, and that they consist 
 of many spans over long distances, and are usually per 
 manent installations. 
 Page 247, 815, 817, 821, 823. 
 Aerial Cableway, Dredging. An aerial cableway 
 equipped for handling a grab bucket suitable for ex 
 cavating submerged material. The towers usually 
 travel parallel to the water, and a three-drum wjnch 
 is required. 
 Page 817. 
 Aerial Cableway, Grab Bucket Handling. An aerial 
 cableway arranged for the operation of a self-tilling 
 grab bucket. The bucket is lowered, open, into the 
 material to be excavated or moved; winding of the 
 hoisting rope causes it to close, filling its bowl as it does 
 so. Continued hoisting raises it to or near the track 
 cable ; the carriage is then moved with the bucket until 
 the discharge point is reached, when the bucket may 
 be opened in mid air, or may be lowered until in contact 
 with the pile before dumping. 
 Page 815. 
 Aerial Cableway, Gravity Transporting. An aerial 
 transporting cableway in which the track cable has suf 
 ficient slope to cause the carriage to move down by 
 Page 821, 8123. 
 Aerial Cableway, Hoisting-transporting. An aerial 
 cableway which hoists, conveys and lowers material, 
 moving it from one point to another beneath its elevated 
 track cable. The points at which hoisting or lowering 
 take place may be dependent on the position of adjustable 
 stops which are moved in accordance with the needs of. 
 the work. 
 A hoisting rope operated by a winch drum in one of 
 the towers is led around a tower sheave to the carriage 
 which moves along the track cable under the control 
 of a traction rope. In the carriage, an arrangement of 
 the hoisting rope around sheaves provides an increase 
 of lifting power for handling the load hanging from 
 the load hook of the fall block beneath. 
 Page 815, 817, 821, 823. 
 Aerial Cableway, Horizontal. The term applied to a 
 cableway which has its ends at the same height, or which 
 has so little difference in elevation between them that 
 the carriage will not move by gravity. A power driven 
 endless traction rope is generally used in such cases, 
 though a tail rope may be led around guide sheaves to 
 a counterweight in such a way as to assist the force of 
 gravity on low grades. 
 Page 249, 815, 817, 821, 823. 
 Aerial Cableway, Inclined. A general term applied to 
 an aerial cableway in which the two ends of the track 
 cable have a sufficient difference in elevation to produce 
 a slope of 20 per cent or more, down which loaded or 
 unloaded carriages will move by gravity. Also called a 
 gravity transporting cableway. 
 Page 815, 817, 821, 823. 
 Aerial Cableway, Radial. An aerial cableway having 
 one traveling tower which may move on the arc of a 
 circle at the center of which the other tower is located. 
 A large storage area may thus be covered. The mov 
 ing tower has a broad base and is loaded to prevent up 
 setting. The fixed tower may be pivoted, or may have 
 merely a pivoted cap. It must be guyed in several di 
 rections to resist the corresponding pulls of the movable 
 track cable, unless it is made self-supporting. Power is 
 generally supplied to the cableway at the pivot tower, 
 and the traveling tower may be moved along its track 
 by power supplied from a winch drum at the pivot 
 Page 815. 
 Aerial Cableway, Rocking. A cableway which is sup 
 ported on two towers that can be rocked transversely in 
 unison, thus moving the conveying cable from side to 
 side and enabling material to be stored over a con 
 siderable area, or, when the carriage is equipped with 
 a grab bucket, allowing it to be recovered directly from 
 this area and delivered to any point within it. The 
 towers have rocker bases and are controlled in position 
 by rocking winches ; main anchorages located on the 
 axis of rotation remain taut whatever the position of 
 the towers. 
 Page 249, 824. 
 Aerial Cableway, Transporting. An aerial cableway 
 which merely transports or conveys material, as opposed 
 to one which hoists, conveys and lowers. The loads 
 are placed in a bucket 6r on a platform or skip, and are 
 usually removed by dumping. In this respect a transport- 
 . . ing cableway is merely a cable tramway of a single 
 Page 24X 81 5, 817, 821, 823. 
 Aerial Cableway, Traveling. An aerial cableway hav 
 ing its two supporting towers mounted on wheeled bases 
 which can move along parallel tracks. This enables the 
 cableway to serve the whole of a rectangular area, rather 
 than to limit it to a narrow area immediately beneath 
 the track cable. 
 Aerial Wire Rope Tramway. A system of aerial con 
 veying by which material is carried in buckets on a cable 
 supported on a series of elevated towers, and passing 
 for distances amounting sometimes to many miles over 
 land, rivers, valleys and mountains. The loading and 
 discharge stations are usually at opposite ends of the 
 line, though discharge may be easily arranged at inter 
 mediate points, and some installations carry material 
 in both directions. Two systems are in use; the single 
 cable, in which the buckets are fixed to the cable and 
 travel with it, and the double cable, in which one sta 
 tionary rope supports the buckets and the other propels 
 them. Either type may have any number of buckets ; 
 two special cases of the double cable system are called 
 double bucket and single bucket installations ; both are 
 termed reversible. 
 Page 263, 815, 817, 821, 823. 
 Aerial Wire Rope Tramway Carrier. A truck com 
 posed of two steel sheave wheels mounted between steel 
 side plates, and having a pendant frame attached to it, 
 between the lower extremities of which is pivoted a 
 turnover bucket. For extremely heavy loads two two- 
 wheel trucks support an equalizing bar from which the 
 bucket is suspended, thus dividing the load among four 
 Beside the dumping bucket for carrying bulk material 
 other forms of carriers are also in use, for conveying 
 bales, barrels, logs, cordwood, etc., each built especially 
 for the material handled. 
 At the stations the carriers run from the cable on to 
 fixed overhead track sometimes called shunt rails, and 
 stay on these until sent out on the line again. Switches 
 may be arranged, on which reserve buckets are held, 
 and overhead rails also may be used for running buckets 
 short distances away from the cable terminal, for col 
 lecting material, discharging to distributed locations, etc. 
 Page 267, 821, 823. 
 Aerial Wire Rope Tramway, Double Bucket. A reversi 
 ble aerial double rope tramway consisting of two parallel 
 track cables on which a pair of carriers and buckets are 
 operated, by means of a reversible endless traction rope. 
 The two buckets are attached at opposite sides of the 
 traction rope loop so that they occupy the loading and 
 the discharge stations at the ends of the line simulta 
 neously, and always move in opposite directions. If the 
 loaded buckets travel down a sufficient grade, the system 
 is self-operative and requires no power ; it is then often 
 called a jig-back tramway. 
 Also called a twin line tramway. 
 Page 269, 821, 823. 
 Aerial Wire Rope Tramway, Single Bucket. A reversi 
 ble aerial double rope tramway consisting of one track 
 rope on which a carrier and bucket are pulled back and 
 forth by a reversible endless traction rope, or, lowered 
 down a grade by gravity and pulled back up to the load 
 ing station by power. It may be operated by one man 
 at the loading station, the discharge being automatic. 
 Page 271, 821, 823. 
 Aerial Wire Rope Tramway Stations. The terminal 
 structures and any intermediate supports, other than the 
 ordinary towers supporting the line, of an aerial wire 
 rope tramway. These include two terminal stations 
 known as loading and discharge stations, also rail 
 stations, tension stations and angle stations. 
 Page 269. 
 Air, Compressed. Compressed air may be considered 
 as a system of power transmission, analogous to the 
 generator, distributing system and motors of an electri 
 cal power transmission system, the air compressor cor 
 responding to the generator, the piping to the wiring, 
 and the air motors, hoists, etc., to the electric motor. 
 Its efficiency falls so much below the electric system 
 that it is seldom used- solely for the transmission of me 
 chanical power to a distant point, but is of great value 
 in cases where air is required for the special purposes 
 to which it is peculiarly suited, as in pneumatic tube con 
 veying systems ; conveying of fine materials like grain, 
 sawdust and other manufacturing refuse; cleaning cast 
 ings; pneumatic riveting; chipping and drilling; spray 
 ing, etc. It is also much used for handling liquids which 
 cannot be moved by piston or centrifugal pumps be 
 cause of their corrosive or clogging action, by exerting 
 an air pressure on the liquid in a closed tank by pump 
 ing in compressed air, or by using an air lift pump. 
 Where installed primarily for these special purposes, it 
 may be utilized effectively for power development in ad 
 dition, especially for hoists and even for elevators. Com 
 pressed air machinery is simple, cheap and usually easily 
 operated ; occasionally, as in mines, the exhaust is of use 
 for ventilation, though the amount is really too small 
 to be of importance. The total absence of any heat or 
 possibility of sparks renders it preferable to steam and 
 electricity in locations where combustible gases or ex 
 plosives are present. 
 The power required to compress air is reduced if the 
 air is kept from rising in temperature during compres 
 sion. Water jacketing accomplishes this to a certain ex- 
 ti-nt. but a more effective method is to use multi-stage 
 compression, with thorough intercooling between the 
 When compressed air is used to drive engines, tools, 
 etc., the temperature is lowered considerably during the 
 expansion in the working cylinder, and may go below 
 32 deg. ; any water present will then freeze and gradually 
 clog the passages. Water must therefore be thoroughly 
 eliminated, or the air must be heated sufficiently before 
 using it to insure its remaining above the freezing point. 
 Such heating will also increase the efficiency of the 
 Low air pressures are usually expressed in inches of 
 water, as would be measured by an U-tube with one leg 
 connected to the discharge side of the compressor. High 
 er pressures, up to one pound, are expressed in ounces 
 per sq. in., and still higher pressures in Ib. per sq. in. 
 Air Compressor. Any machine or device which will 
 continuously take in air at a low pressure and deliver 
 it at a higher pressure. Compressors are classed as pis 
 ton, centrifugal, rotary and hydraulic, according to the 
 kind of power used; those in the first three classes may 
 be designated as steam engine, internal combustion engine, 
 (gas, gasoline or oil), electric motor or belt driven. Low 
 pressure centrifugal compressors are commonly called 
 fans or blowers; low pressure piston compressors (in 
 large sizes, as used for blast furnaces) are termed blowing 
 engines or blowers. 
 Cooling is an essential part of the mechanical com 
 pressing of air, as a large part of the power supplied ap 
 pears as heat. For low pressures and small sizes, 
 radiation is relied on to carry away enough heat to 
 maintain a satisfactory working temperature. For high 
 pressures in all medium and large sized compressors, 
 water jacketing of metal parts exposed to the heat is ar 
 ranged, and the compression is broken up into two or 
 more stages with intercoolers between them, this be 
 ing an especially effective method of cooling. 
 Air Compressor Aftercooler. In compressed air plants, 
 the water cooled receiver through which the hot com 
 pressed air from the compressor passes before going into 
 the distribution pipes. Aftercooling decreases the vol 
 ume of the air so that smaller pipes can be used, pre 
 cipitates much of the moisture which causes serious 
 trouble in machines operated by compressed air, and also 
 carries down much of the oil vapor with this water pre 
 For the construction of Aftercoolers, see Intercooler. 
 Air Compressor, Centrifugal. A machine for compress 
 ing air by giving it a whirling motion through a rotating 
 fan or impeller, and utilizing the centrifugal force thus 
 created to make the air flow against a pressure. The 
 impeller is mounted on a shaft and rotates within a 
 casing; the air is admitted at or near the shaft, flows 
 among blades or vanes on the impeller, and outward 
 from their tips into the casing; fixed discharge vanes are 
 often mounted in the casing around the impeller to aid 
 in changing the kinetic energy of the air into pressure 
 without its dissipation into heat through eddying. 
 Centrifugal compressors for pressures below one pound 
 are usually known as blowers or fans. For pressures 
 above five pounds, two or more impellers in scries may 
 be used, the discharge of the first stage leading to the 
 intake of the second, etc. ; these are known as multi-stage 
 centrifugal compressors. 
 Centrifugal compressors require little space, may be 
 coupled direct to high-speed driving units like steam 
 turbines or motors, cause little or no vibration, have no 
 reciprocating parts, valves or springs, and require a 
 minimum of oiling and other care. They will not, 
 however, deliver a constant quantity of air when run 
 ning at constant speed under a varying resistance, and 
 they also cause unpleasant throbbing or pulsations. 
 Centrifugal air compressors are most used where 
 medium pressures are required, as for blast and other 
 furnace blowing, pneumatic tube transportation, convey 
 ing of grain, coal, etc. They also find efficient application 
 as first stage compressors where the second stage of 
 compression is performed by a piston type compressor, 
 enabling a large reduction to be made in the size of the 
 They are cooled by radiation from the casing, by water 
 circulating through diaphragms between the stages of a 
 multi-stage machine, or by intercoolers between groups 
 of stages. 
 Air Compressor, Hydraulic. A compressor which util 
 izes a head of flowing water for compressing air. Two 
 vertical shafts are connected by a tunnel at their bottoms. 
 Water flowing down one of these is allowed to suck air 
 and carry it down to the horizontal tunnel ; there it sep 
 arates from the water, which passes on and up the other 
 shaft. The air is led from the separation chamber to the 
 surface by pipes. Sufficient head of water must be avail 
 able to produce the desired quantity of flow, and to make 
 up for the difference in density of the air laden descend 
 ing stream and the ascending stream which has been 
 freed of air. 
 Air Compressor Intercooler. In multi-stage air com 
 pressor plants, the water-cooled receiver through which 
 the hot compressed air from one stage of the compressor 
 is passed before going into the next stage for further 
 compression. There are two reasons for using an inter- 
 cooler; first, to keep the temperature low enough so that 
 the cylinders can be properly lubricated, and second, to 
 decrease the power required for compression. 
 Intercoolers are usually made with a shell of cylindrical 
 or rectangular section, containing a bank of tubes whose 
 ends fit tightly into two tube sheets. Chambers outside 
 these tube sheets form a space for the entrance and exit 
 of the cooling water, which makes from two to four 
 passes through the tubes. The air to be cooled fills the 
 space between the tube sheets among the tubes, and is 
 made to pass back and forth across the tubes several 
 times by suitably arranged baffle plates. 
 The usual construction is to bolt the two tube sheets 
 to flanges on the ends of the shell ; the greater expansion 
 of the tubes than the shell, due to their higher tempera 
 ture and higher coefficient of expansion, may make them 
 leak. The back tube sheet may have a water chamber 
 bolted to it, and be loose within the shell, thus allowing 
 free expansion of the tube bank independently of the 
 shell. This is called a floating head. 
 Tubes are made of -brass of various grades or of 
 aluminum; the latter possess greater heat conductivity. 
 Air Compressor, Piston Type. A machine consisting of 
 a cylinder with a piston moving back and forth in it, 
 drawing air into one end of the cylinder during motion 
 in one direction, and compressing it during the return 
 movement. Compressors are usually single-acting in 
 small sizes, and double-acting in the large sizes. They 
 are driven by steam engines, by gas, gasoline or oil 
 engines, by electric motors, or by belts from line shaft 
 ing. Many different varieties have been developed be 
 cause of the varied requirements as to discharge pres 
 sure, capacity, economy of power, cost, speed of driving 
 unit, weight and floor space. 
 Pressures up to SO Ib. per sq. in. are generally obtained 
 in a single-stage ; pressures above 100 Ib. are obtained 
 much more economically by two-stage compression with 
 an intercooler between the two stages. For pressures 
 above 200 Ib.. three stages with two intercoolers should 
 be used. 
 Various arrangements of cylinders are in use; one with 
 cylinders in line, or tandem, and another with cylinders 
 side by side, or duplex, these being the two most com 
 mon, and serving as a basis for the more complicated 
 arrangements involving double or compound steam cylin 
 ders, double or two-stage air cylinders, and combinations 
 of tandem and duplex arrangements. 
 Suitable regulation of air compressors is a very im 
 portant matter. There is always some storage capacity 
 in the shape of receivers on the discharge line, but if the 
 demand for air falls off, the pressure will rise and air 
 will be wasted by safety valves, unless the compressors 
 cease to furnish air. Two methods of control are used; 
 the first being to continually vary the speed of the com 
 pressor, keeping the discharge pressure as nearly constant 
 as possible, and the second, to stop air compression en 
 tirely when the maximum pressure is reached, and wait 
 until it has fallen a definite amount before delivering 
 again. It is generally undesirable to stop the compressor 
 completely, except in special cases where the demand 
 is very intermittent, so it is slowed to the lowest prac- 
 ticable running speed at the same time that the device 
 which controls the delivery of air, called the unloader, 
 stops any compression of air. 
 An important detail of an air compressor is the air 
 valve. In modern practice these are made of thitrflexible 
 steel plates, rings or strips, covering narrow ports. They 
 are very strong and light, require little excess of pres 
 sure to lift them, and seat without slamming. 
 Air Compressor, Rotary. A machine in which air is 
 compressed by one or more rotating impellers working 
 in a casing, as distinguished from piston compiessors. 
 (See Air Compressor; Blower, Rotary.) 
 Air Compressor Unloader. The mechanism by which 
 the delivery of air by a compressor is controlled. Several 
 devices are in use, such as, first, closing of the intake pipe, 
 so that no air is admitted to the cylinder; second, hold 
 ing open admission valves so that air flows back and 
 forth between the cylinder and intake; third, opening a 
 by-pass between the discharge pipe and intake pipe, and 
 "circulating" the air ; and fourth, temporarily increasing 
 the clearance volume. It is often combined with the gov 
 ernor controlling the speed of the driving engine. 
 In two-stage compressors, it is not enough to unload 
 the low pre ssure cylinder, as the high pressure cylinder 
 will speedily exhaust the air from the intercooler, and 
 will then draw in air through stuffing box leaks and com 
 press it with such a large compression ratio that the 
 resulting high temperature may cause overheating or 
 interfere with lubrication. This ai_- may be discharged to 
 the atmosphere by a special mechanism of the unloader, 
 thus preventing the high compression, and allowing the 
 oiston to reciprocate in a partial vacuum. 
 Air Cylinder Hoist. See Hoist, Air Cylinder. 
 Air Hoist. See Hoist, Air; Hoist, Air Cylinder. 
 Air Lift Pump. A system of lifting liquids by the 
 direct use of compressed air. As applied to water wells, 
 a drop pipe is placed in the well with its lower end below 
 the level of the water. An air line delivers air to the 
 bottom of the drop pipe, and, mixing air with the water 
 in the latter, makes it so much ligh ter than the solid 
 water in the space surrounding the drop pipe that the 
 water rises in the drop pipe, and, if the proportions are 
 correct, reaches the surface, where the air can be sepa 
 rated from the water. 
 The efficiency is relatively low, but the first cost is also 
 low. All machinery may be located at the top of the 
 well, and it will handle gritty, dirty or chemically active 
 waters as easily as clean water. 
 Air Receiver or Reservoir. A strong reservoir, gener 
 ally a cylindrical steel tank, into which the discharge line 
 of an air compressor leads, and which serves both as a 
 storage reservoir, and as a means of eliminating the 
 pulsations of the air due to the reciprocating compressor. 
 If the demand for air at a distant point is intermittent, 
 the receiver should be located near this point, or two 
 receivers should be used. If an aftercooler is used, a 
 receiver close to the compressor may be dispensed with. 
 The air receiver also serves as a chamber in which the 
 air is cooled so that the water and oil may be precipi 
 tated and drained from the system. 
 Anchor. See Anchorage. 
 Anchcrage. For derrick and other guy lines, an attach 
 ment at a fixed point on the ground. For permanent 
 anchorages, masonry foundations or piles, singly or in 
 clumps may be used. For temporary anchorages, short 
 pieces of timber are buried in the ground at right angles 
 to the line of pull, the guy being attached at the middle. 
 Or they may be laid on the surface and weighted with 
 Outdoor cranes, exposed to the wind, such as overhead 
 electric traveling crane on elevated runways, must be 
 locked in a fixed position whenever the operator is not 
 in the cage. Anchorages are arranged by which the crane 
 is locked to the rail, or to a stop at the end of the rail. 
 For rope and chain on crane winding drums. The 
 chain is fastened by a shackle, or a stud in the drum 
 circumference. The wire rope has a solid eye spliced 
 in the end, and attached to the drum by a bolt ; it is 
 sometimes passed diagonally through the drum barrel or 
 flange, and fastened in a rope socket which seats in a 
 tapered hole. 
 Apron. The name sometimes given to the clear space 
 often left on a pier between the pier shed and the pier 
 edge. It is generally used to allow the passage of trucks 
 or cars close to the ship. 
 Asbestos. A non-combustible fibrous mineral material, 
 principally silicate of magnesia, which can be woven into 
 webbing and reinforced with metal wires, and used for 
 lining brake bands, clutches, etc. It is also used in the 
 soft fluffy condition or when pressed into sheets, as a 
 protection against heat, being a constituent of most of 
 the heat insulation preparations. As it is also a fair 
 electric insulating substance, it is used in cases where 
 electrical leads are exposed to heat from outside sources 
 or where it is difficult to remove the heat generated bv 
 the electric current itself, as in totally enclosed electrical 
 Ash Ejector. A form of current conveyor by which 
 ashes are removed from the fire rooms of steamers and 
 discharged into the sea, through the use of a jet of water. 
 The usual form involves a hopper into which the ashes 
 are shoveled, which may or may not be covered depend 
 ing on whether the operation is intermittent or continuous, 
 a control valve and nozzle through which a jet is deliv 
 ered in such a way as to draw the ashes with the water, 
 a discharge pipe which usually has one bend in it. and 
 an outlet in the ship s side, above or below the water line 
 according to the type of installation. 
 Ash Handling Equipment. Ashes may be handled 
 mechanically with the apparatus suitable for any other 
 bulk material, except that their abrasive character causes 
 excessive wear on apparatus having moving joints and 
 bearings with which they come into contact. 
 The types of equipment commonly used are : drag con 
 veyors ; carrying conveyors ; chain and bucket elevators ; 
 current conveyors of the steam or air jet or the vacuum 
 type ; skip or grab bucket hoists ; monorail or bridge 
 traveling cranes, with grab or bottom dumping buckets. 
 Ash Hoist. Apparatus for the removal of ashes from 
 a fire room, generally consisting of a bucket or can with 
 means of raising and lowering it rapidly. Used on ship 
 board, and on land when the fire room is so low that the 
 ashes must be lifted out of it. 
 Types which are in use are winch hoists, chain block 
 hoists, air, steam or hydraulic cylinder hoists, and skip 
 hoists. In city locations where the ashes must he raised 
 through a hole in the sidewalk, the frame work support 
 ing the hoist usually telescopes downward and is kept 
 below the sidewalk except when in use. (See Hoist, 
 Ash Hoist, Marine. A hoist arranged to remove the 
 ashes from the boiler room of a ship at sea. Three types 
 are in common use : the steam ash hoist, the electric ash 
 hoist, and the steam ram. The first two are similar in 
 having a power-driven geared winding drum and hoisting 
 rope, and may or may not have a "follow-up" gear, by 
 which the ash bucket is fully controlled by the rotation 
 of a small hand wheel, rising when the wheel is rotated 
 in one direction, falling in the other, and stopping when 
 the wheel is stopped. The steam ram consists of a long 
 stroke direct-acting vertical steam cylinder, having its 
 piston rod connected to the bucket hoisting tackle in an 
 inverted manner, so that the motion of the bucket is 
 much greater than that of the steam piston. 
 The ash bucket is hoisted through a fire room venti 
 lator, and is dumped into a hopper leading to an ash chute 
 which discharges a little above the water line. 
 Ash Pit. The enclosure immediately beneath the grate 
 or stoker of a boiler, in which ashes collect, and from 
 which they must be removed by the fireman, or by auto 
 matic means. The old and most common ash pit has a 
 level floor at or slightly below the fireroom level, and the 
 fireman pulls out the ashes with a hoe; they may be 
 wheeled away, or disposed of by a conveyor. Hopper 
 bottom ash pits arc commonly used with stokers, and the 
 falling ashes are allowed to collect in the bottom of the 
 hopper until removed, either by hoeing out into a truck 
 or conveyor, or by dropping through an opened valve 
 directly onto a conveyor beneath the hopper. 
 Assembling. The act of putting- a mechanism or ma 
 chine together, or placing the various parts in their proper 
 relation to one another so that they will perform the 
 required operations. 
 Assembly. The complete collection of parts of a ma 
 chine or portion of a machine, as a brake assembly. 
 Assembly Drawing. A drawing showing all the parts 
 of a machine or apparatus or definite portion of the same, 
 in their proper relation to one another. 
 Automatic. Having the power of self-motion; self- 
 Automatic Swing. The term applied to a grab bucket 
 excavator when the boom is swung automatically by us 
 ing the alternating pull in the bucket hoisting and low 
 ering ropes rather than by a bull wheel. (See Excavator, 
 Grab Bucket.) 
 Auxiliary. That which aids or gives assistance; that 
 which is secondary or subsidiary, as auxiliary hoist, 
 auxiliary girder. 
 Axial. Along or in a direction parallel to an axis, gen 
 erally an axis of rotation, as an axial load. 
 Axis. The imaginary line about which a body rotates 
 or turns. It is preferable to say that a body rotates about 
 its own axis of symmetry, and revolves about an axis 
 outside itself, as : the earth rotates on its axis and 
 revolves about the sun, but this distinction is not always 
 Axis, Neutral. See Neutral Axis. 
 Axle, Live. An axle which turns in bearings, and has 
 its wheels rigidly attached like a railway car axle. A 
 car provided with such axles does not readily move 
 around sharp curves in the track, and where this is very 
 necessary, as in rubber-tired cars and trucks, or small 
 industrial trucks, the axle is divided in the middle and 
 the two halves connected by means of a differential gear 
 ing, which is usually combined with the power-driving 
 gear. In some industrial cars, one wheel is loose and 
 one is tight on the axle ; this will allow easy movement 
 on curves. 
 Back-filler. Any device used for replacing the ex 
 cavated material into the trench from which it was dug. 
 Ruck, scoop or drag line scrapers are useful in the work ; 
 endless chain bucket conveyors are also arranged spe 
 cially for the purpose, following closely after the ex 
 cavating machine. In some cases the back tilling is done 
 by the rear end of the same machine which does the 
 excavating; the laying of the draft ago tile, or what 
 ever it may be, being carried on between the two and 
 beneath the machine. 
 Back-filling. The replacing of the excavated material 
 in a trench or similar excavation after the accomplish 
 ment of the operation for which the trench was dug. 
 Back Gearing. A geared speed reduction mechanism, 
 consisting of a driving pinion A, keyed to a shaft on 
 which also turns loosely a gear D connected to the ma 
 chine to be driven. Another gear B and pinion C are 
 arranged to rotate together on a parallel shaft, B mesh 
 ing with . / and C with D. The speed of the driving 
 pinion is reduced in the ratio (A-r-li) x (C+D). The 
 term "back gear" refers to the gear train coming back 
 to the original shaft. It is used on machine tools, and 
 also un some motors for winch drives. 
 Back-lash. In a mechanism, the amount of movement 
 or play one part may have without moving another, due 
 to fits not being absolutely perfect, allowances for ex 
 pansion, running fits, etc. In gearing, the distance, meas 
 ured along the pitch line, by which a tooth is narrower 
 than the corresponding space. 
 Back Stop. A ratchet device or its equivalent used to 
 prevent bucket elevators from running backward in case 
 of accident to the drive. A friction device holds the pawl 
 out of the ratchet wheel during regular elevating motion, 
 but a reversal of the motion throws it into the teeth and 
 stops rotation. 
 Baffle Plate. A plate suspended in front of the dis 
 charge pipe of a steam jet or air suction ash conveyor, or 
 fixed on the wall of the bin opposite it for receiving the 
 impact of the highly abrasive material. It may be made 
 of the hardest steel obtainable, and even then be worn 
 rapidly. One type, called the pocket type, has a number 
 of pockets about 6 in. square and 9 in. dcop. with a backing 
 plate. The ashes pack into the pockets, and present to 
 the discharge pipe practically a baffle plate of ashes, and 
 wear is very slow. 
 Bagger. Any machine which mechanically aids the 
 placing of bulk material in bags for purposes of trans 
 portation. It is often combined with a weighing scale 
 to automatically deliver a definite amount to each bag. 
 (See also Chute, Bagging.) 
 Bail. A curved strap or bar, pivoted at its two ends to 
 the rim "of a bucket scoop, tub, etc.. and with an eye, 
 loop or other arrangement for attaching a rope or chain, 
 at its middle. When made of chain it is usually called 
 a bridle, and is often provided with a spreader to coun 
 teract the tendency to deform the bucket rim. Fixed 
 hails are riveted to the bucket, instead of being pivoted, 
 and arc only used where they will not interfere with 
 filling or dumping. 
 Bale. A package of soft or non-rigid material generally 
 more or less rectangular in form, compressed, wrapped 
 with burlap or other fibrous material and secured by 
 wires, straps, ropes, or other fastenings. Baled material 
 occupies less space than when placed in boxes. 
 Ball, Downhaul. See Downhaul Ball. 
 Ball and Socket Joint. A flexible connection between 
 two pieces of a mechanism, consisting of a partial sphere 
 attached to one part, and a spherical seat partially (more 
 than half) enclosing it attached to the other, the com 
 bination permitting freedom of relative motion of the 
 t .vo parts about the center of the sphere. These joints 
 are used in some cases for connecting links to rockers 
 and levers ; for some types of flexible tie rods or radius 
 rods; and also to give flexibility to pipe lines, notably 
 the discharge lines from hydraulic dredges. 
 Band Friction. A type of friction clutch applied among 
 other places, to the drums of winches, consisting of a 
 band carried by one part which can be contracted ex 
 ternally or expanded internally in a rim on the other 
 part, making them rotate as one. (See Clutch, Friction; 
 Drum, Friction.) 
 Barge. A floating craft of full body and heavy con 
 struction, designed for the carriage of cargo, but with 
 out means of self-propulsion. Cranes or other cargo 
 handling gear are often mounted on barges. The distinc 
 tion between a barge and a lighter is more in the manner 
 of use than in form and equipment, the term barge being 
 more often used when the load is carried to its destina 
 tion, or a long distance, while the term lighter refers to 
 a short haul, generally in connection with loading or 
 unloading operations of vessels. 
 Barge, Coaling. A barge containing equipment for 
 rapidly tilling the bunkers of a vessel with coal. There 
 are many types, but practically all include a tower-like 
 structure on the barge, with elevating mechanism and 
 means of discharging the coal into coaling ports in the 
 sides or decks of the ship by spouts or chutes. Some 
 types carry the load of coal in their own holds ; others 
 simply contain the elevating and conveying machinery, 
 are placed between the loaded coal barge and the ship to 
 be coaled, and transfer the coal from the loaded barge 
 to the ship s bunker by machinery. This last arrangement 
 may save one handling of the coal, but requires a wide 
 slip if coaling is to be done while the ship is in a dock. 
 Barrel Cradle. A pair of concave stands, braced to 
 gether, and designed for supporting a barrel laid on its 
 side. They may be set on an ordinary elevator or con 
 veyor for temporary use. or be built into the chain of a 
 chain elevator or conveyor for permanent barrel han 
 dling installations. 
 Barrel, Shop. A steel barrel, with or without a lid or 
 cover, for holding castings, chips, dirt, etc., in industrial 
 Barrow. See Wheelbarrow; Hand Barrow. 
 Batch Box. A box used for holding the materials for 
 making a batch of concrete, or for holding and convey 
 ing a batch of concrete after mixing. It is usually made 
 of steel or of wood reinforced with steel. Some are 
 supported on trunnions on a car or by a crane, and 
 discharge by turning over (see Bucket, Turnover) ; 
 others dump at the bottom when the doors are opened 
 by releasing toggles or operating levers. (See Bucket, 
 Bottom Dump; Bucket, Controllable Discharge.) 
 To make it possible to use common labor for meas 
 uring the materials with a minimum chance for error, 
 some batch boxes are divided by partitions into three 
 compartments for cement, sand and broken stone, re 
 spectively. In one type a watertight box with a cover 
 holds the cement, and it is fixed in the batch box in such 
 a position that it divides the latter into two parts of the 
 proper proportions for the sand and stone. Alteration 
 in the position of the cement box varies the proportions 
 of sand and stone. 
 Batch Mixer. A mixer which receives definite quan 
 tities by weight or measure of various ingredients and 
 mixes them by stirring, rotation or other means to make 
 concrete, glass, etc. 
 Battery. See Electrical Definitions. 
 Beam. A single piece (generally straight) or a distinct 
 portion of a structure which is so supported and loaded 
 that it is subjected to transverse forces tending to bend 
 it. The term is also sometimes applied to a heavy un- 
 fabricated timber or steel structural shape, without refer 
 ence as to how it is to be placed in a structure, as I-beam. 
 Also, the extreme breadth of a vessel. 
 Beam Clamp. See Clamp, Beam. 
 Beam, Ladle Crane. A strong beam suspended at the 
 ends by two sets of load ropes from the trolley of an 
 overhead traveling crane, and having hanging from it 
 two long steel hooks supporting the ladle by trunnions 
 at the sides. (See Crane, Ladle.) 
 Beam, Lifting. Any long bar or girder used as an auxil 
 iary in connection with hoisting machinery, when lifting 
 long objects Hke bars, plates or pipe, by hooks, slings or 
 Beam of Uniform Strength. A beam designed to sup 
 port a given load or system of loads, and formed with 
 such dimensions that the maximum stress existing at a 
 section of the beam is the same wherever in the length 
 of tlie beam the section may be taken. In designing the 
 girders of overhead traveling cranes, this method re 
 sults in the fish-bellied or parabolic form of the bottom 
 chord ; in bridge structures where the load is carried 
 on the lower chord, the upper chord is thus curved. 
 Bearing. That part of a machine frame or other mem 
 ber which encloses a rotating part like a shaft and holds 
 it in place. The part of the shaft which rotates within 
 the bearing is usually called the journal when it is loaded 
 transversely, and the bearing a journal bearing. When 
 the load on the shaft is axial, the bearing is called a thrust 
 bearing. (See Bearing, Thrust.) Many bearings are 
 designed to carry both loads simultaneously. 
 Bearings in which both parts have smooth surfaces in 
 contact with each other are sometimes known as plain 
 bearings as distinguished from those in which the sur 
 faces are kept apart by balls or rollers. (See Bearing, 
 Ball; Bearing, Roller.) Ball and roller bearings turn 
 much more freely, consume less power and have certain 
 advantages as regards lubrication ; they are less suitable 
 for very heavy loads, however, and where shocks must be 
 withstood, should not be used. 
 The term bearing often includes both the part which 
 immediately encloses the journal, or box, and the sup 
 porting frame, called the body, bracket, hanger, pedestal, 
 etc. As regards their adjustability to take up wear, 
 boxes are either solid or split (divided) ; solid bearings 
 can be adjusted for wear only by renewing the bearing, 
 the journal, or a. removable lining for the former. Split 
 bearings may be adjusted as they wear by numerous 
 methods more complicated forms have the box divided 
 into three or four parts which can be separately or simul 
 taneously adjusted to take up looseness due to wear. 
 These special bearings are common in engines and motors 
 and other large machinery, but not in bearings for ordi 
 nary shafting. 
 Many bearings are formed directly in the frame of the 
 machine, and their form is dependent on the arrangement 
 of the latter. Other bearings much used in conveying 
 installations are independent and are more or less stand 
 ard. As regards adjustability for location of the shaft 
 center and for alinement, they are known as : rigid, in 
 which no adjustment is provided; adjustable, in which 
 the location of the shaft center may be changed hori 
 zontally, vertically or both ; trunnion, in which the bear 
 ing may swing about a transverse axis in one plane 
 (generally vertical) ; and swiveling or universal, in which 
 it may swing in any direction. 
 Rigid bearings are usually provided with slotted holes 
 in the supporting frame for transverse adjustment. 
 Bearings are adjusted vertically by wedges beneath the 
 supporting frame or by screws placed above and below 
 the box, which clamp it between them. Horizontal ad 
 justment is obtained by moving the supporting frame 
 sideways, by wedges, or by screws. 
 Trunnion bearings usually have lugs cast on opposite 
 sides of the box, held in corresponding holes in the sup 
 porting frame. They may also be suspended between 
 pointed set screws passing through threaded holes in the 
 Universal bearings arc usually arranged witli spheri 
 cal seats in the boxes held between spherical surfaces 
 in the supporting frame. In one type these surfaces are 
 on the top and bottom only, are small in size, and are 
 clamped between spherical hollows in the ends of the 
 same screws (sometimes called plunger screws) that are 
 used to provide for vertical adjustment; in another type 
 spherical zones or segments arc formed completely 
 around the box, and held in corresponding hollow spheri 
 cal surfaces in the supporting frame, this making a very 
 substantial swiveling arrangement, though without trans 
 verse adjustment. 
 The form of supporting frame for the box has also 
 given rise to a variety of names. Often the box and 
 frame are formed in one, like the common flat box, 
 which is simply a bearing box having a flat bottom with 
 flanged edges having holes for two bolts. Somewhat 
 larger ones of similar construction, with four holes, 
 are called pillow blocks; these may be divided horizon 
 tally or angularly, the latter being desirable to receive 
 an inclined pull. Still larger and more elaborate forms, 
 with perhaps renewable bearing shells, and even boxes in 
 portions and adjustable by means of wedges are known 
 as pedestal blocks or pedestal bearings. When the shaft 
 is located a considerable distance above the floor on 
 which the bearing stands, and the frame is made open, it 
 is called a floor stand. 
 Where the bearing is hung from the ceiling, the frame 
 is called a drop hanger ; it is similar in construction to 
 the floor stand, and one can often be converted into the 
 other by turning over the box, thus changing the location 
 of the oil reservoir. When the bearing is supported by a 
 vertical surface of a post or wall, the frame is called a 
 post hanger or wall bracket, the latter type locating the 
 shaft further away from the wall than the post hanger. 
 When a bearing is desired at the point where a shaft 
 goes through a wall, a rectangular frame called a wall 
 frame is built into the wall and the box mounted in it. 
 Bearing boxes are often distinguished according to 
 their method of lubrication. Self-oiling bearings are 
 those iu which a reservoir is provided, generally below 
 the shaft, into which a supply of oil is placed and fed 
 automatically to the rubbing surfaces from which it 
 drains back to the reservoir and is thus used over and 
 over. The means of feeding the oil are: by. slender 
 rings or chains dipping into the oil and hanging over the 
 shaft in notches cut in the top box ; by collars fast to the 
 shaft within the boxes, or by capillary attraction through 
 pieces of wood with fine openings, dipping in the oil and 
 pressing up against the bottom of the journal. Other 
 bearings which are not self-oiling are plain bearings with 
 oil holes for oil from a squirt can; wick oiling bearings 
 in which small oil reservoirs are formed in the cap, and 
 wicks dipping into the oil and then extending from it up 
 over the edge of tubes leading down to the bearings, 
 carry the oil by capillary attraction ; grease pocket bear 
 ings, in which a large pocket formed in the top box and 
 connected with the bearing surfaces by a liberal opening, 
 is filled with grease which will melt and give additional 
 lubrication whenever the temperature rises, due to ex 
 cessive friction ; and grease cup lubricated bearings, in 
 which grease is occasionally forced into the bearing by 
 a hand fed grease cup. 
 Bearing boxes arc usually lined with babbitt or an 
 equivalent anti-friction metal. For very light work where 
 low cost is important, unlined cast iron boxes may be 
 used; for very heavy pressures and important work 
 bronze liners in the bearings are desirable. Babbitt lining 
 is usually poured directly in the bearing, but separate 
 interchangeable white metal shells are now obtainable 
 in various standard sizes, and can be substituted for worn 
 ones when needed, provided the bearing is originally 
 designed for this arrangement. 
 Page 731, 740, 783. 
 Bearing, Ball. A bearing in which the surfaces of the 
 two parts having relative motion, and which would 
 otherwise rub together, are kept separated by an assem 
 blage of steel balls. As the balls are always hardened, 
 special hardened surfaces are provided for them to roll 
 on to prevent wear, and these are called races; one turns 
 with the rotating part and the other is fast to the sta 
 tionary part. The balls are often held in place by a re 
 tainer, or they may be actually inserted in spaces in a 
 part called a cage, which, while allowing them to roll 
 freely, keeps them spaced the proper distance apart. 
 Three classes of ball bearings are usually recognized : 
 radial (sometimes called annular) bearings, suited for 
 carrying a transverse load on the shaft, and correspond 
 ing to an ordinary journal bearing; thrust bearings, for 
 carrying an axial load on the shaft (see Bearing, Ball 
 Thrust) ; and a combination of the two in a single bear 
 ing which is able to carry both axial and radial loads, 
 sometimes called an angular bearing. 
 As regards the manner in which each ball carries its 
 load, ball bearings are termed two point, three point and 
 four point ; the first is the most commonly used, and the 
 last is seldom found. The fundamental principle under 
 lying the design of the races is that the ball should have 
 as nearly as possible a pure rolling action with a mini 
 mum of spinning. Two point bearings have the points 
 of contact between race and ball so located that tangents 
 there intersect each other on the axis of rotation, this 
 point of intersection being at an infinite distance in the 
 case of pure radial bearings. Three point bearings have 
 two points of contact on one race and one on the other; 
 the tangent at the last must intersect the chord drawn 
 through the other two at a point on the axis of rotation. 
 Both balls and races should be made of very hard steel, 
 and should be polished to a high degree. Ball bearings 
 fail by a flaking or pitting of the surfaces of balls and 
 races, at loads far below the crushing strength of the 
 ball. While adjustments are often provided, a bearing 
 which has worn to the point at which adjustment is nec 
 essary has failed and it needs replacement. It is there 
 fore desirable that the setting be made permanent at the 
 factory and that no possibility of adjustment be fur 
 Theoretically, lubrication is unnecessary if pure rolling 
 contact is obtained, but because there is a very slight 
 spinning or twisting of the surfaces in contact even in 
 the best bearings, a certain amount of it is advisable. In 
 addition, it prevents corrosion and tends to exclude for- 
 eign matter, both being very destructive to the bearings. 
 Page 740. 
 Bearing, Ball, Angular. A ball bearing which will carry 
 a combination of axial and radial loads on a shaft. Two 
 such bearings are required to carry a shaft in a definite 
 position against loads from any direction. 
 The races usually take the form of a cone which is 
 forced on to the shaft, and a cup which is fast in the 
 bearing, with the balls between them. With two point 
 contact, the two conical surfaces on the cone and in the 
 cup are concaved ; with three point contact, the cone 
 is straight or curved, and the cup has angular sides. 
 The three points of contact must be properly related. 
 (See Bearing, Ball.) A plain radial bearing and a thrust 
 bearing may be combined to serve the same purpose 
 as an angular bearing. 
 Page 740. 
 Bearing, Ball, Radial. A ball bearing for supporting a 
 shaft which is subject to transverse loads. A hardened 
 sleeve or race is usually forced on the shaft, and an 
 other in the hub of the bearing box ; a shallow groove 
 is turned in the inside of the outer race, or on. the out 
 side of the inner race in addition, and a complete circle 
 of balls is inserted to fill the space between the two races. 
 Two rows of balls spaced some distance apart are 
 sometimes used to carry a heavy load, but care must be 
 taken that the load is equalized between them. 
 Also called an annular ball bearing. 
 Page 740. 
 Bearing, Ball Thrust. A ball bearing arranged to carry 
 an axial load on a shaft. Two point bearings usually 
 consist of two hardened steel plates having between them 
 a cage or a plate with numerous holes, in which the balls 
 are inserted and held loosely ; one of the hardened plates 
 is attached to and turns with the shaft, and the other 
 rests in the bearing. In the three point type, one plate is 
 flat and the other has an annular groove whose sides 
 are so sloped that the three points of contact bear the 
 proper relation to each other as for pure rolling. (See 
 Bearing, Ball.) 
 For proper distribution of the load among the balls, a 
 spherical seat for one of the hardened plates is necessary. 
 Where the axial load is small, discs like the above 
 may be inserted in a step bearing at the end of the shaft. 
 Where larger thrusts must be carried, annular plates or 
 rings are used and held relatively to the shaft by collars 
 formed, clamped or screwed on it. Thrust in either 
 direction may be carried by a duplication of the arrange 
 Page 740. 
 Bearing, Dust Proof. A bearing which is constructed in 
 such a manner as to exclude dust. One method of doing 
 this is to clamp felt rings around the shaft against the 
 end of the bearing; another is to place felt rings around 
 the shaft in recesses turned in the box at each end just 
 within the bearing. One end of a bearing may some 
 times be completely closed, and is naturally completely 
 dust proof at that end. 
 Bearing, Oil Impregnated. A bearing made of hard 
 wood impregnated with oil, and used in places where 
 lubrication can not be easily accomplished, or where oil 
 would be detrimental, as in bearings of screw conveyors 
 handling food products, etc. 
 Bearing, Roller. A bearing in which the surfaces of 
 the two parts are kept from coming into contact with 
 each other by means of a number of small rollers, which 
 are usually mounted loosely in a part called a cage, to 
 keep them properly spaced, and to make it easier to 
 assemble the bearing. Special hardened surfaces are 
 often provided for the rollers to run on, to prevent 
 wear, one being attached to the moving and the other 
 to the stationary part. 
 Roller bearings have the same three classes as ball 
 bearings, radial, axial or thrust, and combination or an 
 gular. The bearing is in line contact along the full 
 length of the roller, hence these bearings will carry 
 much heavier loads than ball bearings, which have point 
 contact. It is equally important that surfaces of rollers 
 and races be true and polished, and adjustments for 
 wear are not often advisable. Lubrication is desirable, 
 to prevent corrosion and to exclude foreign matter. 
 (See also Bearing, Roller, Radial; Bearing, Roller, 
 Page 731, 783. 
 Bearing, Roller, Radial. A roller bearing for support 
 ing a shaft which is loaded transversely. As the load 
 is distributed along a line, hardened wearing surfaces for 
 it to roll on are not so necessary as with ball bearings, 
 but are advisable; usually hardened sleeves are pressed 
 onto the shaft and into the bore of the bearing, with the 
 rollers in their cage between, all lying parallel to the 
 shaft, and spaced equally around it. The rollers may 
 be plain cylinders necked down at the ends where they 
 fit into the cage, or may be formed of a strip of steel 
 wound into helical form and ground cylindrical on the 
 outside, the latter construction giving a flexible roller 
 that will not be so easily fractured if it becomes slightly 
 Page 731, 783. 
 Bearing, Roller, Thrust. A roller bearing arranged to 
 carry a thrust or axial load on a shaft. For pure rolling 
 contact, conical rollers are required, but the cost of cylin 
 drical rollers and flat thrust rings is so much less that 
 they are much used. In order to avoid excessive wear, 
 the cylinders are made short in length resembling discs, 
 and a number are assembled along the same axis ; each 
 may then take its own speed independently of the others. 
 These disc rollers may be mounted in a cage for con 
 venience in handling. 
 Roller thrust bearings are usually made with hard 
 ened steel plates, and the rollers themselves are hard 
 When conical rollers are used, the thrust rings must 
 both be conical, or one may be flat and the other more 
 steeply coned, and the angles should be such that the 
 apexes of the rollers, should they be extended so far, 
 would lie at the center of rotation of the shaft ; this 
 will secure pure rolling. A thrust ring must be added 
 around the bases of the rollers to keep them from be 
 ing forced outward by the pressures on the inclined 
 surfaces, and a cage is required to hold them in a true 
 radial position. 
 Roller thrust bearings arc used for carrying very 
 heavy loads, as in turntables for some forms of cranes, 
 (See Bearing, .Roller, for Locomotive Cranes.) 
 Bearing, Thrust. A bearing designed to prevent an 
 axial motion of a shaft, and which is used either for 
 adjusting purposes or to carry an actual axial load. 
 Two types are commonly distinguished, one in which the 
 end of the shaft or a part attached to it for that special 
 purpose is used as a rubbing surface, called a step thrust 
 bearing, and the other in which rings or collars are 
 formed on or attached to the shaft, revolving between 
 similar collars or rings carried by the supporting frame, 
 called a collar thrust bearing. 
 The step bearing is often used for vertical shafts, and 
 is made adjustable for vertical wear. Alternating discs 
 of dissimilar wearing metals are usually placed between 
 the end of the shaft and the bottom of the step, and 
 oil is preferably fed at the center of the bottom of 
 the step, passing gradually outward through radial 
 grooves in the discs. Step bearings are also used for 
 carrying the thrust of worms. 
 Collar thrusts are used for the largest loads, as all 
 necessary bearing surface can be obtained by multiplying 
 the number of collars. 
 Many jouinal bearings are arranged to take end thrust 
 from a collar on the shaft, by having a babbitted and 
 finished surface on the end of the bearing. 
 Thrust hearings are also made in the ball and roller 
 styles. (Sec Bearing, Ball Thrust; Bearing, Roller 
 Bedding and Reclaiming Equipment. A combination 
 of a bridge storage crane for uniformly distributing ma 
 terial in a long heap or bed, and a reclaiming machine 
 which works from one end of the bed, slicing down a 
 cross section and thoroughly mixing it as it reclaims, 
 and delivering a very uniform material as required for 
 certain smelting and chemical industries using raw ma 
 terial which varies from time to time. 
 Bell Crank. A bent lever pivoted at the bend, for 
 changing the line of application of a force. 
 Bending Moment. The total bending tendency to which 
 a beam is subject, expressed generally in inch-pounds. 
 The bending moment at any transverse section of a beam 
 is equal to the algebraic sum of the products of each of 
 the forces acting to produce bending, multiplied by the 
 perpendicular distance of the line of action of the force 
 from the section. 
 Bight (of a rope). A loop or bend in a rope; any part 
 of the rope between the two ends. 
 Bin. An enclosure for the storage of material in bulk, 
 or of package or similar material which may be tempo 
 rarily treated as if it were in bulk. Three types may be 
 distinguished : hopper bottom square or rectangular bins, 
 cylindrical bins and suspension bins. Bins are usually on 
 or above the ground, being termed overhead bins in 
 the latter case ; where an opening is made in the ground 
 for holding bulk material, even if it is lined with steel or 
 concrete, it is usually termed a pit. 
 The term bin is also often employed to designate a 
 compartment formed by vertical partitions and shelving 
 in a store-room where bulk material, machine parts, etc., 
 are kept. 
 Bin, Ash. An enclosure to which ashes are delivered 
 from time to time from the ash pits of coal fired fur 
 naces, to be discharged into a car or barge when a suffi 
 cient amount has accumulated. If the bin is elevated 
 so that it may discharge easily, the ashes are delivered 
 to it by an elevating conveyor, a skip hoist or a steam 
 or air jet conveyor. If the bin is located below the 
 ground level, the ashes are transferred from it to a car 
 by a grab bucket. Also called ash bunker. 
 Bin, Coal. A bin used for storing coal. When this 
 is just prior to burning it is usually called a coal bunker. 
 Whore used for temporary storage during transit, or for 
 _ selling at retail, it is usually termed a coal pocket (see 
 Pocket, Storage). 
 Large storage bins for coal are sometimes used at 
 mines to adjust the variable supply of railway cars to 
 a constant daily mine output. Railways often supply an 
 excess of cars during the early part of the week and 
 too few toward the end. 
 (See also Storage, Coal.) 
 Bin, Cylindrical. A bin for the storage of bulk ma 
 terial, circular in plan, and often of considerable height. 
 It is built of wood, steel, terra cotta or concrete, the last 
 becoming more and more common for the storage of 
 material like grain, coal, etc. Material is dumped in at 
 the top, usually by elevator conveyors, and is drawn off 
 through the bottom or from the side near the bottom as 
 needed, through a gate controlled spout, into cars, 
 wagons, etc., or through a feeder onto a discharge con 
 veyor. The bottoms are flat, hemispherical or funnel 
 shaped; the structure is supported directly on a foun 
 dation or on a circular girder supported by columns 
 which rest on a foundation. These columns may be of 
 considerable height in cases where it is desired to de 
 liver the material to distant points by chuU->. 
 These bins may be built in separate rows, or in groups 
 of four, nine or sixteen, the group arrangement being 
 preferable on account of the additional storage space 
 afforded by the spaces exterior to the circular sections, 
 and between the points of tangency, these amounting to 
 more than one-fourth the internal capacity when the 
 walls are of a thickness appropriate for concrete. 
 Cylindrical concrete bins are built with fixed forms, 
 or with movable ones which are gradually slid up as 
 the work progresses. The wall thicknesses are about 
 one-fiftieth of the diameter, with a minimum of 7 in. 
 Bin, Hopper or Hopper-Bottom. A bin which is square 
 or rectangular in plan, and has a bottom shaped like 
 an inverted frustrum of a pyramid, with the slope of 
 the sides such that the material will slide completely 
 out. The opening at the apex leads to a gate controlled 
 spout, or a feeder for a conveyor. A true hopper bin 
 has no vertical sides ; a hopper bottom bin has vertical 
 sides of any height depending on the capacity required. 
 If large capacity is desired without excessive height, it 
 is common to build the bin as a scries of adjoining 
 hopper-bottom units, rather than a single large unit; 
 material can then be drawn off at a number of points. 
 Bin, Overhead. A bin supported in an elevated posi 
 tion so that a car, conveyor, truck, wagon, etc., may 
 pass beneath or beside it and receive material from it 
 by gravity, or so that the contents may pass by gravity 
 through a spout or chute directly to a desired location, 
 as to a stoker hopper. 
 (See Bin, Suspended.) 
 Bin, Silo Storage. A term often applied to a circular 
 bin used for storage of bulk material. (See Bin, Cylin 
 Bin, Suspended or Suspension. An overhead bin made 
 of steel plates, or of steel straps with plate linings, sus 
 pended from two longitudinal parallel steel girders which 
 are themselves supported by steel columns and braced 
 apart by suitable struts, or are suspended from over 
 head trusses. The transverse section of the bin is usually 
 approximately parabolic, and spouts attached to openings 
 in the bottom are used to draw off the contents. 
 While solid steel plates are often used, a cheaper modi 
 fication is to have a series of equidistant steel straps bent 
 into the suspension form and attached at the ends to 
 the girders, these straps being strong enough to carry 
 the weight of the lining and the material placed within 
 the bin. The lining, which is either plain or corrugated 
 steel plate, is laid within the straps, being curved to fit 
 them, and is covered inside and out with a mixture of 
 cement and sand. Such a construction is smooth, fire 
 resistant, and less liable to corrosion than when built 
 with exposed plate. 
 If the bin has either a flat or hopper shaped bottom, 
 the lining must be carried on longitudinal or transverse 
 beams strong enough to resist the bending tendency. 
 Bin Bottom. A part bolted to the bottom of a hopper 
 or bin for the attachment of a spout. It is usually a 
 casting, is often provided with a gate or valve, and 
 with a turnhead or swiveling connection to the spout. 
 The latter is also often flexibly connected to the bin 
 bottom, so that it may be swung outward in any direc 
 tion desired. (See Turnhead; Spout, Flexible.) 
 When shaped to fit the bottom of a hopper, it is often 
 called a hopper bottom, the term bin bottom being re 
 served for the form fitted to the flat bottom of a bin. 
 Two-way or four-way bin bottoms are those having 
 two or four separate gates which may be operated in 
 dependently to deliver material to as many compart 
 ments beneath. 
 Block. A metal or wooden frame, or shell, containing 
 one or more pulleys or sheaves, generally set side by 
 side and turning freely on the same axis, and used in 
 connection with a rope as a means of hoisting heavy 
 weights. If two or more sheaves are used, they are 
 generally separated by division plates similar in form 
 to the outer shell or cheeks. 
 Portable blocks, portions of "block and tackle" gear, 
 generally have wooden cheeks, reinforced by metal. They 
 are furnished with swiveling or fixed eyes, shackles or 
 hooks depending on the way they are to be used and 
 supported. (See Block and Tackle.) 
 Page 318. 
 Large blocks used for heavy loads in cranes are built 
 entirely of metal. The sheaves, of which there may be 
 any number, are often on ball or roller bearings for 
 light loads and on hardened steel pins and bushings 
 for heavy ones. The pin is of forged steel. The frame 
 ma} be of cast steel, and the yoke, which connects the 
 frame to the hook or eye used for attaching the block 
 to the load or hoist, is of cast or forged steel. The 
 frames are also held together by bolts and distance 
 Single, double, triple, etc., block, refers to the number 
 of sheaves. 
 Block, Bottom. The lower block of the two in a block- 
 and-tackle hoist. (Also called load block, fall block, 
 lower block.) 
 The hook is usually a permanent part of the lower 
 bottom block, and, in most hoisting machinery, is of 
 the swiveling type, mounted on ball or roller bearings, 
 with hardened steel wearing surfaces. 
 Block, Gin. A single block having a sheave of large 
 diameter to give ease in overhauling ; used where a hoist 
 ing operation has to be repeated many times, as in load 
 ing or unloading cargo. 
 Block, Hook, Shackle, Swivel, Plain, etc. Terms signi 
 fying the method of connection of a block to its sup 
 port or load. (See Block.) 
 Block, Rotating. An upper block used in handling 
 pieces which must be rotated about their longitudinal 
 horizontal axis, like shaft forgings, etc. It usually con 
 sists of a very heavy pitch chain passing around the forg 
 ing at the bottom, and around a sprocket wheel at the 
 top, which is mounted in a frame suspended from the top 
 hook. This sprocket can be rotated by gearing from 
 an electric motor also mounted on the frame. As the 
 hook is usually arranged to swivel in the frame, in 
 addition, collector rings are provided to bring power into 
 the block. Springs are also often built into the frame 
 to decrease shocks. (Sec Springs, Shock.) 
 Block, Running. A single sheave block supported in 
 a bight and provided at the bottom with a load hook. 
 Block, Snatch. A single block, generally used as a 
 guide block, and having one side of the frame arranged 
 with a hinge and lock so that it may be opened to allow 
 the bight of a rope to be placed on the sheave, without 
 the necessity of reeving the rope end through the block. 
 Block, Strap. A block having as a shell or casing, two 
 iron straps connected by distance pieces and bolts, and 
 with holes for the sheave pin. 
 Block, Upper. The upper block of the two in a block- 
 and-tackle hoist. In cranes, this is carried by the trolley 
 girt, and often has its frame specially shaped for ease 
 o attachment to it. 
 Block-and-Block, Chock-a-Block. The name given to 
 the condition of a tackle when the two blocks have been 
 drawn together, and no more hoisting can be done with 
 Block and Tackle. A mechanism much used for hoist 
 ing, consisting of two pulley blocks, or blocks, as they 
 are usually called, with a rope rove around the sheaves 
 and back and forth between the two blocks. One end 
 of the rope is secured or "dead-ended" to one of the 
 blocks at a bccket or eye, and the other end is wound 
 on a drum, or pulled by hand or other means. In hoist 
 ing, the upper block is fastened to an elevated point on 
 a crane, trolley, derrick, etc. ; the lower block has a hook 
 on which the load is hung. According to the number of 
 pulleys and direction the free end is led, the multiplying 
 power of the tackle may be from two, up to any number, 
 neglecting friction. The load lifted is equal to the pull 
 on the free end multiplied by the number of parts of 
 the rope that support the load. 
 Small block and tackle of the portable type usually 
 have wooden or wood covered blocks with lignum vitae 
 or metal sheaves, and manila or hemp rope ; larger sizes, 
 as used in cranes, have steel blocks of elaborate construc 
 tion fitted with wire rope. Chain is sometimes used, 
 but only with single blocks. 
 In addition to hoisting, this mechanism may be used 
 for exerting a pull in any direction, including especially 
 horizontal haulage. 
 Block and tackle is occasionally used in a reversed 
 sense, with the movable pulley attached to the piston 
 of a hydraulic, steam or air cylinder capable of applying 
 great force, and the free end of the rope led to a hoisting 
 hook, around one or more guide sheaves if necessary, and 
 moved through a considerable distance, though at the 
 expense of lifting power. (See Hoist, Air Cylinder.) 
 Block Carriage. A type of trolley used for light loads, 
 having two sheaves in line in the direction of motion 
 of the trolley. The load rope or chain is attached to 
 the end of the jib (or bridge), passes down over the 
 nearer trolley sheave, around a sheave at the load block, 
 up over the other sheave, and along the jib to a drum at 
 the end, or around another fixed pulley and down to a 
 winch drum below. The trolley may be racked in or 
 out without vertical movement of the load. 
 This device was formerly much used, before the ad 
 vent of electrical operation, and afforded a simple and 
 satisfactory means of operating a hoist on a movable 
 trolley, without having the source of power (steam 
 engine, man power) also mounted on the trolley. It is 
 still often used in small cranes, and in some traveling 
 wall cranes of good size. Sometimes called trolley with 
 pendent sheave. 
 Block Fittings. Special straps, swivels, eyes, shackles, 
 bands, etc., which may be mounted on blocks to adapt 
 them to special purposes. The form used depends on 
 the direction the block is to face, whether it is to have 
 the rope dead-ended on it, whether it must swivel, 
 he easily detached, etc. 
 Blower, Rotary. A machine for compressing air con 
 sisting of two lobed rotors or impellers rotating on 
 parallel shafts in a casing and meshing into each other 
 in such a way that air is caught in spaces at the intake 
 and delivered to the discharge side at which a higher 
 pressure is maintained. It is suitable for pressures from 
 6 or., to 10 Ib. and is much used for producing blast for 
 cupolas and furnaces, where the delivery of a constant 
 quantity of air under varying discharge pressure is de 
 sirable. It is also suitable for operating pneumatic tube 
 conveying installations. 
 Body, Motor Truck. A wooden or metal framework or 
 enclosure designed to meet the requirements of the load 
 carried, and fastened to the chassis ; it may or may not 
 include the driver s seat, wind shield and other parts 
 provided for his protection. It is generally mounted on 
 sills to bring it to the proper level, and it can extend 
 over the sides and the rear of the steel framework of 
 the chassis. The section housing the driver is called the 
 call, when not integral with the body. The following 
 forms are common. 1 Jump-body ; hinged to the chassis 
 at the rear and arranged to lift in front. Platform body ; 
 straight or curved flooring with detachable stakes on all 
 sides. Rack body; a curved or straight platform with 
 detachable or fixed sides made of a lattice of vertical and 
 horizontal slats. Sections of the side are often, and the 
 tail board always, made removable, and canvas tar 
 paulin is used as a cover for the goods. Express body; 
 built with a canopy top made of canvas laid on light 
 slats and supported by four or more uprights of wood 
 or metal, and provided with rack sides, wire screens or 
 canvas curtains to protect the goods. Flare boards are 
 usually mounted at an angle at the top of the fixed side 
 boards, to increase the carrying capacity. Closed panel 
 body; entirely enclosed and provides complete protection 
 for the goods carried. The larger sizes of this type are 
 called van bodies. Refrigerating equipment is some 
 times built into properly lined bodies to maintain a low 
 temperature. On the other hand, heat from the ex 
 haust or hot water from the cooling system may be used 
 for heating when desired. 
 1 agi- 702. 
 Boiler, Vertical. The type of internally fired fire tube 
 boiler commonly used in operating derricks, locomotive 
 cranes, steam winches, etc., consisting of a cylindrical 
 shell set with the axis vertical. The combustion cham 
 ber or fire box is set within the lower part of the shell 
 and surrounded on the sides by a narrow water space 
 sometimes termed a water leg. The circular bottom 
 opening is closed by the grate bars on which the fire 
 rests, and the top, called the lower tube sheet, (or some 
 times crown sheet), has numerous tubes through it ex 
 tending to the upper tube sheet at the top of the boiler. 
 Gases pass upward through these tubes and out of the 
 stack, heating the water surrounding them. Sometimes 
 the upper tube sheet is submerged, or placed at the bot 
 tom of a chamber formed within the upper part of the 
 boiler and open at the top, the water level being above 
 the level of the tube sheet and within the annular space 
 surrounding this chamber. 
 Xecessary accessories are : the fire door, closing the 
 opening through which fuel is supplied; the gage cocks 
 and water column by which the level of the water in the 
 boiler is determined in two ways ; stop and safety valves ; 
 blow off cock; steam gauge; smoke stack and steam jet 
 or blower. 
 Bolt. A fastening usually consisting of a metallic bar 
 with a head or collar at one end and a threaded portion 
 to receive a nut at the other. This type is sometimes 
 known as a through-bolt. The nut may be omitted and 
 the threaded portion screwed directly into one of the 
 parts to be held, when it is called a tap bolt or cap 
 screw. If there is no head on either end, but one end is 
 screwed into a tapped hole, and a nut is placed on the 
 other end after the part to be attached has been passed 
 over the body of the bolt, is called a stud. If both 
 eiuN arc threaded and nuts are used at both ends, it is 
 called a stud-bolt. 
 Bolt, Eye. A fastening consisting of a bar formed into 
 an eye or ring at one end, with or without a shoulder 
 at the junction of the eye with the shank, and threaded 
 at the other end for a nut or for screwing into a threaded 
 hole, or it may be left smooth for riveting. 
 Bolt, Foundation. Long iron or steel rods for holding 
 machines to their masonry foundations. The lower end 
 may be threaded and .provided with a nut and large 
 washer, or it may be bent over L shape; the upper end 
 is generally threaded for a nut. 
 Bolt, Holding Down. See Bolt, Foundation. 
 Bolt, Key. A bolt which has a threaded portion at 
 one end and instead of a head at the other, a straight 
 portion with a slot cut through it to receive a transverse 
 key or cotter. A key bolt can be used in places through 
 which it would not be possible to enter a bolt with a 
 head, as in a method of supporting an I-beam mono 
 rail runway by a series of bolts along the centerline of 
 the beam in line with the web. 
 Bolt, Ring. An eye-bolt having a ring worked through 
 the eye. 
 Bolt, Through. A bolt which passes completely through 
 holes in the two parts to be bolted together, with the 
 bolt head on one side, and the nut on the other. Dis 
 tinguished from a stud or tap bolt. (See Bolt.) 
 Boom. The principal moving part of a kind of crane 
 of which the derrick is a good example. It is a long 
 spar or strut, of wood or steel, pivoted or hinged at one 
 end at a point fixed in height on a frame, mast or 
 vertical post, and with its other end supported by chains 
 or ropes. The load is carried by ropes passing over 
 sheaves at the boom point, and there is no trolley or 
 traveler by which the load may be carried in or out 
 on the boom, this motion being accomplished by chang 
 ing the boom inclination. 
 In some types of cranes having booms the mast or 
 pillar is very short compared with the boom ; in these 
 cases the boom hoisting gear is often attached part way 
 out on the boom instead of at its extreme point. The 
 boom may also be curved or have a "goose-neck," and 
 may be built of structural shapes in such a way that 
 it has little resemblance in appearance to the ordinary 
 derrick boom. (See Crane. Wrecking.) If, however, 
 it has no trolley, can revolve about or with the mast 
 or post to which it is hinged, and moves the load radi 
 ally only by changing its own inclination, it is a boom. 
 Boom, Extensible. See Jib, Retracting. 
 Boom, Gooseneck. A crane boom, often used with loco 
 motive cranes, in which the outer part is bent outward 
 at a considerable angle, in order to give increased clear 
 ance between the suspended load and the boom, or to 
 enable the boom to reach over high obstacles like the 
 sides of freight cars without being made excessively long. 
 Boom, Latticed. A boom made of rolled structural 
 shapes laced together with diagonal steel strips, as dis 
 tinguished from one which consists of a single rolled 
 member,, or several riveted directly together. By separat 
 ing the longitudinal members and lacing them together, 
 the strength and stiffness of the boom are increased with 
 out a corresponding increase in the weight. 
 Boom, Loading. A lowering or retarding conveyor 
 section mounted on a long frame having a horizontal 
 hinge at its upper end, and used to lower coal to the 
 bottom of hopper bottom or gondola cars in loading 
 operations at a coal tipple or elsewhere, the object being 
 to avoid breakage. The height of lower end is con 
 trolled by a power hoist, and it is gradually raised with 
 the level in the car; the car is then moved along the 
 track (generally down grade, controlled by its brakes or 
 by a car rctarder), the boom lowered to the bottom 
 and a new pile started. Also called a lowering boom. 
 The loading boom is usually contained in a building 
 directly over the loading tracks, and receives its coal 
 from a shaking screen or picking table. A moderately 
 steep slope is necessary if the boom is to distribute 
 throughout the length of a deep hopper bottom car, and 
 this may necessitate cleats on a conveyor belt, or beads 
 or ridges on the plates of an apron type of conveyor, 
 or even shallow buckets. 
 Also, a portion of a machine used for loading coal 
 into vessels. A car dumper discharges coal into the 
 hopper of a loading tower. From the hopper the coal 
 passes onto a conveyor carried on a hinged boom; at 
 the end of the boom it is dumped down a telescopic chute 
 with a quarter turn swiveling elbow at its end, through 
 which the coal can be discharged in any direction in the 
 hold of the vessel, making hand trimming unnecessary. 
 Boom, Lowering. See Boom, Loading. 
 Boom, Luffing. A boom which can have its inclination 
 changed, the outer end or point being raised or lowered. 
 Sometimes called a ligting boom. (See Crane, Luffing.) 
 Boom, Parabolic. A locomotive crane boom which has 
 its side members curved in an approximately parabolic 
 curve, for the purpose of gaining uniform strength 
 throughout the length of the boom, to resist stresses 
 caused by slewing. (See Beam of Uniform Strength.) 
 Boom, Retracting. See Jib, Retracting. 
 Boom, Shovel. See Shovel Boom. 
 Boom, Tie-rod. See Boom, Trussed. 
 Boom, Trussed. A boom which has its straight main 
 member stiffened by tie rods running from end to end, 
 and passing over short perpendicular struts or king posts 
 near the middle. The tie rods are tightened as desired 
 by turnbuckles. The construction is generally applied to 
 wooden booms, but steel booms consisting of a single 
 I-beam may be similarly stiffened against side yielding. 
 A single truss is often placed below a wooden boom to 
 prevent sagging due to its weight. 
 Trussed wooden booms may be made in two parts, as 
 the tie-rods can be adjusted to prevent bending and keep 
 it straight. Also called Tie-rod Boom. 
 Boom Band. An iron band encircling a wooden derrick 
 boom, and furnished with an eye or other means by 
 which a rope, block or other part may be attached to 
 the boom. 
 Boom Fall. See Topping Lift. 
 Boom Fittings. See Fittings, Derrick. 
 Boom Heel. The lower end of a boom where it is 
 pivoted to the mast or pillar. 
 Boom Point. The upper or outer end of a boom, fur 
 thest away from the pivoted end. 
 Boom Seat. The metal fitting or socket at the base of a 
 derrick mast which receives the heel of the boom and 
 permits the inclination of the boom to be changed (See 
 Derrick Bottom.) 
 Boom Suspension. See Topping Lift. 
 The term is also applied to the tics by which crane 
 or dredge booms of fixed inclination are attached to the 
 top of the mast or A-frame. 
 Boom Swinger, Boom Slewer. See Winch, Derrick 
 Boom Table. An outrigger or shelf built around a der 
 rick mast or post to support the heels of a number of 
 booms. This is necessary when several booms are used, 
 in order to provide proper clearance. Used principally 
 on shipboard in connection with cargo handling gear. 
 Booster. A short section of inclined, power driven, 
 apron, belt, power roller or roller push bar conveyor, 
 used for raising packages to the high end of a gravity 
 conveyor, down which they move by gravity. Several 
 boosters may be inserted at intervals in a long line of 
 gravity conveyors, whenever the grade brings the run 
 way too close to the floor level. Such a line would then 
 consist of a series of gravity conveyors, with power 
 driven boosters at regular intervals furnishing the power 
 to lift the packages to the top of each gravity section. 
 With this arrangement there is no limit to the horizontal 
 distance which can be covered by a gravity conveyor, 
 and in addition passageways can be arranged beneath 
 the runway, or it can be carried over obstacles. 
 Each booster usually has its own power unit. Where 
 portable gravity sections are used, the boosters are also 
 portable, and are often merely portable elevator-convey 
 ors temporarily placed in the conveyor run. 
 In order to properly support the belt of a belt booster 
 at the lower gooseneck where packages first come into 
 contact with it from the roller conveyor, the rollers are 
 spaced closely together, or smooth steel plates are used 
 Also called live conveyor, humper and booster elevator. 
 Booster, Push Bar. A booster consisting of a short 
 inclined section of push bar conveyor, which will re 
 ceive packages delivered to its lower end by a gravity 
 roller (or other) conveyor, or by a loading platform, 
 elevate them by sliding them up the runway bed between 
 power driven push-bars, and deliver them to another 
 Booster Steam Unit. The name given to a fitting con 
 taining steam jets to give additional propelling action 
 in steam jet ash conveyors, where the discharge line is 
 so long or has so many curves that the resistance is 
 greater than can be overcome by the principal steam 
 unit. In straight runs of pipe two jets on opposite sides 
 of the pipe are used to prevent the flow from being de 
 flected against one side of the pipe. At elbows only 
 one jet is necessary, as it can deliver directly into the 
 center of the discharge run. 
 Boston Tower. See Tower, Horizontal Boom. 
 Box. A cubical or rectangular container, usually closed 
 by a lid which may or may not be hinged and which may 
 be fastened by various means. Special forms of boxes 
 are called chests, trucks, tanks, etc. 
 Box End, Crane. An overhead travelling crane end 
 truck built up of plates and rolled structural sections in 
 box section form. (See Crane End Truck.) It carries 
 one end of the bridge girders. 
 Brace. A structural member placed diagonally between 
 and near the junction of two other members, to stiffen 
 their connection. Also a strut, or compression member. 
 Bracket. A triangular plate or frame placed at the angle 
 of crossing or joining of two pieces, to stiffen their con 
 nection; a brace. A triangular plate or frame fastened 
 against a wall to support either a weight at its project 
 ing apex, or a platform laid along its top. 
 Bracket, Post. One of the two hinge plates of a bracket 
 jib crane, arranged in the form of a pad to fit partly 
 around a post, and to be secured to it by bolts. 
 Also, in a tower derrick, one of the two step bearings 
 for holding the top and bottom of the mast, allowing it 
 to rotate, and securing it to the corner post of the tower. 
 Known as top and bottom post brackets. 
 Brake. A mechanism in which, by means of the pres 
 sure of one part rubbing against another causing fric 
 tion, the relative motion of the two parts may be di 
 minished or stopped entirely. In the majority of cases 
 the brake acts on a rotating part, controlling its speed 
 of rotation. Its function is primarily to absorb the me 
 chanical energy, change it into heat and get rid of it 
 by radiation, therefore for heavy work the ability of 
 the mechanism to radiate the heat is exceedingly im 
 portant. Various materials are used for the rubbing 
 surfaces, depending on the relative importance of low 
 cost, durability, reliability, compactness, relative speeds 
 of rubbing surfaces, frequency of use and size and im 
 portance of the machine. For slow speeds, and where 
 large pressures must be exerted, cast iron, wood or 
 bronze blocks or steel or iron bands are used on steel 
 or cast iron rubbing surfaces ; for high speeds and 
 lighter pressures one of the rubbing surfaces is often 
 faced with fibrous material called a brake lining. 
 Brakes may be classified in several ways, according 
 to the form taken by the element which is pressed against 
 the rotating part as band, disc, cone, block, post ; ac 
 cording to the force used for applying as hand, foot, 
 spring, gravity, air, steam, solenoid, magnetic, automatic ; 
 according to the mechanism for applying the pressure, 
 as lever, toggle, screw, differential ; and according to the 
 use made in the machine as one-way, two-way, emergency, 
 safety, lowering, holding, self-locking, self-releasing and 
 power releasing. 
 Brake, Band. A brake in which the element by which 
 force is applied takes the form of an internally expand 
 ing or externally contracting band of flat or V-shaped 
 cross section. Flat bands are often lined with fibrous 
 material, or with wooden blocks; V-bands may have 
 linings of wooden or bronze blocks formed in the V- 
 shape. Brakes made of plain flat bands are often called 
 strap brakes. 
 The pressure against the drum is usually produced by 
 tension in the band, and this is caused by a lever act 
 ing on the ends of the band. One end of the band may 
 be fixed and the other attached to the lever, or both 
 ends may be attached to the lever on opposites of the 
 fulcrum, but at different distances from it; this is called 
 a differentia! brake, and with proper dimensions will 
 act as a one-way brake. 
 Brake, Block. A brake in which a rigid block is fitted 
 to the face of a rotating wheel and forced against it 
 in order to exert a braking effect. In simple forms, the 
 block is pressed against the wheel by a lever ; where 
 braking can be done on two adjacent wheels as in rail 
 way cars, the two blocks may be placed between the 
 wheels and pressed apart by a toggle arrangement. A 
 single block brake produces pressure on the wheel shaft 
 when applied. 
 When two blocks are applied on opposite sides of the 
 wheel and pulled together to exert the braking effect, 
 they are called double block, clam-shell, clasp or post 
 brakes. In the clam-shell type the two blocks are hinged 
 together at their adjacent ends at a fixed point and the 
 other ends are drawn together by lever operated toggles; 
 in the post brake the blocks arc separately supported 
 on the foundation or machine frame, usually standing 
 vertically, and are pulled together by toggle-operated 
 levers at their tops and bottoms. 
 Brake, Clam-shell. See Brake, Block. 
 Brake, Coil. A type of brake used in cranes as a lower 
 ing brake, consisting of a helical steel or bronze coil 
 of rectangular cross-section, fitting inside of a casing 
 and outside of a drum. One end of the coil is fastened 
 to a disc which is keyed to the motor shaft at one end 
 of the drum ; the other end of the coil is fastened to 
 the other end of the drum, and the drum is keyed at 
 this same end to the shaft on which is located the pinion 
 driving the winding or hoisting drum. The outer casing 
 is free to revolve in one direction, that for hoisting, 
 but a ratchet prevents reverse rotation. 
 In hoisting, the motor turns the disc in such a direc 
 tion that it expands the coil against the inside of the 
 casing, rotating it and also the brake drum by reason 
 of its connection at the far end; thus all parts move as 
 one, and the hoisting drum is rotated by the pinion. 
 When power is shut off of the motor, the ratchet keeps 
 the casing from rotating backward, and the load is held. 
 If the motor is run in the lowering direction, the disc 
 tightens turn after turn of the coil onto the drum, until 
 the friction of the remaining ones pressing against the 
 inside of the casing is insufficient, and can be overcome 
 by the load tending to rotate the drum backward. When 
 this happens, the coil is immediately expanded again, 
 arresting the motion. During lowering this action is 
 The casing is made tight and filled with oil, lubricat 
 ing all parts. Lugs are often placed on both the disc 
 and the brake drum so that they will come into contact 
 in case the coil is broken, and loads can be handled ; 
 some other brake must then be used for lowering. 
 Brake, Cone. A brake in which two concentric conical 
 surfaces, one on a rotating part and one fixed, and one 
 fitting within the other, can be pressed together for 
 braking purposes. The angle may be such that only a 
 small amount of axial pressure will be required to pro 
 duce a large amount of friction, but should not stick, 
 or require a pull to disengage the parts. Multiple coni 
 cal surfaces may be used on the same discs, but at dif 
 ferent radial distances, or, a preferable arrangement is 
 an assemblage of single conical pieces on the same shaft, 
 alternate ones being keyed to the shaft and to the sur 
 rounding casing. A slight axial pressure will then pro 
 duce a large amount of friction on account of the many 
 surfaces. This is called a multiple cone brake. 
 Brake, Disc. A brake in which a flat disc is mounted 
 concentrically with a corresponding flat surface of the 
 part to be controlled, and which can be moved axially 
 and pressed against it for braking purposes. The ar 
 rangement is often modified so that the fixed disc is 
 squeezed between two surfaces on the rotating part, giv 
 ing double the braking effect for the same axial pressure. 
 A further extension of the same principle leads to an 
 assemblage of discs on one axis, alternate ones being 
 fixed to the shaft and to the containing casing; slight 
 longitudinal pressure will produce a large amount of 
 friction on account of the numerous surfaces. These 
 are called multi-disc, multiple disc or multiple washer 
 brakes; the principle is the same as used in the Weston 
 Brake, Electric. See Brake, Solenoid ; Brake, Magnetic ; 
 Electric Braking, Electrical Definitions. 
 Brake, Load. See Brake, Lowering. 
 Brake, Lowering. A type of brake much used in cranes 
 and other hoisting machinery, designed to keep the load 
 from descending if the hoisting effect be removed, and 
 to require an actual reversal of the direction of rotation 
 of the hoisting motor to accomplish lowering. The brak 
 ing elements are of the cone, disc or multiple disc types ; 
 the driving effort is usually delivered from the motor 
 through one part of the brake which is threaded onto 
 a screw attached to a second part which drives the hoist 
 ing drum. Between the friction surfaces of these two 
 is a third part which has a ratchet and can rotate freely 
 in one direction only. In hoisting, part one moves along 
 the screw on part two, pressing the friction surfaces 
 together harder and harder until they start to move as 
 one, the ratchet on part three permitting this. There is 
 no slipping during the hoisting operation. If the motor 
 power is cut off and the motor comes to rest, the ratchet 
 prevents part three, and therefore the drum and motor, 
 from being rotated backward, and the load is held. If 
 the motor is rotated by power in a lowering direction, 
 it first starts to move part one along the screw away 
 from part two ; this removes the pressure from the fric 
 tion surfaces, and the drum starts to turn in a direc 
 tion to lower the load. This action, however, imme 
 diately screws the two parts together again, restoring 
 the pressure on the friction surfaces until the braking 
 effect is equal to the torque of the load, and it comes 
 to rest. During lowering, this action is continuous, and 
 the load is kept from lowering faster than the speed 
 corresponding to that of the motor, without the latter 
 being in any way driven or "overhauled" by the load. 
 The ratchet holds part three in a fixed position during 
 The mechanism is arranged in numerous ways, but 
 always involves the three parts, a screw or equivalent 
 cam-shaped or helical surfaces, a ratchet and ring and 
 friction surfaces. Also called screw brake, mechanical 
 brake, load brake. 
 Brake, Magnetic. A brake in which the eddy-currents 
 produced in copper or aluminum discs by the movement 
 of one or more magnets having motion relative to each 
 other, is used to produce a retarding effect on the rotat 
 ing part. Either magnets or discs can be rotating, and 
 the amount of braking may be controlled by the strength 
 of the field produced by the electro-magnets. This de 
 vice is expensive and complicated, and will not act satis 
 factorily to hold the load in a fixed position. 
 Also called an eddy-current brake. 
 Page 713. 
 Brake, Mechanical. See Brake, Lowering. 
 Brake, One-way. A brake which is automatically ap 
 plied whenever a shaft starts to reverse its direction of 
 rotation, but which offers no resistance to forward run 
 ning, whether under power or "drifting." A solenoid 
 brake for hoisting motor may be made a one-way brake 
 by a suitable arrangement of the levers between the 
 plunger and the brake, and will allow drifting in one 
 direction only. An ordinary band brake with its ends 
 connected to a lever at different distances on opposite 
 sides of the pivot called a differential brake, will also 
 act as a one-way brake. A spring exerts a slight pull 
 in the direction of application; forward rotation relieves 
 practically all the friction due to this spring. 
 Friction ratchets (see Ratchet and Wheel) also pre 
 vent reverse rotation, but act practically instantaneously 
 and allow no slipping whatever; one way brakes are less 
 violent in their action and may be set to act as strongly 
 as desired. 
 Also called irreversible or single way brakes. 
 Brake, Pinion. A brake applied to the pinion shaft of 
 a hoist. 
 Brake, Post. A form of double block brake in which 
 the blocks or shoes are placed on opposite sides of the 
 wheel, in a vertical position, and are supported at points 
 near their centers or at their lower ends by ties or 
 struts to the foundation. The blocks or posts are con 
 nected at the top and bottom by ties in which there is 
 an adjustable toggle connection by which the posts can 
 be drawn together against the drum. The toggle lever 
 may be worked by hand or foot, by a piston in an air or 
 steam cylinder, by gravity or by a solenoid, a common 
 and safe arrangement being to have the brake applied 
 by gravity and released by some power means, so that 
 any failure of the power will result in the hoist coming 
 to a standstill rather than running free. 
 The rubbing surfaces of the posts are usually lined 
 with wood blocks ; if metal to metal contact exists, the 
 post may be water cooled. 
 Post brakes are inherently two-way brakes, that is, 
 they exert their braking effort equally in either direc 
 tion of rotation. 
 Brake, Prony. A form of absorption dynamometer 
 consisting of pulley, drum or brake wheel driven by the 
 machine which is to have its output measured, with a 
 band or block brake applied to it. The brake is sup 
 ported in such a manner that its tendency to rotate with 
 the wheel can be measured, and from this force, the ra 
 dius at which it is applied and the speed of rotation, 
 the power developed can be measureed. 
 Brake, Screw. See Brake, Lowering. 
 Brake, Solenoid. A brake, usually of the band type, 
 which is operated by the force exerted by an electric 
 solenoid on its plunger or core. It is customary to have 
 one of these brakes on the driving motor shaft of hoist 
 ing machinery, so arranged that the braking effort is 
 applied by springs, but is relieved by passing the main 
 hoisting current through the solenoid. Thus any inter 
 ruption of the motor current, intentional or otherwise, 
 will cause the brake to be immediately applied, and may 
 prevent accident. 
 Page 713. 
 Breaking Pin, Break Pin. A pin used as a fastening 
 at some point in a machine where it can be easily re 
 placed, and intentionally made weak so that it will break 
 under excessive stress, and save the machine from being 
 wrecked by an accidental overload. 
 Bridge. To arch across or pack so as to stop flow; 
 said of bulk material in a hopper or bin from which it 
 is drawn off at the bottom. 
 Bridge, Ore. A term sometimes applied to a cantilever 
 gantry crane especially adapted to handling iron ore to 
 and from storage. (See Gantry, Cantilever Bridge; 
 Crane, Bridge Storage.) 
 Bridge, Pick-up. A term sometimes applied to a bridge 
 crane spanning a storage space for bulk material like 
 ore and coal, and used as a means of reclaiming the ma 
 terial by lifting and conveying it by a grab bucket or 
 by other means. The same bridge is usually the means 
 of placing the material into storage in the first place. 
 (See Crane, Bridge Storage.) 
 Bridge, Rehandling, Stocking, Stocking and Reclaiming, 
 Ore, Etc. See Crane, Bridge Storage. 
 Bridge Crane. Sec Crane, Bridge. 
 Bridge Drive. The motor, gearing, brake, shafting, and 
 wheels by which the bridge of a traveling crane of the 
 overhead or the gantry type is driven. One of the most 
 important requirements of this drive is, that it shall 
 move both ends at the same rate of speed. As the only 
 resistances are rolling and axle friction, small power is 
 needed, but on account of possible settling and uneven- 
 nesses of the runways, and also on account of possible 
 lack of "squareness" on the runways, with the consequent 
 binding of the wheels on the track, considerable excess 
 power must be provided. 
 The motor is usually mounted on the bridge drive 
 girder, at or near the middle of the span, in order to 
 equalize the effect of the twist of the shafting on the 
 two ends of the bridge. There is usually a single gear 
 reduction at the motor, and sometimes a double reduc 
 tion. A further reduction takes place at the end truck 
 wheels, where pinions on the bridge drive shaft mesh 
 with gears attached to the wheels. 
 Bridge End, Bridge Truck. See Crane, End Truck. 
 Bridge Tramway. See Crane, Bridge Storage. 
 Bridge Unloader. See Unloader, Bridge Type. 
 Buck, to Break. To divide up or parcel out a material 
 which has been in a bulk state, either for purposes of 
 transportation or distribution. A grab bucket unloading 
 a coal barge breaks bulk once if it delivers the coal 
 directly to the storage pile; bulk is broken twice if the 
 coal is dumped into a temporary storage bin from which 
 it is removed by another grab bucket on a storage bridge. 
 Buck Scraper. See Scraper, Buck. 
 Bucket. A container for temporarily holding quantities 
 of material in bulk while being conveyed from one point 
 to another. They may be classified according to the 
 method of filling, as top-filling buckets, bottom-filling or 
 grab-buckets, and drag or drag-line scraper buckets ; 
 according to the method of dumping, as bottom-dumping, 
 including grab-buckets, and top-dumping or turn-over 
 buckets ; according to the controllability of discharge, as 
 bulk or automatic-discharge, or controllable-discharge; 
 according to the form, as rectangular, flaring, round, 
 etc. ; and according to the material or use for which they 
 are especially designed, as coal, ore, concrete, water, ex 
 cavating, handling, mining, etc. They are sometimes 
 provided with casters for rolling on the floor, and usually 
 have a bail or rope attachment for handling by a crane, 
 cableway, or some special form of hoisting device. 
 Page 301. 
 Bucket Back Plate. The steel plate forming the back 
 of a shell of a clam-shell grab bucket. Its height is de 
 pendent upon the nature of the material to be lifted and 
 the action of the closing mechanism. It is omitted in 
 some types of scraper buckets. 
 Bucket, Bottom-Dump. A bucket which is emptied by 
 opening or removing the bottom to allow the load to 
 drop out. Strictly speaking, grab-buckets are included in 
 this classification, but the term is usually applied to 
 buckets having sides which are vertical or slightly flaring 
 downward, and a removable bottom in one or more parts. 
 One type has a bottom consisting of a door hinged at 
 one side and kept closed by a latch which is released to 
 allow dumping. Another type, rectangular in form, has 
 two doors meeting along the middle of the bottom, which 
 in dumping move outward and downward under the con 
 trol of a linkage. (See Bucket, Controllable-Discharge; 
 Bucket, Center Dump.) Another type, called a gable 
 bottom bucket, has two bottom doors meeting in 
 an elevated ridge along the center, and opening 
 downward and toward each other under the con 
 trol of a linkage, dumping at the two sides of the bottom. 
 Still another type is composed of two halves hinged at 
 the top, something like a clam-shell bucket, but without 
 the digging power possessed by this type. (See Bucket, 
 Page 311, 812-814. 
 Bucket Bottom Plate. The steel plate forming the bot- 
 tuni of a shell of a clam-shell grab-bucket. It is often 
 reinforced with longitudinal strips to take the wear. 
 Bucket, Center-Dump. A bottom dumping bucket 
 which has two doors meeting along the middle of the 
 bottom, which when released move outward and down 
 ward under the control of a linkage, discharging the 
 load through a middle longitudinal opening. The bucket 
 is often operated by two ropes, one being attached to a 
 bail fixed to the body, and the other to a sliding bail 
 attached to the bottom door linkage. Hoisting on the 
 latter closes the doors, and lifts tl e bucket by force 
 applied directly to the bottom. Relafive motion of the 
 two ropes can be made to open the buvket to any extent 
 desired. (See Bucket, Controllable-U scharge.) The 
 doors may also be operated by hand leve. s. 
 When intended for concrete handling, it is often called 
 a controllable-form bucket. It has legs to hold it up 
 right when resting on the ground, and to supprrt it when 
 resting on the form, so as to prevent movement while 
 being discharged. 
 Bucket, Clean-up. A grab bucket, usually of the clam 
 shell type, which is especially designed to recover all the 
 material from the space in which it is working, as the 
 hold of a ship, and leave the floor practically clean, 
 without hand shoveling. These buckets have a very 
 long reach, the lips are straight and close together 
 tightly, and turntables are often used on the trolleys 
 from which they are operated to enable them to 
 reach every point of the floor space. They are often 
 used in the holds of ships carrying ore or coal, and 
 follow after the regular unloading grab bucket. Also 
 called a "clean-up clam." 
 Bucket, Clam-shell. A grab-bucket in which the bowl 
 is formed by two parts which close together like the 
 shells of a clam, as distinguished from the orange-peel 
 bucket, in which three or four segments come together 
 at a point to make a truly spherical bowl. 
 The two parts of the bowl are termed shells, scoops, 
 spades, bowls or blades. They are of various forms dif 
 fering in details, but all have flat or nearly flat sloping 
 bottoms and straight cutting edges, with the backs or 
 back plates turned upward, and the sides sharply bent up 
 at right angles. They are connected by arms formed as 
 suitable stiffened continuations of the ends, pivoted to 
 gether to a hinge shaft, or separately to a lower head. 
 Corner arms (also called corner bars, links, purchase 
 arms) from the back corners of the shells are pivoted 
 together or to the top head at their upper ends, and the 
 closing gear usually works by powerfully pulling the 
 hinge shaft or the lower head toward the upper head. 
 (For arrangements of closing gear, see Bucket, Grab; 
 for methods of supporting and operating, see Bucket, 
 Single- rope, Two-rope, Three-rope, Four- rope.) 
 Two-rope grab-buckets usually have their ropes in the 
 plane of opening and closing. The position at right an 
 gles may be secured by a different arrangement of 
 sheaves in the boom point, trolley or traveler, or, m one 
 or two types of buckets, by guide sheaves at the bucket 
 Page 305, 809-816, 829. 
 Bucket Closing Cam. See Bucket, Power-Wheel. 
 Bucket Closing Chain, Yoke End. A special arrange 
 ment of flat closing chain for a power-wheel grab-bucket, 
 which is divided for a portion of its length, the two 
 smaller portions being connected to the larger by a yoke, 
 used to give greater closing power when the bucket is 
 nearly closed. (See Bucket, Power-Wheel.) 
 Bucket, Concrete Elevator. A special tipping bucket 
 used to elevate concrete in a temporary tower in the 
 course of construction work, from which it is dumped 
 into a receiving hopper and distributed by carts, chutes, 
 etc. Some types are so shaped that they tend to tip for 
 ward all the time, but are prevented from doing so by 
 a board along which slides a shoe or roller on the bucket ; 
 when this board is cut away, the bucket dumps for 
 ward. Another type is formed to keep its upright posi 
 tion unless tipped by a roller projecting from each 
 end of the bucket near the bottom; these rollers run 
 into curved cam grooves on reaching the dumping point. 
 The ordinary type of bucket requires that the re 
 ceiving hopper project within the tower to receive the 
 discharge. In one arrangement intended to obviate this, 
 the bucket tips forward on two arms which are them 
 selves pivoted and swing forward, thus moving the 
 bucket forward so far that it reaches through the side 
 of the tower and dumps into an outside hopper. 
 Bucket, Controllable-Discharge. A bucket which can 
 be discharged gradually under the full control of the 
 operator. Two-rope grab buckets have a controllable 
 discharge, also two-line bottom dumping buckets either 
 center dump or side dump. Center dump buckets may 
 also be opened or closed by hand levers and give a 
 controllable discharge. 
 Bucket Corner Bar. In clam-shell grab-buckets, one of 
 the links which are pivoted at the lower end to points- 
 near the rear corners of the shells, and at the top to the 
 top bucket head. These links guide the rear portions of 
 the bucket shells during closing and opening, and force 
 them to travel in the desired digging or scraping path. 
 Bucket Cutting Edges. The edges of the shells or 
 spades of a grab-bucket which do the cutting into or 
 scraping of the material. They are of hard steel, usually 
 renewable, bolted or riveted either inside or outside of 
 the shell, and if the work is especially severe made of 
 manganese steel. Teeth of hard or manganese steel are 
 also used for certain classes of work, these teeth being 
 so located on the bucket halves as to pass between each 
 other. Also called lips, cutting lips and reinforcing 
 Bucket, Digging. A grab-bucket which is so propor 
 tioned as to have great digging power. This is generally 
 accomplished by having cutting edges of the proper form 
 presented to the ground at the proper angle, by the 
 proper distribution of weight, and by having a large 
 closing power or purchase. The last gives digging ability 
 not alone through power to cut into the material, but 
 because the pull on the closing-rope is then relatively 
 small, and exerts little lifting tendency on the bucket as 
 a whole, which would detract from its digging power. 
 Digging buckets are also narrower, presenting a shorter 
 cutting edge. The cutting edges are generally renewable, 
 are of manganese steel for hardest work, and may be 
 fitted with teeth for certain kinds of digging. Also called 
 excavating bucket. 
 Bucket, Fcur-rcpe. A grab-bucket which is carried by 
 two holding-lines and two hoisting-and-closing lines. In 
 one arrangement the holding-lines are dead-ended on an 
 equalizer bar at the head of the bucket, and the closing 
 lines are similarly fastened on the closing arms. The 
 mechanism operates exactly as in the ordinary two-rope 
 bucket, the advantage being that smaller and more flex 
 ible cables, and therefore smaller sheaves, can be used, 
 often allowing a higher speed of operation. 
 In another arrangement sometimes termed a conveying 
 grab-bucket, there is only one holding and one closing- 
 rope, both being dead-ended at the far end of the run 
 way from the winch, but the bucket hangs in bights of 
 the two ropes, from a four-sheave trolley. This trolley 
 is hauled along the jib or cable by a motor or drum inde 
 pendent of the hoisting drum, but controlled by the 
 same operator. The holding rope passes around one 
 sheave in the bucket head. The closing-and-hoisting rope 
 passes around three sheaves in the lower head or on the 
 hinge shaft, and two in the upper head, thus furnishing 
 sufficient power for the closing. 
 In still another arrangement, used on inclined boom 
 hoisting towers, the ropes are dead-ended in the trolley 
 instead of the structure at the end of the runway. Thus, 
 when the bucket has been hoisted against a stop of the 
 trolley, continued winding hauls the trolley up the incline 
 to the discharge point, where the bucket is dumped. 
 Bucket, Geared Power-Wheel. A grab-bucket having 
 opening and closing mechanism which includes gearing. 
 One type of bevel geared power-wheel clam-shell bucket 
 has bevel pinions on the power-wheel shaft, meshing 
 with bevel gear sectors on shafts to which are keyed the 
 arms which operate the bucket shells through links at 
 tached near the back of the shells. Side bars or guiding 
 arms attached near the front, guide the cutting edges 
 together properly. It is a two-rope bucket, one rope 
 being wound on a large diameter of the power-wheel for 
 closing, and the other on a small diameter wheel for 
 opening, which must be done by power. The power- 
 wheel is enclosed in one of three compartments of a tight 
 casing, the other two being occupied by the bevel gears, 
 running in lubricant. Another type which gives a sim 
 ilar movement to the shells, has, wrapped around the 
 power drum and made fast to it, closing chains which 
 also lead partly around sheaves to the circumference of 
 which the back part of the shell is pivoted. Partly 
 around these same sheaves in the opposite direction are 
 wound the holding-lines, for opening. The front edge 
 of the bucket is guided as in the previous example. 
 Bucket, Grab. A container used for intermittent lifting, 
 horizontal moving and depositing of bulk material, which 
 autom ideally loads itself by opening at the bottom into 
 bowl shaped parts arranged to dig into the material and 
 finally shut together enclosing a certain amount of it. 
 The grab-bucket is then lifted, swung to the desired posi 
 tion and there opened, depositing the load. The bucket 
 may be supported by from one to four wire rope lines, 
 for closing, hoisting, opening and lowering again, and is 
 usually pendent from a crane trolley, boom point or 
 cableway traveler. 
 A grab-bucket consists of a bowl formed of two, three 
 or four parts hinged to each other or to a bottom bucket 
 head. Another part of each portion is guided by links or 
 slides, which are also connected to the top head of the 
 bucket. A power-operated mechanism called the closing 
 gear pulls the lower head toward the upper, swinging 
 the bowl parts together. Wire rope guide sheaves, rope 
 fastenings, rope guards, braces, and equalizers and coun 
 terweights are important details. 
 Grab-buckets may be classified as follows: accord 
 ing to the number of segments into which the bowl is 
 divided, into clam-shell buckets having two parts, or 
 orange-peel buckets having three or four parts; accord 
 ing to the number of ropes on which they are hung as 
 single-rope, two, three or four-rope buckets ; according 
 to the type of closing mechanism for obtaining the neces 
 sary power for digging into the material as power-wheel, 
 power-arm, ret-ved-sheave, sliding cross-head, geared 
 power-wheel, tongs, and motor-operated buckets ; accord 
 ing to the use to which the bucket is to be put as dig 
 ging, scraping or handling ; and according to the material 
 to be handled. Buckets for light material have large 
 bowls ; for heavy material like ore and limestone the 
 bowls are small and are shaped so as to easily slide 
 under the material. 
 Page 301, 809-816, 829. 
 Bucket, Hand-Dumping. A bucket which is turned 
 over entirely by hand, or which lias its dumping latch 
 released by hand as distinguished from one which has 
 its latch automatically operated by striking a movable 
 stop or its equivalent. 
 Bucket, Lowering and Dumping. A turnover bucket 
 which is dumped by lowering it until it rests on a sur 
 face or on the stock pile, thereby operating the latch, then 
 raising it, when it automatically dumps, rights itself and 
 re-latches. By dumping automatically so close to the 
 pile, breakage of the contents is diminished. 
 Bucket, Mining. A round bucket used in shaft mining 
 work, usually slightly tapering toward the top and bot 
 tom so as to avoid catching on projections in the shaft. 
 It may have a top bail and be dumped by hand, or may 
 have a bail attached by trunnions well down on the sides, 
 and be dumped by releasing a latch at the rim of the 
 Bucket, Motor-Operated. A grab-bucket which is closed 
 and opened by an electric motor. The bucket is raised 
 and lowered by a single rope, or in the bight of the rope, 
 or by two separate ropes dead-ended in the bucket head, 
 or is provided with an eye for hanging on an ordinary 
 crane hook. A motor is mounted just beneath the top 
 head of the bucket, and is supplied with current by a 
 cable conductor lead to it from the crane above or from 
 any convenient point, a simple controller also being 
 installed in a convenient position. The slack of the cable 
 is often kept up by an automatic take-up (see Drum, 
 Cable) mounted on the bucket itself or in some other 
 convenient place. 
 The motor drives two chain sprockets in opposite 
 directions, on the same shaft, by reduction gearing. The 
 cuds of a pitch chain are fastened to these sprockets, and 
 an idler sprocket carried by the lower head rests in the 
 bight of the- chain. The motor revolves the uppei 
 sprockets slowly, winding up the chain and raising the 
 lower head, thereby closing the bucket. Opening is 
 accomplished by reversing the direction of rotation of 
 the motor by means of the controller. A friction clutch 
 is provided which will slip with excessive load, so that 
 there will he no damage done if the current is left on 
 after the bucket is fully closed, or if it closes on an 
 These buckets may be opened or closed, partially or 
 fully, at any position of the hoist. 
 Page 305. 808. 
 Bucket, Orange-Peel. A grab-bucket in which the bowl 
 is nearly hemispherical in shape, and is formed of three 
 or four segments which come together in a point at the 
 bottom. These segments are termed blades, spades or 
 bowls, and have arms rigidly attached to them at points 
 near the rim standing inward at right angles to the blade 
 and pivoted to the bottom pivot head. At the base of 
 these, toward the upper rim of the bucket, are pivots for 
 long links or purchase arms which are attached at their 
 upper ends to the top head. The closing gear is usually 
 of the power-wheel type (see Bucket, Power-Wheel) and 
 acts by pulling the bottom pivot head toward the top 
 head, raising the ends of all the blade arms simultane 
 ously and tilting the blades until they close together. 
 Rope reeved closing gear is also used, and consists 
 of two sets of sheaves mounted on the bottom pivot head 
 and top head, respectively. Rope is reeved around them, 
 one end being dead-ended in the bucket; or, if desired, 
 both ends are led out of the bucket, and one dead-ended 
 on the overhead structure. (See Bucket, Four-rope.) 
 Page 307. 809, 812. 
 Bucket, Orange-peel, Dwarf. A small sized orange-peel 
 bucket, used for operations where a small shaft or well 
 is to be excavated, or where a pipe is to be sunk by 
 excavating the material from within. It is similar in 
 operation to the full size buckets, but, on account of its 
 light weight preventing it from sinking into the ma 
 terial readily, it is often equipped with a hammer attach 
 ment when digging is to be done. 
 Page 307, KC9, 812. 
 Bucket, Orange-peel, Three-sided. See Bucket, Orange- 
 peel. These buckets are especially intended for grappling 
 and raising objects of irregular shape. The upper 
 corners of the blades are sometimes partly cut off, to save 
 weight, or to allow it to be distributed in the part of the 
 blade under greatest stress. 
 Bucket, Ore. A grab-bucket which is so proportioned 
 as to be able to lift its bowl full of iron ore or like heavy 
 material without overstressing its parts. The shells are 
 also generally somewhat flatter on the bottom than those 
 intended for lighter material, thus allowing them to slide 
 under the ore more easily. If used for unloading ves 
 sels, they are often so shaped that they can scrape from 
 the corners of the hold and clean up thoroughly, thus 
 reducing hand shoveling to a minimum. 
 Also, a small steel barrel-shaped bucket with a bail, 
 used for hoisting small amounts of excavated material 
 from mine shafts by hand or horsepower, gasoline 
 engine, etc. (See Bucket, Mining.) 
 Bucket Point. The point of one of the blades of an 
 orange-peel grab-bucket. It ii; u.iually -enewable, and, 
 for hard digging, is of manganese steel, either bolted or 
 riveted to the blade. (See also Bucket Cutting Edge.) 
 Bucket, Power-Arm. A clam-shell bucket in which the 
 closing power is obtained by rope tackle pulling on a 
 lever arm which is rigidly attached to one shell of the 
 bowl, the other shell being forced to move simultane 
 ously by means of the connecting linkage. In the two- 
 rope bucket, which is the usual arrangement, the holding- 
 line is fast in the bucket head. The closing-line passes 
 in succession around a guide sheave in the head, and 
 sheaves on the end of the power-arm and at the bucket 
 head, and is dead-ended at the arm. More sheaves will 
 give greater closing power. 3, 4, 5, 6 or more parts of 
 closing-line being used. The power arm is also some 
 times called the lever arm or closing arm. 
 Power-arm buckets tend to open excessively, and may 
 also have an unsymmetrical action in digging or scrap 
 ing, due to the inclined pull of the closing ropes during 
 part of their closing motion. Both of these tendencies 
 n-.ay be corrected by a small auxiliary arm called an 
 equalizer arm, secured at right angles to the power arm 
 near the hinge shaft, and with its outer end connected 
 by a link to a pivot on the bucket head. Or a bell-crank 
 may be pivoted loosely on or near the hinge shaft, one 
 end having the closing-line dead-ended on it, and the 
 other being connected by a long link to a pivot at the 
 bucket head. 
 Bucket, Power-Drum. The small drum on which the 
 closing-line of a power-wheel grab-bucket is wound. (See 
 Bucket, Power-Wheel.) 
 Bucket, Power-Wheel. A grab-bucket in which the 
 closing power is exerted by chains or ropes whose upper 
 ends are attached to the bucket head, and whose lower 
 ends are wound on power drums of a small diameter. 
 These drums (sometimes called cams) are attached to 
 and turn with a larger drum, which has the closing- 
 and-hoisting rope wound around and made fast or dead- 
 ended on it ; all three turn on a shaft which either serves 
 also as a hinge for the two halves of the bucket (if of 
 the clam-shell type) or is mounted on top of a lower 
 part called the lower or pivot head, to which the bucket 
 parts are pivoted. (This last construction keeps the 
 power wheel up out of contact with the material to be 
 handled.) When the closing rope is pulled, it unwinds 
 from the power wheel, revolving it and winding up the 
 closing lines, thereby pulling up the lower bucket head 
 and closing the parts of the bucket together. 
 The closing-lines are made of crane chain, flat chain 
 or wire rope, attached at the upper ends to the top head, 
 or connected together and passed over an equalizer 
 sheave or smooth equalizer saddle. They are also often 
 fixed to the ends of a loosely pivoted bar, so that an 
 equalizer effect is obtained, to put an equal pull in the 
 two sides. Occasionally idler sheaves are fitted in the 
 ends of the equalizer ar.d the lines are passed through 
 them and down to the hinge shaft ends, where they are 
 made fast, thus practically doubling the closing power 
 over that obtained with the more simple arrangement. 
 If several sheaves are used on the top and bottom heads 
 with the closing-rope reeved through them, the closing 
 power may be still further multiplied. This type of 
 reeving also allows larger power drums, which causes 
 less wear on the wire rope generally used with this 
 Another power wheel arrangement which can be made 
 to give great closing power, is to have a closing sling 
 of wire rope pass over a sheave supported by a swivel 
 in the bottom of the top bucket head, and with its ends 
 wound in opposite directions around and made fast to 
 power drums of different diameter. These two drums 
 arc rigidly attached to the power wheel on which is 
 wound the closing-and-hoisting rope. When this last is 
 pulled, the drums are turned in such a direction that 
 more rope is wound on the large drum than is unwound 
 from the smaller, thus shortening the sling and raising 
 the lower head, thereby closing the bucket. 
 Buckets of the types so far mentioned have practically 
 the same closing power when wide open as when nearly 
 closed, whereas maximum closing power is desired when 
 nearly closed. If the proportions be such that the power 
 wheel does not make more than one complete rotation, the 
 power drums may be cam shaped, allowing faster closing 
 at the beginning, with a slowing down and inchease of 
 power when nearly closed. The power wheel may be 
 eccentrically located on its shaft with the same end in 
 view. Buckets having closing lines made of flat chain 
 which winds in layers are subject to an undesirable loss 
 of power at the end of closing, due to the increasing 
 diameter ; this is sometimes obviated by having each of 
 the closing chains in two parts at the end toward the 
 drum, attached at their outer ends to a yoke on the end 
 of a single chain which leads to the top head. When 
 nearly closed, the single part of the chain commences 
 winding on the drum between the double parts, and at 
 a smaller diameter, thus increasing the power. 
 In operating power-wheel buckets, two ropes are used 
 (see Bucket, Two-rope), one fast in the bucket head, 
 and one passing through a suitable guide and leading to 
 the power wheel. Suitable guards protect the rope from 
 contact with the material lifted while it is being wound 
 on the wheel, and also keep it from jumping the rim in 
 case the rope is accidentally slackened. 
 Bucket, Reeved-Sheave. A grab-bucket in which the 
 closing power is obtained by passing the closing-rope or 
 chain around sheaves in the top and bottom heads, and 
 either dead-ending one end on a bucket head, or leading 
 both out through guides in the top head, and dead-ending 
 one on the overhead structure. (See Bucket, Four-rope.) 
 If chain is used for closing, it is dead-ended in the bucket 
 and the pulling end passes out through a fair-leader in 
 the top head to prevent the chain from twisting. 
 In single-rope buckets of this type, guide bars are often 
 used to make sure that the hook and latch of the closing 
 gear engage properly. Also in reeved type clam-shell 
 buckets where the shells are pivoted separately to the 
 lower head, instead of on the same hinge shaft, guides are 
 occasionally used to steady the lower head and make the 
 shells move symmetrically. 
 Bucket, Scraping. A clam-shell grab-bucket which has 
 a very wide spread between the shells when open, and a 
 scraping action, rather than a digging action, as they 
 approach each other in the act of closing. The cutting 
 edges of the bucket are also extended further apart than 
 any other part, so as to reach into the square corners of 
 cars, holds of ships, bins, etc. Various closing arrange 
 ments are used (see Buckets, Grab), but the proportions 
 and general appearance of the bucket are quite different 
 from digging buckets. The shells are often called trays, 
 on account of their open-ended form. 
 Page 307. 
 Bucket, Shovel. A name given to a form of drag line 
 scraper bucket used for handling loose material like coal 
 or ore in storage, which fills while being dragged up the 
 side of the pile, and dumps its load by overturning on 
 the pivots of a bail when a latch is released, like an 
 ordinary top-filling turnover bucket. It is usually han 
 dled by a bridge storage crane. 
 Bucket, Side-Dump. A bucket which dumps at the sides 
 of the bottom, by the opening downward of two doors 
 which meet in an elevated ridge at the middle line of the 
 bucket. The doors are connected by linkage and the 
 bucket is handled by two ropes ; one is attached to a 
 sliding bail, which is connected to the doors, and the other 
 is attached to a bail fixed to the body of the bucket. 
 Relative motion of the two ropes opens or closes the 
 bucket, simultaneous motion of the two raises or lowers 
 it. Some types are opened and closed by hand operation 
 of a lever. 
 Bucket, Single-Rope. A grab-bucket which is closed, 
 raised and lowered by the same rope, some outside 
 means being employed to open it for discharging the con 
 tents. While these buckets are less efficient in many 
 respects than two-rope buckets, they are of great value 
 in cases where only one winding drum is available, and 
 especially where the bucket must be frequently removed 
 from the crane to allow it to do ordinary lifting work, as 
 in foundries. 
 Bucket, Sliding-Crosshead. A grab-bucket (see I ucket, 
 Clam-shell) in which the closing power is obtained by 
 pinning the ends of the bucket arms to a vertically 
 sliding crosshead, which moves in guides on the inside of 
 an extension. of the top bucket head. Other parts toward 
 the back of the bucket slide in guides formed on this 
 same extension. In the four-rope type, a sheave in the 
 bucket head rests in a bight of the holding-rope, while 
 the closing-rope passes from above directly down around 
 a sheave in the crosshead, up around another in the 
 head, down and up again, repeated if necessary, and out 
 through the bucket head. Pulling on the closing rope 
 raises the crosshead and closes the bucket. 
 Bucket, Split. A bottom-dumping bucket which con 
 sists of two separate parts connected only by hinges at 
 the rim on two opposite sides. In lifting it is supported 
 by chains located near the hinges ; to dump, chains 
 attached near the bottom on each of the other two sides 
 are pulled, opening or splitting the halves apart along 
 the bottom, and discharging the contents. 
 Bucket, Three-rope. A grab-bucket which has two hold 
 ing ropes spaced apart by means of an equalixer at the 
 head of the bucket, a third rope serving to close the 
 bucket. In operation it is equivalent to the two-rope 
 Bucket, Tong. A clam-shell grab-bucket in which the 
 two shells arc mounted on the short ends of crossed 
 arms like tongs; the closing-and-hoisting rope operates 
 (in the long arms of the tongs, and the holding rope is 
 divided and attached directly to the back plates of the 
 two buckets. 
 Bucket, Top-Filling. A bucket which is loaded by put 
 ting material in at the top, as distinguished from a grab- 
 bucket which loads by scooping it up through the bot 
 tom, and a drag-scraper bucket which scoops it up side 
 Bucket, Turnover. A bucket which is emptied by releas 
 ing a latch and allowing it automatically to overturn and 
 discharge its contents. Owing to the relative location of 
 the trunnions, and the center of gravity, the bucket 
 automaticaly rights itself when empty, though it is top- 
 heavy when full. Two forms of latch are in use; one 
 called a bail latch or catch, which locks the bail at the 
 rim of the bucket on each side, and is released by pressing 
 levers there or at the top of the bail, and one called a 
 back latch, back lever or tail latch, which prevents the 
 bucket from tipping forward by a lever which is pivoted 
 near the top of the bail and has its lower forked end 
 resting on the rim of the bucket. The latches may be 
 operated by hand, by hoisting the bucket against a fixed 
 stop which raises the latch, or by lowering the bucket 
 onto the pile and then hoisting it, the latch being oper 
 ated by contact with the pile. (See Bucket, Lowering 
 and Dumping.) 
 Also called tip bucket and tub. (See also Bucket, 
 Page 309. 
 Bucket, Two-rope. A grab-bucket which is supported 
 by two ropes, one of which closes and hoists it; the other 
 holds and lowers it. The operation is as follows : the 
 empty and open bucket is lowered by the holding rope, 
 the closing rope being slack. When resting on the 
 material, digging in and closing is caused by pulling on 
 the closing line; continued pulling lifts the bucket, the 
 holding line meanwhile being slack, or having merely 
 enough tension to keep it from jumping any sheaves. To 
 open, pulling is stopped on the closing line and started 
 on the holding line, or, the holding line is held and the 
 closing line is slacked, allowing the bucket to open and 
 discharge its contents. It may then be lowered opened, 
 or, if desired, closed and lowered. It may also be raised 
 open, thus allowing the repeated opening and closing 
 sometimes necessary for hard digging. It may also be 
 only partially opened, allowing the material to pass out 
 through a narrow opening in the bottom,, which is of 
 value in such operations as loading wagons. 
 The two ropes are best operated from a two-drum 
 winch, lint where only a single winding drum is available 
 and the purchase of a two-drum machine is not advisable, 
 a separate holding drum may be used. (See Drum, 
 Bull Gear. A gear used for slewing a derrick by power. 
 It is fixed to the foundation, concentric with the mast 
 step, and a vertical shaft pinion meshing with it and 
 having its bearings on a platform at the base of the mast 
 is turned by power to slew the derrick. Used in cases 
 where the hoist is mounted on a platform fixed to the 
 derrick mast at its base, and turning with it. 
 Bull Wheel. A device used for swinging a derrick by 
 power. It consists of a wheel of considerable diameter, 
 6 ft. to IS ft., secured to the base of a derrick in a hori 
 zontal position, and turning with it. Ropes or chains 
 passing around its rim and attached to it are passed 
 through guide pulleys and thence around the drum of 
 a slewing winch. The wheel is held in a horizontal 
 position by diagonal braces running from the rim to the 
 mast, and slewing rods tie a point well out on the 
 boom to the sides of the wheel by hinged connections, 
 allowing the boom to change its inclination. 
 Bumped. See Dished. 
 Bumper Bar or Bumper. A bar arranged to prevent a 
 crane trolley from running off the end of the bridge. 
 Rail chocks on each rail are tied together at the top by 
 a heavy bar across the tracks. 
 Bumper Block. A block, generally wood, fastened on 
 the end of a car, truck, crane, or other wheeled vehicle, 
 to prevent damage from striking fixed structures or other 
 cars on the same track. 
 In overhead traveling cranes, bumper blocks are often 
 fastened to the end of the crane trucks, to prevent dam 
 age from two cranes on the same track striking each 
 Bunker, Ashes. See Bin, Ashes. 
 Bunker, Coal. A space on a steam vessel where coal 
 is stored for toiler room use.. Longitudinal bunkers are 
 located along the sides of the vessel between the boiler 
 rooms and outer shell ; cross bunkers extend from one 
 side of the ship to the other. 
 Overhead bins used in stationary power plants for the 
 storage of coal are often termed coal bunkers. Their 
 capacity may vary from a day s supply to sufficient for 
 several weeks, depending upon the other storage space 
 available and the reliability of supply from other sources. 
 Bunker, Parabolic. A bunker of the suspension type, 
 in which the transverse section of the shell corresponds 
 to that of a parabola with its vertex downward. 
 Bushing, Self-lubricating. A type of bushing used with 
 wheels, sheaves, etc.. in places where oiling is difficult or 
 likely to be neglected. It consists of a brass or bronze 
 bushing with numerous holes drilled part or entirely 
 through, the holes being filled with soft anti-friction 
 metals or graphite preparations. 
 Busheler. A machine which feeds bulk grain or 
 similar material from a bulk container or heap to a spout 
 from which it may be bagged. It may work in connec 
 tion with an automatic weighing or bulk measuring ma 
 chine to measure definite amounts for tilling each bag. 
 Bushing. A metal sleeve or hollow cylinder with rela 
 tively thin walls, which is forced into the bore of a 
 solid bearing or of a part which rotates on a shaft or 
 axle, in order to be able to make good the enlargement 
 due to wear by replacing the bushing, and to furnish a 
 good wearing metal for the bearing. 
 When forced onto a shaft or spindle, for similar pur 
 poses, the term sleeve or liner is generally used. 
 Bushings are also made in halves for ease of replace 
 ment, in which case lugs or lips are formed on them to 
 prevent turning in their seats. 
 By-pass. A short cut, a special path which omits some 
 part of a regular route or channel. 
 Cable. A general term applied to a rope or chain, and 
 used more or less interchangeably with rope. Haulage 
 ropes for cable-ways, and track-ropes used for overhead 
 transportation are called cables, as are the supporting 
 members of a suspension bridge. A rope of extremely 
 flexible construction, made up of several smaller ropes 
 laid together in what is termed cable lay, is also called a 
 cable. Chains are often called chain cables. 
 Page 320, 818, 822. 
 Cable Car Haulage. A system of industrial conveying 
 in which cars are moved along a narrow track by means of 
 a cable. The cable may move continuously in one direc 
 tion, the cars being attached and detached by operating 
 grips ; this is called the endless cable system. The car or 
 cars may be pulled toward one terminal by one cable, and 
 returned by another; various forms are the tail rope sys 
 tem, and the single and double shuttle cableway system. 
 If operated on an incline, it is called a gravity inclined 
 plane or an engine inclined plane system, according to 
 whether the material is lowered by gravity or raised by 
 Cable Tramway, Monorail. An overhead monorail 
 track conveying system in which one or more trolleys 
 are pulled along the track by means of a traction wire 
 cable. The circuit may be endless and the trolleys 
 equally spaced or the traction cable may be endless and 
 reversible, with one or two trolleys on the single mono 
 rail track. Also called a suspended cable road. 
 Page 271. 
 Cableway. See Aerial Cableway. 
 Cam. A mechanism composed of a rotating or sliding 
 part which, by virtue of m the shape of its curved edge, 
 or a groove in its surface, gives oscillating motion to 
 another part called a follower which moves in a straight 
 line or flat circular arc. 
 Cam, Helical. A rotating cam which moves the fol 
 lower in a direction parallel to the axis of rotation, 
 the cam curve being traced on the surface of a cylinder. 
 In some friction drum drives, a helical cam is used 
 to press the freely revolving member (drum, gear, etc.) 
 against the friction member which is keyed to the shaft, 
 thereby causing them to turn together. 
 Cam Shaft. A shaft on which one or more cams are 
 mounted, and by which they are rotated. 
 Cam, Tripping. A cam used on elevators, conveyors, 
 etc., to produce some definite action when the moving 
 ypart has reached a designated point, as the tipping of a 
 : bucket, the discharge of a load, the stopping or reversal 
 of a motor, etc. , : . . 
 Cantilever, Adjustable, or Telescoping. A section of 
 monorail runway carried by an underhung traveling crane 
 on wheels or rollers in such a way that it can be slid 
 out longitudinally when desired, and the trolley running 
 on it thereby allowed to reach points beyond the runway 
 which would otherwise be inaccessible. The adjustable 
 section may be withdrawn to allow the crane to clear 
 obstacles as it travels along the runway. 
 Capstan. A stationary vertical shaft concave drum ma 
 chine for winding rope or chain, and used for hoisting 
 or haulage purposes. The rope is wound around the 
 drum a few times, and while the capstan is revolving 
 a slight pull on the free end will keep it from slipping. 
 Ridges along the barrel, called whelps, also help to 
 prevent slipping, Operated by hand or power; if the 
 lormer the drum is usually rotated directly by men 
 pushing on bars set radially around the capstan head 
 at the top of the drum. The men who walk in a circle 
 while operating the capstan step over the ropes leading 
 horizontally to and from the drums. Steam capstans 
 are usually driven by a non-reversing steam engine con 
 nected by worm gearing, A pawl ring at the bottom of 
 the drum has pawls dropping into the teeth of a ratchet 
 ring set into the foundation, to prevent overhauling. 
 Capstan Head. See Winch Head. 
 Capstan Windlass. A combination of a capstan and a 
 windlass used on shipboard. The capstan, often lo 
 cated on a deck above the windlass, is driven from the 
 mechanism of the latter by bevel gearing. 
 Car, Batch. A car used in glass plants and similar 
 places for receiving, proportioning, mixing and transport 
 ing a batch to a furnace. 
 Page 721, 722. 
 Car Dump, Automatic Push Back. An end tipping car 
 dump in which the momentum of the loaded car is 
 utilized to compress powerful springs, which move the 
 empty car back off the dump after its contents have been 
 Car Dump, Cross-over. An automatic end-tipping car 
 dump in which the loaded car runs onto a pivoted section 
 of track so supported and counterweighted that it over 
 comes the counterweight and tips downward and forward, 
 discharging its contents through a top hinged front end 
 gate. The counterweight is sufficient to raise the track 
 section with the empty car back to the proper level. It 
 stands there until the operator allows the next loaded 
 car to run forward toward the dump ; this car depresses 
 another short section of track, which evolves horns from 
 in front of the wheels of the empty car, thereby releasing 
 it and permitting it to run forward and across the dump 
 when struck by the slowly moving loaded car. As the 
 latter moves off the depressed section of track, springs 
 return the track to its normal elevation and the horns to 
 their position ready to stop the car at the dumping point. 
 The operator controls the speed of tipping by a brake, and 
 feeds the loaded cars forward one at a time. 
 Page 636. 
 Car Dump, Goose-neck. A simple end-tipping car dump 
 in which a short section at the end of the track is 
 mounted on a platform which can turn about a transverse 
 horizontal Shaft; the front ends of the rails being turned 
 .up in a curve which fits the tread of the wheels. The 
 car runs on the platform against the steps, tipping the 
 platform and dumping the contents out the front end 
 through a top swinging gate: Spring journal boxes. are 
 of tea. used to support the . shaft -and prevent damage due 
 t Q shock. The car is returned by a cable ;or other con 
 venient means. 
 Car Dump, Horn Dump Type. An automatic end- 
 tipping car dump in which the loaded car moves onto a 
 curved track so inclined that the contents of the car will 
 slide out forward through a top hinged front end gate. 
 To control the speed, and give the necessary time for the 
 discharge of .the contents, two horns on a horizontal shaft 
 engage the, front wheels of the car as it starts down the 
 incline. A lever controlled band brake on this shaft 
 enables the operator to bring the car to rest in the dump 
 ing position, where it is held by another lever which 
 engages an extension of the horns. 
 When empty, the car is released, and runs on down the 
 incline, to be replaced by another loaded car. 
 Car Dump, Movable. See Car Dump, for Standard 
 Gage Cars. 
 Car Dump, Rotary Gravity. A sidewise inverting car 
 dump consisting of a three-compartment cylindrical steel 
 frame which is caused to rotate by the excess in weight 
 of the loaded cars on one side over the empty ones on the 
 other, the contents being discharged during the rotation. 
 The frame is either mounted on a central shaft or sur 
 rounded by circular tracks which are supported on rollers. 
 Each compartment contains a car and is provided with 
 end stops and longitudinal guides to hold it in position. 
 As a loaded car rolls in, it pushes out the empty one. 
 The dump is locked in the proper position for the tracks 
 to register during motion of the cars ; its speed of rotation 
 is controlled by a hand-operated brake. A pan or hopper 
 beneath receives the material as it is dumped, and owing 
 to the shape of the dump can be placed so close that 
 breakage is minimized. 
 Page 635. 
 Car Dump, Rotary Power. A sidewise inverting car 
 dump consisting of a long tubular framework, into which 
 one or more loaded cars can be run on a track, and which 
 is then revolved about a longitudinal axis, the contents of 
 the cars falling out through suitable openings in the 
 structure. Longitudinal guides are built into the dump 
 to hold the cars on the rails, and stops are placed to 
 prevent the cars from moving endwise during dumping. 
 The dump has circular ring tracks built about it, and is 
 supported on rollers or roller bearings. One or more 
 of these rings have gear teeth formed in them and serve 
 as a means to rotate the dump by gearing driven from a 
 motor or engine. 
 Page 635, 825. 
 Car Dump, Steam, with Cross-over. A non-automatic 
 end tipping car dump in which the loaded car runs onto 
 a tipping platform, at the front end of which are stops 
 for the wheels. The rear axle is then raised by Y-shaped 
 supports which are forced upward by a steam cylinder, 
 dumping the contents of the car through a swinging 
 door in the front end into a chute between the rails. 
 When the car is lowered, the stops move out of the way 
 and the car runs forward onto a continuation of the track. 
 Car Dump, Swing-lift Transfer. An automatic end- 
 tipping car dump used in connection with a chain haul up 
 an incline and a superposed track for returning the cars 
 down the incline. 
 The loaded car is pulled up the lower runway by cross 
 bars on chains which pass around sprockets at the top 
 and bottom of the slope. As the car approaches the upper 
 sprocket its wheels run off onto a guide sharply inclined 
 upwardly, and carried by a tilting frame. The top hinged 
 door at the rear is simultaneously released, and the con 
 tents commence sliding out. As the crossbar (which is 
 not attached to, but merely pushes the car) passes onto 
 and around the sprocket, it pushes the car completely 
 onto the tilting frame, and then tilts the latter upward, 
 until finally the guides on which the wheels rest are in 
 line with the upper (return) runway. The car then runs 
 off the tilting frame and follows the crossbar down the 
 slope, while the tilting frame returns to its original posi 
 tion, ready for the next car. 
 Car Dump, Tandem. A car dump which will handle 
 two or more cars on the same track, dumping them sim 
 Page 280. 
 Car Dumper. A device for unloading an open top car 
 by partially or completely inverting it, or by tipping it 
 endwise or sidewise to such an angle that the contents 
 will slide out through a swinging end or side door. 
 Standard gage railway cars are of various lengths, 
 heights and capacities, and are not always provided with 
 bottom dumping arrangements ; a car dumper must there 
 fore be able to handle all varieties of cars, and in this 
 country a common solution of the problem has been a 
 dumper which elevates and inverts the car sideways. 
 (See Car Dumper for Standard Gage Cars.) In some 
 localities, especially abroad, where cars are provided with 
 swinging end doors, the car is tipped endways and the 
 material allowed to slide out ; swinging side doors will 
 similarly require the car to be tipped sideways. 
 Two types of these tipping dumpers, tips or tipples may 
 be distinguished ; the automatic, in which the center of 
 gravity of the car as a whole is lowered just previous 
 to discharging, and the work done is stored up in lifting 
 a counterweight or forcing a liquid into an accumulator, 
 storing up sufficient energy to raise the empty car back 
 to the track lever ; and the non-automatic in which the 
 car is raised before dumping, requiring outside power 
 for the purpose. The first, while using no power, and 
 controlled by brakes alone, requires considerably increased 
 elevation of structure over the latter, or else a receiving 
 pit from which the material may afterward have to be 
 elevated by other means. 
 Mine and industrial cars are usually much smaller than 
 standard gage cars, and the dumping system, end or 
 side, is adapted to the type of car. There are several 
 forms of automatic end dump, known as the cross-over 
 dump, the horn dump and swing-lift transfer dump, also 
 some non-automatic end dumps in which the car is tipped 
 up by power. Rotary dumps invert the car sidewise ; the 
 rotary gravity dump operates by gravity, the driving 
 force being the weight of the coal discharged, while the 
 rotary power dump requires power from an outside 
 Page 635, 825, 828. 
 Car Dumper for Standard Gage Cars. A machine for un 
 loading open top railway cars of coal or similar bulk 
 material by inverting them sidewise. There are two 
 types; the turnover dumper which does not lift the car 
 except to rotate it about an axis, and the lifting dumper 
 which elevates the car for discharging direct into vessels 
 or high storage bins. 
 The loaded car (sometimes two are left coupled 
 together and handled as a unit) is pulled up an inclined 
 approach by a mule or barney car and runs onto an 
 L-shaped dumping cradle. It is clamped fast to the cradle 
 by beams pulled down against the top of the car sides, 
 or by wire ropes. Cradle and car are then raised to 
 the desired dumping level (which is sometimes adjust 
 able), and rotated through a sufficient angle to completely 
 discharge the contents, the top of the cradle forming a 
 chute which directs the material. They are then 
 returned to their original position, the car is released 
 and the next loaded car pushes it off in the other side 
 of the dump where it runs down a short incline and is 
 returned alongside the dumper and back to the yard 
 by a kick-back. 
 The lifting and rotating is performed largely by wire 
 ropes handled by winding drums. Steam and electric 
 drives are both in use, the former being the better in 
 isolated localities, and the latter being more economical 
 where there is a reliable source of direct current. 
 The dumper is often movable, traveling on rails 
 parallel to a bin over the wall of which it can distribute 
 the material as desired. It is usually self-propelled, and 
 the inclined approach and discharge tracks travel with it. 
 Page 279, 82S, 828. 
 Car Dumper, Cane. A tilting platform used to side or 
 end dump the special cars used on plantations for hauling 
 cut cane to the mills, the cane sliding into a depressed 
 hopper from which it is conveyed to the rolls. The cars 
 are clamped to the platform, often by hooks beneath the 
 car body, and the dumps are operated by steam, hydraulic 
 or electric power, often a combination of electrically 
 driven pumps with a hydraulic operating cylinder. 
 Page 279. 
 Car, Gathering. In glass manufacture, the name given 
 to a car which collects from various bins the proper 
 ingredients in proper proportions for a batch, and either 
 mixes them in a conveyor mounted on its own body, or 
 delivers them to a fixed mixer. Also called a batch car. 
 Car, Monitor. A name sometimes applied to a special 
 car used for lowering coal (or other bulk material) 
 down an incline, generally by means of a gravity plane 
 drum. The cars are usually in pairs, one serving to 
 counterbalance the other. Coal is dumped into the mon 
 itor car from a mine car at the top, and it in turn dis 
 charges to a weigh-hopper at the tipple, through a 
 dumping bottom. 
 Car Haul, Cable. A method of hauling cars up an in 
 cline by means of an endless wire rope having spurs 
 clamped to it at regular intervals for propelling the cars, 
 and intermediate transmission clamps for assisting in 
 driving the rope. The latter passes around a large driv 
 ing sheave in the form of a gap wheel at the top of the 
 slope, this wheel having a grooved circumference with 
 breaks in it to receive the spurs and transmission clamps. 
 Car Haul, Chain. A method of hauling cars, generally 
 up an incline, by means of an endless chain having hooks, 
 dogs or spurs which engage with the axle of the car or 
 some other convenient part, and push it along the track. 
 As the car passes over the head of the slope and onto a 
 slight downward slope, it runs ahead of the chain which 
 passes around a sprocket and returns to the foot. The 
 same device, run in the opposite direction, serves to lower 
 cars down an incline. The cars should be fed to the bot 
 tom of the incline at approximately the speed of the chain 
 to avoid shock on chain or car ; to prevent any possibility 
 of the car starting to back down before a dog has reached 
 and engaged it, the dogs are often spaced close together ; 
 they are also made with a gravity or spring controlled 
 tilting part which will allow a car to run past them in a 
 forward direction, but not to return. 
 Page 636. 
 Car, Industrial. A general term used to designate the 
 many different types of cars used for industrial purposes. 
 Page 587, 721-725. 
 Car Puller. A machine placed near railroad tracks, and 
 used to locate or "spot" cars for loading or unloading 
 .purposes by the pull exerted on a rope attached to them. 
 The machine may be of the winch head or capstan type, 
 round which the pulling rope is given a few turns, the 
 free end being gently pulled by hand as it comes off, or 
 it may be of the drum type, in which the rope is made 
 fast to and wound up on the cylindrical drum. The 
 rope is usually manila, though wire rope is sometimes 
 used. A vertical winch head or drum has the advantage 
 over the horizontal one that the rope may be led off 
 in any direction. 
 A car puller may be driven by a belt from a line 
 shaft, or by a separate electric motor, or steam, gasoline 
 or air engine. The necessary speed reduction from the 
 motive power to the drum shaft may be made by gearing 
 of the spur, bevel, worm or chain varieties ; planetary 
 gear reductions are also used. Several drums are some 
 times mounted on the same base, with or without friction 
 or jaw clutches. A single drum puller is sometimes 
 mounted on a small car traveling on the car rails, and 
 provided with rail clamps for holding it in position when 
 in use ; the source of power is then a gasoline engine 
 or an electric motor "plugged in" to conductors along 
 the track. 
 In mines portable car pullers located in the rooms are 
 used for pulling the empty cars into the rooms and the 
 loaded ones out, the main hauling locomotive (electric 
 or air) not entering the rooms. This is also sometimes 
 done by power driven winches mounted on the locomo 
 tive itself, the cable being suitably led by guide sheaves. 
 Page 296, 787, 790, 829. 
 Car Pusher. Any device which can move cars along a 
 track for the purpose of loading or unloading, by pushing 
 them from behind. One device consists of a special 
 narrow car running on a special narrow gage track 
 between widely spaced railway tracks ; the pusher is 
 operated by a fixed cable between the rails passing around 
 motor operated drums on the pusher, or by power applied 
 to the wheels by gearing from a motor. An arm which 
 can be thrust out on either side of the pusher over the 
 adjoining tracks enables it to move cars along ahead 
 of it. 
 Car Stop, Automatic. A mechanism for feeding loaded 
 cars one at a time from a string, as in caging at the 
 bottom of a mine shaft, or at a car dump. On pressing 
 a treadle, horns projecting above the track in front of 
 the leading care are depressed, allowing it to run forward 
 down the inclined track. As it moves, it depresses a 
 portion of one or both rails, replacing the horns and 
 holding back the next following car. 
 For caging cars at the bottom of a shaft, two pairs 
 of horns open alternately, one pair always being closed. 
 The device is operated by the cage, so that a car cannot 
 get past the front horn until the cage is in a position 
 to receive it. 
 Carbureter. A part of a gasoline engine in which the fuel is 
 vaporized and mixed with the proper quantity of air for 
 perfect combustion. Air is drawn through it by the 
 suction from the engine cylinders, and the suction also 
 causes the fuel to flow in a jet into the air as it passes. 
 The proper proportion of gasoline to air, by weight, is 
 one to fifteen, and the aim in the carbureter design is to 
 obtain this proportion at all loads and speeds of the 
 Cargo. The goods, merchandise, material or whatever 
 is conveyed by a ship. 
 Cargo Door. A door fitted in the side or upper bulk 
 head of a vessel for 1he purpose of providing a passage 
 through which cargo may be trucked. 
 30, . 
 Cargo Handling Gear. The arrangement of derricks, 
 hoists, ami tackle used on shipboard for moving cargo 
 to and from the hold. The vertical pole mast of the 
 vessel is used as the derrick mast, or a special mast, 
 called the derrick post or king post, is installed. Two 
 or more derrick booms are fitted to each mast, each 
 with its own hoisting drum or separate winch. (See 
 Derrick, Ship.) 
 The same term is also often applied to wharf cranes 
 and other loading or unloading machinery, when located 
 cm the wharf instead of the ship. 
 Cargo Hatch. A deck opening leading to the hold of a 
 Cargo Net. A rectangular net made of rope or chain 
 and used as a means of handling loose or package cargo 
 to and from the hold of a vessel. The net is spread, 
 the packages piled on it, the hoisting tackle attached to 
 the four corners, and the whole then lifted. 
 Cargo Port. An opening in the side of a vessel for 
 loading or unloading cargo. It is closed by water-tight 
 plating except when in use for handling cargo. 
 Carrier. In general, any device which supports or con 
 tains an article while it is being transported from one 
 point to another, and which is usually transported with 
 it. In material handling, the term is often applied to 
 overhead runway trolleys, to cable trolleys, and to certain 
 types of bucket conveyors which will carry material with 
 one loading, horizontally, vertically, or on an incline 
 with equal facility. 
 Carrier, Open Top. A term sometimes applied to an 
 intermediate type of apron or pan conveyor with deep 
 and overlapping pans designed to convey on the level 
 or on slopes too flat for bucket elevators, and too steep 
 for flight or ordinary steel apron conveyors. 
 Carrier, Pick-up. A term applied to a conveyor for 
 flat envelopes or round cylindrical carriers, consisting of 
 a series of cars attached to an endless driving cable and 
 sliding on round steel guide rods. The cars each have 
 two gripping jaws; one is stationary relative to the car, 
 and the other is operated by a cam surface at a station 
 in such a way as to drop to a receiving shelf a load 
 already gripped and pick up another if placed on the 
 sending shelf. It may be made selective if desired. 
 Carrier, Pneumatic Tube. The small special container 
 for material to be conveyed in a pneumatic tube system. 
 It is usually cylindrical in form, with a round or elliptical 
 cross-section and is made of metal, hard fibre or leather, 
 with a hinged or sliding door or other means of access. 
 The ends are somewhat larger in diameter than the body, 
 to allow the carrier to pass easily around curves in the 
 tube, and these enlarged ends are either formed in one 
 piece with the body, of hard fibre, or are made by 
 adding leather, fibre, rubber or other similar materials. 
 Page 763. 
 Carrier, Suspended Tray. A continuous carrying de 
 vice used for elevating, lowering, horizontal conveying, 
 or various combinations of these, and consisting of two 
 endless strands of chain with pivot attachment links 
 from which are suspended by short diagonal hangers 
 at the ends a tray or pan on which articles may be 
 placed. Loading and discharge are best accomplished 
 automatically on ascending or descending vertical runs 
 respectively (see Elevator, Suspended Tray), but hand 
 loading and unloading may be performed at any desired 
 In the horizontal runs the supporting chains slide along 
 guiding surfaces, or, if provided with rollers, run on 
 guide rails. 
 Page 336, 761. 
 Carrier, Sweep-off. A basket type of conveyor for 
 small objects, envelopes, etc., consisting of two wheeled 
 cars running on a track and secured at intervals to an 
 endless hauling cable. A basket hangs beneath, with 
 guides to prevent it from swinging, and suspended in such 
 a way from one side that it can pass close beneath a shelf 
 on which articles are placed and receive them as they 
 are swept off by a brush or scraper passing above the 
 shelf. The basket has a hinged l>ottom, and dumps its 
 load when automatically unlocked at the receiving sta 
 tion. It thus acts as a collector ; it may also be made 
 selective for sending by having several shelves at the 
 sending station, all kept out of the way of the baskets, 
 except when the proper one comes along, when a catch is 
 tripped and the shelf is swung into correct sending posi 
 Carrier, Troughing. See Conveyor, Belt. Idlers for. 
 Carrier, V-bucket. See Conveyor, Gravity Discharge 
 Carrousel. A form of apron conveyor which travels 
 entirely in a horizontal plane, making turns at the ends 
 about a vertical axis and (usually) returning parallel 
 to itself. Objects set upon it travel around continuously 
 until removed, thus affording storage area on what is 
 virtually a moving work table. The cross pieces are not 
 parallel sided, but are tapered toward the inside of the 
 curves, so that they can pass around them. Instead of 
 wooden cross pieces, stands for bottles or trays, pans, 
 etc., may be used, as best suits the material handled. A 
 carrousel is usually driven by a chain along the center 
 line beneath the cross pieces and they are supported by 
 rollers running on girders at the sides. 
 Also called a carry-all. 
 Page 406. 
 Carry-all. A name sometimes given to a horizontal 
 platform conveyor at about table level so arranged and 
 driven that at each end it makes a short turn through 
 180 deg. and returns parallel to itself, thus furnishing a 
 continuously moving table, from which objects may be 
 taken as they pass, or, on which they can be left until 
 they come around again. 
 Cart, Pick-up. A two-wheel cart having an axle arched 
 upward in the middle and a long tongue secured to 
 the axle at the arch, part of the tongue overhanging 
 the axle toward the rear and ending in a hook. This 
 hook is lowered by raising the long end of the tongue 
 and an object is made fast to it by chains or ropes; it 
 is then lifted by pulling down on the tongue. If one 
 end of a log is lifted, the tongue is lashed fast to the 
 log, and both can then be hauled away. 
 Castor Bed, Plate. An assemblage of strong swiveling 
 castors mounted, wheels upward, on stiff posts spaced 
 about 20 in. centers each way. with the top of the wheel 
 2 ft. 6 in. to 3 ft. 6 in. above the ground. Steel plates 
 laid on these beds may be moved about with great ease 
 by one or two men. Placed at the proper height, they 
 allow easy feeding of punches, shears, etc. ; placed in long 
 rows they aid in transportation from one machine to 
 another, and even serve as a storage space for partially 
 finished work. 
 The castor wheels and swivel bearings are generally of 
 the ball or roller bearing variety, and the bearings are 
 so arranged that particles of dirt or rust cannot drop 
 into them. 
 Cellar, Oil. A chambered cavity beneath wheel shaft 
 bearings, to receive and hold oil. 
 Center of Gravity. That point of a body at which, if 
 the whole mass were concentrated, the action of gravity 
 on the body would be unchanged. 
 Chafe. To destroy, damage or wear away by a rubbing 
 action, as to chafe a rope. 
 Chain. A flexible connector used for transmitting 
 power or for hauling or lifting, consisting of separate 
 oval links connected through each other in succession, or 
 of variously shaped parts attached to each other by pins 
 or rivets in such a way as to permit the desired degree 
 of flexibility. 
 The oldest and simplest form is the oval link, made of 
 iron or steel of a round or square section, and in links 
 of widely varying proportions. (See Chain, Coil.) It is 
 much used for hauling and hoisting, for fastening, and, 
 to a small extent, for transmitting power. It has the 
 property of being perfectly flexible in any direction, can 
 be wound on drums, passed around guide sheaves, or 
 piled in a bin, and where these properties are required 
 is the only type to be used. Except when wound on a 
 drum, it must pass around sprockets or pocket wheels 
 for a pull to be exerted. It is practically the only form 
 suitable for a hand chain. 
 Where flexibility in only one plane is required, chains 
 are made of links connected by pins in such a way that 
 there is a point of articulation or hinge at each pin. 
 They are made in an enormous variety of forms, sizes 
 and materials for various uses. Practically all are com 
 posed of links having parallel holes at the opposite ends 
 to receive the connecting pins. In some cases the links 
 are all identical and of the form termed the closed end 
 link ; in others two forms alternate. They are produced 
 by being cast, forged, rolled, bent or stamped. 
 Attachments may be made to chains in various ways, 
 attachment links being ordinarily inserted when the chain 
 is made up, shaped to suit the work. Rollers are pro 
 vided on many chains, either to lessen the friction and 
 wear at points of contact with sprockets, or, where a 
 chain run is horizontal, to support the weight of the 
 chain and attached parts and carry it on a guide or rail. 
 The design of a hinged chain is largely dictated by the 
 use to which it is to be put. If intended simply for hold 
 ing or slow pulling, where the wear of the joints will be 
 inconsiderable, simple joints will suffice, but if moving at 
 considerable speed, as in conveying work, and especially 
 if transmitting power, careful attention must be paid to 
 proper lubrication, minimum friction, and easy replace 
 ment of wearing parts. Any increase of pitch in a chain 
 passing around sprockets spoils the fit on the latter and 
 causes poor running; therefore, wear which tends to in 
 crease the pitch and lengthen the chain must be prevented 
 as much as possible, by liberal bearing area, hardened 
 surfaces and lubrication, 
 Chain, Block. A steel chain used for power transmis 
 sion, made up of center blocks and side tars, connected by 
 shouldered pins riveted fast in the outer links and turning 
 in the holes in the block. It cannot be provided with 
 rollers. As ordinarily made the links are of steel punch- 
 ings, or stampings, machined in the better grades. In 
 modified types, the side bars may be drop forgings or 
 malleable castings, with hubs which project into counter- 
 bores in the block and thus carry the load independently 
 of the pin. The latter may then be a bolt, allowing de 
 tachment of the chain at any point without the necessity 
 of slack. 
 The blocks may also be specially formed with cavities 
 in the middle in which rollers may be placed and held by 
 pins passing through the block crosswise; these rollers 
 serve to support the weight of the chain in conveyor 
 Page 774-780. 
 Chain, Cable. A chain consisting of flat elongated oval 
 links made by welding round iron or steel. When accu 
 rately pitched it is used for conveyors and log hauls. 
 Chain, Close Link. See Chain, Coil. 
 Chain, Closed Link, Closed End Link. A hinge type 
 chain composed of links each of which has its two sides 
 and one end formed of a single piece, usually of malleable 
 iron. They are made for short, medium or long pitch 
 chains, and are connected to each other by rivets or de 
 tachable pins. The latter may be of ordinary, case hard 
 ened or manganese steel ; they may turn in a smooth hole 
 across the closed end of the link, or in a hardened or 
 manganese steel bushing forced into the hole in the end 
 of the link. The pins are kept from rotating relative to 
 the open ends of the link and therefore wearing the holes 
 in it oval, by a notch or flat on one side of the head en 
 gaging with a projection on the side of the link, or by a 
 T-head pin fitting into a milled groove. The links are 
 usually of malleable iron, but may be of cast or man 
 ganese steel. 
 The side bars at the open end of the link may be smooth 
 inside, simply lapping over the closed end of the next link, 
 or they may have shallow counterbores on the inside 
 around the pin holes, which fit on to corresponding pro 
 jections on the sides of the next link, thus relieving the 
 pin of part of the shearing stress and, more important, 
 keeping dirt out of the joints. If made with detachable 
 pins, the links can be separated, but the open end of the 
 link must be spread forcibly to allow it to slip over the 
 projections. This is known as interlocking chain. In an 
 other type the two parts of the open end are kept from 
 spreading by projections cast on the next link and hooked 
 over these ends. 
 In one variety of this chain intended for service in 
 gritty material, the tubular shaped end or thimble which 
 connects the two side bars at the closed end is largely 
 cut away so that the bushing is exposed and can receive 
 the wear of the sprocket teeth. Bushings and pins being 
 renewable, the chain will be very long lived. If used as 
 a drag chain, the lower faces of the links of a chain are 
 made flat to give large wearing surfaces. 
 Chain, Closed Link Roller. A chain resembling the 
 closed link chain, but with a roller placed on the cylindri 
 cal portion of the closed end so that no portion of the link 
 comes into contact with the sprocket. To put the roller 
 in place, the two sides of the link must be made separate, 
 and they are assembled with the roller in place; the two 
 portions of the closed end telescope into one another, or 
 may be simply butted ; they are kept from separating by 
 the pins. 
 This chain may also be made with interlocking joints. 
 (See Chain, Closed Link.) 
 Chain, Coil. Chain composed of oval shaped links made 
 from round stock. The most common form has the plain 
 oval links, with adjacent links standing at right angles. A 
 90 deg. twist may be put in each link so that they all 
 occupy the same position, making a twisted link coil chain. 
 If the chains are to be used in such a way that kinking 
 would be a serious disadvantage, short studs are inserted 
 in each link across the middle of the space, making stud 
 The links vary in length according to the use. Stud 
 chain has a maximum length inside the link of about 
 four diameters of the bar from which it is made ; stand 
 ard close link and coil chain have a length of about three 
 diameters ; crane chain has a length of about two and 
 five-eighths diameters, the shorter the better. 
 Chain, Coil with Wearing Block. An accurately pitched 
 long oval link chain in which detachable bearing blocks 
 are placed between the adjacent links in such a way that 
 the wearing surface is largely increased, the links are 
 kept at right angles with each other, and the strength of 
 the chain is increased. These blocks have semi-circular 
 grooves on opposite sides in planes at right angles, and 
 may be inserted into a link without deforming it. With 
 this type of chain, attachments may be formed on the 
 blocks. Also called Dodge chain. 
 Chain, Combination. A chain composed of a series of 
 center links and pairs of side connecting links or bars 
 alternately placed. The center link is a closed rectangle, 
 with transverse holes for the connecting pins in each end; 
 the connecting pins are kept from turning in the outer 
 side bars by having key lugs, fitting into notches in the 
 side bar, or by having square shanks fitting square holes. 
 Chain, Combination U-Bar. A combination chain in 
 which two connecting pins and one side bar are formed in 
 one U-shaped piece of round section steel, with the re 
 maining side bar slipped over the ends and cottered fast. 
 Chain, Detachable Link. A chain composed of links 
 which are rectangular in outline and formed with a hook 
 across one end which will slide edgewise on to the 
 grooved end of the next link, and articulate on it. This 
 sliding can take place when one link is turned up at right 
 angles to the other ; when they are in working position, 
 or in line, they cannot be thus detached. The two ends 
 of a strand of chain can be connected by a special coupler 
 link having a pin. Also called plain link belting, detach 
 able sprocket chain, and rivetless chain. 
 The links are usually made of malleable iron, though 
 manganese steel is sometimes used. The chain has the 
 disadvantages that under heavy stress the hook opens out, 
 and gritty material can work between the rubbing sur 
 faces and cause wear ; the pitch increases from both 
 causes and the chain then no longer fits the sprockets. 
 Chain, Drag. A conveying chain made up with very 
 wide links and laid flat in the bottom of a trough where 
 it drags along any material which is placed in the trough 
 on top of it. The links are usually of the closed end type, 
 of malleable iron castings, or formed from steel strip ; 
 the pins are riveted or detachable. If the cast form is 
 used the lower faces of the links are made broad and 
 flat to give a better wearing surface. Wings, flights or 
 other attachments may be used to increase their effective 
 If the links are formed from steel bars of rectangular 
 section bent to shape, they may be made in a plain U- 
 form. The sides are often reinforced at the points where 
 the pins pass through, to give greater wearing surface, 
 and these doubling bars may be bent into a variety of 
 forms to serve as wings or flights. 
 Also called refuse chain and sawdust chain, the last 
 because it is largely used to remove sawdust and similar 
 refuse from saw-mills. (See Conveyor, Drag Chain.) 
 Chain, Drop Forged Steel Bar. A chain made up of 
 drop forged bar links with enlarged ends, the links being 
 arranged in alternate pairs inside and out, and connected 
 by riveted pins, shouldered to prevent cramping of 
 the inner links. Used for heavy loads at low speeds and 
 in places where a long pitch chain is desired ; if the pitch 
 is short the cost of the forged links is out of proportion 
 to the metal saved. 
 Chain, Flat and Round Link. A chain made up of alter 
 nating welded links of two styles ; one is a rectangular 
 link made of round stock, and the other is an oval link 
 made of flat stock bent flatwise and hooked over the 
 adjacent ends of two of the round bar links. In use for 
 conveying, this chain presents the broad surface of the 
 flat link to resist wear from dragging. Sometimes called 
 steel conveyor chain. 
 Chain, Hand. A chain, generally pendent, used for 
 operating crane or other machinery by hand. It is usually 
 of the close oval link variety, or crane chain, and should 
 be of a convenient size for grasping. 
 Chain Hoist, See Hoist, Chain. 
 Chain, Interlocking. A chain made of closed links which 
 have the two sides at the open end so formed with coun- 
 terbores on the inside that they hook over corresponding 
 projections on the next link, locking the links together 
 independently of the shearing resistance of the pins. (See 
 Chain, Closed Link.) 
 Chain, Load. The chain by which a load is lifted or 
 supported. In chain hoists the load chain passes over 
 chain sheaves or pocket wheels made to fit it and is 
 lifted by them. In drum type hoisting mechanisms, the 
 load chain is attached at one end to the drum, and is 
 wound on it as the load is lifted. It is made with short 
 links, known as close link or crane chain, to minimize 
 bending stresses in passing around sheaves and drums. 
 Pitch chain, made to fit toothed sprockets, has also 
 occasionally been used for lifting loads. 
 Chain, Monobar. A long pitch chain consisting of a 
 series of bolts with clevis connections screwed on to the 
 ends and connected to one another by pins. Attachments 
 may be formed on the end connections, and in case of 
 wear the end connections only need replacement. 
 Chain, Pitch of. The distance from a point on one link, 
 as its center, to the next similar point. In chains which 
 have links of one form only and similarly placed, one 
 link only is included in the pitch ; in chains consisting 
 of alternating links of different form, or of alternating 
 links of the same form but standing at right angles, two 
 links are included. This corresponds to the pitch of the 
 teeth on sprocket wheels, which includes sometimes one 
 and sometimes two links. 
 Chain, Pitch or Pitched. A chain which is niade with 
 care so that the distance from one link to the same point 
 on the next one is the same at any part of the chain. 
 The term is applied to coil or oval link chain which has 
 been made with unusual accuracy in this respect so that 
 it may fit properly around sprockets and pocket wheels. 
 It is also often used to designate any of the hinged 
 or articulated chains which are made to be operated on 
 sprockets, and therefore must have uniform pitch. 
 Chain, Punched and Riveted Steel. A narrow unbushcd 
 chain which is made up of alternate pairs of flat steel 
 links placed inside and out, the inside links being sep 
 arated by a thin washer or spacer. Rivets pass through 
 the four bars, no rollers or bushings being used. Oc 
 casionally the two inside links are replaced by one link 
 of the combined thickness, making practically a narro w 
 block chain. 
 Also called hog scraper chain, and ice chain. 
 This chain is suitable for heavy loads at heavy load 
 speeds, or for intermittent use, but the lack of wearing 
 bushings makes it unsatisfactory for high speed. 
 Chain, Refuse. See Chain, Drag. 
 Chain, Roller. Any articulated or hinged chain which 
 has rollers included in its construction to minimize wear 
 or decrease friction. (See Chain, Steel Bushed Roller; 
 Chain, Closed Link Roller.) 
 Chain, Roller Carrier. A roller chain having side links 
 curved so that the rollers are below the top of the links, 
 and will not interfere with objects resting on a horizontal 
 run of the chain or with slats attached to them. The 
 roller is sufficiently large to project below the links at 
 the bottom and runs on the guide or rail. 
 Chain, Silent. A term applied to a steel chain made up 
 for use as a belt for transmitting power between two 
 wide faced sprockets on parallel shafts. It usually con 
 sists of a series of small flat links or leaves connected 
 by joints having hardened segmental bushings and case 
 hardened pins, or by joints in which one part rocks or 
 rolls on the other as the links articulate in passing around 
 Another feature of these chains is the pointed ends of 
 the links which are turned toward the sprocket and en 
 gage with the straight teeth of the latter. Owing to the 
 sloping sides of the sprocket teeth, the chain can ride 
 higher on them as it wears and increases in pitch, thus 
 automatically adjusting itself to the lengthened pitch. 
 Chain, Steel Bar Bushed Roller. A chain having articu 
 lations like those of a steel bushed roller chain, but with 
 very much longer links. 
 Chain, Steel Bushed. A chain similar to the steel 
 bushed roller chain, but without the roller. The wear 
 from passing around sprockets thus comes directly on the 
 outside of the bushing. 
 Chain, Steel Bushed Roller. A chain composed of pairs 
 of flat steel side-bar links placed alternately inside and 
 outside. The inner links have riveted between them at 
 each end, bushings or thimbles which are kept from turn 
 ing by the form of their ends. A loose cylindrical roller 
 is placed around the outside of each of these bushings 
 between the inner side bars, and a pin passing through 
 the bushings extends at its ends beyond the inner side 
 bars and into the outer bars, and is attached to the 
 latter in such a way that it cannot turn. The device 
 used is a lug key, or a notched, flat sided or T-headed 
 bolt fitted into a correspondingly formed side bar. Thus 
 the pin is always forced to turn in the bushing, and the 
 large wearing surface insures long life. Pin and bush 
 ing are replaceable. 
 Instead of the side bars being alternately inside and 
 outside, they may be offset, and assembled inside at one 
 end and outside at the other. 
 The rollers may be cast or malleable iron, bronze or 
 steel, according to the material handled. They serve 
 two purposes ; to lessen the friction and wear in pass 
 ing around driving and idler sprockets, and to support 
 the weight of the chain and any attachments to it. The 
 latter is of especial importance when these chains are 
 used as drag conveyors of the flight or similar type. 
 The rollers are often flanged to run on a rail, and in 
 this form are used for pivoted bucket conveyors, etc. 
 If the load is very heavy, as in long elevators or con 
 veyors, the rollers for the sprocket teeth and the rollers 
 for carrying the weight are separate, the latter being 
 placed on the outside of the double line of conveyor 
 chain. In this way the chambered rollers on which the 
 moving load is supported are relieved of the dead weight 
 of the entire conveyor in passing around the driving 
 sprockets at the head. 
 In an unbushed roller chain the wear comes on the 
 sides of the holes in the side bars, and as the bearing 
 area is small, the holes rapidly elongate and the pitch 
 of the chain increases. 
 Chain, Stud. See Chain, Coil. 
 Chain, Tightener. A mechanism for taking up the slack 
 of a chain by means of an idler sprocket which can 
 be slid or swung against the return run of the chain, 
 forcing it out of the direct, and therefore the shortest 
 line. Take-ups are also used for the same purpose, act 
 ing directly on the end sprockets of an endless chain 
 Chain, Transfer. A conveyor chain made to be dragged 
 in a horizontal channel with a load resting on it. and con 
 sisting of links connected by detachable or riveted pins 
 and having complete flat or beveled roofs or tops on 
 which the load rests. Two parallel strands are generally 
 used for conveying work. 
 Chain, Transmission. A chain used for the transmission 
 of power, generally between sprockets on parallel shafts. 
 Single or multiple width chains may be used, the latter 
 resembling a belt, and they may be of the roller construc 
 tion, or the so-called silent chain type. 
 Chain, Weldless. A term applied to some varieties of 
 light chain which are made up of bent steel punchings or 
 of bent and twisted wire, without welding, riveting or 
 Chains, Wheelbarrow. A chain sling for lifting a 
 wheelbarrow by a crane or hoist, consisting of three 
 chains attached to a ring to be slipped on the crane hook, 
 with two eyes and a hook at the lower ends for attach 
 ing to the wheelbarrow handles and hooking into the 
 wheel respectively. 
 Change Gears. An arrangement of gears by which a 
 change of angular velocity ratio is possible by exchang 
 ing gears of different numbers of teeth in the set. 
 Much used in engine lathes for screw cutting. 
 Change gears have been used in the past in crane hoists, 
 for changing the speed of hoist with varying loads. They 
 are occasionally used in modern winches, made up some 
 what like the transmission gearing in an automobile, 
 where the axial shifting of one or more sets of gears 
 produces the desired changes. 
 Charging Machine. A machine used for charging open 
 hearth furnaces, built to travel along trucks on the 
 ground in front of the furnaces, and having an arm 
 which may attach itself to the end of a charging box, 
 raise it and enter it into the furnace door, and turn the 
 box over, dumping the contents into the furnace. The 
 motions are then reversed. (See also Crane, Charging.) 
 Chassis, Motor Truck. The name applied to the com 
 plete running gear and power plant of an automobile. 
 It may or may not include the seat or cab and wind 
 Page 702. 
 Cheek Block. One of the pair of heavy weights shaped 
 so as to fit on the cheeks of the fall block of hoisting 
 tackle, to make it heavy enough to cause the tackle to 
 overhaul without load. (Sec also Downhaul Ball.) 
 Chock, Rope. A name given to a rope guiding arrange 
 ment consisting of a frame containing a grooved sheave, 
 or containing two grooved sheaves so mounted that the 
 rope is virtually enclosed by the two rims. The chock 
 is usually bolted to the top face of a timber, with the 
 axes of the sheaves vertical, but it may be placed in 
 any position desired. 
 Chocks. Blocks of wood or pieces of steel, properly 
 shaped and placed to prevent wheels from rolling along 
 a rail. Placed at the end of a track, they serve to keep 
 the car from running off. 
 Chute. A trough-shaped structure set on a slope steep 
 enough so that bulk or package material delivered to 
 it at one end will slide down its length to the other unless 
 deflected or discharged by a suitable device at some 
 intermediate point. The transverse section of the chute 
 may be rectangular, curved or composite ; its plan may 
 be straight, curved or spiraled, and uniform, tapered, or 
 flaring. Various materials are used and chutes may 
 be fixed, portable, swinging, telescoping, folding, etc. 
 According to the use to which they are put, they are 
 called filling, loading, feeding, deflecting, distributing, 
 bagging, lowering, etc., and according to the material 
 handled as ash, coal, concrete, package, etc. Some special 
 arrangements of chutes are described under Chute, Under- 
 track; Chute, Lowering; Chute, Screening; Chute, 
 Bagging; Chute, Hooded. 
 If made in sections, they overlap in the direction of 
 flow, or are carefully butted and secured in such a way 
 that there is no obstruction to the flow. 
 The term spout is also often used to designate a chute, 
 though it is preferably applied to channels which are 
 completely enclosed rather than to those which are open 
 at the top. 
 Chute, Bagging. A chute used for delivery of material 
 trom overhead bins or loading machines into wagons, so 
 shaped at its exit as to be easily introduced into a bag, 
 and provided with an easily controlled gale. 
 Chute, Concrete. The chute forming a portion of a 
 system of concrete distribution. Several types of chutes 
 are used, depending on the system and the location in the 
 In the boom supported plants, the first section, receiving 
 from the hopper on the tower, has a round swivel head 
 or hopper about 24 in. in diameter at its receiving end, 
 and a downward projecting swivel or deflecting plate at 
 its lower end, and the succeeding sections are similar. 
 In the continuous line plant, the lower end of the first 
 section has a sleeve and insert with cross keys and chain 
 for connecting it to the next section, and the succeeding 
 sections, except the last, have these sleeves and inserts at 
 both ends. The final section has a deflecting plate at its 
 lower end to produce a downward discharge. 
 Concrete chutes are installed on a slope varying from 
 1 to 3 to 1 to 2^. The diameter is usually 12 in., though 
 10 in. chutes are sometimes used. The transverse section 
 is round-bottomed or egg-shaped. Liners of 12 to 14 
 gage thrckncss are sometimes riveted inside of the chutes 
 to take the wear. 
 Chute, Extensible. A sloping chute which may be 
 moved in the direction of its length, without changing 
 its slope, to vary its point of delivery. The point at 
 which the material is delivered to the chute is fixed, and 
 the chute, mounted on rollers, is raised and lowered by 
 endwise movement along an inclined track, under the 
 control of a small winch. This arrangement is some 
 times used for loading coal into hopper bottom or gon 
 dola cars from a tipple above the loading track. (See 
 also Boom, Loading.) 
 Chute, Hooded. A chute which has a hood or vertical 
 plate across its discharge end with an opening in the 
 chute bottom close to the plate, arranged to discharge 
 material vertically downward independent of the angle 
 of the chute. 
 Chute, Lowering. A chute which is intended for lower 
 ing a fragile or breakable material like coal or coke from 
 a height with a minimum of breakage, instead of dropping 
 it. Two forms are common ; the spiral lowering chute, in 
 which the chute is curved in a spiral around a vertical 
 central post ; and the shelf lowering chute consisting of 
 a vertical tube, round or square in section, having a 
 series of equally spaced internal shelves or baffles alter 
 nately placed on opposite sides. 
 Chute, Serpentine. A chute by which bags, bales and 
 similar packages may be lowered in a practically vertical 
 direction, consisting of a passage formed into a series 
 of reversed curves all lying in a vertical plane, so that 
 a sack inserted at the top is thrown from side to side 
 and does not attain sufficient speed to be damaged. To 
 admit at intermediate floors, the lower side of a door 
 on a convex side is swung inward against the opposite 
 side of the chute, exposing the full opening of the chute. 
 To discharge at intermediate floors, the top of another 
 door on a convex curve is swung inward against the 
 opposite side, thereby acting as a deflecting plate on which 
 a sack will slide out on to a delivery table. 
 Chute, Screening. A chute having a screen set in the 
 bottom so that material passing over it will have sep 
 arated from it the dust of "fines." This type of chute 
 is often used for loading coal from overhead bins into 
 wagons, the dust being retained in a separate hopper 
 beneath the chute and emptied from time to time. 
 Chute, Spreader. A chute which is flared at its dis 
 charge end into a long slot-like opening, which will 
 spread the material passing through it in a wide thin 
 stream. Chutes of this form are used to spread the 
 coal delivered from overhead bunkers to the magazines 
 of stokers. They are subject to the disadvantage that the 
 fine coal may pile in the middle and the lumps roll to 
 the sides, making an uneven fire. 
 Chute, Spiral. A gravity conveyor in which the ma 
 terial slides downward in a chute which is wound in a 
 helical form around a central vertical axis. The single 
 spiral chute is the most usual, though there are often 
 two and even three separate chutes around the same axis, 
 known as double or triple flight (or blade) spiral chutes, 
 or as multiple runways. Or a single runway may be 
 divided into two or more by vertical partitions running 
 throughout the length, one being close to the axis and 
 steep in pitch, and the other toward the outer circum 
 ference, and therefore less steep. 
 If wound very closely about a central supporting post 
 or core and rigidly attached to it, the spiral is known 
 as a closed center; if wound on a larger circumference, 
 will; a clear vertical circular shaft through the center, 
 as an open center. A combination type is also in use, 
 having the central opening, but with a post to which 
 the inner side of the chute is connected and braced. The 
 open type is braced and supported by the floors through 
 which it passes ; the closed type usually depends entirely 
 on the core or post, which carries the whole weight of 
 chute and contents, and transmits it to the foundations 
 beneath. Any of these three types are termed housed or 
 enclosed when they are completely shut in by a tight 
 casing, usually built of steel plates. 
 The chute proper or runway bed is made of sheet steel 
 fan shaped sections termed wings, or flights, lapped in 
 the direction of travel or flanged and butted, or of cast 
 iron sections flanged and bolted. It may be flat or slight 
 ly concaved on the bottom, the theory of the concave 
 .section being that it will exercise some control over the. 
 speed of descending objects. Those which slide easily 
 and attain high velocity will move outward due to centrif 
 ugal force to locations where the slope is smaller, and 
 will therefore slow down. Those which tend to travel 
 slowly will stay near the axis, on account of the curved 
 runway bottom, thereby gaining the benefit of steeper 
 slope. Guard rails are erected at the outer edge, these 
 usually consisting of a solid rail of steel plate of a height 
 depending on the size of packages carried. In housed 
 chutes the guard rail may be omitted and the inside of 
 the housing used instead. 
 Spiral chutes most naturally receive their load at the 
 top and discharge at the lower end of the spiral. Loading 
 can be easily done at any intermediate point, by passing 
 objects over the guard rail, or by raising a 90 deg. sec 
 tion of the runway and sliding them over the edge of 
 the portion below. Discharge can also be obtained at 
 any point by removing or swinging inward a portion of 
 the guard rail and allowing objects to pass off tangen- 
 tially, or by lowering a flap or diverter onto the runway 
 bed so that they slide onto this flap and out of the spiral. 
 This is called a switchout plate. Delivery is made onto 
 a horizontal or sloping table, the floor, a roller conveyor 
 section, etc., according to convenience. Automatic ver 
 tical sliding or hinged fire-proof doors are fitted at all 
 floors where fire protection is necessary. 
 Also called friction spiral. 
 Page 390, 759-767. 
 Chute, Telescoping. A chute which consists of two or 
 more parts lapping over one another in the direction of 
 flow, and arranged so that they may be telescoped within 
 one another either for better portability, or to secure a 
 variation in the point of delivery. (See also Chute, 
 Chute, Tilting. A short trough shaped chute, open at 
 both ends, placed transversely beneath the discharge 
 opening of a scraper conveyor and pivoted at the middle 
 of its length, so that it can tip in either direction and 
 discharge the received material at either end. 
 Clamps, Track. Any device by which a truck or car 
 may be rigidly clamped to the rail on which it runs, and 
 all rolling motion prevented. On shipboard crane trolleys 
 of all kinds are provided with track clamps, to prevent 
 rolling due to the motion of the ship. 
 Also, in traveling cranes moving on tracks of ordinary 
 or narrow gage, especially locomotive and wrecking 
 cranes, means by which the car frame is clamped down to 
 the tracks, in order to give greater stability when lifting 
 loads at a large radius. (See Outriggers.) 
 Clamp, Transmission. A part clamped to the cable in 
 a cable haul-up or car haul-up to assist the driving 
 sheave or gap wheel in propelling the cable. Flights or 
 spurs are clamped at the regular intervals required for 
 the conveying or elevating work, but these are often too 
 far apart for driving purposes, as it is necessary that 
 at least one clamp be in contact with the driving wheel 
 continuously. Intermediate driving or transmission 
 clamps are therefore added. They may be plain cylin 
 drical clamps, the same with a single axle and two 
 rollers, or with two axles and four rollers ; these rollers 
 serve to prevent the cable from dragging on the support 
 ing structure as it passes over the convex curve at the 
 top of the incline. 
 Clearance. The distance or space between moving and 
 fixed objects, or between two moving objects, when they 
 are nearest together. 
 Also, the allowance necessary to prevent interference 
 of parts which have relative motion. 
 Also, the linear distance between the piston face and 
 the inside of the cylinder head of a reciprocating engine. 
 Clearance, Crane. The distances or dimensions which 
 determine the maximum size of a crane for a given loca 
 tion. They are generally given as follows (for an over 
 head traveling crane) : 
 A. Center to center of runway rails. 
 B. Center of rail to nearest point of wall. 
 C. Floor level to top of rail ; if hook must go below 
 floor level, give distance. 
 D. Top of rail to lowest point of roof truss or other 
 overhead obstruction. 
 E. F, G, H. Dimensions of roof knee braces, if any. 
 Cleat. A wood or metal fitting having two projecting 
 ends or horns, to which a rope is fastened by several turns 
 around it. 
 Clevis. A fastening consisting of a forked end of a 
 bar, with eyes in each of the two ends; a pin or belt, 
 passing through the two eyes, is used to attach the clevis 
 to an eye or link. (See also Shackle.) 
 Clevis Connection. A method of connecting two parts 
 by which a flat projection having a hole or eye in one 
 part is inserted between two similar projections from the 
 other part, and a bolt passed through all the holes and 
 locked to prevent it working out. Used for attaching 
 hoists to trolleys and similar purposes, where the greater 
 portability resulting from a hooked connection is unneces 
 sary, and it is necessary to have a close connection to 
 save headroom. 
 Clip. A short length of structural bar, generally an 
 angle, used to strengthen points of attachment of various 
 members of a steel structure. 
 Clips, Rail. Steel pieces used to hold crane rails etc., 
 to structural steel plates and beams. 
 Clips, Rail End. Steel stops placed at the ends of rails 
 to prevent creeping. 
 Clutch. A device for transmitting power from one ro 
 tating shaft to another in alinement with it, which can 
 be connected or disconnected at will. It may be of the 
 friction type, or of the positive type. 
 Friction clutches are those in which motion is trans 
 mitted by virtue of the friction of surfaces pressed into 
 contact. (See Clutch, Friction.) 
 Positive clutches are those in which toothed or ser 
 rated surfaces locking onto one another are used to 
 transmit the motion. (See Clutch, Positive.) 
 Occasionally clutches are used which combine the 
 ability to gradually pick up a load afforded by the fric 
 tion clutch, with the positive driving of the jaw clutch, 
 by having the latter brought into action after the two 
 parts have been brought to the same speed by the fric 
 tion clutch. 
 Clutch, Drag. A friction clutch which is intended to 
 slip when the torque is in excess of a certain amount 
 established as desirable. Used for operating drums 
 winding tag lines, magnet leads, etc., in hoisting equip 
 ment, where the purpose is merely to take up the slack 
 or to maintain a slight tension in addition. 
 Clutch, Friction. A clutch in which rotary motion is 
 transmitted from the driving to the driven shaft by 
 means of friction surfaces pressed into intimate con 
 tact. Four types are in general use : contracting band, 
 internal expanding, cone, and disc or plate. 
 In the contracting band type, a band is carried by one 
 end of the shaft in such a way that it can be tightened 
 on the surface of a cylindrical drum on the end of the 
 other shaft with sufficient force to drive it. 
 In the internal expanding type, the band is inside the 
 cylinder or drum, and expands to exert the necessary 
 Cone clutches may be single or multiple. In the former 
 a single cone with external friction surface is pressed 
 into a correspondingly arranged internal conical fric 
 tion surface. The surfaces may be metal to metal, or 
 one may be faced with wood, leather or some other 
 suitable material. Double opposed cones may be used 
 giving a wedge-shaped section to the friction element. 
 Multiple cones may be used, distributed radially on the 
 same disc, or axially, in series along the shaft alternately 
 connected to one shaft and to the interior of a drum 
 keyed on the other shaft. 
 Disc or plate clutches have flat disc friction surfaces, 
 sometimes single, but generally multiple. In this last 
 type alternate discs are keyed to a hub fast on one shaft, 
 and to the inside of a shell or casing fast to the other 
 shaft. The sets of discs are of different metals, or one 
 set may be faced with friction fabric; they may be run 
 in oil or dry. They are pressed together axially when 
 engagement is desired, and a small amount of pressure 
 will produce a large amount of friction, on account of 
 the many surfaces in contact. This is called the Weston 
 clutch, and is much used in hoisting machinery, es 
 pecially when combined with a screw mechanism and 
 used as a brake. (See Brake, Screw.) 
 For friction clutch as applied to the friction drum of 
 a winch, see Drum, Friction. 
 Friction clutches, sometimes called slip couplings, are 
 often used as safety devices, the controlling springs or 
 other forces being so adjusted that the friction is just 
 sufficient to overcome the normal resistance, but will 
 slip when abnormal resistance is offered, thus prevent 
 ing breakage. 
 Clutch, Magnetic. A revolving magnetic field set up 
 by the rotation of a magnet in one part of the clutch 
 drags the other part by means of eddy currents in 
 duced in it. When brought into contact, driving is 
 practically positive. This clutch is not in extensive use 
 in material handling machinery, on account of compli 
 Clutch, Positive. A clutch having two parts with teeth 
 or jaws which lock into each other while transmitting 
 power. One part of the clutch is keyed fast to its shaft ; 
 the other part is keyed to its shaft but slides freely 
 along it, and is moved by a fork fitting into a groove in 
 the hub of the sliding part. 
 The jaws may be straight sided or slightly tapered, 
 the latter eliminating backlash, but requiring that the 
 moving part be held in by force. The jaws may also be 
 straight on one side, and very much tapered or spiraled 
 on the other, in which case the clutch will disengage 
 itself if reverse rotation occurs, and driving can be done 
 in one direction only. 
 When the jaws are very numerous, the clutch is 
 generally said to be toothed; the teeth may be parallel, 
 tapered or spiraled, as with jaws. 
 Positive clutches must be engaged only when the 
 relative motion of the two shafts is nothing or very 
 Clutch, Pulley. A pulley having one-half of a clutch 
 incorporated in its hub, so that it can be connected to the 
 shaft on which it is mounted, or run loose, as desired. 
 Also called a pulley coupling. 
 Clutch, Slip. A friction clutch which is intentionally 
 set so as to slip under excessive torque, thus becoming 
 a safety device and protecting the machinery beyond it. 
 Coaling Station, Locomotive. A structure located at 
 a convenient point on a railway line at which locomo 
 tives may receive their coal for fuel. It usually com 
 prises one or more elevated bins or pockets, with 
 conveyors or elevators for keeping them supplied with 
 coal, with weighing and perhaps screening arrangements, 
 and with chutes for delivering to the locomotive tenders. 
 Sanding equipments are also often included. Also called 
 fueling station. 
 Cock. A device used for controlling the flow of fluid 
 in a pipe, consisting of a body with an opening straight 
 through, arranged for pipe connections at the two ends, 
 and a transverse opening, usually tapered, into which is 
 tightly fitted a revolvable plug having itself a transverse 
 opening. This opening can be made to register with the 
 body openings, leaving a clear passage for flow, or can 
 be turned at right angles, thereby stopping all flow. 
 Cock, Four-way. A cock having two connecting open 
 ings through the body at right angles to each other, 
 and also a plug with four openings which are connect 
 ed in two non-communicating pairs. Any pair of ad 
 jacent outlets of the body can be connected at will. 
 Cock, Three-way. A cock having a through opening 
 and a side outlet at 90 deg. in both plug and body. The 
 plug can be turned so as to connect any two of the 
 openings, all three, or none. 
 Coil. A ring, or continuous series of rings, into which 
 a flexible body, as a rope or chain, may be formed, either 
 loosely on the floor, or around a drum, reel, or other 
 Also a continuous line of pipe arranged in a series of 
 circuits or turns close to one another. 
 Coke Fork. A modification of the ordinary grab 
 bucket to adapt it for handling coke. This material is 
 pulverized by the ordinary form of shells. Curved tines 
 are substituted for plate shells, and these slide under and 
 between the lumps with less breakage. Any of the vari 
 ous forms of light clam shell buckets may be so adapted, 
 the operating gear remaining the same. 
 Column. A vertical structural member designed for 
 the resisting of vertical or axial compressive load ; a 
 vertical strut. 
 Column Section, Rolled Steel H. A rolled steel bar 
 having a cross section like the letter H. As it can be 
 made of approximately equal strength against yielding in 
 any direction, it is used for columns in steel construction. 
 Collar, Grease. A ring of grease which forms at the 
 ends of a journal bearing lubricated from a grease cup. 
 This grease collar is often allowed to remain when the 
 bearing is in a dusty place, as it prevents grit from 
 working into the bearing. 
 Concentrator. See Conveyor, Belt, Idlers for. 
 Compensating Pulley. See Equalizing Sheave. 
 Compensating Truck. See Equalizing Truck. 
 Concrete Distribution, Boom Plant. A method of chut- 
 ing concrete in which the first section of chute is sup 
 ported by a boom swung from the tower, followed by a 
 section mounted on a counterweighted truss suspended 
 from the end of the boom, and this, if additional length 
 is necessary, by chute sections carried on floor supports 
 such as horses, tripods, gin poles, etc. A plant of this 
 sort can be made portable by mounting the tower and 
 mixing plant on a barge, wheeled platform or railway 
 car, the tower being temporarily guyed in position if 
 necessary, or braced with stiff-legs. 
 Concrete Distribution by Chuting. A method of dis 
 tributing concrete in which the latter is elevated to the 
 desired level in a bucket which is hoisted in a temporary 
 tower, dumped into a receiving hopper on the side of 
 the tower, and discharged through a gate-controlled 
 spout into a line of chutes. According to the method of 
 supporting the chutes, there are three types : the con 
 tinuous line plant, the boom plant (stationary or portable) 
 and the tripod plant. 
 Concrete Distribution, Continuous Line Plant. A 
 method of chuting concrete in which the succession of 
 downward sloping chutes are suspended from trolleys 
 on a wire cable by manila rope tackle, two attachments 
 being made to each section. Discharge may take place 
 at the end of the line, or at any intermediate point by 
 line gates with vertical drop sections, from which flexible 
 chutes or "elephant s trunks" lead the material down to 
 the desired level. Special or "combination" chute sec 
 tions are used at the hopper end and at the discharge 
 end; the intermediate sections are of the continuous line 
 If the distance the concrete is to be carried is more 
 than can be obtained with the slope from the initial 
 tower, a second or relay tower may be used to re-elevate 
 it and start it through another line of chuting; this may 
 be repeated if desired. 
 Concrete Distribution, Tripod Plant. A method of 
 chuting concrete in which the succession of downward 
 sloping chutes is supported by tripods of various heights 
 standing on the floor. The tripods may be moved about 
 when a change in the discharge point is desired, but the 
 system is so cumbersome as compared with the boom or 
 continuous line systems that it is not much used at pres 
 ent, except as an auxiliary to a boom or continuous line 
 Container. A general term signifying any structure or 
 contrivance within which material may be enclosed, or 
 on which it may be supported for preservation, trans 
 portation, chemical or other treatment, etc. The princi 
 pal types used for purposes of conveying or transporta 
 tion may be classed as follows: (a) rigid completely 
 enclosed containers for solids, box. barrel, tub, case, 
 closed crate, carton, tube; (b) rigid partially enclosed 
 containers for solids, tray, tote box, open crate, shop 
 barrel, skid or live platform, bucket, skip; (c) non- 
 rigid containers for solid or bulk materials, bale, bundle, 
 sack, bag, roll, net, carton, tube; (d) containers for 
 liquids, barrel, drum, cask, hogshead, can, carboy, pan, 
 The materials from which containers are made in 
 clude wood, metal, fibre, paper, burlap, canvas, muslin, 
 glass and earthenware. 
 Container, Unit. A metal box holding a considerable 
 amount of freight, and capable of being moved between 
 a motor truck, trailer, freight car, barge or ship. Small 
 packages or bulk freight are loaded into the containers 
 which are then handled as units during transportation. 
 For packages, a side door unit is used, while for bulk 
 material, a bottom dumping type is preferred. (See 
 also Demountable Body System; Gattie System.) 
 Continuous. Uninterrupted; flowing, moving or acting 
 without break or stopping, as distinguished from inter 
 mittent ; as, a continuous conveyor. 
 Control, Cage, Floor, etc. In crane manipulation, the 
 operator may travel with the apparatus in a cage, han 
 dling it by cage control; he may walk on the floor fol 
 lowing the load, using floor control ; or he may operate 
 it from a fixed point to which all controller leads are 
 brought, which might be termed remote electric control 
 or pulpit control. 
 In lever control the operator does not handle directly 
 the controlling part of the machine, but moves a lever 
 which is properly connected to it. (See Levers, Banked.) 
 Control, Foundry. A name given to the controlling 
 system of a hoist when it has a very wide speed varia 
 tion and simple means of obtaining it, thus fitting the 
 hoist for the special requirements of foundry use where 
 loads like flasks and ladles of iron must be handled very 
 slowly and carefully at some times, and rapidly at others. 
 Controller, Hoist. A mechanism which is designed to 
 control automatically a mine or similar hoist, and pre 
 vent accidents due to neglect of the operator or to other 
 causes. Assuming a two-cage hoist, one cage counter 
 balancing the other, the controller should perform the 
 following functions; (a) prevent overspeeding ; (b) no 
 tify the engineer when the cages are approaching the 
 proper stopping points; (c) retard the cages in case the 
 engineer does not do so; (d) stop them if the engineer 
 allows them to run past the stopping point ; (e) prevent 
 the hoist being operated at the high speed used for 
 hoisting mixed material if the signal has been given for 
 hoisting men, for which purpose a low speed is required; 
 (f) prevent starting in the wrong direction; (g) permit 
 adjustment of the band brake at any time. 
 Controls, Pendent. Ropes or rods hanging from over 
 head traveling cranes or monorail trolleys, by which the 
 various motors are operated. 
 Counterbalance. See Counterweight. 
 Counterbore. To enlarge a round hole tor a portion 
 of its length by a tool called a counterbore. 
 Also the portion of a hole so enlarged. 
 Conveyor. A more or less self-contained device for 
 continuously transporting material in a horizontal or 
 slightly inclined direction. If the inclination is steep, and 
 the material is carried upward, the device is usually 
 called an elevator ; if downward, a lowerer. The operating 
 force may be gravity or some form of mechanical power, 
 as electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic or steam. The ma 
 terial to be transported may be in bulk in a more or less 
 continuous stream, in bulk but divided temporarily for 
 the purpose of conveying into small portions, each car 
 ried in a separate container, or in permanent individual 
 units or packages of uniform size and weight. 
 Conveyors may be classed according to their general 
 form as: gravity (dead), power (live), or retarding; 
 fixed or portable ; inclined or horizontal ; drag or carry 
 ing; etc.; also according to the nature of the mechanism 
 as screw, scraper (or flight), apron, pan, platform, slat, 
 V-bucket, pivoted bucket, chain-haul, drag chain, cable, 
 push-bar, sling, roller, etc. 
 Page 329-407. 
 Conveyor, Apron. See Conveyor, Steel Apron; Con 
 veyor, Wood Apron. 
 Conveyor, Assembling. See Conveyor, Progressive. 
 Conveyor Belt. The wide thin band used as the mov 
 ing carrying agent in belt conveyors. It is usually made 
 of woven fabric with or without various impregnating 
 materials and outer facings of rubber or similar materials. 
 Steel belts have been used, are light and strong, require 
 less driving power, and have smooth surfaces on which 
 packages may easily be diverted, but they require larger 
 pulleys and cannot be troughed. 
 The more usual types of conveyor belts are : oiled and 
 stitched cotton belt, consisting of plies of cotton duck 
 treated and stitched together; stitched rubber belting, 
 consisting of cotton duck folded lengthwise with plies 
 "frictioned" with rubber and stitched lengthwise, with 
 rubber facing vulcanized on one or both sides ; rubber 
 belting consisting of plies of cotton duck vulcanized to 
 gether with rubber and faced with the same material ; 
 woven fabric belt, not in plies, impregnated with rubber- 
 like compounds ; balata belting, consisting of heavy cot 
 ton duck plies impregnated with a balata compound ; 
 piain white cotton belting; and occasionally leather belt 
 ing. The top or carrying surface usually receives the 
 thickest lacing of rubber ; in the "stepped ply construc 
 tion the plies gradually decrease in number from the 
 edge to the center of the belt, and the facing rubber 
 increases in thickness. In distinction, the ordinary full 
 width plies are termed straight plies. The stepped con 
 struction provides extra thickness of rubber at the points 
 where wear is greatest, renders the belt more flexible 
 near the center, and stiffer at the edges where it tends to 
 sag between carriers. Conveyor belts are usually spliced 
 with metal fastenings, or else are made endless. 
 Most belts are used without any attachments, especially 
 in horizontal conveying, though occasionally flat belts 
 have a llange formed at the edges of rubber vulcanized 
 into the belt structure to increase the carrying capacity. 
 Flat overlapping steel plates are sometimes riveted to the 
 belt to resist wear of very abrasive and sharp materials, 
 and these may also be turned up at the ends, making a 
 continuous steel trough carried on a belt structure. 
 For incline use, the belts may have shallow or deep 
 cleats riveted across at intervals, or even well defined 
 pockets or buckets for steeper slopes. (See Elevator, 
 Belt and Bucket.) These are riveted, and for heavy 
 duty should have reinforcing plates across the back. 
 Page 419, 445. 
 Conveyor, Belt. A carrying conveyor consisting of a 
 wide and thin belt of fabric or rubber, passing around a 
 head pulley at one end and a tail pulley at the other 
 (both pulleys having horizontal shafts), supported by 
 numerous idler pulleys between them placed under both 
 runs, and carrying bulk or package material on the upper 
 run. It may operate horizontally or on a moderate in 
 cline, or may change from horizontal to incline or the 
 reverse in the course of the run. 
 The load may be placed on the upper run of the belt 
 at any point, and may be discharged at any point or over 
 the head pulley. For loading packages, cross or feeder 
 conveyors or feeding chutes are required, and the belt 
 is supported at the loading point by closely spaced rollers 
 or a smooth plate beneath it. For unloading packages 
 at intermediate points, a sweep, diverter or plow may be 
 used. For loading bulk material, feeders or loading 
 hoppers are used, and care is taken that they discharge 
 onto the belt in the direction of motion of the latter. 
 (See Feeder.) For unloading at intermediate points a 
 plow may be used, though it causes unnecessary wear on 
 the belt ; narrow belts may also be tipped up edgeways 
 by special inclined idlers, and the load distributed over 
 some distance. By far the most usual method is to have 
 a tripper. (See Conveyor, Belt, Tripper for.) 
 For package material, the loaded run of the belt is 
 carried on flat faced idler pulleys or rolls, with hori 
 zontal skirt boards placed just beneath the edge of the 
 belt ; these skirt boards are also often tipped up slightly 
 at the outside edges to prevent packages working off. 
 For bulk material the belt is raised considerably at the 
 edges by troughing idlers or concentrators ; the return 
 run is supported on flat idlers. Concentrator idlers must 
 always be placed at the points of loading. A horizontal 
 partition is often placed between the two runs to prevent 
 material falling from the upper run from reaching the 
 back of the lower run, where it might cause damage to 
 the belt in passing around the pulleys. 
 To provide a constant belt tension, a suitable take-up 
 is furnished, its location being at the head or tail pulley, 
 whichever one is not driving, or else on the return side 
 of the best. (See Conveyor, Belt, Take-up.) 
 Also called band conveyor (British). 
 Page 369, 418, 759-773, 834-840. 
 Conveyor, Belt, Brush for. A brush to remove from a 
 belt moist or sticky material which might otherwise be 
 carried back on the return side of the belt. It may be 
 an oscillating flat brush, or a rotating round brush, driven 
 by the conveyor head pulley, and should be adjustable to 
 allow for wear. The bristles should not be of wire. 
 Page 421, 423, 447. 
 Conveyor, Belt, Idlers for. The intermediate pulleys, 
 or those between the head and tail pulleys, on which a 
 conveyor belt is supported. The return run is always 
 supported fiat, and each idler consists ol cither a single 
 roller the full width of the belt, or of several narrow 
 pulleys close together on the same shaft. 
 The loaded run of belting is raised at the edges, or 
 troughed, if a large capacity for carrying bulk material 
 is desired. For narrow belts, two idler pulleys set at a 
 slight angle, making a very wide V, may be used. Three 
 idlers, the outer two being set at an angle, make a flat 
 bottom trough with straight sides ; five and seven idlers 
 may be used with wider belts, arranged approximately 
 on the arc of a circle and making a trough of shallow 
 circular section; these are known as multiple pulley 
 Occasionally a single concave roll is used, or "dish 
 pan" or "bell shaped" idlers are placed at the ends of 
 the straight cylindrical roll supporting the central por 
 tion of the belt. These are defective in that points on 
 their surface have varying speeds, and therefore cause 
 wear on the belt which has the same speed over its whole 
 Trougtung idlers may be placed in the same vertical 
 plane as the horizontal idlers, termed the straight line 
 arrangement, or may be placed beside them, termed offset 
 troughing idlers. They may also be made adjustable. 
 The two outer rolls of a three-roll set arc also some 
 times inclined slightly in the direction of belt travel, with 
 the idea of helping to keep the belt central. The as 
 sembly of troughing idlers is often known as a concen 
 trator, and the individual pulleys or rolls, as concentrator 
 rolls, a bell shaped idler as a bell concentrator, etc. They 
 are also called troughing carriers and return belt carriers. 
 To guard against the belt working to one side, guide 
 rollers are often installed, though it is best to consider 
 them as safety devices only, and to find and correct the 
 cause of the side working of the belt. These are known 
 as troughing belt, flat belt and return belt guide rollers, 
 the first being placed on an inclined axis, and the two 
 last on vertical axes. 
 For sorting belts, continuous roller idlers with a slight 
 flare or increase in diameter at the ends are often used, 
 to allow the material to spread in a thin layer. Package 
 carrying belts sometimes have similar idlers, but more 
 often have straight idlers with perhaps a slight troughing 
 at the edges caused by sloping skirt boards. 
 Idlers arc carried in plain, roller or ball bearings which 
 are supported on wood or steel framing designed for 
 them, or are mounted on stands of various forms, which 
 are bolted directly to a flat supporting floor. The long 
 straight idler rolls used for return belts are sometimes 
 made of wood, and sometimes of pipe shrunk on to cast 
 iron ends in which short shafts are formed. The pulley 
 type idlers are usually of cast iron or pressed steel. 
 Page 456, 834. 
 Conveyor Belt, Malleable Iron. A chain belt used for 
 conveying or elevating, composed of malleable iron 
 blocks on steel rods, with steel side-bars connecting the 
 rod ends. It can be made up in any width desired, and 
 used with ordinary sprockets. Buckets may be attached 
 if desired. It will operate in high temperatures that 
 would destroy fabric belts, and in gritty materials. 
 Conveyor, Belt, Pulleys for. The head and tail pulleys 
 for belt conveyors are flat, as are also the tripper pulleys. 
 They are generally of cast iron, occasionally of wood 
 slats, or of cast iron lagged with wood, and where de 
 livering to crushers or other machinery which would 
 be injured by "tramp" iron, the head pulley is often mag 
 netic. The driving pulley, usually the head pulley, is 
 sometimes covered with rubber for adhesion ; the arc of 
 contact is increased by the use of a snubbing pulley for 
 heavy work, and for very heavy traction the belt some 
 times passes around two driving pulleys in series, called 
 a tandem drive, arranged so as to obtain a large arc of 
 contact on each, sometimes requiring the use of an idler, 
 and sometimes utilizing the head pulley for one of the 
 two driving pulleys. An auxiliary belt is also sometimes 
 used, pressed against the outside of the main belt around 
 the driving pulley, by auxiliary snubbing pulleys. 
 Page 421, 457. 
 Conveyor, Belt, Take-up for. The mechanism by which 
 constant tension is maintained in a conveyor belt. The 
 usual location is at the tail pulley and the adjustment is 
 horizontal or on a slight incline. If the drive is at some 
 other place than the head pulley, the latter may be used 
 for the take-up. If both head and tail pulleys must be 
 kept in fixed positions, the take-up may be placed in the 
 return run, preferably near the head pulley. 
 Gravity take-ups have guides on which a tightener 
 pulley mo anted in a weighted carriage may move verti 
 cally, idler pulleys being placed at the top of the guides 
 with belt led around them to the tightener pulley below. 
 Screw or rack-and-pinion take-ups, adjusted by hand, 
 may be placed in any desired position. The moving 
 pulley is then mounted in bearings moving in guides or 
 along rails. 
 Page 462. 
 Conveyor, Belt, Tripper for. A device for causing the 
 load on a belt conveyor carrying bulk material to be 
 discharged at some other point than over the head pul 
 ley. It consists of a rigid frame spanning the belt, and 
 carrying two large pulleys on horizontal shafts, so placed 
 that the belt makes an S-shaped turn in passing them. 
 The belt is gradually raised from its supporting idlers as 
 it approaches the tripper, discharges its load as it passes 
 over the top pulley, and is delivered on to the supporting 
 idlers around the lower side of the lower pulley, to con 
 tinue on its circuit. The material drops into a hopper 
 from which it is discharged to either side of the belt by 
 a spout, or back on to the belt if it is desired to by-pass 
 the tripper. 
 The tripper may be fixed in position ; several fixed 
 trippers may be placed along the same belt, and any one 
 of them may be by-passed to vary the point of discharge. 
 As each tripper consumes power, a single tripper trav 
 eling on a track is more often installed; it may be used 
 in a fixed position which is altered when desired by hand 
 traveling gear or by ropes led to a winch, or it may be 
 self-propelling, with reversing gear for changing the di 
 rection of motion. This reversing gear may be operated 
 by adjustable stops on the track and the self-propelling 
 self-reversing tripper thus arranged to travel slowly 
 back and forth over a predetermined length of track, 
 distributing its load. The power is usually furnished by 
 the belt itself; for very heavy service a propelling motor 
 may be supplied. 
 The discharge spout may be one-way fixed on either 
 side, two-way with possibility of diverting from one side 
 to the other, or three-way including a central downward 
 discharge onto the belt for by-passing the tripper. An 
 equalizing discharge is sometimes used, shifting regularly 
 from one side to the other. For very wide belts where 
 it would be necessary to lift the loaded belt to a consid 
 erable height to get room beneath it for the discharge 
 spout, a reversible belt cross-conveyor is sometimes added 
 to receive the head pulley discharge and carry it to either 
 side; if extended considerably to the sides, this allows a 
 wide distribution of the material. A distributing spout 
 is sometimes used, consisting of a small vertical shaft 
 paddle-wheel just beneath the outlet of the spout. The 
 emerging material is widely scattered by the whirling 
 The traveling gearing is usually driven from the head 
 pulley, and involves a double bevel gear reversing clutch 
 for controlling the direction of motion. On account of 
 the slow motion desired, a worm drive is usually inserted 
 at some point. To allow slipping in case of accident, and 
 to absorb the shock of reversal, friction wheels are some 
 times also included in the gear train. 
 Page 421. 
 Conveyor Belt, Wire Cloth. A belt conveyor belt made 
 of steel or brass woven wire, for carrying a moist ma 
 terial through drying ovens where the temperature would 
 injure fabric belts. 
 Conveyor, Branch. A short conveyor line, generally 
 transverse to a trunk line conveyor, and serving to feed 
 it, or to distribute from it. In certain types of conveyors, 
 the branch lines connect with the main line by switches, 
 in other types they deliver on to it at right angles, or 
 receive from it at right angles by means of some ad 
 justable diverting or tripping device. Also called a 
 cro.ss-line conveyor. 
 Conveyor Bridge. A structural steel bridge spanning 
 a space between two buildings, or between the ground 
 and an elevated point in a building, and supporting a 
 Conveyor, Cable. A drag conveyor similar to the flight 
 conveyor, but having only one cable drawn along a U 
 or V-shaped trough, with disc-shaped cast iron flights 
 clamped to it at accurately spaced intervals. The troughs 
 are of wood, .often steel lined. For bulk materials like 
 coal, the flights are closely spaced. For logs they are 
 farther apart and intermediate smaller blocks called 
 transmission blocks are clamped to the rope, to give 
 additional points for driving in passing around the driv 
 ing sheave, which takes the form known as a gap wheel. 
 At least two blocks must be in contact with the gap 
 wheel at once. (See also Conveyor, Retarding.) 
 Page 448. 
 Conveyor, Carrying. A conveyor which carries bulk 
 or package material on pans, plates, buckets or belts sup 
 ported by rolling members, as opposed to one which 
 drags or pushes it. 
 Conveyor, Chain. A carrying conveyor consisting of 
 two parallel endless strands of chain, traveling at the 
 same speed and sliding in smooth shallow grooves above 
 the edges of which they project slightly. Objects laid 
 across the two chains will be conveyed by them, and may 
 be discharged automatically at the end sprockets, or by 
 hand at intermediate points. Three or more chains may 
 be used for long objects which tend to sag between sup 
 ports: For conveying lumber transversely two widely 
 spaced chains are often used. 
 Page 401, 762. 
 Conveyor, Cross-line. A conveyor line which is at 
 right angles to the prevailing or main system ; a branch 
 Conveyor, Current. A system of conveying in which 
 the bulk material to be moved is suspended in a fluid 
 which is forced at a high velocity through the conveying 
 pipe. A means of producing the suspension, or forming 
 the mixture, must be provided at the intake end, and a 
 means of separating the fluid from the material at the 
 discharge end. The fluids in common use are air, water 
 and steam ; water is used for handling the denser ma 
 terials. (See Conveyor, Pneumatic; Conveyor, Hydraulic; 
 Conveyor, Steam Jet.) 
 Page 430. 
 Conveyor, Degradation. In a coal tipple, a small con 
 veyor used to collect and convey to the "run-of-minc 
 car" the fine coal and dust caused by the action of the 
 screens on the friable coal. The fine coal or "slack" is 
 usually screened out first, but the subsequent wear while 
 the larger sizes are being separated causes further 
 degradation which it may be desirable to remove by final 
 Conveyor, Distributing. A continuous conveyor, usual 
 ly of the belt or apron type, running lengthwise of a 
 building or aisle, on which miscellaneous package ma 
 terial is placed at one end, to be removed at the proper 
 destination by operatives. In certain cases this dis 
 tribution may be made automatic by some selective sys 
 tem applied to the containers used. 
 Also a belt conveyor discharging its load by means 
 of a self-propelling self-reversing tripper, and distributing 
 it over any desired length of bin or storage pile. 
 Conveyor Diverter, Selective. A conveyor diverter 
 which is set in such a position with reference to trays 
 being conveyed that it may engage a pin placed at some 
 definite location and height on the tray, these locations 
 and heights varying for the different stations. The dis 
 patcher sets the pin in the proper position according to 
 the destination desired, and the tray is swept off the con 
 veyor when it reaches the diverter having the cor 
 responding setting. 
 Conveyor, Drag. A system of conveying in which the 
 material to be moved is dragged along a trough (as dis 
 tinguished from being carried) by one or more special 
 chains, with or without flights or crossbars, by a rope 
 or cable with nights, or by a revolving screw or equiva 
 lent helical surface. The last is used for bulk material 
 only; the others are used for both bulk and package ma 
 terial. (See Conveyor, Flight; Conveyor, Drag Chain; 
 Conveyor, Push-Bar; Conveyor, Cable.) 
 Page 399, 427. 
 Conveyor, Drag Chain. A drag conveyor made from a 
 chain of very wide links, often with a wing at the point 
 of articulation, forming a conveying flight, and draggged 
 in a trough into which material to be conveyed is fed. 
 The chain passes over sprockets at the ends of the run, 
 the return run being elevated sufficiently to be out of the 
 way. The conveyor may be fed at any point, and may 
 be discharged at the end of the trough, or at any point 
 through a hole in the bottom, controlled by suitable gates. 
 The conveyor may be operated horizontally or on a slope 
 up to 45 deg. The bars of the chain are usually made 
 with broad flat surfaces to take the wear due to dragging 
 in the trough; they are made of very hard material for 
 the same reason. Various forms of blades known as 
 wing, flight, spur, etc., may be used in the chain, to suit 
 the material being handled. 
 Also called a sawdust chain conveyor, and a refuse 
 chain conveyor from the fact that it was originally de 
 veloped for handling sawmill refuse. 
 Page 427. 
 Conveyor Flight. One of the series of transverse plates, 
 blades or discs attached to one or more chains or cables, 
 and dragged in a trough to form a flight conveyor. They 
 arc made rectangular, round, beveled or irregular in 
 their projection, may be of wood, fibre, cast iron or 
 sheet steel, the last being made flat, curved in scoop form, 
 or crimped or corrugated for strength and stiffness. Ac 
 cording to the method and location of attachment, they 
 are termed suspended, or centrally hung. 
 They are fastened to chains by inserting suitable at 
 tachment links at proper intervals, and to ropes by two 
 or four bolt clamps, generally cast in one piece with 
 the flight. 
 Page 453. 
 Conveyor, Flight. A drag conveyor generally used for 
 bulk material, consisting of a series of scrapers or flights 
 connected at regular intervals to one (single strand type) 
 or two (double strand type) endless chains passing 
 around sprockets at the ends of the run, and dragging 
 material between the flights in a trough. The discharge 
 is at the end of the trough or through gate-controlled 
 openings in its bottom. It may be loaded at any point 
 in its conveying run, and is not easily choked. The con 
 veyor may operate horizontally or as an elevator on in 
 clines up to 30 deg. or even 45 deg. at reduced capacity; 
 the change from a horizontal to an inclined run may also 
 be made by properly located idler sprockets. The drive 
 should be placed at the delivery end, and the take-up at 
 the other end. 
 In the single strand conveyor the chain is attached to 
 the top edges of the flights at the centers. The flights 
 may rest on the bottom of the trough, known as drag 
 flights, or on wearing shoes running on wooden guides 
 or steel tracks at the sides, known as suspended flights. 
 Return wearing shoes are cast or riveted to their backs. 
 The lower run is nearly always used for conveying, es 
 pecially if the material is abrasive, since the chain stands 
 above it, while in the upper run the chain must travel in 
 a groove in the bottom of the trough. 
 The flights of the double strand type are always at 
 tached at their ends to the chains which are dragged 
 along guiding surfaces, or have incorporated in them 
 rollers traveling on flat rails ; both arrangements keeping 
 the flight from dragging on the trough bottom. If the 
 chains are attached to the top of the flight, it is termed 
 a suspended flight; if at the center of the ends, it is 
 called a centrally hung or double flight ; where roller 
 chain is used, it is sometimes known as a roller flight. 
 Suspended flight conveyors always convey in the lower 
 run ; centrally hung flights may convey in either the 
 lower or the upper run, or both, as may be desired. If 
 the upper run is not used for conveying, guides must be 
 provided for the return, with wearing shoes on the back 
 of the flights in case the chain is not of the roller variety. 
 The return run is sometimes supported on idler sprockets 
 placed at intervals. 
 When the trough is U or V-shaped, and disc-shaped 
 flights are dragged along it by a chain or (more com 
 monly) a wire cable, it is termed a cable conveyor; it is 
 more often used for logs, pulp wood and similar objects 
 than for loose bulk material. 
 Page 427. 
 Conveyor, Grasshopper. See Conveyor, Reciprocating 
 Page 429. 
 Conveyor, Gravity. A type of conveyor in which 
 gravity is the operating force. The material moves on 
 the conveyor, but the latter itself does not generally 
 progress. The material may slide directly on the sur 
 face of the conveyor (see Chute; Chute, Spiral, Con 
 veyor, Retarding), may move along on rollers fixed in a 
 supporting frame (see Conveyor, Roller), or may be car 
 ried in trays or buckets (see Lowerer). 
 A certain head is of course required to operate these 
 conveyors, so that their greatest field of usefulness is 
 for lowering, or for horizontal transportation where the 
 distance is not very great. If long horizontal travel is 
 required for a roller conveyor and the head is limited, 
 as between floors, repeated lifts can be made by properly 
 spaced power operated sections and long gravity sections 
 will provide the means of covering the horizontal dis 
 tance. (See Booster.) 
 Page 759-767. 
 Conveyor, Gravity Discharge V-Bucket. A combination 
 elevator and conveyor, or elevator-conveyor, of the bucket 
 type, consisting of two strands of chain, generally roller, 
 attached to the ends of V-shaped buckets with the open 
 side pointing up on the vertical elevating run, and passing 
 around sprockets at various turns, generally four in 
 number, at the corners of a vertical rectangle. Bulk 
 material is carried in the buckets on the vertical upward 
 run, and is dragged along the horizontal runs in troughs 
 which fit the buckets closely ; material cannot be lowered 
 by this conveyor. 
 Material fed into the lower trough at any point is 
 dragged along it to the turn, where it is picked up by 
 the buckets and carried to the upper horizontal trough 
 along which it is again dragged until it reaches one of 
 the several discharge openings provided in the bottom 
 of the trough. These openings are closed by sliding gates, 
 controlled from below if desired. 
 Also called chain and bucket conveyor with rigid 
 buckets, and gravity discharge elevator-conveyor. (-See 
 also Elevator, Gravity Discharge V-Bucket.) 
 Page 413, 826-836. 
 Conveyor, Hydraulic. A form of current conveyor in 
 which water flowing at high velocity in a channel or 
 pipe is the agent used to move the material. A familiar 
 example of this is the discharge pipe of a hydraulic 
 dredge, which may extend for a long distance to the 
 point at which the material is finally ejected. Hydraulic 
 ash handling equipments have been used in a few sta 
 tionary power plants and in many marine installations, 
 where they are especially adaptable owing to the abundant 
 supply of water available with no expense except that of 
 pumping it a small distance. The hydraulic conveyor 
 usually consists of a nozzle from which issues a stream 
 of water at high velocity, immediately beneath the open 
 ing of a hopper into which the ashes are shoveled. The 
 velocity is sufficient to carry the mixture to an elevated 
 tank from which the water can run away to a spot of 
 land which is to be filled in, or (in the case of a ship) 
 overboard. In some cases on shipboard the discharge is 
 directly through the side of the ship, without going above 
 the water line. Also called an ash ejector. 
 The hydraulic system has also been used to convey 
 small size coal. Coal and water are mixed in a tank 
 from which they are drawn by a centrifugal pump and 
 delivered to another tank ; here the water is drained off 
 and returned to the supply tank for re-use, and the coal 
 is lifted from the tank by a grab bucket. 
 Also called sluice conveyor, especially if an open chan 
 nel is used. 
 Conveyor, Jacketed. A drag conveyor in which the 
 trough has hollow metal walls in which can be circulated 
 steam for heating or drying, or water for cooling the 
 material which is being conveyed. Jackets are applied 
 to both flight and screw conveyors. 
 Page 458. 
 Conveyor Line. A term used to designate a completely 
 assembled conveyor made up of separate sections bolted 
 together in line. A complete conveyor system may con 
 sist of several separate lines, as, cross or branch lines, 
 in addition to a main or trunk line. 
 Conveyor, Live. A power driven conveyor; one which 
 is not operated by gravity. 
 Conveyor, Monorail. A continuous conveying system 
 consisting of an endless circuit of overhead monorail 
 track beneath which is a corresponding endless mov 
 ing chain which is connected to trolleys at regular in 
 tervals. The trolleys are also supplied with hooks, pans, 
 racks or other means of supporting the articles to be 
 conveyed. Sometimes the chain is not attached to the 
 trolleys, but is supported from the track at intervals 
 by rollers incorporated in its own construction, and 
 moves the trolleys by pushers bolted to the chain at in 
 tervals. In any case, the trolleys carry the load and 
 the chain pulls them along. The circuit may include 
 any curves desired, and may travel up and down grades. 
 Also called an overhead track conveyor. 
 In another system the chain is replaced by a wire cable, 
 which has some advantages for heavy work. This is 
 also termed a suspended cable road, and a monorail 
 cable tramway. 
 Page 400, 763, 772, 792. 
 Conveyor, Pan. A carrying conveyor for bulk ma 
 terial consisting of a series of pan shaped containers or 
 buckets attached to endless chains passing around end 
 sprockets, and carried on suitable horizontal guides. The 
 pans are sometimes complete and independent, mounted 
 on four carrier rollers traveling on rails, and connected 
 by a rope or chain used to drag them (see Conveyor, 
 Pan and Cable) ; or they may be complete, have over 
 lapping lips and be carried and propelled by chains at 
 their ends (see Conveyor, Steel Apron) or by a single 
 strand beneath them. They are also made in the open 
 end, endless or trough form, overlapping and forming a 
 continuous trough into which material may be fed at any 
 point, and discharged only over the head end. In the 
 simplest form these are used as upper run conveyors 
 When used as lower run conveyors, they may be dis 
 charged at any point by having the pans pivoted to swing 
 about the axis of the rollers at the front end of the pan. 
 In one type an arm projecting downward from the front 
 end of the pan strikes against a movable dumping cam, 
 tipping the pan up behind and discharging the material 
 forward. In another type a section of the rail is omitted ; 
 the front end of the pan passes across on account of be 
 ing pivoted to the chain, but the rear end drops down, 
 dumping to the rear. A curved guide brings it quietly 
 up to a horizontal position again. Several discharge 
 points may be provided by having as many sections of 
 the rail which may be swung out. 
 Page 423. 
 Conveyor, Pan and Cable. A conveyor suited for long 
 distance carrying, consisting of a series of small iron 
 bound rectangular wooden pans or small cars, secured 
 at intervals to a steel cable, supported on four rollers 
 and traveling on rails. Beside the clamps attaching the 
 pans to the cable, there must be intermediate ones for 
 driving purposes so that at least two clamps will be on 
 the driving sprocket at once. 
 This conveyor is usually loaded by hand, and may be 
 unloaded by hand at any point, or automatically over the 
 head sprocket. 
 Conveyor, Pivoted Bucket. A continuous conveyor 
 consisting of overlapping buckets suspended on pivots be 
 tween two endless strands of long pitcii roller chain, 
 capable of horizontal, vertical or inclined movement with 
 the buckets carried level whether full or empty, and dis 
 charging the contents by tipping the buckets up or turn 
 ing them over. It can be loaded or unloaded on either 
 the upper or lower run, and can lower material as well 
 as elevate it. The usual layout includes two horizontal 
 and two vertical runs forming a vertical rectangle, though 
 any runs may be inclined if desired. Of the four turns 
 or corners, one is the driving corner, consisting of a 
 pair of sprockets driven by a motor through speed reduc 
 tion gearing, another is the take-up corner, where a pair 
 of sprockets are mounted on a shaft having bearings 
 which may be moved in straight guides to adjust the ten 
 sion in the chains, and two are stationary corners. Curves 
 may be used in the place of stationary upper corners, and 
 are cheaper, but cause excessive wear on the moving 
 Lap of the bucket lips is essential to prevent spilling 
 during loading. In proceeding around the circuit, these 
 laps must be kept in the proper relative position or the 
 buckets will he turned up edgeways and the contents 
 spilled at the upward turn ending a horizontal run. If, 
 in dumping on the top run the buckets make a complete 
 rotation (called a turnover discharge) the laps will auto 
 matically be correct. If the buckets are merely tipped 
 up and then righted, the laps will have to be artificially 
 reversed by a tilting device as they turn from the vertical 
 into the lower horizontal run. In one arrangement, the 
 bucket laps are made to swing entirely clear of each 
 other at every turn by pivoting the buckets on exten 
 sions of the chain links beyond the pins connecting suc 
 cessive links, which also carry the rollers; the direction 
 of bucket lap after discharge or at any other time is 
 then unimportant. 
 The discharger or tripper may be fixed in location and 
 capable of being lowered out of action when desired. 
 It may be movable, being pulled in one direction along 
 a track by a wire rope wound on a hand operated winch 
 with pawl and ratchet ; when the ratchet is lifted, the 
 rope unwinds as a bucket pushes the discharger along 
 the tracks in the opposite direction. Automatic discharg 
 ers can also be arranged, moving back and forth over 
 a predetermined range. 
 The buckets are usually of malleable iron and made 
 in one piece, and their size is specified by the pitch of 
 the chain (practically the length of the bucket in the 
 direction of the run) and the width. Hardened dis 
 charging cams are riveted to their sides, and they are 
 connected to the chain by through rods projecting beyond 
 the bucket sides. All wearing parts are made hard and 
 supplied with renewable bushings where possible. 
 Loading is generally done on the lower run, and guards 
 or inclined skirt boards are used to protect the chain. 
 Both horizontal runs are supported on cast iron chairs, 
 and the vertical runs are kept from swaying by running 
 the rollers between vertical guides. 
 Page 417, 826-836. 
 Conveyor, Pneumatic. A form of conveyor in which 
 air in motion is the medium used to move material. 
 Two distinct types are in use; one in which bulk or 
 package material is handled in special closed containers 
 which closely lit the interior of a pipe through which 
 they are driven by a difference in pressure on the two 
 sides of the container (see Conveyor, Pneumatic Tube), 
 and the other in which bulk material is handled loosely 
 by reason of the velocity of the current of air in which 
 it is suspended, also called current conveying. 
 Most loose materials that are not very dense, even up 
 to and including coal, can be handled by the air current 
 system, and practice has shown that so long as certain 
 minimum current velocities are provided, the material 
 travels mostly along the center of the pipe and produces 
 little wear on its walls, except at the turns. Here spe 
 cial hard wearing plates are fitted inside on the outside 
 of the bend ; target plates are also fitted in the separator 
 chamber to receive the impact of the discharged material 
 and prevent it from cutting through the walls of the 
 tank. (See Conveyor, Suction Ash.) 
 Three systems of applying pneumatic current convey 
 ing are in use: the vacuum or suction system, the pres 
 sure or blast system, and a combination of the two, each 
 of which has advantages under certain conditions. While 
 the initial cost and the power required to operate any 
 one of the systems are both large, the amount of labor 
 saved is also great, the system is cleaner, almost literally 
 every grain (of wheat or corn) can be recovered, the 
 material can be elevated and conveyed at one operation, 
 and the dust can be separated if desired, which is some 
 times an advantage. 
 Page 405, 431, 763. 
 Conveyor, Pneumatic, Pressure System. A system of 
 conveying bulk material by drawing it into the convey 
 ing pipe by the injector action of a high pressure jet of 
 air discharged into the end of the pipe, and then carry 
 ing it along with the current until it reaches the outlet. 
 It is especially applicable where it is desired to distribute 
 material from a central location near which the machinery 
 can be placed, to several" separated discharge points. It 
 will convey a longer distance than the vacuum system, 
 but is dusty in operation. 
 The mixture of air and material sent through the pipe 
 passes to a separator tank, where the solid matter is 
 allowed to settle to the bottom, from which it can be 
 drawn through a gate. The air is discharged from 
 another opening, unless it is important to save or remove 
 all the dust from it, in which case it passes through a 
 filter on its way out. 
 The separating chamber is naturally omitted in such 
 cases as the supplying of pulverized fuel to furnaces, and 
 in certain methods of applying cement grout or concrete 
 by air under pressure. 
 Also known as the blast system. 
 Page 431. 
 Conveyor, Pneumatic Tube. A method of conveying 
 small objects which can be easily inserted in a special 
 container, by placing it in a tube which fits it closely, 
 and driving it through the tube from end to end by 
 producing a difference of pressure on the two sides of 
 the container. A variety of arrangements is used, but 
 they can be broadly classed under the terms vacuum 
 system and pressure system, with some installations using 
 a combination of the two. While originally devised, 
 and still most generally used, for conveying written 
 communications or small articles within buildings or 
 large establishments, installations have been made where 
 the containers are large enough to carry considerable 
 material, such as mail matter, and including small pack 
 The vacuum system requires two tubes for each pair 
 of stations connected, or for a central and a distant 
 point. The one used for receiving at the central station 
 is there connected to a suction drum in which a vacuum 
 pump maintains a low pressure; the two tubes are con 
 nected together at their distant ends, the second tube 
 being the receiving tube for the distant station. The two 
 tubes are thus in series, but independent; carriers can 
 be sent in both directions simultaneously. 
 The pressure system uses a single tube which nor 
 mally stands open, having a combined receiving and 
 sending terminal at each end, with means of admitting 
 compressed air behind a carrier as it is inserted. The 
 rush of air ahead of it prevents the insertion of a carrier 
 at the other end. 
 The combination system has vacuum incoming tubes to 
 the central station each serving several sub-stations, and 
 pressure out-going lines independent to each sub-station. 
 The vacuum system has the advantage of simplicity. 
 The pressure system has the advantage of much greater 
 power, and if a carrier sticks the pressure will build up 
 until it is moved, or the pressure can be reversed to force 
 it back to the sending station which the greatest possible 
 vacuum may be unable to accomplish. Small leaks are 
 not objectionable except as causing a loss of power, and 
 water is not drawn into the tubes if they pass under 
 To conserve air, automatic power control devices are 
 supplied at each terminal, which allow the air connection 
 to remain open a sufficient time after the insertion of a 
 carrier for the latter to reach its destination, but then 
 shut it off. As there may be times when few or no 
 tubes are operating, it is sometimes considered advisable 
 to shut down the vacuum pump or pressure blower, as 
 the case may be. The pressure in the vacuum drum or 
 air receiver may be used to operate a rheostat on the driv 
 ing motor, slowing it down when air is not required. 
 Another system is known as the "start and timing stop 
 system ; an electric circuit is closed by the insertion of 
 a carrier and this is used to throw in the main circuit 
 and start the motor, supplying pressure or vacuum, and 
 not stopping until sufficient time has been allowed for 
 the carrier to reach its destination. A later improve 
 ment adjusts the speed to suit the number of tubes in 
 service, saving still more power. 
 The tubes are round or elliptical in section. The car 
 riers correspond in cross section, but are somewhat 
 smaller, made of metal, or hard fibre, and with enlarged 
 hard fibre, leather or felt ends. The terminals are 
 equipped with double or single doors as required by the 
 Page 405, 763. 
 Conveyor, Pneumatic, Vacuum System. A system of 
 conveying or elevating bulk material by drawing it into 
 the end of a pipe with a current of air which is produced 
 by the suction of a vacuum pump at the far end of the 
 system. It is especially applicable where it is desired 
 to bring material from several scattered points to one 
 central point, at which the machinery may be located. 
 It is used for grain, small coal, ashes, powdered chem 
 icals, fibrous materials, dust, etc. 
 The mixture of air and material entering the suction 
 nozzle and passing through the flexible suction and rigid 
 connecting and discharge pipes, enters a large separating 
 chamber in which the velocity is so small that the solid 
 material settles to the bottom, from which it is removed. 
 The air is drawn off at such a location and in such a 
 manner as to carry as little dust with it as possible; it 
 then often goes through air filters for further cleaning 
 on its way to the suction pump which discharges it into 
 the atmosphere. The object of the cleaning is to save 
 wear on the pumps, to prevent the loss of material, or 
 For removing the deposited material without destroy 
 ing the vacuum, several forms of air locks are used. 
 One consists of a cylindrical rotor with pockets formed 
 by solid end plates and six or eight radiating blades; it 
 is so placed beneath the separator that as the grain falls 
 into the pockets it rotates uniformly, discharging each 
 pocketful into a chute (or weigh hopper or other recep 
 tacle) after it brings it out from under the separator 
 opening which is exposed to a vacuum. Another device 
 consists of a piece containing two pockets, which oscil 
 lates at regular intervals, one pocket receiving material 
 while the other is discharging it. 
 Page 431. 
 Conveyor, Portable Belt. A section of belt conveyor 
 with its head, tail and idler pulleys and driving mechan 
 ism mounted on a frame which is carried on a wheeled 
 body in such a way that its inclination or the height of 
 its discharge end may be varied, and the whole machine 
 may be easily moved about, even being self-propelled in 
 some cases. (See also Loader, Wagon.) 
 Also called a portable belt elevator. 
 Page 369, 440, 770, 772, 799, 837, 840. 
 Conveyor, Portable Wood Apron. A conveyor of the 
 designated type which is mounted on wheels or casters so 
 that it may be easily moved about, and provided with 
 means for adjusting the height of one end. When the 
 end is elevated, it may act as an elevator-conveyor or 
 piler, or, reversed, as a lowerer ; when lowered to the 
 horizontal as a plain conveyor, often arranged as one 
 in a series temporarily placed end to end for long run 
 conveying purposes. It is usually composed of a base 
 frame mounted on wheels or rollers, to which is hinged 
 one end of the apron frame or boom. The latter is ar 
 ranged to be raised by power, from the same unit which 
 drives the apron and, in the largest sizes, propels the 
 whole conveyor from one point to another. The apron 
 is usually driven through the foot end, and the take-up 
 is placed at the outer end. 
 Also called a portable apron elevator. 
 Page 352, 761-770. 
 Conveyor, Power. A conveying apparatus in which 
 some form of power is used for operation, as distinguished 
 from one in which gravity is the operating force. The 
 latter is sometimes called a dead conveyor, as opposed 
 to the term live conveyor sometimes used for a power 
 operated one. 
 Conveyor, Progressive. A slow moving conveyor espe 
 cially designed for the continuous assembling of a part 
 which is to be produced in large quantities, with special 
 stands, platforms or other appliances for supporting the 
 part to which others are gradually added, and for allow 
 ing it to be turned or changed in position as desired. 
 The conveyor is usually of the single or double strand 
 chain type, with the chains traveling in smooth chan 
 nels, passing around sprockets at the ends, and returning 
 beneath the working runway. Especially large stands 
 may be made to fold automatically so as to return in a 
 small space, or may be detached entirely and returned by 
 The use of this conveyor is coupled with an extreme 
 division of labor of assembling, each operative performing 
 but one function, occupying a regular station and ac 
 companying the conveyor for a short distance while he is 
 doing it. The parts to be assembled are brought to the 
 stations by portable bins, feeder conveyors, chutes, over 
 head trolleys, elevators, or otherwise as necessary, and 
 arc continuously supplied. Where necessary, platforms 
 or hoists move along at the same speed as the conveyor, 
 carrying the men performing special operations requiring 
 Also called progressive assembling conveyor, and man 
 ufacturing conveyor. 
 Page 402, 772. 
 Conveyor, Push-bar. A continuous drag conveyor for 
 material in large pieces or in containers, and much re 
 sembling a flight conveyor,, consisting of a trough or run 
 way bed along which the articles are dragged by cross 
 bars, cleats or spurs, fastened at regular intervals to 
 one or two endless strands of chain running parallel to 
 the bed. Troughs with a U or V-shaped cross-section 
 usually have one chain (or several acting together as 
 one) in a groove in the bottom of the trough, or sup 
 ported centrally by the disc shaped push-plates on which 
 they are clamped, commonly called flights. (See Con 
 veyor, Cable). Flat bottom troughs have chains in sev 
 eral locations ; at the sides some distance above the bot 
 tom supporting cross or push-bars (see Conveyor, Push- 
 bar, High Type) ; in grooves in the bottom near the 
 sides with crossbars; cleats or spurs projecting upward; 
 or in a single groove in the middle of the bottom with 
 blocks or spurs projecting upward from their attach 
 ment to the single chain. The troughs or runway beds 
 are usually faced with smooth planks, hardwood strips, 
 steel strips, or corrugated or smooth steel plates. Flat 
 bottom troughs for heavy service may have rollers set 
 in the bed to decrease the power required. Troughs of 
 this form also require side guards to prevent contact with 
 the chain, and to prevent articles from working off side 
 The return run may be beneath or above the convey 
 ing run, or, in certain cases, may also be used as a re 
 verse direction conveyor. Loading at the end or interme 
 diate points may be automatic or by hand ; discharge may 
 be at the end of the trough, or at any intermediate 
 point by means of an opening in the trough bottom, 
 closed by a suitable gate when not required. In this case 
 provision must be made for the discharged articles to 
 clear the returning crossbars ; the return run is some 
 times overhead on this account, but automatic loading 
 at the end is then less simple. The conveyor can easily 
 be made reversible, and can be driven from either end, 
 though the load should be dragged toward the driving 
 end if possible. 
 The chains are of various types, preferably with broad 
 bottom wearing surfaces if they drag in grooved guides, 
 or better, with rollers supporting their weight. The 
 crossbars, cleats, spurs, etc., are fastened to appropriate 
 attachment links inserted in the chain. 
 These conveyors operate easily on an incline, or may 
 run from the horizontal to an incline with facility. When 
 used on steep inclines, they are usually called push-bar 
 elevators. At the "goose-necks" or vertical curves where 
 the change is made from the horizontal to the incline 
 special precaution must be taken to prevent packages 
 from digging in, especially if rollers are used to assist 
 in loading. 
 Page 345, 759-773. 
 Conveyor, Push-bar, High Type. A push-bar conveyor 
 driven by two endless chains connected at regular in 
 tervals by crossbars at a distance above the runway bed, 
 depending on the size of the article to be conveyed. The 
 end sprockets are usually beneath the run, and the cross 
 bars operate at each end through cross slots in the bed; 
 automatic loading and unloading at the ends are then 
 possible if chutes or gravity roller runways are used to 
 supply and remove the articles as fast as they are con 
 veyed. Revolving crossbars are sometimes used to assist 
 in proper loading by rolling out from under any piece 
 improperly placed. Contact springs at the sides of the 
 loading platform also straighten the parcel around, and 
 center it on the runway. 
 These conveyors are reversible, and operate well on 
 inclines. (See Elevator, Push-bar). 
 Conveyor, Reciprocating Flight. A flight conveyor in 
 which the flights are hinged to a straight rigid frame ex 
 tending nearly the full length of the trough, and which 
 reciprocates from 24 in. to 28 in. endwise in it. The 
 nights lift and slide over the material when moving in 
 one direction, but swing down and push it along in the 
 other. Material fed at one end is conveyed to the other 
 by the action of successive flights. 
 Page 429. 
 Conveyor, Refuse Chain. See Conveyor, Drag Chain. 
 Conveyor, Retarding. An inclined conveyor which is 
 used to lower material down a slope, usually a con 
 veyor of the drag type. The flat flight with one or two 
 strands of chain, moving in a flat bottom trough, and 
 the disc flight on a heavy wire rope moving in a U 
 or V-shaped trough are both in use; the last is also 
 known as a cable conveyor. When the slopes are suf 
 ficient they are self-operative except at starting, requir 
 ing braking only. This may be obtained by governor con 
 trolled automatic brakes, or by a non-reversing worm 
 geared drive from a motor, the conveyor moving only 
 at a speed corresponding to that of the motor. 
 The drive and control machinery are usually at the 
 head and the take-up at the foot. The head and foot 
 sheaves are gap wheels, and sufficient flights or trans 
 mission blocks are attached to the cable to ensure at least 
 two in contact with the gap wheel at all times. The gap 
 wheels are made with compensating segments, and each 
 gap is provided with rollers to ease the flights into the 
 Apron and other types of continuous elevators are oc 
 casionally called retarding conveyors when used for pur 
 poses of lowering. (See Boom, Loading.) 
 Page 448. 
 Conveyor Roller. A cylinder or truncated cone of wood 
 or metal used for carrying packages on a roller conveyor, 
 and supported at its ends by bearings in roller support 
 bars. The conical form is often used on curves, but 
 not elsewhere. 
 Page 454. 
 Conveyor, Roller. A type of package carrying conveyor 
 which supports the load to be conveyed on rollers turn 
 ing in fixed bearings, and spaced at distances apart de 
 pending on the size of the units carried The rollers 
 themselves are carried in bearings supported by longitu 
 dinal members called roller support bars, which, with 
 cross members, arc united into a rigid rectangular frame 
 constituting a section. One of these sections, or a series 
 of them coupled end to end, and set on a series of roller 
 conveyor supports of graduated heights with sufficient 
 grade to cause the packages to move by themselves, is a 
 gravity roller conveyor ; when the rollers are turned by 
 power, compelling the motion of the packages, it is 
 caled a power roller conveyor, and when push-bars are 
 drawn by power along above the surface cf the rollers, 
 moving objects caught between them, it is known as a 
 push-bar roller conveyor (also an elevator or a booster 
 if up a slope). 
 (See also Conveyor, Roller, Portable). 
 Page 378, 759-773. 
 Conveyor Roller Bearings. See Conveyor Roller. 
 Conveyor, Roller Gravity. A gravity conveyor in 
 which the containers conveyed are carried on rollers 
 turning freely on axes fixed in supporting frames. The 
 axes of the rollers are horizontal, but the frames are set 
 at a small angle so that packages placed on them will 
 travel down the slope by gravity. The angle varies with 
 the smoothness and weight of the package carried; the 
 proper length and spacing of the rollers depends on the 
 dimensions of the package, and their diameters on its 
 weight and character. 
 Page 378, 759-767. 
 Conveyor, Roller, Portable. A section of roller con 
 veyor permanently assembled with separate supports and 
 mounted on casters so that it can be easily moved. The 
 height may or may not be adjustable. Also, section of 
 runway with its outfit of separate adjustable supports, 
 which is assembled where needed, but is usually disas 
 sembled when moved to a new location. 
 Page 378, 7S9-767. 
 Conveyor, Roller, Power. A roller conveyor in which 
 the units to be conveyed are carried along horizontally 
 or up grades by the application of power to all or a por 
 tion of the rollers on which they rest. These rollers are 
 driven either by a light longitudinal shaft carried along 
 the side of the supporting frame and connected to the 
 live rollers by bevel gears, or by a light chain which 
 runs along over the teeth of sprockets on one end of all 
 the rollers, engaging with and driving them. Both 
 methods will allow slight curvature in the runway, the 
 shaft in the first method having universal joints inserted 
 at regular intervals. 
 Beside being used as boosters and feeders, these power 
 rollers inserted at intervals in a nearly horizontal run 
 way will serve to keep the loads in motion. 
 Page 504, 759-767. 
 Conveyor, Roller, Push-Bar. A push-bar conveyor in 
 which the runway bed is composed of freely turning 
 rollers supported in side frames. It is usually used in an 
 inclined position and operated as a booster. The head 
 and tail shafts are below the level of the rollers; the 
 push-bars, attached to the endless chains carried on the 
 sprockets on these shafts, come up into action between 
 rollers at the lower end of the incline, and likewise pass 
 down at the top. 
 Page 345, 759-767. 
 Conveyor Run, Upper, Lower and Vertical. A con 
 veyor layout consists of runs horizontal, vertical, in 
 clined and turns or corners. For plain conveyors there 
 are upper and lower runs and turns. Some conveyors 
 have vertical or inclined runs, but where these are large, 
 as compared with the horizontal runs, the machines are 
 properly called elevators. Where material is carried on 
 a conveyor upper run only, it is termed an upper run 
 conveyor, and vice versa. 
 Conveyor Screw. The screw suspended within the 
 trough of a screw conveyor. It usually consists of a 
 single helical formed blade around a central shaft or 
 pipe, though double blade screws are often used and give 
 smoother delivery. The screw may be cast in one piece 
 or in separate flights of one rotation each, the latter be 
 ing assembled and set-screwed or pinned on a central 
 driving shaft, and often notched or grooved into each 
 ether. They are sometimes made in halves and riveted 
 to a square shaft. Screws are also made of steel flights 
 formed from an annular disc by a rolling process which 
 stretches them into a helical form ; these are riveted to 
 each other and to lugs on the driving shaft or tube tc 
 make up the complete length of screw. They are als^ 
 formed from straight strips of steel which are rolled into 
 a spiral by a different process which causes the outer 
 edge to become thinner than the inner. These are some 
 times called helicoidal screws, and are fastened to the 
 conveyor shaft by lugs. 
 Screws are not allowed to drag in the conveyor trough, 
 hence long screws must be supported at regular intervals. 
 They are usually made up in lengths corresponding to 
 these intervals, connected endwise by pins slipped within 
 the pipes on which the flights are fastened and pinned 
 crosswise to them, or by squared pins fitting in squared 
 pipe ends. A bearing is formed on the middle of this 
 coupling pin or gudgeon, or a seat is provided for a split 
 bushing which runs in a hanger supported from the top 
 edges, sides or bottom of the trough. Solid bushings are 
 also used with split bearings. The bearing and hanger 
 form an obstruction in the trough at the very point where 
 the screw is discontinuous, so that excessive wear comes 
 on the end of the next flight as it enters the material ; 
 these end flights are usually made of heavier material, or 
 a manganese steel piece is riveted to the ends of a con 
 tinuous flight. 
 Sticky materials tend to collect near the axis of the 
 screw around the shaft; this is eliminated by using the 
 ribbon conveyor screw, in which a narrow helix is held 
 in position by arms radiating from a central shaft. Some 
 times two ribbons are used of the same or different 
 pitches, and to the same or different hands, these special 
 forms being introduced to increase mixing effects. Dou 
 ble ribbons or ribbon blades are also used in the same 
 way as solid blades. 
 Other special forms of screw are the paddle flight, 
 where each flight is made with two opposite blades twist 
 ed like a screw propeller, the cut flight where deep cuts 
 are made in the periphery of a continuous flight, and the 
 cut and folded flight where portions of the cut flight 
 screw are bent backward in addition. Intermediate pad 
 dles are also often fastened to the shaft to give added 
 mixing power. 
 The end thrust of the screw is small in light -conveyors 
 and may be taken by set screwed collars ; for heavy duty 
 solid collars or ball thrust bearings are used, or a step 
 bearing may be included in the delivery end plate bearing. 
 Page 458. 
 Conveyor, Screw. A type of drag conveyor in which a 
 screw with a relatively wide and thin helical blade is 
 supported inside of and parallel to a horizontal (or in 
 clined) trough which it fits more or less closely, and 
 conveys bulk material along the trough by the action of 
 the inclined surface pushing through it. The material 
 is carried up on the side of the trough as well as being 
 pushed along it, and then tends to slide down the in 
 clined surface of the screw; as gravity is therefore partly 
 responsible for the motion, high speeds are undesirable, 
 and every conveyor has a speed or rotation which will 
 give maximum delivery. 
 The screws may be right or left band according to the 
 delivery desired and convenience of drive; right and left 
 hand screws may also be used to deliver in opposite di 
 rections from a central feed point, or to bring together 
 two materials fed at opposite ends. Very long screws are 
 supported at intermediate points in bearings which are 
 hung from the top or sides of the trough, or supported 
 from its bottom. 
 Material is usually fed into the trough at the top of 
 one end ; it may be delivered through the opposite end, 
 or through bottom openings at the end or at any desired 
 intermediate points. Suitable gates of the slide or swing 
 ing types control the discharge at these intermediate 
 points. One screw conveyor may discharge into the top 
 of another in a lower plane and at any angle desired, and 
 the drive be carried from one to the other by simple 
 geared arrangements ; if they are required to be in the 
 same horizontal plane miter gear ends are used, and the 
 material delivered at the discharge end of one conveyor is 
 pushed across a diagonal passage to the receiving end of 
 the other ; the resistance is excessive and the arrange 
 ment is not used when the two-plane type is possible. 
 Screw conveyors are not highly efficient in the use of 
 power, but they are cheap and require little space, and 
 whenever mixing or agitation is important they are suit 
 able. Semi-liquids and sticky substances may be easily 
 handled, stuffing boxes being arranged at the ends of 
 the troughs if desired. The drive may be at either end; 
 as ordinarily installed, screw conveyors are not readily 
 reversible. They may operate in an inclined position, or 
 even vertically, at reduced capacities and with certain 
 Page 424. 
 Conveyor, Screw, Trough for. The trough containing 
 bulk material which is conveyed by the rotation of the 
 screw. It should fit the screw closer than the size of the 
 smallest particle carried, or else there should be sufficient 
 space to clear the largest particles. Troughs are usually 
 made U-shaped in section, though square sections are not 
 uncommon. They are made of wood, wood lined with 
 metal, steel with lapped or butted joints, or cast iron or 
 steel with flanged connections. Special materials are 
 used for corrosive substances, and perforated linings are 
 sometimes suspended inside to allow dirt and other for 
 eign matter to separate from certain materials being con 
 The trough ends may be fitted inside or outside the 
 trough, and may or may not have the bearings included 
 in them, separate bearing stands being used in the latter 
 case. The trough body is supported on conveyor box 
 saddles at proper intervals. Loose, tight or dust-proof 
 fitting Hds may he used, but if the lid is fastened down 
 accumulation in the delivery end due to a choke in the 
 discharge may cause a breakdown. The trough may be 
 steam jacketed, or jacketed with cold water for cooling 
 Page 458. 
 Conveyor, Selective. A conveyor which will auto 
 matically deliver packages or other material to any sta 
 tion selected by the sender at the time of despatching. 
 Service may be given in one or both directions, or the 
 conveyor may make a complete circuit, always travelling 
 in one direction. 
 A simple form for delivering from a central station to 
 different destinations consists of a travelling horizontal 
 belt with parallel vertical partitions between which ob 
 jects may be placed; the partitions extend to the various 
 discharge points, where they successively end in diagonal 
 turns that sweep off the material in the spaces on to a 
 receiving shelf. This conveyor is best suited to narrow 
 objects that can be placed on edge between the partitions. 
 Another type consists of a belt or apron conveyor 
 carrying to boxes or trays which occupy the full width of 
 the conveyor. Each tray has a movable finger with num 
 bered positions, usually at the front end of the tray, 
 which engages with a switch at the destination corre 
 sponding to the number at which the finger is set, and 
 switches the tray to an inclined shelf to a branch con 
 veyor having its own stations, or to an automatic eleva 
 A cable operated tray or car running on wheels may 
 also be operated selectively by having a gripping device 
 that will disengage when switched by the selective de 
 vice; it may also be arranged to engage automatically 
 when it is picked up from a sliding or branch line and 
 to disengage again at the proper station. 
 A series of trolleys gripped to an endless chain or 
 cable at regular intervals, and supported by an overhead 
 monorail runway can be made selective and used for 
 carrying packages like mail bags hung to the trolley on 
 hooks. Each hook is made to turn down and drop its 
 load when unlocked, and this is performed by an un 
 locking slide attached to the trolley, and having a mov 
 able tripping finger which can be set in as many posi 
 tions as there are stations for delivery, a fixed finger 
 at each station tripping the hook as the trolley passes 
 Just before each trolley completes its circuit and reaches 
 the sending station, it passes a resetting cam which 
 places the selective finger in neutral position ; the des- 
 patcher then sets the finger for the desired destination by 
 adjusting a movable cam at the sending point. This is 
 also called a bag carrier. One method of driving the 
 cable consists of a short endless auxiliary cable, parallel 
 to the main cable, and having grips which close on the 
 latter as they swing into position traveling parallel to 
 it, and which release as they leave it preparatory to pass 
 ing around their own gapped driving sprockets. 
 Conveyor, Shuttle. A name sometimes applied to a 
 horizontal reversible belt conveyor, the frame of which 
 is supported on wheels on a track, so that it can be ad 
 justed endways. It usually receives its material from a 
 feeder at the middle of the length over which the mate 
 rial is to be distributed; by adjusting both the position 
 and direction of rotation of the conveyor, material may 
 be deposited at any desired point. As this conveyor will 
 be only half the length of an ordinary conveyor running 
 the full length of the bin, it is considerable cheaper. 
 Small sizes may be hand adjusted; larger sizes may op 
 erate continuously and reverse automatically. They are 
 usually electrically driven, but rope drive may also be 
 applied to the moving shuttle. 
 Conveyor, Slat. A wood apron conveyor in which the 
 wood cross pieces are relatively narrow and are separat 
 ed, leaving open spaces between. This construction is as 
 suitable for large packages, bags or boxes as a complete 
 apron, and is lighter. The discharge may be over the 
 end for all packages carried, or at intermediate points 
 by a side plow or diverter, but only for flat, smooth bot 
 tom boxes or trays. 
 Page 352, 759-771. 
 Conveyor, Sling. A carrying conveyor and elevator 
 used in ship loading and unloading, consisting of a light 
 horizontal truss along the top and bottom chords of 
 which pass the upper and lower runs of a pair of end 
 less conveying chains. These chains also have loops at 
 each end of the truss hanging downward over sprockets 
 at the ends of the horizontal runs ; weighted foot sprockets 
 may be hung in these loops. Between the two chains 
 at regular intervals are placed cross bars along which 
 an endless canvas belt is hung in long loops and se 
 cured to each bar. The truss is supported transversely 
 above the deck of the ship, on temporary supports or 
 hung from the ship s derricks, with the pendant loop at 
 one end hanging into the hold, and that at the other reach 
 ing down to the wharf. The chains are driven by a motor, 
 and articles placed in the loops of canvas as they pass the 
 loading point in the hold will be elevated to the deck, con 
 veyed horizontally across it beneath the truss, and low 
 ered to the wharf where they are removed. As the loads 
 pass the two turns they are rolled to new positions in 
 the canvas sling, but are not discharged if properly 
 placed in the beginning, and not too large. For loading 
 the direction of motion is reversed. Variations in the 
 height of the pendant loops may be obtained by having 
 the chains pass back and forth around movable idlers 
 in the idle run along the truss, or by inserting or re 
 moving lengths of chain with their attached canvas loops. 
 As ordinarily made the machine is portable, and is 
 placed on a cradle for moving from one hatch to an 
 other, if no overhead crane is immediately at hand. Other 
 types are permanently placed on the wharf and deliver to 
 lines of conveyor runway for removing or bringing par 
 cels as fast as they can be handled by the sling conveyor. 
 Page 403. 
 Conveyor, Spiral. A gravity conveyor in which the ma 
 terial travels downward in a helical path around a ver 
 tical axis. The runway may be plain slide or chute, in 
 which case the slope will be steep and few turns will be 
 needed, or it may be a roller conveyor, in which the 
 grade will be small and many turns will be needed. (See 
 Chute, Spiral; Spiral, Gravity Roller.) 
 Also a helical or screw conveyor. (See Conveyor, 
 Page 424. 
 Conveyor, Steam Jet. A form of current conveyor in 
 which steam at a high velocity is the agent used to move 
 the material, most often applied to conveying ashes or 
 similar waste material. It consists of a suction pipe 
 having hoppers into which the material may be fed (the 
 openings being closed when not in use) connected to a 
 conveying pipe leading to the discharge point. One end 
 of the suction pipe has an opening through which air can 
 pass ; at the other end, and so directed as to produce an 
 injector action in the suction pipe away from the open 
 end, is a steam jet. The rush of air in the open end of 
 the pipe carries the material along with it and past the 
 jet; from that point on the material is forced by the 
 direct action, or blast of the jet, through the horizontal 
 or vertical leads of the conveying pipe and around el 
 bows to the discharge point. Here there may be a closed 
 storage bin where the material is allowed to collect for 
 periodical (or continuous) removal through a gate at the 
 bottom ; the air passes out through a vent pipe. Or in 
 the case of ashes the discharge may be into a baffle box 
 which holds the discharge within a small space, from 
 which it may drop into a railroad car, or it may blow 
 directly into the open air and fall on a heap on the 
 ground, where it is used for filling in purposes, or is re 
 moved later by other means. If the discharge line is 
 very long, booster units containing additional steam jets 
 are inserted at suitable intervals. 
 All parts of such conveying system, especially where 
 an abrasive material like ashes is handled, are made of 
 the hardest material obtainable, and at all points where the 
 wear is greatest, renewable parts should be provided. 
 -Where the discharge is into a closed storage bin, or into 
 a baffle box, hard and easily renewable impact plates or 
 targets must be provided to receive the force of the jet, 
 or else the plating of the structure will be speedily cut 
 through at that point. 
 Various fittings are used, including steam units of 90, 
 60, 45 and 30 deg. ; Ts, elbows, intake tees, elbows of 
 90, 60, 45, 22^ and 11^ deg., branch laterals, etc., and 
 each is provided with a renewable plate at the point of ash 
 Beside being used for ashes, steam jet conveyors are 
 used for removing soot from beyond the bridge-wall of 
 a boiler furnace. 
 Page 431. 
 Conveyor, Steel Apron. A carrying conveyor consist 
 ing of two parallel endless strands of chain passing 
 around sprockets and carrying between or on them a 
 series of flat, curved, abutting or overlapping metal plates 
 whose width corresponds to the pitch of the side chains to 
 which they are fastened. It forms a continuous metal 
 supporting belt for carrying heavy bulk material on the 
 top run. The plates, occasionally termed flights, often 
 have ends turned up at right angles and overlapping in 
 such a way as to maintain a trough form even while 
 passing around the sprockets at the head and tail ends 
 of the conveyor run. Such a conveyor can ordinarily be 
 discharged only over the head; if the turned up ends are 
 omitted and the chain links are attached beneath the 
 plates, a scraper placed diagonally across the apron will 
 discharge material at an intermediate point. (See 
 The forms and laps of the plates vary according to the 
 nature of the material, the depth of the layer, and the 
 length and inclination of the conveyor. The simplest is 
 the flat plate without lap, with plain or downward flanged 
 edges ; there is also the plain lapped plate, and the lapped 
 plate with one edge flanged downward. Overlapping plates 
 curved to the radius of the end sprocket may have a 
 scraper pressed against them as they pass around the 
 head to remove sticky material. Single beaded plates 
 have a bead formed with the convex side upward on the 
 leading edge, overlapping the plate ahead ; double beaded 
 plates have beads of slightly different radius on both 
 edges, the leading edge lapping over the smaller bead on 
 the plate ahead and making a joint through which mate 
 rial is not likely to work. Both single and double beaded 
 plates may be flat as described, or bent up lengthwise to 
 nearly a right angle, each plate making a V-shaped 
 trough; they may also be depressed between beads into 
 shallow or deep pans, often called pan conveyors. The 
 shallow pans are often lined with wood making a level 
 apron for receiving heavy and abrasive materials. 
 Special forms of apron plates are often required, the 
 following being examples : for lehrs, interlocking of the 
 adjacent plates helps to keep them from warping in the 
 intense heat ; for very heavy work, chain links may be 
 cast integral with cast plates, and the rollers set in in 
 tegral iugs beneath. 
 For any except the lightest loads the chains are of the 
 roller type, travelling on suitable tracks. When placed 
 beneath the pans, the latter are better supported to re 
 ceive a heavy load, and can therefore be used as feeders 
 under hopper; the apron cannot be supported on the re 
 turn run and this construction is therefore limited to a 
 short run between the end shafts. The pitch of the chain 
 is the same as the plates; they are connected by riveted 
 attachment links, and the rollers lie at the center of cur 
 vature of the bead. Attachment links are also used when 
 the chains are placed outside the plates, with the rollers 
 between the chain links and the roller pin extending the 
 full width of the conveyor, thus preventing the rollers 
 from tipping. For light and heavy work, plain rollers on 
 flat rails and flanged rollers on T-rails are used re 
 spectively. The plate ends are bent upward in one piece 
 in some cases, but are also often made of separate formed 
 pieces riveted to the plates ; sometimes the chain link 
 itself forms the end plate. 
 These conveyors are usually supplied by a feeder 
 through a hopper of suitable width. Fixed skirt boards 
 are sometimes used the full length of the run to enable 
 a deeper layer of material to be carried, or to prevent 
 lumps from working off. Narrow conveyors are some 
 times termed feeder widths ; wide ones, loading boom 
 widths. When wooden pieces are used instead of the 
 steel plates the conveyor is termed an apron or a plat 
 form conveyor; when used in an inclined position an 
 apron or platform elevator. 
 Page 423, 760-771. 
 Conveyor Switch. See Switc .i, Conveyor. 
 Conveyor, Trimming. A continuous conveyor, often of 
 the V-bucket type, arranged for trimming coal in the 
 bunkers and holds of a ship. It is arranged to be sus 
 pended by ropes from above, or by props beneath, and 
 consists of an inclined receiving end with an open bottom 
 self-feeding boot, secured at an adjustable angle to an up 
 per horizontal delivery run which has several discharge 
 points. The horizontal run is placed close up under 
 neath the deck, extended away from the port or hatch, 
 and reaches points to which the coal will not flow, even 
 higher than the entry port if desired. 
 Conveyor Trough, Flight. The trough of a flight con 
 veyor may be made of wood, wood with sheet steel lin 
 ing, lap or butt jointed bent steel plates, steel drop forg- 
 ings or cast iron. They are rectangular, flat bottom with 
 slanting sides, U-shaped or V-shaped in section, the last 
 two being used for single strand conveyors only. When 
 used for conveying a gritty or abrasive material like 
 ashes, the trough is made of hard white cast iron ; re 
 newable linings are also sometimes provided. (See also 
 Conveyor, Jacketed.) 
 Page 464. 
 Conveyor, Vibrating or Reciprocating Trough. A 
 horizontal trough mounted on inclined elastic wooden 
 supports, and oscillated endways by an eccentric with 
 spring connections to the trough. The slant of the sup 
 ports is such that the trough moves upward while go 
 ing forward, and drops as it returns ; at a proper speed 
 the material actually leaves the bottom of the trough 
 temporarily and keeps in almost continuous motion. It 
 is especially suitable for sticky materials. 
 Also called grasshopper trough conveyor. 
 Page 429. 
 Conveyor, Wood Apron. A carrying conveyor consist 
 ing of two parallel endless strands of chain passing 
 around sprockets and attached to the ends or bottoms of 
 a .series of wooden cross pieces forming a smooth plat 
 form. When the chains are at the ends they support as 
 well as move the apron, and are of the plain type sliding 
 in smooth guides, or of the roller type running on rails; 
 the former is often termed a wood apron drag conveyor. 
 In the carrier type, each cross piece is supported by two 
 or four rollers on axles fastened beneath it, and running 
 on suitable guides or rails ; the chains are then attached to 
 the bottom of the slats or to the carrier frames, and 
 serve merely to propel the apron and keep the parts prop 
 erly spaced. Occasionally one chain only is used, and is 
 placed at the center. 
 The wood crosspieces may be flat on top and form a 
 smooth, even platform ; when located at floor level it is 
 often termed a platform conveyor ; when set on an in 
 cline it may be called a platform or apron elevator; and 
 if arranged with special regard to conveying people an 
 escalator or a traveling ramp. When the cross pieces 
 are narrower than the pitch, leaving spaces between them, 
 the machine is generally termed a slat conveyor. The 
 cross pieces may be beveled along the long sides on top, 
 giving to the apron the effect of transverse grooves ; de 
 tached lugs or full length angle bars may be attached 
 to them to get a better grip on articles carried, especially 
 where part of the run is up an incline ; or special chocks 
 or cradles may be bolted to each or to alternate pieces 
 to carry objects like barrels, kegs or irregular machinery 
 parts. Sometimes cleats are fixed to the cross pieces, 
 parallel to the conveyor run ; these allow the use of a 
 fingered loading platform, or a comb with prongs at both 
 ends of the run, and make loading and unloading at the 
 ends easier and even semi-automatic. 
 Loading may be at the end or any intermediate point; 
 discharge is simplest over the end, but can be produced 
 witli smooth aprons at any intermediate point by the use 
 of diagonal diverters. 
 The drive is usually at the delivery end for a one way 
 conveyor, but if reversible it may be at whichever end 
 is most convenient. 
 Page 322, 761-771. 
 Conveyor, Wood Apron Drag. A name sometimes ap 
 plied to a wood apron conveyor in which the two chains 
 attached to the ends of the slats are not provided with 
 rollers for supporting the load, but arc dragged along 
 smooth guiding surfaces. The chains are sometimes flat 
 sided, provided large wearing surfaces, or are provided 
 with wearing shoes which may be renewable. 
 Core. The central supporting post of a closed center 
 type spiral chute, to which the wings forming the spiral 
 are attached, and which carries the vertical load. 
 Cordage. A comprehensive term used to include all 
 sizes and varieties of twine, rope, cable, etc., made from 
 fibrous materials like manila, hemp or sisal. 
 Counter, Sack. A mechanism arranged in a chute to 
 count packages or sacks as they pass. Several types are 
 in use, including one having an arm which is swung by 
 each object passing, returning to its position immediately. 
 Another utilizes the weight of the sack passing over a 
 tilting plate in the chute bottom to work the counter. 
 Counterweight. A heavy weight so placed and con 
 nected in a machine as to counterbalance a load or mov 
 ing part. Locomotive cranes and rotating cranes in gen 
 eral have fixed counterweights placed on the opposite 
 side of the turntable from the load. Part of the counter- 
 weight is made up of the operating machinery, the re 
 mainder being scrap iron, sand, or concrete, these being 
 cheap and not requiring shipment with the remainder of 
 the crane. Where saving space is important, cast iron 
 weights are used. Horizontal cantilever cranes, floating 
 cranes, and pillar cranes often have counterweights 
 mounted on wheels, which automatically moves along 
 the rear end of the cantilever in symmetry with the load 
 on the main arm by rope connections. 
 Occasionally vertically moving counterweights moving 
 in guides are connected by wire ropes to the moving part 
 to be balanced, as for instance the boom of a luffing crane. 
 Also called ballast, which is more correctly applied to 
 the material making up the counterweight. 
 Coupling. A device for securing together the ends of 
 the units of a series of objects or parts arranged in line 
 like hose, shafts, pipes, conveyor runway, etc. 
 Also the mechanism at the ends of cars by which they 
 are connected to one another or to a locomotive, for 
 making up trains ; a car coupling. 
 Coupling Bolt. A bolt used in holding together the 
 parts of a coupling particularly applied to a shaft 
 Coupling, Double Cone or Muff. A shaft coupling con 
 sisting of two short sleeves fitting the shaft ends and 
 keyed to them, split at one point and having conical 
 surfaces on the outside. Another sleeve, having internal 
 conical surfaces at the two ends fitting the shaft sleeves, 
 surrounds them, and the two inner cones are drawn to 
 gether strongly by bolts passing through them. The 
 inner cones clamp the shaft on the inside, and wedge in 
 the outer sleeve on the outside, the torque being trans 
 mitted from one shaft to the other by friction between 
 the two conical surfaces. The through bolts are also 
 placed so as to act as keys and prevent continued slip 
 ping if it should start. 
 Occasionally the relation of the sleeves is inverted, a 
 continuous split sleeve being fitted over the shaft ends, 
 and two external sleeves arc drawn together by bolts. 
 Coupling, Flange. A shaft coupling consisting of two 
 flanged sleeves or hubs each fitted and keyed to the end 
 of its shaft. The flanges are fastened together by bolts 
 passing through them; projecting rims or cylindrical 
 flanges should be provided to prevent the projecting bolt 
 heads and nuts from causing personal injury. The torque 
 is carried by shearing stress in the flange bolts. 
 Coupling, Flexible. A coupling which provides a small 
 amount of elastic yielding in the connection between two 
 shafts, so that sudden shocks in starting are avoided, and 
 also so that small amounts of mis-alignment will not 
 cause damage. One type has flanges facing each other 
 on the abutting shaft ends, and each flange has a circular 
 row of pins on its face. An endless belt may be wrapped 
 in and out among these pins, or adjacent ones may be 
 attached with separate loops of belting. Loosely fitting 
 flange bolts with rubber bushings, and laminated-telescop 
 ing flange bolts are two other devices used. A thin tube 
 corrugated circumferentially, or its equivalent, may be 
 bolted between the two flanges. 
 Coupling, Oldham s. A shaft coupling intended to con 
 nect shafts which remain parallel, but may get out of 
 alignment. A flange is fastened on the end of each shaft, 
 each flange having a groove running diametrically across 
 its face. Between these two flanges is placed a disc 
 having diametrical tongues on its two faces, these tongues 
 being at right angles to each other, and each fitting into a 
 groove in the shaft flange. When the shafts rotate, the 
 tongues slip in the grooves if the shafts are not in exact 
 Coupling Pin. A pin used in car couplings. 
 Coupling, Shaft. A device for connecting the adjacent 
 ends of two shafts so that rotary motion may be trans 
 mitted from one to the other. Various types are : the 
 flange coupling, the split or clamp coupling, the muff or 
 double cone coupling; these couplings require accurate 
 alignment of the two shafts. If the shafts are parallel 
 but not coincident, Oldham s coupling may be used ; if 
 intersecting but not in line, a single universal coupling 
 is used ; if neither parallel nor intersecting, two universal 
 couplings with a short piece of shaft are required. (See 
 Universal Joint.) 
 Flexible couplings are used where it is desirable to 
 have a small amount of elasticity between the two shafts, 
 to avoid shocks at starting or stopping; such couplings 
 are generally applied to shafts which are in alignment, 
 though many of them will also permit a small amount of 
 For couplings which permit the two shafts to be easily 
 disconnected at will, see Clutch. 
 Coupling, Split or Clamp. A shaft coupling consisting 
 of two half-cylinders fitted to the shaft on their inner 
 surfaces. They are bolted together over the joint in the 
 two aligned shafts by transverse bolts, and one of the two 
 halves of the coupling is provided with a key. The torque 
 is carried from one shaft to another by torsional stress 
 in the half-couplings. 
 Crab. A term rather indiscriminately applied to sev 
 eral types of small hand-winches, to some winches 
 operated by power, and also occasionally (British) to 
 crane trolleys. (See Winch and Trolley, which are 
 preferable terms.) 
 Crane. A machine for moving heavy objects by rais 
 ing them, moving them horizontally, and lowering them 
 in the new location. Two mechanisms are essential : the 
 hoist for the vertical motion; and the mechanism of 
 translation for the horizontal motion. 
 Page 155. 
 Crane, Boat. A type of rotary pillar crane for handling 
 heavy lifeboats, launches, etc., on shipboard, principally 
 on warships. One curved piece, usually of box-girder 
 construction, which replaces both pillar and boom, is 
 pivoted at the base, and carries the lifting tackle at its 
 upper end. For heavy loads, the slewing is done by 
 power ; for smaller loads, it is done by hand, and in 
 this case the frame is made of a single curved piece of 
 steel, called a davit. 
 Crane, Braced Jib. A jib crane built up of structural 
 steel shapes, diagonal braces and ties, gussets, clips, etc., 
 riveted together, as distinguished from one which is built 
 like a curved plate girder, or is formed of a single curved 
 piece like a ship s davit. Two general types of bracing 
 are top or tie rod bracing, and bottom or under bracing. 
 The simplest top braced or tie rod construction exists 
 where the mast and jib are two straight structural shapes 
 connected at right angles, and a diagonal tie attached at or 
 near the outer end of the jib connects it to the top of the 
 mast. Several such diagonal ties may support as many 
 points of the jib. 
 The simplest under braced jib has a single straight 
 diagonal strut from the bottom of the mast to a point at 
 or near the end of the jib; to increase clearance this strut 
 may be curved inward. To give a better support to the 
 jib and also to give goo --learancp underneath the brace, 
 it is often run to a point about half way out on the jib, 
 and shorter diagonal struts run from its middle point to 
 two other points on the jib. This is called a triple under- 
 braced jib. 
 Another combination form of bracing, called top and 
 back bracing, is obtained by extending the jib back past 
 the mast a short distance, connecting the end of this 
 extension to the top and the bottom of the mast by a 
 strut and tie, respectively, and supporting the main or 
 front portion of the jib by ties from the top of the mast. 
 This gives maximum clearance under the jib, with maxi 
 mum economy of material, but requires good head-room. 
 Crane, Bracket or Bracket Jib. See Crane, Wall 
 Bracket Jib. 
 Crane, Bridge. A crane having a bridge along which a 
 trolley carrying a hoist and a load may travel. The 
 bridge may or may not be capable of travel. In this 
 sense the term is used merely to distinguish a gantry or 
 overhead traveling crane from a swing, jib or wall crane, 
 or derrick. Sometimes called a girder crane. (See also 
 Gantry, Cantilever Bridge.) 
 Page 155, 777-800. 
 Crane, Bridge Storage. A term sometimes applied to a 
 gantry crane (with or without cantilever ends) especially 
 arranged for the unloading of material in bulk, such as 
 ore, coal, sand, gravel, etc., from cars or vessels, and 
 placing it in open storage piles ; also for reclaiming such 
 material from the piles and loading it on cars or vessels. 
 (See also Gantry, Cantilever Bridge.) The material is 
 usually handled by a grab bucket. The hoisting winch 
 is fixed in one of the towers, and the trolley is moved and 
 the bucket hoisted by wire ropes. Or it may be of the 
 man-trolley type, where the operator rides in a cab travel 
 ling with the hoist, all electrically driven. 
 Page 791-799. 
 Crane, Bucket. A term often applied to any type of 
 crane which is capable of handling a grab bucket and is 
 equipped with one. Any crane, provided it is sufficiently 
 powerful, can handle a single line grab bucket, though 
 the addition of a tag line or other means of preventing 
 rotation of the bucket may be necessary. A two-line 
 bucket requires two hoisting drums which are partially or 
 completely independent. 
 For continuous and rapid action, durable machinery of 
 proper strength and high speed must be supplied, but any 
 type of crane may be adapted to the work. Overhead 
 and gantry travelling cranes, derricks and locomotive 
 cranes are, perhaps, used most frequently. (See Trolley, 
 Page 786-800. 
 Crane, Cantilever. See Gantry, Cantilever; Crane. 
 Horizontal Rotating Cantilever. 
 Crane, Cargo. A crane especially adapted to the trans 
 ferring of cargo between a vessel s hold and a wharf or 
 lighter. If located on a pier or wharf, it is generally 
 termed a wharf crane ; if located on the vessel, it is often 
 a derrick, and is one of the principal parts of the cargo 
 handling gear. (See Cargo Handling Gear: Derrick, 
 Page 191. 797, 798. 
 Crane, Charging. An overhead travelling crane espe 
 cially developed for steel works use in charging open 
 hearth furnaces. A rigid structure hanging below the 
 bridge has a horizontal arm which is capable of being 
 lowered until the end is connected with the charging box, 
 of raising it, passing it endways through the charging 
 door, and rotating it about a horizontal axis, dumping the 
 load of scrap. The motions are then reversed. (See 
 also Charging Machine.) 
 Page 165. 
 Crane, Code of Safety Standards. Page 158. 
 Crane, Column Jib. See Crane, Pillar Jib. 
 Crane, Counterweight Cargo. A type of cantilever 
 gantry crane used for cargo handling, in which, by a 
 special reeving of the hoisting rope, the weight of the 
 hook, fall rope, down-haul ball, block, skip or slings, to 
 gether with half the average load, are balanced by a 
 counterweight. The load hook must then be lowered by 
 power against the pull of the counterweight, but the size 
 of the motor or engine and machinery to operate the 
 hoist may be greatly reduced, as less power is required 
 Crane End Truck. ( )nc of the two end frames or car 
 riages of an overhead travelling crane structure having 
 wheels rolling on the rails of the runway, and supporting 
 the ends of the bridge girders. In small cranes the truck" 
 may be of cast or forged steel ; in larger sizes they are 
 of structural steel, cast steel or combinations of the two. 
 They are rigidly secured at right angles to the crane 
 girders, and are braced with horizontal gusset plates to 
 prevent the structure getting out of square. Fitted bolts 
 and reamed holes are generally used for these fastenings, 
 as they must be made in the field, and the utmost rigidity 
 is necessary. To prevent any appreciable drop in case 
 a wheel breaks during use, a portion of the end frame in 
 the form of a lug projects downward close to the rail ; 
 in some cases the bridge girders themselves extend across 
 the rail and only slightly above it. These provisions also 
 allow the end frame to be easily raised by wedges in 
 order to remove the track wheels. 
 For light loads there are two wheels in each truck; 
 for heavier loads there are four, arranged in pairs with 
 equalizing or compensating trucks ; for the very heaviest 
 loads there may be eight or sixteen wheels on two parallel 
 rails. The form of the end frame is also strongly influ 
 enced by the type of wheel hearing: if of the M. C. R. 
 type, in which the axle is forced into the wheel and turns 
 with it, cast bearing boxes with an oil cellar are bolted 
 or riveted to the truck. If of the pin and keeper type, 
 in which the wheel turns on the axle, the pin generally 
 passes through the two side plates of the truck which are 
 reinforced to receive it. The wheel is between the side 
 plates and has a bronze bushing which turns on the pin, 
 the latter being held in place by keepers. The wheel 
 should be placed symmetrically between the two sides 
 of the end truck, and every effort should be made to dis 
 tribute the load from the bridge equally between the two 
 Also called end carriage, end cradle, end frame, truck 
 beam. (See also Equalizer Saddle; Crane Girder.) 
 Page 155. 
 Crane, Fitting-out. Any crane arranged and located 
 especially for shipyard use in placing engines, boilers, 
 guns, masts, stacks, armor, etc., in a ship after it is in 
 the water. It is generally located on a dock close to the 
 water, or is a floating crane. The various types are all 
 characterized by extremely large lifting capacity, a large 
 clearance under the part extending over the ship, and a 
 sufficient reach to cover the width of the ship, and some 
 times more, in order to pick up material from a barge 
 brought to the far side of the ship from the crane. (See 
 Crane. Folding Jib Gantry, Crane. Floating Gantry; 
 Crane. Horizontal Rotating Cantilever.") 
 Pape 197. 
 Crane, Fixed. A crane whose principal structure is 
 mounted on permanent or semi-permanent foundations. 
 The area served is strictly limited by the dimensions of 
 the moving parts of the crane, and neither the whole 
 crane structure nor any considerable portion of it has 
 any motion of translation during the operation of the 
 machine as a crane. 
 Page 169. 
 Crane, Floating. A crane mounted on a barge or pon 
 toon which can be towed or self-propelled from place 
 to place, and used for lifting and moving heavy weights 
 at docks, ship fitting berths, etc., and for heavy marine 
 work generally, including salvage operations. These 
 cranes are generally of large size and capacity, and are 
 built in various styles. Some are jib cranes, with a 
 rotating jib of fixed radius, or with a variable radius 
 obtained by means of a trolley. Others have rotating 
 booms of variable inclination. Gantries and shear legs 
 are also used afloat, and for small work ; stiff-leg derricks 
 mounted on barges are common, and are termed derrick 
 boats or floating derricks. 
 In rotary floating cranes of large capacity, every pos 
 sible effort is made to get the maximum lifting power at 
 the maximum possible distance from the side of the 
 pontoon, with a minimum of tipping, and with this pur 
 pose in mind, the crane structure is generally located 
 away from the center of the pontoon, and the operating 
 machinery is utilized as a counterweight by being placed 
 on the rotating part opposite to the load. Adjustable 
 or movable counterweights may also be used, or some of 
 the pontoon compartments may be flooded with water for 
 the same purpose. 
 Page 195, 801, 802. 
 Crane, Foundry. A name sometimes given to a rotary 
 underbraced jib crane, with a trolley running on the top 
 of the jib, and operated by hand or power. It has been 
 extensively used in foundry practice, in capacities of 
 one to ten tons. (See also Crane, Rotary Jib.) 
 Crane, Gantry. See Gantry. 
 Crane, Gantry, with Inclined Cantilever. A crane used 
 in handling excavated material, and consisting of a gan 
 try base central tower on which a long truss is supported 
 at its center in a slanting position. A rope trolley han 
 dling a grab or bottom dumping bucket operates on the 
 bridge, the motive power being located in the central 
 tower, and the whole structure moves on a track under 
 the tower. The lower end of the cantilever extends over 
 an excavation like a canal, and the upper end over the 
 spoil bank; the excavated material is carried from the 
 excavation to the spoil bank by the bucket. 
 Crane, Girder Frame Jib. A type of rotary jib crane 
 in which the mast and jib curve into one another and 
 are substantially all one piece, being built up in a plate 
 girder of box section composed of plates and angles as 
 distinguished from Lattice Frame and Braced Jib 
 Cranes. (Also called Fairbairn Jib Crane.) 
 Crane, Guyed Jib. A jib crane in which the top of the 
 mast is held in place by diagonal stays leading to anchor 
 ages in the ground at some distance from the base of the 
 Crane, Hammerhead or Hammerhead Jib. See Crane, 
 Horizontal Rotating Cantilever; Crane, Pintle. 
 Crane, Hand. A crane which is operated by human 
 power. The usual method of applying it for hoisting is 
 by means of a rotating crank. For travelling or swing 
 ing, the load may be directly pushed or pulled by hand 
 or by hand-operated cranks with appropriate rope or 
 chain connections. 
 Page 159, 777-800. 
 Crane, Horizontal Rotating Cantilever. A rotating 
 crane consisting of a horizontal double cantilever struc 
 ture of unequal arms, supported on an elevated roller 
 bearing turntable, carrying the load at the end of the 
 long arm, or at a variable radius by means of a trolley 
 which can travel along the lower chord of the long arm, 
 and bearing the operating machinery and counterweight 
 on the short arm. 
 In very large sizes, for ship fitting out, it may be 
 mounted at a dock or on a barge. In smaller sizes it 
 often has a gantry base and is called a tower or shipyard 
 crane. When the tower is very short, it is sometimes 
 called a turntable crane. 
 It may also be fixed on a travelling gantry, or may be 
 mounted on a trolley on a fixed gantry, or on a travelling 
 gantry, or on an elevated runway. It may also be under 
 hung to the trolley of an overhead travelling crane. Also 
 called hammerhead crane, or hammerhead jib crane from 
 the resemblance in appearance of the rotating element to 
 the head of a tack hammer. 
 Crane, Hydraulic. A crane which is operated by 
 hydraulic power. While smooth in action and almost un 
 limited in capacity, the system is so inferior to electricity 
 in most other respects that hydraulic cranes are prac 
 tically obsolete. 
 Crane, Inclined Cantilever Jib. A straight line type of 
 travelling crane, developed particularly for transferring 
 freight between the hold of a vessel and the inside of a 
 wharf shed. The travelling structure, which is of the 
 full or semi-portal type of gantry, or of the bridge type, 
 travelling on the roof of the shed, carries on the end 
 toward the water a double cantilever jib, with ends 
 unequal in length. In its working position the jib is 
 inclined with the short lower end projecting underneath 
 the edge of the shed roof, and the long end extending 
 upward and out over the hatchway of the vessel. A load 
 is hoisted from the hold with the trolley at the outer 
 end of the jib; when clear of the hatchway the trolley 
 is allowed to move inward and downward along the jib. 
 To allow the crane to be moved along the runway to 
 different hatches, or to allow the vessel to be moved 
 along the wharf, the jib may be raised to a vertical posi 
 tion against the end of the gantry or bridge, when it will 
 clear all parts of the vessel and wharf. 
 Crane, Inclined Jib. A jib crane in which the jib is 
 inclined to the horizontal at a fixed angle. More power 
 is naturally required to move the trolley up the slope, 
 but other considerations often make the arrangement 
 desirable. (See Crane, Inclined Cantilever Jib.) 
 Crane, Independent. A rotary jib crane supported clear 
 of a wall so that it may make a complete swing, as dis 
 tinguished from a wall crane which may swing through a 
 half-circle only. 
 Crane, Inverted Post. An underhung crane consisting 
 of a trolley travelling on an overhead bridge and having 
 centrally fixed to it a downwardly projecting post on 
 which a jib can swing in a horizontal plane beneath the 
 bridge. The jib may or may not have a trolley; move 
 ment of the trolley and slewing of the jib may be by 
 power or by hand. The hoisting is usually performed by 
 an electric motor, carried on the jib. 
 (See also Crane, Underhung; Crane, Horizontal Ro 
 tating Cantilever.) 
 Crane, Jib. A crane consisting of a bracket frame, or 
 of a vertical post from which extends a horizontal arm 
 (see Jib) carrying a traveller or trolley (see Trolley) 
 on wheels, from which the load is suspended. The load 
 is raised or lowered by a suitable hoisting mechanism 
 (see Hoist) suspended from, built into or acting through 
 the trolley, and free movement along the jib is then 
 allowed by the trolley wheels. The vertical post is 
 usually pivoted at the top and bottom to allow swinging 
 (see Crane, Rotary Jib), but when a bracket frame is 
 used, it is often non-swinging and mounted on wheels to 
 allow of motion along a track or runway. (See Crane, 
 Travelling Jib). 
 Page 171, 780, 789. 
 Crane, Ladle. Any crane arranged especially for han 
 dling and pouring ladles of molten metal. The term is 
 usually applied to overhead electric travelling cranes of 
 large capacity, provided with a double set of hoisting 
 ropes supporting a strong beam, from the ends of which 
 long steel hooks support the ladle by trunnions at the 
 sides. The double set of ropes prevents any turning 
 tendency, and the use of the beam keeps the load blocks 
 and hoisting rope away from the intense heat of the 
 molten metal. Special precautions are taken to protect 
 the whole equipment, mechanical and electrical, from the 
 .heat, dust and chemical fumes. 
 As an extra precaution in case of the failure of a 
 hoisting motor, two motors are often used, each capable 
 of handling the load in case of failure of the other. If 
 these motors drive separate drums, each lifting one end 
 of the beam, interlocking gearing prevents unequal lower 
 ing of the beam. 
 Another arrangement is to have two hoisting drums 
 and two ropes, each end of a rope being wound on a 
 drum and each drum therefore lifting half the load at 
 each end of the lifting beam. In case of accident to and 
 stoppage of one of the hoisting motors, the other motor 
 and drum will continue to handle the load at half speed. 
 For large ladles which must be tipped by power, a 
 second smaller crane trolley is often provided, running on 
 the same rails as the main trolley, or on separate and 
 non-interfering rails, and connected with the tipping 
 arrangements by its hoisting rope. 
 Page 165. 
 Crane, Locomotive. A rotary travelling crane consist 
 ing of a pillar crane with inclinable boom mounted on a 
 turntable carried on a wheeled car travelling on tracks 
 of standard or special gage. It is extremely mobile, has 
 been built to handle loads up to 500 tons though the 
 cranes in most common use handle about 15 tons has 
 a long reach, and may be adapted to a variety of uses. 
 The travelling car in the small cranes is a four-wheel 
 rigid truck, one axle being driven by power. The medium 
 sizes have an eight-wheel swiveling truck car body, one 
 axle in each truck usually being driven by power. On 
 the car body is mounted a large gear which is also a 
 track for the roller bearings supporting the deck or 
 racer, this deck being held down to the car body by a 
 large pivot pin. 
 On the deck or racer is mounted the pillar, often 
 included as a part of the frame of the hoisting machine. 
 The heel of the boom is pivoted at the base of the pillar, 
 and is supported at the outer end by wire rope tackle led 
 to a drum. The load line is led from the boom point to an 
 other drum. A third drum is supplied if a two-line bucket 
 is to be handled, and winch heads are also provided on 
 the ends of one or more of the hoisting drum shafts. A 
 reversible pinion driven by gearing projects down through 
 the deck and meshes with the large base gear, providing 
 power for rotating or slewing. The hoisting engine, boiler, 
 coal and water, or the electrical machinery, if the crane 
 be electrically operated is located back of the pillar op 
 posite the boom ; all this equipment serves to counter 
 balance the weight of the boom and load. 
 Various arrangements of jaw and friction clutches are 
 used to connect the drums and gearing to the engine ,or 
 motor, depending on whether the engine is reversible or 
 not, whether two or more motions must be carried on 
 simultaneously, and how often a motion must be repeated 
 in service. Friction clutches are essential to rapid action 
 and frequent repetition. 
 The motions possible with a locomotive crane are : 
 hoisting; rotary, by swinging or slewing the boom ; radial, 
 by changing the inclination of, or luffing, the boom; and 
 travelling, by moving the crane along the rails. The 
 operator s station is usually just back of the pillar, from 
 which point he has a clear view of the load during lifting. 
 When it is permissible temporarily to fix the crane in 
 position, its lifting capacity may be increased somewhat by 
 anchoring the car body to the tracks. For a larger in 
 crease, outriggers or beams underneath the car body 
 are used; these can be slid out and blocked up from the 
 If the crane is mounted on springs for satisfactory train 
 travel at high speed, wedges must be placed to prevent 
 the springs functioning during lifting operations. 
 The unit as a whole may be mounted on an elevated 
 track or on a travelling gantry, or the car body may be 
 elongated vertically into a tower with or without a gantry 
 base, sometimes termed a raised pier locomotive crane. 
 Omitting the car body and wheels, it may be mounted in 
 a fixed position on semi or full portal gantries, or on 
 towers of various heights. 
 Page 179, 804-806. 
 Crane, Luffing. A crane in which the load may be 
 moved radially, or to or from the center of the crane 
 structure, by changing the inclination of the boom from 
 the end of which the load is suspended, as in a locomotive 
 crane or derrick. This motion may incidentally be 
 accompanied by a raising or lowering of the load, but the 
 term luffing has reference to the horizontal motion only. 
 In a derrick the load may be luffed inward by raising 
 the boom, and if at the same time the load line be slacked 
 off enough to keep the load from being lifted along with 
 the boom point, true horizontal luffing action will result; 
 this is generally accomplished by the skill of the operator. 
 When this operation must be repeated continuously, as 
 in loading cargoes, an arrangement of load and boom 
 hoisting ropes and guide sheaves may be made which will 
 automatically maintain the load at a constant level during 
 the luffing of the boom. If, in addition, the boom be 
 counter-balanced, the power required for luffing is a 
 minimum, and is only that necessary to overcome friction. 
 Shear legs constitute a crane of the luffing type. 
 Crane, Monorail Jib. A wall travelling jib crane with 
 a fixed radius swinging arm. (See also Crane, Walking 
 Crane, Overhead Electric Traveling. An overhead 
 traveling crane, generally of the bridge type, operated by 
 electricity. This method of driving is becoming so uni 
 versal that the time is rapidly approaching when all such 
 cranes will be either electrical or hand-operated. 
 Direct current is the most commonly used and is 
 simplest. Alternating current may be used, but on account 
 of the difficulty of varying the speed of an A. C. motor 
 over a wide range, it is unsatisfactory in crane service 
 where delicate control is necessary. The voltage is 
 usually 220; higher voltages would be more efficient so 
 far as transmission losses are concerned, but owing to 
 the presence of long lines of bare conductors in ouildings 
 containing many people, voltages which would be fatal to 
 human life are unsuitable. (See also Crane, Overhead 
 Page 161, 781-800. 
 Crane, Overhead Traveling. A crane consisting of a 
 steel bridge or girder structure supported at the ends on 
 wheels traveling on elevated runways, and having a trol 
 ley traversing the bridge, a hoist built into or hung on the 
 trolley, and motors, gears, shafts, etc., for operating the 
 machine, and apparatus for controlling it. 
 The steel bridge or girder structure is carried by wheels 
 at the ends traveling on straight level rails or runways 
 laid on elevated structures. It is maintained at right 
 angles to the two runways and travels along them by 
 hand, or by power applied to the wheels at the bridge 
 ends. Structurally it may vary from a simple I-beam to a 
 complicated structure of four or more box or braced 
 girders of great strength. (See Crane Girder.) The 
 end trucks or carriages may be built in a number of 
 different ways, and the wheels in each truck may number 
 from two to sixteen, depending on the crane capacity. 
 (See Crane End Truck.) 
 The trolley may be hand-operated, or may have as 
 many as six motors (see Crane. Single Motor, etc.). 
 Wire rope, crane chain or pitch chain (see Rope, Chain) 
 may be used for lifting the load, in combination with 
 worm or spur gearing (see Gearing). The load is ordi 
 narily hung on a hook (see Hook) by slings of rope or 
 chain (see Slings). The hoisting mechanism may be 
 built separately and hung onto a hook or other fastening 
 on the trolley (see Hoist, Independent), or may be built 
 into the mechanism of the trolley (see Hoist, Trolley), 
 the most usual arrangement for medium and large sized 
 cranes being to have a motor-driven, geared-drum hoist 
 built into the trolley. 
 There is usually one trolley, with one load hoist or with 
 a main and an auxiliary hoist, the latter being much 
 smaller in capacity and operating at a correspondingly 
 higher speed. Occasionally there are two hoists of equal 
 capacity on the same trolley, or two separate trolleys of 
 equal capacity on the same bridge, one or both of these 
 trolleys having an auxiliary hoist. Or a main and an 
 auxiliary trolley may be operated on the same bridge, 
 on the same or on different and non-interfering runways. 
 (See Crane Girder.) 
 Holding and lowering brakes must be supplied for 
 controlling the vertical movement of the load, including at 
 least two provisions against accidental dropping. Brakes 
 are also provided to control the travel of the trolley on 
 the bridge and of the bridge on the runway. (See Brakes, 
 (See Crane, Hydraulic, Rope, Steam, Electric, for vari 
 ous motive powers that have been used for operating over 
 head travelling cranes.) 
 (See Crane, Roundhouse, for an example of circular 
 (See Crane, Skew, for an example where the bridge is 
 not at right angles to the runways.) 
 Page 155, 781-800. 
 Crane, Pier or Raised Pier. A locomotive crane having 
 a structural steel pier or tower between the car body at 
 the bottom, and the turntable at the top, and serving to 
 elevate the rotating pillar element and give it a greater 
 length of hoist. 
 Crane, Pillar. A rotary crane, generally fixed, consist 
 ing of a pillar or post held in a vertical position by 
 attachment at its base to a turntable or equivalent mechan 
 ism which is securely fastened to the foundation, and a 
 boom of fixed radius and inclination which meets the 
 pillar near the bottom and is supported at its outer and 
 upper end by a tie rod from the top of the pillar. No 
 trolley is ordinarily provided, and the load may be moved 
 horizontally around the circumference of a circle of fixed 
 radius only. (Also called Transfer Crane, or Railroad 
 Crane, from its wide use for transfer purposes in freight 
 When mounted, with its power operating mechanism, 
 on a substantial turntable and provided with a boom 
 of variable inclination, this apparatus forms a crane unit 
 of very wide use, and is applied in many ways. The 
 pillar is generally unrecognizable as such, being included 
 as part of the frame of the hoisting machinery. This 
 unit mounted on a self-propelled car becomes a locomo 
 tive crane, and it also forms an essential part of many 
 gantry and tower cranes. 
 Page 175, 780-789. 
 Crane, Pillar Jib. A pillar crane with the usual self- 
 sustaining post or pillar, but with the boom of fixed 
 inclination replaced by a (generally) horizontal jib with a 
 trolley running on it. The operating mechanism may be 
 placed on a platform turning with the post, and opposite 
 to the jib for counterbalance purposes. This crane is 
 used in locations where guys or stiff legs for staying 
 the top would be objectionable, but where the whole of a 
 circular area must be served. (Also called Column Jib 
 Page 175, 780-789. 
 Crane, Pintle. A horizontal rotating cantilever crane 
 on a tower, in which additional stability is given to the 
 rotating element by rigidly connecting to it a braced 
 pintle extending down within the tower a considerable 
 distance, and mounted in a roller step bearing at its 
 lower end. The roller bearing at the top of the tower 
 is of the radial type and merely guides the rotating 
 element. (Also called Hammerhead Crane.) 
 Page 197. 
 Crane, Portable. A crane which may be easily moved 
 from one location to another on skids, rollers or wheels 
 and used, after such changes of location, for crane pur 
 poses. This occasional motion of the whole structure is 
 not, however, for the purpose of moving the load. 
 The term is often applied specifically to a small pillar 
 crane with built-in hoist, mounted on three wheels, and 
 capable of being hauled around a floor by hand with its 
 load. The base is usually made so that it straddles the 
 load to be picked up. and the pillar is curved so that the 
 load can be delivered on top of a machine, provided there 
 is room for the base beneath the machine. 
 Page 177. 
 Crane, Post. (See Crane, Pillar.) Also a small semi- 
 portable jib crane arranged so that it may be bolted or 
 clamped at the top and bottom of its mast to a post, 
 column or other part of a building structure. 
 Crane, Power. A crane operated by mechanical power 
 as distinguished from one operated by hand. 
 Also, a crane which is driven by a belt or rope from an 
 outside shaft or separate engine. 
 Crane, Revolving. See Crane, Rotary. 
 Crane, Rotating Cantilever. A crane consisting of a 
 central tower of four vertical members, supporting at the 
 center a long truss on which a trolley can move from one 
 end to the other The central pier rotates on a circular 
 track set on a suitable foundation ; the area served is 
 Page 197. 
 Crane, Rotary. A crane in which the load is carried 
 by a part or an assemblage of parts which are arranged 
 to rotate about a vertical axis. Derricks, pillar cranes 
 and jib cranes are examples of fixed rotary cranes; loco 
 motive cranes, truck cranes and wrecking cranes are 
 examples of travelling rotary cranes. 
 Also, a swing crane. 
 I a.ue 197. 
 Crane, Rotary Jib. A jib crane which has a central post 
 provided with pivots at the top and bottom so that the 
 whole structure can swing about a vertical axis. If the 
 load is carried at a fixed point at the end of the jib, it is 
 called a swing crane; if the load is carried on a trolley, 
 it is usually known simply as a jib crane, or, sometimes, 
 from its former wide use in foundries, as a foundry 
 crane. Also called a mast jib crane. 
 Page 171. 
 Crane, Roundhouse. An overhead traveling crane, in 
 tended for use in locomotive roundhouses, and traveling 
 on runways which are arranged on the arc of a large 
 circle. In order to make the bridge keep a radial posi 
 tion as it moves along the curved track, the outer end 
 must travel faster than the inner, and this may be 
 accomplished by having larger wheels at the outside, or 
 by altering the gearing ratio ; the latter is preferable on 
 account of the advantage of using the same wheels 
 throughout. The individual wheel axes should be radial. 
 Occasionally a crane (or other wheeled structure with 
 rigidly connected wheels) must travel equally well 
 around a circular arc or in a straight line. This can be 
 done by having the treads of the wheels all of the same 
 size for running on the straight track, but arranging the 
 outer track on the curves in such a way that the wheels 
 roll on the tops of the flanges, thus increasing their 
 diameters, and causing them to travel faster. 
 Crane, Shipyard. The term applied to various types of 
 cranes especially arranged and located for shipyard 
 work, such as the delivering of the structural steel parts 
 from the ground to the point in the hull where they are 
 to be placed. They are characterized by a moderate load 
 lifting capacity, a large, clearance under the boom or 
 jib, a sufficiently long reach to cover the necessary width 
 of the building slip, and fairly rapid movement. 
 Some of the types which are in modern use are as fol 
 lows : Double cantilever gantry cranes running on an 
 elevated runway between the building slips, one crane 
 serving two slips ; travelling gantry towers with derricks, 
 pillar cranes or horizontal rotating cantilever jibs, run 
 ways being arranged between all the slips, or between 
 pairs ; fixed towers with the derricks, pillar cranes or 
 horizontal rotating cantilever jibs, so arranged that their 
 combined fields of action cover all of the building slips ; 
 overhead travelling cranes, used only when the building 
 slip is under cover. 
 Page 197. 
 Crane, Skew. A bridge type crane in which the travel 
 ling bridge, instead of being at right angles to the run 
 way, is set permanently at a less angle. The squaring 
 shaft runs at right angles to the runway, connecting 
 diagonally opposite wheels on the end trucks. The 
 bridge is of the monorail I-beam type, with open ends. 
 A series of cranes of this type, arranged to travel on 
 parallel runways transversely placed over a long floor 
 area, can have trolleys run onto them from a single line 
 of monorail runway by a single two-way switch for 
 each crane, the runway being located along one side of 
 the floor area, at right angles to the lines of bridge run 
 Crane, Soaking Pit. An overhead traveling crane used 
 in steel works, having a trolley to which is attached, 
 either above or below, with vertically moving parts, a 
 rigid structure carrying tongs suitable for gripping a 
 hot steel ingot and removing it from furnace pits in 
 the floor to a car, or the reverse. It usually spans a 
 standard or narrow gage railway as well as the soaking 
 pits. Sometimes called a vertical charging machine. 
 Page 165. 
 Crane, Stripping. An overhead traveling crane special 
 ly arranged for lifting the ingot molds off the ingots in 
 steel works. A rigid structure hangs from the trolley, 
 with two eyes which are caught under hooks on the top 
 of the ingot mold, and which pull it upward. At the 
 same time a vertically moving plunger pushes down on 
 the top of the solidified metal, keeping it from rising 
 with the mold. 
 Page 165. 
 Crane, Tower Jib. A jib crane, generally with a self- 
 supporting steel mast or pillar, mounted on a tower. The 
 mast is stepped at its base in a bearing well down in the 
 tower, and is guided by a radial roller bearing at the top 
 of the tower. The jib is attached to the mast just above 
 the top of the tower, is top braced to the top of the mast, 
 and carries a trolley. If the tower is of the travelling 
 gantry type, the crane is called a traveling tower jib 
 crane. (See also Crane, Horizontal Rotating Cantilever.) 
 Page 801, 802. 
 Crane, Tractor. A small travelling crane, generally of 
 the rotary pillar type, mounted on wheels and capable of 
 self-propulsion over sufficiently firm ground. 
 Page 806. 
 Crane, Tram. A short bridge crane traveling longi 
 tudinally on overhead rails, without trolley motion. 
 Crane, Transfer. A crane permanently installed in 
 freight yards, etc., and used to transfer heavy weights 
 between cars and trucks, etc. The term is usually ap 
 plied to a fixed gantry, though travelling gantries, over 
 head travelling cranes and pillar cranes applied to this 
 purpose are often thus designated. Also called Railroad 
 Crane. (See Gantry, Fixed.) 
 Also, an overhead crane used to transfer a trolley with 
 its load from one line of runway to another without 
 the use of switches. It generally consists of a traveling 
 bridge which is so arranged that when it is properly 
 located in line with one of the fixed runways, a trolley 
 may be run onto it from the runway, and transferred to 
 another runway by moving the bridge. The girder is 
 generally underhung, so as to leave its ends open. 
 Locks or stops must also be provided to keep the ends 
 of the runways and of the bridge closed at all times 
 except when they are properly in line for the passage of 
 the trolley. 
 Page 169, 791-800. 
 Crane, Traveling Jib. A jib crane mounted on wheels 
 or trucks and arranged for self-propulsion. If the rails 
 are on the side wall of a building, it is generally termed 
 a wall traveling jib crane, and the jib is usually fixed, or 
 without swing. If it runs on rails in the floor and is 
 guided at the top by an overhead track it is called a 
 walking jib crane, a velocipede crane or simply a travel 
 ing jib crane. 
 Page 177. 
 Crane, Truck. A small revolving pillar crane of fixed 
 radius mounted on a truck or small car for operation 
 on industrial tracks or with flat tread wheels for use 
 on smooth floors or the ground. The term is generally 
 applied to the small hand-operated types lacking the 
 self-propelling feature; the large power-operated truck 
 cranes are really locomotive cranes, as they are pro 
 vided with travelling gear. 
 Page 177. 
 Crane, Underhung. An overhead travelling crane in 
 which the bridge is hung to the end trucks below the 
 level of the runway instead of above it, as is more 
 usual. The runways usually consist of I-beams bolted 
 to the beams of the floor above or to the roof trusses, 
 and are often set in considerably from the end of the 
 bridge, leaving a cantilever overhang at each end. Under 
 hung cranes, suitable for light work only, are often used 
 as transfer cranes, because the ends of the bridge girder 
 are open, allowing a trolley to run off and onto a mono 
 rail track when the crane is properly located. Also any 
 crane in which a rotating jib or cantilever arm is hung 
 beneath a trolley on a bridge or runway. (See Crane, 
 Horizontal Rotating Cantilever.) 
 Crane, Walking Jib. A travelling jib crane which runs 
 on a single line of rails on the floor, and is guided at 
 the top by a parallel overhead track. The base, having 
 two swiveling wheels, or four wheels arranged on swivel- 
 ing trucks, carries the motive machinery, and is strongly 
 bracketed to the mast in the plane of the tracks. The 
 swinging jib is either top or under braced, and may or 
 may not have a trolley. The top of the mast carries 
 guide rollers which run along the sides of the guide rail. 
 This guide rail must be heavily braced to prevent the 
 crane from overturning when the loaded jib is swung 
 to the side. For stability when the load is in line with 
 the track, dependence is placed on the long wheel-base 
 and the heavy bracing to the mast. (Also called Veloci 
 pede Crane, or Travelling Jib Crane.) 
 Page 177. 
 Crane, Wall Bracket Jib. The simplest form of rotary 
 jib crane, consisting of a horizontal beam or jib, often 
 of I-beam section, hinged to a fixed point on a wall at 
 one end, and supported at the other by a diagonal tie 
 attached to the wall by another hinge directly above that 
 holding the jib. Usually no trolley is included so that 
 the load is carried at the end of the jib only, and the 
 crane is often called a swing crane. The hinge plate of 
 the tie rod is kept as high as possible so as to cut down 
 the stress in the tie. If a trolley is used, it is hung to 
 the lower flange of the I-beam. 
 Page 171, 780, 789. 
 Crane, Wall Traveling, or Wall Traveling Jib. A 
 traveling jib crane which runs on horizontal lines of 
 rails attached to one side of a building and extends out 
 ward over a portion of the floor space like a cantilever. 
 The usual type has a structure consisting of a pair of top 
 or under braced bracket frames rigidly braced together 
 transversely, and carried by three rails ; one at the top 
 arranged to resist pull outward from the wall, one at 
 the bottom to resist horizontal inward thrust, and one at 
 or near the bottom to carry the weight of the crane and load. 
 A trolley runs on the horizontal part of the jib, with a 
 built-in or independent hoist. The same variety of power 
 equipment is supplied as with overhead electric traveling 
 cranes hand, electric or air hoist, and hand or electric 
 trolley traverse and jib travel. 
 Occasionally the jib is hinged to the part of the struc 
 ture on the rails and the trolley may or may not be omitted ; 
 this gives somewhat greater ease of handling, especially 
 when hand-operated, and also enables the crane to pass 
 high obstacles on the shop floor, or a load hanging from 
 an overhead crane trolley. (Also called Monorail Jib 
 Page 167, 797. 
 Crane, Wall or Wall Jib. A rotary jib crane supported 
 against a wall and swinging through a half circle only, as 
 distinguished from an independent jib crafle which is 
 so supported as to swing through a full circle. (See Crane, 
 Wall Travelling; Crane, Wall Bracket Jib.) 
 Page 170, 780, 789. 
 Crane, Wharf. Any crane, located on a wharf or pier, 
 and particularly adapted to the transfer of cargo between 
 the wharf or pier and the hold of the vessel alongside. 
 Owing to the varying spacing of vessel hatchways, the 
 crane must be capable of movement along the wharf, 
 hence is mounted on a runway. Other requirements are : 
 Sufficient horizontal reach to cover the hatchway, suffi 
 cient length of hoist to raise the load from the bottom 
 of the hold to a point entirely clear of the vessel, and 
 rapidity and economy of operation. 
 Types much used as wharf cranes are: Single 01 
 double portal gantries or travelling bridges on the wharf 
 shed roof, carrying rotating pillar cranes ; cantilever 
 gantries with folding extensions over the hatchways; 
 and gantries with inclined cantilever jibs. 
 Page 191, 786-800. 
 Crane, Wrecking. A crane used in railroad practice 
 for clearing up wrecks. The type in almost universal 
 use is a powerful travelling rotary pillar crane with a 
 curved or angular boom of variable inclination, mounted 
 on two trucks of four to sixteen wheels each ; it is 
 practically a very powerful locomotive crane, with special 
 facilities for being hauled at high speed in a wrecking 
 train. (See Crane, Locomotive.) It is generally steam- 
 operated, even on electrified roads, as wrecks often 
 destroy the neighboring electrical conductors. An espe 
 cially heavy lifting tackle is arranged at a point about 
 halfway out on the boom, and elaborate outriggers with 
 jacks are provided to give the crane additional stability 
 for side lifts at large radius. 
 Page 185. 
 Crosshead. The term applied to an engine or machine 
 part which slides in or on straight guides and serves 
 to compel another part to move in a path parallel to 
 the guides. An engine crosshead also usually has a 
 point of connection for one end of the connecting rod, 
 and thus guides one end of the latter, as well as one end 
 of the piston rod, in a straight line along the axis of the 
 Dash Pot. A device consisting of a loosely fitting pis 
 ton sliding in a cylinder filled with air, water or oil. 
 Large resistance is offered to sudden movements of the 
 piston, but practically none to slow movements. It is 
 used on cranes to prevent too sudden application of a 
 solenoid brake when it is applied by springs after the 
 current is shut off. 
 Davit. The name by which are known several types of 
 cranes used for handling small boats on board a ship, 
 two being used for a boat. The most common, a rotary 
 davit, is a pillar crane consisting of a single vertical post 
 curved out at the top sufficiently to suspend the boat clear 
 of the ship s side, and provided with block and tackle 
 hoists for lifting. The boat is hoisted clear of the deck, 
 and by passing one davit at a time, may be swung from 
 its stowing position inside the davits, to its launching po 
 sition outside them. 
 There is also a luffing type of davit, which is inboard 
 of the boat at all times, and swings outboard by a screw 
 acting on a worm sector, or other equivalent means. 
 Dead Center. A position in a mechanism in which the 
 part acting as driver cannot operate the other parts with 
 out outside help, owing to a locking action. In particu 
 lar, the position of a reciprocating engine when the crank 
 pin is on the line of centers, so that the pressure on the 
 piston cannot move it. 
 Dead-end. To make fast the end of a rope used in 
 hoisting or hauling operations, as the closing rope on a 
 grab bucket, or a rope on a winding drum. 
 Dead-man. A prop or post used to elevate a derrick 
 guy near its anchorage in order to allow more head room 
 beneath it. It is usually a wooden post, set firmly in the 
 ground at an angle, with the guy passing over a notch in 
 the top. A grooved plate may be used to prevent the guy 
 from cutting into the end grain of the wood. Steel 
 dead-men are also used. 
 Also, an anchorage for a guy, cableway, etc., consisting 
 of a timber or piece of structural steel buried in the 
 ground with the end of the guy line fastened around its 
 Deceleration. Retardation; the opposite of accelera 
 Deck. One of the floors or platforms on a ship corre 
 sponding to the floors in a building. 
 Also, an elevated platform around a crane, loading ma 
 chine, etc., or a platform around the base of a revolving 
 crane, moving with it, and furnishing a foundation for 
 part or all of the operating machinery. 
 Also, one screen of a set of shaking screens arranged 
 one above the other. Also called a leaf. (See Screen, 
 Deck, Revolving. The revolving platform or turntable 
 of a locomotive crane. Also called the racer. 
 Deflection, of rope lead onto a sheave or drum. (See 
 Degradation. The term applied to the breaking up of 
 lump material like coal into smaller lumps or into dust, 
 due to handling or other causes. The resistance of the 
 material to degradation often determines the best method 
 of handling to be used. 
 Demountable Body System. A system of motorized 
 freight terminal transportation consisting of a fleet of 
 trucks wth standard demountable bodies, with electric 
 cranes and overhead rails at loading and unloading points, 
 by which full and empty truck bodies may be exchanged 
 with only a short delay to the truck. The contents of 
 the bodies are unloaded and loaded in proper due course, 
 and the system is so handled by a dispatcher that the 
 exchanges are promptly made. Also sometimes called 
 the Cincinnati System, because it was first installed there 
 on a considerable scale. 
 (See also Gattie System.) 
 Derrick. Commonly used abbreviation of derrick crane. 
 A rotary crane consisting of a vertical mast and means 
 of holding it in a fixed vertical position, a boom, operat 
 ing ropes and hoisting winch operated by hand or power. 
 The mast is stepped at the bottom into a fixed baseplate 
 and carries at its top either a loose cap or spider from 
 which guys radiate to anchorages in the ground or other 
 fixed points, or a pivot pin having its bearing held in 
 place by gooseneck irons on the ends of stiff-legs. The 
 boom is hinged at or near the base of the mast to allow 
 motion in a vertical plane, and has its outer end or point 
 raised or lowered by ropes attached to the point, leading 
 around a guide sheave at the top of the mast, and thence 
 around other guide sheaves at its base, to the hoisting 
 winch. This line is called the topping lift or boom hoist. 
 The load is carried by a rope called the load line leading 
 around a sheave at the boom point, thence along the 
 boom to guide sheaves at the mast, and to the hoisting 
 winch. The load, boom and mast are slewed about the 
 vertical axis by a wheel at the base of the mast (see 
 Bull Wheel) having slewing lines leading from it to the 
 slewing winch or by hand slewing lines attached to the 
 boom point or to the load; complete rotation requires 
 that the guys or stiff-legs be spread so far that they will 
 clear the point of the boom at least a portion of its range 
 of elevation. 
 Another type of derrick has a stationary mast with the 
 boom attached to it by a goose-neck which allows full 
 freedom of motion. Several such booms may be placed 
 at the base of a single mast, if desired, and this arrange 
 ment is much used on shipboard for handling cargo. 
 (See Derrick, Ship.) 
 The distinction between a derrick and a jib crane lies 
 in the fact that a derrick -boom can be changed in in 
 clination, or luffed, and this is required to give one of 
 the components of motion to the load, while in a jib crane 
 the jib is rigidly fixed to the mast, and the load moves 
 radially only by means of a trolley moving along the jib. 
 Several somewhat primitive forms of cranes are also 
 called derricks, though they have no booms, and are 
 capable of little or no horizontal movement of the load. 
 They are really portable structures intended to give an 
 elevated point of attachment for hoisting purposes. (See 
 Derrick, Fole ; Derrick, Breast; Derrick, Tripod; Der 
 rick, Sulky; Derrick, Gin Pole.) 
 Page 219, 801-803. 
 Derrick, A-frame. An independent derrick in which the 
 mast is replaced by two struts spread apart at the bottom 
 and united at the top. A cross-bar furnishes the point of 
 attachment of the boom, and another spar or stiff-leg (or 
 sometimes two), extending to the rear, holds the top of 
 the A-frame rigidly in position. The boom may be 
 slewed somewhat less than 180 deg. by lines leading 
 through guide sheaves on the side struts, or by a bull 
 Another type has a mast in addition carried in pivots 
 just in front of the A-frame, so that it can swing the 
 load through a full 180 deg. 
 Page 229, 801-803. 
 Derrick Bottom. The complete assemblage of metal 
 parts at the base of a derrick mast, comprising the fol 
 lowing parts or their equivalent; a foot block, secured to 
 the bottom of the mast, having a pivot, either cylindrical 
 or ball and socket, resting in the mast step in the base 
 plate; a boom seat, either an integral part of the base 
 plate, or secured separately to the mast above the base 
 plate ; straps and bolts for securing these irons in place ; 
 and one or more sheaves with their pins. 
 Derrick, Breast. A hoisting device consisting of a pole 
 derrick having two poles spread apart at the bottom 
 where they rest on a cross piece, and approaching or 
 meeting each other at the top, where they are fastened 
 together. Other crossbars connect the two poles, and a 
 hand-winch is fastened to one of the lower ones, the load 
 line passing around a sheave fastened to the top crossbar 
 or top point. Guys hold the derrick in position, and by 
 their adjustment provide a means for a small horizontal 
 movement of the load. Generally portable, and used for 
 small work. 
 Page 227. 
 Derrick Car. A truck or car on which is mounted a 
 stiff-leg or A-frame derrick. The sills or lie legs may 
 be bolted to a standard flat car and the stiff-legs attached 
 to them in the usual way, or the frame of the car itself 
 may be utilized for anchoring the stiff-legs. The mast 
 and boom are sometimes arranged to lower to allow of 
 hauling along a railroad right of way. 
 Derrick Car, Traveling. A derrick car provided with 
 means of self-propulsion. It may be of the chain and 
 sprocket type, or the bevel gear type, driven from the 
 same engine that operates the hoisting winch. 
 Page 223. 
 Derrick, Counterweight. A small portable derrick con 
 sisting of a mast firmly fixed in a base and braced by 
 short braces, having pivoted to it a boom which has a 
 short extension on the side opposite the load. This ex 
 tension may be counterweighted by the hoisting winch 
 and by additional weight if desired. The inclination of 
 the boom may be changed, but neither it nor the mast 
 Page 227. 
 Derrick, Floating. (See also Crane, Floating.) A der 
 rick, usually of the stiff-leg or A-frame type, mounted on 
 a barge or pontoon. It is generally of moderate propor 
 tions, and special provision must be made for stiffening 
 the frame to resist the side stresses due to tipping when 
 lifting a heavy load, and when acted on by waves. The 
 slewing gear must also be powerful enough to swing the 
 boom under any condition of side tipping. 
 The derrick may be of the mast type with two or iour 
 stiff-legs of the A-frame type with two stiff-legs, or of 
 the A-frame type with a mast in addition, this last ar 
 rangement allowing a full 180 deg. swing. The hoisting 
 machinery is located on the deck of the barge where con 
 venient, and considerable clear space is left in front of the 
 derrick, so that the barge may be loaded and be used for 
 water transportation, as well as for purely lifting pur 
 Page 223, 801, 802. 
 Derrick, Full Circle. A derrick which has its mast so 
 supported as to allow complete rotation. This is accom 
 plished in a guyed derrick by having the guys spread far 
 enough to clear the boom point. Stiff-legs of the 
 "broken-back type also allow complete rotation. 
 Page 801, 802. 
 Derrick, Full-Circle Stiff-Leg. A stiff-leg derrick ar 
 ranged to swing a complete circle if desired. The two 
 straight stiff-legs ordinarily used arc replaced by "broken- 
 back 1 stiff-legs, with a post or strut supporting the leg 
 at the angle of the break. The boom can then pass under 
 the stiff-legs and make a complete circle. Two posts or 
 struts are sometimes used to support the stiff-leg, giving 
 better support against side yielding. 
 As at least two ropes ordinarily pass up into the mast 
 through the bottom step, and these would be fouled by a 
 complete turn, it is customary to mount the hoist on a 
 platform at the bottom of the mast and rotating with it, 
 driven by a pinion meshing with a large gear fixed to the 
 foundation, called a bull gear. The weight of the hoist 
 may be utilized to partially counterbalance the weight of 
 the boom and load. Also called full swing derrick. 
 Page 801, 802. 
 Derrick, Gin Pole. A pole derrick in which the single 
 pole is stepped in a socket at the bottom to allow a small 
 amount of inclination from the vertical in any direction 
 by slacking the guys securing the pole top. 
 Page 227. 
 Derrick, Guyed. A derrick in which the mast is held in 
 a vertical position by guy lines, generally of wire rope, 
 attached to a fitting at its top, and to anchorages in the 
 ground distant from the base of the mast. Three such 
 anchorages are absolutely needed, though more are al 
 ways provided. The relative proportions of height of 
 mast, length of boom and length of guy;- have an im 
 portant bearing on the possibility of swinging the boom 
 past the guys at certain of its elevations. 
 Guyed derricks are always fixed, never movable or 
 Page 219, 801-803. 
 Derrick Hoisting Winch. A term sometimes applied to 
 a two-drum winch to which has been added a boom slew 
 ing gear, fitting it especially for handling a derrick with a 
 bull wheel. When driven by a steam engine, sometimes 
 incorrectly called a derrick engine. 
 Derrick, Independent. A derrick which has its mast so 
 supported that it is independent of outside stays or guys, 
 a derrick having a self-sustaining mast. 
 Derrick, Jinniwink. A special type of light A-frame 
 derrick designed with a view to easy portability, for con 
 tractor s and similar work. 
 Page 223, 801-803. 
 Derrick Mast. The vertical strut, post or spar forming 
 part of a derrick. It rests at its base or heel in the foot 
 block forming part of the derrick bottom, and has at its 
 top a gudgeon or pivot which is held in place by guys or 
 stiff-legs, thereby holding the mast in a vertical position. 
 It is built of wood in small and medium sizes, and of 
 steel in medium and large sizes, generally of four angles 
 with lattice bracing. 
 Derrick, Pole. A boomless crane or hoisting device 
 with a very limited horizontal motion of the load, and 
 intended mainly for hoisting purposes. It consists of a 
 pole resting on a cross-piece at its base, with its top held 
 in place by guys, a sheave for the hoisting line at the top 
 of the pole, and a hand-winch attached to the pole near 
 the base. The horizontal motion is given by slacking 
 on the guys. (See also Derrick, Gin Pole.) 
 Page 227. 
 Derrick, Self-Slewing. A derrick in which the boom is 
 slewed or swung about a vertical axis by power, through 
 the medium of slewing lines and bull wheel, as opposed 
 to one in which hand-power is used for this purpose. 
 Also a full-circle derrick in which the driving unit is 
 mounted on a platform at the base of the mast, and ro 
 tates with it, power being applied to a stationary bull 
 gear by a vertical shaft pinion driven from the hoisting 
 winch engine. (See Derrick, Full-Circle Stiff-Leg.) 
 Derrick, Ship. A derrick especially arranged for han 
 dling the cargo of a ship. It consists of two booms at 
 tached to a mast by goose-necks, with the usual operat 
 ing ropes and hoisting machinery. In operation, one boom 
 is guyed with its point over the cargo hatch, and the other 
 with its point over the lighter or wharf at the ship s side. 
 A hoisting rope from each boom is attached to the load, 
 and c by proper manipulation of the hoisting drums is 
 hoisted from the hold, swung over the side, and lowered. 
 (See Cargo Handling Gear.) 
 The term derrick is also applied on shipboard to a spar 
 raised on end, with the head steadied by guys and the 
 heel by lashings, and having block and tackle attached to 
 its head for lifting heavy weights. 
 Page 231. 
 or A-frame type, mounted with a hoisting winch on a 
 Derrick, Skid. A small portable derrick of the stiff-leg 
 platform resting on skids. Its capacity is very limited, 
 except directly in front, unless temporary guys are ar 
 Page 227. 
 Derrick, Stiff-Leg. A derrick in which the mast is held 
 in a vertical position by two slanting struts or spars, 
 called stiff-legs, or back-legs, attached to the mast cap at 
 one end, and to anchorages in the ground at the other, 
 the structure resembling a tripod with one vertical leg 
 (the mast) and two other equal slanting legs (the back- 
 legs), having their bases 90 deg. apart. The boom swings 
 about the vertical axis of the mast through an angle of 
 somewhat less than 270 deg. 
 For a portable derrick, the fixed anchorages are re 
 placed by two horizontal sills or lie-legs, attached to each 
 other at the base of the mast and there carrying the mast 
 step, and extending along the ground to the basis of the 
 stiff-legs, and secured to them. The sills are then an 
 chored by heavy weights placed on them. 
 A third stiff-leg, or compression member, is often 
 placed vertically just behind the mast to relieve it of the 
 compression load it would otherwise carry. 
 Four stiff-legs are often used, especially in floating 
 derricks. (See Derricks, Floating.) 
 Page 219, 801-803. 
 Derrick, Sulky. A portable hoisting device consisting 
 of four poles mounted on two wheels, and when erected 
 for use. forming a rectangular pyramid secured by bolts 
 and hinges at the apex, where means are also provided 
 for securing block and tackle. Two of the poles are 
 rigidly braced to each other by crossbars, the lower of 
 which bear the hoisting drum and gearing which is op 
 erated by turning two large wheels at the ends of the 
 shaft by hand. The other two legs are separately hinged 
 at the top. 
 For transportation, the framed poles are tipped over 
 until the wheels rest on the ground, and the two inde 
 pendent poles are folded down on the others. 
 Also called trench derrick, from its wide use over a 
 trench for lowering pipe, etc. 
 Page 229. 
 Derrick, Tower. A stiff-leg or A-frame derrick mounted 
 on an elevated structure in order to obtain high lift and 
 large clearance under the boom. The structure is some 
 times triangular in plan, with vertical corner posts under 
 the mast and each of the two stiff-leg ends. Sometimes 
 it is square, with two stiff-leg derricks mounted on di 
 agonally opposite corners, or rectangular with two stiff- 
 leg derricks at adjacent corners, the stiff-legs being ar 
 ranged with different slopes to allow of their crossing. 
 Occasionally three separate towers are built, one each 
 under the mast and the two stiff-leg ends. 
 A stiff-leg derrick has also been mounted on an ad 
 justable turntable on top of a tower in such a way that 
 the mast could be brought over any one of the four cor 
 ners of the tower as desired, and clamped there, the mast 
 being swung by a bull wheel as usual. The rear ends 
 of the sills are clamped down to the tops of the two ad 
 jacent corner posts. 
 Also, in building construction in locations where long 
 guys cannot be used, a well braced wooden tower, with 
 short iron guys to heavily loaded extended sills at the 
 bottom, is used to support one or more derricks at the 
 four corners. The tower is lengthened and derricks 
 moved upward as the building progresses. 
 Page 221, 801, 802. 
 Derrick, Traveling Stiff-leg. A stiff-leg derrick which 
 is mounted on a car or wheels. One type is carried on 
 two widely spaced rails ; one sill is parallel to and over 
 one rail, and carried by non-swiveling track wheels at 
 each end, and the other sill is at right angles, with its 
 far end carried by a wheel or truck on the other rail. A 
 horizontal diagonal tie keeps the sills at right angles and 
 insures rigidity, and the remote ends of the sill are often 
 weighted with boxes of earth or stone. The load is also 
 sometimes counterbalanced by counterweighting the bull- 
 wheel on the side opposite the boom. 
 (See also Derrick Car.) 
 Page 223, 802. 
 Derrick, Tripod. A hoisting device consisting of a pole 
 supixjrled in an inclined position by two props, having a 
 crab on the pole near the base, and a sheave at its top. 
 Generally portable, and used for small work. 
 Page 227. 
 Deviation. Of rope led onto a sheave or drum. The 
 angle between the center of the rope and the central plane 
 of the sheave or groove. A deviation which brings the 
 rope barely into contact with the slanting side of the 
 groove is not objectionable; more will wear the rope, or 
 may cause it to jump the groove. 
 Also called deflection, and side draft. 
 De-water. To remove the water from by draining, as 
 in handling material which has been washed or subjected 
 to other wet treatment. 
 Diaphragm. A thin division wall, generally of metal, 
 serving as a partition, as a structural stiffener, or for 
 some other special purpose. 
 Diaphragm, or Diaphragm Plate. A transverse plate 
 lilted inside of a box section steel girder, to stiffen the 
 sides and prevent buckling. It is used in overhead travel 
 ling crane girders, both in the bridge girders and in the 
 end frame. In the former it also serves to stiffen the 
 top plate and enable it to carry the load on the rail. 
 Ditcher, Railroad. An excavating machine designed 
 especially for efficient operation in cleaning out the ditches 
 along the right-of-way. The requirements are to dig 
 somewhat below the track level and close to the ends of 
 the ties; to deliver the excavated material to cars on the 
 same or adjoining tracks; and to have the power of self- 
 propulsion (unless a locomotive can be spared to accom 
 pany the ditcher). 
 Page 239. 
 Dock. A space in which a ship rests while loading or 
 unloading, undergoing repairs, etc. It may be simply the 
 space between two piers projecting into the harbor, or it 
 may be a partially or entirely closed basin with wharves 
 along the sides. 
 Also used as an abbreviation of dry-dock. 
 (See also wharf.) 
 Dock Leg. See Elevator, Marine Leg. 
 Dog. A piece of metal used in conjunction with a 
 larger body to act as a clamp. A part of a clamp. 
 Also, a steel rod with two ends pointed and bent up at 
 right angles to hold together logs or timbers by driving 
 one leg into each of them. 
 Also a single pointed steel piece with a ring or chain 
 attached, for handling floating timbers. 
 Dolley. A small single-wheel truck used in transport 
 ing moderately heavy bodies for short distances. It con 
 sists of a heavy rectangular frame, generally of wood, on 
 the underside of which are secured bearings carrying the 
 shaft of a wide faced wheel or roller. The object to be 
 moved is placed with its center over the roller, or two 
 dolleys are used, one at each end of the object. 
 Downhaul Ball. In hoists, a heavy weight interposed 
 between the hook and lifting block, or built into the lift 
 ing block to furnish sufficient pull to make the hoist or 
 tackle overhaul when it is desired to lower without load. 
 Drag Line Excavator. An excavating machine consist 
 ing of a drag scraper or a scraper bucket operated by a 
 crane, derrick, slack-rope cableway or other similar ap 
 When used with a crane or derrick, the bucket is han 
 dled by two ropes ; one of these, the hoisting rope, leads 
 over a sheave at the boom point and thence to a winch 
 drum. The pulling or drag rope from the bucket leads 
 directly to another drum on the winch. The bucket is 
 dragged along the ground toward the winch by the pull 
 ing rope, and fills, owing to its shape and method of at 
 tachment to the pulling bridle. (See Drag Line Scraper 
 Bucket). When full it is raised from the ground by the 
 hoisting rope, swung to the point desired, dumped, re 
 turned, lowered to the ground, and is ready for another 
 The pull is generally toward the winch, and digging 
 can be done to the maximum radius of the boom. This 
 can be increased slightly by giving the bucket a swing be 
 fore dropping it to the ground. Side cutting can also be 
 done, the pulling rope leading from the bucket to the 
 boom at right angles to the latter, and pulling the bucket 
 by slewing the boom or winching in the drag rope. 
 Machines resembling locomotive cranes with very long 
 booms and two drum winding engines have been devel 
 oped especially for operating dragline buckets. They are 
 mounted on wheels requiring track, on skids and rollers, 
 or on track-laying tractors. 
 Drag line excavators may dig from the side of the cut, 
 progressing sidewise along it, or from the end, retreating 
 backward as the excavation is dug. The latter method al 
 lows deeper digging, but it is less easy to give a regular 
 form to the excavation. 
 ( See also Excavator, Slack-rope Cableway ; Drag Line 
 Page 239, 801, 817. 
 Drag-line Excavator Winch. A two-drum winch used 
 in connection with a derrick, crane, cableway or special 
 handling rig, for handling the pulling and hoisting ropes 
 of a drag scraper bucket. A third drum is added if a 
 boom having a variable inclination is used. The drum 
 carrying the drag-rope is usually geared to run more 
 slowly and furnish a greater pull than the hoisting drum, 
 which should be able to return the bucket quickly. These 
 winches are usually of the friction drum band brake 
 type, driven by gearing from a double cylinder steam 
 engine. Owing to the large power and steady service 
 required, hydraulically operated band friction clutches 
 and water cooled brakes are sometimes used. Sometimes 
 called an excavator engine. 
 Drag Line Scraper. A scoop-shaped implement used 
 for moving bulk material by a scraping action. It is at 
 tached to a line led to a winch, and is dragged over the 
 material to be moved, heaping it up in front and sliding 
 it along partly in the scoop and partly on the surface of 
 the material in front. It is returned by a line attached 
 to its rear side, which also dumps it when pulled. Used 
 for excavating, also in connection with storing and re 
 claiming coal in bulk in storage piles. Also called drag 
 scraper scoop ; drag scraper. 
 Page 817, 833. 
 Drag Line Scraper Bucket. A bucket used for handling 
 bulk material; digging it by a dragging and scraping 
 action, moving it and dumping it where desired. It is 
 generally used in combination with a crane, derrick (see 
 Drag Line Excavator) or cableway excavator (see Ex 
 cavator, Slack-rope Cableway). 
 The bucket consists of an adequately braced steel 
 shell or bowl of somewhat rectangular form, open at the 
 front and sometimes at the top in addition. It has a 
 cutting edge on the bottom, sometimes with teeth, and is 
 pulled along the ground by a pulling rope attached to a 
 fixed or hinged bail or by a chain pulling bridle attached 
 to pulling lugs. Another rigid or hinged bail, or chain 
 hoisting bridle, at the top, is connected to a hoisting 
 Front dumping is generally accomplished by manipu 
 lation of the pulling and hoisting ropes, which are led 
 to different drums on the winch. For rear dumping, a 
 rear gate, hinged at the top, swings out when a latch 
 is released by a trip rope or by running the traveller 
 carrying the bucket (in cableways) against a stop which 
 releases the latch. In another rear dumping construction, 
 the hoisting bail is attached to the rear gate, which re 
 mains over the end of the bowl as long as tension is kept 
 on both ropes. When the pulling rope is slackened, the 
 bowl tilts down away from the rear gate, dumping its 
 A back dumping bucket should have a slight flare 
 toward the rear, and a front dumping bucket the re 
 verse, to allow clean dumping. 
 Page 817, 833. 
 Drag Line Scraper Bucket, Front Dumping, Back 
 Dumping. See Drag Line Scraper Bucket. 
 Drag Line Scraper Bucket, Side Cutting. A drag line 
 scraper bucket which is arranged to be dragged at right 
 angles to a derrick boom during the filling operation. 
 By proper shortening of one of the pulling bridles, the 
 bucket may be made to travel in a slightly diagonal 
 direction, thus increasing the radius of digging. (See 
 also Drag Line Excavator.) Sometimes called a shovel 
 Drag-rope. In drag bucket installations, the rope which 
 pulls the bucket or scraper along over or through the 
 material. (See Excavator; Drag Line Excavator, Slack- 
 rope Cableway.) As this rope gets very rough treat 
 ment, it must be of the very best material and have ample 
 margin of strength. 
 Drag Scraper. A horse-drawn, scoop-shaped pan made 
 of one piece of stamped steel and used for light ex 
 cavating. It has handles at the rear and a pulling bridle 
 at the front for attaching a team of horses. The scraper 
 is made to dig by lifting on the handles by hand; when 
 the scraper is full they are dropped and the scraper 
 rides on the smooth bottom to the dumping point. Here 
 a large lift of the handles causes the cutting edge to dig 
 in sharply and turn the scraper over. 
 Draw-bar. A bar by which a locomotive draws a car 
 behind it, or a tractor its trailer; also a similar bar 
 used between two cars or two trailers. 
 Drawbar Pull. The pull exerted by a self-propelled 
 vehicle in drawing or trying to draw a load behind it. 
 Ideally it is equal to the tractive effort, but practically 
 is always less on account of certain resistances cf the 
 vehicle itself. 
 Drawing, Cold. The process of drawing metal bars of 
 various shapes through dies while cold, in order to 
 improve the finish, the quality of the surface metal, or 
 to size the bar very accurately. (Sometimes erroneously 
 called fold Rolling.) 
 Dredge. A machine for excavating material at the bot 
 tom of a body of water, raising it to the top and dis 
 charging it on the bank, or into a scow for removal 
 to a distant point. Dredges may be classified as floating 
 dredges which are mounted on a scow or other floating 
 craft, or land dredges which travel on land but are 
 used for excavating beneath the level on which they stand, 
 and generally beneath water. Floating dredges may be 
 classed as grapple dredges, in which the digging element 
 is a grab bucket operated by ropes; dipper dredges in 
 which the digging element is a bottom dumping bucket 
 mounted on the end of a long handle or boom; ladder 
 dredges in which the digging element is an endless 
 chain bucket elevator extending down into the water on 
 a frame or ladder ; and suction dredges in which the 
 excavated material mixed with water is drawn into a 
 centrifugal pump through an intake pipe reaching down 
 to the bottom and discharged onto the bank or into a 
 Land dredges are classified as track, skid, or roller, track- 
 laying or walking, according to the method of moving 
 them, and as grapple, dipper, or drag line scraper bucket 
 according to the method of digging the underwater ma 
 Land dredges are also often called excavators, even 
 where they remove material from beneath water. 
 Page 241. 801. 
 Dredge, Dipper. A floating dredge in which the dig 
 ging element consists of a dipper mounted on a handle, 
 and operated frcm a boom which may be swung about a 
 vertical axis, the whole being mounted on the front end 
 of a scow. Except that it has a longer boom and dipper 
 handle, and a higher A-frame, it is substantially the same 
 as a steam shovel, and its method of operation is there 
 described. (See Shovel, Steam.) The scow is usually 
 not self-propelled, and deposits the soil on banks beside 
 the body of water being dredged, or into bottom dumping 
 hopper scows for dumping elsewhere. 
 The scow is moved slowly forward during dredging 
 by the aid of lines fastened to anchors on the shore or on 
 the bottom. It is held in place against the thrust exerted 
 by the dipper while tilling, by four spuds. (See Spuds.) 
 By having two or more slanting spuds in addition, the 
 dredge may be moved slowly forward without the use 
 of any lines whatever. 
 Page 241, 801. 
 Dredge, Elevator. A dredge which removes material 
 from the bottom of a body of water and delivers it to a 
 discharge hopper or other desired point by a series of 
 scraper buckets attached to a chain, and passing around 
 a vertical frame or ladder with tumblers at each end, 
 and driven by the upper tumbler. The material is 
 scooped up while the buckets are passing around the 
 bottom tumbler and is dumped as they pass over the top 
 one. It is capable of digging to considerable depths and 
 in fairly hard material, and is used to some extent for 
 deepening channels, and rather generally for gold dredg 
 ing. It is also widely used for procuring sand and gravel 
 from submerged banks, to be used for building purposes. 
 The buckets dump into a screening mechanism, and the 
 sand, gravel and boulders are separated, the last being 
 dumped overboard to the rear if not desired. 
 Also called placer dredge, ladder dredge, and chain and 
 bucket dredge. 
 Page 245. 
 Dredge Engine. The engine steam or internal com 
 bustion which drives the machinery of a dredge. Steam 
 engines are in more general use, and are usually of the 
 double reversing type, connected by gearing to one or 
 more shafts on which the operating drums are placed. 
 The term is also often applied to the engine and all 
 operating machinery driven by it, including drums, 
 shafts, clutches, brakes and operating gear. 
 Dredge, Grapple. A dredge in which the digging ele 
 ment is a grab bucket of the clam shell or orange peel 
 type. (See Bucket, Grab.) The operating machinery is 
 described under Kxcavator, Grab Bucket. The grapple is 
 used extensively on both land and floating dredges. 
 Dredge, Gravity Swing. A grapple dredge in which the 
 relative location of the swing circle and topping lift is 
 such that the boom tends to swing to one side. It is 
 allowed to swing thus after the bucket has been filled and 
 hoisted; alter dumping it is pulled back by a rope wound 
 on a drum on the winch, or by a counterweight on a 
 holding drum, the weight of which is sufficient to over 
 come the side pull of the empty bucket, but not that of 
 the full bucket. 
 Dredge, Hydraulic. A machine for excavating mate 
 rial from river channels, harbors, etc., widening and 
 deepening them, by drawing it into a centrifugal pump 
 through a suction pipe having its end thrust into the 
 material. Soft material will be removed without agita 
 tion, or with only that produced by water jets, but tougher 
 substances must be acted upon by an agitator which usu 
 ally takes the form of a rotating head with cutting blades 
 surrounding the orifice in the suction pipe end. The 
 suction pipe is pivoted on a horizontal axis at the bow 
 of the scow. 
 The discharge of the pump is led ashore by a flexible 
 line of piping which may extend as far as a couple of 
 miles, or is led into bottom dumping scows, to l>e carried 
 to a suitable dumping point. 
 In large bodies of water the dredge is swung from 
 side to side and advanced slowly at each sweep, by the 
 manipulation of spuds and guiding ropes. In narrow 
 canals the suction pipe itself is swung from side to side 
 while the dredge is moved slowly forward. 
 A hydraulic dredge is also often used for supplying 
 sand and gravel from submerged banks for building pur 
 poses, and is usually called a sand sucker. The pump de 
 livers the material to screening machinery, and the sand, 
 gravel and boulders are separated, the last being deposited 
 to the rear if not desired. 
 Page 245. 
 Dredge, Land. An excavating machine which is moved 
 along on dry land, but does its excavating under the 
 water which it spans, or along the side of which it runs. 
 (See Dredge.) When it does dry excavating it is usu 
 ally called an excavator. 
 Dredge, Rehandling. A floating dredge which takes the 
 discharge from sea-going hopper dredges and pumps it 
 ashore. This system is used where it is impossible or 
 uneconomical for the hopper dredge to go to sea to 
 dump, and where it is not possible to pump the material 
 ashore at once from the dredge on account of rough 
 water or for other reasons. 
 Dredge, Scraper. See Drag Line Scraper Bucket. 
 Dredge, Sea-going Hopper. A self-propelled hydraulic 
 dredge which delivers the excavated material to bottom 
 dumping hoppers within its own hull, and carries it to 
 the dumping ground in deep water or elsewhere by its 
 own propelling machinery. These dredges usually have 
 the suction pipe alongside the ship, pivoted at a point ap 
 proximately amidships, and trailing to the rear. 
 Dredge, Suction. See Dredge, Hydraulic. 
 Dredge Swing Circle. Sec Swing Circle. 
 Dredge, Track Type Land. A land dredge which is 
 supported by flanged wheels running on rails. The sec 
 tions of rails may be moved forward after the dredge has 
 passed over them, by the machine itself, or by outside 
 means. The dredge may be hauled forward by ropes 
 attached to clcadmen set in advance of the machine, or to 
 the ends of the rail sections on which it is supported. 
 Dredge, Walking Land. A land dredge or excavator 
 which is built on a deck or platform spanning the ditch 
 to be excavated, and which is supported on six skids in 
 such a way that it may be propelled forward by their 
 proper manipulation. There is one skid at each corner 
 of the dredge platform which may be moved up or down. 
 Other larger movable skids, called walking skids, on 
 each side between the front and rear corner skids, are 
 also capable of being raised or forced down, and of being 
 moved along from front to back or the reverse. In op 
 eration, the walking skids are moved forward and forced 
 downward until they take a considerable portion of the 
 weight of the platform which is then pulled forward by 
 rope tackle attached to the walking skids and handled 
 by the winch. The walking skids are now relieved of 
 the weight, which is transferred to the corner skids, and 
 the dredge is moved forward, after which the cycle is 
 repeated as many limes as may be necessary. 
 This method of propulsion enables the machine to pass 
 over land which is too soft for most other types of ex 
 cavating machinery, and in addition saves the cost of 
 Drier, Sand. An arrangement used for drying sand, 
 generally for purposes where it is required to flow freely, 
 as in the sandboxes of locomotives. One type consists 
 of a hopper made of a continuous coil of steam pipe, with 
 small spaces between adjacent coils; the wet sand will 
 not pass through the spaces, but as soon as it becomes 
 dried, it runs out and falls to a collecting hopper, and 
 its place it taken by fresh wet sand. 
 Drift. The term applied to the continued movements of 
 crane or other machinery, due to inertia, after shutting 
 off the power. Friction tends to bring the parts to rest, 
 and drifting docs no harm if fully under the control of 
 the operator by brakes which can be applied if needed. 
 Rapid action, however, generally requires the use of 
 brakes and the elimination of the period of drifting. 
 Drum. The cylinder or barrel on which is wound the 
 chain or rope used for raising a load or performing other 
 operations with hoisting and haulage machinery. For 
 very light work it may be made of wood, but cast iron 
 is used almost universally, cast steel occasionally. 
 Two arrangements are in common use, called the tight 
 drum, and the loose or clutch drum. The tight drum is 
 keyed to its shaft, which turns in fixed bearings in the 
 frames. The gear through which motion is transmitted 
 to the drum is best shrunk and keyed to a seat in one 
 end of the drum surface, though it may be bolted against 
 an end, or simply keyed to the drum shaft. In the clutch 
 drum construction, the drum turns on the shaft, being 
 bronze bushed at its ends, and one of the clutch elements 
 is formed in the end face of the drum or is attached to it, 
 the other corresponding element being on the side of the 
 drum gear. A seat in the circumference of the drum 
 provides for a band brake to control during lowering. 
 If a jaw clutch is used, the drum is called a clutch drum; 
 if a friction clutch, it is called a clutch drum, a friction 
 clutch drum, or generally simply a friction drum. 
 The surface of the drum is always smooth for hemp 
 or manila rope, and may be smooth for wire rope or 
 chain though generally scored. (See Score, Drum.) The 
 drum diameter is from 20 to 30 times the diameter of 
 the wire rope used. 
 A single load is generally lifted on one drum, though 
 two drums are sometimes used. (See Crane, Ladle.) 
 For overhead cranes having a very high lift, or where, 
 owing to the method of reeving the rope, a large amount 
 must be wound on the drum, making it very long, the 
 drum is often arranged parallel to the bridge, in which 
 position the length is unlimited. This position is also 
 sometimes required in order to have a clamshell bucket 
 open in the desired relation to the bridge. With the 
 drum parallel to the bridge, the bucket usually opens at 
 right angles to the bridge, and vice versa. 
 Also called barrel. 
 Drum, Backing. On a power shovel, a special drum on 
 the winch used for pulling the dipper back of the vertical 
 lor starting a cut clcse to the car. It is used on ma 
 chines intended for railroad ditching work ; dipper 
 dredges are also thus provided. 
 Drum, Cable. A special light drum on a crane used to 
 keep up the slack in leads to a lifting magnet or a motor 
 operated bucket. It usually consists of a small drum 
 made of non-conducting material geared to the main 
 hoisting drum in the proper ratio, and supplied with 
 sliding contacts or slip rings to lead the current to the 
 cable wound on it. The cable is generally extra-flexible, 
 and should be wound in a single layer only. Occasionally 
 the drum is wound up by a large spring, or a smaller 
 spring is used in connection with the geared drive, to 
 provide some elasticity in case the cable catches or runs 
 over onto the part already wound. Also called an auto 
 matic take-up drum and retriever drum. 
 Drum, Chain. A drum on which the load chain is 
 wound, for hoisting purposes. (See Score, Drum.) 
 The drum diameter should be 25 to 30 times the diameter 
 of the stock from which the chain is made. 
 Drum, Counterweight. See Drum, Holding. 
 Drum, Differential. A hoisting device in which two 
 drums of different diameters keyed to the same shaft 
 have fastened to them and wound on them in opposite 
 directions, the two ends of a rope. The load block hangs 
 in the loop of the rope. The load will travel up or down 
 as the rope is wound onto or off the large drum. The 
 same principle is utilized in the differential chain block. 
 Drum, Drag. A winding drum operating the drag-rope 
 of a drag line scraper bucket. 
 Drum, Friction. A winding drum which is driven from 
 its shaft by a friction clutch. The clutch is generally 
 of the cone type, with wedge shaped blocks of wood or 
 bronze fastened in a circle to one of the parts (usually 
 the drum gear keyed to the shaft) and is capable of 
 being forced axially into a corresponding groove in the 
 other part (usually the drum), the resulting friction being 
 sufficient to make them revolve together. When "out," 
 the drum is free to turn unless retarded by a band 
 brake. A ratchet and wheel are also supplied to hold 
 the load independently of the brake ; the ratchet must be 
 thrown out of action when lowering by the brake. 
 The clutch is operated by pressure on a friction hand 
 lever which turns a friction thrust-screw passing through 
 a nut in a thrust screw yoke. The inner end of this 
 screw bears against the outer end of a friction thrust 
 pin fitting in an axial hole in the shaft, and the inner 
 end of this pin exerts a pressure against a cross-key 
 whose outer ends rest in grooves in a loose thrust collar 
 at the outer end of the drum hub bearing, thereby 
 forcing it along the shaft, and bringing the conical clutch 
 surfaces at the other end of the drum into engagement. 
 Another type of clutch has a band carried by the gear 
 which may be tightened around a seat on the drum when 
 desired by levers operated by a cam turning on the shaft. 
 Or the band may be tightened by water or steam pressure 
 transmitted through the hollow shaft to a cylinder 
 mounted on a web or arms of the gear, with its piston 
 rod connected to the ends of the band by levers keyed 
 to crank pins passing through the gear rim. The move 
 ment of the piston is controlled by a small slide valve 
 bolted to the machinery frame and connected to the 
 operator s hand lever. This device is much used for 
 winches performing heavy service, as in dredges, shovels, 
 and drag buckets. 
 Where operation is continuous and lowering is rapid, 
 special provision is made for air cooling, and sometimes 
 water cooling is adopted. This is true in the operation 
 of twin drum winches for coal unloading towers using 
 grab buckets, where the empty bucket is lowered on the 
 clutch, there being no brake except a relatively small one 
 to keep the engine crank shaft (or motor shafting) from 
 Band clutches produce no end thrust 
 Drum, Friction Geared. A winding drum which is 
 rotated by friction gearing. (See Gearing, Friction; 
 Winch, Friction Geared.) 
 Drum Gear. The large gear through which a winding 
 drum on a hoisting or hauling machine is driven. The 
 gear may be keyed to the same shaft as the drum, bolted 
 to the end of it, or forced onto a seat on its circumfer 
 ence, remaining always fixed to it and driven by a pinion. 
 In another construction it is keyed to the drum shaft and 
 capable of connection with the loose drum by engaging 
 a clutch which has one portion each on the drum and the 
 gear. (See Drum; Drum, Friction.) 
 Drum, Gravity Plane. A brake controlled drum used 
 for simultaneously lowering a loaded car and raising an 
 empty one on a gravity plane. Two separate ropes are 
 used, one coiled in each compartment of the two-com 
 partment drum, with one end attached to the drum and 
 the other to one of the cars, the winding being done in 
 opposite directions. A band brake controls the motion 
 of the drum overhauling under the weight of the load in 
 the loaded car. (See Sheave, Gravity Plane.) 
 Drum Hoist. Any hoist which exerts the pull on the 
 hoisting rope by winding it on a drum, as distinguished 
 from chain hoists, screw hoists, air cylinder hoists, etc. 
 (See Drum; Winch; Trolley.) 
 Drum, Holding. An auxiliary drum often used to en 
 able a two-rope grab bucket to be operated by a single- 
 drum winch. It consists of a two-compartment drum 
 mounted on a special independent base, and running free 
 except when held by a band brake. The holding rope 
 from the bucket is wound in one compartment, and one 
 end of a light counterweight rope is wound oppositely in 
 the other compartment. The counterweight is located at 
 any convenient place, such as the derrick mast or the 
 side of the locomotive crane. While the winch is hoist 
 ing the bucket by the closing rope, the counterweight 
 lowers, furnishing just enough pull to keep the holding 
 rope tight. When hoisting is stopped and the brake is 
 applied to the holding drum, lowering of the closing rope 
 will allow the bucket to open and dump, leaving it sus 
 pended on the holding rope. The bucket is then lowered, 
 open, by releasing the holding drum brake. Also called 
 counterweight drum, trip drum. 
 Drum Lagging. Wooden strips which may be bolted 
 between the end flanges of a winding drum to increase its 
 diameter and increase the speed of hoisting, with, of 
 course, a corresponding decrease in the pull which may 
 be exerted. They may lie on the original surface of the 
 drum, or may be considerably above it, and be held in 
 position by bolts through the flanges. 
 Drum, Lowering. A rope drum with a friction brake 
 on one end controlling motion in either direction. Two 
 ropes are wound in opposite directions on the drum ; 
 while a load is being lowered on one of them, the other 
 is being wound up in readiness for the next descent. 
 Used for lowering of sacks and similar packages, and 
 sometimes called a sack lowering winch. 
 Drum, Mine Hoist. The drum on a winding machine 
 used for hoisting purposes in a mine shaft. These drums 
 are driven by steam engines or electric motors and are 
 characterized by their large diameter and large capacity 
 for rope (on account of the great shaft depths). Two 
 cars or cages are nearly always arranged to counter 
 balance each other so that the material raised is the only 
 weight to be lifted. Sometimes one drum is keyed di 
 rectly to its shaft, and the other is provided with a worm 
 adjustment by which the level of the two cages may be 
 adjusted, and by which stretch may be taken up. 
 As speed of hauling is important, winding speeds are 
 high, and acceleration and retardation at the beginning 
 and end of the trip are important. These can be ob 
 tained by suitable handling of the motive power, but as 
 good economy of power requires as uniform a load as 
 possible, the winding drums are often made conical or 
 cylindro-conical, with hoisting starting slowly on a small 
 diameter, and accelerating rapidly as the rope winds on 
 the grooves of increasing diameter. Furthermore, if the 
 winding diameter at the start of hoisting is small enough, 
 the loaded car being hoisted will be completely counter 
 balanced by the empty car unwinding rope from the large 
 diameter, so that the full power of the engine can be 
 devoted to accelerating the cars. Deceleration at the top 
 is accomplished by gravity, aided by slight braking if 
 Another consideration which leads to drums of slight 
 conicity is that of equalizing the shaft torque. As the 
 load ascends, less and less rope has to be lifted with the 
 car, and the drum diameter and consequently the hoisting 
 speed can be slowly increased without increasing the 
 load or speed of the engine. 
 Separate drums on the same shaft are sometimes used 
 for winding the two ropes of a two-car counterbalanced 
 system. In some cases one drum is used, sufficiently long 
 so that each rope winds in its own end of the scoring; 
 in others a shorter drum is used with only a few empty 
 grooves between the two ropes, one winding into the 
 score shortly after the other has unwound from it. Mine 
 hoist drums are often provided with scoring for consid 
 erable spare rope, to allow for future increase in shaft 
 Drum, Outboard. A winding drum mounted separately 
 from the rest of the drums in a winch and driven either 
 separately or by gearing from the engine driving the 
 main winch. It is generally located to one side, though 
 sometimes in line with one of the other drums, and is 
 so placed for convenience in leading the lines, or because 
 it is temporarily added to the main winch to obtain an 
 extra drum. 
 Drum, Peaking. A term sometimes applied to the drum 
 of a crane or derrick winch which handles the boom hoist 
 or topping lift. 
 Drum, Storage or Cable Storage. A winding drum 
 \v hich ha> a considerable capacity for cable, for use under 
 widely different conditions as to length of hoist or haul. 
 Such conditions arise in building operations as the suc 
 cessive floors are reached. In particular, a derrick slewed 
 by a bull wheel must have some such provision for length 
 ening the slewing line if used in building operations. 
 Drum, Tag Line. A small winding drum which keeps 
 up the slack and maintains a slight tension in a tag line 
 attached to the load lifted by a crane, dispensing with 
 the services of a tag-man. It is often driven by a drag 
 clutch on the main shaft of the hoisting winch. 
 Drum Shaft. The shaft on which the drum of a hoist 
 ing or hauling machine is mounted. In some types, the 
 shaft is keyed in the drum and turns in journal bearings; 
 in others the shaft is fixed in the frame and the drum 
 turns on it, bronze bushings being inserted to take the 
 wear; while in other cases the shaft, running in journal 
 bearings, bears one part of a friction clutch which can 
 be engaged at will with the drum. As the load on a 
 drum shaft is considerable, its diameter must be kept as 
 small as possible consistent with strength, to cut down 
 frictional losses. 
 Dump, Wagon. An apparatus for dumping a load from 
 the rear of a non-dumping wagon, consisting of a tilting 
 platform to which the wagon can be clamped and tipped 
 down backward until the contents (usually grain) slide 
 into a hopper beneath. Sometimes the front end of the 
 body is attached to a hoist and lifted instead ; the first 
 method, however, does not require the unhitching of the 
 Duplex Block, Duplex Hoist. See Hoist, Screw Chain. 
 Eccentric. A form of crank in which the crank pin is 
 enlarged in size so as to include the shaft, thus becom 
 ing the crank web and crank pin in one. It is nearly 
 always used in connection with a surrounding or enclos 
 ing eccentric strap, which is attached to an eccentric 
 rod, and produces a reciprocating motion of the remote 
 end of the eccentric rod. 
 Eccentric, Adjustable. An eccentric which can have 
 alterations made in its angular position, its throw, or 
 both. The angular position may be crudely changed by 
 loosening a set screw, and better by bolts and circular 
 slots attaching it to a fixed disc or hub. The throw may 
 be changed by moving the eccentric directly across its 
 shaft, a slot and clamping screws being provided, or by 
 revolving an outer eccentric portion about an inner por 
 tion also eccentric, and clamping it in the position of 
 desired throw. 
 Efficiency. The ratio of output to input, or of useful 
 work done to total work done, or of result accomplished 
 to effort made. It cannot equal unity in any actual 
 mechanism because of friction, and usually falls far 
 below it. 
 Ejector. A modified form of injector suited for han 
 dling large quantities of a liquid against a small head. 
 It consists of a jet of steam passing into a converging 
 conical tube, to which the liquid also has access ; the 
 steam is condensed, but its kinetic energy is transferred 
 to the liquid, giving it sufficient velocity to overcome 
 resistance to flow, due to discharge or suction head, or 
 to pipe friction. It is a useful means of handling muddy 
 water or chemically active solutions, where the intermix 
 ing of exhaust steam is not objectionable, and especially 
 where the heat given to the liquid is advantageous. 
 Ejector, Sand. A device by which sand may be placed 
 in suspension in water, for transportation by a stream 
 passing through a pipe. It consists of a hopper, in the 
 bottom of which there is an open space between two 
 nozzles, across which a jet of water passes. Sand in 
 the hopper is kept agitated by vertical water jets directed 
 upward, and is drawn into the discharge nozzle by the 
 ejector action of the main jet. 
 Elastic. Having (as a solid) the power of returning 
 to its original shape, after being distorted in any way, or 
 (as a fluid) of returning to its original volume after being 
 compressed or expanded. A body is perfectly elastic 
 when it regains exactly its original shape after a deforma 
 tion, upon the removal of the deforming force and the 
 restoration to the original state of all other conditions. 
 Elevator. In general, a machine which raises or lowers 
 material temporarily held in one or more containers trav 
 eling along a definite path which is vertical or is only 
 incidentally inclined. They are divided into two general 
 classes; platform elevators, also termed reciprocating or 
 intermittent, and continuous elevators. 
 Elevators of the first class are distinctive and. when 
 the term is used without qualification, a platform elevator 
 is usually meant. The A. S. M. E. Code defines it as 
 follows : "A hoisting and lowering mechanism equipped 
 with a car which moves in guides in a substantially ver 
 tical direction. (Note: Dumbwaiters, endless belts, con 
 veyors, chains, buckets, etc., used for the purpose of 
 conveying and elevating materials and tiering or piling 
 machines operating within one story are not included in 
 the term Elevator.)" The construction and arrangement 
 varies considerably according as the elevator is for pas 
 senger or freight service, and certain features are also 
 dependent on the type of drive, whether electric, steam, 
 hydraulic or pneumatic. (See Elevator, Electric, etc.) 
 Continuous elevators either have endless belts or 
 chains to which flights, buckets or arms are attached to 
 support the material, or utilize a current of air, water 
 or steam as a means of carrying it along. (See Elevator, 
 Belt; Elevator, Hucket; Elevator, Pneumatic, etc.) 
 Page 484, 750. 
 Elevator, Apron, or Inclined Apron. A moving apron 
 (see Conveyor Apron) placed at a considerable inclina 
 tion, and used principally for elevating or lowering pur 
 poses. When the inclination is less steep, and especially 
 when the apron has horizontal as well as inclined runs, 
 it is usually termed apron conveyor. 
 The conveyor apron may be made with wood or steel 
 cross pieces ; the former is common when the conveyor 
 is used for boxes, barrels, bags and similar packages, or 
 for definite containers, and the latter, especially when 
 formed with deep step or bucket like depressions, for 
 handling bulk material. (See Conveyor, Steel Apron.) 
 Wood cross pieces must have suitable cleats, lugs, cradles 
 or arms to hold the containers being elevated. 
 When mounted on a base with wheels or casters, 
 provided with a self-contained driving motor, and with 
 a means of raising one end of the apron unit to different 
 elevations, it is called a portable apron elevator or con 
 Page 352, 759-771. 
 Elevator, Automatic Electric. An elevator which can 
 be started by a system of push buttons and brought to 
 the floor where it is desired without any operator being 
 present in the car. The A. S. M. E. Code defines an 
 automatic button-control elevator as an elevator the op 
 eration of which is controlled by buttons in such a man 
 ner that all landing stops are automatic. They are widely 
 operated on both alternating and direct currents and at 
 110 to 250 volts. 
 Page 4X2. 
 Elevator, Automatic Floor Leveling Machine. A de 
 vice for automatically insuring accurate landings irre 
 spective of load and speed, and of automatically main 
 taining this accurate landing during loading and un 
 loading irrespective of the stretch of the cables. 
 Page 752. 
 Elevator, Barrel. A continuous vertical or inclined ele 
 vator having two parallel strands of chain running over 
 sprockets at the top and bottom, with special curved 
 arms attached to them to lift barrels from a loading 
 platform and deliver them over the head wheels to an 
 inclined runway. If delivery is desired at intermediate 
 points, tilting or spring discharge arms may he used, 
 which are curved to lit the barrel and pivoted at the 
 outer ends of the arms fixed to the chain. As the load 
 ascends, the projecting outer ends of the tilting arms 
 strike against adjustable stops and are revolved down, 
 tipping up the other ends on which the barrel rests, and 
 rolling it off into a sloping delivery runway. The arms 
 are then returned by springs. A barrel may also be 
 forced off at a desired point by adjusting a cam shaped 
 pusher which acts as a contact discharger. 
 Another type of barrel elevator has two complete 
 loops of chain each running over its own top and bottom 
 sprockets, geared together to run at the same speed and 
 all lying in the same plane. The adjacent strands of 
 the loops pass upward, carrying a barrel between them, 
 supported near each end on two small concave platforms 
 attached to the chains ; the barrel is discharged by rolling 
 off when it comes against a side contact discharge cam, 
 and the platforms pass up over the sprockets and return 
 downward on the outside. 
 Page 336, 464, 759-771. 
 Elevator, Belt. An elevating apparatus consisting of 
 an endless Hat or troughed belt passing around head and 
 tail pulleys and over intermediate supporting idlers, the 
 whole being set at an incline and driven in such a direc 
 tion that material deposited on the upper run will be 
 carried upward and be discharged over the head pulley. 
 The belt may be Hat or troughed, the latter having 
 greater capacity ; it may have cleats or cross strips to 
 prevent lumps from rolling down or packages from 
 sliding, or when the inclination is steep it may have deep 
 pockets or buckets. (See Elevator, Belt and Bucket.) 
 The details are similar to those described under Con 
 veyor, Belt, except that no tripper is used since the dis 
 charge is always over the head. 
 Page 369, 418, 760-773, 826-840. 
 Elevator, Belt and Bucket, or Belt Bucket. A bucket 
 elevator in which the buckets arc fastened by their backs 
 to an endless belt of fabric, which travels around head 
 and foot pulleys having considerable crown. 
 Elevator, Bucket. A continuous elevator, consisting of 
 a travelling endless belt, of fabric or chain, to which 
 buckets are attached and which moves in such a direction 
 as to raise material fed into them at the bottom, and 
 deliver it by inverting them at the top. Pulleys or 
 sprockets are mounted on the head and foot shafts at 
 the top and bottom respectively, and may be directly in 
 line vertically, or offset so that the lines of buckets 
 between them are inclined, the ascending side being 
 the upper one when thus inclined. The head and foot 
 shafts are mounted in a frame and left open, or enclosed 
 in a head casing and boot respectively which are con 
 nected by a casing or trunking in the fully enclosed 
 The buckets may be attached to a single strand of 
 chain at their backs, or to two strands at their backs or 
 sides ; they may also be fastened to a belt. The buckets 
 may be widely spaced, or separated, or closely spaced, 
 also known as continuous. The elevator may revolve at 
 a sufficient speed to throw the contents clear of the 
 buckets at the time of discharge by centrifugal force, 
 or they may move more slowly, and a perfect discharge 
 be obtained by a deflecting idler on the descending side 
 of the elevator, or by the action of the bucket fronts in 
 the continuous type. 
 The drive is usually through the head wheels, as power 
 applied there gives a direct lift of the material being 
 elevated. As the speed is slow, spur or worm geared 
 speed reductions from motor or shaft speed are usual, 
 and if the gearing is not such as to prevent backward 
 running in case of failure of power, breakage of a 
 driving belt, etc., a ratched device called a back stop is 
 often installed. 
 Page 447, 826-839. 
 Elevator, Bucket, Inclined. A chain and bucket or belt 
 and bucket continuous elevator operated in an inclined 
 position. In addition to the types described under these 
 heads, pan or apron conveyors are also made up with 
 containers of an unsymmetrical shape suitable for work 
 on steep inclines, and are used as inclined elevators, 
 sometimes for very heavy work. (See Elevator, Apron.) 
 They move on rollers incorporated in the side chains, 
 but to prevent the enormous load of the chain at the 
 time of passing over the head sprocket from coming on 
 these roller bearings, they are often placed outside the 
 chain, and the sprocket teeth bear on hardened bushings 
 between the two sides of the chain. 
 Page 826-839. 
 Elevator, Bucket, Portable. A bucket elevator, gener- 
 erally inclined, mounted on a wheeled truck with its 
 loading hopper, delivery spout, driving mechanism, etc., 
 complete, so that it can be moved from point to point. 
 Commonly used for loading purposes. (See Loader, 
 Page 433, 771, 837, 838. 
 Elevator, Centrifugal Discharge. A bucket elevator, of 
 either the belt or chain type, which revolves at sufficient 
 speed to throw the bucket contents clear of the elevator 
 and into the discharge spout at the time of delivery, due 
 to centrifugal force. 
 Page 409, 836-839. 
 Elevator, Chain and Bucket, or Chain Bucket. An ele 
 vator in which the buckets are fastened to one or two 
 strands of chain. 
 Elevator, Chain Pump. A pump consisting of an end 
 less chain on two sprockets, having disc attachments at 
 intervals closely fitting the inside of a pipe into which 
 the chain passes at the bottom under water, and up which 
 it is drawn, lifting the water caught between the discs. 
 Elevator, Continuous Bucket. A bucket elevator in 
 which the buckets are placed in a continuous line along 
 one or two strands of chain or a belt, allowing feeding 
 to be accomplished from a chute, and using the front of 
 one bucket as a chute for the discharge of the next 
 following one on passing over the head wheels. 
 Page 411, 826-839. 
 Elevator, Dewatering. A bucket elevator having its 
 buckets made of perforated metal or woven wire, so that 
 water can drain away from the material raised. A drain 
 ing elevator. 
 Elevator, Dock Leg. A two strand vertical bucket ele 
 vator which is suspended from the top by a structure 
 erected on a wharf, and which can be lowered into the 
 hold of a vessel for the purpose of unloading bulk cargo. 
 The lower shaft is hung in the bights of the chains, no 
 casing being used, and carries a boot which is open at 
 the bottom and therefore self-feeding. In some arrange 
 ments the chain and buckets, of the gravity discharge V- 
 type, are continued on a horizontal run at the top as 
 a conveyor and carry the material over a storage bin 
 where it is dumped ; in other cases, the material is dis 
 charged as the buckets pass around the head sprockets, 
 on to a horizontal conveyor for further movement. 
 Adjustment is provided to allow for the varying levels 
 caused by tide and condition of loading, in several ways. 
 In one case the elevator is suspended at the end of a 
 hinged boom which can be raised or lowered, and can 
 be moved horizontally on the boom to accommodate 
 vessels of varying widths and to reach both sides of the 
 hold. The lower end of the elevator may also be swung 
 to reach from side to side, being handled by rope tackle. 
 Another method of providing vertical adjustment is to 
 cause the elevator strands to pass up and down around 
 two adjustable idler sprockets arranged to form a take-up 
 on the descending side. 
 The drive is through the top sprocket. 
 Also called a dock leg unloader. (See Elevator, 
 Marine Leg.) 
 Page 675. 
 Elevator, Double Belted. An elevator in which the 
 machine is connected to an independent source of power 
 such as shafting, by two belts, one open and one crossed, 
 or by similar means in which the direction of motion is 
 changed without reversal of the prime mover. (A. S. 
 M. E. Code.) 
 Page 482. 
 Elevator, Drum Type. A type of electric elevator in 
 which the car motion is obtained by means of the winding 
 and unwinding of a hoisting cable on a spirally grooved 
 drum driven by an electric motor through some form of 
 intermediate gears, usually worm gears. The cast iron 
 spider of the bronze worm wheel is cast integral with a 
 flange by means of which it may be bolted to the wind 
 ing drum, or, for slow speed freight service the drum 
 may be provided with an annular or spur gear to mesh 
 with a pinion on the worm-wheel shaft, giving an addi 
 tional speed reduction. (See also Elevator Drum.) The 
 car hoisting cables, usually two or three in number, have 
 one end clamped to the drum and after winding several 
 times around the drum pass over the overhead sheave and 
 down to the car frame to which they are securely fastened. 
 Car counterweight cables with one end fastened to the 
 car pass up over an overhead sheave and down to the 
 counterweight. Drum counterweight cables with one end 
 clamped to the drum wind around the drum in the op 
 posite direction to the car hoisting cables and run up to 
 overhead sheaves and down to the counterweight. The 
 drum type of drive is employed on all low speed and 
 widely on medium speed electric elevators. The A. S. 
 M. E. Code calls such an elevator a winding drum ma 
 chine, and defines it as an elevator machine in which 
 cables are fastened to, and wind on, a drum. 
 Page 478, 749-754. 
 Elevator, Electric. A car with counterweight, hoisting 
 cables, sheaves, controller, drum and motor for lifting 
 and lowering of materials or passengers. There are two 
 types, the drum and the traction. The former are for 
 low and medium speed service, and the latter for medium 
 and high speed service. Small electric elevators are sus 
 pended by wire hoisting cables from spirally grooved 
 drums driven through a worm gear by an electric motor. 
 This type is unsuitable where high speed is required since 
 the drum would have to be of excessive diameter. The 
 most satisfactory elevator for such service is the gearless 
 traction type in which motion is produced by the tractive 
 effort of the cables on the driving traction sheave. Trac 
 tion elevators with geared motor drive using either her 
 ringbone or worm gears are also constructed. 
 (See Elevator, Traction; and Elevator, Drum Type.) 
 Page 477, 749-754. 
 Elevator, Electric Control of. The operating of electric 
 elevators by a dispatcher. For example, an installation 
 in the Brooklyn Army Supply Base uses electric control 
 by dispatchers for operation of 90 elevators without the 
 manual service or attendance of a single operator on any 
 one of them. Truck operators press a button to signal 
 the dispatcher when an elevator is desired or when goods 
 have been deposited or removed. Ten dispatchers re 
 placing 90 elevator operators control the entire operation 
 of these 90 elevators. (See also Elevator, Automatic 
 Page 484, 712, 757. 
 Elevator, Fingered. A continuous package elevator 
 having its rigid arm or suspended tray formed of a 
 series of parallel fingers projecting from one or both 
 sides of a bar which is attached to the one or two 
 chains of the elevator, and used in conjunction with 
 similarly fingered loading and unloading platforms. A 
 load resting on a platform is picked up by the fingered 
 moving platform coming up from beneath it and passing 
 between the fingers. Moving downward it will be depos 
 ited on a similarly fingered discharge platform, and if 
 this be sharply sloping, the load will immediately slide 
 out of the way of the next following car. The fingers 
 may be curved to fit round objects, flat to hold boxes and 
 trays, or combination, with a curved middle portion 
 and straight ends. 
 Rigid arm elevators may utilize this mechanism on 
 either the upward or the downward runs, but not on 
 both in the same elevator, as the package will be thrown 
 off in passing over the head. Fingered tray elevators, 
 which carry the load on a level tray even while passing 
 around the turns, may have fingered stations on both 
 Page 331. 
 Elevator, Flight. A continuous elevator working on 
 the principle of the flight conveyor, with transverse 
 blades or flights dragged along a trough by chains. For 
 bulk materials it is used for short distances only ; for 
 packages it is widely used and more generally known 
 as a push-bar elevator, the solid flight being often 
 replaced by a bar raised a suitable distance above the 
 When a single chain or cable is used, with disc shaped 
 flights dragged in a V- or U-shaped trough, it is known 
 as a cable conveyor or a cable elevator. 
 Elevator, Freight. An elevator for carrying freight 
 and on which no persons other than the operator and 
 those required for loading and unloading are transported. 
 Page 503, 749-754. 
 Elevator, Gig. A small intermittent platform elevator 
 travelling in guides in a vertical shaft, and used for 
 handling articles uniform in size, such as boxes, cakes 
 of ice, etc. The box or cake in the loading runway is 
 automatically released and slides onto the elevator plat 
 form when the latter has reached the bottom ; it is then 
 hoisted, and on reaching the desired height, slides out 
 onto the delivery platform owing to the permanent slope 
 of the elevator platform. Adjustable automatic stops 
 limit the travel of the elevator, which can be made 
 entirely automatic. It can be used for lowering by 
 reversing the direction of the slopes. 
 Page 761. 
 Elevator, Gravity Discharge V-Bucket. An elevator 
 consisting of two strands of chain fastened to the ends 
 of V-buckcts by rigid or swiveling attachments, but not 
 pivoted. It passes upward over a turn or knuckle wheels 
 into a short horizontal run along which the contents are 
 spilled from the buckets into a trough which discharges 
 to another conveyor or to a bin. Immediately after dis 
 charging, the conveyor passes downward around other 
 turn wheels and to the foot wheels or boot, where the 
 load is picked up. Also called a knuckle wheel elevator. 
 When the horizontal run is lengthened, so that the 
 material is conveyed along it by scraping, it is usually 
 called a gravity discharge V-bucket conveyor. 
 Page 413, 826-836. 
 Elevator, Hydraulic. An elevator in which the motion 
 of the car is obtained by liquid water pressure. (A. S. 
 M. E. Code.) The mechanism may consist of horizontal 
 or vertical cylinders working with or without rope gear 
 ing in addition, operating by pushing or pulling and with 
 high or low pressure. For the plunger type of hydraulic 
 elevator, see Elevator, Plunger. 
 Page 489. 
 Elevator, Hydro-pneumatic. An elevator operated by 
 a cylinder with a plunger or piston, and a combination 
 of air and hydraulic power (water or oil). Since air is 
 compressible, the load cannot be removed from a straight 
 compressed air elevator at any other point than the top 
 or the bottom of the travel (where the car is against 
 stops). More than two levels can be served, however, if 
 oil only is used in the elevator cylinder, but is forced 
 into the cylinder by air pressure on top of it in the 
 storage tank. When the air is released the elevator will 
 descend, but motion can be arrested at any point in 
 either direction, and the car locked by closing a valve in 
 the oil line between the cylinder and tank. The action 
 is like a hydraulic elevator without pumps, the source of 
 compressed air supplying the power. 
 Elevator, Inclined. An elevator which works at some 
 other angle than 90 deg. from the horizontal. Consid 
 ering continuous elevators, as the angle becomes small 
 the action approaches that of a conveyor and there is 
 no distinct dividing line between elevators and conveyors. 
 Elevator, Inclined Chain. An arrangement for assist 
 ing wheeled vehicles carrying loads up or down ramps 
 or inclined runways, consisting of an endless chain set 
 slightly above the floor and travelling parallel to it, and 
 having upward projecting lugs. These lugs engage with 
 projections on the bottom of the vehicles, and drag them 
 up the grade, or lower them down it. If men accompany 
 the load, as with hand trucks, they straddle the chain 
 and walk along with the load, but do no pulling. These 
 are much used in handling material between ships and 
 wharves, and are often mounted on an adjustable incline 
 .which can be raised or lowered to suit the deck level 
 or tide conditions. If two chains are placed side by 
 side, they may operate in opposite directions, or one 
 chain may be reversed if desired. Also called a dock 
 elevator, and chain haul elevator. 
 Page 399. 
 Elevator, Marine Leg. A vertical bucket elevator used 
 for unloading bulk material (generally grain) from 
 vessels at a wharf, which is supported from the elevator 
 structure in such a way that it can be adjusted vertically 
 and horizontally at right angles to the wharf line in order 
 to reach as much of the hold of the vessel as possible. 
 It is similar to a dock leg elevator (see Elevator, Dock 
 Leg) except that the chain sprockets are usually car 
 ried in a rigid frame and the leg is completely cased, 
 instead of the lower sprockets and boot being simply hung 
 by the exposed bucket chains. The discharge is over 
 the head sprocket, through a spout to a storage bin, 
 and to a horizontal conveyor or to another bucket 
 elevator for delivery to its destination in the building. 
 Three types of marine legs are in use, designated 
 according to the method by which they are supported 
 and adjusted, and known as the boom, the crosshead and 
 the combination types. In the crosshead type the elevator 
 leg is pivoted to, and hung from, a crosshead which 
 can be slid in vertical (or slightly inclined) structural 
 steel guides in the building; the lower end is swung out 
 ward by a pusher arm operated from the side of the 
 building and power is delivered to the head pulley by a 
 rope drive arranged with idlers in such a way that the 
 varying vertical positions of the crosshead and angular 
 positions of the leg will be accommodated without inter 
 ference with the drive. In the boom type, the leg is 
 suspended from the outer end of a boom which is 
 pivoted to a fixed point on the building at its inner end, 
 and its angular position is altered by tackle attached to 
 its outer end leading diagonally upwards. The leg is 
 moved horizontally at its lower end by pulling with 
 tackle, the head pulley is driven by a rope drive leading 
 around sheaves at the pivots at the two ends of the boom. 
 In the third or combination type, the leg is suspended 
 from a boom which has its inner end pivoted on a vertical 
 ly moving crosshead ; one drum of a hoisting winch con 
 trols the boom and the other the crosshead. The leg is 
 driven by rope transmission so arranged that both the 
 varying height of the crosshead and the varying angular 
 positions of the boom are allowed for. This type is es 
 pecially suitable for working under large variations of 
 water level. 
 Page 675. 
 Elevator, Material. A term usually applied to a type 
 of portable platform elevator outfit used by contractors 
 in building construction. A top or head frame is carried 
 on trestles or bents which stand a sufficient distance 
 above the highest floor being served to allow the plat 
 form to come up to that floor. One cage or car may 
 be used, with or without a counterweight, or two are 
 provided, each serving as a counterweight for the other. 
 A hoisting winch is located on the ground near the foot 
 of the guide frames in which the cages move, and 
 operates the car or cars by a rope leading through a 
 foot or bottom sheave, up to the head frame and thence 
 over a head sheave down to the cross-beam from which 
 the car is suspended. 
 Elevator, Package. A general term used to include the 
 various material handling elevators of the vertical or 
 inclined continuous type, with trays, shelves, or rigid 
 arms of various forms and curvatures attached to one, 
 two, or three endless strands of parallel moving chain. 
 Articles laid on the shelves or arms may be raised or 
 lowered or both ; loading and discharging may be entirely 
 by hand, entirely automatic, or by a combination of the 
 two means. 
 Page 329, 761, 770. 
 Elevator, Perfect Discharge. A two strand chain bucket 
 elevator having unusually large head wheels, and with 
 the return chains "snubbed" in under the head wheels by 
 a pair of small snubbing, choke or deflecting sprockets, 
 in order to invert the buckets completely over the dis 
 charge chute. This allows perfect discharge to take 
 place without the aid of centrifugal force. Also called 
 positive or complete discharge type. 
 Another arrangement giving a clean discharge is tc 
 have the bucket fastened between the chains, but with 
 its discharge opening inclined toward the back of the 
 chains. As the buckets pass around the head wheels, 
 the contents are dumped into pockets formed by partitioni 
 radiating from the head shaft and attached to discs at 
 their ends ; these pockets in turn deliver the material to 
 a chute directly beneath them, without interference from 
 the chain or buckets. 
 Page 411. 
 Elevator, Plunger. A hydraulic elevator having a ram 
 or plunger directly attached to the under side of the car 
 platform. (A. S. M. E. Code.) 
 Elevator, Pneumatic. An elevator which is operated 
 by air pressure on a piston moving in a cylinder, the 
 cylinder and attachments being practically the same as 
 in air cylinder hoists, which see. The car moves in 
 guides, rests on stops at the bottom, and against similar 
 stops at the top, which limit its travel. 
 Two arrangements of the hoist are in use ; the direct 
 type and the rope type. The direct type has the air 
 cylinder located directly above or below the center of 
 the shaft, with the piston rod attached to the top of the 
 car or beneath the car, extending into the ground ; the 
 rise of the car is thus limited by the length of the 
 cylinder. The rope type has the air cylinder located at 
 the side of the shaft, and its piston rod acts on the car 
 through wire rope block and tackle arranged to make the 
 travel of the car two, four or six times the stroke of the 
 cylinder. For lifting heavy loads, the arrangement of the 
 ropes and sheaves may be reversed, giving the car a 
 shorter travel than the piston in the cylinder, but multi 
 plying its power. 
 The car may be guided at the sides or at the corners, 
 and may be provided with the usual safety dogs. It is 
 difficult to load or unload an air elevator at points 
 between the top and the bottom, as the air is elastic, and 
 the elevator will descend or rise during the operation. 
 (See Elevator, Hydro-pneumatic.) 
 Page 491. 
 Elevator, Portable. See Tiering Machine. 
 Elevator, Portable Belt. See Loader, Wagon; Con 
 veyor, Portable Belt. 
 Elevator, Push-Bar. A continuous drag-elevator, op 
 erating with practically the same mechanism as the push- 
 bar conveyor, namely, two endless chains connected by 
 crossbars moving parallel to an inclined (or even ver 
 tical) trough-like runway bed, and elevating articles 
 resting on the crossbars by sliding them along up the bed. 
 For steep inclines there must be a reasonable uniformity 
 in the size of the containers, appropriate to the height of 
 the push-bar above the bed ; when the bed is nearly 
 or quite vertical, top guides are used, forming with it 
 and the side guides, a complete shaft. Loading may be 
 done at any point ; discharge is over the head, or at inter 
 mediate points by openings through the bed closed by 
 hinged doors which, when lowered, form the discharge 
 chute on which the articles slide away from the bed. 
 Unloading in the outward direction may also be per 
 formed by tipping a section of the bed outward, forming 
 a contact plate which tips the parcel away from the bed 
 onto a sloping receiving platform on which it immedi 
 ately slides away. 
 Page 345, 759-773. 
 Elevator, Rigid Arm. A continuous vertical elevator 
 consisting of two parallel strands of chain passing around 
 head and foot sprockets fastened in pairs on two shafts, 
 and having attached to them at regular intervals rigid 
 horizontal arms with diagonal braces from below. These 
 arms may or may not be cross braced to each other, and 
 are either straight, or curved to fit special objects to be 
 lifted. Cushion spring braces are often used, to cushion 
 the impact of picking up a load, to decrease the maximum 
 load on the chain and other parts, and to permit higher 
 speed of operation. 
 The arms will automatically pick up a load from a 
 fingered loading platform, and discharge over the head. 
 If the articles elevated are uniform in size, and the up 
 ward run is enclosed in a shaft up which they will slide 
 easily, the elevator may be made self-unloading at any 
 floor by slanting the arms downward slightly away from 
 the chain, loading them from the side, and opening a 
 door on the face of the shaft-casing at the point where 
 discharge is to take place. The article will slide out on 
 a runway prepared to receive it. Cakes of ice will slide 
 on smooth guides ; trays and boxes will require roller 
 supports. For lowering, the direction of rotation may 
 be reversed. 
 Page 331. 
 Elevator, Sack. An elevator especially adapted to han 
 dling sacks of grain, flour or similar articles. Sacks may 
 be slid easily on smooth surfaces, and do not require 
 smooth level platforms for their transportation, but must 
 not be torn or caught by projecting parts about the con 
 Page 331. 
 Elevator, Screw. A machine like a screw conveyor, 
 with the axis of the screw placed in a vertical direction 
 and enclosed in pipe, and used for elevating material sup 
 plied to it at the bottom. As continuous feed must be 
 arranged, intermediate bearings are omitted, and the 
 pitch should be less than with horizontal conveyors. It 
 will operate successfully on certain materials whose 
 particles cling, like ground cork, cotton seed, etc. 
 Page 424. 
 Elevator, Steam. An elevator in which the motion of 
 the car is obtained by a steam engine directly applied to 
 the elevator machinery. (A. S. M. E. Code.) The steam 
 elevator is now obsolete except in so far as its operation 
 is continued in a few old installations. The rope lifting 
 the car was usually wound around a drum turned by a 
 steam engine. However, the traction elevator principle 
 also was applied to some extent on steam elevators. 
 Elevator, Traction. A type of electric elevator in which 
 the car motion is obtained by means of adhesion between 
 the driving sheave and the hoisting cable. There are two 
 classes of traction elevators known as the direct or gear- 
 less traction and the geared traction machine. Either 
 herringbone or worm-gear traction machines may be con 
 structed. All direct traction and herringbone geared 
 elevators are for high speed cars, and are the only eleva- 
 tors giving satisfaction for high speed service. Worm- 
 geared elevators are for medium speed car operation. 
 The direct traction elevator operates with direct rather 
 than a geared conniption between the motor and driving 
 sheave, the gearing being eliminated by the use of a 
 specially designed very slow speed motor. 
 Page 480, 749-754. 
 Elevator, Tray. A continuous vertical elevator oper 
 ated by one or more endless chains passing around 
 sprockets at the top and bottom, and carrying wooden or 
 metal trays rigidly attached to them, or suspended by 
 pivots. (See Elevator, Tray, Suspended; Elevator, Tray, 
 Three Chain.) 
 An elevator in which the trays are rigidly attached to 
 the chains will discharge its load in passing over the head 
 wheels, unless it is removed by some special means like 
 a contact discharge cam while ascending. If loaded on 
 the descending run, it will discharge at the bottom by 
 tipping the trays downward as the chains start to pass 
 around the foot wheels. If a lingered tray is used, it 
 will discharge at any point in the descending run. (See 
 Elevator, Fingered.) 
 Also called a package elevator. 
 Page 336, 759, 761. 
 Elevator, Tray, Suspended. A package elevator con 
 sisting of a series of equally spaced platforms or trays 
 attached to two vertical endless strands of chain passing 
 around sprockets at the top and bottom. The trays are 
 suspended at each end by rigid diagonal hangers meeting 
 at a pivot attachment on the carrying chain ; the tray 
 thus naturally hangs level and remains so in passing 
 around the head wheels. Trays are usually symmetrical 
 ly hung ; occasionally they are suspended from points on 
 opposite sides near diagonally opposite corners. Close 
 hung trays will not interfere with a through-shaft at the 
 head; trays hung a considerable distance below the pivot, 
 as required for carrying large objects, will strike the 
 head shaft, which must, therefore, be eliminated by driv 
 ing the two sprockets, each overhung on its own short 
 shaft and carrying a large spur gear, by a transverse 
 shaft with two pinions, placed below the sprockets and 
 their spur gears. 
 Solid bottom trays may be loaded or unloaded auto 
 matically or by hand, generally the latter. Fingered 
 trays are usually arranged for automatic loading and dis 
 Suspended trays may be carried on inclined or hori 
 zontal runs with equal facility. (See Carrier, Suspended 
 Also called a swinging tray elevator. 
 Page 336. 
 Elevator, Uni-strand. A continuous vertical chain ele 
 vator consisting of a single strand of chain passing 
 around sprockets at the top and bottom. Attached to the 
 edge of this chain, and standing out perpendicular to the 
 plane of the sprocket wheels, are rigid arms shaped to 
 hold special packages, or platforms for boxes or trays, 
 lingered if desired. The platforms are attached to the 
 lower ends of vertical links, and the pivoted point of at 
 tachment to the chain is a point at either the top or the 
 middle of the vertical link. In the former case a roller 
 on the lower end of the link runs in a guide parallel 
 to the chain in such a way as to positively keep the arm 
 vertical ; in the latter, points at both top and bottom of 
 the vertical link are thus guided. 
 Loads are picked up on the upward run (unless placed 
 by hand on the downward run) and pass around the 
 head, unloading automatically on the descending run on 
 fingered receiving platforms. The elevator is driven at 
 the head by a geared motor. 
 Elevator, Water. A bucket elevator on single or double 
 strands of chain, used to raise water, the foot wheel be 
 ing suspended in the chain loops. The flight type is also 
 used, consisting of transverse wooden blades or paddles 
 attached to chains at intervals and pulled upward through 
 a wooden casing which they closely lit, returning to the 
 foot wheel outside the casing. 
 Elevator Arms. Rigid, adjustable or pivoted arms 
 which are attached to the chains of a continuous chain- 
 driven elevator and used for raising material in large 
 pieces or in containers. (See Elevator, Rigid Arm.) 
 Elevator Automatic Return. A device which returns 
 the car switch to the off position when the operator re 
 leases his grip on the controller handle. 
 Elevator Automatic Stop Switch. A device which 
 gradually brings the car to a stop as the top or bottom 
 landings are approached. 
 Elevator Boot. The lowest part of the casing of a 
 bucket elevator, from which the material to be elevated 
 is dug by the buckets passing around the foot \\heels, 
 or which receives spillage in case the material is fed 
 directly to the buckets on the upward run. It contains 
 the bearings and take-up mechanism for the wheel shaft, 
 and has doors to give access for cleaning or in case of 
 a choke. Usually the boot is large and roomy, the only 
 exception being when small lots of material are being 
 handled, and to avoid mixing, the amount of material 
 contained in the boot must be reduced to a minimum ; 
 the bottom then closely tits the path of the bucket tips 
 and the take-up is placed in the casing head. The boot 
 is made of cast iron, of cast iron sides with curved steel 
 bottom plate, or of steel plates with or without a bottom 
 plate. Occasionally the boot is formed in a monolithic 
 mass of concrete. Boot pulleys are often closed tightly 
 at the ends to keep out the material. The whole boot is 
 often made dust-proof, including the openings for the 
 take-up mechanism, which are covered by a sliding plate. 
 Page 446. 
 Elevator Boot Tank. A water-tight tank in which an 
 elevator boot may be set if it must extend below ground 
 level where there is liability of the entrance of water. 
 Elevator Brake. A clamp or band is ordinarily ar 
 ranged to automatically apply frictional resistance to a 
 brake wheel and retard the motion of an elevator drum 
 or sheave whenever current supply to the elevator motor 
 is interrupted. In the most prevalent types it is actuated 
 by means of a weight or by the pressure of a heavy 
 helical spring, controlled by an electro-magnet. While 
 current supply to the hoist motor continues, the electro 
 magnet holds the brake in the released position, com 
 pressing the helical spring or raising the weight. The 
 removal of electrical supply by the controller disconnec 
 tion destroys the magnetism and the spring clamps the 
 brake band against the brake wheel. 
 Elevator Brake Wheel. The wheel about which the 
 brake band clamps in stopping and holding an elevator. 
 In certain traction installations the brake wheel is pressed 
 directly on the armature shaft on the motor and there 
 fore rotates at motor speed. It is usually the same diam 
 eter as the driving sheave. 
 Elevator Bucket, Continuous. One of the series of 
 abutting or overlapping buckets of a continuous bucket 
 elevator. They are generally triangular in section, but 
 when hung between two strands of chain, they may 
 extend back, having a four sided section giving greater 
 capacity. The fronts of the buckets often have forward 
 projecting flanges at the sides, these helping to form a 
 complete chute for the discharge of the following bucket 
 wlu-n passing over the head wheels. 
 Page 411, 826-839. 
 Elevator Buffer. A device placed near the bottom of 
 an elevator shaft in such a manner that a cage passing 
 below its lower terminal at normal speed may be grad 
 ually brought to stop without shock to the passenger. 
 Counterweight buffers are commonly used in the same 
 manner under the counterweight. These devices gen 
 erally operate on the oil dash pot principle, with the 
 addition of a spring to restore the piston to normal posi 
 tion. Oil buffers capable of stopping the car or counter 
 weight from 50 per cent excess speed without discomfort 
 to passengers are now provided by some builders. 
 Elevator Cables. Wire cables or ropes used for the 
 support, balancing and hoisting of elevators. These in 
 clude car hoisting, car counterweight, drum counterweight 
 and compensating cables. All are required on drum type 
 elevators, but hoisting and compensating cables only are 
 employed on traction machines. Car hoisting cables on a 
 drum type machine have one end fastened to the car 
 frame, pass up and over overhead sheaves and then to 
 the driving drum, around which they are wound in spiral 
 grooves with their ends clamped to the drum. This cable 
 transmits the hoisting power from drum to car and car 
 ries part of the weight of the car on one side and the 
 counterweight on the other. Traction type elevator 
 hoisting cables wind once around the driving and idler 
 sheaves and terminate on the counterweight and therefore 
 sustain the weight of both the car and the counterweight 
 on opposite sides. Car counterweight cables pass from 
 the car up and over an overhead sheave and down to the 
 counterweight. Drum counterweight cables connect the 
 counterweight and drum passing partially around suitable 
 overhead and idler sheaves, and winding on to the drum 
 as the car descends. Compensating cables connect the 
 bottom of the car with the bottom of the counterweight 
 passing under a compensating sheave near the bottom of 
 the hoistway so that acceleration cannot produce a slack 
 ness of hoisting cable due to sluggish action of the coun 
 terweight on ascent, or of the car on descent. They also 
 compensate for the variation in the net load on the driv 
 ing sheave of traction machines, due to the shifting of 
 the weight of the hoisting cables from one side of the 
 overhead sheave to the other, that occurs during elevator 
 Page 818-822. 
 Elevator Car. The load carrying unit of an elevator, 
 including platform, its supporting and guide frame, and 
 enclosure. (A. S. M. E. Code.) 
 Elevator Car-gate Electric Contact. An electrical de 
 vice the purpose of which is to prevent the normal op 
 eration of the car, except by the use of a car-leveling 
 device, unless the car gate is in the closed position. 
 (A. S. M. E. Code.) 
 Page 484, 752. 
 Elevator Car-leveling Device. A mechanism the pur 
 pose of which is to move the car automatically toward the 
 landing level from either direction and to maintain the 
 car platform at the landing level during loading or un 
 loading. A leveling device, however, may also be used 
 for the emergency operation of the car. ( <\ S M E 
 Elevator Car Sling. The frame encircling an elevator 
 and supporting it, consisting of the upper cross-member 
 to which the hoisting cables and guide shoes are usually 
 attached ; the car-posts or stiles ; and the under cross- 
 member, which supports the car sills, platform and guide 
 Elevator Casing. The housing or enclosure within 
 which a bucket elevator operates. Casings are made of 
 wood or steel, combined with cast iron or steel boots 
 and head casings. When the two lines of buckets are 
 cased separately, it is known as a double leg casing, and 
 is sometimes round ; otherwise it is single leg, and is 
 always rectangular in cross section. The casing is often 
 omitted and the head and wheels held in position by 
 Also called trunking and legging. 
 Elevator Clearance. At the top of the hoistway is the 
 vertical distance between the lowest point of the super 
 structure and the highest point of the car enclosure or 
 crosshead when the car is at the limit of the over-travel 
 at the top. Clearance at the bottom of the hoistway is 
 the vertical distance between the floor of the pit and the 
 lowest point on the undcrstructure of the car sling, ex 
 clusive of the safeties, guide brackets or shoes, when the 
 car is resting on the bumpers or buffers fully compressed. 
 (A. S. M. E. Code.) 
 Elevator Code. A Code of Safety Standards for Eleva 
 tors published by the American Society of Mechanical 
 Engineers and giving standards for the construction, 
 operation and maintenance of elevators, dumbwaiters and 
 Page 495. 
 Elevator-Conveyor. A term sometimes applied to con 
 tinuous carriers which will move material horizontally, 
 vertically or on an incline in the same container, such 
 as pivoted bucket carriers or gravity discharge V-buckets. 
 Also applied to an inclined bucket elevator. (See Ele 
 vator, Inclined; Conveyor, Inclined; Carrier.) 
 . Page 413, 
 Elevator Hoistway. Any shaftway, hatchway, well hole 
 or vertical opening or space, in which an elevator or 
 dumbwaiter travels. The hoistway may or may not be 
 enclosed. (A. S. M. E. Code.) If all four sides of the 
 hoistway have to be left open for removal of load the 
 counterweight must run in a separate shaft. 
 Elevator-Lowerer. A name sometimes applied to a 
 package elevator of the tray type, equipped for carrying 
 loads either up or down, and for discharging in either 
 Elevator Machine. Defined by A. S. M. E. Code as the 
 machinery and its equipment used in raising and lower 
 ing the elevator car. 
 Elevator Safety Governor. A flyball governor usually 
 located at the top of the hoistway and acting by centrifu 
 gal force to control the elevator speed when it exceeds a 
 certain amount. Two freely revolving flyballs are raised 
 by excessive speed and actuate a cam by means of a link. 
 The latter short circuits a portion of the motor field 
 resistance thereby increasing the field strength and de 
 creasing the motor speed. A further upward motion of 
 the governor balls brings a second cam into action and 
 the latter trips an eccentric operated by two coil springs. 
 The eccentric grips an endless loose cable, which passes 
 the length of the shaftway, and connects with dogs under 
 neath the car, the dogs being set and power shut off by 
 the gripping and moving of the loose cable relative to 
 the car. The dogs can be set in most elevators also by 
 the use of a hand wheel in the car. 
 Page 485. 
 Elevator Slack Cable Switch. A switch ordinarily lo 
 cated at the bottom side of the opening provided for the 
 passage of an elevator hoisting cable from the motor 
 loom to the head frame, and actuated by a sagging of the 
 cable in case of any slackness. Also a similar switch 
 placed at the point of attachment of the hoisting cable 
 to the car. 
 Page 486. 
 Elevator Take-up. In continuous elevators, the adjust 
 ing mechanism by which constant tension may be main 
 tained in the endless belts or chains. It usually consists 
 of a pair of bearings for the foot wheel which slide in 
 straight vertical guides and are adjusted by screws work- 
 in.;; in a nut, or in some cases, automatically by a weight 
 acting directly or by means of a lever. These guides 
 may be fixed in the boot sides, or fixed pillow blocks with 
 vertical adjustment, standing on the foundation, may 
 be used. To make them dust proof, some sort of sliding 
 shield is essential. (See also Elevator Boot.) 
 Page 462. 
 Engine. A machine for transforming the potential 
 energy of a fluid under pressure, or containing available 
 heat, into mechanical work either by rotating a shaft, or 
 by exerting a push or pull, or both, alternately, against 
 a resistance. Originally meaning almost any cleverly 
 contrived machine (as engines of war) the term is 
 becoming more and more restricted in its technical 
 usage, with a tendency toward its reservation for prime 
 movers of a definite type. A reciprocating engine is 
 usually meant, if no qualifying term is used. (See 
 Engine, Rotating ; Engine, Rotating ; Engine, Oscillat 
 ing; Engine, Reciprocating.) 
 A few of the methods of classifying engines are: ac 
 cording to the medium used for conveying energy to 
 them, as steam, air, gas ; according to the position of the 
 cylinders, as vertical, horizontal, inverted ; according to 
 the number of cylinders and their arrangement, as 
 single, double, three-cylinder, etc., or as simple, com 
 pound, triple, etc. 
 Engine, Gas. An internal combustion engine using as 
 a fuel a gas like natural gas, city gas, producer gas, blast 
 furnace gas, by-product coke oven gas, etc. It may be 
 vertical in small and medium sizes, but large ones are 
 always horizontal. Vertical engines have one cylindei 
 or two or more in a row; horizontal engines, if more 
 than one cylinder, usually have two cylinders in line, or 
 tandem, and four cylinders in a double or duplex tandem 
 In addition to the usual reciprocating engine mechan 
 ism, a gas engine requires a mixing valve to control the 
 relative amount of air and gas drawn into the cylinder, 
 and this is often combined with the governor mechanism 
 in such a way as to vary the quality of the mixing dur 
 ing change of load, generally weakening it with de 
 crease of load. 
 Engine, Gasoline. An internal combustion engine using 
 gasoline as a fuel. Two types are in general use ; the 
 automobile type, having two or four vertical single act 
 ing cylinders, two stroke or four stroke cycle, usually 
 water cooled by means of a circulating system with 
 pump and radiator, and with jump spark ignition ; the 
 stationary type, having a one horizontal single acting 
 cylinder, two stroke or four stroke cycle, water cooled 
 by means of an open water jacket surrounding the cyl 
 inder, in which the water vaporizes, with jump spark 
 or make and break ignition. 
 Engine, Oscillating. A reciprocating engine in which 
 the cylinder swings on trunnions, the piston rod being 
 directly attached to the crank pin, eliminating the con 
 necting rod. Used in some types of small air motors for 
 hoist operation. 
 Engine, Reciprocating. An engine in which a piston 
 moves back and forth in a cylinder, transforming the 
 energy of a fluid under pressure into mechanical work. 
 Engine, Rotary. An engnc generally using steam or 
 air, in which the fluid under pressure is delivered to 
 internal spaces which gradually enlarge to a maximum 
 and then reduce to a small volume, due generally to the 
 eccentric rotation of two of its parts. The fluid is ad 
 mitted, expanded to the maximum volume and exhausted 
 during the cycle, which may be a half or a whole revolu 
 tion. All the principal parts of the engine rotate, and 
 there is no reciprocation. 
 Engine, Rotating. An engine in which the various 
 parts have the same motion relative to each other as in 
 an ordinary reciprocating engine, but in which the crank 
 is made fast and the frame carrying the cylinder rotates 
 and delivers the power to the driven shaft, this being 
 an inversion of the usual arrangement where the cylinder 
 and frame are fixed and the crank shaft revolves. At 
 least three cylinders arc used, in order to obtain good 
 balance, and they are usually mounted in a circular 
 These engines are steam, air or internal combustion 
 driven and have certain advantages in the way of smooth 
 running, high speed and light weight. 
 Escalator. A moving apron type of elevator-conveyor 
 set at an inclination corresponding to that of ordinary 
 stairways, and used for conveying persons or freight up 
 or down. Two types are in use, the cleat, and the step. 
 The former is simply an inclined apron elevator with its 
 surface covered with parallel cleats pointing along the 
 run, and with tops sloped so as to resemble a miniature 
 step. These cleats pass between the prongs of a comb 
 at bottom and top, picking up and discharging the pas 
 senger or other load almost automatically. 
 The step type acts like a moving platform on the 
 horizontal sections at the top and bottom, but breaks into 
 steps as it approaches the slope in a vertical curve. 
 Each step is carried by two rollers at each end, those on 
 the rear side running on rails inside the front ones. On 
 the incline the inside rails are set far enough back of 
 the outer ones to hold the step level. The steps are all 
 connected to chains passing around sprockets at the top 
 and bottom, and the drive is usually at the head. 
 Escalators may be made reversible ; if two are placed 
 side by side, one running up and one down, it is called a 
 duplex arrangement ; if the two always run in the same 
 direction, it is termed a double file escalator. 
 Escalator, Freight. An escalator, usually of the cleat 
 type, especially adapted for the elevating or lowering of 
 material in wheeled containers or trucks accompanied by 
 operatives, by the provision of suitable hooks or lugs on 
 the moving apron to engage the axles or special pro 
 jections on the bottom of the vehicles. (See also Ele 
 vator, Apron.) 
 Excavator. A machine used on land for digging various 
 materials, lifting them and depositing them in a new 
 location. The materials handled vary from soft loose 
 substances like sand through a wide range approaching 
 soft. rock; hard rock must be blasted or otherwise broken 
 up. The corresponding machine for digging under water 
 is usually called a dredge ; some machines can be and 
 are used in either work. 
 The machines all include a combined digging and con 
 taining element corresponding to the combination of a 
 hand pick and shovel, an operating mechanism for 
 handling the digging element and dumping its load where 
 desired, and a skid, car or truck on which it is mounted 
 and by means of which it is moved from place to place. 
 Some types of so-called excavating machinery are fixed 
 in place, hut these are really machines for rehandling 
 material brought to them. 
 Kxcavators may be classed according to the nature of 
 the digging clement, as power shovels, drag buckets, 
 grab buckets and chain bucket or ladder excavators ; and 
 according to the power used, as steam, gasoline, electric, 
 Some types dig below the level on which the machine 
 stands, some above, and some can do both. Some bring 
 the excavated material to a fixed point for dumping; 
 some must be followed by cars to contain the spoil, some 
 have a long enough reach to deposit the material a con 
 siderable distance from the excavation, while others 
 return it to the excavation behind the machine after it 
 has moved along. Some, like trenching and ditching 
 machines, are designed to produce an excavation of a 
 particular form, but the majority can be adapted to 
 miscellaneous forms of excavation. 
 Page 235. 
 Excavator, Drag-line. See Drag-line Excavator. 
 Excavator, Grab Bucket. An excavating machine in 
 which the digging element is a grab bucket. (See 
 Bucket, Grab.) 
 Various types of cranes are used to handle the bucket, 
 the most common probably being a locomotive crane. 
 Another common type consists of a platform on wheels 
 or skids, with an A-frame derrick at one end, the wind 
 ing machinery in the middle and the boiler at the other 
 end. The boom is often worked at a fixed inclination, or 
 there may be a variable topping lift. In the arrange 
 ment known as automatic swinging the hoisting rope from 
 the two-rope bucket is led from the boom point sheave 
 to a guide on one leg of the A-frame and thence to the 
 hoisting drum. The bucket lowering line is led through 
 a guide sheave on the other leg. During hoisting the 
 pull is in one direction, tending to swing the boom so 
 that the bucket arrives over the dumping point at the 
 time it is at the proper height for dumping; when the 
 hoisting line is released and the load dumped the tension 
 in the lowering line causes the boom to swing back to 
 the digging position. Reversal of the lines causes the 
 swinging to be reversed. If spoil must lie dumped on 
 either side a bull wheel swing is used, and a separate 
 slewing engine or slewing attachment is required. 
 Grab bucket excavate rs are the only type which can 
 dig to great depths or within small enclosures like 
 caissons, coffer dams, etc. 
 Excavator, Skid. An excavating machine mounted on 
 a platform which is supported on skids; rollers under 
 neath these skids rest on a temporary timber trackway 
 laid on the ground. To move the machine a bridle is 
 attached to the rear of the platform, to this a block and 
 tackle, and this i> in turn connected to a long piece of 
 wire ro\K which is made fast at the far end to a dead- 
 man or other suitable anchorage. The tackle is operated 
 by a winch on the excavator. 
 Various types of digging and operating mechanisms are 
 mounted on skids, such as grab buckets, dippers, chain 
 buckets, etc. 
 Excavator, Slack-rope Cableway. An arrangement for 
 excavating and handling bulk material, comprising a 
 drag-line scraper bucket attached to a trolley or carrier, 
 which runs on a track rope spanning the area to be 
 excavated, a tower for elevating one end of the track 
 rope, a block-and-tackle rig arranged to tighten or 
 slacken the track rope according as the rope in the 
 tackle (called the slack rope) is wound in or out on 
 the drum of a winch, and a pulling or drag rope leading 
 from the bucket to another drum of the winch. With 
 the bucket at the outer end of the track rope, the track 
 rope is slackened, allowing it to sag and let the bucket 
 drag in the material, where it fills as it is pulled along. 
 When full, the track rope is tightened, raising the 
 bucket clear ; continued winding of the pulling rope will 
 run the carrier to the dumping point, where it can be 
 dumped by pulling on a trip rope, which releases a latch 
 and allows the bucket to dump either front or Lack, or 
 by running the trolley carrying the bucket against a 
 fixed stop on the track rope, which will cause a similar 
 action. Releasing the pulling line will allow the trolley 
 and bucket to run down to the other end, for another 
 trip. If conditions will not allow sufficient slope, a tail 
 or back-haul rope can be used to return the bucket to the 
 starting point, but this requires an additional winch 
 drum. When sufficient depth of cut has been made at 
 one point, either the tower or the anchorage at the 
 remote end, or both, are moved. Occasionally the rope 
 passes over a sheave on the tower and is fastened to 
 an anchorage or deadman at the rear, the same as at 
 the outer end ; this relieves the tower of the horizontal 
 This apparatus can also be used to excavate at a high 
 level and deliver to a low level, by a reversal of opera 
 Excavator, Tower. See Excavator, Slack-rope Cable- 
 way. The term is sometimes applied to a slack-rope 
 cableway excavator when the necessary height for op 
 erating the track rope is obtained by a tower, rather than 
 by the natural conformation of the land. The tower is 
 often movable. 
 Excavator, Trench. An excavating machine designed 
 especially for digging vertical wall trenches for laying 
 lines of piping, sewers, etc. The usual arrangement in 
 volves a chain bucket or ladder digging arrangement 
 mounted at the rear of a truck on wheels or a track- 
 laying truck, a belt conveyor for conveying the dirt from 
 the bucket dumping point at the top of the ladder to the 
 spoil bank at the side, and a boiler and engine for 
 driving the machinery and moving the whole excavator 
 slowly along the trench. The ladder usually slopes 
 downward to the rear, the buckets scrape the dirt off 
 the end of the cut on the way up, and dump as they 
 pass over the top sprocket, which also does the driving. 
 Side cutters are attached directly to the chains. The 
 width of the trench may be altered by changing the 
 buckets for others of a different length and the machine 
 cuts the full width and depth (which can be varied) at 
 one cut. The ladder may be swung up horizontally when 
 the excavator is to be moved to a new location ; it begins 
 the trench by digging as it is swung down. The belt 
 conveyor can be arranged to deliver the spoil to either 
 side and to any height within the capacity of the 
 Another type has a digging element which is as wide 
 as the narrowest trench to be dug, and digs wider 
 trenches by oscillating the digger transversely by means 
 of an adjustable worm gear drive. 
 Still another type has a large wheel with digging 
 buckets on its periphery. The wheel is rotated while its 
 supporting car is moved forward. 
 Trench excavators are driven by steam or internal 
 combustion engines, and occasionally by electric motors. 
 If they are mounted on track-laying or tractor wheels, 
 they are moved along the trench by their own power; if 
 on skids and rollers they are moved by a cable attached 
 to an anchorage in advance, this cable being wound on a 
 drum on the excavator as it progresses. 
 Page 239. 
 Excavator Engine. Term applied to a two-drum steam- 
 driven winch especially arranged for operating two-rope 
 grab buckets, or drag line excavators. (See Winch, 
 Drag-line Kxcavator. ) 
 Exhauster, Centrifugal. A centrifugal fan used for 
 withdrawing air or any other gas from a space and 
 delivering it outside the space or to a distant point. 
 Expansion Joint. A joint or connection which permits 
 expansion due to heat or other causes. In piping expan 
 sion joints are of the sliding or telescoping ty]>e, of the 
 flexible bend type, or of the corrugated cylinder or 
 diaphragm type. Expansion in rails is allowed for by- 
 leaving open spaces between the rail ends, though less 
 attention is paid to this than formerly, and the rails arc 
 even welded together continuously for long sections. 
 Buildings, bridges, concrete structures, pavements, long 
 crane runways, etc., are provided with means of taking 
 care of expansion, in good practice. 
 Eye. A hole through a pin, bolt, etc., or a metal piece 
 or rope looped so as to form an opening through which 
 something can pass, as a hook or rope. 
 Eye Bar. A long bar having an eye in each end, like 
 the tension members of some bridge structures. 
 Factor of Safety. A quantity which, if multiplied by the 
 working stress in a part under load, will give a quantity 
 equivalent to the ultimate strength of the material of the 
 part. This is the nominal or so-called apparent factor 
 of safety, and to say that a factor of safety is four does 
 not mean that the part can be subjected to four times 
 the working load before rupture. The real factor of 
 safety involves allowances for the following: The kind 
 of loading as steady or dead, variable or reversing; the 
 elastic limit of the material; the method of applying the 
 load gradually, suddenly, or with shock ; and for 
 ignorance as to the internal condition of the material 
 its defects, etc. In any material having an elastic limit, 
 the actual factor of safety will be less than the nominal 
 in proportion to the ratio of the elastic limit to the 
 ultimate strength. 
 Suddenly applied loads produce double the stress that 
 a gradually applied load produces, and loads applied with 
 shock, as by dropping, may produce enormous stresses, 
 dependent on the load and the distance dropped and the 
 amount of elasticity of the part loaded. The greater 
 this elasticity the less the resulting maximum stress 
 from a suddenly applied load, and the amount of energy 
 which a structure or part can thus absorb from a sud 
 denly applied load is termed its resilience. Therefore, 
 extreme rigidity in a structure is not always desirable, 
 as the latter may receive serious damage from a shock 
 which would only cause a temporary deflection in a 
 resilient structure. 
 Shocks in material handling machinery are caused by 
 unevenness or openness of rail joints, flat wheels, drop 
 ping of a load upon a platform, slipping of chain links 
 (which may be especially violent"!, sudden picking up of 
 a load by a part moving at considerable speed, etc. 
 Where such shocks are unavoidable, parts must be made 
 much stronger than the conditions of static loading would 
 indicate, or else cushions of rubber, steel springs, or an 
 elastic, springy construction should be used. 
 The nominal factor of safety in ordinary crane struc 
 tures is five or six. 
 Fairleads. Fittings used to guide rope or chain so that 
 it is delivered "fairly" or in the plane of the receiving 
 sheave or drum. They may be drums, guide sheaves, or 
 rollers, or merely smooth eyes or guides over which the 
 rope or chain can slide easily. 
 Fair-leader. A guide or guard for leading rope or chain 
 properly onto a sheave or drum, usually consisting of a 
 smooth rounded opening in a metal plate. Where much 
 wear is expected it is renewable. Another type often 
 used with grab buckets consists of a guide sheave, with 
 two rollers located on opposite sides of the rope close to 
 the point of contact with the sheave. A third roller is 
 placed across the plane of the sheave, thus completely 
 enclosing the rope in four rolling surfaces so that it can 
 not chafe. Two sheaves and two rollers, with their axes 
 at right angles, are also used. Also called a four-way 
 rope guard. 
 Fall. By common usage, the entire length of rope in a 
 tackle, though a strict adherence to the term limits its 
 application to the end to which power is applied. The 
 end secured to the block is called the standing part, the 
 opposite end, the hauling part. 
 Fan, Centrifugal. A centrifugal compressor designed 
 for delivery of large quantities of air at a slight pressure 
 above the atmosphere, this pressure usually being ex 
 pressed in inches of water. The impeller or wheel is 
 mounted on a shaft, and driven directly or by belt from 
 an engine or motor, or by a lielt from a line shaft. Air 
 is drawn in at or near the shaft, is whirled by blades 
 on the wheel, and moves radially outward on account of 
 the centrifugal force developed by the whirling motion. 
 It flows into the casing, which is often spiral or scroll 
 shaped and leads the air to the fan outlet by a passage 
 of gradually increasing sectional area. 
 Centrifugal fans are used largely for producing draft 
 for combustion, for ventilation, and for conveying light 
 line material which can be easily picked up by a current 
 of air, such as grain, shavings, ashes and cement. They 
 are also much used as exhausters, or where air is to be 
 removed from a space at a pressure slightly below the 
 atmosphere, and delivered to the atmosphere. 
 Feeder. A machine designed to deliver a more or less 
 uniform supply of bulk material to a conveyor, crusher 
 or other machine, receiving its supply from a hopper 
 or similar bulk container. It replaces the attendant who 
 would otherwise be required to manipulate a gate, and 
 will produce a more even flow than is possible with hand 
 regulation. Some types will measure with considerable 
 accuracy the amount of material passing. 
 Feeders may be continuous or intermittent according to 
 whether a steady uniform supply or an intermittent supply 
 of equal quantities at regular intervals is delivered : the 
 nature of the machine fed often determines this re 
 quirement. Some feeders can be operated either way. 
 Feeders may also be classed as rotary, reciprocating or 
 conveyor according to the character of motion of the 
 principal moving part. Rotary feeders include the roll, 
 rotary paddle, cam, rotating plate, and rotary grizzly : 
 reciprocating feeders include the reciprocating plate, re 
 ciprocating bar, shaking, plunger, swinging plate, auto 
 matic gate and zigzag feeders : and the conveyor type 
 feeders comprise apron, belt, chain and screw arrange 
 ments. Feeders which completely empty themselves are 
 termed self-cleaning; there is no chance for these to 
 freeze up in cold weather. Feeders located directly 
 under the hopper and carrying the hooper load on a 
 moving part will prevent bridging. Some feeders tend 
 to compress the material and should not be used with 
 materials which pack. A few feeders, especially those 
 supplying a crusher, will perform a rough screening 
 operation. (See Screen.) 
 Most feeders are fixed in position, but where a moving 
 conveyor must be fed from a number of different points, 
 a traveling feeder that can be moved (or can propel 
 itself) from one position to another is often used. 
 Feeders are most satisfactorily driven by gears, but 
 where very slow speed with considerable variation is re 
 quired, a pawl and ratchet driven by a crank and eccentric 
 are convenient. A feeder should be driven from the ma 
 chine it feeds, so that in case the latter stops, the feeder 
 will also stop and not choke it up. A clutch is also pro 
 vided so that the feeder can be stopped to allow the 
 succeeding machinery to be emptied when desired, for 
 repairs or cleaning. 
 Feeder, Apron. A feeder in which a short section of 
 apron conveyor is placed with its receiving end beneath 
 a hopper opening from which it receives material, and 
 which discharges it at the other end into a crusher or 
 elevator, or onto a conveyor. It may slope upward if the 
 head-room limitations require it. Shallow steel pans are 
 used for coal, and heavy overlapping steel plates for ore. 
 Feeder, Automatic Gate. A hopper or spout discharge 
 gate of the quadrant gate or sliding gate type which is 
 used as a feeder, and is periodically opened and shut 
 by a revolving eccentric of adjustable eccentricity, or by 
 equivalent means. The width of the opening is also ad 
 The feeder can be operated by the buckets of a con 
 veyor in such a way that it opens and closes at the proper 
 times to fill each bucket passing beneath it. 
 Feeder, Automatic Screw. A feeder consisting of a 
 section of screw conveyor in a trough immediately be 
 low a hopper discharge, and rotated uniformly (subject 
 to adjustment) by power. A gate in the hopper bottom 
 can also be used to control the flow to the screw trough. 
 The discharge is fairly continuous with a single flight, 
 but much more so with a double flight screw. The feeder 
 discharge may be in the end or the bottom of the trough. 
 Feeder, Belt. A conveyor in which a short section of 
 belt conveyor has its receiving end placed beneath a 
 hopper discharge opening, and its discharge end over the 
 conveyor or crusher which it is to feed. The supply 
 from the hopper is controlled by an adjustable gate. 
 The head pulley is often of the magnetic type to re 
 move stray or "tramp" iron if the feeder supplies a 
 Feeder, Cam. A feeder in which a cylinder with pock 
 ets having curved walls resembling cam surfaces is placed 
 in a chute of rectangular section, completely obstructing 
 it except for the material carried past in the pockets, 
 when the cylinder rotates on its shaft. If the material 
 flons readily, the pockets will fill so uniformly that the 
 feeder can be used to measure it. (See also Feeder, Ro 
 tating Paddle.) 
 Feeder, Chain. A feeder in which the lower run of a 
 short horizontal drag refuse chain conveyor is used to 
 drag the material discharged from a hopper opening along 
 a horizontal trough, and feed it into a crusher or con 
 veyor. It is driven at an adjustable speed from the dis 
 charge end sprockets, and the feed end may be fixed or 
 loose; the latter arrangement allows it to be lifted onto 
 a pile and to dig down into it. 
 Feeder, Cutting. A device which feeds a bulk material 
 like moist sand from a hopper discharge opening onto a 
 conveyor, consisting of a series of parallel flat bars 
 pivoted vertically on fixed pins at one end, and at the 
 other pivoted on a bar which can be oscillated horizontal 
 ly. The oscillations of the bars continually cut or slice 
 off the sand which crowds down through the rather large 
 hopper opening. 
 Feeder, Plunger. A reciprocating feeder located below 
 the discharge of a hopper, and having a horizontal square 
 section plunger operated by a crank shaft or eccentric, 
 arranged to push the material flowing down from the 
 hopper outward along a horizontal plate until it falls off 
 the edge. When the plunger is withdrawn, more mate 
 rial descends in front of it. The length of stroke and 
 number of strokes per minute can be varied to suit the 
 discharge required. 
 A single plunger gives a regular intermittent feed. If 
 more uniform feeding is required, two plungers actuated 
 by opposed eccentric or cranks may be used (called a 
 double plunger feeder), or three may be used placed at 
 120 deg. 
 Also called a push plate feeder. 
 Feeder, Reciprocating Bar or Reciprocating Grizzly. A 
 reciprocating plate feeder in which the end of the plate 
 is made up of uniformly spaced bars, through which 
 the fine portion of the material will drop ; the large pieces 
 carry over the ends. When used to feed a crusher the 
 fine material may by-pass the crusher thus lightening the 
 load on it. When feeding a belt conveyor, it allows the 
 lumps to be deposited on top of the previously laid fine 
 material, thus saving wear on the belt and allowing a 
 somewhat steeper slope ; on a picking table this arrange 
 ment aids the picking operation. Also called fingered 
 reciprocating feeder. 
 Feeder, Reciprocating Plate. A feeder consisting of a 
 specially formed hopper bottom beneath which a hori 
 zontal plate supported on wheels or rollers or by hinged 
 supporting rods can be moved back and forth. The front 
 end projects over the conveyor or crusher that is being 
 fed; the rear end is sufficiently long to remain always 
 under the hopper. As the plate moves forward, the mate 
 rial on it also moves, partially restrained by an adjustable 
 gate, and fresh material falls in behind it from the hop 
 per. When the plate returns the material on it cannot 
 move back, therefore the plate slides from underneath 
 the part toward the front, and it falls off. In addition 
 to the gate adjustment, the length of stroke and number 
 of strokes can be varied ; also, if it is desired to by-pass a 
 crusher, the eccentric rods may be connected to the plate 
 at a point farther back, so that the front end of the plate 
 extends beyond the crusher receiving hopper, to a by-pass 
 opening arranged for it. 
 A reciprocating plate feeder is sometimes made narrow 
 enough to allow it to be set between the ties of a railway 
 track, receiving the discharge from dump cars and feeding 
 it to an inclined elevator beside the right-of-way. The 
 plate is oscillated by an eccentric driven from the ele 
 Feeder, Roll. An automatic feeder consisting of a large 
 roll on a horizontal shaft, placed under and slightly to 
 one side of a hopper discharge opening in such a posi 
 tion that material will not flow when the roll is at rest, 
 but when it is rotated slowly in one direction, material 
 will be carried over the highest point and discharged to 
 the conveyor or crusher beyond. The rotation is inter 
 mittent, by a pawl and ratchet through a variable throw 
 eccentric, or is continuous with variable speed. An ad 
 justable Rate in the hopper controls the discharge by 
 varying the thickness of the layer passing over the 
 wheel. Cleats are sometimes added to the face of the 
 roll to give a better grip on the material. 
 Feeder, Rotary Disc or Rotary Grizzly. See Screen, 
 Rotating Disc. 
 Feeder, Rotary Paddle. A feeder consisting of a paddle 
 wheel with four rectangular equally spaced radial blades 
 of a length equal to the width of the chute in which it is 
 placed, and with its shaft carried in bearings in the 
 chute sides. The bottom of the chute is slightly depressed 
 under the rotor, which fits it closely. The direction of 
 rotation is such that the quadrant shaped pockets fill and 
 carry over the shaft, discharging into the lower extension 
 of the chute. The feeder may be rotated continuously at 
 a variable slow speed, or intermittently one quarter of a 
 turn at a time ; to prevent bridging and to ensure com 
 plete filling of the pockets, an agitator is sometimes placed 
 above it. Where the material is very fine, all parts may 
 be made practically dust tight. Instead of four pockets, 
 a cylinder with a single pocket is sometimes used. Either 
 arrangement will feed so uniformly when handling mate 
 rial which flows easily that it can be used to measure the 
 quantity fed. (See also Feeder, Cam.) 
 Feeder, Rotating Plate. A feeder consisting of a 
 slightly inclined disc placed with one side of its top 
 face under a hopper opening, and rotating so as to carry 
 the material continuously out under an adjustable gate to 
 a point where it can be scraped off the disc by diagonal 
 fixed skirt boards. In addition to the variation in the 
 thickness of the layer made possible by the gate, the speed 
 of rotation can be varied. 
 Feeder, Shaking. A feeder in which a slightly inclined 
 plate or pan is suspended beneath a hopper opening in 
 such a position that, when at- rest, material cannot flow 
 from the hopper over the end of the pan, but when 
 shaken horizontally by rotation of eccentrics, the mate 
 rial will move uniformly down the pan and over its edge. 
 The rate of feed depends on the number of oscillations, 
 their stroke, and the inclination of the pan ; the two last 
 are the ones varied in most installations. Owing to its 
 inclination, this feeder is self-cleaning, and is therefore 
 advantageous in freezing weather. 
 Feeder, Swing-hammer Regulating Gate for. A gate for 
 holding back the flow of unsized material from a hopper 
 to a feeder, consisting of a row of heavy pendulums or 
 hammers, which are easily deflected by large lumps con 
 tained in the material and allow them to pass without 
 damage to the gate. This form is sometimes substituted 
 for the more common solid sliding gate controlled by a 
 lever or rack and pinion. 
 Feeder, Swinging Plate. A feeder similar to the plunger 
 feeder, but having instead of the sliding plungers, one or 
 more plates hinged at the top to the feeder frame, and 
 swung back and forth by eccentrics connected to their 
 lower edges. The material descends from the hopper 
 in front of them ; as they alternately swing forward they 
 push it forward, and on their return the space made 
 vacant is filled by the descent of fresh material. 
 Feeder, Traveling. A feeder which is mounted on 
 wheels running on rails, and can be drawn or self-pro 
 pelled to any desired point for operation. (See Hopper, 
 Traveling; Hopper, Belt Feeding.) 
 Feeder, Traveling Grizzly Bar or Traveling Bar. See 
 Screen, Traveling Bar. 
 Feeder, Zigzag. A feeder intended for materials like 
 clay, consisting of a set of heavy steel bars placed at the 
 bottom of a hopper and supporting the weight of the 
 contents. They are given a zigzag motion by connection 
 to an external rocking member, which exerts a shear 
 ing action on the clay and allows it to fall through. 
 Stones and frozen lumps are not thus sheared, but re 
 main on top of the bars where they cause no harm to the 
 succeeding machinery, and are removed by hand when 
 the feeder is emptied at convenient intervals. 
 Felloe. The circular rim of a wooden wheel, into which 
 the outer ends of the spokes are inserted. 
 Ferrule. A short cylindrical tube fitted on the end of 
 another tube or cylinder of steel, wood, etc., to reinforce 
 it or to prevent undue wear. Ferrules are often combined 
 with caps or discs covering the ends of the part in ques 
 tion, and occasionally have an axially or radially project 
 ing flange. A good example of the latter is in the type 
 of roller used in roller conveyors for handling brick. 
 Fines. The name given to the finer material in screen 
 ing operations, especially to the smallest of the material 
 which passes through a given mesh or perforation mixed 
 with other sizes up to the maximum allowed by the open 
 ings of the screen. 
 Fish-bellied. The term applied to a beam when the 
 depth is decreased toward the ends in order to approxi 
 mate a beam of uniform strength. The top of the beam 
 is usually straight and horizontal, the lower outline 
 curves upward toward the ends, the shape being approxi 
 mately that of a parabola with the axis vertical. 
 Fittings, Pipe. The term applied to the various con 
 nections, outlets and other attachments for pipe, exclud 
 ing valves. 
 Flange. The turned edge of a rolled structural shape. 
 Also a circular plate with thickened hub around a 
 hole in the center, used for coupling pipes or shafts. 
 Also the flat rim around an opening in a casting, for 
 attaching another part or a cover, as a cylinder flange. 
 Fleet. A term applied to the passing of a rope through 
 a machine or around a sheave, as opposed to fastening 
 or dead-ending it. A rope fleets through a grab bucket 
 when the latter is suspended in the bight of the rope; 
 it is dead-ended in it when it is made fast to some part 
 of the bucket. 
 Flexible Coupling. See Coupling, Joint, Shafting, etc. 
 Flight. The part of a flight conveyor which comes in 
 contact with the material or package conveyed, moving 
 it by reason of its connection with the conveyor chains 
 or cable. Also, the helical portion of a screw as used in 
 a screw conveyor, comprising one complete turn. Also, 
 a succession of steps on which persons may ascend or 
 descend, as a flight of stairs. 
 Float. A floating platform or shallow scow-shaped 
 boat with a deck, used as a landing platform. Also, such 
 a craft used around shipping for miscellaneous work pur 
 poses, such as painting. (See also Float. Car.) 
 Float, Car. A large full-bodied or scow-shaped boat 
 with a level deck on which rails are laid for carrying 
 railway cars, and which is used as a means of ferrying 
 them from one railway water terminal to another. Gen 
 erally without means of self-propulsion ; if this is pro 
 vided, it is called a ferry. 
 Flow Diagram. A diagrammatic representation of the 
 paths taken by a material and its various subdivisions as 
 it passes through a plant in which continuous operations 
 are performed on it. Flow diagrams are often made out 
 for crushing, screening and washing plants, cement plants, 
 brick plants, etc. 
 Also called flow sheet. 
 Foot Block. The metal fitting secured to the foot of a 
 derrick mast. (See Derrick Bottom.) 
 Footway or Footwalk. A platform or passageway ar 
 ranged to allow the passage of people walking. In 
 overhead crane structures footways are placed where 
 needed on the bridge to provide accessibility to the 
 machinery. Footways are also often arranged along con 
 veyor runways which would otherwise be inaccessible, 
 as on bridges over yards or streets, or in tunnels. 
 In some types of overhead cranes having load ropes 
 both inside and outside the bridge girders, footways on 
 the bridge are impossible, and access to the bridge for 
 care and repairs is had by running it to a permanent 
 platform built at one end of the runway. 
 Fork. A device operating like a clam-shell grab bucket, 
 but with curved tines or fingers substituted for the usual 
 shells, and used for handling material which would be 
 damaged by the closing action of solid cutting edges 
 (see Coke Fork), or which is more easily penetrated by 
 the separate tines, as manure, etc. Usually of the power 
 wheel type, but also often built like tongs. 
 Foundation, Crane. The base support of masonry, con 
 crete, timber, piling, etc., on which is built the permanent 
 structure of a fixed crane, or the runway or track of a 
 traveling crane. 
 Derricks and other guyed cranes must have foundations 
 simply to carry the greatest vertical load likely to come 
 on them. Pillar and other non-guyed cranes must have 
 foundations not only sufficient to carry the total load, 
 but also widely enough distributed to prevent overturn 
 ing, and on firm enough soil so that there will not be 
 settling under one edge when lifting a large load at a 
 considerable radius. 
 Traveling cranes within building structures, or out 
 side and adjacent to them, often have no foundations 
 independent of those of the building itself, which arc 
 made larger to accommodate the increased load. 
 Friction. The rubbing of the surface of one body 
 against another ; the resistance to relative motion by slid 
 ing or rolling of two bodies in contact with each other. 
 The laws of sliding friction cannot be stated with 
 definiteness because of the extreme variations under dif 
 fering conditions. Under the one extreme condition of 
 absolute dryness, it is usually stated that frictional re 
 sistance is proportional to the normal load or total pres 
 sure, is independent of the extent of the surfaces but 
 dependent on their nature, and decreases as the relative 
 vcl. city increases. An example is a brake shoe, where 
 the decelerating force is independent of the area in con 
 tact, and is least when the speed is highest. 
 Under the other extreme condition, called perfect 
 lubrication, when the actual metallic surfaces are sup 
 posed to be separated by a film of oil at all times, it 
 appears that the t rutimial resistance is independent of 
 the load, varies with the area of the surfaces in contact, 
 is independent of their nature, and increases with the 
 relative velocity. It is also markedly dependent on the 
 character of the lubricant. 
 Tl .creforc, when no lubricant is used, the nature of 
 the rubbing surfaces is important ; when perfect lubrica 
 tion is obtained (produced by "flooding"), the nature of 
 the lubricant is most important, and for intermediate con 
 ditions, covering the great majority of practical cases, 
 IK th arc impurtant. 
 Friction, Coefficient of. The ratio of the frictional re 
 sistance between two bodies or the force which must be 
 applied in order to make one of them slide on the other, 
 to the force with which they are pressed against each 
 other. This varies from as much as 0.5 when leather and 
 wood or metal are pressed against each other with no 
 lubricant, to as little as 0.001 for polished metals supplied 
 with oil in such a way as to form a lilm which separates 
 the surfaces. 
 Friction Gear. Any gear which runs loose on its shaft, 
 but which may be made to turn with it by a friction 
 clutch connecting the tw^o when properly engaged. One 
 part of the clutch is carried by the gear, and the other 
 by a hub keyed to the shaft. (See also Clutch, Friction; 
 Drum, Friction.) 
 Frog, Monorail. A cast or forged piece connecting two 
 monorail runways to a third in such a way that the 
 trolley may be run from either of the two onto the third, 
 or reverse. A steering device must be used on approach 
 ing the frog on the single runway to force the trolley to 
 run as desired. (See also Switch, Monorail.) 
 Gage. A standard of measure; an instrument for meas 
 uring height, pressure, form, dimensions, etc., as pres 
 sure gage, water level gage, wire gage, plug and ring 
 gage, thread gage, track gage. 
 Gage, Track. The distance between the inside of the 
 rail heads of a railroad. The standard gage is 4 ft. 
 &}/2 in. Narrow gages vary from 2 ft. 6 in. to 3 ft. 6 in., 
 3 ft. in. being common. Broad gages are used for 
 special machines, traveling cranes, transfer tables, etc. 
 Gantry. (Common abbreviation of Gantry Crane.) A 
 crane whose principal structure consists of a horizontal 
 bridge or girder carried at a considerable height above 
 the ground on runways supported by A-frames at the 
 ends, and spanning railroad tracks, storage yards, etc. 
 The A-frames may rest directly on the ground, giving a 
 fixed gantry, or may be supported by wheels on rails 
 and be capable of self-propulsion, giving a traveling 
 gantry. Means are provided for propelling the two ends 
 at the same speed. (See Bridge Drive.) 
 The gantry may have a trolley running on the bridge, 
 carrying a hoist ; this is the most common form and is 
 what is generally meant by gantry crane. The gantry 
 may instead carry on its bridge, either fixed in position 
 or on a travelling carriage, a stiff-leg derrick, a rotating 
 pillar or jib crane or a hammer-head crane, etc., giving 
 rise to many different forms. 
 Both legs are commonly the same length, designated 
 as full portal gantry. Occasionally one leg is eliminated 
 by running that end of the bridge on a runway along the 
 side or on the roof of a building, giving a semi-portal 
 gantry. The legs are also sometimes unequal in length, 
 to suit the slope of the ground or other demands, or a 
 gantry with short legs may travel on moderately elevated 
 (Also called Gantry Crane, Bridge Crane, Bridge 
 Gantry. Frame Crane.) Page 167. 793, 797, 798. 
 Gantry, Bridge. See Gantry, Cantilever Bridge. 
 Gantry, Cantilever. A gantry in which the bridge is 
 crntinued into an overhanging portion beyond the A- 
 framc support on one end (single cantilever) or on both 
 ends (double cantilever). The cantilever ends may be 
 short as compared with the span of the bridge, or may 
 be very long, in which case it is sometimes called a ship 
 yard gantry, from its usefulness in ship construction. 
 The cantilever ends are often unequal in length. The 
 end frames must be open if the loads picked up on the 
 cantilever end are to be run inside ; to secure the neces- 
 sary stiffness, the two sides of the A-frame end are 
 then run up and tied together at the top, high enough 
 to clear the trolley. In many cases the range of trolley 
 travel is entirely outside the supports, which are then 
 relatively close together and are braced to each other, 
 giving a tower with a gantry base. 
 In some shipyards where side launching is practised, the 
 gantry cranes run on three lines of supports ordinarily, 
 one line being between the ship and the water. This is 
 removed during the launching period, and the span is 
 thus temporarily converted into a cantilever. 
 Page 169, 797-798. 
 Gantry, Cantilever Bridge. (See also Gantry, Canti 
 lever.) A term sometimes applied to a cantilever gantry 
 crane, especially one in which the bridge span and canti 
 levers are very long, and are of trussed construction like 
 ordinary bridges. They are used where very large areas 
 must be served, but where the customary load is com 
 paratively light, as in coal and ore handling and storage. 
 (Also called Ore Rridge. See also Crane, Bridge Stor 
 age.) Page 169, 797-798. 
 Gantry, Fixed. A gantry which is fixed in location. 
 When supplied with a trolley on the bridge and a hoist, 
 it is often called a transfer crane, and is much used for 
 transferring loads between cars and trucks in freight 
 yards. (Also called Transfer Gantry, Railroad Crane.) 
 Page 169. 
 Gantry, Floating. A double cantilever gantry crane of 
 large capacity and high lift, installed on a barge or 
 pontoon. The gantry bridge is supported on four or 
 more braced legs along the sides of the pontoon, and 
 the cantilever extensions at the two opposite ends allow 
 a load to be raised from a dock or ship, moved inward, 
 and deposited on the deck of the barge. The operation 
 is reversed to lower a heavy weight into a ship. 
 The free deck of this type of floating crane is a great 
 advantage for storage purposes, but owing to the limita 
 tion of the trolley to straight line motion only, the crane 
 must l>c warped along the side of the vessel or dock to 
 properly locate the load, and this is often a disadvantage. 
 (See also Crane, Floating.) 
 Gantry, Folding Jib. A travelling cantilever gantry 
 with one (or both) of its cantilevers hinged close to the 
 inner end so that it may be raised into a vertical position 
 and leave the space alongside the crane absolutely clear. 
 This enables the crane to be run past an existing struc 
 ture, which would otherwise block it, or, if used along 
 side a dock as a cargo or fitting-out crane, allows the 
 ship to be warped into position without the interference 
 that would exist between the fixed cantilever arm and 
 the stacks or rigging of the vessel. 
 Gantry, Full or Full Portal. An ordinary travelling 
 gantry with two legs of equal length, so called to dis 
 tinguish it from a semi-portal gantry. (See Gantry.) 
 Page 169. 
 Gantry, Half. See Gantry, Semi-portal. 
 Gantry, Rotary Jib. A gantry crane carrying a jib 
 which may be rotated about a vertical axis. The jib, 
 which is fixed in inclination, and is generally horizontal, 
 may or not carry a trolley. In some cases the turntable 
 on which the jib is mounted is itself on a carriage travel 
 ing on rails along the gantry bridge. 
 Page 197. 
 Gantry, Rotary Tower. A tower gantry in which the 
 load-carrying element may be rotated about the vertical. 
 (See Gantry, Tower.) 
 Page 197. 
 Gantry, Semi-portal. If one of the two runways of a 
 travelling gantry is elevated close to the bridge, so that 
 the usual A-frame support on that end is missing, it is 
 called a semi-portal, single leg, one leg, or half gantry. 
 This construction is generally advantageous when a 
 building wall or other existing structure can be utilized 
 at one end to support the elevated runway. 
 Various forms of handling gear are used on semi- 
 portal gantries, the most usual being the ordinary rotary 
 pillar crane with geared drum winch, either lixed in 
 position on the bridge, or on a wheeled trolley, the 
 latter l>eing the more common. 
 Page 190, 191. 
 Gantry, Shipyard. See Crane. Shipyard. Cantilever 
 gantries in shipyards generally travel on .elevated run 
 ways ; tower gantries on widely spaced rails on the 
 Page 197. 
 Gantry, Tower. A crane which is mounted on a tower- 
 like structure with a gantry base, the tower being used 
 in order to obtain a high lift, and the gantry base in 
 order to allow a track to pass beneath it to bring material 
 to it. 
 (See Crane, Tower; Crane, Shipyard.) 
 Page 201. 
 Gantry, Traveling. A gantry which is capable of self- 
 pulsion along rails. To allow for inequalities of the 
 track, a three-point support of the bridge is sometimes 
 used, and a pivot connection between the bridge and one 
 of the supporting towers prevents distortion in case one 
 end of the bridge gets ahead of the other. (See also 
 Page 167. 
 Gantry, Rotary Bridge. A gantry crane in which one 
 leg is fixed in position or pivoted so as to rotate about 
 a vertical axis, while the other leg travels on a rail at 
 the circumference of a circle of which the length of the 
 bridge is the radius. A trolley on the bridge enables any 
 part of the circle to be reached. Used for storage work. 
 Page 169. 
 Gantry Base. A base formed like a gantry, or with a 
 cross structure supported by legs or frames at the ends. 
 This term is used in connection with elevated or tower 
 traveling cranes, etc., in which the structure usually 
 spans tracks on which cars are used to transport the 
 material to the crane. 
 Gantry Crane. See Gantry. 
 Gasket. A ring or sheet of packing material by which 
 a flanged or faced joint is made water, steam, air or oil 
 tight. The materials used are rubber, canvas, asbestos, 
 paper, sheet lead, copper, etc. 
 Gate. A device used for controlling or stopping the 
 flow of material in a pipe, spout, chute, trough or other 
 channel, consisting of a body or frame set in or attached 
 to the channel walls, a gate which enters or cuts into the 
 material edgewise or slides edgewise across an opening 
 through which the material passes, and suitable mechan 
 ism for operating the gate. The latter may lie flat and 
 slide in straight guides generally at right angles to the 
 direction of flow (see Gate, Sliding) or it may be curved 
 or cylindrical in form and swing about a fixed axis 
 which is also at right angles to the direction of flow. 
 (See Gate, Quadrant.) 
 Roth forms are used for handling fluids in pipes, 
 though the sliding gate, or so-called gate valve, is much 
 more common than the quadrant form in these places. 
 (See also Valve.) Both forms are also much used for 
 handling in bulk finely divided solids, which will flow 
 They are placed in the side wall of a bin near the 
 bottom, or in the bottom of the bin, known respectively 
 as side discharge and bottom discharge. 
 The terms gate and valve are used somewhat indis 
 criminately, but the former is best restricted to cases 
 where the part which cuts off the flow moves edgewise 
 into the stream, or where it swings on hinges like a door. 
 (See also Valve, Cock.) 
 Gate, Ash Bin or Ash. A gate discharging downward 
 from the bottom of a hopper. It is usually of the 
 duplex quick opening quadrant type, with a clear open 
 ing of at least 24 in. by 24 in. to prevent arching and to 
 discharge the largest clinkers. 
 \\ ith side discharge ash hoppers, sliding or simplex 
 quadrant gates are used; all material which will not 
 flow out is drawn with a hoe. 
 Gate, Automatic Feed. See Feeder, Automatic Gate. 
 Gate, Clam-shell. A duplex quadrant gate. (See Gate, 
 Gate, Concrete. A gate used for controlling the flow of 
 concrete from hoppers, spouts, etc. Both the sliding and 
 quadrant forms are used, with the especial requirement 
 that they should be grout-tight. 
 Gate, Conveyor Trough. A gate for controlling the dis 
 charge from the bottom of a trough in which a screw 
 or a drag conveyor operates. The most common form is a 
 plain flat sliding gate, moving transversely or longitudi 
 nally with respect to the trough, in guides formed in a cast 
 ing bolted to the bottom of the trough, and operated by a 
 hand lever or some form of gearing. If it is important 
 to have the cylindrical form of the bottom of a screw 
 conveyor trough maintained throughout, the gate may be 
 curved to fit it, and slide longitudinally. Another method 
 of obtaining the same result is to have a pair of swinging 
 gates or curved leaves pivoted on opposite sides of the 
 trough (to the curve of which they are fitted) and meet 
 ing on the center line underneath. When these are swung 
 down, they uncover a large opening in the bottom of 
 the trough and allow the material moving along it to 
 drop through. This form of gate has the additional 
 advantage of an opening extending so far up on the 
 trough sides that no material can be carried over the 
 opening on account of the tendency of the conveyor to 
 crowd the material up against one side. 
 Gate, Flap. A swinging gate located between two bot 
 tom openings in a two-way hopper, to allow the dis 
 charge to be directed through either at pleasure. Flap 
 gates are similarly used at Y-branches in spouts, and at 
 discharge openings in the bottom of chutes. 
 Gate, Quadrant; Gate, Cylindrical. A gate used for 
 controlling the flow of loose material in a chute or 
 spout, or the discharge from a hopper or bin, and con 
 sisting of a hollow partial cylindrical portion which cuts 
 into the material edgewise along the diameter and forms 
 the gate proper (also called leaf or spade). This is 
 supported by circular sectors cast with it at each end 
 and mounted on pivot or on a through shaft which is 
 generally located at the center of cylinder curvature. 
 For flow in inclined chutes, the quadrant gate may be 
 so placed that, when closed, it will hold back the ma 
 terial in contact with the inside or with the outside of 
 the cylindrical portion. Tt may also be arranged to cut 
 downward into the stream of material, called an over- 
 cut gate, or may come up from beneath the stream, called 
 an undercut gate. 
 In vertical spouts or chutes the convex sides of the 
 cylindrical leaves may be turned upward or downward, 
 but the terms overcut and undercut are not applicable. 
 One leaf may be used, termed a simole, single or sim 
 plex gate; two leaves may be placed symmetrically and 
 connected by gearing so that they will close simultan 
 eously from opposite directions and meet at the center 
 of the spout, termed a duplex gate. This form pos 
 sesses the property of giving a central discharge, what 
 ever the amount of opening. 
 The quadrant or cylindrical form of gate is also used 
 as a side discharge ash hopper gate, the leaf swinging 
 upward to open, leaving a clear opening for the flow, 
 assisted if necessary by a hoe in the hands of the at 
 Quadrant gates may be operated by hand through 
 levers, hand chain wheels or worm gearing; steam or 
 air may also be used in a pressure cylinder connected 
 to a lever on the leaf. 
 Also called arc gate, swinging valve (side or bot 
 tom according to location on bin), cut-off gate, pivoted 
 gate and radial gate. 
 Gate, Rack and Pinion. A sliding gate which is oper 
 ated by turning a handwheel on a shaft with one or 
 two pinions which engage with a corresponding number 
 of racks attached to the gate or to an extension of the 
 Gate, Simplex. See Gate, Quadrant. 
 Gate, Sliding. A form of gate in which a flat plate 
 (sometimes braced or ribbed for stiffness) slides edge 
 wise in guides to control the flow of fluids in a channel, 
 by reducing or cutting off the area for flow. Such gates 
 may be easily made water tight, and are much used for 
 handling water flowing in channels for hydraulic power 
 purposes. They are also used for controlling loose bulk 
 material flowing from bins, hoppers or storage pockets, 
 or from the troughs of screw, flight and drag conveyors. 
 The guides may be fastened separately to the wall or 
 bottom, or may be formed on part of a solid self-con 
 tained frame. The edge of the door may be plain and 
 fit into a plain groove in the guide ; returns may be made 
 on both door and frame, and hooked into each other; 
 or by returning the guide through an additional 90 deg. 
 it may be adapted to fitting on the inside of a rectangular 
 spout or chute. A short chute, called a lip chute, is often 
 formed on the outside of the guide frame. 
 The gate may be operated by direct hand pull, by a 
 lever operating through a long rod from a distance if 
 desired, by a hand chain or wire rope wheel, or by 
 single or double rack and pinion gearing. If located in 
 the side wall of a bin, a pawl is often attached to the 
 gate and notches are cut in one of the guides ; engaging 
 one in the other will hold the gate open at any desired 
 Vertical gates generally open upward. Horizontal 
 gates, as in trough bottoms, may open longitudinally or 
 transversely; the latter has the advantage that if there 
 are a series of such discharge openings, graduated partial 
 opening of several gates will allow simultaneous dis 
 charge in all, which cannot be done with the longitudinal 
 An exception to the usual flat gate is found in the 
 curved form used in the bottom of conveyor troughs 
 (see Gate, Conveyor Trough). Occasionally the gate is 
 formed like a disc, and instead of sliding in straight 
 guides, is pivoted about a point outside the channel 
 (usually a pipe or spout) in such a way that it moves 
 edgewise to cut off the flow. 
 Gate, Swinging. A form of gate in which one leaf, or 
 *wo leaves placed symmetrically, swinging on hinges like 
 a door or the gates of a canal lock, are used to close a 
 channel or opening through which fluids or loose solid 
 material may flow. As it is often difficult or impossible 
 to open or close them while flow is taking place, they are 
 not much used as control gates for material handling. 
 (See Gate, Conveyor Trough; Gate, Flap.) 
 Gate Valve. A form of valve fitted in a pipe for con 
 veying fluids, in which the opening is closed by the edge 
 wise sliding of a part called the gate, moving in guides 
 cast in the valve body. The gate proper is opened or 
 closed by a stem passing out of the valve through a 
 stuffing-box ; the stem may be smooth, and operated by 
 direct push or pull exerted by a lever, or it may be 
 threaded through a nut, and operated by a hand wheel. 
 Gathering Box. Gathering Basket. A box or basket 
 placed on a low truck and moved about until loaded with 
 a desired assortment of small articles, a complete 
 order, etc., when it may be disposed of as a unit. If 
 built in a suitable form a number may be nested when 
 Gattie System. A system that has been proposed as a 
 substitute for the numerous scattered and badly con 
 gested freight stations in London, comprising a com 
 bination of a large central terminal clearing house for 
 incoming and outgoing freight, with a demountable body 
 system for holding the freight, these bodies being trans 
 ferred from motor truck to clearing house, clearing 
 house to railway car, or car to car, as required. 
 The body proposed is of a size suitable for occupying 
 the full capacity of one of the small British freight cars, 
 and capable of being lifted bodily by eyes set perma 
 nently in the top. Doods in the sides, ends or top are 
 provided. A fleet of trucks, each capable of carrying 
 one of these bodies, operates in conjunction with the 
 clearing house, bringing to it bodies loaded for a single 
 destination, or containing miscellaneous freight without 
 any attempt at sorting. They also deliver freight from 
 the clearing house to its ultimate destination. Pieces too 
 large in any dimension to go into a body are handled 
 separately or in bundles, but are to be suitably arranged 
 for lifting by a crane. 
 The Clearing House proposed for London is an exten 
 sive rectangular building: of seven freight-handling floors, 
 with an eighth for offices, shops, etc. The rail level is 
 one floor below the road level ; here twenty-two parallel 
 tracks receive all the railway freight traffic by electric 
 haulage. Parallel to these tracks, and at intervals among 
 them, are four trenches or gaps, running the full length 
 of the building, and furnishing four openings through 
 which bodies may be lowered to or raised from the lowest 
 floor or crypt, as the inventor calls it, by numerous over 
 head traveling cranes. Transversely across the space 
 above the rail level is a series of twelve equally spaced 
 roadways on to which motor trucks may be driven from 
 the street, to have bodies mounted or removed by the 
 cranes overhanging them, each crane spanning half the 
 roadway and extending an equal distance beyond its 
 edge over the tracks beneath. Above this roadway level 
 in succession are a lower small package sorting floor, a 
 lower main package sorting floor and a floor for work 
 shops and offices. The complete areas of the two main 
 sorting floors are overhung by traveling cranes, which 
 can, through suitably placed wells, lift loaded or empty 
 bodies from a railway car on the track level or from a 
 motor truck on one of the roadways, or lower them; 
 or, by a transfer, move them to or from the crypt. 
 On the crypt floor and each of the sorting floors there 
 is an automatic conveying system consisting of an end 
 less line of uniformly moving cars called truckers, that 
 in the crypt being capable of handling fully loaded 
 bodies, and those on the small package and main sorting 
 floors being capable of handling 50 Ib. and 1,500 Ib. loads 
 respectively. The truckers are four-wheel platform cars, 
 electrically driven at a uniform speed, with their plat 
 forms on the same level as the floor. These truckers 
 form on the sorting floors a continuous rectangular main 
 runway around the outside of the whole floor, traveling at 
 six miles per hour, with six transverse rectangular 
 divisional runways within it, traveling at three miles per 
 hour, having their short ends adjacent and parallel to 
 portions of the main runway for a short distance, thus 
 furnishing transfer points at which loads can be trans 
 ferred from one to the Other. The transfer system in 
 the crypt floor consists of two oppositely moving lines of 
 truckers in each of the previously mentioned trenches, 
 each line returning in a loop under the lines of rails at 
 each end of the clearing house. These crypt truckers 
 are much heavier than those on the sorting floors, but 
 are operated in the same manner, and serve to move 
 loaded bodies longitudinally ; for transverse movement the 
 crypt floor is completely overhung by a series of travel 
 ing cranes. 
 The area of a sorting floor, minus the space occupied 
 by wells, conveying systems and elevators, is divided into 
 transverse sections by the divisional conveyor runways ; 
 each division is again divided transversely into bays by 
 alleys, along which are placed slowly moving uni-dircc- 
 tional hand-controlled live roller conveyors, which can 
 receive from a divisional belt at one end and deliver to 
 one at the other. By an elaborate magnetic roller trans 
 fer system, controlled by a selective destination mechan 
 ism, parcels placed on a standard tray on any alley and 
 rolled to its junction with the divisional runway, can be 
 automatically loaded on to the latter and carried to 
 any other bay on the same divisional runway and there 
 discharged, or, if the destination is more remote, can be 
 carried to a transfer point, where it is shifted to the 
 main runway, by it carried to the proper divisional run 
 way and transferred to it to be carried by this divisional 
 runway until it reaches the proper bay, and there dis 
 charged. There is thus no moving about of men with 
 trucks, all operators occupying definite stations. Large 
 pieces of freight are handled on the main sorting floors, 
 by the crane if desired. Small pieces are moved by hand. 
 Automatic freight elevators carry material among the 
 different sorting floors, according to the dispatcher s 
 setting of the selective mechanism. 
 Loaded bodies with miscellaneous freight collected 
 from the city and outgoing, are hoisted directly from 
 motor trucks to an empty bay or one that is not busy 
 on one of the sorting floors, and there opened, and the 
 contents distributed as described. As this is going on 
 all over the building, freight is being collected at every 
 point as well as being distributed from every point, so 
 that there is soon enough to fill the empty body; it is 
 sealed, marked and lowered to place in a truck, freight 
 car. or to the crypt, to be held for a few hours until a 
 train is available. 
 Loaded bodies may be transferred directly from the 
 cars of one line to those of another, making use of the 
 crypt only in case of delay. Incoming bodies with mixed 
 goods for London are sorted in the same manner as out 
 going freight, the bays being designated according to 
 districts or delivery routes. Empty bodies may be held 
 in the crypt to provide for need at a later period in the 
 day. .Merchants shipping in full body lots would have 
 facilities for handling them, and motor trucks would 
 merely exchange bodies, removing a full one and deliver 
 ing an empty, or vice versa. 
 Other freight stations in the country would be 
 equipped similarly to London, on a scale commensurate 
 with their needs. Small local freight stations might be 
 provided with merely a siding, and the body, remaining 
 on the car, would be unloaded and loaded like an 
 ordinary box car. Or, a simple transfer crane would 
 be provided for lifting the body on to a fixed platform, 
 allowing the car to lie removed. (See Demountable 
 Body System.) 
 Gauntree; obsolete spelling of gantry. 
 Gear. A comprehensive term including all the equip 
 ment involved in performing a certain operation, as Hoist 
 ing Gear, Coaling Gear, Cargo Handling Gear. 
 Gearing. A mechanism used for transmitting motion 
 from one rotating part, such as a shaft, to another 
 similar part, by means of the rolling of a surface of 
 cylindrical, conical or other more complicated form, 
 attached to the first shaft, upon another surface mounted 
 on the second shaft. The rolling surfaces may be 
 actual, as in friction gearing, or imaginary, or replaced 
 by intermeshing teeth and spaces formed on bodies 
 attached to each of the shafts, and shaped so as to 
 produce a motion equivalent to that given by the rolling 
 surfaces ; the latter is termed toothed gearing. The 
 teeth of gearing arc said to mesh with each other. 
 Friction gearing includes rolling cylinders or cones 
 pressed against each other, and belting. Toothed gearing 
 includes spur, bevel, spiral or helical and worm gearing, 
 as well as gearing in which toothed wheels are connected 
 by chains, known as chain gearing. 
 If the two gears of a pair differ greatly in size, they 
 are sometimes termed reduction gears, and one is called 
 the pinion and the other the gear or sometimes the wheel. 
 Gears in which the teeth are cut inside a rim are termed 
 internal gears, or annulars. Shrouding is the term 
 applied to the connecting plate or ring between the ends 
 of the teeth of the gear at one or both ends of the gear 
 teeth, and is termed full or half shrouding, depending on 
 whether this ring extends to the top of the teeth or only 
 half way. " 
 The curves of gear teeth must be formed so that they 
 will move smoothly upon each other and give a constant 
 velocity ratio between the two wheels during the time 
 they are in contact ; technically speaking, they must be 
 conjugate curves. Several systems of curves ire pos 
 sible, but only two are widely used, and one of these, the 
 cycloidal system, is gradually becoming obsolete except 
 for large cast gears. The common system is the involute, 
 in which the tooth cur\cs are involutes formed from a 
 circle somewhat within the pitch circle of the gears, and 
 termed the base circle. The involute form of tooth has 
 the advantages that it is easy to cut, has no reversal of 
 curvature, and the center distance of the shafts can be 
 altered slightly without destroying the proper action of 
 the teeth, thus requiring less accuracy in setting than 
 other forms of gears. 
 I .y selecting a proper method of determination of the 
 base circle, sets of involute gears can be made which 
 will be interchangeable among themselves, so long as 
 they are of the same circular pitch. Such interchange 
 able gears are widely used. Cycloidal interchangeable 
 sets may also be made. There arc slight differences in 
 the standards of different manufacturers, and It is not 
 wise to mix their gears. 
 The teeth may be cast to form with the rest of the 
 gear, or they may be cut from the solid material of the 
 blank. A less used process is that of rolling teeth into 
 a hot blank. Teeth may be cut from the solid by 
 milling, planing, shaping or bobbing. The process may 
 be one which depends on the form of a curved outline 
 cutter for its accuracy, termed the formed cutter method, 
 or it may be one where the tooth outline is generated 
 by a machine using as a cutting tool an edge of simple 
 form, such as a straight line, and manipulating it so as 
 to produce the theoretically correct tooth form, within 
 the limits of accuracy of the machine. The latter is 
 termed the generating method. 
 Various materials are used, the most common natu 
 rally being cast iron, forged iron, cast steel and brass. 
 Small gears or pinion have a weaker tooth form than 
 large gears and receive the greater wear, so it is often 
 desirable to make them of better material. Cast teeth 
 should not be mated with cut teeth. The so-called silent 
 or noiseless gears have their teeth cut in compressed 
 paper, fibre, rawhide, muslin, bakelite, etc.. and are gen 
 erally mated with a metal gear, preferably not a cast 
 iron gear. The non-metallic material is generally held 
 between metal end flanges, which prevent the edges from 
 beating down. 
 Wood teeth, forming what are termed mortise gears, 
 were formerly widely used, and still are in demand in 
 certain places. Hardwood blocks are set into slots or 
 mortises in the rim of the wheel and arc held there by 
 keys or pins : they are then shaped to a tooth form by 
 suitable machinery ; each mortise gear generally mates 
 with a metal pinion, and very high peripheral speeds are 
 possible, coupled with quiet running. 
 Gears are generally circular, but occasionally elliptical 
 gears are used to give a non-uniform velocity ratio; lobed 
 wheels, or wheels with wavy pitch lines, are sometimes 
 substituted for circular pitch lines where an irregularity 
 is desired. (See Equalizing Drive.) 
 It is becoming almost universal to enclose gears which 
 are transmitting considerable power at high speed, in a 
 dust-proof and oil-retaining housing, so that they will 
 operate with less friction and wear, require less attention, 
 and have longer life. 
 Gearing, Bevel. A form of gearing used for connecting 
 shafts whose center Hues intersect, consisting of truncated 
 cones in contact along a common element and with their 
 apexes located at the point or intersection of the shaft 
 center lines. The most common case is where the shafts 
 are at right angles; if the two gears are equal, they are 
 called mi er gears. Tf the shafts are not at right angles 
 they are often called angle gears, and if unequal, angle 
 reduction gears. 
 Revel gears do not run so quietly or efficiently as spur 
 gears on account of the great difficulty of shaping their 
 teeth and installing them so that the teeth will bear the 
 full length of the face. Provision must also be made to 
 care for the thrust on each of the gears of the pair. 
 Two shafts whose center lines intersect at right angles 
 may also be connected by means of a spur pinion mesh- 
 ins: with a crown gear, which is a flat-faced gear, or disc, 
 with teeth formed on one side. 
 Gearing, Chain. A system of gearing for connecting 
 parallel shafts by means of wheels fixed to them and" 
 having an endless chain belt passed around them. The 
 wheels are sometimes smooth-rimmed, and are termed 
 traction wheels; they allow slipping, which is sometimes 
 desired, to prevent breakage due to excessive loading. 
 Of toner the wheels have the rims formed with projec 
 tions, which engage the chain links and prevent them 
 from slipping, thus maintaining a constant speed ratio 
 or a positive drive between the two shafts. If ordinary 
 close oval link pitch chain is used, the wheel rim has 
 cavities in which the links seat themselves, and is called 
 a pocket wheel ; with longer link oval chain, the wheel 
 may have teeth projecting outward through the centers 
 of the links which lie Hat, and is termed a sprocket or 
 toothed sprocket ; practically all chains made up with 
 hinged joints require sprockets. 
 This form of gearing is largely used in conveying 
 machinery in the form of endless belts passing around 
 wheels on head and foot shafts, one of which acts as 
 the driver, and moving material resting directly on the 
 chains or on platforms or in buckets attached to the 
 Gearing, Duplex. A name sometimes applied to ar 
 rangements in which two speeds of the driven shaft are 
 possible by shifting a lever and throwing different gear 
 trains into action. Also called two-speed gearing, gear 
 shift, etc. 
 Gearing, Equalizing. Gearing which has some irregu 
 larity of motion intentionally introduced in order to 
 counteract an irregularity arising from some other 
 source. (See Equalizing Drive.) 
 Gearing, Friction. Gearing in which motion is trans 
 mitted from one rotating part to another by means of 
 the friction generated by pressing one against the other. 
 For this service it is natural to choose materials which 
 have a high coefficient of rubbing friction. These 
 include paper, libre, rubber, leather, wood. etc. One of 
 the two parts, preferably the driven one. is made of 
 cast iron, as it will not be so easily grooved if stalled 
 by excessive load while the driving part continues to 
 rotate against it. 
 Friction gears are made in the form of cylinders, some 
 times called spur frictions, because they function the 
 same as spur-toothed gears. They are also made as 
 bevel gears, either miter or reduction. The fibre, paper 
 or other material is made in the form of a tiller which 
 can be bolted between end flanges of metal, and is renew 
 able when worn. t 
 Considerable pressure between the wheels is necessary, 
 and in transmitting large powers this causes excessive 
 bearing losses. On account of this pressure, friction 
 gears should not be overhung on their bearings. 
 Cylindrical friction wheels may have circumferential 
 ridges and grooves wedging into each other, and giving 
 the effect of large friction without the excessive bear 
 ing pressure required with smooth surfaces. These 
 grooved friction wheels, always made of metal, rub con 
 siderably and show wear at the points of contact. 
 Friction gearing lends itself to easy disengagement if 
 the shaft of one of the members is mounted in an eccen 
 tric bearing box, which can be rotated within the bear 
 ing by a lever, thus moving one friction wheel awaj 
 from the other. Ry an extension of this principle, a 
 further rotation of the lever can be made to press the 
 rotating part against a brake shoe on the opposite side, 
 for controlling its rotation. 
 Gearing, Helical. A type of toothed gearing used for 
 connecting two shafts which do not intersect, and which 
 have teeth that are helical in form, or twisted, relative 
 to the elements of the pitch surface. They may be of 
 the bevel form, but are ordinarily cylindrical. The 
 shafts may be parallel, at right angles, or at any inter 
 mediate center angle ; in the first case, the action is 
 much like that of ordinary spur gears, except that it is 
 smoother. The ratios of the shaft speeds may be equal 
 or unequal ; the special case of the shafts at right angles 
 and with a very large speed ratio, is generally termed 
 worm gearing. (See Gearing, Worm.) 
 Herringbone gearing is often used with parallel shafts 
 in place of plain helical gearing, to eliminate the end 
 thrust. It consists of two sets of helical teeth sloping 
 in opposite directions, and either meeting or closely 
 approaching each other along the median line of the 
 gear. Sometimes they are separated by a groove, for 
 convenience in cutting, and if staggered in addition, make 
 what is often called a Wuest gear. The two portions 
 may be cut separately and assembled in contact, or sep 
 arated, as desired. If the teeth meet in a point, casting 
 is the only practical method of production, otherwise 
 they may be easily cut. Herringbone gears run smoothly 
 and are strong. They also tend to wear in such a way 
 that the action eventually becomes nearly pure rolling, 
 with a minimum of loss by friction of the rubbing tooth 
 Where the shafts are other than parallel, the velocity 
 ratios are inversely as the numbers of teeth on the two 
 gears, but are not inversely as the diameters of the gears. 
 Helical gears (except the herringbone form) develop 
 thrust along the shaft, and provision must be made for 
 it. They are not of high efficiency as a rule, and should 
 be avoided where the same mechanical effect can be 
 obtained by simpler forms of gears, unless their compact 
 ness is important. 
 Gearing, Spiral. A term rather commonly applied to 
 helical gearing. 
 Gearing, Spur. The common form of gearing, used for 
 connecting parallel shafts, and having teeth formed on 
 the circumference of short cylinders rolling in contact 
 with each other. It is the simplest form, can be made 
 high in efficiency, and is widely used in hoisting ma 
 The minimum limit on the size of pinions is about 15 
 teeth for the cycloidal system and 25 teeth for the involute 
 or common system. There is no maximum limit, the 
 gear of infinite radius being a rack, in which teeth are 
 cut on a straight bar. Teeth may also be cut on the 
 inside of a rim or ring; this is called an internal or 
 annular gear. 
 Spur gears usually have a hub and are mounted on 
 a shaft ; occasionally the teetli are cut on a large ring 
 which is secured to the outside of a cylinder like a car 
 dump or revolving screen, to rotate it by power, and 
 the gear is called a rina; gear. It is often split for ease 
 of attachment. 
 Cylindrical friction gears are occasionally incorrectly 
 termed spur frictions. 
 Gearing, Train of. A combination of gears on several 
 shafts, all meshing and having a definite relation between 
 the speed of the driving and that of the driven gear, is 
 usually termed a train. 
 Reduction gearing is a train arranged to reduce the 
 speed of the driving shaft to a lower value at the driven 
 shaft. A single reduction means a pinion or small gear 
 on the driving shaft meshing with a larger one on the 
 driven shaft. A double reduction means that in addition 
 to the above, there is another pinion fast to the same 
 shaft as the gear, and driving a gear on the final driven 
 shaft; the auxiliary shaft having the gear of ihe first 
 pair and the pinion of the second pair is termed the 
 intermediate shaft. Second and third intermediate shafts 
 may be added, giving triple and quadruple reduction gear 
 ing. Such trains arc much used in hoisting machinery. 
 Reduction gear trains, mounted in a housing or on 
 a base so as to be self-contained, are often termed speed- 
 changers or speed-reducers, and are on the market in 
 standard forms, ready for coupling between a motor and 
 the machine it is to drive, with any desired speed reduc 
 tion (or increase). 
 When the speed ratio is to be varied, change speed 
 gearing is used, generally enclosed in a housing and 
 shifted by means of one or two levers. This device is 
 similar to the transmission of an automobile, from which 
 it has been adapted to stationary power uses. Also called 
 variable speed gearing, change gear box, transmission 
 gearing, etc. 
 Reversing gearing is a train arranged so that with a 
 driving shaft always rotating in one direction, the driven 
 shaft may be rotated in either direction at will. This 
 can be accomplished with a swinging or sliding frame 
 or equivalent device by which either one or two idlers 
 may be inserted in the train at will, but if this involves 
 unmeshing and remeshing of gears while they are moving, 
 it is dangerous. In place of this, the driver may con 
 tinuously turn two adjacent shafts in opposite direc 
 tions, and a friction or jaw clutch may be used to con 
 nect the driven shaft with either as desired ; this 
 mechanism is conveniently worked out with bevel gears. 
 An epicyclic or planetary train of gears is one in 
 which the centers of some of the gears have a motion of 
 revolution about a fixed center, while they are rotating 
 on their own axes in addition. The motion of the driven 
 shaft is thus the resultant of motions from two drivers, 
 and large velocity ratios are possible with the use of 
 only a few gears. These planetary trains are, therefore, 
 much used in hoisting mechanisms, especially in chain 
 hoists, to accomplish the transformation of a small pull 
 on the hand chain over a great many feet to the lifting 
 of a large load through a small height. (See Hoist, 
 Planetary; Hoist, Differential.) 
 Differential gearing is the term applied to a device 
 inserted in the axle of a vehicle, to enable it to pass 
 around curves without slipping on one or the other of 
 the wheels, as would be the case if they were fast on 
 an axle extending solid from one wheel to the other. 
 It is a form of epicyclic gearing consisting of a bevel 
 gear attached to the inner end of each half axle, teeth 
 facing inward, and a series of three or four small bevel 
 pinions, equally spaced and carried on a frame, placed 
 between and meshing with the bevels. If the vehicle is 
 power, this frame carrying the bevel pinions also carries 
 the bevels, worm or sprocket wheel which receives power 
 from the motor, and thus applies it to both axles at 
 once. One of the axles may rotate faster than the other, 
 however, as in making turns, by reason of the bevel 
 pinions rolling between the gears. (Sec Gearing, Travel 
 Gearing, Traveling. In traveling cranes, the train of 
 gearing by which power is applied to produce the travel 
 ing motion. For overhead and gantry crane traveling 
 gearing, see Bridge Drive. 
 In locomotive cranes having a four-wheel truck a bevel 
 gear train is carried from the winch engine to both axles, 
 or to a central transverse shaft which is then connected 
 to the axles by chain drive. In swiveling truck locomo 
 tive cranes, power is supplied to the inner axle of each 
 truck either by bevel gear trains with double universal 
 joints in a longitudinal shaft or by spur gearing through 
 transverse shafts. In the latter case swiveling motion 
 of the trucks is permitted by crowning the teeth of the 
 centrally located axle gear, to a circular arc whose center 
 is the pivot pin of the truck. In either case power is 
 brought to the gear under the car by means of a vertical 
 shaft passing down through the center of the turntable. 
 A locomotive crane having eight wheels may have the 
 traveling gear disengaged to enable it to be coupled into 
 a train, and driven at train speed. Four-wheel cranes 
 are not usually thus arranged. 
 In very large locomotive cranes which must travel on 
 curves of short radius, the axles are not continuous from 
 side to side, but are connected through a set of differential 
 gearing, and the power for traveling is applied through 
 a longitudinal drive shaft as in an automobile. 
 Gearing, Worm. A variety of helical gearing in which 
 the non-intersecting shafts are at right angles and the 
 angular velocity ratio is very large, resulting in one 
 of the wheels having very few teeth, usually from one 
 to four, and resembling a screw with as many threads, 
 and the other wheel having a considerable number of 
 teeth cut at a slight angle. The velocity ratio, or speed 
 reduction, is equal to the ratio of the number of teeth 
 on the wheel to the threads on the worm. The lead of 
 the worm is the linear distance through which it turns 
 the circumference of the wheel when the worm makes one 
 complete rotation ; its pitch is the distance from one 
 worm tooth to the next, and is equal to the lead only 
 when the worm is single-threaded. As the wear is 
 heaviest on the worm, it is usually made of steel and 
 the wheel of cast iron or bronze. Both are mounted 
 in a case or housing containing a supply of lubricant, and 
 provided with bearings for the shafts so that the worm 
 and wheel will be held in the proper relative location, 
 and with a thrust bearing to receive the end thrust of 
 the worm. 
 Worm gearing is properly used whenever a large 
 speed reduction is necessary, is compact and smooth run 
 ning, and can be made non-reversing, meaning that the 
 worm cannot be rotated by applying a driving force to 
 the wheel. This irrcversibility is secured at the expense 
 of efficiency, however, which will in such cases always 
 be less than SO per cent. Even with the highest efficiency 
 obtainable by the use of large angles for the worm thread, 
 the efficiency is less than with spur gear arrangements. 
 Worm gearing is always cut, and the most satisfactory 
 product is obtained by the nobbing process. It is claimed 
 that the Hindley worm, made in the hourglass form, and 
 fitting the circumference of the worm wheel, gives a 
 better distribution of load, and therefore less wear, but 
 it is difficult to adjust, and if out of adjustment will give 
 excessive friction. 
 Gears, Interlocked. In hoisting machinery, when two 
 drums driven by separate motors are used to lift the 
 same load by load lines attached to it at different points, 
 the gearing must be interconnected in such a way as to 
 prevent unequal raising or lowering, and consequent tip 
 ping: this is called interlocking gearing. (See Crane, 
 Girder, Box. A structural steel beam made up of plates 
 and shapes, arranged so that a transverse section of the 
 beam is a hollow rectangle. This disposition of the ma 
 terial gives greater lateral strength for a given vertical 
 strength and a given weight of material than is afforded 
 by a plate girder, but is more expensive to construct and 
 is liable to corrosion on the inside where it cannot be 
 properly painted. 
 Girder, Braced. A structural steel beam made up of 
 plates and shapes, with continuous members running for 
 the whole span along the top and bottom, these being con 
 nected at the ends, and at frequent intervals between, by 
 diagonal or vertical struts or bars, or by both diagonals 
 and verticals. The continuous members are made up of 
 channels, angles or strips of plate, single, in duplicate, or 
 in combination with each other : the upper member is 
 called the top chord or (in beams supported at the ends) 
 compression flange, the lower is called the lower chord 
 or tension flange. The upper chord is horizontal, the 
 lower horizontal or fishbellied, the latter being more costly 
 but lighter. A number of systems of bracing are used, 
 the most usual for cranes being the Warren, Linville and 
 Braced construction is lighter than the plate or box 
 girder type, but the labor cost to manufacture is higher. 
 Weight saved in a crane bridge may, however, allow a 
 saving in the runway girders. 
 Braced girders arc used in all bridge structures of 
 large span and for supporting heavy loads, and for small 
 spans and lighter loads where weight is important and 
 the headroom is not restricted. 
 Girder, Duplex. A double-braced girder consisting of 
 two simple braced girders placed side by side but sep 
 arated a small distance, and latticed together. This con 
 struction gives greater transverse strength and stiffness 
 than would be given by a plain braced girder of equal 
 vertical strength. 
 It is much used in girders of bridge cranes. 
 Girder, Plate. A structural steel beam made up of 
 plates and angles, arranged so that a transverse section 
 of the beam is ike the letter I. This gives a beam of 
 great vertical strength and one which is easily con 
 structed and painted, but which is liable to be deficient 
 in lateral strength unless reinforced by a horizontal aux 
 iliary girder, or braced to another duplicate girder. (See 
 Girder, Box.) 
 Used for runways and bridges of overhead travelling 
 cranes and in steel construction work generally. 
 Girt. The distance piece or separator which holds the 
 two side frames of a crane trolley in their proper posi 
 tion. It supports the operating machinery and also car 
 ries the upper block of the hoisting tackle and the equal 
 izing sheave. The heavy load may cause deflection of a 
 single girt with the resulting binding of hearings, so an 
 extra girt is often supplied, called the load girt, which 
 is attached at the ends to the side frames at points di 
 rectly over the rails in such a way that its deflection 
 cannot cause . springing of the side frames. This girt 
 carries the upper block; the usual girt, called the ma 
 chinery girt, supports the machinery motors, brakes, etc. 
 The load girt carries from one-half (in four-part reev 
 ing) to seven-eighths (in sixteen-part reeving, in large 
 cranes) of the total load, the remainder being divided 
 between the equalizing sheave and the drum. Occa 
 sionally two machinery girts and one load girt are used. 
 Sometimes called lifting beam. 
 Goliath. A popular name given to a type of large 
 travelling gantry crane used for shipyard fitting out. 
 Gooseneck. An iron fitting sometimes used for attach 
 ing the inner end of a derrick boom to the mast. A bar 
 or pin is hinged to a piece rigidly attached to the end of 
 the boom and this pin fits into a vertical socket in a 
 part attached rigidly to the mast, thus permitting both 
 change of inclination and slewing- of the boom. 
 Also, a piece of pipe shaped like the letter S, or one 
 with a return bend on the end. 
 Governor. A mechanism for controlling the action of 
 a machine as regards some quality of its output. Most 
 governors aim to maintain approximately constant speed 
 of the machine, but some aim to maintain a constant 
 fluid pressure, as pump governors ; a constant voltage or 
 constant current, as some types of electrical equipment; 
 or a constant level of water in a tank, etc. 
 In governors used on prime movers, such as engines 
 and turbines, constant speed is the principal requirement, 
 and since change of centrifugal force due to change of 
 speed is utilized as the operating force of the governor, 
 constant speed is practically never obtained. 
 In machines which cannot normally run away becauje 
 the resistance increases with the speed at a more rapid 
 rate than the power developed, like centrifugal pumps, 
 blowers and screw propellers, some safety device is nec 
 essary to prevent running away due to a sudden acci 
 dental decrease of the resistance, like, the breaking of a 
 discharge line or of a shaft, and these are often called 
 governors. They generally stop the machine completely. 
 The governors on steam driven air compressors are 
 sometimes designed to maintain a constant pressure. An 
 other type slows the compressor down to the lowest speed 
 practicable during the time the unloader is preventing 
 the compression of air, but brings it at once to full run 
 ning speed when compression again commences, and holds 
 this speed constant. In this case there are two running 
 speeds, and the air pressure in the system is allowed to 
 vary between definite limits. 
 Elevators and lowering devices in which lowering is 
 automatic, that is, accomplished without the application 
 of power in the lowering direction often have brakes or 
 equivalent devices operated by the speed of the moving 
 part, which limit it, or even stop the motion entirely if 
 it exceeds a certain predetermined safe value. 
 Governor, Pump. A mechanism added to a pump, and 
 designed to maintain a constant discharge pressure, or a 
 constant level in a suction or a discharge tank, or to 
 prevent the pump running away and wrecking itself if 
 the discharge resistance is accidentally removed, as by the 
 bursting of a discharge line. 
 Grab. See Bucket, Grab (British). 
 Grab Hoist. A hoisting winch arranged for handling 
 a grab bucket. (See Bucket, Grab.) 
 Grader. A type of excavating machine which is used to 
 remove and redistribute the material on the surface of 
 a road for the purpose of leveling it, or preparing a 
 subgrade for road improvement. 
 Grader, Elevating. A grader which levels the surface 
 of the ground by scraping it. and throws the loosened 
 material onto the lower end of a conveyor by which it is 
 delivered above and to the side of the machine, where it 
 is deposited, or discharged into wagons for removal. 
 Grapple. A device operating like a clamshell grab 
 bucket, but having three or more prongs on each side 
 instead of shells made of plate, and used for handling 
 long objects either singly or in bulk, like logs, ties, pulp- 
 w-ood, etc., and for handling irregular objects like stumps, 
 snags and large stones. For long objects the sides are 
 usually open, to allow the ends of the pieces to project, 
 but for stone, etc., they may be closed by short prongs. 
 Page 313. 
 Grapple, Wood. A grapple especially adapted for the 
 handling of pulp-wood, ties, props, cord-wood, legs, etc. 
 (See Grapple.) 
 Gravity Roller Spiral. See Spiral, Gravity Roller. 
 Gravity Runway. See Conveyor. Roller; Chute. 
 Grease-cup. A receptacle designed to hold solid or 
 very viscous lubricants, which are squeezed through an 
 opening leading to the part to be lubricated. 
 Grizzly. See Screen, Grizzly. 
 Grizzly, Arrow-head. A bar or grizzly screen in which 
 the cross section of the screen bar has an enlarged head 
 with a point upward, somewhat like an arrow head. 
 Grizzly, Rotary. See Screen, Rotating Disc. 
 Guard, Rope or Guard, Chain. A curved stationary 
 piece of metal tilted partially around the circumferenc- 
 of a rope or chain sheave, to prevent the rope or chain 
 from jumping the sheave flanges, or working out if it 
 is slackened. 
 Also, a fair-leader, or smooth opening through which 
 the rope or chain is led, and which guides it properly 
 into the groove of the sheave. See also Fairleader. 
 Gudgeon. (British) An overhung or cantilever pin or 
 shaft, like the crank pin of a side crank engine. 
 In particular, the term often applied to the pivot pin at 
 the top of a derrick mast. 
 Gusset Plate. A bracket of steel plate for stiffening the 
 connection between two structural steel members meeting 
 each other at an angle. In overhead travelling cranes, 
 strong gusset plates are used to stiffen the connection 
 between the bridge girders and the end truck. 
 Guy. A rope or other similar appliance used to steady 
 something. A rope or chain used to steady a boom, mast, 
 etc., and keep it from falling over or from swinging 
 sideways. (See Guy, Derrick.) 
 Guy, Derrick. A guy used to hold in position (gener 
 ally vertical) the top of the mast of a derrick. At least 
 three guys must be used to enable it to resist forces 
 acting in any direction, and five or more are generally 
 used. For temporary or light use they may be of manila 
 rope, but on account of the change of length of such 
 material with atmospheric conditions, as well as stretch, 
 steel wire rope is much preferred. 
 When rigid struts are used, they are called Stiff-legs. 
 (See also Anchorage; Dead Men.) 
 Guy Cap. A circular metal part to which the guys sup 
 porting a derrick mast are attached. It fits on the 
 gudgeon or mast top pivot as a bearing, and has openings 
 around its periphery through which the ends of the guys 
 may be passed, bent around on themselves and secured 
 by clips. (See Mast Top.) Also called Guy Spider. 
 Gypsy Head. See Winch Head. 
 Gypsy Windlass. A term sometimes applied to a com 
 bination of a wildcat and a gypsy head on the same shaft, 
 generally when hand-operated. 
 Hack. A name applied to a kind of pallet used for 
 holding a pile of brick during the process of manufac 
 ture, consisting of a solid or slat top with two cross 
 cleats beneath. 
 Handbarrow. A rectangular flat bottom box, with the 
 long sides extended at each end to make handles by 
 which it may be lifted or carried. 
 Hand-line. A small manila or hemp rope of convenient 
 size to -be coiled and. one end being held, thrown to a 
 distant point, generally as a means of hauling a larger 
 rope, chain, etc., across an open space. Also, a small 
 line used for lowering or hoisting articles by hand. 
 Hanger. A part or piece by which another part is sus 
 pended or held in place from above, like a shaft hanger, 
 monorail track hanger, etc. 
 Hatch. An opening, generally rectangular, in a ship s 
 deck for passage of cargo, equipment or persons. Also 
 the cover to lit such an opening, more often called a 
 hatch cover. Also a rectangular opening in a floor or 
 roof of a building. 
 Where exposed to the weather, hatches are generally 
 provided with coamings or low walls around the open 
 ing, so that water running along the deck cannot leak 
 to the space below. 
 Hatch, Coaling. A opening provided in a deck for the 
 purpose of loading coal. 
 Haulage, Cable or Rope. See Cable Car Haulage. 
 Haulage, Superposed Track Self-Dumping Car. A 
 hauling and dumping system for elevating material on 
 slopes and used for coal and similar bulk material, in 
 which the car is hauled up the slope on a track 
 dumped at the top and transferred to another track 
 superposed on the first, on which it descends. A chain 
 conveyor with crossbars pushes the loaded cars up and 
 retards the empties down, the car weights thus being- 
 balanced against each other. 
 For a method of dumping the car at the top, see 
 Swing Lift Transfer. 
 The device is also made in a portable form and can 
 be used for handling dirt, gravel, crushed stone, etc. 
 Hawser. A large rope, either manila or wire, used on 
 shipboard for towing, mooring, etc. 
 Head. The top or end of a thing, especially when dis 
 tinguished in some way from the rest of it, as the head 
 of a mast, or of a bolt. 
 Header. A pipe into which a number of other pipes 
 terminate at right angles, as a boiler header, or a pipe 
 Also, a part of a framed structure around an opening, 
 which is fitted transversely to the direction of most of 
 the members, and against which they butt and to which 
 they are attached. 
 Headroom. The distance underneath a structure or 
 obstruction, or between it and the ground. Clearance 
 measured in a vertical direction. 
 Heel. The inclination to one side of a floating vessel. 
 Also, the lower or inner end of a spar, boom or strut. 
 (See Boom Heel.) 
 Helix. A curve traced by a point which moves around 
 a fixed line at a constant distance from it, and at the 
 same time progresses along the line, like the thread on a 
 Hinge Plates. The two principal parts of a hinged con 
 nection as used for attaching a swinging wall bracket 
 crane to the wail. They are connected with a hinge pin, 
 which may be continuous for the upper and lower hinges 
 of a pair. 
 Hitch. Any one of a variety of methods of attaching 
 a rope to an object, to another rope or to another portion 
 of itself, in such a manner that it can be easily detached. 
 Hitching, Car. A term applied to a coupling used for 
 mine and similar ears. It may consist of a link with 
 clevis at each end, or a chain of several links. 
 Hoist. A mechanism or machine whose function it is 
 to elevate or raise heavy objects, generally by means of 
 tackle or gear hanging from above, and often including 
 such tackle or gear. The load usually hangs free ; when a 
 guided platform carries it the term elevator is used (see 
 elevator), but this rule has exceptions (see Hoist, Mine). 
 The mechanism is usually arranged to give a reduction 
 of speed and increase of force between the source of 
 power and the point of lifting, but this may be reversed, 
 as in air cylinder hoists. Most true hoists are self-con 
 tained or complete in themselves, as chain hoists, pneu 
 matic hoists, block-and-tackle, and some electric hoists ; 
 other so-called hoists are simply winding machines re 
 quiring combination with other machines and fittings be 
 fore hoisting can be accomplished. The term is frequent 
 ly incorrectly used to designate a winch or any geared 
 machine which can exert a pull by winding rope on a 
 drum. This is correct only in case it is mounted in an 
 elevated position relative to the load, or with the load 
 pendent from it. When it is located on the ground and 
 used for hoisting purposes by leading the rope to an 
 elevated sheave, it is better called a hoisting winch. 
 The different kinds of hoists are distinguished by terms 
 designating (a) the power used, as for example, hand, 
 electric, air; (b) the kind of gearing used, as chain, 
 differential, screw, planetary; (c) the combination with 
 other apparatus as trolley, twin, built-in, independent. 
 The hoists of most overhead travelling cranes and of 
 many gantry and jib cranes are built into the trolley. 
 Page 203, 773-804, 829. 
 Hoist, Air. A hoist operated by an air engine. The 
 engine is usually of the two-cylinder type, with cranks 
 at 90 (leg., though rotating or oscillating cylinder and 
 other types are in use. The engine crank shaft is geared 
 to a drum on which the hoisting rope is wound, and all 
 are mounted in a frame which may be hung on or built 
 into a monorail or other trolley. Air is led to the hoist 
 through hose, and is exhausted from the engine into the 
 room where the hoist is used through a muffler if noise is 
 The name is also applied to air winches, which may be 
 located on the ground or some other convenient place, 
 and have the hoisting line led to the point at which hoist 
 ing is to be done. 
 Also, a direct-acting hoist utilizing a piston moving in 
 a cylinder under the action of compressed air, the load 
 hook being attached directly to the end of the piston 
 rod, or to a wire rope block-and-tackle operated by the 
 piston rod. (See Hoist, Air Cylinder). 
 Page 207. 
 Hoist, Air Cylinder. A hoist in which a direct pull is 
 obtained by a long stroke cylinder and piston operated 
 by compressed air. In the simplest form, the cylinder is 
 supported in a vertical position with the piston rod pro 
 jecting through a stuffing IKI.X in the lower end, and the 
 admission of air to the space beneath the piston forces 
 it upward and raises the load ; release of the air allows 
 the load to descend. This is called a single-acting 
 cylinder hoist, while simple it does not admit of delicate 
 control. Another type maintains full pressure on the 
 lower or stuffing box side of the piston, and a variable 
 pressure on the upper side, air being discharged from the 
 upper side to hoist, and admitted to it from the pressure 
 line to lower. The length of lift is limited by the length 
 of the cylinder. 
 The cylinder is usually of steel, ground and polished 
 on the inside, with heads screwed on, or bolted to flanges 
 which are screwed on the ends of the cylinder. The 
 piston is usually made tight by leather packing rings, and 
 the arrangement of the head is such that it can lie 
 easily removed for inspection and repairs. The cylinder 
 may he mounted rigidly, or supported in trunnions on a 
 crane trolley. 
 For lifts greater in height than the length of a well 
 proportioned cylinder, or where the headroom available 
 will not allow a vertical cylinder above the crane, the 
 cylinder may be fixed in a horizontal or any other con 
 venient position, and operate the hoisting hook by wire 
 rope passing over guide sheaves. One or two sheaves 
 carried in a head attached to the end of the piston rod 
 and moving in guides, acting in conjunction with one or 
 two fixed sheaves and rope properly arranged, will allow 
 a cylinder of a certain stroke to hoist a load through 
 two, three or four times the stroke. The arrangement 
 may also be reversed to allow a long stroke cylinder to 
 lift a very heavy load through a short distance, acting 
 in this case like an ordinary block-and-tackle. 
 Horizontal cylinders will not always return after mak 
 ing a hoist, and are therefore often arranged with variable 
 pressures on both sides of the piston. Or, with a constant 
 high pressure on the stuffing box side and a variable pres 
 sure on the other side of the piston, an enlarged piston 
 rod will give enough excess force, when full pressure 
 is on both sides, to move the piston toward the stuffing 
 box end. 
 I or convenience and safety in operation, several 
 auxiliaries are often included, as follows: An air admis 
 sion valve which will allow control of the speed of hoist 
 ing or lowering; air cushions to prevent jar at the ends 
 of travel; adjustable stops for use when hoisting and 
 lowering Ix tween fixed limits ; top safety check for pre 
 venting the piston from flying violently to the top posi 
 tion should the load become accidentally detached; and 
 an automatic arrangement to prevent slow creeping 
 downward due to leakage of air. 
 Page 207. 
 Hoist, Built-in. A hoisting mechanism which is built 
 into a crane trolley or other portion of a crane structure 
 in such a way that it cannot be easily removed, taken 
 elsewhere and used as a hoist, as distinguished from an 
 independent hoist. (See Hoist, Trolley, for example.) 
 Hoist, Chain. A hoisting mechanism consisting of 
 chain sheaves, gearing, casing, supporting and load hooks, 
 and hand and load chains, so arranged that a load may 
 be lifted on the load chain by pulling on the hand chain. 
 The hoist is supported at the top of the casing, with the 
 chains pendent. It may be provided with a supporting 
 hook or shackle, in which case it is portable or inde 
 pendent ; or it may be structurally a part of a trolley or 
 traversing mechanism, in which case it is termed "built 
 Chain hoists are used for small or moderate loads, for 
 short lifts and for intermittent service. 
 (For special types, see Hoist, Differential Chain; Hoist, 
 Screw Chain; Hoist, Kpicyclic Geared.) 
 Also called chain block or chain block hoist. 
 Page 203, 774-780. 
 Hoist, Differential Chain. A hoisting mechanism con 
 sisting of a hook and frame supporting on a shaft two 
 rigidly connected chain sheaves of slightly different 
 diameters, an endless chain passing in succession around 
 one of these upper sheaves, a single lower sheave, the 
 other upper sheave and a free hanging loop. The lower 
 sheave is mounted in a block and has below it a hook 
 on which is bung the load to be lifted. This lower or 
 load block is thus hung in one loop of the chain sup 
 ported by the two upper sheaves ; this is called the load 
 chain. The other loop is free and is used as the hand 
 chain. Owing to the difference in diameters of the two 
 upper sheaves, the load will move up or down in accord 
 ance with the movements of the load chain passing onto 
 the larger sheave, as it winds more chain in one direction 
 than the smaller sheave unwinds in the opposite direc 
 Hoists of this type will sustain the load in any posi 
 tion \\ ithout a brake, but arc low in efficiency. Since 
 the same chain serves as a load chain and a. hand chain 
 it becomes inconveniently large for hand pulling in the 
 larger capacity hoists. 
 Page 204. 774-780. 
 Hoist, Drill Column. A term sometimes applied to a 
 small portable hand or air winch arranged to bolt to 
 drill-columns in mines, and used there for miscellaneous 
 hoisting or haulage work in connection with moving min 
 ing machines or removing mined coal. 
 Hoist, Drum. See Drum Hoist. 
 Hoist, Dual. See Hoist, Twin. 
 Hoist, Dumping, Motor Truck. An apparatus which 
 lifts the front end of a dump hody. (See Body, Motor 
 Truck.) Hand operated hoists, used for light loads, 
 have a hand crank connected by a train of gears to an 
 arm attached to the dumping body. Mechanical hoists 
 are driven from the engine, generally by a separate shaft 
 projecting from the transmission case, with a clutch 
 which is engaged by a hand lever located near the driver s 
 seat, raising the body by wire rope or chain wound on 
 a drum, or by pitch chain passing around sprockets. A 
 hydraulic hoist consists of a cylinder and piston or ram, 
 connected between the body and chassis by steel cables 
 or levers. Oil delivered from an oil pump driven by the 
 engine fills the cylinder and forces the piston out, there 
 by lifting the front end of the body. The amount of 
 flow is controlled by the engine speed. 
 Page 702. 
 Hoist, Duplex. See Hoist, Screw Chain. 
 Hoist, Electric. Any hoist driven by an electric motor. 
 (See Mine Hoist, Electric; Crane, Electric Overhead 
 Traveling. ) The term is also applied in a more limited 
 way to a small or medium capacity self-contained elec 
 trically operated drum hoist hung on or built into a 
 monorail trolley. Spur, worm and planetary gearing are 
 Page 211, 773-804. 
 Hoist, Epicyclic. See Hoist, Planetary. 
 Hoist, First Motion. A term applied to a hoisting 
 winch in which the engine or motor drives the shaft on 
 which the drum is mounted, directly, without the inter 
 position of any gearing. As the drum rotates at the 
 engine speed the hoisting speed is high, but the engine 
 must be capable of exerting the necessary torque. 
 Hoist, Flat Rope. A hoisting winch in which a short 
 drum or reel winds the hoisting rope in successive layers. 
 This system has the advantage that a short and light reel 
 replaces the more usual long and heavy drum. Since the 
 winding diameter steadily increases during hoisting, the 
 speed and the power required also increase, and the 
 motor or engine must be sufficiently powerful to exert 
 the necessary maximum torque when the rope is wound 
 to its greatest diameter. 
 Hoist, Geared. A hoist in which some form of toothed 
 gearing is used between the point of application of power 
 or hand pull and the point of application of the load, as 
 distinguished from one in which the load is lifted direct 
 ly by winding a rope or chain around a drum or sheave 
 on a shaft to which power is applied, or from a block- 
 and-tackle hoist. (See Gearing.) 
 The most common geared hoist has a plain gear train, 
 consisting of a series of parallel shafts carrying spur 
 pinions and gears, and transmitting motion through them 
 in succession. (See Hoist, Trolley.) Other types are 
 those employing chain gearing (see Hoist, Differential 
 Chain), screw gearing (see Hoist, Screw), and planetary 
 or epicyclic gearing (see Hoist, Planetary Geared). 
 Hoist, Hand. A hoist which is operated by hand power. 
 They may be classified as hand chain hoists, which are 
 operated by pulling on a hand chain, or as crank op 
 erated hoi ts. 
 Page 295, 774-780. 
 Hoist, Hydraulic. A hoist consisting of a cylinder in 
 which a piston or plunger is moved by means of a liquid 
 such as oil or water pumped in under pressure. The pis 
 ton rod may lift the load directly, by means of a rope 
 led around guide sheaves or by means of levers ; re 
 versed block and tackle is often used to gain an in 
 crease in the speed and length of lift at the expense of 
 the magnitude of the load lifted. In some cases the 
 piston or plunger is fixed and the cylinder moves under 
 the influence of hydraulic pressure in a liquid introduced 
 through a passage in the former. In some cases jib 
 cranes are mounted on the cylinders, hoisting being ac 
 complished by raising cylinder and crane bodily. 
 Hoist, Independent. A hoisting unit which may be 
 moved from place to place and be hung on a support 
 wherever desired for lifting operations, as distinguished 
 from one which is built into a crane trolley, crane pillar, 
 etc., and which must be used in connection with it. Block- 
 and-tackle and chain hoists are typical examples. The 
 hoisting unit may be hung on an eye by a hook, or bolted 
 in place by a clevis and pin connection. Also called 
 portable hoist. 
 Page 774-800. 
 Hoist, Loading Boom. A hoist arranged to operate the 
 loading boom in a coal tipple. It is driven by a line 
 shaft irom the other tipple machinery or by a separate 
 motor, and includes a reversing drive with bevel gears 
 and double cone clutches driving the drum through a 
 non-reversing worm wheel. Owing to this last feature, 
 no brake is needed to hold the boom at any desired po 
 Hoist, Mine. A winding machine or winch located at 
 or near the head of a mine shaft, and used for raising 
 the mined material and transporting men and construc 
 tion material. Steam and electric driven hoists are the 
 most common, and there is usually one geared reduction 
 between the source of power and the winding drum. Two 
 cages, cars or skips are generally installed, one acting as 
 a counterbalance for the other. Various arrangements 
 of conical and cylindro-conical drums are adapted, either 
 to aid the counterbalancing, or to automatically provide 
 for gradual acceleration and retardation. (See Drum, 
 Mine Hoist.) The hoist is generally handled by an op 
 erator located at the machine ; information as to the 
 location of the cages in the shaft is given by depth in 
 dicators. Overspeed and overhoisting protective devices 
 are also an essential part of the equipment to prevent 
 accident due to negligence of the operator or derange 
 ment of various mechanisms. (See Controller, Hoist; 
 Stop, Limit.) 
 Hoist, Monorail. A term often applied to a crane con 
 sisting of a hoist carried by a trolley traveling on an 
 overhead monorail track (see Trolley, Monorail; Mono 
 rail Track), as distinguished from one which runs on 
 two rails like an ordinary two girder overhead traveling 
 crane. It may vary in form from a simple hand chain 
 hoist on a trolley, with or without gearing for traveling, 
 to a full motor operated hoist and trolley with floor or 
 cage control. The cage controlled (or "man-trolley") 
 type is preferably distinguished as a telpher. (See 
 Telpher.) Also called tramway or trammail hoist; 
 transporter, and man-trolley. 
 Also, a hoist mounted on a monorail trolley 
 Page 774-804. 
 Hoist, Planetary Geared. A hoist in which a train of 
 planetary or epicyclic spur gearing is used to obtain a 
 large velocity ratio between the points of application of 
 power or hand pull, and of the load. Such hoists are 
 made for both hand and power drive, the latter usually 
 being by an electric motor. The gearing is arranged in 
 various manners; two examples will be given. In one, 
 a hand chain passing over a chain sheave rotates a 
 pinion. Equally spaced around the circumference of this 
 pinion, meshing with it and carried in a frame which can 
 rotate independently of the shaft mentioned, are two or 
 three internv. diatc gears each having fast to its side and 
 concentric with it a smaller gear which meshes with an 
 annular gear fast to the casing. The frame carrying 
 these intermediate gears is rigidly connected to a sleeve 
 surrounding the shaft of the hand chain sheave, and fast 
 on this sleeve is the load sheave, over which the load 
 chain is passed. Rotation of the hand chain shaft pinion 
 forces the intermediate gears to turn, and on account of 
 these meshing with the annular gear they are forced to 
 roll around inside of it. carrying with them the frame 
 and the load sheave. A large angular velocity ratio of 
 the hand to load shafts can be obtained with very few 
 shafts and gears ; consequently the efficiency is high, and 
 a load braki.- must be included to prevent involuntary 
 lowering. (See Brake, Load.) This is sometimes called 
 a triplex hoist. 
 In another hoist, also hand operated, the turning of the 
 hand chain wheel rotates a pair of small eccentrics 
 through a spur gear and two pinions. These rotate in 
 circular openings in a frame on which is mounted an 
 annular gear, giving it a gyratory motion, or a motion 
 of circular translation. The annular gear is always in 
 mesh with a spur gear to the shaft of which the load 
 sheave is fastened, and each gyration of the annular gear 
 causes the gear to rotate by an amount equal to the dif 
 ference in the numbers of teeth in the annular and gear. 
 For an example of planetary gearing applied to a 
 power operated hoist, see Hoist, Electric. 
 Page 203. 
 Hoist, Portable. A hoist which may be moved from 
 place to place and he hung on a support for lifting op 
 erations, as distinguished from one which is built into 
 a crane or other structure. (See Hoist, Independent.) 
 Hoist, Power. A hoist operated by power, as distin 
 guished from one which is manually operated. Air 
 steam, electricity, hydraulic power, internal combustion 
 engine and horse power are used. 
 Also, a hoist which is provided with a pulley for 
 driving from a line shaft or independent engine or motor. 
 Hoist, Reciprocating. An air or other power hoist, ar 
 ranged to reciprocate vertically for a short distance 
 regularly, and used for washing articles in baths, pickle, 
 etc. The liquid is thus agitated, and the material form 
 ing the load thoroughly washed. 
 In reciprocating air hoists the motion of the piston 
 rod itself is made to operate the valves at the top and 
 bottom of the stroke to give the desired motion. The 
 mechanism is similar to that used in a steam hammer. 
 Page 209. 
 Hoist, Screw Chain. A chain hoist in which the two 
 load sheaves are fast on the same shaft as a worm 
 wheel, which is in turn rotated by a worm wheel on an 
 other shaft at right angles to the first, and carrying a 
 chain sheave around which a hand chain is passed. The 
 two ends of the load cliain are dead-ended at the hook 
 and passed up over the load sheaves ; the loop hangs 
 down behind. 
 The thread angle of the worm gearing is generally 
 made such that it is self-sustaining, though efficiency is 
 thereby sacrificed. 
 Also called duplex hoist, from the duplication of load 
 chains and sheaves. 
 Page 204, 774-780. 
 Hoist, Skip. See Skip Hoist. 
 Hoist, Slope. A term applied to a winch or power- 
 driven winding machine which pulls cars up a slope by 
 rope haulage. Descending cars are usually balanced against 
 those ascending, and the engine has to overcome only 
 friction and the useful weight hauled. 
 Hoist, Steam. See Winch; Winch Engine; Hoist, Mine. 
 Hoist, Telescoping. A hoist used in locations where 
 material must be raised from a basement to or above 
 the sidewalk level, and which must be drawn below the 
 sidewalk when not in use. In one type the upper por 
 tion of a mast telescopes within or beside the fixed 
 lower portion, being raised to operating position by hand 
 crank through screw, chain or other gearing. The load 
 is hoisted by a chain hoist or a power winch. 
 Another type consists of a vertical cylinder below 
 grade with a plunger fitted into it and extending upward. 
 One end of the load hoisting rope is deadened at the 
 top of the fixed cylinder, the other has a hook for at 
 taching the load, and the rope is passed over guide 
 sheaves fixed in a crosshead at the top of the moving 
 plunger so that the load moves upward twice as fast 
 as the piston, and can be hoisted from the level of the 
 bottom of the cylinder nearly to the .level of the top 
 of the plunger when in its highest position. It is oper 
 ated by air, steam or water pressure as most con 
 venient, automatic valves being arranged to retard and 
 stop the plunger at the limits of the stroke. 
 This type of hoist is largely used for hoisting ashes 
 from basement boiler rooms, and is often called an 
 ash hoist. 
 Page 410. 
 Hoist, Trolley. A hoist which is built into the trolley 
 of an overhead crane, as distinguished from an inde 
 pendent hoist, or one which is hooked onto a trolley or 
 other point of support. 
 The most usual type is a four-wheel trolley built up 
 of two side frames and one or more cross girts or 
 separators, all of cast iron, cast steel, or structural steel 
 shapes and plates, rigidly fastened together. The four 
 wheels are on the ends of two axles, and have bearings 
 at each end in the two side frames. The driving motors, 
 brake mechanisms, and various other shafts supporting 
 the winding drum, gears and brake drums have their 
 bearings in the side frames or resting on the cross girts. 
 The hoisting gearing, in motor operated hoists, usually 
 consists of a double reduction train, a pinion on the 
 motor shaft driving a gear on an intermediate shaft, 
 which in turn has a pinion driving a gear on the drum 
 shaft. Occasionally a third reduction is obtained by a 
 second intermediate shaft. Two separate brakes are 
 provided, one being usually on the motor or the inter 
 mediate shaft. One is an electrical solenoid brake, ar 
 ranged so that it is always applied by powerful springs 
 or weights, unless current is passing through the circuit 
 of the hoisting motor (see Brake, Solenoid) ; the other 
 is mechanical, and operates only during the lowering of 
 the load (see Brake, Screw). (For a different system 
 of electrical braking, see Brake, Dynamic.) 
 The load is suspended by a wire rope block-and-tackle, 
 the top block being suspended from the cross girt (see 
 Girt, Load) and the lower or load block being located 
 at the load hook. One end of the load rope is fast to 
 the cross girt ; the other is wound on the drum. When 
 the drum is double scored for central lifting (see Drum) 
 there is a double system of ropes, and the rope is reeved 
 so that a locp resting over an equalizing sheave sup 
 ported from the cross girt replaces the two free ends. 
 (See Ropes, Arrangement of Moisting.) 
 A limit stop is provided to prevent overhoisting. (See 
 Stop. Limit. ) 
 Hoists are also built directly into monorail trolleys, 
 but it is more usual to have an independent hoist hooked 
 onto or bolted to a complete trolley. (See Trolley, 
 Monorail. ) 
 Page 774-804. 
 Hoist, Twin. An arrangement of two hoists on one 
 trolley which can be simultaneously operated to lift long 
 objects. The arrangement can be applied to bridge crane 
 trolleys, or to monorail trolleys having two trucks con 
 nected by swivels to a single frame. (Also called Dual 
 Hoist, Wire Rope. A drum hoist using wire rope for 
 the hoisting line, as distinguished from one using chain 
 or manila rope. (See Drum.) 
 Hoisting. Three systems of electric hoisting, out of a 
 great many that have been proposed, arc in widespread 
 use. The simplest and frequently the cheapest and most 
 efficient is the induction motor hoist. The drums are 
 ordinarily driven through a system of gears by the induc 
 tion wound rotor motor, speed being controlled by 
 insertion of a variable resistance in the rotor circuit. 
 Another system uses a direct current geared or direct 
 ccnnected series motor whose speed is controlled by 
 variation of impressed voltage in both polarity and mag 
 nitude by varying the field of the supply circuit generator. 
 A third system, usually the most expensive, is similar to 
 the latter but has a flywheel connected to the motor gen 
 erator set which supplies power to the hoist motor. The 
 flywheel accumulates energy during light periods and 
 generates electrical energy with this stored energy during 
 heavy loads, thereby lessening the peak loads on the cen 
 tral station supply system This system is especially effi 
 cient in reducing the peaks which many power plants 
 would be unable to carry. 
 Direct current affords more delicate speed control than 
 alternating current, but the latter has given complete sat 
 isfaction when used with slip ring motors in a large 
 number of installations. The induction motor operation 
 requires somewhat more skill than the direct current ma 
 chine due to use of resistance in the rotor circuit, but any 
 speed requirements can be met. 
 Main feed wire connections must be protected by fuses 
 or a circuit breaker and controlled by a switch in ac 
 cordance with the requirements of the National Board 
 of Fire Underwriters, and should be conveniently located 
 near the hoist and in plain sight. A connection diagram 
 is commonly attached to the inside of hoist controller 
 covers. Fuses and circuit breakers should open the line 
 at about double full load current as given on the hoist 
 motor rating, except under special conditions. 
 For any type of crane where the hoisting speed is as 
 high as 300 ft. per min., direct current is most satisfac 
 tory both as to operation and life of apparatus. With 
 load speeds of 150 ft. to 002 ft. per min. an alternating 
 current three-phase motor using a solenoid load brake can 
 be used. 
 Hoisting Engine. The engine, steam, air, gas, gaso 
 line, kerosene, oil used to run a hoist or hoisting winch. 
 Hoisting Line. In derricks, the line which does the 
 hoisting of the load, as distinguished from the boom 
 hoist, or topping lift, or slewing lines. 
 Hoisting Motor. A motor operating a hoist or hoisting 
 winch. Some small high-speed engines driven by com 
 pressed air are often termed motors, as are multiple 
 cylinder gasoline engines, and both are used to drive 
 hoists. Electric motors are, however, far more common, 
 and the term hoisting motor usually signifies one of 
 these. They may be classified as high-speed and low- 
 speed; alternating current (or A. C.) or direct current 
 (D. C.) ; series, shunt, compound, interpole, etc., ac 
 cording to the connections of the field and armature 
 circuits ; and as induction, repulsion, synchronous, in the 
 case of alternating current motors. 
 Hold-hook. A name sometimes applied to a hook at 
 tached to the bottom of a crane trolley, to which a load 
 can be transferred from the lifting hook when desired. 
 It is a regular part of the equipment for some types of 
 single-rope grab buckets, for holding the bucket while 
 it is being opened by slackening the closing line. (See 
 Bucket, Single-rope.) 
 Hook. A curved piece of metal so shaped as to retain 
 a rope, chain or similar fastening placed on it. Hooks 
 are generally forged, though the larger sizes are some 
 times of cast steel, and a few are laminated, or made up 
 from thin steel sheets riveted together. The parts of a 
 hook are: the shank, or standing part, rigidly connected 
 or swiveled to the lower block of the tackle, or having 
 an eye ; the body or curved portion, ending in the point, 
 which is turned sharply outward so as to retain lashings 
 passed around it and back of the shank, to prevent slings 
 from slipping off. The clear distance between the point 
 and the inside of the shank is called the opening. 
 Hooks should be made of material which will yield by 
 landing and not breaking, so that overloading can be 
 detected before the load is dropped. Double hooks, hav 
 ing prongs on each side of the shank, have less awkward 
 stresses imposed on them, and give more room for slings. 
 Page 312. 
 Hook, Double. A hook in which two prongs or points, 
 extending in opposite directions, are formed on the same 
 shank. Three or four prongs are occasionally used, to 
 give plenty of room for slings. These hooks are only 
 used fcr lifting heavy loads, and usually on large cranes. 
 Hook, Grab. A hoisting accessory consisting of a circle 
 or endless piece of chain having two hooks attached to 
 it on rings. The two hooks are caught under projec 
 tions on the object to be lifted, and the chain is looped 
 over a crane hook, when it assumes a triangular form, 
 thus lifting the object by two points. 
 Also, a ring having two long links on it with hooks 
 flexibly attached to their outer ends. The ring is hung 
 over the crane hook and the hooks caught on the ob 
 Also, a hook fastened on the end of a piece of chain 
 and formed with a narrow opening to slip flatwise over 
 one link of the chain, between the ends of two standing 
 Page 313. 
 Hook, Safety. A hook having a piece hinged to swing 
 down and lock over the point and prevent the slings 
 from slipping off. This piece may also be locked in the 
 open position. 
 Hook, Safety Detaching. A hook used for attaching a 
 car or cage to a cable in such locations as mine hoists, 
 where overhoisting may pull the cage through the head 
 structure, destroying both, and perhaps injuring men. In 
 one device the cable passes through a small opening in a 
 strong beam across the shaft at the stopping point ; if 
 the hook is hoisted against it, triggers are pushed in, re 
 leasing the top part of the hook with the cable, and at 
 the same time thrusting auxiliary hooks over the beam 
 in such a way .is to prevent the ear from falling to the 
 bottom of the shaft. 
 Hook, Safety Hand Grip. A crane hook which lias a 
 handle formed on the back so that it can be safely held 
 and shifted by hand, without danger of injury from slip 
 ping slings, etc. 
 Hook, Slip. A hook attached to the end of a piece of 
 cliain, and formed to pass through a ring or over the 
 Hook, Split Girder. A hook specially designed for lilt 
 ing steel girders having stiffeiiers. It consists of two 
 hooks with split points, having an iron ring passing 
 through their eyes. The split points set over the stiffeners 
 on opposite sides of the girder. 
 Hook, Swiveling. A book arranged with a shank which 
 can turn in a bearing, the load being carried on a plain 
 collar lormed on the shank, or by ball or roller bear 
 ings interposed between the collar and the yoke. 
 Hook, Trip. A type of hook used where it is necessary 
 to drop the load suddenly, as in breaking castings, etc. 
 The lower part of the hook is hinged to the standing 
 part or shank and is held by a trigger or catch which 
 can l>e released by pulling a cord, allowing the hook to 
 tip forward. 
 Hooks, Ladle. The pair of special elongated books 
 which hang from a ladle lifting l>eam, and support the 
 pouring ladle by its trunnions. 
 Hooks, Sister. Two hooks, with points turned toward 
 each other, on the same shackle or ring. They virtually 
 form an eye, though the sling does not have to be reeved 
 through them. 
 Hopper. A temporary container for bulk material 
 shaped like a funnel, but with four rial tapering sides 
 arranged like an inverted truncated pyramid, with the 
 large end up and generally open, and the small end 
 down and generally closed by a gate or valve. 
 Hoppers serve for solids in bulk the same purpose 
 that funnels do for liquids, that of receiving intermit 
 tently a large flow or a flow of large cross sectional 
 area, and delivering it through an outlet in a much 
 smaller stream, continuously if desired, and in any case 
 controlled by a gate or valve. 
 Hoppers are built of steel plates, wood and concrete, 
 the latter being more common where the structure is 
 beneath or close to the ground level. (See Hopper, 
 Track.) The sides are usually sloped sufficiently to 
 allow complete discharge of the contained material. 
 Hopper, Belt Loading. A hopper interposed between 
 storage bins or chutes and a belt conveyor, for the pur 
 pose of delivering the material to the belt evenly and in 
 the direction of travel. This reduces wear and tear, 
 especially when gritty material is handled, and loads the 
 belt more uniformly. It usually travels on rails parallel 
 ing the belt, and has extra troughing or concentrating 
 rolls to assist in placing the load along the middle of 
 the belt. The hopper may be moved by hand and 
 fastened by track clamps under the desired outlet, or 
 may be electrically self-propelled when large and massive, 
 as in ore handling plants. 
 Also called a traveling hopper. 
 Hopper, Double Flow. A hopper having two discharge 
 openings, each controlled by a suitable gate, so that the 
 contents may be drawn from either one separately or 
 both simultaneously. 
 Hopper, Floor. A portable hopper, elevated on sup 
 ports which enable it to stand on a level floor, and with 
 a gate controlled spout at one side near the bottom. 
 Such a hopper is widely used in connection with concrete 
 chute distributing systems, to receive continuously from 
 the end of a discharge chute and deliver intermittently to 
 \\lufl-harro\\s or to act as a charging hopper at a re- 
 elevating tower in a continuous line plant. 
 Hopper, Mast. A form of circular or funnel-shaped 
 hopper having a single eccentrically placed discharge 
 opening, and also a cylindrical partition passing vertical 
 ly through its center to one side of the discharge open 
 ing. This form of hopper may lie titled over the mast 
 of a guyed derrick and be used to receive concrete 
 (lumped from a bucket; the discharge spout of the 
 hopper leads to a chute used for distributing and plac 
 ing the concrete. 
 Hopper, Receiving. In systems of distributing concrete 
 by chutes, a hopper fastened against an outside face of 
 the tower (see Tower. Concrete) and receiving the con 
 crete from the concrete elevator bucket when the latter 
 has been hoisted to its dumping point inside of the tower. 
 Some have vertical backs and are placed close against 
 the tower ; others have a vertical front with an ex 
 tended gate so that they may discharge into carts. If 
 the concrete bucket dumps inside the tower, the hopper 
 must extend partly inside to receive its contents, other 
 wise the hopper is entirely outside. 
 Hopper, Reclaiming. A hopper generally set level with 
 the ground into which bulk material as coal or sand is 
 scraped or dumped on reclaiming from a storage pile. 
 In coal storage plants it is often identical or in the same 
 pit with the receiving track hopper. 
 Hopper, Side Discharge. A hopper in which the dis 
 charge opening is in the side, the bottom sloping so as 
 to cause the contents to slide in that direction. 
 When used as an ash pit beneath a boiler, the ash car 
 runs on a track beside the hopper, and all ashes not 
 flowing directly into the car when the sliding gate is 
 raised, arc easily dragged into it by a hoe. 
 Hopper, Track. A large hopper permanently installed 
 beneath a line of railway track, and used to receive 
 the contents of a hopper bottom dump car. It usually 
 consists of a masonry pit, having two deep girders 
 spanning it and carrying- the rails, and with a steel 
 hopper fitted around these girders, and extending be- 
 vond them at the sides. An automatic feeder is usually 
 placed beneath the hopper, receiving the material from 
 it and delivering it to a system of conveyors. 
 The slope of the hopper sides is such as to make it 
 completely self-emptying. If sufficient length is required 
 to dump a whole car at once, a double hopper is used, 
 being merely a duplication of the arrangement already 
 Also called a dump hopper. 
 Track hoppers may also be arranged to feed skip 
 hoists ; the automatic skip feeder then takes the form of 
 a measuring chute or spout which fills when turned up 
 to be out of the way, and dumps its load into the skip 
 bucket when turned down. 
 Hopper, Two-way, Two-way Switch. A hopper having 
 two discharge openings, with a flap or swinging gate for 
 turning the flow out of either discharge at pleasure. It 
 is used for controlling the distribution of bulk material 
 Ix ing conveyed by chutes, like concrete. 
 Hopper, Traveling. A hopper mounted on wheels run 
 ning on a track along which it may be moved. This is 
 done generally with the object of loading a horizontal 
 conveyor at different fixed locations determined by 
 spouts or bin discharges, or at variable locations de 
 termined by the temporary position of a digging or 
 handling machine like a locomotive crane equipped with a 
 grab bucket. (See also Hopper, Belt Loading.) 
 Hopper-bottom. Having the lower part shaped like a 
 hopper, said of cars, bins, storage pockets, bunkers, etc. 
 Where several discharge points are allowable in a 
 storage bin or pocket, two, four or some multiple num 
 ber of hoppers may be formed in the bottom, increas 
 ing the bin capacity by eliminating the long sloping 
 sides that would be necessary with a single hopper 
 Hopper Grizzly. A bar grating or screen across a hop 
 per opening which is set level with a floor for receiv 
 ing the sand dumped from foundry flasks, etc. 
 Horsepower. A commonly used unit of mechanical 
 power, representing the rate of expenditure of energy 
 required to do 33,000 foot-pounds of mechanical work 
 per minute. 
 I-beam. A rolled steel bar having a cross-section 
 shaped like the letter I. The size is designated by the 
 height of the I ; for each height there is a standard 
 width of flange, and also several different thicknesses. 
 The weight is specified in pounds per running foot. 
 Idler. A sheave or pulley which runs free, without 
 transmitting power, and merely serves to guide or sup 
 port rope or chain. Movable idlers are also used as 
 tighteners for rope and belt drives, and are especially 
 valuable in giving a large arc of contact where it 
 would otherwise be small, due to the short distance 
 between centers. 
 Impact. The act of striking against something; a sud 
 den blow, involving usually transfer of momentum from 
 one body to the other, or transformation of mechanical 
 energy into heat. 
 Incline Dummy. A car with a permanent heavy load, 
 used as a counterbalance on an incline cable car haul when 
 only one working car is used. 
 Indicator. An instrument used for determining the 
 power developed by a reciprocating engine. Also, any 
 mechanism which shows or indicates the position, con 
 dition, quantity or quality of something, as a depth, 
 speed, pressure or polarity indicator. 
 (See also Hoist, Independent.) 
 Indicator, Depth. A device attached to a mine hoist 
 by which the operator can observe the vertical location 
 of the car in the shaft. 
 Indicator, Trip. A device attached to a mine or other 
 hoist by which a graphical record is made of the daily 
 operation. It shows the number of trips, their time, the 
 time and duration of delays, stops, etc. 
 Indicator Wheel and Stand. A device for operating and 
 indicating the position of turnheads or distributing 
 spouts at the head of grain elevators. One type consists 
 of a lever mounted on a vertical shaft which also 
 serves as the turnhead step bearing; this lever has a latch 
 engaging notches on a fixed wheel mounted on a stand. 
 Another type consists of a wire rope wheel having leads 
 which operate the turnhead ; a fixed latch engages notches 
 in the moving wheel to hold it in the desired position. 
 Inertia. That property of matter by which it tends to 
 remain at rest if originally at rest, or to continue to 
 move at uniform velocity in a straight line if originally 
 in motion. It requires more power to start material 
 to moving than to continue its motion after it is started, 
 and greater stresses are developed in machines at the 
 time of sudden starting and stopping than occur when 
 they are operating uniformly. As examples, the bridge 
 of an overhead traveling crane is subject to heavy side 
 stresses due to inertia when traveling on the runway 
 if suddenly started or stopped, and the boom of a 
 locomotive crane receives similar excessive stresses when 
 slewing is started or stopped suddenly. 
 Inertia, Moment of. The moment of inertia of an area 
 \vith respect to a given axis is the limit of the summa 
 tion of the products of the elementary areas into which 
 the area may be considered as divided by the square 
 of the distance of the elementary areas from the axis. 
 There are several moments of area of a section, ac 
 cording to the location of the axis, and these appear 
 i i calculations of the strength of beam;., trusses, can 
 tilevers, shafts, etc., including practically all machine 
 and structure parts. 
 Injector. A device by which the kinetic energy of a jet 
 of steam flowing into a conical tube can be transferred 
 to water supplied to the same conical tube, giving it 
 such a high velocity that it can pass into a boiler or 
 overcome other resistance to flow. When properly 
 designed an injector will also lift water a considerable 
 distance on the suction side. 
 Considered simply as a means of moving a liquid, it 
 is inefficient, but if the heat added to the water is of 
 value, as in feeding a boiler, it is an efficient device. 
 Jack. A compact self-contained portable mechanism 
 for lifting or otherwise moving very heavy loads through 
 small distances by the application of hand power. In 
 addition to producing bodily motion, jacks are used for 
 forcing tightly fitted parts apart or together. The larger 
 the load lifted, the smaller the speed of lifting, and in 
 general, the heavier the jack. 
 According to the type of mechanism tney are termed 
 screw jacks, lever jacks, air jacks and hydraulic jacks. 
 Jack, Air. A lifting jack in which air under pressure is 
 n-^ed to force up the piston or plunger and lift the load. 
 Jack, Ball Bearing. A jack, generally of the screw 
 type, in which one or two sets of ball thrust bearings 
 are placed so as to carry the load and eliminate any 
 metal to metal rubbing contact except along the thread 
 of the screw. 
 Jack, Claw Type. A jack which has a foot or claw 
 attached to the moving ram, but extending down near 
 the jack base, so that it may be hooked under a part 
 where there is insufficient space for the full height of 
 the jack to be inserted. Otherwise a special low -jack 
 must be used. 
 Claw jacks are made in the hydraulic and the rack 
 and lever types. 
 Jack, Hydraulic. A form of jack in which the load to 
 be lifted rests on a plunger fitting in a cylinder, and a 
 hand pump delivers a liquid from a reservoir in the 
 head into the space beneath the plunger, thus forcing 
 it and the load, upward. They arc made in various types, 
 and capacities up to several hundred tons. 
 The common form has a base on which is formed a 
 hollow vertical cylinder. Into this cylinder fits a hol 
 low plunger which is enlarged at its upper end to form 
 the head for carrying the load, and also for the reservoir 
 to hold the supply of liquid. Suitable packing on the 
 lower end of the plunger prevents leakage between 
 plunger and cylinder. A hand lever reciprocates a short 
 shaft in the head, and a lever inside the latter operates 
 by means of a vertical rod, a piston pump in the lower 
 end of the plunger, drawing liquid from the head and 
 forcing it through the bottom of the plunger into the 
 space beneath, thus forcing the plunger to rise. The 
 operating lever has a lug on one side which limits its 
 motion in one direction ; when turned over in the socket 
 this limitation is removed and the pump piston may be 
 forced downward farther, touching a valve stem and 
 opening it so as to allow the liquid to flow back into the 
 head, thus lowering the jack. 
 The load lifted depends on the ratio of the plunger 
 area to that of the pump piston. The liquid used is 
 water, oil, alcohol or some special mixture; it should be 
 non-corrosive and non-freezing. 
 Jack, Hydraulic, Double Pump. A hydraulic jack hav 
 ing two pumps of different sixes. The larger pump is 
 used for running the plunger out rapidly, and for light 
 loads ; the smaller pump is used for heavy lifting. 
 Jack, Hydraulic, Independent Pump. A jack having 
 cylinder and ram made as short as possible, and operated 
 by an independent pump connected by flexible metallic 
 lulling. It can be inserted in narrow spaces, as, for 
 forcing pulleys or propellers from their shafts, etc. 
 Jack, Hydraulic, Low Type. A hydraulic jack in which 
 the pump and reservoir are at one side, thus making the 
 total height much less and enabling it to be used in 
 cramped spaces. 
 Jack, Rack and Lever. A jack consisting of an iron 
 base with a post, on which is pivoted a horizontal lever 
 having pawls on each side of the fulcrum. The ram 
 slides vertically within the post and has a rack cut on 
 the side toward the pawls which engage with the teeth 
 when the lever is oscillated. A shifting part having 
 cam surfaces will operate the pawls to lift the ram or to 
 lower it as the lever is oscillated, according to its posi 
 tion. In some cases the shifting part cannot be set to 
 lower, but will drop its load ; this is used for railroad 
 track work and other places where dropping does no 
 harm, and speed of action is important. 
 In another type of lever jack, the lever is separate, and 
 is fitted into a socket; it may occupy two positions in the 
 socket, according to whether lowering or raising is de 
 sired. In one case this depends on the distance the 
 lever is pushed into the socket, and in another, on which 
 side of the lever is turned up. 
 Jack, Screw. A jack in which a screw receives a torque 
 from an outside source of power, generally hand, and 
 transforms a portion of that torque into thrust or trans 
 lation which is applied to the object to be moved. The 
 screw revolves through a nut fixed in the jack base, or, 
 in some cases, the screw rises without turning while the 
 nut is rotated by hand power. The range is limited by 
 the length of the screw. 
 The base is generally enlarged toward the bottom, 
 giving rise to the name of bell-base jack, or bottle 
 Jack, Screw, Differential. A screw jack having two 
 screws of different pitches to the same hand, and 
 usually placed one inside of the other. By a proper 
 selection of the two pitches, great lifting power may be 
 secured by ordinary hand operation, but at the expense 
 of -speed of lifting. 
 Jack, Screw, with Lever and Ratchet. A screw jack in 
 which the screw is rotated by means of the up and down 
 motion of a hand lever actuating the screw through a 
 ratchet operating on a ratchet wheel fast to the screw. 
 Occasionally a pair of bevel gears or a worm and wheel 
 are used in connection with the ratchet mechanism and 
 the vertically oscillating lever. 
 Jack, Screw, Plain. A screw jack in which the screw 
 is rotated by a bar, thrust through one of the holes 
 across the head. A cap or bearing plate rests loosely 
 on this head to support the load which does not re 
 volve during lifting. 
 Jack, Screw, Telescopic. A screw jack having two 
 screws, one within the other, thus affording a greater 
 lifting range than the ordinary single screw jack. 
 Jack Shaft. An intermediate shaft, connected by trans 
 mission chain or rope or by belting to a source of power 
 as ,111 engine or motor pulley, or a line shaft, and de 
 livering power to one or more machines by similar 
 means. The object of a jack shaft is usually to secure 
 a large speed ratio between the driving and driven 
 shafts without a disproportionate ratio between pulleys, 
 hut other objects such as th<? necessity of getting past 
 an obstacle, or, in Me c;;sc of an auto truck, the avoid 
 ing of a huge differential on the rear axle, often make 
 the jack shaft a desirable feature. 
 Jack, Traversing. A jack which is mounted on a flat 
 base along which it can be slid by rotating a horizontal 
 screw placed in the base and operating through a nut 
 in the bottom of the jack. It can lift a load, move it 
 sideways and deposit it again in a new position, thus ex 
 tending its field of usefulness. 
 Jack, Universal. A jack which has a ball and socket 
 bearing plate at the top, and perhaps at the base, to al 
 low flat contact. 
 Jack-knifing. In a derrick, the term applied to the in 
 voluntary and undesirable raising of the boom sometimes 
 occurring when a heavy load is being lifted. It is due 
 principally to having the load line led from the boom 
 point to a sheave well up on the mast instead of near 
 its foot. The load line pull is thus tending to raise the 
 boom, and if the block and tackle purchase is such that 
 the load would descend with this raising of the boom, it 
 may occur involuntarily at certain angles of the latter. 
 Jet, Water. A spray nozzle inserted in a line of pipe 
 conveying a dusty material like ashes, to wet them and 
 thus prevent a dusty discharge. 
 Jib. A horizontal arm forming one of the principal 
 parts of one class of cranes. The load is suspended 
 by ropes or chains from a trolley or traveller, which 
 can move on wheels in or out along the jib. The jib 
 may swing horizontally, or, with the structure on which 
 it is fixed, may be moved along a track or runway, but 
 the jib does not change its inclination with the hor 
 izontal while handling the load. In some special cases 
 the jib is operated in an inclined position, as in inclined- 
 cantilever-jib wharf cranes, but this is a fixed working 
 position, and the trolley moves along the jib while carry 
 ing the load, the same as if the jib were horizontal. 
 Jib, Retracting. A jib which telescopes lengthwise. It 
 is sometimes used on cantilever gantry cranes for cargo 
 handling work, with a trolley which can carry loads 
 from the cargo hatch to the pier. The possibility of 
 retracting allows the crane to be moved along the pier 
 without interference from the rigging of the vessel. 
 Also called extensible jib. 
 Jinniwink. See Derrick, Jinniwink. 
 Joint, Flexible. A pipe joint so constructed that it can 
 turn or swing without leaking; generally constructed on 
 the ball and socket principle. 
 Also, any joint between two parts which allows a 
 certain amount of relative freedom of motion. 
 Joint, Universal. Sec Universal Joint. 
 Journal. A portion of a transversely loaded rotating 
 shatf which is enclosed by a bearing, and is sometimes 
 slightly enlarged or reduced at the point where the 
 tearing is located. In a general way the diameter of 
 the journal is determined by the load the shaft is sup 
 porting transversely or transmitting in torsion, and its 
 length by the requirement that the bearing area per 
 square inch of projected area shall not be above a cer 
 tain limit. This bearing area per square inch varies for 
 different classes of work, and it is dependent on the ten 
 dency to heat under various conditions. 
 Key, Cross. A key which passes through an elongated 
 slot in a shaft, and extends out beyond its surface on 
 each side. It is generally used in connection with a 
 thrust pin located in an axial hole in the center of the 
 shaft, this pin pushing against the key and moving it 
 along the slot in the shaft when desired. Used in this 
 way it is also called a push key or thrust key, and is 
 used as part of the operating gear or friction drums on 
 Key, Lug. A small projection formed on the body of a 
 bolt directly beneath the head, which enters a correspond 
 ing hole in the part through which the bolt is passed 
 and prevents the bolt from rotating. Instead of being 
 formed in one piece, the lug is sometimes simply a small 
 pin set into a drilled hole in the bolt body or head. 
 King Pin. The pivot or central stud or bolt connect 
 ing the moving with the fixed part in a turntable or 
 swivelling truck. It is usually formed so that the 
 rotating part cannot lie lifted off by an overturning or 
 upward force. 
 King Post. The nautical term for the post or mast of 
 a derrick as installed on shipboard for cargo handling, 
 (See Derrick, Ship.) 
 Also, the principal strut in a simple form of truss 
 known as king post truss. Derrick booms are occasion 
 ally trussed with four king posts placed at right angles 
 around the boom at its middle point. (See Boom, 
 Lagging. A covering laid on the outside of engine 
 cylinders, boilers, etc., to prevent the loss of heat by 
 radiation. It is usually made of substances which do not 
 conduct heat, 1 ke magnesia and asbestos, and is fitted 
 in blocks or molded while in a plastic condition. Canvas, 
 sheet metal or wood are often added to make a service 
 able finished surface. 
 Also, pieces of wood secured to the cylindrical sur 
 face of a pulley or winding drum to increase its diam 
 eter or to furnish a wood in place of a metal surface. 
 Lang s-Lay. See Wire Rope, Lay of. 
 Larry. A small car running on a track, hand or power 
 propelled, which receives bulk material from one or 
 more storage bins and delivers it to the places where 
 it is to be used, making regular trips from one to the 
 other. The load is discharged by bottom or side dumping, 
 or, if the car body is of the hopper form, by opening one 
 or more gates in the hopper bottom and discharging 
 through a spout. 
 Page 832. 
 Larry, Weighing. A larry which has its load carrying 
 body or hopper mounted on scale irons, so that it weighs 
 the load it carries. The weighing may be automatically 
 performed and recorded, it may require the insertion of 
 a card and pulling of a lever to print the weight, or it 
 may require the balancing of a beam or the reading of 
 a dial. Where several materials have to be gathered into 
 the same load, as in blast furnace work, as many dif 
 ferent scale beams may be provided, permanently set for 
 each of the materials. Each lever is connected up with 
 the scales by means of a hand lever controlled by the 
 In boiler room larries. the scale beam or dial is usually 
 suspended close to the floor, so that the boiler room 
 attendant can weight all coal discharged into the stoker 
 magazines without climbing a ladder. 
 Page 832-835. 
 Latch. A device for temporarily holding two parts in a 
 definite relation, but which can be easily released. It 
 usually consists of a piece pivoted at one end to the 
 first part and with a hook at the other end which can 
 engage a notch, groove or corresponding depression in 
 the other part. Sometimes the hook end is missing and 
 the straight latch simply rotates into a hook provided 
 on the second part. Sometimes called a dog. 
 Lattice. Criss-cross bracing of flat bars or structural 
 shapes, riveted to two parallel structural steel members 
 to rigidly connect them and make them act as one to 
 resist external loading. (See Girder, Lattice.) 
 Lay. The term applied to the placing of the strands 
 of a rope in their proper relative position. (See also 
 Wire Rope, Lay of.) 
 Lead, of a Rope. The course it follows from end to 
 end. A clear lead signifies that the rope extends in a 
 straight line, without any interference necessitating guide 
 Leaf. One screen of a set of shaking screens arranged 
 one above the other, and operated by the same mechan 
 ism, Also called a deck. (Sec Screen, Shaking.) 
 Lehr. An oven in which objects can be slowly cooled 
 by the process of gradually removing them from a loca 
 tion of high temperature to a low one. In the glass lehr, 
 this range of temperature may be from 1400 deg. at one 
 end to room temperature at the other. Formerly articles 
 were placed on iron trays or pans which rested on one 
 of two sets of rods ; by proper raising and horizontal 
 moving of the rods at intervals, the pans could be grad 
 ually worked along the lehr. In modern installations an 
 apron conveyor is more common. Special arrangements 
 are necessary to keep the high temperature from warping 
 the plates and injuring the chains. 
 Lever. One of the elementary mechanisms, consisting 
 of a straight part acted upon by two forces in the same 
 plane each of which tends to rotate it about a fixed 
 point called a fulcrum. If the lever is a straight bar, 
 three kinds of levers are often designated according to 
 the relative positions of the fulcrum, and points of appli 
 cation of the resistance or load to be lifted, and the 
 force applied. Many levers are bent, however, (see 
 Bell-crank), and the classification is inapplicable to 
 these, and is inadvisable in any case. 
 Levers are widely used ; separately, as in crow-bars ; 
 or in machines, as brake levers, scale beams, controlling 
 levers for steam winches, etc. 
 Levers, Banked. The term applied to an assembly of 
 the various hand operating and brake levers of a loco 
 motive crane, winch, mine hoist, etc., when arranged 
 in a row and each connected by links and rockers to the 
 proper part of the machine. Each lever is usually 
 retained in a desired position by a latch engaging a 
 notched quadrant. Foot levers for brakes, etc., may 
 also be located in a bank. 
 Lever, Friction Hand. A hand lever used for operating 
 a friction clutch, this type of clutch often being called 
 simply a "friction," especially in winches. 
 Lie-leg. See Sill. 
 Lift. The extent of rise or distance through which 
 anything is raised, as, a crane having a large lift. 
 The weight of a load lifted by a crane, as, a ten ton lift. 
 The cycle of operations of a crane, as, the crane makes 
 twenty lifts per hour. 
 An elevator or dumbwaiter (British). 
 Lighter. A floating craft of full body, with or without 
 means of self-propulsion, designed and used for the 
 transfer of cargo between a vessel and the shore or 
 wharf, or between vessels. A crane or other cargo 
 handling gear is often included. (See also Barge.) 
 Lighter, Fueling. See Lighter, Self-Unloading Coal. 
 Lighter, Self-Unloading Coal. A lighter equipped with 
 hopper bottom holds or bins from which coal can be fed 
 to a longitudinal conveyor leading to one end of the 
 lighter. Here the conveyor runs up an incline, or else 
 delivers to another conveyor which elevates the coal 
 sufficiently for it to be discharged to the ship s bunkers 
 through gravity chutes from a telescoping spout that 
 can lie -\\ung either side. Also called fueling lighter. 
 Limit Stop. See Stop, Limit. 
 Limit Switch, Track Type. A mechanism operated by 
 a car, skip or elevator running on rails or guides, which 
 disconnects the operating motor from the line (thereby 
 usually automatically applying the brakes) when the 
 proper stopping point has been reached. It is usually 
 in the form of a stop or contact placed near the rails 
 and operated by a projecting part of the car. 
 Limit Switch, Traveling Cam. A device for controlling 
 the operation of an electrically driven power hoist, caus 
 ing the stopping, dumping or some other operation to 
 occur at a predetermined point, and consisting of a screw 
 rotated by the hoisting drum shaft, which moves a 
 cam longitudinally, in proportion to the car travel. This 
 cam, which is adjustable, operates the switch. For an 
 application, see Skip Hoist, Automatic. 
 Line. In hoisting, hauling, fastening, etc., a commonly 
 used general term for a rope, chain or cord, especially 
 when used for some particular purpose, as a tag-line, 
 hand line, etc. The terms rope and line are used inter 
 changeably, but since the word line has so many diverse 
 meanings, rope is preferable when appropriate, as hoist 
 ing rope, trip rope, etc. 
 Liner. A piece of metal, usually a narrow strip, used 
 for tilling a space between two steel plates or between a 
 plate and a structural shape. 
 Lining, Brake. An asbestos fabric woven in various 
 widths and thicknesses, with or without interwoven 
 metal wires, and used as a lining for one of the rubbing 
 surfaces in some forms of clutches and brakes, where 
 the service is intermittent and pressures moderate. 
 Link. A part of a machine which receives motion from 
 one part and transmits it to another a single element 
 in the mechanism. 
 Also, one of the separate pieces of which a chain is 
 Live Load. A load which is not static or dead; a load 
 which varies in amount or moves in location. (See 
 Factor of Safety.) 
 Load. A force applied from without or externally, 
 measured in pounds, or tons. Also, in cranes and hoists, 
 the useful weight lifted. 
 Load, Dead. Static or non-moving load; load which 
 does not vary. The dead load of a structure is usually 
 the weight of the structure itself, though other dead 
 load may be added, as for example goods stored on the 
 various floors of a warehouse or on a wharf. (See 
 Load, Live.) 
 Load, Live. A dynamic or moving load, a load which 
 is varying rapidly, or which is applied suddenly or with 
 velocity. The stresses from such live leads may amount 
 to many times those arising from dead loads of equal 
 amount, and much larger factors of safety are necessary. 
 Loads moving on wheels or rollers like crane trolleys 
 or bucket convevors are considered live loads, as are 
 quick running machines in buildings above the ground 
 Load, Pay. Useful or net load; gross weight minus 
 weight of car, container, etc. 
 Load Rope or Load Chain. In a hoist or crane, the 
 rope or chain on which the load is lifted. Also, in 
 hoisting tackle, the part of rope or chain which leads 
 directly to the load. 
 Loader, Box Car. A machine which places bulk ma 
 terial in box cars, either at the ends or uniformly di-- 
 tributcd over the length. Such material is shipped in 
 box cars cither because it must be protected from dirt 
 or the weather, or because open-top bottom-dump cars 
 are not available. 
 The car loaders in common use involve pneumatic, 
 belt, bucket, flight or screw conveyors, or are of the 
 centrifugal or throwing type, or of the car tipping type. 
 Page 273, 769, 837-840. 
 Loader, Box Car, Belt, Bucket or Flight Conveyor 
 Type. A box car loader which consists of a short 
 section of conveyor so arranged that it can be placed 
 inside of a box car, and deliver material from the side 
 door entrance to the ends of the car. One type has the 
 conveyor section mounted on a frame carried by an 
 arm pivoted at a fixed point beside the track. The car 
 is brought alongside, the conveyor section is swung 
 in, with its discharge end (which can be raised as the 
 car is loaded) at one end of the car, and its receiving 
 end opposite the center door and near the floor. An 
 other short conveyor section or chute suspended from 
 an elevated pocket or from the discharge end of an 
 elevating conveyor delivers the material to the inside 
 conveyor which carries it to the end of the car. When 
 one end is filled, the conveyor is swung to the other 
 end of the car. 
 Another type, referred to as portable, has the con 
 veyor mounted on wheels, allowing it to be pushed into 
 the car by the operator, The feeding chute or conveyor 
 is also placed by hand, usually being swiveled or other 
 wise suspended from an overhead hopper or pocket. 
 The above conveyors extend well to the end of the 
 car and deposit the material with little velocity, start 
 ing delivery near the floor and gradually raising the 
 discharge as the pile grows, thus minimizing breakage. 
 Other shorter types, which are more easily manipulated 
 in and out of the car doors, are fitted with short belt 
 conveyor sections, and rely on a high velocity of the belt 
 to throw the material beyond the end of the conveyor, 
 filling the car to its end. 
 The central part of the car can be filled from the 
 feeding spout after the internal conveyor has been 
 withdrawn, provided the strength of the car will allow 
 this additional weight. 
 Page 277, 769, 837-840. 
 Loader, Box Car; Centrifugal or Throwing Type. A 
 box car loader which is set on the car iloor opposite 
 the middle door of the car, and consists of a rotating 
 cage with radial hladcs, driven by a motor. The ma 
 terial to be handled, as coal, is fed into the center of 
 the rotating cage by a belt, screw or other conveyor 
 from an outside supply, and is thrown from it by the 
 centrifugal force due to rapid rotation. A cast iron 
 cylinder with a side opening surrounds the rotor ; this 
 opening can be turned to either side and thus govern 
 the direction of throwing, allowing both ends of the 
 car to be filled at one setting. Two rotaries may also 
 be combined in one machine in such a way as to load 
 both ends of the car simultaneously. 
 The hopper into which the coal is loaded may be on 
 the same side as the driving motor car or opposite to it; 
 these arrangements are known as rear feed and front 
 feed, respectively. 
 Page 277. 
 Loader, Box Car, Tipping or Tilting Type. A box car 
 loader in which the car to be loaded is fastened between 
 stops on a tilting platform which allows it to be tipped 
 up to an angle of about 60 dcg. Also called a rocking 
 box car loader. 
 Loader, Box Car, Trough and Pusher Type. A device 
 for loading box cars with bulk material, slightly curved 
 in a vertical plane and so supported on an arm that it 
 can be swung easily into a box car and placed parallel 
 to its center line. It reciprocates horizontally past the 
 supply, and when at its full stroke toward one end of 
 the car, a pusher is moved the length of the trough by 
 a chain, forcing the material out ahead of it and dropping 
 it onto the pile on the floor. The trough is then moved 
 to the other end, receiving its load as it passes the 
 chute, and the operation is repeated. 
 Loader, Drag Line Scraper. A scoop-shaped implement 
 for loading bulk material into wagons or open top cars 
 by dragging it over or through the material by wire 
 ropes operated from a power driven two-drum winch. 
 The vehicle must be located below the level from which 
 loading takes place, or else an incline must be arranged. 
 The device is extensively used in mines for loading coal 
 from the working face into cars in the main haulways. 
 The scoop, which is sometimes in the form of a pan 
 loaded partly by hand, and sometimes a double V-shaped 
 steel structure without top or bottom, is back-hauled by 
 a rope attached to its rear end and wound on one of 
 the drums. It is then dragged parallel to the working 
 face by passing the drag rope leading to the other drum 
 around properly placed guide sheaves, gathering its load 
 as it goes, and finally is pulled the length of the room 
 and dumped into the car in the haulway, the scraper 
 and load riding over the smooth floor of the room. 
 Loader, Elevator Type, for Coaling Vessels. A bucket 
 elevator used for raising coal from a barge and dump 
 ing it into the bunkers of the ship alongside which the 
 barge is placed. It consists of the bucket elevator, chain 
 operated, passing around sprockets at the top and bottom 
 of a frame which is lashed in a vertical position to the 
 side of the ship. Another frame can be slid vertically 
 on the elevator frame and carries a hopper, spout and 
 three sprockets around which the chain and buckets 
 pass on their upward journey in such a way as to dump 
 the coal into the hopper, discharging it through the 
 spout into the coaling port in the vessel s side. The 
 sliding part enables adjustments to be made for ports of 
 varying elevation above the water and for varying 
 depths of coal in the barge. The lower end of the 
 elevator rests in the coal and feeds downward ; when it 
 reaches the bottom it may be fed by hand shoveling, or 
 it may be raised, the barge warped along under it, and 
 it may then be fed downward in a new place. 
 Another type consists of an ordinary bucket elevator 
 enclosed in a casing, and driven by a motor mounted 
 beneath the head sprocket. The boot is open at the bot 
 tom and is self-feeding by being lowered into the ma 
 terial. The discharge is into a flexible spout which is 
 also telescopic, to allow for raising or lowering of the 
 unloader on account of changing levels. The unloader 
 is operated while suspended by tackle from an eye in 
 the top of the casting. 
 Page 828, 831. 
 Loader, Portable. A machine for raising bulk or pack 
 age material from the floor or ground to the level of a 
 vehicle which is to transport it, and which is made 
 portable by being mounted on wheels. Such a machine is 
 usually driven by power electric motor or gasoline en 
 gine. If the material to be loaded is in bulk, as coal, 
 gravel, sand, etc., the loader may be self-feeding or may 
 require feeding by band. The most common type in 
 volves a bucket or flight conveyor, and the height of 
 delivery can be changed by changing the slope of the 
 conveyor, within proper limits. Such a portable load 
 may also be used as a feeder to a line of conveyor. (See 
 Loader, Wagon.) 
 Page 768, 771, 773, 837-840. 
 Loader, Shovel Type. A loading machine in which a 
 scoop or shovel is mechanically operated, sliding under 
 the material on the floor, raising it to the dumping level 
 and there dumping it by inverting it backward, or by 
 tipping downward in front. The first type acts like a 
 man lifting and throwing a shovelful over his shoulder; 
 the second like ;\ man turning with the loaded shovel, 
 but emptying it by tipping it downward, instead of 
 "throwing the contents as is usually done by hand. 
 Loader, Truck, Portable. A portable inclined elevator 
 generally oi the apron type, of suitable dimensions and 
 adjustability to load motor trucks, from the ground. The 
 apron often has a curve projecting for a short distance 
 beyond the top end of the incline so as to reach further 
 over into the truck. For successive tiers, the end of 
 the loader may be raised, usually by hand. 
 Page 761, 768, 770. 
 Loader for Ships, Cantilever. A structure used for 
 loading ships with hulk material at points where there is 
 no harbor in which the vessel may tie up at a wharf. 
 An elevated structure has a cantilever extending a long 
 distance over deep water, and the vessel is held by 
 anchors underneath the end ; belt or other types of con 
 veyors bring the material from storage ashore and dump> 
 it into the ship rapidly. Speed is essential on account 
 of the possible danger to the ship if the stay is long. 
 Page 828, 831. 
 Loader, Wagon. A machine used for raising material, 
 generally bulk material such as coal, coke, sand, gravel, 
 crushed stone, etc., from a heap on the ground or floor 
 to the level of a wagon and dumping it there. The 
 most usual form is an inclined bucket or belt conveyor 
 mounted on a frame supported on wheels, and delivering 
 to an elevated chute which is usually swiveling. The 
 conveyor drive is a steam or gasoline engine, or an 
 electric motor. The machine may be travelling or 
 capable of self-propulsion from place to place, and is 
 often made self-feeding, moving slowly into the pile as 
 it removes it. Or the conveyor may be mounted on a 
 sliding frame which is fed forward a certain distance 
 with each setting of the wheels. 
 Other methods of feeding involve what might he 
 termed "gatherers" which bring material from the sides 
 toward the lower end of the conveyor. One type has a 
 horizontal transverse shaft at the bottom of the conveyor 
 with inclined blades, rotating in such a direction that 
 the material is pulled toward the conveyor buckets. 
 Another type has a thin horizontal disc close to the 
 ground on each side of the conveyor, mounted on a 
 vertical shaft, and rotating in the proper direction to 
 carry the material toward the 1 nickels. A third type 
 has arms which reach out and scoop the material in the 
 desired direction. In lieu of some method of self-feeding, 
 a hopper is arranged at the bottom and material is shov 
 eled into it by hand; this is the usual method when a 
 belt convey nr is used. 
 The conveyor is usually hinged so that it may be low 
 ered to a convenient height for passing under a shed roof, 
 or for travelling on a highway. Four-wheel and three- 
 wheel types are both in use; in either case arrangements 
 may be made by which two of the four wheels, or the 
 odd wheel in the three-wheel arrangement can be turned 
 at right angles, allowing the loader to swing slowly from 
 side to side each time that it is advanced into the pile. 
 Or the upper part of the frame may thus swing on 
 the truck or chassis. Some wagon loaders are mounted 
 on trucks of the track laying variety. Some are hauled 
 from place to place by horses or Irailer, and are hand 
 steered into ihe pile by a tongue. 
 Combined with the loading mechanism there is often 
 a screening arrangement, especially for coal, which sep 
 arates the dust from the coal and delivers it by a 
 separate spout. Arrangements at the end of the delivery 
 spout arc often made for bagging the coal (see Chute, 
 Bagging), and in conjunction with this a weighing de 
 vice which measures the amount put into each bag is 
 often included. 
 Fixed or non-portable wagon loaders are often arranged 
 in connection with a track hopper, elevating the material 
 from this hopper to a delivery spout under which wagons 
 may be driven for loading. If the conveyor delivers 
 into a fixed hopper or elevated container from which the 
 material is drawn by a gate as desired, the arrangement 
 is usually called a pocket. 
 Page 768. 770, 771. 773, 837-840. 
 Lock-Nut. A threaded nut so formed that it can be 
 locked in position on a bolt. 
 Also, a second nut, generally thin, which is screwed 
 on a thread above another nut to keep it from working 
 loose. Also called jam-nut. 
 Locomotive, Compressed Air. A locomotive in which 
 the power is supplied by compressed air, under high 
 pressure, stored in tanks which are carried on the engine 
 Page 627, 720. 
 Locomotive, Electric. A term given to locomotives 
 driven by electric motors. The current may be obtained 
 from an overhead trolley, a third rail or from storage 
 batteries carried on the locomotive. 
 Page 627. 714. 718. 830. 
 Locomotive, Fireless. A locomotive in which the boiler 
 and firebox are replaced by a storage tank which is 
 charged with steam and hot water from a stationary 
 boiler. The machinery is similar to that of a steam 
 Page 626, 720. 
 Locomotive, Gasoline. A locomotive in which the 
 power is supplied from an internal combustion engine. 
 Page 627, 724. 
 Locomotive, Geared. A type of steam locomotive in 
 which the power is transmitted from the cylinders to the 
 driving wheels through gearing. 
 Page 626. 
 Locomotive, Rack. A type of locomotive used on 
 heavy grades. The locomotive is driven by a gear which 
 engages with a rack usually located in the center of the 
 track. They may be either electric or steam types. 
 I age 627. 
 Locomotive, Steam. A locomotive consisting of a 
 boiler and engine mounted on a frame supported on 
 wheels which are turned by the engine. 
 Page 623, 720, 721. 
 Locomotive, Storage Battery. See Locomotive, Electric. 
 Page 627. 
 Log Stacker. An inclined conveyor or elevator, gener 
 ally a flight or cable conveyor, used for piling short 
 logs or pulp wood into a large stack. In one form the 
 incline is arranged as a cantilever from a machine 
 Iraxclling on Iracks parallel to the slack, this machine 
 receiving the material from a conveyor parallel to its 
 tracks. The discharge is always over the end of the 
 trough. In another type the runway, aflcr being ele 
 vated sufficiently by an incline, is carried along a hori 
 zontal elevated structure, with discharges by doors in 
 the bottom of the Irough wherever desired. These dis 
 charges can be operated by cables or shafts from the 
 ground. For reclaiming purposes, a conveyor may be 
 installed in a tunnel beneath the pile and parallel to it. 
 Page 273. 
 Lowerer. Any device or machine by which material is 
 lowered under full control, that is, not vertically dropped 
 or slid down an incline. The term is more particularly 
 applied to apron or push-bar elevators running in a re 
 verse direction, and to the various types of fingered and 
 suspended tray elevators when used especially for 
 Retarding conveyors of the type used for lowering 
 coal down steep slopes from mine openings are also 
 sometiir.es called lowerers. (See Conveyor, Retarding; 
 Drum, Lowering.) 
 Lowerer, Push-Bar. The mechanism used on a push- 
 bar elevator operating in a reverse direction, and used 
 to lower objects placed on the bed and against the push- 
 Luff. To move a load toward or away from the axis of 
 a rotating crane ; especially where it is suspended from 
 the end of a boom, to move it thus by changing the 
 inclination of the boom. 
 Magnets, Lifting. An electro-magnetic device called a 
 lifting maget is extensively used for lifting large quanti 
 ties of iron or steel. By the passing of direct current 
 through a coil of wire which contains a soft iron core 
 the latler becomes a slrong magnet. This electro-magnet 
 is suspended from a crane and moved to pick up and hold 
 magnetic material during transportation by the crane, after 
 which ihe direcl current source of power is cut off and the 
 material no longer clings to ihe iron core. 
 Circular lifling magnels have ihe greatest magnetism 
 and are ordinarily used for handling pig iron, scrap and 
 other small irregular malerials. Bipolar lifting magnets 
 with horizontal cores enclosed by a magnetizing winding 
 are used for transporting rails, beams and heavy struc 
 tures of considerable length. Rectangular magnets may 
 be required for flexible plates which lend lo pull aw ay 
 from the core by their deflection, or else two or more cir 
 cular lifting magnets suspended from the same frame may 
 be used to overcome this difficulty. Both circular and rec 
 tangular magnets may be constructed with concentric poles 
 with the winding arranged concentrically between the 
 poles. Rail lifting magnets are constructed with mobile 
 finger pole faces in order to increase the area of contact 
 and thus increase the rail carrying capacity. 
 The rating and lifting capacity of the magnet depends 
 on the contact area of the core and on the material which 
 it has to handle, particularly the quality, temperature, 
 shape and bulk of the load and the manner in which the 
 material is to be lifted and stacked. Capacities range up 
 to 65 in. diameter circular magnets capable of transporting 
 50,000 Ib. if operated under favorable conditions. A well 
 designed magnet will lift a solid piece of steel with ma 
 chined surface, of not less diameter than the magnet itself, 
 weighing about 15 times the weight of 350 Ib. to 800 Ib. 
 magnets, eight to twelve times the weight of 800 Ib. to 
 2.000 Ib. magnets of two and three feet in diameter, and 
 five to six times the weight of 2,000 Ib. to 7.500 Ib. magnets 
 of three to five feet in diameter. Sand-cast pig iron, 
 heavy scrap, stampings, fine wire scrap, drop forging and 
 similar materials with irregular surfaces cannot be lifted 
 in nearly as large quantities. In such cases magnets may 
 not lift a quarter of their own weight. The capacity for 
 handling heavy steel scrap is about 10 per cent greater 
 than with pig iron. Magnets with large contact surfaces 
 will lift more than one layer of material, and up to six 
 layers of iron plates may be lifted depending on the 
 weight and thickness of plate. 
 Lifting magnets are operated on circuits from 110 to 
 550 volts, hut 220 is the usual voltage. 
 Controlling devices automatically shunt a discharge re 
 sistance across the magnet terminals when the circuit is 
 about to be opened to prevent the flow of large inductive 
 currents that would otherwise occur. Residual magnetism 
 remaining in the cores of lifting magnets will prevent small 
 loads from being released on opening the circuit. Small 
 reverse currents may be applied to neutralize this magnetic 
 force and release the load instantaneously. 
 Alternating current lifting magnets either single, two or 
 three-phase, may be used in case direct current supply is 
 unavailable. They are less powerful for the same weight 
 than the best designed direct current magnets. 
 Shields used to catch material dropping from magnets 
 during transportation and thus prevent its falling on work 
 men, are procurable, but they decrease the carrying ca 
 pacity of the magnet by reducing both the magnetic avail 
 ability and the speed of operation. 
 Three control units are ordinarily required, namely : a 
 master switch with lift, drop and off positions ; a double- 
 pole magnetic contactor for handling the main magnetic 
 current supply and breaking the highly inductive arc oc 
 curring on opening and closing the circuit ; and a resistor 
 for limiting the reverse current upon release of load. The 
 location of control apparatus may be suited to convenience 
 of operation. 
 Lifting magnet circuits are often connected to a special 
 generator without fuses, circuit breakers or other circuit 
 opening protective devices in the line, thus preventing the 
 dropping of a load due to the opening of the circuit caused 
 by an excess of current or a short circuit on some other 
 Page 315, 807. 
 Manhole. An opening in a tank, bin, boiler, etc., o 
 sufficient size to allow the passage of a man s body, the 
 usual minimum dimensions being 11 in. by 15 in. 
 Manila. A vegetable fibre obtained from the leaves of 
 a variety of wild banana plant growing in the Philippine 
 Islands. It is light and strong and does not readily 
 decay. Used for making ropes for hoisting and power 
 Man-trolley, Stocking. A trolley operating on a stor 
 age bridge handling ore or coal, often called a stocking 
 bridge. These trolleys, particularly when intended for 
 ore, are supplied with powerful grab buckets, handling as 
 much as fifteen tons at a time. 
 Marine Leg. See Elevator, Marine Leg. 
 Mast and Gaff Unloader. A modified derrick used for 
 unloading coal and other bulk materials from the hold 
 of a vessel by a grab bucket, and delivering it to an 
 elevated point such as the receiving hopper of a con 
 veyor, coal crusher, storage pocket, etc. The mast is 
 braced by guys at its top and by stiff-legs at the heel of 
 the gaff. The gaff is a boom having its heel pivoted 
 about halfway up the mast instead of near its base as 
 in the ordinary derrick ; its outer end or point is sup 
 ported by a variable or fixed topping lift to the top of 
 the mast. 
 A two-rope grab bucket is suspended from the gaff 
 by its two operating ropes, which pass over sheaves at 
 the gaff point, thence separately to guide sheaves at the 
 ends of a cross-tree rigidly attached to the mast at the 
 gaff heel, and finally to the drums of the hoisting winch. 
 In operation the bucket is hoisted by the closing rope, 
 and the side pull due to its guide sheave being at the 
 end of the cross-tree is sufficient to swing the gaff and 
 loaded bucket over the receiving hopper, if the holding 
 rope is slackened slightly. The bucket is dumped by 
 holding the holding rope while the closing rope is 
 slackened ; the side pull is thereby reversed in direction 
 on account of the guide sheave for the holding rope being 
 at the other end of the cross-tree, and the gaff and 
 empty bucket immediately swing back over the vessel. 
 The bucket is lowered open by letting both ropes run 
 out, under the control of the brake. 
 Page 828-831. 
 Mast, Tie-rod. See Mast, Trussed. 
 Mast Step. The scat in the base plate in which the 
 mast of a derrick is placed. It is sometimes a cylindrical 
 step bearing, requiring accurate plumbing of the mast; 
 again, it is a ball and socket joint, allowing considerable 
 inclination. For ease in hand slewing, ball bearings are 
 sometimes installed. (See Derrick Bottom.) 
 Mast Top. The complete assemblage of metal parts at 
 the top of a derrick mast, comprising the following parts 
 or their equivalent ; the mast top proper, including the 
 gudgeon or pivot, which allows the mast to rotate; (for 
 guyed derricks) the guy cap, which is fitted to the pivot, 
 does not rotate, and is provided with eyes for the guy 
 ends, or (for stiff-leg derricks) goose neck irons fast 
 ened to the upper ends of the stiff-legs and having holes 
 fitted to the pivot ; straps and bolts for securing these 
 irons in place; one or more sheaves with their pins; 
 and perhaps a rooster mounted on a rooster bracket for 
 giving the topping lift a direct lead to the drum on the 
 hoisting winch. 
 Mesh. A term used to designate the spacing of the 
 wires in a woven wire screen. In fine screens the term 
 usually means the number of wires or spaces per inch, 
 as 120 mesh ; in the coarse screens the distance from 
 center to center of adjacent wires in inches, as one- 
 half inch mesh. The term space really means the clear 
 distance between adjacent wires, but is sometimes used 
 interchangeably with mesh. 
 Mitre Gears. Bevel gears which are equal in size and 
 have their shafts at right angles. The included angle of 
 their pitch surface is 90 degrees. 
 Monitor. A raised portion of the roof structure of a 
 building, generally astride the ridge, extending part or all 
 of its length, and having the shape of a miniature building 
 Its side walls are usually glazed for light or provided with 
 openings for ventilation, or both ; it has no floor. 
 In many installations of coal- handling apparatus, con 
 veyors are run lengthwise of the building through the 
 monitor, and can dump anywhere in its length into storage 
 bins beneath. The conveyor line is supported by the main 
 roof timbers which extend across its base, and a footway 
 alongside of it gives access for care and repairs. 
 Also, a kind of car used in lowering coal down inclines. 
 (See Car, Monitor.) 
 Monorail, Adjustable Loop. A system by which a 
 telpher or rage-controlled monorail hoist can serve the 
 whole of a rectangular area by means of a movable bridge 
 on to which the telpher can run. 
 Page 786. 
 Motor, Electric. See Electrical Definitions. 
 Motor, Gasoline. See Engine, Gasoline. 
 Neutral Axis. In a beam or other structural member 
 subject to bending, if an imaginary transverse section 
 be made at a given point, a line lying in this plane and 
 passing through the center of gravity of the area of the 
 section, and perpendicular to the plane in which the 
 bending is taking place, is called the neutral axis. The 
 material on one side of this axis is compressed by the 
 bending, on the other side it is extended. 
 Niggerhead. See Winch Head. 
 Offset. The distance between two adjacent parallel 
 portions of pipe, track, or other continuous line ; the 
 amount the line is set over in going from one to the other. 
 One of the measurements taken to locate a point or ob 
 ject by means of its distances from two base lines at right 
 angles ; a co-ordinate. 
 Overburden. The material resting ontop of a bed of 
 coal, ore, stone, or similar material, the excavation of 
 which is contemplated. Removal of the overburden is 
 called stripping. 
 Overcut. The term applied to a gate or valve for con 
 trolling the flow of loose material in a chute when it 
 stops the flow by cutting down into the material from 
 above. This is the usual construction, with vertical 
 sliding gates, and with many quadrant or cylindrical 
 Overload Detector. A device hung on a crane hook and 
 having another hook to which the load is hung. A 
 scale arrangement inside is arranged to give a continuous 
 audible sound whenever an overload is lifted with the 
 With electric operation, ammeters will indicate the 
 degree of loading with fair accuracy. With steam loco 
 motive cranes, the operator can usually tell from the 
 steam pressure and throttle opening, as well as by the 
 feel and sound, when he is approaching the danger point. 
 Overload Release, Mechanical. A safety device that 
 will disengage a drive from its load when the latter 
 exceeds a certain predetermined amount. In one type a 
 central hub and spider on one end of a shaft carry levers 
 which project outward into notches inside a rim carried 
 on the end of another abutting shaft ; springs hold these 
 levers in the notches, but they are released when exces 
 sive load deflects the springs and causes the levers to 
 slip out of place. The mechanism is reset by manually 
 revolving a collar, which engages pins on the inner ends 
 of the levers and replaces them in their original position. 
 (See also Breaking Pin.) 
 Pallet. A flat platform, plate or sheet of iron, wood or 
 wood covered with iron, used to pile material on, for 
 purposes of handling or transportation, or for such 
 operations as drying, curing, etc. Those of wood stand 
 ing on high cleats can be easily picked up, trucked and 
 deposited with their loads by trucks or barrows with 
 proper lifting fingers or hooks passing under the pallet. 
 Also called a hack. 
 Also, a flat carrier, usually of wood and with the 
 smooth side down, for use in conveying materials such 
 as sacks of cement which will not move if placed on 
 roller conveyors. In a simple system several sacks or 
 similar articles may be piled on each pallet, and after 
 a sufficient number of these loads have run to their 
 destination, the pallets are piled on the roller conveyor 
 and pushed back by hand. Boxes are similarly used 
 for materials which will not stack on pallets. 
 Picking Band. See Picking Table. 
 Picking Table. The term applied to a steel apron con 
 veyor on which a material like coal is spread out and 
 moved slowly past pickers who remove the refuse. The 
 upper surface 01 an endless apron is usually used for 
 this purpose, with the receiving point at one end and 
 the discharge at the other; circular tables are sometimes 
 used, with the pickers stationed inside and out, and a 
 diagonal sweep or divcrter discharging the coal just be 
 fore the revolving table reaches the receiving point. 
 For small material an endless belt may be used. 
 Coal is easier to pick if the fine material is removed, 
 or if the pieces are uniform in size, so screening usually 
 precedes picking ; sometimes a picking table is divided 
 down the middle and carries two sizes separated by a 
 partition, and a third space may be formed between 
 these two to carry away the refuse. Refuse may also 
 be dropped down chutes to a drag chain, or flight con 
 veyor, or car, by which it is removed to a dumping 
 The endless apron form is also called a picking band. 
 Pier. A platform or structure resting on the bottom, 
 projecting above the water, and extending out into a 
 stream, harbor or other body of water, and generally, 
 though not necessarily, used for mooring, loading and 
 unloading vessels. (See also Wharf.) Cranes installed 
 on piers and arranged for cargo handling service are 
 usually called wharf or cargo handling cranes and not 
 pier cranes. 
 Also, one of the s pports of the spans of a bridge or 
 other similar structure. 
 Also, a short tower for elevating a crane structure 
 above the ground level. (See Pier Base.) 
 Pier Base. A short structural steel tower used to give 
 moderate elevation to a crane. A locomotive crane may 
 have a pier base, adapting it for storage yard or cargo 
 handling work. 
 Pier Shed. A roofed structure or building placed on a 
 pier, generally to prevent damage to stored material by 
 the elements. It may cover part of the pier, leaving 
 open passages along the sides for the movements of 
 cranes or special cargo handling machinery, or it may 
 cover all the pier, in which case the cargo handling 
 machinery must be located on the roof or carried by the 
 Pillar. A post of wood, steel or masonry used to sup 
 port the floor of a building or other portion of a struc 
 ture. In pillar cranes, the central column or post by which 
 the boom or jib is supported. (See Crane, Pillar; Crane, 
 Pillar Jib.) The pillar is constructed in various ways, 
 two types being a tapering cast iron column of circular 
 section flared at the bottom where it rests on a turn 
 table, or a structural steel column bracketed to a heavy 
 base plate. The particular type of pillar crane called a 
 locomotive crane generally has its pillar, which is very 
 short, included as part of the two side frames of the 
 hoisting winch and mounted with them on the revolving 
 Pinion. The smaller of a pair of gears in mesh with 
 each other. A gear with a small number of teeth. (See 
 Pintle. A cantilever pin or pivot, like the pivots at the 
 top and bottom of the mast of a jib crane. 
 Pintle Crane. See Crane, Pintle. 
 Pipe Supports, Jacking. A pair of light weight screw 
 jacks supporting the weight of a vertical pipe above an 
 elbow or other fitting, to enable repairs to be easily made 
 on a part below. Used in steam jet ash conveyor sys 
 tems, when renewing the wearing plates immediately 
 above an elbow steam unit. 
 Pit, Tower. A pit sometimes dug at the base of the 
 tower in a concrete chuting plant, to allow the bucket 
 to go below the ground level for filling. This avoids the 
 necessity of elevating the mixing plant. 
 Platform. Level space on an elevated structure, on 
 which a person may stand and move about. Platforms 
 around crane structures are generally called footways. 
 Platform, Live. A wood or metal platform elevated a 
 short distance above the ground and resting on small 
 wheels or casters so that it can be moved about easily. 
 For long trips it is picked up by a lift truck, the same 
 as a skid platform. Also called live skid. 
 Page 540. 
 Platform, Revolving. The upper or rotating part of a 
 turntable as used on a rotary crane. In locomotive 
 cranes, called the deck or racer. 
 Platform, Safety. A platform provided with all details 
 required to make it as safe as possible. These involve 
 toe board, solid floors through which small articles can 
 not drop, railings, with two or more bars, guarded 
 ladders or stairs for entrance, etc. 
 Platform, Skid. A wood or metal platform elevated a 
 short distance above the floor and resting on longitudinal 
 members or skids. Raw or finished material, or partially 
 finished work is piled on it, and it is picked up bodily 
 and moved to any desired new location by means of a 
 lifting truck of some sort. Boxes of any desired depth 
 may be built on the platform, with removable sides or 
 ends ; stakes may be provided around the outside to keep 
 objects from rolling off; pins or posts to hold objects 
 with holes in them may be inserted; cracks, cradles and 
 all variety of special arrangements may also be used 
 when advantageous. Also called skid. 
 I age 537, 746. 
 Plow, Unloading. A plow which can be pulled along a 
 train of flat cars or swing side door cars by a wire 
 rope wound on a drum, forcing off the load of dirt, 
 rock, etc., on one or both sides of the track. In one 
 system of operation, a special unloading car carrying the 
 winding machinery and coupled to a dumping locomo 
 tive is attached to the train, \\hen just about to enter 
 where dumping is to take place, the end of the 
 cable is made fast to a chain temporarily stretched above 
 the cars; as the train moves forward the cable unwinds 
 and eventually lies along the top of the load from front 
 to back of the train. After it is attached to a plow 
 which has been brought up to the rear of the train on 
 a special car, the winch is started and the plow is pulled 
 the whole length of the train. 
 The cars have no ends, and the floor spaces between, 
 over the couplings, are bridged by steel plates, so that 
 the train forms one long continuous trough. 
 Plows are made to discharge to the left or to the right, 
 or on both sides, a special pilot being provided in the 
 last case to keep the plow central. 
 Plumb. The state of being vertical. 
 Also, a weight suspended on the end of a cord, by 
 which an object is tested as to its vertical condition, or 
 by which a point on one object is set directly over a 
 definite point below. Also called plumb bob, or plumb 
 bob and line. 
 Plunger. A machine part, prismatic in form, which 
 has a reciprocating motion parallel to its axis, and which 
 is used to move material by reason of the space occupied 
 by itself. Pump plungers force liquid out of a cylinder 
 as they are forced into it. The plunger in a plunger type 
 feeder pushes the material, as coal, ahead of it on the for 
 ward stroke ; on the return fresh material drops in the 
 space vacated. 
 Ply. One of the layers of sheet material which goes to 
 make up an article of laminated structure, as fabric 
 belts, veneered wood, etc. 
 Pneumatic. Connected with or pertaining to the use of 
 air at a high or low pressure, as pneumatic tools, 
 pneumatic tube. 
 Pocket, Retail Coal. An elevated storage bin for hold 
 ing various sizes of coal, and arranged for delivering 
 to trucks and wagons for retail sale. (See Pocket, 
 Pocket, Storage. An overhead bin for containing bulk 
 material, which is delivered to it direct from cars on a 
 track elevated above the pocket, or from boats or cars 
 at a lower level by means of elevating and conveying 
 machinery of various types. The separate compartments 
 are usually formed with sloping or hopper bottoms and 
 are provided with discharge chutes and gates, so that 
 they will completely discharge their contents. They are 
 made of wood, rectangular in plan and subdivided by 
 wooden partitions, the whole being strengthened by 
 steel rods. Round wooden or silo-type pockets are often 
 used, usually without subdivisions, each silo holding one 
 size of material. Steel tank coal pockets are also used, 
 subdivisions being made if needed by wooden cribbing 
 with steel reinforcement. All pockets are at an eleva 
 tion above the level on which stand the cars, wagons, 
 etc., receiving the material, and this usually involves a 
 high foundation or supporting framework for the pocket 
 or a depressed receiving track level. The driveways on 
 which the receiving wagons or trucks stand are laid out 
 either transversely or longitudinally beneath the pockets, 
 or outside on one or both sides of the structure, corre 
 sponding to pockets sloping toward one or toward both 
 Portable. Capable of being easily carried or moved 
 about. Of a machine, not dependent for proper opera 
 tion on the surroundings, setting or foundation in a 
 particular locality, preferably limited to cases where trie 
 machine may be moved to a new locality with little or 
 no dismantling, but where it is not self-propelled. 
 Portable Cranes. One type of portable cranes is that 
 used with storage battery locomotives. (See Locomotive, 
 Storage Battery.) Another type of portable crane uses a 
 motor having a cable leading to a service station or re- 
 ceptaclc connected to a power distribution system com 
 monly operating at 200 to 250 volts. Such an apparatus 
 is best adapted to use on units handling freight weighing 
 up to one thousand pounds, requiring a considerable ver 
 tical lift, and working in conjunction with industrial or 
 hand trucks. Direct current provides better control and 
 simpler wiring than alternating current, but both are used 
 Power, Hydraulic. A system of power transmission in 
 which water (or oil) under pressure is used as the 
 transmission medium. It consists of one or more pumps 
 capable of generating the required pressure, accumulators 
 for sti-riny the water under pressure, distributing pipes, 
 valves, and the presses, cranes, or other machinery to be 
 Hydraulic machinery is rapid in action, smooth and 
 silent in working, and not excessive in cost or upkeep. 
 It is, however, bulky and complicated, and in cold 
 climates, liable to freeze in cold weather. 
 Hydraulic presses and other apparatus for exerting 
 very heavy forces are still in favor, but for hoists and 
 cranes, the system is practically obsolete. 
 Power-wheel. See Bucket Power-wheel. 
 Pulley. A wheel turning with or on a shaft supported 
 in a bearing:, and having its circumference shaped so as to 
 carry some sort of band for transmitting its motion to 
 another similar wheel. A pulley usually has a tlat or 
 nearly flat (crowning) surface for a flat belt; when the 
 rim is grooved for a rope or chain, it is usually and 
 preferably called a sheave. 
 Flat and crowned pulleys, with belts, are widely used 
 as a means of transmitting power short and moderate 
 distances. Cranes were formerly driven by them. (See 
 Crane, Power.) 
 Also, a block for rope (see Block) ; also called pulley 
 Pulley, Guide. An auxiliary pulley which is located in 
 such a way as to deliver a belt in the plane of another 
 pulley, either the driving or the driven pulley of the 
 mechanism. 1 or ropes and chains, sec Sheave, Guide. 
 Pulley, Slat. A pulley used with belt conveyors han 
 dling clay, dirt or other material which might pack 
 between the belt and an ordinary full-face pulley. It is 
 composed of two end discs or spiders connected by par 
 allel slats, like a squirrel cage. 
 Pulley, Snub. A pair of chain sprockets placed close 
 under the head sprockets on the return side of a double 
 strand bucket elevator, to cause a perfect discharge of 
 the material by completely inverting the buckets. They 
 are placed outside the line of buckets and deflect the 
 chains inward so that they remain in contact with the 
 sprockets for considerably more than 180 deg. Also 
 called choke wheels or deflecting wheels. (See Elevator, 
 Perfect Discharge.) 
 Pulleys, Tight and Loose. Pulleys which revolve about 
 the same axis, one being rigidly attached or keyed to, 
 and the other loosely revolving on, the shaft. 
 Pump, Dredge. A centrifugal pump used in a hydraulic 
 dredge for drawing the mixture of water and solid 
 material in through the suction pipe and discharging it 
 on land or into a scow. (See Dredge. Hydraulic.) 
 These pumps are designed specifically for the hard 
 service they must undergo, and will handle boulders as 
 large as can pass the agitator blades at the suction head. 
 Dredge pumps are usually driven by vertical engines, 
 often compound, and designed for economical operation. 
 Pump, Jet. A pumping device in which the high velocity 
 of a small stream of fluid is made to give a slow 
 velocity to a large amount of the same or another fluid, 
 by a process of entrainment and of transformation of 
 the kinetic energy of the small mass at high velocity to 
 the kinetic energy of a large mass at low velocity. 
 Because of the absence of moving parts, fluids contain 
 ing solids can be handled and the apparatus is simple 
 and cheap, but the efficiency is usually low. 
 The arrangements in most common use are : a water 
 jet pumping water, known as a water-jet pump; a steam 
 jet pumping water, known as an injector or ejector, 
 depending on whether the delivery pressure is high or 
 low; and a steam jet pumping air, known as a steam 
 Water-jet pumps are used for drainage and excavation 
 work, where dirty, gritty water would injure piston 
 pumps. Ejectors are used for the same purpose, the 
 steam being delivered from a stationary boiler, and while 
 inefficient as compared with a piston pump, arc simple, 
 cheap and easily installed. Injectors are used for pump 
 ing feed water into boilers, and as the heat of the steam 
 is here saved by going into the feed water, the efficiency 
 is high. Steam blowers are used to produce draft for 
 boiler fires, and are usually applied at the base of the 
 stack, where they act to accelerate the exhaust gases and 
 produce a suction. 
 Pump, Relay. In long pipe lines, a pump placed at an 
 intermediate point to assist in moving the liquid by 
 again raising its pressure after that originally supplied 
 has been reduced by the friction of flow. In the dis 
 charge from hydraulic dredges, relay pumps increase 
 greatly the possible length of discharge and remove 
 part of the load from the pump, permitting greater out 
 put. The pumps are operated by steam or electricity. 
 Purchase. Mechanical advantage: increase of force at 
 the expense of space moved through, as the purchase of 
 a lever or block and tackle. Geared drum winches are 
 also known as single or double purchase according to 
 whether there are one or two gear reductions between 
 the point of power application and the drum shaft. 
 Push-bar. One of the transverse bars fixed at the ends 
 to the two moving chains of a push-bar conveyor or 
 elevator, which moves articles placed on the bed between 
 them by direct pressure. These are ordinarily wood, 
 or round or square iron bars; they may also be strips 
 bearing flat against the articles. \Yings or flights at 
 tached to a single chain and used to drag objects along 
 a runway bed are also sometimes termed push-bars. 
 Radial. In the direction of a radius of a circle, either 
 outward or inward, as distinguished from axial, tan 
 gential, or circumferential. 
 Rail, Ground. A line of rails which is located on the 
 ground, as distinguished from one supported on an ele 
 vated structure, building, etc. 
 Railway, Automatic. A railway with a single car used 
 for moving bulk material on a down grade from the 
 receiving to the discharging point, employing a movable 
 counterweight which is raised by the loaded car while 
 the latter is being brought to rest at the dumping point, 
 and which gives out its stored energy in starting the 
 empty car back up the grade with sufficient velocity to 
 return to the starting (loading) position. The operator 
 starts the car on its downward trip ; as it approaches 
 the dumping point (which may be varied) it runs against 
 an adjustable dumping block fast to a cable connected 
 to the counterweight ; it raises the counterweight and 
 just before it comes to rest at the dumping point strikes 
 a dumping board which releases a toggle connection 
 and allows the top hinged side doors to swing outward 
 at the bottom and dump the load. The dumping is 
 assisted by the gable bottom of the car. The front and 
 back of the car are sloped in such a way that the reac 
 tion due to the discharge of the load helps to start the 
 car back up the grade. The counterweight continues 
 the acceleration and the car receives sufficient velocity 
 to go up to the starting point. One man only is needed 
 to operate the railway and no power is required. 
 Page 585, 831. 
 Ramp. An artificial inclined path, road or track along 
 which persons, animals and wheeled vehicles may pass 
 primarily for the purpose of ascending or descending or 
 changing their elevation. Foot ramps take the place of 
 stairways ; railway tracks set on a steep grade for the 
 purpose of hauling loaded cars of bulk material to be 
 dumped, are sometimes called ramps ; moving ramps, 
 formed of platform conveyors, are made to carry loads, 
 men with loaded hand trucks, and even wheeled vehicles 
 like motor trucks ; chain haulage ramps have haulage 
 chains laid in them, to assist heavily loaded trucks either 
 up or down. 
 Ramp, Moving. A wood apron conveyor set at a mod 
 erate inclination and used for conveying persons, motor 
 trucks, "wheelers" or wheeled trucks, etc., up or down 
 the grade. When the slope is so steep that special 
 arrangements must be provided to prevent vehicles from 
 running down the apron, it is usually termed an apron 
 Ratchet. A detent or pivoted piece arranged to fit into 
 the teeth of a ratchet-wheel in such a way as to allow 
 its rotation in one direction, but not in the other. Also 
 called Pawl, Dog, Click. (See Ratchet and Wheel.) 
 Ratchet, Friction. A ratchet which locks a ratchet 
 wheel against rotation in one direction by friction rather 
 than by placing a projection in its path. It is generally 
 a small rounded piece eccentrically pivoted, or a ball or 
 roller in contact with an eccentric or spiral surface, so 
 arranged that the wheel pushes it aside when rotating in 
 one direction, but brings it into a powerful wedging action 
 when it starts to rotate in the other direction. 
 Ratchet Wheel. The toothed wheel forming one ele 
 ment of a ratchet and wheel mechanism. (See Ratchet 
 and \Yheel.) 
 Ratchet and Wheel. A mechanism combining a ratchet 
 and ratchet wheel, much used in hoisting machinery for 
 preventing the involuntary lowering of the load when 
 the lifting effort is interrupted. In hand hoists, the 
 ratchets are generally gravity operated, and are turned 
 out of acting position when lowering. In power hoists 
 the noisy click is generally objectionable, and a friction 
 ring or clamp is usually connected to the ratchet in such 
 a way as to keep it entirely out of action during lifting, 
 but instantly returning it into contact with the wheel 
 when reverse turning starts. Friction ratchets are not 
 generally considered sufficiently reliable to use directly 
 for hoisting purposes. An exception to this is in the case 
 of a worm ratchet. The ratchet wheel is simply a worm 
 wheel, having in mesh with it a worm which will not 
 turn in one direction owing to the wedging of a conical 
 surface on the worm shaft in its seat, but which will 
 turn with ea?e in the other direction. The reversal of 
 thrust of the worm is used to bring one or the other of 
 these two resistances into play, the small resistance corre 
 sponding to lifting, and the wedging action to lowering. 
 Reciprocate. To move back and forth, to alternate in 
 direction of motion, like the piston of an engine. 
 Reeve. To pass or thread a rope through pulleys, 
 blocks, guides, etc. 
 Retarder, Car. A device for controlling the movement 
 of a railway or industrial car down a grade, generally 
 during the operation of loading with bulk material. One 
 device used with railway cars being loaded at coal 
 tipples is to have a two-compartment brake controlled 
 drum, located at the head of the grade under the tipple, 
 with ropes wound in opposite directions in the two 
 compartments. One rope is attached to the car by a 
 hook, and the other is attached to a counterweight. The 
 car is allowed to move down the grade by slightly re 
 leasing the brake, which is always kept set by a spring 
 or weight. When the car has moved its length down the 
 grade under the loading beam and is filled, the retarding 
 rope is unhooked, and the counterweight winds it up 
 on the drum, making it ready for attaching to another 
 A device of this sort gives much better control of the 
 motion of the car than can be obtained with the regular 
 brakes of the railway car itself, and generally saves 
 Retriever. A special light drum used to take up slack 
 in magnet lead wires in crane operation. (See Drum, 
 Roll or Roller. A cylinder rotating about its axis, with 
 or without bearings at its ends. The distinction between 
 these two terms is very indefinite, but the term roll is 
 more commonly applied to cases where the end bearings 
 are in fixed frames and some pressure is exerted, as in 
 a rolling mill, feed rolls, etc. Roller is used (a) where 
 the bearings are movable, as in lawn rollers, (b) w-here 
 there are no bearings, as the rollers placed under a heavy 
 weight to assist in moving it, and (c) where the cylinders 
 are placed in fixed bearings and objects moved over 
 them ; the function is merely to change sliding into roll 
 ing friction in the two last cases. 
 Narrow rollers are called wheels ; the distinction is 
 indefinite, but might be said to relate to the proportion 
 when the face is equal to the radius, wider faces requiring 
 the term roller. (See also Conveyor Roller.) 
 Roller Axle. See Conveyor Roller. 
 Roller, Live. The moving rollers in a roller bearing, 
 which have a motion of translation of the axis as well 
 as a rotation on that axis. Distinguished from rollers 
 which are supported on fixed bearings to allow parts to 
 move over them. 
 Also a roller which is rotated by power, as for example 
 one of the rollers of a power roller conveyor. 
 Roller Spiral, Gravity. See Spiral, Gravity Roller. 
 Rolling, Cold. The process of passing metal bars or 
 sheets between rolls exerting a heavy pressure on them, 
 while cold, in order to size them accurately, to harden 
 the material, or to improve the surface finish. 
 Rooster. A sheave carried in a swiveling bracket on 
 the gudgeon or pivot pin at the top of a derrick mast, 
 and used for giving the boom hoist line a straight lead to 
 the drum on the hoisting winch. The boom hoist line is 
 led up the center of the mast, out at its top, and over 
 the rooster sheave, thus leaving the two sheaves in the 
 mast step free for the hoisting and the closing lines re 
 quired in two-line bucket operation. Or if only one hoist 
 ing line is required, the use of a rooster allows the single 
 line at the bottom to be placed centrally, and the mast 
 can then be rotated a complete circle or more without 
 fouling any line. 
 Rooster Bracket. See Rooster. 
 Rooster Sheave. See Rooster. 
 Rope. A flexible connector used for pulling, made of 
 fibrous vegetable materials or of metal wires. If the 
 former, the fibres are twisted into yarns, the yarn into 
 strands, and the strands are then laid into a rope. If the 
 latter, wires arc laid into strands and the strands into a 
 rope. (See Rope, Cordage; Wire Rope; Wire Rope, 
 Lay of.) 
 Page 320, 818-822. 
 Rope, Armored Wire. Wire rope which has had its 
 strands wrapped or served with a winding of metal wire 
 or ribbon before being laid into the final rope. This 
 armor takes all the wear for a long period of time, and 
 materially lengthens the life of the rope. 
 Page 320, 818-822. 
 Ropes, Arrangement of Hoisting. In cranes up to 
 three tons capacity the load may be lifted on a single fall 
 of rope. For loads from five to seven tons, two parts are 
 Rope, Shell. The term applied to the holding rope in 
 Mime types of two-rope grab buckets where the top 
 bucket head is extended downward forming a housing or 
 shell for supporting guides on which the two spades or 
 bowls slide. 
 Rope, Sisal. A rope made from the fibres of a plant 
 grown in Yucatan, Mexico and Florida. It is in general 
 inferior to manila in strength, appearance and wearing 
 qualities. It is used for tying or binding purposes, and 
 seldom for running around sheaves. 
 Rope, Wire. See Wire Rope. 
 Rope, Trip. A small rope which, when pulled (gener 
 ally by hand) operates a latch or dog to release a moving 
 part of an apparatus, such as a grab or turnover bucket 
 Rotary Blower. See Blower, Rotary. 
 Rotate. To revolve or move round a center or axis, to 
 have a continuous circular motion. 
 (See also Axis.) 
 employed, one part winding on the drum. Above this Runway. The path or track over which anything regu- 
 s\7.e the load is lifted on four parts of rope, two parts 
 being wound in left and right hand grooves on the drum, 
 and the other two passing around an equalizing sheave. 
 In very large cranes the load may be supported on 16 (or 
 more) parts, two winding on the drum, two passing around 
 the equalizer sheave, and 12 pendent from the upper block. 
 In some cases the ropes ordinarily passing around the 
 equalizer are led to another drum and wound on it. 
 The above represents common practice in overhead 
 cranes, but there are many variations even in them, and 
 when derricks, steam shovels, grab buckets, etc., are con 
 sidered the arrangements in use are exceedingly nu 
 \\ here sheaves and drums must be kept small, as in 
 overhead crane trolleys, a maximum diameter of rope of 
 jj-inch to 1 inch is adopted, and large loads are lifted by 
 increasing the number of ropes; in cases where there is 
 no limit to the size of sheaves and drums, as in mine 
 hoists, one or a few large ropes are used. For small 
 hoists small ropes are used, but it is not desirable to use 
 many parts on account of the great wear of the rope 
 passing around numerous sheaves. 
 Rope, Closing-and-hoisting. In two-rope grab buckets, 
 the rope which passes through the bucket head, and 
 which, when pulled, operates the closing mechanism. 
 (See Bucket, Two-rope). Also called bucket hoisting 
 rope or closing rope. 
 Rope, Cordage. Rope which is made from fibrous ma 
 terials like manila, hemp or sisal. The fibres are of vary 
 ing lengths; they are spun into yarns, the yarns into 
 strands, and the strands are laid into ropes, the lay of the 
 strands and the rope always being opposite. It is made 
 up in three or four strands, with or without a center or 
 heart, and is soft, medium or hard lay. The heart, when 
 used, is a small rope having a diameter about one-third 
 that of the strand. 
 Rope, Hemp. A rope made from fibres of the hemp 
 plant. While strong and flexible, it decays rapidly when 
 exposed to the weather, and is therefore often tarred. 
 Rope, Holding. In grab buckets operated by two ropes, 
 the one which is attached to the bucket head and by 
 which it is lowered. (See Bucket, Two-rope). Also 
 called bucket lowering rope. 
 Rope, Manila. A rope made from fibres obtained from 
 a species of wild plantain belonging to the banana family, 
 and native to the Philippine Islands. The fibres are from 
 6 ft to 10 ft. long and very strong in tension, though weak 
 larly runs; a passageway or aisle which can be used 
 for wheeled vehicles whether on rails or not. Also, the 
 Icrm applied to an assemblage of conveyor sections, and 
 particularly to the parts on which the material trans 
 ported actually rests, as distinct from the supporting 
 structure, driving mechanism, etc. 
 Runway, Crane. A runway or track built to support a 
 travelling crane, including its supporting girders. In 
 overhead travelling cranes and gantries with partially 
 elevated runways, it includes the line of horizontal girders 
 and rails, with supporting columns and bracing. In gan 
 try cranes, the runway is generally near the ground level, 
 when it may consist simply of rails laid on a suitable 
 foundation. In semi-portal gantry cranes, one runway is 
 often on the edge of a roof. 
 In monorail installations the term refers to the over 
 head supporting rail, and may also refer to the clear 
 ance or passageway allowed underneath for the passage 
 of the car and load. 
 Runways are sometimes designated as I-beam runway, 
 channel runway, timber runway, etc., according to the 
 kind of structural member forming the rail or rail sup 
 Runway, Gravity. See Conveyor, Gravity 
 Safety Hoist, Limit. See Stop, Limit. 
 Sand Sucker. See Dredge, Hydraulic. 
 Scale, Aerial Wire Rope Tramway. A weighing device, 
 sometimes installed at one of the terminal stations of a 
 double rope system. A short section of steel track is 
 independently supported by scale beams and can be made 
 to indicate or record the weight of a carrier and bucket 
 passing slowly over it. 
 Scale Box. A term sometimes applied to a skip. 
 Scales, Suspension. A portable scale, arranged to hang 
 on the lower hook of a crane or hoist, to weigh loads 
 when they are picked up. 
 Score, Drum. The helical groove cut on the circum 
 ference of a winding drum to assist the rope or chain 
 properly to distribute itself over the length of the drum. 
 The score varies from a shallow groove whose profile is 
 the arc of a circle of the rope diameter, with ropes just 
 touching each other, to a groove with semi-circular bot 
 tom and slightly divergent sides, deep enough to entirely 
 contain the rope, and spaced wide enough apart to allow 
 for the thickness of the walls between. The length of 
 the score should be enough to leave two turns of rope 
 still wound when the load hook is at its lowest point. 
sertf .- 
 For chain, the drum is scored with a plain groove so 
 that alternate links may be flat and standing, with the 
 standing links clear of the bottom of the groove, or the 
 score may be a circular arc, to take the chain as it comes. 
 ( )r. the score may be cast, with pockets to fit each link. 
 The simplest scoring is a single helix from end to end 
 of the drum ; this is seldom used in cases where the rope 
 leads directly to the bottom block or load, except in the 
 smaller cranes, as it causes an unsymmetrical loading of 
 the crane structure. Two symmetrically disposed scores 
 are usually provided, the two ropes winding toward the 
 center as the load is hoisted. 
 Scow. A flat-bottomed boat, generally with flat sloping 
 ends and without deck, used for transporting heavy bulk 
 material such as dirt, gravel, sand, stone, garbage, etc.; 
 garbage scows have hopper bottoms, by which the load 
 may be dumped into the water. 
 Scraper, Buck. A horse-drawn scraper consisting of a 
 vertical board 12 in. to IS in. high and 4 ft. to 6 ft. long, 
 with handles attached at the back. It is used mostly 
 in filling trenches, being dragged toward the trench by 
 horses on the other side, and pulled back and placed for 
 a new load by one or more men operating the handles. 
 (Also called trench filler.) 
 (See also Scraper, Fresno.) 
 Scraper Bucket, Drag Line. See Drag Line Scraper 
 Scraper, Drag. See Drag Scraper. 
 Scraper, Drag Line. See Drag Line Scraper. 
 Scraper, Fresno. A horse-drawn drag-scoop scraper 
 having a wide and rather short bowl. It is filled by 
 dragging through loose dirt, with the cutting edge slightly 
 depressed, and is dumped by turning over on adjustable 
 runners which allow a complete dump or gradual spread 
 ing as may be desired. It is returned on the runners. 
 On account of its short bowl it fills easily, and will 
 follow up a steep bank without dumping. (Also called 
 buck scraper.) 
 Scraper, Tcngue. A drag scraper in which the horses 
 pull the scoop by a forked tongue pivoted to it at its 
 two sides, instead of by chains attached to a bail as in 
 the ordinary drag scraper. 
 Scraper, Wheel. A horse-drawn scraper bucket consist 
 ing of a steel pan or scoop mounted on wheels and 
 equipped with levers by winch the cutting edge can be 
 lowered to the ground for filling the bucket, and then 
 raised clear while the load is being wheeled to the dump 
 ing point. To dump, the back end of the pan is raised 
 until the cutting edge digs into the ground, when the 
 continued pull of the team will dump the load. It is 
 returned in the dumped position. An automatic front 
 gate is sometimes added to prevent the spilling of mate 
 rial during long or rough hauls. 
 Screen. To separate a bulk material according to the 
 size of the particles contained in it by passing it over 
 one or more screens composed of perforated plate, woven 
 wire, parallel bars or parallel rotating discs; also, to 
 separate from the bulk all material above or below a 
 certain size, or between certain sizes. 
 The term screen is also applied to the actual screening 
 surface, to this surface with the frame on which it is 
 mounted, and to the whole machine with its operating 
 and auxiliary mechanism. 
 The simplest arrangement mechanically involves pass 
 ing the whole mass over the finest screen first and thence 
 over coarser and coarser screens, but this subjects the 
 fine and delicate screens to heaviest wear, and it is there 
 fore better practice to pass the mass over the coarjest 
 screen first, followed by the finer ones in succession. 
 Screen installations may be classified according to their 
 method of causing the material to pass over the screen 
 ing surface as gravity, shaking, revolving, traveling bar 
 and rotating disc; according to the service performed as 
 sizing, rejecting, rescreening, washing, draining, drying 
 and feeding ; according to the conditions during screening 
 as wet or dry, and according to the nature of the screen 
 ing surface as woven cloth, perforated plate, bar or 
 grizzly, or rotating disc. 
 Screen, Bar. A screen consisting of a series of bars 
 placed parallel to the direction of flow of the material, 
 and set into and held in place by notched bearers. The 
 bars are of round, square, rectangular or special sections, 
 a desirable form being one which will not allow pieces 
 to pass part way ill rough and wedge. Special arrange 
 ments of bars will sometimes serve to separate materials 
 of different character without regard to size; an example 
 being flat bars set inclined transversely for separating 
 flat pieces of slate from coal if the latter breaks into 
 pieces that are not flat. Also called a grizzly or a 
 grizzly screen. 
 Screen, Chute. A screen inserted in the bottom of a 
 chute, for the purpose of separating the dust or fines 
 from the material passing over it. Used in wagon load 
 ing chutes at coal pockets. 
 Also called shoot screen. 
 Screen, Draining; Screen, Drying. A screen generally 
 of the revolving type, which is arranged to drain or 
 dry the material passing through it rather than to screen 
 it. To accelerate the action, a blast of air, heated if 
 desired, is often passed through and around the screen. 
 Screen, Gravity; Screen, Gravity Inclined. A screen 
 which is set permanently at an angle that will cause the 
 material undergoing screening to slide freely over it due 
 to the force of gravity. This angle varies with the type 
 of screen and the nature of material from 25 deg. to 45 
 deg. Bar screens, slotted wire screens, flanged lip screens 
 and oblong perforated plate screens (flat or corrugated) 
 are used. Knockers are sometimes provided to help keep 
 the perforations clear ; a light up-and-down vibration 
 of the screen also assists in this. 
 A form of gravity screen intended for fine screening 
 has a woven wire surface which is kept in vibration by 
 hammers. (See Screen, Vibrating Wire.) 
 Screen, Grizzly. A term applied to a bar screen, either 
 of the fixed inclined or the shaking type (see Screen, 
 Gravity; Screen, Shaking), of the rotary disc type (see 
 Screen, Rotating Disc), or of the traveling bar type 
 (see Screen, Traveling Bar). 
 Screen, Lip. See Screen, Perforated Plate. 
 Screen, Perforated Plate. These are made with round, 
 square, needle slot and oblong or oval perforations in 
 brass, iron, steel or manganese steel plates. Round and 
 square holes are generally staggered ; oblong holes may 
 be end staggered or side staggered (also termed hit-and- 
 miss-endways or hit-and-miss-sideways) ; oblong and 
 needle slot perforations may be longitudinal (or straight), 
 transverse (or cross), or diagonal. The plates may be 
 curved to fit conical or cylindrical screen frames, and 
 arranged in panels, or they may be used perfectly flat 
 with either transverse or diagonal corrugations called 
 riffles. These corrugations serve to stir up the material 
 passing over the screen and prevent it from moving 
 en masse. The same thing is accomplished by lip screens 
 which are perforated plate screens formed into transverse 
 steps about 12 inches long with a drop of 1 in. to 2 
 in. ; each step has a series of parallel longitudinal slot 
 perforations widening toward the lower end, and curved 
 down over the step. In addition to agitating the mate 
 rial, these screens arc self-clearing in that the effect of 
 the lower end of the slot is eliminated, and lumps which 
 pass only partly through the slots slide out onto the 
 next step. 
 The thickness of plate screens increases with the size 
 of the perforations, and shape and spacing of the per 
 forations vary with the sizes to be produced, the type 
 of fracture and other properties of the material. 
 Screen, Primary. The first or initial screen, in plants 
 where the same material is subject to successive screen 
 ings for the purpose of more thorough elimination of 
 foreign matter, or more thorough mixing of added in 
 Screen, Rejection. A screen which separates out for 
 rejection from the succeeding pmccsses all material ahove 
 a certain size as determined by the size of the openings. 
 This material is either discarded, or is subject to a 
 special crushing preliminary to use. 
 Screen, Revolving. A screening device in which the 
 woven wire fabric, perforated sheet metal or other screen 
 material is arranged around the exterior of a cylindrical, 
 conical, hexagonal prismatic or hexagonal pyramidal 
 frame, supported so that it can rotate with its axis hori 
 zontal or slightly inclined. The material to he screened 
 is delivered to the interior at one end and, as it works 
 toward the other, is separated into two or more portions 
 graded according to size. 
 These screens are made up in several ways. For the 
 heaviest service perforated plates, sometimes of manganese 
 steel, bent to the proper cylindrical or conical form, are 
 bolted to a frame which has at its ends heavy tread 
 rings or tires running on small chilled wheels supported 
 in bearings and called trunnion wheels ; additional inter 
 mediate tires arc used if the length warrants it. This is 
 termed the trunnion, tire, treadway or friction ring type. 
 The screen is rotated by power applied to the wheels or 
 rolls on which it is supported, turning the latter by fric 
 tion or by a pinion meshing with a large ring gear cut 
 on one of the tires. It may also be rotated by a bevel 
 gear or a large ring sprocket on one of the tires, or on 
 the end ring at the receiving or discharge end. If the 
 discharge end frame is solid, the screen surface must 
 stop short of the end frame, leaving a gap through which 
 the oversize material may discharge. The other types 
 have a clear discharge opening, and all have clear receiv 
 ing ends. If the screen is conical, the shaft is horizontal; 
 if cylindrical, the shaft is inclined and a thrust bearing 
 must be provided. This may be arranged in the bevel 
 gear drive type by a steel button thrust in the end of 
 the shaft in the main bearing at the discharge end ; in 
 the open end type rollers must be provided bearing against 
 a surface on the end face of the end ring, and these 
 rollers are conveniently two in number and placed on a 
 transverse shaft across the center of the end, the dis 
 charge passing beneath it. 
 For lighter service the spider or shaft construction is 
 used, consisting of perforated plates or woven wire mate 
 rial attached to a frame made up of longitudinals fastened 
 to a series of frames or spiders mounted on a through 
 shaft carried in bearings at each end. Main reliance is 
 placed on the shaft to stiffen the screen, and it is some 
 times trussed for added stiffness. One or more inter 
 mediate spiders sometimes have a flange projecting out 
 ward between the two adjacent screen sections attached 
 to it, resting on rollers, to assist in carrying the weight ; 
 this makes a combination type. The screen is rotated by 
 power applied to the shaft by a pulley, gear or sprocket 
 Hexagonal screens are usually made up in the spider 
 form and the perforated metal or woven wire screen is 
 side to side of the material passing through them as dis- 
 sicle to side of the material passing through it, as dis 
 tinguished from the rolling in the cylindrical or conical 
 screens. The throwing action can be obtained in the 
 latter, however, by fitting a number of longitudinal in 
 wardly projecting baffles. 
 Conical screens are sometimes supported on an over 
 hung shaft attached to a heavy spider secured in the 
 small end of the cone. The material is fed into the large 
 end of the cone by a chute extending the full length 
 to the small end, and the revolving screen returns the 
 over-size to the large end where it is discharged. Cylin 
 drical screens are also sometimes overhung ; in this case 
 the material which will not pass through must be re 
 moved by hand or some special mechanical means. A 
 cylindrical or conical screen may have one size of mesh 
 or perforations throughout its length; all oversize mate 
 rial is discharged at the end, and all material smaller 
 than the size of the openings passes through them. A 
 concentric cylindrical dust jacket is sometimes added 
 externally for part of the length from the receiving end ; 
 it is of fine mesh, and allows the dust to pass through, 
 but retains the desired material and delivers it at the 
 end of the jacket. This principle may be extended by 
 the use of multiple jackets placed concentric with the 
 inner one, successively shorter at the discharge ends and 
 of finer mesh or perforations, counting from the inner 
 screen outward. The innermost jacket separates all over 
 size and delivers it at its discharge end ; the next jacket 
 retains all above the size of its mesh and delivers it to its 
 discharge, distinct from the discharge of the jacket, and 
 each succeeding jacket acts in the same manner. Hexag 
 onal screens are similarly jacketed. 
 Another method of securing separation into several 
 sizes is to have a single covering of several sections or 
 compartments on the same cylindrical or conical frame, 
 with the mesh or perforations increasing in size from 
 section to section as the material progresses through the 
 Revolving screens may be entirely open, or completely 
 enclosed in housings to retain the dust ; this settles to 
 the bottom and is removed at intervals by hand, or 
 continuously by a small conveyor. 
 A dead plate or unperforated section is sometimes left 
 close to the receiving end, to insure the breaking up of 
 the material received upon it, or to allow a better wash 
 ing by water supplied at this point. 
 A renewable "wearing skirt" is also sometimes applied 
 just within the receiving end, to receive the impact of 
 the material from the feeding chute. 
 Revolving screens are sometimes made up with screen 
 ing surfaces composed of longitudinal bars held parallel 
 by the spiders or trunnion rings, like an elongated squirrel 
 cage. These will stand very severe wear. An inner 
 screen of this sort is sometimes inserted within a per 
 forated metal revolving screen to take out the oversize 
 and save the perforated surface from the excessive wear 
 due to the presence of large and heavy pieces. 
 Screen, Rotating Disc. A screening device consisting 
 of a series of notched cast iron discs loosely mounted 
 on a number of parallel square shafts, all driven at the 
 same speed and in the same direction by outside gearing. 
 The top edges of the discs are all in the same plane, 
 which is inclined downward in the direction of travel about 
 7 dcg. The coal or other material is fed in at the upper 
 end, resting on the edges of the discs, and is passed along 
 by their rotation, the line material dropping between 
 them. Also called a rotary grizzly. Another type con- 
 M-ts of a single shaft with a series of equal sized discs 
 spaced apart by separators. Material like coal is fed 
 onto the advancing side near the top, the fines dropping 
 through and the lumps carrying over into the discharge. 
 This is a convenient method of reducing the load on a 
 crusher by separating the fines from the lumps before 
 delivering the latter into the crusher. Also called a 
 rotary grizzly feeder. 
 Screen, Shaking or Shaker. A screening surface held in 
 a frame in a slightly inclined position and reciprocated 
 or shaken horizontally by some means, to agitate the 
 material passing over it and to assist in its movement. 
 The screen is supported at its four corners and at 
 intermediate points, if its length requires, by rod and 
 pin suspension from above or by rollers from a track 
 below. Another type is the flexible or spring board sup 
 port, consisting of a number of thin hickory or ash 
 boards fastened securely to the screen and to the 
 supporting building structure from either above or 
 The oscillation is usually caused by a rotating shaft 
 having eccentrics connected to the screen frame by 
 wooden eccentric rods. Somewhat better action can be 
 secured by cam operation, giving a slow advancing mo 
 tion and a quick return, and with this arrangement the 
 screen need not be inclined. The same effect is secured 
 by a quick vertical drop at the end of the forward mo 
 tion. In another arrangement the ends of the screen 
 are supported by eccentric straps carried by eccentrics 
 on parallel shafts rotating in synchronism; the screen 
 thus has a small motion of circular translation which 
 assists in moving the material. 
 A series of shaking screens arranged end-to-end may 
 be used to produce several sizes, but to economize hori 
 zontal space they arc often arranged above one another 
 in several decks, each discharging its own oversize at 
 the lower end. The separate decks are sometimes called 
 Shaking screens produce considerable vibration in the 
 building, and this may be minimized by arranging the 
 screens in pairs driven by the same shaft, with eccentrics 
 180 deg. apart so that the two screens of the pair are 
 always traveling in opposite directions, or "throw" 
 against each other. Single screens may be balanced by 
 reciprocating counterweights. The reciprocations vary 
 from 100 min. to ISO per min. and the throw is greater 
 for larger sizes of material than for small. 
 Shaking screens may be made self-feeding by provid 
 ing a blank sheet at the top, set at a small angle like 
 7 deg., on which the material is dumped and on 
 which it spreads and feeds to the screen with moderate 
 ularity. Veil sheets are also often fitted to screens 
 ver which it occasionally may be necessary to carry the 
 material without screening ; these consist of unperforated 
 plates which can be laid on the screen surface. 
 \ two-deck shaking screen, may have the decks car- 
 1 at the top and bottom ends of four rockers which 
 are themselves oscillated by opposed eccentrics; much 
 of the vibration may be removed by thus producing 
 opposite throws of the two screens. Also called a du 
 plex rocker shaking screen. 
 The screening surface of shaking screens may be of 
 the bar or grizzly type, woven wire cloth, or perforated 
 metal ; a special form of the latter known as a lip screen 
 is widely used. 
 Screen, Sizing. A screen which separates a material 
 into a number of different grades according to the size 
 of the particles, usually designated by stating the open 
 ings through which each size will and will not go. 
 Screen, Suspended. A horizontal rotary cylindrical 
 screen which is suspended at two or more points by 
 belts passing around it and also around pulleys on a 
 shaft above, which is also the driving shaft. Longitudi 
 nal baffles are attached to the outside; mixed sand and 
 "tailings" are discharged onto the outside on top ; the 
 coarse tailings are carried over the side and away; water 
 and fine tailings, which it is desired to save, pass through 
 the screen surface and are caught by an internal sloping 
 Screen, Traveling Bar. A screen consisting of a series 
 of parallel steel bars attached at each end to chains and 
 made up into an endless belt passing over a pair of 
 sprockets at each end, with the runs horizontal. Material 
 is received on the upper run; the fines drop between the 
 bars and are deflected to one side, while the lumps are 
 retained and pass over the head sprockets. The device 
 serves as a feeder to a crusher, also relieving it from 
 unnecessary work by removing the fine material. A 
 second belt of more closely spaced bars may travel within 
 the first, on smaller sprockets on the same shafts, allow 
 ing separation into three grades according to size. 
 Also called traveling grizzly bar feeder. 
 Screen Veil. A steel plate which can be laid over a 
 screening surface when it is desired to pass material 
 to a point beyond the screen without performing any 
 separation by it. 
 Screen, Vibrating Wire. A form of gravity screen in 
 which the woven wire screen surface is stretched taut 
 and kept in vibration by a series of small hammer blows 
 produced by cams. Material is fed continuously at the 
 upper side of such a sloping screen and is screened as it 
 passes down over the surface, the vibration preventing 
 clogging and assisting in the movement. Its special field 
 is for fine screening, and it is sometimes called a sep 
 Screen, Washing. A screen in which water is supplied 
 to wash the material (such as sand or gravel) while it 
 is being screened, to remove loam, slime or other undesir 
 able constituents. Where division into a number of sizes 
 is performed, the same water usually washes the material 
 in each screen in succession, starting from the coarsest 
 and ending with the finest; it then passes into a settling 
 tank in which one or more of the various sizes of sand 
 may be separated. 
 Revolving and flat screens are both used for washing 
 purposes, but special arrangements must be made to 
 secure all possible washing effect from the water before 
 it passes away through the screen. 
 Screenings. The term applied to material separated out 
 by screening operations, usually the fines or undersize 
 material, and considered as the refuse or by-product of 
 that particular operation. Thus at coal pockets, the fine 
 material which drops through the screens in the bottom 
 of the loading chutes is termed screenings. 
 Screening Plant, Portable. A screening outfit which is 
 mounted on wheels or otherwise arranged so that it may 
 be easily moved from place to place. It usually con 
 sists of a combination of an elevated revolving screen 
 with suitable bucket elevator for raising the material 
 from a pit in the ground and dumping it into the screen, 
 a series of bins for receiving the sized material, and a 
 source of power such as a steam or internal combustion 
 engine, all mounted on a substantial body resting on 
 Screw, Cap. A bar or bolt having a solid head at one 
 end and a thread in the other, the head being smaller 
 than a standard bolt head, and slightly rounded on top. 
 Sealing Machine. A device for scaling corrugated or 
 solid fibre shipping containers. The machine is com 
 monly used in a line of gravity conveyor extending from 
 the packing to the shipping department. The action of 
 the machine in applying the adhesive and flaps is prac 
 tically automatic. The sealing is done by flexible rolls 
 \\hich apply uniform pressure regardless of surface ir 
 regularities. A wide range of package sizes may be 
 handled by one machine. 
 Page 764. 
 Separator, Magnetic. An electro-magnetic device for 
 separating iron or steel pieces from a stream of bulk 
 material so as to prevent damage to crushers or rolls 
 to which it may be passing. In one type the magnetic 
 material is deflected from a falling stream so that it 
 passes inside of a partition, the remainder falling straight 
 down and staying on the outer side. Another type con 
 sists of a magnetic head pulley for a belt conveyor, in 
 which the iron and steel is held against the belt while it 
 passes around the pulley and after it has delivered the 
 other material. The separation of the belt from the 
 surface of the pulley as it starts on its return removes 
 the iron so far from the influence of the magnet that 
 it falls free. In a third type the magnetic material is 
 pulled to one side or to the bottom of the channel in 
 which it is flowing, where it is retained and accumulates 
 until it is removed from time to time by hand. (See 
 Spout, Magnetic.) 
 Direct current must always be used for these magnetic 
 devices, and arrangements should be included by which 
 a warning is given when the current is cut off from 
 the magnet. 
 Separator, Steam. A device for removing the moisture 
 from steam, usually before it goes into an engine. It 
 consists of a chamber in which the steam is given one or 
 more sharp turns, throwing the moisture out by centrif 
 ugal force; the water runs to the bottom and is blown 
 out from time to time or is removed by a trap. 
 Separator, Water. A chamber or pocket in a com 
 pressed air line, arranged to remove water from the air 
 passing through it. The principle of centrifugal force is 
 usually utilized. (See also Air Receiver.) 
 Set-screw. A machine screw which prevents relative 
 motion of two parts in contact by being screwed through 
 one, and having its point forced or "set" into the other. 
 It is used generally to secure hubs of small pulleys, etc., 
 to their shafts. The heads are generally square, but may 
 be slotted. 
 Shackle. A stirrup or piece bent into U-shape, with 
 eyes in the two ends, used to attach a link or eye through 
 which it passes, to another similar part by means of a 
 bolt or pin passing through the two eyes. 
 Shackle, Guy. A shackle used for attaching a guy line 
 to a derrick. A thimble or a sheave may be placed on 
 the pin or bolt to bend the wire rope around preparatory 
 to clamping it to the standing part of the guy. 
 Shackle, Screw. A shackle in which the pin is screwed 
 into one side, to prevent it from falling out. 
 Shaft. A long cylindrical machine member rotating in 
 Tsearings, and subject mainly to torsion. It may have 
 cranks, gears, cams, pulleys or sheaves fastened to it, 
 and transmits power between them by torsional stress in 
 the shaft. When the torsion is only incidental, and bend 
 ing is the principal stress, the member is calied an axle, 
 which see. 
 In mining, a vertical or inclined excavation made in 
 opening the ground for mining purposes. All of the 
 material excavated is hoisted through the shaft, and all 
 tools and equipment required for the work are lowered 
 through it. It also contains the pipes connected with the 
 pumping system, and the lines of power transmission. 
 Shaft, Cross. In bridge cranes, the bridge driving or 
 squaring shaft. 
 Shaft, Foot. The term applied to the shaft carrying the 
 lower of the two principal wheels, or sheaves, round 
 which passes the endless chains or ropes of various types 
 of inclined belt or apron conveyors, continuous bucket 
 elevators, etc. Also called the tail shaft. 
 Shaft, Head. In elevators, elevator conveyors, mine 
 hoists, etc., the shaft carrying the sheaves, sprockets or 
 drums around or onto which pass the ropes or chains 
 carrying the load. Where the rope or chain is endless, 
 as in bucket elevators, the lower shaft is called the 
 foot shaft in distinction. 
 Shaft, Squaring. The shafting connecting the wheels 
 on the two tracks of a travelling crane, used to drive the 
 crane, and to force the two ends to travel at the same 
 speed and keep the bridge "square" with the runway. At 
 one time cranes were pulled along by a rope, and this 
 shaft had no function except that of squaring. At present 
 it is utilized as the drive shaft, and is geared directly to 
 the bridge travel motor. 
 In gantry cranes the squaring shaft is carried across 
 the bridge, and extensions down the end frames connect 
 to the wheels by bevel gearing. 
 Occasionally the crane gets out of square in spite of 
 these arrangements ; it can be squared by running it 
 against the stops at one end of the runway, and exerting 
 sufficient pressure to slip the wheels on one side a slight 
 Shafting, Flexible. A shaft which is constructed in 
 such a manner that it can be bent to a considerable ex 
 tent and still transmit power smoothly. 
 All types consist of a flexible central core which rotates 
 and transmits the power, and an outer cover or casing 
 which serves as a long bearing for the core, and which 
 enables it to be held in the hand or moved about without 
 causing damage. In one type the core is composed of 
 from two to five layers of closely coiled steel wire, the 
 direction of winding of successive coils being opposite. 
 The outer casing is a tube made of flat or square steel 
 coils closely wound, and covered with an outer layer of 
 leather. Another type has a central core made of a chair* 
 of short links which are hooked into each other in suchi 
 a way as to be sufficiently flexible. 
 A certain degree of flexibility can be given to lines of 
 shafting by the insertion of universal joints at intervals. 
 Shears, or Shear Legs. A type of crane much used in 
 ship-yards for fitting out, in which a long boom made of 
 two converging members is pivoted at the bottom on a 
 foundation, and carries the hoisting tackle at the top. It 
 has a small horizontal range by means of the in-and-out 
 swing of the long-legged boom, and the vertical range is 
 limited only by the height of the shear legs. It is never 
 allowed to swing very far forward, and never backward. 
 It is ordinarily swung out by slacking on guys attached to 
 the top and extending to anchorages a considerable dis 
 tance to the rear. Occasionally a third or back leg is 
 provided, pivoted to the main legs part way up or at the 
 top, and extending downward to the rear; the lower end 
 is mounted on wheels and is rolled along the ground under 
 the control of tackle or a screw, thus swinging the top 
 outward, or luffing it. 
 Page 801, 802. 
 Sheave. A wheel or disc of wood or metal, having one 
 or more circumferential grooves shaped to receive a rope 
 or chain, and free to rotate on a shaft. Wood sheaves, 
 as used in small blocks, are generally made of lignum 
 vita; with bronze bushings. Metal sheaves are plain discs; 
 hub, web and rim construction ; or hub, spokes and rim ; 
 in accordance with the size. 
 A sheave is usually free on its shaft, and without gear 
 ing, serving merely to change the direction of the rope 
 passing around it. The term is, however, sometimes incor 
 rectly applied to narrow drums used for winding purposes 
 and to the driving or driven pulleys of a rope drive. 
 (See also Sheave, Chain; Sheave, Gravity Plane.) 
 Sheave, Bicycle Spoke. A grooved sheave for wire or 
 manila rope which is made up of a hub, grooved rim, and 
 radiating wire spokes connecting them, like the wheel of 
 a bicycle. 
 Sheave, Chain. See Wheel, Chain. 
 Sheave, Elevator. A special concave surfaced drum of 
 large diameter fastened on the end of the drum shaft of 
 a winch, and used for operating material handling ele 
 vators, as in building construction. A rope has its two 
 ends connected to two elevators, or to one elevator and 
 a counterweight, and is passed around the drum for one 
 or two turns. The drum may be disconnected from the 
 winch shaft by a jaw or friction clutch, and a foot-oper 
 ated band brake enables it to be retarded or held at any 
 point desired. 
 Sheave, Fixed. A sheave whose axis is fixed in loca 
 tion; also a guide sheave. 
 Sheave, Gravity Plane. A brake-controlled sheave lo 
 cated at the top of an incline, by means of which control 
 is maintained over a downward moving loaded car which 
 is only partially counter-balanced by the upward moving 
 empty car connected to it by a rope passing over the 
 sheave. A single turn of the rope around a sheave would 
 not give sufficient traction to prevent slipping, so two 
 multi-grooved sheaves mounted on parallel axes and pro 
 vided with brake bands are anchored to a foundation, 
 and the rope is passed around them in succession in 
 figure eight turns. The rope ends are fastened to the 
 A motor drive is sometimes added to the sheave, to 
 assist in starting, and to raise a loaded car in case it 
 should be necessary. 
 Sheave, Grooved. See Sheave, Rope. 
 Sheave, Guide. A sheave located in such a way that it 
 guides a rope in a desired direction, generally onto a 
 drum, or into the plane of another sheave. 
 Sheave, Load. In a chain hoist, the sheave from which 
 the chain or rope carrying the load is pendent. 
 Sheave, Pendent. In rope tackle, the lower or fall 
 Sheave, Rope. A sheave having a circumferential 
 groove shaped to fit rope. If for wire rope for power 
 transmission, the groove is shaped so that the rope does 
 not touch the sides ; if for hoisting, the groove should fit 
 the rope closely to enable it to hold its shape under heavy 
 load. Idler sheaves for manila rope usually have groove s 
 which approximately fit the rope, but do not wedge it. 
 Wide faced freely turning sheaves with numerous 
 grooves are usually called idler pulleys ; when keyed to 
 their shafts and used for actual power transmission they 
 are called rope drive pulleys. 
 Sheave, Water. A sheave which is designed for use in 
 a fall or bottom block which passes under water, as in the 
 hoisting of dredge dippers, grab buckets, etc. Grease 
 lubrication is usually arranged to prevent grit entering 
 the bearing, and the sheave is thoroughly housed to pre 
 vent fouling from roots or other objects. 
 Shell. The name given to the frame or central portion 
 of one type of clamshell grab bucket, which includes the 
 top head, attachments for corners of the spades, and 
 guides for an internal vertically sliding crosshead which, 
 with the sheaves in the head, forms the operating mech 
 anism of the bucket. The shell is usually made of steel 
 plate; the rope attached to it is called the shell rope, 
 instead of the holding or lowering rope as is more 
 Ship, Self-unloading. See Unloader, Self-unloading 
 Shovel, Crowding Motion. The thrusting motion of the 
 dipper handle of a power shovel, by which it is forced 
 downward or forward into the digging. Two types are 
 in use : the shipper shaft crowd, in which the dipper 
 handle is moved lengthwise (see Shovel, Steam, Crowd 
 ing Engine) ; and the horizontal crowd, in which the upper 
 end of the shovel handle is moved horizontally forward. 
 The dipper hoisting motion is operated simultaneously 
 with either of these. 
 Also called thrust or thrusting motion. 
 Shovel, Gasoline. A power shovel which is driven by a 
 gasoline engine. Instead of having a number of sepa 
 rate engines, as is usual with steam shovels, there is usu 
 ally one governor controlled internal combustion engine 
 running at approximately uniform speed, having numer 
 ous friction clutches by which the various parts of the 
 machine can be brought into operation as desired. Gaso 
 line is often cheaper and is always more easily trans 
 ported than coal, and a gasoline shovel is independent of 
 water supply, except for the small amount required for 
 cooling purposes, and this need not be of a quality which 
 would be suitable for boiler feed. Gradual starting and 
 smoothness of operation are. however, more difficult of 
 attainment, and repairs are apt to be higher. 
 Shovel, Horizontal Crowding. A power shovel in which 
 the upper end of the dipper handle may be moved for 
 ward horizontally at the same time the dipper is pulled 
 forward by the hoisting rope. It is useful for producing 
 smooth, level cuts, and for tearing up surfaces of roads 
 without disturbing the foundation structure. 
 Some machines give a very long horizontal "crowd " by 
 having a special arrangement with a scoop traveling 
 along the lower side of the boom, which is. lowered to a 
 horizontal position during filling, and raised and swung 
 for dumping. 
 Shovel, Power. A power driven excavator, in which the 
 digging element is usually a scoop or dipper mounted on 
 a handle and operated by a combination of a geared at 
 tachment to a boom, with wire ropes or chains attached 
 to the dipper and also operated from the. boom. This 
 apparatus, with its operating machinery, boiler, etc., is 
 mounted on a car with flat or flanged wheels, or on a 
 track-laying truck, and is usually self-propelled. Steam 
 power is in most general use. but internal combustion 
 engines are also used, and occasionally electricity. (See 
 Shovel, Steam; Shovel, Gasoline.) 
 Several forms of digging element other than the dipper 
 and handle are in use. In some of these a shovel-shaped 
 scoop is thrust forward into the material and is raised, 
 swung and dumped in much the same manner as a hand 
 shovel. This motion is obtained by operating the scoop 
 by a series of linkages and bell cranks mounted on a 
 revolving turntable, or by having the scoop move along 
 the lower side of a nearly horizontal boom, rilling as it 
 moves outward, after which the boom is raised and 
 swung to the dumping point. (Sec Loading Machine, 
 Page 235. 
 Shovel, Power. A power-operated machine used for 
 "cleaning up" the ore, coal and similar bulk material left 
 in the hold of a vessel (or a storage space) after the 
 unloading machines have taken all that they can reach. 
 It consists of a gasoline engine driven truck on the front 
 of which is mounted a shovel scoop arranged so that it 
 can be elevated and dumped in front of the machine. 
 In operation it is forced under the ore until it is filled, 
 and is then raised; tile machine is backed and run to a 
 point under the hatch that can be easily reached by the 
 unloader grab bucket ; there the operator dumps the load 
 by pulling a latch. The machine is lowered to the hold 
 and raised afterward by suitable hoisting lines from the 
 regular unloading mechanism. 
 Shovel, Power. A device for assisting in the hand un 
 loading of bulk material from box cars, consisting of a 
 large scoop, with handles at the back for guiding, con 
 nected by a rope led over suitably arranged pulleys to 
 an automatic winch. The operator carries the scoop to 
 either end of the car, the rope unwinding freely from 
 the drum. Upon plunging the scoop into the material, 
 the rope is momentarily slackened and a counterweight 
 on the drum mechanism automatically reverses the drum 
 and throws in a jaw clutch. This winds up the rope and 
 draws the scoop with its load to the car door, at which 
 point a trip on the mechanism disengages the clutch, and 
 the operation may be repeated. 
 Shovel, Railroad. A steam shovel of the straight line 
 type consisting of. a railway car mounted on two swivel 
 trucks and carrying at one end a dipper mounted on a 
 boom which can swing through approximately a half 
 circle. The boom heef is pivoted in a swing circle, and 
 a topping lift from the boom point is attached to the top 
 of an A-frame. (See Shovel, Steam.) The A-frame may 
 be swung back and forth in some cases, thus raising or 
 lowering the boom ; this is usually necessary in shovels 
 which must travel along a railroad right-of-way without 
 partial dismantling. 
 The remainder of the car is devoted to the operating 
 machinery, boilers, fuel, etc. Powerful outriggers, (also 
 called spreaders or jack arms) on each side of the car 
 at the dipper end rest on screw jacks supported by block 
 ing and keep the shovel from tipping when the dipper is 
 cutting directly at the side. 
 These shovels are the most powerful made, and when 
 the dippers are provided with proper teeth will cut 
 through almost any material except solid rock. 
 Page 235. 
 Shovel, Revolving. A power shovel which is mounted 
 on a turn-table and is capable of being swung in a 
 complete circle. All the operating machinery, whether 
 steam or internal combustion engine, is mounted on the 
 revolving deck, and placed so as to counterbalance the 
 weight of the boom and the shovel thrust. The turn 
 table is mounted on a base which may be supported on 
 track wheels, traction wheels, or track-laying trucks. One 
 type, used in railroad work, is mounted on flanged wheels. 
 stands on rails laid on a flat car and is capable of self- 
 propulsion along the car. A variable topping lift is often 
 used, necessitating an additional winding drum. (See 
 Shovel, Power; Shovel, Steam.) 
 Page 237. 
 Shovel, Ship. A term applied to a type of power shovel 
 used in unloading grain from the holds of vessels, where 
 it is used to move the grain toward the point where the 
 buckets on the marine leg can reach it. It thus serves as 
 a power-operated hand-controlled feeder device for the 
 marine leg. The operating rope is sometimes led down 
 the leg into the hold and thus always operates toward the 
 Shovel, Shipper Shaft Boom or Shipper Shaft Crowd. 
 A power shovel in which the crowding motion is given 
 to the dipper by a shipper shaft mechanism. (Sec 
 Shovel, Crowding Engine.) The engine is usually 
 mounted on the upper surface of the boom near the center 
 of its length. 
 Shovel, Steam. A power shovel operated by steam 
 engines. The type in most common use consists of a 
 digging element in the form of a scoop or dipper mounted 
 on the end of a dipper handle. This handle is pivoted to 
 swing in a vertical plane about a horizontal axis or shaft 
 called the shipper shaft near the center of a supporting 
 boom. The handle can also be run in or out lengthwise 
 by engine-driven gearing mounted on the boom, and 
 meshing with a rack on the dipper handle; this action 
 is termed crowding. The boom is double for a portion of 
 its length and the dipper handle swings between the two 
 Steam shovels may be divided into two classes the 
 straight line shovel, and the revolving shovel depending 
 on the way the boom is swung in a horizontal direction. 
 In the straight line type (also called the standard and 
 railroad shovel) the heel or inner end of the boom is 
 mounted on a swing circle allowing motion about a verti 
 cal axis; the point or outer end is attached by a topping 
 lift to a head casting pivoted at the top of an A-frame. 
 The boom may then swing approximately 180 deg., or 
 until the boom touches the A-frame legs on each side. In 
 the revolving shovel, the boom, A-frame and all operat 
 ing gear are mounted on a revolving platform which may 
 make complete rotation if desired. 
 The dipper has a hinged dipper door at the bottom and 
 a bail at the top to which is attached chain or wire rope 
 tackle led around sheaves at the boom point and thence 
 to the hoisting drum on the winch. The dipper door is 
 held shut by a latch which can be released by a trip 
 rope pulled by the engineer. 
 All the machinery, with boiler, is mounted on a wheeled 
 platform or car, which may or may not be self-propelled. 
 All sizes arc mounted on flanged wheels for railways, 
 or on track-laying trucks ; the smaller sizes are also 
 often mounted on flat traction wheels. One type is 
 mounted on a railway flat car, but on longitudinal rails of 
 which it can travel from one end of the car to the other. 
 In operation the dipper is forced downward and out 
 ward against the material by the crowding engine, and is 
 pulled outward and through the material by the hoisting 
 rope attached to the bail. The dipper and boom are 
 then swung to the dumping position and the latch pulled, 
 dumping the contents. Two operators are generally re 
 quired, one called the cranesman, to manipulate the dip 
 per, and the other called the engineer, to run the engine 
 and operate the winding drum. 
 The specifications of capacity usually include the fol 
 lowing: maximum dumping radius, clear dumping height, 
 level iloor radius, maximum height of cut, and depth of 
 cut below floor (track) level. 
 Page 235. 
 Shovel, Traction. A steam shovel which is mounted on 
 flat tread wheels or track-laying trucks and can propel 
 itself over the ground. It is made in both the straight 
 line and the revolving types. 
 Shovel Boom. The boom of a power shovel, on which 
 the dipper is mounted. It is commonly used at a fixed 
 inclination, is mounted on a swing circle at its heel 
 (see Swing Circle), and has its point or head supported 
 by a boom suspension pivoted to the head of the mast or 
 A-frame. If the inclination is to be varied, a horizontal 
 pivot must be supplied at the heel, and a variable top 
 ping lift; this is sometimes obtained by swinging the 
 A-frame out of the vertical. 
 The boom is usually made double for part of its length, 
 and the dipper handle swings between the two portions. 
 The crowding engine and shipper shaft mechanism are 
 mounted on the boom at about mid-length. 
 Booms are made of wood, of wood with steel reinforce 
 ments and wearing plates, of wood completely enclosed 
 and armored with steel, and of steel alone, the last usually 
 being of braced construction. Wood offers greater flexi 
 bility and resilience than steel alone. 
 Shovel Dipper. The digging element of a steam shovel 
 or dipper dredge. It consists of a bottom dumping 
 bucket having a hinged dipper door, mounted rigidly 
 (sometimes adjustably) on the end of a long arm called 
 the dipper handle, which can be moved lengthwise by 
 engines and gears mounted on a boom. This engine, 
 called the crowding engine, furnishes the power for hold 
 ing the dipper against the material to be excavated. The 
 dipper is pulled through the material and afterward lifted 
 by a one, two or three-part dipper hoist rope, led from 
 the dipper bail around a sheave at the boom end, and 
 thence to the hoisting drum of the winding machinery. 
 The door is hinged to the back of the dipper and is 
 held shut by a latch which can be released by a trip rope 
 operated by the engineer. 
 The dipper is of steel, and the front part, which re 
 ceives the hardest treatment, is often of manganese or 
 high carbon steel. 
 Shuttle Car. See Skip Car. 
 Sill. In a stiff-leg derrick, the heavy timber lying on 
 the ground, and connected to the mast step at one end 
 and the bottom end of a stiff-leg at the other. Also 
 called lie-leg. 
 Silo Bin. See Bin, Cylindrical. 
 Skip. A shallow, flat-bottomed, straight-sided wooden 
 box reinforced with iron fittings, with top and one end 
 open, supported by three chains leading to a common ring 
 for hanging on a derrick hook. The chain supporting the 
 open end is provided with a trip hook for dumping. 
 Used for dirt, rock, etc., and filled by hand shoveling, 
 when a grab bucket is not available. Also made of steel 
 throughout. Sometimes called derrick skip or stone skip. 
 The term is also sometimes applied to a similarly used 
 flat rectangular wooden platform with rope slings from 
 each corner connected to a ring at the point of attach 
 ment of the hoisting rope. (See also, Skip Car; Skip 
 Bucket; Skip Hoist; Scale Box.) 
 Page 313. 
 Skip, Bottom Dump. A type of skip bucket used in 
 hoisting material from mines, which discharges its load 
 by -opening a door on the side near the bottom. This 
 door or gate, which also forms a discharge trough 
 when open, is pivoted at the lowest point of the sloping 
 bottom, and is connected by links to a pair of rollers 
 running in a guiding groove or cam attached to the skip 
 guides. Curvature of this groove at any desired point 
 causes the door to open ; reversal of the direction of the 
 movement of the skip closes it, and it is so locked in 
 this position that it cannot open except under the action 
 of the curved groove. 
 Skip, Cableway. A skip arranged to be carried on a 
 cableway. It is attached to the traveller by three chains, 
 two on the sides with a spreader between them, and one 
 on the back; it is dumped by hitching another chain at 
 the back and lifting. 
 Skip, Dumping. A large dumping bucket, with a wide 
 flaring front, making it a combination of an ordinary 
 bucket and a skip in form. Supported by a bail and 
 emptied by dumping. 
 Skip Bucket. A bucket arranged to run in the vertical 
 tower or shaft of a skip hoist. It is usually of rectangu 
 lar section, open at the top, and is pivoted at or near the 
 bottom in a vertical rectangular frame which slides in 
 vertical guides in the tower; this frame has the hoisting 
 rope attached to its head. A second rope is led to a 
 counterweight, or two cars are used, each serving to 
 counterbalance the other. An additional set of bucket 
 guides enclose projecting rollers on each side near the 
 top and keep the bucket upright, except when it is to be 
 In operation the bucket is filled in a loading pit at the 
 bottom of the tower (or shaft) and is hoisted. At the 
 dumping point the bucket guides curve outward into a 
 horizontal position, thus carrying the top of the bucket 
 outward ; as the bottom is pivoted in the frame it there 
 fore continues upward, dumping the contents of the 
 Page 826-833. 
 Page 817. 
 Skip Car. A four-wheel car arranged to run on the 
 track of an inclined skip hoist. It is open at the front 
 end ; often the top is also partly or entirely open. The 
 wheels are mounted on two through axles beneath the 
 car, or, in some cases, on spiders riveted to the sides of 
 the car. The rear wheels have an extra wide tread, 
 sometimes of two diameters, the outer treads being used 
 only at the top of the hoist for dumping purposes. A 
 bail is attached to the sides or bottom of the car, partly 
 or entirely surrounding it, and to it is attached the hoist 
 ing rope which leads to the winch drum. A second rope 
 is led to a counterweight; sometimes two cars are used, 
 each serving to counterbalance the other. Occasionally a 
 skip car runs on a vertical track, the hoisting line being 
 led off at such an angle as will keep the wheels against 
 the rails. 
 In operation the skip car rests in the loading pit while 
 it is being filled from a hopper through spouts with con 
 trol gates, etc. It is then hoisted up the incline, until, 
 near the top, the rails curve sharply inward, assuming a 
 horizontal direction. The outer treads of the rear wheels 
 however continue upward on special dumping rails which 
 are provided at this point, thus elevating the rear and 
 dumping the contents of the car. The winch is then 
 stopped and reversed, lowering the bucket to the loading 
 Page 621, 826-833. 
 Skip Hoist. An arrangement for the intermittent hoist 
 ing of material in bulk, consisting of a tower with guides, 
 or an inclined runway with tracks, on which the load car 
 rying skip bucket or skip car, often called a skip, runs. Wire 
 hoisting rope leads from the skip overhead sheaves and 
 leading sheaves to a single drum hoisting winch (usually 
 electrical) which is operated through a control panel; 
 a push button for starting and stopping is located where 
 convenient. A hopper with loading spout and gate at the 
 bottom is arranged for loading the skip when it is in the 
 pit, and it is emptied at the top by dumping. 
 The various operations may be manually controlled, 
 partly automatic, or fully automatic. (See Skip Hoist, 
 Automatic.) For methods of clumping, see Skip Car, 
 Skip Bucket. 
 Skips are also used in mine shafts for hoisting material 
 to the surface, the arrangements being similar lo tliose 
 described, except that the capacity is usually very large. 
 Page 585, 826-833. 
 Skip Hoist, Automatic. An electrically driven skip 
 hoist which operates continuously, starting up when the 
 load in the skip has become equal to a predetermined 
 amount shutting off on the way up the valve by means of 
 which it is filled, dumping at the top, waiting a sufficient 
 interval for all the contents to pass out, and returning to 
 the loading pit at the bottom, where it automatically opens 
 the loading valve and is ready to repeat the cycle. 
 Tlie automatic loading and starting are often omitted, 
 and the operator opens and closes the filling valve, and 
 starts the machinery by pressing a button. The bucket 
 then is hoisted, dumped and returned ready for another 
 load. When the hoist is of the double balanced skip 
 variety, this method of control is customary, the dumped 
 bucket remaining at the top until the operator fills the 
 one in the pit and starts the mechanism by pressing a 
 The hoisting winch is slowed down and stopped at each 
 end of its travel by a traveling cam limit switch or its 
 equivalent. The pause during dumping to give the con 
 tents time to slide out is obtained by a timing relay. 
 Page 585, 826-833. 
 Skip Hoist Guides. The guides in a skip hoist tower on 
 which the bucket frame travels in a vertical direction. 
 They may be mounted on a framing entirely surrounding 
 the space occupied by the bucket, the guides themselves 
 being on the middle of opposite sides, called box guides, 
 or they may be mounted against the face of the framing, 
 guiding the bucket at two corners, called open guides. 
 If a counterweight is used, guides are provided for it in 
 a separate runway. 
 Skip Hoist Pit. The well or depression in which a skip 
 car rests at its lowest point of travel, while being filled. 
 Skip Hoist Valve. A gate for controlling the flow of 
 material into a skip car or bucket when it is in the loading 
 pit. (See also Valve.) 
 Skip Hoist Winch. A single drum geared winding ma 
 chine, steam or (usually) electrically driven, and ar 
 ranged for doing hoisting work in a skip hoist. (See 
 Skip Hoist, Automatic.) 
 Skirt Boards. Flat guiding pieces, usually of wood, 
 placed along the sides of various types of continuous 
 conveyors and elevators, to assist in retaining the mate 
 rial carried or to center it on the moving member during 
 loading operations. These may be vertical (set on edge), 
 inclined or horizontal ; they may be placed at certain 
 places only, as at loading hoppers, or may extend the 
 length of a run ; they may be plain or fitted with rollers 
 at intervals, or may even consist of moving belts or 
 aprons set on edge and moved at the same speed as 
 the conveyor. 
 Slack. Small sized bituminous coal, such as will pass 
 through a screen having openings from five-eighths to 
 three-quarter inch in size. 
 Slack-rope. The rope which is used to tighten the 
 track rope in a slack-rope cableway excavator. One end 
 is led to a winch drum, and the other after being reeved 
 through a block on the end of the track rope and another 
 on the tower, is dead-ended on one of them. (See 
 Excavator, Slack-rope Cableway.) 
 Slewing. (Also spelled Sluing). The act of rotating a 
 crane about its vertical axis, often called swinging. Per 
 formed by hand in small cranes, but it is a power opera 
 tion in larger ones. There are two common methods: by 
 means of a grooved wheel fast to the bottom of the 
 mast, which is pulled around by ropes wrapped around 
 its circumference (see Bull Wheel) ; and by a large ring 
 gear fast to the foundation or base, with teeth on its cir 
 cumference meshing with a small pinion projecting down 
 from the revolving platform above, and driven by power 
 in cither direction desired. 
 Slewing Engine. An engine, generally steam, used to 
 operate a slewing winch for swinging a derrick or other 
 crane. (See Winch, Derrick Slewing.) 
 Page 803, 828. 
 Slewing Rack and Pinion. Term applied to the ring 
 gear and pinion used for slewing cranes. (See Bull Gear; 
 Crane, Locomotive.) 
 Sling, Closing. A piece of wire rope forming part of 
 the closing mechanism of one type of grab bucket. (See 
 Bucket, Power-wheel.) 
 Slings. Short pieces of rope or chains with eyes or 
 rings in the ends, which are passed around or under heavy 
 weights, to be lifted by a crane or hoist. They are often 
 especially rigged for certain work as box slings, barrel 
 slings, etc. Ordinary manila rope, wire rope or chain 
 are much used, and also special flat rope slings of manila 
 . or wire are made, with the necessary rings or thimbles 
 in the ends. Chain slings are liable to damage finished 
 surfaces unless special protectors are used, and they be 
 come so hardened by repeated service that they are liable 
 to snap without warning unless frequently annealed. Slip 
 ping of the links also causes heavy stresses in the crane. 
 The very best material should be used for all lifting 
 slings, and the allowable loads should be marked on them, 
 or should be posted where they may easily be seen by 
 those in charge of hoisting operations. 
 Slip Ring, Electrical. A band or ring of metal placed 
 on a rotating part and preserving electrical connection 
 with a fixed point by means of a brush or rolling contact. 
 The ring of the turntable of a locomotive crane, when 
 it rests without fastening on a machined seat on the base 
 casting so that it may slip if sudden forces due to extra 
 rapid acceleration or retardation of the crane occur. A 
 pinion projecting down from the revolving platform above 
 meshes with teeth cut on the circumference (inside or 
 outside) of this ring, and the rollers of the roller bearing 
 turntable rest on its upper surface. 
 Socket, Wire Rope. A piece of metal with a tapering 
 hole, to which the end of a wire rope is fastened by 
 passing the latter into the hole, opening out the strands 
 and perhaps doubling them back on themselves in the 
 conical hole, and then filling it completely with a metal 
 of low melting point. The socket may have an eye on the 
 free end, and is then called a closed socket ; it may have 
 two straight sides drilled to receive a cross pin like a 
 shackle and is called an open socket, or it may have other 
 special connections. 
 Span. The distance reached across by a bridge, a gir 
 der, a beam, a rope, etc. The span of a crane bridge is 
 the distance between centers of the rails at each end. 
 Speed, Hoisting. The distance travelled in feet per 
 minute by a load while it is being hoisted. It is often 
 expressed as slow, medium, and fast or rapid, but the 
 divisions are indefinite. Roughly they are : slow speed 
 for quarry, derrick and excavation work SO ft. to 100 ft. 
 per min. ; medium speed for wharf, building materials, 
 etc., 150 ft. to 300 ft. per min. ; rapid for cargo and mine 
 hoisting, 400 ft. to 800 ft. per min. 
 Spiral. A curve (generally a plane curve) which winds 
 around a point and at the same time continually recedes 
 from it, like a watch spring. 
 The term is often used where helical would be prefer 
 able, as spiral staircase, spiral conveyor. (See Helix.) 
 Spiral, Friction. See Chute, Spiral. 
 Spiral, Gravity Roller. A gravity conveyor in which 
 packages move downward on a roller runway arranged 
 in a helical form around a central vertical axis. On 
 account of the small slope required for conveying on 
 rollers, a number of turns of the spiral arc necessary 
 for conveying gently from floor to floor, and the length 
 of runway thus provided gives large storage capacity. 
 Single or multiple runways may be used, as in spiral 
 The runway is usually supported on horizontal braces 
 carried between pairs of posts inside and outside of the 
 runway, or by a central post and posts outside the run 
 The rollers are single straight cylinders, multiple short 
 cylinders on the same axis, or on curves, conical rollers 
 with the large end turned out. Concave rollers are used 
 for special objects like kegs. The outer ends may or 
 may not be raised or banked, depending on whether 
 it is considered objectionable to have the packages crowd 
 against the outer guard rail. The bearings may be of the 
 plain, ball or roller types. 
 On account of the large diameter and small slope, fire- 
 proofing of the openings through the floors is difficult 
 unless the spiral is completely housed in. One method 
 of avoiding this is to have short steep spiral chutes where 
 the conveyor passes through the floors, which can be 
 easily made fireproof, but these chutes may be inconveni 
 ent when carrying certain delicate or fragile materials. 
 Gravity roller spirals are most naturally loaded at the 
 top, and discharged at the bottom, in connection with 
 lines of gravity roller conveyor at both places, but 
 intermediate loading and discharge may also be accom 
 plished with the aid of hinged switches or diverters. 
 Page 387, 760-767. 
 Spiral Chute. See Chute, Spiral. 
 Spoil. The term applied to the material removed in 
 making an excavation either on land by excavating ma 
 chinery, or under water by dredging. 
 Spoil Bank. A long pile or heap of excavated material, 
 usually placed parallel to the longest dimension of the 
 ditch or other excavation being made. 
 Spool. A name sometimes applied to a drum, especially 
 when the surface is concave and it is used as a winch 
 head. On winches used for miscellaneous hoisting work, 
 a split spool is sometimes furnished to be attached to 
 the main winding drum when desired, to operate a coun- 
 terweighted material hoisting elevator by an endless rope 
 which makes several turns around the spool. 
 Spotter, Tilting. A means of feeding cars forward one 
 at a time down an incline, consisting of a short section 
 of track set on an incline, curved upward at the ends 
 and pivoted at the middle so that it can rock slightly. 
 As a car runs onto it past the middle, it tilts forward, 
 and the raised rail ends at the rear prevent the next car 
 from following; as the car passes off the front, the plat 
 form tilts down to the rear allowing the next car to 
 run on. 
 Spout. A pipe or trough used to discharge liquids or 
 crushed or pulverized solids which will flow from a tank, 
 bin or similar enclosure, generally under the control of 
 a valve or gate. Spouts are placed at various angles 
 from nearly horizontal to vertical, and are fixed, port 
 able, rigid, flexible, swinging, telescoping, folding, etc., 
 according to condition of use. They arc usually made 
 of steel, cast iron or wood, and occasionally of rein 
 forced concrete. 
 (See also Chute.) 
 Spout, Bifurcated. A spout having a divided discharge 
 with a shifting or switching device which can be made 
 to cause equal discharges in two branches, or any de 
 sired inequality. Used in loading grain into cars from 
 terminal elevators, as an aid in trimming the grain in the 
 Spout, Chain. A flexible spout in which the various 
 sections are held by a continuous chain attached to each. 
 Spout, Dock. A long spout receiving the discharge of 
 grain or similar bulk material from an elevated hopper 
 or conveyor in a building on a wharf and delivering it into 
 the hold of a vessel alongside. The upper end is pro 
 vided with a turnhead which permits it to swivel about 
 a vertical axis; it can also swing about a horizontal axis. 
 The lower portion of the spout telescopes outside of the 
 upper, permitting it to be withdrawn from the vessel s 
 hold by block and tackle. The weight of the entire spout 
 is carried by a tackle hanging from a swinging boom. 
 Spout, Distributing. A spout so arranged that it may 
 discharge into any one of a number of receptacles pro 
 vided for it. This may be accomplished by a flap or 
 swinging gate within the spout itself, deflecting the con 
 tents into branch spouts, or by moving the lower or dis 
 charge end of a single spout to the point desired. The 
 latter requires provision at the spout head for swiveling 
 or swinging or both (see Turnhead) and also possibly 
 telescoping of the spout itself. (See Spout, Telescope 
 A distributing spout sometimes used in grain handling 
 consists of two inclined sections with a swivel joint be 
 tween. The top section is connected to the hopper bottom 
 by a turnhead, and is supported near the swivel joint by 
 a hanger which travels on a circular overhead track. The 
 discharge end of the lower section is mounted on casters 
 and has an extension projecting into the hole in the floor 
 to prevent spillage. 
 Spout, Flexible. A spout which is constructed of a 
 number of cylindrical or slightly tapering pipe sections, 
 fitted into each other, loosely attached by chains, and 
 hanging from the top sections, so that the lower end 
 may be moved about and the emerging material deposited 
 where desired. This construction is used with the chut- 
 ing of concrete and in grain, gravel and sand handling 
 and loading operations. Also called flexible chute, and 
 elephant s trunk chute or spout. Occasionally the sec 
 tions telescope within one another for vertical adjust 
 ability, and for convenience in handling. 
 Spout, Flexible, Holder for. An adjustable rod used for 
 holding in a definite position the discharge end of a 
 flexible spout. Used in loading grain cars to save work 
 men from getting into the car. 
 Spout, Magnetic. A spout which contains an electro 
 magnet so placed that it will attract and hold all pieces 
 of iron which may accidentally get into a stream of 
 material passing over it, and prevent them from passing 
 into a crusher or other machine which would be injured 
 by their entry. The magnet is usually located in the 
 bottom of the spout, and provision is sometimes made 
 for the automatic opening of a door just beyond the 
 magnet to discharge any accumulated iron onto the floor, 
 and not into the crusher, in case the electric current fails 
 or is accidentally turned off. 
 Spout, Measuring. A vertical or nearly vertical spout 
 which is provided with gates at both top and bottom and 
 is used as a means of measuring coal or other material 
 delivered through it from a bin or hopper above. An 
 interlocking device prevents the opening of the two valves 
 at the same time, and a counter attached to the lower 
 gate records the number of spoutfuls which have been 
 discharged; this multiplied by the calibrated contents of 
 the spout will give the volume delivered. Used for meas 
 uring the coal delivered to boiler stoker hoppers. 
 Spout, Portable. A spout which may be easily moved 
 about. In grain elevators, such spouts are often mounted 
 on a caster supported frame arranged for adjustable in 
 clination, with a discharge end formed to fit into a hole 
 in the floor and prevent spillage. 
 Spout, Telescope Trolley. A type of spout used to 
 deliver material like grain from an overhead hopper into 
 any one of several openings in a floor below. The spout is 
 in two parts which telescope within one another ; the lower 
 end is carried on a trolley or frame supported on 
 casters which supports it as it is moved over the floor 
 from one opening to another and the upper end is pro 
 vided with a turnhead to allow this swiveling and swing 
 ing motion. (See also Spout, Distributing.) 
 Spout, Telescoping. See Spout, Flexible; Spout. Tele 
 scope Trolley. 
 Spreader. A rigid bar or strut placed crosswise be 
 tween two lengths of rope or chain, to make them assume 
 a parallel position relative to each other, usually for the 
 purpose of preventing certain stresses arising from the 
 diagonal direction of pull. In turnover buckets, the 
 spreader inserted in the chain bridle or bail allows easier 
 Also, a beam used to support the ends of slings placed 
 around under large bundles of such material as sugar 
 cane, pipes, etc., and sometimes termed a lifting beam. 
 Spring, Coil or Helical. A spring made by winding the 
 spring rod or wire around a cylinder in a helix. If the 
 spring is to be used in tension, the coils are generally 
 "close;" if in compression, they should be open to just 
 such an extent that when closed by the load, the maxi 
 mum working stress will be equaled. 
 Spring, Shock. A spring device to cushion the jars 
 that would otherwise be transmitted to a crane structure, 
 where it is used for holding stock being worked under 
 a hammer or at some similar machine. It is composed of 
 one or more springs carried in a frame, and subject to 
 compression, inserted between the hook and the load 
 block, or, in the case of an independent hoist, between 
 the crane and the upper hook of the hoist. (Also called 
 shock absorber.) 
 Spring, Spiral. A spring made by winding the spring 
 wire or strip in a spiral, or continuously about itself in 
 one plane, like a clock spring. 
 Spring Check. The device used in some types of fric 
 tion drums by which a limitation is placed on the amount 
 of separation of the two parts of the friction clutch. 
 When the external force engaging the clutch is removed. 
 the two parts might stick together except for the action 
 of a spring pressing them apart. The spring check pre 
 vents this action from pushing them so far apart that 
 they cause friction on collars, ends of bearings, etc. 
 Sprocket Wheel. See Wheel, Sprocket. 
 Spud. A device used for anchoring a dredge or other 
 floating craft to the bottom or bank of a body of water. 
 The usual form consists of a vertical timber sliding in 
 guides attached outside the scow side, or in a well formed 
 within the hull. Two are always placed near the front, 
 and two at the sides at the stern or one in the middle of 
 the stern. The spuds are raised by tackle, the ropes of 
 which are led to winch heads on the hoisting engine, or 
 to rack and pinion gearing operated by hand or by power. 
 When lowered and forced into the mud bottom, they hold 
 the scow sufficiently firmly to resist the thrust of a 
 Another type known as a bank spud is used on dredges 
 in excavating narrow channels, such as drainage canals, 
 etc. It extends out diagonally downward from a gallows 
 frame, with a pad on its lower end resting on the bank. 
 Another short arm from a point near the deck also con- 
 nects to the spud near its lower end, thus bracing it se 
 curely. With this type of spud the scow can be built nar 
 row for narrow ditches, and still be free from danger of 
 capsizing during operation. 
 Spud, Telescopic. A bank spud used on dredges in 
 which one part sliding within another may be extended at 
 will to any desired length, thus adjusting for different 
 heights of bank. 
 Stability. Having a tendency to return to its original 
 position of equilibrium after being disturbed therefrom. 
 A stable body or structure resists strongly a tendency to 
 displace it from its position of equilibrium, or, if it is 
 displaced, tends strongly to return to its former position. 
 The question of stability is exceedingly important in all 
 self-supporting cranes in which the load may be carried 
 outside the outline of the base supports, as pillar, loco 
 motive, horizontal rotating, cantilever jib, all tower 
 cranes, etc. Wind pressure also tends to overturn such 
 structures, and must be taken into account. 
 The various methods of gaining stability are : anchor 
 ing to a heavy masonry foundation possible for fixed 
 cranes only ; using fixed or moving counterweights, placed 
 opposite the load to be lifted, which is the most common 
 method; using outriggers (which see); or temporary 
 guys, which virtually increase the size of the base and 
 convert the traveling crane temporarily into a fixed crane. 
 Staggered. Arranged in diagonal rows. Said of rivets, 
 perforations, etc., when those in one row are one-half the 
 pitch ahead of or behind those in the next adjacent row, 
 instead of being abreast. 
 Steady-carriage. A device for maintaining the align 
 ment of a grab bucket when twisting would foul the 
 ropes or cause the bucket to strike the sides of a pit, car 
 or other object. This is especially likely to happen when 
 hoisting from deep pits, or when a bucket is being moved 
 on a monorail track. A three-rope bucket serves the 
 same purpose two holding ropes spaced apart by an 
 equalizer, and a single closing-and-hoisting rope. 
 Stiff-leg. One of the struts or props used to hold erect 
 the mast of a stiff-leg derrick. It is attached to the top 
 of the mast at one end, and to a ground anchorage, or the 
 end of a lie-leg, at the other, by gooseneck iron and stiff- 
 leg iron respectively. 
 Stiff-leg, Broken Back. A stiff-leg with an upward 
 pointing crook or angle in it. arranged to completely 
 clear a derrick boom and allow a full circle swing. An 
 additional short strut from the break or angle to the 
 ground is generally used to stiffen the crooked stiff-leg, 
 and occasionally two of these additional short struts are 
 used for each stiff-leg, firmly holding it in position against 
 side deflection. 
 Stiff-leg Iron. A metal fastening or strap for securing 
 the lower end of a derrick stiff-leg to a sill or to an 
 isolated anchorage. 
 Stop, Automatic Emergency. A mechanism arranged 
 to stop automatically a moving part when it has travelled 
 past the proper or safe point, or when it is travelling too 
 fast. In particular, means of preventing excessive hoist 
 ing or lowering in cranes and hoists. (See Stop, Limit.) 
 Page 711, 757. 
 Stop, Limit. A device to prevent ovcrhoisting in a 
 crane or hoist. In electric cranes it is generally arranged 
 to make the hoisting circuit inoperative at a certain point; 
 one system relies on the closing of an auxiliary circuit, 
 and another on its opening, for this purpose. The elec 
 trical arrangements can be so made that the lowering cir 
 cuit will operate as usual when the controller is shifted 
 to the lowering position ; and over-hoisting is very simply 
 remedied. On the other hand, working on the theory that 
 habitual use of the limit stop and reliance on its action 
 will cause it to wear and eventually fail to operate at a 
 time the operator is inattentive, some designers arrange 
 matters so that it is some considerable trouble for him to 
 start the load down after he has thrown the limit stop, 
 thus forcing him habitually to stop the hook before 
 reaching the limit. 
 In skip hoists over-travel must be prevented at either 
 top or bottom, and the skip brought quietly to rest ; this 
 is performed automatically in modern electrically operated 
 installations. (Sec Skip Hoist, Automatic; Limit Switch, 
 Travelling Cam.) 
 In mine hoists the work performed by the limit stop 
 is usually combined with other functions in a mechanism 
 called a safety stop or hoist controller. (See Controller 
 Page 711, 757. 
 Stoker Magazine. The hopper immediately above an 
 automatic stoker, to which coal is supplied, and from 
 which the stoker mechanism regularly draws it for de 
 livery into the furnace. 
 Storage, Ground. The term sometimes applied to stor 
 age systems where an entire supply of bulk material is 
 carried at ground level. It is also used to designate a com 
 bination system in which a portion only of the material 
 ; held in elevated bins for immediate use or distribu 
 tion, the larger part resting directly on the ground 
 Page 643, 661. 
 Storage Bridge. See Crane, Bridge Storage. 
 Storage for Coal, Cable Drag Scraper System. A 
 ground storage plant for coal in which the coal is stocked 
 out and reclaimed by a drag scraper operating reversibly 
 a central distributing and receiving point and 
 Y one of a series of steel posts, called back posts, set at 
 rvals surrounding the storage area. Coal is received by 
 < hopper, elevated and discharged by a spout to an 
 initial pile from which the scraper can distribute it For 
 canning, the scraper is reversed, dragging the coal 
 back to the reclaiming hopper (in the same pit as the 
 receding -hopper) from which it is elevated and dis 
 charged into a railway or other car, or onto a conveyor 
 for carrying into a boiler house bunker. The drag cable 
 is operated by a two drum winch 
 Page 660, 817, 832. 
 Storage for Coal, Circular System. A system of out 
 door ground storage for coal, in which two widely 
 spaced parallel straight railroad tracks discharge their 
 coal into a track hopper located between the tracks, and 
 at the center of the pile. A locomotive crane travels 
 around this hopper on a circular track digging the coal 
 from it by means of a grab bucket, and depositing it 
 anywhere within the circumference of a circle having a 
 radius equal to twice the length of the crane boom. In 
 reclaiming, the coal is dug from any point by the bucket, 
 and loaded directly into cars. 
 The capacity of the pile is a maximum when the crane 
 tracks arc also covered, but as this prevents the crane 
 from promptly getting at any desired portion of the pile 
 in case of fire, it is not always utilized. 
 In the system as described, the crane can place itself 
 so that it can reach to any remote part of the pile, and 
 by merely swinging, dump the grab bucket into the cars 
 or reclaiming hopper. Indefinite extensions can be made 
 by extending the circular track by inserting straight or 
 larger radius curved sections, but the crane will then 
 have to handle some of the coal twice, or else travel 
 along the track some distance with each bucket load 
 before dumping it. 
 Page 746. 
 Storage for Coal; Dodge, or Conical Pile System. A 
 system of ground storage of which the unit includes two 
 conical piles each spanned by a two-legged truss peaked 
 at the center for storing, and a horizontal swinging scrap 
 ing conveyor between them for reclaiming from either 
 pile and delivering to a conveyor. 
 One leg of the two spanning each pile contains a stor 
 ing scraper conveyor which elevates the coal along the 
 leg until it drops to the pile over the end of a steel ribbon 
 which forms the bottom of the trough and which is grad 
 ually pulled up the truss as the pile grows, unwinding 
 from a drum at the bottom. The angle of the leg is 
 the- angle of repose of coal, about 27 degrees. 
 The reclaiming conveyor is a horizontal bridge, pivoted 
 at its delivering end, and swinging radially in either direc 
 tion on a number of rails under the control of cables 
 led from the pivot, out to the end of the bridge and 
 thence at right angles to anchorages at either extreme 
 of its swing. The chains of a reversible roller flight 
 conveyor pass completely around the bridge in a hori 
 zontal plane, the flights being on end relative to the 
 ground, and scrape the coal toward and past the pivot up 
 an incline from the end of which it is dumped into 
 railway cars. 
 Page 745. 
 Storage for Coal; Stuart or Conveyor System. A 
 ground storage system for coal in which it is delivered 
 to the end of a belt conveyor running longitudinally in 
 a trench through the storage area. A high traveling 
 tripper discharges the coal from the belt onto a short 
 reversible inclined belt conveyor at right angles, which 
 can be placed on either side, to elevate and discharge 
 the coal to storage. This discharging outfit is called a 
 lo recover, a reclaimer traveling on the same track is 
 used. It consists of a short section of belt or apron 
 conveyor terminating in a sort of plow, pivoted on a 
 truck so that it can swing, and mounted so that it can 
 be thrust forward under the coal in the pile, the coal 
 being thus fed to the reclaimer conveyor. This carries 
 it back to the main conveyor belt which conveys it to 
 its destination. 
 Page 653. 
 Storage System for Coal. A method of accumulating 
 and handling large quantities of coal, and involving (a) 
 receiving or unloading apparatus for receiving the coal 
 from dump cars or boat unloadcrs, (b) conveying appa 
 ratus (including cranes) by which it is taken to (c) 
 crusher or screens or both, or direct to (d) storage piles 
 on the ground or elevated bins. There is also a means of 
 O) reclaiming the coal from the storage pile and deliver 
 ing it to (/ ) the conveying system which delivers it to 
 storage bins above furnaces where it is to be burned 
 or to cars into which it is reloaded. Most plants also 
 have a means of passing direct from (c) to (/ ), omitting 
 the storage. 
 The same systems may be used for anthracite or bitu 
 minous coal, but owing to the freedom from spontane 
 ous combustion of the former, it may be piled to much 
 greater heights, allowing radically different plants to be 
 used for anthracite. 
 Systems are sometimes distinguished according to the 
 shape of the storage piles as, (a) circular conical piles 
 with the point of Supply at the apex of the cone, or 
 moving up one leg of a two-legged truss spanning the 
 pile; (b) piles rectangular in plan and included under 
 the area covered by the bridge of a large traveling gantry 
 or overhead traveling crane called a storage bridge; (c) 
 annular piles outside of a circular track on which a 
 locomotive crane may move, usually combined with a 
 circular or two circular segmental piles within the circu 
 lar track; (d) long heaps, between tracks spaced so that 
 locomotive cranes can reach the compYte area from one 
 side to the other; (<) combinations of circular a:id longi 
 tudinal heaps. 
 As to methods of delivery to and reclaiming from 
 storage, there may be one or a combination of the follow 
 ing devices: (a) scraper conveyor, usually of the flight 
 type, (6) belt conveyor, with traveling tripper and short 
 cross belt conveyor combined as a stacker, (c) drag 
 bucket, (d) overhead bridge and grab bucket, (c) dump 
 car on automatic railway, or cable railway, (f) locomo 
 tive crane and grab bucket, (i;) portable conveyors. 
 Page 643, 661. 
 Strain. Deformation of a body due to the application 
 of a load and the resulting stress. A stress produces a 
 strain. Expressed in inches per inch oi length. 
 Strength, Tensile. The force, usually measured in 
 pounds per square inch of cross sectioii, which must be 
 applied to cause the failure of a piece of material sub 
 jected to a pull. Also known as ultimate tensile strength. 
 Stress. A force acing within he substance of a body, or 
 internal resistance, tending to prevent deformation due to 
 the application of a load. Measured in pounds or tons 
 per square inch of section. (See also Strain.) 
 Stripping. A method of mining materials near the sur 
 face of the ground by first removing the overlying soil 
 or strata by mechanical means, and then removing the 
 valuable mineral in the open cut. The term is applied 
 to the removal of the overburden, and also to the whole 
 operation, as "mining by stripping." 
 Very large amounts of material must be handled at a 
 very low cost to make this method profitable. One suc 
 cessful system involves the use of large steam shovels; 
 by proper laying out of the work it is possible to obtain 
 the mineral with but one handling of all but a small 
 portion of the overburden. 
 Strut. A brace or support for the reception of direct 
 thrust or pressure; a piece designed to resist pressure in 
 the direction of its length. 
 Also called (under certain conditions) prop, column, 
 Stud or Stud Bolt. See Bolt. 
 Stuffing Box. A form of construction used at places 
 where round moving rods or shafts emerge from an en 
 closed space, to prevent a difference of pressure on the 
 two sides from causing a flow of fluid, or leakage, 
 through the opening. It usually consists of a cylindrical 
 chamber surrounding the shaft, into which a fibrous 
 material or soft metal construction may be placed, pressed 
 down by another tubular portion called a gland, and 
 held firmly in place by a screwed or bolted part called 
 a follower ; the gland and the follower are often made 
 in one piece. 
 Stuffing boxes for reciprocating rods are different in 
 proportion and construction from those for rotating shafts, 
 and the nature of the fluid under pressure, as water, 
 steam, air, oil, etc., also influences the design. 
 Swing. To move to and fro, as a body suspended from 
 an axis ; to oscillate in a plane about a fixed point or line. 
 Swing Circle. The term applied to the combination of 
 the pivot bearing and the slewing or bull wheel for the* 
 inner end or heel of the boom in a dipper dredge or power, 
 shovel of the dipper type. A common arrangement con- 
 sists of a pivot casting bolted to the deck, with a socket 
 casting rigidly attached to the heel of the boom at the 
 proper angle. Above the socket, and forming part of the 
 same structure, are arms radiating to a rim in a hori 
 zontal plane ; around this rim are placed ropes which 
 lead to winch heads, swinging engines, or other apparatus 
 for winding by power, and thus swinging the boom as 
 desired. The corresponding mechanism in a derrick is 
 called a bull wheel. 
 Swing Crane. See Crane, Swing. 
 Swing-lift Transfer. See Car Dump, Swing-Lift Trans 
 Switch, Crossover. A switch inserted at the intersec 
 tion of two lines of overhead monorail track, by which 
 either line of track can be made continuous at will, for 
 trolleys to cross over. In one, known as a rotary cross 
 over, a short section of runway at the junction is sup 
 ported from a small turntable immediately above it and 
 may be rotated by pendant chains, bringing it into align 
 ment with either track as may be desired. 
 Switch, Limit. A term applied to a switch used for 
 overhead monorail track, in which a horizontally sliding 
 frame carries two (or three) short sections of the run 
 way track fastened to its lower surface, and determines 
 by its lateral position which of two (or three) paths shall 
 be followed by a trolley. It is termed single or double 
 according to whether a trolley approaching on the single 
 track can follow one of two or one of three possible 
 paths. The switch is operated by pendant chains, and is 
 locked in place when in alignment. This type of switch, 
 like the turntable and turntable switch, is used when 
 there is not space enough for the ordinary tongue switch. 
 Switch, Roller Conveyor. An arrangement in a gravity 
 roller conveyor by which material may be brought from 
 several points and delivered to one conveyor line, or 
 delivered by one conveyor line to several destinations. 
 It generally consists of a section of runway that can be 
 swung or slid so as to occupy either of two positions, 
 connecting either of two runways to a third. If a choice 
 is offered of three or more positions with a correspond 
 ing number of lines, it is called a three-way, or four-way 
 switch, or simply a multiple switch. 
 Switch, Two-way Hopper. See Hopper, Two-way 
 Swivel. A fastening between two pieces which is so 
 made as to allow one of them to rotate relative to the 
 other about the longitudinal axis common to both of them. 
 Swivels are inserted in chains, and hooks and blocks are 
 arranged to swivel in their fastenings. 
 To swivel, to rotate. Said of hooks and metal fittings 
 of hoisting machinery in general, but not of large objects, 
 like cranes, turntables, etc. 
 Tackle. A combination of ropes and blocks used for 
 multiplying power. (See Block and Tackle.) 
 Table, Gathering. A conveyor used in book binderies 
 for holding a complete set of sheets consecutively ar 
 ranged for assembly into a book. The operators remain 
 at rest and gather the sheets in order as they pass. It 
 usually consists of a series of platforms traveling on 
 guides in a horizontal plane in a circular, rectangular or 
 other continuous path and connected by an endless chain 
 at their centers in such a manner that they may pass from 
 a straight to a circular path, and even turn a corner of 
 moderate radius. 
 Tag Line. A line leading from a near corner of a grab 
 bucket to the cab of a locomotive crane operating it, 
 and held under tension by a counterbalance weight, to 
 keep the bucket from rotating and fouling its supporting 
 and operating lines. 
 Also, a line attached to any load being lifted by a 
 crane, to keep it from rotating, or to slew the crane by 
 hand, in case no power slewing gear is provided. 
 Take-up. A mechanism for taking up the slack or for 
 keeping a constant tension in a rope, chain, belt or similar 
 member. Take-ups for stays, guy lines, etc., usually con 
 sist of a threaded rod arranged so that by turning a nut 
 with a wrench, the points of rope attachment at the ends 
 of the mechanism may be brought closer together. 
 For endless belt and bucket or chain and bucket con 
 veyors or elevators, the take-up usually consists of a 
 pulley or sprocket shaft mounted in bearings sliding in 
 r-traight guides and controlled in position by a threaded 
 rod. or by the pull of a heavy weight. Occasionally the 
 moving shaft is swung about a pivot instead of sliding 
 in straight guides. 
 In cable car haulage systems and overhead cableways 
 similar take-ups are necessary whenever the endless rope 
 s\>tem is used. The weighted tension take-up is most 
 usual, consisting of an idler sheave supported on a small 
 four wheel car which is always forced in one direction 
 on a track by the pull of a heavy weight. Sometimes a 
 weighted sheave hangs free in a vertical loop of the rope. 
 Alsn called a tension take-up or tension carriage. 
 Tank, Settling. A device used for separating sand into 
 various degrees of fineness by utilizing the variations in 
 time required for the different grades to settle out of a 
 stream of water. A single tank or box may be used to 
 reject all particles below a certain size, or a series of 
 tanks may effect the separation into a scries of graded 
 sizes. The boxes or tanks are automatically self-empty 
 ing, or arc emptied by hand shoveling, by small grab 
 buckets, or similar implements. 
 Telltale. A device which gives audible or visible indi 
 cation of the beginning, progress or completion of an 
 operation on some piece of machinery ; an automatically 
 operated signal. 
 Telpher. A crane consisting of an electrically operated 
 hoist suspended from one or more trolleys running on 
 an overhead monorail track, and having a seat or cage 
 for the accompanying operator. Though it is not made 
 in such large capacities as overhead traveling cranes 
 of the bridge type, since its function is more particularly 
 conveying than hoisting, its field of action on one level 
 can be made practically unlimited, by providing suitable 
 overhead monorail runway. Elevators can also be ar 
 ranged to move the telpher with its load from floor to 
 floor if this is thought to be desirable. 
 Telphers are also called trolleys, monorail hoists, tram 
 way or tramrail hoists, and transporters. 
 Page 213, 773-cS04. 
 Thermostat. An instrument which is operated by 
 change of temperature, and which is often used to con 
 trol the source of heat (or cold) so as to maintain as 
 nearly as possible a constant temperature. As an example, 
 a thermostat on the water cooling system of a motor 
 truck serves to maintain a more nearly constant tem 
 perature than would otherwise occur. 
 Thimble. A metal eye, round at one end and pointed 
 at the other, made of a piece of steel of concave cross- 
 section bent to the form described. A manila or wire 
 rope is wrapped around the thimble, lying in the groove, 
 and the free end is spliced, clipped or clamped to the 
 standing part, making an eye for permanent fastening 
 Throw. The distance from the center of a shaft to the 
 center of a crank pin or of an eccentric; half the total 
 travel of a piece moved back and forth by a crank or 
 eccentric. Also called eccentricity and crank radius. 
 Thrust Screw. A screw by which a thrust bearing is 
 adjusted. Also, a screw by the rotation of which a 
 thrust is exerted when desired, as in operating the 
 clutches of friction drums on winches. 
 Tie or Tie Rod. A structural member designed to re 
 sist tension in the direction of its length. Top braced 
 jib cranes are braced by tie rods. The boom of a pillar 
 crane is also connected to the top of the pillar by a tie 
 Tiering Machine. A machine by which heavy packages 
 are raised vertically to an elevation on a moving platform 
 and then rolled or slid off on to the top of a pile or on 
 to an elevated rack. Also called Portable Elevator. 
 Page 726, 745, 770. 
 Tightener. For derrick guys and similar locations. A 
 turnbuckle or other device for shortening a rope or 
 chain by taking up slack, without altering the end fas 
 Also, a moveable idler pulley or sheave arranged to 
 adjust the tension in a wrapping connector like rope, 
 chain or belt passing around sheaves or pulleys. 
 Tipple. A structure designed to transfer material from 
 one system of transportation to another, largely by force 
 of gravity available on account of differences in elevation 
 of various parts of the structure. 
 Also, a car dumping device. (See Car Dumper.) 
 In a narrower sense, the term means a building erected 
 close to the mouth of a mine, into which mined material 
 (as coal) is delivered by cars, conveyors, chutes, etc., 
 where it is screened, separated from refuse or otherwise 
 prepared for use, and from which it is delivered, gen 
 erally by gravity, to railway cars or other conveyances 
 for transportation to more or less distant points. It may 
 vary from a simple trestle with a car dump and tracks 
 below on which receiving cars may stand, to an elaborate 
 structure with many levels and conveying and elevating 
 devices, screens, picking tables, etc., and a complicated 
 sy.-tem of tracks or a yard in which the receiving cars 
 arc handled. 
 Page 635. 
 Tongs. A mechanism for gripping objects for the pur 
 pose of holding, hauling or hoisting, consisting of two 
 S-shaped curved parts having points or pads at one end 
 for pressing into or against an object, and eyes or other 
 attachments at the other for applying the pull by a rope 
 or chain. The two parts are pivoted together at a point 
 between the ends, the location of the point varying with 
 the leverage dr.sired, which in turn depends on the use 
 to which the tongs are to be put. Sharp points are 
 used when damage done by them does not matter; flat 
 pads are required when no indentation is allowable. 
 The points arc also specially formed for lifting certain 
 objects, such as structural steel, rails, etc. 
 Topping Lift. A line or tackle used for raising and 
 lowering a derrick boom. It is attached to the boom 
 point, passes around a sheave at the mast top, and thence 
 down the mast and around guide sheaves, to the proper 
 drum of the hoisting winch, or directly from the mast 
 top to the drum if n rooster is used. 
 Also called Boom Fall. 
 Toppng Lift, Variable. The term applied to a derrick 
 in which the inclination of the boom can be altered, 
 particularly in the case of A-frame derricks used in 
 excavating and dredging work, where booms of fixed 
 inclination are the rule. (Sec Excavator, Grab Bucket.) 
 Torque. Turning moment, or tendency to turn, of 
 motors, engines, shafting, etc. It is expressed in pound 
 feet, and is the force which would be exerted at a point 
 one foot from the axis of rotation if an arm were to be 
 fastened to the shaft. 
 Tote Box. A temporary container used in manufactur 
 ing establishments for holding finished or unfinished parts 
 while in storage or transit from place to place. Usually 
 made of metal, often flaring so that they will stow within 
 one another when empty, and provided with handles for 
 lifting by one or two men, or by a crane. 
 Page 540. 
 Tower, Coal. A term often applied to any one of the 
 numerous types of coal unloading installations involving 
 a tower-like structure into which coal is hoisted by a 
 grab bucket or a bucket elevator, and from which it 
 moves to its destination by chutes, spouts, conveyors or 
 cars or combinations of these. Often the tower is on 
 wheels and can be moved along the wharf where it is 
 located to suit the hatchways of the vessel being unloaded. 
 (See Unloadcr, Coal.) 
 Page 828-831. 
 Tower, Concrete. A high tower used as part of a 
 system of concrete distribution by means of chutes dur 
 ing construction operations. It is built of steel or wood, 
 not ordinarily over 250 ft. high, and is guyed by wire 
 ropes. The concrete bucket hoist or elevator passes up 
 through it, the receiving hopper is attached to one face, 
 and also the boom for supporting the first section of 
 chuting. or the line cable, depending on the system used. 
 The receiving hopper must be raised at intervals as 
 the height of the structure grows, and to do this quickly, 
 a construction known as a quick shift is sometimes 
 used. The receiving hopper and boom are mounted on 
 a frame sliding on the face of the tower, and can be 
 undamped and raised to a new level by proper hoisting 
 devices. In another system several receiving hoppers 
 are installed, and the cams or stops which cause the 
 ascending bucket to dump can be set to cause dumping 
 at any point desired. 
 Tower, Horizontal Boom. An elevated structure hav 
 ing a horizontal jib (commonly called a boom) projecting 
 outward over water, and equipped with machinery for 
 unloading coal and other bulk material from floating ves 
 sels. A tower of steel or wood rises a considerable dis 
 tance above the water and is provided with a receiving 
 hopper projecting from the side toward the water. Above 
 tin s is the horizontal jib equipped with a two-sheave trol 
 ley. The ropes from a two-rope grab bucket are led over 
 these sheaves and then diagonally to the top of the tower, 
 where they pass around guide sheaves and down to the 
 drums of a winch. Another single drum hauling winch, 
 sometimes called a "trolley engine," moves the trolley 
 outward on the jib by a rope passing around a sheave at 
 end of the jib and back to the trolley; the latter is held 
 in position by a brake on this winch drum, and when the 
 brake is released will move inward under the influence 
 of the inclined pull on the bucket ropes leading to the 
 peak of the tower. 
 The tower can be arranged to propel itself on a track 
 along the wharf to accommodate the hatch location of the 
 vessel. Several such towers often operate simultaneously 
 on the same vessel. A separate engine or a geared con 
 nection from the hoisting engines serves to move the 
 Also called two-man or Boston tower. 
 Page 828-831. 
 Tower, Inclined Boom. An elevated structure with 
 machinery equipment located on a wharf and used for 
 unloading coal and other hulk material from vessels. A 
 jib (commonly called a boom) projecting from the upper 
 part of the tower and sloping downward over the water 
 is equipped with a two-sheave trolley. The two grab- 
 bucket operating ropes are attached to the trolley, pass 
 down into the bucket which they support in bights (see 
 Bucket, Four-Rope), pass upward around the trolley 
 sheaves and then to the winding drums on the winch 
 (sometimes called the coal hoist). After the bucket is 
 filled in the hold of the vessel, it is hoisted until it 
 comes into contact with a stop on the trolley; further 
 winding pulls the trolley and bucket up the inclined jib 
 together until the latter is over the hopper in the tower 
 side, when the bucket is dumped in the usual manner. In 
 lowering, release of the friction drums on the winch 
 allows the trolley to run down the jib to the desired point, 
 this last being controlled by a rope attached to the trolley 
 and wound on a special drum, or by a movable stop on 
 the trolley runway. When the trolley stops, the bucket 
 continues to descend vertically to the filling point. 
 Two separate hoisting drums arc commonly used for 
 handling the bucket, and they are often arranged in line, 
 or as a twin-drum winch. They arc steam or electrically 
 driven. An additional engine or motor or geared con 
 nection from the main hoist is used to move the tower 
 along a track parallel to the wharf. (See Tower Propel 
 ling Fngine.) The jib is occasionally curved or convex 
 upward instead of straight, so that the bucket moves 
 nearly horizontally during the last part of its travel. 
 Page 831. 
 Track, Industrial. A general term covering rails and 
 accessories for either portable or permanent railways. 
 Page 629, 721-725. 
 Track Cable. In cableways, the cable on which the 
 trolley or traveler runs. (Sec Wire Tramway Strand; 
 Wire Track Cable.) 
 Tractive Effort, Tractive Force. The force with which 
 the wheels of a self-propelled vehicle tend to move it 
 forward due to the turning effort or torque exerted on the 
 wheels by the engine or motor. The maximum tractive 
 effort which may be exerted corresponds to the maximum 
 torque which may be exerted by the engine or motor, un 
 less this is sufficient to overcome the adhesion of the 
 wheels and allow slipping, in which case the maximum 
 tractive effort corresponds to the torque which would 
 just start slipping. 
 Tractor. A term applied to a self-propelled trackless 
 wheeled vehicle which is powered and designed with a 
 view to drawing one or more other vehicles bearing use 
 ful loads. When the tractor also carries a load itself, it 
 is termed a tractor-truck. Tractors are supported on 
 three or four wheels, or on a track-laying truck with or 
 without a pair of wheels in addition. Tractive effort may 
 be exerted by two wheels, by four wheels, or by the 
 track-laying element. The power plant may be driven 
 by a gasoline, oil or steam engine, or by a storage bat 
 tery and electric motor. 
 Page 530, 531, 544, 702-705, 728-745. 
 Tractor, Gasoline Engine. A power driven self-pro 
 pelled industrial truck propelled by a gasoline engine 
 (see Truck, Industrial, Gasoline Engine) but without 
 facilities for carrying a load on its own wheels, being 
 used merely for pulling one or more load carrying 
 trailers coupled to it. 
 Page 531, 704. 
 Tractor, Storage Battery. A power driven industrial 
 truck operated by a storage battery and electric motor, 
 but without facilities for carrying a load on its own 
 wheels, being used merely for pulling one or more load 
 carrying trucks coupled to it. 
 Trailer. See Truck, Trailer. 
 Train. To bring into proper alinement. Ball and 
 socket bearings are sometimes termed self-training ; pack 
 ages loaded onto a conveyor are sometimes trained or 
 brought into a position parallel with the conveyor run by 
 light contact spring. 
 Transfer, Cane. A fixed gantry crane especially rigged 
 for transferring large bundles of sugar cane from one 
 vehicle to another, generally from a wagon, ox cart or 
 small car to a large car, or from a car to a feeder for 
 crushing rolls. 
 Transfer Car. A self-propelled car used for regularly 
 transferring bulk material from one point to another 
 in an industrial plant, as for example from an unloading 
 machine to bins, pockets or ground storage. Transfer 
 cars are made with hopper bottoms, gable bottoms duir,>~ 
 ing on both sides, or sloping bottoms dumping on o..e 
 side. They are usually electrically operated and lui 
 singly, though trains of transfer cars are sometimes Ubt-rt. 
 A power operated transfer car may also draw a trailer. 
 (See also Transfer Table.) 
 Page 620. 721, 722. 831. 
 Transfer Car, Bucket. A car used for carrying self- 
 emptying buckets and tubs to and from cranes and hoist 
 ing machines. Pockets are arranged into which the 
 tubs fit so as to obviate danger of moving during transit. 
 They may be placed on the car already loaded, or may 
 be filled while they are on the car. The car may be self- 
 propelled, may be a trailer, or may be operated by a wire 
 rope from a stationary winding drum. 
 Page 310. 
 Transfer Table. A large platform or table mounted on 
 wheels running on a number of parallel rails, often in a 
 pit or depression, and having tracks on its upper surfaces 
 running in a different direction, generally at right 
 angles. The level of the top of the table is such that 
 cars can be run onto it from a fixed track, and the 
 motion of the table will then transfer the cars to such 
 a position that they can be run off onto tracks parallel 
 to the first. They replace a large amount of trackage, 
 switches, etc., that would otherwise be necessary. Trans 
 fer tables are usually self-propelled by power, electric 
 or steam, or are drawn by cables. Small sizes are 
 operated by hand. 
 Where the cars transferred arc small, two or three 
 transverse tracks are often laid on the table, allowing 
 as many cars to be carried at once. 
 The name transfer car is also often applied to the 
 same mechanism, but more generally where the distances 
 the cars are conveyed are greater, and where the trans 
 ferring track has two rails only. 
 Also called a traverscr. 
 Transporter. A term sometimes applied to a monorail 
 hoist, to a telpher, to a traveling cantilever gantry crane 
 equipped with a trolley to which a cage is attached, and 
 to a type of rope operated crane trolley handled from 
 winding drums located at a fixed point and used, like the 
 preceding, for hoisting and conveying purposes. 
 Travel. To move a given distance along a definite path. 
 The bridge of a crane is said to travel, and the trolley 
 is said to traverse the bridge. 
 To move in a longitudinal direction. 
 Traveller. A wheeled car or carriage capable of move 
 ment to and fro along a rope, elevated beam or bridge; 
 a trolley. 
 Traverse. To move across, to move in a definite path 
 in a transverse direction. The bridge of a crane is said 
 to travel on its runway and the trolley to traverse the 
 bridge. Also to rack. 
 Trim. To distribute or level a bulk material as it is 
 being discharged into a space, as a car, or the hold or 
 bunker of a ship. Also, to move bulk material by 
 hand or power appliances to a location where it can be 
 reached by grab buckets or other unloading devices, as 
 to trim the coal between the hatches in unloading a 
 vessel. Also, to distribute a load in a vessel so that the 
 latter has no side tip, and little or no longitudinal 
 Triplex Block, Triplex Hoist. See Hoist, Epicyclic 
 Geared Chain. 
 Trolley. In hoisting machinery, a wheeled carriage or 
 truck which can move along an overhead runway pro 
 vided for it, and which is used as part of a crane in 
 connection with a hoist, either built into it (see Hoist, 
 Trolley; Hoist, Built-in) or hung onto it (see Hoist, 
 Independent). It may be moved along the runway by 
 direct pushing, by gravity, by hand or power operated 
 gearing working through the wheels, or by power or 
 hand pull on ropes or chains directly attached to it. 
 Some of the various forms of trolleys are as follows : 
 monorail, or two rail ; single or double I-beam ; plain 
 or geared ; top running or bottom running ; deck bridge 
 or through bridge ; single or tandem. 
 The principal parts of a trolley for a two-girder bridge 
 are : side frames, machinery and load girts, wheels, axles, 
 bearings, motors, shafts, gears, brakes, drum, hoisting 
 rope, equalizer sheave, top block, bottom block, and load 
 Also called carriage carrier (especially for monorail 
 types), crab (British). 
 Page 287, 773-785. 
 Trolley, Adjustable. A monorail crane trolley arranged 
 for running on the lower flanges of an I-beam and which 
 can be adjusted to suit several different widths of flanges. 
 This is usually accomplished by making the frame in 
 halves, and varying the thickness of the distance piece 
 between them. 
 Also, the term applied to a monorail crane trolley 
 in which the two halves of the frame are hinged to 
 gether in such a way that they may be easily swung 
 out to clear the runway flanges, so th.vt the trolley may 
 be removed from the I-beam without running it off the 
 open end. 
 Trolley, Bottom-running. A monorail crane trolley 
 which is supported on wheels running on the bottom 
 flanges of I-beam track or runway. (See also Trolley, 
 Also, in a two-girder bridge crane, a trolley running 
 on the inside lower flanges of the girders. Also called 
 a through-bridge, submerged, or internal trolley. 
 Trolley, Deck-bridge. A crane trolley for a two-girder 
 bridge, which runs on rails laid on the top of the girders ; 
 a top-running trolley, as distinguished from a through- 
 bridge or bottom-running trolley. It is the most used 
 type of bridge trolley, the other form only being sub 
 stituted to meet special requirements. 
 Trolley, Flat-rail. A top-running monorail crane trol 
 ley which runs on a flat top rail of rectangular section. 
 (Also called a bar trolley.) 
 Trolley, Geared. A crane trolley which is racked, or 
 has its track wheels rotated by a train of gearing driven 
 either by hand or by power. (See Trolley, Plain.) The 
 simplest type of hand gearing consists of a pendant chain 
 on a chain sheave, which, by means of a pinion on its 
 shaft, drives a gear keyed to a wheel axle; a second 
 gear reduction is used where the load is great. In 
 electrically operated cranes, a motor replaces the hand 
 chain and sheave. 
 (For trolley hoist gearing, see Hoist, Trolley.) 
 Page 774-782. 
 Trolley, Grab-bucket. See Trolley, Bucket. 
 Trolley, Hammerhead. A rotating horizontal cantilever 
 crane structure mounted on a truck or trolley for travel 
 ing an elevated runway. (See Crane, Horizontal Ro 
 tating Cantilever.) 
 Trolley, Hose. A small trolley made to run on a wire 
 rope or an I-beam to hold up a loop of hose. Travelling 
 air apparatus, like an air hoist mounted on a crane trol 
 ley, is supplied with air through a hose, and in order 
 to keep this hose off the floor, and yet allow the hoist 
 to move back and forth as desired, the hose is suspended 
 in a series of loops each attached to a hose trolley. The 
 trolleys run on a tight wire, or on a flange of the crane 
 girder and are made swivcling or non-swiveling. 
 Trolley, Monorail. A trolley or truck running on a 
 single rail, and used for supporting a hoisting unit. The 
 track wheels may run on top of a rectangular or I-beam 
 section rail, on the lower flanges of an I-beam, or on 
 special shaped rail of various cross sections. At least 
 two wheels are used for a top-running, and four for a 
 bottom-running trolley. If sharp curves must be trav 
 ersed, two four-wheel trolleys or monorail trucks are 
 connected by a swivel to a bar on which the hoisting unit 
 is hung. Where very heavy loads must be carried, as 
 many as sixteen wheels, arranged as four four-wheel trol 
 leys, may be used. These arc arranged in pairs, each 
 pair supporting its own equalizing bar, which in turn sup 
 ports a main bar. The individual trucks may be hinged 
 to the bars, and the large bar hinged to the smaller ones, 
 giving the utmost flexibility. 
 The hoisting unit is usually independent, and is either 
 hung onto an eye, or attached by bolts to the trolley. 
 The parts of a plain monorail trolley are side frames, 
 wheels, axles, distance piece, separator or yoke, hook or 
 eye, and often a chain sheave and hand chain. A geared 
 trolley has, in addition, one or more gear shafts and 
 In some cases there are small vertical rollers mounted 
 in pockets in the side frames, and bearing against the 
 edges of the lower flange of the I-beam, to center the 
 trolley and keep it from swinging. 
 Also called carrier. 
 While the majority of monorail trolleys are hand 
 traversed, especially for light loads, a power driven trol 
 ley is used when the distances travelled are great, and 
 for heavy loads. This is usually accomplished by a 
 small motor geared to the trolley wheels, and entirely 
 independent of the hoisting motor. Such a trolley may 
 be floor controlled, but is also often fitted with a trailer 
 cab carrying the operator. 
 Also called a telpher, and a man-trolley, and, when 
 equipped with a grab bucket, a grab bucket man trolley. 
 Page 213, 774-800. 
 Trolley, Plain. A crane trolley which is moved along 
 its runway by means of a pendant hand chain rotating a 
 chain sheave which is directly connected to the axle of 
 one of the wheels, without the interposition of any gear 
 ing. Used for small capacities only, and usually with an 
 independent hoist. 
 Also, a trolley which is without pendant chain for 
 travelling it, and is moved solely by push or pull of the 
 hand ; a push trolley. 
 Page 774-782. 
 Trolley, Swiveling. A crane trolley which is mounted 
 with its hoisting gear and motor on a turntable in such a 
 way that it can be rotated, moving the load with it. Such 
 trolleys are installed in forge cranes, and in bridge storage 
 cranes carrying two-rope grab buckets used to unload 
 bulk material like ore and coal from the hold of a vessel. 
 Also called turntable trolley. 
 Trolley, Tandem. Two four-wheel monorail crane 
 trolleys placed near each other and connected by swivels 
 to an equalizing bar which carries the load. This is 
 similar in action to an eight-wheel swiveling truck car 
 on a two-rail truck, and has the twofold advantage of 
 distributing the load over a considerable length of track, 
 and passing around curves easily. 
 Trolley, Through-bridge. A trolley which runs between 
 the girders of a bridge crane, carried on rails mounted on 
 the inside lower flanges of the girders. This allows diag 
 onal bracing between the tops of the two girders, but 
 loads them eccentrically. (Compare Deck-bridge Trolley.) 
 (Also called internal trolley.) 
 Trolley, Top-running. A monorail crane trolley which 
 is supported by wheels running on the top of a bar or 
 I-beam rail. (See also Trolley, Monorail.) 
 Also, in a two-girder bridge crane, a trolley which 
 runs on rails laid on the top of the girders. (Also called 
 a deck-bridge trolley; on-top trolley.) 
 Trolley, Wire Cable. A trolley having wheels grooved 
 to run on a track cable. If more than two wheels are 
 used in the same trolley, some form of equalizing device 
 must be used to allow the wheels to conform to the 
 curvature of sag of the wire rope. 
 Trolley Bucket. A trolley for an overhead travelling 
 crane especially arranged for handling a two-rope grab 
 bucket. Usually separate drums driven by independent 
 motors are provided, arranged so that they may be 
 operated in unison. Another arrangement is to have 
 separate drums which can be connected to each other or 
 to the motor by friction clutches. The direction in which 
 it is desired to have the bucket open parallel to the 
 bridge, or at right angles may also dictate the par 
 ticular arrangement of the drums. 
 (For method of operating a two-rope bucket, see Buc 
 ket, Two-rope.) 
 Page 786-800. 
 Truck. A wheeled vehicle capable of running on rea 
 sonably smooth surfaces without tracks, and able to 
 carry freight. Trucks may be classed according to the 
 service performed as industrial, or motor, the latter terms 
 being commonly applied to power trucks running on 
 highways; according to the method of moving them as 
 hand, trailer or power. A power truck may be driven 
 by a gasoline or other internal combustion engine ; by 
 an electric motor supplied with current from a storage 
 battery carried by the truck, a flexible cable and plug-in 
 connections located along the route or from an overhead 
 feed wire and trolley with flexible connections to the 
 truck; or by a steam engine and boiler. Trucks may 
 also be classed as fixed platform trucks, made in many 
 forms, or as lift platform trucks, able to pick up and 
 deposit their own loads or able to elevate packages to be 
 stacked or tiered on high racks or piles. According to 
 the number of wheels they may be termed two wheel, 
 three wheel, four wheel and six wheel ; according to the 
 method of steering as tongue, wheel (like an automo 
 bile), or horizontal or vertical lever. 
 Page 519, 726-748. 
 Truck, Baggage. A hand operated truck developed to 
 meet the needs of baggage and express companies in 
 handling material to and from railway cars. It consists 
 of a platform supported on four wheels, with an addi 
 tional swiveling one often added in front to allow easy 
 turning. The sides may be closed by stakes or racks, 
 and the ends are enclosed vertically or may slope outward 
 Page 520. 
 Truck, Balanced. A hand or trailer truck which is 
 supported on two fairly large wheels rotating on fixed 
 axes underneath each side near the center, and by one 
 or two caster wheels at each end, making four or six 
 wheels in all. The center wheels are larger or are set 
 lower than the end wheels and carry most of the load 
 balanced on them. The truck may be pushed by hand 
 or towed as a trailer. 
 Also called a six-wheel truck, or a tilting truck 
 Page 537. 
 Truck, Box. A low truck for moving large and heavy 
 boxes, machines, bales, etc., as a single unit. It consists 
 of a rectangular frame of wood or metal supported on 
 four or six wheels, and having ends so shaped as to 
 allow the heavy pieces to be loaded easily on the truck. 
 x wheels are used, the center ones arc often some 
 what larger or placed lower, so that the whole truck will 
 swing easily ; all the wheels arc often arranged to swivel 
 like casters. 
 Page 519, 537. 
 Truck, Caster. A hand or trailer truck which is sup 
 ported by three or four swivelling wheels of the caster 
 type. Two or more of the casters may be connected by 
 an iron bar so as to force them to swing simultaneously 
 If moved by hand, it is generally pushed; if by power, 
 it is towed from the front end, as a trailer. 
 Page 535. 
 Truck, Drop Frame. A truck having the platform 
 lowered between the wi.eels to a level where it will just 
 clear the ground. It is stepped up at each end over the 
 wheels, and if, as is usual, driven by storage battery and 
 its steering knuckles interconnected by steering rods in 
 motor, the battery is placed beneath this elevated por 
 tion at one end, and the motor at the other. A hinged 
 driver s platform and controller is provided at each end. 
 Page 537. 
 Truck, Electric Motor or Electric. A motor truck in 
 which a storage battery and electric motor provide the 
 motive power. The batteries are usually mounted be 
 neath the frame of the chassis in one or more trays 
 which can be easily removed for repairs, charging or 
 replacement with a charged set. The motor is series 
 wound, of the multipolar type with forged or laminated 
 poles, is hung from a spring mounted frame and either 
 drives the rear axle differential directly, or drives a 
 jack shaft in front of it, from which one or two chains 
 are used to drive the rear axle. 
 (See also Truck, Industrial Storage Battery). 
 Page 549. 
 Truck, Elevating Platform. A self-loading truck which 
 has a lower forward extension that can be run under skid 
 platforms prepared for it, and lift them from the ground, 
 with or without load. Truck and load may then be 
 moved to the desired destination, and there lowered, the 
 truck withdrawing from under the skid platform and 
 going on to other work. They may be hand or power 
 operated. Hand lift trucks are usually operated entirely 
 by the action of the handle ; power lift trucks usually 
 have separate motors for the lifting and the propelling 
 movements. Instead of a complete platform, two bars 
 only are often provided to lift the load. 
 Also called Lift Truck. 
 Page 521, 526, 728-748. 
 Truck, Fifth Wheel. A hand trailer truck having its 
 front axle swivelling on a vertical king pin at its center, 
 mating circular tracks fixed to the top of the axle and 
 the bottom of the body serving to carry the load and 
 still allow turning of the axle for the purpose of steering. 
 If pulled and steered by a tongue fixed in the axle, it is 
 called a tongue truck. 
 Page 535, 729-748. 
 Truck, Four-Wheel Drive. A truck which has power 
 supplied to all four of its wheels, making them all pro 
 ductive of tractive effort. Wheels which drive and steer 
 at the same time must have special universal joints or 
 equivalent arrangements in the shafts to permit the two 
 motions to take place. 
 Page 531. 
 Truck, Four-Wheel Steer. A trailer truck which has 
 its steering knuckles interconnected by steering rods in 
 such a way that the pairs at opposite ends move sym 
 metrically in response to a side movement of the coupling 
 at the front end produced by the tractor passing around 
 a curve. The trailer will track perfectly, and can be 
 hauled from either end, though it cannot be manoeuvcred 
 easily by hand. 
 Truck, Gasoline Motor. A motor truck in which a 
 gasoline engine provides the motive power. The usual 
 type of gasoline motor truck has a power plant con 
 sisting of a four cylinder vertical four stroke cycle 
 engine with electric ignition provided by a magneto or a 
 battery, or both. A few engines are air cooled, but the 
 great majority are water cooled, the water being cir 
 culated through jackets around the cylinders of the 
 engine, and cooled by being passed through a radiator 
 mounted at the extreme front of the truck; the circula 
 tion may be produced by a centrifugal pump or may be 
 natural due to the expansion of the liquid on being 
 heated. Gasoline is stored in a tank and is fed by vari 
 ous means to a carburetor placed on the engine, which 
 vaporises and mixes it. with a proper amount of air. 
 The engine exhaust is led beneath the car or to the rear 
 through an exhaust pipe in which is a muffler.- 
 Truck, Hand. A freight carrying truck which is pro 
 pelled and steered by the operator walking along with it 
 and pushing it from behind or pulling from ahead. 
 Page 519, 748. 
 Truck, Industrial. .\ general term applied to trackless 
 wheeled vehicles of various descriptions used for convey 
 ing material within the buildings of an industrial estab 
 lishment, from one building to another, or, for limited 
 distances, around the grounds of such a plant. For short 
 distances and small capacities they are usually hand op 
 erated ; for longer distances and larger capacities they are 
 operated by electrical or gasoline motors. 
 (See Truck, Motor.) 
 Page 519, 726-748. 
 Truck, Lift. See Truck, Elevating Platform. 
 Truck, Lift, Hand. A lift truck in which the load is 
 raised and the truck and load are pulled by hand power 
 (except when used as a trailer). 
 Page 521, 747-748. 
 Truck, Motor. A general term applied to self-propelled 
 trackless wheeled vehicles of various description used for 
 conveying material considerable distances over streets. 
 They are operated by gasoline, electric and steam 
 motors, the relative importance being in the order given. 
 A motor truck consists primarily of a chassis and a 
 tody. \Yith the chassis are included the power plant, 
 transmission, drive, wheels, axles, springs, frame, and 
 the brake, steering and power controls. Bodies are 
 made in many types. 
 Page 549, 702. 
 Truck, Platform. A truck, consisting of a horizontal 
 platform usually supported on four wheels. It may be 
 operated by hand, may have its own motive power, may 
 be pulled by another truck having motive power, thereby 
 acting as a trailer, or may be pulled by a cable. The 
 platform may be single, or have several decks; one or 
 more sides may be closed by stakes or solid walls, or 
 special racks to suit material may be provided. 
 Page 521. 525, 527. 
 Truck, Radial. A two-wheel truck which is free to 
 turn about a pivot on the center line of the car under 
 which it is placed, radius bars being used to connect it 
 with this center. 
 Truck, Rigid. A truck which has its wheel axle bear 
 ings rigidly fixed so that they cannot rotate about a ver 
 tical axis. Such a truck offers considerable resistance to 
 movement along curved track. 
 Truck, Stevedore. A hand operated truck consisting 
 of a platform supported on two wheels placed one on 
 each side near the front, and steered and controlled by a 
 man grasping two handles placed one at each side at the 
 rear. A ledge at the front end keeps the load from slip 
 ping off, and aids in lifting the load by being slipped 
 under the edge of the latter when it is tipped slightly 
 awav from the truck. Many variations of this truck are 
 made to suit the shape of the packages to be handled or 
 special conditions of operation. 
 Page 521. 74S. 
 Truck, Swiveling. A wheel truck which is pivoted under 
 a car in such a way that it may rotate about a vertical 
 axis, or swivel, as the car moves along a curved track. 
 Locomotive cranes are usually mounted on two such 
 Truck, Tiering. A power lift truck which has the high 
 uprights and long lift for the platform possessed by a 
 tiering machine. It is usually motor driven by a storage 
 battery; the propelling and lifting may be performed by 
 the same motor, but separate ones arc usually furnished. 
 Page 526, 726, 745. 
 Truck, Trailer. A wheeled truck, without power, which 
 is furnished with couplings and steering arrangements 
 that enable it to be coupled to and hauled behind a trac 
 tor or another trailer. Trailers which can be drawn from 
 either end are termed reversible. Trailers may be classed 
 according to the method of steering them as four wheel 
 steer, caster, balanced, and fifth wheel steer. (See Truck, 
 Four Wheel Steer, etc.) 
 Plain platforms or bodies of any desired type may be 
 mounted on trailer trucks, or special racks or supports 
 for carrying large or awkward shaped objects. 
 Page 535, 577, 729-748. 
 Truck-tractor. A truck which is able to draw a trailer 
 with a load in addition to carrying a load on its own 
 Page 574. 
 Trunnions. A pair of cylindrical projections on oppo 
 site sides of an object, and supported in bearings in such 
 a way that the object can rotate about the axis of the 
 trunnions, as ladle trunnions. 
 Load hooks are sometimes suspended on trunnions, sup 
 ported in bearings in the frame of the load block, to 
 prevent the load block being tilted, due to improper ar 
 rangement of slings on the hook. 
 Trunnion Screen. See Screen. Revolving. 
 Tub. A term often applied indiscriminately to round 
 buckets, bottom dump buckets and turnover buckets, espe 
 cially when of the type described under Bucket, Coal. 
 Turnbuckle. A device for connecting two parts of a 
 bar. rod or rope together with an adjustable tension. It 
 consists of a sleeve with internal right hand and left 
 hand threads at the two ends screwing onto correspond 
 ingly threaded bar ends or shank of eyes. Or it may 
 have a swivel at one end. and a right hand thread at the 
 other. The sleeve is turned by a wrench or by a bar 
 through a hole in the center. 
 Turnhead. A swiveling connection between a spout 
 and the bottom of the hopper or bin whose contents are 
 discharged through it, and which carries part or all of the 
 weight of the spout. It is usually arranged to allow the 
 spout to rotate freely about a vertical axis through the 
 center of the opening, and also often provides for a mod 
 erate amount of motion or flexibility about a horizontal 
 axis between two portions of the turnhead itself. 
 Turntable. A circular platform mounted on a pivot at 
 its center and with wheels or rollers around its periphery 
 running on a circular rail underneath, the whole being 
 capable of revolution in a horizontal plane. A transfer 
 table in which the motion is rotary. 
 Rotating cranes of the pillar or self-supporting variety 
 are constructed with turntables which generally carry a 
 superstructure with the pillar, boom and hoisting 
 Locomotive turntables are constructed with a complete 
 circular table with several tracks, or may be simply a 
 long girder with one line of track, supported by wheels 
 at the end. 
 The turntable of a locomotive crane consists of a base 
 ring (which generally has teeth cut externally or inter 
 nally and is used for slewing by power) on which rest 
 the wheels or rollers. These may turn on pins directly 
 carried by the rotating frame, or they may be carried by 
 a separate case, interposed between the circular track on 
 the base and a similar circular track on the rotating 
 frame. At least four rollers are used, two at the front, 
 and two at the rear opposite the boom; sometimes four 
 are placed in front under the boom, and there is often a 
 complete circle of rollers, this always being the case 
 when a separate cage is used. 
 Turntable, Air Jack. An air jack mounted centrally 
 under a turntable in such a way that when the turntable 
 is elevated by the air pressure in the jack, it is free to 
 turn, the plunger floating on air. Especially applicable to 
 the right angle junction of two tracks, where it may not 
 be desirable to cut the rails to install an ordinary turn 
 table. The rectangle within the rails is mounted on the 
 jack, and lifts the truck wheels by rising beneath the 
 Turntable, Ball-bearing. A turntable which rotates on 
 hardened steel balls running in machined races or grooves, 
 one race in the foundation plate and one in the bottom of 
 the table. These tables rotate easily, and support the load 
 at widely distributed points. Ball bearings are not often 
 used on turntables carrying heavy loads. 
 Turntable Transfer Car. A turntable mounted on a 
 transfer table or car, in order that an industrial car may 
 not only be transferred from track to track without going 
 through switching operations, but may be turned around 
 as well. The turntable is seldom applied to other than 
 small cars. 
 Page 609, 721-724. 
 U-bolt. A piece of round iron bent into the form of the 
 letter U, with the two ends threaded and provided with 
 nuts, and generally used to clamp a cross-piece or similar 
 part to a round rod, pipe, or its equivalent. 
 Undercut. A term applied to a gate or valve for con 
 trolling the flow of loose bulk material from a hopper or 
 bin, when it operates to cut off the flow by coming up 
 through the material from below. With this arrange 
 ment there is somewhat less tendency for lumps to pre 
 vent complete closing of the valve. It is more often ap 
 plied to quadrant than to sliding gates. 
 Universal Joint or Universal Coupling. A form of 
 coupling used to connect, for the purpose of power 
 transmission, two shafts which intersect, but are not in 
 line with one another. The most common form is known 
 as Hooke s joint; it will theoretically allow a lack of 
 alignment of as much as 90 deg., but on account of 
 cramping and interference, the maximum practical angle 
 is about 45 dcg. The angular velocity ratio will be varia 
 ble ; that is, if one shaft rotates at a constant speed, the 
 other one will have a periodically varying speed. If two 
 of these joints be used with a short piece of shaft be 
 tween them, and the coupling parts are properly arranged 
 on the two ends with respect to each other, a constant 
 angular velocity ratio may be obtained. The two shafts 
 need not have their center lines intersecting in this case. 
 As constructed, universal joints generally take the form 
 of forked ends, pinned or keyed on each of the shafts, 
 pointing toward each other, and pinned to points on the 
 surface of a sphere, 90 deg. apart, or to the ends of a 
 Universal joints are used to drive the swiveling trucks 
 of locomotive cranes from a central longitudinal hori 
 zontal shaft, and allow them to take the angular posi 
 tion required by curves over which they operate. 
 Unloader. Any device or machine which will mechani 
 cally remove a cargo or load from a floating vessel, car, 
 truck, wagon or other vehicle of transportation. The 
 vehicle may carry its own unloader, as a truck crane, 
 or a self-unloading ship, or it may be brought to a fixed 
 (or adjustable) unloader. The unloader may be designed 
 for handling bulk material or packages. In the former 
 case it may consist of a top-filled or self-filling grab 
 bucket, of an elevator conveyor, of a pneumatic conveyor, 
 or (for liquids) of a pump. If for packages, it may be a 
 cargo crane, or a special conveyor elevator. 
 Unloader, Automatic Ore. A machine designed for the 
 rapid unloading of iron ore from the holds of vessels of 
 the type developed on the Great Lakes, with numerous 
 narrow hatchways extending nearly the full width of the 
 shipt, but narrow in a fore and aft direction. The un 
 loader consists of a large grab bucket mounted eccen 
 trically on the lower end of a vertical leg, and which 
 can be rotated about a vertical axis. This leg is hinged 
 at its top, and at a point about a third of the way down, 
 to two oscillating beams which are connected at their 
 inner or shore ends to horizontal axes between vertical 
 columns carried on one end of a trolley. The leg, two 
 beams and columns form a parallel motion and the hoist 
 ing bucket can thus be directed to any part of the hold. 
 The trolley is mounted on wheels on a bridge extending 
 at right angles to the wharf; another trolley carrying a 
 bottom dumping weighing-hopper runs on rails beneath 
 the bridge, parallel to the top trolley. The loaded grab 
 bucket is brought inshort by moving the trolley backward; 
 the ore is dumped into the weighing-hopper from which 
 it is discharged into a railway car on any one of a num 
 ber of tracks beneath by moving the lower trolley, or is 
 carried to the inshore end of the bridge and dumped into 
 a temporary storage bin in which it can be reached by the 
 grab bucket of a storage bridge whose cantilever over 
 hangs it. The entire unloading machine travels on rails 
 parallel to the wharf and may be moved from hatch to 
 hatch of the vessel as desired. 
 The top oscillating beam is extended backward and 
 has a weight which counterbalances the overhanging por 
 tions ; this weight consists in part of the bucket operating 
 machinery. The operator s station is inside the vertical 
 leg just above the bucket, in which position he has an 
 unobstructed view of the latter, and can maneuver it so 
 as to take up all the ore in the vessel s hold. 
 Also called stiff-leg unloader. 
 Page 283. 
 Unloader, Bridge Type. A traveling gantry crane hav 
 ing a cantilever extension over the hatchway of a vessel 
 at a wharf, and used for unloading its contents, gen 
 erally by a grab bucket suitable for handling bulk mate- 
 terial. The bridge stands at right angles to the edge of 
 the wharf, travels along it on rails, and has a horizontally 
 telescoping (see Unloader, Ram Type) or vertically 
 swinging arm extending over the water, which can be 
 moved out of the way while a vessel is docking or leav 
 ing. The trolley carries a grab bucket which picks up the 
 material and moves it back, to be dumped directly into 
 a railroad car under the front end of the bridge, or into 
 a hopper over the tracks from which it is later dumped 
 into cars. Or it is carried further to the rear and 
 dumped into a storage area, to be later reclaimed by the 
 grab bucket for loading into cars. The total length of 
 the rear extension may be so great that it is supported in 
 two or more spans, the various supports running on 
 parallel rails and all traveling at the same speed. 
 To increase the speed of operation the uuloader is often 
 made short, merely spanning the railway tracks and a 
 temporary storage bin, the latter receiving the excess 
 material in case sufficient cars are not at hand to hold it 
 all. A bridge storage crane later takes it from this bin 
 and places it in the storage area at any desired location, 
 independent of the location of the unloader. The ends of 
 the two bridges overlap, but being on different levels do 
 not interfere. 
 Page 282. 
 Unloader, Car. Any machine or mechanical means for 
 unloading railway cars. It may be designed for unload 
 ing open top or box cars, and for handling package or 
 bulk material. Devices which are applicable to the un 
 loading of bulk material from box cars are the power 
 shovel, suction conveyor, and portable belt, flight, or 
 bucket conveyor. Those for unloading open top cars, 
 oilier than hopper bottom dumping cars, are car dump 
 ers ; bucket elevators, flight conveyors and grab buckets 
 handled by locomotive, bridge or monorail cranes. 
 The term is usually applied in a more limited way to 
 arrangements of bucket elevators or flight conveyors for 
 unloading bulk material from gondola cars. One device 
 consists of a bucket elevator hung from an adjustable 
 boom by which it may be lowered into the material in 
 the car. The buckets elevate the material and dump it 
 into a hopper which discharges through a spout into an 
 elevated bin, directly to wagons, onto a horizontal con- 
 \vyor for transportation to a more distant point, or to a 
 heap on the ground. The car must be moved along a 
 track of its own. The buckets are filled by hand 
 Another device consists of a comparatively narrow 
 inclined flight conveyor hinged at its upper end on a 
 carriage which can be moved along on an elevated track 
 over the railway track on which the cars to be unloaded 
 are placed. The lower end is lowered onto the material, 
 and is to a certain extent self-filling through the action 
 of small sections of screw conveyor on each end of the 
 lower sprocket shaft drawing the material toward the 
 flights. The feeders and lower sprocket are all placed 
 within a sort of scoop and the carriage on the overhead 
 track is slowly pushed forward during the operation of 
 unloading, pushing the scoop into the material. The 
 conveyor discharges to a chute at its head end. To use 
 this device the car must be free of tie rods or other 
 Instead of the narrow flight conveyor with screw con 
 veyor feed, an inclined bucket conveyor having buckets 
 extending the full width of the car has also been used, 
 mounted and handled in the same way. 
 Hopper bottom dump cars are most economically un 
 loaded on trestles or over track hoppers, but such cars 
 must occasionally be unloaded without these facilities. 
 One car unloader for this service has a belt or apron 
 feeder projecting under the car receiving the flow from 
 partially opened hopper bottoms, and delivering it to the 
 lower end of another conveyor which in turn delivers it 
 to trucks or to a temporary bin or pocket. 
 Page 377. 
 Unloader, Marine Leg or Dock Leg. See Elevator, 
 Marine Leg. 
 Unloader, One-Man. An apparatus intended for un- 
 unloading cars or vessels, and arranged so that only one 
 operator is required. The term is particularly applied to 
 a method of handling ore or coal in bulk in the hold of a 
 vessel by a grab bucket pendant from a trolley with a 
 cab. The operator in the cab controls all motion of the 
 bucket and trolley and of the tower or bridge on which 
 they are mounted. 
 Page 283. 
 Unloader, Ore. See Unloader, Bridge Type; Unloader, 
 Automatic; Unloader, Cableway Type. 
 Unloader, Ram Type. A bridge type unloader in which 
 the bridge contains a long truss or girder telescoping 
 within the bridge and having a trolley traveling on it. 
 When moved back the ram clears the wharf edge allowing 
 free movement of shipping; it also gives a long extension 
 to the rear for dumping into storage. (See Unloader, 
 Bridge Type.) 
 Also called telescopic unloader. 
 Unloader, Self-unloading Ship. This type of vessel 
 carries its own bulk unloading equipment, generally of the 
 conveyor type. One installation includes holds built with 
 hopper bottoms discharging through suitable gates onto 
 two belt or pan conveyors running the length of the ves 
 sel under the holds, and discharging to an elevating con 
 veyor at one end, generally the bow. This conveyor raises 
 the material above the deck where it is in turn received 
 by another conveyor mounted on a swinging boom of 
 variable elevation, which can deliver the material in any 
 direction beyond the side of the vessel, and at any height 
 within its range. 
 Many ships carrying package freight also have their 
 own handling machinery, generally called cargo handling 
 gear, and consisting of derricks and winches mounted on 
 the docks. 
 Unloader, Ship, Sling Type. See Conveyor, Sling. 
 Unloader, Ship, Suspended Tray Type. A suspended 
 tray carrier arranged for loading and unloading ships, 
 consisting of a light horizontal steel truss supported above 
 the deck, having a pair of endless conveying chains along 
 the top and bottom chords, and hanging in pendant loops 
 at each end, one pair of loops within the hatchway, and the 
 other pair outside the vessel and extending down to the 
 wharf. At regular intervals there are suspended from the 
 chains, platforms shaped to fit the cargo being handled, as 
 barrels, etc. Loads placed on the platforms in the hold 
 are elevated to the truss, carried along it by the top runs 
 of chain, and lowered outside the vessel to the wharf. 
 The direction of rotation is reversed for loading, the 
 power drive being by means of a motor mounted on the 
 truss. (See also Conveyor. Sling.) 
 Unloader, Stiff-leg. Sec Unloader, Automatic Ore. 
 Unloader, Two-Man. Two men are often required for 
 the safe operation of a grab bucket unloader for coal or 
 ore. One man attends to the raising, lowering, opening 
 and closing of the bucket, and the other to moving the 
 supporting trolley in or out on the bridge or jib, and to 
 traversing the bridge or tower, if this be movable 
 Page 283. 
 Valve. A device for stopping or controlling the flow 
 of fluid in a pipe, consisting of a body inserted in the 
 pipe, having a hole through it for the fluid to flow un 
 less closed by a movable part called a valve, valve disc 
 or plug. (See also Valve, Gate; Cock.) 
 There are various types of valves in use, but by far 
 the most important is the poppet type in which the valve 
 or valve disc is mounted on the end of a valve stem, 
 and closes the circular valve opening by approaching it 
 at right angles. The valve may be beveled around its 
 periphery and fit into a similarly beveled seat around the 
 edge of the opening, or it may be flat and fit against a 
 raised flat surface on the seat ; in this last case a ring of 
 soft metal is often inserted in the face of the valve to 
 assist in making it tight. 
 Valves are made for connecting two (or sometimes 
 more) pipes at various angles to each other; they are 
 made in many styles and materials, and for many differ 
 ent pressures. 
 Valve, Butterfly. A valve in which a straight cylindrical 
 pipe or opening through the valve body is opened or 
 closed by rotation of an internal disc mounted on a cen 
 tral transverse shaft or spindle. When the disc is turned 
 across the pipe, flow is stopped; when it is parallel to the 
 pipe, free flow is permitted. Such valves are cheap and 
 effective, but they are hard to keep tight against the 
 pressure of gases and liquids, and are not much used for 
 handling loose bulk material on account of the partial 
 obstruction of the pipe by the transverse shaft and the 
 edge presented by the valve disc. 
 Valve, Rotary. A valve which has a seat with a num 
 ber of holes through it and a valve disc with correspond 
 ing holes, pivoted centrally on it and rotated as desired 
 by a stem or some other connection leading outside. The 
 valve is wide open or shut, depending on whether the 
 holes in the valve and seat do or do not register. 
 Valves of this type are used for controlling the flow of 
 grain through the bottom of bins and hoppers. 
 Valve, Throttle. A valve used for the hand control of 
 the flow of steam or air (or occasionally other fluids) 
 to the cylinder of an engine to adjust its speed as de 
 sired. Globe or angle valves of the poppet type, rotary 
 valves and cocks are in common use for this service, 
 though many other special forms are in existence. 
 "Double beat," piston or balanced valves, having two 
 discs or plugs connected by a stem, and fitting against 
 or sliding past openings at two places, arc more easily 
 operated than the single types. 
 Valve, Reversing. A hand-operated valve which can 
 reverse the direction of flow of steam into and out of the 
 cylinder of a steam engine, thus causing the engine to 
 revolve in either direction. The engine valve is made 
 without lap and the eccentric without angular advance, 
 enabling the engine to run equally well (though somewhat 
 inefficiently) in either direction. A reversing valve 
 merely interchanges the exhaust and steam supply connec 
 tions. It is used on small engines where the convenience 
 and simplicity outweigh the poor economy. 
 Washer. An annular piece of metal, fibre, rubber or 
 other material placed on a bolt underneath the nut, to 
 form a scat for the latter. 
 Wharf. A platform of timber, steel or masonry, built 
 along the shore of a navigable body of water and used 
 primarily for loading and unloading vessels. The term 
 quay (British) is also used in this sense, while the term 
 pier is more often applied if the structure projects 
 into the harbor at right angles to the shore. 
 (See also Dock.) 
 Wharf Crane. See Crane, Wharf. 
 Wharf Shed. A roofed structure or building on a 
 (See Pier Shed.) 
 Wheel. In general, a circular frame or disc revolving 
 on its axis. If loose on its shaft and used merely to 
 guide a rope or chain which passes around a groove in its 
 rim, it is usually and preferably called a sheave. (See 
 Sheave.) More specifically, a wheel is a circular member 
 rolling in contact with a guiding surface and supporting 
 a load by means of an axle passing through its center. 
 (See Roller.) 
 A simple wheel is composed of a hub fitting a shaft, on 
 or with it rotates, and of spokes radiating from the hub 
 and attached to the inner side of a circular rim which 
 rests on a track. These may be cast in one, or all or any 
 part made separately and bolted together. The spokes 
 may be straight or curved, or may be replaced by a solid 
 web or plate. The rim may be plain, flanged or grooved, 
 or may be provided with a separate tire or shoe of metal 
 or of rubber or other elastic material. 
 Wheel, Chain. A wheel having its circumference shaped 
 to fit a chain, and used for the transmission of power, or 
 to guide the chain. When the circumference has out 
 wardly projecting teeth shaped to fit a pitch chain, it is 
 usually called a sprocket or sprocket wheel. When the 
 wheel has a groove or pockets, or both, in its circum 
 ference, shaped to fit the oval links of a coil chain, it is 
 also called a pocket sheave or wheel, or a chain sheave. 
 Guide sheaves for oval link chain often have smooth con 
 cave rims. 
 Wheel, Flanged. A wheel having one or more annular 
 projections from the rim, generally outward. A single 
 flange is usually at one side of the rim or tread, though 
 center flanges are used in some types of chain wheels. 
 Double flanges are usually at the two sides of the rim. 
 Wheel, Gap or Gapped. A rope or chain sheave or a 
 sprocket wheel which has openings or gaps in the rim to 
 receive attachments placed on the rope or chain at regular 
 intervals. These attachments are for the purpose of driv 
 ing, of conveying, or both. 
 In cable conveyors transmission blocks may be placed 
 at intervals between the conveying flights in case the latter 
 are too far apart to ensure at least two being in contact 
 with the rim simultaneously. Flexible teeth are often 
 provided on one or both sides of the gap, to decrease the 
 friction and wear as the blocks are forced off and on the 
 wheel. To allow for stretch of the rope without the ne 
 cessity of re-spacing all the blocks, the rim segments are 
 sometimes made adjustable, and can be moved outward to 
 increase the effective pitch of the wheel. 
 Toothed sprockets having gaps are not dependent on the 
 attachments for driving, therefore are often made with 
 three gaps only. The rim segments may also be adjust 
 able, and flexible teeth may be used at one or both sides of 
 the gap. 
 Wheel, Hand. A wheel operated by hand power. The 
 wheel diameter depends upon the turning moment which 
 must he exerted, and the size of the rim varies in pro 
 portion to the size of the wheel, though it must never be 
 larger than can be conveniently gripped by the hand. 
 Occasionally the rim is roughened, corrugated, or even 
 formed with radiating spokes as handles. 
 Wheel, Hand Chain. A chain sheave around which is 
 reeved an endless chain, to be pulled by hand for operat 
 ing hoisting or other machinery. 
 Wheel, Knuckle. A wheel placed at the point at the 
 top of an incline where a rope or chain used for hauling 
 purposes changes to the horizontal direction. Also, the 
 sprocket wheels at the top of the upward run of a knuckle 
 wheel elevator, where a vertical changes into a horizontal 
 or inclined run. On cable haulage systems, rollers or 
 grooved sheaves are used, called knuckle rollers or 
 knuckle sheaves respectively. 
 Wheel, Pulley. Sec Sheave. 
 Wheel, Pocket. Sec Wheel, Chain. 
 Wheel, Ratchet. See Ratchet Wheel. 
 Wheel, Stepped Tread. A wheel having treads of t\vo 
 (or more) diameters. Such wheels are used on the rear 
 axles of skip cars, and assist in dumping them. 
 (See Skip Car.) 
 Wheel, Self-Lubricating. A wheel which contains an oil 
 chamber or reservoir within itself, and means of feeding 
 it slowly to the bearing surface. This feed may be 
 through small holes leading to the bearing, through a por 
 ous felt washer inserted in an annular opening in the bore, 
 by an oil tin which lifts the oil from the bottom of the 
 cavity and drips it onto the opening, or by a ring or 
 chain oiler which accomplishes the same purpose. 
 Wheels or rollers of this type are much used as supports 
 for pivoted bucket, pan, platform and other conveyors 
 carrying heavy loads. 
 Wheel, Sprocket. A wheel having outwardly projectin : 
 teeth shaped to fit the links of a pitch chain. (See Gear 
 ing, Chain.) For a long oval link chain, teeth projecting 
 outward through links lying flat on the periphery of the 
 wheel are usual ; side flanges may be added to each tooth 
 if desired, flaring at the outer ends to assist in seating 
 the link. For most of the single width chains having 
 pin connected or hinged joints, the sprockets are similar 
 with teeth shaped to lit the blocks, link ends or rollers as 
 the case may be. Broad multiple width chains used for 
 power transmission, or in some cases for conveying, have 
 sprockets with teeth extending across the full width, and 
 engaging with inward projections from the chain links; 
 tlu -y may or may not have flanges at the sides. 
 Some sprockets have adjustable and renewable teeth; 
 this construction justifies the use of larger sprockets 
 which would otherwise be too expensive to replace when 
 worn. Also to adjust the sprocket pitch to suit the in 
 creased pitch of a worn chain, the rim is sometimes made 
 i-ii separate segments which can be moved radially out 
 ward. Where the chain has attachments which must pass 
 around the sprockets, gaps are often left in the rim to 
 receive them. (See Wheel, Gap.) 
 Sprockets are set screwed or keyed to the shaft ; where 
 necessary for purposes of assembling they are split in half 
 and bolted together at rim and hub. 
 Wheel, Traction. In general, a wheel which drives by 
 virtue of the friction between surfaces in contact, as 
 distinguished from one which drives by teeth, notches or 
 other positive means. The driving wheels of locomotives 
 and trucks, pulleys in belt drives and so-called friction 
 gearing arc examples of traction wheels. In material 
 handling equipment the term is often applied to smooth 
 (sometimes grooved) pulleys used occasionally in place 
 of sprockets on head shafts of single strand chain and 
 bucket elevators, and on certain types of single strand 
 conveyors. Beside wearing better, they have the advan 
 tage that a "choke" will only cause slipping and not a 
 break clown. 
 Wheel, Traction Idler. A term applied to a plain wheel 
 without teeth on the rim, around which the chain of a 
 chain elevator or conveyor passes, but which is not the 
 driving wheel, as distinguished from a traction driving 
 wheel. Traction idlers are sometimes used in place of 
 sprockets for supporting the return runs of chains, as well 
 as for foot -shafts of elevators and conveyors. They may 
 be plain, single flanged or double flanged. 
 Wheel and Axle. A little used hoisting mechanism 
 consisting of a grooved sheave fast on an axle turning 
 in bearings. One end of a rope attached to the load 
 to lie lifted is secured to the axle, and an endless hand 
 rope is lilted in the groove of the sheave. Pulling on 
 the hand rope causes the load rope to wind on the axle 
 and lift the load. The ratio of load lifted to hand pull 
 depends on the diameter ratio of sheave to axle. 
 Wheel-base. The distance between centers of two car 
 wheels travelling on the same rail, or in the same fore 
 and aft line if no rail is used. If more than two wheels 
 are on each side, the distance between the centers of 
 the outside wheels is generally meant. If the wheel 
 bearings are fixed, this is the rigid wheel-base. If two 
 swiveling trucks are used, each truck has its own rigid 
 wheel-base and the total wheel-base is called a total or 
 overall wheel-base. 
 A long wheel-base distributes a load over considerable 
 track, but, if rigid, makes difficult the negotiation of 
 In travelling cranes of the bridge type, it is endeavored 
 to have the rigid wheel-base at least one-fifth of the span, 
 to keep the bridge from getting out of square. Where 
 this proportion cannot be reached, special precautions 
 must be taken to insure squareness. 
 Wheel Train. A series of two or more axles geared 
 together by toothed wheels or belts. 
 (See Gearing.) 
 Wheel Tread. The exterior cylindrical portion of the 
 rim of a wheel which bears on a rail. It may be flat, 
 conical, double conical or spherical. Its width should 
 be appreciably greater than that of the rail on which it 
 rests, to allow for inaccuracies in the alignment of the 
 Whelp. One of the longitudinal ridges or projections 
 sometimes formed on the barrel or drum of a capstan 
 or on a gyps-y head, to prevent slipping of rope on the 
 Whim. A primitive hoisting device used for raising ore 
 or coal from mines of moderate depths. It consists of 
 a large drum set on a vertical, shaft on which the hoist 
 ing rope is wound, and which is rotated by a horse 
 walking in a circle, and attached to the end of a crossbar 
 attached rigidly to the shaft. The horse is driven in 
 the opposite direction for the lowering operation. 
 Whip. A block and rope rigged and used for lifting 
 light weights, generally designated as single whip or 
 double \\hip, the former giving no increase of lifting 
 power, but simply a change of direction. 
 Whipping. The turns of twine wrapped around a rope 
 close to its end, to keep it from untwisting or unlaying. 
 Whipping, of Shafting. Vibration or whirling of shaft 
 ing when rotating at high speed, due to the axes of grav 
 ity and rotation not being coincident. 
 Winch. A stationary, horizontal shaft, geared drum 
 machine, hand or power-driven, which can exert a pull 
 on a rope or chain while winding it on a drum, and 
 can be used for hoisting or hauling purposes, according 
 to the arrangement of rope leading from the drum. 
 As usually constructed, a winch has a foundation or 
 baseplate on which stand two side frames, stiffened 
 transversely by distance pieces. Between these side 
 frames, and with their bearings contained in them, 
 are the shafts of the various drums, transmission gears, 
 brakes, etc. The baseplate is mounted on a fixed founda 
 tion, on skids or on a car, as desired : it is often extended 
 to provide a seat for a boiler or electric motor. 
 Some winches are worm or friction geared, but the 
 majority use spur gears, and are designated as single or 
 double geared according to the number of geared speed 
 reductions. (See also Winch, Direct Acting.) They 
 are known as hand, steam, electric, gasoline, belted, etc., 
 according to the power used ; as single drum, double 
 drum, etc., according to the number of hoisting drums. 
 The simplest type has a reversible source of power 
 connected directly to the drum by gearing; for lowering, 
 the first shaft is turned by hand or power in a lowering 
 direction, and a screw brake allows the load to lower 
 only at the corresponding speed. Or, the load may be 
 allowed to overhaul the gearing and motor, control being 
 maintained by a band or other brake operated by a foot 
 pedal. Two or more such units may be included in a 
 two, three or four drum winch, and independent opera 
 tion be secured for each. The more usual arrangement is 
 to have the source of power connected by gearing to a 
 friction clutch keyed to the drum shaft; the drum is 
 loose on the shaft, but by engaging the friction clutch 
 is made to turn with it and hoist the load. To lower, 
 the clutch is released and the load overhauls the drum 
 alone, a band brake acting on a seat on the drum circum 
 ference being used to control the speed. Several such 
 drum units are connected to a single source of power 
 to form a two or three-drum winch. This type is, how 
 ever, subject to the limitation that pull can be exerted 
 by winding the drum in one direction only, and there 
 must always be sufficient pull in the reverse direction 
 to overhaul. The drums cannot be reversed by power, 
 unless reversing clutches are added to the mechanism, 
 or a reversing engine is used. 
 Often incorrectly called a hoist or crab. 
 Page 295, 787, 791, 803, 829. 
 Winch, Air. A winch which is driven by an air engine. 
 It may be of exactly the same pattern as a steam winch, 
 though special conditions would have to exist to make 
 such an arrangement advisable, such as an already estab 
 lished compressed air system, necessity of freedom from 
 fire and hot steam pipes, etc. The more commonly used 
 air winches are small and portable, are used for mis 
 cellaneous intermittent hauling and hoisting purposes 
 and are often of multiple cylinder construction. 
 (See Hoist, Air.) 
 Winch, Belted. A winch fitted with a pulley on the 
 first motion shaft and intended to be driven by a belt from 
 a line shaft or independent engine. This arrangement 
 allows the source of power to be used for other pur 
 poses at times when the winch is not in use. 
 Winch, Derrick. A winch especially arranged with a 
 view to operating a derrick. The simplest type has one 
 friction drum for the load line, and the boom is lifted or 
 slewed by hand. More commonly two drums are sup 
 plied, one each for the load line and the topping lift; for 
 more rapid operation, or to handle greater loads, power 
 slewing gear is usually added in the shape of one long or 
 two small separated drums with a reversible drive from 
 the main engine, or driven by a separate engine. (See 
 Winch, Derrick Slewing.) An additional friction drum 
 is required if a two-line grab bucket is to be handled by 
 the derrick, unless a drum specially arranged for this 
 service is used. (See Drum, Counterweight.) Four or 
 more friction drums are not often used on derrick 
 winches, except for special work, such as bridge erection. 
 Winch heads are placed on the extended ends of one or 
 more drum shafts, and these are occasionally loose on the 
 shaft with jaw clutches by which they may be connected 
 to it, and with ratchets and wheels for holding the load 
 when the clutch is out. 
 The boom is occasionally raist-d and lowered by a worm 
 gear drive, which will not overhaul and allow the boom 
 to drop; if the engine is non-reversing, a reversing 
 double-jaw clutch must be provided. If the boom is raised 
 and lowered often, double friction clutches should be sup 
 Page 803, 829. 
 Winch, Derrick, Slewing or Swinging. A winding ma 
 chine used for slewing a derrick by power. One type 
 consists of an independent reversible engine driving a 
 winding drum around which are coiled in opposite direc 
 tions the ends of the rope which passes around the bull 
 wheel; the ends of the rope are, of course, fastened to 
 the winding drum. The slewing winch may be attached 
 to or built into the main hoisting winch, in which case it 
 it usually operated from the main hoisting engine by a 
 reversible friction drive. When thus built in, two drums 
 are often used instead of one to give the leads to the 
 bull wheel a location which will prevent interference with 
 the main and boom hoist lines. Or one drum may be 
 used at the side, located like a winch head, and guide 
 sheaves used to prevent interference of the ropes. 
 When driven by a reversible engine, no brake is re 
 quired, as the placing of the reversible throttle or re 
 versible valve gear in neutral position locks the engine 
 and prevents the swinging of the derrick by the wind or 
 other causes. Motor and friction driven winches require 
 a brake. 
 A slewing winch of considerable power is required for 
 derrick barges on account of side tipping of the barge 
 due to lifting a load at the side. 
 Also called slower, boom slewer or swinger, slewing 
 engine, slewing attachment, pony swinging drum, etc. 
 Page 803, 829. 
 Winch, Direct Acting. A steam driven winch in which 
 the drum is mounted directly on the engine crank shaft, 
 instead of on a parallel shaft which is geared to it. 
 Winch, Electric. A winch which is driven by one or 
 more electric motors. (See Winch.) One motor may be 
 used to drive two or more drums by means of gearing, 
 or separate motors may be installed to drive each of the 
 drums. One type of installation has four separate drums 
 operated by controllers without clutches, there being 
 solenoid brakes on the motors, and foot-operated band 
 brakes on the drums. 
 An electric winch is sometimes called an electric hoist. 
 (See Hoist, Electric.) 
 Pa K e 299, 787, 791, 803, 829. 
 Winch, Friction Geared. A winch in which one or 
 more of the steps in speed reduction from the engine or 
 motor to the drum shaft is made by smooth-faced fric 
 tion wheels pressed together with sufficient force to pre 
 vent slipping. A common arrangement for a single re 
 duction winch is to have a large friction wheel made fast 
 to the drum, both running loose on a shaft with eccentric 
 journals at the ends; a hand lever attached to this shaft 
 can rotate it through 180 deg. and move drum and gear 
 toward either side. In mid-position the drum runs free; 
 when forced to one side the friction gear is brought into 
 contact with the friction pinion on the driving shaft and 
 the drum is rotated in a winding direction ; when moved 
 to the opposite side the friction gear is brought into con 
 tact with a fixed brake shoe which retards or stops its 
 rotation. A weight is often arranged to hold it in this 
 position with sufficient force to prevent the drum from 
 rotating, unless relieved by the operator. 
 Double reduction geared winches sometimes have fric 
 tion gears between the drive and first motion shaft, but 
 the drum gear and pinion are then usually spur geared 
 on account of the large turning moment. 
 Winch, Gasoline or Kerosene. A winch driven by an 
 internal combustion engine using the fuel specified. These 
 engines will not start under a load, so a disengaging 
 clutch is always supplied. Gear changing arrangements 
 may also be provided to allow light loads to be lifted at 
 high speeds, and vice versa. A governor is usually pro 
 vided to prevent the engine from running away in case 
 of unexpected release of the load. 
 Page 299. 
 Winch, Hand. A small, hand-operated, horizontal-shaft, 
 geared-drum machine which can exert a pull on a rope 
 or chain while winding it on the drum, and can be used 
 for hoisting or hauling purposes. There are two types, 
 depending on the form of the frame. One has its drum 
 and gears mounted on a plain rectangular frame in such 
 a way that it cannot be attached directly to a wall or 
 floor without interference a special frame or setting 
 must be arranged for it. The other type has deep frames 
 which practically enclose the gearing, is self-contained, 
 and capable of standing on and being bolted directly to a 
 flat, vertical or horizontal surface. 
 A single-purchase hand- winch is one in which a pinion 
 on the hand-operated crank shaft drives a large gear on 
 the drum shaft ; a double-purchase signifies that there is 
 an intermediate shaft with its pinion and gear. The inter 
 mediate shaft is generally extended so that the cranks 
 may be placed on it for -high speed lifting of a light load. 
 The crank shaft is also sometimes provided with two 
 pinions of different sizes engaging with gears of differ 
 ent sizes on the intermediate shaft (sometimes known as 
 duplex gearing), thus still further extending the range of 
 gear reduction. 
 Two or more drums with their gears may be mounted 
 in the same frame, for operation from the same crank 
 shaft, giving a two-drum hand-winch. 
 Ratchets and wheels are provided on the crank or in 
 termediate shaft to prevent overhauling in case the men 
 stop turning the cranks. Brakes are also provided to 
 control lowering, as lowering by allowing the crank to 
 turn in the opposite direction under manual control is 
 dangerous and unnecessary. These brakes were formerly 
 simply band brakes on a portion of the drum circum 
 ference, but Weston and other types of improved brakes 
 are now available, and the screw brake provides a safe 
 automatic lowering device. 
 Page 295. 
 Winch, Hoisting. A winch arranged to be used for 
 hoisting purposes, generally in combination with a suit 
 able structure and proper fittings, which with it con 
 stitute a crane. The most common form is the derrick, 
 with the hoisting winch located on the ground and the 
 ropes led to the proper points on the derrick by means 
 of guide sheaves. (See Winch, Derrick.) The hoist 
 ing winch may be on a platform at the base of the mast 
 and turn with it, or may be mounted on the mast itself, 
 this arrangement being common in the case of jib cranes. 
 Hoisting winches are operated by hand, by steam or air 
 engines, or by electric motors. (See Winch, Hand, 
 Steam, Air, Electric.) 
 Page 787, 791, 803, 829. 
 Winch, Portable. A small winch which is built in its 
 supporting frames in such a way that it can be easily 
 unfastened and moved to a new location for operation, 
 being sometimes mounted on skids or wheels for ease in 
 transportation. A winch which does not depend on spe 
 cial foundations and framing to support it. 
 Page 787, 791. 
 Winch, Power. A winch driven by some form of en 
 gine or motor, or from a line shaft, as distinguished 
 from a hand-operated winch. 
 Also a term sometimes applied to a winch fitted with 
 a pulley, and driven by a belt from a line shaft or in 
 dependent engine. 
 Winch, Reversing. A winch driven by an engine or 
 motor which may be reversed in direction of rotation. 
 The direction of rotation of the engine itself may be re 
 versed by suitable valve gear or by a reversing valve, 
 thus reversing all the shafts of the winch; one or more 
 shafts may be reversed independently by using reversing 
 gearing, either of the friction type, or of the bevel gear 
 type combined with jaw or friction clutches. 
 (See Gearing, Reversing.) 
 Winch, Single Pole or Double Pole. A hand winch 
 which has a frame arranged to attach to a single pole or 
 to two poles of a derrick, jib crane, gin pole or similar 
 crane structure. 
 Winch, Steam. A winch which is driven by a steam 
 engine. (See Winch; Winch Engine.) 
 Page 299, 803, 829. 
 Winch, Twin-Drum. A winch having two winding 
 drums on the same shaft, or in line axially. A common 
 arrangement is to have an engine or motor with a pinion 
 on its shaft, driving a large gear which is keyed to the 
 drum shaft near its center and between the drums. The 
 drums are loose on the shaft, but either or both may be 
 connected to the gear by friction clutches, of which one- 
 half is mounted on the gear and the other on the end 
 of the drum. (See also Drum, Friction.) These winches 
 are much used in handling two-rope grab buckets in 
 dredging or excavating operations, and in coal and other 
 bulk unloading equipment. 
 In this coal unloading service fast work is essential to 
 economy, the hoisting speeds being as great as 1200 ft. 
 per min., and the lowering speed of the empty bucket is 
 correspondingly rapid. This causes the generation of 
 much heat at the engaging clutch surfaces, which also 
 act as braking surfaces. Special arrangements of inter 
 nal vanes in the drums cause a rapid circulation of air 
 inward through the ends of the drums and outward 
 through openings in the base of the clutch cone; fins cast 
 on the clutch also assist in radiating heat, and occasionally 
 water circulation is used. A small brake is generally pro 
 vided on the crank disc of one of the two steam engines 
 to hold the crank shaft (and with it the large gear and 
 the attached clutch parts) at rest during lowering. In 
 the case of an electric motor, a similar brake is placed 
 close to the motor, unless dynamic braking is used. 
 Some twin-drum winches are direct-acting; that is, 
 have the engine or motor connected directly to the drum 
 without intervening gearing, thus giving extremely high 
 winding speeds. 
 Page 803, 829. 
 Winch Engine. The engine, generally steam, used to 
 operate a hoisting or hauiing winch. 
 There are usually two horizontal cylinder engines, with 
 their cranks at 90 deg., mounted on the same frame as 
 the various drums ; a seat for an ordinary vertical boiler 
 is nearly always included in the baseplate, though it is 
 not always provided with the winch and engine. Non- 
 reversing engines are often used, in which case some sort 
 of friction or toothed reversing gear may be required 
 for one or more of the drums or shafts operated by the 
 engine. If the engines are reversing, link motions of the 
 Stephenson or Gooch type are used, or for small engines 
 like those driving slewing winches a reversing valve is 
 used, by which the steam supply and exhaust connection 
 are interchanged. 
 In some small winches intended for use with com 
 pressed air, the two cylinders are placed at right angles, 
 and their connecting rods are operated from the same 
 crank pin. Oscillating cylinders are also sometimes used 
 for small engines. 
 Winch Head. A drum having the winding surface 
 shaped in a concave curve, and used for hoisting by mak 
 ing a few turns of rope around it and pulling slightly on 
 the free end. By varying this pull the slipping on the 
 drum may be made large or small, or the load may even 
 be lowered, independently of the speed of the drum. 
 Where it is important to have no slipping, whelps or 
 ridges are formed on the winding surface. 
 These drums are usually fitted overhung on one or 
 both ends of the shaft of a winch drum. They may be 
 keyed fast to the shaft, in which case they are known 
 as solid or fixed winch heads, or they may be loose on 
 it and be connected at will by a jaw clutch, in which 
 case they arc known as clutch or independent winch 
 heads ; a ratchet and wheel is then added to hold the 
 drum when it is disconnected by the clutch. 
 Winch heads have many names, some of the more 
 common ones being Gypsy Mead, Xigger Head and Fric 
 tion Drum. 
 Windlass. A stationary horizontal shaft geared ma 
 chine, generally power driven, with one or more chain 
 sheaves or wildcats for exerting a pull on a chain, for 
 either hoisting or hauling purposes. A steam engine or 
 electric motor is the usual driving power, acting through 
 one or more reductions of worm gearing to drive the 
 main sheaves. These last may be disconnected from the 
 hoisting gear when desired and allowed to overhaul, 
 being controlled by band brakes on their circumference. 
 One or more winch heads or gypsy heads are also often 
 formed on the overhung extensions of the main shaft, 
 for use in exerting a pull on ropes. Windlasses are much 
 used on shipboard for hoisting anchors. 
 Also, a small machine which exerts a pull in a rope 
 or chain by winding it on a drum which is directly 
 mounted on a shaft turned by hand-operated cranks ; a 
 winch minus the gear reduction. Example, well windlass. 
 Page 787, 791, 829. 
 Wire Rope. A rope made up of wires laid into strands 
 and these strands formed into a rope. Kither hemp or 
 wire cores or centers may be laid in each of the strands, 
 and in the complete rope. 
 Round ropes are practically universally used, except in 
 some hoisting work where the flat form is advantageous. 
 The individual strands are usually round ; they may be 
 flattened on the exterior. Some ropes do not have 
 strands, the wires being placed in successive layers on a 
 steel core sometimes called smooth-coil rope. 
 Wire ropes are designated by their diameter in inches, 
 measured on the circumscribing circle, and by the num 
 ber of strands and wires per strand, as 1 in. 6 x 19. 
 Page 320, 818-822. 
 Wire Rope, Cable Lay. See Wire Rope, Tiller or Hand. 
 Wire Rope, Coarse Laid. A wire rope composed of six 
 strands laid around hemp core, each strand having seven 
 wires called a 6 x 7 rope. It is relatively stiff and is used 
 for haulage or transmission, where large sheaves can be 
 installed, or, when galvanized, for standing rope and 
 guys. Also called standing rope. 
 Wire Rope, Flat. A wire rope made for hoisting pur 
 poses, and consisting of a number of alternating right 
 and left hand lay four-strand ropes placed side by side 
 and sewed with soft iron wire so as to form a broad flat 
 Wire Rope, Flattened Strand. A wire rope composed 
 of strands flattened on the outside so as to present a 
 smoother surface and more wearing area. 
 Wire Rope, Galvanized Rope. Rope in which the in 
 dividual wires have been galvanized before being made 
 into a rope. 
 Page 818-822. 
 Wire Rope, Haulage. Rope used for haulage purposes. 
 It is composed of large wires in order to resist abrasion 
 and therefore is only moderately flexible. (See Wire 
 Rope; Wire Rope Strand.) 
 Page 818-822. 
 Wire Rope, Hoisting. A flexible rope used for hoisting 
 purposes, as in cranes, mine hoists, elevators, etc., where 
 it must carry heavy loads and pass frequently on and off 
 a winding drum and around guide sheaves. 
 Page 818-822. 
 Wire Rope, Lay of. The direction in which the strands 
 are laid in the rope, either right hand or left hand. In 
 regular lay the strands are left hand lay and the rope 
 right hand lay ; regular left hand rope has the lay of 
 both strands and rope reversed from the above. 
 In Langs lay the wires in the strands and the strands 
 in the rope are made up with the lay in the same direc 
 Wire Rope, Marline Clad. Wire rope having its strands 
 served or wrapped helically with hemp or fibre marline 
 so that the metal is completely covered and protected 
 from wear and the action of water, corrosive gases and 
 liquids, etc. ; it is also easier to handle and can be coiled 
 down like cordage rope. For some purposes both the 
 strands and the rope are served with marline. 
 Page 818-822. 
 Wire Rope, Non-Spinning. A wire rope in which the 
 strands are laid so that it will not rotate when a load is 
 hung from the free end of a single line. 
 Page 818-822. 
 Wire Rope, Standing. See Wire Rope. Coarse Laid. 
 Wire Rope, Smooth Coil. See Wire Tramway Strand. 
 Wire Rope, Steel Clad. Wire rope having each strand 
 wrapped helically with a flat strip of steel. Also called 
 armored rope. 
 Page 818-822. 
 Wire Rope, Tiller, or Hand. A rope made of six 
 strands laid around a hemp core, each strand being a 
 complete rope with six strands of seven wires each laid 
 around a hemp core. The lay of the strands, rope 
 strands and complete rope alternate in direction. This 
 construction is also termed cable lay. (See Wire Rope, 
 Marline Clad.) 
 Page 818-822. 
 Wire Rope, Traction. A wire rope used in aerial tram 
 ways for hauling the bucket along the track rope. The 
 carriages are gripped to it automatically or by hand, or 
 are fastened to it permanently, according to the system. 
 (See Aerial Wire Rope Tramway, Double Rope 
 Wire Rope, Transmission. Wire rope made into an 
 endless loop and used for the transmission of power 
 between a driving and one or more driven pulleys, inter 
 mediate portions being supported by idlers if the distance 
 requires. (See Wire Rope, Haulage.) 
 Wire Rope Core. The center of a wire rope strand or 
 of a complete rope, composed of a yarn or strand of 
 hemp or steel. 
 Wire Rope Strand. One of the component parts of a 
 rope, consisting of a group of wires of uniform or vary 
 ing size. The strand may he round or flattened. 
 Wire Track Cable. A round cable used for aerial rope 
 tramways and cableways, consisting of a strand of seven 
 or nineteen round wires surrounded by from one to live 
 layers of abutting square or trapezoidal section wires, 
 and with a smooth outer covering of special interlocking 
 section wires, the various layers being alternately right 
 and left lay. 
 Wire Tramway Strand. A wire rope composed of a 
 single strand made up of 7, 19, 37, 61 or 91 wires ar 
 ranged in one, two, three, four or live layers around a 
 central wire of the same size. Successive layers may 
 be laid to the same or to alternating hands. I sed as a 
 track or trolley cable for aerial tramways. Also called 
 round track cable and smooth coil cable. 
 Electrical Definitions 
 Electricity: Direct Current: Alternating Current: Magnetism: Current; Ampere: Amphere- 
 hour: Resistance; Ohm: Electromotive Force; Volt: Power; Watt: Killowatt-hour : Phase: Series: 
 Parallel: Power Factor: Cycle: Frequency: Efficiency: Rating: Batteries: Generators: Transform 
 ers: Magnetos: Motors: Controllers: Rheostat: Switches, Circuit-breakers and Fuses: Electric Brak 
 ing: Electrical Equipment. 
 Klcctricity is primarily used in material handling as 
 a means of driving machinery. I "or this purpose there 
 are required motors or electro-magnets, and these units 
 must lie connected by some form of transmission system 
 to an electric generator or storage battery which consti 
 tutes a source of electrical energy supply. Eighty-live 
 to ninety per cent of all new material handling installa 
 tions arc electrically operated. It should be considered 
 as an established fact that electricity is the proper motive 
 power to use in every case where anything beyond 
 manual capacity is required for driving cranes, hoists, 
 elevators, conveyors, capstans, and other machinery in 
 tended for handling materials in bulk, unless no central 
 station supply is available and the construction of a plant 
 presents unusual difficulties. The characteristics of the 
 machines driven vary widely with the cycle of work 
 to be performed and the class of industry served and this 
 makes each installation a separate problem in itself. 
 Availability of a particular type of electric central sta 
 tion as a source of supply may further limit the choice 
 of equipment. The service characteristics for a given 
 machine are, however, generally of a sufficiently definite 
 nature to determine the class of motor, electro-magnet 
 or battery suitable for the work. 
 Various kinds of electrical signalling and controlling 
 apparatus are also used in material handling and are fre 
 quently necessary to adapt motors to the starting, driving 
 and stopping of machinery. 
 The economies to be derived from electrification of 
 existing material handling machinery have been widely 
 overlooked, and this a primary reason why no more than 
 approximately five per cent of the potential demand for 
 material handling machinery has been met. The most 
 evident consequences of electrification are increased pro 
 duction, space economy, reduced fire risk, flexibility in 
 arrangement of machines, reliability and uniformity of 
 product, and reduced depreciation. For hoisting ma 
 chinery electric drive is preferable to the compressed air, 
 hydraulic and steam drives in most of the above respects, 
 with ease of control in addition. 
 The conversion of the older types of drive, for example 
 steam to electric hoists, may in some instances be ac 
 complished by removing engine connecting rods, and 
 coupling or gearing motors to crank discs. This sub 
 stitution of electric drive is likely to cause different 
 stresses which may exceed the maximum ones in the 
 older types of drive, so that it is generally advi-able to 
 use entirely new machinery. 
 Electrical Terms 
 Electricity. A conception of electricity sufficient for 
 present purposes is obtained by a consideration of what 
 it does and how it manifests its presence. Electricity 
 heats a wire or other metal conductor through which it 
 flows, under certain conditions producing incandescence ; 
 gives a sensation of shock to persons or animals through 
 whom it passes, as well as burning the skin ; makes sparks 
 and arcs when its passage through a continuous circuit 
 is interrupted by opening of the circuit; deflects a mag 
 netic needle placed near a conductor energized by it ; 
 magnetizes a steel or iron mass if the latter is made to 
 form the core of a coil of wire through which the cur 
 rent passes ; and causes rotation of electric motors ; etc. 
 A further conception of electricity is gained by not 
 ing the methods of its production. It can be obtained at 
 the expense of the chemical energy of a battery or of the, 
 mechanical energy- of rotation applied to a generator, and 
 it is readily reconverted into chemical or mechanical 
 energy as in the storage battery and motor. Further 
 more the generator works because of the well known 
 physical law that a magnet and a coil of wire may be so 
 moved relatively to each other as to set up an electromo 
 tive force, thus producing an electric current flow in the 
 wire, and the electromagnet can be made by passing 
 electricity through a solenoid, so that magnetism and 
 electricity are mutually interconvertible. 
 Direct and Alternating Current. An electric current 
 practically constant in magnitude and direction of flow is 
 called a direct current. The term continuous current is 
 used in the same sense in England but in America con 
 tinuous is intended to mean steady and non-pulsating. 
 Direct current motors have better speed control than al 
 ternating current motors and permit more ready employ 
 ment of dynamic braking for the lowering operations of 
 crane work. 
 An alternating current is an electric current which 
 varies continuously with time from a constant maximum 
 value in one direction along the circuit to the same value 
 in the opposite direction, then returning to zero and back 
 again to the first direction, alternately repeating this 
 cycle in equal intervals of time. Such a current alter 
 nates in polarity and direction of flow and therefore will 
 not charge a battery. The alternating current system is 
 generally used where power is to be transmitted over 
 considerable distances or in large amounts because of 
 the simplicity and ease with which it can be transmitted 
 Alternating and direct current are readily interconvert 
 ible by the use of suitable apparatus. 
 Magnetism. It has been known for centuries that 
 ferrous metals could possess the characteristic of attract 
 ing iron or steel. A magnet is said to have unit strength 
 when it exerts a repulsion of one dyne upon an exactly 
 like and equal magnet at a distance of one centimeter. 
 Those parts of a magnet which possess the power of at 
 tracting iron are usually the ends of the mass, whether 
 bent or straight, and are called the poles of the magnet. 
 Any space in which a magnetic pole will be acted upon 
 by a force tending to set it in motion, such as the space 
 surrounding a magnet or conductor of electricity, is called 
 a magnetic field. A magnet may be made by passing di 
 rect current electricity through a coil of wire wrapped 
 around an iron core, the electric current producing a 
 magnetic flux in the iron, and forming what is known as 
 an electromagnet. This coil is called a solenM. When 
 sides and ends of the solenoid are enclosed in iron, thus 
 furnishing for the magnetic flux an iron return path of 
 less opposition than the air path, the unit is known as an 
 iron clad solenoid. 
 Current: Ampere. The flow of electricity from place 
 to place, for example along a conductor, is called current. 
 The unit of electric current or flow is the ampere. It is 
 practically represented by the direct current which de 
 posits silver at the rate of 0.001118 grams per second 
 from a silver nitrate solution of standard specifications, 
 and is technically defined as the direct current which, 
 flowing in a wire of one centimeter length and at right 
 angles with a uniform magnetic field of unit intensity, will 
 cause the wire to be deflected with a force of one tenth 
 of a dyne. The symbol is I or i. 
 The amount of current flowing in a conductor is im 
 portant in determining the size of conductor to use, 
 particularly as the heating is proportional to the square 
 of the current. One ampere of alternating current is that 
 flow of electricity which produces the same heating ef 
 fect in a resistance circuit as a direct current of one 
 ampere. The electrical measuring instrument which in 
 dicates the number of amperes of electric current flowing 
 through a conductor is called an ammeter. The instru 
 ment is placed in series in the circuit to be metered or is 
 shunted across a resistance placed in the circuit. The 
 latter is called a shunt ammeter, the former a line am 
 It is a fundamental law stated by Kirchoff that the 
 electric current leaving a conductor must equal the 
 amount of current entering for all direct current cir 
 cuits. Therefore the ammeter may be inserted in the 
 direct current circuit at any point and the same ampere 
 reading will result. 
 Ampere-hour. The ampere-hour is the unit of quantity of 
 electricity, and is technically defined as one ampere flow 
 ing for one hour, or as the product of the current in 
 amperes by the time in hours. This term is used particu 
 larly in charging batteries. (See also Battery Capacity, 
 Ampere-hour. The coulomb which is one thirty-six 
 hundredths of the ampere-hour is also used as a unit of 
 Resistance: Ohm. Resistance is the term used to ex 
 press the opposition to the flow of direct current elec 
 tricity. Any substance which will carry electricity is 
 called a conductor, though this carrying ability may vary 
 with the material. The resistance of a uniform conductor 
 is proportional to the length and inversely proportional 
 to the cross-section. A rise of temperature causes an in 
 crease of resistance with nearly all metals. The re 
 sistance of an electrical circuit is decreased by adding 
 other resistance in parallel, or increased by adding re 
 sistance in scries. A decrease of resistance in a circuit 
 causes an increased flow of current, if other conditions 
 remain unchanged. Resistance is invariably dissipative 
 and causes a loss of energy which goes into heat and thus 
 the flow of electricity tends to raise the temperature of 
 any conductor through which it passes. (See Rheostat.) 
 The unit of electrical resistance is the ohm. It is 
 practically represented by the resistance offered to an 
 unvarying electric current by a column of mercury, hav 
 ing a mass of 14.4521 grams, at the temperature of melt 
 ing ice, of a constant cross-sectional area, and of the 
 length of 106.3 centimeters. The symbol is R or r. 
 Resistance is commonly measured by dividing the volt 
 age across the circuit by the amperes of current flow. 
 This necessitates the recording of simultaneous volt 
 meter and ammeter readings on the unit to be measured. 
 Electromotive Force: Volt. Electromotive force is the 
 electrical pressure tending to produce current flow. It 
 may be produced in two ways, namely, (1) by bringing 
 two dissimilar bodies in contact as in the case of bat 
 teries, (2) by varying the magnetic flux linking a circuit, 
 as for instance moving the coil of a generator armature 
 past the magnetic poles. 
 The electromotive force of a generator depends on the 
 amount of magnetic induction from the generator poles 
 .which links the rotor coils, the number of turns of arma 
 ture coil and the speed of rotation. (See also Battery 
 Electromotive Force.) 
 The unit of electromotive force is the volt. It is the 
 electromotive force which steadily applied to a conductor 
 of one ohm resistance will produce a current of one am 
 pere. The symbol is E or e and V or v. 
 The electrical measuring instrument which indicates 
 the number of volts of electromotive force across the 
 terminals of a machine or conductor is called a voltmeter. 
 The instrument is connected in parallel with the unit 
 across which the voltage is to be measured. 
 When a generator is running at rated speed and no 
 load, that is without any current passing through the 
 armature windings, the voltmeter reading across the 
 generator terminals is the generator electromotive force. 
 If a load is connected to the generator there will be a 
 drop of voltage due to the armature resistance, and the 
 voltmeter reading will be lower. The latter voltage is 
 commonly called the potential difference between the 
 generator terminals. A similar phenomenon occurs in 
 batteries. The voltmeter reading between any two points 
 on a circuit may also be termed a potential difference. 
 Power: Watt. The power of an electric circuit is the 
 rate at which work is being done by the current. The 
 unit of electrical power is the watt. The symbol is P. 
 For direct current circuits this is equal to the product 
 of volts and amperes, which gives rise to the definition 
 of a watt as a volt-ampere. For alternating current 
 circuits the power in watts is equal to the volt-amperes 
 multiplied by the cosine of the angle by which the cur 
 rent leads or lags the voltage. The latter quantity is 
 known as the poii er factor of the alternating current cir 
 cuit. A watt is 44.26 foot pounds per minute, one horse 
 power dividend by 746. A kilcnvatt, one thousand watts, 
 is used as the unit of power where large amounts are in 
 volved. The wattmeter, and kilowattmctcr, are the measur 
 ing instruments used to determine the rate at which work 
 is being done at any given instant. 
 Kilowatt-hour. The kilowatt-hour is the electrical 
 unit of work, being the amount of energy delivered 
 by a source of electricity which gives out power at the 
 rate of 1,000 watts continuously for one hour. Electrical 
 measuring instruments called the kilowatt-hour meter and 
 watt-hour meter are used to determine the amount of 
 electrical energy received from the supply circuit during 
 a certain interval of time. This is the meter commonly 
 used to determine the amount of electricity used by a 
 customer, for billing purposes. 
 Phase. Phase means the distance in angular measure, 
 from the instant when an alternating current wave passes 
 a certain datum point (say zero current) to the instant 
 when the alternating electromotive-force wave passes the 
 same datum point (zero voltage). 
 Inductance in the circuit causes the current to lag be 
 hind the voltage. If there is capacity in the circuit the 
 current will lead in phase. If the voltage and current 
 waves are rising and falling exactly in step, their zero 
 values occurring at the same instant, they are said to be 
 in phase. 
 The term phase is also applied to measure the angular 
 distance between two voltage waves of the same fre 
 quency on different machines. The voltage waves of two 
 separate circuits are said to be in phase, for example, if 
 their wave impulses rise and fall exactly in step. 
 The term single phase is applied to circuits in which 
 the alternator is arranged to give a single voltage wave 
 to a two-wire circuit. 
 Two-phase, or quarter-phase, is used to designate the 
 combination of two circuits energized by alternating 
 electromotive forces which differ in phase by 90 deg. 
 Three-phase means the combination of three circuits 
 energized by alternating electromotive-forces which differ 
 in phase by 120 detr. Three wires are required for 
 transmission by three-phase. Polypliase is a general 
 term applied to systems of more than a single phase. 
 Any of the above systems may be used in alternating 
 current machinery, but for material handling equipment 
 where alternating currents are selected, the single phase 
 or three-phase circuits are preferred. 
 Series. Series or series connection is used to designate 
 a method of connecting two or more electric machines 
 or conductors to a supply or distribution circuit so that 
 the same electric current flows through each one in turn, 
 that is, first through one and then through the next. 
 Parallel. Parallel or parallel connection is used to 
 designate a method of joining two or more electric ma 
 chines or conductors by which all units are connected 
 across the same two terminals so as to divide the electric 
 current between them as it flows through the circuit. 
 Multiple is a synonymous term. The current divides 
 inversely as the resistance encountered. 
 Inductance: Impedance: Capacity: Reactance: A sole 
 noid or other coil of wire offers more opposition to the flow 
 of alternating current electricity than to direct current 
 electricity. Furthermore the voltage wave measured across 
 such a coil is out of phase with and leads the current wave. 
 This is known as the inductance effect. In certain al 
 ternating current circuits, such as those using a condenser, 
 the current wave leads the voltage, this being known as 
 the capacity effects. Inductance and capacity have 
 diametrically opposite effects on a circuit and tend to neu 
 tralize each other. The total opposition to alternating 
 current flow in a circuit, including the resistance, induct 
 ance and capacity combined in proper vector relationship 
 to each other, is known as the impedance. Inductance and 
 capacity combined without resistance is known as react 
 Power Factor. The ratio of the power input to the 
 product of effective voltage and current of an alternating 
 current circuit is defined as the power factor of the cir 
 cuit. This ratio cannot be in excess of unity and usually 
 is less. Power factors may be lagging or leading depend 
 ing on whether the inductance or capacity respectively is 
 the predominating influence. 
 Cycle. When an alternating current has gone com 
 pletely through one series of positive and negative values, 
 and has returned to its original condition, it has passed 
 through a cycle. 
 Frequency. Frequency is the number of cycles per 
 second in the alternating current circuit. Twenty-five and 
 60-cycle frequencies are the most common. A frequency 
 of 25 cycles is often used for power generation, and 60 
 cycles for power generation and lighting service. 
 Power Capacity. The power which a device can safely 
 carry is called its power capacity. 
 Efficiency is the ratio of the power delivered by a ma 
 chine or unit to the power received by it. Efficiency varies 
 with the temperature, speed, load, voltage, current, power- 
 factor, wave shape, and frequency of the machine, as well 
 as with general conditions such as lubrication and com 
 mutation details. For alternators and transformers the 
 ratio of the kilowatt output to the kilowatt input at 
 rated kilovolt-amperc and power factor is defined as the 
 (See also Efficiency of Battery.) 
 The principal losses in an electrical machine are core 
 losses including eddy-current losses, I 2 R losses in the 
 armature and field windings, brush friction, brush con 
 tact, friction bearings, windage, di-electric losses, short- 
 circuit losses during commutation, rheostat losses, and in 
 transformers the extra copper loss -of the windings due 
 to stray fluxes caused by load currents. 
 Rating. The power output and other conditions for 
 operation of an electrical machine are specified by the 
 manufacturer on the rating plates. 
 Continuous, short time and nominal ratings are the 
 most common ones used. The continuous rating of a 
 machine gives the power, current and voltage at which 
 the unit is intended to operate without stopping. The 
 machine operating at this continuous output should meet 
 the approved limitations of temperature, mechanical 
 strength, commutation, di-electric strength, frequency, 
 speed, voltage, efficiency, power factor, regulation, wave 
 shape and insulation resistance. The short-time service 
 rating of a machine specifies the power, current and volt 
 age at which the unit may be safely operated for the lim 
 ited period of time given in the rating. The term nominal 
 rating is used mostly in alternating current railway ma 
 chines where excessive loads for brief periods of time 
 make the use of continuous ratings inconvenient. For 
 example, a substation machine may be given a nominal 
 rating of kilovolt-ampere output at a stated power factor 
 input, which after producing a constant temperature in the 
 machine, can be increased 50 per cent for two hours 
 without producing excessive temperatures. Also ma- 
 chines marked with a nominal rating should be able to 
 carry a load of twice their rated output for a one-minute 
 period without injury. The principal limitations of elec 
 trical machines relate to the thermal characteristics and 
 mechanical stresses. Temperature is the most common 
 controlling clement in fixing the rating. 
 Rotating machines with a continuous rating should be 
 able to carry a 50 per cent overload current momentarily 
 at rated load excitation, and should be able to develop, 
 without stalling, a running torque of 175 per cent of the 
 running torque corresponding to rated load. 
 Electric locomotives are rated in terms of the weight 
 on the drivers, nominal one-hour tractive effort, contin 
 uous tractive effort and corresponding speeds. 
 Automobile propulsion motors and generators should be 
 given a continuous rating, equal to the output available 
 at the shaft at the rated speed. Higher temperature rises 
 than those standard for stationary machines are permis 
 sible on these propulsion dynamos, thereby reducing 
 weight and bulk. 
 (See also Rating, Storage Battery; and Motor.) 
 Polarity. The terminal of the generator, battery or 
 other electrical unit which is at the higher potential is 
 said to be the terminal with positive polarity, and the 
 other is called the terminal with negative polarity. 
 Current Capacity. The term current capacity is used 
 in connection with various kinds of electrical apparatus 
 to define the amount of current which the conductors 
 can safely carry. Excessive current may be prevented 
 in a circuit by placing suitable resistance in series with 
 the circuit, but this may increase the heating loss beyond 
 economical limits. Resistance placed in parallel with the 
 load of a storage battery or generator increases the total 
 current flow from the machine, so that the allowable 
 addition of rheostats in parallel with any load is limited 
 by the current carrying capacity of the machine. 
 Electrical Apparatus. Any machine or device pertain 
 ing to the generation, storage, transmission, control, utili 
 zation or measurement of electricity, including any con 
 trivance used to regulate the operation of such a device, 
 is commonly classed as electrical apparatus or equipment. 
 Batteries, generators, magnetos, motors, lifting magnets 
 and electric brakes are in a group having to do with 
 the generation, storage or utilization of electricity. Trans 
 mission apparatus includes transformers, insulators, and 
 conductors. There is a group containing a considerable 
 number of electrical controlling machines and devices, 
 such as rheostats, switches, push-buttons, circuit breakers, 
 fuses, controllers, compensators, overload releases, and un 
 derload releases. Certain miscellaneous devices may also 
 be classed together such as ignition coils, spark plugs, 
 solenoids, signal outfits, lamps and measuring instruments. 
 Batteries and Battery Details 
 Battery. A group of cells electrically connected and 
 assembled in one case in order to obtain greater voltage 
 and power than can be supplied by one cell is called a 
 The cells may be assembled either in series to give 
 higher voltage (equal to the sum of the cell voltage), or 
 in parallel to give higher current than one cell supplies, 
 due to smaller internal resistance), or in a combination of 
 series and parallel arrangements. In locomotive service, 
 48 or more cells are usually used in series. 
 The conductors connecting the terminals of a battery 
 cell to another cell or to the external circuit are called 
 connector*. The container, sometimes called the case or 
 tray, into which the cells are assembled to form a battery, 
 is built of hardwood thoroughly coated with acid-proof 
 paint for lead-acid batteries and of steel for nickel-iron 
 Storage batteries are used to drive locomotives, trucks, 
 industrial tractors, or smaller carrying devices, and port 
 able cranes ; in electric starting and lighting systems of 
 various types on gasoline and kerosene vehicles ; in signal 
 systems ; and as a reserve in case of the breakdown of a 
 prime mover or in case of excessive loads in the power 
 The voltage of a battery may be varied by cutting in 
 or out of the series circuit one or more of the end celts 
 of the battery. 
 Page 719. 736, 742. 
 Lead-acid Battery. There are three types of lead-acid 
 cell: (1) a storage cell with lead plates, an electrolyte 
 of dilute sulphuric acid, and a jar of glass or hard rubber. 
 By the electrochemical action of charging, a layer of 
 lead peroxide coats itself on one plate, forming the con 
 ductor of the higher potential. (2) A storage cell 
 with lead-antimony alloy plate into which pasty active 
 material of lead peroxide is pressed, the electrolyte being 
 dilute sulphuric acid, and the jar of glass or hard rubber, 
 (3) A storage cell with positive plates consisting of a 
 series of hard-rubber slotted tubes containing active 
 material, an electrolyte of dilute sulphuric acid, and jar 
 of glass or hard rubber. 
 The positive plate of all these types is essentially lead 
 peroxide and the negative plate is either of lead or else 
 contains an active material of spongy metallic lead. 
 A lead-acid cell when charged will have an electromo 
 tive force of about two volts. The voltage of a charged 
 battery with cells in series is therefore equal to the num 
 ber of cells in scries multiplied by two. When the lead- 
 acid cell discharges the chemical reaction, produces the 
 current. As discharge continues, the electrolyte becomes 
 weaker, the lead sulphate increases in quantity and bulk, 
 lilling the pores of the plates, thereby retarding the free 
 circulation of the acid. Since the acid cannot maintain its 
 normal action the cell becomes less active and the voltage 
 drops. Discharge should be stopped and recharging com 
 menced before the cell voltage has dropped lower than 1.70 
 volts. The electrolyte used in the lead type of battery is 
 always sulphuric acid of special purity diluted with pure 
 distilled water. The various battery manufacturers specify 
 the exact conditions and constituents of electrolyte for best 
 service of their particular cells and their instructions 
 should always be carefully followed. 
 The lead-acid battery is less expensive in first cost 
 than the nickel-iron type and is lighter in weight. 
 Page 736. 
 Nickel-iron Battery. The nickel-iron, or alkaline, type 
 of storage battery cell consists of a steel jar containing 
 steel plates, active material of nickel and iron oxides, and 
 an electrolyte solution of sodium or potassium hydroxide 
 in water. It has been widely known as the Edison cell. 
 During discharge the negative iron plate becomes oxidized 
 and the positive nickel oxide plate is reduced to a lower 
 oxide; the electrolyte is not- changed chemically. The 
 true chemical change is complex and varies with condi 
 tions. The specific gravity of the electrolyte of the nickel- 
 iron cell is unchanged by charge and dis 
 charge. The voltage of this type when charged 
 is 1.7 to 1.95 volts per cell. As a means of 
 providing efficient supports for the active material, 
 plates and separators must be strongly constructed. 
 The positive plates consist of perforated steel tubes, 
 nickel plated, filled with alternate layers of nickel hy 
 droxide and pure metallic nickel in thin flakes, and the 
 negative plate consists of a cold rolled steel grid, nickel 
 plated, holding a number of rectangular pockets tilled with 
 powdered iron oxide. The nickel is added to give the 
 necessary conductivity to the active material. Narrow 
 separating strips of hard rubber are inserted between the 
 positive and negative plates to insulate them from each 
 other after assembly, and side insulators and hard rubber 
 Ixjttom lining are used to prevent contact of the plates 
 with the steel container. The jar is of nickel plated cold 
 rolled steel, the walls being corrugated to give the great 
 est amount of strength with minimum weight. A nickel 
 plated sheet cover is provided, containing two pockets for 
 the terminal posts and an opening for tilling the cell with 
 electrolyte or occasional addition of distilled water. 
 Stuffing boxes with hard and soft rubber washers and 
 bushings arc used about the terminal posts. The tilling 
 opening is provided with special vents to prevent absorp 
 tion by the caustic alkali of carbonic acid from the air, 
 at the same time allowing the egress of gases evolved 
 during charging. 
 Nickel-iron batteries are made largely of steel and are 
 therefore particularly strong and durable. They have in 
 many cases been exposed to fire without serious damage, 
 and have withstood short-circuit during accidents. The 
 frequent hydrometer readings and attention necessary in 
 other batteries are not required, so that maintenance 
 charges are under two per cent of the original cost. The 
 requirements of operation are charging, keeping outside 
 of cells clean and adding distilled water. Their ability 
 to do service at several times normal discharge, the fact 
 that many of these batteries have served six and seven 
 years, and the absence of noxious and corrosive fumes are 
 especially desirable features for many kinds of service. 
 Page 719, 742. 
 Cell. The fundamental unit of any type of battery is 
 the cell, which is a device for producing electric voltage 
 by the chemical action resulting when two electrical con 
 ductors of different material are placed in an acidic liquid 
 or paste. The two conductors of such an apparatus are 
 found to be at different potentials and the cell will there 
 fore act as a generator of electricity and furnish current 
 to a circuit connected across its terminals. 
 The conductor of the higher potential is called the 
 positive and that of the lower potential the negative 
 terminal. The positive is therefore the conductor from 
 which current flows into the external circuit when the 
 battery is discharging, while the negative receives cur 
 rent from the external circuit during discharge. The 
 acidic substance, whether liquid or paste, is called the 
 When a cell, either separately or iu conjunction with 
 other cells, has both terminals joined to a conductor, 
 the current flows both in the cell and outside circuit and 
 the terminal voltage of the cell will drop, due to the 
 opposition of the internal resistance of the battery to 
 this current flow. On most types of battery the negative 
 plate is observed to waste away, its consumption fur 
 nishing the energy required to drive the current through 
 the cell and the external circuit. The voltage of a cell is 
 dependent on the material of which the plates are made 
 and the kind and condition of the electrolyte. Size of 
 parts affects the capacity and life of the cell but not the 
 A cell may be of the Primary or Secondary class. Pri 
 mary cells are of small capacity and not suitable for 
 power purposes, but are used for ringing bells, gas 
 engine ignition systems and similar low capacity work. 
 They include all cells which can be recuperated only by 
 the installation of a new negative plate to replace that 
 consumed, and by the substitution of fresh electrolyte. 
 Dry cells and many wet cells are of this class. Second 
 ary cells, commonly called storage cells and accumulators, 
 are recuperated by charging with direct current electricity 
 from an outside source, sent through the cell in the di 
 rection opposite to that in which it delivers current. 
 Secondary cells are used whenever batteries are to 
 supply electricity to motors. There are two principal 
 types, the lead-acid and the nickel-iron. 
 Cell Requirements. A good cell should possess all 01 
 most of the following characteristics : 
 1. High and constant electromotive force. 
 2. Small internal resistance, thereby facilitating high cli*- 
 charge currents and low internal heating. 
 3. Constant current output, therefore freedom from po 
 larization or local action, and small liability to rapid 
 4. Perfect inactivity when the circuit is open. 
 5. Durability, freedom from need of constant attention, 
 and a serviceable jar. 
 6. No emission of corrosive fumes, and no overflow of 
 A cell also has to meet the special requirements of the 
 use to which it is put. For example, a cell for vehicle 
 service should have strength, durability, lightness and 
 suitable capacity which means low internal resistance be 
 cause of high current demand on acceleration of speed 
 and ascending of grades. It should also have the flattest 
 possible voltage characteristic, that is the least obtainable 
 voltage variation under average conditions of discharge. 
 A cell for locomotive work requires power, ruggedness, 
 high efficiency and longevity. For some kinds of service a 
 cell needs ability to furnish current and withstand de 
 preciation at low temperatures, and to recuperate after 
 partial discharge. Low operating cost is ordinarily quite 
 as important as low irrftial cost. 
 Secondary Cells. In secondary cells the positive and 
 negative conductors are generally known as positive and 
 negative flag s. Roth plates consist of a scries of grids, 
 one or both containing active material which gives added 
 capacity to the cell. In addition to plates, active material 
 and electrolyte, such a cell consists of separators, terminals 
 and container. There are two straps (positive and nega 
 tive) each supporting its series of vertical plates, thereby 
 forming two groups known as positive and negative. The 
 groups are arranged with spaces between the plates so 
 that the two series may be interleaved in assembling, 
 plates of opposite polarity being kept out of contact by 
 separators of non-conducting material, usually hard rub 
 ber or wood. Straps are provided with terminal lu;;s for 
 attaching the plates and with posts to which the cell 
 connections are made. One positive and one negative 
 group of a cell with separators assembled is called an 
 element. After assembling groups and separators the 
 whole is placed in a sheet steel, rubber or hardwood cell 
 container or jar with the electrolyte. 
 Container. The container or jar which holds the elec 
 trolyte may consist of the following acid resisting mate 
 rials : 
 (1) Hard rubber, glass or wood for lead-acid cells. 
 Glass jars are customary for stationary lead-acid bat- 
 teries, except for the larger types which are assembled in 
 lead lined wooden tanks. Cells for vehicle service have 
 rubber containers. A wood container coated with acid 
 resisting paint is used in many of the smaller sized cells. 
 (2) Nickel plated cold rolled sheet steel containers 
 with corrugated sides for nickel-iron cells. 
 Cover Details. The cover of the battery jar is usually 
 of the same material as the jar and is sealed to it with 
 a gas-tight joint. It is provided with a filling vent or 
 aperture for each cell through which the electrolyte or 
 water is introduced, and which is closed by a hinged 
 threaded, or bayonet type filling plug containing a gas vent. 
 Group. A group is a set of cell plates, either positive 
 or negative, assembled to a hard lead or lead-antimony 
 casting called a strap. The assembling is usually accom 
 plished by burning, the terminal post and strap being usu 
 ally cast in one piece. Cell capacity is increased by using 
 more than one plate per terminal because of the in 
 creased area of active material exposed to the electrolyte. 
 Straps consisting of a central round terminal are called 
 pillar-post straps, those in the form of an inverted L 
 are called plate straps. The term cross-bars is used syn 
 onymously with strap. The portions of the straps of a 
 cell extending through the cell cover and used as termi 
 nals are called posts or poles. 
 Battery Terminals. Fittings known as battery termi 
 nals are attached to the positive plate of one end cell 
 and to the negative plate of the other end cell of a 
 battery to provide electrical connection to the remaining 
 units of the electric circuit. These fittings are numerous 
 in type and manufacture and vary with the size and kind 
 of battery. There are, for example, the cable and bolt 
 terminals ; the tray terminals which are commonly of 
 the wing nut or box types ; and the taper terminals, made 
 in rights and lefts with different tapers for positive and 
 negative to prevent intercharging. 
 Separators. Glass rods, or rubber or treated wood 
 strips called separators are inserted between the positive 
 and negative plates of a battery to keep them from 
 coming in contact. Separators in lead-acid type portable 
 batteries may be smooth or corrugated wood, suitably 
 treated; or thin sheets of slotted or perforated hard 
 rubber; or threaded rubber in which cotton threads run 
 transversely to the surface of the separator. Perforated 
 hard rubber separators, if used, are generally accom 
 panied by wood separators. Separators in lead-acid type 
 stationary batteries may be glass or wood rods ; wood 
 plates reinforced with dowels; or corrugated wood plates. 
 Separators in Edison cells consist of hard-rubber rods, 
 and strip and plain sheets referred to as pin and side 
 insulators respectively. By using separators the adjacent 
 positive and negative plates may be maintained at a 
 minimum desirable distance apart, thereby reducing the 
 internal cell resistance and the weight and space required 
 for the battery. Untreated wood contains injurious acid 
 which attacks the plates and also has a high resistance 
 which prohibits its use as separators. Proper treatment 
 removes these difficulties. 
 Sealing. Usually a bituminous pitch or other sealing 
 compound is used to seal the covers to the jars of port 
 able type batteries. Also a threaded ring, known as a 
 sealing nut, is screwed on the terminal post of some 
 lead cells to clamp the cover in place and prevent leak 
 age of electrolyte. (See also Nickel-iron Battery.) 
 Open Circuit Voltage. The open circuit voltage, called 
 electromotive force, of a cell, battery or generator is 
 measured by a potentiometer or high resistance volt 
 meter when there is no connection with the load, so that 
 no current is being delivered. In a battery it depends 
 entirely upon the chemical composition of the cells (par 
 ticularly the material of the plates), condition of elec 
 trolyte, state of charge and temperature, and is in no 
 way dependent on size or number of plates per cell. 
 The electromotive force of a cell drops considerably 
 during discharge and recuperates during charge. (See 
 also Charge; Lead-acid Battery; Nickel-iron Battery.) 
 The potential difference between the terminal posts of a 
 cell during discharge will always be less than the elec 
 tromotive force by the amount of the resistance drop of 
 voltage in the cell due to current flow. 
 Internal Resistance. The ohmic resistance within a 
 battery cell is defined as the internal resistance of the 
 cell. It should be small if the battery efficiency and 
 capacity are to be high. Heating of the battery with its 
 consequent energy loss is directly proportional to this 
 resistance and the effective voltage at the battery termi 
 nals is reduced by it. For all classes of service demand 
 ing high current flow to any extent, the internal 
 resistance should be especially low. 
 Discharge. Discharge is the conversion of the chemical 
 energy of a battery or cell into electrical energy by the 
 flow of electric current from the battery through an 
 external circuit. The proportion of discharge of lead- 
 acid batteries is best determined by use of a hydrometer 
 syringe which indicates the specific gravity of the elec 
 trolyte. For nickel-iron cells the voltage and previous 
 condition of charge are the principal indications of the 
 state of discharge. (See also Charge.) 
 Charge. Charging is the passing of direct current 
 through a battery, in the direction opposite to that of 
 discharge, in order to restore to the battery the active 
 materials or energy used during discharge. It is essen 
 tial to watch two things in charging a battery or cell, 
 namely the rate in amperes and the time that charging 
 When charging a lead-acid battery the acid absorbed 
 by the plates during discharge is driven from the plates 
 by the charging current and restored to the electrolyte. 
 This is the whole object of charging in this type of cell. 
 There is no loss of acid during either charge or dis 
 charge. A fully charged cell of the lead-acid type should 
 give two volts and a hydrometer reading of 1.270 to 
 1.300 (1.200 to 1.230 in tropical climates). A battery 
 having a specific gravity of 1.150 or less, by a hydrom 
 eter reading, is considered to be discharged. A 
 specific gravity of 1.160 would indicate about three- 
 quarters discharged condition. A discharged battery has 
 converted so much of its chemical energy into electrical 
 energy that it needs recharging in order to prevent harm 
 to the cell from the excessive giving up of its chemical 
 energy. The electromotive force should not fall below 
 1.70 volts per cell, but the presence of a higher electro 
 motive force is not a safe measure of condition of 
 charge. (See also Charging .Rate.) 
 When charging nickel-iron batteries there is no change 
 of specific gravity of the electrolyte. The voltage char 
 acteristics vary principally with the temperature, condi 
 tion of electrolyte, time since last charges, and rate of 
 charge or discharge. The normal discharge voltage at 
 rated current is 1.2 volts per cell. The final voltage 
 with the current on should be about 1.8 volts per cell but 
 may be from 1.7 to 1.95. The normal temperature of 
 this type of battery is 90 to 100 deg. F. when charged. 
 Open-circuit voltage gives no indication of state of 
 Charging Equipment, Battery. The devices used in 
 charging storage batteries used on trucks, tractors and 
 Page 717. 
 Water Still. A device for generating steam and then 
 condensing it into pure water. Stills are commonly used 
 to obtain the water used in storage batteries. 
 Page 738. 
 Charging Rate. The proper value of the direct current 
 in amperes to use in recuperating a battery is known as 
 the charging rate. It varies for different sized cells, and 
 for a given cell the amperes used when charging begins, 
 commonly known as the normal charging rate, will ex 
 ceed the value when charging is partially completed. 
 The lower current value specified is the finishing rate. 
 Too high a current rate in charging will overheat a bat 
 tery, thereby shortening its life. The limiting tempera 
 ture is usually given as 110 deg. F., and even this is 
 too much for steady maintenance. Continued high tem 
 perature distorts and buckles the plates, chars and 
 weakens the wood separators and softens and distorts 
 the case and cover. Once a week a battery of the lead- 
 acid type should receive a prolonged charge at less than 
 the finishing rate until all cells are fully charged. This is 
 known as the equalizing clutrge. It is continued until 
 all cells are gassing evenly and freely or according to 
 the manufacturer s specifications. 
 Trickle Charge. A charge used on lead batteries when 
 in wet storage to prevent deterioration from disuse is 
 called the trickle charge. It is usually about 1 per cent 
 of the finishing rate. 
 Freshening Charge. A normal or partial charge given 
 to a battery which has been standing idle, to insure that 
 it is fully charged, is known as a freshening charge. 
 Also the periodic charge of batteries in storage to pre 
 vent deterioration from disuse is designated in this 
 Overcharge. Excessive charging of a battery cell is 
 termed overcharge. It washes out the positive active 
 material and also acts on the positive grids, giving them 
 a scaly appearance. 
 Starvation. Consistent undercharging of a battery, the 
 discharges being continually greater than the charges, is 
 called starvation. Poor service and shortened life of 
 battery result. 
 Sulphated. A sulphated battery is one in which an 
 abnormal formation of hardened lead sulphate has been 
 permitted to accumulate, due to starvation or excessive 
 Wet Storage. The storage of batteries containing their 
 electrolyte is common practice with vehicle batteries in 
 many locations, particularly where winter climate pre 
 vents their use. A trickle charge is applied occasionally 
 lo prevent deterioration from disuse and also to prevent 
 freezing, by keeping up the specific gravity of the elec 
 trolyte, and thereby lowering its freezing point. 
 Battery Capacity, Ampere-hour. The number of am- 
 pere-hours which can be delivered by a battery at any 
 rate of current flow under normal temperature conditions 
 is the ampere-hour capacity. It diminishes with increased 
 rates of current discharge except on nickel-iron batteries, 
 and it is always less than the ampere-hour input in 
 charging for the same current flow. Higher capacities 
 are recorded when the charge is given at high tempera 
 tures, but 110 deg. C. should never be exceeded. The 
 capacity is also affected by the size of plates, purity 
 of electrolyte, age and condition of the battery. New 
 batteries frequently show increased capacities with suc 
 cessive charges for a limited time. Nickel-iron cells may 
 show as much as 30 per cent above normal rating, im 
 provement increasing for as much as twenty charges 
 and discharges. When a battery is nearly worn out its 
 capacity may be far below rating. In nickel-iron batteries, 
 however, the electrolyte may and should be renewed 
 before the capacity falls to its rated value. If overloads 
 are too frequently imposed on a lead-acid battery, the 
 resulting overheating will cause "buckling," which is 
 distortion of the battery cell plates such as warping 
 and bending. No harm is done to an Edison battery by 
 discharging it at several times normal current or even 
 by complete short circuit. 
 Efficiency of Battery. The ratio of useful output to 
 total input is efficiency. This may be expressed as 
 ampere-hour, the watt-hour, or the voltage efficiency, but 
 is usually considered to be watt-hour output divided by 
 watt-hour input. 
 Rating, Storage Battery. The power output and other 
 conditions for operation of a battery as specified by the 
 manufacturer on the rating plate is the battery rating. 
 It is limited by the internal resistance, temperature, 
 mechanical stresses and current output. 
 It is standard practice with nickel-iron cells to fix the 
 rating in terms of the amperes they will give continu 
 ously for five hours. Capacity in ampere-hours is there 
 fore live times the current rate. The normal current 
 rates of charge and of discharge are the same, but the 
 time of normal charge is seven hours. 
 See also Battery Capacity, Ampere-hour. 
 Gassing. The bubbling of the electrolyte caused by 
 the rising of gas set free toward the end of charge is 
 known as gassing. Nickel-iron cells give off more gas 
 than lead cells, and more when reversed than when dis 
 charging. Excessive gassing or impurities in the solution 
 sometimes cause frothing or bubbling of the electrolyte 
 out through the vent cap. Flooding or overflow of the 
 electrolyte through the filling tube of a battery cell is 
 usually caused by an excessive quantity of electrolyte. 
 Separator. Non-conducting material, usually hard rub 
 ber or wood used to hold the plates of a cell in place 
 are called separators. 
 The term is also used to designate the part of an Edi 
 son gas vent which permits the escape of gas but retains 
 the spray. 
 Sediment. Sediment is active material of a battery cell 
 which has gradually fallen from the grids and accumu 
 lated in the space below the plates. Clearance space is 
 specially provided for this accumulation. When the 
 separators are charged and the battery is overhauled the 
 sediment is usually washed out. Sediment scoops may 
 be used on certain types of batteries for the removal 
 of this material. 
 Burning. The process of welding lead alloys, called 
 burning, is accomplished by melting the parts to be 
 joined with an electric arc, or with an illuminating or 
 hydrogen gas blow-pipe, and then filling gaps by melting 
 and running in lead antimony alloy from a strip known 
 as a burning strip. In electric arc burning a pointed 
 carbon rod, called an arc burner, is used to conduct the 
 current and melt together the parts to be joined. This 
 is also called lead burning. 
 Local Action. Parasitic currents within the cell itself 
 due to differences of potential between different parts 
 are called local action. A battery should be constructed 
 to have a minimum local action. The surface of the 
 negative plate will however ordinarily contain small par 
 ticles of impurities which act on the acidic electrolyte 
 in the same manner as the positive plate. Since these 
 impurities are electrically connected with the electrolyte 
 and the negative plate there are minute local batteries 
 formed about this pole even if the cell is on open cir 
 cuit, and the active material continually wastes away. 
 Amalgamation of the surface of zinc plates will prevent 
 contact of the surface impurities with the electrolyte 
 and will reduce local action. 
 Short Circuit. As applied to batteries there are two 
 kinds of short circuit : First, the electrical connection of 
 positive and negative plates within a battery cell. This 
 may be due to the breaking down of a separator permit 
 ting the plates to touch, to the accumulation of sedi 
 ment or the connection of the plates by foreign material 
 admitted through the vent. Second, the direct electrical 
 connection" of the positive and negative terminals outside 
 of a battery cell, resulting in the electromotive-force of 
 the battery expending itself on warming up the battery 
 because of the negligible resistance of the external 
 Vehicle Battery. A storage battery which furnishes 
 the motive power of vehicles such as electric automo 
 biles, cars, trucks and tractors is called a vehicle battery. 
 In the larger sizes such batteries are known as truck, 
 tractor or locomotive batteries, depending on their use. 
 The installation of the battery on any vehicle is a 
 matter of prime importance. Accessibility is desirable 
 and, for lead-acid batteries, a great necessity in order 
 that battery inspection will not be neglected. A linn, 
 strong mounting on the frame of automobiles underneath 
 the front seat has become almost standard, although the 
 running board is sometimes used, especially on trucks. 
 The latter position is accessible but subject to more 
 severe vibration and exposure which necessitates en 
 closure in a strong metal box. On storage battery loco 
 motives the battery is large and therefore requires spe 
 cial frame design for its protection and support. For 
 tractors, a specially installed flexible mounting is pre 
 ferred, and rubber cushions or springs are desirable. 
 Battery leads should be sufficiently long so that there 
 is no pull on any cell parts. If extra length is not 
 provided car motion may damage battery terminals. 
 A vehicle type battery furnishing the motive power 
 for a commercial truck is usually made up of 12 lead- 
 acid cells, or 21 nickel-iron cells, and has a total capac 
 ity of about 225 ampere-hours. 
 This unit is called a truck battery. 
 Page 719, 736, 742. 
 Generators, Motors and Electrical Details 
 Generator. An electrical machine for converting me 
 chanical energy into electrical energy is called a gener 
 ator. The term is sometimes used in a broader sense 
 to include batteries because they generate electricity, 
 but the limited meaning is the more widely accepted. A 
 generator is constructed in two essential parts, namely, 
 the stator, or stationary part, and the rotor, or revolv 
 ing part, also called the armature. In most direct cur 
 rent generators and in some types of alternating current 
 generators, the stator consists of a frame with two or 
 more magnetic poles, and the carefully balanced rotor 
 consists of coils wound on a laminated iron core having 
 special slots to hold the windings. The motion is pro 
 duced by a steam or gas engine, motor, turbine or other 
 prime mover, so that there results the physical phenom 
 enon of a coil moving past a magnet in such a way that 
 the coil periodically cuts the magnetic field between the 
 poles. This produces an alternating current electromo 
 tive force in the armature coil. If this coil is connected 
 by slip rings and brushes to the ends of a conductive 
 circuit, alternating current will flow in the circuit. If 
 the coil is connected to the brushes on the ends of a 
 circuit by a suitable converting device, called a com 
 mutator, direct current will flow in the circuit. The 
 commutator reverses the connection between the coil 
 and external circuit at the proper moments to keep the 
 polarity the same at the generator terminals. 
 The electromotive force at any instant depends upon 
 the speed of rotation, the strength of the magnetic field 
 and the number of the loops of each armature coil. To 
 obtain a steady current a large number of coils is placed 
 around the rotor core. 
 Direct current generators are sometimes so designed 
 that the magnetic poles are attached to the rotor, giving 
 a rotating field, and the armature winding is then placed 
 on the stator. There is also one type of alternating 
 current generator, called an induction generator, which 
 has a revolving electrical field in place of fixed magnetic 
 Direct current generators are classified according to 
 the method of field excitation. Scries generators have 
 their field windings in series with the armature coil and 
 will consequently have heavy field currents and give 
 increased voltage with increase of loads. Shunt gener 
 ators have their field windings in parallel with the arma 
 ture coil, and are subjected to full line voltage. They 
 have a high field resistance consisting of many turns of 
 wire in order to magnetize the poles and the held cur 
 rent must be low to prevent abnormal heating losses in 
 the magnetizing coils. The voltage can be varied through 
 narrow limits by adjustment of the field current with 
 an external rheostat in series with the field. 
 A combination of the series and shunt generator, 
 known as the compound generator, is obtained by the 
 use of both series and shunt fields on one machine. If 
 both series and shunt field currents flow so as to produce 
 the same kind of polarity in each magnetic pole the 
 coils are said to be cumulatively ii-ound, and if these 
 currents neutralize each other the generator is said to 
 be differently wound. A generator with a cumulative 
 winding will give increased voltages with increase of 
 load. Differential windings may be designed to give 
 rising, falling or a combination of increasing and later 
 of decreasing voltage with increase of load. A com 
 pound generator is designated as long shunt or short 
 shunt according as the shunt field is connected across 
 both armature winding and series field winding or just 
 across the armature winding respectively. A generator 
 may receive its excitation also from another machine or 
 from a storage battery, in which case it is called a sep 
 arately excited generator. 
 A direct current generator can be operated as a motor 
 to convert electrical power into mechanical power, but 
 there are minor differences of design which make it 
 commercially undesirable to operate a machine inter 
 changeably as generator and motor, as a common prac 
 tice. In dynamic braking, which see i the electric motor 
 is made to run at times as a generator in order to con 
 trol machine speeds. 
 Generators are so manipulated in some types of ma 
 terial handling machinery as to regulate motor speeds, 
 using the so-called Ward Leonard system (see Speed 
 Control of Motors). The generator as a source of elec 
 tricity is an important unit of a central station and is 
 operated ordinarily at a distance from and independent 
 of the material handling installation except for inter 
 connection by the transmission system. For this rea 
 son the generator is only occasionally a part of the 
 equipment to he chosen in making an installation. Its 
 presence in a power house, however, will often deter 
 mine the voltage and class of motors, whether alternat 
 ing or direct current, for a whole neighborhood. 
 1 agc 706, 756. 
 Transformer. A transformer is a stationary alternating 
 current machine for changing electric energy of one 
 voltage to electric energy of another voltage, through 
 the medium of magnetic energy, without mechanical 
 motion. The transformer consists of two separate and 
 distinct coils of wire wound on an iron core. If alter 
 nating current is supplied to one coil, an alternating 
 current will result by electro-magnetic induction in the 
 other coil. The voltages of the two coils vary in the 
 same ratio as the number of turns of the coils, thus 
 making it possible to design a machine which will either 
 raise or lower an alternating current voltage by any 
 specified amount. A transformer may also be designed 
 witli suitable taps in either the high or low voltage 
 windings for the purpose of obtaining a variety of volt 
 age ratios of transformation from one machine, but this 
 sometimes adds considerably to the cost of the machine. 
 The coil of the transformer which has the lesser num 
 ber of turns is called the low-voltage winding because 
 it has a lesser potential across its terminals than the 
 other coil. Similarly the coil with the larger number 
 of turns and the higher voltage is known as the high- 
 voltage winding. The high voltage may not exceed the 
 low voltage by any appreciable amount but is more com 
 monly several or many times the low voltage. 
 A transformer sometimes has part of its turns com 
 mon to both high voltage and low voltage windings, and 
 is then called an auto-transformer. There is only one 
 winding for both high voltage and low voltage. A ter 
 minal is tapped off from the coil at such a point that 
 the potential between this terminal and one of the high 
 voltage terminals will give the low voltage desired. This 
 type of transformer is often used where the ratio of 
 transformation is small because it gives a considerable 
 saving in copper. Certain applications of the auto- 
 transformer are common in speed controlling apparatus 
 of alternating current machines. 
 That winding of a transformer which receives the 
 energy flow from the supply circuit may be called the 
 primary. The other winding which receives its energy 
 flow from the primary by induction may be called the 
 secondary. The terms primary and secondary are fre 
 quently ambiguously interchanged in usage and might 
 better be replaced in many instances by the terms high 
 voltage and low voltage. The primary and secondary 
 windings of a transformer exert a considerable mechani 
 cal stress on each other so that a reinforcing and 
 clamping structure must be carefully designed and con 
 structed. Insulation against voltage breakdown between 
 coils and suitable oil circulation around the windings to 
 receive heat radiation are also vital. Cooling may be 
 provided by -the use of radiators, corrugations on the 
 containing tanks and cold water cooling coils. 
 Both indoor and outdoor transformers are made, and 
 portable machines may be mounted on specially con 
 structed trucks. 
 Transformer efficiencies range from 97 to 99 per cent 
 when operated under the full load conditions specified 
 on the rating plate. Almost no attention is required 
 other than occasional thermometer readings when over 
 load seems imminent, or water supply regulation where 
 cooling coils are used. 
 The design of each transformer is a specific problem 
 in itself depending on capacity, voltage ratio, space facili 
 ties, permissible heating, type of machine desired, frc- 
 quency and line operating phase. Therefore the trans 
 former must usually be specially designed to meet tin- 
 service desired. 
 Page 706, 756. 
 Magneto. A magneto is a special form of alternating 
 current generator which is used in such low power 
 work as internal combustion engine ignition and ringing 
 bells for vehicle warnings, for signals and for telephones. 
 There are both low tension and high tension magneto-, 
 the former developing from 15 to 100 volts, the latter 
 15,000 to 20,000 volts. Ordinarily the low tension mag 
 neto consists of a permanent magnet with a revolving 
 armature coil which generates an alternating current. 
 When used for ignition purposes the armature coil is 
 in series with the primary electric circuit of a trans 
 former coil. 
 The magneto or some other unit must contain a cir 
 cuit interrupting device or timer to break the primary 
 circuit at desired intervals. When this interruption of 
 the primary circuit takes place the secondary coil of the 
 transformer will have a high electromotive-force induced 
 in it by the rapid drop of magnetic flux in the primary. 
 The higli voltage of the secondary is conducted to the 
 spark plug and thereby ignites the mixture. On the 
 high tension magneto there is a permanent magnet field 
 and the armature carries two coils, one of the primary 
 or low tension, and the other the secondary or high 
 tension. The armature is therefore a rapidly rotating 
 transformer and the secondary receives impulses of high 
 electromotive force by transformer action from the pri 
 mary and also by its own generator action. 
 High tension magnetos have a circuit interrupter, a 
 safety spark-gap and a distributor if more than one 
 spark plug is in use. Low tension magnetos are some 
 times used in conjunction with magnetic coil spark 
 plugs which are actuated by the low tension current of 
 the magneto to produce a spark. Another special type 
 of low tension magneto is that used on Ford cars, con 
 sisting of 16 rotating magnets revolving past 16 fixed 
 series connected coils. This magneto produces low ten 
 sion alternating current that must be changed into high 
 tension for use at the spark plugs by a form of trans 
 former coil. 
 The magneto for bell ringing circuits is a low tension 
 alternating current dynamo ordinarily propelled manual 
 ly, the voltage generated producing a current in the sig 
 nal line and ringing a bell connected at the other end 
 and at intermediate stations as desired. It is particularly 
 adapted to signal work with many material handling 
 equipments where batteries would be exposed to dam 
 age or would lie a source of inconvenience due to neces 
 sity of frequent inspections and renewals. 
 Booster. A separately excited low-voltage generator 
 inserted in series in a circuit to regulate its voltage. If 
 the generator is driven by an electric motor the set is 
 called a motor-booster. This unit is frequently used to 
 produce normal voltage where heavy loads or long trans 
 mission lines cause excessive drops of potential. 
 Motor. A machine which converts electrical energy into 
 mechanical energy is called a motor. The two essential 
 parts arc the stator or stationary part of the machine, 
 and the rotor or revolving armature. A direct current 
 motor, like a direct current generator, is usually con 
 structed with field poles on the stator and a series of 
 coils on the armature. The motion of rotation is due 
 to the well-known law of nature that a magnetic pole 
 will repel or attract an electric conductor such as a 
 rotor coil, in which a current is flowing. A commutator 
 and brushes are required on direct current motors as on 
 direct current generators, but the object in this case is 
 to carry current to the rotor instead of away from it. 
 All alternating current motors except induction motors 
 must be equipped with slip rings to convey the line cur 
 rent to the armature. 
 Motors should always be started by some form of con 
 troller or starting box which will prevent the impression 
 of full line voltage and consequent excessive armature 
 Motors may be classified according to current used, 
 type, speed, or mechanical features. 
 The following types may be distinguished : 
 Direct Current Alternating Current 
 Series Single phase or polyphase 
 Shunt Synchronous 
 Compound Induction 
 Cumulative Rotor wound 
 Differential Squirrel-cage 
 Long shunt Repulsion-induction 
 Short shunt Synchronous-induction 
 Series, shunt or com 
 These types are further described in the following 
 With regard to speed, motors may be classified as : 
 (1) Constant Speed. This class covers motors where 
 the speed variation, if any, is slight. Synchronous mo 
 tors, induction motors with small slip, and ordinary di 
 rect-current shunt motors are constant speed. 
 (2) Variable Speed. Motors of this class change their 
 speed with variations of load, an increase of load ordi 
 narily causing a drop in speed. Series-compound and 
 series-shunt motors are of this group. Decreasing the 
 field excitation of a direct current motor will cause an 
 increase of speed. 
 (3) Multi-speed, Two-speed, Three-speed, etc. Mo 
 tors of this class give constant speed for any one con 
 nection, but may be readily reconnected to give one or 
 more other speeds. This speed control may be ob 
 tained by the use of two or more armature windings, or 
 of induction motors in which the number of poles is 
 changed by external reconnections. 
 (4) Adjustable Speed. These motors may be adjusted 
 to a variety of speeds, but when once fixed at one of 
 these the speed remains constant, regardless of load 
 changes. Shunt motors may be designed to give ad 
 justable speeds. 
 Rotating machines, both motors and generators, have 
 a variety of mechanical features which are designated by 
 the following terms, and will be described in detail later. 
 Open Mechanically-protected 
 Semi-enclosed Moisture-proof 
 Enclosed (totally) Splash-proof and water- 
 Self-ventilatcd enclosed proof 
 Externally-ventilated en- Acid-proof 
 closed Submcrgible 
 Water-cooled Explosion-proof 
 No ordinary insulation can withstand strong acid or 
 alkaline fumes. Motors may be designed for horizontal 
 or for vertical shaft operation or for wall or ceiling 
 The motors for electric elevator service must be spe 
 cially built to withstand impact stresses and to give 
 suitable operation under the conditions imposed. For 
 crane, hoist and similar service the motor is started 
 from rest under load, and must give powerful starting 
 torque. Mill motors also have special features and are 
 more sturidly constructed than ordinary types. 
 Motors are rated according to the kind of service for 
 which they arc to be used, there being three common 
 classes as follows : continuous service, periodic ser 
 vice and varying load service. The heavy loads of the 
 latter two classes of service are covered by the short 
 time rating. (See Rating.) Heavy loads affect princi 
 pally the heating and must be maintained for such short 
 intervals that the machine has time to cool off between 
 the peaks. The important factors considered in rating 
 motors are heating, commutation, mechanical strength, 
 speed regulation, efficiency, frequency, voltage and cur 
 The selection of a motor for a particular service may 
 require a study of its rating features and of its torque, 
 current, efficiency, speed regulation, voltage regulation, 
 power factor, and phase characteristics. Starting, run 
 ning and maximum values of current and torque may 
 be important. The above factors are given on the 
 characteristic curves of the machine. Characteristic 
 curves of speed, torque and efficiency especially furnish 
 a valuable means of predicting the suitability of a mo 
 tor for any particular class of operation. (See Motor, 
 Series; Motor, Shunt; etc.) 
 It is not true that a motor having a long-hour rating 
 is less liable to break down from overheating than a 
 motor having a much lower time rating. For example, 
 a moderate or low speed motor having a short time 
 rating is more suitable for the lifting mechanism of a 
 crane than a higher speed, longer time rating motor. 
 Direct current series motors are liable to have excessive 
 speeds at small loads, a difficulty which must be 
 avoided in choosing motors. This high speed charac 
 teristic of the series motor may be of special advantage, 
 however, for certain classes of low load hoisting 
 mechanisms. High speed motors may best be employed 
 where the no-load output is but little less than full- 
 load, as in the case of travelling and traversing mo 
 tions of a crane. However, there are many instances 
 where it is preferable to use low speed motors because 
 they have more starting torque, quickly acquire full 
 speed, permit of rapid braking, and can be used without 
 an excessive amount of gearing with rope drums of 
 large diameter and thus make less noise, and because 
 they are more durable. 
 (For methods of regulating the speed of motors see 
 Speed Control.) 
 The horse power of the motor required to raise the 
 work of hoisting and also of accelerating. The horse 
 power for hoisting at full speed is : 
 load at the specified speed must be sufficient to do the 
 W V 
 HP= - where 
 33000 e 
 W = weight of load on hood in pounds. 
 V = speed of hook in feet per minute. 
 e = factor to allow for friction losses in the crane, 
 ranging from 0.25 for slow speeds of 10 feet per 
 minute to 0.70 for high speed cranes using efficient 
 To this must be added the horse power for accelerating 
 which is best obtained by using the armature weight, IV , 
 and radius of gyration, r, of the armature as furnished 
 by the manufacturers, to give the following: 
 W r 2 -V 
 111 =- 
 1,613,000 t 
 N = revolutions per minute of motor, 
 t = seconds used to accelerate. 
 Kxcessive temperature in a motor may be due to ex 
 cessive current through its armature or field winding, 
 or to insufficient ventilation and cooling, or to both. In 
 hoisting motors overheating shows that an improper 
 selection of motor has been made for the work to be 
 done. Motors for such intermittent service should not 
 be selected on the basis of horse power but by the root- 
 mean-square method. When dynamic braking is used 
 instead of mechanical braking, the heating requirements 
 make it generally advisable to use a motor 33 1/3 per 
 cent greater in heating capacity. With high lowering 
 speeds in excess of 150 or 200 per cent of full load 
 hoisting speed, interpoles or special motors are required 
 to avoid overheating and poor commutation. (See 
 Interpole.) Special slow speed motors of the inter- 
 pole type may be used with success when geared to 
 drive fast machinery. With suitable care in motor de 
 sign, the lowering speed with dynamic braking may be 
 as great as with mechanical lowering brakes, but it may 
 be somewhat more expensive. 
 Page 706, 717, 756-758. 
 Motor, Series. A direct current motor provided with a 
 single field winding that is designed to be in series 
 with the armature coil, and therefore to carry the whole 
 of the current supplied to the machine, is called a series 
 motor. The field winding consists of a few turns of 
 heavy wire on each pole, and the windings of all poles 
 are connected in scries. The excitation is proportional 
 to the current in the armature and the decrease of field 
 excitation which accompanies a decrease of load causes 
 an increase of speed. If the load becomes very small 
 the excitation will be so far reduced as to cause exces 
 sive speed, and therefore the series motor must always 
 be rigidly connected to its load to avoid dangerous 
 This is the usual type of motor whenever direct cur 
 rent electricity is used for service necessitating frequent 
 starting, such as hoist, crane and locomotive propulsion. 
 Its particular adaptability results from the high torque 
 which the service motor provides at low speeds and 
 starting, and from its high efficiency throughout a wide 
 range of speeds. Simplicity and ease of connecting for 
 dynamic braking are also in its favor. It is possible to 
 insert a rheostat in series with the circuit and thus in 
 crease the motor speed, and where the work is to be per 
 formed only intermittently, as in hoisting, the heating 
 loss in this resistance will ordinarily be permissible from 
 an economic standpoint. However, during starting, 
 some form of rheostat must be used to limit the flow 
 of current until the machine is brought up to speed. 
 The torque of a series motor increases with the square 
 of the current at low loads, then grades down to a near 
 ly proportional change of torque with current at high 
 overloads when the field cores become saturated with 
 magnetism. Speed varies inversely with the load, so 
 that heavy loads may be handled at low speed and light 
 loads at high speed. 
 Interpoles are widely used with scries motors to im 
 prove commutation and to give a wider range of speed 
 control without undue sparking. (See Interpole:) 
 When two series motors are used to propel a machine 
 such as an industrial truck they may be advantageously 
 connected in series for starting. The total resistances of 
 the rheostat and of both motors in series act to prevent 
 the excess flow of current until the motors are partly 
 up to speed. The rheostat is gradually cut out as the 
 motors accelerate. Then the rheostat is again thrown 
 in and the motors are connected in parallel. Each mo 
 tor receives full line voltage after the rheostat resistance 
 is completely removed, or the two motors may be jointly 
 regulated in speed by this resistance. 
 Page 712, 756. 
 Motor, Shunt. A direct current motor provided only 
 with a field winding connected directly across the arma 
 ture terminals is called a shunt motor. This winding 
 is in parallel or shunt with the armature coils so that 
 only a small portion of the current supplied to the mo 
 tor is used for excitation. The shunt consists of 
 a large number of turns of tine wire on each 
 pole, and usually all of the pole windings arc connected 
 in series to form one shunt circuit. Field excitation is 
 proportional to the line voltage, decreases with increase 
 of resistance in the shunt circuit, and is independent 
 of the armature current. Since by increasing the resist 
 ance in the field winding a slight decrease of excitation 
 results, motor speed will be somewhat increased, but 
 the shunt motor has fairly constant speed for all loads. 
 A field rheostat is the usual method of speed regulation 
 of the shunt motor but it has the disadvantages of 
 causing sparking at high speeds and of giving only a 
 small range of speed adjustment. A second method of 
 speed control uses a motor with field poles specially con 
 structed to be moved on a radial axis away from the 
 armature by a mechanical system of gears. The air 
 gap between armature and field pole is thus increased 
 and an increase of armature speed results. This is an 
 admirable method of speed control but complicated and 
 expensive. A third system, the contmutating pole or 
 iittcrpolc arrangement is very successful. Small poles 
 with series field excitation arc placed between the regu 
 lar poles to neutralize the excessive magnetic disturb 
 ances which take place when the field is very weak, and 
 as a result a wider range of speed control is secured 
 with sparkless commutation by the shunt field rheostat 
 adjustment. (See also Interpole.) 
 The torque of a shunt motor increases about propor 
 tionally with the armature current at all loads. It is 
 maximum at starting and decreases as the speed in 
 creases. A large current is required to produce a given 
 starting torque. Both the compound and series motors 
 are more adaptable to material handling service than 
 the shunt motor, primarily because of the latter s fixed 
 speed characteristic at all loads, and its small .speed 
 adjustability with a given load. 
 Page 712, 756. 
 Motor, Compound. The compound motor has both a series 
 and a shunt winding on each pole. It is a combination of 
 a series and shunt motor and may be designed to give 
 the good starting ability of the series motor and at the 
 same time avoid the excessive no load speeds of the 
 latter. A cumulative compound motor has its shunt and 
 series field windings so connected as to aid each other 
 in producing magnetism and therefore lias the advant- 
 ages of both series and shunt motors. A differential 
 motor has its shunt and series field windings opposed 
 to each other in polarity, and therefore has poor starting 
 qualities, which make its application very limited. Long 
 shunt and short shunt connections may be used on mo 
 tors the same as on generators. Either will give satis 
 factory operation when cumulatively wound. The 
 speed may be controlled as in shunt or scries motors. 
 Where compound motors arc employed for hoisting 
 it is considered the best practice to have the shunt field 
 continuously excited, even though the heating loss due 
 to this continuous excitation is appreciable. 
 Page 712, 756 
 Commutator. A commutator must be used on all direct 
 current generators for converting the alternating cur 
 rent in the armature coils into direct current which 
 flows in the outside circuit. The reverse process of con 
 verting the direct current supply into alternating cur 
 rent in the armature applies for the direct current mo 
 tor. A commutator consists of a number of copper 
 segments mounted radially and fastened to the arma 
 ture, of whicli the commutator is a part. Connections 
 are made from the ends of each armature coil to two 
 of these segments spaced at such a distance apart that 
 two conducting brushes may be so placed on the machine 
 frame as to convey the electric flow between tin s coil 
 and the outside circuit. There must be two segments 
 for each armature coil and as soon as one pair of seg 
 ments is about to leave the brushes the next pair slides 
 into contact so that a uni-directional electromotive 
 force is continually being supplied to the brushes when 
 running as a generator and a direct current force is 
 successively impressed on each passing coil if running 
 as a motor. 
 Brush. The brushes are the part of an electric genera 
 tor or motor which connect the stationary line leads 
 with the rotating commutator or slip rings, in order to 
 conduct the line current from or to the rotor as the 
 case may be. They arc made principally of carbon or 
 graphite or a combination of these two materials in the 
 present day types. 
 The electro-graphitic brush, madf by baking amor 
 phous carbon at high temperature until the material is 
 converted into graphite, has reached a high stage of de 
 velopment. It may be made in varying degrees of non- 
 abrasiveness, hardness and conductivity, and at the same 
 time secure a high contact drop of voltage between 
 brush and commutator and a low coefficient of friction. 
 Abrasive brushes wear grooves in the commutator and 
 are usually unsatisfactory. When comparatively non- 
 abrasive brushes are used, it is ordinarily desirable to 
 undercut the commutator by filing the mica insulation 
 between the bars from 1/32 in. to Vs in. below the 
 brush contact surface, thereby gaining the good polish 
 ing action of the hard brush against the commutator. 
 Commutators not undercut will permit friction and rub 
 bing of the brushes against the mica and a poorer pol 
 ishing action results. Selection of a proper degree of 
 hardness improves the polish and quietness of operation 
 and prevents wear and filling of the undercut crevices 
 with conductive material. Brushes not properly de 
 signed with high contact resistance between brush and 
 commutator will spark excessively. 
 Graphite-carbon brushes with a large percentage of 
 graphite and the electro-graphitic type seem to meet di 
 rect current and synchronous motor practice require 
 ments with increasing popularity. Such brushes usu 
 ally contain sufficient graphite for lubrication so that 
 special lubrication treatment is seldom required. For 
 induction motors of the slip ring type metal-graphite 
 brushes still are favored by many because in this type 
 of machine high contact resistance is unnecessary and 
 in fact may have the detrimental effect of causing high 
 slip. (See Motor, Induction.) However, a better prac 
 tice is to use the electro-graphitic or graphite-carbon 
 brushes on collector ring service in sufficient number 
 and of sufficient size to reduce the current density in 
 the brushes below that used for other types of motor. 
 Seventy-live to 80 amperes per square inch for collector 
 ring service induction motors, and 100 to 110 amperes 
 per square inch on other motors is good practice. 
 Copper and wire gauze brushes can not be considered 
 as satisfactory as electro-graphitic and graphite-carbon 
 brushes except in a very limited number of special 
 Interpole. Small series wound poles may be placed 
 between the main poles of a motor or generator to aid 
 commutation and secure better speed regulation. The 
 use of interpoles on direct current machines is becoming 
 almost universal, and is common on alternating current 
 synchronous motors. There may be as many interpoles 
 as there are main poles on the motor, or there may be 
 one interpo .e for each pair of main poles. In the latter 
 case the small series wound poles appear between the 
 alternate main poles. Interpoles are also known as 
 commutating and compensating pules, and motors so 
 equipped are sometimes referred to as interpole motors. 
 Where motors are to operate over a large range of 
 speeds with field control, or are to be subjected to 
 heavy overloads, the commutating pole will be neces 
 The action of an interpolc is to set up in each coil, 
 at the instant it becomes short circuited by a brush, 
 an electromotive force in opposition to its current so 
 that the coil will not cause a spark at the point of short 
 circuit. A similar but less satisfactory action was for 
 merly obtained by shifting the brushes forward from 
 the neutral position in the direction of armature rota 
 tion. This is not satisfactory except for a given load, 
 because a change of load requires a new brush adjust 
 ment to produce the necessary change of commutating 
 flux. As the interpole field is excited by a series wind 
 ing it has a field strength proportional to the motor load 
 and automatically provides the proper change of com 
 mutating flux with change of load. 
 When the interpole motor brushes are shifted from 
 the neutral position the speed characteristics of the mo 
 tor are altered. A forward shifting of the brushes in 
 creases the flux cut by the armature conductors at the 
 instant of short circuit of a given coil by a brush, and 
 thus reduces the speed. Therefore a forward shifting 
 of the brushes tends to give the motor a drooping 
 speed characteristic with increase of load. Conversely 
 a backward shifting of the brushes tends to give a 
 motor a rising speed characteristic with increase of load. 
 The effect of the interpole on the motor at very heavy 
 loads may be such that armature reaction reduces the 
 main field strength so as to produce overspeeding until 
 the motor runs itself to destruction. By the removal 
 of interpole shims to increase the airgap this may be 
 Interpoles have made for higher efficiency and smaller 
 quantity of materials for the same output as well as 
 for improved commutation and speed regulation. 
 On a series motor without interpoles, commutation 
 will be poor for speeds exceeding 200 per cent of full load 
 speed, whereas with interpoles practically any desired 
 speed may be attained without serious sparking. 
 Suitably designed shunt motors with interpoles may 
 give sparkless commutation at speeds varying 6(10 per 
 cent from slowest to fastest. 
 Motors, Direct Current, Care of. Direct current motors 
 must be especially cared for due to the tendency of 
 materials to collect on the commutator segments. The 
 interior may be cleaned by blowing out or wiping the 
 commutator with a slightly oiled rag. Too much oil 
 will damage the insulation between segments. A rough 
 commutator may be smoothed by holding sandpaper 
 against the revolving commutator with a wooden block. 
 Emery is conductive and must never be used. A com 
 mutator of polished dark brown is ideal and a slow 
 rotation of brushes will produce a sharp squeak under 
 this condition. Brushes which makes proper contact 
 with the commutator will be glazed over the entire sur 
 face. (See also Commutator; Brush.) 
 Motor, Induction. The induction motor is an alternat 
 ing current motor having an alternating current field, 
 with rotating magnetism, wound on the stator and a 
 group of short circuited metal bars or a closed winding 
 on the rotor. It is essentially a transformer in which 
 the core and secondary winding arc free to move, and 
 the force which the windings exert on each other is 
 allowed to produce mechanical rotation. The stationary 
 winding which receives energy by direct connection 
 from the supply circuit is called the primary. The 
 rotor winding receives its energy by induction from the 
 primary and is called the secondary. The alternating 
 current field on the stator is wound like the armature 
 of a direct current machine and therefore has a rotating 
 magnetism instead of fixed magnetic poles. This ro 
 tating magnetism induces currents in the short circuited 
 rotor windings, and the stator magnetism exerts forces 
 on these induced currents and causes the rotor to re 
 An induction motor has a certain synchronous speed 
 which is the theoretical speed corresponding to the speed 
 of the rotating field, and that at which the machine 
 would have to run as a generator to produce the line 
 frequency. It is equal to 120 f revolutions per minute, 
 where / is the supply current frequency in cycles per 
 second and p is the number of poles on the machine. 
 In order that the motor may develop a torque it is nec 
 essary for the rotating field to cut the conductors on 
 the rotor. When an induction motor rotor is run at 
 this synchronous speed, no magnetic flux from the sta 
 tor cuts the rotor conductors, and therefore no torque 
 is exerted. This happens approximately at no load. 
 When a load is applied to the motor, the speed falls 
 below synchronism and current is induced in the rotor 
 conductors, producing sufficient torque to carry the 
 load. The amount by which a rotor has fallen below 
 synchronous speed at any time is known as the slip of 
 the machine at the given instant. It is the difference 
 between the speed of the rotating field of the motor and 
 the rotative speed of the armature. Slip is proportional 
 to the rotor resistance, and at a given load varies in 
 versely as the square of the applied voltage. Slip is 
 ordinarily expressed as a percentage or ratio, equal to 
 the synchronous speed minus the actual speed divided 
 by synchronous speed. 
 Two different methods commonly used in constructing 
 the rotor have such a marked effect on the performance 
 that induction motors are classed in accordance with 
 them, and are termed the squirrel cage rotor and the 
 wound rotor. The squirrel cage rotor has the winding 
 replaced by heavy copper or aluminum bars short cir 
 cuited on each other, without external armature con 
 nections. The wound rotor has a regular distributed 
 winding which varies somewhat in construction depend 
 ing on whether the motor is to he operated single-phase, 
 two-phase or three-phase. In any case the wound rotor 
 is connected by slip rings to an external variable resist 
 ance which is used in starting and sometimes for 
 speed control. This type is often called the phase 
 r>-oHii</ or slip ring induction motor. Two-phase and 
 three-phase machines are often called polyphase. 
 The induction motor is essentially a constant speed 
 machine especially when phase wound. Its no-load 
 speed is limited and does not become excessive and its 
 torque-speed characteristic curve is flat. When poly 
 phase supply is used the starting and running torque are 
 high for both squirrel cage and wound rotor types, the 
 latter however giving much the higher starting torque 
 for a given current input. Ability to carry heavy over 
 load, high efficiency and extreme simplicity of construc 
 tion also help to make the induction motor popular. 
 Operation above normal frequency produces increased 
 power and efficiency and a reduction of torque, while 
 operation above normal voltage produces reduced pow 
 er and efficiency and an increase of torque at normal 
 With alternating currents as a source of power, the 
 polyphase induction motor having a wound rotor with 
 collector rings is most suitable for hoist, crane or ele 
 vator service. The characteristic curves furnish the 
 best means of determining the performance possibilities 
 of the motor. 
 The speed torque characteristics of wound rotor poly 
 phase induction motors show the curves corresponding 
 to different positions for the controller. The synchro 
 nous speed line is horizontal and indicates the theoretical 
 speed of the motor when running without any load. At 
 no-load the speed is nearly synchronous speed regard 
 less of the notch position of the controller, but the 
 speed decreases much faster with increase of load on the 
 first notches, and on the last notch speed decreases are 
 small with increase of load. The motor can not 
 start under full load with the controller set at the first 
 notch. The maximum starting torque will usually oc 
 cur with the controller about three-quarters displaced 
 from the first toward the last notch. 
 The addition of resistance in the rotor circuit of an 
 induction motor will increase the slip and therefore de 
 crease the speed of rotation because: (a) less current 
 can flow in the rotor windings and therefore at the 
 same slip fewer lines of armature flux arc cut by the 
 rotating field magnetism, resulting in less driving force 
 on the armature; (b) to restore this driving force and 
 thereby furnish sufficient torque to carry the load, 
 more lines of armature flux must be cut by the ro 
 tating field magnetism, or the relative speeds of the 
 flux and the field must increase; and (c) since the 
 speed of the latter is fixed by the line frequency, the 
 armature flux must slow down, or a decrease of speed 
 will result. Therefore the greater the rotor resistance, 
 the greater the decrease of its speed below synchronism. 
 The current per phase at full load voltage will appear 
 on characteristic curves for given values of torque, it 
 being independent of the controller notch position. The 
 current drawn from the supply at maximum starting 
 torque is about three times that at full load torque. 
 The maximum torque is about two and one-half times 
 full load torque, this being a desirable characteristic of 
 all induction motors which protects them from injury 
 due to excessive loads. On the other hand, the series 
 motor which is generally used with direct current sup 
 ply systems for cranes and hoists has a torque curve 
 which rises indefinitely with increase of current, so that 
 the series motor will be injured by excessive loads un 
 less protected by fuses and circuit breakers. A com 
 parison of induction with series direct current motors 
 for hoisting work will show the alternating current 
 system to be less adaptable to dynamic braking and 
 rapid acceleration. 
 The desirability of varying speeds for induction mo 
 tors caused much study and investigation and many 
 methods have resulted, among which the following are 
 most satisfactory: 1. Rheostat control. 2. Multi-speed 
 windings. 3. Concatenated control. 4 Kraemer system. 
 5. Scherbius system. 6. Hey land system. (See Speed 
 Power factor regulation has caused much trouble in 
 this type of machine because central station operation is 
 hampered by the low power factor inherent with induc 
 tion motors. However this is no detriment from the 
 alternating current customer s standpoint and is being 
 less stressed than in the early days when power stations 
 were small. As a central station problem, low power 
 factor machines can now be counteracted without great 
 Poly-phase and single-phase induction motors are both 
 extensively used and each is made in both the squirrel 
 cage and the slip ring types. The poly-phase motors are 
 simple in construction and reliable in operation, can be 
 ruggedly built for use in most trying conditions and in 
 exposed locations, have the ability to start under load, 
 and will carry heavy overloads. Single-phase induction 
 motors are much less satisfactory in that they have a 
 zero no-load torque and must be brought partly up to 
 speed by some special device. They are frequently 
 started by poly-phase supply connection and then 
 switched on to single-phase mains. This difficulty has 
 led to the introduction of several modifications of the 
 single-phase motor. (See also Motor, Repulsion.) 
 Single-phase induction motors differ from the poly 
 phase in that they have but one stator winding. Their 
 speed-torque characteristic curve starts with zero torque 
 at no load and reaches a moderately high maximum 
 torque value. If a poly-phase induction motor is once 
 in operation, it will continue to run and carry a moder 
 ate load when all but one of the stator windings are 
 disconnected from the supply circuit. In such a case 
 the machine is operating as a single-phase induction 
 motor. When single-phase supply must be used some 
 modified form of induction motor such as a repulsion 
 induction motor will ordinarily be most suitable. 
 Page 712, 755, 756. 
 Motor, Repulsion. The repulsion motor is a single- 
 phase alternating current motor in which the stator has 
 an alternating current field, with rotating magnetism, 
 and the rotor is like the armature of a direct current 
 machine with the commutator included. Such a ma 
 chine has the advantages of a moderately large starting 
 torque and of easy convertibility into an induction mo 
 tor by the use of a short-circuiting ring automatically to 
 connect the ends of all armature conductors thereby 
 forming a squirrel cage rotor as soon as the machine 
 has been started sufficiently to develop torque as an in 
 duction motor. Repulsion motors are heavier, less effi 
 cient and more expensive than direct current motors of 
 the same output, and they present greater commutation 
 difficulties. Owing to the xero starting torque of the 
 single-phase induction motor there is a large use of in 
 duction motors which start as repulsion motors, on 
 single-phase supply mains. They are called repulsion- 
 induction motors. 
 Page 712, 755, 756. 
 Motor, Synchronous. A synchronous motor is an alter 
 nating current motor in which the stator consists of 
 fixed magnetic poles like those of a direct current 
 machine and the armature windings are connected to slip 
 rings instead of commutator segments. The synchronous 
 motor operates at a fixed speed, is difficult to start and 
 lacks flexibility in operation so that its use in material 
 handling equipment is rare. It is occasionally employed 
 to drive the generator of a motor-generator set where 
 the Ward Leonard system of speed control is used. 
 (See Speed Control of Motors.) 
 Page 712, 755, 756. 
 Motor-Generator Set. A motor-generator set consists 
 of a direct current generator and a motor which drives 
 it. The motor may be alternating or direct current 
 depending on the nature of the supply circuit from 
 which it receives its energy. When the supply is alter 
 nating current the set furnishes a means of converting 
 alternating into direct current. When the supply is direct 
 current the set may be used to change the voltage by 
 varying the field strength of the generator. 
 Page 706, 756. 
 Rotary Converter. The rotary converter is a synchro 
 nous alternating current motor and a direct current gen 
 erator combined in a machine with one stator and one 
 rotor. The rotor contains one armature winding con 
 nected to both alternating current slip rings and a direct 
 current commutator, and the stator has a single set of 
 magnetic poles which acts as the field for both the 
 motor and generator. This machine is generally used 
 to convert alternating into direct current, but may also 
 act as a direct current motor and alternating current 
 generator, or, if driven by a prime mover, it may act 
 as a direct and alternating current generator. Rotary 
 converters are also called synchronous converters. 
 Page 706, 756. 
 Speed Control of Motors. The term speed control is 
 used to designate the variation which may be obtained 
 in the speed of an electric motor as indicated by the 
 maximum and minimum desirable operating speeds or 
 by the speed versus torque curve of the machine, and 
 also to specify the means by which this speed change 
 may be obtained. 
 The speed of series motors may be varied over a 
 wide range. Shunt motors permit of small speed change 
 only. Compound motors may be designed to give con 
 siderable variation of speed. Alternating current motors 
 are all essentially constant speed machines, but induc 
 tion motors can be designed to give some speed varia 
 Four methods of regulating the speed of direct cur 
 rent motors are employed, namely: (1) Vary the resist 
 ance in series with the armature. (2) Vary the line 
 voltage which supplies the motor. (3) Vary the strength 
 of the magnetic field. (4) Vary the number of turns in 
 series on the armature. 
 The first of these, known as series rheostatic control, 
 is usual for motors of small and medium size in which 
 case the running speed depends on the load as well as 
 on the resistance in series with the armature. A direct 
 current motor geared directly to a hoist may be effect 
 ively controlled by an armature series rheostat. This 
 resistance can be cut in or out of the circuit either by a 
 manually operated drum controller or by magnetic con 
 tractors. This method of speed regulation dissipates 
 energy in direct proportion to the voltage drop in the 
 series resistance. If the speed is to be decreased 50 per 
 cent, the voltage must be cut down SO per cent and 
 half of the energy supply is wasted. In spite of these 
 losses, the armature rheostat method is generally used 
 for direct current crane and hoist motors because the 
 load current is small during a considerable portion of 
 the time and therefore the power lost is intermittent 
 and not excessive in total. Dynamic braking may be used 
 with this control system. 
 Voltage control may be accomplished in several ways, 
 but when applied to hoisting motors the Ward Leonard 
 system is the usual method of changing speed by voltage 
 regulation. This is ordinarily the most suitable con 
 trol where the service is such that the starting and 
 stopping periods represent a large portion of the run 
 ning time and where the motors to be controlled are 
 of considerable size. It is unrivalled where sensitive 
 control over a wide range of speeds is desired. For 
 Ward Leonard control a motor generator set is required 
 in addition to the driving motor. The motor of the 
 set takes energy from the supply mains and rotates the 
 direct connected generator at an approximately constant 
 speed. The generator supplies the driving motor with 
 electricity, and variation of the field excitation of the 
 generator regulates the voltage on the hoist motor there 
 by controlling the hoisting speed. The latter will vary 
 in about the same ratio as the generator voltage. 
 When the central station conditions are such that 
 operating circuit disturbances will be created by the 
 application of the peak loads of the hoist, this system 
 can be conveniently altered by the use of a flywheel 
 directly connected to the shaft of the motor-generator 
 set, thereby equalizing the demand on the power circuit. 
 This system is applicable where the supply is either 
 direct or alternating current. With the former a shunt 
 or compound motor with constant speed characteristic 
 may be employed to drive the generator. If alternating 
 current is used, this motor may be of the synchronous 
 or induction motor types. 
 It is frequently desirable to use a wound rotor, slip 
 ring induction motor to drive the flywheel and generator, 
 to secure the additional advantage of automatic speed 
 variation through the use of a secondary rheostatic con 
 trol in the rotor of the induction motor and prevent 
 the frequent application of peak loads of short duration 
 on the power line. When the flywheel is used the system 
 is known as the Ilgncr modification of Ward Leonard 
 control. It has been widely applied in mine hoists and 
 rolling mills where the driving motor must frequently 
 start and accelerate under heavy loads. When the driv 
 ing motor starts it draws a heavy current from the 
 generator, causing a drop of speed of the motor- 
 generator set and a withdrawal of stored energy from 
 the flywheel. Energy to supply peak demands, there 
 fore, comes from the flywheel sufficiently to prevent 
 sudden load surges on the central station, and when 
 the peak load period has passed the line motor acceler 
 ates to normal speed and stores more energy in the fly 
 wheel. A Ward Leonard installation, with or without 
 the Ilgner application of the flywheel, is an expensive 
 method of control because of the added cost of the 
 motor-generator set. This may be partly offset by the 
 saving in energy due to the absence of scries resistance. 
 P ield control is usually employed when it is desirable 
 to obtain speeds higher than normal, but sometimes the 
 field strength is increased to reduce the speed below 
 normal. This method cannot be used to obtain a wide 
 range of speed control but with intcrpoles on the motor, 
 moderate speed regulation can be secured. 
 To secure speed control by varying the number of 
 series armature turns, two series motors are required. 
 The armatures of both machines are connected in series 
 with a rheostat at starting, so that considerably less 
 than half of the line voltage will be impressed across 
 each machine and speed acceleration may be regulated 
 by the rheostat until the motors are running in series 
 directly across the line. The rheostat is then recon 
 nected while the motors are connected in parallel, but 
 is cut out in steps again regulating the speed until each 
 motor receives full supply voltage. (See Motor, Series.) 
 This method is used to a limited extent for cranes 
 and hoists and extensively in electric railway service. 
 Twice the torque of a single motor is obtained during 
 starting for a given current, and there is much greater 
 economy than if each motor had a separate and larger 
 starting resistance which would be required if the two 
 armatures did not act as starting rheostats for each other. 
 There are many methods of changing the speed of an 
 induction motor. The speed of rotation of the stator 
 magnetism of an induction motor is determined by the 
 frequency of the alternating current supply and by the 
 arrangement of the stator windings. The latter fixes 
 the number of rotating magnetic field poles on the stator, 
 120 X frequency 
 so that R. P. M. =: - . Synchronous 
 number of poles 
 no-load speed can only be altered by a change in one 
 of these quantities, but the rotor speed under load can 
 be modified by causing the motor to have additional slip. 
 Any method of changing speed accomplishes a variation 
 of some one of the three factors, frequency, field poles 
 or slip. 
 The following seven ways of controlling the speed of an 
 induction motor are especially noteworthy : 
 1. Varying the resistance of the rotor circuits. 
 2. Varying the voltage of the electrical supply. 
 3. Changing the number of poles. 
 4. Concatenation or cascade connection of two motors. 
 5. Altering the frequency of the electrical supply. 
 6. Kraemer method. 
 7. Scherbius method. 
 The first method is the one generally adopted. The 
 second is rather unsatisfactory. The third and fourth are 
 limited to about four or possibly six speeds, and the fifth 
 requires a separate generator for each motor, for which 
 reason it is rarely used. The last two methods are 
 efficient and satisfactory. 
 Starting of Motors. The armature winding of a direcl 
 current generator is built of copper wire of sufficiently 
 large cross-section to give the armature a low resistance. 
 If full supply voltage were impressed across the terminals 
 of a direct current motor with the armature stationary, a 
 destructive current would immediately flow in the arma 
 ture winding. This is ordinarily avoided by the tempo 
 rary connection of a starting resistance, or rheostat, in 
 series with the armature so that only a portion of the 
 line voltage really is impressed across the rotor terminals. 
 As the motor begins to speed up, the armature, rotating 
 in the magnetic field produced by the stator poles, sets 
 up by generator action ari electromotive force which 
 opposes in polarity the voltage impressed by the supply. 
 This generated voltage is often called the counter electro- 
 nwtire force of the motor. Deducting this from the 
 potential difference across the rotor terminals, the re 
 maining voltage is that which forces current through the 
 resistance of the armature, and for this reason is called 
 the resistance drop, meaning the drop of potential due to 
 flow of current through the rotor resistance. The 
 counter E.M.F. increases quickly as the motor speeds up 
 and soon becomes only a few volts below the potential 
 difference across the motor brushes, so that the rheostat 
 resistance may be partially thrown out in order to permit 
 a greater voltage across the brushes, and a further build 
 ing up of speed and counter E.M.F. This process is 
 repeated until the rheostat is entirely removed from the 
 circuit, at which time the motor accelerates to normal 
 It is evident that there are two sources of electro 
 motive force in a motor that is running, namely, the 
 impressed voltage at the brushes and the voltage set up 
 by the windings as they move past the magnetic poles. 
 These two electromotive forces are opposite in direction 
 and the current that flows is proportional to their differ 
 ence. If the speed should suddenly drop considerably 
 this difference would become large and the current would 
 increase to destructive proportions and the same condi 
 tions would obtain as if the motor were to start from 
 rest under full line voltage. 
 This is exactly what would happen if the line voltage 
 temporarily fell off, due to transmission or power house 
 trouble, but suddenly was restored to normal. In order 
 to prevent such disturbances from damaging the motor a 
 no-voltage release is attached to the starting rheostat in 
 such a manner that the circuit will be automatically 
 broken in case of voltage failure. The no-voltage release 
 is an electromagnetic device having its winding preferably 
 in series with the field of the motor, so that a drop in 
 field current reduces the strength of the electromagnet 
 and releases the rheostat handle, which is held to the 
 zero resistance position only by the magnetism of this 
 solenoid. Some such mechanism is an essential part of 
 all direct current starting systems. 
 When starting shunt motors the no-voltage release is 
 a small coil of low current carrying capacity placed in 
 the shunt field circuit. With series motors the coil must 
 be designed to carry the large armature and series field 
 current. Xo series motor should ever be started until 
 it has been rigidly attached to its load, because the small 
 current drawn from the supply at no-load makes the 
 resistance drop very small, and the speed accelerates in 
 an attempt to build up the counter electromotive force 
 equal to the supply voltage until the motor races to 
 The connections for compound motor starting resist 
 ance and no-voltage release are similar in principle to 
 those of the shunt motor. 
 The torque of a shunt motor varies as the armature 
 current, but in the series motor torque varies as the 
 square of the current. Therefore, the series motor will 
 have a much higher starting torque than the shunt motor 
 for a given current. Another special feature of series 
 motor starting for a pair of machines is described above 
 under "Motor, Series." (See also Speed Control of 
 Motors.) The power lost in starting direct-current 
 motors is proportional to the voltage drop through the 
 The secondary of an induction motor would be sub 
 jected to an excessive induced electromotive force if full 
 line voltage were impressed across the stator terminals 
 at starting unless additional resistance were placed in the 
 rotor circuit. This may be readily accomplished with 
 slip ring motors, and temporary resistance devices are 
 occasionally inserted on squirrel cage machines in such 
 a way that they automatically disconnect by centrifugal 
 action at high speeds. The usual method of starting 
 squirrel cage motors is by the connection of an auto- 
 transformer in the primary circuit, so that the motor 
 may be started and brought up to full speed at reduced 
 voltage. (See also Speed Control of Motors, by varying 
 the voltage of electrical supply.) The primary voltage 
 is sometimes reduced by the low efficiency method of 
 using resistance in place of the auto-transformer. 
 Any of the above methods of starting motors may be 
 adapted to manual or to automatic acceleration to normal 
 speed. Manual acceleration leaves the rate of acceleration 
 entirely to the judgment of the operator. It is inexpen 
 sive, simple of construction, adaptable to changing con 
 ditions of load and needs little adjustment. Large manual 
 starters are hard to operate and are too dependent on 
 the judgment of the operator. 
 Several automatic systems may be used, namely, the 
 counter electromotive force, the series relay, the series 
 lockout contactor, the current limit with shunt relay, and 
 the time limit by means of a dash-pot or pilot motor. 
 The counter electromotive force method is a direct- 
 current motor system using several solenoids connected 
 across the brushes so as to actuate contactors which will 
 short circuit the armature resistance gradually as the 
 motor speeds up and generates counter electromotive 
 force. This is a simple method and gives smooth accel 
 eration under varying loads, but may vary slightly with 
 changes in temperature and supply voltage. 
 Several series relays may be used to accelerate either 
 direct or alternating current motors. Each relay is an 
 electromagnet with a series winding connected in the 
 supply line and receiving armature current. If the supply 
 current becomes too large the relay operates a metallic 
 contact to the open position which leaves resistance in 
 the circuit. When the supply current falls sufficiently 
 the relay releases its metallic armature. This closes the 
 circuit of a magnetic contactor, which short circuits a 
 section of the starting resistance. The rate of short 
 circuiting of the resistance is proportional to the motor 
 current and independent of temperature. However, for 
 wide changes in load, adjustments are required. 
 The shunt relay method of accelerating a motor is 
 applicable on direct current machines, and depends on 
 current magnitude for its operation. Each relay is con 
 nected across the terminals of the starting resistance, and 
 its windings, therefore, receive a current in proportion 
 to the current through the rheostat. The relays operate 
 magnetic contactors which control the starting resistance 
 as in the series relay, but the connections are somewhat 
 simpler than for the latter. 
 Series-lockout contactor acceleration can be used only 
 on direct current motors, and depends also on current 
 magnitude for its operation. It consists of a magnetic 
 contactor with a series coil, and does not require a 
 relay. The time of closing of the magnetic contactor 
 depends on the saturation of the iron in a portion of the 
 magnetic circuit, and it can be adjusted by the operator. 
 Time-limit acceleration may be obtained by several 
 devices which accelerate the motor in a given time 
 regardless of load. Dash-pot, pilot motor or time clock 
 control can be used to actuate the rheostat. It has the 
 advantages of simplicity and low cost. 
 Classification of Rotating Machinery. The American 
 Institute of Klectrical Engineers, and other technical 
 societies, have adopted standardization rules defining the 
 types of machinery according to the degree of enclosure 
 and protection from surrounding obstacles to satisfactory 
 operation. This classification applies for both generators 
 and motors, but for material-handling machinery it is of 
 importance, more particularly with regard to motors 
 because of their wider use and more general subjection 
 to varied conditions of operation. 
 An "open motor or generator is not restricted as to 
 ventilation except as necessitated by good mechanical 
 A "semi-enclosed" motor or generator has its ventilat 
 ing openings in the frame protected with wire screen, 
 expanded metal, or other perforated covers having 
 apertures not exceeding y t sq. in. in area. 
 An "enclosed" motor or generator is so completely 
 enclosed by integral or auxiliary covers as to prevent 
 any appreciable circulation of air between the windings 
 and the outside of the machine. 
 A "self -ventiloted enclosed" motor or generator circu 
 lates its own ventilation by means of a fan, blower, or 
 centrifugal device integral with the machine. 
 An "externally or separately ventilated enclosed motor 
 or generator is furnished air for ventilation by some 
 external machine. 
 A "ii."ater-cooled" motor or generator is mainly depend 
 ent on water circulation as a prevention of overheating. 
 A "mechanically protected" motor or generator has its 
 electrical parts covered to provide electrical and mechan 
 ical safety to operators without materially hampering 
 A "moisture-proof" motor or generator has been 
 specially treated with moisture resisting material so that 
 the machine can operate in damp places. 
 A "splash-proof, water-proof or drip-proof" motor or 
 generator is so protected as to exclude falling water, 
 stray splashes, or falling dirt. Such a machine may be 
 "open" or "semi-enclosed," providing it effectually ex 
 cludes falling materials. 
 An "acid-proof" motor or generator has been treated 
 with acid resisting materials which will make operation 
 possible in acidic atmospheres. No ordinary insulation 
 can withstand strong acid or alkaline fumes. 
 A submersible motor or generator can be operated a 
 certain length of time ( four hours by A.T.E.E. rules) 
 while completely submerged in fresh or salt water, as 
 may be specified. 
 An "explosion-proof motor or generator has a frame 
 and enclosing cover which will withstand any gas ex 
 plosion within and prevent the flame spreading to any 
 outside inflammable gas. 
 Motor Drive. The propulsion of any type of vehicle, 
 hoist, elevator, conveyor or any rotating machine by 
 electricity is termed motor drive. Many advantages are 
 obtained by the use of electric motors for driving ma 
 chinery, such as decreased power consumption, increased 
 production, more centralized power supply, simplified 
 and more economical transmission and distribution, more 
 flexibility in locating machinery at the point of greatest 
 convenience, particularly when removals are desired, 
 decreased friction losses, greater cleanliness, improved 
 plant appearance, greater reliability, wider flexibility in 
 choice and operation of machines as to capacity and 
 control characteristics, greater ease of starting and stop 
 ping, and larger adaptability of remote and automatic con 
 trol. (See also Motors.) 
 Certain advantages to be derived from electric drive 
 depend on the characteristics of the motor selected and 
 on the class and conditions of service under which the 
 machine operates. For some classes of material handling 
 work, special types of motor are so frequently required 
 that they have become the accepted type for such drive 
 and are given distinctive names. Of these, the elevator 
 motor and mill type motor may be particularly men 
 tioned, as they have features widely differentiating them 
 from other standard motors. 
 Motor, Elevator. The term elevator motor is applied, 
 to the alternating or direct current motor used to propel 
 an elevator. These motors must be specially built to 
 withstand the stresses due to frequent starting and 
 stopping, and also to give excellent commutation and 
 heavy starting torque with a minimum starting current. 
 The motor must also provide smooth elevator operation, 
 without jerks, and give good economy. Standard indus 
 trial motors cannot be used for such service, but must 
 receive modification, depending on the kind of elevator 
 to be operated. Elevator motors are classed according 
 to service as follows : 
 1. Motors for low-speed service, that is, for elevators 
 running at speeds up to 200 ft. per mill. 
 2. Motors for medium-speed elevators which run at 
 200 ft. to 400 ft. per min. with worm gear, or motors 
 for high speed elevators which run at 400 ft. to 700 ft. per 
 min. with helical gear connection to the elevator cable 
 3. Motors for high speed gearless elevators which run 
 at 400 ft. to 700 ft. per min. Also called direct traction. 
 Direct current motors are generally more suitable than 
 alternating current for all classes of elevator work and 
 arc always used for high speed machines. 
 However, alternating current motors are widely em 
 ployed for low speed elevators running at 200 ft. per 
 min. or less, and induction motors of the two-speed 
 type are in use for machines running at speeds up to 400 
 ft. per min. This two-speed type has two sets of 
 windings on both rotor and stator. One set of poles 
 and its corresponding rotor winding gives one-third speed 
 instead of full speed. Of the two rotor windings, one 
 responds only for low speed stator connection and the 
 other only for high speed stator connection. In starting, 
 one stator winding is connected to the circuit. After 
 the elevator gets partly up to speed the connections are 
 automatically changed to the other stator winding with 
 resistance in the rotor circuit. The automatic cutting 
 out of the rotor resistance brings the elevator up to 
 maximum speed. During deceleration this motor pro 
 vides electrical braking action by operating as a gen 
 erator until the speed drops to synchronism, after which 
 electrically operated mechanical brakes are applied. 
 Either squirrel cage or slip ring induction motors of 
 the single-speed type can be designed to give satisfactory 
 elevator drive by using the proper amount of secondary 
 resistance. The squirrel cage motor must operate at all 
 times with the same large secondary resistance, on 
 account of starting requirements, so that at full load it 
 may have a slip of 25 per cent. On account of this 
 inherent variable speed, the squirrel cage motor is suitable 
 only for low-speed elevator service, and it will require a 
 higher gear ratio between the motor and elevator drum 
 to maintain the same car speed as would result with a 
 slip-ring motor of equal horsepower and the same number 
 of poles. The slip of the wound rotor machine may be 
 as low as three per cent at full load with the controller 
 short circuiting the secondary resistance. The squirrel 
 cage motor gives a higher torque for a given current 
 input due to design characteristics, while the wound rotor 
 machine balances this feature by furnishing a given horse 
 power output with less torque because of the lower 
 gear ratio. Consequently, with proper design, neither 
 the slip ring nor squirrel cage motor has any advantage 
 over the other in the matter of current required to start 
 at a given load, although this fact has not been fully 
 recognized. Speed regulation is commonly the controlling 
 factor which determines the class of induction motor to 
 be used for low-speed service. 
 When direct current supply is available the compound 
 motor is usually selected except for direct traction ele 
 vators, in which case shunt motors are common. The 
 compound motor gives good speed regulation, and it 
 may be run as a shunt motor by short circuiting the 
 series field after the motor reaches full speed, thereby 
 gaining the good operating characteristics of shunt 
 machines while running at constant speed. Low speed 
 can be obtained by strengthening the field of the motor 
 and by connecting a shunt resistance around the arma 
 ture. The elevator may be slowed down by the use of the 
 generator action of the motor, called dynamic braking, 
 and this is an important advantage of direct over alter 
 nating current as a source of elevator motive power. 
 Compound motors for medium-speed worm gear ma 
 chines and for high-speed helical gear machines are 
 started in series with a rheostat the resistance of which 
 is cut out in steps. This is followed by a removal of 
 the series field so that when normal speed is approached 
 there will be only the shunt field in use and the excessive 
 changes of speed ordinarily resulting from variations of 
 load in the compound motor will not occur as the 
 elevator comes near normal speed. After removal of 
 the series field the shunt field is weakened in several 
 steps until the maximum desired speed is attained. The 
 reverse process of stopping the elevator is commenced 
 by strengthening the shunt field, which produces a 
 momentary generator action and decrease of speed. This 
 is followed by the insertion of resistance in series with 
 the armature, thereby decreasing armature voltage, which 
 further reduces the speed. By disconnecting the armature 
 from the line and short circuiting over a resistance, dy 
 namic braking is procured, and this should bring the ma 
 chine to a very slow speed. Application of mechanical 
 brakes will then stop the elevator, but the mechanical 
 brake is depended on principally for holding, and will 
 wear out rapidly if the dynamic braking is not arranged 
 to bring the elevator nearly to a stop. 
 Efficient acceleration and deceleration are of great im 
 portance in an elevator motor on account of the con 
 siderable number of stops. In starting, the motor should 
 be able to overcome friction, to lift its unbalanced load, 
 to accelerate a weight totaling about eight times the 
 unbalanced load, and to accelerate the revolving masses. 
 In total, this may amount to an accelerating torque of 
 about twice full-load torque on high-speed motors. 
 Therefore, with high-speed motors, efficiency during 
 acceleration is even more important than rated load 
 efficiency, and is primarily influenced by the method of 
 changing speed by field control. For instance, a motor 
 without field control could produce the proper accelera 
 tion, but would require a large amount of armature 
 series resistance and a large number of accelerating 
 switches for cutting out this resistance, and its current 
 demand on the circuit would be high. However, if the 
 machine is accelerated uniformly up to half normal speed 
 by elimination of armature resistance and from half to 
 full speed by field control, a decided gain in efficiency 
 result. A motor with speed variation through field 
 control in the ratio of two-to-one seems in practice to 
 give the best operating economy on high-speed elevator 
 motors. This type of motor is subjected to very rapid 
 changes in current during acceleration and deceleration, 
 so that specially effective laminated interpoles are re 
 quired to prevent sparking. A motor in this class of 
 elevator service will have a small commutator diameter 
 and a rotor speed of 400 to 800 r.p.m. 
 For low-speed elevator service, economy during accel 
 eration and deceleration is of lesser importance and first 
 cost of installation usually is such that a motor without 
 field control is selected. A compound winding will be 
 used during starting, the acceleration being procured by 
 cutting out the series armature resistance step by step. 
 Dynamic braking is employed as with the type previously 
 Gearless traction motors arc of the shunt type with 
 large commutator diameter. Rotor speeds of 60 to 68 
 r.p.m. prevail for elevators operating on the so-called 
 1-to-l ratio of cable to car speed, and field control ratios 
 of 1.15 or 1.20-to-l are usual. The higher ratios used 
 with other elevator motors cannot be used because the 
 field strength would become so low that quick accelera 
 tion would be impossible. The large armature does not 
 produce high inertia effects on the traction elevator be 
 cause the rotor speed is low. Such an armature would 
 be a distinct disadvantage on the high-speed rotors of the 
 other types of elevators. The large diameter of the trac 
 tion motor is an advantage in that small overall length 
 of machine can be secured by building motors with short 
 armatures and more field poles. The latter are commonly 
 eight in number and often no interpoles are required be 
 cause of the low rotor speed. When gearless traction 
 elevators are used on the 2-to-l ratio of cable to car 
 speed, the rotors will run at 95 to 125 r.p.m. and field 
 control ratios will be about 1.3-to-l. Commutating poles 
 are usually necessary in this case, but otherwise the mo 
 tor construction is the same as with the 1-to-l gearless- 
 Page 712, 751, 755, 757. 
 Motor, Mill Type. Mill type is the name commonly 
 applied to a class of sturdily constructed motors built to 
 withstand particularly arduous service in steel mill opera 
 tion. They are manufactured with both open and en 
 closed frames and in a variety of sizes ranging from 3 
 to 275 horsepower. They are also used in many other 
 classes of drive having similar service requirements, in 
 cluding such work as electric shovels, dipper dredges, 
 draw bridges, heavy duty hoists of the smaller sizes, fac 
 tory cranes, unloadcrs, ore bridges and coal bridges. 
 These motors will carry instantaneously applied over 
 loads of 100 per cent without noticeable sparking and 
 carry even greater overloads without serious sparking. 
 Their special heat resisting insulation will not seriously 
 deteriorate when the machine is operated for considerable 
 periods at 150 deg. C. The armature, shaft and frame 
 are unusually heavy. 
 Interpoles may be and usually are used to gain im 
 proved commutation. 
 Page 712, 755, 756. 
 Motor, Grain Elevator. Motors in grain elevator serv 
 ice arc ordinarily three-phase squirrel-cage, of SO to 100 
 horse power for the elevator legs and of 15 to 50 horse 
 power for conveyor belts and car haulage. The seasonal 
 character of the load may lead to the choice of motors 
 of such ratings that operation at 20 per cent above nor 
 mal load will be permissible in cold weather, as the warm 
 weather load is light. 
 Page 712, 755, 756. 
 Motors, Installation Requirements of. The regulations 
 of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for electric 
 wiring and apparatus should be followed in motor in 
 stallations. These are known as the "National Electrical 
 Motor, Industrial Truck. Tho motor used in electric 
 industrial trucks is an enclosed, series wound, high start 
 ing torque machine. It must have low current consump 
 tion and very large overload capacity and be otherwise 
 designed to give the best possible results with the lowest 
 possible drag on the batteries. 
 Page 714. 
 Motor, Crane. If a series direct current motor rotates 
 at too high a speed with a heavy load, it will speed up 
 excessively at light loads, necessitating added resistance 
 and a waste of power. Crane motors are therefore given 
 special ratings to keep heat losses low. Heating is based 
 on a 75-deg. rise in 30 minutes, and speeds are limited 
 to 450 or 500 r.p.m. 
 (See also Electrical Equipment of Cranes.) 
 Page 712, 755, 756. 
 Motor, Mine Hoist. Induction motors are most widely 
 used for mine hoists. They must have adequate torque 
 both for starting and running, good performance charac 
 teristics, rugged construction and a low slip-ring voltage 
 which prevent flash-over at the rings in case the motor is 
 suddenly reversed at full speed. High speed induction 
 motors have the best performance characteristics and the 
 lowest first cost and are therefore ordinarily used with 
 herringbone gears, the reduction ratios going as high as 
 Large direct current motors are also used for mine 
 hoists. They can be designed to give good efficiency at 
 low speeds and may therefore be directly connected to 
 the hoist drums, thereby eliminating gears. The use of 
 commutating poles and \Yard Leonard control overcomes 
 all difficulty encountered in handling heavy peak loads so 
 that larger units can be installed than in induction motor 
 equipments. This system is recommended by some en 
 gineers for all high-speed shaft hoists, and for those in 
 which operating efficiency is needed, particularly coal 
 A third system of mine hoisting used where it is de 
 sirable to avoid heavy peak loads and wide voltage fluc 
 tuation consists of a Ward Leonard power set, a flywheel 
 and a regulating device to permit the wheel to supply all 
 energy required by the hoist above the average value 
 over the complete cycle. 
 With the Ward Leonard systems electric breaking is 
 available and the mechanical brakes are relieved of most 
 all use except that of holding, and the power developed 
 by the descending load is partially returned to the power 
 (See also Electric Power for Material Handling in 
 Page 712, 755, 756. 
 Controller. An electrical switching device by means 
 of which a motor may be started, stopped, reversed and 
 adjusted to suitable speeds is called a controller. It har 
 monizes the characteristics of the motor with those of 
 the machine to be driven. The earliest type was the so- 
 called starting box for direct current motors which, by 
 a stepped decrease of the external resistance inserted in 
 the line or armature circuit, permitted gradual increase 
 of voltage during starting. In this manner it is easy to 
 prevent the excessive mechanical stresses and the burn 
 ing out of fuses and rotor windings which would result 
 from the currents drawn from the line by a motor ac 
 celerating to full speed under full line voltage. This con 
 troller is still the most common type and is variously 
 known as starter, starting box, starting rheostat and 
 compensator. The reactive controller for alternating cur 
 rent motors usually is known also as a compensator and 
 it constitutes a second class of controller. It is really 
 an auto-transformer which impresses a reduced voltage 
 on the motor during starting. When full speed is ap 
 proached the compensator is disconnected and the motor 
 is placed directly across the line. 
 All direct current starters should have as an essential 
 part of their construction a so-called under-voltage re 
 lease or no-voltage release which automatically throws 
 the contact to the disconnected position when for any 
 reason the line voltage fails. If this no-voltage release 
 were not in the circuit a sudden restoration of line power 
 would impress full voltage across the terminals of the 
 stationary motor armature. 
 Many starters also are provided with an overload re 
 lease which is a circuit-breaker device to open the line 
 circuit in case excessive load comes on the motor. It is 
 an additional safety device which is sometimes required 
 by specifications. 
 Controllers for speed adjustment on direct current 
 shunt or compound motors ordinarily have two separate 
 resistances, one in the armature and one in the field cir 
 cuit, each controlled by separate levers. The field re 
 sistance gives a finer adjustment of speed control, but 
 for only a small range, and does not require a large cur 
 rent carrying capacity as would the armature rheostat. 
 Speed adjustment is less universal on alternating current 
 motors, and consists principally of adjustable resistances 
 placed in the rotor circuit, that is in the secondary of 
 induction motors by connection to slip rings. This re 
 sistance is also used during starting. 
 Controllers for reversing direct current and single phase 
 alternating current motors arc so connected as to reverse 
 the direction of current flow in one winding of the motor, 
 either in the armature or the field. Reversal of polyphase 
 alternating current machines is accomplished by the re 
 versal of one phase of the motor. 
 For hoisting or crane service of relatively light duty 
 a face-plate or dial controller with a single contact arm 
 controlling the four functions of starting, stopping, speed 
 regulation and reversing is in common use. For the 
 largest sizes of motor, drum type controllers are usual 
 and the four functions are combined in the one machine. 
 Controllers are frequently designed to perform a fifth 
 function, namely, to make suitable connections for dyna 
 mic breaking. 
 Automatic and semi-automatic controllers are in wide 
 use and have many advantages over the manual types, 
 especially where very large motors are used. 
 The designation controller appears in connection with 
 the various devices used in operating motors and ; n many 
 cases the term is added to the name of the machine being 
 operated. For example, when it is used to start, ?top and 
 regulate the speed of elevators it is called an elevator 
 A handle or lever is commonly provided on a control 
 ler, and a latch carried by it drops into notches corre 
 sponding to the successive steps in voltage variation. 
 In some cases special equipment is provided instead of 
 the handle. For example, in elevators the controller is 
 often operated by a hand-rope which passes up through 
 the car and around a sheave, or else by electro-magnets 
 which in turn are actuated by a master switch in the car. 
 .Manually operated controllers should be inspected 
 weekly to see that contact plates and lingers are free from 
 bugs or abrasion, that roughness is removed with a tile 
 or sandpaper, and that contact plates are very slightly 
 lubricated with vaseline. Special instruction given by the 
 manufacturer must in any case be followed. 
 All controllers on cranes whether for hoists, bridge or 
 trolley should be interchangeable when of like capacity 
 or type. No controller for hoisting should be permissible 
 unless provision is made on the controller for lowering 
 the load when the limit switch is open, by simply revers 
 ing the controller. Push-button or other switches for 
 closing the main line contact should not be tolerated, as 
 they may lead to trouble and serious accidents if operated 
 when the controller is left in the hoisting position when 
 the limit switch is open. The use of the plugging switch 
 is not desirable but the demand for its use has been 
 brought about because of the use of motor brakes of in 
 sufficient torque to stop the upward travel of the hoist 
 when the limit switch opens. The use of half torque 
 brakes is partly to blame for this. 
 In mine hoist installations a variable resistance called a 
 mine hoist controller is placed in series with the rotor 
 circuit of an induction motor to control the speed and 
 to provide resistance to injurious heating currents that 
 would otherwise flow during starting. This resistance 
 must be large to allow for creeping speeds and is there 
 fore much greater than is required for occasional starting 
 duty, and it must be provided with a suitable number of 
 steps for speed adjustment and regulation. 
 Motors exceeding 100 to 150 horsepower are difficult 
 to handle by drum controllers due to the high currents 
 and frequent switching. A type of magnetically oper 
 ated switch called a contactor is then used for both pri 
 mary and secondary, and it is manipulated by a small 
 operator s controller which need be only large enough 
 to handle the small current required to work the con 
 1 uiu- 711. 756. 
 Compensator. A compensator is an auto-transformer 
 with a switching lever by means of which it may be 
 operated as a starting device for an alternating current 
 induction motor. 
 Page 711, 756. 
 Rheostat. Any device containing a resistance which 
 may be varied to control current or voltage of an electric 
 circuit is called a rheostat. The term resistance has been 
 commonly used but resistor or rheostat are the present 
 standard terms. The resistance of any conductor or re- 
 >istor depends on the cross-section, length and kind of 
 material of which it is made and varies also with the tem 
 perature. A rheostat not effectively cooled will have its 
 capacity to absorb electric energy decreased because of its 
 inability to get rid of heat energy. When a rheostat is 
 used to regulate the current entering a battery while 
 charging, it is commonly known as a charging rheostat. 
 The term rheostat is frequently used in connection with 
 controllers and motor starting boxes. (See Controller.) 
 When so employed the terminals are marked "line, 
 "armature" and "field to indicate the proper connection 
 to the line and motor. 
 For installation of rheostats the "National Electrical 
 Code" Regulations of the National Board of Fire Under 
 writers for Electric Wiring and Apparatus should be 
 Page 711, 756. 
 Reactor. A reactor is a coil, winding or other conduc 
 tor possessing such high inductance that it will set up a 
 reactance in an alternating current circuit and limit the 
 current flow for a brief interval of time during short 
 circuit, lightning disturbance or a similar condition. One 
 reactor is placed in series in each phase or in two phases 
 of a three-phase circuit. 
 Switches, Circuit-breakers and Fuses. A su itcli is a de 
 vice for making, breaking or changing the flow of cur 
 rent in an electric circuit. A circuit-breaker is an electro 
 magnetic mechanism placed in a circuit for automatically 
 interrupting the flow of current under infrequent abnor 
 mal overload conditions. 
 A fuse is a metallic wire designed to melt and dissipate 
 at a stated current, and in this way protect the remainder 
 of the circuit against abnormal currents. 
 A relay is an electro-magnetic device by means of 
 which contacts in one circuit are operated by changes in 
 operating conditions in the same or other circuits. 
 The rating of a switch or of a circuit-breaker includes 
 the normal current which it is designed to carry, the 
 normal voltage on which it is intended to operate, the 
 normal frequency of the current when alternating, and 
 the interrupting capacity of the device. 
 A uiaslcr-.witch is a device which serves to govern the 
 operation of contactors and auxiliary devices of an elec 
 tric controller. (See Controller.) 
 A control switch is for controlling electrically operated 
 switches and circuit breakers. 
 An auxiliary switch is one actuated by some main de 
 vice for signalling and interlocking. 
 The "National Electrical Code should be followed re 
 garding switches, circuit breakers and fuses. 
 A speed limit device consists of a small weight coun 
 terbalanced by a spring adjusted in such a manner that 
 it can be set within a very narrow margin at any speed 
 desired above rated speed or above synchronous speed 
 and when this limit is reached the weight will move out 
 sufficiently to trip a small arm which cither closes or 
 opens the circuit of a circuit breaker as may be desired 
 to prevent a motor running above a certain desired speed. 
 Page 711, 756. 
 Current relays arc used in a regenerative braking circuit 
 to limit the current of retardation to a reasonable and 
 safe value well within the commutation limits of the 
 motor. The closing of the electric braking circuit when 
 regenerative braking is employed is called closure. If 
 this is done when the armature speed is several times 
 more than normal an excessive braking current would 
 flow through the dynamo unless limited by these current 
 delays. For those installations where the holding brake 
 is automatically operated a control may be used which 
 insures the maintenance of the brake in the released po 
 sition until the load has come substantially to rest. 
 A scheme of automatic control is sometimes used in 
 regenerative braking for reversing the hoist motors when 
 opening grab buckets and starting to lower, thereby caus 
 ing the dynamo to operate as a motor until a predeter- 
 mined speed is reached, when it automatically and with 
 out interruption of circuit hecomes a generator. 
 Page 711, 756. 
 Electric Elevator Brake. A magnetic or other electric 
 device added to the friction hrake of electric elevators 
 to assure safe, positive and quiet action of the brake, is 
 commonly called an electric elevator brake. The type of 
 design depends on whether direct or alternating current 
 is used as the motive power of the elevator, but in any 
 case the operation should be such that the brakes are 
 set by a holding spring when no current is flowing 
 through the elevator motor. One type of control used 
 on elevators operating with alternating current is by the 
 attachment of an electric elevator brake magnet to the 
 friction brake. When the motor is started a portion of 
 the current passes through the shunt magnet coils, ener- 
 gi/cs them and pulls down the brake armature, thereby 
 compressing the springs and releasing the brake. An 
 other alternating current brake with motor control, elim 
 inating the alternating current solenoids, uses a high 
 torque squirrel-cage induction motor to rotate a toothed 
 sector linked to the arms of the brake shoes and thereby 
 releases them when power is applied. The control motor 
 then stalls and maintains the hrake in the released posi 
 tion until power is cut off. There is also a direct cur 
 rent solenoid system similar to the alternating current 
 magnetic brake mentioned above. 
 Page 712, 750, 757. 
 Cranes, Electrical Equipment of. An electric crane 
 ordinarily consists of three general parts, namely the 
 bridge, trolley and hoist. Each of these is driven by a 
 separate motor. The bridge motor drives the crane 
 along the track, the trolley motor drives the trolley on 
 the bridge, and the hoist motor does the lifting. The 
 latter is the largest motor on the crane. Auxiliary 
 hoists if provided are generally mounted on the main 
 trolley and arranged for high speed lifting of lighter 
 loads. Electric wiring on cranes should receive special 
 attention as to protection. Exposed surface switches 
 are unsatisfactory. Overload and no-voltage protection 
 ought to be secured by magnetic contactors mounted 
 under the operator s seat or otherwise. The operating 
 resistance is often set in a ventilated frame in front of 
 the cab, and should be convenient for repair in case of 
 accident. A protected type of snap switch is essential 
 for disconnection during inspection. 
 Page 706, 756. 
 Shipyard Cranes, Electric Equipment of. Roth direct 
 and alternating current are successfully used in shipyard 
 cranes. Dynamic braking is usually employed on direct 
 current hoists, but reversible control is employed for 
 other crane motions and for all alternating current crane 
 motors. All revolving types of cranes have magnetic 
 control with automatic current-limit acceleration for 
 revolving or slewing as this motion is predominantly 
 acceleration. The travel motion of revolving cranes is 
 equipped with a control giving one or more creeping 
 points, so that the crane may be brought to low speed 
 and stopped without excessive shock when removal of 
 power sets the brakes. Creeping speed points give 
 dynamic braking when the motor or motors are over 
 hauled by the crane, thereby providing a means for 
 holding the speed to a safe value when traveling with 
 a high wind. A solenoid load brake is necessary unless 
 the operator travels with the hoisting machinery, and 
 an automatic mechanical load brake is used. A multiple 
 magnet brake, which is an electro-magnet braking device 
 giving two or more degrees of braking strength depend 
 ing on the number of solenoids, is used to gradually stop 
 the cranes with bridge motion before the controller is 
 turned to the "off" position. In starting a multiple 
 magnet braked crane, the control permits first energizing 
 of one solenoid and then the next, gradually reducing 
 the braking effect as the motor becomes energized. 
 Page 706, 756. 
 Mines, Electric Power for Material Handling in. The 
 chief uses of electricity for material handling in mines are 
 for driving hoists and the propulsion of trucks. Electric 
 hoists were early and widely developed in mining before 
 their extensive use in other industries, and a number of 
 sv.stems of motor drive and control are satisfactory. Xo 
 specific rule can be laid down as to the choice of electric 
 system, the matter depending on the power available, the 
 peculiar characteristics of the hoist installation and the 
 other requirements of electricity in the plant or neigh 
 borhood. (For types of motor drive and control see 
 Motor.) The extent and variety of applications may be 
 judged from the following installations of one electric 
 company in 1916 which was a year of extensive develop 
 ment. Of 79 equipments of mine hoists rated at 100 
 horsepower or more aggregating 30,000 horsepower, 
 HO per cent of the rated capacity consisted of induction 
 motor installations, the remainder utilizing Ilgner direct 
 current equipments of flywheel motor generator sets 
 and the Ward Leonard system of control. Of 240 
 installations by this company rated at or in excess of 
 250 horsepower and aggregating 121,000 horsepower, 
 all hut 35 are driven by geared induction motors. The 
 largest induction motor installation of this group is 
 rated at 1,800 horsepower and develops about 2,700 horse 
 power during starting. Two South African direct cur 
 rent installations are rated at 4,000 horsepower. 
 Alternating current wound rotor induction machines 
 arc generally used in coal mines and the smaller metal 
 mines of America ior hoisting. In this work the 
 standard drum controller is ordinarily used for sizes 
 from 25 to 150 horsepower and the magnetic switch 
 controller for intermediate sizes of 150 to 500 horse 
 power. Motors larger than 500 horsepower have liquid 
 rheostat control in the secondary and magnetic switches 
 in the primary for reversing. The power system in many 
 locations cannot stand the peak loads imposed by the 
 induction type of motor. In such cases the Ilgner system 
 is widely used. The hoist motor is a separately-excited 
 direct-current motor with constant field excitation and 
 permanently connected to a separately-excited variable- 
 speed direct-current generator, the latter being driven 
 by a wound rotor induction motor. By the insertion of 
 resistance in the secondary of the wound-rotor motor 
 the motor-generator set is made to slow down without 
 drawing an excessive load from the power system. The 
 Ward Leonard system of controlling the hoist motor 
 speed by varying the field strength of the direct current 
 generator of a motor-generator set is also extensively 
 employed in mining. It has fine speed adjustment, higher 
 efficiency, safety and greater speed of operation in its 
 favor ; and is therefore particularly adaptable to coal 
 hoists. (For further discussion of Ilgner and Ward 
 Leonard systems see Speed Control.) 
 In Europe the induction motor is but seldom used 
 for high-power hoists, owing to its relatively poor action 
 as a regenerative brake. However the alternating-cur 
 rent commutator motor in units up to many hundred 
 horsepower is in great favor. One make, the Deri 
 motor, works as a repulsion motor having its stator 
 connected directly across the mains, while the wound 
 rotor is electrically isolated and provided with two 
 mutually interconnected sets of brushes, one of which 
 is movable with respect to the other. All adjustments 
 of speed are made by moving the second set of brushes, 
 and a reliable regenerative braking is thus obtained. For 
 three-phase supply larger units are built as double motors 
 having two independent armatures and two Scott con 
 nected stators for balancing the load. Ordinary three- 
 phase commutator motors with an armature-transformer 
 are also rapidly coming into use for heavy hoisting. 
 European practice, like American, indicates that the 
 choice of system depends on the local conditions of the 
 particular installation and that general rules cannot be 
 laid down for the determination of the capacity and type 
 of machinery to use. 
 (See also Motor, Mine Hoist.) Page 706, 756. 
 Winches, Electric. Electrically operated winches may 
 be of the portable fixed or ship types. Winches of 
 about 2,500 Ib. capacity with a rope speed of 225 ft. 
 per min. would have a 15 to 25 horsepower alternating 
 current or direct current motor with solenoid brake or 
 friction clutch and foot brake. The control may consist 
 of drum type controllers mounted on the machine or of the 
 magnetic control where the panel is mounted on the 
 machine and the portable master controller is carried by 
 the operator. Page 787, 791, 803, 829. 
 Hoisting Signal Systems, Electric. Electric hoisting 
 signal systems are constructed in three types to replace 
 the bell wire and gong or pneumatic signals formerly 
 used in mine hoist and similar work. The low-voltage 
 direct current type consists preferably of iron clad and 
 waterproof annunciators or bells, transmission line, 
 batteries, and push-button or other signal switches. 
 A second type of signal system using bell-ringing mag 
 netos is very satisfactory but more costly. Magnetos are 
 placed across the terminals of the signal line so that 
 by twirling the armature of one magneto an electro 
 motive force is generated thereby ringing bells placed 
 across the line, at all signaling and hoisting stations. 
 A third type of signal system, which is in wide use, 
 involves stopping down the low voltage alternating or 
 direct current lighting circuit to about 30 or 40 volts 
 by a transformer or resistance, and connecting switches 
 and gongs across the line. Annunciators consisting of 
 magnetic devices with numbered metal disks which rise 
 or fall by switch closure on the line, and electric lamps 
 may also be used in place of gongs on signal systems. 
 Page 706, 752, 756, 827. 
 Cable. An electric transmission conductor consisting 
 of stranded wires, or a combination of stranded wires 
 or conductors insulated from each other is called a 
 cable. One of the wires or any group of wires of a 
 cable which is used as a conductor is called a strand. 
 The term stranded conductor may also be used when the 
 conductor consists of more than one wire. 
 Page 706, 818. 
 Wire. A slender rod or filament of drawn metal, called 
 a wire, may be bare or covered with insulation. In 
 the latter case it is commonly called insulated wire. 
 Sizes of bare wire are frequently specified according to 
 the Brown and Sharpe (B. & S.) gage which assigns 
 numbers to 40, inclusive to denote the different diam 
 eters which vary in a geometric progression. Standard 
 wires number 00, 000 and 0000 are an addition to this 
 series and all larger sizes are specified by their area in 
 circular mills, square inches or square centimeters. 
 Page 706. 
 Feed and Trolley Wire. Any wire used to convey elec 
 tricity to the moving trolley of an electric vehicle is 
 called a trolley wire. Hard drawn grooved wire 0000 
 gage is most commonly employed except in the smaller 
 installations because of greater mechanical strength, and 
 decreased depreciation as compared with the smaller 
 sizes of 00 and 000 which would frequently have sufficient 
 current carrying capacity. Round and figure 8 cross- 
 section wire are infrequently used because grooved wire 
 combines ease of handling, due to its symmetry of 
 section, with a lessening of wire distortion by clamping 
 ears. Trolley wires may be supported from roof, wall, 
 timber or pipe, and are strung about six inches outside 
 of the gage line on the opposite side from all passages 
 encountered where sudden entrance to the runway from 
 side or above might be unsafe. In mining work trolleys 
 have been placed at 6 in. above the locomotive frame 
 but 3 ft. to 7 ft. is the usual range. Mono-rail track 
 where used must be permanently and effectually grounded. 
 Main feed wires must be protected by fuses or a circuit- 
 breaker and controlled by a switch in accordance with 
 the requirements of the National Board of Fire Under 
 writers. This switch should be conveniently located near 
 the machine to be operated. Page 717. 
 Collector, Electric Current. A device for receiving 
 electric current on a car, crane, motor or other electrical 
 machine having a motion of either translation or rota 
 tion relative to the supply source of electricity. It 
 consists of a brush or wheel which presses against and 
 makes sliding or rolling contact with a bare energized 
 wire or rail, thus serving to conduct electricity to the 
 moving machine from the stationary source of electricity. 
 Page 706. 
 Two-wire Transmission. This is a system of direct 
 current transmission of electricity, now in common use, 
 by which current flows out of the generators over one 
 wire to the motors or other load and returns over the 
 other wire to the generator. The outgoing and return 
 wires ordinarily run side by side throughout the trans 
 mission and distribution system, thereby suggesting the 
 name two-wire transmission. 
 Three-wire Transmission. This is a system of direct 
 current transmission of electricity in which three wires 
 run approximately side by side as transmission wires, 
 one wire being at a potential intermediate between the 
 other two. A load connected to the latter wire, called 
 middle wire, and to either one of the other wires will 
 have impressed on it about half of the voltage which 
 would be obtained between the two outside wires. As 
 commonly used in this country the potential change 
 from the middle wire to each of the others is 110 volts, 
 the outside wires, therefore having 220 volts potential 
 difference. This system permits the use of two voltages 
 when both are desirable for varying load requirements 
 and further makes possible a saving of weight in trans 
 mission wire if the loads are equally balanced between 
 the two 110-volt circuits. 
 Cranes, Hoists, Derricks, Telphers, Cableways, 
 Tramways, Excavating Machines, Loading 
 and Unloading Machines, Winches, 
 Trackage, Accessories 
 A Treatise on the Construction and Operation of Hoisting 
 Apparatus as Used in Modern Industry for Handling 
 the Products of Forest, Field and Mine; for Loading 
 and Unloading Materials for Transportation; for 
 Handling Materials in Construction Work; 
 and for Handling Raw Materials and 
 Moving the Finished Products in 
 Manufacturing Plants 
 Managing Editor, Carbuilder s Cyclopedia, Locomotive Cyclcpedia; Associate Editor, 
 Railway Age; Associate, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 
 HE ADVANTAGES OF CRANES as labor-saving devices chain or air hoist, and handling comparatively light 
 have become well recognized and the benefits de- weights, to the four or six-girder ladle cranes and ingot 
 rived from their use have led to their wide appli- stripping cranes and the general purpose cranes with box 
 cation in the shops and yards of industrial plants, in rail- or lattice type girders equipped with crane trolleys and 
 hoists capable of raising 300 to 400 tons or more. 
 The Bridge 
 The crane bridge or girder must be so proportioned that 
 a factor of safety of not less than five is assured. These 
 road and marine work and in other operations where 
 heavy material must be handled. Ranging in character 
 from the simplest type of jib crane to the numerous de 
 signs of overhead traveling cranes, locomotive cranes and 
 the various modifications and combinations of such types, 
 and being used in all of the basic industries, as well as girders may be formed of one or more I-beams for cranes 
 in shipbuilding and cargo handling, in railroad work and of short span and light loads; of box section formed of 
 in warehouses, it can be said that modern industry is steel plates and angle irons or channels; or of I-beams, 
 dependent on cranes for economical operation. 
 It is nut only essential in the design of cranes to con 
 sider the strength of the structure and the efficiency of 
 its operation, but also the safety of the operator and those 
 working in the vicinity. Therefore, in crane construction, 
 only those materials should 
 Overhead Traveling (Hand Power, Power 
 Operated); Gantry (Traveling, Stationary). 
 Jib; Pillar; Pillar- Jib; Walking Jib. 
 Locomotive (Steam, Gasoline, Electric) ; 
 Wrecking; Pile-Driver. 
 Wharf: Portal; Semi-Portal; Roof. 
 Shipbuilding: Hammerhead; Portal; Tower. 
 channels, or angles with the lattice type of structure for 
 medium or wide span and for heavy loads. 
 It is desirable that all girder members extend the full 
 width of the span but in cranes of extremely wide span 
 where this is not possible, the splices must be so placed 
 and so reinforced that the 
 be used which fulfill the , , , , ,,,, , maximum strength is 
 cations of the Amer 
 ican Society for Testing 
 Materials, or of the As 
 sociation of American Steel 
 Manufacturers, and the de 
 sign of parts should con 
 form to accepted engineer 
 ing methods. The Code 
 of Safety Standards for 
 Cranes, as prepared by a 
 sub-committee of the Amer 
 ican Society of Mechanical 
 Engineers and appearing 
 in another part of this book, should be fully complied with. 
 Desirable features of crane construction are : Maximum 
 strength with minimum weight ; durability and accessibility 
 of the wearing parts ; protection of wearing parts from 
 dirt ; efficient lubrication ; adequate power with mobile 
 starting and acceleration ; and simplicity of operation. 
 As in the selection of other equipment, the service re 
 quired determines the type of crane to be installed. It is 
 nhvinus that a traveling crane should not be installed 
 where the work to be done consists of handling material 
 End Truck or Carriage 
 The crane bridge rests on end trucks or carriages mounted 
 on flanged wheels which travel on a runway or track se 
 cured to the building in which the crane is installed or 
 on an independent structure in outdoor installations. 
 The truck frames usually are built up of structural steel 
 with cast steel bearing brackets and cast steel or chilled 
 cast iron truck wheels. They are attached to the crane 
 bridge by gussets and angle irons. Cast steel frames 
 are used on many cranes and, when so designed as to 
 provide adequate strength, are desirable because of the 
 elimination of many of the bolted or riveted parts neces 
 sary- in structural work. 
 The type of construction of these end trucks varies 
 with the size and capacity of the crane. On single I-beam 
 cranes and other overhead traveling cranes of light ca 
 pacity, the end trucks each consist of two small wheels 
 mounted in suitable bearings of the pin and keeper type 
 and spaced by a simple plate or channel or bv cast steel 
 tained. It is essential that 
 crane bridge girders be of 
 such construction as will 
 resist not only the load 
 stress, but also the trans 
 verse strain, due to sudden 
 starting and stopping, and, 
 in outdoor installations, the 
 wind pressure as well. The 
 crane bridge should be pro 
 vided with a foot- walk and 
 hand-rail to insure safe and 
 convenient access to the 
 bridge for inspection and maintenance purposes. 
 Many cranes of the lighter capacities are controlled from 
 the floor but those of heavy capacities are provided with 
 an operator s cab, usually suspended from the bridge, in 
 which the various operating devices and controllers are 
 installed. The cab sometimes is attached to and travels 
 with the crane trolley, thus keeping the operator near to 
 the work. The cabs usually are enclosed on cranes en 
 gaged in outdoor service. 
 in an area that lies within the radius of a jib or a boom of 
 a reasonable length. Such work can be done most eco-. 
 nomically by a jib crane or by a derrick. 
 Overhead Traveling Crane 
 The overhead traveling crane has become by far tho 
 most generally used in industrial plants because of its 
 adaptability to manufacturing processes. It is used indoors 
 or outdoors in foundries, steel mills, machine shops, power 
 and coaling stations, in warehouses or storage yards, or in 
 any industrial work where the lifting and moving of 
 heavy materials is required. Being installed on an ele 
 vated runway, it permits the use of the entire area of 
 floor space within its range for storage or for manufactur 
 ing purposes, and, having both transverse and longitudinal 
 motion, it will reach any part of a rectangular room or 
 yard in which it is possible to provide the track. 
 Cranes of this type are constructed and equipped in a 
 great many wavs for a wide variety of uses, ranging from 
 or sometimes, in cranes not subjected to severe service, 
 the single girder of short span equipped with a simple cast iron side frames. These trucks are operated by means 
 of gears operated by a hand chain, or by an electric motor 
 mounted on the crane girder. 
 On cranes of the heavier capacities, the truck side frames 
 are of more substantial construction and range from the 
 two-wheel rigid side frame type to the compensating or 
 equalized trucks each having four or more wheels mounted 
 in bearings of the pin and keeper type or the M. C. B. 
 (Master Car Builders) type. These trucks are propelled 
 by means of gears operated by an electric motor mounted 
 on the crane girder. 
 Bridge Drive 
 The crane bridge is propelled by a series of gears secured 
 on the end trucks and on a shaft, known as the squaring 
 shaft, which extends across the bridge. It usually is 
 operated by a chain on hand-power cranes and by an elec 
 tric motor mounted on the bridge on power-operated 
 The squaring shaft is supported in bearings at the trucks 
 and at intermediate points on the bridge. It carries a 
 pinion at each end which meshes with a gear connected 
 to one of the truck wheels. This applies power to both 
 trucks simultaneously and thus propels the bridge along 
 the runway without any tendency to slew and bind between 
 the rails. 
 Another type of bridge drive used on some cranes of 
 light capacity is operated by means of friction cones. 
 The gears are located on one end of the bridge and the 
 drive shaft is rotated in either direction by means of two 
 friction cones which are brought into contact with a 
 friction disk on the drive shaft. Bringing the cone on 
 either side of the disk in contact permits a movement in 
 either direction without reversing the motor. This effects a 
 considerable saving in electric power as it is not necessary 
 to stop and reverse the motor in order to reverse the travel 
 of the bridge. 
 Stops of a height not less than one-half the diameter 
 of the truck wheel are provided at suitable points on 
 the runway to prevent the crane running too far and 
 running off the rails or damaging the building at the end 
 of the runway. 
 The speed with which the bridge is to travel must be 
 determined by the service for which it is designed. It 
 should vary from about 25 ft. to 40 ft. per minute when 
 used to handle molds in foundries or for other work 
 requiring careful handling without jolting. For other 
 service where the material is not fragile and speed is 
 essential to economical operation the bridge travel may 
 range upward to a speed of approximately 400 ft. or more, 
 per minute. 
 On practically all modern cranes of the heavier capaci 
 ties the bridge motor is located at the center of the span 
 and thus distributes the torsion equally on the squaring 
 shaft. This is preferable to having the motor at one 
 end as is done in some cases. The gearing should be 
 enclosed in a dirt and oil-proof case. This is an important 
 factor in crane maintenance, particularly in foundries or 
 similar industries where there is considerable dust or in 
 paper mills or any other industry where oil drippings might 
 damage the material being handled. 
 The Trolley 
 The crane trolley must be of a type and capacity suitable 
 to the service required. Trolleys designed for use on 
 overhead traveling cranes having a single I-beam girder 
 may be a simple traveler having two, or four, or more, 
 wheels which travel on the top or on the bottom flanges 
 of the beam. They may be pulled by hand, or may be 
 geared and operated by means of a rope or chain, or by 
 an electric motor controlled by the operator from the 
 floor. Pneumatic and steam-hydraulic methods also are 
 being used successfully in foundries or other indoor opera 
 tions to operate such crane trolleys. 
 On cranes having two or more girders in the bridge 
 structure, the trolley is mounted on side trucks similar 
 to those used to carry the crane bridge. These trolley 
 trucks, as they may be termed, generally travel on top 
 of the girders. They are operated by an electric motor 
 mounted on the trolley itself, sometimes being controlled 
 from the floor, or, in traveling cranes of the larger 
 capacities, from an operator s cab. For special service 
 requirements many cranes are equipped with trolleys 
 having more than one hoisting drum or with two trolleys 
 having independent control, thus providing hoists at widely 
 separated points on the bridge so that both hoists may 
 be used to handle long objects or may be used as indi 
 vidual hoists for other purposes. 
 The various types of trolleys used on overhead traveling 
 cranes are described in this book in the chapter on crane 
 Hoisting Mechanism 
 On hand-power overhead traveling cranes, the hoisting 
 apparatus usually is a chain hoist rigidly connected to 
 the trolley or suspended from it on a hook. Sometimes 
 pneumatic or electric hoists are used on cranes on which 
 the bridge is operated by hand-power. These hoists are 
 described in the chapter on hoists. 
 The hoisting mechanism used on cranes of heavy capacity- 
 is installed on the trolley carriage and has one or more 
 hoisting drums and trains of gears and is operated by 
 one or more motors mounted on the trolley. The chapter 
 on crane trolleys describes such hoisting mechanism in 
 Power operated overhead traveling cranes arc equipped 
 with a mechanically operated bridge brake, or foot brake, 
 to control the travel and with both a mechanical and an 
 electrical load brake on the hoisting mechanism. 
 The bridge brake may be of the band type acting on a 
 drum on the squaring shaft; of a clamp or clam-shell type 
 acting on a drum on the motor armature shaft extension ; 
 or of the friction disk type acting directly on the bridge 
 motor pinion. 
 The mechanical load brake may be of the multiple disk 
 type; of a combined disk and flexible band type, both 
 operating in an oil bath ; or of a coil type acting on a 
 continuous shaft. When the crane trolley is operated by 
 a direct current motor, a dynamic brake may be used. 
 An electrical brake of the solenoid type is usually also 
 provided. This brake is not intended to control the load, 
 though it should have sufficient power to do so in an 
 emergency, but it insures positive stoppage and control 
 of the hoisting motor when the current is cut off, either 
 intentionally or through accident and thus will hold the 
 load suspended. 
 The various types of bridge and load brakes are de 
 scribed in the chapter on crane details and trolleys. 
 Electrical Equipment 
 Electric overhead traveling cranes may be operated 
 either by direct current or by alternating current motors 
 of slow speed types designed especially for crane service. 
 The modern crane usually has three motors one installed 
 on one of the bridge girders and used to propel the bridge 
 along the runway, and two motors mounted on the trolley 
 carriage one to propel the trolley itself across the bridge 
 and the other to operate the hoisting drum. Some crane crane ^events o^ ^hrn ^.^pUtform 7^^^ ^ 
 trolleys have an auxiliary hoisting drum operated by the should be at least six feet six inches (6 6") below the bottom 
 same motor as the main hoist but usually additional motors of ^ he ""[^ ^^ b? placed across the ends of the trolleys 
 are used when the crane is equipped for automatic bucket at right angles to the bridge walks. When so placed they shall 
 , . , ,, be not less than twelve (12) inches in width, 
 operation or in other work which requires more than on. n Footwalks shal , be of substantial construct i on and rigidly 
 independent hoisting drum. braced. 
 TI_ i , raA f^ nnfrilf tVi^ /-ran** mntnr<; 12. No openings shall be permitted between the bridge foot- 
 The electric current required to operate the crane mot wa , ks and t e cr | ne gir(Jer when wire mesh js used cover 
 is taken, by sliding contact, from a line installed on the such openings the mesh opening must not be greater than one- 
 crane runway. Wires installed on the bridge conduct a , 3 ^ footwalk shall have a standard metal railing and toe- 
 the current direct to the bridge motor and to the trolley guard at all exposed edges wherever practicable. 
 1-1- ,vr, <.!, I;,.. ,, f i.~ Kr-irto-n 14. ^* ot l ess than twelve (12) inches actual clearance should 
 motors by a sliding contact with the line on the bridge. be allowed between highest poin t O f a crane and the overhead 
 The electric wiring, both on the runway and on the bridge, trusses, and not less than two (2) inches between any part o 
 .. , . the crane and building, column, or other stationary structure. 
 must be effectually insulated and should be installed in Where there are more than two crane runways in parallel there 
 *i_ i TT j > XT.,*; ,,ol trWtt-.Vol should be a clearance of not less than twenty-four (24) inches 
 accordance with the Underwriters -National tlectrical between the extremities of the cranes. 
 Code. 15. Means of escape shall bs provided for operators of hot- 
 The switches preferably are automatically controlled by met ? " ancs 
 16. I he operators cage shall be located at a place from which 
 means of a magnetic controller but may be manually signals can be clearly distinguished and be securely fastened in 
 , ~. i, , .i -, 11 j i ij u~ place and be well braced, to minimize vibration. It shall be large 
 operated. The controllers and the switchboard should be cnoug h lo a ii ow ample room for the control equipment and the 
 located in the cab or the building within easy reach of operator. The operator shall not be required to step over an 
 open space of more than eighteen (18) inches when entering or 
 the crane operator. leaving the crane. A pail filled with sand or an approved fire 
 extinguisher shall be carried in the crane cage for use in case 
 . of fire. 
 17. A foot or hand-operated gong, or other effective warning 
 The various hooks, magnets, buckets, blocks, sheaves signal, sha11 be P, lac , ed i 11 a location convenient to the operator 
 una DC securely listened. 
 and hoisting rope and other accessories used with over- 18 . Ladle and other cranes subjected to heat from below should 
 head cranes are described elsewhere in this book. a nF pfaced^n^ fesf Sn "sfx (!) inche^^ tlj i^ttom Vlhe 
 floor of the cage. 
 _ rr-irr-ii-ir/~> I 9 - The cages of cranes hereafter erected shall be of fire- 
 Code or Safety Standards for Cranes resisting construction. 
 20. All gears on cranes hereafter erected shall be provided with 
 Prepared by the American Society of Mechanical ^ d e ard ,.f" t : |J d 1 s Th S provision should "PP y to a11 existing cranes 
 Engineers Sub-Committee on the Protection 21. No overhung gears shall be used unless provided with an 
 of Industrial Workers effective means of keeping them in place, and keys shall be secured 
 in an approved manner to prevent the gears from working loose. 
 The word "SHALL" where used is to be understood as f 2 fhafts" Pr teCted keyS sha " " Ot be ef projecting from ends 
 mandatory and "SHOULD" as advisory. 23. The construction of the crane shall be such that all parts 
 The following Standards apply to cranes which are regu- may be safely lubricat ed when the crane is not in operation. 
 ... .... 24. The installation of the switchboard, wiring, and all elec- 
 larly used in and form part ot a permanent industrial plant. trical equipment must fully comply with the safety regulations 
 Tn ortHitinn i r, KWtri/- Trni-olinn- Troupe tlipco rir,i1 ? tlr,n c tlle United States Bureau of Standards and the fire-prevention 
 Cranes, DI1S regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. 
 arc to cover Jib Cranes, Monorail Cranes, Hand Power 25. There shall be a main-line switch or its equivalent so 
 Cranes, and other hoisting apparatus of a similar nature, in fST ma y be Tocked fn ^ToWnTo^for^Son^nfe^tTn^Tock 1 
 SO far as the various sections apply able means should be provided on the floor for cutting the power 
 . . . from any part of the crane structure. 
 ine provisions ot all Safety Standards issued by the 26. Open-type controllers shall have an asbestos-lined steel guard 
 Society shall apply in cases not specifically covered herein. ove , r the movable contact parts both to protect the operator s eyes 
 . tr i and * Prevent articles from falling on contact parts. 
 Employees shall not remove or make ineffective 27. A hoist-limiting device should be provided for each hoist. 
 any safeguards except for the purpose of making repairs, 28. Suitable brakes shall be provided for the hoist and bridge 
 i f . travel. Each hoist shall be equipped with effective brakes which 
 and safeguards so removed shall be replaced when repairs shall be capable of sustaining at least two (2) times the full rated 
 are completed. load - 
 29. The drums on cranes hereafter erected shall have a flange 
 1-,. _, v at each end to prevent the ropes from getting off the drum, and be 
 Electric 1 raveling LranCS so designed that there will be not less than two full wraps of hoist 
 ing cable in the grooves when the hook is at its lowest position. 
 General Construction . 30. The hook block shall be of a type so arranged that it will 
 lift vertically without twisting. The hook should be provided with 
 roper provisions for strength shall be made for all parts a handle and should be painted white 
 r^rto"ti- g U te U ^ure ^ht-?eS. Shah , > -^^ -aves f shall ^^rote.ed,^ close-fitting guards, 
 ^^^S^:^^!^^^^ -SJ^J^SalW^SSPSi, S goth trS 
 the material used ultimate strength of whee , and tr?1 , ey bumpers should be fastene d to the girder and 
 (a) All gears, and complete hoisting mechanism, factor of not "" h K " I 8 " umpe , rs sha11 be built up of plates and angles 
 less than eight (8). ir cast steel - 
 ) All other parts, factor of not less than five (5). 33. Truck fenders shall be installed which extend below the 
 . Calculations for wind pressure on outside cranes shall be to P of he rail and project in front of all bridge and trolley track 
 based on not less than thirty pounds per square foot of exposed wheels, and shall be attached to the trolley or the bridge and frame. 
 They shall be of a shape and form that will tend to push and 
 . 4.^ Cranes should be of what is known as "All Steel Construe- ra Se a man s hand> arm or leg off the rail and away from wheel - 
 h^uTcc" should be "?ed except for such parts as drums, 34. Heavy safety lugs or brackets shall be placed on trolley 
 ind m?;u h V , > r . n , n0t be Used for trolley frames and brid 8e end carriages, to limit drop to one inch or 
 buib k l e h i^l"Shiuld be ud C r COmpreSS ve Stress - No less if a wh eel or axle should break. 
 _5 All bolts should be of the through type, and be equipped i, ? 5 ; - A Capacity plate showing the maximum capacity of each 
 with approved lock nuts or lock washers hoist in pounds shall be placed on each crane girder in such a 
 f, Whpr manner as to be clearly legible from the floor, 
 o. Where acce s to the crane is necessary, steps or stairs with 
 hand rails should be used. 36. A metal tool box or receptacle shall be peimanently secured 
 7. Platforms should be provided for changing and rcnairinu in tbe cage or on tlle runway for the storing of oil cans, tools, 
 truck wheels on end trucks and have stairway* leading to them etc 
 A platform or footwalk to give access to the crane shall b- 3 ^ ^ le tro " e y should be completely floored. 
 (>) The caae shall be enclosed and of fire-resisting construction; 
 there shall be windows on three sides of the cage, and 
 windows in the front and the side opposite the door 
 shall be the full width of the cage. 
 (c) The floor of the cage on outdoor cranes should be extended 
 to an entrance landing which shall be equipped with a 
 handrail and toeguard of standard construction. 
 (d) Where there are no members over the crane suitable for 
 attaching blocks for repair work, a structural-steel out 
 rigger should be arranged on the crane of sufficient 
 strength to lift the heaviest part of the trolley. 
 39. All gantry cranes should be equipped with automatic warn 
 ing signals. 
 40. The truck wheels of gantry cranes shall be provided with 
 guards or fenders. 
 Operation of Cranes 
 Rules for Operators 
 101. Cranes shall be operated only by regular crane operators, 
 authorized substitutes who have had at least two weeks experience 
 and train ing under the supervision of a competent operator, crane 
 repairmen, m inspect or; no one else should enter a crane cage. 
 also lock the crane in a secure position to prevent it from being 
 blown off or along the track by a severe wind. 
 123. No person shall be permitted to operate a crane who 
 cannot speak and read the English language, or who is under 
 eighteen (18) years of age. 
 124. No person shall be permitted to operate a crane whose 
 hearing or eyesight is defective, or who is suffering from 
 In-art disease or other ailments that might suddenly in 
 capacitate him. A physical examination is required at least once 
 each yrai . 
 Rules for Floormen 
 201. Floormen shall give all signals to the operator. Signals 
 pi < tci ably manual should conform to the illustrated cods given 
 in l- ig. 1. 
 202. Floormen shall be responsible for the condition and selec 
 tion of all hoisting accessories and for all hitches and slings. 
 J03. Before the operator moves a crane upon which an empty 
 chain sling is hanging, the floorman should hook both ends of 
 the sling to the block. 
 204. Floormen where necessary should walk ahead of a mov 
 ing load and warn people to keep clear of it. They shall see 
 HOIST Miike small 
 horizontal circles 
 with the linml, 
 holding the fore 
 arm in a vertical 
 position and fore 
 finger ox tended. 
 RACK Jerk hand in 
 direction of rack 
 ing, with arm ex- 
 tcmleti, hand Just 
 above hip, finders 
 closed, thumb ex 
 tended horizontal. 
 STOP Hold position 
 rr_ ill. with arm 
 extended and hand 
 level with the hip. 
 LOWKR Wave 
 forearm downward 
 with arm extend 
 ed, hand below 
 the hip and palm 
 fiin jiriii vertical 
 ninl hand nj "-n 
 with palm in di 
 rection of travel, 
 wave forearm in 
 direction of tra vd 
 STOP Move band 
 quickly to right 
 and left with arm 
 > \ tt-mled, band 
 level with the hip 
 Illustrated Co<le of Manual Signals for Crane Operation 
 102. Hands Miall be kept free when going up and down ladders. 
 Articles which are too large to go into pockets or belts should be 
 lifted to or lowered from crane by hand line (except where stair 
 ways are provided). 
 103. Cages shall be kept free of clothing and other personal 
 belongings. Tools, extra fuses, oil cans, waste, and other articles 
 necessary in the crane cage shall be stored in a tool box, and not 
 left loose on or about crane. 
 104. The operator shall familiarize himself fully with all crane 
 rules and with the crane mechanism and its proper care. If ad 
 justments and repairs are necessary, he shall report the facts at 
 once to the proper authority. 
 105. The operator should not eat, smoke, or read while on 
 duty nor operate the crane when he is physically unfit. 
 106. The operator or some one specially designated shall lubri 
 cate all working parts of the crane. 
 107. Cranes shall be examined daily for loose parts or defects. 
 108. Cranes shall be kept clean. 
 109. Operators shall avoid, as far as possible, carrying loads 
 over workmen; this must be absolutely avoided when carrying 
 molten metal or when using a magnet. 
 110. Whenever the operator finds the main or emergency switch 
 open, h? shall not close it, even when starting on regular duty, until 
 he has made sure that no one is on or about the crane, and he 
 shall iidt oil or repair the crane unless the main switch is 
 locked open. 
 111. Before closing the main switch, the operator shall make 
 sure that all controllers are in "OFF" position. 
 112. If the power goes off, the operator shall immediately throw 
 all controllers to "OFF" position until the power is again available. 
 113. When 1 saving the cage, the operator shall throw all con 
 trollers to "OFF" position and open the main switch- ( 
 114. The operator should not reverse a motor until it has come 
 to a full stop, except to avoid accidents. 
 115. The operator shall pay special attention to the block, when 
 long hitches are made, to avoid tripping the limit switch or run 
 ning the block upon the drum. 
 1 1 6. The operator shall recognize signals only from the one 
 man who is supervising the lift. Operating signals should follow 
 an approved standard; they should be manual, never verbal. 
 Whistle signals may be used where one crane only is in operation. 
 117. Before starting to hoist, the operator shall place the trolley 
 directly over the load to avoid swinging it when being hoisted. 
 This precaution is especially important when handling molten 
 1 1 8. The operator shall not make side pulls with the crane 
 except when especially instructed by the proper authority. 
 1 1 9. \Vh ?n handling maximum loads, particularly ladles of 
 molten metal, the operator shall test the hoist brakes after the 
 load has been lifted a few inches; if the brakes do not hold, 
 the load should be lowered at once and the brakes adjusted or 
 120. Bumping into runway stops or other cranes shall be 
 avoided. When the operator is ordered to engage with or push 
 other cranes, he shall do so with special care for the safety of 
 persons and cranes. 
 121. When lowering a load, the operator shall proceed care 
 fully and make sure that he has the load under safe control. 
 122. If the crane is located out of floors, the operator shall 
 that the load is carried high enough to clear all obstructions. 
 Permanent high obstructions should be distinctively painted or 
 otherwise marked. 
 205. Floormen shall notify the foreman in advance when an 
 unusually heavy load is to be handled. 
 206. Floormen shall not ride or allow others to ride on the 
 hook or load. 
 Rules for Repairmen 
 301. Repairmen should have a crane tlint is to be repaired 
 run to a location where the repair work will least interfere with 
 other cranes and with operations on the floor. 
 302. Before starting repairs, repairmen shall see that all control 
 lers are thrown to "OFF 11 position; that main or cmeigency switches 
 are opened; one of these shall be locked. 
 303. Repairmen shall immediately place warning signs or "OUT 
 OF ORDER" s.gns on a crane to be repaired and also on the floor 
 beneath. If other cranes are operated on the same runway, they 
 should also place rail stops at a safe distance or make other safe 
 304. When repairing runways, repairmen shall place rail stops 
 and warning signs or signals so as to protect both ends of the sec 
 tion to be repaired. 
 305. Repairmen shall take care to prevent loose parts from 
 fall "tig or being thrown upon the floor beneath. 
 306. Repairs shall not be considered complete until all guards 
 and safety devices have been put in place and the block and tackle 
 and other loose material have been removed. 
 Hand-Power Cranes 
 Hand-power traveling cranes are particularly applicable 
 to light or infrequent service in foundries, machine shops, 
 I Mginc rooms and other places where speed of operation 
 is not required. 
 The bridge of such a crane generally is constructed 
 either of a single or a double standard I-bearn girder, or 
 a special Bethlehem beam. A single-web or a box-girder 
 bridge is used for some cranes of this type when designed 
 for special heavy service. The bridge is mounted on two- 
 \\hecl end trucks propelled by means of gears attached 
 to one wheel or to an axle extension on each end truck 
 and to the squaring shaft. The power is applied by means 
 of an endless chain running over a sheave usually keyed 
 to the squaring shaft or in some cases, to a separate 
 sheave shaft, and is operated by hand from the floor. 
 Single Girder Cranes 
 On single girder cranes, the trolley either has only two 
 wheels and travels on top of the beam or has two or 
 more wheels on each side of the beam and travels along 
 the lower flange of it. Usually the trolley is equipped 
 with gearing and is propelled across the bridge by means 
 of hand chains, but on some cranes of very light capacity 
 the trolley is a simple traveler and is moved by pulling 
 or pushing on the load. 
 The hoisting apparatus on hand-power cranes of the 
 lightest capacities usually consists of a chain block or 
 hoist which may be permanently attached to the trolley 
 or may be suspended from it by a hook. Air hoists are 
 sometimes used but the difficulty of protecting a flexible 
 air line makes this objectionable for a traveling crane. 
 The bridge may be wired and an electric hoist used on 
 these cranes, the hoist being either suspended from the 
 trolley, or permanently attached to it. 
 The span and capacity of single girder cranes is limited 
 and they seldom are installed where a span of more than 
 30 ft., or a capacity of more than 10 tons is required. A 
 crane of this type, equipped with a hand chain bridge 
 drive and a chain hoist, may be utilized in foundries for 
 handling flasks, in machine shops for handling heavy parts, 
 or in any other light intermittent service in industrial 
 plants or in power plants. 
 When the headroom is limited, a crane of the under- 
 slung type may be used. On a crane of this design, the 
 bridge is suspended from four-wheel trucks which travel 
 on the lower flanges of an I-beam runway. The squaring 
 shaft may extend through the truck side frames and form 
 the axle for one wheel on each truck. It usually is pro 
 pelled by a hand chain drive, and equipped with a chain 
 driven geared trolley hoist and can be used in any light 
 Two-Girder Cranes 
 On hand-power cranes of two-girder bridge construc 
 tion, the trolley is a carriage or truck of the four-wheel 
 type traveling directly on top of the beams or on T-rails 
 laid on the beams. Such trolleys are equipped with a 
 hoisting drum connected with a series of gears and are 
 operated from the floor, by means of an endless chain. 
 Other trolleys of this type are provided only with means 
 of traversing the bridge and are equipped with an ordinary 
 chain block suspended from it by means of a hook; or 
 with an electric hoist controlled from the floor ; or with 
 an air hoist. 
 When hand-power cranes of this type are to be used 
 \\here the headroom is limited the bridge is either under- 
 slung on the end trucks or the operating gear is attached 
 to the bridge at one end and the crane is operated by 
 chains or by hand cranks located in a suspended cage or 
 cab. In such designs the hoisting rope passes over guide 
 sheaves on a plain trolley which is racked across the 
 bridge by means of chain gearing operated by hand power 
 installed at a convenient point. 
 Other cranes of this type have a side platform, extending 
 the full length of the bridge, from which the crane is 
 operated by means of hand cranks. 
 Another method of operation is to install the hoisting 
 mechanism on a pendant structural frame within reach on 
 the floor and to operate it by hand cranks. 
 Two-girder hand-power traveling cranes range in capa 
 cities up to 30 or 40 tons and to about 60 ft. span, but 
 when a considerable amount of work is to be done and 
 electric current is available, it is advisable to install a 
 crane with complete electrical operation for service heavier 
 than about 10 tons. The greater speed of operation thus 
 obtained will result in more efficient service. 
 The approximate relative proportions of two-girder hand- 
 power overhead traveling cranes as determined by good 
 engineering practice are given in the following table: 
 ft 8 * 
 wheel 1 
 load (Ib.) 
 .Veight <ii 
 rail (Ib.) 
 Beth beam 
 Single web girder 
 Betn beam 
 Single web girdi r 
 15 . 
 . 30 
 Beth beam 
 . 60 
 Single web girder 
 Beth beam 
 . . 60 
 28,! ii 
 Single web girder 
 25 . . 
 . . . . 30 
 Beth beam 
 . 60 
 Single web girder 
 ... 30 
 Beth beam 
 30. . . 
 . 60 
 Single web girder 
 Power-Operated Overhead Cranes 
 The use of electrically operated overhead traveling cranes 
 has become quite general and where electric current is 
 available other power rarely is used. Such cranes are 
 made in capacities ranging upward to more than 400 tons 
 and when a considerable amount of work is to be done 
 they are preferable to hand-power cranes. They are made 
 in two types, the floor-controlled type in which the motors 
 are controlled from the ground by means of pendant con 
 trol cords ; and the cab-controlled type having the various 
 switches and controllers installed in the operator s cab. 
 Floor-Controlled Type 
 When the distance which the load must be moved is not 
 great, a floor-controlled crane may be used to advantage. 
 The operator, being on the ground near the work, can 
 move the load as desired without recourse to signals and, 
 where constant service is not required, the crane can be 
 operated by anyone engaged in the work in progress, thus 
 eliminating the expense of having a special crane operator. 
 For some classes of work requiring very careful handling, 
 such as moving and placing molds in a foundry, a floor- 
 controlled crane having the foundry-control feature is 
 preferable to a cab-controlled crane. 
 This type of crane may be of the single girder type with 
 the bridge motor installed at one end of the bridge or 
 in the center and controlled from the floor. The trolley 
 usually is of the four-wheel type having roller bearings 
 and running on the lower flanges of the I-beam girder. 
 It may be propelled across the bridge by hand or be 
 operated by electric power. An electric hoist may be 
 connected to the trolley and operated from the floor by 
 means of the pendant controller cords. 
 Another modification of the floor-controlled type of 
 crane has a controller platform suspended near the center 
 of the bridge, with pendant controller cords, the operator 
 walking underneath alongside of the work. Such a crane 
 can be utilized for handling steel parts, or iron castings; 
 for handling shop equipment ; or in any other similar 
 Cab-Controlled Type 
 Electric overhead traveling cranes of medium and heavy 
 capacities generally are equipped with an operator s cab 
 suspended from the bridge, usually at one end, though 
 sometimes located near the center. The various switches 
 and controllers are installed in the cab within easy reach 
 of the operator. Three-motor cranes are most commonly 
 used but for special requirements as many as eight motors 
 are installed. 
 A cab-controlled electric overhead crane designed for 
 light work is useful in the core room of a foundry. A 
 crane for this purpose may be made with a girder con 
 sisting of a single I-beam having a short span and a capacity 
 of about 2 tons. The bridge motor may be carried at the 
 center of the girder and the trolley and hoisting motors 
 on the lower flanges of the beam. The cab may be sus 
 pended from the bridge girder and supported by a channel 
 which may extend across the crane span and also serve 
 to brace the truck frame. 
 A crane constructed in this manner is especially adapted 
 for use in a room having a low ceiling. When equipped 
 with a foundry controller it is specially suited to work 
 requiring careful handling to avoid the breakage that 
 would be caused by jerky starting or stopping. A crane 
 of this type may be used for light work in a warehouse 
 or in a manufacturing plant making small or fragile wares. 
 A heavier capacity crane of this type equipped with 
 foundry control is used in many foundries for handling 
 large molds. This type of crane operates at very slow 
 speeds and with the foundry control feature permits the 
 handling of fragile molds without excessive breakage. 
 Overhead traveling cranes of the three-motor type arc 
 used for many other purposes in both indoor and outdoor 
 work. A 2-ton capacity crane of this type installed in 
 the warehouse of a paper mill will handle the bales of 
 rags or old paper used in paper manufacturing and also 
 the rolls of finished paper in storage. For this service all 
 of the gears should be enclosed in dust and oil-proof gear 
 cases, thus protecting the machine itself and preventing 
 oil drippage from damaging the material being handled. 
 A crane of this type equipped with an automatic grab- 
 bucket may be used for handling loose materials such as 
 fertilizer, or for handling hot cement from the kiln into 
 storage for cooling. In one cement mill installation an 
 80-ft. span, 10-ton capacity crane operating on a 250-volt 
 direct current and equipped with a 3-yd. capacity bucket, 
 handles seven tons of cement in two minutes. 
 A special adaptation of the overhead electric traveling 
 crane to indoor service is used for roundhouse work in 
 railroad service. In this design the crane travels on a 
 runway, the outer track of which has a greater radius 
 than the inner track. The truck wheels are set radially 
 and as the pinion at the outer truck has more teeth and 
 the gear less teeth than those at the inner truck, the cir 
 cumferences of the truck wheels have a speed proportion 
 ate to the track radii. Where overhead conditions will 
 permit and the size of the roundhouse or the volume of 
 work to be done will warrant, such a crane will be found 
 useful in railroad work. It not only will reduce the 
 manual labor required, but will facilitate repair work, thus 
 increasing the service secured from a locomotive. 
 Outdoor Service 
 For outdoor service, the overhead crane is mounted on 
 a special elevated structure. Usually the operator s cab 
 is enclosed to protect the operator from the weather and 
 the crane trolley is housed to prevent deterioration of the 
 trolley machinery. Such cranes are equipped with a hook 
 or sling, or an automatic grab bucket, or a magnet, and 
 are used in structural steel yards, in lumber and other 
 storage yards, and for handling coal, coke, crushed stone 
 or similar material. When equipped with a magnet it will 
 handle steel rails, plates or bars, or scrap metals in foundry 
 or railroad yards. Equipped with a hook and sling, it may 
 be used for transferring large containers or heavy, bulky 
 freight or in other similar service. This type of crane 
 permits the rapid handling of heavy and bulky packages 
 and, where the volume of work to be done is in sufficient 
 quantities, is an economical installation. 
 In mill work, in lumber yards, or any other service 
 where large numbers of long pieces are handled, a crane 
 having two trolleys on the bridge can be used advantage 
 ously. The two trolleys may have individual control and 
 may be traversed over the bridge to any position suited to 
 the length of the material being handled. Other cranes de 
 signed for similar work sometimes arc equipped with 
 trolleys provided with two hoisting drums and two hooks 
 which may be arranged to operate parallel to or at right 
 angles to the bridge girders. 
 It sometimes is desirable to handle extremely long ma 
 terial with a crane having only one hoisting drum and 
 only one hook. For such service, a spreader bar is used. 
 This bar, having slings at the ends and being suspended 
 at the center from the hoist hook, not only permits the 
 raising of long pieces, but, by using a block with a swivel 
 hook, also permits the turning of the load when necessary. 
 Cranes thus equipped are useful in structural steel yards 
 or can be adapted for use in lumber yards for handling 
 long timbers or poles. 
 Another method of handling long metal pieces in the 
 yard of a steel mill is to equip each crane with two magnets 
 installed on a spreader bar. These cranes will handle 
 rails in large volume, the magnets on each crane having 
 a capacity of about 20 tons. A yard equipped with cranes 
 of this kind can handle thousands of tons in a day. 
 The overhead traveling crane is often used to handle 
 fuel at a power house. Such a crane may have a span 
 of 100 ft. or more and will handle coal direct from the 
 car to a traveling scale hopper, where it can be weighed 
 and then dumped from the hopper, through a hatchway in 
 the roof of the power house directly into the conl bunkers; 
 or the coal may be transferred from the cars to storage 
 and later from storage to the weighing hopper and the 
 An overhead crane designed especially for light work is 
 an efficient equipment in a structural steel yard. A crane 
 for this service may be equipped with the usual bridge 
 drive operated by a motor installed on one of the girders 
 but, instead of a crane trolley as generally used on cranes 
 of this type, may be equipped with two cab-operated mono 
 rail hoists. These hoists traverse the bridge on rails 
 installed on each side of the bridge girders. They may be 
 operated independently of each other, and, if desired, the 
 monorail track can be latched to an outside spur track 
 on either side of the crane trestle and one or both of the 
 hoists may be run off the bridge and used on a shop line, 
 as well as in the yard. This arrangement provides a 
 mobile equipment and eliminates much of the idle time of 
 a crane serving only a limited area. 
 A combination of an overhead traveling crane and a 
 revolving jib crane is used in British practice. This crane 
 has a traveling bridge propelled in the usual manner by 
 a squaring shaft, but, instead of the trolley generally used 
 on an overhead crane, a revolving jib of the lattice type of 
 construction is suspended from the bridge. This jib is 
 pivoted on the bridge and is revolved by means of a pinion 
 on a shaft secured to the jib structure and meshing with 
 a large circular rack on the underside of the bridge. The 
 advantage of this type of construction is that the jib 
 may be revolved so that the load can be picked up or 
 deposited beyond the limits of the bridge runway ; the jib 
 may be projected into an adjacent building, or under a 
 low roof or ceiling where the runway cannot be extended. 
 This type of crane is electrically operated and is controlled 
 from an operator s cab suspended from the revolving jib. 
 Foundry and Steel Mill Service 
 The handling of molten and solid metals in steel plants 
 and iron foundries and in other metal industries, enters 
 into the problem of material handling to an extent that 
 warrants attention to this phase of the subject. The man 
 ufacture of metal products reaches millions of tons each 
 year and the methods employed to handle this vast amount 
 of material require the use of the overhead traveling 
 crane more than of any other type of hoisting or conveying 
 Ladle Crane 
 The electric overhead traveling crane is adapted to 
 handling ladles of molten metals in iron and steel pro 
 duction. A typical crane of this type for service in a 
 large foundry or mill consists of a 4-girder, 8-motor ladle 
 crane of 175 tons capacity. It has a span of 58 ft. 9 in. 
 and is equipped with two trolleys. The auxiliary trolley 
 has a capacity of 40 tons, and it has an auxiliary hoist of 
 15 tons capacity, thus providing two hoisting hooks in 
 addition to the double-ladle hook on the main trolley. 
 This ladle crane has a lift of 30 ft. and is equipped with 
 a low hanging cab enclosed so that the operator has 
 full view of the work but is protected from possible 
 injury during operation. A crane of this type will safely 
 handle ladles containing 25 tons or more of molten metal 
 and will expedite the pouring of large quantities of metal 
 into molds. 
 Ingot Charging Cranes 
 After casting an ingot in steel production, a charging 
 and extracting crane is used to place the ingot in a soaking 
 pit or furnace. Ingot charging cranes are of the over 
 head type and are equipped with tongs operating vertically. 
 The tongs are operated by an electric motor and they 
 grip and hold the ingot while it is being lowered into the 
 soaking pit chamber, or being extracted from it. The 
 charging apparatus, with the operator s cab, may be of 
 the tower type built of structural steel and mounted on 
 the crane trolley with only the tongs extending below 
 the bridge ; or the tongs operating mechanism and the 
 operator s cab may be suspended from the trolley and 
 travel underneath the bridge, the hoisting mechanism being 
 installed on the trolley as in other types of overhead 
 cranes. Cranes of this type may also be equipped with an 
 auxiliary trolley having a hoist which may be used to 
 handle the furnace doors or they may be used for other 
 work adjacent to the furnaces. 
 Ingot Stripping Cranes 
 Overhead cranes equipped with special apparatus are 
 also used for stripping ingots from their molds. As in 
 other cranes of the overhead type, the bridge and the 
 trolley travel and the hoisting operation is accomplished 
 by means of electric motors, but the stripping operation 
 is effected either by means of screw and pinion gearing 
 or by hydraulic pressure supplied by an electrically oper 
 ated pump. For this service, the crane is installed on a 
 runway in a convenient location and the ingots, while 
 still in their molds, are brought within range on special 
 trucks. The stripping apparatus, which projects below 
 the crane bridge, consists of tongs or links so designed 
 as to grip and hold the mold while an arm, or plunger, 
 pushes the ingot downward, thus stripping the mold from 
 the ingot. This stripping apparatus is made either with 
 a single stripper or with a double stripping mechanism 
 which may be operated to strip two ingots from their 
 molds simultaneously. 
 This type of crane may be constructed with the stripper 
 mounted on the crane trolley, only the tongs and the 
 plunger housing extending below the bridge, or the entire 
 stripping apparatus may be suspended from the trolley 
 and travel underneath the bridge. The stripping operation 
 is performed in a similar manner with either type of 
 Slab Charging Cranes 
 A revolving apparatus installed on an overhead crane has 
 been adapted to steel mill work for charging slabs, billets, 
 blooms, or ingots into the furnace when reheating them 
 fur the forging or rolling operation. This machine has 
 the charging mechanism suspended from a trolley, which 
 traverses the crane bridge in such a manner that it may 
 br revolved as the work requires. The charging arm of 
 this machine is hinged to and projects from the base of 
 this revolving structure which also carries the motors 
 necessary to operate the charging mechanism and the 
 operator s cab as well. The hinge pin permits a practically 
 vertical movement of the end of the charging arm, which 
 also has side grips, having a sidewise motion, at the 
 outer end. This enables the machine to pick up a slab or 
 other similar pieces of metal within the radius of the 
 charging arm and the span of the bridge. In general 
 practice, the metal to be handled is brought \\ithin range 
 on trucks or cars and is picked up by the charging arm. 
 The apparatus then is revolved so that the arm is pointing 
 toward the furnace and the trolley is traversed over the 
 bridge, thrusting the arm into the furnace and depositing 
 the metal in the fire. The side grips then nre released, 
 the trolley travel reversed, and the charging arm with 
 drawn from the furnace. This machine can also be util 
 ized to withdraw the metal from the fire by reversing the 
 A charging crane of this type installed in one mill has 
 a span of 54 ft 8 in and a capacity of 5 tons. Six motors 
 are employed to operate the crane ; one to propel the 
 bridge ; one to traverse the trolley ; and the others to 
 operate the charging mechanism. 
 A floor type of charging and drawing machine operating 
 in a similar manner is used in the same service. On this 
 machine the revolving charging mechanism is mounted 
 on top of the crane bridge which travels on a track laid 
 on the floor. The same type of hinged charging arm with 
 side grips is employed to handle the metal. A slab, bar, 
 or other similar piece is picked up while the charging arm 
 is at right angles to the crane bridge, the apparatus then 
 revolved so that the arm is parallel with the bridge girders 
 and the entire charging mechanism then traversed over 
 the bridge, thrusting the arm into the furnace and de 
 positing the metal in the fire. The metal can be with 
 drawn from the furnace by reversing the charging opera 
 tion. An advantage of the floor type is that an overhead 
 traveling crane can be installed above it and be used for 
 other purposes. 
 On another type of overhead crane adapted to charging 
 or withdrawing slabs or similar pieces, the revolving 
 charger operates in a similar manner, but instead of the 
 hinged charging arm, has guides, in which the arm is 
 raised or lowered in a vertical line, on the inside of the 
 lower portion of the pendant structure. The outer end 
 n the charging arm is fitted with end grips instead of 
 side grips but otherwise operates in a similar manner. 
 Other Mill Service 
 Many other adaptations of the traveling crane to the 
 metal industries have been made. These cranes are de 
 signed with either the overhead bridge or are of the floor 
 type. They are used extensively in open-hearth plants for 
 placing the melting stock into the furnace. In such service, 
 the metal is placed in a rectangular container having the 
 end designed to engage the end of a revolving charging 
 arm which extends toward the furnace. By means of the 
 traversing mechanism, the charging arm is thrust into 
 the furnace and the metal is deposited by revolving the 
 charging arm and overturning the container. A crane of 
 this type has a charging capacity of from 2y 2 to 5 tons 
 and usually is also provided with an auxiliary trolley. 
 Other similar cranes are designed to manipulate hot 
 metals in the forging shop and to handle copper and 
 other materials during the manufacturing processes. How 
 ever, as these cranes are modifications or combinations of 
 the machines already described and are of a highly special 
 ized nature, they do not outer into the discussion of ma 
 terial handling in the commonly accepted meaning of the 
 term and will not he treated in this book. 
 Traveling Bracket or Wall Jib Cranes 
 Traveling bracket or wall jib cranes may be used as 
 auxiliaries to overhead traveling bridge cranes, or may 
 be installed as separate shop equipment. These cranes are 
 used largely in foundries or machine shops or in erection 
 shops and, within the limits of the jib and the range of 
 travel, serve for many of the same purposes as a crane 
 of the bridge type. They may be installed under an over 
 head crane to handle the lighter work ; or may be installed 
 in a group or series along the wall of a shop and used 
 to handle work too heavy for manual labor. 
 The general form of construction consists of a single 
 or double girder jib supported by a wall frame or vertical 
 truck which is provided with a top and a bottom set of 
 wheels usually four wheels traveling in a runway secured 
 to a side wall or to a row of columns supporting the shop 
 building. The jib may be top braced or bottom braced 
 as in the construction of an ordinary jib crane but it is 
 fixed rigidly to the wall frame and has no circular motion. 
 A crane trolley is mounted on the jib. 
 The crane travel mechanism may be hand operated and 
 a chain hoist, an air hoist or an electric hoist used for 
 lifting purposes, but usually the entire apparatus is oper 
 ated by electric power generally three-motor operation 
 controlled from a cab secured to the crane structure. 
 These cranes are made with jibs ranging in length up 
 ward to 30 ft. and having capacities up to about 10 tons. 
 Other types of jib cranes are described elsewhere in this 
 Gantry Cranes 
 The gantry crane is an adaptation of the overhead type 
 of crane to outdoor service where there is no permanent 
 elevated structure on which to install a crane. The crane 
 bridge is fixed on trestles having legs which generally 
 are mounted on trucks similar to those used on overhead 
 traveling cranes. The crane is then known as a traveling 
 gantry. Sometimes the trestles are fixed on a solid foun 
 dation and the crane is then called a fixed or stationary 
 gantry, being also frequently referred to as a bridge crane 
 or a transfer crane. To meet special operating conditions, 
 they are sometimes constructed with one gantry leg the 
 other end of the bridge being supported by other means ; 
 with a single or double cantilever bridge ; or with a mov 
 able cantilever at one end. 
 These cranes are made with a span upward to 200 ft. or 
 more and are used in storage yards and at docks for 
 handling ore, coal, coke, cement, or manufactured mate 
 rials ; in railroad storage and transfer yards, for general 
 purposes and for transferring heavy freight ; and at wharves 
 for handling cargo. They also are used extensively in 
 shipyards for erecting purposes and for ship lilting work. 
 Traveling Gantry Cranes 
 Traveling gantry cranes vary from a light portable struc 
 ture mounted on small wheels and operated by hand, to 
 numerous designs of electrically operated structures 
 equipped with crane trolleys and carried on trucks of sub 
 stantial construction. 
 The construction of the bridge girders and the trolleys 
 should conform to the standards lor overhead traveling 
 cranes. The trestles are carried on trucks resting on tracks 
 laid on the ground or on platforms. They should be ot 
 a substantial type of construction, adequately braced 
 and fixed to the bridge in such a manner as to insure a 
 structure of ample strength to withstand the twisting strains 
 and the stresses of operation under the maximum load. 
 The trucks, which generally are similar in construction 
 to those used on the overhead type of crane, should be 
 mounted on axles of ample sizes and in suitable bearings 
 to sustain the combined weight of the gantry structure and 
 the load to be carried. For cranes of the lighter capacities 
 up to about 30 tons the truck axles and bearings may 
 be of the pin and keeper type, but for cranes of heavier 
 capacity the M. C. B. type is preferable. 
 The Drive 
 The small portable types of gantries are generally pushed 
 or pulled by hand but some form of power must be em 
 ployed to propel the larger gantry structures. 
 The most common type of drive is similar to that used 
 on overhead cranes. A squaring shaft, driven by a motor 
 installed on the bridge, is provided with bevel gears at 
 each end which mesh with similar gears on two vertical 
 drive shafts one on each side of the gantry trestle. Bevel 
 gears on the lower ends of the vertical drive shafts mesh 
 with gears attached to the truck wheels. 
 A type of drive used on many of the largest gantry 
 cranes consists of motors geared direct to the truck axles. 
 On cranes of very heavy capacity this method of driving 
 is preferable to the squaring shaft method, as the torsion 
 on a short shaft is negligible. 
 Another type of drive often employed on heavy gantry 
 cranes consists of cables, secured at the ends of the gantry 
 track and wound on motor driven drums carried on the 
 gantry trucks. The crane structure is pulled along the 
 tracks by winding the cables. 
 To insure uniform travel of the gantry structure each 
 end is provided with independent clutches and controllers. 
 This permits the operator to control the movement of both 
 ends of the structure and, if necessary, one end may be 
 locked and held stationary while the other end is moved 
 slightly to bring it into alinement. This is possible because 
 of clearance between the rails and the wheel flanges. 
 Electricity is commonly used on power operated gantry 
 cranes to operate the bridge drive, the trolley and the 
 hoisting drums. The current is conducted to the crane 
 motors from wires installed on poles or on other structures 
 near the gantry tracks. Current collectors, secured to an 
 arm projecting from the bridge, insure a contact with the 
 circuit as the structure travels along the track. A sliding 
 shoe or other type of collector is used. 
 Hand-Operated Type 
 A hand-operated portable gantry crane is useful when 
 only occasional light service is required. A crane of this 
 type usually is constructed of light structural steel and 
 consists of a single I-beam girder carried on two lightly 
 constructed "A" shaped trestles, resting on two-wheel 
 trucks of the pin-and-keeper type. The gantry is usually 
 mounted on rails and is propelled by pushing it along the 
 track by hand. A hand operated or power operated chain 
 hoist is generally used for hoisting purposes. Cranes of 
 this type may be used in any light service. They are used 
 in trench work for laying sewer pipe or water pipe. For 
 such service a light, portable track is sufficiently substan 
 tial. They may be mounted on wheels having a flat tread 
 to run on a floor and used for erecting machinery in fitting 
 out shops or power plants. They range in capacity upward 
 to about 10 tons and have a span of about 25 ft. or 30 ft. 
 Power-Operated Type 
 Power-operated traveling gantry cranes are used in out 
 door service in many industries. They may be equipped 
 with a hook or a sling and be used for general lifting 
 purposes; with a magnet for handling metals at steel mills 
 or other manufacturing plants, or in railroad service; or 
 may be equipped with a bucket and used to handle coal, 
 ore, or other loose materials. The operation of these 
 cranes is controlled from a cab secured to the bridge or to 
 one of the trestles. They are made with a span ranging 
 upward to about 200 ft. and to 75 tons in capacity. 
 Two-Leg Type 
 The two-leg type of gantry is the most commonly used. 
 The crane bridge is mounted on two trestles of equal 
 length and is carried on trucks. This type of structure 
 is generally installed in the storage yards of industrial 
 plants for handling raw materials or manufactured prod 
 ucts ; at power plants for handling fuel and ashes ; in rail 
 road terminals for handling fuel or freight ; on wharves 
 for handling cargo ; or in various other operations where 
 an overhead traveling crane is not adaptable. 
 Single-Leg Type 
 A single-leg gantry frequently is used when it is desir 
 able to install a gantry crane adjacent to a building where 
 the inside leg would interfere with the free movement of 
 materials in the space below or where it would not be 
 practicable to lay rails. This type of crane has the usual 
 trestle support at one end of the bridge and at the other 
 end is supported on a rail or runway installed on a building 
 as in the case of the overhead traveling crane. The 
 advantage of this type of construction is that in cases where 
 the crane travels along the side of a building as on a 
 wharf or at a warehouse having one or more doors giving 
 access to the space immediately underneath the crane there 
 will be no interference due to the trestle obstructing the 
 doors through which it may be desired to move material. 
 Another advantage of this type of construction is that it 
 can be made to span several railroad tracks or a storage 
 yard adjacent to a building without encroaching unneces 
 sarily on the available space. 
 Cantilever Type 
 The cantilever type of construction is used to increase 
 the range over which a gantry crane may be operated with 
 out increasing the girder span or laying track where it may 
 not be desirable. Such cranes are constructed with a single 
 cantilever or with a cantilever at each end of the bridge. 
 These cantilevers usually are integral with the main bridge 
 span but sometimes are built as a separate structure and 
 hinged to the main bridge at the trestle. This construction 
 allows the cantilever to be raised so that it will clear a 
 vessel at a wharf, or any other obstruction, while the crane 
 travels along the track. 
 The cantilever sometimes is constructed so that it may 
 be traversed across the bridge. This permits it to be ex 
 tended through a doorway into a warehouse or outward 
 over a car or vessel. 
 The advantage of the cantilever type of crane is that 
 material may be handled from a storage yard to a railroad 
 car or to a vessel without any obstruction of the passages 
 or roadways underneath leaving them free for such traffic 
 as may be required. A crane of this type adds greatly to 
 the storage capacity of a yard and, due to its wide range 
 of action, reduces the time required and the expense of 
 moving materials. Cantilever cranes are made with a total 
 span upward to 250 ft. and in capacities ranging upward 
 to about 50 tons. 
 Bridge Storage Cranes 
 The bridge storage crane is a type of gantry crane 
 usually of the traveling type constructed in a manner 
 similar to that of an ordinary gantry. The crane bridge 
 generally is constructed in the lattice truss type usually em 
 ployed in building fixed bridges over a river or a railroad. 
 They generally are equipped with an automatic bucket 
 sometimes with a tram-car and are used to unload ore, 
 coal, sand, gravel and other loose bulk materials from 
 cars or vessels and deposit them in storage bins or piles ; 
 in industrial plants for handling various manufactured 
 materials in and out of storage ; or are used to rehandle 
 such materials as ore from storage to the furnace. They 
 are especially adapted for use at ore docks in connection 
 with various types of unloading machines. 
 The bridge storage crane is built primarily to provide 
 a structure that will span a wide area ranging upward to 
 300 ft. or more and permit the use of a bucket or other 
 material handling device. Therefore, a strength of struc 
 ture is required only sufficient to sustain a light load 
 usually 5 to 10 tons. The bridge generally projects beyond 
 the supports in a cantilever form. It is carried at one 
 end on sheer-legs similar to a gantry trestle while the other 
 end is supported by a tower. The tower may be in two 
 parts, consisting of an upper "A" form of structure, sup 
 ported on a four-leg portal carriage designed to span one 
 or more railroad tracks ; or may be an inverted tower 
 carried on two trucks similar to those used under the 
 sheer-leg end. 
 The bridge drive may be of the shaft driven type or of 
 the axle driven type. The operation of the bucket, the 
 crane trolley and the bridge drive is controlled either from 
 an enclosed platform at one end of the structure or may 
 be provided with a traveling cab so that the operator will 
 have a close view of the work being done. 
 Other forms of bridge cranes are combined with special 
 unloading machines and are described elsewhere. 
 Stationary Gantry Cranes 
 The gantry crane sometimes is constructed without means 
 of propulsion and then is known as a stationary or fixed 
 gantry frequently called a bridge crane or a transfer 
 crane. This type is particularly adapted to railroad serv 
 ice. When installed in a railroad freight yard and span 
 ning one or more tracks, it is used for loading or unload 
 ing heavy or bulky freight and for transferring it from a 
 car to a truck or from one car to another for reshipment. 
 This type of crane also is adaptable to other service 
 where only a transverse travel is required and may be 
 equipped with a hook or a sling for general lifting and 
 transferring; with a magnet and used to handle manu 
 factured or scrap metals ; or with an automatic bucket to 
 handle ore, coal, coke, crushed stone, sand and gravel, or 
 other similar materials. 
 Stationary gantry cranes may be made in practically any 
 capacity and any span desired. The smaller sizes, ranging 
 in capacity up to about 25 tons, generally are equipped 
 with a chain trolley and hoist operated by hand power ; or 
 with an electric hoist, controlled from the ground or 
 from a platform on one of the gantry trestles. 
 A hand-power stationary gantry crane is especially 
 adapted to service in small railroad yards or in industrial 
 works where the volume of heavy objects to be handled 
 is not great and would not warrant the expense of electric 
 equipment. The simplicity of operation and the low cost 
 of maintenance make a crane of this type an economical 
 machine for such service. 
 An electrically operated stationary gantry crane should 
 be installed when constant service is required or where 
 the weight of the objects to be handled is beyond the 
 capacity of a hand operated machine. A crane of this 
 type installed over one or more railroad tracks and equipped 
 with a hoisting hook or with a sling is especially useful 
 in loading or unloading heavy freight. It may also be 
 equipped for bucket operation and used to handle coal or 
 similar materials when only a transverse movement is re 
 quired. Generally, cranes of this type are equipped with 
 a trolley having hoisting drums as used on traveling gan 
 tries. The operation of the crane is controlled from an 
 enclosed platform on the crane structure. 
 Wharf Gantries 
 Many modifications of the gantry structure are used on 
 wharves for handling cargo and in shipyards for construc 
 tion work. These cranes embody many features of both 
 the jib crane and the locomotive crane. They are described 
 in this book in the chapter on wharf and shipyard cranes. 
 Jib Cranes 
 Jib cranes sometimes called foundry cranes are made 
 in various designs depending on the service for which they 
 are used. The form of construction generally followed 
 consists of a jib or boom supported in a horizontal position 
 by a short mast or column which is pivoted to permit 
 rotary motion. The jib is sometimes provided with means 
 for a vertical movement as well as the rotary motion. 
 It is also equipped with some form of trolley or traveler 
 from which the hoisting mechanism is suspended. A chain 
 block or hoist; an air hoist; an electric hoist; or, some 
 times, a steam-hydraulic hoist is used. This type of crane 
 is known as a wall or post bracket crane ; or as a column 
 crane, depending on the means employed to support the jib. 
 Bracket Jib Crane 
 The bracket crane is the simplest form of jib crane and 
 consists of a plain jib usually a straight bar or a small 
 I-beam fixed to the base of a short mast pivoted in top 
 and bottom brackets secured to a wall or to a post. A 
 tie-rod or truss-rod extending from the top of the mast 
 to the outer end of the jib supports the weight of the 
 crane and the load. In some cases the hoisting apparatus 
 is fixed at the end of the jib but usually a chain hoist, an 
 air hoist, or an electric hoist is suspended from a small 
 trolley which travels on the top of the jib. 
 A crane of this type rarely has a jib more than 12 ft. 
 or 15 ft. in length or a capacity greater than 2500 Ib. to 
 10,000 Ib. bracket cranes are useful in foundries, machine 
 shops, and in similar places where it is necessary to handle 
 heavy ilasks, or heavy castings which could not easily be 
 handled by manual labor. A series of bracket jib cranes 
 arranged along a wall in a foundry or a machine shop so 
 that the effective radii of the jibs will overlap slightly, 
 makes it possible to transfer material from one end of the 
 shop to the other entirely by the use of jib cranes. This 
 arrangement permits the cranes to be used individually or 
 in conjunction with one another and provides a means for 
 transferring material where the amount of such work is 
 not sufficient to warrant the installation of an overhead 
 traveling crane, or when the arrangement of the shop 
 equipment will not permit the use of a portable crane. 
 A modification of the bracket jib crane provided with 
 wheels and mounted in a side-wall runway is described in 
 the chapter on traveling cranes. The following table gives 
 some approximate proportions of bracket jib cranes: 
 1. .. 
 Length of Jib Effective Radiul 
 Ft. In. Ft. In. 
 11 6 10 
 20 18 6 
 117 10 
 20 18 6 
 3 11 9 10 
 3 ... 20 18 6 
 4 1111 10 
 4" ... 20 S 18 6 
 5" 12 10 
 5 20 6 18 6 
 Column Jib Cranes 
 The column jib crane consists of a horizontal jib carry 
 ing a trolley and a hoist, and supported by a rotating mast 
 or column pivoted in top and bottom pivot blocks or bear 
 ings. This type of crane is made in two types of struc 
 ture: the bottom braced jib, and the top braced jib. The 
 top braced type frequently is also braced from the back 
 of the column and is then called the top and back braced 
 type. The column and the jib are preferably constructed 
 of I-beams or of channels and plates the box type of 
 structure being preferable for cranes of very heavy capacity 
 and should be adequately braced to sustain the combined 
 weight of the structure, the hoisting mechanism, and the 
 load to be lifted. A crane of this type may be equipped 
 with a simple traveler or trolley carrying a chain hoist or 
 an air hoist and be rotated by hand by pushing or pulling 
 on the load ; or it may be provided with a hand operated 
 or power operated winch secured to the column near the 
 base and used to handle the load while the crane is rotated 
 by hand, or in some cases by slewing gear operated by 
 steam or electric power. 
 Bottom-Braced Type 
 The bottom-braced type of column jib crane has the jib 
 secured at or very near to the top of the column and is 
 supported by braces on the underside of the jib. 
 A very commonly used type of brace consists of single 
 compression members extending from the base of the col 
 umn to the underside of the jib near to the outer end. 
 This method of bracing makes a very rigid and safe struc 
 ture but the location of the braces restricts the range of 
 action of the crane hoist and it is desirable only when the 
 available headroom will not permit the use of other methods 
 of bracing. It is used only when the work to be done may 
 be handled within a comparatively small area underneath 
 the outer portion of the jib. 
 Another method of bottom bracing is known as the 
 triple brace. It consists of a compression member extend 
 ing from the base of the column to the underside of the 
 Steam-Hydraulic Jib Crane with Power Swinging and Steam-Hydraulic Crane with Pivoted Jib to Provide High 
 Trolley Racking Mechanism Lift with Only Short Piston Movement 
 Top and Back-Braced 2-Motor Electric Jib Crane for 
 Indoor Service 
 Hand Operated Top-Braced Jib Crane 
 Steam-Hydraulic Crane with Jib Adjusting-Nut to Permit Incline of Jib in Direction of Load Travel 
 jib at or near to the center of it and reinforced by two 
 additional braces, one extending from the main brace to 
 the upper part of the column and the other brace extending 
 from the main brace to the outer portion of the jib. This 
 gives ample strength and considerably more useful area 
 around the crane column than can be obtained with the 
 two-member bottom-braced type. 
 A method of bottom bracing which gives access to prac 
 tically all of the space uncnneath the jib consists of a 
 wide plate construction which is practically a one-piece jib 
 and column. This structure is of the box type and is 
 reinforced at the junction of the column and the jib by 
 broadening out the side places and using a corner brace 
 enclosed within the plates.. This gives rigidity without 
 making use of the separate compression members which 
 often interfere with handling a load close to the column. 
 Jib cranes of the bottom-braced type are used largely in 
 indoor service : chiefly in foundries for handling molds, 
 etc. ; or in machine shops for handling heavy pieces to and 
 from the finishing machines. They are made with jibs 
 ranging upward to 30 ft. in length and having a capacity 
 upward to about 20 tons. The proportions of some com 
 monly used jib cranes of the bottom-braced type are given 
 in the following table: 
 4. . . . 
 of Jib 
 Ft. In. 
 Ft. In. 
 2 9 
 of Jib 
 Ft. In. 
 of Mast 
 Ft. In 
 Top-Braced Type 
 The top-braced type of column jib crane has the jib 
 secured to the column at a point some distance below the 
 top and supported by one or more tie-rods secured to the 
 top of the column and to the jib. This method of bracing 
 leaves the space underneath the jib clear for its entire 
 length and permits a load to be handled with equal facility 
 at the end of the jib or close to the column. 
 A jib crane of the top-braced type may be installed in 
 doors when there is sufficient headroom and may be used 
 in the same service as a bracket crane or a bottom-braced 
 jib crane. It may also be used when provided with proper 
 means of support in outdoor service at industrial plants 
 for handling or loading heavy materials, or in small out 
 lying railroad yards for occasional service in transferring 
 heavy objects such as might be handled by an overhead 
 crane or a gantry crane at the larger yards. 
 This type of crane is made with jibs upward to about 
 25 ft. or 30 ft. in length and having a capacity upward to 
 about 10 tons. Proportions of some cranes of this type are 
 given in the following table : 
 l . . . . 
 3. ... 
 of Jib 
 Ft. In 
 8 A 
 Ft. In. 
 of Jib 
 Ft. In. 
 of Mast 
 Ft. In. 
 Top and Back-Braced Type 
 The top and back-braced type of jib crane is similar in 
 construction to the top-braced type except that the jib 
 extends some distance back of the column or mast and 
 serves as a strut for truss-rods extending from the top of 
 the column to its base. 
 This type of machine is especially adapted to outdoor 
 service but the smaller sizes may be utilized indoors where 
 there is sufficient headroom. When designed for outdoor 
 service it is a combination of a jib crane and a derrick. 
 The column or mast is supported by guys or by stiff-legs 
 in a manner similar to that employed in derrick construc 
 tion. When possible the guys or stiff-legs should be in 
 stalled so that the jib may swing in a complete circle. 
 Many jib cranes of this type are equipped only with an 
 ordinary trolley and hoist as in the other smaller types 
 of bottom-braced and top-braced jib cranes. They are 
 made with jibs upward to about 50 ft. in length and in 
 capacities ranging upward to 25 tons for general service 
 and arc used for handling lumber, logs and similar ma 
 terials. The following table gives some proportions of 
 the smaller sixes of commonly used jib cranes of this type: 
 4. . . . 
 4. .. . 
 5. .. . 
 6... . 
 6. . . . 
 of Jib 
 Ft. In. 
 Ft. In. 
 of Jib 
 Ft. In. 
 13 3 
 of Mast 
 Ft. In. 
 Cranes of this type are, however, made with extremely 
 long jibs for light work such as handling sugar cane, 
 sometimes having a jib or boom with an effective radius 
 up to 100 ft. with a capacity of about 6 tons at that radius. 
 A jib of this great length equipped with a trolley traversing 
 its entire length and having full circle operation gives such 
 a crane a very wide range and makes it a very efficient 
 machine in the class of light work to which it is adapted. 
 Cranes of this type are extensively used in storage 
 yards, particularly at sugar mills for handling sugar cane 
 with a sling or with an automatic grapple. They may be 
 rotated by hand but generally are equipped with a bull- 
 wheel or with self-slewing gear as used on a derrick. 
 Steam-Hydraulic Balanced Jib Crane 
 The steam-hydraulic balanced jib crane so called be 
 cause the weight of the jib is balanced by the moving 
 lifting-cylinder of a steam-hydraulic hoisting apparatus 
 is used chiefly in foundries where its delicate control fea 
 ture makes it especially desirable for setting large cores, 
 or for handling molds or ladles of molten metal. The 
 crane structure consists of a column or mast supporting 
 an inclined brace and a movable jib. The jib carries a 
 trolley or traveler which is racked across the jib by means 
 of a hand chain. The hoisting hook is rigidly fixed to the 
 trolley and the load is raised or lowered by moving the 
 jib itself instead of moving the hook as on other types 
 of jib cranes. The jib is suspended by four chains, two 
 at each end, the chains from the outer end of the jib pass 
 ing over sheaves on the end of the inclined braces, and the 
 chains from the inner end passing over sheaves on the 
 mast. All four of these chains are also used to suspend 
 the lifting-cylinder of the hoisting apparatus. They are 
 connected with the upper end of the cylinder, either being 
 attached directly to it or passing around sheaves secured 
 to the top of it. The chains are arranged so that the cylin 
 der always tends to hang plumb regardless of the posi 
 tion of the load on the jib. 
 The steam or air supply line is piped to a closed cylinder 
 or pressure tank placed in any convenient location in the 
 ground near the crane, or upon the crane itself. From 
 the bottom of this cylinder a pipe passes through the bed 
 plate of the crane and connects with a U-shaped stuffing- 
 box in the bottom of the mast. A control valve is placed 
 in this pipe, near the ground cylinder within easy reach 
 of the operator. The piston-rod of the lifting-cylinder is 
 hollow and its lower end is fastened to a projection of 
 the bottom gudgeon of the mast pivot, the passage-way 
 being continued through the gudgeon projection and con 
 necting with the stuffing-box in the mast. From the 
 stuffing-box the passage-way leads out through the pipe in 
 the bed plate and connects with the ground cylinder. The 
 ground cylinder is filled with water to within 12 or 18 
 inches of the top, the space above the water being occu 
 pied by air. In this type of hoist the piston is fixed in an 
 upright position and the lifting cylinder moves up and down 
 upon it. 
 To operate the crane, steam is admitted to the top of 
 the ground cylinder through a slide valve and is spread 
 with a circular motion over the air by means of a baffle 
 plate. The air, being heavier than the steam, keeps its 
 place next to the water and acts as a cushion to take up 
 any vibrations of the load giving a very delicate control 
 and also preventing the steam from coming in contact with 
 the water and condensing. The water takes the same pres 
 sure as the steam, and, passing to the lifting cylinder, its 
 force is exerted in the space between the lower side of the 
 fixed piston and the lower head of the moving cylinder, 
 thus pressing the cylinder down on the piston-rod and lift 
 ing the jib and its load. The speed at which the crane 
 operates depends on the size of the opening in the connec 
 tion between the two cylinders and this is regulated by the 
 control valve so that the speed may be varied or the load 
 may be held suspended at any point. To lower the load, 
 the steam valve is moved to the exhaust position, which 
 relieves the pressure on the water and allows it to flow 
 back into the ground cylinder by gravity. This permits 
 the lifting cylinder to move upward on the piston-rod, thus 
 lowering the jib. 
 Compressed air may be used instead of steam and when 
 this is done oil may be used instead of water if desired. 
 Both air and steam may be piped to the ground cylinder 
 so that if from any cause the supply from one source 
 should fail, the closing of one valve and the opening of 
 another will permit a change in power. The same water 
 is used indefinitely, as none is consumed in the operation 
 of the crane. Anti-freezing mixtures such as glycerine, 
 wood alcohol, or chloride of calcium may be added to the 
 water to prevent it from freezing in the cylinders in cold 
 Cranes of this type are made in capacities ranging up 
 ward to about 20 tons and have jibs upward to about 30 ft. 
 in length. 
 Pillar Cranes 
 The pillar crane is a rotating type of crane largely used 
 on railroad freight platforms and in railroad and industrial 
 yards for loading and unloading materials and for general 
 lifting purposes within a limited area. It may also be 
 installed indoors and used for many of the same purposes 
 as the jib crane but rarely is used in such service. It con 
 sists of a self-supported rotating pillar or mast which 
 supports an inclined jib or boom secured at the base of 
 the pillar. 
 In the usual type of construction the pillar is circular 
 in form. It is either a steel casting or is of steel plate of 
 large diameter at the bottom and tapering toward the top. 
 It is pivoted on a bearing resting on a cast iron base set 
 in concrete or bolted to a pier. The pillar is held in an 
 upright position by a tension rod secured to the base and 
 extending up through the pillar to a mast top casting. 
 The boom may be straight, or may be curved at the upper 
 end, which gives a somewhat wider clearance for a load 
 which it may be desired to raise to a high position. These 
 booms may be made of a single I-beam member ; of I-beams 
 or channels with the lattice type of construction or they 
 may be built in the box type of structure employed in 
 the construction of crane bridges. 
 The most commonly used pillar cranes have the boom 
 fixed in a rigid position, by means of tie-rods extending 
 from the outer end of the boom to the mast top casting, 
 and having the hoisting tackle reeved at the outer end. 
 This makes a fixed radius of action which, with the circular 
 movement of the end of the boom as the mast is rotated, 
 gives a considerable range for useful work. It is, how 
 ever, desirable sometimes to change the inclination of the 
 boom so that the radius of action may be varied. This is 
 accomplished by hinging the foot of the boom to the base 
 of the mast and using a topping-lift, as in derrick con 
 struction, instead of using the rigid tie-rods generally em 
 ployed in a machine of this type. 
 Most pillar cranes are hand operated, being equipped with 
 a hoisting winch, a one-drum winch being used with a 
 fixed boom and a two-drum winch with a variable radius 
 boom one drum for hoisting the load and one for operating 
 the topping lift. Usually the winch is installed on the boom 
 near the base of the mast. They are also frequently 
 equipped with air hoists, or with electric power mounted 
 on a platform which rotates with the mast. Pillar cranes 
 of this type are also generally equipped with self- 
 slewing gear. 
 This type of crane ranges in capacity up to about 30 
 tuns with a radius of action up to about 30 ft. The follow 
 ing table gives the proportions of some commonly used sizes 
 of pillar cranes. 
 fP of Pi I Jar 
 .. . 15 
 i. . 
 ... 15 
 Pillar-Jib Cranes 
 The pillar-jib crane is a combination of the horizontal 
 jib and the self-supported rotating pillar or mast. As on 
 column jib cranes the jib may be bottom-braced or top and 
 back-braced. To give additional stability a counterweight 
 is often placed on the extended rear end of the jib. This 
 type of crane may be adapted to any service in which the 
 two parent types are used and, having the traveler or trolley 
 on the jib, combines the advantages of the jib crane with 
 the self-supporting feature of the pillar crane. This feature 
 permits its installation in any desired location without 
 Electric Pillar Jib Crane 
 Skeleton-Platform Jib Crane 
 Bottom-Braced Electric Jib Crane with Self-Slewing Gear 
 Portable Electric Stacking Crane 
 Electric Walking Boom-Jib Crane 
 Electric Walking Jib Crane 
 lys or other methods of supporting the top 
 made in the same capacities as the 
 recourse to guys 
 of the crane. 
 Pillar-jib cranes are maue in uie same <_aijaLiin.:> aa mt 
 two other types and may be operated by hand, air, steam 
 or electric power. 
 Portable Jib and Pillar Cranes 
 The smaller sizes of the various types of jib and pillar 
 cranes are sometimes installed on a platform mounted on 
 wheels so that they may be moved from place to place. 
 They may be equipped either with flanged wheels and travel 
 on rails or with wheels having a flat tread and travel on 
 any solid flat surface. 
 This permits their use in various parts of a yard or a 
 shop where the volume of work required in any particular 
 location is not great but where lifting is necessary at widely 
 separated points. The faculty with which a crane of this 
 type may be moved will soon offset the additional cost of 
 the mounting. 
 They are used in terminals or warehouses for handling 
 freight; in machine shops, foundries, or power plants, for 
 handling heavy pieces; or in the yards of industrial plants 
 for any light service. They may also be mounted on a 
 flat car on a steam or electric railroad and used in rail 
 road service. 
 On the most common types of portable cranes, the boom 
 or jib is fixed at a constant radius and its weight and the 
 weight of the load is counterbalanced by a weight installed 
 on an extended platform at the base of the mast or on the 
 rear extension of the jib when the horizontal jib is used. 
 This counterweight is sometimes mounted on small wheels 
 traveling on a runway so that it may be moved toward or 
 away from the mast to counterbalance either a light load 
 or a heavy load at the end of the boom. At any given 
 radius of the boom or jib the capacity of a crane of this 
 type is determined by the relative location of the counter 
 weight on the runway. 
 On many of these portable types of cranes the entire 
 crane structure revolves on a turntable resting on the plat 
 form. The platform may be mounted on flanged wheels 
 and travel on rails or may have wheels with a plain tread 
 and travel on any solid flat surface. They are equipped 
 with hand, air, or electric power for hoisting and range in 
 capacity upward to about S tons. This insures a perfect 
 counterbalancing of the load and prevents the crane from 
 toppling over. 
 Work-Car Crane 
 The type of pillar crane or the jib-pillar crane gen 
 erally used on freight platforms or in other fixed locations 
 is also frequently mounted on a standard gage railroad flat 
 car and used in wrecking service or other work along the 
 line as may be required. The height of the pillar and the 
 length of the boom or the jib is limited by the railroad line 
 A special type of portable crane adapted to handling 
 small but heavy pieces is provided with a rigid curved 
 one-piece boom and mast mounted on a low skeleton plat 
 form carried on small wheels. The boom curves directly 
 over the platform so that the weight of the load will not 
 topple the crane. The hoist hook- usually attached to a 
 sheave block carried by a chain is suspended from the end 
 of the curved boom. The hoisting chain runs over a series 
 of sheaves on the boom and thence to the hoisting apparatus 
 generally a geared type of winch near the foot of the 
 mast. One pair of wheels is pivoted and provided with 
 a handle by which the crane may be drawn about and 
 turned as desired to handle the load. 
 These cranes are especially adapted for use in machine 
 shops as the low skeleton-platforms will easily pass under 
 the standards of a lathe and many other types of machines 
 used in finishing materials. This makes it possible to bring a 
 heavy casting close up to a machine and hold it suspended on 
 the jib hoist until it has been adjusted to the machine ready 
 for operation. 
 Skeleton-platform jib hoists arc made in capacities upward 
 to 3 tons or more and range in height upward to about 
 10 ft. or 12 ft. 
 Approximate sizes and capacities of some cranes of this 
 type are given in the following table : 
 Height of Lift 
 Ft. In. 
 5 4 
 Crane Jib 
 Overall Height 
 Ft. In. 
 6 6 
 6 /, 
 ? / 
 . 11 
 6 . 
 . 12 
 Stacking Jib Crane 
 Another special type of portable crane is designed for 
 use in warehouses for handling and stacking bales, bags, 
 or other material of uniform size. This type of crane is 
 provided with a high curved jib or boom pivoted on a 
 short rigid mast fixed to a base secured to the platform of 
 a hand propelled truck. The power unit usually electric 
 power is carried on the truck and supplied with current 
 from a plug-in connection provided at various points on 
 the building service line. The booms range in height up 
 ward to about 20 ft. and in capacity up to about 1 ton. 
 In order to permit the extremely high jib of some of the 
 larger sizes of such cranes to pass through doorways or 
 under low-hanging trusses or other obstructions the boom 
 is hinged to the mast so that it may be lowered to a 
 horizontal position while moving the crane to a desired 
 Walking Jib Crane 
 The walking jib crane is a self-propelled type of portable 
 or traveling jib crane. It consists of a structural steel 
 jib supported by a short mast or column and equipped with 
 a crane trolley and hoisting mechanism. It is mounted on 
 a two-wheel truck or carriage which also carries the oper 
 ating mechanism. The truck travels on a monorail and is 
 supported at the top by one or two small wheels secured 
 to the top of the crane structure and resting against an 
 upper rail or runway secured to the shop building. It is 
 electrically operated, the motors being mounted on the 
 crane structure and supplied with electric current through 
 wheels held in contact with an overhead power circuit. 
 The crane jib is rotated by means of a slewing gear at 
 the foot of the mast. The operation of the crane is con 
 trolled from a platform on the side of the crane structure 
 or from an operator s seat mounted on the carriage. This 
 type of crane is made in capacities ranging up to 7 tons 
 or 10 tons and is used largely in machine shops or erecting 
 shops for handling heavy parts and may also be adapted 
 to other general indoor service. 
 A pillar or a jib crane mounted in this manner will serve 
 for many of the same purposes as a small locomotive 
 crane but of course not being self-propelled is not so. 
 mobile in manufacturing plants requiring a portable crane. 
 Another simpler form of walking jib crane for lighter 
 work has an inclined boom instead of the horizontal jib 
 The boom is provided with hoisting tackle reeved through 
 sheaves at the outer end of the boom and wound on a 
 drum on the mast. It is operated by an electric motor 
 installed on the mast. This crane is carried on a two- 
 wheel truck traveling on a monorail and is supplied with 
 power by an overhead contact with a power circuit. It is 
 used in the same class of service as the larger horizontal 
 type of \\alking jib crane but generally is made in smaller 
 sizes fur lighter work. 
 Locomotive Cranes 
 Locomotive cranes so called because self-propelled 
 have been developed to a high state of efficiency and are 
 extensively used in outdoor operations requiring the use 
 of a hoisting machine. Originally they were designed only 
 to travel on railroad track and were used only in railroad 
 work. They generally were provided with a single hoisting 
 line equipped with a fall-block and were used chiefly for 
 raising heavy loads as in wrecking work or in other rail 
 road operations where heavy lifting was necessary. They 
 now are used much more extensively in railroad work and 
 also have been adapted to general use at industrial plants ; 
 on wharves and at terminals for handling freight ; in con 
 struction operations ; in excavation work ; and for many 
 other purposes. 
 They range in capacity upward to 160 tons and may be 
 equipped witli a plain fall-block for general lifting with a 
 hook, with slings, tongs or similar accessories; with the 
 various types of grab buckets or drag-line buckets for 
 handling loose materials and for excavation work ; or with 
 an electric magnet for handling metals. Many locomotive 
 cranes are so designed that power-shovel or pile-driver 
 attachments may be installed and the crane used in such 
 Usually locomotive cranes not only have sufficient pro 
 pelling power to move the machine itself but, when travel 
 ing on rails, may also be used for hauling and switching 
 Modern locomotive cranes are a type of rotary crane 
 consisting of a hinged boom similar to that of a derrick; 
 a mast or other type of structure similar to that of a pillar 
 crane, to provide a firm base for the boom and a connection 
 for the topping lift; and a power plant installed on a turn 
 table operated by a rotating mechanism also installed on 
 the turntable. These parts are carried on a flat rectangular 
 frame or car body mounted on wheels and propelled by a 
 travel mechanism operated by the power plant installed on 
 the turntable. The frame and the turntable usually are 
 ballasted by means of counterweights of concrete or iron 
 thereby adding to the stability of the crane structure when 
 it is rotated under load. The details of construction must 
 be varied to suit the particular class of service for which the 
 crane is designed. The general details of the crane structure, 
 however, are practically similar for each of the various 
 The Trucks 
 The trucks or wheels on which locomotive cranes are 
 mounted vary with the type of machine and the service 
 required of it. The most common type of crane is mounted 
 on trucks similar to those used under railroad cars and 
 travels on railroad track. A four-wheel truck generally 
 is used for cranes of light capacities, up to about IS tons, 
 and double trucks two four-wheel trucks for cranes of 
 heavier capacity. Other types of cranes may be mounted 
 on wheels having a plain tread to travel on a smooth sur 
 face; may have tractor wheels crosswise projections on 
 the wheel face and travel on rough or soft ground ; or 
 may he partly or entirely mounted on creeper trucks 
 a wide, flat, sectional wheel face and travel over rough 
 or yielding ground. 
 Car Frame 
 The superstructure of a locomotive crane is carried on 
 a rectangular frame or car body. The essential features 
 of frame construction are : adequate strength to sustain 
 the loads and stresses imposed upon it ; suitable arrange 
 ment of parts to allow convenient installation and operation 
 of the rotating structure ; and sufficient weight to and dispo 
 sition of the parts to assist in giving stability to the crane 
 when in operation. 
 Cranes traveling on railroad track, particularly those of 
 the higher capacities, are mounted on a structure very 
 similar in construction to the undcrframe of a railroad car. 
 It consists of a structural steel frame to which is secured 
 the turntable base, the large gear of the turntable rotating 
 mechanism, and parts of the travel or propelling mech 
 As the connection between the car frame and the trucks 
 of an eight-wheel crane is made by means of a center pin 
 only, some method must be provided to steady the structure 
 when the crane is in use. This is done by placing wedges 
 between the truck bolsters and the side sills of the car 
 frame, thus stabilizing the crane and at the same time 
 transmitting a great portion of the load to the axles and 
 the wheels. 
 Cranes mounted on wheels for trackless travel may have 
 a frame built up of structural parts similar to those used 
 on cranes built for rail travel ; may have a cast steel frame ; 
 or may have a wooden frame resting on cast or rolled 
 metal sills. Cranes of the trackless type are provided 
 with some form of steering gear, usually similar to that 
 used on motor trucks. 
 Travel Mechanism 
 The crane travel mechanism is carried on the underside 
 of the car frame and is connected with the power plant 
 installed on the turntable, by a series of gears, or by a 
 combination of gears and chain drive. It may be either of 
 the rigid shaft type or may have a driving shaft of the 
 flexible type. 
 On four-wheel cranes traveling on rails the travel mech 
 anism commonly u?ed consists of a bevel pinion at the lower 
 end of a vertical shaft, extending down through the car 
 frame, and meshing with a gear on a horizontal drive shaft 
 suspended from the frame. Bevel pinions on each end of 
 the shaft mesh with gears on the truck axles. Both axles 
 are driven and may be rotated simultaneously in either di 
 On eight-wheel cranes designed for ordinary service, only 
 the inside axle on each truck is driven, but on cranes of 
 very heavy capacity or when maximum tractive effort is 
 desired, the travel mechanism may be designed so that all 
 four axles may be driven. The travel mechanism may be 
 of the long horizontal shaft type or may consist of a 
 train of gears mounted on short horizontal shafts and mesh- 
 Top of Eight- Wheel Car Frame Showing Slip-Ring (Poised) 
 and Rail Clamps 
 Four-Wheel Car Frame Showing Straight Shaft Travel 
 Mechanism and Stability Wheels 
 Rotating Rack. Slip-Ring Type. In- Rotating Rack. Slip-Ring Type. Ex- Rotating Rack. Fixed Type. Exter- 
 ternal Gear Teeth ternal Gear Teeth nal Gear Teeth 
 Underside of Eight-Wheel Car Frame Showing Flexible Shaft 
 Type of Travel Mechanism 
 Center Portion of Eight-Wheel Car Frame Showing 
 Gear Train Type of Travel Mechanism 
 ing directly with the gears on the truck axles. Either type 
 may be rotated in either direction so that the crane travel 
 may be reversed. 
 In the long shaft driven type the construction is similar 
 to that used on four-wheel cranes except that the horizontal 
 shaft usually is in several parts connected with universal 
 couplings. This type of shaft construction permits the 
 travel mechanism to function properly regardless of the 
 swiveling of the trucks when the crane travels on curved 
 or uneven tracks. 
 In the gear train type of travel mechanism used on many 
 eight-wheel cranes a bevel pinion on the vertical shaft 
 drives a gear train mounted on short horizontal shafts sup 
 ported in a cast steel frame secured to the car frame. 
 This type of travel mechanism requires that the trucks shall 
 be spaced so that each end of the gear train will mesh with 
 the gears on the truck axles. The teeth on the axle gears 
 are shaped so that they will permit the movement necessary 
 when the trucks swivel on curved or uneven tracks. Pro 
 vision is made to throw the axle gears out of mesh when 
 the crane is being hauled by other power, thus eliminating 
 the danger of stripping the gear teeth. 
 The travel mechanism generally used on locomotive 
 cranes not intended for traveling on rails and having plain 
 wheels or tractor wheels consists of chain belts engaging 
 driving sprockets secured to the crane truck wheels 
 usually the front wheels, which carry the greater portion 
 of the load when the crane is in use. 
 On cranes having the creeper type of trucks the drive 
 consists of some form of endless rack or belt to the outside 
 of which the sections of the sectional tread are secured. 
 This belt is driven by sprockets installed within the sec 
 tional tread and acting directly on the belt; or by a chain 
 acting on the truck axle. 
 The Turntable 
 The turntable or rotating base of the crane superstructure 
 carries the entire rotating portion of the crane, which in 
 cludes the rotating mechanism, the hoisting mechanism and 
 the power plant either steam, gasoline or electricity. It is 
 carried on four or more conical-shaped steel rollers which 
 either are secured to the turntable and travel on a circular 
 path on the upper surface of the large rotating gear ; or 
 the upper face of the rotating gear is recessed and the 
 rollers set in it, the under surface of the turntable resting 
 on the rollers. It should be so constructed as to insure 
 adequate strength to sustain the combined weight of the 
 machine and the load and to have a large factor of safety 
 to guard against excessive stresses due to overloading. It 
 may be built of structural steel and cast steel or cast iron 
 parts; may be of structural steel with concrete filling; or 
 may be a single steel casting. 
 Each of these methods of construction has some advan 
 tages and disadvantages : The use of structural steel parts 
 supplemented and reinforced by cast parts and by concrete 
 allows more freedom in the design of each of the various 
 parts to suit its particular function and, in case of failure 
 of any part it usually may be repaired with little difficulty 
 and at a small cost. A multiplicity of small parts, however, 
 requires the use of a large number of bolts and rivets 
 which may become loosened, causing a disalinement of 
 parts and possibly injury to the rotating mechanism or to 
 the hoisting mechanism. 
 A single large casting greatly reduces the number of 
 parts to be provided for and permits the elimination of a 
 great number of bolts and rivets which would cause trouble 
 should they become loosened. In case of failure of any 
 part of the base, however, the added difficulties of making 
 repairs would be considerable. 
 Rotating Mechanism 
 The rotating mechanism of a locomotive crane is mounted 
 on side frames resting on the turntable. It consists of a 
 series of gears operating a vertical shaft to which is 
 attached the rotating pinion meshing with a large rotating 
 gear either a fixed circular rack or a toothed slip-ring, 
 sometimes as much as 9 ft. in diameter secured to the car 
 frame or simply resting on a machined bed. 
 Rack Rotating Gear 
 The circular rack type of rotating gear is used extensively 
 on locomotive cranes. The common form of construction 
 is a cast-steel gear of large diameter, secured to the bed of 
 the car frame. 
 One form of gear has a machined path for the turntable 
 rollers on its surface. The teeth may be on either the out 
 side or inside of its circumference. 
 Another type of rack rotating gear has a recess in its 
 upper surface in which the rollers are secured instead of 
 being attached to the turntable. A roller path is provided 
 on the under surface of the turntable and the parts are 
 held in alinement by means of an interlocking jib-ring. 
 These gears mesh with the rotating pinion secured to a 
 vertical shaft extending upward through the turntable base 
 and having a bevel gear on its upper end meshing with 
 similar gears on a horizontal drive shaft. The rotating 
 movements are controlled by means of various types of 
 clutches and slipping devices designed to absorb the shocks 
 due to sudden starting or stopping of the crane. 
 Slip-Ring Rotating Gear 
 A slip-ring type of rotating gear is used on many loco 
 motive cranes to absorb the shocks incident to sudden 
 starting or stopping of the rotating structure. This ring 
 may be made of rolled steel or may be a steel casting, 
 resting on a machined seat on the bed casting secured to 
 the car frame. It has gear teeth either on the outside or 
 the inside of the ring which mesh with a pinion on the 
 crane rotating mechanism. It is held concentric with the 
 center pin on the bed casting of the rotating mechanism but 
 is free to turn in either direction. The upper surface of 
 the ring serves as a path for the turntable rollers on which 
 the crane superstructure rotates, the entire weight of the 
 rotating crane being imposed on the ring. The friction 
 thus set up between the under surface of the slip-ring and 
 the bed casting is sufficient to insure efficient action of the 
 rotating gear, but when the force due to sudden rotation 
 or stopping of the crane becomes excessive the ring slips 
 on its seat and this slight movement prevents injury to the 
 crane structure. 
 Boom Slewing Engine 
 A small boom slewing engine is sometimes installed on 
 the turntable and used as an auxiliary to the crane rotating 
 mechanism when the crane is used to handle very heavy 
 loads with a long boom. This materially lessens the strains 
 imposed on the structure when slewing the boom. 
 The Boom 
 The booms of locomotive cranes are made in various 
 lengths ranging upward to 70 ft. or 80 ft. for general serv 
 ice and to 160 ft. or more for special service. Various 
 types of construction are used depending on the capacity 
 required and the radius of action desired. They may con- 
 Single Hoisting Drum 
 Boom Hoisting Drum 
 Double Hoisting Drum 
 Intermediate Shaft, Gear and Clutch 
 Turntable of Locomotive Crane Showing Rotating Mech 
 anism and Hoisting Drums 
 Turntable of Locomotive Crane Showing Hoisting Drums, 
 Rotating Mechanism and Clutch 
 sist of a single piece, or may be made in a telescopic or 
 cantilever form so that they may be lengthened or short 
 ened as desired. 
 Booms designed for light service within a small area 
 may be constructed of wood reinforced with iron fittings 
 and sometimes with boom truss-rods ; may be single I-beams 
 of adequate section; or may be built up of light I-bcams or 
 channels reinforced with plate or lattice cross members. 
 This latter type of boom, when constructed of heavy ma 
 terial, may also be used on cranes of heavy capacities op- 
 crating over a greater area. The most common and most 
 efficient type of boom for heavy service and long radius 
 is of rectangular cross section and is constructed of four 
 corner angles with a lattice type of reinforcement, some 
 times being supplemented by plates at the boom end and 
 at the bottom. Many booms of this type are provided with 
 a removable center section which may be inserted or re 
 moved as the radius of action required for the work may 
 Booms arc made in various shapes to conform to the 
 method of construction or to provide certain clearances 
 and convenience in special service. The smaller sixes of 
 booms, especially those constructed of wood or I-beams, 
 are generally straight. Those of the lattice type of con 
 struction generally have the corner angles formed to a 
 curve so that the cross section at the center is much larger 
 than at the ends, giving a truss type of construction which 
 offers the greatest resistance to collapse under load. Most 
 booms are built on a straight axis but, to provide the 
 clearances desired in some special operations they fre 
 quently have either a curved upper end or a goose-neck, 
 to permit the crane to operate close up to a high structure 
 but at the same time to allow a comparatively wide radius 
 of action without lowering the boom. Other booms have 
 a curved section at the bottom so that a crane may operate 
 close to a car, or a pile of material, or a low structure, 
 but at the same time lower the boom to secure a wide 
 radius of action. The boom end is equipped with one or 
 more sheaves suitable for the lines required to operate the 
 hoisting accessories such as hooks, grapples, slings, buckets, 
 or magnets. 
 Hoisting Mechanism 
 The hoisting mechanism of the locomotive crane consists 
 of the load hoist a form of hoisting winch having one or 
 more drums and the boom hoist. The drums on these 
 hoists generally arc made of cast iron and arc mounted 
 on shafts resting in side frames which usually are integral 
 with the side frames of the rotating mechanism. In some 
 cases these drums arc supplemented by winch-heads or 
 small drums secured to extensions on the various shafts 
 of the rotating or hoisting mechanisms. 
 Load Hoist 
 The load hoist mechanism, on cranes intended only for 
 general hoisting purposes, consists of a train of gears op- 
 crating a single drum on which the hoisting line is wound 
 as the load is raised or lowered. A crane thus equipped 
 can be used with a fall-block having a hook or shackle, 
 for handling material with slings or tongs ; with some 
 forms of buckets requiring only one line ; or they may be 
 used for handling scrap or other metals with an electric 
 lift inn- magnet. 
 A double drum and frequently also an auxiliary drum 
 on an independent shaft is installed on cranes used for 
 automatic bucket operations or for other service requiring 
 two or more lines. The double drum is mounted on a 
 single shaft and is controlled by clutches which permit 
 both drums to be operated simultaneously, or independent 
 of each other. 
 Boom Hoist 
 The common type of boom hoist consists of two small 
 drums secured to a shaft operated by a worm driven gear. 
 The topping-lift lines are wound on these drums and permit 
 the hoisting or lowering of the boom simultaneously with 
 the operation of the load hoisting drums. The boom hoist 
 is controlled by the movement of the worm, but some type 
 of brake usually an automatic brake of the band type is 
 also installed as a safety precaution. 
 The traveling, rotating, and hoisting mechanisms of loco 
 motive cranes arc controlled by various types of clutches 
 acting on the various parts attached to the drive shafts or 
 to the drum shafts. They may be of the metal cone sur 
 face friction type ; the wedge shaped or the flat surface 
 friction type, having friction surfaces of metal or of wood 
 sometimes having inserts of cork set in the contact face ; 
 may be of metal, lined with fabric or leather, or may have 
 metal surfaces sometimes having inserts, composed of 
 material having a high coefficient of friction, set in the 
 contact face ; or they may be of the spring type. These 
 clutches are operated either by cams or toggles controlled 
 by clutch levers within easy reach of the crane operator. 
 In addition, most cranes are provided with means for 
 throwing the driving gears out of mesh so that the opera 
 tion of the entire mechanism may be suspended. 
 Friction brakes are provided, on practically all locomo 
 tive cranes, for the control of the boom hoist, the rotating 
 mechanism, and the travel mechanism. These are generally 
 of the band type though the expansion type is sometimes 
 used and are controlled by means of foot or hand levers 
 easily accessible by the crane operator. 
 In addition to the brakes provided to control the travel 
 mechanism various other types of brakes are provided to 
 control the travel of locomotive cranes, particularly those 
 mounted on trucks traveling on rails. Those cranes used 
 in railroad service which sometimes are coupled to rail 
 road cars and hauled in a train are provided with standard 
 ccuplers and air brakes and the trucks are fitted with brake 
 rigging conforming to M. C. B. standards. Other cranes 
 traveling on rails but never used in a train may be equipped 
 with a brake controlled by the crane operator which may 
 apply brake shoes to the face of the truck wheels or may 
 apply some other form of friction brake to the truck axles 
 or to the truck drive shaft. Cranes of the trackless type 
 are provided with brakes similar to those used on motor 
 Outriggers and Rail Clamps 
 Outriggers of various forms are used on many locomo 
 tive cranes, to supplement the ballast or counterweights 
 and the wedges used between the truck bolsters and the 
 car frame. These devices are particularly necessary on 
 cranes of heavy capacity, in order to impart greater sta 
 bility to the crane structure when the boom is operating 
 on cither s : de or when handling very heavy loads with a 
 long radius of boom. The use of such devices increases 
 the lifting capacity of cranes from 10 per cent to SO per 
 cent, depending on the length of the boom and the distance 
 from the crane center to the bearing point of the outriggers. 
 The outriggers may consist of some form of bracket 
 secured to the side of the car frame by hinges or held in 
 sockets; or they may be formed of I-beams telescoping 
 under the car. When in use they are swung outward and 
 supported on blocking or by screw jacks resting on the 
 In another form of outrigger, known as the stability- 
 wheel type, the crane truck axles are extended and wheels 
 are secured to the ends. These wheels run on an additional 
 rail laid on either side or both sides of the track support 
 ing the crane trucks. 
 Rail clamps generally four in number are used instead 
 of outriggers on cranes of light capacity and sometimes 
 are also used on those of heavy capacity having outriggers. 
 They arc secured to some part of the underframe and 
 clamp over the rail head, thus holding the crane down on 
 the rails. 
 The power plant is installed on the crane turntable on 
 the end opposite to the boom and thus serves also as a 
 counterbalance to the load. The type of power used varies 
 with the service required and the location in which the 
 crane is to be operated. It may consist of a steam boiler 
 and engine ; a gasoline engine ; or electric power. 
 Steam Cranes 
 Steam power is most commonly used and usually consists 
 of a twin-cylinder engine installed on the turntable and 
 supplied with steam by an upright boiler also carried on 
 the turntable. Coal is generally used as fuel but oil has 
 also been used successfully. Both fuel and water are car 
 ried on the crane structure. 
 Steam operated locomotive cranes range in capacities 
 upward to 160 tons and are equipped with booms up to 
 about 170 ft. in length. They may be equipped with a fall- 
 block and hoisting hook and used with a sling, with grab- 
 hooks, tongs, or grapples ; may be equipped for bucket 
 operation ; or may be provided with an electric generator 
 equipment operated by steam from the crane power plant 
 and used to handle an electric lifting magnet. 
 Cranes thus equipped are independent of any outside 
 source of power. They may be used wherever tracks can 
 be provided or where the land is sufficiently stable to 
 permit the trackless types of steam cranes to travel. 
 They may also be provided with a plug-in connection to 
 an electric power line and used for magnet operation with 
 in the limits of the conductor cable. 
 Gasoline Cranes 
 Gasoline engines have, in recent years, come into use on 
 locomotive cranes. They generally are of the four-cylinder 
 type and of a horsepower adequate to the capacity of the 
 crane. The engine and the gasoline storage tank arc car 
 ried on the turntable. This type of crane may be mounted 
 on rails or may be of the trackless type. It is used largely 
 at industrial plants or at power houses or similar opera 
 tion. It may be equipped with a hook for using a sling 
 or any of the various types of grab-hooks or tongs ; may 
 be equipped for bucket operation ; or supplied with electric 
 current and used for magnet operation. Like steam cranes, 
 gasoline operated cranes are independent of an outside 
 source of power and may be used in similar service. They 
 range in capacity upward to about 15 tons. 
 Electric Cranes 
 Electric locomotive cranes generally are used in the 
 yards of industrial plants or railroads : on electric railway- 
 lines ; or other places where an electric power circuit is 
 accessible. The electric motors are mounted on the crane 
 turntable and are supplied with current through a contact 
 with a third rail or an overhead trolley wire ; or through 
 a plug-in connection on an adjacent power line. Elec 
 trically operated locomotive cranes are made in capacities 
 ranging upward to 100 tons and, within the limitations im 
 posed by the source of power, may be used in the same 
 service as either the steam crane or the gasoline crane. 
 They are particularly adapted to magnet operation. 
 In some cases electric cranes of light capacity obtain 
 power from storage batteries carried on the crane. They 
 then have a wider range of action and may be used in 
 any location to which they may travel. 
 Approximate capacities of locomotive cranes with booms 
 of various lengths and used at various radii arc given in 
 the following table. These capacities may be increased 
 from 10 per cent to 40 per cent by using rail-clamps or 
 of Crane, 
 Capacity at Various Radii 
 Without Outriggers 
 L__ J 
 Coal, \Vatcr, 
 15 ft. 
 Ft. In. 
 31 5 
 48 3*/i 
 31 5 
 48 3 /, 
 31 5 
 .48 } /, 
 31 5 
 48 3 /, 
 Wrecking Cranes 
 Wrecking cranes are a form of locomotive crane, very 
 substantial in construction and ranging upward to about 
 160 tons capacity. They are similar in design to general 
 service locomotive cranes but as they are intended for very 
 heavy severe service, the various parts are more strongly 
 built. They are used chiefly in railroad wrecking service 
 but also are adaptable to handling heavy loads such as 
 concrete blocks, stones, or girders, and are used extensively 
 in bridge construction and other heavy service on railroad 
 As they are frequently hauled in railroad trains, they are 
 mounted on car frames similar in construction to those used 
 for standard gage railroad cars, and are carried on trucks 
 similar to those used under railroad cars but having pro 
 vision made for connection to the crane traveling mecha 
 nism. They generally are also provided with standard auto 
 matic couplers and air-brakes. 
 Generally they are self-propelled and are provided with 
 traveling mechanism installed on the underside of the car- 
 frame and operated from the crane turntable. The turn 
 table is rotated by a mechanism similar to that used on 
 general service locomotive cranes, except that in cranes 
 cf very heavy capacities, the rotating gear is very much 
 more substantial in construction and differs somewhat in 
 details of design. 
 The booms usually are a combination of the web-girder 
 and lattice-truss type of construction and seldom are more 
 than 35 ft. to 40 ft. in length. These booms generally are 
 curved near the top but they sometimes are made straight 
 and much longer or are provided with an extension so that, 
 for special work, they may range in length upward to 90 
 ft. or more. The shorter booms are generally used in 
 railroad wrecking service, for which these cranes are pri 
 marily designed. They are equipped with a main hoist 
 block and an auxiliary hoist and for a vertical lift, have 
 Four-wheel Steam Locomotive Crane Handling Logs with 
 Crab Hook and Chain Slings 
 Steam Locomotive Crane Handling Heavy Freight from 
 Car to Lighter for Export. Equipped with Shackle, Chains 
 and Rope Slings 
 Steam Locomotive Crane Handling Bottom-dump Bucket 
 in Concrete Construction Work 
 Steam Locomotive Crane Handling Paving Blocks in 
 Dump Wagon with Fall Block, Hoisting Hook, and Chain 
 Grab Hooks 
 an effective radius ranging from about 15 ft. to 40 ft. The 
 hoist line may, however, be payed out beyond the end of 
 the boom and used to drag an object within lifting range. 
 The various parts of the structure are so arranged as 
 to give maximum stability to the machine, but, in addition, 
 these cranes are provided with outriggers which may be 
 used on either side and on some cranes with others at the 
 ends and with rail clamps as well. 
 Many of the various lifting devices used with other types 
 of hoisting machines may be used on wrecking cranes but 
 generally these cranes are provided with special types of 
 hooks, slings, and other accessories adapted for wrecking 
 They generally are steam operated, the power being ob 
 tained from a steam boiler and engine carried on the 
 rotating structure. In some cases, particularly when a 
 crane is to be used in tunnels or subways, they are equipped 
 for electric operation, taking their power from a third rail ; 
 through a flexible conductor cable and a plug-in connection; 
 through an overhead trolley; or sometimes, from storage 
 batteries carried on the crane. 
 Some wrecking cranes which are used only in connection 
 with a wrecking train or a work train are not self-propelled. 
 Very often this type of crane is not provided with a steam 
 boiler, the crane engine being operated by steam obtained 
 from the train locomotive or from some other outside 
 The following table gives the approximate capacities of a 
 heavy capacity wrecking crane with the boom tackle at 
 various radii, with and without the outriggers in use. 
 These proportions are typical of general capacities of wreck 
 ing cranes. 
 Without Outriggers 
 Main Hoist 
 24 tons at 17-ft. radius 
 11 tons at 27-ft. radius 
 Auxiliary Hoist 
 (Single i>art of rope) 
 17 tons at 23-ft. radius 
 S / 2 tons at 35-ft. radius 
 Either End or Center Outriggers Set 
 Main Hoist 
 85 tons at 17-ft. radius 
 40 tons at 27-ft. radius 
 Auxiliary Hoist 
 (2 parts of rope) 
 41 tons at 27-ft. radius 
 28 tons at 35-ft. radius 
 All Outriggers Set 
 Main Hoist 
 150 tons at 17 /j-ft. radius 
 60 tons at 2"^-ft. radius 
 Auxiliary Hoist 
 (2 parts of rope) 
 45 tons at 35-ft. radius 
 Pile-Driver Cranes 
 The pile-driver embodies many features of locomotive 
 crane construction, in some cases being simply a locomo 
 tive crane with a pile-driver attachment. Cranes of this 
 type are used chiefly in railroad work and are mounted 
 on double-truck cars equipped with automatic couplers and 
 with air-brakes so that they may be hauled in a railroad 
 train. They are designed chiefly for driving piles along 
 a railroad line but may also be used in other locations by 
 providing track on which to travel. 
 The power plant, the machinery, and the operator are 
 located in a house or cab built on one end of the car 
 frame, while the pile-driving apparatus rs mounted on a 
 turntable at the opposite end. The pile-driving apparatus 
 consists of a pile-driver leader which guides the pile and 
 the driving hammer supported by a swiveling frame 
 mounted on a turntable installed on the car. 
 The swiveling frame is built of structural steel and cast 
 parts in a truss form of construction. It rests in a hori 
 zontal position on the turntable center casting, which is 
 held in position by a short pintle. On some machines this 
 frame rests on rollers so that it may be extended or with 
 drawn and is rotated by means of rotating gear similar to 
 that used on locomotive cranes turning on rollers resting 
 in or upon a runway on the upper surface of the turntable 
 ring. It may be rotated so that piles may be driven on 
 cither side of the car, at the turntable end, or at any inter 
 mediate location. The turntable may be of a conical-roller 
 type or of a ball-bearing type. 
 The pile-driver leaders are also built up of structural 
 steel parts and consist of two side members which form 
 a pile and hammer guide. They are secured to a frame 
 which is hinged, at or near the bottom, to the swiveling 
 franif \Vhen not in use the leader frame is lowered so that 
 it rests in a horizontal position i n the top of the swiveling 
 In one design the leader frame is raised by means of a 
 leader raising frame. This device is hinged to the leader 
 frame just above the top of the swiveling frame. It is 
 carried on rollers secured to its lower end and traveling 
 on a roller path on the upper members of the swiveling 
 frame. It is controlled by means of a worm gear and is 
 so arranged that the leaders may be used in a vertical 
 position or piles may he driven with the leaders in an inclined 
 position as may be desired. 
 In another design the leader frame is pivoted at an 
 intermediate point on the lower portion of it to the 
 swiveling frame. It is raised or lowered by means of 
 lines secured to its lower end and running over sheaves 
 at the bottom of the swiveling frame and thence to a drum 
 on the crane mechanism. 
 The hammer hoisting line runs on sheaves installed at 
 the upper end of the leader frame and is operated by 
 means of a drum on the hoisting winch in the machinery 
 These machines are designed to drive piles with either 
 a steam operated hammer or a drop-hammer. The steam 
 hammer is a compact unit resting in the leader frame and 
 it is operated by steam from the power plant on the car. 
 The drop-hammer consists of a round or rectangular weight 
 attached to the hoisting line by means of which it is raised 
 in the leader guides and dropped on the pile cither by re 
 versing the winch drum or by releasing the hammer. 
 These cranes will drive piles -40 ft. or more in length 
 and have a radius of action up to about 30 ft. from the 
 center of the crane turntable. 
 Combination Crane Pile-Drivers 
 The ordinary locomotive crane is sometimes provided 
 with a pile-driver attachment which may be attached to 
 the crane boom itself, or the boom may be removed and 
 the pile-driver attachment installed in its place. A crane 
 thus equipped may be used for general purposes and also 
 for pile-driving. When the amount of such work to be 
 done would not warrant the expense of maintaining a 
 special machine, the pile-driver attachment is a very de 
 sirable feature. 
 One type of pile-driver attachment consists of a lightly 
 constructed hanging leader frame suspended from the outer 
 end of the crane boom and held in a rigid position by a 
 strut near the bottom. The attachment may be easily and 
 quickly installed and, the entire apparatus being carried 
 by the crane turntable, it can be rotated in a complete circle 
 so that piles may be driven at any point within the effective 
 radius of the crane boom. 
 Another type of attachment consists of a horizontal truss 
 and a leader frame constructed and operated in the same 
 way as that used on an ordinary pile-driver. With this 
 type of attachment, the crane boom must be removed and 
 the truss structure secured directly to the rotating crane 
 base. This machine also permits full-circle operation. 
 Wharf Cranes 
 Wharf or cargo cranes are used on wharves for load 
 ing or unloading cargo vessels, sometimes being designed 
 so that they will also handle the cargo on the wharf or 
 inside of the pier shed without the aid of auxiliary ma 
 chines. Many wharf cranes are also adaptable to ship 
 building purposes. Frequently an ordinary locomotive 
 crane or a cantilever gantry crane is used for this serv 
 ice but generally a special crane which combines some fea 
 tures of each of those types, and of overhead traveling 
 cranes, is built. The type of construction varies with the 
 location in which the crane is to be installed and the 
 service required. 
 These cranes may travel on tracks laid on the wharf, 
 or on an elevated runway secured to the side or on the 
 roof of the pier shed, or inside of the shed. In some 
 cases they are of the stationary type. They may be of 
 the portal or the semi-portal type of construction with 
 some form of boom or jib crane generally having a 
 topping-lift and variable radius, but sometimes having a 
 fixed radius boom mounted on it ; may be of the can 
 tilever gantry bridge type of construction and equipped 
 with a crane trolley ; or may consist of some form of ro 
 tating crane mounted on a raised pier, on a tower, or 
 sometimes on a barge or pontoon. They are operated by 
 either steam or electric power. 
 Portal Crane Cantilever-Trolley Type 
 The cantilever portal wharf crane consists of a canti 
 lever bridge mounted on a traveling portal-gantry struc 
 ture and having one or more crane trolleys traversing its 
 entire length. The gantry structure is mounted on trucks 
 traveling on rails laid on the wharf and it generally spans 
 one or more standard gage railroad tracks, also laid on 
 the wharf. Usually the bridge is fixed rigidly to the 
 gantry structure but it may be mounted on a turntable 
 and arranged to rotate. One of the cantilever ends of the 
 bridge projects to the edge of the wharf while the other 
 end projects over other railroad tracks, on or alongside 
 of the wharf; over a storage yard; or may extend over 
 the water at both sides of the wharf. 
 The crane trolley may be equipped with any form of 
 hoisting accessory used on other cranes of the bridge type 
 of construction and may be used for handling cargo either 
 in package form or in loose bulk. This type of crane is 
 also frequently installed on a runway between ships ways 
 and is used in shipbuilding service for erection work or 
 for fitting out purposes. Such cranes are made with a total 
 span of 200 ft. or more and they usually have a lifting 
 capacity of about 10 tons to 15 tons at the ends of the 
 cantilevers and a greater capacity with the hoist at in 
 termediate points. 
 Portal Crane Boom-Jib Type 
 The boom-jib portal crane is another form of wharf 
 crane and consists of a traveling portal-gantry structure 
 sometimes also having a single or a double cantilever 
 with some form of boom-jib or locomotive crane trav 
 ersing the bridge. The gantry spans standard gage rail 
 road tracks and sometimes also a roadway and travels on 
 rails laid on the wharf. To give it greater stability, the 
 locomotive crane generally is made to travel on broad gage 
 tracks laid on the bridge and it usually is provided with 
 an "A" frame topping-lift connection instead of the short 
 mast or pillar used on ordinary locomotive cranes. This 
 crane rotates on a turntable and may be used in the same 
 manner as any other locomotive crane. It may be equipped 
 for general hoisting purposes or for bucket operation and 
 may be used for general cargo handling or for shipbuilding 
 A similar crane of more limited scope consists of the 
 rotating portion of a locomotive crane revolving on a turn 
 table fixed on a traveling gantry bridge or portal tower. 
 This crane operates in the same manner as the traversing 
 crane and, within its radius of action, may be used for 
 the same purposes. 
 A revolving boom-jib crane is sometimes installed on a 
 fixed or stationary portal tower in a location where the 
 boom will serve for cargo handling or for other purposes. 
 The turntable rotating mechanism may be operated from 
 the ground by means of a slewing shaft while the hoist 
 ing apparatus is operated by a power plant installed on 
 the crane turntable ; or the entire apparatus may be 
 operated by the power plant on the turntable. 
 Boom-jib cranes have booms ranging in length up 
 ward to 100 ft. or more and have a lifting capacity up 
 ward to about 150 tons. 
 Semi-Portal Crane Boom-Jib Type 
 The semi-portal wharf crane is especially designed for 
 installation on a pier having a long narrow space or apron 
 alongside of the pier shed. It consists of a single leg gan 
 try structure having some form of rotating hoisting ma 
 chine mounted on the bridge. A machine of this type is 
 installed on a wharf with the single gantry leg resting on 
 a rail laid on the wharf while the opposite end of the 
 bridge is mounted on a single rail runway secured to the 
 side of the pier shed or mounted on the roof. On a very 
 long wharf a series of such cranes is usually installed. The 
 hoisting machine is mounted on a turntable fixed at the 
 outer end of the gantry bridge and has a boom of sufficient 
 length to handle material direct from the hold of a vessel 
 to the door of the pier shed or to load it directly into a 
 railroad car or on a truck standing on the wharf. Cranes 
 of this type are used in the same manner as the full portal 
 types but have a more limited radius of action. They com 
 monly have a capacity upward to about 4 tons to 5 tons 
 at a radius of about 25 ft. to 30 ft. 
 Semi-Portal Crane Inclined Boom Type 
 Another type of semi-wharf crane is constructed in the 
 same manner as the boom-jib type except that the rotating 
 crane is replaced by an inclined boom equipped with a 
 trolley hoist. The boom is supported at the outer end of 
 the gantry structure so that it may travel a limited dis 
 tance inboard or outboard and may be raised, by a topping- 
 lift, to a vertical position to permit the crane to travel 
 along the wharf without interference with a vessel or other 
 obstruction. The crane may traverse the wharf so that the 
 boom may be lowered into a position over the hatch of a 
 vessel and the cargo handled directly from the hold to a 
 car on the wharf or, by extending the inboard end of the 
 inclined boom inside of the pier shed, the cargo may be 
 carried into the shed for storage or may be loaded on trucks 
 for distribution. 
 A modification of this type of wharf crane is adapted for 
 use on a pier having a very narrow space outside of the 
 w\ri . 
 Marimum Wheel Load, Frvnf ZZ.OOOLb. 
 Maximum Wheel Load, ftear 8,000 Lb. 
 Capacity 3,000 Lb. 
 Traveling Wharf Roof Crane with Fixed Boom Equipped with Hoisting Trolley, Installed on Pier Having Narrow Apron 
 Semi-Portal Wharf Crane with Inclined Boom Equipped with Hoisting Trolley for Delivery Inside of Pier Shed 
 s S- 
 - . 2 2 ^ 
 = <- S.i - 
 - <*) 
 3 5-g 
 ? i^t-aiG 
 _h \c t-x oc ^\ 
 ^ X 
 shed. In this case the inclined boom is supported by a 
 single gantry leg traveling on a rail laid along the edge 
 of the wharf and is held in an upright position by wheels 
 bearing against the inside of an overhanging single rail 
 runway secured to the shed. The inclined boom is con 
 trolled by a topping-lift and is equipped with a racking 
 trolley hoist. This machine handles the cargo directly from 
 the hold of a vessel to the inside of the shed where it may be 
 distributed as desired. 
 Cranes of the inclined boom type have no circular move 
 ment. They have a capacity of about 3 tons to 4 tons at 
 the maximum effective reach which ranges upward to about 
 40 ft. outboard or inboard. 
 Racking-Cantilever Crane 
 A wharf crane of the racking-cantilever type has been 
 designed to handle cargo inside of the pier shed as well as 
 to load or unload vessels. This crane consists of an over 
 head traveling bridge, mounted on a runway installed inside 
 of the pier shed and having a racking cantilever which 
 may be extended outward through a doorway or other 
 opening over the wharf or over a vessel at either side. 
 The cantilever may be equipped with a crane trolley which 
 can be used in the same manner as on any overhead travel 
 ing crane ; or a monorail hoist or a telpher may be installed 
 on a monorail secured to the cantilever and operated as an 
 auxiliary to the crane. 
 This type of crane may be used to load cargo into a ves 
 sel either from the pier shed or direct from railroad cars, 
 on tracks on or adjacent to the wharf. The process is re 
 versed for unloading cargo. When the crane is not re 
 quired for loading or unloading purposes, the cantilever 
 is drawn in under the traveling bridge and the apparatus 
 may be used inside of the pier shed for handling material 
 in the same manner as with an ordinary overhead travel 
 ing crane. These cranes usually have a total span of 100 
 ft. to ISO ft. and a capacity of 4 tons to 5 tons at either 
 end of the cantilever. 
 Raised-Pier Crane 
 The raised-pier wharf crane" usually consists of a ro 
 tating hoisting machine, similar to the rotating portion 
 of a locomotive crane, mounted on a structural steel traveling 
 pier or low tower. The form of construction is similar to 
 that used for a portal-tower but the pier structure usually 
 is lower and has no portal to permit a passage underneath 
 the crane. This type of crane may be used for many of 
 the same purposes and in the same manner as an ordinary 
 locomotive crane. 
 For some purposes, such as at a small coaling wharf, 
 the pier is made stationary. The pier structure is then 
 built of structural steel and fixed to a solid foundation ; 
 or the crane turntable may be mounted directly on a pier 
 of concrete. 
 Barge or Pontoon Cranes 
 Barge cranes are sometimes used for handling cargo at 
 wharves or for coaling vessels. Such cranes consist of 
 some form of rotary crane usually similar to the rotating 
 portion of a locomotive crane or a modification of the 
 pintle tower type mounted on a barge or pontoon. Gen 
 erally the boom is of the goose-neck type so that the crane 
 may operate close alongside a vessel with the boom raised 
 to an approximately vertical position but at the same time 
 have a radius of action sufficient to move the material 
 over a considerable area. Sometimes these cranes are also 
 used in shipyards for erection work or for fitting-out pur 
 poses. The booms range in length up to about 90 ft. or 
 100 ft. as on other boom-jib cranes. The capacities range 
 upward to ISO tons or more. 
 Roof Cranes 
 Roof cranes are made with the crane structure in various 
 forms and are mounted on a runway installed on the roof 
 of the pier shed. Cranes of the roof type may be installed 
 on any pier shed having sufficient strength to sustain the 
 load. They are particularly desirable for use on piers hav 
 ing very little or no apron or wharf space to permit the 
 installation of other types of hoisting machines. These 
 cranes may be of the fixed horizontal jib type or of the 
 hinged or folding boom type without rotary motion ; or 
 may be of the boom-jib type having a variable radius and 
 a rotary movement. They are designed solely for cargo 
 handling and may be used to supplement the cargo hand 
 ling gear installed on a vessel or may be used independent 
 ly of it. 
 Trolley Type Hinged Boom 
 One type of roof crane consists of a boom hinged to a 
 traveling frame constructed in a manner similar to that of 
 the bridge of an overhead traveling crane. This traveling 
 frame is built of structural steel and is mounted on a 
 runway installed on the roof of the pier shed. It carries 
 the machinery house and the boom topping-lift frame. The 
 boom is hinged at an intermediate point to the traveling 
 frame and the topping-lift is rigged so that the boom may 
 be raised to a vertical position to permit the crane to 
 travel along the wharf without interference with the pier 
 shed, a vessel alongside of the wharf, or any other ob 
 struction. The boom hinge is located so that when the 
 boom is lowered the outer end of it will project over the 
 edge of the wharf or the hatch of a vessel while the inner 
 end of the boom extends through a doorway to the inside 
 of the shed. A racking trolley hoist similar to that used 
 on many overhead cranes is installed on the boom and 
 traverses practically its entire length. The operator s cab 
 is suspended from the structure so that the operator has a 
 close view of the work. 
 With this type of crane the vessel is placed so that the 
 hatch is in line with a doorway in the pier shed, the boom 
 is then lowered into a horizontal or an inclined position 
 it will operate at any angle up to 45 deg. and the trol 
 ley hoist is lowered directly into the hold. The load is 
 hoisted from the hold and carried along the boom to the 
 inside of the pier shed where it may be deposited directly 
 on a delivery truck, or on some other vehicle for sorting 
 and distribution to storage on the pier. Two of these 
 cranes may be used simultaneously over different hatches 
 of the same vessel for loading or unloading ; or one crane 
 may be used for unloading while the other is loading car 
 go. They have a reach of about 25 ft. outboard and about 
 10 ft. inside of the shed, with a capacity of 1 ton to 2 tons 
 at the maximum reach. 
 Trolley Type Fixed Jib 
 The fixed-jib type of wharf crane is adapted to light 
 cargo handling. It consists of a fixed horizontal top and 
 back braced jib mounted on a frame or carriage which 
 travels on a runway on the shed roof. A racking trolley 
 hoist, operated by power carried on the traveling structure, 
 traverses the jib. This type of crane may be propelled 
 along the shed so that the jib is over the hatch of a ves- 
 1 Pier Shed 
 2 Pier 
 3 Water Level 
 4 Railroad Track 
 5 Traveling Bridge 
 6 Bridge. Runway 
 7 Bridge Drive Motor 
 8 Squaring Shaft 
 9 Bridge Truck- 
 List of Parts. 
 10 Racking Cantilever 
 11 Cantilever Motor 
 12 Monorail 
 13 Trolley 
 14 Motor 
 15 Hoist Hooks 
 16 Operator s Cab 
 17 Enclosed Automatic 
 -x o- -+ u o - 4- % aV- 
 Electric Traveling-Bridge Racking-Cantilever Crane with 4-Ton Capacity Monorail Telpher 
 Stationary Hammerhead Portal Crane Installed in Philadelphia Navy Yard. Capacity 350 Tons at 115 ft. Radius; 50 Tons 
 at 90 ft. Radius. Overall Height, 230 ft. 
 sel and the hoisting apparatus may then he operated in the 
 usual way. The jib has a maximum effective reach of 
 about 40 ft. with a capacity of about l>j tons at that dis 
 tance. As the jib rarely has a clearance of more than 
 about 35 ft. above the wharf, this type of crane can be 
 used only for unloading barges or other vessels having 
 low masts or superstructures. 
 pintle is secured to the portal base structure instead of the 
 cantilever truss, and projects upward inside of a rotating 
 tower or skirt fixed to the cantilever truss. The entire 
 structure revolves on a turntable resting on the portal 
 The forward end of the revolving cantilever crane is 
 lilted with one or more racking trolleys operated by ma 
 chinery which is carried on the extended rear end of the 
 cantilever and is enclosed with the rotating mechanism in 
 a machinery house. The crane counterweight is installed 
 at the rear of the machinery house. The operator s cab is 
 suspended underneath the cantilever truss near the tower 
 so that the operator has a clear view of the work at all 
 Cranes of this type commonly have a radius of action 
 upward to about 1(10 ft. with a capacity of 5 tons to 75 tons 
 at the maximum effective radius of the hoist. They are, 
 however, made with effective radii upward to 190 ft. or 
 more with a capacity of about 50 tons at that radius, and 
 upward to 350 tons capacity at a shorter radius. The 
 towers range in height upward to 200 ft or more. These 
 cranes may be used singly to serve one or two ships ways 
 but usually are installed in groups with the cantilevers 
 overlapping so that an entire shipyard, including the ways 
 and the storage yard, may be served. The following tables 
 illustrate the wide range in the proportions of cranes of 
 the hammerhead type. 
 Rotary Type 
 The rotary type of wharf roof crane is used largely in 
 Hritish practice for cargo handling. It is installed on pier 
 sheris having a ridge roof. In this design a boom or jib 
 is supported by a short pivoted mast mounted on a frame 
 carried on trucks which travel on a runway on the shed 
 roof. One rail of the r inway is laid at the edge of the 
 roof, the other at the ridge The mast is pivoted in a frame 
 resting on the lower truck and supported by a truss ex 
 tending to the upper end of the traveling frame which 
 usually projects beycnd the upper or ridge truck. A por 
 tion of the crane machinery or a counterweight is placed 
 on this extension to give stability to the structure. The 
 boom usually has a fixed radius and is secured to the 
 base of the pivoted mast. The hoist line operates over 
 sheaves at the outer end of the boom and on the mast. 
 The operator s cab is carried on the traveling structure 
 and is located at the edge of the roof so that the operator 
 has a clear view of the work. 
 This type of crane may be used in the same manner as 
 other rotary cranes of fixed radius construction but. be 
 cause of its location, should be used only for comparatively Ft In r^ns" Minute 
 tight work. S!r Sd :::::::::::::::::: 11 I 
 Shipbuilding Cranes % r :: y.; ;::;::::::;::::::: : : 5 ,. s 
 At 50 ft. radius 10 
 Shipbuilding cranes are made in many different designs , 5.000 ib 90 
 and most of them are used in shipyards for both erection Hoisting speed with two-part line. . | 10,000 Ib. .. 
 work and for litting out. Many of them are also used at r X,> load 140 
 dry docks or basins for repair work. As the service in Trolley racking speed. . | ^-ton load ...................... 100 
 which they are used requires high clearance with a wide slewing speed No ! oacl 
 range of action, most cranes designed for shipbuilding pur 
 poses embody some form of tower construction and have 350 TON CAPACITY HAMMERHEAD CRANE 
 the hoisting apparatus on a boom or a cantilever truss of Min. Max. Cap. a( 
 ., .,,_., Rad., Rad., Max. Rad., 
 considerable length. Ft Ft. Tons 
 Cantilever structures of both the hammerhead pintle Karh main hoist 41 115 175 
 .. Both mam hoist, acting as a single unit 41 115 350 
 type and the turntable type mounted on towers ; traveling Two g . part lin( , s on cach hoist }2 . 
 tower boom-jib cranes; and various modifications of the irt line for maximum lift. 
 . . Auxiliary hoist 41 190 50 
 traveling or the stationary gantry, are used. In some ship- Tv . 4. |iart |; nes . 
 j ards the operating conditions permit the use of the over- n oist s , ee(I Minute 
 head traveling crane or the locomotive crane. The latter Main hoists, single or jointly with maximum load 2.5 
 is generally mounted on broad gage tracks and is fitted S^f ^r^h^Sm td" ^ "I ^.^ ^ "o 
 with a boom of the goose-neck type. Shipbuilding cranes Auxiliary hoist with no load 3O.O 
 may be operated by steam or by electric power. Trolley gt j w joimiy ^ maximum , oad J2 Q 
 Main hoists, single or jointly with no load 10O.O 
 Revolving Cantilever Hammerhead Type Auxiliary hoist with maximum load 100.0 
 Auxiliary hoist with no load 1 50.0 
 The hammerhead crane so called because it resembles a Slewing speed = one revolution in. 12 minutes, 
 hammerhead in shape is extensively used for shipbuild- 
 ing purposes. It consists of a rotating cantilever structure Revolving Cantilever- Turntable Type 
 secured to a pintle and mounted on a tower which usually The turntable type of revolving cantilever crane is similar 
 has a portal base and is fixed to a solid foundation but ; n general construction to the hammerhead pintle type. It 
 sometimes is mounted on trucks and travels on rails. The consists of a rotating cantilever truss mounted on a turn- 
 cantilever rests on the top of the tower and is supported table installed at the top of a tower usually a stationary 
 by the pintle. The pintle is constructed in the form of a tower. The forward end of the cantilever is equipped with 
 mast of the lattice truss type. It rests in contact with side a racking trolley which carries the hoisting tackle. The 
 bearings at the top of the tower and extending downward hoisting mechanism and the crane rotating mechanism is 
 is stepped in a lower bearing secured to the inside of the installed on the cantilever truss and is enclosed in a ma- 
 tower, chinery house \vhich generally also serves as the operator s 
 On some hammerhead cranes of very heavy capacity, the cab. The machinery house may be directly over the turn- 
 L __ ^b 
 List of Parts. 
 1 Fixed Portal Pier 
 2 Tower 
 3 Pintle 
 4 Pintle Bearing 
 5 Turntable Ring 
 6 Hammerhead Jib 
 7 Main Hoist Block 
 8 Auxiliary Hoist Block 
 9 Machinery House 
 10 Operator s Cab 
 Electrically Operated Hammerhead Crane for Fitting Out Service in Shipyards. Pintle Type, 75-Ton Capacity 
 1 Ship Ways 
 2 Crane Runuvy 
 3 Crane Gantry 
 List of Parts. 
 4 Gantry Truck 
 5 Cantilever Bridge 
 6 Current Collector 
 7 Trolley 
 8 Hoist Block 
 9 Machinery House 
 Electric Traveling Double-Cantilever 15-Ton Capacity Shipyard Gantry Crane on Elevated Runway 
 1 Water Level 
 2 Wharf 
 3 Railroad Tracks 
 4 Crane Runway 
 5 Portal Gantry 
 6 Gantry Trucks 
 Masting ** .. 
 Tackle 1 7 
 List of Parts. 
 7 Truck Drive Motor 
 8 Truck Drive Shaft 
 9 Squaring Shaft 
 10 Bridge 
 11 Folding Jib 
 12 Jib Truss-Rod 
 13 Jib Hoist 
 14 50-Ton Trolley 
 15 25-Ton Trolley 
 16 Main Hoist Hook 
 17 Maximum Reach 
 18 Operator s Cab 
 Folding-Jib Traveling Gantry Wharf Crane for Shipyard Fitting Out Service. 75-Ton Capacity 
 table with a counterweight on the rear end of the cantilever; 
 or the machinery may be located at the rear end and serve 
 as a counterweight. 
 Cranes of this type are used in shipbuilding service and 
 also in some industrial operations such as handling lumber 
 and logs. They are made with an effective radius up to 
 about 75 ft. to 100 ft. and with towers upward to 100 ft. or 
 more in height. The lifting capacity at the maximum ef 
 fective radius ranges from 5 tons to about IS tons with an in 
 creasingly greater capacity at shorter radii. 
 Folding-Jib Gantry Cranes 
 Folding-jib gantry cranes are used in shipyards cliicfly for 
 fitting out ships but they are also adaptable to other pur 
 poses such as unloading cargo vessels. This type of crane 
 consists of a traveling gantry structure spanning one or 
 more railroad tracks and having a superstructure which 
 supports a folding-jib. The jib is hinged to the gantry 
 structure at the outboard end of the bridge so that it may be 
 raised, by means of a topping-lift, and folded back against 
 the vertical member of the superstructure. This permits 
 the crane to travel along a wharf, with a vessel alongside, 
 without interference. Usually a main trolley and an 
 auxiliary trolley are arranged to travel on both the bridge 
 and the folding jib so that the hoists may be used for prac 
 tically the entire length of the structure. Many cranes of 
 this type are also equipped with a hoisting tackle fixed at 
 the end of the folding jib. The operating mechanism is in 
 stalled on the inboard end of the gantry bridge. The gan 
 try legs or trestles are constructed so that the load may be 
 taken by the trolley hoist from a railroad car or other 
 vehicle on the wharf underneath the bridge and carried be 
 tween the trestle columns outward on the jib and placed 
 on a vessel. The structure is equipped with a driving 
 mechanism similar to that used for propelling other travel 
 ing gantry cranes. 
 Such cranes are made with a combined length of bridge 
 and folding-jib upward to about 150 ft. and with a total 
 capacity of about 75 tons to 100 tons. 
 Boom-Jib Revolving Tower Cranes 
 Revolving tower cranes of the boom-jib type arc used 
 largely in shipyards for fitting out and also are used for 
 general hoisting purposes. This type of crane consists of a 
 rotating boom-jib crane, similar to the rotating portion of a 
 lucomotive crane, mounted on a tower which is carried on 
 a traveling portal base. The portal base spans one or more 
 railroad tracks and is mounted on trucks which travel on 
 rails laid on the wharf. Such cranes are generally operated 
 by steam power generated by a power plant installed on the 
 rotating portion of the crane. The approximate proportions 
 and capacities of some cranes of this type are given in the 
 following table : 
 ,., ... f 6 Tons at 9 Tons at 15 Tons at 25 Tons at 
 y 1 40 Ft. Rad. 40 Ft. Rad. 60 Ft. Rad. 60 Ft. Kad. 
 Height of tower, ft. ... 
 Length of boom, ft. ... 
 Maximum operating ra 
 dius ft 
 45 44 
 70 98 
 70 100 
 Minimum operating ra 
 dius ft 
 20 25 
 Feet Per Minute 
 100 75 
 T ] i) ed 
 125 150 
 Slewing speed, revolu 
 tions, per minute. . . . 
 3 3 
 Various other cranes which combine features of several 
 different types are used in shipbuilding. However, as they 
 are constrircted to meet the requirements of a particular 
 service they will not be treated in this book. 
 Worm Gear. 
 Planetary Gear. 
 Single Spur Gear. 
 1 Hand Chain 
 2 Hand Chain Wheel 
 3 Load Chain 
 4 Upper Load Sheave 
 4a Differential Sheave 
 5 Lower Load Sheave 
 6 M orm Gear 
 Chain Hoists List of Parts. 
 7 It orni 
 8 Ratchet li heel 
 9 Ratchet Pawl 
 10 Internal Gear 
 11 Load Gear 
 12 Spur Gear 
 13 Gear Pinion 
 14 Pinion Case 
 15 Intermediate Gear 
 16 Central Shaft 
 17 Shock Absorber 
 18 Top Hook 
 19 Load Hook 
 Duplex Gyratory Gear. 
 HOISTS ARK U>KII for lifting purposes in practically 
 every modern industry and they have come to be 
 considered as an essential part of shop equipment. 
 Being easily portable they may be moved to various parts 
 of a shop and thus be kept in service for a greater portion 
 of the time. They are made in various types : Chain 
 hoists, steam-hydraulic hoists, pneumatic hoists, and elec 
 tric hoists. The chain hoist which is hand-operated is 
 adaptable to almost any service and is particularly desira 
 ble for use where air, steam, or electric power is not 
 available. Pneumatic hoists are used largely in foundry- 
 work for handling molds or cores, or in other industries 
 for handling fragile materials. Pneumatic hoists of the 
 air-motor type are, however, now coming into use in more 
 general service. The steam-hydraulic hoist, which in some 
 respects is also a pneumatic hoist, is used in practically 
 the same service as the strictly pneumatic types, being 
 especially adapted to foundry 
 service. Electric hoists have 
 become a most widely used 
 equipment and because of 
 their adaptability to all 
 classes of service are prefer 
 able to other types of hoists 
 when electric current is 
 Moists are so designed that 
 they may be installed in a 
 fixed location for use as a 
 separate apparatus but, with 
 the exception of the steam- 
 hydraulic type, they gen 
 erally are equipped either 
 with a top hook or a rigid 
 connection and are suspend 
 ed from a trolley on a jib crane, a monorail system, or 
 some type of traveling device generally an overhead crane. 
 Chain Hoists 
 Chain hoists often called chain blocks are a hand- 
 operated type of hoist used in shops and garages or othei 
 places for lifting heavy parts. They are easily portable and 
 usually are provided with a hook by which the hoist may 
 be suspended from a fixed object or they may be used with 
 a trolley or traveler on a crane or a monorail. When it is 
 to be used only with a traveler, the hoist generally is 
 permanently attached to it. 
 These hoists are made in several types : the spur-geared 
 type variously termed triple-geared, single-geared, mul 
 tiple-geared ; the screw or worm-geared type ; and the 
 differential type. These hoists consist primarily of a load 
 chain, to which the hoisting hook is attached ; a hand chain, 
 by which the power is applied ; and a system of gears or 
 sheaves by which the power is transmitted to the load 
 chain. Hoists of this type generally carry the load on 
 chains hence the name but sometimes a wire cable is 
 used instead of the load chain. 
 Chain hoists of the lighter capacities generally have the 
 hoisting hook suspended from a single chain but on many 
 hoists of this type the hook is suspended on two or more 
 strands of chain attached directly to the hook or passing 
 through a sheave block to which the hook is attached. 
 Chain Hoists: Multiple Spur Gear; Single 
 Spur Gear; Worm or Screw Gear; Differ 
 ential Sheave. 
 Pneumatic Hoists: Cylinder Type (Single Act 
 ing, Air-Balanced, Double Acting, Oil- 
 Governed, Steam-Hydraulic); Air-Motor 
 Type (Oscillating Cylinder, Rotating Cylin 
 der, Reciprocating Square Piston). 
 Electric Hoists: Floor-Operated; Cab Oper 
 ated; Variable Speed; Single Speed. 
 Monorail Hoists; Telphers. 
 I .-ually the hoisting speed is variable only by means of 
 the movement of the power sheave, but on hoists where 
 the load chain passes through a lower sheave, two speed 
 arrangements may be obtained. ( )ne speed is obtained by 
 permitting the chain to run free through the lower sheave, 
 while a faster speed for light loads may be obtained by 
 making the chain fast to the lower sheave so that single 
 action is obtained and the hoist operates in the same man 
 ner as the single speed type. 
 Chain hoists usually have the complete hoisting mechan 
 ism in one compact unit suspended from a single hook but 
 sometimes are provided with an extension shaft to transmit 
 the power to the load chain ; or two hoists twin hoists 
 may be secured to a single shaft and be operated in unison 
 by one hand chain. Hoists arranged in this way are es 
 pecially adapted for use on a crane or a monorail for han 
 dling containers or long objects or for suspending a spreader 
 bar carrying two or more 
 "I hooks or tongs. Many spe 
 cial attachments, such as 
 tongs, clamps, yokes, etc., are 
 substituted for the hoisting 
 hook and the hoist is then 
 used for special service in 
 handling parts of uniform 
 size. Shock absorbers are 
 applied to hoists which are 
 intended for use in handling 
 material for a power ham 
 mer or in other service 
 where there may be con 
 siderable vibration of the 
 load. These devices consist 
 of one or more spiral springs 
 held in a frame or yoke at 
 tached to the hoist block so that the vibration of the load 
 is absorbed by the springs, thus preventing injury to the 
 hoist mechanism. 
 The relative efficiency of chain hoists as commonly rated 
 is as follows : 
 Type of Hoist Per Cent 
 Spur-geared 80 to 90 
 Screw-geared 40 
 Differential 30 
 Spur-Geared Type 
 The spur-geared type of chain hoist is adapted for gen 
 eral service but is particularly useful where a heavy lifting 
 capacity and high speed of operation are desired. It is 
 used largely with some form of crane, or monorail, in 
 machine shops or foundries for handling heavy parts and 
 in warehouses, or in other operations, particularly when 
 the efficiency of other equipment is dependent on the 
 facility with which the materials are handled. These hoists 
 are made with triple gears of both the planetary and the 
 gyratory type; or with single or multiple gears and pinions. 
 Planetary Gear 
 The spur-geared hoist of the planetary gear type is used 
 extensively. It consists of a load chain carrying the hoist- 
 ing hook; a hand chain operating a power wheel or sheave; 
 and a train of planetary gears secured within a gear case 
 or block. Both ends of the load chain are secured to the 
 hoisting hook and the chain passes over a load sheave keyed 
 to a short shaft suspended from the top crosshead of the 
 hoist. The hand or power chain consists of a pendant 
 endless chain passing over a power sheave or hand-wheel 
 turning on the screw hub of a ratchet friction disk secured 
 to the central shaft of the planetary gear and controlling 
 the operation of the central pinion. The central pinion 
 meshes with two intermediate gears held diametrically 
 opposite to each other in a pinion case which is secured to 
 the load sheave. Pinions on the shafts of the two inter 
 mediate gears mesh with an integral gear secured to the 
 gear case and serve as a fulcrum to rotate the planetary 
 gear. When power is applied to either side of the hand 
 chain loop, the central pinion rotates the intermediate gears 
 in opposite directions, causing their pinions to travel around 
 the internal gear and rotate the pinion case. The pinion 
 case being secured to the load sheave, transmits the power 
 to it, causing it to rotate and raise or lower the hoisting 
 hook. A pawl which engages the ratchet disk prevents the 
 load from lowering when the pull on the hoisting side of 
 the hand chain loop is discontinued. 
 To lower the load the opposite side of the chain loop is 
 pulled downward, thus reversing the movement of the 
 power sheave and unscrewing it from the hub of the 
 ratchet disk. This releases the central shaft of the plane 
 tary gear and permits the weight of the load to rotate the 
 gear in the opposite direction. The lowering movement 
 continues until the pull on the lowering side of the hand 
 chain loop ceases, when the revolving of the ratchet disk 
 causes it to again screw into the power sheave. This stops 
 the movement of the gears and holds the load. 
 Hoists of this type are made with a single gear train 
 for capacities upward to 10 tons. Two gear trains, con 
 tained in separate gear cases connected by a yoke and 
 operated by separate hand chains but having a single 
 hoisting hook, are used for capacities from 10 tons upward 
 to 20 tons. The following table gives data on spur-geared 
 hoists of the planetary gear type : 
 Pull Hand Load 
 Required on Chain Lifted 
 Hand Chain Overhauled Hoisting with Pull No. 
 to Lift Ca- to Lift Speed with of 80 Lb. on of 
 Capacity, pacity Load. Load 1 ft., Full Load, Hand Chain, Men 
 Tons Lb. Ft. Ft. Per Min. Lb. Required 
 /! 50 12J4 Id. 500 1 
 V, 62 21 8. 1.000 1 
 1 80 31 4. 2,000 1 
 I A 110 35 4.8 2,300 2 
 2 120 42 3.6 2,600 2 
 3 114 70 2.3 4,000 2 
 4 124 84 1.7 5,000 2 
 110 126 1.3 6,500 2 
 6 130 126 1.1 7,000 2 
 135 168 .8 9,000 2 
 140 210 .6 11,000 2 
 130 126 1.1 13,000 4 
 16 135 168 .8 17,000 4 
 20 140 210 .6 20,000 4 
 Note Figures given for 12, 16, and 20-ton hoists are based on 
 hoists having two hand chains operated in unison, thus permitting 
 double speed. 
 Gyratory Gear 
 In another form of triple-geared hoist a fixed gear train 
 with a floating duplex internal gear which is cut in a 
 two-part yoke, is used instead of the planetary gear and the 
 fixed internal gear. The gear train consists of three spur- 
 gears on short shafts rotating in bearings in the frame of 
 the hoist block. The shafts of the two outer gears have 
 double eccentrics which rotate in bearings in the two-part 
 yoke. The center spur gear is keyed to the power sheave 
 shaft which passes through the hollow shaft of the lift 
 wheel a toothed wheel fixed to the load sheave. This 
 lift wheel has less teeth than the duplex internal gear, and 
 the lower teeth in one side of the two-part yoke mesh with 
 the lower teeth of the lift wheel, while the upper teeth in 
 the other side of the yoke mesh with the upper teeth of 
 the wheel. A downward pull on either side of the hand 
 chain rotates the gear train, causing the eccentrics on the 
 shaft of the two outer gears to impart a gyratory motion 
 to the two-part yoke. The movement of the yoke rolls the 
 lift wheel within the duplex internal gear and revolves the 
 load sheave, thus raising or lowering the hoisting hook. 
 A high capacity hoist of the gyratory type is made with 
 the gear case of block divided into three compartments, 
 the two outside compartments each containing a load sheave 
 mounted on a hollow shaft, and the central compartment a 
 pinion and three spur gears. The pinion is secured to the 
 power sheave shaft \vhich passes through the hollow- shafts 
 of the two load sheaves and drives the three spur gears 
 which are mounted on shafts having eccentric ends. These 
 three eccentrics carry, in each of the outer divisions, a spur 
 gear which meshes with an internal gear secured to the load 
 sheave. The internal gears have a greater number of 
 teeth than the spur gears so that at each revolution of the 
 eccentrics, a gyratory movement is imparted to the spur 
 gears and the load sheaves are rolled over within the in 
 ternal gears, thus raising or lowering the hoisting hook. A 
 multiple disk ratchet brake locks the hoist and holds the load 
 at any point but permits the lowering of the load by a down 
 ward pull on the other side of the pendant hand chain 
 loop which reverses the movement of the power sheave. 
 The hoist has two independent load chains moving over the 
 load sheaves simultaneously. Idler sheaves permit the 
 doubling up of these load chains, so that the load is carried 
 by eight strands of chain. 
 Hoists of the gyratory gear type operate with a minimum 
 of vibration and are especially adapted for handling molds 
 in a foundry or for handling other fragile materials. They 
 range upward to 40 tons in capacity as shown in the table : 
 Capacity < f Lift, 
 Tons Ft. 
 1 / 
 1 .... 1 
 4 . . 1 
 5 1 
 (, 1 
 K 1 
 to Lift 
 Capacity Load, 
 to Lift 
 Load 1 Ft., 
 28 C 
 Multiple Spur-Geared Type 
 One type of multiple spur-geared chain hoist is operated 
 by means of a pinion turning loosely on the main shaft but 
 attached to the hand-chain wheel or power sheave. This 
 pinion drives a spur gear keyed to a second shaft at the 
 end of which is another pinion meshing with an internal 
 gear keyed to the end of the main shaft. The load-chain 
 sheave is also keyed to the main shaft between the side 
 frames of the hoist block. A downward pull on either side 
 of the hand-chain rotates the gear and thus raises or lowers 
 the load. 
 This hoist is controlled by means of an automatic ratchet 
 friction brake. The ratchet turns on the extended hub of 
 the operating pinion and has friction surfaces which are 
 gripped between the hand-chain wheel and the operating 
 pinion by means of a cam which is actuated by the speed 
 of hoist during the lowering movement. In the hoisting 
 movement the ratchet brake wheel is free on the pinion hub 
 and the pawl rides over the ratchet teeth. When the pull on 
 the hand chain ceases, the pawl engages the ratchet teeth, 
 preventing the backward movement of the shaft and thus 
 holding the load suspended until the gear is rotated with 
 sufficient speed to overcome the action of the cam and again 
 releases the friction disks. The capacities of these hoists 
 are given in the table : 
 5,100 y 
 6,000 10 
 8,000 10 
 lO.non 12 
 12,000 12 
 16.000 1- 
 20.000 12 
 25,000 12 
 30,000 12 
 40,000 12 
 Pull on I land 
 Chain to Lift 
 Capacity Load, 
 Note Hoists of 30.000 11). and 40,000 II). capacity are equipped 
 with t\vo chain blocks and two hand chains. 
 Single Spur-Geared Type 
 The single spur-geared chain hoist is adapted for use in 
 machine shops or other service requiring a lifting capacity 
 upward to about 5 tons. This type of hoist has a single 
 spur gear wheel to which the load chain sheave is secured ; 
 a central shaft having a lifting spur or pinion on one end, 
 a quick pitch screw on the other end and a ratchet disk 
 friction brake keyed to it near the center; and a power 
 sheave turning loosely on the central shaft. As the hoist 
 ing side of the hand chain is pulled downward the power 
 sheave screws tightly against the ratchet disk and rotates 
 the lifting spur. This revolves the spur gear wheel and the 
 load chain sheave and thus raises the load. A pawl, which 
 engages the ratchet disk, holds the load suspended at any 
 point until a pull on the lowering side of the hand chain 
 unscrews the power sheave and permits the weight of the 
 load to reverse the movement of the gear. Single spur- 
 geared hoists develop about 90 per cent of the power ap 
 plied to the hand chain but operate at a comparatively slow 
 speed. These hoists range in capacities as given in the table : 
 Pull on Hand 
 Chain to Lift 
 Capacity Load. 
 Hand Chain 
 Overhauled to 
 Lift Load 1 Ft., 
 Ft. Per Min. 
 7 /3 
 . 56 
 3 , 
 2 . 
 2 /, 
 1 xi 
 5 . 
 . 96 
 Screw-Geared Type 
 The screw-geared or \vorm-geared chain hoist sometimes 
 called a duplex hoist is used where heavy loads arc to be 
 handled but speed of lift is not essential. The worm 
 gearing gives great hoisting power but is slow moving and 
 therefore this type of hoist is particularly adapted for use 
 in storehouses, garages, or other places where only occasi 
 onal heavy lifting is required. Screw-geared chain hoists 
 generally are designed to operate at any angle so that they 
 may be used successfully in a horizontal position for haul 
 ing, as well as in a vertical position for hoisting purposes. 
 In the most common type of screw-geared hoists, the 
 hoisting hook is secured to both ends of the load chain, 
 which passes over two load sheaves secured to the extended 
 hubs of a single worm gear. A separate hand chain oper 
 ates the power sheave, on the shaft of which is a worm 
 meshing with the worm gear. A downward pull on 
 either side of the hand chain rotates the power sheave 
 and the worm and transmits the power through the worm 
 gear to the load sheaves thus raising or lowering the load. 
 Another form of screw-geared hoist has a double screw 
 or worm cut right and left hand on the power sheave 
 shaft which operates two worm gears turning on separate 
 shafts set in the hoist frame. One of these worm gears 
 rotates the load sheave which is secured to it, while the 
 other worm gear, rotating in the opposite direction, is 
 geared back to the shaft of the load sheave thus supple 
 menting the direct motion of the load sheave gear. 
 The relative proportions and capacities of the screw- 
 geared chain hoists are given in the following table : 
 4 . . . . 
 .... 12 
 10 . 
 Pull on Hand 
 Hand Chain 
 Chain to Lift, 
 Capacity Load, 
 to Lift Load, 
 1 Ft. 
 Differential Type 
 Differential chain hoists are especially adapted for use 
 in shops, garages, stores, or other places where only oc 
 casional light lifting is required. They may be suspended 
 from a stationary hook secured to seme part of the building 
 or to a separate structure. They may also be used 
 with a trolley on jib cranes, on monorails, or on light 
 capacity overhead cranes, but rarely are used in such 
 service as other types of hoists are preferable where fre 
 quent use is necessary. 
 This type of hoist is simple in construction and consists 
 of a single endless chain operating over a double or dif 
 ferential upper sheave and through a lower sheave. The dif 
 ferential sheave has two chain grooves, one of smaller 
 diameter than the other which causes a greater length of 
 chain to pass over the larger diameter than over the 
 smaller at each revolution of the sheave. The hoist hook 
 is suspended from the pin of the lower sheave and is raised 
 or lowered by pulling downward on either side of the 
 pendant loop of the endless chain. 
 The differential the difference in the diameter of the 
 grooves in the double sheave is small and not sufficient 
 to permit the weight of the load to overcome the friction 
 of the parts. This allows the load to remain suspended 
 at any point when pull on the hand chain ceases. The 
 speed of lift and the length of chain haulage required 
 per foot of lift is proportional to the amount of differential 
 in the upper sheaves. There being four parts of chain 
 Single Acting 
 Oil Governed 
 Horizontal Air Cylinder 
 Hand Operated Traveling Crane ll ith Air Hose Reel 
 Hand Operated Overhead Traveling Crane With Oil Governed Hoist and Air Hose Trolleys 
 Pneumatic Hoists 
 suspended, it requires 4 ft. of chain for each foot of lift. 
 Differential chain hoists range in capacity upward to 
 about 3 tons the approximate proportions being given in the 
 following table : 
 Minimum Height Length of Chain 
 Distance of Endless Overhauled 
 Capacity, Between Hooks, Lift, Chain, to Lift Load, 
 Tons Ins. Ft. Ft. 1 Ft. 
 y, 17 6 22 18 
 stalled and a greater height of lift obtained by reeving 
 two or more parts of the hoisting rope. 
 The capacities of air hoists of any of the cylinder types 
 vary with the diameter of the cylinder, which ranges from 
 about 3 in. to 24 in., and the air pressure, which varies 
 from about 60 Ib. to 100 Ib. per sq. in. of piston surface. 
 They are used largely for handling weights up to about 5 
 tons but are made in capacities ranging upward to about 
 20 tons. The following table gives the approximate relative 
 proportions of this type of hoist : 
 Inside I.iftingCapacities, Approximate Free Air 
 Diam Air Pressures Length Used in One 
 .11 Cylinder, of 60 to 100 Lb,, of Stroke, 4- Ft. Lift, 
 In. Lb. Ft. In. Cu. Ft. 
 165 to 270 . . . 
 y, 21 7 26 24J/j 
 1 26 8 30 29!/? 
 IV, . 32 8i4 33 35!/j 
 2 .. .... 39 9 36 38 
 3 44 9% 38 
 Pneumatic Hoists 
 Pneumatic hoists commonly called air hoists arc usrd 
 extensively in foundries, where certain types of air hoists 
 are especially adapted to handling molds, and also in other 
 places where a compressed air supply is available. They 
 are particularly suitable for use in power plants and some 
 classes of warehouses where the fire hazards render the 
 use of electric equipment undesirable. Air hoists are made 
 in several piston-operated cylinder types and in the air- 
 motor type. They may be installed in a fixed location but 
 generally are used on some form of crane or monorail. In 
 some cases they are adapted to operate a small platform 
 type of elevator. 
 Cylinder Type 
 3 V. 350 to 600 .. . 1.1 to 1.6 
 4 600to 1,050 .. . 1.7 to 2.5 
 5 ... l.OOOto 1,700 .. . 2. 7 to 4.1 
 6 l.SOOto 2,500 .. . 3.8 to 5.8 
 7 2,000to 3,300 5.2 to 8.0 
 8 2, 500 to 4,500 6 6.9 to 11. 
 9 3, 500 to 5.500 6 8.7 to 14. 
 10 4,000to 7,000 6 11. to 17. 
 12 6,000 to 10,000 7 16. to 24. 
 l-i .. 8 000 to 13, 000 8 22. to 33. 
 16 .. 10000 to 18,000 8 28. to 43. 
 18 .... 12,000 to 23,000 8 36. to 55. 
 70 16,000 to 28,000 8 44. tc 68. 
 24 24,000 10 40.000 8 63. to 97. 
 Single-Acting Type 
 The single-acting type of air hoist is used only in a 
 vertical position and for hoisting loads which do not re 
 quire delicate handling. It is used largely in machine shops 
 The cylinder type of air hoist is made in three forms: 
 the single-acting type ; the air-balanced type ; and the 
 double-acting type. These hoists consist of a cylinder and . 
 a piston operated by compressed air and controlled by air 
 valves operated from the floor by pendant cords. They are 
 connected to the compressed air line by a hose so con 
 structed as to withstand the pressures necessary to operate 
 the hoist. When these hoists are used on any form of 
 traveling crane, the flexible air hose is carried on specially 
 designed hose trolleys which may travel on the crane 
 runway or on a separate rail or cable, the hose hanging 
 in loops or tending to straighten in a horizontal position 
 as the machine travels toward or away from the fixed 
 A hose reel is sometimes used instead of the trolley. 
 This device permits the hose to pay out as the crane travels 
 away from the connection to the shop pressure line, but 
 has sufficient torque to reel in the hose when the travel 
 is toward the connection. The air is conducted to the 
 hoist through the hollow shaft of the reel. 
 Only a comparatively short lift may be obtained with an 
 air hoist of the cylinder type as the travel of the piston 
 rod, to which the hoisting hook is attached, is limited by 
 the length of the air cylinder. The most efficient service is 
 obtained when the air cylinder is in a vertical position, but 
 where the headroom is limited the cylinder may be placed 
 in a horizontal position. When used in the latter position, 
 a sheave is placed on the end of the piston rod on hoists 
 having only a short stroke and the hoisting hook is sus 
 pended from a wire rope which passes over the sheave and 
 is made fast to a fixed point on the hoist. As the piston 
 moves outward the rope passes over he sheave and raises 
 the hoisting hook. On hoists having a short stroke 30 in. 
 or less the piston rod is constructed so that it has suffi 
 cient rigidity to sustain the full capacity load but for longer 
 strokes the hoisting rope passes over the sheave at the end 
 of the piston rod and thence over another sheave which is 
 secured to some fixed part of the air cylinder or on the 
 trolley nd supports the load. Multiple sheaves may be in- 
 or in assembly work for lifting heavy parts. The air from 
 the pressure line is admitted through a valve controlled 
 by the operator from the floor to the underside of the piston 
 for the hoisting movement and is exhausted from it for 
 the lowering operation. The upper part of the cylinder is 
 vented at the top to prevent the formation of an air cushion 
 that would otherwise interfere with the free upward move- 
 trie vent to the atmosphere. This relieves the pressure in 
 inent of the piston. To lower the load, the air is exhausted 
 from under the piston either directly to the atmosphere or 
 to the upper chamber of the cylinder and thence through 
 the lower chamber of .the cylinder and allows the weight 
 of the load to lower the piston. Various types of automatic 
 cut-off devices are used so that the movement of the hoist 
 is under control and cannot operate beyond certain pre 
 determined points. 
 Balanced Type 
 The air-balanced type of hoist is used chiefly in foundries 
 for handling molds or cores, or for drawing patterns. It 
 may also be used in other industrial work for handling 
 fragile material which requires a hoist having a delicate 
 control. It is similar in construction to the single-acting 
 type but air pressure is used both above and below the 
 piston, thus balancing the pressure and permitting a very 
 slow movement of the piston and a very accurate control of 
 the hoist. 
 In some hoists of this type the full air pressure is always 
 maintained below the piston. The hoist is raised by ex 
 hausting the air from the upper chamber. To lower the 
 hoist the exhaust valve is closed and the air from the 
 pressure line is admitted to the upper chamber, thus equal 
 izing the pressure, which, because of the greater area of 
 the upper side of the piston due to the area occupied by 
 the piston rod causes the piston to descend and lower the 
 In another method of operation the air pressure is vari 
 able both above and below the piston. To raise the hoist, 
 the air from the pressure line is admitted below the piston 
 and forces it upward against the pressure in the upper 
 ^ 53 
 a, a > 
 u O 
 x g 
 - o 
 BC C 
 .S 2 
 O cs 
 2 - 
 o 5 
 chamber thus raising the load. To lower the hoist the upper 
 chamber is connected to the lower chamber through an air 
 valve, thus equalizing the pressure above and below the 
 piston and allowing the piston to descend by force of its 
 own weight. 
 Double-Acting Type 
 The double-acting type of air hoist operates with equal 
 force in either direction and is used when a hoisting or 
 pulling movement and also a pushing acti.m i^ desired. In 
 this type both the upper and lower chambers of the cylin 
 der are so arranged that air under pressure may be ad 
 mitted to and exhausted from it as in the lower chamber 
 of the single-acting hoist. This permits a movement in 
 either direction at the full capacity of the cylinder. This 
 type of hoist is not used extensively as the single-acting 
 and air-balanced types are less complicated in construction 
 and meet all the requirements lor the usual hoisting pur 
 poses in most simp-. 
 Oil-Governed Type 
 The oil-governed type of air hoist operates in a manner 
 similar to the air-balanced type and is used chiefly in 
 foundries in the same class of service. This type has a 
 hollow piston red and a cyl nder with a double top-head 
 which forms a reservoir and contains a small quantity of 
 oil under pressure by means of which the upward move 
 ment of the piston is governed. The lower chamber of the 
 cylinder is under constant air pressure, which serves to raise 
 the piston in the hoisting movement and acts as a cushion 
 as the piston descends in the lowering movement and thus 
 gives a very delicate control. 
 The hollow piston rod is connected with the oil reservoir 
 by a tube fixed to the lower wall of the reservoir and 
 passing through a stuffing box in the piston head into the 
 hollow piston rod. When the piston is down the oil passes 
 through a check valve and fills the hollow piston rod. As 
 the oil is also under pressure this resists the air pressure 
 in the lower chamber and when, by means of a regulating 
 valve which is controlled by the operator, the oil is allowed 
 to escape from the hollow piston rod to the reservoir, it 
 permits the upward movement of the piston but at the same 
 time governs its speed. 
 The hoist is lowered by admitting air under pressure to 
 the upper chamber ; this overbalances the pressure on the 
 lower side of the piston head causing the piston to descend. 
 A hoist of this type may be operated without using the 
 oil governing feature and it is then controlled in the same 
 manner as other air-balanced hoists. The oil-governed 
 method of control permits the movement of the piston in 
 either direction without the jerkiness sometimes experi 
 enced with air hoists. 
 Steam-Hydraulic Hoist 
 The steam-hydraulic hoist usually is not portable and it 
 is used chiefly on stationary jib cranes. Because of its 
 special control features this type of hoist is particularly 
 adapted to foundry work for setting large cores and for 
 handling molds or ladles of molten metal. The hoist con 
 sists of a pressure tank or cylinder, fixed on a foundation 
 near the base of the crane, and an upper or lifting cylinder 
 suspended from the crane structure. Unlike other hoists of 
 the cylinder type the piston is stationary while the lifting 
 cylinder moves upon it. This type of hoist may be op 
 erated by a combined use of water, air, and steam : hy 
 water, oil and air; by water and air; or by oil and air. 
 A detailed description of the operation of the steam- 
 hydraulic hoist is given in this book in the chapter on 
 cranes under the title of "Steam-Hydraulic Balanced Jib- 
 Air-Motor Hoists 
 Air-motor hoists have been developed to a considerable 
 degree of efficiency and are used to quite an extent in in 
 dustrial plants, particularly in foundries where a hoist hav 
 ing a delicate control is especially desirable. Hoists of 
 this type consist of some form of geared hoisting mecha 
 nism operated by an air driven motor of the piston type. 
 These hoists arc provided with a throttle or control valve 
 and are designed to operate so that an accurate control may 
 be obtained. This feature makes such a hoist especially de 
 sirable not only for handling fragile materials but for other 
 work requiring an easily controlled and quick-acting hoist 
 of moderate capacity. Usually the control valve is placed 
 on the hoist itself but if necessary it may be placed at a 
 remote point on the pressure line so that the hoist may be 
 controlled from an elevated platform or other location from 
 which the operator may have a clear view of the work. It 
 is also quite general practice to provide a limit stop which 
 automatically cuts off the air pressure when the hoist 
 reaches a predetermined point. 
 Air-motor hoists of the smaller sizes up to about 1-ton 
 capacity may be geared with but one speed reduction, 
 which generally is of the worm type. 1 loists of greater 
 capacities, however, generally have two speed reductions, 
 a worm on the motor shaft rotating a worm wheel on the 
 shaft of which is a pinion which meshes with a spur gear 
 keyed to the shaft of the cable drum or the lead chain 
 Oscillating Cylinder Type 
 One form of air motor used with hoists of this type 
 consists of two double cylinders set at right angles to 
 each other and arranged to oscillate on a shaft. Piston 
 valve mechanism is dispensed with as the oscillation of the 
 cylinders alternately opens and closes the cylinder air ports. 
 The motor may be run in either direction, the admission 
 of air from the pressure line being regulated by a control 
 valve of the balanced slide valve type. This valve is 
 equipped with a double end control lever which is operated 
 from the floor by pendant cords or chains. A downward 
 pull on either side of the lever starts the motor and raises 
 or lowers the hoist. The lever automatically assumes a 
 central position and cuts off the air when the pendant con 
 trol cords are released. This type of hoist is made in 
 capacities given in the following table : 
 Heisjht Speed of ( :i. Ft. 
 of Lift 80 Lh. of Free 
 Lift, Pressure Per Min.. Air Consumed 
 Ft. Ft. Per Fort Lift 
 9 27 } 
 2 9 16 4 
 3 11 10 8 
 5 12 7 15 
 10 12 4 
 Rotating Cylinder Type 
 Another type of air motor used on such hoists consists 
 of three cylinders formed in a single casting and arranged 
 radially around a crank shaft. The cylinders rotate about 
 the crank and the air is thus successively admitted to the 
 cylinders or exhausted from them through ports in the 
 crank itself: this eliminates the need of a special valve 
 mechanism. This hoist may be operated in either direction, 
 the air supply being controlled by a self-centerins valve of 
 the reversing type. The valve is operated by pulling on 
 pendant control cords or chains attached to the starting 
 levers, a downward pull on either lever starting the motor 
 1 . 
 and raising or lowering the hoist as may be desired. When 
 the control cords are released the valve automatically cen 
 ters and cuts off the air pressure. The following table 
 gives the capacities of air-motor hoists of this type: 
 Maximum Feet Lift Cu. Ft. 
 Lift, Per Min. 80 Lb. Free Air 
 Ft. Pressure Per Min. 
 1 000 20 32 45 
 2,000 20- 16 45 
 4,000 20 8 45 
 7.000 20 8 80 
 10,000 20 80 
 Reciprocating Square-Piston Type 
 Another type of air motor used on many pneumatic 
 hoists is designed with a double piston, one working inside 
 of the other ; the outer piston is square and the inner one 
 round. These pistons are placed in a rectangular steam 
 chamber the cylinder so that a bearing at the center of the 
 inner piston fits Over the pin of the crank shaft. Both 
 pistons take air and also exhaust it through four ports in 
 the inner piston which alternately communicate with two 
 circular ports in the steam chamber cover. These circu 
 lar ports are connected with the throttle ; thus as the motor 
 operates, two of the ports in the piston are always taking 
 air one for the inner piston and one for the outer while 
 the other two ports exhaust it to the atmosphere. The two 
 pistons are set at right angles to each other, the outer 
 piston having a lateral reciprocating movement while the 
 inner piston has a vertical movement. These movements 
 are timed so that the pistons work in unison and transmit 
 a uniform rotary movement to the crank shaft. This motor 
 is of the reversing type and is designed to be operated by 
 either air or steam. Hoists thus equipped range in ca 
 pacities as shown in the following table : 
 2 . . . . 
 3 .... 
 5 .... 
 7 .. . 
 10 .... 
 Height of Lift. Speed of Lift, 
 Ft. Ft Per Min. 
 ... 8 24 
 ...10 16 
 ...10 14 
 ... 10 10 
 ...10 7 
 ...10 8 
 ...10 8 
 Electric-Motor Hoists 
 Electric-motor hoists have reached a high state of ef 
 ficiency, and because of the ease of control are preferable 
 to other types of hoists where a great amount of hoisting is 
 required and where electric current is available. They are 
 adaptable to practically any class of service and may be 
 used in machine shops for handling heavy parts to and 
 from the finishing machine ; in foundries for handling molds 
 or ladles, or for transporting materials about the shop ; 
 and in warehouses, ice plants, or in other operations where 
 a hoisting machine may be used. These hoists may be 
 suspended from a hook in a fixed location, or they may 
 be installed on a plain trolley or a geared trolley traveling 
 on the jib of a crane or on a monorail and operated either by 
 hand-power or by an electric motor. Some hoists of 
 this type are made for stationary mounting and are used 
 in a permanent location, or are installed on the bridge 
 of a crane or on some other type of hoisting machine. 
 They then may be used to operate a hoisting line or may 
 be used solely to rack a trolley across the crane bridge 
 The hoisting mechanism of an electric hoist consists 
 of a gear train of either the worm-geared or the spur- 
 geared types or, in some cases, a combination of the two 
 types. On some hoists a link-chain belt is used to transmit 
 the power from the motor to the hoisting gear. On the 
 most modern designs the gears arc enclosed in tight cases 
 and rotate in a bath of lubricant. This insures proper lubri 
 cation of the gears and at the same time protects them 
 from dirt or injury. 
 Generally a hoisting cable made of a good grade of 
 steel wire rope is used but crane chain is sometimes used 
 on hoists of this type. The cable winds on a single or a 
 double drum on the main shaft of the hoisting gear, a 
 single strand of cable being used on hoists of light capacity 
 up to about 1 ton ; two strands on hoists having a capacity 
 upward to about 5 tons; and four strands on hoists having 
 a capacity of 7 to 15 tons. 
 The electric motor may be of either the direct current 
 or the alternating current type and may be equipped with 
 either a single-speed or a variable speed controller. The 
 controller may be placed on the hoist itself and be operated 
 from the floor by pendant cords attached directly to the 
 control lever or to outrigger arms (floor control) ; may 
 be placed in a fixed location in some part of the building 
 and connected to the hoist by electric wiring (remote con 
 trol) ; or, when used with a man-riding trolley on a mono 
 rail or a bridge crane, it may be installed in the operator s 
 cab (cab control). 
 The single-speed controller serves only to start, stop, 
 and reverse the motor, the full speed of the motor being 
 obtained when the controller is in the "on" position. This 
 type of control is suitable only for hoists having a com 
 paratively slow speed and which are used entirely in gen 
 eral service where delicate handling of the material is 
 not essential. 
 The variable-speed controller also called foundry-con 
 troller permits the operator to obtain a change in the 
 running speed by moving the controller handle to various 
 speed indicating marks on the controller case. This type 
 of controller automatically centers and cuts off the current 
 when the lever is released and the load may therefore be 
 suspended at any point. This is a desirable feature and 
 makes this type of hoist especially adaptable to foundry 
 service hence the term "foundry control." A limit stop 
 automatically operates the controller, turning off the current 
 and stopping the motor, when the hook reaches a pre 
 determined upper limit of travel, thus preventing the shock 
 which would otherwise occur. 
 Load Brakes 
 A mechanical load brake is generally used on electric 
 hoists in order to give the operator positive control of 
 the load. This form of brake is made in various designs : 
 One type of mechanical load brake is of the screw-and- 
 disk type geared to the intermediate shaft and usually 
 having three friction disks. Lowering the load tends to 
 operate a coarse pitch screw through the gearing, gripping 
 the middle disk which, by means of a roller-pawl, is pre 
 vented from turning during the lowering movement but 
 is free to turn when the load is being raised. The resulting 
 friction arrests the downward movement of the load until 
 the hoist motor is again started and drives the hoist gearing 
 with sufficient speed to overcome the action of the screw. 
 The pitch of the screw is such that the friction and resist 
 ance of the disk is always in excess of the lowering effort of 
 the load. This insures the prompt application of the load 
 brake when the motor stops and prevents accidents in 
 case of a failure of the electric current or the motor. 
 In another design of the flat friction-disk type of load 
 brake the center disk remains stationary both in the lowering 
 Electric Hoist Installed on Overhead Traveling Crane Electric Hoist Installed on Cantilever Monorail, Handling 
 Handling Block Stone with Stone Tongs Loose Material with Turnover Bucket 
 Monorail Hoist Handling Pipe with Rectangular Lifting Monorail Hoist Handling Boxed Material with Tongs 
 Magnets on a Spreader Bar Chain Hoist in Background 
 and the hoisting movement, and no pawl or retaining band> 
 are used. The arrangement of the gears and a cam causes 
 the motor gear to drive the intermediate gearing direct, 
 with the brake released while hoisting, and the intermediate 
 pinion acting on the cam automatically sets the brake 
 when the hoisting movement ceases. When lowering a load 
 the rotation of the motor gear relieves the pressure on the 
 disks sufficiently to allow the load to descend hut absorbs 
 only enough power to prevent excessive acceleration, thus 
 insuring a uniform speed. With this type of load brake, 
 no brake is required on the motor itself. 
 Another type of load brake consists of a series of 
 asbestos-lined wire-woven friction rings running on steel 
 disks. This brake automatically adjusts itself and controls 
 the load in the lowering operations. 
 Motor Brakes 
 Several different types of motor brakes are used. These 
 may be either of the mechanical or the electrically operated 
 types : One type of mechanically operated motor brake con 
 sists of two brake jaws or levers fitted with friction lining 
 and gripping a wheel on the motor armature shaft. It 
 operates in conjunction with the controller, the brake jaws 
 closing automatically when the current is off, and releasing 
 when the controller lever is pulled to the "on" position. 
 A magnetic type of disk brake is used on many motors, 
 in which two disks are keyed to and rotate with the armature 
 shaft. They are interposed between three stationary disks, 
 and when the current is off a spring presses all five disks 
 together and prevents the armature from revolving. When 
 the current is on a magnet pulls the live disks from contact 
 with each other and this allows the two rotating disks to 
 revolve with the armature. 
 An electrically operated shoe brake is used on some hoists. 
 This brake has a pulley-wheel mounted on the armature 
 shaft and this wheel is gripped between pivoted levers 
 which are connected to a solenoid. When the current 
 is off, the weight of the solenoid plunger holds the levers 
 tirmly against the pulley and the resulting friction prevent* 
 the armature from revolving. When the current is on the 
 magnet lifts the plunger, thus releasing the pivoted levers 
 and allowing the pulley -wheel and the armature to revolve 
 On electric hoists of the hook-suspension type or the 
 stationary-mounting type the electric current is conducted 
 to the hoi.st motor by a flexible conductor cable attached 
 to some part of the machine on which the hoist is installed. 
 On hoists suspended from a trolley the current is taken from 
 conductors, on one or both sides of the monorail, by current 
 collectors of the trolley-wheel type, the roller type, the 
 spoon type, the hook type, or the sliding contact-shoe type 
 Electric hoists range in capacity upward to about 20 tons 
 with approximate proportions as given in the following 
 table : 
 Hoisting Speed No. of Maximum 
 in Ft. Per Min. Hoisting Ropes Lift in Ft. 
 40 2 20 
 40 2 20 
 20 2 20 
 20 2 22 
 25 2 22 
 26 2 23 
 27 2 23 
 20 2 23 
 16 2 23 
 14 3 15 
 10 4 11 
 I I). 
 1,000 ... 
 2,000 ... 
 4,000 . . . 
 6,000 . . . 
 8.OOO . . . 
 10.00O . . . 
 15,000 ... 
 JO.OOO . . . 
 ->5 000 . . 
 30.000 . . 
 40,000 . . . 
 500 . . 
 1.000 .. 
 2,000 . . 
 4.00O . . 
 <.. i . 
 8,000 . . , 
 10.000 .. 
 Hoisting Speed No. of Maximum 
 in Ft. Per Min. Hoisting Ropes Lift in Ft. 
 ....25 2 4 14 
 ....28 2%, 14 
 20 2ft 18 
 .... 20 2^ 40 
 13 2A 32 
 10 4)| 20 
 8 4H 20 
 Monorail Hoists and Telphers 
 Monorail hoists and telphers are used in many industrial 
 operations where some method of quickly lifting and trans 
 porting the materials to various parts of the plant is essen 
 tial. The character of the work required of a hoisting and 
 transporting machine in many of the processes of manu 
 facturing precludes the use of the overhead traveling crane 
 and, in cases where comparatively light objects must be 
 moved from one department to another, some form of hoist 
 ing machine traveling en a monorail has been found best 
 adapted to the work. The monorail being suspended from 
 the ceiling or other overhead portion of the building may 
 be installed and used without interfering with operations 
 in the area underneath and therefore is preferable to the 
 industrial platform car, which requires a clear floor space 
 in which to lay the necessary track and which must also 
 be kept open to operate the car. 
 The monorail hoist of the cab-operated type and the mono 
 rail telpher are similar in general design and usage and are 
 often classed as identical machines. There are, however, 
 some distinctive differences in their construction : The cab- 
 i perated monorail hoist consists of an electric hoist to 
 which is attached an operator s cage or cab. Generally a 
 flexible connection is used between the hoist and the cab, 
 but many machines of this type are built on a rigid frame. 
 The cab contains the motor controls and space is provided 
 for the operator so that he may travel with the load. This 
 apparatus usually is suspended from and travels on the 
 lower part of the monorail in the same manner as the ordi- 
 nary floor-controlled electric hoist and is used chiefly in 
 indoor work, although it may be and frequently is used in 
 outdoor service. It is commonly used as a single unit to 
 handle some form of accessory such as bucket, a magnet, 
 or hooks of various types but in some instances it also 
 hauls a trailer. 
 The telpher differs somewhat from the cab-operated mono 
 rail hoist, the hoisting machinery and the operator s cab 
 being built on a rigid frame and suspended from small 
 swiveling trolleys or trucks, usually traveling on a rail laid 
 on top of a supporting structure and taking power from 
 an overhead line through one or more short trolley poles 
 equipped with collector wheels or flat sliding shoes. Gen 
 erally some form of double-hook hoisting apparatus is pro 
 vided and the telpher is operated in the same manner as the 
 ordinary monorail hoist. Some forms of telphers are de 
 signed to travel on a cable instead of the rigid monorail and 
 many of them are equipped for automatic operation at pre 
 determined points, the operator being stationed at a remote 
 fixed point. 
 Monorail Hoists 
 Many electric hoists of the floor-controlled types installed 
 on a monorail and used to handle material over a limited 
 area an area restricted to a comparatively short distance- 
 are frequently referred to as "monorail hoists." This term 
 has, however, by common usage, come to mean more specif 
 ically an electric hoist having attached to it A cage or cab 
 in which the controllers are installed and space.- is provided 
 for the operator so that he may travel with the load. 
 These machines are used chiefly in industrial plants, power 
 plants, or warehouses, but they may be used wherever the 
 necessary trackage can be installed. They may be equipped 
 with the ordinary fall-block and hook or with a plain hook 
 suspended from the hoisting drum and may be used in 
 machine shops and foundries or in any other indoor or out 
 door service where a hoist is required. They may also be 
 equipped with hoisting accessories, such as a magnet for 
 handling metals; with an automatic grab-bucket to handle 
 fuel in power plants or in operations such as handling 
 gravel or sand ; or they may be equipped with any of the 
 various types of grab hooks, clamps, grapples, or slings and 
 be used in practically any class of service where hoisting 
 is necessary. They are particularly adapted to handling 
 some form of container for transporting materials about 
 a shop or in a warehouse. Being suspended on an overhead 
 track the entire floor space underneath may be utilized for 
 other purposes. 
 The complete equipment consists of an electric hoist, 
 generally constructed in substantially the same manner as 
 the floor-controlled types and suspended from the monorail 
 on two pairs of trolley wheels propelled by electric power ; 
 and the operator s cab, also suspended from the monorail, 
 generally on a plain trolley and connected to the hoist 
 frame so that it travels with the hoist. The entire machine 
 travels on the lower flanges of the monorail and has suffi 
 cient flexibility to pass around curves of very short radius. 
 Various forms of switches and turntables are also provided 
 in the trackage system which allow the machine to make 90 
 deg. turns and to travel into any part of a building from 
 room to room, thus making a most efficient means of con 
 veying the raw materials to the machines and for removing 
 the finished products. Power is taken from a line installed 
 on the monorail itself, or on the supporting structure, and 
 is conducted to the motors through a rolling or sliding type 
 of current collector. These machines may be operated on 
 either a direct current or an alternating current. 
 Approximate capacities, speeds, etc., of cab-operated 
 monorail hoists are given in the following table : 
 Hoist Trolley 
 Capac- Spee< 
 ity. Ft. P< 
 Tons Min 
 y, ... 30 
 U No. Speed, 
 r Lift, of Motor Ft. Per 
 Ft. Ropes H. P. Min. 
 28 1 I /, 350 
 30 2 3 350 
 50 2 6 350 
 50 2 9 350 
 21 3 6 350 
 15 4 6 350 
 31 3 12 350 
 23 4 12 350 
 30 2 5 350 
 50 2 5 350 
 50 2 5 350 
 21 3 5 350 
 17 4 5 350 
 31 3 15 350 
 23 4 15 350 
 Min. Ra 
 dius of 
 Motor Curve, 
 H. P. Ft. 
 2 8 
 2 8 
 4 8 
 4 8 
 6 6 
 6 6 
 8 6 
 10 6 
 2 8 
 2 8 
 3 8 
 5 6 
 6.5 6 
 10 6 
 10 6 
 1 . . 20 
 ]!/ 26 
 2 30 
 3 23 
 4 17 
 4J4 33 
 6 25 
 1 40 
 \\ t 30 
 ^ 30 
 3 23 
 4 17 
 414 . . 33 
 6 . 25 
 The telpher is similar in construction to the cab- 
 operated monorail hoist and is used in much the same class 
 of service. Telphers have, however, been adapted to a. 
 more extensive outdoor use and are used to transport ma 
 terials for considerable distances. They may be installed 
 on specially constructed trestles, on bridge structures, or on 
 brackets secured to the side wall of a building. They gen 
 erally travel on a rigidly supported monorail taking power 
 from an overhead wire, but in some cases they are de 
 signed to travel on a suspended traction cable, often taking 
 power through the cable itself. They are made in the 
 man-riding or cab-operated types or may be equipped for 
 automatic control, the operator manipulating the machine 
 from a distance. Some form of automatic bucket or other 
 accessory may be used, or the telpher may be provided 
 \\ ith double hoisting hooks from which may be suspended 
 a small platform car or a rack or other form of container 
 into which the material may be loaded. 
 The facility with which a machine of this type may be 
 manipulated in close quarters as usually is necessary, par 
 ticularly in warehouse work makes the telpher a most effi 
 cient apparatus for handling miscellaneous freight or for 
 handling any class of loose or package freight in constant 
 In many cases the installation of a telpher may entirely 
 supersede the use of manual labor or of trucking material 
 by teams or by other forms of transportation. It is also 
 possible to install the overhead trackage in many otherwise 
 inaccessible places, as over ravines or rivers or rough coun* 
 try where it would be impossible to establish many of the 
 other modes of transport. 
 Cab-Operated Monorail Telphers 
 In the most commonly used type of telpher, the operator 
 travels with the machine and controls its operation from the 
 cab. The complete machine consists of an electric hoisting 
 apparatus and the operator s cab, both being built into a 
 rigid frame and suspended from trolley trucks which travel 
 on a monorail ; and some form of fixed or detachable car 
 or container which may be lowered to the floor, and then 
 tdled and hoisted and transported where desired. 
 The hoisting apparatus may either be similar to the ordi 
 nary type of electrically operated geared hoist or may be 
 designed with one or more hoisting drums similar to those 
 on trolleys used on the overhead bridge type of traveling 
 crane. In some cases where it is necessary to hoist through 
 a considerable height the telpher is designed so that the 
 cab may be raised or lowered with the load, thus giving 
 the operator a close view of the work at all times. This 
 feature is especially desirable where fragile materials are 
 being handled and it also permits the operator to assist 
 in loading if necessary. 
 The trolleys may be of the two-wheel geared type and 
 be used in multiple, or two trolleys of the svviveling-truck 
 type may be used. These trolleys are commonly designed 
 to travel on top of the monorail but in some cases, where 
 the headroom is limited or for other reasons, trolleys similar 
 to those used on monorail hoists are installed and travel on 
 the lower flanges of the rail usually an I-l-eam. The power 
 for the hoisting motor and the trolley traveling motor is 
 taken from an overhead wire through short trolley poles 
 having either the revolving or the sliding type of current 
 Telphers of this type range in capacities upward to about 
 6 or 8 tons and may attain a speed ranging upward to about 
 1500 ft. per min. on straight track. They are frequently 
 used in trains consisting of one or more trailers which are 
 suspended from trolleys and are hauled by the main or 
 driven telpher. 
 Many installations of telphers of this type have been 
 made in coal storage plants ; in warehouse work, particularly 
 where the telpher is required to unload from a car or ves 
 sel and also to distribute the material in the warehouse ; 
 in steel mills for handling fuel or raw materials : or in 
 paper mills or any similar industries for handling either 
 lou.se or package materials. They vary considerably in 
 capacity, depending upon the class of material being han 
 dled and the distance which it must be hoisted and trans- 
 Do rted. 
 In one typical installation the telpher system was de 
 signed to take material contained in bags from an upper 
 floor of a building and convey it across a river to the upper 
 floor of a building on the opposite shore. The monorail 
 is installed on supports consisting chielly of wooden trestles 
 built partly on level ground and in some places along the 
 side of a cliff. The track includes several 90 deg. curves 
 of 20 ft. radius and passes over the roof of an intervening 
 building and thence over the river at an elevation of about 
 SO ft. on a specially constructed steel bridge. A telpher 
 train consisting of the power driven telpher and two trailers 
 having a total capacity of about 4 tons is used. The com 
 plete train has a total length of 30 ft. and attains an aver 
 age speed of 700 ft. per min. This installation with one 
 man performs the same work that formerly required the use 
 of several teams and men. The cost for electric power is 
 comparatively negligible. 
 In another installation the telpher system is used to handle 
 miscellaneous freight on a steamship pier. In this case the 
 track is extended outward over the pier and the vessel by 
 a folding-jib wharf crane. A number of platform cars hav 
 ing a capacity of about 3 tons each are used. The freight is 
 placed on a car and then hoisted and transported to or from 
 a vessel. As one car is being handled by the telpher an 
 other car may be loaded, thus keeping up a continuous 
 movement of material. Similar installations may be made 
 in a series so that a vessel might be unloaded through one 
 port while material is being loaded through another port. By 
 the use of switches and by-passes inside of the warehouse 
 several telphers may be utilized on a single track monorail 
 Many adaptations of the telpher have been made to handle 
 loose materials with an automatic grab bucket. In a typical 
 installation for such service, the telpher is used to deliver 
 coal into a power house and to remove the ashes from the 
 house, thus making it possible to make many round trips 
 carrying a load each way. The bucket lines are manipulated 
 by the drums en the hoisting apparatus in the same way 
 as on other hoisting machines. A telpher of this type has 
 a capacity of upward to 150 tons or more per day depend 
 ing upon the capacity of the bucket and the distance traveled. 
 Cable Telphers 
 The cable telpher is used in certain classes of service 
 where the construction of the rigid monorail is not possible 
 or desirable. This type of telpher is designed to travel on 
 a suspended cable which in many cases also serves as a 
 power line to transmit the current to the telpher motors. 
 A common method of construction consists of a traction 
 cable suspended from trestles or bents, or from brackets se 
 cured to the side wall of a building or other structure. 
 The cable is suspended between the side members of the 
 bents and is supported at midway points by a suspension 
 cable secured to the top of the bent. The bents may be 
 placed 50 ft. or more apart, depending on the weight of the 
 load to be carried. This form of trackage does not re 
 quire that the supports be so closely spaced as the rigid 
 This method of telpherage is particularly desirable where 
 it is necessary to cross a ravine or a body of water or 
 where the placing of trestle supports for a monorail would 
 interfere with the use of the space underneath. The telpher 
 itself is constructed in substantially the same manner as the 
 monorail telpher except that the trolley truck wheels arc- 
 designed to travel on the cable. 
 The cable telpher is suitable for use in light service 
 where the load will not exceed 1500 Ib. to 2000 Ib. and the 
 line of travel is comparatively straight, or the curves are 
 of very long radius. It is employed chiefly in large indus 
 trial plants, particularly where it is necessary to transport 
 material between remote points about the plant. The cable 
 telpher may be equipped with various forms of material 
 handling accessories or may have a small car or container 
 into which the material may be loaded. 
 In a typical installation of the cab-operated cable telpher 
 a platform type of carrier having a capacity of one ton is 
 used. The cable is supported partly by trestlework and 
 partly by a special bracket structure secured to the side of 
 a building. In the operation of this telpher the material 
 is loaded on the carrier and is brought to the telpher line 
 at the door of the building on a truck from which it is 
 hoisted and carried by the telpher into the second story 
 of an adjacent building. A telpher of this type is particu 
 larly useful for handling material which must be trans 
 ported to various parts of a plant in the" process of manu 
 facture. It may also be used to handle raw or finished 
 materials into and out of storage. 
 Automatic Telphers 
 Automatic telphers of both the monorail and the cable 
 types have been adapted to many industries. They are par 
 ticularly suitable for use where such materials as coal, coke, 
 sand or gravel, or various forms of package materials, are 
 handled in constant volume. In this type of telpher the 
 operator is stationed at a remote point and generally con 
 trols only the starting of the telpher, the stopping and un 
 loading operations being controlled by automatic switches 
 and stops installed on the monorail or the cable at the 
 desired discharge point. In some cases, however, the entire 
 operation of the telpher is controlled from the ground or 
 from a fixed platform so located as to give the operator a 
 constant view of the work. 
 The performance of an automatic telpher of the monorail 
 type installed in a coke and gas works is illustrative of 
 the service for which this type of machine is adapted. In 
 this installation, the telpher is equipped with a strongly 
 constructed steel basket having a capacity of about six tons. 
 The coke is pushed from the ovens directly into the basket 
 and is carried by the telpher and lowered into the quench 
 ing tank. After quenching it is hoisted from the tank and 
 conveyed to the coke pile and dumped. This telpher has 
 a hoisting speed of 60 ft. per min. and travels at the rate 
 of 800 ft. per min. The entire operation of the machine is 
 controlled from the ground. 
 A DERRICK WILL i-KKioRM many of the same opera 
 tions as a crane, and, when the service required 
 is within the scope of the machine, it may be 
 used to advantage as a component part of material han 
 dling equipment in construction work, railroad yards, 
 ship yards, coal, lumber, or other storage yards, foun 
 dries, quarries, and in many other similar operations. 
 When installed on a pier or on a barge, a derrick becomes 
 an efficient means of loading or unloading vessels, or it 
 may be used to advantage in dredging operations. As an 
 integral part of ships gear derricks are an important factor 
 in cargo handling. 
 Many derricks of both light and heavy capacity are con 
 structed of wood reinforced by iron and steel fittings. In 
 such construction the timbers should be carefully selected 
 in order to secure straight-grained, well-seasoned, tough 
 wood and the fittings should be of such design and so ap 
 plied as to insure a free 
 movement of the derrick 
 mast and the boom and to 
 permit the easy operation 
 of the tackle and the. ac 
 cessories, such as buckets, 
 slings, or grapples. 
 In steel construction, 
 which, because of its greater 
 durability and the greater 
 accuracy with which its 
 strength may be determined 
 is preferable where a per 
 manent derrick is desired, 
 or when constant neavy 
 service is required, the 
 members should preferably 
 be of the lattice-truss type, so proportioned as to give the 
 required strength against collapse under load and to resist 
 the twisting strain due to slewing the derrick. 
 The general principles of construction followed in all 
 derricks are similar, but there are three distinct types : 
 the guy derrick having the mast supported by guys ; the 
 stiff-leg derrick, having the mast supported by stiff-legs or 
 props ; the tower derrick, having a tower structure, to 
 which the mast is secured, held in an upright position by 
 weights placed at the base and by short braces or guys at 
 the lower part of the tower frame, but without the guys 
 or stiff-legs usually secured to the top of the mast. There 
 are many special designs of derricks but the essential 
 characteristics are modifications or combinations of these 
 three types. 
 The most important considerations in derrick design are : 
 maximum strength and capacity, minimum weight, and 
 convenience in transporting, assembling, and operating. 
 The capacity of a derrick depends on the relative length 
 of the mast and of the boom ; these are determined by the 
 character of the service desired. The shorter the length 
 of the boom with a given height of mast, the greater the 
 capacity. When heavy loads are to be handled within a 
 short radius of action it is desirable to use a short boom 
 and a mast having a height sufficient to cause the topping 
 lift always to act in a horizontal or in an upward direc 
 tion. This condition rarely is obtainable in derricks of 
 the stiff-leg type, the boom usually being longer than the 
 mast. However, due consideration should be given to 
 Stationary Derricks: Guy; Stiff-Leg; Sheer- 
 Legs; Tower. 
 Portable and Traveling Derricks: Barge; Car; 
 Stiff-Leg; Skid; Jinniwink; Pile Driver; 
 Light Capacity Derricks: Pole, Gin Pole; 
 Breast; Tripod; Sulky; A-Frame. 
 Derrick Details: Fittings; Slewing Apparatus. 
 Cargo Handling Gear. 
 any other service in which the same machine may be used 
 so that the range of work handled may be as wide as 
 possible. When it is desired to handle material over a 
 large area the length of the boom should be as long as is 
 consistent with the structural strength and the efficient 
 operation of the tackle. 
 Many derricks are fitted with a ball-bearing foot block 
 so that they may easily be swung by hand ; this serves 
 admirably for certain classes of work. However, the effi 
 ciency of a derrick used constantly, or for heavy work, 
 will be greatly increased if it is equipped with a self- 
 slewing gear or with a bull-wheel. These devices are 
 practically essential in heavy work in order to avoid 
 undue strains to the derrick structure and to facilitate 
 The method of applying the power required to operate 
 a derrick depends on the character and volume of the 
 work to be done. The 
 lighter capacity machines, 
 especially when used only at 
 infrequent intervals, are 
 equipped with a hand-power 
 winch. Winches used on 
 derricks of heavy capacity or 
 in constant or frequent serv 
 ice generally are operated by 
 steam, gasoline, or electric 
 power ; sometimes by a 
 horse or a mule. 
 Guy Derricks 
 There are various forms 
 of guy derricks, the simplest 
 type being a plain mast and boom with a hand-power winch 
 attached to the mast for raising and lowering the fall block, 
 the boom being controlled by a topping-lift hauled by hand and 
 secured to a cleat on the mast. Other forms of guy der 
 ricks are designed frr half hand and half power operation, 
 or for full power operation by steam or electricity. The 
 heavier capacities are equipped with self-slewing gear or 
 with a bull-wheel. 
 Guy derricks are used with a fall block and a hook or 
 a sling for general hoisting purposes or they may be 
 equipped to handle an automatic bucket and in some cases 
 are used to handle an electric magnet. They are used in 
 quarries, lumber yards, shipyards, etc., in construction work 
 for general hoisting purposes, or, when operated by a suit 
 able hoisting apparatus, are used for bucket work in 
 handling loose iraterials such as coal, sand, gravel or 
 similar materials. 
 For heavy work the guy derrick is a most common type. 
 The guys are secured to a building or to any fixed object 
 in the vicinity of the derrick. The outer ends of the guys 
 should be secured at the highest available point below the 
 top of the mast, but, if possible with the guy lines above 
 the top of the boom when at its highest working point so 
 that the derrick may be free to swing in a full circle with 
 out unnecessary lowering of the boom. When this condi 
 tion is obtainable the derrick is termed a full-circle guy 
 In locations where it is not possible to secure a guy line 
 at a height or a distance from the derrick that will permit 
 full circle operation, and to avoid obstructing the passage 
 about the derrick, a deadman or strut is sometimes used 
 under the guys. This permits the use of shorter guys, re 
 quires less yardroom and eliminates the necessity of con 
 tinually lowering the boom to clear the guys when it is 
 necessary to slew the derrick. 
 The number and size of the guys has a direct effect on 
 the strength and capacity of a derrick ; they should range 
 from five Yt, in. lines for light capacities to ten 1J4 >> or, 
 larger, lines for heavy work. For average service, on 
 level ground, the length of the guys should not be less 
 than three times the height of the mast. 
 Guys, particularly for derricks of heavy capacity and for 
 installations extending over a long period, or for a per 
 manent derrick, should be of steel or iron wire rope, gal 
 vanized to protect it from rust. A good quality of manila 
 rope may be used on small derricks that are moved fre 
 The construction and strength of guy ropes is treated in 
 the chapter on wire rope. 
 Wooden Guy Derricks 
 The capacities of guy derricks constructed of wood, 
 reinforced with iron and steel fittings, range upward to 40 
 tons, and of steel contruction to 100 tons, or more. The 
 following table gives recommended lengths for masts and 
 booms for wooden derricks. 
 f ! x 
 Length, Ft. Section, In. 
 25 6x6 
 34 8x8 
 40 10x10 
 45 12x12 
 50 14x14 
 55 16x16 
 55 18x18 
 55 20x20 
 Steel Guy Derricks 
 The proportions of the members of steel derricks are so 
 varied in order to meet specific requirements that there arc 
 no strictly defined sizes. They range in capacity upward 
 to 100 tons or more. Steel derricks built for unusual ser 
 vice conditions sometimes have a length of boom as great 
 as 125 ft., but for the average service the proportions of 
 mast and boom given in the following table are used. 
 varied to suit the service required, but the commonly used 
 proportions arc that the length of the boom shall be one 
 and one-half to two times the height of the mast, which 
 ranges upward to 50 or 60 ft. 
 It is not practicable to have extremely high masts on 
 stiff-leg derricks, nor for general service should the length 
 of the boom be much more than one and one-half times the 
 height of the mast. The proportions given in the tables 
 have been established by operating experience and are rec 
 ommended for the average service. 
 Ft. Section, In. 
 . . 42 
 ... 55 
 ) < 
 . 70 
 40. .. 
 O9 X O2 
 Length, Ft. ! 
 Length, Ft. Section 
 40 Latti 
 50 Latti 
 60 Latti 
 70 Latti 
 80 Latti 
 90 Latti 
 100 Latti 
 5 to 50 
 70 1 
 5 to 50 
 $ in SO 
 5 to 50 
 5 to 50... 
 1 . 
 i - th, 
 .... 16 
 Ft. Section, In. 
 7 "> 
 . 26 
 ... 30 
 1 i 
 .... 36 
 Length. Ft. 
 > i lion. In. 
 Stiff-Leg Derrick 
 The stiff-leg derrick is similar to the guy derrick except 
 that the mast is supported by stiff-legs, or props, anchored 
 securely at the bottom by bolting to a concrete anchor block 
 or to any firmly secured point on the floor or in the ground. 
 The circular range of this type of derrick is restricted by 
 the location of the stiff-legs and for this reason the stiff- 
 legs sometimes are supported by A-frames, at a height 
 sufficient to allow the boom to clear the legs, thus per 
 mitting it to swing through a complete circle. It is then 
 called a full-circle stiff-leg derrick. In the light capacity 
 derricks, the stiff-legs are bolted to sills, or lie-legs, instead 
 of to isolated anchorages. 
 As with guy derricks, the relative proportions of steel 
 masts and booms for derricks of the stiff-leg type may be 
 Derricks of this kind are used for the same class of 
 work as the guy derrick and may be equipped in the same 
 way with self-slewing gear or with a bull-wheel. They are 
 used where the surroundings will not permit the use of 
 guys or where a permanent derrick is required, as on 
 freight platforms, in railroad yards, on wharfs, at indus 
 trial plants, or for extensive construction work. 
 Stiff-leg derricks sometimes are mounted on towers so 
 that the boom will clear the side of a vessel and are used 
 on fitting-out docks to place machinery and boilers in ships. 
 Such derricks usually are fitted with a several part main 
 fall-block for heavy loads and an auxiliary fall for handling 
 and setting winches, capstans and other light pieces. They 
 also are mounted on cars, on barges, on road wheels, or 
 on skids and are used with a hook and tackle for general 
 hoisting purposes or may be equipped for bucket operation 
 and be used for handling coal or sand ; in general excava 
 tion work ; or for dredging. When erected on a rigid 
 foundation, derricks of the stiff-leg type have a capacity 
 up to 40 tons for wooden construction and to 150 tons for 
 steel construction. 
 A wooden derrick having the stiff-legs secured to lie-legs, 
 and equipped with a single hoisting line, operated by a hand- 
 power winch secured to the mast and slewed by hand, is 
 useful in light service. Such a machine is adapted to use 
 in construction work or for the yards of industrial plants 
 where only comparatively light loads are handled and speed 
 of operation is not required. It can easily be moved from 
 one location to another. 
 A group of wooden stiff-leg derricks may be installed on 
 the partly erected inner walls of a building and used to 
 handle the heavy blocks of stone for the outer walls. These 
 derricks are usually of light construction and have trussed 
 booms in order to cover a wide area without excessive 
 weight of parts. They can also be used to place heavy 
 beams and girders as the building progresses. 
 Tower Derrick 
 A tower derrick has special advantages in the erection 
 of large buildings or in locations where it is impossible or 
 not desirable to use either the guy or the stiff-leg derrick. 
 The tower may be built of any desired height and placed 
 at any point near the building under construction. The 
 derrick timbers and fittings may be secured to any of the 
 corners of the tower and, if needed, two derricks may be 
 applied to one tower at diagonal corners. As the building 
 progresses, the height of the tower may be increased and 
 the derrick moved upward by changing the location of the 
 brackets supporting the mast and the boom. 
 Tower derricks are useful not only in handling building 
 material in construction work but may be utilized for many 
 of the same purposes for which the guy or the stiff-leg 
 derricks are used. 
 The capacities of these derricks, as in the two other types 
 already described, are in proportion to the relative lengths 
 of the mast and boom. Having the same proportions of 
 members the capacity is approximately the same as for a 
 similar size in either of the other types. On some towers 
 the derrick mast is omitted and a beam placed diagonally 
 across the tower to serve as a support for the boom scat. 
 The topping lift and the hoist line are secured to an upper 
 post bracket. This construction is thoroughly efficient for 
 light service and the location of the derricks on the tower 
 structure can be changed quickly. 
 Portable and Traveling Derricks 
 It frequently is desirable to have a derrick so arranged 
 that it may be transported easily without the necessity of 
 dismantling it. To meet such conditions derricks are 
 erected on skids or on barges, on trucks having wheels 
 which may run on standard gage railroad tracks or which 
 may require a specially laid track, or the trucks may have 
 wheels with a plain tread which run on the ground or on 
 the floors of warehouses and shops. 
 Floating or Barge Derrick 
 The floating or barge derrick is a development due to 
 the need of a derrick of sufficient capacity for heavy work, 
 yet easily transportable, for use alongside wharves and for 
 shipping on the water front or for dredging purposes. A 
 derrick of this type is used for general hoisting purposes 
 in handling freight when loading or unloading vessels ; for 
 bucket work in handling loose materials such as coal, sand 
 and gravel ; and for digging or for grapple work in dredg 
 ing operations. 
 When constructed for dredging work in streams or other 
 open waters the barge usually is built of a size sufficient 
 to provide storage space for a considerable amount of the 
 material excavated. If, however, the derrick is required 
 chiefly for use in excavating a channel or a canal through 
 marshy land the barge is designed only to carry the der 
 rick and the hoisting machinery, the material excavated 
 being discharged from the bucket at either side of the barge. 
 The barge derrick generally is either of the stiff-leg or the 
 A-frame type of construction and ranges in capacities up 
 to 100 tons for the average service. Floating or pontoon 
 derricks have, however, been constructed of much greater 
 capacities for special service in marine work. 
 The relative capacity of such derricks when used in hoist 
 ing service and for bucket operation is as follows : 
 Nominal capacity (tnn:O 
 Size of bucket (cu. yds.) ?4 
 T.cngth of mast ........ 22 (t. 
 Length of )oom ....... 34ft. 
 33 ft. 
 50 ft. 
 36 ft. 
 Those of the lighter capacities generally are equipped 
 with a bull-wheel, but in the heavier capacities the derrick 
 usually is rotated by means of side tackle attached to the 
 boom and operated by a two-drum winch acting inde 
 pendently of the main hoisting apparatus. The tendency of 
 a barge to list when a load is suspended from the boom 
 end at either side of the barge greatly increases the strain 
 on the derrick structure and for this reason the capacity 
 of a barge derrick is less than for a similar size ot the 
 stiff-lei* type mounted on a rigid base. 
 A type of barge generally known as a lighter and used 
 in transferring the cargo from the ship to the wharf, or 
 vice-versa, sometimes is equipped with a derrick. Lighters 
 ordinarily are towed but often are provided with means 
 of self-propulsion. 
 Traveling-Car Derrick 
 The traveling-car derrick is mounted on a standard gage 
 platform car which is provided with means of self-propul 
 siongenerally steam or electric power. The derrick 
 structure is similar to the stiff-leg type except that the 
 mast usually is given additional support by an A-frame or 
 sheer legs. Sometimes the mast is dispensed with and the 
 upper sheaves are installed at the peak of the A-frams. 
 Tie rods may be substituted for the stiff-legs and provision 
 made to lower the frame and the boom so that the car 
 will pass through tunnels or over any part of a railroad 
 line. These derricks are used in the construction of rail 
 road bridges, or in similar work, but may serve for many 
 of the same uses as the locomotive crane. Being of much 
 lighter and more simple construction they are not so costly 
 as locomotive cranes and where the service required is not 
 extremely heavy nor frequent a car derrick is an economical 
 piece of equipment. They seldom are made in capacities 
 greater than 25 tons, being especially adapted to compara 
 tively light construction work. They also are used for 
 bucket work in handling coal or other loose material as 
 well as for hoisting purposes. 
 Traveling Stiff-Leg Derrick 
 A similar machine called a traveling stiff-leg derrick 
 usually is mounted on trucks having double flanged wheels 
 and running on a special track. One truck is directly under 
 the mast and the stiff-legs are supported by outriggers 
 resting on two-wheel trucks. These outrigger trucks carry 
 a bin which may be filled with earth, stone, or any other 
 heavy material to give stability to the derrick. Such der 
 ricks are used with a fall-block in construction work, or 
 for general hoisting purposes in railroad or industrial 
 works, or may be equipped for bucket operation to handle 
 coal, ashes, sand, gravel or any similar material. They are 
 commonly made in capacities ranging from 3 tons to 10 
 Generally both the car derrick and the traveling stiff-leg 
 derrick are equipped with either the self-slowing gear or 
 with a bull-wheel. 
 Pile Driver Derrick 
 A machine known as a pile driver derrick is used for 
 driving piles along the water s edge, or in embankment 
 work in loose earth or in marshy land. This derrick is 
 used mostly in marine work and generally is mounted on 
 a float or barge. The pile leader is formed of two parallel 
 perpendicular timbers which also form a guide or runway 
 for the pile-driver hammer. The leaders are supported by 
 a vertical truss or tower structure. 
 The pile to be driven is placed in the leader and, by 
 means of a hoisting apparatus operating over sheaves in 
 the top of the structure, a heavy rectangular metal ham 
 mer is raised to the top of the tower and then released 
 and. being guided by the leader frame, drops on the top of 
 the pile, driving it into the ground or the river bed. 
 A derrick of this kind with the hoisting winch and engine 
 sometimes is erected on a platform and mounted on rollers 
 placed on a rollway of wood or metal, or it may be 
 mounted on a car placed on a track. 
 Pile drivers of this type rarely are self-propelled and 
 for certain classes of work, particularly railroad work, 
 locomotive pile drivers are used. Such machines are de- 
 Top Point 
 Gin Pole 
 Light Capacity Derricks 
 scribed in this book in the chapter treating locomotive 
 Jinniwink Derrick 
 The jinniwink derrick is a light portable derrick exten 
 sively used in steel erection and other work where an 
 easily moved and erected derrick is desired. These der 
 ricks seldom are made in capacities greater than 3 to 
 6 tons. The boom usually is about 30 ft. long and is 
 secured to the base of an A-frame which has a height ap 
 proximately one-half the boom length. In the lighter 
 capacity derricks the main fall line, running over a sheave 
 in the boom end, is operated by a hand-power winch 
 attached to the boom. The boom is raised or lowered by 
 hand, the topping lift being reeved through blocks secured 
 to the top of the A-frame and the boom end and the line 
 made fast to a cleat on the A-frame. 
 The heavier capacity machines usually are equipped with 
 IIHWIT operated hoisting winches. 
 Skid Derrick 
 The skid derrick is a light capacity portable derrick of 
 the stiff-leg or the A-frame type, mounted with the hoist 
 ing winch and engine on a platform resting on wooden or 
 metal runners or skids. It can be drawn on the skids to 
 any desired location and if, in addition to the stability 
 imparted by the weight of the machine itself, it is clamped 
 or bolted to a firm foundation its capacity is practically 
 the same as that of a similar size of fixed derrick. The 
 capacity of such a derrick is limited by the gross weight 
 of the machine so that it may be easily portable, and it 
 therefore is seldom made in capacities greater than 8 to 
 10 tons. The full working capacity of these derricks is 
 obtained when the boom is working directly forward but, 
 by securing side guys to the structure after it is placed 
 in the desired position, approximately the full capacity of 
 the derrick may be obtained when working to either side. 
 The average capacities of skid derricks of this type are 
 given in the table : 
 Cap. Radius 
 with Full 
 Cap. Boom at Load at 
 With Side Side 
 Boom With- With- 1-eiiRth Size Size total 
 For- out out of of of Weisht 
 ward Guys, Guys, Ileislit, lloom, Frame, Mart, of. 
 Tons Tdr.s Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. In. Lb. 
 3V, 1J4 10 15 20 9x25 10x10 14.000 
 J 2 15 22 30 9x25 10x10 19,000 
 5 2V, 15 22 30 9x25 10x10 22,000 
 8 3 15 22 30 9x30 12x12 27,000 
 It is desirable that such derricks be fitted with a bull- 
 wheel but in the lighter capacities this may be dispensed 
 with. When it is not necessary to change the inclination 
 of the boom, except occasionally, it may be done by hand 
 power and in such cases a single-drum winch will serve 
 for hoisting the load. 
 Counterweight Derrick 
 The counterweight derrick is a small derrick used around 
 foundries or in industrial yards for handling heavy cast 
 ings, iron or pipe, timber or stone. They also are used in 
 building operations where, due to the compactness of the 
 entire machine and the fact that no guys are required, they 
 can be placed in any location desired as the building pro 
 gresses. Generally the boom is pivoted at an intermediate 
 point sometimes at the top on the derrick mast, which 
 is fixed to the base and docs not rotate. The hoisting 
 apparatus, and if necessary additional weight, is placed at 
 one end of the boom to act as a counterweight to the load. 
 For excavation work the derrick may be equipped with a 
 double-drum winch and a small grab bucket usually an 
 orange-peel bucket and be used for digging wells, sinking 
 pipe, cleaning out catch-basins or similar work. They 
 usually are operated by hand, but the heavier capacities 
 often are equipped with electric power. 
 Derricks of this type may be mounted on trucks and be 
 used in shops or yards where a light capacity portable 
 drrrick is desired. 
 Light Capacity Derricks 
 For a very light service and where it is desired to erect 
 or to remove a derrick quickly, there are various small 
 types which are used by builders and contractors for lifting 
 stone, lowering pipe into trenches or for any light work 
 in which only a direct vertical movement is required. These 
 include the pole or gin pole derrick; breast derrick; tripod 
 derrick ; simple A-frame derrick ; and sulky derrick. In 
 all of these derricks, either the guyed mast or the hinged 
 boom used in derricks of heavier capacities is dispensed 
 Pole Derrick 
 The pole derrick is the simplest form of derrick for 
 light work. The single pole or mast is secured to a cross 
 bar base and is held in a slightly inclined position by guys 
 which may be attached to any convenient fixed objects. 
 The hoisting rope passes over a sheave in the top of the 
 mast and thence to a hand-power winch at the base of the 
 pole. Usually the base is provided with rollers so that the 
 derrick may be moved easily. This derrick can only be 
 used for handling comparatively small and light weight 
 objects and usually where only a straight vertical lift is 
 required. A limited horizontal movement may be obtained 
 by securing the base of the pole against slipping and slack 
 ing off the guys. 
 Gin Pole Derrick 
 The gin pole is a type of pole derrick having a somewhat 
 wider scope and it may be used to advantage in erection 
 work and other operations. The pole rests in a socket base 
 and may be inclined in any direction by the adjustment of 
 the guys. This type is made in much greater heights than 
 the ordinary pole derrick and will handle considerably 
 larger and heavier objects. The shorter lengths and light 
 capacities are made with a single wooden pole with iron 
 or steel fittings, but those of greater height and heavier 
 capacity generally are made in the lattice type of steel con 
 struction used in steel boom derricks. 
 Breast Derrick 
 The breast derrick is a type similar to the pole derrick 
 but having two poles spaced apart and inclined toward each 
 other at the top. The poles are secured to cross-bars and, 
 like the pole derrick, are held in the desired position by 
 guys. Sometimes the poles are brought to a point at the 
 top and the derrick is then called a top-point breast der 
 rick. The hoisting line passes through a block on the top 
 cross-bar, or at the apex when the top bar is omitted, and 
 thence to a hand-power winch secured between the poles 
 near the base of the derrick. The breast type is used in 
 the same way as the pole derrick but, having greater sta 
 bility, can be used for heavier work. 
 Tripod Derrick 
 The tripod derrick is used in the same class of work as 
 the pole or the breast types but requires no guys and 
 therefore may be more quickly erected. Its construction 
 is simple, consisting of a pole supported in an inclined 
 position by two legs or props. It is used for laying sewer 
 Cast Steel Stiff-Leg Derrick Mast Top 
 with Wrought Iron Timber Straps and 
 Chain Topping-Lift Connection 
 Cast Steel Guy Derrick Mast Top 
 with Wrought Iron Strap Timber and 
 Topping Lift Connections 
 Structural Steel Guy Derrick Mast 
 Top with Single-Sheave Rooster for 
 Three-Line Work 
 Structural Steel A-Frame Top with Chain Topping-Lift 
 Structural Steel A-Frame Top with Single-Sheave Rooster 
 and Chain Topping-Lift Connection 
 Cast Steel Mast Base and Step with Cast 
 Steel Boom Heel and Sheave 
 Two-Piece Cast Steel Base with 
 Steel Plate Mast Connection 
 Cast Steel Mast Bottom 
 Double Step 
 pipe, setting monuments, digging trenches and work of a 
 similar character. 
 This derrick has a small winch on the pole and is oper 
 ated by hand. The height of such derricks ranges from 
 12 ft. to 14 ft. and in capacities upward to 2 tons. 
 Sulky Derrick 
 A light capacity derrick known as the sulky derrick is 
 used in much the same manner as a tripod derrick. Four 
 poles are mounted on two wheels and may be moved from 
 place to place by resting the wheels on the ground and 
 folding the poles on the axle. When erected for use, the 
 poles form a rectangular pyramid secured at the apex by 
 ,i Imlt. A means of suspending tackle is provided and the 
 hoisting line passes from the block to a winch secured to 
 two of the poles near the base. The winch gear meshes 
 with a pinion on the sulky axle and is operated by turning 
 the sulky wheel. Derricks of this type do not require 
 guys and may be set up over a well or at any point where 
 the work to be done may be brought directly under the 
 center of the derrick. 
 A-Frame Derrick 
 A small portable A-framc derrick, substantially a type 
 of stiff-leg, is used in building operations for setting gir 
 ders, timbers and columns, or for other purposes. 
 A pole or mast is supported in a fixed inclined position 
 by an A-frame and the fall lines are suspended from the 
 top of the mast, which extends beyond the top of the 
 A-frame. The derrick is operated by means of a hand- 
 winch, placed on the inclined pole or mast, and has a 
 capacity up to about 2500 11). 
 Such derricks usually are mounted on rollers so that 
 they can lie moved readily. They are also mounted on 
 four-wheel trucks and then have a wider range. 
 Mast and Gaff 
 The mast-and-gaff rig is a modification of both the guy 
 and the stiff-leg derrick. It includes a mast, a gaff or light 
 boom, usually some type of grab bucket and a hopper or bin 
 into which the material is dumped. It is used chiefly at 
 wharves or in coal yards for handling loose materials. It 
 usually is classed as an unloading machine and is fully de 
 scribed elsewhere in this book. 
 Sheer-legs are a type of derrick used largely in foreign 
 countries. This machine consists of two legs forming an A 
 and pivoted to a fixed base. The hoisting tackle is suspended 
 from the apex. A single back-leg is pivoted to the top of the 
 A and its base is fitted with either a screw connection or a 
 tackle connection so that it may be moved back and forth in 
 a guide resting on the foundation. A forward or backward 
 movement of the back-leg tilts the sheer-legs and thus gives 
 a limited horizontal movement to the load. A machine of 
 this type is installed on the edge of a wharf so that the 
 fall-line may be dropped into a vessel alongside. It may 
 also be used in other service when the conditions will permit. 
 Derrick Fittings 
 Careful attention to the design of derrick fittings is 
 essential in order to secure the greatest strength of the 
 derrick structure without unnecessary weight and to avoid 
 undue strains, particularly at the base of the mast where 
 excessive friction will reduce the speed of operation. The 
 life of the derrick and the efficiency of its operation depend 
 largely on the character of the fittings. All derrick fittings 
 subjected to a tensile stress should be of steel, preferably 
 steel plate or forgings, but they may be of cast steel having 
 adequate sections to insure the required strength and to 
 eliminate probability of failure under load. Cast iron is 
 sometimes used for base plates, step castings and other 
 parts not subject to severe shock or tensile stress. The 
 lubrication of all liearing surfaces should be provided for. 
 In the type of construction generally followed the derrick 
 mast is supported in a foot block secured to the bottom 
 of the mast and resting on a base plate. This foot block 
 is provided with a pivot which rests in the mast step. 
 There arc various types of mast steps, some having a 
 cylindrical form while others have a ball and socket joint. 
 The mast step and the base plate usually are a single cast 
 ing and the brackets for the bottom mast sheaves are cither 
 cast on or bolted to the base plate. In some cases, par 
 ticularly when the derrick is not equipped with power 
 slewing apparatus and must be swung by hand, the foot 
 block and mast step are provided with ball bearings. 
 The boom scat usually is an integral part of the foot 
 block, though a separate boom seat is used on some der 
 ricks and is then secured to the mast above the foot block. 
 When the boom seat is designed for use on a derrick hav 
 ing a pivoted mast as most of them have it provides 
 only for a hinge to permit the changing of the angle of 
 inclination of the boom. In other cases, as when the der 
 rick has no mast or as in cargo handling gear having a 
 fixed mast, the pivot is integral with the boom seat. 
 The complete combination of base plate, foot block, mast 
 step, boom seat, and the timber straps, together with any 
 required number of sheaves at the bottom of the mast and 
 the boom, is known as a derrick bottom. 
 The top of the mast is fitted with irons collectively 
 known as the mast top. These fittings are preferably made 
 of rolled plate or bar steel, but cast steel fittings have now 
 come into general use and, when properly designed, give 
 satisfactory service. An essential feature is that the top 
 shall be so designed that the gudgeon and the pivot at the 
 bottom shall be in the same axis and preferably centrally 
 located on the mast. The mast top is of similar design 
 for either the guy or the stiff-leg type of derrick. 
 In the guy line type the mast top includes a guy cap 
 which centers on the gudgeon and is provided with holes 
 or eyes to which the guy lines are secured in such a man 
 ner as not to interfere with the swivcling movement of 
 the machine. Various designs of guy caps are of cast 
 steel, others arc made of steel plates, but all provide a 
 wide bearing surface for the gudgeon to prevent the cutting 
 of the pin as the derric u rotates. The guys are secured 
 directly to the cap or in some designs to thimbles or rope 
 sockets or to shackles secured to the guy cap itself. 
 In the stiff-leg type of derrick the guy cap is omitted 
 and gooseneck irons having holes to fit over the gudgeon 
 arc secured to the upper ends of the stiff-legs and serve 
 to support the mast in an upright position while permitting 
 it to swivel freely. The stiff-legs are secured to sills or 
 other anchorages by meals of stiff-leg irons. 
 The design of the mast top varies somewhat, depending 
 on the use to which the derrick is to be put. Some tops 
 are fitted only with the topping lift connection while others 
 have one or more sheaves so that the various lines may 
 pass through the mast top. 
 When a derrick is intended for grab bucket operation 
 or for any other service requiring three-line work the der 
 rick top generally is equipped with a rooster which fits 
 over the gudgeon and provides a sheave at the mast top. 
 The rooster bracket is fixed in any desired position by 
 means of a comb on the mast top. Usually the gudgeon 
 is bored so that the line may pass over the sheave and 
 downward through the center of the mast top. If an addi- 
 Cast Steel Boom End or Point with Wrought Iron Plate Boom End 
 Topping-Lift and Fall-Block Sheaves with Two Sheaves for Fall Lines 
 and Strap Connections and Double Sheave Topping-Lift 
 Wrought Iron Boom End with Flex 
 ible Fall-Block and Topping-Lift with 
 Fixed Sheave in Boom 
 Single-Rod Trussed Boom. 
 Four-Rod Trussed Boom 
 Cast Steel Base with Intermediate 
 Mast Step Casting 
 Cast Iron Ball Socket Foot Block or Cast Steel Mast Step and Base with 
 Base Center Bore and Bottom Sheave 
 Structural Steel Bull-Wheel Slewing Apparatus with Slew 
 ing Lines Rigged 
 Electrically Operated Hoisting Winch with Self-Slewing 
 Gear for Use on Stationary Derrick 
 tional sheave is desired, as frequently is the case on barge 
 derricks, the top may be equipped with two roosters. 
 The boom end, or boom point, fittings vary with the 
 character of the work to be performed. The boom end 
 may be built up of structural steel parts or may consist 
 of a combination of steel castings and plates or straps. 
 The number of sheaves to be provided at the boom end 
 depends on the service desired from the derrick. The 
 sheaves sometimes are set in the end of the boom while 
 other boom ends have sheaves attached by means of bails 
 or links. On derricks of light capacity and on cargo 
 handling gear, boom bands or rings are used, to a large 
 extent, to provide connections for the tackle required. 
 Tower derricks require a special design of upper and 
 lower post brackets, which serve the same purposes as the 
 mast top and mast bottom in the other types of derricks. 
 These brackets are designed to bolt or clamp on the corner 
 of the tower. They usually are steel castings with iron 
 strap bolts or clamps. 
 It often is desirable to use comparatively light timbers 
 for derrick booms and, when this is done, the timbers are 
 reinforced by from one to four truss rods. These trussed 
 booms vary in length from 30 ft. to 70 ft., the rods being 
 from /> in. to 1% in. in diameter. The use of truss rods 
 permits the use of exceptionally long booms without un 
 necessary increase in the size of the timbers and con- 
 seqently the weight of the machine. 
 Slewing Apparatus 
 The speed of operation and therefore the volume of 
 work done by a derrick is greatly increased if some method 
 of slewing by power is provided. An efficient means of 
 doing this is the bull-wheel or the self-slewing gear. 
 The bull-wheel, which is largely used, preferably is con 
 structed entirely of steel so braced and reinforced with 
 channel and angle iron girders and braces that the force 
 applied to the rim of the wheel will be transmitted to the 
 mast and to the boom without excessive strains on the der 
 rick structure or danger of buckle in the wheel rim. The 
 wheel is fastened to the base casting and to the mast 
 itself by braces extending outward to the rim of the wheel 
 and to the boom by slewing rods which are hinged on 
 brackets secured to the wheel rim. The hinge pins of these 
 brackets and of the derrick boom should be in a common 
 line to insure the easy raising or lowering of the boom. 
 The slewing rods are provided with turnbuckles so that 
 adjustments can be made. The slewing lines pass around 
 the rim of the bull-wheel and over sheaves to a slewing 
 drum on the hoisting apparatus. The bull-wheel gives the 
 operator control of the load and permits the boom to be 
 swung while the load is being raised, thus increasing the 
 speed of operation. 
 The relation of the diameter of the bull-wheel to the 
 length of the boom, as given in the following table, has 
 been determined by common usage : 
 Wheel Diameter, 
 Boom Length, 
 7 l 
 Self-slewing gear serves the same purpose as the bull- 
 wheel. It is operated by means of a pinion geared to the 
 hoisting apparatus and meshing with a large ring-gear 
 surrounding the base of the mast. It is used only when 
 the hoisting apparatus, generally including the boiler or 
 other source of power, is mounted on a platform at the 
 base of the mast and revolves with the derrick. All of 
 the machinery being on the opposite side of the mast, it 
 serves as a counterweight to the boom and its load. 
 The operator is stationed on the platform and has com 
 plete control of the derrick and also has an unobstructed 
 view of the work. In permanent installations, the boiler 
 can be dispensed with and steam may be piped from a 
 stationary boiler plant through a line leading up through 
 the mast pivot and thence to the hoisting engine. Electric 
 power may also be used for derricks equipped with self- 
 slewing gear. 
 The tackle used on derricks includes a large variety of 
 blocks, wire rope and special fittings. These are treated 
 in this book in the chapters describing such material. 
 Cargo Handling Gear 
 Cargo handling gear aboard ship is a large factor in de 
 termining the commercial value of a vessel as the length 
 of a ship s stay in pert depends largely upon the efficiency 
 of the loading and unloading facilities. 
 Vessels regularly engaged in carrying a particular class 
 of cargo, such as coal, ore, grain, or oil, are most econom 
 ically loaded or unloaded by some special type of machine 
 such as conveyors, elevators, cranes, pumps, etc., installed 
 on the wharves or, in some cases, on the vessels. These 
 special devices are described and illustrated elsewhere in 
 this book. Also in many cases, as on river and harbor 
 steamers, cargo is handled by trucks of either the hand 
 operated or power operated types. 
 Vessels carrying miscellaneous cargo, however, require 
 handling gear installed on the vessel that may be adapted 
 to a wide variety of purposes. To handle general cargo 
 such as boxes, barrels, bales, etc., varying greatly in weight 
 and in size, and frequently of irregular shapes, the derrick 
 type of gear has been found most efficient and practically 
 all cargo vessels are thus equipped. Such derricks are simi 
 lar in construction to those used on land and they are pro 
 vided with various forms of slings, hooks, tongs, rope nets, 
 etc., so that cargo may be hoisted from the hold of a ves 
 sel and transferred to a wharf or directly to a conveyance. 
 Mast or Derrick Post 
 On cargo handling gear the mast is fixed, instead of be 
 ing pivoted as on the ordinary type of derrick, and on many 
 small cargo vessels and on auxiliary craft for handling 
 cargo, such as steam lighters, the derrick boom usually is 
 applied directly on the mast. On larger vessels a special 
 derrick post sometimes called king post is built up either 
 of steel plating or is constructed of pipe. Sometimes the 
 derrick post is also utilized as a ventilator, the mushroom 
 type of ventilator generally being used, although a cowl 
 fitted to the top of the post is often used. In some designs, 
 a slide is fitted in the post to permit regulation of the venti 
 lation below decks. 
 Derrick or Boom Tables 
 A derrick or boom table is used when more than two 
 booms are required on each side of the mast, or when it is 
 desired to set the hoisting winches parallel to the center 
 line of the ship. The width of a derrick table is deter- 
 mined by the number of booms required. The smaller sixes 
 of boom tables arc usually bracketed to the mast hut wln-n 
 the space between hatches will permit a wide boom table 
 to be built around the mast it is supported by stanchions, 
 and sometimes is enclosed and used as a deck locker. 
 An upper table or outrigger, to which the topping-lifts 
 are connected, must be provided when a derrick table is 
 fitted around the mast at the deck. The connections fur 
 the topping-lift blocks should be located directly above the 
 boom pivots on the derrick table. Sometimes the upper 
 table is so constructed as to provide connections fur parts 
 of the ship s rigging in addition to the topping lifts of the 
 cargo handling gear. 
 Booms and Fittings 
 Wooden booms chiefly of Oregon pine are used fur 
 capacities up to about 10 tons, although occasionally they 
 are made of steel. Booms above IS tons capacity are prac 
 tically all constructed of steel, the most common type being 
 of pipe construction but the plate and channel type or the 
 lattice type as employed in construction of land derricks is 
 also used to some extent. 
 On a boom of the circular wooden type the fittings con 
 sist of a goose-neck fitted at the heel or foot of the boom, 
 with an eye-bolt near the goose-neck for securing the 
 block bail; at the upper end of the boom are fitted one, 
 two or three bands the number of bands required for a 
 boom being determined by the class of cargo carried spaced 
 from six to seven feet apart. The outer band usually is 
 lilted so that it shoulders on a reinforcing band : the inner 
 bands are made in halves, and bear against half rounds se 
 cured to the boom. 
 The boom pivot sometimes is designed with a connection 
 for the lead block. When the boom is stepped on a table 
 a pad-eye, with a link to which to shackle the lead block, 
 is riveted to the table. A heavy lift boom usually is stepped 
 on a pedestal riveted to the deck and a pad-eye for the lead 
 block is secured on the deck. The fittings for the heavy 
 lift boom consist of a goose-neck sometimes called a Pacific 
 iron at the lower end; at the upper end there are either 
 bands or pad-eyes, depending on the construction of the 
 boom, to which are connected the vangs lines used aboard 
 ship to control the slewing movements of a boom the top 
 ping-lift, and hoisting blocks. 
 One of the most common types of winches for handling 
 the average cargo is the single gear winch with a single 
 hoisting drum and with one winch-head on the outboard 
 side. When there is sufficient deck space winches fitted 
 with two winch-heads are used, as there are some classes 
 of cargo where a number of whips a term usually applied 
 to light cargo hoisting tackle can be operated from one 
 hatch, and both the hoisting drum and each of the winch- 
 heads can be used to good advantage. Winches that are 
 used aboard ship for handling very heavy loads and for 
 warping are subjected to severe strains and generally are 
 compound geared. 
 The location of the winches has an important bearing 
 on the facility with which cargo may be handled. An ar 
 rangement which has hern found very efficient for certain 
 rla-M > of cargo, and which has been extensively adopted 
 where two m. ins arc lilted on each side of a mast, is to 
 locate the winches in an athwartship direction with sufficient 
 space between them for an operator at each winch but close 
 enough to permit one man to operate both winches by ex 
 tending the levers and brakes. Where possible, it is de 
 sirable that one man should control both winches. 
 Usually only one winch is required for each boom, but 
 where a heavy lift boom is used and the ships is not fitted 
 with double-drum winches, the hoisting drums of two single- 
 drum winches are brought into play. With this arrangement 
 one winch is used for the topping-lift and the other for the 
 Method of Operation 
 Ships built in the United States generally are fitted 
 with two booms of about 5 tons capacity on the forward 
 and after side of each mast. In some cases large ships 
 have one boom of from 25 tons to 35 tons capacity in addi 
 tion to the 5-ton booms. When handling cargo with 5-ton 
 booms, one boom usually is guyed down over the center 
 of the hatch, the other being guyed down over the side of 
 the vessel so that the cargo whip or tackle will clear the 
 vessel s side from 8 ft. to 12 ft., depending upon the class 
 of cargo handled. In handling barrels, boxes, or crated 
 goods in light loads up to about 3 tons a single whip is 
 used on each boom. These whips are brought together at 
 the lower end and made fast by connecting them to a ring 
 or a shackle on which is secured a cargo hook, barrel hooks, 
 bale hooks, net or other device most suitable for handling 
 the particular class of cargo. 
 When discharging cargo a load is lifted from the bold 
 of the vessel by the whip on the boom over the hatch and 
 after it is clear of the hatch coaming, it is swung out 
 board by hauling in with the whip on the outboard boom 
 and slacking away on the whip on the inboard boom. 
 This operation is reversed when loading the vessel. This 
 system of handling cargo is a very efficient one for certain 
 classes of materials, but sometimes, as when handling a 
 great number of similar pieces, it is advantageous to work 
 the whips independently. In such cases, the load is lifted 
 from the vessel s hold and then hauled outboard by a line 
 made fast to the load as the whip is slacked away. For 
 the heavier loads from 3 tons to 5 tons it usually is 
 necessary to substitute a three-part tackle in place of 
 the single whip. 
 When heavy cargo is to be handled, booms of 25 tons 
 to 35 tons capacity are used. Usually they are stepped 
 on deck and are fitted with an eight-part fall for hoist 
 ing and also an eight-part topping-lift. When hoisting a 
 load from the hold the heavy boom is guyed securely over 
 the center of the hatch, by means of vangs on each side of 
 the boom, the load then hoisted until high enough to clear 
 the hatch coaming and the bulwark, and then swung out 
 board by slacking away on one vang purchase and hauling 
 in on the other with the aid of the winch head. This 
 method gives complete control of the gear and permits the 
 handling of heavy, cumbersome packages without danger 
 to the operator from unexpected slewing of the load. 
 H S 
Excavating Machines 
 MANY SPECIAL TYPES of excavating machines have been 
 developed for the digging and disposal of earth, 
 sand, gravel, coal, ore and other materials. The 
 use of these machines has resulted in the more economical 
 operation of many industries such as the open mining of 
 coal and ore, and other minerals ; the handling of sand and 
 gravel for commercial use; and the more efficient main 
 tenance of railroads. They have also been extensively 
 adapted to such work as filling along the water front, for 
 levee construction and similar service. In addition to 
 cableways of the excavating type and the various special 
 appliances by means of which locomotive cranes, derricks 
 and other similar machines are adapted to excavation work, 
 there are certain types of machines which are especially 
 suited to a particular class of excavation service on dry 
 land and on water. 
 Those adapted to land service arc : Power shovels 
 equipped with a dipper or 
 shovel for work within a 
 comparatively restricted 
 area ; dragline excavators 
 for more extensive opera 
 tions ; and trenching ma 
 chines for specialized serv 
 ice. They are operated by 
 steam, gasoline, or electric 
 Those types of excavating 
 machines adapted for use on 
 water are : the dipper dredge, similar in design to the 
 land type of power shovel ; the elevator or placer dredge, 
 of the endless chain bucket type ; and the hydraulic or 
 suction dredge. 
 Power Shovels 
 Power shovels are extensively used for general excava 
 tion work and also to some extent for loading loose mate 
 rials. They are adapted to digging such materials as sand, 
 gravel, clay, shale and earth without blasting ; or for 
 handling all classes of loose materials such as coal, ore, 
 rock, or other similar material after blasting. They have 
 been applied to such service as stripping overburden and 
 digging ore or coal in open mining operations ; for loading 
 stone in quarry work ; handling clay at tile and brick 
 plants, for excavating service in railroad work ; and for 
 general construction work where excavating and loading 
 of material is necessary. They have also been adapted to 
 dredging service and are used for digging canals ; for deep 
 ening channels ; or for excavation work along shore. 
 The general form of construction consists of a shovel 
 or dipper fixed to the end of a handle or arm which is 
 supported by an A-frame, a mast, or a pillar similar to 
 the construction employed on a derrick or a locomotive 
 crane. The A-frame rests on a structural frame or car 
 body which may be mounted on standard railroad trucks 
 and travel on standard gage track; may be mounted on 
 rollers or small wheels and travel on a special runway laid 
 on the ground or on top of flat cars ; or may be mounted 
 on trucks of the trackless type having wheels with plain 
 tread, tractor tread, or of the creeper traction type. These 
 shovels generally are self-propelled, but they are sometimes 
 mounted on a platform which is moved on rollers when it 
 Power Shovels: Railroad Type; Revolving 
 Type; Ditching Machine. 
 Dragline Excavators. Trenching Machine. 
 Back-Filling Machine. 
 Dredges: Dipper Type; Hydraulic Type; 
 Placer Type. 
 is necessary to chanm tin- location of the machine. In the 
 case of a dipper dredge the machine generally is mounted 
 on a barge or float, but in some cases it is mounted on a 
 platform which rests on land while the dipper is operated 
 in the water. 
 Power shovels for dry work are made in several differ 
 ent forms : These are commonly known as the standard 
 railroad type for heavy service ; the revolving type for 
 general service ; and the ditching machine, generally known 
 as the railroad ditcher. 
 Railroad Type 
 The standard railroad type of power shovel commonly 
 called a steam shovel because of the type of power gen 
 erally used is adapted to the most severe service. It is 
 used not only in railroad construction and maintenance 
 service, but also in open mining: quarry- work; at 
 cement, tile and brick plants ; 
 and for general excavation 
 work in other fields. In this 
 type of machine the shovel 
 or dipper is fixed to the end 
 of a handle or arm and is 
 suspended from the outer 
 end of a boom by means of 
 chains or wire rope passing 
 over sheaves installed on the 
 boom. The other end of the 
 handle passes through guides 
 located at an intermediate point on the boom. Sometimes 
 this form of construction is reversed and the boom passes 
 between the side members of a double dipper handle. In 
 other cases the end of the handle is hinged to the boom. 
 The heel of the boom is secured to a turntable or swing- 
 circle very similar in construction to the bull-wheel used 
 on many derricks, but generally mounted on roller bearings 
 similar to a turntable. The outer end of the boom generally 
 is supported by rigid guys or rods secured to the top 
 of the A-frame structure, thus keeping the boom at a 
 fixed angle of inclination. In some cases, however, the 
 guys are dispensed with and a topping-lift is used, thus per 
 mitting an adjustment of the boom as may be desired 
 to change the radius of action, or the height of dump. The 
 A-frame is held in a rigid position by guy-rods cr props 
 secured to the body of the car. 
 Generally the machine is provided with a dipper hoisting 
 engine, and a swinging engine for rotating the swing- circle 
 both engines being mounted on the car; and with a dipper 
 thrusting engine usually mounted on the boom, but some 
 times also being installed on the car. A steam boiler of 
 the locomotive type is mounted on the rear end of the car 
 where it may also serve as a counterweight. The machinery 
 is enclosed within a superstructure similar to a railroad car 
 body and the entire apparatus is carried on two 4-wheel 
 trucks of the standard railroad type. The car is propelled 
 by chain gearing connecting the truck axles with the power 
 plant on the car. Adjustable side outriggers are provided 
 to give stability to the machine. The car on which a rail 
 road type of power shovel is installed generally is equipped 
 with standard automatic couplers and air brakes so that it 
 may be hauled in railroad train. 
 In the operation of this machine, the shovel or dipper is 
 Large Revolving: Steam Power Shovel Stripping Overburden in Open Mining Operations 
 Skimmer Type of Power Shovel as Used in Exravation Work. Gasoline Operati 
 Skimmer or Coal Loader Working in Conjunction with Large Revolving Steam Power Shovel 
 lowered to the base level and i.s thru.,t into the material by 
 means of a rack gear on the under side of the dipper handle. 
 It is operated by gears propelled by the thrusting equine, on 
 the boom and moves the clipper handle through the guides. 
 As the dipper is thrust forward into the material the hoist 
 ing engine operates the hoisting chains or rope an. I rai-M-^ 
 the dipper in a vertical semi-circle scooping a load as it 
 rises. The boom is then rotated to either side by the swing 
 ing engine and the material leaded into a wagon or car by 
 opening the hinged back or bottom of the dipper and drop 
 ping the load. 
 This type of machine may be equipped with i dipper 
 having a capacity ranging upward to about (> cu. vds. : a 
 radius of action upward to about 35 ft. swinging through 
 an arc ranging upward to about 10 cleg, beyond a right 
 angle on cither side of the car or a total swing of about 
 190 to 200 deg., and a dumping height of about 20 ft. above 
 the surface on which the machine rests. 
 The proportions of some power shovels of the railroad 
 type arc given in the following table : 
 for traveling on soft yielding ground; or they may be 
 mounted on a -4-wheel sometimes more self-propelled car 
 traveling on rails. The radius (if action ranges upward to 
 about 25 ft., they have a (lumping height of about 15 to 20 
 ft. and a dipper capacity of from <.( cu. yd. to (t cu. yds. 
 Approximate capacities of the small si/e> of irvuKing 
 power shovels are given in the following table: 
 Cu. Yd. 
 I cnylh 
 l- t. In. 
 IS (I 
 . II 
 Length i,l 
 1 Hpper 
 Ft. In. 
 ! 1 <l 
 1 I li 
 16 3 
 Digging Radius 
 at 8 Ft. 
 Klevati n 
 Ft. In. 
 . .! 6 
 27 9 
 3. 6 
 A larger, heavier type of revolving power shovel ha-. 
 developed for special service such as stripping overburden 
 in. open mining operations and for mining the deposits 
 after the overburden has been removed. This type of 
 machine has also been adapted to other service such as 
 digging canals, digging gravel and clay, and in other ex- 
 Capacity ( f Dipper 3 4-i 
 Length of Boom 31 
 Length of Dipper Handle 20 
 Dumping Radius 32 
 Height of Dump 17 
 Depth of Cut Shovel Track In leading 
 Track 10 
 Depth of Cut Uelow Rail 6 
 Digging Radius at 8 ft. Elevation 33 
 Radius of Level Floor 19 
 354-5 yds. 
 7 7 
 .l i-4 
 i yds. 
 2 /i-3 / 
 .. yds. 
 2 /i- . 
 i yd-.. 
 S yds. 
 ft. in. 
 24 3 
 18 4 
 16 6 
 9 6 
 1 ! 
 6 /2 
 A modification of the railroad type of power shovel 
 mounted on traction wheels having a very broad tread 
 has been adapted to such classes of service as making 
 narrow cuts; for use in gravel pits; and for quarry work 
 or other operations where a heavy capacity shovel may be 
 desired, but where it is not practicable to lay tracks for the 
 standard railroad type of machine. Except for the type 
 of truck on which the machine is mounted, this type of 
 shovel is constructed in substantially the same manner as 
 the larger railroad type. The radius of action ranges up 
 ward to about 20 ft. through-arc of about 260 deg.. and the 
 height of dun-p above the base is about 12 ft. 
 Revolving Type 
 The revolving type of power shovel performs practically 
 the same class of work as the heavier railroad type, but is 
 designed for lighter service. It also is adapted to other 
 uses such as excavating cellars and trenches where the 
 larger machines could not be economically operated. It 
 embodies many of the features of construction used in the 
 railroad type, but instead of being arranged so that only 
 the boom and dipper rotate, the entire superstructure is 
 mounted on a turntable similar to that used in the con 
 struction of a locomotive crane and it may be rotated in a 
 complete circle. This permits the operation of the shovel 
 in any direction within a comparatively small area and it 
 also will perform a maximum amount of work without 
 changing the location of the machine. 
 In the smaller types of revolving shovels the boom and 
 the dipper handle ordinarily are of a length only sufficient to 
 permit of excavating to the level of the surface on which 
 the machine rests, hut in many cases, in order to excavate 
 trenches or pits below the t-achine level, a very long boom 
 and dipper handle are used. 
 These machines are mounted on tru ks whi.-h nv.y have 
 wheels of the trackless type, having a nlain broad tread for 
 traveling on a smooth firm surface: with tractor wheels for 
 traveling over rough ground : on trucks of the creeper type 
 tensive operations where the amount of work to be done 
 warrants the installation ;,nd use of a heavy high capacity 
 The superstructure of this type of machine is similar to 
 that of the smaller type, but it is mounted on a very large 
 turntable which rests on a structural frame usually carried 
 on four trucks of the railroad type and traveling on a 
 double track. An extremely long boom and dipper handle 
 is provided so that a wide radius of action and a high 
 dumping range may be obtained. The machine may be 
 equipped for self propulsion or may be moved by other 
 motive power. Power shovels of this type have a digging 
 radius of about 100 ft., a dumping radius ranging upward 
 to 90 or 95 ft. and a height of dump of about 60 ft. The 
 proportions of some of the large types of revolving power 
 shovels are given in t -e following table : 
 Cu. Yd. 
 1 )i;iper Handle 
 I t. 
 Digging Radius 
 at 40 ft. 
 Skimmer Type 
 The skimmer type of power shovel i.s constructed in sub 
 stantially the same manner as other revolving shovels ex 
 cept that, instead of having the dipper or shovel mounted 
 on a hinged or pivoted handle and operating in a vertical 
 semi-circular path, it is provided with a dipper 01 scoop 
 attached to a frame arranged to travel on the under side of 
 a hinged boom having two side members which form a 
 runway for the dipper frame. This gives the dipper a 
 horizontal thrust which makes the machine especially 
 adapted to excavating or skimming" thin veins of coal in 
 open mines. Tt was primarily intended only for coal dig 
 ging and loading, but it has since been applied in other 
 service such as digging and loading sand and gravel or 
 other similar materials. In the operation of this machine 
 the boom which is controlled by a topping-liftis low 
 ered so that the dipper rests on the ground and the thrust 
 ing mechanism then forces it into the material. When the 
 dipper is filled which may be at any point on the outward 
 thrust or line of travel the boom is hoisted and the travel 
 of the dipper is continued until the desired dumping pnint 
 is reached. The material is then dumped by tilting t r.e 
 dipj>er forward by means of a dumping mechanism installed 
 on the boom. 
 Power shovels of the skimmer type arc equipped with 
 dippers having capacities upward to about \ l /i to 2 cu. yds.; 
 they have a dipper stroke of from 10 to 12 ft. ; booms having 
 a radius of 30 to 35 ft. ; a dumping radius of about 30 ft., 
 and a dumping height of about 10 to 12 ft. 
 Ditching Machine 
 The ditching machine commonly called a railroad 
 ditcher is used chiefly in railroad maintenance work for 
 drainage ditching alongside of the tracks hence the name 
 "ditcher." It may also be utilized for other similar work 
 within range of the dipper. This machine is self-propelled 
 and is mounted on a turntable which is carried on a truck 
 having 4 wheels usually double flanged and of small 
 diameter generally traveling on tracks laid on the plat 
 form of a standard railroad flat car, but laid sometimes 
 on the ground. It differs from the railroad type of power 
 shovel in that its movement is circular full circle instead 
 of radial and, except for the manner of mounting, being 
 of substantially the same construction as the revolving type 
 of power shovel. 
 Two different methods are employed in the operation of 
 the railroad ditcher: a flat car train, or a dump car train. 
 When using a flat car train the ditcher travels from car 
 to car over portable sectional tracks which it transfers ahead 
 after passing over them. As it progresses it loads the 
 material on the cars behind it. The train is then hauled to 
 the dumping ground and the material unloaded with an 
 unloader plow or by manual labor with hand shovels. In 
 the dump-car method, which to a large extent, has super 
 seded the flat car, two dump cars are used and the ditcher 
 is mounted on a flat car between them. The rapidity with 
 whioh the load may be dumped makes this method particu 
 larly desirable. 
 The following table gives the approximate scope of rail 
 road ditchers : 
 Ft. In. 
 Radius of cut at grade ......... : ........ 15 6 
 Radius of cut at 8 ft. elcvatirn ........... 23 6 
 Radius of dump from pivotal center ...... 22 
 Radius of boom from pivotal center ...... 18 4 
 Depth of cut below top of rail ........... 3 
 Height of dump above top of rail ........ 10 
 Ft. In. 
 26 6 
 22 Yt 
 Dragline Excavator 
 The dragline excavator is used for digging and loading 
 such materials as sand, gravel, clay, earth, coal or ore and 
 may be used in mining operations, canal and drainage work, 
 or for handling any class of loose materials. The 
 superstructure combines many of the features of power 
 shovel and locomotive crane construction. It consists of 
 the usual platform or base, carrying the operating mechan 
 ism and power plant and mounted on a turntable ; a long 
 boom controlled by a topping-lift, and a dragline or scraper 
 type of bucket. Generally the turntable is of very large 
 diameter and is carried on four trucks either 2-wheel or 
 4-wheel type traveling on a single track of very broad gage 
 or on double tracks. In some cases the trucks are dis 
 pensed with and the turntable base is mounted on skids and 
 rollers and is moved as required. The bucket is of the 
 dragline type described elsewhere in this book. 
 In the operation of this type of machine the bucket is 
 first raised from the ground by the hoisting line attached to 
 the bucket bail and then lowered to the desired point of 
 excavation. The dragline, attached to the bucket bridle- 
 chain, is then brought into action and drags the bucket 
 through the material, filling as it goes. The hoisting line 
 is then hauled in and raises the loaded bucket which is then 
 carried to the desired dumping point by raising the boom, 
 with the topping-lift, and rotating the entire machine. 
 Dragline excavators are equipped with booms ranging in 
 length upward to 150 to 155 ft. This gives a very wide 
 radius of action, but additional area may be served by 
 raising the bucket on the hoisting line and then by manip 
 ulating the dragline, the hoisting line, and the boom, 
 swinging the bucket outward a considerable distance rang 
 ing upward to from 30 to 40 ft. beyond the end of the 
 boom. This method is an advantage in certain classes of 
 work as the excavator may be installed well back from the 
 edge of a body of water or an embankment thus avoiding 
 the danger of causing slides, but at the same time it per 
 mits the machine to serve a comparatively wide area. 
 This type of machine generally those of light capacity 
 is also sometimes mounted on trucks having wheels with 
 plain tread, traction tread, or the creeper type. This per 
 mits a more varied application of the dragline machine to 
 general excavation service. 
 Dragline excavators mounted on the various forms of 
 trucks or skids range in capacities approximately as given 
 in the following table : 
 n z; 
 ^ o 
 Ft. In. 
 12 to 14 
 11 to 13 
 l /i 
 15 to 18 
 20 to 25 
 2 / 3 
 30 to 35 
 35 to 40 
 45 tv ?0 
 Trenching Machine 
 The trenching machine, as its name implies, is designed 
 to excavate trenches for sewer work, water systems, gas 
 mains and other similar purposes. The rapidity with which 
 this type of machine excavates and disposes of earth and 
 rocks makes it an especially desirable apparatus where the 
 amount of work to be done or where the speed of opera 
 tion required, as in street work where trenches must be 
 closed quickly, will warrant its use. 
 This class of excavator is made in two different types : 
 the endless-chain bucket elevator or ladder type, and the 
 wheel type. Both types of machines are mounted on 
 trucks having the front wheels, or the entire truck, equipped 
 with broad treads of the creeper-traction type. The ma 
 chine straddles the trench, the entire apparatus moving for- 
 Wheel Type Trenching Machine with Topping-Lift and Disposal Conveyor Gaff-Rig 
 Endless-Chain Bucket Type Trenching Machine with Ladder Racking Gear 
 ward as the material is excavated. They are self-propelled, 
 either gasoline or steam power being used. 
 Endless-Chain Bucket Type 
 The endless-chain type of trenching machine consists of 
 a continuous-elevator type of digging conveyor hinged to 
 the machine frame and equipped with a number of buckets 
 each provided with a cutting edge or teeth, and a disposal 
 In the operation of this apparatus the buckets are forced 
 into the earth, filling as they advance. As the endless ele 
 vator apparatus revolves it carries the material upward to 
 the disposal conveyor which extends to one side of the 
 machine and deposits the material alongside of the trench 
 convenient for refilling or loads it into a wagon for removal. 
 This type of trenching machine has an approximate capac 
 ity as given in the following table : 
 Width of buckets ...... 72 in. 60. in. 48 in. 36 in. 24 in. 
 Digging Depth ........ 17 ft. 
 Road speed ........... ^ mile per hour 
 speed ........ 20 ft. to 275 ft. per hour 
 In the most commonly used bucket type of trench ex 
 cavator the bucket travel is in a fixed line but in some 
 machines designed for wide trench work the digging 
 apparatus is arranged to oscillate between the side members 
 of the elevator frame. This permits the use of a com 
 paratively narrow bucket for digging a wide trench, but 
 avoids the excessive stress that would be imposed on the 
 structure by using an extremely wide bucket, such as 
 would be required in sewer work. 
 Wheel Type 
 The wheel type of trenching machine is equipped with a 
 digging wheel instead of the endless elevator apparatus. 
 This wheel consists of a large internal gear and pinion 
 mounted in a hinged-frame boom which is supported by a 
 topping-lift so that it may be raised or lowered as desired. 
 It is provided with a series of digging blades which are 
 forced into the earth as the wheel revolves and carry the 
 material around the periphery of the wheel until it reaches 
 the disposal conveyor. This conveyor passes inside of the 
 digging wheel, at right angles to the trench, the outer cud 
 of the conveyor being suspended from a small boom or gaff 
 supported by the boom topping-lift frame. The material 
 is deposited alongside the trench for refilling or removal. 
 The back-filler or filling machine is used for filling in 
 trenches or other narrow excavations being especially 
 adapted for following behind a trench excavator and filling 
 in a pipe trench after the pipe has been laid. This type 
 of apparatus consists of a scoop or scraper which is 
 dragged through the material by a dragline attached to 
 the front of the scraper and to a winch mounted on a 
 machine very similar in construction to a small dragline 
 excavator. In some cases a back-filling scraper is attached 
 to the line of a small locomotive crane of the trackless 
 type which then serves for back-filling purposes. 
 One design of back-filler has a light trussed-boom about 
 30 feet long which is supported by an A-frame structure 
 carried on a small truck on which are also mounted a winch 
 and a gasoline engine. The truck mav have complete 
 creeper traction; or two wheels having plain traction tread 
 and the other wheels equipped with creeper traction. In 
 the operation of this machine the scraper is hauled beyond 
 the material ironi the ground by a line attached to the 
 rear of it and passing through a sheave at the boom end, 
 and thence to the winch. It is then swung or cast and 
 dropped by slacking off on the line. The dragline attached 
 to the front of the scraper is then brought into operation 
 and the material drawn forward into the excavation. The 
 scraper is provided with handles so that a man may follow 
 behind to guide it if necessary. 
 In a smaller type of back-filler the boom is dispensed 
 with and the scraper is hauled behind the material by 
 manual labor. The dragline is then brought into action 
 and the material drawn into the excavation. 
 Dredges are used for excavating work such as drainage 
 ditching in marshy land, canal work, opening up and deep 
 ening channels in rivers, mining operations, and for exca 
 vating and filling work in embankment or levee construc 
 tion. They are made in the dipper or shovel type similar 
 to the land type of power shovel dipper dredge, the ele 
 vator or ladder type commonly called placer dredge, and 
 the hydraulic or suction type. Many floating derricks and 
 cranes are sometimes equipped with some form of excavat 
 ing device such as an automatic grab bucket or a dragline 
 bucket and are used for dredging service. These machines, 
 however, do not come within the class of equipment com 
 monly known as dredges. 
 Dipper Dredge 
 The dipper dredge is extensively used because of its 
 adaptability to a varied class of work. It is especially suit 
 able for ditching work or other excavation service in marsh 
 land or in shallow water. It is constructed and operated 
 in tiie same general way as the railroad type of power 
 shovel, but is provided with a much longer boom and 
 clipper handle so that it may excavate below the surface of 
 the water and also have a comparatively wide dumping 
 range. Generally the machine is mounted on a hull or 
 float and rests in the water, but in some instances it is 
 mounted on a platform carried on wheels or rollers run 
 ning on tracks laid on land. 
 In drainage ditching where there is sufficient width of 
 excavation and sufficient water to permit the use of the 
 floating dredge, the machine works with the dipper for 
 ward and progresses as the ditch is dug. In order to give 
 stability to the machine when working toward either side 
 the hull is provided with spuds which serve the same pur 
 pose as the outriggers used on locomotive cranes and 
 other machines operated on land. These spud-- are made 
 in two forms : bank spuds, and vertical spuds. They may 
 be manipulated by a friction hoist on the engine which 
 operates the dredging machine but in some cases an inde 
 pendent spud engine is provided. 
 The bank spud consists of a lie-leg and a stiff-leg similar 
 to the construction used on small stiff-leg derricks, but 
 arranged so that they will telescope and may be drawn in 
 on the float when not in use. The lie-leg extends from the 
 side of the float and rests on the bank of the ditch while 
 the stiff-leg extends from the outer end of the lie-leg to the 
 top of the A-frame supporting the boom. It thus prevents 
 listing of the hull to either side. 
 Vertical spuds are used when the width of the ditch or 
 ranal will not permit the use of lie-legs or when the 
 dredge is being operated on a river or other wide body of 
 water. They consist of upright legs, at each side of the 
 A-frame on the edge of the float, which are provided with 
 Endless-Chain Bucket Type Trenching Machine with Topping-Lift. Bucket Equipped with Side Cutters 
 Boom Type Back-Filler Equipped with Complete Creeper Traction 
 Boom Type Back-Filler Equipped with Plain and Creeper Traction 
 Hydraulic Dredge with Vertical Spuds. Disposal Pipe Line Laid for Filling Behind Bulkhead 
 Two Placer Dredges at Work. Elevator or Dredging End Shown at Right, Disposal End at L 
 Dipper Dredge with Vertical Spuds Lowered in Position 
 a broad, flat base and arranged so that they may be ex 
 tended downward to rest on the bottom and then rigidly 
 secured to the float. This prevents the listing of the float 
 when the dredge is raising a heavy load. 
 When dredging where the water is too shallow or the 
 ditch too narrow to float the hull, the dredge is mounted on 
 a platform carried on rollers, or on a framework which 
 straddles the excavation and is carried on wheels travel 
 ing on rails laid on the banks of the ditch. The material 
 is deposited at either side. 
 A dipper dredge is generally applied to service where 
 the range of the dipper will permit the dumping of the 
 material on either side of the excavation, but in digging 
 very wide ditches or in dredging streams, where this can 
 not be done, it is customary to first work along one bank 
 and then the other. This method, however, cannot be used 
 when the area is more than twice the range of the dredge 
 and in such cases, some other type of excavating machine 
 should be used or a barge or scow provided to carry the 
 material excavated. Dipper dredges range in capacities as 
 given in the following table : 
 of Dipper 
 Depth Dig 
 9 -12 
 21 -24 
 26 -29 /, 
 20 A 
 23 -2654 
 28 -32 
 28 /, 
 37 -4\</, 
 28 Ji 
 34 -38 /2 
 Placer Dredge 
 The placer dredge so-called, because of its application to 
 placer mining is a special type of excavating machine. It 
 is used in the mining of gold, platinum, tin, or any other 
 deposits which may be mined by the placer method. This 
 type of machine consists of an elevator-conveyor equipped 
 with digging buckets and carried on a boom structure 
 hinged to one end of the hull, a washing apparatus installed 
 within the dredge superstructure, and a refuse disposal 
 apparatus of the conveyor type. 
 In the operation of the placer dredge the boom is lowered 
 into the water so that the elevator buckets come in contact 
 with the bottom. The deposits are thus excavated and car 
 ried up inside of the machine to the washing apparatus 
 where the sand and other refuse is separated from the 
 minerals and is carried away by the refuse conveyor and 
 Depth of 
 -lit of 
 Below Water 
 Above Water 
 dumped behind the dredge as it progresses. The dumping 
 apparatus may be arranged to carry the refuse to either 
 side if desired. The approximate capacities of placer 
 dredges is given in the following table: 
 Capacity Depth of lit of Capacity 
 of Dig Hank per 
 Mucket Below Water Above Water Month 
 Cu. Yd. Ft. Ft. Cu. Yd. 
 3% 15 5 40,000 
 $</, 20 5 80,000 
 to to to 
 7% 25 7 /i 100,000 
 10% 30 10 150,000 
 Hydraulic Dredge 
 Hydraulic or suction dredges are used for deepening 
 channels, for excavating sand and gravel for commercial 
 use, for levee construction, and for excavating from under 
 water and filling low land in reclamation work. This type 
 of machine consists of a suction apparatus which is carried 
 on a boom type of structure and may be lowered into the 
 water, a suction pump, a force pump, and a disposal pipe 
 line which may be of any desired length. The lower end 
 of the suction apparatus is provided with a revolving cut 
 ter-head which loosens the material so that it may be 
 readily drawn into the suction line and pass through the 
 suction pump. 
 In the operation of the dredge the suction apparatus is 
 lowered to the bottom, the cutter-head rotated and the 
 suction pump then draws the material upward through the 
 intake pipe. It is then pumped through the disposal pipe 
 to the outlet where it is discharged. By this method of 
 dredging the material may be excavated from under \vater 
 and may be conveyed to any desired point. The impact of 
 the wet material as it is discharged from the disposal pipe, 
 makes a solid compact fill which is .especially desirable for 
 embankment construction or where it is desired to erect 
 buildings on the filled area. 
 The hydraulic dredge will handle any class of material 
 ranging from sand or gravel to blasted rock which does not 
 exceed the size of the suction pump intake. Hydraulic 
 dredges range in capacity upward to 300 to 350 cu. yd. pel 
 hour and may lie extended for a distance of several miles 
 by using booster pumps at intervals on the line thus making 
 the scope of the machine practically unlimited. 
 Suspension Cableway Dredging Sand from the Bed of a River and Delivering to a Bin for Dryi 
 Head Tower and Sand Bin 
 Head Tower with Projecting Boom 
 Suspension Cableway with Projecting Boom on Head Tower for Unloading Loose Materials from Boats 
 CABI.EWAYS ARE USED in many fields of industry. They 
 are especially adapted for operations extending over 
 a considerable area or over rough or difficult ground, 
 such as a ravine, a river, or a marsh which could not readily 
 lie served by a derrick, a crane, or other machine of more 
 limited scope. The method of construction and operation 
 permits the use of a cableway where other modes of tran^ 
 port are not feasible because of the topography of the 
 locality. In mountainous or marshy land, or over rivers, 
 they are particularly desirable because of the ease with 
 which they may be erected and because of the compara 
 tively small cost of operation. They may be equipped for 
 digging and handling sand or gravel; excavating and fill 
 ing; stripping overburden in open coal or ore mining opera 
 tions; dredging in rivers or marshland; handling materials 
 at cement works ; handling 
 coal or ore in storage, or for 
 transporting such materials ; 
 hauling and loading logs in 
 lumber operations ; and in 
 the construction of bridges, 
 dams, and similar work. 
 When used for excavation 
 work they may be operated 
 with equal facility on dry land 
 or with the material han- 
 Cableways: Endless-Rope; Inclined Dragline 
 Scraper; Power Scraper; Cable Drag 
 Scraper; Rocking Cableway; Single-Rope 
 Tramways: Friction-Grip; Two-Bucket; Sin 
 gle-Bucket; Double Cable; Stacking; Sus 
 dling device usually a buck 
 et operated under water. 
 Cableways may be of the 
 suspension cable type with some means of raising and lower 
 ing the material handling devices; they may be of the drag 
 line type in which the handling devices are attached to a 
 load cable and are dragged through the material ; or they 
 may consist of a series of cable spans supported at intervals 
 by trestles or towers in which case they are called cable 
 tramways. They are operated by a winch having one, two, 
 or more, drums as may be required for the class of work 
 and the operation of the material handling devices. Steam 
 or gasoline power is widely used, but electric power may 
 be used when available. 
 Suspension Cableways 
 Suspension cableways are made in two different types: the 
 inclined or semi-gravity cableway, in which the operation in 
 one direction is by force of gravity ; and the horizontal 
 cableway, in which the operation in both directions is en 
 tirely by power. They may be of the endless-rope type in 
 which the carriage or trolley travels on a fixed track cable 
 and the traction is supplied by an endless-rope secured to 
 the cable carriage ; or they may be of the slack track cable 
 and load cable type in which the carriage and the material 
 handling device is hauled by the load cable. A mast or a 
 tower usually supports one end of the cable span while the 
 other end is either supported by a tail-tower or is secured 
 to some form of sheave or tackle connection anchored in Un 
 earth. The head tower also the tail tower, if desired 
 may be mounted on wheels or rollers running on rails so 
 that the range of action may be shifted to serve a new area 
 when required. 
 Either type may be equipped to handle some form of 
 bucket usually of the dragline type although the turn-over 
 type or the grab bucket type is frequently used ; or they may 
 be equipped with a fall-block and hook to handle a skip, a 
 sling, or various types of tongs or grapples. 
 Endless-Rope Semi-Gravity Cableway 
 In the inclined or semi-gravity type of endless-rope cable- 
 way, a head tower or mast is installed at a convenient point 
 on high ground so that there will be sufficient incline to the 
 cableway to insure the travel of the carriage in one direc 
 tion without the use of power. 
 The main cable, or standing rope, is stretched from the 
 top of the head tower to the opposite side of the span and 
 is anchored at a point low enough to produce the inclina 
 tion necessary to run the carriage down by force of gravity. 
 The cable passes over a sheave or a saddle at the top of 
 the tower, the latter, being preferable in order to eliminate 
 the damage to the cable 
 resulting from the vibra 
 tion of the rope when the 
 cableway is in operation. 
 The hoisting rope is se 
 cured to the drum of a 
 winch, passes over a sheave 
 at the top of the mast and is 
 reeved through a sheave on 
 one end of the carriage, 
 then through the fall-block, 
 thence through a sheave on 
 the other end of the car 
 riage ; the end of the rope 
 is then secured to the fall-block. 
 The endless-rope by means of which the carriage 
 and the load is hauled along the track cable makes 
 several turns on an endless-rope wheel to prevent it 
 from slipping and both ends are passed over sheaves at the 
 top of the tower or mast. One end of the rope is secured 
 to the front of the cable carriage, and the other end passes 
 through the carriage, around a return sheave secured to 
 the main or track cable at the opposite end of the cable span 
 and is fastened to the rear end of the carriage. 
 Roth the hoisting rope and the endless-rope pass through 
 and are supported by rope trolleys which travel on the track 
 cable. These trolleys are connected to each other by a chain 
 which, holds them spaced at regular intervals as the car 
 riage runs down the incline and hangs in festoons as the 
 trolleys are drawn together when the load is hauled up the 
 track cable by the hoisting line. This chain may be fastened 
 to the cable carriage and be drawn down the incline with 
 it or it may simply connect the rope trolleys. 
 The endless-rope wheel is secured near the base of the 
 mast and is provided with a hand brake by which the car 
 riage may be held securely at any point on the track cable. 
 This brake is supplemented by a gate, consisting of two 
 pieces of timber pivoted at the top of the mast so that they 
 may be dropped over the carriage to relieve the strain on 
 the endless-rope. 
 In the operation of this type of cableway the fall-block is 
 hoisted to the carriage, the gate raised, the endiess-rope 
 wheel brake released, and the hoisting drum thrown out of 
 gear permitting the carriage to descend the inclined cable by 
 the force of its own gravity, pulling the hoisting rope, after 
 it as it uncoils from the drum. The rope trolleys follow the 
 carriage, also by gravity, supporting the endless-rope and 
 Horizontal Endless-Rope Cableway Equipped with Chain-Spaced Trolleys 
 List of Parts 
 A Mast E Hoisting Rope h Endless-Rope Sheaves L Trolley Chain 
 a Cable Saddle e Hoisting Rope Sheave I Return Sheave M Fall Block 
 B Main Cable F Hoisting Winch J Endless-Rope Sheave Wheel N Chain Grab-Hook 
 C .l/iiiii Cable Tension G Carriage K Trolley O Carnage Gate 
 D Ca&/<? Anchorage H Endless-Rope 
 Inclined or Semi-Gravity Endless-Rope Cableway Equipped with Chain-Spaced Trolleys 
 if 7 !. ,- , r-?< - 
 ^;i v->V 
 Rocking Cableway Installed at Power House for Handling Fuel and Ashes 
 the hoisting rope thus preventing excessive sagging of these 
 When the carriage reaches the point where it is desired to 
 lower the fall-block, the endless-rope brake is applied and 
 holds the carriage stationary. The fall-block by its own 
 weight lowers as the hoisting rope uncoils from the drum and 
 when it reaches the ground the brake is applied to the hoist 
 ing drum to prevent further uncoiling of the rope. When a 
 load has been attached to the hook of the fall-block, it is 
 hoisted until the fall-block is drawn up against the carriage 
 and the endless-rope brake is then released. By continuing 
 the pull on the hoisting rope the carriage with its load and 
 the rope trolleys are pulled up the incline until the carriage 
 reaches the place of landing. The gate is then dropped over 
 it and holds it until the load has been lowered and dis 
 Cableways of this type are made with a span ranging 
 upward to 1.200 ft. or more, and an individual load capacity 
 up to about 15 tons. 
 Horizontal Endless-Rope Cableway 
 The horizontal endless-rope cableway is an improvement 
 on the inclined or semi-gravity type and makes possible the 
 application of such cableways in a more general way, not 
 being restricted by topographical conditions as is the case 
 with inclined cableways. The term "horizontal" does not 
 mean that the cable is held in a level position or is sus 
 pended from supports having the same elevation but is 
 used to denote the method of operation. 
 The operation of the horizontal cableway is similar to that 
 of the inclined or semi-gravity type except that the endless- 
 rope wheel used in the inclined type is omitted and the end 
 less-rope is secured to the drum of a winch. The inclined 
 system is operated with a single-drum winch and conse 
 quently its movement in one direction is limited to gravity 
 while the horizontal cableway requires a double-drum winch, 
 is reversible, and has no restrictions except the length of 
 the span. It may be operated with the track cable at any in 
 clination and either from the low or the high point. If pos 
 sible, however, the operating machinery should be placed on 
 the higher elevation as this will insure the most satisfactory 
 results. The endless or traction rope being attached to one 
 of the drums of the winch the operator has complete con 
 trol of the movements of the carriage on the cable. 
 The ropes on this type of cableway may be supported by 
 chain connected rope trolleys, similar to those used on the 
 endless-rope inclined cableway, or they may be carried on 
 fall rope carriers which perform the same service as the 
 chain connected type. When not in use these carriers are 
 supported on a self-adjustable carrier born pivoted to the 
 cable carriage or trolley and riding on a wheel running on 
 the main or track cable. A series of tapered buttons or 
 sleeves is secured to a small carrier cable placed above the 
 main cable; these buttons each successively engage a hinged 
 eye on the carrier, stopping their travel and picking them off 
 the carrier horn. This is repeated at each of the buttons 
 until all of the carriers are distributed along the cable at 
 regular intervals, thus supporting the ropes. On the return 
 travel of the cable carriage the carrier horn picks up each 
 of the carriers as the ropes are hauled in by the winch. 
 The horizontal type of endless-rope cableway is made with 
 spans ranging upward to 2,500 ft. and has an individual load 
 capacity up to about 20 tons. 
 Typical Installations 
 A typical installation of the horizontal cableway is in 
 use at the mine of a coal company where it is used to trans- 
 oort coal across a river a cable span of 2,200 ft. being re 
 quired to a paper mill on the opposite shore and to carry 
 other material back to the mine. All of the coal used by 
 the mill and many of the materials used at the mine were 
 formerly carried several miles over a roundabout route. 
 The head-tower or operating end of this cableway is lo 
 cated on the side of the river close to the mine; the tail- 
 tmvt-r on the opposite side near the paper mill. The main 
 or track cable, is 2,500 ft. long, the hoisting rope 2,500 ft. 
 long, and the endless or traction cable is 4,500 ft. long. 
 The clear span between the towers is 2,180 ft., the head- 
 tower being 80 ft. high and the tail-tower 100 ft. high with 
 favorable land elevations on both sides of the river. The 
 anchorage for the main cable consists of logs 24 ft. long 
 and about 26 in. in diameter, buried in the ground to a depth 
 of about 5 ft. and weighted down with stone sufficiently to 
 resist the pull of the cable and the load. The cable also 
 spans railroad tracks and to prevent the skip striking pass 
 ing trains while in transit or in case of the breaking of the 
 main cable, a safety bridge built of structural steel was pro 
 vided at that point. Wire rope nettings are frequently used 
 for this purpose, and are preferable because of their lighter 
 weight. The chain-connected rope-trolley system is used 
 on this cableway and the trolleys are spaced about 40 ft. 
 apart. Because of the extreme length of the span and the 
 consequent deflection in the cables it was necessary to put 
 one set of rope trolleys in front and another set in the rear 
 of the carriage. 
 The load is carried in a skip and varies from 2^2 tons 
 to 3 tons of coal, while the skip itself and the other parts 
 weigh about 4 tons more, but this weight is distributed 
 over a considerable portion of the cable. This cableway is 
 operated by steam power and has an average daily carrying 
 capacity of about 100 tons of coal. 
 Another cableway of this type erected at a cement mill 
 has a 1,200 ft. clear span between the towers, which are 
 stationary and were built 160 ft. high for the purpose of 
 creating a large storage area for the cement clinkers. 
 Towers of this height with the 1,200 ft. span give a stor 
 age area approximately 200 ft. wide, 1,200 ft. long and 100 
 ft. high, or a storage capacity of about 1,000,000 barrels of 
 The clinkers are handled with steel skips of 25 barrels 
 capacity which are filled from chutes under the coolers and 
 conveyed by the cableway to the clinker storage. Openings 
 are provided in the bottom of the storage bins through 
 which the clinkers arc dropped on a belt conveyor which 
 carries them to the mills. 
 The mills are located on the side of a hill having an even 
 slope from the crusher and nearly in line with the grinding 
 buildings, thus affording a very favorable storage place. 
 This also obviates the necessity for rehandling the clinkers 
 with the cableway. 
 The Rocking Cableway 
 The rocking cableway is an adaptation of the suspension 
 type cableway, so designed as to permit both a longitudinal 
 and a transverse movement. It may be equipped with an 
 automatic bucket and be used to handle loose materials 
 such as coal, coke, ore, crushed stone, or cement ; or it 
 may be equipped with some form of hoisting tackle and 
 be used with grab hooks, slings or other devices to handle 
 lumber and logs, or other materials. It is adaptable to 
 practically any class of hoisting and conveying work but it 
 is particularly serviceable for unloading coal or similar 
 materials from railroad cars to storage, and for reclaim 
 ing the material from storage when it is to be used. 
 This type of cableway consists of a track cable suspended 
 from a main or hoist tower and a tail tower, both of which 
 Single Rope Cableway with Hinged Boom on Head Tower for Unloading Materials from Boats 
 Single Rope Cableway Equipped with Single Line Automatic Grab Bucket for Handling Loose Material 
 are supported longitudinally by guys or tension cables, and 
 transversely by side-tackle and rocking-ropes. Each tower 
 rests on a quadrant base and is pivoted at the bottom so 
 that it may be tilted or rocked to an angle of about 60 deg. 
 each side of the vertical center line. The rocking motion 
 is imparted by the rocking-ropes which are secured to the top 
 of the tower and to the upper sheave blocks of the side- 
 tackle. The lower sheaves of the tackle are secured to an 
 anchor-block resting in the ground at each side of the tower 
 and the lines pass thence to a drum on a winch which may 
 be located near the base of the tower or in a machinery 
 house which will also serve to shelter the operator. As 
 the drum of the winch is rotated in either direction, the 
 tackle pays out on one side and is hauled in on the other 
 side thus pulling the top of the tower to either side as 
 desired hence the name "rocking cableway." 
 The track cable is kept taut by the tension cables and a 
 cable carriage or trolley is hauled in either direction on the 
 track cable by a load or haulage cable secured to the car 
 riage and operated by a drum on a winch which may be 
 located at one side of the main tower or in the machinery 
 house. The carriage is provided with suitable sheaves for 
 one or more hoisting lines as may be required for the opera 
 tion of an automatic bucket or for fall-blocks. The hoist 
 ing lines are operated by drums on the same winch as is 
 used for the load cable. Steam, gasoline, or electric power 
 may be used and the entire equipment is under the con 
 trol of one operator. 
 The use of a rocking tower at both ends of the cableway 
 permits the handling of material over a rectangular area 
 and thus will serve a maximum amount of storage space. 
 In cases where great capacity is not required, a modified 
 form of the rocking cableway may be used in which the 
 tail-tower is held rigid, only the main or hoist tower being 
 designed to rock from side to side. This form of cableway 
 serves a fan-shaped area. 
 The sidewise scope width of the area served of a 
 cableway of the rocking type varies with the height of the 
 tower, the greater the height of a tower tilting at a given 
 angle, the greater the width of the area served. 
 This type of equipment is made in various capacities 
 ranging upward to 100 tons an hour. A typical installation 
 for handling fuel and ashes at a power house serves an 
 area 500 ft. in length and 100 ft. in width. Similar installa 
 tions may be made at blast furnaces for handling ore and 
 other materials ; at cement mills for handling hot clinker 
 or for other service ; and also in foundry yards, structural 
 steel storage, or in any industry having large quantities of 
 materials which must be handled into and out of storage. 
 Single-Rope Cableway 
 The single-rope cableway requires only one hoisting cable 
 for its operation and when equipped with a single-line 
 bucket, is used for unloading loose materials such as coal, 
 coke, or sand and gravel from cars to storage piles or for 
 loading it from storage piles to cars. The track cable is 
 stretched on an incline between towers, the loading point 
 usually being at or near the higher tower. The carriage, 
 to which a single-line clam-shell bucket is suspended by a . 
 bail, travels on this track cable. The hoisting line passes 
 from the winch to a sheave at the top of the head tower, 
 thence beneath the track cable to the carriage and then over 
 a sheave in the carriage. It is then reeved through the 
 bucket heads and thence back to the carriage where it is 
 made fast. When this line is allowed to pay out, the car 
 riage, carrying the bucket suspended below it, moves down 
 the track cable until a latch on the end of the carriage en 
 gages the stop on the cable automatically releasing the 
 bucket bail. The bucket is thus suspended in the bight 
 of the line and is then lowered by further paying out of the 
 line until it rests upon the material to be handled and is 
 ready to dig. 
 Pulling in on the hoisting line closes the bucket and 
 lifts it with its load of material to the carriage which is 
 automatically released from the stop so that it is free to 
 move upward along the track cable until it comes in con 
 tact with the upper stop. The line is then allowed to pay 
 out, the carriage engaging itself on the upper stop and re 
 leasing the bucket, which is lowered and the load dis 
 charged by pulling a trip-lever. Upon again being hoisted 
 to the upper stop, the bucket bail engages the carriage caus 
 ing it to release the stop. Paying out the line then allows 
 the carriage to travel downward by gravity and convey the 
 bucket along the cable. 
 The bucket may grab a load beneath either stop but it 
 cannot be detached from the carriage between stops, there 
 fore, in order to change the location of the loading and 
 dumping points it is necessary to shift the stops on the track 
 cable. This is easily done by pulling on hand lines sus 
 pended from the stops. A pull on the line releases the 
 clamps which prevent the stops from slipping on the track 
 cable and the stop may then be moved as desired. Be 
 cause of the necessity of moving the stops the single-rope 
 system is not suitable for use where the work is of such 
 a character as to require the bucket to be spotted at a dif 
 ferent point each time it takes a load. 
 Any hoisting winch capable of lifting one-half of the 
 weight of the loaded bucket may be used, but it is es 
 sential that the speed be completely under control of the 
 operator, as the carriage must be traveling slowly when 
 it engages the stops. 
 The single-rope cableway has the advantage of being low 
 in first cost ; is simple to operate ; requires few lines and 
 sheaves to keep in order; and is easy to erect and to move. 
 It should not, however, be applied where a span greater 
 than 300 ft. is required unless a pull-back line and a coun 
 terweight tower is used in order to avoid having; an ex 
 cessively high head tower. With a pull-back line the span 
 should not exceed 500 ft. 
 Inclined Dragline Cableways 
 The inclined dragline cableway also called straight-line 
 or slackline is a type of semi-gravity cableway used chiefly 
 for excavation work in sand or gravel pits, or for handling 
 ore, coal, or similar materials. It consists of a guyed mast 
 or a tower; an inclined track cable; a load cable; and some . 
 form of scraper or dragline bucket. 
 The track cable is supported at the higher end of the span 
 on a sheave or a saddle at the top of the mast or tower, 
 and the lower end is secured to a suitable ground anchor 
 age at a distance from the mast depending upon the length 
 of cableway span desired. A carrier is mounted on the 
 track cable, and a scraper or dragline bucket is attached to 
 this carrier by flexible connections chains generally being 
 used. The load cable is attached to the front of the bucket 
 and the carrier and is used for the operation of loading the 
 bucket and for hauling it on the track cable to the dump 
 ing point. A tension cable having tension or fall-blocks 
 secured to the track cable at the top of the tower, and to 
 a ground anchorage at the lower end, serves to tighten or 
 slacken the track cable as may be required. Both the load 1 
 and tension cables lead from guide blocks at the top of the 
 tower down to a double-drum friction winch, usually located 
 at ground level. 
 To provide an easy means for shifting the lower end of the- 
 track cable it is usually secured to a. bridle cable. This 
 r J 
 8U- ^L 
 M* J< -/ Ti 
 Endless-Rope Suspension Cableway Handling Loose Material with a Skip 
 ^- - * 
 Endless-Rope Suspension C.ableway Handling Coal at a Power House with an Automatic Grab Bucket 
 Endless-Rope Suspension Cableway Handling Block Stone in a Quarry 
 List of Parts 
 4 Tractor Engine 8 Load Cable 12 GMV Anchor 
 5 Winch 9 Bridle Cable 13 Groir/ / ;/,- 
 6 Tract Cafck 10 A/am G.v 14 Gravel Pit 
 7 Tension Cable 11 Auxiliary Guy 15 Water Line 
 Semi-Gravity Dragline Cableway Digging Sand and Gravel from Under Water and Delivering it to Storage Pile 
 Rigged for Forward-End Dump 
 1 Mast 
 2 Tail Tou er 
 3 Bucket, Digging 
 3a Bucket, Dumping 
 List of Parts 
 5 Head Gate 9 Track Cable 
 6 Rock Pile 10 Load Cable 
 7 Spoil Pile 11 Tension Cable 
 8 ll inch 12 Bucket, Loading 
 Semi-Gravity Dragline Cableway Installed for Service in Dam Construction Work. Rigged for Low-End Dump 
 1 River 
 2 Stone Crib Dam 
 3 Rock and Earth Fill 
 4 Tail Race 
 12a Bucket, Dumping 
 13 Mast 
 14 Tail Tou er 
 a 2 
 bridle cable is installed by placing two anchor logs some 
 distance apart, the usual distance being aiiout 150 ft. One 
 end of the bridle cable is brought around one of the anchor 
 logs and then fastened. The other end of the bridle cable is 
 passed through the bridle frame and then brought around 
 the other anchor log. This cable may be provided with tackle 
 so that in using a movable tower a considerable lateral 
 movement of tin- .-.iblrwav may be obtained without chang 
 ing the location of the anchorages. 
 The operation of this cableway usually begins with the 
 track cable taut and the empty bucket near the top of the 
 cableway. The operator then releases the friction of the 
 front drum of the winch, which releases the load cable. 
 This allows the carrier and bucket to travel by gravity 
 down the inclined track cable, the speed being controlled by 
 the brake on the friction drum. When the point of excava 
 tion has been reached the downward travel of the bucket 
 and carrier is stopped by the brake on the front drum, 
 and the bucket is lowered to the material by slacking off the 
 track cable. The load cable is then hauled in, drawing the 
 bucket into the material. After it is filled the track cable 
 is again hauled taut and the bucket is either drawn upward 
 by the load cable to a dumping point at the upper end of 
 the cableway or it is allowed to travel by gravity further 
 down the inclined track cable to a lower dumping point. 
 In the operation of this type of cableway the load is always 
 gathered as the bucket is hauled toward the main tower 
 but the material may be dumped either at the upper end 
 of the cableway on the upward travel, or it may be allowed 
 to travel down the inclined track cable and be dumped at 
 the lower end. This is accomplished by special dumping 
 devices attached to the bucket and to the track cabls. 
 Controlled Front-Dump Type 
 One type of bucket used on dragline cablevvays is de 
 signed to dump during the upward travel of the load. A 
 bucket hanging chain is secured to a rigid bail at the front 
 of the bucket, passing upward over a sheave on the cable 
 carrier and thence to a clevis on the rear of the bucket; a 
 front-chain is secured to the bail clevis and a bridle-chain 
 is secured to the front clevis, both these chains being 
 brought together and connected to a pull-chain which in 
 turn is connected to a dump-block attached to the load 
 cable ; a dump-chain is secured to the rear clevis and, lead 
 ing upward over a sheave in the carrier frame, passes under 
 a sheave in the dump-block from whence it passes upward 
 and is secured to a clevis on a traveler-block running on the 
 track cable. 
 The cycle of operation is as follows : Starting with the 
 bucket empty in the dumping position at the point of dis 
 charge, the load cable drum is released allowing the bucket 
 to travel by gravity down the inclined track cable, auto 
 matically righting itself as it goes. When the digging point 
 is reached, the track cable is slacked off lowering the bucket 
 to the material and the load cable is then hauled in, the 
 bucket being drawn into the material tilling as it goes. 
 When the bucket is filled, the track cable is hauled taut 
 raising the bucket with it. The travel continues until the 
 travel-block comes in contact with a stop clamped to the 
 track cable at the desired dumping point. This provides a 
 fulcrum for the dump-chain, which passes through the 
 sheaves as the dump-block attached to the load cable con 
 tinues its forward movement, drawing the rear end of 
 the bucket upward to the carrier and dumping the load. 
 Low-End Dump 
 In another method of operating a dragline bucket on 
 the dragline cableway the dumping point is at the low end 
 of the inclined track cable. In this arrangement, the rear 
 ni the bucket is connected to the rear of the carrier by a 
 hanging chain. I .ridle chains arc connected to the front end 
 of the side plates of the bucket and an operating chain is 
 connected to the top of the bail at the front of the bucket. 
 This operating chain passes over and engages a chain 
 sprocket wheel mounted at the front end of the carrier. The 
 sprocket wheel has ratchet wheels on each side which engage 
 two pawls that are pivoted to the side of the carrier and 
 arc connected to lever arms which extend from the pivot 
 point on the carrier to the rear and outside of the carrier. 
 A roller is provided between the outer end of these lever 
 arms and en.ua^es a dump trolley which is equipped with an 
 i icliued dump lever and is secured to the track cable at the 
 desiied dumping point. To meet special conditions, this 
 arrangement sometimes is modified and a traveler block pro- 
 viilcd to operate the rearward extending arms. 
 In the operation of this type of bucket, the bucket is 
 lowered at the point of excavation by slackening the tracK 
 cable until the bucket comes in contact with the material. 
 A pull on the load cable draws the bucket into the 
 material and after it is filled the track cable is tightened and 
 the bucket is raised clear of the excavation. When the 
 bucket is raised, the pawls on the side of the sprocket en 
 gage with the ratchets and this prevents the sprocket from 
 revolving backward. The front of the bucket is thus pre 
 vented from lowering and dropping its load. The loaded 
 bucket then travels by gravity down the inclined track cable, 
 the speed of travel being controlled by a band brake at 
 tached to the drum which operates the load cable. When 
 the dumping point is reached, the roller on the rearward 
 extending arms comes in contact with the inclined dump 
 lever of the dump trolley, forces the lever downward and 
 disengages the pawls. The chain sprocket wheel may then 
 revolve and the material is dumped by simply slacking off 
 the load cable. 
 Other Methods of Operation 
 To meet special working conditions a carrier having both 
 the forward end and the low end dumping arrangement may 
 be used. This device operates at either end in the same 
 manner as cither of the other types, but requires both a 
 front and rear dumping-trolley on the track cable. 
 In another type of slack-cable dragline cableway the 
 bucket is secured directly to the carriers which travel on 
 either a single or a double cableway two cables stretched 
 parallel to each other. The cables are supported on towers 
 and are so arranged on the hoisting winch that they may be 
 slacked off to lower the bucket to the material. The 
 bucket is so designed that it readily digs into the material as 
 it is hauled forward. When the bucket is filled the cables 
 ;ire drawn taut and the load cable is hauled in drawing the 
 bucket to the dumping point where the load is automatically 
 dumped by a tripping device. 
 The power-scraper is a type of cable apparatus adapted 
 to handling loose material, such as coal, ore, sand or gravel 
 in storage, or for handling coarser, harder material which 
 has first been broken up by a plow or by other means. It 
 may also be used for excavation and filling work in easily 
 <!u -t materials, or for stripping overburden from gravel 
 banks, stone quarries, or open coal or ore mines. This ap 
 paratus is a form of cableway or dragline equipment in the 
 operation of which the bucket or scraper is not hoisted but is 
 dragged through the material when being filled and is hauled 
 on top of it when being drawn back for another load. It 
 consists of a load cable secured to the bridle chains of the 
 Dragline Scraper Cablewa\ Handling Coal from Storage to Power House 
 Dragline Power Scraper Digging and Filling in a Continuous Operation 
 Dragline Scraper Cableway Digging Sand and Gravel from Under Water and Dumping Into Disposal Bin 
 Semi-Gravity Dragline Cableway with Self -Supporting Movable Head Tower and Bridle Shifting Cable for Levee 
 Construction Work. Rigged for Forward-End Dump 
 1 A-l : ramc 
 2 Guys 
 3 Hopper 
 4 Industrial Car 
 5 Track to Plant 
 d Movable Toiler 
 7 Tower Shifting Cable 
 List of Parts. 
 8 U incli 
 9 Track Cable 
 10 Load Cable 
 11 Bucket, Digging 
 lla Bucket, Dumping 
 12 .Wot dWr Tail Toiler 
 13 Brirf/i- Shifting Cable 
 \\\~ \ 
 14 Hand ll inch 
 15 Dump Trolley 
 16 Dump Trolley Cable 
 17 Levee 
 18 Levee Enlargement 
 19 Exhausted Pit 
 20 Borrow Pit 
 == =i\\V=i\ = 
 Semi-Gravity Dragline Cableway with Movable Head Tower and A-Frame Tail Tower Handling Clay at a Brick Plant. 
 Rigged for Low-End Dump Into Receiving Hopper for Discharge Into Industrial Carg 
 Cable Drag-Scraper Installed at Coal Storage Plant Dragline Scraper Cableway Excavating from River Bed 
 Cross Section Showing Construction of Cable Scraper with Hopper, Elevator and Conveyor for Distributing Coal 
 Cable Dragline Scraper Cableway Operating Bottomless Scraper in Sand and Gravel 
 drag scraper or bucket ; a pull-back cable secured to the rear- 
 of the bucket; and two lead-blocks secured to slakes or 
 other supports anchored in the ground at suitable points 
 on the far side of the area served. Both the load cable 
 and the pull-back cable are wound on a two-drum winch 
 which usually is located at one side of the area containing 
 the material to be handled. This winch may be operated 
 by steam, gasoline, or electric power. 
 The load cable either leads through sheaves on the winch 
 frame or directly from the front drum of the winch to the 
 front or bridle chains on the scraper. The pull-back cable 
 leads from the rear drum of the winch through a guide 
 block located so that the cable will wind properly on the 
 drum. The cable then passes through two other guide 
 blocks located in the rear of the scraper at the far side of 
 the excavation and is brought to the rear chains of the 
 scraper and attached. The rear guide blocks are usually set 
 from 50 ft. to ISO ft. apart and one of them is attached to 
 a block tackle. By either slacking off or hauling in on this 
 tackle the line of operation of the scraper may be shifted to 
 any intermediate position between the two rear guide blocks. 
 The scraper is a bottomless type of dragline bucket open 
 at the front and having a runner frame which is equipped 
 with digging teeth and a cutter edge. The cutter edge is 
 pivoted and adjustable which makes it possible to adjust the 
 angle of it so that the greatest efficiency may be obtained in 
 excavating and handling various kinds of materials. It is 
 so designed that the cutter edge becomes inoperative after 
 the scraper is filled with material thus saving considerable 
 power as the loaded scraper is pulled to the dumping point. 
 When the scraper reaches the dumping point, the pull-back 
 cable is put into operation and this draws the scraper away 
 from the material and back to the digging point. The run 
 ner frame has a pivoted connection to the scraper body and 
 this allows it to ride over stones or other obstructions which 
 may be in the path of the scraper when it is drawn back 
 ward instead of expending power to force the scraper 
 through or to push the obstructions to one side. 
 In the operation of this machine, starting with the scraper 
 at the digging point, the operator disengages the friction of 
 the rear drum and throws in the friction of the front drum. 
 This puts the load cable in operation which pulls the scraper 
 forward and causes the cutter edge to dig. The material 
 thus loosened fills in between the two side plates of the 
 scraper and the loaded scraper is then hauled over the 
 ground to the dumping point. The operator then disengages 
 the front drum and throws in the friction of the rear drum 
 putting the pull-back cable in operation and drawing the 
 scraper to the rear. The scraper, being of the bottomless 
 type, is readily drawn away from the load and back to the 
 digging point, practically no time being lost in the dump 
 ing operation. 
 By installing the front sheaves on an elevated frame or 
 tower the power-scraper type of cableway may be utilized 
 to draw material up an inclined runway and deposit it in a 
 hopper. From the hopper it may be dumped into a rail 
 road car or on a conveyor and disposed of as desired. It 
 may also be used to bring material within reach of a drag 
 line cableway excavator. In this case, a duplex power- 
 scraper should be used and the rear sheave blocks mounted 
 on a bridle-cable which will permit a change in the line of 
 operation by simply shifting the guide-block attachments on 
 the cable. With this rigging, as one scraper is drawn for 
 ward with its load the other scraper travels back to the 
 digging point. 
 In the operation of the power scraper the loaded scraper 
 may travel at an approximate speed of 200 ft. per min. and 
 the empty scraper may travel back to the digging point at 
 a speed ranging upward to 600 ft. per min. The amount of 
 material that may be handled per hour depends upon the 
 length of the haul or cable span which may be upward to 
 about 1,000 ft. ; the scraper capacity ranging from about J/$ 
 cu. yd. to 2 cu. yd. or larger; and the class of material be 
 ing handled 
 Power-Scraper Cableway 
 The power-scraper cableway is a combination of the slack 
 track cable and the cable dragline scraper. The scraper 
 is suspended on a carrier traveling on the track cable, which 
 can be raised or lowered by a tension cable mechanism. A 
 two-drum hoist is used to operate this machine, the front 
 drum operating the load cable and the rear drum the tension 
 mechanism. When the track cable is raised and pulled taut 
 ever the top of the mast or tower, the carrier and the 
 scraper travel by gravity down the inclined cable. When 
 the digging point is reached the track cable is slackened and 
 thus the scraper is lowered to the material. The load cable 
 is then put in operation pulling the scraper forward so 
 that it digs its load, and it is then pulled over the ground to 
 the dumping point. The track cable is then again tightened 
 and the scraper is drawn away from the load and is raised 
 off the ground sufficiently to return by gravity to the dig 
 ging point. 
 This apparatus is designed to handle the same classes of 
 materials as the power-scraper but has a considerably 
 greater capacity. Because of the cost of the towers, tracks, 
 etc., this type is not an economical one where only a small 
 amount of material is to be handled ; therefore, the power- 
 scraper cableway should be installed only where a large 
 amount of material must be moved. 
 Cable Drag-Scraper 
 The cable drag-scraper is a type of dragline cable ap 
 paratus used chiefly at power plants for handling coal from 
 railroad cars into storage and for reclaiming it when de 
 sired for use. To install this apparatus a series of posts is 
 set around the sides and rear of the storage space which 
 may be of any desired shape. A chain-bucket elevator is 
 placed in a tower at the front or railroad side of the stor 
 age space. This tower has a discharge chute projecting 
 over the storage area and a combined receiving hopper, re 
 claiming hopper, and elevator pit is located under the 
 elevator tower and the adjacent railroad tracks. A single 
 haulage or drag cable is reeved through sheaves or tail- 
 blocks attached to any two of the posts on the sides or rear 
 of the storage space and passes through sheaves on two front 
 posts located near the elevator tower and thence to the 
 drums of a haulage winch located in a nearby machinery 
 house which also serves as a shelter for the operator. The 
 scraper, which is an open-end and practically bottomless 
 form of dragline bucket, is attached to one side of the 
 drag cable and is thus dragged back and forth over the 
 storage area as the cable runs through the sheaves on the 
 The coal is received in railroad cars and is dis 
 charged into the receiving hopper below the tracks. The 
 bucket elevator then picks up the coal and delivers it down 
 the chute to one side of the storage space, forming an 
 initial pile within reach of the cable drag-scraper. The 
 scraper is then dragged back and forth over the coal and 
 distributes it over the storage space. To reclaim the coal 
 from storage for use, the scraper is reversed on the cable 
 and the coal is scraped back to the reclaiming hopper and 
 delivered to the bucket elevator, which may be arranged to 
 discharge the coal either to railroad cars or to a conveyor 
 running to a bin or bunker in the boiler house. 
 Logging Cableway Skidding Logs Across Flat Country 
 Logging Cableway Skidding Logs Uphill (Top) and Downhill (Bottom) 
 Logging Cableway Skidding Logs in Relays Over Hilly Country 
 Logging Cableway Using Growing Timber for Supports 
 2-Whcel Plalc Carrier 
 2-Whcel Bar-Frame Carrier 
 3-Wheel Bar-Frame Carrier 
 2-Whecl Carrier. Forward and Low-End Dump 
 l-Wheel Bar-Frame Carrier with Rocker Wheel Frames 
 Cable Carriage with Rope Trolley Carrier Horn 
 Horizontal Cable Carriage 
 Single-Rope Cableway with Pull-Back Line and Counterweight 
 Double-Rope Cable Tramway Equipped with Tram-Cars 
 X& 5 
 Stacking Tramway Showing Method of Extending Bridge 
 Reversible Cable Tramway with Self-Dumping Bucket 
 A drag-scraper will handle either run of mine coal or a 
 crusher may be placed in the pit and the coal crushed for 
 stoker use. In the winter when the coal becomes frozen, 
 large lumps can be dragged by the scraper directly to the 
 track hopper and thence to the crusher and broken up so 
 that it may be handled by the elevator and conveyor. 
 Cable apparatus of this type has a handling capacity of 
 from 50 to 100 tons of coal per hour depending upon the 
 size of scraper used and the length of haul required. 
 Another type of power-scraper cable apparatus emlxxlies 
 the general principle of the taut suspension cable and the 
 endless-rope traction to which is added a bucket or scraper 
 device for scraping and automatically dumping the material. 
 The supports for the track cable may be of the traveling- 
 tower type similar to the head tower used on other cable- 
 ways, but a light, portable A-frame which may readily be 
 moved may be used for the tail tower. 
 The winch for operating the apparatus is mounted at the 
 base of the head tower. It generally is of the three-drum 
 tandem type fitted for operating !>oth the scraping and the 
 dumping lines. The automatic dumping operation is ef 
 fected by a dumping line which is fastened to the rear of 
 the scraper and, passing through a pulley at the top of the 
 hoisting bail, is secured to the scraping line a suitable dis 
 tance from the end of the bail. When digging the material, 
 the bail to which the hoisting line is fastened lies loosely 
 on the scraper and hence there is no tension on the dumping 
 line. After the scraper is filled and is hoisted this line is 
 shortened as the hoisting bail is raised and then, by winding 
 up the scraping line, the rear of the scraper is tilted and its 
 contents discharged. With the use of the endless-rope all 
 the movements of the carriage are under control and the 
 material can be taken up or deposited at any point. 
 I or excavation work where the use of towers may 
 not be practicable, a derrick may be substituted for the 
 head tower by using a separate line to drag the bucket 
 or scraper to the opposite end of the span where a 
 sheave-block, through which to reeve the outhaul line 
 may be arranged to move in either direction so as to 
 cover the entire width of the excavation. 
 With this equipment, the material can be conveyed to 
 cither side of an excavation and automatically dumped. 
 It is adapted for excavating sewers, canals, or cellars, and 
 when required the material can be loaded direct on cars 
 or wagons for removal. It may be rigged to excavate 
 in the direction parallel to the track cable or, by placing 
 suitable sheaves or blocks at either side of the area 
 being excavated, it may be operated at right angles. 
 Cable Tramways 
 The cable tramway or aerial tramway, as it is termed 
 is used to transport materials, such as coal, ore, sand, gravel 
 or cement, that may readily be carried in buckets, or it may 
 be used for handling logs, lumber, or other materials with 
 the aid of suitable handling devices. It is also possible 
 to carry at the same time on one line several kinds of 
 material, such as ore, logs, and timbers. This type of 
 equipment is of substantially the same design as the sus 
 pension cableway, the chief difference being that instead 
 of using the single-span, typical of the suspension cable- 
 way, the tramway cables generally are of much greater 
 length and are supported at each end by terminal towers 
 or stations and at intermediate points by trestles. 
 Track Cables 
 Cable tramways ordinarily have two parallel stationary 
 track cables stretched taut between the two terminal sta 
 tions. One side of the tramway is generally used entirely 
 for carrying the load and the track cable on this side 
 usually is of larger diameter than that on the side which 
 carries the empty receptacles. Both cables are attached 
 to swivels in the terminal stations so that they may be 
 turned at regular periods, the wear on the cable thus being 
 distributed around its entire circumference. 
 The cables are supported on intermediate towers or 
 trestles constructed of wood or steel and varying in height 
 according to the character of the ground. The distance 
 between towers varies from SO ft. up to several thousand 
 feet, depending upon the contour of the tramway route. 
 Generally the cables rest on saddles placed on the top 
 of the towers thus eliminating much of the wear and 
 prolonging the life of the ropes. Where the individual 
 loads are heavy, and the tonnage carried is great, a rock 
 ing saddle is sometimes used to ease the action of the car 
 riers as they travel over the track cable at the towers. 
 To further reduce the wear and to permit free move 
 ment of the track cables, they are kept taut by tension 
 weights. The cables are anchored at one end preferably 
 at the higher elevation to take advantage of the weight 
 of the cable itself while at the other end they are 
 attached to chains or ropes which pass over sheaves from 
 which tension-weight boxes are suspended. These boxes 
 are loaded with weights, the total weight being determined 
 by the size and strength of the track cables used and 
 the load to be carried. These weights rise and fall with 
 the varying sag of the track cable, due to the number 
 and weight of the carriers and to the expansion or con 
 traction of the cables caused by changes in temperature. 
 \Yhere conditions arc such that weights cannot readily 
 be installed a take-up block or tackle may be used. 
 When the distance between the two terminal stations is 
 very great exceeding 1 to \}A miles or the grades are 
 very severe, an intermediate tension station is installed. At 
 this point the track cables are parted, one end being 
 attached to a fixed anchorage and the other end to a 
 tension gear similar to that used at the terminal stations. 
 This prevents the excessive stresses developed in a cable 
 of great length. A section of overhead, rail is used with 
 this arrangement to connect the track-cable ends. 
 Where the tramway line passes over the crest of a hill 
 or mountain range, and the contour is such as to require 
 towers spaced too closely together, a breakover or a rail 
 station is generally used, instead of the ordinary tower, 
 to prevent excessive wear of the track cables at that point. 
 The rail station consists of a series of bents or trestles 
 supporting two parallel steel rails curved to a large radius 
 and over which the carriers travel instead of on the track 
 cable. At such points the track cables either may be cut 
 and the ends anchored separately, or they may continue 
 through the station underneath the rail. 
 Traction Cable 
 The traction cable by means of which the load is hauled 
 on the track cable is spliced endless and passes around 
 horizontal sheave wheels of large diameter located at the 
 terminal stations. Under severe conditions either the 
 number of grooves in the sheave and turns of the cable 
 around the sheave is increased or an automatic grip-wheel 
 is substituted. The grip-wheel is so designed that the 
 harder the pull on the traction cable, the more firmly the 
 Cable Tramway Carrier Attaching and Detaching Device 
 Cable Tramway Carrier Detaching Device at Discharge Terminal 
 Cable Tramway Carrier Attaching Device at Loading Terminal 
 Friction Grip 
 Friction Grip 
 Bucket Carrier with 
 Friction Grip 
 Liquid Carrier with Com 
 pression Grip 
 Log Carrier with Two-Compression Grips 
 Bale Carrier with Over 
 head Grip 
 Bucket Carrier with Fric 
 tion Grip 
 Cordwood Carrier 
 Cable Protector-Saddle 
 Rocking Cable Saddle 
 cable is gripped, and thus slipping of the cable is pre 
 vented. During the operation of the tramway the traction 
 cable is usually supported by the grips on the carriers, 
 but when a portion of the line is free from carriers the 
 traction cable is supported by rollers placed on the towers, 
 far enough below the track cables to allow the carriers 
 to clear them. These rollers vary in diameter according 
 to the pressure imposed upon them, thus insuring maximum 
 service from the traction cable. 
 Where the length and capacity of the tramway and the 
 conditions of land profile are such as to require an excess 
 ively large traction cable the tramway is usually divided 
 into two or more sections, each being a complete unit in 
 itself. In such cases the carriers are detached from the 
 traction cable and are transferred from one section to 
 the other over an overhead rail connection. When rail 
 stations are necessary the endless traction cable need not 
 be cut but may continue through the station supported by 
 rollers or sheaves secured to the structure. 
 An aerial tramway does not always require power for 
 the operation of the traction cable as, when there is suffi 
 cient fall between the loading and discharge stations, the 
 loaded carriers going down on one side will pull the 
 empty carriers up on the opposite side. When it is nec 
 essary to have a driving gear, it should be placed at the 
 terminal at the higher elevation. This gear usually consists 
 of one or more grooved sheave wheels around which the 
 ;ndlcss traction cable passes attached to a vertical or a 
 lorizontal shaft and driven through a lev el gear and 
 pinion by a steam engine or any other available pourr. 
 The shaft of the sheave wheel at the opposite terminal 
 Jtation structure, and is then connected to the crosshead, 
 horizontal guides. A suspended weight is attached to a 
 chain or a rope which passes over a sheave fixed to the 
 station structure, and is then connected to the crossbead, 
 the weight thus maintaining a constant tension in the 
 traction cable. When the loaded carriers travel down 
 grade, and the resulting pull of the descending carriers 
 exceeds that of the ascending ones, no power is necessary 
 and the line works by fore? of gravity. The surplus 
 power thus developed is absorbed and the travel of the 
 load is controlled by suitable brakes operated by levers ; 
 by hydraulic controllers ; or by air compressors. 
 To secure the best results from the cable tramway 
 system in handling loose materials in buckets, the material 
 to be transported should be brought to the loading station 
 and dumped into a small bin or hopper, from which it may 
 be transferred to the tramway buckets. In cases where it 
 is impracticable to load the material through a bin the 
 buckets may be made detachable from the carriers and be 
 taken to the material either on small cars, or on wheels 
 attached directly to the buckets. Another method some 
 times used is to detach the buckets from the traction cable 
 and to run them to the desired point on shunt rails leading 
 from the terminal. 
 The carriers from which the material handling devices 
 are suspended travel over the track cables, being moved 
 by a friction-grip and the endless traction cable which is 
 placed below the track cables and passes around sheaves 
 at the terminals. These carriers are distributed on the 
 track cable at regular intervals, according to the quantity 
 of material to be transported. Usually they move in a 
 circuit between the loading and discharge terminal sta 
 tions, the loaded one always traveling on one side of the 
 line, while the empties return on the parallel cable on the 
 opposite side. The carriers are equipped with material 
 handling acces>ones made in various designs to suit the 
 particular class of material to be transported. Bucket 
 carriers which arc used for ore, coal, and similar materials 
 are usually of the self-dumping turnover type and are made 
 in capacities ranging from 4 cu. ft. to 20 cu. ft., the capacity 
 depending upon the weight of the material and the tonnage 
 it is desired to transport. Various other devices, such as 
 slings, grab-hooks, tongs, and grapples, are also used to 
 handle st.me, lumber, logs, etc. Tanks for carrying liquids 
 have also been used in some localitic-. 
 The Friction-Grip 
 The friction-grip system of attaching or detaching the 
 carriers is largely used on aerial tramways of the contin 
 uous double-cable type. The friction-grip, which is 
 secured to the hanger of the carrier, is provided with 
 movable jaws for gripping the traction cable, the jaws 
 being opened and closed by a lever arm. The grip mech 
 anism consists of a short shaft on which are cut both 
 coarse and fine pitch threads or opposite leads. This shaft 
 passes through the two movable jaws which have cor 
 responding threads and this forms the clamp by which 
 the traction cable is gripped. The shaft also passes through 
 a bearing on the carrier and on one end of the shaft is 
 keyed a double lexer which at its upper end carries a 
 disk-shaped weight, free to revolve on a pin. 
 In the operation of this device a downward movement of 
 the lever causes the shaft to revolve and the coarse thread 
 engages the inner jaw. This closes the clamp until both 
 jaws are in contact with the rope when the effect of the 
 coarse thread on the inner jaw ceases. The further 
 turning of the shaft by downward pressure on the lever 
 causes the outer jaw with the fine thread to continue its 
 motion and thus clamp the cable tightly. 
 An important feature of this type of grip is that it auto 
 matically adjusts itself to any variation in the diameter of 
 the traction cable due to wear or to splices. As the rope 
 wears, the lever arm turns farther around on the fine thread, 
 thereby bringing the gripping jaws close together. Thus 
 from a position of the lever arm at 25 deg. above the 
 horizontal, to a position at 25 deg. below, a wear of 
 approximately 1/16 in. in the diameter of the traction 
 cable can be taken up. When the wear on the cable has 
 progressed so that the attaching lever arm reaches a posi 
 tion of more than 25 deg. below the horizontal, it can 
 again be thrown up into the initial adjustment by the use 
 of an adjusting nut. In this way, a wear of ^ in. or 
 more may be taken up without difficulty and without 
 changing any of the parts in the grip. 
 To place a carrier in service it is brought to the attach 
 ing point in the terminal station where a slight dip or 
 incline in the station rail serves to accelerate the movement 
 of the carrier to approximately the same rate of speed as 
 the traction cable and also to bring the cable into position 
 between the friction-grip jaws when the carrier reaches 
 the lowest point in the rail. Simultaneously the revolving 
 weight on the lever arm of the friction-grip rolls up an 
 inclined guide until the operating lever assumes a vertical 
 position and the grip jaws are closed on the cable. The 
 action of the coarse thread on the shaft or spindle of the 
 grip then ceases and the actual gripping power is exerted 
 by the fine threads as the lower end of the grip lever strikes 
 a stop and completes the lever movement. 
 In the operation of the friction-grip system it is necessary 
 to detach the carriers from the traction cable at both the 
 loading and discharge terminal stations and this is done by 
 a detaching device, located near the front of the terminal. 
 As a carrier enters the loading station, it passes from the 
 , -- - 
 .- . :, 
 stationary track cable to the track rail, where the detaching 
 device engages the roller on the lever arm, pushing up the 
 lever and automatically detaching the grip from the trac 
 tion cable. Usually the carrier, by its own momentum, 
 will continue to the loading point but if the distance is 
 too great it may be pushed by hand. 
 The compression type of grip is also extensively used on 
 aerial tramways. This device is designed so that when 
 the carrier is pushed down the rail incline at the attaching 
 point a roller on the grip lever-arm is brought into con 
 tact with an attaching guide. This guide pushes the lever 
 downward as the carrier moves forward and causes a 
 gradually increasing compression of the grip jaws on the 
 traction rope. After passing out of the attaching device, 
 the lever arm remains locked until the roller comes in 
 contact with the detaching device at the discharge terminal 
 or at the loading terminal after making a complete circuit 
 through the discharge terminal. The detaching device 
 causes an upward movement of the grip lever-arm and 
 thus releases the jaws from the traction rope. The car 
 rier may then be removed for loading if desired. 
 On some tramways, in order to secure necessary clear 
 ances, it is desirable to place the traction rope above the 
 track cable and in such cases an overhead type of com 
 pression grip is used. This device is an integral part of 
 the carrier, the weight of which automatically acts as the 
 gripping force and clamps the grip jaws on the traction 
 rope. An underhung modification of this type of grip is 
 also used. Like the overhead type its operation is de 
 pendent on the weight of the carrier from which it is 
 Terminal Stations 
 At the terminal stations, which arc located at each end 
 of the tramway, the track cables are connected by an over 
 head rail which forms a terminal loop, and over which 
 the carriers travel when passing through the station. 
 This rail is supported about 7 ft. to 9 ft. above the 
 terminal floor to permit sufficient headroom for free move 
 ment underneath and it is arranged to co-ordinate with the 
 terminal arrangements consisting of switches, crossings, 
 rail-shunts and rail extensions. Some form of receiving 
 hopper or bin is usually built in the loading terminal. For 
 loading ore, coal, sand, and similar materials, these bins 
 arc ordinarily fitted with under-cut chutes, which allow 
 the material to pass directly into the buckets. At the dis 
 charge or unloading terminal the cables pass around large 
 sheave wheels but, as at the loading terminal, the carriers 
 pass from the cable to a rigid rail. For handling material 
 with buckets a discharge hopper is usually built into this 
 terminal and the dumping device is so located that the 
 material may be discharged directly into the hopper. The 
 loading and unloading of miscellaneous goods and material 
 is performed by hand. 
 When it is desired to dump ore, sand, stone, refuse, tail 
 ings or similar materials at a point between the terminal 
 stations a tripping-frame is attached to the track cable at 
 the desired dumping point. This device may be moved 
 to any point along the line and automatically unlatches the 
 buckets while they continue in motion. In such cases, the 
 terminal station at the far end may be built to allow the 
 carriers to pass around the large horizontal sheave and 
 return to the loading station without being detached from 
 the traction cable. 
 When desired, intermediate loading or discharge sta 
 tions, may be installed at one or more places along the 
 line, without in any way affecting the operation of the 
 tramway. In this manner the products of other mines or 
 manufacturers may he handled to advantage. 
 Limited Service Tramways 
 The larger types of tramways usually are equipped with 
 a number of carriers which are designed to carry any of 
 the various types of slings, hooks, or grapples, or auto 
 matic grab-buckets, bottom-dump buckets or turnover 
 buckets. However, for a somewhat limited service smaller 
 tramways are often equipped with the two parallel track 
 cables but with only two buckets ; or with a single track 
 cable and a single bucket. Where the incline is sufficient 
 and the carriers are loaded only on the downward trip 
 these tramways may be operated by gravity alone, but, to 
 permit service in either direction a power plant is required. 
 Two-Bucket System 
 The two-bucket tramway system, as the name implies, con 
 sists of two buckets suspended on carriers operating back 
 and forth upon separate parallel stationary track cables. 
 They are operated and controlled by the endless traction 
 rope and are spaced so that when the bucket on one side of 
 the line is at the loading station, the second bucket on 
 the opposite side will be at the discharge station. 
 \Yhen the fall or incline of the tramway cable is suffi 
 cient, the two-bucket system will operate by gravity, the 
 loaded bucket going down on one side pulling the empty 
 bucket back up to the loading point. When power is 
 required to operate the tramway it can readily be applied 
 at the loading station in the form of a gasoline or a steam 
 engine, or an electric motor. 
 The two-bucket system is - especially adapted to the 
 transportation of ore, sand, gravel, clay and similar mate 
 rials. It also is an economical method of disposing of 
 waste rock, coal slack, earth, etc., the buckets being dumped 
 automatically while in the air by aerial trips. Owing to 
 the fact that there are only two buckets in transit this 
 system is somewhat limited as to capacity, which is in 
 versely proportional to the length of haul required. 
 In a typical installation at the plant of a brick manu 
 facturing company two tramways of the two-bucket type 
 are used for transporting sand from the bank to the plant. 
 One of these tramways is 1,400 ft. in length and has a 
 capacity of 20 tons per hour. The other is 500 ft. long 
 with a capacity of 35 tons per hour. At the loading sta 
 tions wheeled scrapers are used to bring the sand to the 
 loading bin from which the tramway buckets are filled. 
 At the discharge stations the buckets are tripped auto 
 matically and the sand is dumped into a bin from which it 
 is taken for use in the plant. 
 A special application of the two-bucket system is in use 
 at the plant of another brick company. The buckets on 
 this tramway arc made detachable from the hangers and 
 are equipped with wheels. At the loading station they 
 are detached and run out into clay pits, where they are 
 loaded by a steam shovel. At the discharge end the 
 buckets are not detached, the clay being automatically 
 dumped on the floor in front of the dry pans. This type 
 of tramway requires a number of extra buckets in order 
 to have a supply in the pit while others are in transit. 
 In another installation, a two-bucket gravity tramway 
 900 ft. in length is used to bring coal down from the mine 
 to the tipple at the railroad tracks. This tramway has a 
 fall of 430 ft. between the loading and discharge stations 
 and one intermediate supporting tower is used. It has a 
 capacity of 45 to 50 tons per hour. The coal is brought 
 in cars from the mine to the loading station of the tramway, 
 where it is weighed and transferred into a hopper and 
 then into the tramway buckets to be carried down the 
 mountainside and discharge into shaker screens located at 
 the tipple. 
 Single Bucket System 
 The single bucket system is a modification of the two- 
 bucket system. Hut one bucket is used, which operates 
 back and forth on a single stationary track cable and is 
 controlled by the endless traction cable. Power is neces- 
 sarj fur the operation of this type of tramway and may he 
 supplied by a steam or gasoline engine or may be obtained 
 from an electric power line. 
 The capacity of .this type of tramway is considerably less 
 than the two-bucket system. 
 Jn another type of single-rope tramway, one rope serves 
 as both the load carrying and the traction cable, the 
 carriers being attached to the rope at intervals as it moves 
 continuously in one direction. The cable passes around the 
 large sheaves in the terminal stations and thus the loaded 
 carriers pass in at one side and the empty carriers out at 
 the other. These tramways are adapted only to light 
 Many single-rope tramways sometimes double-rope also 
 are of the reversible type, the direction of travel being 
 reversed each time a trip is made from terminal to 
 Double-Cable Tramway 
 Another type of cable tramway is provided with two 
 parallel track cables which rest on pivoted saddles secured 
 to the supporting towers and form an upper and a lower 
 two-cable track. In this type of tramway the load is car 
 ried in a small 4-whecl car mounted on the track cables 
 and drawn by a traction cable secured to the car and to 
 the drum of a winch. The material to be handled is first 
 dumped into a bin from which it passes to a traveling 
 hopper mounted on the tramway. It is then discharged 
 into the car, the hopper traveling with the car until the 
 loading operation is completed. The loaded car is hauled 
 on the upper track and the material is dumped at the 
 end of the tramway as the car passes around a large drum. 
 The return trip to the loading point is made on the lower 
 track with the car in an inverted position. At the loading 
 point the car again passes around a drum and comes to 
 the loading position. 
 Stacking Tramway 
 A stacking type of tramway has been developed for use 
 in disposing of waste products where the available piling 
 space is limited. They are used chiefly in mining and 
 metallurgical operations where the percentage of waste is 
 very high and a very wide area would otherwise be 
 required for a dumping ground. 
 This type of tramway consists of an inclined bridge 
 which is constructed of two parallel trusses connected with 
 cross members at the upper and lower ends. This leaves 
 the space between the trusses free for the installation of 
 a cable tramway of the endless-rope type. The bridge 
 itself is made in a number of short sections and as the 
 waste heap grows, new sections built on the cantilever 
 principle may be added and the tramway extended. The 
 charging or loading station may be at the bottom or at an 
 intermediate point on the bridge. The discharge terminal 
 is at the upper end of the structure and as the bridge is 
 extended by adding new sections, the terminal pulley is 
 shifted to the end section. To facilitate the extension of 
 the tramway, the upper pulley and rail section are built 
 into a frame which is suspended from rollers running in 
 guides rigidly connected to the girders. As each new 
 section is added to the bridge, this pulley frame is advanced 
 to the end, the cable tramway extended, and the operation 
 of the apparatus continued as before. 
 Stacking tramways may be arranged to transport mate 
 rial to a considerable distance and stack it in piles ranging 
 in height upward to about 300 feet. The cubic capacity 
 depends upon the size of bucket used and the speed of 
 operation and may reach 200 cu. yd. or more per day. 
 Suspended-Rail Tramway 
 Suspended-rail tramways arc used for transporting mate 
 rials in factories, warehouses or other places where a 
 perfectly straight track may be placed. The track system 
 consists of suspended rails which serve the same purpose 
 as the track cable used in the cable type of tramway. The 
 carriers are moved along the track by means of an endless 
 traction rope to which they are secured by an automatic 
 grip. The operation of this type of tramway is substantially 
 the same as in other tramways. 
 Tramway Type of Ore Unloader 
 Lifting Type of Car Dumper 
Loaders and Unloaders 
 IN THE I.OAIIIM; AMI IM.HADINI; of railroad cars and vessels 
 the necessity for handling large quantities of bulk mate 
 rial more rapidly than is possible with ordinary hoisting 
 apparatus has resulted in the cK -\ < bipmcnt of many special 
 types of machines eaeli designed I or a -peciiic service. The 
 most i ssential reiiuirenieiit of such apparatus is that it 
 shall handle the material in a minimum of time so that 
 the cars and vessels may he released for further service. 
 Machines of this class have been adapted to handle coal, 
 iirc-, sand and other loose materials; and for handling logs 
 in lumbering operations. They may be divided into two 
 general classes: one for loading and the other for un 
 loading service. 
 Loading machines are made in several different types, 
 some being designed to handle the material by means of 
 special attachments secured to a hoisting line or cable, 
 while in other types the 
 material itself, or the vehicle 
 containing it, is handled by 
 the main apparatus. 
 below the boom. and. when loaded is pushed out of the 
 way by the next empty. When the loading of the entire 
 tia in is finished, the loader stands at the rear of the train 
 and then if it is not convenient for a locomotive to come in, 
 the loader may he used to push the train out on the main 
 This type of loader may be operated with a crew of only 
 3 men and with such a crew sometimes will handle from 
 120.000 ft. to 130,000 ft. of logs in a day. However, a crew 
 of 4 or S men will insure greater efficiency. The capacity 
 of a log loader depends upon the size and supply of logs 
 but under favorable conditions a single loader may some 
 times load 300,000 ft. in a day. 
 In another type of log loader the trucks on which it is 
 mounted are fixed and carry a track laid on top of the 
 truck frames. The machinery platform is raised to a 
 given sufficient height to permit the log cars to pass 
 through the machines. 
 Log Loaders 
 Log loading machines of 
 several different designs 
 have been developed for 
 handling rough logs in lum 
 bering operations. These 
 machines may be operated 
 in conjunction with a log 
 ging cableway or with other logging apparatus. When 
 properly equipped they are also adapted to short-haul log 
 skidding and may be used in both skidding and loading 
 One type of log loader which is used quite extensively 
 is designed to span the track on which it travels and permits 
 the passage of cars underneath it. In this type of apparatus 
 the operating machinery is carried on a raised platform sup 
 ported on side legs or standards which span the track. 
 These legs are curved in at the base and terminate in a 
 heavy steel foot casting which rests on the tics outside of 
 the rails. In order to secure a substantial foundation these 
 shoes are sufficiently long to permit them to rest on several 
 ties at the same time. The shoes are flexibly attached to 
 the foot castings and automatically adjust themselves to 
 any unevenness of the ties. This machine is equipped with 
 trucks having swinging wheel-frames and. by means of 
 sprockets and chains, is driven by the engine carried on 
 the loader platform. The wheel-frames with their propel 
 ling chains arc drawn up under the loading platform when 
 the machine is at rest, thus leaving a clear track between 
 the legs. When it is desired to move the machine to the 
 next loading place the frames are lowered until the wheels 
 engage the track and the side legs are then raised until 
 the shoes are high enough to clear the top of the rail. 
 This type of machine is moved under its own power and 
 pulls the empty cars behind it. When in the desired location 
 for log loading the trucks are raised to permit the passage 
 of the empties and the car spotting-line is carried back 
 and made fast to the rear end car. Then as required each 
 car is drawn forward through the machine into a position 
 Loaders: Conveyor, Projecting and Tilting 
 Types for Loose Bulk Materials; Log 
 Skidders and Loaders. 
 Unloaders: Box Car Scraper, Tilting, Suc 
 tion; Car Dumpers Tilting, Rotating; Mast 
 and Gaff; Boston Tower; One-Man Tower; 
 Inclined sections of track 
 connect the raised track 
 with the fixed railroad track 
 and the cars arc then drawn 
 uj) and through to the front 
 of the machine and loaded. 
 The operation of this type 
 of machine is substantially 
 the same as with the swing 
 ing-truck type. 
 Loader Used as Skidder 
 Where conditions do not 
 warrant the use of an in 
 dependent machine for bringing logs to the track, a log 
 loader may be equipped for skidding work also. For such 
 service provision should be made to guy the boom to 
 stumps beside the track and extra drums, blocks and cables 
 should be provided. It usually is not necessary to guy the 
 boom for loading service nor for skidding logs short 
 distances up to about 150 ft. but, when working at longer 
 ranges, the guys should always be used. One or two skid 
 ding lines may be used depending on the capacity desired, 
 and they arc usually outhaulcd by horses or mules, the 
 skidding tongs being taken direct to the log. In rough or 
 swampy country which would hinder the movement of 
 animals, or where logs have been collected at some dis 
 tance from the track a single line may be used for skidding 
 and the other winch drum used to operate a mechanical 
 outhaul. The logs may be loaded direct to waiting cars 
 with the skidding line or with a separate loading line if 
 only one skidding line is in use ; or they may be left beside 
 the track for future. 
 Box Car Loaders 
 In loading a box car the material must be delivered 
 through one of the side doors at the center of the car and 
 then moved a distance of from 15 to 20 ft. into the ends of 
 the car and piled to the proper height. To do this work 
 expeditiously and economically several types of box car 
 loaders usually operated by electric power have been 
 developed. These may be divided into three classes : 
 1. Conveyor loaders which convey the material to the 
 ends of the car. 
 Single-Fan Box Car Loader 
 Two-Fan Box Car Loader 
 Bell Type Loader Fed by Extension Chute 
 Belt Loader Fed by Double Acting Cbute 
 Bell Conveyor Box Car Loader 
 Tilling Box Car Loader 
 2. Projecting loader* wliirli project or throw tlu- mate 
 rial into the ends of the car by means of rapidly moving 
 conveyors or other apparatus. 
 3. Tilting loaders which tilt the ear endwise so thai 
 the material may he delivered to the ends of the car by- 
 Conveyor Type 
 The simplest type of box car loader consists of a small 
 portable belt conveyor which is placed in the car close to 
 the door in a position lo receive the material from the 
 chute of a bin or from another conveyor. This is a semi- 
 projecting type of machine as the conveyor belts are 
 operated at high speed usually 500 ft. to 1,200 ft. per min. 
 and, being inclined somewhat, discharge the material up 
 ward at a considerable angle throwing it back into the car 
 ends. To handle light material. Mich as grain, cleats are 
 secured 10 the conveyor belt and gm. "Is are provided to 
 prevent the material from spilling off the sides. For lumpy 
 or abrasive materials, such as lime, and coke, the belt is 
 armored with steel plates placed at close intervals on the 
 belt and having the edges bent up to prevent loss of mate 
 rial. For sticky materials, such as fertilizer, plain flat belts 
 are used, the material being confined to a narrow stream in 
 the center of the belt which prevents it from getting on 
 the conveyor frame and hardening and thus interfering 
 with the operation of the apparatus. A loader of this 
 type having a reach of about 12 ft. from the center of lin 
 ear towards the end and a 16 in. belt should handle about 
 3 tons of cral per min.: one with a 24 in. belt about 5 tons 
 per min. 
 Box car loaders of the apron conveyor type are also 
 used. They are mounted on jointed arms arranged in such 
 a way thai the machine may be easily moved through the 
 door of the box car and extended back into the ends. These 
 machines are not designed to throw the material but 
 actually carry it into the car and therefore the belt speeds 
 are somewhat slower than in the projecting types of 
 machines and ranging from 400 ft. to 800 ft. per min, 
 A loader having a 24 in. apron conveyor has a maximum 
 capacity of about 12 tons of coal per min. and will handle 
 a similar volume of other materials, ihe tonnage depending 
 upon the weight and the character of the material. 
 Conveyor loaders of the telescopic or extension type 
 have been designed to extend back towards the ends of 
 a car. Usually they are either of the belt or the drag- 
 chain conveyor type, the reach of the machine, when fully 
 extended, being about 18 ft. By using a conveyor long 
 enough to carry the material practically the entire distance, 
 instead of partly conveying and partly projecting it. lower 
 conveyor speeds may be used, the usual speeds for exten 
 sion machines ranging from 250 ft. to 500 ft. per min. The 
 capacity of a loader of this type having a 20 in. belt is 
 about 6 tons of coal per min. and for a 20 in. drag-chain 
 conveyor loader about 10 tons of coal per min. 
 Projecting Type 
 Box car loaders of the projecting types distribute the 
 material to the ends of the cars by means of rotating 
 paddle wheels of fans enclosed within receiving chambers. 
 The paddle-wheel type of machine successfully loads 
 sand, gravel, crushed stone, fertilizers and other small hulk 
 materials. The material to be loaded is first spouted to a 
 circular receiving chamber and is then discharged to either 
 end of a car by revolving the paddle wheel in Ihe chamber. 
 The fan types are made with either one or two receiving 
 chambers. In the two-chamber machine the fans throw the 
 material in opposite directions thus filling both ends of the 
 car at the same time. In the single-chamber machines, the 
 Ian i* reversed to load the opposite ends of a car. The fan 
 machine* are particularly adaptable for handling grain and 
 similar materials. The speed of the fans varies from 200 
 lo 600 revolution-, per minute, single machines having a 
 capacity of from 600 to 2000 bushels per hour; the double 
 machines from 3000 to 7000 bushels per hour. 
 Tilting Type 
 The tilting type of box car loader is designed so that 
 the car is placed on a cradle, being held in place by stops 
 at each end. the cradle rotated so as to tilt the car endwise, 
 and the material then delivered by gravity through a chute 
 direct to the ends of the car. This type of loader requires 
 a more expensive structure and operating mechanism than 
 the projecting and conveyor types of loaders and therefore 
 should be installed only where large quantities of materials 
 are bandied. 
 Box Car Unloaders 
 The unloading of box cars is an expensive operation 
 when done by hand and several different types of machine* 
 have been devised for performing this work more econo 
 mically. They may be divided into three classes, as 
 follows : 
 1. Scraper type using a power-operated scraper or hoe 
 for scraping the material to the car door. 
 2. Air suction type the material being sucked into an 
 an air hose in the same manner as with a pneumatic 
 3. Car tilting type, in which the cars are tilted on a 
 cradle so thai the material will run out. 
 Scraper Type 
 The simplest form of the scraper type of unloadcr 
 usually called an automatic power shovel consists of a 
 scraper which is moved back into the car and pushed down 
 into the material by manual labor and then pulled forward 
 by a rope winding on a small drum or winch. The material 
 is thus scraped along the car floor and is drawn through 
 the door into a hopper underneath the car for future re- 
 handling or to a conveyor or elevator for immediate dis 
 posal. The winding drum has a clutch arrangement which 
 allows the rope to be unwound easily as Ihe operator moves 
 the shovel back into the pile, but, as soon as the pull on 
 the rope ceases the clutch is automatically thrown in thus 
 winding up the rope and pulling the shovel forward. These 
 machines are used extensively for unloading grain, small 
 sized coal, sand, and similar materials. 
 In a more recent design of the scraper type of box car 
 unloader the use of manual labor for drawing the scraper 
 through the material and back into the car has been elim 
 inated. The scraper cable or rope is passed around sheaves 
 mounted on the end of an adjustable arm which can be 
 extended back into Ihe ends of ihe car. Then, by pulling 
 on the ropes by means of a power winch the scraper can be 
 moved back and forth in the car. This arrangement makes 
 it possible to haul Ihe scraper into the ends of the car, 
 and to scrape the material out, witboul the necessity of 
 the operator going back into the car. 
 Suction Type 
 The suction types of box car nnloaders are equipped 
 with rotary fans which, by drawing the air out of an air 
 tight bin or hopper, cause a vacuum which in turn creates 
 a suction in a pipe attached to the bin and in a hose attached 
 to the pipe. The hose which is provided with a special 
 nozzle is then placed in the car and pushed into the mate- 
 rial, which is sucked up into the hose and thence through 
 the pipe to the hopper, where, because of the larger area 
 of tin 1 hopper velocity of the air, is very much reduced and 
 allows the material to fall into the bin. It may then be 
 disposed of as desired by means of conveyors or other 
 material handling apparatus. 
 Tilting Type 
 The difficulty of quickly unloading louse bulk materials 
 from box cars has in the past been a limiting factor in 
 the amount of grain and similar materials that could be 
 handled from railroad cars to ships or elevator bins. 
 Several different types of box car unli adcrs have been 
 diArlnprd and are now used quite extensively in such 
 One type of box ear unloader designed especially con 
 sists of an end tilting cradle which holds the car and tilts 
 it endwise in either direction to an angle of about 40 deg. 
 In the operation of this machine the doors are opened 
 and the car run on the unloader. A specially designed 
 plow, operated by electric motors, is placed in the car 
 with the point toward either end and the car then lifted 
 or tilted endwise causing the material to flow over the 
 point of the plow which deflects it to either side and dis 
 charges it through both doors of the ear. The material 
 is caught by chutes adjusted to suit the car doors and 
 is delivered to conveyors located below the cradle at both 
 sides. After the car has been tilted in one direction and 
 the material in one end has run-out it is brought back to 
 the horizontal position, the plow is. reversed and the car 
 then tilted in the opposite direction discharging the material 
 in the other end. 
 The plow moving and turning mechanism is mounted on 
 a portal gantry built in conjunction with the unloader and 
 is controlled by means of electric motors mounted on the 
 plow arm and the gantry. The overhanging weight of 
 the plow is counterbalanced so that the operator, by means 
 of a foot lever, is able to adjust it to suit the varying 
 heights of car floors. 
 The entire load is emptied in two tiltings one in each 
 direction and the time required for a complete cycle of 
 operation makes it possible to unload from 6 to 8 cars 
 per hour. 
 Four box car unloaders of a type designed to tip the 
 car sidewise as well as endwise, are in use in a large grain 
 elevator built by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company at 
 Baltimore, Maryland. The grain elevator has a capacity 
 of 5,000,000 bushels and the four unloaders, have a com 
 bined capacity of 320 cars in 8 hours, or 40 cars per hour. 
 Each movement of the unloader is controlled by an in 
 dividual motor arranged so that when it performs the 
 service for which it was designed it automatically stops 
 and connects the motor for the next operation. The un 
 loader discharge to conveyor belts which in turn carry the 
 grain to the hcadhouse. 
 When operating these unloaders to their full capacity 
 cars are received simultaneously over 4 tracks, each lead 
 ing to an unloader and there is sufficient space to allow 16 
 loaded cars to be placed on each of the tracks. The cars 
 are passed through the unloader without the use of a 
 switch engine each track being equipped with a "barney" 
 or pusher controlled by heavy endless cables which 
 pushes the cars back and forth as may be desired. The 
 cars are pushed to the middle of the unloader by the 
 "barney" and anchored on the cradle by clamps which en 
 gage the couplers at the ends of the car. These clamps 
 are so arranged that they will firmly engage the couplers 
 of a car of any length and. when not in use, they drop 
 down below the level of the rails out of the way. When 
 the end clamps have exerted a predetermined pressure, 
 the power is automatically cut off and the motors con 
 trolling the side supports are set in operation. These 
 side supports move up against the side and sill of the 
 car on the receiving sink side, and they also, when they 
 have exerted a predetermined pressure, automatically 
 throw off the power and start the motor for the next 
 The operator is stationed in a ^lu--* house built on the 
 unloader just above the side of the car and has a good 
 view of the work at every stage of the operation. An 
 other man is required to uncouple the cars and to operate 
 an air hose which thoroughly cleans out the car. 
 Cane Car Dumpers 
 Car dumpers of the tilting types arc used extensively in 
 the sugar cane industry for dumping the cane from the cars 
 at the mills. These machines consist of some form of 
 movable platform on which the car is placed and then 
 tilted, thus discharging the sugar cane into a hopper from 
 which it is carried into the mill by conveyors or elevators. 
 They are made in either the end-dumping or side-dumping 
 types and usually are operated by hydraulic pressure acting 
 on a plunger connected to the platform lifting mechanism. 
 These loaders are designed to handle cars having a capacity 
 up to about 30 tons of sugar cane. 
 Car Dumpers 
 Car dumpers are used chiefly for unloading open-top 
 railroad cars by overturning them and dumping the ma 
 terial into a chute which carries it to a boat, a bin, to a 
 storage yard, or in some cases to a transfer car which 
 disposes of it at some other point. This class of machine 
 is made in several different types and is used largely on 
 coal docks for coaling vessels ; at blast furnaces for un 
 loading ore ; and at coke ovens for discharging coal from 
 cars into bins. The general principle of this type of 
 apparatus has also been adapted to dumpers designed 
 especially for unloading grain cars, of the closed-top, side- 
 hopper type and for dumping sugar cane from cars of 
 the open-top rack type commonly n>ed in the sugar industry. 
 They are made in both the lifting or tilting type which 
 is generally a stationary machine ; and the rotating or 
 turnover type which may be stationary, or of the movable 
 type usually self-propelled. 
 The general form of construction consists of a struc 
 tural steel frame supporting a cradle in which the loaded 
 railroad car is held while the contents are discharged. 
 An automatic clamping device holds the car in the cradle 
 which is rotated by dumping mechanism installed on the 
 frame and either tilts the car sidewise or completely over 
 turns it and discharges the contents into a chute. These 
 machines may be operated by cither steam or electric 
 power, the latter being in more general use. 
 Tandem Car Dumper 
 A tandem car dumper of the tilting type is in use at 
 the coal handling pier of the Virginian Railway at Sewall s 
 Point, Virginia. The pier equipment also includes six 
 120-ton hopper-bottom motor transfer cars and a transfer 
 car elevator. This machine will handle two cars of any 
 capacity up to 60 tons each hence the name "tandem" or 
 one car having a capacity of more than 60 tons and upward 
 to 120 tons each. 
 Tandem Car-Dumper with Two Cars in Dumping Position 
 Double Car-Dumper with Two Cars in Dumping Position 
 Movable Car Dumper with Portable Inclined Rail Seclion- 
 Conibined Movable Car-Dumper and Coal Loading Tower 
 The dumper consists of a main frame which supports a 
 rotating cradle in which the cars are held while being 
 (lumped. The cradle is carried on heavy pivots supported 
 in frames built into the main frame and is rotated by 
 machinery located on top of the main structure. The cars 
 are held in place on the cradle while dumping by eight 
 automatic clamps operated by means of counterweights 
 which travel in guides at the rear of the machine. These 
 clamps are automatically adjustable to any height or width 
 of standard railway car and are placed so that they will 
 engage cars of various lengths. They are arranged symmet 
 rical!} each side of the center line and may be operated 
 independently of each other. Each clamp consists of a 
 steel beam hinged to a sliding casting on the dumping side 
 of the cradle. The opposite end of the beam is suspended 
 in operating cables attached to the counterweights. As 
 the cradle rotates, the sliding casting descends and rests on 
 the top flange on one side" of the car. Then as the move 
 ment continues the beam swings downward until its free 
 end engages the opposite top flange thus holding the car 
 firmly in place on the cradle. Cradle counterweights, 
 operating in a similar manner, are attached directly to the 
 cradle and, together with the clamp counterweights, assist 
 the motors in rotating the cradle. 
 In the operation of this machine the loaded cars arc 
 pushed on the dumper cradle by an electric pusher-car called 
 a "mule." The contents are then dumped down a chute 
 to the transfer car which is then run on the elevator, 
 raised to the upper track level on the pier, and, then under 
 its own power, run out on the pier, where the contents are 
 dropped through the car hopper into the loading pockets. 
 The coal may then be discharged through chutes into 
 vessels lying alongside the pier. After the transfer car has 
 been emptied it is run to the end of the pier and switched 
 to a return track located in the center of the pier on which 
 it runs down a grade of about 2 l /2 per cent to the yard 
 level. It is then switched back to the loading track which 
 passes in front of the car dumper and is ready for another 
 Hulett Unloader 
 An automatic type of unloader generally known as the 
 Hulett has been widely adapted to unloading ore from 
 vessels and conveying it to railroad cars for further 
 transportation or for placing it in storage. It may also be 
 used for unloading other loose materials such as coal, 
 crushed stone, and gravel. This machine consists of a main 
 framework, similar to a crane bridge, mounted on trucks 
 which travel on a runway laid on the wharf; a trolley 
 which traverses the bridge ; a balanced walking-beam car 
 ried on the trolley ; and a bucket of the grab type secured 
 to the lower end of a rigid leg pendant from the outer end 
 of the walking-beam. The bucket is moved vertically by the 
 action of the walking-beam and horizontally by traversing 
 the trolley on the bridge. It is arranged so that it may be 
 rotated in a complete circle which permits it to turn in 
 any direction to gather a load. The bucket operating 
 mechanism is installed in the vertical leg on which it is 
 suspended and the operator is located just above the bucket 
 in a cab built within the leg structure. 
 In the operation of the machine it is moved to a position 
 opposite one of the hatches of a vessel and the bucket is 
 then lowered through the hatch. After filling the bucket, 
 it is hoisted by means of the walking-beam hoisting 
 mechanism which is installed in a machinery house on the 
 rear end of the beam where it also serves as a counter 
 balance. The trolley is then traveled back on the bridge 
 so that tin- bucket is brought over a hopper located betwi-i-n 
 the girders in the main framework, the contents discharged 
 into the hopper and the bucket then returned to the boat 
 for another load. Meanwhile the ore in the hopper i< 
 discharged into a larry which has been brought to a point 
 underneath the discharge gates of the hopper. When the 
 larry is filled it is moved along the bridge to the desired 
 point and the gates of the larry hopper are opened dis 
 charging the ore into a railroad car or, if a car is not 
 available, the larry is moved to the rear cantilever of the 
 bridge and its contents discharged into a temporary storage 
 pile. Usually the material is reclaimed from this pile for 
 shipment or other storage by means of an ore bridge, 
 located at the rear of the unloader. The larry hopper is 
 equipped with scales so that the material may be weighed 
 as it passes through. Thus an accurate record may be 
 kept of the amount of material loaded into a car and makes 
 it possible to dispense with the use of track scales. 
 Two operators are required for one of these machines. 
 One operator is stationed in the bucket leg directly over 
 the bucket shell and controls the raising and lowering of 
 the bucket ; the travel of the trolley ; and the movements of 
 the machine from one hatch to another. The other 
 operator is stationed in a cab on the larry and controls the 
 movement of the larry ; the operation of the larry gates ; 
 and the weighing of the ore. 
 Unloading machines of this type are equipped with 
 buckets ranging upward to 15 tons in capacity and they 
 will handle from 500 to 1000 tons of ore per hour. 
 Boston Tower 
 The Boston or two-man tower unloader is used at wharfs 
 for unloading coal or similar materials. It consists of a 
 tower of steel or wood, carrying a boom on which travels 
 a trolley from which is suspended an automatic grab- 
 bucket. The bucket closing line passes over a sheave on 
 the trolley then over a sheave at the head of the tower 
 and is then attached to one of the drums of a winch 
 installed on the tower. The bucket holding line passes 
 over a sheave on the trolley, thence over a sheave at the 
 head of the tower and is then attached to a drum on the 
 In the operation of this machine, after the bucket is 
 closed and raised by the closing and holding lines, the 
 trolley rope is slacked off allowing the bucket to run in 
 over the hopper. After the load is dumped the bucket 
 is hauled out by the trolley rope and is again lowered into 
 the vessel. Two operators are required, one operator con 
 trolling the opening and closing and the raising and lower 
 ing movements of the bucket, the other controlling the 
 movement of the trolley on the boom. 
 Unloaders of this type have a capacity of from 75 to 
 300 tons per hour, depending on size of bucket which ranges 
 in capacity upward to about 2 cu. yd. 
 One-Man Unloaders 
 The one-man type of tower unloader is used chiefly for 
 unloading coal, ore, etc., from vessels. This machine con 
 sists of a steel-frame tower having a hinged boom carrying 
 a hoisting unit of the man-trolley type which may be moved 
 along the boom. The trolley carries the drums, motors 
 and controllers required to operate a grab bucket and also 
 the operator. The boom may be raised to clear the masts 
 of vessels, alongside the wharf. After the bucket has been 
 filled and hoisted, the trolley is moved along the boom and 
 the material is discharged into a hopper. From the hopper 
 Coal Hoisting Tower Unloading from Vessel to Storage 
 Handling and Cleaning Tower with Conveyor 
 Coal Handling Tower at Power Plant 
 it may pass tu a railroad car or to a trough or bin back of 
 the unloader, from which it may be moved to a storage pile 
 by the use of a storage bridge crane. 
 Tower unloaders of this type are also sometimes equipped 
 with buckets operated by a rope trolley. The bucket 
 lines are reeved through sheaves on the boom and on a 
 trolley which may be moved in either direction on the boom 
 by an endless rope attached to the two ends of the trolley 
 and making several turns around the winch drum. A ma 
 chine of the one-man type has a capacity ranging from 100 
 to 1000 tons per hour, depending on the size of the bucket. 
 Mast and Gaff 
 The mast and gaff type of unloader is particularly 
 adapted for use in small coal yards ; at small coal wharves ; 
 or at power plants. This rig is a modification of the guy 
 and the stiff-leg derricks. Being used chiefly for light 
 bucket work, it generally is of comparatively light wooden 
 construction although steel members of light lattice con 
 struction, sometimes are used. 
 The mast is fixed and is supported by stiff-legs, secured 
 to the mast about midway from the top, and by guys at 
 tached to the top of the mast. The gaff or boom is pivoted 
 on a swivel block clamped to the mast and is provided 
 with a topping-lift similar to other derricks. Usually, how 
 ever, the topping lift is used only to adjust the inclination 
 of the gaff to a convenient radius suitable to the work 
 required. The bucket operating lines are reeved through 
 load sheaves at the gaff end and through guide sheaves 
 spaced wide on a crosstree secured to the mast at a point 
 near the swivel block, and thence to the hoisting winch 
 drums. The gaff is slewed by manipulating the bucket 
 lines through the guide sheaves on the crosstree, slacking 
 off on one line as the other line is hauled in. 
 This apparatus provides an inexpensive equipment and 
 can be used advantageously with two-line grab-buckets 
 having a capacity up to about l l / 2 cu. yds. or with buckets 
 of the bottom dump or the turnover tynes. The capacity 
 of the mast and gaff rig ranges upward to about 30 tons 
 per hour depending on the size of bucket used and the 
 class of material handled. 
 Self-Unloading Vessels 
 Self-unloading vessels are sometimes used in ore service 
 or where other similar materials are handled in large quan 
 tities. These vessels are made with a hopper bottom 
 having a series of gates through which the material is 
 discharged to pan or belt conveyors. These conveyors 
 carry the material to an elevator which lifts it above the 
 deck line and then discharges it to a belt conveyor carried 
 by a swinging boom. The boom carrying the conveyor 
 may be elevated to an angle of about 18 deg. and is made 
 from 100 ft. to 150 ft. long which gives it a wide scope. 
 The material is discharged from the conveyor to a storage 
 pile or to railroad cars for further transportation. Appara 
 tus of this type will handle from 500 to 1000 tons of ore 
 per hour depending on the size and number of conveyors 
Trolleys and Carriers 
 T KOI. LEYS AND CARRIERS of various designs are used on 
 cranes having a horizontal jib or bridge, on many types 
 of unloading machines, on monorail and tramway track 
 age systems, and on suspension cableways. These de 
 vices may consist of plain travelers propelled by pulling 
 or pushing i.n the suspended load; may be of the geared 
 type and be propelled by racking gear operated by a drum 
 on a remote i-nniiu-. or by pendant hand chains passing over 
 sheaves Beared to the traveler wheels and operated from 
 the floor; or may consist of a carriage or truck operated 
 by an independent motor generally an electric motor 
 carried on the trolley itself. 
 The larger types of trolleys called specifically crane 
 trolleys or trolley trucks consist of a truck or carriage 
 composed of a rectangular frame mounted on four or 
 more wheels and traveling on a track laid on top of the 
 crane girders. The hoisting drums are built in the frame 
 as an integral part of the apparatus and the hoisting mo 
 tors as well as the trolley traversing motor are also 
 mounted on the frame. 
 On trolleys of the smaller types, of light capacity, the 
 hoisting apparatus may consist of a simple tackle ; a chain 
 hoist; a pneumatic hoist; or an electric hoist, suspended 
 from the trolley and traveling underneath. They may be 
 used singly to carry a hoist; or in multiple to suspend a 
 twin-hoist or an outrigger for the power sheave, for sus 
 pending a spreader bar, or for carrying a cab-operated 
 monorail hoist or telpher. 
 Crane Trolley Trucks 
 Crane trolleys a name applied more specifically to trol 
 leys having a truck frame and mounted on four or more 
 wheels traveling on a crane bridge must be constructed 
 in a most substantial manner to meet the exacting re 
 quirement of modern industrial plants. They are designed 
 in many different forms, the particular class of service 
 required of them determining the type of trolley to be 
 installed. They vary in size from a small four-wheel 
 truck, propelled by gearing attached to the trolley struc 
 ture and operated by a remote engine on the crane struc 
 ture or from the floor by a pendant hand chain, to im 
 mense electrically operated truck trolleys having several 
 hoisting drums and various special attachments and hav 
 ing upward to 16 wheels. 
 Essential and desirable features of crane trolley con 
 struction are : Adequate strength of parts ; compact ar 
 rangement of machinery ; ample motor capacity ; and 
 thorough lubrication. 
 Truck Frames 
 Trolley truck frames for cranes of comparatively light 
 capacity, upward to about 20 tons, may be made of a 
 good grade of cast iron or semi-steel but for heavier ca 
 pacities structural steel or annealed cast steel should be 
 used. The side frames are designed to carry the bearings 
 for the truck axle and for the various shafts of the hoist 
 ing drums and motors. The two side frames are con 
 nected by a girt which serves to stiffen the truck frame 
 and generally also to provide a support for the motors 
 used to operate the trolley. The girt may be made either 
 of structural steel parts or may be a substantial steel cast 
 ing and should he tirmly secured to the side frames to 
 prevent any distortion of the frame and consequent dis- 
 alinement of shafts. 
 The truck wheels on crane trolleys generally are 
 double flanged. For trolleys of the lighter capacities, they 
 may be made of a good grade of chilled cast iron but for 
 heavy severe service they should be made of cast steel or 
 rolled steel. They should be ground to a true diameter to 
 insure smooth travel. The wheels on many crane trolleys 
 are mounted on axles of the pin-and-keeper type and are 
 provided with bearings of bronze or other metals, or in 
 many cases with roller or ball bearings. The M, C. B. 
 type of bearing is preferable for heavy service and is used 
 extensively on the larger crane trolleys. 
 Hoisting Drums 
 The hoisting drums are commonly made of cast iron 
 and are mounted on steel shafting and geared to the hoist 
 ing motor. They should be made with a diameter of not 
 less than 30 times the diameter of the hoisting rope, to 
 avoid undue bending strain on the wire strands of the 
 rope, and should have sufficient width to permit the rope 
 to wind on the drum for the maximum lift of the ap 
 paratus without overlapping. 
 It is common practice to groove the surface of the drum 
 so that the rope is guided as it winds on the drum in the 
 hoisting movement. Preferably the drum should be 
 grooved from the center outward right and left so that 
 both ends of the hoisting rope may be attached to the 
 drum one end of the rope at each end of the drum. This 
 method of suspension distributes the load stress uniformly 
 on the truck and permits the hoisting hook to travel in a 
 true vertical line an important feature in some classes 
 of work requiring accurate placing of the load as in plac 
 ing molds in foundry work. Trolleys used on the ordinary 
 three-motor crane have only a single hoisting drum but 
 many crane trolleys are equipped with a main and an 
 auxiliary hoist and in some cases for special service, with 
 an additional drum. 
 The trolley is traversed across the crane structure by 
 gears secured to one or more of the truck wheels and 
 meshing with a gear train operated by the trolley travers 
 ing motor. The hoisting drums are operated by a large 
 gear secured to one end of the drum which meshes with 
 a pinion on a gear train propelled by the hoisting motor. 
 Many efficient cast gears are in use, but for crane trolleys 
 of heavy capacity, or where a smooth running easily op 
 erated machine is desired, cut gears are preferable. So 
 far as possible, all gears should be enclosed in oil-tight 
 and dirt-proof cases. On the most modern designs of 
 crane trolleys, the greater part of the gears are enclosed 
 and operate in a bath of lubricant; this protects the gear 
 from dirt and insures a smooth running efficient gear 
 having a long life. 
 Electrically operated crane trolleys are equipped with 
 one or more electric motors either of the direct current or 
 alternating current types. They are installed on the truck 
 Three-Motor Trollej 
 One-Motor Eleciric Trolley 
 Spur-Gear HanJ-Power Trollej 
 Electric Ingot Stripping Trolley 
 Hydraulic Ingot Stripping Trolley 
 frame sometimes being secured on the girt, sometimes on 
 the side frames or on brackets secured to the side frames. 
 The motors vary in design with the needs of the srrx lo 
 in uhich the crane is to be used and the method of de 
 sign followed by various motor manufacturers. Thru 
 fore, no attempt will be made to describe the motor con 
 Crane trolleys used on the ordinary three motor crane 
 generally are equipped with two motors one to operate 
 the I .oist and one to traverse the trolley. Auxiliary drums 
 are installed on the truck for service requiring more than 
 one hoiking line. They generally are operated by an in 
 dependent motor but on some crane trolleys the auxiliary 
 drum is connected to the main drum gear and both drum-. 
 may be operated by a single motor. 
 In >ome cases, however, a non-reversing motor is used 
 to operate the hoist and to traverse the trolley. By means 
 of friction cones which are brought alternately into con 
 tact with cither side of a friction disk, always rotated in 
 one direction by the motor, the direction of travel of either 
 the hoist or the trolley may be reversed without stopping 
 or reversing the motor. Trolleys used in some classes of 
 service, particularly steel manufacture, have upward to 
 four or five motors to operate the various hoists or spe 
 cial attachments and accessories. 
 Crane trolleys having motors of the alternating current 
 type arc usually provided with both load brakes and mo 
 tor brakes which may be either mechanically or electri 
 cally operated. On trolleys operated by direct current 
 motors the load brakes may he dispensed with and the 
 dynamic braking system Utilized. 
 Load Brakes 
 Various types of mechanical load brakes are used, gen 
 erally employing friction disks to obtain the braking power. 
 One type of friction disk brake employs a ratchet friction 
 disk, two friction washers, a friction collar, a combined nut 
 and gear having a friction surface on one side, and a 
 screw shaft carrying a pinion which meshes with the gear 
 train of the hoisting apparatus. This brake operates auto 
 matically in unison wth the movement of the hoisting 
 gear. When the motor is cut off or the speed varied in 
 the variable speed types downward movement of the 
 load tends to screw the shaft into the combined nut and 
 gear, gripping one of the friction washers between the 
 frictii .n collar and the ratchet disk and the other washer 
 between the ratchet disk and the friction surface of the 
 gear. A pawl engages the ratchet teeth and prevents the 
 backward movement of the ratchet, thus holding the load 
 suspended. To continue the lowering movement or to 
 raise the load, the motor must be started and rotate the 
 gear train at a speed sufficient to overcome the action of 
 the screw shaft. This type of brake is enclosed in an 
 oil tight case and runs in a bath of lubricant. 
 Another type of mechanical load brake combines the 
 use of friction disks and a brake band. In this type the 
 brake wheel turns loosely on the shaft and is encircled by 
 an automatic band which grips the wheel to prevent low 
 ering but is released automatically in the hoisting move 
 ment. Two fricticn disks the outside one keyed to the 
 brake shaft, the inside one turning loosely upon it are 
 brought into contact with the brake wheel by a clutch 
 operated by a two-part cam and acting upon the extended 
 hub of the inner friction disk. One part of the cam is 
 keyed to the shaft, the other turns Ic.oscly upon it and 
 tarries a pinion which meshes with the intermediate gear 
 of the hoisting drum. \ pinion on the motor shaft meshes 
 with a gear on the brake shaft so that when the load is 
 being raised a shoulder on the cam causes the pinion on 
 the brake shaft to drive the hoisting Liear. When the motor 
 is cut off, the cam, actuated by the force of the descending 
 load assisted by a spiral spring encircling the cam, forces 
 Ilie inside friction disk against the brake wheel, gripping 
 the wheel between the two di>ks. This causes the pinion 
 on the cam to retard the movement of the hoisting gear 
 and bold the load suspended until the motor speeds up the 
 gear sufficiently to overtake the movement of the cam. 
 Dynamic Braking 
 Crane trolleys operated by direct current motors may 
 be equipped with the dynamic braking system and the load 
 brake may be dispensed with. In this system of braking 
 the energy developed by the lowering of the load is con 
 verted into electric current, part of which is returned to 
 the power line. A dynamo when energized by the power 
 line acts as a motor and furnishes the power required to 
 raise the hoist but when, in the lowering operation, the 
 force of the descending load is sufficient to overcome the 
 action of the motor, mechanical energy is supplied to the 
 dynamo and it automatically acts as a generator and con 
 verts this energy into electric current. 
 The dynamic braking system serves only to retard the 
 lowering speed and will not hold the load suspended. 
 Therefore it is necessary to equip the hoisting motor with 
 some form of brake having sufficient power to hold the 
 load. On a crane thus equipped the dynamic brake is 
 first utilized to retard the load and the motor brakes then 
 applied to hold it suspended. This reduces the wear on 
 the motor brake to a minimum. 
 Motor Brakes 
 Crane motors are equipped with various types of elec 
 trically operated brakes. They generally consist of some 
 form of friction band, friction shoes, or friction disks, 
 which are brought into contact with some portion of the 
 rotating mechanism usually a wheel or disk on the arma 
 ture shaft. These brakes are magnetically controlled, 
 usually by a solenoid type of magnet. This type of brake 
 is actuated by springs either attached directly to the fric 
 tion member or acting upon a plunger controlled by the 
 magnetic action of the solenoid and operating levers which 
 apply or release the brake. When the current is cut off 
 the springs force the brake against the wheel stopping the 
 motor. When the current is again turned on, the solenoid 
 overcomes the tension on the springs and releases the 
 The friction disk type of ^ motor brake generally is 
 controlled by a magnet of the horseshoe type. 
 Geared Trolleys 
 Geared trolleys designed for light service on cranes or 
 other machines upward to about 6 to 10 tons capacity 
 are generally operated by hand power and are constructed 
 in a manner similar to that of the plain two- wheel or four- 
 wheel trolleys. A power sheave is used to operate the 
 gear and it may be attached directly to and act on only 
 one wheel of the trolley ; may be mounted on a separate 
 shaft carrying a pinion which meshes with gears secured 
 to one or more wheels on the trollev : or mav transmit 
 the power to the trolley through a gear train having one 
 or more speed reductions. The pendant hand chain is 
 pulled downward on either side to propel the trolley in 
 either direction. Any of the various types of hoists may 
 be suspended from this type of trolley. 
 Power-operated geared trolleys are made in larger and 
 more substantial designs having from 4 to 12 wheels and 
 they are used chiefly with electric hoists. They are usually 
 propelled by an independent motor carried on the trolley 
 itself or, when the hoist is permanently attached to the 
 trolley, on the hoist frame. They also are used in mul 
 tiple for cab-operated monorail hoists and telphers. 
 Plain Trolleys 
 Plain trolleys often called travelers or carriers are 
 the simplest form of the overhead carrier. They are used 
 in conjunction with some form of hoist and are used in 
 industrial plants, warehouses, power-plants or other places 
 where only light or occasional service is required of the 
 hoisting apparatus. 
 For very light service, a two-wheel carrier may be 
 used. The wheels are double flanged and travel on top 
 of a plain rail ; on various special inverted rails ; or on 
 the upper flange of an I-beam. Usually the axles are 
 fixed in two side frames of steel plate which project be 
 low the track and support a hook, an eye, or a clevis, to 
 which the hoist apparatus may be attached ; or a hoist 
 may be permanently secured to the frames. Generally the 
 wheels are provided with some form of roller or ball 
 bearings and turn loosely on the axles. This type of 
 trolley is suitable only for light service ranging upward 
 to about two tons, and is not used where frequent heavy 
 service is required. 
 For slightly heavier service, a plain four-wheel carrier 
 is used on hand-operated cranes or on monorails. This 
 type usually consists of two sets of wheels one set of 
 two wheels on each side of the I-beam turning on pin 
 type axles fixed at one end in side frames of steel plate, 
 forged steel, or steel casting and traveling on the lower 
 flanges of the I-beam. The hoist suspension is attached 
 to an equalizing crossbar which is supported by the lower 
 part of the side frame and distributes the load uniformly 
 on all the wheels. 
 Lightly constructed trolleys and carriers are also used 
 on cableways and rope tramways. These devices have fea 
 tures of construction and operation peculiar to the service 
 for which they are designed. They are shown in the 
 chapter on cableways and tramways. 
 Overhead Trackage 
 Overhead Trackage generally called monorail used 
 with the various forms of hoists and other overhead carry 
 ing devices consists of some form of rigidly supported 
 beam on which the trolleys or carriers may travel. It may 
 be made of a plain steel bar, with the trolley traveling on 
 the top of the bar; a single I-beam or double I-beam, with 
 the trolley traveling either on top of the beam or on the 
 lower flanges; or it may consist of a specially formed 
 double-flanged rail. These tracks may be supported on 
 specially constructed trestles or may be secured to brackets 
 or other structures attached to some part of a building. 
 A cable type of trackage used chiefly for cable telpher 
 systems and for cableways and tramways consists of a 
 single or double track cable carried on cable hangers, which 
 may be suspended from special towers, bents, or trestles, or 
 from brackets secured to a building. This type of trackage 
 is described in the chapter on cableways. 
 The I-beam form of overhead trackage is extensively 
 employed in the construction of monorail systems and 
 may consist of either a single or double beam. The 
 single-beam type is the most commonly used, and it gen 
 erally is suspended so that the lower flanges of the I-beam 
 are unobstructed. This permits the free travel of the 
 trolley or carrier from which the hoist or other material 
 handling device may be suspended. In some cases, how 
 ever, the beam is installed so that the travel may be on 
 top of the beam. The double-beam overhead track is used 
 where a very heavy capacity is required. This type of 
 construction consists of two I-beams placed side by side, 
 usually with the adjacent inside lower flanges free, so that 
 the trolley wheels may travel on them. Sometimes the 
 double track also is arranged so that the trolley may 
 travel on top of the beams. In many cases the trolley 
 wheels rest directly on the flanges of the I-beam, but in 
 the best modern practice particularly in heavy service 
 the wheels travel on wearing strips of hard steel or on 
 T-rails laid on the beam. 
 A form of double trackage used quite extensively for 
 heavy service monorail systems consists of a single I-beam 
 having a standard T-rail secured to each side. The heads 
 of the T-rails rest on the top edge of the lower flanges 
 and are secured in place by bolts extending through the 
 webs of the rails and through filler or spacing blocks placed 
 at intervals between the rails directly under the I-beam. 
 The T-rails are thus held firmly in place without requir 
 ing the drilling of holes in the I-beam and provide a 
 double-rail track with the use of only a single beam. 
 Another type of monorail known as the Coburn track 
 is quite extensively used for light service. This track 
 consists of a double-flanged rail, the flanges being turned 
 inward and upward so that a double groove is formed on 
 the inside of the rail with an open space between the 
 flanges. The trolley wheels travel on these inside flanges 
 and the trolley hangers extend downward through the 
 opening between the. flanges. 
 The plain bar or flat rail type of track consists of a 
 simple straight bar usually having the edges rounded. 
 The load bearing trolley wheels travel on top of the rail, 
 but in some cases an additional set of wheels running 
 under the rail is also provided. This tends to give greater 
 stability to the trolley as it is propelled along the track. 
 This type of track is simple in construction and application 
 and is especially suitable for a light capacity monorail 
 In a complete monorail system designed to operate 
 throughout various departments of a manufacturing plant 
 where continuous track can not always be installed, it is 
 necessary that some means be provided to permit a trolley 
 to pass from one line of trackage to another. In some 
 cases, this is accomplished by a simple latching device 
_" >2 
 Equalizing Trolley 
 Plain Bar Trollcv 
 (Jearcd Trolle 
 Racking Trolley Mounted on Hand-Operated Single 
 I-Beam Crane 
 Circular Track for Rotating Overhead Traveling Crane 
 Tvvo-Way Switch 
 Rotating Switch 
 which insures that a monorail on a traveling crane or 
 transfer bridge will line up with a stub track or a cross 
 over, and thus permit the trolley to safely pass from one 
 track to another. However, it sometimes is necessary to 
 diverge from the main track at angles varying upward to 
 9J degrees, and this requires that special switching devices 
 be employed. In such cases a tongue switch of the two- 
 way or three-way type, a rotating switch, or a turntable 
 is used. These may be arranged so that they may be oper 
 ated from the lloor or from the cab of a monorail hoist. 
 On a single-track system a by-pass or side track is often 
 provided so that the travel may be in both directions with 
 out interference. 
 Tongue Switch 
 The tongue switch is used where the track cingle of 
 divergence is not great. It may be made either two-way 
 connecting two tracks; or three-way, connecting three 
 tracks. This type of switch is made in two parts, one part 
 being fixed and the other the tongue being hinged so 
 that it may be moved sidewise. The fixed part of the 
 switch consists of two or three sections of rail secured 
 to the ends of the converging tracks, and the tongue is 
 a single section hinged to the end of the track with which 
 the others are to be connected. In the operation of this 
 type of switch, the movement of the tongue is controlled 
 from the floor by pendant chains or cords. It usually is 
 provided with an automatic alinement device and with rail 
 guards or baffles which prevent the trolleys from running 
 off the open track ends. 
 These baffles may be either mechanically or electrically 
 operated. Ore type of mechanical baffle is designed to 
 automatically raise or lower as the switch tongue is 
 moved. As the tongue is moved away from a spur track 
 the baffle at that point automatically lowers into place, and 
 as tin- tongue engages with another of the connecting 
 spurs the baffle at that point automatically raises. Thus 
 the track ends are protected at all times. 
 Tin; electric baffle is operated by means of circuit 
 breakers on the current conductor lint . Tt is arranged so 
 that when the switch tongue is latched to the spur track 
 the conductor 0:1 the switch and on the spurs leading 
 to it arc energized. If, however, the tongue is not -ccurely 
 latched to the spur the current is broken and the con 
 ductor line is then dead for some distance each side of 
 the switch. When the switch tongue is not in proper 
 alinement a semaphore indicates the fact to the hoist 
 operator. The break in the current circuit also causes 
 the application of the electric brake on the hoist trolley 
 and brings the apparatus to a stop. 
 Rotating Switch 
 The rotating switch i* designed to connect either of 
 two straight tracks or, by the use of curved section* of 
 track, it may be arranged to permit the use of tw-j tracks 
 at the same time. It consists of a rotating frame or turn- 
 lalile having on the under side two curved sections and 
 one straight section of track. The device is installed at 
 the intersection of two monorail tracks crossing each other 
 at right angles, the track sections being located on the 
 frame so that, by rotating the switch, the straight section 
 may connect either straight line of track or the curved 
 sections may connect both right-angle lines, thus per 
 mitting travel on both tracks independent of each other. 
 The rotating frame rests on roller or ball bearings and 
 is manipulated by pendant cords, which may be reached 
 from the floor or from a cab. 
 The monorail turntable is used where there is not 
 sufficient space to permit a curved section of track, but 
 where it is sometimes necessary to transfer a trolley from 
 one track to another at right angles to it. It differs from 
 the rotating switcli in that it does not connect two lines 
 of diverging track and thus permit continuous travel. 
 The trolley must be run from one track to the turntable 
 rail-section and the turntable then rotated so that the 
 trolley may pass from it to the other fixed track. The 
 turntable base consists of a steel casting resting on and 
 bolted to the four ends of the abutting tracks and the 
 rotating portion of the turntable turns on ball or roller 
 bearings resting in a groove in the base. It is provided 
 with track guards, located so that as the table is rotated 
 the trolley can not run off the ends of the fixed tracks. 
 The turntable is operated by pendant cords or chairs, gen 
 erally arranged so that thev may be reached either from 
 the floor or from the cab of a monorail hoist. 
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 W[N( IIK-- \,(K USED to operate many of the machines 
 used in material handling operations. They are 
 adapted for use with general service hoisting 
 apparatus such as elevators, derricks, or cranes ; on board 
 ship for operating the cargo handling gear; in mines for 
 haulage or hoisting purposes; for operating cablevvays; 
 and for various other similar purposes. They vary in, 
 design from the small single-drum hand-operated winches 
 used on small derricks to the large multiple-drum power- 
 operated types used on the larger material handling ma 
 chines. They may he mounted on a separate fixed founda 
 tion ; on a portable platform or on skids ; or secured to 
 some part of the machine which they operate. 
 In general design a winch consists of a wooden or metal 
 frame in which one or more drums are mounted mi hori 
 zontal shafts turning in 
 bearings secured to the side 
 members of the frame. 
 The drums may be rotated 
 by means .> a large gear 
 mounted directly on the 
 drum itself and meshing 
 with a single small gear or 
 pinion on the power shaft ; 
 by a gear train acting di 
 rectly on the drum itself; 
 or in the power operated 
 types by various designs 
 of frictions drive or clutches. i> > , 
 The hoisting or haulage 
 line is secured to one side of the drum and is wound or 
 unwound as may be desired by rotating the drum in 
 either direction. Sometimes the drum shafts are extended 
 beyond the side frames and a winch-head often called a 
 gypsy-head or nigger-head is secured to one or both ends. 
 In the operation of this device the rope is not made fast 
 but is simply given two or more turns around the winch- 
 head, the loose end being held by the operator and hauled 
 in or payed out as required, the friction thus obtained be 
 ing sufficient to permit the moving of a considerable load. 
 1 fand w inches are operated by hand cranks which are 
 applied to one or both ends of the power shaft and turned 
 by manual labor, while power winches are usually operated 
 by steam, gasoline, or electric power sometimes by air or 
 water power. Winches of very light capacity may be con 
 trolled without the use of a brake, only a pawl being used 
 to engage the teeth of the large gear on the drum, but, 
 on the larger types of winches, some form of friction brake 
 or clutch is used. 
 Hand Winches 
 Hand-operated winches are used on small hand-power 
 derricks, jib cranes and pillar cranes; on other material 
 handling machines of light capacity ; or as an independent 
 hoisting or haulage apparatus. They are made with a 
 single-drum ; a double or two-part drum on a single shaft ; 
 or with two separate drums on independent shafts. They 
 may be of the single-purchase type power applied through 
 a single gear and pinion; of the worm gear type a type 
 of single-purchase ; of the double-purchase type power 
 applied through either a single gear and pinion, or through 
 a gear train; or the triple-purchase type. 
 The single-purchase hand-power winch is designed to 
 apply the power by means of a pinion mounted on the 
 Hand Power: Single, Double, and Triple Pur 
 chase; One-Drum, Double-Drum, Two- 
 Power Operated: Steam Direct and Steam 
 Line Connection; Gasoline; Electric. 
 Belt and Gear Driven; Friction and Clutch 
 Portable and Fixed Types with Single, 
 Double and Multiple Drums and Winch 
 power shaft and mealing directly with the gear on the 
 drum. It is operated by one man or two men by placing a 
 hand crank on either end or both ends of the power shaft. 
 The capacity of hand winches of the single-purchase type 
 ranges upward to about I 1 /, tuns. 
 The worm-geared hand-power winch is especially adapted 
 for use where it is necessary to hold the load suspended. 
 In this type of winch a worm wheel is secured to one end 
 of the drum and meshes with a worm on a short shaft 
 to which is attached a hand crank by which it is operated. 
 Xo brake is required as the load will remain suspended 
 when the hand crank is released. It is made in capacities 
 ranging upward to about 1,500 Ib. 
 The double-purchase winch is operated by either or both 
 of two power shafts. One shaft is geared through a pinion 
 directly to the drum gear 
 in the >ume manner as on 
 a single-purchase winch 
 and an intermediate gear on 
 this shaft meshes with a 
 pinion on the second shaft. 
 This provides two speeds 
 of operation as the power 
 may be applied to either of 
 the shafts, the shaft with 
 direct action on the drum 
 gear giving a greater speed 
 but a lighter capacity than 
 """" that which acts through the 
 intermediate gear. Winches 
 of the double-purchase types may be operated by either 
 one, two, or four men. They range in capacity upward 
 to about 2 1 A tons. 
 Hand power winches may be either of the single-pole 
 or the double-pole types. The single-pole winch as its 
 name implies is designed to be attached to a derrick mast : 
 to the column of a jib crane; or to any other single upright 
 support. In construction this type of winch is a modifica 
 tion of the double-pole winch or of those mounted on a 
 portable standard or frame. Being used chiefly for very 
 light work requiring only a single hoisting line, the single- 
 pole winch generally is provided only with a single drum 
 but may have either a single or double-purchase gear and 
 be equipped for either one or two-man operation as condi 
 tions require. 
 Power Winches 
 Power operated winches are made for both hoisting and 
 haulage service and are used on practically all the heavier 
 types of material handling machines. They are equipped 
 with one or more winding drums and may also have ex 
 tended shafts provided with winch-heads which permit 
 the use of additional lines for slewing or other light work. 
 They may be designed to perform work only when the 
 drum is rotated in one direction or may be of the re 
 versible type. 
 Friction clutches are extensively used on winches of the 
 power-operated types. This form of control permits a 
 gradual application of the power to the winding drum and 
 may easily be manipulated so as to minimize the stresses 
 due to starting a heavy load. The device usually consists 
 of a series of cone or wedge shaped friction blocks secured 
 to the side of the gear on the winding-drum shaft and 
 aligned with a corresponding recess or groove on the ad- 
 Single Drum, Double Purchase 
 Double Drum. Single Purchase 
 Worm Gear 
 Single Drum, Single Purchase 
 Single Drum, Double Purchase Single Drum, Single Purchase 
 Hand Power Winches 
 jaccnt flange of llic drum. The friction surfaces of the 
 blocks may be of wood; asbestos; cork; various fabrics; 
 or special compositions of metals having high frictional 
 qualities. The clutch is operated by means of a quick-pitch 
 screw which forces the drum along the shaft and into con 
 tact with the friction blocks. 
 Clutches of the sliding types are also used on many 
 power winches. One design of this type consists of a 
 planetary gear train and a three-part toothed clutch. Teeth 
 cut in both edges of the internal gear, which is free to 
 slide back and forth on the drum shaft, forms a double 
 clutch member which may be brought into mesh with 
 teeth on either of two fixed clutch members one secured to 
 the web of the large drum gear, the other to the gear case. 
 This provides for two speeds the maximum speed being 
 obtained when the sliding clutch is in contact with that on 
 the drum gear. When the sliding member is in contact 
 with the part fixed to the gear case the speed of the drum 
 is reduced to that of the planetary gear which rotates about 
 the drum shaft. When it is desired to stop the movement 
 of the drum the sliding clutch is thrown into a neutral 
 position not in mesh with either of the fixed members. 
 Steam Winches 
 Steam winches generally have the boiler mounted on the 
 platform with the winch thus making a self-contained port 
 able unit. Where a power plant is available, however, 
 many of them are provided with piping so that they may 
 be connected to a steam line which permits their use with 
 out the necessity of maintaining an independent steam boiler. 
 Electric Winches 
 Electric winches obtain power from an adjacent power 
 line, by means of a plug-in connection. They may have 
 the control device installed on the machine itself or may 
 be provided with remote control a portable controller con 
 nected to the winch motor by a flexible cable which permits 
 the operator to stand in view the work while the winch 
 itself may be placed in any convenient location. 
 Gasoline Winches 
 Gasoline winches are especially adapted for use where 
 lack of suitable fuel and water makes it difficult and expen 
 sive to obtain steam power, or where electric power is not 
 available. They are particularly suitable for use where a 
 portable machine is desired. The construction of the winch 
 itself is substantially the same as the steam or electrically 
 operated winches but, as the gasoline supply is carried on 
 the same mounting it is a self-contained unit and is easily 
 moved as the work requires. They are made with one ; 
 two ; or three drums, sometimes being also equipped with 
 derrick swinging gear or with winch heads. 
 Horse-Power Winch 
 The horse-power winch or "whim" as it is sometimes 
 called is adapted for use where only occasional light serv 
 ice is required or in remote districts where other power is 
 not available. This type of winch usually consists of a 
 single drum rotated by bevel gears attached to one of the 
 drum flanges and meshing with bevel gears on a vertical 
 shaft. This shaft is rotated by means of a beam sometimes 
 bcMiig 12 ft. in length to which a horse or mule is hitched 
 at the outer end and travels in a circle around the winch. 
 In a modification of this type of winch, the vertical shaft 
 is placed apart from the winding drum and is connected to 
 it by means of chains passing around large pulleys on the 
 bevel gear shaft and the drum shaft. These machines may 
 be equipped with single gears for one speed only or with 
 double gears for two-speed operation. 
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 ANY IIIKFKKKNT MATKklAI. handling devices have hici: 
 (level* ped as accessories to cranes, derricks. 
 cableways, and other material handling machin 
 ery, and they have greatly increased the usefulness of 
 such machines. They include buckets, tubs, skips and 
 baskets; electric magnets; grapples of both the manna! 
 and automatic types; grab-hooks, slings and other 
 These accessories are indispensable to the proper 
 utilization of material handling machinery in manufac 
 turing plants, or in railroad or marine operations, for 
 handling loose or heavy materials; or in construction 
 work to handle the building materials and to facilitate 
 erection work. Buckets, particularly grab-buckets of 
 the automatic types, should be used where large quanti 
 ties of loose material are handled; tubs and skips for 
 loose material or small parts not suitable for, or liable 
 to breakage if handled 
 with a grab-bucket; grab- 
 hooks and slings for large 
 pieces, such as blocks of 
 stone, poles, lumber, gird 
 ers and bulky packages, 
 and electric magnets for 
 handling either scrap or 
 manufactured metals. 
 Buckets: Grab; Drag- Line; Self-Dumping 
 (Turnover, Bottom Dump) ; Plain Bail. 
 Baskets; Nets; Skips; Cinch Boards; Grapples; 
 Hooks; Tongs; Slings; Counterweights. 
 Magnets: Circular and Rectangular; Safety 
 Devices; Magnet Control; Cable Take-Up. 
 Sheave Blocks. Wire Rope. 
 Automatic buckets origi 
 nally were considered only 
 as digging and loading de 
 vices, but their wider field of usefulness has now be- 
 cottie generally recognized. Buckets of various designs 
 have been devoloped, and these may- be divided into 
 four classes or types: Grab-buckets of the clam-shell, 
 orange-peel or scraper designs; drag-line buckets; turn 
 over buckets ; and bottom-dump buckets. These may 
 be used successfully on any machine having one or 
 more hoisting lines. They are especially adapted to 
 such service as handling fuel and ashes in power plants; 
 in foundries, or other operations where loose materials 
 such as coal, coke, and ore are used; to dig earth, sand, 
 or gravel and load it into a car, barge or other vehicle; 
 to unload any loose material and handle it into storage 
 or to re-handle it from storage and convey it to the 
 point at which it is to be used; to handle mortar or 
 concrete in construction work; and for dredging. 
 Grab-buckets of the various types are all operated in 
 a similar manner, being opened and closed automatically 
 by means of lines connected with the hoisting mecha 
 nism. They are designed with power wheels, power 
 arms, or with a series of sheaves or levers, and they 
 perform either a scooping, scraping or a digging opera 
 tion as they close. 
 The closing power of a grab-bucket must be adequate 
 to meet the conditions under which it is to be operated, 
 and this may be assured by using a single part line, a 
 two-part or a several-part line the line being reeved 
 through two, three, four, five, or six sheaves as the 
 case may be. The closing power, and consequently the 
 digging capacity, becomes greater as the number of 
 parts of the line passing over sheaves is increased, but 
 the speed of operation becomes less. Therefore, a 
 bucket for handling fine loose material requires only a 
 single line, or a two-part line, while a bucket intended 
 for handling heavy, coarse material, or for digging pur 
 poses should have a greater number of parts of the 
 line reeved. In two-line operation, which is most com 
 monly used, a holding line. and a closing line each con 
 trolled by a separate drum on the hoisting winch are 
 used. Buckets operated in this way are raised or low 
 ered by the holding line, while the opening and closing 
 of the bucket is accomplished by a closing line reeved 
 through two or more sheaves. They may be used on 
 any crane, derrick, or other machine equipped with 
 two drums in addition to the mechanism required to 
 operate the various parts of the machine itself. 
 For single-line opera 
 tion the bucket is designed 
 so that a single line acts 
 as both a holding and a 
 closing line. It is so pro 
 portioned that it is auto 
 matically opened by grav 
 ity, as it hangs free and is 
 locked in the open posi 
 tion by means of a dog 
 which engages in the 
 bucket mechanism. In op 
 eration the bucket is low 
 ered onto the material to 
 be handled which causes 
 the release of the dog and permits the bucket to close 
 and fill as it is hoisted. A trip is provided so that the 
 bucket may be opened and the load dumped, while 
 suspended in the air. Buckets of this type arc used 
 with overhead cranes, unloading bridges, monorail 
 cranes, cableways and other material handling machin 
 ery having only one drum available for bucket oper 
 Either the two-line or the single-line method may be 
 used in duplicate and they are arranged in that way 
 on some buckets to impart stability as well as to 
 increase the closing power. 
 For general service, the ends of the lines are attached 
 directly to the bucket but when used on some types of 
 machines such as coal storage bridges and other unloading 
 machines, the bucket generally is suspended and operated 
 in the bight of the line. In such cases, one end of each 
 line is secured either to the trolley or to the trackway. 
 The lines then pass through sheaves in the upper and 
 lower heads of the bucket and the other ends of the lines 
 are attached to the hoisting drums. 
 A good quality of flexible wire rope is preferable for 
 bucket operation and is in general use, but some parts 
 of bucket operation may be properly performed by 
 chains, and they are used on a great many buckets, 
 particularly those of the power-wheel type. All ropes 
 and chains should be reeved so that they are protected 
 from chafing. 
 The scoops of grab-buckets should be constructed of 
 steel plate and fitted with forged steel or properly 
 annealed steel parts. The shape of the scoop must be 
 Chain Operated Power-Wheel Clam-Shell Bucket for 
 Handling Loose Materials. Two-Line Operation 
 Rope Operated Power-Arm Clam-Shell Bucket for Han 
 dling Loose Materials. Two-Line Operation 
 Rope Operated Power-Wheel Clam-Shell Bucket with 
 Supplementary Sheaves. Two-Line Operation 
 Two-Rope Grab Bucket for Handling Loose Materials and 
 Light Excavation Work. Two-Line Operation 
 Rope-Reeved Sheave Type Clam-Shell Bucket with Dig. 
 ging Teeth. Two-Line Operation 
 Rope-Reeved Grab Bucket Operated in Bights of Line on 
 Bridge Cranes, etc. 
 suitable for the service in which it is to be used. A 
 bucket for handling loose material should have a scoop 
 formed so that it will offer the least possible resistance 
 to the material; the scoop of the scraper type should 
 have a shape to facilitate its operation in a horizontal 
 line for clean-up work and leveling off; and those 
 buckets intended for dredging and general digging pur 
 poses should have the scoop so shaped that the down 
 ward or digging motion will continue until the bucket 
 fills and closes. The digging capacity of a clam-shell 
 bucket may be greatly increased by attaching hardened 
 steel blades or pointed teeth to the working edges of 
 the scoops, and it may then be used in heavy excavation 
 The closing or purchase arms, or the closing levers, 
 should preferably be of a rolled steel, but some designs 
 of closing arms may be constructed of annealed cast 
 steel of adequate section to give the required strength. 
 All sheaves and power wheels for buckets of large 
 capacities should be of cast steel ; a good quality of 
 gray iron casting may be used on smaller buckets. 
 The sheave pins and closing arm shaft should be of 
 large diameter hardened rolled steel to reduce wear to 
 a minimum. 
 The weight of the moving parts generally is concen 
 trated as much as possible on the lower head and on many 
 types of buckets this is sufficient to cause it to open promptly 
 as the closing line is slacked off. In some designs, how 
 ever, additional weight a counterweight is secured to 
 the hinge shaft or some other part of the lower head of 
 the bucket to insure a rapid opening movement when the 
 lines are slacked off. 
 Provision should be made for the easy and efficient 
 lubrication of all moving parts, and wherever possible 
 such parts should be encased to exclude dirt and to pre 
 vent oil drippage. 
 Clam-Shell Type 
 The clam-shell bucket is a type of grab-bucket used 
 largely for handling sand, gravel, ore, and coal, or for 
 other loose materials which do not pack tightly or may 
 be dug easily. This type of bucket usually is operated 
 by the two-line method, though the single-line method 
 sometimes is used. In the two-line method, the holding 
 line is secured to some part of the bucket closing 
 In the power-wheel type the closing line is secured 
 to. and wound several turns around, a drum or power- 
 wheel and passes upward, over a sheave, to the hoisting 
 mechanism. Short closing chains or cables, fastened to 
 the bucket head and to the drum or power-wheel shaft, 
 wind on the shaft as the closing line is raised and, the 
 drum shaft, being secured to the scoop arms, draws the arms 
 upward, and the scoops inward, closing the bucket. The 
 bucket is dumped by stopping the hoisting drum thus 
 making fast the holding line and then slacking off the 
 closing line. 
 Another design of power-wheel bucket has two closing 
 chains fastened to shackles at opposite ends of the hinge 
 shaft and carried up over sheaves suspended from the head 
 block, thence around the closing drum, which is loosely 
 mounted on the hinge shaft and provided at opposite 
 points on its circumference with "U" bolts to which the 
 closing chains are fastened. To insure an equal division 
 of the load strain between the two chains, the sheaves are 
 mounted in the opposite ends of an equalizing frame pivoted 
 at the center to the head block of the bucket. Approxi 
 mate proportions (if buckets of this type are given in the 
 following table : 
 , Closed ^ , 
 Open ^ 
 Cu. Yd. 
 Ft. In. 
 3 \y% 
 3 5^ 
 I / 
 ; 7 
 3 10H 
 1 8 
 6 A 
 I A 
 4 4 
 ty t 
 A modification of this type of bucket has the power- 
 wheel supplemented by sheaves at each side, while still 
 another type dispenses with the power-wheel and has 
 two or three groups of sheaves at the center of the 
 bucket. These two types usually arc reeved with wire 
 rope, but chains sometimes are used for parts of the 
 operation. This multiple arrangement of sheaves gives 
 greatly increased power and permits easy handling of 
 coarse and hard materials. 
 The rope-reeved sheave type of grab bucket is operated 
 in several ways, a common arrangement consisting of a 
 multiple sheave at the top head and a similar sheave se 
 cured to the hinge shaft, reeved with several parts of line 
 in the same manner as an ordinary tackle. The bucket 
 is closed by hauling in on the closing line or opened by 
 slacking off on the line. 
 In a modified form of the rope-reeved type of bucket, 
 the lower head slides up or down on two vertical guide 
 rods secured to the upper head. The connecting rods on 
 each side of the bucket are secured to separate pins on the 
 upper head casting and the scoop arms on each side are 
 fastened to the lower head casting, also on separate pins. 
 As the closing line is hauled in, the lower head slides 
 upward on the guides and, drawing the scoop arms with 
 it, closes the bucket. 
 Another form of rope-reeved grab bucket is used chiefly 
 on bridge cranes, hoisting towers and cableways. This type 
 of bucket is constructed in a manner somewhat similar to 
 an ordinary rope-reeved sheave type. It has a top head 
 carrying three sheaves mounted on a long sleeve or bush 
 ing turning on a pin. The middle sheave, for the holding 
 line, is keyed fast to the sleeve, the other two sheaves, 
 for the opening and closing line, being loose. The bottom 
 head has three sheaves for reeving the opening and closing 
 line. They are constructed with long hubs and are loosely 
 mounted on a central shaft. The movement of the scoops 
 is controlled by gear segments secured to the scoop arms 
 and to the bottom head and guiding the arms as the clos 
 ing line is hauled in. 
 A bucket of this type specially arranged for conveying 
 the material being handled is particularly adapted for use 
 with coal-handling bridges, gantry-cranes and double boom 
 hoisting towers with interconnected booms. The bucket 
 is suspended, in bights of the opening and closing and hold 
 ing lines, from a. four-sheave trolley hauled along the 
 trackway by a motor which is independent of the hoisting 
 motor, but is controlled by the same operator. The bucket 
 operating lines are both fastened at one end of the trolley 
 trackway and are led over the first pair of sheaves in the 
 trolley downward to the bucket and about its sheaves, 
 thence upward over the second pair of shelves in the trol 
 ley, to sheaves at the other end of the trackway, thence to 
 the stationary bucket operating drums. The trolley is 
 traveled along the trackway by ropes leading from the 
 trolley in opposite directions and actuated by an inde- 
 Electric Motor Clam-Shell Bucket with Electric Cable 
 Take-Up Reel Attached. Single-Line Operation 
 Differential Type, Rope Operated Clam-Shell Grab 
 Rope and Chain Operated, Side Sheave Power Wheel Grab Rope-Reeved Grab Bucket Operated in Bights of Line on 
 Bucket Hoisting Towers, Cableways, etc. 
 Vertical Guide, Rope-Reeved Clam-Shell Grab Bucket 
 Vertical Guide, Rope-Reeved Scraper Clam-Shell Grab 
 pendent reversible trolley traveling machine. The propor 
 tions of some buckets of this type are given in the following 
 1 A 
 , -Closed v 
 I , ,,..|l, Height 
 Ft. In. Ft. 111. 
 8 10 1 I 
 Ft. In. 
 , Open , 
 Length Height 
 Ft. In. Ft. 111. 
 Another bucket of this type is particularly adapted for 
 use with an inclined boom hoisting tower or with a sus 
 pension cableway, or other form of hoisting apparatus, in 
 which it is desirable that the bucket lie 1 h..i>ted by a two- 
 l>art juirchase in order to reduce the >train at the hoisting 
 (irums and to prevent twisting of the bucket. Until op 
 erating lines are made fast to the trolley, or other support 
 ing device, and are led downward to the bucket, thence 
 upward to sheaves carried by the trolley or oilier support 
 and thence to the hoisting drums. The holding line is 
 reeved through a >hcave carried in a frame flexibly con 
 nected to the top head of the bucket, and the opening and 
 closing line through sheaves in the top and bott< m heads 
 ot the bucket in the usual way. 
 Another method of operating a grab bucket is by means 
 of a differential drum mounted on the hinge shaft which 
 also carries the winding drum or power-wheel. The bucket 
 is opened and closed by the differential action of the two 
 parts of the differential drum one part on each side of 
 the power-wheel about which a closing sling or cable of 
 wire rope is coiled in opposite directions. ( me end of 
 the closing sling is fastened to the larger portion of the 
 differential drum and. passing over a sheave carried in a 
 frame pivoted to the head block, has its other end attached 
 to the smaller portion of the drum. To close the bucket 
 the closing sling is wound upon the larger portion of the 
 drum and is uncoiled from the smaller portion. As the 
 sling moves faster over the large portion of the differential 
 than on the smaller portion great closing power is secured. 
 The movement is reversed to open the bucket. The follow 
 ing table gives the proportu us if seme buckets of this 
 type : 
 Cu. V,l. Ft. 
 , Closed 
 Length Height 
 In. Ft. 
 4 S A 
 5 6 
 Ft. In. 
 3 1-Js 
 3 s A 
 3 1044 
 J 4 
 , Open , 
 Length Height 
 Ft. In. Ft. In. 
 2 A 
 8 104 
 9 9 
 Another design of the clam-shell bucket has a rigid 
 power-arm fastened to one of the scoops and carrying 
 one or more sheaves. The closing line passes from the 
 hoisting mechanism, through a small sheave at the 
 bucket head, to the sheave or sheaves fixed to the 
 power-arm, thence to a large sheave or sheaves at 
 the bucket head, and thence back to the scoop arm, 
 where it is made fast. To close the bucket the closing 
 line is drawn upward through the small sheave, drawing 
 the large sheaves together at the top and raising tin- 
 scoop arm, thus closing the bucket. As in the power- 
 wheel type of bucket the holding line serves only to 
 raise or lower the load, the actual operation of the 
 bucket being controlled by the closing line. 
 These buckets range in capacity from 4 cu. yd. to 
 10 cu. yd. and have a spread of scoop from 5 ft. to 17 ft. 
 The following tables give capacities, weights and dimen 
 sions of some of the various designs of clam-shell 
 buckets. These proportions vary somewhat, depending 
 on the service for which the bucket is designed. 
 (1 <ed 
 El. In. Ft. In. 
 ( n. Yd. 
 1 SCO 
 ; ( 
 . 2 5oo 
 2. son 
 1 , 
 1 i/. 
 . 4.1100 
 5 00 
 ) i , 
 I I A I i; \\ IIFF.I. TYl E IIF..V. Y 
 ( II. Y( 
 I ... 
 I I 
 1 1 ,000 
 Ft. In 
 5 7 
 5 7 
 6 2 
 Ft. In. 
 Ft. In. 
 I 1 
 f lc sed 
 1 00 
 J 350 
 3. son 
 4 000 
 rt h 
 1 . 1 1 ^ 1 1 
 II. it M 
 ~u. Yd. 
 \ A 
 4 00 
 2 7,000 
 2 < 9,500 
 3 11 .OCO 
 3 A 13,500 
 1 16,000 
 5 20.000 
 , A 
 Can. Wt. 
 Cu. Yd. I.I-. 
 T . 2.300 
 . j 3,100 
 1 3.500 
 I A 4,500 
 J 5.800 
 Ft. In. 
 5 6 
 5 7 
 Ft. In. 
 Electric-Motor Bucket 
 An electric-motor clam-shell bucket, operated by a 
 motor installed on the bucket itself, has been adapted 
 for use with a hoisting machine having only one drum 
 available. \Yith this type of bucket, the hoisting appa 
 ratus is used only to raise and lower the load. A bucket 
 thus equipped can be installed on a traveling or a mono 
 rail crane and is particularly adapted for use where 
 there is only limited headroom; it may be used in foun 
 dries to handle sand on the molding floor or for han 
 dling fuel, ashes, slag, or other refuse. It can also be 
 used with a locomotive crane, a derrick, or a telpher, 
 for re-handling practically any loose material in indus 
 trial plants. When the bucket is equipped with digging 
 teeth it may be used for light excavation work. 
 This bucket is similar in design to an ordinary clam- 
 Four-Blade Chain Operated Power-Wheel Orange-Peel 
 Bucket for General Excavation Work 
 Four-Blade Rope-Reeved Sheave Type Orange-Peel Bucket 
 for Excavation Work 
 Dwarf Orange-Peel Bucket without 
 Hammer Attachment 
 Dwarf Orange-Peel Bucket with 
 Hammer in Raised Position 
 Dwarf Orange-Peel Bucket with 
 Hammer Dropped and Bucket Closed 
 Three-Blade Chain Operated Orange-Peel Bucket for Han 
 dling Heavy Coarse Material 
 Three-Blade Orange-Peel Bucket with Blades Cut Off for 
 Handling Large Lump Material 
 shell bucket, but is equipped with an electric hoist, 
 which is secured at the bucket head and is used to 
 operate the scoop. The motor is controlled by a simple 
 form of controller which may be located at any con 
 venient point near the main hoisting apparatus, or it 
 may be located in the operator s cab. 
 The following table gives the proportions and weight^ 
 of electric-motor buckets for light and heavy service : 
 Closed Open 
 Cu. Yd.. 
 . . 2,600 
 . . 3,200 
 3 700 
 4 600 
 , . 4 700 
 . . 4 900 
 . . 9,000 
 3 .. . 
 . . 10,000 
 . 10.500 
 Width Height 
 Ft. In. Ft. In. 
 Length Height Length 
 T7*. T_ T7 T_ 1?* ! 
 ! > 
 Ft. In. 
 Ft. In. 
 6 5 
 Ft. In. 
 5 5 
 Orange-Peel Type 
 The orange-peel type of grab-bucket is used for 
 dredging and for excavating hard or sticky material; 
 for handling large rocks or boulders; and for digging 
 out old cribbing, pulling up piles or stumps and other 
 similar work. It usually is operated by a power wheel 
 in a manner similar to that used in the power-wheel 
 type of clam-shell bucket, but is also made in the rope 
 reeved sheave type. It is made with three or four 
 pointed blades which gives a greater digging power for 
 a given weight than can be obtained with the clam-shell 
 type, and the manner in which the blades open insures 
 the quick dumping of the material. The four-blade 
 bucket is used for general purposes, but the three-blade 
 type is especially adapted for very heavy duty in digging 
 and rehandling rocks and boulders. Where such 
 buckets are designed principally for use in handling 
 rock, the blades are cut off at the upper corners, thus 
 reducing the total weight of the bucket without reducing 
 its capacity for handling such material. 
 Many orange-peel buckets are operated by a power wheel 
 in a manner similar to that used in the power wheel type 
 of clam-shell bucket. In a common method of power-wheel 
 operation for this type of bucket, the closing chains are 
 made fast to the bucket head and to the drum or power- 
 wheel shaft. A chain is also sometimes used for that 
 portion of the closing line in contact with the power-wheel. 
 In another design of orange-peel bucket the closing chain 
 is a single piece of standard crane chain which passes 
 over a saddle formed in the upper pivot of the bucket 
 arms and has its ends fastened to lugs on the power-wheel. 
 The chain is free to move over the saddle and thus equal 
 izes the strain on the chain as the power-wheel is operated 
 and the closing chain winds on the shaft. 
 Buckets of the orange-peel type usually are designed 
 for use with a machine having two drums available for 
 bucket work and for two-line operation a closing line 
 and a holding line. However, they may be used with 
 a single drum machine by using a counterweight drum 
 which can be attached to the derrick, or crane, or other 
 machine and, by means of a counterweight, controls the 
 operation of the bucket. 
 Dwarf Orange-Peel Bucket 
 A dwarf orange-peel bucket is used for such opera 
 tions as the digging of wells or other excavation work; 
 for cleaning out sewer catch basins ; or anywhere that a 
 small diameter of bucket may be required. In con 
 struction, these buckets are similar to the larger sizes. 
 of the power-wheel type. They generally are operated 
 by hand on a small derrick, but can be suitably equipped 
 for power operation on derricks, cranes, or other hoist 
 ing machines. 
 Because of the light weight of these small buckets a 
 hammer attachment is provided for use when very hard 
 digging is encountered. This hammer consists of a 
 heavy metal ball bored to fit over and to slide on a 
 shank on the bucket head. It is attached to the bucket 
 holding line and rises or falls as the line is hauled in or 
 payed out, the weight of the bucket being carried by a 
 stop on the shank which prevents the ball from slipping 
 off. When the bucket is lowered to the work the ball 
 may be alternately raised and dropped on the bucket 
 head, thus driving the points of the bucket blades into 
 the material being excavated. 
 Orange-peel buckets range in sizes from the dwarf 
 type, 11J/2 in. in diameter when in the open position and 
 having a capacity of 100 cu. in., to the largest size, 14 ft. 
 8 in. in diameter when in the open position and having 
 a capacity of 10 cu. yd. The general proportions of 
 orange-peel buckets are given in the following tables: 
 Closed Open 
 Cu. Yd. 
 Ft. In. 
 Ft. In. 
 Ft. In. 
 Ft. In. 
 i y, 
 1 i 
 Cu. Yd. 
 Wt. Diameter Height Diameter Height 
 Lb. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. 
 y 4 4,500 51 80 63 89 
 1 5,200 58 83 70 93 
 1 4,800 58 83 6 10 93 
 1 4 5,400 60 86 73 96 
 1% 8,500 64 98 7 10 10 8 
 2 9,000 7 10 2 8 6 11 6 
 2 A 11.800 7 8 10 4 9 5 11 9 
 3 13.200 8 O 10 7 9 9 12 
 4 . 25000 8 10 12 8 10 10 14 6 
 5 . 30,000 98 13 3 117 IS 
 Cu. Yd. 
 5 200 
 Ft. In. 
 S 1 
 5 8 
 6 4 
 7 8 
 Ft. In. 
 8 6 
 8 10 
 9 2 
 10 6 
 11 3 
 11 6 
 Ft. In. 
 6 4 
 7 S 
 8 8 
 9 S 
 9 9 
 Ft. In. 
 9 4 
 9 10 
 10 4 
 11 6 
 12 3 
 12 8 
 1 14 
 \y t 
 . 11,000 
 3 . 
 . 13,000 
 Bucket Closed Bucket Open 
 Cu. In 
 Wt. Lb. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. 
 300 45 
 1,500 190 31O 
 1 cu. ft 210 330 
 1 1 
 1 7 
 1 10 
 1 6 
 1 7 
 1 8 
 2 11 
 3 1 
 2 1 
 2 2 
 3 9 
 3 11 
 \\y, i s 
 13 1 11 
 1 10 34 
 2 7 
 2 B 
 2 10 
 4 10 
 1 Without hammer; t with hammer 
 Scraper Type 
 The scraper bucket is a wide-opening grab bucket of 
 the clam-shell type which gathers its load by a com- 
 Chain. Bridle Drag-Line Btick<-t Digging Looi-c M:>1 : 1 Chain-Bridle Drag-Line Bucket Dumping Loose Malt-rial 
 Bottomless Power-Scraper Drag-Line Bucket for Digging 
 Hard-Packed Material 
 Rigid-Bail Drag-Line Bucket for Digging Gravel Under 
 fc& V 
 Ik^ftsv / 
 Hinged-Bail Hat k-(,ate Drag-Line Bucket Digging Loose 
 Hinged-Bail Back-Gate Drag-Line Bucket Dumping Soft 
 bincd digging and scraping action. Buckets of this type 
 have a very strong closing power and arc especially useful 
 in handling closely packed sand, large lump coal or heavy 
 ore, or any similar material not easily handled by the ordi 
 nary clam-shell bucket. Because of their wide spread in 
 the open position, they also are useful in cleaning up loose 
 material in storage bins, or boats, or cars. When designed 
 solely for clean-up service, they are made with an extra 
 wide spread and large capacity. By adding steel teeth 
 to the edges of the scoops to penetrate hard material, they 
 may be used for excavation work in clay or hardpan. 
 These buckets differ from the ordinary clam-shell bucket 
 in the shape of the sccops and the arrangement of the 
 sheaves and rods, or levers, of the closing mechanism. 
 This, with the extra wide spread in the open position and 
 the line of action as the bucket is operated, gives the hori 
 zontal or scraping movement which is a distinguishing 
 feature of this type of bucket. 
 They range in weight from 3,300 Ib. to 24,000 lb., hav 
 ing capacities from J4 c - yd. to 10 cu. yd. and a spread 
 ranging from 8 ft. 2 in. to 23 ft. 9 in. in the open position. 
 The following tables give the most common sizes and pro 
 portions of scraper buckets : 
 Cu. Yd 
 2J/, . 
 3 . . 
 4 ... 
 5 ... 
 6 . . . 
 I b. 
 ! 8.000 
 10 :fi.OOO 
 Width Height 
 Ft. In. Ft. In. 
 Ft. in. 
 Ft. In. 
 11 7 
 11 7 
 11 7 
 13 6 
 13 6 
 14 6 
 Closed Open 
 Cap. Wt. Width Height Length Height Length 
 Cu. Yd. Lb. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. 
 1 4,300 29 6 S A 6 5 8 7</, 11 6 
 \Y, 5,200 336 \\Y, 73 9 3 12 4 
 2 5,900 38747 W/, 9 7 13 2 
 2 A 8.00C 4 4:4 8 9 7 7>/i 11 1 14 1 1 /, 
 3 9,200 4 7 /, 9 i</, 8 I A 11 9 15 10!4 
 4 11.700 5 1^ 10 3 8 11J4 12 \\V, 17 6V, 
 5 14,100 5 6 11 A 9 7% 13 11!^ 18 10J4 
 TV* 19,700 6 3 /, 12 7 / 4 11 15 1154 21 7 
 6 11 13 10!^ 12 I /, 17 
 Drag-Line Type 
 The drag-line bucket sometimes called a drag-scraper 
 is used in excavation work when the conditions under 
 which the bucket must operate will not permit the use 
 of a grab bucket, or when a steam shovel is not avail 
 able or can not be placed in a suitable position to do the 
 work. It can be operated by any of the various types of 
 skid excavating machines ; on a cableway ; by a locomotive 
 crane ; or by other types of machines when they are 
 equipped with a double-drum winch. These buckets are 
 also used for handling coal in storage or for other loose 
 The manner in which the load is gathered permits the 
 drag-line bucket to be swung a considerable distance be 
 yond the end of the boom, when used on that type of 
 machine, giving it a much wider range than a steam shovel 
 or a grab-bucket. That feature, and its adaptability to 
 cableway operation, make it most desirable for certain 
 classes of work in locations not easily reached by other 
 apparatus. This type of bucket has great digging power 
 and it successfully digs such material as hardpan and 
 shale ; handles large pieces of rock, or other heavy lumpy 
 material ; sand or gravel ; and soft sticky materials such 
 as clay, or mud. It will operate on a downward slope as 
 well as on an upward slope and may be manipulated to 
 leave a finished grade, thus eliminating grading expense. 
 The bucket usually is a steel shell, or bowl, of a rectan 
 gular or slightly tapering form, with a wide cutting edge 
 to clear a path for the bowl and permit its being easily 
 drawn through the material being excavated. The shell 
 must be adequately braced with cast or forged steel ribs 
 and corner plates and equipped with steel hauling lugs and, 
 for severe digging service, with steel teeth riveted to 
 the working edge. A pulling bail sometimes hinged, 
 sometimes rigid or an adjustable chain bridle, is attached 
 to the shell. The action of the bail or bridle, together 
 with the shape of the cutting edge or the teeth, imparts 
 a diagonally downward thrust as the bucket is dragged 
 through the material and causes it to fill. The drag line 
 is then, hauled further in, the bucket automatically taking 
 a tilted position. The bucket is then carried by the ex 
 cavating machine or the cableway to the point where the 
 material is desired, and the load dumped in some types 
 by dropping the front of the bucket downward and in 
 other types through a back-gate. 
 Drag-line buckets are made in capacities from 1/3 cu. 
 yd. to 3 l / 2 cu. yd. The following table gives the propor 
 tions of some buckets of this type: 
 Cap. Wt. 
 Cu. Yd. LI). 
 1 .-. . . 2,850 
 \y s 4,550 
 2 5,650 
 2V, 6,850 
 3 8,200 
 } /, 9,600 
 Cutting F.dge 
 Ft. In. 
 Self-Dumping Buckets 
 A self-dumping bucket or tub generally is used with 
 a derrick or other type of hoisting machine not equipped 
 for grab-bucket operation, or when for some other reason 
 it is not practicable to use a grab-bucket. Buckets of this 
 type are made in the turn-over and the bottom-dump 
 types and are suitable for handling concrete, mortar, sand, 
 gravel, ore and coal or any other material that may readily 
 be shovelled into them or dropped in from a hopper or 
 a chute. They are substantially constructed of steel plate 
 and are carried by a bail pivoted on trunnions on the sides 
 of the bucket, a bail-latch keeping the bucket in an upright 
 position ; or, in some of the 1>ottom-dump types, by a bail 
 connected with levers attached to the drop doors. 
 Turn-Over Type 
 The turn-over type of self-dumping bucket is designed 
 so that the center of gravity is above the trunnions when 
 the bucket is loaded and below them when empty. This 
 permits the bucket automatically to overturn and dump 
 the load when the bail-latch is released and in most de- 
 simis to then right itself. 
 One type of turn-over bucket has a combined spherical 
 and rectangular shape which best withstands the rough 
 usage of general service ; or this type may be made with 
 all flat surfaces having cither flaring or straight sides and 
 is used for handling loose materials in construction work 
 or other lighter service. 
 The carrying bail is provided with a clevis or shackle 
 to engage the hook on the hoisting machine tackle. The 
 bail-latch may be of a design engaging the bail at the 
 side of the bucket near the rim ; or it may be of the back- 
 lever type engaging the bail at the center just below the 
 hoisting hook. The bail-latch usually is provided with an 
 automatic tripping device but may be manipulated by 
 Many buckets of this type are mounted on small wheels 
 or rollers so that they may be moved easily without the 
 Self-Dumping Straight Side Turnover 
 Bucket with Rim Bail-Latch 
 Controllable-Discharge Double-Bail 
 Two-Line Bottom Dump Bucket 
 Controllable-Discharge Center-Hinged 
 Bottom -Dump Bucket. Bell - crank 
 Crossbar-Lever Operation 
 Self-Dumping Semi-Spherical Turn 
 over Bucket with Side Bail-Latch 
 Controllable-Discharge Double-Bail 
 Two-Line Bottom Dump Bucket 
 Bulk-Discharge Center-Opening Bot 
 tom-Dump Bucket. Side-Slot Cross 
 bar-Lever Operation 
 .Self-Dumping Cylindrical Turnover 
 Bucket with Rim Bail-Latch 
 Controllable-Discharge Taper-Bottom 
 Bucket. Hand Wheel Operation 
 Bulk-Discharge Center-Opening Bot 
 tom-Dump Bucket. Extended End 
 Crossbar-Lever Operation 
 aid of the hoisting apparatus. The following tables give 
 the proportions of some buckets of this type : 
 Length, Depth., 
 In. In. 
 26 15 
 31 1 . 
 36 2\y, 
 42 23 
 47 28 
 50 31 
 58 33 
 34 ; 
 Length Depth 
 In. In. 
 47 34 
 52 39 
 60 44 
 73 54 
 74 54 
 83 60 
 108 76 
 Length Depth 
 In. In. 
 42 34 
 42 34 
 48 36 
 52 38 
 60 44 
 60 44 
 60 44 
 73 53 
 74 54 
 76 54 
 85 61 
 Turn-over buckets of a cylindrical form may be used 
 with any type of hoisting apparatus for handling loose 
 earth, sand, gravel, concrete, mortar, clay or coal. They 
 are especially adapted for use in handling such materials 
 in contracting work or where the service is not severe 
 nor great speed of operation required. They are carried 
 on a bail sometimes having a spreader rod pivoted on 
 trunnions on the sides of the bucket. The bail-latch engages 
 the bail near the rim and may be tripped automatically or 
 may be operated by hand. These buckets range in sizes 
 and capacities as given in the following table : 
 Cu Ft 
 Cu. Ft. 
 Cu. Ft. 
 u. Yd. 
 26 to 31 
 32 to 35 
 36 to 37 
 42 to 43 
 31 to 44 
 37 to 44 
 43 to 48 
 49 to 51 
 Bottom-Dump Type 
 Bottom-dump buckets are used with the same types of 
 machines as the turn-over buckets when the material must 
 be dumped accurately, as in handling concrete or mortar 
 in construction work, or in charging fuel or melting stock 
 into a furnace or cupola. This type of bucket may be 
 either rectangular or cylindrical in form and provided with 
 double center-opening bottom doors or a single side- 
 opening bottom door, operated by a system of levers or 
 controlled by a latch at the base of the bucket. They are 
 designed to permit the operator to regulate the rate of 
 discharge ; or to dump the entire load at once. 
 Controllable-Discharge Type 
 One type of controllable-discharge bottom-dump bucket 
 is designed for two-line operation one line attached to 
 a fixed bail and supporting the bucket, the other attached 
 to a sliding bail and controlling the operation of the bot 
 tom doors. The doors are operated by connecting rods 
 attached to the sliding bail which slides vertically in 
 guides on the bucket rim. Two hooks attached to the hoist 
 ing apparatus engage the double bail on the bucket. These 
 hooks are arranged so that while the bucket is held sus- 
 l-dided the operating line may raise or lower the sliding 
 bail attached to the door rods, thus controlling the opera 
 tion of the doors and regulating the rate at which the 
 load is discharged. 
 This type of bucket is easily controlled by the operator 
 of the hoisting machine and is especially adapted to handling 
 concrete. It is made in capacities ranging from 1 cu. yd. 
 to 3 cu. yd. and weighing from 1,000 Ib. to 2,400 Ib. 
 Controllable-discharge bottom-dump buckets are made in 
 several other forms similar to the two-line bucket but 
 controlled in a different manner. These buckets have a 
 rigid carrying bail, secured to the rim of the bucket, and 
 a system of door-operating rods controlled by a double 
 lever which is pivoted at each side of the bucket and 
 operated from a distance by means of a line attached to 
 the lever cross-bar or operated by hand ; or the door rods 
 may be controlled by means of a wheel on the side of 
 the bucket. 
 In one design of lever-operated controllable-discharge 
 bottom-dump bucket, a bell-crank extension on the operat 
 ing lever connects with the door rods which are pivoted 
 to the bottom doors at the outer side. The bottom doors 
 arc hinged on the sides of the bucket, at the bottom near 
 the center, and are pulled sidcwise and upward instead of 
 dropping downward. The doors are operated by pulling 
 or pushing on the lever cross-bar. The arrangement of 
 doors, rods and levers gives the operator complete control 
 of the dumping operation and the rate at which the ma 
 terial is discharged. 
 Another type of controllable-discharge bottom-dump 
 bucket is especially adapted to distribute concrete into 
 narrow forms. This bucket has a tapering bottom with 
 semi-circular doors operated by a system of levers con 
 nected with a hand-operated wheel on the side of the 
 bucket. It is so designed that it may be used on a der 
 rick or a crane in the same manner as other bottom-dump 
 buckets, or it may be placed on a specially constructed 
 four-wheel open-frame truck and moved on a track. 
 Buckets of this type are especially adapted for use in 
 handling concrete when it is to be deposited in forms 
 and must be under constant control so that all or part 
 of the load may be dumped. 
 The following table gives capacities and sizes of some 
 buckets of the controllable-discharge type: 
 Depth Wt. 
 In. Lb. 
 37 500 
 38 750 
 42 950 
 42 1,125 
 47 1,250 
 47 1,750 
 Bulk-Discharge Type 
 The bulk-discharge type of bucket is similar in general 
 construction t<? the controllable-discharge type. In one 
 design of the bulk-discharge type, straight extensions on 
 the operating levers, connect with the door rods and the 
 doors arc opened or closed by pulling or pushing on the 
 lever cross-bar. 
 In another similar bucket the operating levers are con 
 nected to the door rods by means of a slotted plate at- 
 lachcd to a bar moving vertically in guides on the side 
 of the bucket. By pulling or pushing on the lever cross 
 bar, the bottom doors may be opened or closed. 
 This type of bucket is designed to handle sand, gravel, 
 or concrete, or any similar materials when it is not neces 
 sary to control the rate of discharge. The capacities ar>d 
 Cu. Ft. 
 Rottom Open 
 ing, In. 
 Top Open 
 ing, In. 
 . . . . 16 
 9 8 
 .... 16 
 53 . 
 Barrel Hooks 
 Rope Sling 
 Chain Sling 
 Cinch Board 
 Chain Grab Hooks 
 Can Hooks 
 Box Hooks 
 Bale Hooks 
 Automatic Wood Grappl 
 Grapple Hooks 
 Rail Clamp 
 Automatic Hay and Manure Grapple 
 proportions of some buckets of this type are given in 
 the following table : 
 Cu. Ft. 
 llottom Open 
 ing, In. 
 Top Open 
 ing, In. 
 24 . 
 28 ... 
 . . 34x40 
 62 . 
 . 40x51 
 Many special designs of turn-over or drop-bottom buckets 
 are used for a wide variety of service. They are adapted 
 to overhead or monorail traveling cranes or to telphers 
 or cablevvays and are used in foundries for transporting 
 sand, cores, small castings or other materials; or in gen 
 eral industrial work in outdoor or indoor service. 
 Plain Buckets; Baskets; Nets 
 Buckets, baskets and nets of the plain hand-dump types 
 are also used in material handling operations. They may 
 be constructed of metal, wood, rope, or canvas, and are 
 carried by either a single rigid bail or by two flexible 
 bails usually attached at right angles to each other. 
 The metal or wooden buckets are used to handle fine 
 loose materials or for concrete; the rope and canvas 
 baskets for handling small packages in loading or unload 
 ing vessels. 
 The skip generally is used with a derrick or crane for 
 handling brick, stone, or other materials in construction 
 work; or for handling small parts or loose materials in 
 railroad or industrial work. The most common type of 
 skip is rectangular in form, open at one end and at the 
 top. It may be constructed entirely of metal or may be 
 of wood reinforced with iron angles and straps. It is 
 suspended at three points at the two sides and at the 
 open end by chains connected, at the top, to a ring by 
 which it is suspended from the hoist hook. A trip or 
 trigger at the open end provides a means for dumping 
 the load when the skip is in the desired position. These 
 skips range upward to 2 cu. yd. in capacity. 
 Another form of skip consists of a simple rectangular 
 platform having a sling connection at each corner. This 
 type may be used for handling stone, brick, or other simi 
 lar material, or may be utilized as a form of cinch board for 
 handling packages. 
 Cinch Boards 
 Cinch boards are used with a crane or some other type 
 packed in small containers or other forms of packages. 
 These boards are similar in shape to the rectangular 
 skip and consist of a frame or platform usually of wood 
 but sometimes of metal mounted on skids. An eye-bolt 
 with a ring at each corner of the board provides a con 
 nection for ropes or slings by means of which the board 
 and the load is raised. After the packages are loaded 
 on the board the rope or sling is brought up over the 
 material, one part of the rope on each side is put over 
 the hoist hook and, as the cinch board with its load is 
 lifted, the rope at both sides tightens over the load, hold 
 ing it securely in place. The rope slips through the hook 
 sufficiently to give the cinch board a horizontal position 
 while being hoisted or lowered. The board projects beyond 
 the load at each end so that the material itself is protected 
 from injury. 
 Cinch boards are approximately 3 ft. wide and 6 ft. 
 long. They have a capacity of about SO cu. ft. to 60 cu. 
 ft. and about 1 ton to I /z tons. 
 Automatic Grapples 
 Automatic grapples having three or more substantially 
 constructed prongs operated by a power-wheel, as in a 
 power-wheel type of grab-bucket, are used for handling 
 rough materials such as logs, cordwood, railroad ties or 
 large pieces of stone ; for pulling stumps or handling rough 
 material in excavation work in a swamp or in woodland, 
 or for handling snags in dredging operations. They may 
 be operated by a derrick, crane, or other machine equipped 
 with the necessary hoisting winch. 
 Similar automatic grapples or tongs of lighter construc 
 tion and operated by means of levers and rods are used 
 for handling sugar cane, hay, straw, or similar loose bulk 
 This type of grapple has been widely applied to the 
 handling of sugar cane both at the plantation and at the 
 mill. Grapples for this service are provided with as many 
 as 14 prongs, and may be operated by a single line or 
 may have as many as eight lines. The large sizes aro 
 used mostly for handling sugar cane in and out of storage 
 at the mill and have a capacity for handling as much as 
 3 tons of cane at one time. 
 Hooks and Tongs 
 There are numerous types of hooks and lifting tongs 
 which are used with cranes and derricks or other hoisting 
 machines. They are used to handle timber, boxes, barrels, 
 steel plates, block stone, or baled materials. These devices 
 vary in design to suit the service for which they are in 
 tended, but generally they consist of two hooks hanging 
 loosely on ropes or chains or are of the rigid type pivoted 
 near the center of the hook shank. 
 Grab Hooks 
 Grab hooks are used to handle steel plate, block stone, 
 boxes and barrels, or other material in large pieces or 
 packages. This device consists of two forged steel hooks 
 loosely suspended from single links through which the 
 load chain passes upward to the hoist hook forming a 
 triangular loop. The hooks are placed over the edges 
 of the object to be lifted and as the hoist line is raised 
 the action of the chain loop draws the hooks toward the 
 center, causing them to grip and hold the load. 
 They are made with chains ranging upward to 20 ft. 
 in length and may have a spread of 6 ft. to 8 ft. They 
 have a lifting capacity upward to 25 tons, varying with 
 the spread of the hooks, the lifting capacity decreasing 
 as the distance of spread increases. 
 Other designs of grab hooks used especially for handling 
 packages or barrels have two or more single or double- 
 pronged hooks attached at the end of long rigid or flexible 
 links. The upper ends of the links are attached to a ring 
 by which the device is attached to the hoist hook. 
 Grapple Hooks 
 Grapple hooks or lifting tongs are used to handle timber, 
 boxes, barrels and baled material. These devices usually 
 have two pointed hooks having curved shanks which are 
 pivoted on a pin through the shanks. The upper ends of the 
 shanks are connected by single links to a ring by which 
 the device is suspended from the hook of the hoisting ma 
 chine. As the hoisting line is raised the hooks are drawn 
 inward and grip and hold the load. 
 Tongs of this type, designed especially for handling block 
 stone, sometimes are provided with one pointed hook and 
 Automatic Mechanical Cable Take-Up 
 Counterweight Holding-Drum 
 Electrical Cable Take-Up 
 Counterweight Cable Take Up 
 Slings on Spreader Bars 
 Nets on Spreader Bars 
 one blunt hook which clamps against the side of the block. 
 Another type largely used for handling I-beams or simi 
 lar pieces and for narrow plates or bars is provided with 
 short blunt hooks so designed that they will clamp over 
 the edges of the beam flange or the plate. As with the 
 pointed tongs that grip the load, this device clamps tightly 
 as the load is suspended and releases when the load is at 
 rest and the load line slacked off. 
 Slings constructed of chains, wire rope, or manila rope, 
 are used to handle such materials as logs, lumber, bales, 
 boxes or any large objects ihat cannot easily be handled 
 by other means. The ordinary types of slings may be a 
 single rope or chain of any desired length and provided 
 with hooks, shackles, or thimbles at the ends; or they 
 may consist of two or more lengths of chain, cable, or 
 light bars or rods provided with hooks at one end, and 
 with links or thimbles at the other end by which they 
 may be attached to a top ring or link and suspended from 
 the hoist hook. 
 One type of sling largely used in handling sugar cane 
 is provided with a self-tightening device which tightens 
 the grip of the slings as the load is raised. An automatic 
 trip permits the release of the self-tightening device when 
 the load is carried to the desired position. Slings of this 
 type are used singly or may be used in multiple on a plain 
 spreader bar. 
 A trip type of spreader bar is designed especially for 
 use with a crane or derrick in sugar cane service. This 
 device consists of an I-beam or channel equipped with 
 three hooks keyed to a rod suspended from the bar. A 
 trip, operated from the ground or from the operator s 
 platform, releases the free ends of the slings. When the 
 load is dropped the hooks automatically return to the 
 carry position. 
 Counterweight Drum 
 A counterweight holding and lowering drum is used when 
 an additional drum is required for use in connection with 
 a winch already installed. It generally is used when it 
 is desired to operate a two-line bucket on a derrick or 
 other hoisting machine having a boom which must be 
 raised or lowered but which is equipped with a winch 
 having only two drums. It may, however, be used as an 
 auxiliary to any hoisting winch having one or more drums. 
 As it is not connected except by the line with the hoist 
 ing machine, the counterweight drum may be placed near 
 the hoisting winch, so that it is easily accessible to the 
 This device consists of a two-compartment drum con 
 trolled by means of a foot brake of the band type. A 
 light line called the counterweight line is wound on 
 the smaller compartment of the drum and leads over 
 sheaves on the hoisting machine to a counterweight sus 
 pended from a convenient point on the machine or its sup 
 ports. The bucket line is placed on the larger compart 
 ment of the drum in such a way that it will unwind as 
 the counterweight line winds on the smaller drum or will 
 wind on the drum as the operation is reversed and the 
 counterweight line unwinds. 
 As the bucket is raised by the hoisting or holding line, 
 the counterweight descends, causing the counterweight line 
 to unwind, rotating the drum and winding on the bucket 
 line. When the bucket is in the desired position, the foot 
 brake is applied, stopping the drum, releasing the hoisting 
 line and allowing the bucket to open and dump the load. 
 When the counterweight drum brake is released, the weight 
 of the buckets rotates the drum and, reversing the opera 
 tion, lowers the bucket and raises the counterweight. 
 Lifting Magnets 
 Electric lifting magnets are used for handling scrap and 
 manufactured metals and sometimes for handling magnetic 
 ores. Their use facilitates the handling of such material 
 and, where electricity is available, they are an economical 
 means of doing such work. 
 The use of lifting magnets makes it possible to handle 
 large quantities of metals not easily nor safely handled 
 by any other means. It eliminates the use of slings, hooks, 
 and other devices and not only expedites the handling of 
 metal products but prevents many of the accidents which 
 occur when using other methods in such service. They 
 will successfully handle metals under practically any con 
 ditions. Cold or heated metals ; metals submerged in water 
 or covered with snow; or metals contained in boxes or 
 kegs, may be handled satisfactorily. 
 When used with a locomotive crane, they give efficient 
 service in foundry yards for handling scrap metals and 
 pig iron, and for loading castings or moving heavy pieces; 
 in railroad yards for handling scrap metals and loading or 
 unloading metal railroad supplies, or for transferring such 
 material in transit; on wharfs for handling metal cargo; 
 or in other similar service where a locomotive crane can 
 be operated. 
 They are installed on overhead traveling cranes and used 
 in foundries or in steel mills for handling either hot or 
 cold metals, and in storage yards for handling castings and 
 such metal products as rails, pipes, billets and plates. 
 They may also be used with any other type of hoisting 
 machine having connection with an electric line or with 
 an electric current generating unit usually installed on the 
 machine itself and operated by a steam or a gas engine. 
 The Magnet Case 
 The magnet case should be made of high grade cast 
 steel having high ductility and high magnetic quality. It 
 should have a structural strength sufficient to withstand 
 the shocks caused by dropping the magnet on the material 
 to be lifted, and to absorb the force of the blow caused 
 by magnetic attraction as the material being handled is 
 drawn suddenly to the face of the magnet. It should be 
 so assembled as to eliminate dead air spaces, should pro 
 vide for the proper radiation of the heat generated by 
 the magnetic current, and be so effectually waterproof as to 
 exclude all moisture. 
 Current Circuit 
 Lifting magnets arc suitable for operation only on direct 
 current circuits ; therefore a converter is necessary where 
 only alternating current is available. They rarely are de 
 signed for a stronger current than 220 volts as higher 
 voltages are not desirable for magnetic operation because of 
 the excessive inductive shock when the current is switched 
 on or off. When it is necessary to use a current of higher 
 voltage, magnets designed for 220 volts may be used in 
 series. They are, however, often wound for 110- volt 
 Aside from the strength of the magnetizing current the 
 lifting capacity of a magnet is governed by the area of 
 magnetic contact obtainable and the class of material he- 
 ing handled. A magnet capable of lifting 50,000 Ib. of 
 compact material having a large contact area would have 
 a capacity of only 800 Ib. to 1,000 Ib. when used for handling 
 loose miscellaneous scrap metals. 
 Lifting magnets are made in a circular form for gen- 
 24 16, 17 
 Circular Magnet 
 1 Magnet Case 
 2 Outer Ring or Pole 
 3 Center Pole 
 4 Magnetising Coil 
 5 Coil Shield 
 6 Coil Top Plate 
 6A Metal Bobbin 
 7 Coil Spool Core 
 List of Parts 
 8 Coil Terminal Stud 
 9 Leads from Coil to Stud 
 10 Terminal Cavity 
 11 Terminal Hood 
 12 Terminal Protecting Flange 
 13 Coil Protecting Ribs 
 14 Through Bolts 
 15 Eye Bolt to Handle Coil Spool 
 16 External Leads 
 Circular Magnet 
 17 Lead Shield 
 18 Don<el to Prevent Spool Rotation 
 19 Steel Spacer 
 20 Suspension Lug 
 21 Suspension Chain 
 22 Sealing Compound 
 23 Insulation 
 24 Packing 
 1 I-.. 8-.. 
 Circular Magnet 
 / V 
 </ f JL :., 
 , . i 
 Rectangular Magnet 
 Magnet with Tongs for 
 Handling Ingots 
 Magnet with Tongs Attachment 
 Magnet with Tilting 
 Rectangular Magnet Handling Steel Plate 
 Rectangular Magnet Handling Pipe 
 eral service and in a number of different rectangular forms 
 for special service. 
 Circular Magnets 
 The circular type of lifting magnet may be used with 
 equal facility in handling large or small pieces of manu 
 factured metals or for handling pig iron or scrap metals. 
 It is used in various lines of work : In foundry service 
 for handling scrap metals and new castings and for rais 
 ing the heavy metal balls known as skull-crackers or 
 other heavy weights used in drop work for breaking up 
 large pieces of scrap metals ; in steel plants for handling 
 scrap metals or for manufactured products; in fabrication 
 work for lifting steel parts; in railroad work for loading 
 or unloading scrap or finished metals ; or in marine work 
 for metal cargo. 
 Magnets of this type range in sizes and capacities from 
 a 5 in. diameter having a capacity up to about 400 lb., to 
 a 65 in. diameter having a capacity of 25 tons or 30 tons. 
 The smaller sizes those under 20 in. in diameter ar; 
 adapted only to special work and for handling individual 
 pieces or light castings and finished parts. Magnets 20 in. 
 and over in diameter are suitable for general service, but 
 for such severe service as handling pig iron or for other 
 heavy rough work it is advisable to use a magnet of 36 in. 
 or greater diameter. 
 The circular magnet has a magnetic coil enclosed in a 
 circular cast steel magnet case having positive and nega 
 tive poles on the underside so that by simply dropping it, 
 it may be brought into contact with the materials to be 
 handled. The coil is secured within the magnet case 
 and the case is then filled with a sealing compound so that 
 all possibility of moisture within the case is eliminated. 
 The coil is protected on the underside by a steel plate 
 or shield which takes the shocks incident to the use of 
 the magnet. One, or two, terminal boxes are provided 
 and usually are cast on the top of the magnet case. The 
 internal leads extend from the magnetizing coil to the 
 terminal box and the external leads from the terminal box 
 to a connection with the current circuit. An eye-bolt type 
 of suspension is used on small magnets up to about 12 in. 
 in diameter and a three-point chain suspension attached 
 to lugs cast on the top of the magnet case is used on the 
 larger sizes. The following table gives data on the use 
 of circular magnets in various classes of service : 
 D. C. Current 
 Weight (Amperes) 
 Pounds at 220 Volts Use 
 20 0.25 For individual pieces and special 
 classes of work. Will lift up to 
 400 lb. on flat surface. 
 30 0.38 Same as 5-in size. Will lift up to 
 800 lb. on flat surface. 
 110 0.66 Same as 5-in. and 7-in. sizes. Will 
 lift up to 4,000 lb. on flat surface. 
 magnets are adapted but they may also be used in any 
 other service in any industry where metals of any descrip 
 tion are handled in large quantities. There are, however, 
 .many materials, such as long flat plates, which may be more 
 readily handled by rectangular magnets. 
 Rectangular Magnets 
 Rectangular lifting magnets are designed in several differ 
 ent forms and are preferable to the circular type for cer 
 tain classes of work. They are particularly adapted to 
 handling long flat pieces, such as steel sheets and plates, 
 bars or billets, and other long materials, such as rails and 
 pipes. They are largely used in steel mills, where they 
 can be used exclusively for this class of work. 
 As the entire face of the rectangular magnet may gen 
 erally be brought into contact with the material being 
 handled, it gives a maximum lifting capacity for a given 
 weight of magnet; speeds up the handling of material; and 
 results in economy of current consumption and consequent 
 ly in operating cost. 
 The body of a rectangular magnet designed for handling 
 flat pieces usually is a box-shaped steel casting containing 
 a magnetic coil wound on a metal bobbin properly in 
 sulated. Flexible leads are carried from the coil to a 
 terminal box on the body. The external leads are pro 
 tected by a cover plate and by heavy ribs on the magnet 
 body. Detachable connectors are provided for connecting 
 the external leads to the feed cable. 
 This type of lifting magnet may be used singly for 
 handling comparatively short or rigid pieces or in multiple, 
 mounted on a spreader bar, for handling very long or 
 flexible pieces. It is desirable to use a spreader bar and 
 two or more magnets when extremely long sections are 
 to be lifted, as this arrangement increases the stability 
 of the load and speeds up the operation because less time 
 is required to spot the magnet at the center of the load. 
 One form of rectangular magnet is designed especially 
 for handling rails and pipes. It has the two poles formei! 
 of triangular shaped steel castings secured to a horizontal 
 core, on which the magnetizing coil is wound. It is .sus 
 pended by means of lugs cast on the upper portion of 
 the pole castings. These pole castings may be of any 
 desired spread and are commonly made of sufficient size 
 to span 10 or 12 or more pipes of 5 in. diameter or 20 
 or more heavy T-rails nested together. They generally 
 are used in pairs on a spreader bar for handling loug 
 material but may be used singly for short material. 
 Rectangular magnets will not withstand the rough usage 
 to which magnets are subjected in general service and 
 should never be used for handling scrap metals or pig 
 iron or in any such severe service. 
 They range in sizes upward to 6 ft. or more in length 
 the proportions being approximately as given in the follow 
 ing table : 
 Diameter in inches. 20 30 40 50 55 60 65 
 Weight pounds ... 460 1,400 3,000 4,500 5,450 7,000 7,400 
 Weight Length Width Consumption 
 D.C. Current (am 
 Lb. In. In. Watts 
 peres) at 220 volts 6 13 30 45 49 71 61 
 600 . 24 15^4 860 
 Capacity in Pounds 
 1080 40 ISyi 1540 
 Rillets or slabs. . . . 3,500 15,000 30,000 40,000 42,000 50.000 50.000 
 1 500 54 15J4 2 150 
 Skull-cracker balls. 3,000 loioOO IS OOO 20 000 20iOOO 20000 30^000 
 2 ""00 76 1514 3 100 
 [ 200 500 1,200 1,900 1,950 2, SOO 2,500 
 Pig iron ] to to to to to to to 
 Safety Devices for Lifting Magnets 
 1250 600 1,300 2.100 2,150 2,900 2.650 
 Heavy meltina scrap 250 600 1,300 2,000 1,900 2,500 2,500 
 Boiler plate scrap.. 250 500 1.100 1,700 1,650 2,300 2,300 
 It sometimes is desirable to provide a means of pre 
 Farmers and junk f 75 250 400 600 600 800 800 
 venting the load from falling in the event of failure of 
 dealers scrap ] to to to to to to to 
 (. 150 500 900 1,400 1,400 1,800 1,800 
 the magnetizing current. A device designed to accomplish 
 Small steel castings 
 and risers 250 900 1,600 2,400 2,450 3,300 3,200 
 this has been adapted for use in direct connection with 
 the lifting magnet. It consists of safety tongs, of any 
 The sizes and capacities given in the above table show 
 desired size, spaced apart by a bar and connected to the 
 a wide variation in the class of service to which circular 
 magnet by a system of chains and levers. As the magnet 
 is lowered the tongs automatically open and permit the 
 magnet to pass downward between them. When the load 
 is picked up and the magnet is raised the tongs close in 
 under the magnet. The magnetizing current may then 
 be cut off, the load dropped on the tongs and carried to 
 the desired position. 
 The operation of the tongs is dependent on the move 
 ment of the magnet and the load can not be dropped with 
 out lowering the magnet. This slows up the speed with 
 which metals can be handled and therefore it should 
 only be installed where safety demands the use of such a 
 device. It is particularly adapted to the carrying of pipes 
 or other long pieces. 
 Another similar device designed to carry and drop the 
 load is so arranged that it can be operated independent 
 of the magnet. It consists of wide flat carrying hooks 
 suspended from the crane structure by cables on a series 
 of sheaves and so arranged that the load may be dropped 
 or dumped by tilting the hooks. The magnet is suspended 
 from the crane on the open side of the hooks and may 
 pick up one or several magnet loads and deposit them in 
 the hooks. The load may then be carried to any desired 
 position and dropped without lowering the magnet. This 
 device permits the use of a small magnet on a crane of 
 large capacity, but at the same time by having carrying 
 hooks of sufficient size it insures the full capacity of the 
 crane being utilized. 
 Magnet Control System 
 A control system is used in magnet operation to insure 
 complete control of the magnetizing current. By setting 
 up a reverse current in the magnetizing coil, when the 
 current is switched off, it overcomes the magnetism which 
 sometimes causes highly magnetic metals to cling to the 
 magnet, thus slowing up the handling of materials. Such 
 a device increases the speed with which metals can be 
 handled and adds greatly to the efficiency of operation. 
 It also provides a resistance at the off position which ab 
 sorbs the inductive stresses, thus preventing damage to the 
 magnet insulation. 
 One controller system in general use is of the magnetic 
 switch type. This system has a master switch of the wip 
 ing contact type ; a double-pole magnetic contactor or 
 switch panel ; and a resistor group. The master switch 
 has marks indicating the "lift," "drop," and "off" positions 
 and should be located at a point accessible to the magnet 
 operator. The magnetic switch panel and the resistor may 
 be installed in any convenient location. 
 Another type frequently used is a single-unit controller 
 having a switch of the wiping contact type and a resistor 
 group in one self-contained unit. This type of control sys 
 tem performs practically the same functions as the mag 
 netic switch type. It must be installed within easy reach 
 of the magnet operator. 
 Controllers having the features of these two types should 
 be used with all magnets of the larger capacities but for the 
 smaller sizes of magnets a controller of the drum type 
 may be used. 
 Magnet Cable Take-Up 
 A device called a cable take-up is used in magnet op 
 eration to eliminate the dangers attending a sagging cur 
 rent conductor cable. This device automatically pays out 
 the cable as the magnet is lowered or reels it in as the 
 magnet is raised. There are several different types of such 
 devices. They are designed to be operated by electric 
 power, by means of springs, or by means of a counter- 
 xveight suspended from some part of the machine. 
 The electrically operated cable take-up consists of a mo 
 tor-driven drum on which the cable is wound, the size of 
 the drum determining the length of cable that can be 
 handled. The driving motor takes current from the same 
 line as the magnet and has only sufficient torque to keep 
 the cable taut. As the magnet is lowered its weight un 
 winds the cable from the drum and as the magnet is raised 
 the motor operates the take-up and winds up the cable. 
 The current for energizing the magnet is transmitted to the 
 cable through collector rings placed on the extended hub 
 of the drum. 
 In the spring-operated type of take-up the power is sup 
 plied by springs enclosed within the drum. The capacity 
 of this type of take-up also is governed by the size of the 
 drum and it controls the cable in the same way as in the 
 electric type. The tension of the springs may be adjusted 
 by means of a ratchet and pawl on one end of the drum 
 shaft, and a plunger type of lock provides for holding the 
 drum stationary when desired. The electric current is 
 transmitted to the magnet cable through collector rings on 
 the drum shaft in a manner similar to that employed on 
 the electrically operated take-up. 
 The counterweight cable take-up consists of two upper 
 sheaves one a single sheave fixed to some part of the 
 hoisting machine, approximately over the magnet, and the 
 other a several-part sheave block also fixed to some part 
 of the hoisting machine and a several-part lower sheave 
 block suspended beneath the fixed upper sheave block by 
 the conductor cable itself. The capacity of this device is 
 governed by the number of sheaves in the upper and lower 
 sheave blocks, two blocks of five sheaves having a capacity 
 of from SO ft. to 60 ft. of cable, depending on the travel 
 of the lower sheave block. 
 The counterweight is attached to the lower sheave block 
 and the conductor cable connected to the current circuit 
 through the controller panel, and then reeved through the 
 sheaves and thence to the magnet. As the magnet is 
 lowered, its weight overcomes the action of the counter 
 weight and causes the cable to draw through the sheaves, 
 raising the free sheaves and the weight and paying out the 
 cable. When the magnet is raised, this operation is re 
 versed the counterweight being lowered and the cable 
 taken up over the sheaves. 
 Another type of cable take-up drum is often installed on 
 trolleys designed for use on cranes handling a motor- 
 operated grab bucket or a lifting magnet. This device consists 
 of a small drum mounted on a shaft turning in bearings at 
 tached to the trolley truck frame and geared directly to the 
 hoisting drum through a train of gears so that it operates in 
 unison with the hoist, paying out the cable as the hoist is. 
 lowered or winding the cable on the drum as the hoist is 
 raised. The conductor cable is attached to collector rings 
 which receive the electric current from the wires on the 
 crane girder and transmits it to the bucket motor or the 
 magnet. These devices are also adapted to handle the 
 cable used in the operation of electric-motor grab-buckets. 
 Sheave blocks or tackle blocks generally referred to 
 simply as blocks are an important part of hoisting ma 
 chinery equipment. They are used on derricks, cranes, 
 hoists, cableways and other types of hoisting machines. 
 These blocks are variously termed single ; double 2-sheave ; 
 or triple 3-sheave etc. ; depending on the number of 
 sheaves or pulley wheels upward to 7 or 8 contained in 
 the block They are made without hooks ; or are equipped 
 with a plain hook ; a two-part or sister-hook ; or a 
 shackle, and these devices are arranged to swing on a pin; 
 to swivel on a pivot; with a combined pin and pivot; or 
 they may hang loosely from an cyebolt secured in the 
 Blocks designed for use with manilla rope generally 
 ai. 1 made of wood and in many different forms. They 
 are used chiefly for ships rigging or for light tackle. 
 When required for use with wire rope, however, it is 
 necessary that they be of more substantial construction 
 and the blocks are then formed of metal generally of 
 steel plate or forcings or of malleable cast iron. The 
 the load is raised 1 foot for each foot of line overhauled. 
 With a two-part line one-half the stress is carried on each 
 part of line, consequently the hoisting capacity is double 
 that of the single line, but to raise the load 1 foot it is 
 necessary to overhaul 2 feet of line. Thus, as the number 
 of parts of line reeved increases, the load capacity and the 
 length of line overhauled also increase, but the speed of 
 the hoisting movement decreases. 
 The closed type of block is the most commonly used, 
 but for some purposes snatch blocks are desirable. These 
 1-Part Line 
 2-Part Line 
 3-Part Line 
 4-Part Line 
 5-Part Line 
 hooks and shackles are forged of soft tough steel while 
 the sheaves or pulley wheels generally are of cast steel. 
 The load stress or load capacity and the length of line 
 overhauled to raise a load a given distance is directly pro- 
 blocks are provided with a hinged strap or line on one 
 side which may be thrown back and a rope inserted with 
 out the necessity of unreeving the entire line from other 
 blocks. By this means a block having a lower or load 
 hook may be placed in the bight of a line and serve as 
 a fall-block ; or, a block with a hook at the top may be 
 suspended from a shackle, eyebolt, or other support and 
 serve as a head-block. 
 Approximate working loads for wire rope sheave 
 blocks are given in the following tables : 
 With Loose Hooks 
 portional to the number of parts of line reeved through 
 the block. With a one-part line the full load and con 
 sequently the full stress is carried on a single line, while 
 Diameter of 
 o Single 
 Two Double 
 Two Triple 
 To assist in the downward movement of tackle, particu 
 larly when reeved with several parts of line and carrying a 
 load only on the upward travel, heavy cheek-blocks or 
 weights are sometimes secured to the sides of the blocks. 
 These weights generally are made so that they may be 
 removed when desired. 
 Fall-line or down-haul balls are also extensively used 
 to facilitate down-haul movement. These balls range in 
 weight upward to 1,200 pounds and have a capacity 
 upward to SO tons. They are made with a plain link rope 
 connection or with a hook attached so that a load may be 
 suspended directly from the ball. 
 Wire Rope 
 Wire rope is used for both hoisting and haulage purposes 
 on practically all classes of material handling machinery 
 and is also used for guys. The general form of construc 
 tion consists of a number of wires placed in a symmetrical 
 geometric arrangement and then twisted together, thus 
 forming a strand. A group of strands is then placed 
 around a center or core of hemp sometimes wirewhich 
 forms a cushion or base on which the strands are twisted 
 to form the rope. 
 The number of wires in each strand, the number of 
 strands composing the rope, and their shape and arrange- 
 6 Strands 19 Wires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Standard Hoisting Rope Three-Size Wire 
 ment are varied to suit the purpose for which the rope is 
 The material used in the manufacture of wire rope con 
 sists of various grades of cast steel or of soft iron. 
 Cast steel wire made by the crucible open hearth method 
 6 Strands 19 Wires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Hoisting Rope One-Size Wire Regular Right-Lay 
 and having a moderately high tensile strength of from 
 150,000 Ib. to 220,000 Ib. per sq. in. is extensively used in 
 rope designed for both hoisting and haulage service. 
 Method of Measuring Wire Rope 
 Cast steel produced by the open hearth furnace method 
 and having a tensile strength ranging from 200,000 Ib. to 
 280,000 Ib. per sq. in. is used in rope required for unusu 
 ally severe service. This grade of steel is commonly known 
 as plow steel and is used for such service as dragline work 
 where the rope is dragged over stones or rough ground or 
 in other very heavy service on dredges, power shovels, or 
 other heavy duty machines. 
 Iron rope has a tensile strength of about 85,000 Ib. per 
 6 Strands 27 Wires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Type H, Flattened Hoisting Rope Langs Lay 
 sq. in. It is more pliable than steel but is used only to a 
 limited extent in comparatively light service, principally on 
 Wire rope should be galvanized when it is to be used 
 for such purposes as guys for derricks ; or in other stand- 
 6 Strands 25 Wires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Type B, Flattened Strand Hoisting Rope 
 ing service where it is exposed to moisture or the weather. 
 This protects the metal which otherwise tends to corrode, 
 but, as the zinc used in the galvanizing process flakes easily, 
 such rope is not very flexible and therefore is not suitable 
 6 Strands 8 Wires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Type D, Flattened Haulage Rope Langs Lay 
 lor hoisting service .but is adapted for use only where very 
 little bending is encountered. 
 Rope Strand 
 Wire rope strands are made either round or flat, the 
 round strand being the most generally used. It is adapted 
 5 Strands 9 Wires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Type C, Flattened Haulage Rope Langs Lay 
 to all classes of service and is used for guys and for haul 
 age or hoisting purposes. 
 Flattened strand wire rope takes its name from the shape 
 of the strands. In construction the strand is similar to 
 the round strand except that it is flattened so that a greater 
 number of the outer wires of the rope conform to a circle. 
 From 2 to 6 wires in each strand depending upon the style 
 of construction are thus exposed to contact instead of 
 only one wire as in the round strand. This gives a wear 
 ing surface much greater than that of the round strand 
 and distributes the wear over a larger area, giving much 
 longer service. The shape of the strands permits them 
 to fit closely together thus allowing more metal to be used 
 in a given diameter and thereby giving greater strength 
 and maximum safety. The smooth surface also prevents 
 excessive wear on rollers, sheaves and drums. Flattened 
 5 Strands 28 Wires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Type A, Flattened Hoisting Rope Langs 1 Lay 
 strand rope also has less tendency to kink than the round 
 strand rope. 
 For ordinary work the strand is made with 1 wire in 
 the center and this surrounded with a layer of 6 wires, 
 producing a strand suitable for haulage rope; a second 
 layer of 12 wires makes a 19-wire strand for standard 
 hoisting rope ; this strand covered by a third layer of 
 18 wires, making a 37-wire strand, is used in a more flex 
 ible type of hoisting rope ; and other layers of 24 and 30 
 wires are added to produce a still more flexible rope of a 
 5 Strands 11 Wires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Type E, Flattened Haulage Rope Langs Lay 
 given diameter or are used in ropes of very large diameter 
 in order to keep the size of the individual wires as small 
 as possible. This construction is known as concentric 
 strand. In a strand of uniform diameter the greater the 
 number of wires in the strand, the greater will be the 
 flexibility of the rope. 
 Rope Lay 
 Two general methods are employed in assembling or 
 "laying-up" the individual wires and the strands. The most 
 commonly used type is known as .Regular-lay and the 
 other as Langs -lay. 
 In the Regular-lay, the wires in the strands are twisted 
 8 Strands 19 H ires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Extra Flexible Hoisting Type 3-Size Wire 
 in one direction and the strands in the rope in the oppo- 
 in the rope are all twisted in the same direction. This 
 type of rope is more easily untwisted than that made with 
 Regular-lay and it is more difficult to splice, but because 
 of the increased contact surface it is especially adapted to 
 resist external wear and the grip action to which it is 
 6 Si minis 37 U ircs per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Special Flexible Hoisting Rope One-Size Wire 
 subjected in cable way service Langs -lay is quite gen 
 erally used in all ropes made with flattened strands. 
 Haulage Rope 
 Haulage rope also called transmission rope is com 
 posed of 6 strands, 7 wires to the strand. This type of 
 rope is used chiefly for haulage in mines, on inclined 
 planes, on tramways, and in yards of manufacturing plants. 
 It is also used for drilling lines and sand lines in well 
 drilling operations. The wires used in haulage rope are 
 nearly twice as large as those used in hoisting rope of 
 6 Strands 7 Wires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Haulage Rope One-Size Wire 
 a corresponding diameter. This feature is particularly 
 desirable in haulage work where the rope is dragged along 
 the ground or over rough rollers and subjected to severe 
 abrasion, as finer wires would more quickly wear through 
 and break. 
 Being made of coarser and fewer wire? than hoisting 
 rope, haulage rope is much less flexible. 
 Hoisting Rope 
 Standard hoisting rope is composed of 6 strands of 19 
 wires each and is made with various slight modifications 
 of the strands and wires : 
 1. One-size-wire construction 19 wires all of one size. 
 2. Three-size-wire construction, sometimes called "War- 
 rington" construction 19 wires, the 7 inside wires being 
 1-sized-wire 1-sized-wire Seale 
 with Fillers without Fillers Construction 
 of uniform diameter and surrounded by 12 wires which are 
 alternately large and small. This combination of wires 
 increases the metallic area and strength by approximately 
 10 per cent, and the advantages of this construction has 
 site direction, being right or left lay according to the led to its general adoption as a standard for hoisting ropes. 
 direction in which the strands are laid. 
 3. Seale construction 1 large center wire, an inner 
 In Langs -lay, the wires in the strands and the strands layer of 9 small wires and an outer layer of 9 large wires. 
 Tliis makes a rope which is considerably less flexible 
 than the one-size or three-size strand, but, there being a 
 greater number of wires exposed on the surface of the 
 rope, it offers greater resistance to abrasion. 
 The wires used in hoisting rope being smaller than those 
 in the 6x7 construction used for haulage rope, this type 
 of rope is more flexible and will more readily pass around 
 sheaves and drums of moderate size. The 6 x 19 rope is 
 used more extensively than any other construction. The 
 iron and mild steel grades are commonly used on ele 
 vators ; while the crucible and plow steel grades are used 
 in mini s, quarries, ore docks, coal docks, on cranes, 
 6 Strands 61 ll ircs per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Extra Special Flexible Hoisting Rope 
 dredges, power shovels, derricks, cableways and other ap 
 An extra flexible type of hoisting rope is composed of 
 8 strands, 19 wires to the strand. This construction con 
 tains 2 more strands than the standard hoisting rope 
 which adds greatly to the flexibility of the rope and per 
 mits its use on sheaves and drums of comparatively small 
 A special flexible hoisting rope composed of 6 strands, 
 37 wires to the strand, is used extensively on cranes and 
 similar machinery where the rope is operated at high 
 speed and where the sheaves and drums are of small diam 
 eter. The wires used in this construction arc smaller than 
 those in the standard hoisting rope and therefore will not 
 stand as much abrasive wear, but, as more than 50 per 
 cent of the wires and consequently of the strength are 
 in the inner layers of the strand they are protected from 
 A still more flexible type of construction is used in 
 ropes of large diameter 2 in. or more. This construction 
 consists of 6 strands having 61 wires to the strand and 
 6 Strands 37 U ires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Steel Clad Special Flexible Hoisting Rope 
 usually having a hemp core. This large number of wires 
 in the stiand permits the use of a finer wire and conse 
 quently gives a greater flexibility than would be possible 
 in a rope of large diameter if made in the 6 x 19 or 6 x 37 
 construction. This rope is used in very heavy land ser 
 vice, or for deep sea dredging and salvage work. In the 
 latter case a wire center is generally used. 
 Steel Clad Rope 
 Steel clad hoisting rope is used chiefly on dredges, power 
 shovels and dragline excavators, or for other severe service. 
 The construction of this rope is similar to the regular 
 6-strand rope except that each strand is wound with a 
 flat strip of steel. This steel covering gives additional 
 wearing service without reducing the flexibility of the rope 
 but does not increase the tensile strength. When the outer 
 flat steel is worn through a complete hoisting rope still 
 6 Strands 61 Wires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Steel Clail Extra Special Flexible Hoisting Rope 
 remains with unimpaired strength, the steel strip having 
 served to protect the inner wires from wear. As the strip 
 wears the metal is forced down between the strands of the 
 rope, thus filling the interstices and providing additional 
 wearing surface even after the strip itself has been disin 
 tegrated. Ropes of this construction may be used under 
 unusually severe conditions as the additional wearing sur 
 face provided by the flat strips materially increases the 
 durability of the rope. 
 Marlin Clad Rope 
 Alarlin clad wire rope is a type of hoisting rope espe 
 cially adapted for use on cargo handling gear or other 
 similar hoisting apparatus. It consists of a round-strand 
 rope each strand of which is wound with tarred marlin. 
 The strands arc composed of from 7 to 19 wires and from 
 4 to 6 strands are used to form the rope. The chief func- 
 5 Strands 19 Wires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Marlin Clad Hoisting Rope 
 tion of the marlin is to protect the metal rope from the 
 weather. However, as the marlin is in contact with the 
 hoisting drum and the sheaves it also provides a wearing 
 surface which saves the wire underneath. 
 Tiller Rope 
 Tiller rope or hand rope as it is frequently called, is used 
 in hoisting service chiefly on small elevators having a hand 
 rope. The strands used in this type of construction are 
 composed of 6 smaller ropes, each one formed of 6 regu 
 lar rope strands composed of 7 very tine wires twisted 
 around a small hemp core, thus forming a complete rope in 
 itself. This type of construction produces a very flexible 
 6 Strands 42 U- ires per Strain! 7 Hemp Cores 
 Tiller Rope 
 rope which may be bent around sheaves of very small 
 diameter, but, because of the fine wire used in the strands, 
 it does not offer much resistance to abrasion. 
 Non-Spinning Rope 
 Non-spinning hoisting rope is designed especially for 
 single-line hoisting work on derricks or other hoisting ap- 
 paratus ; or for mine hoisting or other service where the 
 bucket or cage swings free witl 
 of an inner rope composed of 6 strands of 7 wires each, 
 18 Straiuls7 Wires per Strand \ Ucnif Core 
 reduces the tendency of the individual wires to crystallize 
 bucket or cage swings free without guides. It consists and break. There being no interstices between the wires, a 
 greater amount of metal is used in a given diameter and 
 thus a maximum strength is obtained. Due to its compact 
 construction, the locked design offers great resistance to 
 the crushing tendency of the loads passing over it. 
 This type of rope cannot lie spliced like ordinary wire 
 rope and any joints required must be made with couplings 
 Non-Spinning Hoisting Rope 
 !aid in Lang s left-lay around a hemp core, and these 
 strands then covered witli an outer layer composed of 
 12 strands of 7 wires, each laid in regular right-lay. This 
 arrangement of the strands and the combination of lays 
 overcomes the tendency of the rope to untwist and pre 
 vents a free load suspended on the end of a single line 
 from rotating or spinning. 
 Track Cable 
 A special form of wire rope construction is employed in 
 making track cable for cableways and tramways. It con 
 sists of successive layers of wires instead of the strands 
 1 Wire 
 7 Wires 
 19 Wires 
 37 Wires 
 Round-Wire Track Cable 
 used ill the construction of rope designed for haulage or 
 hoisting service. This form of construction is not very 
 flexible, but, as it brings a larger number of the wires to 
 the surface of the rope, it provides a greater wearing sur 
 face, thus prolonging the life of both the rope and the cable 
 carrier wheels. Track cables are made with round wire 
 throughout, or with inner layers of round wires, and outer 
 layers of wires formed with an interlocking section called 
 locked-wire or locked-coil. 
 The most common type of track cable consists of 6 round 
 wires laid around a round wire center and then covered 
 with other round wires in successive layers of 12 and 18 
 wires. These wires are then twisted together to form the 
 cable which is substantially one large strand composed of 
 37 wires. 
 Locked Cable 
 Locked-coil and locked-wire rope or cable are similar in 
 construction except that the locked-wire cable is composed 
 Locked-Wire Track Cable 
 of a greater number of wires than is used in 
 the locked-coil cable and it therefore is more flexible. 
 The outside layers are formed of interlocking sections 
 which give a very smooth bearing surface. This type 
 of construction also minimizes vibration under stress and 
 Locked-Coil Track Cable 
 of sufficiently small diameter to allow the cableway car 
 riers to pass over them. 
 Flat Rope 
 Flat rope is used chiefly for hoisting purposes, being 
 especially desirable when a large and long rope is re 
 quired for hoisting heavy loads out of deep shafts, as it 
 does not spin or twist. It is also used for operating spouts 
 on coal or ore docks and other similar purposes. It is 
 made up of a number of round wire ropes of alternate 
 right and left lay, placed side by side and then sewed to 
 gether with soft iron or steel wire thus forming a O m- 
 pletc flat rope. The sewing wires are much softer than 
 the steel wires composing the strands of the round ropes, 
 and act as a cushion for the strands. This causes them 
 to wear out much faster than the harder wires composini: 
 16 AV/v.f I 7-H irc Strands, 1 Hemp Core per Rope 
 Flat Hoisting Rope 
 the rope and therefore the flat rope must sometimes be 
 resewed with new wire. Should any of the rope strands 
 become badly worn or damaged, they may be replaced by 
 new strands and the complete flat rope continued in service. 
 Flat rope winds on itself and requires a reel but little 
 wider than the width of the rope. This feature is of par 
 ticular advantage where space is limited and the wide, 
 heavy drum that would be required for a large and long 
 round rope could not be installed or would not be desirable 
 for other reasons. Flat rope is made from 2 in. to 7 in. in 
 width ; from T 4 in. to l /i in. in thickness ; and in lengths 
 varying from 20 ft. to 3,000 ft. 
 The approximate capacities of wire rope, made of iron 
 and steel of various grades, are given in the tables shown 
 on the following pages. 
 g 2 5-c 
 a. s 
 * tO 00 D ;OiMCOCiC-> c5o*u 
 ^3 to CM r ;! 
 CC CO 05 f- -^ M t- -4 
 31 00 5D <O IO ^" CO 
 SQ O OO O C^l 1O 
 toooSS St- * 
 Q -c 
 S3SSS 88S3S! 
 CO-* 00 !N 
 ST3RH S22 
 -8 S 
 OO O) * 
 * CO CO O) ^H ^ 
 C 1 ) CC C 1 ) <O V V OO 3 O *1WO 
 iO 1^ 00 (O J 1 C) r~ >O ^"COiMC^ 
 ^^ N-X* 
 ^H i-^ 
 w? CO 
 fc 1.s 
 "" a *^" """" 
 g.e o c 
 iC Q >C 
 CO 1C *~* ^ I s " ws **^ 
 sgsgs-gsaaa asssssa- 
 ,, ; a ssa 
 S Q I 
 ^^ 1-^ 
 (/) 1 
 *s > 
 o c do, 
 iC -^ CO (N (M (N "-" ~H ^H 
 in Tons of 
 2000 Pounds 
 C CO t~- CO CO 
 t C1 OO ^ C<l lOJOOt^iC -^COC^C-li-H ^H-H 
 Diameter of 
 Drum or 
 Sheave in Feet 
 HI ^.U.3JJ9.999. 
 00 O CO N ^ 
 in Tons of 
 2000 Pounds 
 1C iC ^* 1C 00 ^^ C4 
 I-H i-- co o os oo i-- ca >c <** co co c4 i-i i-t i-i 
 Diameter of 
 Drum or 
 Sheave in Feet 
 B9saa= s .:s. .53,: ,S!.s 
 CN CO "* -H O OO t~- CO 1C * CO CN CN I-H ^H 
 CN i-i t-t ^-c 
 in Tons of 
 2000 Pounds 
 OOCO iCCGiC I s * OSOS^*1C^H 
 2 c 
 S SSS:2I8 S SaSSSgg?522 
 < % 
 OJ CO CO iC ^ ^t* CO CO N C1 ^H --c 
 in Inches 
 in Inches 
 Diameter of 
 Drum or 
 Sheave in Feet 
 : :ES8 3S2SE SS?2 
 Working Load 
 in Tons of 
 2000 Pounds 
 SS1SS8 82=3= -<->- 
 in Tons of 
 2000 Pounds 
 ,, a *> a g! 
 Diameter of 
 Drum or 
 Sheave in Feet 
 S>OM S?m2St2 S32 
 OO CO OO ^< 
 o5s?c,c, aassa 
 in Tons of 
 2000 Pounds 
 a "" 
 Q f. 
 t2mS SioSS8{2 mS52 
 Working Load 
 in Tons of 
 2000 Pounds 
 ^ ooSS 
 r-~ r- o co >-" cs co ^t w o COCOICCON c*~*i-t 
 Breaking Stress 
 in Tons of 
 2000 Pounds 
 to ic CN co co 
 CO OC iC ^^ O d r- t-- CO O CO CO CN - i-i ^H 
 Diameter of 
 Drum or 
 Sheave in Feet 
 (2tCM c3c2ooi2 icc?2 
 -rococo C S NC^- I- - - t-t f-t 
 Working Load 
 in Tons of 
 2000 Pounds 
 CO iCM Oi^S^ oS 
 is.ss &sas - 
 in Tons of 
 2000 Pounds 
 i"T * I 1C N iC N 
 per Foot in 
 S ,83 S2S 5 8888 Sggg3 
 ^-OJCOCOiC ^^*COCOtM M^H^- 
 in Inches 
 **.. sun. ss 
 in Inches 
 ?)?1IMN S.S.^.rtS ^ 1 ^"^ ^ "P-^"^^ 
 E Z >& 
 3 Q r 
 10 co m ro 10 co 
 aac e o 
 OcS O^J CO C 1 ! M "< 
 j s !i 
 t^-OCMOO Ifl H OB !> 5 CO < OOt^- 
 (5 ^ 
 O , 
 coco^j-co COCM ooco r-rto"-o-* 
 I- E I 
 ^ ^-3 
 8-M iO iO 
 "3 ^ !J 
 CCCOCOCM CM tN l I-H -" ^-HM ^H 
 is""- 1 
 CD CO -- O 
 I- CO^f-i COCOOO 
 < "w 
 cor^-r-oo oco(--ojo OOCD-^COCM 
 S.8 -.S88S5. 8S SSK 
 |tt | 1 
 222 2 JUS - s - 
 g c S o 
 >o o 
 < ff " s l 
 U " * M " s ~~ 
 ^ V" ^ V^ SX N t 
 E c 
 CO U5 (N O) SO Tf (M O) t^- IO * CO C^ 
 5 (N O) SO Tf (M 
 J M >- ^H rH M 
 ^1 <N M CO 
 M CO r- 00 CicOtOO 
 t~>OTl"CO Cl W i < 
 in To 
 2000 P 
 O C-1 iO <N >O O O d !M O O 
 >t-,OC^O O5COOO -l t^COOt- 
 w Steel 
 E c -.n 
 lO 10 1O >O CO O 
 01 t--Mt--io C"iaoio>- 
 OOt-cDiO -^ ^f CO CO COlMCNtN 
 Working Load 
 in Tons of 
 2000 Pounds 
 CN-* 00 
 SKSiS S2S2 s^ 
 -; < -a 
 5J3 o C 
 t " tn 3 
 & eg 
 < M 
 iO*r*r->ra fOio^-H oocot-o* 
 iM CC CO (N -HdOOt 1O * CO (M 
 u 0^^ 
 S -~f 
 O ifl 1.1 iO fO CO 
 C-1 t^CMt^iO C^COiO^ 
 oot-coio Tji^eoeo COCSCSCN 
 " cc c o 
 c oa< 
 A 3 HO 
 P= N 
 ^^^^ S222 n 03 ^ 10 
 in Tons of 
 2000 Pounds 
 ^fiooci OOQQCC o^ior- 
 3B5 P O OT OO CO lO Tf CO CM 
 I ill 
 Q ^ 
 IQ lO ifl u) CO CO 
 CM r- ci r- 10 cNooo*-i 
 oOt^-coo ^""Ceoco rocitMcM 
 ui Crucible 
 n o&. 
 fc X 
 CS < 
 ^C^cScN 2222 000(010 
 Extra Stro 
 >-O^cO it5OSi << QCJiOJiO 
 io^o osr^t^o iocococ-4 
 s s L 
 |Q %< 
 10 >o /> >ra co co 
 (M l^<Mt^iO NOOW -i 
 co r*- co o * -tj* co co to* N c-i CM 
 o c o 
 6 "" 
 COMMAS ^^ Mf ^ OJr-eoui 
 <3 IN 
 Sip lO * tfH^HCOlO WPO1CO 
 r _ t c^ o 01 oot^-coio -*cowo* 
 OOTOO iScicor^ o^or- 
 S! S!^S!^ ^S ^ 
 JS aS 
 stx^ ^^^s ^isx 
 fc Q W .E 
 6 Strands 61 Wires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 6 Strand 61 Wires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Crucible Cant Steel 
 Dia et f 
 In Inches 
 per Foot In 
 Working Load 
 In Tons of 
 Drum or 
 2000 Pounds 
 2000 Pounds 
 Kxtra Strong Crucible Caat Steel 
 V 1 , 
 > Plow Steel 
 Extra strong Plow Steel 
 16 60 
 Crucible Cad Steel 
 ID Inches 
 Diameter of 
 Bare Ror* 
 per Foot 
 in Pounds 
 in Ton, of 
 2000 Pounds 
 Working Load 
 2000 Pounds 
 Diameter of 
 Drum or 
 Sheave in Feet 
 Extra Strong Crucible Casil Steel 
 Plow Steel 
 Extra Strong Plow Steel 
 Extra Special Flexible Hoisting Rope 
 Steel Clad Extra Special Flexible Hoisting Rope 
 Crucible C< Steel Extra Strong Crucible Cant Steel Plow Steel 
 Breaking Stress 
 in Tons of 
 Working Load 
 in Tons of 
 Diameter of 
 Drum or 
 Sheave in Feet 
 Breaking Stress 
 in Tons of 
 Working Load 
 in Tons of 
 Diameter of 
 Drum or 
 Sheave in Feet 
 Breaking Stress 
 in Tons of 
 Working Load 
 in Tons of 
 Diamvter of 
 Drum or 
 Sheave in Feet . 
 in Pounds 
 2000 Pounds 
 2000 Pounds 
 2000 Pounds 
 2000 Pounds 
 2000 Pounds 
 2000 Pounds 
 lt . 
 5 50 
 2 34 
 1 02 
 Non-Spinning Hoisting Rope 18 Strands 7 Wires per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 I rnii 
 Crucible Cul Steel 
 in Inches 
 in Inches 
 U eiyJii r>< r Poot 
 Strength in 
 ; . ..: 
 2100 Ibs. 
 of Equal 
 Manila Rope 
 in Inches 
 Weight per Foot 
 Strength in 
 Tr ns of 
 2000 Ibs. 
 of Equal 
 Manila Rope 
 4 R,1 
 2 45 
 I ft 
 5 J 4 
 4 42 
 10 j 
 2 21 
 1 ; . 
 3 55 
 1 77 
 3 24 
 1 58 
 2 45 
 1 20 
 1 03 
 3> 2 
 1 77 
 16 1 
 2 4 
 16 8 
 11 7 
 1 20 
 11 1 
 4! 2 
 1 5 4 
 4 46 
 3 S 4 
 3 39 
 2 35 
 1 >.- 
 1 95 
 1 42 
 Galvanized Standing or Guy Rope 6 Strands 7 U ircs per Strand 1 Hemp Core 
 Crucible Cast Steel 
 in Inches 
 in Inches 
 Approximate Weight 
 par Foot in 
 Breaking Stress 
 2000 Pounds 
 Locked-Wire Track Cable 
 Crucible Stee 
 Plow Steel 
 in Inches 
 No. of 
 Wires in 
 Weight per 
 100 Feet 
 in Tons of 
 in Tons of 
 2000 Pounds 
 2000 Pounds 
 127 50 
 I A 
 Round Wire Track Cable 
 Crucib e Sleel 
 Plow Steel 
 V. . V 
 per r oot 
 in Inches 
 in Pounds 
 in To na 
 in Tons 
 of 2000 
 of 2000 
 of 2000 
 of 2000 
 A - T -i 
 1 60 
 7 2 
 A x 3<A 
 A 2 
 6 6 
 78 x 2J- 
 8 6 
 *A*3 A 
 15 2 
 16 2 
 Mx6 2 
 H 2H 
 10 8 
 X*3 A 
 14 4 
 3 15 
 13 8 
 16 6 
 19 8 
 21 6 
 Crucible Cast Steel 
 in Inches 
 in Inches 
 Approximate Weight 
 per Foot in 
 Breaking Stress 
 in Tons of 
 2000 Pounds 
 ty t 
 Locked-Coil Track Cable 
 6 Strands 42 Wires each 7 Hemp Cores 
 Diameter of 
 Breaking Strength 
 in Inches 
 in Inches 
 per Foot in 
 Sheave in 
 Inches Advised 
 Cast Steel 
 Filler or Hand Rope 
 5 Strands 19 Wires per Strand \ Hemp Core 
 Flat Hoisting Rope 
 Crucible Cunt Steel 
 after Scrvin 
 Appro ii mat 
 ence after 
 Serving witl 
 Str sin 1 " 
 in tona of 
 2000 Lba. 
 2000 Lbs. 
 Sixe of Drue 
 or Sheave 
 in Feet 
 Foot in 
 3 60 
 .p .; 
 1 !i 
 12 5 
 Kxlro Strong Crucible Cast Steel 
 after Serving 
 Serving with 
 in Ton "of 
 2000 Lbs. 
 2000 Lba. 
 Siieof Drum 
 or Sheave 
 in Feet 
 Weight per 
 3 60 
 4 . 
 1 29 
 10. 1 
 Marlin-Clad Wire Rope 
 Arm and Suspended Tray Elevators; Push Bar, Apron 
 and Belt Elevators and Conveyors; Gravity 
 Roller Conveyors and Spirals; Spiral 
 Chutes; Special Conveyors 
 A Treatise Covering the Construction and Application 
 of Continuous Elevators and Conveyors 
 for Handling Packed Materials 
 Consulting Engineer; Associate Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 
 Member, Society of Terminal Engineers 
Conveyors and Elevators for Packed Material 
 of packed materials fall naturally into the follow 
 ing classes : arm elevators, suspended tray elevators, 
 push-bar elevators and conveyors, apron elevators and con 
 veyors, belt conveyors and elevators, gravity roller con 
 veyors, gravity roller spirals, spiral chutes, haulage, over 
 head track, pneumatic, wire line carriers and other special 
 elevators and conveyors. 
 So far as is consistent with clearness, the commonly ac 
 cepted names have been given to the different types. How 
 ever, as these names vary so greatly among the many 
 makers and users of this equipment, it has, in several in 
 stances, been necessary to arbitrarily select the name which 
 is most descriptive of the character of the machine. In a 
 few cases the different types may seem to over-lap each 
 other slightly, as in the case of gravity roller conveyors 
 and gravity roller spirals, but it has been considered best to 
 treat them separately be 
 cause their application is so 
 distinctly diffeient. In the 
 division covering haulage, 
 overhead track, pneumatic 
 and other special elevators 
 and conveyors, many very 
 different types of machines 
 have been considered to 
 gether, either because their 
 range of application is lim 
 ited, or because they are less 
 strictly material handling 
 equipment. A few of these 
 special machines are some 
 what related in their design 
 and operation to machines in 
 the other main classes. These 
 have been considered sep 
 arately largely to make 
 more sharp the distinctive features of the main classes by 
 removing from them the unusual variations found in these 
 more specialized machines. 
 In the presentation of the various types of these con 
 tinuous carriers, ?ach type has been considered from the 
 following points of view : general application, specifications, 
 notes on operation, individual industrial applications, me 
 chanical details. 
 Under general application is discussed the general scope 
 Arm Elevators 
 Suspended Tray Elevators 
 Push-Bar Elevators and Conveyors 
 Apron Elevators and Conveyors 
 Belt Conveyors and Elevators 
 Gravity Roller Conveyors 
 Gravity Roller Spirals 
 Spiral Chutes 
 Special Elevators and Conveyors 
 Overhead Track; Special Chain; Carrousel; 
 Sling Type Carriers; Live Roll; Pneu 
 matic; Wire Line Carrier. 
 M! u-r ot the type of equipment, with its peculiar advantages 
 and limitations With the purpose of presenting in one 
 place the complete description of the type, both elevators 
 and conveyors of that type have been considered together. 
 In the individual industrial application paragraphs, how 
 ever, the elevators and conveyors have been treated sep 
 arately, since the application of the same mechanical type is 
 often quite different in elevating from what it is in con 
 The general specifications of each class of equipment are 
 given in as much detail as the widely varying practice of 
 the different manufacturers make it practicable. 
 The notes on operation cover mainly the ordinary care 
 and attention required in the operation and maintenance of 
 each type of continuous conveying equipment. It has not 
 been considered necessary to include many of the 
 more obvious principles of operation common to the mainte 
 nance of all classes of me 
 chanical equipment. 
 The individual applica 
 tions, with their illustra 
 tions are presented with the 
 two-fold purpose of point 
 ing out, in the various 
 major industries, some of 
 the purposes for which con 
 tinuous elevators and con 
 veyors have been success 
 fully used, and of indicating 
 the logical available ma 
 chine for the service. Space 
 does not permit more than 
 a limited number of typical 
 illustrations of each type, 
 and there are, obviously, in 
 numerable other industrial 
 operations in which the 
 equipment is being used to equally good advantage. 
 In these application paragraphs have been given, where 
 practical, more detailed specifications for the machines 
 as applied to each industry. 
 Tile mechanical details section has been separated from 
 the rest of the text with the purpose of simplifying reference 
 by treating the details of elevators and conveyors for both 
 packed and loose material in the most compact and readily 
 available form. 
 Arm Elevators 
 The arm elevator is the simplest type of continuous 
 motion equipment for the elevating of packages vertically, 
 or at high angles of incline. Properly designed it is 
 adapted to lowering as well, although it is not so auto 
 matic in this direction as in elevating. This type of ele 
 vator is best adapted to the handling of objects of uniform 
 size barrels, bales, bags, boxes. With the finger-arm 
 carriers in most common use packages are picked up auto 
 matically from the loading fingers or stations at any floor 
 on the up-side and discharged over the top only. The use 
 of self-dumping or tilting arms, however, permits the load 
 to be discharged at any desired floor. As gravity lowerers, 
 controlled by small motors or mechanical brakes, these 
 elevators have found a fairly wide field of application. 
 With either finger or solid tray arms, loaded manually on 
 the down-side, fragile packages are safely handled. 
 This flexibility of use has made the arm elevator very 
 efficient in multi-story storage buildings, marine and termi 
 nal freight houses, and in many industrial plants. The 
 small floor space required is an important feature in build- 
 ings in which operating space is limited. Improvements 
 in loading and discharge devices have materially increased 
 the usefulness of such elevators by making possible the 
 automatic loading from other conveyors as well as the dis 
 charge to lines of conveyors on the upper floors. 
 General Specifications 
 Frame. Wood frames are much used, with channel 
 or other chain guides attached to the timbers. The all-steel 
 frame, however, in which the chain or arms run in guides 
 formed by the structural members, is more generally satis 
 factory for permanent installations. The frame is usually 
 continuous from bottom to top, although the entire weight is 
 often carried on the top floor. In any case, the vertical 
 members particularly should be thoroughly tied together and 
 Chain and Arm Guides. In the inclined types of arm 
 elevators, unless the packages are too heavy no top guides 
 are necessary, the tightness of the chain and the weight of 
 the package against the frame being depended upon to pre 
 vent the arm from turning back under the load. In vertical, 
 or nearly vertical, elevators, however, the points of attach 
 ment of the cantilever arms to the chain should run in 
 guides, except for the lightest packages. With steel frame 
 elevators, these guides are usually formed by the frame 
 members, but in either case they must insure stiff support 
 for the cantilever arms, as well as smooth travel of the load 
 in a straight line. In some of the self-dumping arm ele 
 vators, the arm guides are built with such curves as to cause 
 the tripping of the arm. 
 Arms. The simplest arm is composed of two fingers 
 of iron or steel. Occasionally wood arms are used, with 
 braces under each finger, all connected to form a rigid 
 cantilever unit. For elevating barrels or kegs these fingers 
 should be so shaped as to hold the package securely in 
 place. For boxes, bales, or bags, straight arms are cus 
 tomary, since for such packages the straight arm makes for 
 more perfect discharge. With this type arm slats are often 
 used between the chains to form a back for the arms and 
 prevent the throwing of packages through the chain. Solid 
 tray arms may be of wood, or, for small heavy packages 
 steel angles are often used for handling objects of miscel 
 laneous size. These trays will not pick up the load as will 
 the finger-arm type. These rigid types of arms practically 
 all discharge over the top, although by arranging special 
 trips on the up-side they can be made to discharge certain 
 packages at any floor. Similarly, specially designed arms 
 will lower packages also, either on the down-side or by 
 running the elevator backward. However, for discharging 
 on the up-side the more highly developed self-dumping arm 
 is more efficient. This arm is so designed as to trip at any 
 desired floor. It will also lower packages on the down-side. 
 Loading. The loading of most arm elevators is semi 
 automatic, in that they pick up the load from loading fin 
 gers at any floor at which these may be set, usually the 
 first. Loading from chutes, barrel skids, gravity or power 
 conveyor is feasible, but, except for the simplest conditions 
 very careful designing of the timing or other loading de 
 vices is essential. This applies also to automatic feeders. 
 Certain packages such as cylinders in lowering are loaded 
 automatically by trips operated by the descending arms. 
 However, for lowering the great majority of packages, 
 hand-loading is usual. For down-loading the speed should 
 be low, preferably not over 40 ft. per min. Particularlv in 
 handling heavy packages low speeds relieve the machine 
 of much of the shock of pick-up incident to elevators of 
 this type. 
 Discharge. Discharge of the simpler arm elevators 
 is usually over the top. For the most effective discharge 
 the top sprocket should be of sufficient size from 12 in. 
 to 24 in. is usual to prevent too much "jerk" of the arms 
 as they pass around the top. Unless a conveyor is pro 
 vided to receive the packages a sloping discharge chute is 
 rather essential. This chute should be carefully fitted to 
 the path of the arms, so that packages such as loose bags 
 will not be caught between the arms and the chute. Unless 
 the elevator is run at the lowest speed that will give the 
 required capacity, barrels and other heavy packages are apt 
 to discharge roughly. Certain specially designed types of 
 arm elevators, particularly those for elevating lumber, are 
 built to carry their load over the top and deposit it at any 
 desired point on the down-side. 
 With self-dumping arms, however, the load may be dis 
 charged at any floor on the up-side, either by so curving 
 the chain guides as to dump the package forward, or by 
 using arms which dump themselves upon striking adjustable 
 trips which are set at the desired floor. In any case, whether 
 in elevating or lowering, the package must leave the ele 
 vator promptly so that the following arm will not strike 
 it. This point must be more carefully considered in inter 
 mediate floor discharge than in the more positive top 
 Drive and Take-up. In this type elevator either 
 worm or spur gears are ordinarily used. The worm gears 
 serve also as a safety brake in case of accidental cut-off 
 of the power. The take-up is almost invariably placed at 
 the bottom of the elevator. When used as lowerers these 
 elevators are sometimes operated without motors, the con 
 trol being secured by the use of mechanical brakes. 
 Control and Safety Devices. There is a tendency 
 toward the more extensive use of the control operated from 
 several points, particularly on the multi-story elevators. 
 There is also an increasing use of safety devices such as 
 those which cut off the motor if any packages fail to load 
 or discharge properly, and others for similar purposes. 
 These devices are generally electrical, and are comparatively 
 simple in operation. 
 The most important factor in successful operation of the 
 arm elevator is really a point of design. This is that the 
 elevator should be run at as low a speed as will give the re 
 quired capacity and insure proper discharge. That this 
 would be done in all cases would seem self-evident, but the 
 fact remains that most of these machines run at speeds 
 faster than is either necessary or advisable. Most of them 
 are designed with a speed to serve very rare peak loads 
 and are continually operated at this speed. In top dis 
 charge elevators the failure to provide sufficient height 
 above the discharge floor to allow for piling up of bags 
 or packages makes it necessary to watch the discharge too 
 closely. This reduces the economy of the elevator by mak 
 ing the operation less automatic than it would otherwise 
 naturally be. In manual loading considerable time is saved 
 if the men can deposit their loads on the loading station 
 or feeder and not wait for the elevator arms. In the multi 
 story elevators, in particular, signal bells or speaking tubes 
 between points of dispatch and delivery are useful to pro 
 mote efficiency in operation. 
 Where the rigid arm elevator is made portable it should 
 be mounted on rails, unless the floor is unusually smooth, 
 in which case casters or wheels are better. In any case, 
 the spread of the base must be sufficient to insure the sta 
 bility of the machine, particularly in handling heavy loads 
 or in moving from place to place. The smaller elevators 
 may well be hand-propelled, but the machine that is pro- 
 pcllcd by its own power, especially if it is large and heavy, 
 is far more satisfactory. 
 Bags Boxes Bales Barrels 
 In warehouses handling a fairly limited range of pack 
 ages the arm elevator finds its most economical application. 
 Because of the simple construction and the small floor space 
 required it is often profitable to install several elevator: 
 in one building in order entirely to eliminate long hauls 
 on both the receiving and upper floors. Such a system 
 provides the shortest route from the car doors to the stor 
 age piles on the floors above. Elevators of this type are 
 frequently installed on receiving platforms, discharging 
 through convenient windows above. 
 The inclined, double-strand arm elevators arc the sim 
 plest of the type. Where the incline is sufficient to make 
 the weight of the packages rest partly against the frame 
 in their ascent, chain or arm guides are unnecessary. Tim 
 ber frames are much used, although steel angles or chan 
 nels make a stiffer and better construction. In either case 
 it will handle, as is the inclined apron elevator, it occupies 
 less space and may be of somewhat lighter construction. 
 Equipped with large wheels, as shown, this machine will 
 High Discharge Prevents Congestion 
 a smooth running track for the chain, preferably of steel, 
 is essential. The photograph shows a good top discharge 
 arrangement, with the steel chute fitted as closely to the 
 elevator as the traveling arms will permit. This is par 
 ticularly important in elevating such loose packages as bags, 
 where there is danger of the package catching in the open 
 ing between the chute and the elevator arms. The ade 
 quate height of discharge above the floor, as shown, allows 
 many bags to pile up without any danger of blocking the 
 elevator. However, discharge to a table from 1 ft. to 2 ft. 
 high makes easier manual handling of the bags. 
 Bags Miscellaneous Commodities 
 The use of the inclined portable arm elevator, discharging 
 through second or third-story warehouse windows, pro 
 vides a very direct transfer of commodities from trucks 
 or cars to the storage piles on these upper floors. Much 
 time would be lost in trucking these bags to freight ele 
 vators within die building, and then making a similar trip 
 on the storage floors above. While the elevator shown 
 has a fixed height of discharge, these machines are built 
 with adjustable carrier booms, so that the same machine will 
 serve several floor levels. Although this type of elevator 
 is not so versatile with regard to the range of package 
 Direct Line to Storage Piles 
 stand moving over cobble stones or other equally rough 
 outdoor pavements. It should be light enough to be easily 
 moved by hand. Instead of the wood base frame, a stiffer 
 and more serviceable base may be made from steel chan 
 nels to which the upper frame members can be more se 
 curely connected. For handling bags, light detachable link 
 chain, with straight arms, forms the most satisfactory car 
 rier. The loading point should be made as low as the 
 clearance of the arms will permit. In the machine pic 
 tured, no return track is provided for the chain and arms. 
 Some weight is thus saved but the result is not so good as 
 with return guides. 
 Bags Barrels Bales 
 In the warehousing of sugar, copra, cork, and many simi 
 lar commodities, the portable bag elevator makes a profit 
 able saving over the old method of gang piling. These ma 
 chines are mounted either on rails or, where the floor is 
 sufficiently smooth and firm, on large casters, the latter 
 method giving greater freedom of movement about the 
 floor. While they may be self-propelled, they are usually 
 moved from place to place by hand. While elevators of 
 this type arc not so flexible in operation as the inclined 
 pilrr, in that they are not adjustable as to height of dis 
 charge and have not the same large capacity, they do, how 
 ever, occupy less floor space and, for the same maximum 
 discharge height, may be made somewhat lighter. 
 With this, as with practically all other portable pilers, 
 the problem has been to build a machine light enough to be 
 easily portable, yet sufficiently strong and well braced to 
 withstand the rather hard service to which it is subjected. 
 Light steel frames, thoroughly braced, are best for this pur 
 pose. For greater stability these machines may well be 
 built with the four angles forming the tower sloping inward 
 toward the top. Where the piling can he so organized that 
 the storage area can be served from one or two lines of 
 light track, the question of mounting is a fairly simple one. 
 With this method of vertical piling long portable chutes 
 from the top of the elevator are used to discharge the pack- 
 High Piling with Portable Elevator 
 ages. These chutes are later employed in breaking clown 
 the piles. 
 Terminal Freight Handling 
 Bags Barrels Drums 
 The simple construction and small space taken up 
 by the standard bag elevator is well illustrated in the 
 photograph. Since these steel frame units are largely shop- 
 assembled they are quickly and easily installed. In long, 
 two-story freight houses or double-deck piers a battery of 
 For Either Elevating or Lowering 
 such elevators makes a surprising saving in time and labor 
 by eliminating long hauls and waits for slow moving plat 
 form elevators. Because of the vertical position of the 
 elevator, a comparatively small hatch in the upper floor is 
 sufficient opening. With arms of the type shown, packages 
 may be lowered on the opposite side, although in this case 
 neither the loading nor the discharge is so automatic. 
 The self-dumping arm usually carries its own tripper, 
 which is operated by a lever set at the desired point of 
 discharge. Rigid arms of the more simple types dump 
 their load when tilted forward by the outward curving of 
 the guides. This simpler method is generally not so posi 
 tive or satisfactory as the self-tripping arms. For this 
 service steel shapes of such section as to form channel 
 guides for the attachments of the arms to the chain make 
 excellent frames. Both single strands of steel chain, and 
 double-strand detachable malleable chain, are commonly 
 used. Speeds of from 40 ft. to 60 ft. per min. are usual 
 for terminal freight handling service. 
 Department Stores 
 Parcels Boxes Cartons Bundles 
 The principle of the arm elevator applied to lowering has 
 produced an economical machine for the lowering of parcels 
 to the shipping floor, or for other similar transfers, in 
 department stores, mail order, and wholesale supply and dis 
 tributing houses. While such a lowerer is almost invariably 
 loaded by hand at the various upper floors, it is thoroughly 
 practicable to make the delivery automatic, to belt or other 
 convcyi.rs at the discharge point. Even the most fragile 
 Lowering Packages for Shipment 
 objects, as well as packages of every size from the smallest 
 department store paper bag to boxes the size of the tray 
 itself, are safely and efficiently handled on such a lowerer. 
 The same machine, running in reverse direction, may be 
 used also as an elevator. 
 Solid wood trays are usual, largely because the service 
 is light and many of the packages very small. Low speeds 
 of from 30 ft. to 40 ft. per min. are ordinarily ample for 
 the capacity necessary. With such low speeds both loading 
 and discharge are made easier and more efficient. The 
 steel slats between the chain above the tray, as shown, are 
 provided to stop such packages as might otherwise be 
 thrown down the shaft in careless loading. In a lowerer 
 of this type the motor is required more for the purpose of 
 insuring steady movement than to furnish driving power. 
 At the discharge point usually the bottom of the lowerer 
 the tray should dump its load easily into a chute or moving 
 Boards Timbers 
 The general application of the arm elevator to lumber 
 handling is of comparatively recent development. Portu hlr 
 machines of the type shown .ire used to pile to heights as 
 great as 40 ft., yet they occupy comparatively small space 
 in tlie driveway. It becomes profitable by their use to pile 
 lumber much higher requiring correspondingly less yard 
 space than with hand piling. The top boards are piled 
 at practically the same cost as the lower ones. These ma 
 chines are reversible in motion to allow them to serve piles 
 Increasing Storage Capacity in Lumber Yards 
 at either side in narrow aisles without turning around. 
 Stationary lumber elevators of this type are used mainly 
 for raising lumber to the upper floors of wood-working 
 plants, the boards entering the building sideways through 
 a long slot in the wall at the top of the elevator. 
 In elevators with the discharge feature of the portable 
 stacker shown, the boards are carried over the top and dis 
 charged at any desired point on the down-side, cither In- 
 hand or by automatic unloading arms. The discharge in 
 the stationary elevators is ordinarily over the top, the 
 boards being carried on steel angle, or similar shelves, at 
 tached to two or more chains. If the angle of incline is 
 such that the boards would tend to turn backward top 
 guards should be provided. To insure easy and satisfactory- 
 loading and discharge these elevators should be run at 
 rather low speeds, preferably not over 30 ft. per min. The 
 higher portable pilers. because of the small wheel-base in 
 proportion to their height, are generally more satisfactory 
 if mounted on rails. However, if the ground is hard or 
 has a concrete or similarly firm surface, rails are not nec 
 essary. Either electric motor or gas engine drive is usual, 
 although wherever the current is available the former is 
 to be preferred. 
 The inclined arm elevator is being used to an increasing 
 extent on construction work for elevating bags of cement, 
 plaster, and other building material- from cars or trucks 
 to storage. On building operations where the receiving 
 Dtlherin;: Cement h\ Temporary Elevator 
 platforms are some distance from storage, the^c machines 
 are frequently built with horizontal runs, serving the double 
 purpose of conveying and elevat : ng. There are lew parts 
 in this type elevator which are affected by exposure :o the 
 weather, and little protection is required further than the 
 hi using of the driving mech-r.iiMii. The ease with which 
 such machines are erected or taken down makes them pecu 
 liarly applicable to moving from one construction job to 
 Because of their rather temporary nature, the frames of 
 these machines are ordinarily built of wood, the chain run 
 ning on the frame itself or on a steel strip provided for this 
 purpose. Both single and double-strand chain are com 
 monly used in such elevators, with finger arms or individual 
 tray-carriers of sheet steel designed to tit the package to 
 be handled. While usually built in inclined positions to 
 render their construction more simple, the vertical elevator 
 with proper chain guides is equally satisfactory where it 
 is necessary to conserve space. Plain detachable link chain 
 is thoroughly satisfactory, running at speeds of from -10 ft. 
 to 60 ft. per min. 
 Flour Grain Seeds Feed Hay 
 Bags Bales Barrels 
 Recent developments in automatic loading of arm ele 
 vators have materially increased their economy of opera 
 tion. By the use of such loading devices this machine is 
 made a thoroughly automatic unit of conveying systems that 
 eliminates all manual handling from the packing room to 
 the storage pile or the cars. Working as a separate unit 
 the arm elevator forms a very direct route from receiving 
 platforms to upper storage floors of flour, grain and hay 
 warehouses. From the standpoint of installation this is the 
 Belt Elevator with Automatic Feed 
 simplest continuous elevator and occupies the smallest floor 
 space in a warehouse. However, it is more limited as to 
 the range of sizes of packages, as well as in its loading 
 and discharge features, than either the push-bar or the 
 apron elevator. 
 The illustration shows the use of belt instead of chain 
 as a propelling feature. Such use has been limited to fairly 
 light packages because of the hard pull on the fabric of 
 the belt at the heel of the cantilever arm. This strain is 
 less in the inclined types than in the strictly vertical ele 
 vators. Both top and side guards are occasionally used on 
 elevators of this type. The top guards, held in position at 
 the bottom by springs, help to more securely "fix" any bag 
 that has been improperly loaded. Various kinds of load 
 ing devices have been developed, each designed to suit a 
 certain type of package. While barrels or kegs will roll 
 onto the arms from skids or power feeders, bags are usually 
 "dumped" by a tripper device which synchronizes with the 
 travel of the arms. For this service speeds of from 40 ft. 
 to 60 ft. per min. are usual. 
 Chemicals Oils Drugs 
 Barrels Drums Kegs 
 The handling of heavy barrels and drums presents a dis 
 charge problem which is better solved by self-dumping arms 
 than by the top-discharge type of arm elevator. With the 
 low speeds at which these heavy-duty machines are run, 
 the barrels are picked up and deposited carefully on the 
 unloading skids above, all with a minimum of rough han 
 dling. Equipped with the double arms shown, the ele 
 vator lowers packages on the down-side simultaneously w.th 
 elevating on the up-side. The elevating of empty barrels 
 from cars to cooper shops on upper floors, from which 
 they are later lowered for filling, is a successful example of 
 this two-way handling. In bottling, and other filling plants, 
 the arm elevator offers the simplest and most logical means 
 of taking the barrels to the filling floors. 
 The self-dumping arm type represents the highest de 
 velopment of the arm elevator. These arms are operated 
 by a tripper which strikes a lever set at the point of dis 
 charge. This automatic feature has made a much wider 
 field for the machine, mainly in that it makes it feasible to 
 discharge its load at any floor. The arm should dump in 
 a positive way, throwing its load entirely clear of the arms. 
 This is not so satisfactorily done with loose bags and simi- 
 Self-dumping Arms Discharge at Any Floor 
 lar packages as it is with solid objects. When the arm is 
 propelled by a single strand of chain, as shown, more care 
 must be taken to insure proper guiding of the arm than is 
 necessary with the double strand. The single strand chain, 
 however, is not an objectional feature, when installed, since 
 proper guiding of the arm may be secured by various com 
 paratively simple means, particularly with the steel frames 
 and wide heavv chains used. 
 Suspended Tray Elevators 
 The growing demand for automatic, continuous handling 
 of packed materials in manufacturing and storage opera 
 tions has brought about the present high development of 
 the suspended tray elevator. The chief advantages of this 
 machine lie in its automatic transfer from and to gravity 
 and power conveyors, the manner in which it handles its 
 loads, its usefulness as a lowerer, and the fact that it is 
 well adapted to multi-story buildings. 
 Because the suspended trays or carriers of this elevator 
 are freely pivoted at their points of attachment to the chain, 
 they maintain their horizontal position in passing over the 
 top, to the discharge stations on the down-side. For this 
 reason the suspended tray elevator is better adapted than 
 cither the arm, push-bar, or inclined apron elevators to 
 the handling of packages which must be carried in a level 
 The gentle lifting of the loads from the lingers of the 
 loading stations, the smooth travel of the trays, and the 
 equally careful delivery to the discharge station make it 
 especially satisfactory for fragile packages or for con 
 tainers whose contents are easily disarranged. While many 
 push-bar and inclined apron elevators handle their loads 
 with practically the same care, they occupy considerably 
 more floor space and are not so well adapted to multi-story 
 buildings as the suspended tray type. The arm elevator 
 occupies about the same floor space but, even witli its self- 
 dumping arm and automatic loading features, it will not 
 properly carry and discharge many packages, such as cases 
 of bottles, high cans, barrels on end, and similar 
 objects, for which the suspended tray is well fitted. Nor 
 is it so automatic in its transfer from and to other con 
 tinuous carriers in conveying and elevating systems. 
 As a lowerer this machine not only handles its loads with 
 greater care and accuracy than any other vertical, or nearly 
 vertical, lowerer, but it possesses the advantage that lower 
 ing can be done on the descending side at the same time that 
 packages arc being elevated on the opposite side. In operat 
 ing as a lowerer only, the weight of the load is depended 
 upon to propel the machine, an automatic brake or gov 
 ernor being used to control the speed. Even for this work, 
 however, it is usually better to equip the machine with at 
 least a small motor, which, in effect, makes it an elevator 
 as well as lowerer. Occasionally the simplest types of 
 lowerers are equipped with foot brakes, in which case the 
 speed is controlled by the operator. However these inter 
 mittent lowerers, mainly because of the time required to 
 operate, are seldom applicable to modern industrial or 
 freight handling needs. 
 As a unit of complete conveying and elevating systems 
 the suspended tray elevator, because of its automatic load 
 ing and discharge features, increases the efficiency and 
 broadens the field of continuous handling. Packages of a 
 fragile nature, as well as trays and tote-boxes whose con 
 tents would be injured by rough handling, are carried 
 safely and automatically to points not only many floors 
 above or below, but to distant departments in the same or 
 different buildings. The most common position of this 
 elevator in such systems is receiving from, and discharging 
 to, lines of gravity conveyor. In this combination it serves 
 either as a floor-to-floor elevator and lowerer between lines 
 of gravity on the upper and lower floors, or as a booster 
 to provide additional trade for a long line of conveyors on 
 one floor. 
 Where conveying as well as elevating is to be done, and 
 it is not convenient to have the elevator transfer from or 
 to other conveyor machines of the suspended tray type 
 are sometimes built as a combination elevator and con 
 veyor, a horizontal run being added to the usual vertical 
 section. This horizontal portion is suspended close under 
 the ceiling, or in other out-of-the-way places. 
 The fact that the suspended tray elevator will return 
 empty containers on one side, at the same time that it is 
 carrying the filled containers on the opposite side, makes 
 it particularly valuable in plants where it is necessary to 
 handle filled and empty boxes or baskets in opposite di 
 rections. This two-way capacity has caused this elevator 
 to be extensively applied to the handling of packages in 
 department stores, textile plants, wholesale supply and 
 distribution houses, and many other plants in which gath 
 ering boxes, baskets, or tote-boxes are much used. By 
 filling these boxes at storage piles or machines, and placirg 
 the entire box with its contents on the elevator, the time 
 of loading and unloading of the individual packages is 
 saved. For the similar purpose of eliminating this loading 
 and unloading of miscellaneous freight packages, a few 
 machines have been built to carry four-wheel hand trucks, 
 with limited loads. The two-way capacity of this elevator 
 is equally valuable in freight and storage buildings where 
 there is a continuous movement of individual packages in 
 the two directions at the same time. Where the stock or 
 storage rooms are on upper floors, this machine forms the 
 most direct path not only from incoming cars to storage 
 piles, but from storage to shipping platforms in loading out. 
 Like the arm elevator, the suspended tray elevator is not 
 adaptable to the handling of a very wide range of packages 
 on the one machine, because of the difficulty of providing 
 automatic loading and discharge stations which will fit 
 equally well the different sizes and weights of objects. How 
 ever, the use of gathering boxes or other containers will 
 frequently overcome this objection, particularly in the 
 handling of the smaller commodities. This efficient han 
 dling method is fast increasing with greater knowledge of 
 its possibilities and the better organization of production 
 and storage operations. 
 A few small portable elevators have been built mainly 
 for piling and stacking. The chief objection to these 
 machines for such purpose has been that, in their present 
 development, they are rather heavy and clumsy and the 
 heights of loading arc higher above the floor than with 
 the inclined pilers, requiring more manual lifting of the 
 The suspended tray elevator consists of a series of pivoted 
 suspended trays attached to two strands of endless chain or 
 cable running over top and bottom sprockets or sheaves. 
 Because the trays or cars are freely pivoted at their points 
 of attachment to the chain, the weight of the load, which 
 is always well below these suspension points, holds the tray 
 in a level position as it passes over the head sprockets. 
 As the tray travels upward, its projecting fingers pick up 
 the load, which has been momentarily resting on the load 
 ing arms, carry it over the top, and deliver it at the de 
 sired floor on the down-side to discharge fingers or stations 
 which intercept the package as the tray passes through. 
 From these fingers the package slides or rolls, or is other 
 wise removed before the next tray with its load reaches the 
 station. In the more highly developed types of machines 
 lowering is accomplished in a similar manner, all loads 
 passing over the top. In the simple types of gravity lower 
 ers, however, both loading and discharge are done by hand 
 on the down-side. 
 Suspended tray elevator-lowerers may for convenience 
 be considered as belonging to two general classes ; the 
 simple swing-tray machine with solid or specially construct 
 ed trays, which are both loaded and unloaded wholly or 
 partly by hand ; and the highly developed automatic load 
 and discharge machine. The basic principle of both types 
 is the same, and they merge very closely into one another 
 in their construction. 
 General Specifications 
 Frame. For the more simple elevators of this type 
 wood frames are often used. However, for reasons of 
 better bracing and general permanence, the continuous 
 frame of steel angles or channels, forming guides for the 
 chain and trays, gives more satisfactory service. The weight 
 of the loaded elevator is carried by this frame either to the 
 floor or to any one, or all, of the various floors by properly 
 attaching at these points. In any case, care should be taken 
 to guard against mis-alignment due to settling of the build 
 ing. No elevator is more dependent than this type on the 
 stiffness and permanent alignment of the frame, particularly 
 when its operation is designed to be completely automatic. 
 Tray Guides. Many elevators, particularly those of 
 lower height and with balanced trays, have been built and 
 successfully operated without guides for the trays. In most 
 cases, however, the natural tendency of the trays to swing 
 makes the use of guides essential to the travel of the tray 
 in a set path. These guides, whether on wood or steel 
 frames, should be of steel securely and accurately set to 
 insure smooth travel of the chain and tray. This is spe 
 cially important where the tray enters or leaves the guides 
 in passing over the top and bottom terminals. Where the 
 frame is of steel, the structural members, with simple addi 
 tions, form very convenient chain and tray guides, making 
 a simple and satisfactory construction. 
 Trays. The simplest and most generally satisfactory 
 finger tray is the steel or malleable-iron, centrally-hung 
 type, consisting of a center bar with fingers or arms so 
 arranged as to pass through the fingers of the loading and 
 discharge stations. Such a tray may be left free to swing, 
 or it may be so arranged that both the point of suspension 
 and the tray platform itself run in the guides. Various 
 modifications of this balanced type are in use, each de 
 signed to carry a different type or shape of package. Where 
 it is desirable to discharge to the side of, or at right angles 
 with, the direction of loading instead of straight ahead 
 and for other special conditions, both the corner-hung tray 
 and the cantilever arm are used. These are not so gen 
 erally satisfactory in operation as the centrally-hung type, 
 although the corner-hung tray has less tendency to swing 
 because of its suspension from offset chains. 
 The unbalanced cantilever tray docs not, in general, travel 
 so smoothly or steadily as either of the other types and 
 requires special guides. Solid wood trays, as well as steel 
 trays of special design, are often used to carry special 
 packages or miscellaneous parcels. These solid or special 
 trays are usually loaded by hand, except where the packages 
 are of uniform sixe and overhang the bottom of the tray. 
 The points of attachment of the tray to the chains should 
 be secure with any type tray, but should leave the tray so 
 freely pivoted that it will maintain its level position with 
 out jerking, particularly in passing over the top terminal. 
 To insure continuous and uninterrupted traffic in both 
 directions, trays should often be made of double width, one 
 side of the tray being used for elevating and the other 
 for lowering. Thus, when an ascending tray, one side of 
 which is loaded, passes a loading station, there is sufficient 
 space on the tray for load ng another package which is to 
 be passed over the top and lowered." 
 Chain. Both malleable and steel chain of the standard 
 types are common, the size depending entirely upon the 
 weight of the packages to be handled and the height of the 
 elevator. Chains of long pitch are more applicable to ele 
 vators with large sprocket wheels than to those in which 
 small sprockets are used. Two strands of chain are in 
 variably used, except in one or two special types of ele 
 vators which have been designed for single strands, in which 
 case heavier and stifTer chain should be used. Occasionally 
 a cable takes the place of the chain, a construction, how 
 ever, which is more common in machines devoted to lower 
 ing rather than to elevating. With either cable or chain 
 the attachment of the trays should be thoroughly secure, 
 yet so pivoted that the tray is free to keep its level posi 
 tion. Secure attachment is more difficult with cable than 
 with chain and the operation of the cable in passing over 
 the end sheaves is not so positive as with chain. 
 Loading Stations. For hand-loading alone, particularly 
 of solid and special trays, the loading stations are often 
 omitted and the packages are placed on the ascending tray 
 by hand. With the simpler gravity lowerers, which are 
 loaded on the descending side, hand loading is also usual. 
 With finger-trays, however, loading fingers, from which 
 the load is picked up by the tray are usual, and for heavy 
 packages practically essential. In this case the loading is 
 done on the ascending side, whether in elevating or in lower 
 ing packages. Unless the trays are extremely closely spaced 
 the loading grid has the advantage of saving the time of 
 waiting for the tray to come within loading reach. All 
 of these loading grids should be so hinged, or otherwise 
 easily adjustable, that all but the one being used may be 
 thrown out of the path of the loaded trays. 
 Where loading is to be done from gravity, or other con 
 veyor an automatic feeding device should be provided. This 
 should be so timed with the movement of the trays that it 
 will feed the packages from the conveyor to the loading 
 fingers one at a time and just before the tray reaches the 
 station. Such a device must not only be positive in its 
 action, but so simple in design that it is not easily put out 
 of adjustment. Ball bearing rollers on the loading fingers 
 aid such firm packages as boxes in taking their place 
 promptly on the loading station. 
 Discharge. Although the solid tray is sometimes un 
 loaded by hand, it is more convenient to have it dump its 
 load at the required floor, usually on the down-side. This 
 operation is not so positive, except with certain special 
 packages, as the action of the finger tray, which, in passing 
 through the sloping fingers of the discharge station, leaves 
 its load at the desired floor. From these fingers, which 
 slope outward and are often equipped with ball bearing 
 rollers, the package slides or rolls off before the next tray 
 reaches the station. 
 Mechanical devices for pushing the load from the station 
 arc occasionally used to insure more positive discharge of 
 certain sluggish packages. In either case the discharge 
 must be smooth, yet positive and prompt, in the handling 
 of every package. Frequently power conveyor sections are 
 provided to carry away the discharged load and prevent 
 packages piling up at the discharge point. A common 
 method of discharge in handling such packages as boxes 
 is to gravity conveyor, the discharge fingers being equipped 
 with rollers to insure prompt movement. As in the loading 
 station, the discharge grids should bp --<;ily adjustable, 
 preferably hinged, and controlled from convenient points, 
 either locally or from other floors, by means of cables an:l 
 levers at the points of dispatch. 
 Drive. Single top and bottom sprockets for each strand 
 of chain are usual, although two top and bottom sprockets 
 for each strand are often used, making a short horizontal 
 run at each terminal. With the latter design much smaller 
 sprockets are required, but these are not adaptable to the 
 heavier chains with long pitch. The head sprockets are 
 usually placed on stud shafts to afford clear passage of the 
 suspended tray between them, although this is not always 
 essential if the sprocket is designed large enough and the 
 height of the tray is not too great to insure proper clear 
 ance. Where cable is used in place of chain, sheaves arc 
 customary, usually with recesses for lugs on the cable. 
 Such a construction is more common in lowerers than in 
 elevators, and in general is not so satisfactory as chain and 
 Either spur or worm gears, direct connected or belted to 
 the motor are satisfactory for driving. The worm gear 
 forms its own safety brake in case of accidental cut-off of 
 the power, and is well adapted to the slow speeds at which 
 these machines arc usually run. The drive is almost in 
 variably from the top, with the bottom sprockets set in 
 adjustable take-ups. Because of the free-running move- 
 ment of the chain and better balance, in contradistinction 
 to the dragging or rolling effect of the inclined apron or 
 push-bar elevator chains, the power required by the sus 
 pended tray elevator is smaller in proportion to its height 
 than with either of these two. 
 Brakes, lioth foot and automatic brakes or governors, 
 preferably the latter, are provided to control the speed on 
 many types of gravity lowerers. With either device the 
 control should be so positive as to keep the speed con 
 stant, regardless of the total weight on the trays. Whether 
 such machines are to serve as elevators or not, small motors 
 are desirable to produce more positive action, particularly 
 in handling very light packages. Obviously the addition 
 of the motor increases the usefulness of the lowerer, 
 wherever there is any likelihood of its being used, even 
 occasionally, for elevating. 
 Speed and Capacity. Chain speeds of from 30 ft. per 
 min. for handling heavy or particularly fragile packages to 
 70 ft. per min. for the lighter loads are good practice. The 
 capacity depends mainly on the spacing of the trays, which 
 is usually from 5 ft. to 15 ft. apart. With trays spaced at 
 the usual minimum distance of 5 ft. apart, and a chain 
 speed of 50 ft. per min., the capacity of the elevator is 10 
 packages per minute. The spacing of the trays should not 
 be closer than the practicable speed at which packages can 
 be fed to the elevator, which, with light packages, is about 
 one every five seconds. With such light packages the elevator 
 can usually be loaded faster by hand than by automatic 
 feeder alone. 
 Safety Devices. An essential feature of each unloading 
 station is some simple type of automatic detector, such as a 
 swinging arm, which will stop the machine if any package 
 fails to leave the discharge station promptly. Such device 
 should preferably be electric, as should any others which 
 may be occasionally desirable at other points on the 
 Similar electric detectors arc often used at loading sta 
 tions to automatically stop the motor if the package fails 
 to seat itself properly on the tray. 
 Control. While these elevators are usually equipped to 
 run continuously, it is advisable to provide simple push 
 button or other control devices by which the elevator may 
 be started or stopped from convenient points on the dif 
 ferent floors. A cable running the full height of the 
 machine is frequently used, particularly with gravity low 
 erers. Speaking tubes, or signal bells increase the efficiency 
 particularly of the higher elevators because of the better 
 co-operation in handling on the various floors. 
 While the more highly developed types of suspended 
 tray elevators are wholly automatic in their operation, no 
 one machine will serve as a "carry-all," nor will it properly 
 handle packages of a size or character outside of the range 
 for which it is designed. Disregard of this limitation has 
 probably caused more operating trouble than any other 
 single feature. This is particularly true in storage and 
 freight handling operations, where there is a natural ten 
 dency to use the machine for a wide range of miscellaneous 
 Where it is necessary to handle a widely differing range 
 of packages on the same elevator, the use of containers or 
 gathering boxes will often overcome this limitation, the 
 empty containers being returned on the opposite side of the 
 machine. Another important point in successful operation 
 is proper care of feeding devices where the elevator re 
 ceives from other conveyors. These selective loading de- 
 \ ices, while not requiring constant attention, should at least 
 have regular care in oiling and adjustment. A similar 
 caution applies to the systematic care of detectors at dis 
 charge points, or other safety devices which may be de 
 The closest co-operation should obtain between the va- 
 lious floors, particularly where such elevators are used 
 simultaneously in both directions. Speaking tubes or sig 
 nal bells between points of dispatch and discharge simplify 
 the operation, especially in changing the positions of load 
 ing and unloading stations. An interesting fact in the 
 history of the operation of these machines is that they 
 have been more universally successful in industrial plants 
 than in storage or warehousing. This is largely accounted 
 for not because they are any less applicable to the latter 
 purpose, but by the fact that in the manufacturing plant 
 the elevator receives more regular mechanical attention 
 in upkeep and adjustment. 
 Storage Warehousing 
 The high development of automatic transfer mechanism 
 by which packages, at the loading point, pass automatically 
 from gravity conveyor to the suspended tray elevator, and 
 then from the elevator to lines of gravity conveyor at the 
 discharge point above, has greatly increased the efficiency 
 of continuous conveying and elevating of commodities. Hy 
 means of the various selective devices in use, the packages 
 are fed one at a tune from the conveyor to the loading 
 Selective Devices Aid in Loading 
 lingers of the elevator. From these fingers the individual 
 package is picked up by the fingers of the ascending tray as 
 it passes through, is carried over the top and delivered 
 gently to any floor above. 
 For storage and warehouse service the two-way feature 
 of the suspended tray elevator is particularly valuable in 
 meeting the necessity of elevating and lowering commodi 
 ties at the same time. With speaking tubes, bells, or other 
 floor to floor signals, freight handling operations in multi 
 story buildings are not only speeded up, but better organ- 
 ization results from the elimination of the delays and un 
 necessary moving about between floors incident to platform 
 While the cantilever trays permit the side discharge of 
 loads at the delivery point, they are not otherwise as sat 
 isfactory as the more stable centrally-hung trays. The de 
 sign and adjustment of the selective feeding device in auto 
 matic elevators is an important feature of the machine, 
 for no such elevator is any better than its feeder. This 
 device should be so connected with the elevator that its 
 operation is timed to deliver boxes singly to the loading 
 station just before the tray reaches that point. For such 
 packages as will travel on gravity conveyor, rollers on the 
 loading fingers insure the prompt movement of the pack 
 age to its loading position. 
 The photograph shows a simple construction of the frame, 
 with the frame angles forming two sides of the guide chan 
 nel. For very large packages the use of several small 
 terminal sprockets avoids the necessity for the very large 
 single sprocket which would otherwise be required to suf 
 ficiently separate the ascending and descending trays. 
 Wholesale Houses 
 Miscellaneous Packages 
 While the automatic loading of miscellaneous packages is 
 more difficult than with objects of uniform size, the auto 
 matic discharge of such packages is relatively simple. The 
 short apron conveyor shown simplifies the operation by 
 promptly removing even the smallest or most sluggish 
 packages before the next tray reaches the unloading fingers. 
 With such an arrangement a considerable pile of packages 
 may be allowed to collect without blocking the elevator, 
 and much less regular attention is required at the discharge 
 point. A long sloping chute serves this purpose almost as 
 well as the short conveyor, although it has not the tern- 
 Handling Miscellaneous Packages 
 porary storage capacity that a longer gravity or power 
 conveyor would provide. 
 The use of the gathering box or basket is of decided ad 
 vantage in wholesale grocery and other supply house ser 
 vice where a wide range of packages is necessarily handled. 
 In receiving incoming goods or in shipping out from storage 
 or stock rooms, if the various small articles are collected in 
 these baskets at the storage piles, and then the basket or 
 box with its contents is placed on the elevator, the time of 
 loading and unloading the individual packages is eliminated. 
 The empty containers are later returned on the opposite 
 side of the same elevator. The use of these baskets makes 
 it practical to handle the smallest or most irregular pack 
 ages. Where it is economical to use larger containers than 
 the one shown, it is usually advisable to move the containers 
 about the stockroom floor on low platform trucks. 
 For this service centrally-hung trays are usual, although 
 where side discharge is desired, or for other special reasons, 
 both the cantilever tray and the corner-hung type are used. 
 Whether used as a feeder or discharge conveyor the short 
 power section shown should be given the proper speed to 
 work best with the speed and spacing of the trays. Such 
 conveyors may be driven either independently or from the 
 elevator. Speeds of from 50 ft. to 70 ft. per min. are usual 
 with a tray spacing of 6 ft. to 12 ft. 
 Confectionery Baking Chocolate 
 Barrels Bags Boxes 
 In lowering packages the suspended tray type handles its 
 loads more carefully than any other continuous motion 
 lowerer. It may be designed to operate entirely by gravity, 
 Combination of Conveyor with Elevator 
 with a mechanical speed governor, or it may be equipped 
 with a motor, in which case it usually serves the double 
 purpose of elevator as well as lowerer. When the motor 
 is used, loading and discharge may both be accomplished 
 automatically, as in the other types of these elevators. The 
 usual method of loading the gravity lowerer, however, is 
 by hand. Some of these machines are intermittent in op 
 eration, the weight of the descending load being controlled 
 by a foot brake. Such intermittent machines are far less 
 satisfactory than either the continuous gravity or motor- 
 driven lowerer, and lose much of their economy because of 
 the time required to operate them. 
 In suspended tray lowerers, particularly those of the 
 gravity type, cables running over top and bottom sheaves 
 are frequently used instead of chains and sprockets. 
 Pockets, or recesses, are provided in the sheaves at intervals, 
 into which the clips supporting the trays fit as they pass over 
 the top. While satisfactory for certain purposes, this cable 
 construction is not so generally efficient as the standard 
 chain and sprocket construction commonly used. Careful 
 attention should be given, in design, to preventing the slip 
 of the cable on the sheave, or of the tray attachments to the 
 cable, particularly with heavy loads. These features are 
 obviously not so positive as with the standard chains. The 
 motion of the gravity lowerer may be controlled from any 
 floor by a cable running the full height of the machine and 
 connected to the speed governor or brake. 
 Dairies Ice Cream 
 Cans Cases of Bottles 
 One of the most interesting and economical applications 
 of the suspended tray elevator is in the elevating of cans 
 of milk from receiving platforms to cold storage rooms on 
 upper floors. Likewise cases of empty bottles are similarly 
 elevated to temporary storage or washing rooms. The level 
 position maintained by the carrying tray makes it particular 
 ly adaptable in handling such high and unstable, or easily 
 disarranged, packages. Where space is not available inside 
 the dairy, these elevators are often attached to the outside 
 wall of the building. In such installations the frame of the 
 machine carries the light housing necessary. If desired, the 
 empty cans or cases may be lowered on the opposite side of 
 the same elevator. 
 Since the cantilever arm depends so much for its stability 
 on its connection to the chain, this attachment should be 
 made unusually secure. For similar reasons of stability and 
 strength the chain used on such a single strand elevator 
 Elevator Discharging to Gravity Roller 
 Although wholly automatic loading of objects such as 
 cans, with a high center of gravity, is difficult, it may be 
 made thoroughly feasible. However, manual loading is 
 customary for such objects, the load being placed on the 
 loading grid by hand. 
 Bottling Soft Drinks 
 Cases Trays Cans 
 Because of the unusually small floor space occupied by 
 the single strand elevator, as well as its somewhat simpler 
 construction, it is sometimes preferable where light packages 
 only are to be handled. Since it is open on three sides this 
 type elevator is also somewhat easier of access than the 
 double strand type. The use of the cantilever tray makes 
 it feasible to load or discharge packages either directly in 
 front or at the side of the tray. Such an elevator-lowerer 
 is well adapted to the uniform packages of creamery and 
 other bottling plants. Cases or trays of bottles are handled 
 on the suspended tray elevator, whether of double or single 
 strand, with greater care and less disarrangement of the 
 contents than on anv other continuous machine. 
 Single-strand Cantilever Tray Type 
 should be heavier and stiffer than would be necessary for 
 the double strand type. The large roller shown under the 
 tray has a stabilizing effect on the vertical run by bearing 
 against the chain guides. However, as the tray passes over 
 the sprocket this effect is not present, and the eccentric load 
 is thrown on the chain and sprockets. In elevators of this 
 character chain speeds of from 40 ft. to 70 ft. per min. are 
 usual. Steel frames are even more essential than with the 
 double strand type, and the vertical members should obvi 
 ously be of stiffer section than for the four-corner frame. 
 Milling Food Products 
 The automatic operation of this elevator makes it fit well 
 into complete elevating and conveying systems for handling 
 bags in the milling and storage of such commodities as 
 grain, flour, sugar, and feeds. The photograph shows the 
 simple arrangement by which the positive transfer of the 
 bags from elevator to conveyor is made at the point of dis 
 charge. A somewhat similar, although more difficult, 
 automatic transfer is made from conveyors to the elevator 
 at the loading points. Such a system provides continuous 
 travel of incoming materials between cars on sidings and 
 storage piles on the floors above, eliminating the confusion 
 of trucking and, what is more important, the time of waiting 
 for platform elevators. Similarly as a lowerer, the sus 
 pended tray elevator is useful in the outward distribution of 
 the finished commodity to cars or trucks. Properly de 
 signed this machine will serve both incoming and outgoing 
 purposes at the same time. 
 While the tray shown is adapted primarily to the handling 
 of bags or similar packages, it is thoroughly feasible to 
 provide combination trays capable of carrying barrels, 
 boxes, cartons and the various other types of packages 
 handled in milling. The photograph shows the simplest 
 type of discharge station or grid. As the tray passes 
 through the lingers the bag is intercepted and slides away 
 from the elevator before the next tray reaches the station. 
 packages, it will be found if they are reasonably light and 
 readily handled, that manual loading and discharge is some- 
 Automatic Transfer to Belt Conveyor 
 These fingers should be arranged to hinge up, to make 
 clear passage for such loads as are to be carried to floors 
 below. The discharge to the conveyor may be made either 
 straight ahead or at right angles to the elevator. The latter 
 discharge is more difficult, however, except with easily 
 handled packages, such as boxes. The illustration shows 
 a common and satisfactory arrangement of the top or driv 
 ing terminal, with worm gear drive. 
 Chemicals Powder Drugs 
 Cans Barrels Drums Carboys 
 The fact that the trays of this elevator keep their level 
 position in passing over the top sprocket makes the ma 
 chine adaptable to high packages which cannot be properly 
 handled by any other continuous elevator or lowerer. High 
 cans, barrels on end, and many similar packages, loaded and 
 unloaded sometimes by band or, more commonly by gravity 
 conveyor, are carried without disarrangement of the con 
 tents, or injuiy to the container itself. One of the most 
 interesting applications is the conveying and elevating of 
 carboys or large bottles, usually in crates. In these indus 
 tries this machine is also much used for lowering because 
 of the care with which so many of the containers used must 
 be handled. 
 \\ ith packages of high center of gravity it is particularly 
 important that a well balanced tray should be used, that it 
 should lie prevented from swinging iu its travel and that its 
 level position should not be disturbed iu passing over the 
 top sprockets. Because the high package has a tendency to 
 overturn, the slope of the loading and discharge fingers must 
 obviously be as small as will serve to carry the package into 
 position. Since this results in the package moving onto or 
 away from the elevator slowly, the trays cannot be spaced 
 so closely, nor the speed and capacity be so great, as in 
 elevating more stable loads. With these, and other sluggish 
 Hijih Cans Are Handled Safely 
 what faster than automatic operation. For this service 
 chain speeds of from 40 ft. to 50 ft. per min. are usually 
 sufficient, with a tray spacing of from 10 ft. to 15 ft. The 
 1 holograph shows the use of four small head sprockets, in 
 stead of the more common pair of large sprockets. 
 Bleaching and Washing Plants 
 Bales Packing Cases Tote-Boxes 
 The necessity of handling heavy bales and packing cases, 
 in textile plants and the small space ordinarily available, 
 Automatic Feeding from Conveyor 
 makes the automatic vertical elevator particularly valuable 
 in this industry. Incoming bales of cotton goods, wool, and 
 other materials, as well as outgoing shipping cases, may be 
 cither elevated or lowered on the same machine. While, in 
 such heavy work, tin-so elevators usually operate as indi 
 vidual units, they are frequently combined in systems of 
 gravity and power conveyors, particularly in the receiving 
 or storage of case goods. A maximum of economy results 
 eliminates all manual transfer from and to the other con 
 veyor units. Such a system is equally valuable in the 
 handling of small pieces in tote-boxes or other container*. 
 In this case the empty containers arc 1 often returned on the 
 same machine. 
 The basic principle of all loading devices is a stop so 
 n] crated as to synchronize with the movement of the 
 ascending tray and to hold all but the one package to be 
 delivered to the loading fingers. In the photograph are 
 shown levers by which the various hinged discharge stations 
 on the floors above or below may be thrown in or out to 
 dispatch packages to the desired Moor. For handling the 
 heavier hales and packing cases, slow chain speeds of from 
 35 ft. to 50 ft. per min. arc advisable to relieve the chain 
 and tray of as much as possible of the shock of picking up 
 the loads. 
 Tote-Boxes Bales Packing Cases 
 The photograph shows the top and bottom terminals of 
 two suspended tray elevators which are used for elevating 
 and lowering filled and empty bobbin boxes. The applica- 
 Loading from Gravity Conveyor 
 tion of this type elevator to cotton and wool spinning has 
 greatly increased within the past few years because of the 
 successful use of these machines not only in new plants, but 
 in old buildings as well. The small Moor space required 
 makes the installation feasible in the most congested plants, 
 and with little disturbance to operation. While the auto 
 matic loading and discharge of these elevators makes them 
 extremely economical when working in connection with lines 
 of gravity or belt conveyor on the various Moors, they are 
 probably used more in single units than in such extensive 
 systems. The fact that the same elevator will elevate or 
 lower filled baskets of bobbins on one side, and simultane 
 ously return empty containers on the other, increases its 
 usefulness in departments of the mill where there is neces 
 sity of this two-way handling. In other departments similar 
 elevators of heavier construction carry the heaviest bales of 
 cotton, wool, jute and other incoming raw materials, as 
 well as packing cases of finished goods. 
 I .ecause there is the tendency, with packages following 
 i losely behind one another, particularly on gravity con 
 veyor, for niorr than one package to enter the loading sta 
 tion, it is essential that some selective device be provided 
 to separate the loads and deliver them singly to the loading 
 lingers. The action of this feeder should be positive, yet as 
 simple as possible in its construction. If too sensitive in its 
 adjustment it will require too constant attention. In the 
 elevator shown in the foreground, the top terminal con 
 struction is fairly typical of the suspended tray type. In 
 this case most of the load of the entire elevator is carried 
 on the top Moor. However, this is not essential. In the 
 background is shown a bottom terminal; suspending it from 
 the ceiling conserves Mcor space. 
 Restaurants Hotels 
 Trays of Dishes 
 The necessity for more continuous handling and greater 
 capacity than is possible with the ordinary "dumb waiter," 
 has brought about the efficient use of the suspended tray 
 tlevator-lowerer in restaurant and hotel service. Serving 
 the double purpose of elevating and lowering tilled and 
 imply trays simultaneously, this machine provides the most 
 direct possible connection between kitchens and dining- 
 room Moors in multi-story buildings. The care with which 
 these machines handle such fragile loads as trays of china 
 and glassware is another reason for their successful applica 
 tion to this work. Much confusion as well as time in 
 operating dumb waiters, even though they be power-driven, 
 is eliminated hv the continuous motion of the suspended 
 ;rays. The opciation < f siu-h machines is practically noise- 
 . !iar :cularly when they are enclosed in the usual r-hafts. 
 The c.inier-hung type tray has given excellent service 
 this work, cause of its smoothness of travel and free- 
 lirm fr. in any tendency to swing. Where these machines 
 Quick Service Promoted by Elevator 
 are to be loaded and unloaded by hand, their speed should 
 be very low, preferably not over 40 ft. per min. Even with 
 speeds as low as 30 ft. per min. the trays may be spaced 
 closely enough to give a very large capacity. Obviously 
 the frames of the machines should be so carefully designed 
 and braced that there can be no chance of misalignment. 
 Because of the very fragile nature of the packages being 
 handled, the adjustment of the various parts should be given 
 regular attention, to insure the smoothest action at all times. 
 Specially designed trays are sometimes used in which auto 
 matic unloading is feasible. 
 Wrapping and Packing to Storage 
 Cartons Boxes 
 The use of the suspended tray elevator as a booster, to 
 provide additional head for a gravity conveyor, makes it 
 feasible to handle many packages and containers which 
 The Elevator Acts as a Booster 
 could not otherwise be safely handled by this simple, con 
 tinuous method. The pallets with their load are lifted gently 
 from the gravity conveyor at the bottom, carried smooth 
 ly over the top, and removed by the fingers of the discharge 
 station to gravity lines above. Since the pallet is carried 
 in a level position its contents are not disarranged and it 
 is possible to handle the most fragile packages safely. The 
 illustration shows the simple construction and small space 
 required by this vertical elevator. Because of these ad 
 vantages, these machines are often placed in old elevator 
 shafts, or are even attached to the outside walls of manu 
 facturing and storage buildings. 
 As a booster the elevator is usually provided with only 
 one loading and one discharge station, the empty pallets or 
 containers being returned by another line of conveyor. The 
 most satisfactory method of discharge is as shown, with the 
 direction of travel of the packages continued the same as in 
 loading. Side discharge at the top is thoroughly practi 
 cable, but cantilever, or other special trays are necessary. 
 Where containers with easily disarranged contents are load 
 ed from gravity conveyor care should be taken that the con 
 tainer is delivered smoothlv and without shock to the load 
 ing lingers. A cushion bumper is often used with excellent 
 Publishing Paper 
 Bundles of Papers Stereotype Plates 
 1 he suspended tray principle of continuous elevating and 
 lowering has been carried to a very high point of develop 
 ment in the publishing industry. Many special types of 
 suspended tray elevators are in use in the handling of 
 bundles of papers, all designed to carry the loads with the 
 least disarrangement of the package or injury to the papers. 
 Some of the most successful of these machines in paper 
 handling have been very heavy elevators used for elevating 
 and lowering rolls of paper, often weighing as much as 
 2,000 Ib. The stereotype plate elevator is another publishing 
 house application which demonstrates the flexibility of the 
 freely-suspended tray in handling specially shaped objects. 
 For handling such special packages it is essential that 
 the trays be designed to suit the package. Discharge sta 
 tions should be similarly fitted with positive means of re 
 moving the load. The small unloading conveyor shown ac 
 complishes this in a simple, direct manner. The corner- 
 hung type of tray illustrated has a stable travel, because of 
 Direct Service Between Plate and Press Room 
 the offset position of the head sprocket and the chains. 
 Even though the platform of the tray does not run in guides, 
 its diagonal points of suspension prevent it from swinging. 
 Obviously the operation of these specially designed elevators 
 is possible only where the objects to be handled are of uni 
 form size. 
 Refining Oils Greases Bottling 
 Barrels Drums Kegs 
 The development of the suspended tray type as a com 
 bination elevator and conveyor has produced a simple ma 
 chine for this double purpose. The advantage of keeping 
 the load on the tray continuously, from the point of dis 
 patch to final destination, makes this a better handling 
 method under some conditions than the more common one 
 of delivering to another conveyor at the top. Such systems 
 have been much used in textile and other industries, as 
 well as in bottling and refining. While modern tendency is 
 toward the use of separate units for the conveying elements 
 of these combination systems, there arc many conditions of 
 .plant layout where it is more economical to use the one 
 continuous machine. 
 The fact that the trays of this elevator travel horizontally 
 makes this a useful machine in congested manufacturing 
 plants where offsets from the vertical are necessary to avoid 
 machines or other obstructions on the different floors. The 
 photograph shows the simple transfer from the vertical to 
 the horizontal run, the returning chain, in this case, travel 
 ing by a different route. Roller chain is preferable for this 
 service because it provides easier travel of the chain along 
 the horizontal supporting angles. In this corner turn a, 
 through shaft is used between the two sprockets, in place of 
 the stud shafts ordinarily employed, and the sprockets are 
 made large enough to insure the clearance of the lowest 
 point of the tray as it passes over this shaft. The cradle- 
 shaped tray shown makes a very safe carrier for barrels. 
 Speeds of from 40 ft. to 60 ft. per min. are usual. 
 In the illustration shown the distance between centers of 
 the trays is comparatively long. In spacing the trays the 
 Changing from Vertical to Horizontal Direction 
 weight of the load to be carried, the section of the material 
 forming the horizontal run and the distance between its 
 supports must all be taken into consideration. 
 Push-Bar Elevators and Conveyors 
 One of the earliest types of continuous motion elevators 
 and conveyors consisted of a block of wood attached to a 
 single strand of plain chain running over end sprockets. 
 On this principle of pushing or dragging the package have 
 been developed the various types of push-bar elevators 
 and conveyors, including the modern double-strand roller- 
 chain type, with automatic loading and discharge features. 
 The chief advantages of this type of equipment lie in 
 its simplicity of operation and low first cost, as well as 
 its ease of automatic loading. While the push-bar is par 
 ticularly suited to handling a fairly uniform range of 
 packages, practically any object of sufficient solidity and 
 shape to slide on the runway can be successfully and 
 economically handled. It is extensively used in manu 
 facturing processes, and in such industries as bottling, 
 packing, canning, confectionery, textiles, and ice has be 
 come almost indispensable. Because of the excessive fric 
 tion of heavy packages, this equipment is most satisfactory 
 for light service. Where it is necessary to handle heavy 
 objects a runway bed of steel or wood rollers facilitates 
 their travel and reduces the drag on the machine. The 
 push-bar is not well adapted to handling bags, loose 
 bundles, or such unsymmetrical packages. While the same 
 principle is used in each, a clear-cut distinction should be 
 made between the modern highly developed push-bar types 
 and the many simple types of drag elevators and con 
 veyors in common use. 
 As an elevator the double-strand push-bar type gives 
 the maximum economy of space over any of the other 
 inclined elevators, because the high position of the push- 
 bar above the runway bed permits packages to be ele 
 vated at angles as great as 60 deg. or 75 deg. with the 
 horizontal. As a booster for long lines of gravity roller 
 conveyor, this machine has greatly broadened the field 
 of the latter type of equipment. For this purpose it is 
 often made portable. The automatic load and discharge 
 features add materially to the savings in labor effected by 
 such elevators. Because of the difficulty of loading down 
 ward, the push-bar elevator is not well adapted to the 
 lowering of packages, although occasionally used for that 
 The simple types of drag elevators are very little used 
 except for handling hay, ice, logs and a few other similar 
 commodities at low inclines. 
 As a conveyor the push-bar type is readily reversible 
 in direction of travel, thus serving a two-way purpose. 
 Because of the light weight of the moving parts, it is 
 particularly adapted to long distance hauling. This is 
 especially true where the load is not heavy, and the fric 
 tion developed by the sliding or rolling of the packages 
 on the runway is not excessive. The conveying of ice, 
 empty boxes, baled hay, logs, and pulpwood, is typical of 
 the service to which this conveyor is best fitted. The 
 simple drag conveyor is used more for such conveying 
 than the high type push-bar. It is common in such work 
 to combine conveying and elevating within the one ma 
 General Specifications 
 Frame. In the simpler, drag-type elevators and con 
 veyors wood frames are customary, consisting of well- 
 braced side timbers, to which are attached the cross saddles 
 carrying the runway bed. For the high push-bar types 
 the side frames should preferably be steel trusses, with 
 the top and bottom truss chords. Such steel frames, prop 
 erly braced, are stiffer and more generally satisfactory, 
 and are usually simpler to erect. 
 The frames of portable elevators, or boosters, should 
 be unusually well-braced to withstand the twisting and 
 racking of the frame in moving the machine from place 
 to place. At the same time special care should be taken 
 to make the entire machine as light as is consistent with 
 the loads to be carried. The base frame should be 
 mounted on the best quality ball or roller bearing casters, 
 or wheels, for the efficiency of portable elevators depends 
 to a surprising degree on the ease of movement of these 
 casters or wheels. 
 Curves or Goose-Necks. For push-bar elevators, 
 curves or goose-necks at bottom and top facilitate loading 
 and discharge. These curves should be of sufficient 
 radius, usually from 4 ft. to 6 ft., to insure smooth travel 
 of the longest packages to be handled. 
 Runway Bed. For wood frame machines, plain 
 boards, wood strips, or plain or corrugated steel, form 
 satisfactory runways. The drag chain should run in a 
 smooth track below the sliding surface of the runway, with 
 only the cleat, spur or push-bar extending above the sur 
 face. For high type push-bar elevators with steel frames, 
 runways of plain or corrugated sheet steel or steel strips 
 are usual, smoothly curved and fitted to the up or down 
 curves, and free from rivet heads or other obstructions 
 to the smooth sliding of packages. For handling heavier 
 packages, steel or wood rollers in the straight part of 
 runway beds decrease somewhat the driving power re 
 quired by reducing the friction between package and run 
 way. For conveying logs, pulp- wood and similar objects, 
 V-shaped runways with single strands of chain are cus 
 tomary. These runways are often lined with sheet steel. 
 Chain or Cable. Plain chains of standard or special 
 design are usual for drag-type elevators and conveyors. 
 One strand will serve, although two strands are prefer 
 able where flat runways are used. Cable is sometimes 
 used in place of chain, particularly in the handling of 
 logs. For the high push-bar type, however, roller chain 
 is recommended, although plain chain will give good 
 service if the guide tracks are kept well greased. For 
 this type two strands are essential. 
 Push-Bars. Steel or wood flights, attached to single 
 or double strands of chain and extending high enough 
 above the runway bed properly to drag the package, are 
 satisfactory for drag type elevators or conveyors. High 
 type push-bars, whether fixed or revolving, should run 
 from 3 in. to 8 in. above the runway. In elevators this 
 height depends upon the angle of incline and the height 
 necessary to keep the package firmly against the runway 
 bed. The revolving bar facilitates automatic loading by 
 rolling out from under any package which it has not 
 properly picked up. This is of special advantage in ele 
 vators, to insure that each package before starting up the 
 incline has a push-bar squarely behind it. If one chain 
 runs ahead of the other, carrying the push-bars at any 
 appreciable deviation from a right angle to the direction 
 of travel, packages are apt to be forced against the side 
 guards and will not travel or discharge properly. The 
 spacing of the push-bars depends on the speed of chain 
 and the capacity desired, 4 ft. to 6 ft. apart being usual. 
 Loading and Discharge. Drag elevators and con 
 veyors are usually loaded by hand. Properly designed 
 high-type push-bars, however, because of their selective 
 principle, pick up each package separately. Revolving 
 feed drums and automatic loading devices on elevators 
 also aid in properly transferring the packages from grav 
 ity or other conveyor to the elevator. Packages may be 
 semi-automatically loaded at any point on either ele 
 vators or conveyors by the use of loading chutes. Dis 
 charge points should be so arranged that the packages 
 leave the runway promptly and do not block the moving 
 push-bars. The usual top-discharge high-type push-bar 
 elevators are often built to discharge through adjustable 
 openings in the runway bed. In such cases the returning 
 push-bars should not run back close under the elevator 
 unless they are spaced far enough apart to amply clear 
 the packages passing through the runway. To avoid pos 
 sible interference, the chain may be returned overhead. 
 Drive and Take-Up. Single or double spur gear re 
 ductions are usual, belted or direct-connected to the mo 
 tor. Worm and internal reduction gears and friction drives 
 are occasionally used. Chain take-ups are almost in 
 variably placed at the loading end of the machine. If the 
 machine is fed by gravity conveyor, as is usual, the end 
 of the section of gravity adjoining the loading point should 
 move with the take-up to avoid disturbance of the loading 
 device. Take-ups should be easy of adjustment, but must 
 hold their position when set. 
 Control. It is often advisable to provide simple elec 
 tric or other control devices at convenient places to facili 
 tate starting and stopping of the machine. 
 Stops. Safety stops are occasionally used as brakes 
 on elevators, particularly those of higher angles of in 
 cline, to prevent the elevator running backward when the 
 driving power is accidentally cut off. 
 Capacity. Capacity depends on the spacing of the 
 push-bars and the speed at which the machine is run. With 
 the light packages usually handled, practicable capacities 
 vary from 500 to 1,200 packages per hour, with 60 ft. to 90 
 ft. per min. chain speeds. 
 While the high-type push-bar elevators and conveyors 
 are essentially high capacity machines, often handling over 
 a thousand packages per hour, for the heavier loads they 
 should be run at the lowest speed that will give the re 
 quired capacity, preferably not over 75 ft. per min. The 
 chain should be kept reasonably tight by setting up the 
 take-ups at regular intervals after the machine is first 
 put into operation. Chain guides must be kept well 
 greased and free from dirt. Where roller chain is used 
 the rollers should be oiled occasionally, as should the 
 rollers in the runway bed if used. 
 Automatic loading devices are particularly dependent 
 upon being kept in good working order. The same cau 
 tion applies to the adjustment of intermediate loading and 
 discharge points. Even with properly designed feeding 
 mechanism, over-crowding at the start is to be avoided 
 so far as possible. Where simple swing-arm, or similar 
 control devices are used automatically to stop the ma 
 chine when packages do not leave the discharge points 
 promptly, these devices should have regular attention. 
 Since these machines are best adapted to limited sizes, 
 weights, and types of packages, care should be taken not 
 to apply them to the handling of miscellaneous freight, 
 unless specially designed for such duty. 
 Miscellaneous Packages 
 As boosters push-bar elevators greatly extend the scope 
 of usefulness of the gravity conveyor by making possible 
 longer runs through the "boosting" given the packages 
 at any desired point. The short elevators necessary for 
 this work are made so light as to be practically as portable 
 when mounted on casters as the sections of gravity rollers 
 with which they work. The ease with which they auto 
 matically receive from, and discharge to, other conveyors 
 is a big factor in the labor saving they accomplish. Such 
 portable boosters apply mainly in warehousing, storage, 
 car-loading, and similar operations. As truck and car- 
 loaders they save the time of the men who usually do 
 the "passing up" of packages from the end of the con 
 veyor to the man in the car. These machines carry 
 their own motors and are often made adjustable as to 
 height of lift. 
 While 45 deg. boosters are probably most used, iiu-lines 
 of from 30 deg. to 60 dcg. arc common. I nlcss top guards 
 are used to prevent the boxes from rolling backward, 60 
 deg. to 70 deg. is about the practical limit of incline. 
 Where the packages are of uniform size, however, the 
 angles, large enough only to provide proper chain run 
 ways, form satisfactory frames when thoroughly trussed 
 and cross braced. Light roller chain with push-bars 
 Extending Scope of Gravity Conveyor 
 use of such top guards makes it feasible to elevate at 
 any angle up to the vertical. The chief advantage thus 
 gained is in the sa-ving of space. 
 Compact single or double reduction drives, with silent 
 chain or belt from the motor, are much used, although the 
 direct connected internal gear reductions arc in many re 
 spects more satisfactory with portable machines. It is 
 highly important to eliminate excess weight; also every 
 part of the machine should be designed as light as is con 
 sistent with reasonable service requirements. 
 Food Products Canning Packing 
 Cartons Boxes Cases 
 The small amount of floor space required by the push- 
 bar elevator because of the high angle at which it can be 
 operated is a big feature in many industrial buildings. By 
 placing the elevator against a wall or in some unused cor 
 ner, and feeding to it by hand truck or gravity conveyor 
 practically no storage or working space is lost. This 
 space-saving feature and the fact that the elevator is not 
 limited to short lifts make it applicable to multi-story can 
 ning plants. As a booster, stationary or portable, for a 
 gravity conveyor it is economical in warehousing empty 
 or filled cases, box-shooks, or cans. It is used extensively 
 in elevating packages to be carried over driveways, tracks, 
 or yards to other buildings. 
 For handling the usual run of light packages, light steel 
 High Angle Double Elevator 
 spaced about 4 ft., and with a speed of about 60 ft. per 
 min. is usual. A capacity of 1,200 cases per hour on a. 
 single runway is thoroughly feasible. With fairly uniform 
 packages and high push-bars, it is possible to operate 
 these elevators at angles as high as 70 deg. without a top 
 guard. On the higher elevators high side guards arc 
 necessary mainly for reasons of safety. 
 Paints Oils Grease Chemicals 
 Boxes Cartons Tubs Cans 
 The generally uniform nature of the containers used 
 makes the push-bar elevator very applicable to paint, 
 chemical and similar industries. Incoming raw materials 
 Shipping Room to Cars 
 in tubs, barrels, cans, etc., as well as box shocks and empty 
 boxes, are handled on push-bar elevators to storage rooms, 
 or from storage to the packers. Similarly, working in 
 combination with power and gravity conveyors, this ele 
 vator forms a valuable part of systems of distribution of 
 packed goods from packers to storage or cars. The 
 saving in time and labor accomplished by direct loading 
 from the packing tables to the cars by gravity conveyor is 
 often made possible through the use of push-bar "boost 
 ers" to provide the necessary drop to the line of gravity. 
 A common use of the machine is the elevating of mer 
 chandise from basement storage to shipping platforms 
 after the goods have been collected at a convenient point 
 by conveyors or trucks. 
 For transferring from power conveyors to push-bar 
 elevators a short section of gravity conveyor between the 
 two units facilitates the automatic loading of the elevator, 
 by preventing forcing of the packages from the one ma 
 chine to the other. Similarly, light spring-steel strips 
 placed at the foot of the elevator serve not only to start 
 the package properly up the runway, but also hold back 
 any package that has not been securely picked up by the 
 push-bar. Where such equipment is subjected to the action 
 of chemical acids, or to conditions of extreme moisture, it 
 is often advisable to use chain with special wearing parts. 
 Textiles . 
 Tote Boxes Baskets Cases Bales 
 In spinning mills the push-bar elevator solves the prob 
 lem of returning to the spinning and roving frames boxes 
 or baskets of empty bobbins which were previously low 
 ered on gravity conveyors or chutes. The illustration 
 shows the very small floor space occupied by such an ele 
 vator. The automatic feed and discharge, with the selec 
 tive receiving principle, insures orderly movement of pack 
 ages up the elevator, even though they are delivered in a 
 Returning Empty Bobbin Boxes 
 continuous stream to the foot. These machines are being 
 applied to an increasing extent to the elevation of many 
 other packages in textile mills and finishing plants, such 
 as packing cases, bales of cotton or wool, and bundles, 
 bales or rolls of finished cloth. The ease of installation of 
 these "pre-assembled" machines is an important factor in 
 busy mills. 
 For the usual textile mill service of handling bobbin 
 boxes and similar packages, light steel frames are usual, 
 supported by hanger rods from the ceiling. Inclines of 45 
 deg. and 60 deg. are customary. Chain speeds of from SO 
 ft. to 80 ft. per min. are common, with capacities as high 
 as 1,200 boxes per hour. For elevating bales of jute, wool, 
 or cotton, or for heavy packing cases, heavier construction 
 is necessary, with low chain speeds of from 30 ft. to 40 ft. 
 per min. to provide for the greater strain. 
 Wood Products 
 Box Shocks Boxes 
 The extensive use of the push-bar elevator for handling 
 box shocks, boxes and similar light packages has been 
 largely due to the simplicity of installation of the light 
 equipment necessary for this work. The ease of spanning 
 roadways, streets, or yards with a minimum of frame 
 work makes it feasible to use this elevator in places where 
 Connecting Operations in Different Buildings 
 the heavier apron types would be impractical, or belt ele 
 vators, because of the greater protection necessary, would 
 be much more expensive. Working in combination with 
 gravity or power conveyors, the push-bar elevator is wide 
 ly used in furniture manufacturing, box-making, and simi 
 lar wood-working plants, to connect in continuous se 
 quence operations in different departments or buildings. 
 The simplest method of spanning between supports is to 
 so design the side trusses that the elevator frame will be 
 self-supporting. Knee braces from the supports at each 
 end stiffen the truss and increase the possible span, or, 
 where the span is too long for this, sway rods are often 
 run from above the end supports. For the longer spans, 
 however, it is customary to build light trusses independent 
 of the frame of the elevator. 
 Wholesale Houses 
 Miscellaneous Packages 
 The necessity for saving working and storage space in 
 most wholesale grocery, hardware, mail-order, and similar 
 distribution and supply houses, has made the push-bar ele 
 vator particularly useful because of the high angle of in 
 cline at which it will successfully operate. Not only is it 
 used economically as a floor-to-floor elevator, but also in 
 multi-story heights as one continuous elevator discharging 
 at each floor. By using the upper doors to which the ele 
 vator runs as storage for the lighter packages best adapted 
 to push-bar elevating, this machine will handle practically 
 all commodities going to these floors. In hardware and 
 similar houses handling bulky or heavy packages, it is 
 successfully applied to sliort runs and transfer of packages 
 within its scope, although it lias not the wide range of use 
 fulness of the apron slat elevator. 
 Both automatic loading from gravity conveyor and hand- 
 loading are common in this class of service. In either case 
 a section of gravity conveyor, or long sloping discharge 
 table, is advisable at the discharge point to prevent any 
 blocking of the elevator by the piling up of packages not 
 ages, particularly where any are of approximately cubical 
 shape with a natural tendency to roll back at the higher 
 inclines, the push-bars must be unusually high, often 8 in. 
 High Angle Saves Storage Space 
 clearly removed. Because of the miscellaneous shapes, 
 sizes, and weights of packages, an angle of 45 deg. is 
 about the maximum incline advisable. The push-bar 
 should ordinarily run about 4 in. to 8 in. above the run 
 way bed, but if there are small packages to be felevatcd, 
 care must be taken not to have the bar placed higher than 
 the smallest package to be handled. 
 Packing to Storage and Shipping 
 Heavy Cases 
 The use of extra wide and heavy push-bar elevators 
 for handling heavier packages has been increased in recent 
 years by improvements in design and in the automatic load 
 ing and discharge features. Such an elevator may be 
 loaded practically automatically from any intermediate 
 floor by means of adjustable loading plates. Similarly, 
 these elevators are sometimes designed to discharge at in 
 termediate floors through openings in the bed, made by 
 removing or lowering adjustable sections of the runway. 
 However, this method of discharge applies mainly to fairly 
 uniform and regular packages of lighter weight. 
 Because of the greater wear on the sliding surfaces in 
 elevating heavy packing cases, it is advisable to use either 
 rollers or heavy sliding strips in the runway bed. Like 
 wise, because of the weight of the packages, the entire 
 frame should be specially braced. Heavy-type push-bars 
 and roller chains are usual. In handling the larger pack- 
 Receiving from Two Floors 
 to 10 in. above the runway. Slow speeds, of about 30 ft. 
 to 40 ft. per min., are advisable largely because of the 
 shock of loading. Where intermediate floor loading points 
 are used, they must be designed with special care, and 
 with regard to quick adjustment and easy accessibility. 
 Storage to Shipping 
 Boxes Crates Cartons 
 The push-bar elevator working in systems with gravity 
 conveyor is particularly useful for elevating packages to 
 Street Span Eliminated Trucking 
 a height sufficient to pass over streets, tracks or yards. 
 The greatest economy of operation is secured by such di 
 rect handling, and the automatic transfer of packages be 
 tween the various units of the system eliminates practically 
 all manual labor between loading and discharge points. 
 The simplicity of installation of such equipment, with the 
 very light supports and trusses required, is surprising and 
 enhances the value of such systems. 
 In automatic loading from gravity conveyor to the ele 
 vator it is important that the push-bar take a position 
 squarely behind each box. Various types of selective de 
 vices are used to accomplish this. Spring pieces placed 
 at the foot through which the box passes serve the double 
 purpose of starting the box properly up the center of the 
 elevator runway and, for fairly uniform sizes, they hold 
 back any box that has not been securely caught by the 
 push-bar. Where, as in this case, rollers are used in the 
 bed, steel strips or plates at the up-curve prevent pack- 
 ages from "digging in" between the rollers. For packages 
 of small size, push-bar spacings of about 4 ft., with chain 
 speeds of from 50 ft. to 80 ft. per min. are usual. 
 General Freight 
 Barrels Tubs Cases Crates Boxes 
 While the push-bar elevator is not so well adapted as the 
 apron elevator to the handling of general freight, it is thor 
 oughly satisfactory for many types of packages handled in 
 this work. One-story elevators are usual for this service, 
 although many of these machines have been installed to 
 serve several Moors. For the heavier packages, particularly, 
 rollers in the runway bed reduce somewhat the driving 
 power required, except at the up-curves, where it is neces 
 sary to use a sliding surface. 
 Heavier frames of four or six angles, well trussed, are 
 usual, with wider runways to provide for the more bulky 
 packages. Inclines of 30 dcg. or 45 desr. are best, preferably 
 Roller-runway Increases Scope of This Conveyor 
 the former if the greater floor space required is available. 
 With this lower angle of incline the push-liar may run 
 closer to the runway bed and thus better handle the smaller 
 packages. Comparatively low chain speeds of from 40 ft. 
 to 50 ft. per min. are best, with the push-bars spaced close 
 enough to give the desired capacity. In general warehouse 
 work- such equipment as this is more apt to be neglected than 
 it is in manufacturing plants, and for this reason it is par 
 ticularly advisable that some one man be assigned to the 
 regular care of the machine. 
 Paper Manufacturing 
 The necessity for stacking pulpwood in high piles 
 over a large area has brought about the development 
 of the portable log stacker. These machines are built 
 on very much the same principle as the chip-stackers 
 in such common use in sawmills. The logs are piled to 
 High Piling Saves Storage Space 
 heights as great as 60 ft. in piles of any desired length. 
 By using a modification of this type many commodities 
 in industries other than paper can be handled to ex 
 cellent advantage. When used for stacking other open 
 storage materials than lumber, the booms of the smaller 
 sizes of stackers are usually made adjustable as to height 
 of discharge to provide for more careful handling than 
 is necessary with pulpwood. 
 A V-shaped wood trough, preferably steel lined, 
 forms the runway. A single strand of chain running 
 at the bottom of the trough, with pusher attachments 
 at fixed intervals, propels the logs up the incline. These 
 machines are mounted on two rails so located as to 
 preserve proper balance. These elevators are self- 
 propelling. Where the overhang of the cantilever is 
 so great as to cause a tendency to overturn the machine 
 or make it unstable, counterweights are used over the 
 inner rail to balance the cantilever weight. For service 
 in handling pulpwood or similar commodities chain 
 speeds of from 90 ft. to 130 ft. are customary. The 
 fact that the logs can be dropped onto the pile from 
 the highest point of discharge avoids the necessity of 
 making the cantilever frame adjustable, as is necessary 
 in stacking other more fragile packages. 
 Lumber and Logging 
 Pulpwood Logs Timbers 
 In the handling of logs, pulpwood and lumber this 
 simplest type of drag conveyors finds many uses. With 
 fiat-bottom troughs or runways, ice, bales of hay, and 
 many other packages also are handled, although not 
 so satisfactorily with single as with the double strand 
 chain. With other commodities than lumber products 
 it is customary to attach a block of wood to the chain, 
 the latter running in a slot below the runway surface. 
 These drag conveyors are built with very long centers. 
 They are not usually reversible, although two-way 
 travel is sometimes provided for. The chief advantage 
 of such equipment is its extreme simplicity of design 
 and construction. It can be easily taken down and 
 set up to meet changing layouts. Such a conveyor is 
 used more for temporary service than for permanent 
 installations. Cable carriers are often used for this 
 purpose instead of chain. 
 For handling logs V-shaped troughs of 2 in. boards 
 arc usual, while flat runways are used for ice, hay, and 
 similar packages. The two sides of the V-trough form 
 guards as well as sliding surfaces, keeping the package 
 moving properly. With the usual flat runways side 
 strips attached to the timber frame. With push-bars 
 spaced about 4 ft. apart the capacity is very high, even 
 at the fairly low speeds of from SO- ft. to 75 ft. per min. 
 at which sucli conveyors are usually operated. Inter- 
 The Drag Is the Simplest Conveyor 
 guards are essential. In the lumber conveyors plain 
 detachable link chain with lug attachments propel the 
 packages. Where the wood push-bar is used, with the 
 flat runway, particular attention should be given to 
 securing it rigidly to the chain, for in operating a very 
 high strain comes on this point of attachment. With 
 this type conveyor there is a tendency for the push-bar 
 to turn back as well as to twist sideways in driving 
 the package ahead. 
 Ice Cutting and Manufacture 
 The push-bar conveyor has probably been more used 
 for the handling of ice than for any other commodity, 
 largely because it is the type conveyor most adapted 
 to such a light article and one that slides so easily. 
 Because of the simple construction of this conveyor 
 it is less affected by being continuously exposed to the 
 weather than the more highly developed types of car 
 riers. Such a conveyor is extensively used for storing 
 lake ice after cutting, in which service it fills the double 
 purpose of both elevating and conveying the cakes of 
 ice from water level to storage house. This conveyor 
 makes an excellent car loading system both for icing 
 refrigerator cars or loading cars of ice for shipment. 
 Very little driving power is required to operate the 
 conveyor in handling ice. 
 It is customary for this work to use either wood or 
 steel angle push-bars with plain steel or malleable 
 chain running in an angle track or on steel or wood 
 Loading Four Cars at Once 
 mediate discharge at the various car doors is usually 
 accomplished by manual handling. In the case of ice 
 storage houses, however, the ice is often discharged 
 through openings in the runway formed by hinging 
 down a section of the runway bed. With such a con 
 veyor the chain and push-bars are ordinarily returned 
 overhead to avoid conflict with the cakes of ice dis 
 charging through the runway. 
 Soaps Greases 
 Boxes Cartons Cases 
 For handling fairly light packages with surfaces 
 smooth enough to slide easily on the wood or steel 
 runway, the double strand push-bar conveyor forms a 
 simple and satisfactory carrier. For the long runs in 
 which this type of conveyor is so often used it pos 
 sesses a decided advantage in that the weight of the 
 Delivering Boxes to Storage 
 moving parts of the machine is very low. This ad 
 vantage is quickly overcome, however, by the roller 
 chain and apron type, if the conveyor is put to any 
 duty other than the handling of light packages. By 
 making smooth up-curves this equipment is equally 
 serviceable as a combination conveyor and elevator. 
 Similarly it is reversible in direction of movement, 
 although if used with an elevator section at the higher 
 angles, it is not entirely satisfactory in lowering pack 
 ages unless specially designed. If the runway beds are 
 made of rollers, similar to the gravity roller conveyor, 
 much heavier packages may be handled to advantage 
 because of the reduced friction. 
 Wood runways are usual in this work, although often 
 lined with steel strips or corrugated iron to lessen the 
 sliding friction of the package. Plain detachable chain 
 is most used, although roller chain is preferable, run 
 ning in steel angle guides or on steel or hardwood 
 strips attached to the frame. The frame is generally 
 of wood construction. In some installations packages 
 are discharged at intermediate points by removing or 
 hinging sections of the runway, arrangement being made 
 to insure the package clearing the returning chain of 
 the conveyor as it discharges through the opening. 
 Cases Trays Cartons Barrels 
 In bottling plants the push-bar elevator is used ex 
 tensively and with great success largely because of the uni 
 formity of size of packages handled. Receiving and dis 
 charging automatically, it is equally useful either as a 
 floor-to-floor elevator or as booster for long lines of 
 gravity conveyor. Filled or empty bottles, whether in 
 packing-cases or open trays, are handled in perfect safety 
 and with a minimum of operating attention. Barrels, kegs, 
 or tubs, travelling on end on gravity or power conveyors, 
 are similarly received by the automatic feeding mechanism 
 and delivered to tables or to other conveyor lines above. 
 Such irregular packages require, in general, lower angles 
 of incline than cases or boxes. 
 For handling packages of strictly uniform size it is 
 feasible to run the push-bar elevator vertically, with hori 
 zontal loading and discharge portions. The top guard 
 forms, with the chain guide angles and runway bed, a 
 vertical shaft in which the package travels. The chief ad 
 vantage thus gained is in the saving of space. For service 
 in bottling plants plain or corrugated sheet steel runways 
 are usual. The corrugated runways are somewhat stiffer, 
 and produce rather less sliding friction than do flat steel 
 sheets of the same gage. 
 Apron Elevators and Conveyors 
 The sturdy construction of this equipment, its high ca 
 pacity, and the fact that packages of all sizes may be 
 handled on the same apron, make it the most generally 
 useful of all continuous motion carriers. Requiring no 
 operator, and always instantly available, it is particularly 
 adaptable to miscellaneous freight handling in industrial 
 plants, as well as in terminal and marine warehouses and 
 on piers. Because of being largely shop-assembled it is 
 installed with little disturbance to plant operation. Its rug 
 ged construction enables the machine to withstand for 
 many years such rough usage as would quickly wreck other 
 types of equipment. It is easily stopped or started from 
 any desired point, and is reversible in direction of motion. 
 The apron type machine is adaptable not only to the han 
 dling of individual packages, but, when properly equipped, 
 will elevate, lower, or convey men and trucks, thus saving 
 the time of unloading and loading the trucks. Such application 
 of the apron elevator or conveyor approaches very closely 
 the function of the various types of truck hauls described 
 in a later section of this book. Similarly the use of large 
 gathering boxes, carried about the storage rooms on low 
 platform trucks and delivered semi-automatically to the 
 conveyor saves the time of handling individual packages. 
 Such a combination method has proved successful in many 
 plants, and has materially increased the usefulness of apn n 
 As elevators and lowerers these machines are used eco 
 nomically not only as floor-to-floor elevators, but also in 
 multi-story heights as one continuous elevator discharging 
 and loading at each floor. Because of the high operating 
 inclines possible, such equipment requires a surprisingly 
 small floor space. With fairly light packages the incline 
 may be increased almost to the vertical by attaching to the 
 slats cleats or arms of such a height or type as to prevent 
 the package from rolling backward. In fact, with packages 
 of uniform size this machine is often operated in a com 
 bination of horizontal and vertical positions. At the higher 
 inclines it becomes practically a rigid arm elevator. In 
 places where it is desirable to lower as well as elevate 
 packages the use of this machine is even more economical, 
 within the limits of incline at which objects may be safely 
 With a short horizontal portion at the bottom, joined to 
 the incline by a smooth curve, the loading of this elevator 
 is made practically automatic for inclines up to 30 deg. to 
 50 deg. ; the higher angles being used only for bags or 
 similar packages which have little tendency to roll back. 
 Such automatic elevators receive from and discharge to 
 either gravity or power conveyors. Automatic feed mechan 
 isms, somewhat on the selective principle of the push-bar 
 elevator feeders, are being developd which promise to make 
 the apron slat elevator with cleats much more self-loading 
 than at present. 
 As a conveyor, running along the ceiling, or in out-of-the- 
 way places, with down or up curves at convenient points, 
 it takes up very little working space. The facility with 
 which packages will transfer from one conveyor to an 
 other, placed at any desired angle to the first, makes it 
 feasible to fit these machines into almost any condition of 
 plant layout. In fact, one of the biggest fields of service 
 of the apron conveyor lies in the direct connecting of 
 successive operations in different departments or buildings, 
 made necessary by plant layout changes and additions. 
 Running level or on inclines, under floors, through walls, 
 or from building to building, the conveyor provides a tie 
 that is far more important to production than the mere 
 labor or time of trucking that is saved. Wherever used in 
 this way it is a production organizer. Working with the 
 various types of continuous motion elevators and lowerers, 
 it serves as a most efficient unit in plant transportation sys 
 tems. One of the most economical of such combinations 
 consists of conveyor and elevator installed as one con 
 tinuous machine. The apron type conveyor is especially 
 adapted to outdoor service. It requires very little protec 
 tion and simple supports, and often carries on its own 
 frame such light housing as is necessary. As such a car 
 rier between buildings the conveyor is particularly valuable 
 in bad weather. 
 Probably the most interesting of the recent develop 
 ments in inclined apron elevators and conveyors has been 
 the portable machines for piling or conveying merchandise 
 in warehouses, and for loading and unloading trucks, cars, 
 barges, and ships. Carrying its motor or engine within its 
 frame, it is easily moved to meet the changing operating 
 conditions of such work. The greatest efforts have been 
 made to design machines for this service of sufficient 
 strength for the work to be done, yet light enough to be 
 easily portable. While these machines are designed to 
 stand hard service, it is evident that if made as heavy 
 as stationary equipment they will not be thoroughly portable, 
 unless self-propelled. Since such machines are usually 
 moved from place to place by hand, adherence to this basic 
 principle of lightness in design has materially increased, in 
 recent years, their field of economic use. 
 As an elevator or piler one of the big advantages of the 
 apron type machine is that it will pick up loads practically 
 from the floor, saving most of the labor of lifting. Simi 
 larly, through the adjustable feature of its carrier, it will 
 deliver to any desired height This adjustable discharge 
 height is very important in ship, barge, or boat loading, 
 where variations in both tide or deck level are met by 
 raising or lowering the carrier boom. 
 As a floor-to-floor elevator, elevating through convenient 
 small openings in the upper floor, and as a booster to pro 
 vide additional grades for gravity conveyors, this machine 
 is very useful. By reversing the direction of travel of the 
 apron it is used in lowering from upper floors, or in 
 breaking down piles of merchandise. Such portable ma 
 chines are made in practically all sizes and elevating heights, 
 up to 1,000 Ib. capacity and 30 ft. to 40 ft. maximum dis 
 charge height. They pile at such angles as to operate in 
 narrow aisles and occupy comparatively little space on the 
 As portable conveyors such equipment is used in sections 
 of convenient length, each section either carrying its own 
 power or driven as a trailer from a power section. The 
 sections, mounted on casters or wheels, as floor or ground 
 conditions demand, are easily set in place or removed as 
 the changing warehousing conditions require. Packages 
 traveling on the conveyor transfer automatically from sec 
 tion to section, making right angles or other turns. Work 
 ing in systems with portable pilers or boat loader-unloaders, 
 the conveyor carries merchandise from cars or boats to 
 storage piles in a continuous stream and with the minimum 
 of manual handling. 
 These apron elevators and conveyors fall naturally into 
 two general classes, the standard chain-and-apron type, and 
 the roller carrier type. In the first, and most common type, 
 the slats forming the apron are attached at both ends to 
 plain or roller chain running in a guide and over end 
 sprockets. The apron of the second type, as its name im 
 plies, consists of a series of small carriers with end rollers 
 running in guides. Attached to the underside of the car 
 rier is a single or double strand of chain, usually the latter, 
 which runs over end sprockets and propels the carriers with 
 their rollers. These carriers may be of any desired shape 
 or size to fit the packages to be handled, from the plain 
 steel axles, to specially designed carriers approaching a 
 small four-wheeled truck in character. Both of these types 
 are commonly built in portable as well as stationary ma 
 chines. In any case, whether the carriers are spaced some 
 distance apart, or are so closely spaced as to form practically 
 a continuous apron, the basic principle of the machine is 
 that it supports and carries its load, in contradistinction to 
 the dragging and pulling principle of push-bar or haulage 
 General Specifications 
 Frame. While many successful apron elevators and 
 conveyors have wood frames with steel and hardwood 
 chain-guides, the modern tendency in design is toward 
 the all-steel frame, with the chain running in the hori 
 zontal legs of the side truss angle?. The steel frame prop 
 erly hraced is stronger and more durable, and more gen 
 erally satisfactory in operation than the wood. It is also 
 cleaner and neater in appearance. A very satisfactory steel 
 frame consists of four angles, forming two side trusses, 
 and thoroughly cross-braced to prevent spreading or twisting 
 of the trusses. 
 Curves or Goose-Necks. While not essential, curves 
 at the top and bottom of elevators and sometimes at the 
 ends of conveyors are advisable to facilitate loading or 
 discharge, particularly where it is desirable that such trans 
 fer should be automatic. Whether in elevators or con 
 veyors the curves should be of sufficient radius, usually 4 
 ft. to 8 ft., to insure smooth travel of the packages. Up- 
 curves should be provided with top guards over the chain 
 of such design as not to interfere with the travel of pack 
 ages overhanging the ends of the slats. 
 Apron or Carrier. For the standard chain and apron 
 carriers the slats should be of straight-grain hardwood, or 
 of steel, usually the former. The selected hardwood slat 
 gives excellent service and has the advantage of being 
 easily replaceable. Straight slats with slightly beveled edges 
 are most common, but for packages of special shape the 
 slats should be designed to fit the object to be handled. These 
 slats should be securely attached to the chain, and their 
 spacing should be close enough to prevent the smallest 
 package from falling between them. Since the attachment 
 of the slat to the chain is the point of greatest strain, this 
 connection should be secure in order to withstand any 
 tendency of the slat to twist and split. In elevators par 
 ticular attention should be given to preventing any tendency 
 of the slats to turn backward under the weight of ascend 
 ing packages even to the extent in some cases of using steel 
 strips attached to each slat and overlapping the slat behind. 
 In the roller carrier type the carrier should be designed 
 to suit the package. Plain steel axles, spaced from 10 in. to 
 16 in., running on end rollers, and propelled by two strands 
 of plain detachable chain, are satisfactory for bags, bales, 
 or bundles. For the more difficult packages special cradle 
 trucks on wheels are required. End rollers, whether of cast 
 iron or steel, must be true and free to turn. In determining 
 the proper width of any conveyor it should be remembered 
 that for ordinary service the occasional larger packages 
 may satisfactorily be allowed to overhang the side. 
 Cleats or Arms. Running on the level, or at the 
 lower angles of incline, the friction of the package on the 
 apron is usually sufficient to insure its proper travel. How 
 ever, at higher angles or where there is a tendency for the 
 package to slide or roll back, wood or steel cleats, lugs, or 
 arms, of the right height to securely hold the package in 
 place, should be rigidly attached to the slats at the desired 
 intervals. Each of these cleats should be attached to one 
 slat only, but for the higher inclines there will be less ten 
 dency to turn backward under the load if the cleat, or a 
 small plate, is extended backward over the edge of the slat 
 Chain. For the standard chain and apron type car 
 rier, plain detachable link chain is serviceable for lighter 
 duty. However, the use of malleable or steel roller chain re 
 quires less driving power and gives greater all-around satis 
 faction. Malleable roller chain is most common, although 
 steel chain, with hardened wearing surfaces, gives some 
 what longer service under abrasive, or heavy wearing con 
 ditions. For equipment working under conditions of ex 
 treme moisture or in handling chemicals specially designed 
 chains are advisable. 
 For roller carrier aprons the lighter detachable link 
 chains are satisfactory, since there is usually less wear on 
 them, and less pulling strength is required by the larger 
 end rollers on the carrier. Attachment links should be of 
 such size and strength as to provide a connection between 
 chain and slat or carrier, not merely strong enough for the 
 static loads, but to withstand the shock and twisting strains 
 of loading. 
 Side Guards. With elevators, operating at ordinary 
 angles, side guards are seldom necessary, except for special 
 packages which may have a tendency to roll sidewise. At 
 the higher angles of incline, however, guards of steel an 
 gles, sheet metal, or wood are often used, mainly as a pre 
 caution in case of careless loading, or to insure the safety 
 of men working under or around the elevator. On con 
 veyors, side guards are necessary only for the sake of safety 
 in overhead installations, or for special side-loading pur 
 poses. They are, of course, required where it is desired to 
 handle cylindrical, or similar packages on flat aprons. 
 Where heavy loading is to be done at any point it is ad 
 visable to attach continuous angles to the side frame, 
 which, extending slightly above the slats or carrier, pro 
 tects the apron and chain. Such angles, used alone, or with 
 plates extending over a portion of the end of the slat, 
 serve as a rather necessary protection of the slat in handling 
 loose packages like waste paper or rags. 
 Loading Points. To facilitate the loading of heavy 
 packages onto apron elevators the foot of the elevator should 
 be as close as convenient to the floor. Where possible it is 
 advantageous to set the lower end-shaft below the floor 
 level. In such cases a steel floor plate, with inset rollers, 
 from which very heavy packages are fed onto the elevator, 
 makes for easy loading. Where heavy objects are loaded 
 carelessly, a solid plate or several angles placed close un 
 der the slats at the loading point, reduce the shock of 
 loading on the apron. To insure heavy packages starting 
 up the incline bearing squarely against the cleats, it is ad 
 visable to use loading fingers placed just above the moving 
 slat. The package, momentarily resting on these fingers, 
 is picked up squarely by the elevator cleats, projecting above 
 the fingers, as they pass through. For elevators fed by 
 gravity or power conveyor, one of the various timing de 
 vices or feeders may be provided. 
 In conveyors much manual lifting can be eliminated and 
 the operation of the conveyor made more satisfactory by 
 having all loading points as close to the floor as possible. 
 Where it is not convenient to have the entire conveyor run 
 along the floor, or even set in the floor, down curves at the 
 end or at desired intermediate points make easier loading. 
 As with elevators, stiff angles or a steel plate set close un 
 der the apron at these loading points relieve the apron of 
 much of the strain of loading heavy packages. This applies 
 particularly in storage operations where heavy loads are fed 
 from chutes onto the conveyor. 
 Discharge Points. It is important that the discharge 
 be so arranged as to insure packages leaving the end of 
 the conveyor or elevator promptly and clearly. A satis 
 factory arrangement is to provide a long sloping table or 
 section of gravity conveyor to allow for temporary piling 
 up of packages without blocking the machine. It is 
 often desirable to use some simple automatic control device 
 at the end discharge connected with the motor to stop the 
 machine when packages do not properly clear the discharge 
 point. Although apron elevators usually discharge over 
 the top, they may easily he unloaded at any floor. Where 
 the carrier is composed of smooth, rounded-edge slats, 
 boxes and other fairly rigid packages are successfully di 
 verted automatically at any point by adjustable diverters. 
 These are usually made of smooth steel plates or hardwood 
 boards, preferably hinged at one end or sliding up and down 
 on pipe guides. When set in position to divert they should 
 he at such angle with the carrier as to smoothly sweep the 
 package off to the side. Such diverters may be controlled 
 locally or from the point of dispatch by cables. 
 Drive and Take-up. Practically any of the standard 
 worm, spur, or internal reduction gear drives are satisfac 
 tory, with belt, silent chain, or direct connection to the 
 motor. Single or double reduction spur gears are most com 
 mon and are generally satisfactory, although for the lowest 
 speeds worm gears or internal reduction gears are more 
 often used. While it is customary to drive apron elevators 
 or conveyors from the delivery end, many of these ma 
 chines are reversible in direction, and are driven from 
 either end. 
 Control. The usual method of control is by means 
 of a switch. Where it is desired to stop or start the ma 
 chine from several points, electric push-button control is 
 better. It is often advisable, in addition, to provide simple 
 automatic safety stops, either electrical or mechanical, par 
 ticularly on elevators handling men and trucks. 
 Special Features of Portable Elevators and 
 Elevator Base Frame. The supporting frame is best 
 constructed of steel channels, 4 in. and 5 in. channels be 
 ing generally used. The base frame must be particularly 
 well braced to withstand the racking incident to moving 
 over rough and irregular floors. 
 Carrier Frame or Boom. The side trusses of this 
 frame for both conveyors and elevators are most conveni 
 ently formed of two steel angles, usually from \ l /4 in. by 
 \ l /4 in. by 3/16 in. to 2 l / 2 in. by 2 in. by 3/16 in. angles, the 
 horizontal legs providing the runway for the chain or 
 rollers. These two side frames should be tied together 
 at frequent intervals by angle struts or a steel plate, or by 
 both. For easy portability, however, particular attention 
 should be paid to making this frame, as well as all other 
 parts of the machine, as light as consistent with the nature 
 of the work to be done. 
 Elevator Raising Device. The apparatus for raising 
 the boom should be entirely under the frame, to insure 
 clear travel for bulky packages and to facilitate moving the 
 machine through doorways. Except in the smallest ma 
 chines the boom should preferably be raised by power 
 driven mechanism. This raising frame should be so de 
 signed as to insure the stability of the machine with the 
 boom in high position. 
 Drive and Take-up. In portable apron elevators, be 
 cause of the adjustable discharge with the motor stationary 
 in the base frame, the carrier is most conveniently driven 
 from the foot end, and the chain may be kept at proper 
 tension by take-ups placed at the top. For both elevators 
 and conveyors the direction of travel of the carrier should 
 be reversible, with proper switches and reducing mechan 
 ism to accomplish this. Special attention must be given to 
 eliminating excess weight from the driving mechanism, for 
 if the maximum use is to be made of any manually moved 
 machine it must be as light as is consistent with the strength 
 necessary for the work to be done. Internal spur gears 
 have been satisfactory for this reason. The heavier types 
 of these machines should be self-propelled. 
 Casters or Wheels. Portable elevators or conveyors 
 usually are mounted on four casters, which are satisfactory 
 when the machine is to be moved over fairly smooth sur 
 faces. The importance of easy portability is so great that 
 the best casters made are none too good. Ball-bearing 
 swivel joints with the best roller bearings in the wheels 
 make excellent casters. Where the machine is to be moved 
 over rough, uneven floors, or used in out-of-door work, 
 wheels of from 12 in. to 30 in. are better, even though not 
 so flexible in direction of movement. Occasionally it is 
 advisable to mount such elevators on light steel, or other 
 One of the biggest advantages of the apron elevator or 
 conveyor lies in its simplicity of operation. It requires 
 neither operator nor special loading or discharge, and can 
 be started, stopped, or reversed in direction by a push 
 button or switch. With properly designed equipment and 
 reasonably careful handling, occasional oiling and cleaning 
 of the chain and driving mechanism are about all the atten 
 tion required. It is not uncommon, however, for machines 
 to be made entirely too light, or otherwise be unsuited to 
 the work to be done. Such mis-applications come about 
 frequently through designing the equipment for average 
 service, and not providing for the unexpected loadings, 
 strains, or rough usage that are certain to occur. With 
 the apron elevator a common trouble comes about through 
 the attempt to handle packages at angles of incline higher 
 than those for which the machine was designed. 
 To insure proper loading and less wear and tear on the 
 equipment, it should be run at the lowest speed that will 
 give the desired capacity. It is safe to say that most of 
 these machines, as usually installed, run faster than it is 
 practicable to load the machine or handle the discharging 
 packages. With elevators, loading downward from the top 
 requires more attention in angles over about 25 deg. than 
 up-loading, because the packages do not so readily find 
 their proper place against the cleats, with the result that 
 they may slide or roll down the incline. Where, as is 
 frequently the case, heavy packages are rolled or thrown 
 down from storage piles onto the elevator the mach ne 
 should either be provided with a re-enforced loading point, 
 to provide for this hard service, or be of generally heavier 
 construction than would lie necessary for ordinary opera 
 tion and service. 
 In conveyors, where heavy packages are to be loaded 
 at points along the side, a particularly good installation, 
 from the operating stand-point, results from placing the 
 top of the slats flush with floor. Unless thoroughly pro 
 tected, or easily accessible for regular oiling and cleaning, 
 however, such a position docs not make for the longest 
 useful life of the conveyor. If not installed in the floor 
 the top of the conveyor should be kept as low as prac 
 ticable at the loading points, to avoid manual lifting of 
 heavy packages. A down curve at the end often simplifies 
 the loading of such packages at this one point. 
 With either elevators or conveyors it is important that 
 such a clear discharge be provided that there is no danger 
 of packages piling up or stopping so close as to block the 
 movement of the apron. Where it is not convenient to 
 remove the packages as they discharge, a long sloping table 
 or chute, or a line of gravity conveyor, acting as tem 
 porary storage, makes this operation much more efficient. 
 In long conveyors and multi-story elevators it is often 
 advantageous and thoroughly practicable to divert boxes. 
 bales, and similar packages of ordinary rigidity at various 
 intermediate points. Unless the apron is very smooth this 
 is usually not satisfactory for bags and pliable objects. 
 The successful operation of portable equipment depends 
 so much on the ease of movement from place to place that 
 particular attention should be given to the surface over 
 which it operates. Easy-swivel casters are excellent for 
 fairly smooth floors, but steel wheels are advisable for 
 rough floors or out-of-door work. Probably the biggest 
 operating consideration with portable machines, however, 
 is the question of weight, particularly where the machine is 
 to be moved from place to place by hand. Because easy 
 portability is so essential to economical operation, many 
 of the best informed operating men arc coming to feel that 
 they are willing to sacrifice some of the life of the machine 
 in order to insure its maximum daily use. 
 With both conveyors and elevators of the apron type, par 
 ticularly with portable machines, successful operation \^ tar 
 more a matter of knowledge of the many possible applica 
 tions of the equipment than of its construction or operat 
 ing details. Wherever such machines are used there should 
 be one man who not only knows thoroughly the mechanical 
 features of the equipment and is responsible for the oper 
 ating condition at all times, but, far more important, also 
 knows the possibilities of the equipment as applied to his 
 plant. For instance, the warehouse man who knows the 
 almost unlimited uses of a combination pilcr, truck-loader, 
 and car-loader will get far more service out of the machine 
 than the chance laborer with no knowledge or imagination 
 in applying the machine to his handling problems. 
 Elevators for Trucks 
 The big demand for continuous motion inclined hand 
 truck elevators has resulted in the present high develop 
 ment of such machines. In addition to the great capacity 
 and continuous service of these elevators, probably the most 
 important feature is the high degree of safety attained. 
 Accidents are far rarer than in other types of lifts. Ca 
 pacities as high as 500 to 700 trucks per hour in each 
 direction are not unusual. The elimination of the usual 
 No Time Lost Waiting for This Elevator 
 platform elevator operator, and the freedom from waiting 
 and delays are added advantages of this type of elevator. 
 The truck-man may or may not accompany the truck, as 
 is desired. Such a machine forms a stairway as well as 
 elevator. It is naturally limited to from one to three-story 
 handling and to carrying trucks with sides or with loads 
 not easily disarranged by being tilted at the angle of the 
 For this service aprons of special or multiple strand chain 
 are usual, with dogs or lugs which grip the truck firmly 
 as they carry it up. These lugs are usually placed very 
 close together for the sake of safety in loading and travel. 
 Wood and steel slat aprons with cleat? which engage hooks 
 on the truck are also much used. To insure the successful 
 travel of wide trucks the sides of the high guards should 
 be smooth and free from obstructions, and the floor must 
 tit closely to the moving apron. As usually installed these 
 elevators carry their loads in only one direction, although 
 double runways, for up and down traffic, are often used. 
 Truck and General Freight Elevators 
 Miscellanous Packages 
 In the handling of hand trucks and men, as well as vari 
 ous heavy freight packages, there is an increasing use of 
 apron elevators in marine and terminal freight handling, 
 and in practically every industry. Improvements in design 
 and positive safety appliances have been responsible for 
 the more frequent adoption of this elevating and lowering 
 method. Such elevators serve not only as truck-hauls, but 
 also for handling gathering boxes or individual packages. 
 Instant and continuous service, with great capacity, make 
 this elevator most economical in operation, within the limits 
 of one to three-story elevating, to which it is best adapted. 
 Because the loads are carried at an angle this machine is 
 most satisfactory in handling trucks with sides, or with 
 loads not easily disarranged. 
 Broad wood slats, set close together and securely at 
 tached to roller chain, form a very satisfactory apron. The 
 cleats on the apron must be made to fit the hooks on the 
 trucks, and be so designed that they have a positive grip on 
 new process layouts in old buildings. The high angle of 
 incline with resulting small space required, makes it pos 
 sible to install such machines with a minimum of disturb 
 ance to machine layout or operation. Since the elevator is 
 reversible in direction of travel it is doubly useful in un- 
 Direct Service for Loaded Trucks 
 the truck before starting up the incline. Low cleats, set 
 close together, make a better and safer discharge to the 
 upper floor. The guards should preferably be smooth 
 faced and solid, and must fit close to the moving apron 
 for reasons of safety. Low speeds of from 20 ft. to 40 
 ft. per min. are preferable, largely because the low-speed 
 elevator is safer in operation. The protective features used 
 on the common escalator or moving stairway are good 
 examples of the result of careful design in freight elevators 
 of the apron type. 
 Cotton Wool Finishing Mills 
 Rolls Bales Bundles Cases 
 As short transfer units between different floors or build 
 ings the apron elevator forms a direct connection between 
 successive operations in different departments of cotton and 
 woolen mills. This use of continuous elevators and con 
 veyors has bridged one of the biggest obstacles to making 
 Arm Slat Type for High Angle 
 loading from cars to storage in basement or upper floors 
 and in loading out bales or cases of finished goods. The 
 portable elevator of this type is most economical in making 
 use of the full height of storage rooms, and for the loading 
 of trucks and cars. 
 For the usual work required of the apron elevator in 
 textile plants handling heavy bales of incoming raw ma 
 terial or loading out packing cases of finished goods an 
 apron is recommended, consisting of extra heavy wood slats 
 attached to heavy roller chain. For the protection of the 
 apron at loading points, steel loading fingers, or plates close 
 under the slats, are advisable to relieve the apron of the 
 continuous shock of loading. Where heavy bales are 
 thrown or rolled down from storage piles onto the elevator, 
 as is often the case, the machine must generally be of 
 heavier construction than would be necessary for ordinary 
 operation and service. Care should be taken to provide 
 such a clear discharge that the bales will not pile up of 
 stop so close to the top end as to block the movement of 
 the apron. Where the elevator is to be operated above 
 machines or workmen, angle side guards are essential 
 for the sake of safety. 
 Linoleum Carpets 
 A rather extreme type of the inclined apron elevator is 
 shown in the photograph. At the higher angles of incline 
 this machine becomes practically an arm elevator. By 
 using specially shaped carriers the most irregular packages 
 may be handled successfully, but because they are designed 
 for special packages they are naturally less versatile than 
 the "carry-all" slat type elevator. They arc often built in 
 combination with horizontal, or conveyor portions ; carry 
 loads great distances and with frequent turns; and are 
 readily reversible in the direction of motion. 
 The prime requisite in elevators of this type is to so 
 design the individual carrier that it will not only carry the 
 package properly, but that it will receive and discharge its 
 load automatically. Whether propelled by a single or by 
 a double strand of chain, each carrier must be so made that 
 its rollers will track perfectly in passing over the end 
 Carriers for Special Packages 
 sprockets, as well as on the straight runs. The use of 
 carrier rollers of the usual size, 3 in. to 5 in., with fairly 
 light detachable chain, produces an elevator requiring less 
 driving power, in general, than the standard roller chain 
 Metal Products Hardware 
 Miscellanous Objects 
 The adaptability of the apron elevator as a "carry-all" is 
 well illustrated in the photograph. Carrying men and 
 trucks, as well as packages of all sizes, shapes and weights, 
 this elevator combines a maximum of service and safety 
 using gathering boxes. These are carried about the base 
 ment or upper floors on low-wheel platforms, from which 
 they are pushed, when filled, onto the elevator. In this 
 way the manual loading of the individual pieces is avoided. 
 Heavy wood slats with wood or steel cleats and heavy 
 roller chain form a serviceable apron for this purpose. 
 For convenience in loading it is often advisable to make a 
 short portion of the elevator horizontal at the loading end, 
 although this is not always necessary. Because of the 
 difficulty of unloading heavy packages a convenient push 
 button or switch control is essential, by which the machint 
 can easily be stopped. It is good practice to use a long 
 sloping discharge plate at the top to insure clear discharge. 
 Where men with hand trucks are carried, particularly at 
 angles over 20 deg., three points require special attention: 
 The speed should be low, preferably not over 30 ft. per 
 min., the cleats must grip the dog on the truck in a posi 
 tive way, and the connection between the apron and floor 
 at the discharge point must be such as to render the trans 
 fer absolutely safe. 
 Terminal Freight Handling 
 General Freight 
 The great variation in sizes, shapes and weights of the 
 packages which can be carried by the apron elevator makes 
 it particularly applicable to the handling of miscellaneous 
 A Wide Range of Packages Are Handled 
 with great capacity. Running at low speeds, or inter 
 mittently, it has a temporary storage capacity which is 
 advantageous in loading or unloading cars or motor trucks. 
 Where it is not desirable to elevate the entire hand-truck 
 with its load the economy of this elevator is increased by 
 Direct Service Between Floors 
 freight. In addition to the continuous handling of pack 
 ages in cither direction, there is the added advantage of 
 carrying men and trucks, provided the equipment is de 
 signed for this service and is fitted with proper safety 
 devices and controls. Serving not only the usually two- 
 story freight and storage houses, but much higher build 
 ings as well, this elevator is replacing the slow, intermittent 
 platform elevators in many places where the closest and 
 quickest possible connection between floors is essential. 
 The installation of apron elevator units at different con 
 venient points has resulted in the saving of long truck 
 liauls and time in waiting for slow-moving platform ele 
 A satisfactory apron for this service consists of heavy 
 wood slats with steel angle cleats as low as will securely 
 hold the package or truck. Steel slats, however, are often 
 used. It is customary to use heavy roller chain or de 
 tachable chain with large end-rollers on the slats. Largely 
 because of the greater strength and rigidity as well as the 
 neater appearance, the use of steel angle frames is increas- 
 ing. Where these elevators are to be loaded and unloaded 
 at intermediate floors low speeds of from 30 ft. to 40 ft. 
 per min. are advisable, with special electrical or other con 
 trol systems for starting and stopping 
 Marine Freight 
 Miscellaneous Packages 
 The most successful and economical uses of inclined 
 apron elevators in marine freight handling have been in 
 floor-to-floor traffic on double deck piers and in loading 
 and unloading boats and barges. In the latter work the 
 adjustable traveling platform, carrying men and trucks as 
 well as freight of all classes, has solved a big marine ter 
 minal problem. By the adjustment of the supports the 
 outer end is made to follow the rise and fall of the boat 
 and serves any desired deck level. This continuous con 
 necting link between the boat and the wharf not only saves 
 labor and actual handling costs, but, what is more important, 
 particularly with ocean vessels, cuts down the idle time 
 of the ship itself. 
 Because this work is unusually heavy, strong and well 
 braced frames are required, particularly for the adjustable 
 ramps. Specially designed chains are usual, with heavy 
 wood slats. Instead of cleats projecting above the apron 
 the slats are often so designed that "cradles" are provided 
 for the truck wheels, holding the truck securely in place. 
 For higher angles more positive carriers are necessary, such 
 Adjustable Elevators for Men and Trucks 
 as higher cleats which engage hooks on the truck. The 
 carrier should be reversible in direction of motion, and 
 should preferably be run at slow speeds, of from 30 ft. to 
 40 ft. per min. Because such equipment usually works 
 under bad operating conditions, it requires regular oiling 
 and cleaning. These elevator ramps are hinged at the inner 
 end, usually on heavy trunnions, while the outer end is sup 
 ported by chains or cables running over hoisting drums. 
 General Freight 
 Miscellaneous Packages 
 By providing direct connection between floors at the most 
 convenient points the inclined freight elevator eliminates 
 long truck hauls and the delay of waiting for platform 
 elevators. Used not only for elevating or lowering pack 
 ages but for trucks and men as well, this is a general serv 
 ice machine. It has an enormous hourly capacity in either 
 direction, even running at low speeds. The power con 
 sumption is low. Switches or push-buttons at convenient 
 point? control the motion of the elevator, and electric or 
 mechanical control devices provide a maximum of safety. 
 The illustration shows a good type of extra heavy ele 
 vator for handling packages of all sizes and shapes. The 
 high angle cleats, on steel or wood slats, form cradles for 
 even the most irregular objects. If these cleats are pro 
 vided with a back extension, overlapping but not riveted 
 A Wide Variety of Packages May Be Handled 
 to the slat behind, they are somewhat stiffer under heavy 
 loads. Such a construction, with the chain protected by 
 the top angle and the slats set very close together, or over 
 lapping each other, is especially good for handling waste 
 paper and similar packages containing much loose material. 
 The side guards shown are unusually heavy. The loading 
 point is somewhat too high for the easiest up-loading, al 
 though advisable if the machine is to be run in the reverse 
 direction to lower packages. An elevator of such size and 
 capacity should preferably be run at a speed of not over 
 50 ft. per min. 
 Receiving from Trucks and Cars 
 Barrels Drums Kegs 
 Changes in operating layouts and plant processes almost 
 invariably create new handling problems, often giving op 
 portunity for the most economical use of elevator-conveyor 
 Receiving from Truck or Car 
 systems. With such continuous systems, packages which 
 would otherwise be carried on slow-moving hand trucks 
 travel directly from motor truck or car to distant storage 
 rooms, or from one department to another in the same or 
 adjacent buildings. In crowded plants the simplicity of 
 installation of these elevators, with the small space required, 
 is of particular advantage. 
 For out-of-door service timber frames are often used and 
 are satisfactory. Steel strips or angle runways should bo 
 provided for the chain. In handling heavy packages extra 
 heavy slats and cleats are essential, and should be designed 
 to fit the shape of the particular packages to be handled. 
 With proper spacing of the cleats barrels are easily loaded 
 automatically from standard barrel skids, as shown. In 
 clines up to 45 deg. are usual, although with high, well- 
 braced cleats or arms, and with proper chain guides, prac 
 tically any incline up to the vertical is feasible, Generally 
 barrels or drums are best handled crosswise, as shown, 
 although they are often carried lengthwise or at the lower 
 angles of incline, on end. 
 Freight Handling 
 Boxes Cartons Crates 
 The use of the portable piler at the end of lines of port 
 able gravity or power conveyors or as a booster has received 
 an increased impetus with improvements in devices for 
 transferring packages from conveyor to elevator. The up- 
 curve, or gooseneck, at the bottom, with loading lingers, 
 facilitates the loading, although such packages as bags and 
 bales will transfer properly even at angles of 35 deg. to 45 
 deg. without either gooseneck or special loading device. 
 Various other loading devices have been used successfully 
 with the more difficult packages. A comparison between 
 the shapes of the boxes on the piler illustrated is interest 
 ing. Because of their tendency to roll back the lower boxes 
 in the crosswise position will not travel at so high an angle 
 as the upper ones. But if the boxes are placed endwise as 
 should be done for high angles, they will travel at an even 
 higher angle than the upper boxes, because of their greater 
 Where loading fingers are used they shoird be strong 
 enough and so supported as to relieve the apron of the 
 shock of careless loading. Steel angles or a stiff steel plate 
 by sliding on the lower truss angle have given good 
 service, this is not so satisfactory a construction as having 
 the slats attached to end rollers or roller chain. In this 
 case they return by rolling instead of sliding, thus avoiding 
 wear on the slats, and requiring less driving power. A 
 hand crank device for raising and lowering the upper part 
 of the frame, or boom, is satisfactory for the lighter and 
 smaller machines, but power raising devices save much 
 labor and time. 
 River Freight 
 Miscellaneous Packages 
 The wide variation of the water level incident to many 
 river and even tidewater ports has created a demand for 
 elevators of extreme adjustment range. These machines 
 are built both stationary and portable. They carry prac 
 tically all classes of freight in a continuous stream either 
 in loading or unloading, with capacities as high as 75 tons 
 per hour. The upper ends of these elevators receive from 
 or discharge to cars on adjacent sidings, or to trucks or 
 Transferring from Gravity to Piler 
 placed close under the apron at the loading point will do 
 much to take the strain of loading from the apron. While 
 many such machines in which the apron slats are returned 
 Adjustable to Changing Water Level 
 conveyors leading to storage. Because of their weight the 
 larger portable machines operate most satisfactorily when 
 mounted on light rails running either parallel or at right 
 angles to the dock. They should be self-propelling. While 
 requiring very little attention in operation, these larger 
 machines should be in charge of one responsible man who 
 is not only a thorough mechanic, but, more important by 
 far, knows the handling possibilities of the machine. Much 
 of the natural economy of these elevators is often lost 
 through lack of training and judgment in their use. 
 For miscellaneous freight the apron should be made up 
 of a combination of two or more types to suit the main 
 packages to be handled. This has usually been done by 
 providing a double width carrier, with straight and drop 
 axles on one side, and with slats on the other. The adjust 
 able boom should be thoroughly braced and trussed. The 
 connection of the boom to the main frame is naturally a 
 point of high strain. One of the most important points of 
 design is to secure the proper balance with the outer end 
 of boom fully loaded. 
 Barge and Boat Loaders and Unloaders 
 Miscellaneous Packages 
 The portable, adjustable apron elevator is particularly 
 adapted to meet the continually changing levels of tide 
 water, river, canal and lake barges or boats. The adjustable 
 loading or discharging end follows the rise and fall of the 
 barge so closely as to eliminate practically all manual lift 
 ing. In covered or hold boats or barges the carrier operates 
 through the side or deck hatch, often working in conjunc 
 tion with a portable conveyor in the boat or on the dock. 
 Whether, in loading or unloading, this machine handles 
 packages of practically any size or weight which can be 
 manually loaded, and with a speed and capacity not equaled 
 by any other means of handling. 
 For handling bags, bales, or bundles the straight axle type 
 carrier is usual, but for miscellaneous packages either wood 
 slats with cleats, or a combination of slats with straight 
 to turn backward under the load. The successful opera 
 tion and the length of useful life of the machine depends 
 in a great measure upon the security of attachment of 
 the apron slats to the chain and to the end rollers. The 
 Delivering from Barge to Wharf 
 and drop axles is better. Speeds of from 50 ft. to 80 ft. 
 per min. are most common, with capacities of as high as 
 \ l /2 tons per minute. Since the machine is usually moved 
 over rough surfaces, steel wheels of from 12 in. to 18 in. 
 diameter are preferable to casters. Easy portability is se 
 cured with the heavier machines by mounting them on 
 flanged wheels running on light rai s, placed parallel to the 
 dock wall and flush with the pavement These heavier 
 machines should be power-propelled. Because it stands out 
 of doors most of the time the entire machi le should be 
 kept covered with a tarpaulin when idle. While such equip 
 ment requires little attention, much better results are ob 
 tained by having some one man responsible for the large 
 machines and thoroughly instructed in their use, particu 
 larly in adjustments and changes of position. 
 Boxes Cartons Cases 
 The application of the high type wood apron slats with 
 end rollers to the portable elevator has produced a carrier 
 particularly suited to handling boxes of miscellaneous size 
 and weight. With proper angle cleats on the slats boxes 
 can be piled at angles as high as SO deg. Because the 
 carrying surface of the apron is higher than the rollers 
 and frame-angle, packages much wider than the machine 
 are handled almost as easily as the narrower ones. The 
 piler is also useful in breaking down piles, although at the 
 higher inclines there is apt to be a greater difficulty in 
 loading the packages unless the carrier is run at low speeds. 
 It is preferable that the angle cleats on such a carrier 
 have a back extension over the slat behind, since at the 
 higher piling angles this reduces the tendency of the cleat 
 High Type Apron for Boxes 
 loading point of the piler for practically all commodities, 
 except in special cases, should be as near the floor as the 
 proper clearance of apron and cleats in passing around the 
 lower sprockets will permit. This is to avoid manual lift 
 ing of heavy packages. In the illustration is shown a con 
 venient place for locating the adjusting cable drum, where 
 the boom is raised or lowered by hand crank. Except on 
 the smaller machines this drum should be power driven 
 from the motor on the machine. 
 Piling Miscellaneous Packages 
 The tremendous amount of space wasted in most ware 
 houses, resulting from the prohibitive cost of manual piling 
 to capacity heights, accounts for the fast increasing use 
 of mechanical pilers and stackers. As long as these ma 
 chines were heavy and cumbersome their popularity grew 
 slowly, but with the adoption of the policy of making such 
 elevators as light and easily portable as is practicable, came 
 a new vision of their possibilities. Mechanical piling, even 
 in the rare cases where it does not actually eliminate men, 
 so conserves their energies that when one job is finished 
 they are fresh for the next work at hand. 
 The successful operation of these pilers applies to pack 
 ages of all reasonable sizes, shapes, and weights, and to 
 every industry handling goods in packed form. Because 
 they are reversible in motion these machines are equally 
 useful in breaking down piles. In handling fragile packages 
 the breakage is far less with mechanical piling than with 
 the hand-to-hand passing of manual stacking. It is not 
 necessary that the piler stand across the aisle in operating, 
 for it is thoroughly efficient, working alongside the pile. 
 The drop axle shown is best for handling cylindrical pack 
 ages. The occasional straight axle presents the package slid 
 ing at high angles. This is a very strong construction. Be 
 cause of the large wheels on the ends of the axles less 
 driving power is required than with plain or standard roller 
 chain. In general, the actual piling height of the machine 
 should not be quite as high as the desired pile, for it is 
 better to secure the greater portability of the smaller ma- 
 Drop Axle Carrier for Special Packages 
 chine, having the man on the pile place the last tier. 
 Machines for handling packages up to about 200 11). in 
 weight may well be propelled from place to place by hand, 
 but the heavier machines for piling over about 20 ft. should 
 be self-propelled. For light machines speeds of from 60 ft. 
 to 100 ft. per min. are usual for carrying a continuous 
 stream of packages. 
 Bags Bales 
 A portable piler working at the end of a line of portable 
 sectional conveyors makes a most economical and flexible 
 turning angles and feeding from one conveyor section to 
 another, and from conveyor to piler. As the warehouse 
 is filled, sections of the conveyor are removed to shorten 
 the line. In loading out to cars, or for distribution, the 
 system is equally useful working in reverse direction. The 
 elimination of manual labor by such systems is very great. 
 \Vhere conveyor sections are to be used in connection with 
 the piler, for this service the latter should be provided 
 with sufficient power to drive the section of conveyor adja 
 cent to it. The other sections are driven by separate 
 motors, several trailer sections being driven from one power 
 section. While the various transfer points shown are sat 
 isfactory for bags of sugar, such points are a source of 
 operating trouble unless they are properly designed for the 
 particular package or commodity to be handled. Boxi -,. 
 for instance, can most successfully be turned at the angles 
 by means of gravity conveyor or curves, and the maximum 
 piling angle at which they may be expected to transfer from 
 conveyor to piler is 30 deg. to 40 deg. For the greatest 
 economy of operation of such systems the floors must be 
 reasonably regular and the column spacing not too close. 
 For handling bags and bales the straight axle carrier shown 
 is excellent. 
 Coffee Copra Cork 
 Bags Bales 
 The self-propelling feature of the portable piler has made 
 it feasible to operate machines large enough to pile as high 
 as 40 ft. This has made such larger machines particularly 
 valuable in saving space by the high piling of sugar, coffee, 
 copra, jute, cork, paper and many other similar commodities. 
 From Receiving Platform to Top of Pile 
 combination. The packages travel from car, shipside, or 
 receiving platforms, to the top of the piler, automatically 
 Combination Type Self-propelled Filer 
 It is not uncommon for packages weighing as much as 600 
 Ib. to 800 Ib. to be handled in a continuous stream. The 
 labor and time saved by eliminating the usual string of men 
 used in manual piling is surprisingly great. 
 The power for propelling as well as for operating these 
 machines, as usually designed, is furnished by an angine on 
 the piler or through a cable attached to convenient elec 
 tric outlets. The use of the cable naturally limits the dis 
 tance the machine can travel from one connection. Some 
 progress is being made in the development of storage bat 
 teries mounted on the machine to furnish power. The 
 double-boom machine shown will ^tart piling nearer the 
 floor and reach further over the pile than the single-boom 
 pilcr. Practically all of these double-boom pilers have 
 been built with the straight axle carrier. 
 Floor-to-Floor Elevators 
 Bags Bundles Bales 
 Working through convenient openings in the upper floor, 
 these portable elevators save many long truck hauls and 
 the time of slow movement on platform lifts. The ease 
 with which the machine may be moved from one opening 
 to another and with which the height of the boom may 
 be adjusted, makes it possible for one elevator to serve 
 an entire warehouse floor. The operation of such a ma 
 chine is particularly economical when the lower end is 
 close to the incoming or outgoing car door, and the pack 
 ages arc elevated or lowered through second floor hatches 
 conveniently located along the side nearest the car siding 
 or truck platform. In a similar wav the elevator is often 
 used, even on fairly narrow platforms, with its foot at or 
 near the car door, and the discharge through second or 
 third story windows. These floor-to-floor machines are 
 very useful also for piling on the first floor, with the boom 
 The straight axle carrier, with end rollers, is well adapted 
 to the handling of bags, bales, bundles, or any other fairly 
 soft packages which hold their place on the carrier by 
 "gripping" the axles. Boxes and other hard-surface pack 
 ages will slip on such a carrier unless slats or cleats are 
 provided. The straight axle carrier without slats makes 
 pulpwood, paper and pulp laps, cotton, and innumerable 
 other such commodities in open storage. It is not uncom 
 mon for one machine to eliminate from 6 to 12 men, in 
 addition to making much easier work for the others. By 
 piling high and close to the receiving or shipping siding 
 Saving Long Hauls by Direct Connection 
 a lighter but very durable machine. The use of a sheet 
 metal plate under the axles stiffens the boom and prevents 
 any possibility of sagging bags catching on the cross-braces 
 below. The construction of side trusses with angles only 
 large enough for the wheels to "track" properly forms a 
 light but very strong carrier frame. 
 Out-of-Door Piling 
 Bales Bags Boxes 
 The combination of stability and easy portability of the 
 piler mounted on a standard wagon frame or special steel 
 truck makes it a great labor saver in piling bales of hay, 
 A Type of Portable Filer 
 much ground space and trucking are saved. With such 
 high piles the upper tiers are placed with practically as 
 little labor as the lowest. Such elevators may readily be 
 dismounted and used for inside service on the ordinary 
 caster supports. 
 The straight axle carrier is best for handling bales and 
 bags, with axle spacing of about 10 in., running at a speed 
 of from 70 ft. to 90 ft. per min., and with a capacity of 
 about a ton per minute. In out-of-door work over large 
 areas gas engine drives are customary, although other 
 forms of engines and motors, where power is available, 
 are used. The supporting truck should have a light steel 
 frame thoroughly braced. Many machines for this service 
 have been made larger than was necessary, with the result 
 that much of the advantage to be gained by portability has 
 been lost. 
 High piling machines should never be moved over rough 
 ground without having the boom lowered. If left outside 
 regularly they should be covered with tarpaulins for protec 
 tion from the weather. 
 Truck Loading 
 Miscellaneous Packages 
 The increasing size of motor trucks, with the corre 
 spondingly large investment represented demanding greater 
 speed and economy of loading has caused the rapid recent 
 developments in portable truck loaders. Either in loading, 
 or operating in the reverse direction in unloading, such a 
 machine is naturally most useful when the truck body is 
 above the level of the ground or loading platform. The 
 fact that on a fairly smooth surface the machine may easily 
 be moved from one truck to another by one man is one of 
 its big advantages. Receiving its load direct from 
 hand trucks or conveyor, the loader saves practically all 
 the labor of lifting. Because it is adjustable as to height 
 of discharge it delivers packages to the different tiers as 
 the truck or car is loaded. A projecting curve is often 
 used at the delivery end, reaching further over into the 
 truck. This machine is particularly useful on docks, 
 wharves, or in warehouses and industrial plants where 
 loading is done from the ground. When not serving as a 
 loader it is equally useful for the piling of commodities in 
 storage. Because of its compact size it can be moved from 
 floor to floor without much trouble on the average platform 
 For handling drums or barrels a carrier of from J4 in 
 to 1J4 in- drop axles, with end rollers running on the 
 horizontal legs of the side-truss angles, makes a rugged 
 Truck Loading Made Easy 
 construction and forms a natural cradle for such cylindrical 
 packages. This carrier will also elevate bags, bales, or 
 cases, although not so well as a carrier composed of heavy 
 wood slats with cleats. For heavy cases or drums speeds 
 of from 30 ft. to 50 ft. per min. are usual, with maximum 
 capacities of about one ton per minute. When such a ma 
 chine is to be moved over rough surfaces out of doors 12 
 in. to 18 in. wheels at one end are preferable to the usual 
 steel casters. A short section of gravity conveyor on long 
 trucks aids materially in moving cases, boxes, etc., from 
 the discharge end of the conveyor to the front end of the 
 truck. Considerable manual handling can likewise be saved 
 through loading over the side of the truck where it is con 
 venient. For the usual car or truck loading operations a 
 discharge height of 8 ft. is satisfactory and is the usual 
 Flour Feed Seeds Grain 
 Miscellaneous Commodities 
 As the stationary conveyor has found a wide application 
 through its ability to eliminate long truck hauls, so the 
 portable sectional carrier adapts itself to similar economy 
 in conditions requiring greater flexibility of operation. 
 These carriers serve the triple purpose of conveying from 
 the barge to wharf shed, from this temporary storage to 
 the cars, or direct from the barge to the cars. Since it is 
 thoroughly practical to make right angle, or other turns, 
 commodities may be conveyed to either end of the shed. 
 The necessity for the derrick at the right may usually be 
 avoided by providing a portable adjustable elevator con 
 veyor which will do piling in the warehouse as well as the 
 car loading shown. 
 Sections of from 10 ft. to 25 ft. in length are most com 
 mon for small warehouses with posts. Longer sections are 
 somewhat more efficient where feasible, but are harder to 
 handle in warehouses where the posts are closely spaced. 
 These conveyors are made with both the overhead power 
 frame shown, and with power units under the conveyor. 
 The latter is preferable, except for special conditions. This 
 chain-and-axle type carrier is well adapted for outdoor 
 service. However, when it is not to be used for long 
 periods provision should be made for either moving the 
 machine inside or keeping it covered to protect it from the 
 Car Loading 
 The illustration shows a very interesting application of 
 the stationary type apron conveyor to car loading. This 
 machine serves both as lowerer and conveyor, in that the 
 boxes are brought from the floor above. They are di 
 verted automatically to portable loading sections of gravity 
 conveyor at any desired car door. Where it is not advis 
 able to obstruct doorways these platform conveyors are 
 suspended from above at a height sufficient to provide 
 passage underneath. One of the most economical installa 
 tions of such car-loading conveyors consists of a long con 
 veyor, as shown, to which the packages are fed through 
 the windows by short portable sections of gravity conveyor 
 from storage piles inside. While the conveyor is occasion 
 ally placed in the floor of the platform at the outer edge, 
 such a position, although it keeps the platform clearer, 
 necessitates more lifting at the car door. Also when in 
 stalled in the position shown it is an easy matter to increase 
 the operating limits of such a layout by extending the sec 
 tions of portable gravity conveyor through the cars stand 
 ing on the track adjacent to the platform into other cars 
 placed on adjoining track. 
 Although both steel and wood slats are commonly used, 
 if the boxes are metal bound or have other projections such 
 as nail heads, rounded edge steel slats make the diverting 
 of the packages more successful. The diverter should be 
 Saving the Long Haul 
 as light and easy of adjustment as the work required will 
 permit. The continuous angle shown, with holes for lock- 
 Automatic Discharge to Any Car Door 
 ing the inner end of the portable gravity section to it, keeps 
 the gravity section in position as the boxes are fed onto 
 it from the apron conveyor. Similarly, the line of steel 
 rollers at the side facilitates the side discharge. 
 As production organizers, apron conveyors have been suc 
 cessfully applied not only to continuous assembly of ma 
 chines, but also to some of the simplest production opera 
 tions. The sewing of bags on slowly moving aprons, which 
 A Work Organizer as Well as a Conveyor 
 at the same time are carrying the bags to storage, speeds up 
 surprisingly the output per hour. By proper layout of the 
 storage system these same conveyors serve to carry the re 
 serve storage stock to shipping platforms. Portable apron 
 pilers, which elevate the bags from these main conveyors to 
 the temporary storage piles alongside, and later return them 
 in loading out, add materially to the labor saving of such a 
 Wood frames are often used for this service, with steel 
 strips as chain guides. The tendency, however, is toward 
 steel frames. Wood slats attached to roller chain form a 
 very good apron. Low speeds are customary, the speed 
 being set to suit the time required for each operation. Un 
 less these operations have been very highly organized pre 
 viously the speed of the conveyor can be set higher than 
 would seem feasible, for the speed of the operation will 
 almost invariably be increased with the use of the conveyor. 
 It is not always convenient to install these conveyors in the 
 floor, but this position is usually most economical, where 
 possible. Such a position allows more freedom of move 
 ment about the machines. 
 In the warehousing of many commodities, particularly in 
 connection with manufacturing plant?, a large part of the 
 tonnage handled can be placed in temporary storage close 
 alongside lines of conveyors. These conveyors later carry 
 it direct to cars or ships. This conserves, to a great ex 
 tent, the labor of trucking over large areas. Where heavy 
 Combined Conveyor and Elevator 
 packages are handled such a conveyor should be kept as 
 near to the floor as possible for ease of loading, and is par 
 ticularly economical if built in the floor. One of the most 
 economical of layouts consists of a long warehouse, con 
 nected at one end with packing room and at the other with 
 shipping platform or wharf, with an apron conveyor run 
 ning down the center. As combination elevators and con 
 veyors these carriers serve a double purpose, and are not 
 restricted by obstructions or varying elevations in floor 
 Steel frames of four angles, as shown, with no bracing 
 other than the vertical floor supports are good for this 
 service. Wood slats are usual in this work. If the carrier 
 is to serve the double purpose of both elevator and con 
 veyor, as shown, and if the angle of incline is such that the 
 packages tend to slide or roll back, low cleats of wood or 
 angle iron are advisable. For handling loose bags top chain 
 guards are advisable. If very abrasive material is to be 
 conveyed these top guards are often extended several inches 
 over the end of the slat better to protect the chain. Since 
 it is not to be expected that packages will be loaded in the 
 center of such a conveyor there should be no projection of 
 frame or other parts which would interfere with the occa 
 sional bag which overhangs the apron. 
 River Freight 
 Miscellaneous Commodities 
 Many barge and boat loading operations are conducted 
 under such continually changing conditions of water level 
 that it is essential that any equipment used be easily port- 
 visable. Such a system is equally useful for the reverse 
 operation of unloading from cars to storage or to manu 
 facturing buildings. 
 An excellent apron for handling miscellaneous packages 
 consists of wood slats securely attached to roller chain 
 running on the horizontal legs of the side truss angles. 
 Slats of approximately 1 in. in thickness are usual, and 
 for portable conveyors are better than the very heavy slats 
 often used. So much of the economy of use of portable 
 The Solution of a Difficult Problem 
 able. The sectional power conveyor not only meets this re 
 quirement, but provides the most economical method of 
 performing such work as is shown in the photograph. As 
 the water level raises the lower sections are removed. The 
 reversible feature of this equipment makes it equally serv 
 iceable in either direction, packages traveling in a steady 
 stream between boats or barges and warehouses or cars a: 
 the upper end. More actual labor, however, is conserved in 
 unloading the boats. In such service the saving of the 
 time of the boat is often equally as important as the actual 
 saving of labor. 
 For this work light sections of from 15 ft. to 30 ft. in 
 length are usual, several trailer sections being driven from 
 one power section. For bags or bales a double strand of 
 light detachable link chain propelling plain steel axles with 
 end rollers forms a very light but sturdy carrier. Light 
 weight is particularly essential for a portable conveyor 
 working under such conditions, for not even the usual 
 casters or wheels are of much advantage. In moving the 
 sections a line of skid boards saves much manual lifting 
 and handling. Permanent supports are better, but since 
 they are seldom practicable, two short timbers bedded in 
 the river bank form a satisfactory platform. 
 Car Loading 
 Pails Tubs Cases 
 A common use of the portable conveyor is in the transfer 
 of packages from continuous elevators or lowerers to va 
 rious cars on the siding. With most types of packages this 
 transfer from elevator to conveyor is easily made automatic, 
 the package traveling continuously from the original load 
 ing point in basement or upper floor to the car door. 
 Where more than three cars are to be loaded several port 
 able sections placed in succession on the platform are ad- 
 power conveyors depends on lightness of design and sim 
 plicity of set-up that these points are vital to the success 
 of such equipment. While there have been exceptions to 
 Delivering to Any Car Door 
 the rule, most of these machines have been heavier than was 
 necessary. The really important idea of "maximum use of 
 the machine" has unfortunately been submerged in a de 
 sire to make the equipment as heavy as the stationary type, 
 where weight is a subordinate factor. 
 Barrels Cartons Boxes Bags 
 \\ ith aprons of special design even the most irregular 
 of packages arc handled without side guards. This makes 
 for easier loading or unloading at any point along the con- 
 veyor. For the same reason it is usually advantageous to 
 keep the carrying surface of such equipment even nearer 
 the floor than shown in the photograph. Where such heavy 
 packages arc to he loaded down curves are advisable, as 
 at the end of this conveyor. Similarly, other low loading 
 points are easily provided at desired points along the floor. 
 Passages or other obstructions also are cleared by such 
 curves. If necessary to keep the entire floor clear and if 
 the conveyor cannot conveniently be built into the floor, 
 it is a simple matter to suspend the entire line from the 
 ceiling, with down curves to the various loading points 
 near the floor. 
 The standard cradle slat shown is usual for barrels or 
 drums. If the conveyor runs up such inclines that the 
 are somewhat more satisfactory because of the sliding of 
 the slats under the package as it is being diverted. This 
 is particularly true where the general run of object; han- 
 Uown Curves for Easy Loading 
 package tends to slide back an occasional cleat or straight 
 slat should be used. Special aprons of this type are usually 
 made of wood slats. A steel loading plate, properly placed, 
 makes easier loading. The advantage of the steel frame is 
 rather evident in this installation. Because of the heavy 
 weights of the packages usually handled, low speeds of 
 from 40 ft. to 50 ft. per min. are generally fully sufficient 
 for the required capacity, and the low-speed apron is more 
 satisfactory from an operating standpoint. 
 Canning and Packing 
 Cases Cartons Boxes Baskets 
 The long apron conveyor from packing to storage room, 
 with adjustable diverters or plows to discharge the boxes 
 at any desired point, has a very direct application to the 
 heavy tonnage and short working season of the canning 
 and packing industries. Most of these conveyors serve 
 a double purpose in that they are equally useful in loading 
 and unloading cars and in manufacturing operations. Work 
 ing in combinations as both conveyor and inclined elevator 
 this machine is in no way limited by variations in floor 
 levels. In fact, in plants where difficult layout conditions 
 exist the apron conveyor not only eliminates long truck 
 hauls and the corresponding back hauls of empty trucks, 
 but avoids much of the confusion and aimless "wandering" 
 so common to plants with successive departments located in 
 different buildings. 
 Wood slats are usual for general canning plant service. 
 Where packages are to be automatically diverted, as shown, 
 Adjustable Diverter for Side Discharge 
 died is of a very heavy or abrasive nature. Similarly, a 
 sheet steel diverter offers less sliding friction to such pack 
 ages, although the wood diverter is commonly used with 
 satisfaction. The diverter may be hinged at the side or 
 may slide up and down on rods. The latter type is rather 
 more positive and easier of control. Because of the ten 
 dency to the slats to twist backward in sliding under the 
 boxes, special care should be take:i to have them securely 
 attached to the chain, preferably with two bolts. Plow 
 diverters arc usually set at angles of from 20 deg. to 30 
 cleg, with the center line of the conveyor. 
 Bottling Dairy Plants 
 Cases Trays Bottles 
 The photograph shows a very complete system of slat 
 conveyors serving a long line of machines. Xot only are 
 the individual pieces handled automatically, but both empty 
 and filled cases and trays are conveyed from point to point 
 Diverting to Cross Conveyors 
 with a minimum of labor and confusion. The bottles as 
 they leave the machines are made, by means of curved 
 diverters, to travel smoothly from the main conveyor to 
 side lines at right angles. By placing the main conveyor 
 however, steel slats with rounded or overlapping edges at a convenient height for the machines and for packing 
 with the secondary lines either placed in the floor or hung 
 from overhead, there is ample space for each unit. Only 
 such emergency aisles as are necessary for the passage of 
 men and trucks are provided, but with such a system of 
 positive handling there should be no necessity for irregular 
 moving about. Arranged in less elaborate systems, such 
 layouts have been successful in many modern dairy plants. 
 For diverting bottles from one apron conveyor to another 
 the apron should be of unusually smooth surface with close- 
 fitting slats. It is essential that the curve of the dim-tri 
 be smooth, and of such shape as to divert the objects onto 
 the cross conveyor with the least friction. A smooth plate 
 connecting the edge of the main conveyor and the apron of 
 the cross conveyor over the end sprocket is necessary. 
 For the larger conveyors shown steel slats with roller -hain 
 are usual, while steel or malleable slats with single strand 
 detachable chain are satisfactory for the narrower con 
 Marine Freight Handling 
 Heavy Freight 
 liccause of its versatility and its ready adjustment to any 
 water or deck level, the heavy-duty apron conveyor is well 
 adapted to the handling of an extreme range of sizes and 
 weights of packages. The long sections shown serve the 
 double purpose of both elevating or lowering as well as con 
 veying. They are most useful in meeting the conditions 
 machine that it can be easily handled. These machines 
 approach closely the character of the adjustable ramp 
 elevator conveyor, but are more flexible in that they are 
 Rapid Loading from Wharf to Ship 
 of high rise and fall of water level incident to river and 
 certain tidewater ports. 
 A combination of flat and concave apron is good for 
 such miscellaneous service In this way a natural cradle is 
 formed for cylindrical packages. Where there is any possi 
 bility of the machine operating at inclines higher than about 
 15 deg., occasional cleats should be provided to control the 
 packages. Except in the longest and heaviest types of ma 
 chines a frame of four angles forming two thoroughly 
 braced side trusses is satisfactory. A light steel tower 
 at the wharf provides the necessary support for the over 
 head raising and lowering mechanism. It is generally con 
 venient to have the outer end of the conveyor rest on the 
 deck of the vessel, thus following the latter in its up and 
 down movement. 
 Ship Loading 
 Miscellaneous Freight and Baggage 
 The heavy type portable apron conveyor is used in ship 
 loading mainly where it is convenient to so support the 
 Heavy Duty Portable Ship Loader 
 portable from place to place on the pier. Working from 
 lower or upper decks of piers, such a conveyor forms the 
 most direct connection between the pier and the changing 
 level of the boat. The handling of both general freight and 
 baggage is thus speeded up with the saving, not only of 
 labor, but of the time of the vessel. 
 With the usual pier construction the conveyor can best 
 be suspended from a bail attached to the frame at a con 
 venient point with a hoisting cable or chain running through 
 a pulley secured to the pier above. Such conveyors are 
 occasionally handled by the ship s hoist. Frames of four 
 steel angles, forming two thoroughly braced side trusses, 
 and with stiff lateral bracing, are satisfactory. Wood slats 
 with heavy duty roller chain make a good apron. Side 
 guards are advisable, unless there is a possibility of han 
 dling packages wider than the conveyor. The large steel 
 wheels at the center, with small casters at the end, as 
 shown, provide a mounting which makes for easy porta 
 The development of the automatic transfer of packages 
 from one section to another has been largely responsible 
 Automatic Right Angle Discharge 
 for the increasing use of portable conveyors. Where right 
 or other angle turns are necessary adjustable stands for 
ol ,S 
 bags, or bales, or gravity roller curves for boxes, eliminate 
 manual handling at such points. Direct transfer in a 
 straight line from one section to another, or from conveyor 
 to portable elevator, as shown at the right, is even a simpler 
 matter. Such operating improvements as these, with in 
 creasing knowledge of how and when to use the equipment, 
 have materially broadened the field of economic applica 
 tion of these sectional carrier systems. 
 The overhead power frame shown at the far end i as 
 been commonly accepted as standard, but this type frame 
 is gradually giving way to the more compact under-slung 
 driving mechanism. Where the motor and reducing gear 
 ing is built under the frame the top of the conveyor is 
 clear, and larger packages can 1 e handled. The straight 
 axle carrier shown, with large end rollers and light de 
 tachable chain, is best for handling bags, bales, or bundles, 
 largely because it makes for a lighter and more read 1- 
 portable machine than the apron type. The smooth steel 
 plate under the axles serves the double purpose of tying 
 together the two side trusses and insuring the smoother 
 travel of loosely packed bags. 
 Textile Plants Paper Making 
 Heavy Bales Packing Cases 
 The apron conveyor, so built into the floor that the sur 
 face of the apron is flush with the floor level, has the 
 double advantage of being easily loaded and of offering a 
 minimum of obstruction to traffic. Men and trucks pass 
 freely across the slow-moving apron at any point. Such 
 Easy Loading for Heavy Packages 
 conveyors arc particularly economical in long storage build 
 ings where the flow of goods is lengthwise. These con 
 veyors are reversible and handle trucks and large gathering 
 boxes, as well as individual packages, in either direction. 
 By providing direct continuous connection between success 
 ive buildings or departments in manufacturing, in receiving 
 raw materials bales of cotton, wool, paper or in loading 
 cars from storage or packing rooms, this conveyor con 
 serves manual handling. 
 A heavy wood apron is advisable for this work with the 
 slats set as close as possible for the sake of safety, as well 
 as to prevent floor refuse from falling between the slats. 
 Hardwood slats with heavy duty roller chain arc usual, 
 running in a steel frame. The edge of the floor opening 
 should be smooth and should fit close to the ends of the 
 slats. Removable floor plates at either side are desirable to 
 make easy access to the conveyor. To guard against the 
 decided tendency to neglect equipment in such a position, 
 there should be a regular schedule of cleaning and oiling. 
 Metal Products 
 Continuous Assembly 
 One of the most successful developments in recent years 
 in the use of apron conveyors has been in the continuous 
 assembly and inspection of machines and other metal prod- 
 A Production Organizer 
 nets. While the larger pieces occasionally require special 
 carriages or aprons, the standard slat conveyor is well 
 adapted to the general run of smaller objects. Its rugged 
 construction permits fairly rough handling, and its con 
 tinuous platform allows pieces to be moved about as neces 
 sary. The slow but certain movement of the work in 
 process on the apron lias an organizing influence on pro 
 duction which insures the success of this method, not only 
 in mass production, but in plants of comparatively small 
 output as well. Usually this indirect economic effect of 
 speeding up production is even greater than the actual labor 
 saving of conveying from one operation to another. 
 A carrier of close-set hardwood s!ats, securely attached 
 to roller chain running in the side angles forming the 
 frame, is satisfactory. Steel slats are also much used, par 
 ticularly where the service is apt to be unusually severe. 
 Special attention should be given to designing the equip 
 ment so that the height of the carrier surface above the 
 floor is that most convenient for the workmen. This, of 
 course, depends entirely upon the size of the piece in 
 process. Even at the best height it is often necessary that 
 certain men performing certain operations stand higher than 
 the others. Very low speeds are usual on such installations, 
 depending on the time required to perform the individual 
 operation. Convenient control points for starting or stop 
 ping the conveyor are advisable, particularly if it is neces 
 sary to have intermittent movement. The gear guards 
 shown are excellent examples of this very necessary fea 
 ture. Wire guards, however, are more commonly used. 
 The high-type apron of the portable sectional conveyor 
 makes it possible to handle packages much wider than the 
 apron itself. This advantage makes it particularly adaptable 
 to the carrying of miscellaneous freight. With the power 
 and speed reducing mechanism placed under the conveyor, 
 as shown, no obstruction is offered to even the largest pack 
 ages. The comparatively light weight of these conveyors, 
 particularly of the trailer sections, anil the case with which 
 cme section may be connected to another, make them eco 
 nomical in many places where heavy and unwieldy ma 
 chinery would never be used. By keeping the height of 
 the apron close to the floor packages an 1 easily loaded or 
 unloaded at any point. 
 Wood slats with 3 in. end rollers, all propelled by a 
 double strand of light detachable link chain, make a very 
 light but strong apron for this type machine. The power 
 section shown drives, in either direction, from one to four 
 trailer sections hy means of short removable drive chains, 
 covered by the guards. The curved section shown has the 
 advantage of having both ends of the same height as the 
 trailer sections, so that it is readily attached to them at 
 either end. By using internal or other reducing gears, 
 much of the mechanism shown is eliminated, resulting in a 
 simpler and lighter construction. Because easy portability 
 is such an important feature, the best casters made are de- 
 Driving Mechanism Offers No Obstruction to Packages 
 sirable for mounting of conveyor sections. For service over 
 rough floors larger casters or steel wheels are best. 
 Belt Conveyors and Elevators 
 The adaptability of the belt conveyor and elevator to 
 package handling has materially increased with the making 
 of stronger and more lasting belts. To the natural advan 
 tages of this carrier have thus been added the capacity for 
 handling, on the better grades of belt, packages of such 
 weight and character as have generally been considered out 
 side the scope of belt conveying. 
 The smooth and noiseless operation of this equipment, 
 its capacity for carrying packages in opposite directions 
 simultaneously, and the ease with which packages may be 
 diverted from the side at any point, make it adaptable to 
 many plant conditions in which no other conveyor would 
 be satisfactory. It operates more efficiently at high speeds 
 than any other continuous carrier, and has a correspond 
 ingly large capacity. The continuous surface of the belt 
 adapts it to packages of even the smallest size and likewise 
 prevents dirt or other foreign matter from falling through. 
 By running the carrying and return belts close together 
 the conveyor may be installed in a small space and be made 
 to pass through small wall openings. This results in a 
 neat appearance. 
 In department stores, as well as in mail order and whole 
 sale supply houses, the noiseless operation, cleanliness and 
 neat appearance of the belt conveyor are big factors ac 
 counting for its extensive use in the dispatching of out 
 going goods. In manufacturing plants, where goods in 
 process are handled in trays or tote boxes, the two-way 
 capacity of this conveyor is used to good advantage in 
 returning the empty containers on the return side of the 
 same belt on which the filled containers are carried. The 
 facility with which packages are automatically transferred 
 from one conveyor to another makes this type conveyor 
 particularly adapted to the most difficult production layouts. 
 In plants where fragile products are handled, such as 
 glass and china, the smooth travel of the belt makes it 
 possible to handle packages which could not be carried on 
 any other conveyor. In laundries, baking, confectionery 
 and food plants and specialty manufacturing where there 
 is extensive sorting, wrapping and packing of small pieces 
 the belt conveyor serves as a most efficient work table. 
 As an elevator the smooth travel of the belt, particularly 
 when designed with supporting rollers set close together, 
 makes it practicable to elevate many packages and at such 
 angles as would not be feasible with other inclined ele 
 vators. With the best grades of belt it is practicable to se 
 curely attach to the belt cleats or arms of such height and 
 rigidity as to carry fairly heavy packages up inclines almost 
 vertical. The use of the belt elevator has been much extend 
 ed in lecent years through the employment of stronger belts 
 and improvements in automatic loading and control. As 
 a lowerer this machine has a limited but very useful appli 
 cation at inclines up to about 25 deg., particularly in its 
 two-way capacity of returning empty boxes which have 
 previously been elevated on the opposite run of the same 
 The light weight of the portable belt conveyor has been 
 the chief reason for the tremendous development of these 
 machines within the past few years. The ease of movement 
 from place to place more than offsets the fact that the belt 
 carrier has a shorter useful life than the apron and chain 
 type of carrier. Obviously it is not so well adapted to the 
 handling of heavy and miscellaneous freight as the latter 
 conveyor. However, the range of usefulness and the 
 wearing qualities of the well-constructed belt machine are 
 surprising. As with portable apron conveyors, the efficiency 
 of the sectional belt conveyor or piler depends to an un 
 usual extent upon the intelligent application of the equip 
 ment to its purpose. The automatic transfer of packages 
 from one section to another, and from conveyor section to 
 piler, reduces to a minimum the manual handling of com 
 modities between cars, ships, or trucks and storage. These 
 portable machines carry their own motors or engines 
 within their frame, and for this reason are easily moved 
 about to meet changing operating conditions. 
 As portable pilcrs or elevators these machines pick up 
 their loads almost from the ground level, thus saving labor 
 in loading. By reason of the adjustable discharge height 
 packages are delivered to any level within the maximum 
 range of the machine. These machines have been built 
 with piling heights as great at 30 ft., although this is rather 
 uncommon. Very good advantage has been taken of this 
 adjustable discharge height in the loading of ships, barges, 
 or boats, where the rise and fall of the vessel is followed by 
 the carrier boom. The direction of travel of the belt is 
 reversible so that the machine is equally useful working in 
 either direction. As floor-to-floor machines discharging 
 through holes in the upper floors, or through convenient 
 windows, these elevators provide a most direct route be 
 tween cars and upper storage floors of the lower warehouse 
 buildings. Much attention has been paid in designing thpr 
 machines to securing compactness, with the result that they 
 will operate in surprisingly small spaces and narrow aisles. 
 General Specifications 
 Frame. For heavy duty, belt conveyor-elevator 
 frames of wood or of steel angles are usual. Steel frames 
 are stronger, neater in appearance, and more generally sat 
 isfactory than the wood; they are easier of erection and 
 more permanent in alignment than wood frames. Many 
 light duty belt conveyors are built without frames, the 
 idlers being carried on floor stands bolted to the floor. 
 Curves or Goose Necks. Because of the tension on 
 the belt it tends to pull up and away from the rollers at 
 the up-curves. To prevent this, top guides are advisable. 
 For sharp up-curves, steel or other cross-cleats, riveted to 
 the belt and running under narrow side-guides at the 
 curve, hold the belt down satisfactorily. In addition these 
 cleats serve the double purpose of preventing the sliding of 
 the package on the incline. With very stiff belts and a 
 curve of large radius, the belt may be held down merely 
 by passing the edges of the belt itself under the side 
 guards. Another good method of making an upward 
 curve, or break in direction, of the belt is to pass the belt 
 around three idler pulleys at the start of the incline. Down 
 curves of almost any angle are easily affected, since both 
 top and bottom belts hold to their supporting idlers in 
 curving downward. 
 Belt. While the choice of belt is largely dependent 
 on the character of the packages to be handled, atmospheric, 
 chemical, or other condition affecting the life, stretch, and 
 general operating efficiency of the belt, are equally im 
 portant factors. For light duty, plain cotton woven belt 
 gives fair service under dry and otherwise favorable con 
 ditions. If such belts are impregnated with a good pre 
 servative compound, they are usually more satisfactory. 
 Rubber-covered fabric belts are better for ordinary service, 
 and have less stretch than the woven belts. Stitched can 
 vas belts, impregnated with such gum or other compounds 
 as will not become stiff or crack, are best for all-round 
 service, particularly for long conveyors, damp conditions, 
 or severe service. Balata and other special belts are little 
 used for package conveying, mainly because their higher 
 cost is seldom warranted by the work to be done. For 
 elevators, especially those running at high inclines and 
 with high cleats or arms, belts should be stiffer and 
 .stronger than for corresponding conveyor service, because 
 of the tendency of the arm rivets to pull out under the 
 cantilevered load on the arms. 
 Flexible steel belts have been used to a limited extent in 
 European countries. While requiring larger end drums 
 than the fabric belts, they have the advantage of requiring 
 fewer idlers and less driving power. Because of the very 
 smooth surface of these belts, packages are easily diverted 
 from them. 
 Idlers or Rollers. Roth wood and steel idlers of 
 from 2J/2 in. to 5 in. diameter are commonly used. If of 
 wood, only straight grain hardwood should be used. 
 Rollers may be of either stud or through shaft construc 
 tion. The spacing of the idlers varies from 6 in. for the 
 heavier freight service to 48 in., center-to-center, for such 
 light duty as department store parcels. Light belts require 
 closer idler spacing than the heavier and stiffer belts. Re 
 turn idlers are usually spaced from 4 ft. to 8 ft. centers. 
 Instead of rollers for supporting the belt, smooth slide 
 plates or even boards arc occasionally used in the lightest 
 Idler Bearings. For package conveying, straight. 
 single-roller idlers are almost invariably used, although 
 some conveyors arc built with idlers composed of several 
 short rollers on one shaft. Plain pillow block bearings are 
 usual for the heaviest service, although the oil impregnated 
 maple bearing in a cast iron box is satisfactory for even 
 fairly heavy duty. This latter type is commonly known as 
 an oilless bearing, because of the fact that the bearing, 
 when thoroughly impregnated with oil, requires no oiling 
 for long periods. Flanged bearings attached to the side 
 boards are much used. The self-aligning feature of the 
 more highly developed bearings is advantageous. Ball 
 bearings and other special types are sometimes used. 
 Under dirty or dusty conditions special care should be given 
 to making the bearings dust-proof. Where grease or oil 
 cups are used they should be readily accessible for regular 
 Side-Guards. High side-guards are seldom neces 
 sary, except for handling cylindrical packages, or for the 
 sake of safety in certain overhead installations. They are 
 decidedly objectionable when packages are to be constantly 
 handled on or off the belts at numerous points along the 
 conveyor, as in the operations of wrapping, sorting, or 
 otherwise using the conveyor as a work table. When 
 flanged idler bearings are used, side-guards are conveniently 
 formed by having the supporting wood or steel boards 
 extend several inches above the top belt. Similarly, with 
 the proper arrangement of the idlers, the supporting mem 
 bers of structural steel frames may be built to serve the 
 same purpose. Where branch conveyors discharge at right 
 angles to a trunk conveyor, and the usual 2 in. to 5 in. 
 guards are used, it is advisable to provide baffle plates on 
 the guards opposite these transfer points. 
 Loading. A solid sheet-steel plate set close under 
 the belt at such loading points as can be predetermined 
 relieves the belt of much of the shock and strain of careless 
 hand loading. Such plates are especially desirable where 
 packages are discharged to the conveyor from other con 
 veyors or from chutes. Where chutes discharge to belts 
 the speed of the package should be somewhere near that of 
 the belt, to avoid any unnecessary dragging effect on the 
 latter. The proper loading heights of belt conveyors should 
 be studied much more carefully than would at first seem 
 necessary. This is particularly important where the con 
 veyor is used as a work table or serves operators or ma 
 chines alongside. 
 Discharge. End discharge is usual, and may be made 
 over the actual end drum, or over an intermediate "end" 
 formed by turning the belt sharply down over an idler 
 sufficiently to allow the package to discharge to a table or 
 chute, after which the licit may be returned to its original 
 level. Provision should be made to insure each package 
 leaving the end of the belt properly. Long sloping tables 
 or sections of gravity conveyors are satisfactory for this 
 purpose. End discharge at right angles to other conveyors 
 is common. In this case the discharging belt should be 
 slightly above the other at this point, with a short connect 
 ing slide plate. The basic principles of side diverting are 
 that the friction between belt and package be not excessive 
 and the angle of the diverter such that the minimum of 
 dragging results. Angles of from 20 deg. to 30 deg. with 
 the belt, with straight or curved arms, are usual. Many 
 methods of intermediate side diverting are in use, from the 
 simple sweep diverter set in place by hand, to the wholly 
 automatic systems controlled from the point of dispatch. 
 In addition to the many types of sweeps operated by hand, 
 several types of automatic diverter arms are in use for 
 filling "storage stations." Another automatic method is 
 the selective system in which pins or other devices are set 
 in the container by the dispatcher. Slots or other corre 
 sponding devices on the fixed arms at the various diverting 
 points engage the proper pins on the bx and divert it to 
 the side. 
 Drive and Take-Up. Wood, iron or steel drums, plain or 
 lagged as necessary to insure proper friction, are usual for 
 driving belt conveyors or elevators. Where the pull on the 
 belt is excessive a greater tractive effect of the drum on 
 the belt is obtained by increasing the contact arc either with 
 idlers or double drum drives. Standard worm, spur, or 
 internal gear speed reductions are usual. Spur gears are 
 most generally in use. The belt conveyor is thoroughly 
 effective driven from either end, for all ordinary lengths. 
 Plain screw take-ups are most common, running in hori 
 zontal guides. They should be easily adjusted to maintain 
 the belt at the proper tension, but must keep their position 
 when set. Where it is desirable to secure a stationary 
 position of the drum at the take-up end, weighted take-ups 
 with vertical movement are preferable. These produce a 
 more even tension on the belt, particularly where there is 
 much expansion or shrinkage of the belt. 
 Cleats or Arms. Cleats of any kind should be se 
 curely riveted to the belt with broad Hat head rivets or 
 bolts. In elevators working at the higher angles, and with 
 correspondingly high arms, a thin reinforcing strip on the 
 underside of the belt is often advisable to guard against 
 the pulling out of the rivets or bolts. Such long cantilever 
 arms have a strong tendency to turn back under the load, 
 and cause a high strain at the upper point of connection to 
 the belt. 
 Speeds. Belt speeds vary from as low as 2 ft. per 
 min. for special manufacturing purposes, to as high as 200 
 ft. per min., and even higher, for special conditions. The 
 most common speed for general package handling is prob 
 ably 100 ft. per min. Where belt conveyors are designed 
 to serve operators or machines, and thus act as produc 
 tion organizers, the speed of the belt should be studied with 
 special care in each operation because of the effect on 
 the plant output. The tension of fully loaded belts running 
 at very slow speeds should be more carefully studied than 
 that of the same belt running at the ordinary speed. 
 Special Features of Portable Elevators and 
 Elevator Base Frames. An excellent base frame is 
 made of 3 in., 4 in., or 5 in. steel channels, strongly braced. 
 Base frames of steel pipe or angles are largely used and 
 are satisfactory. Special attention should be given to 
 making the base frame as short as the overhang of the 
 carrier will allow. Similarly the width should not be 
 greater than necessary to insure stability of the piler with 
 the boom raised. In brief, the entire machine should be as 
 compact as possible because of the prime importance of 
 saving floor space. 
 Carrier Frame. For cither conveyors or elevators 
 four light angles formed into two side trusses and thor 
 oughly cross-braced between the belts, make a very stiff 
 carrier frame. Two channels or angles in place of the two 
 side trusses are also good, but are not so stiff for their 
 weight as the trusses. They afford a simple frame, how 
 ever, and a somewhat better support for the belt roller 
 Elevator Raising Device. The raising mechanism of 
 the carrier boom should preferably be kept wholly under 
 the boom, if the machine is to be moved through ordinary 
 doors. This position, while not essential, results in a 
 neater and more stable machine. Keeping the top of the 
 carrier clear also makes it possible to more easily handle 
 bulky packages wider than the machine itself. Small hand 
 drums for raising the boom by hand, located on the side 
 of the carrier, are best for piling heights up to about 12 
 ft. For larger machines the saving in labor of adjusting 
 the boom to suit the varying piling levels warrants the con 
 nection of the raising drum with the motor. 
 Drive and Take-Up. Light weight is such a prime 
 factor in a machine whose economy depends so much on 
 easy portability, that unusual consideration should be given 
 to eliminating every pound of unnecessary weight in the 
 drive. For this reason, direct-connected internal-gear re 
 ductions are excellent, although light belt drives are prob 
 ably more generally used at present. To allow for the ad 
 justment of the boom the belt is most conveniently driven 
 from the foot end, the carrier frimc being pivoted in trun 
 nions at this end. The carrier should be readily reversible 
 in direction of motion. 
 Casters and Wheels. For fairly smooth floors, 8 in. 
 to 12 in. casters are best for machines supported at four 
 points. For rough floors or outdoor work, steel wheels of 
 from 18 in. to 36 in. are much better, with proper fifth 
 wheel provision for turning the machine. While the two- 
 \vhcel machines frequently used do not pile at such high 
 inclines as the more stable four-wheel type, they are more 
 easily moved and usually somewhat lighter. Since the util 
 ity of portable machines depends so greatly upon their 
 being readily moved from one position to another, the im 
 portance of providing the highest grade casters with the best 
 ball-bearing swivel joints and wheels with roller bearings 
 is obvious. 
 Loading. It is highly important that the loading 
 point of portable pilers or truck loaders be kept as close to 
 the ground as the minimum size of the lower end pulley 
 and proper clearance for the cleats or arms will allow. 
 This will be found to save a great amount of manual lift 
 The belt conveyor-elevator, properly applied and installed, 
 usually requires less attention than any other con 
 tinuous power carrier. This is particularly true when it 
 is equipped with self-oiling bearings, or ball bearings. 
 With babbitted or other bearings requiring lubrication 
 there should be a definite schedule of attention, rather 
 than the ordinary intermittent attention often given 
 such equipment. Particularly in moist or changing at 
 mospheric conditions it is essential that the belt be 
 maintained at the proper tension by regular adjustment 
 of the take-up, unless the latter is of an equalizing de 
 sign. Where the conveyor is to be reversed in direction 
 or stopped and started frequently, push-button motor 
 control from convenient points will greatly improve the 
 operating efficiency. In using belt conveyors, especially 
 in handling miscellaneous freight, it should be remem 
 bered that the belt conveyor is not such a carry-all 
 as the apron and chain carrier, and only those pack 
 ages should be handled for which it is designed. 
 Careless loading has probably caused more wear and 
 tear on package handling belts than any other single 
 feature of their operation. Where rough packages, 
 such as packing cases, are to be loaded, either a loading 
 plate should be placed close under the belt at definite 
 points, or the impact of the package should be taken 
 by loading guards or fingers. Another cause of wear 
 on the belt arises from diverting from the belt packages of a 
 rough or abrasive character. To reduce this wear to a 
 minimum requires careful study of the proper angle at 
 which the diverter should be set. Where chutes of any 
 type discharge to belt conveyors, not only the speed 
 but also the direction of discharge should be as near 
 as possible that of the belt. 
 As with portable equipment of the apron and chain 
 type, the operation of sectional belt conveyors and 
 elevators depends far more upon a thorough knowledge 
 of the possibilities of each machine than upon its 
 mechanical features. Even where only one machine 
 is in operation there should be one man intelligently 
 trained in its use. He need not be a mechanic, for the 
 mechanical handling of this equipment is simple. Such 
 a trained man will frequently find even more economical 
 uses for the machine than it was originally designed 
 to fill. In short, by knowing what has been done with 
 these machines under conditions similar to his, his con 
 structive imagination is constantly brought to bear 
 upon the changing handling problems in the plant. 
 In applying such portable conveyors to old ware 
 housing or manufacturing conditions, it is often found 
 to be worth while to change aisle or storage layouts 
 as well as routes of travel. In those plants in which 
 such equipment has been most successful, practically 
 all of these points of operation have been carefully 
 considered in designing and using the equipment. 
 Car Loading 
 Bags Miscellaneous Packages 
 The use of belt conveyors for car loading has rapidly 
 advanced with the better organization of this operation. 
 The greatest savings occur when the finished product 
 can be loaded direct from the packer to the car, or 
 from temporary storage along the path of the belt. 
 Automatic Discharge from Packer to Any Car 
 The employment of this arrangement of temporary 
 storage has eliminated one of the greatest obstacles 
 to the successful use of conveyors in the loading of 
 cars. Obviously, however, it is impossible to make use 
 of this system when the product must be stored in 
 definitely, but a surprisingly large proportion of the 
 output of the average plant may be thus placed tem 
 porarily near the conveyor. The necessity of trucking 
 out over large areas, and the later back haul to the 
 car, is thereby eliminated. The easily reversible travel 
 direction of the belt makes it particularly applicable 
 for serving a long line of cars on a siding. 
 In such a car-loading system adjustable diverters, 
 controlled usually by the man in the car, discharge the 
 package to light portable chutes leading into the car. 
 In general the greatest economy results from installing 
 the conveyors about as shown. In this way the doors 
 and platform below are kept clear, a minimum of space 
 is taken up, the belt is better protected from the 
 weather, and the elevation is such that the packages 
 will slide to any point in the car. It is particularly 
 important that a belt operating out-of-doors in this 
 way should be impervious to weather conditions and 
 have a minimum of stretch. 
 Bundles of Papers Books Magazines 
 The ease of transfer of packages from one conveyor 
 to another makes it feasible to fit connecting conveyors 
 into almost any plant layout. This transfer, while 
 commonly made at right angles, is thoroughly satis 
 factory at any angle. A system of this sort frequently 
 met with consists of a number of branch lines which 
 discharge to or receive from one trunk conveyor. Many 
 Right Angle Transfer from Belt to Belt 
 ingenious timing devices have been developed to pre 
 vent congestion between packages at the entrance of 
 branch lines; however, if the trunk belt is made of 
 sufficient width the necessity for these is avoided. The 
 transfer is in no way limited to being made from one 
 belt to another, and a very common use of this feature 
 is in transferring packages from a gravity conveyor 
 to the belt conveyor. 
 Where there are fairly large boxes entering a trunk 
 conveyor from many points along the side, a power- 
 driven timing device, to deliver the package to the 
 trunk at the right time, is the most positive and satis 
 factory arrangement to prevent congestion. Such a 
 device is almost always essential when the delivery is 
 made from a gravity conveyor. When it is advisable 
 to place the take-up end of the delivering conveyor at 
 the delivery point the take-up should be of a vertical, 
 instead of the usual horizontal movement of the end 
 pulley. The horizontal movement would disturb the 
 proper transfer. A slide plate to fill the opening be 
 tween the end pulley of the branch conveyor and the 
 belt of the trunk is usually necessary. For better oper 
 ation the level of the former conveyor should be several 
 inches above that of the trunk conveyor. 
 Weighing on Conveyors 
 Miscellaneous Packages 
 In receiving and shipping raw materials or finished 
 products the practice of weighing each package as it 
 passes over a scale section accomplishes not only a 
 saving in the time of weighing each package, but pro 
 vides a better record of the weight. Obviously this 
 automatic method is not so accurate as the usual in 
 dividual weighing operation. However, with belt con 
 veyors, as well as with the roller gravity conveyor in 
 which this method of weighing is so often used, the 
 elimination of the manual handling of each package 
 more than offsets any slight inaccuracy involved. Be 
 cause of the light weight of the moving belt and the 
 general smoothness of operation, the belt conveyor is 
 Weighing in Transit 
 well adapted to automatic weighing. Not only in load 
 ing in or out, but in many manufacturing operations 
 this method of weighing eliminates the necessity of the 
 man at the scale and results in better organization of 
 production processes. 
 Since more accurate records result from a very slow 
 movement of the package over the scale section, the 
 speed of the belt should be as low as will give the 
 required capacity. The scale section should be as free 
 as possible from the fixed sections preceding and fol 
 lowing it. Clearly it is essential, for the greatest ac 
 curacy, that the packages be dispatched at sufficient 
 intervals to insure each load registering separately in 
 passing over the scale section. 
 Nitrates Sugar Coffee Grain 
 Bags Boxes Miscellaneous Packages 
 Mainly because of its light weight and easy portabil 
 ity the use of the belt truck loader or outdoor piler 
 has increased rapidly within the past five years. When 
 equipped with high grade stitched canvas or rubber 
 fabric belts this elevator gives excellent service for 
 handling packages weighing up to 200 Ib. or 300 Ib 
 The adjustable feature of the belt boom with discharge 
 at any desired height saves practically all manual lift 
 ing by placing the package on the truck or pile at the 
 proper level. Since the direction of travel of the belt 
 is readily reversible trucks are also unloaded and piles 
 "broken down" with the same machine. This is one 
 of the most versatile of all elevator-conveyors. In 
 addition to serving as both outdoor and indoor piler 
 and truck loader, the same machine, properly equipped 
 Portable Belt Conveyor with Adjustable Angle 
 with side-guards or troughing rollers, handles coal, sand, 
 stone, and other loose material with equal satisfaction. 
 For outdoor service the large wheels shown in the 
 photograph afford easy moving from place to place, 
 and for this reason are better than small wheels or the 
 four casters so often used on indoor pilers. The very 
 compact drive shown has several advantages, probably 
 the most important of which is its light weight. For 
 loading from wagons or four-wheel warehouse trucks 
 the height of the loading point shown is about right. 
 For heavier packages, however, which are to be loaded 
 from the ground, as from two-wheel hand trucks, the 
 height of loading should be as low as the minimum 
 size of the end pulley will permit. If the machine is 
 to pass doorways of ordinary height care should be 
 taken to provide a collapsible raising frame or this 
 frame should be placed under the carrier frame. 
 Boxes Baskets Tote-Boxes 
 There is no industry to which the belt conveyor is 
 more applicable than to the manufacturing departments 
 of textile mills. From picker room to weave room, this 
 conveyor distributes laps, boxes or baskets of bobbins, 
 or textile products in process. One of the most com 
 mon and economical of its applications is the distribu 
 tion of bobbins from roving frames to spinning frames 
 on the same or lower floors. The belt conveyors re 
 ceive the containers filled with bobbins from spiral 
 chutes, and distribute them to the various storage sta 
 tions near the frames. Later the empty boxes travel 
 back on the return side of the same conveyor and up 
 automatic elevators to the roving rooms above. This 
 two-way capacity of the belt conveyor is equally val 
 uable in the handling of goods in process in finishing 
 plants, and other textile operations. They not only 
 eliminate trucking and confusion, but are of distinct 
 value as organizers of the entire operation of the fin 
 ishing, as well as spinning operations. The small space 
 required by the belt conveyor, especially when it is 
 suspended from the ceiling, and its simplicity of in 
 stallation, make the machine fully as economical in 
 its application to existing plants as in new mills. For 
 this reason the number of individual conveyors installed 
 point on the tray or tote-box. The dispatcher sets this 
 switching pin at the proper point and height on the box, 
 and the box, when it reaches the diverter set to correspond 
 Two-way Belts with Diverlers 
 in old mills has been even greater than in the new ones. 
 Storage stations located at convenient points increase 
 the usefulness of the belt conveyor by reducing the 
 amount of attention required. Switches divert the filled 
 boxes to these stations until the station is full. Suc 
 ceeding boxes then pass on to the next station, and 
 so on. In this way all the stations are kept filled. The 
 floor porters remove the boxes from the stations and 
 distribute them to the frames, and then return the 
 empties to the lower run of the belt. 
 Hardware Stampings Novelties 
 Tote-Boxes Individual Pieces 
 The ease with which containers filled with small parts 
 may be diverted from one conveyor to another makes the 
 belt conveyor adaptable to the handling of small parts. 
 From the use of selective switching systems results the 
 entirely automatic dispatch from one machine operation to 
 another. This is particularly valuable in congested plants. 
 When their load is discharged the empty containers may be 
 returned either on the return side of the belt or on other 
 conveyors. Such conveying systems are more than carriers 
 in effect they are production organizers and speed up the 
 output of every operator and machine which they serve. 
 The simplest switching device for discharging packages 
 to the side at any desired point is the sweep diverter. This 
 "sweep" should be set at such an angle, usually about 20 
 deg. with the line of travel of the belt, as to divert the 
 package with a minimum of effort or friction on the belt. 
 Obviously the bottom of the package or container should 
 never be so rough as to cause unreasonable wear and tear 
 on the belt. On the principle of this simple diverter many 
 adjustable switching devices have been developed, most of 
 which are operated by hand. 
 Automatic diverters are of two general classes. In one 
 the entire diverter moves in and out of position. In the 
 other, the selective type, each diverter is fixed in position 
 and is so set as to engage a switching pin set at a certain 
 Automatic Selective Switching 
 with it, automatically leaves the belt as the pin engages 
 the diverter arm. 
 Metal Products 
 Trays Tote-Boxes 
 Gravity roller storage stations set into lines of belt con 
 veyor make the latter more flexible in use by temporarily 
 stopping packages at certain points. With such an arrange- 
 Gravity Roller Storage Station 
 ment the operator at each machine has a constant supply 
 of parts at his elbow. When the storage section at one 
 machine is full the trays proceed to pass on to the ma 
 chines beyond. It is not necessary that separate belt con 
 veyors be used between the various stations. By passing 
 the top run of belt over end idler and under the gravity sec 
 tion at each station one continuous belt can be made to 
 serve the entire line. 
 Where the packages handled are wider than the carrying 
 belt, temporary storage stations are sometimes made by 
 setting rollers at both sides and slightly above the belt. 
 When the package passes onto these rollers it stops until 
 the succeeding packages push it on. This gives the floor 
 man or operator at each station time to take such articles 
 as he needs from the station. A satisfactory storage sta 
 tion also is formed by diverting the packages to gravity 
 conveyor or chutes at the side. 1 lowevcr, this is not quite 
 so positive or direct a method as the first two described. 
 Obviously this system of using storage stations applies 
 only to such packages as are linn and rigid enough to 
 divert in a proper manner or push each other across the 
 Rubber Goods 
 Small Pieces Tote-Boxes Baskets 
 In recent years, the use c.t the belt conveyor lias been 
 one of the factors resulting in the better production organ 
 ization of many plants manufacturing rubber specialties. 
 Departments in which machines or operators are served 
 by these continuous carriers ;trc- conspicuous lor their ef 
 ficiency and for the absence of the confusion ordinarily 
 incident to the moving about of trucks or porters. The 
 illustration shows a combination conveyor and elevator re 
 ceiving from a number of machines, and divided into two 
 "lanes" by a middle partition. Single belt conveyors are 
 often divided by a number of such partitions for the better 
 separation and distribution of different classes, of products. 
 Each of these "lanes" may be discharged at a different 
 point in order to accommodate the various wrappers or 
 For such partitions, cither wood or sheet steel strips are 
 satisfactory, but in either case care should be taken in sup 
 porting them to avoid any possibility of the bottom edge 
 of the strip sagging and cutting the surface of the moving 
 belt. The speed at which the belt should be operated de- 
 bigh friction between package and belt incline, as high 
 as 25 deg. to 30 deg. are practicable. 
 Cartons Boxes Bags 
 No industrial operation lends itself more readily to the 
 economical use of belt conveyors than wrapping and pack 
 ing of all classes of confectionery and bakery goods and 
 similar commodities. Not only is much of the actual labor and 
 Divided Belts Simplify Distribution 
 pends on the capacity required, and the rapidity with which 
 the pieces or trays can be handled at the receiving points. 
 Where one continuous belt is used as both conveyor and 
 elevator, in making the up-curve from conveyor to elevator 
 either top guides must be provided at the sides to hold 
 down the top run of belt, or the direction of this top belt 
 should be changed by running it around three idlers placed 
 at the end of the level portion. The maximum incline at 
 which ordinary packages will travel up a belt elevator 
 without cleats is about 20 dep., although where there is 
 Moving Work Table Increases Production 
 time of bringing up the piece goods and carrying away 
 the packages saved, but the entire operation is better or 
 ganized and a superior grade of work accomplished. Where 
 it is advisable to bring the pieces to the packers in contain 
 ers, the empty containers may be returned on the lower run 
 of the same belt. The photograph shows an interesting 
 confectionery wrapping system, in which the use of the belt 
 conveyor eliminates the needless moving about and con 
 fusion so common to many such departments. 
 For the handling of such light packages the conveyor 
 may well be very 1 ght. However, it is not real economy 
 to use an extremely light belt, because of its continual 
 stretch and generally unsatisfactory operation. Since the 
 continuous movement of the belt so often exerts an im 
 portant influence in speeding up production, the question of 
 the proper speed at which the conveyor shall work should 
 be studied with more care than would ordinarily seem 
 necessary. Side-guards arc usually not necessary, but 
 where it is considered advisable to provide them, they 
 should be kept low, to facilitate the continual handling of 
 packages on and off the conveyor. The proper height of 
 the conveying surface with relation to the operator is a 
 matter for each individual installation, and, as such, is an 
 important factor in the economical and efficient operation 
 of the system. 
 Wrapping Packing Shipping 
 The two-way service of the belt conveyor in carrying 
 tilled containers in one direction and returning the empties 
 on the opposite run of the same belt, makes it more adapt 
 able than any other conveyor to the handling of books, 
 pamphlets, magazines and other publishing plant products. 
 Tray, tote-boxes and baskets, as well as individual pieces, 
 move from one machine to another, or from machines to 
 wrapping rooms with complete elimination of manual labor, 
 even in the return of the empty containers. By this system 
 the conveyor replaces the intermittent haulage of trucks 
 or porters, and numbers of small articles are continuously 
 handled in lots of convenient size, with a resulting better 
 organization in production. As in the shipping of mail or 
 express orders in wholesale supply and distributing houses, 
 the use of gathering boxes or baskets, handled on these 
 two-way conveyors, is fast increasing with the more general 
 knowledge of the success of this method. 
 Whether the top or bottom run of the belt is selected for 
 the filled boxes depends on the relative ease of loading and 
 Two-way Belt Prevents Congestion 
 unloading. The photograph shows the end discharge of 
 the filled trays from the lower run of the belt to a table of 
 convenient height. To accomplish this discharge a short 
 section of the belt is run under the table. The empty 
 trays, which are much lighter, are more easily lifted to the 
 top run of the belt for returning. With very light packages 
 the discharge is often made to the side by a diverter. 
 Although the conveyor will not be immediately stopped by 
 the blocking of such light packages, this should be avoided 
 mainly because of the wear on the belt. 
 Refining Soaps Oils Greases 
 Boxes Cartons 
 The portable, sectional belt conveyor is well adapted to 
 such warehousing conditions as shown in the photograph, 
 such conveyors not only save long truck hauls and the 
 corresponding back haul of empty trucks, but often make 
 the greater saving of eliminating the idle time of waiting 
 auto trucks. Since these conveyors are reversible in direc 
 tion of motion, they are equally as useful in receiving, as in 
 loading out, commodities. The adjustable end section in 
 creases the efficiency of the machine by delivering the 
 packages to truck, car, or barge at such heights as to 
 avoid practically all the labor of lifting. One of the most 
 effective uses of such readily portable machines is in oper 
 ating through windows or convenient small openings cut 
 in the walls of buildings. Such a method of handling has 
 been found so economical in some warehouses as to war 
 rant the changing of the aisle layouts to make the con 
 veyor more useful. 
 Where sectional conveyors are to be moved from aisle 
 to aisle, the sections should not be over 20 ft. long, or if 
 the aisles are narrow, not over 15 ft., or sometimes as short 
 as 10 ft. An economical arrangement results from placing 
 several long, and comparatively inexpensive, trailer sections 
 in each aisle, and providing one short and easily maneu 
 vered power section. This layout necessitates a minimum 
 of changing of the lines. Mechanically, a portable sectional 
 conveyor is extremely simple and requires very little at 
 tention, but the importance of having one man in charge of 
 its operation who is thoroughly instructed in its possi 
 bilities, cannot be stressed too strongly. With a properly 
 instructed man in charge of its operation new and eco 
 nomical applications of these machines will be developed 
 frequently, thus insuring the maximum utilization of the 
 Ship Loading 
 Bags Miscellaneous Light Packages 
 The portable belt conveyor, largely because of its light 
 weight, has been successfully applied to the loading of ships 
 with such commodities as grain and flour in bags. It is 
 equally useful for handling almost any of the lighter freight 
 Quick Loading of Trucks and Cars 
 where the floor surface is reasonably smooth and a fairly 
 uniform range of packages is to be handled. In this service 
 Reducing Ship Turn-Around Period 
 packages. The ease with which the machine may be 
 moved about the dock from one hatch or ship to another is 
 surprising. Since the angle of incline naturally follows the 
 rise and fall of the ship, the operation of the loader is not 
 affected by the changes in the deck level. Such loaders are 
 fed either from trucks brought up to the dock end or by 
 connecting portable conveyors from cars or storage piles 
 in the pier shed. They may be placed in position on the 
 deck by the ship s boom, or, when equipped with indepen 
 dent base frame and raising device, their carrier booms may 
 be elevated by their own power. Thus equipped they are 
 used also as pilers on the dock. Where the boat hatches 
 are of the usual size, the operation of these machines, with 
 the chutes running into the ship s hold, does not prevent 
 the simultaneous loading by the ship s hoist of larger 
 packages, through the same hatch. 
 Since the very nature of the carrying surface of the belt 
 conveyor limits it to fairly light packages, the entire ma 
 chine should be designed to be of correspondingly light 
 weight. The frames of most of such portable conveyors 
 are made heavier than is advisable for their most cfh cirnt 
 use. The controlling consideration in the design of such 
 machines should be that it is better economy to have them 
 light enough to insure their constant use, even at the risk 
 of losing some of the long life which might result from a 
 heavier, clumsier machine. A strong bail with hook should 
 be provided, securely attached to the conveyor frame, for 
 the attachment of the hoist cable, in lifting the section. 
 Storage Warehousing 
 Boxes Bags Cartons 
 The light weight of the belt piler and sectional conveyor 
 has made these machines economical in many storage houses 
 in which heavier, and less portable, machines would not be 
 used to advantage. Special attention has been given in 
 their design to providing for quick "set-up" in any position. 
 While this equipment is obviously not adapted to heavy 
 Automatic Transfer from Conveyor io Piler 
 freight, or to packages of rough character, a good grade of 
 helt will give surprisingly long service under average con 
 ditions. Pilers of this type occupy comparatively small 
 floor space, particularly when operating at their maximum 
 inclines of from 35 deg. with cubical boxes to 60 deg. 
 in handling bags. With high cleats or arms even higher 
 inclines are feasible for reasonably light packages. The 
 transfer of packages from conveyor to piler is automatic 
 at inclines as high as 30 deg. to 45 deg., so that in loading in 
 from cars or trucks no manual handling is required. Roth 
 piler and conveyor are reversible in direction of motion. 
 \\ here the warehouse layout requires right angle or other 
 turns, as from platform to interior aisles, these turns are 
 .accomplished automatically. 
 Either light channel frames, or side trusses built of 
 small angles, form good frames. The trusses afford a 
 somewhat stiffer carrier frame, with the same weight, than 
 the channels. When conveyors and pilers are operated 
 together as shown, they should be securely tied together by 
 adjustable yokes over the end shaft trunnions. The sec 
 tions of conveyor are driven from the piler by removable 
 drive chains connecting the adjacent end shafts. Because 
 easy portability is so essential in these machines, to insure 
 their maximum use the best ball or roller bearing casters 
 or wheels should be used. With fairly smooth llnors it is 
 not necessary to disconnect the sections in a line, in making 
 small changes in position, since the line of several sections 
 can be more readily shifted as a whole. 
 Miscellaneous Packages 
 The advantage of the belt conveyor as a booster in a long 
 line of gravity conveyor lies mainly in the simplicity of 
 installation and operation, and in the fact that it receives, 
 A Belt Section Serves as a Booster 
 carries, and discharges the most fragile packages noiselessly 
 and with the greatest safety. The picture shows a good 
 arrangement of such a booster. The additional head given 
 to the package by this boosting makes it possible to carry 
 it for long distances on the gravity conveyor. In many 
 cases these machines, in place of being supported by floor 
 supports, are hung by hangers from the ceiling to save 
 working floor space beneath them. Portable boosters, in 
 connection with portable gravity conveyors, are efficient 
 when mounted on smooth-running casters. When thus 
 equipped and designed with adjustable discharge heights, 
 they are readily moved from place to place to fit into the 
 varying conditions of warehousing or other such work. 
 The maximum incline at which, packages may be elevated 
 from one gravity level to another depends on the nature of 
 the package. With the boxes shown this is about 15 deg. 
 when the belt is not provided with cleats, and from 35 deg. 
 to 45 deg. when the cleats are used. With arms of sufficient 
 height even higher inclines are feasible, although the auto 
 matic loading of packages from gravity conveyor to belt 
 is more difficult and sometimes uncertain at the higher 
 angles. Surprisingly small motors are required for such 
 belt boosters. 
 The two steel pieces at the foot, which train the package 
 onto the belt, should be set with wide, easy flares, to pre 
 vent the stoppage of any box which may strike them. The 
 speed of the belt should be as nearly the speed of travel 
 of the boxes on the feeding gravity as it is practicable to 
 make it. At inclines of from 15 deg. to the vertical, 
 smoother travel of the package results if the rollers sup 
 porting the belt are placed closer than would be necessary 
 under a horizontal conveyor carrying the same load. 
 Smooth sliding plates are often used instead of rollers 
 for this purpose. 
 Department Stores 
 Parcels Bundles Boxes 
 The noiseless operation of the belt conveyor, its cleanli 
 ness, its neatness of appearance, and its high capacity for 
 light packages, make this carrier particularly adapted to 
 the department store or mail order house. Receiving from 
 all parts of the building by means of branch and trunk 
 lines leading from chutes to delivery rooms, these systems 
 are practically indispensable in the larger stores. When 
 installed running along close to the ceiling, through auto 
 matic doors in fire-walls, they occupy space that would not 
 otherwise be used, and present a neat appearance in keeping 
 with other store fixtures. 
 In the dispatching room these trunk lines deliver to the 
 sorters; from there the packages are carried by a 
 sorting belt in both directions, using both top and bottom 
 run of belt, to the bins for later delivery. Obviously the 
 amount of time saved and confusion eliminated is very great. 
 Particularly in the first and basement floors, even in the 
 smaller stores, the increasing congestion and demand for 
 quick service is making not only the extensive belt system, 
 but the individual conveyor as well, an essential feature of 
 economical operation of the store. 
 In such a belt conveyor system the economical location 
 of the various units is a matter requiring the most care 
 ful study. Loading points, for example, must be thoroughly 
 convenient to the wrapping desk, likewise the system should 
 serve the greatest number of salespeople with the smallest 
 number of branch receiving lines. The proper layout in the 
 dispatching or sorting rooms of the larger stores presents 
 the most exacting problem. Similarly, not only the posi 
 tion, but the proper speed of the continuous sorting con 
 veyor has a decided effect on the efficiency of this de 
 For department store service very light belts are com 
 monly used, but the better classes of stitched canvas are 
 The Belt Serves as a Moving Sorting Table 
 worth their increased cost, even where only the lightest 
 duty is required of them. Side-guards from 2 in. to 5 in. 
 high are advisable wherever the installation is overhead. 
 Motors and drives should be as compact as possible, for the 
 sake of presenting better appearance. 
 Gravity Roller Conveyors 
 Gravity, the greatest of nature s latent forces, is avail 
 able in every modern industrial operation. This free power, 
 ever readv for useful work, has never been more econom 
 ically used than through the application of gravity roller 
 conveyors to the handling of commodities. The absence 
 of electrical or mechanical power devices, the low first cost, 
 and the flexibility of use of this conveyor, are the chief 
 advantages over other types, within the limits of its 
 proper application. 
 From the paper of pins in the order basket of the de 
 partment store to the heaviest castings of the steel foun 
 dry, practically any object may be handled either directly 
 on the rollers or in trays. This wide range of application 
 makes these smooth-running rollers adaptable to almost 
 every industry. Continuous improvement in design and 
 workmanship have made it possible to convey packages 
 at surprisingly low grades, with correspondingly long hor 
 izontal runs. The use of short power boosters has ex 
 tended, even more, the scope of gravity handling. 
 The standardization of the gravity conveyor in sections 
 of convenient length makes it simple to install, with little 
 interruption to business. For the same reason, when it 
 is necessary at any time to make plant changes, lines of 
 gravity can easily be moved to fit into new positions and 
 to ferve new purposes. This sectional make-up is of par 
 ticular advantage in work requiring portable conveyors, 
 as in freight handling, lumber yards, and similar operations 
 spread over large areas. Because of its simple, compact 
 construction it occupies very small space, whether installed 
 overhead or on the floor. The freedom from electrical or 
 mechanical power makes it especially desirable for outside 
 work, particularly because of its ready portability. 
 Analysis of the present status of development and use of 
 the gravity conveyor reveals one big outstanding fact 
 more of the natural efficiency of this conveyor has been 
 sacrificed through misapplication than in any other type 
 of package handling equipment. In many cases not even 
 ordinary foresight has been used in applying the proper 
 conveyor to the work to be done, and yet nothing more 
 than a reasonable amount of imagination and study of con 
 ditions is necessary. As an instance of misapplication, it 
 is not uncommon, because of changes in plant layout and 
 routing, to find Jines of gravity conveyor originally de 
 signed to handle lumber put to the work of handling boxes, 
 bales, or irregular objects requiring entirely different roller 
 centers, grades and strength. In some such cases the very 
 fact that this sectional conveyor is so easy to move and 
 capable of such varied use has resulted in its being turned 
 to such extreme uses as to make it impossible to operate 
 One of the most common causes of adverse prejudice, 
 particularly in portable work, has been the application of 
 much heavier conveyors than was necessary, and with sup 
 ports of poor design. In warehousing, where there is so 
 much moving of the conveyor, many operating men have 
 wisely installed very light conveyors for definite classes of 
 lighter packages, such as cartons and cases of canned goods, 
 and much stronger and heavier conveyors for the heavier 
 packages, crates and packing boxes. In many cases it is 
 better to install the lighter portable conveyor in the full 
 knowledge that it will not last so long, but knowing that it 
 will be used far oftener and through its savings pay for its 
 replacement many times over. 
 General Specifications 
 Rollers. The rollers should be from 2 in. to 3 in. in 
 diameter, preferably 2]/ A in. to 2^ in. of steel tubing, hard 
 wood, cast iron, or other serviceable material. Whether of 
 cylindrical, concave or tapered shape, they should be so 
 accurately balanced that they will turn freely. Straight 
 cylindrical rollers are best for standard flat-face package 
 conveying. Concave rollers are well suited to round ob 
 jects, generally requiring no guard-rail. Tapered rollers 
 are used on curves to produce a banking effect. Wood 
 rollers are not usually recommended for heavy service or 
 continuous outside work. In many cases, however, their 
 light weight in portable duty will offset their shorter life. 
 The strength of the wood rollers may be somewhat in 
 creased by a metal ferrule driven onto the ends of the 
 roller. With steel rollers, 14 gage and 16 gage steel tubing, 
 preferably seamless, is satisfactory for ordinary package 
 service, while for heavy duty 12 gage or 10 gage and even 
 5 gage for very heavy packages, is recommended. 
 Length of Roller. Whether of single or double roller 
 construction the width of the conveyor should be from 2 
 in. to 4 in. more than the width of the packages being 
 handled. It is satisfactory, however, for steel, or other 
 sheets, large boxes, or similar well balanced packages to 
 overhang the ends of the rollers if the run is not too long. 
 For portable work there is a decided advantage in using 
 the shortest roller consistent with the nature of the package 
 i.i be handled, because of the lighter weight of the sections. 
 Roller Heads. The bearing cups must be so finished 
 as to insure the shaft running in the true center of the roller. 
 These cups should be so securely fixed in the roller by 
 welding, punching, or other means that there can be no 
 chance of their coming loose. 
 Center to Center. Center to center of rollers should 
 be such that ordinarily smooth packages rest on three roll 
 ers at all times. If the surface of the package is rough the 
 spacing should be closer. For unusually heavy and com 
 pact packages it is necessary to provide even closer centers, 
 usually 3 in. to 4 in., to carry the weight. 
 Bearings. Accurately made bearings are necessary in 
 order that the roller will turn easily about its true axis. 
 All wearing parts should be case-hardened, and the balls or 
 rollers should be of first quality steel. It is recommended 
 that the bearings be fixed in such a way that they may be 
 easily removed for cleaning or replacing. The shaft should 
 be of first quality steel, preferably cold-rolled, whether of 
 stud or of through shaft construction. Bearing shafts are 
 usually from 54 in. to % in. in diameter for ball bearings, 
 and from J4 in- to I 1 /* in. for roller bearings. 
 Frame. A steel frams of such section as to eliminate 
 any appreciable deflection under full load of packages is 
 essential. The sections should be so securely cross-braced 
 under the conveyor and between the rollers as to form a 
 rigid unit. It is important that the holes for the shafts 
 be punched so accurately that the rollers are truly parallel 
 to each other and at right angles to the frame, in the single 
 roller conveyor, and that their tops form one plane through 
 out the section. In general, 8 ft. or 10 ft. sections are most 
 satisfactory, although the length may be varied to fit lo:al 
 End Connections. The end connections must lock the 
 sections one to another so that there will be smooth transi 
 tion from one section to another. In a portable conveyor 
 flexibility of use requires that these end connections be as 
 quickly detachable as is consistent with accurate and secure 
 Side-Guards. There is little danger of packages run 
 ning off the sides of a properly constructed conveyor; how 
 ever, with certain types of packages, particularly in overhead 
 installations and on curves, steel or wood-face guards are 
 recommended. To make easier handling on and off the 
 conveyor the guards should be as low as will safely protect 
 the package. Although the distance between guards should 
 be sufficient to provide ample clearance for the largest 
 package to be handled, the distance from the end of the 
 rollers to the guard should not be great enough to allow 
 the smaller packages to drop into the space between. For 
 certain types of packages, flanges on the roller ends make 
 very satisfactory guards. 
 Supports. The gravity conveyor is most easily sup 
 ported from the floor, although it is often hung from the 
 ceiling or secured to wall brackets. Floor supports are of 
 steel angle or pipe section. The portable conveyor should 
 be carried on supports that are easily moved from place to 
 place. For inside work casters or wheels at the foot of 
 the supports are very satisfactory. With either fixed or 
 portable equipment the supports should have as much ad 
 justment as is consistent with rigidity and strength. Usual 
 ly one support for each 8 ft. or 10 ft. section is sufficient, 
 but where the packages to be handled are so heavy as to 
 cause deflection, two supports to a section are necessary. 
 Curves. Whether of double roller, differential roller, 
 tapered roller, or straight cylindrical roller construction, 
 curves should be of such radius that the change in direction 
 will not be so abrupt as to cause the package to skid. 
 For the usual run of boxes and similar short packages 
 radii of from 2 ft. 6 in. to 6 ft. to the outer edge of the 
 curve are satisfactory. The advantage of the double, 
 differential, and tapered roller lies in the fact that the 
 outer ends of the rollers travel faster than the inner, which 
 helps the package to make the turn without skidding. 
 For portable work the ends of the curve should be inter 
 Switches. Hinged and breeches sections should be 
 made with even greater accuracy than straight sections, par 
 ticularly as to adjustable end connections and transitions 
 from the straight sections. The control of these adjust 
 able sections may be local, by hand, or from the point of 
 dispatch, by light cables passing over pulleys. 
 Grades. The proper grades at which the gravity con 
 veyor should operate vary so greatly with the packages 
 being handled and the type of bearings used that only ap 
 proximate figures can be given. For ball bearings the 
 grades will run from 2 per cent for heavy, smooth-faced, 
 packages to as much as 10 per cent and even greater, for 
 the more irregular objects. A few lines of gravity are in 
 operation at a grade as low as 1.5 per cent. Such low 
 grades are usually found where the rollers are kept turning 
 continuously by the constant movement of packages. For 
 roller bearings grades depend mainly on the type of bearing 
 used, but in general they require greater grades than do 
 ball bearings. More definite grades for the various types 
 of packages are given in the following pages. 
 While practically all gravity conveyors are built to stand 
 hard usage the very simplicity of construction causes a 
 tendency to handle this type with less than ordinary care. 
 The canning plant conveyor is a good example of this. 
 The end of the season often finds the convevor left wet 
 and dirty, whereas a little time spent in cleaning and oiling 
 at this time would leave it in far better condition for the 
 next season s work. In handling such materials as hollow 
 tile, brick, etc., the sand and grit constantly thrown off will 
 cut the bearings if they are not cleaned out more often 
 than is necessary for the usual service. Probably the 
 hardest service required of the gravity conveyor is where 
 it is subjected to chemical fumes or acids, or to constant 
 dampness. Keeping the bearings well greased is the best 
 preventive of the action of chemicals or moisture en 
 ordinary steel bearings. The useful life of the conveyor 
 can also be prolonged by care in loading. The practice of 
 throwing heavy cases from piles or trucks onto the rollers 
 is to be condemned, but where careless loading is unavoid 
 able, heavier sections, with roller bearings, should be pro 
 vided at the loading points. The economy of operation of 
 gravity conveyors in any plant is invariably increased by 
 having some one man or gang of men thoroughly trained in 
 the proper assembling, handling and care of sections. On the 
 larger operations rigging gangs save a lot of waiting time of 
 laborers. Even more important, however, is thorough 
 training of employees in the possibilities of gravity appli 
 As a sorting and distributing system the gravity con 
 veyor can be economically used by placing men at the 
 various transfer or switch points leading to side lines, or 
 by operating these switches from the point of original dis 
 patch. Where certain packages must be handled for which 
 the set grade of the conveyor is too great, the speed may 
 be controlled by placing short thin steel plates over the 
 rollers at convenient points. Such plates should always be 
 used at points where chutes deliver to the gravity at a sharp 
 angle to prevent the packages digging in between the roll 
 Where it is not convenient to set the gravity conveyor 
 on a grade it may often be used to advantage, with regular 
 sized packages, by having it set level on supports or even 
 on the floor for very heavy packages and using a power 
 booster or pusher to push the continuous line of packages. 
 Without the use of po\ver, however, this operation of a 
 gravity conveyor set level is not generally economical, ex 
 cept in short runs as in pushing parts from one machine 
 to another in progressive assembly. This caution to set the 
 conveyor on a grade where power is not employed applies 
 particularly to freight handling, where the tendency of many 
 laborers is to set the conveyor practically level and then 
 stand at intervals along the line and push the packages 
 along. The use of short power boosters, either stationary 
 or portable, as aids to gravity operation has been so suc 
 cessful that a careful study of their possibilities will be 
 well repaid. 
 Metal Products 
 Rolls of Wire Tote-Boxes Parts 
 There has been a rather general belief that the gravity 
 roller conveyor is not applicable to many iron, steel, and 
 similar metal products. A study of the success of gravity 
 in handling some of the most irregular packages is the 
 best proof of its great range of adaptability. Rolls of 
 wire, stoves, piston rings in tote-boxes, cases of fire-ex 
 tinguishers, even washing-machines and automobiles are 
 handled economically between machines, departments or 
 buildings. In handling hot steel parts gravity speeds up 
 an otherwise slow operation. Steel-bound trays and tote- 
 boxes carry small parts from one operation to the next as 
 fast as they are finished. Generally it is an installation of 
 small units here and there rather than the complete system 
 that proves the most economical. 
 For this service the rollers should be of steel. For the 
 usual industrial service, 14 or 12 gage tubing with extra 
 heavy bearings is satisfactory, but for heavier packages 
 10 gage to 5 gage tubing with roller bearings is better. 
 Roller widths depend entirely upon the length, width, and 
 Double Rollers Increase Range of Use 
 irregularity of the bearing surface of the objects to be 
 carried. The conveyor should be permanently fixed in 
 position so far as is possible, and be placed convenient to 
 the various machines to be served, with the view of avoid 
 ing all possible lifting. 
 Automobiles and Parts Assembly 
 Machine Parts Castings Stampings 
 Handling machine parts on a roller gravity conveyor 
 from one operation to another saves much of the labor of 
 Differential Rollers Aid Assembly 
 lifting or attaching crane hooks and chains, as well as 
 the loading, moving, and unloading of hand trucks. 
 Smoothfaced castings carried directly on the rollers 
 v/ith small and irregular parts on trays, move in an orderly 
 procession from the first operation to the complete as- 
 seinbly of the machine. It is not always the complete 
 system, but more frequently an installation of numerous 
 short lengths between machines, that makes the most eco 
 nomical layout. Where used as process conveyors in this 
 way, the gravity line may be set entirely level, and the 
 package pushed from one machine to another. In connec 
 tion with haul-chains, moving continuously or intermit 
 tently, gravity rollers make a convenient work bench. The 
 almost universal success of machine shop installations a 
 success based on very careful application and upkeep bears 
 out the assertion that wherever dissatisfaction with a grav 
 ity conveyor occurs it can almost always be traced to im 
 proper application, use, or attention. 
 As machine work is usually heavy duty, larger bearings 
 than the average should be used. The rollers should be of 
 steel, about 16 in. long, and spaced to suit the size and 
 weight of the package, generally 5 in. Ordinarily side- 
 guards are unnecessary and interfere with the handling of 
 parts on and off the conveyor. The heavy weights of the 
 machine parts generally permit the conveyor to be op 
 erated on a very slight grade, often as low as 2 per cent, 
 with free-running, ball-bearing conveyor. While such in 
 stallations need not be permanently fixed in position, caster 
 supports are usually unsatisfactory unless locked to tin- 
 Pig Iron Castings Flasks Cores 
 In the foundry yard, portable sections of gravity con 
 veyor are used in moving pigs of iron, lead, copper and 
 similar raw materials from the cars to stock piles, and 
 from storage to manufacturing processes. Lines of gravity 
 conveyor within the foundry speed up the moving of 
 cores, flasks and rough castings. This type of gravity 
 conveyor is heavier than the average, and, as a rule, 
 portable sections should be planned to be moved as little 
 as possible. By careful layout of the conveyor lines this 
 is more easily accomplished than it would seem from a 
 casual consideration. 
 Rollers should he of steel, from 6 in. to 16 in. long, with 
 centers closely spaced, 3 in. or 4 in. For pigs or other 
 Steel Rollers Are I sed for Handling Rough Material 
 irregular objects low side-guards are advisable. Grades of 
 from 4 per cent to 8 per cent are usual. With heavy 
 packages of fairly regular shape the guards should be 
 omitted in order to facilitate the handling on and off the 
 Since hard service is usually required of a foundry con 
 veyor, extra heavy bearings are recommended. When the 
 conveyor is used out of doors or .where much sand and 
 dust is being thrown off by the packages, care must be 
 taken to keep the bearings well oiled but not to allow oil 
 to collect the dust. Because of the rough and irregular 
 surface of the packages to be handled a greater grade is 
 required than for ordinarily smooth packages. 
 Structural Steel 
 Plates Shapes 
 The possibility of handling large flat objects much wider 
 than the conveyor rollers considerably broadens the scope 
 of gravity conveying. Sheets of steel and similar ma 
 terials, such as bars, rails and other sections, travel 
 Handling Flat Stock on Double Rollers 
 smoothly on either curved or straight sections from the 
 cars to stock piles, or from storage to the punches, shears, 
 or other machines. In moving these heavy pieces from one 
 operation to another with the least manual labor or time, 
 the gravity conveyor serves a most useful purpose. Its 
 portability makes it economical even in the most congr- >1 
 For such heavy duty the rollers should be of steel, wiih 
 extra heavy bearings and rollers, preferably 10 Rage or 12 
 gage seamless tubing. For the heavier pieces even 5 gage 
 lulling is none too heavy. For this work roller bearings 
 are often better than ball bearings, particularly at the load- 
 ing sections, because of their greater strength. Roller 
 lengths of 24 in. to 36 in. are usual for handling such plates, 
 with centers spaced from 6 in. to 12 in., depending on the 
 length of pieces to be handled. While it may occasionally 
 be necessary to use side-guards, these are generally incon 
 venient. The grades required are small from 2 per cent 
 to 4 per cent in a ball-bearing conveyor because of the 
 smoothness and weights of the packages handled. In fact. 
 in many plants the conveyors are installed in a level posi 
 tion and the pieces are pushed from one machine to an 
 other. This type of conveyor is heavy, and. while thor 
 oughly portable, it should be fixed in position as far as 
 possible. When portable sections are required, these should 
 be mounted on caster supports which can be locked to the 
 Lumber and Wood Products 
 Boards Lath Shingles Timbers 
 liy eliminating trucking from the car to the pile, from 
 the pile to manufacturing processes, and for many other 
 purposes in furniture, box-making and similar industries, 
 the gravity roller conveyor makes a distinct saving in the 
 handling of lumber. Improved details in bearings, with 
 quick-set-up supports and end-connections, have made this 
 type of conveyor, particularly because of its portability, 
 very efficient and satisfactory for outside service in lumber 
 yards and on building operations. 
 Because of its lower first cost and lighter weight the 
 wood roller conveyor is used extensively for lumber. Steel 
 rollers, however, have the advantage of greater strength 
 and wearing qualities where the conveyor is constantly 
 exposed to the weather. The rollers should be from 12 in. 
 to 18 in. in length, depending on the average width of the 
 boards to be carried. A roller spacing of approximately 
 12 in. is best, although 15 in. or 18 in. is not too great 
 for the longer boards. For handling shingles, lath and 
 other shorter packages, this spacing should not be over 8 
 in. For heavy timbers extra heavy rollers, frame, and 
 From Car to Lumber Pile 
 bearings should be used, especially at the loading section. 
 \Yith the heavier timbers roller bearings are often more 
 satisfactory than ball bearings, because of their greater 
 strength. The supports should be light, strong and easily 
 adjusted for the portable gravity conveyor. 
 Where the run is more than about 100 ft., or the set-up 
 is likely to be irregular, it is better to use low side-guards. 
 It is seldom practicable to handle lumber on curved sec 
 tions, although it is thoroughly possible to make slight 
 bends in the line, or to set the entire line on somewhat of 
 a curve. Because of the light weight of the boards a grade 
 of from 4 per cent to 6 per cent is advisable, and for 
 handling irregular boards, laths, or shingles, a greater grade 
 is necessary, depending on the irregularity and weight of 
 the carrying surface of the package. 
 In moving the portable conveyor from one position to 
 another, a little extra time spent in securing a proper 
 set-up will be well repaid. 
 \\ hen the conveyor is not to be used for long periods 
 in certain seasons, it should be taken indoors for storage. 
 Brick and Tile 
 Brick Hollow Tile 
 In the unloading of kilns, particularly brick, the gravity 
 roller conveyor eliminates the back-haul of empty wheel 
 barrows. Because of its sectional make-up it can be rapid 
 ly set up and extended as the kiln is unloaded. Brick are 
 handled directly and economically from storage piles to 
 cars in brick yards, or from cars to storage in material 
 Steel rollers should be used to withstand the constant 
 abrasion of the brick. Since the bricks are usually handled 
 in threes or fours, a roller length of 12 in. or 14 in. is 
 usual. The short length of the brick, with its liability to 
 uneven surface, requires close roller centers, generally 3 
 in. or 4 in. Because of the light weights to be handled, 
 the bearings may be lighter than in a standard package 
 conveyor. Ordinarily, the bricks are too irregular to run 
 far on gravity without low side-guards, either attached to 
 the side frames or in the form of flanges on the roller 
 ends. Fairly regular shaped brick require grades of from 
 4 per cent to 6 per cent for ball-bearing gravity, while tiles 
 generally require from 6 per cent to 10 per cent because of 
 their more uneven surface. 
 Because portability is practically always demanded of a 
 brick conveyor, particular attention should be paid to quick 
 Flanged Rollers and Booster Aid in Loading 
 set-up end connections and supports. The sections should 
 be as light as is consistent with the service required. In 
 passing over the conveyor the bricks throw considerable 
 sand and dust, and for this reason the ball bearings require 
 special care; in oiling them precautions must be taken not 
 to leave a surplus of oil to attract the dust. 
 Building Materials 
 Tile Bags on Pallets Lumber 
 In supply yards and on building sites, the gravity conveyor 
 handles a wide variety of materials tile, concrete blocks, 
 rolls of building paper, and even bags of cement on pallets. 
 It loads or unloads them from cars or trucks, or conveys 
 materials from storage piles to the workmen. Because it 
 operates in a minimum of space it is useful in conserving 
 valuable storage room and avoiding confusion on con 
 gested construction operations. In large concrete opera 
 tions lines of gravity are used economically for the hand 
 ling of form lumber from the cars to the piles or to the 
 saws. The use of occasional power boosters makes it 
 possible to use the gravity conveyor over wider areas. 
 The rollers should be of steel to withstand the constant 
 abrasion of the rough objects handled. They should be 
 from 12 in. to 18 in. in length and, because of the smaller 
 objects to be handled, such as brick and tile, they should 
 be closely spaced, from 3 in. to 4 in. Low side-guards or 
 flanges on the rollers are advisable to insure satisfactory 
 travel of the more irregular packages. Ready portability 
 is generally an essential for this service ; therefore the end 
 connections and supports should be so designed as to be 
 Roller Gravity Convenient in Construction 
 quickly set up, and the sections should be as light as is con 
 sistent with durability. Because the conveyor is used out 
 of doors and constantly handles packages that throw off 
 considerable sand and dust, especial attention must be paid 
 to the oiling and care of bearings. Fairly regular hollow 
 tile and brick require grades of from 4 per cent to 8 pei 
 Canning and Packing 
 Baskets of Fruit Cartons Boxes Tubs 
 In canning and preserving plants the gravity roller con 
 veyors speed up the handling of perishable products and 
 make the most of a short working season. Baskets, boxes 
 and tubs of fruit and vegetables are brought from the trucks 
 or receiving platforms on such conveyors to temporary stor 
 age or to the packers and washers. Likewise, empty boxes 
 and box-shooks are conveyed from the cars to storage or 
 to the box-shop, and thence supplied to the packers. From 
 the packing tables, lines of gravity conveyors carry the 
 filled cases to the warehouse or to the labeling machines 
 and shipping room for distribution. In many plants the 
 same lines of portable conveyor are used to serve these 
 various purposes. One of the chief economies is in loading 
 cars quickly from storage, the labeling, nailing and marking 
 on gravity being done while in transit. 
 For this service wood rollers have the advantage of 
 lightness and portability and are widely used, but where 
 the conveyor must handle boxes with rough projections or 
 metal bindings, or baskets with rough bottoms, or be 
 continually exposed to the weather, steel rollers should be 
 used. A roller length of from 12 in. to 16 in. is usual. 
 Rollers may be spaced from 3 in. to 6 in. center-to-center, 
 the closer spacing being required for baskets or for boxes 
 carried cross-wise of the conveyor. Guard-rails are prac 
 tically essential for baskets, although generally they are 
 not required for boxes or cartons except on curves or 
 overhead installations. For baskets, grades of from 5 per 
 cent to 10 per cent are generally required because of the 
 more or less rough bottoms of the packages. Because this 
 service requires easy portability, attention should be given 
 to quick set-up supports and connections. Since canning is 
 a seasonable business, it is necessary to see that the con 
 veyor sections are carefully cleaned and oiled when stored 
 at the end of each season. 
 Confectioners and Bakers 
 Bags Cartons Caddies Boxes Barrels 
 In bakeries and confectionery plants the gravity conveyor 
 is used to unload sugar, flour and other raw materials in 
 bans, barrels and boxes from the cars to the storage or 
 mixing rooms. The handling of bags is made possible by 
 the use of pallets, and many ingenious methods have been 
 devised for returning the pallets after discharge. In the 
 packing rooms lines of gravity conveyor bring a constant 
 supply of empty boxes or cartons to the packers. Other 
 lines remove the packed boxes to storage, or carry them 
 through the processes of weighing, sealing, and marking tc 
 the shipping room and from storage rooms to trucks or 
 cars. Used with spiral chutes, this conveyor forms a most 
 economical gravity system. 
 For pallets of the usual 4 ft. or 5 ft. length the rollers 
 should be spaced on about 6-in. centers, although 8-in. and 
 even 10-in. centers will serve. Roller lengths of from 16 
 in. to 24 in. are usual. In general, side-guards are not nec 
 essary. For smooth, well-made pallets grades of from 
 Unloading from Cars to Storage 
 3 per cent to 5 per cent are sufficient with the ball-bearing 
 conveyor. When convenient, the lines of gravity conveyor 
 should be fixed in position, with hinged or portable sections 
 at the passageways. If dust or moisture are present the 
 rollers should have such occasional cleaning and oiling as 
 is convenient without removing the bearings. 
 Cans Cases of Bottles 
 In conveying from street or car platforms to automatic 
 elevators or refrigerator room, and for numerous other such 
 purposes in dairies, ice-cream plants, and similar 
 industries, the gravity conveyor handles milk cans most 
 economically. By passing the cans over a section of 
 gravity conveyor attached to a platform scale the weight 
 of each can may be rapidly recorded in transit. Cases of 
 bottles or cans, both solid and open bottom, are handled 
 through the processes of packing, washing, filling and ship 
 Close roller centers, from 3 in. to 4 in., are required on 
 account of the height and relatively small base of the can. 
 Roller lengths of 14 in. or 16 in. are recommended to ac 
 commodate the largest cans. For this service sUel rollers 
 are much better than wood. Because of the shape of the 
 can side-guards are practically essential. These may be 
 omitted at loading and unloading points to facilitate the 
 tions. With ball-bearings, grades of from 3 per cent to 5 
 per cent are usual for smooth bottom cases. The packing- 
 table section may well be set level, and the filled boxes 
 Weighing on Gravity Conveyor 
 handling. For cans, grades of from 5 per cent to >S per 
 cent are usual, with a ball bearing conveyor. 
 As far as possible, can conveyors should be kept close to 
 the floor to save labor in lifting the cans. Because of the 
 extensive use of water for purposes of sanitation the bear 
 ings require more attention for oiling and cleaning than for 
 the gravity conveyor used under ordinarily dry conditions. 
 Where a scale section is used it must be kept separate from 
 the fixed sections adjoining. Also, to prevent inaccuracy in 
 the operation of the scale, special care must be taken to 
 keep it free from accumulations of foreign matter which 
 would affect the weighing. 
 Cases of Bottles Boxes Trays Cartons 
 Xo application of gravity conveyor offers more oppor 
 tunity for economy than the automatic delivery of empty 
 cases and materials to the packers, and the removal of 
 cases after they are filled. With a carefully planned in 
 stallation lost motion is reduced to a minimum and this 
 usually congested operation is speeded up. In other de 
 partments gravity is used to unload incoming materials 
 to storage, and carry cans, barrels, and cases of bottles 
 between washing, filling, labeling, and other operations. 
 Used with short spiral chutes or power boosters, the gravity 
 roller conveyor performs practically all the package hand 
 ling operations in many plants. 
 For the packing-table section the rollers may be of 
 either steel or wood, preferably steel, from 14 in. to 24 in. 
 long. It is best to use closer centers, 3 in. to 5 in. and 
 heavier bearings and supports where the packing is done, 
 and the usual 4-in. to 8-in. centers for the conveying sec 
 tions. For this service, guards are generally not necessary, 
 except on the outside of curves and for overhead installa- 
 Packing on Gravity Conveyor 
 pushed along to where the inclined conveyor line starts. 
 The conveyor section which delivers the cases to be filled 
 gives the maximum service if it is arranged to deliver in 
 front of the operator, and slightly above the packing-table, 
 thus eliminating unnecessary movements. 
 Cylindrical Objects 
 Boilers Shells Linoleum Paper Shafting 
 The development of concave rollers has opened many new 
 opportunities for the economical use of the gravity con 
 veyor. Set in continuous lines, convenient to the op- 
 Machine Shop Routing 
 erator, it is very serviceable in handling heavy cylindrical 
 objects from one machine to another. The concave rollers 
 successfully overcome the tendency of such objects to roll 
 from side to side. While straight rollers can be used with 
 a side guard, in most cases the resulting rubbing of traveling 
 packages on this guard is very objectionable. The guard is 
 unnecessary with the concave rollers and it becomes more 
 convenient to load and unload the conveyor at any point. 
 The rollers are usually made of cast iron or hard wood. 
 A roller length of 6 in. to 8 in. is recommended for articles 
 up to about 18 in. in diameter. The roller spacing depend > 
 upon the length of the packages, from 4-in. to 8-in. centers 
 are usual. Because the objects handled on concave rollers 
 are generally heavy, and the service required much harder 
 than ordinary, extra heavy bearings are advisable. Be 
 cause of their greater strength, roller bearings are much 
 used for the heaviest service. The concave shape of the 
 rollers requires that curves of small radius be avoided 
 where it is necessary to change the direction of travel. 
 \\hili a slight grade is advantageous, it is not essential, 
 and when set level, the cylinders may be pushed along from 
 one operation to another. Because the concave roller is 
 heavier and naturally more sluggish than the straight 
 roller, the sections should be set on grades of from 1 per 
 cent to 3 per cent greater than for straight roller gravity. 
 Car Loading 
 Crates Cases Boxes Cartons 
 Lines of gravity conveyor running down the loading plat 
 forms are solving many problems of loading and unloading 
 cars on limited trackage and within the free time allowed 
 by the railroads. Portable sections, with switches and 
 curves, extending into the cars, convey the packages to the 
 men in any car, and save time, labor and confusion in load 
 ing. In general, permanent installations where conveni 
 ent, installed over-head with movable switch sections are 
 most satisfactory for this work. 
 Steel rollers give much better satisfaction than wood for 
 handling crates, since the crates are frequently rough in 
 character or wire-hound. Because of the open or slat con 
 struction of the crate the rollers should be of sufficiently 
 greater length to avoid its overhanging the ends of the 
 rollers. Side guards are the best insurance of this. Crates 
 with cleats, batons, or heavy wire binding must travel in 
 are not conveniently located, much time may be saved by 
 running portable lines of gravity conveyor direct from the 
 storage piles, through windows, to the cars on the siding. 
 Truck Loading 
 Miscellaneous Packages 
 The rapidly increasing use of large, expensive trucks 
 has increased the use of the gravity conveyor for cutting 
 down the waiting time at the loading platforms. In many 
 Distribution by Switches 
 the direction of these cleats. While smooth bottom crates 
 will travel on grades of from 4 per cent to 6 per cent, 
 flimsy, loosely built crates require more fall per foot. 
 Care must be taken that the contents of the crates, by 
 projecting or falling from the packages, do not interfere 
 with the smooth operation of the rollers. Where doorways 
 Saving Time of Trucks 
 plants lines of gravity conveyor are filled with practically 
 a complete truck load of packages before the truck arrives. 
 Then, with a quick set-up portable section in the truck, the 
 loading is done in the shortest possible time. Used as a 
 temporary storage place, in this way, the lines of gravity 
 conveyor will hold a greater volume of packages if several 
 packages are piled on top of each other. The fact that the 
 truck bed and platform are not at the same level really in 
 creases the economy of this application over the meth 
 od of carrying packages, often too heavy for one man, 
 from the warehouse truck to the street truck. 
 For the great variation in package sizes usual in this 
 wi rk, stvel rollers from 14 in. to 18 in. long and placed 
 on about 4-in. centers are best. Ordinarily no guard fail 
 is necessary. If the sections are to be moved, caster sup 
 ports save much lifting, and are practically essential on the 
 section in the truck. This portable section may well be of 
 lighter construction throughout than the others, to make 
 handling easier, in which case it may easily be handled by 
 one man. Such lines of gravity conveyor are often set up 
 practically level on the warehouse floor, and the entire line 
 of packages pushed onto the truck. 
 Pallets Trays Baskets Boxes 
 In textile mills the use of pallets, trays and tote-boxes 
 has made possible the use of the gravity conveyor to handle 
 bags, bales, rolls of cloth, bundles, bobbins, and many other 
 objects. Although the necessity of returning the carriers 
 to the loading points limits somewhat the range of this 
 application of gravity conveyor, many ingenious means 
 have been devised to overcome this difficulty. If the trays 
 are light and compact, and the distance not too great, they 
 may be stacked and many of them at a time pushed back 
 by hand on the gravity conveyor. 
 This method of using the gravity conveyor is mainly 
 applicable to short runs of 10 ft. to 75 ft., and for station 
 ary installations. Where it is convenient, the pallets may 
 be returned on another line of gravity, or power conveyor, 
 too great. Well designed racks or special carriers, to fit 
 the particular glass object or operation, are necessary to 
 Handling Rolls of Cloth on Pallets 
 running in the opposite direction, in which case the systems 
 may be more extensive and economical. 
 Steel rollers are most satisfactory for this work, al 
 though if the pallets can be kept smooth on the bottom, and 
 free from nails and projections, wood rollers may well be 
 used. Where long pallets are used roller centers as great 
 as 10 in. will serve. If, as is often the case, however, 
 heavy loads are concentrated on the carrier, 5 in. to 8 in. 
 centers will be required to insure the necessary strength. 
 For pallets with a fairly smooth travel surface, grades of 
 from 3 per cent to 5 per cent are usual. 
 Racks Trays Cartons Boxes 
 Xot only in the warehousing of glass products, but in 
 conveying them between the various finishing operations in 
 the processes of manufacture, the gravity conveyor is ex 
 tensively used to handle glass. Because of the smoothness 
 of operation of this conveyor the most fragile objects, either 
 on trays or loose in boxes, are handled without breakage. 
 The ease of transition from gravity to power conveyors or 
 elevators adds to the effectiveness of gravity handling. 
 In bottle and similar glass plants lines of gravity conveyor 
 carry the packed cartons, boxes, or crates from the packers 
 to storage or shipping rooms. For this purpose overhead 
 distribution systems are probably most effective, with 
 switches at desired points to divert the packages to ad 
 justable chutes leading to cars or storage piles. From the 
 lumber yard or crate shop gravity conveyors, often in 
 connection with short power boosters, are useful in carry 
 ing packing materials to the packers. 
 Steel rollers of from 16 in. to 24 in. in length are best, 
 with a spacing of 6 in. to 8 in., or even 10 in. for the 
 longer racks. For ball bearing conveyors a grade of from 
 3 per cent to 4 per cent is usual, although for handling 
 flexible paperboard cartons a grade of 6 per cent is none 
 Handling Fragile Objects in Racks 
 insure the successful and economical operation of roller 
 gravity for glass handling. 
 Wholesale Houses 
 Hampers Baskets Boxes 
 The standardization of containers for making up and 
 shipping orders has enabled the roller gravity conveyor to 
 be applied very economically to wholesale and mail order 
 houses. These gathering baskets bring within the scope of 
 gravity conveying practically all of the packages handled. 
 Used alone, or in systems with belt conveyors and spiral 
 chutes, lines of gravity conveyors form a very direct dis 
 tributing medium. By hanging the sections from the ceil 
 ing and lowering the packages to the wrapping and packing 
 tables on straight chutes or short spirals the working floor 
 areas are kept clear. In wholesale dry goods houses in 
 coming cases are conveyed, and even temporarily stored, 
 on lines of gravity conveyors. 
 For this light service wood rollers are very satisfactory, 
 although steel rollers are to be preferred. Roller lengths 
 of from 16 in. to 18 in. are usual, with centers spaced 
 from 4 in. to 6 in. For either overhead or floor installa 
 tions light side guards should be used, because of the rather 
 Overhead Distribution Saves Floor Space 
 irregular travel surface of the containers used. Grades of 
 from 4 per cent to 6 per cent are customary, although 8 
 per cent or even greater is necessary where the packages 
 are very light. 
 Freight Handling 
 Miscellaneous Freight 
 While the miscellaneous character of general freight limits 
 somewhat the use of the gravity conveyor, a very large 
 proportion of warehouse and marine freight is thoroughly 
 adaptable to gravity handling. With the development of 
 light, readily portable sections has come increased knowl 
 edge of the possibilities of gravity operation. The greatest 
 The supports should be light and easily ad- 
 Distribution by Adjustable Curve Sections 
 economy comes through the use of short runs of from 50 
 ft. to ISO ft. for loading or unloading cars, ships, barges, 
 or trucks. For the larger operations well trained rigging 
 gangs save the idle time of laborers and insure better use 
 of the equipment. In some warehouses short power boost 
 ers are used to extend the usefulness of the gravity con 
 Steel rollers are advisable because of the rough work to 
 be done. Roller centers of 5 in. are good, although, if 
 none of the packages are too short to travel smoothly, it 
 is better to use 6 in. because of the resulting lighter weight. 
 For the same purpose of reducing weight, it is well to 
 have the conveyor as narrow and as light in general con 
 struction as is consistent with the packages to be handled. 
 Side-guards are generally not necessary, and make handling 
 Loading Cars from Storage 
 Boxes Cartons Cases 
 The rapidly increasing use of the gravity conveyor sup 
 ported from the ceiling and leading from various storage 
 rooms out to lines of cars is the result of careful study 
 Switches Divert Packages to Cars 
 of the actual savings possible with such extensive systems. 
 Such a layout combines the use of portable chutes and 
 gravity sections with fixed gravity conveyors. The dis 
 tributing lines are loaded by means of chutes from the 
 floor above the conveyor. Switches, with cither local or 
 remote controls, divert the packages to the proper car. 
 Light portable chutes extending into the cars reduce even 
 further the labor of loading. Such distribution systems 
 have been found especially applicable to the food product 
 industries, such as raisin packing, wholesale tea and coffee 
 houses, and cereal packing to warehouses handling a rea 
 sonably uniform range of packages, and to a very great 
 number of manufacturing plants. 
 For this service steel rollers are usual, with centers of 
 from 4 in. to 6 in., and rollers 16 in. to 24 in. in length 
 for the general run of boxes. Guards should be used on 
 such overhead installations, mainly fur reasons of safety 
 of employees. With ball bearing conveyors grades of from 
 3 per cent to S per cent are satisfactory for handling fairly 
 smooth faced packages. 
 Gravity Roller Spirals 
 The gravity roller spiral offers an economical means of 
 lowering fragile packages which must be handled with 
 exceptional care. Any package which will travel on a grav 
 ity roller conveyor can be lowered directly on the rollers, 
 while the use of pallets, trays, or tote-boxes permits the suc 
 cessful handling of small parts and irregular objects. This 
 makes a roller spiral specially applicable to manufacturing 
 purposes. This type of spiral may be used as temporary 
 storage for even the most fragile packages, since they will 
 start or come to rest easily and evenly on the roller runway. 
 Thus a full load of packages may be allowed to back up 
 on the spiral and as the lowest packages are removed, the 
 load will automatically travel downward without danger 
 of breakage from the impact of one package against an 
 other. This feature, by eliminating the loading and un 
 loading of hand trucks, materially decreases the cost of 
 handling between operations. 
 The conveying capacity of the roller spiral is practically 
 unlimited, depending only on the grade at which the run 
 way is set. For such packages as barrels on end, filled 
 tote-boxes, or trays with easily disarranged contents, the 
 roller runway spiral is more satisfactory than the friction 
 spiral, largely because of its more nearly level grade. While 
 it occupies more space than the friction types, this is often 
 more than offset by the space saved by its greater tem 
 porary storage capacity. Another advantage is the absence 
 of wear and tear on packages, such as tote-boxes and con 
 tainers, which have to be handled a number of times. 
 Two general types of roller runway spirals are in use, 
 the spiral with center post and the spiral supported solely 
 by angle uprights. In the former type the greater part 
 of the load is carried by a center post or pipe which ex 
 tends the full height of the spiral. Sometimes a staircase 
 is built around this center post, occupying the space inside 
 the runway. In the spiral supported by angles only, the 
 uprights are placed close to the inner and outer edges of 
 the roller curves forming the runway, and the roller frame 
 is supported on cross angles or saddles rigidly attached to 
 the supports. Like friction spiral chutes, these roller spirals 
 may be built with multiple -runways for greater capacity 
 and better distribution of packages. Loading and dis 
 charging is easily accomplished at any desired point by 
 means of hinged switches or diverters. The gravity roller 
 spiral on account of its low grade requires full circular 
 openings in the floor, which are more difficult to fireproof 
 than the smaller openings of the friction spiral. In ware 
 housing there has been a limited, but increasing, use of 
 portable roller spirals for the purpose of receiving from 
 overhead distributing conveyors and delivering either to 
 the floor or to intermediate gravity conveyors below. 
 General Specifications 
 Rollers. Whether of double roller, differential roller, 
 or single tapered roller construction the rollers should be 
 so accurately balanced about their axes that they will turn 
 with perfect freedom. Steel tubing from 2 T 4 in to 254 " 
 in diameter, preferably seamless, is best for this work, 
 although wood rollers, plain or with metal end ferrules, 
 have been much used. 
 Roller Length. Roller lengths should be from 4 in. 
 to 8 in. wider than the packages to lie handled, so as to 
 eliminate so far as possible the rubbing of the packages 
 against the side guards. 
 Roller Heads. The bearing cups must be so finished 
 as to insure the shaft running in the true center of the 
 roller. These cups should be so securely fixed in the roller 
 by welding, punching, or other means, that there can be no 
 chance of their coming loose. 
 Center to center of rollers should be such that ordi 
 narily smooth packages rest on three rollers at all times. 
 If the surface of the package is rough the spacing should 
 be closer. For unusually heavy and compact packages it 
 is necessary to provide even closer centers, usually 3 in. 
 to 4 in., to carry the weight. 
 Bearings. Accurately made bearings are necessary in 
 order that the roller will turn easily about its true axis. 
 All wearing parts should be case-hardened, and the balls 
 or rollers should be of first quality steel. It is recommended 
 that the bearings be fixed in such a way that they may 
 be easily removed for cleaning or replacing. The shaft 
 should be of first quality steel, preferably cold-rolled, 
 whether of stud or of through shaft construction. 
 Frame. Because gravity spirals are used so much for 
 temporary storage, in which case they are fully loaded, the 
 frame and supports should be of heavier construction than 
 would be necessary with the straight gravity roller con 
 veyor. Similarly, the spiral must be better braced sidewise. 
 The gravity roller curves making up the spiral must be 
 rigidly connected to each other and to the supporting cross 
 angles, which in turn must be securely bolted or riveted 
 to the upright angles or center post. 
 Supports. The center post, when used, should be 
 from 3 in. to 5 in. in diameter and of sufficient section to 
 take its full share of the load. If angle uprights only 
 arc used as supports, they must be designed to carry be 
 tween the outer and inner rings the full weight of the 
 loaded spiral. These are best braced laterally by continuous 
 angle rings around the spiral and outside the uprights, or 
 inside, if the outer side guard is riveted to the supports 
 as a brace. 
 Side Guards. The standard side guards used on 
 gravity curves are satisfactory, although when used as 
 annular braces for the uprights they may well be heavier. 
 Grade or Pitch. The proper grade per round de 
 pends upcn the nature of the travel surface of the pack 
 age to be handled. The drop per round runs from 24 in. 
 to 42 in., with the usual outside radius of about 4 ft. 
 Loading and Discharge Points. While the loading is 
 usually done at the start of each runway, packages may 
 be loaded at any point by means of hinged sections. These 
 sections must be carefully fitted and easily adjustable either 
 by hand or by small cables with pulleys. Similarly pack 
 ages may be discharged at any desired point on the 
 Fire Protection. A full housing of sheet steel or 
 similar material, with approved fire-doors, is about the 
 simplest means of fircproofing between floors. The simple 
 lire-door of the friction type spiral chute is hardly applicable 
 to the gravity roller spiral. 
 The operation of the gravity roller spiral is extremely 
 simple. For properly designed spirals practically no atten 
 tion is required further than occasional cleaning and oiling 
 of the bearings. Such little trouble as occurs generally 
 arises through the setting of adjustable loading gates or 
 diverter sections, where these are a part of the equipment 
 Rather than use these too extensively it is preferable to 
 have double or even triple runways for different package; 
 or leading to different discharge points. As in the gravity 
 roller conveyor, the speed of packages may be slowed up 
 by placing thin sheet steel plates over a few rollers at 
 desired points. The friction of the package, sliding over the 
 steel plate, slows it up the required amount. Wherever pos 
 sible the spiral should be convergent of access at all points, 
 but particularly at intermediate loading or discharge points. 
 These spirals are used, almost universally, in connection 
 with the gravity roller conveyor, both at top and bottom. 
 Cartons Boxes Caddies 
 For the lowering of cartons of crackers, small cakes, 
 and similar baked goods, particularly where special care 
 * of the contents is desirable, gravity roller spirals are most 
 useful in multi-story bakery buildings. The ease with which 
 this spiral may be loaded by the gravity roller conveyor 
 from packing tables, and discharged to lines of gravity- 
 conveyor leading to the shipping or the storage rooms, 
 makes it an important part of many distribution systems. 
 Since the packages may safely back up on the roller run 
 way, less regular attention is necessary at the delivery end. 
 Such a spiral may be installed either within the building 
 or attached to the building outside. The latter location 
 simplifies the fircproofing between floors, although, where 
 weather-proofing is necessary, this rather offsets any such 
 For handling such light paperboard cartons a drop per 
 round of from 24 in. to 38 in. is usual with the customary 
 4 ft. outside-radius spiral. A 3 in. center post, with four 
 2y 2 in. by 2 l /i in. by Vj, in. upright angles or 2^ in. pipes 
 carrying the outside ends of angle saddles of about the same 
 size, forms a good supporting system. Standard curs-e sec 
 tions of gravity roller conveyor, rigidly connected to each 
 other and to the supporting frame, make up the runway. 
 Such a spiral is applicable only where the floor over which 
 it is to be moved is fairly smooth and firm. Special atten- 
 Douhlc Runway with Solid Guard Rails 
 Side guards of l / 2 in. by \ l / 2 in. by 3/16 in. steel angles 
 serve to protect the package and at the same time form 
 excellent lateral bracing if riveted or bolted to the upright 
 supports. An even stiffer construction is secured by the 
 use of a solid guard-rail, although this is hardly necessary. 
 Canning and Packing 
 Boxes Cartons Cases 
 In canning plants and many similar industries the use 
 of roller spirals for distributing boxes of packed goods 
 from overhead conveyors to piles of various heights is in 
 creasing with the improved construction of this equipment. 
 While such spirals are usually fixed in position there is 
 an increasing demand for portable equipment of this type. 
 Such portable spirals are moved from place to place to 
 receive packages from various overhead conveyors. At de 
 sired points hinged sections of the runway are arranged 
 tn swing up and discharge to distributing lines of light 
 portable gravity roller conveyor, supported either from 
 overhead or on the piles themselves. These horizontal 
 gravity lines also are made to feed the boxes back into the 
 spiral in breaking down piles or loading out to trucks or 
 For this service a drop per round of from 30 in. to 36 
 in. is usual for a 4 ft. outside radius spiral. If rather 
 flexible cartons are to be handled 42 in. is none too great. 
 The runway width should be from 18 in. to 24 in., with 
 an average center to center of rollers of 4 in. If the spiral 
 is to be portable it should, if possible, be considerably lighter 
 than if built stationary. This may be accomplished by using 
 light rollers, possibly wood, and omitting the center post 
 Distribution by Portable Spiral 
 tinn must be paid to providing the best quality roller bear- 
 in" casters. Since the spiral must be much better braced 
 than for stationary equipment it is advisable to use eight 
 upright angles instead of four, and rivet not only the guard 
 rails, but also the supporting angles of the curved runway 
 sections, to these uprights. 
 Cases Cartons Trays Kegs Carboys 
 In no industry has the roller spiral found more eco 
 nomical application than in the handling of cases of tilled 
 bottles from filling, labeling, and packing operations to 
 storage or distribution in bottling plants. The use of these 
 spirals as lowercrs from lines of loaded gravity roller con- 
 Spiral Located to Conserve Spaee 
 veyor suspended close to the ceiling provides extensive 
 storage space with the greatest conservation of space at the 
 floor. Similarly, where a basement is used for storage, cases 
 of empty bottles are handled from the cars to storage with 
 a minimum of labor, attention, and damage to the contents. 
 For handling smooth-bottom cases on a spiral of 4 ft. 
 outer radius a drop per round of 36 in. is satisfactory, al 
 though most smooth cases weighing 50 Ib. or more will 
 travel successfully on a drop per round of 30 in. Runway 
 widths of from 18 in. to 24 in. are usual, with average 
 center to center of rollers of 4 in. to 5 in. Eight sets of 
 2y 2 in. by 2y 2 in. by Y^ in. upright angle posts form a good 
 supporting system. These should be braced by the cross 
 saddles under the curves and by outside horizontal rings, 
 or by the side guards, riveted to the uprights. 
 Chemicals and Drugs 
 Barrels Kegs Drums Cases Carboys 
 Where it is desirable to lower barrels, drums, or similar 
 containers on end, as well as to provide temporary storage 
 Spiral Provides Temporary Storage 
 on the conveyor, the roller spiral has little competition in 
 economy of .operation. Similarly, in handling carboys, cases 
 of bottles, or other packages adapted to gravity rollers, 
 the roller spiral forms a very flexible link in systems of 
 gravity conveyors. Wholesale and manufacturing drug 
 houses use this spiral for the handling of loose bottles in 
 boxes, particularly from filling tables to labeling machines 
 and packers the boxes moving slowly and in practically a 
 continuous stream between the various operations. 
 For handling ordinary barrels on a spiral of 4 ft. outside 
 radius, a drop per round of 30 in. to 36 in. is usual, de 
 pending partly on the height between runway rounds nec 
 essary to clear the barrel in an upright position. For the 
 rougher barrels, however, a drop as great as 40 in. is 
 frequently used. Two lines of side guards are necessary 
 because of the height of the barrel, the upper line set 
 farther out than the lower to allow for the bilge of the 
 barrel. Because of the heavy loads handled, either inside 
 angle posts or a heavy center post of from 4 in. to 6 in. 
 diameter are recommended, with four outside angle posts 
 of 3 in. by 3 in. by 5/16 in. Either the upper guard-rail 
 should be heavy enough to form lateral bracing, or extra 
 annular rings of steel angle about two between floors 
 should be used. The center to center of rollers depends 
 entirely upon the size of packages to be handled, although 
 for ordinary barrels centers of from 4 in. to 5 in., average, 
 are usual. For the heavier barrels, concentrated on a few 
 rollers, stronger bearings than for standard package con 
 veying are desirable. 
 Car Loading 
 Miscellaneous Packages 
 Where the general run of packages to be handled is 
 adapted to the gravity roller conveyor the roller spiral is 
 very serviceable in lowering packages from the upper floors 
 of storage houses to cars. At the base of the spiral lines 
 of gravity conveyor carry the packages to the various 
 cars which are being loaded. The temporary storage ca 
 pacity of this spiral makes it flexible and smooth in opera 
 tion, requiring little cooperation between loading and dis 
 charge points beyond continuous loading at the storage piles 
 and unloading in the cars. Often the spiral is filled with 
 the packages to be loaded before the car is spotted. When 
 this is done direct from the packing table the usual double 
 handling to trucks or piles is avoided. 
 For handling miscellaneous boxes, crates, or barrels, a 
 drop per round of from 32 in. to 40 in. is best with a spiral 
 of about 4 ft. outside radius. Average roller centers of 5 
 in. are usual, with runways from 24 in. to 30 in. in width. 
 For spirals running from 50 ft. to 75 ft. in height center 
 posts of 6 in. are advisable to carry the load, with 2 l / 2 in. 
 by 2 l / 2 in. by 5/16 in. angle uprights. Because of their 
 heights such spirals require extra bracing and tying to the 
 adjacent walls or floors. 
 Spiral Chutes 
 The simplest and most direct means of safely lowering 
 packages from upper floors of buildings is the spiral chute, 
 sometimes called the friction spiral. The principles of 
 gravity and centrifugal force form the basis of spiral 
 design. The package, impelled by the force of gravity, 
 and forced outward by centrifugal action, is retarded in 
 its downward travel either by friction against the outer 
 guard-rail, or because of the lower grade of the runway 
 at the outer edge. Because of this travel control, even the 
 most fragile packages are handled safely. 
 Three types of spiral chutes are in general use, the 
 closed center chute, the open center chute and the open 
 center with post chute. Any of these becomes the housed 
 type when fully enclosed by a housing of sheet steel or 
 other material attached either to the chute or built in 
 In the closed center type the wings which make up 
 the runway trough are attached directly to the center post, 
 which in turn carries most of the load to its base. This 
 construction, especially when reinforced with knee-braces 
 from the post to the outer edge of the runway, forms a 
 strong chute. In this type of chute the center post usually 
 forms the inner guard-rail. 
 In the open center spiral chute, the runway is sup- 
 ported fruin each lloor by rods, angles, or other attach 
 ments, and an inner guard-rail is used. The chief advan 
 tage claimed for this type of chute is better control of the 
 package. Such chutes are occasionally designed for the 
 intermediate floor loading to be done from within the 
 In the open center with post type chute the runway 
 load may be carried entirely by the center post or partly 
 by the post and partly by the floors through which the 
 chute passes. 
 With spirals of any type one of the most surprising 
 features is the small space required. For single runway 
 chutes the holes in the floor seldom are more than a half 
 circle and the runways wind downward in such way as to 
 permit the use of space close under and around the spiral. 
 Bags, barrels, loose bottles in cases, crates, bundles, bales, 
 in fact practically all packages which do not require excep 
 tional care, fall within the scope of spiral lowering. A 
 wide range of objects may be handled over the same 
 spiral, from light paper cartons to heavy cases and barrels. 
 In department stores, wholesale groceries and drug houses, 
 hardware and supply houses, and general warehouses, as 
 well as in practically every industrial plant handling packed 
 materials, the spiral saves the time lost waiting for ele 
 vators, and eliminates the needless moving about of em 
 ployees from floor to floor and much of the confusion of 
 trucking. In manufacturing plants, particularly, it forms 
 a valuable link in material handling systems, automatically 
 receiving from and discharging to conveyors and trucks. 
 Through the use of multiple runway spirals with loading 
 and discharge at convenient points, the proper routing and 
 sorting of a wide range of packages is accomplished. While 
 spiral chutes have been installed practically without ex 
 ception in fixed positions, there is a growing demand for 
 short portable spirals, to be moved from place to place in 
 lowering between floors, breaking down high piles, loading 
 ships, or for similar operations. 
 One of the biggest improvements in the economic use 
 of spirals, particularly in miscellaneous storage houses 
 where commodities are handled in small lots, has come 
 about through the growing use of "gathering boxes" or 
 baskets. These large boxes are carried about on low 
 platform trucks until the order or truck is filled. Then, 
 instead of unloading each package separately at the spiral, 
 the entire box is slid off the truck onto the spiral runway, 
 and is received at the bottom by a similar platform truck 
 or a conveyor. By building these gathering boxes in suit 
 able shape, a number of them may be nested and returned 
 to the upper floors at once. 
 With its almost unlimited capacity, lowering packages 
 in a steady stream, the spiral chute has little competition 
 within its range of application. It is only in lowering 
 packages whose contents are easily disarranged, or where 
 the spiral is to serve as temporary storage for certain 
 fragile packages, that it has not the efficiency of the gravity 
 roller spiral or the mechanical lowerer. Where the types 
 of packages vary too much for satisfactory operation on 
 the same runway it is customary to build two or more 
 runways with different widths about the same post. The 
 smaller runway, with guard-rail closer to the center, pro 
 vides a steeper grade for the lighter packages. 
 General Specifications 
 Runway. The runway may be either a flat or concave 
 bed of galvanized or blue annealed steel, or of cast iron. 
 Where the spiral is subject to dampness the galvanized 
 steel is best. Cast iron runways are preferable for certain 
 types of articles, particularly those of an abrasive nature. 
 The width of the runway should be sufficient to avoid 
 any possible binding of the largest packages to be handled. 
 The wings of the runway, or trough, must be thoroughly 
 riveted or bolted to each other and to the other parts of 
 the chute in such way as to be free from projecting rivets 
 or other obstructions. Where the general run of pack 
 ages is light, 16 gage construction is satisfactory, although 
 14 gage is usual for average packages up to 250 Ib. or 300 
 Ib. For heavier duty 12 gage should be used, with extra 
 strong bracing, particularly if the spiral is to be used often 
 as temporary storage for heavy packages. 
 Grade or Pitch. The proper grade for any spiral de 
 pends upon the weight of the package in proportion to its 
 size, and the nature of its sliding surface. The various 
 average grades are given under the specifications for the 
 different types of packages in the following pages. 
 Guard-Kail. Guard-rails of either galvanized or 
 blue-annealed steel are most satisfactory. In height they 
 should be not less than approximately two-thirds the height 
 of the highest package to be handled. Guard-rails should 
 be about the same gage as the runway, although they may 
 safely be lighter. 
 For cast-iron runways guard-rails should be not less 
 than 14 and preferably 12 gage sheet steel. The top edge 
 of the guard should be turned or rolled to form a smootli 
 edge, and to stiffen the guard. Where, in extreme cases, 
 it is necessary to prevent any possible marring of the ob 
 ject being lowered by contact with the guard, this may be 
 lined either at the top edge or throughout its entire height 
 with strips or a protective covering. 
 Supports. The runway may be supported either by 
 a solid post, of rolled sheet steel or steel pipe, running 
 through the center, or may be suspended from the various 
 floors. In the center post type practically all the load is 
 carried by the post, in which case the support of the post 
 at the base must be sufficient to carry the weight of the 
 loaded spiral. In this type the runway should be securely 
 attached to the center post by bands, set-screws, or bolts. 
 In the open center with post type chute the load is car 
 ried to the post by horizontal and diagonal braces with 
 steel or wood saddles for the runway. In the open center 
 type chute, without post, provision must be made at each 
 floor for the concentrated loads of the hangers or other 
 Loading Points. Where only light packages are to 
 be loaded no inlet slide or gate is necessary at the inter 
 mediate floors, the packages being loaded over the guard 
 rails. For heavy or unwieldy packages, however, particu 
 larly barrels, special slides from the loading floor to the 
 runway are necessary. For ordinary packages where the 
 guard-rail is cut to allow these loading chutes to enter 
 the runway it is best to leave a section of rail from 4 in. 
 to 6 in. high to preserve the continuity of the guard-rail 
 control. Packages pass over this drop from the entering 
 chute to the runway without damage. For the heavier or 
 more fragile packages, however, the loading chutes should 
 enter at the level of the runway, using a hinged or remov 
 able section of guard-rail. Another method of intermediate 
 loading is to hinge a 90 deg. section of the chute, raising 
 it to allow packages to pass under. Where there is auto 
 matic loading at intermediate floors it should be so con 
 trolled as not to collide with packages coming down the 
 runway from above. 
 Discharge Point. At the bottom of the chute the 
 discharge is direct, either to table or floor or to conveyors. 
 There should be a vertical dip in the exit slide to deliver 
 the package smoothly. When heavy packages are dis 
 charged directly to the floor a steel floor plate should 
 be provided to avoid wear on the floor. If the spiral dis 
 charges to a table, this should be designed to control the 
 delivery as much as possible. Such tables are made either 
 of gravity rollers or steel sheets or of wood, and may be 
 either stationary or adjustable so that discharge may be 
 made at convenient angles. For discharging at inter 
 mediate floors there should be either a hinged section of 
 the chute, or a hinged or removable section of the guard 
 rail which may be counterwcighted and controlled by a 
 cable. In any case, the package must leave the spiral 
 smoothly. Adjustable diverters, of whatever type, must 
 lie arranged for smooth operation and for secure locking 
 into position. 
 Fire Doors. The opening in the various floors and 
 walls should be so protected by automatic fire doors as 
 not to appreciably affect the insurance rate on the building. 
 These doors may be either hinged or sliding type, with 
 fusible links which will melt at any set temperature and 
 allow the doors to close. When hinged, the fire door may 
 tie used to form a divertcr, so that when lowered it will 
 discharge packages to the floor at which it is set. Where 
 a chute is completely housed all openings in the housing 
 should be protected by fire doors, this housing is nut 
 necessary, however, to secure a fireproof condition. 
 Housing. For outdoor installations, or for certain 
 conditions indoors, the spiral should be housed completely. 
 This housing may be of any suitable construction material, 
 although preferably black or galvanized sheet steel either 
 plain or corrugated. In general 22 gage metal is satisfac 
 tory. Wherever there is danger of a condensation form 
 ing inside the housing this should be built as a separate 
 unit from the guard-rail to prevent condensed water from 
 running down the runway bed. However, where it is 
 practical to have the housing form part of the chute it 
 may serve to form the outer guard-rail, thus securing a 
 less expensive chute. With this construction the housing 
 should be heavier, preferably 16 or 14 gage. Such chutes 
 are applicable mainly to indoor installations. 
 Painting. All parts other than galvanized should be 
 given one coat of good paint in the shop and another coat 
 on completion of erection. This does not apply to runway 
 bed or inside of guard-rail, which should have a thorough 
 application of graphite, wax, or similar compound if there 
 i> any rust present. 
 The very simplicity of operation of the spiral chute pro 
 motes a tendency to overlook even ordinary attention. 
 Most of the trouble with spirals comes in the operation of 
 loading points, diverters. and other special accessories. 
 Particularly in lowering the more unwieldy packages, such 
 as barrels and extremely heavy cases, the method of load 
 ing has much to do with successful operation of the chute. 
 All packages should be loaded straight and near the guard 
 rail. In using diverters to discharge at the various floors 
 such simple devices as signal bells, speaking tubes, or other 
 methods of communication, speed up the operation and 
 eliminate confusion by securing cooperation between the 
 loading and discharge floors. Automatic loading from, or 
 discharge to, gravity roller or other conveyor is easily 
 accomplished at practically any desired point on the chute. 
 Such points as this should be kept as close to the floor as 
 possible, to insure better control. If descending packages 
 are not to be removed as lowered, a long discharge table 
 or several sections of gravity conveyor arc desirable as 
 temporary storage. If the packages are fragile they should 
 not be allowed to "back up" on the runway on account of 
 the impact of the descending packages against those that 
 have come to rest on the runway. Where the spiral is 
 to be used largely for temporary storage in this way, the 
 grade must be slightly more than where the movement of 
 packages will be continuous, for certain types of packages 
 will not start from rest on the low grade sufficient for 
 continuous travel. 
 Under certain conditions the spiral runway may become 
 rusted or coated with foreign matter, especially in handling 
 sticky materials. Such condition arises generally from in 
 termittent use of the spiral, and is easily remedied by 
 occasionally sending a man down the chute with steel wool 
 or graphite or wax or similar material. 
 Experience has proven that it is better to use holts than 
 rivets in some types of spirals. In such chutes the bolts 
 should be tightened at intervals. 
 One limitation of the plain runway spiral is in the han 
 dling of open top boxes which must be kept practically 
 level to avoid spilling of the contents. This, however, is 
 an unusual condition. When it becomes necessary to make 
 many changes in routing, or to accommodate a great 
 range of packages, extra runways leading to different points 
 make for better operation. 
 Wherever possible, spirals should be installed in such 
 places as to be readily accessible from all sides fur loading 
 and discharge. For the same reason the open spiral is 
 generally more simple of operation control than the fully 
 housed type. 
 Cotton Wool Paper 
 Heavy Bales Bags 
 As the most direct means of lowering heavy bales of 
 cctton, wool, waste, paper, and similar commodities, the 
 spiral chute provides the best known auxiliary to car or 
 Loading Heavy Bales Through Inlet Gate 
 truck loading in textile and paper mills or warehouses. 
 To give the utmost economy in handling such heavy bales, 
 the chute should discharge as close to the outgoing truck 
 or car as convenience on the upper floors will permit. 
 Often, in the larger warehouses, several chutes are in 
 stalled at convenient points to avoid long haul trucking 
 en the upper floors. 
 For this service, which is generally intermittent, a gal 
 vanized steel runway of 10 or 12 gage steel, preferably 
 the latter, is particularly desirable. The usual widths ut 
 runways are from 48 in. to 60 in. Extra strong supports 
 and bracing are essential to resist the impacts of the heavy 
 bales. Grades of from 20 deg. to 23 deg. at the outer 
 guard-rail are best, the loosely packed wool bags requir 
 ing the higher grades. The guard-rail should be 18 in. to 
 21 in. in height. Loading should be done by inlet slides 
 and loading gates, and, if diverters are used at the inter 
 mediate flt.nrs, they should lie of unusually heavy con 
 Seeds Feeds Flour 
 Bags Baskets Cartons Boxes 
 In the busy seasons peculiar to seed and feed stores 
 and warehouses, spiral chutes are particularly valuable 
 not only in speeding up the delivery of orders to the 
 customers or shipping floor, but in avoiding loss of time 
 through congestion and confusion. In collecting orders 
 for shipment the spiral can be used advantageously in 
 connection with belt conveyors at top, bottom, or inter- 
 of packages. Unless unusually heavy packages are to be 
 lowered the loading may be done over the guard-rail. It 
 is preferable that the chute discharge to a table. Inter 
 mediate discharge may be accomplished in flat runway 
 chutes by hinging inward or removing a section of the 
 guard-rail, allowing the package to leave the chute by 
 centrifugal force. 
 Wholesale Houses 
 Miscellaneous Packages 
 In wholesale dry goods, shoe, groceries, clothing, and 
 similar supply houses, the spiral chute, handling practically 
 every type of package, from the lightest paper carton, to 
 heavy barrels and boxes, expedites the filling of orders and 
 insures their prompt and uniform movement from the 
 various floors to the delivery and shipping departments. 
 Regardless of the generally miscellaneous character of 
 packages it is often feasible to use a gravity conveyor in 
 loading to or discharging from the chute. This materially 
 reduces handling at both ends. Where this is not practical, 
 gathering boxes mounted on low trucks are often used, 
 being moved from pile to pile in collecting the orders. 
 The time usually required to load the contents of the 
 truck at the top of the spiral and reload at the bottom 
 is entirely eliminated by sliding the box with its contents 
 from the truck onto the spiral runway and having it re 
 ceived onto a similar truck at the discharge point. To 
 give the greatest economy in handling, the chute should 
 be located so that it discharges as near the outgoing load 
 ing platforms as the conditions existing on the upper floors 
 will permit. 
 If the spiral is apt to be subjected to conditions of 
 dampness galvanized steel is preferable to blue annealed 
 for this service. Unless packages heavier than 300 11). are 
 to be handled 14 in. gage steel is satisfactory. Grades of 
 from 18 deg. to 25 deg. at the outer guard-rail are usual. 
 Saving Space Around Open-Center Spiral 
 mediate floors. When fairly uniform packages are low 
 ered, the entire length of the chute may be used as tem 
 porary storage, and the packages removed only as needed. 
 Where very small and light packages have to be handled, 
 these may be lowered in baskets, and the baskets carried 
 back to the upper floors on platform or continuous motion 
 elevators. However, if a pitch slightly greater than usual 
 is allowed there should be very little need for baskets. 
 A runway width of about 36 in. is usual, although widths 
 in particular cases vary from 24 in. to 42 in. For this 
 service 14 gage steel is satisfactory, although 16 gage 
 will give good service. For ordinary bagged material 
 grades of from 19 deg. to 23 deg. at the guard-rails are 
 generally best. While guard-rails of 12 in. are satisfac 
 tory, IS in. to 18 in. heights provide for a greater range 
 Open-Center with Po^t Type 
 A runway width of 42 in. is of advantage in providing 
 for a wide range of packages, although 36 in. is good 
 practice for the average service. Likewise, an 18 in. 
 guard-rail is preferable, although 12 in. is probably the 
 more usual practice. It is seldom desirable to fully house 
 such supply house chutes, except as unusual individual 
 conditions may require. 
 Wood Trays Tools Fittings Tote Boxes 
 The feasibility of handling such extreme shapes of 
 packages as garden tools, wheels, pipe fittings, kegs of 
 nails, tubs, etc., directly on the runway makes the spiral 
 chute very useful as a part of a system of collection and 
 Double Runway Concave Bed Spiral 
 distribution between various departments in wholesale or 
 retail hardware houses. While most of the packages are 
 handled directly on the chute, small and irregular objects, 
 which should be handled collectively, are lowered in trays 
 or tote boxes, and the boxes returned by elevators. Often 
 this system of tote boxes is extended to include the use 
 of large gathering boxes or hampers. These are moved 
 about on low trucks or conveyors in collecting the orders, 
 then loaded, box with contents, onto the spiral and re 
 ceived onto similar trucks or conveyors at the discharge 
 Where metal parts or pieces, not packaged, are handled 
 directly on the chute, or the tote boxes are metal bound, 
 a cast iron runway is preferable because it better resists 
 abrasion. If the chute is of steel, a 12 gage runway of 
 galvanized or black steel is recommended for this usually 
 hard service. Widths of runway of 36 in. or 42 in. are 
 usual, unless special conditions demand a greater width. 
 The heavy weight of the general run of packages requires 
 relatively low grades of from 16 deg. to 21 deg. at the 
 guard-rail. Since the tote boxes and packages handled 
 are generally low, the guard need seldom be over 12 in. 
 high. With the usual run of extremely irregular pack 
 ages incident to the hardware business it is best to 
 avoid special diverters or other accessories so far as is 
 Under certain conditions it is sometimes desirable to 
 place the chute adjacent to offices or in other localities in 
 the plant where the noise resulting from the metal parts 
 or boxes running down the chute is sufficient to cause an 
 noyance to employees. Such disturbance, however, can bo 
 largely overcome by providing a housing which is detached 
 from the chute itself. 
 Department Stores 
 Parcels Baskets Bundles Boxes Cartons 
 By delivering parcels direct from the various floors to 
 the wrapping or delivery rooms, spiral chutes not only 
 eliminate confusion, but save the time of elevators needed 
 for other purposes. In mail order, and similar houses, the 
 spiral lowers hampers into which orders have been col 
 lected, to the lower floors for checking and shipping. 
 Working in combination with belt conveyors the spiral 
 iias done probably more than any other handling equipment 
 to simplify department store operation. 
 For this purpose a runway of 16 gage steel will give 
 good service, although 14 gage is better practice. Run 
 way widths of 30 in. to 36 in. are most serviceable. Be 
 cause the general run of packages to be handled is light, 
 the pitch or drop per round should be greater than for 
 standard package chutes, preferably 23 deg. to 30 deg. 
 grades at the guard-rail, to insure the packages traveling 
 satisfactorily. Since the loading points and directions are 
 generally restricted it is often necessary to change the 
 pitch to meet the varying floor heights. As a rule the 
 closed or center post type spiral is best adapted to the 
 limited space available in department stores. A fully 
 housed chute is desirable because of its better appear- 
 Delivering from Sales to Shipping Floor 
 ance, although the open type, when placed in a shaft, and 
 with high guard-rail, is thoroughly satisfactory. In using 
 the open type, even though in a closed shaft, the guard 
 rail must be made higher for a half round or so at the 
 loading points to prevent the throwing of light packages 
 over the guard in loading. 
 General Warehousing 
 Miscellaneous Packages 
 No type of equipment can claim more saving in the 
 time of men, road trucks, or cars on warehouse sidings, 
 than the spiral chute. Probably the greatest saving is made 
 in those houses where it is the custom to load the spiral 
 with practically the entire load of goods before the truck 
 arrives, thus avoiding double handling by using the spiral 
 as temporary storage. Uiverlers on the various floors cut 
 out the loss of time through slow moving elevators in trans 
 ferring goods between floors. 
 Because of the wide range of packages to be handled, 
 often varying from the lightest paper cartons to the heav 
 iest packing cases, warehouse spirals are probably the 
 hardest of all for which to determine the proper grade. 
 However, grades of from 18 deg. to 25 deg. at the outer 
 guard-rail arc usually satisfactory. The runway may be 
 either flat or concave. It should be 12 or 14 gage, and 
 not less than 42 in. (preferably 48 in. to 60 in.) in width 
 to provide for the larger packages. Since very bulky 
 objects are handled, the guard-rail should be not less 
 than IS in. and preferably 18 in. to 21 in. in height. A 
 housing is usually unnecessary and does not allow as free 
 access to the spiral as the open type. For warehouse duty 
 wherever a wide range of package sizes and weights must 
 be handled, the multiple runway spiral is recommended. 
 Where blue annealed steel is used and is subjected to 
 dampness either from the packages or the climate, as is 
 particularly true in marine warehouses or piers, occasional 
 Loading Over Guard Rail 
 attention to the runway is necessary because of the forma 
 tion of rust when the spiral is not in use. This rust may 
 be easily removed by rubbing the runway with steel wool, 
 with powdered wax, or graphite. As a rule warehouse 
 spirals are subjected to more severe usage than in other 
 industries. For this reason when loading gates, diverters 
 and other accessories are necessary, these should be kept 
 in good working order. 
 Drugs and Chemicals 
 Bottles in Boxes Trays Cartons Barrels 
 The handling of fragile packages common to these in 
 dustries has been one of the hardest tests of the application 
 of the friction runway spiral. Not only are loosely packed 
 bottles of chemicals, drugs, and perfumes in cartons or 
 boxes lowered by a spiral from the packing tables to ship 
 ping room or storage, but cases and trays of glassware are 
 transferred from floor to floor from the first washing of 
 the incoming bottles through the filling, sealing, labeling 
 and packing processes. 
 Because of the great care necessary in handling such 
 fragile objects the grade of the spiral should be deter 
 mined with unusual accuracy from the results of previous 
 experience, and should be designed to fit a relatively nar 
 row range of packages. Where it is required to handle 
 M-veral different types of packages a multiple runway spiral 
 is recommended. Runways of 14 gage steel, from 30 in. 
 to 42 in. wide, are customary. A grade of from 16 deg. 
 Handling Bottles in Baskets 
 to 21 deg. at the guard-rail is usual. The guard-rail 
 should be 12 in. to 18 in. in height. It is advisable to 
 provide loading gates and inlet slides to make smoother 
 loading at intermediate floors for the more breakable pack 
 ages. Such spirals should, where practicable, discharge 
 to a gravity roller conveyor. In general the packages 
 should not be allowed to "back up" on the spiral because 
 of the impact of the moving packages striking those which 
 have come to rest. Careful study should be made of the 
 possible effect of leaking acids or other contents on the 
 sliding parts of the chute. 
 Packing Canning Preserving 
 Cases of Cans Boxes Cartons 
 Short spirals placed at convenient points bring empty 
 cans and cases to the packers and convey packed boxes 
 from the packing tables to marking and shipping rooms, 
 eliminating the time and confusion of horizontal movement. 
 This is particularly desirable in the short season canning 
 industries. Used in combination with gravity conveyors 
 and push bar elevators, the spiral chute forms an essential 
 link in what is probably the most economical system known. 
 Runway widths of 18 in. to 36 in. are satisfactory for 
 the usual run of packages, 24 in. and 30 in. runways being 
 most commonly used. It is generally good practice to use 
 14 gage metal, but 16 gage will serve for the lighter duty. 
 Twelve inch guard-rails are satisfactory except for the more 
 bulky containers, when 18 in. is better. Loading should 
 generally be done over the guard-rail. If it is desired to 
 divert packages at intermediate floors, either the runway 
 should be terminated at such points and started again 
 or adjustable diverters should be provided. Grades of 
 from 18 deg. to 22 deg. at the outer guard-rail are best, 
 the steeper pitch for the paper board carton. In such sea 
 sonal service as is usual in canning plants, the spiral will 
 often be found to be sluggish at the first of the season 
 A Bank of Distribution Spirals 
 because of rust or other accumulations. This is easily 
 overcome by the application of powdered wax, graphite 
 or similar material. 
 Cases of Bottles Barrels Cartons Boxes 
 The belief that the friction runway spiral is more limited 
 in handling packed cases of bottles or other glassware 
 than the roller runway spiral has been dispelled by innu- 
 Uivertinj; to Roller Gravity 
 merable successful installations. These results have been 
 accomplished by careful consideration of proper design and 
 the application of the right spiral to the work to be done. 
 The small space required and the lower cost of installa 
 tion are the chief advantages of the plain runway type, 
 over the gravity roller spiral. Spiral chutes are particu 
 larly adaptable to systems of gravity conveyors in the 
 \vashing, filling, labeling, packing and dispatching of bot 
 tled goods. 
 For handling cases of bottles, runways of 14 gage steel 
 and from 30 in. to 36 in. wide are usual, with 9 in. to 15 
 in. guard-rails. Intermediate loading and discharge points 
 are to be avoided where practicable, and, if used, the 
 adjustable parts should be very carefully fitted. Grades 
 should be from 16 deg. to 21 deg. For handling such 
 fragile packages the grade should be set to fit the specific 
 objects to be handled, and not to fit various types of 
 packages. If necessary, for instance, to handle metal bound 
 cases of loose bottles on the same spiral with paper board 
 cartons, it is best to have two runway blades with dif 
 ferent diameter, and grade, at the outer rail. 
 Steel and Iron Products 
 Tote-Boxes Stampings Castings Parts 
 Analysis of the manufacturing and storage operations of 
 steel and iron products industries shows a surprising num 
 ber of spiral chutes handling not only the usually accepted 
 types of packages, but objects of the most irregular shapes 
 and sixes. By using spirals of large radius pieces up to 
 8 ft. and 10 ft. in length are easily lowered. Stoves and 
 parts, castings, stampings, boilers, tubs, and many other 
 similar metal products, travel between operations or from 
 packing to shipping floors. 
 Runway widths for handling the usual tote boxes are 
 from 30 in. to 42 in. Particularly where the boxes are 
 metal or metal bound, the grades should be from 16 deg. 
 to 20 deg. at the outer guard-rail. While black or gal 
 vanized steel of 12 or 14 gage is generally satisfactory, 
 cast iron runways are better for the more abrasive objects. 
 If the noise of the metal boxes or packages traveling down 
 the runway is sufficient to be objectionable, this may be 
 overcome by a housing detached from the chute itself. 
 Baskets Rolls of Cloth Boxes Bales 
 In. the lowering of boxes or baskets of bobbins from floor 
 to floor, as well as in the handling of bales of cotton, 
 wool, jute, and similar raw materials, spiral chutes have 
 solved some of the biggest problems in textile mills and 
 finishing plants. Instead of dragging the baskets of bob 
 bins down congested aisles from roving frames to eleva 
 tors, and repeating the trip on the spinning floor, the 
 baskets are dispatched by spiral chutes at convenient points 
 to the floors below. Here they are received on conveyors 
 or trucks which distribute the bobbins to the spinning 
 frames. In handling heavy bales of wool or cotton, the 
 spiral reduces the cost of labor between the receiving room 
 and the bale breakers. Rolls of cloth in process find the 
 spiral the most direct method of travel between operations, 
 and bolts of finished cloth, carpets, and other textiles, are 
 lowered by spiral to the shipping and packing rooms. It is 
 in the textile mill of three or more stories that the econ 
 omy of the spiral is most evident. 
 For this service runways of 14 gage metal, from 30 in. 
 to 36 in. wide, with 12 in. to 18 in. guard-rail are usual. 
 For handling baskets a grade of from 18 deg. to 22 deg. 
 is sufficient, but for bolts of cloth 20 deg. to 28 deg. will 
 be required. Hand-loading at the intermediate floors is 
 best done over the guard-rail, rather than with loading 
 gates or inlet slides. When the spiral is loaded from con- 
 in the same chute with heavy cases or barrels some delir.it.- 
 s\>tcm of signaling should he used to avoid congestion 
 Delivering from Spiral to Truck 
 Delivering from Housed Chute to Floor 
 and breakage. In handling the heavier packages special 
 veyors, however, the guard-rail should be cut down to care must be given to the setting of diverters or other 
 allow the entrance of the inlet slide. 
 adjustable accessories. 
 Confectionery Chocolate Cocoa 
 Barrels Crates Boxes Cartons Bags 
 The extreme range of packages used in the confectionery 
 industry, from paper cartons of a few ounces in weight, 
 to the steel hooped barrel of 300 Ib. to 400 lb., has de 
 manded unusual attention and study in the design and 
 application of spiral chutes to meet these exacting condi 
 tions. For the more extreme variations the most success 
 ful results have been secured by using a double runway 
 spiral with one runway of less diameter, and consequently 
 steeper grade than the larger one. Working with gravity 
 or power conveyors, in the handling of empty cases to the 
 packers, as well as in the removal of the tilled cases to 
 storage or cars, the spiral is proving most economical. 
 Since the handling of barrels is probably the hardest 
 service required of any type of chute, concave runways of 
 from 14 to 12. or even 10 gage, are generally used. If the 
 weights are not over 500 lb., and the abrasive nature of 
 the package not excessive, 12 gage metal gives excellent 
 service, and for the ordinary weight of barrels 14 gage 
 sheets, well braced, are satisfactory. For the heavier, 
 more abrasive types of barrels cast-iron makes an excellent 
 runway material. For standard barrels, not over 24 in 
 diameter by 36 in. long, runway widths of 36 in. to 42 in. 
 are customary, with a grade of from 16 dcg. to 21 deg. 
 at the outer guard-rail. Guard-rails should be not less 
 than 18 in. high, and preferably 21 in. to 24 in. It is 
 better to discharge such heavy packages direct to the floors, 
 rather than to tables. Loading should be done on inlet 
 slides with adjustable loading gates so fitted to the chute 
 that the barrel will be properly started on the way down 
 the chute. 
 In handling sugar, cocoa, salt, or materials of a sticky 
 nature, especially in leaky containers, it will be necessary 
 at intervals to clean out the spiral with steel wool or 
 brush. Where the smaller paper cartons are to be handle 1 
 Cartons Boxes Metal Caddies 
 In lowering packed cartons, boxes, or caddies from the 
 packers to temporary storage or shipping rooms, spiral 
 Spiral Delivering to Discharge Table 
 chutes are applied very economically to cracker, small 
 cake, macaroni, and other similar baking plants. Used 
 with short runs of gravity conveyor, these chutes eliminate 
 the confusion and needless moving from floor to floor 
 common to most bakeries. For lowering barrels, bags, or 
 empty boxes from the car or truck to basement storage, 
 short spirals leading to gravity or power conveyors ma 
 terially reduce the cost of such handling. 
 Haulage Conveyor Handling Boxes 
 Barrel and Sack Elevator-Conveyor 
 Monobar Conveyor for Boxes 
 Live Roll Conveyor for Lumber 
 Mold Conveyor for Foundri 
 Loading Tower and Suspended Spiral 
 The design of a chute to handle packages with such 
 fragile contents requires particular attention to the type of 
 package to be handled. If possible, a separate runway 
 should be provided for the metal caddies from that used 
 for paper cartons and wood boxes. For bakery service 
 the galvanized steel chute is preferable, particularly where 
 the chute must operate under moist conditions. Runway 
 widths of from 30 in. to 36 in. are usual, with 14 or 16 
 gage steel. The grade should be from 18 deg. to 2.S dcg. 
 at the outer guard-rail for paper cartons, while from 16 
 deg. to 20 deg. is sufficient for the metal caddies, which 
 slide more readily. Guard-rail heights of from 12 in. to 
 18 in. are customary. Automatic loading from gravity 
 with an inlet slide is best. Loading gates are not neces 
 sary with hand loading, because of the light weights han 
 dled. While not an essential feature of operation, it is 
 recommended that the spiral discharge to a line of gravity 
 roller conveyor. The packages should not he allowed to 
 "back up" on the spiral runway, so that descending packages 
 will strike those that have come to rest. 
 Special Elevators and Conveyors 
 In addition to the general classes of elevators and con 
 veyors described in the preceding pages, there are many 
 machines, including haulage, overhead track, pneumatic, 
 wire line and other conveyors which, while no less 
 standardized, are rather special in their design and applica 
 tion. This does not mean that they must be designed and 
 developed for each installation, for most of the machines 
 considered in this section have been operating successfully 
 for a long time. They are here classed as special machines 
 rather because their range of application is more limited 
 than the standard types previously described. 
 Some oAhis equipment, such as wire line and pneumatic 
 carriers, generally known as store service equipment, has 
 been as widely used as any of the package conveyors, but 
 are here treated with less length mainly because they are 
 used almost universally for the carrying of messages, spe 
 cial containers, and the lightest parcels, rather than for 
 general commodity handling. Less space is also given to 
 the other special types of machines, not because they are 
 any the less useful where applicable but because their use 
 is more limited. One of the chief advantages resulting 
 from a special machine of any kind is the fact that such 
 equipment, while naturally more limited in scope, is even 
 more likely to attain the maximum economy, by reason of 
 being fitted more directly to the work to be done. 
 While the various types of these haulage, overhead track 
 and pneumatic tube machines have been so widely used as 
 to become thoroughly standardized, there remain many spe 
 cial elevators and conveyors whose installation is even more 
 a matter of application than the more generally used types 
 already discussed. This does not mean that the machines 
 themselves are any less highly developed, but that, because 
 they are very specialized in their purpose, more care should 
 be given to their selection to fit any individual need. The 
 prospective purchaser should not consider special equip 
 ment as consisting of experiments worked out at his own 
 expense for, as before said, there are very fe.w handling 
 operations for which some machine has not been developed 
 and standardized to do the work more economically than 
 it can be done by hand. Good illustrations of special con 
 veyors which have for this reason been unusually success 
 ful in their application are automobile and other manufac 
 turing and assembly conveyors, newspaper elevators and 
 ship loader-unloaders of both the sling and truck-carrying 
 type. Many of these special elevators and conveyors ap 
 proach very closely in character the standard types of ma 
 chines described in the preceding pages. For example 
 they are in most cases made up of units very similar to those 
 which enter into the construction of the latter machines. 
 However, they should not be confused with the main classes 
 of machines because of such apparent similarity in design, 
 for their application is decidedly different. 
 The success of machines applied to specific purposes has 
 brought about a tendency toward more direct application of 
 all types of continuous elevating and conveying machinery. 
 This has resulted in the development of many special ma 
 chines based on the more commonly known types. In so 
 applying equipment more specifically to the work to be 
 done, some of the carry-all capacity of the general carrier 
 is lost, but this is often far more than offset by the increased 
 efficiency of the special machine. 
 While most of this equipment has been brought to a 
 sufficiently high point of development to insure proper me- 
 chan-cal operation, special attention should be given to the 
 training of the actual users in the possibilities of each 
 machine. A similar caution applies to maintenance. One 
 of the most important considerations in the operation of 
 any machine designed to fit a definite special purpose is that 
 the machine is used only for the purpose for which it is 
 designed. This applies not only to the commodities handled 
 but to the conditions under which it operates. 
 Haulage Conveyors and Elevators 
 While as a conveyor alone, the haulage type has remained 
 quite limited in its use, the installation of ramps and other 
 more direct routes of travel in old buildings, offers many 
 new uses for the elevator-conveyor designed on this 
 principle. The chief advantages of this machine lie in its 
 simplicity of installation and the ease of pick-up and dis 
 charge of trucks. By combining a small amount of manual 
 handling of trucks with power haulage a very economical 
 conveying system results. 
 Boat Unloading 
 Xo freight handling operation offers more opportunity 
 for economy than the elevating of tracks from the varying 
 deck levels of side-port steamers. Of the two general ma 
 chines ordinarily used or this purpose the heavy slat eleva 
 tor and the truck-haul the latter is, as a rule, simpler of 
 installation, operation and maintenance. The pushers at 
 tached to the chain at proper intervals grip the truck in 
 fullv as positive a manner as the special slats of the former 
 type elevator. With the apron elevator, on which the man 
 rides a? well as the truck, trouble is sometimes apt to arise 
 with careless truckers, through the fact that the man must 
 step off at the top of the incline and start pushing the 
 truck. But with the truck-haul, where the trucker walks 
 up the incline, with his truck, there is no break i:i his travel 
 at the top of the elevator. The outer end of the truck- 
 haul ramp, as was the apron elevator ramp, is supported 
 by cables attached to the pier construction above. By 
 hinging this ramp at the inner end the level of the outer 
 end is made to follow any rise or fall of deck level of the 
 To insure the smoothest discharge at the top and eliminate 
 the quick jerk incident to turning the chain sharply down 
 ward over an end sprocket the chain should be run down 
 gradually into the floor until the pushers pass below 
 the level of the pier floor. In this way the truck is re- 
 k-ased smoothly. If these pushers are kept close together 
 the pick-up of each truck is accomplished with little 
 .-hock to the elevator. The speed of the chain should be 
 set to be the same as that of a man walking on the level 
 in trucking ordinary loads. Where these conveyors are 
 driven by motors and reducing gear below the floor, the 
 most effective arrangement for keeping the ramp clear, spe- 
 Truck Haul 
 cial attention should be given to providing for regular 
 lubrication and other necessary care. Some of these eleva 
 tors are provided with overload releases, so that while they 
 will carry any ordinary load, the conveyor will be stopped 
 upon coming in contact with any obstructions. 
 Textiles and Finishing Plants 
 Long truck hauls are common between different depart 
 ments or buildings of textile, shoe and other plants in which 
 it is customary to keep the product on trucks. In such 
 cases truck-haul conveyors, either in the floor or overhead. 
 Hauling Trucks by Overhead Conveyor 
 save time and labor in pushing the filled trucks. The two- 
 way capacity of this conveyor makes it particularly valuable 
 in that it will simultaneously return the empty trucks by 
 the return strand of the chain. Such a conveyor is not 
 only simple of installation, but is unusually flexible. Trucks 
 may be handled by hand between the line of travel of the 
 chain and the adjacent storage piles or machines. Such 
 overhead conveyors have been successfully built and op 
 erated of sufficient strength to carry the entire load of 
 the truck instead of merely propelling it. These truck- 
 hauls become practically mono-rail conveyors. Automatic 
 switchouts or storage stations are provided which avoid 
 the necessity for continuous attention. Such a combination 
 of a small amount of manual trucking with automatic con 
 veying makes available the advantages of continuous han 
 dling in warehouses in which individual packages con 
 veyors would not be flexible enough to reach all points of 
 the storage piles. 
 \\ here the load of the truck is carried by the floor or on 
 tracks, a very light overhead construction is usually suf 
 ficient. However where the loaded truck is suspended, 
 clear of the floor, from the overhead construction, these 
 supports must be much more secure. Low loading plat 
 forms from 2 in. to 3 in. above the floor, onto which the 
 trucks are pushed up inclined ramps, make easier loading 
 and unloading. 
 Overhead Track Conveyors 
 Overhead track conveyors have a limited but broadening 
 scope of use. The addition of power driven chains, with 
 pushers, to the much used monorail has resulted in a con 
 veyor well adapted to continuous assembly systems par 
 ticularly where the pieces are light enough to be easily lifted 
 on and off the hooks or other carriers. These conveyors 
 are widely used in metal products, bottling and textile and 
 many other industries in which it is essential that the floor 
 space be kept clear. A type of trolley extensively used in 
 store service work is the wire line carrier so common to 
 dry goods, drugs and other retail stores. 
 Metal Products 
 A type of overhead track frequently used in assembly and 
 other processes in the manufacture of metal products of 
 lighter weight is shown in the illustration. This conveyor 
 The Overhead Conveyor Saves Floor Space 
 consists of a standard or special chain running on a light 
 overhead rail. The fact that these conveyors, like all over 
 head track systems, will usually travel in a horizontal plane 
 makes them useful for conveying throughout their entire 
 circuit. Running at very low speeds, such a com eyor is 
 excellent for drying pieces which have been painted. By 
 carrying the track back and forth through the open room, 
 or through steam or other drying rooms, the painted piece 
 may be left on the hooks as long as required, the conveyor 
 in this way serving as temporary storage. The fact that 
 this storage is overhead, leaving the floor clear for opera- 
 tors or machines, is a valuable consideration in many plant 
 layouts. In some cases the entire conveyor line is gradual 
 ly filled during the day and the pieces left overnight. By 
 providing the driving mechanism with two speeds, such a 
 conveyor may lie emptied within a very short time before 
 the painting work starts the next morning. Such overhead 
 track conveyors are frequently used where it is desirable to 
 have two continuous conveyors cross each other. For ex 
 ample, conveyors of this type will frequently he found 
 crossing over a line of gravity or apron conveyor. 
 A free-running chain, supported from the track above by 
 roller attachments, is most commonly used for this work. 
 These attachments also provide for the fastening of hooks 
 or other hangers below, so that each load is suspended di 
 rectly from the track and the chain serves only the purpose 
 of tying together and propelling the hangers. Such hangers 
 take practically every form and shape, from the simple 
 hook to the rack into which a number of parts are placed. 
 Their design should be governed mainly by the ease of at 
 taching and removing the load. 
 Packing House Products 
 The handling of packing house products from the first 
 process to the final distribution is a service to which the 
 overhead track system is particularly adapted. While most 
 of these overhead tracks are pure monorail systems on 
 which the packages are hand-propelled, or travel by gravity, 
 the use of power-driven chains with pushers makes a big 
 saving over the old method in many cases, except in the 
 very shcrt runs where the packages will run by gravity. 
 Such a power-driven system is valuable not only in pro 
 pelling the loaded carriers forward, but also in automatical 
 ly returning the empty carriers on the return run of chain. 
 U here the movement of meat is in too many directions, it 
 is usually not advisable to equip more than the trunk line 
 with power, the individual pieces being pushed by hand from 
 switchouts at convenient points along the trunk to their 
 destination. In this way the combining of a small amount 
 of manual handling with long conveyor runs results in a 
 very economica 1 and flexible layout. In the shipping of 
 The hangers should be carried on free-running roller bear 
 ings. Hooks, as well as other types of hangers are com 
 monly used, although the noose type shown is usual for 
 handling frozen meat. 
 The overhead track conveyor shown illustrates about the 
 simplest type of this class, and one which has been very suc 
 cessfully used. One of the chief advantages of MU\I a con 
 veyor is the space saved with the resulting freedom of floor 
 movement. In manufacturing processes where the conveyor 
 Packing House Conveyors 
 meat, particularly in warm weather, the great reduction in 
 the time the meat is out of the refrigerator alone warrants 
 the use of continuous power propulsion. 
 The picture shows a system with unusually heavy over 
 head supports, laid out to serve a line of freight cars. 
 Switches and cross-overs provide for distribution to branch 
 lines. For this purpose tracks of various cross sections, 
 from the T section to the fully enclosed type, are in use. 
 This Type Is Useful for Painlini: and Drying 
 is. used to carry pieces between different machines or opera 
 tions, it acts as a temporary storage system, in that every 
 piece is free to travel around the circuit until finished. The 
 flexibility of this type of conveyor, with the small space re 
 quired, makes it very efficient in connection with the various 
 assembly conveyors used in this and similar industries. 
 For the handling of such light loads as shown, very light 
 track and overhead framing is sufficient. In this installation 
 a standard chain attachment equipped with rollers runs in 
 the inclosed steel track which is supported at intervals of 
 about 3 ft. to the timber above. This attachment prevents 
 the objectionable sway so common to many overhead in 
 stallations not so securely braced. Plain, detachable link 
 chain is usually satisfactory. In order to prevent excessive 
 sag of the chain between the suspension points where the 
 hangers are more than about 4 ft. or 5 ft. apart, it is ad- 
 vi.-able to provide extra chain hangers with rollers running 
 in the track above. The type of hanger varies according to 
 the type of package handled. The most important point in 
 the design of the hanger is to insure ready attachment or 
 removal of pieces in process. 
 Special Chain Conveyors 
 The simplest type of chain conveyor consists usually of 
 two or more strands of chain running in smooth tracks. 
 These conveyors are similar in construction to the push bar 
 conveyor. In most of them, however, the package is sup 
 ported on the chain itself, whereas with the push bar type 
 the package is pushed or dragged along the tracK or run 
 way. These conveyors are best adapted to boxes or other 
 firm packages which have no tendency to be caught in the 
 exposed chains. Ordinarily such a conveyor requires more 
 careful loading and is less flexible as to diverting than the 
 apron or belt types. Its chief advantage lies in the sim 
 plicity of installation and the light weight of the moving 
 parts. The saving in power which naturally accrues from 
 the latter feature, is, in most cases, offset by the fact that 
 the sliding friction of the plain chain, commonly used, is 
 greater than that of the roller chains most used with the 
 standard types of push bar and apron conveyors. 
 For some long and narrow packages a single strand of 
 very wide special chain is sometimes used. However, from 
 two to four strands is the usual arrangement. Since the 
 A Convenient Type for Handling Boxes 
 packages generally rest directly on the chain, rollci chain 
 is not often used in this type. Because of the plain chain 
 the tracks on which it slides should be kept well greased 
 and free from dirt. Small channels, with flanges turned up, 
 form convenient chain tracks. Frequently special attach 
 ment on the chains forming small carriages or pushers are 
 piovided for the carrying of objects of special shape. Such 
 au arrangement approaches very closely the character of 
 the roller carriage type used so much in automobile assem 
 bly work. 
 Assembly Conveyors 
 Double strand chain conveyors of special design have been 
 much used in the assembly of automobiles. These continu 
 ously-moving "work benches," running at such speed as to 
 promote the maximum output of each workman, have prac 
 tically revolutionized the quantity production of pleasure 
 Double Strand Assembly Conveyor 
 cars, trucks and tractors. The resulting better organization 
 of production is usually an even greater advantage than the 
 actual saving of labor and time of moving materials. In 
 order to reduce to a minimum the time of attaching small 
 parts, these parts are sometimes placed in racks which are 
 carried on the moving conveyor immediately behind the 
 moving chassis or other unit. Since these racks follow the 
 chassis the parts are always at hand. A high development 
 of this method has been very successful in the quantity pro 
 duction of farm tractors. 
 The special carriage for the support of the unit or car in 
 process may take any one of many different forms, but must 
 securely hold each piece on which work is being done. A 
 hinged attachment to the chain forms a good support, and 
 one which is readily fastened to or removed from the piece 
 being assembled. The proper height of these moving tables 
 depends on the operation being performed, but is usually 
 from 24 in. to 30 in. above the floor. Where it is difficult to 
 ;it the height of the entire conveyor line to all operations, it 
 is advisable to have certain of the operators stand on low 
 platforms. To afford the most economical operation of such 
 an assembly conveyor the parts to be attached to the unit 
 or chassis as it moves forward should be fed to the line of 
 travel with the least possible confusion. Probably the most 
 satisfactory method of doing this is by means of other con 
 veyors or chutes which bring in these parts from machine 
 shops or other storage buildings. Such conveyors should 
 deliver from the side to the line of travel at the point at 
 which they are to be attached. 
 The continuous assembly of automobiles has become 
 standard in all plants operating on a quantity production 
 The Finish of the Assembly 
 basis. The advantage gained lies not only in the actual sav 
 ing in the labor of moving the different parts although this 
 is usually appreciable but also in the organizing effect of 
 the continuous movement of the car and its parts through 
 the entire assembly. The illustration shows a car mounted 
 on a special carriage being moved sidewise in final assem 
 bly. Where assembly layout conditions permit it, some 
 space is saved and the special carriage eliminated by having 
 the car carried lengthwise, its wheels being carried directly 
 on two lines of conveyor. The decrease in handling costs, 
 due to progressive assembly with conveyors, has been so 
 pronounced that, in the more modern quantity production 
 plants practically every part moves on some type of con 
 veyor from the time it leaves the foundry or machine shop, 
 through the chassis and body assembly, paint shop, drying 
 ovens, to its final assembly, when the car leaves the conveyor 
 on its own wheels. In such a system the various parts to be 
 assembled are supplied by auxiliary conveyors at the proper 
 point along the main conveyor line as the assembly 
 For this service both single and double strunds of chain 
 are used to propel the carriages. Carriages or platforms 
 of many different types are used, but all based on a some 
 what similar principle. As convenience in working fre 
 quently makes it necessary to support the car at some height 
 above the floor, carriages with high standards are often 
 used. To avoid the necessity of providing a pit under the 
 conveyor for the return carriages to travel in, these stand 
 ards are sometimes made collapsible so that they automati 
 cally fold up upon reaching the end of the conveyor and 
 return within a very small space. In other systems these 
 carriages, while propelled by a chain, as shown, are not 
 actually attached to the chain. At the end of the conveyor 
 the tracks carrying the now-empty carriage are tripped, al 
 lowing the carriage to disengage from the chain and run 
 back by gravity to the starting point. The most important 
 point of design in all assembly conveyors of this type is to 
 insure smooth travel of the carriage either loaded or empty, 
 particularly where it travels over the end sprockets at the 
 end of the conveyor. 
 Sling Type Carriers 
 The sling type carrier affords one of the most economical 
 methods of loading and unloading packages of fairly uniform 
 size, weighing up to about 200 Ib. in and out of ships. In 
 loading packages it is comparable in speed and careful han 
 dling with the combined belt, or apron, elevator and chute 
 systems. Because of the greater work done in lifting cargo 
 from the hold of the ship it is even more efficient in un 
 loading than in loading. One of the biggest advantages of 
 such a loader is that, while it will not handle the heavier 
 pieces of general cargo, it carries the lighter cargo through 
 the same hatch into which the ship s hoist is handling the 
 heavy loads. Because of the character of the slings, pack 
 ages are handled with greater care and safety than is pos 
 sible with the usual hoist method. Obviously, with the 
 continuous stream of packages handled, the capacity is very 
 high. These sling type machines are built in both stationary 
 and portable form, the difference in manner of supporting 
 being the chief variation. Obviously, with fixed support, 
 the machine may well be heavier and carry greater loads 
 than the portable machines. 
 Portable Type 
 The advantage of the portable type is that it can be 
 readily moved from one hatch or ship to another. The 
 machine is usually lifted from its detachable carriage 
 into position by the ship s hoist. Then after being 
 "blocked up" and the terminals lowered into operating po 
 sition, it is ready for service. When the work in any one 
 hatch is completed it is lifted back onto its carriage on the 
 dock, in housed position, and moved by hand to the next 
 hatch or shipside. Because of the greater weight required 
 if the machine were to handle heavy packages, this portable 
 machine is limited to packages of about 200 Ib. in weight 
 and of the approximate size of 2 ft. diameter by 6 ft. long. 
 The frame of this machine is made as light as is consistent 
 with reasonable strength and wear. Because of the neces 
 sity of easy moving from place to place, and handling with 
 the ship s derrick, this is particularly important with the 
 portable machine of this type. For average service light 
 steel angles rigidly trussed and cross-braced are used. The 
 cross bars, placed usually at intervals of about 3 ft. 6 in., 
 are generally formed of two pipes, the outer one turning 
 freely on the inner. The slings should be of heavy canvas, 
 specially reinforced where looped over the cross-bars. The 
 length of life of these slings is surprisingly long. In ordi 
 nary service this runs from six months to two years, after 
 which they are easily replaced at a reasonable cost. The 
 two chains should run at a distance apart slightly greater 
 than the longest package to be handled. They are usually 
 pintle or other standard types, the size depending on the 
 service. A chain speed of about 60 ft. per min. is usual, 
 giving a capacity, with slings spaced 3 ft. 6 in. apart, of 
 about 1,000 packages per hour. The portable machines 
 carry their own motors which are arranged to run the 
 chain and slings in either direction. The weight of the 
 average machine is from two to two and one-half tons. 
 In operation both the end in the hold and that on the 
 dock are supported only by the chains and two light cables 
 which are used to draw up the ends. There is no framing 
 other than the supporting horizontal trusses. Weights sus- 
 Portable Sling Type Conveyor 
 pended below each terminal keep the moving chains taut. 
 Loading is most conveniently done from gravity conveyor, 
 the packages being pushed into each empty sling as it passes 
 tiie loading point. As the load passes over the top, and 
 again to the down side, the package rolls to a new position 
 in the flexible sling, but unless it is entirely too large for 
 the sling, is always held securely. As each package reaches 
 the discharge table, which may be set at any level, it is au 
 tomatically unleaded to this table from which it is carried by 
 hand, trucks, or, more effectively, by gravity conveyor. The 
 empty sling passes back up the return side to the loading 
 point. To provide for a shorter length of the hanging 
 ends, due to variations in water level or depth of hold, 
 arrangement is made within the frame for the chain and 
 empty slings to pass back and forth over idler sprockets. 
 This machine requires practically no attention in opera- 
 lion, other than occasional moving of these intermediate 
 idler shafts and sprockets, as the ship rises or falls. Two 
 men at the loading point keep the slings loaded. W-hile the 
 discharge i> automatic, one or two men should be sta 
 tioned at this point also to insure the proper routing of the 
 packages away from the machine. 
 Another interesting variation of the fixed sling type carrier 
 is illustrated. This machine has been applied mainly to the 
 handling of bananas, although it is well adapted to the con 
 veying of many types of packages of fairly uniform size 
 and weight. The stationary tower construction is very sat 
 isfactory where it is convenient to do all loading and un 
 loading from one point, or to move the boat in changing 
 from one hatch to another. With the stationary installation 
 it is practicable to provide for conveying the packages fur 
 ther back into the warehouse, or to cars on sidings, than 
 with the portable, self-contained type. 
 This loader is raised or lowered in the hold of the vessel 
 by means of cables passing over sheaves on the supporting 
 tower. This method of handling the boom of the machine 
 makes for somewhat quicker manoeuvering into position. 
 However, the fixed position of the supporting structure is a 
 disadvantage in that it cannot be quickly moved from one 
 Banana Carrier 
 hatch or ship to another, as is feasible with the portable 
 type. In machines of this type the tower is sometimes 
 mounted on rails laid on the wharf, which gives a limited 
 degree of portability to the machine. Because of the better 
 protection afforded to the running parts of the conveyor so 
 supported, these machines are somewhat more durable than 
 the portable type. 
 While this carrier is used chiefly for handling bananas, 
 it may be applied as a conveyor for packages fairly uniform 
 in size and weight. 
 Stationary Type 
 Where conditions are such that loading and unloading 
 may be done from one point the stationary sling-type loader 
 Cantilever Type Sling Conveyor 
 produces an even greater economy than the portable type. 
 The saving in time of moving from place to place is offset 
 somewhat by the time of moving the boats or barges. How 
 ever, more satisfactory conveyor connections are possible at 
 the wharf end of the stationary machine than with the port 
 able one. This is an important consideration in view of the 
 fact that the capacity of this loader is so high as to warrant 
 the fastest available means of feeding to or removing pack 
 ages from the machine. The photograph shows such a con 
 veyor leading from the end of the machine to the storage 
 piles in the warehouse. The slings discharge automatically 
 to this conveyor. 
 A very simple supporting structure for such a machine 
 is illustrated. If desirable a loader so supported may be 
 arranged to be raised vertically, providing clear passage of 
 the higher boats when moving into position. In order to 
 avoid moving the boat while being loaded or unloaded, pro 
 vision is made for the cantilevered frame to swing from 
 side to side as the barge is trimmed. The picture shows 
 very clearly the balance weight hanging from the lower ter 
 minal which keeps the terminal end sufficiently stable and 
 the chains taut. While the machine is in operating posi 
 tion, as shown, in order to reach the level of the baige, this 
 terminal end is lowered by letting out a portion of the chain 
 that is now passing back and forth over the idler sprockets 
 in the frame. This flexible feature of the machine is one 
 of its chief advantages for tidewater, or other such varying 
 Live Roll Conveyors 
 The live roll conveyor has been applied chiefly to the 
 handling of fairly long objects with one smooth and firm 
 side such as would be adaptable to gravity roller conveyor. 
 Live Roll Conveyor 
 However, it has also found an economical use as a short 
 booster in gravity conveyor systems. Sometimes a very 
 satisfactory conveyor is formed by providing occasional live- 
 rollers in a line of gravity conveyor which is set practically 
 level. These live rollers, driven by longitudinal shaft or 
 other means, keep the packages moving. This type of con 
 veyor has been much used in the conveying of lumber, both 
 as an independent carrier, and as an auxiliary for long runs 
 of gravity conveyor. An advantage of this type of con 
 veyor is its adaptability to slight curves, the light driving 
 shaft at the side being provided with flexible joints. In 
 conveying such pieces as boards the rollers may well be set 
 at long distances apart. 
 Two methods of driving live rolls are most used. In the 
 first and most common one a light shaft is run the full 
 length of a conveyor, along the side, equipped at intervals 
 with bevelled gears. These gears drive similar gears set 
 on the extended shaft of the live roll. The other usual ar 
 rangement consists of a light chain which runs along over 
 one end of all the rollers, engaging the teeth of small 
 sprockets set on the extended shafts of the latter. The 
 rollers are usually 2 /> in. to 3 in. in diameter, of steel or 
 wood, preferably the former. Because of tin- tendency of 
 such packages as are usually handled on this type of con 
 veyor, to slide back the live roll conveyor is seldom used at 
 incline greater than 10 deg. 
 Wire Line Carriers 
 From the handling of money, messages, paper and other 
 light objects, the scope of the wire line carrier has been 
 extended to the conveying of merchandise parcels, tools, 
 or even commodities in process of manufacture. The over 
 head location of the supporting wires makes it possible 
 for them to be run through even the most crowded de 
 partments without interfering with the machines or air-les. 
 Light Packages Are Distributed Overhead 
 Similarly, dispatching and receiving stations may be un 
 obtrusively located at almost any point and within easy 
 reach of the floor. While the carrier lines of these con 
 veyors usually radiate from a central desk in a complete 
 system, it is frequently advantageous to install individual 
 lines running between successive operations or machines. 
 In shoe factories, textile mills, machine shops and many 
 other plants, small parts such as bobbins and light tools 
 are carried conveniently and directly by these conveyors. 
 These parcel conveyors built on the wire line principle 
 are limited, practically, to loads of about 20 Ib. The strain 
 on the supporting wires for the heavier loads is high and 
 Central Station and Wrapping Department 
 for this reason secure bracing of the standards is essential 
 as is the use of the best quality of wire. Two lines of 
 wire are generally used, the lower as the track and the 
 upper as a strengthening wire. The baskets or other 
 From 150 it. to 200 ft. is about the limit ot horizontal 
 travel, which is consideiably less if sharp up-grades are 
 to be negotiated. Obviously, special care should be taken 
 to make the baskets or other containers no heavier than is 
 necessary to secure a durable container. An arrangement 
 i or pulling the basket down to convenient loading heights is 
 advisable, although the carrier which is dispatched direct 
 from the loading point is somewhat simpler. 
 \\ bile the use of wire line carriers has long since been 
 brought to a high point of development in store service, 
 this conveyor is constantly being applied to new work in 
 this field. This has resulted largely from increasing de 
 mands for speed in the handling of orders or sales, al 
 though improvements in design have had much to do with 
 it. Particularly where it is necessary to send orders or 
 requisitions to other departments or floors and have the 
 parcels returned, this conveyor is efficient in speeding up 
 businos. In many crowded stores installations of wire line 
 carrier-, have created order out of chaos, making possible, 
 an organization that would be otherwise impracticable. 
 In retail and other stores where attractive store fixtures 
 are necessary, the neat appearance and noiseless operation 
 of this equipment are factors in its success. 
 Many special types of cars or baskets are used, each 
 designed to lit the class of packages to be handled. For 
 parcels, the most common carrier is the wire-mesh basket, 
 strongly reinforced and braced to withstand the rather 
 sudden strains incident to the operation of this equipment. 
 The baskets are usually designed to be lowered at their 
 sending points for convenience in loading and unloading. 
 The baskets are usually propelled by hand-operated mechan 
 isms which impart to the car sufficient impulse to carry 
 it to its destination. The return may be by gravity, or by 
 similar hand propulsion, or by a combination of both. 
 Where necessary to turn corners or make bends in the line 
 of travel to accommodate special layout conditions, curves 
 may be installed of any desired radius. 
 The cash-carrier is a type of wire-line carrier used 
 mainly for the handling of cash, messages, and very small 
 objects, rather than for package or material handling. 
 Propulsion may be by hand or by continuously moving 
 wires or cables. 
 Pneumatic Tubes 
 The extension of the scope of pneumatic tubes to the 
 handling of merchandise and fairly heavy packages is a 
 comparatively recent development. From the carrying of 
 ca.-h, messages, and papers, the field of application of this 
 Pneumatic Package Conveyor 
 conveyor now includes the handling of mail, and many 
 lighter objects which are contained within a reasonablv 
 hangers may be pushed by hand, although they are more uniform range of sizes. Even fairly heavy packages have 
 commonly propelled by springs, operated by the dispatcher. been successfully handled. In manufacturing processes 
 these tubes provide instant dispatch between successive op- air or vacuum is the propelling force in pneumatic tube 
 erations. A very economic application of this carrier, and systems. The range of distance over which these systems 
 one which saves much loss of time and unnecessary mov- operate depends largely upon the weight of the package 
 ing about, is the conveying of small parts between tool and the provision made for supplying the proper pressure, 
 room or stock room and machines. The unusual flexibility Special blowers for each system are usual, although where 
 compressed air is used for other purposes it may be sup 
 plied from the central source. 
 Carrousel Conveyors 
 A type of special conveyor much used in bottling plants, 
 canning plants and foundries is shown in the accompanying 
 illustrations. The fact that the apron of this machine 
 travels in a horizontal plane throughout its entire circuit 
 and is readily accessible from any point makes it an eco 
 nomical work table. Objects placed on the conveyor will 
 travel continuously until removed, the carrying surface thus 
 acting as a temporary storage platform. In bottling plants 
 these machines make excellent moving work tables in con- 
 The Conveyor Co-ordinates Shop and Office 
 of the pneumatic tube, with its adaptability to the most 
 irregular or crowded layouts, is a distinct advantage in 
 many plants. These carriers may be installed in parti 
 tions, furred ceilings, shafts, or other out-of-the-way places. 
 Since they require infrequent attention they need not be 
 so accessible as some other types of carriers. 
 The size of the traveling containers or individual car 
 riers depends upon the size of the objects to be handled. 
 Each problem is individual in its solution. An essential 
 basis of good design is careful handling of these containers. 
 Shop Terminal of Pneumatic Conveyor 
 To this end, very smooth tubes are necessary, with neatly 
 fitted connections between sections. Similarly careful de 
 livery at the terminals is essential. Neat appearance is im 
 portant, where the tubes run exposed, in the usual sur 
 roundings where this equipment is installed. Compressed 
 A Carrousel in a Canning Factory 
 nection with filling and packing operations. In canning 
 plants they have practically revolutionized the peeling, sort 
 ing, or picking of fruits. In foundries, flasks and other 
 accessories move in a systematic and orderly manner, be 
 tween successive operations. 
 Since the terminals of this conveyor travel in a hori 
 zontal rather than in the usual vertical plane, somewhat 
 more care in design of the ends of the conveyor is nec 
 essary than with the standard types of slat conveyors. 
 Most of these machines are built on the roller carriage 
 principle, with individual carrier platforms mounted on 
 wheels and propelled by a single strand of plain chain. 
 There is seldom any necessity that they be reversible in 
 motion, but the motion should be smooth. Slow speeds 
 are customary, from 2 ft. to 3 ft. per min. to 30 ft. or 40 
 ft., depending upon the nature of the work to be done. 
 Centrifugal Discharge, Perfect Discharge and Continuous 
 Bucket Elevators; Gravity Discharge V-Bucket and 
 Pivoted Bucket Carrier Elevator-Conveyors; 
 Belt, Apron and Pan, Flight, Screw, 
 Reciprocating and Current Convey 
 ors; Portable Loaders 
 A Treatise Covering the Construction and Application of 
 Continuous Elevators and Conveyors 
 for Handling Loose Materials 
 Engineering Department, Link-Belt Company 
Conveyors and Elevators for Loose Material 
 CONTINUOUS CONVEYORS are usually the most economical 
 means for mechanically loading and unloading loose 
 bulk materials and for moving them short distances. 
 By the term continuous conveyor is meant those types of 
 machines which keep the material moving forward in a 
 constant stream or in separate amounts following each 
 other so closely that this result is approximated. 
 Continuous machines are more or less automatic in their 
 operation, since it is usually necessary only to feed the 
 material to them, after which the handling and delivery 
 are automatic. The result of the continuous movement is 
 a rapid rate of handling even though the stream of material 
 may be comparatively small and the automatic handling and 
 delivery reduces the labor item to a minimum. 
 The extensive use of continuous conveyors is a compara 
 tively recent development. As most of the modern loose 
 material conveyors except the screw and the belt conveyors, 
 and the comparatively little 
 used reciprocating flight and 
 reciprocating trougli con 
 veyors, depend upon some 
 form of chain or belt to 
 which carriers or pushers 
 are attached, the improve 
 ments in chains and fabric 
 belts have been important 
 factors in extending the use 
 cf such types of machinery. 
 The development of mod 
 ern conveyor chains dates 
 largely from the invention of the detachable link by 
 Win. D. Ewart in 1873. The Ewart malleable iron 
 chain is well adapted to conveyor work, especially of 
 the lighter character, since wings can be easily cast on 
 certain links for attaching buckets and brackets for 
 attaching flights or pushers, and various other types of 
 attachments for special kinds of work. 
 The idea of carrying materials on belts dates back many 
 years but the extensive use of belt conveyors for loose 
 materials resulted from the development of troughing idlers 
 for supporting the belt on the loaded run, and bending 
 up the edges of the belt to prevent the material from 
 working out sideways. Excessive troughing results in in 
 jury to the belts and should be avoided. 
 With the increasing use of chains for conveying pur 
 poses, accompanied by a demand for greater durability to 
 meet conditions imposed by larger and heavier machines 
 and in order to satisfactorily handle abrasive materials, 
 detachable link chains have been largely superseded by im 
 proved designs having closed protected joints. The best 
 modern chains have case hardened steel bushings and hard 
 steel pins. 
 Machine Types 
 Continuous motion equipment for handling loose material 
 may be divided into three 
 groups : elevating only, ele 
 vating and conveying; con 
 veying only. 
 Machines for elevating 
 only are almost without 
 exception of the bucket type, 
 including the so-called cen 
 trifugal discharge elevator; 
 the perfect discharge ele- 
 Bucket Elevators: Centrifugal Discharge; Per 
 fect Discharge; Continuous Bucket. 
 Elevator-Conveyors: Gravity Discharge 
 V-Bucket; Pivoted Bucket Carrier. 
 Conveyors: Belt; Apron and Pan; Flight; 
 Screw; Reciprocating; Current. 
 Portable Loaders. 
 vator and the continuous 
 bucket elevator. 
 Machines for both ele 
 vating and conveying are also ordinarily of the bucket 
 type either of the gravity discharge V-Bucket or of 
 the pivoted bucket carrier form, and in a few instances 
 are of the screw type. 
 Machines for conveying only include belt conveyors, apron 
 and pan conveyors, flight conveyors, screw conveyors, re 
 ciprocating flight conveyors and reciprocating trough con 
 Bucket Elevators 
 Bucket elevators consist of a series of buckets mounted 
 on and carried by one or two strands of chain or a belt. 
 The buckets may be spaced some distance apart or close 
 together. Their function is to elevate or lower material 
 from one level to another and they may be operated in sub 
 stantially vertical or inclined positions. In one form or an 
 other they are adapted to handling any kind of loose bulk 
 Centrifugal Discharge Elevators 
 The centrifugal discharge type is the simplest and most 
 used bucket elevator. Three modifications are in general 
 use single strand chain and bucket, double strand chain 
 and bucket, and belt and bucket. 
 For all these machines the material to be handled is fed 
 into a boot at the bottom from which it is picked up by 
 the buckets and after being elevated it is discharged by 
 centrifugal force as the buckets pass over the head wheel. 
 Because of the method of discharge which must be made 
 without friction on the bucket and in such a manner as 
 to insure that the material be thrown forward into the re 
 ceiving chute it is essential that the diameter of the head 
 wheel and the speed be so proportioned that the centrifugal 
 force just neutralizes the force of gravity. If the speed 
 is too great some of the material will be carried past the 
 chute and if too low some will fall out before the chute 
 is reached. The usual speed of operation of this type of 
 elevator ranges from ISO ft. per min. to 400 ft. per min. 
 dependent on conditions. 
 Centrifugal discharge elevators of the chain and bucket 
 type are usually installed in as nearly a vertical position 
 as practical to avoid any tendency of the chain and buckets 
 to sag down or sway. They may, however, be inclined 
 to a certain extent without supports providing space is 
 provided underneath for the sag. When, however, this 
 inclination is carried beyond a certain point, it is customary 
 to use idlers at intervals, or slides to support the chain 
 on the ascending run, and, when the inclination is con 
 siderable, the descending run is also supported. In such 
 cases, since, on the return run, the buckets are underneath, 
 Centrifugal; Perfect Discharge; and Continuous Bucket Elevator 
 Some Typical Applications of Bucket Elevators 
 and it is not advisable to slide them, tracks are provided 
 on which the chains slide or supporting idlers are installed 
 at intervals. In some cases bars are bolted to the backs 
 of the buckets, and allowed to extend beyond the buckets 
 at each end, so that the ends of the bars may slide up 
 and down cm tracks. Sometimes sliding shoes which are 
 renewable are attached to the ends of the bars to take 
 the wear. 
 Because of the weight and the increasing tendency to 
 sway when heights are excessive centrifugal discharge chain 
 and bucket elevators are seldom used for heights exceeding 
 100 ft. Helt elevators, because of their lighter weight, 
 may lie employed for heights ranging up to ISO ft. or even 
 Each of the modifications in form of centrifugal dis 
 charge elevator has its particular advantage. For mod 
 erate heights and buckets of medium length a single strand 
 of wide chain is simpler, less expensive to maintain and 
 thus preferable to two strands of narrow chain. Where 
 long buckets and great heights are required the swaying 
 tendency of the single strand chain makes it advisable 
 to adopt the two strand construction. However, with 
 double strands there is a tendency produced, by unequal 
 wear or stretch, to set up undesirable strain in the chain 
 and the attachments which fasten the buckets to the chains. 
 This can be largely compensated for by attaching the two 
 strands of chain to swivel connections fastened to the ends 
 of the buckets. The belt form is always preferable for 
 extreme heights. 
 The chain and bucket centrifugal discharge elevators are 
 particularly adapted for handling coarse and fine dry ma 
 terials, either hot or cold, which are not of too abrasive a 
 character. They are extensively used in power plants for 
 handling coal and ashes, and in fertilizer plants, cement 
 plants, chemical works, coke ovens, etc. In addition, this 
 type of machine is employed for elevating water in connec 
 tion with irrigation or drainage projects and when fitted 
 with perforated buckets for dewatering purposes in anthra 
 cite coal washers and canning plants. When equipped with 
 special wear resisting chains the chain and bucket type is 
 frequently used for handling abrasive materials. 
 The belt and bucket type is particularly adapted for han 
 dling abrasive materials which would cause excessive wear 
 in ordinary chains and, as well, for free flowing materials 
 such as flour, hydrated lime, etc., as the buckets when 
 backed up by belts fill better and do not overflow. It is 
 also used for wet materials such as thin pulp. It should 
 not, however, be used for hot materials which would in 
 jure the belt. This type is universally used in grain ele 
 vators and flour mills, and is extensively employed in col 
 lieries, ore milling plants, chemical plants and various other 
 Centrifugal machines of either type are not suited for 
 handling sticky material or those containing large lumps. 
 Both types are used for handling small sizes of anthracite 
 and bituminous coal in which the lumps have been broken 
 up by a crusher or other means. As a rule, however, these 
 machines are not used for handling coal when breakage is 
 objectionable and when so used are usually installed in an 
 inclined position, making possible lower operating speeds 
 thus tending to reduce breakage. 
 Perfect Discharge Elevators 
 The perfect discharge type of elevator, sometimes called 
 "positive discharge," is always a double strand elevator 
 with the chains attached to the ends of the buckets. By 
 locating a pair of deflecting sprockets at the head end, the 
 buckets are drawn back and inverted, thus insuring a 
 cleaner discharge than can be obtained with a centrifugal 
 machine. Usually the buckets discharge into a chute lo 
 cated at the head end of the machine and well under the 
 This type of elevator is usually run at slower speeds 
 than the centrifugal discharge machines, the speed being 
 usually between 75 ft. and 150 ft. per min. It is suitable 
 for heights ranging up to about 125 ft. and by the use of 
 large buckets high capacities may be obtained. These 
 machines are usually set vertically but are sometimes slightly 
 inclined and may be run vertically for a certain distance 
 and then at an incline, so that the discharge point may be 
 brought nearer to the centre of a bin to which the material 
 is being delivered. 
 The easy pick-up resulting from the relatively slow 
 speeds at which this type of elevator may be operated and 
 the fact that the material is dropped from the buckets at 
 the discharge point, rather than thrown out, make these 
 machines particularly adapted for handling commercially 
 sized coal and fragile material where it is desirable to 
 keep breakage at a minimum. Because of the fact that the 
 buckets in this type of elevator are completely turned over 
 at the discharge point these machines are also well suited 
 for handling moist clay and other materials which tend to 
 cling to the buckets. They are suitable also for handling 
 bituminous coal and similar relatively soft, free-flowing 
 materials even though they contain large lumps. 
 Continuous Bucket Elevators 
 Continuous bucket elevators are made up of a continuous 
 line of buckets attached either to one or two chains or to 
 a belt. The buckets are always triangular in shape and 
 the discharge at the head is accomplished by using the back 
 of each bucket as a chute for the material from the bucket 
 just behind. 
 Since the discharge at the head does not depend upon 
 the speed, these elevators may be run at almost any speed 
 desired, the usual speeds being from 80 ft. to 150 ft. per 
 min. and, because of the continuous arrangement of the 
 buckets, the capacities are high. 
 The principal advantage of this type of machine is its 
 capability to receive its load by means of a chute which 
 discharges directly into the buckets. It may, however, pick 
 up its load from a boot as do the other types of bucket 
 When loaded from a chute the elevator is usually set at 
 an angle of 15 deg. or more with the vertical, the inclina 
 tion facilitating the feeding and discharge and also minimiz 
 ing the likelihood of spill. If spill does occur the waste 
 collects in the boot and is reclaimed by the buckets. 
 When installed in the inclined position this type of ele 
 vator is particularly adapted for crushed stone and gravel, 
 and other similar materials which cannot be picked up from 
 a boot satisfactorily. 
 In the inclined position it is also extensively used for 
 handling commercial sizes of anthracite coal, coke and other 
 materials where breakage caused by digging from a boot or 
 high speeds of discharge would be serious. Either chain 
 or belt type is satisfactory for this service. 
 The chain type in either the inclined or vertical position 
 is used successfully for handling hot materials such as coke. 
 Bituminous coal and similar materials where the lumps 
 are not too large may be satisfactorily picked up from a 
 boot. For this service the elevators may be set vertically 
 or in an inclined position and may be of either the belt or 
 chain form. 
 Because of the method of discharge this machine is not 
 recommended for handling moist clay or sticky materials. 
 Other Types of Elevators 
 Gravity discharge V-bucket machines while occasionally 
 employed as elevators only are more usually installed 
 where material is to be both elevated and conveyed. These 
 machines are described under the head of elevator- 
 Screw or spiral machines are sometimes installed for 
 elevating purposes only, as is also the pan type conveyor 
 when fitted with buckets of sufficient depth. These ma- 
 Ash Elevator 
 chines are, however, essentially conveyors and are de 
 scribed under that section of this book. 
 General Specifications 
 Buckets. Malleable iron buckets are usually used for 
 centrifugal and perfect discharge elevators except for light 
 service, and should always be employed where there is 
 danger of corrosive action such as results from handling 
 wet ashes or coal. Manufacturer s standard type "A" 
 buckets are preferable when the elevator is installed in a 
 vertical position ; type "B" buckets when moderately in 
 clined ; and type "C" buckets when the incline is con 
 siderable and the material is of a more or less sticky 
 For light service, such as handling grains or feeds, light 
 sheet steel buckets of the Salem or some similar type are 
 Sheet steel buckets from l /% in. to 3/16 in. thick, are 
 usually used for continuous bucket elevators, although 
 malleable iron buckets are also used to a certain extent. 
 For vertical elevators the buckets should be of the high 
 front type ; for elevators of a moderate incline of the 
 medium front type, and for elevators of a still greater in 
 cline of the low front type. To prevent material dropping 
 in back of the buckets they may be made overlapping. For 
 handling sticky material the corners of the buckets should 
 be well rounded or fillers should be fastened in. 
 Chains. Chains should be of sufficient width to give 
 ample bearing surface and stability in the joints, even when 
 somewhat worn, and to provide wide attachments to which 
 to bolt the buckets. For centrifugal discharge elevators 
 of moderate heights and for handling materials not espe 
 cially abrasive detachable link chain is satisfactory and 
 economical. Malleable iron pintle and combination chains 
 are extensively used but where the material handled is par 
 ticularly abrasive chains should be of the case-hardened 
 bushed type and provided with hard steel pins. Standard 
 malleable iron roller chains having rollers at each joint are 
 also used for double strand machines. For the heavy duty 
 machines steel strap roller chains are used, the chains 
 having rollers either at the joints or sometimes at the center 
 of the links, the latter construction facilitating renewals. 
 Belts. The type of the belt to be used on any par 
 ticular bucket elevator depends largely upon the character 
 of the material to be handled. Rubber belts should be 
 used for wet materials ; stitched canvas and solid woven 
 cotton belts should generally be used for dry materials and 
 rubber covered belts in most cases for abrasive materials, 
 whether wet or dry. 
 For most purposes the belt tension, due to the weight of 
 the belt, the buckets and the load carried, should be limited 
 to 20 Ib. per in. per ply, although a tension of 30 Ib. per in. 
 per ply has been satisfactorily employed in large grain 
 Wheels and Pulleys. Chain sprocket wheels are 
 usually employed at both the head and the foot of the ele 
 vator, though in some cases traction wheels are used at 
 the head because of their longer life. Sprocket wheels 
 should be of ample diameter and for severe service or for 
 handling abrasive materials should have chilled rims. 
 Pulleys for elevators of the belt type should be of large 
 diameter as this increases the durability of the belt. 
 Bearings and Driving Machinery. Rigid bearing 
 boxes, frequently of the split type, are commonly employed. 
 Bearings are usually babbitted, and grease cups or oil 
 wells, with rings, are provided for lubrication. Take up 
 bearings for maintaining the proper tension of the chains 
 or belt are usually provided at the foot but in some cases 
 are placed at the head. 
 Elevators are almost universally driven at the head be 
 cause of the better driving contact at this point. On 
 account of the slow speed of rotation of the head shaft a 
 countershaft is usually connected to the head shaft by spur 
 gearing, and driven by means of a chain or belt. 
 Boots. Boots are usually provided for centrifugal 
 and perfect discharge elevators into which the material is 
 fed and from which it is picked up by the buckets. Boots 
 are ordinarily made of cast iron side plates and a steel 
 bottom plate, although they are frequently made entirely 
 of steel and sometimes of wood or concrete. In some 
 cases the boot is omitted, the material being picked up from 
 a pile in which it is deposited at the foot of the elevator. 
 In continuous bucket elevators the material is usually 
 fed directly into the buckets and the boot omitted. 
 Chutes. The discharge chute at the head is usually 
 made of steel or of wood lined with steel. It must be set 
 at the proper inclination so that the material which is 
 being handled will be discharged freely no matter what 
 condition it may be in, must clear the buckets and be so 
 placed that little if any of the material is carried by. 
 Feeding chutes for continuous bucket elevators must be 
 so placed as to deliver the material into the buckets with 
 a minimum of spill. 
 Supports. Supports may be of wood or of structural 
 steel, the former being cheaper in first cost but more apt 
 to get out of place on account of shrinkage and are 
 subject to rapid deterioration when exposed to the weather. 
 Casings. Casings, when required, may be built of 
 either wood or steel. Steel casings are usually made in 
 sections with flanges or angles at the joints and corners. 
 Rivets are less liable to become loose but bolts facilitate 
 the removal of the plates. 
 Casings should have a door or removable plate at the 
 foot and at the top to provide access for repairs. 
 Elevator Conveyors 
 Where loose material has to be both lifted and trans 
 ported it may be raised by a bucket elevator and then 
 carried horizontally by some form of a conveyor, although 
 in many instances it is preferable to do both the elevating 
 and tin- conveying by one machine. Two types of machines 
 arc commonly used for such work, the gravity discharge 
 V-bucket and the pivoted bucket carrier. Gravity discharge 
 Y-bucket machines arc simply one form of bucket eleva 
 tors when used for elevating purposes and when transport 
 ing the buckets act as flights, dragging the material along 
 in a trough. Pivoted bucket carriers act as bucket elevators 
 when elevating and as pan conveyors when transporting. 
 Gravity Discharge V-Bucket Type 
 The gravity discharge V-bucket type of machine can be 
 used either for elevating only or for both elevating and 
 conveying. It is necessarily a double strand machine with 
 the chains attached to the ends of the buckets either by 
 means of rigid or swiveling attachments, and not pivoted. 
 The principal use of this type of machine is in handling 
 coal at retail coal yards, storage points, docks, power 
 plants, gas producer houses, locomotive terminals, etc. It 
 can be used for handling practically all materials when 
 they are to be elevated only, but it is not suitable for han 
 dling ashes, sand, stone or any hot or abrasive materials 
 when they have to be conveyed as well as elevated 
 Where these machines are used for elevating only, there 
 is usually a boot at the foot to which the material is 
 fed and from which the buckets pick it up as the chains 
 pass around the foot wheels. The buckets are of a "V" 
 or modified "Y" shape, and the discharge at the head is 
 accomplished by having the chains turn, at the top of the 
 lift, around knuckle wheels and travel horizontally or on 
 an incline, for a short distance, the material sliding out of 
 the buckets as they change their direction of travel. A 
 section of trough is inserted underneath the buckets at the 
 turn wheels so that the material is received in the trough. 
 The trough can be extended into a chute for discharging 
 into a separate conveyor or a bin. 
 These elevators are usually run at a slow speed, about 
 100 ft. per min.. and the pick-up and discharge of the 
 material arc both gentle, so that little or no breakage is 
 caused when handling such material as anthracite coal. 
 After the buckets are discharged the chains travel around 
 a second pair of wheels and descend vertically, the ascend 
 ing and descending runs being approximately parallel and 
 quite close together. 
 Instead of discharging to anc.ther conveyor at the top of 
 the lift the chains and buckets may run horizontally for 
 some distance, the buckets acting as flights and dragging 
 their half-spilled loads ahead of them through a suitable 
 trough. The material can be discharged from this hori 
 zontal section by means < f gates at any desired point in 
 the trough bottom. Tf the material is to he conveyed first 
 and then lifted, the buckets drag it along a lower run of 
 a trough and at a properly arranged upward turn pick 
 up their loads and elevate them. 
 The chains and buckets of gravity discharge V-bucket 
 elevator conveyors can be made to follow various paths, 
 frequently with several turns, and one very common ar 
 rangement is to have the chains and buckets follow a 
 rectangular path, the upper horizontal run being a dis 
 tributing run for delivering coal or other material into 
 a bin or bins and the lower run being underneath the stor 
 age space, gates and chutes being arranged to deliver the 
 material back to the lower run when it is to be taken out 
 of the bins. When used in this way a tunnel is usually 
 provided for the lower run and this tunnel is made large 
 enough so that there is ample passageway for a man to 
 walk along the side of the conveyor, so as to operate the 
 gates and have access to the conveyor for oiling or other 
 care needed for it. 
 General Specifications 
 Buckets. The buckets are usually of a V" or modi 
 fied "V" shape, the lower side on the loaded run having a 
 steep enough angle so that the material will slide out at 
 the discharge point. They are made of sheet steel riveted 
 together at the joints, the larger buckets being sometimes 
 reinforced with steel strips, usually of the half oval shape, 
 along tlie edges. 
 Chains. Since gravity discharge V-bucket machines 
 are always double strand the chains need not be very wide. 
 For elevators only and for the smaller machines where 
 the horizontal run is short, the chains used are the Ewart 
 type, the pintle, the combination, the flat and round steel 
 link, and sometimes the small steel strap. 
 Where a machine is used for both elevating and convey 
 ing and the length of the horizontal run is considerable, 
 some type of roller chain is used so that the rollers of 
 the chain can run along on steel tracks and keep the buckets 
 raised slightly above the bottom of the trough in which the 
 material is conveyed. In this case, the standard malleable 
 roller chains are used a great deal except for the largest 
 machines, where the steel strap roller chains are preferable. 
 For long machines, where the pull in the chains is con- 
 -idcrable, the joints of the steel strap chains are usually 
 bushed with case hardened steel bushings, so as to in 
 crease the bearing surface in the joints, thereby reducing 
 the bearing pressure and the wear in the joints. 
 Wheels. Standard sprocket wheels are used in nearly 
 all cases, though traction wheels arc sometimes used for 
 some of the corner turn or idler wheels. 
 Bearings and Driving Machinery. Simple rigid pil 
 low blocks or post b >.\es are ordinarily used; these fre 
 quently being of the angle bearing type. 
 The drive is located at various points, according to the 
 path of the machine and the length of the horizontal run 
 compared to the vertical run. For a machine with a short 
 horizontal run the drive can be located at the turn shaft 
 at the top of the lift or at the turn shaft at the other 
 end of the horizontal run. Where the horizontal run is 
 quite long it is usually better to locate the drive at the 
 end of the run toward which the chain and buckets are 
 traveling. There is usually a countershaft geared to the 
 drive shaft by means of spur or bevel gears, and this is 
 usually driven by means of a chain or belt drive, or geared. 
 Elevating and Distributing 
 Elevating, Distributing and Reclaiming 
 Discharge Chutes on Upper Run 
 Delivering to Flight Conveyor 
 Gravity Discharge V-Bucket Elevator-Conveyors 
 Lower Corner Turn 
 Driving Head 
 Upper Corner Turn 
 Pivoted Bucket Carriers 
 Corner Turn and Feeding Chutes 
 Suspension Arrangement Insures Proper Lap 
 Upper Run and Return 
 Method of Discharge 
 Pivoted Bucket Carriers 
 by means of another pair of spur gears, to a second 
 countershaft or to a motor. 
 Supports. The supports can be either of wood or 
 steel, as is desired, the material used for these supports be 
 ing usually determined by the material used for bins or 
 other structures in connection with the machinery. 
 Pivoted Bucket Carrier 
 1 ivnted bucket carriers consist of a continuous series 
 of buckets pivotally suspended between two long-pitch 
 roller chains which are supported on tracks on the hori 
 zontal and inclined runs and between guides on the verti 
 cal runs. Because of the flexibility secured in this con 
 struction thrse machines may be made to follow a rect 
 angular or any other desired path and consequently they 
 may be used for elevating vertically or along an incline 
 as well as for conveying in a horizontal direction. They 
 are slow speed machines, usually operated at speeds be 
 tween 40 ft. and 60 ft. per min., and are capable of being 
 leaded at one or more points and of discharging at a num 
 ber of points or all along a distributing run. As the load 
 is always carried, rather than pushed along, the power 
 consumption is relatively low. 
 In the earliest carriers the buckets were hung as closely 
 together as practicable to prevent material falling be 
 tween them at the feeding point. While the buckets were 
 in actual contact when the machines were first started, 
 the wear and elongation of the chains induced an increas 
 ing separation, thereby permitting fine material to sift 
 through. Various types of feeders have been developed 
 for overcoming this difficulty, but the simplest way is to 
 overlap the bucket lips sufficiently to avoid a gap, not 
 only when the machine is first started but even after the 
 chains have become elongated. In the latter case special 
 feeders are not required the buckets being fed directly 
 from a chute or spout. The use of the overlapping lips, 
 however, introduces the mechanical difficulty of having to 
 have the laps come in the right direction, so that when 
 the loaded buckets turn to ascend they will not interfere 
 with each other and cause tilting and spilling of the loads. 
 Several methods of reversing the laps so as to have 
 them come in the right direction have been devised, such 
 as tilting the buckets just before they start along the 
 lower horizontal run, or bringing the buckets down side 
 ways on the descending run. Another method of over 
 coming the difficulty is to suspend the buckets from ex 
 tensions of the chain links beyond the chain joints. With 
 this method of suspension, the buckets travel on a larger 
 circle than the chains as they pass around the turn-wheels, 
 so that they are automatically separated, and lap correctly. 
 Pivoted bucket carriers are used for handling coal, ashes, 
 coke, stone, ore, cement, sand and various other materials. 
 They are slow speed machines, usually operating at speeds 
 between 40 and 60 ft. per min. With good size flanged 
 rollers, traveling on standard T-rails on horizontal or in 
 clined runs, and carefully guided between double guides 
 or. vertical runs, there is little chance of trouble unless 
 the carrier is seriously neglected, in which case any ma 
 chine is likely to get out of order. The power required 
 to operate a carrier is small, since the up and down runs 
 balance each other, except for the weight of material in 
 the loaded buckets; with large, well-oiled rollers very 
 little pull is required to move the carrier on the horizontal 
 and inclined runs. 
 General Specifications 
 Buckets. As a rule the buckets are one-piece malleable 
 iron castings, though some of the larger ones are made 
 with malleable iron ends and steel plate bottoms, or are 
 entirely of steel. In some cases the buckets are suspended 
 from through rods which are attached at their ends to the 
 chains ; in other cases there are separate pins on each 
 side of the buckets. The through rod has the advantage of 
 insuring alignment on both sides, since it is possible for 
 separate pins to \)C out of alignment, thereby preventing 
 the buckets from swinging freely. The cams for engaging 
 with the discharger are cast separately, cither of malleable 
 iron or cast iron, and sometimes have chilled faces where 
 they bear against the dischargers ; these cams are riveted 
 to the sides of the buckets. The lips of the buckets should 
 have ample overlap, the V-shape overlap having the ad 
 vantage of not allowing material to rest on it and spill 
 off at the turns. 
 Chains. The chains are usually made of malleable 
 iron, in order better to resist the corrosive action of ma 
 terials such as wet ashes ; also to make it easier to form 
 bosses on the links at the chain joints and suspension points 
 so that pins, bushings and suspension rods may be held 
 more securely than with ordinary steel flats of uniform 
 thickness. If the pins or the bushings work loose, the 
 chain deteriorates rapidly and, since the holes in the links 
 become enlarged, the complete chains have to be renewed 
 instead of only the pins and bushings ; however, where the 
 material to be handled is not corrosive, and especially with 
 long carriers and large buckets where the pull on the chains 
 is heavy, steel links are often used, these steel links being 
 frequently forged so as to be thicker at the points where the 
 pins and bushings and suspension rods are attached. The 
 chain joints are undoubtedly the most vital points in de 
 termining the life of a carrier. The usual chain joints 
 all have case hardened steel bushings keyed to the inside 
 links and the pins are held in the outside links. There 
 is thus no wear on the links themselves, providing the pins 
 and bushings do not get loose in the links; any wear is 
 between the pins and bushings. With the bushed joint 
 the bearing surface depends upon the length of the bush 
 ing and the diameter of the pin, whereas if the joint is 
 not bushed the length of the bearing is limited to the thick 
 ness of the links; the wear comes on the links themselves, 
 instead of being confined to the pins and bushings small 
 parts that are comparatively inexpensive to renew. By 
 making the bushings of case hardened steel and the pins of 
 high carbon steel, and by making them both of the proper 
 size so as to keep the bearing pressure low. a remarkably 
 long wearing joint may be obtained, providing it is kept 
 properly oiled. 
 The rollers are often cast with oil chambers, which are 
 filled through self-closing valves or oilers by means of a 
 syringe; the rollers have felt washers at the center of the 
 bore, through which the oil filters slowly to the bushings, 
 and then passes on through a slot in the bushings to the 
 pin, thereby oiling the outside of the bushing on which the 
 rollers turn, and also the inside of the bushings and the 
 pins. These oil chamber rollers can be made to carry 
 sufficient oil for three or four weeks supply. To prevent 
 the oil staying in the bottom of the roller when it gets 
 low, there are fins on the inside of the rollers to pick it 
 up and drop it on the felt washer. 
 Other rollers are provided with an oil duct leading to 
 its center, but have no oil chambers to oil each roller at 
 frequent intervals. In all cases the oil is delivered to the 
 joints at the center, so that it works from the center 
 out and tends to wash any grit or dirt out of the joints 
 rather than into them, and also tends to form oil seals 
 around the outside of the joints thus preventing the entrance 
 of dust or dirt. 
 Driving Arrangement. These carriers are usua .ly 
 driven by sprocket wheels at the driving corner. The 
 motor drives a countershaft through a pair of cut spur 
 gears or by silent chain. Further reduction to the main 
 shaft is made through spur gears. The bearings for the 
 several shafts arc usually supported on two cast iron side 
 frames, resting on beams and tied together across the top 
 by steel or cast iron members which are used also for 
 motor supports. 
 Where the driving requirements are heavy the gear on 
 the driving shaft and the pinion meshing with it are dupli 
 cated; that is, two pairs of gears are installed, one at each 
 end of the driving shaft. In some cases the sprocket 
 wheels consist of rims and teeth without arms or hubs, 
 the rims being bolted to the driving gears so that the 
 power is transmitted from the driving gear direct to the 
 sprocket, and the driving shaft is relieved of all torsional 
 strain. This makes possible the use of a lighter shaft, 
 and when the sprocket wheel teeth become worn they may 
 be renewed much more easily and economically. 
 Dischargers. Dischargers for tilting the buckets are 
 usually of the removable type, equipped with wheels which 
 travel on T-rail tracks. The curved tracks on the dis 
 charger which engage with the bucket cams are made of 
 such a shape that the rolling contact tips the buckets over 
 and allows them to regain their normal position with practi 
 cally no friction or noise. When it is desired to throw 
 the discharger out of service, the curved track is lowered 
 so that it does not engage the bucket cams. 
 Stationary dischargers are used for discharging material 
 at a fixed point. Several stationary dischargers are some 
 times used in place of removable dischargers ; any one of 
 these may be set to dump the buckets depending on where 
 it is desired to place the material. In some cases auto 
 matic traveling dischargers are used, which travel back 
 and forth automatically by means of power obtained from 
 the carrier, so that the discharge point is being constantly 
 changed, and the material is distributed along the length 
 of the distributing run. 
 Winches for Moving Dischargers. The movable dis 
 chargers are moved either in one or both directions by 
 small steel cables winding on winches at one end of the dis 
 tributing run of the carrier. The cable may be single in 
 which case the discharger is moved against the direction 
 of the travel of the buckets by the cable and in the oppo 
 site direction by contact with the buckets themselves ; where 
 an endless cable is used it may be passed around an idler 
 sheave at the opposite end of the distributing run. 
 Tracks and Guides. Standard T-rails are used almost 
 exclusively for the travel of the chain rollers on hori 
 zontal and inclined runs, these rails being supported on cast 
 iron chairs ; these are bolted usually to steel cross chan 
 nels on the upper runs and directly to the concrete floor 
 on the lower runs. The T-rails ordinarily weigh not less 
 than 16 Ib. per yd. ; the cast iron rail chairs should be 
 made amply strong and with wide bases so as to insure 
 proper support and alignment of the rails. Where movable 
 dischargers are used on the distributing runs, the rail chairs 
 are arranged to carry also the T-rails on which the dis 
 charger wheels travel. 
 For guiding the vertical runs of carriers, double T-rails 
 or double steel angles are used, the former being prefer 
 able. The chain rollers are confined between these guides, 
 so that there is little chance for the carrier to get out of 
 its intended path of travel. Where casings are used, the 
 rail chairs are bolted to the casing. Where no casing is 
 used the rail chairs are bolted to walks or to steel members 
 forming part of the building construction or to a steel 
 member added for the purpose. 
 Guards and Casings. To protect the chains from the 
 material being fed to the buckets, and to direct the ma 
 terial properly into the centers of the buckets, curved 
 steel guards, supported by extensions of the rail chairs are 
 used on feeding runs. These arc made of steel sheets, 
 usually Xo. 10 or thicker, and are bolted or riveted to 
 the tops of the rail chairs on which they rest. The inside 
 edges should come down quite close to the tops of the 
 buckets and the outside edges should be curved over far 
 enough to effectively protect the chains from material. 
 Vertical ascending runs with loaded buckets are usually 
 enclosed in steel casings made of No. 12 steel plate or 
 heavier, this casing preventing any material which might 
 be jarred or blown from the buckets from falling out 
 side on the floors or on attendants. On descending runs 
 where the buckets come down right side up, it is not 
 necessary to use a casing and the omission makes the car 
 rier visible and more accessible. There should, however, 
 be a guard for a certain distance above the floor to pre 
 vent accident to attendants. Casings can be used on descend 
 ing runs if desired ; where the buckets come down side 
 ways casings should always be used to confine material 
 which clings to the empty buckets and which may be 
 jarred loose. These casings are built in a similar manner 
 to standard elevator casings, the corners and joints being 
 made either by angles or by flanging the plates and rivet 
 ing or bolting them together. 
 The term "conveyor" is often construed to include 
 all continuous motion material handling machines. As 
 used here, however, it is intended to designate only 
 such machines as are designed primarily for moving 
 materials in a horizontal direction. All of the ma 
 chines described may, however, be installed at an angle 
 with the horizontal and under exceptional conditions 
 certain of them may be installed for transferring ma 
 terials vertically. 
 Belt Conveyors 
 Belt conveyors consist of a fabric belt, usually rubber 
 covered, which travels along over idlers at intervals, and 
 on which the material is conveyed. The earlier belt con 
 veyors used flat roll idlers, but it was soon recognized that 
 it was advisable when handling loose material to use a type 
 of idler which would bend up the edges of the belt, or 
 trough it so as to keep the material from creeping over the 
 edges. This troughing of the belts or bending up of the 
 edges was overdone at first; injury resulted from the con 
 stant bending back and forth of the belt, as it was troughed 
 and then flattened out again as it passed over the idler 
 pulleys. This excessive amount of troughing was un 
 necessary, and the fault has been corrected in most modern 
 idlers which bend the belt only sufficiently to retain 
 the material when traveling horizontally or at an incline 
 suitable for this type of conveyor. On the return runs of 
 belt conveyors the belt is supported on flat roll idlers, 
 spaced at intervals of usually about twice .that of the idlers 
 on the carrying run. 
 Belt conveyors are used for many purposes, and since 
 they can be run at quite high rates of speed, high capacities 
 can .be obtained from them. Where a properly lubricated 
 and free running idler is used the power required for opera 
 tion is comparatively small Consequently these convey 
 ors may be run for long distances with only a moderate 
 amount of power. The fact must not be overlooked, how 
 ever, that the fabric belts are more or less delicate com 
 pared with some other types of conveyors, and they will 
 not, therefore, stand an equal amount of rough usage 
 without serious injury. The material must also be delivered 
 properly to a belt conveyor at the feeding point, or rapid 
 wear is likely to occur. Positive lubrication and free run 
 ning qualities of the idlers are very important, since with 
 the speeds at which belt conveyors are operated idler pulleys 
 revolve rapidly; if they do not turn, freely, the friction and 
 consequent wear on the bch is considerable. With 6 in. 
 idlers and a belt running at 300 ft. per min., the idler pulleys 
 revolve at a rate of almost 200 r. p. m. 
 Belt conveyors can be used for handling almost any 
 kind of material which is not too wet, sticky or hot, and 
 they are used extensively for handling coal, coke, sand, 
 gravel, ore and grain. They can be operated on inclines up 
 to about 18 deg. or 20 deg., providing the particles of 
 material are not of such shape as to tend to roll back on 
 the belt ; with some materials, such as damp sand, the 
 angle can be increased to 25 deg., though an angle as steep 
 as this is rather unusual. Cleats are sometimes added to 
 belt conveyors, especially of the portable type, which make 
 it practical to handle many materials at a greater incline 
 than would otherwise be possible. They can be operated at 
 speeds up to 600 ft. per min., or even more under certain 
 conditions, the ordinary speeds being about 250 ft. to 400 ft. 
 per min. 
 The capacity of a belt conveyor in tons per hour can be 
 calculated readily from the table given below. The figures 
 given in this table are based on the assumption that the ma 
 terial being handled weighs 100 Ib. per cu. ft. and should, 
 of course, be increased or decreased proportionately to the 
 weight of the actual material ; for example, if the material 
 handled is bituminous coal which weighs approximately 50 
 Ibs. per cu. ft. the capacity will be only one-half as much 
 as is shown in the table. 
 100 LB. PER CU. FT. 
 of Belt, 
 12 ... 
 14 ... 
 16 ... 
 18 ... 
 20 ... 
 22 .. 
 Velocity in 
 200 250 300 
 42 53 63 
 55 68 82 
 75 93 112 
 105 131 162 
 130 162 195 
 155 193 232 
 190 237 285 
 300 375 450 
 420 525 630 
 520 650 780 
 780 975 1170 
 1100 1375 1650 
 450 500 
 The material may be discharged over the end of the belt, 
 or discharge at intermediate points along the conveyor can 
 be obtained by bending the belt around a reverse pulley 
 device, known as a tripper. The tripper pulleys are so ar 
 ranged that the belt travels up and around one pulley, then 
 back and around another, the travel around the first pulley 
 having the same effect as if the belt ended at this point, 
 the material being thrown forward into a chute leading to 
 either one or both sides of the conveyor. The trippers are 
 either stationary, or mav be mounted on a frame fitted with 
 truck wheels which travel on a track, so that the tripper 
 can be moved along the conveyor. 
 These movable trippers are sometimes operated by hand, 
 but usually are moved by power obtained from the belt 
 itself, the tripper pulley shaft being connected by proper 
 driving gearing to one or more of the truck axles. Suitable 
 clutches are provided to throw in the gearing for operating 
 the tripper in either direction. In some cases the clutches 
 arc thrown by levers which engage with stops along the 
 line of travel so that the tripper is automatically reversed at 
 the points where the stops are set, thereby keeping the 
 tripper moving back and forth constantly ; in this way the 
 material may be discharged uniformly along the path of 
 In some cases plows or scrapers, set diagonally across 
 the belt, are used for scraping the material off the belt ; it is 
 necessary in such cases to use flat roll idlers, at least at 
 trie discharge point. This method of discharging material 
 from the belt can be used only with certain kinds of ma 
 terial, since there is danger of wedging pieces of material 
 between the scraper and the belt, resulting in injury to the 
 Another method of discharging material from a belt con 
 veyor is to use what is known as a shuttle conveyor, the 
 whole conveyor being mounted on a frame fitted with 
 truck wheels and operating on a track. The material is 
 delivered to the conveyor at a central point, and the con 
 veyor is moved back and forth, the direction of the travel 
 of the belt being also reversed when necessary in order to 
 deliver the material along the full length of the distance 
 covered by the conveyor. The length of the conveyor 
 required is only half the amount of the distance to be 
 covered, since it operates over equal distances in both 
 Belts. Rubber covered fabric belts are used more 
 extensively than any other kind for belt conveyors for 
 handling loose material. These rubber belts usually have 
 aai extra thickness of rubber from 1/16 in. to J4 in- in thick 
 ness on the top or carrying side. Specially treated fabric 
 belts without the rubber are also used for conveyors for 
 loose materials. 
 A belt should be sufficiently flexible to conform to the 
 shape of the idlers by its own weight in order to travel 
 straight and not get out of line. If too stiff it will ride the 
 inclined side of the idlers, run out of line and bear hard 
 against the guide rollers if these are used, thereby injur 
 ing the edges. If too flexible it will crease longitudinally 
 in the angle between the idler pulleys with certain types of 
 idlers, thereby tending to start a separation of the plies at 
 these points. It will also tend to flatten out. or lose its 
 troughed form between the idlers. The plies ordinarily 
 used for different widths are as follows : 
 12 in. and 14 in. wide 3 or 4-ply 
 16 in., 18 in. and 20 in. wide 4 or 5-ply 
 22 in., 24 in. and 26 in. wide 5 or 6-ply 
 28 in. and 30 in. wide 5, 6 or 7-ply 
 32 in., 34 in. and 36 in. wide 6, 7 or 8-ply 
 42 in. and 48 in. wide 7. 8 or 9- ply 
 54 in. and 60 in. wide 8 or 9- ply 
 The working tension in a belt should not exceed 24 Ib. 
 per in. per ply. The extreme outside limit is 36 Ib. per in. 
 per ply and this should be used only for temporary instal 
 The width of the belt must frequently be determined by 
 the size of the pieces of material handled, rather than by 
 actual carrying capacity in pounds or cubic feet. The 
 Typical Applications of Belt Conveyors 
 widths of belt most suitable for maximum sizes of pieces to 
 be handled are as follows : 
 12 in. belt 2 in. pieces 
 18 in. belt 4 in. pieces 
 24 in. belt 8 in. pieces 
 30 in. belt 14 in. pieces 
 36 in. belt 18 in. pieces 
 48 in. belt 24 in. pieces 
 The life of a belt is affected by the characteristics of the 
 material handled, the average number of hours of opera 
 tion for a given period, the length of the conveyor, and the 
 grade of belt. Assuming one feed and l /s in. good grade 
 cover, a belt on a conveyor 100 ft. long should handle 
 during its life a tonnage equal to 500 times its width 
 squared; a conveyor 200 ft. long should handle twice as 
 much, since the longer the conveyor, the less frequently a 
 certain portion of the belt comes under the feed chute, 
 and the less frequently it is bent around the pulleys. 
 Idlers. The earliest and simplest idlers were plain 
 cylindrical rolls mounted on a through shaft turning in 
 bearings at each bend. These flat idlers insure the longest 
 possible life to the belt, and are still used more or less for 
 handling loose materials, and universally for return idlers 
 for belt conveyors. 
 The next step in the development of idlers was to use 
 bell-shaped ends, which bent the belt up at the outer edges 
 or gave it a troughed form to prevent the material from 
 spilling over. From this followed, as a natural step, the 
 combination of a central horizontal section and independent 
 inclined ends or sections to bend up the edges of the belt ; 
 for wider belts additional idler pulleys were added, forming 
 the multiple-pulley type of idler used extensively at the 
 present time. 
 The single-pulley idler with the flared ends has, how 
 ever, continued in use to a certain extent because of its 
 simplicity and free turning qualities when the shaft is 
 mounted in suitable bearings. With a single-pulley idler of 
 this type, there is a difference in peripheral speeds between 
 the smaller diameter at the center and the larger diameters 
 at the flared ends, which causes a slight rubbing on the 
 underside of the belt as the idler rotates. Experience has 
 proved that this slight nibbing action has very little effect 
 on the life of the belt, since the life is determined by the 
 wear on the top side where the material is carried. 
 Since the free running qualities of a belt conveyor and 
 therefore the life of the belt and the horsepower required 
 to operate the conveyor depend largely on the free running 
 qualities of the idlers, it is important that these idlers be 
 carefully designed. This means that the lubrication must 
 be effective under all conditions, especially throughout the 
 variations in temperature under which the conveyor is 
 called upon to operate. 
 Until recently, the usual method of lubrication has been 
 by grease cups, the multiple-pulley idlers having either two 
 grease cups, one at each end of the series of pulleys, or a 
 separate grease cup for each pulley, the grease being forced 
 through a hollow shaft and through openings in the shaft 
 to the inside of the bore of the pulleys. This method of 
 lubrication is effective, providing the grease cups are filled 
 and screwed up at frequent enough intervals, and provid 
 ing the grease does not solidify to the extent where it fails 
 to reach the bores of the pulleys in cold weather. If for 
 either of these causes the pulleys are not properly lubri 
 cated, they are likely to stand still, so that the belt slides 
 over them ; if this continues long the belt is likely to be 
 seriously injured or destroyed by the wear on the under 
 Return idlers are usually mounted on a shaft, which turns 
 in two bearings, one at each end, and the flat roll idlers and 
 flared end idlers are arranged in the same manner. It is a 
 comparatively easy matter to design efficiently lubricated 
 I Tarings for a shaft to revolve in, the most recent practice 
 being to use bearings with oil reservoirs of the ring oiling 
 or chain oiling type. Ball and roller bearings are also used 
 to a considerable extent for both the multi-roll and uni- 
 roll types of idlers, the roller bearings probably being supe 
 rior and preferable to the ball bearings because of the better 
 distribution of pressure on the roller bearings, and, there- 
 lore, the less likelihood of wear and loosening of the 
 Troubling or carrying idlers are usually mounted in cast- 
 iron stands on a plank, resting on two longitudinal string 
 ers, or on a steel channel attached to two longitudinal 
 steel channels or steel I-beams. The bearings for the re 
 turn idlers are ordinarily attached to the underside of the 
 longitudinal stringers. In some cases unit stands are used, 
 these stands supporting both the carrying and return idlers, 
 and being so arranged that they may be bolted to 
 stringers or to the floor. 
 Trippers. These consist of a pair of pulleys, either 
 stationary or mounted on a movable frame, and ar 
 ranged in such a way that the belt goes up and around 
 one pulley, and back with a reverse turn around the 
 other. The effect is the same as if the belt ended at 
 the first pulley, and then went around the second pulley 
 and started over again. The material is thrown for 
 ward as the belt passes around the first pulley in the 
 same manner as it would be discharged at the end of 
 a belt conveyor. 
 With stationary trippers, the pulleys are mounted 
 on a shaft resting in fixed bearings or turning in fixed 
 bearings. Where the tripper is movable, the pulleys 
 are mounted on a shaft turning in bearings resting on 
 a frame of cast iron, steel, or a combination of the two, 
 the frame being mounted on truck wheels, which travel 
 on standard T-rails. With the hand-propelled trippers, 
 there is a crank which turns the shaft that is connected 
 to one of the axles, thus moving the tripper along the 
 With the self-propelled tripper, the shafts on which 
 the tripper pulleys are mounted are connected to the 
 axles, and arranged with proper clutches for throwing 
 in the drive from one pulley or the other, so as to 
 propel the tripper in either direction. With the auto 
 matic trippers which travel back and forth constantly 
 when in operation, clutch levers are arranged to be 
 thrown by means of trips at each end of the travel 
 of the tripper. 
 Pulleys and Driving Machinery. Because of the pull 
 necessary to move a long or heavily loaded belt con 
 veyor, care must be taken to see that the driving pulley 
 is large enough in size, and that the belt gets sufficient 
 wrap around the pulley, and sufficient pressure against 
 the pulley to insure the proper friction for driving. 
 When belt conveyors are subjected to heavy stresses, 
 it is advisable to cover the driving pulley or pulleys 
 with rubber lagging, and it is also frequently necessary 
 to lag pulleys operating in dusty places. When very 
 wet material is handled on a belt conveyor, the driving 
 pulley is usually lagged with wood. To get more con 
 tact between the belt and the driving pulley, a snub or 
 idler pulley is ordinarily used to bend the belt up on 
 the underside and thus give it more wrap around the 
 Steel Pan Conveyors 
 Steel Apron Conveyor 
 Applications of Apron and Pan Conveyors 
 For especially heavy duty belt conveyors, other 
 methods are used for holding the belt against the driv 
 ing pulley and giving a maximum amount of contact, 
 one method being to use a small auxiliary belt, travel 
 ing around idlers which hold it close against the out 
 side of the main belt, the auxiliary belt being pulled up 
 against the main belt by the tension imparted to it by 
 means of a movable idler equipped with a counter 
 The driving shaft of a belt conveyor is usually con 
 nected to a motor by spur gearing, silent chain drive 
 or belt drive with an intermediate countershaft in 
 order to get the necessary speed reduction. 
 Care must be taken that the diameters of all pulleys 
 around which the belt is bent, including foot pulleys 
 and tripper pulleys, are not too small, since the con 
 stant bending of the belt around small pulleys when the 
 belt is under stress causes the plies to separate, and re 
 sults in the destruction of the belt. 
 Supports. The supporting structure may be either 
 of steel or wood, steel, of course, being more permanent 
 and less likely to get out of shape, but also, as a rule, 
 more expensive. There are usually two main longi 
 tudinal stringers, the cross planks or channels for sup 
 porting the carrying idlers being attached to the top 
 side, and the return idlers attached to the underside of 
 the stringers. Where unit stands are used for both the 
 carrying and return idlers, they can rest either on a 
 pair of stringers or on a floor. 
 Housing. Belt conveyors are frequently run exposed 
 to the weather, and if they are properly looked after 
 and well lubricated this does not cause any serious 
 deterioration. If, however, a conveyor is allowed to 
 stand still for a long period, the idler pulleys and other 
 pulleys are likely to become badly corroded, and the 
 belt deteriorates to a certain extent whether it is run 
 ning or standing idle. In winter time there is also more 
 or less danger of trouble from the belt freezing fast to 
 the idlers or ice forming on it and injuring it when it 
 is started up; this, however, can be overcome by clean 
 ing off the ice and snow and loosening up the conveyor 
 before starting up. When belt conveyors are located 
 inside a building they are not usually enclosed. 
 Housing when used may be built either of wood or 
 with a wood or steel framework covered with corru 
 gated iron. The footwork for access to the conveyor is 
 sometimes built inside of the housing and sometimes 
 outside of it, doors being provided so that the idlers 
 may be properly lubricated and the conveyor taken 
 care of. 
 Feeding Chutes. Probably more belts are ruined, or 
 their life shortened, by the way in which the material is 
 delivered to them than from any other cause. Where 
 possible the material should always come onto the belt 
 in the direction in which it is traveling, with as little 
 impact and at as near the speed that the belt is trav 
 eling as possible. Where the material handled is both 
 coarse and fine, it is good practice to feed over bars 
 for a short distance so that the fine stuff will be de 
 posited on the belt first, and form a bed to protect the 
 belt from the impact of the coarser material. 
 Brushes. A revolving brush is sometimes employed 
 near the discharge end of the conveyor to remove fine 
 particles which might otherwise cling to the belt and 
 be carried around over the idlers. The bristles should 
 be stiff and durable but should not be made of wire 
 except in special cases. Provision should be made for 
 automatic or manual adjustment to insure continued 
 contact of the bristles with the belt regardless of wear. 
 Apron and Pan Conveyors 
 Apron conveyors consist usually of one or more chains 
 to which wood or metal slats are attached, so as to form 
 a continuous apron. Foi handling packages or piece arti 
 cles the slats are not always continuous, but sometimes have 
 spaces between them, but for handling loose materials they 
 form a continuous apron, so that the material can ride on 
 the apron in the same way that it rides on the belt of a 
 belt conveyor. Instead of having separate chains, the slats 
 and chain links are sometimes lashed together as a unit, 
 in which case the parts are made of malleable iron or some 
 other cast metal. 
 The slats are made in many forms, from flat steel plates 
 simply butted up close together to the overlapping pans 
 with deep corrugations, very similar to the bucket conveyor 
 types of machines. As a matter of fact it is difficult to 
 draw the line as to where the apron conveyor stops and the 
 bucket conveyor begins, since the bucket conveyors are 
 similar to the apron conveyors, except that the plates are 
 formed into the shape of buckets which will handle loose 
 material horizontally or at a considerable incline. Pan 
 conveyors are also similar to apron conveyors, except that 
 they have pans of considerable width instead of the nar 
 rower slats which form the aprons of the apron conveyor. 
 Aprons made with plain flat plates are seldom used for 
 handling loose materials because of the slight gaps between 
 the plates, which allow the material to leak through; the 
 gaps open up as the slats pass around the sprocket wheels 
 at the terminals, allowing the material to spill through still 
 more. By curving the slats so as to bring the butting edges 
 on the center line of the chains, it is possible to bring the 
 adjacent slats close together, and there is little or no ten 
 dency to open up as they pass around the terminal wheels ; 
 this type of conveyor is used to a certain extent for loose 
 The usual method, however, is to make the slats over 
 lapping, the slats having one or both edges curved or 
 beaded; the former is known as the single beaded type, and 
 the latter as the double beaded type. The curve of the 
 beaded part is concentric with the chain joint center, so 
 that when the chains are bent at the joints the beaded parts 
 rotate around these centers. The slats can be either made 
 flat between the beads, or they may be bent down to a 
 shape approaching a bucket, this type of apron conveyor 
 being especially adapted to handling materials on inclines. 
 The chain or chains are sometimes attached to the under 
 sides of the slats, and the chains or slats slide along on 
 tracks, or are supported on idlers at intervals on both the 
 carrying run and return run. Most modern apron con 
 veyors, however, have roller chains attached to the ends 
 of the slats, and tracks are supplied for the chain rollers 
 to travel on, on both the carrying and return runs. 
 For moderate lengths and moderate capacities the stand 
 ard malleable iron chains are used to a considerable extent, 
 but the most usual type of apron conveyor is the one em 
 ploying steel strap roller chains with good-sized flanged 
 rollers at the chain joints, and with the inside links of the 
 pan made wider, so as to form ends for the slats or pans 
 in order to keep the material from spilling over the edge. 
 The tracks for the travel of the rollers ordinarily are steel 
 flats, steel angles or standard T-rails, resting either on steel 
 or wooden supports. 
 Stationary steel side plates are frequently added to an 
 apron conveyor, especially where it is to be used as a 
 feeder, so that a deep bed of material may be carried on 
 the apron. The steel side plates are placed just inside the 
 moving ends of the slats, which they overlap to a certain 
 extent, the ends of the slats keeping the lower layer of 
 material from getting out over the edge, and the stationary 
 steel side plates keeping the upper layers of the material 
 from escaping. For handling coal, ore, sand, gravel, 
 crushed stone and similar materials, the pans are usually 
 made of steel, hut for hot or corrosive materials the pans 
 are often made of malleable iron or cast iron. 
 Pan conveyors usually have rollers for supporting the 
 pans on both the carrying and return runs, but the rollers 
 and the chains are ordinarily separate; the rollers are 
 attached at each side of the pans, or sometimes only on 
 every second or third pan, and a single chain or some 
 times a steel cable is attached to the center of the pans 
 underneath, or two strands of chain are attached at the 
 sides of the pans. Roller chains, usually of the steel strap 
 type, are also used to certain extent, these chains being 
 attached at the sides of the pans, so that the rollers can 
 travel on tracks on both runs. In some cases the pans 
 are arranged to dump the material at intermediate points, 
 the discharge being accomplished by depressing the tracks 
 at these points, so that the rollers at one end of the pans 
 follow down the depressed track, thereby tilting the pans 
 at an angle, so that the material is discharged from them. 
 The pans are made of steel, cast iron or malleable iron, 
 according to the material to be handled. 
 Bucket conveyors, or open top carriers as they are some 
 times called, are similar to apron conveyors, except that the 
 plates are formed in the shape of a bucket. The usual 
 type is with a double strand of steel strap chain with 
 flanged rollers at the chain joints, or sometimes in the 
 center of chain links, the chain joints being equipped sim 
 ply with driving collars to engage with the sprocket wheel 
 teeth. The rollers are not always fitted to each pitch of 
 the chain, but sometimes to every second or third pitch. 
 These bucket conveyors are used extensively for handling 
 various materials, such as coal, ore, sand, crushed stone 
 and gravel and with buckets of the proper shape they can 
 operate on comparatively steep inclines. 
 General Specifications 
 Chains. Various types of chains are used for apron, 
 1 an and bucket conveyors, such as the Ewart, pintle, com 
 bination, malleable roller, and steel strap roller chains. 
 For heavy service and handling abrasive materials the 
 chain joints are frequently bushed to give greater bearing 
 service and hard wearing faces, which can be renewed 
 without renewing the whole chain. 
 Slats, Pans and Buckets. The slats for apron con 
 veyors and pans for pan conveyors are usually made of steel 
 plate and sometimes of cast iron or malleable iron, depend 
 ing upon the materials to be handled. The buckets of 
 bucket conveyors are usually of steel plate, although they 
 can be made of malleable iron. For light service, steel 
 sheets of ]/x in. thickness, or even lighter, are sometimes 
 used, but as a rule the thickness is not less than % in., and 
 often it is even thicker than this for the large, heavy duty 
 Tracks and Supports. For sliding slats or chains, 
 steel flats or steel angles are ordinarily used. For roller 
 chains with unflanged rollers, the tracks are also of steel 
 flats or steel angles. For the steel strap chains with 
 flanged rollers, or for flanged rollers separate from the 
 chains, T-rails are used to a large extent, though steel 
 flats or sterl angles are also used more or less for this 
 type of roller. 
 The supporting framework can be either of wood or steel, 
 the steel framework being more permanent and less likely 
 to get out of shape. 
 Terminal Wheels and Driving Machinery. Stand 
 ard sprocket wheels are used for the chains to travel 
 around, including the driving wheels for the machine. The 
 driven shaft is usually geared with spur or bevel gears to 
 a countershaft, and there is frequently another geared coun 
 tershaft in order to obtain the necessary speed reduction 
 from the motor. The connection between the motor or 
 second countershaft can be made by cut spur gearing, 
 silent chain drive or belt drive. 
 Speeds. Apron conveyors are ordinarily operated at 
 slow speeds, usually from 50 ft. to 75 ft. per min. Where 
 they are used for feeding materials from a hopper or bin, 
 the opening in the hopper or bin is made large enough 
 so that the material will always flow out as it is taken 
 away by the moving apron, and since this large opening 
 means quite a deep bed of material on the apron, the 
 speed is usually quite slow to avoid feeding the material 
 too rapidly. Apron feeder speeds are usually somewhere 
 between 15 ft. and 30 ft. per min. 
 Housing or Casing. These conveyors are ordinarily 
 run open without any housing even when they are exposed 
 to the weather, but they can of course be housed the same 
 as other conveyors, with a housing built of wood, corru 
 gated iron, or other material. 
 Screw or Spiral Conveyors 
 Screw conveyors consist of a shaft, usually hollow, on 
 which is wound a spiral blade, the rotation of this spiral 
 blade causing the material to be pushed along in a trough 
 or on a bed of the material itself. As a rule there is a 
 trough made of wood and lined with steel, or constructed 
 entirely of steel. Screw conveyors arc ordinarily made in 
 sections, 8 ft. to 12 ft. long, with a short coupling shaft 
 between each two sections, these shafts being supported 
 in bearings. The hollow shafts to which the spiral blades 
 Single Screw 
 are attached are usually made of steel pipe. The blades 
 are attached to the pipe by bolts, flattened at one end and 
 riveted to the spiral blade, and threaded at the other end 
 and fitted with a nut, the threaded end extending through 
 Double Screw 
 the pipe. The pipes are reinforced at the ends of each 
 section by sleeves slipped over them, and the coupling 
 shafts are held by bolts extending through the sleeve and 
 pipe and also through the shaft. 
 Another type of screw conveyor, known as the Helicoid, 
 has a continuous spiral blade for each section, this blade 
 when formed into a spiral being thicker at the inner edges 
 and thinner at the outer edges and fitting close around the 
 pipe, to which it is attached only at the ends. 
 The bearings for supporting the screws are held in 
 Inclined Screw 
 hangers attached usually at the upper edges of the trough. 
 These bearings are designed to take up as little room as 
 possible so as not to interfere with the passage of the 
 material past them. 
 Screw conveyors should be operated with the material 
 coming only about to the center of the shaft or a little less 
 than this, otherwise the material will tend to crowd against 
 the bearings. 
 In some cases where very heavy materials are to be 
 handled or a steadier feed is desired, screws with a double 
 set of flights are used. For handling abrasive materials 
 Rotary Cylinder Screw Conveyor 
 like sand, ashes and certain ores, cast iron screw conveyors 
 are sometimes used. The flights are cast on sleeves, which 
 are in halves and are bolted together over a solid shaft, 
 the shaft usually being square in section where the flights 
 are fitted to it. Cast iron screw conveyors ordinarily have 
 a cast iron trough, though the upper part of it is some 
 times made of steel channels. 
 Instead of a full flight extending all the way out from 
 the hollow shaft, a steel ribbon is sometimes used, this 
 ribbon being supported on bolts which hold it some dis 
 tance from the shaft. Ribbon conveyors are used for semi- 
 liquid or sticky materials, or where it is desired to mix 
 materials, and where the capacity required is not great. 
 Other types of screw conveyors are also used for mixing, 
 paddles sometimes being inserted between the flights of the 
 spiral or the outer edges of the spiral flights sometimes 
 being cut out so as to leave gaps; the cut part may be 
 bent over so as to stir the material still more as it is 
 When a conveyor trough is built entirely of steel plates 
 they are usually reinforced with steel angles along the upper 
 edges, and where covers are desired they are ordinarily 
 bolted to these angles. As a rule steel troughs are sup 
 ported on cast iron saddles, these saddles sometimes being 
 only low saddles for the conveyor to rest on, and sometimes 
 running all the way to the top edge of the troughs and 
 forming the flanges for bolting the sections of the trough 
 Material is discharged from screw conveyors by gates in 
 the bottom of the trough, the same as with flight con 
 vex <>rs. These gates are usually of the sliding type, being 
 operated cither by a direct pull handle or having a rack 
 and pinion with hand wheel or chain wheel for operating 
 the pinion shaft. 
 S. rexv conveyors are used for handling grains, flour, 
 feeds, fertilizers, cement, crushed coal, sand, gravel, ashes, 
 chips and many other substances which do not contain over 
 one-inch lumps. They are usually installed in a hori/ontal 
 position but may be inclined at an angle of 20 deg. without 
 noticeable loss of capacity. Inclined conveyors should usu 
 ally be run at slightly lower speeds than horizontal con 
 veyors to avoid throwing materials over the flights. Screw 
 conveyors may also be operated successfully in a vertical 
 position for handling light materials such as cotton seed, 
 ground ci rk. etc.. which do not cling together. 
 Another type of spiral conveyor which has been used to 
 a limited extent, consists of a steel cylinder with a spiral 
 blade attached to its inside. When the cylinder revolves, 
 the internal spiral blade causes the material to travel 
 lengthwise of the cylinder. On the outside of the cylinder 
 are rings at intervals which are supported on rollers, the 
 cylinder !>eing made to revolve by a pair of spur gears, 
 the large gear consisting of a ring attached to the cylinder. 
 and the small gear or pinion being mounted on a counter 
 shaft to which the power is applied. This type of con 
 veyor is used for conveying, cooling or drying certain ma 
 terials, such as soda, metallic ores, etc. 
 A table of capacities for screw conveyors is given beloxv : 
 Size of screw (.RAIN 
 conveyors -Ins. 3456789 in 12 14 16 
 Speed, r.p.m.,.200 200 190 180 175 175 170 165 165 160 160 
 Cn. ft. per hr.. 34 72 175 243 352 734 910 1,205 2,180 2.935 5,110 
 Bi shrls per hr. 27 58 140 195 282 586 728 965 1.745 2,350 4.100 
 (Dry, and with no large lumps or stones) 
 Size of screw 
 conveyors Ins. 3456789 10 12 14 16 
 Speed, r.p.m.,.125 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 
 Cn. ft. pei hr.. 20 43 95 126 178 359 421 540 933 1,200 2.000 
 ^creenines, or small sized coal, with no lumps larger than 1 in. 
 "Size of screw convt-yur 
 Inches 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 
 Speed, r.p.m 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 
 Ca. ft. per hr 269 544 650 838 1,460 1,905 3,220 
 T us (2,000 lb.) per hr. 6.7 13.6 16.3 20.9 36.5 47.5 79.O 
 - *Sma11 sizes of screw conveyor not recommended for handling coal. 
 Size of screw conveyor 
 Inches 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 
 Speed, r.p.m 125 115 110 100 100 90 90 85 
 Cn. ft. per hr 167 233 468 541 725 1,210 1.625 2,730 
 Barrels per hr 42 58 117 135 181 303 408 683 
 General Specifications 
 Flights. The flights for steel screw conveyors are 
 made of steel plates or sheets, the thickness varying accord 
 ing to the size of the conveyor and according to the charac 
 teristics of the material to be conveyed. For heavy or 
 abrasive materials the flights should be made thicker to 
 give longer wear. The pipes on which the flights are 
 mounted are also made heavier for the heavy duty con- 
 Typical Installations of Flight Conveyors 
 veyor. The table below gives the various thicknesses of 
 flights commonly used with different sizes of conveyors 
 and the sizes of the pipe on which the flights are mounted. 
 Standard Lengths 
 Diam. of 
 of Steel 
 t * \ 
 Pipe Inches in Flights 
 Feet Avg. Wt. Lb. 
 4 .... 
 No. 18 
 8 25 
 I A 
 No. 16 
 10 40 
 No. 14 
 10 54 
 I A 
 No. 14 
 10 60 
 No. 12 
 12 108 
 16 .. . 
 No. 12 
 12 120 
 No. 10 
 12 186 
 No. 10 
 12 192 
 Inside Diam 
 Standard Lengths 
 Flights Inches 
 Feet Avg. Wt. Lb. 
 4 . . . 
 No. 10 
 8 32 
 4 .... 
 8 39 
 8 43 
 6 .... 
 I A 
 No. 10 
 10 56 
 6 .. 
 I A 
 10 64 
 6 .... 
 10 85 
 \ A 
 10 106 
 9 . 
 l A 
 No. 10 
 1O 66 
 I A 
 10 82 
 10 105 
 No. 10 
 10 70 
 10 86 
 10 110 
 10 134 
 10 157 
 10 ... 
 1 A 
 No. 10 
 10 90 
 10 114 
 I A 
 10 134 
 10 .... 
 No. 10 
 10 98 
 10 120 
 10 143 
 12 .... 
 No. 1O 
 12 106 
 12 134 
 12 165 
 12 165 
 12 195 
 12 225 
 12 . . . 
 12 260 
 12 330 
 12 186 
 12 208 
 14 . . 
 12 213 
 12 233 
 12 222 
 12 250 
 16 .... 
 12 235 
 12 270 
 12 305 
 12 340 
 16 .... 
 12 410 
 12 280 
 12 320 
 12 360 
 18 .... 
 12 4OO 
 18 .... 
 12 480 
 12 330 
 12 390 
 12 450 
 Troughs. Where wooden boxes are used with steel 
 lining, the lining does not come all the way to the top of 
 the box but forms only a curved lining for the bottom oi 
 the box, the upper edge of the steel sheet being attached 
 to the wooden box by nails or screws. There is usually 
 a clearance of from J4 in. to l /z in. between the flights 
 of the screw and the trough. The steel conveyor boxes 
 ordinarily have steel angles along the upper edges for 
 stiffening and as a rule are equipped with steel plate covers, 
 especially when used to handle dusty materials. The thick 
 ness of the steel plates for the steel conveyor troughs and 
 for the lining of the wooden boxes varies according to the 
 size of the conveyor and the material handled. 
 In many cases wooden boxes or concrete troughs are used 
 without any lining, considerable clearance being provided 
 between the conveyor flights and the sides of the troughs 
 so that the bottom and sides of the trough are realty 
 formed by the bed of material itself. In some cases in 
 which a pile of material is to be formed by a screw con 
 veyor, no trough or box is provided, the screw simply 
 pushing the material out on the pile as it is formed. Where 
 cast iron screw conveyors with cast iron troughs are used. 
 the nights and troughs arc made quite heavy, usually not 
 less than ]/% in. or l /2 in. thick. 
 Bearings and Hangers. The bearings are usually 
 made of cast iron and are babbitted, the bearing being sup 
 ported by a cast iron or steel hanger. An oil hole is usually 
 provided down through the hanger, so that oil may be sup 
 plied to the babbitted bearings. In some cases where abra 
 sive materials are handled, chilled cast iron bearings are 
 used and no provision is made for oiling. 
 Box ends made of cast iron are usually provided, these 
 box ends having babbitted bearings for the end shafts ; for 
 conveyors of much length a thrust bearing is also provided 
 to take the longitudinal push on the shaft. 
 Driving Arrangement. Screw conveyors are driven 
 from a shaft extension at one end on which is mounted the 
 driven wheel, this wheel being usually either a gear wheel 
 or a sprocket wheel for connecting to a countershaft to 
 which power can be applied in any ordinary manner. 
 Where two screw conveyors are connected together at 
 right angles, there are standard right angle drives with 
 short chain drives and a pair of mitre gears with a short 
 countershaft and the necessary castings for supporting the 
 Flight and Drag Conveyors 
 Flight conveyors consist of one or more chains which 
 push the material along in a trough usually made of wood 
 or metal, the pushing being done cither by the chain or 
 chains themselves, or by means of flights or pushers at 
 tached to the chains, the flights ordinarily being made of 
 wood or metal. Flight conveyors may be installed in 
 either a horizontal or an inclined direction. 
 The simplest type of these conveyors is known as a drag 
 chain conveyor, where the chain itself does the pushing. 
 With such conveyors a single wide chain is ordinarily used, 
 the chain sliding along in the trough on the carrying run, 
 and the material being pushed along in the trough by the 
 chain. While the chain itself need not be very deep, it 
 will convey quite a deep bed of material, the chain pushing 
 the lower layer of material, and the upper layers riding 
 along on the other moving material. The chain passes 
 around sprocket wheels at the ends, and returns either 
 over idler drums or by sliding back on guides. Sometimes 
 the return run is above the carrying run, and sometimes 
 below it. If the return run is above the carrying run, the 
 material passes through and over the sides of the chain 
 links at the discharge point, whereas if the return run is 
 below the carrying run, the material is discharged over the 
 end wheel, which in such cases is usually made with flanges 
 to keep the material from spilling out sideways. These 
 conveyors are seldom used for discharging material at in 
 termediate points along the length of the conveyor, the 
 discharge usually being only at the end. They are quite 
 extensively used for handling coal, ashes, sawdust and 
 some other materials. 
 Where flights or pushers are used, the chains are usually 
 made fairly narrow, and either one or two chains are em 
 ployed. If the flights are not too long, a single chain is 
 sufficient. The flights are bolted to special attachment links 
 on the chain, the attachments being at the center of the 
 flight for a single chain, and out towards the ends or at 
 the ends for double chains. For light nwtenais like saw 
 dust, feed and ensilage, both flights and trough are usually 
 made of wood, the wooden flights sliding on the wooden 
 trough, and returning on wooden slides or over idlers. 
 The carrying run may be either above or below the return 
 run. The material can be discharged either at the end of 
 the conveyor or at intervals along its length by means of 
 gates or doors in the bottom of the trough, the material 
 falling through the first open gate that it comes to. 
 One of the commonest forms of flight conveyor for 
 handling coal is a single strand of chain with malleable 
 iron flights bolted to the chain at intervals of usually about 
 18 in. or 24 in. The flights slide along the trough on the 
 carrying run and push the coal; they slide back on angle 
 iron tracks supported by a light steel frame which rests 
 on the conveyor stringers at the sides of the trough. The 
 malleable iron flights are made with thick edges where 
 they come in contact with the trough and have shoes cast 
 on the opposite edge or steel shoes bolted to the edge, these 
 shoes sliding on the guides or tracks on the return run. 
 The thick edges of the flights where they come in contact 
 with the trough prevent any chatter or screech of the 
 flights as they slide along and increase their life. As a 
 matter of fact, when such a conveyor is loaded with coal, 
 the coal tends to get underneath the flights to a certain 
 extent, so that the flights ride on the coal and frequently 
 do not come much into contact with the trough, except 
 where the conveyor is empty. 
 The troughs are usually made of steel plates and are 
 supported by wood or steel stringers along each side, the 
 steel stringers usually being of the channel form. Where 
 wooden stringers are used the supports for the return 
 guides are also frequently built of wood, the return tracks 
 themselves being steel flats on wooden stringers. For large 
 capacity, or where the coal contains large lumps, two 
 strands of chain arc used, these chains being attached at 
 the end or near the ends of the flights so as to give ample 
 space for the lumps between. Flight conveyors of this type 
 are sometimes built for capacities as high as 1,500 tons per 
 hour, the flights and chains in such cases being entirely 
 buried underneath the mass of coal; the upper part of the 
 mass rides on the lower part which is pushed along by 
 the conveyor. 
 Instead of allowing the flights to slide on the trough, 
 they are sometimes provided with shoes, usually made of 
 cast iron; these shoes arc attached either directly to the 
 flights at each side or to the ends of crossbars which are 
 attached to the flights. Tracks, usually made of steel an 
 gles, are arranged at each side for the shoes to slide along 
 on, the track being set at the proper height on the carrying 
 run, so as to keep the flights elevated slightly above the 
 trough. In place of the sliding shoes on each side of the 
 flights, rollers arc frequently substituted to obtain rolling 
 friction, thereby reducing the pull necessary to move the 
 conveyor. These rollers are mounted either on separate 
 pins attached to each side of the flights, or to small axles 
 or shafts extending across the tops of the flights. Such 
 machines are usually of the single strand type, since the 
 customary design for a double strand flight conveyor using 
 rollers is to use two strands of roller chain attached to the 
 ends of the flights and provide tracks for the chain to roll 
 on. These conveyors ordinarily use short pitch malleable 
 iron roller chains for moderate capacity and moderate 
 length of conveyor, and steel strap roller chains for the 
 larger machines. They are extensively used for handling 
 run-of-mine soft coal at tipples and preparation plants. 
 Instead of using a chain or chains for pulling the flights, 
 a steel cable is sometimes substituted. For cable conveyors 
 the flights are usually made round and in two halves which 
 are bolted together in such a way as to clamp tightly over 
 the cable. The troughs are ordinarily made U-shape or 
 V-shape, with a steel plate at the bottom resting on wooden 
 planks: the V-shape trough is usually fitted with a curved 
 steel plate at the bottom. The cable travels around sheave 
 wheels at the ends, these sheave wheels having gaps at the 
 proper intervals to receive the flights which are attached to 
 the cable. Cable conveyors are used for handling sawdust, 
 shavings, wood blocks and pulp logs, and are frequently 
 employed as retarding conveyors for lowering coal from 
 hillside mines to tipples at a lower level. 
 General Specifications 
 Chain. For drag chain conveyors, either malleable 
 iron or steel chains are used, the pitch of the chain usually 
 being not over 8 in. and the width, as a rule, not over 16 
 in. These chains are of the pintle type and the barrels of 
 the malleable iron chain ordinarily have flat faces on which 
 they slide on the trough. Sometimes wings are cast on 
 the outside of the links to give greater width for pushing 
 the material and to keep the heads of the pins from com 
 ing into contact with sides of the trough, thereby prevent 
 ing the heads of the pins from being worn away. 
 For flight conveyors of moderate length and capacity 
 the Ewart chains are used extensively and also the pintle 
 and combination chains. The mono-bar type of chain is 
 an excellent one to use for long flight conveyors because 
 of its great strength and its comparatively light weight. 
 For large capacity, double strand flight conveyors special 
 types of steel chains are used. For the double strand roller 
 flight conveyors, the smaller machines ordinarily employ 
 malleable roller chain and the larger ones steel strap roller 
 Wheels. Standard sprocket wheels are used for flight 
 conveyors. Where a conveyor carries on the upper run 
 and discharges over the end, the end wheel is made of the 
 drum type so that the material being conveyed will pass 
 on over the drum at the end of the trough. 
 Flights. Where wooden flights are used, they are 
 usually made of a rectangular shape, and thick enough to 
 be amply strong for the work usually not less than l!4 in. 
 or \y 2 in. thick. A close grained wood like maple is best 
 for flights. In some cases the grain of the wood is made 
 to run up and down ; that is, at right angles to the trough, 
 instead of parallel to it, thereby giving greater length of 
 life to the flights. This, however, necessitates a crossbar 
 of wood or metal to reinforce the flight lengthwise to keep 
 it from splitting. When the conveyor carries on the upper 
 run, the flights are sometimes notched out so that the chain 
 can set in the notches and not extend beyond the bottom 
 of the flights. This allows the use of a plain bottom board 
 for the trough upon which the flights slide. 
 Steel and malleable iron flights for conveying coal and 
 similar materials are usually made with the corners beveled 
 off to rest on a trough with sloping sides. The material 
 tends to slide down to the center of the trough, and if one 
 flight becomes overloaded the surplus material can get past 
 it to the next flight. This design also eliminates any pos 
 sibility of jamming of material between the ends of the 
 flights and the sides of the trough. Malleable iron flights 
 are ordinarily used in preference to steel flights as the 
 steel flights tend to screech and chatter as they move along 
 on the trough, and the thickened edges of the malleable 
 iron flights also give greater wearing surface and longer 
 For suspended and roller flight conveyors where the 
 flights do not touch the trough they are usually made of 
 steel, ordinarily ]4, in. or 3/16 in. in thickness. The flights 
 are also made of steel for double strand roller flight con 
 veyors, the large flights frequently having corrugations or 
 being reinforced with steel angles to prevent distortion. 
 Troughs. For handling light materials, such as saw- 
 dust, feed, etc., the troughs are usually made of wood. For 
 handling most other materials, however, metal lining plates 
 or complete metal troughs arc used. For handling coal and 
 similar materials steel plates are used, though cast iron 
 plates are employed where the service is severe. Whore 
 drag chain conveyors are used for handling ashes or other 
 gritty materials the troughs are usually made of hard white 
 cast iron plates or sometimes of manganese steel. For an 
 ordinary coal conveyor where the work is quite light, and 
 the conveyor is not out in the open, steel plates Yt, in. 
 thick will give several years service. Where the service 
 is heavy or where the conveyor is exposed to the weather, 
 the trough plates should he not less than 3/16 in. or l /a, in. 
 thick, and for very heavy work they are mack even thicker 
 than this. 
 Bearings and Driving Machinery. Since the speed of 
 rotation of conveyor shafts is slow and the pull on the 
 chain considerable, simple, rigid types of pillow blocks or 
 post boxes are ordinarily employed, the type known as 
 angle bearings being extensively used. These bearings are 
 usually of the babbitted type, with some simple type of oil 
 well or grease cup. The driven shaft is usually geared 
 with spur or bevel gears to a countershaft, or is driven 
 by a chain drive from a countershaft. When connected to 
 an electric motor there is usually at least one additional 
 countershaft geared to the first countershaft, the connection 
 to the motor being by means of cut spur gears, belt drive 
 or silent chain drive. The hearings fur the higher speed 
 countershafts should be equipped with efficient oiling 
 Guides. On the return run of drag chain conveyors, 
 the chains may slide on steel or cast iron plates, or travel 
 hack over idlers spaced at intervals. For wooden flight 
 conveyors, the wooden flights ordinarily return on wooden 
 slides or boards. For flight conveyors with malleable iron 
 or steel flights, the return guides are usually steel flats or 
 steel angles which rest on wood or steel support. For 
 roller flight conveyors and roller chain flight conveyors, 
 tracks of steel flats or steel angles are used. For cable 
 conveyors the round flights usually return in a V-shape 
 or U-shape trough similar to the trough on the carrying 
 Supports. The supports may be built either of steel 
 or wood, the steel construction having the advantage of 
 being more rigid and less likely to get out of shape; 
 wooden supports, however, are extensively used and stand 
 well, quite severe service. 
 Gates. The gates for discharging the material from 
 a flight conveyor are usually of the sliding plate type, op 
 erated either by a lever or with a rack and pinion arrange 
 ment. The rack is bolted to the gate plate, and the pinion 
 is mounted on a shaft supported in bearings and has a 
 hand wheel or chain wheel for revolving the shaft and open 
 ing or closing the gate. 
 Housing or Casing. Flight conveyors are frequently 
 run in the open exposed to the weather; if used quite 
 constantly this does not cause any serious deterioration. 
 When allowed to stand still for long periods the corrosion 
 of the trough plates and other parts may be quite severe. 
 There is also more or less trouble from ice and snow in 
 winter time, it sometimes being necessary to loosen up the 
 flights from the trough and guides before starting up tre 
 When the flight conveyors are located in a building they 
 are not usually enclosed. When they are outside and it is 
 desired to house them in, either a wooden structure is used 
 or one with a wood or steel framework covered with cor 
 rugated iron. The fontwalk for access to the conveyor is 
 sometimes built inside the housing and sometimes outside 
 the housing, and doors provided fur convenient access to 
 the conveyer. 
 Reciprocating Conveyors 
 Conveyors of this class include two types : reciprocating 
 trough conveyors, sometimes called "grasshopper" con- 
 \eyor>, and reciprocating flight conveyors. 
 Reciprocating Trough Conveyors 
 This type of conveyor takes its name of "grasshopper" 
 conveyor from the hopping or jumping movement im 
 parted to the material being conveyed by the movement of 
 the conveying trough up and forward. The conveyor con 
 sists principally of a trough, usually of steel and of the 
 proper depth and width for the capacity required and the 
 material to be handled. 
 In one type the trough is supported on flexible arms at 
 close intervals, these arms being inclined to a certain ex- 
 Reciprocating Trough Conveyor. 
 tent so that the trough moves up as well as forward when a 
 vibrating motion is imparted to it by an eccentric and 
 an eccentric rod. The throw is small and the speed fairly 
 high. The eccentric rod is fitted with springs where it is 
 connected to the trough to absorb the shock. The driving 
 shaft is equipped with fly wheels which makes the opera 
 tion more uniform. In another type the trough is supported 
 by or suspended from laminated spring legs. 
 In either type the material may be screened in transit 
 and delivery may be made at the end of the run or at 
 any point through gates in the bottom of the trough. These 
 conveyors may be used for handling sand, cement or most 
 any loose material. They are particularly adapted for 
 handling materials which are more or less sticky, especially 
 raw sugar. In fact it is extensively used for this purpose 
 since it handles the sugar without grinding or crushing the 
 crystals, and is self-cleaning when in operation. The capac 
 ity obtainable is large and comparatively little power is 
 required for operation. 
 Reciprocating Flight Conveyors 
 .Reciprocating flight conveyors consist of a frame usually 
 built of steel, which is made to move back and forth, and 
 underneath which are hung hinged flights or pushers, which, 
 when they move forward, push the material in troughs, 
 and when they move back, lift up and ride over the mate 
 rial. The frame is equipped with rollers or wheels, spaced 
 at comparatively long intervals, these wheels traveling 
 on tracks on each side of the trough. These conveyors 
 have been used principally for handling sand, especially 
 molding sand in foundries. Their suitability for this sort 
 of work is due principally to the few wearing parts, the mostly on a bed of the material itself, instead of sliding 
 rollers and the hinges of the flights being about the only on the trough. The discharge of the material is accom- 
 parts besides the driving machinery which receive much plished by gates in the bottoms of the trough. 
 Reciprocating Flight Conveyor Forward Movement 
 Reciprocating Flight Conveyor Return Movement 
 wear, since sufficient clearance can be left between the The reciprocating movement is imparted to these con- 
 flights and the trough so that the material slides along veyors by eccentric rods, or cranks and connecting rods. 
 Current Conveyors 
 Under current conveyors might properly be classed pneu- and systems for pumping liquids. Hydraulic conveyors 
 matic conveyors, steam jet conveyors, hydraulic conveyors have been used to a limited extent, mainly for conveying 
 Steam Jet Ash Conveyor Installations 
 coal, and pumping systems are universally used in con 
 veying water, oil, chemicals and so on. However, only 
 the two first mentioned conveyors will be discussed here. 
 Steam Jet Conveyors 
 The steam jet conveyor is essentially a conveyor for 
 ashes. It consists primarily of a line of pipe into which 
 ashes are fed and through which they are carried to a 
 discharge point by the flow of air induced by a steam jet 
 of high velocity. The steam discharge tends to create a 
 vacuum behind it, which in turn creates a current of air 
 through the air intake provided at the end of the suction 
 The ashes arc fed into the pipe through opening pro 
 vided with covers, so that only the one in use needs to 
 be uncovered. They are usually handled dry, and sprayed 
 with water at the discharge point. If sprayed before they 
 are handled they tend to pack in the turns of the pipe 
 line The ashes can either be discharged into a baffle box, 
 storage bin, car or other receptacle. Since the ashes 
 tend to wear the pipe turns, special fittings are provided 
 \\ itli renewable faces or plates made of special wear-re 
 sisting metal. 
 The capacities of these conveyors are limited to the 
 amount of ashes which can he fed to a single opening, 
 the diameter of the opening usually being about 6 in. or 
 8 in. They cannot be successfully used with a steam pres 
 sure lower than 60 Ib. per sq. in. 
 Pneumatic Conveyors 
 Pneumatic conveyors are air suction conveyors which 
 convey the materials through pipes. The suction is pro 
 duced by an exhauster or fan which partially exhausts 
 the air from an enclosed tank to which the conveyor pipes 
 are attached. As the air is sucked out of the tank a cur 
 rent of air, which has sufficient velocity to float the mate 
 rial to be conveyed, is produced through the pipe line. 
 The conveyor pipes are provided with self-feeding noz- 
 xlos usually on the end of a hose. These are moved 
 around in the material to he conveyed and suck it up into 
 the conveyor pipes through which it passes to the suction 
 tank where, under the reduced pressure in the larger area, 
 it drops into the storage space. From here it may be blown 
 to other storage points by utilizing the air blast from the 
 discharge side of the exhauster which is protected by a 
 dust collector. 
 Pneumatic conveyors are particularly adapted for han 
 dling grain, malt, seeds, cotton, or other tine bulk materials 
 which are not sticky or fragile. Fcrtili/er materials, fillers 
 earth, soda ash, cement, food products, coal, ashes, starch 
 and wood chips may be mentioned as some of the mate 
 rials handled successfully by this system. 
 Probably the most common use of pneumatic conveyors 
 is the handling of grain-unloading cars, ships and barges 
 and rehandling in warehouses. One of the illustrations 
 shows clearly the flexibility of the pneumatic system for 
 car unloading. As may be seen the main duct extends 
 the full length of the building and a connection can be 
 made opposite any car. The siding shown in the illustra 
 tion closely adjoins the building. However, this is not 
 an essential with these systems as the hose lines may 
 easily be extended to reach remote tracks. It should also 
 lie noted that the car unloading may be accomplished with 
 out the removal of the grain doors. 
 Another of the illustrations shows the application of the 
 pneumatic conveyor to warehouse service re-handling grain. 
 This system permits one conveyor to serve both the first 
 and second floors without interference with teams or truck 
 ing. A third illustration shows a typical installation for 
 handling ashes. 
 Handling Ashes 
 Pneumatic Station for Unloading Grain Cars 
 A Warehouse Application 
 Pneumatic Conveyor Inside a Car 
 These systems are equally efficient in the unloading of 
 vessels and admit of easy adjustment for tidal variations. 
 One of the important features of these systems is the 
 elimination of dust. For this reason pneumatic conveyors 
 are especially desirable for handling material like soda 
 ash, the dust of which is most irritating to human beings. 
 Portable Central Station 
 Unloading Copra from a Ship 
 Portable Loaders 
 A number of years ago certain coal dealers thought that 
 some form of portable elevator for loading coal from ground 
 storage to wagons would be of value to them as a labor 
 saving device. One or two dealers went so far as to build 
 machines of this type, the first machine being rather clumsy 
 and expensive. One of the first of these machines used a 
 vertical gravity discharge elevator, driven by a steam engine 
 receiving steam from a small vertical boiler, the engine and 
 boiler being mounted on the truck with the elevator, and the 
 machine being self-propelled. This machine was used for 
 several years, but was too clumsy and too heavy to be easily 
 From time to time other dealers figured on using similar 
 machines, but usually discarded the idea because of the ex 
 pense. Most of these designs were for self-propelled ma 
 chines. Later on one or two coal dealers purchased the 
 necessary machinery and built home-made centrifugal dis 
 charge elevators, set at a considerable incline, and mounted 
 on wooden framework carried by ordinary wagon wheels. 
 These machines were not designed to be self-propelling, and 
 since they were less expensive and were effective for the 
 work, especially in handling run-of-mine soft coal, a demand 
 was created for this design and it was developed still fur 
 ther, steel frames being substituted for the wooden frames 
 and steel agricultural type wheels for the wagon wheels. 
 These machines proved successful and quite a number of 
 them were built. They were equipped with large buckets 
 and since they were fairly heavy, they were not easy to 
 move from one pile to another, but were especially adapted 
 to cases where quite a large amount of one kind of coal 
 was handled, for instance, run-of-mine bituminous coal or 
 small anthracite steam coal. 
 Where the service required was for handling several dif 
 ferent sizes or kinds of sized anthracite coal, it soon devel 
 oped that lighter machines more easily portable would be 
 more efficient and save a greater amount of labor. To meet 
 this demand lighter machines were developed, the elevators 
 being placed more nearly vertical so as to reduce the length 
 required to elevate the coal to the proper height ; since these 
 machines were designed principally for handling sized an 
 thracite coal they were fitted with chutes with interchange 
 able screens for screening out the under-sized coal as it was 
 delivered to the wagons. The screenings fell into dust hop 
 pers underneath the screen, these dust hoppers being ar 
 ranged with a chute and gate so that the screenings could be 
 drawn off into wheelbarrows. Where electricity was avail 
 able these machines were usually driven by electric motors, 
 though a great number of them were operated by gasoline 
 From these beginnings the portable loader business has 
 grown to large proportions. The machines have proved to be 
 great labor savers, and have served to largely reduce the 
 idle time of teams and trucks, since the time required for 
 loading a ton of coal by hand shoveling is usually in the 
 neighborhood of 15 minutes, in addition to this when the coal 
 has to be screened this is another operation requiring more 
 labor. With a portable loader the time required for loading 
 a ton of coal is ordinarily from one to three minutes, the 
 screening being accomplished automatically at the same time 
 as the coal is loaded. With labor conditions as they are to 
 day, and with the operation of large and expensive trucks, 
 which must be kept moving if they are to pay a good return 
 on the investment, portable loaders have proved a valu 
 able addition to the modern methods of handling coal, sand, 
 gravel, crushed stone, coke, fertilizer and certain other ma 
 In the last few years the portable belt conveyors have 
 been added to the portable bucket elevator. These portable 
 belt conveyors, of course, are not able to dig material from 
 piles as the bucket machines do, but they have the advantage 
 of conveying the material some little distance from the load 
 ing point, as well as elevating it, and being able to discharge 
 the material at a higher level than is customary with the 
 bucket machines. They are thus frequently better adapted 
 to piling material or for delivering it to cars, trucks or bins 
 where the height of delivery and reach of the bucket ma 
 chines is inadequate. 
 They can also be used in combination with a bucket ma 
 chine, which acts as a digger and delivers the material to the 
 portable belt, which in turn conveys it to the desired point 
 or spreads it over a certain area. The two machines together 
 make a flexible combination, since the portable elevator can, 
 if desired, remain at a fixed point, such for instance as when 
 unloading material from a drop bottom railroad car, and the 
 portable belt conveyor can be moved around so as to spread 
 the material over a large area, the feeding point of the ma 
 chine being kept always within range of the chute from the 
 portable elevator. 
 In some cases two or more portable belt conveyors are 
 used together, so as to reach to a greater distance or cover 
 a larger storage area; after a pile of material is partly 
 formed one of the machines is sometimes moved up onto 
 the pile, so that the material which is fed to it from another 
 machine can be piled to a still greater depth. The portable 
 belt conveyors are sometimes fitted with wheels on which 
 they may he moved around, and at other times are simply 
 supported on the ground or on other supports, or hung from 
 an overhead trolley. 
 The portable bucket elevators might be classified approxi 
 mately as follows : 
 1 Light single chain machines with comparatively small 
 buckets for handling prepared sixes of anthracite coal and 
 bituminous slack. 
 Moderate weight, double chain machines, with larger 
 buckets for handling prepared sixes of anthracite coal and 
 bituminous slack, or even run-of-mine bituminous where 
 there are not too many large lumps. 
 3 Heavy double strand machines, with large buckets, for 
 handling anthracite or bituminous coal and having a capacity 
 ul one ton or more per minute. 
 Where a machine is to be used for handling sand, gravel, 
 coke or other abrasive materials, special types of chains, 
 usually the steel bushed malleable type, are used better to 
 withstand the wearing action of the abrasive material. 
 The next step is the self-propelled machine, in which the 
 motor or engine is geared to the truck wheels so as to propel 
 the machine by its own power. This is advantageous with 
 the heavy high capacity machines, but the smaller machines 
 arc seldom made self-propelling. 
 Several different types of screens are used with the anthra 
 cite loaders, and screens are occasionally used for some other 
 materials. The simplest form is the plain gravity screen, 
 in which the screen plate is set at a sufficient angle so that 
 the coal flows over it by gravity. This type of screen, how 
 ever, has two disadvantages. ]t must be set at such an 
 angle that any sixe coal which is handled over it will always 
 flow by gravity, in whatever condition it may be in, whether 
 wet or dry. With a chute set at this comparatively steep 
 angle, which angle is ordinarily fixed, the coal is apt to flow 
 over the screen rapidly, especially the larger sixes, so that the 
 screening is not efficient, more or less of the under-sized coal 
 passing over the screen instead of going through it. The 
 velocity imparted to the coal in flowing over the steep angle 
 screen tends to cause breakage when the coal strikes against 
 the other coal in the wagon, truck or pile to which it is being 
 delivered. The capacity of a gravity screen is also quite 
 limited, since the coal must be spread out in a thin layer over 
 the screen, if the under-sized coal is to be efficiently re 
 moved. The smaller the screen, therefore, or the more 
 rapidly the coal is passed over it the less efficient the 
 The shaking screen can be set at a lower angle, since the 
 movement of the coal over the screen is not dependent upon 
 gravity, but is helped along by the upward and forward 
 movement of the screen, this movement being similar to 
 that of the reciprocating trough conveyor. With a shaking 
 screen set at a comparatively low angle, the different sizes 
 of coal move over it at approximately the same rate of 
 travel, and since the coal is constantly agitated on the screen, 
 it is spread evenly over it and is rolled over and over so 
 that the screening is efficient. The shaking motion is pro 
 vided by an eccentric driven by power obtained from the 
 motor or engine. 
 Rotary screens have also been used to a certain extent on 
 portable elevators, but they have not proved as simple and 
 efficient as the shaking screen, and since they arc necessarily 
 of comparatively small sixe, their capacity is limited. 
 Hand-Propelled Type 
 With hand-propelled portable elevators, the usual method 
 oi operation is to move the machine up to the pile so that the 
 buckets dip into the lower edge of it, and then push the 
 material up to the buckets by hand shoveling, the machine 
 being moved from time to time as the pile recedes. The 
 buckets dig up the material from the pile, but after they 
 have remo\cd several bucket loads from one point, the ma 
 terial is out of their reach unless it is pushed over to them. 
 As a matter of fact this feeding the material to the foot of 
 the machine sounds like a more laborious operation than it 
 really is, since the depth of the pile increases as the machine 
 is backed toward the center of it, so that it is more a case 
 of avalanching the material down to the buckets or pushing 
 it down hill towards them than it is actual shoveling of the 
 A number of schemes have been devised in the attempt to 
 eliminate the man required for feeding the material to the 
 foot of a portable loader. The only really efficient method is 
 to make the loader self-propelling, so that it can be moved 
 against the pile by its own power. More efficient feeding is 
 obtained by making the elevator swiveling so that the foot 
 of it can be moved around in an arc of a circle, thereby 
 sweeping over considerable area at each new position of the 
 loader. A great deal of material can thus be loaded before 
 it is necessary to move the machine to a new position, and 
 when it is necessary to move back a wide path will have been 
 cleaned up, thereby allowing easy movement of the machine. 
 A feeding device at the foot of a portable elevator, even 
 though it may help to clean up a little larger area around 
 the foot of the machine before it is necessary to move, does 
 not as a rule eliminate the man required for helping to feed 
 the material to a hand-propelled machine, and if the machine 
 is self-propelled no feeding device is necessary. 
 Some of the feeding devices and methods which have been 
 devised are as follows : 
 1 Small scraper flight conveyor attached to the foot of 
 the elevator, and arranged so that the other end of it can 
 be raised and lowered, and in some cases arranged to 
 swivel around sideways. 
 2 Mounting the elevator on a sliding platform or guides, 
 so that the elevator can be moved back against the pile by 
 a hand operated gear without moving the whole machine. 
 3 Blades or paddles mounted on the foot shaft of the 
 elevator which is extended at each side, these paddles being 
 set at such an angle that they tend, as they revolve, to 
 sweep the material over sideways towards the buckets. 
 4 Anns attached to vertical shafts, one on each side of 
 the foot of the elevator, these vertical shafts being driven 
 by gearing from the elevator foot shaft and cranks, the 
 moving arms push the material in from each side towards the 
 5 Circular revolving plates, mounted on vertical shafts, 
 one on each side of the foot of the elevator, these serving 
 to push the material in towards the buckets. 
 These feeding devices all tend to help feed the material 
 to the foot of the elevator, but they do not. as a rule, entirely 
 eliminate any of the men required for the operation of the 
 machine. Feeding attachments are not required with self- 
 propelled machines equipped with a swiveling device. 
 Portable Bucket Loaders 
 \\ here the loader is to be moved around in places where 
 the headroom is limited, a machine of the collapsible or 
 Types of Portable Bucket Loaders: (1) Rotary Disk Feeder; (2) Collapsible Type with Creeper Traction; (3) Bag 
 Loader; U) Rotary Motion Increases Digging Area; (5) Hand Propelled Fertilizer Loader; (6) Self Propelled Swiv- 
 eling Loader with Pivoted Chute; (7) Collapsible Type Loader 
 folding type should be used. The collapsible machines have 
 the elevator frame pivoted, so that the head of the elevator 
 can be lowered when passing under an obstruction, for in 
 stance, when moving underneath a trestle or a shed roof. 
 The collapsing movement is usually accomplished by a cable, 
 winding on a drum, the drum being operated by a hand 
 wheel working through a worm gear, the drum is held sta 
 tionary in any position by the worm wheel. 
 For bagging coal, special low loaders have been designed 
 with bagging attachments fitted to the end of the screen 
 chutes. These bagging loaders are frequently fitted with the 
 scraper flight conveyor feeder, operated from the front of the 
 machine by the man who is doing the bagging. These feed 
 ing conveyors are more useful on the bagging loaders than 
 on any other loaders, since they can he used to control the 
 rate at which the coal is delivered to the bags, the operator 
 lowering the feeder slightly as he fills each bag, and stopping 
 the movement and therefore the feed of the coal when the 
 bag is filled. 
 Another method of bagging coal, when using a loader, is 
 to use a portable bagging hopper with the loader, this port 
 able bagging hopper having a chute at the lower end fitted 
 with a bagging attachment. The operator uses the loader to 
 fill the hopper, and then bags the coal or a second operator 
 feeds the loader and keeps the hopper filled while the first 
 operator does the bagging. 
 When loading materials which are hard to dig, such as 
 crushed stone, fertilizer, coke, etc., buckets with teeth or 
 digging prongs are used, these teeth or prongs cutting into 
 the material more effectively than a plain bucket. 
 Portable loaders are usually driven either by an electric 
 motor or gasoline engine. The great majority of them use 
 electric motors, since they are easy to operate and less 
 likely to need attention. The feed wires for the 
 motors are usually run to a number of convenient points, and 
 sockets for plugs located at these points. The connection be 
 tween these points and the motor is usually made by a flexible 
 cable, with a plug the end which can be inserted into any 
 one of the sockets. 
 Specifications for Portable Bucket Elevators 
 Buckets. The standard type A malleable iron buck 
 ets are ordinarily used on portable elevators ; in some cases 
 type B malleable iron buckets are used, and on a few ma 
 chines continuous steel buckets are employed. Various types 
 of digging prongs and teeth are attached to the buckets for 
 handling materials that are difficult to dig. Buckets with 
 reinforced digging edges are used for materials which are 
 apt to cause rapid wear on the cutting edges of the buckets. 
 Chains. With small buckets for light service, a sin 
 gle strand of chain is used, but most loaders use two strands 
 of chain. For handling coal and other materials which 
 an- not abrasive, the chains generally used are the standard 
 detachable type, the combination chains and pintle chains. 
 For abrasive materials the Ley type steel bushed malleable 
 iron chain is ordinarily used. 
 The chains are usually provided with lugs for attaching 
 direct to the backs of the buckets, though in some cases 
 plates have been attached to the backs of the buckets and 
 the chains have been attached to the ends of these plates 
 so as to keep them entirely away from the buckets. Rollers 
 attached to the ends of the buckets have been used to sup 
 port the buckets on the up and down runs, these rollers 
 traveling up and down on steel tracks. 
 Chain Speeds. For handling coal or other material 
 where breakage is objectionable, the chain speed should be 
 kept as low as possible and still give a good clean discharge 
 of the material from the buckets into the chute. In any 
 case it is better to keep the chain speeds low so as to 
 minimize the jar and vibration of the machine caused by 
 the digging of the material. The chain speeds usually range 
 somewhere between 105 ft. and 135 ft. per min. 
 Capacity. The coal loaders usually range in capacity 
 from about one-third ton per minute to one ton per minute, 
 the buckets ranging from 12 in. by 6 in. to 18 in. by 
 8 in., style A. The most used size of loader for handling 
 sized anthracite coal will load at the rate of about one-half 
 ton per minute, this being about as rapid a rate as is prac 
 tical with the proper screening of the coal. Capacities of 
 machines for other materials are similar in volume, that 
 is from about 13 cu. ft. to 40 cu. ft. per min., the tonnage, 
 of course, depending upon the weight of the material. 
 Frames. The frames of the machine are usually built 
 of standard structural steel shapes and steel plates. With 
 a collapsible machine the elevator frame is separate from 
 the truck frame, so that it can rotate around the pivot point. 
 In some of the other machines the elevator frame is also 
 separate from the truck frame and is pivoted at the head, 
 so that the clearance between the ground level and the 
 buckets, as they pass around the foot wheel, may be ad 
 justed. There is usually a spill apron underneath the return 
 buckets to catch any material which is not discharged into 
 the chute at the head, and to keep the buckets from sagging 
 too far. The motor or engine and part of the driving 
 machinery is usually enclosed in a box made of steel plates. 
 Trucks. For the hand-propelled machines, it is a dis 
 tinct advantage to have the main supporting wheels quite 
 large in diameter, so that they will be easier to move over 
 the rough ground or obstructions. These wheels are, there 
 fore, from 3 ft. to 5 ft. in diameter. The front wheels of 
 the hand-propelled machine are usually not over 2 ft. in 
 diameter, the axle being made swiveling and fitted with a 
 tongue to aid in moving the machine. This tongue is 
 usually removable so that it will not be in the way when 
 the machine is in operation. 
 The front and rear wheels of the self-propelled machines 
 are usually about the same diameter, since the smaller wheels 
 do not require so much speed reducing gearing as the larger 
 ones. For the heavier machines the treads of these wheels 
 are sometimes as wide as 10 in. in order better to support 
 the weight without cutting into soft ground. The driving 
 wheels are usually fitted with cleats for better traction. The 
 machines are sometimes mounted on track-laying type trucks 
 when used on soft ground, as when digging into a sand bank. 
 Motors and Engines. The motors and engines usually 
 range from 2 hp. in the small machines up to about 7yi hp. 
 and even 10 hp. in the larger machines. Some of the larger 
 machines with special feeder attachments use motors as 
 large as 20 hp. but this is unusual. The motor or engine is 
 ordinarily located in the lower part of the frame just above 
 the truck wheels. A pair of spur gears with a rawhide 
 pinion is ordinarily used for connecting the motor with the 
 first countershaft. From this countershaft there is generally 
 a chain drive to a second countershaft ; in the case of a 
 collapsible machine there is a pivot shaft and from this 
 second countershaft there is another chain drive to the head- 
 shaft of the machine. One of the driving wheels is fitted 
 with a friction clutch, so that the machine can be stopped 
 and started without stopping the engine or motor. 
 With the self-propelled machines the countershaft next 
 to the motor is connected to the driving wheels by spur 
 gearing and a chain drive, the spur gearing giving one di 
 rection of travel and the chain drive the opposite movement, 
 the speed reductions being arranged to give the desired 
 Portable Bucket Loaders: lit Reclaiming from Storage; (2) Screening and Sizing; (3) Handling Gravel; (4) Car Un 
 loading; (5) Digging and Loading; (6) A Self-Feeder Loading a Truck; (7) Storage to Truck; (8) Radial Type in 
 Construction Work 
 speeds forward and back. Friction clutches operated by 
 hand levers are used to throw in the gearing for the for 
 ward or reverse movements ; the best machines are equipped 
 with a differential in the rear axle similar to that in an 
 Steering Device. The steering of the machine is 
 usually controlled by a lever or wheel, the front wheels of 
 some of the best machines having steering knuckles similar 
 to standard automobile practice. In the three-wheel ma 
 chines, the turning of the single wheel is controlled by a 
 worm and worm wlu-i-1 oprrati-d by a hand wheel or capstan. 
 Speed. The usual traveling speeds for the self-pro 
 pelled machines are in the neighborhood of 75 ft. per min., 
 though speeds as high as 140 ft. per min. have been used. 
 The backward speed is usually in the neighborhood of 25 ft. 
 per min., though in some cases a much lower speed than 
 this is used, some machines traveling as slow as 4 ft. per 
 min. for working into the pile of material. 
 Weight. The weight of the portable elevator usually 
 runs between 2,000 Ib. and 8,000 Ib. though some of the 
 smaller machines arc even a little under 2,000 Ib. in weight. 
 Light weight, of course, tends to make a machine more 
 portable when it is hand-propelled, but if it is made too 
 light it is apt to be too much subject to vibration, and will 
 not be as good for digging into a pile or as durable as a 
 slightly heavier machine. 
 General Dimensions. Most portable elevators are 
 used for loading material into wagons or automobile trucks, 
 the height under the chute varying from about 7 ft. to 8 ft. 
 or a little over. The overall height of these machines usually 
 runs from about 11 ft. to 13>i ft- or 14 ft., though some 
 machines are higher than this. It is advisable to keep the 
 machine as low in height as possible, and still have the 
 proper distance underneath the end of the chute, since the 
 machine is less apt to be top-heavy and does not require 
 so much headroom in which to operate. The overall width 
 of the machine is usually from 5 ft. 6 in. to 7 ft., though 
 some of the machines exceed these dimensions. The over 
 all length from the rear of the bucket in the operating posi 
 tion to the front end of the chute is usually somewhere be 
 tween 11 ft. and 16 ft. or 17 ft. Where feeder attachments 
 are used this overall length is, of course, increased. 
 Uses of Portable Loaders 
 Since the handling of coal at coal yards involves the 
 storing and loading to trucks and wagons of a greater 
 amount of material than any other industry, the coal dealers 
 arc the principal users of portable loaders. The rapidity 
 with which the portable elevator has come into use in coal 
 yards is the greatest argument in its favor as a labor-saving 
 machine. It is used by coal dealers principally for loading 
 coal from ground storage to wagons and trucks, or some 
 times to small cars. It is also used for unloading coal as it 
 is discharged from the bottom doors of railroad cars, and 
 delivering to wagons or trucks, or sometimes direct to 
 storage piles or bins. On account of the short reach of 
 the portable bucket elevator, and because standard machines 
 do not as a rule have a height of more than about 8 ft. 
 underneath the chute, they are not as well adapted to piling 
 coal or delivering to bins as portable belt conveyors with 
 their longer reach and higher delivery point. The portable 
 loader has, however, the advantage over the belt conveyor 
 of being able to dig the coal. 
 Portable bucket elevators are also used extensively by coal 
 consumers for handling from ground storage piles to wagons, 
 industrial cars or trucks, or for unloading railroad cars. 
 They can also be used to dig the coal and deliver it to a 
 conveyor system, or to a portable belt conveyor, the com 
 bination of portable bucket elevator and portable belt con 
 veyor being an excellent one for both storing and reclaiming 
 coal, the elevator acting as the digger and the belt conveyor 
 as the distributor or loader. Portable elevators are also 
 used for loading coke, sand, gravel, crushed stone, ashes, 
 lime, loose earth, chemicals, fertilizer and various industrial 
 In some cases they are used for digging sand or gravel 
 from banks, this, however, being severe service and requiring 
 a rugged, heavy machine. The ground surface over which 
 the machine has to travel when digging into a bank is apt 
 to be soft and uneven ; the standard truck wheels are not 
 will adapted to traveling over this sort of a surface, and 
 the machine is apt to be stalled. The track-laying type of 
 traveler is more suitable for this service and by using the 
 swiveling type of machine a fairly good path can be made 
 by the machine itself as it moves. Because of the likelihood 
 of the avalanching of the material, a machine having the 
 elevator set at a rather low angle of incline is more suitable 
 than one with a steep angle, since it has a longer reach, 
 thereby making it possible to keep the main part of the 
 machine farther away from the bank, and also avoid the 
 necessity of driving the wagons or trucks so close to the 
 The fertilizer manufacturers have become quite extensive 
 users of portable loaders because of the large amount of 
 material which has to be handled from ground storage. 
 Since some of the fertilizer materials pack quite closely, and 
 are, therefore, hard to dig, special types of machines have 
 been developed for this purpose. The materials are usually 
 delivered to wheelbarrows or low cars and it is possible, 
 without making the height of the machine excessive, to 
 equip it with loading hoppers with gates at the bottom, so 
 that the wheelbarrows or cars can be quickly loaded 
 from these hoppers. The machine can thus keep on work 
 ing and loading the material to the hopper, without regard 
 to whether there is a car or wheelbarrow in position to be 
 loaded, thereby increasing the rate of handling. 
 The comparison below of the costs of loading, and the 
 number of trips possible when using hand labor and when 
 using a portable loader, is taken from the catalog of a 
 portable loader manufacturer. 
 Comparison of cost by hand labor and portable loader to load 
 5 cu. yd. of broken stone, coke, gravel, sand, coal, etc., into an auto 
 truck : 
 Two laborers, 45 minutes $ .S2 l /2 
 Loading time of auto truck, 45 minutes at $25 per day of 
 10 hours 1.87/ 3 
 Loading cost by hand $2.40 
 Loading cost by machine 45 % 
 Amount saved $1.94J4 
 Two laborers, 8 minutes $ .09 
 Loading time of auto truck, 8 minutes at $25 per day of 10 
 hours 32 
 Power consumed at ^c. per cu. yd 02J4 
 Oil, grease and interest on investment. 02 
 Loading cost by machine $ .45 Yt 
 Comparison of trips in loading 5 cu. yd. of broken stone, etc., 
 into an auto truck between hand labor and a portable loader: 
 Time to load truck with two men 45 rains. 
 Running time of truck 30 mins. 
 Round trip 75 mini. 
 Number of trips in 10-hour day 8 
 Time to load truck with two men 8 mins. 
 Running time of truck 30 mint. 
 Round trip 33 m i n5 . 
 Xumber of trips in 10-hour day 16 
 Types of Portable Belt Conveyors: (1) Troughing Type 60 ft. Span; (2) Self-Propelled Snow Loader; (3) Equipped 
 with Hooks for Attachment to Car or Elevated Track; (4) Hand Wheel Height Adjustment; (5) Equipped with Screening 
 Hopper; (6) Scoop Type 
 Applications of Portable Belt Conveyors: (1) Truck Loadin:; (2) Coal Storage; (3) Industrial Car Loading; (41 Gravel. 
 Pit; (5) Retail Coal Yard; (6) A Unit in a Conveyor Line; (7) Car Unloading; (8) Handling Lumber 
 Portable Belt Conveyors 
 The modern portable belt conveyors are a somewhat later 
 development than the portable elevators, and they also 
 have come into use quite rapidly for storing and reclaiming 
 various materials, especially when unloading from hopper- 
 bottom railroad cars to ground storage piles. They are 
 usually built with small foot pulleys, and, when unloading 
 railroad cars, the foot of the machine can be pushed back 
 far enough underneath the discharge point of the car so 
 that the material will flow out of the car directly on to 
 the foot of the belt. 
 Portable belt conveyors consist of a woven belt, usually 
 rubber covered, traveling around terminal pulleys at each 
 end, and supported intermediately either by idler pulleys, 
 steel plates, or both. Most of these conveyors use flat belts 
 with cleats riveted to them at intervals, to make it possible 
 to carry material up a steeper incline than would otherwise 
 be possible, and with steel plate side guards to keep the ma 
 terial from spilling out sidewise. In some cases troughing 
 idlers are used on the loaded run, but the troughing or 
 bending of the belt makes the use of cleats on the belt a 
 more difficult problem, and without the cleats the maximum 
 angle of incline possible is limited usually to about 20 deg. 
 to 25 deg., depending upon the material being conveyed. 
 A portable belt conveyor, which is to be moved on a floor 
 or on the ground, is equipped with two truck wheels at a 
 point somewhere near the center, so that the machine is 
 very nearly balanced. 
 When it is to be moved the head end in tilted down so as 
 to raise the foot off of the ground, and bring the weight 
 all on the two wheels at the center. It can then be moved 
 around at will. Most machines are equipped with a hoisting 
 arrangement for changing the angle of incline of the machine, 
 so that the different heights can be obtained underneath the 
 discharge point. 
 Where a machine is to be seldom moved, the wheels are 
 sometimes omitted and it is supported on stationary supports 
 or on the pile of material itself, or it is sometimes hung 
 from a trolley traveling on an overhead rail. While portable 
 belt conveyors are not digging machines, since the foot pul 
 leys are small and the foot end of the belt comes close to 
 the ground, it is easy to push the material over onto the 
 foot of the belt. 
 Specifications for Portable Belt Conveyors 
 Belts. Belts used for portable belt conveyors are 
 ordinarily standard rubber covered conveyor belts with an 
 extra thickness of rubber on the carrying side. The widths 
 used are from 12 in. to 24 in. To make the belt capable 
 of carrying material up a steeper angle, cleats are fre 
 quently riveted to the carrying side. These cleats are some 
 times strips of belt; sometimes pieces of belt are bent in 
 the shape of a U, and riveted 10 the belt to give cleats of 
 considerable height. In other cases steel angles are used 
 for cleats, one leg of the angle being riveted to the belt. 
 Cleats are ordinarily used only with flat belts, though one 
 or two manufacturers attach them also to troughed belts, 
 the cleats in such cases being made so that only a short 
 section is attached to the belt at the center ; the outer edges 
 of the cleat are raised slightly above the belt to allow for 
 the bending or troughing of the belt. 
 Pulleys. Standard belt pulleys are used at head and 
 foot, the drive pulley being at the head and the foot pulley 
 being as small as it is feasible to make it. 
 Idlers and other Belt Supports. Where the loaded 
 run is supported on troughing idlers, these idlers can be 
 cither of the uniroll or multiroll type. If no cleats are used 
 the return run of the belt can be supported on return idlers. 
 For flat belts with cleats the belt is usually allowed to ex 
 tend slightly underneath the edges of the side guards, and 
 is supported on the loaded run principally on angle guides 
 underneath the edges of the belt, the belt sliding on these 
 guides. Rollers are also used at intervals to take part of 
 the weight of the belt and material. As a rule the belt 
 slides back on angle guides which support the edges. 
 Frame. The frames are built of structural steel 
 shapes and plates, and are made as light as is consistent with 
 strength and rigidity in order to make the machine as port 
 able as possible. A housing for the motor is usually built 
 between the carrying and return runs of belt somewhere 
 near the center of the machine. The foot of the machine- 
 is housed in at the sides with steel or cast iron plates, or a 
 combination of the two, to prevent material from getting on 
 the return run of the belt. 
 Truck Wheels. The truck wheels are usually of the 
 standard agricultural type, and for the adjustable machines 
 a frame is attached to the axle and a hoisting arrangement 
 is fitted to this frame ; one type has small steel cables which 
 travel over shaves and wind on small drums which are 
 operated by a hand wheel. 
 Driving Machinery. These machines are operated 
 either by electric motors or small gasoline engines, the motor 
 or engine and part of the gearing being housed in, as pre 
 viously described. The motor or engine is usually connected 
 to a countershaft by spur gearing, and chain drives are used 
 to connect up to the head shaft of the machine. The motors 
 or engines vary in horsepower from 1J4 hp. for the smaller 
 machines up to l l /2 hp., or sometimes even more, for the 
 larger and longer machines. 
 Belt Widths, Speeds and Capacities. The belt widths 
 ordinarily used are from 12 in. to 24 in. The smaller 
 machines have a capacity of approximately one-half ton of 
 coal a minute, and the large machines as high as two tons 
 of coal per minute, this capacity, of course, depending upon 
 the belt speed used. The belt speeds ordinarily range some 
 where between ISO ft. and 250 ft. per min. 
 Lengths and Weights. The machines most used have 
 a length of about 25 ft., center to center of head and foot 
 pulleys, though they are made in lengths as short as 12 ft. 
 and as long as 60 ft. The weights of the same lengths of 
 machines vary considerably, some machines being made very 
 light with the idea of easy portability, and other machines 
 being made heavier so as to give longer service without 
 racking themselves to pieces. The weights of the 25 ft. 
 machines with 16 in. or 18 in. width belts probably vary 
 as a rule between 2,000 Ib. and 3,000 Ib. for the complete ma 
 chine. A 12 ft. machine with a 12 in. belt could be built 
 as light at 750 Ib. and a 60 ft. machine with an 18 in. belt, 
 would weigh in the neighborhood of 5.800 Ib. 
 A Treatise Describing and Illustrating the Mechanical 
 Details of Construction of Continuous Elevators 
 and Conveyors Used in Handling Both 
 Packed and Loose Materials 
 Consulting Engineer; Associate Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 
 Assisted by 
 Consulting Engineer; Associate Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 
 Member, Society of Terminal Engineers 

Conveyor Details 
 CONVEYING MACHINERY is very largely built up of stand 
 ard detail parts which have heen developed exclu 
 sively for this purpose. The invention of detachable 
 link chain by \Y. 1). Kwart in 1S73 gave tremendous 
 impetus to the use of conveying equipment and created a 
 demand for the auxiliary parts used in connection with 
 chain type conveyors. Similarly the perfection of a sat 
 isfactory rubber conveyor licit established this type of 
 equipment and called for the development of belt conveyor 
 idlers, trippers, and the like, to satisfy the growing need 
 for the special parts required to construct these conveyors. 
 Much ingenuity has been displayed in the development of 
 special aprons for unusual uses. Special cleats, arms or 
 cradles are sometimes applied to the slats to adapt them 
 to handling packages of awkward shape, or to prevent the 
 articles carried from sliding or rolling when the apron is 
 used on an inclined conveyor. 
 For light but reasonably bulky merchandise, rectangular 
 wood or structural steel channels, angles or pressed steel 
 slats are attached to the strands of the chain at intervals 
 (Fig. 1). Hard maple is the wood best suited for use as 
 slats. The slats must be close enough together to insure 
 With the experience gained on these simpler devices, that the packages will not drop between them nor catch 
 and a continuous development of new types, the manu 
 facturers have built up an extensive line of standardized 
 parts with which to meet the requirements of the most 
 diversified practice. Today 
 there arc available for the 
 designer of conveying ma 
 chinery dozens of types of 
 chain, each suited to certain 
 specific purposes, thousands 
 of attachment links, innu 
 merable take-ups, driving 
 mechanisms, bearing boxes, 
 buckets, flights, aprons, and 
 many other elements which 
 go to make up modern 
 automatic material handling 
 machinery. In fact, the 
 number of parts is so large 
 as to increase the demand 
 for care in their selection 
 and use, to tit the work to 
 be done. 
 No attempt is here made to show all details of every 
 type of equipment in successful use, but merely to cover 
 the ground in a general way so as to give to the user 
 of such machinery a view of the most important elements 
 approved by modern practice. 
 An apron is a practically continuous carrying surface 
 made up of wood or steel slats carried by one or two 
 strands of chain and forming in effect a moving table. 
 Aprons are used for the heaviest service, such as ore 
 handling, as well as for comparatively light duty in con 
 veying small packages. A great many different styles and 
 modifications of aprons are in use to meet the various 
 Aprons; Arms. 
 Bearing Boxes; Belts; Boots; Brushes; Buckets. 
 Cable Conveyors; Carriers; Chains; Chain 
 Gravity Roller Conveyors. 
 Pulleys; Push Bars. 
 Screw Conveyors; Spiral Chutes; Sprockets; 
 Stops; Take Ups; Tighteners; Trays; 
 at the point where the chains pass around the sprockets. 
 Aprons with open spacing should not be used when it is 
 desired to discharge the material with sweep diverters at 
 points along the conveyor, 
 as there is danger of the 
 packages catching in open 
 ings between the slats. 
 A continuous wooden 
 apron (Fig. 2) is made up 
 of slats set close together. 
 This type of construction is 
 very widely employed for 
 handling heavy miscellane 
 ous packages. The slats are 
 usually attached to roller 
 chains which run in steel 
 guides. By running the. 
 chain in guides upward or 
 downward curves can be 
 made in the path of the 
 apron, thus adapting it to 
 many purposes where com 
 binations of horizontal and inclined runs are required. 
 Ordinary packages can be easily diverted, from conveyors 
 with properly designed slats set close together, with an 
 adjustable sweep at any point along the run. 
 Cleats of wood or metal are commonly used on inclined 
 apron conveyors (Fig. 3). These are absolutely necessary 
 if the angle of incline is sufficiently steep to offer any 
 possibility of the material sliding or rolling backward. 
 The limit of height of these cleats or arms is the tendency 
 to turn backward under the ascending load. 
 For long heavy duty apron conveyors, wood slats can 
 be fastened to malleable iron or steel chain not fitted with 
 rollers (Fig. 4). In this construction large plain or 
 Hanged wheels are fastened at intervals to the ends of the 
 Figs. 1 and 2 
 conditions of practice, those of wood being particularly 
 Figs. 3 and 4 
 slats, the rollers serving to guide and support the apron 
 adapted to handling packed material or bulky articles, while the chain merely transmits the driving pull to the 
 while the steel pan type aprons are especially applicable to 
 heavy loose material, to severe conditions of heat as in 
 load. This arrangement is used very largely on portable 
 conveyors and piling machines of the chain and apron type 
 lehrs or annealing furnaces, or to other rigorous service as it is of lighter construction and requires less power for 
 where wood is structurally unsuited to the conditions. driving on account of the larger wheels. It is also much 
 used on stationary installations. This is commonly known 
 as the roller carriage type. 
 Steel aprons (Fig. 5) are used for handling heavy bulk 
 or packed material and various types of steel slats are 
 available to meet the usual conditions of service. Plain 
 slats, either flat (A) or convex (B) are satisfactory for 
 coarse material which will not drop between them. For 
 moderate duty in handling sized materials, plain overlapping 
 slats are arranged shingle fashion (C), for lehrs the single 
 curve slat (D) is useful, while for line and coarse material 
 of all kinds a beaded overlapping slat will usually be 
 required. Of the beaded types (E) is probably the most 
 common, while (F) is particularly useful on inclined 
 conveyors handling friable material as it gives a smooth 
 and easy discharge at the end. Modifications of (E) are 
 shown at (G) and (H), the former approaching the 
 bucket conveyor in shape and being useful for steep 
 Fig. 5 
 inclined conveyors handling fine material, while the latter 
 can be applied to horizontal or slightly inclined runs. The 
 beaded types of steel slats are necessarily stiffer than the 
 plain ones, as the beads act as re-enforcements and prevent 
 For light duty, narrow plain or overlapping steel slats 
 Figs. 6 and 7 
 are carried by a single strand of chain (Fig. 6). The 
 ends of the slats thus supported may be turned up, as 
 shown, to prevent the material from rolling off. 
 For heavier work and wider slats two strands of chain 
 are required (Fig. 7). These can be located beneath the 
 slats, thus affording a certain amount of protection to the 
 chain and giving a smooth continuous surface to the apron. 
 On the return run, the slats are supported by and rub on 
 steel tracks. 
 The beaded slats are carried between two strands of 
 Figs. 8 and 9 
 roller chain (Fig. 8). For correct action of this type of 
 apron it is necessary that the center of the bead radius 
 be on a line with the center of the chain roller and that 
 the distance between adjacent beads be equal to the pitch 
 of the chain. 
 Very heavy steel apron conveyors are provided with 
 long and wide beaded slats carried by long pitch steel roller 
 chain (Fig. 9). To furnish the maximum carrying capacity 
 for loose material, retaining ends are used, but for mer 
 chandise these are not required. 
 For very heavy abrasive material cast steel slats with 
 the chain links cast integral are used. This interesting 
 construction is a comparatively recent development and is 
 applied only for the most extreme service on conveyors 
 and feeders handling ore, hot ingots or the like. Cast 
 iron and malleable iron slats are occasionally used for 
 handling ashes, coke, and like abrasive substances. 
 Elevator arms are used for handling barrels, boxes, bags 
 and rolls of all kinds, either vertically or on a steep incline. 
 The arms are carried by one or more strands of chain, . 
 preferably two strands, unless side guides are used, from 
 which they overhang in cantilever form, and are supported 
 from below by knee braces. They may be of solid or 
 finger construction so designed as to be loaded by hand 
 or to receive the loads from loading fingers or stations. 
 Figs. 10 and 11 
 The braces are bars pivoted to the chain at one end 
 and to the arm at the other. They are usually made solid, 
 but the spring cushioned brace (Fig. 10) can be used to 
 relieve the sudden shock which comes upon the chain and 
 arms when a load is picked up. 
 Single rigid arms (Fig. 11) will receive the load only 
 on the upward moving side of the elevator and will dis 
 charge only over the head shaft, except that in certain 
 special types of elevators, rigid arms may lie arranged 
 to discharge on the "up" side. In rare cases these arms 
 have been used on s^mi-automatic lowering machines, in 
 which case they are generally loaded by hand. 
 Figs. 12, 13 and 14 
 Double rigid arms (Fig. 12) will automatically pick up 
 the load at any floor and discharge it at the top, and 
 they can also be loaded by hand on the descending side 
 of the machine and will lower the load and discharge it 
 automatically at any floor below. Arms of this type form 
 their own braces. 
 Tilting curved arms (Fig. 13) will receive and discharge 
 only when going up. The tilting or self-dumping arms 
 are operated by lugs which engage the ends of the arms, 
 causing them to tilt forward and discharge the load at 
 the desired point in the upward travel. 
 A combination of tilting and rigid arms (Fig. 14) will 
 receive and discharge certain, easily loaded packages at 
 any point when going either up or down. 
 Another type of combination tilting and rigid curved 
 arms (Fig. 15) is operated by adjustable cams which tip 
 the arms through a system of links. This design is in 
 tended to afford a particularly gentle discharge for 
 barrels and sacks, and like the preceding type, can be 
 loaded and discharged at any floor. This type is generally 
 carried by a single strand of chain, its rollers running in 
 guides to prevent twisting. 
 Curved arms with teeth ( Fig. 16) are intended to prc- 
 Figs. 15, 16 and 17 
 vent slipping of the load, but except in rare instances they 
 are of doubtful utility, as the smooth arms are perfectly 
 satisfactory in this respect. 
 Curved arms are suitable for handling bags, barrels and 
 other substantially cylindrical packages, but straight arms 
 (Fig. 17) should be used for boxes. 
 Bearing Boxes 
 Hearing boxes for the driving shafts of conveyors arc 
 usually designed to be attached directly to the conveyor 
 frame. They are made in a variety of sizes and types to 
 meet the requirements of practice. Boxes for horizontal 
 shafting may lie broadly classed as of two kinds, rigid 
 and self-alining. The rigid type, being simpler and 
 cheaper, is more commonly used as it is thoroughly satis 
 factory if the shaft has little tendency to be thrown out 
 of alinement by the twisting of the conveyor framework. 
 If this tendency is pronounced, however, the self-alining 
 box lias decided advantages in that it readily adjusts 
 itself to any reasonable inaccuracies. This occurs particu 
 larly in portable or adjustable conveyors. 
 The principal considerations which affect the design of 
 the bearing boxes are rigidity, ample lubrication, sufficient 
 bearing surface to safely carry the load, accuracy of aline 
 ment, and the necessity of taking up wear. Boxes are 
 invariably made of cast iron and are usually lined with 
 babbitt or sometimes, in the case of solid boxes, they are 
 fitted with bronze bushings. 
 Solid boxes (Fig. 18) are usually provided with renew 
 able bushings which can lie replaced when wear makes 
 Figs. 18, 19 and 20 
 this necessary. They are tapped for oil or grease cups 
 and should have the bottom surface of the pad finished 
 true with the bore to insure accurate alinement of the 
 Solid boxes having flanged pads at right angles to the 
 bore can be used when called for by structural considera 
 Rigid split boxes (Fig. 19) have the upper half of the 
 bearing removable. This is frequently an advantage in 
 assembling the machinery and allows for some adjustment 
 of the bearing when worn. Split boxes are either lined 
 with babbitt or are finished by boring and reaming. The 
 caps should be insured against shifting either by the use 
 of dowel pins or by a tongue and groove joint between the 
 box and cap. For light work the cap bolts are sometimes 
 depended upon to hold the cap accurately in place. 
 Angle boxes ( Fig. 20) are split with the removable half 
 at an angle with the base. They are used when the direc 
 tion of pressure on the shaft is parallel to the base, since 
 when this condition exists the joint of the plain split box 
 would come at the point where the pressure is greatest and 
 would prevent proper lubrication. Structural considera 
 tions sometimes call for angle boxes in order to make 
 the cap bolts accessible. 
 Self-alining boxes (Fig. 21) automatically adjust them 
 selves to slight inaccuracies of the shaft. They neces 
 sarily afford a less rigid bearing than the types previously 
 shown, but are often used on take-ups where allowance 
 must lie made for horizontal variations in the alinement 
 of the shaft. 
 Ball-joint boxes (Fig. 22) are similar in purpose to the 
 self-alining type, but have greater rigidity, as the bearing 
 Figs. 21, 22 ami 23 
 box itself can be adjusted to suit the alinement of the shaft 
 and is then securely locked in place by the cap bolts. 
 Step bearings (Fig. 23) are used to support the lower 
 ends of vertical shafts. Their application to conveying 
 machinery is limited, although conditions occasionally re 
 quire their use. They are made in two general styles, one 
 a rigid box and the other having a small amount of lateral 
 adjustment which is secured by set screws, this design 
 being the one shown in the illustration. Bearings for the 
 carrying rollers of belt conveyors are described under 
 Conveyor belts in common use are of two principal 
 types, fabric belts (plain, balata, vegetable or mineral oil 
 impregnated), and rubber belts. Steel belts have been used 
 to a limited extent in Europe but are still in the experi 
 mental stage. For handling packages fabric belts are almost 
 universally used although rubber belts are coining more 
 into use every year. The higher grades of fabric belt 
 are also employed for heavy duty in handling bulk mate 
 rial and are giving satisfactory service under conditions 
 which a few years ago would have been considered im 
 possible. Rubber belts, if judged by the yearly loose ma 
 terial tonnage handled on them, are by far the most 
 important conveyor belts in use. Balata is a gum some 
 what similar to rubber but does not deteriorate as rapidly 
 as the latter ; it is water and acid proof and belts im 
 pregnated with it arc of value for some classes of con 
 veyor service. 
 The cheaper grades of woven cotton belting are applicable 
 only to very light duty in package handling. They are 
 not durable, are quickly affected by changes in temperature 
 and humidity and have an excessive amount of stretch. In 
 general, their use is warranted only for temporary installa 
 tions or when initial cost is the prime consideration. 
 Mineral oil impregnated belts stretch less than the plain 
 cotton belt, are comparatively water-proof and will last 
 longer. If the filler used in these belts is not of good 
 quality they are likely to be extremely stiff and unmanage 
 able, and will crack badly in use. Vegetable oil impregna 
 tion gives a strong flexible belt which is excellent for 
 package handling. All of these belts are built up from 
 layers of fabric sewed together and impregnated under 
 pressure with the required grade of filler. The grade of 
 fabric used and the method of sewing are considerations 
 fully as important as the impregnation material. 
 Rubber conveyor belts are built up from three to ten 
 plies of cotton duck cemented together with thin layers of 
 a rubber composition called "friction" and they have a 
 vulcanized rubber covering. In addition to being fric- 
 tioned, the plies of duck are often securely sewed together 
 before the cover is applied. The strength of rubber belting 
 is due entirely to the layers of duck, the friction merely 
 serving to keep the layers from separating, and the cover 
 acting as a surface protection against abrasion and the 
 entrance of moisture. The life of the belt depends upon 
 the tenacity of the friction to resist separation of the plies 
 of duck and upon the resistance of the rubber cover to 
 wear and cracking, as well as upon its adhesion to the 
 fabric base. 
 The chief cause of wear on rubber belts is the impact of 
 the material as it is delivered to the belt. This is similar 
 to the action of a sand blast on the cover and gradually 
 wears away the rubber surface until the duck is exposed. 
 When this occurs the belt is practically worn out, as the 
 duck offers very little resistance to the abrasive action of 
 the materials. 
 It is therefore evident that the manner of loading the 
 belt is of the utmost importance. The material should be 
 delivered at as nearly the same velocity as the belt is run 
 and in a direction as nearly parallel to the latter as is 
 practical. A wide stream of material distributes the wear 
 over the greater part of the belt surface, whereas a narrow 
 one localizes it and causes a speedier destruction of the 
 cover. Extended experiments have shown that a rubber 
 belt offers greater resistance to the abrasive action peculiar 
 to belt conveyors than any of the other materials com 
 monly used, it is even superior in this respect to steel. 
 The number of plies of duck in a conveyor belt is deter 
 mined by the required tensile strength of the finished belt 
 and by the necessity for sufficient stiffness to prevent 
 sagging between the carrying idlers. An empirical rule is 
 never to stress a rubber belt above 24-lb. per ply per inch 
 width of belt. Better results can be obtained if one-half 
 of this figure is considered to be the maximum allowable 
 The ordinary rubber conveyor belt has an extra thick 
 cover on its top surface as practically all wear comes on 
 this surface. If the belt is required to handle material 
 on both upper and lower runs of the conveyor, the cover 
 should be of equal thickness on both sides. The thickness 
 of the cover ordinarily ranges from one-sixteenth to three- 
 sixteenths of an inch. When guide rollers are used against 
 the edges of rubber belting an extra thickness of rubber 
 should be used over these edges, for if the cover wears 
 through to the duck at the edge of the belt, the plies of 
 duck will separate and the belt will go to pieces long before 
 the carrying surface has worn out. 
 When material is fed to the belt in a narrow stream, 
 a re-enforced cover which is thicker at the middle of the 
 belt than at the edges will add to the life of the installation. 
 A patented belt is built up of plies of duck which are 
 stepped in such a way as to give a greater thickness of 
 cover at the middle than at the edges, the latter having 
 more plies of duck and hence being stiffer in the direction 
 of travel. This construction is claimed to give greater 
 durability, better troughing and less sag between idlers 
 than the ordinary types of belt. A flanged conveyor belt 
 is a special type occasionally used on concentrators and 
 conveyors. It is run llat, tr.e flanged edges preventing the 
 material from falling off. The extreme stretch of the 
 outer edges of the Manges in going over the end pulleys, is 
 quite injurious to the belt. 
 The diameter of the drums over which the belt is run 
 has an important bearing on the life of the belt. Too 
 small a diameter will subject the belt to serious bending 
 stresses which tend to crack the cover and pull the plies 
 of duck apart. The same thing applies to the angle of 
 the troughing idlers, a high troughed belt having a shorter 
 life than one which is only slightly troughed. 
 In canning and other similar industries, special light 
 steel, woven or link belts are used in washing, cleaning 
 and picking. These belts have had a very limited applica 
 tion to general conveyor work. 
 A boot is used at the lower end of most styles of 
 bucket elevators. It consists of a closed hopper which 
 receives the material and from which it is dug by the 
 buckets as they pass around the foot of the elevator. Boots 
 are made of cast iron, sheet steel- or wood. Thev are 
 Figs. 24 and 25 
 litted with bearings for supporting the foot shaft and 
 usually have a door for cleaning out the interior, a spout 
 for receiving the material and pads by which they can be 
 secured to the floor. 
 The usual type of boot (Fig. 24) is fitted with take-up 
 bearings protected by sliding plates or housed behind a 
 stationary cover in such a way as to prevent the escape 
 of dust from the boot. Two take-up boxes are required, 
 and while these are often designed for independent adjust 
 ment, by cross-connecting the take-up screws with a chain 
 the adjustment of both boxes can be made simultaneously 
 and accurate alinement of the shaft will be maintained at 
 all times. 
 A boot having rigid bearings for the foot shaft is used 
 on elevators equipped with head take-ups. An elevator 
 thus designed can be driven from the lower end, although 
 this should be avoided if possible. 
 Sheet steel boots fitted with cast iron take-ups or 
 rigid boxes and braced with structural angles are used 
 for heavy work of all kinds. 
 A one-piece boot is sometimes used for heavy work in 
 damp places and where perfect dust tightness is required. 
 The body of this boot is made of a single casting, the 
 feeding hopper and clean-out doors being packed with 
 rubber gaskets at the joints and bolted in position. 
 Wood boots are suitable only for very light work and 
 are less durable and dust proof than the cast iron types. 
 They have been used chiefly on elevators handling grain 
 When two or niuri- eK-vators arc run in parallel, they 
 can sometimes he equipped with a multiple boot. This is 
 doubtful practice, however, as it is practically impossible 
 to keep all the chains or belts at the proper tension when 
 all must be adjusted from one set of take-ups. 
 Marine leg boots (Fig. 25) differ radically from the 
 stationary types. They are not enclosed at all, but in 
 operation they arc lowered into the hold of a vessel and 
 are buried in the material to be elevated. The material 
 then feeds in automatically by gravity, and as each bucket 
 digs a path through the mass, more material flows in and 
 is caught by the next bucket. These boots are always 
 used on the marine legs employed for unloading grain, 
 sand, coal and similar material, and on certain types of 
 portable coaling machines. 
 A revolving brush (Fig. 26) bearing against, or very 
 close to. the return surface of a belt conveyor forms a 
 useful means of removing fine particles of certain mate 
 rials which might otherwise cling to the belt and be 
 carried around under the return idlers ; its use makes it 
 possible to handle many materials which could not other 
 wise be carried on a belt. The brush should be run in a 
 direction opposite to that in which the belt travels, should 
 be located as near the head or discharge end of the con 
 veyor as possible, and should be so arranged as to allow 
 for adjustment when the bristles wear. Brushes are driven 
 from the head shaft of the conveyor, and some types are 
 Fig. 26 
 automatically held in contact with the belt by weights and 
 hence require no attention until completely worn out. 
 The bristles of the brush should be as stiff and durable 
 as they can be made, but wire should not be used for this 
 purpose, except in special cases, as it will cause serious 
 wear of the belt. Bristles are arranged either in straight 
 rows or spirals, there being no practical difference between 
 the two designs so far as service is concerned. 
 Elevator buckets are made in a great variety of styles 
 in order to adapt them to handling such diversified mate- 
 Figs. 27, 28 and 29 
 rials as coal, coke, clay, gravel, cement, chemicals, pulp, 
 etc., and to allow of their use on the different types of 
 elevators. Malleable iron and sheet steel are the materials 
 commonly employed in their construction. 
 Kurkris wear chiefly along the front edge as this usually 
 digs through the material and is subjected to much the 
 same action as the edge of a spade. For this reason many 
 buckets are re-enforced at the lii> by an increase in the 
 thickness of the metal for malleable iron buckets and by 
 a renewable wearing strip for sheet steel buckets, although 
 with UK st materials the wear is so slight that special re- 
 cm* i ci im-nt is iinmvrssarv. 
 Malleable iron buckets (Figs. 27, 28 and 29) are made 
 with high, medium or low fronts, and known as Manu 
 facturers Standards. Style A, I! and C respectively, the 
 choice in application depending upon the character of the 
 substance handled and the angle of inclination of the 
 elevator. High-front buckets, known as Style A (Fig. 27), 
 are used on vertical elevators and are suitable for handling 
 the majority of dry lump materials. The medium front 
 buckets, known as Style B (Fig. 28), are standard for 
 inclined elevators, while the low front, Style C, buckets 
 (Fig. 29) are used for stick materials. Only experience 
 on the part of the designer can be a guide to the best 
 shape of bucket to specify for handling unusual materials. 
 A common form of sheet steel bucket is the Salem 
 (Fig. 30). In this the bottom and corners are rounded, 
 Figs. 30 and 31 
 the end. , of the bucket being folded around the back and 
 riveted. This is one of the most useful types made. 
 The gravity discharge or V bucket (Fig. 31) used on 
 elevator-conveyors is made cither of steel or malleable 
 iron. It is always centrally hung between the chains and 
 is rigidly attached to them or swiveled in the direction of 
 motion of the conveyor. 
 For belt type bucket elevators the backs of the buckets 
 are sometimes made concave to fit the curvature of the 
 belt drum. As these elevators are not suitable for very 
 heavy work, the buckets are usually made of thin steel 
 and are re-enforced around the top with a band of heavier 
 stock riveted to the body of the bucket. Extra wide 
 Figs. 32 and 33 
 buckets of this type may be further stiffened by a central 
 strut connecting the back and front. 
 Steel buckets with malleable iron ends are sometimes 
 used. They are stiffer than a plain steel bucket of equal 
 weight and are especially applicable to centrally hung 
 elevators. Steel buckets are made with high, medium and 
 low fronts corresponding to the three styles of malleable 
 iron buckets. They, however, do not resist wear and 
 corrosion as well as the malleable iron buckets. 
 For viscous and sticky material a shelf or low-front 
 bucket is occasionally required, as the more common types 
 sometimes have a tendency to retain the material and make 
 for poor discharge. 
 The buckets are fitted with digging teeth (Fig. 32) 
 along the lip to facilitate loading on certain types of 
 elevators, particularly those of the portable variety. These 
 teeth should lie made separate from the body of the 
 bucket to permit of replacement when worn. 
 To allow for drainage of very wet material while it is 
 being elevated, buckets can be made of perforated metal 
 (Fig. 33), or be built up of wire mesh with solid steel 
 ends. These buckets are usually considered special, as 
 they should be designed to suit the special conditions under 
 which they are to operate. 
 industries, and in this class of service it has been success 
 ful. It is also used as a retarding conveyer in lowering 
 coal down hillsides from high level mines. 
 Figs. 34, 35 and 36 
 Continuous buckets (Figs. 34, 35 and 36) are placed 
 close together, the flanged front of each bucket acting as 
 a discharge chute for the material in the next. To 
 prevent fine material from dropping through between the 
 buckets the latter may be made overlapping. This type 
 of bucket can be loaded directly from a chute. It can 
 thus be arranged to avoid the wear incident to digging 
 through a mass of abrasive material in an elevator boot. 
 They are made with high, medium and low fronts for 
 use at different angles, and for various conditions. 
 Another type of continuous bucket is carried between 
 two strands of chain, the back of the bucket being on the 
 pitch line of the chain. This bucket forms in effect a 
 continuous steel belt, as adjacent buckets arc in actual 
 contact at all times, even when passing around the 
 Figs. 37 and 38 
 Buckets for pivoted carriers (Figs. 37 and 3<S) are 
 -wung between two strands of chain and arc fitted with 
 a cam on the sides by means of which they are tipped and 
 discharged. This construction is necessary as the buckets 
 normally hang in a vertical position no matter in what 
 direction the conveyor runs. Pivoted buckets are made of 
 malleable iron or steel and are very largely used in boiler 
 house installations, cement plants and coaling stations. 
 They are undoubtedly the most highly developed and suc 
 cessful buckets on the market in the classes of service for 
 which they are adapted. 
 Cable Conveyors 
 A cable conveyor consists of an endless steel cable fitted 
 with cast iron flights which are dragged along a U or 
 V-shaped steel lined trough and thus form a simple and 
 inexpensive type of drag conveyor for logs, refuse, coal, 
 etc. This device is largely used in the logging and paper 
 Fig. 39 
 Flights are circular in shape, split, and bolted over the 
 cable (Fig. 39). When logs are handled, the flights should 
 be spaced according to the length of the pieces carried, 
 intermediate transmission clamps being placed between the 
 flights to give the necessary pitch for meshing with the 
 The driving sprocket (Fig. 40) has a U-shaped groove 
 into which the cable fits, and a series of gaps or pockets 
 pitched so as to mesh properly with the flights. Any dis 
 placement of a flight along the cable will cause it to fail 
 to drop into the gap in the wheel, and hence special care 
 must be taken to keep the flights and clamps tightly bolted 
 in their proper places. 
 Troughs for cable conveyors (Fig. 41) are usually made 
 of wood and are lined with sheet steel. As these con- 
 Figs. 40 and 41 
 veyors have a large application to the storage and reclaim 
 ing of material, both cable runs are usually fitted with 
 troughs, one for taking the material to storage and the 
 other for returning it. 
 In addition to the standard types of aprons and pans 
 used on horizontal conveyors, there are a number of special 
 carriers which are occasionally fitted to chain type con 
 veyors for supporting the load. 
 For handling rolls of material such as paper and cloth 
 four wheel trucks (Fig. 42) are attached at intervals to 
 a strand of chain. These trucks serve the same purpose 
 as an apron but are cheaper than the latter and also have 
 Figs. 42 and 43 
 the feature which is sometimes desirable of handling a 
 limited number of rolls and delivering them at regular 
 fixed intervals of time. 
 Barrels are sometimes handled crosswise on a conveyor 
 fitted with cradles (Fig. 43). Such conveyors will operate 
 either on an incline or horizontally. 
 Another type of carrier (Fig. 44) for cylindrical 
 objects, bags, etc., is made up of concave cross liars fitted 
 with rollers on the ends and carried cither by one or 
 two strands of chain. 
 Figs. II and I > 
 For metal ingots, pig, and similar material a single 
 angle bracket (Fig. 45) carried by two strands of chain 
 will form a useful carrier for elevating vertically and 
 conveying huri/ontally or on an incline. Combination 
 elevator-conveyors are sometimes equipped with this 
 Conveyor chain has reached a high degree of standardiza 
 tion, due very largely to the efforts of the pioneer con 
 cerns manufacturing it. Although in many cases the vari 
 ous makers have developed differences in detail design, 
 they have for the most part maintained the same essential 
 dimensions, so that a given type and size of chain made 
 by one manufacturer will in general be interchangeable 
 with that made by any other. This statement applies to 
 the pitch, width and strength of the chain, but does not 
 of course imply that repair links of one make can be used 
 in connection with another make of chain. 
 It is not possible to give accurate figures applicable to 
 all conditions for the working strength of conveyor chains. 
 The speed at which the chain is run, the character of 
 the service (whether intermittent or constant, etc.) and 
 llie kind of material handled, all exercise an influence 
 on tlie allowable working strength. The faster the chain 
 runs the greater will be the shock due to engagement of 
 the sprocket teeth with the links, and the oftencr these 
 shocks will occur. It is therefore necessary to decrease 
 the chain load to compensate for increased speed. If the 
 chain is subjected to sudden shocks, as for example in 
 picking up heavy loads, a larger factor of safety is re 
 quired than if the service were constant. Very gritty 
 bulk material that is likely to find its way into the chain 
 joints and cause undue wear also calls for a lower work 
 ing stress than could be allowed if the material handled 
 were not of such an injurious nature. Likewise, chain 
 used in chemical plants is often affected seriously by 
 chemical action on the working parts. 
 For maximum durability and reliability of the ordinary 
 types of conveyor chain, it has been found by experiment 
 that the factor of safety to be used in determining the 
 wot king load should be varied according to the chain speed 
 as follows. 
 ( haiu Speed 
 Working Strength 
 200 ft. i>e 
 300 ft. ;>e 
 4<X) ft. pe 
 pii n . . . . 
 . ..Di 
 itle ultima 
 ide ultima 
 ide ultima 
 strength by 6 
 strength by 8 
 ; strength by 1 
 500 ft. pe 
 ide ultima 
 st re 11 gt h b v 1 2 
 600 ft. pe 
 "00 ft. ne 
 min . . 
 ide ultima 
 ide ultima 
 strength by 16 
 strength bv 20 
 These figures assume that the load is steady and that 
 the material is not injurious to the chain. For resistance 
 to shock the working loads should be one-half of those 
 indicated above, and for particularly severe conditions of 
 service even greater allowances should be used. 
 The motion of conveyor chain running on sprockets is 
 never absolutely uniform. The pitch line of the sprocket 
 is really a polygon, so that the chain necessarily moves 
 forward with a jerking or pulsating motion. The shorter 
 llir pitch the less noticeable will be the jerk, while the 
 greater the number of teeth in the sprocket the more 
 nearly will the polygonal shape of the latter approach a 
 circle and the >monther the action of the chain will be 
 when running. For comparatively short pitch chains this 
 non-uniform motion is rarely pronounced enough to be ob 
 jectionable, but with the long pitch used for extra heavy 
 bucket conveyors and the like, it may become serious. 
 The bending or articulation of chain links in passing 
 around the sprockets is the chief cause of wear on both 
 the chain and wheel. This bending can take place in either 
 of two ways, one causing internal wear on the joints of 
 the chain without any rubbing between the chain and 
 sprocket, and the second causing wear both internally and 
 externally on the link by a combination of rubbing between 
 the sprocket and link and a simultaneous turning at the 
 joint between the links. 
 Every correctly designed chain installation should be so 
 arranged that as far as possible all rubbing will be confined 
 to the chain joints and as little friction occur between the 
 sprocket and chain as the layout of the installation will 
 permit. Special attention should be given to having the 
 joints between the links as sturdy and durable as possible. 
 Plenty of bearing surface should be provided, and on 
 the higher grade pin type chains hardened steel pins and 
 bushings should be used. 
 Figs. 46 and 47 
 Detachable chain (Fig. 46) is very widely used for con 
 veyor and elevator work. It is the simplest and cheapest 
 chain known, and gives excellent service under proper 
 conditions. It is not so well suited to u>e where abrasive 
 or gritty material is to be handled as some other chains 
 particularly designed for such service. Ordinary detach 
 able chain is made of malleable iron, but if exceptional 
 toughness and resistance to wear are necessary it can be 
 obtained by the use of manganese >teel. 
 If it is necessary to connect this chain around sprocket^ 
 without slack, there are special coupler links (Fig. 47) 
 made with removable pins which can be used, and it 
 will then be a simple matter to remove or replace the chain 
 by means of the coupling pin connecting these links. 
 A type of chain similar in principle to the detachable is 
 made of sheet steel and is known as the lock chain. It is 
 used principally on agricultural machinery, but has had 
 some application to light conveyors. 
 Figs. 48 and 49 
 Pintle chain (Fig. 48) is made of malleable iron links 
 connected by steel pins. The pins should be prevented 
 from turning in the links and may be riveted over or be 
 held by cotter pins or nuts. This chain is used in place 
 of the detachable when greater strength is required or 
 when gritty conditions preclude the use of the open hook 
 joint. It is made in sizes to correspond with detachable 
 chain, so that both types are interchangeable on the same 
 sprockets. Pintle chain can be run with either side against 
 the sprockets, and if one side becomes worn, the chain 
 can be reversed and its useful life considerably increased 
 by running it with the other side against the sprockets. 
 Interlocking pintle chain (Fig. 49) has a comparatively 
 dirt proof joint between the links, as each link telescopes 
 into the adjacent one and protects the pin against the 
 entrance of grit. The pin is riveted in place, or if it is 
 necessary readily to detach the links, it is fastened by a 
 square nut. Both forms are in common use on elevators 
 and conveyors as well as on low speed power transmission 
 Saw mill pintle chain is similar to the plain pintle type 
 except that the sides of the links have protruding ribs 
 which give the necessary additional wearing surface to 
 allow for the chain being dragged over floors or in 
 Malleable iron refuse chain (Fig. SO) is a wide pintle 
 chain having extra webs to allow for sliding easily in 
 troughs, and is used for conveying saw mill refuse, ashes, 
 etc., being in effect a drag chain as the material is 
 dragged along by the wide crossbars of the links. Special 
 attachment links are sometimes used to increase the width 
 and depth of the dragging area. 
 The Ley bushed chain (Fig. 51) is the most highly 
 developed, durable and accurate malleable iron chain in 
 use. It is more expensive than the simpler conveyor 
 Figs. 50 and 51 
 chains, but will outwear them and retain its pitch longer. 
 \Vhen worn it can be readily put into first class condition 
 by replacing the steel bushings and pins, as all wear, both 
 external and internal, is taken by these parts. The princi 
 pal feature of this chain, the partly exposed hardened steel 
 bushing which bears against the sprocket teeth, effectively 
 prevents wear on the chain link itself, and at the same 
 time affords a bearing for the connecting pin. The bush 
 ing is prevented from turning in the link by a tongue 
 which fits into a groove cut in the bushing, and the pin 
 has a flat head which is held between lugs on the outside 
 of the link. The small end of the pin is also flattened and 
 fits into a rectangular broached hole in the opposite side 
 of the link. This construction gives an extremely rigid 
 support for both the bushing and pin, eliminating the 
 tendency for them to work loose and start wear on the 
 link. Ley bushed chain is often used for power trans 
 mission at moderate speeds, but it also has a large appli 
 cation to conveying and elevating gritty material and for 
 heavy duty under severe conditions. 
 A somewhat stronger type of Ley bushed chain has 
 more metal in the link, the heads being re-enforced with 
 a center \veh which stiffens the link and reduces the chances 
 of hidden flaws in the casting. 
 The malleable iron roller chains (Fig. 52) form an 
 important class of strong yet comparatively inexpensive 
 conveyor chains. Their use is not restricted to any ore 
 type of equipment, but they are employed on double- 
 strand flight and apron conveyors, bucket elevators and 
 carriers and wherever the chain is run in a track and is 
 called upon to support the weight of the load as well as to 
 transmit the pull of the driving mechanism. It is some 
 times advisable to bush the rollers with steel or bronze 
 Fig. 52 
 sleeves, and for certain classes of service under acid condi 
 tions, both the bushing and pin are made of acid resisting 
 Transfer chain (Figs. 53 and 54) has a limited field of 
 application in handling boxes, lumber, sheet iron and 
 similar material. The load is carried on parallel strands 
 of chain running in channel tracks and rests directly on 
 the broad flat tops of the links. This forms a very cheap 
 and simple horizontal conveyor which can be loaded and 
 Figs. 53 and 54 
 unloaded by hand from the sides. Two general types of 
 this chain arc in use, one having separate pins to connect 
 the links, and the other being so designed that the pin 
 forms an integral part of the link. The former type can 
 be coupled in place without slack, but the latter requires 
 some looseness in the chain to allow the links to be hooked 
 Combination chain (Fig. 55) is made up of alternate 
 malleable iron or cast steel links and steel side bars. It 
 is a strong and comparatively inexpensive type of chain 
 for use on heavy elevators and conveyors. The steel pins 
 used to connect the links are designed to be held from 
 turning in the side bars, all of the motion occuring between 
 Figs. 55 and 56 
 the pin and the malleable iron link. Sometimes the hole 
 in the malleable iron link is bushed with bronze and a 
 hardened steel pin is used. This construction is an im 
 provement over the unbushed link as it makes a more 
 durable chain and one which can be readily repaired. 
 A variation of the combination chain has rollers outside 
 the links. This type is occasionally used for slow moving 
 single and double strand pusher conveyors and is particu 
 larly applicable to the progressive assembling of automo 
 Steel strap chains are used for slow moving and inter 
 mittent heavy duty in handling ice on large apron and 
 flight conveyors, and in general wherever excessive service 
 requirements or very long pitches preclude the application 
 of malleable iron types. While having great tensile 
 strength, these chains have not the wearing qualities of 
 some other varieties, as the pins are apt to wear rapidly 
 unices hardened and prevented from turning, and fitted 
 with hardened bushings. 
 Plain steel strap chains (Fig. 56) are cheap and simple 
 in construction. They are used particularly in handling ice. 
 The pins are usually riveted over the outer hars and are 
 rarely hardened as the rough service under which they 
 operate does not require this refinement. A similar chain 
 with plain drop forged links is made in a variety of forms 
 for ice handling, long flight conveyors, car hauls, elevators 
 and the like. This chain is particularly adapted to handling 
 heavy intermittent loads at low speeds, and for its weight 
 is one of the strongest types of pin chain obtainable. 
 Figs. 57 and 58 
 Roller steel strap chains (Figs. 57 and 58) are particu 
 larly useful in combination with long apron conveyors and 
 pivoted carriers. The rollers themselves may be made of 
 steel or, in the cases of flanged rollers, of cast or malle 
 able iron. Hardened bushings are sometimes used u> hold 
 the side bars rigidly in line and to afford a durable bear 
 ing on which the rollers can revolve. Adjacent links are 
 connected with steel pins either riveted in place or held 
 by cotter pins. 
 Figs. 59 and 60 
 Alternate flat and round steel links (Fig. 59) give a 
 form of welded chain which is superior in some respects 
 to plain coil chain which has only a limited use in conveyor 
 service as it has larger wearing surfaces and hence greater 
 durability. Attachments are available in greater variety 
 for this than for coil chain, the flat links affording a more 
 convenient means for supporting attachments and the shape 
 of the chain having a tendency to prevent their twisting 
 out of alinement. 
 Steel bolts connected by malleable iron knuckle joints 
 (Fig. 60) form a very strong and durable long pitch 
 chain. Its application is necessarily limited, but for certain 
 types of (light conveyors and special carriers it is one 
 of the most satisfactory heavy duty chains in use. There 
 being few joints, no welds and large bearing surfaces, 
 the strength of this chain is greater in comparison to its 
 weight than any other type, while its first cost and upkeep 
 compare favorably with the other high duty chains. Its use 
 is confined almost entirely to long single strand conveyors. 
 Steel drag chain is used only for drag conveyors han 
 dling loose material, such as refuse, sawdust, coal, ashes 
 and crushed, stone. The simplest type is made of plain 
 rectangular steel bars, bent up and together. It is not 
 suitable for heavy duty, but successfully handles sawdust, 
 shavings and other light material over comparatively short 
 distances. (See Fig. 61). 
 Another form of this chain is recnlorced with extra 
 steel clips at the riveted joints and will stand up under 
 moderately severe work in handling coal and the like. 
 The str.m.uest drag chain (Fig. 62) is constructed so as 
 to have almost twice the strength of the ordinary forms. 
 It is used for handling such materials as stone and gravel. 
 Figs. 61 and 62 
 The effective width of drag chain is often increased by 
 extensions of various shapes riveted to the sides of the 
 Chain Attachments 
 A great many kinds of attachment links are available for 
 use in combination with the standard types of conveyor 
 chain. These links are designed to carry the various 
 slats, flights, buckets, arms, etc., which form a part of 
 nearly all chain conveyors. A few examples of the more 
 common attachments will give an indication of what ex 
 perience has shown to be useful, but the following exam 
 ples are only suggestive of the hundreds of varieties in 
 common use. 
 Figs. 63, 64 and 65 
 For attaching bucKets and slats the chain links are pro 
 vided with pads of various forms (Figs. 63, 64 and 65) 
 through which the fastening bolts or rivets are inserted. 
 Single strand flight conveyors require attachments 
 adapted to fastening the flight at right angles to the back 
 of the chain (Figs. 66 and 67). Double-strand flight and 
 push-bar conveyors are often equipped with swivel attach- 
 Figs. 66, 67 and 68 
 incuts (Fig. 68) to prevent cramping of the chains when 
 one wears more than the other. 
 For certain purposes where a small flight is needed it 
 can be cast integral with the chain link (Fig. 69), thus 
 forming a "scraper attachment." In a similar manner 
 Figs. 69, 70 and 71 
 attachment links embodying small slats (Fig. 70") are 
 occasionally used for light work. Lugs projecting from 
 the links (Fig. 71) are required for the various types of 
 haulage conveyors and many styles of attachment links 
 are available for this purpose. 
 Pivot links (Fig. 72) are used on rigid arm elevators to 
 carry the amis and braces. For some types of slat con 
 veyors attachment links are fitted with rollers (Fig. 73) 
 of large diameter, these special links being used at inter- 
 Figs. 12, 73 and 74 
 vals in the chain to guide and support the apron. For 
 overhead haulage conveyors when the chain is run in a 
 horizontal plane, rollers are placed in the plane of the 
 link (Fig. 74) to allow the latter to be supported on 
 tracks between the sprockets. 
 Elevator and conveyor driving mechanisms are made up 
 of various combinations of belts, chains, and worm, spur, 
 bevel and friction gears, the exact arrangement used de 
 pending upon the type of conveyor, the speed at which it 
 is run, the power required to operate it and the speed and 
 location of the motor or line shaft from which power is 
 The general types of drives arc as follows : 1. Spur 
 gears (single or multiple reduction). - Bevel gears. 3. 
 Melt (single or multiple reduction). 4. Chain (single or 
 multiple reduction). 5. Worm gears. 6. Planetary or 
 internal gear reducers. 7. Friction gears. 8. Combinations 
 of two or more of the above. 
 Spur gear drives are applicable to practically every type 
 of elevator or conveyor, and are used more often than 
 any other form of drive. The efficiency of these gears is 
 high, they are easy to construct and install, and will give 
 satisfactory service under the most severe conditions. The 
 gears are usually made of cast iron with machine molded 
 or cut teeth, the latter being invariably used on high class 
 Figs. 75, 76 and 77 
 construction. Motor pinions, due to their high speed, are 
 frequently made of fibre to reduce the noise of operation. 
 The single reduction spur gear drive (Fig. 75) is the 
 cheapest and simplest to build. It is used for low reduc 
 tions especially when the conveyor is operated from a line 
 The double reduction gear drive (Fig. 76) has a large 
 field of application to belt and chain type elevators and 
 conveyors. It can be designed to give a reasonably high 
 reduction and is usually required when the motor is di 
 rect connected to the conveyor without a belt. 
 Triple gear reductions (Fig. 77) arc used only for very 
 heavy slow moving conveyors and elevators. The charac 
 teristics of this type of drive are great strength and high 
 reduction of speed. 
 To compensate for the pulsating motion of long pitch 
 chains, the driving gear is sometimes made with a wave 
 pitch line (Fig. 78) and is meshed with an eccentric 
 pinion. This gives a compensating drive that counteracts 
 the variations which would occur in the speed of the chain 
 if circular gears were used. The number of depressions 
 in the gear must equal the number of teeth in the chain 
 sprocket, and the location of these depressions in relation 
 to the teeth of the sprocket must be such that the speed 
 of the latter is reduced at those joints where the chain 
 would naturally accelerate its motion under the influence 
 of a constant speed drive. This device is not common, 
 but is a valuable feature on long pitch pivoted carriers, 
 apron conveyors and the like. 
 The arrangement of ordinary spur gear drives for belt 
 conveyors is slightly modified when a tandem drive (Fig. 
 79) is required. This drive is made up of two driven 
 drums geared together so as to run at the same surface 
 speeds, the belt passing around first one drum and then 
 Figs. 78 and 79 
 the other, giving a very powerful drive for long heavy con 
 Bevel gear drives are used on live roller conveyors, 
 carousels, and when a right angle drive is required, as 
 for example when the line shaft from which power is 
 taken is located parallel to the conveyor. 
 Melt and chain drives for conveying machinery are usu 
 ally used in combination with one of the gear type redac 
 tions. The amount of reduction obtainable with a single 
 belt or chain is not great, but on some portable machines 
 multiple belt and chain drives are used because of their 
 lightness and flexibility. 
 The worm gear drive (Figs. 80 and 81) is one of the 
 simplest and most satisfactory high reduction drives that 
 can be used for conveyor and elevator work. It is a very 
 efficient device when correctly designed and accurately con 
 structed, but unless the worm and gear are properly 
 proportioned for the work to be done, are rigidly sup 
 ported preferably in a dust proof housing and gener 
 ously lubricated, trouble will result. 
 The speed reductions practicably obtainable with a sin 
 gle worm drive vary from about 6 to 1 up to 100 to 1, 
 although it is not usual in conveyor work to go to either 
 of these extremes. For low reductions, say up to 15 to 1, 
 Figs. 80 and 81 
 spur gears are in general use, while for excessively high 
 reductions, the planetary gear reducer or a combination 
 of worm and -.\>ur gear.s will usually give better results 
 than a single worm drive. 
 The worm is generally made of steel and the wheel of 
 either cast iron or phosphor bronze. The teeth must be 
 kept thoroughly lubricated, preferably by running the 
 gears in an oil bath. This calls for an oil tight housing, 
 and also makes it advisable to place the worm below the 
 wheel when possible. Thrust bearings should always 
 be provided for both worm and wheel to take care of the 
 end thrust developed. 
 The planetary or internal gear reducer (Fig. 82) works 
 tip-keep and renewals will in the long run make it poor 
 economy to use this type of drive unless the feature of 
 slipping when overloaded is essential to prevent damage 
 Fig. 82 
 on the well-known principle of a stationary internal gear 
 meshing, with idler pinions carried by a revolving spider 
 or ring, the pinions in turn engaging a gear carried by 
 the driving shaft concentrically with the internal gear. By 
 compounding two or more of these mechanisms, very 
 large reductions in speed can be obtained. The gearing 
 should be enclosed in an oil-tight housing, the shaft of the 
 reducer being direct connected to the motor shaft by a 
 flexible coupling. Planetary gear reducers are accurately 
 constructed, built of high grade material, and are prob 
 ably the most efficient, noiseless, and satisfactory drives 
 that can be used on conveying machinery. They take up 
 a minimum of space and are adaptable to almost any con 
 ditions of speed and load. Their use in elevator and con 
 veyor drives is fast increasing. 
 Reducers arc sometimes used in combination with worm 
 Fig. 83 
 gears to obtain very high reductions of speed, the arrange 
 ment illustrated (.Fig. 83) being designed for a reduction 
 of 850 to 1. 
 Friction gearing is made in both the spur (Fig. 84) 
 and bevel (Fig. 85) types. The driving pinion is usually 
 made of fibre or straw board, and the driven wheel of 
 cast iron, as this combination has a high coefficient of 
 friction and has proved itself fairly satisfactory and dur 
 able in service. The driven wheel should never be made 
 of fibre, for if an excessive load causes the gears to slip, 
 the driver revolves under pressure against the stationary 
 driven wheel, and if the latter were made of a soft mate 
 rial, flat spots would be rapidly worn on its face. 
 Friction gearing has a very limited field of application 
 to conveyor work, as it is not as efficient, reliable or 
 durable as tooth gearing. Although cheaper in first cost, 
 Figs. 84 and 85 
 to the conveyor, or if it is necessary to frequently start 
 and stop the conveyor without stopping the motor or line 
 shaft from which it is run. 
 Conveyor flights of wood are used only for the lighter 
 classes of work. They are usually carried by a single 
 strand of chain and are run in wooden troughs. Fig. 86 
 shows a flight of this kind suspended below the chain, 
 Figs. 86 and 87 
 while Fig. 87 shows the chain running along the bottom 
 of the trough, the flight being carried above it. The sus 
 pended flight has the advantage that its carrying chain is 
 not surrounded by the material being conveyed and is 
 therefore subject to less rapid deterioration than if the 
 chain were covered by the material. The suspended type 
 is, however, applicable only to lower run conveyors, the 
 supported type being required when the material is han 
 dled in the upper run. 
 Steel flights are used for all kinds of service from the 
 lightest to the heaviest. The shape of the flight and the 
 weight of the stock from which it is made depends upon 
 the character of the material handled and the required 
 capacity of the conveyor. Straight flights are common, 
 but the curved types are also used. For extra heavy 
 work malleable iron flights, having greater durability than 
 sheet steel, are often employed. 
 Single strand suspended flights (Fig. 88) for moderate 
 and heavy duty are fitted with malleable iron wearing 
 shoes which run on tracks along the sides of the con- 
 Figs. 88 and 89 
 veyor trough and serve to support the flight. Instead of 
 shoes, rollers are frequently placed on the sides of the 
 flight to act as supporting and guiding members. These 
 rollers are carried by a steel axle to which the flight is 
 Flights for double strand conveyors are sometimes re- 
 enforced by a steel axle connecting the two chains, or the 
 centrally hung flight (Fig. 89) can be stiffened by an 
 embossed ridge as illustrated, but in many cases the flight 
 itself will be amply stiff to resist buckling without extra 
 reenforcement. These flights may be rigidly attached to 
 the chains, or a hinged joint may be used to allow for 
 unequal stretch of the chains without resultant bending of 
 the flight. 
 Gravity Roller Conveyor 
 Wood supports for roller gravity conveyor (Fig. 90) 
 are sometimes used on account of their relatively low 
 cost as compared to steel. A straight grained hard wood 
 should be used in their construction and for outdoor use 
 the wood should be impregnated with a creosote preserva 
 tive. Legs may be of the straight or of the horse type and 
 Figs. 90 and 91 
 either with or without adjustment for height. Common 
 wood horse supports having no adjustment are frequently 
 used although their lack of adjustment is a disadvantage. 
 Steel supports arc made either portable or stationary. 
 The portable supports (Fig. 91) for outdoor use are of 
 the horse type having the height adjustable and the frame 
 as light as is consistent with strength and rigidity. The 
 conveyor sections are simply laid on the top cross bars 
 of these supports. 
 Stationary indoor supports (Fig. 92) consist of adjust 
 able angle or pipe legs bolted to the conveyor and lagged 
 fast to the floor. 
 Indoor portable supports (Fig. 93) are usually made in 
 the form of adjustable legs which are bolted to the con- 
 Figs. 92 and 93 
 veyor sections and fitted with castors. Castors may, how 
 ever, be omitted on the lighter sections. 
 For suspending the conveyor from above hanger rods 
 are used. These are threaded on the lower ends and 
 fitted with nuts to true up the line of the conveyor. 
 The earliest types of bearings for roller gravity conveyor 
 were simple steel shafts turning in holes punched in the 
 side frames (Fig. 94). The large amount of friction and 
 rapid wear attendant upon this construction has caused 
 it to be discarded in favor of the anti-friction bearings at 
 present almost universally employed. 
 A modification of the plain bearing (Fig. 95) has case 
 hardened threaded bushings in which the roller shaft 
 Figs. 94 and 95 
 turns. This construction allows of the roller being re 
 moved from the frame by unscrewing the threaded bush 
 ing, and also permits of renewals being made when the 
 bearings become worn. These plain bearings are used 
 only in connection with wood rollers on conveyors intended 
 for light service. 
 The ring type stud bearing (Fig. 96) is occasionally 
 used on milk and dairy plant conveyors. It is an im 
 provement over the plain shaft bearing but inferior in 
 operating characteristics to the ball bearing types as the 
 frictional resistance is considerable, necessitating a greater 
 pitch to the conveyor in order to handle a given com 
 The ball bearing stud (Fig. 97) is one of the most sat 
 isfactory types of construction, as with it friction is re 
 duced to a minimum, cramping of the bearing due to pos 
 sible springing of the side frames is eliminated, and 
 weight is kept down. This last is important if the con 
 veyor is to be portable. Stud bearings are used with 
 wood, steel or cast iron rollers. In all cases the ends of 
 the rollers are completely closed, an essential feature if 
 Figs. 96 and 97 
 liquids of any kind are likely to come in contact with the 
 conveyor. This bearing is therefore standard construction 
 for milk and dairy plants, chemical works, and under all 
 conditions where water can get into the bearings, as in 
 outdoor installations and for handling wet objects. 
 The through shaft construction with ball bearings 
 (Figs. 98 and 99) gives a thoroughly satisfactory conveyor 
 for boxes, barrels, castings and the like. Being some 
 what heavier than the stud type, particularly with the 
 longer and more closely spaced rollers, it is especially 
 adapted to permanent installations. When used under very 
 wet conditions, the liquid often finds access to the interior of 
 the roller and causes trouble from corrosion and the 
 formation of puddles. This type of construction requires 
 that the conveyor have sufficient clearance on one side 
 for the removal of the shaft endwise to allow the roller 
 to be taken out of the frame. This requirement is, how 
 ever, easily met in the majority of installations. 
 Rollers are made of straight grained hard wood, steel 
 tubing (preferably seamless) or of cast iron. Standard 
 straight rollers range from 2 in. to 3 in. in diameter, with 
 2J4 in. as the ordinarily accepted standard. 
 Wood rollers are suitable for many purposes where the 
 service is not heavy, where a light conveyor is required, 
 or when first cost is of prime importance. They are not 
 as durable as steel but when operating conditions call for 
 their use it has frequently hern found desirable lo employ 
 them with the full knowledge that replacements will be 
 required after a certain limited period of service. Some 
 times steel ferrules or collars are forced over the ends of 
 wood rollers, increasing somewhat the strength of the rol 
 ler to resist splitting at the bearings and making a more 
 durable surface for carrying the load. 
 Steel rollers are usually made of seamless tubing having 
 ends of drawn steel or cast iron forced in and held by 
 crimping or spot welding. It is very necessary that these 
 ends be accurately made so that the rollers will revolve 
 about their true centers and be in perfect balance. The 
 usual thickness of the tubing ranges from No. 16 gage 
 more branch lines. The switch section, being pivoted at 
 one end, can be swung in the horizontal plane to connect 
 Figs. 98 and 99 
 to No. 12 gage or heavier, but it is desirable to keep the 
 revolving parts as light in weight as is consistent with 
 strength, stiffness and durability. 
 Cast iron rollers are not common for general package 
 conveying, but the concave cast iron roller is widely used 
 when cylindrical objects are to be handled. It is cored 
 hollow to decrease weight, and its concave carrying sur 
 face forms a cradle for handling such material as pig 
 iron, shells, rolls, logs and the like. 
 Special small rollers are sometimes used for conveyors 
 handling small objects. They are made in diameters from 
 Yn in. to 2 in. in diameter and are spaced as close to 
 gether as possible. Similarly, for special purposes, rollers 
 larger than 3 in. diameter have been successfully used. 
 Fig. 100 
 When two or more lines of gravity conveyor are re 
 quired to deliver to one main trunk line a converging 
 section (Fig. 100) is used. This is frequently a necessary 
 feature of gravity conveying systems, but there is some 
 times danger of the packages jamming at this point if 
 two of them roach the "frog" at the same time. 
 Fig. 101 
 A gravity switch section (Fig. 101) allows packages to 
 be delivered selectively from a single trunk line to two or 
 Fig. 102 
 with any of the branch lines as required. This is a very 
 common and thoroughly satisfactory device. 
 For turning corners curved-sections are used. They are 
 made to turn through any required angle, 22^ degrees, 
 45 degrees and 90 degrees being the most common. The 
 radius to the outside of the curve may be made to suit 
 the specific requirements of the layout, from 2 feet 6 
 inches to 4 feet 6 inches being usual. 
 Curves fitted with straight rollers are satisfactory for 
 many purposes, particularly where comparatively heavy 
 material is handled. Straight roller curves should usual 
 ly be fitted with guards on the outside to insure the pack 
 ages from running off. 
 Tapered rollers (Fig. 102) give the best results on 
 curves. The amount of taper depends, of course, upon 
 the radius of the curve, being greater for a short radius 
 than for a long one. 
 Pip. 103 
 Double or differential roller curves (Fig. 103), in which 
 the outer rollers move faster than the inner, are much 
 used. They operate in a somewhat more satisfactory man 
 ner than the straight rollers but do not have the perfect 
 action of properly designed tapered rollers. 
 Straight steel slides (Fig. 104) are often of value in 
 connection with stationary installations of gravity con 
 veyor. They are used to lower material from an overhead 
 line of conveyor down to the floor or to a table, and 
 sometimes from one floor to another, although for this 
 latter purpose spiral chutes are usually better. The line 
 of gravity entering the straight chute should be given a 
 slight downward curve, and a reverse curve should be 
 made in the bottom of the steel slide in order to prevent 
 the packages from "digging in" between the rollers as 
 they leave the slide. The slope of the chute depends upon 
 its length and the character of the material to be handled. 
 By hinging and counterweighting certain sections of a 
 gravity conveyor, aisles can be maintained for trucking, 
 etc. When it is desired to use the passway, the hinged 
 section of the conveyor can be raised, stopping temporar 
 ily the flow of packages but allowing a clear passage 
 through the line of the conveyor. 
 Supporting idlers are used under both top and bottom 
 runs of nearly all belt conveyors. Occasionally on very 
 light package conveyors the belt is run in a shallow wood 
 trough, but except for the lightest service this is not good 
 practice as the constant dragging of the belt against the 
 bottom of the trough causes excessive wear on the fabric. 
 The idlers supporting the carrying surface of the belt are 
 spaced close enough together to prevent undue sag when 
 the conveyor is loaded to its capacity. The type of con 
 veyor, the material handled, and the size of the belt must 
 all be considered when determining this spacing. The 
 idlers under the return side are usually spaced at com 
 paratively long intervals since their purpose is merely to 
 support the empty belt and some sag of the latter is not 
 objectionable. Idlers should lie wider than the belt which 
 they carry and should turn freely in their bearings. Pack 
 age conveyor belts are run flat, but the majority of instal 
 lations handling loose material are equipped with trough- 
 ing idlers which cause the belt to form a trough from 
 which the material is less likely to spill than from the 
 surface of a flat licit. 
 Straight idlers for package service may be made of 
 plain hard wood rollers fitted with steel pins which turn 
 in holes drilled in strap iron hangers but this is not good 
 practice. A better bearing is an oiless wood bushing sup 
 ported from the conveyor framework by a cast iron box. 
 Recently ball bearing idlers have been developed but due 
 Fig. 105 
 to their cost they have not as yet been used to any great 
 extent. Babbitted bearings are commonly used and arc 
 Straight idlers for package conveyors are also made of 
 =teel tubing with cast iron or pressed steel heads and a 
 through shaft. Self-alining bearings arc desirable as 
 they prevent cramping of the roller. For light duty in 
 department store work the bearings are carried directly 
 on the sheet steel sides of the conveyor run (Fig. 105) 
 these sides serving also as guards to prevent the packages 
 falhng off the belt. This type of conveyor is usually hung 
 from the ceiling by rods, vertical adjustment of the con 
 veyor as a whole being secured by nuts on the lower 
 ends of the rods. 
 For heavier service the framework supporting the bear 
 ings is a structural steel member (Fig. 106), and, if nec 
 essary, special wood or steel guards are used to retain 
 the packages. 
 A single concave idler (Fig. 107) is sometimes used to 
 Fig. 106 
 trough the belt and prevent spilling of the material carried. 
 If this construction is employed, the amount of troughing 
 should be very slight as otherwise the difference in velocity 
 of the high and low points on the idler will be sufficient 
 to cause serious wear on the belt due to slip. 
 The two roll idler (Fig. 108) allows of deeper trough- 
 Figs. 107 and 108 
 ing without injurious belt slip. It is, however, less suitable 
 for heavy work than the three and five roll types, as the 
 belt is not supported at the center where the load is great 
 est. The belt consequently tends to sag into the space 
 Figs. 109 and 110 
 between the rolls and the latter act somewhat as a rotary 
 shear, tending to cut the belt in two. 
 Three and five roll idlers (Figs. 109 and 110) having 
 the rolls set approximately on an arc oi a circle give a 
 very perfect support for the belt and obviate slip. This 
 is the most commonly used construction for equipment 
 handling loose material. 
 Figs. Ill and 112 
 Guide rolls are sometimes required to prevent the belt 
 from running out of line as it passes over the idlers. 
 These guide rolls are usually used on the carrying side 
 of the belt (Fig. Ill), but are occasionally fitted to the 
 return run (Fig. 112) as well. 
 The majority of troughing idlers used in the pa>t have 
 been made of cast iron. A comparatively recent develop 
 ment is the steel idler luted with ball bearings and designed 
 on the unit principle. In this design each roll is carried 
 by a sheet steel bracket. These units can be combined 
 into straight or troughing idlers of any required size, the 
 amount of troughing can be regulated, and a light weight 
 but very strong conveyor is the result of their use. 
 A few concave wood idlers have been used, mainly mi 
 temporary installations. 
 Belt conveyor pulleys are generally made of cast iron. 
 steel, or wood, the belt being run directly on the bare 
 face of the pulley. Pulleys of this type arc made cither 
 solid (Fig. 113) or split (Fig. 114) and clamped over 
 the shaft with bolts. In the case of long conveyors it is 
 necessary to have a high tractive force without undue 
 tension on the belt, and for this reason plain cast iron or 
 steel driving pulleys are rarely used for heavy duty, as 
 the coefficient of friction is comparatively low. 
 Rubber or canvas covered head pulleys are very fre 
 quently used for long conveyors. The covering affords 
 a good driving surface since it has a high coefficient of 
 friction and hence decreases the slip of the belt and in 
 creases the mechanical efficiency of the conveyor. The 
 cover is attached to the face of the pulley by cementing 
 and riveting with counter-sunk copper rivets. 
 Pulleys can be lagged with wooden strips in place of 
 rubber or fabric covering. This is a more durable con 
 struction and is often used. The wood has a much higher 
 coefficient of friction than iron although it is slightly in 
 ferior in this respect to canvas or rubber. 
 The so-called wood pulley is built up of laminated wood 
 strips glued together, the bore being bushed with an iron 
 sleeve. It is similar in driving qualities to the wood lagged 
 pulley but is less capable of withstanding moisture and 
 extremes of temperature. 
 The slat-bar pulley is sometimes used on conveyors han 
 dling material such as wet clay which would have a ten 
 dency to pile up on a solid face pulley. 
 Paper pulleys (Fig. 113) are built up of layers of a 
 Figs. 113 and 114 
 special kind of fibre compressed under high pressure and 
 fitted with cast iron hubs. The sheets of fibre are held 
 together with iron flanges and rivets so that the construc 
 tion throughout is substantial and durable. Experiments 
 have proved that fibre makes one of the best friction sur 
 faces known, and practical experience has fully confirmed 
 this, but nevertheless paper pulleys are not often used 
 on conveyors. 
 It is sometimes necessary to use dust-proof pulleys in 
 the boots of belt type bucket elevators. These pulleys have 
 round steel plates covering the ends, thus preventing the 
 entrance of the material being handled and cutting down 
 the power required for operating the elevator. 
 The diameter of the pulley to be used for a given con 
 veyor depends for the driving pulleys mainly c,n two fac 
 tors, the traction required and the thickness of the con- 
 veyor belt. The diameter must be sufficient to insure that 
 the belt will not >lip on the pulley. Naturally, the greater 
 the coefficient of friction of the pulley surface, the smaller 
 the diameter possible. As to the bending of the belt over 
 the end pulleys, a good rule is not to use a pulley of less 
 diameter in inches than three to four times the ply of the 
 Push Bars 
 Push bars arc used for handling boxes and packages on 
 horizontal and inclined conveyors and elevators. The old 
 est and simplest push bar was a block of wood fastened 
 to a single or double strand of chain, the chain running 
 in grooves cut in the conveyor runway. This construction 
 is limited to conveyors handling light packages. 
 For moderate duty two strands of roller chain arc con- 
 Figs. 115 and 116 
 nected by a wooden liar (Fig. 115) fastened to the chain 
 by malleable iron swivel attachments. This arrangement 
 is largely used on conveyors handling baled hay and straw 
 and similar light but bulky material. For ordinary boxes 
 of moderate weight a pipe bar (Fig. 116) is used instead 
 of a wood slat, while on the heaviest work a solid steel 
 shaft is necessary. On one type of inclined elevator for 
 handling boxes a roller bar is employed so that if the box is 
 loaded on top of the bar instead of in front of it, the 
 roller will more easily slide out under the box and let 
 the next bar pick it up. 
 On some types of power driven conveyors it is necessary 
 to provide safety devices to guard against breakage of the 
 machinery in the event that it is overloaded. The usual 
 method for taking care of dangerous overloads is to use 
 a shear pin which will break and thus prevent a more 
 serious accident to some vital part of the equipment. The 
 shear pin should be placed between the reduction gearing 
 and the conveyor sprockets, and should be so proportioned 
 as to break only when the overload reaches a point above 
 which damage to the chain would result. A pin which 
 is too weak will be a source of constant annoyance and 
 lost time by continually breaking under small overloads 
 Fig. 11 
 which in themselves would do no particular harm to the 
 conveyor. To eliminate the time required for replacing 
 a broken shear pin, several automatic overload releases 
 have been designed. 
 One type of overload release is shown in Fig. 117. A 
 spider keyed to the shaft has triggers pivotally mou-.ted on 
 links with the ends engaging notches in the rim of a 
 drum and a roller in the hub of the spider. Springs regu 
 lated to any desired pressure by adjusting nuts hold the 
 ends of the triggers on the rollers under normal condi 
 tions, but when the drive is overstrained, the compression 
 of the springs will permit the ends of the triggers to drop, 
 releasing connections with the rim and allowing the ma 
 chine to stop immediately. 
 To place the triggers in driving position again, a collar 
 is provided, having fingers which engage pins in the lower 
 ends of the triggers. By turning this collar by means of a 
 spanner wrench, the triggers will be moved to the orig 
 inal position and the outer ends will at the same time 
 enter the notches in the drum, thus renewing the trans 
 mission connection. A cover encloses the entire mechan 
 ism, protecting it from dirt. 
 Screw Conveyors 
 Screw conveyor troughs are frequently built of wood 
 (Fig. 118), in which case they are of rectangular shape, 
 but where this type of construction is used the trough is 
 lined with a semi-circular sheet steel lining. 
 Sheet steel troughs are probably the most common. 
 They are built in various sizes, and where too long to be 
 made of a single sheet, are made up in sections and riveted 
 together preferably with a butt joint. This joint may con- 
 Figs. 118, 119 and 120 
 sist of a steel plate (Fig. 119) to hold the two parts of 
 the trough together, or cast iron flanges (Fig. 120) may 
 be riveted to the adjacent ends of the troughs and the lat 
 ter secured by bolting the flanges together. 
 Figs. 121 and 122 
 When it is necessary to drain material while it is being 
 transported, a perforated steel tough (Fig. 121) is occasion 
 ally found useful. 
 For very heavy or abrasive work, or under conditions 
 of severe chemical action, cast iron troughs (Fig. 122) are 
 more durable than either wood or sheet steel. These 
 troughs are cast in short sections with flanges on each 
 end, a number of sections being bolted together to form the 
 finished trough. 
 If material is to be dried during its passage through the 
 trough, a steam or water jacket (Fig. 123) can be used, 
 and as with fine dusty material the top of the trough may 
 be closed in with a dust tight cover. This cover also 
 prevents the throwing oul of certain loose material when 
 the speed of the spiral is high. 
 The ends of screw conveyor troughs arc made of cast 
 iron plates which form both an end to the trough and a 
 bearing for the conveyor shaft. When used with steel 
 troughs these plates (Fig. 124) are flanged and set into 
 the end of the trough, the trough plate being riveted to 
 the flange of the casting. For wood troughs the plate is 
 rectangular in shape, fits into or over the end of the 
 Water Seal-, 
 Steam or Water Jacket 
 Fig. 123 
 tiough and is held in place by bolts or screws. The most 
 common end plate (Fig. 125) has a solid bearing box 
 made integral with the casting and babbitted or bushed with 
 Figs. 124, 125 and 126 
 A plate split through the bearing (Fig. 126), the two 
 halves being bolted together, is also in common use. 
 A split and adjustable bearing fitted to the end plate 
 (Fig. 127) gives a convenient means of lining up the screw 
 shaft or removing it from the trough although this con 
 struction is not very common. 
 The plate at the discharge end of some types of screw 
 conveyors (Fig. 128) is often provided with an opening 
 to allow the material to flow out through the end of the 
 To take up the thrust of the screw a special end thrust 
 bearing (Fig. 129) is frequently used. 
 Shaft hangers for screw conveyors serve the double 
 purpose of supporting the shaft and bracing the sides of 
 the trough. The hanger itself can be made of steel, or 
 cast iron, and the bearing box may be of chilled iron or 
 lined with babbitt or bronze. 
 The bearing box of the ordinary cast iron hanger (Fig. 
 130) is usually split, the lower half being held in place 
 by a long U-bolt which allows it to be easily removed. 
 When handling hot material the conveyor shaft will 
 expand and contract. This condition calls for some type 
 Figs. 127, 128 and 129 
 of self-adjusting hanger which can automatically adjust 
 its position to that of the shaft. The hinged hanger (Fig. 
 131) will successfully meet this situation as the bearing 
 box has enough flexibility to follow the variations of the 
 shaft but at the same time prevents it springing out of 
 Hangers for square shaft screw conveyors (Fig. 132) For handling exceptionally heavy loads a double flight 
 have a split cylindrical sleeve with a square hole through (Fig. 143) can often be used to advantage as this type 
 it which fits over the shaft and turns with it in the hanger of construction decreases the load carried by each blade 
 bearing. The sleeve is usually made of chilled iron or and tends to make the flow of material smoother, 
 bronxe and the hanger bearing of cast iron either chilled 
 or babbitted. 
 Figs. 130, 131 and 132 
 Strap iron or steel hangers (Figs. 133, 134 and 135) are 
 used largely on conveyors handling gritty material. They 
 are rarely provided with means for adjusting or lubricat 
 ing the bearing. 
 Fig. 142 
 Figs. 133, 134 and 135 
 Two common types of discharge gates are used with 
 screw conveyors. One consists merely of a plain hand 
 operated slide (Fig. 136) in the bottom of the trough. 
 The rack and pinion slide (Fig. 137) will, however, usu 
 ally be found more satisfactory as it is more easily opened 
 and closed and is less likely to stick. 
 Fig. 143 
 Screw conveyors arc frequently used on material which 
 must be mixed during its progress through the conveyor. 
 For this purpose a great many special types of flights are 
 Figs. 136 and 137 
 The drive for a screw conveyor is usually by direct 
 belt and pulley to a line shaft or an individual motor or 
 through a pair of mitre gears (Fig. 138) located at the 
 receiving end of the trough. When one conveyor dis 
 charges into another running at right angles to it, it is 
 usual to drive the second screw from the first, either 
 Fig. 145 
 Figs. 138, 139 and 140 
 directly through a pair of mitre gears (Fig. 139), or by a 
 combination of mitres with chain and sprockets (Fig. 140). 
 Where the latter type of drive is used, the material drops 
 from the first conveyor into the second, giving a perfect 
 transfer with no chance of clogging. 
 The most common types of flights used on screw con 
 veyors are made of sheet steel formed either in a con 
 tinuous spiral strip (Fig. 141) or in short spiral sections 
 (Fig. 142) which are riveted together to form the com 
 plete screw. 
 Fig. 146 
 u>ed. The simplest mixing flight (Fig. 144) has small 
 paddles fastened to the shaft between the threads of the 
 screw. These afford a gentle stirring action on the mate 
 rial as it is conveyed. 
 By cutting away portions of the flights (Fig. 145) the 
 flow of material will be interrupted at frequent intervals, 
 by combining the cut flights with paddles (Fig. 146) a 
 Fig. 147 
 still greater mixing can be made to take place, while by 
 cutting the flights and folding the cut ends out parallel to 
 the shaft (Fig. 147) a maximum stirring effect can be 
 For very heavy material which requires mixing heavy 
 cast iron paddle flights (Fig. 148) may be used. 
 For light service a ribbon flight (Fig. 149) is sometimes 
 used, and if in addition to the conveying action it is de 
 sired to mix the material, a double ribbon (Fig. 150) with 
 Fig. 148 
 Fig. 149 
 Fig. 150 
 or without the addition of paddles will accomplish this 
 result. The ribbon conveyor is well adapted to the han 
 dling of very loose or sticky materials. 
 Spiral Chutes 
 The details of spiral chutes differ considerably, depend 
 ing upon the type of chute and the practice of the indi 
 vidual manufacturer. In general the runway and guard 
 rail are made of sheet steel either galvanized or black. 
 Figs. 151 and 152 
 Two methods of assembling the runway sheets are com 
 monly employed. In one (Fig. 151) the upper sheet is 
 lapped over the lower one and fastened with countersunk 
 head rivets. In the second type of runway construction 
 (Fig. 152) the sheets are turned down to form flanges, 
 adjacent sheets being bolted or riveted together along these 
 flanges. This construction forms somewhat stiffer supports 
 for the individual wings. 
 For the usual classes of service the runway is made flat 
 Figs. 153, 154 and 155 
 on a horizontal radial line (Fig. 153). A package de 
 scending such a chute will be forced by centrifugal force 
 against the guardrail, its speed being controlled by the 
 friction on both the runway and guard. The heavier the 
 much friction and will move at approximately the same 
 speed as the heavier one. 
 When barrels and similar cylindrical objects are to he 
 handled, a concave runway (Fig. 154) forms a satisfac 
 tory carrying surface which largely prevents turning and 
 spinning of the article during its descent. 
 Another type of concave runway (Fig. 155) is commonly 
 used on spirals handling miscellaneous articles. It is de 
 signed with the object of handling all classes of commodi 
 ties at a uniform speed, the principle involved being that 
 very heavy objects which tend to move faster will be 
 thrown outward on the curved runway by centrifugal 
 force to the point where the angle of descent is least and 
 will thus be retarded, while light packages which tend to 
 stick will seek the steeper portion of the chute and de 
 scend properly. 
 Closed-center spiral chutes (Fig. 156) are supported on 
 a center post preferably a steel pipe to which the inside 
 edges of the runway wings are attached. For severe ser- 
 Figs. 156 and 157 
 vice, structural steel braces can be run from the outside 
 edges of the runway to the center post. The entire weight 
 of the closed-center chute is supported by the post and 
 carried directly on a foundation under the post, no stress 
 Fig. 158 
 package, the faster it will tend to move, consequently the coming upon the floors of the building. This type of 
 more firmly it will be pressed against the guard and the chute occupies a minimum amount of floor space, is rea- 
 more its speed will be reduced. A light package, being sonable in first cost and can be readily rendered safe from 
 held against the guard with less force, is not subject to as fire hazard due to the floor openings. 
 Open-center spiral chutes (Fig. 157) are supported by 
 hangers from the ceiling or on structural steel frames. 
 They are also often carried on a central post having long 
 radial steel arms upon which the runway proper is se 
 cured. This form (Fig. 158) is generally called an open- 
 ccntcr-with-post spiral chute. Open center chutes require 
 a guardrail on each side of the runway. They occupy 
 considerably more floor space than the closed center type 
 of the same capacity, but will accommodate a somewhat 
 larger package for the same width of runway. 
 Fire doors are required at all openings where a spiral 
 chute passes through floors. These doors should be held opm 
 by a fusible link which melts and allows the door to close 
 positively in the event of a lire. 
 The vertical sliding lire door (Fig. 159) is probably the 
 most common and satisfactory type. It consists of a steel 
 Figs. 159 and 160 
 panel which is normally supported by a chain and fusible 
 link but is free to slide in vertical steel guides. When this 
 door is closed it tits snugly into the chute and effectively 
 closes off all connection between floors. 
 On multiple blade spiral chutes it is often found that 
 sufficient clearance is not available between the blades to 
 allow of the application of a vertical sliding lire door. In 
 this case a roller shutter door must be used, as it takes 
 up the least possible amount o( space when open and at 
 the same time affords satisfactory fire protection. 
 Hinged fire doors are used under many conditions. At 
 the top entrance to the chute a hinged door forms a very 
 simple and practical arrangement. When the chute is en 
 tirely enclosed in a well or steel housing, the exits and 
 entrances through the housing can conveniently be pro 
 tected by hinged doors (Fig. 160), although the vertical 
 Figs. 161 and 162 
 sliding door, counterweighted so as to slide easily up and 
 down is also applicable to these conditions. Some types 
 of open center chutes are fitted with hinged fire doors at 
 intermediate floors (Fig. 161). Such doors close down 
 flat against the floor and have a projecting lip which drops 
 into the runway of the chute completely closing the 
 Loading spiral chutes at intermediate floors may be pro 
 vided for by hinging a portion of the spiral (Fig. 162) so 
 that it may be lifted to give a free inlet from a gravity 
 roller or other conveyor. Loading at intermediate floors may 
 be accomplished also by means of an inlet slide (Fig. 163) if 
 the packages are heavy, but light packages can be readily 
 Figs. 163 and 164 
 loaded over the guardrail. An inlet slide is a short 
 straight chute entering the spiral runway at a tangent to 
 its outside edge. The guardrail of the spiral is either 
 hinged, as shown, or made to lift out at the point where 
 the inlet slide intersects the runway bed. All spirals should 
 be loaded tangentially at the outside guardrail. Attempts 
 have been made to load open center spirals from the inner 
 guard, but this has not proved satisfactory. 
 Spiral exits (Fig. 164) can be placed at any floor. They 
 often consist of straight chutes intersecting the runway 
 Figs. 165 and 166 
 on the outer side. Ry removing a section of the spiral 
 guard at the point where the exit slide meets it, packages 
 descending the chute will be delivered at the desired floor. 
 Another type of exit slide is a hinged chute which can be 
 dropped into the spiral runway over the guardrail of the 
 latter. This chute should be counterweighted so that when 
 not in use it can be swung up out of the runway and thus 
 allow packages to continue on down the spiral. 
 The exit chute at the foot of a spiral can be made to 
 deliver to the floor, to a table, or to a conveyor. It is 
 good practice to curve these chutes in the vertical plane 
 so that packages will discharge smoothly. A convenient 
 portable exit chute (Fig. 165) has its outer end adjust 
 able so that packages can be delivered to the floor or to 
 trucks of any height. One of the most common arrange 
 ments (Fig. 166) is for the spiral chute to deliver to a 
 gravity roller conveyor. 
 Sprockets are usually made of cast iron, the teeth being 
 cast to shape and either left rough or smoothed up with 
 an emery wheel. Chill casting the teeth and rim gives a 
 harder wearing surface and a more durable sprocket. For 
 the heaviest duty cast steel is used. 
 Sprocket wheels are made either solid or are split and 
 the two halves bolted together. The solid sprocket (Fig. 
 167) is the more commonly used, although the split type 
 can be removed and replaced on the shaft without remov- 
 ing the latter from its bearings. This feature is not pos- type (Fig. 172) having a ratchet wheel keyed to the driv- 
 ses<=ed by the solid type, which can only be removed by ing shaft, steel rollers carried in the teeth of the ratchet, 
 driving it off the end of the shaft. and an outside casing fastened to the conveyor framework. 
 As the wear on sprockets comes entirely on the teeth, Reversed motion of the shaft wedges the rollers between 
 the latter are frequently made removable. This is good the wheel and casing, and locks the shaft, 
 practice when working conditions are so severe that fre- A patented safety stop (Fig. 173.), which is used by one 
 manufacturer of conveying machinery, has a split hub 
 which is clamped over the hubs of the driving pinion by 
 four bolts. Compression springs under the bolt heads 
 Figs. 167 and 168 
 quent renewals due to sprocket wear are necessary, as 
 new teeth can be put in place in a fraction of the time 
 required to remove a worn sprocket from its shaft and re 
 place it with a new one. Different methods for holding 
 the removable teeth are in use. They may be tongued 
 Figs. 169 and 170 
 and bolted to the rim df a plain wheel (Fig. 168), inset 
 and bolted to the side of the wheel (Fig. 169), or inset and 
 bolted to the face (Fig. 170) in various ways. 
 If an inclined or vertical conveyor is operating under 
 load and the driving belt breaks or the power is shut off 
 there is a tendency for the conveyor to reverse its direc 
 tion of motion and carry its load back to the receiving 
 point. This would do considerable damage both to the 
 conveyor and its load under many conditions, as well as be 
 a source of danger to the operators. Safety stops are 
 Figs. 171 and 172 
 therefore sometimes used to prevent such accidents, these 
 stops being either ratchets or automatic brakes applied to 
 some portion of the driving machinery and so arranged 
 as to prevent backward motion of the conveyor. 
 The simplest stop is the common ratchet wheel and 
 pawl (Fig. 171). Another variety is the roller ratchet 
 Figs. 173 and 174 
 furnish sufficient pressure to make the stop tend to re 
 volve with the pinion but allow the latter to turn inside 
 the former if the stop itself is prevented from turning. 
 When the pinion is running forward the stop turns with it 
 until a pin on the hub strikes the conveyor framework and 
 prevents its further motion. If the power goes off and the 
 pinion starts to run backward, friction carries the stop 
 with the entire mechanism which locks the gear and pre 
 vents further backward motion. When power is again 
 applied, however, the stop returns to its original position, 
 releasing the gear and allowing the conveyor to continue 
 its forward motion. 
 Another stop (Fig. 174) which operates on much the 
 same principle as that just described has two friction oper 
 ated pawls which engage with the teeth of both pinion and 
 Worm gear driven conveyors rarely require the use of 
 stops as the worm mechanism ordinarily is designed to be 
 It is hardly necessary to add that these safety stops can 
 not be applied to reversible conveyors. 
 A take-up is a device used on belt and chain conveyors 
 for keeping the chain or belt at the proper tension. Belts 
 will stretch in service, the wear on chain joints will cause 
 the chain to elongate, and it is essential that means be 
 provided for taking up the resulting slack. 
 The take-up used for all chain type conveyors, elevators, 
 and on the majority of belt conveyors consists of bearing 
 boxes which can be adjusted in guides by means of screws, 
 these boxes forming the bearings for the shaft which carries 
 the idler sprockets or drum. The guides forming a rigid 
 support for the box are designed to attach directly to 
 the conveyor framework, and are accordingly made in 
 a number of styles to meet the requirements of practice. 
 The so-called "standard take-up" used for medium duty 
 bucket elevators is available in two styles generally desig 
 nated as "A" and "B," respectively. In style "A" (tig- 
 175), the screw advances with the box, while in style "B" 
 (Fig. 176), the box travels along the stationary screw. 
 When the screw moves with the box, it is always necessary 
 to allow enough clearance for manipulating it when in 
 the extreme outward position. A ratcheting handle instead 
 of a hand wheel is often used for turning the screw where 
 space is limited or when the force required for adjusting 
 the box is considerable, as in the case of some bucket 
 elevators with the take-up at the top. When used in con- 
 junction with a housed-in bucket elevator, the adjustable 
 bearing box (Fig. 177) carries a dust slide which effectively 
 prevents the escape of material from the elevator no 
 matter in what position the box is set. Occasionally the 
 outer end of the box is itself closed as a protection to the 
 Floor stand take-ups (Figs. 178 and 179) arc used at 
 the head ends of some types of elevators. The supporting 
 frames are arranged to stand directly on the floor, the 
 Figs. 175, 176, 177, 178 and 179 
 adjustment being vertical. The screws may be arranged to 
 be either in tension or compression. 
 The simple take-up (Fig. 180) has a box guided by a 
 single tongue and groove joint. It is suitable only for 
 use on the lighter types of conveyors. 
 F.ither cast iron (Fig. 181) or steel frame take-ups 
 Fig. 180 
 can he used for heavy duty. In these the box is rigidly 
 supported by an extra wide frame, and the latter is designed 
 so that the stresses are all centralized, and the screw is 
 The double pipe take-up is fitted with a self-alining 
 bearing carried on pipe frames. For heavier work, steel 
 shafting is used in place of pipe, but this take-up is not 
 Fig. 181 
 in direct tension or compression, thus attaining the maxi 
 mum strength and rigidity. Heavy take-ups are also made 
 in the stationary screw type. 
 On protected screw take-ups (Fig. 182) the bearing box 
 travels along the screw, the latter turning but not advanc 
 ing with the box. This allows the supporting frame to 
 act as a cover protecting the screw from dirt and corro 
 sion. The box is usually of the split type, and may be 
 made self alining. The seat upon which it rests may be 
 cither flat or triangular, the triangular type having certain 
 advantages such as greater strength for equal weight, and 
 less chance for dirt to accumulate on the guide. These 
 take-ups are used principally on out-door equipment. 
 Fig. 182 
 suitable lor very heavy duty as it is not as rigid as those 
 types especially designed for severe service. 
 When it is desirable to locate the take-up at the driving 
 end of the conveyor, this can often be done, although it 
 is not a very common practice. If the drive is through 
 spur gears, a double bearing head take-up will be required 
 to meet this condition. 
 A spring take-up (Fig. 183) allows the bearing box to 
 adjust itself within a limited range to variations in tension 
 on the belt or chains. This is a particularly valuable 
 feature in connection with chains of long pitch. Such 
 chains always run with a constantly varying tension if the 
 two sprocket shafts are held in a fixed relation to each 
 other, but the spring take-up will automatically compensate 
 for this variation and make for a smoother running and 
 more lasting installation. 
 On all the preceding take-ups adjustment is made by 
 hand. As the belt stretches or the chains wear, the operator 
 compensates for the stretch by moving the take-up screws 
 an amount which his judgment indicates as correct. This 
 personal factor can often be eliminated on belt conveyors 
 Fig. 183 
 by the use of a gravity take-up which automatically main 
 tains the proper tension on the belt. Roth horizontal and 
 vertical gravity take-ups are in common use. They may 
 be located at any point along the slack side of the belt, 
 but if convenient they should be placed close to the 
 driving end. as at this point the slack in the belt is 
 greatest, and the take-up will consequently be most 
 A chain tightener is a small sprocket or flanged wheel 
 carried by an adjustable bracKct in such a way as to bear 
 against the slack side of a running chain and serve the 
 purpose of a take-up. Tighteners are used principally in 
 connection with transmission chain where the relative posi 
 tion of the driving and driven sprockets is fixed and the 
 ordinary take-up is therefor not applicable. 
 \ swing tightener (Figs. 184 and 1851 is the easiest 
 to adjust, as it is necessary merely to loosen the bolt in 
 the slot, swing the tightener up against the chain, and 
 tighten the bolt. Very often these tighteners are not 
 fastened rigidly but are held against the chain by a spring 
 or weight. 
 The plate tightener (Fig. 186) is fastened by two bolts 
 passing through elongated holes in the plate. It is less 
 apt to work loose than the swing type. 
 The fork tightener (Fig. 187) is similar to the p ate 
 type except that the stud on which the idler wheel runs 
 Figs. 184 and 185 
 Figs. 186 and 187 
 is not overhung but is supported on both sides of the 
 wheel. This tightener is sometimes used in place of 
 a take-up on very light conveyors, as it is considerably 
 cheaper than the conventional take-ups. 
 Trays are used in place of arms for carrying the load on 
 the balanced types of automatic and setni-antomatic con 
 tinuous motion vertical elevators for packed material. 
 They are always carried between two strands of chain 
 and pivoted so as to hang vertically. The load, being 
 centralized between the chains, has little tendency to pull 
 them out of line. Trays can be loaded at any point and 
 the load is carried, upright at all times, so that open boxes, 
 crates, etc., and fragile articles such as bottles and table 
 ware can be safely handled. 
 The simple platform tray (Fig. 188) is useful only 
 on elevators which are manually loaded and unloaded. 
 It is built of wood with steel hangers for light service, 
 or of all steel for heavy duty. 
 Barrels and drums are handled on curved linger trays 
 Figs. 188 and 189 
 (Fig. 189) which allow of automatic loading and dis 
 charge. The curved fingers form a cradle which prevents 
 the barrel from rolling off. 
 Boxes and crates usually require a straight finger tray 
 Figs. 190, 191 and 192 
 (Fig. 190) for successful handling if automatic loading 
 and discharge are necessary. 
 If both cylindrical and flat packages must be handled on 
 the same elevator, a combination curved and straight 
 linger tray (Fig. 191) can often be used to advantage. 
 Automatic elevators which receive and discharge to 
 gravity conveyor are fitted with special types of trays 
 (Fig. 192), which are arranged with steel fingers to pass 
 between the rollers of the conveyor. They can be loaded 
 automatically only on the upward moving side. These 
 trays may be center-hung as shown, suspended from 
 diagonal corners, or of the cantilever type. 
 Troughs for flight conveyors are sometimes constructed 
 of wood planking, but modern practice tends to the use 
 of sheet steel as being more serviceable. 
 Many types of troughs are used for flight conveyors. 
 The thickness of the stock usually varies from Xo. 12 
 gage to one-quarter of an inch, the edges of the trough 
 ( Figs. 193 and 194) being frequently reenforced with 
 angle. Z-bar or other stiffeners which form a track for 
 the chain or rollers which support the flights. For ease 
 of manufacture and convenience in handling and erecting, 
 steel troughs are made in sections up to eight feet in 
 length, these short sections being spliced together to form 
 the finished trough. 
 Two methods are in use for making the splice between 
 adjacent sections of the trough. When the lap joint (Fig. 
 196) is employed, the sections should be set up so that the 
 Figs. 193 and 194 
 direction in which the material moves is as indicated by 
 the arrow. The butt joint (Fig. 195) gives a perfectly 
 smooth inside surface to the trough but involves the use 
 of an extra steel strap which is riveted to each section 
 Figs. 195 and 196 
 at the joint and is therefor somewhat more expensive to 
 To discharge material from the conveyor at intermediate 
 points along the run, it is necessary to provide gates in 
 the bottom of the trough which can be opened or closed 
 as required. Plain hand operated slides and drop doors 
 Fig. 197 
 are sometimes used for this purpose but are usually not 
 as convenient and satisfactory as the rack and pinion gate 
 (Fig. 197) which slides in guides under the trough and is 
 operated by a hand wheel. 
 Troughs for screw conveyors will be found described 
 under the head of "Screw Conveyors." 
 Hand, Belted, Electric, Hydraulic, Special 
 A Treatise Covering the Development, Construction and 
 Application of Elevators, Including Discussions of 
 Capacities, Loading and Unloading Time, Speeds, 
 Acceleration, Retardation, Schedules, Location 
 and Layout, Motive Power, Types of Motors, 
 Power Consumption, Winding and Traction 
 Engines, Control, Types of Controllers, 
 Switches, Braking, Auxiliary Devices 
 and Safety Codes for the Construc 
 tion and Maintenance of Elevator 
 and for Power Transmission 
 Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 
 EKOKK ENTKKINC INTO A DISCUSSION of the technical fea- Many manufacturers entered the hydraulic elevator field 
 tures of the elevator it might be well to review its and various interesting types were brought out. Charles 
 history. A special type of elevator may be proposed R. Otis developed the beam-engine construction of which 
 for a given duty ; expenditure of both energy and capital only few were built and the Whittier Machine Company 
 can often be avoided through a detailed knowledge of his- brought out the horizontal machine. The horizontal-cylinder 
 tory of the development of elevators which may disclose machines of the "push" and of the "pull" type soon became 
 that long ago such a type had been used and found wanting. the standard elevators. They had to lie geared in order 
 A study of conditions contemporary with its development lo permit their use in the high rise buildings which were 
 may also show why it was discarded. 
 then (1880) being constructed in fairly large numbers. 
 The first elevator on record was used for passengers and Early hydraulic elevators were operated by gravity pres- 
 freight in the convent of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai sure, having an open tank on the roof. Since the buildings 
 about the middle of the sixth century ; it was operated by a were not very high from 30 Ib. to SO Ib. was the usual 
 capstan. About the middle of the seventeenth century Vela- pressure. When the demand for greater load and higher 
 yer of Paris invented a "flying chair." It was probably op- speed appeared the gravity system had to be abandoned in 
 erated by means similar to that of the present hand hoists. 
 Perhaps the first plunger machine was installed in the 
 Capuchin church at Vienna some time in the latter part of 
 the eighteenth century. 
 Important forerunners to 
 the modern elevators started 
 with Sir William Arm 
 strong s hydraulic elevator 
 used in England in 1846. He 
 also employed the separate 
 pump and the pressure tank 
 system. About 1850 lie in 
 vented the weighted ac 
 cumulator used at a much 
 later date with high pres 
 sure hydraulic installations. 
 Edoux of Paris in 1867 
 exhibited the first model of 
 a plunger elevator using 
 counterbalance and details 
 resembling those of standard 
 machines of a , few years 
 In America the industry 
 Development of the Elevator. 
 Factors of the Elevator Problem: Capacity; 
 Schedules; Size and Number of Cars; Eco 
 nomics; Location; Power Consumption. 
 Electric Elevators: Winding Engines; Traction 
 Engines; Belt Drives; Braking; Control; 
 Hydraulic; Pneumatic; Steam-Driven; Hand 
 Power; Portable. 
 Auxiliary Devices and Details. 
 Elevator Installations. 
 Safety Code for Construction, Operation and 
 favor of the pressure tank systems. Here the higher pres 
 sure was obtained by pumping water into closed tanks into 
 which a certain amount of air was introduced. The air 
 acted to relieve the elevator 
 car of the pulsations of the 
 reciprocating steam pumps 
 which formed the standard 
 equipment. An important in 
 stallation of this kind went 
 into the Mutual Life Build 
 ing, New York, in 1884. 
 The further development 
 of the pressure tank, first 
 used by Sir William Arm 
 strong at a much earlier date 
 but rfintroduccd as the 
 Hinkle system, was in the 
 line of higher pressures up 
 to about 175 Ib. This per 
 mitted the use of cylinders 
 of smaller diameter since it 
 was necessary to "stack" 
 the elevators in order to 
 economize space. There was 
 started about 1850. Among pioneers in this field were a tendency to return to the gravity system in 1910, for the 
 Henry Waterman, of New York; George Fox & Company, buildings of that time reached heights sufficient to obtain 
 of Boston, Mass. ; William Adams & Company, of Boston, 
 and Mr. Otis Tufts, of Boston, who constructed the first 
 the pressures required to operate the standard elevator 
 equipment of that period. In very large installations the 
 passenger elevator in America. Tufts made steam-driven low-pressure hydraulic systems were at a disadvantage he- 
 drum machines and in 1859 invented his vertical screw 
 elevator. Only two of these machines were built, one of 
 cause of the space occupied by the cylinders and piping. 
 The development in this direction led to the installation 
 which was installed in New York and the other in Phila- of high pressure systems of about 750 Ib. working pressure, 
 delphia ; they continued in service until about 1875. The A large number of plants of this kind were installed ; in 
 principle of the vertical screw elevator was the same as a these the pressure tank was replaced by the weighted ac- 
 bolt and nut ; the car in this case contained the nut while 
 the vertical screw passed through the center of the car. 
 It was belt-driven by means of bevel gears. 
 Steam-driven elevators were the standard in the early- 
 seventies and some installations were made even as late 
 as 1885. The chief objections were the noise and the pulsa 
 tions of the pistons which were transmitted through the 
 ropes to the car. 
 The first important hydraulic installation was made by- 
 Cyrus W. Baldwin in the Boreel Building. Xew York, in 
 1878. These machines were of the vertical-cylinder type. 
 The success of this installation marked the beginning of 
 The plunger machine was one of the very earliest ele 
 vators in the field but it was not until George I. Alden s 
 improvements of details in 1900 that this type became a 
 commercial proposition. Up to very recent times the 
 plunger elevator was a formidable competitor of the or 
 dinary hydraulic machine and for a time threatened to dis 
 place it. However, the extreme height of modern build 
 ings made the cost of this type excessive in comparison 
 with electric elevators and its commercial limits have been 
 While the general forms of the elevator were undergoing 
 the end of the steam-driven elevator. The prevailing type development the details were also being improved from 
 soon after this seems to have been the short vertical-cylinder time to time. The first elevators used rope control hut as 
 of Baldwin with a high gear ratio. 
 speeds increased the difficulty of manipulating a rope at a 
 speed of 300 ft. per minute gave way to the standing rope 
 control using a wheel, and later the much more satisfactory 
 lever control. 
 The large capacity and high speed required of the hy 
 draulic elevator made it difficult to operate the main valve 
 and George H. Reynolds introduced the pilot valve and 
 the differential valve. This decreased the effort on the part 
 of the operator and thus made possible the more accurate 
 stops so much needed when the speeds became high. 
 Safety devices also passed through their period of de 
 velopment. First of these was the Elisha Graves Otis 
 ratchet safety which engaged in a rack made fast to the 
 guides. This was followed by the wedge of Cyrus W. Bald 
 win which engaged in the sides of the wooden guides which 
 were then used. The function of the safety is to bring the 
 car to a gradual stop and these devices accomplished the 
 result too suddenly. Hence the later development con 
 sisted of grips on the steel guides through spring pressure 
 or otherwise. 
 Among the notable developments for safety was the air 
 cushion of Albert Betteley, later improved by Albert C. 
 Ellithorpe, where the car shaft is enclosed in the lower 
 stories. The air from underneath the car escapes through 
 the space between the car and the shaft at a rate dependent 
 upon the size of this opening. For very high rise elevators 
 this air cushion is expensive to install but it is sometimes 
 used with other types of safety devices as an additional 
 insurance for safety. 
 The electric elevator industry started with the constant 
 current machine of William Baxter. Jr., in 1884. The first 
 successful drum machine of Norton P. Otis, R. C. Smith 
 and Rudolph Eickemcyer was constructed in 1889. Before 
 this time belted elevators using electric motor drive were 
 in use, but these required no electrical control of speed 
 and direction and are therefore not to be considered self- 
 contained units. Frank J. Sprague and C. F. Pratt brought 
 out the screw elevator about 1894; it consisted of a hori 
 zontal screw and an ingenious ball-bearing nut. The nut 
 carried the traveling sheaves which enabled this elevator 
 to have gear ratios much the same as the horizontal hy 
 draulic elevators. After an unsuccessful attempt to es 
 tablish this type of elevator as standard equipment it 
 passed out of existence in a few years. The traction ma 
 chine appeared in 1903 and at the present time has replaced 
 nearly all other types, whether electrical or mechanical. 
 A further improvement was introduced in 1915 by the use 
 of micro-leveling to enable more accurate landings. 
 The history of the electric elevator includes much de 
 velopment along the line of elevator control, without which 
 its great success would have been impossible. The direct 
 current motor was the first to be used and its control has 
 reached a high state of development. The alternating 
 current motor was not so successful, particularly in its early 
 stages. However, the latest developments indicate that it 
 is now a commercial proposition and no doubt it will see 
 additional improvements in the future. 
 Factors of the Elevator Problem 
 The elevator is used for vertical transportation and con 
 sists essentially of a platform moving in a shaft or hoist- 
 way provided for that purpose. The power required for 
 operation may be derived from any source. 
 \\hile there are many points in common between ele 
 vators used for passenger and freight transportation the dis 
 cussion here given relates chiefly to freight elevators. 
 Passenger elevators will be discussed only in so far as it 
 seems necessary to emphasize the general principles which 
 underlie all forms of vertical transportation. 
 Vertical transportation is frequently compared with hori 
 zontal or railway transportation but analysis will show that 
 they have but few elements in common. For example, in 
 elevator practice each car has a separate hoistway ; the 
 schedule and round-trip time of an elevator is independent 
 of additional elevators ; there are no curves or grades ; 
 there is no interference with cross-traffic except in the case 
 of automatic hatch-door elevators ; the speeds are fixed by 
 tlie maximum accelerations and retardations permissible. 
 There are additional differences of lesser importance but 
 the foregoing are the important characteristics of elevator 
 practice. Hence conclusions in railway transportation arc 
 not in general applicable to passenger or freight elevators. 
 The problem thus requires separate and independent an 
 In passenger transportation for office buildings it is 
 usually sufficient to carry people to certain floors. The 
 movements about the floors are matters of individual at 
 tention. In manufacturing plants the freight elevator is a 
 part of the general freight transportation scheme. It is not 
 an isolated problem but must be considered in its proper 
 relation to the scheme as a whole. After the elevator 
 service is determined so that it imposes no limitation on the 
 general transportation scheme, the problem narrows down 
 to the proper choice of the elevator. 
 One-story buildings require no elevators. Multi-story 
 buildings in general require elevators both for passengers 
 and freight; in fact use of some multi-story buildings is only 
 possible when such elevator service is provided. 
 If the loads to be carried are light and the buildings not 
 very high there may not be sufficient advantage to warrant 
 tlie installation of an elevator. Indeed the conveyor and 
 the elevator are competitive, their fields of application over 
 lapping in many instances. Roughly the conveyor may be 
 considered in the continuous transportation class whereas 
 the elevator belongs to the intermittent and variable bulk 
 class. The correct solution of the problem must be de 
 termined on the basis of engineering economics. The gen 
 eral plan in such cases is to compute the costs of transporta 
 tion for competitive schemes, evaluating all the elements so 
 far as it is possible to do so. Tlie problem is usually not 
 difficult, but is tedious. It may happen that the cost of 
 investigating the relative merits involved tips the balance 
 either way. 
 \Yhcre land is expensive it may be and usually is desira 
 ble to erect a tall building in preference to a one-story 
 structure of correspondingly greater area. The considera 
 tions leading to this decision will not be discussed here. 
 Given the problem of a multi-story structure, there are three 
 important factors to be considered which limit the maxi- 
 mum number of stories. 
 The first and usually tlie deciding factor as to the 
 height of the building is the commercial possibilities. If 
 it is simply a housing proposition economic balance is ob 
 tained when the cost for the competitive schemes, every 
 thing considered, is equal. A forecast into the future may 
 have some influence and if so will wisely be given due con 
 sideration. In the case of office buildings in desirable loca 
 tions the heights have reached many stories and seem still 
 to be on the increase. 
 A second limit is that dictated by the structural possibili 
 ties. As the building grows in height, and therefore in 
 weight, the ground area occupied by the column footings 
 and the building walls increases. When this is followed to 
 the extreme the available area of the lowest floor may bo- 
 come vanisbingly small. This limit, therefore, is a com 
 mercial consideration. 
 The third limit and the one directly affecting the handling 
 of material is the transportation problem between lloors and 
 between the street level and any one floor. Suppose that the 
 vertical shafts in the diagram represent elevator hoistways 
 and that the horizontal lines represent the floors of a build 
 ing. For convenience in the analysis let it further be as 
 sumed that the building is just deep enough to accommodate 
 the elevator, hoistway and that the floor area is made up by 
 increasing the width of the building as shown. Suppose 
 further that elevator 1 c:in only handle the traffic for the 
 16t h floor, elevator 2 handles the traffic for floors 14 and 15 
 because of their now smaller area and so on until elevator 
 5 handles the traffic for floors 2 to 6 inclusive. The addition 
 of the sixth elevator will take up the only icmaining area 
 and a limit is therefore attained. 
 The foregoing, however, are not the only limits since the 
 soil may not warrant the substructure for a high building. 
 1 6th. Floor- 
 Elevator Shaft 
 1 1 
 Chart Illustrating Limiting Height of Buildings 
 Fire-hazard must come in for its share of attention and the 
 human fear of the stability and the stiffness in high winds 
 will have its influence. The complete analysis may, there 
 fore, be exceedingly complicated. 
 In general, however, the financial considerations impose 
 the first limit ; the transportation limitations come next, and 
 the structural considerations last. 
 The two elements entering into the determination of the 
 capacity of an elevator are the quantity transported per 
 trip and the time occupied in making the trip. Under ideal 
 conditions of loading, a car will carry its maximum load 
 and for every delivery new loads will be taken on to re 
 place the loads delivered ; this condition to obtain both on 
 the upward trip as well as the trip in the reverse direction. 
 The trip load-factor of an elevator may be defined as 
 the ratio of the capacity actually obtained to the capacity 
 obtainable under ideal conditions. This ratio is very low 
 in most installations. But while it is low in manufacturing 
 establishments it is high in warehouses where receiving and 
 shipping arc constantly in progress. Good engineering in 
 this case has for its object the raising of this load-factor. 
 There are many elements which are disturbing chiefly in 
 the inability to adjust manufacturing operations to suit con 
 ditions best for the elevator. Since in general the object 
 is to market the product of the industry under consideration 
 the engineering problem is to lit the elevator to the work 
 it is intended for. 
 A broader aspect is obtained by viewing the elevator with 
 relation to its hoisting efficiency. This requires knowledge 
 of the round-trip time. Thus the capacity in any given time, 
 say for an eight-hour day, is the capacity per trip multi 
 plied by the number of trips made in that time. According 
 ly, the hoisting efficiency may be defined as the amount of 
 traffic handled, divided by the traffic possible under ideal 
 The elements involved in the trip-time are the time re 
 quired for loading, closing gates, acceleration, running, re 
 tarding, level landing, opening gates, and unloading. These 
 elements arc now to be considered with reference to their 
 possibilities for decreasing the time required for their proper 
 The time required to load the elevator depends upon the 
 convenience of elevator location, facilities for handling, out 
 side interferences and efficiency of handling crews. Each 
 of these items is so general that a discussion might appear 
 vague. However, some of the factors involved will be con 
 sidered later. 
 The time required to open and close the doors in freight 
 elevator service is a small item compared with the other 
 items involved. For passenger service it is much more im 
 portant, particularly for local service where the stops are 
 numerous. To eliminate delays automatic doors of various 
 kinds have been devised. Then selection must be determined 
 on the basis of the reduction in cost made possible by 
 their use. 
 If a car is to reach a given speed after a given interval 
 of time the acceleration must be so adjusted that this 
 becomes possible. This raises a question as to the factors 
 which limit accelerations, since the greater the acceleration 
 the smaller will be the time required to make a trip. There 
 appear two limits, besides those imposed by the economics 
 involved ; these are due to physical and physiological 
 Suppose a car starts from rest on the up-trip. The 
 pressure which a person standing on the platform exerts 
 will be his weight plus the additional force imposed by the 
 acceleration. From the laws of physics we have the equa 
 tion : 
 F = M A 
 where F = force in pounds 
 M = mass of the body, being in general the weight 
 of the body in pounds divided by the acceleration 
 of gravity (32. 2 ft. per sec.) 
 A = acceleration in feet per second. 
 A simple application of this equation will make matters 
 clearer. Suppose a person to be standing on the ground. 
 His weight exerts a pressure on it and the reaction on the 
 person is such as to cause fatigue in time. In this case 
 the force F corresponds to weight, the mass M corresponds 
 to or his weight in pounds divided by the acceleration 
 of gravity, while the acceleration A is that due to gravity 
 and is therefore represented -by G. Hence substituting this in 
 the equation F = M A there results 
 This expressed in words means that the force exerted on 
 the ground is equal to the w-eight of the person standing. 
 Consider now the case where the platform of an elevator 
 is accelerated in an upward direction with an acceleration A. 
 The force required to move the person upward has the 
 same line of action as the pull clue to gravity and hence 
 these forces may be added to produce this total result. Or 
 stating this mathematically 
 F = W 
 \Y A 
 w here the last term is the term due to acceleration ; the 
 greater this value is the greater will be the pressure. The 
 absolute limit in the case of a person standing would be a 
 pressure so great as to crush the body. When dealing with 
 freight the apparent increase in weight, as it might be called, 
 may reach such great values as to cause damage, entirely 
 depending upon the choice of the magnitude of A. The case 
 is exactly similar to that obtained by dropping freight on 
 the ground, only here instead of the acceleration there is 
 a retardation, if a falling body be brought to rest grad 
 ually (meaning low values of retardation) it can be done 
 so without causing damage. A simple experiment may be 
 tried to illustrate the effect even though the magnitude 
 may not be appreciated. Suppose a person holds a heavy- 
 package while on an elevator platform. I f the car is sud 
 denly started the package is apt to fall out of his hands. 
 For downward accelerations the maximum attainable in 
 ordinary elevator practice is that of a free fall. This can 
 be accomplished by cutting the ropes which support the car. 
 The value of the acceleration is the value of the acceleration 
 of gravity and increases the velocity downward 32.2 ft. per 
 sec. This limiting velocity occurs only in a vacuum. The 
 actual velocity will be less than this because of air friction. 
 I f higher accelerations arc desired these can be obtained 
 by pulling the car downwards by some external agency. 
 A passenger in a car like this would need to be secured 
 to the car if he were to be subjected to this augmented 
 The physiological limits of acceleration are well within 
 the physical limits and are the guide in all passenger trans 
 portation. On the up-trip, accelerations of from 10 ft. to 
 15 ft. per sec. have been used. A peculiar fact in this con 
 nection is that the acceleration alone is not the controlling 
 element lint rather the rate at which this acceleration is ap 
 plied. By starting with a lower and gradually reaching a 
 higher rate, then slowing down to zero acceleration, the rid 
 ing qualities of ;ui elevator are improved. 
 On the down-trip accelerations of more than 10 ft. per 
 sec. seem to be limiting values. Even these rates cause 
 nausea with most people and if repeatedly subjected to them 
 will result in seasickness. This is probably due to the fact 
 that the human body is accustomed to downward pressures 
 occasioned by the action of gravity upon us at all times. 
 A sudden downward acceleration is equivalent to a de 
 crease of gravity and we are physically unprepared to ac- 
 commcdate ourselves to the condition without a certain 
 amount of discomfort. 
 Commercial accelerations in many cases are in the neigh 
 borhood of 4 ft. per sec. Where trip time is important 
 higher rates are used and may be found justifiable when 
 all things are considered. An attempt will be made later 
 to investigate this problem. 
 The car speed is that constant, or nearly constant, speed 
 which follows the acceleration period. For a given dis 
 tance of travel the time consumed is inversely proportional 
 to the speed. Thus, if a car travels at a speed of 150 ft. 
 per min. and must travel a distance of 75 ft. the time occu 
 pied (running time) will be 30 sec. If the car speed is 
 increased to 300 ft. per min. the time will be half or 15 sec. 
 State laws and municipal ordinances usually fix car speeds 
 only. It would be more rational to fix in addition both the 
 rate of acceleration and the acceleration, as well as the rate 
 of retardation and the retardation itself, since these are the 
 elements which affect the individual. The highest car speed 
 so far attained commercially in passenger service is about 
 700 ft. per min. Freight elevators are run at much lower 
 speeds, frequently in the neighborhood of 50 ft. per min. 
 The retardation is much the same as the acceleration in 
 its effect upon the individual. To the physical and the 
 physiological aspects must be added the psychological ef 
 fect. The uncertainties of getting into motion are greater 
 than those of coming to rest. Hence experiments indicate 
 the feasibility of higher rates of retardation by about 5 ft. 
 per sec. above those for acceleration. 
 The time occupied to make good landings is more im 
 portant in freight service than in passenger service. The 
 injury to the car and the sills by the impact of truck wheels 
 when there is a difference of level between car and landing 
 is important enough to deserve consideration. A system 
 known as micro-leveling has been devised to accomplish this 
 Briefly, the system consists of the addition of a small 
 electric motor, in addition to the main hoisting motor, which 
 completes automatically the motion of the drum shaft when 
 the machine is in the "micro" zone 8 in. above or below the 
 landing. This motor is geared to the brake frame, which 
 it turns at a slow speed until a level landing is secured. 
 Should the level change due to loading or unloading the 
 micro-drive immediately restores the level without atten 
 tion from the operator. 
 If the car is not intended to stop at a particular landing 
 a solenoid controlled by contact points in the shaft renders 
 the micro-drive inoperative. The contact points being se 
 cured in the shaft any stretching of the ropes in service does 
 not in any way affect the operation of the drive. No time 
 allowance is required to secure level landings. 
 The conveniences supplied to make for rapid loading 
 usually apply to unloading. The mutual relationship is ap 
 preciated by the designers of this class of apparatus. The 
 topic will be treated in detail later. 
 The study of the influence of acceleration and car speed 
 on the time required to reach any landing is best approached 
 by considering the distance-time curves. Assume that the 
 horizontal lines in the diagram represent the distance in feet 
 above the first floor landing. If the distance between floors 
 is 13 ft. the horizontal line marked 13 represents the second 
 floor landing. Let also the spacing of the vertical lines 
 represent the interval of time in seconds, as shown. Con 
 sider the construction of curve 1. 
 From the laws of falling bodies we have two well known 
 equations as follows : 
 V = AT 
 S = Vi AT 
 V = velocity measured in feet per second 
 A = acceleration measured in feet per second 
 T i= time measured in seconds 
 S = space passed over measured in feet 
 Curve 1 of the diagram is constructed on the following 
 assumed data: Car speed of 300 ft. per min. (5 ft. per sec.), 
 acceleration of 2 ft. per sec. and a retardation of 2 ft. per 
 Acceleration-Retardation Curves. 
 From the equation V = T the time required to accelerate 
 the car up to 300 ft. per min. is l>y simple transposition. 
 T V 5 
 T = = _ =2.3 sec. 
 A 1 
 The space passed over with the given acceleration and 
 after a lapse of 2.5 sec. is given by the equation S = }/ AT" 
 or S = ^ X2X (2.5) = = 6.25 ft. 
 Thus point .-/ on curve 1 represents this condition. 
 A retardation of the same rate as the acceleration given 
 will bring a car running at a speed of 5 ft. per sec. to rest 
 in a space of 6.25 ft. and the time required will be 2.5 sec. 
 In general, the retardation is the reverse of acceleration. 
 The total space passed over during the acceleration and 
 the retardation periods is accordingly 2 X 6.25 = 12.5 ft. 
 Hence since the distance between floors is 13 ft., the space 
 to be traversed by the car running at constant speed (car 
 speed) is 13 12.5 r= 0.5 ft. The time required to cover 
 this distance is obtained from another equation of the laws 
 of falling bodies, i.e. g yrp 
 Where the meaning of the symbols is the same as before, 
 the velocity, however, to be held constant. 
 Consequently for a car speed of 5 ft. per sec., by simple 
 transposition of equation S = VT 
 T = i = - S = 0.1sec. 
 Y 5 
 Thus, the operator must cut off power in one-tentli of a 
 second ( point !! on the curve) after the car attains full 
 speed in order to effect an accurate stop under the assumed 
 The total time required to bring the car to the second 
 floor is the sum of the times required to accelerate, run 
 and retard, or 2.5 -f 0.1 + 2.5 = 5.1 sec. This is represented 
 by the point C on the curve. 
 Intermediate points on the acceleration curve are found 
 from the equation S = J^AT 2 . Suppose it is desired to find 
 where the car is after two seconds from the start. Hence 
 since T = = , 
 S = HX2X (2) = 4 ft. 
 Accordingly D on the curve is located at the point which is 
 the intersection of the vertical line passing through 1 sec. 
 and the horizontal line passing through 4 ft. 
 For another example, take the case of car speed of 
 150 ft. per min. (25 ft. per sec.), the acccleratio n and 
 retardation remaining the same as before. 
 The car is accelerated as before but now, since the car 
 speed is one-half of the previous car speed, the time re 
 quired to bring the car up to this new velocity is ac 
 cordingly decreased. 
 Thus from the equation, V = AT transposing as before 
 V 2. 
 T = = 
 A 5 
 = 1 .25 sec. 
 From the equation 3 = y 2 \T the space passed over is 
 S = y 2 X2X (1.25)== 1.5625 ft. 
 Retardation will also bring the car to a full stop within 
 the same distance and require the same length of time. 
 Hence the space to be passed over by the car at full speed 
 will be 
 S = 13 (2 X 1.5625) = 9.875 ft. 
 The time required to traverse this distance at a car 
 speed of 2.5 ft. per sec. is again given by the equation 
 S = VT transposed as follows : 
 = 3.95 sec. 
 The time required to complete the cycle will, therefore, 
 be the sum of these or 3.95 + 2 (1.25), or 6.45 sec. This 
 corresponds with point /: on curve 2. 
 Curve 3 is based on a car speed of 300 ft. per min. and 
 an acceleration and retardation each of 4 ft. per sec. By 
 similar reasoning the time required to accelerate to a speed 
 of 5 ft. per sec. is 1.25 sec. and the space passed over in 
 this time is 3.125 ft. Retardation will be the same and 
 the car will operate at full speed for 13-2 (3.125) =6.75 ft. 
 At the given car speed the time required to travel this dis 
 tance is 1.35 sec. Hence the time from start to stop is 
 1.25+1.35 + 1.25 = 3.85 sec. 
 The important conclusions to be draw n are : 
 (a) An increase in car speed with fixed acceleration 
 and retardation decreases the trip time. 
 (b) An increase in the acceleration or the retardation 
 with fixed car speed decreases the trip time. 
 (c) An increase in car speed, acceleration and retarda 
 tion decreases the trip time, the effect being cumula 
 (d) Maximum car speed will not be attained between 
 floors unless acceleration and retardation are suf 
 ficiently rapid. The latter conclusion is borne out 
 by examining the data from curve 1. The full car 
 speed time is only 0.1 sec. With an acceleration of 
 much less than 2 ft. per sec. it would take a longer 
 lime to reach full speed and the distance passed over 
 would be greater at the end of the accelerating 
 period. Hence if full speed was reached and retarda 
 tion immediately began the total distance passed 
 over would be greater than 13 ft., the distance be 
 tween floors. 
 The round trip time is dependent upon operating condi 
 tions. As an example they may be assumed to be as fol 
 lows : 
 Leading time at first floor, 60 seconds. 
 Unloading time at second floor, 30 seconds. 
 I-oadinfi time at third floor, 30 seconds. 
 Unloading time at first floor, 30 seconds. 
 Opening gates, 2 seconds. 
 Closing gates, 3 seconds. 
 Car speeds 150 ft. or 300 ft. per minute. 
 Acceleration, 2 ft. per second. 
 Retardation, 2 ft. per seci iid. 
 The methods of computing the time required to complete 
 the events has been shown. The results for the problem 
 under consideration are given in the following table : 
 Elevator Speed 
 150 Ft. PerMin. 
 Elevator Speed 
 300 Ft. Per Min. 
 Np.turi: of Event Operation 
 from Start 
 from Start 
 Time in seconds to load at 
 first floor . . 60 
 To close Kate 30 
 Accelerate to full speed.... 1.25 
 Run at full speed 3.95 
 Retard for second floor stop 1.25 
 Open gate second floor stop 2.0 
 Unload second floor stop.. 30.0 
 Clo^e gate second floor stop 3.0 
 Accelerate to full speed.... 1.25 
 Kun it full "peed 3 95 
 Retard for third floor stop. 1.25 
 Open gate third floor stop. . 2.0 
 11 - .9 
 Load third floor stop 30.0 
 Close gate third floor stop. . 3.0 
 Accelerate downward to full 
 speed 1 25 
 Run at full sperd 915 
 Retard for first floor stop. . 1.25 
 . 2.5 
 Open gate first floor stop... 2.0 
 Unload first flror stop 30.0 
 182. 9 
 The full line curve on the diagram covers the foregoing 
 data for the 150-ft. elevator plotted to scale. The dotted 
 L I2 
 Third Floor 
 Second Floor 
 st Floor 
 10 VI 30 40 50 W 70 80 90 100 110 EO 150 140 150 160 170 180 190 
 Round Trip Time Curves 
 line shows the data for the 300-ft. car speed. The im 
 portant conclusions to be drawn from this particular case 
 are : 
 (a) The higher speed shortens the trip by about 3 / 2 
 per cent. 
 (b) The greater part of the time is required to handle 
 the freight. 
 (c) The freight handling time is independent of the 
 car speeds, acceleration or retardation. 
 (d) High car speeds are less important in freight serv 
 ice than in passenger elevators. 
 Size and Number of Cars 
 The important data required to determine the size of 
 elevators are the maximum load to be handled, either in 
 bulk or weight, and the time allowed for its dispatch. Con 
 sider the simplest case first ; i.e., a single car to take the 
 entire load. 
 The number of round trips required to handle the given 
 volume of freight in a given time depends upon the round 
 trip time assuming, of course the capacity of the elevator 
 has not yet been determined. The elements entering into 
 this have been considered in a general way in connection with 
 the previous diagram. Assume that by some such analysis 
 the trip time was determined, hence 
 given dispatching time 
 .Number of trips = 
 round trip time. 
 The answer must, of course, be the nearest whole num 
 ber. If the given dispatching time was liberal any fraction 
 may be disregarded, otherwise the next larger whole 
 number would be selected as correct. 
 The car capacity is determined from the relation : 
 total capacity handled 
 Car capacity per trip = 
 number of trips 
 Here the capacity must be considered from the viewpoint 
 of either bulk or weight since, as will be shown later, these 
 may differ widely. 
 The size of the car is obtained from the relation : 
 capacity per trip 
 rloor area of car = per square foot of 
 carrying capacity 
 car space. 
 Since there is only one car to handle the load, the max 
 imum waiting time equals the round trip time. 
 Before proceeding with consideration of the case where 
 a number of cars are used to handle the traffic, it might 
 be well to investigate some of the foregoing items in 
 greater detail. 
 In tall manufacturing buildings where the inter-floor 
 traffic is heavy the round trip time of a single elevator may 
 become so great that the resulting delay and inconven 
 ience would result in serious financial loss. If this is the 
 case the computation of the losses involved is a simple 
 problem in economics although for any given case the 
 actual task of obtaining the detail data may require con 
 siderable time. In making elevator schedules much must 
 be left to mere guess. However, some factors can be 
 estimated and it is safer to do so wherever possible and 
 leave for guess only such factors of the traffic problem 
 as cannot be determined beforehand. 
 It has been suggested that the car capacity per trip de 
 pends upon either bulk or weight. A paper box factory 
 manufacturing boxes in finished form offers a condition 
 where the bulk is more important than the weight. The 
 opposite extreme is the case of a foundry making small but 
 heavy castings. 
 The carrying capacity per square foot of effective car 
 space is dependent upon the method used in loading the 
 car. For example, if trucks are to be used it will be the 
 tloor area occupied by the trucks, with a reasonable allow 
 ance for getting them on and off the car platform, in addi- 
 tion to the room required by the operator and the ac 
 companying handling crew if there is such. 
 In the case of heavy freight it must be determined 
 beforehand whether the material is to be piled or spread 
 over a larger area. In general the nature of the freight 
 will determine this and therefore no rules can be given. 
 If the material is such that it might be stacked the time re 
 quired to do this must be balanced against the increased 
 cost of a larger platform where haphazard loading is per 
 If passengers are to be transported with the freight, 
 necessary provisions must be made. Great care should be 
 exercised when heavy loads are placed on a car which 
 also carries passengers. A large car is a temptation for 
 overloading. For this reason, where heavy loading is 
 possible an undersized car might be the safer choice. 
 The determination of area of car as given previously 
 might not be feasible. It should be compared with the 
 size of the hatchway which the structural layout of the 
 building permits. In the case of steel buildings the dis 
 tance between column centres varies from 15 ft. to 20 ft. 
 This is determined by principles of economical construc 
 tion. If the building is planned according tr -,,-..; standard 
 basis of column centres, a change to accommodate the 
 computed size of elevator hoistway may demand additional 
 expenditure. Whether this expense is justified must be 
 determined from standpoint of economics. 
 If the area of the car is such that it is not subject to 
 structural limitations the form should be selected for con 
 venience of loading and unloading. In general, for pas 
 senger service a wide and shallow car is better than a 
 deep and narrow one. Much the same holds true for 
 freight, but the depth should be convenient for the length 
 of the trucks if these are used. The shape of the car is. 
 of course, more important in freight service since pas 
 sengers can adjust themselves to the standing room avail 
 able. The choice of proper form appears simple when all 
 the facts in the traffic problem are at hand. 
 The time which elapses between the signalling of the 
 car and its arrival headed in the required direction is the 
 waiting time. Excessive waiting time is costly and causes 
 inconvenience which has a monetary value. Decreasing the 
 waiting time and round trip time : 
 (a) Increases the capacity of elevator. 
 (b) Eliminates the idle time of handling crews. 
 (c) Decreases the possibility of congestion of traffic. 
 (d) Decreases the cost of loading on trucks, particularly 
 if the trucks are on a busy street. 
 (e) Decreases losses due to physical or chemical changes 
 in process work; i.e., heating or cooling; drying out or 
 absorbing moisture in cases of hygroscopic products ; chem 
 ical changes such as contamination through contact with 
 air; changes due to chemical reactions taking place be 
 tween processes. 
 (f) Increases rental value of upper stories since these 
 can be more promptly reached. 
 The inconvenience due to delay presents such phases as : 
 (a) General feeling of unreliability of service. 
 (b) Impatience in case of passenger traffic, since service 
 is rated as to the waiting time ; i.e., less than thirty seconds 
 is first-class service, more than this is considered poor. 
 A single example of the influence of waiting time in a 
 newspaper printing plant may be cited. There is a certain 
 value attached to getting out an edition of a newspaper 
 in the shortest possible time, particularly in large cities 
 where competition is keen. This means, therefore, that the 
 elevators must not restrict the continuous flow of papers 
 from the press floor to the shipping room. Failure of the 
 elevator to do its share requires considerable storage space 
 at its entrance due to the resulting congestion. Demoral 
 ized service under such conditions is usually much more 
 serious than inadequate service in other processes. 
 Decrease in the waiting time can be accomplished in two 
 ways, (a) increase the number of cars, (b) decrease the 
 round trip time. Considering the latter case first, the orig 
 inal estimate of the round trip time might have been too 
 liberal. At the stage of the analysis when this estimate 
 was made it might not have been apparent that the number 
 uf elevators would become so important. A review of the 
 factors entering into the round trip time might therefore 
 warrant reconsideration. The important elements in the 
 round trip time are the loading and unloading time. This 
 might be decreased by better handling facilities or by im 
 proved traffic management. A review of these would be 
 too general to be of value in specific cases. This study 
 must be left with those responsible for the solution of the 
 particular problem. 
 The permissible waiting time depends upon conditions 
 previously noted. Given this time there results: 
 round trip time 
 Number of cars =- 
 permissible waiting time 
 Or if the choice is to be made on the basis of standard 
 building construction : 
 total effective area of a one car 
 Xuinber of cars 
 net area of car in standard hoistway. 
 Hence in either of the above cases : 
 total effective area of a 
 one car installation 
 Required effective area of cars = 
 number of cars. 
 Having determined the area of the car, the shape of the 
 platform remains to be chosen. It was suggested previously 
 that a wide and shallow car is better than one which is 
 narrow and deep. The structural layout of the building 
 may also effect the proper choice. 
 Three questions relating to elevator economics that im 
 mediately suggest themselves are whether the car size is to 
 be fixed by special needs, whether the emergency use is of 
 prime importance, or whether financial considerations are 
 to be the determining factor. 
 The special needs exist when the elevator is a part of the 
 transportation system and must be included as a link in 
 that system. Or the car may be of a certain required size 
 to handle manufacturing machinery at the time of installa 
 tion or in the course of general maintenance of the plant 
 itself. This may be the deciding factor and may call for 
 a car of greater size than that dictated by normal or 
 emergency needs. 
 The emergency use is the next factor which may fix the 
 size and number of cars. In office building practice for 
 passenger use the common rule is to provide for that num 
 ber of cars which will handle the entire population in 15 
 min. When hazardous processes are carried on this time 
 allowance may be too long and must then be adjusted tc 
 the special needs. 
 In case of fire the management of the traffic is important. 
 It must be decided whether this is dependable under emer 
 gency conditions. The traffic on the floor where the fire 
 exists should be cared for first followed by the traffic on 
 the upper floors, leaving that below the fire floor for the 
 The most economical arrangement from the viewpoint of 
 cost is a problem of cost accounting, and may now be 
 considered. Briefly, the cost of operation depends upon the 
 fixed charges and the operating expenses. A broad though 
 somewhat arbitrary analysis views the fixed charges as those 
 which do not depend upon the traffic and the operating 
 expenses as those which in some measure are proportional 
 to the traffic. Of the fixed charges there appear the fol 
 lowing factors : 
 (a) Interest on the investment, on the actual cost and the 
 cost of obtaining capital, engineering expenses, etc. 
 (b) Rental value of space occupied by elevators. 
 (c) Depreciation. 
 (d) Obsolescence. 
 (e) Insurance. 
 (f) Taxes. 
 (g) Management. 
 (h) General overhead. 
 The operating expenses show as factors 
 (a) Cost of power. 
 (b) Cost of labor. 
 (c) Maintenance. 
 (d) Supplies. 
 The distinction between depreciation, obsolescence and 
 maintenance deserves mention here. Kvery machine will 
 wear as time goes on. If the repairs are such that the 
 initial efficiency is unimpaired there is no depreciation. Re 
 pairs usually maintain a machine in operating condition, but 
 the time may arrive when the cost of repairs reaches a point 
 where it pays to discard the initial machine and replace it 
 with a new one. The time between installation and re 
 placement is known as the life of a machine and account 
 ants usually estimate a certain percentage which should be 
 set aside to refund the original purchase price when the 
 life of a machine is terminated. 
 Obsolescence in this case is a term used for such classes 
 of machines as become of lesser comparative efficiency be 
 cause of subsequent improvement in their kind. As an ex 
 ample, suppose a certain type of machine is installed, the 
 operating expense of which is a given sum. After a few 
 years of service a new machine may be marketed which 
 is so much more efficient that it does not pay to continue 
 the use of the old one. 
 Another aspect of the question is shown by the following 
 illustration. Suppose the case of a manufacturing estab 
 lishment where all products are made by automatic ma 
 chinery. If a plant is installed and the product marketed, 
 after a given time a certain profit is made. Assume an 
 other manufacturer starting in the same business one year 
 later but using an improved type of machine which reduces 
 the production costs to such an extent as to offset the loss 
 entailed by the deferred beginning. These conditions might 
 mean that the former of the competitors must give up the 
 business entirely. Here the obsolescence in one year is 
 therefore one hundred per cent. 
 Applied to elevator practice the plunger type elevator 
 costs about three times as much to operate as does the 
 electric elevator for the same service and yet there is not 
 sufficient justification to discard the original equipment 
 and replace it with more modern types. When, however, 
 the useful life of the elevator terminates the owner may 
 choose a machine of the newer type and the problem is 
 automatically settled. 
 Consider now the elevator with respect to its cost of 
 operation. The elevator service determined from this 
 viewpoint must perhaps be modified for any special or 
 emergency requirements. The problem becomes simplified 
 if each of the several equipments under consideration is 
 investigated as to its total cost of operation including all 
 items involved. 
 The general plan is to select the types of equipment which 
 seems to fit best the needs of the problem. The cost of 
 operation of the different plans is then determined. This 
 is at best tedious work and the advisability of making such 
 an analysis must be determined beforehand. Then consider 
 the influence of the items which prolong the round trip 
 time. In computing the cost of operation for these it is 
 best to select a particular item and study it, holding the 
 other variables constant so far as it is possible. Any at 
 tempt to treat the problem as a whole will result in con 
 fusion. Comparisons between various proposed plans can 
 only be made when they may be reasonably well measured 
 by known standards. 
 Elevators are installed for freight, passenger, or com 
 bined freight and passenger service. In general, elevators 
 should not be restricted to freight service, since the temp 
 tation to ride is often irresistible. 
 The normal service of an elevator is not always the 
 determining factor. Plant equipment, maintenance and 
 reconstruction may impose car sizes other than those best 
 suited for the normal service. A large elevator invites 
 overload and it is best to keep its size as small as possible, 
 ;.ll factors considered. 
 The elevator service may be designed for one or more 
 tenants. The simplest case occurs when one tenant occupies 
 the entire building. 
 A survey of the plant transportation system may disclose 
 the logical location of the elevator. This is to be considered 
 with respect to the receiving of the raw material and the 
 shipping of the finished product. If one elevator is to serve 
 all purposes the just compromise will attach due weight 
 to all the various factors. If the transportation system is 
 sufficiently elaborate, separate elevators may be required 
 each of which serves its specific purpose. In any event it 
 should be possible to outline its duties and from this de 
 termine the amount of work that may reasonably be re 
 quired of it. 
 If several elevators are used in any transportation system 
 they should be grouped in banks as far as possible. The 
 advantage of this arrangement is the decreased waiting 
 time. When elevators are grouped there should be adequate 
 standing room for passengers, goods, trucks, etc. A par 
 ticularly pour arrangement is the case where the bank of 
 elevators faces a wall with a narrow aisle as the only 
 Where traffic is heavy it might be found advisable to have 
 elevators arranged to load from one side and discharge from 
 the opposite side. This relieves congestion due to the inter 
 ference of goods received and delivered. A coordination 
 of design and management may be necessary in cases where 
 the elevator is taxed to its utmost. Continuous service 
 should be the aim in layout. Intermittent service does not 
 ti.-rmit efficiency in the handling crews. 
 As a general rule, a normal transportation condition will 
 prevail. But for various reasons departures may occur. 
 The elevator service must accommodate these abnormal con 
 ditions even if the service must suffer temporarily. A hope- 
 less tie-up of one clement may demoralize the remainder 
 of the plant. 
 lit buildings housing a number of tenants, as in the case 
 of loft buildings, it is necessary to estimate what character 
 of service the tenants may require. In some localities build 
 ings are devoted to particular purposes, such as printing, 
 light manufacturing, etc. In installations of this kind a com 
 parison with similar buildings suggests the service require 
 ments. Adequate service should be provided, even under 
 abnormal conditions. 
 Emergency Use 
 The elevator shaft is both a fire hazard and an agency 
 for the saving of lives and property in case of fire. The 
 fire hazard is due to the necessary communication between 
 floors and the fact that the shaft, acting as a flue, directs 
 the lire toward the hoistway. 
 The use of the elevator as a means of escape in case 
 of emergency requires that its capacity should be adequate 
 to provide at least for the passenger travel under these 
 conditions. Rut it might better be large enough to accom 
 modate also such merchandise of extremely high value as is 
 stored in the building. 
 In city buildings it is assumed that the total population 
 of the building can be moved in 15 minutes. For this 
 reason, if the elevator is to be used as an additional means 
 of escape it should not be located in the vicinity of hazard 
 ous processes. 
 Motive Power 
 The choice of motive power for an elevator is often 
 subject to local conditions. In buildings where power is 
 generated the choice lies between any of the commercial 
 Freight Elevators 
 -S Freight. 
 S ,-fl& 
 Freight & 
 wi *"* 
 EleK f-i 
 < /(W 
 Powder plants and cleaning establishments using highly 
 volatile liquids might better eliminate electric power as a 
 source of energy because of the danger of sparking at the 
 contacts throughout the installation. Indeed the safeguards 
 in such cases go so far as to avoid steel guides in the 
 elevator shaft to prevent the sparks that might result when 
 the car safety grips the guides. The steam, steam-hydraulic 
 or the straight hydraulic equipment would be a better choice 
 in such cases. 
 Gas and gasoline engines are used only in belted elevator 
 equipments. These elevators do not admit of rapid starting 
 and are therefore used only when the engine runs continu 
 ously, the starting, stopping and reversing being accomplished 
 by a belt. Belted machines are also driven by line shafting. 
 Electric power is one of the chief sources of motive 
 power. Its popularity depends upon its many inherent ad 
 vantageous features. Electric control of elevators permits 
 the use of many safety features not possible with other 
 types of power. The nearest approach to electric power 
 from the viewpoint of safety in ordinary installations is 
 found in the hydraulic elevators. 
 Plan A shows an elevator location for a small manufac 
 turing and warehouse building. It is provided with a single 
 combined passenger and freight elevator. In this layout, 
 a large centrally located door gives access to the elevator. 
 The car may be arranged to open on one or two sides 
 away from the building wall. This plan is quite common 
 for buildings having a frontage on the street, as shown. 
 The elevator engine may be located cither above the hatch 
 way or in the basement along the wall and near the hatchway. 
 6 fairs 
 o j; 
 |< ZOO O" J 
 Street. Street. 
 Typical Elevator Locations 
 types which the market affords. The solution of the problem A plan suitable for a combined office and manufacturing 
 is one of economics and the lowest cost of transportation building is shown in Plan B. Here the floors are divided 
 between competitive systems must be computed. to accommodate two tenants each. The passenger service 
 is located convenient to the offices. The freight elevators 
 must be located convenient to the street entrance and well 
 toward the front of the building to prevent the waste of 
 space in a long hallway leading to the elevators. They 
 art- accordingly located near the side walls of the building 
 as shown. This arrangement encroaches upon the office 
 space, particularly where the building is narrower than the 
 one shown. Therefore the layout is suitable only when suffi 
 cient frontage is available. 
 Where the building is such that entrance is possible from 
 two streets a separation of passenger and freight elevator 
 service is possible. In plan C is shown an arrangement for 
 excellent passenger service in a class of loft buildings where 
 good office facilities are required. Here the freight eleva 
 tors open directly to the street and are arranged to receive 
 from and deliver to trucks. If one tenant occupies the floor 
 the partition and vestibule to the freight elevators may be 
 removed, thereby giving additional room. 
 Plan D is a layout for a large warehouse where the 
 elevator service is a most important factor. Here are 
 shown 30 elevators arranged in banks of five each. This 
 plan lends itself to "central control" of elevators in which 
 operators are not required on each car. It is used in con 
 nection with the trailer truck method of transportation. 
 When the trucks are loaded and a train is made up, a 
 central operator is signalled who dispatches a car to that 
 point. When the elevator is loaded and all the gates are 
 closed the destination is announced to the operator by tele 
 phone and the car promptly proceeds to the desired floor. 
 The handling crew on this floor take charge of the train on 
 its arrival. Such a layout is desirable where the handling 
 is nearly continuous. 
 Power Consumption 
 A complete analysis of the power requirements of an ele 
 vator installation is a tedious operation. The hydraulic 
 equipments were treated in detail by Brown* to which the 
 reader is referred. 
 The electric elevators are not unlike the hydraulic ele 
 vator in this respect. However, there is this one difference 
 after the installation is complete the electric elevator is 
 much easier to subject to test, since the necessary measure 
 ments are readily made. The important information needed 
 to estimate the power requirements of elevator installations 
 for purposes of comparison should be obtained before they 
 are built. A general analysis for electric elevators will now 
 be attempted. 
 The three principal losses are : 
 (a) Motor efficiency. 
 (b) Gear efficiency. 
 (c) Inertia. 
 The motor efficiency depends somewhat upon whether they 
 are to be used for direct or alternating current. The manu 
 facturers of motors have available efficiency curves for 
 proposed elevator equipment. Such data should give effi 
 ciency for all loads, since elevators are rarely subjected 
 to constant load. This will determine the motor efficiency 
 for any load. 
 The gear efficiency depends upon the type of gear reduc 
 tion used; i. e., worm drive or herringbone gear. Where 
 the motor is direct-connected to the driving sheave, as in 
 traction elevators, this gear loss is entirely eliminated. 
 The very important item, particularly in high rise high 
 Passenger Elevators, Transaction of the American Society of 
 Civil Engineers, Vol. LIV., Fart B, 1905. 
 speed elevators, is the inertia of the moving masses. These 
 masses must be accelerated at a given rate to bring them up 
 to their proper speed. This energy in the high speed high 
 rise elevators is a considerable part of the total energy 
 required. On stopping this energy is absorbed by the brakes 
 and is dissipated in the form of heat since coasting is not 
 used in elevator practice. 
 Having a proposed layout of the elevator equipment at 
 hand the pull on the lifting cables is due to the force re 
 quired to accelerate, hoist the unbalanced load, overcome 
 friction in the guides of both car and counterweight, and 
 the air friction of the car and other moving parts of the 
 The pull on the cables due to the acceleration is the 
 product of the mass and the acceleration of the car. The 
 additional pull due to the load is dependent upon the un 
 balanced weight and is readily obtainable. The various 
 friction losses must be estimated from tests on previous 
 installations of a similar character. It is fortunate in this 
 connection that windage losses are least at starting and 
 become a maximum at full speed where the acceleration 
 becomes zero. Having these three the total pull on the 
 ropes is equal to their sum. This pull when multiplied by 
 the radius of the driving sheave gives the torque which must 
 be applied to the sheave shaft in order to exert this pull 
 on the cables. If this torque is divided by the efficiency of 
 ?() 25 30 40 50 60 70 90 
 150200 300 400 500 600 
 ZO ZS 50 40 50 60 80 100 150 200 300 400 500 WO 
 Speed of Car in Feef Per Minute. 
 Chart for Determining Horsepower of a Motor 
 the gear it will give the torque which must be provided 
 by the motor. 
 The required electrical input to the motor is obtained 
 by dividing the torque at the shaft by the motor efficiency 
 at the given load and speed. 
 It must be noted that all the foregoing quantities vary 
 with the speed and the complete analysis involves consider 
 able computation. The problem is made still more com 
 plicated by the inherent characteristics of the elevator 
 control. The total power input to the motor must be that 
 used in the motor and that lost in the starting resistances 
 and other control apparatus. 
 Fortunately, however, in comparing several elevators for 
 the same service there are some elements in common and 
 the analysis may be narrowed down to one, or at least a 
 few elements. 
 When the elevator installation is made the energy of the 
 moving masses may be found by a method described by 
 Lindquist*, which, however, will not be given here. 
 For an approximate determination of motor si/es on 
 electric elevators the following treatment may be used. The 
 horsepower of the motor depends upon three factors net 
 weight to be hoisted, speed and efficiency of the elevator. 
 The net weight in general is the weight of the car and the 
 load less the counterbalance. The latter is the sum of the 
 car counterbalance plus the overbalance. It is assumed that 
 the hoisting cables are counterbalanced so that at any point 
 in the shaft the cables are practically in equilibrium. 
 The losses due to all causes are assumed as 50 per cent, 
 in the chart for determining the horsepower of the motor. 
 To find the proper size motor follow the diagonal line cor 
 responding to the unbalanced load up to the point where it 
 crosses the vertical line corresponding to the required speed. 
 The horizontal line through this intersection will give the 
 Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Ensineers, 
 Vol. 37, 1915, 
 required motor horse power. For example, suppose the net 
 load is 2500 Ib. and the car speed is 200 ft. per min., the 
 intersection of these lines occurs at the horizontal line 
 marked 30. Hence the required size of motor is 30 horse 
 If the efficiency is known to be other than 50 per cent., 
 say, 60 per cent, the required size will be five-sixths of this, 
 or 25 horsepower. 
 In general the horsepower may be calculated from the 
 HP- WV 
 H.P. = rated horsepower of the motor. 
 W = unbalanced load in Ib. 
 V = speed of car in ft. per min. 
 E = efficiency of the system expressed in decimals 
 (i. e. 0.50) 
 As a check, compute the motor required for the previous 
 2500 x 200 
 H P = 
 33000 x .60 
 = 25 approximately. 
 Electric Elevators 
 A treatise covering electric elevators can probably best 
 be attempted by presenting a discussion covering the units 
 including motors, drives, controls, breaking, etc., which, 
 combined, have made the elevator in its present high state 
 of development possible. 
 The type of motor is either direct current or alternating 
 current depending on local conditions. The voltages on 
 commercial direct current circuits are 110-120 volts, 220-240 
 volts of 500-600 volts, the latter being common for trolley 
 service. The more common voltage is 220-240 volts. 
 The alternating current voltages vary about the same as 
 the direct circuit voltages, but the lower voltage (110-120) 
 is not commonly used for elevator service. In addition to 
 the voltage there are additional characteristics of alternating 
 current circuits to be considered, such as frequency and 
 number of phases. Common frequencies are 25 and 60 
 cycles per second. The phases are either single or polyphase, 
 the latter being two-phase or three-phase. The two-phase 
 current, moreover may be supplied by either three or four- 
 wire circuits. 
 A desirable characteristic of any motor for direct drive 
 elevator use is low inertia of the armature in the case of 
 direct current machines and of the rotor in alternating cur 
 rent machines. Energy is supplied to the motor by the 
 current taken from the line and is dissipated in the brake 
 in the form of heat and every start or stop is a source of 
 loss. For heavy exacting service, therefore, this loss re 
 quires attention. In general, the slow speed and the small 
 diameter rotating elements are desirable features. These 
 characteristics are known to motor manufacturers and 
 have been given due consideration. Where several equip 
 ments are offered for the same service this item must be de 
 cided by the person responsible for the layout. 
 Direct current motors should be compound wound with 
 from 10 per cent to 15 per cent of the ampere turns in the 
 field at full load. The strong field thus secured is desirable 
 since it produces a good starting torque. This compound 
 field is short circuited by the controller after starting the 
 motor and it then continues to operate as a constant speed 
 shunt machine. If elevators are used for speeds over 200 
 ft. per min. they should be provided with taps into the 
 shunt field so that the field may be weakened, thereby in 
 creasing the speed. This is done automatically by the con 
 troller. The speed variation by field regulation amounts to 
 from 40 per cent to 60 per cent of the full speed. Addi 
 tional speed variation is obtained with resistances in series 
 with the armature. 
 On high speed equipments dynamic braking is provided in 
 addition to the mechanical braking. This is accomplished 
 by either putting a resistor across the armature terminals 
 or by throwing a low resistance field across the armature 
 terminals. In the latter case the dynamic braking is pro 
 portional to the speed and therefore to the load, thus giving 
 good stops under all conditions. 
 If dynamic braking is provided the motor should be able 
 to commutate from 150 per cent to 200 per cent full load 
 current without undue sparking. The shunt field of the 
 motor must al;o be able to withstand about one-half of the 
 line voltage continuously without excessive heating. 
 Interpole motors are suitable for elevator service when 
 dynamic braking is provided. Their function is to neutral 
 ize the cross-magnetising effect due to the current in the 
 armature. It is the distortion of the field due to the arma 
 ture current which shifts the plane of commutation. If a 
 field in the interpoles directly proportional to the armature 
 current is provided no distortion of the main magnetic field 
 results and the plane of commutation remains constant for 
 all loads. Since dynamic braking requires the commutation 
 of heavy armature currents this type of motor should be 
 provided is such cases. 
 For the slow speed motors the solenoid brake is sufficient 
 to bring the car to rest and the expense of the more com 
 plicated dynamic brake is not justified. 
 For alternating current service the induction motor is 
 most frequently used. For single phase circuits on freight 
 elevators it is sometimes desirable to have the motor run 
 in one direction, using two belts, one open and one crossed 
 to accomplish the reversal of the car. The standard split- 
 phase or repulsion-induction types of motors are unsuitable 
 for elevator service. Service types of self-starting repul 
 sion-induction motors which absolutely insure reversal of 
 the motor when the connections are reversed quickly can 
 be satisfactorily employed. 
 Special variable speed alternating current motors have 
 recently been developed where the number of poles is 
 changed, thus giving two running speeds. These may be 
 used for elevators running over 200 ft. per m in. 
 Alternating current motors have certain limitations which 
 are not true of direct current machines, chief of which is 
 the inability to get moderate changes in speed without 
 serious changes in the torque. For the ordinary induction 
 motor the speed at no load is nearly that of the synchronous 
 speed corresponding to the frequency of the supply cir 
 cuit. As the load increases the speed falls off slightly. This 
 drop in speed divided by the synchronous speed expressed as 
 a percentage is known as the "slip." If a motor has 
 a slip of more than 10 per cent it is unsuitable for elevator 
 The two general classes of polyphase induction motors are 
 the slip ring and the squirrel cage types. The slip ring 
 type gives the best results. It starts smoothly because of 
 inserting a variable resistance in the rotor circuit. Thus 
 the heavy inrush of current at starting can be reduced to 
 an amount comparable with the direct current motor. By 
 varying this secondary resistance in the rotor circuit it is 
 possible to maintain nearly constant speed at all loads ; 
 hence sucli motors have operating characteristics closely 
 resembling those of shunt wound direct current motors. 
 Polyphase squirrel cage motors may be used where suffi 
 cient power and line capacity are available. Such motors 
 take from two to three times normal current at starting. 
 Hence they must be limited to sizes below about 15 horse- 
 pnwcr. The particular objection to using such large start 
 ing currents lies in the fact that they cause a serious drop 
 in the line voltage. If lamps and other motors are con 
 nected to the same circuit the lamps will flicker and the 
 motors will momentarily drop in speed during the times 
 of these heavy drafts of current. The starting torque of 
 elevator motors should be at a maximum during the ac 
 celeration period. Accordingly the introduction of resist 
 ances in series with the squirrel cage motor to limit the 
 starting current are not advisable since this also decreases 
 the starting torque. 
 Winding Engines 
 The engines to be described consist essentially of a drum, 
 an electric motor and the mechanical connection between 
 the drum and the motor. Belted connection between motor 
 and drum is considered elsewhere. In what follows atten 
 tion will be confined to direct driven or at least positively 
 driven equipments (i. e., exact gear ratio maintained be 
 tween motor and drum). 
 The drums used for elevator service are made of cast 
 iron and are scored to receive the cables. The form of the 
 scoring is single, double or quadruple depending upon 
 whether one, two or four lifting cables are used. The lift 
 ing cables are secured to the drum by means of thimbles 
 and about one turn of cable around the drum. Since when 
 the car descends the counterweights are lifted, and vice 
 versa, the counterweight cables may use the same grooves 
 as the lifting cables. Thus when one set unwinds from the 
 drum the other cables are being wound. 
 The mechanical connection between the motor and the 
 drum may be chain, worm and wheel, spur gear, internal 
 spur gear, herringbone gear or suitable combinations. Each 
 form has advantages either mechanical, structural or 
 financial. It is therefore not an easy matter to decide the 
 best form. However, the record of good practice has done 
 much to define the field of certain types. 
 The chain drive is suitable for the lighter loads. It is 
 used in cases where a positive drive is required and the 
 distance between shafts is too large for gearing. Chains 
 stretch in service and their pitch therefore increases ; hence 
 the fit becomes less perfect as time goes on. 
 Spur gears are used only on the very slow speed equip 
 ments. This is mainly due to the noise caused by the back 
 lash in the gears. A modification of the spur gear the 
 herringbone gear preserves the rolling action principle of 
 the simple spur gear but the additional smoothness of 
 action and the high efficiency when properly constructed 
 make it a desirable drive. 
 The worm gear has been a favored drive from the earliest 
 elevators. However, the action is sliding and the necessity 
 of good lubrication for such gears is important. The rea 
 son for using gear reductions of any kind on elevator 
 motors is to take advantage of the lower cost of the higher 
 speed motors. 
 The car speed depends upon the motor speed, gear re 
 duction and the diameter of the drum. Each turn of the 
 drum winds up a length of cable equal to the periphery 
 of the drum ; hence the car speed is equal to the peripheral 
 speed of the drum. If the motor speed is known or can 
 be measured and if the gear ratio is known the drum speed 
 is easily determined. This drum speed in revolutions per 
 minute multiplied by the periphery of the drum in feet 
 gives the car speed in feet per minute. Thus, having speci 
 fied the car speed desired the designer may vary the drum 
 diameter, the gear ratio or the motor speed. As a result 
 the drum type of elevator is special for nearly every installa 
 tion. The length of the drum is dependent upon the total 
 rise. Each revolution of the drum winds up a length of 
 cable equal to the periphery ; the number of turns, there 
 fore, is equal to the total rise of the car divided by the 
 length of cable wound per turn. Finally the length of the 
 drum is equal to the pitch of the scoring multiplied by 
 the number of turns required. An allowance of a full 
 turn at each end is added since the cables usually have a 
 full turn before they lift the load. 
 Worm Gear Winding Engine 
 In direct-connected worm driven winding machines the 
 motor is of the direct current multi-polar type. Generally 
 two brakes are provided on the extension of the armature 
 shaft, the one nearest the motor being a solenoid brake, 
 the other a mechanically operated brake. These winding 
 machines are used with elevators having capacities ranging 
 from 1,000 Ib. up to 10,000 lb., or considerably larger than 
 the average load on freight elevators. This type of ma 
 chine is suitable for basement installation. A vibrator 
 sheave may be used to guide the counterweight cables in 
 the shaft and the drum may project into the shaft so that 
 the lifting cables require no sheave to guide them on the 
 winding drum. The machine may be arranged for hand- 
 rope, lever or wheel control. 
 In the usual arrangement of a basement freight elevator 
 a car of the simple platform type with access from two 
 .sides is used and the lifting and counterweight rabies pass 
 over the overhead sheaves to the winding engine and coun- 
 k-r\\ eight respectively. The arrangement of counterweights 
 is a matter of layout. As a general rule they are placed 
 where convenient, after the location of car gates has been 
 decided. The type of car illustrated is suitable for speeds 
 not to exceed 50 ft. per min. The loads should not exceed 
 5,000 lb., but with suitable changes in the design the 
 carrying capacity may be made much higher. 
 to the motor pinion adjacent to the drum. The control is 
 obtained by means of a cable actuated by hand-rope, lever 
 nr wheel in the car. 
 Internal Gear Worm Drive 
 The chain drive engine just described showed a method 
 of acquiring gear reduction in addition to that obtained 
 by the simple worm drive. Another solution of the same 
 problem is offered by the internal geared engine, where the 
 Worm Gear Winding Engine Basement 
 For freight service an overhead installation has the par 
 ticular advantage in that it requires less rope. The inertia 
 of the cables is decreased and therefore also the power con 
 sumption. The increased cost of installing overhead may, 
 however, be sufficient to make it advisable to locate the 
 elevator in the basement, even with the disadvantage of 
 increased power consumption. This is particularly true 
 of heavy machines. 
 Chain Drive Worm Gear 
 \Yhere loads are unusually heavy and may be operated at 
 low speeds the gear reduction obtained by a single worm 
 and worm wheel may be insufficient. One solution of this 
 problem is the chain driven elevator in which a chain drive 
 is used in addition to the worm and wheel drive. In a 
 typical arrangement which is used when considerable gear 
 reduction is desired and when the installation does not 
 warrant the more expensive internal gear drive or even the 
 herringbone drive the winding end is substantially the same 
 as the ordinary worm drive and the chain sprocket is geared 
 Worm Gear Winding Engine- Overhead Installation 
 motor drives the worm and worm wheel in the usual way, 
 but the worm wheel shaft carries a pinion which meshes 
 with the internal gear on the winding drum. The elevator 
 is arranged for some form of mechanical control and also 
 provided with a mechanical brake. 
 Tandem Gear Winding Drum 
 Where the loads or the speeds are too high for a single 
 worm and worm wheel reduction tandem gear may be 
 used. The motor should be entirely enclosed when used 
 in places where moisture or dust prevail. In such cases 
 a portion of the heat generated by the motor must be dissi 
 pated by radiation from the outside surface of the motor. 
 Thus enclosing the motor reduces the capacity seriously : 
 accordingly installations of this kind demand larger motors 
 for the same work. When such installations are under 
 advisement the motor manufacturer should be informed so 
 that a motor will be furnished of such size that the tempera 
 ture of the interior shall not rise to a point such as to 
 destroy the insulation of the windings. 
 With the worms cut right and left hand the end thrust 
 which is always present in single cut worms is eliminated. 
 A thrust bearing is always provided on simple worm drives 
 to take up the thrust. 
 Back Geared Winding Drum 
 Where a normal elevator service prevails and in addition 
 emergency needs require the lifting of safes, machinery and 
 other heavy loads a back geared type of winding machine 
 may be used. For normal service the motor is connected 
 directly with the worm and operates the same as the ordi- 
 herringbone (or spur gears in general) is that in worm 
 drives there is sliding motion while in the herringbone 
 gear the action is principally rolling motion. Worm drives, 
 require great care in their lubrication since with the 
 Tandem Gear Traction Elevator Engine 
 nary worm gear winding machine. H a heavy load is to 
 be hoisted the hack gears are thrown into service and the 
 direct drive of the armature shaft and the worm shaft 
 is uncoupled, thus securing a greater gear ratio and the 
 same motor is enabled to lift heavier loads at a correspond 
 ing reduction in the speed. A return to normal service is 
 brought about by reconnecting to the original arrangement. 
 Generally the engine is equipped with a double set of 
 solenoid brakes for the heavy service conditions. Both 
 brakes may be used for normal service, but in that case 
 adjustment for heavy service may give too rapid a rate 
 of retardation for normal service. In this event the pres 
 sure between the brake band and the face of the flanges 
 must be decreased. 
 The back geared elevator described offers a solution in 
 circumstances where the heavy freight service is not suffi 
 ciently in demand to warrant the installation of a separate 
 machine for such service. If a single outfit is used the cables 
 should be designed for the heaviest loads it is intended to 
 Herringbone Gear 
 The speed reduction of a worm drive is subject to many 
 limitations. For the same distance between shafts spur gears 
 permit greater freedom in establishing suitable gear ratios, 
 but spur gears are noisy and for continued severe service 
 must be cut with extreme accuracy and be maintained thus 
 in service. Even very slight departures from correct tooth 
 forms cause variations in tooth pressure which may reach 
 several times normal tooth pressures. The destructive ac 
 tion under such conditions argues against the use of simple 
 spur gears for elevator service. 
 The rolling contact of spur gears is an advantage and 
 is preserved in the modification known as the "herring 
 bone" gear. Here the double slope of the teeth eliminates 
 side thrust and the helical disposition of the tooth face 
 insures continuity of tooth action. When well cut these 
 gears are highly efficient but correspondingly expensive. 
 An important difference in worm drives compared with 
 Single Gear and End Thrust 
 usual thread angles (lead) the load slides a greater dis 
 tance than it lifts. In herringbone gears were it not for 
 the deformation of the tooth under load and the inaccuracies 
 in gear cutting the action would be that of pure rolling. 
 However, departures of this kind introduce some sliding 
 Tandem Gear 
 and such gears also require lubrication. Nevertheless, im 
 perfect lubrication is less important on herringbone gears 
 than on worm drives. 
 Electric Traction Engines 
 The traction elevator, as shown in the illustration, con 
 sists essentially of a car, a counterweight and the driving 
 sheave or sheaves, which are usually driven by an electric 
 motor. The cables are made fast to the car and pass over 
 a grooved driving sheave, then down and under an idler 
 sheave, returning in separate grooves over the driving 
 sheave and down to the counterweight. A considerable 
 pressure is produced between the cables and the drive 
 sheave, due to the loads on the ends of the cables (i. e. car 
 and counterweight). The frictional resistance between the 
 drive sheave and the cables must be overcome to lift the 
 car. The underlying mechanical principle of the traction 
 elevator is identical with that in the ordinary belt drive. 
 For low rise elevators should the car or counterweight 
 "bottom," the cables slacken and reduce the pressure be 
 tween cables and grooves and thus reduce the traction much 
 the same as a slack belt on a driving pulley. This will 
 in most installations prevent the car or counterweight, 
 whichever happens to be at the top, from running into the 
 overhead beams. On very high rise elevators the effective- 
 ness of this safety feature decreases since the weight of the 
 cables may be sufficient to produce the necessary traction 
 to bring about the dangerous overtravel. 
 Traction elevators may be used for any rise with less 
 complication than the winding drum type machine. In the 
 Roping for Traction Engines 
 case of the winding drum, having given the gear ratio 
 between motor and drum, the car speed is lixed by the 
 diameter of the drum. Doubling the diameter of the drum, 
 other things remaining the same, doubles the car speed. The 
 length of the drum is directly proportional to the rise of 
 the car. Hence in winding drum installations ca h equip 
 ment is more or less special since economical car spenN 
 and rises vary widely. For the traction machine, with any 
 given gear ratio the car speed is also nearly proportional 
 to the diameter of the driving sheave. 
 Traction elevators may be either gearless or geared. The 
 gearlcss elevator may be one-to-one (1:1) or two-to-one 
 (2:1) rope geared. The simplest form of the drive is the 
 one-to-one. Where it is desired to save on the cost of the 
 motor the two-to-one permits the use of a motor of twice 
 the speed if the driving sheave and the car speed remain 
 the same. For the same horsepower output the cost de 
 creases with increase in speed of the motor. 
 The geared machines used either worm or herringbone 
 gears. They use higher speed motors than the gearless and 
 are therefore less expensive. It is intended that the de 
 crease in the initial cost will compensate for the increased 
 cost of operation due to the gears. Whether it does, must 
 be determined by investigation. 
 One-to-One Gearless Traction Engine 
 Traction elevators when used for high speed service are 
 usually of the one-to-one ratio. With the same mechanism 
 the car speed may be reduced to one-half this speed by 
 means of a two-to-one ratio. 
 The particular characteristic of the one-to-one type is 
 that the car is suspended directly from the rope as it 
 leaves the driving sheave. Thus the peripheral speed of 
 the driving sheave is the same as the speed of the car ex 
 cept for the slight influence of the slip of the cables. 
 Two-to-One Traction Elevator 
 A diagrammatic illustration of a two-to-one traction 
 equipment is depicted. Here the cables from the drive 
 sheave pass over a sheave secured to the car and the free 
 nuU are fastened to the beams which support the engine 
 overhead. The counterweights are roped in the same way. 
 Under these conditions the car speed is practically one-half 
 of the peripheral speed of the driving sheave. 
 Spur Geared Traction Engine 
 dcared machines are used when it is desired to take ad 
 vantage of the low cost of the high speed motors used with 
 geared equipments. With these the energy stored in the 
 revolving armature is greater than with the slower speed 
 motors and hence the current consumption is greater. Also 
 Spur Gear Traction Engine 
 since more energy is stored in the armature the brakes 
 must be designed to dissipate more of the kinetic energy. 
 Since this dissipation of energy by means of the brakes is 
 accompanied by wear the life of the brakes is shortened in 
 the high speed motor equipment. The simple type of spur 
 geared automobile elevator illustrated is used on slow speed 
 equipments where the noise of the gears is not objection 
 Worm Geared Traction Engine 
 For smoother action than that obtainable with spur gears 
 a worm drive may be suitable. This permits a low cost 
 motor to be used and gives operating speeds from 50 ft. 
 to 150 ft. per min. 
 Internal Gear Worm Drive Traction Engine 
 As in drum winding engines the internal gear in addi 
 tion to the worm drive is used to give greater gear ratios 
 than those obtainable with the simple worm drive. These 
 equipments are used on slow speed elevators for heavy 
 Where the duty is heavier or the speed is greater than 
 that which is safe practice for single worm gear drives 
 the tandem arrangement offers a solution. The idler 
 sheaves may be placed below or overhead, the latter ar 
 rangement being suitable for basement installations. These 
 elevators are used for car speeds as high as 450 ft. per min. 
 Herringbone Gear Traction Engine 
 The desirable qualities of herringbone gears have pre 
 viously been mentioned. The use of the high gear ratio 
 permits the use of high speed motors and yet brings the 
 cost of the elevator installation within commercial limits 
 in cases where gearless outfits might be out of the question. 
 Belt Drives 
 Belted elevators are used where the loads are sufficiently 
 heavy to be inconvenient for operation by hand-power but 
 where the greater expense of direct-driven power elevators 
 cannot be justified. They are made for operation with a 
 single or a double belt. 
 When a single belt is used it is necessary to install a 
 reversible motor so as to enable the car to travel up or 
 down. If power is taken from a line shaft which cannot 
 be reversed the up and down travel of the car may be 
 accomplished by the use of a double belt elevator. Here 
 the belts are arranged so that an open and a crossed belt 
 are used. 
 In the illustration of a single belt electric elevator de 
 picted the motor and the machine are shown on the ceiling. 
 The motor is started and reversed by means of a hand- 
 Single Belt Electric Elevator 
 rope in the shaft, which operates the controller. The motor 
 drives the pulley which is keyed to the worm shaft. A 
 worm and wheel afford additional means of speed reduc 
 tion to the speed reduction obtained by the difference in 
 the pulley diameters on the motor and on the worm shaft. 
 The worm wheel is keyed to the shaft on which the drum 
 is keyed. The drum is scored to receive the hoisting and 
 counterweight cables and the helical winding of the ropes 
 on the drum is accomplished without danger of chafing. 
 The machine shown is equipped with a mechanical brake. 
 There is also a traveling nut device to open the motor circuit 
 when the platform reaches either of the terminal landings. 
 Additional safety features may be added. The one com 
 monly used is the rope-lock described elsewhere. Several 
 of the devices considered under the heading of electric 
 control may be used in connection with these elevators. 
 However, since belted elevators are used for slow speed 
 freight service (less than 100 ft. and usually from 30 ft. 
 to 50 ft. per min.) and in low cost equipments the control 
 refinements are ordinarily reduced to a minimum. 
 In the floor winding engine of the double belt type de 
 scribed the engine consists of a drum shaft on which are 
 located the winding drum and the worm wheel. The car 
 and counterweight cables are wound on the scored winding 
 drum. The operating rope is secured to the shipper wheel 
 shown in front of the drum. The projecting pins on the 
 shipper wheel engage in forked fingers secured one to each 
 of the two horizontal rods near the base. Turning the 
 shipper wheel permits the operation of only one of the 
 belt shifters. 
 The worm, brake and three pulleys are located on the 
 worm shaft. The two outer pulleys are loose on the shaft 
 and the centre pulley is keyed to it. On the motor or line 
 shaft is secured a pulley of the same width as that of the 
 three pulleys on the worm shaft. Two belts are used, one 
 open and the other crossed, the width of each being some 
 what narrower than the pulleys on which they operate. 
 In the position of rest the two belts run loosely on 
 the idler (outer) pulleys. If the operator wishes to start 
 the car he pulls the hand-rope, which in turn actuates the 
 shipper wheel on the drum shaft extension. This releases 
 the brake and causes only one of the belt shifters to move 
 so as to slide the belt onto the centre or driving pulley. 
 To stop the car the hand-rope is moved in the opposite 
 direction, the shipper wheel returns to the central position, 
 shifts the belt back to the idler pulley and finally applies 
 the brake. The car will then come to a stop in a time 
 dependent upon the pressure which the brake applies. 
 The safety features usually included consist of the rope 
 lock, slack cable stop and limitation stop at extreme land 
 Control may be secured by means of rope, lever or wheel. 
 Where hand-rope is used the speed is fixed by the Safety 
 Code at 50 ft. per min. 
 The two braking methods commercially used in elevator 
 practice are accomplished by mechanical and by electrical 
 means. On all slow speed elevators the mechanical brake 
 alone is used. For speeds over 100 ft. per min. dynamic 
 braking is used in addition to the mechanical braking. 
 Practice varies considerably in this respect because of the 
 varying conditions of operation. For example, if the 
 service is reasonably constant it does not pay to open the 
 field circuit every time the elevator is brought to a 
 stop. In the ordinary compound wound direct current 
 motor the torque on the shaft is proportional to the field 
 strength and to the armature current. In the building up 
 of the magnetic field the inductance of the field winding 
 limits the current passing through it, which in turn limits 
 the field strength. Thus at starting when the field is weak 
 the armature current must be increased for a given torque. 
 The armature losses vary with the square of the current in 
 put for constant resistance in the armature circuit. The point 
 to consider, therefore, is whether the saving in the electric 
 energy by interrupting the field during the periods of rest 
 compensated for the decreased armature losses due to the 
 smaller starting currents when the field is continuously in 
 Mechanical Brakes 
 The mechanical brakes used in elevator practice are al 
 most invariably of the shoe type. The brakes when normally 
 applied are held by springs or weights and are released 
 mechanically or electrically just preceding the admission of 
 current to the armature of the elevator motor. The general 
 practice is to use a solenoid to release the brakes and a 
 spring to apply them after the solenoid is de-energized, al 
 though an electric motor is sometimes employed in place of 
 a solenoid. 
 In the direct current types of solenoids two styles of 
 winding are available, namely the shunt and the compound. 
 In the shunt wound magnet a single coil is connected across 
 the line to release the brake. In the compound wound there 
 are two coils in the same frame, a shunt and a series coil. 
 The shunt coil is connected across the line, while the series 
 Brake for Elevator Machine 
 coil is in series with the armature. After the brake is re 
 leased by the combined action of the two coils, the series 
 coil is cut out of circuit by the controller, while the shunt 
 coil is left connected across the line to keep the brake re 
 leased. With the compound winding, greater pull is obtained 
 with the same magnet frame than with the plain shunt 
 winding. The compound winding can only be used where 
 the controller is provided with contacts for cutting the series 
 coil out of circuit when in the full speed position. 
 When alternating current is used in the solenoid the cores 
 of the magnet must be laminated to decrease the heating due 
 to hysteresis of the iron. It is necessary in alternating cur 
 rent magnets to specify both the voltage and the frequency 
 at which they are to be used. These magnets are shunt 
 wound only. 
 Alternating current magnets have certain characteristics 
 not found in direct current magnets and their use requires 
 special precautions. The pull feature of direct current mag 
 nets makes them more suitable for brake service than alter 
 nating current magnets. With direct current magnets the 
 pull increases as the stroke decreases, thus insuring a 
 greater pull as the brake spring tension increases. \Yith 
 alternating current magnets the pull is practically constant 
 throughout the stroke. This characteristic should be taken 
 into account when designing a brake mechanism for this 
 The best design of brake mechanism is one which utili/es 
 the full pulling power of the solenoid throughout the stroke. 
 Moreover, it is just as important that the magnet selected 
 should not be too large for the brake, as that it should not 
 be too small. If the magnet has considerable excess power 
 there will be a tendency for the plunger to pull in with an 
 excessive hammer blow. This will not only make it noisy 
 in operation, but will unduly strain the magnet and the 
 mechanical transmission system, in addition to requiring a 
 larger amount of power than is necessary. 
 Particular care should also be exercised in mounting these 
 magnets on the brake mechanism to avoid all side strains 
 on the plunger. Any undue side pull on the plunger will 
 prevent its seating squarely against the plug and will cause 
 a chattering noise in its operation. 
 The fact that alternating current magnets act much more 
 quickly than direct current magnets causes them to offer 
 considerable inertia when the limit of travel is reached. 
 The moving parts used with these magnets must therefore 
 be light so as to reduce this inertia to a minimum. 
 1 >ash pots have been used to dampen the action of the al 
 ternating current magnets for brake service, but with gen 
 erally unsatisfactory results. To overcome this there has 
 been devised a type in which the magnet is immersed in oil 
 contained in a cast iron pot. It is attached to the brake 
 mechanism of a drum winding machine. 
 The humming noise characteristic of alternating current 
 brake magnets is objectionable and where this annoyance is 
 serious a motor-operated brake is to be preferred. It con 
 sists of a shoe brake having an operating lever equipped 
 with a toothed sector. A pinion on the brake motor shaft 
 engages with the sector on the operating lever so that when 
 the brake motor revolves, it relases this brake. The brake 
 is held released as long as power is applied to the elevator 
 motor by the small torque motor although its rotor is 
 stalled. A spring returns the operating lever and applies 
 the brake on interruption of the power. 
 Dynamic Braking 
 For high speed cars the energy to be absorbed in the 
 electro-mechanical brake may be so great as to cause ex 
 cessive heating or it may require a brake mechanism of un 
 duly large proportions. A part of this energy may be 
 dissipated in direct current machines by causing the motor 
 to act as a generator and short-circuiting it through a suit 
 able resistor. This requires that the field should be on all 
 the time and this must therefore be taken into account in 
 the design of the motor itself. 
 On compound wound motors the field strength is propor 
 tional in some degree to the current flowing through the 
 armature and the series field coil. Thus at high speeds the 
 current is dependent upon the speed and the dynamic brak 
 ing effect is proportional to the speed. This is a desirable 
 characteristic and permits the graduation of the dynamic 
 effect in proportion to the speed and therefore to the load. 
 Hence good stops are possible under all conditions of load. 
 The controller must be suitably designed to include this- 
 feature. The dynamic brake switch upon closing establishes 
 an armature shunt circuit, thus electrically loading the motor. 
 The switch is closed by a coiled spring and is opened mag 
 netically. It is therefore independent of the power or the 
 counter-electromotive force of the motor for its closing. 
 In case of interruption of the coil circuit either by normal 
 operation or because of accident to the coil or the wiring to 
 the coil, it will close and establish the dynamic braking cir 
 cuit. Because of the load thrown upon the motor, com 
 mutation should be provided for from ISO per cent to 200 
 per cent of the normal current required by the machine. 
 The higher values occur at the higher speeds since then the 
 energy in the moving elevator system is greatest. It has 
 been shown that interpole motors are satisfactory for 
 dynamic brake service. 
 Control of Electric Elevators 
 Elevator control requires a mechanism to start and 
 stop the car and sometimes to control the speed within 
 limits fixed by the characteristics of the controller. The 
 type of controller depends upon the particular service re 
 quirements and will be considered later. The two general 
 types of control are accomplished mechanically or elec 
 Mechanical Control 
 \\ ith mechanical control the elevator is belt driven or di 
 rect connected. The belted elevator may be operated by 
 a single or a double belt. In the single belt type it is 
 necessary to use a reversible motor to permit the car to 
 move up or down. With the double belt the motor need 
 rotate in but one direction since the use of an open and 
 a crossed belt performs the reversal of the direction of 
 the car. Where a double belt is used a belt shifting 
 mechanism is, of course, required. 
 On direct connected equipments mechanical control may 
 use either a mechanical or an electro-mechanical brake. If 
 a mechanical brake is used it is necessary to provide the 
 control with means to release the brake before current 
 is turned into the motor so as to relieve it of the un 
 necessary load imposed when the brake is set. Where an 
 electro-mechanical brake is used the current releases the 
 brake either by means of a motor or more commonly by 
 means of a solenoid. 
 The control from the car is accomplished by means of 
 a cable which may be actuated by either hand-rope, lever 
 or wheel. The hand-rope is limited to slow speed cars. 
 The Code of Safety Standards permits the use of a direct 
 hand-operated rope, cable or rod for freight elevators not 
 to exceed 100 ft. per min. Speeds higher than this are 
 not controlled reliably by such means. 
 Lever or wheel control is permitted by this code for 
 speeds up to ISO ft. per min. except on hydraulic elevators. 
 Where the hand-rope is found undesirable the electric con 
 trol is^ used in preference to the level or the wheel 
 Types of Electrical Control 
 Electrical control is used principally on direct-connected 
 machines. Its use on belted machines introduces a compli 
 cation which is not justifiable when the more reliable 
 standard devices are considered. The various types of 
 mtrol are car switch, push-button, dual control and cen- 
 tral control. 
 Car Switch Control 
 Car switch control i s used where an attendant is em 
 ployed to operate the elevator. This places the movement 
 of the car entirely in the hands of the operator. It is 
 used both for passenger and for freight service, particu 
 larly if the car speeds are high. 
 The equipment consists of a switch or controller located 
 in the car and a number of auxiliary devices which are 
 described in another place, a controller located in the 
 machine room, and the necessary electrical cables to 
 establish the circuits. 
 Push-Button Control 
 Push-button control of elevators permits of automatic 
 operation by means of push-buttons in the car and at the 
 landings, thus dispensing with the services of a regular 
 operator. This kind of control on passenger elevators, 
 freight elevators and dumb waiters is desirable where the 
 demand for service does not warrant the expense of an 
 operator. The condition is found in such places as private 
 homes, small family hotels, or apartment buildings and other 
 small semi-public buildings. 
 A more complete description of the service and the 
 equipment used in connection with push-button elevators 
 will be given later. 
 Dual Control 
 Dual control is a combination of car switch and push 
 button control. It is desirable in places where it is neces 
 sary to use an operator for the busy traffic and dispense 
 with his services when the traffic becomes infrequent. These 
 conditions are found in such buildings as small hotels, clubs, 
 apartments or office buildings. 
 When the operator leaves the car and it is desired to 
 continue operation as a push-button elevator, a throw-over 
 switch is shifted. The car then operates in a manner simi 
 lar to the push-button elevator. 
 Central Control 
 The important characteristic of central control is the 
 fact that several cars arc directed by a single operator 
 from some central point. It is used in such places as ware 
 houses where many elevators are installed in banks. Here 
 the elevator is signalled and dispatched to the point de 
 sired. The car is loaded and another signal is given 
 the central operator who dispatches the car to its destina 
 tion after the gates have been properly closed. Upon ar 
 rival the unloading crew takes charge and removes the ma 
 terial, when the gates are closed and the "central" is sig 
 naled indicating that the car is ready for another trip. 
 Additional Control Features 
 Aside from the control features subject to the will of 
 the operator all classes of electric elevators have one or 
 more automatic devices used to control acceleration, speed, 
 retardation, etc. The list which follows is more com 
 plete than required for ordinary freight service. High speed 
 passenger services includes greater refinements and more 
 of the features are required for it. They include: 
 (a) Slow-down at terminal landings independent of the 
 operator to permit good stops. 
 (b) Automatic return of the car switch to the "off" 
 position when released by the operator. 
 (c) Automatic stop switch on car for stops at terminal 
 landings in case the operator tries to overrun the landing. 
 (d) Final cut-out limit switches in hoistway operating 
 independent of the automatic stop switch. 
 (e) Slack cable switch on car or counterweight to pre 
 vent^ unwinding of the cable when either reaches the lower 
 landing limit. 
 (f) Switch operated by centrifugal governor to stop 
 the car automatically in case of ovcrspccd; the first switch 
 shuts off power and applies the dynamic brake effect on 
 the armature of the driving motor and the mechanical brake 
 on the brake pulley ; the second switch applies a light 
 retarding force on the car safety when equipped with an 
 electro-mechanical safety. 
 (g) The safety switch in the car and under the control 
 of the operator performs the same function as the two 
 switches operated by the governor. 
 (h) Regulation of the shunt field by a centrifugal gov 
 ernor to maintain constant full speed with variable loads. 
 (i) Oil buffers stopping the fully loaded car when de 
 scending at 50 per cent excess speed. 
 (j) Reverse phase relay on alternating current circuits 
 to stop the motor in case of power failure of one or more 
 Electric Elevator Auxiliary Devices 
 In addition to the controls already described there are 
 numerous auxiliary devices in common use. These in 
 clude, the reversing switch, car switch, stack cable switch, 
 door safety switch and other switches which are de 
 scribed below. 
 Reversing Switch 
 One type of reversing switch used on semi-magnetic 
 controllers has a wheel or lever attached to the project 
 ing shaft and is operated from the car by means of a 
 rope, lever or wheel. When the drum reverse switch is 
 thrown into the running position it closes the control cir 
 cuit and magnetic line contactor. This releases the brake 
 and starts the motor with full voltage on the shunt field 
 and all the starting resistance in the armature circuit. The 
 motor automatically accelerates to full speed by the gradual 
 cutting out of the starting resistance. In addition the 
 short-circuiting of the series field is accomplished by means 
 of magnetic contactors on a controller which must be 
 used in connection with it. 
 The rate of acceleration is dependent upon the motor 
 load. The lighter the load the less time it takes to acceler 
 ate to full speed. For the sake of comfort the rate of ac 
 celeration should therefore be adjusted to meet the condi 
 tion of light load if passengers are to be carried on the car. 
 When the drum is thrown to the "off" position the main 
 line contactor opens before the contacts on the drum re 
 verse the switch. Thus no arcing occurs on the main con 
 tacts. In the "off" position the controller disconnects the 
 motor and the brake magnet from both sides of the line. 
 The switch may be located in any place convenient to the 
 shipper rope, either on the wall, machine or on the con 
 troller itself. 
 Machine Limit Switch for Drum Winding Machines 
 Car switch controlled drum type elevators are usually 
 equipped with a machine limit switch. This is geared to 
 the winding machine to provide means for automatically 
 stopping at the top and bottom landings. These limit 
 switches open the control circuit of the magnet switches 
 on the controllers. If the controller is equipped with a 
 slow-down feature at terminal landings the machine limit 
 switch will do this automatically. 
 If a traveling-nut mechanism is provided on the elevator 
 machine the rotating cam type of limit switch may 
 be used. This type of switch has single pole contacts for 
 the slow-down feature at terminal landings and double- 
 pole contacts for stopping the elevator. The switch is 
 so arranged that when the traveling nut of the winding 
 machine engages a yoke at the positions corresponding to 
 the top and bottom landings, its shaft is rotated so as 
 to open the proper contacts. As the car moves away from 
 these extreme landings the traveling nut backs off and 
 releases the yoke. A weight and chain centering device 
 returns the limit switch to the normal operating position. 
 The cams for the final stops are keyed to the shaft since 
 these are fixed limits, while the slow-down contact cams 
 are left adjustable. 
 Traveling Cam Limit Switch 
 If a traveling-nut mechanism is not Mipplii-d with the 
 elevator engine the traveling-nut type limit switch may 
 be used. This device combines the functions of the ordinary 
 traveling-nut mechanism and a machine limit switch. In 
 application it is geared directly to the shaft of the wind 
 ing drum. It is equipped with two double-pole snap 
 switches for each limit of elevator travel. The threaded 
 operating shaft carries a traveling nut which moves from 
 one end of the shaft to the other for the full travel of 
 the elevator from bottom to top landings. The nut en 
 gages with cams which operate the switches at the limits 
 of travel. The four double-pole switches are adjustable 
 on their supporting rods and arc to be positively locked 
 after adjustment so as to maintain their proper position 
 in use. 
 Machine Limit Switch for Traction Elevators 
 A characteristic peculiar to winding machines is that 
 a given number of revolutions of the drum corresponds 
 to a fixed position of the car in the shaft. Limit switches 
 actuated by the drum with a given gear ratio may be used 
 instead of hatchway switches. 
 For traction machines, because of the slip of the cables, 
 over the driving sheave, there is no fixed relation of the 
 car position and the number of rotations of the sheave. 
 Hence limit switches geared to the motor are useless. The 
 limit switches for automatic slow-down and final cut out 
 must he located in the hoistway. These are attached to 
 the car and operated by a cam in the hoistway and perform 
 the same function as the limit switches previously de 
 Hatchway Limit Switch 
 Like the machine limit switch this also must be located 
 in the hatchway for similar reasons. It is operated by a 
 cam on the car and may also be used for any type of 
 electric elevator. 
 Car Switch 
 The elevator car switch is used with all full magnetic 
 type controllers where an operator is employed. Where 
 necessary the switch is provided for three speeds in each 
 direction, slow-down, normal and high speed. The slow 
 down speed is required in order to permit good stops. 
 It also permits "inching" towards a landing in case of 
 poor stops. 
 Where a relay is provided on the controller for over 
 load protection, a maintaining coil for this relay is en 
 ergized when the car switch is in the running position by 
 means of contacts provided for the purpose. After an 
 overload occurs, it is impossible to operate the elevator 
 without first returning the car switch to the "off" position 
 which resets the overload relay. 
 The construction used varies with the manufacturer. 
 One type of car which is mounted on a pedestal conven 
 ient to the operator. It is so constructed that each of 
 the speeds is positively selected by the operator. A "dead 
 man s handle" or spring return is included so that in case 
 the operator removes his hand the lever will return to 
 the "off" position and immediately bring the car to rest. 
 This feature is of value in cases of illness or accident 
 to the operator when a panic might ensue should the car 
 continue on its journey. However, should the car proceed 
 the other limit switches usual in elevator practice would act. 
 Though these may not be apparent to the passenger, in the 
 stress of such emergency they would bring the car to 
 rest at the top or bottom landing. When once at rest the 
 accidental starting of the elevator from any cause is im 
 possible for it is necessary to release a spring latch before 
 the handle can be moved. 
 Car Safety Switch 
 A car safety switch is used in connection with the car 
 switch described. It is mounted near the operator for his 
 convenience. The switch is single pole and is connected 
 with the control circuit on the side of opposite polarity 
 to the car switch so as to provide a safety stop regardless 
 of any possible combination of grounds in the control 
 cables. Any ground serious enough to interfere with the 
 operation of both the car switch and the safety switch will 
 render the elevator control equipment itself inoperative. 
 The switch has an "on" and "off" position so that in case 
 the operator is momentarily away from the car, tampering 
 with the car switch by passengers will not cause it to start. 
 Slack Cable Switch 
 There is the possibility of the cables slackening due to 
 the car or the counterweight becoming caught in the guides. 
 Under these circumstances the unwinding of the cables by 
 the motor would continue thus permitting the sudden drop 
 of the counterweight or car should the hindrance give way. 
 This may induce a considerable stress in the cables which 
 may overstain them and perhaps break them. Slack cables 
 may also result from excessive swaying which may cause 
 the cables to jump their sheaves. To guard against these 
 possibilities a slack cable switch is located in the machine 
 room so that a small amount of slack will trip the main 
 contactor thus automatically opening the control circuit 
 and bringing the car to rest. 
 The switch is a double-pole quick-break switch, purpose 
 ly designed so that it will not reset when the cables again 
 are subjected to tension. This requires someone to inspect 
 the mechanism, correct the trouble, and if in satisfactory 
 condition to reset the switch after which normal operation 
 may be resumed. It may be used in connection with the 
 semi-magnetic or full magnetic type of controllers. 
 Door Safety Switches 
 Premature starting of the car while the door is open, 
 and open hatchways, cause many of the accidents that occur 
 in elevator operation. To overcome these, many types of 
 door interlocks and door switches have been devised. Cer 
 tain door safety switches are designed to govern the con 
 trol circuit only, and therefore the controller must be 
 equipped with a magnetic main switch. When a door or 
 gate is opened the circuit to the main magnetic switch coil 
 is interrupted, thus preventing the power lines from estab 
 lishing connection to the motor until the door is closed. 
 The switches are single-pole, enclosed to prevent tamper 
 ing, and are arranged so as to close the circuit when the 
 door is shut. The switches close the circuit only after 
 the door latch engages so that the elevator cannot be op 
 erated until the door is both closed and latched. 
 Where the shipper rope lever or hand-wheel control is 
 used the conditions differ from the foregoing and some 
 modifications are necessary. In all these types a rope is 
 usually attached to the reversing mechanism. With some 
 equipments the reversing switch controls a magnetic main 
 switch on the controller. Door safety switches may then 
 be installed to interrupt the coil circuit to the main line 
 switch. With this arrangement, however, if the voltage 
 fails while the control rope or lever is in the "on" position, 
 the return of voltage will automatically start the elevator 
 and the unexpected start may cause an accident. If the 
 elevator is stopped by opening a door and the shipper 
 mechanism is left in the "on" position the closing of the 
 door will start the elevator and may also cause an acci 
 To eliminate these possibilities, a relay and a shipper- 
 bar interlock may be added to the equipment. This ar 
 rangement makes it necessary to return the operating cable 
 to the "off" position in order to again start after voltage 
 failure, or after stopping by the opening of a door. 
 The relay is a small magnetic switch which can be 
 mounted on the panel with the magnetic main switch. 
 The shipper-bar interlock consists of a switch and a 
 cam, operated by the same mechanism that throws 
 the reversing switch. The cam is arranged to en 
 gage the door switch only when the reversing switch is 
 in the "off" position so that the control circuit is only 
 closed in this position. In case of the return of voltage 
 after failure, or in case a door is closed with the operat 
 ing mechanism in the running position, the elevator will 
 not start. When the operating mechanism is thrown to 
 the "off" position, normal conditions are restored and the 
 elevator will start when the operating mechanism is again 
 thrown into the running position. 
 Phase Failure and Phase Reversal Relay Switch 
 On polyphase alternating current installations the failure 
 of one phase may burn out the motor because of the over 
 load thrown on the remaining phase or phases, in the case 
 of two or three-phase circuits, respectively. The reversal 
 of a phase will reverse the motor and may cause the car 
 to overtravel into the head beams above or into the pit. 
 To eliminate these dangers a special device is required. 
 The functions such a device should perform are : 
 (a) To open the control circuit if the voltage falls ap 
 preciably below normal and keep it open until the voltage 
 returns to nearly normal. 
 (b) To open the main magnet switch in case of open 
 circuit in one of the supply lines, provided the motor is 
 under appreciable load. For example, at light motor 
 loads the remaining phase may be able to carry the load 
 but due to excessive current in this phase overheating may 
 result. Thus the relay should not operate until the load 
 increases an appreciable amount so that the reliability 
 of the elevator service is not unduly impaired. If under 
 these conditions the motor is shut down it should not start 
 until the line circuits are properly restored. 
 (c) To stop the motor immediately on reversal of any 
 One device consists of a small squirrel cage motor carry 
 ing two arms on its shaft. These arms are normally held 
 in contact with stationary figures by the motor torque 
 against the pressure of a spring. Upon phase failure or 
 phase reversal the torque of the motor fails or reverses so 
 that the spring opens the contact and thus interrupts the 
 control circuit. 
 The function of a controller is to regulate the driving 
 mechanism so as to cause each element to function in the 
 right order and at the proper time. It is necessarily 
 automatic in its operation to avoid the possible error or 
 abuse were its functions dependent upon the will or judg- 
 ment of an operator. Controllers are used for direct or 
 for alternating current motors and their particular char 
 acteristics will be described. 
 Direct Current Semi-Magnetic Controller 
 This type of controller is used in connection with rope, 
 lever or wheel control and is therefore limited by the 
 Safety Code to speeds of 100 ft. per min. for the rope 
 control and 150 ft. per min. for lever or wheel control 
 using a shipper rope. 
 The minimum equipment for this class of control re 
 quires a reversing switch, which is actuated by the shipper 
 rope, and the automatic starting panel to govern the move 
 ment of the elevator. The special features to be included 
 in the controller proper should be low voltage release, 
 time limit acceleration to regulate the rate of acceleration, 
 motor reversal to occur only with all resistance in circuit, 
 cut-out for series field when the motor is under headway, 
 and a field discharge resistor if dynamic braking is not 
 Additional accessories that may be used with this equip 
 ment are hatchway limit, slack cable, car safety, door 
 safety and emergency door cut-out switches. The equip 
 ment may also include a solenoid brake and a dynamic 
 The low-voltage release is required when the voltage 
 drops considerably below normal, or fails altogether. Un 
 der these circumstances, should the voltage be again applied 
 while all resistance is cut out of the circuit, the car would 
 start with a jerk and the heavy inrush of current would 
 blow the fuses and otherwise tend to injure the motor. 
 A shunt field discharge resistor should be provided on all 
 motors larger than 7 l /i horsepower, or on smaller sizes if 
 the voltage is 500 or over. This is necessary since the 
 sudden opening of the field is accompanied by a high volt 
 age or "kick" which may be so high as to puncture the 
 This type of control is suitable for slow speed passen 
 ger or general freight service. If the equipment is used 
 with a winding drum type elevator the traveling nut on 
 the elevator machine should be arranged to throw the drum 
 reversing switch to the "off" position at the normal limits 
 of travel. When the traction type elevator is used, buttons 
 on the shipper rope may be used to center the drum re 
 versing sheave. 
 If a brake is used which consumes not more than 350 
 watts, hatchway limit switches may be used instead of the 
 more expensive traveling nut device. All installations should 
 include two hatchway type limit switches in addition to 
 normal stop limits to prevent dangerous overtravel of the 
 Direct Current Full Magnetic Controller 
 This type of controller is used for car switch or push 
 button control. It is self-contained, but additional control 
 features may be used in connection with it. Where the 
 speed is greater than 100 ft. per min. dynamic braking is 
 advisable and moreover if good stops are desirable the 
 automatic slow-down feature should be added. The slow 
 down speed is about 30 per cent of the full running speed. 
 Where slow-down is used dynamic braking should also 
 be used. As in the controller above described no field 
 discharge resistor is required where dynamic braking is 
 For push-button control a floor selector should be used 
 if there are more than two landings. There should also 
 be provided two hatchway limit switches for terminal stops 
 and two for emergency overtravel protection. If slow 
 down is desired two additional slow-down switches should 
 lie used. 
 A complete equipment for car switch control will in 
 clude car, machine limit, hatchway limit, slack cable, car 
 safety, door safety, and door emergency cut-out switches. 
 The equipment may also require a solenoid brake in ad 
 dition to the dynamic brake previously mentioned. One 
 five-wire and one two-wire car control cable should be 
 supplied if slow-down is desired. Otherwise, a three-wire 
 cable may be used. These figures include no reserve of 
 control cables. 
 For push-button control the full equipment will require 
 push-button, hatchway limit, slack cable, door safety, door 
 emergency, cut-out switches and a tlixir selector if there 
 are more than two landings. A solenoid brake should 
 be used and, if desirable, a dynamic brake, particularly if 
 the speed exceeds 100 ft. per min. A non-interference 
 feature should also be included if the calling may be 
 from more than one station. 
 A controller which is suitable for single speed elevator 
 motor for passenger and freight service and car speeds 
 not to exceed 175 ft. per min., or dumb waiter service not 
 to exceed 300 ft. per min., consists of four reversing con 
 tactors, a three-prong field and brake relay, an accelerat 
 ing movement, a try-out switch to operate the car from 
 the controller, and control fuses. The accelerat ng move 
 ment is solenoid-operated with an oil dashpot to control 
 the rate of acceleration of the car. A low voltage pro 
 tection is also included. A shunt field discharge resistor 
 must be used unless dynamic braking is provided in the 
 For high speed elevator service the controllers differ 
 from the preceding by the addition of contactors to in 
 crease the resistance in the field circuit. The car switch 
 is then arranged to give three speeds, slow-down, normal 
 and high. Normal speed is then about 50 per cent of 
 high speed, and the slow-down speed is about 30 per cent 
 of the normal speed. The conditions which make such 
 high speeds desirable in passenger service seldom obtain 
 in freight elevator practice. 
 Controllers for Alternating Current Circuits 
 There are two types of motors used on alternating 
 current circuits, namely the squirrel cage and the slip- 
 ring motors. Their controllers must have different char 
 Semi-Magnetic Controllers for Squirrel Cage Motors 
 The ordinary squirrel cage motor running at a single 
 speed and not over 15 horsepower may be connected di 
 rectly to the line without starting resistance in the cir 
 cuit. The limitation suggested is due to the high start 
 ing currents (two to three times full load current). The 
 objection to this type is due to the drop in voltage of the 
 circuit and the dimming of lights that may be on the same 
 circuit. A simple reversing switch may be used for this 
 A better arrangement is obtained by using a magnetic 
 contactor in addition to the reversing switch. An illustra 
 tion of a type of controller for this use is given. The 
 particular advantage of having a separate contactor is to 
 relieve the reversing switch of the arcing when the motor 
 circuit is opened. 
 The operation of the reversing switch may he by hand- 
 rope, lever or wheel in the car. The auxiliary devices 
 that may be used in connection with it are. phase failure 
 and phase reversal relay switch, overload relay, hatchway 
 limit, slack cable, car safety and door safety switches. If 
 an electro-mechanical brake is used, a single phase brake 
 magnet should be included. 
 The controller should have a low voltage release to 
 prevent automatic starting of the elevator upon resumption 
 of current after failure, without first centering the shipper 
 mechanism and then moving to the running position. The 
 overload relay when used with low voltage protection may 
 be arranged so that by returning the reversing switch to 
 the "off" position the overload relay will be automatically 
 If the equipment is used with a winding drum machine 
 the traveling nut on the elevator machine should be ar 
 ranged to throw the reversing switch to the "off" position 
 at the normal limits of travel. When traction type elevator 
 machines are used, buttons on the shipper rope can be 
 used to center the reversing switch. 
 If a magnet brake is installed, hatchway limit switches 
 can be used in place of the more expensive traveling nut 
 Semi-Magnetic Controller for Slip-Ring Alternating 
 Current Motor 
 In one type of slip-ring motor controller suitable for 
 slow speed passenger and freight service which may be 
 operated from the car may be by means of a hand rope, 
 lever or wheel ; the magnetic accelerating switches are en 
 ergized by means of a pilot relay which is equipped with 
 an air dashpot. The resistor should be cut out of all 
 phases simultaneously, so that the rotor is balanced during 
 the entire starting period. 
 The traveling nut provided on the elevator machine 
 should be arranged to throw the reversing switch to the 
 "off" position at the limits of travel. Hatchway limit 
 switches may be used in place of the more expensive travel 
 ing nut device provided that a solenoid brake is used. 
 Overtravel hatchway limit switches should be used to 
 tjuard against phase reversal. 
 Suitable accessories may consist of phase failure and 
 phase reversal relay, overload relay, hatchway limit, slack 
 cable, car safety, door safety and door emergency cut-out 
 Alternating Current Full Magnetic Car Switch Con 
 troller for Squirrel Cage Motors 
 For car switch control, overload protection can be pro 
 vided on the control panel by adding an overload relay 
 and a magnetic interlocking relay. This arrangement pro 
 vides an interlock between the overload relay and the 
 car switch so that it is merely necessary to return the 
 car switch to the "off" position to reset the overload 
 relay. after an overload has occurred. A five-wire and two- 
 wire control cable are necessary if no reserve is desired in 
 the control cable. 
 This type of controller is used for a single speed, high 
 torque, squirrel cage induction motor having an inrush of 
 not over three times normal full load current when thrown 
 directly across the line. It is suitable for a speed not to 
 exceed 125 ft. per min. It may also be used for dumb 
 waiter service where the speed of operation is not to 
 exceed 150 ft. per min. 
 A try-out switch and fuses should also be provided. 
 The inclusion of this apparatus enables testing being done 
 from the control panel. 
 The accessories which may be used in this type of 
 control are phase failure and phase reversal relay, elevator 
 car, machine limit, hatchway limit, slack cable, car safety, 
 door safety, door emergency, cut-out switches. An electro 
 mechanical brake should also be provided. 
 Alternating Current Full Magnetic Push-Button Con 
 troller for Squirrel Cage Motors 
 In addition to the controlling devices previously described, 
 push-button elevators require a push-button switch in place 
 of the car switch, a non-interference relay and a floor se 
 lector. The non-interference device is to be used to permit 
 the passenger time to enter or leave car before it may be 
 called to some other station. A time relay of this sort 
 is therefore desirable. 
 For a two-landing equipment no floor selector is required. 
 In this case two hatchway-type limit switches for terminal 
 stops and two for emergency overtravel protection are 
 For a three-landing equipment a floor selector is re 
 quired on passenger and freight service. In this case two 
 hatchway limit switches are necessary to provide for 
 emergency overtravel protection. For dumb waiter service 
 no floor selector is required provided a relay is installed 
 for the middle landing control, together with five hatch 
 way-type limit switches, one for the middle landing stop, 
 two for the terminal stops and two for emergency over- 
 travel protection. 
 In any four or more landing equipment a floor selector 
 must be used for all classes of service. The speed for 
 push-button control should not exceed 125 ft. per min. 
 Alternating Current Full Magnetic Car Switch Con 
 troller for Slip-Ring Motors 
 One type of controller suitable for speeds not to ex 
 ceed 200 ft. per min. consists of a double-pole magnetic 
 main line contactor, two double-pole reversing contactors 
 and three or four double-pole accelerating contactors giv 
 ing four or five steps of acceleration. The accelerating 
 contactors are operated by a time limit- accelerating relay 
 so as to permit smooth starting irrespective of the load 
 on the car. A dashpot is used on the timing relay and 
 is adjusted to cut out the resistor connected in the rotor 
 circuit in the required time to insure smooth starting. 
 When once adjusted the resistance will always be cut out 
 in the same length of time. A try-out switch should also 
 be included to permit control from the panel for testing 
 Overload protection should be provided on the control 
 panel. This is obtained by adding a time limit overload 
 relay and a magnetic interlocking relay. This arrange 
 ment provides an interlock between the overload relay 
 necessary to return the car switch to the "off" position 
 to reset the overload relay after an overload. 
 The low voltage protection which should also be included 
 prevents automatic starting of the elevator upon return of 
 current unless the car switch is returned to the "off" posi 
 tion and then moved to the operating position. The ac 
 cessories to be used with this type of controller, in addi 
 tion to those previously noted, consist of phase failure 
 and phase reversal relay, elevator car, machine limit, hatch 
 way limit, slack cable, car safety, door safety and door 
 emergency cut-out switches. The necessary equipment for 
 a solenoid brake must be added. 
 If higher speeds than 250 ft. per min. are desired a two-j 
 speed motor should be used and it should be provided with 
 slow-down feature. 
 Alternating Current Full Magnetic Push-Button Con 
 troller for Slip-Ring Motors 
 The push-button control is much the same as that pre- 
 viously described except that a push-button is substituted 
 for the car switch, a non-interference relay is to be used 
 and a floor selector if there are more than two landings. 
 When used for push-button service elevator speeds ob 
 tained by the use of single speed motors should not be 
 made to exceed 125 ft. per min. Speeds higher than this 
 should use a two-speed motor and a slow-down feature 
 should be provided. 
 Hydraulic Elevators 
 One of the earliest forms of elevator used was the direct- 
 acting plunger type. It was used for the highest spix l 
 passenger service but the great cost of installation and tht 
 high maintenance cost caused its gradual withdrawal from 
 the market for this service. Its use in short lift freight 
 service still exists and for this service it possesses a num 
 ber of advantages. Plunger elevators are simple in prin 
 ciple and permit easy inspection of working parts. They 
 require little skill for their successful operation. The water 
 pressure may be obtained from the street mains, overhead 
 tanks, or from pressure tanks supplied by pumps using any 
 form of motive power. 
 In the usual arrangement of a plunger machine, as shown 
 in the illustration, a cylinder which is closed at its lower 
 end is sunk into the ground. The upper end has a stuffing- 
 box through which passes a plunger which is secured to the 
 car. Thus the travel of the platform is the same as that of 
 the plunger. 
 The operation of the elevator is as follows : Pressure 
 water is introduced just below the stuffing-box. When this 
 pressure is acting on the under side of the plunger it will 
 lift a load which is proportional to the area of the plunger 
 some cases to support not only the total weight of the car 
 and its load but also a part of tht weight of the plunger. 
 Vertical Piston Engines 
 Where the conditions are such that headroom is more 
 nadily available than lloor space the vertical cylinder 
 engine offers certain advantages. One form of elevator 
 thus driven is illustrated and consists of a cylinder closed 
 on the under side. The two piston rods pass through two 
 stuffing-boxes in the upper head of the cylinder. The piston 
 rods are secured by a suitable yoke and frame to the 
 traveling sheaves about the cylinder. The upper and lower 
 ends of the cylinder are connected by a circulating pipe 
 the function of which will be shown. A suitable valve, 
 which is operated by a shipper sheave, controls the flow 
 of water to and from the cylinder. The valve is operated 
 by a cable which is secured to the shipper sheave and 
 obtains its motion from a hand-rope lever or wheel 
 mechanism in the car, subject to the will of the operator. 
 Hydraulic Plunger Freight Elevator 
 and the water pressure. The descent of the platform is 
 accomplished by exhausting the water from the cylinder. 
 A suitable valve, which is under the control of the operator, 
 permits the pressure water to flow into the cylinder when 
 the car is to be raised or to exhaust the water when the 
 car is to be lowered. 
 For very short lifts plunger elevators require no hoisting 
 cables since the platform is supported from underneath. 
 For higher lifts the car and its load introduce an objection 
 able lack of balance in the extreme limit of travel and a 
 serious difference in the work done in the up and down 
 travel. For this reason a counterbalance is introduced in 
 Vertical Hydraulic Elevator Engine 
 The travel of the car with respect to the piston travel 
 may be any desired ratio. This is accomplished by a 
 principle substantially the same as a block-and-fall. The 
 cylinder may be made a convenient length. For a two-to- 
 one gear, i. e., a car travel of two feet to one foot of 
 piston travel, the roping is arranged as follows : One end 
 of the rope is secured to an overhead beam which supports 
 the overhead sheave. It then passes under the travelling 
 sheave shown in the frame connected to the piston rods 
 and up the elevator shaft to the overhead sheave which 
 properly directs the cable plumb over the centre of the car. 
 The ratio of travel may be varied by changing the number 
 of sheaves, in which case the stationary sheaves need not 
 be located on the overhead beams but may be secured at a 
 suitable point in the hatchway. 
 The pressure water is delivered to the cylinder by con 
 necting cither to a tec on the upper end of the circulating 
 pipe or to a tee located on the circulating pipe near the 
 operating valve. In the latter case the upper tee is either 
 replaced by an elbow or is plugged. With the elevator at 
 rest, if the shipper sheave is turned so that the valve is 
 moved down, the upper end of the cylinder is in communi 
 cation with the lower end. The pressures are then equal 
 ized and the weight of the car and its load will cause the 
 car to descend, at the same time pulling up the piston. If 
 the valve is brought to the central position the communica 
 tion between the cylinder ends is cut off and the elevator 
 will come to rest. 
 To cause the elevator to ascend the valve is moved up, 
 thus permitting the lower end of the cylinder to lie put in 
 communication with the discharge pipe shown below. The 
 pressure water on the top of the piston will thus force 
 it down and the car will ascend. 
 Suppose the circulating pipe were omitted and the 
 pressure water introduced above the piston. When the 
 piston is in the upper part of the cylinder the total force 
 urging it downward would be due to the hydraulic pressure 
 acting on the area of the piston. When the piston is in the 
 lower part of the cylinder the hydraulic pressure is aug 
 mented by the additional weight of the column of water 
 above it. This causes a serious unbalancing of the lifting 
 force. Suppose now that the piston is at its lowest point 
 and the circulating pipe is introduced as shown. When the 
 piston rises a suction is produced and water will follow 
 the piston to a height determined by the barometric pressure 
 which under ordinary circumstances is about 34 ft. With 
 this arrangement when the piston is above, the column of 
 water underneath will exert a suction depending upon the 
 height of the column and vary from a maximum at the top 
 to zero at the bottom. Likewise the weight of water above 
 the piston is small when the piston is at the top and reaches 
 a maximum when at the bottom. This reverses the condi 
 tions due to the suction. The compensating influence of the 
 circulating pipe is thus established. 
 For high rise installations the cylinder is made about 30 
 ft. long and the gear of the elevator is chosen to suit. 
 This will leave the circulating pipe undisturbed. Where the 
 cylinder is made longer than the height of the column of 
 water sustained by the atmospheric pressure the cylinder 
 is provided with a "goose neck." This device consists of 
 using the discharge pipe which connects to the under side 
 of the cylinder and carrying it vertically to a height such 
 that the return bend at the upper end of the pipe is about 
 30 ft. below the top of the cylinder. Thus the actual height 
 of the column of liquid in the cylinder above the discharge 
 pipe is no more than can be sustained by the atmospheric 
 Circulating pipes are not ordinarily used on high pressure 
 cstems since the variation of the effect of the column of 
 water in comparison with the working pressure is too small 
 to cause any serious unbalancing. 
 Horizontal Piston Engines 
 The horizontal machine consists of a cylinder and a piston 
 much the same as the vertical cylinder machine described. 
 The piston is secured to traveling sheaves which move 
 away from the cylinder when lifting the car. Stationary 
 sheaves are secured to the head end of the cylinder as shown 
 in the illustration. When the pressure water is introduced 
 Horizontal Hydraulic Elevator Engine 
 into the cylinder the sheaves are forced apart. Thus when 
 the sheaves are the minimum distance apart the car is at 
 the lowest position in the shaft and will rise when 
 water is forced into the cylinder. The car descends by 
 gravity and exhausts the water from the cylinder. The 
 admission or exhaust is accomplished by means of a suit 
 able valve. 
 Another type of horizontal machine used extensively is 
 the "pulling" type. Here the piston rod is in tension and 
 the sheaves are pulled apart when lifting the load. 
 Tlie various hydraulic elevators described are usually 
 equipped with a pilot valve which controls the main valve. 
 This became necessary early in the development of such 
 elevators because the operation of the main valve from the 
 car became a physical impossibility. Accurate and smooth 
 stops were difficult to obtain particularly at the high speeds. 
 Typical Hydraulic Installation 
 A complete installation of a hydraulic vertical cylinder 
 installation is illustrated. Steam is supplied to the pump 
 through a pipe in which a valve is actuated by a pressure 
 General Arrangement of an Hydraulic Elevator 
 regulator. When the pressure drops below normal the 
 valve is opened and admits steam to the pump. It shuts 
 off again when the pressure rises to a predetermined 
 amount. The discharge from the pump is pumped into the 
 pressure tank, which is partly filled with air to act as a 
 cushion. The air supply is kept at about one-third of the 
 volume of the tank and is supplied to the tank through the 
 water pump by simply admitting air at its suction side. 
 The operation of the elevator has been outlined in connec 
 tion with the vertical cylinder machine previously described 
 and need not l>e repeated here. 
 The exhaust from the cylinder is returned into the dis 
 charge tank from which it is drawn into the pump, as the 
 occasion requires. A relief valve is inserted in the supply 
 pipe to prevent excessive pressure due to careless operation 
 of the elevator or in case of failure of the pressure regu 
 lator to cut off steam supply when the pressure is up to 
 normal and the elevator is not in service. 
 Ordinarily the pumps used in the smaller hydraulic 
 elevator installations arc double-acting duplex. For higher 
 economy the compound cylinders are used in place of the 
 single cylinders. On the very large installations high duty 
 pumping engines are used since in these the steam is used 
 expansively. Their much greater cost prevents their ex 
 tended use in the smaller installations. Where electricity 
 or other motive power is used triplex single-acting pumps 
 are common. 
 If the hydraulic pressure in the street mains is sufficiently 
 high and reasonably constant, the pumping plant may be 
 dispensed with unless the cost of water is excessive. This 
 is an economic problem and must be solved for each par 
 ticular case. 
 Pressure Tanks 
 Pressure tanks in elevator installations may be located 
 as shown in the typical installation. Open tanks located on 
 the roof of the building may be used if the height is such 
 as to give sufficient hydro-static pressure to operate the 
 elevator. Sometimes the pressure tank is located high in 
 the building, thus subjecting the tanks to a lower pressure 
 but yet maintaining the desired pressure at the elevator 
 For low pressure service (i. c., between 100 Ib. and 150 
 Ib. per sq. in.) pressure tanks or open tanks on the roof are 
 used. For high pressures (such as 750 Ib. per sq. in.) 
 the reserve pressure water is usually stored in weighted 
 The plunger elevator is a good example of a hydraulic 
 accumulator. If the platform is loaded to the degree re 
 quired to maintain a predetermined pressure, in the or 
 dinary operation of the accumulator, water will be stored 
 when the pumps supply water at a pressure in excess of 
 the accumulator pressure and the accumulator will furnish 
 water at the desired pressure when the pumps fail in the 
 supply pressure. As a general rule the water storage ca 
 pacity of accumulators is very small and they are used to 
 relieve peak loads on the pumping plant. 
 Steam-Hydraulic Elevators 
 In the ordinary hydraulic elevator the pressure water is 
 obtained by some form of pump. The use of pumps may 
 be avoided by applying steam pressure directly on the 
 water. Interposing a blanket of air, thus separating the 
 steam from the water, as shown in the illustration, prevents 
 excessive condensation that would result from direct con 
 tact of the steam and the water. As shown, the water for 
 operating the elevator is at the bottom of the pressure tank 
 and the steam for operating is introduced above. The air, 
 being heavier than the steam, will remain next to the water. 
 The steam is introduced so as to prevent agitation of the 
 air ; the air blanket is thus used as a piston in forcing the 
 water into the cylinder of the elevator mechanism. 
 The steam inlet and the water outlet may he operated 
 simultaneously by a rope control, liy means of a ball check 
 valve the water level remains constant and permits the 
 requisite amount of air to enter to provide the proper air 
 Pneumatic Elevators 
 The use of air as a working medium in the cylinders of 
 pneumatic elevators is found desirable where compressed 
 air must be used for other purposes. Such elevators are 
 ordinarily used for short lifts in freight handling. The 
 usual types are the rope and the direct acting. In the 
 Steam-Hydraulic Elevator Water Cylinder 
 rope type elevator compressed air is introduced at the top 
 of the cylinder and forces the piston down hence raising 
 the platform by rope gearing. Where headroom is of no 
 consequence a direct-acting elevator is less costly of in 
 Steam-Driven Elevators 
 The steam-driven passenger elevator is practically ob 
 solete. Few of those constructed in the early days remain 
 in service. The steam-driven traction type is still to be 
 had though installations of this kind are rare. 
 Steam driven equipments are used frequently in building 
 construction. The engine consists usually of a vertical 
 boiler with two simple engines having cranks set at right 
 angles. As a rule the drum is not scored to receive the 
 cables such as is common practice in drum winding engines 
 but the rope is permitted to wind on itself. The operator 
 determines the position of the platform by a tell-tale fas- 
 tened to the rope. The lifting cables raise the entire load, 
 as counterweights are not used. The car descends by 
 gravity while the speed is held in check by a brake con 
 trolled by the operator. 
 Hand-Power Elevators 
 The use of hand-power elevators is limited to installa 
 tions where the demand for elevator service is infrequent 
 and where the expense of power-driven machines is not 
 warranted. These elevators require little space, may be 
 installed at low cost and require but little attention either 
 for maintenance or operation. 
 Sidewalk Elevators 
 The chief use of basement or sidewalk elevators is to 
 carry merchandise up and down for hotels, apartment 
 houses, stores and light manufacturing establishments. A 
 much used type is illustrated which consists of a wheel 
 with a crank handle attached ; this is geared by a series 
 of wheels to a shaft below which carries the winding drums 
 on which the lifting cables wind. The cables, two in 
 number, pass over sheaves one of which is placed near 
 the top and thence down to the underside of the platform. 
 The speed reduction must be such as to permit one man 
 to lift the maximum load which may be placed on the 
 The brake may be secured to the post with the brake 
 shoe resting on the upper side of the wheel. The function 
 Where it is impossible to put the hand-wheel or crank 
 on the guide post, it may be offset. This type should not 
 be used if the type previously described can be installed, 
 for should the chain fail the platform is free to fall un 
 Hand-power elevators of the types described are suitable 
 where the work is light and service infrequent. Their initial 
 cost is small and the cost of operation and maintenance is 
 low. If the service becomes frequent it may warrant the 
 installation of one of the types which are described later. 
 Counterweights are not used on sidewalk lifts. The load 
 is raised by virtue of the power expended ; descent of the 
 elevator is entirely by gravity. 
 Freight Elevators 
 Hand-power freight elevators are used when the service 
 is such that the power elevator is economically undesirable. 
 It is cheap compared with the power elevator yet superior 
 to the ordinary hoist. In one type which is illustrated as 
 representative of this style of elevator the overhead shaft 
 carries the winding drums and is geared to the pull-wheel. 
 The counterweight cable also winds on the drum. The 
 Basement Elevator 
 Hand Power Elevator 
 Carriage Elevator 
 of this brake is to control the speed on the down trip; 
 this must be kept in check since the car gains velocity as 
 it descends due to the acceleration and might crash into 
 the pit. 
 counterweight guide is usually enclosed to prevent anyone 
 from being struck by the counterweight. The operator is 
 required to lift only the difference in the weights between 
 the load on the platform and that in the counterweight and 
 in addition overcome the friction set up in the mechanism. 
 The car is equipped with a safety device which grips 
 the guides in case the lifting cables break. A brake is also 
 attached to the pull-wheel, which is operated by a rope. 
 This is made necessary since the gearing will not sustain 
 the load in any position and therefore the descending speed 
 of the car must be under control at all times. The power 
 is furnished through a hand rope and the lifting is done 
 by means of steel cables. 
 Another style of car, the particular advantage of which 
 lies in the fact that the lower floor is not mutilated by pit 
 construction, is also illustrated. This is accomplished by 
 beveling the edges of the car platform so as to permit 
 wheeling onto the platform. 
 Portable Elevators 
 Where goods must be stored on the floor economy i 
 space requires that it be piled as high as possible. The lim 
 iting heights to which such goods may be piled depends 
 upon the permissible load per sqaare foot of floor sparr 
 and the ability of the goods at the bottom of the pile to 
 sustain the pressure of the goods above it. The piling of 
 the goods to the ceiling is accomplished in one of two ways 
 stepping and vertical piling. In the stepping method the 
 steps are made a convenient height for handling the goods 
 manually. The objection to this method of storage is the in 
 efficient use of the space required by the steps. Vertical 
 piling is accomplished by the portable elevators to be de 
 scribed. In this case the goods are piled to occupy all the 
 space except such as is needed for aisles, passage, etc. 
 The portable elevators may be used for piling cases, bales, 
 barrels, etc.. unloading trucks, elevating machinery for 
 Portable elevators, as used in piling machine*, consist of 
 uprights which act also as guides for the elevating platform 
 on which the gmxls are placed for hoisting. The platform is 
 elevated by some suitable mechanism. The elevator has 
 wheels for moving it from place to place but is provided 
 with legs when in operation so as to avoid the possibility 
 of its moving when loading or unloading. Means must 
 also be provided for securing the load in any position should 
 the operator cease for any reason to furnish lifting force. 
 The construction of the platform depends upon the use 
 to which it is to be put. For soft packages such as bags, or 
 for rolling containers such as barrels or drums, the flat 
 platform is used. Roller platforms are used for compact 
 containers such as cases or bales. The rollers are usually 
 so arranged that they may roll from front to rear of the 
 platform or may be removed from their sockets and be 
 Motor Operated 
 erecting or repair purposes, elevating liquids to permit si 
 phoning or pouring, elevating to platforms or balconies or 
 between floors. The last case is a direct substitute for the 
 freight elevator and is used when a fixed elevator would 
 not be justified. 
 Hand Operated 
 placed so as to roll from side to side depending upon the 
 As far as motive power is concerned the elevators may 
 be operated by hand or by a motor of some kind. Where 
 high lifts are necessary a motor drive may be found de- 
 sirable. In general, the frequency of use and the cost of moving the machines from place to place and increasing 
 handling will determine whether it is best to use hand or materially the usefulness of the device. 
 motor drive. The apparatus as a whole is made either revolving or non- 
 Revolving Type Portable Elevator 
 Handling Rolls of Paper 
 For low rises where the elevator need not be transported revolving. The revolving type is used where it is required 
 under beams or low doorways, the guides may be in one to load from one position and discharge in any direction, 
 piece. For high rises they are usually hinged so that they Where these requirements do not exist the non-revolving 
 may be folded, thus reducing the headroom required for type will answer. 
 Elevator Details 
 Much importance should be attached to the safe opera 
 tion of elevators. Strictly speaking any device which con 
 trols or prevents elevator service from departing from 
 normal operation is a safety device. However, usage 
 limits the name to such devices placed on the car or coun 
 terweight as to prevent either of them from falling or from 
 attaining excessive speed. 
 Early devices designed to prevent the car from falling 
 were of the "broken rope" type, the arrangement being 
 such that if the hoisting rope remained in tension the safety 
 was inoperative. A breakage of the rope immediately 
 brought the car to a stop in a manner depending upon the 
 type of safety used. One of the early devices consisted 
 of a pawl with ratchet teeth secured to the guides. The 
 breaking of the rope permitted the pawl to engage the 
 teeth and thus suddenly stop the car. 
 Another arrangement consisted of planer teeth which 
 ;npped the guides and grooved or planed as the car de 
 scended. Though this arrangement required a longer time 
 to stop the car, the stop was still too abrupt. Since most 
 ight elevators, either in normal or in emergency service, 
 act as passenger elevators, safeties should be designed for 
 gradual stops so that the retardations produced are not so 
 high as to be dangerous to life and limb. 
 A common type safety, which is illustrated, consists of a 
 Safety Clamps 
 scored drum having a hub provided with right and left 
 hand screw threads which engage with two screws. A ro 
 tation of the drum in the proper direction pushes the 
 screws outward, thus thrusting wedges between a pair of 
 clamp levers and forcing the jaws against the guides. The 
 great pressure thus produced brings the car to rest. One 
 end of the rope is secured to the drum ;md the other to 
 the governor which is placed overhead. 
 Improvements in this method consist of graduating the 
 pressure by springs so that the retarding force is limited 
 to that which will produce retardations well within that 
 which the human body can endure with comfort. 
 Hoisting ropes for elevator service consist usually of 19 
 wires twisted together into a strand, a set of these strands 
 being twisted about a hemp centre. The materials used are 
 iron or steel. For drum winding engines the iron wire is 
 suitable since it is more pliable and will absorb consider 
 able impact without producing undue stresses in the rope. 
 It cannot be subjected to much abrasion such as in trac 
 tion service. 
 Steel rope is stronger than iron rope for a given diame 
 ter and is used where the strength is more important than 
 ductility or where the abrasion would cause speedy de 
 struction of the rope. The common practice is to use soft 
 steel for these ropes although for heavy loads stronger 
 steels are sometimes desirable, 
 In traction drive elevators two forms of grooves are 
 used, the U and the V. Where the U-groove is used an 
 idler is required to give the necessary "traction" to the 
 rope. In the V-groove the wedging action of the groove 
 on the rope produces a greater friction for the same ten 
 sion in the rope. Experience to be gained in the future 
 will show whether the greater wear of cables is occasioned 
 by the distortion of the rope in the V-grooves or by the 
 increased bending of the ropes in the case of the U- 
 grooves with the addition of an idler sheave. 
 For hand ropes or dumb-waiter hoisting ropes, where 
 the rope must pass over small diameter sheaves, "tiller- 
 ropes" are used. They are composed of 252 wires and 
 are made up of a hemp core around which are twisted 6 
 ropes each of which consists of 6 strands of 7 wires each 
 wound about its own hemp centre. 
 The refinements to be introduced in freight elevator serv 
 ice depend upon the frequency of service and the need for 
 decreased waiting time. For the simplest cases the signals 
 consist of push-buttons on each floor with an annunciator 
 in the car. Where greater refinement is required two push 
 buttons are used for "up" or "down" calls. The annuncia 
 tor in this case is provided with a double row of "drops" 
 or lights for the information of the operator. Where ele 
 vators are in groups one push-button signals all elevators. 
 An arrangement for informing the passenger as to the 
 location of the car consists of a dial on which are marked 
 the floors of the building. A pointer rotated by suitable 
 mechanism indicates the floor at which the car is located, 
 and if moving in which direction the car is going. 
 A more elaborate system is outlined in the description of 
 the army base installation. 
 Elevator Installations 
 The elevator installations described here are examples of 
 the possibilities of the elevators as applied to material han 
 dling. The first layout described covers an application 
 where large quantities of materials are handled in small 
 units requiring a large number of elevators to supply the 
 frequent service demanded. In the second instance the con 
 ditions require large capacity in a single unit. 
 Warehouse Installation 
 The army base located at Brooklyn, X. V., has an ex 
 cellent example of modern freight handling. Of the two 
 buildings known as A> and /}, warehouse A is 200 ft. x 980 
 ft. in plan, and nine stories high with a gross floor area of 
 1,765,000 sq. ft. and a storage capacity of 144,000 tons. 
 Warehouse B is 306 ft. x 980 ft. in plan with eight 
 stories and basement and has a gross floor area of 2,130,000 
 sq. ft. and a storage capacity of 180.000 tons. 
 An important link in the transportation system is the 
 freight elevators. These arc grouped and are operated 
 from a central station. The horizontal movement of the 
 freight in and about the warehouses is accomplished by the 
 trailer and truck method. 
 The elevators are laid out in three groups in warehouse 
 A and three twin groups on either side of a central court 
 in warehouse /?. The elevators are designed for a speed of 
 150 ft. per min. and an average running time of about 1 min. 
 for the round trip. To allow for delays in loading and un 
 loading, opening and closing of doors, and dispatching, it 
 was assumed that each elevator would make ten trips per 
 hour and move four truck loads or 30 tons of freight per 
 Since the maximum requirements of warehouse A were 
 assumed as 796 tons per hour this would require 27 elevators 
 without allowance for breakdown. Actually 30 elevators 
 were installed in this building. In warehouse B the require 
 ments were figured at 1.250 tons per hour and thus 42 ele 
 vators were required. Xo spare equipment was included 
 in this building. Thus the floor area served by the elevators 
 provided one elevator for each 59.900 sq. ft. in warehouse 
 A and one for each 50,500 sq. ft. in warehouse B. 
 To provide for lifting four trailers at once each car has 
 a floor area of 9 ft. x 7 ft. with a capacity of 10,000 Ib. 
 Doors at cither end of the elevators are automatically op 
 erated by a chain extending from top to bottom of the 
 Tractors Leaving the Elevators 
 hatchway and back. The doors open when the elevator 
 reaches the desired floor and are closed by pushing a but 
 ton. An interlocking switch is provided to prevent the ele 
 vator from leaving the floor until the door is closed. The 
 doors open and close quickly and are checked near the 
 limits of travel to prevent slamming. They are evenly 
 counterbalanced and move by means of a friction clutch. 
 It requires little force to open and close the doors and 
 should a person be caught under the door it will stop read 
 ily without danger of serious harm to the individual. Due 
 to the limited story height the doors open into the hatchway 
 after traveling a vertical distance of 18 in. This avoids the 
 destructive action of the truck wheels on bi-parted doors 
 where the truck must pass over the edge of the lower half 
 of the door. There are two doors for each elevator on 
 opposite sides so that loading is done on one side and un 
 loading from the other side. 
 To permit the trucks to ride smoothly from the car to 
 the floor the micro-leveling device, previously described, is 
 included in the elevator equipment. This has made prac 
 ticable the application of push-button control in this installa 
 The third floor is the main operating floor. Here is lo 
 cated the central dispatcher s desk opposite each elevator 
 group. On this desk are two buttons for each of the other 
 floors, one to dispatch the car to that floor and the other 
 to call the car from that floor. An interlocking switch pre- 
 The Dispatcher Controls Ten Elevators 
 vents the car from being called from the floor unless the 
 elevator doors are closed at that floor. On each floor is a 
 dispatch button to send the car to the main operating floor. 
 Each elevator in addition is also equipped with a car 
 switch to permit operation with an attendant on the car. 
 All the elevators in a group are operated by a single oper 
 ator thus dispensing with the cost of individual operators. 
 The operator is in telephonic communication with each 
 floor and with the director of traffic. By means of signal 
 lights on his dispatch board he has before him the position 
 of all elevators in his group. It is possible to receive in 
 formation by the telephone concerning the state of loading 
 and the requirements for the load in his particular group 
 of elevators. 
 Portable elevators are also used for 
 throughout the warehouses. 
 tiering purposes 
 Coal Shipping Plant 
 From the viewpoint of magnitude, the coal handling 
 equipment of the Virginian Railway Company at Sewell s 
 Point, Virginia, merits consideration. The new equipment 
 consists of a tandem car dumper, transfer cars, and a trans 
 fer car elevator. 
 The cars from the mines have their contents dumped 
 into special 120-ton transfer cars. These are then run onto 
 the car elevator and are raised to the top of the loading 
 tickets on the pier where their contents are dumped The 
 coal , s then discharged as needed into ships lying along- 
 de the pier. After the transfer car is emptied it runs to 
 the end of the pier and is there switched to a return track 
 located at the centre of the pier, from which it runs down a 
 grade to the yard level. It is then switched back to the 
 loading track which passes in front of the car dumper. By 
 Ground Level View 
 this means four million tons of coal are handled over this 
 pier each year. 
 \Yhen the transfer car receives its load from the car 
 dumper it is switched onto the elevator and is lifted 67 
 ft. to the elevation of the top of the pier. The elevator 
 consists of a steel framework carrying sheaves for the 
 End Elevation 
 hoisting ropes and forming a vertical guide for the lifting 
 platform which it encloses. The lifting platform carries 
 the rails for the transfer car and also a section of overhead 
 trolley wire which is energized only at the upper and lower 
 limits of travel. 
 The counterbalance consists of heavy cast iron weights, 
 so adjusted as to require practically the same pull on the 
 lifting cables for up and down travel, thus equalizing the 
 load on both trips and requiring a smaller motor than that 
 which would be required if the car descended by gravity. 
 The machinery for operating the platform consists of 
 two large drums geared to an intermediate shaft by cut 
 gears. This shaft is geared to two motors by cut herring 
 bone reductions. Each motor has a continuous rating of 
 450 h. p.; the motors are of open type, compound wound 
 for a direct current of 550 volts. 
 The motors and intermediate reductions are mounted on 
 a continuous bed plate anchored to a concrete foundation. 
 A solenoid-operated brake is attached to the armature 
 shaft of each motor, so arranged as to set as the current 
 is cut from the motor. 
 The gearing of the elevator is proportioned to produce 
 a complete cycle in two minutes. There are three separate 
 rope systems used in the operation of the lifting platform; 
 one leading from the drums directly to the platform: the 
 second from the drums to the counterweight, and the third 
 from the counterweight to the platform. This is the com 
 mon practice in drum machines. There are twelve \ l /& in. 
 diameter ropes leading to each of the drums and twelve l^i 
 in. ropes between the platform and the counterweights. 
 Connecting the frame of the elevator to the pier is a 
 hinged run-off girder introduced to insure perfect align 
 ment of the rails on the platform and the pier. This girder 
 is hinged to the pier in such a manner as to permit of a 
 vertical movement of the free end amounting to about two 
 feet. The free end of the girder normally rests on brackets 
 on the elevator frame from which it is lifted by projecting 
 lugs on the platform as it comes to the position of its upper 
 limit. This upper limit of travel is accurately controlled 
 by an electric limit switch geared to the hoisting mechanism. 
 Power is supplied to the trolley wires in this position. The 
 transfer car passes from the elevator, over the hinged runoff 
 girder, and discharges its coal into the proper pocket on the 
 The empty car then returns down the inclined track in 
 the centre of the pier structure, to the loading track in 
 front of the car dumper, taking its regular turn in the oper 
 ation of the svstcm. 
 A Code of Safety Standards 
 For the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Elevators and Dumbwaiters* 
 a This code of safety standards is intended as a guide 
 for the construction, maintenance and operation of elevators, 
 dumbwaiters, escalators! and their hoistways except as 
 stated in the following paragraph. 
 b This code does not apply to belt, bucket, scoop, roller 
 or similar inclined or vertical freight conveyors, tiering or 
 piling machines, skip hoists, wharf ramps or apparatus in 
 kindred classes, amusement devices, stage lifts or lift bridges, 
 elevators of capacity exceeding 10,000 Ib. and platform area 
 exceeding ISO sq. ft. when suspended by cables near each cor 
 ner of the.hoistway or at any additional positions (such as 
 are used to handle loaded drays, automobiles, electric or 
 steam railroad cars), nor to elevators used only for han 
 dling building materials and mechanics during the building 
 c The code recognizes the deteriorating influence of wear, 
 rough usage, and the atmosphere under which elevator ap 
 paratus, particularly door locks, interlocks and electric con 
 tacts, are required to operate. In the design and installation 
 of such apparatus, due regard must be given to these con 
 ditions and to the construction upon which they are mounted. 
 In these regulations the following terms shall be under 
 stood as here defined. 
 Elevator. An elevator is a hoisting and lowering 
 mechanism equipped with a car which moves in guides in a 
 substantially vertical direction. 
 NOTE: Dumbwaiters, endless belts, conveyers, chains, buckets, etc., 
 used for the purpose of conveying and elevating materials, and 
 tiering or piling machines operating within one stcry are not included 
 in the term "Elevator." 
 Elevators are divided into two classes ns follows: (1) Passenger 
 Elevators; (2) Freight Elevators. 
 Passenger Elevator. A passenger elevator is an ele 
 vator on which passengers, including employees other than 
 *Prepared by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 
 tEscalators are net treated here; therefore that part of the code 
 is omitted. 
 those specified in the definition of freight elevator, are 
 permitted to ride. 
 NOTE: This definition does not apply to elevators for carrying 
 passengers in public or private conveyances where the passengers 
 are not permitted to alight from the conveyance while on the 
 Freight Elevator. A freigiit elevator is an elevator 
 used for carrying freight, on which only the operator 
 and the persons necessary for loading and unloading are 
 permitted to ride. 
 Power Elevator. A power elevator is an elevator in 
 which the motion of the car is obtained by applying energy 
 other than by hand or gravity. 
 Hand Elevator. A hand elevator is an elevator which 
 is operated by hand and which has no other power attached. 
 Gravity Elevator. A gravity elevator is an elevator 
 which is used only for the lowering of freight by gravity. 
 Dumbwaiter. A dumbwaiter is a hoisting and lower 
 ing mechanism equipped with a car, the floor area of which 
 does not exceed 9 sq. ft., whose compartment height does 
 not exceed 4 ft., the capacity of which does not exceed 
 500 Ib. and which is used exclusively for carrying small 
 packages and freight. 
 Escalator. An escalator is a moving inclined con 
 tinuous stairway or runway used for raising or lowering 
 Electric Elevator. An electric elevator is an elevator 
 in which the motion of the car is obtained by an electric 
 motor directly applied to the elevator machinery. 
 Steam Elevator. A steam elevator is an elevator in 
 which the motion of the car is obtained by a steam engine 
 directly applied to the elevator machinery. 
 Double-Belted Elevator. A double-belted elevator is 
 an elevator in which the machine is connected to an inde 
 pendent source of power, such as shafting, by two belts or 
 similar means and in which the direction of motion is 
 changed without reversal of the prime mover. 
 Hydraulic Elevator. A hydraulic elevator is an ele- 
 vator in which the motion of the car is obtained by liquid 
 under pressure. 
 Plunger Elevator. A plunger elevator is a hydraulic 
 elevator having a ram or plunger directly attached to the 
 under side of the car platform. 
 Automatic Button-Control Elevator. An automatic 
 button-control elevator is an elevator the operation of which 
 is controlled by buttons in such manner that all landing 
 stops are automatic. 
 Platform Elevator. A platform elevator is an eleva 
 tor without a car sling, the platform of which is suspended 
 or supported at one or more points at or below the plat 
 form level. 
 NOTE: A platform elevator within the building line, having a 
 travel exceeding 15 ft., shall conform to the requirements for either 
 passenger or freight elevators, depending upon the use tu which it 
 is put. 
 Sidewalk Elevator. A sidewalk elevator is a freight 
 elevator of the platform type, the hatch opening of which 
 is located either partially or wholly outside the building line. 
 NOTE: Sidevalk elevators having a travel exceeding 30 ft. shall 
 conform to the requirements of power freight elevators. 
 Elevator Machine. An elevator machine is the ma 
 chinery and its equipment used in raising and lowering the 
 elevator car. 
 Winding Drum Machine. A winding drum machine 
 is an elevator machine in which the cables are fastened to, 
 and wind on, a drum. 
 Traction Machine. A traction machine is an elevator 
 machine in which the motion of the car is obtained by 
 means of traction between the driving drum, sheave or 
 sheaves and the hoisting cables. 
 Hoistway. A hoistway is any shaftway, hatchway, 
 well hole or other vertical opening or space, in which the 
 elevator or dumbwaiter travels. The hoistway may or 
 may not be enclosed. 
 Travel. The travel of an elevator or dumbwaiter is 
 the vertical distance from the lowest to the highest landing. 
 Overtravel. Overtravel at the top of the hoistway is 
 the distance available for the car to travel above the top 
 terminal landing until the car is stopped by automatic 
 means independent of the manual car control. 
 Overtravel at the bottom of the hoistway is the distance 
 available for the car platform to travel below the lower 
 terminal landing without any part of the car construction 
 being obstructed, except by the bumpers or buffers installed 
 in the pit. The movement of the car necessary to fully 
 compress the bumpers or buffers may be included in the 
 Dvertravel at the bottom. 
 Clearance. Clearance at the top of the hoistway is 
 the vertical distance between the lowest point of the super 
 structure and the highest point of the car enclosure or cross 
 head when the car is at the limit of the overtravel at the 
 top. Clearance at the bottom of the hoistway is the vertical 
 distance between the floor of the pit and the lowest point 
 on the understructure of the car sling, exclusive of the 
 safeties, guide brackets, or shoes, when the car is resting 
 on the bumpers or buffers fully compressed. 
 Landing. A landing is that portion of a floor, bal 
 cony or platform immediately in front of the landing doors, 
 used to receive and discharge passengers or freight. 
 Hoistway Door or Gate. A hoistway door or gate 
 is the door or gate in the enclosure of the elevator hoistway 
 at any landing. 
 Elevator-Car Door or Gate. An elevator-car door or 
 gate is the door or gate in the elevator car. 
 Full-Automatic Door or Gate. A full-automatic door 
 or gate is one which is opened and closed automatically, 
 directly or indirectly, by the motion of the car. 
 Semi-Automatic Door or Gate. A semi-automatic 
 door or gate is one which is manually opened and is closed 
 directl} or indirectly by the motion of the car. 
 Independently Operated Door or Gate. An inde 
 pendently operated door or gate is one which is opened and 
 closed manually or by power from a source in no way 
 derived from the motion of the car. 
 Elevator Car. An elevator car is the load-carrying 
 unit, including platform, its supporting and guiding frame, 
 and enclosure. 
 Car Sling. A car sling is the frame consisting of the 
 cross-head to which the hoisting cables and guide shoes 
 are usually attached, the car posts or stiles and the under 
 cross-member which supports the car sills, platform and 
 guide shoes. 
 Suspension Frame. A suspension frame is the struc 
 ture (including the car sling, if any) to which the hoisting 
 cables are usually attached and which support the car 
 floor and sill. 
 Hoistway-Door Interlock. A hoistway-door inter 
 lock is a device the purpose of which is: 
 1 To prevent the movement of the car: 
 a Unless only that hoistway door, opposite 
 which the car is standing, is closed and locked 
 (Door Unit System) I or 
 b Unless all hoistway doors arc closed and 
 locked (Hoistway Unit System). 
 NOTE: The interlock shall not prevent the movement of the car 
 when the emergency release hereinafter described is in temporary 
 use or when the car is being: moved by a slow- speed car-leveling 
 2 To prevent the opening of a hoistway door 
 from the landing side : 
 a Unless the car is standing at rest at that 
 landing, and 
 b Unless the car is coasting past the landing 
 with ils car control mechanism in the STOP 
 A hoistway door or gate shall be considered closed and 
 locked when within 4 in. of full closure, if at this position 
 and any other up to full closure, the door or gate cannot 
 be opened from the landing side more than 4 in. 
 Interlocks may permit the starting of the elevator when 
 the door is within 4 in. or less of full closure, provided 
 that the door can again be opened up to 4 in. from full 
 closure from any position within this range except that of 
 full closure. 
 Hoistway-Door Electric Contact. A hoistway-door 
 electric contact is an electrical device the purpose of 
 which is : 
 1 To prevent the movement of the car: 
 a Unless only that hoistway door opposite 
 which the car is standing is within 2 in. of 
 the fully closed position (Door Unit Sys 
 tem) ; or 
 b Unless all hoistway doors are within 2 in. of 
 the fully closed position. 
 NOTK: The contact shall not prevent the movement of the car 
 when the emergency release hereinafter described is in temporary 
 use or when the car is being moved by a slow-speed car-leveling 
 Car-Gate Electric Contact. A car-gate electric con 
 tact is an electrical device the purpose of which is to 
 prevent the normal operation of the car, except by the use 
 of a car-leveling device, unless the car gate is in the 
 closed position. 
 Emergency Release. An emergency release is a de 
 vice the purpose of which is to make inoperative electric 
 contacts or hoistway-door interlocks. 
 Car-Leveling Device. A car-leveling device is a 
 mechanism the purpose of which is to move the car auto 
 matically toward the landing level from cither direction 
 and to maintain the car platform at the landing level 
 during loading or unloading. A leveling device, how 
 ever, may also be used for the emergency operation of 
 the car. 
 Hoistway Construction for Passenger 
 and Freight Elevators 
 Section 10 Hoistway Construction 
 Rule 100 Fire-Resisting Hoistways 
 a Except for elevators in private residences, passen 
 ger elevators shall he installed in lire-resisting hoistways 
 conforming to the requirements of the Building Code of 
 the National Board of Fire Underwriters, unless state laws 
 or municipal ordinances require a hoistway the lire-re 
 sisting qualities of which are greater than specified in the 
 above-mentioned Code. 
 NOTE: Experience has demonstrated the value of the elevator as a 
 life-savins device in case of fire. A simple form of fire-resisting 
 construction (cement plaster on metal lath) will usually resist a fire 
 for a greater length of time than the elevator can be used as an exit 
 from a burning building. Fire-resisting hoistways are therefore 
 recommended for all elevators. 
 b All landing openings in a lire-resisting hoistway shall 
 be provided with tire-resisting doors which comply with 
 the code, or with the laws or ordinances mentioned in Rule 
 lOOa, in so far as there is no conflict with Rule 120a, of 
 this Code. 
 Rule 101 Non-Fire-Resisting Hoistways 
 a For enclosure required for non-lirc-resisting hoist- 
 ways, see Rule 111. 
 Rule 102 Clearance on the Sides of the Hoistways 
 a Hoistways for power elevators, except as slated in 
 Rule 102c. shall have a clearance of not less than three- 
 fourths inch between the sides of the cars and the hoist- 
 way enclosures, and not less than one inch clearance be 
 tween cars and their counterweights. 
 b The clearance between the car platform and the land 
 ing thresholds shall be not less than three-fourths inch nor 
 more than one and one-half inches. 
 c The clearance between a hoistway enclosure and an 
 open side of the car platform shall be not more than 4 in., 
 except as set forth in Rule lllc. 
 NOTE: Paragraphs a, b and c do not limit the clearance between 
 the hoistway enclosure and the car, counterweights or platform of 
 sidewalk elevators haying a travel of not mere than 30 ft., hand 
 elevators or dumb waiters. 
 d If two or more cars are operated in the same hoist- 
 way, the clearance between cars shall be not less than 2 in. 
 e If "tilling in" be necessary to comply with the fore 
 going requirements, the "filling" shall conform to the re 
 quirements of Rule 11 Id for hoistway enclosures. 
 Rule 103 Hoistway Windows, Skylights and Pent 
 a Windows in the hoistway wall of a power freight 
 elevator shall be provided with vertical bars or grating 
 having clearance as specified in Rule 102c, if the car has 
 an entrance toward this wall. The upper surface of the 
 recess formed by the vertical bars shall be beveled on the 
 under side as specified for projections in Rule lllf. 
 b Windows in the hoistway below the seventh floor 
 above the street shall be fitted on the outside with verti 
 cal metal bars not less than live-eighths inch in diameter 
 and spaced not more than 10 in. apart. 
 N oii:: This is the usual method of indicating on the exterior of 
 the building the location of an elevator hoistway, and -t-rvcs to warn 
 firemen attempting to enter the building or placing ladders against 
 such window^. 
 c Unless there is a solid platform, having openings 
 only for the cables, under the machine or sheaves, lire- 
 resisting hoistways which extend through the roof shall 
 have a skylight in the top or one or more windows in the 
 side-walls near the top nf the hoistway. 
 The total glass area of these skylights or windows 
 shall he in each case (1) not less than one-half the area 
 of the hoistway, (2) not less than 3 sq. ft., if the area 
 of the hoistway is 3 sq. ft. or more; and (3) the lull area 
 of the hoistway if the latter is less than 3 sq. ft. 
 The glass shall be plain glass which in a skylight .--hall 
 have a protective netting securely supported over it at 
 least 6 in. from the skylight. The netting shall have a 
 mesh not greater than one inch and shall be made of wire 
 not less than Xo. 12 Stl. \V. gage (0.1055 in. diam. ) 
 NOTE: The purpose of the skylights and windows in addition to 
 providing natural light is to provide a vent for smoke and hot 
 gases in case of fire; consequently the glass must he plain glass, not 
 wired glass, so as to break readily, or the skylight and windows may 
 be arranged to open automatically to the required area upon the 
 fusing of fusible links inside the hoistway near the top, in which 
 case wired glass may be used. 
 d Adequate permanent provision for artificial light 
 (electric light, if available) shall be made in all pent 
 The lamp (or the penthouse lighting switch, if electric 
 light is used) shall he within easy reach of the entrance 
 to the penthouse. 
 It is recommended that the elevator service switch and 
 the penthouse lighting switch be located at the right of 
 the entrance to the penthouse and that both these switches 
 be enclosed. 
 e Safe and convenient access to the penthouse shall 
 be provided and all penthouse doors shall be provided with 
 suitable locks. If the penthouse is used as an emergency 
 exit, these locks shall permit the doors to be opened from 
 the inside without a key. 
 f Penthouses shall be so constructed that there shall 
 be a minimum headroom of 6 ft. above the floor upon 
 which the elevator hoisting machine is supported. 
 Rule 104 Pits, Overtravel and Clearances 
 a A pit shall be provided at the bottom of every power 
 elevator hoistway. except for platform elevators serving 
 only two adjacent floors. 
 b The minimum clearance and overtravel at the top and 
 the bottom of power-elevator hoistways shall be those 
 given in Table I, except that the pit for power sidewalk 
 elevators shall be not less than 2 ft. deep. 
 Xo overtravel shall be required at the bottom of the 
 hoistway of platform elevators serving only two adjacent 
 c The floor of the pit shall be approximately level. 
 Sufficient slope shall be allowed for drainage but no recess 
 shall be allowed under the car sling. 
 NOTE: The requirements of this paragraph may be waived if old 
 foundation footings are encountered in a new installation and it is 
 inadvisable to remove the footing entirely. The hazard due to an 
 uneven pit, however, should be recognized and all possible precau 
 tions taken to minimize this hazard. 
 d The movement necessary to compress the bumpers 
 may be included in the overtravel at the bottom. 
 e A minimum overtravel of 18 in. shall be provided 
 at the top for hand elevators. No overtravel shall be re 
 quired at the bottom for hand elevators. 
 Speed ft. per min. Overtravel ance at Overtravel Clearance at 
 ^ at top, ft. the top, ft. at bottom, ft. bottom, ft 
 Up to 
 Above and including 
 For Hydraulic Plunger Elevators 
 50 2/ 3 2 1 2 
 50 150 3 2 1)4 2 
 150 300 5 2 2-42 
 300 500 7 2 3X 2 
 For Power Elevators of Other Types 
 150 3 2 \y, 2 
 150 350 4 2 2% 2 
 350 500 5 2 3X 
 500 600 S A 2 4/ 2 
 600 800 6 3 / 3 2 
 Speed, ft. per min. 
 r - - ^ Overtravel at top 
 Above Up to and including and bottom 
 100 9 in. 
 100 200 1 ft. 6 in. 
 200 500 2 ft. 6 in. 
 f No overtravel or clearance shall be required for hand 
 g The minimum overtravel at the top and the bottom 
 of power-dumbwaiter hoistways shall be as given in Table 
 II, except that no overtravel shall be required at the lop 
 for "undercounter" dumbwaiters. 
 Rule 105 Machine Supports, Loads on Supports, and 
 Factors of Safety 
 a All machinery and sheaves shall be so supported and 
 anchored as to effectually prevent any part becoming loose 
 or displaced. The supporting beams shall be either of steel, 
 sound timber or reinforced concrete. It shall not be neces 
 sary, however, to install beams under machinery anchored 
 directly either to independent foundations, to the floor of 
 the machine room or to the platform if such foundation, 
 floor or platform is strong enough to meet the require 
 ments for beams. 
 In computing loads on overhead supports, due al 
 lowance must be made for the additional stress imposed 
 by the acceleration and retardation (32.2 ft. per sec. per 
 sec.) of the moving parts. 
 c No elevator machinery, except the idler or deflect 
 ing sheaves with their guards and frames and devices for 
 limiting or retarding the car travel and their accessories, 
 shall be hung underneath the supporting beams at the top 
 of the hoistway. Dumbwaiters, however, are exempted 
 from this rule. 
 d The factor of safety based on the ultimate strength 
 of the material and the loads assumed in Rule lOSb shall 
 be not less than the following: 
 For steel 
 For timber 
 For reinforced 
 Rule 106 Platforms Under Machinery 
 a A flooring of iron, steel, wood or reinforced con 
 crete, capable of sustaining a load of SO Ib. per sq. it., 
 shall be provided at the top of the hoistway immediately 
 below the sheaves or at the machine beams. This rule 
 does not apply to (1) the hoistways of elevators operat 
 ing through automatic hatch covers, (2) to sidewalk ele 
 vators outside the building line, nor (3) to dumbwaiters. 
 If an iron grating is used the mesh shall be not larger 
 than one and one-half in. Any grating with mesh larger 
 than one inch shall be covered by an additional screen 
 of not larger than three-eighths inch mesh. This screen 
 shall be securely fastened in place. 
 b If the grating members are laid flat, they shall be 
 supported by battens spaced not more than 3 ft. apart. 
 If the grating members are placed on edge, there shall 
 be thimbles between each two members strung on metal 
 rods running through the members. The rods shall be 
 riveted at their ends and spaced not more than 3 ft. apart. 
 Equivalent construction may be provided. 
 c Wood platforms in fire-resisting hoistways, unless 
 protected by a lire-resisting covering, shall be not less 
 than 3 in. in thickness. 
 d The platform shall extend not less than 2 ft. be 
 yond the general contour of the sheaves or machines, and 
 to the entrance of the hoistway at or above the level of 
 the platform. 
 e If the platform does not entirely cover the hoistway, 
 the open or exposed sides shall be provided with a standard 
 handrail and toe-board, or with a screened railing not 
 less than 42 in. high. (See Rule llOa.) 
 f Deflecting sheaves extending below the machine level 
 shall be provided with cradles, which comply with the 
 requirements for Class B guards referred to in Rule 110. 
 Rule 107 Stops for Counterweights 
 a For winding drum machines there shall be a per 
 manent, substantial beam or bar at the top of the counter 
 weight guides and beneath the counterweight sheaves to 
 prevent the counterweights from being drawn into the 
 sheaves. This does not apply to dumbwaiter-counter 
 weight guides. 
 Rule 108 Pipes and Wiring 
 a The electrical conductors installed in or under an 
 elevator or counterweight hoistway except the flexible 
 cables connecting the car with the fixed wiring, shall be 
 encased in metal conduits or shall be armored cables. 
 No pipes, except those used to furnish or to control 
 power, light, heat or signals for the elevator or hoistway 
 shall be installed in or under any elevator or counter 
 weight hoistway. 
 No electrical conduits or cables, except such as are used 
 to furnish or control power, light, heat or signals for the 
 elevator or hoistways, shall have an opening, terminal, 
 outlet or junction within the hoistway. 
 Pipes, conduits and armored cables shall be securely 
 fastened to the hoistway to prevent their becoming dis 
 placed by accidents on or to the elevator. 
 b No part of any electric circuit having a nominal 
 voltage rating in excess of 750 volts shall be used on any 
 car-control system. Circuits of higher nominal voltage 
 rating may, however, be used in machine rooms or pent 
 houses for the operation of motors, provided that all 
 control and signal wiring is thoroughly insulated from 
 the power circuit and all machine frames and metal hand 
 ropes are thoroughly grounded. 
 c All live parts of electrical apparatus in elevator 
 hoistways shall be protected against accidental contact of 
 current-carrying parts by suitable metal enclosing cover 
 ings. These coverings shall be thoroughly grounded. All 
 wiring shall comply with the requirements of the National 
 Electrical Safety Code, and with the National Electric 
 (Fire) Code. 
 Rule 109 Thoroughfare Under Hoistways 
 a No thoroughfare shall be permitted across the hatch 
 cover of a hoistway whether inside or outside of a build 
 ing, except over the hatch cover at the top landing of a 
 platform or sidewalk elevator. 
 b A hatch cover of the vertical lifting type for a plat 
 form elevator shall not be used as a thoroughfare nor for 
 storage or a similar purpose unless there is a space of 2 
 ft. above the hatch cover when at the top of its travel. 
 c A hatch cover of the swinging type for a sidewalk 
 elevator shall not be arranged to open against the building 
 nor shall it be used as a thoroughfare unless when verti 
 cally opened there is a space of 18 in. between the covers 
 and any obstruction in the direction of opening. 
 d There shall be no thoroughfare under the hoistway 
 of any elevator, dumbwaiter or counterweight unless all of 
 the following conditions exist: 
 1 The elevator car and counterweights shall be pro 
 vided with bumpers or buffers capable of stop 
 ping the car or counterweight when descending 
 at rated speed with rated load. 
 2 The car and counterweights shall be provided with 
 safety devices conforming to the requirements 
 for such devices. (See Rules 304 and 403.) 
 3 There shall be a floor under the hoistway, sufficiently 
 strong to withstand without injury the impact of 
 the car or counterweight descending at rated 
 load and speed (governor tripping speed where 
 governor is used). 
 Section II Hoistways Guards and Screens 
 Rule 110 Standard Guards 
 a The standard railings, toe-boards, guards for cables 
 and machinery, etc., mentioned in this Code shall conform 
 to the requirements of the A.S.M.E. Code of Safety 
 Standards for Power Transmission Machinery.* 
 Rule 111 Hoistway Enclosures 
 a Where fireproof construction is not required, hoist- 
 ways shall be enclosed to a height not less than 6 ft. from 
 each floor on all sides not used for loading or unloading, 
 except that the hoistways of dumbwaiters serving more 
 than two floors shall be enclosed from floor to ceiling. 
 (See Rule lllg.) 
 b Where an elevator is located adjacent to a stairway, 
 that portion of the hoistway adjoining the stairway shall 
 be enclosed to a height of not less than 6 ft. above each 
 stair tread. 
 c The hoistways of passenger and freight elevators shall 
 be enclosed from floor to ceiling on the sides used for 
 loading or unloading, except 
 (1) Platform elevators within a building having a 
 travel not exceeding 15 ft. 
 (2) Sidewalk elevators having a travel not exceeding 
 30 ft. 
 (3) Elevators operating through automatic hatch 
 (4) Elevator cars having gates provided with car 
 gate electric contacts. 
 (See Rule 102c.) 
 The enclosure shall be not more than 4 in. from the edge 
 of the car platform. 
 d Enclosures sball be building walls, solid or latticed 
 partitions, grille work, metal grating, expanded metal, or 
 Where wire grille work is used, the wire shall be not 
 less than No. 13 Stl. W. Gage (0.0915 in diam.), and the 
 mesh shall be not greater than two inches. 
 Where expanded metal is used, the thickness shall be 
 not less than No. 13 U. S. Gage (0.094 in. diatn.). 
 Wood slats shall be not less than one-half inch thick. 
 The spacing between vertical bars or slats shall be not 
 greater than one inch, except where used as "filling" 
 material required in Rule 102. In this case the spacing be 
 tween vertical bars or slats shall be not greater than 4 in. 
 *This code is included and will be found following the Elevator 
 e When any of the following conditions exist, openings 
 shall be covered with a netting of square mesh not greater 
 than one-half inch and of wire not smaller than No. 20 
 Stl. W. Gage (0.0348 in. diam.) : 
 (1) The clearance between the enclosure and any 
 part of the car, counterweight or any sliding 
 landing door is less than one inch. 
 (2) The enclosure is grille or openwork having open 
 ings which will pass a Ij4-in. diameter ball. 
 (3) The openings in the enclosure are within reach 
 of a person standing on a landing, stairway, 
 floor or car platform. 
 f Projections extending inward one inch or more from 
 the general surface of the hoistway, and which are opposite 
 a car entrance shall be beveled on the under side at an 
 angle of not less than 60 dcg. from the horizontal or shall 
 be guarded with metal plates or by wood faced with metal 
 of not less than No. 16 U. S. Gage (0.0625 in.). These 
 plates or guards shall be firmly and permanently fastened 
 to the hoistway walls. 
 g Recesses, other than windows, in the general surface 
 of the hoistway for a power freight elevator, which are 
 opposite a car opening, shall be filled in flush with the gen 
 eral surface of the hoistway to comply with the require 
 ments of Rule llld. 
 The upper surface of a recess formed by vertical bars 
 shall be beveled on the under side as specified for projec 
 tions in Rule lllf. 
 For windows see Rule 103a. 
 h Hoistways for freight elevators having hatch covers as 
 set forth in Rule 112 will be accepted in lieu of the enclosure 
 herein required provided that in addition to such hatch 
 covers the hoistway shall be guarded on all sides not used 
 for loading and unloading, by a standard railing and toe- 
 board as described in Rule 110. Such railing shall be placed 
 not less than 12 in. from the -general line of the hoistway. 
 See Rule Ilia. 
 i The hoistway enclosure adjacent to a landing opening 
 shall be of sufficient strength to support in true alignment 
 the landing doors and gates with their operating mechanism 
 and interlocks. 
 Rule 112 Protection of Hatch Openings 
 a Automatic hatch covers shall be capable of sustaining 
 a load of 50 Ib. per sq. ft. when closed. The hatch covers 
 of sidewalk elevators shall, when closed, be capable of sus 
 taining a live load of 300 Ib. per sq. ft. The dimensions 
 of sidewalk openings shall not exceed 5 ft. at right angles 
 to the curb, and 7 ft. parallel to the curb, unless state 
 laws or local ordinances permit otherwise. 
 b Wood hatch covers shall be metal clad on their under 
 side and ledges, except at the top landing of sidewalk 
 c Hinged hatch covers shall not be permitted if the ele 
 vator cars have a clear platform area of more than 50 sq. ft. 
 Hinges of hatch covers shall be of sufficient strength and 
 be securely fastened to withstand the service of normal 
 d No means shall be provided for fastening hatch covers 
 open, except for sidewalk elevators. The hoistway of 
 sidewalk elevators having hatch covers arranged to remain 
 open, when the elevator is not at the sidewalk landing, 
 shall be guarded on the exposed side or sides by a gate 
 or bar. 
 Rule 113 Counterweight Runway Enclosures 
 a Runways for counterweights located outside of the 
 elevator hoistway and for elevators operating through auto- 
 matic hatch covers shall be enclosed throughout their height, 
 except if located outside of building. In this case the run 
 way shall be enclosed to a height of at least 7 ft. from the 
 b Counterweight runways located in the elevator hoist- 
 way shall be enclosed from a point 12 in. above the floor 
 of the pit to a point at least 7 ft. above the floor of the pit 
 except where compensating chains or cables which practi 
 cally compensate for the weight of the hoisting cables are 
 used. In this case counterweight enclosures shall be pro 
 hibited on the side facing the elevator. 
 c Access shall be provided for inspection, maintenance 
 and repair of all counterweights and cables. Where swing 
 ing doors provide access, they shall be equipped with spring 
 hinges to close the doors. 
 Rule 114 Cable Enclosures 
 a Where cables pass through floors outside the hoist- 
 way enclosures, such cables shall be guarded to a height 
 of at least 6 ft. from each floor with a standard power- 
 transmission guard. (Sec Rule 110.). The floor openings 
 shall be not greater than necessary for the free passage of 
 the cables. 
 Rule 115 Gate Counterweight Enclosures 
 a Gate or door counterweights shall run in metal guides 
 from which they cannot become dislodged or shall be 
 "boxed in. The bottoms of the boxes or the guides shall 
 be so constructed as to retain the counterweights if the 
 counterweight rope breaks. 
 Rule 116 Hoistway Door Interlock 
 a The functioning of a hoistway door interlock, to pre 
 vent the movement of the car, shall not be dependent on the 
 action of springs in tension, nor upon the closing of an 
 electric circuit. 
 b The failure of this interlock to perform the locking 
 function shall prevent the starting of the car from the land 
 c The force or forces used to perform any interlocking 
 function to prevent the movement of the car shall be such 
 that even without lubrication the intended functioning of 
 the interlock shall be completely performed. 
 Rule 117 Electric Contact 
 a The functioning of an electric contact, to prevent the 
 movement of the car, shall not be dependent upon the action 
 of springs in tension nor upon the closing of an electric 
 b The force or forces employed to open the contact 
 shall be such that even without lubrication of the mech 
 anism the intended functioning of the electric contact shall 
 be completely performed. 
 Rule 118 Emergency Release 
 a The emergency release shall be in the car, plainly 
 visible to the occupants of the car and reasonably, but not 
 easily, accessible to the operator. 
 b To operate the car under emergency conditions it 
 shall be necessary for the operator to hold the emergency 
 release in the emergency position. The emergency release 
 shall be so constructed and installed that it cannot be 
 readily tampered with or "plugged" in the emergency 
 c Rods, connections and wiring used in the operation 
 of the emergency release, that are accessible from the 
 car, shall 
 be enclosed to prevent being tampered with 
 Section 12 Landings 
 Rule 120 Hoistway Doors for Passenger Elevators 
 a Xo automatic lire door, the functioning of which is 
 dependent on the action of heat, shall lock any landing 
 opening in the hoistway of any passenger elevator nor 
 any exit leading from any hoistway landing door to the 
 outside of the building. 
 b Landing openings in passenger-elevator hoistways shall 
 be protected by sliding doors, combination sliding and swing 
 ing doors, or by swinging doors. See Rule lOOb. 
 c The distance between the inside of the inner panel of 
 any landing door and the edge of the landing threshold 
 opposite the car opening, shall be not more than 4 in. No 
 hardware, except that required for interlocking devices, 
 shall project into the hoistway beyond the line of the la.id- 
 ing threshold. The lower edge of the interlocking devices 
 shall be beveled as required for projections in Rule 11 If. 
 d Hoistway door interlocks which conform to Rule 116 
 shall be used on the hoistway doors of power passenger 
 e Provision shall be made to render the car operative in 
 dependent of the position of the landing doors, in case of 
 fire, panic, or other emergency, by means of an emergency 
 release conforming to Rule 118. 
 f Hoistway doors for hand passenger elevators shall !>e 
 equipped with interlocks, unless (1) hoistway gates which 
 close when the car leaves the landing are installed in addi 
 tion to the hoistway doors, or (2) each hoistway door is 
 made in two parts, one above the other, the lower part being 
 not less than 30 in. above the floor and arranged to be 
 opened only after the upper part has been opened. 
 g Hoistway doors shall be arranged to be opened by 
 hand from the hoistway side, except when locked "out of 
 service. Neither the main exit doors nor the doors at the 
 lower terminal landing shall be locked "out of service" 
 while the elevator is in operation. 
 h If the entire control is located on the car. the hoist- 
 way doors shall be so arranged that they cannot be opened 
 from the landing side, except by a key or a special mechan 
 ism. If the control is not located entirely on the car, the 
 hoistway doors shall be so arranged that unless the car is 
 at the landing, the doors cannot be opened from the landing 
 side except by a key or a special mechanism. 
 i Provision shall be made for opening at least one land 
 ing door, preferably the ground floor-door, from the land 
 ing side by means of a key or a special mechanism. 
 j Landing doors for passenger elevators shall be so ar 
 ranged that it is not necessary to reach back of any panel, 
 jamb or sash to operate them. 
 Rule 121 Hoistway Doors and Gates for Freight 
 a Landing openings in freight-elevator hoistways. except 
 for one-story sidewalk elevators, shall be equipped with 
 doors or gates having resistance to fire equal to that speci 
 fied in Rule lOOa. 
 Landing openings in the outside wall of a biulding shall 
 be equipped with doors complying with the fire-resisting 
 requirements for doors in such walls. 
 b Hoistway doors or gates shall withstand a force of 
 75 Ib. applied perpendicularly to the door or gate at any 
 point without permanent deformation and without being 
 sprung from their guides. 
 c Hoistway gates made of grille, lattice or other open 
 work shall reject a ball 2 in. in diameter. 
 d Gates shall extend from the landing threshold to a 
 height of at least 66 in. when closed, unless lack of head 
 room makes gates of this height impracticable. 
 In this case the gates shall be not less than 42 in. high, 
 and except for elevators operating through automatic 
 hatch covers shall be set back at least 12 in. from the 
 landing threshold or the car shall be provided on landing 
 sides with warning chains suspended from the car plat 
 Warning chains shall l;e not less than 3 ft. long and 
 spaced not more than 6 in. apart. They shall be made of 
 wire not smaller than No. 7 Stl. W. Gage (0.177 in. diam.), 
 and shall be fastened to wood sills or cleats with one-inch 
 Where lack of head room prohibits a standard gate at 
 the lowest landing, the bottom rail of the gate may be 
 placed not more than 18 in. above the floor. 
 e Collapsible gates arc not recommended but if used 
 shall be so made and guarded as to prevent accidents due 
 to shear. 
 f The hoistway doors or gates for freight elevators 
 shall be provided with interlocks or electric contacts and 
 locks except when semi- or full automatic gates or doors 
 are used. Interlocks and electric contacts shall conform to 
 the requirements of Rules 116 and 117, respectively. 
 g Provision shall be made to render the car operative 
 independent of the position of the landing doors, in case of 
 lire, panic or other emergency, by means of an emergency 
 release conforming to the requirements of Rule 118. 
 h Terminal landing openings and intermediate landing 
 openings of elevators for carrying automobiles and trucks, 
 in the hoistways of elevators operating at a speed not in 
 excess of 75 ft. per min. may be provided with full auto 
 matic doors or gates. 
 i Hoistway doors or gates closed by gravity and not by 
 direct motion of the car shall be permitted only if the car 
 speed docs not exceed 75 ft. per min. 
 j Semi-automatic gates or doors shall be provided with 
 a locking device which will prevent the normal opening 
 of the gate or door unless the car floor is at or near the 
 Rule 122 Doors at Dumbwaiter Landings 
 a Landing openings in dumbwaiter hoistways, except at 
 the upper terminal landing of "under-counter" dumbwaiters 
 serving only two adjacent floors shall be equipped \vith 
 doors or gates, unless the bottom of the openings is not 
 less than 30 in. above floor level. 
 b The upper terminal landing opening of "under- 
 counter" dumbwaiters serving more than two adjacent 
 stories shall be provided with means to guard persons from 
 falling down the hoistway. 
 c Landing doors of power dumbwaiters serving two 
 adjacent floors may be counterweighted to remain open if 
 the bottom of the door is not less than 18 in. above the 
 d Landing openings for "button control" dumbwaiters 
 serving more than two landings shall be protected with 
 gates or doors equipped with electric contacts which prevent 
 the operation of the machine while any hoistway gate or 
 door is open. 
 e Landing doors of dumbwaiters, if the bottom of the 
 openings is less than 30 in. above the landing floor and the 
 door opening is large enough to be mistaken for a door to a 
 room, shall be in two parts, one above the other, the lower 
 part being not less than 30 in. high above the floor, arranged 
 to be opened only after the upper part has been opened, 
 except where gates which close when the car leaves the 
 landing are installed in addition to the landing doors. 
 f Landing openings of power dumbwaiters serving three 
 or more floors shall be provided with doors or gates, the 
 tire-resisting qualities of which are equal to those specified 
 in Rule lOOa. 
 Rule 123 Landing Floors for Passenger and Freight 
 a Smooth metal plates, except such metal as is necessary 
 for supports, shall not be used for the landings of passenger 
 elevators and are not recommended for freight elevators. 
 b If there is a railroad track upon any elevator landing, 
 the tops of the rails shall be flush with the floor for a dis 
 tance of 6 ft. from the threshold. 
 Rule 124 Lighting at Landings 
 a When the car is in service at the landing, the landing 
 edges of the threshold and car platform shall be plainly 
 visible. The minimum allowable illumination on car floor 
 and landing threshold shall be 0.75 foot-candle. 
 Section 13 Machine Rooms 
 Rule 130 Machine-Room Location 
 a Elevator machine rooms shall be provided with 
 ample illumination. 
 b Power elevator machines shall be surrounded by sub- 
 tantial grille work or other enclosure unless located in 
 machine, engine or pump rooms in charge of an attendant 
 or secured against unauthorized access. 
 Rule 131 Access to Machinery 
 a Safe and convenient access shall be provided to ele 
 vator machinery. This access shall be exterior to and 
 independent of the hoistway or car. If the parts are located 
 on or over a platform at the top of the hoistway, access shall 
 be above the level of the platform, if practicable. 
 b Exposed gears, belts and other moving parts of 
 elevator machinery shall be guarded in accordance with the 
 standards referred to in Rule 110. 
 Power Freight Elevators 
 Section 30 Car Construction and Safeties for 
 Power Freight Elevators 
 Rule 300 Car Construction 
 a Fo\ver freight-elevator car enclosures shall not deflect 
 more than one-fourth of an inch if subjected to a force 
 of 75 Ib. applied at any point perpendicularly to the car 
 enclosure. The car enclosure shall be secured to the car 
 floor and frame in such a manner that it cannot work loose 
 or become displaced in ordinary service. 
 b Power freight-elevator cars shall have steel frames 
 designed with a factor of safety of at least six based on 
 the rated load uniformly distributed. Elevators of the 
 plunger type which are not provided with counterweights 
 need not comply with the requirements of this paragraph. 
 Elevators for carrying automobiles shall have car plat 
 forms of sufficient strength to support safely 70 per cent 
 of the live load concentrated equally at any two points 
 56 in. apart on a line parallel with the entrance sill of the 
 c Except for cable anchorages no cast iron in tension 
 shall be used for a suspension member of any car frame. 
 d Power sidewalk elevators shall be provided with either 
 flat metal tops or arched bows of sufficient strength to 
 open the hatch cover, or be provided with some device that 
 will stop the car before a person riding on it could be in 
 jured, if the hatch cover should fail to open. 
 e If there is a railroad track on the elevator car, the 
 tops of the rails shall be flush with the car platform. 
 f Elevator cars shall be lighted at all times when in 
 use. Electric light shall be used if current is available. 
 The intensity of illumination shall be not less than 0.75 
 foot-candle at the edge of the car platform. 
 g No glass shall be used in elevator cars except to cover 
 certificates and appliances necessary for the operation of the 
 car. No piece of glass shall exceed one square foot in 
 Rule 301 Car Compartments 
 a No power freight-elevator car except mine hoists and 
 special elevators upon which no persons are permitted 
 to ride, shall have more than one compartment. 
 Rule 302 Car Enclosures 
 a Cars for power freight elevators other than platform 
 elevators shall be enclosed at sides except the openings 
 necessary for loading and unloading, to a height of at least 
 6 ft., or to the crosshead if the crosshead is lower. 
 b The car enclosure either "openwork" or solid may be 
 of metal or wood. 
 If of "openwork" it shall reject a ball 2 in. in 
 diameter. If the openings are larger than one-half inch 
 .square they shall be covered to a height of at least 6 ft. 
 from the car floor with wire netting of not more than 
 .one-half inch square mesh and of wire not smaller than 
 No. 20 Stl. W. Gage (0.0384 in. diam.), where the clear 
 ance to any part of the hoistway structure or the counter 
 weight is less than 5 in. 
 c If the car enclosure is cut away at the front to 
 provide access to the shipper rope, the enclosure shall be 
 cut low enough to prevent injury to the operator s hand. 
 d Power freight-elevator cars except for (1) elevators 
 operating through automatic hatch covers, (2) sidewalk 
 elevators, (3) platform elevators, (4) elevators having 
 automatic closing gates extending to the floor on all land 
 ings above the lowest landing, (5) elevators with landing 
 doors which open only from the hoistway side except by 
 . 800 
 "| 700 
 ^ 600 
 I! 400 
 S zoo 
 100 too 300 400 SOO 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 
 Governor Tripping Speed in Ft per Minute. 
 Curve 1 Governor Tripping Speed for a Given Car Speed 
 a key and which are kept closed unless the car is at the 
 landing shall be equipped with solid-top covers of wire 
 grille work having a mesh that will reject a ball \y 2 in. 
 in diameter and of wire not less than No. 10 Stl. W. Gage 
 .(0.135 in. diam.) or its equivalent. The top or cover shall 
 be sufficiently strong to sustain x load of ISO Ib. applied to 
 any point. 
 e Car gates or doors for freight elevators when closed 
 shall fill the openings they guard, except that they need 
 not be more than 6 ft. high. 
 f Elevators operating in hoistways outside the building 
 which are guarded only at the ground landing, shall be pro 
 tected on the exposed side or sides either by independently 
 operated bars or gates equipped with electric contacts, or 
 by semi-automatic bars or gates. 
 Rule 303 Cars Counterbalancing One Another 
 a Power freight-elevator cars shall not be arranged to 
 counterbalance one another if persons are permitted to 
 ride on them, or to step on them for the purpose of loading 
 or unloading unless hoistway gates or doors are provided 
 which are equipped with door interlocks or electric contacts. 
 Rule 304 Car Safeties and Speed Governors 
 a Freight elevators suspended by cables shall be provided 
 with a "safety" attached to the underside of the car frame 
 and capable of stopping and sustaining the car. 
 The "safety" shall be so constructed that if applied it 
 cannot decrease its retarding force until the car has stopped 
 and that no decrease in the tension of the governor cable 
 or motion of the car or counterweight in the descending 
 direction shall release the "safety." 
 b The speed governor shall be "set" to cause the applica 
 tion of the "safety" if the speed of the descending car 
 exceeds the normal speed by an amount given in Curve 1. 
 No "car safety" shall be permitted for stopping an ascend 
 ing car. If a "safety" is used to stop an ascending car, 
 the "safety" shall be applied to the counterweight. 
 c For elevators having a speed in excess of 100 ft. per 
 min. the "safety" shall be operated by a speed governor 
 that the retardation of the car shall never exceed 64.4 ft. 
 per sec. per sec. 
 d The governor shall be located where it cannot be 
 struck by the car in case of overtravel. 
 e The motor and brake-control circuit shall be opened 
 before at the time the governor trips. 
 f The governor cable shall be of iron, steel or phosphor 
 bronze. The cable shall not be less than three-eighths inch 
 in diameter. 
 g The arc of contact of the governor rope and its driv 
 ing sheaves shall, in conjunction with a tension frame, 
 provide sufficient traction to cause proper operation of the 
 h Elevators having drum machines except those having 
 a travel of not more than 15 ft., shall be provided with a 
 "slack cable" device which will cut off the power and stop 
 the elevator machine if the car is obstructed in its descent. 
 i No "car safety" which depends on the completion or 
 maintenance of an electric circuit for the application of the 
 "safety" shall be used. "Car safeties" shall be applied 
 j The gripping surfaces of car or counterweight "safe 
 ties" shall not be used to guide the car or counterweights. 
 k A pawl and ratchet shall not be considered a sufficient 
 safety device. 
 1 The car and counterweights shall respectively be 
 brought to rest on the bumpers before the counterweights 
 or car pass their limits of overtravel at the top of the 
 Rule 305 Car Safety Tests 
 a A rated capacity test shall be made of every new 
 elevator before the elevator is placed in regular service. 
 b Every installation of a "safety" designed to sustain 
 the car shall be tested with the rated load on the car. 
 c The application of the "safety" by a speed governor 
 shall be obtained by causing the car to descend at the 
 governor tripping speed corresponding to the normal speed 
 of the car as indicated in Curve 1. 
 Rule 306 Capacity and Loading 
 a A metal plate shall be provided by the elevator manu 
 facturer which shall be fastened in a conspicuous place in 
 the elevator car and shall bear the following information 
 in not less than one-fourth-inch letters and figures, stamped 
 in, or etched or raised on the surface of the plate: 
 1 The capacity of the elevator in pounds 
 2 The normal rated speed at which the elevator is 
 designed to operate. 
 3 The cable data required in Rule 330b. 
 The capacity of the elevator shall be indicated in a con 
 spicuous place in the elevator car by the word CAPACITY, 
 followed by figures giving the rated capacity in pounds, in 
 figures and letters not less than one inch in size. 
 b No freight elevator shall be used for carrying safes 
 or other concentrated loads greater than the rated capacity 
 of the elevator, unless the elevator is provided with a 
 "safe-hoisting" attachment, designed for the "safe-lift" load. 
 The car platform, car slings, sheaves, shafts and cables 
 shall be designed for the "safe-lift" load with a factor of 
 safety of not less than five. The car "safeties" for this 
 type of elevator need not be designed to hold the "safe- 
 lift" load. 
 Section 31 Conterweights, Bumpers and Guides 
 for Power Freight Elevators 
 Rule 310 Counterweights 
 a Counterweights shall run in guides. 
 b If two counterweights run in the same guides, the 
 car counterweights shall be above the machine counter 
 weights and there shall be a clearance of 8 in. between 
 the counterweights. 
 c If an independent car counterweight is used, it shall 
 not be of sufficient weight to cause slackening in any of 
 the cables during acceleration or retardation of the car. 
 d Counterweight sections, whether or not carried in 
 frames, shall be secured by at least two tie rods passing 
 through holes in all the sections. The tie rods shall have 
 lock nuts at each end. The lock nuts shall be secured by 
 cotter pins. 
 Rule 311 Car and Counterweight Bumpers or Buffers 
 a Car bumpers or buffers shall be installed in the pits 
 under power freight elevators. 
 b Solid bumpers may be used with elevators having a 
 speed of 50 ft. per min. or less. 
 Spring bumpers or their equivalent shall be used with 
 elevators having a speed greater than SO ft. per min., and 
 not exceeding 250 ft. per min. 
 Oil buffers or their equivalent shall be used with eleva 
 tors having a speed greater than 250 ft. per min. 
 Bumpers and buffers shall stop the car when descending 
 at governor tripping speed with its rated load or, in the 
 case of plunger elevators, at the maximum allowable op 
 erating speed without exceeding the operating limits of the 
 bumpers and buffers. The bumpers and buffers shall be so 
 designed that with one person in the car the bumper or 
 buffer shall cause a retardation of the car of not more than 
 64.4 ft. per sec, per sec. (See Curve 1.) 
 c Bumpers or buffers shall be located symmetrically 
 with reference to the center of the car. 
 d Adequate provision in the design of plunger elevators 
 shall be made if the bumpers are required to stop the 
 plunger as well as the car. 
 e Counterweight bumpers or buffers similar to those re 
 quired for cars in Rule 31 Ib shall be installed under the 
 counterweights of freight elevators. 
 Rule 312 Guide Rails 
 a Guide rails for both the car and the counterweights 
 of all elevators shall be of steel except for elevators hav 
 ing a travel of not more than 100 ft. and operating at a 
 speed not in excess of 100 ft. per min. 
 It is recommended, however, that steel guide rails be used 
 for all power freight-elevator installations. 
 Guide rails particularly where in contact with the guide 
 shoes when the car is at the landing shall be securely 
 fastened with iron or steel brackets (or their equivalent) 
 of such strength, design and spacing that the guide rails 
 and their fastenings shall not deflect more than one-fourth 
 inch under normal operation. 
 They shall withstand the application of the "safety" 
 when stopping a fully loaded car or the counterweight. 
 The guiding surface of the guide rails for elevators re 
 quiring "safeties" shall lie finished smooth and the joints 
 shall be tongued and grooved or doweled. 
 Guide rails and their fastenings shall be secured in posi 
 tion by through bolts of not less than the following sizes : 
 6 / 2 and 7^-lb. rails /i- m. bolts 
 14-Ib. rails 56-in. bolts 
 30-lb. rails J^-in. bolts 
 The guide rails shall be "bottomed" on suitable supports 
 and extended at the top to prevent guide shoes from run 
 ning off in case the overtravel is exceeded. 
 Cast iron shall not be used for guide rails. 
 Where the use of steel rails would present an accident 
 hazard, as in chemical or explosive factories, wood guide 
 rails may be used for any rise or car speed. 
 b The weight of steel guide rails shall be not less than 
 as given in Table VI. 
 Total Weight of 
 Car and Load, 
 and Total Weight of 
 Counterweights, I.b. 
 Up to and 
 Above Including 
 4,000 15,000 
 15,000 40,000 
 Weight of Each 
 Counterweight Guide Rail, Lb. 
 Weight of 
 Each Car 
 Guide Rail, 
 7 A 
 Guide-Rail Safetiet 
 1 to 1 2 to 1 
 Roping Roping 
 6/j 6X 
 7% iy* 
 TV* 14 
 d The size of wood guide rails, where permitted, shall 
 be not less than given in Table VII. 
 Total Weight of Car and Load 
 per Pair of Rails, Pounds 
 Maple Guide Rails 
 Up to and 
 Yellow Pine Guide Rails 
 Up to and 
 Above Including 
 3,500 5,500 
 5,500 6,500 
 6,500 9,000 
 9.000 23,000 
 23.000 35,iXK) 
 Size of Each 
 Guide Strip 
 in Inches 
 2 XS A 
 3 X6 
 4 XS 
 5 X? 
 6 X8 
 Section 32 Machines and Machine Safeties for 
 Power Freight Elevators 
 Rule 320 Machines and Machinery 
 a Drums and leading sheaves shall be of cast iron or 
 steel, and shall have finished grooves. Grooves shall be 
 not more than one-sixteenth inch larger than the cables. 
 b The factors of safety based on the static loads (the 
 loads specified in Rule 306a, plus the weight of the car, 
 cables, counterweights, etc.), to be used in the design of 
 hoisting machines shall be : 
 8 for wrought iron or wrought steel 
 10 for cast iron, cast steel or other materials. 
 c Set-screw fastenings shall not be used in lieu of keys 
 or pins. 
 d Worm gears having cast-iron teeth shall not be used 
 to drive power freight-elevator drums or sheaves. 
 e Winding drum and traction machines for freight 
 elevators shall be equipped with brakes which are applied 
 automatically by springs or gravity when the control is 
 at the "stop" position. Electric freight-elevator machines 
 shall be equipped with electrically released brakes. 
 Except when the rated load will not, within the limits of 
 travel, accelerate the car speed above ISO per cent of nor 
 mal speed, the brakes shall not be released until power 
 has been applied to the motor. 
 f The action of the brake magnet shall not be retarded 
 by any motor field discharge or counter voltage or by any 
 single ground or short-circuit. 
 Rule 321 Hydraulic Machines 
 a Hydraulic-elevator machines whether of the vertical 
 or horizontal type shall be so constructed that the piston 
 will be stopped before the car can be drawn into the over 
 head work. Stops of ample strength shall be provided to 
 bring the piston to rest, when under full pressure, without 
 causing damage to the cylinder or cylinder head. 
 b The traveling sheaves for vertical hydraulic elevators 
 shall be guided. The guide rails and guide shoes shall be 
 of metal. 
 c The side frames of traveling sheaves for vertical hy 
 draulic elevators shall be either of structural or forged 
 The construction commonly known as the "U-strap con 
 nection" shall not be used between the piston rods and 
 traveling sheaves. 
 d Where more than one piston rod is used on the ver 
 tical pulling type, an equalizing crosshead shall be provided 
 for attaching the rods to the traveling sheave frame, to 
 insure an equal distribution of load on each rod. 
 When more than one piston-rod is used, equalizing or 
 cup washers shall be used under the piston-rod nuts to in 
 sure a true bearing. 
 e Cylinders of hydraulic-elevator machines shall be 
 provided with means of releasing air or other gas. 
 f Piston rods of tension-type hydraulic elevators shall 
 have a factor of safety of not less than eight, based on the 
 sectional area at the root of the thread. A true bearing 
 shall be maintained under the nuts at both ends of the piston 
 rod to prevent any eccentric loading on the rods. 
 g Pressure tanks shall be designed so that the proportion 
 of the air or other j;as to the liquid therein will prevent the 
 probability of the entrance of air or other gas into the ele 
 vator cylinder. 
 h Hydraulic elevators shall be provided with an inde 
 pendent automatic means for gradually stopping the car at 
 the upper and lower terminal landings independently of the 
 If the speed of the elevator does not exceed ISO ft. per 
 min., the means employed may operate in combination with 
 the car-control mechanism and the main operating valve. 
 If the speed of the elevator exceeds 150 ft. per min., an 
 automatic stop valve shall be provided for this purpose. 
 This valve shall be independent of the main operating valve 
 and preferably in the piping between the main operating 
 valve and the cylinder. 
 Automatic stop valves for elevators shall be packed with 
 cup leathers, or other means shall be used to prevent stick 
 ing of the valve stems. 
 i Every pump connected to the pressure tank of a hy 
 draulic freight elevator shall be equipped with a relief valve 
 so installed that it cannot be shut off. The relief valve shall 
 be of sufficient size and so set as to pass the full capacity 
 of the pump at full speed without exceeding the safe work 
 ing pressure of the pump or tank. Two or more relief 
 valves may be used to obtain the capacity. The relief 
 valves shall be piped to discharge into the discharge tank 
 or the pump suction. 
 j Elevator pumps, unless equipped with pressure regula 
 tors which control the motive power, shall be equipped 
 with automatic by-passes. 
 k Pressure tanks shall be made and tested in accord 
 ance with the A.S.M.E. Boiler Code requirements for 
 hydraulic pressure vessels. 
 1 Each pressure tank shall be provided with a water- 
 gage glass having brass fittings and valves, attached di 
 rectly to the tank and so located as to show the level of 
 the water when the tank is more than half filled. 
 Every pressure tank shall have a pressure gage which 
 correctly indicates pressure to at least \\2 times the nor 
 mal working pressure allowed in the tank. This gage 
 shall be connected to the tank by a brass or other non- 
 corrodiblc pipe in such a manner that the gage cannot be 
 shut off from the tank except by a cock with a "T" or 
 lever handle (the "T" or lever set in line with the direction 
 of the flow). The cock shall be in the pipe near the gage. 
 The tank shall be provided with a one-quarter inch pipe- 
 size valved connection for attaching an inspector s gage 
 when the tank is in service. This is for testing the ac 
 curacy of the pressure gage. 
 m Pressure tanks that may be subjected to vacuum 
 shall be provided with one or more vacuum valves to pre 
 vent collapse of the tanks. 
 Vacuum valves shall have openings of sufficient size to 
 prevent the collapse of the tank if a vacuum occurs. If 
 necessary more than one vacuum valve may be used to ob 
 tain sufficient capacity. 
 n Pressure tanks shall be so located and supported that 
 inspection may be made of the entire exterior. 
 o Discharge tanks open to atmosphere shall be so de 
 signed that when completely filled the factor of safety shall 
 be not less than four based on the ultimate strength of 
 the material. Discharge tanks shall be covered to prevent 
 the entrance of foreign material and provided with a suit 
 able vent to the atmosphere. 
 p Hydraulic elevators operated from a pressure tank 
 where the fluid pressure is obtained by directly admitting 
 steam or air to the tank shall comply with all the rules 
 covering hydraulic elevators. 
 Rule 322 Belted Machines 
 a Belt or chain-driven freight-elevator machines shall 
 be operated at a car speed not in excess of 60 ft. per min. 
 b If the machine is not driven by a separate motor, 
 means, such as tight and loose pulleys or clutches shall be 
 provided for throwing the power "off" a belt-driven ma 
 c Elevator belts within 7 ft. of the floor except when 
 located within machine enclosures shall be guarded in ac 
 cordance with the standards mentioned in Rule 110. 
 Rule 323 Machine Safeties and Terminal Stops 
 a Power freight elevators shall be provided at each end 
 of the hoistway with at least two independent means ex 
 clusive of the manually-operated car control (car switches, 
 push buttons, hand rope or lever devices, etc.) to auto 
 matically stop the car within the limits of ovcrtravel. 
 Suitable bumpers or buffers will be considered one of 
 the independent means required by this rule for elevators 
 having traction machines. 
 Stop balls securely fastened to the shipper ropes may be 
 considered one of the independent means of stopping re 
 quired by this rule. 
 For sidewalk elevators having drum machines and for 
 double-belted elevators, if one or more speeds slower than 
 normal speed are used the slow-down device shall not be 
 considered one of the independent means of stopping re 
 quired by this rule. 
 b Electric elevators operated by polyphase alternating- 
 current motors shall be provided with relays of the po 
 tential type which will prevent starting the motor if 
 (1) The phase rotation is in the wrong direction or 
 (2) There is a failure in any phase. 
 Rule 324 Control 
 a No freight elevator having a speed greater than 100 
 ft. per min. shall be controlled by a direct hand-operated 
 rope, cable or rod. 
 b No freight elevator, except hydraulic elevators, hav 
 ing a speed greater than 150 ft. per min. shall be controlled 
 by a rope or cable operated by a wheel or lever mechanism. 
 c No shipper rope shall be accessible from the outside 
 of a building, if the elevator hoistway is in or adjacent to 
 the building. 
 d Overhead tension weights for shipper ropes shall be 
 secured by chains or cables attached to the weights and 
 to a suitable anchorage. 
 e Guards, which will keep the ropes from leaving the 
 sheaves, shall be installed unless means are used to main 
 tain the shipper ropes in proper tension. 
 f Fower freight elevators operated by means of a direct- 
 operated hand rope except sidewalk elevators shall be 
 provided with a centering device wh ; ch will insure the op 
 erating mechanism being placed in the stop position when 
 it is desired to stop the car. 
 g The handle of the "car switch" located on the car 
 of "car switch"-controlled elevators except those having 
 "button control" shall be arranged to return to the "stop" 
 position and lock there automatically when the hand of 
 the operator is removed. The push buttons of button- 
 control elevators shall be arranged to return to the "open" 
 position when the hand of the operator is removed. 
 h No part of any electric circuit having a nominal 
 voltage rating in excess of 750 volts shall be used as any 
 part of a power freight-elevator control system. 
 i "Car-switch"-controlled elevators shall have an emer 
 gency switch adjacent to the control apparatus on the car 
 to cut off the source of power. This emergency switch shall 
 be located within easy reach of the operator. 
 In button-controlled elevators the stop button on the 
 car may be used as the emergency switch if it is a red 
 button marked "STOP." 
 j The breaking of a circuit to stop an automatic button- 
 control elevator shall not depend solely on the operation 
 of a spring or springs nor upon the completion of an 
 electric circuit. 
 k A manually-operated disconnecting switch shall be in 
 stalled in the main line of electrically controlled elevator 
 machines. This switch shall be located adjacent to and 
 visible from the elevator machine. No provision shall be 
 made to close this disconnecting switch from any other part 
 of the building. 
 1 The frames of electric-elevator machines shall be 
 grounded. Shipper ropes shall be grounded if insulated 
 from the machines. 
 m Klcctric "slack cable" switches shall be enclosed. 
 n No control system shall be used which depends on the 
 completion or maintenance of an electric circuit for the 
 interruption of the power, for the application of electro 
 mechanical brakes, for the operation of "safeties," nor for 
 the closing of a contactor by an emergency stop button, 
 except that this paragraph docs not apply to dynamic brak 
 ing and speed-control devices. 
 o In elevators having "car switch" or hand-lever control, 
 the lever shall be so arranged that the movement of the 
 lever toward the opening (which the operator usually 
 faces) will cause the car to descend and a movement of 
 the lever away from the opening will cause the car to 
 p Power freight elevators controlled by shipper ropes, 
 (1) sidewalk elevators 
 (2) elevators equipped with an emergency switch 
 (3) elevators equipped with interlocks or electric 
 shall be equipped with shipper rope locks for holding the 
 car at any landing. 
 q Xo circuit breaker operated automatically by a fire- 
 aUirm system shall cut off either the power or the control 
 from a power freight elevator. 
 r Automatic button-control elevators shall conform to 
 the following requirements : 
 1 If the car has started for a given landing it shall be 
 impossible to give an impulse from any landing to 
 send the car in the reverse direction until the car 
 has reached the destination corresponding to the 
 first impulse. The car may, however, be stopped 
 at any intermediate landing to take on or discharge 
 attendants or freight going in the original direc 
 2 If the car has been stopped to take on or discharge 
 attendants or freight and is to continue in the 
 direction determined by the first impulse, the clos 
 ing of the car gate may be sufficient to start the 
 3 It shall not be possible to start the car under normal 
 operation unless every hoistway door is closed and 
 locked in the closed position. (Hoistway Unit 
 Rule 325 Limits of Speed, Acceleration and Retardation 
 a Xo platform elevator shall have a speed greater than 
 30 ft. per min. 
 b The speed of elevators operating through automatic 
 hatch covers shall not exceed 50 ft. per min. 
 c Except automatic button-control elevators and ele 
 vators controlled exclusively by an authorized person, no 
 power freight elevators shall have a speed not in excess 
 of 100 ft. per min. 
 d Under normal operation, no power freight elevator 
 shall be accelerated or retarded at a rate greater than 10 
 ft. per sec. per sec., unless the normal speed exceeds 800 
 ft. per min. In this case an acceleration or retardation of 
 14 ft. per sec. per sec. is allowable. 
 Rule 326 Limits of Travel for Freight (Sidewalk) 
 a No sidewalk elevator having a travel greater than 
 30 ft. shall be installed unless it complies with the regula 
 tions for power freight elevators. 
 Section 33 Cables and Signal Systems for Power 
 Freight Elevators 
 Rule 330 Hoisting Cables 
 a Car and counterweight cables for power freight ele 
 vators shall be of iron or steel without covering except that 
 marline-covered cables are permitted where liability to ex 
 cessive corrosion or other hazard exists. Hoisting chains 
 may be used only for power platform and sidewalk ele 
 b Where drum machines are used, the capacity plate 
 required in Rule 305a shall bear the following information : 
 Car counterweight 
 Machine counterweight.. 
 in Inches 
 Rated Ultimate 
 in Pounds 
 Where traction machines are used, the capacity plate re 
 quired in Rule 306a shall bear the following information: 
 Rated Ultimate 
 Diameter Strength 
 Number in Inches in Pounds 
 Hoisting cables 
 Where hydraulic machines are used, the capacity plate 
 required in Rule 306a shall bear the following information 
 Number in Inches 
 Rated Ultimate 
 in Pounds 
 Car counterweicht.. . 
 g The diameter of a sheave or winding drum for a car 
 or counterweight cable shall be not less than 38 times the 
 diameter of the cable with which it is used except for side 
 walk elevators. 
 h No car or counterweight cable shall be lengthened or 
 repaired by splicing. 
 i The drum ends of car or counterweight cables shall 
 be secured by clamps on the inside of the drums or by one 
 In addition a metal tag shall be attached to the cable 
 fastenings. On this tag shall be stated the diameter, 
 ultimate strength and material of the cables, and the date 
 of. the cable installation. 
 c Where the ultimate strength and material of the cables 
 are not known, the loads shall be limited to the loads for 
 iron cables of the same diameter. 
 d The factor of safety for car and counterweight cables 
 for power freight elevators shall be not less than the values 
 given in Curve 2, corresponding to the speed of the car. 
 e The diameter of the cables shall be determined by 
 using the factor of safety found in Rule 330d, together with 
 the ultimate strength of the cable. The computed load on 
 the cable shall be the weight of the car plus its rated load. 
 See Rule 306. 
 f All cables anchored to a winding drum shall have not 
 less than one complete turn of cable around the winding 
 drum when the car or counterweight has reached the ex 
 treme limit of its travel. 
 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 
 Cable Speed, Ft. per Minute. 
 Curve 2 Factors of Safety for Hoisting Cables for Traction 
 Machine Freight Elevators. (Drum Machine Freight Ele 
 vators May Use Factors of Safety of 80 Per Cent Given in 
 This Curve) 
 of the methods specified in the following paragraphs for 
 fastening cables to cars or counterweights. 
 j The car and counterweight ends of cables shall be 
 fastened by spliced eyes, return loop, or by individual 
 tapered babbitted sockets. Such fastenings are not re 
 quired for compensating counterweight cables of plunger 
 Method of Splicing Cables. If the spliced eye is used 
 a metal thimble shall be placed within the eye and the 
 splice made with not less than the following number of 
 tucks: first strand, two tucks; second strand, three tucks; 
 third strand, four tucks ; remainder of strands, five tucks. 
 The eye shall be drawn tightly around the thimble, the 
 strands drawn tightly after each tuck and the tucks smooth 
 ly laid. After the last tuck is made each strand shall be 
 cut off not closer than one-fourth inch from the tuck and 
 beaten down flush. The splice may be left bare or served 
 with marline. 
 Method of Making Return Loops. When the two 
 ends of one continuous cable are both secured to the 
 winding drum, to the car or to the counterweight a return 
 loop, without cutting the cable, may be made at the counter 
 weight or car. To form such loop the cable shall be passed 
 around a metal thimble closely fitting the cable. Immedi 
 ately above the thimble a "Higganum clamp" shall be 
 placed on the doubled cable and securely bolted to prevent 
 slipping of either leg of the cable through the clamp should 
 the opposite leg be entirely released. 
 Method of Socketing Cables. If a babbitted socket is 
 used the length of the socket shall be not less than four 
 times the diameter of the cable. The hole at the small end 
 shall be as given in Table VIII. 
 The small end of the socket shall be free from cutting 
 The hole at the large end of the socket shall be not less 
 than three times the diameter of the cable. The socket 
 shall be drop-forged steel, steel casting or formed in a 
 substantial block of cast iron. The socket shall be of such 
 strength that the cable will break before the socket is 
 perceptibly deformed. 
 Before cutting the cable shall served with wire at the 
 end of the length to be used. After cutting the cable shall 
 be served with wire at a distance from end of the cable 
 equal to the length of the socket plus 2 l /2 times the diameter 
 of the cable. 
 Note Large cables should be served for several inches lo prevent 
 The socket shall be slipped over the cable, and the serving 
 at the end of the cable removed. The fiber core shall be re- 
 Nominal Diameter of Cable in Diameter of Small End of Cable 
 Inches Socket 
 !4 toil inclusive -ft in. larger than cable diameter 
 M to l-fi inclusive A in. larger than cable diameter 
 1 Ji to 1 Yi inclusive A in. larger than cable diameter 
 moved to the remaining serving and the wires separated 
 and thoroughly cleaned. 
 The wires shall be "turned in" toward the center of the 
 cable for a distance not less than 2y 2 times the diameter of 
 the cable. 
 The wires shall be sprinkled with powdered rosin or 
 dipped in a suitable fluxing solution and the socket shall 
 be put in place. 
 The socket and cable shall be wanned and poured full 
 of melted babbitt or spelter metal. Care shall be taken not 
 to heat the metal more than necessary to make it flow. 
 k Whichever method is used for fastening the cable, the 
 fastening shall be capable of sustaining a load of not less 
 than 80 per cent of the ultimate strength of the undisturbed 
 portion of the cable. 
 Rule 331 Cable Equalizers 
 a Equalizers shall be provided at car and counterweight 
 ends of hoisting cables for traction elevators having only 
 two cables. Equalizers shall be provided for elevators hav 
 ing winding drums, if the cables wind in grooves on drums 
 scored right and left hand. It is recommended that where 
 practicable, equalizers shall be used if several hoisting 
 cables are attached to a car or a counterweight. 
 It is recommended that for traction elevators, the equal 
 izers shall consist of compression springs located between 
 the crosshead and the cable anchorages. 
 Rule 332 Signal Systems 
 a The hoistway of every power freight elevator, except 
 automatic button-control elevators, shall be provided with a 
 signal system by means of which signals can be given from 
 any landing whenever the elevator is desired at that landing. 
 b Automatic button-control elevators shall be provided 
 with an audible emergency signal that is operated from the 
 Part IV Hand Elevators and Hand 
 Invalid Lifts 
 Section 40 . Car Construction and Safeties 
 Rule 400 Car Construction 
 a Hand invalid lifts, hospital elevators and elevators 
 operating outside the building except sidewalk elevators 
 shall have cars enclosed on the top and sides not used for 
 entrance. The enclosure shall not deflect more than one- 
 fourth inch if subjected to a force of 75 Ib. applied at 
 any point perpendicular to the car enclosure. The car 
 enclosure shall be secured to the car platform or frame in 
 such a manner that it cannot work loose or become dis 
 placed in ordinary service. 
 b Car frames shall be of metal or sound seasoned wood 
 designed with a factor of safety of not less than six based 
 on the rated load uniformly distributed. If of wood the 
 frame members shall be bolted and braced to give the re 
 quired strength. 
 c No glass shall be used in elevator cars except to 
 cover certificates, etc. No piece of glass shall exceed one 
 square foot in area. 
 b Elevators operating in hoistways outside the build 
 ing which are guarded only at the ground landing shall be 
 protected on the exposed side or sides either by inde 
 pendently operated gates or bars interlocked with the car 
 control, or by semi-automatic gates or bars. 
 Rule 401 Car Compartments 
 a No hand elevator car upon which persons are per 
 mitted to ride shall have more than one compartment. 
 Rule 402 Cars Counterbalancing One Another 
 a Hand elevator cars shall not be arranged to counter 
 balance one another if persons are permitted to ride on 
 them, or to step on them for the purpose of loading or un 
 loading unless hoistway gates or doors are provided which 
 are equipped with interlocks or electric contacts and door- 
 Rule 403 "Car Safeties" and Speed Retarders 
 a Hand elevators suspended by cables, chains or ropes 
 and having a travel of more than 15 ft. shall be provided 
 with a "safety" attached to the under side of the car frame 
 capable of stopping and sustaining the car. 
 b The "car safety" shall be applied mechanically. 
 c No "car safety" shall be permitted for stopping an 
 ascending car. 
 d A "speed retarder" may be used to apply the brake 
 if the car speed becomes excessive in either direction. 
 Hand elevators having a travel of more than 30 ft. shall 
 be equipped with a "speed retarder" which operates auto 
 matically if the car descends at excessive speed. 
 Note For hand brake see Rule 420. 
 e The "speed retarder" shall be located where it cannot 
 be struck by the car in case of overtravel. 
 Rule 404 Capacity and Loading 
 a The minimum carrying capacity of hand invalid lifts 
 and hospital elevators shall be 35 Ib. per sq. ft. of platform 
 area inside of the car enclosure. 
 b A metal plate shall be provided by the elevator manu 
 facturer which shall be fastened in a conspicuous place in 
 the elevator car and shall bear the following information, 
 in not less than one-fourth inch letters or figures. These 
 letters or figures shall be stamped in, etched, or raised on 
 the surface of the plate. 
 1 The capacity of the elevator in pounds 
 2 The maximum number of passengers to be carried 
 based on 150 Ib. per person 
 3 The suspension data required in Rule 421b. 
 c A rated-capacity test shall be made of every new 
 elevator before the elevator is placed in regular service. 
 Section 41 Counterweights, Bumpers and 
 Rule 410 Counterweights 
 a Counterweights shall run in guides. 
 b Counterweight sections of hospital elevators and in- 
 valid lifts whether or not carried in frames shall be secured 
 by at least two tie rods passing through holes in the sec 
 tions. The tie rods shall have lock nuts at each end. The 
 lock nuts shall be secured by cotter pins. 
 j Rule 411 Car and Counterweight Bumpers 
 a Car bumpers of -the spring type or their equivalent 
 shall be installed in the pit of hand invalid lifts and hospital 
 b Bumpers shall stop the car when descending with its 
 rated load. 
 c Bumpers shall be located symmetrically with refer 
 ence to the center of the car. 
 d Counterweight bumpers similar to those required for 
 cars shall be installed under the counterweights if the 
 space below the counterweight runway is used for any 
 Rule 412 Guide Rails 
 a Guide rails for both car and counterweights shall be 
 of steel, wrought iron, or straight-grained, seasoned wood 
 free from knots, shakes, dry rot or other imperfections. 
 Guide rails, particularly where in contact with the guide 
 shoe when the car is at the landing, shall be securely 
 fastened with through bolts of such strength, design and 
 spacing that the guide rails and their fastenings shall not 
 deflect more than one-fourth inch under normal operation. 
 Guide rails shall withstand the application of the "safety" 
 when stopping a fully loaded car or the counterweight. 
 The guiding surfaces of the guide rails for elevators re 
 quiring "safeties" shall be finished smooth. The guide rails 
 shall be "bottomed" on suitable supports and extended at 
 the top to prevent guide shoes from running off in case the 
 overtravel is exceeded. 
 Section 42 Machines and Suspension Members 
 Rule 420 Machines and Machinery 
 a Hand elevators shall be equipped with a hand brake 
 that operates in either direction. When the brake has been 
 applied it shall remain locked in the "on" position until 
 b The factors of safety based on the static loads to be 
 ased in the design of all parts of hoisting machines shall 
 be not less than five for wrought iron or wrought steel and 
 eight for cast iron or other materials. 
 c The sheaves or idlers of hand invalid lifts and hos 
 pital elevators shall not be suspended in stirrups from the 
 under side of the supporting beams. Cast iron shall not 
 be used for stirrups of sheaves or idlers. 
 d No hand elevator machine shall be equipped with any 
 means or attachment for applying any other power unless 
 such elevator is permanently and completely converted into 
 a power elevator complying with requirements of this code 
 for power elevators. 
 e Power shall not be applied to hand elevators by means 
 of rope grip attachments or clutch mechanisms. 
 Rule 421 Hoisting Cables, Ropes and Chains 
 a The capacity plate required in Rule 404b shall bear 
 the following information: 
 Rated Ultimate 
 Nominal Strength 
 Material Number Size in Pounds 
 and material of the suspension and the date of its installa 
 c The factor of safety used in determining the size of 
 the suspension member shall be five based on the weight of 
 the car and its rated load. 
 d Suspension members shall be so adjusted that either 
 the car shall rest upon its bumpers or the counterweight 
 upon the floor of the pit before the counterweight or the 
 car strikes any part of the over hoistway construction. 
 e Suspension members secured to a winding drum shall 
 have not less than one complete turn of the suspension 
 member around the winding drum when the car or counter 
 weight has reached the extreme limit of its travel. 
 Part V Dumbwaiters 
 Limits of Application of This Code 
 The requirements for dumbwaiter hoistways are given 
 in Part I of this Code. Hand dumbwaiters are required 
 to conform only to Rules 500, SOI, 502 and 503. Power 
 dumbwaiters shall comply with all the requirements of 
 Part V of this Code. 
 Section 50 Dumbwaiter Construction 
 Rule 500 Car Construction 
 a Dumbwaiter cars shall be of such strength and stiff 
 ness that they will not deform appreciably if the load falls 
 or leans against the sides of the car. 
 b Cars shall be made of wood or metal and of "solid" 
 Cars for power dumbwaiters shall be reinforced with 
 metal from the bottom of the car to the point of suspen 
 Metal cars shall be of metal sections rigidly riveted or 
 welded together. 
 Cars may be provided with hinged or removable shelves. 
 c Dumbwaiter cars, machines, and hoisting ropes or 
 cables shall sustain the loads given in the table following : 
 The motive power need not be sufficient to raise the struc 
 tural capacity load. 
 Horizontal Dimensions in Inches 
 24 X 24 
 24 X 30 
 30 X 30 
 36 X 36 
 Structural Capacity in Pounds 
 Counterweight ......... ........ 
 b In addition a metal tag shall be attached to the sus 
 pension fastenings stating the size, rated ultimate strength 
 Rule 501 Dumbwaiter Machines 
 a Dumbwaiter machines shall be securely fastened to 
 their supports. The factors of safety based upon the ulti 
 mate strength of the material and the static load, i.e., the 
 loading specified in Rule SOOc, plus the weight of the car, 
 cables, counterweights, etc., used in the design of dumb 
 waiter machines shall be not less than 
 6 for steel, and 
 9 for cast iron or other materials. 
 b Sheaves or idlers shall not be suspended in cast-iron 
 stirrups from the under side of the supporting beam. 
 Rule 502 Guide Rails 
 a Guide rails shall be rigidly secured to the hoistway 
 and the joints either tongued and grooved, doweled or fitted 
 with splice plates. 
 b One set of guides may be used for both the car and 
 the counterweights. 
 c Hand dumbwaiters having a capacity of not more than 
 20 Ib. and their counterweights shall have guides of wood, 
 metal, metal and wood bolted together, metal tubes or 
 spring steel wires maintained in tension by turnbuckles. 
 d Dumbwaiters having a capacity of more than 20 Ib. 
 and a speed not in excess of 100 ft. per min. shall have 
 guide rails of metal, wood, or metal and wood bolted 
 e Power dumbwaiters having a speed more than 100 
 ft. per min. shall have steel guide rails weighing not less 
 than 6 Ib. per ft. 
 Rule 503 Counterweights 
 a Counterweights of dumbwaiters having a capacity ex 
 ceeding 100 Ib. or having a speed exceeding 100 ft. per min. 
 shall have their counterweight sections secured by at least 
 two tie rods passing through holes in all sections, unless 
 suitable counterweight frames or boxes are provided. The 
 tie rods shall have lock nuts at each end. The lock nuts 
 shall be secured by cotter pins. 
 Rule 504 Hoisting Cables 
 a Power dumbwaiters shall be provided with one or 
 more iron or steel hoisting cables. Where cables are ex- 
 Factor of Safety. 
 .ti in ^ 1 CD 
 . - 
 ,* -^ 
 100 200 300 400 500 
 Cable Speed, Ft. per Minute. 
 Curve 3 --Factors of Safety for Hoisting Cables for 
 posed to corrosion, they may be covered with marline or 
 other equivalent protective covering. 
 b The minimum factor of safety of car or counterweight 
 cable shall be not less than the values given in Curve 4, 
 corresponding to the rated speed of the car. 
 c The diameter of the cables shall be determined by 
 using the factor of safety found in Rule S04b and the rated 
 ultimate strength of the cable. The computed load on the 
 cable shall be the weight of the car plus its rated load. 
 d No car or counterweight hoisting cable of power 
 dumbwaiters shall be lengthened or repaired by splicing. 
 e The drum end of the car and counterweight cables 
 shall be secured by clamps inside the drums. 
 f All cables secured to a winding drum shall have not 
 less -than one complete turn of cable around the winding 
 drum when the car or counterweight has reached the ex 
 treme limit of its travel. 
 Section 51 Power Dumbwaiter, Speed Control 
 and Safeties 
 Rule 510 Speed and Control 
 a No belt dumbwaiter shall have a speed greater than 
 50 ft. per min. 
 b No power dumbwaiter controlled by a direct hand- 
 operated shipper rope shall have a speed greater than SO ft. 
 per min. 
 c The speed of power dumbwaiters other than those 
 mentioned in Rules 510a and 510b shall not exceed: 
 1 One hundred feet per minute if the travel is less 
 than 30 ft. 
 2 One hundred and fifty feet per minute if the travel 
 is 30 ft. or more and less than 50 ft. 
 3 Two hundred and fifty feet per minute if the travel 
 is 50 ft. or more and less than 100 ft. 
 4 Four hundred feet per minute if the travel is 100 
 ft. or more. 
 5 Five hundred feet per minute if the travel is in ex 
 cess of 100 ft. without intermediate landing, and the 
 dumbwaiter is button-controlled and provided with a 
 "slow-down" device. 
 d Guards which will keep the ropes on the sheaves shall 
 be installed unless means are used to maintain the hand 
 ropes in proper tension. 
 Rule 511 Terminal Stops 
 a Power dumbwaiters shall be equipped with brakes 
 which are automatically applied when the power is cut off. 
 b Power dumbwaiters shall be provided at each terminal 
 with independent means of manual operation to automatical 
 ly stop the car within the limits of ovcrtravcl. 
 c Power dumbwaiters having a travel of more than 30 
 ft. and a capacity of more than 100 Ib. and operated by 
 winding drum machines shall be provided with a "slack 
 cable" device which will cut off the power and stop the car 
 if the car is obstructed in its descent. 
 Rule 512 Car Safety Tests 
 a Where "safeties" are required by Rule 109, these 
 "safeties" shall be tested at the rated load and speed of the 
 Part VII Operating Rules 
 Section 70 Rules for Inspection and Maintenance 
 Rule 700 Responsibility 
 a It shall be the duty of the owner of the property upon 
 which an elevator is or may be installed to specify in any 
 lease which he may execute, the party responsible for the 
 care and maintenance of the elevator. 
 b It shall then become the duty of the designated party 
 to make periodic inspections and maintain in proper work 
 ing order all parts of any elevator installations. 
 Rule 701 Inspection 
 a The following is the schedule of inspections recom 
 mended : 
 Hoistway door and car gate interlocks, contacts, control 
 apparatus, car and counterweight cables, "safeties," guide 
 rails and elevator machines shall in passenger-elevator in 
 stallations be inspected quarterly and in freight-elevator in 
 stallations shall be inspected semi-annually. 
 Plunger shoes, by-passes and piston rods of hydraulic 
 elevators shall be inspected at least once in three years. 
 Inspection shall be made by a competent person. A cer 
 tificate of inspection shall be posted in the car stating the 
 name of the inspector and the date of inspection. 
 Rule 702 Maintenance 
 a Cables, guides and all parts of machinery shall be kept 
 well lubricated. The oil in bearings and gear casings shall 
 be renewed every six months. 
 The use of a lubricant containing graphite or other opaque 
 substance shall not be permitted on elevator cables. 
 b Pressure and discharge tanks of hydraulic elevators 
 shall be thoroughly cleaned at least once every three years. 
 c Pressure tanks of hydraulic elevators shall be tested 
 with hydrostatic pressure 50 per cent in excess of the maxi 
 mum working pressure at least once every three years. 
 Rule 703 Care of Installation 
 a Elevator hoistways and pits shall be kept clean. No 
 rubbish shall be allowed to accumulate therein nor shall 
 any part be used for storage. 
 b No explosives or highly inflammable substance shall 
 be stored under or near any elevator hoistway. 
 c No material not a permanent part of the elevator 
 equipment shall be permitted on the top or cover of an 
 elevator car. 
 d No wire or current-carrying device shall be substi 
 tuted for the proper fuse or circuit breakers in an elevator 
 e Freight elevators shall have signs posted on the car 
 and at each landing prohibiting unauthorized persons from 
 riding on the elevator car. 
 f No hand elevator shall be used for carrying safes or 
 other concentrated loads of weight greater than the normal 
 rated capacity of the elevator. 
 g The water level in the tank of a hydraulic elevator 
 should usually be maintained at about two-thirds of the 
 capacity of the tank. 
 h Operators shall be so clothed as to offer no undue 
 hazard to themselves or the occupants of the car. 
 Section 71 Qualifications and Duties of 
 Rule 710 Qualifications of Operators 
 a Operators shall be not less than 18 years of age. 
 b Operators shall be free from serious physical or men 
 tal defects and shall be selected with consideration for their 
 ability to perform their duties in a careful and competent 
 Rule 711 Training of Operators 
 a One week s training under the direction of a com 
 petent operator shall be required before a new (inex 
 perienced) operator is placed in charge of a passenger ele 
 b Two days training under the direction of a com 
 petent operator shall be required before a new (inex 
 perienced) operator is placed in charge of a freight ele 
 c Operators not having previous experience in handling 
 passenger elevators shall not be placed in charge of cars 
 operating at a speed in excess of 600 ft. per min. until prop 
 erly trained for this service. 
 Note Where licensed operators are required the elevator may, in 
 case of emergency, be operated by a competent unlicensed person. 
 Rule 712 Instructions to Operators 
 a Always open the main switch of an electric elevator 
 or lock the control mechanism of a hydraulic, steam or 
 belted elevator before cleaning or oiling any part of your 
 machine or regulator and before leaving your work. 
 b Be sure the control mechanism is in the "stop" posi 
 tion before closing the main switch. 
 c Make a trial inspection trip each morning before 
 carrying any passengers. 
 d Report any defects promptly to the person in charge. 
 e Do not attempt to make any repairs unless instructed 
 to do so. 
 f Carry no passengers or freight while inspections, re 
 pairs or adjustments are in progress and operate the car 
 only in response to directions from the inspector or per 
 son in charge. Do not move the car when anyone is in 
 the pit or on top of the car except as they may direct. 
 g See that the "locking bars" and "safe-hoisting" at 
 tachments are in place before a safe or other heavy con 
 centrated load is moved on or off the car platform. 
 Do not attempt to raise the car more than a few inches 
 until the "locking bars" have been withdrawn. 
 h Do not ride in the elevator nor allow others to ride 
 while a safe or other heavy object in excess of the rated 
 capacity of the elevator is being carried. 
 i Hoistway doors or gates shall always be closed and 
 locked before the car is started. The car shall be brought 
 to a stop at the landing level before the hoistway door is 
 j Keep car gates, if any, closed while running, and 
 where no car gates are provided keep passengers away from 
 the open edge of the car platform. 
 k Limit the number of passengers to the capacity of the 
 car and do not permit crowding. 
 1 Do not reverse the control while passing a landing on 
 receipt of a stop signal. Continue the trip and respond to 
 the signal on the next trip. 
 m Move control mechanism to the "stop" position on 
 approaching the terminal landings. Do not depend on the 
 limit switches in the ordinary operation of the car. 
 n If the power goes "off" while the car is in motion, 
 move the control mechanism to the "stop" position and 
 wait for the return of the power. 
 o If the car refuses to stop do not attempt to jump off. 
 The car will be stopped by the application of the safeties 
 if it attains excessive speed of descent or by the hoistway 
 limit switches at either end of its travel. 
 p If the car should stop suddenly, and the machine drum 
 or sheaves are plainly visible, move the control in the 
 "up" direction just enough to start the machine slowly. 
 Watch the cable closely and see that it winds in its proper 
 If the machine grooves or sheaves are not visible, call 
 for the engineer in charge and operate the machine at his 
 q If the car will not start return the control to the 
 "stop" position and look for the following causes : 
 1 Open circuit in main fuses. 
 2 Open circuit in control-circuit fuses. 
 3 Controlling device not properly functioning. 
 4 Automatic switch contacts, slack-cable switch, 
 limit switches, door contacts, etc., being 
 5 Lack of lubrication in bearings or thrusts. 
 If this inspection shows no defects, remove part of the 
 r Loclc the control mechanism of hydraulic, steam or 
 belted machine in the "stop" position and open the auxiliary 
 control switch of an electric elevator before allowing any 
 freight to be loaded or unloaded. 
 s Be sure to familiarize yourself with the emergency 
 devices, understand their function and know how to 
 operate them. 
 t Never leave the car in the ordinary course of opera 
 tion nor leave the control mechanism unprotected. When 
 going off duty for any reason even for a few minutes be 
 sure that the power is disconnected or that the control 
 mechanism is locked and the hoistway doors closed. 
 When service is suspended for any reason during the 
 ordinary operating hours display a "NOT RUNNING" 
 sign at each landing. 
 u Be sure you are familiar with these rules and keep 
 a copy on your person or in the car at all times. 
 A Code of Safety Standards for Power -Transmission Machinery* 
 Rules and Requirements for the Protection of Industrial Workers from Hazards Commonly Pre 
 sented by Mechanical Equipment Used for Transmitting and Distributing Power from 
 the Prime Movers to the Various Power-Utilizing Machines, Tools and Devices 
 Note The use of properly designed, constructed and installed individual motor-driven equipment with electrical power distribution 
 not. only eliminates many of the hazards demanding this Code, but also gives an uninterrupted distribution of natural and artificial 
 light, and a greater flexibility and range of speeds than is possible with mechanical power-distributing systems. 
 The following specifications describe standard guards 
 for all power-transmission equipment hereinafter men 
 tioned, and apply to all main shafting, jack shafting, drive 
 shafting and countershafting, and their belts and other 
 attachments up to but not including belts actually driving 
 2 Class A Guards. If the clearance between the 
 Figs. 1 to 3- -Guards for Gears and Sprockets 
 guard and the guarded part is less than 5 in., a metal 
 guarding material that will not admit objects larger 
 than one-half inch in diameter, strong enough to with 
 stand loads to which it may be subjected, durable 
 "Compiled and presented bv Carl M. Hansen and Rufus W. Hicks 
 under the direction and with the approval of the Committee on 
 Health and Safety, Natitnal Association of Manufacturers. Sub 
 mitted by the Sub-Committee on Protection of Industrial Workers 
 for the consideration of the American Society of Mechanical 
 tBelts actually driving machines will be considered "machine 
 belts." and therefore a subject for machine codes. 
 enough to withstand ordinary wear and tear, substan 
 tially fabricated and erected, and free from sharp points 
 and edges. 
 3 Class B Guards. If the clearance between the 
 guard and the guarded part is 5 in. or more, a metal 
 guarding material that will not admit objects larger 
 than 2 in. in diameter, strong enough to withstand loads 
 to which it may be subjected, durable enough to with 
 stand ordinary wear and tear, substantially fabricated 
 and erected, and free from sharp points and edges. 
 4 Handrails. If the clearance between the guard 
 and the guarded part is 15 in. or more (measured hori 
 zontally from extreme parts within 6 ft. of floor), a 
 handrail 42 in. in height with at least one intermediate 
 rail, supported at least every 8 ft., of substantial and rigid 
 construction and erection, with no sharp points or edges. 
 5 If constructed of pipe, the rails and posts shall be 
 at least equal in strength to IJ/J-in. standard-weight 
 6 If constructed of structural metal, the rails and 
 posts shall be at least equal in strength to two by two 
 by one-fourth (2 x 2 x J4) in. angles. 
 7 If constructed of wood, the top rail shall be 2 in. 
 by 4 in., the center rail not less than 1 in. by 4 in., and 
 the posts 4 in. by 4 in., all straight-grained lumber 
 dressed on four sides, or other construction of equal 
 8 Toe Boards. When power-transmission equip 
 ment extends through floors or into pits, Class A and B 
 guards shall extend to the floors or toe boards 6 in. in 
 height shall be provided around the floor opening in 
 addition to standard handrails. (See Figs. 6, 7, 11, 14, 
 30, 31, 34, 48.) 
 9 Sanitary Bases. Class A and B guards, for power- 
 transmission equipment not extending through floors, 
 shall enclose all exposed sides to 2 in. below the bot 
 tom of the lowest moving part when the clearance be 
 tween that part and the floor is less than 8 in.; or when 
 the clearance between the lowest moving part and the 
 floor is 8 in. or more, the guards shall be closed on the 
 bottom, or extended on all exposed sides down to 6 in. 
 above the floor. (See Figs. IS, 26, 36-40, 42, 43, 49-54.) 
 10 Gears and Sprockets. All power-driven gears and 
 sprockets shall be completely enclosed on exposed 
 sides with standard guards as specified in Class A or B, 
 except in cases where the design and operation of the 
 parts to be guarded make a complete enclosure clearly 
 impractical: in which case the face of the gears or 
 sprockets shall be covered with a band guard surround 
 ing all exposed teeth, with flanges on both sides ex 
 tending inward beyond the roots of the teeth, and there 
 shall be a continuous smooth web cast or fitted between 
 the hubs and rims of the gears or sprockets. (See 
 Figs. 1, 2, 3.) 
 11 Vertical and Inclined Belts, Ropes, Chains. All 
 vertical and inclined belts, ropes and chains used for 
 transmitting or distributing power (except belts trav- 
 Sanitary Bases. Floor 
 (18) " (19) (to) (21) 
 (17) (23) VERTICAL 5ELTS /7<w 
 Figs. 4 to 27 Guards for Vertical Belts 
 eling less than 120 feet per minute, or transmitting so 
 little power that accidental contact therewith could 
 cause no accident) shall be provided with standard 
 guards as specified in Class A or B, 6 ft. high on ex 
 posed sides, or on exposed side and top, or with a 
 standard handrail on exposed sides. (See Figs. 4 to 46, 
 12 Horizontal Belts, Ropes, Chains. All horizontal 
 belts, ropes and chains used for transmitting or distrib 
 uting power (except belts traveling less than 120 ft. 
 per min., or transmitting so little power that accidental 
 contact therewith could cause no accident) shall be 
 guarded as follows: 
 13 Low Belts. If the upper part of the belt is lower 
 than 6 ft. above the floor or working platform, it shall 
 be provided with standard guards specified in Class A 
 or B, 6 ft. high on exposed sides, or on exposed sides 
 and top, or with a standard handrail on exposed sides 
 (See Figs. 47-50.) 
 14 Medium Belts. If the upper part of the belt is 
 higher than 6 ft. above the floor or working platform 
 and the lower part of the belt is lower than 6 ft. above 
 the floor or working platform, it shall be provided with 
 standard guards as, specified in Class A or B, 6 ft. high 
 on exposed sides, or with a standard handrail on ex 
 posed sides. (See Figs. 51-58.) 
 15 High Belts. If the lower part of the belt is 
 higher than 6 ft. above the floor or working platform 
 and lower than 7 ft. above the floor, it shall be pro 
 vided with standard guards as specified in Class A or 
 B, on exposed sides and bottom, or with standard hand 
 rail on exposed sides. (See Figs. 59, 60.) 
 16. Belts Over Driveways. Where a horizontal belt 
 is located over a driveway or passageway the highest 
 floor of any wagon or truck passing beneath the belt shall 
 be considered a working platform. 
 17 Belt Fasteners. All belts not provided with 
 guards as specified in Class A or B and within 7 ft. of 
 the floor or working platform shall be free from metal 
 la cings and metal fasteners. 
 18 Belt Shifters. Belt shifters shall be provided for 
 (31) (J6) (33) (40) (41) 
 (4Z) <) (45) 
 Figs. 28 to 46 Guards for Inclined Belts 
 all tight- and loose-pulley belts, and shall be so de 
 signed and constructed that ordinary vibrations or acci 
 dental contact will not alter the set position, and shall 
 have a controlling handle conveniently located. (See 
 Figs. 61-63.) 
 19 Pulleys. Pulleys belted from above or from the 
 side in such a way as to allow passage beneath the 
 pulley, and within 7 ft. of the floor or working platform 
 and not completely enclosed by standard belt guards or 
 handrails, shall be guarded to the top of the pulley or 
 to a height of 7 ft. ahove the floor or working platform 
 on exposed sides and beneath by guards as specified 
 in Class A or B, or be enclosed on exposed sides by 
 standard handrails. (See Figs. 64-67). 
 20 Bearing Clearance. The clearance on shafting 
 between pulleys and bearings or between pulleys and 
 Figs. 47 to 60 Guards for Horizontal Belts 
 fixed objects shall be not less than 36 in. and wider 
 than the belt, or the pulleys shall be guarded on the 
 near side with stationary guards as specified in Class 
 A or B, and all revolving objects in the clearance shall 
 be smooth, cylindrical and concentric with shafting. 
 No guards shall be required when a runway is installed. 
 (See Figs. 68-73.) 
 21 Belt Clearance. The clearance on shafting be 
 tween pulleys and pulleys, collars, couplings or other 
 revolving attachments shall be wider than the widest 
 belt used, or the pulleys shall have flanges or guards to 
 prevent the belt from dropping into the clearance. (See 
 Figs. 68-73.) 
 22 Abandoned Pulleys. Pulleys without belts shall 
 be guarded as though belted, or removed from revolv 
 ing shafts. 
 23 Clutches. Friction clutches, jaw clutches and 
 compression clutches within 7 ft. of the floor or work 
 ing platform or within 36 in. of a bearing shall have 
 their operating mechanism completely enclosed in sta 
 tionary guards as specified in Class A or B, or in 
 smooth, concentric revolving guards of solid construc 
 tion with no projecting parts or attachments. 
 24 Couplings. All couplings within 7 ft. of the floor 
 or working platform or within 36 in. of a hearing shall 
 be guarded as follows: 
 25 Rigid Couplings. Sleeve couplings, flange coup- 
 .ings and clamp couplings shall be cylindrical and 
 concentric with the shafting and with no parts or 
 attachments projecting beyond the largest periphery 
 of the coupling or its projecting flanges. (See Figs. 
 74. 75.) 
 26 Flexible Couplings. Flexible and universal coup 
 lings shall be completely enclosed in standard sta 
 tionary guards as specified in Class A or B, or in 
 smooth concentric revolving guards of solid construc 
 27 Clamp Couplings which arc of irregular shape 
 :>r unknown strength are prohibited on revolving shafting. 
 28 Collars. Assembled collars shall be smooth 
 cylindrical and concentric with shafting, with no pro 
 jecting parts or attachments. (See Figs. 76, 77.) 
 29 Set Screws. All set screws in revolving parts 
 not enclosed by standard guards as specified in Class 
 A or B shall be flush with or countersunk below the 
 Kit:*. 61 to 82 Guards for Miscellaneous Equipment 
 periphery of the part retaining the set screws. (See 
 Figs. 76," 77.) 
 30 Keys. All keys or keyways in revolving shaft 
 ing not enclosed by standard guards as specified in 
 Class A or B shall be made flush with the end and 
 periphery of the shaft or enclosed by smooth, cylin 
 drical concentric guards. 
 31 Vertical Shafting. Vertical shafting with or 
 without collars, couplings, clutches, pulleys, or other 
 attachments shall be enclosed on exposed sides with 
 standard guards as specified in Class A or B to a height 
 of 6 ft. above the floor or working platform, or with a 
 standard handrail. (See Figs. 78, 79.) 
 32. Horizontal Shafting. Horizontal shafting with 
 or without collars, couplings, clutches, pulleys, or other 
 attachments, including dead ends, within 7 ft. of the 
 floor or working platform, shall be enclosed on all ex 
 posed sides with standard guards as specified in Class 
 A or B or with standard handrail, or with freely re 
 volving tubing. (See Figs. 80-82.) 
 33 Shafting Over Driveways. Where horizontal 
 shafting is located over driveways or passageways, the 
 highest floor of a wagon or truck passing beneath the 
 shafting shall be considered a working platform. 
 34 Emergency Stop Stations. A station or stations 
 shall be provided in each room, section, or department 
 to stop quickly all power-transmission equipment there 
 in. Such station or stations shall be properly marked 
 and easily accessible and provided with means for lock 
 ing in "stop" position. 
 35 Bearings. Where possible, bearings shall be of 
 a self-oiling type with reservoir capacities for at least 
 24 hours running or shall have other methods of oil 
 ing which do not bring the oiler in the danger zone, 
 and shall have necessary drip cups and pans securely 
 fastened in position. 
 36 Lubrication. Oiling which brings the oiler in a 
 danger zone shall be done only by an authorized per 
 son, and while the machinery is not in motion. 
 37 Oiler s Clothes. The oiler must not wear loose 
 or flowing clothing. 
 38 Oiler s Lock. The oiler shall be provided with a 
 lock and key or with a key to the locks at the emer 
 gency stop stations, and with a warning sign to display 
 at the stations when at work on machinery controlled 
 by that station. He shall be required to lock the sta 
 tion in a "stop" position and display the sign before 
 going to work, and unlock and remove the sign when 
 the work is completed and all men have left dangerous 
 39 Starting Signals. Ample notice should be given 
 by means of an effective alarm or signal in all depart 
 ments before power-transmission equipment is started. 
 An effective signal system should be required in all 
 plants where machinery is in group drive, and fixed 
 rules should be established for the use of these signals. 
 40 Inspection. All power-transmission equipment 
 should be carefully inspected at frequent and regular 
 intervals by foremen or authorized inspectors, and de 
 fective equipment should be reported for repair and 
 records kept of inspections. 
 41 Repairs and Adjustments. Repairs and adjust 
 ments to power-transmission equipment or guards 
 therefor shall be made only when the power is cut off 
 from that equipment, and guards shall be replaced in 
 protective position before the power is cut on. 
 42 Removing Guards. Guards installed in accord 
 ance with this Code shall not be removed or rendered 
 ineffective except for repairs spoken of in Par. 41. 
 Hand Trucks, Storage Battery and Gasoline Engine 
 Trucks, Storage Battery and Gasoline 
 Engine Tractors, Trailers, 
 Motor Trucks, Truck-Tractors, 
 Tractors and Trailers 
 A Treatise Covering the Construction and Application of 
 the Trackless Devices Used in the 
 Handling of Materials 
 Power and Mining Department, General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. 
 Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Member, Society of Terminal 
 Engineers ; Associate Member, American Institute of Electrical Engineers 
 Assisted by 
 Chief Transportation Engineer, The White Co., Cleveland, O. 
 Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 
 Member, Society of Automotive Engineers 

Industrial Trucks, Tractors and Trailers 
 may he said to embrace three distinct classes of ap 
 paratus: (1) the simple forms of hand trucks, carts and 
 wheelbarrows; (2) the various modifications of power 
 driven trucks as distinguished from tractors, and (3) 
 tractors and trailers. Hoth power driven trucks and 
 tractors are manufactured in two general types, i. e., stor 
 age battery and gasoline engine propelled. Before deciding 
 upon the proper types of trucks, tractors or trailers ap 
 plicable for any particular interplant transportation system ; 
 whether the problem should be solved by hand trucks, by 
 power driven trucks, by tractors and trailers ; whether 
 storage battery or gasoline engine propelled machines 
 are most suitable ; or whether a combination of the various 
 systems is required, a general survey of existing condi 
 tions should be made. 
 Inside the plant \t is important to know, for instance, the 
 construction of the floors ; 
 whether they arc of suffi 
 cient carrying capacity to 
 support the weight of a 
 loaded machine, the grades, 
 length of hauls, working 
 time, class and volume of 
 material to be transported, 
 facilities for loading and 
 unloading, width of aisles, 
 and the dimensions of door 
 ways and other passages 
 through which the machine 
 may have to travel. If the 
 machine has to carry mater 
 ial up and down on the ele 
 vator, note the capacity of 
 the elevator, the size of 
 opening, the size and posi 
 tion of the doors at the 
 various floors, whether the 
 source of electrical energy 
 is direct current or alternating, what wiring is necessary to 
 install the charging apparatus, and also if help is available 
 for operating the charging apparatus. Special attention 
 should be given to insurance and to existing fire rules if 
 the use of power machines with gasoline engines is con 
 Outside the plant it is important to know the character 
 of the roadways ; whether they are dirt, hard tilled or con 
 crete. Also the length of hauls, the extent of working 
 periods, the class of material to be moved, railroad tracks 
 or other obstructions which must be passed over, all must 
 be all taken into consideration. 
 Hand Trucks 
 For short movements of general parcel freight, or forms 
 of material that come under this class, hand trucks cannot 
 be dispensed with. The manually operated hand truck, in 
 many varied sizes and shapes, has an important place in 
 industrial life, and is one of the principal forms of equip 
 ment used in material handling. In any haulage prob 
 lem, the several types of hand trucks are applicable and 
 are recommended for certain classes of material and for 
 short haul distances: they may also be used in connection 
 with the power truck. 
 The many types and the ingenious attachments and de 
 signs greatly aid and make easier the movement by hand 
 of commodities over short distances. Man power is en 
 hanced when heavier loads are placed on trucks that can 
 be pushed or pulled. In this way heavier loads may be 
 moved longer distances, with more ease. 
 While the hand truck is efficient, and in many places in 
 dispensable, it is limited in its capacity and scope by man 
 power. A man with a hand truck maintains a speed of 
 less than 2 m. per hour with a load varying from 250 Ib. 
 to 700 Ib. The practical field of operation covers a radius 
 of from 50 ft. to 150 ft. When movements arc longer than 
 150 ft. to 200 ft. other machines should be introduced to 
 relieve the hand trucks from the burden and waste of longer 
 hauls. In many instances, however, the aisle space, floor 
 support, construction of floors and general weight of ma 
 terial to lie moved do not permit the use of a power truck 
 and for such installations 
 one of the several types of 
 hand trucks is applicable. 
 Efforts arc being directed 
 toward the substitution of 
 mechanical means to dis 
 pense with the hand truck 
 but there are many peculiar 
 shaped parcels which can 
 best be moved by such 
 trucks. For movements of 
 all parcels over distances of 
 50 ft. or less, no other 
 method is sufficiently flex 
 ible to warrant displacing 
 the hand truck. Therefore, 
 it should be retained and 
 lie used in conjunction with 
 machines which will handle 
 material economically over 
 , , ,.,., , J longer distances, and 
 when the material to be 
 transported is exceptionally heavy. 
 Box Type 
 This type is convenient and useful for moving large and 
 heavy hales, cases, boxes and machinery. It is of low, 
 strong and rugged construction with a hardwood or metal 
 rectangular frame and with four or six small wheels. The 
 Hand Trucks: Box; Baggage; Single Handle; 
 Barrow; Push Cart; Large Wheel Cart; 
 Stevedore; Platform; Lift. 
 Storage Battery Trucks: Platform; Low Plat 
 form; Elevating Platform; Baggage; 
 Crane; Dump Body; Tiering. 
 Gasoline Engine Trucks: Cargo; Stake Body; 
 Dump Body. 
 Storage Battery Tractors: Three Wheel; Four 
 Wheel; Center Control. 
 Gasoline Engine Tractors: Three Wheel; 
 Four Wheel; Track-laying. 
 Trailers: Four Wheel Steer; Caster; Fifth 
 Wheel; Balanced; Baggage; Low Platform; 
 Dump Body; Box. 
 Box Truck 
 center wheels are so placed that the load may be balanced 
 in turning. Steel points in the frame prevent the load from 
 sliding. The bevel or rounded ends permit the heavy 
 pieces to be loaded onto the truck with but little effort. 
 Different forms of construction make this type applic 
 able for many uses. The frame may be furnished with 
 four rollers for moving case goods of moderate weight 
 over irregular surfaces, as aboard ship. A form with a 
 triangular frame is manufactured and is used for handling 
 barrels in an upright position, for carrying boxes or stoves 
 through narrow aisles, and, when furnished with double 
 swivel casters, for moving pianos. The frame may be of 
 metal construction and hinged at the center so that the 
 ends drop down to the floor forming three points of con 
 tact, thus preventing the truck from moving during "loading. 
 The dolley is a modification of the box truck; it has a 
 flat faced metal roller in the center of the frame. 
 Baggage or Express Type 
 This type has been adopted as standard for handling 
 baggage and express by many leading railroad and express 
 companies. It is strongly constructed of hardwood with 
 four metal or wooden wheels and a fifth wheel in front 
 which permits easy turning. The platform is about 35 
 inches high and is furnished with either fixed or removable 
 end stakes. Another form uses sloping ends which permit 
 somewhat larger loads being carried, which are bulky in 
 form but light in weight. 
 This type may also be furnished with side rails, beveled 
 inward, or with an iron band extending slightly above the 
 platform, which prevents milk cans or similar loads from 
 Baggage or Express Truck 
 sliding off. In a smaller and lighter size it is very service 
 able for use at small, outlying stations where the traffic is 
 comparatively light. 
 Single Handle Type 
 This type is handy and convenient for private residences, 
 country stores and many other places where with it one 
 Single Hand Truck 
 man can economically handle ash cans, boxes, trunks and 
 all sizes of barrels, casks, kegs and bulky packages. It is 
 built with two small wheels, a single handle and steel points 
 to hold the load in position. It may be furnished with a 
 metal package grip having a horizontal and vertical adjust 
 ment to assist in pulling over the load and holding it while 
 it is being moved. This package grip is a hook which 
 slides down and engages the chime of the barrel or slips 
 over the outer edge of the bale or package. A truck with 
 a metal frame is manufactured for heavy work; it may have 
 a special crate resting on the wheel guards. A modification 
 of this type is, the very low frame, three-wheel, metal cask 
 truck for handling heavy casks, barrels and kegs when it 
 is necessary to carry them in an upright position. 
 The barrow, in many forms and modifications, is used 
 for transporting loose or bulk material short distances. The 
 common form of barrow is built with a tubular metal or 
 wooden frame, having either straight or curved handles, 
 and also one or two small front wheels of varying sizes 
 and with two legs for supports, or with wheels under the 
 supports. It is built with open sides or with a tray. The 
 trays may be wood or metal, of varying sizes and of dif 
 ferent types of construction. If of wood the sides may 
 vary in height and may or may not be removable. The 
 metal trays may be of riveted construction or they may be 
 pressed from a single sheet. The barrow is used in mills, 
 factories, construction work, and at docks and piers. Many 
 modifications are available but each particular design is 
 best adapted for handling one of the many classes of ma 
 terial. One distinct form is used extensively in handling 
 baggage and mail bags; it has two large center wheels 
 and ends that slope to the center. 
 Push Cart or Delivery Cart 
 The push cart is a strong, durable, heavy service cart. 
 It has a rectangular, wooden body with two large wheels 
 Push or Delivery Cart 
 and is often furnished with a third wheel in front, the 
 latter being of advantage in crossing street gutters and 
 rough places. 
 The delivery cart is similar to the push cart except that 
 it is of lighter construction and is generally built with a being superseded gradually by mechanically operated power 
 metal body and with either metal or wooden wheels. Either trucks of many designs, 
 type is easily handled and is applicable for light delivery 
 service and for transporting merchandise which makes large 
 dimensional loads of medium weight. It is used by painters, 
 Platform Type 
 This type is used in many places where short and infre- 
 U1U1V11B1UUOJ IVAVO U nn. vii it ill CTV4*lti *b 19 v*j\.vi uj su*. . . . 
 carpenters, bill posters and masons, and when furnished Qent ha llls an<1 the necessary standing and waiting 
 with a removable cover is useful for carrying tools for 
 telephone, telegraph, electric, gas and water companies. 
 Large Wheel Cart 
 This type is used in construction work for carrying con 
 crete, in packing houses and for carrying coal and coke. 
 It has a metal body, or tray, of either semi-circular or 
 rectangular construction, and with an angle iron or tubular 
 frame construction. The wheels may be supported on the 
 side of the tray or on an under-slung axle. Either con 
 struction permits the tray with its load to be tilted, and on 
 some types to be inverted. The inside of the tray is clear 
 from obstruction, permitting quick and clean discharge 
 when the body is tilted, or inverted, and making it espe 
 cially useful for laying sidewalks, floors, and in other places 
 where the load can be dumped quickly. 
 A slight modification has a long nose to the tray, enabling 
 the load to be dumped into forms or molds without spilling. 
 Another modification is the street cleaner s cart, the frame 
 of which is formed to support and carry a metal barrel 
 Large Wheel Cart 
 held in a vertical position. The ladle cart is another modi 
 fication, similar in form to the street cleaner s cart except 
 that it is of much heavier and stronger construction. 
 Stevedore Type 
 This type is still considered a necessity in many places 
 for short moves of all classes of material, or in connection 
 with the placing in position of loads for longer hauls. It 
 has a platform, two handles and two wheels. Slight modi 
 fications in construction make this type adaptable for han 
 dling certain special classes of commodities, such as cotton 
 Stevedore Truck 
 bales, barrels or bags. Many modifications are available 
 for a large number of special applications. One has two 
 large wheels and one small wheel. The operator raises 
 or lowers the load about a leverage point near the floor 
 and readily pushes or pulls the load which is carried on 
 the three wheels. In spite of its adaptability, this type is 
 Platform Truck with End Racks 
 preclude the use of a tractor or a power truck. The fol 
 lowing general forms are available : Stake trucks, with 
 end stakes or side stakes and with four stakes or six stakes ; 
 bar handle trucks ; end rack trucks ; trucks with three sides 
 closed ; trucks with four sides closed ; multiple deck 
 They are similar in construction to the larger trailer 
 truck described in detail under trailers. They are, how 
 ever, generally of lighter construction and are manufactured 
 with numerous modifications which make them adaptable 
 for a wide range of service. They are furnished with 
 wheels of various sizes, and with platform bodies of many 
 sizes and different heights from the floor, each one of which 
 is best adapted for a certain movement, and for a particular 
 kind of commodity. 
 These types are not used in a trailing train and are not 
 furnished with connectors. Ease of operation is enhanced 
 by ball bearing wheels whereby the operator, with little 
 effort, is able to haul or push a comparatively heavy load, 
 once it has been placed on the truck. 
 A modification of this type is an all-metal truck with drop 
 sides or end. It is used as a charging cart for moving coal 
 and may be taken to any part of the plant for loading, 
 placed in any position for charging, and obviates the use- 
 of floor rails. 
 Lift Type 
 It has been proven repeatedly by tests that the old-fash 
 ioned method of trucking with fixed platform trucks wastes 
 75 per cent of the operator s time. This is true for the 
 reason that these trucks require prompt loading and un 
 loading to keep them in service. 
 The basic idea of the use of either the hand or electric 
 elevating truck is the economic practice of keeping material 
 on a large number of detached skids or platforms from 
 the time that it enters the plant in a raw or unfinished 
 condition and through the various processes of machining 
 and finishing and then into the shipping or storage rooms. 
 The material so loaded, rather than piled on the floor, saves 
 extra handling and makes possible a quick change of lo 
 cation and releases the truck for other work while the plat 
 forms are being loaded or unloaded. Incoming stock, 
 finished and unfinished stock in the process of manufacture, 
 in shipping or storage rooms, in warehouses or terminals,. 
 The Illustrations Indicate the Adaptability of the Hand Lift Truck 
 can be placed on and remain on platforms and be shifted 
 from place to place with a minimum of handling. 
 When the truck is rolled under a loaded skid and the 
 handle is thrust downward, the lifting bars raise the skid 
 and the load from the floor. When elevated, the support 
 ing bars assume a fixed position and remain rigidly locked 
 together until released by the operator. In descending, a 
 powerful hydraulic check eases the heaviest load smoothly 
 Lift Truck 
 and evenly to the floor. The truck is then pulled out from 
 under the skid and is ready for another load. 
 For many installations, where the length of haul and 
 congested floors are limiting features, this type of truck 
 with skid platforms serves the purposes of the many times 
 more expensive power truck. Or this type may be used 
 in the sense of a "switching" engine, or be used to "jockey" 
 into place or position, loaded or empty platforms for a trail 
 ing load with a tractor. The trucks for this service are 
 furnished with suitable connectors. 
 Modifications of this type are available and one form 
 uses either a flat platform or a platform with a steel or 
 wooden tray, or with a box extension. The platform is 
 equipped with two rear wheels, permanently attached, and 
 a single front leg for a support. 
 A second unit is the handle for hand operation or the 
 trailer hitch for operation as a trailer with a tractor. Either 
 of these attachments has a wheel and is also provided with 
 a tongue which engages the front leg. Only the front end 
 of the truck requires elevating and this is done by a down 
 ward movement of the handle or trailer hitch. 
 Another modification of this type is the form into which 
 is built an accurate beam scale. With this attachment the 
 lift type truck not only transfers and stores raw material or 
 merchandise with speed and labor saving economy but com 
 pletely eliminates the necessity of transferring loads to 
 separate scales for weighing. Material loaded on skid 
 platforms can be accurately weighed while resting on the 
 truck and the gross, net and tare weights quickly deter 
 mined. When transferring material the loaded platform 
 is supported on a special set of side bars so that there is 
 no strain on the scale mechanism. 
 The hand lift truck is used for inter-departmental move 
 ments only. For long hauls, the power truck is used for 
 moving the platforms. 
 Wheels for Hand Trucks 
 The stevedore type, the single handle type and the plat 
 form type hand trucks are sometimes furnished with rubber 
 tires or cushion tired wheels and are satisfactory for spe 
 cial service. This feature is not recommended for general 
 service because of the added cost of operation caused by the 
 rapid wear usually resulting from the condition of road 
 ways and floors, which makes frequent repairs to the rubber 
 tires necessary. However, the rubber tired wheels are used 
 where material is to be moved over good floors and where 
 quiet operation is essential, as in carpet mills, large whole 
 sale houses, restaurants, hotels or department stores, 
 arsenals, post offices and public buildings. 
 Power Trucks and Tractors 
 Power driven trucks and tractors were practically un 
 known until recent years. Now they are in daily service in 
 industrial plants and in marine and railroad terminals. 
 In every case where goods of any kind are being trans 
 ported over considerable distances within the premises of 
 railroad and steamship terminals, factories and warehouses, 
 power trucks and tractors may be used to a decided ad 
 vantage. They make transportation quicker and better, and 
 in many places they have been pronounced indispensable 
 because of the great economies effected. If freight or mer 
 chandise in sufficient quantities has to be moved as short 
 a distance as SO ft. an industrial power truck or tractor 
 will handle it profitably. Over longer distances a truck or 
 tractor and trailers will do the work of from 8 to 10 men. 
 Tractors and trucks wend their way down narrow aisles, 
 turn sharp corners, climb ramps, and perform a wide va 
 riety of tasks with efficiency and ease in hundreds of plants 
 where the owners once thought their successful operation 
 absolutely impossible. The industrial power truck and trac 
 tor is limited in performance by the characteristics of the 
 particular service and also, to a large extent, by the fact 
 that these trucks and tractors, with the exception of the 
 track laying type, are designed for indoor or interplant 
 service and consequently for short hauls about plants, ware 
 houses or terminals. 
 Aside from the savings in cost of moving material the 
 question of labor is an important one. The power truck or 
 tractor is simple in operation. A woman, boy, or ordinary 
 laborer, can be taught to operate one of these machines in 
 a short time, and will become proficient in a. few days. 
 The operator of a power machine is able to work longei 
 with less physical strain than the operator of a hand truck 
 and is, consequently, more dependable. 
 The power machine is flexible. It may be run readily 
 into crowded places, narrow aisles, on and off elevators, on 
 all roads that are fairly smooth and level, into box cars, 
 and into the holds of coastwise ships. It is not dependent 
 upon rails unless so designed. It is rugged and reliable 
 and built to stand more or less abuse in the hands of in 
 efficient and careless help. 
 The power truck, in most types, will handle all classes 
 of commodities in loads that do not exceed 4,000 Ib. It 
 carries a load equivalent to that moved by 8 to 12 men, 
 carrying it from 5 to 7 times faster than a man moves it 
 by hand truck. The tractor pulls a trailing load up to 10 
 tons maximum at a speed up to 5 1 /- mi. an hour. The 
 power truck or tractor must be kept busy to show the best 
 results. They lose money for the owners when they are 
 not moving. A power truck or tractor occupies little more 
 space than a man with a hand truck and may be operated 
 anywhere a man with a hand truck can work. They will 
 go many places he cannot go, and without the assistance of 
 Dependent upon the commodity carried, the distance 
 traveled and the loading and unloading methods used, 
 tractors and trailers will handle material at a less cost 
 per ton than the power truck but they lack the extreme 
 individual flexibility found in the latter. The lower cost 
 is due to the fact that an operator and a helper can handle 
 a tractor with a train of from 4 to 12 trailers, each carry 
 ing from l /2 to \ l /2 tons or an average total of 8 tons or 
 4 tons per man. The power truck while capable, in many 
 cases, of handling heavy loads, will probably not average 
 a ton and a half per truck and an operator is required for 
 each truck, and often a helper as well. 
 Maintenance is less on tractors and trailers, as the number 
 of power machines to be maintained is less for a given ton 
 nage than if power trucks are used. Trailer maintenance 
 of course has to be included but it is a small item as com 
 pared with power trucks. 
 The use of power trucks or tractors reduces the damage 
 and breakage to material, produces more ambitious and 
 willing workers, saves the equivalent wages of from 6 to 
 15 men, and they will pay for themselves in from 3 to 9 
 months, depending on the use, care and operation. 
 Power trucks and tractors are manufactured in two types ; 
 i. e., storage battery type and gasoline engine type. Roughly 
 speaking the most economical distance per haul to operate 
 an electric power truck is about 1,000 ft. to 1,200 ft. and 
 the most economical distance per haul for a tractor is from 
 1,200 ft. to 2,000 ft. The gasoline engine type of truck or 
 tractor may be operated economically over slightly longer 
 The storage battery type is cheaper in operation than the 
 gasoline engine type; it has fewer small parts requiring 
 adjustment and to be repaired, and its operator is more fully 
 protected from mishaps. The gasoline engine type, how 
 ever, is cheaper in first cost than the storage battery type 
 and is not limited to the capacity of a battery, while, on 
 the other hand, it must always be well supplied with gaso 
 line, water and oil. No expensive charging equipment is 
 required. Its speed is considerably higher, which is an 
 important advantage for installations where the average 
 run is of considerable length. The noise and smell and the 
 poisonous fumes of the exhaust of the gasoline engine type 
 sometimes prove objectionable in indoor service and fire 
 rules preclude its use in some warehouses and buildings. 
 Either type has sufficient speed variation to permit high 
 speed when returning light and low speed for heavy duty 
 Tractors are usually manufactured with a worm drive 
 while the chain or spur gear drive is generally used in 
 power truck construction. The chain drive is more effi 
 cient, especially at slow speeds, and is recommended where 
 heavy grades are to be encountered. The worm and spur 
 gear drives require less attention, arc more quiet in opera 
 tion, and for general application are more dependable. 
 In either type all parts are accessible for care, attention, 
 adjustment and lubrication. All electrical parts in the 
 electric types are fully protected against grounds, short 
 circuits, and other electrical and mechanical defects. 
 Safety devices are essential in the electric types and 
 special care has been used in the design of these machines 
 to make them "fool proof" in operation and safe in the 
 hands of the novice. This is attained, mainly, by inter 
 locking the braking and controller systems so that the ma 
 chine is only capable of movement if the initial sequence 
 of action is correctly taken by the driver. The instant 
 the driver loaves the machine the current is shut off from 
 the motor and the brakes are applied automatically. The 
 machine cannot be started while- the operator is standing 
 on the ground. The electrical equipment is fused so that 
 it cannot be damaged no matter how quickly the current is 
 turned on or shut off. The current is automatically shut 
 off if the operator s hand is removed from the starting lever. 
 The engine of the gasoline engine type is of the four 
 cycle, four-cylinder, improved type, either horizontal or 
 vertical. The motor for the storage battery type is en 
 closed, series wound with a high starting torque, low cur 
 rent consumption and a large overload capacity for emer 
 gency. The motor is designed to give the best results with 
 the lowest possible drag on the batteries. 
 The gasoline engine has characteristics such that the 
 torque remains practically constant with a wide variation 
 in speed. A transmission is employed to deliver greater 
 torque at lower truck or tractor speeds. The torque in 
 the electric motor increases with a decrease in speed, auto 
 matically giving greater pulling power at lower speeds. 
 Batteries and Battery Charging 
 The batteries used in the electric types may be either the 
 lead or the alkaline type, both of which are in common 
 use. The general characteristics of the two types are simi 
 lar, but they differ widely in specific points. Each type of 
 battery has its advocates who contend that it has superior 
 characteristics for the tractor or power truck service. 
 Direct current is used for charging. If direct current is 
 the source of supply, it is furnished at the right voltage, 
 either through a battery charging resistor or by a two-unit 
 balancer set. If the source of supply is alternating current 
 the mercury arc rectifier, motor generator set or rotary 
 converter may be used to convert the alternating current to 
 direct current. The charging station should be so located 
 that a truck or tractor will never have to travel more than 
 1,000 ft. or 1,500 ft. from the center of the area in which 
 it operates to the place where it is to be charged. It is 
 recommended that two sets of batteries be used for con 
 tinuity of service. 
 Three systems are available for transporting material by 
 power trucks or tractors : 
 First : Trucks which carry loads on their own platforms. 
 Second: (a) Self-loading and unloading with the ele 
 vating platform and tiering trucks ; the use of live plat 
 forms or dead platforms or skids eliminates hand loading 
 and unloading. (b) Semi-loading or unloading with 
 the crane type and dump body type trucks. 
 Third : The tractor-trailer system. The material handled 
 by this system is loaded on trailers hauled by tractors. 
 Storage Battery Trucks 
 The storage battery truck is a self-propelled machine 
 that carries its load. Generally this type has a rated 
 capacity of about two tons. It has a chassis, three or four 
 wheels and a power equipment consisting of a motor and 
 a storage battery. It is manually operated by the driver 
 who usually stands facing the load. Different forms have 
 been developed whereby the steering is accomplished by all 
 four wheels in order to increase the ease of operation in 
 congested aisles; driving by all four wheels so as to attain 
 maximum adhesion, and the development of many other 
 forms of construction that assist greatly in quick and effi 
 cient moving of material. 
 Except for the time required for watering and the charg 
 ing of the storage battery, the truck is always ready for 
 service and no work within reason is too severe. 
 This truck is used for transporting all kinds of general 
 parcel freight, such as bags, boxes, bales and barrels. It 
 is also utilized for transporting loose materials, such as 
 metal parts, castings and bulk materials, which are usually 
 handled in special containers. These trucks are used to 
 move material from one department to another in indus 
 trial plants, or between common carriers and warehouses 
 on piers, or in railroad terminals where flexibility of equip 
 ment is desired which is not possible with industrial rail 
 ways or cranes that are confined to given paths of travel. 
 Platform Type 
 The platform type, where freight and material is carried 
 on the platform of the truck, is built in various sizes with 
 A modification of this type which may be used either as 
 a load carrying truck or with skid platform trucks is 
 available. This form is equipped with four elevating jacks, 
 one in each corner of the truck platform, all of which are 
 operated by one motor. The jacks raise or lower the 
 loaded or empty skid platforms and permit quick unloading 
 and consequently a proportionately greater amount of 
 operating or running time for which larger batteries are 
 provided. The batteries are mounted under the platform, 
 thus forming a much larger loading surface than is usual. 
 Platform Low platform platform Baggage 
 2, 000 Ib. to 4,0001b. 4,000 Ib. to 4,000 Ib. 
 4.000 Ib. 5,000 Ib. 
 Overall length ........... 80 in. to 140 in. 82 in. to 137 in. 91 in. to 1 10 in. 170 in. to 206 in. 
 Overall width ............ 28 in. to 40 in. 36 in. to 41 in. 25 in. to 55 in. 37 in. to 60 in. 
 10 sq. ft. to 12 sq. ft. to 8 sq. ft. to 28 sq. ft. to 
 40 sq. ft. 26 sq. ft. 10 sq. ft. 48 sq. ft. 
 36 in. to 83 in. 51 in. to 78 in. 44 in. to 55 in. 72 in. to 116 in 
 20 in. to 48 in. Front 16 in. Front 8 in. 32 in. to 48 in. 
 to 32 in. to 18 in. 
 Rear 24 in. Rear 18 in. 
 to 34 in. to 32 in. 
 1.3001b. to 2,150 Ib. to 
 3,200 Ib. 2.750 Ib. 
 Carrying capacity. 
 Size of platform. 
 Wheel base 
 Wheel tread 
 Weight with battery 
 Crane Dump body 
 1,000 Ib. to 12 cu. ft. to 
 3,000 Ib. 40 cu. ft. 
 101 in. to 156 in 
 38 in. to 51 in 
 l,7001b. to 
 3.1001b. to 
 3,600 Ib. 
 Lift of platform 3 /, in. to 4!/5 in 
 Height of platform 18 in. to 26 in. 9 in. to 17 in. 10 in. to 17 in. 24 in. to 33 in. 
 Turning radius 
 Inside edge 72 in. to 120 in. 30 in. to 42 in. 
 Outside edge 144 in. to 204 in. 84 in. to 96 in. 
 42 in. 
 96 in. 
 72 in. to 120 in. 
 144 in. to 204 in. 
 2,000 Ib. to 
 4,000 Ib. 
 109 in. to 122 in. 
 36 in. to 41 in 
 10 sq. ft. to 
 12 sq. ft. 
 56 in. to 62 in. 
 Front 18 in. 
 to 20 in. 
 Rear 27 in. 
 to 32 in. 
 3,100lb. to 
 31 in. to 96 in. 
 9 in. to 26 in. 9 in. to 26 in. 10 in. to 11 in. 
 30 in. to 120 in 42 in. to 54 in. 
 84 in. to 204 in 92 in 
 36 in. to 83 in. 
 20 in. to 48 in. 
 2,600 Ib. to 
 4,200 Ib. 
 36 in. to 83 in. 
 20 in. to 48 in. 
 2.000 Ib. to 
 3,400 Ib. 
 Motor leavy duty, totally enclosed, series wound. An 
 additional motor is usually furnished with the 
 crane type and sometimes for the elevating 
 platform and tiering types. 
 Drive )ne, two or four wheel. 
 Speed (on level) .. .88 ft. to 700 ft. per min.; 1 mi. to 8 mi. per hr. 
 Frame I-beam, channel or angle, with or without coil 
 or leaf spring suspension. 
 Steer Two or four wheel with steering wheel or lever 
 operating vertically or horizontally; also semi- 
 Transmission Spur gear, chain drive, worm drive, motor in 
 the wheel. 
 Control Series parallel; connection of battery cells and 
 motor field coils or straight resistance. 
 Controller Drum type enclosed; positive neutral stop op 
 erates automatic circuit breaker connected to 
 brake pedal. 
 Circuit breaker Integral part of controller, quick make and break, 
 single or dual contact operated by brake pedal, 
 current off when brake is on, current on when 
 brake is released. 
 Two to four in either direction. 
 Brake , 
 Axles . 
 Warning signals.... 
 Tires . . 
 .Internal expanding or external contracting on the 
 jack or motor shaft or on each rear or driving 
 .Two or four, depending on model. Front or rear 
 or both full floating. 
 .Spoke or solid cast iron or steel. 
 .Roller or ball. 
 .Alkaline or lead. 
 Mechanical or electrical bell or horn. 
 Solid pressed-on rubber or fabric. 
 a maximum capacity of 4,000 Ib. The platform is usually 
 from 20 in. to 24 in. above the ground. This type 
 carries its load just as an automobile carries its load and 
 Platform Truck 
 works to the best advantage with packages that can be 
 readily hauled by one cr two men. Such trucks are es 
 pecially adapted to work where they must be driven, loaded 
 and unloaded by the same man, or wherever material is to he 
 moved to scattered locations in such small quantities that 
 it would net pay to have gangs of men to load and unload it. 
 The platform or load carrying truck serves best where 
 hauling is restricted to narrow aisles; to loading platforms; 
 on concrete strips in the foundry, forge, mill or across the 
 yard; and where the destination is near thickly set ma 
 chines ; on a congested warehouse floor, or on docks for 
 short hauls and "across the dock" service, and where the 
 speed is of greater importance than the tonnage. 
 The drive consists of a motor for each wheel of the same 
 size as the motor which operates the jacks. It is equipped 
 with wheels of sufficient diameter to permit its use on city 
 streets or between building, as w;ll as indoors. 
 Low Platform Type 
 The low platform type is built in various sizes for carry 
 ing material and has a platform placed about 11 in. to 
 17 in. above the ground. This type is best adapted for 
 Low Platform Truck 
 carrying heavy packages and pieces weighing from 150 Ib. 
 to 200 Ib., such as barrels, bales, castings, heavy crates, 
 etc. The greater the weight of the separate pieces to 
 be loaded, the lower the platform should be. It has been 
 repeatedly demonstrated that after piling is carried to a 
 certain height, it is false economy to require lifts that 
 waste men s energy. As a rule packages and pieces weigh 
 ing 150 Ib. to 200 Ib. can seldom be lifted higher than the 
 knee, 75 Ib. to 100 Ib. waist high, and 25 Ib. to 35 Ib. 
 shoulder high. It is interesting to note that these heights 
 are being decreased year by year because of labor conditions. 
 A modification of this type is used for handling heavy 
 rolls of paper and cloth. This form uses a special mecha 
 nism mounted on the frame of the low platform truck con 
 sisting of a sheet metal quadrant, two clamps, and a 
 revolving frame. The quadrant is in front of the truck and 
 very near the floor. The manipulation of this mechanism, 
 as well as the operation of the truck, is in the control of 
 the operator who stands on the truck and rides with it. 
 When being used, the roll, which lies on the floor, is easily 
 rolled into the quadrant and two arms or clamps, one at 
 each end, securely hold it. The roll can then be upended 
 into a vertical plane, but at an angle from the perpendicular 
 so that the center of gravity of the roll is over the truck 
 frame, in which position it is carried. 
 Elevating Platform Type 
 The elevating platform type is similar to the low plat 
 form type, but has a movable platform which can be raised 
 or lowered by a separate electric motor. The truck plat 
 forms are built in various sixes and are from 10;4 in. to 
 17 in. above the ground when in the lowered position. 
 They have a lift of from 3;^ in. to 4J/ in. 
 This type has the advantage over the other types of 
 power trucks in being able to work more continuously. 
 Standing time and extra handling are eliminated if the 
 Elevating Platform Truck 
 load is of such nature that it can be carried on wooden or 
 metal skid platforms. The low end of the truck runs 
 under the loaded or empty skid platforms and electrically 
 elevates it. The truck then moves to the desired location. 
 This type of truck is recommended where the volume 
 of material to be moved and the length of haul precludes 
 the use of the hand lift truck. Where commodities in ware 
 houses and terminals are placed on skid platforms, either 
 for temporary or permanent storage, and are ready to be 
 moved quickly to other locations this type of truck serves 
 to advantage. It is recommended for operation in indus 
 tries where the material may be handled through the course 
 of manufacture from one process of finishing to another, on 
 various forms of skid platforms. 
 Tiering Type 
 The tiering type has many applications over a wide range 
 and is similar to the elevating platform type. The lifting 
 and driving devices are separate and both can be operated 
 at the same time when desired, a feature which greatly 
 facilitates the ease and speed at which this machine may be 
 operated. It has the added feature of lifting or tiering the 
 load from one inch to six or more feet, and is adapted to 
 loading boxes, barrels and bales onto large auto truck bodies 
 and into freight cars. It is used to advantage for tiering 
 large rolls of paper and for putting heavy dies or stock in 
 machines. It is recommended for use with skid platforms 
 for hauling material, or for placing or piling the loaded 
 or empty platforms for storage. 
 This type may be used with a skid platform, having a 
 side or end dump body, for removing dirt, coal, ashes or 
 Tiering Truck 
 scrap material by elevating the load and dumping it into 
 an auto truck or car. 
 A useful accessory to this type is a platform with rollers. 
 This is permanently fastened to the arms that are elevated 
 and permits heavy loads to be easily pushed on or off when 
 it is in an elevated or lowered position. 
 A modification of the tiering type is basically a load 
 carrying truck, having on it a piling or tiering machine. 
 I or high piling a second modification consists essentially of 
 a load carrying truck on which is mounted a hoist which 
 raises and lowers a platform between two vertical uprights. 
 Baggage Type 
 The baggage type is built with a straight or drop frame, 
 similar to the load carrying truck or a combination of the 
 load carrying and low platform models. Some are equipped 
 with high rack bodies for holding in position bags, trunks 
 Baggage Truck 
 and mail pouches. These are essentially railroad terminal 
 machines and are especially recommended for this service. 
 The drop frame is designed for use in the terminals where 
 the tracks are depressed. 
 Crane Type 
 The crane type is especially adapted to handling heavy 
 weights in localities where the truck must move but short 
 distances. This type is equipped with either an electrically 
 or hand operated crane of 1,000 Ib. to 3,000 Ib. capacity, 
 mounted permanently or temporarily on the load carrying 
 or low platform models. The compensating boom is 
 equipped with a swivel base so that it will swing 90 cleg, 
 each way. The load is carried on the hook or is lifted 
 Crane Truck 
 by the crane to or from the truck platform and is carried 
 A modification of this type equipped with a magnet 
 attached to the hook on the crane is useful for lifting cast 
 ings and scrap iron and steel. Other modifications of this 
 type are available, having a larger boom of stronger con 
 struction for heavier loads. 
 Dump Body Type 
 The dump body type is used for hauling coal, ashes, sand, 
 fertilizer, cement and loose material. It is built in various 
 sizes and shapes for capacities ranging from 12 cu. ft. to 
 40 cu. ft., and for either side or end dump. Either style 
 may be unloaded without the operator dismounting. The 
 Dump Body Truck 
 frames and bodies are either permanently fastened to the 
 truck chassis or are bolted to the platform so they may 
 be removed, if desired, and the truck used for other pur 
 poses. This type is sometimes furnished with narrow gage 
 trucks fitted with flange wheels for use on a narrow gage 
 Gasoline Engine Trucks 
 A power truck that has somewhat higher speed than the 
 storage battery type can be used advantageously in many 
 places. This is possible with a gasoline engine drive. 
 Trucks of this type are designed with a capacity of 2,500 
 Ib. in the three-wheel type and 3,000 Ib. capacity in the 
 four-wheel type, and operate at speeds varying from l /2 mi. 
 to 12 mi. an hour. The driver s seat in the three-wheel 
 type is mounted over the engine and the load is carried in 
 front of the driver and immediately over the two front 
 wheels. The truck is steered by the single rear wheel 
 which is somewhat smaller in diameter than the two front 
 wheels In the four-wheel type of 3,000 Ib. capacity the 
 platform is at the rear of the driver s seat and the engine 
 is of the horizontal type. In either the three- wheel or the 
 four-wheel types the control is exceptionally flexible and 
 the comparatively short wheclbase makes possible a small 
 turning radius. 
 In either the three- or four-wheel form tin- gasoline 
 Carrying capacity... 
 Overall length 
 Overall width 
 Area of platform. .. 
 Wheel base 
 Wheel tread 35 
 Lighting starting 
 and ignition 
 Dump body 
 St.-ike body 
 Cargo type 
 2,500 Ib. 
 27 cu. ft. dry 
 2.500 Ib. to 
 18 cu. ft. wet 
 3.000 Ib. 
 128 in. 
 139 in. 
 124 in. to 159 in. 
 46 in. 
 50 in. 
 43 in. 
 27 s<|. ft. 
 27 sq. ft. 
 16 sq. ft. to 
 24 sq. ft. 
 78 in. 
 78 in. 
 78 in. to 81 in. 
 Yi in. to 40 in. 
 50 in. 
 36 in. to 40 in. 
 2,500 Ib. 
 2,450 Ib. 
 2,500 Ib. 
 Speed on level. . . 
 Type of transmis 
 Motor . 
 Warning signals. 
 Complete lighting, starting and ignition system 
 or magneto for ignition anil iit;hting only. 
 Heavy roller double side chains, internal gear or 
 chain from jack shaft to rear wheel. 
 1 mi. to 12 mi. per hr. 
 I-beam, channel or angle, with or without spring 
 support at either nr both ends. 
 Screw and nut type, or knuckle and rod. Wood 
 or metal wheel with throttle control. 
 Selective type; two or three forward and one 
 Four cylinder; four cycle; horizontal. 
 Foot brake and hand brake direct connected to 
 rear wheels; positive contracting on transmis 
 sion; or internal expanding. 
 Single plate or dry plate multiple disc or cone, 
 or multiple steel disc in oil. 
 Chrome nickel or vanadium steel, round or I- 
 beam section. 
 Roller or ball. 
 Cast steel or cast iron disc. 
 Solid rubber pressed on. 
 Distillate, gasoline and distillate or gasoline. 
 Mechanical horn. 
 engine truck is applicable in many places where the load 
 carrying storage battery truck could be used. It is especially 
 adapted for short hauls, for interplant service, and for out- 
 of-door service. It might be considered applicable to hauls 
 that would extend slightly beyond the practical hauling dis 
 tance of the storage battery type. It is furnished in three 
 Cargo Type 
 This type is manufactured with either the three or four- 
 wheel form of construction. It may have either a flat plat 
 form, or a box type body, or a container mounted on the 
 platform of the chassis. It is used for moving goods in 
 Cargo Type Truck 
 small boxes, including parts such as small castings. It is 
 useful where raw stocks are hauled to machines, or finished 
 materials to stock or shipping rooms. 
 Platform Type 
 In this type, which is of the three-wheel construction, the 
 material is ordinarily held within end and side stakes, which 
 The Illustrations Indicate the Wide Range of Application of Power Trucks 
 The Illustrations Indicate the Wide Range of Application of Power Trucks 
 are mounted either temporarily or permanently. With the 
 stakes in position, this type is recommended for hauling 
 crates, large castings, boxes and bags. With the end 
 Platform Truck with Stakes 
 stakes removed the truck has a clear platform and is 
 applicable for carrying long material, such as lumber, 
 steel rods, steel pipes and sheet metals. 
 Dump Body Type 
 This type, with the three-wheel construction, has a 
 chassis on which is mounted a body arranged for end 
 dump. It is used for hauling bulk material and for the 
 quick handling of dry and wet materials, such as sand, 
 ashes, concrete, fertilizer, chips and sweepings. It is 
 adapted for paving, road building and general contract 
 work. It will readily spot its load and dump it nearly flat. 
 Dump Body Truck 
 This type may be unloaded without the operator dismount 
 ing, or he may dismount and slowly dump the body by a 
 hand-operated hoist. The body is built in capacities of 
 1 cu. yd. of dry or 18 cu. ft. of wet material. 
 Storage Battery Tractors 
 A storage battery tractor is a self-contained power unit 
 which has proven to be one of the most economical forms 
 of transfer units for use where heavy tractive effort is 
 required and where large tonnage is to be transferred on 
 a single trip. It carries no load, but pushes or pulls its 
 load on trailer trucks. The number of trailers one tractor 
 can keep in operation depends on working conditions, such 
 as length of haul, nature of material and weight of the 
 load on each trailer. 
 The machines, to give best results, must be kept moving 
 and the waiting loss may be partially eliminated by the 
 use of a larger number of trailers. Such a tractor may be 
 used to move material from the pier to the head house, 
 from one department to another, or for other long hauls. 
 Under normal conditions, one tractor can keep three sets 
 or "fleets" of trailers occupied, one loading, one under way 
 and one unloading. 
 In the use of tractors and trailers, it is only second in 
 importance to assurance that the proper tractor is provided, 
 that the trailer best suited for the work in hand is used. 
 Home-made trailers often answer all requirements and the 
 use of hand trucks as trailers may be justified by circum 
 stances. Care should be taken, however, to make sure that 
 the advantages to be derived from their use are real and 
 not imaginary. 
 Power or tractive effort of any tractor depends directly 
 upon the weight on the drive wheels and the ability of the 
 motor to turn them under that weight. The tractor can 
 Three wheel 
 600 Ib. to 
 Four wheel 
 250 Ib. to 
 Center control 
 300 Ib. to 
 1,500 11). 
 1 600 Ib to 
 1,500 Ib. 
 1,000 Ib. to 
 1 200 Ib. to 
 Overall length. . . 
 Overall width . . . . 
 2,000 Ib. 
 . . 68 in. to 72 in. 
 . . 36 in. to 41 in. 
 2,500 Ib. 
 60 in. to 88 in. 
 34 in. to 48 in. 
 2,500 11) 
 71 in. to 87 in. 
 36 in. to 41 in. 
 Wheel base 30 in. to 44 in. 21 J^.Sn. to 44 in. 30 in. to 49 in. 
 Wheel tread 27 in. to 33 in. 
 Weight with battery 2,200 Ib. to 
 2,400 Ih. 
 Turning radius, out 
 side edge 57 in. to 65 in. 67 in. to 129 in. 
 . . 
 21 y 2 in. to 40 in. 27 in. to 34 in. 
 2,200 Ib. to 2,300 Ib. to 
 4,400 Ib. 4,400 Ib. 
 Drive Two-wheel 
 Transmission Worm drive 
 Circuit breaker. 
 Brake . 
 61 in. 
 two wheel steer four wheel steer 
 75 in. to 77 in. 96 in. 
 four wheel steer two wheel steer 
 Two or Four wheel 
 four wheel 
 Chain or Chain or 
 worm drive worm drive 
 Motor Heavy duty totally enclosed series wound. 
 Speed no load.... 500 ft. to 700 ft. per min., 5J4 mi. to 7j4 "i- 
 per hr. 
 . .I-beam, channel or angle, with or without coil 
 or leaf spring suspension. 
 , . Front wheel or two or four wheel, with wheel or 
 lever operating horizontally or vertically. 
 . .Series parallel connection of battery cells and 
 motor field coils or straight resistance. 
 . .Drum type enclosed. Positive neutral stop op 
 erates automatic circuit breaker connected to 
 brake pedal. 
 . .Integral part of controller, quick make and break. 
 Single or dual contact operated by brake pedal. 
 Current off when brake is on, current on when 
 brake is released. 
 . .Three or four forward and reverse. 
 . .Internal expanding or external contracting on 
 jack or motor shaft or on each rear or driving 
 ..One, two or four, depending on model, front or 
 rear or both full floating. 
 Wheels Spoke or solid cast iron or steel. 
 Hearings Roller or ball. 
 Batteries Alkaline or lead. 
 Warning signals. .. .Mechanical or electric bell or horn. 
 Tires Solid pressed on rubber or fabric. 
 draw a heavier tonnage than a carrier type truck of equal 
 battery capacity. It has sufficient tractive effort to haul 
 trailer loads of 7,000 Ib. to 20,000 Ib., mintaining a speed 
 or 3 mi. to 4 mi. an hour. 
 Tractors are employed principally to fulfill the following 
 conditions : 
 (a) Where loads exceed two tons. (Steel and iron 
 (b) Where material is more than eight feet in length. 
 (Lumber, automobile frames, etc.) 
 (c) Where especially constructed or expensive hand 
 trucks are already installed to suit the commodities which 
 are to be transferred. 
 (d) Where goods must be sorted in small unit loads, 
 and can be collected at one spot, then coupled in trains to 
 be delivered to a single point or distributed. 
 (e) Wherever Loading or unloading gangs can be em 
 (f) Where an industrial rail system with expensive 
 cars cannot be abandoned; the tractor for this installa 
 tion to run either on the rails or on the floor or roadway. 
 Three types of storage battery tractors are available. 
 Three-Wheel Type 
 This type is best suited for railroad and marine terminals, 
 or in other places where the trailing load, even though 
 the usual number of trailers is in operation, is a compara 
 tively light one. It is designed as a general purpose trac- 
 Three-Wheel Tractor 
 tor to meet average hauling conditions, but is especially 
 adapted to places where it must work in narrow aisles, or 
 in difficult alcoves and must run through small doorways. 
 It is primarily a machine for indoor service. It is sturdy 
 in construction and turns in very close quarters the steer 
 ing being by the front wheel only. 
 A modification of this type is the tractor with a twin 
 wheel in front. This arrangement consists of two wheels 
 on a single short axle with springs, the whole being sus 
 pended in a bracket to steer as a single wheel. 
 Four-Wheel Type 
 This type is designed to meet the demand for a heavy 
 duty tractor and is especially recommended for service in 
 manufacturing plants and industries and in other installa- 
 a machine for outdoor service. A heavy stable machine 
 is, of course, necessary to prevent mishaps on uneven road 
 ways, and where there are holes and ruts in the road. 
 This tractor carries approximately 30 per cent to 50 
 per cent larger batteries than the three-wheel type. 
 This type may use either the two or four-wheel steer, 
 the two or four-wheel drive, and may have either chain 
 or worm drive. 
 There is practically no difference in the space required 
 to maneuver this tractor with the four-wheel steer and 
 that required for the three-wheel type. It is seldom 
 necessary, however, in actual practice to turn completely 
 around when working, since dead end aisles are objection 
 able for many reasons. 
 This type is sometimes furnished with narrow gage 
 trucks fitted with flange wheels for use on a narrow gage 
 Center Control Type 
 This type drives and steers with all four wheels and 
 operates with equal power and speed in either direction. 
 The four-wheel drive gives maximum power for haul 
 ing heavy loads up grades or over rough and slippery 
 floors, moreover, distributing the tractive effort over the 
 four wheels increases considerably the life of the tires. 
 Four-Wheel Tractor 
 tions where the haulage is of a heavy character. It is 
 more stable than the three-wheel type and is, primarily, 
 Center Control Tractor 
 The four-wheel steer permits better operation in narrow 
 aisles, in freight cars and on loading platforms. 
 The control eliminates the necessity for turning around 
 and backing up when coupling onto a trailer. This ap 
 plies particularly in cramped quarters and is often a valu 
 able time saving feature. 
 This type, like the four-wheel type, has heavy battery 
 Gasoline Engine Tractors 
 These tractors serve the same general purposes as the 
 storage battery type tractors. This type, however, is not 
 recommended for service where it is required to start a 
 long train of heavily loaded trailers, as the weight of the 
 tractor might not give the required traction and failure 
 of the driver to operate the transmission in the proper 
 manner might not give the desired torque for starting. 
 Aside from this, the several types, with the exception of 
 the track-laying type, are employed to fulfill the same gen 
 eral conditions as outlined for the storage battery tractors. 
 Some designs, with special attachments, are applicable for 
 Typical Applications of Storage Battery Tractors 
 Typical Applications of Gasoline Engine Tractors 
 service in saw mills and lumber yards. The track-laying 
 type is primarily applicable for outdoor service and with 
 its particular construction can travel over good roads with 
 out injuring the surface and, as its tracks conform to the 
 Drawbar pull 
 Overall length 
 Overall width 
 Turning radius, out 
 side edge 
 Wheel base 
 Wheel tread 
 Lighting starting 
 and ignitii.-n 
 Speed on level. . . 
 3-wheel type 4-wheel type 
 Motor torque and drive ratios furnish a drawbar 
 pull ability approximately three times the trac 
 tive ability of the tires. 
 126 in. 82 in. to 156 in. 
 46 in. 43 in. to 56 in. 
 96 in. 96 in. to 135 in. 
 78 in. 40 in. to 84 in. 
 40 in. 36 in. to 47 in. 
 2,450 Ib. 1,475 Ib. to 5,400 Ib. 
 Warning signals. 
 Complete lighting, starting and ignition system 
 or magneto for ignition and lighting only. 
 .Heavy roller double side chains, internal gear 
 or chain from jack shaft to rear wheel. 
 .1 mi. to 15 mi. per hour. 
 .I-beam, channel or angle, with or without spring 
 support at either or both ends. 
 .Screw and nut type, or knuckle and rod. Wood 
 or metal wheel with throttle control. 
 .Selective type; tw-o or three forward and one 
 .Four cylinder; four cycle; horizontal. 
 .Foot brake and hand brake direct connected to 
 rear wheels; positive contracting on transmis 
 sion or internal expanding. 
 .Single plate or dry plate multiple disc or cone, 
 or multiple steel disc in oil. 
 .Chrome nickel or vanadium steel, round or I- 
 beam section. 
 .Roller or ball. 
 .Cast steel or cast iron disc. 
 .Solid rubber pressed on. 
 -Distillate, gasoline and distillate or gasoline. 
 .Mechanical horn. 
 Drawbar pull Rated 12 lip. at the coupling. 
 Overall length % in. 
 Overall width 50 in. 
 Traction surface. ... >00_ sq. in. 
 Turning radius ; 2 in. 
 Tread >0tt in. 
 Weight i,300 Ib. 
 Speed ^/2 mi. per hour. 
 Frame Two side frames built up of plate and angle iron. 
 Steer Obtained by a planetary set on either side of the 
 Drive Through bevel gear and pinion; first reduction to 
 spur gear differential, then to spur gear pinion, 
 then to internal gear in rear wheel. 
 Motor Four cylinder, four cycle, horizontal. 
 Fuel Gasoline, kerosene or distillate. 
 Transmission Sliding gear; one forward and one reverse speed. 
 Brake Hand wheel operated brake on planetaries through 
 gear set and screw-operated brake band ends. 
 Clutch Single disc enclosed in flywheel, foot pedal op 
 P.earings Roller, plain, thrust or ball. 
 unevenness of the ground, it can travel over roads the con 
 dition of which would be a very serious handicap to other 
 types of tractors. 
 Three principal types of gasoline engine tractors are 
 Three-Wheel Type 
 This tractor is adapted to comparatively light service 
 and for outdoor service. A typical example is hauling 
 one or more trailers between buildings in industrial plants 
 or about lumber yards. It is used for hauling the many 
 forms of trailers with various kinds of material in the 
 process of manufacture or between loading and unloading 
 points. The three-wheel type is similar in construction to 
 the gasoline engine cargo type truck except the chassis is 
 reversed and the tractor is operated with a single steering 
 wheel ahead. This model is built with a box in which a 
 fixed ballast load is carried for traction. 
 A modification of this type used in connection with a 
 trailer or dolley which is coupled to the tractor by a tow 
 ing hook and chain is useful for hauling lumber or similar 
 material. It is fitted with a bolster attachment that car 
 ries one end of the load which is securely clamped down 
 Three-Wheel Tractor 
 to the bolster to prevent it from slipping or moving from 
 Four-Wheel Type 
 This type is lighter in weight and has a shorter wheel- 
 base than the three-wheel type. The latter feature makes 
 possible a shorter turning radius and permits easy han 
 dling in close quarters. The driver s seat is over the rear 
 axle and is so placed that the trailer may be coupled or 
 uncoupled readily and quickly without the driver leaving 
 his seat. This type also carries a ballast load for in 
 creased traction. 
 Another form of this type which is a heavier machine 
 with a longer wheelbase, is used for the general applica 
 tion of hauling material on trailers. In one style the 
 driver s seat is over the rear axle while in another style 
 it is centrally located. The latter form may be used par 
 ticularly for hauling lumber on a trailer or dolley which 
 is coupled to the tractor by a towing hook and chain. For 
 this service, it may be fitted with the same bolster at- 
 Four-Wheel Tractor 
 tachment and the same method of holding the load fol 
 lowed as is used with the three-wheel type. 
 The heavier machine in either style is often used to 
 haul or push about a plant one or more trailers loaded 
 with material the weight of which would be within the 
 capacity of the load carrying truck but of such unwieldy 
 nature that it must be carried on a trailer. Such material 
 would include heavy steel bars and large parts of ma 
 Track-laying Type 
 This tractor is used for intcrplant haulage for short 
 runs. It is particularly recommended for outdoor haulage 
 over rough roads and is seldom used inside of buildings. 
 It is specially adapted for installations in lumber yards, 
 for road construction and in several branches of municipal 
 work. It may be used as an auxiliary to the small in 
 dustrial railroads which are found in the yards of many 
 While it is not as flexible as the storage battery type it 
 is not comparable to it, inasmuch as it has a very different 
 field of operation. It is recommended for a straight haul 
 to one point of destination, and for heavy work, such as 
 hauling several wagons or trailers heavily loaded with 
 bulk material (sand, ashes, etc.) The wide range of uses 
 to which it is adapted is due to its many unique features. 
 It has a track laying type of construction and carries 
 and lays down and picks up its own tracks. This tractor 
 develops approximately 12 hp. to 15 hp. at the coupling 
 and with the added feature of 600 sq. in. to 800 sq. in. of 
 traction or ground contact, gives this type great pulling 
 force. The speed is comparatively slow being limited to 
 3 /2 mi. to 5*/2 mi. per hr. Its small size enables it to pass 
 througli ordinary factory doors for picking up loads to be 
 drawn to other buildings. It can pass through narrow 
 aisles and other places where a larger machine cannot 
 travel. It may be turned around in a 12 ft. circle and can 
 negotiate practically a right angle turn. 
 Track-Laying Tractor 
 The application of this type of tractor in larger sizes for 
 much heavier and more severe service and for longer hauls 
 is covered under the section of this cyclopedia devoted to 
 auto trucks and tractors. 
 Trailers are a development of the four-wheel platform 
 hand trucks, but are built stronger and with greater 
 capacities than the hand trucks. There are many different 
 forms of construction ; wheels of various six.es and types 
 are used. The platforms are of hard wood often fully 
 protected with sheet metal, depending upon the type of 
 trailer and the class of service. The trailers arc equipped 
 with special couplers as an aid in trailing and to reduce 
 the outward or inward creep when turning corners. Trailers 
 may be used as hand trucks under certain conditions. 
 It will be found in many places that aside from the sav 
 ing shown in labor, time and money, by the use of trailers 
 in trailer trains with a tractor, the handling of the ma 
 terial can be reduced to a minimum. This is made possi 
 ble by providing a sufficient number of trailers so that 
 material may be kept on them until it is required elsewhere. 
 The accompanying table shows the four most used types, 
 and the adaptability of each type to the various kinds of 
 work. The importance of using the proper trailer for the 
 A more detailed description of the various types of 
 trailers follows: 
 Four- Wheel Steer Type 
 This type serves best where accurate trailing is a prime 
 requisite. It is particularly efficient in industrial plants 
 where the aisles are narrow because of its accurate trail 
 ing in long trains, and when making extremely sharp 
 turns. It is also well adapted to warehouse and freight 
 depot haulage. 
 When furnished with a reversible coupler, time is saved 
 because the tractor can be coupled to cither end. This is 
 often a decided advantage. 
 Capacity 6,000 Ib. 
 Caster Type 
 . This type is recommended for use at docks, wharves, and 
 freight terminals and, in industrial plants. It gives good 
 service where accurate trailing is not the primary con 
 sideration. It handles in trains better than the filth-wheel 
 Good for rough runways. (9 tons to 12 tons on 
 Class of Work 
 Accurate trailing 
 Reversible trailers 
 Heavy power hauling. 
 two or three trailers ) .............................................. 
 Heavy or light power hauling. Good runways. (9 tons to 12 tons on four 
 or more trailers) .................................................. 
 Heavy power hauling. Rough runways and dirt floors. (9 tons to 12 tons 
 on four or more trailers ) .......................................... 
 Light power hauling ; dirt floors ........................................ 
 Power hauling in conjunction with considerahle hand haulage. .... ......... 
 1st Choice 
 4-wheel steer 
 4-wheel steer 
 2nd Choice 
 4-wheel steer 
 4-wheel steer 
 4-wheel steer 
 4-wheel steer 
 3d Choice 
 4th Choice 
 rower hauling in conjunction with considerable band nauiage. I aster Sth-wneel Balanced 
 Hand haulage, light loads, good runways Caster trucks Balanced trucks Sth-wheel trucks 
 Hand haulage, heavy loads on dirt floors Sth-wheel trucks 
 work in hand has already been brought out in the discussion 
 of tractors. The success of a tractor-trailer system often 
 depends on the type of trailer used. 
 Trailers will creep, depending on the radius of the turns, 
 the weight of the loads and the condition of the runways. 
 Assuming 7 ft. runways placed at right angles four- 
 wheel steer trailers give practically perfect trailing ; caster 
 trailers will creep from 3 in. to 4 in. each ; fifth-wheel 
 trailers creep from 7 in. to 10 in. each, and balanced 
 trailers with cross chain connections will creep outward 
 7 to 10 in. each. On turns of longer radius the creep will 
 or balanced types. If used on rough ground the small 
 wheels which must necessarily be used make hauling diffi 
 cult; it can, therefore, only be used on smooth floors. 
 This type is designed with platforms of many different 
 sizes and with varied heights from the floor. Some forms 
 have side and end stake pockets and are provided with steel 
 pipe end racks, or hardwood end or side racks. 
 Capacity 5,000 Ib. 
 Fifth-Wheel Type 
 The fifth-wheel trailer is recommended for hauling 
 heavy loads over rough ground, where there is sufficient 
 Fifth-Wheel Trailer 
 Box Trailer 
 Caster Trailer 
 Low Platform Trailer 
 Four-Wheel Steer Trailer 
 Balanced Trailer 
 Baggage or Express Trailer 
 Dump Body TraiUr 
 hand trucking to be a factor in planning the haulage 
 system ; they should be hauled in short trains. 
 Capacity 10,000 Ib. 
 Balanced Type 
 This type is particularly adapted to general factory work 
 where considerable hand trucking is done. As the load is 
 balanced on the two large central wheels, a minimum 
 amount of effort is required to swing it to its center, or 
 to push it. It is recommended for heavy loads if smooth 
 runways are provided ; it may be used to the best ad 
 vantage when handled one at a time. This type should not 
 be hauled in long trains because of the excessive side swing ; 
 this, however, can be reduced by using cross chain con 
 Capacity 8,000 Ib. 
 Baggage or Express Type 
 This type is adapted for use at freight and express sta 
 tions. It is furnished with fifth-wheel steer and with a 
 high platform from 20 inches to 35 inches from the ground ; 
 the wheels vary from 18 inches to 28 inches in diameter. 
 Hardwood racks, which are temporarily or permanently 
 fastened at each end, aid greatly in carrying loads that 
 must be piled high since many of the packages are bulky 
 rather than heavy. 
 Side rails slanting outward from the edge of the plat 
 form may also he furnished to prevent milk cans and 
 similar loads from sliding off. 
 Low Platform Type 
 The frame on this type is underslung to give extremely 
 low loading heights and is necessarily furnished with two 
 wheels of a small diameter. This type therefore is recom 
 mended for short hauls and on smooth floors and road 
 Capacity 5,000 Ib. 
 The cotton trailer is a modification of this type. This 
 trailer consists of a narrow frame, of light but strong 
 and rigid construction, without a platform and long enough 
 to carry three bales side by side. The four wheels are 
 of the same size and the frame is a convenient height from 
 the floor low enough when the trailer is placed near the 
 hales to permit them being readily tipped over on it. 
 Dump Body Type 
 This type of trailer is similar in construction to the 
 fifth-wheel or caster type but is of strong and rugged con 
 struction for heavy service. It is equipped with about a 
 one cubic yard capacity V-dump body, for hauling bulk or 
 loose material. 
 Box Type 
 This type is used to move heavy loads, such as boxed 
 pianos, crated machinery, large and heavy cases, or heavy 
 castings, and in other places where it is an advantage to 
 be required to lift the load only hinh enough to place the 
 truck under it. It has the center wheels so placed that the 
 load may be balanced in turning; it also has steel points in 
 the frame to prevent the load from slipping. This type 
 acts as a roller except that the roller is in the form of 
 wheels fastened to a frame. 
 A modification of the box type is the dolley, which has 
 a heavy flat faced meta! roller in the center of a rectangular 
 metal or wooden frame. 
 The timber dolley has a much larger frame and is used 
 for longer hauls. The frame of this type is built in many 
 forms, is higher from the ground and is fitted with two 
 large wheels. 
 Wheels for Trailers 
 Many of the above mentioned types of trailers are some 
 times furnished with rubber tires or cushion tired wheels 
 for special service. This is not recommended for general 
 service owing to the added expense of operation caused by 
 the rapid wear usually resulting from the condition of the 
 roadway and floors. Rubber tired wheels for trailers that 
 operate in places not fully protected from the weather are 
 likely to give considerable trouble in wet or damp weather 
 when the floors or roadways become more or less slippery. 
 However, the rubber tired wheels may be used to advantage 
 where material is moved over good floors and where quiet 
 operation is essential, as in carpet mills, large wholesale 
 houses, department stores, post offices and public build 
 Platforms, Containers and Accessories 
 In connection with the movement of materials from one 
 point to another as different manufacturing operations are 
 performed and through inspecting, assembling, storing and 
 packing processes, various types of boxes, barrels, platforms, 
 racks, bins, shelving and other containers are employed. 
 Formerly these devices were invariably of wood and usually 
 home made affairs, but with the increasing tendency to 
 specialization a number of important manufacturing com 
 panies now devote their whole facilities to the making of 
 such accessories. Steel has very generally replaced wood 
 for containers although it is still commonly used for plat 
 forms, and a large number of highly perfected designs of 
 all these devices are now available from which a choice 
 can be made to meet the widely different requirements which 
 exist in various plants. 
 Skid Platforms 
 The development of the skid platform has followed 
 naturally the perfection of the hand lift and the elevating 
 platform and tiering types of power driven industrial trucks 
 and has increased greatly the range of application of these 
 trucks. In fact the successful results obtained in many 
 places where such trucks are used has frequently depended 
 as much upon the proper design and application of the plat 
 forms to the local requirements as upon the selection of the 
 trucks themselves. 
 By the use of a sufficient number of properly designed 
 platforms, material is kept off the floors, aisles are kept 
 clear, a smaller amount of floor space is required, the 
 amount of handling and the possibility of damage are les 
 sened, material in the process of manufacture is ready at all 
 times to be moved instantly without waiting for laborers to 
 load the truck and without loss of time by the truck and 
 its operator while waiting for loading. In fact many of the 
 items entering into manufacturing costs can be reduced by 
 their use. Skid platforms are not only valuable in hand 
 ling material while in process of manufacture and when 
 it is to be used immediately upon delivery, but have also 
 proven particularly economical in handling material to stor 
 age when the entire load is to be held for a considerable 
 period. In this case the use of platforms, which are quite 
 inexpensive, saves labor cost which is ever increasing. 
 Typical Forms of Skid Platforms 
 In the basic forms the skids consist of a plain platform 
 of wood or steel with four legs of a proper height to suit 
 the style of truck. Standard lengths of legs are 6 /> in., 
 7H in- f 9H in., and W/2 in., which range covers practically 
 all of the trucks in common use. The legs may be of wood 
 but greater durability is obtained by the use of pressed steel, 
 structural steel or cast legs. The platform is usually of 
 wood although sheet steel is sometimes preferable, as when 
 hot materials are to be handled. In another form the plat 
 form and legs arc formed of pressed steel in one piece. For 
 foundry use both legs and platform are often made of cast 
 iron. Platforms are ordinarily from 24 in. to 4S in. wide 
 and from 30 in. to 72 in. length and in some instances even 
 Plain platforms meet all of the requirements in many 
 places. In wood working, printing, paper box, metal manu 
 facturing, leather and other industries they are used for 
 handling Hat pieces of wood, paper, sheet metal, flat bars 
 and leather ; in warehouses and various manufacturing in 
 dustries for bags and sack goods ; in wholesale houses and 
 other places for boxes, packages and cases and also for 
 the handling of large pieces such as machines, stoves 
 engines, radiators, automobile bodies and pianos. 
 The usefulness of platforms can be greatly extended by 
 the addition of fixed boxes which by the use of built up 
 sides can be made of any desired depth, or by the use of 
 removable sides or ends can be readily unloaded; by the ad 
 dition of stakes which permit objects to be piled to a con 
 siderable height without rolling off; by the use of pins or 
 posts for holding a large number of pieces which have a 
 hole in the center, such as gears, pulleys, hand wheels and 
 phonograph discs ; by racks of various kinds for holding 
 rolls on arbors, cores in foundries, boxes of parts in machine 
 shops, crank axles and automobile tires ; by cradles for 
 large rolls as well as by various other attachments to meet 
 local conditions. In some places it has been found con 
 venient to mount dump bodies or ladles on platforms or 
 even portable cranes, derricks or sections of gravity con 
 veyors so that they can be quickly moved to points where 
 they are needed. Kven fragile articles such as green tile, 
 crockery, glassware and cases of bottles may be handled 
 satisfactorily on the platforms if the truck bodies are 
 equipped with spring frames. 
 One of the most commonly used platforms is simply a 
 strongly constructed wooden flooring supported by two 
 uprights or skids securely fastened to it. The uprights or 
 skids do not always touch the floor the full length but fre 
 quently are cut back part of the way so that the platform 
 rests on the floor at four places. The length and breadth 
 of the platform should be of such dimensions as recom 
 mended for the particular hand or power trucks with which 
 it is to be used. The distance between the supports and the 
 height of the supports should be sufficient to provide plenty 
 of clearance to permit the truck to be easily placed in posi 
 tion between them and under the top. A small chamfer on 
 the inside vertical edge of the uprights is sometimes used to 
 further assist the quick placing of the truck. The proper 
 heights of the platforms from the floor permits them to be 
 used interchangeably with either power or hand truck which 
 is often a very great advantage. 
 Staples are often driven in the bottom of the skids or 
 legs which strengthens them and also prevents the plat 
 forms from wearing on the bottom. In some cases four 
 small malleable iron shoes are bolted to the lower part of 
 the upright that rests on the floor. These shoes take the 
 wea r and greatly increase the life of the platform. The 
 platforms are often covered with light ga.nr .sheet Mn-1 if 
 the material handled is of such nature as to wear rapidly 
 or injure the tops of the platforms. 
 Where platforms undergo hard usage or arc used in hot 
 places or for moving material detrimental to wooden con 
 struction, there is often real economy in using steel frame 
 platforms. This construction eliminates repair costs and 
 therefore proves more satisfactory and economical. Usually 
 the frame is made of angle iron thoroughly braced and 
 riveted or bolted while the legs have broad feet to pre 
 serve the floors. In another form the angle iron may be of 
 smaller section but using more pieces in the construction 
 and one piece is bent to a V form for each of the feet. 
 Kithcr of these frames are used without tops for many ap 
 plications but metal or wooden tops or one of the many 
 special forms can readily be tolled to them. Another type 
 which contains great strength and lightness is a plain or 
 corrugated pressed steel platform of one piece with ends 
 bent to form the sides or skids. The cast iron platform is 
 another form used in main- foundries as they are easily 
 made and possess considerable strength. 
 A steel rack type platform which may be constructed in 
 many different heights and with shelves is used in some 
 foundries for drying and handling cores. The cores are 
 placed on the metal racks direct from the moulding bench 
 and are not handled again until they come out of the oven. 
 This eliminates damage from rchandling and enables a maxi 
 mum number of cores to be baked at one time. Tin rack 
 type platform is also used in bakeries, japanning works and 
 for handling hot forgings or long steel material in ovens as 
 well as for dipping and quenching. 
 In another modification, a rack platform fitted with V 
 forms is used for holding short round material, castings, 
 tubes, bar stock, crank shafts and heavy spindles and which 
 it is not desirable to pile on flat platforms. Rack type 
 platforms are also very often used for moving tote boxes, 
 light parts such as bicycle fenders, wheel forVs and rolls 
 of cloth or rubber or other material in cases where it is 
 possible to run a bar or pipe through the center of the roll. 
 The saddle type platform is constructed with a steel or 
 wooden saddle fastened to the platform. This type is used 
 for large round bar stock and for heavy pieces. The 
 pole type is used for moving collars, pulleys, rings, tubes, 
 gears and castings. The platform with stakes is used for 
 holding short lengths of lumber and strip material which 
 must be supported at the sides. Supports can easily be 
 fastened to the platform to handle such loads. The table 
 t\pc is in common use for assembling machines when parts 
 from stock are placed on the lower shelves after which the 
 table is moved to the assembly room, to the testing floor, 
 and on to painting and shipping room. 
 In the sectional type platform the height of the box is 
 adjustable and can be readily changed using whatever num 
 ber of sections are necessary. This type is often used for 
 various quantities of small machine parts. Often the sec 
 tions are provided with hinges in the four corners so that 
 the boxes are collapsible. This feature is very convenient 
 where there is occasion to transport empty boxes for they 
 can be folded and a large number piled on a platform. In 
 some industries like soap manufacturing a circulation of 
 air is desirable through the material. In such cases the box 
 sections are usually made of slats or crating. The pipe 
 frame sectional platform is often used with a bin or box 
 shaped container held between the four uprights. The 
 ends of the pipe uprights have a ball and socket type con 
 struction so that one platform can be assembled on another, 
 the ball in the bottom of the uprights of one platform rest 
 ing in the socket in the top of the uprights of the other. 
 Live Platforms 
 If wheels are put under any of the numerous forms of 
 skid platforms they then become live platforms in the sense 
 that they can be moved, pushed or pulled, either empty or 
 loaded, without being lifted, by a hand or a power truck. 
 The added flexibility obtained by the addition of wheels is 
 Live Platform 
 often of material value. Live platforms can be pushed by 
 hand from one machine to another and can be turned so as 
 to be in just the right position for a hand lift or elevating 
 platform power truck to pick them up and transfer them to 
 another department or some distant point. 
 For greater ease in turning live platforms should be 
 equipped with caster wheels in front and with larger rigid 
 wheels in the rear. Live platforms are not suitable for 
 trailers and should not be hauled by tractors. 
 Shop Boxes 
 Shop boxes, commonly called tote-boxes, are extensively 
 used in machine shops, forge shops, foundries, press rooms 
 and many other metal working and industrial plants for 
 handling small parts in the course of manufacture from one 
 operation to another. These containers were formerly made 
 of wood, usually reinforced by steel strips, but are now al 
 most universally made of sheet steel. They are obtainable 
 in many shapes and sizes, two of the most commonly used 
 types being shown in the accompanying illustration. 
 Taper side boxes have an advantage in that when empty 
 a number of them can be nested together and returned to 
 be filled again. The most commonly used sizes are from 
 16 in. to 22 in. long and from 10 in. to 12 in. wide at the 
 top and about 6 in. deep. 
 Straight side boxes are frequently provided with corner 
 filling pieces, stacking rails or other devices which makes 
 it possible to stack such loaded boxes six to ten high for 
 transportation on skid platforms or on industrial trucks. 
 Such boxes are usually from 16 in. to 24 in. long, 10 in. to 
 12 in. wide and from 5 in. to 6 in. deep. 
 Shop boxes should be reinforced around the top by the 
 metal being folded back, or by a strip of angle or band iron. 
 Handles are frequently made of sheet metal folded to a 
 shape convenient to the hand and electric welded to the ends 
 of the box. A J4 m - or 1 in. hole is usually provided in 
 the center of the handle so that the box may be pulled 
 around on the floor by means of a hook. Special boxes may 
 be provided with round forged rigid handles, with draw pull 
 or with drop handles. For severe service shop boxes are 
 frequently provided with reinforcements on the bottom 
 which serve as runners. 
 Shop boxes may be provided with ladle holders on the 
 end, with holders for an inventory card on the inside, or 
 Shop Boxes 
 with pockets for holding slugs or shot so that the weight 
 can be adjusted to an exact amount for greater ease in 
 weighing the contents or obtaining the number of pieces 
 from the weight. 
 Small steel shelf and bench boxes, for keeping together 
 small parts, are almost indespensible on the assembler s 
 bench and in many other places in the factory. These 
 boxes are often constructed with fixed or removable parti 
 tions, or with compartments that are adjustable. A lining 
 of wood, fiber or straw-board is sometimes advisable for 
 protection to delicate instruments. 
 Many other forms of boxes, pans, and trays are also ex 
 tensively used in the handling of different materials in 
 manufacturing plants. 
 Steel racks for holding shop boxes and parts together with 
 shelving and bins also are employed extensively in store 
 rooms, tool rooms and shops. 
 Typical Methods of Moving Material 
 Material must be mobile at all times to save floor space, 
 increase productive capacity and keep a brief check on the 
 commodity in transit through the factory or in a ware 
 It is possible to install a system employing power trucks, 
 or tractors and trailers, whereby the material in course of 
 manufacture in an industrial plant, or in the course of 
 transit at marine or railroad terminals, is kept on wheels 
 or platforms and is ready to be moved quickly and with a 
 minimum amount of handling. 
 Several systems for the movement of material, making 
 use of the elevating platform power truck with skid plat 
 forms and the tractor with its trailing load, are described 
 on the following pages : 
 Movement of Material with Storage Battery 
 Following is a brief description of the operation of the 
 industrial truck and the method of moving material by it. 
 It is assumed that the weight and class of commodity and 
 factory layout are as follows : 
 The material to be moved is finished paper products. It 
 is of one class, packed in pasteboard containers of uniform 
 size. A container in which this material has been packed 
 weighs approximately SO Ib. The floors of the packing 
 room, stock room and the platform adjacent to the rail 
 road are all on the same level. The platform outside the 
 building is adjacent to three railroad cars. The movement 
 of material is from the packing room to the stock room 
 for storage, or to the railroad car for shipment. 
 It must first be decided which type of industrial truck 
 is best adapted for this particular service. The quantity 
 of material to be moved would not keep gangs of men 
 busy, loading or unloading. The system of keeping the 
 stock on trailers would tie up expensive equipment. For 
 these reasons, the tractor-trailer system is not recom 
 The use of the load carrying straight platform type 
 truck would require the load to be lifted to the platform 
 of the truck, then lifted again \\ hen unloaded in the stock 
 department. If it is required to be moved from this posi 
 tion to the railroad car it is again lifted to the platform 
 of the truck and then unloaded in the freight car. This 
 extra handling entails expense and labor which may be 
 saved if a different method is adopted. 
 The weight of the loads is such as to permit them to be 
 moved readily by an elevating hand truck but the length 
 of haul, approximately 75 ft., is beyond the economical 
 limit for operating this type of truck. Therefore the 
 elevating platform power truck and a number of skid plat 
 forms are recommended. 
 The material that enters the factory in unfinished condi 
 tion passes through the various processes of manufacture 
 and then, in a pasteboard container, passes oxer a gravity 
 conveyor, from the finishing floors above to a table. Here 
 it is finally sealed and weighed and made ready for stock 
 or shipment. 
 Several wooden skid platforms are provided on which 
 the containers, after being weighed and sealed, may be 
 elevating platform truck and skid platforms, is outlined in 
 the diagram. 
 The Trailing Load 
 The tractor-trailer train works to the best advantage 
 where two or three "trailer fleets," consisting of one or 
 more trailers, are used. While the tractor is moving one 
 fleet, a second fleet is being loaded and a third is being 
 unloaded. In this way the loaded or empty trailers are 
 always ready for transfer and very little time is lost other 
 than that required for unhooking or hooking the load and 
 making up a train. 
 Three places where the tractor-trailer system has proven 
 especially well adapted are marine terminals, railroad 
 terminals and large industrial plants. The substitution of 
 this type of mechanical for a manual means for handling 
 material at such places has accomplished two highly de 
 sirable results. First, it has eliminated congestion, and 
 second, it has saved time for the truckman who often had 
 to wait in line for hours at a time at an unloading point 
 of a railroad or transfer terminal. The workman in an 
 ^x Stock Stored on 
 N \ Skid Platforms 
 t 1 t- 
 ^ Skid Platforms Tiered Thus 
 using minimum floor space 
 but always convenient for 
 Ele va ting Platform 
 Truck with empty" 
 Skid Platform 
 \\>n J i 
 w / 
 . i / 
 i , Loaded Skid Platforms 
 V l _. - taken from sfocA ^i 1 
 \ . 
 \ i 
 i \ L J.^J 
 \ LJ E3- 
 ] ^ VX J / \ 
 ,- V 
 f 1 \ 
 ,/i, , ! , L 
 ^ v r 
 l_ J 
 Railroad Cars to be loaded 
 Typical Elevating Platform Truck Operation in an Industrial Plant 
 piled. Each platform is loaded with an average of about 
 48 of these boxes an average load of 2,000 Ib. When the 
 skid platform is thus loaded the power truck lifts the load 
 and platform and carries it to the stock room or directly 
 to the railroad car. If it is placed in the stock room the 
 material is ready to be moved again without rehandling. 
 If it is moved directly to the car the skid platform may be 
 placed at a convenient point in the car so as to be readily 
 unloaded by the workmen. The empty platforms are re 
 turned by the power truck to the same loading table or to 
 a similar table in the packing room, where they are left to 
 be loaded and the truck is again available for moving the 
 loaded platforms. The movement of the material, using an 
 industrial plant was seriously handicapped in his work by 
 the delay in the delivery of material to his machine, be 
 cause of the slow and inefficient method of handling by 
 the old trucking system. 
 It is the manner in which tractors and trailers are used, 
 rather than the equipment itself, that has much to do with 
 the great savings which have been secured. For instance, 
 at a terminal where a successful tractor-trailer installation 
 has been made, two requirements are necessary. In the 
 first place the shape and height of the unloading platform 
 and the yards where the trailing trains are formed have 
 much to do with the successful operation. In the second 
 place, the manner in which the trailers are disposed of is 
 highly important that is, the method of making up trail 
 ing trains and despatching them, and the proper "spotting" 
 so that there are always some trailers in such a position 
 that they can he loaded or unloaded with a minimum of 
 Railroad Marine Terminal 
 At a marine terminal the layout and operation would be 
 about as follows : 
 The floor is raised on the street side, and at the front 
 of the building, forming a platform the same height as 
 the platform on the large trucks and wagons on the street. 
 The trailers are backed up to the other side of the plat- 
 made up into trains of from three to six or more trailers. 
 After a full train has been made up, the electric tractor 
 draws it out through one of the four gates in the parti 
 tion dividing the waterside of the head-house from the in 
 side end of the slip and up a ramp onto the platform on 
 the car-float between the two lines of six cars each. 
 As the tractor runs down the car-float platform it drops 
 off the trailers as it passes the doors of the cars into which 
 the goods they carry are to be loaded. Each trailer is 
 pushed inside of the freight car by stowers who unload it 
 and pack the freight into the car. The empty trailer is 
 then pushed back on the platform and later is picked up 
 by the tractor on a return trip and is carried back to its 
 Forming Train of 
 Loaded Cars 
 Typical Tractor Operation in a Railroad Marine Terminal 
 form and each trailer is marked with a car destination or 
 number; this arrangement makes unloading easier and 
 faster. The freight is taken from the wagons or large 
 trucks, is weighed on the platform and is then placed on a 
 trailer marked for the proper freight car. 
 After the trailers have been fully loaded, they are drawn 
 from the edge of the platform by a tractor acting as a 
 "spotter" and down into the flat yard where they are later 
 first position against the unloading platform under its proper 
 If the freight is in full wagon lots going directly to the 
 cars for carload shipments, the goods are unloaded directly 
 from the wagon or motor truck onto trailers which have 
 been pulled up the ramps onto the platform, where they 
 may be loaded at one operation. After they have been 
 loaded, they are taken over the automatic floor scales and 
 weighed, after which they are handled in the same manner 
 as the 1. c. 1. shipments. 
 Railroad Terminal 
 The layout and operation of a tractor-trailer system at 
 a railroad terminal would be somewhat as follows : 
 The average tractor train consists of eight trailers with 
 an average load of four tons. Tin- number of trailers per 
 train, however, is increased -mm-what for a straight run 
 or in a train consisting of light trailers only. Each train 
 is operated by a motorman and a man who couples or un 
 couples. Two men load the trailer in the car and it is 
 The two large platforms arc joined at the center and then pushed from the car to the platform, and each package 
 f Freight Ci 
 =1 H H H t= =\ 1= 
 =1 H 1= 
 1 H II 
 i ii ii 
 ti ti H H 
 u u u u 
 ~~H H H H 1 
 W U H H 1 
 1 H H H IT" 
 H H H H 1 
 H H H H 1 
 1 H H H H 
 Central Despatched V. 
 / \ 
 Loaded Traifer 
 1; If 
 H i ii 
 1 H 
 H H~ 
 ~ti tf 
 H H 
 i ! r-^= 
 H t 
 J H 
 H K 
 i i 
 JH ( 
 \ H 
 _H H_ 
 1 Hk 
 ~ti H / H 
 "H \t 
 H H 
 Portctb/e Crossover 
 Tractor Operation in a Railroad 
 Island P/atform 
 Transfer Terminal 
 the despatcher s office is located at this point. Between 
 these platforms are double railroad tracks and at the out 
 side several tracks, and possibly an island platform, the 
 latter connected to the larger center platform with a porta 
 ble crossover. The loaded or empty railroad cars are all 
 spotted with the doors in line so far as possible, thus mak 
 ing it possible for the tractor or trailers to pass from one 
 car to another. 
 Third Floor Plan of Buildinq C. 
 , v 3^\ 
 ! "Tractor Drops Trailers 
 I to be unloaded 
 Elemtof < 
 Entrance from 
 Wo J/i/SJ 
 ^3*f^7 / 
 ^"v Tractor making up Train 
 - n ^ 
 , v / for return trip "0 
 * \ 
 --OTjtXD ; 
 ^Both Trains Enter and 
 i Leaye through Ground 
 \ Floor Entrance 
 Train of 
 is marked or inspected by a checker ; or the loaded trailer 
 is pushed into the cars and unloaded, then pushed to the 
 platform to be picked up by the tractor on one of its re 
 turn trips. Each section of the platform, or island plat 
 form, is connected by telephone at convenient points with 
 the central despatcher s office. If a loaded trailer train is 
 ready, or if there is a congestion of empty trailers, the 
 despatcher in that particular section telephones a central 
 dispatcher for a tractor. The tractor with its motorman 
 and man who couples or hooks on is immediately sent to 
 that section and they make up cither a train of loaded 
 trailers or a train of empty trailers, and go at once to 
 that part of the platform designated by the central 
 In the case of a loaded trailer train one or more of the 
 loaded trailers arc detached at the proper car door when 
 Industrial Plant 
 At a large industrial plant, or in a large packing house 
 or stockyard, where material can be regularly scheduled, 
 the tractor-trailer system may be used to advantage. 
 Wherever such an installation is used in an industrial plant 
 the factory is divided into sections with a despatcher s of 
 fice in each section. The despatcher orders enough trailers 
 accumulated at the proper time, and a tractor to do the 
 hauling. As a result of such foresighted scheduling, the 
 Train of Empty 
 . Tracfor drops the 
 Trailers to be T 
 -a N 
 Typiral Tractor Operation in an Industrial Plant 
 Ground Floor Plan of Building A. 
 material does not get side-tracked, or shipped to the wrong 
 department, and empty trailers are always on hand to be 
 loaded. The despatcher thinks and plans ahead. The move 
 ment of material is anticipated as much as possible and 
 all arrangements are made, such as empties on hand for 
 loading properly, notifying the department to which the 
 shipment is consigned, and laying out the proper routing 
 for the material to be moved. 
 One tractor runs between two or more buildings, with 
 probably three or four trailers, pulling the loaded trailers 
 onto an elevator and riding with the trailers up to one of 
 the floors above, stopping at the proper floor and going 
 with the trailing load to the proper department. If the 
 material on the trailer is so routed one trailer may be left 
 in each of several departments. 
 The tractor then starts on the return trip and picks up 
 the empty trailers waiting in some other department on the 
 same floor, or on the floors above or below. The tractor 
 with its train returns on the elevator to the ground floor, 
 crosses the yard to the building where the loading has been 
 done, leaves the empty trailers at the proper locations, 
 picks up a train of loaded trailers for another trip. 
 Quite often one tractor runs between two buildings, 
 simply leaving a train of loaded or empty trailers con 
 veniently inside the building. Another tractor inside the 
 building does the spotting and places the trailers in the re 
 quired locations. 
 The operation of the tractor-trailer system in a large 
 packing house or stockyard is almost continuous. A 
 despatcher is not required, there is practically no waiting 
 time, and the operator and his motorman very soon be 
 come familiar with the correct routing and the trailing 
 load is taken quickly to its destination. Some of the 
 trailers are dropped at one place and some at another, or a 
 complete train of trailers, unchanged, is taken to its destin 
 ation. The returning tractor with a trailing load of empty 
 trailers goes directly to the loading platform where a train 
 of loaded trailers is always ready for another trip. 
 Generally the quantity of material to be moved is such 
 that the operator and his motorman must make the trip 
 on schedule time, and to the proper loading or unloading 
 platform, at the proper time ; otherwise time will be lost 
 waiting for the loaded trailers to be moved and replaced 
 by empty trailers impairing the efficiency of the system. 
 Factors Determining the Choice of Tractors 
 When a tractor trailer installation is contemplated great 
 care should be taken that a tractor is selected which is 
 capable of developing sufficient tractive effort satisfac 
 torily to haul the trailing load and travel at the required 
 speed. This is largely a matter of battery capacity and the 
 selection of the proper size motor or engine. 
 The term tractive effort is used to designate the force 
 in pounds which is exerted at the tires of the tractor. The 
 term drawbar pull is employed to signify the effort 
 in pounds at the coupling between the tractor and trailers. 
 A tractor performs in accordance with known physical 
 laws, mechanical and electrical. When certain elements 
 size and capacity of the battery and the size of motor or 
 gasoline engine. 
 Storage Battery Tractor 
 How to calculate the performance and determine the 
 proper size of tractor can be shown best by assuming a 
 typical problem and following each step through to a con 
 The material, as may be seen in the accompanying dia 
 gram, is received in carload lots at a car platform and must 
 he moved to the scale (a distance of 350 ft.) to be weighed, 
 and then to the warehouse (a distance of 400 ft.) for stor- 
 Rai I ro ad 
 er* 1 
 .,.400 #- 
 Typical Route of Operation 
 of a material movement problem are known, the work 
 which may be expected of a tractor can be calculated to a 
 certainty. These elements are : 
 fa) Weight of the train to be hauled. 
 (b) Character of the surfaces over which the train must move. 
 (c) Grades which will be encountered. 
 (d) Speed at which the train must travel in order to move a given 
 amount of material in a given time. 
 The weight of the train to be hauled and the character 
 of the surface determine the tractive effort necessary. The 
 grades which must be overcome determine the maximum 
 demand on the tractor. The speed necessary to move a 
 given quantity of material in a given time determines the 
 age. A grade of 3 per cent SO ft. long is encountered 
 between the car platform and the scale. 
 The material is received in such shape that 3,600 Ib. can 
 be placed on one trailer. The trailer to use for this move 
 ment would be the standard caster type warehouse trailer, 
 having a platform 3 ft. wide by 6 ft. long. Four of these 
 trailers may be handled conveniently in a single train so a 
 train of four loaded trailers is assumed. These trailers 
 will weigh about 400 Ib. each and will have a pay load of 
 3,600 Ib. each. The weight of the train would be : 
 Four trailers, dead load 400 Ib. each 1,600 
 Four trailers, pay load 3,600 Ib. each 14,400 
 Total weight of train 16,000 
 The unloading platform, scale and storehouse are all con 
 nected by good, smooth, concrete, runways. 
 All the elements of the problem have been stated and it 
 is now possible to find the size and speed of the tractor and 
 the quantity of material that can be moved over the given 
 route in a given time say an eight-hour day. 
 The first point to settle is the tractive effort necessary to 
 move the train, or, in other words, the pull or push the 
 tractor must exert to overcome the tractive resistance be 
 tween the wheels and the surface of the runway in order 
 to move the train. 
 Type of Road Surface (Lb. per Ton) 
 Urick, smooth 30 to 50 
 Concrete 28 to 40 
 Poor concrete 45 to 65 
 Granite blocks 50 to 60 
 Wood blocks 30 to 50 
 Gravel road, good condition 75 to 85 
 Clay 200 to 400 
 Wood planking 35 to 50 
 Wood planking, sticky surface 50 to 60 
 From the table of tractive resistance it may be seen that 
 the resistance offered by a concrete road to a load being 
 the ratio of the distance the tractor is raised to the distance 
 traveled ; in other words, the ratio of the ordinate of a 
 right-angled triangle to the hypothenuse. The tractive 
 effort of 20 Ib. per ton of load is required for each percent 
 of plus grade. The load must include not only the weight 
 of train, but the weight of the tractor as well ; thus a plus 
 1 per cent grade will require 20 Ib. tractive effort per ton, 
 while a minus 1 per cent grade is equivalent to delivering 
 a tractive effort of 20 Ib. to the tractor. 
 Tractive effort, on level, tractor only, 40 x 1 40 
 Tractive effort, on level, trailer load, 40 x 8 320 
 Tractive effort to pull tractor up 3 per cent plus grade, 
 3 x 20 x 1 60 
 Tractive effort to pull trailer load up a 3 per cent plus grade, 
 3 x 20 x 8 480 
 Total tractive effort on 3 per cent plus grade 
 Drawbar pull on 3 per cent plus grade 
 From the foregoing it is evident that the tractive effort 
 required on a level is 360 Ib., and in addition it requires 540 
 Ib. for grade work, making the total required tractive effort 
 900 Ib. 
 Manufacturers of industrial tractors will furnish charac 
 teristic performance curves of their machines upon re 
 quest. The curves here given are typical of a good stand- 
 < 500 
 . iOO 
 Miles Per Hour 
 100 ISO 
 Cur re nt- Amperes. 
 Characteristic Storage Battery Tractor Performance Curve 
 moved over it on wheels is 40 Ib. to the ton. Therefore the 
 tractive effort necessary to move the tractor and train, 
 assuming that the tractor will weigh 2,000 Ib., would be 
 1 multiplied by 40 (tractor) plus 8 multiplied by 40 (trail 
 ers and load), or a total of 360 Ib. The tractor and empty 
 trailers would require 72 Ib. tractive effort. 
 In order to determine the maximum demand on the 
 tractor the 3 per cent grade which must be overcome be 
 tween the car platform and the scale must be taken into 
 consideration. Grades are expressed in percentages, being 
 ard electric tractor. The tractor best suited for the work 
 intended is found by consulting the characteristic perform 
 ance curves. From the same curves the speed and current 
 consumption may be determined. To use the curve, first 
 determine the tractive effort required, and plot it on the 
 "tractive effort" line. A perpendicular from this point to 
 the base will indicate the current consumption. The speed 
 per hour may be read on the scale to the right opposite to 
 the point of intersection of the perpendicular and "miles 
 per hour" line. 
 The actual horse power required at the motor terminals 
 on a tractor can be expressed as follows : 
 T X F x S 
 33,000 X E X E 
 where: T = Tons total weight (includes power machine, I .ve load 
 and trailers, if used). 
 F = Tractive resistance. 
 S = Speed in ft. per min. 
 E = Mechanical efficiency from motor pinion to wheel 
 E = Efficiency of motor (0.75 to 0.88 at full load). 
 The range of value F, which varies greatly, depending on 
 the size (if wheels, condition of the tires, type of tractor 
 and trailer bearings, construction of trailers, maintenance 
 of lubrication, may be secured from the table showing trac 
 tive resistance of various surfaces. The horse-power re 
 quirements will, of course, vary from day to day on the 
 same tractor, operating on the same surface. 
 Value E depends on the design of the power machine 
 and the lubrication. On a single reduction worm gear 
 drive designed for fairly high speed it may reach 0.9 when 
 the vehicle is in the best condition, but 0.7 to 0.8 is un 
 doubtedly nearer the average and still lower values will 
 often apply. If grades are encountered the product of 
 T x F must be increased by 20 Ib. per ton for each per cent 
 of grade to determine the horse power required when on the 
 Time and Energy Required Per Trip 
 From the tables and the diagram of characteristic per 
 formance it is evident that with the tractive effort as already 
 determined, the tractor will require the following energy 
 and will run at the speeds indicated in the accompanying 
 tabulation : Lb 
 Tractive M.P.H. 
 Operation Effort Amp. Speed 
 (a) Car to C (on level) 360 114 3.1 
 (b) From C to scale (on grade) 900 246 1.9 
 (c) Scale to B (on level) 360 114 3.1 
 (d) From B to car 72 44 6.8 
 From the following diagram the speed in miles per hour 
 can be reduced to feet per minute or feet per second, which 
 is often desired in calculating the time required for a trip. 
 Operation Minutes 
 (a) Car to C, 300 ft. at 273 ft. per min 1.1 
 (b) On grade, 50 ft. at 168 ft. per min 3 
 (c) Scale to B, 400 ft. at 273 ft. per min 1.46 
 (d) From B to car, 750 ft. at 600 ft. per min 1.25 
 (e) Acceleration, 5 sec. per start 3 starts 25 
 (f) Four hitches 3.00 
 Time per round trip 7.36 
 During acceleration the extra energy required may be 
 assumed to be 0.2 ampere minutes per ton per start. 
 In this particular problem there are three starts one 
 at the car, one at the scale and one at the warehouse, 
 3 x 0.2 x 8 = 4.8 (amp. min.) 
 Hauling Capacity of Tractor 
 Assuming an eight-hour day, or 480 min., and 7.36 min. 
 per round trip, the tractor could actually make 65 round 
 trips, if operated continuously. From actual experience it 
 is found that unforeseen delays will reduce this at least 25 
 per cent. The probable number of round trips per day 
 may be taken as 46. Forty-six trips at 7.2 tons per trip is 
 equivalent to a capacity of 330 tons per day. 
 Current Required 
 Ampere-hours required per day for 46 round trips: 
 Amp. Min. 
 Car to C, 1.1 min. at 114 amp 125 
 On grade, 0.3 min. at 246 amp 74 
 Scale to B, 1.46 min. at 114 amp 166 
 From B to car, 1.25 min. at 44 amp 55 
 Acceleration 4.8 
 Total ampere minutes for round trip. .. 
 425 divided by 60 equals 7.1 amp. hr. per round trip. For 
 46 trips: 7.1 x 46 equals 325 amp. hr. per day (approxi 
 In the preceding calculations no account has been taken 
 of the effect of the descending grade on the return trip, but 
 the decrease in tractive effort and speed and the increase in 
 current due to hauling the load up the ascending grade 
 have been considered. 
 Battery Equipment 
 The figures used for alkaline batteries and for one type 
 of lead battery are given for illustrative purposes only. 
 1 1.75 
 1 1.03 
 S.I 4 
 73 2 
 <u 6/6 
 i S7Z 
 .C ^2fi 
 i; 464 
 V. 440 
 t, 352 
 ^ 264 
 1 l ^ 2 2% 3 j!j 4 4*j ^ ^^ g 0^ 7 7^ <9 <S^ .9 5^ /<? 
 Miles Per Hour. 
 Curve of Equivalent Speeds 
 In calculating the time per trip it may be assumed that the 
 acceleration will require five seconds per start. 
 The ampere-hours required is approximately 325 and 
 tables in handbooks indicate that an Edison A-8 cell bat- 
 tery has a capacity of 300 amp. hr. and that the nearest 
 lead-cell battery is one with 21 plates having a capacity of 
 315 amp. hr. 
 Assuming continuous operation, the actual running time 
 of the tractor, or the time consuming energy, is 4.36 minutes 
 4.36 x 46 
 per trip. = approximately 3.35 hours per day. 
 This is well within the limits of these batteries. 
 Energy Required and Cost for Charging Alkaline 
 From an instruction book for this type of battery, the 
 following data may be obtained. An alkaline A -8 battery- 
 has a capacity of 300 amp. hr. It has a 5-hour discharge 
 rate of 60 amp. with a voltage varying from 1.24 to 0.9 per 
 cell, depending upon the amount of current furnished. 
 The normal charging rate is 60 amp. for seven hours 
 with a charging voltage of 1.58 to 1.82 per cell, or an aver 
 age of about 1.68. 
 The amount of energy required, or the kilowatt-hour 
 input to the battery, will be the number of cells to be 
 charged, times the charging- voltage, times the ampere rate, 
 times the charging time, divided by 1,000. Assuming a bat 
 tery of 30 cells, an efficiency of 80 per cent for the charging 
 source and a cost of 3 cents per kw. hr. for power, the 
 cost of one complete charge will be 
 30 x 1.68x60 x 7 x. 03 
 - = $0.80 
 1000 x. 80 
 Energy Required and Cost for Charging Lead 
 The method of calculation to determine the energy re 
 quired and the cost of charging lead batteries is somewhat 
 different from that used for the alkaline type battery. The 
 lead battery will give an ampere per hour efficiency of 85 
 per cent, which includes the current required for the equal 
 izing charges, and it will give a voltage efficiency of 85 per 
 The normal capacity of the battery is 315 amp. hr. This 
 divided by .85, the amp. hr. efficiency, gives 384 amp. hr. on 
 The average voltage on normal discharge is 1.96 volts per 
 cell. This, times the number of cells, assuming a battery 
 of 18 cells, divided by the voltage efficiency, gives the 
 voltage required of charge as 
 18 x 1.96 
 41 5 
 The voltage required for charging, times the ampere- 
 hours required for charge, divided by 1,000 will give kilo 
 watt-hours input to the battery. Assuming an efficiency 
 of 80 per cent for the charging source and a cost of 3 cents 
 per kw. hr. for power, the cost of one complete charge 
 may be computed in the same manner as that used for the 
 alkaline battery. 
 It is assumed for both type of batteries that they have 
 been practically discharged and a complete charge is neces 
 sary. It is also assumed that the constant current system 
 of charging is used. 
 Gasoline Engine Tractor 
 In determining the size of a gasoline engine tractor, first 
 determine the maximum grade to be negotiated and the 
 trailing load necessary to move the product in the required 
 time. Multiply the grade per cent by 20 and add the factor 
 for the type of road as shown in the table of tractive re 
 sistance of various roadways. Multiply the sum thus ob 
 tained by the total weight of the tractor, the trailers and 
 the live load. Multiply this result by the feet per minute it 
 is desired to move the load and divide by 33,000, which will 
 give the horse power delivered to the tires. The same 
 result may be obtained by multiplying by miles per hour 
 instead of feet per minute and dividing by 375. 
 The horse power required at the tires to move one ton 
 up various grades at various speeds over various types of 
 roads may be readily obtained from the preceding tabula 
 tions. Knowing the amount of the load to be moved, the 
 grade, the type of road, and the required horse power to 
 move one ton, the total horse power may readily be de 
 The engine horse power required may be found by divid 
 ing the result thus obtained by the driving efficiency which 
 may vary from 60 per cent to 70 per cent on other than 
 direct drive, or perhaps 75 per cent to 85 per cent on direct 
 In arriving at the horse power in this manner we must 
 not lose sight of the fact that this horse power must be 
 delivered by the engine at the speed fixed by the tractor 
 wheel diameter and effective gear ratio ; that is, the gear 
 box ratio multiplied by the gear axle ratio. The revolutions 
 per minute of wheels at different rates of tractor speeds 
 is determined by the following equation : 
 336 x S 
 in which R = rev. per min. of wheels, S = tractor speed 
 in miles per hour, D == wheel diameter in inches. For 
 convenience a table giving the revolutions per minute for 
 wheels of various diameters for different tractor speeds 
 given in miles per hour and feet per minute, is shown. Any 
 of these values of revolutions per minute multiplied by the 
 total gear ratio gives the required speed of the engine for 
 the tractor speed selected. 
 Miles Feet 
 t Wheel Diameter in Inches s 
 The calculations may show that the engine required is 
 larger than any size available, in which case it is necessary 
 to use two tractors rather than one. 
 The controlling features of design, however, determine 
 also to a very large extent the size of the engine used, 
 generally a much larger size engine is furnished than the 
 calculations indicate in order to compensate fot starting 
 It is advisable also to consider not only the power re 
 quirements in negotiating the grades, but also the ability 
 of the tractor in drawing its trailers over the level por 
 tions of the route to be traversed. For example, it is 
 assumed that a level portion of a route is 400 ft. in length 
 and a 50-ft. grade of 10 per cent must be negotiated. 
 Assuming that there are three or four different tractors, 
 each having different characteristics regarding the size and 
 speed of the engine, but each having sufficient power to 
 climb the grade, then that one of the tractors which shows 
 the best average speed from end to end of the route, 
 including the grade, would have marked economic ad 
 vantages over the slower ones. 
 Cost of Operation of Tractors 
 It has been shown how to calculate the size of tractor 
 required, the amount of material that can be moved, and 
 the cost of charging the batteries. In order to lind the 
 cost per ton for moving the material the total cost of 
 operating the system must be found and the result divided 
 by the tons of material moved. 
 It is not practicable, because of the many variables, to 
 estimate the cost of operation which would be applicable 
 to many installations with widely differing conditions. For 
 instance, in a manufacturing plant the average weight of 
 the trailing load would greatly exceed that of an installation 
 at a marine or railroad terminal where the trailing load 
 might consist of material from less than carload lots and 
 consequently, although bulky, not as heavy a load is car 
 ried on an equal number of trailers as would be expected in 
 an industrial plant. Thus the length of haul and weight 
 and size of commodity would affect to a large extent the 
 total tonnage handled per day and therefore the cost per 
 ton handled. 
 The cost of operation should include what might be 
 termed fixed charges and operating charges on the tractor, 
 trailers and also the charging equipment, if the latter is 
 For a specific installation for which it is desired to esti 
 mate the operating cost, and where data are available from 
 actual records which would leave no doubt as to the amount 
 for each item, the total of the following items will give the 
 cost of operation covering a period of one year of approxi 
 mately 300 working days. This total, divided by the total 
 tonnage hauled during that time will give the cost per ton. 
 The following method of determining the cost of opera 
 tion applies specifically to a storage battery or gasoline 
 engine tractor with trailers, but it is also applicable to a 
 power truck : 
 Supei vision 
 Driver s wages 
 Oil and grease 
 Solution and water 
 If electric 
 Operating Charges -{ Energy Total KW. hrs. for a year at the 
 prevailing rate 
 If gasoline 
 Gasoline Total number of gallons used 
 during a year at the prevailing price 
 per gal. 
 General repairs 
 Daily repairs 
 r Insurance approximately $40 per $1,000. 
 I Interest at 6 per cent on investment 
 Fixed Charges. . .. ~( Depreciation 15 per cent covering a six-year 
 L Garage rental 
 Operator s wages 
 i Supplies 
 Operating Charges -{ Oil and grease 
 | Maintenance 
 General repairs 
 L Daily repairs 
 f Insurance approximately $40 per $1,000. 
 Fixed Charges. ... J Interest at 6 per cent on investment 
 1 Depreciation 15 per cent covering a six-year 
 L period 
 f Supplies 
 Oil and grease 
 Operating Charges { Maintenance 
 < leneral repairs 
 L Daily repairs 
 f Insurance approximately $40 per $1,000. 
 i Interest at 6 per cent on investment 
 Fixed Charges....-^ Depreciation 20 per cent covering a four-year 
 L Garage rental 
Motor Trucks, Tractors and Trailers 
 THE PURPOSE OF THIS SECTION is to describe and illus 
 trate material-handling devices which arc designed to 
 carry and haul freight and loose bulk material and 
 are titled to run on streets and highways without a track. 
 The information given embraces a general description of 
 motor trucks, tractors and trailers, sets forth the principal 
 elements of design and construction of these automotive 
 units, and defines the principles governing their application. 
 To avoid repetition the common principles of design and 
 construction are presented under the general classification 
 described, and in many cases the illustrations are used to 
 show general characteristics rather than specific design. 
 Consequently, no particular significance should be attached 
 to any seeming preponderance of data or completeness of 
 description in a particular instance beyond the value of the 
 facts presented. 
 The section is arranged in three major divisions which 
 describe in turn the design 
 and construction of automo 
 tive equipment ; the princi 
 ples of selection and factors 
 governing performance ; and 
 general application in vari 
 ous lines. It is further sub 
 divided under the different 
 types of equipment discussed 
 that is, motor trucks, trac 
 tors and trailers these lat 
 ter divisions being separated 
 according to the principal 
 units which make up the 
 equipment considered, such as motors, axles, transmissions, 
 The two major divisions of the science of automotive 
 engineering are treated, by this arrangement, according to 
 their respective fields, that branch of the science apper 
 taining to design and construction being separated from 
 the branch which deals only with the principles of appli 
 With such modifications as are necessary to adapt the 
 machine to the specific work for which it is designed, cer 
 tain general principles of design and construction apply to 
 practically all of the automotive equipment considered in 
 this section. Consequently only the major parts of motor 
 trucks are described in the general text, the special features 
 being explained in the text covering the apparatus to which 
 they apply. 
 Motor trucks may be broadly classified under three types 
 according to the nature of the power which propels them, 
 i. e. "gasoline," "electric" and "steam." The gasoline truck 
 derives its power from the explosion of gaseous mixtures 
 in the combustion chambers of a motor. 
 In the electric machine the power is derived from a 
 storage battery conveniently placed according to the de 
 sign and size of the truck which is connected by wires 
 through a controller to an electric motor. The power from 
 the electric motor is transmitted to the driving wheels 
 through shafts and pears or chains and sprockets, as in the 
 gasoline truck. However, in the electric truck the motor 
 is a variable speed machine and the speed can be controlled 
 by the voltage of the storage battery 1 supplying the electric 
 current. Consequently the clutch and the transmission 
 which are necessary in the gasoline machine, are, of course, 
 omitted in the electric machine in which the motor is 
 in direct permanent connection with the driving axle. 
 Power from the motor is regulated by a controller, 
 usually consisting of a revolving cylinder operated by a 
 hand lever, which is conveniently placed beside the driver s 
 seat. Metal contact points mounted on this cylinder are 
 so arranged that by revolving the cylinder the storage bat 
 tery and motor field circuits may be connected according to 
 the power requirements and speed of the machine. 
 The steam truck derives its power through the expansion 
 of live steam in the cylinders of a steam engine. This 
 type has been practically superseded by gasoline and electric 
 vehicles, particularly in the United States. Consequently 
 only gasoline and electric vehicles arc considered here. 
 General Specifications 
 The general principles of design of gasoline and electric 
 trucks are similar in that 
 each consists of a steel 
 Motor Trucks: Classification; Details of Con 
 struction; Specifications; Selection; Factors 
 of Performance; Application. 
 Truck-Tractors and Tractors: Types; Deter 
 mination of Loadings. 
 Trailers: Four-wheel; Two-wheel; Semi-Trail 
 ers; Pole and Pipe Trailers. 
 chassis mounted upon four 
 wheels with suitable axle <. 
 springs and steering appa 
 ratus the whole supporting 
 the body and the major 
 power plant, driving mecha 
 nism, and accessory equip 
 ment required for the opera 
 tion of the vehicle. The gen 
 eral principles of chassis 
 construction entail no spe 
 cific features of engineering 
 beyond those necessary for the load carrying functions of 
 the machine, the proper distribution of weight and the re 
 quirements of assembly. Therefore only the major units 
 which supply and transmit the power for moving the 
 vehicle are presented in detail. 
 Chassis frames arc constructed with side members of 
 pressed steel (sometimes heat-treated) or rolled steel, de 
 pending upon the size of the unit, and the design of the 
 manufacturer. Cross members are placed at convenient 
 intervals for the proper support of the various parts and 
 for rigidity and strength. Hot rivets are generally used 
 in assembling the chassis frames and for attaching those 
 parts which are permanently fixed. In some of the larger 
 models gusset plates are added at the angles formed by the 
 side and cross members of the frame. These gusset plates 
 may be either riveted on, electric welded, or both. The 
 depth of the frame members depends upon the size of the 
 truck and the engineering practices of the manufacturer. 
 Wheels may be either of wood or cast steel depending 
 upon the size of the truck and the policies of the manu 
 facturer. Cast steel wheels have not, as yet, been generally 
 adapted to sizes of less than two tons capacity 
 Front Axles 
 Front axles are usually drop forgings of carbon steel 
 and I-beam construction although tubular axles are used 
 in some cases. They are made in either the "straight" or 
 "dropped" type, so named according to the general shape of 
 the axle bed. Straight axles are alined without change 
 of contour, whereas dropped axles have a distinct bend or 
 drop in the center, or are curved downward throughout 
 their entire length in the form of a sweeping arc. With 
 the dropped form the spring pads may be lowered to secure 
 a better alinetnent of the engine and driving shafts and 
 lower the center of gravity. They also permit the use 
 standard Elliott type is generally used on motor truck 
 axles, and the inverted Elliott is found in industrial trucks 
 and some tractors. 
 Rear Axles 
 .Rear axles (see also Final Drive) are of two principal 
 types, i. e. "dead axles" and "live axles," the latter being 
 Straight Type Front Axle 
 of large diameter wheels without increasing the height of 
 the chassis frame above the ground. 
 Front axles are assembled as complete units with steer 
 ing knuckles, wheel spindles, bearings and steering rods 
 attached. Steering knuckles are designed in two types 
 named from their designers, "Elliott" and "Lemoine." A 
 modification of each type is found in the "Inverted 
 Elliott" and "Inverted Lemoine" forms, which are used 
 to some extent in passenger car design. The distinctive 
 produced in various modifications as described, that is 
 Plain Live, Semi-Floating, Three-Quarter-Floating and 
 Full-Floating axles. 
 Dead Axles 
 Dead axles are those which have no moving parts and 
 serve merely as load carrying members, the wheels being 
 turned by some connection outside the axle proper. The 
 axle used on horse-driven vehicles illustrates the "dead" 
 Fig. 2 Drop Type Front Axle 
 characteristics of design of each of these types are shown axle in its simplest form. All "dead axles" are the float- 
 in the illustration of types of steering knuckles. The ing type (Fig. 4), the wheels being free to turn inde- 
 pcndcntly of each other. The dead axle (A) carries etc., and tiie thrust of the gears comes on the shalts. 
 the load and the wheel (W) is turned by a chain on Furthermore the wheel hub being attached to the end 
 the sprocket (S) or may have a gear attached to it. of the shaft, while the wheel bearing is on the shaft and 
 Fig. 3 Types of Steering Knurkles 
 This gear may be driven by either an internal or external 
 pinion in a countershaft or be attached to the dead axle 
 Fig. 4 Simple Form of Dead Axle 
 thus we have the conventional gear axle as an illustration 
 of this construction. 
 Live Axles 
 Live axles are those which not only carry the load but 
 also transmit the power. They consist of two distinct 
 main parts, first, the housing which encloses the driving 
 axles and working parts and supports the springs, and 
 second, the live or floating sections of the axle. These latter 
 are merely the jackshaft or side axles that transmit the 
 power from the gears in the center of the axle to the road 
 Plain Live Axles 
 Plain live axles have shafts supported directly in bear 
 ings at the center and at the ends, these shafts being 
 directly keyed to the road wheels. This type of axle 
 (Fig. S) is the simplest form and is now little used. In 
 it the power is transmitted through conventional bevel or 
 worm gear or other reduction to a differential (D) and 
 thence to the wheels (\V) through shafts (S). The shafts 
 are carried by bearings (B) at their inner ends and by 
 bearings (C) at their outer ends. Since these bearings 
 are directly on this shaft, the weight of the differential, 
 Fig. 5 Plain Live Axle 
 in the end of the housing, the load and wheel thrusts are 
 taken directly by the shafts. 
 Semi-Floating Axles 
 The semi-floating axles (Fig. 6) are the same as the 
 live axle except that the inner ends of the shafts are 
 relieved from all thrust load and simply transmit the 
 turning force. This is accomplished by mounting the bear 
 ings at the inner ends of the shafts on the ends of the 
 differential hubs (D), instead of on the driving shafts. 
 Fig. 6 Semi-Floating Axle 
 Thus the inner ends or halves of the driving shafts may 
 be said to be free or floating where attached to the differ 
 ential and hence "semi-floating." 
 Three-Quarter-Floating Axles 
 In the three-quarter-floating axles (Fig. 7), the inner 
 ends of shafts (S) are secured in the differential (D) and 
 the bearings are mounted on the hubs of the differentials, 
 as in the semi-floating type. The wheel bearings are re 
 moved from the shafts, however, and mounted on tubes 
 which are extensions of the housing (H). The wheel hubs 
 are mounted on the outside of the bearings, the entire 
 weight being carried by the wheel bearings and tubes in 
 stead of on the axle shaft. While it might appear that the 
 outer ends of the shafts were thus made free from all 
 loads, except turning the wheels, and consequently that 
 this is a full-floating axle, such is not the case, as but one 
 bearing is used in each wheel. A single bearing is so short 
 relative to the diameter of the wheel that it cannot hold 
 the wheel in line against the side thrusts which result from 
 operation. Therefore, the shaft is called upon to resist a 
 Fig. 7 Three-Quarters-Floating Axle 
 part of these thrusts, and as it is rigidly connected to the 
 wheel by a flange, it must be strong enough to resist those 
 side thrusts which tend to bend it. 
 Full-Floating Axle 
 The full-floating axle (Fig. 8) is formed by adding a 
 second bearing to both wheel hubs of the three-quarter 
 floating axle. The two bearings in each hub are spaced 
 Fig. 8 Full-Floating Axle 
 far enough apart to take the side thrusts and leave the 
 shafts free from bending stresses. It will be readily seen 
 that the shafts are really free from all stresses except 
 twisting at both ends, and hence "full-floating." 
 Final Drive 
 The conventional two-wheel rear drive is used in prac 
 tically all makes of trucks, the only exception to this rule 
 being found in the product of a few manufacturers who 
 use the four-wheel drive. Consequently, as the two-wheel 
 drive appears to be standard practice, only the various 
 modifications of this type are presented. 
 Two-wheel drive rear axles are made in six general 
 types, commercially known as Bevel (Fig. 6) for trucks 
 up to and including one ton rated capacity ; Chain Drive 
 (Fig. 7), Internal Gear (Fig. 8), Worm Drive (Fig. 9), 
 Double Reduction Gear (Fig. 10 and Fig. 11), Double 
 Reduction Internal Gear generally for trucks of greater 
 than one ton capacity (Fig. 12). These types are briefly 
 described to show general characteristics of design rather 
 than details of construction. From the descriptions, it is 
 apparent that the various types may differ in details of de 
 sign. For example, some may use ball bearings only, some 
 roller bearings, and some a combination of the two. Also 
 the axle shaft mountings may be "live," "semi-floating," 
 "three-quarter-floating" or "full-floating" according to the 
 engineering detail and other factors. The design may be 
 further altered by the arrangement and types of brakes 
 which are used. 
 Bevel Gear Axles 
 Within its limitations of gear reduction and ground 
 clearance the bevel gear drive is supreme for motor trucks. 
 It is simple in construction and highly efficient. Its legiti 
 mate field is being extended by the continued development 
 of the spiral bevel pinion and special tooth forms, making 
 possible greater gear reduction and higher torque within 
 the same limitations of housing diameter or ground clear 
 ance. The requirements as to gear reduction are also be 
 ing modified by the use of pneumatic tires, with increased 
 speed capacity. However, increased speed capacity does 
 not imply a lower maximum torque, as tire changes usual 
 ly increase the wheel diameter, requiring an increased 
 torque. The greatest bevel gear axle reduction in com 
 mercial use at the present time seems to be 6 to 1, and there 
 are a number of examples of both worm and internal gear 
 axles having reductions of less than that ratio, beginning 
 at about 5.25 to 1. This seems to rule out the bevel gear 
 for trucks exceeding one ton in rated capacity. 
 One type of bevel gear axle is of the semi-floating type 
 with ball bearings throughout. The differential housing is 
 ample to allow changes in gear reduction to be easily 
 made, giving a range from 3.13 to 1 to 5.33 to 1. Service 
 brakes are operated by a pedal, contracting on drums on 
 the rear wheels. Emergency brakes are operated by hand 
 lever, expanding on drums on the rear wheels. Another 
 bevel gear type of rear axle is a full-floating axle with 
 taper roller bearings throughout. The general design of 
 this axle conforms to the principles of bevel gear axle 
 A modification which is used only on electric trucks is a 
 construction in which the motor and jack shaft assembly 
 is three-point suspended. The motor is hung from a re 
 inforced channel section. The jack shaft is mounted at 
 its outboard ends in combination hangers. The motor 
 drives the jack shaft through a bevel gear and pinion re 
 duction, the bevel pinion being mounted directly on a pro 
 longation of the forward end of the armature shaft. A 
 double reduction is given by the bevel pinion and gear and 
 the side chains. 
 Internal Gear Axle 
 The design of the internal gear type of axle varies some 
 what in mechanical details according to type of manufac 
 ture and the size. The load carrying member may be a 
 straight round bar or an I-beam construction. The driving 
 mechanism is usually in front or back of the axle, but on 
 one type it is placed above the wheel centers. The wheel 
 bearings are usually of the flexible roller and double row 
 ball type. The internal gear is mounted on the cast wheel 
 Fig. 9 Bevel Gear Drive 
 r ~\ 
 /fr- V--t i ".3c.~ ; 
 H <" 
 Fig. 10 Chain Drive 
 Fig. 11 Internal Gear Drive 
 Fig. 12 Worm Drive 
 Fig. 13 Double Redaction Gear, Bevel and Spur 
 Fig 14 Double Reduction Gear, Spur and Bevel 
 is. 15-DoubIe Reduciion Internal Gear 
 hubs in a manner to insure good support and alinement, or 
 enclosed in the brake drum, or in a separate housing. The 
 brakes are internal and external, generally on drums out 
 side tile internal gear. On one type the brakes resemble 
 multiple disk clutches in general structure having outer 
 and inner drums with suitable splines to engage alterna 
 tive disks respectively. 
 In one type of internal gear axle the differential housing 
 is mounted in spherical seals and extends from one spring 
 seat to another, and is attached to the rest of the axle at 
 its two ends. This promotes accessibility and tends to keep 
 the pinion in line with the internal gear, should the axle 
 be dellected under load. 
 For another type the housing is rigidly supported at one 
 end and flexibly attached at the other which provides a 
 certain amount of flexibility. Another type uses a housing 
 for the drive shaft and differential that is relatively 
 mounted with respect to the axle, the lorquc displacement 
 being controlled by coiled springs which cushion the drive. 
 A modification which is used only on electric trucks is 
 a construction in which the motor and gear reduction are 
 enclosed in the axle housing. The straight line gear reduc 
 tion transmission is a feature of this type of axle, and 
 uses but two gears of nearly the same diameter which pro 
 vides a reduction of 16.1 between the high speed motor and 
 the driving wheels. The housing, which is the load carry 
 ing member of the axle, is a strong, sturdy casting pro 
 vided with a large removable cover which enables the en 
 tire motor and transmission to be taken out of the housing 
 without unloading the truck. Roth brakes are of the ex 
 panding type. In a modification of this form the motor 
 and differential arc mounted in the housing, but the gear 
 reduction, consisting of driving pinion, two idler gears and 
 a rim gear, is mounted inside the wheel. 
 Another modification which is used only on electric 
 trucks is a construction with a gear transmission having 
 an electric motor in each driving wheel. The motor arma 
 ture has a pinion on either end, one pinion pulling up on 
 one side of the wheel, the other pulling down at the op 
 posite side, and both working at the periphery. An evener 
 device permits of a compensating movement and divides 
 the force equally between the two pinions regardless of 
 any unequal wear or adjustment. 
 Another modification which is used only on electric 
 trucks is a construction without a differential gear. Each 
 wheel is driven by a motor, and is carried in a casing 
 which forms part of the axle. The gears, spindle, wheel 
 and all parts of the driving unit are set in a fixed rela 
 tion to each other. The two-motor drive permits a series 
 parallel control which results in considerable less waste of 
 current when accelerating, and also eliminates a large part 
 of the resistance necessary where a single motor drive is 
 used. The two-motor equipment also permits a system of 
 control that provides efficient operation at low speed. 
 Worm Gear Axles 
 The general construction of these axles, as built in sizes 
 from J4 to 5 tons capacity, is a semi-floating or full-float 
 ing axle with overhead, straight or other type of worm. 
 The housing is generally of one piece extending from 
 wheel to wheel and of rectangular section at the ends ; it 
 is sometimes furnished on the outside with heavy ribs to 
 give rigidity and strength. 
 The shaft is enlarged at the inner ends to provide for 
 the splines which enter the differential. On some forms it 
 is also enlarged at the bearing to provide for heavy stresses 
 at this point. 
 The driving mechanism is carried as a completely as 
 sembled, self-contained unit in a carrier attached to the 
 housing, and is easily removable for examination or 
 change of gears. 
 The worm, worm wheel and differential are mounted on 
 ball bearings. The worm and shaft are constructed so that 
 the rear bearing takes the thrust. 
 On all types of worm gear axles the construction pro 
 vides methods to keep the driving mechanism and moving 
 parts well lubricated, but one type is constructed in which 
 particular attention is given to this detail. 
 Double Reduction Internal Gear Axles 
 This is a full-floating type of axle, with a train of gears 
 in the hub case of the wheel, the whole driving mechanism 
 being entirely encased and running in oil. By the arrange 
 ment of the driving mechanism the first reduction occurs 
 through the bevel gear and drive pinion in the center of 
 the rear axle. Thence the power is carried by a live axle 
 of the floating type through the center of the housing to a 
 gear at the wheel end of the live axle. This gear, in turn, 
 meshes with a second gear (carried on the housing of the 
 live axle, but inside the hub case of the rear wheel), and 
 this second gear, in turn, meshes with a ring gear attached 
 to the wheel inside of the hub case. 
 With this method of applying power to the wheel, a 
 second reduction occurs between these three gears in the 
 hub case, very similar to the reduction which takes place 
 between the sprocket wheels of a chain drive. 
 The axle housing is a casting, extending from wheel to 
 wheel and serving as the load-carrying member. 
 The service brake is of the contracting type, operated 
 by foot pedal and acting on drums on the drive shaft. 
 In another form of double reduction internal gear axle 
 the driving power is transmitted at the center in the con 
 ventional manner by a bevel drive pinion and gear, which 
 are mounted as a self-contained unit with the differential 
 assembly. The torque is farther transmitted by the drive 
 shafts through the center of the load-carrying member to 
 a spur pinion in the center of the wheel. This pinion floats 
 between the two "idler" or intermediate gears, which are 
 held in place on substantial roller bearings between two 
 arms, projecting diametrically opposite from the yokes, with 
 their center line parallel to the ground. The idler gears 
 in turn drive .he internal gears which are pressed in and 
 bolted solidly to the wheel hub. 
 The axle housing is a casting extending to the inner 
 wheel bearings and serving as a load-carrying member. 
 It contains the bevel drive gears and differential, at the 
 center (concentric with the wheels), which are mounted 
 in a removable differential carrier. 
 A further modification of this type of axle provides a 
 planetary gear reduction at the wheel hub. The drive 
 shaft and housing are concentric with the wheel, and a 
 differential with a bevel gear reduction is provided at the 
 center of the axle. The drive shaft extends through to 
 the extreme end of the axle, as in a full-floating bevel gear 
 axle, but carries a driving pinion on its end. 
 The wheel bearings are on a sleeve surrounding the axle 
 tube, which is provided with a mounting flange for the 
 internal gear ring which is placed at the outer side of the 
 wheel hub. 
 Double Reduction Gear Axle 
 A double reduction (spur, bevel) semi-floating type axle 
 i3 constructed with a skew spur pinion located near the 
 top of the axle which drives a skew gear below it, these 
 two comprising the first reduction. The two shafts are 
 supported on annular bearings, arranged to take the end 
 thrust involved in any skew gearing. The final reduction 
 is by a bevel gear, secured to the differential case, and a 
 pinion, the latter being mounted on the shaft which carries 
 the larger skew gear. 
 The entire reduction train is enclosed in a casting which 
 forms the center of the axle. When the two castings 
 which form the outer ends of the axle are bolted to the 
 center casting, these three castings form the load-carrying 
 member to which the springs are attached. 
 From the differential, steel drive shafts transmit the 
 driving effort to the rear wheels. 
 Two sets of brakes are provided on the wheels. The 
 service brakes are of the external contracting band type. 
 Emergency brakes are of the internal expanding shoe 
 In another type the axle is full-floating type and the 
 first reduction is made by bevel gears and the second by 
 spur gears, the spur ring being mounted on the differ 
 The load-carrying member is a housing of the double 
 banjo type with the wheel spindles and spring saddles 
 integral. The yoke in the center of the axle housing 
 is set at an angle of 45 deg. instead of vertical or hori 
 zontal. This increases the road clearance and by the 
 arrangement of the gear train produces a straight line 
 drive. The gear reduction is assembled as a separate unit 
 in a housing bolted to the rear axle. Transmission and 
 rear wheel brakes are provided but contrary to ordinary 
 practice the transmission brake is the emergency brake and 
 the rear wheel brakes are the service brakes. 
 The transmission, or change speed gear provides the 
 means for adapting the power of the motor to the require 
 ments of the service. Gasoline motors differ from steam 
 engines or electric motors in that they do not start from 
 a standstill with full torque but develop full torque only 
 when running at a speed of maximum output, or a speed 
 or maximum economy. In motor vehicle operation it is 
 desirable to apply the power in such a way that the motor 
 will run at a speed near its point of highest economy. 
 This is accomplished by the transmission, which is an ar- 
 range.nent of gears designed on the principle that when 
 two shafts, or other rotating machine parts, are con 
 nected together in driving relation, the torque of the two 
 bear to each other the inverse ratio of their respective 
 speeds. By providing suitable gear reductions in the trans 
 mission, the engine power can be multiplied as required 
 and economic engine speed maintained. 
 Transmissions are made in two principal types, named, 
 according to the general character of design, "planetary 
 and "sliding" change gears. In the planetary type the 
 gears are arranged to revolve around a common center, 
 as well as to rotate upon their axes, simulating the motion 
 of the planets around the sun. In the sliding type, the 
 gears are mounted on parallel shafts and brought into the. 
 desired arrangement either by shifting the position of the 
 gears on the shaft, by sliding them in or out of mesh, or 
 by operating sliding jaw-clutches mounted on the shaft, 
 which engage the gears as desired. 
 Planetary Transmission 
 The planetary type of transmission is used principally in 
 light-weight, low-priced trucks, and gives but two forward 
 speeds. Its principles of operation may be explained as 
 follows : 
 The driving shaft may be either an extension of the 
 crank shaft or connected to it. On the shaft is mounted 
 the driving pinion which meshes with two or more plan 
 etary pinions, they in turn meshing with the internal gear. 
 The planetary pinions are of equal size and are evenly 
 distributed over the circumference of the pinion. The 
 internal gear is mounted on a bearing on the driving shaft. 
 The planetary pinions are mounted upon shafts attached 
 to the pinion carrier which has a bearing on the driving 
 shaft and which may be a disc, spider or drum. It will 
 be seen in the illustration that the driving pinion will 
 drive the internal gear through the planetary pinions. If 
 the internal gear is held stationary by a brake, the planetary 
 pinions will roll on it and carry the pinion carrier around 
 in a clockwise direction; that is, in the same direction 
 \ Driving 
 / Pinion 
 Fig. 16 Planetary Gearing 
 in which the driving shaft is revolving, but at a lower 
 speed. With the pinion carrier in driving connection with 
 the driven shaft, the vehicle will then move forward on low 
 Reverse gear is obtained by holding the pinion carrier 
 from revolving, releasing the internal gear and connecting 
 it to the driven shaft. The driving pinion will then trans 
 mit power through the planetary pinions causijig the 
 internal gear to revolve in the opposite direction. 
 For high speed forward the driven shaft is directly 
 connected to the driving shaft by a friction clutch form 
 ing part of the planetary gear set and the whole gear 
 unit may revolve. 
 Sliding Transmission 
 Sliding type transmissions are practically all of the 
 "selective" type, that is, the gear desired may be selected at 
 will, it being unnecessary to pass through intermediate steps 
 as in the early "progressive" form. 
 In the sliding type transmissions, speed gear changes are 
 made either by sliding the gears on the main drive shaft, 
 or engaging them with sliding jaw clutches by a gear 
 shift lever conveniently placed, usually in the center of 
 the truck just forward of the driver s seat. Two assem 
 blies are manutactured, the unit power plant type and the 
 amidship type with either three or four forward speeds 
 as standard design. 
 The unit power plant type transmission with sliding jaw 
 clutch is designed to be incorporated as a part of the 
 engine assembly unit in a gear case which forms a part 
 of the bell housing directly behind the engine. 
 The amidship type transmission with sliding gears is 
 designed as a complete unit assembly and is usually placed 
 under the floor boards in front of the driver s seat. The 
 main driving gear or clutch gear shaft is connected to the 
 engine either by an extension of the engine crank shaft 
 or by a short shaft connected with it. 
 In both the sliding clutch and sliding gear transmis 
 sions, the gear set consists of four shafts placed either 
 Fig. 17 Unit Power Plant, Sliding Clutch Type 
 in a vertical or horizontal plane. Gear wheels, vvnose 
 diameters vary according to the ratios and speeds for 
 which the transmission is designed, are mounted on these 
 shafts, those on the lay shaft being keyed or otherwise 
 fastened in position, and those on the main drive shaft 
 being splined in the case of the sliding gear type, and 
 Fig. 18 Amidship Type Transmission 
 relatively mounted in the case of the sliding clutch type, 
 with sliding jaw clutches on the splined sections of the 
 Transmission Assembly 
 The general assembly of these four shafts with change 
 speed gears is shown in the drawing which illustrates the 
 layout 01 a four-speed sliding gear transmission. Shaft 
 A is the main driving gear or clutch gear shaft, and is 
 rotated by the power from the engine. Shaft ./ is the 
 main drive shaft or sliding "gear" shaft (called the 
 "splined shaft"), from which power is transmitted through 
 the propeller shaft to the driving axles and rear wheels 
 of the truck. Shaft C is the transmission back gear shaft 
 or countershaft (called the "lay shaft") through which 
 the power is transmitted from the driving gear shaft A 
 to the splined shaft B whenever any pair of gear wheels, 
 Fig. 19 Transmission Assembly, Sliding Gear Type 
 except / and G are in mesh. It is to be noted that gears 
 / and (/ are always in mesh as they transmit the power 
 from shaft ./ to shaft L . 
 Shaft D is the reverse gear shaft which carries the 
 third gear necessary to cause the shaft B to rotate in the 
 reverse direction. Shafts .-! and B rotate on the same axis, 
 Fig. 20 Sliding Jaw Clutch Transmission 
 the front bearing of shaft B being supported on bearing 
 E located in the rear end of shaft A. 
 The sliding jaw clutch type of transmission operates on 
 the same general principle as the sliding gear type except 
 that the gears are in constant mesh, the speed ratio de 
 sired being obtained by bringing the proper gears into 
 operation by sliding jaw clutches which are mounted on the 
 Steering Gears 
 Steering gear is the term applied to the mechanism used 
 on motor trucks to guide the vehicle. Usually only the 
 front wheels are so guided or steered the steering gear 
 proper being connected to the wheels by a ball socket 
 drag link or steering connecting link one end secured to 
 the pitman arm of the steering gear, the other to an arm 
 on one of the axle pivots. 
 Practically all steering gears comprise a handwheel 
 mounted at the upper end of a steering column or shaft. 
 Spark and throttle controls are mounted either concen 
 trically or eccentrically. At the lower end of this column 
 the rotary motion of the steering handwheel is converted 
 to an oscillating fore and aft or side to side motion at 
 a lesser speed than the handwheel, by a suitable reduction 
 gear. In motor truck design, five distinct types of reduc 
 tion gears are in general use. These are illustrated and 
 classified according to design (A) worm and gear, or 
 worm and sector (part gear); (B) worm and split nut; 
 (C) worm and full nut; (D) bevel pinion and sector; 
 () double worm or double thread. 
 End thrust of the worm or the pinion and side thrust 
 of the worm gear or bevel gear are taken either by 
 plain bearings or anti-friction bearing, according to the 
 ideas of the designer and maker. Worm, worm gear, 
 bearings, etc., are enclosed in a grease tight case or housing. 
 (A) The worm and gear, or worm and sector, steering 
 gear is fundamentally similar in design to that of a worm 
 drive rear axle, but with the following important mod 
 ifications demanded by the application : 
 (1) The handwheel and worm on the lower end of the 
 steering column rotates from l l /z to 2 full turns, while 
 the worm gear, which is attached to a horizontal shaft 
 (or pitman shaft) with steering or pitman arm at the 
 other end, rotates or oscillates only one-sixth to one-fourth 
 of a turn. 
 (2) Efficiency in the transmission of power is of rel 
 atively small value. 
 (3) The ratio between the amount of turn of the hand- 
 wheel (and worm) and the shape of the teeth on the 
 worm and worm wheel are such as to make the steering 
 nearly non-reversible that is, road shocks on the front 
 wheels are not transmitted through the steering gear to 
 the handwheel. 
 (B) The worm and split nut type of steering gear 
 consists fundamentally of a worm, or screw, having both 
 right and left hand threads cut upon its surface. Two 
 half nuts are provided, held against rotation by rectangular 
 guide pockets. One of these half nuts has a right hand 
 Fig- 21 Fig. 22 Fig. 23 
 Fig. 21 Worm and Gear; Fig. 22 Worm and Sector; 
 Fig. 23 Worm and Split Nut 
 thread cut on its inner face; the other nut has a left hand 
 Rotating the worm shaft, which is held against end 
 wise movement by the handwheel, causes one nut to move 
 away from the handwheel, the other towards it. The 
 extended ends of the two nuts bear against a rocking 
 arm integral with or attached to the pitman shaft, thus 
 actuating the pitman arm. This type of gear is adjustable 
 for wear by forcing the thrust bearing axially closer to 
 the split nuts. 
 (C) The worm and full nut type of gear uses a worm 
 with only a single set of threads either right hand or 
 left hand. 
 Rotating the worm (by the handwheel) causes the nut 
 to move up or down on the shaft. By means of a sliding 
 block, or pair of blocks, the nut bears against arms or 
 trunnions formed on the pitman shaft, causing it to oscillate, 
 hence moving the pitman arm. 
 (D) The bevel pinion and sector type of gear has a 
 bevel pinion fastened at or near the lower end of the 
 steering shaft, and meshing with a section of a bevel 
 gear of much larger diameter. Turning the handwheel 
 Fig. 24 Fig. 25 
 Fig. 21 -Worm and Full Nut; Fig. 25 Bevel Pinion 
 and Sector 
 rotates the bevel gear pinion, thus rotating the gear sec 
 tor, which is integral with or keyed to the pitman shaft. 
 This type of steering gear is reversible ; that is, road 
 shocks are transmitted, at least to a degree, to the hand- 
 () The double thread type steering gear is one in 
 which the reduction or ratio and the non-reversible fea 
 ture are secured by a dual set of threads. An outer nut, 
 loosely splined to the pitman arm, has a set of spiral 
 grooves or threads on its outer face. These threads mesh 
 with corresponding threads on the inside of the housing. 
 The inner face of this nut also has a set of threads of 
 a different pitch (number of threads per inch) meshing 
 with a set of similar threads on the worm shaft. 
 Fig. 26 Double Thread Type 
 Turning the handwheel causes the nut to slide endwise 
 and at the same time to rotate in the opposite direction 
 from the handwheel, but at a much slower rate of speed. 
 The pitman arm being splined to the nut, rotates with it 
 and accomplishes the required steering effort. 
 Clutches as commonly used in motor trucks are classi 
 fied under four general types, according to their charac 
 teristics of design. These four types are cone, plate, 
 multiple disc and friction band. The last named is so 
 little used, except in combination with a planetary type 
 transmission, that a description of it is omitted. 
 Cone Clutch 
 Cone clutches consist of a section of a cone formed on 
 the. outer rim of a disc or spider, the hub of which is 
 slidably mounted on a square shaft, which is splined or 
 keyed in such a way that it may be moved in the direction 
 of the axis of the shaft. The outer surface of this cone 
 is faced with leather, asbestos, woven fabric, or in some 
 cases composition metal, the whole cone fitting into a 
 conical recess in the engine fly-wheel. 1 oth the cone 
 member and the recess in the fly-wheel have the same 
 angle of contact. This angle varies between 12 di-g. and 
 40 deg. included angle. The 25 deg. included angle has 
 been adopted as standard by the Society of Automotive 
 In the driving position the cone with its lacing is forced 
 into contact with the surface of the conical recess in the 
 fly-wheel by one or more springs. Releasing the clutch 
 by pushing on the clutch pedal is accomplished by forcibly 
 withdrawing the cone from the recess, against the pressure 
 of these springs. 
 Dry Plate Clutches 
 Dry plate clutches are constructed so that the driving 
 effort or torque of the engine is transmitted from the 
 engine to the transmission by the friction between the 
 plane surfaces of suitable discs. These discs may be 
 of plain metal, such as steel, or they may be fitted on 
 either side with an annular ring of leather, asbestos 
 fabric or composition metal. Such clutches also may be 
 run in a bath of oil. 
 In certain types of dry plate clutch, only one fairly 
 large diameter revolving disc is used ; it is mounted on 
 the driving shaft to which its hub is keyed or splined. 
 In this type the single disc is made of plain steel with 
 leather, asbestos fabric or metal facings riveted to the 
 fly-wheel or to discs attached to the fly-wheel. The plate 
 type of clutch is made in two styles, one the lever op 
 erated type, and the other the expanding wedge type. 
 Fig. 21 Cone Clutch 
 Fig. 28 Dry Plate Clutch 
 Toggle Operated 
 In the lever operated type a toggle is furnished which 
 has a pivot point on a plate attached to the fly-wheel 
 and revolving with it. The longer end of the toggle en 
 gages with a suitably shaped sliding member on the shaft, 
 which is forced into position by a spring. The short end 
 of the toggle lever presses the various friction surfaces 
 together. The operation is sometimes performed by a 
 series of coiled springs which force the various discs into 
 engagement with each other. When it is desired to free 
 the clutch the springs are compressed by suitable linkage, 
 thus eliminating the friction contact between the discs. 
 In the wedge operated type the wedges are suitably 
 arranged, usually radially, spring and toggle operated. 
 The surfaces of the wedges are operated against two or 
 more wedge plates or rings, thus forcing the discs into 
 Multiple Disc Clutches 
 Multiple disc clutches are in many respects similar to 
 the dry plate type. In this type a number of thin discs 
 or annular rings, provided with tabs on the inner periph 
 ery, are mounted on the outer surface of a splined drum 
 which is keyed to the driving shaft of the transmission. 
 Fig. 29 Dry Plate Clutch, 
 Wedge Operated 
 Fig. 30 Multiple Disk 
 A second set of thin discs or annular rings, whose inner 
 and outer diameters arc each greater than the corre 
 sponding diameters of the rings just mentioned, are 
 provided with tabs on their periphery- These are mounted 
 on the inside of a housing or shell attached to the fly 
 wheel, the tabs fitting into internal splines. These discs 
 or rings are stacked alternately. There are a number of 
 modifications of this type of clutch as follows : 
 (1) Plain steel discs or rings forming a metal to metal 
 contact, the whole clutch immersed in oil. 
 (,2) One set of the rings, usually the inner or small 
 diameter set, is faced on both sides with a suitable friction 
 material such as asbestos or fiber. 
 (3) The rings may be so stamped or formed that they 
 constitute a series of small annular cones. The cones on 
 the smaller diameter discs or rings mesh, each one with 
 a corresponding cone on the outer rings. This type is 
 operated in a bath of oil. 
 Engines (internal combustion) used in motor trucks, 
 although fundamentally alike, differ considerably in con 
 struction and design. They are sometimes classified as 
 slow speed, medium speed and high speed, according to 
 their relative speed of operation. It has been found diffi 
 cult to secure agreement as to just what constitutes the 
 limits of each of these classes. In general, engines which 
 have a maximum working speed of 900 r.p m. or 1,000 
 r.p.m. are classed as low speed, those operating at a 
 maximum speed ranging from 1.100 r.p.m. to 1,800 r.p.m. 
 may be termed medium speed, while high speed engines 
 may have a maximum speed of 2.000 r.p.m. or ore. 
 There are many successful gasoline engines of each of 
 these types produced commercially, the speed class of any 
 engine being largely determined by the truck engineer 
 when considering the design of the truck as a whole. 
 The principal major modifications of truck engines are 
 to be found in method of cooling, method of lubrication, 
 type of valves, etc. 
 The horsepower of an engine and its suitability for 
 use in a motor truck depends upon a number of different 
 factors as follows : 
 The possible total pressure in one cylinder, due to the 
 explosion, is proportional to the square of the cylinder 
 diameter. It is directly proportional to the average or 
 mean effective pressure. The mean effective pressure in 
 turn depends upon the quality of the gasoline-air mixture, 
 as it affects completeness of combusion ; the size of the 
 valves, as they govern the amount of fuel mixture deliv 
 ered to each cylinder ; the location of the valves as they 
 affect the completeness with which fresh gas is drawn in 
 and the burnt gases are expelled, and the mechanical effi 
 ciency of the various working parts. 
 The factors mentioned are those which affect, or govern, 
 the torque or twisting effort of the engine. This torque 
 cr twisting effort is of low value at low speeds, as for 
 example at speeds below 300 r.p.m. At higher speeds the 
 torque valve, with wide open throttle, is gradually in 
 creased until the maximum value is reached. 
 Maximum torque value is ordinarily found at one-half 
 to two-thirds of the speed at which the engine delivers 
 its maximum horsepower. From this point to still 
 higher speeds the torque value is reduced. This is prin 
 cipally because the time elements involved in the opening 
 and closing of valves and in the movement of the piston 
 and velocity of the gases are not sufficient to permit the 
 proper quantity of fresh fuel mixture to be drawn into 
 the cylinder and properly ignited and expelled. 
 Horsepower is a function of both speed and torque. 
 If a gasoline engine could maintain an absolutely uniform 
 torque value at all speeds, then the horsepower delivered 
 by the engine would be proportional to the speed at 
 WO 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 
 Revolutions Per Minute. 
 Fig. Sl^Theoretical Horsepower Curves at Uniform Torque 
 whu-h it wa-- operated. Under these conditions horse 
 power and torque curves would be straight lines as shown 
 The falling off or lowering of the torque above 
 certain engine speeds results in a horsepower at such 
 speeds less than that proportional to the speed. A gas 
 oline engine of the medium speed class, which delivered 
 ! horsepower at 800 r.p.m. probably would deliver only 
 Fig. 32, which is a chart showing typical horsepower 
 and torque curves of a medium speed, 4-cylinder truck 
 engine, with 4-inch bore and 5j4-inch stroke, operating 
 800 1000 KM 1400 
 Revolutions Per Minute. 
 Fig. 32 Typical Horsepower and Torque Curves of a 
 Gasoline Motor 
 at a maximum working speed of 1,600 r.p.m. It will be 
 seen that at 800 r.p.m., the horsepower (a) is 23 and 
 the torque (b) 29 Ib. ; whereas at 1,600 r.p.m. the horse 
 power (c) is 43 and the torque (d) is 27 Ib. The torque 
 values stated are at 63.025-in. radius. 
 Methods of Cooling 
 Cooling motor truck engines is usually accomplished by 
 circulating water, although air-cooled engines have been 
 produced. Considering water-cooled engines only, the cyl 
 inders are so designed that water may be circulated 
 around the outside of the cylinder proper in a jacket. 
 , /Radiator 
 /Water Connections to 
 / Top of Radiator 
 , Water 
 Water Connections 
 to Bottom of Radiator 
 Fig. 33 Cooling System 
 horsepower at 1,600 r.p.m.; that is, doubling the speed This water-jacket is usually cast integral with the cyl- 
 sepower. This is illustrated in inder proper, although in some instances it has been made 
 separate and cither bolted, riveted or welded to the cyl 
 Inasmuch as the valves are subjected to the greatest 
 temperatures, cylinder castings are usually arranged so 
 that the water-jacket extends around or partly around 
 the pockets where the valves are located. 
 This cooling water is circulated either by the thermo- 
 syphon system or by a power-driven pump. In the 
 thenno-syphon the circulation of the water is caused by 
 the difference in temperature in the two parts of the 
 cooling system (engine and radiator) in much the same 
 way as water is circulated in residential water heating 
 The forced circulation system employs a pump to force 
 the water through the water jacket and radiator. A 
 fan is also used to draw air through the radiator tubes 
 in order to increase the rapidity of radiation. 
 1 unips may he either of the "gear type," the "centrifugal 
 type" or the "rctary type." Gear pumps have two small 
 gears which are in mesh and enclosed in a comparatively 
 snug casting. The inlet and outlet are placed on opposite 
 sides of the casting at points approximately within the 
 plane where the gear teeth mesh. The water enters on 
 the side where the gear teeth separate and is carried around 
 and discharged through the outlet located on the opposite 
 side of the casing. 
 The centrifugal pump consists of a number of blades 
 mounted on a hub and revolved at high speed inside a 
 comparatively snug casing. The water enters at the hub 
 and is thrown out by the blades through the outlet in 
 the side of the casing. 
 The rotary pump is made up of a disc placed eccentric 
 in a ring-shaped casing. Slots in the disc permit the in 
 sertion of two arms or blades which are pressed against 
 the walls of the casing by springs and which, acting as 
 blades, carry the water through the pump. The water 
 enters at the top and is discharged at the side of the pump 
 Radiators are required for both the thenno-syphon and 
 force systems of cooling. These are constructed in a 
 number of forms and with various modifications. All of 
 these forms are classed under two general types: "tubular 
 radiators," which include all those composed of vertical 
 water passages, of different forms and shapes, and "cellu 
 lar radiators," composed of a number of individual cells, 
 which may be arranged in different ways and are made in 
 a variety of shapes. 
 In the tubular type the hot water from the engine, after 
 delivery to the top of the radiator, passes down through 
 the vertical tubes. These tubes may be round or oval, 
 zigzag or straight, or they may be provided with a series 
 of metal fins of various shapes fastened to the outside to 
 increase the radiating surface. These fins are disposed in 
 such a way that the air, passing through the radiator, can 
 carry off the heat radiated from their surfaces, thus help 
 ing to cool the tubes and, in turn, the water. The fins are 
 of many shapes, such as plain, round, plain square, cor 
 rugated round, etc., or they may be lateral plates or shelves 
 extending across the radiator, according to the ideas of the 
 different designers. 
 In the cellular type of radiator the hot water delivered 
 at the top of the radiator passes down through a series of 
 narrow spaces or interstices formed around the outside 
 of what are in effect horizontally disposed tubes. These 
 tubes may be round, hexagonal, octagonal, or square in 
 section, and they arc usually arranged in horizontal layers, 
 the joints of one layer being staggered with reference to the 
 joints in the layers above and below. 
 From the bottom of either of these types of radiators, 
 the water is returned to the jackets of the engine, either by 
 the thermo-syphon or pump system. 
 Lubrication of gasoline truck engines falls naturally into 
 three classes : 
 (a) Splash lubrication, accomplished by the crank shaft 
 ends of the connecting rods splashing in a reservoir of oil 
 in the bottom of the crank case. This splashes the oil on 
 the inside of the cylinders and on the bearings. 
 (b) Force feed, in which system the oil is pumped under 
 considerable pressure to the main bearings and is distributed 
 from them by centrifugal force to the connecting rod bear 
 ings, etc. 
 (c) Combination systems, where part of the lubrication 
 is accomplished by force feed and the balance by splashing. 
 Cylinders of internal combustion engines are made in a 
 number of different forms : 
 (1) Each cylinder is cast and machined separately and 
 then the desired number of cylinders arc bolted to the 
 crank case. 
 (2) The cylinders are cast in pairs, and these pairs after 
 suitable machining are fastened to the crank case. 
 (3) The entire number of cylinders are cast in one block ; 
 this is termed "en bloc." Either of these types of cylinders 
 may be cast with the head or top integral, or, with that 
 part of the cylinder which is above the top of the piston in 
 its highest position a separate casting. The separate or 
 detached head is a convenience for cleaning out carbon, etc. 
 Cylinders are of three general types : 
 (a) T-head, in which the exhaust valves are on one side 
 of the engine and the intake valves on the opposite side. 
 (b) L-head, in which the exhaust and intake valves are 
 located on the same side of the engine. 
 fc) Overhead valve engines, in which both the exhaust 
 and intake valves are located in the cylinder head. In 
 this type the cylinder head is usually of the detachable type. 
 Valves of internal combustion engines are of three princi 
 pal types : poppet, rotary and sleeve valves. The poppet 
 type is the one generally used in the motor truck engines. 
 Rotary valves consist of a rotary disc a section of a cone 
 or of a cylinder, having suitable apertures or openings so 
 arranged that when revolved they will register with other 
 apertures in the cylinder proper, and thus control and regu 
 late the flow of fresh gas into, and of burnt gases from, 
 the cylinder. 
 Sleeve valves are made of one or more thin-walled cylin 
 ders or tubes interposed between the piston and the cylinder 
 wall. Apertures are arranged in these sleeves in such a 
 way that as the sleeves are moved they will register with 
 corresponding apertures or ports in the cylinder walls, thus 
 regulating the flow of fresh gas into, and burnt gas from 
 the cylinder. The sleeve, or sleeves, actuated by suitable 
 cams or other mechanism, have an up-and-down, or a 
 rotary movement in order to secure this periodical regis- 
 terms of the valve apertures with ports in the cylinder 
 Pistons used in gasoline motor truck engines are usually 
 made of a special grade of cast iron although in some cases 
 various aluminum alloys have been used; steel pistons have 
 also been used. 
 Wrist pin bearings, or bearings at the piston end of the 
 connecting rods, are of two types. In one the wrist pin is 
 clamped to the piston, the connecting rod bearing being 
 free, or it may be clamped to the wrist pin end of the con 
 necting rod, the actual bearing then being in bosses in the 
 piston. The second type employs a floating pin which has 
 a bearing in both the wrist pin end of the connecting rod 
 and the bosses of the piston. In this latter type the wrist 
 pin proper is prevented from moving endwise and scoring 
 the cylinder walls by a pair of plugs which fit into the 
 bosses of the piston and l>ear against the cylinder walls. 
 Crank Shafts 
 Crank shafts for nearly all gasoline truck engines are of 
 the four-throw type. A bearing is provided at a proper 
 distance from the center line of the crank shaft for the big 
 end bearing of the connecting rod for each of the four 
 cylinders. These crank shafts may have two or mote main 
 bearings in which the crank shaft rotates. The number 
 of main bearings is regulated by several factors, including 
 the bore and stroke of the engine, the length between main 
 bearings, the size of the crank shaft, and the design. 
 The crank shaft of an engine functions to translate the 
 power of the reciprocating parts pistons to rotary power 
 at the fly-wheel. The crank shaft is required to do a large 
 amount of work, and the material of which it is composed 
 is subjected to heavy stresses. For this reason it must be 
 of ample size, of proper material, and properly heat-treated. 
 The material at the bearing surfaces (both main and 
 connecting rod) must be fine grained, that it may be 
 ground exactly true and be polished. At these bearing 
 places the metal must also be hard to resist wear. For 
 these reasons, it is necessary that the crank shaft be heat- 
 treated in such a manner as to insure these qualities ; that 
 is. it must have strength and rigidity throughout to mini 
 mize vibration, and it must have hardness to resist wear. 
 The carburetor is a device for minutely dividing or 
 at< -mixing the liquid fuel (gasoline, benzine, kerosene, etc.). 
 and at the same time adding to it the proper quantity of 
 air to secure combustion in the cylinders. Ordinarily, 
 carburetors are arranged to control the total amount of 
 this mixture of air and gasoline which is allowed to flow 
 to the cylinders per second or per minute, the throttle 
 being usually under the cotitrol of the operator of the 
 truck or car. 
 Throttles are made in three principal types: 
 (1) Butterfly valve, which consists of a metal disc placed 
 within the path of flow of the gasoline mixture at the 
 throat of the carburetor. This disc is arranged to be 
 revolved at right angles to the path of flow of the gasoline 
 mixture, in a manner similar to the damper in a stove pipe 
 or flue. 
 (2) Barrel type; i.e., a cylinder or barrel provided with 
 suitable apertures, so that rotating the barrel changes the 
 sixes and shapes of the orifice through which the gases are 
 to flow on their way to the cylinder. 
 (3) Diaphragm types are arranged to provide an approxi 
 mately circular orifice of variable area, somewhat like the 
 expanding shutter of a camera. 
 Ignition : The charge of gasolhip vapor or mixture of 
 gasoline and air, after it has been drawn into the cylinder 
 and compressed to a suitable point, is exploded or ignited 
 by an electric spark. The energy for the spark is pro 
 duced either by a magneto, which is a permanent magnet 
 dynamo of small current but high voltage, or by a spark 
 coil. In the latter, the current furnished by the low volt 
 age of the storage battery energizes one winding (the 
 primary) of a coil. The interrupter or timer driven by the 
 engine in exact synchronism, interrupts the current in this 
 primary coil, causing the other winding (secondary) of the 
 spark coil to produce a current of high voltage, but small 
 amperage, in many respects similar to the current produced 
 by the magneto. The cylinders of a gasoline engine are 
 provided with one or more spark plugs, usually one, the 
 function of which is to receive this high voltage, small cur 
 rent discharge from the magneto or from the spark coil, 
 and to cause this current to jump or bridge the gap main 
 tained at the points of the spark plug inside of the cylinder, 
 thus causing the ignition of the compressed charge of 
 gasoline vapor. 
 Principles of Motor Truck Selection 
 There are approximately 975,000 motor trucks in the 
 United States, representing an investment of nearly $2,000- 
 000,000. These trucks, operating at an average of 25 mi. 
 per day, have a potential carrying capacity of 10,000.000,000 
 ton-miles a year. It is estimated that in ten years there will 
 1,000,0000 motor trucks in operation, with a potential 
 carrying capacity of 53,000,000.000 ton-miles. 
 I lit- motor truck buyer should lx? cautious in his selection 
 of motor truck equipment, that he may be assured of its 
 dependability and of the permanency of his investment. 
 Connie-ting theories of design and construction should have 
 ittle direct bearing on motor truck selection because the 
 motor truck industry is not agreed as to what constitutes 
 the best design or practice or regarding the selection of 
 metals and assembling of different parts. 
 In offering his product for consideration, the truck manu 
 facturer should not only be confident that his equipment and 
 organization fulfills the exacting requirements of the service, 
 but he should establish his ability to assume the moral 
 obligations which the continuation of the service and the 
 nature of the business entails. In order to do this he should 
 submit to the attention of the purchaser evidence as to his 
 qualifications on the following points : 
 1. His financial standing and responsibility as a manu 
 2. The general reputation of the company as a sound 
 business organization. 
 3. The experience behind the product and the extent of 
 manufacturing facilities. 
 4. The responsibility of the maker as regards design and 
 construction of the component parts of his truck with 
 assurances in the matter of future service. 
 5. The purchaser should be secure in his investments 
 from tin- effects of instability iu price, due to other reasons 
 than normal variations in the genera! cost of production. 
 6. Manufacturing methods and factory equipment should 
 he such as to insure the purchaser that the trucks are 
 economically and substantially built. 
 7. The quality of the equipment should be reflected in a 
 reliable and comprehensive record of performance in 
 8. Of paramount importance is the adequacy and per 
 manency of service facilities, both as regards organization 
 and parts and the purchaser should know that parts always 
 will be available regardless of any modifications or changes 
 in design which may occur at some future date. 
 These considerations outweigh any other of a technical 
 nature, and it is only by being satislird on these [joints that 
 the purchaser can be confident that the trucks offered will 
 assure him against loss in value of investment and against 
 high operating expense with its corresponding decrease in 
 transportation profits. 
 Factors of Motor Truck Performance 
 Motor truck performance is affected by a number of 
 factors which vary according to the "characteristics of serv 
 ice" under which the vehicles operate and with the locality 
 where they are applied. Consequently in the selection and 
 application of motor trucks it is desirable that the full 
 weight of these factors be given proper consideration in 
 order that the type of equipment best suited to the purpose 
 may be employed. 
 The characteristics of service in motor vehicle operation 
 are the elements of time as affected by length of haul, read 
 conditions, tractive resistance, topography of the country, 
 peculiarities of distribution, operation organization, type of 
 equipment, average speed of operation, limitation of speed, 
 traffic congestion, frequency of stops, duration of time con 
 sumed per stop, and the available time in a working day. 
 All of these bear more or less upon the problem of success 
 ful motor vehicle application. 
 Length of Haul 
 Distance of haul will vary according to the nature of the 
 Work. Consequently the gross tonnage which it is po.sible 
 to move in the time available in a working day depends 
 upon distance, other factors remaining constant. This dis 
 tance factor may also limit the operation in such a manner 
 as materially to affect the efficiency or ratio of performance. 
 For example, under certain time elements for loading, un 
 loading and running, and under certain road conditions and 
 restrictions of design, a 5-ton truck might be able to make 
 three round trips of 20 miles each in a 9-hour day, con 
 suming for each trip a matter of 2}/> hours or for the three, 
 7Yi hours. One and one-half hours would then be available 
 which could not be utilized for the same work, since it is 
 not enough for another trip. Consequently the trick per 
 formance would show a gross efficiency in time utilization 
 of 83 Vi per cent. It is conceivable that for other distances 
 this efficiency might be reduced to 55 per cent or 60 per cent. 
 Road Conditions 
 Road conditions affect performance, both as regards speed 
 and cost of operation, varying in its restrictions according 
 to the nature and condition of the road surface and the 
 kind of material of which the roads are constructed. It is 
 quite obv ous that the same average vehicle speed cannot 
 be maintained on cobblestone streets as is possible when 
 running on a smooth asphalt pavement, nor do the same 
 characteristics of performance apply to an asphalt road as 
 to a sandy one. 
 Tractive Resistance 
 Tractive resistance is affected by the nature of the mate 
 rial of which the roads are constructed. Different types of 
 roads present different values of resistance to motion. 
 which values are usually expressed in pounds pull per ton 
 of weight and represent the power required to move the 
 vehicle along the road. These values vary widely with the 
 different types of road or surface from 5 Ib. to 9 Ib. per ton 
 on steel rails to from 200 Ib. to 400 Ib. on loose sand roads. 
 The values used for the different roads are as follows: 
 Concrete, dry 
 Asphalt, dry 3O to 
 Concrete base with asphaltic oil and screenings 45 to 
 Water-bound macadam, good condition, dry.... 64 to 
 Ciravel road in good condition, dry 
 Earth road, fine dust top, dry 90 to 100 
 Earth road, stiff mud on top 200 to 250 
 Loose gravel, not packed, new road 250 to 275 
 Pound Per 
 28 to 30 
 75 to 
 Sand 200 to 400 
 The topography of the country limits the time and speed 
 elements of motor vehicle operation as well as the maximum 
 load carrying ability of the truck, the extent of this influ 
 ence depending upon the frequency and length of grades 
 and their steepness. Grades also have a direct bearing 
 upon the cost of operation because of the greater horse 
 power or expenditure of energy required to move the mass 
 of vehicle and load on grades. This is reflected in in 
 creased fuel consumption and maintenance. 
 Peculiarities of distribution are factors which vary accord 
 ing to the nature of the business in which the trucks are 
 employed and the type of service which must be rendered. 
 These peculiarities directly affect the size or load-carrying 
 capacity of the trucks as well as their dispatching and opera 
 tion. It is because of these peculiarities that different sizes 
 of trucks arc manufactured. 
 Operating Organization 
 The operating organization may embrace both shipping 
 and delivery departments, such as arc employed in large 
 retail establishments, an entire organization like the express 
 companies, or one man, who performs all of the duties 
 attending the necessary delivery or trucking. 
 The type of equipment is a matter of application to the 
 needs of the business and the characteristics of service, and 
 consequently will vary as to size, body dimensions, tire 
 equipment, gear ratios, routing and dispatching. 
 Speed of Operation 
 The average speed of operation is a controlling factor, 
 dependent upon the influence and operation of the other 
 ZO M. P. H. ROAD -SPEED. , _f5 M. P. f1~. ROAD SPEED. 
 4 & 8 10 IZ 14 
 M.P.H. Average. Speed. 
 4 6 8 IO IS 14 16 
 M. P.H. Averacre Speed. 
 4- 6 8 10 IZ 14 
 M.P.H. Average Speed. 
 4 6 8 10 IZ 14 
 M. P.H. Average Speed. 
 4 6 8 10 IE 14 
 M.P.H. Average Speed. 
 4 6> 8 10 IS 14 
 M. P. H. Average Speed. 
 Effect of Frequency and Length of Stops on Average Vehicle Speeds 
 M.P.H. Average Speed. 
 10 M. P. H. ROAD SPEED. 
 4 6 8 10 1Z 
 M. P. H. Average Speed. 
 14 16 
 4 65/0/2 
 M.P.H. A ye rage Speed. 
 4 6 8 10 IZ 14 
 M. P.M. Average Speed. 
 4 6 & 10 IZ 
 M. P. H. Average Speed. 
 6 S 10 IZ 14 
 M. P. H. Average Speed. 
 Effect of Frequency and Length of Stops on Average Vehicle Speeds 
 e in 
 for L 
 ig an 
 48 : 
 13 1 
 30 1 
 18 1 
 18 1 
 14 | 
 13 1 
 8 I 
 10 1 
 8 ,L 
 16 1 
 14 1 
 IZ 2 
 9 Z 
 , . J 
 IZ 4 
 10 t 
 9 3 
 3 2 
 I 1 
 9 > 
 7 3 
 5 6 
 8 5 
 7 J 
 6 5 
 e> i 
 7 ? 
 6 4 
 5* e 
 1 1 
 5 7 
 4 I 
 O V 
 S t 
 8-Hour Day Running Speed 10 M. P. H. 
 B | C | D 
 H | 1 
 Ti me 
 in M 
 ;s Co 
 led p 
 und T 
 rip fo 
 - Loac 
 ing c 
 It 1 
 * t 
 Ib : 
 II 1 
 8 , 
 10 4 
 9 1 
 7 Z 
 H 5 
 IT 4 
 , 1 
 4 z 
 10, 1 
 10 j 
 / 7 
 / 4 
 8 4 
 ft t 
 / 9 
 / 3 
 6 7 
 6 1 
 _ O 
 8-Hour Day Running Speed 12 M. P. H. 
 Tables Showing Number of Trips Per Day 
 P I Q I R 
 nl Tirr 
 e in 
 es Cc 
 -ied p. 
 or"t " 
 "rip ft 
 >r Lo< 
 a din 
 18 | 
 16 1 
 1 *, 
 2fl 1 
 ZO 1 
 18 |- 
 Zll 1 
 > 9 L 
 Ur 1 
 ZO 3 
 19 1 
 .4 Z 
 M Z 
 18 1 
 15 j ?. 
 3 z 
 II S 
 10 1 6 
 7 , 
 . 1 
 10 j 3 
 10 1 
 8 f. 
 8 1 
 7 1 
 10 1 6 
 ft 7 
 7 Z 
 s fe 
 ll 5 
 H 10 
 8 6 
 7 1 
 t 5 
 5 5 
 6 6 
 10-Hour Day Running Speed 12 M. P. H. 
 Line w aL , Round 
 Trip Tn P 
 ; in M 
 s Cor 
 :d pe 
 pfor L 
 g an 
 d Unlc 
 37 \ 
 30 L 
 Z7 l 
 15 _ 
 9 C 
 13 1 
 Z 1 
 16 1 
 II 1 
 Zl 1 
 16 Z 
 13 1 
 Zl Z 
 19 1 
 16 3 
 15 4 
 is: z 
 11 L 
 19 1 
 16 4 
 10 3 
 8 4 
 8 I 
 15 6 
 13 4 
 1! Z 
 10 4 
 3 3 
 - 3 
 IZ 3 
 io s 
 9 4 
 7 j 
 13 6 
 IZ 4 
 II 4 
 10 6 
 10 L 
 8 7 
 8 Z 
 t Z 
 II 6 
 9 Z 
 8 9 
 7 6 
 10-Hour Day Running Speed 15 M. P. H. 
 Tables Showing Number of Trips Per Day 
 characteristics of service enumerated. This average speed 
 is affected by the limitation of speed as influenced by 
 design, traffic congestion, frequency of stops, and the dura 
 tion of time consumed per stop. 
 The effect of these elements is graphically presented in 
 the charts compiled for running vehicle speeds of 20, 18, 
 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10. 9, 8 and 7 miles per hour. These 
 road speeds are the average speeds which the vehicle main 
 tains when it is actually rolling. The charts present a 
 series of curves, each one representing the average length 
 of stop in minutes, as shown (i. e., 1-minute stop, l 1 /?- 
 minute stop, etc.). The horizontal scale shows the average 
 speed in miles per hour including stops, and on the vertical 
 divisions the average number of stops per mile for each 
 mile of vehicle operation is shown. The charts are shown 
 on pages 564 and 565. 
 To illustrate the manner in which these charts may be 
 used, let us assume characteristics of service and the use 
 of a vehicle which will permit of an average road speed 
 of 20 m.p.h. Refer to the chart marked, "20 Miles Per 
 Hour Road Speed." If the service under consideration 
 requires an average of six stops per mile and the duration 
 of each stop averages one minute, we will find that the 
 average speed of the vehicle in this service will be 6.4 
 m.p.h. This is arrived at by observing the position of the 
 point where the horizontal line extending from the figure 
 6 on the perpendicular scale marked "Stops Per Mile" 
 intersects the curve marked "One Minute Stops," and by 
 dropping from this point to the horizontal scale marked 
 "M.P.H. Average Speed." In like manner, the average 
 speed in miles per hour can be obtained for any average 
 number of stops per mile and for the duration or length 
 of stops as indicated on th e individual curves in each chart. 
 In the use of these charts it must be borne in mind that 
 the road speed in miles per hour as given represents the 
 actual speed of the vehicle when rolling, and is not to be 
 taken as the maximum available speed. For purposes of 
 general calculation, the average speed may be considered 
 as representing approximately 70 per cent of the maximum 
 vehicle speed performing under normal operating conditions. 
 The maximum available speed is a factor of truck design 
 and is controlled by the engine speed, gear reduction and 
 total wheel diameter as described in the section covering 
 design and construction. 
 Time Elements 
 Time and distance as limiting factors control the amount 
 of work which a motor truck can do in a given number 
 of hours. Time consumed per trip in running depends 
 upon the length of haul and the average speed of opera 
 tion, the latter being governed by road and traffic conditions, 
 as has been described. 
 Time employed in loading and unloading is a factor which 
 largely controls the efficiency of operation, and time, as the 
 hours available for operation in a full day s work, is the 
 measure of gross performance. Consequently, close obser 
 vation and control of the time elements will materially 
 increase the efficiency of truck operation and reduce per 
 unit costs of transportation. 
 Similarly, a knowledge of the time elements involved 
 will enable the truck operator to predetermine the service 
 and arrange operating schedules. Therefore, if we reduce 
 the time and distance factors to averages, it should be 
 easy to determine the performance to be expected from 
 motor truck operation under the average time elements for 
 loading, unloading and running, and with the available 
 time in a normal working day. 
 The effect of time elements is shown in the tables 
 on pages 566 and 567, which show the number of trips 
 of varying distances possible in an eight-hour and ten- 
 hour day, under varying time elements for average 
 speeds of 10 and 15 m.p.h. From the method used and 
 the description that follows, however, other results 
 can be readily estimated for conditions, including different 
 lengths of day, loading and unloading times, and speeds. 
 The tables are arranged as a series of columns (identified 
 by index letters) each of which applies to different average 
 time elements in minutes for loading and unloading per 
 round trip of truck operation. For example, column A 
 applies to a time element of 2 minutes consumed in these 
 operations, while column T applies to 60 minutes consumed 
 for loading and unloading. The columns are intersected by 
 lateral lines (indexed by number), which apply to the 
 length of haul in miles for one way and the round trip 
 distance as given. The rectangles formed by the intersect 
 ing columns and lines are arranged in three divisions in 
 which appear certain figures designating factors according 
 to their relative position in the rectangles. The figures in 
 the upper left-hand divisions of the rectangles show the 
 number of trips which can be made under the time ele 
 ments for loading and unloading, and for the distance given 
 within the length of day and at the average speed in 
 m.p.h. stated. The figure of the lower section of the rec 
 tangles is the number of minutes remaining in the day s 
 time which are unused in the number of trips shown. 
 The figures in the upper right-hand sections of the rectangles 
 are the line index figures for the number of miles in a 
 single trip for the same loading and unloading time, which 
 can be made in the remaining time set forth in the lowest 
 section of the rectangles. 
 To illustrate the method of using these tables refer to 
 the table which shows the performance in an 8-hour day 
 at 10 miles per hour. Assume that the distance of haul 
 is 2% miles one way, and the time required for loading 
 and unloading is 16 min. per trip. By observing the figures 
 in the rectangle formed by the intersection of column "H" 
 (16 min.), and line number 5 (2J/2 mi.) we find that in an 
 8-hour day the truck can make 10 round trips. Twenty 
 minutes will remain, and in these twenty minutes, as indi 
 cated by the line index, a 1-mile single trip can be accom 
 plished under the same time-loading factors. 
 Motor Truck Applications 
 The motor truck may be roughly classified under three 
 general heads : Light delivery in capacities up to one ton, 
 general utility in capacities of \ l / 2 to 2 tons and heavy 
 duty in capacities of 3Ya to 7 tons. 
 Two types of units will be considered, the electric and 
 the gasoline truck. Each is adapted for performing certain 
 duties which it can carry out with more satisfaction and at 
 lower cost than the other. It is profitable to use the gaso 
 line truck in suburban or interurban haulage under con 
 ditions where high speed is desirable and the distances 
 between stops are comparatively long. The electric truck 
 has proven to be more economical for urban deliveries, 
 where the service includes short hauls and frequent stops. 
 The selection of the proper type and some of the factors 
 which govern this selection are defined in the section on 
 Principles of Selection and Factors Governing Performance. 
 For convenience, the many forms of trucks are desig 
 nated under the body types. These types may be grouped 
 under, Open or Express, Stake or Platform, Enclosed or 
 Panel, Dump, Tank, Refrigerator, Construction and special 
 types. All of the above are constructed to be used on the 
 chassis of the truck which uses either the electric motor or 
 gasoline engine as a power unit, with the exception of the 
 tank body, which is generally used with the gasoline engine 
 Each of these body types may have many modifications 
 in form of construction, size, shape and capacity, which 
 makes it applicable for hauling a particular kind of com 
 modity. Each of these forms is best suited to a certain 
 application, depending upon the class of commodity and 
 conditions surrounding the installation. For instance, the 
 platform type can be used to best advantage for hauling 
 heavy boxes and crates, the dump body for loose material 
 such as coal, the tank body for liquids such as oil and 
 Rural and Inter-City Express 
 More than 600 rural motor express lines are now in oper 
 ation, enabling farmers to remain on the farm instead of 
 spending much of their time in marketing their produce. 
 It has been estimated that an efficient truck line saves the 
 work of one man and one horse to each farm, increases the 
 food supply by furnishing regular transportation of farm 
 products, stimulates the efforts of farmers by the knowledge 
 that such transportation is available, enables the farmer to 
 obtain goods from town on the day of order and facili 
 tates traffic between farmer, market and consumer. 
 The general plan of operation is similar for most lines. 
 Trucks are sent out daily from central points on regular 
 schedules and over prescribed routes of from 15 mi. to 100 
 mi. and more. From farm to city they carry fruit, vege 
 tables, dairy products, eggs, grain and live stock; from 
 city to farm they carry merchandise, farm implements, 
 meats, canned goods and seed ; along the route they pick 
 up and drop all kinds of merchandise. 
 Intra-city shipping by truck, commonplace even before 
 the railroads began to falter under their burden, was stim 
 ulated in the spring of 1920 by the strike of railway switch 
 men. Motor caravans undertook hauls that increased in 
 distance as they multiplied in number, until numerous 
 instances had been recorded where 1,000 miles were negoti 
 ated in single trips. 
 Logging and Lumber 
 Through its established ability to save time, men and 
 money, the motor truck has made its place in the logging 
 and lumber industry. The truck with the platform body 
 is used for this service. In many places the motor truck 
 is to be found skidding green logs in the timber, toiling 
 in mill yards, and delivering finished lumber through the 
 Motor trucks haul the green logs from the timber to 
 the mills or rail sidings. They form a dependable supply 
 line between isolated camps and the nearest towns. Fre 
 quently they are used in building the roads that make 
 cutting operations practical. 
 Often they transport material for dams, that sufficient 
 water may be collected for log floating. 
 Trucks haul green cut lumber from the saw mill to air 
 dry yards, kilns or sidings, and later to planing mills. They 
 deliver slabs, sawdust and shavings for use as fuel. They 
 transport hewed or sawed stock, such as tics, mine props. 
 mine timbers, posts, poles and bridge material. They haul 
 short dimensions stock, such as shocks, tight and slack 
 cooperage, veneers, vehicle materials, lath, shingles and 
 the like. 
 Maximum efficiency in a logging fleet is obtained when 
 at least one of every two trucks is winch-equipped. The 
 versatility of the winch-equipped truck means dollars to the 
 logging man, for the truck does much more than haul. For 
 instance, three yoke of oxen and five men will load 14 
 average-sized logs upon a truck in 60 min to 70 min. The 
 winch-equipped truck, with two men, will load an equal 
 number of logs in 20 min., saving 40 min. to SO min. of 
 time per load. 
 Truck needs vary in the different cutting fields. Through 
 the West, where the average hauling road is fairly good, 
 where logs are large in diameter and range in length from 
 16 ft. to SO ft., the most efficient equipment is a 5-ton truck 
 with a 2-wheel trailer or semi-trailer. In the South, where 
 trees are smaller, but are cut in long lengths, and where 
 roads are not as solid as in the West, 3 to 3j^-ton trucks, 
 with trailers where needed, do the best work. In the 
 Eastern and Central sections (including the logging states 
 of Maine, Wisconsin and Minnesota), where logs are cut 
 in shorter lengths and roads are solid, 5-ton trucks operate 
 with maximum efficiency. 
 Three-quarter and 2-ton trucks are the logical units for 
 supply service. Isolated logging camps find the trucks 
 unfailing links connecting them with the nearest outposts 
 of civilization. 
 Motor trucks may be used for many hauling jobs at the 
 lumber mills, and they are particularly valuable at dis 
 tribution centers. Customers are now served at distances 
 not to be considered when reliance for deliveries had to be 
 placed in horses. 
 In the first place, the trucks with their roller equipment 
 consume a minimum of time in loading. The contrast is 
 even more striking once the load is in motion. Formerly 
 a team of horses, starting on a 16-mile haul, consumed the 
 entire day in completing the round trip. With the advent 
 of motor trucks, one truck, hauling twice as much lumber 
 in a single load as a team of horses, is able to leave an 
 hour later than the horses and still be back in time to make 
 a second trip in the afternoon. 
 Motor trucks are used in the work of hauling the lumber 
 through the intermediate stages leading up to actual use 
 in a new building, when the manufactured lumber has been 
 distributed to retail dealers throughout the country. 
 Wherever time and labor-saving machinery has been 
 employed in agricultural operations added profits have 
 been an immediate result. The advent of the motor truck 
 was no exception. Farmers who early became motor truck 
 owners and users soon found they could transport more 
 produce in less time and at lower cost, which is but another 
 way of saying that they were saving money. Ninety per 
 cent of the farmers who replied to a questionnaire sent 
 out by the Department of Agriculture designated "time- 
 saving" as the biggest advantage to them of their motor 
 The increasing number of farmers who own motor trucks 
 is testimony to the ability of the motor carrier to add to 
 the profits of the farmer through dependable and economical 
 performance of a multitude of duties, ranging from the 
 transportation of farm crops, live stock, garden produce, 
 fruit, berries, eggs, poultry, milk and other dairy products 
 Typical Motor Trucks. Fig. 1 Novel Method of Car Loading; Fig. 2 Dump Body, Lever Operated; Fig. 3 Oil Tank 
 Track; Fig. 4 Motor Sprinkler; Fig. 5 Dump Body, Hoist Operated; Fig. 6 Handling Barrels; Fig. 7 Handling 
 Fruit ; Fig. 8 Handling Grain 
 to market, to the carrying of farm laborers to and from 
 places where they are needed, and the pulling of drags and 
 other road machinery. 
 Jt lias been estimated that more than 7cS,000 motor vehicles 
 arc being used l>y American farmers. The figures indicate 
 that the farmer, as a class, is the largest user of the motor 
 The computed average saving of the motor truck over the 
 cost of horse haulage is 56 per cent. The mileage-life of 
 quality trucks is unmeasured. Many have covered 100,000 
 to 300,000 miles in from live to nine years of service. Motor 
 trucks enahle the farmer to dispense with horses for road- 
 hauling and to keep them on the farm, where they are 
 most useful. 
 Tasks on the farm can he performed with fewer laborers 
 when motor trucks are sharing the burden. It requires 
 only a few minutes each day to keep a good motor truck 
 in efficient working condition, whereas the care of horses 
 consumes considerable time; hours of work make no dif 
 ference to a motor truck, but the overworking of horses 
 one day means less work from them on the following day ; 
 extremes of heat or cold have little effect on truck opera 
 tion, but they seriously reduce the efficiency of horses. 
 Motor trucks with convertible bodies arc easily adapted 
 to almost any kind of farm work. 
 Transportation in the textile field covers a wide range of 
 haulage. A single establishment often has problems of 
 light and heavy loads, indoor and outdoor trucking, long 
 and short hauls, materials in packages and bulk. 
 Motor trucks, through their ability to do better hauling 
 at lower cost over a long period of years, are solving the 
 problems of delivering raw materials for shipment to the 
 mills, of hauling it when it arrives, of moving it through 
 various stages of manufacture, and delivering the finished 
 product to warehouses and freight depots. 
 Trucks are being used to haul general supplies, bales of 
 cotton and other raw materials, if not delivered by railroad 
 directly to the warehouses ; to haul cotton to picker rooms ; 
 to transport the cotton, after it has been spun into yarn ; 
 to transfer woven goods to bleachcries, dye houses or 
 finishing departments, and from there to other departments, 
 and finally to the warehouses, and perhaps later to the 
 freight houses ; to haul barrels of dye and bleaching material 
 to storehouses and from there to dye houses or bleacheries ; 
 to haul materials for shipping boxes to shops, and from 
 there, as boxes, to finishing rooms and shipping depart 
 ments ; to move lumber to various places around mills 
 where repairs arc going on ; to haul coal, ashes and ma 
 Many Southern cotton manufacturers have lowered their 
 transportation cost by utilizing the big-load motor truck for 
 their short hauls. 
 Nowhere have motor trucks been a more direct influence 
 in building up business than in the closely competitive field 
 of retail merchandising, where friends are won as much by 
 the character of customer service maintained as by the 
 quality and price of merchandise sold. Department stores, 
 furniture, carpet and musical instrument dealers have been 
 enabled by the purchase of good motor trucks to expand 
 strictly local business until today they are serving terri 
 tories embracing several cities instead of neighborhood dis 
 tricts in single cities. They are making profitable deliveries 
 to points 25. 50 and 100 miles and more distant, thus 
 developing thousands of customers formerly too remote to 
 reach. The truck with the express type body is used for, 
 this service. In addition to making retail deliveries, motor! 
 trucks supply transportation service between railroad freight- 
 stations and company warehouses, and between warehouses; 
 and stores. 
 Coal and Ice 
 Cost of coal at the minis is approximately the same for 
 all coal dealers. Freightage is the same. There is liltlei 
 difference in yard expense. It is in delivery efficiency,: 
 then, that the dealer has his chief opportunity to increase 
 profits. And it is for delivery efficiency that coal dealers 
 are learning to depend on motor trucks. 
 Not only does the motor truck, by its speed, increase the . 
 dealer s zone of delivery, hence the volume of sales, but 
 during the rush season it is often run 12 to 18 hours a 
 day and may be run 24 hours if necessary. 
 For this service the motor truck has been successful not 
 only in the long haul, but also in the short haul field, where 
 a single haul is less than three miles for the round trip. 
 This has been made possible by the use of mechanical load- 
 ing and unloading, thus releasing the truck quickly at both 
 ends of the route. The unloading rear dump body is the 
 one in common use. A single movement of the lever, 
 beside the driver s seat is sufficient to elevate the body to 
 an angle of 45 deg., and in 30 seconds the load can be. 
 The modern coal plant is equipped with the latest and : 
 best machinery for unloading the coal from barges and 
 cars into pockets, from which it is in turn discharged into 
 motor trucks and delivered to the consumer. In the past 
 a customer who ordered five tons received five deliveries 
 of one ton each. Today seven or eight tons are hauled in 
 a single trip, each motor truck delivering as high as 125 
 tons of coal a day, and with delivery hours much shorter ; 
 than they were in the days of horse-drawn equipment. 
 The ease of dumping is one great advantage of the motor 
 truck, since the driver can work as efficiently at the end ; 
 of a day as at the beginning, and deliveries are not slowed i 
 up because the driver is tired. 
 Where loads of one or two tons capacity are delivered, 
 division boards are placed in the body of the truck and j 
 each order is put in its compartment and weighed so as, 
 to get the correct weight in each case. 
 Many large coal companies have been established in 
 which motor trucks are systematically operated. The city - 
 is districted into several zones, one coal yard being located 
 as nearly as possible in the center of each of these zones. 
 Trucks work out of the yards in these respective zones, 
 thus eliminating the long hauls that would be necessary 
 if all trucks were loaded at one central yard. 
 Where coal and ice are handled by the same firm, trucks 
 used for coal delivery in the winter may be used for 
 delivering ice during the summer months. 
 The comparatively modest installations in numerous 
 medium-sized municipalities, as well as the great fleets 
 employed in metropolitan centers more than 500 units in 
 some instances are practical proof of the adaptability of 
 the motor truck to a wide range of work. Whether engaged 
 in the work of road-building, of street sprinkling and 
 flushing, of snow removal, of ash hauling, of garbage col 
 lection, all of which are so essential to efficient municipal 
 work, the motor truck is particularly adaptable. 
 The efficiency of motor equipment in hauling ashes and 
 Several Types of Motor Truck Bodies 
 garbage from residences to municipal dumps and reduction 
 plants has been shown in many cities. The trucks fur 
 nished to municipalities are sometimes equipped with remov 
 able bodies to permit of their being readily converted into 
 tlushers and sprinklers by the substitution of tank bodies 
 to replace the dumping bodies. The trucks participate in all 
 phases of street cleaning work, including the removal of 
 garbage, ashes and snow. 
 Oil and Rubber 
 Oil, rubber and automobiles are products each of which 
 has stimulated the demand for the other. Increased produc 
 tion of motor cars and trucks means increased demand for 
 oil and rubber. In turn, increased production of oil and 
 rubber creates the demand for more and more motor trucks 
 to perform the multiplying hauling duties incident to the 
 production and distribution of oil and rubber products. 
 In both the oil and rubber industries, motor trucks are 
 to be found in installations ranging from a few trucks to 
 great fleets consisting of several hundred units, contending 
 with the severities of the oil fields and rubber plantations 
 at the production end of the industry, or delivering oil and 
 gasoline, rubber tires and manufactured goods at the dis 
 tribution end. 
 In the fields where petroleum is produced, motor trucks 
 begin to work the day the decision is made to drill a well. 
 They first haul timber to the location. They haul the 
 boiler, rig, fishing tools and casing. When it is time for the 
 well to be "shot," a motor truck brings the nitre-glycerine. 
 Later the trucks bring tubing, sucker rods and pumping 
 outfits, assist in laying and maintaining the pipe lines which 
 carry the petroleum away, and finally work in and about the 
 refineries and tank farms. 
 Gasoline and oil, as well as all other petroleum products 
 from the refineries, are shipped by water and rail to many 
 stations in these districts, and from there are transported 
 daily by motors trucks to filling stations, manufacturing 
 plants and to other consumers. Routes average SO miles 
 for each truck. 
 Motor trucks fill many hauling needs in the rubber 
 industry. Many trucks are engaged in local hauling 
 between the factory and railroad freight depots, handling 
 incoming fabrics, chemicals, crude rubber and other raw 
 material, and transporting outgoing tires, tubes and other 
 finished products. 
 Motor trucks operate on schedules over established 
 routes and distribute these products to service stations in 
 their respective territories. 
 Hauling Food Products 
 Dealers in groceries, baked goods, meats, vegetables, fruit, 
 produce, ice cream, dairy and other highly perishable food 
 products, appreciate the value of dependable delivery equip 
 ment. In this field, unfailing punctuality is a business 
 builder of appreciable power. Under these circumstances, it 
 is not surprising to find the motor truck in increasing 
 demand. Motor fleets, according to the testimony of 
 owners, have stimulated business growth by extending the 
 radius of deliveries and opening avenues to new customers ; 
 reducing unnecessary delays, thus insuring the delivery of 
 perishable products in better condition and winning the 
 customer s appreciation and continued patronage ; serving 
 more customers in less time on old routes ; meeting 
 emergencies and handling rush orders with a minimum of 
 delay and confusion. 
 Meat packers, dealing in a product that must be dis 
 tributed with maximum dispatch and minimum handling, 
 are building up great fleets of motor trucks. Single oper 
 ators own fleets that range from a few trucks to several 
 hundred units. 
 Again, in the dairy business, with its possibilities for loss 
 through poor transportatio i of a perishable product, the 
 motor truck is proving an important factor in producing 
 profits. A truck with the refrigerator type body is used 
 for this service. It hauls milk from farms 60 mi. to 75 mi. 
 distant from the city, and delivers to other units which 
 distribute it. Delivery of baked goods and groceries 
 presents an equally exacting problem. Truck fleets are 
 common in both fields. 
 Public Utilities 
 In the building and extending of telephone and telegraph, 
 water, gas, railway, light and power lines, the hauling is 
 heavy and the roads often are bad. But despite these con 
 ditions, the hauling unit that serves public utilities com 
 panies must be able to go anywhere at any time. In this, as 
 in other exacting work, motor trucks are predominantly 
 used. They have the ability to stand up under hard service, 
 and in almost every phase of work involved in installing 
 and maintaining public utilities they are proving indis 
 In the installation and maintenance of a telephone system 
 there is a truck adapted to suit almost every operation. 
 For light delivery service, station installation work and 
 small jobs of all kinds, there is the f^-ton unit. The 
 2-ton unit is the general utility truck. This truck is the 
 backbone of the maintenance department, carrying all the 
 necessary equipment and men for repair jobs. It is also 
 used for construction work of the heavier type, hauling 
 cross-arms, glass and wire and construction material. It 
 is able to travel great distances with speed and certainty. 
 Sometimes the truck is constructed with a tower for over 
 head work in the city. 
 The 3 or 3^-ton truck lends itself to almost all heavy 
 construction work. Equipped with a power-driven winch, it 
 can be used for loading, unloading and setting poles as well 
 as transporting them, besides pulling underground and 
 aerial cable. 
 Where winch equipment can be used, three men and the 
 truck driver can easily set a pole. As many as eight men 
 are required where the winch is not used, depending on 
 conditions and the sizes of the pole. 
 The S-ton truck is suitable for the heaviest kinds of 
 construction work and for hauling lead-covered cable of 
 great weight. 
 Special Services 
 The preceding are only a few of the many possible appli 
 cations of the motor truck in material handling, and many 
 special appliances arc used which make the trucks more 
 valuable in various places. Among these may be mentioned 
 power winches which are used to aid in the unloading of 
 heavy objects, and swinging crane apparatus used to 
 remove heavy objects from the truck platform. Also the 
 manufacture of special type trucks has increased the scope 
 of motor truck application. One of these is the gas-electric 
 truck which uses a combination of the gas and electric types 
 of power units. The principles of design are such that no 
 starting clutch, long shaft, countershaft, differential gear, 
 sprockets, chains or live rear axle are required. The 
 functions of these parts are performed by the generator, 
 wiring and driving motors. This type of construction 
 permits the truck to be built with a low platform, which 
 feature is advantageous in loading. 
 Another special design is the electric truck which auto 
 matically loads and unloads without the driver leaving his 
 seat. This unit is adapted for hauling in industries where 
 materials to be carried can be straddled and picked up, such 
 as lumber, brick, pipe, paper, bar iron, steel, cotton and 
 cement. The material to be transported is piled on two 
 wooden bolsters, the carrier straddles the pile, two hooks 
 on each side of the carrier pick up the load and it is car 
 ried away and dropped wherever desired. 
 Demountable Bodies 
 Demountable bodies are manufactured in two principal 
 ty p es _open and completely enclosed. The open type usually 
 lias staked sides and ends. The enclosed type has an 
 enclosed body with side or end doors. Either type forms 
 a complete body for a motor truck or trailer. These bodies 
 are provided with hooks or other attachment, or slings 
 can be readily slipped underneath and the body with its 
 load can then be lifted from the truck chassis with an over 
 head crane or other appliance. 
 The motorization of the Cincinnati, O., terminal, where 
 motor trucks and demountable bodies have been substituted 
 for freights cars in the movement of less-than-carload 
 freight within the terminal, is an interesting example of the 
 application of demountable bodies and of the correlation of 
 the railroad and the moti r truck as the solution of a difficult 
 transportation problem. 
 Prior to the organization of the Cincinnati Motor Ter 
 minals Company, the handling of less-than-carload freight 
 involved unloading from the car and piling on the main 
 station platform ; loading either into horse-drawn vehicles 
 for moving to the station to which it was consigned, or into 
 trap cars when sufficient accumulation justified trap car 
 movement. On arrival at the outbound station of the con 
 necting line, freight was unloaded to the platform and then 
 reloaded into cars. 
 Two handlings now complete the operation. Equipment 
 consists, in the main, of 225 demountable motor truck 
 bodies and 16 5-ton trucks. When the loaded body has 
 been lifted by electric cranes and hoists from a truck 
 chassis, it is replaced by an empty body, to be returned to 
 the inbound platform of the same freight house. The opera 
 tion of unloading from the car, reloading the body with 
 freight and delivering to an outbound platform is then 
 Advantages of the new system have been a net economy 
 in handling of $0.352 per ton, indicating an annual gross 
 Demountable Bodies Eliminate Waiting Time of Trucks 
 economy of $126,507, a gain of approximately 52.4 hours 
 in the speed of handling freight ; a saving of 50.4 per cent 
 in platform area (equivalent to increasing platform capacity 
 by 498.4 tons daily) ; reclamation of 248,504 square feet of 
 station realty by the elimination of 6,232 lineal feet of 
 trackage and space between tracks, formerly used by trap 
 cars ; the annual release of 66,862.5 trap cars for other 
 service ; conservation of labor by 30 per cent through 
 elimination of two rehandlings of freight : reduction of loss 
 through damage claims, in proportion to the decrease in 
 amount of handling of goods necessitated. 
 Truck-Tractors and Tractors 
 The motor truck or truck-tractor is used principally to 
 haul trailers over improved roads at motor truck speeds. 
 In this way the truck not only carries a load on its own 
 frame, but may also haul one or more trailers ; when it is 
 used with semi-trailers, part of the load is carried by the 
 truck and part by the trailer. 
 The track-laying tractor is a type which carries no load, 
 but hauls its load on slow-speed trailers. It is m.t used to 
 any great extent for what might be termed industrial haul 
 age, but rather for cross-country hauling, where unfavor 
 able conditions prevail. It is used for material hauling, 
 road making, logging and similar service over country that 
 is in many instances unimproved and over almost impas 
 sable muddy and rough roads. 
 A special type of electric tractor has a motor in the large 
 driving front wheel. This is used on docks and piers to 
 haul trailers loaded with lumber. Another special type 
 consists of an electric tractor with a crane. This can be 
 used for heavy work to load the trailers and then haul 
 them to the desired location. 
 Determination of Loadings 
 The load that can be pulled by a motor truck on a trailer 
 or semi-trailer depends upon factors which vary with di:- 
 ferent equipment and different operating conditions. Dis 
 tinction must be made between the amount of load which 
 it is possible for a truck to pull and the amount which it 
 is advisable to haul. The poss : ble total load depends upon 
 the available driving effort at the truck tires, mechanical 
 efficiency of the trailer and the operating conditions. The 
 advisable load depends upon the costs of doing the work. 
 The determination of the possible total load a motor can 
 haul necessitates the determination of the available "trac 
 tive effort" and the "tractive resistance," because in order 
 that a truck may haul any load, the tractive resistance must 
 be less than the available tractive effort. 
 Tractive effort (T E) is the maximum driving force 
 expressed as the number of pounds pull or push at the 
 truck tires. It is determined by the maximum torque of 
 the truck engine, the gear reduction, efficiency of the driving 
 mechanism and diameter of the driving wheel. 
 The torque of the engine (Te) is its turning moment 
 at the flywheel, and is usually expressed in pound-feet. 
 Efficiency (E) is the ratio of the a rount of power 
 developed by the engine to the amount delivered at the 
 wheels. This will vary in different vehicles from 80 per 
 cent to 90 per cent when operated in direct speed, and from 
 70 per cent to 85 per cent when operated in slower than 
 direct speed. 
 Speed ratio or total gear ratio ((id) is equal to the 
 transmission ratio times the final driving ratio. 
 The diameter of the wheels must also be taken into con 
 sideration, as the tractive effort varies inversely as the 
 radius. The actual diameter of pneumatic tires is greater 
 than the nominal or listed diameter. However, the weight 
 of the vehicle compresses the lower part of the tire so that 
 the distance from the center of the wheel to the ground 
 is approximately equal to one-half of the nominal diameter. 
 The actual diameter of solid tires also exceeds the nominal 
 diameter, but on account of wear, one-half of the nominal 
 diameter is used as equal to the radius (r). 
 The tractive effort (T E) for any motor vehicle can 
 be determined by use of the following formula, which 
 takes into account the factors presented. 
 Te X Gd X E 
 The average motor truck when loaded will develop a 
 maximum tractive effort in pounds equal to approximately 
 one-half of its rated carrying capacity in pounds. For 
 example, a 5-ton truck usually develops about 5,000 Ib. 
 tractive effort. The maximum tractive effort is developed 
 on low gear and, therefore, when a motor truck has excep 
 tionally high or exceptionally low total gear ratio, this rule- 
 of-thumb will not hold good. 
 Tractive resistance (T R) is the "holding back" force 
 due to grade (Gr), road resistance (T Re) and wind 
 resistance (\Yrc). The wind resistance is so slight to a 
 vehicle operating at the speed of motor trucks that it may 
 be neglected. The total tractive resistance (T R), there 
 fore, is found by adding together the grade resistance (Gr) 
 and road resistance (T Re). 
 Grade is the magnitude of inclination of a roadway from 
 the horizontal. It is expressed as the percentage of the 
 amount of rise to the horizontal distance traveled. Grade 
 resistance is due to the raising of the load through a 
 vertical distance as the load moves forward. If the load 
 were lifted vertically the force required to lift it would be 
 equal to the weight of the load, hut when a load is carried 
 up a grade, it is moved both horizontally and vertically, and 
 as grade is expressed in the percentage that the vertical rise 
 is to the distance traveled horizontally, the lifting effort or 
 grade resistance (Gr) can be obtained by multiplying the 
 total weight by the per cent grade. This expressed as a 
 formula is : 
 Gr := \V (weight) X G 
 Road resistance (Re) is that characteristic or quality of 
 a road surface which tends to hinder or prevent the move 
 ment of a wheeled vehicle over it. Road resistance (Re) 
 is usually expressed in pounds per ton of weight moved, 
 and varies widely for different types of roads. The approxi 
 mate resistance expressed in pounds per ton offered by the 
 various types of roads is shown in the table on page 563. 
 Total road resistance (T Re") for any given road is 
 found by multiplying the total weight of vehicle or vehicles 
 and load expressed in tons by the pounds resistance per 
 ton shown in the table for the type of road, i. e. : 
 T Re = W X Re 
 The total tractive resistance (T R) which is equal 
 to the sum of the grade resistance (Gr) and the total 
 road resistance (T Rel, can be found by using the following 
 formula, the terms of which have been explained : 
 T R = Gr + TRc - (W X G) + (W X Re) 
 The following example will illustrate how to determine 
 the total load which can be handled by a motor truck under 
 a given condition. Suppose the truck in question is of 5 
 tons capacity with a total tractive effort equal to 5,000 Ib., 
 and it is desired to determine how much load can be carried 
 on this truck and trailer up a 5 per cent grade over a good 
 gravel road. 
 Total tractive resistance is obtained as shown above by 
 adding the grade resistance and the road resistance. For 
 one ton of weight every per cent of grade adds 20 Ib. tn the 
 tractive resistance. The road resistance (see road resist 
 ance tables) and grade resistance are expressed in pounds 
 per ton; therefore, the total tractive effort in pounds divided 
 by the sum of the road resistance and grade resistance, 
 expressed in pounds per ton, will give the total number 
 of tons which can be moved : 
 Total weight that can be hauled 
 TR 5000 
 - i= 27.7 tons 
 (GX20) + Re (5X20) +80 
 The total weight of 27.7 tons arrived at above includes 
 the weight of the truck and trailer as well as the load; 
 therefore, the weight of the truck and trailer must be sub 
 tracted from the total weight to obtain the weight of the 
 pay load. For example, if the truck and body weighed 
 10,000 Ib., trailer and its body 5,400 Ib., the total weight of 
 the two vehicles is 15,400 Ib., or 7.7 tons, and the pay load 
 would be 20 tons. 
 The example given illustrates a method of determining 
 the maximum load which can be hauled (in low gear) 
 under the given conditions, but docs not take into account 
 all the factors which should be considered when deciding 
 whether or not trailers should he used on continuous opera 
 The advisability of the use of trailers on continuous 
 operation depends upon the average performance and aver 
 age costs which will be experienced over a long period of 
 time and not upon whether or not the work can be done 
 in a demonstration of short duration. Careful consideration 
 must be given to all phases of the operating problem which 
 include not only the grades to he encountered and the condi 
 tion of the roads during the various seasons of the year, 
 but also the time factors which determine the possible 
 average trips that can be made per day throughout the 
 year. Low costs are obtained by maintaining the highest 
 practical road speed while the equipment is running ; by 
 reducing the standing time of the equipment to a minimum 
 and by maintaining the lowest possible equipment and 
 operating cost per unit of material handled. 
 A set rule cannot be given by which it can be determined 
 in general what type and size of trailer or trailers should 
 be used for different kinds of work and whether or not 
 economies would be effected by their use. Sometimes, when 
 it is possible to reduce the standing time by the use of 
 trailers, reduction in running time because of the use of 
 trailers and the increase in operating and maintenance 
 expenses will more than offset the saving which can be 
 effected in the reduction of loading or unloading time. 
 Every trailer application problem is a study in itself and 
 must be carefully considered to determine what the prob 
 able haulage costs will be over a long period of time. 
 Special work, such as handling of extra long or extra 
 bulky material, frequently makes the use of trailers abso- 
 lutelv necessarv. and in cases of this nature consideration 
 Typical Trartors and Trailers: Fig. 1 Semi-Trailer; Fig. 2 Pole or Pipe Trailer; Fig. 3 Four-Wheel Trailer with 
 Dump Body; Fig. 4 Four-Wheel Trailer, Slow Speed; Fig. 5 The Trailer Doubles the Capacity; Fig. 6- Semi-Trailer 
 with High Sides; Fig. 7 Tractor Used in Logging; Fig. 8 Hauling Logs on Two-Wheel Trailers 
 in the selection of the equipment must be based entirely upon 
 whether or not the pulling vehicle is of sufficient size con 
 stantly to perform the work without excessive depreciation 
 and maintenance cost. 
 Any vehicle which can be attached behind a motor 
 truck or tractor is not necessarily a good trailer. Trailers 
 should be designed and constructed with much care and 
 skill and the selection of the proper type naturally depends 
 upon conditions and the commodity to be hauled. 
 Trailers have six major functions: They (1) increase 
 the load-hauling capacity of the motor truck; (2) reduce 
 the cost of transportation; (3) save waiting time of motor 
 truck while loading and unloading; (4) move objects that 
 cannot be carried on motor trucks alone; (5) take care of 
 excess loads and peak haulage ; and (6) enable passenger 
 automobiles to be used for freight haulage purposes. 
 Great savings are possible by the use of trailers for 
 hauling bulky materials which take up a great deal of 
 space in proportion to their weight. Trailers are also used 
 to haul long lengths which will not go on the truck alone. 
 They are used also on short-haul work, where the truck 
 is used as a tractor and carries no load, and in some long 
 distance hauling. 
 Single large castings, steel girders, funnel sections and 
 large boilers as heavy as 16,000 Ib. and of a size and weight 
 too great to be hauled on a motor truck alone, can be 
 hauled on a trailer coupled to a truck wherein the length 
 and weight are divided between the truck and the trailer. 
 The strongest arguments in favor of a trailer used as 
 an auxiliary to a truck are increased carrying capacity and 
 reduced hauling cost. 
 In any line of business where there are large tonnages 
 to be hauled the cost per ton-mile is least when the tonnage 
 hauled per mile is largest. On long hauls the question of 
 speed is also an important one. A number of states, how 
 ever, to preserve improved roads, prohibit the use of trucks 
 of more than four or five tons capacity or limit the total 
 weight of truck and load to 20,000 Ib. or 25,000 Ib., which 
 is equivalent to limiting the pay load to S or 6 tons. Loads 
 of double this tonnage can be hauled by single power 
 units drawing trailers without violating the laws or doing 
 any more injury to the roads than when the loads of five 
 or six tons are transported on single trucks. The total 
 weight is distributed over six or eight wheels instead of 
 being concentrated mainly on the two driving wheels of a 
 truck. On a hard, smooth, level road two loaded trailers 
 are not infrequently drawn by a single truck, thus tripling 
 the tonnage per trip. 
 In operating motor trucks, the item of time spent in load 
 ing and unloading is often a most expensive one. It is 
 imperative that this lost time he reduced to a minimum. 
 The truck is too costly an article to be used as a loading 
 platform and should be kept under load and on the move 
 to be a profitable investment. This may be accomplished 
 by the use of one or more of the many forms of trailers 
 which are applicable for the particular kind of commodity 
 to be transported. 
 If one trailer is used it can be loaded while the truck 
 is making the trip alone, and be picked up by the truck 
 every other trip. Two trailers can he used to still better 
 advantage, while a fleet of three trailers makes a very 
 efficient hauling unit, especially where loading and unload 
 ing take up a large part of the truck s time. In the latter 
 case it may be found good practice to use the truck only 
 as a tractor, and keep it in motion almost continually. One 
 trailer may be kept at each I nd of a haul, while the truck 
 is in transit with a third trailer. 
 The class of service and type of construction divides the 
 trailer into two general forms; high speed trailers and slow 
 speed trailers. 
 High speed trailers are used principally behind motor 
 trucks at speeds from 4 m.p.h. to 15 m.p.h. There are 
 many soft road conditions where it is required to haul bulk 
 material or for logging or similar service under which it 
 is impossible to operate efficiently and economically with 
 motor trucks and high speed trailers. Under such condi 
 tions the cheapest and most dependable method of transpor 
 tation is by a tractor with a train of slow speed trailers of 
 strong, sturdy construction. 
 Trailers fall into four general classifications, according 
 to type : 
 (1) Four-wheel trailers. 
 (2) Two- wheel trailers. 
 (3) Semi-trailers. 
 (4) Pole or pipe trailers. 
 The four-wheel trailers are sub-divided into reversible 
 and non-reversible types; light high-speed trailers, for use 
 with passenger automobiles ; heavy duty trailers, hauled by 
 motor trucks for general haulage purposes ; straight frame 
 and drop frame models ; and slow-speed trailers with dump 
 bodies, for use in trains with tractors. 
 Two-wheel trailers may be classified into light and heavy 
 types for use respectively with passenger cars and motor 
 trucks ; dumping and non-dumping types. 
 The semi-trailers may be classified into straight-frame 
 and drop-frame types. 
 Pole and pipe trailers are made in extension reach and 
 non-extension reach types. 
 Almost any type of body can be mounted on the four- 
 wheel trailer and many different types on the semi-trailer 
 and the two-wheel trailer. The pole and pipe trailers are 
 not intended to carry bodies, but instead are provided with 
 bolsters to retain their loads. 
 There is a type and size of trailer for almost every pur 
 pose, ranging in capacity from 500 Ib. to 15 tons. 
 Four- Wheel Trailers 
 Four-wheel trailers are complete vehicles in themselves, 
 intended to carry their own load and be pulled by another 
 vehicle. This type of trailer is manufactured in ;wo gen 
 eral classes ; one class being intended for use behind slow- 
 moving tractors and the other for use behind fast-moving 
 tractors or motor trucks. The first class was the result 
 of a transition from the horse-drawn wagon, developed for 
 use in connection with heavy slow-moving road tractors. 
 Trailers of this kind are of a construction similar to that 
 of wagons built for carrying the same kind of load, except 
 that certain parts in their construction are necessarily 
 heavier to withstand the strains of towing other trailers 
 behind them in addition to carrying their own load ; in 
 some cases they are made reversible, i. e., can be steered 
 from either end. Slow-speed trailers are suitable only for 
 use behind slow-moving tractors, and are ordinarily used 
 in rural districts. 
 The advent of the high-speed tractor and the extensive 
 commercial use of motor trucks as tractors made changes 
 in trailer design necessary to make them practical for use 
 in connection with vehicles which maintain a road speed 
 higher than three or four miles an hour. Road-shock ab 
 sorbing devices, such as springs and rubber-tired wheels, 
 are not necessary on slow-moving vehicles, but these features 
 are necessary in the faster moving vehicles in order to ob 
 tain a reasonably long operating life and to reduce to a mini 
 mum the effort required to pull them. 
 The details of design vary in different makes cf four- 
 \vheel trailers produced today for use behind high-speed 
 tractors and motor trucks, but in principle they are all 
 similar. The universal practice is to use a steel frame sup 
 ported by two axles with automobile or truck type wheels. 
 Springs similar to those used on motor trucks and built 
 in proportion to the load to be carried are mounted between 
 the axles and the frame. Rubber tires are provided both 
 to lessen the road shocks to the entire vehicle and to make 
 practical the use of anti-friction wheel bearings. 
 The chassis of the four-wheel trailer is designed to 
 standard construction so that the many types of bodies 
 mounted on motor truck chassis are adaptable and can 
 be used interchangeably. The types of bodies may include : 
 Stake or platforms, open or express, enclosed or panel, 
 dump and tank. 
 Some trailers arc fitted with hand-operated roll-offs, but 
 a type of four-wheel trailer that is coming into common use 
 has a hinged frame that permits the load to be tilted until 
 it rolls off at the rear by gravity. 
 Four-wheel trailers are made either reversible or non- 
 reversible. The reversible trailers have provision for steer 
 ing at either end, and are equipped with a drawbar at both 
 with this construction it may be guided from the opposite 
 end from which it is pushed. Non-reversible trailers have 
 the steering mechanism and drawbar at one end only, and 
 the rear axle is pcrma.iently fixed in position similar to the 
 rear axle of a wagon. 
 Provision for steering four-wheel trailers is made by the 
 use of either steering knuckle axles of the automobile type, 
 A Train of Trailers 
 ends which permits the truck to be attached at either end 
 without turning the trailer around. This feature is also 
 provided to facilitate backing and "spotting" the trailer, as 
 A Fleet of Trailers 
 or by the use of fifth-wheel construction similar to that 
 used on wagons. When the former type is used a suitable 
 steering linkage mechanism is attached to the drawbar on 
 the trailer so that when the drawbar is turned to the side 
 the wheels are cut in the same direction. The reversible 
 type trailers have steering mechanism locking devices, so 
 that the wheels at the end of the trailer, not being used for 
 steering, can be held rigidly in a straight position. When 
 the fifth-wheel type of steering is used, the drawbar is 
 attached to a part of the construction which turns with the 
 axle, and steering is accomplished by the rotation of the 
 axle with the two wheels about a king pin at the center 
 of the fifth wheel. 
 Four-wheel trailers are sometimes connected to the towing 
 truck or tractor by a drawbar, provided with springs to 
 take up the shock of starting and to cushion the pull and 
 thrust of the trailer when running. On some trailers the 
 drawbar is attached at the rear end to the steering rod and 
 is provided with compression springs, which are enclosed 
 within the drawbar and are packed in grease. Sometimes 
 the drawbar, which is swiveled to a truss draft beam bolted 
 to the frame, swings from side to side in a slot between 
 the front frame and a sub-member below. On other types 
 the swivel drawbar not only swings on the draft beam and 
 steers the front wheels, bat is jointed immediately back of 
 the curved member of the frame. It can be locked into 
 position, but the drawhead swivels on the bar, allowing 
 the motor truck, when backing the trailer, to get far out of 
 line witli the trailer without bending or breaking the draw 
 bar. The drawbar is sometimes hinged at the axle so that 
 it may take any necessary angle in a vertical plane. 
 Safety chains are attached to the drawbar and front 
 axle and are provided with hooks to be placed in eyes on 
 the motor truck coupler to insure against accident in case 
 of possible breakage or failure of the connection between 
 machine and trailer. 
 The types of work for which four-wheel trailers are 
 ordinarily used are the haulage of bulky, light loads, such 
 as barrels, empty boxes, cotton bales, metal stampings, etc., 
 and exceptionally heavy loads such as safes, boilers, large 
 machinery, etc. 
 Tank trailers of the four-wheel type are coming into 
 use by oil and chemical companies. They are proving 
 economical because they double the load hauled at each 
 trip of the truck and also because they save loading and 
 unloading time. Truck and trailer tanks can be fitted simul 
 taneously and the trailer can be left at a garage or supply 
 station to discharge while the truck proceeds alone to the 
 next station to be emptied. The trailer is picked up on the 
 return trip. 
 Saving of loading time is of particular interest to the 
 lumber manufacturers because the making up of a load of 
 boards, shingles, lath or trim, requires a great deal of time. 
 The custom usually in the lumber trade is to leave wagon* 
 ut mill to be loaded, while drivers and horses are on the 
 road with other wagons. Adoption of trailers and semi 
 trailers enables the trade to continue this operating method 
 and to get the additional advantage of the superior speed, 
 load capacity and endurance of motor truck. 
 Dump Bodies 
 The bottom dumping body and the spreading body is a 
 development of the result of a demand for a trailer body 
 for road-building purposes ; as a means of hauling bulk 
 material, they have many advantages. Loose material can 
 be hauled and dumped in a small compact pile. Either the 
 bottom dump body or spreader type has a cubic capacity 
 of about 3J^ yd. A provision is made to adjust the lower 
 door for spreading material to various thicknesses. Sec 
 tional bodies are sometimes used by operators and carry 
 different kinds of material to one or more points on the 
 same trip. The hoppers operate independently of each 
 other. Usually they are made of equal capacity. 
 The automatic side dump body discharges the load outside 
 of the wheels. This body operates by gravity, and no 
 power is required to dump or return the body after dump 
 ing. The particular drop-frame construction brings the 
 loading height to about 60 in., which is within easy 
 reach of the shovel, thus saving time and energy. The 
 short wheel base makes possible a short turning radius, and 
 often team tongues are provided because in some instances 
 the trailers are pulled by horses. Under difficult conditions 
 there is only one other form of hauling equipment which 
 can be considered for road work, and that is the industrial 
 railroad. Trailers are better because of the smaller initial 
 investment; the freedom from track limitations makes the 
 trailer movements much more flexible. 
 In practically every city, one of the greatest problems 
 which the officials must solve is the disposal of garbage and 
 ashes. Many cities employ the trailer train system for 
 garbage and ash removal. Briefly, the method followed 
 is to hitch a team of horses to each trailer and drive from 
 house to house to collect the loads. When filled they are 
 driven to a central point in their respective zones in the 
 city. Here they are met by a motor truck with three or 
 four empty trailers. The loaded tailers are coupled into 
 a train and hauled by the truck or tractor to the city 
 incinerator or to the city dump. While the train is on 
 the way the teams have been hitched to the empties and 
 continue the work of collection. Thus teams and trucks 
 are used in their fields of greatest efficiency, the trucks 
 hauling 12 tons to 15 tons per trip on the long hauls and 
 being continuously operated at a speed of 8 m.p.h. to 10 
 Two- Wheel Trailers 
 The two-wheel trailer, as distinguished from the semi 
 trailer or pole trailer, is used principally for transporting 
 comparatively light loads af 500 Ib. to 2,000 11). at automobile 
 Two-wheel trailers are different from semi-trailers in 
 that the entire load is carried by the trailer s axle and 
 v. heels. The entire load is balanced over its axle and the 
 pulling vehicle serves only to balance the trailer and tow it. 
 A bracket or other coupling device is attached to the rear 
 e.ul of the tractor or truck for attaching the tongue or 
 drawbar of the trailer. 
 The two-wheel trailer is used by truck farmers, retailers 
 and contractors. Most of the trailers of this construction 
 arc of the light high-speed type, but heavier types are manu 
 factured for capacities from 3.500 Ib. to 4,000 Ib. 
 Semi-trailers are a type of two-wheel trailer which have 
 their axles and wheels placed under the rear portion of 
 Semi-Trailer* Eliminate Waiting Time of Truck-Tractors 
 their frame and which are supported in front by the vehicle 
 which tows them. With this type of trailer approximately 
 40 per cent of the load is carried by the towing vehicle and 
 60 per cent by the trailer. The construction of these 
 trailers is similar in principle to non-reversible four-wheel 
 trailers, except that in place of an axle in front there is a 
 fifth-wheel which rests upon and is attached to the truck 
 or tractor with which they are used. 
 Several types of fifth-wheel are in common use which 
 allow universal action and permit sidewise as well as fore- 
 and-aft rocking, and also permit the truck and trailer to 
 stand at an angle to each other. A pair of compression 
 springs are often furnished to take the shock of starting 
 the semi-trailer and its load. 
 Special trailers of the semi-trailer type with drop frame 
 are produced to meet heavy hauling conditions, and where 
 a low loading height is essential. 
 The single form is used for hauling machinery, heavy 
 blocks of stone, plate glass, boxes and barrels. As the 
 center of the platform is only 18 in. to 20 in. from the 
 ground, it makes the loading and unloading of such articles 
 much easier. 
 Jacks, that operate with either screw or ratchet or some 
 other means, for supporting the trailer when it is detached 
 from a truck or tractor are necessary on this type of trailer 
 so that the truck or tractor will not have to remain idle 
 while the trailer is being loaded or unloaded. 
 Supporting devices, whether they are jacks, pedestals 
 with wheels or some other type, are sometimes permanently 
 attached to the trailer and so arranged that they may be 
 fastened under the trailer in such a way as not to interfere 
 with the operation of the truck or tractor and trailers when 
 in transit. 
 Long loads, such as telegraph poles, long lumber or 
 timber, steel beams of extra length, etc., are usually hauled 
 on semi-trailers. 
 Pole or Pipe Trailers 
 The satisfactory pole and pipe trailer must have strength 
 combined with flexibility. The front end of the load on 
 this type of trailer is supported by the towing vehicle. 
 The principal form of construction consists of two wheels 
 mounted on a rectangular forged dead axle. The standard 
 equipment is for hauling logs, lumber, pipes, poles, heavy 
 beams and other articles too long to be loaded on motor 
 trucks and trailers of ordinary wheelbase. For heavy duty 
 work wide tire equipment is recommended. 
 As the type of articles mentioned vary in length, it is 
 necessary to make trailers with extension tongues or reaches 
 so they can be lengthened 6 ft. to 18 ft. or shortened to 
 fit the load, preventing undue overhang at the rear and 
 preserving a proper distribution of weight between the 
 trailer and the motor truck or tractor. 
 The connection between the truck and the trailer is hook 
 or hitch, with a relief spring to take up the strain of 
 stopping and starting. 
 No bodies are used on pipe trailers. Bolsters are pro 
 vided with removable stakes or adjustable blocks to retain 
 the load, and are fitted to the trailer and also to the towing 
 vehicle, where it is mounted on the fifth-wheel or is a 
 swinging or pivoting type, to allow turning. 
 Considerable hauling in the oil fields is done on trailers. 
 The type of trailer most in use is the two-wheel pipe trailer 
 with adjustable reach. Hauling in this sense is difficult 
 because of the lack of roads, heavy mud during wet 
 weather, and length and weight of oil-well material, which 
 amounts in some instances to from 10 to 15 tons, and 
 includes machinery, boilers, well casings and stills. 
 Railways for Manufacturing Plants, Steel Mills, 
 Foundries, Power Plants, Mines, Construction, 
 Logging and Plantation Work, Including 
 Cars, Locomotives and Track Devices 
 A Treatise Covering the Construction and Application of 
 Rail Transportation Devices Used in 
 Handling Materials 
 Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 
- - - : 
Industrial Rail Transportation 
 TRANSPORTATION RY RAH. is the most cconom- 
 ical method of moving large quantities of either loose 
 or packed material for a considerable distance. 
 Industrial railways are extensively used around steel mills, 
 smelters, foundries, machine shops, power plants, shipyards, 
 boiler shops, chemical plants, brick yards, glass works and 
 other manufacturing plants. They are also the principal 
 means of transportation in and around coal and ore mines, 
 quarries, stone crushing plants, sand and gravel plants, 
 sugar and other large plantations. In the handling and 
 storing of coal and iron ore, in large logging and lumbering 
 operations and in grading, road building and other con 
 struction work an industrial railway is frequently the indis 
 pensable means of transportation. 
 A careful study of all factors entering into the problem 
 should be made before deciding upon the adoption of any 
 transportation system. Some of the points to be considered 
 are: the quantity, weight 
 and character of materials 
 to be moved; the points 
 between which they are to 
 be transported ; the distance : 
 the character of the ground ; 
 the differences in levels ; the 
 methods to be used for load 
 ing and unloading; the cost 
 of installation, operation and 
 depreciation ; the kind of 
 labor and the types of mo 
 tive power available. With 
 out such a study an intel 
 ligent choice cannot be made 
 as no hard and fast line can 
 be drawn between the 
 various types of material 
 handling machinery. 
 For short distances move 
 ments along fixed routes, 
 especially where a contin 
 uous flow is desirable, some 
 form of a conveyor or ele 
 vator is most suitable. 
 Where flexibility of movement is important and neither 
 the quantity nor the weight of material is too great, indus 
 trial trucks or tractors and trailers may be preferable ; 
 while if suitable public roads are available the motor 
 truck is a flexible and economical transportation unit for the 
 handling of many commodities. For the lifting of heavy 
 and bulky articles a crane is usually employed and when 
 installed may be used to transport such articles for mod 
 erate distances. In a rough country or where streams or 
 valleys have to be crossed or for temporary construction 
 work a cableway or an aerial tramway may be more suit 
 able than an industrial railway because of its quicker 
 installation and lower initial cost. 
 Some authorities have attempted to classify the fields of 
 the industrial truck or tractor and trailers and of the 
 industrial railway by the simple rule of distance. Thus, 
 for example, the short distance haul of not over 1,500 ft. 
 is assigned to the trackless devices and these over that 
 distance to the track devices. Such a rule is of slight value 
 because it does not give due consideration to the character 
 of material to be handled; cost of investment; operating 
 Industrial Railways: Inter-plant; Mine; Log 
 ging; Plantation; Construction; Portable; 
 Cable; Automatic; Inclined Plane; Rack; 
 Skip Hoist. 
 Cars: Platform; V-Body; Scoop; Charging; 
 Square Body Rotary; Box Body Dump; 
 Hopper Bottom; Gable Bottom; Inclined 
 Bottom; Creosoting; Charcoal; Logging; 
 Cane; Dryer; Transfer; Ore; Coal Mine-; 
 Mill; Ladle; Foundry; Larry; Self Pro 
 pelled; Skip. 
 Locomotives: Steam; Fireless; Compressed 
 Air; Combustion Engine; Storage Battery; 
 Electric Trolley and Third Rail. 
 Track: Gage; Rails; Joints; Ties; Switches; 
 Frogs; Crossings; Derails; Portable Track; 
 Cast Plate Track; Turntables; Transfers; 
 Track Tools. 
 costs, etc. Industrial railways and their equipment do not 
 have the flexibility of trackless devices but they arc low 
 in cost of construction, operation and maintenance while 
 cars cost less than trailers and the tractive effort required is 
 only a third as much as that for the same load handled on 
 trackless equipment running on cement floors. 
 The fullest measure of success and usefulness of an 
 industrial railway system will depend in a large degree 
 upon the care with which it is located. Another important 
 factor affecting the economy and value of the system i* 
 a proper selection of track, switches, turntables, types of 
 cars and methods of haulage. These are points which can 
 be determined but by one familiar with the solution of 
 transportation problems. 
 Many types of cars have been designed to meet the 
 different requirements of the various industries. A number 
 of these types have such a broad field of usefulness that 
 their designs have become 
 standardized. However, 
 specially designed cars are 
 often better fitted to meet 
 the particular local condi 
 tions. The more commonly 
 used forms of cars will be 
 described in detail later on. 
 Cars are frequently pushed 
 by hand but they may be 
 coupled together and hauled 
 in trains by animal power, 
 by a cable or by a locomo 
 tive. Various types of loco 
 motives are available to 
 meet the requirements of 
 different conditions. A 
 choice may be made be 
 tween steam, fireless, com 
 pressed air, gasoline engine, 
 kerosene engine, storage 
 battery, trolley and third 
 rail locomotives. Moreover, 
 under certain conditions 
 self-propelled cars are even 
 better adapted than locomotives. 
 Classes of Railways 
 The designation industrial railways, in the liroad sense 
 of the term, covers all railways operated as subsidiary to 
 industrial undertakings and not as separate commercial 
 enterprises. As thus used the name includes railways 
 used for logging, construction, plantation work and min 
 ing as well as those used around industrial plants. They 
 range from those laid with an 8 tb. rail and a track 
 gage of 18 in. or less and carrying small four wheel hand 
 cars to those laid with the heaviest rails and in con 
 struction and rolling stock conforming to regular standard 
 steam railroad practice. They may be divided into twelve 
 or more general classes. 
 Industrial Inter-plant Railways. These are used around 
 factories, foundries and power plants for handling rough, 
 semi-finished and finished materials, coal and other com 
 modities and are often called simply industrial railways. 
 They are commonly of 24 in. track gage, although 2\ l / 2 in. 
 outside gage and other narrow gages are sometimes used. 
 They are usually carefully laid and in a well designed sys 
 tem arranged to reach all necessary points and permanently 
 installed. Rails range from 12 Ib. to 25 Ib. per yard accord 
 ing to the loads carried. For inside use in boiler rooms 
 and elsewhere cast plate tracks are frequently substituted 
 for steel rails. For reaching outlying points, as in foundry 
 yards or for disposing of refuse, portions of portable track 
 may be advantageously employed. Cars are generally of 
 the four-wheel type although double truck cars are occa 
 sionally used for handling unusually long or heavy mate 
 rial. Storage battery or gasoline locomotives are advisable 
 where there is considerable traffic or the distances are long. 
 Heavy Mill Railroads. These are required around steel 
 mills and large manufacturing plants. They are usually 
 of S&/2 in. gage and as they conform to well known rail 
 road practice will not be described in detail here. Cars are 
 usually of the double truck type and sometimes self-pro 
 pelled. Any one of the many types of locomotives may be 
 used dependent upon local conditions. 
 Mine Roads. All mines from the smallest to the largest 
 depend upon a railway system for the transportation of 
 outgoing and incoming material. Ore mines frequently use 
 roads with a track gage of 18 in. or less and small hand 
 cars. Coal mines use roads with track gages ranging from 
 18 in. to S6y 2 in. In the larger coal mines there is a marked 
 tendency toward the adoption of a 42 in. track gage, a 
 practice which is strongly recommended. For strip mining 
 56 l /2 in. gage is common although a narrower gage is some 
 times preferable. 
 Logging Roads. These are usually constructed with a 
 minimum amount of grading, are frequently taken up and 
 relaid especially branches and extensions and often have 
 heavy grades and sharp curves. 
 A 36 in. track gage is used in many places on account 
 of the low cost of construction, but the standard railroad 
 gage of S6 l /2 in. is more generally adopted so that cars of 
 logs may be delivered without reloading. 
 Logs arc sometimes used instead of steel rails, although 
 this practice is not as common as it once was. 
 Plantation Roads. These are frequently employed on 
 sugar cane, coft ee and other large plantations. The track 
 gage used -varies from 24 in. to S6J4 in. while in countries 
 using the metric system 60 c. m. and 1 meter are common 
 gages. Track construction varies greatly, dependent upon 
 the size of the plantation, the distance traversed, the char 
 acter of the country, etc. Sections or portable railway are 
 frequently used for reaching out into the fields and gather 
 ing in cane and other products. Such portions of track 
 are easily changed from one location to another and need 
 not necessarily be of the same gage as the main road. On 
 such feeders the cars are frequently hauled by animal 
 Long Sidings. Manufacturing plants, logging camps, 
 quarries, sand or gravel pits, mines and other enterprises 
 are sometimes located at a considerable distance from a 
 railroad and to connect with a shipping point a long siding 
 or branch is required. The cost of construction and the 
 amount of material to be transported may not warrant the 
 expense of a standard gage railway. In such cases a narrow 
 gage road generally of 36 in. gage may meet the require 
 ments. The lighter and cheaper construction possible with 
 such a narrow gage road will often more than offset the 
 cost of transferring material at the shipping point. By the 
 use of modern handling machinery such a transfer can 
 usually be made at a low unit cost. However, where the 
 amount and value of the traffic warrants, it is preferable 
 to adopt the standard gage and thus obtain the benefit of 
 car interchange. 
 Construction Roads. In the building of railroads, high 
 ways, dams, tunnels, aqueducts, canals, sewers and in other 
 construction work a railway system is often employed. It 
 is frequently narrow gage, commonly 35 in. and sometimes 
 only 24 in. As the installations are temporary the line is 
 frequently made up of portable track with steel ties al 
 though wooden ties are used where they can be obtained at 
 a favorable price. 
 Portable Railways. Where operations require the track 
 to be frequently changed from place to place, portable rail 
 ways are usually the most economical type to use. The 
 sections of rails and ties with joints are fastened together 
 by the manufacturer and thus delivered to the customer. 
 Portable track is usually made up in 15 ft. sections so that 
 two men may easily carry a section anywhere. These sec 
 tions are simply laid on the ground, coupled together and 
 the road is ready for traffic. The use of special slip joints 
 at the end of the sections makes it possible to lift and 
 relay a portion of track in a short time. 
 Cable Railways. These are used most extensively 
 around industrial establishments for handling heavy bulk 
 material in volume, at coal and ore storage points and in 
 mine haulage. While this system of operating cars is a 
 very old one it is of limited application. The cars are 
 moved by being attached to a running wire rope. The rope 
 may run continuously at a constant speed and the cars be 
 attached and detached by grip on the car or the cars may 
 be permanently attached and the cable started and stopped by 
 an operator at will. Cable railways may run on a level, or 
 up grade and down grade as required by local conditions. 
 For industrial use they are often elevated 10 ft. to 15 ft. 
 above the ground level and the space below used for stor 
 age. There are four systems of cable railways in common 
 use : 
 (1) Endless Cable. In this type the wire cable is con 
 stantly running in one direction at a fixed speed and a car 
 is attached or detached at any point by a cable grip oper- 
 ted by a man on the car. This method is suitable for heavy 
 service and any number of cars desired may be used. 
 (2) Double Shuttle. In this type two cars are perma 
 nently attached to the wire cable in such a way that as the 
 loaded car goes out the empty car comes in. The cars may 
 pass each other on a centrally located switch or they may 
 run on parallel tracks. The winding engine is usually lo 
 cated at the loading point and is started, stopped and re 
 versed by the operator who also attends to the loading. 
 The system is best adapted to moving material between two 
 fixed points. Cable bottom cars are generally used and are 
 arranged to dump automatically upon striking a trip. 
 (3) Single Shuttle. In this type only one car is used, 
 the loaded car being drawn outward by power, dumped 
 automatically and then drawn back to the loading point. 
 The winding engine is usually so located that it may be 
 operated by the man attending to the loading. 
 (4) Mine Haulage Systems. These differ according to 
 conditions. In some places the empty cars attached to a 
 cable run down a slope by gravity and the cable is then 
 attached to a trip of loaded cars and they are hauled up 
 to the head house. In other places a main or head rope 
 is used to haul out the loaded cars while a tail rope is used 
 to haul the empty cars back into the mine, the tail rope 
 passing around a pulley at the inner end of the mine. 
 Considerable effort has been expended in perfecting the 
 details of the auxiliary devices used on cable railways. 
 Without going into descriptions it may be said that the 
 success of a system will depend largely upon the design of 
 such details as cable grips, layout of curves with guide 
 pulleys and winding engines. 
 Cable railways are low in cost of construction, equip 
 ment, maintenance and operation. No more economical 
 method has been found for handling quantities of coal and 
 some other bulk materials which have to Ac unloaded and 
 stored in large piles. 
 Automatic Railways. These are mainly used for 
 transporting coal, sand, ores, limestone, cement and other 
 loose materials from vessels or cars to storage bins which 
 arc not over 500 ft. or 600 ft. away from the receiving 
 point. Their most extensive use has been for handling coal 
 along the water front although they have been installed at 
 many other places. As no power is required the operating 
 cost of automatic railways is extremely small. 
 In operation, a car after being loaded is started down 
 an incline which has suflicient pitch to carry the loaded car 
 at a high speed to a movable automatic dumping point. 
 Just before reaching this point the loaded car picks up a 
 wire cable which is indirectly attached to and raises a 
 weight. The energy stored up in the counterweight which 
 has been raised by the loaded car causes the empty car to 
 return up the incline to the starting point. 
 The cars used on automatic railways are of the hopper 
 bottom type. They are especially designed for the serv 
 ice, have sloping sides and ends and are provided with 
 a cable pick-up. 
 These cars are described in detail further on in this 
 Inclined Planes or Railways. These are extensively 
 used at mines where the pit heads open on hillsides above 
 railroads or points to which the coal or other material 
 is to be delivered. Under these conditions "gravity 
 planes" are employed ; the loaded cars attached to one 
 end of a cable descend the grade while the empty cars 
 attached to the other end of the cable are pulled up 
 the grade to the top of the plane. The cable passes 
 around sheaves located in the head house, the speed of 
 the cable being controlled by brakes attached to the 
 A power plane differs from a gravity plane in having 
 a winding engine provided for hauling loaded cars tip 
 the incline. One end of the cable is attached to a trip 
 of loaded cars being hauled up the plane while the other 
 end of the cable is attached to a trip of empty cars 
 being lowered to the mine. 
 Inclined planes may be equipped with double tracks 
 or with a single track provided with a long central pass 
 ing switch. 
 Inclined railways arc sometimes used at places other 
 than mines where it is necessary to haul cars up an 
 Rack Railways. Where grades are too steep for plain 
 or geared steam or electric locomotives to operate satis 
 factorily, rack railways are required. 
 The special rack locomotives used in such places are 
 described in that part of this section devoted to the 
 various types of industrial locomotives. 
 Skip Hoists. Where bulk materials have to be ele 
 vated and dumped at a fixed point the skip hoist provides a 
 simple, speedy, reliable and economical device for 
 accomplishing the desired result. They are used at prac 
 tically all blast furnaces for hoisting charges of ore, 
 fuel and limestone from the stock house to the top of 
 the furnace and are extensively employed at boiler houses 
 for elevating both coal and ashes to overhead bins. Other 
 places where they are frequently used are at quarries 
 for elevating stone to a crusher or for raising crushed 
 stone to an elevated bin, at sand and gravel pits for 
 elevating the material to the washing plant, at lime kilns 
 for elevating stone and fuel, at gas plants for elevating 
 coal, in concrete construction work for charging mixers 
 and at ore and coal mines. They may be used for 
 handling liquids as well as solid bulk materials. 
 A skip hoist consists of a car running on inclined or 
 overhead tracks and hoisted by means of a cable attached 
 to a winding engine. The track may be at any angle up 
 to the vertical. 
 The cars, which are described in detail further on in 
 this section, are of many shapes, sizes and capacities. 
 They are mounted on two pairs of wheels, the rear pair 
 of which usually have treads of at least double the 
 ordinary width. At the dumping point the rails are 
 curved to carry the car over the bin or hopper. Start 
 ing at a point just ahead of the place at which the 
 track rails are curved, an outer pair of rails are installed 
 to take the extended tread of the rear pair of wheels. 
 These outer rails guide the rear wheels in such a manner 
 that as the front pair of wheels runs in on the curved 
 track, the rear pair continues to travel in a straight 
 line. The rear of the car is consequently raised and 
 the load dumped. Instead of using double rear wheels 
 a third pair of wheels is sometimes used, these being 
 of a wider gage to suit the outer set of rails. 
 When the incline is very steep, suitable guide rails 
 are provided in addition to the track rails. 
 For vertical installations the guides and rails resemble 
 those used for elevators while the cars closely resemble 
 In the single unbalanced skip hoist only one car is 
 used and the hoisting cable is wound onto a single drum. 
 In a balanced skip hoist two cables are used, one 
 attached to the skip car and the other to a counter 
 weight. The cables are wound on the drum in opposite 
 directions, so that as one is wound up the other is 
 A double skip hoist employed two cables arranged in 
 the same manner as for a balanced skip hoist, but each 
 of the cables is attached to a car so that as a loaded 
 car is hoisted an empty car is lowered. 
 The operation of a skip hoist may be governed by an 
 automatic push button control. The operator then 
 simply pushes a button when it is desired to make a 
 hoist. When the car is dumped an automatic switch 
 reverses the machinery, causes the car to return to the 
 loading point and then stops the machinery. 
 Illustrations showing the application of skip hoists for 
 handling coal and ashes at boiler houses, and also at 
 sand and gravel washeries and at stone and lime plants 
 are shown in other sections of this book. 
 V-Body Dump Car in Construction Work 
 Inclined Bottom, Side Dump, Concrete Cars 
 Air Dump Cars in Railroad Construction 
 Tractor with Train of Dump Cars 
 Inclined Bottom Lime Car 
 Third Rail Electric Locomotive and Gable Bottom Cars 
 Electric Locomotive, Pusher Type 
 Electric Locomotive and Coke Cooling Cars 
Industrial Cars 
 THE INDUSTRIAL CAR in some one of its various forms is 
 used in almost every branch of industrial activity. It 
 is found in the busy manufacturing plant, underground 
 in the coal mine, in the woods where the lumberman is 
 working, on the sugar cane plantation and wherever con 
 struction work is done. It is the universally adopted 
 medium for the transporting of coal and ore from the 
 point where it is mined to the surface. In quarries, sand 
 and gravel plants, brick and clay works, steel and rolling 
 mills, forge shops, smelters, foundries, machine shops and 
 many other places it has been found to be either the only 
 really practical device for moving material or has been 
 adopted as the most economical one. Thus, while it does 
 not attract so much attention as does the larger and more 
 conspicuous railroad freight car, yet in its particular fields 
 it has just as vital and essential a function to perform. 
 The industrial car is, however, only one link in the 
 chain of a complete transportation system and in order 
 satisfactorily and economically to perform its functions, 
 and not prove to be the weak link in the chain, its gen 
 eral type and its design must be carefully developed to 
 meet the working conditions. For steam railroad trans 
 portation the handling and packing of material must be 
 done in such a way as to conform to terminal conditions or 
 to the character and size of the cars available; but in in 
 dustrial transportation the railroad itself, together with the 
 types of cars, the methods used for loading and unloading, 
 and the means taken for moving the cars, should all be in 
 telligently selected to meet the conditions prevailing at 
 the time or anticipated in connection with probable future 
 There is such a wide diversity in the character of the 
 materials to be moved and in the conditions under which 
 the cars are used that a great many variations in design 
 and size are necessary. As an illustration, the character 
 of a coal mining car and the track gage are dependent 
 upon the thickness of the vein of coal, width of entrance, 
 grades, curves, whether the cars are pushed singly by man 
 power, hauled by mules, by rope haulage or by locomo 
 tives; also by the method of loading, means for unloading, 
 Although many different kinds of cars varying in type, 
 design, capacity, track gage, etc., are required to meet the 
 widely varying demands, yet considerable can and should 
 be done in the direction of standardization and in the 
 elimination of unnecessary variations. As an example of 
 the present existing lack of uniformity, consider such a 
 vital factor as the track gage. Manufacturers catalogs 
 show over 25 different gages ranging from 16 in. to s6 l / 2 in., 
 the latter being the common steam railroad standard. 
 The different types of cars may be classified according 
 to the industrial field in which they are used and accord 
 ing to their general form. The most widely used forms 
 of general purpose cars will be described first, after which 
 those of a more special character will be taken up. 
 Platform Cars 
 For general utility purposes, whether in and around in 
 dustrial plants or elsewhere and for handling a wide 
 variety of materials, small platform cars are more con 
 venient and more widely used than any other type. To meet 
 such diverse service conditions so many variations in di 
 mensions, capacity and details of design are necessary, that 
 the leading manufacturers have standardized only a lim 
 ited number of cars. 
 Four-wheel Platform Car 
 Standard four-wheel platform cars are made for a wide 
 range of track gages. In addition to those shown in the 
 table below, some manufacturers also list standard cars for 
 18 in., 20 in. and 42 in. together with IQ /j in. outside gage. 
 The length of the platform can be varied to suit condi 
 tions, but the sizes given in the table represent those most 
 commonly used. 
 Width of I btl. ni, 
 Length of 
 5 ft. to 6 ft. 
 6 ft. to 8 ft. 
 7 ft. to 12 ft. 
 8 ft. to 15 ft. 
 24 in. .. 
 30 in . . . 
 36 in. . . 
 56 4 in. 
 Bearings Bearings 
 Wheel Base Inside Outside 
 24 in. to 30 in. 20 in. to 30 in. 36 in. to 48 in. 
 30 in. to 36 in. 24 in. to 36 in. 42 in. to 60 in. 
 10 in. to 48 in. 28 in. to 42 in. 48 in. to 72 in. 
 f-Oin. to 84 in 66 in. to 90 in. 
 The underframe is often of wood but on the more sub 
 stantial cars it is of steel, usually of channel iron con 
 struction. Kxccpt in the larger and heavier cars center 
 sills are not required. 
 The most common practice is to use a platform of yellow 
 pine or oak, preferably tongued and grooved to prevent 
 warping. This may be protected by a light steel plate 
 or the cars may be ordered equipped with a heavy steel 
 plate top or deck riveted to the underframe with counter 
 sunk rivets to ensure a flat surface. 
 The carrying capacity for which platform cars are ordi 
 narily designed is two to three tons for the smaller sizes 
 and five or six tons for the larger sizes. Cars of larger 
 capacity are often required for certain purposes and may 
 be made for practically any capacity for which the track 
 and roadbed are adequate. -i 
 Bearings may be inside or outside of the wheels, de 
 pendent largely upon the width of platform desired. Cars 
 with bearings inside of the wheels usually have platforms 
 from 6 in. wider to 8 in. narrower than the track gage, 
 while cars with bearings outside of the wheels usually have 
 platforms from 1 ft. to 2 ft. wider than the track gage, as 
 shown in the preceding table. 
 Journal boxes usually are rigidly attached to the frame 
 but if desired the platform may be spring-supported with 
 the journal boxes working in pedestals. 
 Chilled cast iron wheels, single plate or with spokes, are 
 generally used, although cast steel wheels are sometimes 
 Fig. 1 Four-Wheel Platform Car 
 furnished, especially for heavy service. Wheels for the 
 smaller cars are usually from 12 in. to 16 in. in diameter, 
 for the larger cars from 16 in. to 20 in. The wheels are 
 usually pressed on the axle, but where there are many 
 short curves in the track one wheel on an axle is some- 
 times left loose. Most manufacturers now regularly fur 
 nish their cars with roller bearing axles or with rollers 
 in the wheel hub where the wheels are loose on the axle. 
 Plain bearings offer about double the resistance of roller 
 bearings and require so much more attention to lubricate 
 that it is rarely economical to use any other than roller 
 bearings on four-wheel cars. 
 The wheel-base, or the distance between centers of wheels 
 is usually kept short so that cars may be easily pushed 
 around sharp curves. If curves of large radius are used 
 and the character of the material handled makes it desirable, 
 the wheel-base may be greater than the figures given in 
 the table of sizes. 
 Brakes are not usually required on small platform cars 
 and are never furnished unless specified. 
 As platform cars are usually pushed singly by hand 
 and not used in a train, or coupled to a locomotive, couplers 
 are not regularly supplied. If couplers are desired, the 
 style and the height from the top of the rail should be 
 specified. The couplers most commonly supplied are of 
 the link and pin type, although in the larger cars auto 
 matic types are frequently used, and should, of course, be 
 specified if the cars are of standard gage and are ever to 
 be coupled to steam railroad cars, which are all equipped 
 with M. C. B. automatic couplers. If more than a very 
 few cars are coupled together and hauled by a locomotive, 
 spring draft rigging should be applied. 
 Stake pockets are not regularly furnished but are often 
 required and can be applied to any car if called for. The 
 same applies to stakes and also to wooden or steel sides 
 and ends, which are made either attached to or separate 
 Fig. 2 Platform Car with Sides and Ends 
 from the stakes. The ends can be set in cleats if desired, 
 thus making them removable for loading and unloading or 
 for carrying long material. 
 A low-down platform car is useful where heavy, tall 
 Cars with tilting platforms are convenient for the rapid 
 unloading of certain materials and are used in machine 
 shops, foundries and elsewhere. They are designed to 
 dump the load on either side of the track and, if desired, 
 Fig. 4 Tilting Platform Car 
 can be equipped with sides and ends either to be lifted off 
 or arranged as hinged doors. This makes a suitable car 
 for handling sand, gravel, ashes and small or loose ma 
 terial, although if regularly handled in quantities some other 
 form of a car, such as the V-body dump, is more exten 
 sively used. The particular car shown has a metal top 
 which will stand hard service and can be used for hot 
 metals if desired. 
 Skeleton platform cars are used for carrying buckets, 
 skips and similar loads for concrete and construction work, 
 also for carrying plates and other material in mills and 
 shops. Cars are frequently purchased in this form, the 
 user adding a specially designed top or upper structure to 
 suit some particular material to be handled. 
 Many other modifications in platform cars have been 
 made to meet different requirements, a few of which may 
 be referred to as typical of many others. 
 Cars with wooden frames often have the side sills ex 
 tended and the ends formed into handles for convenience 
 in lifting the car off the track; it is frequently desirable to 
 Fig. 3 Low Platform Car 
 Fig. 5 Skeleton Platform Car 
 - bulky articles have to be handled and it is desired to 
 load and unload the cars without elevating the material do this when the cars are used to push material arcund 
 above the floor level. This type of car is used by hand and the tracks are also used for moving trains 
 ible extent in marble and granite works, by of cars by power. 
 piano manufacturers, in some machine shops and in many In mills and shops it is sometimes desirable to lift the 
 igots, coils of wire, etc. cars by a crane and transport them to a balcony or some 
 other point away from the track where cars are to be 
 loaded or unloaded. In such cases the cars may be equipped 
 with eye-bolts or lifting rings at the corners or with eyes 
 fastened to the frame. 
 Where cars are used for transporting rails or bars, steel 
 sliding plates are provided at the ends and rollers near the 
 corners. This form is usually called a rail car. 
 Cars may be obtained with a swivel or revolving tcp for 
 greater convenience in loading and unloading tubes and 
 other long material. 
 Other modifications, such as charging box cars, annealing 
 furnace cars, billet and ingot cars, together with special cars 
 for bars and long forgings are described under the head of 
 Mill Cars. 
 Double-Truck Platform Cars 
 Platform cars are also furnished with eight wheels, or 
 double trucks, and are then often called flat cars. They 
 are convenient for handling long, bulky or heavy articles 
 which cannot readily be carried on the four-wheel cars. 
 The carrying of heavy loads on eight wheels so distributes 
 the weight that the capacity of the car may be doubled 
 without necessitating the adoption of heavier track. In 
 many places, where practically all of the material handled 
 can be carried on four-wheel cars, the addition of a few 
 double-truck cars will often be found advantageous for 
 moving exceptionally bulky or heavy articles. 
 In general details, double-truck cars are similar to four- 
 wheel cars except for the fact that they approach more 
 closely standard gage railroad practice in such things as 
 Fig. 6 Double Truck Platform Car 
 framing, couplers, brakes, etc. The bearings on this type 
 of car usually are of brass, babbited, instead of the roller 
 The short double-truck platform car illustrated is de 
 signed to supplement the ordinary four-wheel platform 
 car in carrying material in manufacturing plants. It has 
 a platform 10 ft. long and 40 in. wide and is built for 
 capacities of three, five and ten tons. The wheels have 
 flanges on the outside such as are ordinarily used on 
 Fig. 7 Platform Car with Diamond Trucks 
 tracks of 2\y 2 in. outside gage. Similar cars are built 
 with flanges on the inside of the wheels and for any desired 
 track gage. 
 Diamond frame or arch bar trucks, so common in steam 
 railroad practice, may be and frequently are used on in 
 dustrial cars. Such double-track cars are made for any 
 track gage, of such length as desired, and in capacities 
 from two to fifty tons. 
 Details of the design may be modified to suit special 
 V-Body Dump Cars 
 Aside from platform cars probably no form of industrial 
 car is more extensively used than the V-body dump type. 
 It is the general utility car in many different kinds of in 
 dustrial plants and is extensively used by contractors for 
 various construction operations because of its adaptability 
 for handling a wide range of materials. Among other things 
 commonly carried by these cars are coal, ashes, sand, gravel, 
 shale, rock, ore, earth, cinders, cement, concrete, clay, phos 
 phates, nitrates, etc. ; because of the steep angle of discharge, 
 wet as well as dry materials may be dumped successfully. 
 Cars of this type are used in mining and quarrying works ; 
 at sand and gravel plants ; stone crushers ; cement mills ; 
 fertilizer, phosphate and nitrate plants ; powder works ; 
 smelters ; clay, pottery, brick and glass works ; by con 
 tractors for road paving, excavating and concrete work; in 
 foundries for sand, slag and waste and in various other 
 chemical and industrial plants. 
 The cars may be pushed by hand, hauled by power, or 
 coupled in trains and pulled by a locomotive. In addition 
 to operation on level ground they may be hauled up an in 
 cline and then dumped, as is done at some stone crushers 
 and sand and gravel washers, or they may be hoisted on 
 an elevator for dumping, as has been found convenient in 
 handling concrete. 
 V-body dump cars, to meet the many requirements, are 
 made in various sizes and shapes and differ considerably in 
 details of design. They usually are built entirely of metal. 
 The bodies should be well reinforced around the top by 
 angle irons, preferably rounded, or by other substantial 
 means, as this is the part that receives the hardest usage. 
 While the body is ordinarily of a decided V-shape, it is 
 sometimes modified into more of a U-form, where greater 
 capacity is desired and the materials dump easily. The ends 
 are ordinarily straight, although in some designs they are 
 inclined which is an advantage in dumping wet or sticky 
 substances. Lifting rings or eyes are provided if cars are 
 to be lifted by a crane. 
 These cars ordinarily dump on either side, but they can 
 be built for end dumping. The shape of the car body and 
 the steep angle of discharge is such that the load is usually 
 discharged entirely clear of the track. 
 Considerable study has been given to so balance the body 
 that it is not only easy to dump but will automatically return 
 to an upright position unless it is desired to have a car 
 which can be returned to the normal position only by hand. 
 Cars are sometimes arranged for slow dumping under the 
 full control of the operator, but this is not characteristic of 
 the usual design. 
 The capacity, except in special cases, ranges from 12 cu. 
 ft. to 5 cu. yd. The smaller cars are usually of the "trun 
 nion" or "cradle" type and hold from 12 cu. ft. to 40 cu. 
 ft., while the larger cars of \Yt cu. yd., to 6 cu. yd. capacity 
 are more generally of the "rocker" type. 
 The track gages ordinarily used are 24 in., 30 in. and 36 
 in. Cars may also be obtained for as narrow as 18 in. gage, 
 or for standard railroad gage (56 / 2 in."). For some indus 
 trial installations they are also made for 20X> in. outside 
 gage and equipped with swivel trucks. 
 Various locking devices or body fasteners are used. The 
 locks are preferably applied on diagonally opposite corners 
 so that they may be easily operated from the side without 
 necessity for the operator reaching across or between the 
 cars and so that when released the car will dump only on 
 the side away from the operator. This is a safety precau 
 tion which should not be overlooked. 
 Locks are commonly so designed that they will not only 
 hold the body in an upright position while being transported 
 but also in a partly tipped position, thus making it easy to 
 load the cars by hand shovelling. In some cases the locks 
 also hold the body in the dumping position which is at times 
 convenient when handling sticky clay, wet concrete, etc., 
 which may be a little slow in dumping and where it may 
 occasionally be desired to scrape the car out. In some de 
 signs the catch automatically locks the body when it returns 
 to the upright position. 
 \Yhile some of the smaller cars of this type are equipped 
 with a hook so that they may be pulled by horse power; 
 couplers are usually omitted as such cars are generally 
 pushed by hand. The larger cars, which arc more apt to be 
 hauled by rope or by locomotives, are commonly equipped 
 with couplers, ordinarily a simple form of link and pm. 
 trains of more than five or six cars are used they should be 
 equipped with drawheads of the spring type. 
 Brakes may be of the ratchet, lever, or hand-wheel types 
 but are so rarely used that they are ordinarily omitted. If 
 cu. ft. with 36 in. gage. The cradle is fitted with double 
 flanges so that the body can not jump off the support and 
 is provided with bottom lugs to prevent the body moving 
 sideways. The cradle support is curved and preferably 
 Fig. 8 V-Body Dump Car, Light Trunnion Type 
 they are used the frame is sometimes extended on one end to 
 provide a platform on which the brakeman may stand. 
 The wheels are generally of chilled cast iron, although they 
 are sometimes made of steel. They are ordinarily pressed 
 on the axles which are preferably equipped with roller bear 
 ings. Brass or babbitt bearings may also be used and if 
 desired one or all of the wheels may be loose on the axles 
 and the wheels may be equipped with rollers in the hubs. 
 The wheels are usually from 12 in. to 16 in. in diameter. 
 Cars of the trunnion type are usually made only in small 
 sizes, ranging from 12 cu. ft. to 40 cu. ft. capacity. By using 
 swivel trucks, a wheel-base of from SO in. to 60 in. is pos 
 sible ; this permits the body being carried between the wheels, 
 and gives a low center of gravity. Such cars are very con 
 venient for loading. In dumping, the edge of the car comes 
 down to the rail. This is desirable for unloading into a pit 
 or from a trestle, but is not so convenient when the tracks 
 are on a level floor. Small cars of the trunnion type are 
 also made with a short rigid wheel-base and body above the 
 wheels ; this gives a car of compact design which is preferred 
 in places where the load is dumped onto shop floors. 
 Cars of the cradle type are ordinarily built for capacities 
 ranging from 18 cu. ft. to 40 cu. ft. with 24 in. track gage; 
 27 cu. ft. to 54 cu. ft. with 30 in. gage, and 27 cu. ft. to 81 
 Fig. 9 V-Body Dump Car, Rocker Type 
 braced to secure end stiffness. The frame is of channel iron, 
 rounded to do away with joints at the corners thus giving 
 a compact, strong construction and avoiding interference 
 between cars when passing around sharp curves. The 
 journals are placed outside of the wheels. The car il 
 lustrated is equipped with a simple form of lever brake 
 operated from the side of the car. 
 The rocker type car is similar to the cradle type, except 
 that the body is provided with a rocker having projections 
 engaging with holes in the horizontal rocker support on 
 which the body rolls. This car is made in the same sizes as 
 the cradle type. It is usually preferable for the larger 
 V-body dump cars of large capacity are also built. These 
 are adapted for locomotive haulage and steam shovel load 
 ing. The substantial construction makes them also suited 
 for the severe requirements of quarry service. The car il 
 lustrated has a frame with a square end and four longi 
 tudinal channel irons, the center ones being placed to re 
 ceive a continuous spring type drawbar. This design is 
 Fig. 10 V-Body Dump Car, Cradle Type 
 adapted to withstand the strains resulting from being hauled 
 in long trains, on heavy grades and at fair speeds. For high 
 speeds, however, especially on poor track, it is best to use 
 springs on top of the journal boxes. 
 V-body dump cars mounted on eight wheels, or double 
 trucks, are also made for carrying heavy loads. This dis 
 tributes the load so that light rails may be used. They often 
 Fig. 11 Heavy Duty V-Body Dump Car 
 are built for standard gage railroad in capacities of as much 
 as 40 tons and are used for handling garbage and waste. 
 The cars illustrated show the general characteristics, but 
 there are many variations of this type of car designed to 
 meet special requirements. Bodies are sometimes arranged 
 to be lifted off from the frame by a crane and are fitted 
 with short legs on which to stand. Another modification of 
 this type mounted on a swivel base permits dumping in any 
 direction. If salts or acid substances are to be handled the 
 body can be lined with wood or preferably may be made of 
 wood with galvanized body irons. 
 Scoop-Body Cars 
 Scoop-body cars arc extensively used for handling coal, 
 ashes, sand, gravel, crushed stone, ore and other loose ma 
 terials and are particularly adapted for transporting wet or 
 semi-liquid materials, such as concrete, mortar, wet sand, 
 etc. They are the general utility car in certain concrete 
 Fig. 12 Scoop Car, Upright Position 
 construction work, being used to handle muck from excava 
 tions, bring charges to the mixer and carry concrete to the 
 point where it is to be deposited. For handling materials 
 to be mixed in definite quantities these cars are sometimes 
 provided with partitions, arranged to hold the right pro 
 portions of each material. They have also proved to be 
 a very convenient car in mines and are used in many foun 
 dries, rolling mills and in forge shops for charging coke 
 and coal into cupolas, furnaces and gas producers and are 
 frequently used for removing ashes from boiler houses. 
 The body of these cars, being of scoop form and mounted 
 on a swivel so as to permit of dumping in any direction, 
 makes them particularly desirable for depositing the load in 
 the exact location desired ; in fact, these cars arc frequently 
 called "all-around dump cars." The operator is always 
 on the side opposite to that cm which the load is dumped 
 and where he may easily reach the latch to unfasten it when 
 it is desired to dump the car. 
 Fig. 13 Scoop Car, Dumping Position 
 Several different types of latches are used, some being 
 controlled by hand and others by the operator s foot. 
 A handle is provided at the rear at a convenient height 
 to assist in dumping and in returning the car to an up 
 right position. 
 The angle of discharge is so steep that even pasty sub 
 stances are completely discharged. 
 As the cars are used singly they are not equipped with 
 couplers and rarely with brakes. 
 Fig. 14 Scoop Car with Gate 
 Since the body is usually only from 30 in. to 36 in. wide, 
 scoop-bod}- cars can be used in very narrow passages which 
 makes them desirable in certain mining work and elsewhere. 
 Automatic Railway Handling Stone 
 Automatic Railway Delivering Coal from a Barge 
 Cable Haulage, Incline 
 Cable Railway Showing Curves 
 Combination Skip Hoist and Cable Railway 
 Distribution of Coal by Bridge and Cable Railway 
 Weighing in Transit 
 Cable Car With Automatic Dump Attachment 
 The height, from 36 in. to 44 in., makes hand loading easy. 
 Scoop-body cars are built for 18 in., 24 in., 30 in. and 36 
 in. track gage and of 12 cu. ft., 18 cu. ft. and 27 cu. ft. capac 
 ity. The wheels are of 10 in. or 12 in. diameter; and the 
 wheelbase quite short, generally from 16 in. to 21 in Square 
 axles are ordinarily used with the wheels loose on the 
 axles. The wheels are frequently of the self-oiling type 
 but those with rollers in the hub are preferable. 
 For handling liquid or semi-liquid materials, such as 
 concrete, end gates such as shown in one of the illustrations 
 are frequently used to prevent waste in transit. The gates 
 are furnished only when specified and are generally fitted 
 with a rod and a handle so that the gate may be opened 
 from the rear. 
 In the use of a swivel-base, scoop-body cars resemble the 
 square body rotary dump cars and ore mining cars which 
 are described elsewhere. 
 Charging Cars 
 Charging cars, while primarily designed for the trans 
 portation of coal from storage yards or bins to the boiler 
 house, are also used for many other purposes where the 
 car is to he unloaded by shoveling; they may be properly 
 Fig. 15 Charging Car, Single Drop Side 
 classed with the general purpose cars. In all power plants 
 where mechanical stokers are not installed, these cars 
 running on an industrial railway constitute the most eco 
 nomical and convenient method of handling coal and ashes. 
 By keeping the coal in the cars and shoveling direct from 
 the cars into the furnaces the labor is much less than when 
 the coal has to be shoveled from the floor. At the same 
 time the conditions in the boiler room are much improved 
 by freedom from the dust and litter which is so com 
 mon where the cars are not used. The center of the track 
 should be about 8 ft. from the front of the boiler, as this 
 location with a height of platform of about 18 in. has 
 proved to be the most convenient for the fireman. 
 The most commonly used charging car has one side ar 
 ranged to let down and is always built of steel. When the 
 door is dropped it is usually slightly above the bottom of the 
 car so that the shovel will not meet with any obstruction. 
 The track gage generally used is 24 in., although a good 
 many installations have been made with 21 ^ in. outside 
 Rage. ( ars for other gages are not sufficiently used to be 
 considered. The usual capacity is one ton of coal, although 
 many cars of one-half and one and a half tons arc used, 
 and for special requirements bodies are made of any di 
 mension and capacity. Modifications frequently made are : 
 Both sides arranged to drop so that the material may be 
 discharged from either or both sides; one or both ends 
 to drop instead of the sides. The second arrangement is 
 used where a narrow car is necessary and where the side 
 doors can not be used. In this case both the bearings and 
 the car body are inside of the wheels. 
 Wheels for charging cars are usually 12 in. to 16 in. in 
 Fig. 16 Charging Car, Inclined Sides 
 diameter and are pressed on the axle, which has roller 
 bearings ; however, rigid axles with wheels loose on the 
 axles and rollers in the hub are often used, especially where 
 there is much curved track. 
 The scoop or inclined side type is preferred by some, 
 as it is easier to shovel into for loading and it also is 
 easy to shovel the material out. It is also made with one 
 side scoop shape and the other side with a drop door, 
 and it is frequently arranged to dump. 
 One of the illustrations shows a car with drop side and 
 dumping gear for discharging on one side of the track. It 
 has a flexible wheel-base and flanges on the outside of the 
 rails. The dumping gear is completely under control dur 
 ing the dumping process so that there is a freedom from the 
 shocks that occur when the body dumps solely by gravity. 
 If desired, these cars can be made so that the load can be 
 discharged on cither side and the dumping controlled from 
 the end instead of the side. 
 The charging car with rotary body and end doors is 
 Fig. 17 Charging Car with Dumping Gear 
 another modification which will sometimes prove to be very 
 Other modifications of design can be made to most 
 satisfactorily meet the requirements of the material to be 
 handled or the plant conditions, among which the following 
 may be mentioned. 
 Doors may be hinged at the top instead of the bottom. 
 This is rarely done except in cars with a dumping arrange 
 Increased capacity may be obtained by using higher 
 sides with drop doors of the usual size. This type is con 
 venient for handling coke and light material. 
 Cars can be arranged with two or more compartments, a 
 modification which has proved to be quite convenient in 
 smelting and refining works, brass foundries, etc., where 
 several metals or other materials arc weighed out and after 
 wards mixed. Compartments are also desirable in certain 
 drop forge and machine shops where several different 
 articles may lie transported at the same time. 
 Charging cars are also made with flangeless wheels for 
 running on steel or cast iron boiler room floors, or with 
 special wheels having wide flat flanges suitable to carry 
 the car when it is run off from the track and used on the 
 ]n small boiler houses charging cars may be the only 
 cars needed, but in larger plants V-body dump cars are 
 frequently better adapted for handling ashes, as the dump 
 ing angle is considerably steeper. Scoop cars are also used 
 are also used at brick and tile works where they are com 
 monly called "clay cars" ; at quarries and rock crushers, 
 and are also often used at small mines for conveying rock 
 Fig. 18- -Charging Car with Rotary Body 
 for the same purpose especially where the ashes are de 
 livered to a skip hoist and platform cars are used where 
 the ashes are taken out in ash cans. Gable bottom cars 
 or hopper bottom cars are the most convenient type for 
 handling coal which is dumped from a track or other ele 
 vated point into a bin. 
 In iron foundries charging cars are commonly used for 
 handling coke, small scrap, sprues, gates and limestone 
 up to the charging floor of the cupolas. Where a charging 
 machine is used, or where the load is tipped directly into 
 the door of the cupola, special cars are used and will be 
 found described under the head of foundry cars. 
 Square-Body Rotary Dump Cars 
 These cars, often called simply rotary dump cars, are 
 quite similar to scoop-body dump cars, the principal dif 
 ference being that they have a body of a somewhat dif 
 ferent form. 
 In the lighter types the body is sometimes made of steel, 
 but is usually constructed of oak and is frequently lined 
 with sheet steel, which should be done if the cars are 
 to be used to handle rock or shale. One end is generally 
 left open, as shown in the illustration, for convenience in 
 loading and in dumping, but a sloping end is sometimes 
 used. On account of their low height which permits of 
 easy hand-loading, their lightness and their ability to re 
 ceive and discharge the load in any direction, this form 
 of car is used for many classes of construction work. They 
 Fig. 19 Light Square Body Rotary Dump Car 
 from the screens to the waste pile, as well as for other 
 The particular design shown is generally used where 
 the cars are pushed by hand. Brakes arc sometimes used 
 and are generally operated by a foot-power lever. Cars 
 are usually made for 24 in., 30 in. and 36 in. track gage, but 
 may be made for any other gage. Usual capacities are 
 three-quarter, one, one-and-a-half and two cubic yards. 
 Another design of a rotary dump car, of a heavier type, 
 is largely used in certain classes of construction work, 
 being particularly useful at the end of trains where it is 
 desired to dump over the end of an embankment or through 
 a trestle. The car is substantially built for heavy service. 
 It may be dumped on either side, or at one end. To permit 
 of end dumping the draft timbers are shortened at one end 
 and to insure stability in transit the overhanging weight 
 of the load is carried on a roller, the body being turned 
 around for dumping. A bar or coupling rod is used when 
 the dumping end is connected to other cars in a train. 
 The car is equipped with an automatic end gate provided 
 Fig. 20 Heavy Square Body Rotary Dump Car 
 with an attachment for holding it in an open position for 
 loading by hand shovel. This design is made in the same 
 sizes and track gages as the light design. 
 For large construction operations neither square-body 
 rotary dump cars, scoop-cars nor V-body dump cars are as 
Fig. 21 Hand Operated, Dumping Position 
 There are obvious advantages in the use of cars of the 
 larger capacity, but there are also limiting factors which do 
 not always make this desirable. For certain work on a 
 36 in. gage track, which is extensively used in construction 
 convenient or as economical as box-body dump cars. The capacity of box-body dump cars is rated as water 
 Other designs of small rotary dump cars, used in many level, or even full, but by heaping up, they will carry from 
 ore mines will be found under the head of Ore Mine Cars. 20 per cent to 30 per cent more than their rated capacity. 
 Box-Body Dump Cars 
 Cars of the box-body type are used much more exten 
 sively than any other kind, in many fields of construction 
 work. They are generally referred to as "dump cars," al 
 though they are sometimes called two-way dump cars to 
 distinguish them from one-way dump cars. This type of 
 dump car is especially adapted for extensive operations in 
 steam and electric railroad construction, highway con 
 struction, the building of dams, and in any place where 
 there is a large amount of material to be handled. They 
 are used to handle earth, clay, crushed rock, sand, gravel, 
 coal, coke, cinders and all kinds of loose bulk material 
 ranging from soft mud to hard rock. In addition to the 
 construction field, where excavating, filling and ballasting 
 are done, they are also employed around many industrial 
 plants for the carrying away of waste materials, such as 
 burned out sand from foundries, accumulations of slag, 
 ashes, cinders and miscellaneous refuse. They are also 
 used at iron, copper and coal mines, brick kilns, cement 
 plants, ore reduction plants, stone quarries and rock 
 crushers, gravel and sand pits. They are also useful in 
 moving such materials as pig iron, castings, small forgings, 
 steel billets, rail ends, etc. 
 Because of the importance of box-body dump cars and 
 the large number used, considerable attention has been 
 given to the details of design. Some desirable features 
 which should be given attention in the selection of a car are : 
 Staunch construction to withstand rough usage ; ability to 
 ride well on poor track, so as to avoid spilling; ability 
 to stick to the track both in transit and while being dumped ; 
 body low and broad, for ease in loading by hand, and 
 quickness in filling by steam shovel, and safely secured in 
 a horizontal position for filling and for transit; door held 
 in a well elevated position for filling by hand shovel ; dump 
 readily with a small amount of power and return easily 
 to the horizontal position ; acute angle and smoothness in 
 side to insure clean and rapid dumping; load thrown clear 
 of track, so that bed in dumped position clears unloaded 
 material without hand shoveling. 
 Hand Operated Two-Way Side Dump Cars. The 
 smaller sizes of box-body dump cars are loaded either by 
 hand or by steam shovel and are dumped by hand. In 
 small operations they may be pulled by a horse but are 
 usually hauled by some type of industrial locomotive. A 
 car of 1^2 cu. yd. capacity, level load, for 24 in. gage track 
 is shown in the first illustration. The dumping angle is 
 approximately 45 deg. ; the automatic side doors give a 
 wide discharge opening; the underframe and running gear 
 are simple; and the steel lining adds to the durability as 
 well as to the ease with which the load is discharged. A 
 larger car of the same general type but of 4 cu. yd. 
 capacity and built for 36 in. gage track is also illustrated. 
 In these cars, the side door can be lifted and held locked 
 in an open position for ease in loading by hand shovel. 
 Hand dumped cars are usually built of 1 cu. yd. and \ l /2 
 cu. yd. capacity for 24 in. gage track; \ l / 2 cu. yd., 2 cu. yd. 
 and 3 cu. yd. for 30 in. gage; 3 cu. yd., 4 cu. yd. and 5 cu. 
 yd. for 36 in. gage, and 6 cu. yd., 7 cu. yd. and 8 cu. yd. for 
 standard gage, all being mounted on four wheels. Similar 
 cars, but mounted on double trucks or eight wheels, are also 
 made of 8 cu. yd., 10 cu. yd. and 12 cu. yd. capacity for 
 standard gage tracks. 
 Fig. 22 Hand Operated, Running Position 
 work, a 4 cu. yd. car is preferable to a 5 cu. yd. car because 
 of its lighter weight, lower height and the fact that it can 
 be used on lighter rails and softer trackbed. 
 Air Operated Two-Way Dump Cars. Air-operated 
 dump cars usually are used for large operations where 
 standard gage tracks and double truck cars are the rule. 
 As the hand-operated side dump car has largely superseded 
 the gondola car with hinged side doors which was unloaded 
 by a plow and the A-frame car with which considerable 
 hand shoveling was often required, so the hand-operated 
 side dump car is being replaced by the air-operated side 
 dump car for such railroad work as widening roadbeds 
 for laying additional tracks, trestle filling, reducing grades, 
 track elevation in cities, ditching, building yards, etc. ; for 
 the construction of canals and large dams and for the 
 stripping of large beds for open mining of coal or of iron. 
 The operation of dumping being under the control of the 
 engineman and being practically instantaneous results in con 
 siderable economy in labor and in time. The ability to dump 
 while running is also an advantage in distributing the ma 
 terial. Most air-operated cars can also be dumped by hand 
 if it is not convenient to connect them to the air system. 
 Two general types of air dumping mechanism are in com 
 mon use. The first employs a long horizontal cylinder 
 which operates through a cable passing around sheaves, 
 while the second uses a short stroke vertical cylinder di- 
 rectly connected to the bottom of the bed. Cars of the long 
 cylinder type require side chains, the same as used on hand 
 dump cars. Such cars of 12 cit. yd. and 16 cu. yd. capacity 
 have been used extensively for a number of years by con- 
 Fig. 23 Air Dump Car, Long Cylinder 
 tractors. The 12 cu. yd. car is light enough for use on 
 soft tracks, is substantial enough for steam shovel work 
 and large enough to be economical on short and medium 
 length hauls, while the 16 cu. yd. car is preferable for 
 longer hauls and on more substantial tracks. A car of 
 20 cu. yd. capacity is better adapted for railroad work and 
 in stripping for large mining operations. Cars with vertical 
 cylinders are known as "automatic" because means are pro 
 vided for shutting off the air from the cylinder when the 
 dumping position is reached and because the bed is locked 
 or unlocked by the operation of the cylinder, thus making 
 the use of side chains unnecessary. 
 To provide for cases where the locomotive is not equipped 
 with an operating valve and hose connection, the cars can 
 be equipped with storage reservoirs which are charged 
 from the brake pipe, and which hold sufficient air for the 
 operation of the cylinders. In this case the unloading of 
 the cars is controlled by a dumpman who can be stationed 
 at any point on the train. All of the cars in a train can 
 be dumped together or each one can be dumped separately. 
 Automatic air dump cars are built in capacities of 16 
 Fig. 24 Air Dump Car, Vertical Cylinder 
 cu. yd., 20 cu. yd. and 30 cu. yd., all for standard gage 
 tracks. Cars of 20 cu. yd. capacity are extensively used in 
 railroad construction and maintenance and also in quarries 
 and at iron and copper mines. There is a tendency, how 
 ever, in many operations to use a car of 30 cu. yd. capacity. 
 Special Box-Body Dump Cars. In addition to the 
 common forms of two-way side dump cars already de 
 scribed, a number of modifications can be made to meet 
 special conditions or for the character of the materials 
 which they are designed to handle. A few of these will 
 be mentioned. 
 Cars can be arranged to dump on one side only instead 
 of on both sides. This is sometimes desirable in small 
 hand-dumped cars. 
 An automatic dumping attachment can be provided on 
 one-way dump cars. Self-dumping is obtained by the use 
 of a movable roller on the side of the car which is con 
 nected by levers to the body. At the desired dumping point 
 an inclined rail terminating in a horizontal portion is placed 
 alongside of the track in such a position as to engage with 
 the roller, and when the roller runs up the inclined rail the 
 body is dumped. 
 Cars may be arranged to dump over one end instead of 
 on the side. This modification can be applied to cars of 
 from 1 cu. yd. to 6 cu. yd. capacity. 
 Small cars of 1 cu. yd., \ l / 2 cu. yd. and 2 cu. yd. capacity 
 and of the end dumping style can be mounted on a swivel- 
 base so as to dump in any position. (See Rotary Dump 
 In the construction of the New York aqueduct a special 
 ly designed car of 40 cu. ft. capacity and 30 in. track gage 
 was used. The body was carried on rockers of a design 
 similar to that used on many V-body dump cars. The doors 
 were hung at a considerable distance above the bottom of 
 the bed so as to secure a wide opening, and to provide 
 Fig. 25 Small Box-Body Quarry Car 
 for handling very large rocks the doors were designed so 
 that they could be easily lifted off. The same design has 
 also been found quite useful in general quarry work. 
 For use around industrial plants, in mines, for coaling 
 locomotives and for other purposes small box-body cars of 
 special design and arranged to dump on the side or on the 
 end have been found to be satisfactory. 
 Hopper Bottom Cars 
 Hopper bottom cars are suitable for use where the load 
 can be dumped between the rails of the track. They are 
 extensively employed in steam railroad service for handling 
 coal, ore and other substances and are used in the industrial 
 field for moving such loose bulk materials as coal, ashes, coke, 
 sand, gravel, crushed stone, earth, cinders, clay, shale, ores, 
 soda ash, phosphates, fertilizer, etc. They have been found 
 useful at many manufacturing plants, power houses, rail 
 road terminals for coaling locomotives, chemical plants, 
 fertilizer works, coal mines, ore mining and refining opera 
 tions, smelters and for filling and for ballasting tracks. 
 As the load is deposited between the rails, it may be 
 dumped from a trestle or elevated track into a bin, or there 
 may be a receptacle underneath the track and a conveyor 
 provided to carry the material away. 
 Hopper bottom cars for industrial purposes range from 
 a very light car for 24 in. gage and a capacity of 15 cu. ft. 
 to a standard gage car carrying a load of 100,000 Ib. or more. 
 As the requirements are so diverse, there are no standard 
 designs for hopper bottom cars. The small cars most gen 
 erally used are for track gages of 24 in., 30 in., and 36 in. 
 and a capacity of 2 cu. yd., 3 cu. yd., 4 cu. yd. or 6 cu. yd. 
 The first car illustrated is of small capacity and has a 
 bottom slide controlled by a hand lever. Various designs of 
 Fig. 26 Hopper Bottom Car, Light Service 
 doors of the sliding type are used but most cars are equipped 
 with doors of the drop type, in which case two doors are 
 generally used for each hopper. Drop doors may be hinged 
 either crosswise or lengthwise of the car and may be con 
 trolled either from the side or the end of the car. When 
 in the dumping position the doors ordinarily just clear 
 the track. 
 The car bodies are generally made of steel but wood is 
 quite frequently used, particularly for handling coal. 
 Wooden bodies are also commonly used for handling clay, 
 sand, shale, etc. For such purposes the sides are made 
 quite steep so as to give large bottom doors of the drop 
 A hopper bottom car suitable for heavier work and ar 
 ranged to be hauled in trains is shown in the second il 
 lustration. Drop doors are used which are opened and 
 closed from the side of the car. In this particular case 
 equipped with a hand brake operated by a staff and hand- 
 wheel similar to that used on freight cars. Others forms 
 of brakes are used, a common form being that controlled 
 by a long hand lever on the side of the car. The coupler 
 is of the hook type and is equipped with a spring. 
 Cars of the same general design and of about five tons 
 capacity are particularly well adapted for handling zinc, 
 lead and other high grade ores. 
 For handling iron ore, a larger car of from 15 tons to 
 20 tons capacity is often used. If the track is sufficiently 
 substantial such a car may still be mounted on four wheels 
 when spring supported. Cars of even smaller capacity are, 
 however, commonly mounted on double trucks. 
 "Monitor" cars used on inclines around coal mines are 
 frequently of the hopper bottom type. For this service 
 automatic dumping is often employed, the doors being ar 
 ranged to be opened and also closed by trips either be 
 tween the rails or at the side of the track. 
 For certain concrete construction operations, hopper bot 
 tom cars are employed. Such cars have a narrow bottom 
 opening the full length of the car controlled by a radial 
 gate and a long operating lever. These cars are also usual 
 ly provided with a crane hook connection. 
 Gable Bottom Cars 
 Gable bottom cars arc particularly well adapted for use 
 on inclined and elevated tracks or trestles. The facility 
 with which the load may be dumped, either automatically 
 or by hand, makes them the most efficient and economical 
 type of car for delivering many kinds of loose bulk ma- 
 Hopper Bottom Car, Heavy Service 
 a removable lever is employed for dumping the car, but a 
 fixed handwheel is frequently substituted. The car is 
 Fig. 28 Gable Bottom Car, Automatic Dumping 
 terial to storage bins. With slight modifications they are 
 the universally used cars for the automatic and cable rail 
 ways so commonly employed on the water front along the 
 seaboard, rivers and lakes for handling coal for domestic 
 and industrial purposes from vessels and barges to stor 
 age bins and pockets. 
 In addition to being used at coal yards and power houses, 
 gable bottom cars are employed at mines for handling iron 
 and copper ore, and for disposing of waste rock; at brick 
 yards for bringing material from clay and shale banks ; at 
 sand and gravel pits ; at fertilizer and chemical plants, and 
 at quarries for crushed stone. Phosphates, salt, cement, 
 coke, charcoal, ashes and even pig iron are also handled 
 in these cars. 
 The shape of the inclined bottom is such that the load 
 is discharged well clear of the tracks. While the angle 
 of the bottom is ordinarily that best suited for handling 
 coal, it can be modified so as to be equally well adapted 
 for other substances. Usually both doors are connected 
 together so that when opened the load is discharged equally 
 on both sides at the same time, but if desired the doors 
 can be arranged to be operated independently. 
 The first car shown is equipped with a door-locking 
 device, so arranged that the levers are released by striking 
 a trip placed alongside the track, and the load is dumped 
 on both sides at a pre-dctermined point. Many other de 
 signs of door-locking devices are used which are operated 
 automatically or by hand and in some cases by an air 
 The car bodies are made of steel, or of wood cither 
 plain or steel lined. 
 There are so many different modifications called for to 
 meet special conditions imposed by the nature of tiie ma 
 terials handled or by the local suroundings there is no 
 standard design. However, cars of capacities ranging 
 from 25 cu. ft. to 80 cu. ft. and for track gages of 24 in., 
 30 in. and 36 in. me?t the more common requirements. 
 These cars are also frequently made for 2\ l / 2 in. outside 
 track gage, to some extent for 42 in. track gage and can be 
 made for any other capacity or track gage. Cars for nar 
 row-gage tracks are in use which have a capacity of from 
 are usually operated automatically by a movable tripping 
 block at the side of the track. A pick-up attachment will 
 b i noticed on the front of the car shown, arranged to engage 
 with a cross-bar connected to a counterweight which auto- 
 Fig. 29 Gable Bottom Car for Cable Railway 
 300 cu. ft. to 400 cu. ft. and for a load of as much as 10 
 tons, while similar cars for standard railroad gage tracks 
 maj have a capacity of 50 tons. 
 The smaller cars are always carried on four wheels, but 
 double trucks are required for the larger cars. 
 The sides are higher than for flat bottom cars of the same 
 capacity. For handling ashes, coke, charcoal and light sub 
 stances the height is still further increased. 
 If the cars are to be pushed by hand, couplers are 
 omitted; but in most cases couplers are required, a simple 
 form of link and pin being the type most used. 
 Brakes of any desired type can be applied if required. 
 Cars may be hauled by a locomotive or may be arranged 
 for any other method of propulsion. If the cars are iu,ed 
 on cable railways they are equipped with a cable grip and 
 provided with a platform for the operator. The one illus 
 trated is typical of such cars which are made in a variety of 
 designs, wheel gages and capacities. 
 Cars used on automatic railways ordinarily have wooden 
 bodies, lined with steel plate, sloping ends, and a long wheel- 
 base which permits of the body being carried low between 
 the wheels. If material other than coal is to be carried the 
 angle of the bottom should be designed to suit. Tiie capac 
 ities usually employed are one and two tons. The doors 
 Fig. 30 Hopper Bottom Car for Automatic Railway 
 matically returns the car to the loading point after it has 
 been dumped. 
 Under certain operating conditions it has been found to 
 be an economical arrangement to employ self-propelled 
 gable bottom cars equipped with electric motors. 
 Cars with sloping bottoms, and arranged to discharge on 
 one side only or on one end only are also built but, as the 
 slope is only one distinction, they are not gable bottom 
 cars although thep resemble them somewhat. 
 Inclined Bottom Cars, Side or End Dump 
 While inclined bottom cars of the hopper bottom type 
 which discharge in the center, or of the gable bottom type 
 which discharge on both sides, answer the requirements in 
 most instances, there are some places where inclined bottom 
 cars which discharge on one side only, or on one end only, 
 are more satisfactory. Such cars arc built for any track 
 gage and of many different designs. 
 One of the most extensive uses for cars of the general 
 type shown in the first illustration is for the handling of con 
 crete. For this reason it is frequently called a "concrete 
 car," and is also known as a "hopper or "bucket car, al 
 though the last name is applied by some only to a modifica 
 tion in which the ends are vertical or without the batter 
 shown in the illustration. This change of design makes it 
 possible to use a much larger radial gate which is of ad- 
 Fig. 31 Inclined Bottom Car, Lift Gate 
 vantage when placing concrete, which is somewhat stiff, and 
 it does not interfere with the use of the car for handling 
 sloppy concrete. The larger gate is also of advantage if the 
 same car is used for handling dry aggregates, etc., in addi 
 tion to concrete. 
 For concrete construction work radial gates are preferred 
 Creosoting Car for Ties 
 Creosoting Car for Poles 
 An Economical Arrangement for Handling Ties 
 Cane Car and End Dumper 
 Small Foundry Ladle Cars 
 Cupola Charging 
 Core Oven Car 
 Trunnion Dump Car for Ash Handling 
 Swivel Top Car for Rods 
 Annealing Oven Car 
 Double Truck Car for Heavy Castings 
 Heavy Type Four-Wheel Platform Car 
 Furnace Charging Box Car 
 Steel Ladle Car and Electric Locomotive 
 Hopper Bottom Ore Cars 
 Electric Locomotive and Ladle Cars at Smelter 
 because they can be made grout tight, are easily operated 
 and give the most satisfactory control of the discharge. 
 While these cars are used in many kinds of concrete con 
 struction they have been found to be particularly desirable 
 Fig. 32 Inclined Bottom Car, Radial Gate 
 in some bridge and pier work where they have saved the 
 installation of a more expensive cableway. 
 Cars of this ype are usually built for track gages of 24 in., 
 30 in. and 36 in. and of capacities ranging from M cu. yd. to 
 2 cu. yd. although larger and smaller cars, as well as those 
 for other track gages, are sometimes desirable. Cars with 
 the discharge at the end are also available. 
 Cars with radial gates are ordinarily used for handling 
 concrete and aggregates and can also be used for handling 
 many other materials, but. for general purposes, sliding 
 gates with chutes are preferable. Such cars are used for 
 handling coal, sand, gravel, cracked ice, etc., and can also 
 be used for concrete. For lighter materials, such as ashes, 
 a similar car with higher sides is often used. If preferred, 
 and space permits, a longer circular spout can be substituted 
 for the chute. For narrow passages the chute can be ar 
 ranged to fold back against the car body. 
 railroad track gage, about 50 ft. long and of 10 tons coke 
 For handling coal and some other kinds of loose bulk 
 material it is frequently desirable to have a larger discharge 
 opening than can be obtained by a sliding gate. To meet 
 such a demand inclined bottom cars are also constructed 
 with a large hinged door. The design is sometimes modified 
 by hinging the door at the bottom and providing it with end 
 pieces, so that when let down it acts as a chute. 
 Doors may be arranged to be opened by a trip if automatic 
 dumping is desired. Couplers and brakes are provided, if 
 conditions of service require their use. 
 Creosoting, Charcoal and Acetone Cars 
 Creosoting, charcoal and acetone cars, while differing in 
 certain features, have so many points of resemblance and 
 are used in such similar industries that they have been 
 classed together for convenience in treatment. 
 Creosoting Cars. The treating of wood with creo 
 sote or other preservatives is an extensive and impor 
 tant business. As the pieces which are treated range 
 in size from a paving block to a telegraph pole, a num 
 ber of different designs of cars are required to meet 
 the varied needs. 
 Creosoting cars are of an approximately circular shape 
 and are built to run into cylinders which are commonly of 
 from 6 ft. to 7 ft. in diameter. They may be mounted on 
 single or double trucks. The track gages generally used are 
 24 in. or 30 in. 
 Fig. 33 Incline Bottom Car, Hinged Gate 
 If desired, cars may be obtained with end instead of side 
 discharge. A similar car, water-jacketed and with modified 
 doors, is in use for handling incandescent coke at gas works. 
 In the coke regions a large quenching car with inclined 
 bottc.m and perforated lift doors on the sides is used for 
 conveying coke from the ovens. Such cars are of standard 
 Fig. 34 Creosoting Car for Blocks 
 Cars used for treating paving blocks, such as used for 
 streets and factory floors, also for treating telephone cross- 
 arms and other short pieces, are usually of steel-slat con 
 struction, which allows a free circulation of the treating 
 compound and a quick draining off of the liquid when the 
 car is withdrawn from the compound. 
 Two doors are ordinarily provided at the top so arranged 
 that they can be quickly and easily fastened and unfastened. 
 The cars must be strongly built, as they are usually lifted 
 by a crane or derrick and turned over for unloading. Trun 
 nion plates, with or without trunnion pins, are provided in 
 the center of each end and rings or links are attached to the 
 side sills. The usual length is from 8 ft. to 10 ft. 
 Instead of being constructed entirely of steel slats, the 
 sides and ends of such cars are_ sometimes built of steel 
 plates, perforated for the circulation of the treating mixture, 
 the slat construction being used only for the floor. 
 If the cars are not to be turned over for dumping, end or 
 side doors may be substituted for the top doors. 
 Cars used for treating railroad tics, fence posts and short 
 timbers have two yokes, usually formed of angles or chan- 
 ncls and are mounted on four wheels. The usual length is 
 about 6 ft. 
 For handling telephone poles, piles and long timbers two 
 cars are required, one at each end. These cars usually have 
 Fig. 35 Creosoting Car for Ties 
 only one yoke mounted on a swiveling bolster to enable the 
 train to pass around curves and through switches. 
 A special combination car is used in sonic places instead 
 of a car with a single yoke, as illustrated. Such a car is 
 similar to the double yoke car used for treating ties but has 
 the body mounted on a center plate resting on an underframe 
 so that it is free to swivel when used for long poles, hut 
 can be held rigid by pins when used for tics. Where both 
 ties and long poles are treated such a double-purpose car 
 has obvious advantages. 
 Charcoal Cars. The old method of producing char 
 coal was to make a pile of wood and cover it with earth, 
 leaving a few small openings to admit a limited amount 
 of air and allow the gases to escape when the wood was 
 ignited. After enough wood had been burned to insure 
 a thorough charring of the mass the openings were 
 Fig. 36 Creosoting Car for Long Poles 
 closed and the pile allowed to cool slowly. By this 
 method all volatile constituents were allowed to escape 
 and only a small amount of tar was recovered. 
 The wood, in the method now largely followed, is placed in 
 a car and pushed into a closed retort where the heating 
 takes place. This gives a distillation in which a large 
 amount of tar, creosote, methyl alcohol, acetone and acetic 
 acid are obtained and at the same time the yield of charcoal 
 is also nearly doubled. 
 Charcoal cars arc of steel-slat construction and are pro 
 vided with side curtains which can be lifted off, or are 
 hinged at the top and can be turned up and fastened in an 
 open position. 
 Cars holding 2 or 2j/> cords of wood and for standard 
 gage tracks are extensively used. Such cars are about 5 ft. 
 4 in. wide, 7 ft. 2 in. high and from 11 ft. to 12 ft. 6 in. long 
 over all. Four-wheel trucks with 18 in. to 20 in. wheels are 
 Special cars of other sizes and for narrow gage tracks 
 are also employed. For narrow gage tracks the wheels are 
 usually inside of the frame and boxed over. If circular re 
 torts are used, the cars are of a shape to suit and in ap 
 pearance resemble creosoting cars for paving blocks. 
 Acetone Cars. These cars, which are used at char 
 coal distillation plants, are of slat construction and in 
 Fig. 37 Charcoal Car 
 general appearance resemble cresoting cars for ties. 
 They are provided with rack frames for holding tiers 
 ot shallow pans. 
 Logging and Lumber Cars and Trucks 
 So many tilings help to determine the character of the 
 equipment used in logging operations that there exists a 
 wide variety of apparatus in different locations. These in 
 clude the extent of the territory being lumbered, the 
 character of the country, the proximity to streams and rail 
 roads, the distance from the mill, the methods used for 
 skidding and loading, and the diameter and length of the 
 logs. The logs may be skidded in some places by teams to 
 the banks of a stream, down which they are driven to the 
 mill. In other places they may be loaded on trucks or 
 trailers and hauled out by traction engines or by track lay 
 ing gasoline tractors. In still other places the logs may be 
 brought in by cableways and loaded on special cars by log- 
 loaders, after which they may be hauled for long distances 
 to the mill. 
 In many northern operations the logs are gotten out in 
 the winter time when there is plenty of snow, which permits 
 of economical hauling by teams to streams or railroads. 
 Simple railroads which can be built for a relatively small 
 expense are used to a large extent. As such roads are 
 frequently taken up, no more grading is done than is neces 
 sary and the grades are often quite heavy. 
 In some places log roads are used. In such cases logs of 
 about 10 in. diameter are usually selected and laid on 48 in. 
 centers. On roads of this kind the wheels used on the cars 
 are of spool shape, a common size being 18 in. diameter at 
 the center and 24 in. diameter on the sides. 
 Flat wood rails are also used for logging roads and are 
 also employed around many mills. In this case the car 
 wheels have flat treads of 5 in. to 6 in. face and special 
 flanges, 2}4 in. to 3 in. high. The cars may also be equipped 
 with wheels that can be used on either wood or steel rails. 
 These also have wide flat treads and flanges V/s in. to 2 in. 
 high. While unchilled cast iron wheels are sometimes used 
 on wood rails, the greater durability of chilled iron wheels 
 makes them preferable. 
 Steel rails are used in some instances and are laid for 36 
 in. track gage. Most logging roads are, however, laid on 
 56 J / 2 in. gage, so that standard gage railroad cars may be 
 run over the roads and cars of loaded logs may be delivered 
 to and hauled by the railroads without reloading. The car 
 wheels used on roads equipped with steel rails are of chilled 
 cast iron except in a few cases where steel wheels are used. 
 Logging Cars. Originally four-wheel cars were used 
 for logging work but they are now rarely employed 
 except for short hauls and around mills. Four-wheel 
 trucks are still used, however, for even the heaviest 
 logs, but the logs rest on two trucks. The two trucks 
 are sometimes connected together by a coupling beam, 
 but frequently the logs form the only connection between 
 the trucks. 
 Where animal power is used for hauling, the trucks are 
 of very simple construction and of 2 tons to S tons capacity 
 Ordinary flat cars are frequently used for transporting 
 logs, but as they weigh much more than logging cars, cost 
 more to build and maintain, and are not equipped with 
 bunk? and special means for securing the logs, they are 
 neither as economical nor as convenient to use. 
 A logging car which is used more than any other type and 
 in practically all sections of the country is of skeleton con 
 struction and has a wooden frame. The one illustrated is 
 of 30,000 Ib. capacity, is 21 ft. long, and weighs only 7,000 
 lb., or less than half as much as a regular flat car. The 
 bunks on which the logs rest and which are the equivalent 
 of the body bolsters in other cars are 8 ft. 6 in. long and the 
 bunk centers are 11 ft. Cone-headed bolts are used at the 
 ends of the bunks to keep the logs from rolling off. The 
 couplers may be of the simple link and pin type but auto 
 matic couplers are preferable for safety and other reasons 
 and, of course, must be used if the cars are ever hauled 
 For heavy service, logging cars of all-steel construction 
 are coming into use. They are usually of from 60,000 lb. to 
 80,000 lb. capacity. The one illustrated has four bunks and 
 is provided with rails for a log loader. If log loaders of 
 Fig. 38 Logging Car, Wooden Frame 
 on other railroads. Cars of the same general type are built 
 in capacities up to 80,000 lb. 
 For hauling long logs, the center sills are cut in two at 
 the center and reinforced with straps so that the distance 
 between the truck centers can be adjusted to suit the length 
 of the logs. 
 As tht grades on logging roads are usually heavy and 
 frequently long the use of air brakes is strongly recom 
 mended even though the cars are not sent to other railroads. 
 Fig. 39 Logging Car, All Steel 
 the type which run over the tops of the cars are not used 
 the rails may be omitted. 
 The use of four bunks permits of the loading of two tiers 
 of short logs, but if only long logs are to be hauled the cars 
 need only be equipped with two bunks. 
 The bunks shown are equipped with short stakes which 
 can be released from the opposite side of the car, a safety- 
 device of considerable importance. There are a number of 
 similar designs which have been proved to be so efficient 
 that there is no need of releasing the logs on the side of the 
 car from which they are unloaded. 
 The car is equipped with automatic couplers, air brakes 
 and all appliances required for interchange traffic. 
 Fig. 40 Logging Truck 
 Logging Trucks. Detached logging trucks, some 
 times called logging cars, are frequently referred to as 
 "Pacific" trucks because of their extensive use on the 
 Pacific coast where they are employed to haul logs of 
 very large diameter and at times of considerable length. 
 The design illustrated has a capacity of 100,000 lb. for a 
 pair of trucks and is suited for handling very large logs. 
 Other designs are used which range in capacity per pair 
 from 50,000 lb. to 100,000 lb. The bunk shown is equipped 
 with chocks which can be easily adjusted in position and 
 locked and unlocked from the side opposite to that on which 
 the logs are discharged. For the large logs hauled on the 
 Pacific coast such chocks are better than stakes. Detached 
 logging trucks are also used for heavy work in the south, 
 in the Philippine Islands and other places. Bunks are 
 equipped with chocks or stakes of the kind best suited to the 
 character of the logs handled. 
 Such trucks are equipped with couplers on both ends so 
 that they may be coupled together when run as empties. 
 Each truck is equipped with a handbrake and frequently 
 with an air brake, the cylinder and brake apparatus being 
 mounted directly on the truck. Separate pieces of pipe and 
 hose are used to connect a pair of loaded trucks. 
 Lumber Cars. I or use around mills a simple form 
 of a four-wheel platform or skeleton car with side 
 stakes is commonly employed. In their simplest form 
 they are not equipped with springs and if they arc to 
 be pushed by hand, brakes and couplings may also be 
 omitted. If they are to be hauled by animal power, by 
 cable or by locomotive, both couplers and brakes are 
 usually applied. 
 The lumber car illustrated has a small side platform or 
 running board on which a man can ride and operate the 
 brakes. The ends of the frame are extended to give a 
 distance over the couplings suitable for the length of the 
 Fig. 41 Lumber Car 
 lumber usually handled. If longer lumber is handled reach 
 rods will be required between the cars. The particular car 
 shown is also equipped with a low coupling for connection 
 to a cable. 
 Such a low connection is desirable where the cars are 
 hauled by cable over tracks with a number of curves or up 
 inclines, as to the second floor of a mill. 
 Lumber cars can be built for any gage of track which 
 seems best suited to the conditions. Although steel rails 
 re generally used, special wheels suitable for wood rails 
 may be supplied if desired. 
 Cane and Plantation Cars 
 Cane cars arc of many different types and sizes, as natur 
 ally follows from the fact that they are used under such 
 diverse conditions and in so many different countries. Ex 
 tensive sugar cane plantations are found in the United States, 
 in Cuba, Porto Rico, Mexico, Central America, parts of 
 South America, Hawaii, the Philippine Islands, Java, South 
 Africa and other tropical countries. 
 In size, cane cars range from a small four-wheel car for 
 a 24 in. track gage, holding one ton, to a large eight-wheel 
 compartment car for standard railroad track gage, holding 
 30 tons or more. 
 The track gage, most commonly used for cane cars range 
 from 24 in. to 56^4 in. and, in countries using the metric 
 system, from 60 c. in., to 1 meter (equivalent to about 24 
 in. to 39f in.). 
 In addition to the general practice of the locality, some of 
 the factors which have to be considered when deciding upon 
 the design of a car best adapted to a particular plantation 
 are the following : 
 Size of the plantation and amount of cane produced ; labor 
 conditions ; size or capacity of car most convenient to handle ; 
 method of haulage and the length of haul to the mill ; the 
 manner in which the cane is handled at the mill ; and the 
 means adopted for loading and for unloading. 
 On small plantations the cane is often brought in by mule 
 drawn wagons or bull carts and this means is still employed 
 to a considerable extent, even on large estates, for hauling 
 from the fields to the loading point for the cane cars. On 
 other plantations, especially in Cuba, bull carts are being 
 replaced by portable railroads and small four-wheel cars for 
 bringing in the cane to the large cars. 
 The loading of carts or cars in the field, or the transfer 
 ring to large cars, may be done by hand, by a portable loader 
 consisting of a derrick and grapple mounted on a wagon or 
 a car and operated by animal power or by a gasoline engine. 
 At transfer points the derrick may be stationary or may be 
 replaced by a transfer crane consisting of an overhead 
 bridge with a trolley and a chain sling operated by a winch 
 driven by a gasoline engine. 
 Modern sugar cane mills or "centrals" arc usually 
 equipped with conveyors, often called conductors or car 
 riers, for moving the cane from the place where the cars 
 are unloaded to the crushers. 
 Various means arc employed for unloading the cars. 
 This may be done by hand, by rake type feeders which pull 
 the cane off the cars sideways, by a grab or cane fork and a 
 hoist, by a chain sling and a hoist or by a crane or car 
 (lumper which tilts the car sidewise or endwise and causes 
 the load to slide out into a hopper from which it passes to 
 the conveyor. Instead of employing a car dumper and flat 
 bottom cars, in a few instances cars are used whicli have 
 inclined or gable bottoms so as to be largely self-discharging 
 when the side doors are unlocked. 
 There are wide variations in structural details, as well as 
 in type and size. Only the more important parts, however, 
 will be mentioned. 
 The underframe and trucks are usually of steel, although 
 the frame may be of wood in some cases, as for small four- 
 wheel cars. The floor may be of planks or of sheet steel, 
 Smooth floors are used where the cars arc unloaded by 
 hand, by tilting, or by raking out. If unloaded by means 
 of chain slings and a hoist, the floor is provided with cleats 
 so that the chains can be passed through under the load. 
 These cleats may be wood strips, rolled shapes such as 
 angles, or pressed steel. The floor is sometimes inclined to 
 facilitate the discharge of the cane. 
 The superstructure, including the ends, sides and parti 
 tions, may be of wood, entirely of metal, or of a combination 
 of wood and metal. 
 The ends may be solid, steel racks, stakes, a door hinged 
 at the top if the car is dumped by tipping endwise, or they 
 may be omitted entirely for hand loading lengthwise. 
 The sides may consist of stakes with solid or releasable 
 stake pockets; stakes held in releasable stake pockets and 
 hinged at the top either on a rod or by an individual hinge ; 
 stakes hinged at the top and fastened together to form a door 
 so that the entire side of a compartment will open at once 
 or be held locked by a rod at the bottom ; stakes fastened 
 solidly to the side frame at the bottom, in which case they 
 may or may not be attached to a top side rail, or a door 
 hinged at the bottom so as to drop down. In some cases 
 where loading is done crosswise by hand the sides are 
 omitted entirely. 
 In some instances where the cane is bundled, horizontal 
 hinged partitions or slats are provided so that the load is 
 divided into two or three parts. 
 Couplings may be automatic, such as are standard on 
 American railroads ; automatic of three-quarter size ; link 
 and pin ; link and hook, or of other design to suit local re 
 The larger cars are frequently equipped with air brakes 
 and the smaller cars usually have hand brakes. On level 
 roads, for short hauls and for slow speeds, brakes may be 
 Cane cars are of two general groups ; first, large double- 
 truck or eight-wheel cars ; and, second, small four-wheel or 
 single-truck cars. Only the principal typical designs of each 
 group will be described. 
 Double Truck Cane Cars. In the largest cane pro 
 ducing sections, especially in Cuba, car dumpers of the 
 side tipping platform type are extensively used. This 
 makes necessary the employment of some kind of a 
 side discharging car. 
 The side stakes or slats are hinged at the top and fastened 
 together to form a separate door for each compartment and 
 are held by locking bars at the bottom which can be operated 
 from the end of the car. The cars are usually divided into 
 two or three compartments. Both sides may be hinged, but 
 in most cases this is done on one side only, the other side 
 having the stakes riveted on. The discharging side is com- 
 Fig. 42 Side Discharge Cane Car, Hinged Stakes 
 monly made higher than the fixed side to facilitate the pass 
 age of the cane. 
 If preferred, the stakes may be independent and be held 
 at the bottom by releasing stake pockets, the discarge being 
 controlled by the number of stakes released. 
 A further modification is to hinge the stakes to a top 
 rod which permits of sliding them endwise to facilitate side 
 loading by hand. Cars of this type vary in length from 
 20 ft. to 38 ft. and in capacity from 7 tons to 30 tons. 
 In some places in Cuba and South America the cane cars 
 have an end door hinged at the top for use in connection with 
 car dumpers of the end-tilting type. 
 Such cars are sheathed on the inside with wood or steel 
 plates so that the contents will slide out readily. 
 Where rake type unloaders or feeders are installed and in 
 many instances where hand unloading is still employed, the 
 Fig. 43 End Discharge Cane Car 
 cars used are ordinarily fitted with separate stakes and re 
 leasing stake pockets, although on some estates they still use 
 The floors are generally of planks or sheet steel. By add 
 ing floor cleats, chain sling unloaders may be used. 
 Where the cars are unloaded by passing chains through 
 Fig. 44 Side Discharge Cane Car, Releasing Stake Pockets 
 under the load, and lifting the cane out of a compartment by 
 a hoist and sling, the platforms are always fitted with cleats. 
 The side stakes are usually fastened rigidly to the side 
 frame at the bottom and to a side rail at the top. The upper 
 side rail is sometimes omitted where the load is hoisted out 
 and it is generally dispensed with for hand unloading. 
 Horizontal bars are sometimes hinged to the stakes so as 
 to divide the cane into two or three different levels, each 
 one of which may be hoisted out separately. 
 For strictly hand unloading, the end walls can be re 
 placed by rigid stakes, or in very flat countries end stakes 
 Fig. 45 Cane Car, Hoist Unloading 
 can be entirely dispensed with. Such cars are usually built 
 only in the smaller sizes and have but one compartment. 
 Fig. 46 Cane Car, Drop Side Doors 
 For top unloading by cane grapples or grabs low skeleton 
 rack sides may be used and the cane piled up about twice as 
 high as the sides. 
 In another design the side doors are hinged at the bottom 
 and drop down for loading and unloading. The sizes most 
 - . ana drop down ior loading and unloading. The sizes most 
 lg the stakes * ha "d for unload- commonly used are from 5 ft. to 8 ft. wide, 20 ft. to 30 ft. 
 long and have a capacity of from 7 tons to 17 tons. The su- 
 pcrstructure may be of steel rack design or sheathed with 
 wood. The cars are usually equipped with a center parti 
 tion which divides them into two compartments. 
 Two doors, are used on each of the sides, which are com 
 monly 3 ft. to 4 ft. high. Where cars of large capacity 
 arc desired the sides may be increased in height, and in 
 some instances where this is done a double set of doors is 
 used, one above the other. 
 Four-Wheel Cane and Plantation Cars. Four-wheel 
 cane cars differ as widely in design as do the larger 
 double-truck cars, and are used more extensively. 
 With little or no change in details they are used on other 
 than cane plantations for handling such material as sisal 
 grass, henequcn, manila, wood, coffee, bananas, boxes of 
 oranges and grape fruit, tobacco, etc. Although commonly 
 known as cane cars they might very properly be called by 
 the broader name, plantation cars. 
 The track gages commonly used are from 24 in. to 36 in. 
 although in some instances four-wheel cane cars are built 
 for standard gage. The usual capacities range from \Yi 
 tons to 6 tons, although this may be exceeded at times. 
 Couplers are of various types, dependent upon the local 
 customs and the means employed for haulage, whether 
 animal or locomotive. 
 On many plantations four-wheel cars answer all require 
 ments and even on the largest estates they frequently are 
 employed in conjunction with portable railways for bringing 
 Fig. 47 Cane Car with End Racks 
 in the cane from the fields to be loaded on large douUe- 
 truck cars. 
 Cars without sides and with end racks are frequently 
 called the "Porto Rican" type, although they are used in 
 many other countries. The floor is usually smooth, this 
 being best suited for loading and unloading by hand, the 
 cane being placed on the cars crosswise. 
 A windlass is often attached to one end for securing the 
 load by a chain passed over the top. 
 A modification with curved ends and known as the 
 "basket" or "Equador" type is used in certain sections. 
 Side stakes with releasing stake pockets are a convenience 
 in retaining the load and are frequently used on cars which 
 are unloaded by hand or by unloaders of the "rake-out " type. 
 They can also be used in connection with side tilting un 
 loaders, but in this case cars having side stakes hinged to 
 a top rail are most popular. Where mechanical unloading 
 methods are used the floors should be smooth and the end 
 uprights sheathed. Solid stake pockets are also used but 
 the stakes cannot then be so easily removed. 
 This style of car is frequently called the "Hawaiian" type, 
 although this name is also used to designate cars with flar 
 ing sides and drop doors. Both styles are widely used in 
 the 1 lawaiian Islands and are also used in other places. 
 Fig. 48 Cane Car, Releasing Stake Pockets 
 Another form of car is equipped with side doors hinged 
 at the bottom. In the Hawaiian Islands the sides are 
 usually flared as shown in the illustration and the car is 
 Fig. 49 Cane Car, Drop Side Doors 
 often called the "Hawaiian" type. A similar car is used in 
 Louisiana but the sides are usually made verticl. These 
 cars are generally designed for a capacity of from two to six 
 Fig. 50 Cane Car, Top Unloading 
 tons and are ordinarily loaded about twice as high as the 
 For top unloading the side stakes are usually rigidly at 
 tached at the bottom. Top side rails stiffen the car and give 
 a better support for the stakes but are somewhat in the way 
 when loading. If chain slings are employed floor cleats are 
 used. Such cars are known as the "Cuban" type and are 
 largely used in conjunction with narrow gage portable rail 
 roads for bringing in the cane from the fields to a point 
 where it is transferred to large double-truck cars. They 
 generally have a short wheel-base for greater ease in passing 
 around curves, and are commonly hauled by animal power 
 but small locomotives are sometimes used. 
 Where cars are unloaded, as well as loaded, by hand, end 
 stakes can be substituted for the sheathed end upright, and 
 in very level sections even end stakes are omitted and the 
 cars are loaded at the ends. 
 Another type of car which is employed where end loading 
 is followed, has one end closed and the loading end partly 
 are generally of the roller type. Care must be taken to 
 prevent the ever prevalent dirt and sand from getting into 
 the bearings. Another thing to be considered is the high 
 Fig. 51 Cane Car for End Loading 
 closed, sufficient space being left open to permit a man to 
 enter the car. 
 This arrangement is economical in the use of labor and is 
 frequently used for bringing in the cane, particularly on 
 portable railroads. 
 Dryer Cars 
 The three most important groups of industries in which 
 dryer cars are extensively employed are as follows : 
 1. Clay products manufacture. The value of the clay 
 products manufactured in the United States is some $200,000,- 
 000 per year. Plants both large and small are found in 
 almost every section of the country and most of them use 
 some kind of dryer cars. The products include common 
 brick, pressed brick, face brick, paving brick, drainage tile, 
 hollow building tile, roofing tile, concrete blocks, etc. 
 2. Foundries. Various kinds of cars are used for the 
 drying of cores and molds which will be described more 
 fully under the head of Foundry Cars. A car quite exten 
 sively used for drying small cores is practically the same as 
 the soft mud brick or pallet cars. 
 3. Japanning and enameling. The cars used for this 
 purpose differ widely according to the shape of the articles 
 treated. In general, they resemble pallet cars, being divided 
 into from one to four sections. 
 For brick cars the track gage most commonly used is 24 
 in, and there appears to be no good reason why this should 
 not be adopted as a standard instead of using such odd 
 gages as 23 in., 25 in. or 26. 
 Wheels are usually 10 in. to 12 in. in diameter and are 
 generally pressed onto axles about one and a half inches in 
 diameter. The axles usually have bearings outside of the 
 wheels, although this is not always the case. The bearings 
 Fig. 52 Car for Stiff Mud Brick and Tile 
 temperature of the ovens and its effect on lubrication and 
 distortions which may throw the wheels out of line. 
 Dryer cars for stiff mud brick or hollow ware may have 
 one, two, or more decks of wood or of steel slats. Upper 
 decks may be rigidly attached, may be hinged or double 
 iolding, or may be removable, the folding type being pref 
 erable for convenience in loading and unloading. Such 
 cars are usually about 3 ft. wide and 7 ft. long. A double 
 deck car of this size will hold 500 bricks. 
 Triple deck cars are commonly used for drying face brick 
 and fire-proofing brick. For concrete blocks two-deck or 
 three-deck cars are preferable. 
 For sand-lime brick a single deck car with a steel plate 
 top is employed. 
 For drying soft mud or hand-made brick, roofing tile, etc., 
 Fig. 53 Car for Soft Mud Brick 
 a pallet car is used. Standard pallets are 2 ft. 10 in. long and 
 10 in. wide and the car most generally employed holds 24 
 pallets in 12 tiers of two each. Such a car is about 3 ft. 
 wide, 7 ft. long and 6 ft. high. 
 With modifications in dimensions to meet the particular 
 requirements similar cars are used in foundries for drying 
 cores and shops for Japanning and enameling work. 
 After stiff mud bricks have been formed they may be 
 taken to sheds to dry out by natural air currents or they 
 may be taken to hot air dryers for the removal of moisture 
 before they go to the kilns to be burned. The handling of 
 undried bricks from the machine to the dryer and from the 
 dryer to the kilns by means of lift platform cars is probably 
 the simpler and cheaper method in most cases. The cars 
 used for the purpose have platforms about 5 /z ft. long and 
 Fig. 54 Lift Platform Car 
 2 /2 ft. wide, a height of about 20 in. and a lift of from 3 in. 
 to 4 in. 
 As the bricks are formed they are placed on pallets holding 
 about 200 bricks each. A car is then run under the pallets 
 and the platform is elevated to lift off two pallets, or about 
 400 bricks. After being pushed on the transfer and run into 
 the desired point in the dryer, the platform is lowered and 
 the load is deposited on rests. Another lift platform car 
 and transfer is used for handling the dry brick from the 
 other end of the dryer or shed to the kilns. 
 Car Transfers 
 In laying out industrial railway systems it often happens 
 that the use of switches is not practical. In some such places 
 turntables at intersecting points will satisfactorily meet the 
 requirements. In other places the use of car transfers will 
 give the best results. As their name implies, car transfers 
 are used where there are no switches and turnouts to trans 
 fer cars from one track to another parallel track. These 
 transfers carry a short piece of track of the same gage as 
 the industrial railway system. In operation, the cars used 
 to transport material around the plant are run from the 
 tracks on which they are operated onto the track on the car 
 transfer, which is then moved to a point opposite some other 
 track onto which it is desired to run the industrial car. 
 Car transfers are used at practically all brick and tile 
 manufacturing plants in transporting the dryer cars from the 
 machines to the dryers and from the dryers to the kilns. 
 They are frequently employed in iron foundries, especially 
 on the cupola charging floor and occasionally in raw stock 
 yards, in front of the core ovens and at other points. They 
 are used to meet special conditions around various types of 
 industrial plants and are often installed in large sizes at 
 steel making plants for handling regular steam railroad cars 
 loaded with ore, coke and other materials. 
 Car transfers may be equipped with a single, a double or 
 a triple set of tracks dependent upon the number of cars 
 to be transferred at one time ; they may have three tracks 
 so that cars of two different gages may be transferred; or 
 may be equipped with a turntable so that cars may be turned 
 around as well as transferred. 
 When designing or ordering car transfers the following 
 factors must be considered : 
 1. The track gage of the industrial railway system. 
 2. The length over-all of the various cars which are in 
 service or are liable to be used in the future. This deter 
 mines the length of the track and the width of the transfer 
 car and also the gage of the track on which the transfer 
 runs. For single truck cars the usual length of track is 6 ft. 
 or 8 ft. except where cars of 56^ in. gage are used, when 
 the length of track is made 8 ft. or 10 ft. For double truck 
 cars tiie ordinary lengths of track are 15 ft., 20 ft., 25 ft. 
 or 30 ft. 
 3. The width over-all of the cars transferred and the 
 spacing of the tracks carried, where the car is equipped with 
 more than one set of trucks, determine the length of the car 
 4. The gross weight of the loaded cars and their wheel 
 bases so that the car transfer may be of the necessary 
 strength and capacity. 
 5. Height from top of rail on which transfer runs to top 
 of rail on transfer. 
 If the transfer is to be moved by hand a push handle may 
 be added if desired. With this is frequently combined a pair 
 of brake shoes so arranged that by pushing down on the push 
 handle the shoes are brought into contact with the wheels 
 and the transfer stopped when opposite the desired track. 
 If a large number of transfers are to be made in the course 
 of a day it will probably be economical to equip the car 
 transfer with an electric motor drive. In this event it will 
 be necessary to know whether the available current is direct 
 or alternating; the voltage; and if alternating the number of 
 phases and cycles ; the location of the trolley wires and the 
 speed at which the transfer is to travel. 
 Ordinarily car transfers run on straight level tracks. 
 Should there be any grades or curves this should be noted. 
 The side pieces of car transfers are usually made of chan 
 nels, diagonally cross-braced to keep the car square. For 
 large capacities, cross girders should be placed under the 
 rails on the car. Where the length of rails is not over 10 ft. 
 it is customary to use a long axle with wheels pressed on 
 each end. Where the length of the rails is greater the long 
 Fig. 55 Car Transfer 
 axles may be omitted and each wheel may be carried on a 
 short axie, the car then being constructed with longitudinal 
 channels inside as well as outside of the wheels. Bearings 
 should preferably be of the roller type. Guards or stops 
 should be provided on each side to prevent the car carried 
 from accidentally running off the transfer. 
 Dogs or latches are often used to lock the car transfer in 
 position when the tracks on the car register with the tracks 
 on the side of the transfer pit, but their use is by no means 
 Ore Mine Cars 
 In the majority of copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver, and most 
 other metal mining operations, the quantity of material 
 handled is relatively small in comparison with coal mining 
 where tonnage is the important factor. Exceptions to these 
 conditions are found in iron ore mining and in some copper 
 mining where the operations are generally of the open pit 
 type, and the cars used are of the box-body side-dump type, 
 the same as used in construction work, or of the hopper-bot 
 tom type, the track gage being either 56 l / 2 in. or 36 in. 
 As ore mine cars are commonly used in restricted tunnels 
 with narrow openings and short curves they are necessarily 
 of small size and compact design. The name "ore mine car" 
 is usually understood to mean a car with a rectangular or 
 box-shaped body, hinged so as to tip and generally mounted 
 on a swivel so that the load may be dumped in any direction. 
 The front end has a gate hinged at the top and held by a 
 latch controlled from the rear of the car, thus making it un 
 necessary for the operator to go in front for dumping. When 
 Fig. 56 Ore Mine Car 
 the latch is released the material in the car forces the gate 
 In the design most frequently used a latch on the rear 
 holds the body in the horizontal position. The latch is con 
 trolled by a lever on the rear of the car, which also turns a 
 shaft running lengthwise which is provided with an upturned 
 end in front that acts as a latch for the gate. In some de 
 signs the t\vo latches are independent. One form which is 
 used to a considerable extent retains the lever and shaft for 
 the gate latch and uses a foot-operated latch for the body. 
 By another arrangement the dumping is automatic, that is, 
 the latch for the gate may be omitted and a series of levers 
 so arranged that as the body is tipped the gate is automati 
 cally opened by the levers ; or side levers may be connected 
 to the gate latches in such a manner that the tipping of the 
 car automatically releases the latches. 
 In most ore mines a track gage of 18 in. is used, although 
 16 in., 20 in., 24 in. and occasionally 30 in. or 36 in. arc also 
 employed. Car capacities range from 8 cu. ft. to 30 cu. ft., 
 widths from 22 in. to 32 in., lengths from 36 in. to 48 in., and 
 heights from 33 in. to 48 in. 
 The sides of the body are generally of steel plate of about 
 No. 10 gage, the bottom is usually of a heavier gage than the 
 sides. The bottoms are ordinarily flat but in some cases they 
 are rounded at the corners to facilitate unloading. There is 
 also a small demand for cars with wooden bodies. 
 The wheels are usually 10 in. in diameter and occasionally 
 8 in. or 12 in. with a wheel base of about 18 in. 
 The ordinary practice is to use square axles from I 1 /? in. 
 to 2 in. in size. The wheels are loose and either plain, self- 
 oiling or with rollers in the hub. In some instances, how 
 ever, the "Anaconda"type of wheels and axles are preferred 
 as the journals are practically dust proof. In this type a 
 saddle fits over a round axle and is provided with babbitted 
 bearings and waste-packed oil cellars or with roller bear 
 ings. One of the wheels is pressed on the axle and the 
 other is loose. 
 The majority of ore mine cars are not equipped with 
 couplers, as they are pushed by hand. If it is desired to 
 couple a number of cars together and pull them by animal 
 power or handle them by a cable, as is sometimes done when 
 cars are lowered down an incline, a simple link and pin or 
 a chain and hook arc employed to fasten the cars together. 
 Brakes are rarely required, and if necessary are generally 
 of a very simple design. When they are used a small plat 
 form is usually provided at the rear end of the car on which 
 a man can ride. 
 Cars which are used on mine cages are frequently made 
 somewhat shorter than other cars and are often provided 
 with attachments for clamping the car to the cage. As 
 accidental unlocking and dumping would be dangerous, auto 
 matic dumping cars are preferable for cage service. 
 Automatic rail clamps for holding the car while it is being 
 dumped are an additional safety device which is often applied 
 and is especially valuable where cars are dumped on a 
 Several modifications may be made in the general design. 
 If the rotary dumping feature is not desired the swivel base 
 can be omitted and the car may be end dumped. In some 
 places all of the cars are dumped on one side and side dump 
 ing cars are used. For some mines a very low car is desired ; 
 at least six inches in height can be gained by omitting the 
 swivel and hinge and rigidly fastening the body to the truck 
 frame. Cars of this type arc dumped by tipping the body 
 and truck together around the front wheel as a fulcrum. 
 In small mines and in exploration work, the ore is fre 
 quently hoisted in round buckets holding from 4 cu. ft. to 15 
 cu. ft. For transporting the buckets a small pan or bucket 
 truck is used. This has small wheels and either a plain 
 square wooden top to which the axles are fastened or a 
 Fig. 57 Bucket Truck 
 framework of steel with a steel plate pan on which the 
 bucket rests. 
 In large mines various kinds of general purpose cars, which 
 are described elsewhere, are used to a greater or less extent 
 Among them may be mentioned scoop-body cars, of the usual 
 rotary type or single side -dumping ; V-body dump cars of 
 the trunnion, cradle or rocker type ; gable bottom cars and 
 hopper bottom cars. 
 As the ore is mined it may be dumped into receiving 
 bins from which it is afterwards transferred to hoppers 
 at the mill. For this purpose an end dumping car may 
 be hauled up an incline by a cable and automatically 
 dumped. Such a car is illustrated. At the desired dump 
 ing point the extra pair of rear wheels engage a dumping 
 rail which raises the rear end of the car and as the pull 
 on the cable lifts the bar in front of the hinged gate, it 
 is permitted to open and discharge the load. Instead of 
 the separate pair of dumping wheels, double tread wheels 
 may be used on the rear axle. Such cars are usually of 
 Fig. 58 Inclined Cable or Skip Car 
 from 30 cu. ft. to 75 cu. ft. capacity and for 36 in. or 
 42 in. track gage. 
 Coal Mine Cars 
 Xo matter where the mines are located, cars will be 
 found in use for transporting the coal from the point 
 where it is mined to the surface. Because of the widely 
 varying conditions in different localities the cars employed 
 are of many sizes and forms. In the bituminous coal 
 regions the majority of the cars are of either the single 
 or double rlare form, although drop bottom cars are used to 
 some extent, particularly in the coke regions. Similar 
 cars arc used in the anthracite regions although many cars 
 of the square box form are also employed. 
 As the operating costs of a mine will be considerably 
 affected by the design of the car selected, it is important 
 that not only the general type but also the various details 
 be given careful consideration. 
 There are no recognized standard designs for coal mine 
 cars. In fact it would seem as though every effort had 
 Fig. 59 Coal Mine Car, Swing End Gate 
 been exerted to devise as many variations as possible in 
 practically every detail. Many of these deviations are un 
 questionably not necessary and it is to be hoped that the 
 near future will see a considerable advancement toward 
 In opening up new mines or considering plans for the 
 improvement of existing mines, one of the first points to be 
 considered is what track gage shall be adopted. In this, 
 as in other points, there is a wide diversity of practice 
 which is typical of the whole mining car field. A recent 
 inquiry showed that coal mine cars were being ordered for 
 some 25 different track gages ranging from 18 in. to 56J/2 
 in. While no one standard gage will meet all requirements, 
 a limitation to 24 in., 30 in., 36 in., 42 in., 48 in, and 56 / 2 
 in. would reduce the number to six, and give sufficient 
 variations to cover all contingencies. There has been 
 ruled a strung tendency lately toward the adoption of a 
 42 in. gage for all important new work. The economy and 
 advantages of a few standard gages in reducing the initial 
 cost of equipment and in making it possible to transfer 
 cars and locomotives from one mine to another, or to dis 
 pose of surplus rolling stock, arc self-evident. 
 Narrow gage tracks are cheaper to construct and the 
 cars can be more easily pushed around sharp curves, but 
 they are apt to be rather top heavy. Broad gage tracks 
 require a larger investment in ties, but the cars have 
 greater stability, while the wear on track and rolling stock 
 will be decreased. 
 The width of the car is limited by the width of the entry 
 to the mine, which is dependent upon the condition of the 
 Fig. 60 Coal Mine Car, Lift End Gate 
 top and bottom. With a low seam and a good top a car of 
 considerable width may be used. The difficulty is to ob 
 tain sufficient strength for that portion of the body which 
 overhangs the wheels. The overhang can. of course, be 
 decreased by increasing the track gage, but this may in 
 crease the cost of track construction beyond what is deemed 
 advisable. In some cases the width of the car has been made 
 practically twice the track gage. , 
 The length inside of the body of coal mine cars is 
 ordinarily from 8 ft. to 10 ft. and the wheel base from 28 
 in. to 32 in. The length and capacity could be increased 
 by using a longer wheel base but the objection to so 
 doing is the greater difficulty in replacing derailed cars 
 and the larger radius of curves necessary to ensure easy 
 For low seams the height of the car is restricted to 
 narrow limits. Some cars are used whose height is less 
 than 20 in. For thick seams the height of the car is de 
 pendent upon what is the most economical height for hand 
 shoveling, if this method of loading is employed. As the. 
 physical effort is dependent upon the height to which the 
 coal is to be lifted, it has been found that a man can 
 shovel considerably more coal per day into low than into 
 high cars. For this reason some large operators will not 
 use cars whose heights exceed 32 in. Where machine 
 loading is employed the height may be as much as 48 in., 
 or even 60 in. 
 The capacity of coal mining cars is usually given in 
 cubic feet, water level. This can be reduced to pounds 
 by multiplying by 50, the average weight of a cubic foot of 
 loose coal. By topping, the capacity can be increased about 
 20 per cent. In size, cars range from 25 cu. ft. to 140 
 cu. ft. capacity, which is equivalent to from 1,500 Ib. to 
 8,000 Ib. of coal. 
 The loaded weight of a car consists of from about 65 
 per cent to 75 per cent coal, the balance representing the 
 light weight of the car. 
 Cars may be of wood, steel or composite construction, 
 each of which has certain advantages and disadvantages. 
 \Yooden cars have the advantage of low initial cost, can 
 be repaired at the ordinary mine shop by unskilled labor 
 and have a flexibility which makes them ride easily. They 
 do not, however, have the durability, strength or capacity 
 of steel cars of the same size. Wooden cars are usually 
 built of oak, and have bottoms about 3 in. thick and sides 
 \ /2 in. thick. Many operators find it advantageous to pur 
 chase the trucks and iron parts and build the cars at their 
 own shops. 
 Steel cars have about 15 per cent greater capacity than 
 The majority of coal mine cars are unloaded by tipping 
 endwise on a cross-over or a horn dump. Where this is 
 done the cars are provided with end gates which may be 
 cither of swing type and hung by two or more straps from 
 Fig. 61 Composite Mine Car, Lift End Gate 
 wooden cars of the same size, or can be built lower for 
 the same capacity which is important for thin veins and is 
 also desirable for thick veins because of the greater ease 
 in loading. They are also stronger than wooden cars, 
 will withstand greater shocks, retain their shape better, 
 will not leak as much coal and do not require as frequent 
 repairs. The objections to their general adoption are a 
 considerable increase in cost, the fact that repairs are not so 
 easily made and often requires skilled labor, a lack of 
 flexibility in riding and rapid corrosion, especially of the 
 To retain the advantages of steel construction as far as 
 possible and yet avoid some of the disadvantages, cars 
 are frequently built with wooden bottoms and steel sides, 
 especially in sizes over 50 cu. ft. capacity where rusting 
 has given more trouble than in the very small sizes. 
 In all-steel cars and cars with steel sides and wooden 
 bottoms, the side plates may be made in several ways. They 
 may be made of single sheets bent to the proper shape, 
 but such cars are difficult to repair. They may be made 
 of two or three pieces, flanged and either bolted or 
 riveted together ; in the event of the car being damaged by 
 a wreck or a fall of slate from the roof, the bolts can be 
 taken out or the rivets removed, and the plates easily 
 straightened. A third method is to make the sides in two 
 or three pieces, flanged to overlap but not bolted or riveted 
 together. This arrangement permits of easy repairs and, 
 should it be advisable, the pieces can be shipped from the 
 manufacturer in a knocked-down condition and easily as 
 sembled at the destination. 
 Fig. 62 Steel Mine Car, Lift End Gale 
 a crossbar attached to the top of the front binder, or of 
 the lift type. The latter type is also standard at mines 
 using self-dumping cages. 
 Cars having swing gates must be equipped with latches 
 which are fastened before the cars are loaded and un 
 fastened as the cars are dumped. Many different designs of 
 latches are in use but a breakage or jarring in transit may 
 permit the gate to open, spill the coal and possibly cause 
 a derailment. 
 Lift gates are much more reliable as the chances of 
 failure because of breakage are insignificant and they can 
 not jar loose while the cars are in transit. For these 
 reasons they are preferred by many operators and their use 
 has extended rapidly in recent years. Both lift and swing 
 gates have, however, one serious fault. As they cannot be 
 made and kept tight they permit the leakage of a certain 
 amount of fine coal which falls on the haulage-way and 
 is ground up by the passing of cars, men and animals. 
 This fine dust is carried by currents of air and adds greatly 
 to the danger of an explosion, even though the risk is 
 lessened by using sprinkler cars to keep the haulage-way 
 damp. For this reason many operators have abandoned end 
 Fig. 63 Steel Mine Car, Without Gates 
 gates and are now using cars with solid ends. In such 
 places rotary dumps are required to unload the cars. 
 In addition to tightness and freedom from leakage, cars 
 without gates are cheaper to build, retain their shape bet 
 ter, cost less to maintain and spend more of their time in 
 service and less in the repair shop. Indications all point 
 to the steady increase in popularity of this type of a car, 
 especially in drift mines. 
 In some bituminous coal mines, where there are only 
 slight grades and where the coal is in the form of large 
 lumps, open end cars are used and simple end bars or lat 
 tice gates hinged at one side keep the coal from jarring 
 out while in transit. 
 Hopper bottom coal cars as lias already been stated, are 
 also used to a certain extent, especially in the coke regions. 
 Where they are employed, a string of cars may be pulled 
 out of the mine, run over a long bin and all unloaded at 
 one setting. This gives an even distribution of coal through 
 out the bin and makes unnecessary the installation of power 
 driven levelers. Such cars are, however, somewhat high 
 in first cost, arc expensive to maintain, will spill the load 
 if the door fastenings break and they are not free from 
 leakage troubles. 
 In open pit mining, gable-bottom cars are employed to 
 a considerable extent. They are run onto an elevated 
 truck or trestle and can be dumped by hand or automatical 
 ly, as desired. No dumping machinery is required, except 
 for a trip, if the cars are dumped automatically. 
 The method of haulage, whether by animal power, rope 
 or locomotive, has an important bearing on the selection 
 of couplings, bumpers, bearings, lubrication, use of draft 
 and bearing springs and other details. 
 Coal mine cars are generally equipped with continuous 
 drawbars, usually having the ends enlarged with holes 
 for coupling pins. In some cases one end is forged into 
 a hook and the other end has a coupling pin hole or is 
 turned over and a permanently attached link inserted. 
 Spring connections are also sometimes used on the ends 
 of the drawbars. If side bumpers are used the drawbars 
 are straight but if center bumpers are used the ends are 
 .bent up in order to give room for the coupling link. 
 The couplings used to connect cars equipped with draw 
 bars are commonly called hitchings. These consist of one 
 or more links with separate coupling pins, of links with 
 clevises on one or both ends or other modifications. 
 Large cars, especially where locomotive haulage is used, 
 are generally equipped with spring drawheads or with au 
 tomatic couplers. These reduce shocks and make the 
 starting of a string of cars easier, but, of course, add to 
 the initial expense. 
 Where rotary dumps are employed, cars may be equipped 
 with swivel couplers which permit of dumping without 
 Cars may be provided with side bumpers consisting of 
 projections on each side of the drawbar or with center 
 bumpers consisting of single projections. Bumpers are sub 
 jected to severe shocks and must be strongly built. Wooden 
 bumpers have their faces protected by steel plates or cast 
 iron blocks may be substituted. Side bumpers sometimes 
 interlock and cause derailments. Center bumpers are free 
 from this fault and add to the life of a car because it is 
 not subjected to the racking stresses resulting from corner 
 Wheels are usually of cast iron chilled on the tread, al 
 though cast steel wheels are now being used to a consider 
 able extent. The production of chilled iron wheels requires 
 the proper equipment, iron of the right analysis, a knowl 
 edge of the best wheel foundry practices and careful super 
 vision. In steam railroad practice the importance of these 
 points is so well appreciated that remarkably satisfactory 
 results are obtained from chilled wheels. Unfortunately, 
 these requirements have not always received the proper at 
 tention in foundries making wheels for industrial cars, 
 with the result that the life or mileage of the wheels in 
 general is much less than it should be and the wheels 
 are, at times, scored by the action of the brake shoes. 
 Wheels are commonly 18 in. in diameter, although 16 in., 
 14 in. and even 10 in. wheels are used in mines working 
 thin seams. 
 Axles may be square in the center and rigidly attached 
 to the car body, in which case the wheels are loose on the 
 axles. The objection to this arrangement is that the wear 
 is concentrated on the bottom of the journals and they wear 
 out of round. Such axles were formerly extensively used 
 but have been largely superseded by round axles. With 
 the latter all wheels may be pressed onto the axles which 
 run loose in boxes attached to the car body, but this ar 
 rangement is usually not satisfactory because of the resist 
 ance in passing around the sharp curves which are often 
 necessary in mines. To overcome this one of the wheels 
 on each axle may be left loose but it is generally considered 
 the best practice to leave all wheels loose. This has proved 
 to be economical and makes it easy to take off any wheel. 
 Plain bearings, self-oiling have been extensively used but 
 are being rapidly superseded by roller bearings which offer 
 much less frictional resistance. In the bituminous coal fields 
 the rollers are usually placed in the wheel hub, the boxes 
 being inside of the wheels. In the anthracite region, how 
 ever, -it is quite customary to have the journals outside of 
 the wheels and the rollers inside of the bearing boxes on 
 which springs are mounted. 
 At some mines where the grades are slight, brakes are 
 not applied, the cars being stopped by the insertion of sprags 
 in the wheels. Most cars are, however, equipped with 
 some kind of brake. In the simplest form, this consists of 
 a wooden block between and above the two wheels on one 
 side of the car and operated by a lever on the rear end. 
 Instead of a wooden block a band of steel may be used 
 on one or more of the wheels. The best practice is to 
 apply brake shoes to all of the wheels. For small cars the 
 shoes or blocks may be wood, but for large cars they should 
 be of cast iron. If the brake shoes are above the center 
 of the wheels precautions should be taken to prevent their 
 dragging against the wheels when not in use. If the brake 
 shoes are below the center of the wheels, they will hang 
 free but as there is danger of their dropping down and 
 causing a derailment and as the brake rigging is apt to be 
 damaged in the event of a derailment, brake shoes are 
 usually placed above the wheels. In applying the brakes, 
 they should never be set hard enough to cause the wheels 
 to slide as the retarding effect is thereby decreased and 
 flat spots may be worn on the wheels. For this reason the 
 use of sprags is not good practice, although they are used 
 to a considerable extent, especially in the anthracite region. 
 Mill Cars 
 Cars used around steel plants, rolling mills and forging 
 plants are commonly known by the general name of mill 
 cars. As the conditions in steel making plants, bar mills, 
 sheet and plate mills, rod and wire mills, pipe and tube mills, 
 forging plants and other steel mills differ so widely and 
 there is such a diversity in the character of products the 
 term mill car covers a group of cars of many types and de 
 The track gages most frequently used in steel mills are 
 24 in., 36 in. and 56y 2 in. 
 Owing to the wide variations in design no attempt will 
 be made to more than briefly indicate the general character 
 of the different types. 
 Platform Cars. These are used not only in steel 
 mills but in practically every industry and are therefore 
 general purpose cars and have been already described. For 
 mill use they may be of the skeleton type or equipped with 
 steel tops. Tilting platforms are also desirable in some 
 cases, for quick and easy unloading. 
 As platform and other mill cars are in many places fre- 
 quently lifted by cranes they are often fitted with links or 
 eyes at the corners fur convenience in attaching chains 
 and hooks. 
 Ladle Cars. These are used in steel making plants 
 for handling molten metal and slag. They are described 
 Charging Box Cars. These cars are used to carry 
 charging boxes to open hearth furnaces where they are 
 taken from the car and emptied into the furnace by a 
 Fig. 64 Charging Box Car 
 charging machine such as is described in the chapter on 
 Charging box cars may be constructed of structural steel, 
 as shown in the illustration, or of cast steel. They are 
 usually made to hold three or four boxes which requires a 
 platform length of from 6 ft. to 12 ft. and a width cor 
 responding to the length of the boxes, which ranges from 
 4 ft. to 8 ft. The capacity varies from 5 tons to 15 tons. 
 The most common track gages are 36 in. and S6 /> in. 
 Ingot Mold Cars. These are a modified form of plat 
 form cars, heavily built and of the proper size to hold one 
 or more ingot molds. 
 Billet and Ingot Cars. Cars of many different designs 
 are used to transport billets and ingots. They may be of 
 skeleton construction or with tops formed of rails, structural 
 shapes or liars, running cither lengthwise or crosswise. 
 These top bars may be flat or turned up slightly at the sides 
 or ends of the cars, dependent upon the shape of the 
 material handled and the way in which it is loaded. 
 Cars for Long Bars or Rods. Cars used for carry 
 ing long bars or rods are either equipped with steel side 
 stakes or have the rails or bars which form the top turned 
 up for some distance, to prevent the load from rolling off 
 as indicated in the illustration. 
 Cars for Short Bars, Coils of Wire, etc. When em 
 ployed in handling short bars or billets for re-rolling or 
 forging of such a length that they are piled crosswise on 
 the car, upturned ends are required. The height of the 
 ends depends upon the size of the load to be carried. Such 
 cars are used not only for short bars, etc., but also for 
 coils of wire and other heavy material. 
 Cars for Large Bars and Forgings. For handling 
 large bars or forgings, such as shafting for engines and 
 ships, a strongly built car with a swivel top is often con 
 venient. If the layout of the shop and the location of the 
 hammers or presses is such that a swivel top is not needed, 
 a car similar to the one illustrated, but without the swivel 
 top feature, can be used instead. 
 Annealing Furnace Cars. Annealing furnace cars 
 are used in steel mills, forge shops, steel foundries and other 
 factories where the annealing or heat treating of forgings 
 or castings forms a part of the process of manufacture. 
 Fig. 65 Billet or Ingot Car 
 Fig. 66 Car for Bars or RoJs 
 Fig. 67 Car for Short Bars and Coils 
 Fig. 68 Swivel Top Car for Forgings 
 The general practice is to cover the tops of these cars with 
 fire brick and sand which is held in position by cast iron 
 angles around the edge. The sand and brick provide an 
 insulation to avoid loss of heat and to protect the under 
 side of the car. 
 As these cars are only moved the short distance neces 
 sary to pull them in and out of the furnace, the track 
 Fig. 69 Annealing Oven Car 
 gage and size of the car can be devised to suit the work. 
 Short cars may be carried on two pairs of wheels, while 
 extremely long forgings cars may have as many as eight 
 pairs of wheels, or several short cars may be fastened to 
 Ladle Cars 
 Ladle cars are used extensively for handling molten metals 
 and slag in and around blast furnaces, steel mills, iron 
 foundries, steel foundries and smelters. In capacity they 
 range from a small car holding a few hundred pounds to 
 one holding 60 tons or more. Small cars are mounted on 
 four wheels and larger ones on eight or twelve wheels. In 
 order to meet the many varied requirements there are nec 
 essarily wide differences in the design as well as in the size 
 of ladle cars. However, such cars are naturally divided 
 into three groups according to the general nature of the in 
 dustry for which they are adapted. 
 Ladle Cars for Foundries. The best method to adopt 
 for handling the melted iron in foundries depends upon the 
 general character of the work; the size of the castings; 
 the shape and type of the buildings; the type, size and num 
 ber of cranes available; the number and melting capacity 
 of the cupolas or furnaces, as well as various other less 
 important factors. In small iron foundries engaged on 
 light work the molten metal may be tapped into reservoir 
 ladles from which it is poured into the hand or sulky 
 ladles used for pouring the molds. Where very large cast 
 ings are made a good equipment of cranes will probably 
 be available. The iron will then be tapped out into crane 
 ladles from which the molds will be poured direct. In 
 some foundries which cover a considerable area, especially 
 those engaged in medium and light work and where the 
 buildings are not high, an overhead track carrier system 
 may be the most satisfactory. In many foundries, however, 
 there is no method as satisfactory as a properly laid out in- 
 rial railway system which can be used for the trans 
 portation of sand, pig iron, coke, castings, etc. For foun 
 dries making both large and small castings a center bay 
 y overhead traveling cranes may be used for the 
 work, the side bays being used for the lighter work, 
 the large castings may be poured by crane 
 , while the molten metal can be distributed to the 
 bays by ladle cars. 
 The track gage ordinarily used for industrial railways 
 in foundries is e.ther 18 in. or 24 in. although many installa- 
 gn. have been made where 21 J* in. outside gage was used. 
 For he avy work track gagcs Qf ^ .^ % ^ 
 *&A in. are also used. 
 The ladle bowls are ordinarily made of boiler plate and 
 are lined with fire brick and clay. 
 Small ladle cars, often called trucks, are usually built for 
 capacities of 1,500 lb., 2,000 Ib. and 3,000 Ib. and occasionally 
 for as little as 1,000 lb. The practice in most foundries 
 is to use ladle cars to carry the iron to the different points 
 where it is transferred to hand or sulky ladles for pouring 
 the molds. The cars may be without gearing and with a 
 shank as shown in the illustration although it is generally 
 considered to be safer and better practice to use gearing, 
 except possibly for the smallest sizes. 
 If used only as a car, a bail is not necessary. In many 
 places, however, a bail is at times an advantage and is 
 frequently added and is, of course, necessary if the car is 
 used for transporting the molten iron and the ladle is to 
 be lifted by a crane and used to pour the molds without 
 transferring the iron to hand or sulky ladles. 
 Fig. 70 Geared Ladle Car 
 Geared ladle cars are made in the same sizes as those 
 without gearing and also in capacities up to 8,000 lb. with 
 out a bail, and up to 12,000 lb. or even larger with a bail 
 attached. The larger sizes are used only on tracks of at 
 least 30 in. gage. When bails are provided, the standards 
 Fig. 71 Cupola Slag Car 
 are so constructed that the ladle itself may easily be lifted 
 off from the bearings and used as a regular crane ladle. 
 The gearing for controlling the tipping may be of either 
 the spur or worm geared type. Spur gearing is quicker 
 acting but worm gearing is safer in that the ladle is always 
 locked no matter in what position, and the rate of pouring 
 can be accurately controlled. The gearing in foundry ladles 
 may be either partly or fully enclosed, the latter being pre 
 ferred by many because of greater protection from the 
 splashing of the molten metal. 
 For the handling of cupola slag some foundries use a V- 
 body dump car lined with clay but such cars used for this 
 service do not retain their shape very long. The better 
 practice is to use a car similar in construction to a ladle 
 car for handling molten metal but with a bowl of cast iron 
 and of somewhat different shape as shown in the illustra 
 tion. These slag cars are ordinarily made in capacities 
 from 1,000 Ib. to 4,000 Ib. and for the usual track gage s. 
 Ladle Cars for Furnaces and Steel Making Plants. 
 Ladle cars are extensively employed for the transporting of 
 hot metal and slag in and around steel plants in connection 
 Fig. 72 Hot Metal Car 
 with blast furnaces, Bessemer converters, mixers and open 
 hearth furnaces. 
 Hot metal ladle cars are of various sizes and designs. 
 They may be carried on 4, 8 or 12 wheels and arranged for 
 lip, bottom or side pouring. The ladle tilting apparatus 
 employed and the car haulage system adopted have an im 
 portant bearing on the car design. Some cars are of only 
 a few tons cc-pacity while others will hold as much as 
 60 tons. Although certain features are common, these 
 cars are all of special design. 
 The track gage is almost universally the regular railroad 
 standard, 56J/2 in. 
 The larger cars are nearly always equipped with standard 
 automatic couplers, substantial draff gear and air brakes 
 and conform to the best railroad practice. 
 At the blast furnace the molten iron may be tapped out 
 As it will be impossible to illustrate here even the most 
 common designs of hut metal ladle cars only the outline 
 of one 65-ton car is shown. This particular car is arranged 
 for side pouring, a feature which may or may not be de 
 The slag from blast furnaces, converters and open hearth 
 furnaces may be received in slag pots mounted on standards 
 and lifted off by cranes, in slag boxes carried on cars, or 
 in slag pot cars. 
 Cars used for handling slag arc of many different sizes 
 and designs. Those illustrated are simply indicative of 
 what may be used for the purpose. In many instances slag 
 is transported for miles before it is dumped. 
 Ladle Cars for Smelters. Ladle cars are not ordi 
 narily used at copper and lead smelters for handling hot 
 The method of handling the slag depends upon the size 
 of the smelter and the surrounding conditions. Hand pots 
 are used in small plants. Slag cars, varying in capacity 
 from 10 cu. ft. to 250 cu. ft., depending upon the size of the 
 smelter, are used in larger plants. These cars may be 
 transported by steam or electric locomotives, or in small 
 plants by horses and mules. 
 The car illustrated has a capacity of 25 cu. ft. and is 
 typical of the design ordinarily used around medium size 
 plants. The bowl is round, of cast iron and easily re 
 movable from the trunnion ring which is made of steel. The 
 car is tipped by means of a worm wheel, usually protected 
 by a guard which is not shown. The frame is extended at 
 one end to carry a platform on which a man can ride and 
 control the brake. 
 Small cars are usually of very simple design. A conve 
 nient car has a scoop shaped body mounted on a turntable 
 Fig. 73 Slag Box Car 
 into ladles and poured into pigs, either sand or machine cast ; 
 but if the iron is to be made into steel it is tapped out 
 into ladle cars and transported to the steel department which 
 may be as much as 10 miles away. At the steel plant ladle 
 cars may be used to transport the hot metal to and from 
 the mixers, converters or open hearth furnaces. The trans 
 fer ladle cars are sometimes electrically operated. 
 Fig. 74 Smelter Slag Car 
 and may be dumped in any direction by means of an iron 
 bar placed in a hole in a lug cast on the back side. 
 Cars of from 40 cu. ft. to 80 cu. ft. capacities are usually 
 of the same general type as the 25 cu. ft. car illustrated but 
 have oblong bowls. Cars of 100 cu. ft. and larger capacities 
 often resemble those used by the steel industry. The tilting 
 in such cars is frequently done by means of an air cylinder 
 or by an electric motor. 
 Foundry Cars 
 Industrial railways have for years played so important 
 a part in the transportation of material around foundries 
 that it would be difficult to find a progressive foundry of 
 any size without some kind of industrial railway system. 
 As the cars are used to transport pig iron, scrap, coke, 
 sand, molten metal, slag, castings, and refuse, and also for 
 the drying of cores and molds they are necessarily of a 
 number of different types. 
 The selection of the material handling equipment best 
 suited for any foundry can intelligently be made only after 
 a careful study of the particular plant. The equipment 
 may include cranes, overhead track carrier systems, hoists, 
 elevators, conveyors, hand and power-driven industrial 
 trucks. Even though practically all of these devices may 
 be installed, there yet will remain in most instances a 
 rield that can be covered advantageously only by an indus 
 trial railways system and its equipment. 
 The track gage best suited for most foundries where 
 the work is not too heavy is 24 in., although many in 
 stallations have been made where the gage was 18 in. and 
 in other places 2\ l /> in. outside gage has been adopted. 
 l r or places where the work is quite heavy, 30 in., 36 in., 
 or even 56X> in. gage may be advisable. 
 Foundry cars are apt to be handled roughly and should 
 be substantially built. The bearings should be well pro 
 tected from dust and sand and preferably should be of the 
 roller bearing type. 
 Couplings are usually omitted but can be added if local 
 conditions make their use advisable. 
 Ladle cars for hot metal and slag and such general pur 
 pose cars as platform and V-body dump cars have already 
 been described. 
 Cupola Charging Cars. The handling of the melting 
 stock, including pig iron, scrap, sprues, coke and flux from 
 the yard to the charging floor is almost universally done 
 in industrial cars. These differ in design according to 
 the material handled and the method of charging used, 
 whether by hand or by machine. Unless local conditions 
 prevent, raw materials should be received on railroad 
 tracks running parallel to the foundry, on the cupola side 
 Fig. 75 Charging Car for Scrap 
 and some distance away. The space between the tracks 
 and the buildings should be used for a storage yard and 
 should be served by industrial railway tracks. Pig iron 
 should be piled and scrap and coke unloaded into bins. 
 Each charge should be made up on a car and not handled 
 again until unloaded into the cupola. The cars most gen 
 erally used have a capacity of two tons and when equipped 
 with roller bearings can easily be pushed around on level 
 tracks by one man. The mixtures may be weighed into 
 the car while it is standing on a scale platform or a car 
 transfer equipped with a scale may be used to carry the car 
 from point to point while the different materials are added. 
 After the charge has been made up the car is pushed to the 
 elevator and raised to the charging platform. The charging 
 floor should be large enough and a sufficient number of 
 cars should be provided to handle about half of the total 
 melt. As the cars are emptied they are returned to the 
 yard for additional charges. 
 On the charging floor the cars may be run off the elevator 
 onto a car transfer and then onto short transverse tracks, or 
 the car transfer may be dispensed with and a series of 
 turntables used to distribute the cars onto the different stor 
 age tracks. The charging floor in some foundries is made 
 of plates and the tracks are omitted. In such cases the cars 
 are equipped with combination wheels having flat top flanges 
 so that thev can be used on both tracks and flat floors. 
 Fig. 76 Pig Iron Car 
 Where charging is done by hand, platform cars may be 
 used for pig iron and scrap. Charging cars, such as have 
 been previously described and illustrated, may be used for 
 coke, sprues and gates, light scrap and flux, or any material 
 handled by a shovel or a coke fork. A modified platform 
 car with ends as illustrated may be used for scrap and pig 
 iron and with the addition of sides it can also be used for 
 handling sand, castings, and other materials. It is also 
 suitable for use with a side dumping charging machine. 
 A car with a top consisting of two bars or pieces of rail 
 spaced a proper distance apart to hold half pigs is often 
 used for handling pig iron. This design is recommended 
 only where the charging is done by hand. 
 Some foundries use .charging cars in which most of the 
 weight is carried on one axle having relatively large wheels, 
 the balance of the weight being carried on a pair of small 
 trailing wheels Such cars can run on rails and can also 
 be easily pushed and turned on smooth floors. They can 
 be pushed to the charging door of the cupola and the load 
 easily dumped by lifting the back end. While this may 
 be done by hand an overhead air hoist is generally pro 
 vided for the dumping operation. The car illustrated is 
 designed for handling pig iron and large scrap. For coke 
 and small scrap high sides are added. 
 Many of the larger foundries are now equipped with 
 charging machines. Those of the side dumping type con 
 sist of a platform having a hinge on the side toward the 
 charging door. The cars are run onto the platform, locked 
 in place and the platform is tilted by an air cylinder which 
 is usually placed underneath the platform. 
 Coke cars used with such charging machines usually 
 have steel bodies and a side gate hinged at the top. 
 Cars for pig iron or heavy scrap generally have ends 
 only about 12 in. high. 
 While the majority of cupola charging machines are of 
 the side dumping type, end dumping machines are used 
 where they are better suited for the arrangement ot the 
 charging lloor. In such cases the cars are arranged for 
 end discharge. 
 Oven Cars for Drying Cores and Molds. As cores 
 differ widely in size, many designs of core ovens are used 
 and the method of making and drying cores varies widely 
 in different foundries. For small work the core ovens may 
 be provided with a number of individual swinging or 
 sliding shelves or which cores are placed and removed 
 by hand. In some places the men walk into the ovens and 
 carry tin cores. In the larger and hetter equipped foun 
 dries core oven cars arc very generally used. These may 
 be of any track gage and superstructure best adapted to the 
 work, the ovens being built to suit the cars. 
 For small cores many foundries use a design similar to 
 the soft mud brick or pallet car described under the head 
 of dryer cars. 
 To accommodate different kinds of cores adjustable 
 brackets are convenient. A car equipped with such brackets 
 is illustrated. Shelf rods are used on which the core plates 
 air placed. If preferred, corner posts can be substituted for 
 center posts, and steel plates with holes may be used instead 
 of rods. 
 For drying large cores and also large molds in connection 
 with dry sand work, cars of many different gages, sizes 
 and capacities arc required. As such cars are only moved 
 for short distances in and out of the ovens, the track gage 
 may be any dimension best suited for the work, regardless 
 of any other standards, although 56J/> in. is preferable if 
 suitable for the local conditions. The car shown is simply 
 typical of the type and may be modified as found advisable. 
 Such cars are sometimes as much as 25 ft. long and IS ft. 
 wide, or even larger and have a capacity of 30 tons or more. 
 Four wheels are used for most cars, although six wheels 
 are advisable for the longer cars. 
 Cars of the same general type are sometimes used for 
 transporting heavy castings. They are also used for an 
 nealing purposes and for large japanning work. 
 Self-Propelled Cars 
 Many types of industrial cars are equipped with motors 
 and made self-propelling where conditions are such as to 
 make their use advisable. They are generally electrically 
 operated by current received from a trolley, a third rail 
 or from a storage battery, although gasoline engines are 
 sometimes employed. Some of the places in which they 
 have been found to be economically advantageous are at 
 boiler houses for bringing in coal and hauling away ashes, 
 at fertiliser works, at glass factories for handling batches, 
 at blast furnaces and other places where considerable 
 quantities of materials are moved and a single operative 
 unit is preferable to train operation. Self-propelled cars 
 may also be used for a certain amount of switching and 
 for hauling other cars. 
 Transfer cars used at blast furnaces and at some coal 
 shipping terminals are frequently of very large capacity 
 and handle more material in a single load than any other 
 form of car. 
 The term larry is usually limited to certain transfer, 
 gathering or mixing cars used in boiler houses, at glass 
 works, furnaces and smelters. They are self-propelled with 
 but few exceptions, are commonly equipped with scales and 
 may run either on surface or overhead tracks. 
 In boiler houses they are used to transfer coal from over 
 head bunkers to stoker magazines. They have a suspended 
 Fig. 77Coke Charging Car 
 Fig. 78 Pig Charging Car, Balanced Type 
 Fig. 79 Heavy Type Oven Car 
 Fig. 80 -Small Core Oven Car 
 hopper, run on broad gage elevated tracks and are usually 
 provided with scales, often of the self-recording type. Such 
 larries are referred to and are illustrated in that section 
 of this book devoted to the handling of coal at boiler houses. 
 the rear end of the car continues to travel up the incline. 
 The rear wheels are usually of double the ordinary width, 
 and at the dumping point the extended portion of these 
 wheels runs onto another set of tracks. Such an arrange- 
 Muniiif l!a!tiT\ I latt iirin I .:ir 
 At Mast furnaces and smelting plants, larries are used 
 to gather the proper quantities of coke, ore, limestone and 
 other materials used in a mixture and to transfer them from 
 the various stock bins to the skip hoist which elevates them 
 to the furnace top. They may he run on surface tracks 
 or overhead tracks resembling those used for crane run 
 At glass works they travel from bin to bin and gather 
 Fig. 64 -Skip Car 
 and weigh sand, lime, ground cullet and other materials. 
 These cars may transfer the material collected to a sta 
 tionary mixer or they may be equipped with rotary 
 mixers for mixing the batch while in transit. 
 Skip Cars 
 Cars used on skip hoists at blast furnaces, boiler houses, 
 quarries, mines, sand, gravel and clay pits and other 
 places where incline work is necessary are hoisted by a 
 cable attached to a bale and are dumped automatically. 
 Dumping is accomplished by allowing the front wheels of 
 the car to run in on a horizontal section of the track while 
 Trolley Type Gable Bottom Car 
 ment is shown in the skip car which is illustrated in I ig. 64. 
 In other cases all four wheels are alike and an extra pair 
 Blast Furnace Skip Car 
 of wheels is provided at the rear. A skip car of this type 
 is described and illustrated under the head of ore mine cars. 
 Some Types of Industrial Steam Locomotives 
Industrial Locomotives 
 As THE LENGTH of the haul, the weight of the articles 
 moved and the amount of the material handled in 
 creases, a point is reached where it is not econom 
 ically profitable to push individual cars by hand. Under 
 certain conditions cars may be coupled together and hauled 
 by animal power, but even in mines and on plantations where 
 such an arrangement has been used extensively the tendency 
 is to displace animal power by some form of mechanical 
 haulage. Except for very small operations, the resultant in 
 crease in sprrd and capacity and the decrease in operating 
 costs, number of men and cars required, will make such 
 a change advisable. 
 For moving either individual cars, or trains of cars, be 
 tween points not too far apart, and particularly where such 
 points are of fixed location, some form of cable haulage 
 may prove to be the most satisfactory means that can be 
 adopted. Such haulage may be on the level, up or down 
 inclines and on straight or curved tracks. Cable haulage 
 is extensively used in mines and quarries. Automatic rail 
 ways as well as cable railways are also frequently cm- 
 ployed in unloading and storing coal, ore, crushed stone, 
 fertilizer and other bulk material. 
 Individual self-propelled cars furnish a means for quickly 
 and economically moving certain materials and have- been 
 found useful around many manufacturing and warehousing 
 establishments. They are extremely flexible in their opera 
 tion and when of sufficient weight and power may lie used 
 as locomotives for switching purposes or for hauling trains 
 of industrial cars. 
 An examination of the surrounding conditions having 
 shown that the use of locomotives is advisable, a careful 
 investigation should then be made to determine the type, 
 size and number of locomotives to best meet such condi 
 tions and lo provide for possible future changes and ex 
 tensions. There are steam, fireless, compressed air, com 
 bustion engine, storage battery, trolley and third rail electric 
 locomotives from which a choice may be made. Each of 
 these types are available in many different sizes and designs. 
 While there are certain places in which anyone of several 
 types might be used satisfactorily, each one has been devel 
 oped to meet certain requirements and is best adapted to 
 such a field. 
 Steam Locomotives 
 These have been used longer than any other type, have a 
 wider field of usefulness and are more independent and 
 flexible in their operation. Supplies of fuel and water can 
 be provided for easily, at convenient points. 
 Any kind of coal, wood or oil may be used for fuel, de 
 pendent upon the ease and certainty with which it can be 
 procured, the relative cost and the comparative convenience 
 in handling. 
 In order to enable a builder to recommend the locomotive 
 which will most satisfactorily meet the conditions, the fol 
 lowing information should be supplied : 
 1. Track: Gage (the perpendicular distance between heads 
 of rails measured on straight track), weight of rail (pounds 
 per yard), ties (kind, size, distance between centers), ground 
 and ballasting. 
 2. Layout of Road : Length of road or haul, grades 
 (maximum grade and its length against the load, also 
 with the load together with data relative to average 
 grades), curves (radius, length and if on grade or level), 
 turntables (length), fuel and water stations (location and 
 distance apart). 
 3. Traffic : Material handled, amount per day, speeds, 
 number of cars in train (loaded and empty). 
 4. Cars : Types, weight empty, weight of load carried, 
 wheels (loose or tight on axles), journals (oil boxes, 
 grease or roller bearing), couplings (style, height of center 
 above top of rail). 
 5. Clearance limitations (height and width, if any). 
 6. Fuel and Water (kind of fuel and characteristics 
 of water). 
 7. Suggestions and preferences relative to design and 
 No attempt can be made in this connection to even refer 
 to many points of detail design which might well be con 
 sidered when looking over specifications of locomotive 
 boilers and running gear. However, a few points in con 
 nection with details of design will be mentioned very 
 Cylinders are usually placed outside of the frames on 
 account of simplicity and greater accessibility, and this 
 practice should be followed unless clearance limitations as 
 to width requires them to be placed between the frames. 
 Stephenson valve motion is generally used on most types 
 of industrial locomotives. This is a very simple valve 
 motion, but on account of its location between the frames 
 has been superseded to a large extent by the Walschaerts 
 outside gear for large locomotives having three or more 
 pairs of driving wheels. 
 The number of driving wheels is increased in order 
 better to distribute the weight along the track. However, 
 the wheel base must necessarily be kept quite short if the 
 curves are sharp, and this may prevent the use of more 
 than two pairs of drivers. 
 On narrow gage tracks, especially where there are many 
 curves, the center of gravity should be kept low in order 
 to decrease the danger of derailment and overturning. 
 The front end and stack, as well as the fire-box, should 
 be adapted to the kind of fuel used. l r or coal fuel, a 
 tapered stack with high exhaust nozzles and an extended 
 front end containing a baffle plate and steel wire netting 
 are commonly used. A diamond stack with wire netting 
 in the stack, low exhaust nozzles, a petticoat pipe and a 
 short front end are now rarely used. For soft and 
 pitchy woods the large balloon-shaped stack with a 
 spiral cone is the safest design. For hard wood the sun 
 flower stack with netting across the top and an inside cast 
 iron cone are usually provided. 
 Couplers may consist of a single, double or triple pocket 
 draw-head, a hook, a forged drawbar, a M. C. B. pivoted 
 coupler of full, three-quarter or half size or some special 
 The water tank may be carried on a separate tender 
 mounted on four, six or eight wheels, or it may be in 
 the form of a saddle tank over the boiler, two side tanks 
 alongside of the boiler or rear tanks. 
 Two injectors are ordinarily supplied for feeding water 
 to the boiler, although a reciprocating pump may be sub 
 stituted for one of the injectors if so desired. A steam 
 syphon may be added for filling the tanks from ponds or 
 Superheaters are sometimes advisable, especially where 
 fuel is expensive. 
 Chemical Plant 
 Sugar Central 
 Brick Plant 
 Manufacturing Plant 
 Coal Mining 
 Coal Mining 
 Road Construction Switching 
 Typical Applications of Gasoline Locomotives 
 Locomotives may be equipped with hand brakes, or with 
 steam, vacuum or air operated power brakes. When used 
 to haul heavy cars or long trains for logging, construction 
 or other work they should be equipped with the necessary 
 air brake apparatus for handling the brake on the cars. 
 The rule which is commonly used to obtain the tractive 
 force of a locomotive is to multiply the square of the 
 diameter of the cylinder in inches by the stroke in inches, 
 multiply again by 85 per cent of the boiler pressure in 
 pounds per square inch, and then divide the result by the 
 diameter of the driving wheels in inches. 
 The tractive force and the draw-bar pull are often taken 
 to mean the same thing but the tractive force includes the 
 power required to move the locomotive and tender as well 
 as to pull the train. The actual draw-liar pull is therefore, 
 always less than the tractive force. In calculations of 
 haulage capacity, the power required to move the loco 
 motive itself should always be considered. 
 The hauling capacity may be calculated by deducting 
 from the tractive force the resistance required by the loco 
 motive to handle itself and tender, if any and then divide 
 the remainder, which is the draw-bar pull, by the sum of 
 the rates of resistance of gravity and rolling friction 
 assumed for the cars. 
 The resistance of gravity due to grades is usually ex 
 pressed in pounds per ton. The grade should be stated 
 in per cent or number of feet rise in 100 ft. The resist 
 ance will be 2,000 Ib. multiplied by the per cent of grade. 
 Thus, for a 2 per cent grade the resistance is 40 Ib. per ton. 
 The resistance of rcliing friction due to wheel flanges 
 and journals varies with the character of the rolling stock 
 and the condition of the track. For locomotives this can 
 be taken at approximately 8 Ib. per ton. For extra good 
 cars and track it may be as low as 5 Ib. per ton, for 
 reasonably good conditions, 10 Ib. per ton and for poor cars 
 and bad track conditions as high as SO Ib. or more per ton. 
 The resistance due to curves is considerable and also 
 extremely variable. This resistance is increased as the 
 radius is decreased and is so dependent upon the wheel 
 base and other factors that no general formula can be 
 given. It can be somewhat reduced by widening the gage 
 of the track on curves and by elevating the outer rail. 
 The care and maintenance of locomotives as well as 
 their running should be intrusted to as competent men as 
 possible. A few general precautions may not be out of 
 place in this connection. 
 The feed water should be as pure as possible. River and 
 pond water is generally preferable to spring or well water. 
 Muddy water or that contaminated by sewerage or drain 
 age from mines should be avoided. Even clear water may 
 contain salts or acids in solution which are injurious to 
 the boiler. Muddy and impure waters cause deposits of 
 scale or mud which decrease the efficiency or result in 
 corrosion and leaks. Under certain conditions it may be 
 advisable to treat the water with suitable chemicals. 
 Boilers should be washed out every month or oftener if 
 conditions require. 
 Boilers should be heated and cooled slowly. If used 
 only part of the time, the fire should be banked when not 
 in use and ash pan and fire doors kept closed. Such 
 precautions will minimize the danger of leaky flues. 
 Leaky stay bolts or flues should be repaired promptly. 
 Lost motion due to wear should not be allowed to accum 
 ulate in bearings or in driving box wedges. Pedestal 
 braces and all bolts should be kept tight. 
 Geared Locomotives 
 For use on the steep grades, sharp curves, uneven track, 
 light rails and bridges frequently found in lumbering 
 operations, coal mines, clay banks, stone quarries and many 
 other industrial enterprises, geared locomotives are better 
 adapted than ordinary direct connected steam locomotives. 
 Such locomotives are ordinarily mounted on two or more 
 four-wheel center-bearing or swiveling trucks. All wheels 
 are geared and act as drivers. 
 One of the best known types has vertical cylinders on 
 the right hand side which drive a horizontal shaft. The 
 power is transmitted through flexible couplings to pinion 
 shafts provided with bevel gears meshing into gears at 
 tached to all wheels on that side of the locomotive. Each 
 truck is thus free to adjust itself to the curves and irreg 
 ularities of the track. This construction furnishes the 
 shortest possible rigid wheel base and the longest possible 
 flexible wheel base. The boiler is offset to the left to 
 compensate for the weight of the driving machinery. 
 Another type employs a central shaft driven by inclined 
 cylinders at right angles to the center line of the track. 
 This shaft is connected by flexible couplings and bevel 
 gearing to one axle in each truck, the other axle being 
 driven by side rods connecting the two pairs of wheels. 
 A third type uses inclined cylinders parallel to the 
 center line of the track which drive a cross crank shaft 
 equipped with a master gear which transmits the power 
 to the longitudinal center shaft. This shaft is connected 
 by bevel gearing to each of the truck axles. 
 These geared locomotives are restricted to slow speeds, 
 commonly from six to twelve miles per hour. On heavy 
 grades they are able to haul about twice as heavy a load 
 as direct connected locomotives of the same weight. 
 Another type of geared locomotives resembles an ordinary 
 locomotive in general appearance, but the cylinders are 
 connected to a transverse crank shaft back of the rear pair 
 of drivers. This shaft is connected by a single spur 
 pinion to a gear on the rear axle. Two or three pairs of 
 drivers are used and they are connected by side rods in 
 the usual manner. The wheel base is short. Such loco 
 motives are adapted for industrial switching around sharp 
 curves and for use on the rough track used in construction 
 work. They have high tractive power and can be operated 
 at higher speeds than other types of geared locomotives. 
 Fireless Locomotives 
 These employ the usual steam cylinders and running gear 
 of an ordinary locomotive but instead of a boiler and fire 
 box are equipped w th a well insulated storage tank. This 
 tank is charged with steam and hot water from a sta 
 tionary plant. As the steam is drawn off and used in the 
 cylinders at reduced pressure, the water gradually evap 
 orates and maintains the steam supply. When the storage 
 pressure falls to the cylinders working pressure, the tank 
 should be recharged. 
 The higher the pressure to which the locomotive is 
 charged the longer it will work. One charge to a pressure 
 of from 100 Ib. to 180 Ib. is usually sufficient for from 
 two to live hours work. The cylinder pressure is usually 
 about 60 Ib. 
 Eireless locomotives are adopted for use around powder 
 works, lumber yards, creosoting plants, cotton and textile 
 mills, sugar central refineries and other extra hazardous 
 locations where it is desirable to eliminate sparks and smoke 
 and where the hauls are not of too great a length. 
 Fireless locomotives eliminate tire risks, reduce insurance 
 rates, are easy to operate, can be left without attention, 
 cannot be damaged by low water and cost but little for 
 Compressed Air Locomotives 
 These locomotives consist of a storage reservoir for 
 carrying a supply of compressed air under a high pressure, 
 a regulating valve for maintaining a uniform reduced 
 pressure in an auxiliary reservoir from which the air is 
 taken for operation, together with suitable control valves, 
 cylinders and running gear somewhat similar to those on a 
 steam locomotive. 
 A central station with air compressors, stationary stor 
 age and charging connections is also a necessary part of 
 the system. 
 The cost of equipment for the central station and for 
 the locomotives will ordinarily he more than double as 
 much as for steam locomotives or about as much as for 
 an installation of electric locomotives with a central power 
 station, generators, trolley wires, bonded rails, etc. 
 As an offset to the increased cost, compressed air loco 
 motives have certain definite advantages which may make 
 their use advisable. They insure absolute protection against 
 lire or an explosion due to sparks, flame or heat caused 
 by steam locomotives. The exhaust consists of pure air 
 and cannot contaminate the atmosphere, blacken walls or 
 soil fabrics or raw materials in textile or paper mills. 
 Considerable ecc nomy has been obtained by using two 
 stage expansion engines. 
 Compressed air locomotives arc used mainly around 
 powder works, textile mills and certain copper, bituminous 
 and anthracite coal mines. 
 Combustion Engine Locomotives 
 These are usually driven by gasoline engines, although 
 kerosene oil engines arc scmctimes used. Such locomo 
 tives have been so perfected that they are now available 
 in many different sizes and designs which adapt them to a 
 wide range of conditions. 
 They possess the advantages of being an economical 
 type to install and operate as they are self-contained power 
 units, requiring no central power station, overhead wiring, 
 bonding or rails, charging station or extensive pipe lines. 
 They are particularly adapted for use in localities where 
 water is scarce, the cost of coal or electricity is high and 
 in isolated places without power supply. They are in 
 common use around many industrial plants, plantations, 
 mines, quarries, brick yards, cement works, fertilizer works, 
 smelting plants, construction work, lumber mills and for 
 light switching around railroad yards. 
 Electric Locomotives 
 There are two general classes of electric locomotives. 
 In the first the power is taken from a trolley or from a 
 third rail. In the second class the power is supplied from 
 a storage battery. Some locomotives are so arranged that 
 they can either take power from a trolley or third rail, 
 if that is accessible, or they may be shifted to battery 
 power and operate where outside current is not available. 
 Electric locomotives are best adapted for use where 
 electric current can be economically generated, where traffic 
 is heavy and where the length of hauls is not too great. 
 They are frequently used around manufacturing plants, 
 steel plants, ship yards, brick yards, cement factories, 
 quarries and also in mines and tunnels. 
 They are simply and easily controlled, can be operated 
 by one man, use power only when in actual operation, are 
 ready for use at any time, require attention only when in 
 use and can be operated inside buildings and in places 
 where the smoke, exhaust and fire risk of a steam loco 
 motive would be objectionable. 
 They are more expensive than steam locomotives and 
 cannot be used in places where there is no suitable central 
 power plant but they are not as independent and flexible 
 in operation as steam locomotives or as well adapted for 
 limited traffic. They, however, are capable of exerting a 
 large momentary overload, can be used on heavy grades, 
 exert a continuous tractive effort and have a large starting 
 Trolley and Third-Rail Locomotives 
 These are available in many types and sizes. They are 
 arranged to operate on direct current of 250 volts or 600 
 volts tension. Alternating current is very rarely used for 
 operating industrial electric locomotives. Double trolleys 
 and a complete wire circuit are often employed. 
 In coal mines both haulage and gathering locomotives 
 are employed. The latter type is equipped with a motor 
 driven conductor-cable-reel which allows the locomotive to 
 run into rooms on temporary tracks. The conductor cable 
 is attached to the trolley wire in the main haulage way 
 and is automatically paid out as the locomotive runs into 
 the room and is rewound as the locomotive returns. 
 Storage Battery Locomotives 
 These are extensively used in mines and around indus 
 trial manufacturing plants, and have the advantage of a 
 flexibility of operation not possessed by locomotives oper 
 ated by current taken from a trolley or third-rail. They 
 are decidedly preferable for use inside of buildings as there 
 is no danger of shock from exposed conductors. They 
 require a charging station but as the charging can ordinar 
 ily be done during the not n hour and at night there is, 
 ordinarily, no lost time during the charging period. 
 Storage battery locomotives are furnished in sizes rang 
 ing from 4 tons to 50 tons in weight and of many different 
 designs to meet various conditions. 
 They are operated on battery currents of 85 volts. 170 
 volts and 200 volts. 
 Articulated locomotives are employed where curves arc 
 sharp and a heavy draw-bar pull is desired. Such loco 
 motives have a short, rigid wheel base and a long flexible 
 wheel base. They are available in either trolley or storage 
 battery types. 
 Rack Locomotives 
 In hilly mines and occasionally in other places there are 
 portions of the road which are too steep for the use of 
 ordinary traction locomotives and where it is not desirable 
 to install chain car hauls or inclined plane cable hauls. 
 To meet these conditions a rack is installed in the center 
 of the track and the locomotive is equipped with a power 
 driven gear which meshes into the rack. 
 For mine use the rack locomotives are of electric type 
 and are frequently of the combination form, that is, they 
 may operate either as ordinary traction locomotives or as 
 rack locomotives dependent upon conditions. They are 
 used in places where the grades are as high as 15 per cent. 
 Fireless Locomotive 
 Compressed Air Locomotive 
 Electric Locomotive: Coal Mining 
 Electric Locomotive; Swing Gate Type Cars 
 Storage Battery Electric Locomotive and Train 
 Fleet of Electric Mine Locomotives 
 An Exceptionally Heavy Electric Mine Locomotiv 
 Rocky Mountain Type Ore Cars 
 THE IMPORTANCE of the selection of the proper type of a 
 railway to meet the existing conditions, the necessity 
 of care in the layout of the system and the need of 
 judgment in the selection of cars and locomotives have 
 already been mentioned. Success in the operation of the 
 rolling stock depends in a large measure upon the choice of 
 track details and also the manner in which they are installed. 
 Some of the points which should be borne in mind are the 
 nature of the road bed, the amount of grading and character 
 of ballasting which are warranted, whether the installation 
 is to be permanent or only temporary, whether the tracks 
 are to be out of doors dV inside buildings, the track gage, 
 the weight and wheel base of loaded cars, the weight of 
 the locomotives and the distribution of the weight on the 
 drivers, the running speed and the amount of traffic. 
 As good a road bed as possible should be provided to 
 secure the best operating results and to reduce the de 
 railments to a minimum. The keeping of the track in 
 proper alinement and of the right gage will decrease the 
 wear on rolling stock and permit of the use of higher speeds 
 with safety. An apparent saving obtained by a neglect of 
 track maintenance may result in annoying delays, in dam 
 age due to cars leaving the rails and possibly in injury to 
 The different track devices can best be considered by 
 Inking up each one separately and showing briefly the 
 functions and essentials of such details as rails, ties, turn 
 tables, etc. 
 Track Gage. This is the first detail to be decided. The 
 subject has already been considered in describing the dif 
 ferent types of railways, cars and locomotives but it may 
 be well to repeat that light railways around industrial and 
 power plants are usually of 24 in. gage although 2\ l /z in. 
 outside gage (for wheels with flanges on the outside of the 
 tracks) is used to a considerable extent; that 24 in. and 
 36 in. gages are common in construction and plantation 
 work and that gages from 18 in. to 56 1 /. in. are used in 
 mining with a strong tendency toward the adoption of 
 42 in. for the larger coal mining operations. Many odd 
 gages have been used in the past and a number of such 
 gaged roads are still in operation, particularly in the min 
 ing field. There would appear to be no good reason, how 
 ever, for the use of anything except 18 in., 24 in., 30 in., 
 36 in., 42 in., or 56yi in. gage for new construction, with 
 the possible exception of a few cases where 20 in. or 48 
 in. gage appear to be warranted. 
 Rails. Steel rails are designated by their weight per 
 yard. Those most commonly used for industrial railways 
 weigh 12 lb., 16 lb., 20 lb., 25 lb., and 30 Ib. per yard. 
 Occasionally 14 lb. rails are used and for very light con 
 struction 8 lb. and 10 lb. rails are common. For heavier 
 work 50 lb. or 60 lb. rails may be used, while around steel 
 mills and large manufacturing plants the rails required 
 may be considerably heavier than 60 lb. 
 Various rail sections have been used from time to time 
 by different mills, but those rolled at the present time are 
 usually of either the A. S. C. E. or the A. R. A. standard. 
 The former is more commonly used for the lighter sections 
 and is the one used for the accompanying table of dimen 
 sions. The A. R. A. standard rails have a slightly 
 greater height and a narrower base and head than the 
 A. S. C. E. rails. 
 When ordering rails, and the standard section is not 
 known, a sketch should be furnished or the height, width 
 of base and width of head should be stated ; also the drill 
 ing dimensions for the joint. 
 F--4- G ---- -H 
 S. C. E. RAIL 
 I.b. Per Yd. 
 r> E 
 1 A 
 1 fg 
 5/32 /, 
 l ^ 
 1 ^ 
 3/16 y, 
 3/16 M 
 2 j g 
 l jij 
 1/4 i$ 
 1 11/64 
 7/32 H 
 1/4 M 
 19/64 S4 
 3 1 4 
 3 J^ 
 21/64 )i 
 3 A 
 3 f? 
 23/64 y^ 
 1 ?^ 
 25/64 . ^ 
 27/64 H 
 2 /^ 
 7/16 1 
 2 /, 
 15/32 1 
 4 ,4 
 31/64 1 
 The standard lengths for rails 8 lb. to 45 lb. per yard 
 are 30 ft. with 10 per cent of rails shorter, but not less 
 than 20 ft. The standard lengths for rails 50 lb. per yard 
 and heavier are 33 ft. with 10 per cent of rails shorter, but 
 not less than 24 ft. Rails 8 lb. to 45 lb. per yard may be 
 obtained in all 30 ft. lengths and rails 50 lb. per yard and 
 heavier in all 33 ft. lengths if so specified, but in such cases 
 there is a slight increase in cost. Mill lengths are usually 
 sold at a lower figure than standard lengths. For such rails, 
 the length varies usually between 20 ft. and 30 ft., averag 
 ing about 26 ft. For portable track the rail lengths are 
 usually 15 ft. 
 Rail Joints. Two types of joints, known respectively 
 as fish plates and angle bars, are in general use. They are 
 also called plain splice bars and angle splice bars. Fish 
 plates are regularly used with rails 8 lb. to 25 lb. per yard 
 and may be used with heavier rails. Angle bars are 
 stiffer and therefore preferable for rails 30 lb. per yard 
 and heavier. 
 As there have been considerable differences in the drill 
 ing of rails by different manufacturers, a sketch similar 
 ..a- b a 
 to the one shown herewith should be made, properly di 
 mensioned and furnished with all orders for rail joints. 
 The following table will be helpful in selecting the size 
 of rails to use under different conditions : 
 Tie Spacing, Inches 
 Rail Serlion, 
 36.. . 
 1 ,220 
 Compromise or step joints are required for joining rails 
 of different sections. To obtain the proper designation one- 
 should stand in the center of the track facing the joint 
 and take the size of the left hand rail, then the size of 
 right hand rail. 
 Track Bolts. Rail joints are furnished either with or 
 without track bolts, if purchased separately the following 
 table will be of assistance in estimating requirements: 
 Kail Secticn, 
 Size Holt 
 !/i x2 
 Number Per 
 I.I). Per Toint 
 Keg, 200 Lh. 
 Ties. Wooden ties are generally used for permanent 
 tracks and may be used for temporary tracks provided 
 they can be readily obtained and at an economical price. 
 For ordinary conditions they are spaced about 2 ft. apart 
 but for heavy service or where the ground conditions are 
 poor, the ties may be spaced closer together with ad 
 Steel ties are used practically universally with portable 
 tracks and are also extensively used for permanent in 
 stallations. They are mainly of three general types : rolled 
 steel of a channel shape; rolled steel of a corrugated shape 
 and pressed steel of a dished shape. For light service 
 Some Tie Sections for Portable Track 
 and light rails the channel form is frequently chosen, 
 although the corrugated form has a somewhat greater 
 bearing area. Either of the rolled steel ties are satisfactory 
 when set in concrete. The pressed steel tie of a dished 
 shape is the most satisfactory type for general conditions. 
 The dished form with ends as well as sides flanged, pre 
 vents the road bed material from shifting and consequently 
 holds the track in better alinement. 
 Some manufacturers are prepared to furnish gal 
 vanized ties if desired. Experience thus far obtained would 
 indicate that the additional expense was well worth while. 
 Rivets or tee-head bolts and clips may be used for 
 attaching steel ties to the rails although other forms of 
 bolts and clamps are also used. In some cases the ties are 
 attached to the track by welding. This is said to give 
 good satisfaction in service but does not permit the track 
 to be taken apart for long distance shipment ; neither can 
 it be repaired easily at outlying points. 
 Spikes. For fastening the rails to wooden ties, spikes 
 are used. The size is designated by the length under the 
 head measured in inches and the size of the square stock 
 from which the spikes are made. Those ordinarily used 
 for industrial trucks range in size from 2 l /> in. by 5/16 in. 
 (2,200 pieces per 200 Ib. keg) used for rails weighing up 
 to 10 Hi. per yard to 6 in. by 9/16 in. (320 per 200 Ib. keg) 
 used fur rails weighing 45 Ib. or more per yard. 
 Screw spikes or tirefonds are sometimes used instead 
 of the ordinary drive spikes. 
 Rail Braces. For supporting rails at switches and on 
 curves, rail braces are employed. They are made of mal 
 leable iron or of pressed steel and of different sizes and 
 shapes to suit different rail sections and conditions. 
 Tie Plates. Malleable iron tie plates placed between the 
 rail and wooden ties materially decrease the tendency 
 of the rail to cut into the tie and correspondingly increase 
 the life of the tie. Tie plates are rarely used for rails 
 weighing less than 20 Ib. per yard and are not employed 
 where wheel loads and traffic are light. 
 Switches. Stub switches made with square rail ends 
 are sometimes used but they have been largely superseded 
 Kijiht Hand Switch and Portable Track 
 by split switches with planed tapered points which are 
 safer, more durable and eliminate the pounding which 
 takes place when cars pass over stub switches. They 
 are furnished in sets consisting of a pair of points with 
 tie bars and sliding plates. Kail braces are also frequently 
 included. The points are usually furnished straight 
 throughout their entire length so that they can be used 
 lor either right or left-hand switches. One tie bar is 
 sufficient for points 5 ft. long while four bars are used 
 with points 15 ft. long. Spring tie bars can be obtained 
 if they are desired. 
 Orders for switch points should always specify the 
 track gage, the size of the rail and radius of curve. The 
 radius of switch curves frequently used for permanent 
 industrial tracks are 115 ft. for 24 in. gage, 150 ft. for 
 30 in. gage and 165 ft. for 36 in. gage, although much 
 sharper curves are frequently employed. 
 Complete switches for portable track include the movable 
 points ; the frog ; all necessary straight, curved and inter 
 mediate rails ; tie rods ; guard rails and ties riveted 
 together ready to lay down. The curves on such tracks 
 are frequently of 12 ft. or 15 ft. radius for the narrower 
 gages and frequently 30 ft. for other gages. 
 Switches may be right hand, left hand, symmetrical two 
 way or three way. 
 Climbers or inclines may be used to divert cars from 
 a permanent track to a portable line. Two sets of climb 
 ers with a section of straight track afford a temporary 
 crossing over another line of tracks. Two sets of climliers 
 with curved track may be used as a combination cross 
 over and switch. These devices have to be removed to 
 permit cars to pass on the main line. This may be over 
 come by the use of two inclines attached to a portable 
 Frogs. Three types of frogs are in common use. In 
 the first form the sections of rail are riveted to a steel 
 base plate. In the second form, used for heavier sizes 
 only, the sections of rail are held together by bolts passing 
 horizontally through the rails and filler blocks. The third 
 form is cast in one piece, usually of manganese steel, and 
 on account of its durability is economical for mines and 
 other places where the traffic is heavy. 
 Frogs are designated by a number denoting the ratio 
 of the length to the spread. Referring to the diagram, 
 the frog member will be the result of dividing the length 
 L by the sum of spread H at the heel plus the spread T 
 at the toe. For example : if the length L is 88 in. the 
 spread H is 15 in. and the spread T is 7 in. the number of 
 the frog is 4. It should be noted that H is measured 
 between the outside edges of the rail head and T between 
 the inside edges, both being gage sides. 
 Ground Throws and Switch Stands. In some cases, 
 particularly where cast plate track is used, the switch 
 point is thrown by foot or by a plain bar. However, in 
 most cases, the switch is operated by means of a ground 
 throw. The simplest form consists of a lever, frequently 
 with a weighted end, and a connecting rod for operating 
 the switch points, the movement of the lever being at right 
 angles to the center line of the track. By using a bell 
 Ground Throw 
 crank the movement of the throw will be parallel to the 
 A low switch stand with a target may be added to the 
 ground throw or a higher stand with a lever may be used 
 instead. The shaft is usually extended above the target 
 Switch Stand 
 and made square so that a lantern may be used if desired. 
 Spring connecting rods may be used in connection with 
 ground thrown or switch stands. Their use is often de- 
 irable, as they permit a car to trail through a switch 
 being derailed, even when the switch is not set 
 for such a movement of the car. 
 Crossings. The>e are constructed similarly to frogs. 
 For medium service, the sections of rail are riveted to a 
 steel base plate, while for heavy service the crossing is 
 It up and bolted together with suitable guard rails and 
 Curves. For industrial railway work, curves are usually 
 designed by their radius. For standard gage tracks and 
 for heavy work the ordinary railroad practice may be 
 followed and curvature designated by the degrees of 
 deflection from a tangent measured from stations 100 ft. 
 Derails. In many places derails are placed on side 
 tracks in order to derail and stop a car should it start 
 to roll onto the main line. They consist of a steel casting 
 so shaped that the flange of the wheel will roll up onto 
 it and pass over the rail. When a clear track is desired 
 they may be swung back out of the way. 
 Portable Track. For construction work and other tem 
 porary installations, portable track is particularly useful 
 as it can be quickly laid down and readily changed to new 
 locations. If such track is not for export or to be trans 
 ported for long distances by rail, the usual practice is to 
 rivet together the rails and ties. Where cost of transpor 
 tation and compactness in shipment are important, the 
 track and the ties may be bolted together and taken apart 
 for shipment. 
 Portable track is usually made up in standard lengths 
 Turntable, Crossover and Switch 
 of 15 ft., although lengths of 30 ft. are used for track of 
 the lighter sections. 
 Switches and curves are also made up in interchange 
 able standard units. 
 Cast Plate Track. For use in boiler rooms, machine 
 shops and other places where a smooth and easily cleaned 
 floor and one that will not interfere with other traffic is 
 desirable, cast plate track is frequently used. 
 Such track is made up in standard straight and curved 
 sections ; 90 deg., 60 deg., and 45 deg. crossings and 
 switches. Such track is usually set in concrete and laid 
 flush with the floor. The surface is checkered to prevent 
 Turntables. Many designs have been made for cast 
 iron and steel turntables. Their use is desirable in 
 cramped quarters, as they require less floor space than 
 switches and curves. 
 Transfers. For moving cars from one track to other 
 parallel tracks a car transfer is conveniently employed. 
 The cars used for making such transfers are described 
 and illustrated in that section of this book describing the 
 different types of cars. 
 Track Tools. For laying and maintaining track a num 
 ber of standard tools are practically essential. Those or 
 dinarily required are picks (plain, tamping and mattocks), 
 shovels (round points, square point and tamping), axes 
 (regular, double edge and adz), crow bars, pinch bars, 
 tamping bars, spike pullers, sledge hammers, spike mauls, 
 cold chisels, track winches, rail forks and carrying tongs ; 
 also track gages and track levels. Other tools which are 
 needed for roads of considerable size are track jacks, rail 
 saws, rail drills and rail benders. 
 Modern Methods of Handling and Storing Coal 
 Mines, Storage Points, Boiler Houses, Coal Yards, 
 Locomotive Coaling Stations, Coaling and 
 Loading Vessels, 
 Methods of Handling and Preparing Sand, Gravel, 
 Stone and Lime. 
Modern Methods of Handling and Storing Coal 
 pendent upon coal than upon any other commodity. 
 The amounts handled are enormous. The meth 
 ods of handling and storing it are, therefore, of the 
 greatest importance. Coal is the most important item of 
 freight which lias to be handled by rail and by water. Un 
 doubtedly the greatest factor in expediting its handling and 
 in eliminating delays to the carriers is modern coal handling 
 Systems of storing coal, by making it possible to handle 
 the coal to and from storage at a very low cost, are of 
 great value in stabilizing the rate of output in the coal in 
 dustry and also in enabling transportation companies to 
 utilize their equipment to much better advantage, avoiding 
 an overtax at one time and more or Jess idleness at another. 
 The amounts of coal loaded at the shipping points are 
 large, so that considerable investment in handling and stor 
 ing equipment is justified and the saving of a small amount 
 in the cost of handling each ton means a large total saving. 
 Coal shipments, however, are distributed among a great 
 number of consignees, a large percentage of whom receive 
 only comparatively small amounts, so that the investment 
 justified for handling facilities at receiving points is apt to 
 be much less than at shipping points where larger amounts 
 arc handled. In either case, however, the facilities should 
 be such as to avoid excessive labor costs and delays to the 
 The initial handling of coal is at the mine where it may 
 be stored or loaded direct to a railroad car. Before ship 
 ment it may pass through a breaker or a preparation plant, 
 after which it is forwarded to the ultimate consumer, pos 
 sibly passing through the hands of a dealer where it may 
 be stored for a certain length of time, or it may rest in a 
 central storage plant until later on when the demand is 
 greater. Sometimes it is transferred several times from one 
 carrier to another before it reaches its destination. There 
 are, therefore, a number of different handlings and trans 
 fers to be accomplished before the coal finally reaches the 
 consumer, necessitating various types of handling equip 
 The mine car in any of its several forms is the primary 
 handling device used in coal mining. Drag chain conveyors 
 and several types of shoveling machines are used for load 
 ing the coal into the car which ordinarily is taken to a 
 tipple at the mouth of the mine for unloading. 
 Elevators or mine cages are ordinarily used in shaft min 
 ing for moving the car from the mine to the tipple. Cable- 
 railways, chain car-hauls, locomotives both electric and 
 compressed air are also largely used in the movement of 
 the cars. Where it is not desirable to move the car direct 
 to the tipple the coal is discharged into skip hoists or con 
 veyors for transfer to the mouth of the mine. 
 Mine cars, locomotives, car-hauls, cages, etc., are treated 
 in detail in other sections of this book. 
 Preparation Plants for Coal 
 Some of the more important essentials of separation 
 plants, or tipples follow : 
 (1) A satisfactory method of handling and dumping the 
 loaded mine cars, and of taking care of empties. 
 (2) A satisfactory transfer of the coal from the dumping 
 point to the tipple where it is not feasible to dump 
 the cars at the proper point for direct delivery to the 
 preparation system. 
 (3) An arrangement of picking tables, screens, transfer 
 conveyors and refuse conveyors which will provide 
 for the desired preparation and mixing of the coal, 
 and the disposal of refuse. 
 (4) The proper devices to load the various sizes or com 
 binations of sizes into the railroad cars with the 
 minimum amount of breakage. 
 (5) An arrangement of railroad tracks which will provide 
 for the easy and rapid handling of empty and loaded 
 railroad cars, starting with the dividing up of the 
 train of empty cars, and finishing with the making up 
 of a train of loaded cars. 
 The standard cross-over dump. Fig. 1, for handling and 
 dumping mine cars is the usual method. The loaded cars 
 are brought to the dumping point in trains, are uncoupled 
 as they go over a hump or knuckle, and start down a 
 slight incline to the dump. Each car is caught by two 
 horns, or stops, and the dump is tripped by an operator 
 so that the car is tilted and the coal dumped out. As the 
 car rights itself, the stops are held down until it passes 
 over and runs up to the kick-back, which sends it back and 
 through a switch to another track. It can then be allowed 
 to run on down by gravity ; or it may be lowered with a 
 car haul if the dumping point is at a higher level than that 
 at which the trains of empties are made up ; or, if it is 
 necessary to take them up hill, this can be done with a 
 similar car haul. 
 Rotary mine car dumps, which may be operated by 
 gravity or power, are also used. This type permits the use 
 of solid end cars, and is arranged so that the horizontal 
 track receiving the cars comes in line with tipple floor. 
 In the gravity type, Fig. 2, after a car has been run onto 
 the dump, the band brake which holds the dump in position 
 is released and the weight of the car and its load is heavy 
 enough to cause rotation. A counterweight provided at the 
 bottom causes the dump to return to its normal position 
 after the car is emptied. 
 The power-operated rotary dumps are controlled by 
 means of a lever which is manipulated by an attendant, and 
 operates as an eccentric block, which throws out an au 
 tomatic stop, at the same time lowering the rings of the 
 dump on a constantly rotating trunnion. The lever is im 
 mediately released by the operator after the car latch is 
 tripped, and the dump makes a complete revolution, turn 
 ing the car over, pouring the coal out and returning to the 
 original position ; here it comes against the automatic stop 
 in such a way that the large rings of the dump are but a 
 fraction of an inch away from the rotating trunnion. After 
 the operator trips the dump, a complete cycle is made with 
 out further attention. 
 Where it is desired to take the mine cars from a lower 
 level up on In the dumping point of the tipple, it is fre 
 quently done by means of a car haul which pushes the 
 loaded cars up an incline as shown in Fig. 3. After they 
 are dumped they automatically pass over to the down haul, 
 which lowers them to the foot of the incline. 
 In many cases when he coal is to be elevated into the 
 preparation plants, it is dumped from the mine car, and 
 is lifted by an inclined apron conveyor or flight conveyor. 
 Where the mouth of the mine is above the preparation 
 plant, the coal is usually lowered by a retarding conveyor, 
 either a double-strand chain flight conveyor, or a cable 
 conveyor. Sometimes the coal is lowered down the hill 
 side by means of monitors that are similar to double- 
 balanced skip hoists, which are raised and lowered with 
 a double cable haul, so arranged that the two monitors 
 balance each other, and as one goes up the other goes down. 
 The most usual device for screening the coal is a shaking 
 screen, such as is shown in Fig. 4. This is hung on ad 
 justable hanger rods, and the shaking motion is imparted 
 to it by an eccentric connected to the screen by means of 
 a wooden eccentric rod. The screen plates are of the lip 
 screen type, with slotted holes a little wider at the lower 
 end, a slight drop in the screen at the lower end of each 
 row of slots. This makes the screen self-cleaning; that is, 
 it keeps the holes from becoming clogged with coal and 
 refuse, and allows the free passage of undersized material. 
 The most effective picking table is the corrugated apron 
 conveyor, on which the coal is carried slowly along past 
 the pickers so that the refuse can easily be removed. To 
 insure effective picking, it is necessary first to remove the 
 slack and small coal, so that it will not cover up and hide 
 the refuse. The material is usually, therefore, first screened 
 into several sizes, and the different sizes are carried by 
 separate picking tables, or by the two sides of one picking 
 table, so that the different sizes can be picked separately. 
 In some cases the coal is screened in such a manner that 
 the fine coal is deposited first on the picking table, and the 
 larger coal is deposited on top of it so that it can be in 
 spected and picked. 
 The refuse is usually dropped into chutes leading to a 
 flight conveyor, or to a drag chain conveyor; that is, a 
 wide chain which slides in a steel or cast iron trough, 
 and pushes the material along with it without the use of 
 any flights or other attachments. The refuse can then be 
 delivered to a bin for removal by cars, or it may be de 
 livered direct to a car. 
 After the coal is screened and picked, it is delivered either 
 in the separate sizes to railroad cars on various tracks, or 
 certain sizes are first combined with others by means of 
 chutes, transfer conveyors, or a combination of the two. 
 The smaller sizes are delivered to the cars by means of 
 chutes, but as this method is apt to cause excessive break 
 age of the larger sizes, loading booms are substituted for 
 chutes when loading the larger sizes in the best modern 
 tipples. A loading boom is simply a hinged end of an 
 apron conveyor, which can be raised and lowered, usually 
 by means of an electric hoist, so that the coal may be 
 deposited in the car with a minimum amount of drop, and 
 therefore a minimum amount of breakage. 
 The railroad tracks should be so arranged that the train 
 of empties can easily be broken up and delivered to the 
 tracks under the tipple, and there should be room cm each 
 track for at least one empty car directly back of the one 
 being loaded, so that it can take its place without delay. 
 The tracks usually have a sufficient grade to allow the 
 cars to drop down quickly by gravity; they are held back 
 by a cable lowering device which is operated by one of 
 the attendants who takes care of the proper filling of the 
 cars. The tracks come together again on the other side 
 of the tipple so that the cars may be passed over a scale 
 and be weighed, and then be made up into trains. 
 A simple and comparatively inexpensive tipple is shown 
 in Fig. 5. There are no shaking screens and only one apron 
 conveyor which also serves as a picking table. The coal 
 is delivered from the dump hopper to a section of lip 
 screen by a short apron feeder. The fine coal falls from 
 the screen onto the apron conveyor at a point back of 
 where the lump is deposited, thus bringing the larger coal 
 on top, so that it can be picked properly. The apron con 
 veyor takes the coal up an incline to the proper level, and 
 then along a horizontal length where the picking is done. 
 The coal is then delivered over a bar screen, the large coal 
 going over the end of the screen into a chute with a 
 hinged end, and thence into railroad cars on one track, 
 while the slack goes through the screen and into railroad 
 cars on another track. The refuse is dropped into a hopper 
 underneath the picking table, and is taken away by mine 
 cars. By using veil plates to cover up the screen, run-of- 
 mine coal can be loaded. The apron conveyor is 5 ft. wide 
 by 66 ft. long, center to center, and is driven by a 15 H.F. 
 electric motor, which also drives the apron feeder. The 
 conveyor operates at a speed of 45 ft. per min.; and the 
 hourly capacity is 150 tons. 
 Another comparatively simple tipple is illustrated in 
 Fig. 6. In this case, the dump hopper is at a higher level 
 than the screen house. The coal is fed from this hopper, 
 by means of an apron feeder, to a short section of lip 
 screen, which delivers to the main apron conveyor and 
 deposits the slack underneath and the lump coal on top. 
 The apron conveyor is 5 ft. wide by 94 ft. centers, the 
 upper part being inclined and the lower part horizontal. 
 It is along this horizontal section that the picking is done. 
 The coal is delivered over the end of the apron conveyor 
 to the shaking screen where it is screened to lump, egg, 
 and stoker sizes, the lump being loaded by means of a 
 loading boom and the other sizes by means of chutes. 
 A somewhat more elaborate anthracite coal preparation 
 plant is shown in Fig. 7. The tipple has a capacity of 400 
 tons of coal per hour, and is equipped with balanced shak 
 ing screens. Lump and egg are loaded by means of load 
 ing booms, and there are horizontal sections of these loading 
 boom conveyors which arc used as picking tables. Pro 
 vision is also made to permit the slack and nut to be after 
 wards re-combined with the egg and lump, thereby making 
 a carefully picked run-of-mine. 
 The coal is transferred from the dump hopper to the 
 shaking screens by an apron conveyor, set at a slight down 
 ward incline, and the preliminary picking is done on this 
 conveyor. A reciprocating feeder delivers the coal over 
 the lip screen to the apron, so located that the slack will 
 be on the bottom and the lump on top. This screen sepa 
 rates the coal into lump, egg, nut and slack, which can be 
 loaded separately on four tracks underneath the screen 
 house, two of these tracks being served by loading booms 
 and two by means of chutes ; or, by means of a mixing 
 conveyor, the smaller sizes can be added to the larger to 
 form almost any combination desired. The lower run of 
 the mixing conveyor acts as a refuse conveyor and takes 
 the refuse up to a hopper on the hillside, from which it 
 is removed by mine cars. 
 A preparation plant of a somewhat different arrange 
 ment is shown in Fig. 8. Two seams of coal are mined, 
 the lower Freeport and the upper Kittanning, and the 
 tipple is built double so that the two kinds of coal can be 
 handled separately, or may be combined in any proportions 
 desired. Each of the two sets of equipment has a capacity 
 of 250 tons per hour, which makes a total possible capacity 
 for the tipple of 500 tons per hour. 
 The mine cars are brought in on two tracks, each of 
 which has its own dump hopper and its own kick-back 
 for running the empties back on another track, where they 
 are picked up by a short car-haul conveyor and taken back 
 tip to a somewhat higher level ior making up into trains. 
 This arrangement brings the dump house close to the 
 ground level and reduces the amount of structure neces 
 sary. Each dump hopper delivers to an inclined apron 
 conveyor, these conveyors taking the coal up an incline, 
 and delivering it to two sets of double balanced shaking 
 screens 6 ft. wide. The screens separate the coal into 
 slack, nut and lump, the smaller sizes being delivered to 
 cars on two tracks under the screen house by means of 
 chutes and the larger sizes to two other tracks by means 
 of loading booms. 
 The picking is done on horizontal sections of the loading 
 boom conveyors, Fig. 10. There is a double chain flight 
 conveyor with a partition in the middle for taking care 
 of the bone and refuse, so that the bone can be handled on 
 one side and the refuse on the other ; this is done so that 
 the bone may be crushed and used in the boilers, whereas 
 the refuse is taken away in mine cars and disposed of. 
 This same partitioned flight conveyor connects with a cross 
 conveyor, which is also partitioned, and which takes care 
 of the mixing of the smaller sixes with the larger sizes, as 
 well as the mixing of the two kinds of coal from the differ 
 ent seams. In addition to this, there is an emergency run- 
 of-mine chute, leading from the head of each apron con 
 veyor, so that the unprepared run-of-mine can be delivered 
 to cars on one track in case the screens or loading booms 
 are shut down for repairs. 
 A bituminous coal preparation plant which serves sev 
 eral mines is shown in Fig. 9. In this case a narrow gage 
 railroad serves the mines so that the coal has to be trans 
 ferred from the narrow gage cars to the standard ones at 
 the junction point with the standard gage railroad. In 
 order, therefore, to be able to prepare the coal, as well as 
 transfer it, a preparation plant was built and its conveying 
 equipment so arranged that the coal could be discharged 
 from the narrow gage cars to track hoppers, serving con 
 veyors which take the coal up into the preparation plant; 
 the standard gage tracks are located underneath the plant 
 so that the prepared ccal can be delivered to the standard 
 gage cars. 
 The diagram shows the general arrangement of the plant. 
 It is built in two units combined under one roof, either of 
 which can be operated separately or in conjunction with the 
 other. As the capacity of each unit is 300 tons per hour, 
 one unit is sufficient for handling the present output of 
 the mines which ship over the road and the other unit is 
 used as a reserve. This insures the station against 
 a shutdown for repairs and makes it possible to overhaul 
 one unit while the other is in operation, thereby making it 
 easier to keep the plant in good operating condition. It 
 also avoids congestion, as both units can be operated to 
 gether when an extra large amount of coal has to be 
 handled in a certain time. 
 The narrow-gage cars arrive on the two narrow-gage 
 tracks which come in over the track hoppers. These track 
 hoppers are in pairs, and each pair delivers coal, by means 
 of reciprocating feeds at the bottom, to two main inclined 
 apron conveyors. Each conveyor takes the coal up and 
 delivers it to a double-deck shaking screen in the trans 
 fer building. 
 The upper deck of each shaking screen has large perfo 
 rations and the lower deck smaller ones. At the discharge 
 end of each shaking screen is a main picking table; one 
 receives the coal passing over the upper screen on one side, 
 the smaller lump coal passing through the upper screen 
 and over the lower one on the other side. Or, at least this 
 is the case where these two sizes of coal are to be shipped 
 together. When they are to be kept separate, the smaller 
 size, instead of going over the end of the lower screen, goes 
 through a trap door, which can be opened for this purpose, 
 and onto a secondary picking table. 
 The smallest coal or slack, which goes througli the 
 perforations in the lower screen, is collected by a gather 
 ing hopper and either is delivered direct to standard gage 
 cars or is elevated by an inclined flight conveyor, located 
 between the two picking tables, to a height sufficient for 
 delivery by means of a two-way chute to either of the two 
 picking tables at the forward end. This arrangement de 
 posits the slack underneath the lump coal and makes it 
 possible to pick two sizes of lump coal without interference 
 from the presence of slack. 
 There is a single refuse conveyor, running at right angles 
 to the picking tables and underneath the center of the 
 picking space to take care of the bone and slate which is 
 picked from the coal. Chutes are provided along the 
 tables to receive the refuse and deliver it to the refuse con 
 veyor, which discharges to a narrow-gage car standing on 
 a track at one side of the transfer building. 
 Underneath the transfer building are four standard gage 
 tracks for cars which are to be loaded. The two main 
 picking tables are equipped with loading booms the ends of 
 which are raised and lowered by electric hoists. The coal 
 from the secondary picking tables is delivered into the cars 
 by means of inclined chutes, which can be raised and 
 lowered, as desired. 
 There are also emergency run-of-mine chutes which can 
 be used to deliver unprepared run-of-mine coal direct from 
 the main apron conveyors to the standard gage cars, or 
 to standard gage locomotives when it is necessary to coal 
 All the tracks are set at a sufficient grade so that the 
 cars can be dropped down into position by gravity. These 
 standard gage tracks have the ladder arrangement of 
 switches so that a train of empty cars can be run in and 
 split up so as to feed the cars down the tracks under the 
 transfer building. The switch points are kept far enough 
 back so that there is, in each case, room enough for an 
 empty car just behind the one being loaded, ready to take 
 its place without delay. 
 The track hoppers under the narrow gage tracks are 
 built mostly of reinforced concrete, but with steel plates 
 forming a certain part of their construction. The track 
 beams are supported on cross walls and crossbeams. The 
 transfer building and conveyor bridges are of steel frame 
 construction covered with corrugated iron and amply pro 
 vided with windows for light and air. The main apron 
 conveyors and the picking tables are constructed with two 
 strands of 9-inch pitch steel-strap chain with case-hardened 
 steel bushings and flanged cast-iron rollers at the joints. 
 The pans are of the overlapping corrugated type, made of 
 3/16 in. steel plates. The tracks for the rollers are made 
 of angle irons. The width of each main apron conveyor 
 is 42 in., that of each picking table 60 in. and each secondary 
 picking table 36 in. The main apron conveyors are de- 
 i f ! !, | !ij}i 
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 signed to operate at a speed of 80 ft. per min. and the 
 picking tables at a speed of 40 ft. per min. 
 Kach main picking table and loading boom conveyor 
 has a capacity of the full 300 tons per hour, so that all the 
 coal being handled through one unit can be loaded over the 
 single conveyor if desired. The secondary picking tables 
 have a capacity of 150 tons per hour. 
 The shaking screens are 6 ft. wide and 24 ft. long and 
 each scrcn is suspended by four forged steel adjustable 
 hanger rods. The screens are operated by pairs of heavy 
 cast-iron babbitted eccentrics with wooden connecting rods. 
 Tile eccentric shaft runs at a speed of 110 r. p. m. The 
 screens are constructed of 3/16 in. steel plate sides and Y\ 
 in. steel plate bottoms, with sections of lip screens arranged 
 in both the upper and lower decks, so that the screens can 
 be changed when it is desired to alter the size of the coal 
 A very complete preparation plant is shown in Figs. 11, 
 and 12. By referring to Figs. 11 and 12 it will be seen 
 that the tipple is really divided into two parts, a low build 
 ing over the loading tracks for the picking tables and part 
 of the conveyor system, and a high one a little to one side 
 that contains pea, slack and refuse bins, a rotary screen for 
 separating the pea and slack, and a gravity discharge V- 
 bucket machine for handling these sizes. 
 The two main buildings are connected by an intermediate 
 structure, which spans one of the loading tracks and a 
 space adjoining. The upper shaking screen extends across 
 the intermediate building and delivers over the end to the 
 lower shaking screen located over the rear end of the 
 picking tables. There are five loading tracks under the 
 picking table and intermediate building and two coke-larry 
 tracks under the pca-and-slack building for the larries 
 which take coal to the coke ovens. 
 The coal is brought into the building by a retarding con 
 veyor, of the double-strand flight type, which has a ca 
 pacity of 450 tons per hour. This conveyor extends through 
 the pea-and-slack building and delivers over the end and 
 through a chute to the upper shaking screen. Just above 
 the lower end of the conveyor the trough is replaced by a 
 bar screen with 3^-in. openings between the bars. This 
 screen takes out some of the slack and relieves the shaking 
 screens of part of this work, thereby increasing the effect 
 iveness of the screening. The slack that passes through 
 this bar screen goes into a hopper underneath, from which 
 it is fed to the gravity discharge machine. 
 When the slack is not to be removed from the coal, but 
 the entire output is to be shipped as picked run-of-mine, 
 or other mixtures that include the slack, the gate in the 
 bottom of the hopper is left closed so that the hopper fills 
 up and the slack passes over the screen. 
 At the lower end of the retarding conveyor is a chute to 
 the upper shaking screen. In the bottom of this chute is a 
 gate which, when open, allows the coal to go through into 
 a six-ton hopper or bin for emergency run-of-mine, when 
 this coal is to be loaded without passing it over the shak 
 ing screens and picking tables. A chute of special design 
 to minimize breakage leads from the hopper to the cars. 
 The upper shaking screen is 8 ft. wide by 28 ft. 9 in. 
 long. The screen part is 16 ft. long and contains y 2 in. x 34 
 in. perforations to take out pea and slack. Underneath 
 this shaking screen is the pea and slack gathering hopper, 
 with a chute leading to the cross slack conveyor No. 9. 
 This cross slack conveyor takes the pea and slack over to 
 the mixing conveyor, when it is to be put back with some 
 of the coal that is being loaded, or, if the cross slack con 
 veyor is reversed, the pea and slack is taken over to con 
 veyor No. 10, which conveys it to the gravity discharge 
 V-bucket machine in the pea-and-slack building. 
 The coal which passes over the upper shaking screen 
 moves on to the lower one, which is 8 ft. wide by 29 ft. 
 3 in. long. In the upper part of this screen is a section 
 of lip screen through which the nut size passes to the gath 
 ering hopper underneath and then to the nut picking table. 
 In the lower part of this screen is another section of lip 
 screen for taking out the egg. The egg size that goes 
 through this screen is delivered to the egg picking table. 
 In both the egg and nut gathering hoppers under the 
 lower shaking screen there are sections of rescreening 
 plates with small openings for cleaning the egg and nut 
 coal still more carefully by taking out any slack and pea 
 coal which they may still contain, just before they go onto 
 the picking tables. This pea and slack goes first to one of 
 the conveyors, No. 20, and then to the rescreen conveyor 
 No. 13 for delivery either to the cross slack conveyor No. 
 9, or, at the end, to a small hopper for loading to cars on 
 track Xo. 5. 
 There are three picking tables for lump, egg and nut in 
 the picking-table building. Each table has a horizontal part 
 upon which the picking is done that is 29 ft. long from the 
 center of the driving shaft to the hinge of the loading boom. 
 Adjacent to this is a loading boom section 37 ft. in length 
 which can be lowered into railroad cars so that the coal 
 may be deposited with a minimum amount of drop, and 
 therefore, with a minimum of breakage. 
 There is room for at least six pickers at each table. 
 These pickers remove the bone, slate and other refuse from 
 the coal and drop it down conveniently located chutes lead 
 ing to the refuse conveyors, which deliver it to conveyor 
 No. 11, which conveys it to the refuse bin in the pea-and- 
 slack building. From this bin it can be discharged into 
 rock cars on tracks just beyond the larry tracks. 
 Going back to the pea and slack, it was previously stated 
 that these sizes could be delivered to the V-bucket machine 
 from conveyor No. 10. The V-buckets elevate this coal 
 and discharge it over a chute to a rotary screen, the screen 
 ing part of which is composed of wire cloth with Ji-in. 
 square openings. After the slack goes through the screen, 
 it is again discharged to the V-buckets which travel under 
 neath the screen. The buckets then convey and discharge 
 it into a 350-ton slack bin. 
 If desired, it can be delivered to the upper run of the 
 mixing conveyor instead of to the bin, by means of a rack 
 and pinion gate in the conveyor trough. It may then be 
 deposited on the lump, egg or nut loading booms at the 
 hinge points, when it is desired to mix it with these sizes. 
 The pea size goes over the end of the screen into a bin of 
 150 tons capacity. The slack coal may be drawn off from 
 the slack bin into railroad cars on track No. 5 or into the 
 larry cars on tracks Nos. 6 and 7, to go to the coke ovens. 
 The pea can be loaded into railroad cars on track No. S 
 or it may be reclaimed by the V-buckets from the bin and 
 delivered to the upper run of the pea-and-rescreen-conveyor 
 No. 13, which discharges it at the far end over a chute to 
 railroad cars on track No. 1, or to a five-ton pea-coal bin 
 for domestic purposes, this bin being equipped with a swivel 
 chute for loading to wagons. The chute to the cars has a 
 rescreen plate :n the bottom to remove small coal and de 
 liver it to the screen conveyor. 
 The loading of the various sizes on the different tracks 
 is accomplished as follows : 
 Lump From lump loading boom direct to cars on track 
 No. 2. From lump loading boom, in raised position, 
 over chute to cars on track No. 3. 
 Egg From egg loading boom direct to the cars on track 
 No. 3. 
 Nut From nut loading boom direct to cars on track No. 
 4. From nut loading boom, in raised position, over chute 
 to cars on track No. 3. 
 Pea From end of conveyor No. 13 to cars on track No. 
 1. From pea bin over chute to cars on track No. 5. 
 Slack From slack bin over chute to cars on track No. 
 5. From slack bin over chute to larries on tracks Nos. 6 
 and 7. From mixing conveyor No. 11 to lump, egg or nut 
 loading booms and thense to cars on tracks Nos. 2, 3 or 4. 
 Pea and Slack From gathering hopper under upper 
 shaking screen. From mixing conveyor No. 11 to lump, 
 egg or nut loading boom and thence to cars on tracks Nos. 
 2, 3 or 4. From gathering hopper, under shaking screen, 
 through gate in conveyor No. 9 and over chute to cars on 
 track No. 5. 
 By using the above operations in different ways, the sep 
 arate sizes and combinations can be loaded on the several 
 tracks as follows : 
 No. 1 Track Pea 
 No. 2 Track Lump ; lump, pea and slack ; lump and 
 No. 3 Track Egg ; egg and nut ; egg and lump ; egg, 
 lump and nut ; egg, lump, pea and slack ; egg, lump and 
 slack; egg, nut, pea and slack; egg, pea and slack; egg 
 and slack ; picked run-of-mine 
 No. 4 Track Nut ; nut, pea and slack ; nut and slack 
 No. 5 Track Slack from bin ; pea from bin ; pea and 
 slack direct ; emergency run-of-mine 
 Nos. 6 and 7 Tracks For coke larries. 
 The picking-table building and the intermediate building 
 are of steel frame construction, covered with corrugated 
 ingot iron. A generous supply of light is obtained by a 
 large number of windows around the sides of the building, 
 and the picking tables receive additional light from a sky 
 light. The pea-and-slack building is covered with corru 
 gated ingot iron, and the machinery there housed is well 
 lighted from the windows in the sides and ends. 
 The shaking screens are of the double, balanced type and 
 are suspended from four hanger rods, with turnbuckles for 
 adjusting the angle of inclination. They are operated by 
 ball-and-socket eccentrics, which are self-aligning and are 
 driven at a speed of 100 r. p. m. The first shaking screen 
 takes out the pea and slack, which goes into the gathering 
 hopper underneath, and then into the cross slack conveyor. 
 The lower shaking screen removes the nut and egg, which 
 are delivered, by means of hoppers and chutes underneath, 
 to the nut and egg picking tables. The lump coal that 
 passes over the screen openings goes over the end of the 
 screen to the lump picking table. 
 As stated previously, the egg and nut picking tables are 
 both 5 ft. wide, and the lump table is 4 ft. wide. The 
 picking tables are constructed of 3/16 in. corrugated steel 
 pans, attached to a double strand of 9-in. pitch, steel- 
 bushed strap chain, with through rods every 3 ft., to act as 
 spacers and to tie the chains together efficiently. There 
 are 3J4 in. rollers at the chain joints, which travel on steel 
 angle tracks on both the carrying and return runs. 
 Steel channel guards are placed along the tables on each 
 side where the pickers stand. The chains are further pro 
 tected by side guards to keep the coal from getting on 
 them and to make it safer for the pickers. The channel 
 sides also serve as a table on which the refuse can be 
 separated from the coal with picks. 
 Steel refuse chutes, by means of which the refuse is de 
 livered to the refuse conveyors, are placed at convenient in 
 tervals along the picking tables. Each picking table and 
 loading boom is a continuous machine, the loading-boom 
 end being constructed so that it can be raised and lowered. 
 This operation is accomplished by means of an electric 
 hoist, the hoisting rope being attached to a bale at the end 
 of the loading boom ; these electric hoists make it possible 
 to raise and lower the booms easily and quickly. Ordina 
 rily each boom is lowered into a car when coal is being 
 handled over it, but, as previously described, the outside 
 booms are sometimes used in the raised position, when it 
 is desired to deliver the coal into chutes which lead from 
 the booms to cars on track No. 3, so that certain mixing 
 operations can be accomplished. 
 Conveyors Nos. 9, 10 and 11 namely the reversible cross 
 slack conveyor, the slack conveyor to the V-bucket elevator 
 and the refuse and mixing conveyors are all double strand 
 flight conveyors of 12-in. pitch, steel-bushed, steel strap 
 chain, with 36 in. x 12 in. x 3/fa in. steel flights every 3 ft. 
 The trough bottoms are of % in. steel plate, and the sides 
 of the trough are plates and shapes. The chains have 3J4 
 in. rollers at the joints, and these rollers travel on steel 
 angle track on both the carrying and return runs, so that 
 the flights are supported slightly above the troughs along 
 which they push the coal. The power required is thus 
 reduced to a minimum. The speed of these conveyors is 
 100 ft. per min. and at this speed they can handle 250 tons 
 of coal per hour. 
 Conveyor No. 13, the pea and rescreen conveyor, is of 
 similar design except that the flights are smaller, the size in 
 this case being 20 in. x 8 in. x ^-4 in. These flights are 
 spaced at intervals of 3 ft. 
 Conveyors No. 20, the refuse and rescreen conveyors, 
 are of the same size and construction as conveyor No. 13, 
 except that in this case the flights are spaced at intervals of 
 4 ft. instead of 3 ft. 
 Conveyor No. 27, the gravity discharge elevator, or V- 
 bucket machine, is made up of a double strand of 18 in. 
 pitch, steel-bushed, steel strap chain, with 5-in. enclosed 
 oiling rollers at the joints. The buckets are 48-in. long by 
 24 in. wide by 16 in. deep, spaced 36 in. They are made of 
 J4 in. steel plate and have reinforcements of 2 in. x J /z in. 
 ovals around the top edge. On vertical runs the rollers of 
 the chains travel between double guides, and the coal is 
 carried up in the elevator buckets. 
 On the horizontal and inclined runs the chain rollers 
 travel on steel tracks, and the buckets serve in a similar 
 manner to the flights of a flight conveyor namely, to push 
 the coal along in the trough, which is of !4 i- steel plate. 
 This machine runs at a speed of 100 ft. per min. and has 
 a capacity of 250 tons of coal per hour. 
 The revolving screen is 5 ft. in diameter and 24 ft. long, 
 and revolves at a speed of about 12 r. p. m. There is a 
 3 ft. section of dead plate at the receiving end and a 6 ft. 
 section of dead plate at the discharge end. Between 
 these dead plates is the screening section, made up of No. 
 8 gage wire, with -1-ij-in. clear openings. 
 The longitudinals of the screen frame are made of 
 double 5 in. x 3 in. x > in. angles riveted back to back 
 There is also an intermediate ring at the center, 12 in. wide, 
 with three T 4-in. reinforcing rods. The screen is mounted 
 on two cast steel rings, one of which has a bevel surface 
 to engage with a thrust roller, and the friction rings ride 
 on, and are revolved by two pairs of 22 in. x 5-in. chilled 
 face rollers. 
 The motors for operating the machinery are as follows : 
 One 125 h.p. motor, for the V-bucket machine and re 
 volving screen. 
 One 60 h.p. motor for the shaking screens and cross slack 
 conveyor to V-bucket machine. 
 One 50 h.p. motor for the picking tables and the pea and 
 rescreen conveyor and the two refuse and rescreen con- 
 One 30 h.p. motor for the refuse and mixing conveyor. 
 The driving machinery includes clutches, M> that any 
 unit can be cut out at will. Walkways and stairways are 
 provided for access to all parts of the equipment, and these 
 all have a clear headroom, to avoid injury to the attend 
 Large Central Coal Storage Plants 
 The necessity for storing greater amounts of both anthra 
 cite and bituminous coal during the summer season and 
 during times of low demand is becoming more and more 
 apparent. The objects are as follows: 
 1. To stabilize the coal mining industry. 
 2. To equalize the transportation of coal at various sea 
 sons of the year. 
 3. To avoid coal shortage. 
 From the standpoint of the coal mining industry it is 
 important to keep the output of the mines as uniform as 
 possible, so that the miners will have regular work instead 
 of working only part time during the summer season or 
 other times of low demand, and having a great deal of 
 overtime during the winter season, or other periods of high 
 demand. Such a condition in terms of the electrical en 
 gineer is called a "bad load factor." It tends to an exces 
 sive amount of equipment and personnel to meet the high 
 peak loads of excessive demand, which cannot be used 
 when the demand is low. Such irregularities tend to in 
 crease costs of production and also tend to promote dis 
 satisfaction among the miners, resulting in demands for 
 high wages for the irregular hours of actual work, and also 
 causing disputes between miners and operators resulting in 
 strikes which interfere with the coal supply which is so 
 vital to industry in general. 
 From the transportation point of view the results are 
 somewhat similar. An excessive amount of freight train 
 equipment is required to meet the high peak loads in the 
 transportation of coal, and this is more marked since the 
 amounts which can be handled by each coal car are more 
 or less fixed. A great many extra cars, locomotives, etc., 
 have to be supplied to transport the large amount of coal 
 which must he handled at times when the demand is great 
 est, usually in the winter when transportation difficulties 
 are at their worst. In the summer time, and at other times 
 when the demand is low, a great deal of this rolling stock 
 is idle, and the need for men to man the trains, etc., is 
 greatly reduced. Additional equipment means, of course, 
 additional investment and additional overhead expense, and 
 a tendency to the same sort of trouble and additional ex 
 pense in regard to the personnel as is the case with the 
 mining companies. In other words, uniform output and 
 uniform transportation mean minimum expense in the cost 
 of mining and transporting coal. 
 As to the importance of insurance against coal shortage, 
 this phase of the question has been brought home most 
 forcibly in the last few years, especially to the large coal 
 consumers such as the gas and electric companies and large 
 manufacturing plants and ccal dealers. There is, therefore, 
 a tendency among large consumers to store more and more 
 coal in their own reserve storage plants, but this practice 
 is not universal enough to take care of the problem in an 
 adequate manner. It is doubtful whether consumers and 
 dealers will ever provide sufficient storage facilities properly 
 to equalize the demand upon the mines and transportation 
 If, therefore, adequate facilities are to be provided it 
 must be done by the coal mining companies, the railroads, 
 the large consumers and dealers, by combinations of con 
 sumers or dealers, and by states and municipalities, or 
 other political subdivisions. 
 The building and operating of large coal storage plants 
 means, of course, an additional expense which must be 
 added to the cost of the coal, but this additional cost should 
 be more than offset by the reduction in the cost of mining 
 and transporting the coal which will be accomplished by 
 stabilizing the industry. 
 Best Location for Storage Plants 
 In determining the best location for a large central coal 
 storage plant, a number of factors must be taken into con 
 sideration. If the coal is to be stored by a mining com 
 pany, the logical location would ordinarily be convenient 
 to the mine so that the coal could be handled from the 
 mine to the storage plant economically and with little like 
 lihood of interruption. If this handling is done by equip 
 ment belonging to the mining company it places the work 
 entirely under the control of that company and relieves the 
 transportation companies. The loading and unloading of 
 railroad cars will be eliminated, the mine owner will not 
 be dependent on the supply of railroad cars, and he can 
 arrange his rate of mining to suit his own convenience, 
 either shipping the coal or stocking it according to the 
 Since the length of haul will be the same whether the 
 coal is shipped direct from the mine or from a storage 
 plant adjacent to the mine, such a location for a storage 
 plant will not help solve the transportation problem to any 
 extent. From the transportation point of view the best 
 location for a storage plant is at some point centrally 
 located in relation to the principal points of consumption 
 so that the coal can be delivered to the storage plant during 
 times of low demand and favorable weather conditions, and 
 can be distributed from the storage plant rapidly and eco 
 nomically because of the short hauls and also the greater 
 trackage facilities which are usually available in large 
 industrial centres. 
 Determination of Type of Storage Plant 
 In designing large coal storage plants the first question 
 to be considered is the kind of coal to be stored; first, 
 whether it is anthracite or bituminous; second, the size 
 of the coal and other special characteristics. Anthracite 
 coal deteriorates scarcely at all when exposed to the weather 
 and there is little, if any, danger of spontaneous combustion. 
 Bituminous coal loses some of its heating value when 
 stored exposed to the weather, but the amount of this loss 
 is less than usually supposed and the rate of loss decreases 
 as the coal becomes seasoned providing it does not heat up. 
 If heating occurs due to oxidation of the coal and there 
 is not sufficient circulation of air to carry off the heat, the 
 oxidizing effect increases until finally the coal catches fire 
 by spontaneous combustion. This makes the problem more 
 complicated with bituminous coal than with anthracite, 
 and in addition to this, anthracite coal is usually uniform 
 and small in size so that it is easier to handle with conveyors 
 than run-of-mine bituminous coal which contains large 
 Anthracite Coal Storage Plants 
 While various methods are resorted to in storing anthra 
 cite coal in moderate sized plants or in temporary plants, 
 the system which is used almost exclusively for large an- 
 thracitc storage plants is what is known as the Dodge 
 system. This system was designed by James M. Dodge, 
 and it has been so successful in handling coal economically 
 and rapidly that it has been adopted as practically a standard 
 system for this kind of coal. The coal is piled in large con 
 ical piles containing usually from 30,000 to 60,000 tons each. 
 A general view of a complete plant is shown in Fig. 1. 
 Two piles, with two delivery conveyors and one reclaiming 
 conveyor, form a unit and all of the conveyors are of the 
 chain and flight type. Each delivery conveyor is set at 
 an incline of 27 deg., the angle of rest of the coal pile, 
 and a pair of light trusses connected together just above 
 the peak of the pile is used to support each conveyor, the 
 conveyor using one truss, the other one completing the 
 triangle that makes the trusses self-supporting. 
 The coal is dumped through the hopper doors of the 
 freight cars into a track hopper and is fed to the delivery 
 conveyor which discharges to the pile. To avoid dropping 
 the coal any distance and causing breakage the pile is 
 started at the lower end of the conveyor and close to the 
 ground ; as it increases in height, the discharge point is 
 moved up the conveyor by pulling up a steel ribbon which 
 forms the bottom of the conveyor trough and which is 
 unwound from a drum at the foot. 
 The reclaiming conveyors, Fig. 2, are reversible flight 
 conveyors with chains and wheels set in a horizontal in 
 stead of a vertical plane ; each conveyor is pivoted and is 
 supported on circular tracks at the ground level. The pivot 
 point is near the railroad track, and just back of this point 
 the conveyor goes up an incline so that the coal can be 
 delivered over screen chutes back into the railroad cars. 
 The swinging of the conveyor is accomplished by steel 
 cables which extend from the pivot point to the outer end 
 and then to each side of the storage area and are there 
 dead-ended so that the conveyor can be moved in either 
 direction. The outside of the conveyor trough on both 
 sides is left open, so that when the conveyor is started and 
 swung against either pile of coal the flights get behind the 
 coal and push it along the trough and up the incline to the 
 point where it discharges over the screen chutes to the 
 While in most cases these large anthracite coal storage 
 plants are in the open, in a few instances where the winters 
 are especially severe the piles have been housed over to 
 protect them from weather conditions. A plant of this 
 kind is shown in Fig. 3, this plant being located at Superior, 
 Wis. The anthracite coal is shipped over the lakes by 
 boat and is unloaded at this point for distribution by rail. 
 The circular buildings used for housing the storage piles 
 are built of steel, each being 246 ft. in diameter by 90 ft. 
 high. Each of the two buildings has a storage capacity of 
 50,000 tons of coal. 
 The circular storage system using a locomotive crane 
 equipped with a grab bucket and traveling on circular 
 tracks is especially adapted to the storing of bituminous 
 coal and is in some cases used for storing anthracite. An 
 installation of this kind is shown in Fig. 4, this being a 
 storage plant belonging to one of the railroads and located 
 at a locomotive coaling station. The locomotive crane in 
 this case is a wide gage machine traveling on four rails, 
 with a fixed boom of 110-ft. radius, equipped with a 5-yd. 
 grab bucket. The coal is dropped from the cars into a 
 track hopper and is handled by conveyors to a central dig 
 ging point. A pile on the ground is formed at this point 
 so that the coal can be picked up by the bucket and be 
 distributed by swinging the boom of the crane. 
 As there is practically no danger of fire with anthracite 
 coal, it can be piled deep ; the depth of the pile is SO ft. 
 and a large amount of storage can be obtained for the 
 amount of area covered. There are two sets of circular 
 crane tracks, one with a radius of 110 ft. from the centre 
 of the digging pile so that the crane can reach this pile 
 from any point on the circle and the other at a radius 100 
 ft. greater, so that when the outside pile is to be filled up 
 the crane moves out to the outside track and rehandles 
 the coal into the outside part of the storage. This makes 
 two handlings of the coal for this part of the storage. As 
 long as the daily requirements are not too great it is just 
 as well to have the crane in more constant operation as to 
 have it idle and this rehandling of the coal avoids the 
 necessity of greater expense for additional equipment. The 
 storage handled from the inside circle is the more active 
 storage, that handled from the outside circle being used 
 only when the former is filled or empty according to 
 whether the handling is to or from storage. 
 The coal is reclaimed by the crane and delivered to a 
 loading hopper on a tower near the centre of the digging 
 pile. From this hopper it is fed to an inclined flight con 
 veyor which takes it across a bridge over a number of 
 railroad tracks to the coaling station, where it is delivered 
 to a distributing flight conveyor which runs at right angles 
 to it and along the length of the pocket. 
 Storing Bituminous Coal 
 Since it is not feasible to store bituminous coal in deep 
 conical piles, the Dodge system is never used for storing 
 this kind of coal. The method usually employed includes 
 some type of grab bucket equipment, this being either com 
 plete in itself or used with a conveyor, cable railway, or 
 some other combination. Whatever type of equipment is 
 used must be arranged to spread the coal over a large area 
 to avoid piling it too deep, and it must be able to reclaim 
 the coal from this area. 
 In some cases a bituminous coal storage plant is so 
 arranged that the coal can be submerged in water to pre 
 vent deterioration and spontaneous combustion. As far as 
 the deterioration is concerned this makes an expensive type 
 of coal storage plant which is seldom justified, according 
 to investigations by the United States Bureau of Mines and 
 others, which seem to prove conclusively that there is 
 comparatively little loss in heating value in bituminous 
 coal when stored in the open; the longer the coal remains 
 in storage the smaller the rate of loss unless the coal be 
 comes heated. Submerged storage does, of course, prevent 
 spontaneous combustion, but this can usually be prevented 
 by other and less expensive means. Some of the factors 
 which are conducive to spontaneous combustion are the 
 1. Excessive depth of pile. The limiting depth of pile 
 varies with different kinds of coal, but it is usually some 
 where between IS ft. and 30 ft. 
 2. A large amount of fine coal stored with lumps that 
 tends to form the air pockets which furnish the live oxygen 
 needed to start spontaneous combustion. 
 3. Piling the coal in such a way that there is a segrega 
 tion of the lump and fine coal, so that at some point in 
 the pile there is a dividing line where the lump and fine 
 coal are brought together in such a way as to form the 
 air pockets which are responsible for starting spontaneous 
 combustion, and where the circulation of air is not suf 
 ficient to carry off the heat. 
 4. The presence in the coal of sulphur, oily waste, wood 
 or other inflammable materials which are easier to set on 
 fire than the coal itself, and which, therefore, tend to make 
 it easier for combustion to start. 
 If bituminous coal can be stored as lump coal with the 
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 fine coal screened out it is undoubtedly the safest method, 
 as this gives a good opportunity for the circulation of air 
 and the dissipation of heat, and there is also the absence 
 of fine coal or dust which is most easily set on lire. If it 
 is not feasible to store the coal as lump it is undoubtedly 
 better to crush it and store it as crushed coal since in this 
 condition it packs more closely and with smaller air pockets. 
 Storing coal in hot weather should be avoided if possi 
 ble, for the tendency of the coal to oxidize increases with 
 the temperature. Various methods for the ventilation of 
 coal piles have been experimented with, but unless the ven 
 tilation is great enough actually to carry off the heat instead 
 of simply adding oxygen to help along the oxidation it 
 is worse than no ventilation at all. The general consensus 
 of opinion in this country seems to be against ventilation, 
 though there have been cases where it seems to have been 
 quite effective. The Canadian Pacific Railway employs 
 ventilation extensively in its large storage piles, and ac 
 cording to reports its methods have been successful. 
 The United States Bureau of Mines reports as follows in 
 Technical Paper No. 16, in relation to the deterioration 
 and spontaneous combustion of coal : 
 "The results show in the case of the New River coal a 
 loss of less than one per cent of calorific value in one year 
 by weathering in the open. In two years the greatest loss 
 was at Key West, 1.85 per cent. There was practically no 
 loss at all in the submerged samples in one year, fresh or 
 salt water serving equally well to preserve the virtues of 
 the coal. There was almost no slacking of lumps in the 
 nm-of-mine samples. In all tests the crushed coal deterio 
 rated more rapidly than run-of-mine. 
 "The Pocahontas run-of-minc coal in a 120-ton pile on 
 the Isthmus of Panama lost during one year s outdoor 
 weathering less than 0.4 per cent of its heating value, and 
 showed little slacking of lumps. 
 "Gas coal during one year s outdoor exposure suffered 
 no loss of calorific value measurable by the calorimetric 
 method used, not even in the coal forming the top 6-in. 
 layer in the bins. 
 "Submerged storage is an absolute preventive of spon 
 taneous combustion, and on that account alone it is justified 
 when the coal is particularly dangerous to store, and when 
 large quantities are to l:c stored; but unless the storage 
 period is to be longer than one year, there seems to be no 
 ground for storing coal under water merely for the sake 
 of the saving in calorific value. 
 "Losses of value from spontaneous combustion are a 
 much more serious matter than the deterioration of coal 
 at ordinary temperatures. Oxidation proceeds more rapidly 
 as the temperature rises. The oxidation, beginning at ordi 
 nary temperatures, attacking the surface particles and 
 developing heat, is probably in some degree an absorption 
 of oxygen by the unsaturated chemical compounds in the 
 coal. In a small pile of coal this slowly developed heat 
 can be readily dissipated by convection and radiation, and 
 very little rise in temperature results. If the dissipation of 
 heat is restricted, however, as in a large pile densely 
 packed, the temperature within the pile rises continuously. 
 The rate of oxidation of the coal, plotted against the tem 
 perature, makes a curve which rises with great rapidity. 
 When the storage conditions are such as to allow warming 
 of the coal to a temperature of about 100 deg. C., the rate 
 of oxidation becomes so great that the heat developed in 
 a given time ordinarily exceeds the heat dissipated and the 
 temperature rises until, if the air supply is adequate, the 
 coal takes fire. Kvidently, therefore, it is important to 
 guard against even moderate heating, either spontaneous, 
 or from an external source. Increased loss of volatile 
 matter and of heating value occurs with a moderate rise of 
 temperature, even though the ignition point is not reached. 
 "Spontaneous combustion is brought about by slow ox 
 idation in an air supply sufficient to support it, but insuf 
 ficient to carry away all the heat formed. The area of 
 surface exposed to oxidation by a given mass of any one 
 coal determines largely the degree of oxidation which 
 takes place in the mass ; it depends on the size of the par 
 ticles and increases rapidly as the fineness approaches that 
 of dust. Dust is, therefore, dangerous, particularly if it is 
 mixed with lump coal of such a size that the interstices 
 permit the flow of a moderate amount of air to the interior. 
 Coal differs widely in friability ; that is, in the proportion 
 of dust which is produced under like conditions. In com 
 parative tests samples of Pocahontas, Xew River and Cam 
 bria County (Pennsylvania) coals produced nearly twice as 
 much dust (coal through a %-m. screen) as coal mined 
 from the Pittsburgh bed in Allegheny County, Pennsyl 
 vania. This variation in friability is a factor in affecting 
 the liability to spontaneous heating. 
 "Ideal conditions for such heating are offered by a mix 
 ture of lump and line coal, such as run-of-minc with a 
 large percentage of dust, piled so that a small supply of 
 air is admitted to the interior. 
 "High volatile matter does not of itself increase the lia 
 bility of coal to spontaneous heating. A letter of inquiry 
 sent by the bureau to more than 2,000 large coal consumers 
 in the United States brought 1,200 replies. Of the replies 
 260 reported instances of spontaneous combustion, and 220 
 of the 260 gave the name of the coal. The 220 instances 
 were distributed as follows : 95 were in semi-bituminous 
 low-volatile coals of the Appalachian region, 70 in higher- 
 volatile coals of the same region, and 55 in western and 
 middle-western coals. 
 "Freshly-mined coal, and the fresh surfaces exposed by 
 crushing lumps exhibit a remarkable avidity for oxygen, 
 but after a time the surfaces become coated with oxidized 
 material, seasoned, as it were, so that the action of the 
 air becomes much less vigorous. In practice, coal which 
 has been stored for six weeks or two months and has even 
 become somewhat heated, if rehandled and thoroughly 
 cooled by the air, seldom heats spontaneously again." 
 The extinguishing of fires in bituminous coal piles by 
 water is very difficult, unless the part where the fire occurs 
 is thoroughly soaked. This method seems to help the fire 
 along rather than put it out. One method of using water 
 is to make an excavation in the coal pile directly over the 
 fire, then keep a constant stream of water running into this 
 excavation as long as necessary to extinguish the fire. The 
 water is retained in the bowl-shaped depression and neces 
 sarily soaks down through the pile to a considerable extent 
 and if it can be made to thoroughly drench the fire will 
 put it out. 
 The usual method nowadays is to arrange the mechan 
 ical equipment for storing the coal in such a way that any 
 part of the pile can be easily reached and the coal rapidly 
 dug out by mechanical means ; the burning coal can thus be 
 spread out and the fire extinguished. This is the safest 
 and surest method and usually involves the least amount 
 of labor and expense. 
 In some cases storage plants for bituminous coal and for 
 anthracite coal also are of a more or less temporary char 
 acter ; where the plant is not considered a permanent one 
 it is, of course, desirable that the equipment should not be 
 too expensive, even though the labor cost per ton for han 
 dling the coal to and from the storage may run higher 
 than it would with more efficient, but also more expensive 
 types of equipment. 
 Sometimes the side-hill storage system is used where 
 advantage is taken of a track location on the side of a 
 hill, the coal being dumped on the lower side of the track 
 and allowed to form a storage pile along the slope of the 
 hill. By installing another track on the lower side of the 
 pile the reclaiming of the coal can be made easier since 
 the coal can be delivered down hill by means of chutes or 
 conveyors and into the cars on the lower track. 
 Sometimes portable elevators, portable belt conveyors, 
 or a combination of the two, are used for unloading the 
 coal from the cars and piling alongside the track ; then by 
 reversing the operation of these machines the coal may be 
 reclaimed and delivered back to the cars. Since, however, 
 the capacity of these machines is limited usually to from 
 40 to 60 tons an hour, this is not a very rapid method for 
 large plants, a number of machines being necessary to 
 obtain much capacity. 
 Coal can also be piled by starting a pile on the ground 
 and then running trucks or bottom dump wagons up on 
 the pile and extending it by dumping the coal along the 
 edge, and continuing this operation until a large area is 
 covered. Such piles can be reclaimed by portable loaders 
 or locomotive cranes equipped with grab buckets. 
 Locomotive cranes can be used in various ways for piling 
 coal, either unloading direct from the cars, picking up with 
 the grab bucket from the pits into which the coal was dis 
 charged from the cars, or spreading out the coal deposited 
 under a trestle. The same locomotive crane can be used 
 to pick the coal up from the storage area and deliver it 
 back to the cars or to a conveyor system. 
 In some cases an embankment of coal is formed along 
 side a railroad track; then another track is laid on top of 
 the coal pile and the railroad cars are run up on this track. 
 The coal is discharged from the cars on the upper track 
 level and the pile or embankment of coal is extended side 
 ways. The track is then shifted over towards the edge of 
 the pile and the operation repeated. Various combinations 
 of these methods can be used, but where a large permanent 
 plant is to be equipped there are various systems which 
 have been developed through long experience and do the 
 work more rapidly and economically, and if the cost of the 
 equipment is spread over several years use lower costs 
 per ton for handling the coal can be obtained. 
 Storage Systems for Bituminous Coal 
 The principal storage systems used for bituminous coal 
 are as follows : 
 1. Circular storage system, using a long radius loco 
 motive crane of wide gage equipped with a large grab 
 bucket, the crane operating on circular tracks and picking 
 up the coal from and delivering back to a central point. 
 Sometimes the coal is picked up from a pit into which it 
 is discharged from the railroad cars at the centre of the 
 circular track or in other cases it is deposited on the 
 ground at this point by means of an elevator or conveyor. 
 When the pit is used the coal is usually delivered back to 
 railroad cars when reclaiming. When an elevator or con 
 veyor is used for forming the initial pile, the coal is usually 
 delivered back to the conveyor system. 
 2. Long radius locomotive cranes used with a conveyor, 
 cable railway, or railroad trestle, the coal being deposited 
 on the ground and then spread over the storage area by 
 a grab bucket operated by the crane ; when the coal is 
 reclaimed it is picked up by the grab bucket and delivered 
 to the conveyor, the cable cars or the railroad cars. 
 3. Rotating or traveling bridge tramways which pick up 
 the coal with a grab bucket from boats, from a pit, or from 
 an initial pile and spread it over the storage area; when 
 reclaiming, the coal is picked up from the storage area and 
 delivered back to the cars, boats or to a conveyor system. 
 4. The Stuart system using a belt conveyor with a belt 
 conveyor stacker for piling the coal along one or both sides 
 of the belt conveyor, and a Stuart reclaimer for reclaiming 
 the coal from the ground storage pile and delivering it 
 back to the belt conveyor. 
 5. Overhead cablcway equipped with grab bucket. 
 These are the principal systems used, though they may 
 be combined and modified in various ways to suit special 
 A diagram for the circular storage system is shown in 
 Fig. S and a table of capacities in Fig. 6. Two circular 
 piles arc shown, each with a pit at the centre from which 
 the coal is picked up by the grab bucket and spread over 
 the storage area. In reclaiming it is delivered back to rail 
 road cars. Some of the advantages of this system are as 
 follows : 
 1. Low investment. The equipment and construction 
 work includes only the crane with the grab bucket, the 
 track system and the pit. The tracks may be laid on ties 
 directly on the ground, so that the only excavating and 
 concrete work required is for the pit. 
 2. Low operating and maintenance cost. Only one or 
 two men are required to operate the locomotive crane and 
 the power cost is low compared to the amount of coal 
 handled. The maintenance costs also are low considering 
 the amount of work done. 
 3. Dependability. The best locomotive cranes designed 
 especially for this work are ruggedly constructed and thor 
 oughly reliable. These plants are little affected by weather 
 conditions, and therefore are not likely to be out of ser 
 vice when most needed. 
 4. Flexibility. The number of circular storage piles may 
 be extended indefinitely and either one or more locomotive 
 cranes used, depending upon the handling capacity re 
 5. Low insurance charges. There is little fire risk with 
 the locomotive crane, since it is entirely of iron and steel 
 construction. There is practically no danger of damage 
 from the wind because of the wide base and low centre of 
 gravity of the crane. 
 6. Minimum danger of loss of coal from spontaneous 
 combustion. With the whole storage area within reach of 
 the locomotive crane at all times, if spontaneous combus 
 tion does occur a fire can be quickly dug out and extin 
 A view of a circular storage plant is shown in Fig. 7. 
 The locomotive cranes usually run on four rails, the rails 
 being so placed as to form two tracks, usually of standard 
 gage, the distance, centre to centre of tracks, being about 
 20 ft. The body of the crane is supported on four trucks, 
 one under each corner, two of these trucks being idle and 
 the wheels of the other two being connected by means of 
 the necessary gearing to the main engine, so that the crane 
 can be moved along the tracks. Separate swing engines 
 are used on the latest cranes for rotating them. 
 A S-yd. grab bucket digging coal out of a pit into which 
 it is discharged from railroad cars is illustrated in Fig. 8. 
 The railroad tracks are usually placed at a standard dis 
 tance, centre to centre, throughout the plant, except at the 
 pit where they are spread out to give room for the grab 
 bucket to dig the coal between them. 
 A semi-circular reserve coal storage plant of about 
 55,000 tons capacity located directly adjacent to a boiler 
 room is shown in Fig. 9. 
 The coal cars come in on two railroad tracks and 
 there are two sets of track hoppers quite widely sep- 
 aratcd so as to give considerable room for shifting cars 
 between them. This arrangement allows four cars to 
 be handled at one time, thus making it easy to unload 
 the coal at the desired rate. Underneath each set of track 
 hoppers are two double reciprocating feeders; that is, 
 one under each track, each double feeder delivering to 
 an apron conveyor which runs over to one side and 
 delivers the coal to a crusher. 
 After passing through the crusher the coal goes to 
 (light conveyors of the double strand roller chain type, 
 delivering at the upper end to two (light conveyors run 
 ning at right angles to the tracks and discharging into 
 the overhead coal bins. The overhead bins are located 
 between the two sections of the boiler house and under 
 neath the bins are larry tracks running to Inith sides so 
 that the coal may be drawn out of the bins into the tarries, 
 run into the boiler room and delivered to the stoker maga- 
 I .y placing the bins between the two sections of the 
 boiler room they are made to do double duty by serving 
 both sides, and the length of distributing conveyors over 
 them is reduced to a minimum. 
 The coal destined for storage is unloaded into a third 
 track hopper which feeds a digging pit from which it is 
 taken by a grab bucket and distributed by a locomotive 
 crane. When reclaiming is done the coal is picked up 
 from the pile by the locomotive crane and delivered to 
 one of the first mentioned track hoppers. 
 In another arrangement there are also double tracks and 
 two pairs of double-track hoppers under each track so that 
 four cars can be unloaded at one time; the track hoppers 
 are, however, all close together. The coal is fed by re 
 ciprocating feeders to crushers and then goes to one of 
 two inclined (light conveyors running at right angles to 
 the track and delivering at the end either to two inclined 
 belt conveyors to the overhead bin or to conical piles on 
 the ground from which the coal is picked up by a grab 
 bucket operated by a locomotive crane and spread over 
 the storage area. 
 It will be noted that by delivering the coal to piles 
 above ground, from which it can be distributed by the 
 crane, the digging pit may be eliminated. When the coal 
 is to be reclaimed it is handled by the crane back to a 
 feeding hopper over the foot of the inclined belt con 
 veyors and the inclined machines take it up and deliver 
 it to the distributing belt conveyors which distribute it in 
 the overhead bin. 
 A 50,000-ton bituminous circular coal storage at one 
 end of a large briquet making plant and a 60,000-ton Dodge 
 storage plant for the finished briquets at the other end of 
 the plant are shown in Fig. 10. Since it is only the small 
 sized coal that is used for making briquets the large coal 
 is first screened out and reloaded lo railroad cars; screen 
 ing and loading is accomplished by a tipple equipment 
 with shaking screens and loading booms. At the receiv 
 ing end of the plant the cars are brought in on two rail 
 road tracks which pass over a double-track hopper and 
 are then spread out and run under the tipple building. 
 The coal is discharged from the cars into the hoppers 
 which deliver to an apron conveyor running up between 
 the tracks to the head of the tipple building and deliver 
 ing to either one of two shaking screens. The lump coal, 
 after passing over the shaking screens, goes to one of the 
 loading booms and is loaded into railroad cars. The coal 
 which passes through the shaking screens goes to a belt 
 conveyor which delivers either to a gravity discharge ele 
 vator-conveyor equipment, for distributing in overhead 
 storage bins or to a 36-inch belt conveyor running at a 
 slight incline to the center of the coal storage space. 
 At the center of this coal storage is a concrete silo. 
 The coal is discharged from the end of the belt con 
 veyor to a pile outside the silo from which a locomotive 
 crane digs it with a grab bucket and spreads it over the 
 storage area. When the coal is reclaimed it is picked up 
 by the grab bucket and is deposited on the pile along 
 side the silo; from there it flows through an opening in 
 the silo into the foot of a double strand gravity discharge 
 elevator with 30-inch x 15-inch buckets attached to a 
 double strand of 12-inch pitch steel strap roller chain. 
 This elevator delivers the coal back to the belt conveyor 
 which in turn delivers it to the elevator-conveyor serving 
 the overhead storage bin. 
 At the other end of the plant is a cross flight conveyor 
 which delivers the briquets either to the loading booms 
 for loading into railroad cars, or to the carrying run of 
 a Dodge trimmer conveyor which takes them out and up 
 the inclined trimmer truss and delivers them in the usual 
 manner to the Dodge storage pile. This pile contains, 
 when full, 60,000 tons of briquets. All the above con 
 veyors are designed for capacity of 200 tons an hour ex 
 cept the apron conveyor which handles the run-of-mine 
 coal from the track hoppers up into the tipple building 
 and which is designed for a capacity of 300 tons an hour. 
 This plant is designed for future extensions in the di 
 rection away from the railroad tracks, the storage building 
 at the receiving end and the flight conveyor equipment 
 at the delivery end being designed for extension sufficient 
 for the addition of three briquet making buildings. 
 One of the most interesting bituminous coal storage 
 plants is that at the Old Hickory powder plant built by 
 the government near Nashville, Tenn. This plant is shown 
 in Fig. 11. 
 After considering various arrangements for storing and 
 reclaiming the coal it was decided to adopt the circular 
 storage system with two locomotive cranes of 110- ft. 
 radius, and use two points of delivery from the conveyor 
 system so that the cranes could pick the coal up from 
 each point and spread it over two circular storage areas, 
 and then arrange the conveyors so that the coal could be 
 handled back by the cranes and again be delivered to the 
 conveyors at these central points. These two circular 
 storage plants titled nicely in the space between the rail 
 road sidings and the overhead coal bin at the boiler room, 
 and by piling the coal 16 ft. deep the required 100,000 tons 
 storage was obtained without covering the crane tracks. 
 Taking the conveyors from the railroad tracks to the 
 boiler room storage bin as the center line of the plant, it 
 should be noted that there is a set of track hoppers on 
 each side of the center line, one set under the center 
 track and the inside track, and the other under the center 
 track and the outside track. These hoppers are large 
 enough for four railroad cars to be placed over each set 
 at one time, making a total of eight cars which can be 
 placed at the same time. The coal is fed from the track 
 hoppers to the crushers by apron feeders. Underneath each 
 crusher is an inclined belt conveyor running up to a 
 feeding point for feeding to either of the duplicate belt 
 conveyor lines running to the distributing point of the 
 first circular storage unit. 
 At this distributing point is a circular concrete tower, 
 or silo, which serves as a support for the heads of the 
 first pair of belt conveyors and protects the lower ends of 
 the second set of belt conveyors and the chutes and 
 feeders for delivering the coal out into the storage pile 
 for distribution by the locomotive crane, and for feeding 
 it back from the storage to the second set of belt con 
 veyors. If the coal is going directly through to the 
 boiler room bin, it is delivered from the first to the 
 second set of belt conveyors by chutes. There are other 
 chutes for delivering outside the silo on either side to the 
 piles in the outside storage. From the first silo the second 
 pair of belt conveyors conveys the coal up an incline to 
 the second silo at the center of the second circular storage 
 unit and here the coal is either delivered to the third 
 pair of belt conveyors, or to the second outside storage 
 pile. The third pair of belt conveyors are inclined so 
 that they lead up to the top of the overhead bin at the 
 center, and here the coal is delivered by a system of 
 chutes to two pairs of distributing belt conveyors run 
 ning to each end of the overhead bin and distributing the 
 coal along the full length of the bin. 
 A coal storage plant of a large manufacturing com 
 pany is shown in Fig. 12. A locomotive crane unloads 
 the coal from the boats and discharges it into a receiving 
 hopper which feeds pivoted bucket carriers that deliver 
 to an overhead transfer bin. From this bin the coal is 
 either fed to the cable car system for distribution to 
 storage or it is delivered by gravity direct to railroad cars. 
 There is also a coal crushing equipment so that the coal 
 may be stored either as run-of-mine or as crushed coal; 
 it is interesting to note that while there have been fires 
 in the run-of-mine coal there have been no fires in the 
 coal which was stored crushed. The coal is spread out 
 and reclaimed in the same manner as at the plant next 
 The storage plant of the New York Edison Company 
 at Shadyside, N. J., is shown in Fig. 13. It has a storage 
 capacity of 225,000 tons of bituminous coal. The coal is 
 unloaded from boats by a hoisting tower equipped with 
 a grab bucket and is delivered to the cars of a cable rail 
 way. The cable railway has a long straight run on a 
 trestle through the center of the storage area and the cars 
 dump the coal under this trestle. There are two 100-ft. 
 radius locomotive cranes equipped with S-yd. buckets and 
 these cranes pick the coal up from underneath the trestle 
 and distribute it over the storage area as shown in the 
 photograph. Each crane has a rated capacity of 200 tons 
 per hour and in a test made by U. S. Government officials 
 each of the cranes averaged 240 tons an hour for a ten- 
 hour run. \Yhen the coal is reclaimed, it is picked up 
 by the crane buckets and is delivered to a feeding hopper 
 which can be moved along the line of cable cars which 
 take the coal back to the wharf for shipment to the power 
 plants in New York City. 
 A 50,000-ton storage plant for bituminous coal, located 
 between a water front and a power house, is shown in Fig. 
 14. The coal is unloaded from the boats by a grab bucket 
 operated from a hoisting tower. In the latter is a crusher 
 and as the coal is crushed it goes to an inclined belt con 
 veyor which is supported a little above the ground level. 
 This belt conveyor is at the center of the storage pile and 
 carries the coal either to a second inclined belt going 
 up to the top of the overhead bin in the boiler room or to 
 one of the two distributing flight conveyors running length 
 wise of the storage pile. The coal can thus be sent either 
 direct to the power plant or to the storage pile by the 
 flight conveyors. 
 For spreading the coal further in the storage pile there 
 s a 70-ft. radius locomotive crane equipped with a 2-yd. 
 bucket. The crane runs on 9-ft. gage tracks but otherwise 
 is very similar to a standard gage crane and is not much 
 more expensive, so that it is a much cheaper machine 
 than the long radius cranes used in the plants previously 
 described. The coal is spread over the storage area so as 
 to obtain the 50,000 tons with the pile 15 ft. deep. When 
 the coal is to be reloaded for the power plant it is re 
 claimed by the crane and delivered back to the flight con 
 veyors, which deliver to the inclined belt to the power 
 It will be noticed that the boat unloading tower does 
 not need to be very high as it lifts the coal only far 
 enough to deliver it to the crusher from which it feeds 
 to the inclined belt conveyor just above the ground level. 
 A low tower of this kind, can, of course, be built much 
 lighter and at much less expense than a high tower and 
 the handling capacity and safety is greater on account of 
 the lower lift of the bucket. The plant can be operated 
 by a minimum number of men, and in many cases the 
 tower and locomotive crane may be operated by the same 
 man, since it would not be necessary to operate both at 
 the same time. 
 A photographic view of a rotating bridge tramway, with 
 a grab bucket traveling back and forth on the bridge, 
 this bucket being handled by cables winding on drums 
 in the machinery house, is shown in Fig. 15. The coal is 
 discharged from the railroad cars to a hopper at the center 
 of rotation of the bridge, from which it is picked up by 
 the grab bucket and is spread over the circular storage 
 area served by the bridge. The span of the bridge is 
 280 ft., and 50,000 tons of coal may be stored, piled 30 
 ft. high with an opening left for the railroad tracks 
 through the center of the pile. When reclaiming, the 
 bucket picks the coal up from the storage area and de 
 livers it to the railroad cars. 
 Bridge tramways which move longitudinally instead of 
 rotating are used extensively for storing coal, as well as ore 
 and other materials. In the plant illustrated, Fig. 16, the 
 bridges are each equipped with 5j4-ton buckets, operated 
 by wire rope and controlled by an operator at a fixed point. 
 The coal is unloaded from lake steamers and is stored for 
 distribution by rail. Since the steamers are designed for 
 rapid unloading, with almost the whole deck removable, a 
 remarkably high rate of handling can be obtained in un 
 loading the coal from the boats with the bridge equipment. 
 In the Stuart system, of coal storage described herewith 
 the coal is unloaded from the railroad cars and delivered 
 to a belt conveyor located in a trench running longitudinally 
 through the center of the storage area. This belt 
 conveyor is equipped with a high tripper, which de 
 livers to a short belt conveyor running at right angles and 
 arranged so that it can be used on either side of the main 
 belt, this combination being known as a stacker, and serv 
 ing to stack the coal up on either side of the main belt 
 conveyor. The stacker is shown in Fig. 18. 
 For reclaiming the coal from the storage area a special 
 type of reclaimer shown in Fig. 17 is used. It consists of a 
 belt or apron conveyor, traveling on the same tracks on 
 which the stacker travels, and arranged so that it can 
 pivot around the truck which travels on the track. On 
 the outer end of the machine is a plow which is pushed 
 into the coal pile by a tractor which supports this end of 
 the reclaimer. This plow is forced in under the coal, which 
 slides up and over onto the conveyor, which takes it up 
 an incline and delivers it to the main belt conveyor, from 
 which it can be transferred to any point desired, the trans 
 fer in the case illustrated being to a locomotive coaling 
 station located in the center of a railroad yard. The 
 storage space in this case is 80 ft. by 440 ft. on each 
 side of the main belt, the coal storage capacity possihly 
 being 30,000 tons. The capacity of the stacking machine 
 is from 250 to 300 tons an hour, and the reclaimer is 
 initial pile along each side of the main belt conveyor, and 
 then use a locomotive crane for spreading and reclaiming 
 the coal. The locomotive crane fills in the area between its 
 Fig. 17 A Pivoted Bridge Carries the Reclaiming Conveyor 
 Fig. 18 The Stacker May Be Used for Storing or Coaling Locomotives 
 capable of handling the coal back to the belt conveyor at 
 about the same rate. 
 Some coal storage plants somewhat similar to the Stuart 
 system use a belt conveyor stacker only for making an 
 tracks and the belt conveyor, and also covers a large space 
 outside the tracks. In this way a very large area can be 
 covered. When reclaiming the crane can handle the coal 
 back to the belt conveyor or direct to railroad cars. 
 Coal and Ash Handling Equipment for Boiler Houses 
 Fuel is the largest item of expense in the cost of gen 
 erating power in a steam power plant and the cost of 
 handling this fuel, and the resulting ashes are also impor 
 tant items especially in a large plant. The hand firing 
 of coal to the boiler furnaces is being rapidly replaced by 
 the use of mechanical stokers, and hand methods of han 
 dling and storing coal and ashes are also rapidly disappear 
 In arranging for a coal supply for a boiler room, it is 
 customary to store at least a part of the coal in an over 
 head bin, either directly in front of the boilers, so that it 
 can be delivered by gravity to the stoker magazines or at 
 some convenient point, frequently the end of the firing aisle 
 or aisles, so that it can be transferred to the stoker maga 
 zines by means of a traveling weighing hopper or larry, or 
 sometimes of a conveyor. In addition to this active over 
 head storage, it is usual to provide reserve storage, which 
 will insure a supply of coal under all ordinary conditions 
 and make it possible to take care of a quantity of coal, 
 when it can be obtained most advantageously, thereby avoid 
 ing the necessity of purchasing it under adverse conditions 
 of supply or delivery. Since the overhead bin type of 
 storage is expensive to build, it is usually made large 
 enough for only three or four days supply and in some 
 cases even for a shorter period. The reserve storage, 
 usually an outside ground storage pile, is frequently made 
 large enough to furnish a supply for several months or 
 sometimes even for a year or so. 
 In order to obtain the best efficiency and most satisfac 
 tory operation of mechanical stokers it is necessary to get 
 rid of all large lumps of coal, and this is ordinarily done 
 by means of a crusher. The crushers are usually placed 
 at the point where the coal is unloaded, and to make them 
 operate satisfactorily the coal should be fed to them regu 
 larly, this being done usually by means of a reciprocating 
 feeder or an apron feeder. 
 Since the active storage is used almost constantly, it 
 justifies considerable investment in order to keep the cost 
 of handling the coal down to a minimum. The amount of 
 expense justified for the reserve storage handling equip 
 ment depends upon the amount of coal to be handled by 
 it during the year. 
 In some cases the reserve storage is designed almost 
 entirely as an insurance against coal shortage, and is active 
 only in cases of necessity so that a comparatively small 
 amount of coal is handled each year and there is, therefore, 
 not a great deal of saving possible in the yearly cost of 
 handling. In other cases the reserve storage is designed 
 as a regular supply for the winter season from three to 
 six months so that it will be filled and emptied once a 
 year, and may lie called upon more or less all through the 
 year if coal is not received regularly. In such cases the 
 yearly amount handled is frequently large so that a saving 
 of a few cents in the cost of handling each ton may mean 
 a large yearly saving and justifies a comparatively expen 
 sive handling equipment in order to accomplish this saving. 
 Equipment for Large Central Power 
 Most large central power stations are built on the banks 
 of a river, or on some other waterway, partly because an 
 ample supply of condensing water is essential to economical 
 operation, and partly because of the possibility of receiving 
 coal by water. The greater part of the coal in such 
 cases is received in boats, so that the main coal handling 
 equipment is for unloading the coal from boats, though 
 provision is usually made for also receiving it by rail and 
 equipment for handling from cars is provided. 
 The usual method of unloading coal from boats is by 
 means of a grab bucket, handled usually by a high speed 
 hoisting tower, though in some cases a locomotive crane 
 or some type of a bridge tramway is used. 
 Most of the recent hoisting towers are electrically 
 operated, and they are one-man towers ; that is, the ma 
 chinery is entirely under control of a single operator. The 
 grab bucket usually delivers the coal to a feeding hopper, 
 equipped with an automatic feeder of the reciprocating 
 or apron type, which feeds the coal to a coal crusher. 
 With the high tower type, the coal is elevated by the 
 grab bucket to a sufficient height so that after passing 
 through the crusher it can go directly into the horizontal 
 distributing system, which distributes the coal in the over 
 head bins. When the low tower type is used, the crusher is 
 set at a lower level, and the coal after passing through 
 the crusher goes to an elevator or inclined conveyor of 
 the Ix-lt or flight type, and it is then conveyed to the 
 distributing system over the bin. 
 The machines ordinarily used for distributing the coal 
 in the bins are belt conveyors, flight conveyors, and cable 
 railways. Cable railways arc low in cost of installation 
 and maintenance and extremely flexible in application, being 
 capable of traveling around in loops over several bins, 
 regardless of where they are located. They are not so 
 automatic in their operation as the conveyors and require 
 more men to operate. The automatic railway is also used 
 in some places. This is similar to a cable railway, but 
 is operated by gravity and the cars are self-dumping. 
 Where the low type unloading tower is used conveyors 
 are nearly always employed, since they can be used for 
 taking the coal up to the bin, as well as distributing it in 
 the bin and are practically automatic. 
 A coal handling equipment for a large central power 
 station is necessarily of large capacity, and even then it 
 is usually necessary to operate it only for a few hours 
 (.ifh day in order to keep the station supplied with coal. 
 A separate ash handling equipment is, therefore, practically 
 always installed in a large station, and some form of car 
 which can be run under the ash hoppers is the most 
 common type of equipment for this work. In some cases 
 these cars arc pushed by hand, but they are usually elec 
 trically operated. Sometimes the railroad cars are run 
 into the basement of the boiler room, and the ashes are 
 delivered from the ash hoppers direct to them. For 
 elevating the ashes to an overhead bin, the skip hoist 
 is the usual method employed. 
 A central power station provided with both a low and a 
 high tower receiving coal from boats is shown in Fig. 1. 
 The grab bucket picks up the coal from the boat, elevates 
 it and delivers it to the receiving hopper. From the re 
 ceiving hopper, it is fed by means of a reciprocating feeder 
 to a screening chute leading to the coal crusher. The line 
 coal passes through the screen openings and is directed by 
 another chute into the gathering hopper underneath the 
 crusher, and the large coal is delivered to the crusher to 
 be reduced to the proper sixe. After passing through the 
 crusher the coal is delivered through a chute to the foot 
 of a continuous bucket elevator, which elevates it and 
 delivers it to a belt conveyor running across a bridge to 
 the power plant, and delivering it to the distributing sys 
 tem which distributes the coal in the bins. 
 Sometimes it is convenient to receive the coal both by 
 rail and by water. In a layout of this character the coal 
 which is unloaded from boats is frequently transferred to 
 the plant by a cable railway, the coal being delivered to 
 the cable cars from the* unloading towers and discharged 
 from the cable cars to the foot of an elevator. 
 Coal received by rail may be delivered to the same eleva 
 tor through a track hopper. From the elevator the coal is 
 usually delivered to flight conveyors which distribute the 
 coal to the overhead bins. 
 In another large plant located on the water front the 
 coal is unloaded from boats by means of a low type tower 
 as shown in Fig. 2. The coal is passed through a crusher 
 and is delivered to a 30-in. inclined belt conveyor 450 
 ft. long, which elevates it and distributes it to overhead 
 bins. The crusher is capable of handling coal at the 
 rate of over 200 tons an hour. The coal is weighed while 
 in transit by means of a belt conveyor weigher. 
 A power plant somewhat similar to the one just described 
 is shown in Fig. 3. A low type tower is employed for 
 handling a grab bucket which is of 1^-ton capacity. This 
 tower is equipped with a coal crusher and an automatic 
 scales for weighing the coal before it is delivered to the 
 belt conveyor. One belt conveyor takes the coal up the 
 incline and delivers it to a second horizontal belt conveyor 
 which distributes the coal in the overhead bins. 
 Provision is also made at the coal tower for receiving 
 coal from railroad cars and elevating and delivering it to the 
 crusher. This equipment consists of a gravity discharge el 
 evator, with an apron feeder at the foot for feeding the coal 
 to it from the track hopper. An overhead bin is provided in 
 the boiler room from which the coal is delivered to the 
 stoker magazine by means of a 10-ton electrically operated 
 weighing larry. The ashes at this plant are handled by 
 means of a 10-in. pneumatic conveyor system, the duct 
 of which extends along the line of the ash pits and then 
 runs up to the top of a 75-ton circular storage tank outside 
 of the building. 
 A power station with a double high tower for unloading 
 coal from boats, and where there is an equipment also 
 for unloading from railroad cars is shown in Fig. 4. The 
 grab buckets are elevated by the towers to a height of 
 about 160 ft, where they deliver to a receiving hopper 
 from which the coal is fed to the crushers, and then goes 
 to a belt conveyor, which distributes it in the overhead 
 bin. The bin in this case runs alongside the building 
 at right angles to the firing aisles, and traveling weighing 
 larries are used to transfer the coal from the bin to the 
 stocker magazines. 
 Small and Moderate Sized Boiler House 
 A boiler house in which mechanical stokers were used 
 several years before a coal and ash handling equipment was 
 installed is shown in Fig. 1. This boiler house is located 
 in a quarry depression some distance below the surround 
 ing ground level, and the railroad siding is on a trestle 
 about 30 ft. above the boiler room floor level. The siding 
 runs across one end of the boiler house, and it is possible to 
 store a considerable amount of coal underneath the trestle. 
 Before the coal handling equipment was installed the daily 
 supply was wheeled into the boiler room, the lumps broken 
 by hand, and the coal shoveled into the stoker magazine. 
 The coal is now handled by feeding it through gates in the 
 walls of a tunnel, located underneath the ground storage 
 coal pile, to a drag chain feeder conveyor, which feeds it 
 regularly to a crusher. After passing through the crusher 
 it goes into the boot of a bucket elevator, which elevates 
 it and delivers it to a distributing flight conveyor, which in 
 turns distributes it in an overhead concrete bin, and from 
 this bin it is spouted by gravity direct to the stoker maga 
 zine. After the coal is delivered to the feeder conveyor, 
 therefore, the handling and delivery to the stoker maga 
 zines is entirely automatic. 
 This gives a chance for a direct comparison between the 
 cost of hand methods of taking coal into a boiler room from 
 an outside storage and handling it by hand to mechanical 
 stokers, and of doing the same work by mechanical means. 
 This boiler room contains six boilers of a total normal 
 horse power rating of 1,530, the overhead bin in this case be 
 ing supported partly on the outside boiler room wall and 
 partly on concrete columns. The amount of coal used per 
 day averages about 60 tons, and the coal handling machinery 
 has a capacity of 30 tons per hour. The overhead bin holds 
 250 tons, or about four days supply. 
 The saving in the cost of handling the coal has been quite 
 striking. Before the installation of the mechanical coal 
 handling equipment three firemen and three coal and ash 
 wheelers were required on each 12-hour shift, or a total of 
 12 men per day divided into two shifts. Since the installa 
 tion of the mechanical coal handling equipment this number 
 has been reduced to one stoker operator and one ash wheeler 
 for each shift, or a total of four men per day divided into 
 two shifts. This makes a saving of 8 men per day, each 
 working 12-hour shifts, so that the actual saving in cost of 
 labor would be as follows : 
 Four firemen @ 40c. per hr. for 12 br. per day. Savins per day 
 Four coal wheelers @ 30c. per hr. for 12 hr. per day. Saving 
 per day $14. 4O. 
 Total saving per day $33.60. 
 For 365 days per year at $33.60 per day there would be a 
 saving in the cost of labor of $12,264. The total cost of the 
 installation of the overhead bin and the machinery equip 
 ment was about $15,000, even at the high prices prevailing 
 during the war, so that the saving obtained probably paid 
 for this installation in a year and a half or two years. The 
 power cost has been small, as it always is in handling coal 
 Up to the present time there has been practically no main 
 tenance cost; if the machinery is properly taken care of this 
 maintenance cost should be quite low, probably not over an 
 average of $300 or $400 per year for an indefinite period, 
 and with replacements of certain parts at the proper time 
 there should be no necessity of a general rebuilding of the 
 whole equipment ; i. e., this rebuilding is done piecemeal 
 when necessary and is considered as maintenance cost. The 
 concrete bin is practically everlasting, so that the deprecia 
 tion should be \ery slight. 
 A rather novel method was adopted at this plant for ob 
 taining additional reserve coal storage. There is a lower 
 level in an old quarry quite close to the boiler house, this 
 lower level usually containing more or less water. It oc 
 curred to the management that additional storage of the 
 submerged type could be obtained at the bottom of this 
 quarry hole, and the scheme adopted for delivering the coal 
 to the quarry hole was to handle it by the conveyor system 
 and deliver it from the distributing flight conveyor to a 
 chute, extending over the boiler house roof and over the 
 edge of the quarry. It was not possible, however, to make 
 the chute steep enough so that the coal would slide down it 
 without help; this difficulty was overcome by flushing the 
 coal down the chute by water ; this made a very economical 
 method of transferring the coal. In removing the coal from 
 the quarry the water is pumped out and the coal elevated 
 to the upper level by means of an inclined cable haul. 
 An equipment for a boiler house using about 20 tons per 
 day is shown in Fig. 2. The storage capacity in the outside 
 pile is about 600 tons, or 30 days supply, and it is served by 
 a gravity discharge elevator conveyor encircling the pile, 
 with the lower end in a tunnel underneath so that the in 
 coming coal can be taken from the track hopper and de 
 livered to storage from the upper run or coal can be taken 
 from the storage by means of gates and chutes to the lower 
 run of the machine. There is also a flight conveyor run 
 ning into the boiler room which delivers the coal through 
 chutes to the floor in front of the boilers which are hand- 
 fired. This conveyor receives its coal from the upper run 
 of the gravity discharge machine. 
 A carrier equipped boiler house is shown in Fig 3. This 
 is designed for six 600 h.p. boilers set in batteries of two 
 and equipped with mechanical stokers, with short extended 
 furnaces. Each battery of boilers takes up a length of 31 
 ft. 6 in., and there is a 6-ft. space between each two bat 
 teries. The building is about 135 ft. long, and the front 
 part is high enough to accommodate a 1,300-ton overhead 
 steel bin of the suspension type, with spouts direct to the 
 stoker magazine. At one end of the bin, and also inside the 
 building, is a 100-ton overhead ash bin with spouts leading 
 out to railroad cars on the siding. 
 The rear of the boiler room is built with a sloping roof 
 (that is, one of the lean-to type), and is considerably lower 
 than the front of the building. The bin is supported on 
 steel columns set 28 ft. center to center sideways, and 19 ft. 
 center to center longitudinally. The bottom of the bin is 
 22 ft. above the floor ; the bin is 18 ft. deep to the top of 
 the girders, and the crossbeams which support the conveyor 
 are 12 ft. above this point. Light roof trusses span the col 
 umns at a height of 6 ft. 6 in. above the crossbeams. This 
 makes the caves about 67 ft. above the floor level, whereas 
 the eaves at the rear wall of the lean-to are only 31 ft. above 
 the floor level. The total width of the building, center to 
 center of the columns, is 50 ft. 
 The railroad track comes in at the level of the boiler 
 room floor. This track runs at an angle of about 20 deg. 
 with the side of the building and comes quite close to one 
 corner. The track hopper is located in this corner, and, 
 since the siding is a dead-end one with little room for shift 
 ing cars, it was especially desirable that the track hopper 
 should he made large enough to unload the largest cars 
 without moving them. Since, therefore, the over-all dimen 
 sion from the outside of the doors for the 140,000-lh. coal 
 cars is about 22 ft., it was decided to make the track hop 
 per 22 ft. long by 12 ft. wide. 
 The coal and ash handling equipment consists of a double 
 reciprocating feeder underneath the track hopper, an apron 
 conveyor to tin. crusher which is located directly over the 
 carrier, a two-roll crusher, and a 24 in. x 24 in. pivoted 
 bucket carrier following a rectangular path and having hori 
 zontal centers of 131 ft. and vertical centers of 61 ft. This 
 carrier encircles the overhead bin and has the lower run in 
 a tunnel, or basement, below the boiler room floor so that 
 the ashes can be handled entirely in the basement. This 
 equipment has a capacity of 60 tons of coal per hour, or an 
 equivalent volume of ashes with the carrier running at a 
 speed of only 45 ft. per min. There are three electric 
 motors for driving the machinery, a 5 b.p. motor for the 
 double reciprocating feeder, a 15 h.p. motor for the apron 
 conveyor and crusher, and a 10 h.p. motor for the carrier. 
 The ccal is dropped through the hopper doors of the rail 
 road cars into the track hopper, from which it is fed to the 
 apron conveyor by the double-reciprocating feedtr. The 
 apron conveyor then delivers it to the crusher, after which 
 it goes directly into the carrier buckets, which elevate it 
 and then distribute it by means of a tripper which tilts the 
 buckets at any desired point along the horizontal run, there 
 by discharging the contents into the bin. From the bin the 
 coal feeds by gravity through spouts to the stoker maga- 
 /ines. The ashes arc raked out of the ash pits underneath 
 the furnaces and directly into the buckets of the carrier 
 on the lower run. They are elevated and discharged into 
 the ash bin from which they can be delivered to railroad cars 
 by means of gates and spouts. The line coal which sifts 
 through the upper part of the stoker grate bars is deflected 
 into chutes leading to the lower run of the carrier. These 
 chutes are emptied at intervals, and the sittings are sent 
 back to the overhead bin. An interior view of the operat 
 ing floor with the overhead bin and the spouts to the stokers 
 is shown in Fig. 4. 
 In some cases, usually where remodeling an old boiler 
 room, it is expensive to build a basement underneath the 
 operating floor, or to raise the boilers to give the same ef 
 fect ; in such cases the lower run of the carrier is some 
 times located in a trench directly in front of the stokers, 
 and just underneath the operating floor, the ashes then be 
 ing raked up out of the pits and fed through gratings to the 
 lower run of the carrier hi the trench. An installment of 
 this kind is shown in Fig. 5. 
 The b<-.iler room has seven 750 h.p. boilers set in bat 
 teries of two and each equipped with stokers. A 500-ton 
 overhead bin is provided for the coal, with spoiits from 
 the bin to the stoker magazines through which the coal 
 feeds by gravity. 
 A pivoted bucket carrier is the main conveyor for both 
 the coal and ashes, this machine following a rectangular 
 path with the upper run above the coal bin, and the lower 
 one in a trench underneath the boiler room floor and close 
 in front of the ash pits, so that the ashes can be raked or 
 shoveled out of the pits and be delivered directly through 
 gratings into the carrier buckets. For disposing of the 
 ashes there is a small overhead steel bin outside the boiler 
 house ; this bin holds about 10 tons of ashes and is arranged 
 to deliver to carts. To get the ashes out to this bin there 
 is a double strand drag chain ash conveyor for transferring 
 trom the carrier to the bin or to a spout leading to railroad 
 cars standing on a trestle alongside the bin. The ashes, 
 therefore, can be delivered either directly to railroad cars 
 or to the small overhead bin and then to carts. 
 To provide additional ash storage and make it possible to 
 load a railroad car quickly without having it stand on the 
 railroad siding, the center section of the coal bin opposite 
 the stack was partitioned off for ashes, thereby making an 
 ash bin having a capacity of 50 tons. The ashes are put 
 into this bin until it is desired to load them into the rail 
 road car; then they are fed back to the lower run of the 
 carrier by mean? of chutes, and the carrier and drag chain 
 conveyor handle and deliver them to the railroad cars. 
 The coal is unloaded from the railroad cars at the cen 
 ter of the boiler room into a 10-ft. 6-in. square track hopper 
 hung underneath the trestle stringers. This track hopper 
 is fitted with a reciprocating feeder which delivers the coal 
 to a two-roll crusher, crushing to a size alxjut 4 in. and 
 under. After the coal passes through the crusher it is han 
 dled by a short, double-strand flight conveyor across to the 
 lower run of the carrier buckets, these buckets then taking 
 it up and distributing it in the overhead coal bin. 
 The overhead coal bin is of the steel suspension bunker 
 type, with the weight carried by girders along the upper 
 edge, these girders being supported by steel columns. The 
 outside ash bin is circular in shape with a sloping roof and 
 hopper bottom. The body is 9 ft. in diameter, the cylindri 
 cal part being 5 ft. high and the conical part extending 2 
 ft. 6 in. below the cylinder. It is supported on steel angle 
 posts resting on concrete foundations. 
 A boiler room in which the coal and ashes are elevated by 
 pivoted-bucket carriers, the coal being delivered to roller 
 flight conveyors running over the bins at right angles to 
 the carriers, and distributing the coal in these bins, is 
 shown in Fig. 6. 
 The track hopper is 18 ft. long by 14 ft. wide, and is 
 made of J4 steel, with angle stiffeners. Underneath this 
 track hopper i> an apron feeder 30 in. wide and having 21 
 ft. centers, which delivers the coal to a two-way chute 
 crustier. The crusher rolls are 26 in. in diameter by 30 in. 
 long, each crusher being driven by a 15 h.p. motor. The 
 apron feeder is driven by a 3 h.p. motor, and operates at a 
 speed of about 8 ft. per min. The carriers have 24 in. by 
 24 in. buckets, following a rectangular path having 74 ft. 
 vertical centers and 84 ft. horizontal centers ; they operate 
 at a speed of 50 ft. per min. and have a capacity of 60 tons 
 of coal per hour, or an equivalent volume of ashes. 
 The roller flight distributing conveyors have flights 19 in. 
 long by 8 in. deep, spaced every 24 in., each conveyor hav 
 ing 86 ft. centers, and operating at a speed of 100 ft. per 
 min. A / _ b.p. motor operates each conveyor. The coal 
 bins are of the suspended type, built of steel and supported 
 on steel columns. Underneath each bin are two J^-ton 
 motor-operated traveling weighing hoppers for delivering 
 to two rows of boilers. Fach half of the plant has space 
 for eight 600 h.p. boilers, or a total of 9,600 h.p. 
 A carrier equipped boiler room, with an outside ground 
 storage for coal is shown in Fig. 7. In this plant there is 
 a 300-ton suspension bunker in the Ixsiler room, the upper 
 horizontal run of the carrier being located above the over 
 head bin and extending out over the ground storage space, 
 where it is supported on a bridge carried by steel bents pro 
 tected by concrete. The lower horizontal run of the carrier 
 is located in a tunnel underneath the ground storage, and 
 underneath the ash pits of the boilers. 
 The coal is discharged from the railroad cars to a track 
 hopper, passes through a crusher, and is elevateil by the 
 carrier buckets and distributed either in the overhead coal 
 bin in the boiler room, or to the outside ground storage. 
 When the ground storage coal is needed, it can be fed back 
 to the lower run of the pivoted bucket carrier, and be con 
 veyed to the boiler room bin. The ashes are fed from the 
 ash pit to the carrier buckets and are conveyed to an over 
 head bin, located close alongside the railroad tracks, and 
 from which they can be delivered by gravity to the railroad 
 A power plant with a rather novel coal handling equip 
 ment is shown in Fig. 8. There is an overhead bin to which 
 the coal is conveyed by belt conveyors and continuous 
 bucket elevators and the reserve coal storage is in a 
 sub-basement ; the coal is taken out of this storage by an 
 overhead traveling crane, equipped with a grab bucket. 
 Provision has been made for eventually quadrupling 
 the size of the plant. The present boiler room contains 
 six 600 h. p. boilers which are equipped with stokers. The 
 boilers are set in a single row, in batteries of two. Each 
 battery occupies a space of about 30 ft., with spaces between 
 the latteries 10 in. center to center of columns and similar 
 spaces at the end, so that the total length of the present 
 building, center to center of columns, is 130 ft. Space for 
 economizers is provided over the boilers. 
 The railroad tracks are run into the building on a level 
 28 ft. below the operating floor. Underneath the railroad 
 track is the reserve coal storage space, the bottom of which 
 is 23 ft. below the track level, or 51 ft. below the operating 
 floor level. The track hopper for feeding the coal to the 
 conveyor system is located underneath the center track and 
 outside tracks are run underneath the present and future 
 ash hoppers. The track hopper is unusually large, the 
 length being 28 ft., to serve all the hoppers of the largest 
 railroad cars without moving them; the width is 20 ft. to 
 provide for two feeders underneath. 
 The present feeder delivers to a 30 in. x 30 in. two-roll 
 crusher, supported on a steel frame about 6 ft. 4 in. above 
 the floor. The foot of belt conveyor No. 1 is located under 
 neath this steel frame, so that the coal that passes through 
 the crusher is delivered to the belt. This belt conveyor 
 runs in the same direction as the railroad track and under 
 neath it a little to one side of the center ; the distance from 
 the center of the track to center of the belt is about four 
 feet. The belt conveyor and the future duplicate belt 
 conveyor when installed deliver the coal to a chute arranged 
 with flap gates in such a way that the coal from either of 
 the belts can be delivered to either one of two other belts, 
 running at right angles, one of these belts delivering to an 
 elevator close alongside the wall in the present boiler room. 
 The future belt conveyor, running in the opposite direc 
 tion, will deliver to another elevator on the opposite side 
 of the boiler room. The present elevator elevates the coal 
 and delivers to a belt conveyor which distributes it in 
 the overhead bin. It is also arranged to deliver to a futuie 
 belt conveyor running in the opposite direction over the 
 future coal bin. The equipment on the opposite side of 
 the future boiler room will be a duplicate of this. 
 The elevators are of the continuous bucket type and are 
 94 ft. 6 in. center to center. Two stands of 18 in. pitch 
 steel strap chains are used, and the buckets which are of 
 the super-capacity type, are riveted to the chain. The belt 
 conveyors in the basement are 24 in. machines, operating 
 at a speed of about 200 ft. per min. The distributing belt 
 conveyor is a 20 in. machine, also operating at a speed of 
 about 200 ft. per min. The machinery is designed for a 
 capacity of 85 tons per hour. The motors used are as 
 follows r 
 For driving the crusher, feeder and the two belt con- 
 vryurs in the basement at 35 h.p. 900-r.p.m. motor. 
 For driving the elevator a 20 h.p. 900-r.p.m. motor. 
 For driving the distributing belt conveyor a 7}/i h.p. 
 900-r.p.m. motor. 
 When the coal is taken from the reserve storage in the 
 basement by the grab bucket, it is delivered to the track 
 hopper to be crushed, after which it is taken to the overhead 
 bin. The ashes are delivered direct to railroad cars which 
 are run into the basement underneath the hoppers. 
 Sometimes instead of locating the overhead bin in the 
 boiler room, it is desirable to locate it outside, usually at 
 one end. This is sometimes done when remodeling an old 
 boiler room where the roof is too low to get the bin under 
 neath it. A case of this kind is illustrated in Fig. 9. 
 A boiler room equipped with skip hoists for elevating 
 coal and ashes, overhead coal and ash bunkers, larrics for 
 distributing the coal to the boilers and cars for transport 
 ing the ashes with an outside ground coal storage served 
 I iy a cable drag scraper system is shown in Fig. 10. 
 The coal is received in cars on a track which separates 
 the boiler house from the ground storage. From the cars 
 the coal is discharged through a track hopper to a loader 
 which feeds the coal skip bucket and is elevated to the 
 overhead bunker by the skip hoist. 
 Coal destined for the boilers is discharged from the 
 bunker through gates provided in the bottom to the 
 larries. A chute is provided from the coal bunker to 
 the ground storage over which it is distributed by the 
 drag scraper. The scraper system also is used for reclaim 
 ing the coal. 
 Ash hoppers are provided below the level of the boiler 
 room floor. These discharge to ash cars which in turn 
 deliver the ashes to the skip hoist for elevating to the 
 overhead ash bunker for delivery to railroad cars. 
 The boiler room at a food product plant, where it was 
 advisable to avoid dust, is shown in Fig. 11. Screw con 
 veyors are used for conveying the coal. These conveyors 
 as well as the bucket elevator and the external suspended 
 bunkers are fully enclosed. 
 A boiler house shown in Fig. 12 is so situated that the 
 coal is received in barges from which it is unloaded by 
 a grab bucket running on a traveling bridge equipped with 
 cantilever arms. The coal may be delivered to a hopper 
 carried on the outer leg of the bridge and distributed by 
 a suspended belt conveyor to the storage pile or it may be 
 carried direct to a second hopper on the inner leg of the 
 bridge and from there fed direct to a belt conveyor leading 
 into the boiler house. The same equipment may be used 
 to recover the coal from the storage pile and feed the belt 
 conveyor just mentioned. 
 Reserve Coal Storage 
 The methods of handling the daily coal supply at a boiler 
 house have already been described. In addition to the 
 equipment for handling this daily supply at minimum ex 
 pense, it has become almost a universal practice to provide 
 for an additional and much larger coal supply to serve as 
 a reserve, to be called upon when there are no coal ship 
 ments coming in and to furnish a supply during the winter 
 season when the mines and transportation facilities are over 
 taxed, when coal is usually higher in price, and to serve 
 as an insurance against coal shortage due to various causes. 
 This reserve storage tends to make the plant more or less 
 independent of variations in the coal supply, and makes it 
 possible to purchase coal at the most advantageous prices, 
 o store it during favorable weather conditions, and to 
 avoid having to handle it during the adverse weather con 
 ditions in winter time, when the coal is apt to be frozen 
 and the cars, therefore, hard to unload. 
 Since this reserve storage is not to be used as constantly 
 as the active storage is, and since only a certain percentage 
 of the yearly coal is to be handled to and from this storage, 
 the cost per ton for handling the coal is not quite so im 
 portant as it is with the active storage ; since the amount 
 of reserve storage is usually very much larger than the 
 active storage, a much less expensive type of storage is 
 ordinarily used. 
 The commonest method is to store the coal on the ground 
 in an outside open storage though in some cases, it is 
 housed, or bins are provided for it. These bins arc usually 
 of the ground storage type, where the weight of the coal 
 rests on the ground instead of being supported on an ele 
 vated floor. Bituminous coal is sometimes submerged 
 or covered with water so as to eliminate any danger of 
 spontaneous combustion and also to avoid losses by 
 If the coal which is being stored is anthracite, the piles 
 can be made of any desired depth, since there is practically 
 no danger of spontaneous combustion with this kind of 
 coal. With bituminous coal, however, it is necessary to 
 limit the depth of the pile in order to avoid spontaneous 
 combustion, the maximum depth of pile being usually some 
 where between 10 ft. and 30 ft., depending upon the kind 
 of coal and various other conditions. Anthracite coal can 
 therefore be concentrated in a deep pile, whereas with 
 bituminous coal it has to be spread over a large area in 
 order to avoid excessive depth. For this reason, and also 
 because anthracite coal is usually small and regular in size, 
 the reserve storage equipment is ordinarily cheaper and 
 simpler for the anthracite than for bituminous coal. Where 
 possible it is usually advisable to locate the reserve storage 
 plant close to the boiler room, and arrange it so that the 
 equipment which handles the coal to the active storage 
 can also be used, in whole or in part, for handling the 
 reserve storage coal. 
 An installation where a single pivoted bucket carrier 
 handles the coal to the overhead bin. and also to and from 
 the reserve coal storage is shown in Fig. 1. A number of 
 circular steel bins provide for the overhead supply for 
 feeding the stokers, the coal being delivered to these bins 
 from the upper horizontal run of the carrier, which is 
 located directly above them. When these Inns become 
 lilled the surplus coal overflows into a concrete ground 
 itorage bin close alongside the boiler room in front of the 
 boilers, this bin having a capacity several times as great 
 as the overhead bin. 
 The lower run of the carrier is located in a trench, just 
 below the floor level, and when the reserve coal storage is 
 needed it is fed back by means of gates and chutes to the 
 lower run of the carrier, which takes it up to the overhead 
 bins for gravity delivery to the stokers. There is a certain 
 amount of coal in the reserve storage bin which will not 
 flow back by gravity to the lower run of the carrier, and 
 which must be handled by hand when it is needed, but it 
 is seldom necessary to do this and the labor cost will not 
 add greatly to the yearly cost of handling the coal. The 
 ashes are fed to the lower run of the carrier anywhere 
 along the front of the boilers and are taken to the overhead 
 bin over the railroad track at one end of the building, 
 from which they can be delivered by gravity to the rail 
 road cars. 
 A conical pile of small anthracite steam coal where the 
 coal is delivered to the pile by means of an inclined flight 
 conveyor, supported by a steel truss resting on a tower at 
 the center of the pile, with an intermediate bent lower down 
 is shown in Fig. 2. The coal is discharged from the rail 
 road cars to a track hopper underneath the tracks and is 
 fed to the (light conveyor which discharges it at the upper 
 end to the ground storage pile. 
 A ground storage pile to which the coal is delivered by 
 means of an inclined chain and bucket elevator is shown 
 in Fig. 3 ; a portable wagon loader is shown loading the 
 coal from the pile into a cart. An arrangement somewhat 
 similar to the above is shown in Fig. 4, except that in this 
 case a portable belt conveyor is used in place of the portable 
 wagon loader, and there is a small overhead bin for loading 
 to wheelbarrows or carts. A certain amount of coal is 
 piled in the ground storage area by discharging direct from 
 the elevator with a swivel chute. When this area is filled 
 up the coal is delivered by an extension chute to the foot 
 of the portable belt conveyor, which spreads it over a larger 
 area. In this way quite a large area can be covered ; the 
 portable belt conveyor may also be used for reloading to 
 cars, carts or motor trucks. 
 Another reserve storage plant for small anthracite steam 
 coal is shown in Fig. 5. This plant is located in a city where 
 space is valuable. The storage space was excavated so as 
 to form a pit, the coal being stored in the pit and also 
 piled up above the regular ground level. The storage 
 capacity of the plant is about 11,000 tons and all of this 
 coal except a little which is used for boilers in an adjoining 
 building is carted to the main boiler room of a publishing 
 plant a mile or so away. The coal is unloaded from the 
 railroad cars into the pit, and handled to either the over 
 head concrete loading pocket at the far end of the plant, 
 or delivered to the ground storage. 
 The overhead distributing flight conveyor is supported 
 by brackets attached to the adjoining building. The reclaim 
 ing flight conveyors that reclaim the coal from the storage 
 pile, for delivery to the gravity discharge elevator-conveyor 
 at tlie wagon loading pocket, are contained in concrete tun 
 nels underneath the pile. 
 Another reserve storage plant, also using a gravity dis 
 charge elevator-conveyor encircling the pile, is shown in 
 Fig. 6. To confine the coal pile to a certain area, concrete 
 walls were built and concrete towers were built in the 
 end walls for the up and down runs of the gravity discharge 
 machine. The coal is distributed in the bin from the upper 
 run of the gravity discharge machine, and is reclaimed from 
 it by the lower run to which it is fed by means of gates 
 and chutes in the tunnel. The gravity discharge machine 
 delivers at one end to a flight conveyor, which takes the 
 coal over to a bin in the boiler room for gravity delivery 
 to the stokers. 
 A reserve coal storage plant, with a flight conveyor run 
 ning over the storage and distributing the coal to it, and 
 also a reclaiming flight conveyor in a tunnel underneath the 
 storage to take the coal out and up into the boiler room bin 
 is shown in Fisj. 7. The distributing conveyor over the 
 pile also extends over the boiler room bin, and coal may 
 be handled direct to the boiler room if desired. The coal 
 is handled from the track hopper to a crusher, by an apron 
 feeder, and after passing through the crusher goes into the 
 low-er run of the flight conveyor, which takes it up an in 
 cline and along the horizontal run, either into the boiler 
 room or discharging it to the ground storage pile. The 
 capacity of the overhead bin in the boiler room is about 
 120 tons, and about 2.000 tons can be stored in the outside 
 reserve storage. The daily coal consumption of the plant is 
 about 60 or 70 tons. 
 Fig. 1 Steel Bin with Concrete Lining 
 Fig. 2 Suspended Bunker 
 Fig. 3 Steel Bin and Supporting Girders 
 Fig. 4 Section of Boiler House and Suspended Bin 
 Fig. 5 Double Circular Hin 
 Fig. 6 Single Circular Bin 
 A comparatively inexpensive reserve storage extending 
 alongside the railroad tracks is shown in Fig. H. In this 
 equipment the coal is unloaded from the cars to the track 
 hopper and is transferred by an apron feeder to a crusher 
 at one side of the track. After passing through the crusher 
 the coal goes to a vertical elevator, which delivers either 
 to a conveyor running to the boiler room or to a flight 
 conveyor running in the opposite direction. The upper 
 run of the flight conveyor is located above the storage pile 
 and delivers coal to it; the lower run is in a tunnel under 
 neath the pile and reclaims the coal from it. The conveyor 
 which runs to the boiler room may either deliver the coal 
 to piles on the boiler room floor or to a storage pile outside 
 from which it is wheeled into the boiler room when re 
 quired. \Vhcn the coal is reclaimed by the lower run of 
 the other flight conveyor, it is delivered to the foot of the 
 elevator, which re-elevates it and delivers it to the con 
 veyor to the boiler room. 
 An outside reserve coal storage served by a locomotive 
 crane traveling on a circular track is illustrated in Fig. 9. 
 When the coal is unloaded from the railroad cars, it goes 
 cither to a crusher and is conveyed to the overhead bin in 
 the boiler room, or it goes into a pit alongside the track 
 hopper from which the grab bucket picks it up and delivers 
 it to the outside pile. When it is being reclaimed it is 
 handled from the pile back to the track hopper and up 
 into the bin, the crane being able to reach the track hopper 
 from any point on the circular track. This makes an ex 
 cellent type of locomotive crane storage in connection with 
 a conveyor system for delivering to the boiler room. 
 A stationary locomotive crane on an elevated pedestal is 
 used at another storage plant shown in Fig. 10. The locomo 
 tive crane picks the coal up with a grab bucket from a pit 
 into which it is dumped from the railroad cars, spreads the 
 coal over the storage area, and also reclaims it. The coal 
 may be delivered to a pile against the boiler house wall and 
 taken in through openings as shown, it may be delivered 
 to cars or trucks, or it may be arranged to be delivered to 
 the feeding hopper of a conveyor system. 
 Locomotive cranes are the most useful and flexible ma 
 chines of any for handling coal to and from the reserve 
 storage piles, and they are used in various ways, and with 
 various track arrangements. Sometimes they unload direct 
 from the cars, sometimes the coal is discharged from the 
 cars to a pit or underneath a trestle and the grab bucket 
 picks it up from the pit or from alongside the trestle and 
 spreads it over the storage area. 
 In other cases the coal is fed from the track hopper to 
 some form of elevator or conveyor which delivers it to the 
 storage pile, and the locomotive crane then spreads it over 
 a larger area and reclaims it from this area, delivering it 
 back to cars or to conveyors leading to the boiler house. 
 They are useful machines for this sort of work and can 
 also be used for many other purposes around an industrial 
 A reserve coal storage plant in which the coal is handled 
 to and from the storage by a rotating bridge equipped with 
 a belt conveyor for delivering the coal to the storage, and 
 with a telpher machine and a grab bucket for taking the 
 coal from storage is shown in Fig. 11. The coal is dis 
 charged from the railroad cars to a track hopper and is 
 fed by means of an apron feeder to an inclined belt con 
 veyor, which runs up to the center of the storage and de 
 livers the coal directly over the pivot point of the bridge. 
 From this point a belt conveyor with a tripper on the 
 bridge distributes it over the storage area. 
 When it is reclaimed it is picked up by the grab bucket 
 handled by the telpher machine, and is delivered to the 
 crusher located underneath the pivot point of the bridge; 
 after passing through the crusher, it goes to another in 
 clined belt conveyor which runs up and over the boiler house 
 bin and distributes the ccal in the bin. The storage capacity 
 at this plant is 15,000 tons of coal, the stocking out capacity 
 of the machine being 180 tons per hour, and the capacity 
 of the crusher and conveyor to the bunker being 130 tons 
 per hour. From the bunker the coal is delivered by a travel 
 ing weighing larry to the stoker magazines of the double 
 row of boilers. 
 An electric hoist or telpher machine equipped with a grab 
 bucket is frequently used for delivering coal to the storage 
 pile and also for reclaiming and delivering the coal into the 
 boiler house. Where only a small amount of coal is to be 
 stored, a simple overhead monorail connecting the boiler 
 house, the railroad siding and the storage pile may meet 
 all requirements. By adding switches and additional over 
 head tracks the storage area can be greatly increased. 
 Another arrangement frequently used where a consider 
 able amount of coal has to be stored, is to connect the mono 
 rail tracks with an overhead traveling crane covering the 
 storage pile. Such an arrangement is shown in Fig. 12. 
 The monorail hoist with its grab bucket runs out on tracks 
 over barges and cars and back onto the traveling crane for 
 depositing the coal on the storage pile. When reclaiming, 
 the coal is again picked up by the grab bucket and when 
 the monorail hoist has been carried by the crane to the 
 proper point the hoist runs off from the crane onto a spur 
 leading into the boiler house. 
 Bins and Bunkers 
 Various types of overhead bins are used for storing coal 
 in boiler rooms; these bins are ordinarily built of steel, 
 concrete, or a combination of both. The older bins were 
 usually built of steel, with a supporting structure of beams 
 and girders underneath, with steel plates to form the bin 
 itself, as shown in Fig. 3. This type of construction re 
 quires a heavy weight of steel in the supporting beams, 
 and does not take advantage of the strength of the plates 
 In the later types of bins, the weight of the coal is 
 supported mostly by plates or rods hung from girders 
 along the top edges of the bin. These are what are 
 known as suspension bunkers and were first designed by 
 A. Samuel Berquist. A typical bin of this type is shown 
 in Fig. 2. 
 Sometimes the steel bins are lined with a layer of con 
 crete, as shown in Fig. 1. The concrete lining protects 
 the steel plates from the corrosive action of wet coal 
 which is most marked where the coal contains sulphur. 
 However this corrosive action in most cases does not 
 appear to be serious, and steel bins which have been in 
 service for 13 years or more are still in good condition. 
 It is good practice, however, to empty the bin occasionally 
 and paint it inside and out to protect the plates. 
 Another type of suspended bunker has steel girders 
 along the top edges and steel supports, but the body of 
 the bin is made of concrete which is reinforced with light 
 steel ferro-inclave plates. By placing the ferro-inclave 
 plates in position first, the concrete can be added to the 
 inside of the bin with little form work, and a coating of 
 concrete can be plastered over the outside of the ferro- 
 inclave so that a reinforced concrete body is formed. In 
 addition to this, steel straps are attached to the girders at 
 intervals of 3 ft. to 5 ft. and are made to take the parabolic 
 form of the bin, these straps serving as hangers or saddles 
 to support the weight. 
 Another type of suspension bunker has a supporting 
 framework similar to the ones previously described, but 
 the weight is supported by means of rods or bolts attached 
 to the upper girders and extending down to tics across the 
 lower part of the bin. Below the ties is a V-shaped 
 section which gives the proper slope to the bottom of the 
 bin. The bin is lined, just inside the rods, with concrete, 
 steel, or sometimes with wood. 
 The usual location of a boiler room bin is directly above 
 the space in front of the boilers; as the bin and conveyor 
 over it require considerable height this part of the boiler 
 room requires a higher roof than is ordinarily required 
 over the boilers. In recent practice it is customary to 
 make this part of the boiler room with a separate roof 
 or monitor over the bin, and then run the trusses or 
 beams for the lower part of the roof from the bin columns, 
 or beams along these columns, back to the rear wall of 
 the boiler room. In this way the roof is broken up into 
 short spans so that light trusses or, in some cases, I-beams 
 can be used. This construction is shown in Fig. 4. 
 Circular bins are commonly used for ashes and some 
 times for coal. Bins of this character are shown in Figs. 
 5 and 6. 
 Weighing Coal 
 Equipments for weighing coal at power plants may be 
 divided into three classes (a) weighing the coal received, 
 (b) weighing the total amount of coal consumed, and (c) 
 weighing the coal consumed by each boiler unit. The 
 primary object of the first is to check the amount of coal 
 received, so that the purchaser may know whether he is 
 getting what he pays for. The second class of equipment 
 is for keeping a record of the quantity of coal used, so as 
 to know what the requirements are for the future ; also 
 to see whether the boilers are operating at about the 
 proper efficiency ; the record of the total amount con 
 sumed by several units will, of course, not give an accurate 
 check on the efficiency of each unit. The third class of 
 equipment is used to get a record of the operation of each 
 unit. In some cases two or more boilers are grouped 
 together and each group is taken as one unit. 
 For checking the amount of coal received at a plant 
 there are several types of equipment, such as track scales, 
 wagon scales, weighing hoppers with hand-operated or 
 automatic scales, conveyor weighers, and coal meters. 
 For determining the quantity of coal used each day in a 
 boiler room the same types of weighing or measuring de 
 vices may be used, and also the movable weighing hopper 
 or traveling larry equipped with some kind of scale. 
 For keeping a record of the coal used in each separate 
 unit, the devices ordinarily employed are the automatic 
 scale or the coal meter, use of which is usually fitted to 
 llie spout or spouts supplying each unit. It is possible to 
 uci^h the coal used in each unit by a movable weighing 
 hopper equipped with a hand-operated or automatic scale, 
 but in this case it is necessary to depend on an attendant 
 to keep the amounts for each unit separated from those 
 for the others, and it is next to impossible to get men 
 who will always keep their records properly separated. 
 If these records are to be dependable the human element 
 must be eliminated, and they must be made entirely auto 
 matic, and without any possibility of error through care 
 lessness or intent. 
 Track scales are also used for overhead tracks, usually 
 of the monorail type. In such cases a separate section 
 of rail or rails is supported on the scale beam so that the 
 larries or trolleys carrying the loads can be stopped and 
 weighed; or if an automatic recording scale is installed the 
 loads can be weighed as they pass over this section of 
 Automatic coal scales, in addition to saving labor, elimi 
 nate the possibility of error resulting from the human 
 element, as the recording of the weights is done by the 
 mechanism of the scale. These machines consist essentially 
 of some kind of device for feeding the coal into the weighing 
 hopper, and are arranged so that the feed will be shut off at 
 the instant the hopper is filled to the proper amount ; that is, 
 if the scale is of SOO-ft. capacity, coal will feed into the 
 hopper until it contains exactly 500 tb. when the feed 
 will be automatically shut off and another gate at the 
 bottom of the hopper will automatically open and the 
 500 Ib. in the weighing hopper will be discharged providing 
 there is sufficient space underneath. Then the lower gate 
 closes automatically and the feed again starts to till the 
 hopper with another 500 tb. load. 
 Fach load is recorded by an automatic counter, so that 
 the number of loads which have passed through the hopper 
 can be read at any time. If there is not enough space 
 underneath the weigh hopper for the coal to discharge 
 immediately, the mechanism remains inactive until the 
 coal is removed sufficiently for the weighing hopper to dis 
 charge completely; then the lower gate closes and the 
 feeding mechanism again starts. 
 These automatic scales may be placed underneath a 
 receiving hopper into which the coal is dumped from 
 wagons or cars, or, as is usually the case, they may be 
 placed at some point in a conveyor system where the coal 
 can be handled from one conveyor through the weighing 
 hopper and be weighed before it passes on to another con 
 veyor. In this way an accurate record may be obtained 
 of the amount of coal passing through the conveyor system. 
 Conveyor weighers are devices for weighing coal passing 
 over a belt conveyor, a bucket carrier, or some other type 
 of conveyor. There are several of these machines on the 
 market, and some of them are guaranteed for an accuracy 
 of within one per cent. They are entirely automatic in 
 their operation. 
 In one of the machines commonly used for this purpose 
 a short section of the conveyor is supported on a frame 
 separate from the fixed supports, and hung on rods con 
 nected with scale beams. The weight of this floating 
 platform is balanced by an iron float in a cylinder of 
 mercury. P or varying weights within the range of the 
 scale the float takes up different positions and therefore 
 its movement offers a direct measure of the actual weight 
 of the floating platform. 
 In order to multiply the weight by the speed of the 
 conveyor there is a special integrating device which adds 
 up and records the weights passing over the conveyor. 
 Another device which is used for measuring coal is the 
 coal meter. This apparatus is placed in a spout through 
 which the coal passes downward; it consists essentially 
 of a shaft, at the lower end of which is a spiral vane or 
 propeller, which is revolved by the coal as it moves down 
 ward, the speed of rotation being proportionate to the 
 downward movement of the coal. The shaft is supported 
 on a bracket attached to the inside of the spout, and is 
 geared to a shaft which passes out through the chut at 
 right angles and which operates a counter that records 
 the amount of movement of the propeller. By weighing 
 the coal which passes through a spout equipped with such 
 a meter, and dividing liy the number 6f revolutions of 
 the propeller, the proper factor can be obtained by which 
 to multiply the number of revolutions of the propeller 
 to obtain the amount of coal which passes through the 
 spout in any desired period. These meters are claimed to 
 operate satisfactorily with small anthracite coal and even 
 with crushed bituminous, but the more lumpy the coal 
 and the less free Mowing, the less the accuracy. 
 In plants with overhead bins the weighing equipment 
 i> uMially located between the bin and the stoker magazines, 
 so that the coal can be drawn from the overhead bin 
 and be \\righed before it is delivered to the stokers. The 
 t\ pe of equipment used is the traveling weighing hopper 
 or the individual automatic scale. 
 being equipped with motors geared to one of the axles. 
 The operation is directed by a controller with two ropes 
 hanging within reaching distance from the floor. Pulling 
 one rope causes the machine to travel in one direction, 
 and pulling the other causes it to travel in the reverse 
 The individual automatic scale for each unit offers the 
 ideal way of obtaining the amount of coal consumed by 
 each unit. A 100-th automatic scale is not a costly device, 
 and it will handle up to 4 tons an hour. These scales 
 require no attendance, whereas the traveling weighing 
 hopper has to be (died and discharged by the operator. 
 One of the illustrations shows an installation of three 
 individual automatic scales. The coal feeds down through 
 Motor Operated Traveling Weighing Hopper 
 A typical motor operated traveling weighing hopper is 
 illustrated. When the service is light the weighing hopper 
 is sometimes moved along the tracks by a shaft geared to 
 one of the axles and operated by a chain wheel and a 
 hand chain which extends to within easy reach from the 
 boiler-room floor. The hand-operated machines are, how- 
 ex er, fast going out of use. and the weighing hoppers are 
 Individual Automatic Scales 
 the scales and the spouts to the stoker magazines, and, as 
 a stoker uses up the coal in the magazines, more feeds 
 down the spout until the weighing hopper is entirely dis 
 charged when the operating mechanism is again thrown 
 into operation by the clo-ing of the lower gate and the 
 scale goes through another operation of filling up, weighing 
 and discharging. 
 Coal Yard Equipment 
 Anthracite coal is ordinarily received at coal yards 
 cither in railroad cars or boats. When received in cars 
 of the bottom dump type, a trestle of some sort is desira 
 ble which will permit the coal being discharged through 
 the bottom doors of the cars. The trestle may be low, and 
 the coal may be deposited on the ground beneath it, or 
 it may be built high enough to permit of the construction 
 of bins to receive the coal. When the coal is received 
 in barges or boats it is usually unloaded by means of a 
 grab bucket operated in connection with the mast and 
 gaff, locomotive cranes or unloading towers which are 
 described in other parts of this book. 
 The cost of providing ample storage in overhead bins 
 is often prohibitive, particularly where the site of the 
 structure is on level ground. In such instances the simple 
 trestle and ground storage plan becomes a necessity. 
 Handling coal by hand in such a layout usually means two 
 movements of the coal screening, and loading into the 
 delivery conveyance. This is expensive work which can 
 in many instances be reduced materially by the utilization 
 of portable loaders capable of loading and screening the 
 coal at the same time. 
 While the low trestle in conjunction with portable load 
 ers often provides an economical layout the ideal plant is 
 the so-called high type gravity trestle where all the coal 
 is unloaded into overhead bins so that it can be loaded 
 out by gravity to wagons or trucks and automatically be 
 screened as it passes over the screen chute. Conditions 
 seldom warrant the construction of a trestle of the pure 
 gravity type and it is usual to provide ground storage 
 underneath the trestle so that the total storage will be 
 sufficient to enable the dealer to purchase and receive coal 
 at the most advantageous time. 
 Since each dealer has to handle at least four or five 
 different sixes of coal, and frequently two or three grades 
 in some or all of the six.es, his storage facilities should 
 be arranged to keep these different sizes and grades sep 
 arate, the greatest amount of storage being, of course, 
 provided for the kind for which there is the greatest 
 Where mechanical means are provided for handling 
 the coal, the cars are usually unloaded at one point into 
 a track hopper underneath the railroad track, and the 
 coal is then handled by a conveyor system, and is delivered 
 to the various bins. With the conveyor system .a little 
 additional height of the bins means very little additional 
 cost for the machinery, and it is an easy matter to ar 
 range the machinery to deliver to a number of overhead 
 bins, and also to a number of ground bins if desired. 
 A typical retail coal pocket installation, where the coal 
 is unloaded from railroad cars to a track hopper under 
 neath the tracks, and is handled to the overhead bins by 
 conveyors is shown in Fig. 1. The coal is delivered from 
 the overhead bins by gravity over a screening chute to the 
 wagons or trucks. A gravity discharge elevator and a 
 flight conveyor are used for elevating and distributing the 
 coal in the various bins. These types of machines handle 
 the coal with very little breakage, but in order to eliminate 
 breakage in discharging the coal into the bins, a so-called 
 lowering chute should be used. The chute is essentially a 
 series of shelves, one above the other, each shelf contain 
 ing a small bed of coal, so that the coal which is being 
 delivered to the bin rolls slowly back and forth from one 
 pile to the other, without getting up much speed, and 
 dropping only short distances from shelf to shelf. The 
 machinery is usually operated by a small electric motor, 
 though a steam or gasoline engine is sometimes used. 
 The screen chutes have bottoms made of screen wire 
 of the proper mesh for each size of coal, the dust or 
 screenings dropping into the small pockets underneath, 
 from which they are taken out at intervals to be re-sized 
 by means of a rotary screen or some other type of screen 
 so that they can be sold to the best advantage. Small 
 ground bins may be partitioned off underneath to receive 
 the different sizes of coal and the coal removed from these 
 bins by hand. Sometimes the re-sizing screens are lo 
 cated over small overhead bins, so that the coal can be 
 drawn out of the bins by gravity, instead of having to be 
 shoveled out. In such cases the screenings are either 
 elevated and delivered to the screen by the main coal eleva 
 tor, or a small separate elevator is installed. 
 An 8,000-ton retail coal pocket of concrete with the coal 
 all stored in overhead bins is used in one of the large 
 cities. This pocket serves not only as a distributing sta 
 tion for delivering to customers located in the central part 
 of the city, but the coal is also handled by large auto 
 mobile trucks, to four smaller pockets in outlying sections 
 and is stored in the small pockets for delivery to local 
 The coal is discharged from the railroad cars on a sid 
 ing alongside the pocket, is elevated by a gravity discharge 
 elevator-conveyor which takes it up and acru> mir end 
 of the pocket and delivers it to either one of two longi 
 tudinal distributing conveyors, which run over the tops 
 of the various bins and deliver the coal to them. The 
 loading chutes underneath this pocket are made with two 
 delivery spouts at different levels, the upper one for load 
 ing to large automobile trucks, and the lower one for 
 loading to coal wagons or low trucks. 
 When a retail coal pocket is built so that all of the 
 coal is stored in overhead bins, it means that the entire 
 weight of the coal has to be supported on the under 
 structure of the pocket and this necessarily makes the 
 floor and under structure and the foundations expensive. 
 It is, therefore, frequently more economical to store the 
 greater part of the coal in ground storage bins and to 
 build overhead bins for only a limited amount of the 
 coal, and then arrange the machinery so that the same 
 equipment will handle the coal to the overhead bins or 
 to the ground storage, and also transfer it from the ground 
 storage to the overhead bins when it is necessary to draw 
 the coal from the ground storage. 
 With this type of pocket the ground storage is in the 
 nature of a reserve storage and the overhead bins are the 
 active storage, with gravity delivery to wagons or trucks. 
 The greater part of the coal can be handled directly 
 through the overhead bins to the trucks and wagons, so 
 that this coal has to be handled only once. When, how 
 ever, a greater amount of coal is received than can be 
 taken care of in the overhead bins, it is stored in the 
 ground storage bins, and then, when there is no coal 
 coming in to be handled to the overhead bins, the supply 
 in the ground storage bins is drawn upon. This means 
 that the coal stored in the ground bins has to be handled 
 twice, but the additional cost for this work does not 
 amount to a great deal, since no additional force is neces 
 sary for doing the work and the cost of power for op 
 erating the machinery is a comparatively small item. 
 A diagram of a combination overhead and ground 
 storage coal pocket is shown in Fig. 2. The overhead 
 bins are along the front of the pocket and have a storage 
 capacity of 300 tons. The ground storage bins are at 
 the rear and have a capacity of. 900 tons. The coal is fed 
 by a chute with a regulating gate from the track hopper 
 to a short flight conveyor which rui;s across in a tunnel 
 underneath the pocket and delivers to a gravity discharge 
 elevator-conveyor which encircles the pocket and delivers 
 either to the overhead bins or to the ground storage bins. 
 Lowering chutes are used for delivering the coal into the 
 bins with a minimum amount of breakage. The chutes 
 from the overhead bins to the wagons and trucks are 
 housed over with a shed roof. When the ground storage 
 coal is needed it is delivered through gates to the lower 
 run of the elevator-conveyor in the tunnel underneath the 
 pocket, re-elevated and delivered to the overhead bins. This 
 equipment is driven by an electric motor and the handling 
 capacity is from 35 to 40 tons of coal an hour. 
 A diagram of a somewhat similar pocket, except that 
 in this case the whole upper part of the pocket is made 
 into overhead bins with wagon loading chutes on both 
 sides and with the railroad track running across the end 
 of the pocket instead of alongside, is shown in 
 Fig. 3. The storage capacity is 800 tons in the 
 overhead bins and 700 tons in the ground stor 
 age bins. The walls of the ground storage bins are 
 built entirely of concrete and the upper part of the pocket 
 is built of wood resting on these concrete walls. The coal 
 is discharged from the railroad cars into the track hopper 
 and is fed through a regulating gate to the foot of the 
 gravity discharge elevator-conveyor, which elevates it and 
 delivers it to the overhead bins. When these overhead, 
 bins are filled and there is more coal to be stored, part of 
 the coal in the overhead bins can be discharged through 
 gates in the floor down into the ground bins, and the 
 overhead bins can then be refilled. The ground storage 
 coal is rehandled to the overhead bins in the same man 
 ner as in the plant above described. 
 This pocket is also equipped with a rotary screen for 
 resizing the screenings taken from underneath the wagon 
 loading chutes. These screenings are collected and de 
 livered to the main elevator which elevates them and de 
 livers them to the rotary screen, which re-sizes them and 
 delivers them to small bins underneath. The machinery 
 is all operated by a single electric motor and the capacity 
 is about 45 tons per hour. 
 A pocket with small overhead bins at one end with 
 three driveways underneath, and with the rest of the 
 pocket divided into four large ground storage bins is 
 shown in Fig. 4. This design is suitable for a large 
 amount of ground storage and a comparatively small 
 amount of overhead storage. The machinery consists of 
 a gravity discharge elevator and a distributing flight con 
 veyor for delivering the coal to the bins, and a reclaiming 
 flight conveyor in a tunnel underneath the ground storage 
 bins to be used only when the coal is being taken out of 
 the ground storage. This makes a simple and economical 
 machinery arrangement, considering the amount of storage 
 obtained, and one which costs comparatively little for 
 maintenance When handling from railroad cars to the 
 bins only the elevator and distributing flight conveyor 
 need be operated. 
 A 5,500-ton overhead and ground storage pocket is 
 shown in Fig. 5. The overhead pockets have a capacity 
 of only 500 tons of coal. This pocket proved a most 
 economical design considering the amount of storage ob 
 tained. It consists essentially of four walls and a roof 
 with partitions and inclined floors to form the overhead 
 bins. There is a monitor along the roof for the dis 
 tributing flight conveyor over the bins, and a tunnel un 
 derneath for the reclaiming flight conveyor which takes 
 the coal out of the ground storage bins. It was not 
 possible in this case to run a railroad siding into the 
 yard, so a tunnel was built underneath a street, and un 
 derneath part of a railroad yard adjoining, and a flight 
 conveyor installed in this tunnel ; the coal can thus be un 
 loaded from railroad cars standing in the railroad yard 
 and conveyed in the tunnel to the foot of the elevator. 
 The machinery has a capacity of from 45 to 50 tons an 
 hour and is all driven by a single electric motor, located 
 on a platform about half-way between the ground level 
 and the distributing conveyor level at the elevator end of 
 the pocket. One chain drive runs up to the head of the 
 elevator, which is connected by means of bevel gearing 
 to the foot shaft of the distributing conveyor. Another 
 chain drive runs down into the tunnel and is connected 
 by means of spur gearing to the head shaft of the con 
 veyor from the railroad cars and to the head shaft of 
 the reclaiming conveyor underneath the pocket. 
 Locomotive Coaling Stations 
 The coal usually is discharged from bottom-dump coal 
 cars to one or more track hoppers, and is fed by recipro 
 cating or apron feeders to a chain and bucket elevator, 
 usually of the gravity discharge type, or sometimes to an 
 inclined flight or belt conveyor. For small or moderate 
 size pockets the delivery to the bins is by chutes ; for longer 
 pockets distributing conveyors are used or the gravity dis 
 charge machines are extended horizontally so as to dis 
 tribute the coal in the bins. Skip hoists of the single or 
 double type are also used for elevating coal at locomotive 
 coaling stations, and, where the overhead bin extends over 
 considerable length, car systems are sometimes used with 
 the skip hoists for distributing the coal to the bins. 
 Trestle storage pockets are also used in many cases, the 
 coal cars being run up on a trestle, with pockets underneath 
 for delivering the coal to the tenders; on account of the 
 height required to deliver the coal to the tenders, the trestles 
 must be built high, and a long approach is required to get 
 the cars up on the trestle ; the construction and maintenance 
 costs are high and much ground space is required for the 
 approach. This type of coaling station is practically out of 
 the question for a terminal in or near a city. 
 At points where few engines are handled hand methods 
 of coaling are often used; the coal is shoveled from the 
 cars to a coal wharf or platform, and is then shoveled into 
 the tenders. In some cases, advantage can be taken of 
 side hills by running an elevated track above the coal 
 wharf and building small pockets with chutes which deliver 
 to large wheelbarrows ; the coal can thus be transferred 
 from the pockets to the tenders. These hand methods are, 
 however, expensive and, in order to load a locomotive with 
 out delaying it too long several men are required ; when 
 only a few engines are coaled each day this makes the 
 handling costs per ton excessive. Even at points where 
 only a small amount of coal is required each day, some 
 mechanical method of elevating the coal and some overhead 
 bin storage is probably justifiable in almost all cases; the 
 coal will then always be ready for the locomotive and 
 can be loaded quickly by the fireman or possibly one man 
 at the station. 
 With the smaller coaling station the overhead bin storage 
 is sometimes dispensed with and a coal car is held at the 
 station to act as storage ; the machinery is then operated 
 whenever a locomotive is to be coaled, the coal being han 
 dled directly from the car to the tender. The equipment 
 for this work usually consists of track hopper, feeder, and 
 some form of chain and bucket elevator, usually of the 
 continuous bucket or gravity discharge type; sometimes a 
 skip hoist is used in place of the chain and bucket machine. 
 The machinery supporting structure is usually built either 
 of wood or steel, or a combination of these. Where an 
 overhead bin is added it is usually built of wood ; a single 
 coaling chute is used to load the coal from the head of the 
 machine or from the bin to the locomotive tenders. 
 For somewhat larger stations, gravity discharge elevators 
 and skip hoists are both used to quite a large extent for 
 elevating the coal and delivering it to the bins. The feed 
 in either case is usually automatic, reciprocating or apron 
 feeders being used to feed the gravity discharge machines, 
 and automatic gates on the track hoppers to feed the coal 
 to the skip hoists. The overhead bins for these larger 
 stations can be built of wood, steel, concrete, or a combina 
 tion of these materials. The wood construction is usually 
 the cheapest in first cost, but is not so permanent as the 
 other two materials, and there is also a greater fire risk. 
 A steel structure can be made quite permanent but the 
 locomotive gases tend to corrode the steel, so that at a large 
 station where locomotives stand alongside or underneath 
 the station much of the time, the maintenance cost is apt 
 to be high. Concrete is undoubtedly the best material for 
 coaling stations, since it is the most permanent and since 
 the fire risk is practically eliminated, except for the rare 
 possibility of the coal itself getting on lire; the concrete docs 
 not involve any maintenance cost for painting. 
 Where wooden bins are used they are usually made rect 
 angular with sloping bottoms, whereas with the steel or con 
 crete construction both rectangular and circular bins are 
 used, the circular form being economical to construct. The 
 bottoms are made sloping to make the bins practically self- 
 cleaning, but this would not seem to be necessary in all 
 oases, especially where the bins are not large, since, in 
 such cases, there is little coal which will not flow out, even 
 if the bottom is made flat, and flat bottom bins are much 
 easier and cheaper to build. 
 Pivoted bucket carriers are also used for elevating and 
 distributing coal in locomotive coaling stations, and since 
 these carriers are the most rugged type of conveyor they are 
 low in operating and maintenance costs ; they are, however, 
 not suited to handling large lump coal and can be used only 
 for handling the smaller sizes, say not over 6 in. or 8 in. 
 Various track arrangements are used, the coaling tracks 
 being sometimes underneath the bins, and sometimes at one 
 end or at the side. The track arrangement is, of course, 
 dependent to a large extent upon local conditions and re 
 quirements, but it would seem that certain standard track 
 arrangements and certain standard designs for coaling sta 
 tions could be developed, so that the engineering and con 
 struction costs could be reduced by the use of such designs, 
 either in whole or in part, with necessary modifications to 
 suit local conditions. 
 Handling Ashes or Cinders 
 The ashes or cinders are only about 10 per cent or 15 per 
 cent of the weight of the bituminous coal consumed. These 
 cinders must be collected from the points where they are 
 cleaned out of the locomotive ash pans, and they must then 
 be elevated and delivered to railroad cars. They are quite 
 abrasive and, after being quenched with water tend to de 
 velop a weak acid which is quite corrosive to steel and 
 somewhat corrosive to malleable iron or cast iron ; the eco 
 nomical handling of cinders is, therefore, a somewhat more 
 complicated problem than the coal handling. 
 The usual method is to build a pit underneath the dump 
 ing track with each rail supported on a wall, and either 
 discharge the cinders into the pit or into small cars or 
 buckets in the pit. Where the cars or buckets are used they 
 can be moved on rails in the pit and the cinders delivered 
 to a skip hoist or some other form of elevator, or the car 
 bodies or buckets can be picked up by a hoist and elevated 
 MI that the cinders can lie discharged into an overhead bin 
 or direct to a railroad car. Where the cars or buckets are 
 not used the cinders are usually shoveled or scraped along 
 in the pit by hand to the feeding point of a conveyor or 
 are picked out of the pit by a small grab bucket operated 
 by a locomotive crane, or some other form of hoist, or are 
 shoveled out of the pit by hand. Pivoted bucket carriers 
 have been successfully used for handling these cinders, the 
 chains and buckets being made of malleable iron which does 
 not corrode easily. These carriers may be made to serve 
 a number of tracks, each track having its own pit and feed 
 ing point for delivering the cinders to the carrier, the han 
 dling from these feeding points to the overhead bin being 
 automatic, thereby making it possible to handle the cinders 
 rapidly and economically. 
 A special type of bucket or car with removable body 
 has been developed for handling locomotive cinders, these 
 buckets being mounted on trucks in -the pit, and being lifted 
 off these trucks by a hoist located at the overhead bin ; the 
 bucket is arranged for dumping through the bottom by a 
 releasing door latch when it has been hoisted and moved 
 over the bin. In some cases the hoist is arranged to deliver 
 direct to a railroad car instead of to an overhead bin. Small 
 cars which receive the ashes from the pits and deliver to 
 a skip hoist are also used. 
 Sand Handling 
 The sand for the locomotives is usually received at a 
 locomotive coaling station in a damp state, and has to be 
 unloaded from the cars and cither elevated to a wet sand 
 mil, or tirst dried and then elevated to a dry sand bin, from 
 which it is spouted to the locomotives. In some cases, 
 where skip hoists are used for elevating the coal, the same 
 machine is used for elevating the sand and delivering it to 
 the wet sand bin. Where bucket elevators are used it is 
 not usually advisable to use the coal handling machine for 
 handling sand. As a rule a separate chain and bucket ele 
 vator is used, this machine being of small capacity and 
 comparatively simple and inexpensive in construction. The 
 sand is dried in special sand drying stoves or steam dryers, 
 and. after it has been dried, it is usually raised by an air 
 conveying system to the dry Sand bin.; which should be 
 located at the proper points for convenient delivery to the 
 Equipment for Coaling Steamships and Loading Coal to Vessels 
 The enormous amounts of coal required to drive steam 
 ships, and the cargoes of coal handled by water, present 
 problems in loading into the steamship bunkers and in the 
 loading of cargo coal into the holds of the vessels that re 
 quire great ingenuity and involve the expenditure of large 
 amounts of money to accomplish the work expeditiously 
 and economically. The bunkers of some of the larger 
 steamships are capable of holding as much as 10.000 tons 
 of coal, and this coal must be loaded in a short time, since 
 any delay to a vessel of this size is costly. 
 Since, as a rule, the steamship is tied up to the wharf 
 when the coaling is done, so that freight can also be loaded 
 at the same time, the coal must be brought in barges and 
 handled from the barges to the bunkers. Various methods 
 are employed for doing this work, such as loading the coal 
 into tub buckets and hoisting it with the ship s derricks, 
 handling with grab buckets operated as a rule by derricks 
 or cranes, or handling by continuously operating chain and 
 bucket elevators. The latter method is the most rapid and 
 flexible yet devised ; when coaling a large steamship a num 
 ber of the chain and bucket machines can be operated at the 
 same time. In some cases, instead of using chains with the 
 buckets attached to them, buckets and steet plates are used 
 alternately, and are attached together to form practically 
 an endless steel belt traveling over drums at head and foot, 
 the drums being made of steel discs connected by heavy 
 steel rods so as to form wheels similar to wide sprocket 
 The Discharge Is Through Telescopic Chutes 
 The Discharge Point Is Adjustable 
 Unloading Barge to Truck 
 Coaling Direct from Car 
 These machines are mounted on steel frames equipped 
 with a ring or bail at the top, so that they can be moved 
 by a derrick or crane. Where the buckets travel around 
 terminal pulleys at head and foot, they dig up the coal from 
 the barge as they pass around the foot wheel, carry it up 
 to the top, and deliver it as they pass around the head wheel, 
 long telescopic chutes serving to deliver the coal at the 
 desired points. Where one machine does not reach a suffi 
 cient height, two machines are sometimes used, one deliver 
 ing to the other ; in other cases where more horizontal reach 
 is desired, a portable belt conveyor is sometimes used to 
 carry the coal over horizontally or at an incline, possibly 
 in order to reach over an intervening lighter from which 
 freight is being loaded to the steamship. 
 Another form of elevator is really of the gravity dis 
 charge type, the buckets being attached between two strands 
 of chain, and the discharge being accomplished by turn- 
 wheels which cause the chains and buckets to turn and 
 travel horizontally or at a slight downward incline, so that 
 the coal is discharged from the buckets as they turn. The 
 height of the discharge point is adjustable with these ma 
 chines, the turn-wheels being mounted on a frame which 
 strong and rugged to bland the severe service of digging 
 this kind of coal. 
 In some cases portable conveyors are used to dis 
 tribute the coal in the ships bunkers, and sometimes ships 
 are equipped with stationary conveyors which are fed at 
 fixed points and which distribute the coal in the bunkers. 
 Another method that has been devised for distributing 
 coal in ships bunkers is by revolving steel plates, located 
 close together and close to the top of the bunker, and ar 
 ranged with plows to scrape the coal off of one plate and 
 on to the next. As the coal falls through the hatches which 
 have discs adjacent to them, it piles up on the bunker 
 floor, gradually rising to the level of the discs, and eventu 
 ally falling on the top faces of the discs. The discs are 
 then started revolving, and the coal is passed from one 
 disc to the next, so that it is gradually stocked out in the 
 bunker up to the level of the discs. 
 Another method of handling coal to steamship bunkers is 
 by self-unloading coal lighters. These lighters are equipped 
 with bins, into which the coal is loaded and from which 
 it can be fed to a conveyor running underneath or between 
 the bins ; the conveyor carries the coal horizontally and 
 Loading Direct from Car to Vessel 
 can be moved up and down, so as to raise or lower the dis 
 charge point. This design eliminates the necessity of the 
 long telescopic chute, the coal being elevated only to a 
 sufficient height for delivery to the bunkers, instead of be 
 ing elevated all the way to the top of the machine and 
 delivered down a long chute. The whole machine can be 
 allowed to descend so as to follow the coal down as it be 
 comes lower in the lighter without changing the level of the 
 delivery point. These machines are built to handle as much 
 as 125 tons per hour of run-of-mine soft coal, and because 
 of the large lumps have to be equipped with good sized 
 buckets, usually about 24 in. long ; all parts must be built 
 Coaling from a Traveling Tower 
 then up an incline, or delivers it to a second machine 
 which does the elevating either vertically or at an incline, 
 the coal being elevated to a sufficient height for delivery 
 to the ship s bunkers. The machinery on these lighters 
 is sometimes capable of handling as much as 500 tons 
 per hour, so that a steamship can be coaled rapidly. As 
 a rule the carrying capacity is not over 1,000 tons of 
 coal, so that a single lighter cargo will not coal a large 
 steamship. They are used to quite a large extent on the 
 Great Lakes, where world s records are made for the 
 rapid loading and unloading of vessels. 
 The loading of cargo coal into vessels is usually done 
 I iv fixed equipment on the shore, the vessel being tied up 
 to the coal wharf, and the coal delivered over gravity 
 chutes into the vessel. Trestles are sometimes built out 
 on the wharf so that the coal cars can be run out on the 
 trestle, and the coal delivered by gravity chutes direct 
 from the cars to the vessels. Various methods have been 
 devised to avoid breakage when delivering over these 
 gravity chutes into the hold of the vessel, one of these 
 methods being adjustable telescopic chutes. The hopper 
 at the upper end of the inclined chute to the vessel is 
 arranged to slide up and down, and there are sliding 
 plates forming the front of the vertical part of the chute 
 which also move up and down with the hopper. At the 
 lower end of the vertical part of the chute is an inclined 
 chute, the angle of which can be adjusted so as not to 
 deliver the coal with too great a velocity. The inclined 
 part of this chute is arranged to fold back out of the 
 way when not in use. 
 Since run-of-mine bituminous coal does not flow freely 
 through the bottom doors of standard railroad cars, the 
 unloading of coal, even from the best types of cars, is not 
 rapid enough and requires too much labor where large 
 amounts of coal are loaded to vessels. In such cases a 
 car dumper is used which turns the car over and dumps 
 the coal out either to a chute leading direct to the vessel 
 or to other transfer cars, which are designed to discharge 
 rapidly and automatically through large bottom doors, these 
 cars being taken up on a trestle, from which the coal is 
 delivered by gravity to the vessel. 
 In some cases traveling towers, to which the coal is de 
 livered by conveyors, have been used in place of high 
 trestles, the traveling tower, of course, being much less 
 expensive than the long high trestle, with the long ap 
 proach or mechanical means for getting the cars up on 
 the trestle. The illustrations show, an equipment of this 
 kind, which was designed for a location where only a 
 moderate loading capacity was required, and where the 
 expense for a car dumper or for a high trestle for the 
 railroad cars was not considered justifiable. At the in-shore 
 end of the pier are four parallel railroad tracks, under 
 three of which are track hoppers into which the coal can 
 be dumped from the railroad cars. 
 Just beyond the track hoppers is a car transfer table 
 which connects with all four tracks, so that as soon as 
 a car is unloaded it can be run on the transfer table and 
 transferred to the fourth track and another car placed over 
 the track hopper from which the car was removed. This 
 arrangement avoids delay in shifting cars and with the three 
 separate unloading tracks the blocking of one of them by 
 a car that is difficult to unload, or from some other cause, 
 does not interfere with the use of the other two track 
 Running underneath the track hoppers at hight angles 
 to the tracks is an apron conveyor which receives the 
 coal from the hoppers and delivers it to a belt conveyor 
 running along the length of the pier. The coal from the 
 rear track hopper, nearest the empty track, feeds direct 
 to the apron conveyor, while that from the other two 
 hoppers is fed by reciprocating feeders to the moving 
 apron and deposited on top of the coal already on it. 
 The movable tower rests on four eight-wheel trucks, 
 traveling on rails along the length of the pier, and it car 
 ries a vertical continuous bucket elevator to which the 
 belt conveyor delivers by a tripper fitted into the lower 
 end and, therefore, moving along with it. 
 The coal is elevated and delivered at the head of the 
 elevator to a two-way chute leading to two standard 
 coaling chutes for delivery to vessels ; one of these chutes 
 delivers to vessels on one side of the pier and the other 
 to vessels on the other side. The handling capacity of the 
 equipment is figured at 600 tons per hour, i. e., 200 tons 
 per hour for each track hopper, and all the coal can be 
 delivered to a vessel on one side of the pier or the stream 
 can be divided by the two-way gate at the head of the 
 elevator so that it will go to both loading chutes simul 
 taneously and, in this way, coal two vessels at the same 
 time, one on each side of the pier. In practice coal will 
 probably seldom be delivered to more than one vessel at 
 a time, as the hatches of two vessels will not be likely to 
 match up so that the chute can be easily set to reach both 
 The machinery is all electrically operated, the current 
 being 220-volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle alternating current ; the 
 control system for the conveyor equipment is interlocked 
 in such a way that the elevator is necessarily started first, 
 then the belt conveyor, then the apron conveyor and re 
 ciprocating feeders ; in shutting down the reverse order 
 must be followed. This eliminates any possibility of flood 
 ing the elevator or belt conveyor. 
 The pier and the movable tower are made wide enough 
 and are so designed that the capacity can be doubled or 
 tripled if need be by adding one or two conveyor equip 
 ments exactly similar to the first one, this one being 
 the central equipment and space being provided on each 
 side for additional machines. 
 If the capacity should be increased to 1,200 tons per hour 
 a car dumper would probably be added to dump the cars 
 at the shore end, instead of unloading them through the 
 bottom doors; this would surely be the logical step if the 
 conveyor equipment should be tripled to a capacity of 
 1,800 tons per hour. 
 Tn loading lump coal or coal briquets, where it is espe 
 cially desirable to avoid breakage, chutes have been used 
 in some cases with mechanical feeders at the bottom to 
 feed the coal slowly and deposit it gently on the pile in 
 the hold of the vessel. A chute of this kind handled by 
 a traveling gantry tower spanning the railroad tracks on 
 a coal pier is shown in the illustrations. The coal is 
 delivered from the regular adjustable coal pier chutes to 
 this special feeding chute and thereby deposited gently 
 in the hold of the vessel. In other cases, where break 
 age is no object, special high speed feeders are used at the 
 bottom of similar chutes to spread the coal in the vessel 
 hold by projecting it forward in the same manner in which 
 it is delivered to the ends of box cars by the projecting 
 box car loaders. 
Sand and Gravel Washing Plants 
 Tin: KXTKNSIVE USE of concrete for building purposes, 
 foundations ;ind roads, has lead to a large demand for 
 properly sized and properly washed sand and gravel. 
 The sand and gravel must be screened to the proper sizes 
 so that specifications for standard mixtures of certain sixes 
 can be met, and must be properly washed so as to remove 
 the loam which tends to adhere to the grains of sand and 
 to the stones. Practically all sand and gravel contains 
 more or less loam, and the only way to get rid of it 
 effectively is by means of washing, and, to do this wash 
 ing thoroughly, the material must be tumbled around in 
 the water and the particles rubbed against each other. In 
 practice the screening and washing usually are done simul 
 taneously, though in some cases, preliminary scrubbers are 
 used to tumble the sand and gravel around together and 
 loosen up the loam before the material is started over 
 the screens. 
 The digging of sand and gravel from banks or from 
 bodies of water is accomplished as a rtde by one of the 
 five following methods : 
 (1) Automatic grab bucket, operated by a locomotive 
 (2) Steam shovel. 
 (3) Drag-line excavator bucket operated either by a 
 locomotive crane or by a cableway. 
 (4) Suction dredge, with rotary section pump. 
 (5) Chain and bucket elevator type of dredge. 
 A grab bucket operated by a locomotive crane is a 
 rapid and effective method of digging sand or gravel, 
 where the digging is not too hard, and the material can 
 be dug either from a dry bank or from under water. 
 The long reach of the crane boom makes it possible to dig 
 a considerable amount of material without moving the 
 tracks, and, since the bucket can dig some distance away 
 from the track, pits of considerable depth can be dug 
 without danger of cave-ins. 
 Steam shovels are satisfactory for digging dry banks, 
 but the reach of the steam shovel arm is much less than 
 the locomotive crane, so that the cut for one track loca 
 tion is narrower, and the steam shovel cannot dig much 
 below its track level. 
 The drag-line excavator bucket is constantly being used 
 more for this sort of work, since by the use of an overhead 
 cableway, the drag-line bucket can be used as a conveyor 
 and elevator as well as a digger, the material being taken 
 direct to the washery, and discharged at almost any height 
 The use of a suction dredge is limited to places where 
 sufficient water is available, and \vhere the sand and grave! 
 does not contain stones too large to be properly handled 
 by the suction pump. This type of dredge also requires 
 a scow for carrying the dredge pump, so that it can be 
 moved around on the body of water. The chain and 
 bucket elevator type of machine is used to a certain 
 extent where sand and gravel are to be dug from under 
 neath water, and while this type of equipment is likely 
 to be expensive in first cost, it will dig more effectively 
 and handle ccarser material than the suction pump. 
 For transporting the material from the bank to the 
 washery. cars, operated by steam or electric locomotives, 
 or cable hauls are used extensively. Belt conveyors are 
 also used more or less, a movable conveyor usually being 
 used at the loading point. 
 Where a drag-line cableway excavator is used, this equip 
 ment, can, as stated above, be used also to transport the 
 material to the desired point. Where a suction pump is 
 used, the material can be pumped through pipes to the 
 de-sired point. 
 Unless the material is handled by a drag-line cableway 
 excavator which delivers it at the top of the washery, 
 it is usually necessary to use some type of elevator or 
 conveyor for taking the material up to the receiving 
 hopper at the top of the washery. The machines most 
 used for this purpose are inclined belt conveyors, inclined 
 apron or pan conveyors, continuous bucket elevators and 
 skip hoists. Helt conveyors have a large capacity on 
 account of the comparatively high speed at which they are 
 operated. Apron conveyors and continuous bucket eleva 
 tors, if properly constructed, are very rugged and reliable, 
 while the skip hoists are simple, and have comparatively 
 few wearing parts though their service is intermittent 
 instead of being continuous as with the other conveyors. 
 F.ach type of machine has its own advantages under 
 certain conditions, and the type selected should be the 
 one best suited to the particular conditions in each case. 
 A sand and gravel plant is usually built with overhead 
 bins with screens p aced overhead, so that the material 
 passing through the screens can be delivered direct to 
 the bins. The bins are placed at the proper height so 
 that the sand and gravel can be loaded out by gravity 
 into railroad cars or trucks. If the material contains 
 stone too large for the purpose for which the finished 
 product is to be used, one or more crushers should be 
 provided, the material either being crushed before it is 
 sent up to the screens or passed over a preliminary screen 
 which takes out the oversize stones. In the latter case 
 the oversize material can be delivered by a chute, or 
 otherwise, to a crusher, the crushed material being returned, 
 and mixed with the other material which is delivered to 
 the washery. 
 In sizing, the best method is to take out the largest sizes 
 or grades first. The greatest quantity of material is 
 handled by the screen making the first separation and 
 naturally the easiest and most effective screening result is 
 attained by having the first screen provided with large 
 holes, to pass readily all but the larger sizes. Then with 
 the successive removal of the smaller sizes, the quantity of 
 material to be handled is continuously reduced as the 
 work approaches the screening of greatest difficulty the 
 separation of the finer sizes. 
 In addition to the superior screening efficiency by pro 
 gression from large to small in the separation of sizes 
 there is the mechanical advantage of greater durability 
 and longer life for the screens, because the greater mass 
 of material is handled by the heavier screens, whereas the 
 reverse process throws the most destructive work on the 
 fine screens, which naturally are least able to endure it. 
 An individual screen for each size or grade of product 
 is also essential, that the whole volume of water used 
 may be utilized in each screen as each size is taken out, 
 thereby giving best results in washing and highest effec 
 tiveness to the water supplied. 
 Some materials carrying large amounts of clay, loam or 
 molding sand, cannot be reduced properly in the first sizing 
 screen, so they must be subjected to a preliminary agitation 
 and washing, to break them up and scour them before 
 they reach the screens. 
 After the material passes through the sizing screens, 
 the sand still remains with the soil water, from which it 
 is separated by a sand separating tank or settling tank. 
 This device automatically draws the sand from the bottom 
 and allows the soil water to flow continuously out of a 
 spillway at the top. 
 The number of screens used is governed by the number 
 of sizes of material desired. In some cases the screens are 
 mounted on skeleton framework or tipples, and the mate 
 rial drops directly into cars under the tipple. In the opera 
 tion of such a plant a car must be provided for each size, 
 and there must be a track for each size made. 
 In some cases the screens are mounted on dredges, 
 from which the different sizes of material are spouted 
 direct to scows ; or, lor portable plants, mounted on flat 
 cars, truck wheels or rollcr>. 
 The bins can be made to hold from a few carloads to 
 fifteen or twenty carloads and may be built of wood, 
 steel or concrete. 
 The two most extensively used types of screens are 
 conical in shape. In one the material is delivered to the 
 small end of the screen, by means of a chute or water pan, 
 extending back into the screen, and this end of the screen 
 is closed by a plate so that the direction of flow of the 
 water and gravel is reversed as it travels back towards 
 the large end of the screen. The smaller material passes 
 through the screen openings, and into a water pan or 
 chute underneath, over which it flows to the next screen. 
 Each screen is driven by a separate drive, the screen being 
 mounted directly on the end of the drive shaft which it 
 In the second type the material is delivered to the large 
 end of the screen, the whole screen being inclined at an 
 angle sufficient to insure the material traveling on down 
 to the small end of the screen where the oversize material 
 is discharged to a chute. The material which passes 
 through the screen is caught in a water pan underneath, 
 and delivered thereby to the next screen. With this system 
 a series of two or more screens can be mounted on the 
 same shaft, to that one drive serves for several screens. 
 As the materials are fed into the large end of each 
 screen and travel toward the small end, the principal work 
 is imposed upon the large end of the screen. The large 
 end has more perforations, more wearing surface, and is 
 equivalent to a larger screen of other types. It there 
 fore has greater efficiency, requires less power, and has 
 small upkeep expense. 
 The screens have longitudinal joints and can be dis 
 mantled from the shaft without disturbing the shaft. Walk 
 ways should be provided on both sides of the screens, to 
 make them accessible. This type of screen does not 
 require so much timber work for supports, neither does it 
 require so great a height to install. It is made in four 
 sizes, depending on the capacity required and the nature 
 of the material. The number of screens depends on the 
 number of sizes of material to be made. 
 The average plant is equipped with three screens. The 
 first screen has usually l ! / 2 in. or 1J4 " perforations, 
 and all material over \ l /i in. or 1J4 in. is discharged 
 through the small end of the screen into the first bin. 
 The washing process now begins, as the revolving motion 
 of the screens breaks the soil and foreign matter away 
 from the gravel. The next size of gravel is separated from 
 the mass by the second screen, in the same manner as 
 the first. The second screen usually has J4 in. perfora 
 tions, and the material in the second bin is everything 
 between \ l /z in. or 1J4 in. and J4 m - The third screen 
 is made with Yt, in. or J4 in. perforations, depending on 
 what class of trade the owner of the plant has, and how 
 coarse he wishes his sand. 
 Pipe nozzles are placed at the discharge ends of the 
 screens, for injecting water to prevent the material from 
 discharging too rapidly and carrying over some of the 
 liner parts. This fresh water is a rinsing water also and 
 is an important feature of the washing process. 
 The sand, water, soils and impurities are discharged 
 from the last screen into the sand separator. The sand 
 settles to the bottom of the tank, and the water, carrying 
 the impurities, passes over the opening at the top of the 
 tank and is carried away by a launder. The sand is dis 
 charged automatically at the bottom of the tank. 
 Automatic Sand Separator 
 The sand separator is one of the most important parts 
 of a washing plant. A poor one will spoil material in the 
 bins as fast as it is prepared. 
 The body of the separator is conical in form, suspended 
 from a lever system of scale-beam type, and fitted at the 
 lower or small end of the cone with a discharge valve, 
 fixed to a stem which rises through the center of the 
 cone and is so attached to the lever system as to act 
 with it the valve opening as the cone descends, and 
 wee versa. 
 Soil water and scoured sand from the screens are deliv 
 ered into the conical body of the separator. The sand 
 settles to the bottom and gradually accumulates, while the 
 water, soon filling the tank, overflows and runs continu 
 ously out of the spill-way, carrying away with it the 
 impurities in suspension. 
 The poise of the tank, with levers and counterweight, is 
 such that the increased weight due to accumulation of 
 sand in the tank acts to overcome the leverage of the 
 counterweight, causing the valve to open and allow the 
 excess sand to escape to the bin below. The passage of 
 sand continues until the tank is in equilibrium or has 
 discharged the excess weight of sand. 
 The capacity of a sand separator is governed more by 
 the quantity of water it will be required to handle than 
 by the amount of sand. The 72-in. sand separator will 
 handle up to 1,000 gal. of water per minute. 
 The 60-in. sand separator will handle up to 650 gal. of 
 water per minute. 
Stone and Lime Handling 
 A STONK OUAKHIKS the rock is usually handled to tilt- 
 crushers in some type of a car, usually t-itlu-r of the 
 side dump or end dump type. Win-re the rock lias to be 
 elevated to the crusher, this is frequently done by mean- 
 of skip buckets, operated by wire rope, or, in some cases, 
 the cars are taken up an incline by means of a rope haul 
 ,or chain haul. The rock is then delivered to the crusher, 
 and after passing through it is delivered, either by gravity 
 or by some form of conveyor, to a sizing screen. Rock 
 crushers are of the jaw, gyratory or two roll type, most 
 of the large ones being of one of the two latter types, 
 and some of them being capable of crushing 600 tons of 
 rock per hour. 
 Since the crushed stone is usually deposited in over 
 head bins, so that it can be loaded by gravity to wagons, 
 trucks, or cars, the screens are located over the bins, and, 
 in most cases, it is necessary to elevate the crushed stone 
 to the screen. The type of machine most used for this 
 purpose is a continuous bucket elevator, the elevator 
 necessarily being of a capacity sufficient to take care of 
 the output of the crusher, unless more than one elevator is 
 used. Some of these elevators are, therefore, very heavy 
 double strand machines with large buckets, and since the 
 service is severe, especially where an unusually abrasive 
 rock is handled, the best possible design and construction 
 must be used, or rapid wear and high maintenance cost 
 will result. The first cost of these machines is likely to 
 be high, but the most expensive in first cost is apt to be 
 the cheapest in the end when operating and maintenance 
 costs are considered. 
 The screens most used are of the cylindrical rotary type, 
 the material passing over the fine openings first, and then 
 on down over the larger ones. Some of these screens are 
 supported and revolve on shafts of the through type while 
 others have a short shaft at one end, and have the other 
 end fitted with tires which revolve on rollers. The service 
 of the screens is also severe, so that they must be of heavy 
 construction and well designed, with provision for easy 
 replacement of the screen plates when worn. 
 The bins can be built of wood, steel, concrete, or a com 
 bination of these materials, and they can be made of almost 
 any capacity desired, though they are ordinarily used 
 more as loading bins than storage bins, the material not 
 being allowed to remain in the bins for any great length 
 of time, but being taken out almost as fast as it is put in. 
 In one of the large plants located on the great lakes 
 where bins are provided for loading to vessels, the stone is 
 received from the quarry in self-dumping cars, which 
 deliver it to two crushers where it is reduced to cubes 
 of about 8 in. and smaller. The crushers are located 
 in front of two 30 in. by 60 in. open top carriers, each 
 of which has a capacity of about 800 tons per hour, 
 which elevate the stone and deliver it to small auxiliary 
 bins which are provided with feeders. The stone is fed 
 from the auxiliary storage to any of the revolving screens, 
 located at the top of the tipple. The screens are arranged 
 for making various sizes of stone, and are provided with 
 hoppers so that the stone can be delivered either directly 
 to the various bins of the tipple for shipment in railroad 
 cars, or to either of the two belt conveyors. 
 Both of the belt conveyors arc provided with belt 40 in. 
 wide, troughing idlers of the S-pulley type, and are 630 ft. 
 centers. Each conveyor has a capacity of 600 tons per 
 hour, running at a speed of 300 ft. per minute, and is 
 provided with self-propelling trippers lor distributing .-tone 
 in the overhead .-torage. which constitutes the loading 
 dock. Each belt conveyor is equipped with an automatic 
 weighing device which accurately records the material 
 pacing o\er the belt on its way to the dock. 
 These conveyors arc driven by a high duty belt drive, 
 which has been especially developed for heavy duty belt 
 There are two auxiliary track hoppers equipped with 
 apron feeder conveyors, into which stone that has been 
 stored adjacent to the tipple, can be reclaimed. The stone 
 is dumped into these hoppers and fed to two inclined stone 
 elevators of about 150 ft. center^, each having a capacity 
 of 600 tons per hour. These elevators deliver the stone 
 to the belt conveyors, which in turn deliver it to the 
 loading dock. 
 Where it is necessary to store a large amount of crushed 
 stone of one or more sizes, an outside ground storage. is 
 usually the form of storage adopted as it is less expensive 
 in first cost. Belt conveyors and locomotive cranes are 
 used to a considerable extent for distributing the stone in 
 these ground storage plants, the advantage of the locomo 
 tive crane equipped with the grab bucket being that it 
 cannot only deliver the stone to the storage, but can also 
 pick it up again at minimum cost. 
 The charging of lime kilns, handling coal, drawing 
 kilns, picking core, storing lime and loading it into cars, 
 are, except at a few large, up-to-date plants, all hand 
 labor operations. The labor cost per ton of handling lime 
 in the average plant is entirely out of proportion to the 
 tonnage shipped, when compared with many other kinds 
 of factories producing 50 to 150 tons of material per day. 
 Stone quarries have the steam shovel, skip cars, crushers, 
 elevators, screens and storage bins, and the finished product 
 is loaded by gravity direct to cars. 
 Lime kilns, however, are usually drawn by hand, the 
 lime spread on the floor to cool, picked to remove the 
 core, sorted by hand if there is more than one kind of 
 lime, and loaded by wheelbarrows or -buggies into box 
 cars. In many places the fine lime is obtained by a process 
 of elimination, being that which is left on the floor after 
 the lumps are removed by hand or fork. 
 The advancing cost of hand labor has caused several of 
 the more progressive lime manufacturers to look for other 
 ways to get this work done. There is no reason whv a 
 lime plant cannot be made a factory, producing a regular 
 output with a minimum of hand labor, using men of a 
 better grade to operate machinery to do the work. 
 One of the plants illustrated has ten kilns, each of which 
 is equipped with a pan conveyor to draw the lime. A 
 heavy steel lime car, pulled by a rope haul, passes in 
 front of all of the kiln drawing conveyors, which are 
 extended to discharge into the car. A complete draw 
 from each kiln is deposited in the car, which is then 
 pulled by a wire rope to the switch point. Another rope 
 operated by an electric hoist pulls it up an incline, and 
 the self-dumping car drops the lime into the bin. One 
 man in this way can draw the lime from all the kilns in 
 turn, and by transferring at the switch point, can pull 
 the car up the incline and fill the bin, unassisted. The 
 bin is of a long, low construction to eliminate height, and 
 thus cut down the breakage of the larger lumps. By 
 dumping the lime in one end of the bin, and working it 
 back, the drop is reduced to a minimum. 
 The bottoms of the hoppers of this bin are fitted with 
 gratings, underneath which are plates, and these gratings 
 hold up the larger lumps, and at the same time allow a 
 free passage of air to be drawn through the lime to cool it. 
 This makes it possible to put the lime in the cars very 
 much more quickly than if held in any other kind of 
 storage, or even if piled on the floor, as the lime some 
 times comes out of the kilns a dull red, and unless the 
 heat is radiated quickly, the shipment is held up until 
 the lime is cool enough to put into wooden box cars. A 
 9-in. pitch standard pan conveyor draws the lime out of 
 the bottoms of these hoppers under the bins, and a hinged 
 plate resting on the corrugated pans, maintains an agita 
 tion in the bottom of several feet of lime, which keeps it 
 loosened and feeds it uniformly to the pans. As the con 
 veyor leaves the end of the bins the core is picked out 
 by hand, and the lime is discharged to a shaking screen. 
 The screen delivers the fines to a short conveyor deliver 
 ing to the hydrating plant, and the lumps are delivered to 
 another conveyor at right angles, which in turn feeds a 
 box car loader. In this way it takes but one man to 
 manage the loader,, and one man draws the kilns and puts 
 the lime into the bins. This work formerly required eight 
 to ten men in night and day shifts. 
 A great part of the lime in this plant is shipped in 
 barrels. In order to take care of this, chutes are intro 
 duced into the side of the bins, and the lime is fed out in 
 piles on a table for inspection, and taking out of core, 
 and it is then pulled by hand into the barrels which are set 
 along the edge of the table. This results in a minimum of 
 hand labor and no lifting, and materially speeds up the 
 loading of barrels over the time required when shoveling 
 from the floor. 
 One of the illustrations shows the plant of the Riverton 
 Lime Company, Riverton, Virginia. The plant consists of 
 three gas kilns, the lime from which is drawn on three 
 pan conveyors. It also has five flame kilns, from which 
 the lime is drawn by conveyors. The elevators take the 
 /ime up to overhead bins. The lime is all fed from the 
 various bins to two large pan conveyors located in the 
 floor of the shipping room, and the inclined end of this 
 conveyor delivers to shaking screens. The shaking screens 
 deliver the fines to a crusher, the lumps to box car loaders, 
 or run-of-kiln to the box cars, or lumps to barrels. 
 The installation of the handling equipment in this plant 
 has resulted in a force of six men doing the entire work 
 on the shipping floor, including drawings of kilns, where 
 formerly a gang of from 22 to 24 men were required. 
 Containing Specific Information 
 Regarding the Products and Services 
 of Leading Manufacturers of 
 Material Handling Machinery and Equipment 
 White? are the oil man s choice for the transportation of materials from cars or 
 material yards to the scene of drilling operations. Similarly they handle poles 
 anil supplies in line work for power, light and telephone companies. 
 Five-Ton Whites with dump 
 bodies are ideal for han 
 dling any bulk material. 
 In road building work White trucks with dump bodies 
 handle economically any sort of road materials. 
 White vi-Ton trucks have the easy-riding qualities neces 
 sary to handling dynamite and other explosives. 
 Demountable bodies minimize truck idleness where 
 slow loading is a factor*. 
 White 3-3 Mi-Ton or 5-Ton models with platform or stake 
 bodies are ideal handlers of baled goods of any kind. 
 lolled " heS | r l lhe ^ ^^materials are quickly and easily 
 loaded and unloaded when White Trucks with power 
 dumping bodies are used. 
 In steel mills and foundries Whites have adapted them 
 selves to the handling of sheet, angles, rods, rails, castings 
 or other products. 
 White power dumping trucks 
 are widely adaptable material 
 bundling units. 
 Tbe While winch which may he had on 2. 3-3 Vu or 5-ton model- raves time and 
 man-power in handling; materials which have holh hulk and weight. Above, an 
 oil field boiler is being loaded upon a 5-Ton White with platform body. 
 A White 5-Ton truck equipped with White winch and 
 cross-haul loading equipment reduces the loading time in 
 logging from 60 or 70 minutes to as low as 20 minutes. 
 White 2-Ton, 3-3 1 {>-Ton and 5-Ton trucks meet every 
 requirement for the transporting of lumber. 
 Handling of wire and cable is a simple task with White 
 winch equipment on the 2-Ton truck. 
 White trucks of all four capacities Si-Ton, 2-Ton, 3-3 /j- 
 Ton and 5-Ton can be had with stake bodies, ideal for 
 handling barrels, drums or casks. 
 White 5-Ton trucks with stake or platform bodies easily 
 handle newsprint or similar material. 
 The 2-Ton with stake body serves tobacco factories, 
 textile mills, bag, box and novelty makers and allied 
 The "Caterpillar" Tractor is 
 j pre-eminently a road locomo- 
 "Caterpillar" [ tive. It is a self-contained 
 Tractor ] railway that lays its own 
 imii | track, travels over it, and picks 
 it up again. 
 Hauling power without traction is waste. The 
 "Caterpillar" does not waste power through slippage 
 the tracks providing positive traction under even severe 
 conditions. Yet the "Caterpillar" may be operated 
 continuously over improved roads or paved streets 
 without damage to the surface. 
 Holt "Caterpillar" Tractors 
 (the only "Caterpillar" Trac 
 tors) are built in the following 
 sizes: S-ton, 10-ton and 20-ton. 
 The S-ton furnishes 3,100 Ibs. 
 drawbar pull at 3 miles per 
 hour, the 10-ton 5,000 Ibs. pull at 3 miles per hour, 
 the 20-ton approximately 11,000 Ibs. pull at 2 l /% miles 
 per hour. 
 Investigation and study of all 
 the various logging methods 
 have convinced many of the 
 largest lumber companies that 
 "Caterpillar" Tractors provide 
 the cheapest and most reliable 
 hauling power ever applied to the logging industry. 
 Hauling a heavy tonnage of logs to the mill depends 
 In the 
 Holt "Caterpillar" keeping the mill running throughout 
 the year 
 primarily upon traction, and "Caterpillar" freighting 
 outfits solve that problem completely. Teams, motor 
 trucks, temporary railroads and other methods are fast 
 being replaced through better performance of "Cater 
 pillar" Tractors. For winter logging over snow and 
 ice roads, the S-ton and 10-ton models have the power, 
 the speed and the endurance for handling this most 
 difficult work in a far more economical and more satis 
 factory manner than has ever been possible to obtain 
 through ordinary methods. 
 Nowhere is the problem of 
 j transportation so acute; no- 
 I where is the ability to deliver so 
 = important as in the oil-produc- 
 ". in K districts. The rainy season 
 turns the roadless country or 
 the rrtads themselves into seas of mud, tying up every 
 In tin- 
 Holt "Caterpillar" hauling 36 tons of casing direct to 
 kind of traffic, except "Caterpillar" outfits. They haul 
 continuously where no other motive power or horses 
 can work. The elements of certainty and economy 
 which only "Caterpillar" Tractors can produce are 
 revolutionizing oil-field transportation. The Texas, 
 Sinclair, Empire, Texas-Pacific, Gulf and many other 
 large companies have adopted the "Caterpillar" 
 method for heavy haulage in this most strenuous field. 
 In a continuous overland 
 hauling project, teams at best 
 are slow, expensive, and have 
 limited periods of operation. 
 Motor trucks depend upon speed 
 but require uniformly good 
 roads. Wheel tractors, regardless of rated power and 
 speed, can be used only on solid surfaces. In contrast, 
 the "Caterpillar" puts the equivalent power of dozens 
 of horses under the easy and constant control of one 
 operator; continuous operation is insured day or night 
 in any season of the year. Bridges that are unsafe for 
 other tractors can be traveled over without risk by the 
 "Caterpillar," and the smooth-running, spring-mounted 
 track does not damage improved highways. 
 In road building the "Cater- 
 \ pillar" will move more dirt per 
 1 day and do it cheaper than can 
 f be done with animals or with an 
 ! ,, \ ordinary traction engine. Haul 
 ing road materials is a problem 
 of total tonnage per day, and not speed per load. The 
 "Caterpillar" can be counted upon to haul heavy loads 
 even when the weather may prevent the rest of the road 
 crews from working. It is this certainty of operation 
 Holt "Caterpillars" replacing 25 horses 
 Holt "Caterpillar" 
 Power Is Ideal for Pulling Road 
 that makes the "Caterpillar" a profitable investment 
 for any road contracting job. 
 For grading, leveling, dragging and other kinds of 
 road-building operations, the "Caterpillar" has an un 
 matched record for endurance and economy. Its ability 
 to turn short, to pull the largest-sized implements and 
 graders, to operate in narrow cuts, and to work con 
 tinuously without being handicapped by soil or weather 
 makes it a vital piece of equipment in this work. 
 and Sugar 
 Cane Hauling 
 The "Caterpillar" applies the 
 effectiveness of the railroad lo 
 comotive in farm, plantation, 
 and sugar cane hauling. In 
 sugar plantation work the rail 
 road must be shifted as section 
 after section is cleared. This involves many time-con 
 suming operations. The "Caterpillar," on the other 
 hand, lays its own line and grade as it travels along, 
 and rolls up the track as it passes on. The endless 
 tracks bridge all the inequalities in the ground. With 
 "Caterpillar" trailers, a complete cane-hauling outfit 
 is provided. 
 The two big Holt Hants, at 
 Stockton, Cal., and at Peoria, 
 111., have scientifically devel 
 oped facilities for quantity and 
 quality production. They are 
 equipped with the finest ma 
 chine tools obtainable and every "Caterpillar" part is 
 subjected to the most exacting inspections. Over a 
 dozen years of strenuous service have brought refine- 
 5-ton Holt "Caterpillar" hauling plant refuse 
 ment of design but "Caterpillar" Tractor performance 
 is a result of the development of a fundamentally 
 correct principle. 
 The following specifications 
 of the 10-ton "Caterpillar are 
 typical of the other types with 
 I the exception of general dimen- 
 I I sions. Length 143", width 81", 
 height 103", length ground con 
 tact 96", ground clearance 17", tread of track 61", 
 weight approximately 19,000 11>.-. 
 Motor 4 cylinder, 4 cycle, valves in removable 
 cylinder heads; 6^2" bore, 7" stroke. Power capacity 
 40 drawbar H.P. at 3 m.p.h. Cooling gear driven, 
 centrifugal waterpump; sectional spiral finned copper 
 tube radiator. Ignition high tension magneto, im 
 pulse starter. Lubrication pressure system. Motor 
 control standard centrifugal throttling governor. 
 Valves, chrome nickel steel. Crankshaft heat treated 
 high carbon steel, drop forged; five main bearings. 
 Piston gray iron wrist pin bearings, cast bronze. 
 All crankshaft bearings babbitt lined removable. 
 Holt 10-ton "Caterpillar" Tractor 
 Master clutch multiple disc type accessible ad 
 justable. Drive three speeds forward and reverse; 
 transmission of standard selective type. Two spur 
 gear reductions from steering clutch to drive sprockets. 
 Steering control through clutches and side brakes, no 
 differential. Ball and Hyatt bearings. All shafts and 
 gears of nickel steel, heat treated. Gears cut from 
 Truck rollers, six on each side, spring mounted on 
 two separate trucks. Track idler on front frame. 
 Hinged sectional roller frame? enable tracks to conform 
 to unevenness of ground and insure positive traction. 
 Track, solid cast steel link 15" wide case hardened 
 bushings. Equipped with quick removable lugs. Main 
 frame solid cast open hearth steel. Power pulley 
 located at rear of machine for 9" belt to operate at 
 3100 per min. belt speed. Speeds 3 forward, one 
 reverse 1.67, 3.00, 4.78, and 1.25 miles per hour, 
 Schenectady. N. Y. Lynn, Mass. Pittsfiekl, Mass. 
 V;.rk. N. J. Watsessing, N. J. Erie, Pa. Cleveland, Ohio 
 Bridgeport, Conn. 
 Harrison, N. J. 
 Fort Wayne, Ind. 
 AlaUn::a. Birmingham 
 Arkansas, Little Bock 
 California, Los Angeles 
 California, San Francisco 
 Colorado. Denver 
 Connecticut, Hartford 
 Connecticut, New Haven 
 District of Columbia, Washington 
 Florida. Jacksonville 
 Georgia, Atlanta 
 Illinois. Chicago 
 Indiana. Fort Wayne 
 Indiana. Indianapolis 
 Indiana. Terre Haute 
 Iowa, Des Moines 
 Kentucky, Louisville 
 Ixiuisiana. New Orleans 
 Maryland, Baltimore 
 Massachusetts, Hu-tun 
 Massachusetts, Springfield 
 Massachusetts, Worcester 
 Michigan, Detroit 
 .Michigan, Jackson 
 Michigan, Grand Raiiiils 
 Minnesota. Duluth 
 Minnesota. Minneapolis 
 Missouri. Joplin 
 Missouri, Kansas City 
 Missouri, St. Louis 
 Montana, Butte 
 Nebraska, Omaha 
 New Jersey, Newark 
 New Jersey, Trenton 
 New York. Buffalo 
 New York, Elmira 
 New York City 
 New York, Niagara Falls 
 New York, Rochester 
 New York, Schenectady 
 New York. Syracuse 
 North Carolina, Charlotte 
 Ohio, Cincinnati 
 Ohio, Cleveland 
 Ohio. Columbus 
 Ohio, Dayton 
 Ohio, Toledo 
 Ohio. Youngstown 
 Oklahoma. Oklahoma City 
 Oregon. Portland 
 Pennsylvania, Erie 
 Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 
 Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh 
 Khode Island. Providence 
 Tennessee, Chattanooga 
 Tennessee, Knoxville 
 Tennessee, Memphis 
 Tennessee, Nashville 
 *Texas, Dallas 
 Texas, El Paso 
 Texas, Houston 
 rtah, Salt Lake City 
 Virginia, Richmond 
 Washington, Seattle 
 Washington, Spokane 
 Washington. Tacoma 
 West Virginia, Bluefield 
 West Virginia, Charleston 
 Wisconsin, Milwaukee 
 Southwest General Electric Company 
 Distributors for the General Electric Company Outside of the United States 
 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Schenectady, N. Y. 83 Cannon Street, London 
 The name General Electric 
 { Company on an electrical device 
 \ is a guarantee of quality found- 
 \ ed upon more than a quarter 
 I century s experience in the man 
 ufacture and application of 
 electrical machinery. The thousands of G-E products 
 in use in all parts of the world comprise practically 
 every kind of apparatus and machinery used in the 
 generation, distribution and use of electrical energy. 
 It is entirely practicable, therefore, to standardize 
 with G-E equipment. By this procedure all parts inter 
 relate. The advantage of having all electrical equip 
 ment built by one company and made ready for 
 immediate installation is obvious. 
 and coal from ships and cars; bucket and belt con 
 veyors, and elevators, cranes, industrial locomotives, 
 tractors and trucks for distributing materials within the 
 plant; conveyors, elevators and stackers for handling 
 bags, barrels, boxes, cans, cartons and package mate 
 rials of all kinds. It is possible on the following pages 
 to illustrate only a few of the hundreds of interesting 
 installations of this character using G-E electrical 
 \Yhenever the cost of any 
 single element of distribution, 
 such as unloading of boats, pil 
 ing for storage, unloading 
 trucks, etc., rises above a fair 
 normal, it becomes a tax on 
 business which the ultimate consumer must pay. Pro 
 duction as well as distribution costs can be materially 
 reduced by the application, wherever possible, of elec 
 trically operated machines for mechanical handling. 
 In many industries there is an opportunity for the 
 introduction of further economies by the judicious use 
 of modern electrically operated material handling ma 
 chines. It has been demonstrated in numerous installa 
 tions at terminals, and in industrial plants handling 
 a wide variety of materials, that electrically operated 
 and controlled equipment is the most flexible, most 
 rapid and most dependable of material handling 
 The electrically operated mechanical appliances for 
 material handling include equipment for unloading ores 
 The manufacturer of material 
 handling machinery assumes a 
 responsibility as relates to the 
 machine he manufactures and 
 the results attributable to the 
 electrical equipment used. On 
 the electrical manufacturer properly rests the responsi 
 bility of initially recommending the most suitable motor 
 and control, thus assuring maximum service and over 
 all benefit to both machine manufacturer and user. 
 Two thousand five hundred leading machine manu 
 facturers in widely diversified lines many to the ex 
 tent of exclusive standardization use G-E motors. 
 When you submit your material handling problems to 
 a manufacturer of this equipment, specify G-E electric 
 motors and control. The inherent motor values plus 
 the practical ability and technical knowledge available 
 in connection with their application eliminate chance 
 or experiment. 
 The General Electric Company maintains a corps of 
 engineers specializing on problems of this kind, whose 
 services are at your disposal to co-operate with ma 
 chinery manufacturers and to assist in the design of 
 new installations, or in the electrification of your pres 
 ent material handling equipment. To avoid delay 
 address communications to the nearest G-E office. 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices see above. 
 Electricity in 
 Bulk Man-rial 
 One of the most significant 
 facts in connection with the 
 rapid industrial progress during 
 the last 50 years is the intimate 
 part electric power has played 
 in every phase of that advance 
 ment. Electricity has contributed fundamentally to 
 those new methods and processes which have conserved 
 labor, cut costs, and saved time. 
 Particularly is this true of the improved methods for 
 handling bulk materials. The modern machinery which 
 the existing need demanded owes a large measure of its 
 success to the speed, simplicity and flexibility of opera 
 tion afforded by its electrical equipment. 
 Since the earliest steps in the development of bulk 
 material handling machinery, the General Electric 
 Company has been called upon to develop and manu 
 facture the electrical apparatus for driving and con 
 trolling the mechanical appliances of this class. Thirty 
 years have been spent in this development. During this 
 period capacities have increased from the amount which 
 could be handled manually to a capacity of 1,000 or 
 more tons per hour. 
 Applications of G-E equipment to such service are 
 portrayed in Bulletin 48026, mailed on request. 
 Coal Loading Pier Machinery Driven and Controlled 
 by G-E Apparatus. 
 Driving and 
 Electric motors and control 
 devices are used for every func 
 tion of the automatic unloader 
 illustrated herewith. Provided 
 with G-E equipment through 
 out, this type of unloader is one 
 of the most successful devices ever constructed for han 
 dling ore cargoes from lake steamers. Although of 
 immense proportions, the operation and control of such 
 machines are extremely simple. 
 G-E motors supplied for this service are usually of 
 the mill type. These are of strong construction, de 
 signed for just such services, giving them a dependabil 
 ity which fits them admirably for the heavy duty they 
 are required to perform. Described on page 712. 
 1. i-Ton I nloaders and Ore Bridge Operated by 
 G-E Equipment. 
 Electrically Operated Gantry Crane Handling Ore. 
 Electric derrick hoists are 
 particularly useful in the con 
 tracting and construction field 
 1--" for excavation, quarrying and 
 f concrete construction. G-E di 
 rect current, series wound, and 
 alternating current hoist motors are widely used in this 
 service. They are applied for handling three motions 
 boom lifting, swinging and raising of the load. Con 
 trol is centrally located so that the operator can handle 
 all motions from one position. 
 Electrical equipment used on 
 Electrically car dumpers is required to han- 
 Operatecl die high peak loads, and to pro- 
 Car Dumpers vide for dynamic braking. The 
 car dumper is used in discharg 
 ing the contents of open-top 
 freight cars by turning the whole car sidewise about 
 its longitudinal axis, dumping its contents into boats, 
 bins or storage yards. G-E mill type motors are used 
 also for operating machinery of this class. These motors 
 are described briefly on page 712. 
 G-E Motors and Control Operating 100-Ton Car Dumper. 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices see opposite page. 
 G-E motors and control equipment can be supplied 
 for the operation of all types of material handling 
 machinery. The same engineering skill which devel 
 oped and built electrical apparatus and control for this 
 massive equipment is available for every other electrical 
 handling equipment design. 
 To supply the demand for extra power occasioned 
 by the use of such machines as car dumpers, the Gen 
 eral Electric Company is prepared to furnish complete 
 substation equipment which includes transformers, 
 motor generator sets, rotary- converters, switchboard 
 apparatus and all of the smaller devices necessary to 
 complete the substation. 
 Electric Drive 
 Electric winches are finding 
 useful application, especially 
 for handling cargoes, either in 
 stalled on the ship or made 
 portable for use on the dock. 
 Vertical winches are widely 
 used for car pulling in freight yards and on sidings. 
 For use on winches the General Electric Company 
 normally supplies either DC series wound or polyphase 
 motors. Ordinarily the motor is geared to the winch 
 head through a double reduction. 
 For winches used on level track pulling, a single 
 speed controller is used, operated by a foot lever. 
 Where grades are involved a controller for variable 
 speed is supplied. 
 Electric power is ideal for 
 conveyor drive. Cleanliness, 
 compactness, and freedom from 
 heat and gases make the electric 
 motor particularly adaptable 
 for this drive. Where portable 
 conveyors are used arrangements are easily made for 
 connection with the power line. G-E motors and con 
 trollers are widely used for conveyor work on both 
 outdoor and indoor installations. 
 In the assembling processes on machine parts, furni 
 ture, automobiles and many other products, the electric 
 conveyor is the very backbone of production efficiency. 
 Electrically operated conveyors are also extensively used 
 in conjunction with other equipment for heat-treating 
 glass-ware and steel; cooling castings and chemicals; 
 drying clay products and enameled ware; roasting ores 
 and foods; inspecting and picking coal, ore and fruits; 
 and for transporting all sorts of bulk and package 
 Portable Bag Stacker Driven by 5 H. P. G-E Motor. 
 for Bucket 
 In connection with cement 
 mixers, crushers and screens on 
 road building work, electric 
 portable conveyors of the bucket 
 type are widely used. Materials 
 varying from non-gritty quality 
 to hard substances, and in size from dust to 4^-inch 
 cubes may be handled economically in this way. A 
 10-h.p. motor will enable an elevator type of conveyor 
 to move 60 tons of sand per hour on an 80-foot lift. 
 In power plant work electrically driven conveyors 
 of the bucket type are used extensively for handling 
 coal and ashes. In granaries, fertilizer plants, and coke 
 oven installations, this class of material handling ma 
 chinery is also used extensively. In moving ore and 
 coal incidental to its storage these conveyors have an 
 equally wide field. 
 For service of this sort the driving motor must be 
 capable of exerting high starting torque. Where atmos 
 pheric conditions are severe special G-E motors can be 
 furnished with protection against damage from dust and 
 dirt. G-E reversible motors are particularly adaptable 
 to portable conveyors for wagon and car loading, since 
 by reversing the motors the machines may be converted 
 into unloaders. 
 Electric motors are used for 
 Electric Drive driving belt conveyors of prac- 
 for Belt tically all types. Low power 
 Conveyors consumption is one of the eco- 
 I , { nomical features of electric 
 drive on these machines a 
 factor which is supplemented by convenience and relia 
 bility. No experience is required to enable a workman 
 to operate an electrically driven belt conveyor. 
 In conjunction with electric overhead trolleys, electric 
 conveyors are used extensively for progressive assembly 
 in large manufacturing plants. By means of the elec 
 tric trolleys, heavy parts are carried to the point of 
 assembly, and the progressively built product proceeds 
 on the conveyor. Some electrically driven conveyors of 
 this type are more than 700 feet in length. 
 Electric belt conveyors are used also for conveying 
 loose bulk materials horizontally or up inclines. The 
 reserve capacity of G-E motors fits them for the vary 
 ing conditions. 
 G-E motors and control have been successfully ap 
 plied to belt conveyors in many industries. Constant 
 speed motors, direct or alternating current, are gener 
 ally applicable. These are described on page 713. 
 Electrically Operated Belt Conveyor and Loading 
 Boom at Coaling Pier. 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices see page 706. 
 In no field of material han- 
 \ dling machinery has electricity 
 L Traveling | had a more prominent part than 
 Cranes n tne development of overhead 
 , J traveling cranes. G-E motors 
 and control devices are pecu 
 liarly adapted to handle the problems of precise motion 
 and high starting torque which characterize this class 
 of machinery. 
 Electric traveling cranes render vital industrial serv 
 ice in various and diverse ways. Equipped with buck 
 ets, they handle such materials as crushed stone, slag. 
 sand, gravel, and lime. In conjunction with an electric 
 magnet scrap iron may be handled, as well as castings, 
 car wheels, etc. Equipped with hook and sling, huge 
 crucibles, hot ingots, heavy castings, locomotives, plates, 
 and heavy crates can be moved with ease. 
 Three G-E motors are usually supplied for each 
 crane to furnish power for lifting, traveling, and tra 
 versing. These motors, both A.C. and D.C., are de 
 scribed more fully on page 712. 
 10-Ton Yard Crane Equipped with G-E Motors. 
 The electric shovel is a new 
 development the possibilities of 
 which are being recognized 
 more and more, especially by 
 I | quarrying and mining compa 
 nies. The present high prices of 
 coal, shortage of labor and general need of economical 
 and increased production are causing many companies 
 to adopt large electrics in preference to steam shovels. 
 The success of the larger shovels in stripping has led 
 to their development in other fields for excavating and 
 loading directly into dump cars. For this work the 
 large shovels are especially applicable, due largely to 
 the greater amount of material available in front of 
 the shovel at one setting. 
 Electrically operated shovels, equipped with G-E 
 motors and control are rendering excellent material 
 handling service under a wide range of conditions. In 
 coal and iron mines these machines are meeting the 
 demands for heavy, faithful sen-ice in a big way. And 
 on the big irrigation projects the machine is equally 
 valuable, handling heavy drag line work as well as the 
 digging and loading functions more generally de 
 manded of the machine. 
 The General Electric Company has furnished com 
 plete electrical equipment for some of the largest 
 shovels now in operation. This machinery consists of 
 Crowding Motor and Controller on a 65-Ton Electric 
 Shovel Equipped with Four G-E Motors. 
 motor generator sets, motors for hoisting, swinging, 
 crowding and tripping, together with a variety of con 
 trol equipment. G-E series direct current motors are 
 furnished for this service in conjunction with differen 
 tial wound generators with voltage control. Progress is 
 constantly being made in the perfection of electrical 
 control for shovels which is destined to make their 
 advantages even more significant in the future. 
 Problems regarding the application of electric shovels 
 should be taken up with the nearest G-E office. 
 Drive for 
 Modern freight elevator serv 
 ice owes its smooth acceleration, 
 speed, and convenience to its 
 electrical equipment. The nicety 
 of elevator control is due di 
 rectly to the adaptability of 
 electric power to this class of service. In warehouse 
 and factory installations it is sometimes desirable to 
 control the movement of a car from the various floors. 
 Push button control furnished for such work obviates 
 the necessity of an operator. 
 Ordinarily the safety brake operating on a large 
 drum directly connected to the driving motor shaft is 
 spring applied. This brake is released by the passage 
 of current through an electric magnet and is reset the 
 instant the current ceases to flow, which insures pro 
 tection against accident in case of failure of power. 
 The General Electric Company has developed both 
 constant speed and variable speed motors for elevator 
 service, using either direct current or 3-phase or single- 
 phase alternating current. Various types of single speed 
 G-E Motor Driving Freight Elevator. 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices see page 706. 
 elevator motors manufactured by this company are de 
 scribed briefly on page 71.5. For information on 2- 
 .-peed elevator motors it will be necessary to communi 
 cate with the ccmpany s general office. 
 Two main types of control are used; semi-magnetic 
 in which reversing is accomplished by a mechanically 
 operated drum type reversing switch, and full-magnet 
 in which reversing is accomplished by directional con 
 tactors from a car switch installed in the elevator cage. 
 The semi-magnetic control cannot be used on elevators 
 at speeds above 100 feet per minute, according to 
 A.S.M.E. rules. 
 G-E Motors 
 for Trucks 
 and Tractors 
 Electrically driven industrial 
 trucks of the platform and 
 elevating types are particularly 
 fitted for handling material in 
 and about buildings where fixed 
 routes are undesirable. The 
 electric industrial truck makes it possible to move ma 
 terial wherever there is a floor or paving surface. The 
 elevating truck adds to the functions of the platform 
 truck the ability to pick up and set down the load, even 
 at higher elevations, and to place material with pre 
 G-E propelling motors for industrial trucks can be 
 mounted on one axle, or amidships for 4-wheel drive. 
 The automotive motor used for this work is a series 
 wound, heavy duty, totally enclosed machine charac 
 terized by its capacity for heavy overloads. For fur 
 ther information on these motors, see page 714. G-E 
 control devices used on these machines include drum 
 type controller, circuit breaker and lift switch. 
 The General Electric Company is in a position to 
 supply also all batten- charging equipment, including 
 plugs and receptacles, necessary in the operation of 
 battery-propelled vehicles, as well as storage battery 
 locomotives. This equipment is described more fully 
 on page 717. 
 Electric Industrial Truck Showing Motor Mounting. 
 Dump and 
 Crane Type 
 G-E motors and control de 
 vices make the dump body type 
 of electric industrial truck par- 
 Electric Trucks I ticularly convenient for han- 
 ,,,,I dling loose materials, such as 
 coal, ashes and small castings. 
 requently these trucks are so arranged as to permit 
 either side or end dumping, both actions being elec 
 trically operated and controlled by the operator of the 
 truck from his normal position. 
 Electricity plays an equally important part in help 
 ing the crane type of industrial truck to deliver a maxi 
 mum handling service. A small electrically operated 
 crane is mounted on the truck and its use makes it 
 possible to extend the service of traveling or monorail 
 cranes to points not covered by their supporting rails. 
 This type of truck will deliver castings from yard to 
 machines, heavy cases to freight cars or assembly 
 points, etc. Capacities up to ,S,000 Ibs. are within the 
 range of this type of truck. 
 Tiering Trucks 
 The tiering type of electric 
 industrial truck is a combina 
 tion of the load-carrying truck 
 and the tiering machine. By 
 virtue of its electric motors 
 and the convenient control pro 
 vided, this vehicle will pick up its load, transport it to 
 any desired point, and elevate it to points six feet or 
 more above the floor level. Two G-E motors are sup 
 plied for trucks of this sort, one for traction and one 
 for elevating. 
 Electric Lift Truck Doing Work of Eight Stevedores 
 Piling Hogsheads. 
 Electric motors supplied for 
 use on industrial tractors re 
 quire careful design and con 
 struction to provide for the 
 heavy overloads to which they 
 are subjected on starting. The 
 G-E series automotive motor is particularly designed 
 for this service. G-E equipment furnished for ma 
 chines of this class includes in addition to motors, con- 
 G-E Equipped Electric Tractor Handling Foundry Sand 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices 
 see page 706. 
 trollers and circuit breakers. The control circuit is 
 usually arranged to provide against accidental starting. 
 The design of G-E motors and electrical equipment 
 supplied for use on tractors, like many other G-E prod 
 ucts, is based on intensive study of the service which it 
 is called upon to perform. Specialists are available 
 for the analysis of every electrical problem. 
 The importance of control 
 Importance equipment in the successful 
 of Proper -; electrification of most material 
 Control : =- handling processes should not 
 i be under-estimated. As stated 
 in connection with the brief 
 descriptions of the few G-E installations shown on the 
 preceding pages, electric control equipment has im 
 measurably increased the scope of mechanical handling. 
 It has simplified the operation of the most massive 
 machinery. The controlling apparatus not only makes 
 the motor function properly but can be made to protect 
 it as well as the o]>erator and the machine. 
 To automatic control may be credited the ability of 
 modern material handling machines to empty more 
 cars per hour, or to load and unload boats more 
 quickly, by the elimination of every second of wasted 
 of Manual 
 The simplest starting appara 
 tus is sufficient for starting up 
 small motors which run contin 
 uously. For larger motors driv 
 ing constant speed machines, 
 involving no special functions 
 such as reversing, change of speed, braking, etc., the 
 ordinary starting compensator, starting rheostat or drum 
 controller is ample. 
 Possibilities of 
 The field of magnetic control 
 equipment is practically un 
 limited. It is the basis of auto 
 matic control and the principal 
 means of providing protection to 
 men and machinery. It is the 
 magnetic equipment which "does the thinking" on the 
 job, thus providing that element of electrical control 
 which may be characterized as human. 
 Automatic control actuated from various points cuts 
 down operating costs. It enables the operator of a 
 modern ore unloader to ride wijh the leg and bucket 
 down into the ship and, while retaining individual 
 control of the entire machine, to control the bucket with 
 such precision that nearly 100% of the cargo is un 
 loaded without the use of shovelers. It eliminates at 
 tendants as in moving material with a ,-eries of con 
 veyors, one dumping onto another, where a system of 
 electrical interlocking prevents piling up the material at 
 some intermediate point in case one conveyor stops. 
 Automatic control means economic handling in the 
 sense that it speed- production. It makes possible the 
 maximum safe rate of acceleration and deceleration 
 with consequent maximum average .-peeds. I-ong time 
 delays for making repairs are reduced to a minimum 
 by equipment that stops the motor the instant one part 
 fails to function properly. Quick, sure stops are also 
 an asset as in the case of a car dumper which, by 
 virtue of its control, places the empty car accurately 
 on the track ready to be pushed away. 
 i Due regard for what can be 
 (j-t, Control | achieved with ample control 
 for Every f such as mentioned briefly above 
 Purpose : bespeaks the importance of 
 i I proper consideration of this 
 part of the electrical equipment 
 of any material handling machine. The General Elec 
 tric Company out of experience gained in extensive 
 design and manufacture of motor controlling equipment 
 and in years of application engineering, has evolved a 
 complete line of standardized apparatus for material 
 handling operations. 
 This company is, therefore, in a position to supply 
 readily control apparatus for ordinary drives. Where 
 special problems are involved, it can do the develop 
 ment work necessary to coordinate the entire electrical 
 equipment. As evidence of thorough familiarity with 
 electrical control problems, G-E automatic control is 
 identified with many electrical systems. It has been 
 successfully applied also in generating and distributing 
 systems for railway, power and industrial service. 
 In recognition of the value of reliability in service, 
 major attention is given to quality, and those parts 
 necessarily subject to wear are made easily renewable. 
 It is obviously impossible to describe on these pages, 
 even briefly, a significant portion of the G-E control 
 equipment applicable to material handling. Some of 
 these devices are enumerated in connection with the 
 motors shown on the pages following. Requests for 
 complete information are welcomed at the nearest G-E 
 sales office. 
 G-E Automatic Control on 13-Ton Grab-Burket Crane. l.")0-Ton Crane Controlled by G-E Mapneto Equipment 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices see page 706. 
 Wide Range 
 of Motor 
 As a result of long experi- 
 I ence in applying electric power 
 i to the various industries, there 
 ! is a standard G-E motor suited 
 j for driving most material han 
 dling machines, such as enu 
 merated on the preceding pages, while a special motor 
 and control equipment can be provided to accomplish 
 an unusual service. 
 For the benefit of manufacturers and engineers a 
 brief description of the principal motors used for ma 
 terial handling machinery is given. 
 Mill Type 
 G-E mill type motors, al 
 though primarily designed for 
 driving steel mill auxiliaries, 
 are admirably adapted for ap 
 plication to several material 
 handling machines, including 
 heavy duty cranes, coal and ore bridges, unloaders and 
 car dumpers; charging machines of all types as used in 
 gas works and coke plants; coke pushers, levelers, etc.; 
 electric shovels, electric dredges and small, heavy duty 
 hoists. The chief characteristics of this type of motor 
 are heavy mechanical design, large foundation area, 
 ease of replacing parts and making repairs, small 
 stored energy in the armature, good commutation and 
 heat resisting insulation. 
 These motors are made in two general Types, M.D. 
 for B.C. and 
 Type M.I. for 
 A. C. operation. 
 The B.C. motors, 
 described fully in 
 I Bulletin 48121.1, 
 are standard with 
 series or com- 
 pound fields. 
 They are built 
 open and en 
 closed, the en 
 closed type hav- 
 ing a large 
 opening with cover in the frame to give ready access 
 to the commutator and brushes, and other frame open 
 ings for inspection of the armature and field coil con 
 nections. The open type differs only in the upper half 
 being entirely open, all essential dimensions being the 
 same, making the two frames interchangeable on the 
 same foundations. All MB motors are equipped with 
 commutating poles which insures excellent commutation 
 under all rated loads. 
 Mill type motors are furnished totally enclosed in 
 sizes from 3 h.p. to 150 h.p. for 25-cycle, 200- and 
 440-volt alternating current, 4 to 1 75 h.p. and 230- and 
 550-volt direct current. Open type motors are furnished 
 from 25 h.p. to 150 h.p. alternating current and 30 
 h.p. to 210 h.p. direct current for continuous duty. 
 This Company is prepared to furnish control either 
 manually or magnetically operated for all classes of 
 service to which the mill type motor can be applied. 
 This equipment includes drum type controllers for re 
 versing or non-reversing, and starting or speed regu 
 lating duty; master switches for use with magnetic 
 control; control panels, resistors especially designed to 
 withstand vibration; and also electric brakes, described 
 briefly on the following page. 
 G-E Mill Type Motor. 
 Alternating current hoist mo- 
 A.C. Variable tors are made 3 -phase or 
 Speed 2-phase, with standard riveted 
 Hoist Motors frame and skeleton frame con 
 struction. They give a maxi 
 mum torque for a given weight 
 and are very strong mechanically; used for hoists and 
 similar service of an intermittent nature where the 
 limiting feature depends upon the frequent starting and 
 accelerating torque required. These motors are regu- 
 1 a r 1 y furnished 
 with open frames 
 and taper shafts 
 on each end for 
 gear and solenoid 
 brake. Made in 
 standard capaci- 
 j.-loiVS L ,i*.-m 
 Brum type 
 controllers are 
 regularly recom 
 mended to con 
 trol these motors 
 for capacities up to 112 h.p. For motors of large 
 capacity, the magnetic type of control is used. Infor 
 mation can be obtained by addressing the nearest G-E 
 office. Send for Bulletin 48119.1. 
 Hoist Motor Equipped with 
 Solenoid Brake. 
 Direct Current 
 Crane and 
 Hoist Motors 
 The G-E Type CO 1800 line 
 of motors are designed espe 
 cially for variable speed crane 
 and hoist service as applying to 
 bridge and cargo cranes, 
 winches, derrick hoists, ore 
 bridges, unloaders, etc. These are B.C. motors, 
 enclosed reversible ;>nd series wound, designed for in 
 termittent service requiring a maximum torque motor 
 of ample over- 
 1 o a d capacity. 
 Suitable for 
 floor, wall or ceil 
 ing mounting 
 and furnished 
 with or without 
 back gear. The 
 top half frame 
 can be lifted off 
 without disturb 
 ing back gearing, 
 CO 1800 Crane and Hoist Motor 
 o o o 
 armature is readily removed, the shaft can be removed 
 without disturbing windings or commutator. All the 
 parts are arranged for easy inspection or repair. 
 Sizes range from 2 h.p. to 100 h.p. standard voltages. 
 Bescribed in Bulletin 68100A. 
 Complete lines of drum type controllers and mag 
 netic equipments are available for all classes of hoist 
 ing service. G-E crane protective panels, which provide 
 overload and underload protection, protect also the 
 motors which are individually controlled by other 
 Electric brakes for controlling hoisting motors to 
 insure a quick positive stop can also be supplied. These 
 are described briefly on the following page and more 
 fully in Bulletin 68010 A. 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices see page 706. 
 ! Electric Brakes 
 G-E Solenoid Brakes for use 
 with either A.C. or B.C. G-E 
 mill type and hoist motors, are 
 designed for quick stopping. 
 They are usually mounted on 
 the driving motor shaft, al 
 though if desired, they can be furnished for mounting 
 on the floor or other foundation. For use with motors 
 of other than G-E manufacture, proper end shields and 
 brake pads must be provided. Capacities from 1 to 
 300 h.p. standard voltages. Six sizes of brakes are 
 available, providing a range in braking torque from 5 
 to 3,500 Ibs. at 1 ft. radius. 
 These brakes are used extensively in connection with 
 cranes, hoists, elevators, line shafting, etc., to save time 
 in stopping, to prevent over-travel or to stop accurately 
 at definite points; to hold loads without consumption 
 of power by the motor; and to make emergency stops. 
 Described in Bulletin 6801 OA. 
 The Type KT Induction Mo 
 tor is the general utility motor 
 for alternating current, espe 
 cially for services requiring con 
 stant speed, such as conveyors 
 of different types and portable 
 elevators. This line of G-E motors is made in riveted 
 or skeleton frames up to 750 h.p. standard voltages. 
 The multi-speed 
 types are wound 
 for 60 cycle, 
 3 - phase circuits 
 only, 220, 440 
 and 550 volts, 
 and can be fur 
 nished up to 12 
 h.p. for four con 
 stant speeds. De 
 scribed in Bulle 
 tins 41302A and 
 A1 ?nnA Type KT Constant Speed 
 Induction Motor. 
 Various types 
 of starting and controlling equipment for use with these 
 motors can be furnished, including oil circuit breakers 
 and safety switches for the feeder circuit; magnetic 
 starting switches; compensators, automatic or manu 
 ally operated; starting panels; and remote control 
 accessories, such as push buttons, automatic switches 
 and governors, for use with automatic starters. 
 ! The G-E line of synchronous 
 motors covers a wide range of 
 speeds and capacities. Their 
 application to material handling 
 processes is confined to the ma 
 chinery requiring constant 
 speed, such as conveyors, pumps for moving liquids, 
 etc., for which they are extensively used. In addition, 
 this type of motor is especially desirable on circuits 
 which need power factor correction. This condition is 
 often indicated by the need for greater generator, trans 
 former or feeder capacity. Synchronous motors are par 
 ticularly desirable when a rate for purchased power is 
 dependent upon the power factor of the load. 
 The synchronous motor is also applicable where con 
 tinuity of operation is imperative and dusty operating 
 conditions make a motor with a small air gap 
 These motors are furnished from 25 to 2,000 h.p. 
 capacity at commercial speeds, for belt drive or direct 
 connection, and are designed to start any load met 
 with in ordinary practice. Special winding makes them 
 self-starting from an A.C. compensator which can also 
 be furnished. Described in Bulletin 41309, and Bulle 
 tin 41310 gives a list of hundreds of G-E installations 
 in various industries. 
 D.C. Constant 
 Speed Motors 
 The Type RC motor may be 
 classed as the universal D.C. 
 motor and, hence, is applicable 
 to material handling devices 
 operating at constant speed 
 where direct current is avail 
 able. Furnished shunt wound for conditions requiring 
 close speed regulation, compound wound for heavy 
 starting torque or where violent power fluctuations 
 occur, and series wound where load either possesses 
 fixed value or may be subject to automatic or manual 
 control. Series motors not recommended for belt drive. 
 Made in sizes 
 ranging from 
 ]/2 to 200 h.p. 
 Regularly fur 
 nished for floor 
 installation but 
 ran be arranged 
 for wall or ceil 
 ing suspension. 
 Construction de 
 tails are given 
 Type RC Constant Speed DC Motor. full > in Bulletin 
 G-E control equipment includes all of the de 
 vices regularly used for starting and controlling 
 motors of this type as well as accessories necessary 
 to control from remote points. Complete information 
 can be secured by addressing the nearest G-E sales 
 Squirrel cage induction mo 
 tors supplied for elevator serv 
 ice are built with a high resist 
 ance rotor winding to insure a 
 maximum torque at starting, 
 which is approximately 250% 
 of full load running torque. These motors are designed 
 to be thrown directly across the line and are furnished 
 for either 3-phase or 2-phase. Semi-magnetic or full 
 magnetic control is used, either of which can be fur 
 nished with or without overload protection. 
 Slip ring type induction motors for elevator service 
 are intermittently rated, laid out on the basis of maxi- 
 AC Motor for Elevators. 
 DC Elevator Motor. 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices see page 706. 
 mum-minimum starting torque of 200% full load 
 running torque. These motors can also be furnished 
 for either 3-phase or 2-phase and with either full 
 magnetic or semi-magnetic control. The acceleration 
 with either type of control is automatic and is controlled 
 by means of time element interlocks of the unbalanced 
 flywheel type, which means that acceleration is unaf 
 fected by moisture or dirt. 
 On single-phase circuits the repulsion type induction 
 motor is furnished, which can be reversed from full 
 speed one direction to full speed reverse without danger. 
 Motors of this type are limited in their application due 
 to the lack of single-phase power and undesirable high 
 starting currents resulting from throwing the motor 
 across the line. 
 For direct current the Type RC reversible compound 
 wound elevator motors are furnished. These are de 
 signed to have the series field cut out immediately after 
 starting. G-E control equipments which are furnished 
 with these motors employ the use of dynamic braking 
 for slow-down. 
 The service requirements of 
 storage batten vehicles demand 
 the use of highly specialized 
 motors, differing widely in 
 mechanical and electrical char 
 acteristics from direct current 
 motors for the propulsion of street cars. 
 All vehicles, whose source of energy is derived from 
 storage batteries, require that the motor or motors in- 
 ^ Typical G-E Auto- 
 * motive Controller. 
 Small G-E Automotive 
 sure at all times and under all conditions the most 
 economical ratio of power output to wattage input. 
 Sparkless commutation, great overload capacity, and a 
 maximum of torque per ampere are also important fac 
 tors in automotive motor design. 
 Mechanically, the automotive type of motor must 
 have great strength and durability combined with ac 
 cessibility and careful elimination of every ounce of 
 useless weight. 
 An important advantage in the latest type of G-E 
 automotive motor is its flexibility in meeting widely 
 ;nng application requirements from the light Indus- 
 truck to the 7^-ton heavy duty road vehicle. The 
 f a plain cylindrical magnet frame allows motor 
 : mounted on the chassis by means of supporting 
 brackets or cradles which may be easilv designed and 
 applied by the vehicle manufacturer. 
 Due to the extremely specialized nature of automo 
 tive motor drives, all inquiries should be taken up with 
 the near.-st G-K sales office. 
 of Electric 
 In all industries the electric 
 industrial locomotive is adapted 
 to play an important part in the 
 solution of material handling 
 problems. Large factories usu 
 ally have a spur connecting 
 with the nearest railroad, and the movement of freight 
 cars over this spur involves considerable handling 
 charges if carried on by the railroad company. Many 
 applications of industrial electric locomotives are shown 
 in Bulletin 44251. 
 Where the manufacturer operates a locomotive of 
 his own, the electric type has several advantages over 
 the steam switch engine. These outstanding advantages 
 of the electric locomotive may be summed up as follows: 
 1. Consumes power only when in actual operation. 
 2. Can be operated by one man of ordinary intelli 
 3. Is ready for use at all times. 
 4. Has large momentary overload capacity. 
 5. Has simple and easily operated control. 
 6. Has low maintenance cost due to small number of 
 wearing parts. 
 7. Requires attention only when in use. 
 8. Can be run inside a building where smoke and 
 fire risk of a steam locomotive would forbid its use. 
 For inter - factory material 
 moving in large manufacturing 
 plants covering considerable 
 area, electric locomotives pro 
 vide a highly satisfactory and 
 economical service. At the Gen 
 eral Electric Company s own factories the transporta 
 tion of material between the various buildings is 
 practically all done in this manner. 
 Factory service is, however, only one of the many 
 fields in which the electric locomotive can be used to 
 advantage. It is equally well adapted for service in 
 shipyards, brick yards, stone quarries, cement factories, 
 and similar places. With all of its weight on the driv 
 ing wheels and a tractive effort which is continuous 
 rather than pulsating, the electric locomotive is well 
 G-E Industrial Locomotive Transffrriim Miscellaneous 
 Materials in Process of Manufacture. 
 fitted to haul ore from mines to the stamp mills, and 
 log trains to the saw mill. Where heavy grades are 
 encountered electric haulage is particularly effective. 
 Electric locomotives are also used with success on 
 large public works where great quantities of earth, rock 
 and concrete must be moved. Where this work involves 
 tunnel driving, the low, mine type of locomotive pro 
 vides an ideal form of haulage. 
 A(ldr,.>s nearest office. For list of offices see page 706. 
 [G-K industrial locomotives 
 Wide Range j are designed and built in a 
 of G-E ! range of sizes and forms wide 
 Manufacture j enough to include any haulage 
 ) requirement. They incorporate 
 principles of construction which 
 are the result of many years of experience in this class 
 of work. Full advantage has been taken of the experi 
 ence gained in the manufacture of mine locomotives, 
 which must be built to withstand unusually severe 
 service and rough handling. 
 G-E industrial locomotives are built to take power 
 from trolley, third rail, and storage batteries, or from 
 either trolley or storage battery. They are of the single 
 or double truck type with one motor mounted on each 
 axle and vary in weight from 4 to 50 or more tons. 
 They are built for gauges varying from 18" up to 
 56J/>". Storage battery locomotive motor equipments 
 are designed to operate from 85, 170 or 200 volts 
 storage batteries. Equipments for the trolley and third 
 rail type are designed for operation from 250, 500 and 
 600 volt D.C. circuits. 
 Motors known as Type HM 
 are standard for either storage 
 battery or trolley type locomo 
 The capacity of motors for 
 standard locomotives is based 
 not only on determinations, but is the result of long 
 experience with many locomotives operating under va 
 rious conditions. The motor equipments are designed 
 to operate satisfactorily without troubles due to over 
 heating. Since the motor capacity is based solely on 
 general practice, no locomotive can be guaranteed for 
 a given sen-ice until service data has been submitted 
 for investigation. 
 G-E Locomotive! at Work in Chemical Plant. 
 Weight 12 tons. Gauge 56J/>". Wheel base 
 96". Wheel diameter 30". Overall width 
 93". Height over cab roof 114". Couplers 
 Standard MCB short shank engine type. Brakes 
 Combined straight and automatic air with hand auxil 
 iary. Has extra air capacity and additional hose 
 coupling to charge dumping mechanism on cars. Sanders 
 Air operated. Journal boxes MCB 3->4" x 7" journal. 
 Truck frame Rolled steel. Cab Sheet steel on steel 
 angle framework. Motors Two motors. Control 
 Series-parallel drum type. Speed Eight MPH. Cur 
 rent collectors Four over-running third rail shoes. 
 Hauling Material from Ship to Warehouse. 
 Weight 8 tons. Gauge 56^". Wheel base 
 54". Wheel diameter 24". Overall width 
 82". Height over cab roof 115". Coupler 
 Y\ MCB short shank engine type with center 
 25" above rail. Truck frame Rolled steel. 
 Journal boxes End thrust mine type. Brakes 
 Hand screw and nut type. Call Sheet steel 
 on steel angle frame. Motors Two. Control 
 Series-parallel drum type. Speed Six MPH. 
 G-E Pusher Locomotive Designed for Spotting Cars 
 Over Bins or Hoppers on Unloading Docks. 
 Weight 25 tons. Gauge 42 l / 2 ". Overall 
 length 291". Wheel base 132". Overall width 
 67". Height over cab roof 145". Frame 
 Rolled steel. Journal boxes End thrust mine 
 type. Cab Sheet steel on steel angle frame. 
 Brakes Straight air with hand auxiliary. Pusher 
 arms One on each side, cast steel, spring 
 cushioned, air operated. Motors Two motors. 
 Control Master controllers with contactors. Cur 
 rent collector Two over-running third rail 
 shoes Operates from metallic circuit collecting 
 from two rails located in center of track rails. 
 Where conditions render the 
 Storage | operation of the trolley type of 
 Battery j locomotive inexpedient the stor- 
 Locomotives j a ge battery locomotive can often 
 I be used advantageously. In 
 transportation in and about 
 factory buildings the battery type may be operated in 
 side of the buildings, and by providing the elevators 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices see page 706. 
 with tracks they can be used effectively to distribute 
 material on different floors. They can be used with 
 safety in locations where the operation of the overhead 
 trolley would be dangerous. Also, where materials have 
 to be carried over temporary tracks or the location of 
 the trackage is subject to frequent changes, the storage 
 battery type of locomotive will give the necessary serv 
 ice with a minimum of investment and operating 
 Data on 
 Every locomotive unit built 
 by the General Electric Com 
 pany is designed to meet certain 
 requirements and necessitates 
 definite engineering recommen 
 dations. However, the follow 
 ing tabulated data, applying to commonly used types 
 and the data given for units illustrated, will give an 
 idea of the specifications on types which have been 
 built to supply specific needs. 
 i . 
 ^ ag 
 t /. 
 o o 
 v *- 
 2 24 
 3% 20 
 > 24 
 3% 17 
 2 30 
 3% 33 
 LSI! 2O 
 2 56% 
 3% 46 
 4% 45 
 2 56% 
 5 64 
 Hand, Straight Air 
 56% 8CCO 
 56% 120CC 
 a 128 
 5% 178 
 Hand, Straight Air 
 Hand, Straight Air 
 Ratings of Draw Bar Pull which appear in the table 
 are determined by motor and battery capacity. Ordi 
 nary practice in rating the DBF of electric locomotives 
 brings in weight on the drivers, but with a storage 
 batten- type the total weight is nearly always in excess 
 of that required for developing the rated pull. 
 Battery capacities given refer to the batteries sup 
 plied with locomotives which have been built. To 
 determine size of locomotive and capacity of battery 
 necessitates engineering recommendations based on the 
 particular service to be performed. 
 Storage Batterv ] 
 Overall Width 76". Height over Platform 30". 
 Brakes Hand screw and nut type. Coupler -fy 
 size MCB with center 14" above rail. Journal Boxes 
 Mine type. Truck Frame Steel channel side and end 
 sills. Deck Covers Two in. wood planking covered 
 with steel checkered plate. Motors Two. Battery 
 Capacity 19 kw.-hrs. Speed Two to 8 MPH de 
 pending on load. Control Series-parallel drum type. 
 30-Ton Double Truck Storage Battery Locomotive 
 in Switching Service at Shipbuilding Plant. 
 Weight 30 tons. Gauge 56^". Truck Centers 
 -180". Rigid Wheel Base 76". Wheel Diameter 
 30". Overall Width 122". Height over Cab Roof 
 126". Couplers Standard MCB long shank spring 
 draft gear. Brakes Straight air with hand auxiliary. 
 Sanders Double end air-operated. Journal Boxes 
 MCB 3-/ 4 " by 7" Journal. Trucks Arch bar. Plat 
 form Steel channel sills and sheet steel deck plate. 
 Cab Sheet steel on steel angle frame. Motors Four 
 motors. Battery 120 kw.-hr. Control Series- 
 parallel drum type. Two control stations in cab. 
 Speed 4y 2 to 15 m.p.h., depending on trailing load. 
 20 Tons of Castings. 
 Combination Trolley and Storage Battery Locomotive. 
 Weight 10 tons. Gausje 56>^". Wheel Base 
 72". Wheel Diameter-24". Overall Width-US". 
 Height over Cab Roof 118 "- Coupler Standard 
 Weight 5 tons Ga Srti/ Height over Cab 
 143". Wheel Bas 77" wu ! l; vera11 Len gth MCB short shank engine type. Brakes Hand screw 
 _Wheel^iameter-20". and nut type. Journal Boxes-Mine type. Truck 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices see page 706. 
 frame Steel channel sills. Cab Sheet steel on 
 steel angle frame. Motors Two motors. Battery 
 42 kw.-hrs. Voltage- 250 V. on trolley. Speed 4 
 to 6 MPH. Control Series-parallel drum type. 
 The General Electric Com 
 pany has been engaged in the 
 manufacture of mine locomo 
 tives for gathering and haulage 
 for the past 30 years, and as 
 evidence of durable construc 
 tion, can point to some locomotives in continuous service 
 for this entire period. This is proof that the company 
 appreciates the severe conditions of mine service, and 
 builds locomotives that will stand up under most trying 
 and larger sets for multiple battery charging. In addi 
 tion, suitable panels can be provided for service where 
 a small panel is not built as a part of the outfit 
 Individual charging motor generator sets are de 
 signed to regulate the current and taper the charge of 
 a single battery. Two sets can be installed for opera 
 tion in multiple, the same as a two-circuit generator 
 and panel in case of two trucks of the same size and 
 number of cells. Described in Bulletin Y1372A. The 
 sets for simultaneously charging two or more batteries 
 in multiple are used with multiple circuit switchboards, 
 necessarily different from the control panels for the 
 individual charging sets in order that batteries of 
 different degrees of discharge may be properly handled. 
 Bulletin Y1364A. 
 G-E 13-Ton M 
 The General Electric Corn- 
 p an y maintains a repair-part 
 service which is expedited by 
 the use of a special renewal 
 parts catalog compiled for each 
 locomotive. These catalogs con 
 tain all the information required for the correct order 
 ing of any repair part. Delays incident to possible 
 misunderstanding of orders are thus eliminated. 
 Each catalog contains exploded views of the compo 
 nent devices, giving accurately the names of individual 
 parts and the proper ordering numbers. The locomo 
 tive data are segregated and tab indexed under head 
 ings such as, Frame and Truck Parts, Motors, Con 
 trollers, Cable Reel, Air Equipment, etc. 
 One of these catalogs is furnished with each locomo 
 tive, and extra copies are gladly made up for persons 
 in the customer s organization who are charged with 
 tli- upkeep of equipment. 
 6-Cireuit Battery Charging Switchboard in Operation. 
 Storage battery charging 
 equipment is, of course, a neces 
 sary accessory in connection 
 with the operation of storage 
 battery locomotives as well as 
 industrial electric trucks and 
 tractors; in fact, any storage battery propelled vehicle. 
 The General Electric Company is prepared to furnish 
 battery charging apparatus of any type most desirable 
 for any particular service, including rectifiers of the 
 ionized gas, or "Tungar," and the mercury arc type, 
 and motor generator outfits, including individual charg 
 ing sets, starting and lighting battery charging sets. 
 The General Electric Com 
 pany has developed a complete 
 line of material used in the con 
 struction of overhead trolley 
 systems and track return for 
 electric railways in every serv 
 ice. This includes pole brackets, suspensions and ears 
 of many types, strain and feeder insulators, splicing 
 sleeves, trolley frogs and crossings, section switches and 
 insulators, turn buckles, rail bonds, bonding tools, etc, 
 These devices have been designed to meet every pos 
 sible condition and have been thoroughly tested. Sher- 
 ardizing is the standard finish and protection for all 
 iron and steel parts of G-E line devices. Japan finish 
 can be furnished for use where devices are subject to 
 the deteriorating effects of acids. 
 Owing to the many types and the variation in dimen 
 sions of rails and joint plates in common use, a great 
 variety of forms of bonds has been developed. Oc 
 casionally exceptional cases arise requiring some modi 
 fication of one of the standard forms in order that the 
 best results may be obtained. The General Electric 
 Company will gladly submit recommendations showing 
 how best to meet any bonding conditions and its Engi 
 neering Department is always at the service of custo 
 mers to give advice. 
 Special forms of these devices have been developed 
 to meet the special conditions of mines and other indus 
 trial properties. This complete line is described in 
 Bulletin 4400SA. It should be ample for the selection 
 of any devices needed in construction to provide electric 
 haulage of materials over a new or electrified system 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices see page 706. 
 Experience of 
 Two Companies 
 Baldwin - Westinghouse elec- 
 \ trie locomotives for use in in- 
 I dustrial plants can be supplied 
 j in a wide variety of sizes and 
 I types. The long experience of 
 the Baldwin Locomotive Works 
 and the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co. 
 in the co-operative manufacture of electric locomotives 
 insures a product of the utmost reliability. They are 
 built for B.C. trolley operation and with storage 
 Baldwin-Westinghouse stor 
 age battery locomotives can be 
 divided into two general classes, 
 those built for standard gauge 
 tracks and those built for nar 
 row gauges. They have a wide 
 range of application in industrial service. They have 
 been used in the construction of subways, railroads, 
 Application of 
 Storage Battery 
 f? 5 ^ 
 f fll* < 
 r - te 
 * -Miifli^^^HE 
 West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co. Use B-W Storage 
 Battery Locomotive. 
 tunnels and aqueducts. Indoors they are used in 
 foundries, iron and steel mills, power plants and va 
 rious industrial plants. 
 Reasons for 
 Where smoke, exhaust fumes 
 or noise is objectionable and 
 where readiness to start without 
 delay is desirable, the Baldwin- 
 Westinghouse storage battery 
 locomotives are an important 
 adjunct to a plant. Where insurance laws demand the 
 minimum fire risk and trolley wires are impossible 
 these locomotives furnish the natural solution. They 
 assure a minimum clanger of causing explosions in 
 powder mills or other industries handling inflammable 
 materials. They offer the possibility of using power 
 when the generating plant is carrying a light load and 
 in this respect are especially economical. 
 The Motors are designed 
 electrically and mechanically 
 for storage battery operation. 
 They have a very high efficiency 
 throughout their operating 
 range, including overloads, 
 unusually rugged and are enclosed, avoiding 
 the accumulation of dirt and water. Practically the 
 in Doifin 
 only attention needed is a periodical inspection for the 
 purpose of renewing brushes when they are worn and 
 replenishing the bearing lubricant. Ball bearings are 
 furnished lubricated from grease cups. 
 The field coils of each motor are arranged in two 
 groups to permit of series and parallel grouping and 
 to obtain high tractive effort at low speed with minimum 
 current during accelerating periods. 
 Control and 
 The control is of a special 
 design which, in addition to the 
 series paralleled, control of the 
 motors themselves has the de 
 sirable characteristics of control 
 as previously mentioned. This 
 method of control reduces to a minimum the number of 
 resistance steps and consequent losses, and economizes 
 the battery energy. 
 The batten-, assembled in trays, is mounted in a 
 wood lined sheet steel compartment on top of the loco 
 motive side frames. In special cases the batten- can 
 be mounted between the side frames and below the top 
 of the locomotive, in order to secure a low over-all 
 B-W Storage Battery Loconiotive in the Plant of Victor 
 Talking Machine Co. 
 height. Standard locomotives are provided with a com 
 partment which can be readily removed by a chain hoist. 
 A slate panel is provided having mounted thereon 
 a double-pole, double-throw main knife switch and a 
 Sangamo ampere hour meter which indicates the con 
 dition of the battery charge. A snap switch is included 
 to control the locomotive headlights. 
 l o 
 A- 0-2 6,000 
 A- 8-2 8,000 
 A-1C-2 10,OCO 
 1,000 Ibs. 3.5 
 2,000 Ibs. 3.5 
 3,000 Ibs. 3.5 
 P 0> O 
 11-22 ~ 
 in K.W. 
 Ilimcl or Straight Air 
 Hand or Straight Air 
 I Fa ml or Straight Air 
 Hanrl or Straight Air 
 Automatic Air 
 Automatic Air 
 35- 47 
 35- 55 
 50- 70 
 Address nearest office. For list of branch offices see pa K e 758. 
 Industrial locomotives equipped with 
 Edison Batteries assure continuous 
 daily service and greater tonnage 
 This locomotive in metal mine haul 
 age was equipped with Edison Bat 
 teries in November, 1911. They are 
 still in use. 
 Gathering and hauling locomotives 
 in coal mines rely on Edison Bat 
 teries for increased production. 
 The Edison Storage Battery 
 employs a principle differing 
 radically from that of all other 
 storage batteries having com- 
 | mercial importance at the pres 
 ent time. It is the only storage 
 _ battery having 
 iron or steel in 
 its construction. 
 Instead of lead 
 grids, its grids 
 arc of steel. In 
 stead of acid 
 electrolyte, it 
 employs an al 
 kaline solution. 
 Instead of a 
 solution that 
 destroys the 
 plates and 
 members, its so 
 lution is a pre 
 servative of its 
 iron and steel 
 parts. Instead 
 of compounds 
 of lead its ac- 
 t i v e materials 
 are compounds 
 of nickel and 
 iron. These 
 changes are im 
 portant because 
 by virtue of the 
 nature of the 
 new Edison 
 com b i n a tion, 
 greater strength, 
 longer life and 
 increased dura- 
 b i 1 i t y are 
 achieved, to 
 gether w i t h a 
 simplicity in 
 care and opera 
 tion not hitherto 
 LL cove* 
 e LDP D TO 
 The Edison Alkaline Storage Battery. 
 Built Like a Watch, Rugged as a Battleship." 
 Because of its distinctive fea 
 tures in principle and its steel 
 1 construction, the Edison Bat- 
 | tery has great strength, long 
 1 life, and is maintained with 
 minimum upkeep. 
 In mines, industrial plants, etc., these features insure 
 highest service efficiency over a long period of time. 
 Quality and 
 Long Life 
 Type (Utters denote size of Plate 
 Figures. Number of Positive Plates) 
 A10 A 12 
 G7 G9 Gil G14 G18 
 Prices uii Application 
 1 I- * 
 40 s 
 16 i 
 37r. 450 
 46.88 56.25 
 75 90 
 1.24 1.24 
 1.2 1.2 
 75 90 
 33.3 40.6 
 31.2 43.9 
 8.1 !>.9 
 7% 9 
 14% 15% 
 16% 17 
 7% 7% 
 13% 13% 
 19% 19% 
 25% 25% 
 32% 32% 
 17.". 225 275 350 450 
 35 45 55 70 90 
 52.5 67.5 82.5 105 135 
 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 
 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 
 52.5 67.5 82.5 1C5 135 
 17.4 21.1 27.3 34 44.6 
 18.2 23.0 29.6 36.9 47.8 
 4.2 4.98 6.10 7.7 10.68 
 6% 6% 6% 7% 9% 
 1 I 14% 14% 14% 15% 
 16 16 16% 16% 17 
 5% 6 7% 7% 7% 
 9 1C% 12% 13% 13% 
 12% 14% 18% 19% 19% 
 16% 19% 24% 25% 25% 
 20 24% 29% 32% 32% 
 23% 28% 36 .... 
 Average Discharge Voltage (A type. 8 hours; G type, 5 hours) .... 
 (A type. 5 hours; G type, 3% hours) .... 
 .Normal Charge Hate (A type. 7 hours; G type, 4% hours) 
 Amount Renewal Solution per Cell (Ibs ) 
 Over-all Tray Dimensions, in Inches: 
 Width of Standard Tray 
 tHeight over-all (Filler cap closed) 
 tHeight over-all (Filler cap open) 
 3-cell tray 
 7-cell tray 
 28% 33% 41% 
 32% 37% 47% .... .... 
 36 42% 53% . .... 
 4C% 47 
 8-cell tray 
 9-cell tray 
 11 -cell (ray 
 tOver-all heights are given for bottomless trays. Add ? 
 i inch 
 to height and 
 % inch to length for 
 trays with bottoms. 
 The Porter 
 The Porter name-plate on a 
 light Locomotive has been a 
 standard for over fifty years. 
 However, during the last two 
 decades the H. K. Porter Com 
 pany have been adding to this 
 line, locomotives of heavier weight and greater power. 
 Today a large portion of their output consists of heavy 
 machines. These heavy locomotives are designed for 
 more severe requirements than are usual in ordinary 
 railroad service. They are admirably adapted to a wide 
 range of service where uninterrupted performance close 
 up to maximum capacity is demanded. 
 for Contractors 
 The Porter Class B-S, light, 
 four-wheel-connected, saddle- 
 tank locomotive is designed for 
 contractors use and other spe 
 cial service. It is the best pos 
 sible selection for general con 
 tracting work, shifting and industrial service, where 
 the haul is not long but where a simple compact design 
 is needed for sharp curves, rough track, and hard work. 
 Porter Contractors Locomotive 
 These locomotives are substantially built and can be 
 depended upon for long service with infrequent re 
 newals. The brake shoes are generally the only replace 
 ment items needed for a long time. Locomotives of this 
 type can be equipped for coal, wood, or oil fuel. 
 Air Locomotive 
 The H. K. Porter Company 
 also build two-stage compressed 
 air locomotives of all sizes. 
 These locomotives furnish a 
 safe and convenient motive 
 power for gaseous coal mines 
 and in other localities where fire, sparks, heat, or the 
 products of combustion are dangerous. The locomotive 
 exhausts nothing but pure air and cannot contaminate 
 the atmosphere, blacken the walls or ceiling, or soil 
 fabrics or raw material in cotton, woolen or paper mills. 
 The Porter fireless locomo- 
 Porter tives are absolutely safe against 
 fire danger and free from fire 
 box, flue, stay bolt and water 
 supply troubles. They are the 
 cheapest, safe locomotive power 
 for lumber mills and yards, creosoting plants, cotton 
 and textile mills, sugar plantations and powder mills 
 These locomotives are designed and built for all prac 
 ticable gauges of track and to conform to reasonable 
 limitations of height and width. 
 Details may be modified to suit the working condi 
 tions of any particular plant or job. The fireless loco 
 motive is built in several different sizes, but the 
 company is prepared to build larger or smaller sizes, 
 locomotives with higher and lower initial pressures, 
 as well as locomotives with six wheels if they are 
 The Porter fireless stored-steam locomotives are 
 similar in construction to the other Porter steam loco- 
 Porter Fireless Locomotive 
 motives. A large tank well insulated takes the place of 
 a boiler and is charged from a stationary boiler. When 
 about four-fifths full of hot water, the steam pressure 
 in the locomotive tank is equalized with the steam 
 pressure of the stationary boiler at 160 to 180. Until 
 the tank pressure is reduced so that the cylinder pres 
 sure falls below 60 pounds the locomotive will develop 
 its full tractive force. The locomotive tank is charged 
 in approximately 10 to 20 minutes and runs from one 
 to four hours with one charge. The cylinders are placed 
 at the rear to secure a perfect balance of weight. 
 The Porter 
 All Porter locomotives are 
 built to a duplicate system and 
 corresponding parts of all loco 
 motives of the same size and 
 class are interchangeable. Fur 
 thermore, the company keeps on 
 hand independent of material required for locomotives 
 under construction a complete stock of duplicate parts 
 for all of the standard sizes and designs. These are 
 ready to ship on receipt of the customers orders. 
 This Porter duplicate system is an efficient insurance 
 to every owner of a Porter locomotive against the loss 
 of time or money in case of wreck or wear that may 
 easily be worth hundreds of dollars a day. It enables 
 the company to deliver repair parts to distant customers 
 not only quicker ihan the parts could be made at the 
 customer s door, but at less cost, of correct fit, and of 
 standard quality. 
 Besides the spare parts in stock the company carries 
 a stock of fully completed locomotives of the latest de 
 sign for both thirty-six and for fifty-six and one-half 
 inch gauges ready for shipment as soon as the couplings 
 can be adjusted to the required height and the cab and 
 tank lettered to instructions. 
 Koppel Quarry Car. 
 Koppel Square Box Dump. 
 Koppel Contractors Car 
 The Koppel Industrial Car & 
 Koppel Equipment Co. are builders of 
 ._ all types of cars for coal, clay 
 f and metal mines; all steel, com- 
 ?, , , ..! posite or wood; all capacities 
 and gauges. Their scoop car is 
 especially adapted to industrial plants used for han 
 dling ashes, coal, sweepings, etc., and to contractor s 
 use for concrete, dirt, sand, etc. Can be dumped on 
 four sides. Capacities 12, 18 and 27 cu. ft., gauge 18" 
 and 36". 
 The Koppel double-side dump cradle cars, so ap 
 plicable to road building general contract work, coal 
 and ash handling, etc., are made in capacities of 18, 
 27 and 36 cu. ft. with 18" and 30" gauge. 
 Rails and 
 The Koppel Industrial Car 
 & Equipment Co. manufactures 
 switch points and frogs for any 
 weights of rails and for any 
 i , , , gauge of track. Complete track 
 layouts consisting of rails and 
 switches mounted in units on steel ties can be supplied 
 for industrial plants and contractors use. 
 In addition they manufacture wheels, axles, journal 
 boxes, spring bearings, couplers, stake pockets, etc. 
 Koppel Steam Locomotive. 
 Koppel Steam 
 Industrial Switch Points and Frogs. 
 A similar car is the double-side dump, Koppel 
 Rocker Cur, designed for quarry service. It is low; 
 therefore it can be loaded by hand. However, it is 
 strong enough for steam shovel loading. Made in all 
 capacities up to 5 yards and gauge up to standard. 
 Koppel flat cars are made in single or double truck, 
 all capacities and gauges. For steel or forge plants cars 
 with steel cover plates or rails on top can be supplied. 
 Koppel patented rocker supports and steel bodv 
 frames are embodied in their square box 
 dump contractors car. This is a most .^jjtMjjjj 
 rugged and economical car, made in 4, 6, 16 
 and 20 yards capacity. 
 Koppel steam locomotives are 
 made either standard or nar 
 row gauge in various types. 
 They are free from derail 
 ment troubles on account of their 
 underslung water tanks, thus 
 giving low center of gravity all parts accessible for 
 adjustment. Any construction features can be modified 
 to suit special requirements. 
 Their Electromobile industrial truck, tractors and 
 trailers may be equipped with a variety of Koppel 
 bodies. Bulletins on any type of car or a general 
 catalogue covering the entire line will be sent on 
 oO Church St., Xew York City. 
 Peoples Gas Bid)?.. Chicago, 111. 
 Farmers Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa 
 1420 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Pa. 
 Book Building, Detroit, Mich. 
 Ivdw. R. Baccn Co., 51 Minna St., San Francisco. Cal. 
 Koppel Mine Car 
 Koppel Flat Car. 
 Koppel Scoop Car. 
 Facilities and 
 i , , 
 Cars (for every in- 
 Products, dustrial purpose). 
 Rails and Portable 
 Track. Switches, Per 
 manent and Portable. 
 Wheels and Axles. 
 Turntables. Crossings. 
 This space permits of only a bare summary c 
 the wide and complete variety of Easton indus 
 trial railway equipment. Full specifications and 
 additional and larger illustrations will gladly be 
 sent to supplement these small cuts. 
 This company designs and builds narrow-gage rail 
 ways complete, for all industrial purposes: contracting 
 operations, factories, yards, warehouses, plantations, 
 docks, power plants, quarries, etc. It furnishes every 
 thing required for a complete installation, either to it 
 own or to customer s drawings and specifications: cars, 
 rails and accessories, locomotives, switches, frogs, 
 turntables, etc. 
 Fig. 255. 
 Code \S iinl 
 Cap. Cu. Fl._ 18 
 li: 40 
 54 54 
 Track Gage 
 24" 30" 
 30" 36" 
 Overall Diinrn. 
 ;7 .." S lC" :: 11" I liVi" 4 7" 4 S" 
 4 1C" 411* 
 Width . ill" 47)" 
 45" 5 4" 51" 5 4" 5 10" 010" 
 6 8" 7 3" 
 7 3" 
 8 8 S 8 8" 8 8" 
 Body Diinen. 
 Length, insidi 
 4 2" 
 4 9" 5 5" 
 5 5" 
 5 5" 
 Width, insi.l ___ 
 3 h" 
 4 2" 
 5 6" 
 12" 12" 
 2" 2" 2" 
 214" 21/i" 
 Wheel Base . 2 2 2 2 6" 2 6" 2 0" 
 2 6" 2 6" 
 Side -- H" %" 
 H" H" Vi," V 
 .," A 
 End J /s" %" 
 Vt" Vi" 
 Weight, pounds... 9CO 1COO 
 1C75 1425 117. . 1525 
 1750 1790 
 Table gives the rated capacity figured with heaped load. 
 Fiji. 1005. 
 Code Word 
 Sporcheyza 18 
 Sporisori 18 
 I ll" 
 2 0" 
 2 0" 
 :! (>" 
 3 5" 
 3 5" 
 2 , 4% " 
 20" 1%" 10" 
 20" 1%" 10" 
 Sporobole. 18 
 Spora IS 
 30" 4 11" 
 36" 4 11" 
 2 0" 
 2 fl" 
 2 0" 
 2 0" 
 3 7" 
 3 7" 
 2 6" 2C" 
 2 6" 2C" 
 1%" 10" 
 1V 2 " 10" 
 18" 4 11" 
 24" I ll 
 30" 4 11" 
 36" ,4 11" 
 S O" 
 S O" 
 3 C" 
 2 C" 3 6" 
 2 0" 3 6" 
 2 0" 3 8" 
 2 0", 3-8" 
 *W m 
 2 7" 
 2 7%" 
 1%" 12" 
 IV 12" 
 1%" 12" 
 1%" : 12" 
 Frame Channel- 
 II Plates %" 
 Table gives the rated capacity 
 figured with heaped load. 
 Fig. 73. Coal Charging Car. 
 4 6" 
 3 4" 
 1 6" 
 1 tf 
 750 Ibs. 
 1 ton 
 5 0" 
 3 10" 
 2 0" 
 3 8" 
 1 8" 
 1% ton 
 6 C" 
 4 0" 
 2 6" 
 4 5" 
 1 8" 
 13CO Ibs. 
 Code Word ._ 
 liody length inside 
 Body width inside 
 Body depth inside 
 Fig. 94. C. I. Turntable. 
 Code Word 
 Code Word 
 *3 o 
 O K 
 i4 0) 
 U i 
 in Tons 
 4 0" 3 C" 15" 12" 
 5 0" 3 4" 15" 12" 
 6 0" 4 0" 15" 12" 
 6 0" 4 0" 18" 14" 
 8 0" 4 0" 19" 11 ," 
 12 0" S O" 22" 16 
 : ; ; 
 20" 1 
 24" 1 
 24" 1 
 24 l 
 4 8%" 1 
 " 2-3 
 &" 2-3 
 Si" 2-3 
 ?4" 5 
 54" 5 
 51" 6 
 Other gagi-> 
 additional c 
 Code Word 
 of Top 
 44 01 
 - c. 
 45V 4 " 
 53 A" 
 2, SCO 
 Turntables 44 
 Other gages t 
 additional cost 
 " to 84" will also fit 24%" outside track gage, 
 inn standard can be furnished at a slight 
 Fig. 974. Rocker Dump Car. 
 Special for locomotive trac 
 tion. These large cars are 
 made in any capacity or de 
 sign, for any track gage 
 either with or without brakes 
 and automatic couplers 
 Fig. 433. Gable Bottom Car. 
 Fig. 3847. Gable Bottom Car. We build all types in stand- 
 With special reinforcements and 
 heavily braced doors for 
 quarry service. 
 ard and special designs with 
 and without brakes, the 
 smaller sizes being 4- wheel 
 construction and the larger 
 sizes double truck, or 8- wheel 
 Fig. 276. Standard Cradle 
 Dump Car with Brake. 
 Also built to dump end-wise or 
 all around. Standards in stock. 
 Fig. 269. Ail-Steel Skip Car. 
 Huilt in various designs and to 
 meet special requirements. 
 Fig. 494. Locomotive. 
 (lasoline and Oil-burning 
 steam. 3-12 ton, any gage. 
 Fig. 283. Creosoting Car. 
 One of the many types we 
 Fig. 4281. Heavy Rocker 
 Dump Car. 
 Designed for extra-heavy serv 
 ice in mine and quarry work. 
 Fig 1533. Special Double 
 Truck Platform Car. 
 Built to meet any specific re 
 quirements, in any desired size. 
 Both with and without brakes. 
 Fig. 147. Sugar Cane Car. 
 All steel with end racks. 
 We build a complete line of 
 steel sugar cane cars to meet 
 any requirement <-r specifica 
 Fig. 403. Rotary Dump 
 Designed for mine work, in 
 tunnels and other services 
 where small over-all dimen 
 sions arc an important feature. 
 Fig. 1886. End Dis 
 charge Car. 
 Special design with chute 
 and sliding gate. Other 
 End Discharge Cars are 
 shown in Bulletin No. 7. 
 Fig. 2236. Charging Box 
 We build all types of Charg 
 ing Box Cars in standard 
 and special designs. 
 Fig. 1184. Easton Anneal 
 ing Furnace Car. 
 Widely used in steel mills, 
 foundries, automobile and 
 other factories where an 
 nealing and heat-treating of 
 castings, chains, forgings, 
 etc., is a part of the manu 
 facturing process. 
 Fig. 264. Pig Iron Car. 
 This type of car can be fur 
 nished either with or with 
 out sides or ends, with ends 
 and sides removable. 
 Fig. 4415-B Easton Super- 
 Service Road Cars. 
 Carries three 32 cu. ft. steel 
 batch boxes. Big saving in first 
 cost by cutting down number 
 of cars required by one-third. 
 Two three-box cars do the work 
 of three two-box cars. 
 Fig. 77. Portable Track on 
 Fig. 284. Transfer Cars. 
 Steel Ties. p: E ior r , T p , . Fig. 2665. Turntable. Built in ? number of designs, 
 Any ga R e and wei s ht ot rail. " S.ilch and Track. ^^-^ -<< a ^ZS^SSS^ 
 T?- i,^:i_ . !. yiuse TO tne ground. 
 For boiler rooms, power plants, 
 Fig. 80. Portable Switches 
 With or Without Steel Ties. Qf ^35. Crossing ^ 
 weight of rail. 
 p . g ^ 
 Of any design for all gages. Wheels on Square Axles. 
 The Lakewood 
 The Lakewood Burton Loco 
 motive is one of the most satis 
 factory motive powers for nar- 
 Lxjcomouve row 8 au g e railway haulage. It 
 has a use in every industry, in 
 highway and general building 
 construction, quarries, plantations, logging, brick and 
 clay plants, sand and gravel pits, and industrial plants 
 of every description. 
 Wherever the transfer of materials from depart 
 ment to department, or from one shop to another, is a 
 constant requirement, narrow gauge railways have 
 proven economical and efficient. 
 Wherever narrow gauge railways may be installed 
 the ideal motive power is the light-weight locomotive 
 using gasoline or kerosene for fuel. These little ma 
 chines are also used for switching standard freight 
 cars with great convenience at low cost. 
 The Lakewood Burton Locomotive has been devel 
 oped to its present perfection through many years of 
 active service in these various fields of usefulness. It 
 combines simplicity of construction, flexibility of opera 
 tion, and economical performance. 
 Briefly, it consists of a power plant mounted on a 
 rigid cast frame, carried on four flanged wheels set to 
 a short wheelbase so that sharp curves may be easily 
 Power is transmitted from the engine to the track 
 wheels by means of a friction disc and roller chains, 
 eliminating all spur and beveled gears, friction clutches, 
 and other complicated parts. 
 This system of transmission enables the Lakewood 
 Burton Locomotive to operate with load in either direc 
 tion at equal speeds and with equal efficiency. Oper 
 ating speeds range from 2J/ to 10 miles per hour. 
 Magneto ignition, radiator cooling system, fuel tanks 
 with ample capacity for a full day s run, sand box, link 
 and pin couplers adjustable to suit various heights of 
 cars, are other features. 
 Brakes are applied to all four wheels, controlled by 
 a lever at the operator s hand, and have sufficient power 
 to lock all wheels instantly in case of emergency. 
 Lakewood Burton Locomotive 
 A winding drum to carry steel cable is furnished 
 when desired, for the purpose of snubbing cars, or for 
 assisting in hauling up heavy inclines. 
 The low center of gravity of the machine makes it 
 smooth running,, even on rough track, and reduces to 
 a minimum the possibility of derailment. 
 Furnished in two sizes, 3*/2 and 6 tons, and in 
 gauges of 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 56^ in. 
 Size of Motor.- 
 Horse Power 
 Starting and Lighting 
 Electrical Equipment, extra- 
 Axles . 
 Friction Disc . 
 Spur Friction 
 Drive Chains 
 Wheel Base 
 Draw Bar Pull at 5 Miles per hour- 
 Track Gauge 
 Width ._. 
 Weight - 
 Brakes . 
 Can ._. 
 Gasoline Capacity 
 Gasoline Consumption 
 3% Ton 
 4 Cyl., 3% x 5 
 23 at 1000 R.P.M. 
 Bosch High Tension Magneto 
 Two Unit single wire system 
 Adjustable search lights, front and rear, 
 Klaxon Horn 
 Steel, pressed and keyed on axles; 18" diain. 
 314" diam. high carbon steel, carried on 
 Hyatt Bearings, supported by Spring 
 Friction disc drive by chains to jack shaft 
 and from jack shaft by chains to 
 both axles 
 Cast Iron, 23" diam. 
 Tarred Fibre, 22" diam. Shaft carried on 
 Hyatt Heavy Duty Hearings 
 Steel Roller, %" Roller, 1V 2 " Pitch 
 1400 Ibs. 
 Optional, 18 to 56V 2 " 
 10 5" 
 Regular with cab 6 2", without cab 4 9" 
 24- Gauge. 49" 
 7CCO Ibs. 
 On all four wheels 
 Metal with side curtains. Extra for all- 
 metal hood 
 20 Gallons 
 Average conditions, 5 gal. in 10 hours 
 6 Ton 
 4 Cyl., 4V4 x 6 
 46 at 10CO R.P.M. 
 Bosch High Tension Magneto 
 Two Unit single wire system 
 Adjustable search lights, front and rear, 
 Klaxon Horn 
 Steel, pressed and keyed on axles; 18" diam. 
 3V4" diam. high carbon steel, heat treated, 
 carried on Hyatt Bearings, supported 
 by Spring Pedestals 
 Friction disc drive by chains to jack shaft 
 and from jack shaft by chains to 
 both axles 
 Cast Iron, 30" diam. 
 Tarred Fibre, 28V" diam. Shaft carried 
 on Hyatt Heavy Duty Bearings 
 Steel Roller, 1" Roller, 1%" Pitch 
 2400 Ibs. 
 Optional, 18 to 56y 2 " 
 12 5" 
 Regular 6 3V4", Special Construction 5 3* 
 24" Gauge, 55Vi" 
 120CO Ibs. 
 On all four wheels 
 Metal with, side curtains. Extra for all- 
 metal hood 
 20 Gallons 
 Average conditions, 9 gal. in 10 hours 
 Overall Dimensions: 
 18" and 24" Gnngc 1 
 30" Gauge 
 36" and 12" Gauge. 
 V SV," Gauge 
 Width I Length 
 4 0" 
 4 6" 
 5 6" 
 5 2% 
 10 5" 
 W 5" 
 W 5" 
 W 5" 
 6 2" 
 6 2" 
 6 2" 
 6 2" 
 4 7" 
 4 7" 
 5 7" 
 5 2% 
 12 5%" 
 12 5V4" 
 12 5M>" 
 12 5<4" 
 6 314" 
 6 3%" 
 6 3V," 
 For District Offices See Opposite Page. 
 Designed for handling loose 
 material, such as coal and slag. 
 Built in capacities 1, 1^/2 and 
 11 u. ^-*A 2 yards. Body and frame rigid 
 steel construction, cast steel 
 draw head, link and pin type. 
 For locomotive haulage, spring bumpers and spring 
 pedestals are furnished. Gauges 24", .30" and 36". 
 Flanged Wheel 
 V-Dump Car 
 No. 241 
 Made of best quality cast 
 iron, with top grooved for flange 
 wheels or plain checkered sur- 
 j. ii i M i MM i- f ace - Table revolves on a ser 
 pentine circular track, filled 
 with 2-in. or larger balls. Turns 
 easily with heavy load. Built for all track gauges. 
 Diameter 3^, 4/5, 6 and 8 feet. 
 Radial Gate 
 Hopper Car 
 No. 232 
 Designed to handle concrete, 
 but may be used to haul coal, 
 sand or other loose material. 
 Body constructed of l /g, in. plate. 
 Gate opening 14"xl4" oper 
 ated with a lever. Wheels 
 Narrow gauge track for tem 
 porary or permanent installa 
 tion. Used by Allied armies 
 during entire war. Pressed 
 Steel Ties flanged all around, 
 with center corrugation run 
 ning the length of the tie and riveted to rails to secure 
 Track and 
 Joint Tie 
 ULCU Wllll it 1CVC 
 chilled iron. Car capacity 24 or 32 cu. ft. 
 rigid section. Joint tie locks sections securely and takes 
 the place of four fish plates, eight bolts and nuts. 
 Nothing to come loose. May be taken up repeatedly. 
 Platform Car 
 No. 271 
 Designed for factory or yard 
 work. Furnished with wood or 
 steel top. Platform any size de 
 sired. Hyatt Roller bearings on 
 all wheels. Built for locomotive 
 or hand haulage. 
 Atlanta. Ga 90 / 2 Forsyth St. 
 Baltimore, Md 507 American Bldg. 
 Boston, Mass 453 Washington St. 
 Buffalo, N. Y 256 Main St. 
 Chicago, 111 1215 Lumber Ex. Bldg. 
 Cleveland, 305 Racine Bldg. 
 Dallas, Texas 711 Sumpter Bldg. 
 DCS Moines. Iowa 202 Hubbell Bldg 
 Detroit, Mich... 1401 David Whitney Bldg. 
 Kansas City, Mo.. Railway Exchange Bldg. 
 Minneapolis, Minn.... 529 Second Ave., S. 
 New York, N. Y 141 Centre St. 
 Philadelphia, Pa 1034 Widener Bldg. 
 Pittsburgh, Fa Union Arcade 
 Richmond, Va Times-Dispatch Bldg. 
 San Francisco, Cal 473 Rialto Bldg. 
 For District Offices See Above. 
 More than three years ago 
 Lakewood sensed the need for 
 an industrial truck that would 
 pick up, transport and elevate 
 by electric power loads of 
 4,000 pounds to heights suffi 
 cient for piling. After months of experimenting and 
 testing, the Lakewood Tier-Lift Truck was developed 
 to its present degree of mechanical perfection and 
 added to the Lakewood 
 line of Industrial Trans 
 portation equipment. 
 The merit of this 
 truck has been proven in 
 such diversified indus 
 tries as steel mills, cot 
 ton mills, print shops, 
 automotive shops, chem 
 ical plants, foundries, 
 warehouses, etc. 
 The first three models 
 comprised machines 
 with tiering heights of 
 42, 60 and 76 in., which 
 pick up, transport and 
 elevate a load of 4,000 
 Ibs. Since then, how 
 ever, two new types have 
 been added a 96 in. Tier-Lift Truck and the Model 
 703-A, capable of handling 2,000 Ibs. but having a 
 lifting speed twice as great. This latter type is fur 
 nished in the four standard tiering heights, 42, 60, 
 76 and 96 inches. 
 Big Saving 
 What It 
 Will Do 
 The Tier-Lift Truck will tier 
 goods in the warehouse. Pile 
 loaded platforms, one on top of 
 another, practically converting 
 ceilings into floor space. Load 
 and unload trucks from the 
 ground level. Place heavy dies on machines in forge 
 shops. Handle pots at annealing or normalizing ovens. 
 Transport material up steep grades. These and other 
 operations it will do day in and day out. The Tier- 
 Lift Truck does that back-breaking lifting and trans 
 porting which labor shuns and avoids. 
 The possible saving in time, men and floor space 
 resulting from the installation of a Tier-Lift Truck is 
 quite astonishing. Many instances can be cited where 
 the original cost of the Tier-Lift Truck has been saved 
 in a few months. 
 At the plant of the Carpenter 
 I Steel Company the installation 
 of a Tier-Lift Truck in their 
 shipping department resulted in 
 the reduction of their crew by 
 seven men and a resultant sav 
 ing of $2.77 per ton of product shipped. 
 Even more startling are the figures compiled follow 
 ing the installation of a Tier-Lift Truck at the Ireland 
 & Mathews Stamping 
 Plant in Detroit; with 
 proper die racks the 
 Tier-Lift Truck will 
 pick up, deliver and 
 place any die weighing 
 up to 4,000 Ibs. in ten 
 minutes. Allowing for 
 production time lost by 
 men and machine, this 
 operation will cost by 
 Tier-Lift method ap 
 proximately $5.00 in 
 stead of $112.00 as un 
 der the hand labor 
 The Tier-Lift Truck 
 at the Ireland and 
 Mathews plant is also 
 used to store work boxes and forged parts. 
 With properly designed racks having a clearance 
 sufficient for Tier-Lift platform, material may be re 
 moved from any part of the rack. This makes possible 
 selective tiering. Tiering racks are designed to meet 
 individual requirements. 
 The table covering the cost of handling tobacco 
 hogsheads is typical of savings made in many indus 
 tries by the Tier-Lift Truck. 
 By I 
 land Tier-Lift 
 .Men required 
 80 $12.60 
 337 0.094 
 Tons handled in iJ 
 Length of haul in 
 Lahor cost for 9 h 
 Cost per ton 
 lir. dav _. 77 
 feet 180 
 ours . _ _ _ $25 
 -Men required 
 90 $9.80 
 58 0.15 
 IJatfs per trip 
 Length of haul in 
 Labor cost . _. 
 feet 180 
 Cost per ton __. 
 ._ . . 
 For District Offices See Page 725. 
 Tier Lift Truck saves $2.77 per ton of product shipped at 
 Carpenter Steel Co. 
 Tier Lift Truck picks up 1,000 Ib. dies, 
 delivers and places in 10 minutes. 
 Height of platform raised with 
 Model 703 or 7 0.5- A 
 42 in. . . .42" maximum 
 Model 703 or 703-A 
 60 in. . . .60" maximum 
 Model 703 or 703-A 76 in 76" maximum 
 Model 703 or 703-A 96 in 96" maximum 
 Platform height lowered, 11" from floor 
 Platform steel plate checkered. 
 Platform length 39 or 54" 
 Platform width 26" 
 Four wheel steer controlled by horizontal lever oper 
 ating vertically. 
 Two wheel drive, Lakewood high efficiency worm 
 and gear. 
 Wheelbase 62" 
 Wheel tread, operating end 27" 
 Wheel tread, load end 1 9 l / 2 " 
 Turning radius: 
 Extreme outside corner 92" 
 Extreme inside corner 42" 
 Outer wheels 78" 
 Tires solid rubber: 
 Operating end 20" x 3^1" 
 Platform end 10" x 4" 
 Length overall: (with 54" Platform) 
 Steering handle in operating position 121 J^" 
 Step and steering handle folded 109" 
 Width overall 36" 
 Overall height, Model 703 or 703-A 42" 
 Overall height, Model 703 or 703-A 60" 
 Overall height, Model 703 or 703-A 76" 96 }4" 
 Overall height, Model 703 or 703-A 96" H6J4" 
 Clearance under truck with 4,000-lb. load 2^" 
 Motors: Main drive, 24 volt, 65 amperes, series-wound 
 high efficiency motor entirely enclosed and dust proof. 
 Tier-Lift Motor: Independent unit, 24 volt, 40 
 amperes with ample overload capacity. 
 Controller : 
 Drive Operating Controller: Steel drum type with 
 positive neutral stop, adjustable renewable con 
 tact fingers. 
 Tier-Lift Controller: Special design, renewable con 
 tact fingers. 
 Safety Switch: Part of the controller. 
 Sliding contact rotary switch which reduces arcing 
 to a minimum. 
 Brake: Contracting brake band on drive shaft. 
 Bearings: High grade Gurney ball bearings throughout. 
 Speed : Three speeds forward and three speeds reverse. 
 Without load 3 to 6 J / 2 mi. per hr. 
 With load 2 l /2 to 5 mi. per hr. 
 Weight without battery 2400-2600 Ibs. 
 Weight with batten- 2844-3290 Ibs. 
 42" Lift 
 60" Lift 
 76" Lift 
 96" Lift 
 For District Offices See Page 725. 
 Drive and 
 Steer Tractor 
 Patterned after the electric lo 
 comotive, the Lakewood tractor 
 has no front cr rear. Each end 
 has heavy bumper and coupling 
 and will pull or push in either 
 direction with equal power and 
 speed. It turns on a radius of 61 in., making possible 
 rapid operation in congested places. 
 The double end control feature eliminates turning 
 around, enabling the operator to run straight into a 
 coupling and pull out by simply reversing his driving 
 position. No backing out required. 
 The Four-Wheel Drive and Steer features of the 
 Lakewood Truck and Tractor give maximum driving 
 power for hauling heavy loads up grades or over slip- 
 pen- floors, straight ahead or on sharp turns. Operation 
 is surprisingly easy in crowded places. 
 Drive is through enclosed high efficiency worm and 
 patented bevel gear. All driving mechanism totally 
 enclosed and tunning in oil or grease. 
 Lakewood Tractors will eas- 
 1 ily handle an 8 to 10-ton trail- 
 Performance I ing load at approximately 4 
 I miles per hour. This normally 
 I requires a drawbar pull of 400 
 to 500 Ibs. when operating on 
 level runways. The tractor is capable, however, of 
 exerting a drawbar pull of five or six times this normal 
 rating, should the emergency demand. The speed of 
 the tractor without load is 7 to 8 miles p?r hour. 
 A brake and safety switch is combined in one pedal, 
 which, when pushed over in either direction releases 
 the brake and closes the electric circuit to the con 
 troller. This pedal is located on one side of the steer 
 ing column on the other side of which is a similar 
 pedal for the positive operation of a contracting band 
 brake for emergency only. 
 Frame Heavy steel channel construction, 
 riveted together, securely braced on each end. 
 Tires Solid rubber, industrial type, 20 x 
 The same size of tires is used on all wheels. 
 Steer Four-Wheel steer to permit easy turning in 
 small space. Steers by automobile type wheel, through 
 worm sectors to all four wheels. 
 Drive Four-Wheel drive to get maximum tractive 
 effect. High efficiency worm gear with vertical shaft 
 at each wheel. Differentials are made a part of the 
 worm gear. 
 Motor Vehicle type, 48 volts, 45 amperes, continu 
 ous rating and ample overload capacity. Totally 
 enclosed and protected. 
 Lift Truck 
 The Lakewood Lift-Truck is 
 of the self-loading type. The 
 load is piled on a skid or on the 
 truck platform. When skids are 
 used, the truck picks up the 
 skid, carries it to some distant 
 part of the plant and quickly returns for another load. 
 The truck with one operator easily performs the work 
 of several men. Positive worm-drive elevating mechan 
 ism, enabling operator to carry loaded platform skid 
 at any elevation from the minimum of 11 in. to the 
 maximum of 42 in. eliminates danger of skid legs drag 
 ging in passing over depressions and enables operator 
 to set skids on benches convenient to machine operators. 
 Lakewood Tractor and Trailers Increases Load 
 per Trip. 
 For District Offices See Page 725. 
 Steer Trailer 
 Model 801 
 sides and end. 
 Used where narrow aisles and 
 sharp turns make accurate trail 
 ing necessary. Couplers on 
 either end an invaluable fea 
 ture in pier, warehouse and 
 industrial work. Automobile 
 type steering gear, 
 applied on all four 
 wheels. Capacity 
 4.000 Ibs; weight 
 650 Ibs. Cage roller 
 bearings on wheels. 
 Metal stake pockets, 
 Wood end racks extra. 
 Fifth Wheel 
 Trailer V-Dump 
 Model 806 
 Designed for handling coal, 
 ashes or other loose material. 
 All steel, side dump may be 
 locked in half dumped position, 
 to reduce lift when loading. 
 Large diameter wheels reduce 
 tractive effort. Short 
 turns made possible 
 by fifth wheel. De 
 signed for hand or 
 power haulage. Ca 
 pacity 1 cu. yd., or 
 2,700 Ibs. Weight, 
 1,300 Ibs. Cage roller 
 bearings on wheels. 
 Particularly adapted to gen- 
 Balanced Type } era i f ac tory use, where both 
 Trailer { power and hand haulage is nee- 
 Model 802 1 essary. Load being balanced on 
 j two center wheels, minimum ef 
 fort is required to swing trailer 
 around. Practically 
 only type trailer 
 that may be pulled 
 or pushed by tractor. 
 Capacity 8,000 Ibs. 
 Weight 1,030 Ibs. 
 Platform 3 x 6 of 
 1/16" inch steel plate riveted to frame. Hyatt roller 
 bearings on center wheels, plain bearings on caster 
 Type Trailer 
 Model 810 
 Embodies maximum qualities 
 in a trailer truck for warehouse. 
 Power or hand haulage. Almost 
 unbreakable construction in 
 sured by use of steel and mal 
 leable iron castings, combined 
 w i t h a fabricated 
 frame of truss con 
 struction. Capacity, 
 4,000 Ibs. Weight, 
 425 Ibs. Platform 
 size 72"x36". Height 
 from floor 16^". 
 Coupler long steel 
 hook, self locking. 
 Stake pockets side and 
 ends. Hyatt Roller 
 Bearings on all wheels. New Departure ball bearings 
 and heavy dutv ball thrust bearings on casters. 
 Fifth Wheel 
 Model 805 
 I Adapted to power haulage in 
 short trains where heavy unit 
 loads are handled. Suitable for 
 operation over rough floors. 
 Large diameter wheels reduce 
 tractive effort. Capacity 10,000 
 _ __ Ibs. Weight 1,130 
 Ibs. Frame, steel 
 angle and channels 
 riveted. Platform, 
 wood; size 7 x 3 6". 
 Stake pockets end and sides. Cage roller bearings 
 Particularly efficient for han- 
 Low Platform dling heavy boxes or bulky ma- 
 Type Trailer terial, because of 9 inch loading 
 Model 804 height. Adapted for hand or 
 power haulage, over smooth 
 runways or floors. Capacity 
 5, 000 Ibs. Weight 630 
 Ibs. Platform size 
 3 x 5 2". Rugged 
 construction. Cage 
 roller bearings on all 
 wheels. Platform 
 wood. Steel deck extra. 
 For District Offices See Page 725. 
 Drive and Steer 1 
 Industrial Truck I 
 This unit of Lakewood Haul 
 age enables one man to do the 
 work of a gang of laborers. 
 It will carry its 4,000 Ib. load 
 at an approximate speed of four 
 miles per hour. It will operate 
 in warehouses, in and out of freight cars, and when 
 equipped with a dump body is particularly well adapted 
 to carrying bulk material, such as coal, ashes, fertilizer, 
 Four-Wheel drive gives maximum tractive effort 
 when handling heavy loads up grades or over slippery 
 floors the driving strain is equally distributed 
 throughout the entire machine. 
 The motor drives each axle through worm gears and 
 differentials. The horizontal driving shafts in the axles, 
 without universal joints, deliver the power to the four 
 driving wheels through beveled gears, thus effecting a 
 continuous high efficiency drive. This same high effi 
 ciency worm drive is used on the Lakewood Tier-Lift 
 Truck and Lakewood Tractor, thus permitting the 
 maintenance of Lakewood Industrial Haulage units at 
 the lowest possible cost with minimum repair part 
 The Four-Wheel steer permits turning in minimum 
 space. The driving mechanism of the wheels makes it 
 possible to turn all four wheels at an angle of 60 de 
 grees, allowing the truck to turn in a 6 ft. radius circle. 
 Lakewood standard patented drive 
 Brake Action 
 Safety Switch 
 It is practically impossible to 
 operate the truck except when 
 the operator is standing in 
 proper position on the operator s 
 platform, as the release of a foot 
 pedal sets the brakes, and cuts 
 off the electric current by means of a safety switch. 
 When the foot pedal is raised to stop the truck, it can 
 not be started again until the controller has been 
 brought back to neutral position. 
 A heavy cast bumper at the platform end of the 
 truck affords protection to the front wheels and run 
 ning gear, and provides support for a pin coupler which 
 enables the truck to pull one or more trailers in addi 
 tion to its platform load, thus increasing the flexibility 
 of its application. 
 All parts of the controller, motor and driving mech 
 anism are accessible for inspection or repairs. 
 The batteries are carried in steel compartments 
 underneath the deck, at each side of the driving motor. 
 Compartments have removable sides for withdrawing 
 the batteries. 
 Lakewood Storage Battery Trucks are equipped 
 either. with flat top deck or V-Dump body. 
 Axles: Malleable iron, en- 
 ; closing all driving parts. 
 Specifications Bearings: Ball bearings of 
 { highest quality. 
 , , , 1 Brakes: Two external con 
 tracting with non - burnable 
 band lining. 
 Control: Automatic safety switch in controller cuts 
 off current and brakes are set when operator releases 
 foot pedal. 
 Controller: Drum type with renewable fingers, three 
 speed each direction. 
 Coupler: Pin Coupler bolted to bumper. 
 Drive: Four-wheel, worm gear with vertical shaft 
 at each wheel. 
 Frame: Heavy steel channel construction, with 
 heavy cast steel bumper. 
 Gears: Bevel, high carbon, heat treated, oil tempered, 
 with machine cut teeth. Drive worms special steel 
 with teeth hardened and ground; worm wheel 
 phosphor bronze. 
 Lubrication: All driving mechanism running in 
 grease or oil. 
 Motor: G. E. 24 volt, 65 ampere with overload 
 capacity, totally enclosed. 
 Platform: 3/16" checkered steel plate in removable 
 sections, for battery inspection. 
 Speed: 4 M.P.H. loaded; 8 M.P.H. without load. 
 Springs: Four heavy double coil springs. 
 Steer: Automobile type steering wheel and worm 
 sector to all four wheels. 
 Weight: Truck without batteries 2,450 Ibs; shipping 
 weight, without batteries, 3,100 Ibs. For 1 yd. V-Dump 
 Body add 750 Ibs., and for \V 2 vd. bodv, 875 Ibs. 
 For District Offices See Page 725. 
 Scene at Engineering Test of Hyatt 
 Equipped Trailer Trucks Where Power 
 Saving of 21.8% Was Determined. 
 Modern Trucks 
 and Trailers 
 Whatever forms of trucks or 
 j trucking systems are used, it is 
 | essential for the most reliable 
 [ and economical operation to 
 I, j buy trucks that are carefully 
 designed for the work, well 
 constructed of good materials. One essential feature 
 of any modern truck is Hyatt Roller Bearings, as the 
 savings in power, lubrication and maintenance afforded 
 by these modern bearings are of real importance in the 
 reduction of trucking costs. 
 Manufacturers of trucks, realizing the advantages 
 of Hyatt equipped trucks, are prepared to furnish this 
 modern equipment for any form of truck. They can 
 also furnish Hyatt Bearing replacement wheels to be 
 applied to modernize your present plain bearing 
 These modern bearings bring 
 Advantages | to trucks of all kind? the fol . 
 of Hyatt I lowing advantages: Owing to 
 Equipped Trucks f the easy running qualities of 
 , j the bearings, less power or ef 
 fort to move the trucks is re 
 quired. One charge of grease is sufficient for three to 
 four months operation, which decreases the cost of 
 lubrication (material and labor). Because of their 
 sturdy construction, Hyatt equipped wheels are capa 
 ble of giving years of satisfactory service without re 
 quiring replacement, and in this way eliminate 
 maintenance costs. 
 The importance of the power 
 1 saving qualities of Hyatt 
 Power Saving I equipped trucks is apparent 
 ] when interpreted in terms of 
 , , _ more trucks per train or quick 
 er operation of truck trains, 
 decreased strains on storage batteries and elimination 
 of noon-day boosting of batteries. One man with a 
 Hyatt equipped hand truck can quickly handle the 
 heaviest load without fatigue and the easy running 
 trucks put a snap in the work. 
 A test witnessed by a representative of the American 
 Society of Mechanical Engineers showed a power sav 
 ing of 21.8% in favor of Hyatt equipped trucks when 
 compared with pin roller bearing trucks. If a com 
 parison had been made between Hyatt equipped trucks 
 and the plain bearing trucks the saving would have 
 been even greater. And there are still thousands of 
 ordinary plain bearing trucks in use, wasting power 
 and lubricant and running up heavy maintenance 
 Any grease applied to Hyatt 
 Lubricant Roller Bearing trucks stays in 
 Q the bearings for months, so that 
 lubrication is required only at 
 lumnl intervals of three months, or 
 four times a year. This also 
 liminates the time lost by truckers and the labor of 
 ipplying the lubricant. On a large pier operating 
 over a thousand Hyatt equipped hand trucks, carefully 
 kept records show a saving of 90% in the cost of 
 grease and 98% in the cost of labor to apply it as com 
 pared with their former plain bearing trucks. 
 The sturdy chrome - vana 
 dium steel rollers of Hyatt 
 Bearings are capable of giving 
 years of service under the most 
 severe conditions without ap 
 preciable wear. This eliminates 
 worn-out hubs and wobbly wheels; the bearings stay 
 in good operating condition throughout the life of the 
 truck. An eastern railroad operating 200 Hyatt 
 equipped trucks, carrying heavy loads at top speed, 
 only replaced one caster in 18 months of war time 
 service. The bearings examined at the end of the 18 
 months showed absolutely no signs of wear. 
 New Wheels 
 for Old Trucks 
 One of the quickest, most 
 economical methods of getting 
 Hyatt Roller Bearing equip 
 ment is to buy Hyatt Bearing 
 replacement wheels for trucks 
 now in service. 
 Often there is no good reason why present plain 
 bearing trucks should be thrown out and new equip 
 ment purchased, nor is it good policy to postpone se 
 curing the advantages of Hyatt equipped trucks until 
 such time as the present trucks wear out. Therefore, 
 the proposition of buying new wheels with Hyatt 
 Bearings mounted in them is worth the careful con 
 sideration of every truck user. 
 The application of new Hyatt equipped wheels to 
 old trucks is a simple proposition involving very little 
 work, and when the change is once made the new 
 wheels are capable of giving years of hardest service 
 without the need of replacement. 
 1 I Our engineers are bearing 
 specialists and are often able 
 to present designs and plans 
 for the use of Hvatt Roller 
 Bearings that are of real value 
 to truck manufacturers and 
 truck users. Get in touch with us regarding any 
 bearing problem without obligation. 
 Express Companies, Railroads 
 "Through Ticket" j an d Ocean Forwarders, as well 
 System i as Manufacturers, are waking 
 in Industry \ U P to the great economies of the 
 I , I "through ticket" system of mov 
 ing loads. 
 Ocean Forwarders will pack a van at a customer s 
 door and deliver it to the consignee in London or 
 Calcutta without a single rehandling or repacking in 
 Manufacturers in many lines are doing away with 
 costly rehandling through the use of the Cowan Self- 
 Loading Truck and skid system. In every factory 
 where loads must be moved from machine to machine, 
 department to department, or building to building, any 
 rehandling between starting point and destination is 
 waste of labor and loss of profit. An equipment of 
 Cowan Electric Self-Loading Trucks to handle skids 
 provides the "through ticket" system for thousands of 
 manufacturers, wholesalers and warehousemen. 
 Electric Truck. 
 Cowan Features 
 The electrically operated Self- 
 Loading truck which has been 
 developed by the Cowan Truck 
 Company combines the long ex 
 perience in lift truck manufac 
 ture of this company with the 
 latest developments in industrial truck design. One of 
 the outstanding features of this truck is its simplicity. 
 The number of parts has been reduced to a minimum 
 and all are interchangeable. It is sturdily constructed 
 throughout with a guaranteed capacity up to 5,000 
 Lifts in 
 Five Seconds 
 The lifting mechanism is of 
 the heavy bell crank type. This 
 is an absolutely new application 
 in the construction of electric 
 truck lifting mechanisms. It is 
 actuated by an independent, 
 heavy duty, series wound motor with worm gear reduc 
 tion. The platform elevates vertically with a maximum 
 rise of 4^ inches. 
 The truck, equipped with full capacity battery, ele- 
 ,000-pound load in five seconds and without 
 load in three seconds. The full lowering time is three 
 seconds. This speed in loading and unloading is an 
 important feature of Cowan Trucks, for time saved in 
 this way makes a large total at the end of a day 
 i Shocks and Jars 
 An "Anti-kick" device takes 
 all jar off the steering handle 
 when the truck travels over 
 rough spots. The rear end of 
 the truck is equipped with a 
 heavy bumper which effectually 
 takes all shocks and protects the rear end of the lift 
 platform. The tray in which the battery rests is sup 
 ported on springs which relieve the cells from,-vibra- 
 tions and shocks under all conditions of op&ation. 
 Over-all Turn 
 The turning radius of the 
 Cowan Electric Self-Loading 
 Truck, measured to the extreme 
 outside point, is seven feet five 
 and a half inches, a distinctive 
 Cowan accomplishment. This 
 short radius permits the truck to operate in intersecting 
 aisles fifty-seven inches wide. By folding the foot pedal 
 and steering handle into a vertical position the over-all 
 length is shortened for use on elevators. 
 Safety Devices 
 In order to operate, the foot 
 pedal must be depressed, releas 
 ing the brakes and closing the 
 circuit. The brakes are always 
 i, , p applied when the truck is not 
 running. To apply power, the 
 controller handle must be in neutral, requiring the 
 operator to start in first speed, and thus preventing 
 "snubbing" of the motor, sparking under the brushes, 
 and draining the battery. Should the operator step or 
 fall from his platform, releasing pressure on the foot 
 pedal, the circuit is broken, cutting off the power, and 
 the brakes are at once automatically applied, bringing 
 the truck to a standstill. These features render the 
 truck "fool-proof" against careless or inexperienced 
 operators and meddlers. 
 Use as a 
 The rear end of the truck is 
 1 equipped with a draw-bar at- 
 | tachment which permits the 
 | truck to be used as a light duty 
 J tractor. This draw-bar attach 
 ment is integral with the frame 
 so that the pull is against the frame and not against 
 the lift platform. In trailing with a load on the plat 
 form there is no strain on the elevating mechanism. 
 Cowan Electric 
 In hauling large loads, where 
 an extra platform area is re 
 quired, the Cowan Electric 
 Load-Carrying Truck will be 
 most effective, in factories, 
 warehouses, terminals, etc. The 
 extra platform area is obtained by the location of the 
 battery, which is underslung between the front and 
 rear wheels. 
 The Cowan Electric Load-Carrying Truck is dis 
 tinctly a Cowan product, with those outstanding fea 
 tures of simplicity, safety, capacity, stability, flexibility 
 in operation and accessibility of all parts which are 
 responsible for the proven performance of all Cowan 
 Cowan Electric 
 I lu few requisite control 
 levers are so conveniently ar 
 ranged that the operator stands 
 in a natural and easy posture. 
 As in the Cowan Electric Self- 
 Loading Truck, the foot pedal 
 must be depressed before the truck can be operated. 
 The brake is always applied when the truck is not 
 running. To apply power, the controller handle must 
 be in neutral, requiring the operator to start in first 
 speed. The heavy duty, drum type controller with 
 integral circuit-breaker provides 3 speeds forward and 
 3 reverse, three to five miles per hour loaded, with a 
 maximum speed, empty, of 8 miles per hour. 
 Horizontal steering lever operates the four-wheel 
 steer; this steer makes possible unusually sharp turns. 
 Intersecting aisles 72 inches wide are readily negotiated. 
 The driving mechanism of all 
 Cowan Electric Trucks is inter 
 changeable a feature of great 
 practical value. All working 
 parts of the Cowan Electric 
 Load-Carrying Truck are en 
 closed by a patented, dust-proof and grease-tight cover 
 ing. The universal joint, through which power is trans 
 mitted to the wheels, is entirely enclosed and operates 
 in grease. The driving motor is a General Electric Com 
 pany, heavy duty, series wound type, protected by a 
 metal housing. Access, for inspection and oiling, is 
 through a dust-proof slide. The truck body may be 
 detached from the chassis by loosening four bolts. 
 Simple, Durable 
 Working Parts 
 Safety Devices 
 Duplicates of those in the 
 Cowan Electric Self-Loading 
 Truck, described on opposite 
 Extra Capacity 
 and Sturdy 
 The Cowan Electric Indus 
 trial Tractor is designed solely 
 as a tractor, and is not in any 
 | sense an adaptation of a load- 
 J carrying machine. However, the 
 same perfection of design, sturdy 
 construction and skilled workmanship are put into this 
 tractor as into all other Cowan Products. It has a guar 
 anteed tractor load capacity of 20,000 Ibs. Four-spring 
 suspension, with extra heavy helical springs. Machine 
 guides, for the body to work on, transmit the draw-bar 
 pull of trailers directly through power unit to body. 
 Substantial front and rear bumpers; heavy, vari-height 
 coupling heads. An extra heavy motor will stand fre 
 quent overloading. The universal joint is enclosed by 
 a patented, dust-proof, grease-tight cover. 
 Cowan Electric Industrial Tractor. 
 " f , From a comfortable operating 
 Simple, Safe position the tractor may be 
 and Flexible operated over any surface, for it 
 Operation has a ground clearance of 4*4 
 inches. Four speeds forward 
 and four reverse, up to 7 miles 
 per hour. End-control, four-wheel drive (2-wheel 
 drive optional construction), four-wheel steer. Turn 
 ing radius to extreme outside point of 68 inches. The 
 tractor will operate in intersecting aisles 66 inches wide. 
 Danger-, fool- and meddler-proof, for the controller has 
 an interlocking safety device, and extra large braking 
 surfaces are provided to stop tractor immediately. A 
 train of Cowan Self-Loading Hand Trucks will give 
 the greatest satisfaction as trailers. 
 Accessible and 
 I As in all Cowan pioducts, all 
 1 working parts are readily acces- 
 1 sible. The entire frame can be 
 I lifted upon the removal of 4 
 J nuts, disclosing the driving 
 mechanism for inspection or 
 oiling. The hinged cover of the battery compartment 
 gives access for flushing, while the side plates of the 
 compartment my be withdrawn for removal and re 
 placement of batteries. 
 A very practical advantage of this tractor is the inter- 
 changeability of all wheels, with their bearings, 
 knuckles and yokes. 
 "Trackless Train on outdoor inter-deparlmeiital run 
 The Mercury Tractor, motive 
 unit for "The Trackless Train," 
 is offered in three distinct 
 types; a light duty (Type K), 
 a medium duty (Type L), and 
 a heavy duty (Type M). Each 
 well the material handling system advocated by the type is built in a "three-wheel model" and in a "four- 
 Mercury Company. wheel model." All types follow the same uniform de- 
 The function of the "Trackless Train" is to bring sign and standardization of parts and assemblies is 
 The "Trackless Train" is the 
 trade name applied to the in 
 dustrial electric tractors and 
 trailers manufactured by the 
 I Mercury Manufacturing Com 
 pany. The name embraces as 
 about efficiency and 
 economy in the handling 
 of materials by replacing 
 hand truckers or less 
 suitable mechanical 
 The "Trackless 
 Train" makes use of a 
 powerful and compact 
 motive unit (The Mer 
 cury Electric Tractor) to 
 push or pull the ma 
 terials to be moved on 
 trains of trailers. The 
 power unit being sepa 
 rate from the train is 
 able to work continu 
 ously and wastes no time 
 in loading and unload 
 ing at terminal points. 
 At the same time the 
 unit utilizes to the full- 
 Mercury Tractor Type L -l-wheel Model 
 maintained throughout 
 the entire line. Essen 
 tial specifications and 
 dimensions follow: 
 Over-all Length, 68 ins. 
 Over-all Width, 39 ins. 
 Wheel Base, 39 ins. 
 Tread, Rear, 29 ins. 
 Tread, Front (four 
 wheel model, 23 ins. 
 Size of Wheels (front), 
 15 ins. 
 Size of Wheels (rear), 
 20 ins. 
 Turning Radius, Out 
 side Frame (three- wheel 
 model), 57 ins.; four- 
 wheel model), 71 ins. 
 Speed, Maximum with 
 no Load, miles per hr., 
 7/ 2 - 
 Drawbar pull : Type 
 est extent its ability to perform work by pulling its pay K, 500 Ib. Type L, 800 Ib. Type M, 1,600 Ib. 
 load rather than carrying it. These transportation Specifications in brief: 
 principles as exemplified in the steam railroad have 
 withstood the test of time for over an hundred years. 
 The field of the Trackless Train is unlimited. In 
 stallations have been made in practically every classi 
 fication of industry. Numbered among the users are: 
 FRAME is of heavy channels bent to shape and 
 riveted or in the case of the Type M, a single heavy 
 semi-steel casting. 
 Packing Houses 
 Steel Mills 
 Steamship Docks 
 Railway Freight Houses 
 Automobile Manufacturers 
 Rubber Goods 
 Textile Mills 
 Cotton Compres.M-s 
 General Warehouses 
 Express Companies 
 Machinery Manufacturers 
 Lumber Mills 
 Boots and Shoes 
 Fertilizer Plants 
 Chemical Plants 
 Paper Mills 
 Tobacco Warehouses 
 Car Shops 
 MOTOR used in all types is a General Electric auto 
 motive, series wound especially designed for tractor 
 CONTROLLER is of the drum type designed by the 
 Mercury Company. Gives three speeds in either 
 DRIVE is direct from the motor through a high effi 
 ciency worm gear to the rear axle. 
 "Trackless Train" moving bagged 
 POWER PLANT is a unit assembly that can be easily 
 and quickly detached from the framework without de 
 stroying alignments. 
 BRAKE is of the contracting drum type mounted on the 
 motor shaft and operated by a foot pedal. 
 BATTERY CAPACITY for the Type K 12 cells of 
 lead or 21 cells of Edison; for the Type L, 18 cells of 
 lead or 30 cells of Edison; for the Type M, 24 cells of 
 lead or 42 cells of Edison. 
 SPRINGS all types and models are full spring sus 
 pended front and rear on semi-elliptic steel springs. 
 STEERING is accomplished by a lever. 
 Mercury Freight Hou^e Trailer Type A-132 
 Mercury trailers are designed 
 and built expressly for service 
 with the Mercury tractor in the 
 "Trackless Train" system. The 
 standard line embraces twenty- 
 five distinct vehicles, each of 
 which has its own particular advantages in meeting the 
 more common material handling problems. Two of the 
 standard types are illustrated above. In addition to 
 standard trailers the Mercury Company is also pre 
 from ship s side to storage 
 pared to design and build special trailers to meet the 
 unusual problem. The provision of trailer equipment 
 exactly suited to the material to be moved is a distinct 
 and important advantage of the tractor-trailer system. 
 Mercury Side Dump Trailer Type A-206 
 The Mercury Company is the 
 pioneer and only exclusive man 
 ufacturer of industrial tractors 
 and trailers. \Ve have accumu 
 lated a fund of valuable infor 
 mation relative to handling all 
 kinds of material by means of tractors and trailers. 
 Every Trackless Train" representative is a tractor- 
 trailer specialist. \Ve will gladly confer with you and 
 work with you to analyze your material movements. It 
 is probable that the "Trackless Train" is the solution 
 but at any rate an unbiased recommendation will be 
 made. Offices are maintained in the following cities: 
 Baltimore, Md. 
 Boston, Mass. 
 Buffalo, N. Y. 
 Cleveland, Ohio 
 Denver, Colo. 
 Detroit, Mich. 
 Greenville, S. C. 
 Jacksonville, Fla. 
 Milwaukee, Wis. 
 Minneapolis, Minn. 
 New York, N. Y. 
 Philadelphia, Pa. 
 Pittsburgh, Pa. 
 St. Louis, Mo. 
 San Francisco, Cal. 
 Toronto, Canada 
 The Require 
 ments of a Heavy 1 
 Duty Battery 
 The Exide-Ironclad Battery 
 is one of many types produced 
 by The Electric Storage Battery 
 Company the oldest and larg 
 est manufacturers in the world 
 of storage batteries for every 
 purpose and is especially built to meet the particular 
 requirements of electric industrial trucks, tractors and 
 It is made with a full realization that no indus 
 trial vehicle can deliver the service of which it is capa 
 ble, unless the battery can furnish the necessary power 
 as needed. This means (a) that the storage battery 
 must be able to deliver power at high rates of discharge ; 
 (b) must permit of a good vehicle speed being main- 
 taine.d right through the day; (c) must have a high 
 final voltage so that the speed and power of the vehicle 
 may be maintained toward the latter part of the day s 
 work. In addition, the battery must be sufficiently 
 rugged to withstand the jolts and jars it is constantly 
 subjected to, and it should require a minimum of care 
 and attention. 
 It is sometimes possible to 
 obtain two or three of these 
 characteristics, but the only bat 
 tery to contain the combination 
 of all four of the essential char 
 acteristics is the Exide-Ironclad 
 Battery. By this we mean that it is the only battery 
 12 Cell Exide-Ironclad Battery for an Industrial Truck. 
 having the rare combination of high power-ability and 
 madness, with high efficiency and long life. 
 Yet, its first cost is reasonable; requires little care 
 and attention; assembled in guaranteed Giant Jars and 
 covers; rugged in every detail and the finished product 
 of 33 years of battery building experience. 
 Where Exide- 
 Ironclad Batteries 
 Are Used 
 On a great majority of the 
 United States Government s 
 submarine boats, Exide-Iron 
 clad Batteries are used for pro 
 pulsion when submerged. In 
 the submarines of seven foreign 
 navies, Exide-Ironclad Batteries are also used. 
 In every make and type of electric industrial truck 
 operating in plants of every description, these batteries 
 48 Cell Exide-Ironclad Battery for a Locomotive. 
 are making good. On industrial locomotives, on mine 
 locomotives, and on thousands of electric street vehicles, 
 Exide-Ironclad Batteries are furnishing power eco 
 nomically, satisfactorily, and with the minimum of care 
 and attention. 
 Attention has already been 
 called to the fact that the 
 Exide-Ironclad Battery is 
 rugged in every detail of its con 
 struction. But elaboration of 
 one or two details of this con- 
 Two "Giant" Jars, in Which Exide-Ironclad Batteries 
 Are Assembled, Supporting at Their Weakest Points. 
 the Weight of 8 Men. 
 NEW YORK 23-31 West rd St. 
 W< i Knd Ave. and 64th St. 
 PHILADELPHIA.. Allegheny Ave and 
 19th St.; m-m N. Broad St 
 WASHINGTON.. 1823 .13 I. St N.W 
 PITTSIH-KGH Keystone Bl dg . 
 cachtree * Bakcr sts - 
 SAN FRANCISCO 1536-56 Bush St. 
 CINCINNATI. 600 Provident. Bank Bldg. 
 DETROIT 5740 Cass Ave. 
 ST. LOUIS. Federal Reserve Bank Bldff. 
 KANSAS CITY.. 17th and Walnut Sts. 
 DENVER 1420-24 Wazee St. 
 _ . . - SEATTLE 811 White Bldg. 
 tteries of Canada. Limited, 133-157 Dufferin St., Toronto. 
 estcr Ave & E Mh St - 
 Marquette Bldg. 
 718.20 Beacon St. 
 ROCHESTER 184 Clinton Ave. si 
 struction will serve to show how well built is the whole. 
 In the construction of its positive plate, the K\ide- 
 Ironclad is different from all others another rea>on 
 for this battery s long life. The active material, con 
 tained in numerous 
 vertical lubes of 
 finely slotted hard 
 rubber, is in con 
 stant contact with 
 the electrolyte, yet 
 because of these 
 fine rubber slits, 
 cannot readily 
 wash a w a y and 
 deposit in the bot 
 tom of the jars. 
 T h e negative 
 plate, of the same 
 general type that 
 has made the regu 
 lar Exide negative 
 plate so successful, 
 is i n c r e a s e d in 
 thickness to meet 
 the longer life and 
 increased capacity 
 of the Exide-Iron- 
 clad s positive plate. 
 The negative 
 plates are sheathed 
 at top with rubber; 
 \v h i c h with the 
 rubber tubes of the 
 positive, gives, at 
 the top, a rubber to 
 rubber assembly. 
 This reduces the 
 liability of short 
 Cut-a-way Cell Showing New Con 
 struction Positive Plates and 
 Their Supporting Ribs; Negative 
 Plates and Their Supporting Rids; 
 With Separators Extending Below 
 All Plates. 
 circuit? within the 
 Until recently, the Giant 
 Compound jars, in which the 
 Exide-Ironclad is assembled, 
 were made with two supporting 
 ribs, \y\ inches high. Both 
 positive and negative plates, as 
 well as the separators between, rested on these two ribs. 
 A New 
 of Assembly 
 New Exide-Ironclail 
 Positive Plate With 
 Feet Which Raise It 
 Above Its Supporting 
 Ribs and Which Per 
 mit Separators to Ex 
 tend Below It. Note 
 Also the Slotted Rub 
 ber Tubes Which 
 Contain the Active 
 Negative Plate of 
 New Exide-Ironclad 
 Battery. Note position 
 of Feet on This Plate 
 With Relation to Feet 
 on Positive Plate. 
 Now, as a glance at the 
 accompanying illustration will 
 show, these jars are equipped 
 with four ribs (2^4 inches in 
 height). At the bottom of 
 each positive and negative 
 plate are two feet. 
 In assembling the cell, the 
 positive plates rest on one set 
 of ribs, while the negative 
 plates rest on a different set. 
 Better insulation of the plates 
 is secured because the small 
 feet raise them above the ribs 
 and permit the separators to 
 extend l>elow them. 
 This construction reduces 
 to the very minimum the lia 
 bility of internal short circuits 
 and insures longer life a de 
 velopment of marked im 
 provement in the construction 
 of storage batteries. 
 It is this constant striving 
 for something better, carried 
 on through the 33 years that 
 Exide Batteries have been 
 manufactured, which makes 
 the Exide-Ironclad such a 
 superior battery today. To 
 the plant executive, who has 
 decided upon storage battery 
 trucks, tractors, locomotives or 
 commercial vehicles, Exide- 
 Ironclads should be his bat- 
 tery choice, for they have been 
 developed and perfected in the 
 exacting school of experience. 
 Data is available of storage 
 battery trucks running four 
 years with no repairs to their 
 Ironclad Exide batteries. 
 They have long life: give 
 dependable day in and day 
 out service; are economical 
 and require but minimum care 
 and attention. 
 NnmtxT of phit s 
 7 9 11 13 
 !."> 17 19 1 21 
 27 29 31 
 Ampere hours service capacity (over 6 hoirs) . . . 
 306 340 
 442 476 510 
 K. \V. hrs. service capacity (over G hrs. ) at 
 .670 .737 
 .871 .938 1.C06 
 K. W. hrs. service capacity (over 6 hrs.) for 
 48 cells at 1 97 volts per cell 
 2 2.51 
 *J.l.-> 35.37 
 41.80 45.01 48.23 
 Discharge in amp;res for 4% hrs. (average volt 
 age 1.97 per cell) 
 55 63 
 98 1C5 
 Outside dimen- ("Length 
 * A 
 6% 7% 
 11% 11% 
 sions ot cells, j 
 6% <H4 6% 
 6% 6% 
 trays, in inches l^ Height ->a 4 jn ribs 
 9% 10% 
 UV t 
 18 19% 
 23% 30 
 49% 57% 1 63% TO 7sy 
 82% , 89 
 95% 101% 
 Height given is from bottom of jar to top of 
 ntercell connector, except when? vertical diagonal connector is used when 
 Seight should be increased % inch. 
 Distilled Water 
 for Storage 
 It is absolutely essential to 
 use distilled water in storage 
 batteries to assure maximum 
 efficiency and long life of the 
 I batteries. 
 The natural supply of water, 
 as it issues from the earth, no matter how clear to the 
 eye, is charged with iron, chlorine or nitrates. Iron 
 causes self-discharge of the batteries, and chlorine and 
 nitrates induce disintegration of the positive plates. 
 Filtered water is not pure water, as it contains the 
 soluble impurities even though the insoluble impurities 
 have been removed. 
 Water of condensation is highly undesirable, as the 
 impurities are vaporized and carried over, due to the 
 high temperature of high-pressure steam. 
 Distilled water is chemically pure because the tem 
 perature of the water is carried barely beyond 212 de 
 grees, so that only the water vapor is carried over, and 
 the impurities which require higher temperature to 
 vaporize are retained in the undistilled water. 
 Distilled water, by eliminating the failures due to 
 impurities, will prolong the life of the storage battery 
 and assure maximum efficiency. 
 The Improved 
 \ "Rochlitz" Auto- 
 = matic Water Still 
 The Improved "Rochlitz" 
 Automatic Water Still will fur 
 nish a steady stream of pure 
 distilled water free from car 
 bonic acid and volatile impuri 
 ties without any attention as 
 long as the electricity, gas or steam and the water supply 
 holds out. 
 It can be fur 
 nished in capaci 
 ties ranging from 
 l / 2 to 20 gallons 
 per hour. 
 It can be oper 
 ated by gas, gas- 
 o 1 i n e, kerosene, 
 steam or elec 
 There are no 
 parts to corrode, 
 as it is con 
 structed entirely 
 of copper and 
 brass, and lined 
 Gasoline or Kerosene Operated. throughout with 
 purest block tin. 
 The cost of producing one gallon of distilled water 
 varies from l / 2 cent to 2 cents, according to the kind 
 of fuel used. 
 The Improved "Rochlitz" Automatic Water Still has 
 the unqualified approval of all the leading manufac 
 turers of storage batteries, and has been installed in 
 over three thousand service stations. 
 The equipment furnished with 
 the gasoline or kerosene oper 
 ated type includes Pressure 
 Tank, Pump, Gauge, Valves, 
 Hollow Copper Tubing, Special 
 Kerosene or Gasoline Burner, 
 etc. The Kerosene and Gasoline Burners are powerful, 
 wickless and odorless. 
 Trasoliiie or 
 Operated Type 
 Gas Operated 
 The gas operated "Roch 
 litz" Automatic Water Still 
 operates equally well with 
 artificial or natural gas. It 
 delivers absolutely pure, cold, 
 aerated distilled water at a 
 cost of less than 2 cents per 
 gallon on a basis of $1.00 
 per M for gas. 
 Gas Operated Type. 
 Operated Type 
 The electrically operated stills 
 are equipped with Bayonet 
 Type Immersion Heaters. This 
 makes a very efficient heater as 
 all the heat must go into the 
 The Heater is removable and consequently can be 
 cleaned readily. It is of strong and rugged construction 
 and is designed to 
 withstand abuse and 
 A Control Switch 
 with 6 feet of cord is 
 supplied with this 
 The Heating Units 
 are furnished for all 
 standard voltages up to 
 250 volts; alternating 
 or direct current. 
 A saving in trans 
 portation charges for 
 carboys and water is 
 made possible by pur- 
 Electrically Operated. chasing C. P. Acid and 
 reducing it to the prop 
 er battery strength with distilled water which can be 
 obtained so economically by means of the Improved 
 "Rochlitz" Automatic Still." 
 Steam Operated 
 The steam operated still can 
 be attached to any boiler. It is 
 simple and effective in operation 
 and can be installed at a very 
 small expense. It produces dis 
 tilled water at average cost of 
 Y-Z of a cent per gallon. 
 All impurities thrown down 
 in the boiling process are 
 flushed out at the apex of the 
 conical bottom of the boiling 
 Approximately one thousand "Rochlitz" Water Stills 
 have been purchased by the United States Government. 
 Crescent Truck Taking Load Up 
 Grade Into a Freight Car. 
 Crescent Crane Truck Breaking Out 
 Crescent Dump Body Truck 
 Dumping Position. 
 The Crescent electric indus- 
 I trial truck is especially designed 
 j for severe working conditions. 
 i It will run without recharging 
 ......... ......................... ................. l with a full working load for ten 
 hours. Four-wheel steer assures 
 flexibility in operation. Outside turning radius, 8 ft. 
 2 in. Carrying capacity 4,000 pounds; Weight 
 about 2,300 pounds (depending on Exide or Edison 
 battery equipment) ; Speed per hour light, 7 to 8 
 miles; loaded, 5 to 6 miles; Loading platform 7 ft. 6 
 in. long, 44 in. wide; Height 23 in. Overall length 
 9 ft. 3 in. Tread 36 in. Wheel-base 4 ft. 10 in. 
 Crane Trucks 
 The Crescent electric crane 
 truck will carry a pay load of 
 4,000 Ibs., and has a lifting 
 capacity of 1,500 Ibs. The 
 speed of hoist is 12 ft. per min. 
 It will tow a trailer or serve in 
 handling cargo to trucks or trailers. Platform 
 length 5 ft. 6 in., length 9 ft. 3 in. Turning radius 
 8 ft. 2 in. to outside corner of truck, 3 ft. 6 in. to inner 
 edge. Wheel Base 4 ft. 10 in. Tread 36 in. 
 Crescent Tractors are of two 
 types. The Three-Wheel Trac 
 tor has draw bar pull, normal 
 400 pounds, ultimate 1,500 
 pounds. Speed per hour, 
 loaded, five miles, without load, 
 seven miles. The outside corner swings on a radius of 
 five feet two inches. 
 The Four-Wheel Tractor has a draw-bar pull nor 
 mal, 600 pounds; ultimate, 2,400 pounds. Speed per 
 hour, loaded 4 miles, without load, 6 miles. The out 
 side corner swings on a radius of nine feet. 
 Both types have three forward and three reverse 
 speeds. Positive stop at neutral. 
 Dump Body 
 The Crescent dump body 
 truck has a carrying capacity of 
 4,000 Ibs., or 27 to 40 cubic 
 {Trucks f eet - Its four-wheel steer en- 
 , ables a turning radius of 8 ft. 
 to outside edge of truck. Its 
 traveling speed is 6 to 7 miles per hour light, or 5 to 6 
 miles load. Chassis dimensions are the same as for 
 the crane truck. The dump body apparatus can be 
 readily demounted and truck used for general utility. 
 The Crescent standard trailer 
 is designed for rugged work. 
 Unusual flexibility is afforded 
 by the fifth wheel wagon type 
 construction and the use of large 
 wheels and roller bearings. 
 Capacity 4,000 Ibs. Platform 7 ft. long, 3 ft. wide, 
 20 in. from floor. Steering fifth wheel, assuring per 
 fect tracking and eliminating unnecessary wearing 
 parts. Dump bodies or other devices can be installed. 
 Crescent engineers have made 
 a special study of handling and 
 haulage problems. They are 
 continually in contact with ways 
 and means of getting results. 
 Their services are available, 
 without obligation, for the development of the proper 
 methods and systems of handling material. 
 Industrial Haul 
 age Engineering 
 Crescent Four-Wheel Tractor. 
 Crescent Wagon-Type Trailer. 
 Crescent Three-Wheel Tractor. 
 Strom Ball 
 The U. S. Ball Bearing 
 c n_n Manufacturing Company makes 
 ball bearings of all types and 
 sizes to operate under any con 
 ditions of load and speed. The 
 highest grade of ball bearing 
 steel is used in both raceways 
 and balls. A rigid inspection 
 of the work from raw material 
 to finished product is in force 
 and every possible care is taken to make Strom bear 
 ings as nearly perfect as possible. 
 Radial Bearing 
 Angular Contact 
 Strom radial bearings are 
 Strom Radial ! de in any size for light, me- 
 . I chum or heavy duty. They have 
 [ deep grooved ball races in 
 I which large sized balls, sepa 
 rated by a light and sturdy re 
 tainer, roll with the least friction. They are especially 
 adapted to sustain heavy radial loads under severe 
 operating conditions. They are capable of resisting end 
 thrust loads up to 25% of their available radial ca 
 pacity in either direction. 
 Strom Angular 
 Contact Bearings 
 Strom angular contact bear 
 ings are made in the same sizes 
 and interchangeable with the 
 ladial bearings. They are of 
 , | similar construction to the ra 
 dial bearings, except that they 
 are designed to support combinations of radial and 
 heavy end thrust loads acting in one direction. They 
 have an end thrust capacity equal to 150% of their 
 available radial capacity. 
 Single-acting Thrust 
 Bearing with Flat 
 Seats (Grooved Races). 
 HOOF Series 
 Single-acting Self - aligning 
 Thrust Bearing, 1100 Series. 
 Strom Thrust 
 Strom thrust bearings are 
 i made in all types and sizes with 
 I flat and grooved races to meet 
 j all conditions of speed and 
 J thrust load, acting in one or 
 two directions, and compensat- 
 Double - acting Self- 
 aligning Thrust Bear 
 ing, 2100 Series 
 Double acting Thrust 
 Bearing, Flat Seats. 
 2100F Series 
 ing for misalignment. They are of the sturdy con 
 struction for which Strom bearings are noted and are 
 adapted to sustain exceptionally large thrust loads. 
 The engineering department 
 of the U. S. Ball Bearing Mfg. 
 Co. is composed of a staff of 
 ball bearing experts, who will 
 be glad to consult with and ad 
 vise manufacturers of industrial 
 trucks, tractors, conveying machinery, etc., in the se 
 lection of bearings. It is the company s desire that this 
 service be utilized by those who have bearing problems 
 to solve. 
 There are four conditions 
 which must be met if ball 
 bearings of the proper load 
 carrying capacity are to give 
 entire satisfaction in operation. 
 First : The race rings 
 mounted on rotating machine members and in housings 
 must have the correct fit. 
 Second : The method of mounting must be suited to 
 the type of bearing used. 
 Third: The bearings must be correctly lubricated. 
 Fourth : Dust, dirt, grit and water must be kept out 
 of the bearings. 
 The U. S. Ball Bearing Mfg. Co. guarantees its 
 bearings to be free from all defect of workmanship and 
 materials. If any bearing proves defective within one 
 year from the date of its purchase from the company, 
 they agree to replace it free of cost, providing always 
 that the bearing was properly mounted, housed and 
 lubricated. Any bearings to be replaced must be de 
 livered to the company at Chicago with the transporta 
 tion charges prepaid. 
 S.A.E. data sheet size. 
 "I To those interested in further 
 information regarding bearings 
 any of the following publica 
 tions will be furnished on 
 Strom Bearings Catalog 
 S. A. E. Data 
 Sheet Size 
 Lubrication of Ball Bearings. 
 Limits and Allowances on 
 Shafts and Housings. 
 Calculating Bearings Loads. 
 Interchangeable Sizes of 
 Strom Bearings. 
 (Conrad Patent Licensee) 
 Complete Power Unit Removed from Tractor. 
 Models of 
 IDEAL Trucks 
 and Tractors 
 There is a type of Ideal 
 Truck and Tractor for ever) 
 purpose of Industrial Hauling; 
 Heavy and Light Duty Four 
 Wheel Tractors; Three Wheel 
 Tractors; High Load-Carrying 
 Trucks; Low Load-Carrying Trucks; Elevating Plat 
 form Trucks; Tier Lift Trucks; Trucks equipped with 
 Crane; Side Dump Body or End Dump Body and 
 Industrial Locomotives. 
 Complete Power Plant Being Installed in a High 
 Load-Carrying Truck. 
 grades or pull excessive loads over bad ground with 
 only a normal ampere consumption, t.ie clutch is 
 thrown out and the gears meshed, changing the over all 
 reduction of the drive from \l l / 2 to 1, to 35 to 1. 
 Welded Frame 
 Power Unit 
 On all of these types except 
 the Locomotives the complete 
 Power Unit is interchangeable 
 and a change can be made by 
 two men in 30 minutes. The 
 following parts comprise the 
 Power Unit: Motor; Hill Climbing Device; Brake; 
 Rear Axle Housing with Worm, \Vorm-Gear and 
 Differential; Rear Axle; Universal Joint; Drive 
 Wheels; Motor-Frame and Motor Trunnion Saddle. 
 The complete power unit is hung on two trunnions 
 permitting it to swivel on a horizontal axis and by 
 virtue of properly proportioned coil springs between 
 the rear axle housing and the frame, thus relieve the 
 frame of strain and stresses resulting from wheels 
 passing over obstruction or depressions. 
 A new feature in Industrial 
 Truck design invented, patented 
 and manufactured by the Bing- 
 hamton Electric Truck Com 
 pany; a simple arrangement of 
 three gears and a positive 3- 
 jawed horn clutch. Ordinarily the motor drives di 
 rectly through the clutch, but in order to ascend steep 
 The entire frame is electri- 
 | cally welded, doing away with 
 [ riveting and bolting. The bat- 
 | tery-cradle on the load carrier 
 i , , , .1 trucks and the battery-box on 
 the tractors, form a part of the 
 frame, reinforcing it at the center. Full advantage 
 lias Ijeen taken of the heavy section of the bumper 
 plates to strengthen the entire construction. 
 The standard over all width 
 | of all Ideal Trucks and Trac- 
 I tors is 34", enabling them to 
 { pass through a 36" door-way 
 \ I and thus eliminating the neces 
 sity for remodeling doors and 
 runwavs in older factories. 
 Over All 
 Hill Climbing 
 We maintain a staff of ex 
 pert Industrial Transportation 
 Engineers whose services are at 
 your disposal in selecting the 
 proper type of Ideal Trucks 
 and Tractors. 
 All types of Ideal Trucks 
 and Tractors are classified ac 
 cording to batten- capacity as 
 indicated in the table of classes 
 of type MM Tractor. All other 
 parts are identical on all classes. 
 . TYl K MM 
 et e.e 
 ^ <*, 
 1 too 
 1 to 6 
 1 to 6 
 1 to 6 
 1 to 5 
 1 to 5 
 1 to 5 
 Z- JXi 
 Ideal Tractor Assembled. 
 Industrial Trucks and Trac 
 tors, Electric Street Trucks and 
 Application Lumber Carriers need a battery 
 having strength, long life, light 
 weight and dependability. A 
 brief description indicates how 
 well the Edison Battery fills all the requirements. 
 The Edison Nickel-Iron-Alkaline Storage Battery 
 consists of a new and scientifically correct combination 
 of iron and nickel elements in a non-acid electrolyte. 
 This new combination, the result of several years of 
 painstaking work on the part of Thomas A. Edison, 
 eliminates a long list of ordinary battery troubles, and 
 achieves a simplicity and permanence hitherto unbe 
 lievable in battery construction. 
 Each Edison cell is encased in a steel container or 
 "jar" having corrugated sides for increased strength, 
 with top and bottom, both steel, welded on. The posi 
 tive plate is made of steel tubes, and the negative of 
 steel pockets. The positive tubes contain metallic nickel 
 and nickel hydrate in layers; the negative pockets 
 contain iron oxide. 
 The positive and negative plates, suitably mounted 
 on steel connecting rods and poles, are intermeshed, 
 properly insulated, and submerged in the alkaline 
 solution, or electrolyte. 
 The chemical reactions do not destroy the mechani 
 cal strength of the battery; rather the alkaline 
 solution is a preservative of the iron and sted 
 A few of the exclusive advan 
 tages resulting from its dis 
 tinctive characteristics follow: 
 It is light in weight. The 
 i , , m , , I steel container is unbreakable. 
 It suffers small loss of charge 
 when idle. No frequent hydrometer readings are neces 
 sary. The tray assembly and cell connections are 
 simple. Severe vibration and concussion have no effect 
 upon it. 
 It steadily increases in capacity for the first eight to 
 twelve months. 
 Temperature of electrolyte may 
 3\ rise to 115 degrees Fahrenheit 
 without harm. Sulphation and kin 
 dred "diseases" like buckling or 
 growing of plates, are impossible. 
 It may be boosted at high rates, 
 several times normal rate being 
 safely recommended for short pe 
 riods. It is hermetically sealed 
 except for the single filler opening, 
 no plate renewals, no wood sep 
 arator renewals or other repairs 
 It may be left standing idle, 
 either charged or discharged, for 
 months at a time without injury 
 and with absolutely no attention. 
 It gives off no noxious fumes and can be placed in any 
 environment without fear of corroding nearby metal, 
 or injuring persons in the neighborhood. It can be put 
 on charge at any time, regardless of how little or how 
 much of the previous charge has been used and sim 
 ilarly, it may be taken off charge at any time and used, 
 whether fully charged or not. 
 Plates of 
 son Cell, 
 in front, 
 the Edi- 
 Five Type A-5 
 Edison cells in trav. 
 No expert battery man is required to handle an Edi 
 son Battery. Your electrician can secure the very best 
 of results. 
 The Edison cell to cell connectors are made of copper 
 and are practically unbreakable. No lead straps to burn 
 out with subsequent delay and expense incident to their 
 Accidents that are bound to occur occasionally, as for 
 example, short circuits, continued overcharges, charges 
 in the reverse direction, excessive "Boosting," or charg 
 ing at too low a rate, have no permanent effect upon 
 its life. 
 Operation and 
 There is nothing complicated, 
 nothing mysterious about the 
 storage battery. The steel and 
 iron construction and the nickel- 
 [ , , , ! iron-alkaline principle of the 
 Edison Battery practically elim 
 inate all battery troubles. Besides charging, practically 
 all the care the battery needs is keeping outside of cells 
 clean and adding distilled water. With no regular plate 
 renewals; no broken parts or cracked containers; and 
 no ordinary accident that will put the battery out of 
 commission, the Edison Battery gives continuous and 
 uninterrupted service. 
 I The characteristics of long 
 I life and ruggedness that are fea- 
 Permanence I tures of the service of Edison 
 : Batteries may be summed up in 
 I , lm , i one word permanence. 
 That this feature is highly 
 important in economical and successful operation hardly 
 need be pointed out. Yet such is the superiority of 
 Edison Batteries in this regard that special attention 
 should be paid to this point when considering storage 
 batteries for severe service. 
 The ability to deliver continuous full rated capacity, 
 even after years of service, is a feature distinctive of 
 Edison Batteries. As a matter of fact, the maximum 
 life for an Edison Battery cannot yet be stated. A 
 great many Edison Batteries installed six and seven 
 years ago are still performing their daily work satis 
 factorily; there have been no renewals of plates or 
 For general data on Edison Batteries see page 719 
 ~ The Baker R & L Company 
 Adaptability i manufactures electric trucks and 
 of Baker 1 rucks | tractors for inter-departmental, 
 and Tractors I factory and other phases of 
 I, , , , J industrial transportation. 
 Baker trucks and tractors are 
 in efficient use by scores of the leading corporations of 
 the country. They wind their way down narrow aisles, 
 turn the sharpest of corners, climb ramps and perform 
 the widest variety of tasks. Whether the nature of the 
 work requires a husky pull or the rapid shifting of 
 light loads, a 75% saving in cost of material-handling 
 over the cost of hand truckage is not uncommon. Some 1 
 thing more than 60% of all sales are repeat orders 
 from satisfied customers. 
 98% of Parts 
 All parts are ruggedly con 
 structed to meet the most severe 
 usage. Every part has been spe 
 cially developed for its par 
 ticular service by engineering 
 specialists who have been build 
 ing battery-driven vehicles since the beginning of the 
 Ninety-eight per cent of all parts on all models are 
 identical and interchangeable. This reduces manufac 
 turing costs and user s stocks of spare parts. In emer 
 gencies complete units may be transferred from one 
 truck to another. 
 The Baker Utility 
 Truck, as its name sig 
 nifies, is designed for 
 general trucking 
 throughout the factory. 
 It has a load carrying 
 capacity of 4,000 pounds 
 and is furnished with 
 Steering is accomplished 
 either 2 
 Baker Utility Truck 
 or 4-wheel drive, 
 ill four wheels. 
 Baker Low Platform Truck 
 The Baker Low Plat 
 form Truck is built with 
 the platform as near the 
 ground as possible to 
 facilitate loading, when 
 the load is composed of 
 heavy units stacked on 
 the ground. Two- wheel 
 drive; four-wheel steer, 
 load-carrying capacity, 6,000 pounds. 
 The Low Platform Truck can be equipped with either 
 end or side dump bodies of 27 or 40 cu. ft. in order 
 to handle bulk material such as coal or ashes. 
 The Baker Elevating 
 Truck raises and lowers 
 its load platform 4J/2 
 inches in 10 seconds by 
 means of an auxiliary 
 electric motor. Operated 
 in combination with an 
 equipment of wooden or 
 remarkable labor-saver in 
 handling large quantities of material over short or long 
 distances. Two-wheel drive; four-wheel steer; load- 
 carrying capacity 4,000 pounds. 
 Baker Elevating Truck 
 metal platforms, it is a 
 Baker Jib Crane 
 Baker Swivel Hoist Truck 
 Both the boom and the load 
 hoists are electrically driven on 
 Baker Jib Crane Trucks. The 
 separate controls are operated 
 from the dash and hence the 
 truck and crane are always 
 under control of the operator. 
 Hoisting capacity, 1,500 
 pounds; truck capacity, 3,500 
 Baker Swivel Hoist 
 Trucks are regularly fur 
 nished with a hoisting ca 
 pacity of 1,000 or 1,500 
 pounds. The carrying ca 
 pacity of the truck is 
 3,500 pounds. The hoist 
 locks in the central posi 
 tion and is electrically 
 driven by a separate motor. 
 Baker Tractors are built 
 in two models. The three- 
 wheel type has a rated 
 draw-bar pull of 300 
 pounds and a starting 
 draw-bar pull of 1,800 
 pounds. Its speed varies 
 from 1 to 6y 2 M.P.H. and 
 it trails a load from l l / 2 to 
 15 tons. 
 The four-wheel tractor has a rated draw-bar pull of 
 400 pounds and a starting draw-bar pull of 2,000 to 
 3, 000 pounds. It is built 
 with two or four-wheel 
 drive and four-wheel 
 steer. The speed can be 
 varied from 2 to 6 M. 
 P. H. and will haul from 
 10 to 20 tons. The four- 
 wheel tractor is also fur 
 nished in the locomotive 
 type with flanged wheels 
 for industrial railways. Baker (-Wheel Tractor 
 In all models the 
 Baker tractor is a definitely huskier and more rugged 
 machine than is commonlv offered. 
 Baker 3-Wheel Tractor 
 Series "C" 
 Baker Series C sets entirely 
 new standards for industrial 
 tractors and trucks. Numerous 
 refinements of construction put 
 these machines in a class by 
 themselves. Every one of these 
 refinements is aimed at continuity of service and Baker 
 Series C Tractors and Trucks move heavier loads, move 
 them farther on a charge and cost less to operate than 
 any industrial truck yet produced. 
 An exclusive Baker axle sus 
 pension which allows for more 
 flexibility, maintains accurate 
 alignment at all times between 
 the axle and the frame and re 
 lieves the springs of all driving 
 strain. It reduces wear and tear on the machines and 
 cuts maintenance cost 
 " I Material handling by means 
 of electric battery driven rubber 
 tired trucks and tractors is a 
 (proven economy. This is evi 
 denced by practically all pro 
 gressive concerns in the United 
 States, and many abroad, installing this haulage 
 Over one thousand of these users, representing 173 
 branches of industry, have adopted Elwell-Parkers for 
 their standard. 
 Ehvell-Parker Haulage Units are backed by the 
 longest actual experience in this industry. All types 
 incorporate the most recent electrical and mechanical 
 improvements developed in the automotive and machine 
 tool industries. Average upkeep costs on an Elwell- 
 Parker will prove to be less than on any other make of 
 electric or gasoline truck or tractor used for inside 
 Points of 
 Fewer Parts. 
 Shorter Wiring. 
 Larger Wheels. 
 Greater Clearance. 
 Larger Motors. 
 Greatest Mileage. 
 No Fuses Required. 
 Full Floating Axles. 
 Removable Bushings. 
 Interchangeable Parts. 
 Free Coasting Worms. 
 No Delicate Parts. 
 Oversize Bearings. 
 Safer on Inclines. 
 Independent Brakes. 
 Interlocked Control. 
 Unit Power Plants. 
 Impossible to move unless operator is on truck. 
 Brakes set automatically when dismounting. All parts 
 accessible whether truck is loaded or empty. 
 Key to illustrated types opposite 
 No 1 & 2 "Self-Loading" Elevating Platform Truck. 
 No 3 Light Utility Platform Load Carrier. 
 No 4 "Self-Loading" Revolving Crane Truck. 
 No 5 & 12 Heavy Duty Tractor or Floor Locomotive. 
 No 6 & 11 Heavy Utility Platform Load Carrier. 
 No 7 & 8 Straight and Drop Frame Baggage Truck. 
 No 9 Carrier with Detachable End Dump Body. 
 No 10 Carrier with Detachable Side Dump Body. 
 Speeds 400 to 700 ft. p.m. 
 Truck Capacities 4,000 Ib. 
 Crane Cap 1,000 to 3,000 Ib. 
 Platforms 10 to 35 sq. ft. 
 Platform Height 11 to 33". 
 Dump Cap 30 to 40 cu. ft. 
 Four Wheel Steer Trucks, Front Wheel Steer Trac 
 tors, Special Roll Paper, Furnace Charging, Stacking, 
 Ammunition, Crane, Dump, Tiering, Lifting or 
 Flanged Wheel Trucks for rail operation. Exide Iron 
 clad or Edison Battery furnished to operate 15 to 20 
 miles per charge. Power costs approximately 25c. per 
 One man with a Lift Truck has handled 125 to 150- 
 -lb. loads on separate platforms, a distance of 400 
 to 500 feet per day. 
 One man with a Tractor has transferred 275 tons of 
 bagged goods a distance of 1,800 ft. in seven hours 
 A Crane Truck saved $27.70 per day for one user 
 stacking castings in the storage yard 
 Complete data will be furnished upon request. 
 I A Type of Truck 
 for All 
 Automatic Storage Battery 
 Industrial trucks and tractors 
 comprise eighteen different 
 types, each of which is well 
 adapted for the handling of cer 
 tain classes of material. 
 There are three-wheel tractors, four-wheel tractors, 
 rail locomotives, crane trucks, hopper trucks, lifting 
 trucks, etc. The illustrations show some of these models. 
 Tracks are not needed for the tractor type and these 
 tractors can haul their trains around corners, through 
 narrow aisles and up grades. The Automatic Trans 
 portation Co. are the world s largest manufacturers of 
 storage hatterv trucks and tractors. 
 Type "E" Worm Drive. 
 Straight Frame Baggage. 
 Type "E" Worm Drive; Length, 118"; Width, 41"; 
 Platform, 98 x 41"; Height of platform, 22^"; Wheel 
 base, 60"; Capacity, 4,000 Ibs. 
 Straight Frame Baggage Truck; Length, 170"; 
 Width, 44"; Platform, 144 x 44"; Height of platform, 
 33"; Wheel base, 96"; Capacity, 4,000 Ibs. 
 Tiering-Lifting Truck. 
 Type "D" Chain Drive. 
 Tiering-Lifting Truck made in three standard 
 heights with lifts of 40, 60 and 75"; Length, 116"; 
 Width, 37^"; Platform, 51^" x 26"; Wheel base, 
 56"; Capacity, 4,000 Ibs. 
 Type "D" Chain Drive Tractor: Length, 76"; 
 Width, 38"; Wheel base, 38^"; Draw bar pull normal, 
 250 Ibs; ultimate, 1,000 Ibs. 
 Type "H" Truck with 
 Type "L" Elevating Plat 
 form Truck. 
 The most rapid and econom 
 ical manner of conveying raw 
 material of finished articles in 
 a factory has in many cases 
 proved to be by electric storage 
 battery trucks or tractors. In the 
 case of the truck, the load is carried on a single self- 
 propelled electric storage vehicle with a platform. In 
 other cases a train of trailers is hauled either by a 
 storage battery tractor or by an engine. Low cost of 
 transportation is obtained because the truck or train 
 will handle more material with less labor than hand 
 trucks or teams. The operation of the machines is 
 simple. Operating costs are low. 
 Three Wheel Tractor. 
 Type "E" 3000 Ib. Crane. 
 Type "T" Three Wheel Tractor Worm Drive; 
 Length, 72"; Width, 40"; Wheel-base, 41%"; Draw 
 bar pull normal, 600 Ibs.; Draw bar pull ultimate 
 1,600 Ibs. 
 Type "E" Worm Drive Truck with 3,000 Ib. crane 
 for specifications see Type "E" Worm Drive Truck. 
 Type AA Locomotive. 
 Type "R Worm Drive. 
 Type "A A Locomotive made to fit gauges 18" to 
 36"; Length, 72"; Width gauge plus 6"; Wheel-base, 
 28"; Draw bar pull normal, 350 Ibs.; Draw bar pull 
 ultimate, 1,400 Ibs. 
 Type "R" Truck Worm Drive; Length, 83"; Width, 
 28^"; Platform, 64 4 x 2&y 2 "; Height of Platform, 
 20J4"; Wheel-base, 36"; Capacity, 2,000 Ibs. 
 Type "M" Heavy Duty 
 Type "D" Chain Drive 
 Type "H" Worm drive truck with hopper; Length, Type "M" Heavy Duty Tractor Worm Drive; 
 111"; Width, 54"; Wheel-base, 52^"; Capacity, 4,000 Length, 84%"; Width, 39^"; Wheel-base, 44"; Draw 
 Ibs. bar pull normal, 800 Ibs.; ultimate. 2.000 Ibs. 
 Type "L" Elevating Platform Truck; Length, 103"; Type "D" Chain Drive Truck; Length, 91%"; 
 Width, 37^"; Wheel-base, 54"; Height of Lift, 3y 2 "; Width, 38"; Platform, 61}4" x 36"; Height of Plat- 
 Capacity, 4,000 Ibs. form, 20"; Wheel-base, 385/g"; Capacity, 4,000 Ibs. 
 Main Office, BUFFALO, N. Y. Branches in all principal cities. 
 The Pressed Steel Platforms shown in the insert are produced cold on these giant 
 presses. These two presses will handle material up to 13 ft. 6 in. in length, 60 
 in. in diameter, and draw to a depth of 20 in. 
 Powell Platforms 
 Give Long, 
 Lasting Service 
 Powell Pressed Steel Plat 
 forms are made of a single sheet 
 of heavy gauge steel without 
 joints or seams. They are de 
 signed for service with any lift 
 truck, carrying the heaviest 
 loads with not the slightest danger of breakage or acci 
 dent. Their lasting durability is practically unlimited. 
 They never need repair and never collapse. They are 
 pressed cold standing absolutely rigid under the 
 greatest strain. 
 One Powell Platform will outlast a dozen wooden 
 ones. They are indestructible never sag never 
 cause delay never give way under the heaviest loads. 
 Powell Platforms are designed to suit each particular 
 user. They are made in any size and of any thickness 
 from 7 to 1 2 gauge steel. 
 in the 
 Powell Pressed Steel Plat 
 forms are shaped cold. In the 
 illustration above are shown 
 two of the presses on which the 
 work is done. The most im 
 portant feature of Powell Plat 
 forms is the buckle in the corner of each corrugation as 
 shown in the lower illustration. It is this buckle which 
 gives strength and rigidity to the legs of the platform. 
 The corrugations of the platforms are % inch deep and 
 \ l /2 inches wide, spaced on 6 inch centers. Cold form 
 ing of these deep corrugations makes the buckles which 
 give the platform lasting strength. These buckles fur 
 nish the final touch of perfect rigidity and endurance. 
 Showing Buckle in Corrugations of Powell Platforn 
 The economy of Powell Plat- 
 The Most forms is evident when the heavy 
 Economical costs of repairing and replacing 
 Platform wooden platforms are consid- 
 , iiimim \ ered. Powell Platforms are 
 made to give service indefinitely 
 to do away with all repair costs and to stand the 
 roughest usage. And their initial cost is so low that 
 their comparison with wooden platforms need no 
 longer be considered. 
 (Suburb of Youngstown, Ohio) 
 Elevated with 
 One Stroke of 
 the Handle 
 The Cowan Self-Loading 
 Hand Truck in conjunction with 
 wooden or metal platforms 
 offers a quick and economical 
 means of transporting materials 
 without rehandling. The truck 
 is elevated by a single downward sweep of the handle 
 lifting the loaded or empty platforms from the floor. It 
 saves labor, time and floor space, and prevents wastage 
 and breakage on account of goods being piled directly 
 on the floor. 
 and High Lift 
 There are two standard types, 
 G and GB, of the Cowan Self- 
 Loading Hand Truck, both with 
 the same general structural fea 
 tures. The frame of type GB 
 is wider than that of G, as it is 
 intended for handling unwieldy and more bulky loads. 
 Both are guaranteed up to 5,000 Ibs. capacity, and as 
 to materials and workmanship. 
 e G. 
 The standard lift is 1 13/16 inches, but there is a 
 variation of each type, known as "high-lift types GH 
 and GBH," with a lift of 2?4 inches. The additional 
 height of the load above the floor or ground, when in 
 transit on these high-lift types, is an advantage in 
 traveling over rough surfaces. 
 Any type can be furnished with either one or t\vo 
 wheels in front, at the option of the purchaser. A pair 
 of wheels in front give additional stability with bulky 
 loads or over very uneven surfaces. 
 The materials used in the 
 construction of the Cowan Self- 
 Loading Hand Truck are se 
 lected as those best suited for 
 i , inm -j each part. The most skillful 
 workmanship in the construction 
 of the truck, as well as the quality of the raw materials 
 used, are checked up by a series of inspections and 
 tests starting with the selection of the raw materials 
 and going through to the completed working product. 
 The handle fork straddles a king pin. This king 
 pin is of large diameter and will withstand severe 
 Absolute accuracy on all machined parts insures 
 smooth and flexible operation. A generous oil hole is 
 provided for every bearing point and moving part. 
 Every oil hole is conspicuous and accessible. 
 The wheels have wide flanges which add materially 
 to the stability of the truck, at the same time conserving 
 the floors upon which they travel. There are extra large 
 roller bearings of the highest grade in each wheel. The 
 oil reservoir assures perfect lubrication and the dust 
 cap protects the bearings from dirt and grit. 
 Cowan Safety 
 There are several distinctive 
 safety features incorporated in 
 this truck. The lifting link 
 drops away from the handle 
 after the load is elevated. It 
 cannot interfere with the steer 
 ing nor engage the handle in lowering. An hydraulic 
 release check lowers the load slowly and evenly to the 
 floor. This check is of the compensating type so that 
 heavy loads do not drop faster than light loads. 
 Platforms for 
 Material entering the con 
 struction of the platform or skid 
 while usually of spruce, varies 
 according to the nature of the 
 load. Special platforms for 
 special loads can be designed 
 and the Cowan Truck Company will be glad to co 
 operate with any Self-Loading Hand Truck user in de 
 signing platforms to suit his particular needs. 
 Service and 
 Cowan representatives have 
 been intimately connected with 
 the solution of many material 
 handling problems and will 
 \ , , 1 gladly study the problem of any 
 prospective customer from every 
 angle. They are at the customer s service to point out 
 ways and means for time and labor saving, and to plan 
 a system best adapted to his needs, whether it is desir 
 able to use Self-Loading Hand Trucks or Electric Self- 
 Loading Trucks (shown on page 732), or a combina 
 tion of both. 
 Complete description, specifications and photographs 
 will be sent upon written request. 
 Parts for All 
 The Geo. P. Clark Co. makes 
 "everything in trucks" from a 
 castor to the most complex and 
 specially designed trucks for 
 industrial use. 
 Each part of their regular 
 truck is standard and made in large quantities. Spe 
 cial trucks are made from these standardized parts 
 wherever possible to reduce the number of new parts to 
 be made and cut down the cost of production. 
 Under ordinary circumstances the company can re 
 place any part of any truck made either by themselves 
 or by others when not covered by patents. Except in 
 rare instances, this is done from stock. These parts 
 can be furnished singly to individuals or in large 
 quantities to manufacturers needing them for their own 
 Length Over All Inches 
 Top of 
 Handle Down 
 Handle Up 
 10CO - 
 Service for 
 Truck Users 
 The company maintains a 
 service department for the bene 
 fit of all users of trucks of any 
 make. No problem is too in 
 significant to merit the attention 
 of this department and none too 
 big for it to handle. With complete standardization of 
 parts, and the wide experience and skilled workmanship 
 of its employees the company can give prompt, efficient 
 sen-ice to all truck users. 
 Combination Hand Truck and Trailer, Type NL11. 
 Transfer Truck? 
 The Clark three-wheel trans 
 fer truck is one of the lightest on 
 the market. Strength has been 
 maintained at the same time 
 through the use of steel channels 
 and flat bars. Carefully selected 
 roller bearings render the wheels easy running and the 
 truck stands up well under the most exacting conditions. 
 These two features, lightness and ease of operation, 
 are most important factors. Incorporated in these 
 trucks they save the workman the exertion of handling 
 unnecessary weight and enable him to do a greater 
 amount of work per day with less effort. 
 Clark transfer trucks are made with capacities rang 
 ing from 100 Ibs. to 2,500 Ibs. The frame rods and 
 handle are all made of steel, the axles are steel fitted 
 with iron wheels equipped with either 
 Clark or Hyatt roller bearings. A fool 
 proof device, operated by the handle, 
 raises and lowers the upper frame of 
 the truck, raises the load, moves the 
 truck and lowers the load. The handle 
 it.-elf is attached to the top of a heap 
 swivel which allows the truck to turn 
 sharp corners easily. 
 Other Clark 
 Clark Tran&ter Truck. 
 The combination truck and 
 trailer shown above is built en 
 tirely of metal and designed for 
 handling hot or cold sheet 
 metal, large castings, etc. 
 The freight truck shown be 
 low is used around depots, docks, etc. It is well-made 
 with sufficient bracing to guarantee a long life. 
 These trucks are two from among thousands built 
 by this company. They have on file over one thousand 
 photographs of special trucks which they have built for 
 almost every conceivable purpose. These are in addi 
 tion to the many standard trucks shown in the bulletins 
 issued by the company. These bulletins are listed lie- 
 low and will be sent to anyone desiring them. 
 AC Wheels and 
 D Trucks for 
 Wood Workers. 
 E Butchers and 
 Packers Trucks. 
 F Fibre Cars, 
 Rattan, Splint and 
 Canvas Baskets. 
 G Office Trucks, 
 Hospital Trucks. 
 H Miscellaneous 
 J Platform, 
 Table and Express 
 Trucks, etc. 
 K Paper Makers 
 and Printer s 
 M Dry Goods, 
 Dye House and 
 Clark Hand Truck, Type B3JFB15. Laundry Trucks. 
 H. J. Reedy V-Groove Traction Drive Elevator. 
 Half a Century 
 of Elevator 
 The H. J. Reedy Co. was 
 established in 1858. This com- 
 pany has to its credit the de- 
 velopment of some of the perma- 
 nent engineering advancements 
 of the Elevator Industry in 
 which Industry it was a pioneer. 
 This factory has been in continuous operation for 
 over half a century and the highest standards of 
 mechanical design with respect to safety, durability 
 and economical service have been persistently main 
 Reedy V-Groove 
 Traction Drive 
 The illustration of the electric 
 elevator shown on this page ap 
 pears, to one not versed in 
 elevator engineering, to be the 
 ordinary electric elevator. Every 
 part of the equipment shown is 
 similar to standard machines with the exception of the 
 driving sheave with its V-grooves. 
 The Reedy Co. has been using this V-groove traction 
 method of drive for the past thirty-one years. A few 
 years ago its principle was adopted universally. Any 
 other type of traction drive elevator was not a success 
 for the following reasons: 
 First, it was limited to the loads it could lift without 
 slippage; second, the cost of maintenance was out of 
 proportion to the service rendered: third, its cost of 
 operation was prohibitive because of the excess current 
 With the adoption of the V-groove. the traction 
 drive elevator became at once safer, less expensive to 
 maintain and more efficient. 
 The design and manufacture 
 Successfully o f t hi s V-grooved sheave is not 
 Designed by as simple as it appears. Its 
 Reedy Co. verv simplicity is deceptive. Its 
 success depends upon engineer 
 ing knowledge expressed in a 
 series of formula acquired by years of experimenting. 
 These formulas now used by the Reedy Co. have been 
 proven both mathematically and mechanically correct 
 by the continuous operation, for the past 31 years, of 
 high speed steam elevators with the same V-groove 
 sheave. These sheaves have never required replace 
 ment or re-cutting since their installation. 
 Other Reedy 
 Besides the V-groove traction 
 drive elevator the Reedy Co. 
 manufactures many other types 
 of passenger and freight eleva 
 tors, some of which are listed 
 Direct Connected Electric Worm Gear Elevators, 5 
 Belt Connected Electric Elevators, 6 Types. 
 Tush Button Electric Elevators. 
 Electric and Hydraulic Automobile Lifts. 
 Electric and Hydraulic Ash Hoists. 
 Direct Lift or Plunger Hydraulic Elevators. 
 Horizontal and Vertical Hydraulic Elevators. 
 Horizontal and Vertical Steam Elevators. 
 Worm Gear Elevators. 
 Driven from Line Shaft. Gas Engine, Electric Motor, 
 Hand Power Elevators. 
 Five Types of Hand Power Freight Elevators. 
 In the distribution and move 
 ment of goods in any plant of 
 two or more stories in height, 
 vertical transportation plays a 
 most important part. Not only 
 is elevator service necessary to 
 the multi-storied plants of large dimensions, but it is 
 no less essential to the factory, warehouse, or loft, of 
 more modest size. It is essential, therefore, that a care 
 ful study should be made of each individual case to 
 determine the number, type and duties of the elevators 
 required, as well as the proper location and grouping 
 of the elevators with respect to the horizontal movement 
 of the material. 
 With offices in over 100 cities in the United States, 
 the Otis Elevator Company offers its cooperation in 
 every way in the determination of the proper elevator 
 equipment and in planning provisions for such equip 
 ment. The Company, with a background of over 65 
 years of elevator designing and building, is well quali 
 fied to aid in the solution of problems of vertical trans 
 portation of materials. 
 well installed, its real service value will not be all that 
 it should be unless the elevator is properly taken care 
 of. Periodic examination by trained elevator experts 
 and reliable repair service by expert workmen is the 
 surest and safest method of keeping your elevators 
 tuned up to their highest efficiency. A complete list of 
 Otis offices in the United States is given below. Any 
 one of these offices will gladly give any desired infor 
 mation in regard to Otis Service. 
 and Design 
 Otis Elevators are designed 
 by engineers long trained in 
 problems of elevator travel. In 
 all their different parts 
 motor, controller, brake, gear 
 ing and guide rails they are 
 manufactured in Otis shops. For this reason each part 
 is made to function with all other parts. The motor is 
 strictly an elevator motor, the gears are accurately cut, 
 every part is well and carefully made to meet the severe 
 requirements of elevator service. 
 Otis Service 
 Otis responsibility does not 
 end with the completion of a 
 successful installation. No mat 
 ter how skillfully an elevator 
 may be designed, how carefully 
 it may be manufactured, or how 
 Freight elevators, as a rule, 
 Duties and are rec l u i re d for services of the 
 heavier duties of greater loads 
 at lower speeds. The usual 
 I,,,,, , , i duties range from 1 ,000 to 
 8,000 Ibs., at speeds from 25 to 
 200 feet per minute, although Otis Freight Elevators 
 In the 
 United States 
 Akron, Ohio 
 Dubuque, la. 
 Madison, Wis. 
 San Francisco, Calif. 
 Albany, N. Y. 
 Duluth, Minn. 
 Macon, Ga. 
 San Jose, Calif. 
 Allentown, Pa. 
 East St. Louis, 111. 
 Memphis, Tenn. 
 Savannah, Ga. 
 Asheville, N. C. 
 El Paso, Texas 
 Miami, Fla. 
 Scranton, Pa. 
 Altoona, Pa. 
 Erie, Pa. 
 Milwaukee. Wis. 
 Seattle, Wash. 
 Atlanta, Ga. 
 Evansville, Ind. 
 Minneapolis, Minn. 
 Shreveport, La. 
 Atlantic City, N. J. 
 Flint, Mich. 
 Mobile, Ala. 
 Sioux City, la. 
 Augusta, Ga. 
 Fort Smith, Ark. 
 Montgomery, Ala. 
 Sioux Falls, S. D. 
 Aurora, 111. 
 Fort Wayne, Ind. 
 Muskogee, Okla. 
 South Bend, Ind. 
 Austin, Tex. 
 Forth Worth, Tex. 
 Nashville, Tenn. 
 Spokane, Wash. 
 Baltimore, Md. 
 Fresno, Calif. 
 Newark, N. J. 
 Springfield, 111. 
 Bangor, Me. 
 Galveston, Tex. 
 New Bedford, Mass. 
 Springfield, Mass. 
 Beaumont, Tex. 
 Grand Rapids, Mich. 
 New Haven, Conn. 
 Springfield, Mo. 
 Birmingham, Ala. 
 Gfeen Bay, Wis. 
 New Orleans, La. 
 Springfield, O. 
 Boise, Idaho 
 Greensboro, N. C. 
 New York, N. Y. 
 St. Joseph, Mo. 
 Boston, Mass. 
 Greenville, S. C. 
 Niagara Falls, N. Y. 
 St. Louis, Mo. 
 Bridgeport, Conn. 
 Hammond, Ind. 
 Norfolk, Va. 
 St. Paul, Minn. 
 Brockton, Mass. 
 Harrisburg, Pa. 
 Oakland, Calif. 
 Stockton, Calif. 
 Brooklyn, N. Y. 
 Harrison, N. J. (Works) 
 Oklahoma City, Okla. 
 Syracuse. N. Y. 
 Buffalo, N. Y. (Office & Works) 
 Hartford, Conn. 
 Omaha, Neb. 
 Tacoma, Wash. 
 Burlington, la. 
 Haverhill, Mass. 
 Paterson, N. J. 
 Tampa, Fla. 
 Butte, Montana 
 Hot Springs, Ark. 
 Peoria, 111. 
 Terre Haute, Ind. 
 Canton, Ohio 
 Houston, Tex. 
 Petersburg, Va. 
 Toledo, Ohio 
 Cedar Rapids, la. 
 Hunting! on, W. Va. 
 Philadelphia, Pa. 
 Topeka, Kansas 
 Charleston, S. C. 
 Indianapolis, Ind. 
 Phoenix, Ariz. 
 Trenton, N. T. 
 Charleston, W. Va. 
 Jackson, Mich. 
 Pittsburgh, Pa. 
 Troy, N. Y. " 
 Charlotte, N. C. 
 Jackson, Miss. 
 Pittsfield, Mass. 
 Tulsa, Okla. 
 Chattanooga, Tenn. 
 Jacksonville, Fla. 
 Portland, Me. 
 Utica, N. Y. 
 Chicago, 111. 
 Jamestown, N. Y. 
 Portland, Ore. 
 Waco, Tex. 
 Cincinnati, O. 
 Johnstown, Pa. 
 Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 
 Washington, D. C. 
 Cleveland, O. 
 Joplin, Mo. 
 Providence, R. I. 
 Waterbury, Conn. 
 Colorado Springs, Colo. 
 Columbia, S. C. 
 Kalamazoo, Mich. 
 Kansas City, Mo. 
 Quincy, 111. (Office 
 Reading, Pa. 
 Works) Waterloo, la. 
 Watertown, N. Y. 
 Columbus, O. 
 Knoxville, Tenn. 
 Richmond. Va. 
 Wheeling, W. Va. 
 Dallas, Texas 
 La Crosse, Wis. 
 Roanoke, Va. 
 Wichita, Kan. 
 Danville, 111. 
 Lexington, Ky. 
 Rochester, N. Y. 
 Wilkes Barre, Pa. 
 Davenport, la. 
 Lincoln, Neb. 
 Rockford, 111. 
 Wilmington, Del. 
 Dayton, ( ). 
 Little Rock, Ark. 
 Sacramento, Calif. 
 Wilmington, N. C. 
 Denver, Colo. 
 Los Angeles, Calif. 
 Saginaw, Mich. 
 Wichita Falls, Texn 
 Des Moines, la. 
 Louisville, Ky. 
 Salt Lake City, Utah 
 Worcester, Mass. 
 Detroit, Mich. 
 Lowell, Mass. 
 San Antonio, Tex. 
 Yonkers, N. Y. (Wks.) 
 Lynchburg, Va. 
 San Diego, Calif. 
 Youngstown, Ohio 
 Calgary, Alberta 
 Hamilton, Ont. 
 Quebec, P. Q. 
 Victoria, B. C. 
 Edmonton, Alberta 
 Halifax, Nova Scotia 
 London, Ont. 
 Montreal, P. Q. 
 Regina, Saskatchewan 
 Toronto, Ont. 
 Windsor, Ont. 
 Winnipeg, Manitoba 
 Ottawa, Ont. 
 Vancouver, B, C. 
 For List of Offices, See Above 
 are built with lifting capacities up to 10,000 and 12,000 
 Ibs. and even greater, and for speeds up to 600 feet 
 per minute. 
 The illustration herewith 
 Otis Single Wrap i shows an Otis Electric Single 
 Traction Elevator I Wrap Traction Elevator Ma- 
 Machine I chine for use with alternating 
 | current. For direct current the 
 machine is similar in construc 
 tion and appearance, except that a direct current motor, 
 controller and brake are used. 
 The Otis Single Wrap Traction Elevator Machine 
 consists of a standard Otis steel frame motor, a mechan 
 ically released, spring applied brake, and a reduction 
 gear which connects with a driving sheave, all mounted 
 on a continuous bed plate to preserve alignment. The 
 motor shaft is coupled directly to the worm shaft, the 
 face of the coupling serving as the brake pulley. The 
 worm is cut in a solid steel forging integral with the 
 worm shaft. This worm meshes with a bronze rim 
 worm gear. Both worm and gear run in oil and are 
 entirely enclosed in an oil-proof housing. The traction 
 driving sheave, around which pass the lifting cables, is 
 of the best grade of semi-steel accurately turned and 
 grooved to receive the cables. 
 Otis Alternating Current Single Wrap Traction 
 Elevator Machine. 
 Otis Motor, 
 Brakes and 
 The motors used with Otis 
 j Electric Elevator Machines are 
 \ Otis motors, especially designed 
 r . I and built in Otis shops to meet 
 I, __,,,::!, I the severe requirements of eleva 
 tor service. 
 The starting and acceleration of the motor is gov 
 erned by the Otis Controller, which consists of re 
 versing and accelerating switches, together with a main 
 line magnet. It is actuated by a hand rope, by a switch 
 in the car, or by push button. 
 The brake used is of the mechanically released, 
 spring-applied type, assuring positive stops at landings. 
 When the car operating device is turned to the "off" 
 position, the brake is automatically applied to hold the 
 car immovable. 
 The elevator guide rails may be of either steel or 
 wood construction. Steel guides, however, are gen 
 erally more satisfactory from the viewpoints of fire risk, 
 permanency and ability to resist climatic conditions. 
 h - 
 Otis Elevator Platform with phantom view of Wedge Clamp 
 Safety Device. Bottom picture shows plan \if of Safety. 
 Otis Safety 
 Otis Electric Freight Eleva 
 tors, no less than Otis passenger 
 elevators, are designed, manu 
 factured and installed to give 
 j absolute safety. The primary 
 reason for their safety is found 
 in their superior design and workmanship; in the high 
 safety factor allowed in the construction of all parts; 
 and in the perfection of their electrical control features. 
 In addition, a mechanically operated car safety device 
 is located in the lower member of the car suspension 
 For freight elevators there are three types of safeties 
 used the Roll Safety and Wedge Clamp Safety for 
 steel guides, and Double Grip Safety for wood guides. 
 These safeties are operated by means of adjustable 
 speed governors, which are designed to operate imme 
 diately in case the car attains excessive speed due to 
 breaking of the cables or any other reason, causing the 
 safety device to grip the guides securely and prevent the 
 car from falling. 
 In addition to the car safety devices, limit switches 
 are located in the hatchway and operated auto 
 matically by the car itself, interrupting the current and 
 applying the safety brake should it from any cause run 
 by the terminal landings. An automatic safety magnet 
 switch is provided in the supply line to die motor and 
 is designed to operate automatically to cut off the cur 
 rent supply to the elevator upon int niption of power 
 circuit from any cause. An emer~^r v switch is lo 
 cated in the car easily accessible * IP operator, de 
 signed to cut off the current supp 1 tf ) the motor and 
 For List of Offices, See Opposite Page 
 Micro Leveling 
 been brought within 
 Leveling Switch on Top of Car and Cams in Hatchway, 
 Micro Leveling Elevator. 
 bring the car to rest independently of the regular oper 
 ating device. 
 For freight elevators operated by hand rope control, 
 a device known as the Otis Safety Rope Lock is used to 
 lock the rope when the car is at a landing, preventing 
 the movement of the car by a person at any of the other 
 The Otis Micro Leveling 
 Elevator is the logical result of 
 the present tendency toward the 
 development of a safe, eco 
 nomical and speedy means of 
 moving material in railroad and 
 steamship terminals, warehouses, factories and other 
 Micro Leveling 
 Elevators for 
 Freight Service 
 industrial establishments. It represents one of the 
 latest and best achievements in the history of elevator 
 The most casual study of material handling reveals 
 the need of an elevator that will consistently make an 
 accurate floor level stop under all conditions of loading 
 and unloading in one operation. 
 The Micro Leveling Elevator is an elevator capable 
 of automatically making an accurate landing, irrespec 
 tive of the load and speed, and of automatically main 
 taining this accurate landing during loading and un 
 loading, independently of the stretch of the cables. 
 The making of an accurate 
 landing by the Micro Leveling 
 Elevator is automatic and not 
 controlled by either the car 
 switch or push button operating 
 device after the elevator has 
 limited zone above or below the 
 landing. When within the leveling zone, cams located 
 in the hatchway direct the operation of the elevator at 
 reduced speed to a position such that the platform of the 
 car will be level with the landing. If during loading 
 or unloading this level is changed due to stretch of the 
 cables, the car will automatically return to its level 
 Micro Leveling Elevators are 
 built in both the Gearless Trac 
 tion and Worm Geared Traction 
 types and may be used with 
 either car switch or push button 
 When push button control is used, no regular opera 
 tor is required. The elevator in this case may be called 
 or dispatched by the freight handler or attendant, by 
 the momentary pressure of push buttons located at the 
 floors or in the car. 
 Where the installation consists of a large number of 
 elevators, the elevators may be arranged in groups and 
 each group controlled from a central dispatch station by 
 one attendant. 
 of Control 
 Otis Alternating Current Micro Leveling Elevator Machine. 
 For List of Offices, See Second Page Preceding 
 Grouping of 
 Micro Leveling 
 Group of ten Otis Operatorless Elevators in the United States Arni\ 
 unloading from an upper floor. 
 Close consideration of the va 
 rious methods of material 
 handling in industrial establish 
 ments shows the superiority of 
 the micro-leveling elevator used 
 in connection with electric stor 
 age batter} 1 tractors and trailers over other systems for 
 the movement of miscellaneous material. 
 It is evident that when the maximum vertical flow of 
 freight synchronizes with the maximum horizontal flow, 
 the handling system operates with the highest efficiency. 
 This can be accomplished by the proper arrangement of 
 floor space to permit of the floor traffic moving along 
 definite lines and by the proper placement of micro- 
 leveling elevators in groups. This allows the greatest 
 possible storage space, insures continuity of movement 
 and prevents congestion. 
 Base, showing tractor- and trailers 
 Otis Operatorless 1 
 . , i 
 Freight Elevators 
 In many large plants using 
 b ; lttcries of commodity handling 
 elevators, micro-leveling auto- 
 madc push button control 
 equipment may be advantage 
 ously introduced. Examples of 
 this equipment are the large government built terminal 
 warehouses in Brooklyn, X. V., and Boston, Ma>s.. 
 wherein groups of from 6 to 10 elevators are entirely 
 controlled by a central despatcher working with an 
 automatic signaling system and a conveniently located 
 push button control board. Automatic door operating 
 machines facilitate the service. A single elevator also 
 may be employed without regular attendant for the 
 heaviest and most exacting freight service, if equipped 
 with push button control and the micro-leveling feature. 
 There are certain economical 
 features and advantages of the 
 Micro Leveling Elevator that 
 an- particularly noticeable. 
 These may be summed up as 
 Accuracy of Landing : This makes the use of the 
 automatic micro leveling machine possible for a 
 wide range of service. 
 Maintaining of Accurate Landing: \Yhen the car 
 tends to move away from the landing due to 
 stretch in the hoisting ropes, this movement is 
 quickly checked by the micro which acts imme 
 diately, returning the car to the position accurate 
 with the landin floor. 
 Saving of Time: As the time consumed in open 
 ing the car gate or door i.- more than that required 
 for the micro to bring the car to a level landing 
 it is evident that no time is lost through the use 
 of the micro, and furthermore, time is actually 
 saved by the elimination of the time ordinarily 
 lost by the operator in attempting to make proper 
 Economy of Power: The elimination of false stops 
 and the final approach to the landing at reduced 
 speed usually means a considerable saving in 
 power, which will vary under different conditions 
 and types of control. 
 Skilled Operators Are Unnecessary: Skilled op 
 erators are unnecessary because an accurate land 
 ing is made by the micro automatically and 
 independently of the operator. 
 Greater Safety to Freight Handlers and le.-s 
 Damage to Merchandise carried. 
 Less wear and tear on Electrical and Mechanical 
 Parts of the Apparatus, with the consequent re 
 duction in maintenance cost. 
 Longer Life of Rolling Equipment. 
 Greater Facility in Handling Material. 
 In the larger installations where automatic push 
 button control is used or the central despatch 
 system of operation is employed, the labor saving 
 due to the elimination of operators is a large 
 item in the operating expense of the elevator 
 Central Dispatch Board for a group of ten elevators 
 United States Army Base, Brooklvn. 
 For List of Offices, See Third Page Preceding 
 Watson Machine. Note Accessibility of Double Acting 
 Ball Bearing Thrust. 
 The Watson Electric Ele- 
 Watson i vator Machine is the finished 
 I Electric Elevator \ product of twenty-five years of 
 Machine \ elevator engineering. It is dur- 
 I able, efficient, and possesses 
 ever} quality that is required 
 for transporting material in a vertical direction. 
 Watson Machine is of what is termed the Worm 
 Gear Traction Type; the feature of this construction 
 being to reduce from the motor speed to the drum 
 speed by means of an enclosed worm gear drive travel 
 ing in oil. 
 The worm and worm shaft is cut from a single forg 
 ing of hammered crucible steel, and the end thrust is 
 carried on a ball bearing of the double-acting self- 
 aligning type. 
 The worm wheel of special phosphor bronze with 
 teeth accurately cut to insure smooth and quiet running, 
 is bolted directly to a flange of the traction sheave, thus 
 avoiding the use of keys and set screws. 
 In the Watson Machine, the gear case, pedestal, 
 brake and motor are mounted on a one-piece bedplate. 
 Five Sizes 
 of Watson 
 Elevator Cars 
 The Watson Elevator car is 
 built from steel sections and is 
 provided on the under side with 
 safety attachments designed to 
 | lock the car to the guide rails, 
 if a certain speed is exceeded. 
 Factor of 
 The factor of safety is as 
 follows : 
 All moving parts essential to 
 safety and control have a factor 
 of safety of not less than ten 
 (10); all moving parts not in 
 cluded under above heading have a factor of safety of 
 not less than eight (8) ; non-moving parts have a factor 
 of not less than six (6). 
 The smallest Watson Electric 
 Winding Machine takes a S or 
 iy 2 H.P. Motor and a 16" 
 dia. gear; the second a 10 or 
 I 15 H. P. motor and 20" dia. 
 gear; third, 20 or 25 H.P. 
 motor and 27" dia. gear; fourth, a 30 H.P. motor and 
 2&y 2 " dia. gear? the fifth and largest, a 35 or 40 H.P. 
 motor and 34J-1" dia. gear. 
 A range of capacities is thus secured from 1,000 to 
 16,000 Ibs., and a car speed from 50 to 450 ft. per min. 
 A further speed reduction is secured by gearing car and 
 counterweights, 2:1 if required as shown in accom 
 panying diagram. 
 Our Engineering Department is always ready to 
 co-operate by making layouts and furnishing any data 
 In addition, the \V a t s o n 
 i Elevator Company produce a 
 line of Sidewalk Dumbwaiter, 
 S Belt and Ceiling Machines, and 
 Electric Skip Hoist Engines. 
 Details of Watson Freight Elevator. 
 The \Vatson Elevator Com 
 pany maintains a complete 
 Service Department. Skilled 
 mechanics make regular inspec 
 tions of all installations. Thus, 
 for a nominal charge, minor 
 repairs are adjusted before they become serious, and in 
 addition, uninterrupted elevator service is assured. 
 A general description should 
 be given of the work the elevator 
 is to be put to, including nature 
 of the building, etc. Further, 
 state the size of shaft; the speed 
 in feet per minute, capacity in 
 pounds. If D.C. current is available give voltage; 
 if A.C. give voltage, phase, and cycles. 
 A sketch locating doors to elevator shaft and space 
 available for elevator engine should accompany data. 
 In Making 
 Inquiries Give 
 This Information 
 Type A Skeleton Frame 
 Type B -Riveted Frame 
 Application of 
 Howell Motors 
 The Howell Electric Motors 
 Company limits itself to the 
 field of polyphase induction 
 motors. Every effort is concen 
 trated on this one line of motors 
 to muke it the best possible. 
 In addition to the standard general application 
 motors, Howell Red Band Motors have a wide range of 
 usefulness in the material handling field. They are 
 specially designed and built for elevators, conveyors, 
 cranes and hoists. 
 Delays Avoided 
 Howell Motors 
 Delays in manufacturing 
 operations, resulting from bear 
 ing troubles in ordinary electric 
 motors, are eliminated by the 
 distinctive patented bearing in 
 the Howell Red Band Motor. 
 The Howell Motor is so built that it really contains 
 two bearings in one a 
 spare set of bearings al 
 ways ready for emergency 
 use. When the Howell 
 bearing ultimately wears 
 so that the rotor touches 
 the stator, it is only neces 
 sary to turn the outer 
 bushing half way round to 
 recenter the rotor. Costly 
 delays are thus avoided 
 not more than five Seftion of Bearing Housing 
 minutes being required to 
 recenter the Howell bearing. 
 In addition to the recentering feature, Howell bear 
 ings have a patented oil trap which prevents the coils 
 from being ventilated by oil laden air. This keeps the 
 coils dry and clean, adding to their life. 
 All the wire used in making the windings of Howell 
 Motors is enameled in addition to the usual double 
 Slip Riii); Skeleton Frame 
 Slip Rinj: Riveted Frame 
 giving much greater insulation strength 
 than the ordinary motor. 
 End rings are cast directly to the squirrel cage rotor 
 bars, making an indestructible rotor. 
 Sizes of Motors 
 Howell Motors are built in 
 sizes from 1 to 100 Horse- 
 I ower, inclusive. T h e y are 
 furnished for operation on 110, 
 220, 440 and 550 volts, two 
 and three phase circuits of all 
 commercial frequencies and standard speeds. 
 On all sizes up to iy 2 horse-power, starting com 
 pensators are not required and are not regularly fur 
 nished. The l l /2 horse-power, and larger motors, are 
 regularly supplied with manually operated starting 
 compensators, complete with no-voltage release, and 
 overload relavs. 
 Unassembled View of Slip Ring Riveted Frame Motor. 
 Howell Service 
 The corps of engineers which 
 has developed the Howell Red 
 Band Motors to their present 
 \ position in the electrical field is 
 I , ,,,, , , I at the service of any motor pur 
 chaser. Questions of size and 
 the application of various types to particular problems 
 will be freelv answered. 
 Xov York, 
 Grand Rapids, 
 Export Office: 90 West Street, New York 
 Cleveland, Seattle, 
 St. Louis, Los Angeles, 
 Toledo, San Francisco, 
 Detroit, Boston, 
 Pittsburg, Kansas City, 
 Dallas, Denver, 
 Charlotte, N. C, 
 company has a complete line of motors and controllers 
 for crane service for both alternating and direct current 
 installations. The direct current motors are types K, 
 HK and MC. The alternating current motors are 
 types CI and MA. 
 T\l>e K Motors Operating Traveling Crane. 
 \Viile Range of 
 control apparatus are 
 The products of the Westing- 
 house Electric & Manufacturing 
 Company have a wide applica 
 tion in the material handling 
 Westinghouse Motors and 
 in dailv use in the operation of 
 cranes, elevators, conveyors, shovels, winches and a host 
 of other material handling machines. 
 Crane Motors 
 Motors intended for Crane 
 service, must have special char 
 acteristics. The load is always 
 started from rest and the motor 
 must therefore be capable of 
 exerting great starting effort. 
 Tlie motor must be strong and rugged in mechanical 
 construction to withstand the severe mechanical stresses 
 encountered. The electrical performance, especially 
 commutation, must be very good to withstand the 
 severe overloads. It must be compact in over-all dimen- 
 .-ions as the space for its installation is usually limited. 
 The rotating part must be so constructed that it can be 
 frequently reversed; the speed must be capable of con 
 trol; and since the motor must often be located where 
 it is difficult of access it must be capable of operating 
 for considerable intervals without attention. 
 Westinghouse crane motors meet these requirements 
 fully and Westinghouse Engineers are ready to give ad 
 vice about applying motors for this special service. The 
 ! Type H.K. Motor 
 for Cranes 
 Westinghouse direct - current 
 series-wound commutating pole 
 motors, Type HK, are de 
 signed for severe, intermittent, 
 varying speed service, where 
 high starting torque is required, 
 and where the load consists of a series of starts, stops 
 and reversals, the motor being idle only for short 
 periods of time. 
 The motors are enclosed with small openings in the 
 lower part of the brackets for ventilation. Removable 
 covers on the upper part of the front bracket give access 
 to the brushes and the commutator. The most promi 
 nent features of this motor are the steel frame construc 
 tion and ventilated design, giving small over-all 
 dimensions, light weight and great mechanical strength. 
 The low over-all height of this motor makes it par 
 ticularly adaptable for use on cranes, where only low 
 overhead room is available. Excellent commutation is 
 obtained at all loads. They can be supplied in sixes 
 ranging from 2 to 50 H.P. on 230 and 550 volts. 
 Tra\.-liii|! Crane Handling Steel, Driven by Type K Motors. 
 25 H. P. Type HK Motor. 
 Westinghouse type S drum 
 I contactor controllers are a new 
 I development of crane con- 
 1 trailers, combining many of the 
 I advantages of magnetic con 
 trollers with the simplicity and 
 low cost of drum control. Their successful operation 
 under the most severe operating conditions has been 
 proven in service. The contactors are actuated by 
 cams operating on rollers with little friction. These 
 rolling contacts together with their quick make and 
 break action increase the contact life. The arching is 
 reduced and confined to the contact tips where the 
 current is carried onlv momentarily. The contacts can 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices see page 758. 
 be renewed in a short time. They are particularly the 
 only wearing parts and are interchangeable with those 
 of the Weginghouse auto 
 starters and magnetic con 
 tactor controllers. 
 Type C, direct-current 
 magnetic contact control 
 lers are designed to meet 
 every requirement of gen 
 eral crane service. Sturdi- 
 ness of construction, relia 
 bility in operation a n d 
 simplicity of design are 
 marked characteristics of 
 these controllers. The 
 operator has complete 
 control of starting and 
 stopping t h e motor, but 
 cannot damage the equip 
 ment by careless or incor 
 rect manipulation of the 
 master switch. This pro 
 tection is afforded by the 
 automatic acceleration of 
 the motor obtained by the 
 use of accelerating relays, 
 making the acceleration of Type S Drum Contactor 
 the motor dependent upon Controller for Crane or 
 the amount of the load. Hoist Service. 
 Elevator Motors 
 and Control 
 The \\estinghouse Electric 
 & Manufacturing Company 
 make a complete line of elevator 
 motors and control apparatus. 
 They are applicable to slow, 
 medium or high speed freight 
 elevators as well as all types of passenger elevators. 
 Their service record includes over 20,000 installations. 
 Westinghouse direct-current elevator motors, type 
 25 H. P. Slip Riim A. C. Motor. Type CI Operating 12,000 
 Pound Freight Elevator. 
 Squirrel Cage A. C. Motor, Type CS Operating Freight 
 SK are designed especially for this service. Some of 
 the characteristics fitting them for driving elevators are 
 high starting torques, sparkless commutation, rugged 
 and substantial construction and good performance. 
 They can be furnished in sizes from 5 to 100 H. P. 
 and to operate on 115, 2,30 or 550 volts. 
 For moderate and high speed direct-current freight 
 elevators Westinghouse full magnetic controllers are 
 used. These controllers are operated by means of a 
 .-witch in the elevator car, but the actual connection.- 
 are made by a series of automatically operated magnetic 
 contactors. The operator has full control over the 
 movement of the car but no control over the magnetic 
 contactors which always make the proper connection? 
 at a rate that insures safety acceleration regardlo- nf 
 how the car switch is operated. 
 For freight elevators with car speeds not exceeding 
 150 feet per minute, the Westinghouse type CS squirrel 
 cage elevator motor forms an ideal drive. This motor 
 is the simplest type of alternating current motor 
 made. It consists of a 
 steel frame, which carries 
 a set of windings, and a 
 practically indestructible 
 rotating part. 
 The motor is connected 
 directly to the line in 
 starting, only a simple 
 drum switch being neces 
 sary. The motor starts at 
 low speed without a jerk 
 and comes quickly and 
 smoothlv up to full speed. 
 The Westinghouse type 
 CI slip-ring elevator mo 
 tor is well adapted, both 
 mechanically and electric 
 ally to meet the severe 
 requirements of freight 
 elevator service. They can 
 be furnished in single or 
 two-speed designs as the 
 service demands. The two- 
 speed motors permit high 
 er operating speeds of the 
 elevator car with smooth 
 acceleration and accurate 
 handling. The single 
 Full Magnetic Control Panel 
 for A. C. Elevator Motors. 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices see page 758. 
 speed motor can 
 be furnished in 
 sizes up to 100 
 H. P. and the 
 two-speed up to 
 50 H. P. 
 The Westing- 
 house Company 
 manu f ac t ures 
 A. C. elevator 
 controllers for 
 Loth single and 
 two - speed squir 
 rel -cage and 
 wound rotor mo 
 tors in ratings 
 from 3 to 100 H. 
 P. The controllers 
 are furnished for 
 either car switch 
 or automatic push 
 button control. 
 Irrespective of the method of control the acceleration of 
 the car is exceptionally smooth and is accomplished 
 automatically by accelerating relays which depend for 
 their time of operations upon this load on the motor. 
 All parts of these controllers are rugged and simple in 
 construction, being designed to operate practically with 
 out attention other than the occasional inspection. 
 Full Magnetic Control Panel for D. C. 
 Elevator Motors. 
 Motors and 
 Control for 
 Electric Shovels 
 The Westinghouse Company 
 has developed a complete line of 
 shovel and drag line equipment. 
 Simplicity and rugged construc 
 tion are features of the ap 
 paratus, giving it reliability in 
 operation without skilled and frequent attention. 
 Both alternating and direct-current equipments can 
 be furnished. In general the location of the shovels 
 makes alternating current equipment preferable because 
 alternating current motors eliminate the necessity of 
 converting alternating current to direct current at the 
 shovel, resulting in simpler equipment. 
 Electric Shovel Dicing Power Canal at Niagara Falls, 
 Canada, Operated by A. C. Type MA Motors. 
 Motors for 
 Squirrel Cage Type C S Motor Used 
 for Conveyor Drive. 
 The Westinghouse alternating 
 current, type CS motor is well 
 adapted to conveyor drive. Its 
 simplicity makes it easy to start 
 and stop, and its reliability 
 assures the opera 
 tor that the ma 
 te r i a 1 will be 
 moved without 
 interruption due 
 to motor trouble. 
 W o u n d rotor 
 motors, type CW, 
 a r e furnished 
 w here the con 
 veyor must start 
 under a heavy 
 load or where 
 different operat 
 ing speeds are 
 demanded. Where 
 direct - current 
 power is available the type SK motor is used. 
 The use of motor driven 
 winches is rapidly growing in 
 marine work. If a boat can be 
 unloaded in half the time by use 
 of machinery, the total time for 
 the trip is cut down with a cor 
 responding larger return on invested capital. Types K. 
 and HK series wound Motors give a reliable and eco- 
 Motors and Con 
 trol for Winches 
 Portable Winch Used for Loading Ships, U. S. Army 
 Supply Base, Boston, Mass. 
 nomical drive for winches and are built to stand the 
 severe service imposed on them by operation by steve 
 dore labor. Type S. drum controllers with vertical 
 handles are especially suited as they allow the opera 
 tor to work the controller all day without becoming 
 fatigued. The complete equipment, motor, control and 
 winch is compactly mounted on a single base, allowing 
 easy moving from one point to another. 
 Atlanta, ( r;i. 
 Chicago, III. 
 El Paso, Tex. 
 Minneapolis, Minn. 
 Seattle, Wash. 
 Baltimore, M-i 
 Hirminnham. Ala 
 BluefieW. W. Va. 
 Boston. M;L->. 
 Cincinnati, Ohio. 
 Cleveland, O. 
 .lumbus, O. 
 l): .llas. Texas. 
 Houston, Tex. 
 Indianapolis, Ind 
 Jacksonville, Fla. 
 Toplin, Mo. 
 New Orleans, La. 
 New York, N. Y. 
 Philadelphia, Pa. 
 Pittsburgh, Pa. 
 Syracuse, N. Y. . 
 Tucson, Ariz. 
 Toledo, O. 
 Buffalo, N. V. 
 Dayton, O. 
 Kansas City, Mo. 
 Portland, Ore. 
 Washington, D. C. 
 Butte, Mont. 
 Denver, Colo. 
 Louisville. Ky. 
 Rochester, N. Y. 
 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 
 Charleston. W. Va. 
 Des Moines, la. 
 1-os Angeles, Cal. 
 St. Louis, Mo. 
 The Hawaiian Elec. 
 Charlotte. X- C. 
 Detroit, Mich. 
 Mom phis, Tenn. 
 Salt Lake City. Utah. 
 Co , Ltd., Honolulu, 
 Chattanooga, Tenn. 
 Duluth, Minn. 
 Milwaukee, Wis. 
 San Francisco, Cal. 
 T. H. Agent. 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices see above. 
 Tray Elevator anil Belt distributing sacks of flour 
 from cars through warehouse, Baltimore. 
 Triple lla-li-n Spiral for han<lling baskets of un 
 packed crockery and glassware. 
 Haslett Power 
 purchasers. \Ve can 
 nomical solution of 
 handling problems 
 and the best ma 
 chines for various 
 Each piece of ma 
 chinery \ve build is 
 designed with spe 
 cial reference to the 
 kind of work it must 
 do, and the condi 
 tions under which it 
 will operate. 
 Power driven ma 
 chines are made 
 either vertical, in 
 clined, or horizontal 
 and we manufacture 
 several designs of 
 each with necessary 
 auxiliary equipment 
 such as automatic 
 and selective feeds 
 and discharges, etc. 
 Long experience in adapting 
 the various forms of equipment 
 illustrated here to an infinite 
 variety of uses has taught our 
 engineering force much that 
 makes it useful to prospective 
 advise wiselv as to the most eco- 
 Haslett Spiral 
 Inclined elevator taking delivery 
 from gravity roller 
 Our line of conveying equipment is complete. 
 Haslett Spiral Chutes have 
 been known for about fifteen 
 years, and the engineering prin 
 ciple used whereby a concave 
 bottom properly varied balances 
 friction, centrifugal force and 
 gravity so as to control speed has permitted of a re 
 markable develop 
 ment of this form of 
 equipment and its 
 adaptation to many 
 seemingly impossible 
 uses, such as han 
 dling unpacked 
 glassware and crock 
 ery in baskets, 
 bottled medicines, 
 bath tubs, eggs and 
 1,200 Ib. barrels. 
 Spiral Chutes 
 readily combine 
 with other types of 
 conveyors delivering 
 to or receiving from 
 Chutes of double, 
 triple or quadruple 
 construction permit 
 of using each trough 
 for a special pur 
 pose so that packages from various floors can be sent to 
 the desired destination without rehandling. 
 Combination of multiple spiral 
 chute and power driven 
 200 c. to c. 30" Belt distributing cases in ware 
 house of well known paper manufacturer. 
 Portable Gravity Conveyor from Spiral Chute to 
 cars without rehandling. 
 In every Lamson conveyor system the types of conveyors are selected for the particular work they have to do. This 
 picture shows how a Lamson gravity conveyor, spiral conveyor, belt conveyor and booster are combined into one 
 automatic conveying system. Carlton & Hovey Co., Lowell, Mass., Manufacturers of Father John s Medicine. 
 The field covered by the 
 rield tor Lamson Company is the appli- 
 Lainson | cation of conveyors and con- 
 Conveyors veving systems for handling 
 I,., , j materials and products in fac 
 tories, mercantile plants, whole 
 sale and retail establishments, docks, terminals, etc. 
 With the exception of bulk materials such as grain, 
 coal, ashes, and ore, Lamson conveyors are used to 
 solve practically any industrial handling problem. 
 The service we offer includes an analysis of all the 
 factors which affect the design of the conveying system 
 the location and output of machines and departments, 
 the routing and storage of materials, questions involving 
 timed movements of products, the speedy handling of 
 peak loads, etc. 
 As the design of a Lamson system is based on such 
 a preliminary investigation, the completed system car 
 ries out a comprehensive plan for the movement of ma 
 terials and merchandise through a plant. Even in the 
 case of small installations our experience shows that a 
 thorough analysis of the work to be done is the only 
 satisfactory basis on which to plan a conveying system. 
 As Lamson conveyors are built in many types, prac 
 tically any kind of material or product can be handled 
 economically under a wide variety of plant conditions. 
 tandard Lamson conveyors can usually be installed 
 without the necessity of designing and building costly 
 speaal machinery. They can ordinarily be erected unit 
 by unit, department by department, so that when ap 
 plied in a plant that is already in operation, production 
 5 seldom interfered with. Each unit begins pavin- for 
 itself as soon a- installed. 
 A complete line of straight 
 sections, curves, switches, spiral 
 chutes, boosters, and elevators 
 make Lamson gravity con 
 veyors adaptable for solving a 
 wide variety of conveying prob 
 lems. They are designed for lightness, combined with 
 strength to withstand the hardest kind of continuous 
 service. The steel rollers are very lively, as they are 
 mounted on large, easy running ball bearings, with case 
 hardened ball races and cones. They are supported by 
 through shafts and are easily removable. The Lamson 
 patented differential roll makes curves as easy to 
 negotiate as straight runs. 
 By simply removing one split pin the through spindle is 
 released and the gravity roll head and self-contained 
 bearing are readily accessible. 
 Address nearest office. For Ii s , O f offices see page 762. 
 Belt conveyors, slat and apron 
 Power conveyors, drag bar conveyors, 
 _ chain conveyors, overhead or 
 Conveyors telpher conveyors, vertical con 
 veyors, selective conveyors and 
 bucket elevators are a few of 
 the more important types of Lamson power conveyors. 
 They carry practically anything from delicate watch 
 parts up to whole train loads or ship loads of heavy, 
 bulky materials. They convey products in straight 
 lines, around corners, horizontally, up and down in 
 clines, and vertically. They are so carefully con 
 structed and nicely balanced that they operate with 
 minimum power. 
 This Lamson vertical elevator loads anil unloads auto 
 matically. Fleischmann Yeast Co.. Cambridge, Mass. 
 and Chutes 
 For carrying products verti 
 cal!}" between floors and levels 
 we build a number of different 
 types of elevators, pneumatic 
 lifts, automatic vertical con 
 veyors, bucket elevators, chutes, 
 spiral chutes, spiral conveyors, etc. 
 Both Lamson conveyors and elevators are built where 
 desired, with a selective feature which enables the 
 despatcher to send the load to any one of a number of 
 stations without further attention. For example, an 
 n heavy duty slat conveyors are built in different 
 types to carry barrels, cases, ra>tiiig>. hales, and other 
 heavy loads. Revere Sugar Refinery, Charlestown, Mass. 
 elevator is made to deliver the load at any one of a 
 number of floors at will, or a conveyor delivers auto 
 matically at any one of a number of machines, processes 
 or storage points. 
 Lamson power and gravity 
 conveyors are mounted on easy 
 running swivel wheels to form 
 portable conveyors which may 
 be moved wherever wanted. 
 They are useful in loading and 
 unloading freight cars and ships, in piling and ship 
 ping out in warerooms, and for other miscellaneous 
 occasional conveying about the plant or yard. 
 A portable conveyor of great general utility is the 
 Lamson piler, a standardized universal service unit con 
 sisting of a belt or slat conveyor set at an inclination, 
 the angle of which can be varied at will. It is often 
 used in combination with horizontal units, to form 
 extensive portable con vox ing systems. 
 This Lamson spiral chute carries products from a num 
 ber of floors to a delivery point on first floor. Note 
 hinged fire door which also serves as deflector when 
 goods are delivered at intermediate floors. Army Base 
 Warehouse, Boston. Ma<s. 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices see page 762. 
 Lamson chain conveyor for carrying boxes of bobbins in 
 textile mills. This type of conveyor is also used for car 
 rying tote boxes, hampers, and other containers. National 
 Spun Silk Co., New Bedford, Mass. 
 Lamson Service 
 for Factories 
 Lamson systems of conveying 
 properly applied in factories in 
 crease production ten, twenty- 
 five, or even fifty per cent with 
 I the same machine capacity and 
 the same man power. The time 
 interval of manufacture is cuF often fifty or even 
 seventy-five per cent, through careful routing, plan 
 ning, and conveying of materials. This in turn makes 
 similar economies in the use of floor space, which is 
 utilized for production, not storing and moving stock 
 which never should stop, when once in production. 
 Great savings are made in assembly, packing, and 
 boxing processes. In place of the work bench the 
 articles pass by the operators in orderly procession on 
 conveyors, making new records for speed and economy. 
 In Mercantile 
 In Retail 
 Lamson conveyors and chutes 
 carry merchandise and parcels 
 from the selling counters to the 
 delivery room, and Lamson 
 sheet writer s and delivery 
 men s bins simplify classifica 
 tion and sorting. In receiving rooms, stock rooms and 
 marking rooms, Lamson conveyors and storage bins 
 cut down the expense of handling, simplify the routine 
 and speed up the work. 
 Lamson conveyors make great 
 savings in mercantile plants 
 such as wholesale and mail 
 order houses, dairies, bottling 
 plants, and distributing plants 
 of all kinds where merchandise 
 is received, classified, put in new containers or pack 
 ages, and shipped. From the time products enter the 
 receiving room door until they pass out through the 
 shipping room door into the waiting cars or trucks they 
 are moved by a system of Lamson conveyors. In addi 
 tion to the savings in labor, much greater savings are 
 effected in floor space released for storage, in time 
 saved in delivery, in breakage avoided, etc. 
 Docks and 
 Lamson automatic conveying 
 systems are coming into general 
 use for loading and unloading 
 ships and freight cars. The 
 I saving of even a day in the 
 time that a ship is in dock dis 
 charging and taking on its load will pay for a large 
 investment in conveying machinery. The Lamson Com 
 pany stands ready to discuss this subject with shipping 
 companies, railroads, boards of trade, commercial 
 organizations, and others interested. 
 "= A Lamson representative will 
 ! be glad to call on you and study 
 I your problems with the view of 
 \ demonstrating how Lamson con- 
 i veyors will best serve you. We 
 are also ready to co-operate with 
 architects, engineers, and others in planning a new plant 
 or rearranging an existing plant to secure the maximum 
 benefits from proper routing and automatic handling of 
 materials and products. It incurs no obligation to talk 
 over your conveying problems with a Lamson repre 
 sentative, and may lead to results of the greatest value. 
 Lamson overhead or telpher conveyor. Harrison Radi 
 ator Co., Lockport, N. Y. 
 Lamson Branches and Serv 
 ice Stations 
 ITITSIll Kl.ll 
 Additional Service Stations 
 Address nearest office. For list of offices see above. 
 The Lamson wire line conveyor carries letters, folders, 
 orders, requisitions, and all kinds of papers between 
 desks, departments and offices. 
 I .iin-. .11 
 Lamson pneumatic tubes, 
 wire line conveyors, and light 
 elevators are now standard 
 equipment wherever speed in 
 carrying papers and light loads 
 of merchandise is important. 
 Lamson pneumatic tubes 
 carry the load at a speed of 
 about 30 miles an hour over 
 distances up to a half mile in 
 a carrier or cartridge, which 
 is propelled through a tube by 
 a current of air. The tubes 
 can be installed practically 
 anywhere along walls and 
 ceilings, through partitions, 
 around corners, indoors and 
 out, or even underground. 
 They cam- loads varying 
 from a small message in the 
 1/4" system up to large vol 
 umes of papers, or tools, labo 
 ratory samples, and other light 
 materials in the 4" and oval 
 tube systems. The following 
 tube diameters and sizes are 
 standard \y 4 " 2^4" 3" 
 4" 3" x 6" oval 4" x 7" oval. 
 The propelling air pressure is usually created bv a 
 small electrically driven blower, the power consump 
 tion being economized by power saving devices. Small 
 systems may be operated by foot bellows and where 
 compressed air is available this may often be utilized 
 through the use of suitable reducing valves. 
 Lamson tubes in facto 
 ries carry time tickets, 
 job tickets, work or 
 ders, etc., in a few sec 
 onds from office to 
 plant departments. 
 Wire Line 
 Lamson wire line conveyors 
 operate without power and fur 
 nish an inexpensive system for 
 the speedy carriage of papers 
 and other light materials up to 
 20 pounds in weight, over lines 
 up to 200 feet in length. The load is carried in a basket 
 which is propelled along a wire track by a pull on a 
 convenient handle. Horizontal curves and bridges en 
 able this carrier to pass around obstructions and serve 
 rooms or buildings of irregular shape. 
 This Lamson pneumatic tube system transmits orders in 
 a few seconds to any department in the large wholesale 
 warehouse of Lehn & Fink, Inc., New York. 
 Lamson Light 
 Lamson. light elevators are 
 built in a standard series to 
 cover virtually the entire range 
 of light duty service. They 
 vary in type from the message 
 lift for carrying cash and 
 papers between floors to the elevator or dumb-waiter 
 which raises with ease loads up to 200 pounds. They 
 are handsome in design and finish and are well adapted 
 for installation without enclosures in banks, offices, and 
 wherever attractive appearance is important. 
 A Lamson representative 
 will be glad to investigate the 
 movement of your products 
 about your factory or store 
 house. If Lamson conveyors 
 would save you money, he will 
 recommend a system to meet your requirements. 
 Architects, engineers and others planning new build 
 ings are invited to confer with us in regard to the most 
 economical and efficient layout of a carrier or conveyor 
 system. This service incurs no obligation; moreover, 
 it may lead to results of value to you. 
 Lamson wire line conveyors in shoe factory carrying dies 
 from die room to operators. They also carry tool?, job 
 tickets, time tickets, small parts, laboratory samples, etc. 
 Weinbrenner Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 
 Address neares office. For list of offices see page 762. 
 A Sealing Ma 
 chine for Corru 
 gated or Fibre 
 National Top and Bottom 
 Sealing Machines will seal the 
 top and bottom of corrugated, 
 double-wall corrugated or solid 
 fibre shipping containers, re 
 gardless of size or kind, more 
 rapidly, more economically and more solidly than any 
 other known method. 
 Fibre board is fabricated by gluing three or more 
 pieces of chip-board together under constant and in 
 fant pressure, with silicate of soda as an adhesive. By 
 this same method the National Top and Bottom Sealing 
 Machines adhere the several flaps of the case in a 
 solid mass. Using silicate of soda as an adhesive, the 
 machine exerts pressure of such a sort upon the case, 
 both top and bottom, as to make a solid mass of the 
 outer and inner flaps. 
 retaining all the original strength of the side walls plus 
 the additional stiffness of a perfectly sealed top and 
 An automatic starting and stopping device controls 
 the application of power in such a way that each case is 
 only carried into the machine its own length. Power 
 is thus shut off and the machine stops until the next 
 End View of Portable Top and Bottom Sealing Machine. 
 Only One 
 Side View of Portable Top and Bottom Sealing Machine. 
 box is started by the operator. By this device the speed 
 of the machine is controlled by the speed of the opera 
 tor and there is no waste of power nor space between 
 cases while the cases are in transit. 
 The time of travel through the machine is so regu 
 lated that exactly the right amount of time is allowed 
 for the crystallization of the silicate of soda. 
 The operation of this ma 
 chine is simple. The operator 
 applies the silicate and moves 
 the case into the machine. The 
 guides bring the flaps of the 
 case closely together, both top 
 and bottom, thus starting the case through the machine 
 in rectangular form. These guides can be easily and 
 quickly adjusted to any size case. 
 The upper rollers shown below apply a strong, 
 flexible- pressure against the top of the case. This pres 
 sure adapts itself to any irregularities in the surface of 
 the case during its travel through the machine, whereas 
 a fixed weight would press merely upon the high spots. 
 Each roller is .-pring free at each end and all rollers 
 are independent of each other. Any bumps or depres 
 sions in the case are reached by each roller. 
 The thick canvas belts, both top and bottom, are of 
 such width as to lie between the side walls of the case. 
 Consequently there is no crushing force exerted on 
 the side walls and the case emerges from the machine 
 Showing the Flexible Pressure on the Top of the Case. 
 Only the- 1 finest workmanship 
 and materials enter into Na 
 tional top and bottom sealing 
 machines. They are substan 
 tially built and have a long life 
 under the most severe conditions 
 of service. Each machine is completely erected in the 
 company s shops before being shipped. 
 As an example of the extremes to which the National 
 Binding Machine Co. has gone to make the machines 
 the best possible, the rollers of the upper unit run in 
 phosphor-bronze bearings cast integral with the steel 
 pins which pierce the frame of the upper unit. The 
 rollers of the bottom unit are equipped with ball bear 
 ings. All other bearings are either ball bearings or 
 Standard Conveying System? 
 are built to meet the specific 
 needs of every industry. They 
 include the Standard Gravity 
 Spiral Chutes, with single, 
 double or triple runways; Spiral 
 Fire Escapes; Gravity Roller Spirals; Gravity Roller 
 Conveyors; Portable Slat and Inclined Slat Conveyors; 
 Straight-lift Elevators, and Power Belt Conveyors. 
 Principal Fea 
 tures of Each 
 The runway of the Standard 
 Spiral Chute is constructed of 
 wings of steel pressed to spiral 
 shape in a power-driven pn>>. 
 The pitch of the chute is accu 
 rately determined to give uni 
 form speed to any loading. Unit construction, auto 
 matic fire-doors, and adjustable diverters are the 
 outstanding features. 
 The heart of the Gravity Roller Conveyor is the 
 bearing, which is exceedingly sensitive and at the same 
 time substantial and lasting. The stud is of the very 
 best cold rolled shafting around which revolve nine 
 steel balls. The rollers are of steel tubing. These 
 conveyors are made in standard 10 ft. sections. 
 The Portable Slat Conveyors are castor mounted, 
 motor driven, reversible, and can be used in horizontal 
 or inclined position. Made in standard lengths of ten, 
 fifteen and twenty feet. 
 The Automatic Inclined Elevator receives boxed or 
 cased goods, lifts and discharges from and to gravity 
 convevor lines without jar at top or bottom. 
 The Straight Lift Elevator is continuous in opera 
 tion, is automatically loaded and discharged, and has 
 a detecting device insuring safe loading and unloading. 
 The Belt Conveyor is constructed to eliminate all 
 drag and reduce friction to a minimum. 
 The Spiral Chute lowers 
 merchandise direct from upper 
 to lower floors. 
 Open Type Fire Escapes af 
 ford a non-crowding and pro 
 tective mean.- of escape. 
 Gravity Roller Conveyors offer profitable means of 
 transfer for boxed or cased goods. 
 Merchandise of regular or irregular shapes and si/.e.- 
 is successfully conveyed by Portable Slat Conveyors. 
 The Inclined Slat Conveyor is adapted for elevating 
 bulky packages of irregular shape. 
 The Inclined Elevator is used extensively in all 
 Belt Conveyors are adapted to serve a large variety 
 of industries and constructed to fill their individual 
 Flexibility of 
 Standard Con 
 veying Systems 
 Constructed on the unit plan, 
 built to meet every specific need 
 it is remarkably flexible. 
 The company engineers will 
 examine your problem and as 
 sist you to plan a system of 
 conveyors. This service is offered gratis. 
 Branch offices Xew York, Chicago, Milwaukee, 
 Cleveland, Cincinnati. Representatives in all principal 
 Inclined apron conveyor. One of many units in Hyilrox Co. s plant, Chicago, 111. 
 Value of 
 Samuel Olson & Company 
 have made thorough surveys of 
 almost every industry. These 
 surveys have revealed the fact 
 I ,., , ,..! that conveying systems are an 
 absolute necessity. They are 
 the nucleus of any plant and often regulate entire 
 organizations, for with them more can be accomplished 
 with a smaller amount of help. 
 Production, the objective of industry, is dependent 
 upon conveying systems. With a well regulated con 
 veying system careless methods of handling materials 
 are eliminated. Raw materials are distributed, prod 
 ucts routed to stock rooms and the loading of cars and 
 trucks materially assisted. The installation of a con 
 veying system should be given the same serious con 
 sideration that is given to the selection of the plant, 
 equipment, etc. 
 Samuel Olson & Company make a specialty of de 
 signing conveying systems to conform to individual re 
 quirements. The service that this company places at 
 the disposal of manufacturers is three fold designing 
 conveying systems consistent with data secured in 
 making a survey of a handling problem manufactur 
 ing the necessary equipment and completely installing 
 the machinery. This service is significant inasmuch as 
 the responsibility for the functioning of the conveying 
 system is undivided. 
 Patented automatic elevator about to discharge to lower 
 run of belt conveyor. Part of American Can Co. s 
 system, Maywood, 111. 
 Samuel Olson & Company 
 c c 
 Scope ot | manufacture a complete line of 
 Conveying f conveying and elevating ma- 
 Systems I chinery. This enables the com- 
 I , j pany to cope with almost any 
 handling problem. Apron con 
 veyors, package belt and trough conveyors, pivoted tray, 
 patented automatic, bucket and barrel elevators, gravity 
 conveyors, spiral chutes and subveyors, a special 
 Combination of spiral chute and gravity conveyor. 
 patented machine which will handle the most fragile 
 articles with the utmost safety, are included in the line 
 which this company manufactures. 
 There is a necessity for some type of conveying sys 
 tem in all manufacturing establishments. In some in 
 stances the extent of the installation may be limited, 
 depending entirely upon conditions. Apron conveyors 
 are used to handle bulky materials, either horizontally 
 or on an incline. Packing boxes, baled merchandise 
 sacks and pianos are conveyed to advantage on this 
 type of a conveyor. Loose packages of most every de 
 scription can be handled on package type belt con 
 veyors. Department stores and mail order houses are 
 the largest users of package type belt conveyors. Coal, 
 grain, ashes, sand, gravel, etc., should be handled by 
 means of trough type belt conveyors. Pivoted tray 
 elevators elevate to any desired height articles 
 such as bags, bales, boxes, etc. 
 Manufacturers having to elevate standard size 
 boxes and tote boxes can reduce their costs by 
 using patented automatic elevators as this is the 
 only elevator manufactured which discharges on 
 the elevating side. Bucket elevators are used 
 princiually to elevate sand, gravel, grain, coal, 
 ashes and chemicals. Gravity conveyors are 
 adaptable to certain conditions. Boxes, crates 
 and building materials are the logical commodi 
 ties to convey with this type of equipment. Spiral 
 chutes lower boxes, bags and bales at a low 
 cost. They afford an economic means of dis 
 tribution as delivery of merchandise is practically 
 immediate. No attendants are necessary, hence 
 labor costs are lower. The company manufac 
 tures standard sizes suitable for the handling of 
 commodities of all types. 
 The subveyor carries vertically or horizontally 
 discharging automatically from one to the other. 
 It is the ideal equipment in plants having certain 
 standard sized boxes or trays to be carried from 
 one floor to another. 
 Samuel Olson & Company 
 maintains a service department 
 which is at the disposal of any 
 industry, architect or engineer. 
 Suggestion or advice is avail 
 able. Should a survey of a 
 handling problem be required, Samuel Olson & Com 
 pany will, without obligation, have one of their con 
 veyor engineers make a study of the conditions. Fur 
 thermore, they will submit in layout form a solution of 
 the problem, incorporating in it suggestions for equip 
 ment which their vast experience dictates as the most 
 appropriate for the requirement. 
 Write to Samuel Olson & Company giving the type 
 of products to l)e handled and the space which can be 
 used and the company will submit plans and quotations. 
 Part of gravity conveyor system installed in Fuller- 
 Morrison Company s warehouse. 
 (Wholesale Druggists) 
 Standard Type 
 Portable Filer 
 The McKinney - Harrington, 
 standard type, portable piler is 
 a combination car and truck 
 loader, and piler. Installations 
 in practically every field where 
 material handling machinery is 
 used have proved its value as a labor saving device. It 
 is designed for handling packed materials in any form 
 Standard Type Filer with Drop Axles Loading Barrels 
 Into a Truck. 
 of container. The illustrations show the piler loading 
 barrels and piling bags, but boxes, bales or miscel 
 laneous packages can be handled with the same 
 of Piler 
 The piler is driven by an elec 
 tric motor in most cases, but if 
 I desired, a gasolene engine can 
 ; be substituted for the motor. 
 ! The motion of the piler is re 
 versible so that material can be 
 lowered as well as elevated. 
 The height of the delivery end is governed by a rais 
 ing and lowering device. This is composed of a worm 
 at the lower end of the crank rod which rotates the 
 drum shaft. This worm gear does away with the pawl 
 and is operated from the front of the machine. The 
 raising and lowering device on large machines is oper 
 ated by power. 
 Standard Type Piler at Work in a Rice Mill. 
 The steel axles are straight for work with packages, 
 boxes or bales. Wooden slats may be fitted between the 
 axles forming a continuous wooden apron. In 
 handling barrels drop or bent axles are used This 
 keeps the barrel centered, preventing any tendency to 
 roll off the piler. When both boxes and barrels have 
 to be moved, a combination of the two axles is used. 
 Drop axles are inserted for a space of about five feet, 
 then straight axles for the same distance. 
 The pilers are mounted on small wheels or casters for 
 indoor use and on a wagon frame for use outside. 
 For use in connection with a 
 conveyor or for piling and load 
 ing, the McKinney-Harrington 
 Company manufacture the com 
 bination piler shown at trie top 
 of the page. It is better suited 
 to some locations as the long section lowers a little 
 nearer the floor. 
 Floor Type Conveyor Installed, Showing Three Power 
 The conveyors manufactured 
 by t h e McKinney-Harrington 
 Company are portable ma 
 chines. They are built in sec 
 tions enabling the user to lay 
 out or change the entire convey 
 ing system at will. 
 elevator sections are built in different lengths to meet 
 varying conditions. The elevator swivels so that it can 
 be turned and operated in either direction. 
 Klectric motors furnish the power for operation. 
 Small motors are used and a power unit installed for 
 every two or three sections of the conveyor. This add- 
 to the ease with which a conveyor system can be re 
 arranged to suit changing conditions. The illustration 
 on the opposite page shows a conveyor installation in 
 which three power units are visible. 
 The cut above gives a close-up view of one of the 
 conveyors arranged for a right angle turn. It shows 
 the angle stand used for raising one end of the con 
 veyor section high enough to deliver onto the other sec 
 tion as applied to actual use. 
 These conveyors can be supplied with anyone of the 
 axles used in the piler. 
 The McKinney - Harrington 
 Portable portable coal loader, unloader 
 Coal Unload- r and piler is designed to meet 
 and Loader nearly all conditions. It needs 
 no overhead track to unload 
 from the top of a car. It is so 
 constructed that it will elevate from dump bottom cars 
 Portable Coal Unloader and Loader. 
 into a bin, pit, or truck; or from a pile into a car, bin 
 or truck. 
 The uprights are hinged to allow passing through a 
 door. It is operated with an electric motor or gasolene 
 engine, the power unit being mounted in the base. The 
 Portable Coal I nloader and Loader Handling Coal 
 from Gondola to Trucks. 
 The illustrations on this page plainly show some of 
 the various uses of this machine. In the first illustra 
 tion the full lines show the elevator placed on top of a 
 gondola car when the machine is in the swiveled posi 
 tion. The dotted lines show the position of the elevator 
 for use under dump bottom cars or from a pile into 
 trucks or onto a car or bin. 
 The second illustration shows the machine in use un 
 loading from a gondola car. The variety of heights at 
 which the elevator can be placed are shown by compar 
 ing this illustration with the first. 
 In the third illustration the machine is shown un 
 loading a box car. The elevator enters the car door. 
 Xo overhead trolleys, hoists or dismounting is necessary. 
 This company also builds a continuous bucket 
 elevator that mounts on this same frame for handling 
 sand, gravel, crushed stone, minerals, etc., and is 
 operated by the same power. 
 Portable Coal Unloader and Loader Operating in 
 Box Car. 
 The Brown Portable In- 
 Inclined clined Elevator is a Standard 
 Portable way of piling packed materials. 
 Elevators Continuous in motion, readily 
 portable and easily adjustable 
 in height, it is made in any 
 size, to pile to any desired maximum height and to 
 handle practically any kind of package in form to be 
 handled. The Brown Portable Elevator elevates to 
 second floors, loads trucks and can be used for many 
 other purposes. It elevates the highest tier as quickly 
 and cheaply as the lowest, eliminates all the labor 
 usually between floor and top of pile, speeds up the 
 men and makes hard work easy. It is equally successful 
 in reclaiming from piles or tiers. Bulletin 220-A. 
 Made in Any Size. Height Is Adjustable. 
 Brown Portable Conveyors 
 ("Interveyors") are made in 
 sections of any length desired, 
 to handle bags, boxes, barrels, 
 bales and bundles. These sec 
 tions may be readily detached 
 or attached, making the system longer or shorter, as 
 required. The entire system may also be oper 
 ated in conjunction with a Brown Portable Inclined 
 Piling Machine, thus conveying the commodity any 
 distance and elevating it directly to the top of the 
 pile without a man controlling it in transit. The 
 "Interveyor" has many applications and is built to fit 
 -conditions. All sections are portable, and the entire 
 system is instantly reversible. Bulletin 220-B. 
 Any Number of Sections May Be Used. Note Means of 
 Propulsion and Accessibility of All Parts. Power May 
 Also Be Underslung. 
 Portable Belt 
 The Brown Portable Belt 
 Conveyor "Portabelt" is a 
 sturdy, readily portable con 
 veyor designed for the handling 
 of loose material. The "Porta 
 belt" loads S-ton trucks, with 
 two men, in 10 minutes, whereas 3 men require 40 
 minutes by hand. The "Portabelt" unloads a 50-ton 
 car, with 2 men, in 4 hours, whereas 4 men require 
 8 hours by hand. The "Portabelt" is provided with a 
 low receiving "nose" which is placed under the hopper 
 of cars in unloading, or completely buried in the pile 
 in loading. 
 In unloading cars with a "Portabelt," the material 
 need not be shoveled from in under the car to the 
 conveyor, for as the car doors are opened, the material 
 will fall onto the belt. In a stock pile the material can 
 be scraped onto the conveyor. In either case the labor 
 of feeding is reduced 50%. The "Portabelt" is made 
 in various sizes and widths to suit all common condi 
 tions. Bulletin 220-C. 
 Handles All Bulk Materials. 
 as if they weighed but 
 type has scientific ar 
 rangement of gears by 
 which even a 1000-lb. 
 load is elevated with 
 out strenuous labor. 
 Electrically operated 
 type is a revelation in 
 this type of machine. 
 It embodies the utmost 
 in simplicity, strength 
 and adaptability. 
 To enable this ma 
 chine to pass through 
 doors, it is built with 
 the frame hinged, so 
 that the upper part of 
 the frame can be 
 folded down and back. 
 This does not weaken 
 the machine for the 
 joint is a rigid connec 
 tion when the machine 
 is erected. Made in 
 all sizes and capacities. 
 Bulletin 220-D. 
 Brown Portable Vertical 
 Tiering Machines are made in 
 both hand and power-operated 
 types. They pile heavy, bulky 
 goods to the ceiling as cheaply 
 as to the first tier and as easily 
 a few pounds. Hand-operated 
 Made in Both Hand and Power- 
 Operated Types. 
 , The Link-Belt Company is 
 the pioneer in the development 
 Material Handling of the elevating and convey.ng 
 Machinery art and manufactures practi- 
 i,,,,,,,, , ,1 cally all types of material han 
 dling equipment. 
 A list of the lines of industry in which Link-Belt 
 Machinery is employed comprises practically the entire 
 Inclined Apron Conveyor Delivering Automobile Parts 
 from Basement Storage to First Floor Conveyor. 
 Link-Belt Belt Conveyor. 
 loaders, etc., etc., which are recognized standard types 
 of machines the country over. Such machines often 
 form part of a larger general plan. 
 The question to determine is: what plan will accom 
 plish the results with the greatest effectiveness and 
 range of industrial activity, because wherever labor is 
 used there is a type of Link-Belt machinery equipment 
 which makes that labor more effective and more 
 That equipment includes all types of elevators and 
 conveyors for handling all materials, portable loaders, 
 locomotive cranes, electric hoists, coal and ashes 
 handling systems, loading and unloading machines, 
 crushers, screens, chains, wheels, buckets, etc. 
 A Machine 
 for Every 
 Link-Belt equipment is al 
 ways built to fit the conditions. 
 Practically every material 
 handling problem is different, 
 requiring individual attention 
 and studv. 
 By that, however, it is not meant that there are no 
 standard Link-Belt machines. There are, such as 
 Link-Belt locomotive cranes, electric hoists, portable 
 Link-Belt Portable Loader. 
 It is not practicable for us to 
 give information in this publi 
 cation which would enable the 
 buyer to pick out such ma 
 chinery as he might feel would 
 solve his problem. It is to his 
 advantage to let Link-Belt experienced engineers study 
 his problems and recommend conveying equipment 
 which will accomplish the results in the most economical 
 way. The Link-Belt Company makes no charge for 
 advice, layouts or estimates. Link-Belt engineers are 
 prepared to give prompt sen-ice in the solution of 
 elevating and conveying problems based on their years 
 of experience in this work. 
 Catalogs will be sent on request. 
 Link-Belt Apron Conveyor Handling Boxes. 
 For list of other offices see page 804. 
 j A PALMERBEE Manufac 
 turing Conveyor speeds up pro 
 duction lowers cost of produc 
 tion maintains uniformity 
 improves quality saves floor 
 space makes labor more con 
 tented. On a PALMERBEE Manufacturing Conveyor, 
 you can assemble heat-treat enamel bake dry or 
 Motor Assembly. 
 In manufacturing automobile 
 motors the cylinder castings 
 move forward on a PALMER- 
 BEE Progressive A s s e m b 1 y 
 Conveyor approximately .5 feet 
 per minute, on 4 foot centers. 
 Each operator performing his own individual task a? 
 the motor comes to him. 
 Progressive assembly of motors means simplified 
 operation increased efficiency a floor space saving of 
 from 50 to 100 per cent and, with a working force of 
 60 men, there can be produced 60 complete motors an 
 hour. One motor per man per minute. 
 and Drying 
 Washing dipping bak 
 ing cooling. No stop to put 
 on no stop in ovens no stop 
 to take off. 
 Pressed steel bodies, fenders, 
 hoods, radiators, splash guards, 
 sheet metal parts, camera metal parts, electrical metal 
 parts, handled mechanically by PALMERBEE methods 
 eliminate- M-ratching or jamming. 
 Approximately 100 per cent production better 
 Chassis Assembly. 
 The net result of chassis as 
 sembly on a PALMERBEE 
 Progressive Assembly Conveyor 
 is one complete automobile in 3 
 hours, or 22 automobiles per 
 hour with 56 men. 
 springs and axles. On the conveyor, going constantly 
 forward, the frame picks up the motor, the transmis 
 sion, steering gear, gas tank, muffler, battery boxes, 
 etc. The chassis is sprayed with paint and, still on 
 the conveyor, moves into a drying oven. After leaving 
 the oven the wheels are added, then the body and acces 
 The automobile leaves the Progressive Assembly 
 Conveyor a finished product ready to run. 
 Body Assembly. 
 Automobile body manufac 
 turers get more and tetter pro 
 duction with PALMERBEE 
 Progressive Assembly Con 
 veyors^ Bodies trimmed a n d 
 wired, the windshield and top 
 mounted, while in motion. 
 Axle Assembly. 
 On PALMERBEE Manufac 
 turing Conveyors washing ma 
 chines can be assembled, 
 painted, dried and crated pro 
 gressively. This is but one of 
 the many places where con- 
 vevors are used. 
 Gas and 
 Electric Stoves 
 and Ranges 
 Gas Stove Assembly. 
 For the assembly of stoves 
 and ranges PALMERBEE 
 Manufacturing Conveyors offer 
 proven economies. 30% in 
 crease in output 100% less 
 labor improved quality sim- 
 Th . frai 56 men - plified inspection easier work congestion minimized 
 to the conveyor equipped with -floor space saved. 
 veyors deliver coal to bunkers 
 via track hopper, feeder, 
 crusher, bucket elevators, screw 
 conveyors, belt and flight con 
 Conveying Coal from Hopper to Power House. 
 "Do your trucking on the 
 ceiling" -- the PALMERBEE 
 way and have c 1 e a r floor 
 spaces. Overhead Trolley and 
 Track systems adaptable over a 
 wide range cf industries, store 
 houses, repair shops, etc. 
 An electric, air or chain hoist in combination with 
 trolley and track system permits one man to do the 
 work of five. 
 Overhead Track 
 Trolleys and 
 Overhead Track and Trolley. 
 PALMERBEE overhead trolley track systems are 
 not limited to propelling by hand. The application of 
 a sprocket chain will propel the load over the track 
 Coke Loaders 
 The PALMERBEE Company 
 furnish portable coke loaders to 
 gas plants, retail coal dealers, 
 foundries anywhere where the 
 loading of coke or separation 
 from breeze is required. 
 Portable Coke Loader. 
 veyors provide a mechanical 
 means for conveying loose ma 
 terial such as coal, coke, crushed 
 rock, stone, ore, gravel and 
 sand; also package goods, bags, 
 Palmer-Bee Belt Conveyor. 
 PALMERBEE Traveling 
 Cranes are specially designed to 
 lift and transport heavy loads 
 within a given area. 
 Hand or power propelled, 
 with electric, air or chain hoist. 
 1 to 10 tons capicity roller tearing equipped 
 crane ends requiring 
 minimum head room. 
 The PALMERBEE Company 
 offers a complete Engineering, 
 Designing, Building and Erect 
 ing service to all who would be 
 relieved of, or need assistance 
 in, their material handling 
 problems. Their engineering department is maintained 
 lor the express purpose of designing special or adapting 
 standard appliances to suit requirements for the eco 
 nomical handling of your products. 
 PALMERBEE Service is made possible by specially 
 trained engineers long practical experience. 
 Results are guaranteed. 
 The Ford 
 Because of its rugged, yet 
 - simple construction and its 
 speed and efficiency in handling 
 loads, the Ford Tribloc is par- 
 n , mi ticularly adapted for handling 
 material of all kinds. It low 
 ers smoothly and rapidly; it holds 
 the load securely. 
 A distinctive feature is the 
 Patented Loop Hand-Chain Guide, 
 standard equipment of Ford Tri- 
 blocs in all sizes from *4 to 20 
 tons. This guide is an endless 
 malleable iron loop having fixed 
 guiding strips adjacent to the 
 flanges of the wheel, extending 
 from one guide to the other and 
 conforming to the circumference of 
 the wheel. 
 The Loop Hand-Chain Guide 
 has many advantages over the old 
 style strap guide. It prevents in 
 jury to the block by protecting the 
 hand wheel and preventing the 
 hand chain from buckling in the 
 guide, even when the hoist is oper 
 ated at very high speed. It per 
 mits rapid travel of the hand 
 chain without overriding the 
 flange of the hand wheel. 
 Durability is still further in 
 sured by making all working parts 
 of steel and covering the cut gears 
 by a dust proof pressed steel case. 
 Hooks are of drop-forged steel. 
 This chain hoist is the ulti- 
 mate developement of many 
 Widely Used years experience. Its wide use, 
 in all industries, demonstrates 
 i....." . , , , conclusively its superiority for 
 quick and efficient service. 
 It is particularly adapted to work in machine shops 
 where heavy pieces must be placed in accurate position 
 before production can be started. One Ford Tribloc 
 will save the cost of two and sometimes three laborers 
 and soon pay for itself in reduced wages. 
 Ford I-Beam 
 The Ford Chain Block Co. 
 carry 1 in stock roller-bearing, 
 steel plate, I-beam trolleys, in 
 both the plain and geared types. 
 Standard sizes are given in 
 table below. Trolleys may be 
 widened to suit larger than the standard I-beam with 
 out extra charge. 
 . FOR 
 in Tons 
 Size of 
 Diameter of Wheel 
 in Inches 
 Smallest Radius 
 for I-Beam Curve 
 Gea red 
 6 4 
 " Can be 
 altered to suit larger beams. 
 Screw and 
 Where the highest speed and 
 efficiency are not required, the 
 Ford screw gear hoist is fre 
 quently used. Because of its 
 lighter weight, this type is well 
 adapted for portable use. 
 Simplest of all chain hoists is the Ford Differential 
 Hoist. It is recommended for work where a hoist is 
 used but occasionally, and high efficiency and speed 
 are not essential. 
 Capacity Regular Hoist 
 in Tons j n Feet* 
 Reach in Feet 
 and Inches 
 Min. Distance 
 Between Hooks 
 in Inches 
 Net Weight 
 in Pounds 
 Chain Pull In 
 Pounds to Lift 
 Full Load 
 Feet of Chain 
 Handled to Lift 
 Load One Foot 
 V4 8 
 ri " 
 9" 5" 
 9 7H 
 4 Tf> 
 15 9" 
 8 5 
 10 ]; 
 16 3" 
 12 Jo 
 w 5 ;, f; 
 20 jj ,L, r . 
 40} Prices and full particulars upon request. 
 * For each hand . h ain . " ** Wh h blocks wlth re f? ul ar lengths of chain will hoist above level on which operator stands. 
 The design of the Wright 
 hoist is wrapped around a 
 Design single word "dependability." 
 Ever since the days when this 
 im imi j plant of specialists for here 
 the whole thought of every 
 member of the organization is devoted to hoists was 
 first organized the one predominating thought has been 
 the perfection of a hoist that would not fail in action, 
 one that when the load was hoisted the operators would 
 know perfectly well that there would be no danger of 
 injury and the manufacturer that his product upon 
 which he had spent so much time and money would 
 not slip and fall through failure of the hoist. 
 the load suspended is absolutely positive and dept-nd- 
 ible, and the features of this hoist have become known. 
 Types of 
 right abuse. For ex 
 In the construction of the 
 Wright hoist many unusual fea 
 tures are found. This is the 
 case because every condition the 
 hoist may encounter in service 
 is anticipated including down- 
 imple, in the nickel, carbon-steel 
 driving shaft and pinion a strength of four times the 
 hoist s rated capacity is found. Then, the load chain 
 wheel, the heart of any hoist, is a steel casting that is 
 guaranteed not to break, and the load chain itself will 
 work at from three to four times the rated capacity of 
 the hoist. Add to these the facts that the hook will 
 safely carry up to six times the rated capacity with 
 out bending and that the locking device for holding 
 The high-speed hoist is the 
 ! last word in hoist construction. 
 ! By its use human effort in the 
 I handling of materials is actu- 
 } I ally reduced to a minimum. 
 The screw hoist is good for gen 
 eral repair work, where the hoist must be continually 
 shifted about and the differential is suitable where a 
 hoist is needed only occasionally. 
 With a one-ton high speed hoist, a. pull of only 80 
 Ibs. on the hand chain is needed to lift the load. 
 Another type of Wright H~:sts is the "Twin-Hook" 
 in which a single hand wheel and chain operates two. 
 mechanisms. By its use, one man can raise evenly long 
 pieces, motor truck bodies, etc., etc. 
 Still another variation is the hoist with a hand wheel 
 extension which is especially valuable when the heat 
 from a furnace or the size of the work to be lifted is 
 such that the operator cannot stand directly under 
 neath the hoist. 
 The Wright High-Speed Trolley Hoist is another 
 form. It is designed especially for use in buildings 
 where head room is limited in cellars, warehouses, etc. 
 Wright hoists are made in sizes ranging from l /$ 
 ton to 30 tons. 
 Our new book on hoists will be sent upon request 
 to the readers of this Cyclopedia. 
 This Foundry s Right Arm. 
 The Wright High-Speed Hoist. 
 One Man Easily and Safely 
 Lifts the Load. 
 Speeding Up Production with a 
 Wright Hoist. 
 The Gears are cut 
 from solid blanks of 
 high-tensile steel and 
 are enclosed in an 
 oil-tight, dust - proof 
 casing, in which they 
 operate in a bath of oil. 
 This provides Automatic Lubrication and 
 high efficiency and low cost of maintenance. 
 F A nm/- 
 L_r-iL/i 11 VJ 
 Must Make Good 
 or We Will 
 Geared Positive Automatic Limit Stop for 
 lifting and lowering. Adjustable to any 
 height of lift. 
 Every Reading Hoist is equipped with a 
 double brake one automatic self-adjusting, 
 the other controlled by operating cords. 
 Reading Electric Hoist. 
 Perfect Balance at all times, with or without load, 
 insured by the use of two drums, the lower hook remain 
 ing always central with point of suspension. 
 A. C. 
 Net Weights 
 ^ -j 
 :. - 
 "~ -^. 
 C^ 1 
 7. o 
 A A 
 17% , 400 
 14 400 
 S?i 12(1 
 17 685 
 18 735 
 7 420 
 I . 1 1 
 14 i*r> 
 i -i , 
 B I! 
 7% n:r, 
 11) 1170 
 17 12CO 
 1 I".", 
 SVt 1220 
 1 1 1:, 
 12 I7CO 
 8% 1750 
 1214 1 180 
 1 I:;., 
 16 1210 
 1 Hi.-, 
 ii% 1230 
 1 I.-;, 
 9% 1 720 
 6% 1760 
 9% 1210 
 14% 1210 
 H 175 
 2 90 
 5 1250 
 li 2:, 
 8% 1740 
 12% 1795 
 8 . 1805 
 7% 1-25 
 ,: .;:, 
 Either will hold the load independently of the other. 
 Unit Plan of 
 Each part is an independent 
 unit, readily accessible for in 
 spection, and can be removed 
 without disturbing any of the 
 other units. 
 The motor and controller are 
 mounted separately on one end of the main frame, gear 
 case and limit stop mounted at the opposite end. 
 Winding drums are in the center of main frame. 
 Variety of 
 These hoists are built for 110, 
 220 or 500 volts, direct current, 
 and alternating current, 220, 
 440 or 550 volts, 2 or 3 phase, 
 I, , , l 60 cycles. 
 For Hook Suspension. 
 With Plain Trolley. 
 With Hand Operated Geared Trolley. 
 With Motor Driven Trolley floor control. 
 With Motor Driven Trolley traveling cage control. 
 There are 24 types ranging from }/> to 10 tons ca 
 pacity and suitable for all requirements. 
 Write for Catalog Xo. 48 and supplement. 
 Net Weights 
 "= I 
 i - 
 .- -. 
 - o. 
 2 .5 
 " o 
 ~. X 
 20 19% 
 A A 
 20 15% 
 10 9% 
 30 19 
 30 19 
 A A 
 10 7% 
 30 15% 
 30 15% 
 15 9% 
 15 9% 
 30 19 
 30 21 
 3(1 26 
 1 IS) 
 15 7% 
 15 7% 
 30 12 
 SO 15% 
 30 19 
 15 9% 
 15 10% 
 15 13 
 I 1 V 
 32 lii% 
 82 21 
 15 7% 
 !.- 9% 
 I.", K;v 2 
 1 > V 
 :!2 15 
 32 16% 
 15 6 
 1 5 7% 
 120 00 
 15 9% 
 30 12% 
 30 15 
 Mi 8% 
 10 10% 1795 
 2 :cco 
 H> 7% 1805 
 10 8Vi 1S25 
 Design and 
 The design of the 
 Reading Traveling 
 Cranes is the result of 
 20 years practical ex 
 perience in the manu 
 facture of hoisting 
 Must Make Good 
 or We Will 
 Their cranes are of the most rigid. All Steel Con 
 struction, built for severe service. 
 End trucks so connected to crane beam, that it is im 
 possible for the crane to get out of square. 
 Truck wheels run on steel roller bearing.* and have 
 chilled and ground treads. 
 Reading Single I-Beam Crane. 
 Types and 
 Single I-Beam type, standard 
 or suspended, plain or geared, 1 
 to 10 tons capacity up to 40 feet 
 Double I-beam type, 3 to 30 
 tons capacity up to 60 feet span. 
 Double Girder Type bridge built of riveted steel 
 plate girders; 5 to 30 tons capacity, up to 100 feet 
 Write for catalog No. 49. 
 Reading Double I-Beam Crane. 
 The hoists used in connection 
 Reading \ w ith these cranes are the Read- 
 Hoists and ing Multiple Gear Type or 
 Cranes ! Reading Electric Hoists. 
 Double I-Beam Cranes can 
 be equipped with one or two 
 Multiple Gear Hoists, as desired, and als 
 with an auxiliary hoist suspended from a 
 separate trolley, running on the lower flange 
 of one of the crane bridge beams. 
 The main trolley on Double I-Bc-am 
 cranes can also be mounted between the 
 ridge beams (Submerged Type), when overhead 
 room is limited. 
 For handling small loads 
 occasionally, the Reading Dif 
 ferential Chain Hoist is a very- 
 useful and desir 
 able appliance. 
 It is light and 
 easy to handle; it has no parts to wear 
 out; it holds the load stationary at any 
 point, unless the hand chain is pulled. 
 For garage work, or in any place 
 where men are available, and where a 
 Multiple Gear Hoist would be uneco 
 nomical, the Reading Differential Chain 
 Hoist will fully meet the requirements. 
 A complete line ranging from l /4 to 2 
 tons capacity. 
 Write for bulletin D-l for further in- Differential 
 formation. Hoist. 
 Multiple Gear 
 High Speed Type 
 Distinctive Features are: 
 Gears and pinions are cut 
 from solid steel blanks, and are 
 enclosed in an oil-tight, dust- 
 proof casing, in which they 
 operate in a bath of oil. 
 This provides Automatic Lubrication of all parts 
 uul insures free and easy movement, quickest per 
 formance, the least wear and the longest service. 
 The brake consists of but four parts, is self-adjust 
 ing, and takes up its own wear. It holds the load sta 
 tionary at any point. 
 The Chains are made in their own chain plant from 
 material of their own special analysis. Each link is 
 carefully blocked to insure correct pitch and accurate 
 tit, and every chain is subjected to a rigid inspection 
 and test before being put on a hoist. 
 All hooks are drop forged and will hold safely a 
 load of five times the capacity of the hoist. 
 Each Chain Hoist guaranteed against defective ma 
 terial or workmanship for its life. 
 A complete line ranging from l / 4 to 20 tons capacity. 
 \\ rite for catalog No. 47 for further information. 
 Quality, high grade workmanship and efficiency arc- 
 distinctive features of all Reading products. Protection 
 to life and property is the first consideration in all 
 products of the Reading Chain and Block Corporation. 
 Reading Multiple Gear Hoists. 
 C-M 3-Way Movable 
 Switch, Matchless Trol 
 ley and Cyclone 3- 
 Ton High-Speed Chain 
 C-M Matchless Adjustable Frame Trolley 
 (also built in geared type). Hoist hook 
 reaches within 1%" of I-Beam. 
 | Chisholm-Moore 
 Material Han- 
 | dling Equipment 
 Chisholm - Moore Material- 
 Handling Equipment includes: 
 Cyclone High-Speed Chain 
 Hoists, "Moore" Anti-Friction 
 Chain-Hoists, Standard Screw 
 chain-hoists, and Direct differ- 
 C-M Overhead Trolley System Serving Shears and Saws 
 in Knife and Forge Plant. 
 ential pulley blocks; Matchless Adjustable Malleable 
 Frame Trolleys, plain and geared hf single and tandem 
 styles, C-M Geared and Plain Yoke Trolleys and C-M 
 Detachable Trolleys; C-M 2-way, 3-way and 4-way 
 movable switches; also automatic switches; C-M Trav 
 eling Cranes, Wall Bracket and Mast Jib Cranes; 
 C-M Trolley Hoists, Ammunition and Gun Hoists, 
 Hand and Power Winches and complete C-M Overhead 
 For more than a quarter-century Chisholm-Moore 
 engineers have specialized in the design and manu 
 facture of material-hoisting and handling equipment. 
 This extended and widely-varied experience is at your 
 disposal in the study of your problems and in the 
 planning of systems exactly fitted to your individual 
 needs. The illustrations on this page merely suggest 
 the wide scope of C-M equipment; complete descriptions 
 and illustrations can be obtained by writing for a cata 
 log, which gives you an abundance of hoisting and 
 handling information. 
 The secret of Cyclone speed, 
 durability and efficiency lies in 
 the gyrating yoke. This mech 
 anism gives the user three ad 
 vantages : ( 1 ) it produces a 
 higher gear ratio in less space; 
 (2) it supports the load at all times on 2/3 of all the 
 teeth (not on one tooth only) ; (3) the presence of two 
 yokes means that the pull is always carried at two 
 points directly opposite, thus reducing friction to a 
 minimum. This gives a hoist with no small delicate 
 Cyclone Shock Absorber Hoist Suspended from 
 Matchless Trolley Serving a Trip Hammer. 
 parts to break or require frequent adjustment, a 
 powerful drive with remarkably small frictional loss, 
 least possible exertion to lift the load and high speed 
 with smooth, positive action free from vibration. 
 A multiple disc brake automatically holds the load 
 in any position and releases without jerk or jar, the 
 handwheel spinning freely in either direction when 
 there is no load. Malleable iron frame. All gears 
 machine-cut. Three main bearings are steel roller- 
 bushed, all others fitted with graphite bronze bearings. 
 Chain is made in our own plant from special analysis 
 steel, and tested to 30% overload strain. Built in J4, 
 l />, 1, \ l /2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 30 and 40 
 ton capacities. 
 C-M Matchless 
 Built of malleable iron care- 
 | fully proportioned to provide 
 great strength, the use of Match- 
 I less Trolleys insures a large 
 I factor of safety. The load is 
 carried equally on all four 
 wheels. The trolley is adjustable to varying sized I- 
 beams by means of small vertical guide rollers 
 mounted on an eccentric shaft opposite each track 
 Handling Heavy Castings with a C-M Jib Crane, 
 Cyclone Hoist anil Matchless Trolley. 
 wheel. Track wheels are flangeless so that trolley 
 may pass freely on track curved to an 18" radius. 
 Matchless Trolleys are built in both plain and geared 
 types, in the latter all gears being machine-cut. Roller 
 bearings, axles and rollers are made of hardened steel. 
 C-M Traveling 
 C-M Traveling Cranes are 
 \ furnished in many standard and 
 I special types to meet the de- 
 | mands of the user. They are 
 | | built with single or double 
 bridge, overhead, transfer and 
 underhung types. On receipt of requirements as to 
 length of span, maximum load and distance from track 
 to floor the company will forward blue-prints showing 
 construction and clearance and submit prices. 
 C-M Complete 
 Hoisting and Con 
 veying Systems 
 C-M Complete Hoisting and 
 Conveying Systems (see typical 
 installation photo in first col 
 umn) are remarkable time and 
 labor-savers wherever installed. 
 Composed of items which are 
 each distinct leaders in their respective classes Cyclone 
 Hoists, Matchless Trolleys and C-M two, three and 
 four-way switches the result is an overhead system of 
 the greatest efficiency. 
 Correspondence in regard to prices or specifications 
 for such systems will be given prompt attention. 
 Branch Offices of the 
 30 Church St., Xew York 
 Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago 
 Henry \V. Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh 
 Piling Castings with C-M Crane. ( .\clone Hoist and 
 Matchless Trollev. 
 Cyclone 40 - Ton High - Speed 
 Chain Hoist. Cyclone Hoists 
 are the only single-unit hoists 
 built for capacities above 3 tons. 
 As specialists in the design, 
 ! manufacture and application of 
 | lifting machinery, Herbert Mor- 
 [ ris Incorporated manufacture 
 the following products: 
 Portable Chain-Blocks, Over 
 head Runways, Trolleys, Traveling Chain-Blocks, 
 Hand-Operated Overhead Traveling Cranes, Crane- 
 Ways, Gantry Cranes, Hand-Operated Jib-Cranes, 
 Telescopic Ash Hoists, Various Hand-Operated Lift 
 ing Equipment such as Winches, Rope Blocks, Eye 
 Hooks, Tripods, Slings, Clamps, Trays, Buckets, and 
 Morris electric equipment includes Portable Hoists, 
 Overhead Runways, Trolley-Hoists, Overhead Travel 
 ing Cranes and Friction Hoists. 
 Herbert Morris Incorporated are, furthermore, in a 
 position to consult with you concerning specially de 
 signed equipment to meet your particular requirements. 
 Large catalog will be sent on request. 
 Morris Geared 
 The three models of Morris 
 Geared Chain-Blocks are fitted 
 with an automatic brake, actu 
 ated by the reaction due to the 
 load. They are further equipped 
 with machine-cut gears, re 
 liable load-chain, accurately made pocket-wheels and 
 forged hooks. 
 The worm gear chain block is adapted to capacities 
 from J^th ton to 60 tons. The double-thread high 
 angle machine-cut worm gives a remarkably small fric 
 tion loss. 
 For regular day-in and day-out service, under good 
 conditions, such as in a modern machine shop, the 
 Morris spur-gear chain-block with its high efficiency 
 is selected by discriminating users. 
 In an atmosphere of dust or steam a Morris triple- 
 gear chain-block should be used; its gears are well 
 protected by a close-fitting, pressed steel cover. The 
 compact, balanced mechanism allows a close, high lift. 
 T In purchasing a chain-block 
 Morns Traveling f it is advisable to consider the 
 Wonn-Gear ; advantages offered by the 
 Chain Blocks j traveling type. This type con 
 sists of a Morris chain block 
 built into a trolley, arranged to 
 run on the lower flange of an I beam. By such a 
 trolley, heavy loads may be easily moved and accurately 
 plai r<l. 
 The Morris system of over- 
 Overhead i leuc j runways is designed to 
 I-Beam overcome the handicaps of nar- 
 Runways row doors, irregular floors, 
 pipes, shafting, wiring, etc. 
 To eliminate the troubles of 
 poorly working switches, such as getting out of adjust 
 ment, binding, jerking, and so on, specify Morris 
 Q.E.F. junctions. This junction has no moving parts. 
 There are no open ends. Each trolley is fitted with 
 steering gear by which it may be guided through the 
 switches. No stop, no hesitation. 
 Morris runways are being used in machine shops, 
 foundries, biscuit factories, chemical plants, tanneries, 
 glass works, warehouses, freight sheds, textile mills, 
 lead works, automobile plants, power houses and both 
 indoors and out-of-doors. Ask for Bulletin 311. 
 Morris jib-cranes are stand 
 ardized in a great variety of 
 types: they may be attached to 
 a wall or post, or they may be 
 arranged self-supporting or 
 The hoist may be fixed at the end of the jib, or it 
 may be suspended from a trolley of the I-beam or 
 top-running type. 
 Component parts are standard, and are carried in 
 stock. The structure is designed to meet varying re 
 quirements. Ask for Bulletin 521. 
 Morris hand-operated over 
 head cranes are similarly stand 
 ardized in a wide range of 
 styles. Stock parts, produced in 
 f. quantities, facilitate prompt 
 shipment and insure a uni 
 formly reliable product. Machine cut lifting gears, 
 mtomatic load-brakes arid roller-bearing travel-wheels 
 ire outstanding features" of all Morris hand cranes. 
 \sk for Bulletin 401. 
 r 1 or prompt service and the 
 best of lifting machinery in 
 Canada Canada, consult The Herbert 
 Morris Crane & Hoist Co.. Ltd., 
 at Niagara Falls. Out. 
 20-Ton Crane in a Pumping Plant. 
 Saving Money 
 l- .m-liil lloi-l- 
 The cost of handling mate 
 rial by hand is much higher, 
 and the saving that could be 
 effected by installing an. electric 
 hoist much greater, than is gen 
 erally understood. 
 Tin- speed of an electric hoist requiring only one 
 man to operate it is from ten to twenty times that of a 
 hand hoist requiring from one to three men. The labor 
 saved by installing only one 2-ton electric hoist in 
 place of one 2-ton chain block (assuming that there 
 The hoisting drum is a heavy iron casting, with ma 
 chine cut grooves, of sufficient size to take all of the 
 hoist cable without overwinding. The cable is fastened 
 to the drum in such a way that it cannot get loose, but 
 can be very quickly replaced by a new one when worn 
 Variety of 
 Types and 
 The basic features of design 
 and construction are the same 
 for all types of Euclid electric 
 hoists. The sizes and details of 
 are 25 lifts of 2 tons per day to an average of 7 feet) I,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ? equipment however vary, mak- 
 is enough to pay for the electric hoist in four months. ing a number of types sufficient 
 Multiply this by the number of men handling material for any set of conditions. There are electric hoists of 
 in your plant and you will 
 have some conception of 
 the saving to be effected. 
 The cost of current is neg 
 ligible. In the example giv 
 en above, it would be less 
 than 5 cents per day. 
 Euclid hoists are all elec 
 trically o p e r a t e d. The 
 frame is in one piece. The 
 motor platform is substan 
 tial and so arranged that 
 any standard hoist motor 
 can be used, while the va 
 rious standard types of sus 
 pension yokes and trolleys 
 are all interchangeable and 
 all fit the standard hoist 
 Euclid Electric Hoist 
 the single suspension \y\><- 
 to be used in place of a 
 chain block; hoists with 
 either plain or geared hand 
 power trolleys; hoists with 
 motor driven floor control 
 trolleys; cab operated trol 
 leys; and electric derrick 
 hoists in capacities from J / 2 
 to 15 tons. 
 \Yith such a variety of 
 types and sizes it is little 
 wonder that Euclid hoists 
 have found their place in 
 such a variety of industries. 
 They are already installed 
 in ice plants, warehouses, 
 rolling mills, forge shops, 
 foundries and bridge and 
 machine shops. Their flexi- 
 The accessibility of all parts bility and adaptability to conditions makes them a 
 of All Parts 
 can be seen from the illustra 
 tion above. A Euclid hoist can 
 be disassembled in two or three 
 minutes by any workman. After 
 removing the cover on the cas 
 ing end, all the shafts and gears can be taken out 
 without in any way interfering with anything else. The 
 armature of the hoist motor can be removed separately 
 or the motor can be taken off without interfering with 
 any other part. 
 valuable addition to any shop. 
 Details of 
 Spur gearing is used on all 
 types of Euclid hoists. There 
 are three reductions. The first 
 two, with the mechanical brake, 
 run in an oil tight casing. This 
 is a feature of great importance 
 in foundries and other plants where the hoist is con 
 stantly exposed to dirt. As the motor is at one end of 
 the hoist frame and the gear case at the other, it is 
 impossible for oil to reach the motor and cause trouble. 
 All the hoist bearings are of ample size to prevent 
 heating or rapid wear under the hardest service. The 
 brake is of the disc type and so designed that on the 
 smaller sizes no motor brake is required. 
 A limit attachment of the lever type is furnished on 
 all floor controlled hoists, which acts on the controller, 
 returning it to the neutral position or automatically 
 reversing before the hook block can run up high enough 
 to do any damage. A lower limit can also be furnished 
 as an extra when required. 
 In addition to electric hoists 
 and trolleys the Euclid Crane 
 and Hoist Co. manufacture a 
 complete line of one, two and 
 three motor overhead traveling 
 cranes, both single and double 
 girder types, floor or cab controlled; also electric and 
 hand driven transfer bridges; I-beam switches and 
 hoist units for storage battery trucks. 
 The overhead traveling cranes can be supplied vary 
 ing in capacity from one-half to 15 tons, in spans not 
 exceeding 70 feet. They are particularly adapted for 
 all machine shop and foundry service, or any work of 
 similar nature. 
 Repair Parts 
 in a Dav 
 The service to the buyer does 
 not stop with his purchase, 
 however. In any hoist or crane, 
 parts will eventually wear out 
 or break, and at times this may 
 cause ji severe loss in time and 
 money. All the parts of the standard Euclid electric 
 hoists and cranes are carried in stock and shipments 
 can be made promptly. Under ordinary conditions, 
 90 per cent of all orders are filled the same day that 
 the order is received. 
 Easy Movement 
 of Maris "I" 
 Beam Trolleys 
 The single pivot connection When writing for information state the weight to be 
 of the side plates in the Maris carried, the span of the crane, the kind of current 
 "I" beam trolley insures at all whether A.C. or D.C., and if the crane is to be equipped 
 times equal bearing on the four with electric traveling drive, 
 wheels of the trolley. Moreover, 
 the wheels on the Maris trolley 
 are faced to a double cone. This feature brings the 
 bearing in a line with the center of the tread, and cen 
 tral with the roller bearing. The double cone face has 
 a further advantage in greatly reducing friction while 
 passing around curves. 
 Plain "I" Beam Trolley. 
 Geared "I" Beam Trolley. 
 I The Way a Mari 
 "I" Trolley 
 Is Made 
 With the exception of the 
 wheels all parts of a Maris trol 
 ley are of steel. The sides are 
 thick steel plates. The wheel 
 studs are forced into the plates, 
 under heavy pressure, held on 
 one side by a large nut and by a shoulder on the other. 
 The shackle for hanging the hoist is of steel. Hard 
 steel roller bearings in grease retaining cages are used 
 throughout. This feature in conjunction with the lateral 
 movement of the wheels on the studs, reduces friction 
 and prevents binding against the face of the stud. 
 Maris trolleys have as few parts as possible, thereby 
 reducing the breakage risk to a minimum. The large 
 size and correct proportions of roller bearings, the spe 
 cial hardness of chilled treads combined with the all 
 steel construction, renders the Maris trolley practically 
 The usual method of han- 
 Maris dling ice in cans is by means of 
 Ice Handling; a light crane with a suitable 
 Crane hoist. Except for continuous 
 and particularly rapid work, 
 where a motor traveling drive 
 may be advantageous, a crane moved by pushing on the 
 suspended can fills all requirements at a very moderate 
 The Maris totally enclosed electric hoist designed 
 especially for this work, enables one man quickly to 
 raise and remove the ice. 
 Maris ice cranes have the easy running features of 
 all Maris cranes. 
 Hoists have either direct or alternating current 
 motors, as required. All parts are enclosed in an oil 
 tight case from which no oil can escape to contaminate 
 the ice. 
 Hoisting or lowering is done 
 by pulling on the cords attached 
 Operation to the controller lever. An 
 automatic limit switch prevents 
 , ,, the can being raised too high. 
 All parts are readily accessible 
 for inspection and repairs. 
 Maris Hand Push Crane with Enclosed E 
 Can Ice Plant. 
 Hoist in 
 Electric Hoist 
 General Dutv 
 In shops, warehouses and 
 mills having sufficient use for 
 an electric hoist, the Maris elec 
 tric hoist will justify its cost in 
 I im ITI iimiiiu " i in | labor saving. The Maris elec 
 tric hoist embraces all the latest 
 features in safety, clearances, brakes and gears, ease of 
 renewals, etc. 
 The safety features of the Maris hoist results from 
 various factors. Simplicity in design, lowest possible 
 number of parts, and the main frame casting with the 
 suspension lugs of steel and surrounding the rope drum 
 are all safety features of Maris hoists. Steel wire rope 
 is wound on a grooved drum. The automatic limit 
 switch is operated directly from the running block. 
 The distance between the hook and top of hoist is 
 designed to be as small as possible with hook at highest 
 The brake and gearing run in a bath of oil. The 
 brake serves the double purpose of holding the load 
 and bringing the armature to a prompt stop. 
 The motor being a complete unit can easily be re 
 moved. All bearings are of bronze and of the remov 
 able type. 
 Electric Hoist with Geared 
 Electric Hoist with Plain 
 Hoists of similar design and of all capacities up to 
 7}/2 tons can be furnished to suspend from a geared 
 trolley, operating along a runway. Both the hoist and 
 the geared trolley are operated by pendant cords, 
 reaching to a position where they can be controlled from 
 the floor. Maris trolleys are also furnished driven by 
 an electric motor and controlled in a similar manner. 
 Maris electric hoists are made for direct current 
 standard at 115 and 230 voltage, and for alternating 
 current at 110 and 220 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle. Special 
 voltage and cycles can be furnished as desired. 
 Into every modern system of 
 material handling some forms 
 of cranes, trolleys or hoists 
 usually enter. A selection of 
 the proper type of overhead 
 transportation is important and 
 to insure economical handling it is equally important 
 that the equipment be of the most modern design. 
 Hyatt Roller Bearings are essential parts of over 
 head handling equipment if real economy of power, 
 lubricant, and maintenance are to be secured. By re 
 ducing friction and thereby reducing the power re 
 quired to operate, by operating for long periods of time 
 without additional lubricant and by standing up under 
 the severest service conditions for years without ap 
 preciable wear, Hyatt Roller Bearings make cranes, 
 trolleys and hoists economical and dependable. 
 Many manufacturers of overhead handling equip 
 ment are prepared to furnish Hyatt Roller Bearings 
 either as standard on their equipment or when specified. 
 on Trolleys 
 One man can quickly handle 
 the heaviest loads on a Hyatt 
 equipped trolley without fatigue 
 because the bearings begin to 
 revolve just as soon as he exerts 
 any effort. A test shows that a 
 pull of 95 pounds was required to move a load of 4,000 
 pounds on a brass bearing trolley, where only 50 
 pounds was required to move the same load on a 
 Hyatt equipped I-beam trolley manufac 
 tured by Curtis Pneumatic Machinery 
 Company, St. Louis. Mo. 
 Curtis-Hyatt equipped trolley. On comparing a 
 Hyatt equipped trolley with a plain cast iron bearing 
 trolley the ratio was three to one in favor of the Hyatt 
 Electrically and hand oper 
 ated hoists attain their highest 
 efficiency when equipped with 
 Hyatt Bearings. A test of Bar 
 ber-Foster Hyatt equipped elec 
 tric hoists showed that they re 
 quire 22% less power to operate at a speed 21% 
 greater than similar hoists with ordinary bearings. 
 Hyatt equipped electric hoist and trolley 
 manufactured by the Barber-Foster En 
 gineering Company, Cleveland, Ohio 
 Thus a Hyatt equipped hoist is able to do the same 
 work quicker and with less power with a smaller, 
 lighter, and less costly motor than a plain bearing 
 I Cranes in ordinary every day 
 Cranes with j use are subjected more than any 
 Hyatt I other type of machinery to ne- 
 Bearins I gleet and abuse. They are fre- 
 i quently overloaded and only in 
 exceptional circumstances are 
 they properly lubricated. Ordinary plain bearings will 
 not stand up under such treatment for any length of 
 time. A plain bearing crane is bound to be out of 
 service more or less frequently for bearing repairs, 
 often when it is most needed to speed up the work. 
 Because of their sturdy chrome vanadium steel rollers 
 Hyatt Roller Bearings are capable of operating 
 properly under the worst conditions of use and abuse, 
 and therefore insure years of dependable crane service. 
 A recent test of two 10-ton bridge cranes, one 
 equipped with plain bearings and the other with Hyatt 
 Roller Bearings showed a power saving during accelera 
 tion of 22.1% and an average saving in power re 
 quired at normal traveling speed of 48.5% in favor 
 of the Hyatt equipped crane. 
 Our engineers are bearing 
 specialists and are often able to 
 present designs for the use of 
 Hyatt Roller Bearings that are 
 of real value to manufacturers 
 and users of cranes, trolleys and 
 hoists. Get in touch with us regarding any bearing 
 problem without obligation. 
 for Unlimited 
 1 .-(- 
 The uses of Sprague Elec 
 tric Hoists are unlimited. They 
 have already been installed in 
 foundries, machine shops, 
 pressrooms, warehouses, abat 
 toirs, power houses and all 
 kinds of factories, outside as well as indoors; they 
 have seen service on the docks, in brick yards and 
 mines, and in all places exposed to the elements. Thev 
 have been used for handling bales of cotton, rolls of 
 paper, safes, boilers, rails, ammunition, automobiles, 
 and numerous other commodities. 
 The small electric hoist has become an important 
 Type W Loading Pipe Tees 
 factor in the modern foundry equipment. For the suc 
 cessful handling of copes, cores and flasks in foundry 
 work a very delicate speed regulation is required. The 
 foundry hoists built by the Sprague Electric Works 
 are equipped with special "Foundry" controllers which 
 particularly adapts them to this class of work. 
 Sprague electric hoists are especially adapted to 
 service in machine shops. The output of a machine 
 tool is dependent upon the facility with which the 
 work is brought to it and taken away from it. The 
 use of a small electric hoist over each tool enables the 
 1)00 Pound Hoist in Machine Shop 
 operator to avoid all unnecessary delays, thus increas 
 ing the output of the tool. 
 Electric Hoist Cage Control 
 (lit TVI KS 
 W-l AND W-2 
 N et Weights 
 Hand-Gen veil 
 O 4_, 
 I 5 - 
 r - 
 ^ C r 
 ?urve in 
 "55 .- 
 g a 
 S g^ 
 p. C 
 ?? o 
 K B 
 :CT c 
 20 40 2 W-l M-l 
 3 8-15 
 10-1 r, 
 2 540 
 40 40 2 W-l M-2 
 6 8-15 
 M-l 2 660 
 10 20 4 W-l M-l 
 3 8-15 
 M-l 2 590 
 20 20 4 W-l M-2 
 6 K-15 
 10-1 r> 
 M-l 2 710 
 20 50 2 W-2 M-2 
 B 8-15 
 M-l 2 870 1140 , 1210 
 30 50 2 W-2 M-3 
 9 8-15 
 M-l 2 970 1240 1310 
 13 25 4 W-2 M-2 
 6 12-18 
 M-2 4 930 1200 
 15 25 4 W-2 M-3 
 9 12-18 
 M-2 4 1030 1300 1370 
 10 16 6 W-2 M-3 
 M-3 6 1460 1960 
 527-531 W. 34th St., NEW YORK, N. Y. 
 The Sprague Electric Works 
 Sprague , o f t i lc General Electric Corn- 
 Electric | pany manufactures and mar- 
 Monorail Hoists I kets through its own district 
 r M , , iiiiiiin | sales organization the special 
 ties described in the four fol 
 lowing pages. 
 Sprague electric hoists fill the gap between hand 
 chain blocks and large three motor traveling cranes. 
 They give from six to eight times the speed of hand 
 chain hoists and their cost is only a small part of the 
 cost of traveling cranes. They are built in a variety 
 of styles, with floor or cage control, and with capacities 
 varying from % to 6 tons. 
 The Sprague Electric Type 
 Type 1-6 j 1.5 ; 500 pound hoist is a light 
 500 Pounds I hoist which is primarily for use 
 Capacity I over tools such as lathes, plan- 
 { ers, boring mills, etc. 
 It has a factor of safety 
 throughout of not less than 5. An upper limit of the 
 lever type is provided which automatically turns the 
 Type 1-6 
 current "off" when the hook has reached its highest 
 safe position. 
 *o ** 
 li s 
 of Hoisl 
 4- a 
 .3 C 
 15 1 . 15 
 The Sprague Electric Type 
 S-l Hoist is a spur-geared hoist 
 built to handle loads of one- 
 half or one ton. Both sizes 
 may be equipped with a trolley 
 or if desired, the one-ton size 
 may be equipped with a top hook. The control may 
 be either from the floor or from a cage. 
 Type S-l 
 | One Half and One 
 Ton Capacities 
 Type S-l 
 Wt. of Hoist & Trolley 
 "Z 3 
 S< ^ 
 :- Q 
 C9 - 
 1000 30 i 28 1 1.5 480 
 600 630 1015 
 13 2 1.5 505 025 665 1040 
 Type W 
 1-2-34-6 Ton 
 Sprague Electric Type W 
 Hoists are worm-geared, having 
 lifting capacities from one to 
 six tons. 
 These hoists are built to 
 operate with direct or alternat 
 ing current. The ratings and weights for D.C. hoists 
 will be found in the table on the following page. The 
 A.C. hoist ratings and weights are approximately the 
 Type W 
 527-531 W. 34th St.. NEW YORK. N. Y. 
 t AU#TW 
 . ^_ 
 /ff TW^AVW 
 f T#*t W A 
 riracToir **& Ttmee (Jj * r* 
 ( 4 y c##fttr# #*tx ry. rsesf r/r* 
 C###/fff #0/37 T/TAtMS 9/v Trff 
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 * J r*0f* T*f* M0OA- Of OMf GO 
 ^/tM^ r *%?%** ^ * a ** T * 
 , KifK ^ 
 oSSnZSfKwZww * 
 ss if ^ 
 ##orf* c*>r,*f c,sr. 
 Railway Terminal with Inbound and Outbound Tracks and Two Overhead Adjustable Loop Systems 
 for Movement of Goods Between Freight Cars and Platform. 
 The Sprague adjustable loop 
 Sprague system is a movable section of 
 Adjustable track for overhead material 
 Loop System handling machinery in termi- 
 _ u , , nal sheds. With this addition 
 the overhead track takes the 
 shape of a continuous unbroken loop which is adjust 
 able in length. 
 For satisfactory operation in a terminal shed the 
 overhead system must cover the middle area as 
 efficiently as it does the sides and ends. 
 The Sprague adjustable loop system meets these re 
 quirements by providing a track consisting of two 
 T-rails laid on I-beams running along either side of 
 the shed and two sets of rails running across the shed 
 on bridges. The rails on the bridges are curved in 
 such a manner as to meet the side rails and form with 
 trol is from the cage. The Sprague electric patented 
 control leaves nothing to the judgment of the operator. 
 The hoisting controller is so constructed that the oper 
 ations must follow one another in proper sequence as 
 the operator turns the handle. 
 Adjustable Loop 
 them a continuous closed loop. The bridges which 
 carry the cross tracks are capable of being moved back 
 and forth by means of motors controlled by operators 
 in the hoisting trains. By moving the bridges, the 
 loop is made adjustable in length and the entire floor 
 area is covered. 
 Grab-Bucket Hoist 
 All Handling 
 Sprague Grab-Bucket Mono 
 rail Hoists may be had in 
 two types G.B.-ll with a ca 
 pacity of y 2 cu. yd., and G.B.-7 
 with a capacity of % to 1 */ & cu. 
 yds. The buckets are operated 
 by a lacing rope and two holding ropes. The motors 
 are either alternating or direct current type, of high 
 starting torque and mechanical strength. All con- 
 Sprague Grab-Bucket Mono 
 rail Hoists were designed pri 
 marily to handle coal in manu 
 facturing plants, but they are 
 equally efficient when handling 
 other bulk material, such as iron 
 pyrites, sand, ashes and cement. The I-beam runway 
 can be of any length and have as many switches as are 
 required. A complete monorail system is capable of 
 taking coal from a barge or car, and by the use of a 
 single machine, delivering it to the furnace, making 
 all the intermediate stops for storage, crushing and 
 weighing and also be available for carrying out the 
 A table of capacities, weights and speeds follows: 
 C t T C 1 I ^r *% * 
 527-531 W. 34th St., NEW YORK, N. Y. 
 101 ST 
 Net Weight in Lbx. 
 With Empty 
 Shipping Wt. 
 Mach. With 
 Kmpty Bucket 
 * T3^ 
 e $ 
 *" h 
 % cu. yd. 
 % cu. vd 
 1 cu. vd 
 l 1 /^ cu. yd 
 1% cu. yd 
 * With enclosed cage. 
 The construction of the 
 Sprague Vertical Winch is 
 strong and simple. The motor 
 is of the direct current, series 
 wound or polyphase induction 
 type and is geared to the winch 
 head through a triple reduction gearing. For pulling 
 loads on level tracks a single speed controller of the cyl- 
 Vertical Winch Pulling Coal Barge 
 "a 8 
 2 o _ 
 < o 
 . . O 
 . .js 
 &s * 
 2600 Lbs 
 26CO Lbs 
 26CO Lbs 
 2600 Lbs 
 26CO Lbs 
 inder type is used, which is operated by a foot lever, 
 but where the track is on a grade a variable speed con 
 troller and a holding pawl are furnished. Both types 
 of controller are retained in the running position by a 
 pawl and star wheel, thus permitting the operator to use 
 both hands on the rope. 
 These machines are designed for all kinds of hauling. 
 They have been used with great success in spotting rail 
 road cars, in helping teams up grades, for pulling heavy 
 trucks into and out of shop, in drawing heavy articles 
 on and off drays, in warping vessels through draw 
 bridges and along docks, and for dragging heavy ma 
 terial along the ground. 
 Sprague Winding Drums 
 have a smooth flanged drum 
 mounted horizontally and de 
 signed to exert a pull either 
 horizontally, vertically or at any 
 angle. The drum shaft is car 
 ried on pedestals att iched to the same base frame as 
 the motor and gear bearings, thus providing a simple 
 Winding Drum in Car Shed 
 but rigid construction. Either direct or alternating 
 current motors, and single or variable speed controllers, 
 can be furnished. Two types of machines are offered. 
 Type W-3 winding drum has one spur gear and one 
 worm gear reduction, between the motor and the drum. 
 The worm gear allows loads to be lowered without the 
 addition of a load brake. However all machines have 
 a service brake attached to the motor. 
 Type D-ll winding drum is similar to type W-3 
 except that it has spur gears only. Consequently a 
 load brake is necessary if loads are to be lowered. The 
 winding drum is built in larger capacities than the 
 W-3 and is suitable for more severe service. 
 A table of loads, speeds and weights follows. 
 :: ~ - 
 J. " 
 I* 5 
 6 100 2200 Lbs. 
 12 100 2200 Lbs. 
 15 ICO 2200 Lbs. 
 20 100 22CO Lbs. 
 527-531 W. 34th St.. NEW YORK. N. Y. 
 Floor Controlled 
 Electric Hoists 
 To meet the various handling 
 requirements of more than 70 
 industries many types and ca 
 pacities of floor operated electric 
 hoists have been developed. 
 Type 23 is a floor operated, 
 foundry control, direct current, monorail hoist. It may 
 have a two part single or two part double hoisting 
 cable, and geared or motor driven trolley. For dimen 
 sions and capacities see the table below. 
 Type 2 X S is a floor operated, single speed, direct 
 current, electric hoist with capacities ranging from % 
 to 1 ton. It is built for operation by 110 and 220 volt 
 current only. Dimensions and capacities are given in 
 the table below. 
 Types 1 and IX are floor operated foundry control, 
 direct current, monorail hoists. It has 2, 3 and 4 parts 
 and single motor driven trolleys. Type 1 has the wind 
 ing drum mounted parallel to the direction of travel 
 and on type IX it is at right angles. Capacities and 
 dimensions are given in the table below. 
 Form 2 X S Hoist. 
 Class or 
 frame size 
 .5 ^ 
 >T< 0) 
 W <E 
 *c ? 
 6 p 
 H " 
 HV4 Vi, 25 2 14 2 1" 
 HI % 28 2 14 ? 1* 
 12 1 ?0 2 18 2 5%" 
 1 5" 
 1 8" 
 y & 520 
 2 6" 520 
 2-8" 580 
 Form 23 Hoist with Motor Driven Trolley. 
 -0 >r< p >, 
 Form 1 Hoist with Geared Trolley 
 Form 23 Hoist with Geared Trollev. 
 tc * 
 K 4) 
 ^ "<-. 
 ^- ;- 
 Vi, I. 2 40, 20, 10 2 20 2 7" 
 1, 2, 8 40, 20, 13 2 20 2> 7" 
 3, 4, 5 20, 15, 12 2 2V 3 
 4. 5, 6 25, 20, 17 2 28 3 
 r c%- 
 r n" 
 i ii" 
 3 1C 1170 
 3 10" 1220 
 S/ V 2470 
 5 4" 2770 
 5 S 
 B S s 
 A2 H, 1, 2 140, 20, 10, 2 
 A4 1, 2, 3 40, 20, 13 2 
 B6 3, 4, 5 j20, 15, 12 2 
 BIO 4, 5, 6 25, 20, 17 2 
 C12 5, IVz, 10 2C, 17, 13 2 
 C20 71/2, 10, 12V 2 30, 24, 20 2 
 20 7 3 4%" 
 20 7 3 4l/," 
 22 4 2 l />" 
 22 4 3%" 
 23 5 5%" 
 23? 5 5%" 
 r 9%^ 
 2 5%" 
 3 2" 
 3 2" 
 1 1C" 
 3 1V4* 1090 
 y i%* ino 
 1 11%" 2350 
 2 3%" 2650 
 2 6i4" 4220 
 2 6%" 4470 
 Form 18 Hoist. 
 The Shcparcl electric cage 
 operated monorail hoist con 
 sists of an electric hoist and 
 cage suspended from trolleys 
 traveling a single I-beam and 
 operated by electricity. It can 
 be run in either direction at a wide range of speeds. 
 The entire operation is controlled by the man in the 
 Shepard Cage 
 Control Hoists 
 Bracket Cranes 
 The bracket crane above is a 
 simple, efficient apparatus for 
 many foundry and machine 
 shop locations, and ably assists 
 the main crane. For trans 
 ferring work from one job to 
 another, and for jobs which tie up for long periods, 
 this is a most profitable piece of apparatus. 
 Bracket Crane with Form 1-X Hoist 
 Form 18, 1 to 6 
 Tons Capacity 
 The Shepard Form 18 hoist 
 ! is equipped with two hooks 
 i which are operated from the 
 ! same winding drum. The 
 ( hoisting unit is at the back of 
 the cage, die cables being con 
 veyed over sheaves to the two hooks and fastened to the 
 frame. The absence of hoisting apparatus in the lineal 
 vision assures safety and ease of control. Both 
 trolleys may be motor driven and pivoted to negotiate 
 sharp curves. 
 Form 24 Cage 
 Controlled Hoist. 
 Form 24 Yz- 
 6 Tons Capacity 
 The Shepard Form 24 hoist 
 is of short over-all dimensions 
 and is equipped with a single 
 hook. The hoisting unit is 
 mounted on the back of the 
 cage, permitting a clear range 
 of vision for the operator. Two parts of cable can be 
 used. These pass over parallel sheaves on the hoisting 
 frame and connect with the hook through a block, 
 preventing all twisting or side swinging. 
 Grab Bucket Monorail 
 Hoist, Form 19-13. 
 In the Shepard Form 19-13 
 Form 19-13 grab-bucket hoist two hoisting 
 Grab-Bucket units are provided: One to 
 Hoist close the bucket and the other 
 to hold it. These are mounted 
 close to the under side of the 
 hoist frame, thus permitting a clear line of vision for 
 the operator. 
 Form 25 Cage 
 Control Hoist 
 By the simple addition of a 
 trailer cage, in which are placed 
 the controllers, any Shepard 
 monorail hoist equipped with a 
 rr motor driven trolley, is easily 
 converted into a cage controlled 
 hoist. This equipment is recommended for normal duty. 
 The hoist can be supplied with the winding drum 
 placed either at right angles to or parallel with the line 
 of travel. 
 The following is one example, of the saving that can 
 be accomplished by this method of handling material. 
 Large lumber yard using Shepard hoists cut cost of 
 unloading lumber $20.00 a car or $30,000 a year, and 
 pile and handle lumber in yard at a 50 per cent saving. 
 Form 25 Hoist Handling Heavy Timbers. 
 Form 25-1 D. C. Monorail Hoist. 
 Bl - 
 ~ y. 
 - =" q 
 = 5 
 ^ J: 
 *- y. vj 
 J ii 
 I H 
 A2 %, 2 40, 20, 10225, 35C 
 HO 3, 520, 1.1, V2225, 35C 
 C12 5, 1 ; :;o, 17, i;i >,>, 3;>, 
 r 8V4" 
 v ays 
 ! 6 
 I CO CO tO 
 Because of its closed-in con 
 struction on electric cargo winch 
 is especially desirable for use 
 on ships and piers. As shown 
 in the illustration, the pier 
 winches are mounted on wheels 
 to make them portable. They can be furnished for 
 direct or alternating current. 
 Electric Cargo 
 and Back 
 Geared Winches 
 Electric Cargo Winch. 
 The electric back geared winch shown below is a 
 compact weatherproof winch, with running parts com 
 pletely enclosed. Its uses in and about industrial plants 
 are manifold. 
 Electric Back Geared Winch. 
 Class or 
 Pull on 
 line, Ibs. 
 Speed of 
 111:1 niln 
 \vgt., Ibs 
 SCO 125 
 1800 140 
 35CO 140 
 Shepard Double 
 Monorail Track 
 T-rails may be provided for 
 the hoist to run upon, thus 
 giving a hard steel wearing 
 surface, rather than the soft 
 steel of whicli I-beams are 
 The track is attached to the I-beams by means of 
 bolts and spreader castings which make it unnecessary 
 to drill the beam for the reception of this track. It also 
 permits of using larger area bearings in the trolley 
 wheels, thus insuring greater durability and longer life. 
 Traveling Cranes 
 The original Shepard crane 
 design has proved so satisfac 
 tory that, during their 17 years 
 of crane manufacture, no 
 fundamental changes have been 
 This design, when introduced, was entirely unique 
 in its provision for dirt exclusion, thorough automatic 
 lubrication and permanence of alignment. All this is 
 Standard Type Crane Trolley. 
 secured by locating the steel gearing and multiple disc 
 type brakes within cylindrical frames. By this means 
 not only the working parts but the operators and the 
 workmen are completely protected. 
 The Shepard Electric Crane and Hoist Company 
 specializes on fully developed cranes of the highest 
 quality in capacities of from 1 to SO tons. The one 
 ton capacity is as complete in every detail as any 
 heavier crane, proving that groups of small units can 
 be handled as profitably as heavy single units. 
 Cage-Controlled Crane 
 Shepard single I-beam cranes 
 with latticed outrigger construc 
 tion combine double girder 
 rigidity with single I-beam 
 lightness. These cranes are 
 widely used over foundry and 
 machine shop side floors for capacities of 1 to 5 tons, 
 and for medium and short spans. 
 Single I-Beam 
 with Hoist 
 Single I-Beam with Form IX Hoist. 
 Clearance Diagram of Cage-Controlled Crane. 
 Time may be saved in making quotations if the above indicated dimensions are given, together with 
 available electric current tvoltage), phase and cycles if alternating. 
 Trucking on the 
 ceiling with the 
 Cleveland Electric 
 The Cleveland 
 Electric Tramrail 
 keeps the floor 
 "Versatility" is its middle name. 
 Who It Was 
 Made For 
 Have you hoisting and con 
 veying problems that for their 
 effective solution require an 
 equipment so flexible that to all 
 IM J appearances it is invisible (be 
 cause being out of the way you 
 see it only when you are working with it) and yet 
 capable of reaching into every corner of your plant? 
 You are the man for whom we built the tramrail. 
 In the car foundry it carries the ladle of hot iron, 
 direct from the cupola, and empties it into the mold 
 without further handlings. In the brass foundry, by 
 its use, the operator empties the brass into the ladle 
 while keeping out of reach of the heat and fumes. 
 Whether it be stock room, pipe mill, drop-forge plant, 
 warehouse, there is a Cleveland Tramrail that will 
 prove the means of eliminating manual labor and re 
 move the disagreeable from manufacturing. 
 The Cleveland is an engi- 
 Installed Like f erin S accomplishment. In 
 p . fact, so simple yet rugged is 
 a Fipe Line j thig lategt ac hi evement of our 
 i engineering department that it is 
 actually installed with no more 
 effort and no more skilled labor than is required in the 
 installation of an ordinary pipe line. The complete 
 track assembly is but a combination of rails, fittings 
 and carriers maintained in stock at all times. 
 How do you like the idea? 
 Ask us to tell you more about it. 
 An Engineering 
 Without Cost ! 
 Installed Like a Pipe Line. 
 The men who designed and 
 perfected the Cleveland are ex 
 pert transportation engineers. 
 We offer you their services 
 without cost. 
 Allow us to arrange for one 
 of them to call and study your problem, draw up blue 
 prints, and then make their recommendations. 
 It will not obligate you in the least. 
 At any event, ask for our latest book on the Tram- 
 rail. It s free to the readers of this Cyclopedia. 
 WICKLIFFE, OHIO (Near Cleveland) 
 10-Ton Crane Lifting Fertilizer. 
 10-Ton ( .rant in Foundry. 
 Cranes Equipped 
 With Buckets 
 Bucket Cranes, YZ yard to 6 
 yards capacity, for handling 
 Single Leg 
 Gantry Cranes 
 coal, coke, ashes, slag, lime, 
 cement, crushed rock, fertilizer 
 or any material that can be 
 handled with a shovel. 
 This Crane with a 4 yard bucket handles fertilizer u ta two legs, with and without cantilevers, 
 materials at the rate of ISO tons per hour. 
 Single Leg Gantry Yard 
 Cranes save a runway and pro 
 vide additional storage space 
 without the cost of a new 
 These cranes are also built 
 20-Ton Crane in Yard. 1 Leg Gantry. 
 Cranes for Foundries and 
 Machine Shops for quickly 
 handling and setting flasks; 
 shaking out molds; pouring hot 
 metal and transferring material 
 to and from machines, saving 
 the time of men and machines. 
 Cranes for 
 Foundries and 
 Machine Shops 
 Sizes and 
 Cranes in all types and sizes 
 | from 250 pounds to 500 tons for 
 1 industries of all descriptions are 
 I the product of this firm that has 
 1 as many as twenty-five installa 
 tions in a single plant. For 
 when a Cleveland is once installed, the service rendered 
 is of such a high order that none but a Cleveland is 
 good enough thereafter. 
 10-Ton Crane in Yard Unloading Freight Car. 
 Cranes Equipped 
 With Magnets 
 Cranes with magnets for han 
 dling steel, castings, scrap bor 
 ings and turnings, etc., or 
 miscellaneous material about 
 the yard with the standard hook. 
 The installation of this type 
 of Crane dispenses with the services of a great many 
 Cleveland Cranes are 
 adapted for inside and outside 
 service, and so efficient and 
 economical is the service 
 rendered by them that freedom 
 from the losses that follow slow 
 ind wasteful handling is the natural result. Your 
 crane problems when submitted to our engineers will 
 receive the personal attention of men who understand 
 how to forestall the worries of improper installations. 
 New York Office 
 50 Church St. 
 Pittsburgh Office 
 First Nat l Bank Bldg. 
 P & H 15-ton crane with 3-tc 
 Chain Belt Co., Milwaukee. 
 P & H Cranes 
 and Hoists 
 The outstanding feature of 
 P & H Electric Traveling 
 Cranes and Hoists is the service 
 provided. The extreme accu 
 racy of all fits, the cut steel 
 gears, the quiet operation, the 
 enclosed motors, and the extra precaution in straighten 
 ing all steel plates are mechanical features. 
 In details, the important features of P & H cranes 
 are: Accessibility of all parts; each shaft lifting out 
 independently; durability obtained by liberal design; 
 no overhung gears or pinions; all trolley bearings 
 bronzed bushed; M.C.B. type bearings on both trolley 
 and bridge; through bolts throughout and all gears 
 running in oil tight cases. 
 Further, P & H cranes have drums and running 
 sheaves of not less than thirty times the diameter of 
 the rope; dynamic brakes for B.C. cranes; motor and 
 bridge brakes of heavy clam shell type. 
 Xew safety crane cabs have also been recently de 
 veloped that have all electric control parts and wiring 
 connections enclosed in steel cabinets. Operating 
 levers placed at the front of the cab give complete 
 control and allow the operator to have a clear view of 
 the hook and space below. 
 Cranes for every industry, for indoor and outdoor 
 service are made, standard capacities ranging from one 
 to 150 tons. 
 Hoists and Monorail Conveying Systems for all 
 kinds of material handling are also included in the 
 standard P & H line. 
 & H Hoist. 
 P & H 10-ton single leg double traveling gantry crane handling structural steel material. 
 Two Chesapeake Electric Traveling Cranes Operating in a Railroad Yard. 
 The Chesapeake Crane is an 
 I electrically operated overhead 
 I traveling crane, built for serv- 
 I ice either on alternating or di 
 rect current power circuits. It 
 is equally efficient for all types 
 of service from heavy, rough duty in rolling mills, to 
 the most delicate operation in setting cores in the 
 These cranes range in capacity from 1 to 35 tons and 
 are built for any span. 
 Chesapeake Cranes are of 
 the most rugged construction 
 throughout. Every care has 
 been taken to make this crane 
 a "Safety First" crane. The 
 proper distribution of material 
 in the strained parts and the liberality of surfaces in 
 wearing parts insure strength, long life and low cost 
 of maintenance. 
 All parts are standardized as far as possible. This 
 not only improves the design and construction but also 
 facilitates quick shipment. 
 Alternating Current cranes are equipped with an 
 electric brake and a mechanical Load Brake. 
 Direct current cranes usually are equipped with elec 
 tric brake only but can be also equipped with load 
 brake in addition to electric brake if so desired. 
 The Electric Brake, which is of the iron-clad solenoid 
 band type, is fully capable of holding the full load. 
 The brake is always "on" when the hoist motor is not 
 running, and is entirely released when the motor is 
 running in either direction. 
 The Mechanical Load Brake, which is of the mul 
 tiple disc type, has ample capacity to sustain the full 
 load, without the use of the electric brake. It will not 
 allow the load to run down, except when operated in 
 the lowering direction by the hoist motor. 
 The Chesapeake Trolley is built to meet the most 
 exacting requirements of heavy duty crane service. The 
 framing consists of two heavy cast channel section 
 side frames, rigidly connected by a heavy structural 
 steel girt which supports the hoist motor, brakes, and 
 upper hoist sheaves. All gears and pinions are of steel 
 with teeth cut from solid stock, and are either fully 
 enclosed or are suitably guarded. 
 Large quantities of standard 
 ized crane parts are carried in 
 stock and are always ready for 
 immediate shipment. This re 
 lieves the crane user of the 
 trouble and expense of carrying 
 a large stock of repair parts. 
 The services of a competent corps of engineers are 
 always available to aid the prospective crane user in 
 the solution of material handling problems. 
 Two-Motor Trolley With Load Brake 
 The company also fabricates and erects steel struc 
 tures of all descriptions, including bridges and does 
 general machine work. 
 Standard Shaw Crane for Steel Mill Service. 
 The Primary 
 Factors in Crane 
 In purchasing an 
 electric traveling crane, 
 two factors primarily 
 are to be considered. 
 First is the design and 
 construction of the 
 crane itself and second, and equally important, 
 is the application of the crane to the requirements of the 
 For example, consider the requirements and the re 
 sponsibility of a crane for foundry service. For the 
 handling and pouring of molten metal the crane must 
 be, above all, sturdy and reliable; safety demands these 
 qualities. Yet the same crane must have the steadiness 
 and the delicacy of control, required for lifting copes 
 and drawing large patterns from the sand. 
 So in the forge shop, the steel mill, the locomotive 
 shop in every installation there is a specific com 
 bination of qualities which must be built into the crane 
 to assure the maximum degree of satisfactorv service. 
 Every Shaw Crane installa 
 tion is an individual project and 
 an engineering service backed 
 by 30 years experience is ap 
 plied to the adaptation of each 
 Shaw Crane to the type of 
 service in which it is to work. 
 Adapting Every 
 Shaw Crane 
 to Its Work 
 The Shaw Crane Works was established in 
 1890 and Shaw, in fact, built the first three- 
 motor electric traveling crane, with a separate 
 motor and individual control for each motion. 
 While practically all of the early Shaw Cranes, 
 built 20 to 30 years ago, are still in regular 
 service, this fact is cited chiefly as evidence of 
 the sound basis from which the present-day Shaw 
 Crane, through many years of experience, has been 
 Shaw Bridge Cranes have 
 The Range ] 3een installed for indoor and 
 of Shaw I outdoor service; in railroad 
 Bridge Cranes I shops and yards, in round 
 I , , I houses, in shipyards, in quar 
 ries, in steel mills, in foundries, 
 in cement mills and in practically every type of indus 
 trial plant. And it is this range of experience in 
 adapting Shaw Cranes to the widest diversity of uses, 
 which injects an exceptional "factor of safety" into the 
 purchase of a Shaw Crane. 
 The capacities of Shaw Cranes range from two tons 
 to 250 tons, with spans up to 100 feet or more. They 
 can be supplied with single lift or with main hoist and 
 a fast auxiliary hoist for light loads, or with double- 
 lift for handling pipe or structural shapes, or with two 
 independent trolleys as required for the service. 
 60 Ton Shaw Crane in Foundry. 
 30 Ton Shaw Crane in Machine Shop. 
 For special conditions, features of construction for 
 improving the service rendered are frequently incorpo 
 rated. For instance, in the case of a crane for grab- 
 bucket service, it is sometimes advantageous to attach 
 the operating cage to the trolley so that the operator 
 may more directly observe the operation of the bucket. 
 So, in every Shaw Crane installation, the conditions 
 of operation are given full consideration in developing 
 the utmost of service. 
 30 Ton Shaw Yard Crane Outside of Shop. 
 all Crane in Machine Shop. 
 Shaw Wall 
 The illustration above shows 
 a Shaw Wall Crane sen-ing a 
 row of tools in a machine shop. 
 In a case like this, where the 
 , , , j overhead traveling cranes are 
 busy all the time, the wall crane 
 operating on an entirely separate runway affords an 
 independent local service along the side of the shop. 
 The wall crane is especially well adapted for serving 
 planers, boring mills or similar tools doing heavy work 
 and requiring a more localized crane service than it 
 would be practicable to furnish with the main overhead 
 shop cranes. 
 Shaw Wharf Crane Loading Barge?. 
 Shaw Wharf 
 The illustration above shows 
 a type of wharf crane designed 
 for transferring canal - barge 
 cargo with a maximum of ease 
 ) and despatch. 
 The crane travels on tracks 
 carried above the roof of the shed. The boom in work 
 ing position stands with the outer end projecting over 
 the boat and the inner end extending into the shed. 
 When the crane is not in service, the boom can be raised 
 to a nearly vertical position, allowing free travel from 
 one end of the pier to the other. 
 This construction permits the carrying of freight to 
 and fro between the hold and the inside of the shed at a 
 .-ingle handling. It carries the freight in a straight 
 line and avoids moving a great mass of structural work 
 or machinery whenever a draft of freight is transferred. 
 Detailed information on the application of this type 
 of crane to any specific pier will be supplied on request. 
 Descriptive bulletins covering 
 the design and construction of 
 Shaw Cranes will be sent on 
 request. Preliminary cost esti 
 mates, clearance diagrams or 
 any other desired information 
 regarding the proper crane for any specific service, will 
 be supplied without obligation. 
 Estimates and 
 Shaw Wharf Gantry Crane. 
 MAIN OFFICE: 119 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. 
 DISTRICT SALES OFFICES: Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, St. Louis. Pittsburgh. Cleveland. New Haven. Cincinnati, Buffalo. 
 Syracuse. Detroit, Milwaukee, San Francisco, Seattle 
 The Lakeside Bridge & Steel overhead girder adjacent to the wall. The bridge has 
 an extension which reaches over the bunkers. At a 
 rate of 100 tons per hour, this bridge will not only 
 unload cars to pile, but at the same rate will move the 
 coal from the pile to the fireroom hopper. Under ordi- 
 etc., Steel Buildings, Coal Tip- nary conditions one man can operate a "LABRIDE 
 pies, Monorails, Tib Cranes, Whirleys, Wharf Cranes, Bridge" to keep the hoppers full of coal at all times. 
 i Co. are prepared to design, 
 Products 1 fabricate and erect LABRIDE 
 I Bridges for handling Coal, 
 , M J Coke, Ore, Sand, Limestone, 
 Cargo Convevors, etc. 
 LABRIDE Bridge for Retail Yard. 
 LABRIDE Bridge for Power Plant*. 
 Coal With 
 One Man 
 T h e "LABRIDE Coal 
 Bridge" is a Gantry Type 
 Crane operated by one man. 
 Moving under its own power it 
 completely covers the entire 
 yard, and is the ideal equip 
 ment for the Retail Coal Yard. Capacity varies from 
 30 to 100 tons per hour. Cost from $10,000 to 
 $35,000, erected complete. 
 The fact that it is a one man type, permits the 
 handling of coal from the car to the pile or from pile 
 to the truck at a very low cost per ton. A LABRIDE 
 operator need not necessarily be a skilled mechanic. 
 This, in itself, allows such a range for selecting op 
 erators, that labor troubles are minimized. 
 Typical Power Plant Installation. 
 Machinery in 
 the Boiler Room 
 To eliminate all conveying 
 machinery in the boiler room 
 of Power Plants and reduce the 
 handling cost to a very low 
 mark, numerous "LABRIDE 
 Bridges" have been installed. 
 For this purpose one leg of the bridge runs on the 
 ground rail, the other either on the ground or on an 
 The working capacity of the 
 Material "LABRIDE Bridge" depends 
 Handling upon the size of the bucket, the 
 Capacities material to be handled, and the 
 travel. "LABRIDE Bridges" 
 have been installed with capac 
 ities from 30 to 350 tons per hour, the larger amounts 
 being used in Dock installations where it is necessary 
 to move 8,000 tons in less than 36 hours or pay 
 A "LABRIDE Bridge" of 100 tons capacity can 
 unload a coal car in thirty minutes and load a truck 
 in two minutes. 
 Bucket With Auxiliary Hook. 
 Where the nature of the material handled requires 
 rather frequent use of a hook with a sling or a lifting 
 magnet, at a small additional cost an extra drum may 
 be installed. The use of a lifting magnet is very eco 
 nomical in handling metal scrap, etc. 
 In supply yards, retail coal 
 nf - v;irds> docks I )wver l )1;ults 
 mills, factories, etc., the "LA- 
 Operations BRIDK Bridge" has proved its 
 economical value. 
 In supply yards, handling 
 stone, sand, gravel or other building materials from 
 boat or car to stock pile or truck, the "LABRIDE 
 Bridge minimizes the labor question and avoids de- 
 LABRIDE equipped with extra drum and hook. Handles 
 both coal and steel. 
 murrage on cars or boats. A "LABRIDE Bridge" 
 acts in the same capacity in retail coal yards, moreover 
 it eliminates the erection of costly elevated car runs, 
 overhead bins or silos, an alternate to overcoming the 
 labor question in coal yards. 
 About mills and factories, "LABRIDE Bridges" 
 are used to unload cars or boats of coal or other ma 
 terials and to make stock piles of the same, also to 
 rehandle the material in the stock piles, in .power 
 plants, direct to the fire-room hopper. 
 At their retail yard at Mil 
 waukee, the Callaway Fuel Co. 
 use a "LABRIDE Bridge" 
 with a three ton bucket having 
 an unloading capacity of 250 
 to 300 tons per hour. Since in 
 this vard there is no siding, all coal is brought in by 
 What Some 
 Are Doing 
 LABRIDE Bridge Installed at a Dock on the Great Lakes. 
 boat, and by means of the "LABR1DK Bridge" un 
 loaded to the storage pile. This same "LABRIDE" 
 then moves the coal to a hopper for loading trucks. 
 To get the greatest amount of storage as in this par 
 ticular case, one leg runs upon an elevated track. 
 The results of this installation have been to double 
 the capacity of the yard and reduce the men required 
 to two or three. 
 The cost saving is evident. 
 One "LABRIDE" is so successful at the dock of the 
 United Coal and Dock Company at Milwaukee, \Vis., 
 that the Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. are now install 
 ing a second one. An independent screening plant has 
 been erected which can be used by either bridge. 
 The new Johns-Manville plant at \Vaukegan, 111., 
 is using a "LABRIDE Bridge" in connection with 
 their power plant. 
 Cargo Conveyors 
 for Wharfs 
 Thirty-two LABRIDE Port 
 able Conveyors were furnished 
 the United States Government 
 for use at the Supply Bases in 
 Philadelphia and Charleston. 
 Their lengths were 30 and 60 
 feet. The conveyors will stack boxes, bales of cotton, 
 bags, etc., up to thirty-five feet and utilize the entire 
 capacity of the warehouse. The Lakeside Bridge & 
 Steel Co. specializes in conveyors of this length which 
 are especially adapted to wharfs, and do not manu 
 facture the small portable conveyors. 
 Sixty-Foot Conveyor. 
 A Lakeside 
 Engineer at 
 Your Service 
 If you will send to the Lake 
 side Bridge & Steel Co. a gen 
 eral outline of your yard, ac 
 companied by a statement of 
 the nature and amount of ma 
 terial you must move an hour; 
 also the voltage and whether alternating or direct cur 
 rent, they will submit an accurate proposition to you. 
 For this purpose the Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 maintain a corp of engineers and specialists. It is 
 their object to solve your storage and rehandling prob 
 lem by adapting "LABRIDE Bridges" to your yard 
 and their services are at the disposal of prospective 
 purchasers without charge. In some cases a LABRIDE 
 Bridge is not adaptable, and the Lakeside Bridge & 
 Steel Co. will install other ways of handling your 
 Northern Type 
 This crane is designed as a 
 Northern j general standard service crane 
 Type E Electric I and has all modern features of 
 Traveling Cranes I safety and efficiency, using a 
 I heavy substantial trolley; all 
 steel gearing cut; mechanical 
 and electrical brakes or dynamic brake; automatic 
 limit stop; all gearing enclosed for bath lubrication; 
 bronze bearings; no gearing overhung. It is made for 
 either alternating or direct current and in capacities 
 from 1 ton to ISO tons. 
 "Type D" 
 "Type DQ" 
 Hoistimr Speeils 
 ;;- = 
 h^ 3 " 
 -w ^- ~ 
 rt c ^ 
 Z j; 
 a o 
 C 6 
 1)!4 500 
 20 to 40 
 20 to 22 
 i iciiii 
 BVj. 1,000 
 10 to 20 
 10 to 11 
 FVj, 1,000 
 25 to 50 
 25 to 27 
 HI 2, CCO 
 5 to 10 
 5 to 6 
 Dell. .hi 
 Fl 2,000 
 20 to 50 
 :; I.. 
 Fl% 3,000 
 12 to 25 
 12 to 13 
 F2 4, CCO 
 10 to 11 
 Deliort | Deliorta 
 G2 4.CCO 
 20 to 40 
 in; I.,: -: 
 . 25 
 IP, iir. l 
 G3 6.0CO 
 17 In 40 
 17 to 18 
 (i:. 10, CCO 
 9 to 20 
 9 to 10 
 G6 12.0CO 
 8 to 20 
 8 to 9 
 J8 16,000 
 9 to 10 
 Di lanea 
 8 to 20 
 8 to 9 
 Type D Electric 
 This series of electric hoist 
 comprising type D, DQ and 
 DQV ranges from capacity of 
 one-quarter ton to 10 tons and 
 are made for either alternating 
 or direct current. Hardened, 
 cut, enclosed and bath-lubricated steel gears are used; 
 all bronze bearings; a very substantial limit stop. 
 Grab-Bucket Mono-Rail Hoist. 
 Made for plain control or variable speed control, as 
 desired. The type D is for single hook suspension and 
 type DQ for rigid two point suspension. Type DQV 
 has grooved drum the other types have spool drum. 
 Northern Grab 
 Bucket Mono 
 Rail Hoists 
 This hoist is made in several 
 forms for either single or mul 
 tiple line bucket and for either 
 moderate or high speed cur 
 rent. The usual capacities run 
 from one-half cubic yard bucket 
 to 2 cubic yard bucket and it can be made in either the 
 2, 3 or 4 motor form depending upon service and 
 speeds. Estimates furnished on receipt of particulars 
 giving full conditions of service and character of ma 
 terial to be handled. 
 Special P-L Double-Hook Cab Hoist. 
 Northern Special 
 PL Double Hook 
 Cab Hoists 
 This cut shows the double 
 form of cab PL hoist. A hoist 
 designed for heavy service. It 
 is also made in single hook 
 form and in same sizes as D 
 hoists, but is of much heavier 
 design and higher speeds. 
 E-P-L Mill Type Hoist. Patented. 
 For Heavy Mill Service. 
 This hoist is practically a 
 Northern monorail application of our 
 EPL Mill type E standard crane trolley, 
 H i st8 and is made for extremely 
 ,, heavy mill service, in capacities 
 from 3 tons to 10 tons. The 
 working parts are enclosed frames of cast steel. It is 
 made for alternating or direct current. 
 Years of Experi 
 ence and Growth 
 bridge substructures 
 The Dravo Contracting Com 
 pany, for the past twenty-eight 
 years, has been engaged in river 
 improvement work, including 
 dredging and the construction 
 of dams, locks, river walls, 
 uul wharves. Early in their ex 
 perience it became evident that available equipment was 
 inadequate and unsuited to existing conditions and in 
 response to the insistent demand of their Operating 
 Department for better and still better machines, their 
 Engineering Works Department was organized and a 
 plant erected to supply this demand. 
 While the Engineering Works Department was 
 originally organized solely for the purpose of design 
 ing and building equipment for the company s own 
 use, the quality of their line has brought customers to 
 the company in a steadily increasing number. The 
 Dravo shops have grown from the first single building 
 to the present plant comprising machine, forge, boiler, 
 structural and plate shops with three boat yards for 
 fitting and launching hulls. 
 The company has been build 
 ing and using Dravo Whirlers 
 for over twenty years on their 
 own work. During this time all 
 of the weak points have been 
 eliminated, new features have 
 been added with the result that the Whirler produced 
 today is a machine rugged and powerful, one which 
 they know from personal observation and experience 
 will stand up under every condition and respond to 
 even- demand made upon it. The fact that these 
 Whirlers are now giving unequaled satisfaction and 
 service on their contracts should be conclusive evidence 
 of their ability to serve others in a similar capacity. 
 Quick action, long reach, full swing and large ca 
 pacity insure efficiency and unusually low handling 
 costs. In its manufacture the best of materials obtain 
 able are used throughout. Forged shafting, cut steel 
 gearing and ample friction and braking surfaces to 
 meet the conditions of bucket service and reduce up 
 keep to a minimum. 
 The company also builds special whirlers for special 
 purposes and are always glad to place the experience 
 and knowledge of their engineers at a customer s dis 
 posal in the selection of the best equipment for his 
 particular requirements. 
 Further information can be had by writing for 
 Bulletin 111. 
 Drag Line 
 The Dravo Dragline excava- 
 1 tor represents the last word in 
 1 the design and construction of 
 ! this type of equipment. The 
 - ruggedness of design, high class 
 construction, power, ability to 
 stand up under the most severe service and efficiency 
 characteristic of all Dravo products are fully embodied 
 in these machines. 
 The best of materials are used throughout. Forged 
 shafting, cut steel gearing and ample friction surfaces 
 to meet the conditions of service reduce upkeep to a 
 Rotation is accomplished by means of gearing an 
 independent swinging engine to a pinion and cast steel 
 circular r:-ck with vertical teeth, giving unlimited 
 swing. The revolving platform is held in place by a 
 central steadiment. Vertical load.- are carried on heavy 
 open hearth steel circular rail tracks with a large 
 flanged steel roller held in relative position by means 
 of a live ring. Overloads are provided for by means 
 of a steel retaining ring. Stability is assured by the 
 large diameter of the circular rail track. 
 Standard Dravo Draglines can be furnished up to 
 three cubic yard capacity with a 100 boom. 
 This equipment is fully described in Bulletin 112. 
 Dravo Dredges have been 
 produced in response to a de 
 mand for equipment that is 
 sturdy, practical and efficient, 
 that moves the yardage without 
 interruption at a minimum of 
 operating and upkeep cost. 
 The hulls are especially designed and constructed 
 for the purpose. The machinery throughout is the best 
 of its kind available and is thoroughly adapted to the 
 severe service it is called upon to perform. 
 Dravo Dredges, of both the Dipper and Bucket 
 Types, are giving unusual service and are making re 
 markable performance records wherever installed. 
 Many satisfied customers testify to the quality and all 
 around efficiency of Dravo Dredges. 
 The company will be glad to design a Dravo Dredge 
 particularly adapted to any purchaser s requirements. 
 Complete data will be found in Bulletin 114. 
 Dravo Steel 
 and Barges 
 Dravo steel towboats and 
 barges form a wide variety of 
 steel floating equipment and in 
 clude: twin screw tunnel, stern 
 wheel and gasolene propelled 
 towboats; barges for coal, sand 
 and gravel, oil, package freight and miscellaneous 
 freight; New York State Barge Canal self-propelled 
 and non-self propelled cargo barges and galvanized 
 barges for South America. We are, therefore, in posi 
 tion to handle any class of inland waterway floating 
 Bulletin 115 gives complete information on this type 
 of equipment. 
 Dravo Service 
 to tlie Buyer 
 It is well to bear in mind that 
 all of the Dravo Company s 
 equipment was originally de 
 signed and constructed so that it 
 would pay dividends on their 
 own contracting jobs. Buyers of 
 Dravo equipment, therefore, reap the benefits of Dravo 
 experience and are assured of sturdy, efficient equip 
 ment that has proven its worth through vears of prac 
 tical operation. 
 The company is prepared at all times to furnish 
 standard or special equipment in any of the above lines 
 and will be glad to send copies of any or all of the 
 descriptive Bulletins referred to above upon request. 
 The experience of the Dravo Engineering and Oper 
 ating Departments has proven valuable to many of 
 their customers and the company is glad to place this 
 knowledge at the disposal of their clients. They will 
 welcome an opportunitv of furnishing complete in 
 formation on any of their products and will be glad to 
 co-operate with any prospective customer in working out 
 his particular problems. 
 New York City 
 39 Cortlandt Street 
 Pittsburgh. Diamond Bank Bldg. 
 1630 Real Estate Trust BIdg. 
 5-Ton Self Slewing Derrick. 
 5 to 30-Ton Guy Derricks. 
 2-3-5 and 6-Ton Jinniwink Derricks. 
 Full Circle Derrick, mounted on concrete base. 
 Capacity up to 4 yd. bucket. 
 Hinged Boom Tower Cranes Up to 50 Tons Capacity 
 Stiff Leg Derricks Up to 150 Tons Capacity. 
 "A" Frame Barge Derricks, 5 to 150 Tons Capacity. 
 The Terry Manufacturing 
 Terry Design Company, during the past 23 
 and Develop- years, have been designers and 
 ment Dept. ! manufacturers of Steel and 
 f, , , I Timber Stiff Leg, Guy and 
 Barge Derricks and Jinniwinks, 
 also various types of Hinged Boom Revolving and 
 Traveling Tower and heavy duty Pedestal Cranes. 
 These cranes have booms up to 110 long and will 
 handle up to a 4 yd. bucket. A versatile development 
 department is maintained for the working out of ma 
 terial handling proble ms. 
 Terry Derricks are exten- 
 Apphcation s i ve l y use d in industrial plants, 
 of Terry quarries, lumber yards, and for 
 Derricks the handling of sand, gravel, 
 ! , , broken stone, coal and all other 
 bulk materials. Terry Derricks 
 are also extensively used in the erection of steel struc 
 tures. Barge Derricks are built for general wrecking 
 or lighterage work. Cranes are used in cement plants, 
 shipyards, dry docks and industrial plants. 
 Terry Derricks 
 All Terry Derricks, Travelers 
 and Jinniwinks are pin con 
 nected, making for inexpensive 
 and speedy dismantling or erec 
 tion. All goose necks are forged 
 from soft steel billets. The mast 
 step and foot block is a highly finished ball and socket 
 joint with a simple yet effective oiling system. The 
 mast head unit on the stiff leg derricks is self contained 
 and attached by bolts; the gudgeon pin and lead sheaves 
 being carried therein. 
 Terry Timber Derricks are carried in stock, and 
 are sold with or without timbers. 
 to Accompany 
 To avoid delay in making 
 quotations, your inquiries 
 should state 
 1. Type of equipment desired. 
 2. Heaviest load to be lifted, 
 giving class of material. 
 3. The distance from the center line of rotation at 
 which the load is to be lifted. 
 4. Boom length. 
 5. Whether hoisting engine is required. 
 6. Type of power used, whether gasoline, steam or 
 7. If electricity used, give type of current available. 
 For special conditions, a rough layout of the handling 
 problem should be furnished. 
 Stiff Leg Derrick for Clam Shell Hucket Work 
 The Clyde Iron Works de 
 signs and manufactures a corn- 
 Products plete line of hoisting engines 
 and derricks. Included are such 
 , , 1 types as stiff leg, and guy tim 
 ber derricks, many classes of 
 steel derricks, barge, jib boom and cane derricks; 
 steam, electric, gasoline and belt driven hoisting en 
 gines, excavators, logging machinery and supplemen 
 tary equipment. 
 For material handling derricks any of these hoists 
 are applicable. If it is desired to swing the boom, a 
 swinging gear may be 
 coupled to the hoist, or 
 independent swinging en 
 gine used. 
 Some of the standard 
 types of equipment are 
 illustrated on this page, 
 b u t specifications and 
 prices on machinery to 
 meet special conditions 
 will be furnished on re 
 ceipt of t h c necessary 
 Three Drum Hoisting Engine With Boiler 
 Clyde steam hoists can be 
 supplied with a boiler or, where 
 1 steam or compressed air .is 
 | available, without the boiler. 
 | The hoists are all of the double 
 cylinder type and are made 
 with one, two or three drums in tandem. Other com 
 binations, such as parallel drum hoists, two-speed 
 dragline excavator hoists and dock winches are also 
 The Clyde one, two or three 
 drum electric hoists are oper 
 ated by a motor specially de 
 signed for crane and hoist serv 
 ice. Besides the three standard 
 electric hoists just mentioned 
 there are Clyde electric concrete tower hoists of one and 
 two drums. The drums on these hoists are geared to 
 deliver the high speed desirable for this work. 
 Two Drum Electric Hoist, With Derrick Swinging Gear 
 The motive power of the 
 Clyde gasoline hoists is sup 
 plied by multiple, vertical cyl 
 inder, tractor type gasoline 
 motors. The hoists are built 
 similarly to the electric, and 
 consist of one, two and three drum standard hoists, a 
 gasoline concrete tower hoist and a gasoline builder s 
 hoist. This last hoist is specially designed for han 
 dling material elevators, either single or double cage. 
 Derricks are built for power 
 or hand operation; are sta 
 tionary or portable; may be 
 equipped with bull wheel or 
 bull gear for swinging; may be 
 rigged for a straight lift or for 
 a clam shell bucket; with a foundation for use on land 
 or on a barge. The fittings for all derricks are strong 
 castings and forgings secured with steel bolting straps. 
 The general utility of the lo 
 comotive Crane is well estab 
 lished for handling coal, stone, 
 logs, pig iron, and structural 
 steel, packages, b o x e s, etc., 
 weighing from one to 25 tons. 
 In fact such a machine is practically indispensable in 
 the modern industrial establishment. 
 A Locomotive Crane combines in one machine a 
 portable hoisting engine, swinging derrick, grab-bucket 
 unloader, and switch engine. 
 The Link-Belt Crane represents the highest achieve 
 ment in locomotive crane design. It is built throughout 
 for hard and continuous service. Reliability, the most 
 desired quality in any locomotive crane, will be found 
 in the Link-Belt Crane, coupled with speed and ease 
 of operation. 
 DISTINCTIVE FEATURES. Steel gears and bronze 
 bushing? throughout; one-point adjustment on clutches; 
 few parts, every one accessible; large roomy platform 
 for operator, everything handy; exceptionally large fac 
 tor of safety used; the only crane with foolproof safety 
 device on swinging mechanism. 
 Send for Catalog No. ,<70. 
 Equally useful in in 
 dustrial plants for han 
 dling miscellaneous light 
 loads, is t h e Link-Belt 
 Electric Hoist. It can be 
 easily, quickly and inex 
 pensively installed in old 
 or new buildings. Mono 
 rail tracks can be attached 
 to ceilings or girders any 
 where. Little head room 
 required. All parts are 
 fully enclosed in dust proof, weather proof casings. 
 Can be operated outdoors as well as indoors. Made in 
 various capacities floor or cage operated. 
 Let our engineers suggest quicker, easier, more 
 economical ways of accomplishing hoisting and trans 
 porting service in your plant. 
 Send for our Electric Hoist Book No. 380. 
 New York 299 Broadway 
 Boston 9 49 l-Ydrral St. 
 Pittsburgh 1501 Park Bldp. 
 St. Louis Central National Brink Bld K . 
 S" , ,; 547 Ellicott Square 
 Wilkes-Barre .. 2nd National Bank Bldg. 
 Huntinjrton, \S . \a Kobson-Prichard Bldg. 
 "" 429 Kirby Bldg. 
 42111 Wnrdward Av 
 Kansas City, Mo 306 Elmhurst Bldpf. 
 Seattle 820 First Ave., S. 
 Portland, Ore First and Stark Sts. 
 San Francisco 168 Second St. 
 Los Angeles 163 N. Los Angeles St. 
 Denver I.indrooth. Sluibart & Co., Boston Bldg. 
 Louisville, Ky p. Wehle, Starks Bldg. 
 New Orleans C. O. Hinz. 504 Carondelet Bldg. 
 "in" Canada Wccdwa r r . d A . v . e T . . Birmingham, Ala S. L. Morrow, 720 Frown-Marx Bldg] 
 ...Canadian Lmk-Belt Co., Ltd., Toronto and Montreal 
 See list of sales offices on this page. 
 Brownhoisl No. 4 Steam Locomotive Crane, Mounted on 
 Standard M. C. B. Trucks, Handling a Bundle of Rails at 
 a Steel Mill. 
 Hrownhoist No. 2 Steam Locomotive Crane, Mounted on 
 Brownlioist Creeper Trucks and Equipped with a Brown- 
 hoisr 27 cu. ft. Grab Bucket for Handling Coal 
 Brownhoist Locomotive 
 Cranes are made in the follow 
 ing sizes, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, 
 and there are several types of 
 each size. These range in ca 
 pacity from 5 to 40 tons. They 
 may be operated by steam, electricity or internal com 
 bustion engine. The small models, Nos. 2 and 3, are 
 equipped with four wheel trucks, and the Nos. 4, 5 
 and 6 are mounted on two MCB standard four wheel 
 trucks. The No. 2 Crane may also be equipped with 
 Brownhoist Creeper trucks or traction wheels. Various 
 lengths of boom can be used on the various types, de 
 pending on the work to be handled. 
 Brownhoist cranes are being 
 used for practically all kinds of 
 Uses hoisting work and for handling 
 I many kinds of materials. Some 
 , , of these uses are handling coal, 
 ore, cinders, gravel, stone, etc., 
 with grab bucket; erecting structural work and han 
 dling all kinds of sling loads with bottom block; 
 excavating with drag-line or orange-peel buckets; 
 driving piles; pulling piling, and handling scrap, bars, 
 etc., with lifting magnet. Switching cars is also an 
 important part of the work of most locomotive cranes. 
 Capacities vary for the differ 
 ent types, larger or smaller ca 
 pacities being obtained with dif 
 ferent type cranes and different 
 lengths of booms. Brownhoist 
 crane capacities are figured 
 with a large factor of safety and will handle their loads 
 freely with no danger of tipping. These loads may be 
 increased over the -egular rated capacities of the cranes 
 by the use of outriggers. 
 The Cranes can be operated 
 and fired by one man. Operat 
 ing levers and brakes are ar 
 ranged for the rapid and con 
 venient operation of the crane, 
 at the same time giving the 
 operator a full view of his work at all times. 
 Brownhoist cranes are unusu 
 ally fast in operation. In start 
 ing and stopping, they develop 
 full power quickly. As this is 
 an almost constant operation in 
 locomotive crane work, this fea 
 ture is an important item to consider. They are a quality 
 crane, designed and built to stand up under hard, con 
 tinuous service. And they have earned a wide reputa 
 tion for fast operating speeds, increased tonnage which 
 they handle and low cost of upkeep. 
 Brownhoist products include: 
 G r a 1) Buckets ; Dragline 
 Buckets; Electric Hoists; Grab 
 Bucket Cranes, Trolley and 
 Tramrail systems; Car Loaders 
 and Unloaders; Bridge Tram 
 ways; Fast Plants; Cantilever Cranes, Overhead 
 Traveling Cranes, Jib Cranes, Pillar Cranes, Bridge 
 Cranes, etc. 
 All of these products are built to the high standard of 
 quality which has been maintained by Brownhoist ever 
 since the founding of this company over 40 years ago. 
 Handling machinery is usually subjected to hard service 
 and our experience has proved that high quality is 
 necessary in a crane or hoist for it to last and deliver a 
 low operating cost over a long period of years. 
 \Ye will gladly furnish information and catalogs on 
 any of the above equipment to anyone who is interested. 
 Branch offices in New York, Pittsburgh, 
 Chicago, San Francisco and New Orleans 
 European representative: H. E. Hayes, 
 12 Rue de Phalsbourg, Paris. 
 P & H Type 206 Excavator and Material Handling Crane showing some of the other attachments besides the bucket. 
 | For the handling of coal, 
 & H Excavat- j as h es , earth, pig iron, scrap, 
 ing and Material f sand, gravel, sugar cane, and 
 Handling Cranes I for excavating purposes, P & H 
 j types 205 and 206 Excavator- 
 Cranes have been designed. 
 These general utility cranes do the work of a steam 
 shovel, locomotive crane and dragline excavator. The 
 205 has corduroy traction with flat leading wheels, 
 while the 206 has full corduroy mounting and is for 
 use where soil conditions are uncertain and the country 
 very hilly. This crane is also of large capacity. 
 It is of all steel construction, correct design, and is 
 entirely a complete operating unit, requiring no ac 
 cessory equipment except bucket. 
 The standard boom is 30 feet, swings in a full circle 
 and may be used with grab bucket, sling chains, electro 
 magnet, digging bucket, grapple, or scraper. 
 In place of the standard boom a shovel attachment 
 may be provided and the machine then does the same 
 work as a steam shovel of equal weight. 
 Heavy duty four cylinder 5" x 6^" motors are used. 
 P & H Type 205 Crane with magnet unloading pig iron. 
 P & H Type 205 Excavator-Crane with Shovel Attachment. 
 A complete stock of wearable parts is constantly 
 maintained, assuring prompt forwarding of parts when 
 Other products bearing the symbol of "T & H are: 
 Traveling Cranes, Hoists, Monorail systems, Single 
 Line Grab Buckets, Drilling and Boring Machines. 
 Ohio Lifting 
 Note Protection 
 of Terminals 
 and Leads 
 Case of soft annealed cast 
 steel is in three parts to insure 
 solid casting and high magnet 
 efficiency. All internal electric 
 joints are double braze-welded, 
 eliminating the possibility of 
 open ends. All insulation is hard pressed impregnated 
 asbestos, mechanically strong, unaffected by heat, age 
 or moisture. 
 The Ohio outer ring construction provides an un 
 breakable wearing section good for 10 to 20 years. The 
 weight of the magnet is materially reduced by having 
 the magnetic diameter equal the physical diameter. 
 As a permanent water proofing, the Ohio Magnets 
 ifter assembly are filled with hot asphaltum com- 
 >ound under pressure. 
 All coil insulation is impreg 
 nated; the coil therefore is a 
 hard, solid mass clamped be 
 tween the top and bottom mem 
 bers of the steel case. Steel 
 spacers are provided to take 
 the shock of impact. This construction results in a 
 rapid radiation of heat and maximum all-day lifting 
 Coil leads are of flexible braided copper ribbon 
 which rises in individual terminal cavities through a 
 protecting ring of heavy impregnated asbestos. The 
 copper terminal stud is brought out through a heavy 
 unbreakable bakelite insulator, securely held and water 
 proofed by means of packing rings and a gland nut. 
 The outside leads are flexible, having a rubber hose 
 dvering clamped to case, to avoid pulling strains on 
 the terminal. Screw connectors are provided perma 
 nently insulated so that taping is unnecessary. 
 This controller saves space 
 yet operates continuously. It 
 further protects the magnet from 
 heavy inductive kick strains. 
 It makes circuit for lift; 
 opens circuit with magnetic 
 blow-out and with resistance shunted across magnet 
 terminals to reduce arc and kick strain; and reverses 
 through limiting resistance for quick drop of load. 
 All hinged joints are shunted; resistance is enameled, 
 set in clips and mounted in case back of controller 
 slate. Resistance may be inspected and replaced by 
 opening the box without disturbing the wiring or 
 The operator s master switch is strong and compact. 
 It has three positions, forward for magnet on. center 
 for magnet off, and reverse for dropping the load 
 Magnetic Switch. 
 Master Switch. 
 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 
 20 Inch -?0 inch 40 inch 
 Interest at 6 f 
 I>epreeiation at 10 , 
 48 50 1011 (fy l(J!t :T 
 1 pkt-ep at 2 r -r 
 9 70 21 80 33 86 
 Current for 10 hours p?r day 
 300 days at 2c p:r kw. hour 
 29.C4 79.20 178.20 
 116 34 275 40 4S > 14 
 Cost per day, TotaI-=-300. . . . 
 .: 1 .92 1.61 
 So. 5 
 50 Inrl, 
 141. 90~ 
 No. 6 
 CO Inch 
 213. CO 
 429. CO 
 3.. "6 
 in. (cm. ) 
 Headroom required in. (cm. I 
 Amperes required at 220 volts It.C 
 Weight of magnet lb. ( kt- 1 
 Shipping weight, export lb. (kg. ) 
 Space oeeupied, export cu. ft. (cub. m. ) 
 Magnet and controller code word 
 20 151) 
 13.5 (35) 
 460 , 
 (US (280) 
 7.8 (0.22) 
 30 (77) 
 29.5 (75) 
 1300 tr,i*o) 
 1510 (685) 
 17 (0.48) 
 40 (1021 
 39 C.i .n 
 3100 (1406) 
 3400 (1545) 
 31.6 (0.89) 
 50 (127) 
 40 (102) 
 4500 (2041) 
 4920 (2240) 
 47 (1.33) 
 00 U53) 
 45.5 (116) 
 7100 (3220) 
 7700 (3500) 
 68.5 (1.94) 
 (See Note). 
 Thick billets or slabs lb. (kg. ) 
 Steel ingots lb. (kg. ) 
 Skull cracker balls lb. (kg. ) 
 Pig iron lb. (kg. 1 
 Heavy scrap lb. ( kg. ) 
 Light scrap lb. (kg. ) 
 3500 (1600) 
 3000 (1360) 
 3000 (1360) 
 220 ( 100) 
 250 ( 115) 
 125 ( 57) 
 15000 (6800) 
 10000 (4500) 
 10000 (45001 
 600 ( 270) 
 600 ( 270) 
 350 ( 160) 
 30000 (130001 
 15000 ( 6800) 
 15000 ( 6800) 
 1300 ( 570) 
 1300 ( 570) 
 600 ( 270) 
 40000 (18000) 
 18000 ( 8000) 
 20000 ( 9000) 
 2000 ( 900) 
 2000 ( 900) 
 800 ( 450) 
 50000 (23000) 
 22000 (10000) 
 20000 ( 9000) 
 2900 ( 1330) 
 2900 ( 1330) 
 1200 ( 540) 
 "Controllers: Operatirg controller, packed for export or domestic shipment In a separate case, weighs 140 lb. (fi4 kg.) and occupies 4. cu. ft. (0,113 cub.m.). 
 and Operation 
 The Hayward Electric Motor 
 Bucket is similar in general de 
 sign to the Hayward Two-line 
 Clam Shell Bucket with ore- 
 bowl described on the page op 
 posite. This Bucket, as the 
 name indicates, has, as an integral part, a motor- 
 operated dust-proof, winding mechanism, which opens 
 and closes the jaws of the bucket, making it an elec 
 trically operated unit. It has a wide field of use 
 fulness wherever bulk material is to be handled. 
 The movement of a handle as simple 
 as turning a door knob controls the open 
 ing and closing of the Hayward Electric 
 Motor Bucket. Throw the controller 
 handle over a few inches and the bucket 
 digs a ton or more of coal, or sand, or 
 gravel; throw the handle back a 
 few inches and either the whole 
 load or only a part of it may be 
 dumped where wanted. 
 An important feature of the 
 Hayward Motor Bucket is the 
 introduction into the transmission 
 of a Multiple Disc Clutch, its 
 function being to slip and per 
 mit the motor to continue to run 
 in case the edges of the bucket 
 come together or are held apart 
 by some obstruction, while the 
 controller is in the closing posi 
 tion. This eliminates the neces 
 sity of limit switches, circuit breakers or similar devices, 
 and makes the bucket practically "fool-proof" in the 
 hands of the ordinary crane operator and greatly sim 
 plifies its construction. The bucket is controlled en 
 tirely by one man and may be operated near workmen 
 without danger, as it is under full control at all times 
 accidental discharge of the load is impossible. 
 Hayward Electric 
 Railroad Terminals, Fertilizer Plants, etc. 
 No special machine is required to operate a Hayward 
 Electric Motor Bucket. Any type of machine having a 
 hoisting drum and powerful enough to safely lift the 
 bucket and its load may be employed. It is being used 
 in connection with Traveling Cranes, Electric Mono 
 rail Hoists, Derricks, Locomotive Cranes, Incline 
 Boom Unloaders, Skull Crackers, Yard and Stock 
 Room Cranes, etc. The fact that the crane which 
 handles the bucket does not have to be specially 
 designed for bucket service, is of great advan 
 tage. The Crane may be used for transfer- 
 ing sling loads or for other work and 
 changed over for handling bulk loads, by 
 attaching the bucket to the Crane Hook 
 and plugging in the conductor cable 
 an operation which takes but a minute 
 or two. 
 As the bucket works within its 
 own height, no additional clear 
 ance need be allowed for operat 
 ing lines, a particular advantage 
 where head-room is limited. 
 Sizes, weights and dimensions 
 of the most-called-for Type of 
 Hayward Electric Bucket are 
 listed below. 
 Special Buckets, varying in 
 weights and dimensions, are built 
 A-2716 to suit the individual needs of 
 Motor Bucket. the user. 
 Although introduced but a 
 little more than eight years 
 ago, Hayward Electric Motor 
 Buckets are now in daily use 
 handling all kinds of loose ma 
 terials in bulk, in many Indus 
 trial Plants, Foundries, Steel Plants, Boiler Rooms 
 Ap r x 
 in Lbs. 
 H gbt 
 L ng h 
 H ght 
 L ng h 
 In. Ft. 
 7% cu fr . 
 %|CU. V(l. 
 %M- U. Vd _- 
 1 - cu. yd 
 1 i-U. V 1 
 IVt cu. y Is 
 11/2 cu. y Is 
 2 cu. yds___ 
 2% cu. y N 
 3 cu. y Is 
 Hayward Electric Motor Bucket. 
 D BSing. Dumping. 
 The advice of Hayward En 
 gineers is freely given on all 
 problems calling for the speedy 
 and economic digging and re- 
 handling of materials with Au 
 tomatic Buckets. We have a 
 very comprehensive line of catalogs and pamphlets 
 describing Hayward Buckets in great detail, and cover 
 ing specific applications of the many uses for automatic 
 buckets. Copies of catalogs and pamphlets are sent 
 promptly upon request. 
 Hayward Clam Shell Buckets 
 Hayward j are I M {\^ ; n sev eral standard and 
 Clam Shell } special types, each designed for 
 Buckets I some particular kind of digging, 
 , , , ,1 dredging, or rehandling work. 
 Each type is of rugged construc 
 tion throughout and will stand up to the hardest kind 
 of bucket usage. All wearing parts are replaceable 
 and may be renewed on the job, without loss of time, 
 as wear develops. Hayward Clam Shell Buckets are 
 built in capacities ranging from one and five-eighths 
 cubic feet to ten cubic yards. 
 Class "E" Clam 
 Shell Buckets 
 Hayward Class "E" Clam 
 Shell Buckets are most com 
 monly used for all around con 
 tractors work and for rehan 
 dling coal, sand, gravel and sim 
 ilar bulk materials in and 
 around industrial plants. They arc operated by 
 two lines, one for opening and closing, the other 
 for holding the bucket while it is discharging 
 its load. Practically any type of machine may 
 be used for operating the Class "E" Buckets, 
 provided it is equipped with a double drum 
 Class "E" Buckets are built either with 
 Regular Bowls or Ore Bowls. Regu 
 lar Bowl Buckets are used principally 
 for handling coal and other light 
 loose materials, and for dredging. 
 The blades of this bucket are made 
 with curved backs extending from 
 the top to almost the cutting edge, 
 making it a quick acting bucket 
 the whole load being discharged be 
 fore the bucket is entirely opened. 
 The Ore Bowl Bucket is made 
 with a tray-like shell or bowl, re 
 sembling a shovel 
 which allows the material 
 slide more easily into the 
 shell while crossing. In 
 proportion to size Ore 
 Bowl Buckets carry 
 larger loads and 
 will dig harder 
 materials than 
 the Regular 
 Bowl Buckets. 
 Illustration A-2564. \\ : e r e c- 
 Hayward Class "E" Reg- o m m e n d 
 i m i /-ii 01 11 " ** * C 11 U 
 ular Bowl Clam Shell , ,-,, 
 Buckei. Class 
 "E" Clam 
 Shell Bucket with Ore Bowl for dig 
 ging and rehandling bulk materials 
 such as sand, gravel, crushed stone 
 and many other similar materials. 
 When fitted with teeth it may be used 
 for digging the harder materials from 
 their natural state. 
 It is used on Traveling Cranes, 
 Monorail Cranes, Guy and Stiff Leg 
 Derricks, Skid Excavators, Traveling Derricks, Rail 
 road Excavators, or on any type of machine rigged for 
 bucket work. 
 Orange Peel 
 Illustration A-719. Hayward Class 
 Ore Bowl Clam Shell Bucket. 
 Illustration A-837. 
 Hayward Standard Orange Peel 
 For over thirty-five years we 
 have been developing automatic 
 buckets and of the Orange Peel 
 Type we build all classes, from 
 buckets of almost limitless 
 digging power and capacity 
 down to the Dwarf < )range Peel Bucket, the 
 smallest of which has a capacity of 100 cubic 
 inches, and may be operated inside of a 12- 
 inch pipe. 
 The Hayward Standard Orange Peel Bucket 
 shown in illustration A-837 is generally 
 recommended for all classes of dredging, 
 excavating, and rehandling work. It is 
 an all around Contractors Bucket 
 used principally for sewer work in 
 gravel banks, removing overburden, 
 dredging, excavating, and rehan 
 dling material generally. Like the 
 Clam Shell Bucket it is a two-line 
 bucket and may be operated by al 
 most any type of machine equipped 
 with a double drum hoist. On 
 Orange Peel Buckets as on all other 
 types of Hayward Buckets every 
 wearing part is fitted with remov 
 able and replaceable 
 l.u.-hings and bearings. 
 Other types of Hayward Orange 
 Peel Buckets are Extra Heavy, 
 Multi-Power. Three-Sided, Rope- 
 Reeved and Dwarf Buckets. 
 Most of these buckets are 
 recommended for classes f - 
 of work requiring J 
 buckets of heavy con- S^r 
 struction that will * 
 stand up to the 
 hardest kind of 
 bucket usage, as 
 canal digging, 
 digging out old rip rap and cribbing, 
 pulling piles and stumps, cylinder sink 
 ing and foundation work, sand and 
 gravel banks, digging clay and other 
 compact material, handling rocks and 
 large boulders, dredging and an end 
 less variety of work requiring buckets 
 of the strongest construction 
 Illustration A-2595. 
 Hayward Three- 
 Sided Orange Peel 
 - - 1 e 
 "go if! fie 
 5 c, 
 < ~ 
 In. Ft. 
 In. FtJln. 
 Ft. In. 
 % CU Vd 1850 B 
 2 4 
 1 3 
 4 5 
 5 11 
 94 cu. vd 
 10 5 
 4 6 
 7 1 
 1 cu. vd 2900 
 8 5 
 7 3 
 4 7 
 8 3 
 1>4 CU. vds 3200 
 8 5 
 11 7 
 8 3 
 1% cii. yds 
 2 8 
 1% cu. yds 
 fl 8 
 2 cu. yds 
 2% eu. yds 
 3 cu. yds 6500 8 
 6 7 
 i - * 
 in Pounds 
 1 >l>rn 
 I ! 
 Ft. 111. 
 Ft. In. 
 S 7 
 3 10 
 4 8 
 4 9 
 5 2 
 6 4 
 6 6 
 7 8 
 8 3 
 S 5 
 9 6 
 2 9 
 3 2 
 3 11 
 4 3 
 4 7 
 5 2 
 5 6 
 6 3 
 6 10 
 7 3 
 7 8 
 7 10 
 8 6 
 10 6 
 yds . 
 . yds.... 
 The n e w Owen 
 Bucket, refined and 
 improved through 
 IS years of special 
 ized experience, is 
 more durable and 
 digs even better than previous models, al 
 though there is no increase in weight. The 
 combined improvements result in : ( 1 ) an 
 increase in durability to the extent of mak 
 ing it practically foolproof; (2) an increase in digging 
 power by utilizing its great closing power to the maxi 
 mum extent, and (3) the use of larger, grit proof, well 
 lubricated bearings which reduce the upkeep cost and 
 lengthen the life of the bucket. 
 Owen Buckets are generally acknowledged to embody 
 unequalled digging ability, a reputation they have 
 earned by virtue of a superior principle, the operation 
 of which is explained below. 
 OWEN Clam 
 All Owen buckets, when fully reeved, 
 have five parts of closing line, which 
 exert a closing power of approximately 
 5 to 1 or five times greater than re 
 quired to close the bucket which is ample 
 for the hardest digging. This closing 
 principle furnishes undiminished power 
 from the start to the finish of the closing 
 of Weight 
 Digging ability depends upon 
 ample, undiminished closing 
 power and a sufficient amount 
 of properly distributed weight. 
 The lifting tendency, present 
 in all buckets at point (A), 
 cannot be completely overcome but in the Owen the 
 majority of weight centers here. As a result (A) is 
 held practically stationary and the maximum down 
 ward pull is exerted at point (B), forcing the jaws into 
 the material and affording maximum digging ability. 
 Thus weight concentrated at point (A) converts 
 closing power into digging power. 
 Closing and 
 Digging Power 
 As the gain in digging power 
 obtained through concentrating 
 weight at point (A) is in pro 
 portion to the increase in 
 weight, provision is made in 
 Owen Buckets for additional 
 weight in the form of counterweight jackets which mav 
 be quickly bolted in place. 
 Lifting tendency is in proportion to the amount of 
 leverage or purchase exerted, which varies ereatlv in 
 different buckets. 
 Lever Type 
 Owen Lever Type Brackets 
 (C) apply the thrust exerted 
 via the arms, at the point where 
 the least force is required to 
 close the bucket. Leverage is 
 applied at the very beginning of 
 the closing operation which constantly increases as the 
 bucket closes. (Distance between (D) and (E) in 
 dicates the amount of leverage at the start of the closing 
 Speed of handling is afforded 
 in easy digging materials as the 
 number of sheaves and length 
 of line to be reeved is optional. 
 This adjustable feature enables 
 the Owen to speed up where 
 quick action is desired and give efficient service in a 
 wide range of work. 
 Quick Opening 
 and Closing 
 Cost Less 
 to Operate 
 The non-chafing feature 
 minimizes the cost of cable re 
 placements. This design causes 
 the cable to lead "fairly" from 
 groove to groove and permits the 
 off-running and on-running 
 portions of the cable to function in the center plane of 
 the bucket. 
 Cross head and counterweight do not tip when bucket 
 is opened. Guide sheaves and rollers prevent the cable 
 from chafing against the crosshead regardless of dig 
 ging angle. Sheaves are of large diameter. No "S" 
 bends are necessary in the cable, which can be lubri 
 cated if desired as it rarely conies into contact with the 
 material. Sheaves will readily clear themselves should 
 material cave in on blocks. 
 Closing sheaves are bronze 
 bushed and revolve on hollow 
 sheave pins of large diameter 
 which contain grease and dis 
 tribute it at the center of each 
 bearing. Arm pins and main- 
 shaft are also lubricated and protected. 
 The main shaft (A) is keyed to the outside hinges 
 and has a bearing the width of the bucket in a heavy 
 perforated bushing to which the inside hinges are 
 keyed. Grease is supplied automatically from a large 
 reservoir counterbored at the center and above the 
 This method preserves rigidity and outlasts the old 
 type of bearing five to one. 
 The cutting edges of the 
 Owen Bucket hit first when the 
 bucket drops, forcing the lips 
 into the material far enough to 
 give the needed start in hard 
 Cutting Edges 
 Hit First 
 Three Types of 
 Owen Buckets 
 Owen Buckets are 
 made in three type* 
 which differ mainly 
 in weight, dimen 
 sions and shell con 
 struction to give tin- 
 greatest strength and rigidity with minimum 
 deadweight and without detracting from 
 the penetrating ability of the shell. 
 OWEN C/am. 
 Type "O 
 The ideal contractors and 
 industrial plant bucket, recom 
 mended for general excavating 
 and dredging, handling crushed 
 stone, slag, sand, gravel, coal, 
 Equipped with renewable, heavy, high carbon steel 
 cutting plates or blades, re-enforced with renewable 
 manganese steel corner lips to retard wear at the corners 
 of the cutting edge. 
 TYPE "O" 
 r.lVKKTS I>;it;i 
 Weight | Width 
 Length i Height 
 Length ili-igbl 
 V- Yd 
 .. Yd _ 
 % Yd- 
 % Yd- 
 % Yd- 
 1 Yd- 
 IVi Yds- 
 1% Yds. 
 2 Yds. 
 2i4 Yds. 
 3 Yds. 
 2250 Lbs. 2 6" 
 2560 Lbs. -2 6" 
 2300 Lbs. 2 6" 
 SCCOLbs. 3 1" 
 3250 Lbs. :! 1" 
 3500 Lbs. 3 1 
 3750 Lbs. 3 1 
 OCOO Lbs. 4 > 
 5300 Lbs. 4 > 
 COCO Lbs. a -2 
 6400 Lbs. 5 2 
 6 3" 7 6" 
 6 3" 7- 6" 
 8 10" 8 2" 
 6 6" 7 8" 
 6 6" 7 8" 
 7 0" 8 9* 
 7 6" 9 9" 
 s o" y 8" 
 8 10" 10" 9" 
 8 1C" W 9" 
 9 9" 12 C" 
 5 2" 6 3" 
 5 2" 6 3" 
 5 7" 7 I" 
 5- 3" 6 4" 
 5 3" 6 4" 
 6 0" 7 C" 
 6 10" 7 8* 
 6 9" 7 10" 
 7 3" 8 1&" 
 r 3" 8 10" 
 8 3" 9 1 S" 
 Type "D" 
 A heavy duty bucket, re-en 
 forced for great strength and 
 durability. It is recommended 
 for the heaviest kind of exca 
 vating and dredging work, also 
 for rehandling ore, blast furnace 
 slag, limestone, rocks and other rough materials. 
 One piece, renewable, high carbon steel lips extend 
 completely around the jaws and are exceptionally deep 
 at the cutting edge, insuring great penetrating power 
 without sacrificing wearing qualities. 
 Width Length | Height 
 Length Height 
 V4 Yd.. 3200 Lbs. 
 % Yd.. 3750 Mis. 
 1 Yd 3930 Lbs. 
 IVi Yds. 4750 Lbs. 
 1% Yds. 6CCOLbs. 
 2 Yds.. 6500 Lbs. 
 2V4 Yds.l 7200 Lbs. 
 3 Yds. 77CO Lbs. 
 2 6" 6 8* I 7 0" 
 3 2" 6 6" 8 4" 
 3 2" ff 10" 8 6" 
 3 2" 7 6" 10" 0" 
 4 2" 8 0" MX 0" 
 4 2" 8 10" Iff 9" 
 5 0" 8 10" 10" 9" 
 .-, C" 9 9" 12 0" 
 . " y f 
 y - T 2" 
 6 2" 7 0" 
 6 10" 8 C" 
 6 9" 8 3" 
 7 3" 8 !& 
 7 3" y 1C* 
 8 3" 9 8" 
 Type "S" 
 A transfer or rehandling 
 bucket of the scraper type par 
 ticularly adapted for handling 
 material thinly distributed, in 
 small piles or in shallow bins. 
 TYPE "S" 
 Length Height 
 1 Yd 
 H4 Yds. 
 1% Yds. 
 2 Yds. 
 2 Yrts. 
 2>4 Yds. 
 8 Yds. 
 3200 Lbs. 
 3500 Lbs. 
 46CO Lbs. 
 5100 Lbs. 
 5800 Lbs. 
 6500 Lbs. 
 CSCO Lhs 
 4 2" 
 5 2" 
 5 2" 
 5 2" 
 6 2" 
 6 2" 
 6 2" 
 7 2" 
 7- 2" 
 8 6" 
 9" 6* 
 9 0" 
 9 6" 
 10 0" 
 8 4" 
 8 4" 
 y 3" 
 9 11" 
 y 11" 
 IV 7" 
 11 C" 
 5 3" 7 2" 
 5 3- 7 2" 
 5 7" 8 6" 
 6 6" 8 10" 
 7 0" 8 10" 
 6 6" 9-5" 
 7 o" y 8- 
 The Owen Bucket Catalog which contains complete 
 information regarding the various types and numerous 
 illustrations of them in operation under different con 
 ditions, will be sent upon request. 
 ^ ulcan 
 Fifty years of experience are 
 behind the grab-buckets manu 
 factured by the Vulcan Iron 
 Works. For fifty years it has 
 been the aim of the company to 
 build buckets that will operate 
 successfully, with the greatest ease and with 
 the least possible wear. 
 To the man who is interested in buckets 
 or to the man with bucket troubles the 
 Vulcan Iron Works offers the benefit of this 
 1848 half century of experience. 
 The above bucket has been in constant use for 17 years 
 and can be seen at any time at the plant of the Engineer 
 ing Supply Co., at Jersey City, N. J. 
 The output of the Vulcan 
 Iron Works includes both clam 
 and orange-peel buckets, and 
 each in several different sizes. 
 As far as possible the different 
 parts of these buckets are inter 
 changeable. If repairs are necessary they can usually 
 be taken care of on the job by inexperienced labor. 
 Every Vulcan clamshell bucket is capable of dig 
 ging and rehandling but each size and type has certain 
 uses for which it is most suitable. The lighter and 
 Vulcan Orange-Peel Dredging. 
 smaller types work most advantageously when han 
 dling coal, sand, gravel and similar substances. The 
 heavier types are better adapted to handling broken 
 stone, slag, shale, etc. 
 Vulcan orange-peel buckets will work in anything 
 penetrable, from clay to hardpan. They will pull up 
 sunken piles and tree stumps. They will lift boulders, 
 cribwork, etc. One five yard orange-peel bucket which 
 has been on the job for fifteen years can be seen at any 
 time on the Riker Island improvement work in New 
 York City. 
 General Repair 
 In addition to the shops 
 which are building Vulcan 
 buckets, this company has a 
 large repair shop capable of re- 
 , ,1 pairing any type, size or make 
 of bucket. The Vulcan Iron 
 \\ orks will pay the freight one way on all repair work. 
 Estimates are submitted for the customer s approval 
 before work is started in all cases. 
 Cap. i Close <l 
 C a p Closed 
 1 Width | Height! Depth 
 Width | Height 
 " Dia. 
 % 4 H4 y g% 3< 2%" 
 54 4 t W 6 2%" 3 4%" 
 1 5 0%" / 8%- 3 9>2- 
 1% > %" <> f%" 3 10%" 
 1V4 5- 6%" 7 4% 4 2V" 
 2 6 0%" 7 !>%" 4 8%" 
 2% 6 6%" 8 ,- 4 10%" 
 3 7 0%" <f (,!/," 5 974" 
 6 2" 6 2" 
 7 3" 6 7%" 
 7 6" 7 4> /2 " 
 7 6" 7 4M," 
 8 0" ^ S 1" 
 "i " V 414- 
 11 1" 10 3Vfe" 
 I .A\ i.i; 
 /2 4 4" 
 % 4 10" 
 1 5 4%" 
 IVl 5 6V 4 " 
 1 = 5; 11%^ 
 21.0 7 4V^ V 
 3 7 9" 
 6 2" 
 6 11 
 7 6" 
 S 1%" 
 8 8" 
 9 1" 
 10 3" 
 10 S" 
 5 4%" 
 6 0%" 
 7 4V 2 " 
 8 4" 
 8 10" 
 6 10%" 
 7 10%" 
 1 W 
 y ii" 
 10 4* 
 11 6W 
 The above sizes in stock 
 for Immediate shipment. 
 The above sizes in 
 stock foi 
 immediate shipment. 
 } Speedy Handling 
 witli Lakcwood 
 Speed in handling sand, stone, 
 gravel, coal, cinders or other 
 loose material has made Lake- 
 wood Clam-Shells popular for 
 this work. 
 The closing power increases 
 as the shells come together. The Lakewood 
 Clam-Shell digs down as it closes gets all it 
 can hold and comes up filled to overflowing. 
 Short cable overhaul speeds operation of 
 bucket. Weight of counterweight can be ad 
 justed to suit material to be handled. 
 Upper sheaves on the closing arms 
 give maximum digging force. 
 A flexible plow-steel cable is most 
 durable on Lakewood buckets. All 
 Lakewood buckets can be reaved with 
 4 or 6 part line. Working line has 
 complete roller bearing action on 
 rollers regardless of angle at 
 which bucket is working. 
 Bigger loa_ds mean cheaper 
 digging. Full loads ever) 
 time cut digging costs to the 
 Lakewood Clam-Shell 
 Buckets are designed and 
 built to get full loads every 
 What a Few 
 Users Say 
 How well the Lakewood 
 Clam-Shell serves its users is 
 evidenced by these typical quo 
 tations from letters. 
 "We used your bucket for re 
 moving stone, and as the work 
 was practically the same as steam shovel work 
 you can easily see that it was a severe test." 
 "The bucket is quick acting and 
 very easy on the cables on account of 
 the sheaves and their arrangement. 
 The size %-yard which you have 
 rated the bucket is rather under its 
 capacity, since in the digging which 
 it has been doing, consisting of earth, 
 sand and bowlders it fills itself up to 
 the counterweight and practically 
 every time digs nearly a full yard." 
 COM PAX Y, Pittsburgh, Pa. 
 "Very few days we have 
 operated it at capacity on 
 account of material coming 
 in slowly, and our operator 
 has been inexperienced in 
 using the machine. Yesterday 
 he unloaded six cars of about 
 35 cubic yards each, with 
 only one helper in the car." 
 Readland, Ark. 
 o _ 
 o ^ 
 fe S 
 ? * " x L. 
 So ^ 
 O a; 
 ~ v 
 IS SI |s 
 c 3 
 o B s~ 
 y gs 
 > .- =- 
 ^ | HO Z 
 8 ~ r 
 ?= I J 
 O g j o 
 14 yd. 
 Dado 15 
 14" plate 2170 10- 
 14" 13 
 100 10 to 12 
 % yd. 
 Darius 22 
 14" plate 2530 10" 
 14" 2cr 
 94 14 to 16 
 1 yd. 
 Dorcius 32 
 %" plate 3350 12" %" 15 
 90" 18 to 20 
 114 yd. 
 Dajron 40 
 %" plate 3900 1-1" 
 i* or %" 18 
 83" 20 to 22 
 114 I d. 
 David 114 yd. oversize 
 %" plate 4550 H" 
 %" or %" 25 
 71 24 to 28 
 % yd. 
 Dab 22 
 %" plate 2750 10" 14" 20- 
 94 14 to 16 
 1 yd. 
 Doubt 32 
 14" plate :i830 12 
 %" 15- 
 90" 18 to 20 
 1 yd. 
 Desert Extra Heavy 
 %" plate 43CO 12 
 %" 15 
 90 1 18 to 20 
 114 yd. 
 Daper 42 
 14" plate 4iCO 12 
 %" or % 18 
 83 20 to 22 
 2 yd. 
 Dart 59 
 14" plate 6100 14 
 %" or % 25 
 71 24 to 28 
 214 yd. 
 Dean 74 
 14" plate 7100 14 
 %* 27 
 63" 28 to 32 
 a a a 
 |S S 
 % yd. 
 641 14 cu. yd. 
 6 3" 5 1" 
 5 814" 3 
 914" 2- 11V 
 % yd. 
 641 \ 
 cu. yd. 
 7 1" 6 214" 
 6 0" 5 
 0" 2 11V 
 ?i yd. 
 840 % cu. yd. 
 7 1" 6 214" 
 6 0" 5 
 0" 2 11V 
 1 yd. 
 640 1 CU. Vd. 
 8 1" 
 7 1" 5 
 4%" 3 1" 
 1 yd. 
 641 1 cu. vd. 
 8 1" 7 0" 
 7 1" & 
 414* 3 C%" 
 H4 yil. 
 640 114 cu. vd. 
 8 1" 7 0%" 
 7 114" 5 
 714" 3 4" 
 114 yd. 
 641 114 
 cu. yd. 
 8 1" 7 OVt" 
 7 IV 5- 
 7" 3 3V 
 2 yd. 
 640 2 oil. yd. 
 8 1114" 
 7 7V," 6 
 6" 3 10V 
 2% yd. 
 640 214 cu. yd. 
 y 4V .-;, ,- 
 7 1114" 6 1014" 4 3V4" 
 641 is bucket for handling:; type 640 is digging- bucket. 
 For District Offices See Page 725. 
 A Dreadnaught bucket will 
 dig earth, bank sand and gravel, 
 plastic and tough clay in the 
 dry or under water. It is very 
 efficient in handling granular 
 materials, acid p h o s ph a t e, 
 broken stone, heavy ores, etc. A complete range of 
 sizes covers all requirements for operation on derricks, 
 cranes, monorails, dredges and special hoists. 
 The mechanism of the Dreadnaught is extremely 
 simple. It consists of unusually few 
 parts, with the very minimum of wear 
 ing parts, all well out of the material 
 being handled. Simple, direct rope 
 reeving with no "S" bends or bad 
 leads, and leading-in guide rollers at 
 the head of the bucket makes for long 
 life of the closing cables. All sheaves 
 are of cast steel, bronze-bushed 
 with provision for easy lubrication. 
 Size \o 
 640 645 
 Capacity J Line of plate 
 Cu ft < Water level 
 . 19.9 
 o 32.3 
 a 26.5 
 c. 38.7 
 51 75 
 62 25 
 103 128.8 
 6 10* 
 T 2%" 
 7 6" 
 H 7 10* 
 8 7* 
 9 0* 
 9 9" 
 Vf 3" 
 10 10* 
 7 11* 
 8 4" 
 8 9* 
 u V 1* 
 iff o* 
 Iff 5* 
 11 1" 
 11 11" 
 12 9" 
 13 10* 15 1* 
 5 (," 
 S V 4%* 
 y 6* 
 i 5 10* 
 6 3" 
 % 6 8^" 
 6 11* 
 7 6* 
 7 11* 
 5" 10* 
 . 6 1C" 
 6 6* 
 a 7 6* 
 7 5" 
 a. 8 6H" 
 8 3* 
 8 10* 
 9 4* 
 Width - --- 
 2 1114* 
 y 3 1" 
 3 3" 
 S 3 4* 
 3 &V 
 g 3 10" 
 4 0%* 
 4 5" 
 4 8^4* 
 Length of line to reeve open 
 33 3 
 -36 2" 
 - 41 7" 
 21 6" 
 " 24 6" 
 27 3* 
 28 4" 
 30 3" 
 32 6" 
 34 5* 
 - 22 7" 
 23 1C* 
 box filled without teeth- _ 
 With counterweight slugs 
 ,<i. 2600 
 3 4750 
 Weight Lbs. 
 Average Load 
 d Up 
 100 2675 5475 
 105 3100 6700 
 110 3350 7350 
 115 43CO ! 9700 
 120 4650 
 125 50CO 
 130 55SO 130SO 
 Power- Wheel 
 The Speedster is a lever arm 
 bucket especially designed for 
 rehandling bulk materials such 
 as coal, sand and gravel. As its 
 name implies, it is noted for its 
 quick and effective clumping 
 and closing action. 
 It is the most highly de 
 veloped of clamshell buckets embodying all modern 
 requirements of speed, durability and maintenance. 
 Suited to all types of hoists. 
 Many difficult rehandling problems can be solved 
 with Blaw Speedster Buckets. 
 6C fl 
 i N^H 
 <U O 
 fc> O 
 ** M 
 6 6^" 
 2 4" 
 7 2Ms" 
 3 5" 
 216 3750 
 8 4" 
 3 3 
 With 4 pr. c tr. \v ts. no teeth. 
 The Blaw Power Wheel 
 Bucket is an improvement over 
 the ordinary "bull-wheel" bucket 
 in that the unusually large 
 power-wheel is mounted on a 
 shaft of its own, above the axis 
 of the main hinge. This ar 
 rangement keeps the wheel well out of the material 
 being handled, enables the bucket to open out wider 
 and gives greater closing power. A variety of sizes 
 adapted to all types of small portable cranes suitable 
 for all around usage on contracting work, which in 
 volves rehandling and light excavating. 
 S " 
 - gj ~ 
 00 I . 
 " " ~ 
 SCO 3350 
 % 77" 
 3 C* 
 1 81" 
 3 3* 
 9 5" 
 3 9" 
 10 S" 
 11 8" 
 4 8" 
 Data on larger sizes on request. 
 The Blaw Bulldog Bucket is 
 a lever arm bucket of greater 
 weight and greater closing 
 power than the Speedster. It is 
 especially adapted for use on 
 overhead cranes, as it has excep 
 tionally great closing power for 
 the head room that it requires. 
 t or work in skull cracker pits it is unequalled. 
 The Blaw Collier is a power- 
 wheel bucket with a very wide 
 scoop, intended for rehandling 
 | slack and anthracite coal. Very 
 mll j light for its scoop capacity, yet 
 will pick up its rated load of 
 run of mine, bituminous or semi-bituminous coal, culm, 
 crushed coal, ashes, etc. This bucket is especially 
 suitable for handling coal on mast and gaff rigs, as it 
 requires a minimum of head room. 
 ^ __ 
 o o 
 2 r 
 0). "3 
 y. ^ ^ 
 uj w 
 250 2600 1 CU. vd. 
 7 7" 
 5 9" 
 4 3" 6 7" y 2" 
 15 9" 
 3500 1% cu. yd. 
 8 9" 
 6 7* 
 4 9" 7 6" 
 5 10" 
 4400 2 cu. yd. 
 7 3* 
 5 3* 4* 
 6 6" 
 2% cu. yd. 
 Iff 4" 
 7 10" 
 S S" 
 8 11" 
 7 0" 
 21 3* 
 270 6200 
 3 cu. yd. 
 11 1" 
 8 4" 
 6 0" 
 9" 6" 
 7 5" 
 22 y 
 New York Chicago Bo.ton Baltimore Detroit Birmingham San Francisco Kansas City 
 A "hook-on type bucket 
 completely operated by a single 
 hoisting drum. The yoke of 
 the closing line can be thrown 
 over the crane hook when the 
 bucket is needed and it is ready 
 for service immediately. The yoke is 
 thrown off the hook when the bucket 
 work is finished and the crane is ready 
 for other uses. 
 Operating clearances required for 
 various Standard "hook-on" Type buck 
 ets and other particulars are given in 
 Tables I and III. 
 Table II lists standard buckets which 
 are reeved up direct to hoist. The head 
 room clearance required is merely the 
 open height of the bucket. 
 All buckets equipped with guide sheaves at top except 
 "Open Head Types." 
 This Is dis 
 tance bottom of 
 N ^ 
 liucket measures 
 tO 13 
 S a 
 lielow hook after 
 _ ,- 
 O . 
 2 3 
 6 4% 
 , - -j iii." 
 12 8%" 15 7" Standard Type 
 7 6" 
 6 G" i 
 V 18 2",l; 
 itandaro Type 
 7 6" 
 6 0" 4 2V4" 
 14 5" 18 2" Extra \VideTvpe 
 6 10" 
 6 6"3 
 * 2" 
 y i2 9" ( 
 )pen Head Type 
 6 ID 
 8"4 2%" 9 0" 12 9" Op.Hd. Ex. Wide 
 S 10" 
 7 5" 3 5" 
 16 3" 20-6" Standard Type 
 8 10" 
 7 5"C 
 y 2V6" } 
 3x. Heavy Scoops 
 9- 2" 
 9 2"3 5" 
 7" 20 4" Xarnt\v Type 
 1% 5250 V 2% 
 " 8 0" 4 0" 
 19 4" 24 3" Standard Type 
 9- 2% 
 " 8 0" 4 0" 
 19-4" 24 3" Ex. Heavy Scoops 
 1% , 56CO 
 8 4% 
 8 0* 4 0" 
 7" lG C"Open Head Type 
 9 1 2% 
 w C A* , 
 4" 24 3 f 
 standard Type 
 105CO WIO" 
 9 0" 4 8" 
 21 3" 26 0" Ex. Heavy Scoops 
 8 4% 
 " 8 0" 4 7%" 
 7" 16 6" Open Head Type 
 Iligl Po ver Buckets Extra 
 wide heavy lips. 
 333 J 
 2 D2CO lO lO" 
 9"C" 4 8" 
 21 3" 2(i C" Standard. 
 - / 
 0> o 
 , ^ 
 5 i {j 
 x , " 
 . 2 
 Op ii 
 Open Cl 
 isei" 55-" 
 5 4" 
 5 9" 
 3 5" 
 2 11%" 
 4 6 4 
 y o" 4 i 
 (Bridge type 
 V4" Cableway type 
 5 9" 
 2 11%" 5 0" 4 1 
 %" Standard type 
 7 1" 
 3 ! 
 6 6" 4 8 
 Standard type 
 1 3350 
 7 1" 
 4 i 
 i .," 
 6 6 1 8 
 Extra w i d e 
 7 1" 
 3 2" 
 6 6" 4 8 
 " Cableway type 
 313W 1 
 7 1" 
 4 ! 
 i .," 
 6 6" 4 8 
 " Extra w i d e 
 314 % 
 6 Vh 
 " 3 11" 
 5 2" 4 7 
 %" Bridge type 
 317 1 
 8 10" 
 8 0" 
 7 5" 5 7 
 " Standard type. 
 318 :1 
 8 0" 
 3- 5" 
 7 5" 5 7 
 " Ex. hvy scoops 
 326 \1% 4470 
 9" 2" 
 8 6" 
 3 5" 
 9 1 2" 6 10" Narrow type 
 ?22 IV- 5300 
 (V 03 * 
 8 &%" 4 0* 
 s 0" 5 10 
 %" Standard type 
 324 1% 
 8 8% 
 8 0" 5 1C 
 V&" Ex. hvy .scoops 
 329 1% 
 6CCO 9 2%" 
 8 f.\ 
 "4 W 
 8 0" 5 It 
 W Standard type 
 332 2 
 930010 1C" 
 W 0" 
 V 0"7 1 
 High power 
 Cubic Kcet 
 Scoop capacity Bucket 
 Cubic feet 2 Parts 
 l-i -ki-ii rii 
 3 Parts 
 \\,II.T Lowe 
 Lctrl Sand 
 I. IM J 
 {. ,! 
 304 - 
 L 7.5 
 305, 307, 3C8-. 
 310, 311, 312.313 
 310W, S11W, 
 312W, 313W-. 
 D15, 317 
 316, 318 
 S20, 322, o23 
 321 324 
 325 326. 
 327, 328, 329 
 530, 332 
 333 .. 
 Blaw Foundry 
 Type Single-Line 
 The foundry bucket is a 
 single line "hook-on" bucket re 
 quiring a minimum of head 
 room. The closing power is 
 sufficient to enable it to pick up 
 its rated 
 capacity in molders 
 N ^ 
 In -3 
 - c S 
 u^ S 
 3 j 
 , w ~ 
 - - .* 
 a J 
 **" "^ 
 3C9K -i 36CO 62" 4 11" 6 11" 
 319F 1 i 5CCO 7 3" 5 9" 8 1" 
 329F 2 68CO 8%" 6 9" SK 6" 
 339F 3 9L>00 9 9" 7 9" W 8" 
 349F 4 110CO W8" 8 (." 11 8" 
 Blaw-Knox Company manu- 
 Four-Line i factures four-line buckets in 
 and Special j sizes up to 8 cu. yd. capacity- 
 Buckets i t le leads can be arranged to 
 .:,,.., ,,,,,,..,.,.M,,,M,,,i meet almost any conditions re 
 quired by a crane or trolley. 
 SPECIAL BUCKETS are also designed and built for in 
 dividual requirements, where the hoisting equipment 
 or the work required does not permit the use of a stand 
 ard bucket. 
 Blaw Automatic 
 Single Rope 
 Blaw Automatic Single Rope 
 Cableways furnished for op 
 erating Blaw Single Line Buck 
 ets or with special Hook Block 
 for handling skips, dump buck 
 ets, etc.- operated entirely by a 
 single drum non-reversing hoist on spans up to 500 
 digging, hoisting, transporting and dumping under the 
 control of the operator at all times. 
 One Type of Automatic Single Rope Cableway 
 New York Chicago Boston Baltimore Detroit Birmingham San Francisco Kansas City 
 The G. H. Williams Com 
 pany manufactures a complete 
 line of grab buckets for dredg 
 ing or excavating, and for the 
 rehandling of bulk materials, 
 such as coal, ore, coke, sand 
 gravel, crushed stone, and rock. 
 Years of experience and specialized study insure to 
 their customers the selection of buckets suitable for 
 their requirements. Wherever standard equipment 
 will not serve the purpose, buckets of special design 
 can be furnished promptly. 
 Williams "Favorite" Bucket. 
 Design and 
 which furnishes the 
 Williams buckets are so de 
 signed and constructed as to 
 embody great digging power, 
 speed and economy in opera 
 tion, and durability. Applica 
 tion of the lever principle, 
 closing; power directly to the 
 scoops, together with triangular principle, requires few 
 parts and insures rigidity and perfect alignment, while 
 Williams "Hercules" Bucket. 
 long life is secured by the use of large bearings and 
 massive construction, which is entirely of steel. 
 The "Favorite 
 The "Favorite" Bucket is an 
 all around contractor s and ma 
 terial handler s bucket. It is 
 operated by a four-part closing 
 line applied to power arm or 
 lever, which enables it to handle 
 economically and efficiently coal, ore, sand, gravel, 
 crushed stone, and like bulk material; and when fitted 
 with teeth, it will do excavating and dredging, where 
 The "Hercules" 
 Williams No. 3 Single Hook Foundry Bucket. 
 the work is not of the most severe nature. See the 
 "Hercules" and special dredging buckets for this class 
 of work. 
 This bucket is built for severe 
 conditions and will handle 
 hardpan, loose rock, compact 
 gravel, boulders, and clay. It 
 has a four-part closing line 
 which gives it extra digging 
 power, and together with its heavy construction enables 
 Bucket to dig and operate under the severest conditions. 
 Each scoop of this bucket is made of one heavy plate 
 bent to shape, and is fitted with steel lip having cham 
 fered cutting edge. High carbon steel teeth to be bolted 
 or riveted in place are provided. By unbolting, the 
 teeth may be removed to make the bucket available for 
 ordinary rehandling from flat cars or boats. 
 No. 3 Single 
 Foundry Bucket 
 The No. 3 Bucket is built to 
 meet the needs of foundries, 
 steel mills, and power plants in 
 handling with economy, sand, 
 coal, ashes, roll scale, slag, mill 
 cinders, or similar material. 
 This bucket may be used on any crane or derrick, 
 especially where the distance between the hoist, block 
 and the ground is limited. In rigging the bucket the 
 hook of the hoist block is slipped into the holding yoke 
 of the bucket. The outfit is then ready for use. 
 Removing Silt Deposits from Intake Channel. 
 Due to its ability to span a 
 Advantages of j distance of 200 to 800 feet or 
 Sauerman Type f more and dig, convey, elevate 
 of Cableways I an d dump in a continuous move- 
 | ment under control of one oper 
 ator, a Sauerman Dragline 
 Cablcway Excavator will serve as complete excavating 
 and conveying equipment for the average gravel-min 
 ing, dirt -moving or clay-handling proposition. By 
 acting as a combined digger and conveyor, it handles 
 material at a lower cost per ton than other types of 
 excavators requiring an auxiliary conveying system. 
 \\lnle Sauerman Dragline 
 Adapted to Cableway Excavators are best 
 Wide Range known for their economical serv- 
 of Uses i ce as tne standard excavating 
 [ and conveying equipment for 
 commercial sand and gravel 
 plants, they have also been found suitable for a variety 
 of other uses. The different material-handling work 
 successfully handled by these excavating cableways is 
 as follows: 
 Excavating sand and gravel. Loading ballast from 
 pit to cars. Building levees and embankments. Making 
 reservoirs. Digging tail-race and placing ballast in 
 cribbing of dam. Removing earth dams, sand bars and 
 Excavating Gravel from Under Water and Conveying 
 to Screening Plant. 
 i-lancls. Cleaning out intake channel supplying boiler 
 water to power plant. Backfilling retaining walls. Re 
 moving silt and debris from log-ponds. Cleaning and 
 enlarging reservoirs. Deepening and widening rivers. 
 Mining placer gold. Taking marl from lake bottoms. 
 Stripping overburden from clay beds and stone quar 
 ries. Reclaiming tailings, ore or coal from storage piles. 
 Excavating peat and humus. Gathering clay for brick 
 and tile plants. Digging hard materials. 
 We invite everybody who has 
 Sauerman [ a proposition similar to any 
 Engineering I listed above to avail themselves 
 Service I f tne expert suggestions of our 
 , I engineers. You will also profit 
 by sending for our printed mat 
 ter. Pamphlets Nos. 12 and 14 describe installations 
 for mining gravel; Pamphlet No. 15 for handling clay 
 and sticky materials. 
 If your problem pertains to the storage or rehandling 
 of coal it will be turned over to a separate engineering 
 staff. Sauerman equipment for coal-handling is of 
 special design and one of the important items is a 
 patented type of power drag scraper. For description 
 of this equipment, send for our Pamphlet No. 11. 
 Loading Concrete Aggregate from Pit to Trucks. 
 Reclaiming Coal from Storage Pit. 
 The American Steel & \Yire 
 Sales Offices j Company manufactures wire 
 and | rope for all purposes and 
 Warehouses I carries a full line of wire 
 n \ rope fittings and accessories, 
 such as thimbles, clips, 
 clamps, sockets, hooks, turnbuckles, shackles, 
 sheaves, etc. It also manufactures aerial tramways, 
 supplying the supporting and transporting equi 
 page as well as the cable, and maintains engineering 
 bureaus to advise and assist in solving hoisting and 
 transmission problems. Its sales offices and ware 
 houses are located in the following cities : 
 ing, on derrick dredges, incline cable ways, etc., 
 being particularly an economical material where 
 the weight of rope is an important item or where 
 it may be desired to increase the loading without 
 enlarging sheaves and drums. 
 Monitor Plow Steel A material having a ten 
 sile strength ranging from 220,000 to 280,000 Ibs. 
 per sq. in. and especially resistant to abrasion. 
 Size for size it is somewhat less flexible than the 
 other steels but equally flexible with sections hav 
 ing equal strength. 
 Haulage Rope 
 Transmission and Haulage 
 rope derives its name from 
 the comparatively large size 
 and small number of wires 
 Chicago 208 So. La Salle Street 
 New York iO Church Street 
 Worcester.. 94 Grove Street ~ . . . 
 Boston 120 Franklin Street I Composing It. 1 Ills COllStrilC- 
 Cleveland Western Reserve Building Hnn rlWr-irts frnm tlio Aw 
 Pittsburgh Frick Building . Irom tile Hex- 
 Buffalo 337 Washington street ibihty of the rope but presents an increased resis- 
 phi ad 1 eiphuVl^\\V.:.\\V.^\\V.l.\\V.^\\V.l.\\V.!..widener r Bund7n e g tance to abrasion and corrosion. For this reason 
 it is particularly adapted for use where the ab 
 rasion is severe and the element of flexibility 
 of minor importance as in mine haulage work, 
 gravity hoist systems and coal and ore dock haul 
 age road operating grip cars, also in well drilling. 
 The American Steel & Wire Company makes two 
 types of this wire. The Standard Transmission 
 and Haulage rope is composed of 6 strands of 7 
 wires each, laid on a hemp core, the individual 
 wires in each strand being wound in the opposite 
 direction to that of the strand on the rope. The 
 Flattened Transmission and Haulage rope, of 
 Baltimore 32 So. Charles Street 
 Wilkesbarre, Pa Miners Bank Building 
 Cincinnati Union Trust Building 
 Oklahoma City First National Bank Building 
 St. Louis Liberty Central Trust Company Building 
 St. Paul, Minn Pioneer Building 
 Kansas City 417 Grand Avenue 
 Denver First National Bank Building 
 Salt Lake City Walker Bank Building 
 The United States Steel Products Company 
 New York City 
 Seattle, Wash. 
 Portland, Ore 
 Los Angeles, Calif. 
 Baltimore, Md. 
 Buffalo, N. Y. 
 Birmingham, Ala. 
 Chicago, 111. 
 Cleveland, Ohio 
 Denver, Colo. 
 Detroit, Midi. 
 Kansas City, Mo. 
 San Francisco, Calif. 
 Savannah, Ga. 
 Seattle, Wash. 
 St. Louis, Mo. 
 Trenton, N. J. 
 Worcester, Mass. 
 Grade of 
 Wire Rope 
 San Francisco, Calif. 
 Los Angeles, Calif. 
 New Haven, Conn. 
 New Orleans, La. 
 Xew York, N. Y. 
 Philadelphia, Pa. 
 Pittsburgh, Pa. 
 Portland, Ore. 
 Salt Lake City, Utah 
 The American wire rope is 
 I carried in established sizes 
 and designs, and for mate- 
 i rial handling purposes, is 
 f made in the following 
 grades : 
 Swede Iron A soft and ductile material hav 
 ing a tensile strength of approximately 85,000 
 Ibs. per sq. in. For wire rope manufacture it has 
 been largely superseded by steel but is still gen 
 erally used for elevator hoisting. For this pur 
 pose it is amply strong. 
 Crucible Cast Steel A material now made 
 by the open hearth process, which has a 
 tensile strength ranging from 150.000 to 
 200,000 Ibs. per sq. in. It is tough and pli 
 able and aside from having about twice the 
 strength of iron is harder and more resistant 
 to wear. These properties, together with a 
 moderate cost, have given it a general use 
 for all material handling purposes of mod 
 erate severity. 
 Extra Strong Crucible Steel A material 
 which there are three styles, is composed of flat 
 tened strands made up of a combination of differ 
 ent sized wires, both individual wires and strands 
 being wound in the same direction. This type of 
 rope presents about 150 per cent more wearing 
 surface than the round strand rope. 
 Standard Type C Type D Type E 
 Haulage Flattened Haulage Rope 
 of like manufacture, but somewhat stronger 
 than crucible steel, and tougher Its ten 
 sile strength is 180,000 to 220,000 Ibs. per 
 sq. in. 
 Plow Steel A high grade open hearth 
 steel having a tensile strength ranging from 
 !29,000 to 260.000 Ibs. per sq. in. It is some 
 what less flexible than crucible steel but 
 combines lightness with great strength and 
 as such is largely used for heavy mine hoist- tB ased on a factor of 5a f ety of 5. 
 Cast Steel 
 Extra Heavy 
 Crucible Steel 
 Plow Steel 
 E o 
 S -a 
 V T3 
 $ "2 
 1-. *" 
 e j. 
 > 1> 
 C in 
 rt .2 
 * -; 
 rt .2 
 i c> 
 rt ..2 
 3 c 
 f> 3< 
 .2 Q" 
 E C-O 
 X in 
 b w i> 
 Q w u 
 S -S 
 s -s 
 1J4 3.55 12.6 11 14.6 11 16.4 
 1M 3 10.6 10 12.6 
 l /t 2.45 
 9.2 9 10.8 9 
 1H 2 7.4 8 8.6 8 9.4 
 1 1.58 
 6.2 7 7 7 
 H 1.20 
 4.8 6 5.6 6 6.2 
 H - 89 
 It .75 
 3.7 5 4.2 
 3.1 4% 3.3 
 5 4.6 
 4J4 3.6 
 H .62 
 2.6 454 2.9 
 4 1^ 
 ft .50 
 2 4 2.2 
 4 2.4 
 % .39 
 1.5 3% 1.8 
 3 A 2 
 3 54 
 ft .30 
 1.1 3 1.25 
 3 1.4 
 H .22 
 2}4 1.05 ! 2V 1.2 
 A .15 
 .79 254 .88 
 & .12% 
 .so iy t .59 \y t .68 
 For List of Offices See Above. 
 Crucible Steel 
 Extra Strong Crucible Steel 
 Monitor Plow Steel 
 Type C 
 Types D ami K 
 Type C 
 Types D ;ttpl 1 
 Type C 
 Types D and E 
 # || 
 iJ g 
 E ~-5 
 f oi 
 P g 
 Q -P 
 C 4i . 
 O jv 
 O ^ 
 E " 
 O (^ 
 C H 
 o *P 
 E " * 
 Q, OJ 
 & P. C 
 s. s fc 
 f c 
 "- s 
 1 \A 
 12 6 -1 61 13 ft 
 4 00 8V4 14 6 
 3 65 
 i . 
 4.00 &>/i 
 in A 
 3 in 
 11 4 
 3 45 8 12 6 
 3.45 8 
 9.2 2.55 10 
 2.80 714 10.8 
 2.80 7}4 13.4 
 2.55 14.6 
 2.80 9}* 
 Hi 7.4 2.05 8 
 2.30 6!4 8.6 
 2.30 6 / t 10.4 
 2.05 11.2 
 2.30 8 
 1 6.2 1.65 6.8 
 1.80 5*4 7.0 
 1.80 5W 8.4 
 1.65 9.2 
 1.80 (>y t 
 M 4.8 1.24 5.2 
 1.38 5 5.6 
 1.38 5 6.6 
 1.24 7.2 
 1.38 6 
 y t 3.72 .92 
 1.00 4 /, 4.2 
 1.00 4Yi 5.0 
 .92 5.4 
 1.00 554 
 yi 2.6 .64 
 .72 3V4 2.9 
 .72 3}4 3.5 
 .64 3.8 
 .72 4J4 
 % 1.54 .40 
 .45 2Vi 1.77 
 .45 2>A 2.2 
 .40 2.38 
 .45 3Ji 
 W .92 .23 
 .25 2 1.05 
 .25 2 
 tBasftl on factor ot safety of 5 
 . . 
 Crucible Steel 
 Kj _ 
 > -o 
 a J 
 C ; 
 C u 
 J3 - > 
 fi C 
 ( e-o 
 I M 
 K o 
 # B 
 2 l" 
 # c 
 Q ^^ 
 < a 
 s - 
 Standard Extra Special 
 t,- 1 
 S - 
 fiJ &, 
 R I )e Flexible Flexible STANDARD ROPE 6 STRANDS, 19 WIRES EACH 
 11.95 22.2 
 9.85 18.4 
 8 14.4 
 6.3 11 
 5.55 10 
 4.85 8.8 
 4.15 7.6 
 3.55 6.6 
 3 5.6 
 2.45 4.56 
 2 3.72 
 1.58 2.9 
 1.2 2.36 
 .89 1.7 
 .62 1.2 
 .5 .94 
 .39 .78 
 .3 .58 
 .22 .48 
 .15 .3 
 .1 .22 
 48.6 55 
 40 46 
 32 37 
 24.6 28 
 22.4 25 
 19.8 22 
 16.6 19 
 14.6 16 
 12.8 14 
 10.6 12 
 8.6 9.4 
 6.8 7.6 
 5.2 5.8 
 4.04 4.6 
 2.8 3.1 
 2.24 2.4 
 1.84 2 
 1.45 1.6 
 1.06 1.15 
 .7 .76 
 .49 .53 
 Several different types of 2^ 
 rope are made for hoisting | 
 Hoi?ting Rope purposes. The Standard }^ 
 i Kope is composed of 6 iH 
 I,,.,. ,,, ,, i strands of 19 wires, regu- j^| 
 lar lay. The iron grade of -4 
 this rope is regularly used for elevator coun- \ 
 terweight ropes, while the other grades have a 
 general application to hoisting work, logging, 
 dredging and skipping, cable ways, conveyors, % 
 etc. Extra Flexible Steel Hoisting Rope is com- ^ 
 posed of 8 strands of 19 wires. This rope, hav 
 ing a greater flexibility than the Standard Rope 
 is better adapted for use over the comparatively ."n^ 
 small sheaves and drums of derricks. Special 
 IheaVe-rn^te c^e Steel. 
 Flexible Hoisting Rope is composed of 6 strands EXTRA FLEXIBLE ROPE 8 STRANDS, 19 WIRES EACH 
 of 37 wires. It has even greater flexibility than 
 the Extra Flexible Rope and is particularly ]^J 
 adapted for use on cranes, etc. 
 Flattened Strand Hoisting Rope is composed of ! ! ^ 
 a combination of different sized wires forming 
 a flattened strand of the Lang s lay. This type of 
 rope corresponds in flexibility with the Standard \ 
 hoisting rope and presents a great deal more 
 wearing surface. 
 Steel Clad Hoisting Rope is made in three 
 13 14.8 
 11 12.8 
 9.4 10.4 
 7.6 8.6 
 5.9 6.6 
 4.6 5.2 
 3.5 4 
 2.5 2.8 
 2 2.32 
 1.6 1.74 
 1.26 1.38 
 .93 1.02 
 .61 .67 
 .40 .45 
 \ 2.6 
 5 A 
 styles, each style being constructed similarly to SPECIAL FLEXIBLE ROPE 6 STRANDS, 37 WIRES 
 the Extra Flexible Steel, Special Flexible, and 
 Extra Special Flexible hoisting rope, respectively, 
 excepting that each strand is enclosed in a casing 2% 
 consisting of strips of steel wound spirally around f^ 
 it. \Yhere the conditions are suited to its use this 
 rope is capable of a much more extended life by 
 reason of this protection, often 50 to 150 per cent. }^ 
 Non-Spinning Hoisting Rope is composed of H< 
 an inner layer of 6 strands of 7 wires Lang s la} % 
 and an outer layer of 12 strands of 7 wires regular 
 lav. Rv reason of this construction a free load 
 on the rope suspended on the end of a single line ^ 
 of the rope is prevented from rotating. 
 12 3.75 
 11 3.5 
 9 3 20 
 7 2.83 
 6 2.5 
 5 2.16 
 3.5 1.83 
 2.3 1.75 
 1.9 1.5 
 1.45 1.33 
 1.1 1.16 
 .84 1 
 47 53 
 37 43 
 30 35 
 23 26 
 21.2 23.8 
 19 22 
 16 18 
 14 16 
 12 14 
 10 11 
 8 9 
 6.4 7 
 5 5 
 3.8 4 
 25 3 
 2.1 2.3 
 1.65 1.85 
 1.27 1.4 
 .93 1 
 For List of Offices See Opposite Page. 
 Steel Clad 
 Based on Factor of Safety 5 
 Z J 
 rt i_< 
 X - 
 c -21 
 u j 
 J* 2^ 
 rt ^ t/3 
 2 ^ 
 B * 
 S o 
 < a 
 J LT. " 
 254 8 45 
 2 6.7 
 Ifi 6.02 
 l*i 5.25 
 1^ 4.62 
 \y, 3.95 
 1*4 3.3 
 4 5 
 ... 19.2 
 154 2.12 
 1 1.72 
 24 1.3 
 2 5 
 H - 
 2 1.68 
 7 Q 
 14 8 
 17 5 
 19 2 
 / .y 
 16 . 5 
 i v^ 
 2 8 
 1 44 
 2 . i 
 The American Steel & Wire 
 Track Cable j Company makes three kinds 
 for I of cable for use as track in 
 4erial Tramway I aerial tramway systems. Of 
 I these the Locked Wire and 
 Locked Coil Cable are simi 
 lar in that the outer wires interlock with each 
 other forming a smooth surface. They differ in 
 the number of wires composing them, the 
 Locked Coil Cable having fewer and larger wires. 
 It possesses sufficient flexibility, however, to 
 allow shipment in 5 or 6 ft. coils. The smooth 
 coil cable is adapted for conditions requiring 
 Locked Coil Tramway Cable. 
 lower priced equipment. It is composed simply 
 of a number of comparatively large round wires 
 coiled in concentric layers about a wire core. 
 Coil Type 
 Wire Type 
 Smooth Coil Type 
 1? rt 
 bO rt 
 M to 
 .S-o = 
 V id 
 ? ** 
 c/] pH 
 >- o 
 *X B O 
 U ^ rj 
 ^^ o 
 -*,_] o 
 ^ c 
 u^ 1 
 ^ C 
 2 1> 
 3 a 
 3 a 
 J a 
 U iJ 
 E j 
 Type A 
 Type B Type H 
 2y & 
 1 Z-i 
 1 44 
 i 1 ^ 
 Crucible Cast Steel 
 Extra Strong Crucible Steel 
 Monitor Plow Steel 
 Type A 
 Types B 
 and H 
 Type A 
 Types B and H 
 Type A 
 Types B 
 and H 
 fe 15 
 S! "g 
 o; u 
 S o .2 
 I -! 
 .s s 
 bc rt 
 tJ o -2 
 ! c ** 
 - % |< 
 S 1 " 5 c 
 I.M 01 
 s,^ = 
 , c 
 >.E o 
 .2 |< 
 Q r- f | 
 !1 H 
 ^I H 
 . i. 
 .: -: J-i 
 u C 
 3 a. 
 ^ C 
 A O. 
 S c 
 U C 
 w C 
 ^ H 
 u C 
 ^ o. 
 o 1 " 
 5 s - 
 i w .s 
 2^4 26.6 
 8.00 29.2 
 920 854 II 32 
 9.20 8}4 
 8.00 46.2 
 9.20 12 
 2 21.2 
 6.30 23.4 
 7.25 8 
 6.30 36.6 
 7.25 11 
 1*4 17.0 
 4.85 18.8 
 5.60 754 
 5.60 754 
 4.85 29.2 
 5.60 9 
 1H 14.4 
 4.15 15.8 
 4.75 654 
 4.75 6J4 
 I /, 12.8 
 3.55 14.0 
 4.00 5*4 
 4.00 5*4 
 3.55 21.6 
 m 11.2 
 3.00 12.4 
 3.45 I 554 
 3.45 sy. 
 3.00 18.4 
 3.45 7X 
 154 9.4 
 2.45 10.4 
 2.80 5 
 2.80 5 
 2.45 15.2 
 2.80 7 
 15* 7.6 
 2.00 8.4 
 2.30 454 
 2.30 4 /, 
 2.00 12.4 
 2.30 6 
 1 6.0 
 1.58 6.6 
 1.80 4 
 1.80 4 
 1.58 10.0 
 1.80 5 
 1.20 5.0 
 i.38 zy, 
 1.20 7.8 
 1.38 454 
 .89 3.86 
 1.00 3 
 1.00 3 
 .89 5.8 
 1.00 4 
 H 2.5 
 .62 2.76 
 .72 2(4 
 .72 2J4 
 .62 4.2 
 .72 iy, 
 rV 2 
 .50 22 
 .58 1*4 
 .58 1*4 
 .50 3.2 
 .58 3 
 A 1.68 
 .39 1.86 
 .45 1 54 
 .45 1J4 
 2.42 , 
 .39 2.7 
 .45 2*4 
 tBased on factor of safety of 5. 
 For List of Offices See Pane 818 
 The Trenton 
 The American Steel & Wire 
 Company manufactures two 
 standardized designs of aerial 
 tramways and is prepared to 
 I , I (lesion such special equip 
 ment as may be required to 
 meet unusual conditions of operation or location. 
 Of its two systems, the Trenton is the 
 principal one, thus far over 3,000 of these systems, 
 representing over 1,800 miles of line and an annual 
 Trenton Aerial Tramway Transporting Slate in 
 capacity of about 200 million tuns, having been 
 built. This is a system comprising two stationary 
 cables, one of lighter weight than the other, from 
 which a series of detachable buckets or other 
 carrying devices are suspended and along which 
 they are moved in a continuous circuit by an end 
 less and comparatively light weight traction rope, 
 the loads travelling along the heavier cable and 
 the empties returning by way of the lighter one. 
 It is primarily a system for long haul between 
 stations and as such finds its widest application 
 in mountainous localities as a means of transport 
 ing material to and from mines, quarries, etc. ; 
 one of these lines, the largest on record and a 
 system carrying 40 tons of ore hourly, extending 
 a distance of 21 miles, during which it makes a 
 descent of 11,000 feet and spans distances in ex 
 cess of half a mile. The system is not limited to 
 this application however, and is being extensively 
 used in various parts of this and foreign countries 
 over comparatively level stretches, around indu-- 
 trial sites, docks, etc. As a system of transporta 
 tion it is capable of handling capacities up to 20 1 
 tons per hour at an operating cost per mile of 
 from 2 to 5 cents "er ton. Tt permits a speed of 
 operation of from 5 to 6 miles per hour and ac 
 commodates a program of loading and unloading 
 the carriers at other points than the terminals. Tt 
 can be operated around angles without manual 
 assistance and up steep slopes without difficultv. 
 The track cables used are the Locked Wire or 
 Locked Coil types as described in the preceding 
 pages. The traction rope is a special <MX strand 
 wire rope with a hemp core. The buckets, when 
 buckets are used, may be self-dumping or both 
 self-dumping and righting, the dumping in eithei 
 case being effected automatically by a tripping 
 bar attached to the track cable or station rail 
 The tramway stations occur at the terminals and 
 at breaks in the direction of the line or at othei 
 point* where it i< 
 desired to load or 
 unload buckets, 
 the carriers upon 
 arriving at these 
 stations being de 
 tached automatic- 
 a 1 1 v fro in t h e 
 cable and shunted 
 to overhead rails, 
 after which they 
 may be moved to 
 varn >us points, de 
 tached from the 
 hangers, or even 
 switched on other 
 tramway lines. 
 Once loaded or 
 unloaded, as the 
 ca-c may be, thcv 
 are again attached to the traction rope for move 
 ment to other points. 
 Where the length of haul is 
 comparatively short and the 
 work of a light nature it often 
 happens that materials can 
 be handled satisfactorily and 
 at less expense for the initial 
 reversible tramway svstem 
 Self Di 
 nstallation by a 
 \ hereby one or more buckets are carried on sep- 
 irate lines and propelled back and forth for load- 
 Trenton Aerial Tramway on Dock Haulage Work. 
 ing and unloading by reversing the traction rope. 
 For such conditions the American Steel & Wire 
 Company manufactures the Single and the 
 Double-Cable Reversible Tramways, the Double- 
 Cable system consisting of two cable tracks each 
 supporting a bucket, the one returning empty 
 while the other is moving out loaded. These sys 
 tems are usually provided with self-dumping buck 
 ets capable of carrying a ton each and similarly to 
 the carriers of the Trenton systems, may 
 be designed for shunting the track cable at 
 station. With them materials may occasionalh 
 he handled np to amounts of 25 tons per hour. 
 For List of Offices See Page 818 
 of Quality 
 \\ ire Rope is a 
 highly important 
 part of all ma 
 terial handling 
 systems on which 
 it is used, for the 
 actual working efficiency of the entire 
 equipment is no greater than the effi 
 ciency of its wire rope. 
 The standard for every grade of 
 Leschen Wire Rope is exceptionally 
 high, and strength alone is not the controlling factor, 
 for there are also exacting requirements as to flexibility, 
 elasticity and toughness. 
 Kinds of 
 Leschen Wire Rope for ma- 
 I terial handling is furnished in 
 | the following grades: Hercules 
 I Wire Rope, Special Steel, Cast 
 I Steel and Plow Steel, the par 
 ticular grade recommended de 
 pending upon the equipment and requirements of the 
 (Keg. U. S. Pat. (Iff. I 
 This is a rope of the very 
 highest quality in material, 
 design and workmanship. It is 
 the best that can be bought for 
 | any price, and because of its 
 durability and dependability it 
 is the most economical for heavy work. It is recom 
 mended for cranes, cableways, derricks, excavators, 
 grab buckets, mine hoists, steam shovels, etc. It is 
 furnished in Round and Patent Flattened Strand con 
 structions. It is always made with one red strand, 
 which is our guarantee of its high quality. 
 "Special Steel" 
 (Trade Mark Registered) 
 A rope of but moderate cost 
 but it possesses high efficiency 
 in a wide variety of operating 
 conditions. Its flexibility is 
 ,| equal to that of lower strength 
 ropes, and its trust-worthiness 
 within its working limit is exceptional. Furnished in 
 Round and Patent Flattened Strand constructions. 
 Cast Steel 
 Plow Steel 
 Cast Steel Rope is standard 
 for ordinary work, being of 
 moderately high tensile strength 
 and quite flexible. Furnished in 
 all constructions. 
 Plow Steel Rope is of high 
 tensile strength and one that is used successfully for 
 heavy work where sufficiently large drums and sheaves 
 are practicable. Made in Round Strand Construction 
 Leschen Wire Ropes are 
 i made in Round Strand, Patent 
 Constructions j Flattened Strand, and Locked 
 | Coil Constructions, as illus- 
 I trated. Special constructions 
 can be furnished to meet un 
 usual conditions of wire rope service. 
 We shall be glad to furnish catalog giving breaking 
 strength and correct working load for every size of rope 
 in all grades of our manufacture. 
 Fig. 1. This is the 
 standard Round Strand 
 hoisting construction. 
 Its use is quite general 
 on conveying ma 
 chinery, cranes, cable- 
 ways, derricks, eleva 
 tors, grab buckets, mine 
 hoists, steam shovels, 
 Fig. 2. An extra flexible Round 
 Strand construction for use where 
 sheaves and drums are necessarily 
 small. Especially recommended for 
 Fig. 3. A Patent Flattened Strand 
 construction, and an ideal rope for 
 conditions requiring unusual strength 
 and resistance to wear. Highly 
 recommended for heavy duty cranes, 
 cableways, excavators, mine hoists, 
 steam shovels, etc. 
 Fig. 4. Extra flexible Patent Flat 
 tened Strand construction. While its 
 use is limited, it is a very efficient rope 
 on equipment to which it is adapted. 
 Fig. 5. Standard Round Strand 
 haulage rope for inclines, and it is 
 also used as track and traction rope 
 on Aerial Tramways. 
 Fig. 6. Patent Flattened Strand 
 haulage rope. This is a heavy duty 
 rope for haulage purposes, because of 
 its exceptional ability to withstand 
 surface wear. It is also used for track 
 rope on Aerial Tramways. 
 Fig. 7. This Patent Flattened 
 Strand construction of haulage rope 
 is an ideal traction cable on Aerial 
 Tramways. It is used with remark 
 able success for this class of service. 
 Fig. 8. Locked Wire Rope is an 
 ideal rope for main line on cable- 
 ways. Its smooth surface minimizes 
 wear and friction, and reduces vi 
 Fig. 9. Locked Coil Cable is de 
 signed and recommended for track 
 rope on Aerial Tramways. It offers 
 the same advantage for this service as 
 Locked Wire Rope for cableways. 
 Fig. 1 
 Fig. 2 
 Fig. 3 
 Fig. 4 
 Fig. 5 
 Fig. 6 
 Fig. 7 
 Fig. 8 
 Fig. 9 
 Leschen Aerial 
 Wire Rope Tram 
 ways are the practi 
 cal and economical 
 J solution of many 
 transportation prob 
 lems. Today they are being used success 
 fully in various parts of the world for 
 transporting apples, ashes, bananas, cement 
 rock, coal, lumber, ore, stone, supplies, 
 waste from mines and mills, and other 
 As they take the "air route," they are not affected by 
 weather conditions; surface irregularities do not in 
 crease cost of installation or operation; both mainte 
 nance and operating costs are low, and their efficiency 
 is high. 
 The Leschen Two-Bucket or Oscillating 
 system, sometimes called Jig-back, is used 
 extensively for short lines. Although 
 sometimes built as a power driven tram- 
 wax-, its more general use is where gravity 
 operation is possible. The Leschen Single 
 Span Gravity Two-Bucket Tramway, as 
 developed for coal handling in the moun 
 tain regions of Pennsylvania, \Yest Virginia 
 and Kentucky, is a really remarkable ma 
 chine, being so simple in design and so 
 sturdy in construction that its operation is 
 a real pleasure. The cost of handling coal with one of 
 In order to correctly meet all 
 conditions of aerial transporta- 
 Systems tion, Leschen Tramways are 
 designed and furnished in va 
 rious systems. The following 
 are the most commonly used: 
 The Leschen Heavy Duty Friction Grip system is 
 designed particularly for long distances and heavy 
 capacities, yet its economical use is not limited by these 
 conditions. From five tons per hour to several hundred 
 tons, and from a few hundred feet to many miles are all 
 within its range as to ca 
 pacity and length. Hun 
 dreds of tram w ays 
 equipped with this screw 
 type friction grip are in 
 use, some under the most 
 severe conditions of load 
 ing, grades, etc. Its su 
 perior in this field is yet 
 to be found. 
 The Leschen Automatic 
 system, as its name im 
 plies, is automatically 
 loaded and discharged. 
 The main feature here is 
 a saving in labor, as but 
 one man is required. Its 
 capacity is limited and 
 the terminal bins must be 
 located parallel to the 
 tramway line. 
 Leschen Single Span Heavy 
 handling coal 
 ll.milliii;. gold and silver ore in the mountains of California 
 with a Leschen Heavy Duty Friction Grip Tramway. 
 these tramways is exceed 
 ingly small. For example, 
 with a span of about 
 1,000 feet, a thousand 
 tons of coal per day can be 
 transferred at a cost for 
 operation and mainte 
 nance of between one and 
 two cents per ton. 
 A highly important fac 
 tor in the successful oper 
 ation of an Aerial Tram 
 way is the wire rope with 
 w h i c h it is equipped. 
 Leschen Wire Ropes for 
 such service are illustrated 
 and described on opposite 
 page. There is a Leschen 
 rope for every tramway 
 Capacity Two-Bucket Tramwav 
 in West Virginia. 
 Leschen Automatic Tramway disposing of waste at an 
 asbestos mine in Canada. 
 Our Engineering Department 
 will be glad to advise with you 
 as to the practicability of an 
 Aerial Tramway for your par 
 ticular work and to submit an 
 estimate to you, if you will fur 
 nish us information as suggested below: 
 1. Give length of tramway in straight line. If 
 horizontal curves cannot be avoided, give angle of each 
 curve. 2. Give difference in elevation between terminal 
 points, and state which .terminal is at higher eleva 
 tion. If possible, send rough sketch showing profile 
 of ground. 3. State material to be handled and give its 
 weight per cubic foot in the form to be carried over 
 tramway. 4. State how many tons (2,000 Ibs.) you 
 wish to transport per hour. 5. A profile made from an 
 accurate survey is required if final price is wanted. 
 The Harrington 
 The Harrington Rocking 
 Cableway is an improved cable- 
 way for giving crane service 
 over storage yards. It consists 
 of a balanced rocking cableway 
 in which the supporting towers 
 rock in unison through 120. It combine? crane service 
 with cableway speed in storage yards. 
 This cableway is built on sound scientific principles 
 that have been proven through years of practical experi 
 ence. It reclaims all it can pile without the need of 
 retaining walls and requires no supports, trestles, or 
 other obstructions in storage space. 
 The Harrington Rocking 
 Cableway will carry any kind 
 of bulk material handled by 
 grab bucket, or, materials that 
 can be lifted by a crane hook 
 or in a packet. It will cover an 
 area of any length up to 500 feet, and widths as high 
 as 100 feet. Or the cableways can be arranged with 
 one rocking tower serving a fan shaped area. 
 It is particularly applicable to blast furnace yards, 
 coal storage, crushed rock storage, storage for cement 
 mills, lumber yards, structural steel storage, foundry 
 yards, in fact wherever materials are stored in selective 
 piles, or moved to and from cars, pockets, mills or 
 storage yards. 
 One Man 
 The Harrington System can 
 be operated either by steam or 
 electricity and requires only one 
 operator. It has been the aim 
 of the designers of this system 
 to eliminate the handling of 
 material to the conveyor or car by providing for a high 
 longitudinal speed along the pile, making it possible to 
 travel a considerable distance from the plant, pick up 
 a load and convey it rapidly to the plant or vice versa. 
 This has been accomplished by adopting the cableway 
 principle, furnishing a very high longitudinal speed 
 with light weight of operating parts. The lateral mo 
 tion is provided by means of a rocking motion given 
 to the terminal towers. The entire arrangement is so 
 simple that the towers are rocked in unison and the 
 main track cable transferred laterallv by one man. 
 Power House 
 The illustration above shows 
 the installation of this Rocking 
 Cableway for a powerhouse 
 coaling problem. Note the area 
 of the storage pile, all of which 
 can lie piled, and reclaimed, and 
 delivered, direct to the crusher by this machine. It 
 guarantees the prompt unloading of cars and conse 
 quent lack of demurrage and provides for the disposal 
 of ashes. 
 Although the Rotary Car- 
 Dumper is capable of handling 
 Application 400 cars per day, it has been 
 developed to a point where it 
 | , , , , , ln offers a paying investment for 
 handling as few as 4 cars per 
 day, for the following reasons: 
 1. Can be operated by one unskilled laborer. 
 2. Power requirements, one Kilowatt-hour per car. 
 3. Maintenance negligible. 
 4. Initial cost low approximately that of one good 
 locomotive crane. 
 Since the Rotary Car-Dumper unloads standard rail 
 road cars rapidly and economically in the simplest 
 manner possible turning the car upside down it 
 offers a profitable solution of the car unloading prob 
 lems in almost every type of plant. 
 Upright Position Receives and Clamps Any Size Car. 
 In the small plant, where the usual procedure is to 
 dump the material from hopper cars into track hoppers, 
 it eliminates the serious problem of securing the de 
 livery of the material in hopper cars and also eliminates 
 the excessive labor cost of thoroughly cleaning even the 
 hopper cars. Where the unloading capacity of a plant 
 is relatively small a heavy demurrage charge may often 
 result when the supply of railroad cars is irregular. 
 In the larger plants, the Rotary Car-Dumper is not 
 only adapted for unloading railroad cars to track 
 hoppers which are served by feeders, but is also very 
 suitable for unloading cars at any storage plant where 
 material is stored in stock piles. Where cranes are 
 used to place the material in the stock piles, the Rotary 
 Car-Dumper can unload the cars rapidly into a large 
 pit, which is always kept full, making it possible for the 
 crane to readily secure the maximum load in each 
 bucket. Such an arrangement will more than double 
 the capacity of the crane storage system. 
 Material can also be put into stock piles from a 
 Rotary Car-Dumper in a very simple and economical 
 manner by means of a conveyor system which takes the 
 material from the pit and delivers it to storage over a 
 traveling tripper. 
 In cement mills, the Rotary Car-Dumper can unload 
 railroad cars directly into the crushers. 
 The Rotary Car-Dumper reduces the cost of unload 
 ing railroad cars by 
 Reducing Labor Charges, 
 Reducing Demurrage Charges, 
 Reducing Car Injury Expense, 
 Eliminating the Difficulties of Unloading Flat- 
 bottom Cars and the labor expense of thoroughly clean 
 ing Hopper-bottom Cars. 
 The ease of operation and 
 I maintenance of the Rotary Car- 
 Simplicity Dumper is made possible by the 
 I simplicity of design which in- 
 , I eludes no elaborate or compli 
 cated machinery. There are no 
 gears, clutches nor elaborate electrical control in fact, 
 no costly or expensive mechanism. 
 The large rotating cage is supported on four heavy 
 trunnion wheels and is rotated by means of hydraulic 
 cylinders or by an electric hoist. The railroad cars are 
 engaged and held in the Rotary Car-Dumper auto 
 matically and in such a manner that it is impossible 
 to injure the cars. 
 The Rotary Car-Dumper turns each car upside down 
 and insures the perfect cleaning of each car that is 
 delivered to your plant. 
 Completely Overturns Car, Assuring Perfect Discharge of 
 The low cost and low power 
 requirements of the Rotary Car- 
 Dumper for Standard Gauge 
 Railroad Cars makes it avail 
 able for the smallest as well as 
 the largest plants. One man 
 can control the cars and unload them in the Rotary Car- 
 Dumper at the rate of ten cars per hour, and with an 
 extra man to drop in the cars, a capacity of twenty cars 
 per hour can be obtained. The maximum capacity of 
 the equipment is approximately forty cars per hour and 
 requires the services of three or four men. 
 The gross cost of unloading ten cars per hour, ten 
 hours per day including interest, depreciation, repairs, 
 supplies, power and labor is less than V 4 of a cent per 
 The Car-Dumper & Equip 
 ment Co. also manufactures 
 Rotary Car-Dumpers for min 
 ing, stripping and industrial 
 cars, G r a v i t y, Electric and 
 Pneumatic Drive, "Solidcar" 
 Self-Dumping Cages, Car Control and Caging Equip 
 ment, and Hydraulic Trip Controls. 
 Bartlett & Snow 
 Organized in 1884, Bartlett 
 and Snow have been building 
 mechanical carrying equipment 
 r - - conveyors, elevators, skip 
 hoists, larries for 37 years. 
 During this time a great deal 
 of knowledge and experience has been gained which is 
 built into the equipment and which forms the basis of 
 every suggestion offered by Bartlett and Snow engineers. 
 Although Bartlett and Snow build nearly every 
 known type of conveyor and elevator, the} have devoted 
 most of their efforts to the construction of equipment 
 for conditions which are unusual or exacting. When 
 such conditions present themselves Bartlett and Snow 
 can offer particularly valuable suggestions. 
 Cooperation is the essential work of the men in this 
 organization. They will be glad to have requirements 
 put up to them and will take pleasure in investigating 
 the conditions thoroughly and offering specific sugges 
 tions which are backed up by their many years of ex 
 perience. By putting your mechanical carrying require 
 ments up to Bartlett and Snow equipment, you insure 
 minimum operating costs and dependable operation. 
 Inquiries are invited from those who have require 
 ments involving the handling and preparation of sand 
 in foundries, the handling of coal and ashes in power 
 plants, the handling of ores and coal at mines and 
 preparation plants, and the handling of machines and 
 articles in industrial plants. 
 Belt Conveyor Carrying Coal. Belt Conveyor Carrying Sand. 
 Three Standard Types of Bucket Elevators. 
 Double Beaded Apron Conveyor. 
 Wood Apron Conveyor for Boxes, Packages, Castings, Etc. 
 Bartlett & Snow 
 Skip Hoists 
 Bartlett and Snow Semi-Auto 
 matic Skip Hoists are started by- 
 pushing a button. Once started, 
 the bucket rises to the dumping 
 position, stops long enough to 
 dump and then automatically 
 returns to the bottom and comes to rest ready for the 
 next load. 
 Bartlett and Snow Fully-Automatic Skip Hoists op 
 erate in a similar cycle, but it is not necessary to start 
 them. They start automatically as soon as there is 
 sufficient material to load the bucket, operate contin 
 uously as long as there is material to lift, and then 
 automatically stop. They require absolutely no human 
 aid. Power plants, steel mills, mines, chemical plants, 
 and other industrial works can use Bartlett and Snow 
 Skip Hoists to good advantage. 
 Ash Skip Hoist. 
 Skip Hoist Engine. 
 Skip Hoists 
 The Otis Automatic Push 
 Button Skip Hoist meets a 
 growing demand for high grade 
 c..ip ^u.atB I reliable apparatus for raising 
 I , t u : t i { various material in bulk, such 
 as coal, ashes, etc., and auto 
 matically delivering them at a higher level. 
 To meet the exacting requirements of such apparatus, 
 standard hoisting machines, which have been developed 
 and refined for elevator service and thoroughly stand 
 ardized, are used. The control system is nearly identi 
 cal with that used on certain classes of regular freight 
 and passenger elevator installations. 
 Since standard elevator apparatus is used and be 
 cause of the fact that Otis Service offices are located in 
 all important cities and towns, it is always possible to 
 secure promptly any renewal parts which may be 
 Otis Automatic Skip Hoists are made to run verti 
 cally or at any desired angle and may be divided into 
 two classes, single skips and double skips. 
 Both vertical and incline hoists may be equipped 
 with a single hoisting bucket, which may or may not 
 require a counterweight, or, in the case of double skips 
 with two buckets running on separate tracks, in balance. 
 The usual operation is by 
 means of three push buttons 
 marked "Up," "Down" and 
 "Stop." These are mounted in 
 a box as illustrated, and can be 
 located wherever most con 
 venient. When the bucket has received its load the 
 attendant presses the "Up" button which causes the 
 machine to start, and from this point the operation is 
 entirely automatic. The machine accelerates to full 
 speed, the bucket rises to the upper level, and at the 
 proper point the machine slows down and the bucket 
 travels into the dumping position, where it stops and 
 automatically remains for a pre-determined interval 
 which is sufficient to allow the material to be entirely 
 discharged from the bucket. With the single skip the 
 machine then automatically starts in the "down" direc 
 tion and continues in operation until the bucket reaches 
 the lower level and automatically stops in the loading 
 position. In the case of the double skip hoist, when 
 th ascending bucket reaches the dumping posi- 
 tion the machine remains 
 stationary until it is again 
 started by the operator, he 
 having in the meantime 
 attended to the loading of 
 the other bucket. A pres 
 sure of the "Stop" button 
 at any time during the 
 travel of the bucket will 
 cause the machine to come 
 to rest. 
 The Otis Automatic 
 Skip Hoists employing 
 standard elevator appara 
 tus as described are used 
 in manufacturing plants 
 for handling material in 
 bulk; in coal and coke plants, gas, electric light and 
 power stations, for handling coal, ashes and similar 
 Push Button Box show 
 ing Up, Down, and Slop 
 Control Buttons. 
 Otis Automatic 
 Skip Hoists for 
 Blast Furnaces 
 Otis Skip Hoists for heavier 
 duties than those which employ 
 standard elevator machines are 
 those used for blast furnace 
 skips, large incline railways and 
 other installations where heavy 
 duty hoists with automatic control are required. The 
 machine used is of the Herringbone Gear type. An 
 illustration of the direct current machine is shown here 
 with. This machine is also made to operate with alter 
 nating current. 
 Incline Railways 
 Otis Commercial Incline 
 Railways are used in handling 
 materials such as stone in 
 quarries or cement plants to be 
 j dumped into crushers or cars; 
 the hoisting of ore, coke and 
 limestone in blast furnaces, roasting furnaces or coke 
 plants; and for transferring baggage and freight; also 
 in manufacturing plant? for carrying heavy loads from 
 one level to another. Standard elevator machines are 
 used for inclines where the duties are within their 
 capacities. For duties beyond the capacity of the 
 standard elevator apparatus the larger types of ma 
 chines above described are used. 
 Otis Direct Current Herringbone Gear Type Hoisting Machine; Gear Case cut away to show Herringbone Gears. 
 For List of Offices, See Page 750 
 10-Ton Coal Unloader and Bridge and 11-Ton Ore Bridge. 
 Aims and 
 The products of the 
 Mead-Morrison Man 
 ufacturing Co. com 
 prise two distinct lines 
 of machinery, contrac 
 tors machinery and coal, ash 
 and ore handling machinery. 
 These two lines of machinery have been brought to 
 their present high degree of perfection by improvements 
 made from time to time when found desirable, and by 
 sparing no expense in construction to reduce the lia 
 bility of break-down and increase the efficiency and 
 It has always been the endeavor of the company to 
 give the requirements and interests of its customers the 
 most careful and conscientious study, in order that it 
 may be in a position to supply them with machinery 
 McCaslin Overlapping Pivoted Bucket Conveyor. 
 which will prove most economical, reliable and 
 The Mead-Morrison Manufacturing Co. 
 maintains an engineering department whose 
 services are at the disposal of any one with 
 hoisting or handling problems for coal, ashes, ore or 
 like materials. 
 A written request to the nearest district office will 
 bring one of the engineers from this department to 
 discuss the problem and offer solution. 
 The illustrations on this page 
 showing the ore bridge, tower, 
 conveyor and car dumper will 
 give the reader some idea of the 
 variety of the coal and ore 
 handling machinery manufac- 
 Coal and Ore 
 tured by the company. 
 Electrically Operated Tower Unloading Bulk Material. 
 Electrically Operated Car Dumper. 
 Throe-Drum "Standard" Hoisting Engine. 
 Steam and 
 Electric Hoists 
 Mead-Morrison steam and 
 electric hoists follow . the same 
 general design, the chief dif 
 ference being that in the former 
 the frame is extended to 
 properly support the boiler and 
 cylinders, while in the latter the extension is such that 
 the motor, controller and resistance are similarly 
 Three-Drum Electric Hoist with AutnniHti 
 Boom Drum. 
 Brake on 
 Grab Buckets 
 of All Sizes 
 Mead-Morrison grab buckets 
 are of superior design and sub 
 stantial construction. T h e y 
 differ in design, shape and ar 
 rangement, depending on the 
 particular duty, but all are of 
 improved and patented construction. In size they range 
 from 2 cu. ft. to 17^ tons capacity. 
 With this variety in details and wide range of size 
 the Mead-Morrison Co. is in a position to fill the 
 bucket needs of any purchaser. 
 6-Ton Type "C" Grab Bucket. 
 Electric Car Puller. 
 The following list of products 
 manufactured and sold by the 
 Mead-Morrison Manufacturing 
 Co. will picture to the reader the 
 wide range of material handling 
 machinerv which thev make. 
 Car Dumpers 
 Mast and Gaff-Rigs 
 Coal Screening Plants 
 Cable Railways 
 Automatic Railways 
 Contractors Hoists 
 Mine Hoists 
 Derrick Swingers 
 Pile Driving Hoists 
 OiK .rry Hoists 
 Slack Line Cableway 
 Eor excavating and for handling coal. ore. sand, 
 broken stone, gravel, etc. 
 Cargo Unloading 
 \\ inches 
 Trawler Winches 
 Anchor Windlasses 
 Capstans ( Horizontal 
 and Vertical) 
 Steering Gears (follow- 
 up and non follow-up) 
 Capstan Winches Friction Drum Winches 
 New York Singer Building 
 Montreal 265 Beaver Hall Hill 
 Chicago 53 West Jackson Boulevard 
 The C. W. Hunt Company, 
 Inc., West New Brighton, N. Y., 
 is a manufacturer of industrial 
 railways and coal handling 
 machinery. Its line of products 
 includes Industrial Railway 
 Tracks, Switches , Motor Operated and Push Cars, 
 Scales, Electric Mine and Industrial Locomotives, Au 
 tomatic Railways, Cable Railways, Conveyors, Coal 
 Crackers, Skip Hoists, Bin and Hopper Gates, Weigh 
 ing Larries, Coal Tubs, "Stevedore" Manila Trans 
 mission and Hoisting Rope, Transmission Rope 
 Couplings and Drilling Cable. 
 Use and 
 Economy of 
 Skip Hoists 
 Where material is to be ele 
 vated, a skip, in most cases, is 
 the ideal unit. It is simple and 
 rugged in design. Its operation 
 is most economical, as power is 
 only used when the material is 
 being hoisted. The upkeep is minimum, as practically 
 the only part subject to destructive wear is the wire 
 hoisting rope. A single unit, the bucket is the carrier 
 and keeps the abrasive action of the material on the 
 machine, and breakage of the material by the machine 
 at a minimum. 
 Head Frame and Loading Chute of Hunt Skip Hoist. 
 Skip Hoist 
 The Hunt Standard Skip 
 Hoist consists essentially of the 
 load-carrying bucket, the wire 
 hoisting rope, the head and 
 leading sheaves, the electric 
 single drum hoisting engine 
 with motor, the traveling cam control, the electrically 
 operated brake, the bucket guides, the loading pit 
 valve or the loading chute, the control panel, and the 
 push button station for operating the machine. 
 The single bucket skip is counterweighted and the 
 guides constructed for properly guiding the counter 
 weight and bucket. Electric skips with drum type 
 controller and steam hoist, friction operated, skips of 
 high speed can be furnished if desired. These two 
 types require experienced operators and much more 
 power. Unless warranted by exceptional conditions, 
 they are seldom used. 
 The operator fills the bucket by dumping the car 
 load into the deflecting chute or if a receiving hopper 
 is used, by opening the pit valve. Either one of these 
 operations insures a loaded bucket. The time required 
 for loading the bucket varies from five to twelve sec 
 onds under normal conditions, depending on the size 
 of bucket and the material handled. To operate, a but 
 ton is pushed which releases the brake and starts the 
 hoist, which then automatically accelerates, hoists at 
 speed, decelerates, stops, bucket discharging, reverses, 
 accelerates, lowers at speed, decelerates and stops. The 
 bucket is again loaded and the cycle repeated. 
 Hunt Pivoted 
 In designing or operating a 
 power house the advantages 
 and savings possible with a 
 properly arranged coal and ash 
 handling plant are obvious. The 
 most economical way of oper 
 ating this branch of work is by means of a continuous 
 pivoted bucket conveyor. 
 The Hunt pivoted bucket conveyor consists essen 
 tially of a number of buckets so pivoted that they 
 always maintain an upright position, no matter in what 
 direction the conveyor is traveling. The buckets are 
 driven by chains supported on automatically lubricated 
 wheels running on T rails. The chain is driven by 
 pawls which provide smooth operation even should the 
 pitch of the chain vary. The buckets are filled by a 
 special filler which prevents overloading and spilling 
 of material. 
 Pivoted Bucket in Operation. 
 The buckets of the Hunt 
 Conveyor are made of open- 
 hearth steel, malleable, or cast 
 iron. A dumping cam is lo 
 cated on each side of the bucket. 
 It is so designed that it will en 
 gage the dumper without shock and tilt the bucket, 
 emptying all the material by gravity. 
 The dumping device consists of a bracket, which can 
 be affixed to the rail at any point. This bracket sup 
 ports a shaft to which is attached a hand lever, and a 
 cam, at each end. When the hand lever is thrown 
 forward the tripper cams engage those of the bucket, 
 tipping each bucket as it passes the discharge point. 
 The dumping cams bear on the axle, relieving the 
 strain on the buckets and increasing their durability. 
 The Hunt Industrial Railway 
 is constructed for every industry 
 and service where the reliable 
 movement of material is essen 
 tial. With cars operated by 
 electric storage battery, trolley, 
 or third rail locomotives, the loads that can be carried 
 are limited only by the strength of the cars and track. 
 and Cars 
 The standard gauge of the 
 tracks is 2\ l / 2 inches measured 
 from outside to outside of rail 
 heads, loaded cars of standard 
 width require a passage of only 
 4 ft. clearance. The track sec 
 tions, switches, frogs, cross-overs, etc., are shipped in 
 units assembled with the ties, and all ready to lay. 
 An extremely important feature of the Hunt Indus 
 trial Railway is the ability of the cars to run around 
 curves of very short radius. A standard four-wheel car 
 runs around a curve of 12 ft. radius with ease. 
 Hunt Flexible Wheel Base on Curve. 
 The action of the axles and wheel flanges on Hunt 
 cars in rounding curves is illustrated above. As the 
 car on a straight track approaches the curve, the wheel 
 B runs on its flange on the special outer curve rail A 
 and the wheel C runs on its tread on the inner rail D. 
 Thus as the axle assumes a radial position there is no 
 slipping on the rails and no sliding friction. 
 The Hunt Storage Battery 
 Locomotive is well equipped to 
 haul several cars in a train. In 
 case it is desired to equip one 
 car with power, this, too, can 
 be done, enabling the car to 
 travel under its own power. 
 View of Thirteen Hunt Automatic Railways in Loco 
 motive Coal Storage Yard. 
 The Hunt Automatic Railway 
 was designed primarily for 
 transporting bulk materials 
 from railroad cars and vessels 
 to storage bins where the run 
 does not exceed 600 feet. 
 Coal Hoisting Towers. 
 Boom Hoisting 
 The Hunt Towers are espe 
 cially adapted for the rapid un 
 loading of vessels. Furnished 
 steam or electrically operated, 
 one-man control; with hoisting 
 capacity of from 100 to 300 
 tons per hour. Tubs can be used as well as grab 
 buckets with this type of tower, the change being made 
 in a few minutes. 
 Hunt Bin 
 and Hopper 
 These gates are unsurpassed 
 for controlling coarse, wet and 
 hot material; are ruggedly con 
 structed, and have a positive 
 shut-off, due to the powerful 
 and easily operated mech 
 anism. There are no gears or small parts to get out of 
 order and all working 
 parts are simple and 
 easily replaced when worn 
 out from long service. 
 Hunt Gates are used at 
 . ., , , Bin and Hopper I, ate. 
 most of the large plants 
 in the country, and are highly recommended. 
 The C. W. Hunt Co. specializes in gates for coal, 
 ashes, sand, stone, gravel, fertilizer material, etc. All 
 sizes from 6" to 36" x 36" carried in stock. 
 Service and 
 Branch Offices 
 This organization includes an 
 engineering staff prepared to 
 furnish estimates and to render 
 co-operative service to inter 
 ested parties. The works are 
 tributary to the Baltimore & 
 Ohio tracks, and include a wharf capable of accom 
 modating lighters of every railroad centering in New 
 York City, thus assuring prompt service to all pur 
 The company maintains a branch office in Xew York 
 City, and is represented in Chicago, Boston and Wash 
 ington, D. C., by Phillips, Lang & Co., Inc., Day, 
 Baker Co., Inc., and James P. Mewshaw, respectively. 
 The entire organization of the 
 Handling Coal, [ R H. Beaumont Co. is devoted 
 1 Ashes and ! exclusively to the building of 
 Coke I equipment for handling coal and 
 Mlll jj its two by-products, ashes and 
 coke. By twenty years concen 
 tration in this field they have developed certain ma 
 chines as being the best for the purpose intended. A 
 description of these standardized machines follows. 
 Besides the machines shown the company also builds 
 bunkers, gates, crushers, hoppers and feeders to com 
 plete an installation. 
 The work of the company includes the erection of 
 the equipment. One contract covers everything de 
 sign, construction and installation of the complete 
 plant, including the necessary bunkers and structures. 
 The experience of the company is at the disposal of 
 anyone contemplating a new boiler house or consider 
 ing coal and ashes handling equipment in an existing 
 the fact that all construction is outside the boiler room 
 the cost of construction is less. 
 The Beaumont super-central coal and ash handling system 
 Hoists, Larries, 
 Drag Scrapers 
 These three devices form the 
 Beaumont Skip j nuc i eus o f t h e Beaumont Super- 
 | Central Coal and Ash Handling 
 | System. 
 In this system the coal and 
 ashes are centralized in external 
 bunkers. The materials are elevated to the bunkers by 
 ;he Beaumont Skip Hoist. 
 Coal is taken from the bunker and distributed to the 
 stokers by the Beaumont Larry. 
 Ashes are brought to the ash skip hoist by an ash 
 car or train of cars. 
 Only a few days run of coal is kept in the bunker, 
 reserve coal is stored on the ground and reclaimed 
 when required by the Beaumont Cable Drag Scraper. 
 Machinery is thus reduced to its simplest form, the 
 equipment consisting only of a few self-contained 
 massive units. In moderate size boiler houses, two 
 winding machines are used, placed side by side in a 
 clean, well lighted, accessible room in the coal house; 
 one for the skip hoist and one for the drag scraper. 
 The advantages claimed for this system are as 
 follows : 
 Advantages of 
 the Beaumont 
 reducing the cost. 
 1 Lowest First Cost A 
 bunker where all coal and ashes 
 } are concentrated at one spot is 
 | the most economical to build. 
 ,jj The usual distributing con 
 veyor is eliminated, thus further 
 On account of concentration and 
 2 Lowest Maintenance Expense Because the ma 
 chinery is reduced to a minimum, and that used is of 
 rugged design. Having no distributing conveyor re 
 duces maintenance charges. 
 3 Lowest Power Consumption Because distribut 
 ing conveyor is eliminated, and this (when used) con 
 sumes more power than the elevator. 
 4 Ease of Construction Since all work is done 
 outside the boiler house, there is no interference with 
 the men operating in the case of existing boiler houses, 
 and in new boiler houses with the men erecting the 
 building, boilers, stokers, piping, etc. This means 
 that not only the coal and ash handling system, but the 
 boiler house and all equipment in the boiler house 
 will be erected at less cost. 
 5 Simplest Type Building May be built (in case 
 of new boiler house) consisting merely of four walls 
 and roof of standard building construction. 
 6 Construction Expedited Building does not have 
 to wait for data from company furnishing bunker and 
 machinery. Construction of the building and bunker 
 takes place simultaneously, instead of the latter wait 
 ing until the building is finished. 
 7 Maximum Light and Ventilation Is gained in 
 the boiler house, there being no overhead bunkers to 
 obstruct light and ventilation. 
 8 Eliminates Chain Elevators and Conveyors - 
 Which are always subject to wreck and must be re 
 newed more frequently and at a greater cost than skip 
 9 Machinery Operates with Minimum Noise 
 Seme systems are extremely noisy and are especially 
 undesirable in built up districts. The skip hoist is 
 as quiet as a freight elevator. 
 10 Pleasing Architectural Appearance The 
 bunker is blended with the building, making a very 
 pleasing architectural appearance. 
 Catalog 40 is an encyclopedia of Coal and Ash 
 Handling Systems. Write for your copy. 
 Beaumont Skip 
 The skip hoist consists of a 
 bucket running on inclined or 
 II vertical tracks and hoisted by 
 Hoist means O f a stce i ca ble attached 
 I to a winding machine. The 
 bucket consists merely of a 
 rectangular steel box open at the top and fitted with 
 guide rollers and hoisting bale. The winding machine 
 is driven by an electric motor. 
 The bucket is started upward by pushing a button. 
 The skip reciprocates continually and is automatically 
 filled by the Simplex Loader. 
 The Skip is the best and most commonly used coal, 
 ashes and coke hoisting system. It is built in standard 
 sizes to hoist 10 to 300 tons of coal per hour at 50 ft. 
 lift; larger sizes have been built. 
 Skip Hoist advantages are: 
 1. Not affected by grit, heat or water. 
 2. Skip hoist has high capacities. 
 3. High lift is no objection to a skip. 
 4. Operating costs are low. 
 5. Installation cost is low. 
 6. Power consumption is at a minimum. 
 7. Freedom from breakdown. 
 8. Repair parts are at a minimum. 
 9. The skip will handle lumps, fines, etc. 
 10. The skip hoist is quiet in operation. 
 Write for separate Skip Hoist Catalog Xo. 50. 
 Beaumont Drag 
 Coal is received at the plants 
 in railroad cars and discharged 
 into a hopper below the tracks. 
 From here it is elevated a:id de 
 livered down a chute to form an 
 initial pile, adjacent to the mil- 
 road track. A machinery house contains the driving 
 drums to which are attached the ends of a steel cable. 
 The cable extends across the storage yard and the 
 opposite end is attached to any two of a series of steel 
 posts which surround the yard. A scraper is attached 
 to the cable and pulled back and forth over the coal. 
 By reversing the scraper or changing the location of 
 the outermost end of the cable, coal can be n:oved in 
 any direction, as desired. 
 When reclaiming, the coal is scraped back to the 
 reclaiming hopper and delivered to the elevator, which 
 will discharge the coal either to railroad cars or to 
 the boiler house bunker. 
 Beaumont Cable Drap Scraper 
 Drag scraper advantages are: 
 1. Coal storage area any shape. 
 2. Hourly capacity high, up to 600 tons. 
 3. Can be operated by ordinary labor. 
 4. Maintenance is low. 
 5. System will fight fire. 
 6. Stores coal in layers, not piles. 
 7. Will handle lump or crushed coal. 
 8. No trestle is required. 
 9. The salvage value is high. 
 Catalog 45 describes the Beaumont Cable Drag 
 Scraper System. Send for a copy if interested in coal 
 A larry is a plate hopper sus 
 pended on scales and mounted 
 on a truck which runs on over 
 head tracks. 
 The larry takes coal from 
 any part of the overhead coal 
 bunker and delivers to any stoker. Accurate weight of 
 coal burned is kept. Larries built from l /2 to 25 tons 
 50 Church St. ----- New York 
 1406 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago 
 1201 Kresge T.ldg - Detroit 
 618 National Bldg. Cleveland 
 230 Fifth Ave. - Pittsburgh 
 261 Franklin St. ------- Boston 
 Gradual Troubling Type Belt Conveyor Idler equipped with Alemite Lubricating Plugs 
 Stearns material handling 
 I equipment includes a complete 
 Equipment j line of elevating and conveying 
 1 machinery for handling mate 
 rials in both bulk and packages. 
 The principal types are, belt 
 and bucket elevators, belt, pivoted bucket, pan, screw, 
 and apron conveyors; complete screening plants, coal 
 and ash handling equipment, in fact, conveyors for 
 every service are designed and manufactured in our 
 It is the policy of The Stearns 
 Conveyor Company to standard 
 ize wherever possible on con 
 veyor units and duplicate sec 
 tions applicable to the greatest 
 number of installations, thereby 
 making it possible to manufacture on a quantity produc 
 tion basis, affording superior quality at no greater cost 
 to consumer. 
 The mechanical construction 
 and method of lubrication of 
 the Stearns belt conveyor idler is 
 unusual. The common faults of 
 disaliunment and imnroner ln- 
 O I **f- 
 brication have been eliminated. 
 Perfect alignment is assured by mounting Hyatt Roller 
 Bearings on a single piece of seamless tubing. The 
 outer race for the roller bearing is another piece of 
 seamless tubing which carries the pulley itself. Thus 
 the two roller bearings are always perfectly aligned. 
 Upon proper lubrication depends the life o f any ma 
 chine. All Stearns conveyor idlers are equipped with 
 the well known Alemite Lubricating System that is in 
 use on many automobiles. The upper bearings on the 
 inclined pulleys in all common forms of idlers suffer 
 from lack of proper lubrication because gravity pulls 
 the grease away, allowing the bearings to run dry. The 
 Stearns pulleys are provided with a grease chamber 
 with floating plungers to force the grease up to the 
 [yatt Bearings. The Lubricant is thus forced from the 
 r out, providing a seal against grit and dirt. It is 
 necessary to lubricate once or twice a year which 
 can be done while the conveyor is in operation bv 
 means of an Alemite grease gun. 
 The three principal causes for shortening the life of 
 the idler have been improper lubrication, grit, and dis- 
 alignment. \Yith these difficulties eliminated the life 
 of the equipment is greatly prolonged. The cost of 
 maintenance, expense of repairs, and inconvenience are 
 reduced to a minimum. 
 The case of the belt conveyor is typical of the 
 mechanical refinements of all Stearns products. 
 The use of Stearns equip- 
 | ment cuts production costs two 
 1 ways. First your material han- 
 f dling costs are reduced by sup- 
 ! plying mechanical means for 
 human labor. Second, your 
 mechanical handling costs are lessened by reducing 
 maintenance and repair expense of the equipment to 
 i minimum. 
 Stearns engineers will gladly 
 investigate your material han- 
 Service dling problems and report to 
 you the most efficient solution 
 regardless of who manufactures 
 the equipment that is best suited 
 to handling your product most economically. 
 Stearns sen-ice does not stop with your purchase. 
 Single Idler Pulley 
 Grease enters at 1 and passes through 2 filling grease 
 reservoir and pressing back plunger 
 in Transit 
 The M e r r i c k Conveyor 
 I Weightometer is an adaptation 
 of a platform scale designed for 
 the automatic weighing of con- 
 = , | veyor handled materials while 
 in transit. Where time as well 
 as accurate weight is an important factor in the load 
 ing, unloading or transporting of materials by con 
 veyors, the weightometer meets the requirements. It 
 records the weights with a guaranteed accuracy of 
 99%, without hindering in any way the handling of 
 the materials. 
 Merrick Conveyor Weightometer Weighing Material in 
 Transit on a Belt Conveyor. 
 The Merrick Weightometer is 
 J designed for use with any size 
 ! or style of belt or pan conveyor. 
 I It will weigh successfully any 
 l,. I material which can be carried 
 by the conveyor. 
 The illustration below is a sketch of a typical 
 weightometer installation on an inclined belt conveyor. 
 A section of the conveyor belt is supported on a floating 
 platform. This platform is hung on compound levers 
 and balanced by an iron float in a cylinder of mercury. 
 The movement of the float is a direct measure of the 
 weight on the conveyor belt. An integrator multiplies 
 this weight by the speed of the conveyor. The sprocket 
 chain drive to the integrator from the return belt of the 
 conveyor is clearly shown in the illustration below. 
 Typical Weightometer Installation with Inclined Belt 
 The method of recording the weight can be seen in 
 the illustration of the integrator. Rollers are mounted 
 around the periphery of the disc (1), and the belt (2), 
 which is driven by the conveyor, rubs against these 
 disc rollers at the right and left. The disc is carried 
 on a swinging frame. When it is in the "no load" posi 
 tion and perpendicular to the plane of the belt, the 
 rollers revolve and exert no turning effort on it. But 
 when the disc is tipped by a system of levers a com 
 ponent of the motion of the belt acts to turn it. As the 
 weight increases the angle of tipping increases and the 
 speed at which the disc is revolving increases. A 
 Detail of Integrator Box. 
 simple mechanism records this motion and furnishes an 
 iccurate record at all times. 
 With continual operation the 
 end pulley of the average idler 
 might sag, thus giving a vari 
 able trough. As this is detri- 
 Troughiiig Idlers 
 and Weighted 
 , lM jj mental to accurate weighing, the 
 Merrick Troughing Idler was 
 built. They are made in two styles 3 pulley and 5 
 pulley and are intended for use only at the weighing 
 section. All parts are accurately machined and the 
 ends buttressed against end sag. Holes to admit the 
 passage of an aligning cord are jigged in the buttress 
 ends so that the alignment can be checked while the 
 conveyor is in motion. 
 The Merrick "Easy Slide" Weighted Take-Up for 
 belt conveyors is designed to keep the belt tension con 
 stant automatically. A bill of material with an installa 
 tion drawing will be furnished by the company when 
 conveyor conditions and necessary dimensions are 
 Mounting of the Weighing Levers with Connection to the 
 Weigh Beam and Integrator Box. Casing Covers Removed. 
 Consult the 
 "The Merrick Scale Mfg. Co. 
 invites correspondence from any 
 readers with conveyor handled 
 materials desirous of easily but 
 I,,, , , , | accurately determining the 
 weight of such materials. Coal, 
 coke, stone, cement, ore concentrates, gravel, fish, phos 
 phate rock, pebbles, are representative of the materials 
 The Peck 
 Pivoted Bucket 
 The Peck Overlapping 
 Pivoted Bucket Carrier is the 
 recognized standard machine 
 for handling coal and ashes in 
 1 , , , the modern power plant. It is 
 the highest development of the 
 conveying art. 
 Constructed as it is with few wearing parts and these 
 of the best design to resist wear; the cost of mainte 
 nance and power is very small. But even of greater im 
 portance is its reliability. In this feature the Peck 
 Carrier is unrivaled. 
 We believe it will be but a short time before the use 
 of this type of Carrier, for all but short conveyors 
 and in all cases where material is to be both conveyed 
 and elevated will be the most generally accepted 
 means of conveying. 
 Send for catalog No. 220. 
 Peck Carrier and Belt Conveyor. 
 Peck Carrier Discharger in Operation. 
 Other Link-Belt I L ^ k ; B f . Engineers have 
 Coal and Ashes 1 s P eclallze d in the solut,on of 
 Handling ^ co an< ^ as hes handling prob- 
 Equipment ! lems in Pwer plants. Our 
 i,,, , 1 equipment for power plants in 
 cludes a complete line of acces 
 sories; belt conveyors, bucket carriers, feeders, crushers, 
 track hoppers, coal bins, ashes pockets, stoker spouts, 
 bin and hopper gates, cars, locomotive cranes, grab 
 buckets, unloaders, and loaders, electric hoists, water 
 intake screens, transmission machinery, etc. 
 Like all Link-Belt Equipment it is ruggedly con 
 structed for hard continuous service. 
 Let us suggest a coal and ashes handling installa 
 tion for your boiler house. 
 Send for Book No. 3S3-A, "Economical Handling of 
 Coal and Ashes and Reserve Coal Storage." 
 Diagram Showing the Operation of the Peck Overlapping Pivoted Bucket Carrier. 
 For list of other offices see page 804. 
 B-G machines are stand- 
 ardized in design. This means 
 I Standardization { quick delivery of machines 
 LI to meet any problem and serv- 
 I ice for the user in quick de 
 livery of parts. No waits or 
 charges for special equipment. The line consists of 
 Portable Belt Conveyors, Permanent Belt Conveyors 
 and Self-Feeding Bucket Loaders. 
 B-G Portable 
 Below is shown the B-G 
 type of portable belt conveyor. 
 Strength, light weight, a low 
 receiving hopper, swivel 
 wheels, variety in lengths, and 
 standardization are the essen 
 tial advantages embodied in this conveyor. 
 Strength and light weight are gained by using steel 
 angles and pipe in the form of a Warren Truss. By 
 B-G Standardized Portable Belt Conveyor. 
 placing the motor at the discharge end, it is possible 
 to build a low receiving hopper. Axles are so con 
 structed that the wheels may be set at right angles for 
 "fanning" or spreading the pile. 
 Portable conveyors are furnished in length from 15 
 ft. to 60 ft. Permanent conveyors are furnished in 
 any greater lengths up to 200 ft. Belt widths are 
 either 18" or 24". Gasoline or electric drive as de 
 Standardization means adherence to one general de 
 sign, reasonable costs from quantity production, and 
 Type U, the Conveyor with the Digging End. 
 interchangeability of parts. For the user it means 
 quick delivery of machine and repairs, and a machine 
 which will serve a number of needs besides the one for 
 which it is purchased. 
 One conveyor model departs radically from the gen 
 eral B-G design. This is a one-man machine for uni 
 versal use. the type "U." It is made in only one 
 length, 22 feet, with 12" or 18" belt, cupped steel cleats, 
 overlapping side clips, and continuous skirt boards. The 
 receiving end is exposed so that the cupped flights 
 passing around the lower pulley dig into the pile when 
 the conveyor is pushed into any loose bulk material. 
 For this reason it is called "The Conveyor With the 
 Digging End." 
 B-G Self-Feeding 
 Bucket Loader 
 Self-Feeder Two 36" flat 
 steel discs set nearly horizontal 
 rotate toward the center con 
 tinually bringing material to the 
 buckets. Patented. 
 Crawler Traction -- Full 
 length continuous treads, 58" long by 8" wide. 
 Transmission Truck type with cut gears, enclosed 
 running in oil. Differential. Machine can turn 
 around in its own length. 
 Elevator Buckets mounted on two strands of chain, 
 motor and sprockets protected from dust and spillage. 
 B-G Self-feeding Bucket Loader (Patented;. 
 Power Buda 4-cylinder, 25 H.P. gasoline engine 
 or 15 H.P. electric motor. Ample power. 
 Control Only one operator needed. All controls 
 within easy reach. 
 Discharge Spout Pivoted to permit discharging in 
 any direction with ample clearance. Measuring hopper 
 provided if desired. 
 Capacity 1 J4 cu - yds. per minute. 
 Safety Discs perfectly safe. Other moving parts 
 Dimensions Length overall 11 ft. 1 in.; digging 
 width 6 ft. 4 in.; width of crawlers overall 61 in.; dis 
 charge height 10 ft.; weight 8,800 Ibs. 
 New York 
 St. Louis 
 Kansas City 
 Salt Lake City 
 San Francisco 
 Los Angeles 
 Canadian agents: Mussens Limited, Montreal, Winnipeg, Toronto, 
 51 Chambers Street, New York City 
 Austin Wagon Loader Loading Four Yards of Crushed Rock in a Truck in Six Minutes 
 Since the cost of labor has 
 [ become such an important fac- 
 Purpose | tor in the handling of crushed 
 I rock, gravel, sand, coal, grains, 
 ,, I etc., the Austin Self-Feeding 
 Wagon Loader was designed 
 to reduce the use of man power to a minimum a? well 
 as to make possible the saving of time in the loading 
 of materials of all sorts in wagons and automobile 
 The Self-Feeding Device is a distinct advance in the 
 multiple-bucket type of wagon loader. Its greatest 
 economy of operation is due entirely to this attachment, 
 which eliminates the necessity of two men to feed the 
 buckets. This self-feeding device, which is more fully 
 described and illustrated on the opposite page, actu 
 ally sweeps the material into the bucket path and auto 
 matically withdraws in preparation for the next cut. 
 The steel feeding arms, or digging arms, of which the 
 pelf-feeding device is composed, will cut a swath wide 
 enough for the machine to follow into or through the 
 bank so that even- bucket can be filled completely to 
 the brim. 
 The twenty-two buckets, each holding one-third of a 
 cubic foot, which complete 3-)4 cycles per minute, give 
 the Austin Self-Feeding Wagon Loader a capacity of 
 28 cubic feet or 1.02 cubic yards per minute. This 
 work i= all done by one man. 
 The efficiency of this one-man control is due to the 
 fact that all equipments are controlled from the operat 
 ing platform. From this point the operator can govern 
 the vertical movement of the elevator as well as its travel 
 along the road when folded back for shipping. 
 The Austin Self-Feeding 
 Wagon Loader materially re- 
 Value duces the cost of handling such 
 material as coal, gravel, sand, 
 etc., in two distinct ways by 
 reducing the number of men 
 required to load the trucks, and by keeping the trucks 
 working instead of waiting. 
 The comparative costs of loading trucks by man 
 power and by means of an Austin Self-Feeding Wagon 
 Loader are shown in the following tables: 
 S Laborers 5 yards 20 min. at 55c per hr 
 Cost of truck for 20 minutes at $2.50 per hour 
 Cost of loading 5 yards of material in truck $2.30 
 Cost of loading 1 yard of material in truck 46 
 One Laborer 5 yards 6 min. at 55c per hour 
 Cost of truck for 6 min. at $2.50 per hour 
 Power at 1 cent per cubic yard 
 Oil, grease, interest on investment, etc 
 Cost of loading 5 yards of material in truck... 
 Cost of loading 1 yard of material in truck. 
 In addition to the saving in the cost of loading 
 trucks, the Austin Self-Feeding Wagon Loader also 
 brings about a saving in investment. Since this wagon 
 loader makes the truck stand idle only six minutes 
 while being loaded, one truck can do the work of three 
 trucks which are loaded by laborers. This saving of 
 the investment for only one truck enables the Austin 
 Self-Feeding Wagon Loader to pay for itself at the 
 start due to the fact that the cost of the Austin Loader 
 is approximately the same as the cost of one good truck. 
 In order that the Austin Self- 
 Feeding Wagon Loader may 
 have sufficient reserve power to 
 give good service under all con 
 ditions it is equipped with a 
 22-horse power four-cylinder 
 marine type gasoline engine. 
 If electric power is preferred an electric motor can 
 be furnished. These motors are either A. C. or D. C. 
 current and are rated at 15 H. P. 
 The front wheels are knuckled to the axle, on the 
 same plan so successfully used in automobile truck 
 The operating machinery consists of a direct drive 
 chain and gear transmission, giving elevator operation, 
 and two-speed and reverse traction. The low or feed 
 ing speed is provided for use under working conditions 
 while the high is for traveling. 
 The rear axle is fitted with a differential so that the 
 machine can be turned practically within it? own 
 length. All of the gears, castings and sprockets are 
 made of cast steel. The shafts are of steel, the main 
 frame of structural and the bucket chains are Ley 
 The following table covers the specification? for the 
 Austin Self-Feeding Wagon Loader. 
 Frame- Structural Steel 
 Elevator Chain Double Strand No. 82.* Ley bushed chain. 
 Drive Chain SS 525 link belt. 
 Buckets 18 x 8 x 9> l / 2 in. buckets spaced 20 in. on chain. Capacity, 
 Vi cu. ft. 
 Drive 22 II. P. four-cylinder gasoline engine or 15 H.T. Electric 
 Traction Working speed 70 ft. forward and 28 ft. into pile per 
 Traveling 140 ft. per minute forward, 70 ft. reverse. 
 Controls All operations under friction clutch control. 
 Wheels Rear, 42 x 6 in.; Front, 27 x 4 in. 
 Gauge 5 ft. 2 in. 
 Height of Discharge 8 ft. or 9 ft. (< in. 
 Capacity 14< cu. yd. per minute under proper operating conditions 
 \YciR-ht 8..KX) Ibs. 
 The operation of the Austin 
 Self-Feeding Wagon Loader is 
 extremely simple when it is on 
 the road traveling from job to 
 job as well as when it is loading 
 trucks. A platform is provided 
 for the operator from which the steering wheel and all 
 the levers are readily accessible. The elevator is raised 
 when traveling to give ample clearance. A speed of 
 seven-eighths of a mile per hour is attained in travel 
 ing under its own power. 
 The upper illustration in the opposite column on 
 this page shows the Austin Wagon Loader with the 
 elevator in the normal position for operation. The 
 steel feeding arms are shown in this view extended to 
 the extreme open position a distance of six feet. 
 When the Loader is in operation these steel feeding 
 arms sweep inward, carrying the material into the 
 bucket path and automatically withdrawing in prepa 
 ration for the next cut. The second illustration on this 
 page shows the steel feeding arms in the closed 
 Austin Wagon Loader with Steel Feeding Arms Open 
 The continuous sweeping operation of the steel feed 
 ing arms and the automatic backing of the machine into 
 the bank makes possible the filling of each bucket to 
 the brim. Furthermore, the feeding arms will cut a 
 path wide enough for the machine to follow as it works 
 back into the pile. This self- feeding device takes the 
 place of two men who would otherwise be required to 
 feed the buckets. 
 Showing Steel Feeding Arms Closed 
 The Austin Self-Feeding 
 Wagon Loader is usually 
 equipped with a spout for load 
 ing wagons and trucks, as 
 shown in the illustrations on 
 the preceding page. However, 
 it can be furnished with a bin, of one cubic yard ca 
 pacity or with a spout and gate for loading wheelbar 
 rows. A discharging spout is also made with a dust 
 screen for catching the dust when loading hard coal. 
 The Scoop 
 An original "belt type" 
 of portable material handling 
 conveyor designed to be 
 moved and operated by one 
 Its predominating distinctive 
 feature is the feed end which can 
 be pushed and completely buried 
 into the material to be conveyed, 
 thus allowing the material to be 
 scraped on to the carrying belt in 
 stead of being lifted by shovel into 
 a feed hopper. This saves 50% 
 labor in feeding. 
 Our experienced organiza 
 tion, together with our finan 
 cial and moral responsibility, 
 stand back of every machine 
 we produce. All parts. 
 cept the motor, 
 belt and drive 
 chain, are manu 
 factured in our 
 own spacious 
 factory under 
 modern standard- lhe Scoop Conveyor 
 ization and quantity production methods. 
 The scoop conveyor is used for moving loose ma 
 terials, such as coal, coke, crushed stone, ashes, sand, 
 gravel, etc.; also, sacks, packages, boxes and manufac 
 tured products. Adapted for service in retail coal 
 yards; for unloading cars direct into trucks, bins, etc.; 
 for loading cars, barges or holds of vessels from trucks, 
 storage piles or ground; for filling in or extending em 
 bankments: for moving material from place to place. 
 Loading Truck from Storage. 
 The "Scoop" conveyor can be 
 furnished either with gasoline 
 engine or electric motor as 
 power. If the purchaser sup- 
 I , ,. I plies the motor, a motor sup 
 port and drive from the motor 
 shaft is supplied with the conveyor. Drive reductions 
 are carried in stock for any motor speed from 700 
 r.p.m. to 1,800 r.p.m. 
 The capacity of a Scoop" conveyor is 1 ton per 
 minute; the weight ranges from 800 to 1,600 Ibs.; 
 horsepower 2 and 1 h.p. The following table gives 
 the general dimensions of the "Scoop" conveyor. 
 The 14 ft. size conveyor is suitable for loading and 
 unloading box cars, or loading industrial cars and for 
 Unloading and Storing Coal. 
 general use in limited space. The 20 ft. and the 24 ft. 
 sizes are suitable for loading and unloading trucks or 
 cars, and for stacking material. The size most suitable 
 is controlled by the height and reach required to meet 
 operating conditions. 
 The nature of the material and the height to which it 
 must be raised govern the kind of a belt required. 
 There are two kinds of belts, the low cleat and the high 
 All parts guaranteed against 
 I defects in workmanship and 
 Guarantee j material. In addition, we 
 I guarantee that scoop conveyor 
 , l ,,, limiimillllll | repair costs through wear, in 
 cluding belt renewals will not 
 exceed Ic per ton of material handled when conveying 
 coal, coke, ashes, sand or similar material. 
 A reputation founded on years of experience and re 
 flected by the confidence of thousands of users absolute 
 When Writing 
 or Ordering 
 State operating conditions; 
 kind of material to be handled; 
 power available; where material 
 is received and delivered, etc. 
 12" X 14 
 4 to 6 
 42* V 6* 
 12" 5* 
 17* 43- 
 16" X 14 
 4 to 6 
 42* 9 8* 
 12 5- 
 21* ! 47" 
 12" X 20 
 6 to V 
 12 0" 
 18 3* 
 18" X 2<y 
 6 to V 
 42* 12 1 0* 
 18 3- 
 12* X 24 24 
 9 to 12 
 42" \S 3- 
 22 6* 
 16" X 24 24 
 V to 12 
 IS 3* 
 22 6 
 12" X SO* 1 30" 
 12 to W 
 16 8* 
 27 0- 
 10* X 30 ; 30- 
 12 to W 
 42* 16 6* 27 0* 
 21 47- 
 BERQUIST Coal Bins Link-Belt Co. 
 B-G Portable Conveyors and Bucket Loaders Barber-Greene 
 BROWNHOIST Locomotive Cranes Brown Hoisting Machin 
 ery Co. 
 BULLDOG Buckets Blaw-Knox Co. 
 C-M Cranes and Hoists Chisholm & Moore Mfg. Co. 
 CATERPILLAR Tractors Holt Mfg. Co. 
 COLLIER Buckets Blaw-Knox Co. 
 CYCLONE Hoists Chisholm-Moore Mfg. Co. 
 DODGE System Coal Storage Link-Belt Co. 
 DREADNAUGHT Buckets Blaw-Knox Co. 
 EASY SLIDE Weighted Take-Up for Belt Conveyors Mer- 
 rick Scale Mfg. Co. 
 ELECTROMOBILE Industrial Trucks and Tractors Koppel 
 Industrial Car and Equipment Co. 
 EWART Friction Clutches Link-Belt Co. 
 EXIDE-IRONCLAD Storage Batteries Electric Storage Bat 
 tery Co. 
 FAVORITE Buckets G. H. Williams Co. 
 FLINT. RIM Wheels Link-Belt Co. 
 G-E Electric Equipment and Locomotives General Electric 
 HARRINGTON Rocking Cableways Railway & Industrial 
 Engineering Co. 
 HERCULES Buckets G. H. Williams Co. 
 HERCULES Wire Rope A Leschen & Sons Rope Co. 
 HUGGER Belt Conveyor Drive Link-Belt Co. 
 LABRIDE Cranes, Bridges for Handling Coal. Etc.- 
 liridge & Steel Co. 
 LETTGO Mechanical Overload Releas. Link-Belt Co. 
 LUHRIG Elevators Link -Belt Co. 
 MATCHLESS Trolleys Chisholm & Moon- Mfg. Co. 
 MICRO Leveling Elevators Otis Elevator Co. 
 MULTIROLL Idlers (for Belt Conveyors > Link-Belt Co. 
 P. & H. Cranes and Hoists Pawling & Harnischfeger Co. 
 PECK Pivoted Bucket Carrier Link-Belt Co. 
 PORTABELT Portable Conveyors Brown Portable Convey 
 ing Mach y. Co. 
 PRATT Box Car Loaders Link-Belt Co. 
 RED BAND Electric Motors Howell Electric Motors Co. 
 ROCHLITZ Automatic Water Still W. M. Lalor Co. 
 SCOOP Conveyors Portable Machinery Co. 
 SERVICE Brand Conveyor Belt Link-Belt Co. 
 SHAW Cranes Manning, Maxwell & Moore. Inc. 
 SOLIDCAR Self Dumping Cages Car-Dumper & Equip 
 ment Co. 
 SPECIAL STEEL Wire Rope A. Ltschen & Son? Rope Co. 
 SPEEDSTER Buckets Blaw-Knox Co. 
 STEVEDORE Manila Rope C. W. Hunt Co.. Inc. 
 STROM Ball Bearings U. S. Ball Bearing Mfg. Co. 
 SUBVEYORS Conveyors Samuel Olson k Co. 
 TIERLIFT Industrial Truck Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 TRACKLESS TRAIN Tractors and Trailers Mercury Mfg. 
 TRENTON-BLEICHERT Aerial Tramway Systems Amer 
 ican Steel & Wire Co. 
 TRIBLOC Chain Hoists Ford Chain Block Co. 
 TWYNCONE Friction Clutches Link-Belt Co. 
 IDEAL Industrial Trucks and Tractors Binghamton Electric UNIROLL Idlers (for Belt Conveyors) Link-Belt 
 Truck Co. 
 INTERVEYORS, Portable Conveyor Brown Portable Con- WEIGHTOMETER Automatic Conveyor Scales Merriok 
 veying Machy. Co. Mfg. Co. 
 (See Chutes) 
 American Steel & }Vire Co. 
 Chisholm-Moore Mfg. Co. 
 Ford Chain Block C". 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 A. Leschen & Sons Rope Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Herbert Morris, Inc. 
 (See Compressors, Air) 
 (See Hoists. Pneumatic) 
 (See Conveyors, Apron) 
 (See Elevators, Arm) 
 (See Conveyors, Ash) 
 (See Hoists, Ash) 
 (See Elevators, Automatic) 
 (See Railways, Automatic) 
 (See Trucks, Motor) 
 Austin Machinery Corpn. 
 Pawling Si Harnischfeger Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 (See Elevators, Barrel! 
 Geo. P. Clark Co. 
 Edison Storage Battery Co. 
 Electric Storage Battery I .j. 
 General Electric Co. 
 \V. M. Lalor C 
 U. S. Ball Hearing Mig. Co. 
 Hyatt Roller Bearing Co. 
 {_ . S. Ball Bearing Mf-j. Co. 
 (See Conveyors, Belt) 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 (See Bunkers, Coal) 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 R. II. Beaumont C- . 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Otis Elevator C 
 (See Tackle Blocks) 
 General Electric Co. 
 White Co. 
 (See Loaders l " x Car) 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 I . W. Hunt Co. 
 Lakeside Bridge & S- d Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Blaw-Knex Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Herbert Morris, Inc. 
 Vulcan Ircn Works, Inc. 
 Austin Machinery Corpn. 
 Blaw-Knox Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Hayward Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Northern Engineering Works 
 Owen Bucket Co. 
 Vulcan Ircn Works, Inc. 
 G. II. Williams Co. 
 Austin Machinery Corpn. 
 Blaw-Knox Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Hayward Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Sauerman Bros. 
 Vulcan Iron Works, Inc. 
 G. H. Williams Co. 
 Blaw-Knox Co. 
 Hayward Co. 
 Austin Machinery Corpn. 
 C. O. Bartlett &. Snow Co. 
 Brown Portable Conveying Ma 
 chinery Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 1 almer-Bee Co. 
 Fowell Pressed Steel Co. 
 Stearns ( oiiv< yur Co. 
 Austin Machinery Corpn. 
 Blaw-Knox Co. 
 Hayward Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Vulcan Iron Works, Inc. 
 O. II. Williams Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 R. H. Beaumont Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Vulcan Iron Works, Inc. 
 (See Wire Rope) 
 (See Ccnveyors, Cable) 
 Blaw-Kn< x Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 Hayward Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfu. Co. 
 Sauerman Bros. 
 (See Railway>, t ;iMr i 
 American Steel & Win- Co. 
 Blaw-Knox Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 Sauerman Bros. 
 Railway & Industrial Eng. Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 Kopprj Industrial Car & 
 Equipment Co. 
 Easton Car and Construction 
 Hunt Co., C. W. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equip 
 ment Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 George P. Clark Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & 
 Equipment Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equip 
 ment Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & 
 Equipment Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & 
 Equipment Co. 
 George P. Clark Co. 
 Easton C ar & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & 
 Equipment Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equip 
 ment Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Austin Machinery Corpn. 
 George P. Clark Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & 
 Equipment Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Herbert Morris, Inc. 
 Northern Engineering Works 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equip 
 ment Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equip 
 ment Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car \- 
 Kquipment Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equip 
 ment Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equip 
 ment Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equip 
 ment Co, 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equip 
 ment Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car &- Equip 
 ment Co. 
 C. O. Bartlelt & Snow Co. 
 George P. Clark Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hum Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & 
 Equipment Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & 
 Equipment Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Herbert Morris, Inc. 
 Northern Engineering Works 
 Sprague F^lectric Works 
 Lamson Co. 
 Chisholm-Moore Mfg. Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 George P. Clark Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Mercury Manufacturing Co. 
 Brown Portable Conveying Ma 
 chinery Co. 
 George P. Clark Co. 
 Mercury Manufacturing Co. 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 (See Elevators, Bucket) 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Brown Portable Conveying Ma 
 chinery Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Standard Conveyor Co. 
 Stearns Conveyor Co. 
 (See Hoists, Chain) 
 (See Hoists, Chain) 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Link-lielt Co. 
 Standard Conveyor Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Otis Elevator Co. 
 Palmer- Bee Co. 
 Standard Conveyor Co. 
 (See Buckets, Clam Shell) 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lakeside Bridge Sc Steel Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Shepard Electric Crane & Hoist 
 (See Bunkers, Coal) 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 R. H. Beaumont Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Link- Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Link- Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Stearns Conveyor Co. 
 (See Locomotives, Compressed 
 General Electric Co. 
 National Binding Machine Co. 
 (See Elevators, Bucket) 
 General Klectric Co. 
 Ohio Electric St Controller Co. 
 Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Brown Portable Conveying Ma 
 chinery Co. 
 Haslctt Spiral Chute Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Link-licit ( <>. 
 McKinney-lIarrington Co. 
 Samuel Olicn & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Standard Conveyor Co. 
 Stearns Conveyor Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 C. \V. Hunt Co. 
 Link-Kelt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Portable Machinery Co. 
 Barber-Greene Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Brown Portable Conveying Ma 
 chinery Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 Lamsor: Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 McKinney-Ilarringtun Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Portable Machinery Co. 
 Standard Conveyor Co. 
 Stearns Conveyor Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 R. H. Beaumont Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Brown portable Conveying Ma 
 chinery Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Standard Conveyor Co. 
 Stearns Conveyor Co. 
 Haslett Sm ral Chute Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfj. Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Standard Conveyor Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Link-Melt Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Standard Conveyor Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Stearns Conveyor Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Samuel Ols< n & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Stearns Conveyor Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Brown Portable Conveying Ma 
 chinery Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute CD. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Standard Conveyor Co. 
 Stearns Conveyor Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Austin Machinery Corpn. 
 Barber-Greene o. 
 Brown Portable Conveying Ma 
 chinery Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 McKinney-I larrington Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Portable Machinery Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Standard Conveyor Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute CD. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett it Snow Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Stearns Conveyor Co. 
 Chisholm-Moore Mfg. Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 National Binding Machine C o. 
 (See Trucks, Crane, Electric) 
 Dravo Contracting Co. 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Chisholm-Moore Mfg. Co. 
 Cleveland Crane & Eng. Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 C. \V. Hunt Co. 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 Herbert Morris Crane & Hoist 
 Manning, Maxwell & Mo, rt 1 , 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Northern Engineering Works 
 Pawling S: Harnischfeger Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Marhim-rx Co. 
 Chisholm-Moc re Mfg. Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 Lakeside Bridge it Steel Co. 
 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 
 Herbert Morris, Inc. 
 Northern Engineering Works 
 Palmer- Bee Co. 
 Tau Him iV 1 larnischfeger Co. 
 Shepard Electric Crane & Hoist 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 Austin Machinery Corpn. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Herbert Morris, Inc. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Pawling & Harnischfeger Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Chesapeake Iron Works 
 Chisholm-Moore Mfg. Co. 
 Cleveland Crane St Eng. Co. 
 Euclid Crane & Hoist Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lakeside Bridge it Steel Co. 
 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 
 Herbert Mm i is. Inc. 
 Northern Engineering Works 
 Shepard Electric Crane & Hoist 
 Sinaguc Electric Works 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Chisholm-Moore Mfg. Co. 
 Cleveland Crane & Eng. Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 
 Maris Bros. 
 Herbert Morris, Inc. 
 Northern Engineering Works 
 Palmer- Bee Co. 
 Reading Chain & Block Corpn. 
 Shepard Electric Crane & Hoist 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Chisholm-Moore Mfg. Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 Herbert Morris, Inc. 
 Northern Engineering Works 
 Pawling & Harnischfeger Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Chisholm-Moore Mfg. Co. 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 Herbert Morris, Inc. 
 Northern Engineering Works 
 Pawling & Harnischfeger Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 Dravo Contracting Co. 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 Herbert Morris, Inc. 
 Northern Engineering Works 
 Pawling it Harnischfeger Co. 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 Austin Machinery Corpn. 
 Pawling it Harnischfeger Co. 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Chisholm-Moore Mfg. Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 Euclid Crane & Hoist Co. 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 Manning, Maxwell it Moore, 
 Herbert Morris, Inc. 
 Northern Engineering W< rks 
 Pawling it HarnisclifeRer Co. 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 Easton Car it Construction Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equip 
 ment Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 American Steel it Wire Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 Dravo Contracting Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Herbert Morris, Inc. 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 Dravo Contracting Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 Clyde In 11 Works 
 Dravo Contracting Co. 
 C. W Hunt Co. 
 Lake-ide Bridge Sr Steel Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Herbert Morris, Inc. 
 Northern Engineering Works 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 Dravo C< ntracting Co. 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 Dravo Contracting Co. 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 Dravo Contracting Co. 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 Dravo Contracting Co. 
 Hay ward Co. 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 Manning, Maxwell & Morre, 
 Mi ad-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 W. M. I-alor Co. 
 R. II. Beaumont Co. 
 Sauerman Bros. 
 (See Trucks, Industrial, Dump 
 White Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equip 
 ment Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Car-Dumper & Equipment Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 (See Elevators, Freight) 
 (See Locomotives, Electric) 
 General Electric Co. 
 Howell Electric Motors Co. 
 Sprague Electric Works 
 Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. 
 (See Trucks) 
 Otis Elevator Co. 
 H. J. Reedy Co. 
 Watson Elevator Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Brown Portable Conveying Ma 
 chinery Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Standard Conveyor Co. 
 Stearns Conveyor Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 R. H. Beaumont Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Stearns Conveyor Co. 
 Otis Elevator Co. 
 H. J. Reedy Co. 
 Watson Elevator Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Brown Portable Conveying Ma 
 chinery Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 McKinney-IIarrington Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Standard Conveyor Co. 
 Stearns Conveyor Co. 
 Barber-Oreene Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Brown Portable Conveying Ma 
 chinery Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 McKinney-IIarrington Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Otis Elevator Co. 
 H. J. Reedy Co. 
 Watson Elevator Co. 
 (See Hoisting Engines) 
 Otis Elevator Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 Hayward Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Sauerman Bros. 
 Austin Machinery Corpn. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 Pawling & HarnischfeRcr Co. 
 Austin Machinery Corpn. 
 Dravo Contracting Co. 
 Hayward Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Pawling & Harnischfeger Co. 
 Sauerman Bros. 
 National Binding Machine Co. 
 (See Locomotives, Fireless) 
 < See Conveyors, Flight) 
 (See Elevators, Freight) 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equip 
 ment Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 (See Cranes, Gantry) 
 ( See Hoisting Engines, Gaso 
 (See Trucks and Tractors) 
 General Electric Co. 
 Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. 
 (See Buckets) 
 Blaw-Knox Co. 
 Hayward Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Owen Bucket Co. 
 Vulcan In n Wnrks, Inc. 
 G. H. Williams Co. 
 < So<- Convevors, Gravity 
 llaslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Otis Elevator Co. 
 Samuel Olsi n & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Standard Conveyor Co. 
 (See Hoists) 
 (See Trucks, Hand Lift) 
 (See Trucks, Hand) 
 (See Car Hauls) 
 (See Conveyors, Haulage) 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 C." W. Hunt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Northern Engineering Works 
 H. J. Reedy Co. 
 Vulcan Iron Works, Inc. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 IT. J. Reedy Cn. 
 (See IL ists. Pneumatic) 
 Chisholm-Moore Mfg. Co. 
 I ord Chain Block Co. 
 Herbert Morris, Inc. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Reading Chain & Block Corpn. 
 Wright Manufacturing Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Cleveland Crane & Eng. Co. 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 
 Pawling & Harnischfeger Co. 
 Reading Chain & Block Corpn. 
 rihepard Electric Crane & Hoist 
 Sprague Electric Works 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Cleveland Crane & Eng. Co. 
 Euclid Crane & Hoist Co. 
 Herbert Morris, Inc. 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 
 Maris Brcs. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Pawling iv Harnischfeger Co. 
 Reading Chain & Block Corpn. 
 Shepard Electric Crane & Hoist 
 Sprague Electric Works 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Chisholm-Moore Mfg. Co. 
 Cleveland Crane & Eng. Co. 
 Euclid Crane Jt Hoist Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 
 Northern Engineering Works 
 Pawling & Harnischfeger Co. 
 Shepard Electric Crane & Hoist 
 Sprague Electric Works. 
 Chisholm-Moore Mfg. Co. 
 Herbert Morriv Inc. 
 Northern Engineering Works 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Otis Elevator Co. 
 (See Cars, Industrial) 
 (See Loci. motives, Industrial) 
 See Railways, Industrial) 
 (See Trailers) 
 (See Trucks) 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 R. H. Beaumont Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Ohio Electric & Controller Co. 
 (Sec Trucks) 
 General Electric Cu. 
 Ohio Electric & Controller Co. 
 Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. 
 Barber-Greene Co. 
 Brown Portable Conveying Ma 
 chinery Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 l.amson Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 McKinney-Harrington Co. 
 Portable Machinery Co. 
 Austin Machinery Cnrpn. 
 Barber-Greene Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 McKinney-Harrington Co. 
 Portable Machinery Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Pawling & Harnischfeger Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Herbert Morris Crane & Hoist 
 H. K. Porter Co. 
 Automatic Transportation Co. 
 Baker R & L Co. 
 Binghamton Electric Truck Co. 
 General Electric Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & 
 Equipment Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. 
 II. K. Porter Co. 
 Kaston Car & (. instruction Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 (General Electric Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 H. K. Porter Co. 
 Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Cnr & 
 Equipment Ci> 
 H. K. Porter Co. 
 Automatic Transportation Co. 
 Baker R & I. Co. 
 Binghamtrn Electric Truck Co. 
 General Electric Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. 
 General Electric Co. 
 Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. 
 (See Lifting Magnets) 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Dravo Contracting Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 Otis Elevator Co. 
 White Co. 
 Barber-Greene Co. 
 Brown Portable Conveying Ma 
 chinery Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 McKinney-Harrington Co. 
 Portable Machinery Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett \- Snow Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Stearns Conveyor Co. 
 (See Conveyors, Apron) 
 Automatic Transportation Co. 
 George P. Clark Co. 
 Cowan Truck Co. 
 Elwell-Parker Electric Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Powell Pressed Steel Co. 
 (See Hoists, Pneumatic) 
 Lamson Co. 
 Barber-Greene Co. 
 Brown Portable Conveying 
 Machinery Co. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co. 
 Lamson Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 McKinney-Harrington Co. 
 Samuel Olson & Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Portable Machinery Co. 
 Standard Conveyc.r Co. 
 Stearns Conveyor Co. 
 Austin Machinery Corp. 
 Barber-Greene Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 Brown Portable Conveying Ma 
 chinery Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 McKinney-Harrington Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Palmer-Fee Co. 
 (See Elevators, Portable) 
 ( See Car Hauls and Fullers) 
 (See Track. Industrial Rail 
 way ) 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Link- Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & 
 Equipment Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Hyatt Roller Bearing Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 American Steel & Wire Co. 
 A. Leschen & Sons Rope Co. 
 Car-Dumper & Equipment Co. 
 Merrick Scale Manufacturing 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Meirick Scale Manufacturing 
 (See Conveyors, Screw) 
 National Binding Machine Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Mead-Morriaon Mfg. Co. 
 Ceo. P. Clark Co. 
 I i well Pressed Steel Co. 
 C. \V. Hunt Co. 
 Austin Machinery Corpn. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Pawling & Harnischfeger Co. 
 Austin Machinery Corpn. 
 C. \V. Hunt Co. 
 Vulcan Iron Works, Inc. 
 (Sec Elevators, Sidewalk) 
 (See Platforms for Lift 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 R. H. Beaumont Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Otis Elevator Co. 
 Stearns Conveyor Co. 
 C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. 
 R. H. Beaumont Co. 
 Blaw-Knox Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equip 
 ment Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 (See Conveyors, Apron) 
 (See Gravity Spiral Convey 
 General Klcctric Co. 
 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. 
 (See Locomotives, Steam) 
 W. M. Lalor Co, 
 Edison Storage Battery Co. 
 Electric Storage Battery Co. 
 (See Locomotives, Storage Bat 
 (See Tractors, Industrial 
 Storage Battery) 
 (See Truck, Industrial Stor 
 age! Battery) 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equip 
 ment Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 American Steel & Wire Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 National Binding Machine Co. 
 (See Coal Tipples) 
 C.eo. P. Clark Co. 
 Powell Pressed Steel Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equip 
 ment Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Northern Engineering Works. 
 Holt Manufacturing Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 The White Co. 
 Automatic Transportation Co. 
 Maker R & I. Co. 
 Binghamton Electric Truck Co. 
 Cowan Truck Co. 
 Crescent Truck Co. 
 Elwell-Parker Electric Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Mercury Manufacturing Co. 
 Automatic Transportation Co. 
 Binghamton Electric Truck Co. 
 George P. Clark Co. 
 Cowan Truck Co. 
 Crescent Truck Co. 
 Easton Car & Construction Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Mercury Manufacturing Co. 
 R. H. Beaumont Co. 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 
 Cleveland Crane & Engineering 
 A. Leschen & Sons Rope Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 (See Cranes) 
 Chisholm & Moore Mfg. Co. 
 Cleveland Crane & Engineering 
 Euclid Crane & Hoist Co. 
 Eord Chain Block Co. 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 
 Maris Bros. 
 Ilerhert Morris, Inc. 
 1 alnier-l-ee Co. 
 Reading Chain & Block Corp n. 
 Shepard Electric Crane & Hoist 
 Sprague Electric Works. 
 Wright Mfg. Co. 
 Automatic Transportation Co. 
 Baker R & I. Co. 
 Elwell-Parker Electric Co. 
 Automatic Transportation Co. 
 linker R & I. O.. 
 Binghamton Electric Truck 
 Cowan Truck Co. 
 Elwell-Parker Electric Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 George P. Clark Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 George P. Clark Co. 
 Cowan Truck Co. 
 Automatic Transportation Co. 
 Baker R & I. C<: 
 Cowan Truck Co. 
 Crescent Truck Co. 
 Elwell-Parker Electric Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 The White Co. 
 Automatic Transportation Co. 
 Baker R & I. C,>. 
 Binghamton Electric Truck 
 Cowan Truck Co. 
 Crescent Truck Co. 
 Elwell-Parkcr Electric Co. 
 Lakewood Engineering Co. 
 Mercury Manufacturing Co. 
 Automatic Transportation Co. 
 Maker R & I. C. . 
 Elwood-Parker Electric Co. 
 Lakewi.d Engineering Co. 
 l.amson Co. 
 General Electric Co. 
 Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. 
 Easton Car & C( ustruction 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Koppel Industrial Car & 
 Equipment Co. 
 Lakew..od Engineering Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Austin Machinery Corp. 
 Barber-G recne Co. 
 Link-Belt Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Portable Machinery Co. 
 (See Cranes, Wall) 
 (See Larries) 
 Eastern Car & Construction 
 Koppet Industrial Car & 
 Equipment Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works. 
 Dravo Contracting Co. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Herbert Morris. Inc. 
 Northern Engineering Works. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 H. J. Reedy Co. 
 Shepard Electric Crane 4 
 Hoist Co. 
 Sprague Electric Works. 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 Clyde Iron Works. 
 Dravo Contracting Co. 
 Palmer-Bee Co. 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 Clyde Irrn Works. 
 C. W. Hunt Co. 
 Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. 
 American Steel & Wire Co. 
 A. Leschen & Sons Rope Co. 
 (See Conveyors, Wire Line) 
 American Steel & Wire Co 818-821, inc. 
 Austin Machinery Corp 838, 839 
 Automatic Transportation Co 745 
 Baker R & L Co 743 
 Barber-Greene Co 837 
 Bartlett & Snow Co., C. 826 
 Beaumont Co., R. H : 832, 833 
 Binghamton Electric Truck Co 741 
 Blaw-Knox Co 814, 815 
 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co 805 
 Brown Portable Conveying Machinery Co 770 
 Car-Dumper & Equipment Co 825 
 Chesapeake Iron Works 795 
 Chisholm-Moore Manufacturing Co 778, 779 
 Clark Co., George P 748 
 Cleveland Crane & Engineering Co . . .792, 793 
 Clyde Iron Works 803 
 Cowan Truck Co 732, 733, 747 
 Crescent Truck Co . 739 
 Lamson Company 760-763, inc. 
 Leschen & Sons Rope Co., A 822, 823 
 Link-Belt Co 771, 804, 836 
 Dravo Contracting Co. . 
 Easton Car & Construction Co 722, 723 
 Edison Storage Battery Co 719, 742 
 Electric Storage Battery Co 736, 737 
 Elwell-Parker Electric Co 744 
 Euclid Crane & Hoist Co .781 
 McKinney-Harrington Co 768, 769 
 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc 796, 797 
 Maris Bros., Inc 782 
 Mead-Morrison Manufacturing Co 828, 829 
 Mercury Manufacturing Co 734, 735 
 Merrick Scale Co 835 
 Morris, Incorporated, Herbert 780 
 National Binding Machine Co 764 
 Northern Engineering Works 800 
 Ohio Electric & Controller Co 807 
 Olson & Co., Samuel 766, 767 
 Otis Elevator Co 750-753 inc., 827 
 Owen Bucket Co 810, 811 
 Palmer-Bee Co 772, 773 
 Pawling & Harnischfeger Co 794, 806 
 Portable Machinery Co 840 
 Porter Co., H. K 720 
 Powell Pressed Steel Co 746 
 Railway & Industrial Engineering Co 824 
 Reading Chain & Block Corp 776, 777 
 Reedy Co., H. J . 749 
 Ford Chain Block Co. 
 General Electric Co 706-717. 
 Haslett Spiral Chute Co 
 Hayward Co _ gQ 
 Holt Manufacturing Co 704 
 Howell Electric Motors Co 
 Hunt Co., C. W 8 3 ? 
 Hyatt Roller Bearing Co 731 
 " H Sauerman Bros 817 
 Shepard Electric Crane & Hoist Co 788-791 inc. 
 Sprague Electric "\Yorks 784-787 inc. 
 inc. Standard Conveyor Co 765 
 Stearns Conveyor Co , 834 
 Koppel Industrial Car & Equipment Co. . .721 
 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co 793 
 Lakewood Engineering Co 724-730 inc 
 Lalor Co., W. M..., 
 Terry Manufacturing Co. 
 831 L". S. Ball Bearing Manufacturing Co 740 
 Vulcan Iron Works . 812 
 Watson Elevator Co 754 
 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co 718, 756-758 inc. 
 799 White Co., The 70 2, 703 
 Williams Co., G. H 816 
 738 Wright Manufacturing Co 775 
i! iiiiiiiiiiiniinniiiiiiuii i i iiiium , inn 11:1111: i iiiuiiiiuamniii ;iiii.iiiui!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-ii iimiiiiiiim 11:1111111 iiiumiiiititn. 
 In the pages preceding, the Catalog Section is indexed by 
 three methods. 
 1. Alphabetical Index of Catalogs. 
 In this the names of the firms represented in the Catalog 
 Section are listed alphabetically, with the page numbers on 
 which their catalogs appear. 
 2. Directory of Products. 
 In this index there is given, alphabetically arranged, a list 
 of the products of the firms whose catalogs appear in the Cat 
 alog Section. Beneath each product are given the names of 
 the firms manufacturing it. 
 Where it does not conflict with usage, the article is listed 
 under the main noun. For example, Electric Hoists arc listed 
 under Hoists. Electric. Numerous cross-references are also 
 included to facilitate the use of this directory. 
 3. Trade Name Index. 
 Here are listed, in alphabetical order, the distinctive 
 Trade Xames of the various products shown in the Catalog 
 Section. After each name is given the manufacturer of the 
 Manx- products are better known by their Trade Xames 
 than by the firm name of the manufacturer. The purpose of 
 this Trade Xame Index is to identify such products, where the 
 manufacturer is not immediately identified by the Trade 
 The Definition Section also serves as a combined index 
 to the Text and Catalog Sections. Because of the fact that it 
 gives simultaneously references to both application and de 
 tailed information on specific equipment, the Definition Sec 
 tion will usually be the most convenient index. 
 The General Table of Contents, appearing first in the 
 book, will also aid in finding quickly the desired information. 
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