T^-Tj-T ^'(t;'' 7.'. mmmimiM^mmmii^'Mm-zi^Mm^Awm^ roflfj ill. us ..^d. ' il). 257 1 J 'J' I iii «n TT i rfflm i m i0tmtmm\i rl t ■■ J i nlfc 'Mi mutt MMttMiiiteki MMriMitiitaaMMM ■MMflM. Robert E. Gross Collection A Memorial to the Founder of iIk- Business Administration Library y/mifriifif tJ (ma^'rnia Los Angeles <«> THE INDLTSTMES OF DLTBLIK THE Dicitorical, gtaticitical, biographical. AN ACCOUNT OF THE LEADING BUSINESS MEN. COMMERCIAL INTERESTS. WEALTH AND GROWTH. LONDON: SPENCER BLACKETT (Successor t« J. & 31. #a.\lDcU) MILTON HOUSE, ST. BRIDE STREET, LUDGATE CIRCUS; and SHOE L.ANE, FLEET STREET, E.G. [A// rights restn'eti.l PRICE THREE SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE. CONTENTS. Gross Collection Bus. Adm. Ub. J- PAGP. Abbott Bros.. Beehive M.inufacturers . 69 Abraham, A. J. , Wholesale Chandler . 147 Adcock, St. Jno., Boot and Shoe M.inufacturers 149 Alexander, G. J., Wholesale Seed Mer- chant 129 Allen & Co., Merchant Tailors . . 126 Altman & Co., .V. L., Salt Importers and Refiners . . . . .127 Anderson & Adams, Pharmaceutical Chemists 115 Andrews & Co., Tea and Wine Merchants 59 •^ Arigho, Jno., Statue and Church Furni- ture Manufacturer .... 147 Armstrong, Catherine, Boot and Shotf Maker 80 Arnott & Co., Wholesale and Retail Drapers 71 Atkinson & Co., J., Letterpress and Lithographic Printers ... 74 B *coM & Co. , T. , Ham and Bacon Stores 126 Baird, \V., Plumbing and Hydraulic Engineer ...... 72 Baker, Thos. , Draper .... 163 Barnardo & Co., Kurriers . . .119 Barrett, R., Candle Manufacturer . 86 Barton, W., Steam Caliiuet Works . 156 Beakey, P., Mouse and Church Furnisher I2t Beakey, Dyer and Cleaner . . .125 Beatty & Bennie, Merchani Tailors . loS Beggs, G. D., L.P.S.L, Pharmaceutical Chemist 163 Bewley, Sons, & Co., Wine and Tea Merchants 118 Birney, W., Ironmonger ... 88 Booth & Son, Messrs., Watch and Clock Manufacturers ..... 103 Bouchier *: Hailey, Drapers . . .102 Bowc, J., Grocer, Wine and Spirit Mer- chant 86 Boyle & Co., Artists in Wood Carving and Art Furniture .... 76 Brennan, J., Hairdresser ... 98 Briscoe's Carriage Factory . . .119 British Workman's .\ssurance Co. (Limited) ...... 44 Brooke Tyrrell, Messrs., Manufacturing F'urriers and .Mantle Manufacturers . 145 Brophy, Thos., Wholesale and Retail Boot and Shoe Manufacturer . . 81 Brown, G., Pharmaceutical Chemist . 12S Brown, Thomas, & Co., Silk .Mercers . 55 Browne & Nolan, Wholesale and Retail Stationers ...... 56 Bruce >!>: Co., J., Boot Manufacturers . 126 Brunton S: Co., Wm., Upholsterers . 63 Bryan *; Co., Wholesale ..S: Retail Drapers 79 Bull, C, Ecclesiastical Warehouse . 69 Burke, Jno., " Gr.iltan " Coflee Tavern 135 Buswell's Private Family Hotel . . 87 Butler, \i.. Confectioner . . .134 Butler, .M., Antique Furniture and Up. holstery 88 PACE Byrne, J.as., Confeciioner . . 140 Byrne, M.ihony, & Co., Corn and F'lour Merchants 76 Byrne & MacSwiney, Chemists, M.inu- facturers of Mineral and Medicinal Waters ...... 7S Byrne & Sons, P. J., House, Laml, .and Insurance .\gents .... 85 Byrne, Miss, Newsagent, Bookseller, and Stationer ..... 98 Byrne, P., V'ictualler and Contractor . 107 ISyrne. P.,Tea, Wine.and.SpiritMerchant 140 Byrne Cy: Son, Wine and .Spirit Merchants 107 Byrne, Mr., Wine and Spirit Merchant. 142 Byrnne, J., Fish. F'owl, and Ice Merchant 128 Cadle, Cornelius Engineer and General Mill Furnisher So Cabin, Miss, Vestment and Church Orna- ment Warehouse .... 99 Cairns, D , Art Repository . . .136 Carr, J. P., Irish & American Provisions 115 Carr, Jas , Watchmaker . . . 161 Carroll, D. W., Printer and Bookbinder 160 Carroll, T. , Mattress and Palliass Manu- facturer 93 Carson Bros., Tea, Wine, and Spirit Merchants :6? Ceppi & Sons, P., Carvers, etc. . .158 Cherry & Smalldridge, Lithographic and Letterpress Printers .... 109 City of nul)lin Drug Hall, The . . 76 Claflfey, P., P.iwnbroker . . . 132 Clarendon Itros., Jewellers . . . 162 " Clarence " Hotel, The ... S3 "Clarence" Family ami Commercial Hotel, The 100 Clarke, J. A., Millinery, Mantle, Cos- tume, Hat and Bonnet-Box Manu- facturer . . . . . .9' Clarke, B. I., Ladies' Outfitter . . 150 Clarkson, Jas., Military and Merchant T.iilor 156 Cochrane&Co.,T., PainterstS: Decorators 74 Cogan, D. J., Provision Merchant . 147 Colclough i: .Sons, J., Carriage Builders ill Collins & Graham, Ladies' Dress Bas- ket, Trunk, Portmanteau, and Hat-Case Manufacturers ..... 97 Comyns Ov; Son, Alex., Wholes.ile Irish Woollen and Frieze Warehouse . . 139 Conroy, Thos., Provision Stores . . 85 Conroy, M., Hairdresser, etc. . - 84 Conroy, Thos., Provision .Merchant . 157 Corcoran, D. E., Surgical Instrument Manufacturer . . . . .119 Corless, T., Restaurateur . . .142 Corrigan, P., Funeral Establishment . 117 Coster, Johnson, ..\: Co., Paper Makers. 124 Courtney, J., Boarding Establishment . 93 Coyle, L., W'ood Turner . . . 160 Cramer's Great Musical Depot . . 58 Croker, Jos., Button Manufacturer . 160 Curham, S., Pharniaceutiral Chemist . 132 1 620007 PACK Curtis & Sons, W., Brass Founders . 117 Curwen, W., Stationer . ... 83 Daniel & Son'. P., Ironmongers . 79 Daveni)ort, J., Boot .Manufacturer . 99 Davis & Co., Millinery Warehouse . 133 Delahunt, Jos., Grocer, etc. . . .14' Delaney, M., Victualler and Contractor 130 De Pinna, Professor I""., Artist, Photo- grapher, and Professor of Music . 103 Dillon, Mrs. Anne, General Provision Store . . • . . .101 Dixon, M., Boot and Shoe Dealer . 125 Dockrell, Sons, & Co., Merchants and Contractors 109 Dodd, Mr., Family Grocer . . ■ '59 Dollard, Jos., Printer. Lithographer, and .\ccount Book Maker . . . 137 Donegan, P., Watch .Manufacturer . 99 Doran, E., Wholesale Family Grocer . 130 Dowse, T. & K., .\uctionefrs . .112 Doyle, J., Tea, Wine, and Spirit Mer- chant 102 Doyle, T. W., Coach Builder . . u6 Doyle, Jno. , Provision Merchant . . 152 Dromgolc, Miss J., Wholesale and Re- tail Tea, Wine, and Spirit Merchant . 141 Drunimond & Sons, W. ... 57 I )iiblin .Vrtesian Mineral Water Company 12S Dublin Coal Company .... 77 Dublin Flint Gkvss Works . . -159 Dublin Pure Milk Co 161 Dublin Whisky Distillery Co. . . 48 Dutfy, Thos. , Draper .... 85 DufTy & Co. (Limitcil), Publishers . \2) Dunn & Son, P., Wholesale Tea, Wine, and Grocery Establishment . . 160 Dunne, J., Boot and Shoe Manufacturer 62 Durkin, J. & W., Family Grocers, Tea, Wine, and Spirit Merchants . . 138 Earley & Powells, Artists in Stained Glass, Sculptors, etc. ... S3 Eaton, M. & S., Wholesale and Retail Stationers ...... IS9 Edmondson Bros., Seedsmen . . 84 Educational Dairj- Co I43 Egan, D. J.. Family Grocer, Tea, Wine, and Spirit Merchant . . . .9'' Egan, P., Seed Merchant . ■ '35 Egan & Co., M., Grocers and Wine .Merchants . . . . . '33 Ellis & Co., J. L.. General Drapers . 153 English, Jno., Plumber, Gasfilter, and 'linsmith 104 English, J., Plumber and Gasfitter . 123 Express Laundry . . . . .114 Fai.k, M., Dealer in Curiosities . . 96 Falkner, F., Wine Merchant . . 63 Fannin, J., Merchant Tailor and Out- fitter . 91 Fay, S., General Tinner ... 93 Ferguson, J . Hairdresser . . .117 a* CONTENTS. rAGE Filzsimons, Mis?, Newsagent . . 71 Fitzsimon & Son, Jas., Timber and Slate Importers. .... 155 Fleming & Co., W. , Tea, Wine, and Spirit Merchants . . . -IS' Fleming, W., General House Furnisher 156 Fleming, Jnc, Hotel .... 55 Flower & McDonald, Salt Manu- facturers ■ '5' Foley, M., Draper and Haberd.isher . 78 Forrest & Sons (Limited), Silk Mercers. 51 Fnriistal, J., Family Grocer . . . 68 hranijOis, M., Coiffeur Parfumeur . . 82 Fry & Son, M., Wholesale and Retail .Merchants 84 Fry \ Co., T 131 Gaiety Theatre, The . . . 144 Gallagher, J. M., Cigar Importer . .120 Galvin, .M., Family Grocer . . 163 Calvin Bros., Wholesale and Family Grocers ...... 64 Galwey & Co., A., Bookbinders . . 135 Galwey & Co., General Drapers . . 15S Ganly, Sons, & Co., Cattle Salesmen . 122 Gaynor & Sons, Wholesale Cork Mer- rhanls ...... 130 General Advertiser, TT-e ... 95 Geoghegan, Thos. F., Landscape Photo- grapher ..... .80 Gerrard Bros., WTiolesale and Retail .Stationers . . . . .134 Gibson & Sop, Jas., Decorators and House Painters 77 Gill & Son, M. II., Publishers and Book- sellers 73 Gill, S., Carver and Gilder . . 160 Glass, T. , Cork Manufacturer and Im- porter ...... 74 Globe I'arcel Express Universal Carrier Sg Gorcvan, B., VSholesale and Retail Draper and Contractor . . .104 Goulding, W. & H. M. (Limited), Manure Manufacturers ..... 64 Grand Restaurant 153 Green & Son, W., Turning and Band- Sawing Works . . . .113 Grimes, C., Victualler and Contractor . 91 ( irosvenor Hotel ..... 124 iluerel, P., Church .Statuary and Orna- ment Manufacturer .... 84 Guinness, Son, i.\ C"., A. (Limited), Brewers ...... 41 IUf.ser, F.,Potk liulcher . . . 156 llagerty iV Co., Merchant Tailor^ . . 162 Ilall, K. A., Wine and Sjiirit Merchant 155 Hamilton, A. B., Newsagent . . 120 Hand, L., Clothier and Outfitter . . 99 Hand, R., Practical Bool and Shoe Maker . . . . . .160 ilanlcm, M., Tailor .... 103 Harding, Jno., Butcher . . . 132 Hams i Whelan, Saddlers . . .110 Harris, \V. H., Window Gla.ss, Room PajKrs, Oil and Colour Merchant . 109 Harris, M., Dealer in Antique and Modern Plate ..... 94 Harrison & Sons, C. W., Monumental .Sculptors ...... 95 Harvey & Co. , Veterinary Chemists . m Hawkins, J., Carriage 1-irjip .Manufac- turer ...... 96 Hayes & Co., W., Pharmaceutical Chemists . . . . . .120 Hcaly, Jno., Grocer ami Wine Merchant 77 Hcinekcy i; Anrlcrson, Wine Merchants 97 Hely & Co., K., Alexandra Knvelope Works 139 Henry, S. , Draper . . . .149 IIil>ernian Dining Rwmis . . 152 llickey, D., Family Grocer ... 70 Hicks, W., Cabmel and Chair Maker . 62 Higgins, Thos., Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchant . . 151 Hill, F., Electro-plater . .121 Ilill, W. F., Boot and Shoe Manufac- turer 131 Hill & Smith, Iron Works ... 75 Hodges & Sons, Manufacturing and House Furnishing Ironmongers . . 105 Hodgins, E., Victualler . . . 149 Hogan, Wm., Tea, Wine, and Spirit Merchant ...... 63 Hogg. J-. Dairy 95 Hopkins, J., lioot Maker . . .92 Hore, N., Provision Merchant . . 157 Hughes, H. Saddler and Harness Maker 90 Hughes, Miss, Court Dress, Millinery, and Mantle Maker . . . . <)i Hughes, W., Lamp -Manufacturer . . 51 Hyam, B., Tailor and Genllcmen's Out- fitter 62 Jacoh, Wm. Chambers, Jeweller . . 136 Jameson & Sons, J., Watchmakers and Jewellers ...... 9° Johnston & Co., Grocers and Tea Mer- chants 61 Jones, Percival, China and Glass Estab- lishment 125 Jones & Son, M., Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers ..... So Jones, W., Greengrocer . . -133 Tordi & Co., M., Cork Merchants. . 161 Joseph, W. C, M.R.C.V.S., Veterinary Surgeon 9- Joze & Co., Manufacturing and Dis- pensing Chemists . . . . 5^ Junior Army and Navy Stores (Limited) 140 Jury's Hotel 114 Jutton, H., Print Seller ,ind Picture Frame Maker no Kane & McCluskey, Wholesale and Retail Trunk and Portmanteau Manu- facturers ...... 99 Kapp Bros., Meerschaum and Briar Pipe Manufacturers ..... 134 Kavanagh& son, N., Painters, Decorators 55 Kavan,igh & Son, W., Gun and Rifle M.inufacturers 70 Kavanagh & Sons, State Apothecaries . 155 Kavanagh, J., Wine and .Spirit Merchant i|8 Kehoe, Jno., Furnishing Depot . . 14S Kehoc & Son, .M., Ham and Bacon Curers 102 Kelly & Son, J., City Saw Mills . . 129 Kelly, L., Merchant Tailor ... 93 Kelly & Co., P., Drapers and Clothiers 55 Kenny, W. T., Newsagent and District Post Office 106 Keogh, L. J., Grocer and Tea Merchant 94 Keogh, Jno., Funeral Undertaker and Job Master 81 Kcrigan, J., Grocer and Spirit Dealer . 72 Kernan & Co., Mineral Water Manu- facturers ...... 65 Kerr, Wm., Boot and Shoe Manufacturer 15 1 Kino, Tailor and Outfitter . . . J51 Kirwan, T., Grocer . '. . . 136 Knaggs Bros., The Irish Bog Oak Works 96 Kymer, S., Painter . . . • '23 Lafayette, J., Photographer Royal . 86 Larkin, T., Bootmaker . . . 104 Lawless, Jno, Family Grocer . . 161 Lawlor & Son, Jno., Poulterers . . 152 Lawler, Mrs., Mattress Manufacturer . I2O Lawrence & Son, Photographers, Jewel- lers, Toy Im|iorters .... 102 Leilbetter, J. E., Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller 93 I.ee, 1^., General Draper and Bootmaker 162 Lee, E. , Tea, Wine, and Spirit Merchant 55 lycigh, J., Provision Warehouse . . 95 Lenchan & Sons, E., Le.alher Merchants 155 l.cvins, Jas., Wood Carver . . . 150 Lewers, .Mr. & Mrs. C, Ladies' Outfitters 1 12 Little, P., Grocer and Wine and Spirit Merchant 92 I^ndon and North-We.stern Hotel, The »I Long, E., Butcher . . . .172 I'AliS Lore, P., Hal Manufacturer ... 47 Lucas, W., Forage Stores ... 92 Lundy, Foot, i: Co., Tobacco and Snuff Manufacturers . . . . . loS Lynam, P., Boot and Shoe Manufacturer 136 Lynch & O'Brien, Tea, Wine, and Spirit Merchants . . . . .162 Lynch, P., I'urveyor and Provision Mer- chant 147 Lynch, T. J., Illuminating and Heraldic Artist 138 MacArtiiur & Co., Auctioneers and Valuers ...... 146 Mackeiuie, J., Wine and Spirit Merchant 140 Mackey, Thos., Builder and Contractor 151 Mackey, Sir Jas. W., Seed and Imple- ment Merchant ..... 68 Maguire, P., Grocer . . . .no Maguire & Son, House Furnishing and Building Ironmongery Stores, Dublin Saniiary and Engineering Works . 46 M.iher, E. J., Wholesale and Retail Re.idy-made Clothier ... 92 Main & Co., A. J., Iron Works . . 1504 Maison Campbell, Millinery Warehouse 13J Malone, C. G., Tea and Coffee Dealer . 127 Maloney, J., Costume Manufacturer . 114 Mangan, J. A., House Furnisher . . 89 Mannin, C, Pharmaceutical Chemist . 73 Manning, A., Mantles, Costumes, and Court Dressmaker .... 52 Mansfield, Messrs., Musical Instrument Dealers . . . . . .119 Margotti, Adele, Naturalist . . . loi M,ini, E. H., Coiffeur and Parfumeur . 88 Martin, Charlotte, Dealer in Antiquities 79 Martin, R. T., Ladies' Tailor, Costumier 59 Martin, W., House Painter, etc. . . n2 Mastcrson i: Co., Grocers, Wine and Spirit Merchants ... .46 Matthew.s, M. E., Court Dressmaker . no May & Sons, Music and Pianoforte Ware- house 57 McAuley, T., Family (Grocer . . 130 McBirney i\: Co. (Limited), General Warehousemen ..... 66 McCabe, J.is., Tea Importer . . 151 McCann, P., Practical Stained Glass Painter . . . . , .132 McCluskey & Co., Fruiterers . . 107 McCom;is & Son, Military and Merchant Tailors ...... 79 McCormack, G. L., Pharm.aceutical Chcmi-st 125 McCormick, Jno., F.imily Grocer, Tea, Wine, and Siiirit Merchant . . 149 McCormick & Co., Coal Merchants . 5'^ McDowell Bros., Jewellers . . .113 McDowell, Jno., Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller ..... 101 McGrath, 1'., Wood Carver . . . 152 McGrath & Co., T., Drapers . . 103 McCJrath, K., Merchant Tailor . . 75 McGuinc-ss.Thos., Irish Woollen Clothier 132 McKcnna, F., Tea and Wine Importer 140 M'Kernan, P., General Printer and Stationer ...... 96 McLoughlin Bros., Cigar Importers . 153 McMahon, A. M., General Draper, etc. 157 McMullen, B., Saddler ... 74 McNamara, Mr., Confectioner and .Sugar Boiler ...... 93 McNeill, J., Musical Instrument Maker 91 McSwiney, J., 1 'ruggist and Chemist . 124 Meade, M., Carriage and Van Builder . 68 Melcdy, W., Fruiterer and Confectioner 101 Mercantile Mutual Protection Associa- tion of Ireland . .... 143 Meyer, S., Boys' and Youths' Tailoring Establishment . . . . .160 Meytheii, J.as., Family Grocer . 07 Mitchell Arnot & Co., Room Pa|>er Manufacturers ..... 83 Mitchell, Geo., Tobacco and Wine Mer- chant 139 Mitchell iV Son, Confectioners . . 57 CONTENTS. Mitclicll .V Son, Wine Merchants . MofTiti & Co., T., Kirc-proof Safe Manufacturers . . . • • Molloy & Co., Grocers, Tea, Wine, and Spirit Merchants .... Monson, Kobinson, & Co., The Metro- politan I'rinting Work* and Paper Bag I'aclory ...... Montgomery, T., V.S., Shoeing Forge. Moore \- Co., H., Mouse, Land, and Insurance Agents .... Moore, E., lUitcher .... Moore, W. fl., Thotograplier Moran, J., Muran's Hotel Morgan, 1'., Select Dining Koonis Morgan, J., Hatter .... Mount, A., Chandler and .Soap Dealer . Moyers,Geo., Timber, .Slate, and Cement Merchant ...... Muldoon, Ja«., Printing Material Mann- factiirer ...... Mulholland & Co., J., Rope, Twine, and Fishing Tackle Manufacturers . Murphy & Co., R. J., Cork Merch.ints . Murphy. Tno. , Tea, Wine, and Spirit Merchant ...... Murjihy, Mrs., Watch Manufacturer Murphy, Jno., Flour Stores . Murphy, J. J., Hydraulic Pump Manu- facturer . . • ' • Murphy, D., Provision Merchant . Murray, E., Kingstown Dining Rooms . Nash, \Vm., Jewel-Case and Dressing- Case Manutacturer .... National Assurance Company of Irclanc'. Newman, J., Manufacturer of Scales and Weighing Machines . . . • North Dublin Brush Factory. I'AGII 60 76 "39 96 '33 45 "55 82 '59 So 127 152 60 55 '44 64 96 104 99 141 141 162 78 136 98 147 O'llRlEN, T., Fancy Bread and Biscuit Baker '34 O'brien, K. J., Draper . . . 70 O'Callaghan, J. C. iV M., Grocers and Wine .Merchants .... 132 O'Cunnell, las.. Family C.rocer . . 152 O'Connell, W., Drai)er and Outlitter . 94 O'Connor, Miss, Old Chandlery Estab- lishment '2' O'Connor, H., Cabinet Maker . . 152 O'Connor, M., .Manufacturer of Baskets 156 U Donnell.Jno, J.,Chemistand Druggist 140 O'Donnell, H., Wholesale and Retail Grocer ...... '07 ODwyer, T., Grocer and Wine Mer- chant '56 O'llara, P., Family Grocer . . . 153 O'Kelly, P., The - Irish House " . .85 O'Loughlin, Jno., Druggist .ind General .Sundryman . . . . '04 C N eill, C. , Wholesale and Retail Grocer 1 2 1 O'Neill, T. J., Family Grocer . . 115 O'Reilly, P., Newsagent . . .158 O'Kcilly, P., General Provision Mer- chant 92 O'Kcilly, P., Manufacturer of Plain and Fancy Cardboard Boxes ... 65 O'Reilly, R., Musical Instrument Manu- facturer '6l Onnonde Hotel 59 O'Toole, Miss M., Boot Warehouse . 163 I'AKENHAM, J., H.-xm and Bacon Curcr 88 Parker, S., Leather Merchant . . 160 Parker & Co., Boot Manufacturers . Ill Parkes & Sons, Jno. C, Hardware, Iron, and Steel .Merchants. . . 54 fAOK Pasley, Miss, .Scientific Dress-Culting A.ssaciation 133 Patriotic .\ssurance Company of Ireland $0 Pear-ie & Sh.arp, Sculptors ... 63 Pearson & Co., Clothiers and T.ailors . 1 54 Pearson & Co., Thos., Wire Works . 124 IVmberton, G. K., Boot and Shoe M.inu- farturer loi Pembcrton, S. T., Military Boot and Shoe .Manufacturer .... 93 Pcnnell, Thos., Bookseller . . .162 Phillips, Kphraim, Gentlemen's Outfitter, .Shirt and Collar Maker ... 89 Phillips & Co., Merchant Tailors . . 116 Pigott & Co., .Musical Instrument Im- |x)rters 5^ PKislo, J., Hatter '35 Plunkell & Co., Jno., Maltsters . . 67 Plimkctt Bros., Maltsters and Patent Malt Roasters 4> Poirotte, Madame T., French Corset Manuf.iciurer ..... 81 Powell, John G., Fish, Ice, and Poultry Dealer 82 Power & Son, Jno., Distillers . . 42 Prescott & Co., Dyers and Carp:t Clesiners 86 Pressly ^V Sons, D., Woollen Factory . 61 Price, Geo., Wholesale China and Glass Merchant 5^ Prosl, G., Coiffeur, Perfumer, etc. . 157 QuiNLRSS, Mr., Room Pap:r and Deco- rative Glass Establishment . . 85 Quinn, W., Ladies' Outfitter . . 122 Rathuone, J., Tobacconist . . • "7 " Red Bank Oyster Restaurant " . .128 Reigh, F-., Wine and Spirit Merchant . 158 Reilly, I., Cooper .... 144 Reilly, Thos. 11., Artists' Coloumian . 69 Reliance Mutu.il Life Assurance Society 103 Richardson & Fletcher, Manure Manu- facturers 122 Roche, P. C, General Warehouseman . 109 Rogan, Jno., Painter and Decorator . 149 Rooney, J., Tolacconist . . .121 Rooney, J., Carriage Builder . . 49 Ross, .Murray, A: Co. , Engineers . . 1 16 Royal Hotel 123 Ruddell, W., Tobacco Manufacturer . 56 Russell i\: Co., W., Tea, Wine, and Spirit Merchants 120 Ryan, Jas., E'urniture Ware-rooms . 157 Salmo.n & Co., W'ineand General Mer- chants 75 Sanderson & Sons, F. , Coach Builders . 75 Scott A Co., T. R., Cabinet Manufac- turers ...... 98 Scale, E. & W., Shirt and Collar Manu- facturers '26 Sexton & Sons, R. , Tailors ... 57 Shalvey, P., llorseh.air Manufacturer . 82 Sharp, A. 1'., Architectural and Monu- mental Sculptor .... 87 Sheeran, P., Wine and Spirit Retailer . 158 Sheridan, J., Wholes.-ile Cap Manufac- turer 9' Sibthorpe & Son, H., Decorators, Glass Merchants, etc. . . . . .138 Slye, Geo., Carriage Builder . . 161 Smith, Thos., Tea, Coffee, and Wine Merchant '57 Smith & Son, M., Corn and Seed Mer- chants 81 Smith * Co., Geo., Basket, Cane, and Walking-stick Manufacturers . . '34 VII Smyth, Mr., Grocer and Wine Mer- chant iM Smyth &. Co. (Limited), Original Bal- hriegan Hosiery. . . . . 7^ Smyth & Sons, J., Church Plate Manu- facturers 123 Stephenson & Co., General Merchants . 140 Strachan Bros., Victoria Lcul Works . 61 Str.-ihan & Co., R., General House Fur- nishers .,...• 47 Sullivan, J. W., Auction Roeale? & Sisters, .\da. Law Stationers . 104 ITS HISTORY, INDUSTRIES, AND TRADE, FACTS, FIGURES, AND ILLUSTRATIONS. HISTORY. THE earliest records of ihe Irish Metropolis, like those of the majority of ancient cities, are few in number, obscure and unreliable. From the beginning of the fifth century, however, the history of Dublin rests upon the most authentic data, and the genesis of her foundations and development may be found at length in both Celtic, Erse, and Norman documents, collected and preserved from the ravages of the marauder and the ruthless hand of time by men whose devoted research and patriotism should be held in grateful remem- brance. In the time of Ptolemy, ad. 140, the district now comitrised within the county Dublin and its sea-board was inhabited by a tribe called the Eblani, and their country — particularly the site now occupied by the capital — Eblana. Hence the ancient name of the city. The origin of the modern designation, Dublin, dates from the first incursions of the Oslmen or Danes. It is recorded that in 43S a host of these marauders sailed up the Liffey in a fleet of sixty ships. They disembarked and settled as colonists on the north side of the liver ; and being at first peaceful and not objecting to the payment of tribute, the Irisli chieftains allowed them to remain unmolested. The natives called the quarter in which these Danes lived, Fingall, which under the modern name of Finglas forms an integral part of the city. Soon after the arrival of this first horde, another came upon the scene and settled on the south side of the city, and their location was called by the Celts, Dubhgall, or the country of the black strangers, in tlie same way as they named the district inhabited by the pioneer colony, Fingall, or the country of the white strangers. Bally- Al/i-C/iat/i Diiihliniiewa.'i the designation by which the countiy on both sides of the mouth of the Lififey was known to the Celtic inhabitants. It is more than probable that the last word of the above Irish phrase (which being translated means "the town of the ford of hurdles on the Blackwater ") suggested to the Danish settlers the name, Dkeliii, which they gave to the entire territory they occupied. This word Divelin changed with the times and the place it design.ited, and gradually and finally some centuries ago assumed its present form, Dublin. The.\postIe of Ireland, soon after bis arriv.il in the country in the course of his missionary travels, visited Hally-Ath-Clialh, whose king and people he converted to Christianity and baptized at a spring on the south side of the city, and which is now known as .St. Patricks Well. This was in 44.S, and the civilising influences which resulted from the conversion of these people to the true faith had an immense effect upon them in their fierce and sanguinary combats in after years with their merciless and unchristian Northern invaders. These Norse adventurers grew in numbers and strength, and held undis- turbed possession of their lands for over three centuries, no one attempting to permanently drive them from the country. To this regrettable circumstance may be attributed the many vicissitudes through which the Irish capital passed between the years 43S and 1014, and the fact that during that long period the chief city of the nation remained in the iron grasp and occupation of the destructive followers of the Northern Vikings. History furnishes no parallel to the position occupied by DUBLIN. Dublin in regard to the rest of Ireland from the beginning of the fifth to the middle of the eleventh century. It was by location, extent, importance, population, and wealth, the natural capital of the island ; and yet owing to the descent, character, and habits of its inhabitants, and the nature of their relations to the rest of the country, it was as foreign in the daily life of its denizens, their customs and mode of govern- ment, as if it were situated on the bleak coasts of Denmark or Norway. Tara, during most of the long period referred to, was the metropolis of the nation. The arrival of Aulaffe Sitric in the I.iffey in S53 with an enormous fleet of ships and several thousand followers, marks the era from which Dublin began to play a most prominent and, in many instances, decisive part in national affairs, and the internecine struggles which, as far as the Danes were concerned, found Dublin of those distant days were not, however, as some chroniclers would have us believe, entirely devoid of every characteristic of refinement and civilisation. There is abundant evidence in proof of this. After their defeat by Brian Eoru in 1014 they fled to Dublin and Ilowth, and by the payment of vast sums in tribute to Dermot, King of Leinster, secured that peace of which in bygone ages they had been the mo5t persistent disturbers, but which defeat and threatened annihilation had taught them to prize. From that time forth they devoted themselves to trade and industry as then understood, and built many of the most beautiful churches the world in those days could boast — the remains of which, even in our own times, bear silent, but none the less eloquent, testimony to the love of art and devotion to religion possessed by the much-mali,i:ned race who erected them. THE OLD PARLIAMENT HOUSES (BANK 01" IRELAND). their consummation in the memorable and glorious victory of Clontarf. Soon after Sitric's advent he was elected king, the neighbouring native princes made truces with iiiin, and during the jieaceful period that followed he set himself the task of fortifying the city and putting it in a state of complete defence. After the death of this Norse ruler hostilities between his successors and the native princes were of frc'iuent occurrence, and Dublin was, as a consequence, often besieged ; never, however, with any other result than the defeat or withdrawal of the besiegers, .\bout the tenth century the Danes had become very numerous and powerful — a fact which emboldened them to make explorations and marauding expeditions not only to remote parts of Ireland, but even into Wales, where their destructiveness and merciless treatment of all who opposed them caused their incursions to be greatly dreaded. The.se adventurous dwellers in the In I GOO the city was captured by IVian Boroimhe, King of Munster, but he afterwards allowed the Danes to retake possession of it. From the date of the battle of Clontarf, which, some assert, was fought on the site of Rutland Square, Dublin was, with some intermissions, held by the descendants of the vikings until it was surrendered to the English and their ally, Dermot MacMorrough, King of Leinster. How this was accomplished and the country, as a sequence of it, lost her independence, recalls one of the saddest chapters in the history of the nation. AFTER CLONTARF. The entire country was divided into five kingdoms, Leinster, Ulster, Connaught, Munster, and Meath. About the middle of the twelfth century the two most formidable of the five sovereigns were Roderick O'Connor, King of DUBLIN. Connaught, and Dermot MacMorrough, King of Leinster. The (lucstion who should be supreme dictator among tliese was frequently the cause of internecine strife, and with the object of deciding the matter, constant wars were waged. Dermot MacMorrough, in the midst of one of these con- flicts, immersed himself in almost insurmountable trouble by intriguing, and finally running away, with the wife of O'Rourke, I'rince of Breffni, and daughter of the King of Meath. The deceived and disconsolate O'Rourke hastened to the home of Roderick O'Connor, Dermot's bit- terest and most powerful rival, and having secured his assistance and sym- pathy, an immense army was marched from Con- naught to annihilate MacMorrough, whose offence was a most odious one in the eyes of every sovereign and serf in the island. Der- mot, who saw that he was absolutely powerless to resist the hosts march- ing against him, set sail for Bristol, whence he went to France and pros- trated himself before Henry II., who was ■waging war against the Gauls. He pathetically told his story and be- sought Henry to assist him to drive back the King of Connaught, for "which if it should please him in his good- ness to do, he, Dermot, ■would acknowledge Henry to be lord, and serve him faithfully ail his life as his vassal." Henry's ambition and ■desire to add Ireland to his possessions be- came evident quite early in his reign, for he appealed to Nicholas Brakspere (Adrian IV.), the only Englishman that ever occupied the papal throne, to put in force the Edict of Constantine, which permitted him to assume a right in the disposal of islands and throw over them the protecting regis of the Catholic Church. In 1156, the Pope yielded to the solicitations and prayers of the English monarch, and issued a Bull giving him the necessary authority to deal with Ireland. His hands, however, were so full with his French difficul- ties that he could not spare an expeditionary force, so he met the exigencies of the case by issuing Letters Patent to GRAFTOX STREET. certain of his subjects to raise a knightly army and invadt Ireland. It is to the calamities wiiich befel the country after the landing of this expedition, and the causes which led up to it, that Thomas Moore, one of Dublin's most honoured .-ind gifted sons, refers when, in that beautiful song, " The Valley Lay Smiling Before Me," he says : .\lrcady tlic curse is upon her, And slranRcrs her valleys profane ; They come to diviilc — to dishonour. And tyrants they long will remain. Dermot grew weary of Henry's delay in coming to his assistance, and made touching appeals to the \\'elsh barons, who had been greatly exasperated by the inroads of the Danes from Dublin and the east coast of Ireland. A penniless mercenary was the first to come forward. This was Richard, sur- named Strongbow. son of the I^^arl of Pembroke, who at first proceeded warily and with exas- perating hesitation, not- withstanding MacMor- rough's most tender appeals. However, the following poetical letter caused him to cease doubting and embark at once: "I have beheld the storks and the swal- lows. The birds of summer came, and with the warning of the tem- pest they returned, but neither gentle gale nor furious blast has blessed us with thy long-wished- for presence.' This soft and imagi- native effusion had the desired result. Strong- bow, with Robert Fitz- stephen, and Maurice Fitzgerald, and other knights of good account, with a small army, landed at Bann, in Waterford, from three ships. Strongbow's reward was to be the hand of Eva, the King's daughter, in marriage, and the right of succession to Dermot's dominions ; while the other chiefs were to receive portions of the conquered territories. Within two years of Strongbow's arrival, his forces, acting in conjunction with those of MacMorrough, had conquered the whole of the east of Irelaild and captured Dublin. The ■Welsh baron was married to Eva outside the walls of the city of \Vaterford, and the ceremony was performed in the B 2 DUBLIN. midst of the greatest display of force and splendour. In one battle Strongbow defeated an army numbering 90,000, and it is chronicled, that thereafter none of the native Irish princes dared to oppo?e the English. Dublin was now con- stituted the capital of the country. Henry II. soon became jealous of "the success of his knights, and consequently in- formed them that the time had come when he, in person, would assume the sovereignty conferred upon him by Adrian I\'. In 1172 he therefore set sail from Milford Haven with 4,000 men, and reached AVaterford without mis- hap or opposition of any kind. His march to Dublin was one of triumph, and most of the native chiefs approached to do him homage. As soon as he entered the capital he caused an immense wickerwork pavilion to be erected "after the manner of the country,'' and therein standing beneath a the city of Dublin of him (Henry) and his heirs for ever, wii!^ all the liberties and customs which his subjects of Bristol then enjoyed at Bristol, and throughout all England." Dublir> received a second charter in 1207 from King John. In 1209- occurred one of the direst events in tiie city's history. On Easter Monday, in that year, the citizens were celebrating the feast a.1 a place near Cullen's Wood, when they were attacked by the natives and 1,500 of them were slain. The spot where this massacre occurred is still known as the " Bloody Meadow," and that Easter Monday is historically called "Black Monday." The population of the city at this time could not have been very large, for it was found necessary to repeople it after the foregoing occurrence, which was accordingly done by importing a few ship-loads of His Majesty's faithful Bristolian lieges. The immediate result of this sanguinary defeat of the English 1 CtlKlST CHUKCll CAIHKURAL AND SV-N'^D HOUSE. {lidw ''lOlll the River.) regal canopy received the oath of allegiance from all the I>owerful Irish nobles of the time. Though His Ma-jesty ]>assed the Christmas in Dublin, his stay was of short dura- lion, owing to difticullies arising from the murder of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Henry was the first English monarch that ever set foot on Irish soil, or spent his Christ- mas in the capital, and was at the same time the most ungenerous ruler that ever landed upon these shores — as far as Dublin is concerned, in any case. His visit began the series of confiscations that culminated in the destruction of our legislative independence. To the leaders of the army which accompanied liiin from Milford Haven he gave manors, mansions, and tracts of land of which the natives had been deliberately and shamelessly robbed, and made, as it were, a present of Dublin to the City of Bristol. A charter was granted to the c'tizcns of Bristol " to hold colonists was the completion of Dublin Castle. This strong- hold was designed to be the great bulwark in the defence and subjection of the city, and was pushed forward so rapidly that it was finished in 1220. It was not used as the residence of the Lord Lieutenant until the reign of Elizabeth, previous to- whose time the viceroys resided at Thomas Court. To i)Ut the climax to his ingratitude and contem])t for the natives, Henry formed what was for centuries known as the " ICnglish Pale." \\itliin this geographically defined area, of which Dublin was the capital, lived a heterogeneous mass of Celtic Iri.sh, Danes, W'elslimen, and ]'",nglishmen, whose customs, and habit.s, and modes of life — difierent in almost every essential feature— made the community anything but a happy and contented one, though all were subject to ti e English law. Without this "pale" lived the "mere Irish," with whom no intercourse was to be held, and who were DUni.IN'. regarded and ircatcil as inferior beings in every respect and on every occasion when the ojiportiiniiy offered itself or was created. This policy, which, in the HkIU of experience, every historian has branded as fatuous and inexcusable, was adminis- tered from Dublin, and was i)roductive of continual discontent, strife, and bloodshed, both within and without the magic circle drawn by the second Henry. The high-minded, sensitive, and impulsive natives brooded over the contempt and harshness with which they were treated ; their bards and musicians wrote about and sang their wrongs, and the consequences, which kindness and justice wisely tempered would have obviated, are to be read to-day in many a crimson page of history. It was these invidious and evil-working distinctions, which accom- panied the very inception of English rule in Ireland, that led Edmund Burke to exclaim, in the IVitish House of Commons, that a spirit of hostility to the Irisii began before the differences the Irish Parliament to measures which had iircviously been approved of in ICngland, acted as the Duke's deputy. Henry \'III. was very watchful and active in all State affairs, and his religious innovations caused much commotion through- out the country. Dublin did not escape them, for among the monasteries which he dissolved was that of All Hallows, founded by Dermot, King of Leinster, on the site now occupied by Trinity College. It may seem incongruous to say so, but this monarch was, as far as Ireland is concerned, anxious to effect many beneficial changes. The records of his iconoclastic reign furnish abundant [)roof of the truth of this assertion. He saw the evils from which that part of the country which acknowledged his domination was suffer- ing, and was anxious to apply effective remedies. Indeed, even in our own time, some of the sayings attributed to him in reference to the duties of landlords would be considered more democratic than regal. During his reign Parliaments were held in St. Mary's Abbey, where the Four Courts now stand. One of the Acts passed shows that in those distant times the agrarian difficulty was in evidence, for it declared the estates of all absentees forfeited: and this was done to prove how much he desired to behold in Ireland "a magnificent nobility, a resident gentry, a commonalty well fed, THE ROTUNDA. of Protestant and Catholic were known to the world. Henry's departure commenced After THE RISE OF VICEREGAL GOVERNMENT. Hugh de Lacy, Lord of Meath, was the King's representa- tive the year following the invasion. The galleries of the Castle Chapel are ornamented with oak panels, each one of which is engraved with the arms of the Lord Deputies or Lord Lieu- tenants who have resided in Dublin. The first of these is dated 1173, and bears De I>acy's device. It is a plain cross — an exceedingly simple piece of heraldry when compared with the escutcheons of modern governors. John, son of King Henry, was De Lacy's successor, having been declared Lord of Ireland at a Parliament held at Oxford. Henry VIII. , when Duke of York, was possessed of the nominal title of Lord Lieutenant; but Sir Edward Poynings, the author of Poynings' Law, which restricted legislation in and industry flourishing." Notwithstanding this, even during his reign, opposition to the powers that were was the order of the day, as is evidenced by the events that led up to the execution of Lord Thomas Fitzgerald, or " Silken Thomas," as he was styled, from the golden fringes used on the horses of himself and his followers. In recompense for the suppression of this revolt the King gave the citizens of Dublin the lands of All Hallows. Wlien Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne she enhanced and solidified the value of this gift by founding on the same ground — amid the din of arms and the tumult of civil war — the University of Dublin. King James had a passion for " improving Ireland," but his plans were too largely prompted by sinister and evil motives, and were doomed to, and deserved to, fail. During his reign "James's Street" was constructed, and many fine buildings erected therein. For twenty-seven years no Parliament had been held in Dublin, when in 1613 one was summoned. Unfortunately, sectarian differences at that time were very bitter, and a protracted u DUBLIN. struggle between Protestants and Catholics ensued in reference to the election of Speaker. A Protestant having been chosen. .\ DOOraVAV IN CHRIST CHURCH \ : : KAI,. the Catholic party left the Commons, and the acrimony engendered by the dispute, being encouraged by the successful attempts of the Scottish nation to obtain the freedom of their religion, led to the deplorable revolution of 1641. During the course of the rebellion, Dul)lin, in 1646, was besieged. In the midst of the civil war, which ended in 1652 in the triumph of the Protector, Charles I. was beheaded. On the restoration of r:harles II. the Duke of Ormond was Lord Lieutenant, and during his tenure of office the Castle became popular, it being the scene of revelry, gaiety, and splendour which in magnificence sur|>assed that of royalty itself. It was, however, when James II. was on the throne, and the Duke of Tyrconnell was Lord Lieutenant, that Dublin Castle, the headquarters of the lirilish Government in Ireland, reached the zenith of its popularity. The Duchess of Tyrconnell, in her day called the Queen of lieauty, gathered round her court a gala.\y of feminine beauties ("amongst whom her own daughters figured prominently) whose per- sonal charms, mental superiority, and rank won the admiration and homage of every class of the citizens. With the exit of the Duke and Duchess of Tyrconnell from the edifice on Cork Hill departed the glory of the viceregal court ; and it would be rash to say when it is likely, under present circumstances, 'to regain the high and well-deserved position which it then held in the esteem of the masses. In 16SS, King James II. visited Dublin with his immense army of French .ind English soldiers, and though he had time to hold a Parliament, he had soon to set off to oppose the Prince of Orange in the North. \\'i!liam, landed at Carricktergus on June 14th, 1690, with an army of Dutch troops, numbering 30,000. Almost the whole of the North espoused his cause, and in less than three weeks the two royal antagonists faced each other on the banks of the Boyne. The result of the conflict that followed brought defeat and disaster to James, and finally terminated the Stuart dynasty in these islands. James's inglorious flight to Dublin has by many been made the butt of historical ridicule. His remark to the beautiful Duchess of Tyrconnell about her countrymen's fleetness of foot in fleeing from danger, and Her Grace's stinging repartee to the effect that, fleet as they were. His Majesty, it appeared, had won the race, prove that the last of the Stuarts took prompt measures to act on the Napoleonic Sauve qui pent principle more than a century before that famous phrase was uttered by the PL-tit Caporal, and that at least one Irish lady duly appreciated his royal bravery. James was the last of his line who visited the Irish capital. The Prince of Orange came to Dublin imme- diately after the battle of the Boyne, and treated the inhabitants with that severity which he considered their devotion to the cause of his late rival demanded. Hume affirms that this was done despite the fact that neither the " ungracious and ungrateful little Dutch- man " nor his army were in any way molested on their triumphant march through the city to St. Patrick's Cathedral, where a magnificent thanksgiving service was held in gratitude for the victory conferred upon his arms at the Boyne. His conduct was in this respect soon forgotten, for. CKVIl I.N cniUM' CllUKCII CATIll:lJKAL. in 1 70 1, the citizens erected an equestrian statue in his honour in College Green. Dublin, being the centre of government and the scat of the executive power, played a leading role in the events which took jilace between ifiSS and 1782, during which DUHLIN. 15 period the callousness and indifference to popular sentiment of the liriiish Ciovcrnmeiit in its treatment of Irish affairs, combined with international difficulties and national embar- rassments, aroused the dormant spirit of Celtic nationality, and gave birth to the movement which ended in the granting of legislative independence. The attainment of this grand object began a new era for the country. Henceforth Ireland's interests were studied, the sentiments of the inhabitants were attended to, and the dictates of justice, which had, in the immediate past, been totally discarded, were fiiitiifuily followed. This glorious finale to a bitter, but just struggle, was secured mainly through the herculean efforts of the people's Parlia- mentary leaders, buttressed by the volunteers that magnificent embodiment of national strength which the precarious state of the imperial defences called into existence. The capital was one of the chief centres in the organisation of this force ; many thousands of the citizens threw themselves heart and soul into the movement, and, fully equipped and armed, were regularly drilled on College Green. The feeble and infatuated Ministry of England saw this powerful body grow in numbers, influence, and strength day by day, till at length, says a writer of those times, " they conceded what it was no longer jjracticable to withhold, and reco^'aised cies, expectations, and dignity, and the feelings of what was emphatically called Young Ireland. Of the adherents of this rising parly, Dublin was the ( hief rendezvous. Lord Edward I'itzgerald, Wolfe Tone, Seeling, McCormick, and many others were the heads of the movement, and their hearts being fired by the I''rench Revolution, they set themselves the task of establishing a republic in Ireland. This attempt was made simultaneously with the intrigues begun by the English Ministry to destroy, by means of bribery and corruption, Irish legislative independence. It also had the effect of precipitating that desired end. The rebellion broke out in 1798, and lasted about a year. The Duke of Leinster, instead of abetting the insurrection, as the masses surmised he would, on account of Lord Edward's connection with it, led the Dublin contingent of the volunteers against the belligerents, and materially assisted in the suppression of the outbreak. Over si.vty THE FOUR COURTS. Ireland as a Free Nation with a Legislature independent and supreme." The Parliaments which followed, between 17S2 and the year when the nation's independence was lost ■ . . By treachery and fraud, By knaves who sold themselves for gold, As Judas did his God, were distinguished by the almost divine eloquence of Grattan, Flood, Malone, and a galaxy of others, including the embryo Duke of Wellington. Notwithstanding all attempts and the utmost devotednessand singlenessof purposeon thepart of many of the Parliamentary leaders, things did not prosper, and after years of experience, (^rattan was, owing to the march of events, forced to exclaim that the granting of their independence was but an attempt to unite the hoary decrei)itude of the old jobbing Ministry and the Borough Parliament with the exigen- thousand lives were sacrificed during the struggle, which lasted during an entire year. Thomas Street, Dublin, has been for ever rendered famous as being the thoroughfare in which the justly idolised Lord Edward met his death at the hands of the notorious Major Sirr. DUBLIN AFTER THE UNION. The Act of Union was finally carried, and on the ist of January, 1801, the Imperial Standard was, for the first time, unfurled over the Bedford Tower of the Castle, thus signi- fying the ratification of a compact which at the present moment is the cause of the keenest and bitterest political antagonism, not only in Ireland, but in every portion of the British Isles. If the signs of the times be taken into con- sideration in forming a judgment, the impartial chronicler of events can have little doubt in asserting that the end is i6 DUBLIN. near at hand, and that the day is rapidly approaching when Irishmen of every creed and class,- forgetful of the past and the unfortunate and unreasonable differences which have held them in tiie bondage of discord, will be again united in their old legislative chambers and working in concord for SIDE VIEW or ST. Stephen's green. one grand and common object— their country's good. Dublin suffered great injury, both socially and commercially, by the Act of Union. During the fifteen years the country enjoyed the power of making her own laws, the capital was greatly ■developed. \ew buildings were erected and streets con- structed ; those already in existence were imi)roved and beiutified, and her trade and commerce increased enormously. It was also the head-(]uarters of wealth and fashion. The city, which before and for long after the .Anglo-Norman invasion was centred round the neighbourhood of Castle Hill, and was little more than a mile in circumference, at the time of the Union measured over nine miles round. 'I'his wonderful develo|)nienl was attributed to the cessation of internal troubles, and liberal grants of jniblic money for the promotion of municipal and other useful works, the removal of the embargoes placed upon trade, and the spread of litera- ture and science, combined with ability and purity in the administration of public affairs. The passing of the Act of Union, if it did not change all this, pre|)ared the way for the change. Society fled the city, money became scarce, commerce was carried on under different conditions, and i)ublic policy differed with the Ministry and Executive in office. There was no continuity, no fixed aim, and, as a result, business languished, the door was opened for corruption and abuse, and muni- cipal affairs remained in the grasp of a somewhat exclusive circle. The lethargy which seized upon public life in the city was slightly ruflled by the alarm and panic caused through Emmet's attempted insurrection, which occurred three years after the Union. Robert Emmet was the son of an eminent Dublin physician, and himself a student and barrister of Trinity College, where, at the Historical Debating Society, he acquired considerable prominence for his eloquence "="'" and ardent patriotism. From his earliest youth his one idea was the freedom of his native land, and in ] his rash endeavours to accomplish this object he I sacrificed his fortune, position, and finally his life. The purity of his motives has never been open to question, and though ignominious failure attended his efforts, his fame and memory are as green to-day in the hearts of his Nationalist fellow-countrymen as they were on the morning he expiated his offence upon the gallows. The agitations for Emancipation, which was granted in 1828, and for Repeal of the. Union, both led by Daniel O'Connell, were focussed in Dublin, and were the only incidents which tended to enliven the humdrum life of the city for almost half a century. THE MUNICIPALITY. The passage of the Municipal Reform Act in 1840 effected a wonderful change in the internal affairs of the Irish capital. By this enactment Dublin was divided into fifteen wards, with a representation of __ one alderman and three councillors for each. This new arrangement of municipal government seemed to infuse new life into the citizens, and the fact that all disabilities had been removed from the Catliolic inhabitants tended greatly to awaken public interest in the energetic and proper fulfilment of municipal duties. From this date forth politics entered largely into the annual contests for seats on the city council, and, if their immediate result in the majority of instances has been the embilterment of party feeling, it cannot be denied that it has also purified the management of E.MKANCE 10 GI.ASNEVIN. every department of the city's business, secured the more j perfect accomplishment of imblic works, and cleared the , administration of the municipality from even the suspicion of apathy or jobbery. These are things of which the capital may justly feel proud, and which, by promoting the health, I education, comfort, and general well-being of the inhabitants, I have helped to make Dublin a centre of .refinement, learning, , and commerce, and by these means enabled her to maintain DUHLIN. her position as the first, most important, and most interesting city in the nation. THE APPROACHES T(^ DUHLIN are not equalled for general attractiveness and picturesque beauty by those of any other city in the British dominions, whetlicr it be entered by road, rail, or sea. There is not along the entire extent of the Irish coast, and in few places elsewhere in the world, a more perfectly charming view to be seen than that which presents itself to the traveller as he enters Dublin l?iy by the cross-channel or other steamer on a fine summer morning. Then the broad expanse of serene and placid waters, the undulating landscape away behind Killiney Hill on one side of the Bay, faced by the abrupt and rugged promontory of Howth, the deep and spotless azure of the heavens, bordered any morning in the month (say) of June, his verdict would assuredly have been considerably modified. As the vessel passes the islets of I.ambay and Ireland's Eye, away on the right lies a lung silver strand stretching back for miles till the gleaming sunrays become lost in the haze of the city. To the left is a li;;hlhouse, with a breakwater of considerable length behind and running right back to the capital. Between the strand and this lighthouse is the channel up which the steamers sail to their destination. The anchorage for the mail boats is not in the l.iffey, but a considerable distance away on the left, in the royal harbour of Kingstown, which previous to the visit of George IV. was called Dunleary. This harbour is 250 acres in extent, and protected by two piers. Creswick, the painter, averred that Dublin Bay during an autumn sunset presented tlic finest prospect of Nature he TRINirV (.OLLEGE, by the golden-capped emerald hills on the distant horizon, combine to form a picture, the sight and the remembrance of which will never be effaced from the memory or heart of any lover of Nature. The artist's best efforts can at the utmost but dimly reflect the grandeur of a scene which, in the opinion of those capable of forming a correct opinion, is equalled in Europe only by the lovely Bay of Naples. " See Naples and die," was probably uttered for the first time by' an individual who had never entered Dublin by the Liffey, otherwise this admonitory assertion of the unrivalled and unsurpassable beauty of the Italian land and seascape might never have been put on record. Had that visitor to the sunny climes of the South ever crossed over from Holyhead to Dublin and entered the Bay just As ihc (l.iyliglit splendid Come breaking o'er the seas. ever saw. Denis Florence McCarthy called it that " matchless wonder of a bay," while Lady DufTerin's muse inspired her to say : Oh, Bay of Dublin, my heart you're troublin', Your beauly haunts me like a fever dre.im ; Like frozen fountains that the sun sets bubblin', My heart's blood warms when I hear your name. The Bay is certainly a magnificent patch of water, and its beauty and grandeur are famed in both song and story. It is dear to the hearts of all Irishmen, but, to the dwellers ia the Irish capital, scarcely more so than old ANNA LIFFEV, on whose banks they fight their daily battle of existence. This river has in certain respects an unenviable reputation : this refers to that part of its course which divides the city, where its waters are certainly not of the most pellucid kind. Elsewhere, i8 DUBLIN. however, from its source on the north side of the Wicklow Mountains, to the point where it enters the city, and from the first bridge between the capital and the Bay, the river itself and the scenery on its banks present some of the most picturesque scenes to be enjoyed anywhere in the country. It divides Dublin into two equal parts, and is spanned by many of the most beautiful and substantial pontine erections which con- nect the principal streets on the north and south sides. A sand- bank, a short time back, seriously impeded the navigation of the river, but this obstacle has been removed, the channel has been deepened, new wharves have been erected, and a splendid basin has been formed, the cost of which was close on ;^3oo,ooo. All these improvements have done much to add street in Europe. It has sometimes been compared with the Broadway of New York, but there is much more airiness, and lightness, and grace about O'Connell Street than in the bustling, highly-coloured boulevard of America. And these effects are not produced by an absence of that animation which one expects to find in the centre of a capital, for there is abundance of it here, but the street is so expansive, like the great and busy Square at Alexandria more than anything else, and the houses and public buildings dwarf all street objects into such diminu- tiveness, that light Irish cars may be dashing past you, tramcars may be turning the corners of the streets on their way to the terminus at the base of Nelson's Pillar, and coal-drays in lines may be swiftly moving towards the ships moored to the quays. THE CIIAI-EL ROYAL AND TOWER. to the importance of the river as a shipjjing medium, and the natural and desired result — increased imports, exports, and internal trade— has been attained. I'rom the Liffey, at right angles, run some of the most important STREETS of the city — thoroughfares which for the beauty of their archi- tecture, the aggregate value of tiicir trading transactions, and general features of attractiveness, yield precedence to no others in the Empire. A striking exemplification of the truth of this is found in Westmoreland Street, Dame Street, Grafton Street, and O'CONNELL STREET, ■which until recently was called Sackville Street. Than this there is, indeed, no wider, or, in point of vista, no more beautiful. and yet neither all these, nor the hundreds of people on the broad pavements, convey to you ideas of crowding or of that overwhelming, ponderous business activity you get in either London or Liverpool. It is the grace of the place that is it& principal charm. In no other street in the world will you see so many young and beautiful women iiromunading up and down between the hours of ten in the morning and five in the afternoon viewing the beautiful shops ; and if these do not attract your gaze you have public buildings with Ionic columns to glance at, and hotels — quite mansions of hotels, and not those with flaming posters glaring forth from chimney-stacks and side walls ; and lastly, you have right in the centre of this street the O'Connell Monument, Sir John Gray's Statue, the Nelson Column, with the gallant admiral standing bareheaded at the top and leaning against a capstan, and not DUBLIN. »9 as on the London monument, against a tiny coil of rope — as if any one could gain support from that ! If you want to take in all the picturcsqueness at once you must stand on O'Conncll Bridge, and look down the roadway till your eye meets the Rotunda and the church spires that seem to pierce the sky above the houses at the Denmark Hill end of O'Connell Street. Vou will at once admit that it is no wonder this magnificent avenue is the favourite street of the citizens of Dublin, for you can see nothing before you but taste, and beauty, and prosperity. BRIDGES. The LifTey, in addition to possessing unrivalled quay and wharf accommodation, with absolutely safe and extensive anchorage for vessels of almost any tonnage, is said to be one of the " best bridged " rivers in the world. Within a mile and a half there are nine bridges connecting the north and south banks and the various leading thoroughfares in both divisions | Westminster Bridge. There are a balustrade and cornice, and the length is 250 feet, while its width is 51 feet O'Connell Bridge, from which a fme view of O'Connell Street and the monument to the Liberator in.iy be obtained, is too well known to need description. Finally, Wellington Bridge con- sists of one arch 240 feet by 12 feet. The structure is of iron, and since it was opened, in 1S16, has stood well the ravages of time and daily wear and tear. By sea and land internal and external intercourse with Dublin is wonderfully easy. In the city arc centred the termini of the principal Irish RAILWAV.S, with which indispensable aids to commerce and fast loco- motion the capital is well supplied. Communication with the west and midlands is facilitated by the Midland Great Western Railway, whose terminus is one of the chief archi- VIEW OF THE LIFFEV. of the city. King's Bridge, one of the more important of these, was designed by Papworth, and erected in 1827 and 1828. It is so called owing to the visit of George IV. to Dublin, in 1821. It has a -span of 120 feet, with granite abutments, and is graceful in appearance. It cost ^£'13,000, and was erected by public subscription. Queen's Bridge is 140 feet in length by 40 in width, and is so named in honour of Queen Charlotte. It is of stone, and was opened in 1768. Barrack Bridge — sometimes called Bloody Bridge, from the fact that four men were killed on it during one of the appren- tice riots, which were of frequent occurrence at the period of its erection, in 1670 — was rebuilt in 1858. Then there is Richmond Bridge, which has been erected on the site of the old Ormond Bridge. The latter did duty from 1428 till 1802, when it was swept away by heavy floods. The new structure was erected in iS 13-16, at a cost of ^25,000, and is 220 feet long by 52 feet wide. Whitworth Bridge jiresents a fme ap- pearance, and from it a magnificent view of the city and the river may be enjoyed. One of the finest pontine structures in Dublin is Grattan Bridire, which is built on the model of tectural attractions of its immediate vicinity. This line is noted for its regularity and for the minute attention it pays to everything that conduces to the comfort of travellers, and the prompt conveyance of goods, agricultural produce, and live stock. The Great Southern and Western Railway connects the capital with the South and southern part of the \\'est, while its Dublin terminus is one of great extent and presents a bright and attractive appearance. This is equally true of the Dublin and Drogheda terminus and the Dublin and Kingstown headijuarters. The Great Northern Railway and the London and North-Western station complete the network of connections between the metropolis and all parts of the country and England. Unfortunately, the traffic rates on the Irish railways are very heavy and unequal, and weigh somewhat unfairly on manufacturers and exporters, to the injury of trade generally. This is not altogether the fault of the directors, who must naturally endeavour to make some sort of return to their shareholders, even at the expense of those who are their chief supporters, and the only true jiromoters of the country's prosperity. Indeed, despite this, their dividends DUBLIN. are extremely low, and likely to remain so, till the invest- ment of capital in mining and manufacturing increases every branch of production, and thereby, in addition to augmenting railway dividends, enables the various governing bodies to lower their rates, and so assist in giving an impetus to the development of the natural resources, wealth, and trade of the nation. Just as O'Connell Street is the grandest and richest thoroughfare in the city, so the old HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT Sir Arthur Chichester, Lord Deputy of Ireland, an ancestor of the Marquis of Donegal. From 1604 until early in the eighteenth centurj', "Chichester House" was used by the Parliament and the Council for their sittings : and it was within these walls that the plot of the Rebellion of 1641 was betrayed by a drunken servant of one of the Peers. A move was afterwards made by the Parliament to the Blue Coat Hospital ; and there it sat periodically while the present edifice was in course of erection. To more than one artistic mind has been attributed the design of this fabric, but inas- much as the name of Sir Edward Lovet Pearce is found on all >r^v^]W«£^_^; tf J bA'.KX II i.i biKEET. (01 J Vint:) are the most magnificent buildings, and, on account of their associations, the most cherished and dearest to the heart of every i)atriotic citizen in the Liffey capital. It was within these walls that rapt audiences of the peers, noble ladies, and intelligent citizens for more than half a century listened to the orations of Fitzgibbon, Hely-Hutchinson, drattan. Flood, F:gan, Malone, Curran, and many other most distinguished orators and lawyers. And it was here, in 1782, that the inde- pendence of the Irish nation was declared, amidst what has been described as the most thrilling scene in the country's annals. In former times the grounds upon which this Legis- lative Palace was raised had been occupied by a nunnery ; and when this was demolished a mansion was built on the site, for of the original plans, it may be inferred the construction was chiefly due to lym. lie this as it may, there is ample testimony that the formation of the building was directed by the taste of the Irish members, and the cost (/; 100,000) met by their most liberal support. The form of the edifice is semicircular. It occupies nearly an acre and a half of ground. The chief entrance was beneath the grand portico in College C.rcen, and this, tlie principal front, consists of a lofty colonnade of the Ionic order, extending round three sides of a (juad- rangular recess. 'J'he Royal Arms are boldly cut in the tympanum above the entrances, and the apex surmounting this is embellished with the statues of " Hibernia," " Fidelity," , and " Commerce." DUDLIN. ^t On the side of the building facing College Street is another jiortico of great beauty, which gave a separate entrance to the House of Lords. The architecture here is of ([uite another character, and becomes Corinthian ; this variety of style is said to be in accordance with the wish of the Peers, who considered that the mixture of the two styles, Ionic and Corinthian, would produce a richer and altogether more exquisite effect. This frontage is composed of six magnificent Corinthian columns, the apex on which is also adorned with statues. These represent "Forti- tude," " J ustice," and ^ " Liberty." A hand- some circular wall, with various alcoves inserted in it. con- nects the two Corin- thian and Ionic por- ticos. This, which, like the rest of the building, is of Port- land stone, was added when the building became the property of the Bank of Ire- land. The chamber used by the Peers is little altered since the Parliament sat, and is now the board-iooni of the Bank. It is a majestic though not by any means a capa- cious apartment ; and the recess, which was occupied by a cano])y of crimson velvet, where the Lord Lieutenant used to sit, surrounded with more splendour than His Majesty on the throne of England, is now filled with a full-length statue of George III., the monarch who granted independence to Irish legislation. On the mahogany walls are hung two famous pieces of tapestry, the work of Thomas Baillie, of Dublin, depicting the Defence of Derry and the Battle of the 15oyne. Various articles of furniture from both of the Legislative Chambers have been distributed away from the places they once adorned. The chair of the Speaker of the House of Lords is now an ornament in the Royal Irish Academy, Dawson Street : and that of the House of Commons is possessed by the Royal Dublin Society, in Kildare Street. The magnificent chandelier of the House of Commons now hangs from the ceiling of the Examination Hall in Trinity College ; and the mace used in the Commons has been left as an heirloom by John Foster, the last Speaker of that House, to Lord Massareene, his grandson. The House of Commons, originally circular in form, had to be, despite its great beauty of design, rebuilt, to meet the exigencies of the Bank, and the present cash office, though a noble hall, bears no resemblance to the magnificent Rotundi of the legislating days. In the year 1802-3, 'he old House of _ Commons was used as the principal .\rt Callery of Dublin; and among other artists exhibiting here was John Comerford, the eminent minia- ture painter. It was in 1804 that the Bank of Ireland, then itself an institution of twenty year^' stand- ing, became the pur- chasers of the Par- liament House for the sum of ^40,000, and the payment of an annual rent of ^240. A wit of the day, hearing of the transformation that was about to take place, gave vent, in the following squib, to his opinion on the subject : If, as it is \>y some as- serced. This house 1)L- to a bank converted. What most we want wil then l>e there, Insleal'of what we l>est can sjiare. Few Irishmen of the present day will re- echo the sentiment contained in the last sentence of this poetic quatrain. The great majority are, very properly and justly, of opinion that were our old Parliament Houses devoted to their natural and primitive use we would, along with self government, and as a consequence of it, possess what, in the words of the wit, " we most want." There is no building in the midst of any community on which the eyes of all who take an interest in public affairs are more intently bent, than on that in which important questions and general business intim.itely affecting the local body politic are discussed and transact .'d. THE CHAIEI. ROYAL. 22 DUBLIN. For this reason, THE CTTV HALL, which was erected in i 769, is an object of much anxious interest on the part of all dwellers by the Liffey. Here the City Fathers meet, and deliberate and decide on matters of public importance and well-being. It is located in close contiguity to the Castle, and of late years there has been little harmony between the occupants of these two most important (in an administrative sense) buildings in Dublin. The City Hall was formerly the Royal Exchange. It is now made use of by the Dublin Corporation, who have transacted their civic business within its walls since 1S52. The form of this edifice is nearly a square high, perforated by twelve circular windows, ornamented with festoons of laurel-leaves, the whole crowned with a handsome spherical dome, divided into hexagonal compartments, enriched and well proportioned, and lighted from the centre by a large circular skylight. On each side of the twelve columns which support the dome are impost pilasters, of the Ionic order, rising to upwards of half the height of the column, the same as those which appear on the outside of tlie building, and covered with a fluted frieze and enriched cornice. The side- walks of the square are covered with a flat ceiling, the height of the impost pilasters, with enriched sofl'ets from the pilasters in the centre to others opposite them against the wall. Behind four of the columns, answering to the angles of the building, COURTYARD OK THE CASTl.E. of 100 feet ; there are three fronts, in the Corinthian order, crowned by a dome, which, rising from the centre of a range of six columns, with their corresponding pilasters and entab- lature, sustains a noble [jediment ; in this front a new entrance of Portland stone has been erected, which contrasts very favourably with the old entrance, which was crowned with unsightly railings. Excepting in the want of a pediment, there is little difference between tlie northern and western fronts. An elegant balustrade, interrupted only by the pediment of the northern front, and resting ujion a very elaborate cornice, runs round the summit. On entering this edifice, the attention is immediately called to many conspicuous beauties, but, above all, to the general form. Twelve fluted ])illars, of the Comi)osite order, thirty-two feet high, are circularly disposed in the centre of a square area, covered by a highly enriched entablature, above which is a beautiful cylindrical lantern, about ten feet are recesses with desks and other accommodation for writing, which are not only very convenient, but serve to square the side-walks in the blank arcades. There are in the hall really perfect statues of O'Connell, of Thomas Drummond (once Under-Secretary for Ireland), and of Grattan, on the last ot which is the appropriate inscription : Filio Optimo Carissimo Henrico Cirattaii Patria Non ingrata 1S29 Dublin is not behind any capital in Europe as far as is in question the splendour of the buildings in which justice is dispensed within her boundaries. The fame of that historic pile known as DUBLIN. «3 THE FOUR COURTS has become world-wide. This noble structure is, like the Custom House, situated on the (|uays. Like the Custom House, too, there is over the building an immense dome, light green in colour, which reminds one of an Eastern mosque. Hcneath this dome is a spacious hall, whence doors lead into different courts, and which is a scene of the greatest •excitement during term time — barristers, solicitors, and clients all c.arr)-ing on their conferences while standing on the marble floor. The frontage of the Courts towards the river is ex- ceedingly imposing. Solemn gateways, surmounted with the emblems of the law, balustrades of stone running along the top of the walls, and Corinthian columns supporting the dome, all enhance the stately character of the architecture of this temple of Irish justice. The Four Courts were completed in the year of the L^nion, and cost ;^2oo,ooo. In the reign of Queen Elizabeth the Law Courts were removed from Dublin Castle, and there are records proving that at this time the Irish liar, owing to the abolition of the Brehon Laws and though commenced in 1 205, was not completed until fifteen years afterwards, when the royal founder had been dead four years. The fortress had its dungeons, drawbridge, prison, treasury, and a mill for the convenience of the garrison. State records tell us that a judicial combat by the sword has been fought within the walls of the Castle, and in presence of the Archbishop and Justices. This incident occurred in 1583, and an historian of the period thus refers to it : " Connor Mac Cormac O'Connor appealed Teigh M.ac Gilpatrick O'Connor before the Lords Justices, .\dam Loftus, Archbishop of Dublin, and Sir Henry Wallop, and the Council, for killing his men under protection. Teigh, the defendant, pleaded that the appellant's men had, since they had taken protection, confederated with the rebel Cahir O'Connor, and therefore were also rebels, and that he was ready to maintain his plea by combat. The challenge being accepted by the appellant, all things were prepared to try the issue, and time and place appointed. .Vccording to prece- dents drawn from the law of England in such cases, the weapons, being sword and target, were chosen by the defendant, and the TIIF. VICKKEGAI. LODGE. the general insecurity of titles, had risen to great importance. From the Law Reports that survive it would appear that the business of the Bar was well done. The age of Irish eloquence, the result of a sterner time, had not arrived ; but something of the purity and grace of style conspicuous in the works of Burke and Goldsmith had found its way into the Irish forum. In Henrietta Street, not a stone's throw from the Four Courts, is situated the Irish School of Law, corresponding with the Temple in London, and known as the King's Inns. Another famous temple of Themis is the Green Street Court House, which during latter years has become notorious owing to its connection with the State trials of the national leaders and of other political offenders. The chief centre and head-quarters of the Imperial ad- ministrative and executive Government in Ireland is DUBLIN C.\STLE, which is located in a central and prominent position on Cork Hill. It was John, son of Henry II., who first conceived the need of a castle for the city of Dublin. To use his own words : " It was to be raised in a competent place, as well to curb the city as to defend it." The fastness, for such it then was, next day appointed for the combat. The Lords Justices, the fudges, and Councillors attended in places set apart for them, every man according to his rank, and most of the military officers, for the greater solemnity of the trial, were present ; the combatants were seated on two stools, one at each end of the inner court of the castle. The court being called, the appellant was led forward from his stool within the lists, stripped to his shirt, and searched by the secretary of state,- having no arms but his sword and target : and, taking a corporal oath that his quarrel was just, he made his reverence to the Lords Justices and the court, and then was conducted back to his stool. The same ceremony was observed as to the defendant. Then the pleadings were openly read, and the appellant was demanded, whether he would aver his appeal, which he answered in the affirmative : the defendant was also asked whether he would confess the action, or abide the trial of the same. He also answered that he would aver his plea by the sword. The signal being given by the sound of trumpet, they began the combat with great resolution. The appellant received two wounds in his leg, and one in his eye, and thereupon attempted to close the defendant, who, being too strong for hira, he pommelled him till he loosened his 24 DUBLIN. morign, and then with his own sword cut off his head, and on the point thereof presented it to the Lords Justices, and so his acquittal was recorded." Hooker gives the victory to the appellant, and yet acquits the defendant, which is a contradic- tion occasioned by his not attending to the legal terms ; and he concluded with an ill-natured remark, " that the combat ■was managed with such valour and resolution on both sides that the spectators wished that it had rather fallen on the whole sept of the O'Connors than on those two gentlemen." From time to time Parliaments and Courts of Law were held, and more or less the Castle has always been the deposi- tory of archives of the city. It was not until Queen Elizabeth's reign that it became a viceregal residence. " The chambers of the interior are a council hall, hung round with portraits of all the Lord Lieutenants since 1798; and St. Patrick's Hall, built by Lord Chesterfield— that Lord Lieutenant whose creed, in the pleasant but wrong old times, was that there was no sin except " a breach of good manners." It is in this gorgeous apartment that the levees and drawing- rooms and balls are held, including that last fete of the Dublin season, St. Patrick's Ball, at which the ladies are bound by viceregal law to attire themselves in costumes of Irish manufacture. It would be almost impossible to say to how many uses parts of the Castle lend themselves in the present day. In one of the halls the degrees of the Queen's University are ST. r.\TRICK S CATUKDKAL. competent place '" selected by King John's deputy, Mcylcr Htz- Henry, for the site of the fortress was on the brow of a liill, at the south side of the river, and in the centre of the diminutive cajjital of those days. The Castle as it now stands no doubt retains much of the form of King John's design ; Ijut the greater portion of the edifice has been renewed and enlarged, the latest addition being the Chapel Royal, an exceedingly tasteful (lothic building, completed in 1814. Partaking as they do of the character of a citadel, various portions of which have been added at different epochs, the Castle buildings present an unsymmetrical and gloomy aspect. Once within the splendid marble vestibule, or the 1 ainted and gilded portions of the Castle, however, the mind is no longer weighted witli the ^.olemn memories suggested by ll.e towers and bastions without. The more magnificent annually conferred. In olhcr sections all the principal Government departments are located. So mi.\ed of the serious and the gay is everything in Ireland, that outside of these official quarters a motley group of careless lads and lasses, inspired by the cheerful music of the military bands, collect each morning and witness the ceremony of the trooi)S relieving guard. In the Upper Castle Yard is situated the famous Birmingham Tower, formerly used as a prison for State criminals, and from whence many a poor sinner has been led to execution. The most noted structures in the Lower Castle V'ard are the Chapel, the Bedford Tower, which is the official residence of the Dean, and the Record Tower, in which are deposited the archives of Ireland. Ulster King-of- Arms, Sir Bernard liiirke, C.B. — whose splendid literary achievements in developing the heraldry cf Ireland have won DUBLIN. 25 for him a patriot's fame and a European reputation — resides here, and is the lumoured guardian of these genealogical treasures. The educational wants of Dublin are fully supplied for the youth of both sexes, and of every class, by the National Schools under the Board, the great number of middle-class boarding establishments, the colleges belonging to the various denominations, the Royal University, and that most ancient and renowned of all Kblana's centres of culture, science, and learning — OLD TRLMTY. In the days of Elizabeth the broad distinctions between the Church and the Law now recognised had no existence. lost no time in making the desire of the people known to the Sovereign, and in 1591, eiglit years after the foundation of ICdinburgh University, the charter was issued for the erection of L'niim Collc'giuni — M.iUr L'niversitalis, words which imply that other colleges were intended in time to be added to " Trinity." The College began its existence unostentatiously, with Adam Loftus as Provost and three Fellows, James Eullerton, James Hamilton, and James Ussher, afterwards one of the greatest ornaments of the Church in Ireland. In some years which followed it was so poor that examinations for scholar- ships could not be held ; at other times all educational work had to be suspended on account of the tide of war flowing VIEW IN niil'.NMX PARK, Archbishop Ad.im Loftus, to whom the University of Dublin is said to owe its origin, filled at different times the offices of Archbishop of Dublin and Lord Chancellor. This remark- able man, ancestor of the Marquises of Ely, came from England as private chaplain to Thomas, Earl of Sussex, Lord Dei)uty of Ireland in the early years of Elizabeth's reign. In the course of his long public career it was observed that he took a warm interest in a college which was at that time attached to St. P.itrick's Cathedral, and to which scholars from many parts of Ireland came for their education. As the citizens had possession of the lands of the obsolete Priory of All Hallows, under grant of Henry VIII. , the idea at length seized them that these lands could be applied to no better- purpose than the establishment of a University ; and ■with this object they offered tl;em to Loftus. His lordship through the city. When James II. was assembling his forces in Dublin for his unfortunate campaign in the North, Trinity College became his arsenal, and was placed in a condition of defence. The chapel of that period became a magazine, and the library and ch.imbers of the students were broken up and used as lodgings for the troops or as celis lor His Majestj's prisoners. Again, when the insurrections of 179S and 1S03 broke out, the entrances to the University bristled with the muzzles of cannon. Even as late as the time of the Fenian disturbances, the plan of utilising the College as a fort or barrack engaged the thoughts of the chiefs of the garrison, and on one particular evening in 1S67, it will be remem- bered, a troop of Hussars was brought within the College precincts, and the bright uniforms of several officer guests were conspicuous that evening at the College ordinary amidst the 26 DUBLIN. sombre gowns of Fellows and Pensioners. It is, indeed, the eventful character of her history, as well as the brilliant lustre her more distinguished scholars have shed upon the place of their education, which have made " Old Trinity " a title to be mentioned only with pride and affection by Irishmen in what- ever quarter of the globe they may be sojourners. That the scholars of Trinity whose fame has become European are not few in number, is manifest when to the memory at once occur such names as Ussher. Berkeley (to whom Pope attributed every virtue under heaven), Leland, the Magees, Swift, Butler, Goldsmith, Burke, Plunket, Curran, Moore, Malone (editor of '-Shakespeare"), Barry, Yelverton, Lord O'Hagan. Todd, Lord Cairns, Dr. Ball, late Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and Lecky. The adversity which visited the University in her early days strengthened her, and, once her reputation became precious to the nation, benefactions flowed in from every quarter. Over and over again the English and Irish Parliaments have voted her magnificent grants in estates and money. King Charles, on his restoration, gave her all the lands in the southern counties forfeited by disloyal tenants. King William, in commemoration of the battle of the Boyne, endowed her library: Queen Anne gave ;^5,ooo to build a new one, and one of the Provosts, Dr. Baldwin, dying at the ripe age of ninety-two, bequeathed to the College the whole of his fortune of ;^8o,ooo. With these and a thousand other gifts, public and private, the University has increased century by century in wealth as well as usefulness. But with all her present weahh she is one of the most frugal of Colleges. This is shown in a remarkable way by recent statistics, which place it beyond doubt that Trinity College is maintained, and accomplishes her v.'ork with eminently satistactory results, with an income of little over ^60,000 a year, or one-tenth that of O.xford. The three Fellows who sat round the old Provost to advise him in the Elizabethan days, have since developed into a Senate, which comprises seven Senior and twenty-six Junior Fellows, all of whom, unlike their colleagues at O.xford and Cambridge, are allowed to take unto themselves wives, and, in order that they may support their wives in com- fort and dignity, are permitted to hold their Fellowship till they die. There are thirty-one Professorships, including chairs for Oratory, Music, and the development of the Irisli language, and all, save those for fJivinity, are now open to candidates of every religious denomination. Outside of the main buildings, in a private garden to the right, is a substantial, classical-looking mansion, used since the days of Hely-Hutchinson (the only lay Provost of the College) as the residence of the Provosts. The collection of paintings which are hung round the reception rooms here, includes works by Gainsborough, Guido, and Sir Thomas Lawrence, There are several museums within the College jirecincts, and also a gymnasium, a school of medicine, and a racc|uet-court. The Medical School of Trinity College is the only one in the kingdom which enforces the taking out of a degree in Atts as well as in .Medicine, before the pupil can obtain his diploma. The iJining Hall, the Examination Hall, and the Cha])el, occupy positions in the Campanile .Square, and here also is the Library, supported by a long Italian pia/za. The work of stocking this institution with books was undertaken at tiie time when the Bodlc'an was being furnished, and as it is one of the libraries to which a copy of every volume published in the United Kingdom is sent, the collection is of the highest value. Probably the rarest curiosities are a gigantic map of Ireland, containing 1,500 sheets, and which is admitted to be one of the greatest geographical achievements in the world r. the Book of Kells, beautifully illuminated by Irish monks of the earliest times ; the Book of Armagh ; the complete library of Baron Fagel, which was purchased by the University for jf 8,000 ; Dugdale's " History of the Churches and .A.bbeys of England " (an entire volume in this series is devoted to St. Paul's Cathedral) ; and the '' Antiquities of Mexico," a work which cost the editor. Lord Kingsborough, ;^30,ooo to pre- pare. The galleries of the Library are adorned with busts of the celebrities of the College. The Chapel and the Examina- tion Hall contain portraits by old and modern masters of the same worthies, as well as of the illustrious foundress, and several of the Chancellors. The principal front of the Uni- versity buildings is in College Green, and this, with the oldl Senate House, which is at right angles to it, gives to this, open space a majestic appearance not to be rivalled b)- any other of the beautiful views in Dublin. Within the College boundaries are four quadrangles which extend back- wards for more than a quarter of a mile. All of these contain lofty stone residences. Behind these, again, ex- tending another quarter of a mile, is the College Park., wherein is held the famous Annual Athletic Meeting., always graced by the presence of the Lord Lieutenant and the fashionable world of Dublin. In the centre of the two- front quadrangles is a beautiful campanile, raised through the munificence of Primate Heresford. The bells of this structure correspond in their tone with those of St. Paul's, London. When the excavations were being made for the erection of this, campanile, some stone coffins and part of the old Priory were- discovered. The human remains were reinterred beneath, the cloisters in the [jresent Chapel, where also may be seen the- coffins of nearly all the Provosts. The Catholic schools and colleges are specially worthy of commendation. Their architectural features, admirable system, of education, the wide range of subjects taught, and the- advanced course through which students in the more impor^- tant colleges pass, combined, render their curriculum in most respects equal to that of any University. In this connection, the Jesuits, Christian Brothers, and the other male and female religious orders do most important work, and fulfil their noble- mission in a manner worthy of their high vocation. The other ■ religious denominations, such as the Presbyterians, Wesleyans, . and Society of Friends, in like manner adequately provide for the intellectual development of their rising generation, and possess many handsome and thoroughly efficient educational, establishments. Then there is that vigilant public body, TIIF. X.\TIONAL DEPARTMENT OF IRISH EDUCATION, whose chief object is to maintain schools in every part of Ireland, and whose head-(|uarters are located in Marlborough Street, a thoroughfare parallel to O'Connell Street, on the north side of the Liffey. The land on which the buildings, are raised originally formed the gardens of " Tyrone House,"* DUBLIN. = 7 the town residence of a former Marquis of Waterford. The buildings, though unpretenlidus, arc substantial, and sugtjcstive by their number and si/c of the imjiorlant work transacted wiiliin their walls. Old Tyrone House is chiefly used for the ofiices of the Executive Commissioners. A building to its right is the Training Establishment, in which upwards of one hundred and eighty teachers are trained annually for the work of conducting model schools. In the background are three juvenile schools, that in the centre, surmounted by a turret and clock tower, being for infants, while those which lie north and south of it, are the boys' and girls' schools respectively. More than three thousand pupils of all denominations were entered on the rolls of these seminaries some years ago. Primarily intended for the poor, these schools have, from the general superiority of the education given in them, attracted large numbers of under the control of the Commissioners of National Educa- tion. A large number of young men are being trained here, on a farm of one hundred and eighty acres, in the science and practice of agriculture, a pursuit which is of the highest importance where the cultivation of the soil, as it is in Ireland, is the occupation of the great majority of the inhabitants of the country. At the junction of St. Stephen's Creen with York Street, stands THE ROVAE COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, a fine building of mountain granite, two storeys in height, and presenting a farade, the pediment of which is decorated with colossal statues, representing Minerva supporting .•Escula])ius and Hygeia. The cost of the building, which was commenced in 1865, exceeded ^35,000. Besides the Board VIKW AT KI.NGSTOWN. children from the middle classes. For these a higher scale of fees has been devised. Not merely are drawing, singing, and the use of the sewing-machine here taught, but those who can afford to pay reasonably can learn the harmonium, the piano, and even modern languages, from competent teachers. In another building are the " Practising Schools,' commanding an attendance of from sixty to a hundred pupils, and presided over by one teacher and an assistant. These are designed to exhibit what an ordinary rural national school, managed by local parties, should be in its arrangements and discipline. In the garden in front of the schools, and facing the Catholic Pro-Cathedral on the other side of the street, there is a statue, by the Irish sculptor Farrell, of the late Right Hon. Sir Alexander Macdonnell, Bart., who, as Resident Commissioner, guided the administration for more than thirty years. About three miles from Dublin is the Model Farm called after the Prince Consort, and which is another institution Room, the Examination Hall, and the Library, the building contains three museums which are open to the public. Amongst the objects of interest to be seen here, is an ex- ceedingly well-preserved Peruvian mummy, the first, it is said, ever brought to this country ; and a collection of fine pre- parations in wax, representing the human body, the gift of the Duke of Northumberland. Somewhat allied in methods and aims with the foregoing is THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE. This institution, which is situated on the east side of St. Stephen's Green, is a continuation of what was once the " Museum of Irish Industry and School of Science." When first founded, the museum was simply exhibitional, and was formed on the model of the London School of Mines, then in Craig's Court, but now in Jermyn Street. Subsequently, when Dr. Lyon Playfair was one of the Secretaries in the English C 2 28 DUBLIN. Department of Science and Ait, the courses of lectures which used to be delivered in the Royal Dublin Society House were transferred here. A particular branch of the present course of studies is chemistry. To aid the development of this study a laboratory has been added, and under the present Professor of this science, the College has made much advancement, several of the pupils having gone from it to Engl.ind, and there gained the highest chemical honours the London University can bestow. In 1S64, a select committee advised that the ex- hibitional functions of the institution should be handed over to the Royal Dublin Society, in whose buildings a National Museum on the plan of South Kensington has been inaugurated. The title of the St. Stephen's Green estab- lishment afterwards became '"The Col- lege of Science," and the whole of its duty is now instructional. The College costs the country ^^7,000 a year. Another noted and eminently useful educational centre is THE ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY. In the year 1731, two gentlemen named Madden and Prior started a society for the advancement of " Hus- bandry and other useful Arts. ' ^Vith their own capital the institution was inaugurated ; but as prizes were offered for progress in the linen manufacture, and industrial and agricultural exhibi- tions were promoted by the society, its usefulness became most manifest. The first cattle show which ever took j)lace in Dublin was held on the ground where now stands the Theatre Royal, jian of which, that in Hawkins Street, was built by the Madden and Prior Society. For this building, as well as for other philanthropic efforts of the society, the Irish Parliament voted a handsome annual grant. \\'l)en (icorge II. was on the throne the society became a chartered institu- tion, and assumed its present title. Its duties have also been enlarged, and it now not only fosters husbandry and literature, but science of all kinds and all the useful arts. The present build- ing in Kildare Street is historically famous, having been for a long period the town residence of the Dukes of Leinster, and was celebrated for the fesnMties carried on there, as well as for the notable escape of Lord Edward I'iizgerald from the town major and his officers by means of a spiral staircase. In 1815 the Royal Dublin Society bought this Hou.se for j^20,ooo ; It had cost ^80,000, but the then Duke of LcinsleF sold it at a sacrifice, seeing it was to be used for such benevolent pur- ])oses. Till recently you were reminded of this great family on entering the grounds, by seeing a venerable old man, Mr. BoshaU, OCON.NELLS GRAVE, GLASNICVIN. the head gardener, whose father, grand and great-grandfather had each acted in the same capacity to Ireland's premier Duke. The gardens, called the Leinster Lawn, of which he had charge, are small, but very ornamental. In the centre of the green slopes rises an equestrian statue of the Prince Consort. There is also here a stauie of the " Irish Railway King," J)argan, and a bust by Farrell of the greatest of modern Irish composers, lialfe. Irishmen, and the citizens of Dublin in particular, have always held a front rank position in the domain of An. Their most famous productions in painting and sculpture may be .seen in THE ROYAL HIBERNL\N ACADEMY. This building was erected in 1S23, when also the society was incorjiorated by the munificence of Mr. Francis Jolmston, its first president. He has been succeeded in the presidential chair from time to lime by Martin Cregan, George Petrie, Catterson Smith, and Sir Thomas Deane. In 1S29, the Royal Hibernian Academy opened their first Exhibition, to which George Petrie contributed "Ardfmnan Castle," one of his largest and finest works. Amongst the more famous con- tributors from time to time have been Sir Martin A. Shee, Maclise, Turner, and Stanfield. Sculpture and sculp- tors are adinirably represented in the works and person of Mr.Thomas Farrell, of Mounljoy Square, who is a most distinguished member of the Academy. Tiiis artist is a genius of the first order, ar.d possesses the unitiue distinction of having embellished his native city with the works of his skilful hand and fertile brain. \\'ith the exception of a tew by Hogan and Foley, most of the statues and monuments which ornament the public ])laces, churches, and buildings in Dublin, have come from the studio of Mr. Farrell and his father, who, like his son, was an eminent and widely patronised sculptor. In close connection with the .Vca- demy is THE NATIONAL GALLERY. .■\t the close of the Exhibition of 1R53, which was held upon the Leinster Lawn, Merrion Stpiare, a number of in- fluential citizens, admirers of Mr. ^\'illiam Dargan, assembled together with the object of establishing a memorial of this gentleman, whose enterprise and patriotism were shown not only with respect to the Exhibition, but also in originating and developing all the great railways in Ireland. A sum of ^{^6,000 was collected, and with this a colossal Art Gallery was erected at the northern end of the Lawn, and a statue of .Mr. D.r^an, JJUIIJ-IN. 29 the work of Mr. Thomas Parrell, was placed in front of the structure. No sooner was the building of the Gallery, which was intended to be called the Industrial Institution, begun, than the (lovernment handsomely came forward with a large annual grant. The building when completed, in January, 1864, was opened as the National Ciallery of Ireland. It assumed the character of a .'!ei)aralc Government department i;-v^^>*3S^sa» ?i4A^-t^^^^i:>:j^::£^ ''C^''"r^ '^* NtW TC.NNEl. LMilk PHCEMX PARK. directly under the Treasury, like tl)e London Gallery. It differs, however, from the latter in that its governing body is larger, and partly of a representative character. The chief executive officer is the director, the present occupant having held the office for several years, and directed the institution with the tact and ability so characteristic of his immediate pre- decessors. The collection is remarkable for its comprehensive- ness, comprising, in addition to a singularly fine collection of casts from the antique in its sculpture hall, one large gallery of original paintings by the Old Masters of various schools, and five smaller ones, divided as follows : I, Modern Pictures : 2, Water Colours ; 3, National Portrait Gallery ; 4, A Loan Collection of Pictures ; 5, Original Drawings by the Old Masters, Engrav- ings, Autotypes, etc. The collection, as a whole, may fairly claim a place amongst European galleries of the second rank, and it contains at least a few- pictures of the chief schools which might not un- worthily find a place in those of the first. In the Italian schools may be mentioned the double por- trait by S. Bellini and Giorgione, the Holy Family by Ghirlandajo, the Perdella by A. del Sarto, the St. Sebastian by Caravaggio, the portraits by Moroni and 'Mntorct, and the unique I'ete at Rome by Panini. In the Dutch and Flemish, the choice examples of Cuyp, Van der Velde, Teniers, Ruys- dael, P. Potter, and Bega ; and in the -Spanish, the Infant St. John, and the portrait by Murillo, the singular St. Jerome by Morales, and a good Ribera. In the Modern Room, though a certain prominence is given to native artists, such as Maclise, Danby, O'Connor, Shee, there are several fine pic- tures by Wilkie, Roberts, and Leslie, etc., and a few by foreign painters. In the Water Colour Room will be found represented all the great masters of the branch ; the fifty-two sketches by Turner being a loan from the Trustees of the Turner Bequest. The National Portrait Gallery is fortunate in the high standard of merit that has been preserved in the pictures, indejjendent of the interest of their subjects. One of the most delicately finished works is a portrait of Lady Morgan, "The Wild Irish Girl." Reynolds, Gainsborough, Hogarth, Lawrence, are all rejtresented worthily. This will suffice to indicate the general character of this interesting collection. I will only add that the gallery has developed rapidly, though gradually, into its present position, and that it is not nearly so well known as it deserves to be. It would well repay a visit to Dublin, although t'.ie city possessed no other attraction. The Fourth Estate is a powerful factor in the educa- tional economy of every civilised people. In few countries in the world does the newspajier exercise such potent influence as in Ireland, whose capital has its interests and inhabitants guarded and enlightened by a section of THE PRESS, which is at once ably and independently conducted and entirely devoted to the public good. In Dublin, as elsewhere, the various organs of public opinion are politically divided, but this fact is never allowed to interfere with their highest duly — the promotion of every movement and object tending to the mental and material advancement of their readers and the city. Even in political matters, in which their divergence of views is greatest, except on very rare occasions, questions are discussed in a moderate, reasonable, and open spirit. The Freetiiait's Journal is the oldest and most influential of the dailies published in the city or anywhere else throughout the country. It is the leading organ of the Nationalist party, whose policy it supports and urges with the most conspicuous Nt.u KAU.w.W MAiKi.N AT N0R1 H WALL. vigour, ability, and consistency. This journal was founded early in the last century, and during the greater part of its existence has been owned and directed by the Gray family, whose sympathies have ever been identified with those of the great body of their countrymen. Sir John Gray and the late Edmund Dwyer Gray, under whose control the paper acquired its greatest prestige and influence, have both made their mark in Irish history, owing to the |)rominent part they played in the political struggles of their time and their ardent advocacy 3° DUBLIN. of popular demands. It is but a short time since Mr. E. D. Gray's decease, and that sad event was and is justly regarded as nothing short of a national calamity. It is no exaggeration to say that he was one of Dublin's most respected citizens : his moderation, his patriotism, his charit)^ and his unfaltering devotion to what he considered just and worthy of support, won for him the esteem of every class and creed, and will no doubt cause future generations of citizens to hold in reverence the name and brilliant and honourable career of the worthy son of an illustrious father. Some time prior to I^Ir. Gray's demise, the proprietorship of The Freeman s Joui-iial \\2a taken over by a limited liability company. Its policy under its new proprietors has undergone no change, nor has its success suffered any diminution. The Irish Times is the e.xponent and representative of the Liberal Unionist doctrine, and is run with considerable skill. Its articles are smartly, and from its standpoint impartially, written. Its news is always "up to date," and there is a freshness and crispness in its style of presenting current items which have secured it an influential following. The Express is the Conservative organ, and upholds constitutional principles without mincing phrases. Its literary contents are quite on a par with its more powerful competitors, while its leaders and leaderettes are written with considerable power, vivacity, and undeviating adherence to the interests of the party it represents. The Mail may be regarded as the even- ing counterpart of Tlie Express, and The Evening Telegraph (the best and most ably conducted evening paper in Ireland) as the duplicate of The Freeman, their politics and principles being in all respects similar to those of their morning prototypes. The Amotion is the oldest and most select of the weeklies, just as The Irish Catholic is the newest and one of the most useful. Both issue from the same office, and are the property of the late Lord Mayor, Mr. T. D. Sullivan, and have very extensive circulations. The Nation is a paper eminently worthy of the support of every man of culture or patriotism. Its articles are singularly logical and powerful, and written in a clear and dispassionate style calculated to bring conviction to the mind of any man of a frank disposition, or not absolutely possessed by ignorance and prejudice. Then there is United Ireland, the most widely read weekly newspaper in all Ireland — if not in the British Isles. The history of this journal would be a synopsis of the National movement during the past decade, and the exigencies of space forbid the introduction of this subject. United Ireland is a political force of the first magni- tude, and the results of its teaching and victorious struggles are evident to-day throughout the land in a manner that renders com- ment here quite unnecessary. Its editor, Mr. AViiliam O'Brien, is known and revered — and, it may be added, hated — wherever the English tongue is spoken. Mr. O'Brien is also president of that useful body, the .Association of Irish Journalists. In addition to these, tlicre is Sport, vigorously conducted by Mr. Gallagher, and a large number of religious, class, and trade papers and magazines, foremost among which rank The Weekly Freeman, The Irish Afanii/aetiirer:' Journal, Irish Society, The University Magazine, The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, and The Dublin Ret'icici, whose pages are literally storehouses of trade news, and classical, historical, and scientific research and learning. I'rom the very dawn of civilisation Art and Religion have been inseparable handmaids ; and in no city in the world is this fact more amply demonstrated than in the Irish metropolis, whose splendid churches may be justly ranked among the architectural gems of the age. Among the numerous classic and imposing places of worship with which Dublin is studded, the premier position, both in regard to historic interest and beauty of architecture, fs by common consent accorded to CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL. This magnificent pile is regarded with reverence by every citizen of the Irish capital, whatever his religious belief. Sitric, the founder of the Cathedral, was a Dane, but inasmuch as Ireland became the country of his adoption, as he reigned over Dublin for many years, and for all we know died in it, he may be considered a Dane by birth only. The structures, and they are many, said to be designed by so-called Danes, may all be held to be the work of " settlers," and not of the Ostmen proper, who too frequently came and went as robbers, and pillaged and destroyed churches and palaces, and whole districts, whenever they were permitted to make an entrance into them. The Danes of Dublin were, however, a settled colony, who relinquished the life of Vikings, made a city, erected fortifications, and fought in many a bloody war for its protection. It was in 103S that Sitric, with the aid of Donat, Bishop of Dublin, ordered the erection of the Cathedral. The church was over and over again enlarged by the addition of smaller chapels, but in 1 120, in the same year that St. Patrick's Cathedral was built by Comyn, Archbishop of Dublin, that prelate so altered and renovated Christ Church that it became in almost every detail a new erection. Early in the present century it was described as a " lumpish cruciform pile, with a wide tower rising a little more than high enough over the inter- section of the nave and the transept to make the whole mass seem hunchbacked." It will be in the recollection of many that Mr. Henry Roe, the well-known Irish distiller, restored this splendid ecclesiastical building at a cost of more than ^200,000. He entrusted the work to Mr. G. E. Street, and that architect made the Cathedral one of the most perfect specimens of early English architecture in the kingdom. As far as possible he adhered to the designs of its founder, and added a new Synod House for the use of the Synod and the united dioceses of Dublin, Glendalough, and Kildare. A further sum of ^^20,000 for the sustentation of the clergy and the choir was given by Mr. Roe, whose sad i-everse of fortune some years ago evoked deep sympathy among all classes. The traditions of the fabric are full of interest. A Parliament was held within the walls by Henry VL in 1450, and it was here that the inq)ostor Laniljert Simnel was crowned as king in 1487, the crown used on this occasion having been borrowed from a slatue of the N'irgin in the neighbouring church on Cork Hill. It has for generations been believed that the bodies of Strongbow, Earl of Pembroke, and his wife Eva, daughter of Dermot, King of Leinster, were interred here. Doubt, however, has recently become somewhat pronounced on this point, and Canon Finlayson quotes heraldic authorities in support of his idea that the arms on the tomb are not those of Strongbow, but of one of his followers, I'itz-Osbert. The Canon also agrees with the view that the mutilated stone supposed to have represented l^va is in reality Strongbow's DUBLIN. 3' son, who was cut in two by his father as a punishment for his cowardice. I.eland, in his history of Ireland, remarks that there is an inscription in Ciioucester Cathedral intimating that the body of the Earl of Pembroke was interred in the cloisters there. It is only fair to Canon Finlayson to add that in his book he i|uotcs the followinj; words from Ciraldiis Cambrcnsis, the author of "'I'hc Coniiuest of Ireland:" '"The carl was interred in Christ Church, and his funeral obse(|uies were performed by .\rchbishop Lawrence O'l'oole." Though a modern building, THE CATHOLIC rRO-C.\THEDR.\L of Dublin is in few respects inferior to the foregoing. It is situated in Marlborough Street, and is built in the Grecian, style of architecture. In this case it contributes all the cha- ■racteristics of sublimity of conception, beauty and symmetry ■of proportion, and that reverential solemnity of air which harmonises with the mystic functions of religion. The Cathedral consists of a lengthened nave and side aisles, divided by stately rows of massive Doric columns, supporting an architrave and entablature, and an arched ■ceiling surmounted by a lofty dome. The high marble altar was executed by Turnerelli. In the concave apse of the ■ceiling over the altar the Ascension of our Saviour is repre- sented in relievo, and is an original spirited and highly admired work of art, full of expression, and designed by the Irish sculptor, John Smith. There are two porticoes, built by Archdeacon Hamilton. The church was designed by Mr. John Sweetman, of Raheny. It cost ^50,000, and stands on •the site originally occupied by the city mansion of Lord Annesley. The site and house were purchased in the year 1S03 for the sum of ^5,000, but the committee, for want of funds, were unable to commence the erection of the church ■for twelve years after. During that interval the mansion was ■rented for a barrack at ^^300 a year to Government. Until 'the close of the last century the chief Catholic Episcopal parish of the city was that of St. Nicholas of Myra, Francis Street, but was changed for St. Mary's of the Immaculate Conception ■by Archbishop Troy. This Pro-Cathedral was the first majestic church erected by the Roman Catholics of Ireland after the repeal of the ipenal laws, and its erection was an era associated with many most memorable events in their modern history. The first ■stone was blessed and deposited on the 14th of November, 1815, the Feast of St. Lawrence O'Toole, by the Archbishops Troy and Murray. Curran, the great orator and eloquent -advocate of the Catholic claims, was present on the occasion, and in the course of his speech used the words, "I rocked ye in your cradle, and come here to-day to see ye step forth in jour manhood." Archbishop Troy died in 1823, and, though church then was not entirely completed, his obsequies -were observed, and were the object of the first funeral func- tions celebrated within the fabric. The churcii was dedicated -and opened for worship on the 14th November, 1825, by Archbishop Murray, assisted by nine Bishops, and in presence •of a congregation of 3,000 persons, who on that day con- tributed ^£'2, 371 to the Church Building Fund. The dedica- -tion sermon was preached by the BOssuet of the age, James Doyle, IJishop of Kildare and Leighlin. The Bishops were entertained at dinner on that evening by 300 gentlemen, presided over by Sir Thomas Esmi»nde, and amongst the distinguished company were .'^heil and O'Connell. The (unc- tions of religion are celebrated in this church with all the j,'randeur and solemnity of the Roman ritual, under the pre- sidency of his ( Irare, 1 >r. Walsh, than whom a more popular or patriotic prelate has • never filled the See of St. Lawrence O'Toole. Perhaps the most celebrated religious edifice on the banks of the Liffey is ST. P.\TRICK'S CATHEDRAL, which owes its origin to John Comyn, .■\rchbishop of Dublin, who, in 119c, is said to have selected this site because there was here in ancient days a well, and some say a church, which had been used by St. Patrick. The steej)le and the spire, which is low, and of the square extinguisher pattern, are growths of later periods. The Cathedral has had an eventful history. It has been used for the Courts of Law, and over and over again for a military barrack and a prison ; and it was so sacrilegiously despoiled and damaged by arrows in 1492, when the Fitzgeralds, who were for the Yorkists, quarrelled with the Ormonds, who were Lancastrians, that the Holy Sec, as an atonement for the outrage, commanded the Mayor of Dublin to walk every Corpus Christi Day barefoot through the city. It has been the scene of many splendid ceremonies. The Prince of Orange attended here with his army to return thanks for the victory at the Boyne ; and within these walls George IV. and our own Prince of Wales have been present (the latter as recipient of the honour) at an Installation of Knights of the Order of St. Patrick. The principal monu- ments in the Cathedral are those to the memory of Swift and "Stella ; " of the great Earl of Cork, the lawyer's clerk of Elizabeth's reign who rose to be a peer and one of the wealthiest landowners in Munster ; of Curran, the orator ; of Charles Wolfe, author of the "Burial of Sir John Moore;" of Archbishop Whately ; of Lord Mayo, Governor-( General of India ; of Dame St. Leger, who was married to four husbands, and yet died at the age of thirty-seven ; of Captain Boyd, of H.M.S. Ajax, drowned at Kingstown Harbour in trying to save the lives of shipwrecked sailors ; of Carolan, the last of the Irish bards ; of Sam Lover, painter, poet, and novelist ; of the Rev. James Henthorn Todd, D.D., the biogr.ipher of St. Patrick ; and a host of other distinguished men. The interior of the Chapel Royal reveals a picture of the richest architectural beauty. The galleries are of polished Irish oak, and the panelling in them displays carvings of the coats-of-arms of all the Governors of Ireland since the landing of Henry II. There are a large number of exquisitely painted windows. On these also the escutcheons of the Lord-Lieu- tenants are portrayed. Over the altar is a magnificent oriel window ; and the painting here, representing an episode in the life of Our Saviour, is the work of an eminent Dutch master. It was bought in Flanders by Lord Whitworth for ^400, and presented by him to the Chapel. There is no doubt but that the principal monuments of the Danes still left in Dublin bear the date of the eleventh century, from which fact we may infer that at that period they were most numerous, 32 DUBLIN. and had most complete mastery over the capital. Their taste seems to have been pronounced in the direction of sacred buildings. Christ Church Cathedral was raised in 103S, and tradition informs us that in 1095 St. Michanus built the church which became the cathedral for the whole of Dublin on the north side of the Lifley, just as Christ Church was the cathedral on the south. Mr. Gladstone, when in Dublin, thought ST. MICHAN'S CHURCH the most characteristic specimen of native architecture he had seen. It is situated at the rear of the Four Courts, and its magnificent square tower is a most conspicuous object above a neighbourhood of low-sized houses. Next to the Liberties, this parish is the poorest and shabbiest in the city, and the pilgrimage to this church, so interesting as a national as well as an antiquarian relic, has to be made through narrow streets filled with shops and tenements of a hopelessly wretched cha- racter : old clothes are dangling from triangular lines at the windows; and potatoes, soap, hair-oil, and cheap domestic requi- STATUE OK GRATTAN. sites, are the principal merchandise bartered in this poor and densely populated locality. And yet it is not all decrepitude and want, for there are one or two good iron-foundries, and droves^of cattle are constantly pushed through the streets to a market- place called by the somewhat grandiloquent name of Smithfield. The church, in addition to its antiquity, is otherwise most interesting. The vaults beneath the edifice are amongst the marvels of the age, possessing antiseptic qualities of such effectiveness that above a score of bodies interred centuries ago are preserved so remarkably that the form and feature of life arc easily distinguishable. The skin is in most cases intact; the teeth have not fallen from their places ; and in some instances ribbons, stockings, and other portions of the adorn- ments and coverings of the corpses still envelop the perfect though discoloured head and limbs, as though dust and worms did not exist. The prince, the peer, the patriot, and the poor, all lie here together ; and could the relatives <)( the departed themselves come to life again they could have no manner of difficulty in jjicking out their own kinsmen, or " verifying the manner in which they died. The wonderful effect produced is attributed to two causes : first, they say that the graveyard was built on the site of an old forest, that the soil is in fact a bog, and every visitor to the Royal Irish Academy can satisfy himself as to the wonder- ful preserving property inherent in the peat soil of Ireland ; secondly, it is believed that the vaults are built with Phoenician lime, which becomes so dry and hard that no destructive agent can penetrate through it. One of the vaults has been purchased by the Leitrim family, and here, some years ago, were placed with his kinsmen the remains of the late lord, the melancholy and tragic character of whose death sent a shudder through the land. The late rector, the Rev. T. Long, expended large sums of money in renovating and beautifying the edifice. A great many historical tombs are scattered over the ground without the building. One of these contains the remains of Robert Emmet; no inscription is yet written on the long plain slab, as it was his wish that no epitaph should be written over the place of his burial till Ireland should take her place among the nations of the earlh. The organ within .St. Michan's is the one on which Handel played STATUE OK BURKE. his Messiah fur the first time ; it was removed from Fishambic Street Theatre, the scene of the great composer's performance. The parish registers date back to the year 1636, and the church plate, which is very beautiful, to the year 1676. In entire consonance with the splendour and beauty of her churches are the magnificence and utility of Dublin's public MONUMENTS AND INSTITUTIONS. Gratitude and charity are the two most striking features of the Celtic character ; and this fact is nowhere more un- mistakably evident than in the Irish capital, where almost every important thoroughfare and suburb are possessed of public memorials to departed greatness and merit, and insti- tutions for the relief of the fatherless, suffering, distressed, fallen, or abandoned. O'Connell, Grattan, Curran, Sir John Gray, and numerous other champions of popular rights and national aspirations, are still in evidence in their magnificent monuments which ornament the city's noblest streets and public buildings, or add impressiveness and additional DUBF.IN. 33 solemnity to graveyard surroundings. Wellington, Nelson, and others whose bravery, iiolitical capacity, and elo<|uence saved the State, remedied wrongs, and won the admiration of the multitude, have in like manner been " jierpetuated in stone orbron/e." It has often been rcmarkcil — and with absolute truth — that there is no city in the empire richer than, and few as rich as, Ireland's chief city in monuments to men whose lives and deeds lent lustre to their age. Its great hospitals, like the Mater Misericordia, Steeven's, Dun's, and the Royal, with many others scarcely less important, show what ample provision exists for the application of remedial agencies in disease or suffering, tiie result of accident or natural decay. The night refuges, homes for the fallen, and those invaluable establishments in which the orphan is trained for the combat of existence, and the aged and infirm end their days in peace, are studded all over the city, and bear eloquent testimony to the active spirit of charity and benevolence which actuates the great mass of the inhabitants, and so effectively promotes that part of the city motto embraced in the words felicitas urbis. Religious differences are altogether discarded in maintaining the efficiency of these training, reforming, and charitable homes — which are, indeed, supported by the public of every creed, with that generosity and sympathy for human misfortunes which are generally regarded as the strongest proof of active and practical religion. The Pl-re Lachaise of Ireland, and the most famous spot in the capital, is GLASNEVIN, the nation's Campo Santo. Here the remains of the orators, statesmen, and patriots who during the past fifty years have won the affection of their native land, and the respect of the world, have found a quiet resting-jjlace. The cemetery, which is about two miles north from O'Connell Street, was established through the instrumentality of Daniel O'Connell and the Catholic Association. A piece of ground, only three and a half acres in extent, was bought at Golden Bridge for the interment of Catholics ; but in a short time, finding this too small, the .Association bought twelve acres of the present cemetery, and gradually extended it, till it now contains fifty- nine acres. On entering the enclosure by the old gateway numerous long avenues crossing each other in all directions, planted with dwarf Irish oak, cedar, and palm trees, meet the eye. Curran Square, so called because the remains of John Philpot Curran are placed here, borders on the gateway. Curran's monument is very beautiful, and is a facsimile, by Papworth, of the square sarcophagus over the Scipio family at Rome. Here also are the tombs of Edward Ruthven, M.P., and Lord Chief Justice Monahan. On the Long Walk, in a bare spot of ground (the grass being worn away) sixteen feet square, lie the bodies of Terence Bellew M'Manus, Colonel O'Mahony, and Sergeant M'Carthy. The vista shown by this walk is very beautiful -^nd Mr. Gladstone during his visit expressed his admiri»iwn of the scene. On one of the cross walks is a plain monument commemorating the fidelity and virtues of Ann Devlin, the faithful servant of Robert Kmmet, who could neither be bribed nor forced to yield up the hiding- place of her master. A magnificent Celtic cross, the largest in Ireland, marks the last resting-place of John B. Dillon, M.P. for Tipperary. Just opposite this the tomb of Eugene O'Curry, one of the compilers of the Annals of the Four Masters, is marked with a very handsome Celtic cross ; but how different have the remains of another and the chief of the compilers been treated by the public I The body of John O'Donovan, LL.D., lies in the old O'Connell Circle without a sign to show its last resting-place. Advancing to the new O'Connell Circle, on the right-hand side is the cenotaph to the memory of Allen, Larkin, and O'Brien, the " Manchester Martyrs." Before entering O'Con- nell's crypt, underneath the Round Tower erected to his memory, there stand three monuments, sacred to the memory of Monsignore V'ore, Dr.^Pratt, the great temperance advo- cate, and " Honest 'i'om Steele," the faithful friend and supporter of O'Connell. The remains of the late Sir John Gray, who was a Protestant, lie in the O'Connell Circle, and were some time ago placed beside Monsignore '^'ore's monument. The crypt is the great object of interest. O'Connell's remains were left in the old O'Connell Circle for twenty-five years, and were only placed where they now rest in 1S69. The tower has an elevation of 150 feet. The crypt beneath it is tastefully decorated and coloured, and on the walls are the patriot's famous words : " My heart to Rome, my body to Ireland, my soul to Heaven." At the east of the tower is the tomb of William Dargan, the Irish Railway King and the promoter of the Dublin Exhibition of 1853. It may be mentioned that the Emperor of Brazil, on seeing O'Connell's sarcophagus, said it was fit for a monarch, and his aide-de-camp, at His Majesty's express wish, collected some grass and daisies from the mound surrounding the tower for the Emperor to keep as mementoes. The new mortuary chapel is a fine jjiece of sculpture. It is built of Dalkey granite and carved in Romanesque, in the style of ancient Irish architecture, the eaves being supported by the heads of Irish and English kings. The most simple tomb in the cemetery, and yet one which appeals keenly to the senses, is that of John Hogan, the sculptor. It is a plain marble slab, with only the words " John Hogan " upon it. Another interesting monument is the unassuming stone marking the grave of the great scholar, James Clarence Mangan, who died 21st June, 1849. There are five old watch-towers in the walls encircling the cemetery, which were erected for men to watch the graves during the time when body-snatching was carried on. Another reminiscence of this period is an old dog yard, where the committee kept, as late as 1852, a pack of bloodhounds which were let out in the grounds at night. Unlike the large and densely populated cities of England, Irish towns do not so urgently require for the use of the masses those open spaces which have, not inappropriately, been called the lungs of every populous centre. " Dear, dirty Dublin " is, however, well provided for in this respect, by her possession of the PH(L;NIX PARK, which is considered by many to be the finest and grandest of all enclosures of the kind in the British Islands. It lies to the west of Dublin, and covers the enormous space of 1,753 acres; :54 DUBLIN. -of these i6o are occupied with the demesne surrounding the Viceregal Lodge. Etymologists tell us that the name of " Phoenix is derived from the Irish word ' Finniske,' a spring of clear water." This term, which may be intended as a figurative description of this salubrious rendezvous, in process of time has been comipted into Phcunix : and this name has been the more lastingly ensured to the park by Lord Chester- field, who, when Lord-Lieutenant, erected therein a Corinthian pillar of Pordand stone, on the abacus of which there is a neatly chiselled Phtenix, represented as if fluttering forth from the flames surrounding it. No one can penetrate so far into the park without perceiving the extraordinary beauties with which its scene is embellished. S^one of the public parks in London can boast of possessing a drove of deer, yet here on all sides short-horned antelopes, with skins of Wage of a Court. Not many hundred yards from the Viceregal residence is that of the Chief Secretary for Ireland, which is also surrounded by a demesne. In the Phconix Park also are residences and buildings for the use of the l\.angcr, the Royal Hibernian Military School, the Head-quarters of the Royal Irish Constabulary, and the Ordnance and Trigonometrical Survey Department of Ireland. The Wellington Memorial, which commemorates tlie victories of the most illustrious soldier Ireland has produced, is an obelisk of granite, so lofty as to be visible from every part of the city. The pet scheme of Lord Carlisle, to have a people's garden within the park, has long since been carried out, and the citizens of Dublin have shown their gratitude by placing a statue of his Excellency in its midst. The Zoo- logical Society of Ireland have also their " garden " here, and KINGSTOWN HARIiOUR. black and dun colour, are browsing on emerald grass, or gracefully skipping at lightning speed amidst the trees. Not so far distant as to appear even separated from the Park, sweeping upwards, till they reach almost to a blue cloud, are the Dublin mountains. Prom no point of the metropolis but ihis is the long range of Dublin mountains so imposing, and •in all weathers their grandeur is apparent. \\'hen (^ueen l-^liza- belh directed that a park should be made here, a design not ■completed till Charles II. was on the throne, the deer and the mountains were the staple attra< tions ; but the work of the later generations has added the features for which it is now more famous. The Viceregal Lodge, originally the mansion of the Park Ranger, Mr. Clements, has since the Union been the summer palace of the Viceroy. It is a long, white, two- storeyed building, and though insignificant in status, contains Jipariments sufficiently numerous and capacious for the assem- the enclosure owned by them contains an extensive lake, which is an advantage that the kindred societies of London and Paris cannot boast. The many "corkscrew" roads, flanked by well-stocked plantations of pine and sycamore and holly, and more than one natural lake, help to render a drive through the less public byways of the park always 'La'. pleasa nt ong^ There is one portion of the park which husy'r^ Been cleared of trees for the purpose of holding reviews of thejilg^t^ V jjublin garrison. / There is another plot, also bare of foliage, not far distant from the review ground. It is the first object of interest pointed out to you by your danger-loving carman, famous in history as the sward whereon all the more notorious of the Irish duels have been fought, and is called by the name of "Thu irilmcn .^rrwf" ^^TU^^-t^ CUau^ In point of intrinsic attractiveness and natural beauty, the many fine and spacious DUBLIN. 35 DUliLIN SQUARES rival those of London. Indeed, such lovely //<7:<7X as Merrion, Fil/william, and Mountjoy Squares, surrounded as they are by the town residences of the aristocracy, may be pointed to as embellishments of which any city might be i)roud; but there is one square in Dublin larger than any of these, or of any square in Europe — that known as St. Stephen's Green. This enclosure, which occupies a whole scjuare mile, has been, through the munificence of Sir Arthur Guinness, who spent over jCSiOco upon it, thrown open to the public as a park. The Green was formerly the Tyburn of Dublin, several male- factors have been gibbeted therein. It boasts two statues, one of George II. on horseback, and the second of Lord Eglinton, Lord-Lieutenant in 1852 and again in 1S58-9. The buildings of the Catholic University, the Royal College of Surgeons, the College of Science, and the Wesleyan College, form por- tions of the line of fine houses on each side of the Green. The Guinness family, who ip many ways have done so much for the welfare of the city and its adornment, have a town residence on one side of the square. There is no name in connection with the city more gene- rally known than COLLEGE GREEN, the Place de la Concorde of Dublin, which is now unadorned by a single blade of grass to remind one of its old existence as a green. The advantages conferred upon it by the near presence of the Irish Parliament House and the College are in these days rendered still more attractive by a number of beautiful statues. It has been said that when his biography comes to be written, the fame of the Praxiteles of modern times will be traced in the two famous places of the world where his most numerous achievements in statuary are concentrated, namely, the Maiden of Calcutta and College Green. Burke and Gold- smith look down the grand avenue of Dame Street from the College ; and facing them, in the centre of the Green, stands Grattan. A few yards further on, in the direction of the Castle, is the equestrian figure of King William. This statue, •erected to commemorate the battle of the Boyne, has often been a source of contention between rival political parties. On one occasion an attempt was made to file off the King's head ; and on another a painter was employed to cover the horse with tar and whitewash the King, on which occasion, when his work was finished, the painter fastened his bucket to the head of the horse, producing a most grotesque effect when the citizens woke up the next morning. In 1S36, His Majesty was blown by gunpowder clean off his horse, and, the statue being of lead, much difficulty was experienced in soldering him together again. Happily for the peace of the metropolis, of late years the manifestations either of undue adulation or disrespect have been abandoned. In close proximity to Glasnevin Cemetery, and on the banks of the same famous stream, are the BOTANIC GARDENS, which, in their natural and artificial beauty, are perhaps the most perfect Eden in the neighbourhood of Dublin. There are over forty acres of ground, beautifully undulating, shaded with trees, and adorned with shrubs and flowers, laved by the limpid waters of the 'i"olka, and enriched with magnificent conser- vatories of the rarest exotics, 'i'hc demesne was once in the possession of Tickell, the poet, who planted several of the trees ; and in tlie house in the grounds he passed with .\ddison many coiigenial hours when the latter was secretary to the Earl of Sutherland, Viceroy in 17 14. At Delville, close by the house of Swift's friend. Dr. Delany, the unhappy but celebrated " Stella " resided for some time. The ground of the gardens was purchased in 1795 for its present purpose by the Royal Dublin Society, with a grant from Parliament. Subsequent grants were likewise obtained for the support of the gardens, which in October, 1877, became a branch of the Science and Art Museum, under Government control. The I'otanic Gardens have five divisions — i, the conservatory department, for exotics ; 2, hardy herbaceous plants, including the com- partments for the British and Irish species, the medicinal species, and the general collection ; 3, the tree and shrub division ; 4, culinary and agricultural plants ; and 5, the pleasure-grounds. The splendid range of conservatories cost upwards of ^^^5,000. The gardens are remarkable for fine collections of Cape heaths (Erica), orchids, tree-ferns, and insectivorous plants, including a unique collection of sarracenias, droceras, and nepenthes, and a plant of Derlinglonidi ialifornica that has a European reputation. Amongst orchids, the culture of the " Flower of the Gods " {Diia grandiflora) is here a complete success. The tree-fern collection contains good specimens of the following scarce plants: — AlsophilaMoorii,Dicksonia fibrosa, Dicksonia Youngii, Cyathea dcalbata, Cyathea Smilhii, Cyathea Burkei, etc. There are also in the gardens some very fine palms, such as date palm, cocoa-nut palm, fan palm, sugar palm, oil palm, etc. In the store, the collection of economic plants, foreign fruits, and medicinal plants, is thoroughly representative; the gardens are open from 10 a.m. till 6 p.m. on week-days; the conservatories from 12 noon till 5 p.m. On Sundays, both gardens and conservatories are open from 2 p.m. till sundown in winter, and 7 p.m. in summer. In the outside grounds, the collections of hardy herbaceous plants and alpines are very complete. There is also a splendid collection of plants representing the pine family. Fulfilling in one branch of nature what the Botanical Gardens do in another, THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS are a great attraction to visitors and the rising generation of citizens. They are very extensive, and planted and laid out with skill and taste. Though not very comprehensive, the collection of animals is one of great interest. Close to the entrance may be seen a whole cageful of white eagles; the golden species of the king of birds has often been seen in Kerry, but no specimen has been captured. The elephant " Prince " was presented to the gardens by the Duke of Edinburgh' on his return from India. The lions are mag- nificent in every respect, and the keepers have been very- successful in breeding these monarchs of the animal world. The whole establishment is directed in an efficient way : its 36 DUBLIX. chief aim, that of being a centre of instruction to the thousands around it, has been attained and consistently kept in view. That form of amusement and recreative instruction afforded by the exponents of the histrionic art has always been popular in the Irish capital No city in the Empire gives a more steady or valuable support to THE STAGE. Dublin lias since the seventeenth century been famed for the benefit of two hospitals. This music-hall — or theatre, as it afterw.irds became — had a long and remarkable career. All the celebrated actors, including Vandermere, who visited l^ublin during its existence, performed there : and masquerade balls, Lord Mornington's concerts, and State lotteries have taken place within its walls. The theatre building still stands, but is no longer used for the^ exhibition of dramatic art, but for the i sale of hardware and agricultural implements. The first theatre established in Dublin was, however, one in Werburgh I Street, opened in 1633, by John Ogilby, one of the secretaries .4_iL_ OCONNELL STKEET. its dramatic and musical tast;; and to this day every effort of Thespian genius is encouraged by its people. Edmund Kean, Miss O'Neil (afterwards Lady Ikerher), Richard Jones, William Earren senior, and a host of other dramatic stars, were born in Dublin. In 1742, Lifford, WofTington, and Garrick acted together, and the rush to see them caused an epidemic whitli was known as " Garrick fever." Macklin and Quin afterwards displayed their native talent on the Dublin boards. Handel played his " .Messiah " for the first time on the organ of Fishaiuble Street Mu:iic Hall, in .Vprii, 1741, for or writers who came to Ireland in the suite of Lord 'A'entworth. The Smock Alley Theatre, the next in order, maintained jiopularity for over a hundred years, and here Earl Stafford caused Shirley's comedy of The Royal Mos/cr to be played in 1637. Some years later, Ogilby, having returned from service in the Royal Army, was appointed Master of the Revels to- the Viceregal Court, a post which conferred on him the privilege of watching over the interests of the drama. In the presence of the Duke of Ormond one of Coriieille's jilays, in which Mrs. I'hillips, " the matchless Orinda," took the leading DUBLIN. 37 part, was put upon the stage, and the dance and other tunes played between tlie acts were tlie coni|)osition of this versatile manager. When the news of the marriage of the Princess Mary with William of Orange reached Dublin, the Hiike of Ormond and all the nobility went in great spleiuloiir to the play ; and until recent years the Lord- Lieutenant lias often presided at a " Command Night " in the theatre, on which occasions the buildings used to be filled with ladies in the richest toilettes and officers of the garrison in uniform. In 1785, Macklin, who was then ninety-five years of age, played at the Smock Alley Theatre. On the night of his benefit the excitement was too much for him, and in the second act of The Man of the World he had to be assisted from the stage, on which he never again appeared. THE G.METY THE.XrRF, which is the properly of Mr. Michael Ounn, is the most im- portant temple of Thespis in the LifTey city. It is situated in South King Street, off St. Stephen's Green, has an attractive exterior, and internally is fitted up in the most luxurious manner. Every description of high-class drama, opera, and burlesque is presented at this house, and there is an entire change of programme and performers almost every week. Mr. Gunn is one of Dublin's most respected citizens, and he has done more for the adx-ancemenl of drama and music in the capital and Ireland generally than any man li\ing. Mis taste and judgment are seldom at fault, and in supplying what the public require in the way of musical and dramatic recreation, expense has always been with him a matter of secondary consideration. His popularity in Dublin is widespread, and confined to no section of the community, as is abundantly proved by the generous manner in which they appreciate his successful efforts to provide them with elevating, refined, and instructive amusement. On the south side of the LifTey theatre-goers are amply provided for by the energetic proprietor of the QUEEN'S THEATRE. This house is of ample dimensions, neat interiorly, and perfectly adapted for the representation of melodrama and burlesque. The management is of an enterprising order, and the bill is changed to meet the demands of habitues. The ■Grafton Theatre, in South Ann Street, with its excellent entertainments, and the Star Music Hall, in Crampton Court, near the Castle, at which some of the most daring acrobatic feats are performed, cater adequately to different classes of citizens. It can be truthfully asserted of the Dublin theatres and music-halls that they are remarkably free from every ■element of vulgarity and obscenity, and that, while amusing, they instruct and recreate, and thus practically demonstrate their utility and their right to the high jiosition they occupy in .the esteem of the inhabitants. The beauty and unsurpassed rural charms of the Dublin SU]!URi;S •have often been a theme of inspiration to the poet and local historian. Bray, that most delightful and fashionable watering- place ; Ijlackrock, scarcely less notable in this connection ; and that important and rapidly-developing centre, KIXC;SI'0\\ N ; all claim attention. They will doubtless in the course of time attain to proportions which will bring them much nearer the capital than they are at present. The scenery around Kingstown is certainly magnificent, and its other attractions are so manifold that no visitor to the country siiould fail to "do'' the town. The Dublin and Kingstown Railway was opened for traffic on the 17th of December, 1834, and is one of the most prosperous in the country. It is six miles in length, and was constructed at an expense of ;i{^37o,ooo, or about ;^62,ooo per mile. The Railway Station at the Dublin end is in Westland Row. This terminus, which was long insufficient for the traflic, has now been rebuilt upon an extensive scale ; and in many other respects the present directors deserve the grateful thanks of the public for the reforms which they have effected to secure the comfort and convenience of passengers. The line was the second established in the United Kingdom, and the first started in Ireland. There are stations at Lans- downe Road, Sydney Parade, Pooterstown, Blackrock, Sea Point, and Salt Hill (Monkstown), with its pretty terraces and villas. The old harbour of Dunleary lies beneath as you run into Kingstown. This southern shore of Dublin Bay was the scene of many shipwrecks in the olden time, previous to its possession of a lighthouse, the Bay being traversed by sand- banks, denominated " The Bulls," from the roaring of the sea there resembling the bellowing of those animals. Kings- town owes its present condition, name, and, indeed, existence, to the visit of George IV. in 1821, since which time it has become a fashionable watering-place. Previously it was the little fishing village of Dunleary. Here there is an Asylum Harbour — in the words of the Tidal Harbour Commissioners, "one of the most splendid artificial ports in the United King- dom." It embraces an area of 250 acres, and has a depth of from fifteen to twenty -seven feet. It cost little short of one million of money. At the end of the east pier is a revolving light, visible every half-minute nine miles at sea in clear weather. The town has a population of about 18,000, and comprises several streets, of which George Street, over half a mile in length, is the main one. Marine Terrace, and some similar situations commanding the sea, are occupied by very handsome residences. The Town Hall, which is close to the railway station, was opened in 18S0. It is a large and highly ornamental edifice, with a lofty clock-tower. The assembly rooms which the Town Hall contain are well suited for balls, concerts, etc. .\ portion of the building is occupied by the Kingstown Court-house. The post-office, a handsome and commodious building, is close by. Tramway cars run at short intervals from the railway station to Dalkey, passing by Sandy- cove, Glaslhule, and Bullock. The walks and rides in the neighbourhood are picturesque and delightful, as are also the sea-views from the rising grounds inland. The military bands, which perform often in the summer evenings on the east pier, add greatly to the attractions of Kingstown, and draw crowds by the railway from Dublin. \\\ obelisk on the east pier com- memorates the bravery of Captain Boyd, R.N., of H.>rS. Ajax, 38 DUBLIN. who lost his life in attempting to rescue sailors from a wreck on the 9th of February, 1861. The trains start every half- hour daily, stopping at intermediate stations ; through trains start at a quarter before every hour ; and the City of Dublin Steam Packet Company's mail-boats make trips twice daily between Kingstown and Holyhead. As long ago as the fourteenth centurj- DALKEV was famous as a port, and noted for the safe anchorage it afforded shipping. Down to the end of last century it was the daily routine of existence to be anything but lethargic or humdrum. The country around abounds in scenery of the most charming description, and features of antiquarian interest exist on every side, the ruined fortifications and Dalkey Island, with its old church, Druidic altar, and Martello tower, being particularly noteworthy. Though a distance of about twelve miles separates it from the metropolis, tht BRAY, ' Irish Brighton," is generally regarded as a suburb of CUSTOM HOUSE. much more important than Kingstown; but since that time the progress of the latter has been of such a nature as to com- pletely eclipse its former successful rival. During ihe sixteenth and seventeenth < cnturies most of the imports and exports of Dublin were received and despatched by way ot Dalkey, the merchants of the capital thus avoiding the risks of sending their goods by ihc Liffey, whose navigation in those days was attended with considerable danger. The town is largely frequented by tourists, and is, indeed, one of the brightest and most attractive watering-))laces on the east coast. The population now numbers about 3,500, and there is an amount of briskness and animation about the business operations of the town which render it somewhat like Kingstown, and cause Dublin. This delightful watering-place has, within the last twenty years, become a town of considerable imjiortance, and has a population of close on 7,000. Tlie name is derived from the word Bri, signifying a hill. lis streets and public buildings are admirably arranged, and present an attractive and imposing appearance. The Esplanade runs for a mile along the beach away to Bray Head, and is a magnificent \ promenade ; while Novara and High Street are quite equal to anything in street architecture outside Dulilin or Belfast. The Roman Catholic church, Christ Cliur.h, the Presbyterian j Meeting-house, the Old Church, the liiliL-rnian I'.ank, and the I Court-house, are sjilendid buildjngs, jierfect in every detail of construction, commodiousness, and external embellishments. DUBLIN. 39 The surrounding scenery is unsurpassed for magnificence and diversity, and, it may be added, is remarkably easy of access. The growth and development of Bray have been very rapiil : and this fact is due as much to the prompt and energetic manner in which the local authorities and business men have combined to meet modern popular requirements, as to the unrivalled natural advantages of which it is, as a seaside resort, possessed. The trade of Dublin has until recent years been greatly handicapped by a variety of causes, some local, others govern- mental, the great majority owing to the economic and deplor- able political circumstances of the nation. This fact more than any other has prevented the natural development of the capital's commerce, and to a certain extent accounts for the fewness and comparative insignificance of the city's commercial temples. A building which in this connection merits prominent notice, as well on account of its local importance as for its being the most extensive, attractive, and classical of its kind in the British F;mpire, is THE CUSTOM HOUSE, which stands on the north side of the Liftey, its front facing the river. The best view of it is obtained from the south side, whence its magnificent elevation may be seen to great advantage. Un- fortunately, the commerce of the port of Dublin is wholly inade- quate to require the utilisation of so extensive a building. For many years the greater portion of the space within the walls was unused, and for some time past Government has been appropriating the unoccupied oftices to departments for which they were not originally designed. Besides the offices of Excise and Customs, we have here a heterogeneous gathering, comprising amongst others the Poor Law Commissioners, the Board of Works, Stamps, Quit-Rents, and, lastly, the Com- missariat and the District Army Pay Office. The whole building is insulated, exhibiting four decorated fronts to view, answering almost directly to the four cardinal points of the compass ; the form is an oblong quadrangle, 375 feet long by 205 feet deep. Within are two courts, east and west, divided from each other by the centre pile, which, 131 feet broad, extends the whole depth from north to south. The whole is decorated with columns and ornaments of the Doric order, with some innovations. The principal front, which faces the river, is of Portland stone, and presents a magnificent portico, surmounted by an entablature, the frieze of which is orna- mented with "o.\-heads entire." On the attic storey, over the four pillars of the portico, are well-executed statues of Nep- tune, Plenty, Industry, and Mercury. On the tympanum is an alto-relievo representing the friendly union of Britannia and Ireland, who are exhibited cordially embracing each other, while Neptune, on the right, is driving away in despair. A beautiful arcade runs along the lower storey of this front, which is ornamented above by a balustrade and cornice. From the centre of the pile rises a cupola, said to be built on exactly the same plan as that of Greenwich Hospital : a dome, twenty-six feet in diameter, crowned by a statue of Hope resting on her anchor, surmounts the whole, at a distance of 113 feet. The northern front has also a portico of four columns in the centre, but no pediment. Statues repre- senting Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, are placed over each column. This front has neither the arcades nor recessed columns which add so much to the eflTect of the southern side. From the main entrance the passage leads to an octagonal vestibule immediately under the cupola, from which, by a very elegant staircase, we gain access to the Long Room, a trul)- noble apartment, seventy feet square, decorated down eacS side by a range of composite columns supporting an arched ceiling, through which the light is admitted by two large circular lanterns, richly ornamented with devices in stucco. On the whole, the Custom House may be considered the most highly decorated of all the city's public buildings. The cost of its erection and fitting up has been estimated at half a million. The various markets throughout the city for the sale of the different agricultural i)roducts of the country, live stock, im- ported provisions, and foreign goods of all sorts, are of suitable dimensions, and in an architectural sense do no dis- credit to the trading community. The COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS are the great head-quarters of the merchants and brokers of the city, and are situated on the north side of Dame Street. This structure is a fine specimen of modern architecture, being both striking and classical, and at the same time thoroughly adapted to the uses to which it is devoted. It dates its origin from the year 179S, at which period it was found necessary, owing to want of accommodation, to vacate the building now utilised as- a Town Hall. The present pile includes a Stock E.xchange, offices for Lloyd's Underwriters, an .'\ssurance Office, and a Restaurant to provide for the wants of the inner man. All these departments are connected by an elegant and spacious hall, and the whole combines to form a structure of singular commodiousness and completeness. Two other commercial buildings which possess historical interest are the Corn Exchange and Conciliation Hall. The former is famous for its- connection with the Catholic .Association and O'Connell ; and in the latter the great Liberator used to harangue some of his- largest meetings. The TRADE of the city has within the last decade considerably increased.. ^Vhen making his survey of the handsome docks which line the River Liftey, Mr. Gladstone was surprised beyond measure by the activity he witnessed, and declared Dublin the busiest capital in Her Majesty's dominions after London. Intercourse is maintained by the shipping of Dublin with- the Continent and America ; but the cross-Channel trade is the most important of the port industries, Great Britain, furnishing a most extensive market for all sorts of Irisl> produce, especially cattle. The Customs duties collected at the port of Dublin amount to over ^900,000 a year. Though a small city, Dublin is the seat of many thriving manulactures.. In ancient days the staple industry was that in woollen goods, including the friezes so geneniUy worn by the people : and in 1792 as many as five thousand persons were engaged in working woollen looms in the " Liberties."' This trade has, however, decayed, and the commercial reputation of I^ublin is now more displayed in poplin, liner, and paper manufactures- 40 DUBLIN. The linen manufacture was originated by the unfortunate Lord Stafford, who, when Viceroy of Ireland, gave ^30,000 of his private property to establish it. He encouraged the importation of flax S8ed from Holland, erected looms, and placed skilled foreigners over them. A public grant of money was given by Queen Anne to build a Linen Hall, the capacious building in which sales, though greatly diminished, are still continued ; the export value from Dublin of these linen yarns and manufactures alone exceeds ;^io,ooo,ooo annually. The city is also celebrated for its porter breweries and .whisky distilleries. Of the latter Ireland possesses thirty, as against about a dozen in England ; and most of these are in Dublin. ScQtland is in reality the whisky country, having now in existence no less than one hundred and thirty distilleries. There is, however, a considerable quantity of " mountain dew," or "' potheen," with its tempting aroma of turf flavour, still pro- duced in the more remote districts of Ireland : from a return issued some years ago, it appeared tiiat one hundred and seventy-six persons were tried for selling untaxed spirits, as against one case in Scotland and eight in England. The inland trade in Dublin is carried on chiefly bv several railways, three of which have vast depots and termini at the North Wall. The revenue produced by railways in Ireland is largely augmented by there being no passenger duty. There are two canals, the '"Grand" and the "Royal,"' which, starting from north and south of tiie Liffey, encircle the city, and proceed thence to Mullingar and the Shannon, and by means of these an extensive trade in bricks, timber, turf, and coal is maintained. From the reign of James II. till 1861 the population of Dublin steadily increased. From 1S61 to 1871 it declined from 254,808 to 246,326 ; since then it has been gradually increasing, and in 1881 was 249,602. Since the erection of the South Wall at the end of the last century, and the building of the North Wall in 1S19, under the old Ballast Board, the bed of the Liffey has been greatly deepened, and the navigation of the river has become not only easy but a matter of absolute saiety. Owing to this and con- comitant causes, the port has become the most important in Ireland, and the aggregate value, tonnage, and operations of its shipping have been steadily increasing. Indeed, the number of vessels registered as belonging to the port forms about one-sixth of the entire shipping of the country. In iSSi, 506 vessels were registered as belonging to the port, and their total carrying capacity was 59,403 tons. During the same period 9,353 vessels, with a tonnage of 2,535,437 tons, were entered at the Custom House, and 8,47 i cleared outward?, with a tonnage of 21,329,626. For the year 1880 the Custom dues collected in the port amounted to the total of ^863,034. A very large proportion of the trade of the port is transacted with the l-^nglish West Coast commercial centres, particularly Holyhead, Liverpool, and Bristol. The commercial interests of the port are studiously guarded by the Dublin Chamber of Commtrce, under the competent i)residency of Sir R. B. Martin ; whilst all riparian and dock matters are attended to by the Port and I )ocks Hoard. FLOREAT EBLANA : It is universally admitted that the natural and indus'rial resources of Ireland have never been fully developed. Indeed, if we except tlie efforts made to retrieve her commercial position during the all-too-short jieriod of legislative inde- pendence, there has never been any serious attempt made to encourage the country's manufactures or turn her immense mineral wealth into the markets of the world — quite the reverse. The result is painfully evident in the lack of enter- prise among the people : the absence of factories of all kinds (except in three or four favoured centres), the constant emigration of the masses, and the small aggregate of our shipping tonnage, directly resulting from the dearth of mining and manufacturing operations. And yet the success and pros- perity of the nation under the regime of men who understood . her requirements, and ministered to them with fostering care, show that, under altered political and economic conditions, and with a spirit of patriotic emulation widely diffused among capitalists, manufacturers, and the masses, Ireland may not only gain her lost prestige as a producing centre, but may even attain to commercial distinction among the great manufacturing countries of Europe. Her world-wide eminence in the few branches of commerce that still survive is ample en- couragement to those who look to the near future for the commercial regeneration of the country. Every one understands that upon this depends our greatness as a people. To the observant, signs are not wanting that the dawn of a brighter day for Irish industry and com- merce is breaking, and that the barriers, political and religious, which have often prevented united action in this respect in the past, are being broken down. There is the movement througliout the country to use only home- made goods, which, within certain reasonable limits, can have but a beneficial effect ; there is the effort made, by the company with which Mr. Michael Davitt's name is so closely allied, to revive our drooping woollen industry; and finally, the Irish Exhibition in London, which may be said to have been the first independent Irish Exhibition held outside the island. In all these endeavours to awaken general interest in Irish manufactures men of every political, religious, and social class are united ; and the city of Dublin, as becomes the capital, is taking a prominent and worthy part. Close on two hundred of her leading merchants and manufacturers exhibited at the Olympia Exhibition, and the display was one that furnished convincing evidence of the fact that in every branch of industry to which Irish handicraft and genius are devoted, productions of the highest excellence are turned out, not for exhibition pur- poses only, but in the ordinary course of trade. The ultimate result of this increased and widespread interest in the pro- motion of the industries of the country must be an immense augmentation of the \olunie of business done with other nations, and particularly with l-'.ngland and Scotland. Dublin will naturally be the first and greatest gainer under this improved state of affair.«, to assist in the realisation of which "The Industries of Dublin" is produced. In the following p.iges will be found a concise and succinct account of the foundation, development, and importance of the leading firms in Dublin — lioises whose honourable commercial principles and united oijcrations and influenre have succeeded in main- taining the trading reputation and eminence of the Irish metropolis. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 41 Arthnr Guinness. Son, & Co., Limited, St. James' Oate Brewery. l'<>r thr pa^'l tlircc luiinlrcil years Itrcwin^ has been one of the chief iinhisirics <>1 tl» s ctmntty, ami its nn)sl noted rciilrc during all that time has lx.-cn the nitlro|K)hs. The foundation of the above universally famed establishment marked a new era in the history of an important branch of Uritish commerce. 'l"his mammoth brewery is the largest con- cern of its kind in the woild, and produces a jjicatei cpiaiitity of lieer than perhaps any two other concerns of its class on the globe. It was founded in the )ear I7V> hy ancestors of the present chairman of the company, Sir Kdward C'ecd liuinness, Bart. I'or about sixty years «fter its inc ption, the trade, though extensive, was entirely confined to Ireland ; but about that lime the superiority of the porter produced began to gain popularity in England and Scotland, and as a resultant came a r'pid extension of the business sicross the Channel. From this date to iSlio the business in- TRADE MARK. Flunkett Brothers, Maltsters and Patent Malt Roasters. IVlIe \'ue Malt:n^'^.--Oiie of the most iiUercsiiiiL; of all the processes of brewing is that of malt- ing and preparing the various colour and flavour imlls useil in porter brewing. The leading house in the king- dom is that of riunkelt lirothers, a sketch showing Iront elevation of whose extensive mall-houses is here shown. The sketches are facsimiles taken from photographs of the malt-houses, and are not mere fancy sketches of problc- m.itical building-. The privilege of visiting their malt- houses and maU-roasiing establishment at Belle Vue is ac- corded to few, as this tirm have discovered several methods of treating mnlt, the secret of which is well guarded and is never divulged. So we are not at bhorty to give details of all that wis shown and explained to us in their method of making candied malt, golden brown malt, nmber brown malt, patent cho- colate malt, patent black malt, and patent roasted maize (patent granted Jan., iSSo). They have a particular method of misting malt so as to MX iis aroma ; and it iuis retains all its uour till put by the creased by leaps and bounds, ami that year saw a new departure in the adililion of the tirst orders receivcil from foreign stiles. To show the great development of the tr.al, that a lengrhy description on ojr part is utterly unnecessary. an"ticular system by which the malt is roasted by Messrs. 1 lunkc-tt Brothers, is essentially ililTerent to that employed bv the I^ondon an.l other roasters. There are three engines driving the num^ rous ro.isting machines .at the factory at Belle Vue, and it is intended to light the works with electric light, as during the busy season the factory has to be run night Mj. 4 ley before the steeping oper.ations. Also ma- chines specially de- signed for cleaning foreign barley ; some of th^se require no power to drive them ; the machine is station- ary, and the gravitation of the barley sliding over trays of peculiar |iiltern, cleans it from all dust, stone, grit, or light grains as desiretl, it being merely necessary to keep the screen supplied with barley at the upper hopper, and the machine will deliver the bailey perfectly clean into the *tecp. There are thermometers for testing and regulating temperature and for registering the heat at any given time in the floors and kilns, and an ingenious plan for heating the malt-house in frosty or very- cold weather. To describe all wouM take more ihan space permits. Messrs. Plunkett Brothers were successful in obtaining the prize gold medal at Brussels Exhibition for the excellence of their various malts. From the official list it would appear that theri were fortj- different firms of maltsters exhibiting at Bnis>.ls. The dusiness is an old estaulished ONE, BEING FOUNDED BY IIIE CrANDKATIIKK OK THE PRESENT PRO- prietors in 1s19, when he invented the process of roasting Malt. 42 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. John Power & Son, Distillers, John's Lane Distillery.— Many years have rolled by, and many are the events that have transpired to change nearly the whole features of the commercial world since 1 791, when the industrial operations of this firm were commenced. The date of its inauguration might be said to be at a time that saw the first light of the renaissance of British commerce, for it was in the beginning of the nineteenth centur)- that the regenerated spirit of mercantile enter- prise opened to trade many of the most important marts of the world hitherto closed to our merchants. With each decade of years came new indications, with the steady progression of success on success, of the future self in the handsomely equipped counting-house, to which is attached the private reception offices, etc. Passing through a passage-way, on each side of which are offices, into the asphalte yard at rear of counting-house, and looking round, on all sides are seen workshops, warehouses, and stores; and high above our heads are raised the Kifiy chimneys of the distillery. The I'usy hum of business commingles with the bass sound of machinery. Crossing the asphalted yard, the first building, or rather the first division of a long row of buildings, reached is the mechanical shop, the roof and upper floor of which are carried on metal columns, thirty feet in height, cast by Messrs. Koss & Walpole, of Dublin. Entering this department,. eminence of Messrs. Power's firm. Time, that mellows its products, has been equally generous to its business in spreading its opcralions over the civilised world ; and the lever that forced the hand of old Time was the indefatigable and energetic characteristics of the (oundcis, and which were the noblest legacies that the present proprietors, Messrs. James & Thomas IV.wer, inherited. The distillery is Imt a short distance from Chiist Church Cathedral, which was founded in 1038 bySitricus, a Dani.sh king of Dublin. 'I he outward a-pect of the premises is strikingly in accord with the firm's fame. The frontage in Thomas .Street is built of white Glencullen granite, and the clear style of ils architecture lends an impressive air of superiority to the vicinity. On entering the hall to the tight the visitor finds hini- we find it beautifully built with while enamelled bricks, and replete with every necessary for the purposes for which it is used, viz., a smithy, fitting and turning shop, etc. It contains, amongst other machinery, a fine lathe, by Messrs. G. tie then enter the corn stores, a massive building, 232 ft. rlthr^.-f V , °"l"2-.',''=. J"™ ""^'""^ '^ "^^^ '■" "'« manufactnre of the celebrated wh,sky d.stilled by this firm. In connection with ,i-,cse stores are also .he requisite k.lns, which are constructed with a flooring of the s'tnrl'/ P'''"'^'f "'■r^- '^"'i/'-'^ >°="icd by me..ns ofshoois connectedTith the stores. The cleansing and separating of the com is a matter to which O 2 44 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. the firm gives the most special attention. The chief means they employ for the careful cleansing of their corn are the ingenious machines patented by Messrs. Vangeldor & Apsimon, which are so constructed that, in the passing of the com through them, they reject not only the dust and smaller corn but every little stone or other foreign matter that may have become mixed with the grain. Some idea of the rapidity of these machines may be had when it is stated that the cleansing and separating power of each is a hundred barrels an hour. From the corn stores to the next department we proceeded, and were greatly interested in the beautiful horizontal engine used for working the mechanical shop, seen here in a compartment that is kept as scrupulously clean as the other divisions of the distillery. Ifeside the last-mentioned' room is situated the mill engine-room, containing a compound beam-engine of 400 horse-power, erected by Messrs. Turnbull, Grant, & Jack, of Glasgow, in 1S80, which is used for driving the machinery in the mills, into which we now proceed. Here are viewed seven pairs of stones, each of which are 4 ft. 10 in. in diameter, as well as the 1 oiler mills. same wc see two large Lancashire steel boilers, each 37 ft. long, with a working pressure of 80 lbs. Passing through the hopper loft over mash- tuns, the next place of especial interest demanding noiice is the back loft, wherein are nine fermenting w.ash-backs, capable of holding one brewing each of 36,000 gallons. Then we enter the fine still -hou'e enclosing six pot stills, two of which are supposed to be the l.irgest in the world. The stills, which are kept brightly polished, are fitted with sight-glasses, through which can be seen the boiling; liquor. There avc four of Morton's refri- gerators, which are also kept brightly polished. Mounting another stairs, our trouble is repaid in looking down uj^oi^ the three wrought-iron worm tubs containing the condensing coils of the stills. Descending, we enter the can-jiit, or sampling-room, and are shown the safe, which is beauti- fully finished, and was made on the premises from a desis;n by Mr. Angus, the late distiller and manager, to test and separate the distillations, which are then received in oak receivers beneath the floor. When finished, the whisky is conducted by p pes to the spirit stores and filled into the rollers ol which measure 3 ft. by 18 in., and have the enormous capacity of grinding a hundred barrrls an hour each. Kntering the brew- house, our reward is ample in scing the large mash-tuns, 7 ft. 6 in. lack -leaded and kept in the most peifect order. 'Ihc valves on the charging and discharging pipes, numbering twenty-live in all, have brass hand-wheel!, which »ie engraved, indicating their use. The Bliiring gear in the coppers is entirely of Muntz metal. Looking from casks, and stored in the private distillery warehouses, of which there are- eighteen on the distillery premises, and the bonded warehouses under the City Market and under Westland Kow Railway Station, making a total capacity of 1,1 13,000 cubic feet of private warehouses. The stables, with Musgiave's patent fillings, are very perfect, and are built of specially made enamelled bricks. Short as this sketch is, we cannot help atlording a short space to the fire brigade division ; .and fiie appliances, which are very complete and afi'ord every necessary precaution against lire, arc distril)uted over the entire concern. Kach department of the distillery is at night-time lit up by Wenham's jiatent gas lamps. The lnisine>s is carried on in most perfect order and discipline, which ensures the greatest punctuality ancial posi- tion, and eminent in various branches of commerce. The head offices of the Company arc 37, Prince's Street, .Manchester, opiwsite the entrance to the Town Hall, and there are other important branches at Glasgow and other great business centres. The National Provident Institution is one of very old foundation, having l>een establi-hed in 1S35 for the transaction of mutual assurances, and the granting of annuities and cmlowments, and since its commencement h.as is-ued over 49,500 policies, a"d has paid claims amounting in the aggregate to over ;^7,ooo,ooo steiliiig. The financial state of the .Vssociation as pulilished in its annual lepoit is most satis, factory. They are also agents for the Pha-nix l'"ire Office and the London and Provincial Horse, Cattle, and Carriage Insurance Compiny, Limited. Wc regret not being able, through want of sp.ice, to deal a; gre.itcr length with lie various branches of Messis. H. Moore & Co.'s eMeiisive and varied business. Considering the short time the firm of MiKire & Co. has been established, it has wonderfully succeeded in foiming a con- nection which promises to be second to none, in this line of business. 46 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Messrs. Maguire & Son, House Turnishing and Building Ironmongery Stores, Dublin Sanitary and Ensincerlng Works, 10, Dawson Street, and 6, 7, 8, Frederick Street. In the year that wa; marked by the accession of Her Majesty the Queen to the throne, the corner-store was laid of the business firm of Messrs. Maguire & Son, a firm which has contributed much to the health and happi- ness of so many of the homes of our people. The show-rooms of this firm arc situated at 10, Dawson Street, and the sanitary and engineering works in Frederick Street, directly in connection. The different departments into which the establishment is divided are : the sanitary and engineering, house furnishing and builders' ironmongery, and house decorating and glazing. The subject of proper sanitation of dwelling-houses is one that must always occupy public attention. Practical specialists are more than ever needed to carry out such work, and to advise the authorities on the subject of special legislation in sanitary refor.-n. The excellent appliances manufactured by this firm ought to have a peculiar interest, from the fact of the successful way in which they have, wherever used, prevented the diseases that are the sure attendants of unsanitary dwellings. An eminent Leeds surgeon states "that one-third at least of the incidental illness of the kingdom is the direct result of drainage defects, and can be and ought to be pre- vented. " Among the numerous articles in this department calling for special notice are, the patent sa'ety-joint diain, which secures perfect joints and easy access; Maguire's patent flushing tank, for autom.itic cleansing of the drains ; Maguire's hydraulic and smoke-testing appliances, which can severely test any drain and localise defects ; Maguire's gold medal universal water-closet, considered the simplest and most perfect of the numerous appliances recently devised ; and many other sanitary inventions due to the genius of Mr. W. R. Maguire, to which a leading sanitarian has borne the high testimony that they have all fullilltd the special sanitary purpose for which they were designed. Mr. W. R. Maguire, the head of this extensive business, on whose capacity and practical knowledge its success depends, is himself an Associate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland, a Local Sanitary Surveyor of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, Fellow of the Royal Meteoro- logical .Society, and Lecturer arid Demonstrator at South Kensington on Sanitary I'lunibing and Drainage to the City and Guilds of London Technical Institute, and a registered master plumber. Mr. Maguire was one of the most active promoters, and acted as one of the honorary secretaries, of the memorable Sanitary Congress and Exhibition held in Dublin, in 1884, under the presidency of .Sir Robert Rawlinson, K.C.IJ. He also helped to accomplish the opening of the Dublin Technical School for Artisans, of which he is honorary treasurer ; and he has conducted technical classes in his own factory, where eighty workmen and lads received instruction at his hands in the science underlying the technicalities of their handicrafts. Mr. .Maguire is consulted daily as a specialist on sanitary matters, and from his long experience he advices all who desire to secure a sanitary residence, first and before entering into any agreement, to have a thorough sanitary inspeciion, with rigid tests, of the existing drains and fittings, made by a f|ualilied sanitary surveyor ; then to have a detailed report furnished, pointing out the (lefects, item by item, specifying the prof>er remedies ; and for this service the surveyor to be paid, by agree- ment, a nio lerate fee, that his insjiection may be independent and complete, for such services rendered gratuitously are of little or no real value. In many instances sanitary work done by inexperienced con- tractors has had to be removed, and the work done over again at great loss. By Mr. .Majuire's system of sanitary reform, a householder is enabled to sec clearly all defects, and to decide what extent of work he will carry out in the direction of reform before committing hini^clf to the expense. The plan usually adopted is, to sign the agreement taking a house on the interested advice of the landlord or house agent, and then, in a panic, when dangerous defects beco:ne apparent through illness in the family, to send for the nearest contractor and leave the work in, perhaps, incompetent hands. Maguire & S)n have become celebrated, not only for their unequalled saritary reform system, but also for their cooking apparatus and kitchen fittings. They have heated and ventilated many hundred public buildings, churches, and residences, and are con- sulted daily as to the most approved systems to adopt, whether steam, high or low pressure hot water, or hot air systems. 1 hey erect laundries and ^tabling ; and Dr. Scott's disinfectirig cliambers, manufactured by them, are now adopted by Government and sent to stations abroad and at home. The many different styles of lavatories designed and supplied by this firm would be too numCNius to mention ; sufficient to say that the' gold medal was awarded for their noiseless and spray lavatories and baths, that are constructed on the most advanced sanitary principles, and made in every convenient shape, in white and ivory wares, in bronzed iron brackets, or set in pine, ash, maple, or mahogany stands ; some with' mirrors attached, others with marble tops and backs, each replete with' pitented taps, and showing in the carving of the wood or the casting of the metal some of the most beautiful designs. These are to be seen in' almost every public institution or office in the city. The [ilumbing section of this department contains every kind of the most improved apparatus,, and every article used in connection with the plumber's craft, turned out in a style that leaves nothing to be desired. The house furnishing and builders' ironmongery department contains a most valuable stock of electro- plated ware, cutlery, kitchen furniture, many patterns of table lamps, gaseliers, grates, stoves, and kitchen ranges, and every class of house ironmongery ; iron and brass bedsteads, and exquisitely wvirked hat and umbrella stands and hall tables. The work executed by the third depart- ment, the house decorating division, is to be seen and appreciated in all parts of the city and country, and proves the class of workmen employed are carefully chosen and well instructed in all the branches of house- painting, room-papering, and wall and floor tiling. In its entirety the establishment C(mtains a larger and more varied stock than any other firm of the kind in Dublin, and from the orderly arrangement of its depart- ments and business is an example of what a business house ought to be. The business connection is one of the most extensive, and the principal custom of the house is reckoned among the nobility and gentry, as w^ell as the leading mercantile houses, clubs, and hotels in the city and country, in addition to the support of the principal builders and contractors. For the sanitation work done by competent hands and in an efficient manner, the film has received many testimonials of approval from the highest sani- tary authorities, who testify to the advantages of their system over the best methods of other firms. It follows from the large tr.ade done that they are enabled to give permanent employment to over two hundred hands, sup- porting probably five hundred persons in an honest independence. The selection of the employes has always received the most careful attention, as none bat the most competent and trustworthy are engaged, and this care has been rewarded in the ability of a staff that can compete successfully with any of their trade in the United Kingdom. The supL'rior quality of the goods and work of this firm has gained for it a marked preference in the public favour, whilst the energy and close attention to business of the principal and the managers have kept pace with the advances and changes of ihe times. Their zeal in being foremost in introducing all real improve- ments, and in securing the newest designs for the inspeciion of the public, and the invariable courtesy and attention to all who deal with them, have obtained a distinguished name for their firm everywhere. The amount of table cutlery of high class alone sold by this firm would cause astonishment, as it has become well known that American and other foreign visitors can- purchase for cash, when passing through Dublin, ivory-hafted tible-knives and electro-plate forks and spoons, at twenty-five per cent, under the prices charged in ihe Sheffield manufieturing centre-, or in London or Paris. Maguire & Son's table cutlery is now known over the world ; orders from abroad accompanied by cash are carefully tilled and promply despatched daily. Mastersou & Co., Grocers, Wiue, Spirit, and Fro- Vislon Merchants. -20, Lower Dorset .Street. — This is a very well-known and noted house in the family grocery and provision line, and has for many years enjoyed considerable patronage from a large connection of supporters in the northern quarter of Dublin. Founded about fourteen years ago, the house has ra|iidly come to the front, showing signs of considerable future development, and is at present well abreast of all competitors. At an early si.age in its career the house obtained a high name lor the excellent quality of its groceries and provisions, and the reputation thus early and deservedly achieved it has been the constant aim of its man.igement to maintain unimpaired down to Ihe present mnment. The stock, which is considerable and valuable, contains a fine assortment of groceries, wines and sjiirils, malt liquors, and provisions. The house has long borne a good name for the quality of its teas. The wine supply also is varied and attractive, all the most favourite brands being represented, as well as several descriptions of lighter wines suitable for dinner purposes. The stock of provisions is very comprehensive, including as it does butter and eggs, cheese, bacon, and hams, and other items of familiar household con- sumption. All these conimoditie> are of the most a])proved quality ; and the steady support which the firm has received from the public throughout the whole of i s commercial career is the best proof of the public's appre- ciation of the effoils made to cater successfully for it. The firm occujiy a very high ]iosilion in the estimation of business circles. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 47 A. & B. Thwaites & Co., Mineral Water Manufac- tnrors, Upprr Sackvillc Street. — I'Vuciiiusl aiiiun^sl lliu inaaufacliitin^ iiiiliislric^ which oriyiiiaUvl and still lloiiri^h in Iiclaiul is that of nrlilicial mineral waters ; anil to Dublin belongs the honmir of le.nling the van in llie army of thir.-.t-qiicnclicrs. Towards the enil of last century there was an eminent cliemisl — Mr. Aiifjiistlne Thwaites— practising in Lifley Street, then one of the principal business streets of the city ; his son, Mr. Augus- tine Thwaites, jun., who w.as studying medicine at the time, was the lirst to invent soda-water. This was early in 1799, and in falkiia's Journal o{ that period may be found the .advertisements of "Augustine Thwaites, Senior and Junior, Chemists, and .Makers of Soda-water." Mr. A. Thwaites, jun., died at an early .ige, when Mr. Thwaites, sen., took into partnership his nephew, Mr. Richard Thwaites, and his daughters, Mrs. Orr and .Miss Thwaites. The firm, thus constituted, took the name of A. & R. Thwaites & Co., the subject of the present article. A. & R. Thw.iilcs & Co. very shortly moved into Marlborough .Street, and afterwards, as their business kept on growing, they moved to Upper S.ickville Street, where they are to be found, still growing and flourishing, midway between the Post Office and Rotunda, types of progress and healing. The .soda-water first made was of two strengllis, and was called " Single " and " Double." These were and arc still of a medicinal character, made by a secret process, which has never been imparled to any one outside the lirm. These Soda-waters are most useful in giving tone to the stomach when strained by an over-rich diet. They improve the appetite, stimulate the liver, without producing flatulency, and .are particularly suited to persons of sedentary habits. They are invaluable as thirst -allayers in cases of fever. That the great usefulness of this invention was very early recognised is shown by the fact that it re- ceived the rare distinction of being prominently spoken of, in his public lectures in iSoo, by the late Robert Percival, M.I)., then Professor of Chemistry in Trinity College, Dublin. The late .Archbishop Whateley spoke of Soda-water as the only invention origin.iling in woman's mind ; however, in this he was mistaken, as the son, not daughter, of Mr. Thwaites was the inventor. Archbishop Whateley was not the only great writer who had not clear ideas as to the invention of .Soda-water, as Thackeray, in "V.mity Fair," writing of the time of the Battle of Waterloo, tells us, " Soda-water was not invented yet. Small-beer — will it be believed ! — was " the only drink with which unhappy gentlemen soothed the fever of their " previous night's potation." Happily for Ireland — that land of "punch and potatoes" — A. S: R. Thwaites li Co. had then come to the aid of the sulTerers, for the modern "Soda-water" was being made by them, accord- ing to letters -patent procured in l8og-io — these letters, by the way, being the first granted in any branch of this great industry, and A. & R. Thwaites & Co. still show them with their great waxen seal attached. The Patent Soda- water was so eminently satisfactoiy that a large number of unsuccessful imi.atioi^s were at once started, none standing the test of years ; their number, however, is constantly being added to, many of them having been given fancy names to attract public attention. It is most interesting to lord-; over A. & R. Thwaites & Co.'s books, and to notice the introduction of the various modern drinks, the principal ones — such as Ginger-Ale, Seltzer, Kali, Lemonade, etc. — being all manufactured in the first quarter of the present century ; among the later ones coming Champagne Cyder, Sarsaparilla, Tonic Water, etc. Besides aerated waters, A. & R. Thwaites & Co. make their justly-celebrated Syrup of Ginger, which is a most agreeable addition to their Patent Soda-water, particularly when used as atlinner drink, wann- ing the stomach, and promoting digestion. This .Syrup is very useful in relieving relax.ation of the throat, occasioned by long speaking. For cramps, or wind in the stomach, it gives instant relief. It is hard to pick out any of the preparations of this firm for special mention, as, where all are so excellent, who can decide as to the best? A. & R. Thwaites & Co. are very conservative as to their modes of manufacture, but, w ithal, are not slow to adopt genuine improvements, their machinery being of the most efiicient char.acter, and mostly produced in their own city. The strict care and attention given by the members of the firm to all the details of m.inu- facture results in their goods finding their way into all the leading clubs, hotels, and business houses in the land. On the occasion of Her Majesty's visit to Ireland, the leading medical men of Dublin kindly came forward and signed a testimonial as to the excellence of A. & K. Thwaites & Co.'s productions, which had the eft'ect of securing them the appointment of sole manufacturers of mineral waters to Her Majesty in Ireland. A. & R. Thwaites & Co. are laige importers of foreign mineral waters, in addition to their prin- cipal business, any of the leading springs being procurable at their house in Dublin. The past twenty years have seen vast strides in the output of this firm, the last ten alone showing an increa.se of over 300 per cent., while the four years just p.ast have doubled their business. A. & R. Thwaites iV: Co. have never had to resort to the ordinaiy way of selling goods from their vans, as every bottle sent out by them has been previously ordered. These facts speak loudly in praise of the energy, skill, and attention with which their business is conducted, and on all sides one meets with their praises. Long may they prosper ! is our wish. Kobert Stralian & Co., General House Furnishers, Upholsterers, and Cabinet Makers, -4 & 25, Henry Street. — The firm of R. Strahan & Co. is one of the oldest and most important houses in Dublin connected with the branch of manufacture with which it has so long and so notably been associated. Founded more than one hundred and twelve years ago, the house has, for many years past, been looked upon as one of the leading concerns in this line. The premises occupied are situated as above, and are on the most extensive scale. They probably measure about 250 feet from front to rear, and possess a handsome and imposing fronl.ige in Henry Street of about 60 feel. In the general fitting up and appointments of the establishment neither expense nor trouble have been spareil, and the result is certainly satisl'actory. The fiim are to be particu- larly complimenteil on the impetus they have given to tr.ide in Dublin, and the good example they have shown to other houses in encouraging industry by having nearly all their goods manufactured on their own premises, except in certain cases where, to meet the taste of customers, they, like other houses, have had to import foreign goods. We have before us an illustrated list of their productions, and, judging by the style of the work, wc can safely .say that, in this branch of home industry, its products may most favourably compare with those of the best houses, either in EnglamI or upon the Continent. The well-filled and tastefully-.appointed sli.,w.rooms of Messrs. Strahan & Co. are well worthy of a visit, and certainly will repay the trouble taken to any person interested in the matter of furniture manu- facture. The stock of plain and artistic furniture held by the firm is of great extent ami value. This stock is made up of drawing-room, and dining- room, and bedroom suites, and miscellaneous articles, all designcil in the best style, and distinguished by an admirable degree of finish. Here are to be found cabinets and whatnots, sofas and lounges and couche;, chairs and tables and easy-chairs, card-tables and secretaires, brackets and screens, and a whole host of pretty and attractive objects. All these articles of really high-class furniture are manufactured in various and valuable woods, such as oak, mahogany, rosewood, walnut, and satin-wood, many of the latter being remarkable as beautiful specimens of marqucteric- work. Next to the make and finish of their furniture, we would call atten- tion to the exquisite taste displayed in the upholstering line, the workman- ship and choice of material covering the various articles leaving nothing to be desired. In close connection with this latter branch, the firm hold a large, valuable, and varied stock of curtain and drapery materials, all of which are deserving of the utmost notice, being of the very newest and most charming patterns in silk damasks, velvets, reps, tapestries, and block- printed French and British chinties. In the inspection or contemplation of this varied assortinent of the most sumptuous materials, we have a regular feast of colour provided for us, yet so skilfully are the tints manufactured and blended, anil so well is one strong and powerful colour subdued and harmonised by another of a cooler and quieter tint, that we come away without any feeling of weariness to the sight, which is more than could be said of many a picture collection. In the general furnishing department there is an admirable supply of bra.ss and iron bedsteads, as well as some in various woods, and a very fine assortment of bedfling of a most superior description. In addition to their important premises in Henry Street, the firm are possessed of a very extensive set of buildings situated at 12, Went- worth Place, which are used as a f.ictory, with workshops and timber-yard, and wdierc nearly the whole of their valuable supply of furniture is m.anu- factureil. The firm also are the proprietors of the " Dublin Pantechnicon Furniture Stores" at Park-gate Street, which are used by the public for the storage of furniture during absence from town, and for which a certain rent is charged by the firm. 1 he business done by the house is simply enormous, their connection being of a most extensive, and, we should add, influential character, as is only to be expected of a house of such old and respectable establishment. Messrs. Strahan & Co. were fortunate enough to obtain prize medals at the Exhibitions held in London and Dublin in the years 1S53, 1S62, and 1S64 respectively. We feel how inadequate a sketch like this must prove in conveying anything like a true conception of the magni- tude and importance of what is, w itliout gainsay, one of the principal houses in the trade in Ireland, but we have, at any rate, said enough, we trust, to rouse the interest of our readers, and cause ihem, in making their purchases, to give a share of their patronage to an old, honourable, and thoroughly reliable film. Mr. Prosper Lore, Hat Manufacturer, Wellington Quay.— Mr. Prosper Lore, of Wellington Quay, m.iy .assuredly lay claim to the honour of being one of the oldest as well as the leading hat manufacturers in Dublin. He has been established in Dublin for thirty-five years past, and the excellent hats he makes have sheltered nearly two generations of citizens alike from the torrid heat of the sun and the moisture of the rain. Mr. Lore's business is chiefly wholesale, and his hats are truly a national product inasmuch as they are worn by the nation. He employs a staft" of between twenty and thirty men and women. The new and costly machinerj' which Mr. Lore has provided obviates to a very large extent any necessity for hand work. He in.anufacturcs every description of hat, and one is be\yililcred on going through his extensive premises to note the singular v.iricty of head covering to which human nature is addicted. Here we can equip ourselves with the holid,ay-m,aking straw, the Bohemian bowler, the picturesque wide-awake, and the convei'aional chimney-pot. Mr. Lore is somewhat of an enthusiast over hat-making, and it can be seen at once that he is as great on hats in theory as he is an ex])ert at making them. It m.iy be mentioned in this connection that at the Irish Fxhibition of 18S2, he was awarded the first prize medal, an honour which, from the sterling quality of his exhibits and the long standing of his honourable house, he richly deserved. He w.as also awarded the first certificate at the Irish Artisans' Exhibition held in 1SS5. One cannot s.iy that these decisions of juries could in any way enhance .Mr. Lore's great reputation, but they un- questionably show that Mr. Lore holds a very high pbcc in the ranks of Irish hat manufacturers, and that that place has not been won without being deserved. 48 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. The Sablin Whisky Distillery Co., Limited, Jones Road, Dublin. — Dublin is, and long has been, the centre of attraction for building, until now the premises present an appear.-ince at once striking and attractive, forminj in themselves a co'oisal erection symmetrically con- =-t=±4:=fc=a^l» THE NEW CO.NXKEIE BO.MDED STOKES. all who may be interested in distilling operations. From a vciy early period in the history of the country, the pro'ur-f'"i "f 'ric rcf|uircd beyond the (act, that in the few years it has been btfore the public latgc alterations and extensions have had to be made in the premises to keep pace with ami to faciliLiie in every possible way the growing demands made upon Ihc lesources of llie firin. Jlcmded •tores have been erected and various other officer annexed to the original l-KO.NT VII'.W structed, wlthdueattentioatothewantsandrequirementsof a business of such unprecedented magnitude. Unity, strength, and combination are the three most potent agencies in the j interests of successful trading; these are the characteristics under which the government of the "D.W.D." discharge tile functions of their olfice. When the Company w.ascreated in 1871, the shareholders were limited toaprivilegcd few, from the fact that the sh.are consti- tuted iCs'^ each. By this means the operations of the firm were necessarily confined to men of high standirg in com- mercial circles, who combined together to put in woking order a distillery that would in the course of time vie in im- p ^rtance and reputation with the other giants of Dublin. Premises now occupying an area of six or seven acres are actively utilised in the produc- tion of an article that stands second to none in any market in Europe. While the diink- in; public arc not adverse to ill," circulation of capital in ihe interests of Irish whi-ky, and in contributing materially to the growth and development of Irish trade and commerce, theexistcncc of the "D. W. D." must be looked upon as a luib- lic benefaction. To illustrate this fact it maybe niemioned that in about twelve months after the corner-stone of the building was laid, the Company had simples of the:r whisky in the maikel, and to show liow keenly ihey contested other firms of long standing and es:al)ii^he(l reputations, it is only fair to add that a reduc- tion in the price of whisky was at once announced. Th s in isL'lf is piactical eviilence of lire enterpriseand con-cientious liusiness capacities of those who are responsible for, and who guided the desiinies of the "D.W.D." from the moment of its inception. Kroin its very stait the productions of this film seemed to " calch on " to the public, and the enormous cnnsumplioii of " D.W.D. '•whisky at present is the surest index of ils geneial excellence and supcrioiiiy. On entering the ))ic- rnise* from cither side, one cannot fail to be struck with the magnificence of the va,t pile before him, the graceful architecture, the carefully- INDUSTRIES OF DriU.IM. 49 marked outlines, and the striking solidity of ths entire builHinf;. The iniciijr is no less imprfssivc, a* it is highly interesting to any casual oliscTvcr. The general inijircssion produced liy the whole scene ii a striking outline of the success of the undertaking, an'l l>y the aid uf careful supervls'on and ener- getic management, this distil- lery is destined to play a not unimportant part in the future history of the whisky tia k* of this country. The driving nin- chinery is necessarily of powLi - ful construction, occupying nn engine-house atljoining a huL;c chimney stack. The ei)gine> and machinery were manufac- turcd and supiilicd l>y llic eminent ironfounders and en- gineers, Messrs. Victor Coates & Co., of the Lagan Foundry and I'rince's Dock Wotk^, Belfast, whose name is sulT;- cient guarantee for the excel- lence of their productions. Ii; addition to this there is a hui; hydraulic pump, reputed i • be the most powerful in Ire land, and supplied by Messrs. Pearn & Co., of Manchester, capable of raising 1,000 g.il Ions of water ]>er minute. The stores on the ground floor are fully equipped, and the new bonded stores just erected by the Company possess a storage capacity up 10 20,000 casks; but although that nutu ber may appear enormous, will be easily conceived wht: it is made known that in tl very infancy of the coiiccin i:- pioilucing powers reached lli high figure of from iSo to ; puncheons per week, and thei is an average increase < n that quantity np to the pn- sent moment. Everything ili • modern skill and niechanicl improvement can command ir accomplish, is intro luced in the operations of the concern. To detcribe the process of dis- tillation in detail would be In.. long and beyond our reach in such a i>ublication as this, be- sides being utterly outside our province. It is, however, ne- cessary to point out that it requires very careful observa- tion as well as scientilic mani- pulation. It is carried out on the old "pot-still" principle, by which process, but in a very modest w.ay, the once popuKir "potheen " was manufactured in many a lonely corner in Ireland. It is scarcely necessary to speak of the re-peclive merits of the "D. \V. U." brand with those of other Irish distillers, but facts are stubborn arguments .ind cannot be gain5.iid. From the very m ment of their e.\isience in the ranks of metropolitan disiillers, the uncompiomising aims and conscientious objects of the Dublin Whisky Distillery have been to produce an article that would not only g.ve an impetus to the distilling operatims of the city, but would also elevate still liiLjher in the popular es'imation the unblemished repulali'in an:! remarkable s:andard of excellence alrtaily attained by Dublin whi'ky. That this enterprising Company have signally succeeded is discovered in the verdict of an unprejudiced Eritish public, who are ever LKNIK.AI. IHI.L, NKW WAKF.IIOLS alive to the value of an article, no miller in what market it i» submil'cd to them. For many years Dublin whi«ky has taken the lead in all the markets o' the world, and it is only lair to sav thi' the introduction of the " l>.\V. n." brand, though working on com|>elitivc lines, has not only created a revolu- tion in the ranks of the whisky trade, but has brought the pro- duction of the article to a de- gree eauty of design and .style, together with excellence o.' workmanship. All the vehicles made at this establislinient arc entirely finished on the premises, which is a decideel advantage to the purchaser. In this connection it shauld be mentioned that the start" of operatives employed by Mr. Rooney are all skilled and pr.actical workmen, the result being that the w. rk is most efliciently per- formed. Bisides building, this firm undertakes the repair of carriaces. the best materials being employed, and the tarifl" of charges being most moderate. It is only fair to point out that Mr. Ivconey never submits to modern artifices in onler to bring himself and hi. bu-iness b fore the public His advertising is confine>l to the superiority of his goods, and the honourable and systematic methods which he a opts, genuineness being sately guaranteed by him in eveiy department of his la.tory. 5° INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. West & Son, Diamond Merchants, Goldsniitlis, Jewellers, Silversmiths, £lectroplaters, and Watchmakers, by Special Appointmeiu to Her Must Lir.icious Majesty the est premises in the leading business street of the Irish metropolis. Est.ablished for more than half a century, the llrm of Forrest & Sons in Grafton Street has long enjoyed the most distinguished patronage of any house in its line in Dublin, and possesses the much-coveted honour of being entitled to write " To Her Majesty the Queen, the Prince and Princess of Wales, and the Irish Court," after their name. The house is of very considerable dimensions, covering a very large area, and carrying on a most extensive trade in ladies' costumes and mantles, silks, Irish puplin, shawls, laces, dress materials, ribbons, hosiery, ladies' outfitting, millinery, and dressmaking. During the long period it has Iwen before the public it has receivecca.sion of her latest vi.sit to Ireland, U.K. II. The Princess of Wales look the first Ladies' ilegree granted by the Koyal University of Ireland as a Doctor of Music, the r^be worn on the occasion was sjucinlly designed and ma.li- for the Koyal lady by .Mr. Manning, who gainernflnn Slrccl. -Among the gri'.it imlus- Iri.il c--!.it>Ii^liim-iits I't wliicli iHiljIin is very propeily proud, the linn of Hrowii, Thomas, i; Co., ofGr.iflon Street, cl.iims nnil receive; special atten- tion. Koumleil aljoiii half a century af^n, this enterprising house has lonp been an established Hivouritc with the pul>llc, not only of Hublln, but of every pnrt of the country, ami has receiveii the largest share of patronage probably bestowed on any house in the city. The premises, which are enor- mous in extent, present a very striking api'carance to the visitor to Grafton Street, its m.any and handsome platcgl.ass windows, stocked with articles of dress or millinery, proving an attractive object of interest, especially to members of the fair sex. The connection formed by the firm of l>ro«n. Thomas, S: Co., during the fifty years in which it has been promi- nently before the public, is one not only of the greatest magnitude, but also of the highest influence, being drawn from the most aristocratic and wealthy circles in society. The spacious shops, ware-rooms, and show-rooms of the establishment may, all through the year, be seen constantly fi)led with a throng of fashionable customers, buying or inspecting the varied treasures collected from all the principal Continental markets, and displayed for their approval by the enterprising proprietors. The premise%, on whose interior fittings and arrangements no less t.istc and judgment has been displayed than on or two distinct and obvious advantages. It, in the first place, provides work for the Irish needlewomen and cutlers, of whom a staff i,uinl>ering, during the busy season, as many as 250 is employed by the house, while it offers a distinct advania'je to the purchaser, in enibling her to purchase an article of practically Parisian design without any patriotic compunction being Kx\ie- riencef examining, as must necessarily l-c ilone, the prin- (iple on which the work is executed before proceeding to copy it, is in itself a lesson of taste to the Iii.sh copyist, since "' to admire f,n frimifle is the best way to learn how to imitate without loss of originality." Altogether the p'an has worked admirably, and received the most flattering signs of approval from among all classes of the Ikhu iiioiiJi. The American, AtsTRAI.IAN, and Ge.nekai. CoI.O.MAI. trade done by the distinguishcil establishment of Me-srs. Hrown, Thomas, i: Co. convincingly testifies to the commercial supremacy and prominent .status of this hrm. The splendid reputation gained at home for the goods supplied to the public has been rivalled in the popularity of the articles exported to India, in which their name and fame are as well known, perhaps, as ir. any part of the United Kingdom. In Ausfalia, for many years past, the superiority of their goods has enjoyed the favour of a ilunlllc that cannot be clainu-. In a like mniiiu-r the most their outwanl adornment, contain an admirable and varied stock tf articles usually to be procured nt first-class houses of this description, and which, in their excellence of work- manship.ind the .superioriiy or the materials, cannot be .surpassed by any*housc in the trade. This stock com- prises an admirable and choice collection of Irish linens, poplin silks, lace, and hosiery ; an admirable and commendable feature in the lirms m.inagement of its business being the dis- tinct encouragement they give to all articles of nalive manufacture which may favourably compare with, or, as is often the case, surpass, the foreign pro- duct. A large as>ortment of mantles and costumes arc always kept in stock, and the style and make ol these latter articles are in no respect inferior to the productions of the most celebrated Court dress- makers or milliners in the City. There isone method of conducrirg a special branch of their trade— the foreign costumedcpartment — which strikes us as being particularly ingenious, and is deserving of more than a passing note. All the world — at least, the world of fashion — is aware of the reputed skill of Parisian milliners, and ilic undoubtedly exquisite tisle which ilislinguishcs the articles of their workmanship— a taste which, rightly or wrongly, it is assumed some insular deficiency on our part prevents us from rivalling. At any rate, ther-- h.-is Vjcen, as long as we at ;?.ast can remember, a decided "rage" on the part of "our cousins, and our sisters, and our aunts" for Parisian-made bonnets or dresses ; and we cjnnot but admit that our fair re'ations present an undeniably charming appearance when attired in one of .Madame Celeste's artistic hats or biinnets, or in a costume from the master-hand of Worth. As long as this hankering after foreign taste exists, it is obviously iinimssible to satisfy the fail pirchascrs with objects of purely Irish manufacture, and hence a most important branch of the dressmaking trade is carried over to the profit of our Continental neighbours. To meet this difficuliy, the firm of Brown, Thomas, & Co. put their wise heads toge her and concocted a scheme which, .as we have remarked, does the highest ere lit to their inventive ginius. The firm, like all large houses, liave buyers con^tanlly in the Parisian .and German markets, whose business it is to jnirchise for their house the very latest novelties, styles, and fashions. Instead cf selling tho*e dresses, Messrs. Brown, Thomas, & Co. hand them over to an expe- rienced staff of workwomen, who copy the style, cut, etc., to the letter, using, however, Irish manufactured materials where possible, and producing an article of dress fully equal to its Parisian model in style and make. This step, which practically takes the wind out of the sails of the foreigner, has one iiillufiui.il citizens of every town in the United .States, from New Vurk to San Francisco, recognise as unsurpassed the excellent goods of ihis firm's exported to the Great Republic of the West. The many foreign lands in which they have placed their w.ares are too numerous to mention, but on the extent covered by their commercial conquests, as on the ilominions of the Brrtish empire, the "sun never sets." Taking all for all, the house of Brown, Thomas. & Co. is perhaps one of the best, if not, imleed, the best, of the most distinctly representative houses in Ireland ; and so eminently is the fact established that scarcely any foreigner visiting the Irish metro- polis who wishes to bring away some memento of his visit— generally a specimen of Irish work at its best — thinks of leaving the city without paying the celebrated and old-established house in Grafton Street a visit. We wish we were not, owing to the limited sp:ice at our disposal inseparable from a work of this description, prevented from pursuing our review .at greater length of this noted firm; but we trust »e have, at any rate, managed to convey some impression of the house to our reader's mind. Our sketch, although broadly treated, and necessarily omitting much detail we would fain have touched upon, may still be true enough to contain, within the scope of its rough outlrnes, some degree of porlriyal of one of the most re- markable and successful of modern commercial achievements — at least, wc hope so. We w ill merely ad,l, in conclusion, that the firm have won golden ojiinions for the manner in which the house h.as been conducted, and for the high principles of honourable in'<^rity distinguishing its iranagement. 54 Messrs. Jno. C. Partes & Sons, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Copper. Z nc. Lead, and Tin Merobants, no lo 114, Coomb;.— INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. with the fine variety of general hardware and builders' ironmongery, an! agricultural and garden tools. Department D is allotted to the care an 1 P^t-^Ai'?AN'fl P^ In reviewing the wide field of commercial interests that have built prosperity of the Irish metropolis, we meet with no more representative es- tablishment in its important line of business than that which bears the name and reputa- tion of Messrs. J. C. Parkes & Sons. This preeminently distinguished firm commenced their trade operations over half a century ago, and through faultless management and exceptional value at- tained a poit of distinctic5n not equalled in our city in their particular branch of industry. The premises are located in a district that has furnished many an interesting chaplei to the annals of Dublin, and are in commo- diousness and convenience adequate to the requirements of the extensive business transacted. Well and nobly have they maintained the good name of the capital as a firm in which good worth and mode- rate prices are the special features. The spacious establishment is divided into divi- sions, in each of which is displayed a show that alone would do credit to its respec- tive department of manufactures. To notice each would be impossible in the small .'.pace at our di-^posal, but we cannot refrain from mentioning a few specialities that attracted our attention. In the first department, which is classed as " A," we were particularly struck with the compre- hensive slock 01^ iron, steel, tin, and melal ^^ goods, as well as fire-clay g'lods. Passing ^^4 on to department 15, we see an equally ^J S|ilcndid assortment of grates, ranges, stoves, gas-fittings, indiarubber goo.Trimcnt U to department C is the next departure, and here we are well sale of tools, American metal and wooden ware, and fishing tackle. The , _^ next division we ap- V ^, ^Vj'^' ^^ proach is that in \Nhich the splendid show of cutlery is to be seen. Amongst the many articles in this department that demand notice are the electro - plated, nickel silver and Britannia goods, brushes, combs, spoons, and a numerous display of fancy ironmongery and cutlery articles. In a like manner a valu- able .and important stuck is kept in the next branch, which is classified as dep.art- mcnt F. Here our praise is gladly and willingly accorded to the really excellent galvanised tin and japanned goods, Faddlery requisites, ropes ami twines, in addition 10 many other such articles in infinite variety, but all of the most durable quality, best finish, and moderate prices. The last, but by no means least of the departments is that entitled " G," and creditably recog- nised to contain unexcelled botile-tops, coffin - mountings, and medals. In its entirety we have no hesitation in a'^sirt- ing that the stock will be found the most complete and varied in the trade. In it will be seen every tool the tradesman uses, every machine the householder retiiiiics, and every implement the farmer needs for the proper cultivation of his land. The mineral resources, with one exception — of coal — of the United Kingdom are, in ihe beautiful designs into which they arc made, to be appreciated thoroughly when seen in such an establishment as this. As the largest importers of American, Pelgip.n, Krcnch, Ccrnian, and Italian hardware, they undoubtedly take the sway ; they are as a result the chief house in this line, and when it is known that the quality of pleased | goods imported is made to be imperatively the best, it will be acknowledged INDUSTRIES OK DUULIN. 55 that the popularity attained has been a most dcicrvcH one. The com- mamling position of the house lirings to it numerous foreign orders, which are largely aupmenteil with the immense orders received from the travellers of the estal>lcsliinent, who are on "the road" the whole year round. In the management and trans.iclion of the business, courtesy and civility have rivalled the other good principles for especial mention. To meet the full convenience of the numerous ciinitilc, the est.iblishment goes so far as to procure any articles of their business not kept in stock. This saves an enormous amount of trouble and expense. This feature of the business is gratefully appreciated by all who have learned from experience to patronise the best concern of its kind. The exercise of jvnigment, ability, and enterprise characterises Messrs. Parkes & Sons' mammoth est.ablishment, which st.inds unrivalled amongst houses of a simdar kind in the Irish metropolis, and has few equals anywhere in the United Kingdom. James Muldoon, Frinting Material Mannfactnrer, 59i Great Strand Street. — One of the most widely and favourably known houses in connection with the production of materials for ])rinting, is that of Mr. James .Muldoon, which has been eslablislied five years, ami contains numerous specialities in this important line. The premises are situated at 59, Great Strand Street, near Capel Street, and here are manufactured every description of printers' materials, among which arc a number of the most perfect embossing machines, and also those for ruling, cutting, and punching ; rule sharpers, and a most exhaustive diversity of other apparatus for printing, ruling, stamping, pressing, and perforating purposes, and far too numerous to be detailed witliin the narrow limits of this sketch. And it is hardly necessary to st.ate that down to the most minute item Mr. Muldoon carries the same excellence of construction, finish, and workman- ship, that so eminently distinguishes his productions. This entcrjirising proprietor devotes particular attention to the complete furnishing and equipment of newspaper and jobbing offices, and his practical experience in all branches of the trade makes lijm a competent authority on the subject. The works of the firm are maintained in the best of good order, and a most attractive, complete, and highly interesting display of all the manufactures and specialities of the house is constantly on view in the various sections of the establishment. A large and efficient staff of mechanics and assistants are employed in the different departments of the works, and the entire buiiness is conducted with great energy, enterprise, and judgment. Mr. Mukloon's connections are of the most valuable and influential character, embracing many p.arts of Ireland, and he controls a domestic trade of large extent. All the tr.ansactions of the house are conducted with the strictest integrity, and its i roprietor is hi|,'hly respected and esteemed in tr.ide circles as an ujjright and honourable tradesman, whose establishment is a credit to his capacity and business tact, and who is by his courtesy greatly extending his connections. TSi. Eavanagh & Son, Painters, Decorators, Iron- mongers, etc., j8, .Main Street, I'.lackrock. — The painiing and decorating traiie being a most important branch in the enterprises Blackmck possesses, a representative house is the prominent concern conducted by Messrs. Kavanagh & Son. The firm was founded in the year 185S, and has con- tinued a prosperous career from the period of its inception up to the present time, when its business operations are on an extensive scale, and appear over a widely-spread district. The premises are extensive and suitably arranged for the business, and are handsomely fitted up as ware- house and necessary storage accommodation. The sti,cW is comprehensive and well-assorted in choice, rare, and f.ashionablc lesigns of room-papers, from foremost manufacturing firms in tr.ade ; paints, leads, oils, colours in vaiicty, varnishes, painters' brushes, pl.aster of Paris, Portland cements, window glass of every description, and British and foreign borders and gilt mouldings. There is also combined with the paint and colour br.anch that of ironmongery, and a well-assorted stock of all kinds of the house- furnishing class is here shown, procured direct from the most celebrated manufacturers in the kingdom, as well as many items of American produc- tion. In this line a large and rapidly extending local tr.ade is done by this well-known firm, notwithstanding keen competition from metropolit.an houses, which speaks highly of the manner in which the traile is done at this well-known concern. All kinds of painting in plain and decorative classes are executed, and in this department a considerable staff of skilled workmen are kept in constant employ, and an extensive trade is done. The firm secures contracts, both locally and from many parts, for painiing and decorating in commercial establishments of es-eiy kind, from banking and manufacturing firms, and from private parlies in every rank. All the work entrusted to the firm is executed in the foremost style, and bears a justly high reputation in every locality where the name is known. The proprietors are thoroughly practical gentlemen, and deservedly esteemed for artistic and other personal qualifications. John Fleming, Fleming's Hotsl Restaurant, i, South Great George Street. — One of the very oMcst of the notable houses of Dublin, in a highly important line, is that in the i)roprietorship of Mr. John Fleming, and known as Fleming's Hotel Kestaurant. This business was established fifty years ago, and has from the date of its inception enjoyed a ste.idy and continuous prosperity, and duly shared in the progress and constant development of its trade. The proprietor is also the owner of two other houses in the line, one in the city market, and another otV Capel Street. The shop now under consideration is spaciom and of fair dimensions, possessing a frontage of twenty-four feet, and a depth of forty- two feet. It presents a very neat and attractive appearance, and a scrupulous rcgaril is displayed for cleanliness throughout the entire estab- lishment. The house is well known and deservedly popular, and wprs. No. 35 is devoted to the clothing business, and here are shown fashionably designed and neatly furnished men's and Ixiys' clothing in cloths, serges, tweeds, and other popular materials. Overcoats and dust-coats, too, are exhibited in much variety, and are priced at truly moderate figures. In No. 34 is carried on the other section of the trade, the drapery, millinery, mantle, and dressmaking business. This department is fudy as deserving as No. 35 ; but the millinery, mantle, and dressmaking portion is much more pleasing to the eye on account of the fuller opportunities here open for the exercise of the artistic and most highly educated taste of the firm, whose exertions have already borne such eniluring fruits. Edward Lee, Tea, 'Wine, and Spirit Merchant, 114. Middle .-Vbbey .Street. — Constant advancement, continuous enterprise, and hard work seem to be the commercial characteristics of Dublin, so that when one estalilishment is referred to as being especially prominent among its neighbours in this go-ahead m;tropolis, no small meed of praise and commendation is implied in that refermce. Such an establishment as this is undoubtedly the well-known house of Mr. Edward Lee, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, which is certainly one of the most noteworthy features in the vicinity. This business was founded over a century ago, though the present owner has been in possession only about four years, and it was formerly in the occupation of Mr. A. Dwyer. The premises, which are somewhat extensive and commodious, are well located for business, being situated within three minutes' walk from Nelson's Pillar and O'Connell Street, with the additional advantage of being a corner house. The shop and premises are admirably fitted up, and in every respect well adapted to the requirements of the business. Large and extensively varied stocks are kept, embracing every commodity to be found at a first-class family grocery establishment, fresh, and in good condition, being direct importations from the best sources of foreign supply, with w hich the proprietor is in constant communication, and for quality and general excellence they .are not to be surpassed by any other house similarly engaged. In the wine and spirit department will be found large supplies of all the best and most celebrated growths and vintages of wines, ports, dry and medium sherries, clarets, and other foreign wines, all kinds of spirits, .and especially old m.ilt whisky, matured in sherry casks, bottled beers, and mineral waters. These are all first-class gooils, of superior quality, no others being kept in stock. Six assistants are employed, who are polite and civil, and wait upon customers with the greatest courtesy and promptitude. The business is most ably conducteil by its energetic and enterprising proprietor, and is in every way a creoit to his capacity as a business man, and to the important branches of trade it so admirably represents. Mr. Lee has won the esteem of a wide- spread and valuable connection of retail trade, solely upon the merits of fair dealing and honourable commercial methods, and the entire business h.as at all times been man.aged upon principles which have in this instance brought about a degree of mercantile success and prosperity as remarkable as it is in every respect well and worthily deserved. 56 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Browne & Nolan, Wholesale and Retail Stationers, Printers, and Booksellers, 24, Na-N>au blrct-t. —During ilic p.tsi hiiy years iho iri>Ii capital lias made great advances in ihe cuinniercial iiUeits'.s of the world. lis progress has been the resultant of the business character and aptitude of its citizens, who have ever availed themselves of the newest and most improved means and methods of transacting their mercantile affairs. The truth of this statement is practically evidenced in the support accorded to .Messrs. Browne & Nolan, the prominent sta- tioners, printers, and book- sellers, who have almost a monopoly of ^up))lying the counting-houses .and cli ef offices in this city with every kind of requisites. A brief sketch of this im- portant house must occupy a place of distinction in a review of the industrial opera- tions that have built up the Irish metropolis. Foumled twenty years past on a small scile, this house has durint; that period come to the fore rank of our leading establish- ments. The greatest enter- prise, coupled with superioi ity of production, have been re- sponsible for the attainment of this most desirable end. The premLses are situated in a busy thoroughfare, .and though of the "donjon 'style of architecture, are at the same time handsome and .at- tractive. The first feature ob- servable in the establishment, is the careful attention that is evident in the style in which the two large plate-glass win- dowsare dressed with leds;ers, copying books, patent files, etc. Entering the lofty shop, the visitor sees on either hand a well-appointed counter ilis- playing a good assortment of note-papers of every quality, pens, pencik, pencil-cases, account-books, an;I a miscellaneous and most valuable variety ol novel stationery article*. At the end of the shop is located the counting-house with its appointments of the best mahogany. To the light of this department is the managing partners sanctum, wherefrom are issued the edicts that govern the establishment. At the rear of the last-mentioned office is the department devoted to the s.ale of books. The latter is stocked with a comprehensive assortment of all the latest published works in every ii-ld of literature. In it particular attention is given to the Liturgical works, including missals and breviaiies, which are ever to be had most complete and authorised. Leaving the bookselling department, pa>sing Mr. Nolan's office and crossing to the left side of the shop, the vi-itor ascends a wide staircase which brings him to the printing and bookbinding workshops. In the former many competent hSnds are busy at every de- scription of press work, whilst the latter tin ns out some of the mcst durable and handsome bindings from the cheapest cloth to the most expensive vellum or moro.co. The limits of our space will not allow us to go more fully into the details of the manufac- turing deparlmcn's ; suffice to say, that no article leaves the house that will not bear a favourable comparison with the best goods in the market. The ret.iil connec'ions in the Mationeiy and bookselling departments include all sec- tions of the public, who ]>atronise the hous- to such a large extent that we have no hc-i;ation in affirming thai they combine to m.ake a counter trade that is not e'ptalled in this city in their res|)ective lines. The whole- sale trade is spread over Ireland, England, and Scot- land, and the export trade comprises a lucrative business with the Colonies an 1 United .States. We must also men- tion that ihegreatermimberof convents, priories, and other religious institutions accord i;rcat favours in the form of l.irge orders, in adf Roman Catholic clergymen throughout the three countries havin:; private accounts here. Another feature in this establishment is the thoroughly .system:itic manner in which every detail of the bu-.iness is transacted. In conclusion, we must say that the courte-y and ability evident in Mr. No'an's management have been the factors that, more than anything else, have elevated this house to the high status it now honours. Georje Price, Wholesale China, Glass, and Earthen- ware Merchant, n, Moore .Street. — \ very well-known and liiglily respectable hou-c in the china, glass, and earthenware trade is that which for some years his b;en so successfully managed by Mr. Georffe Trice of the above address. Despite the fact of its somewhat recent eslablishm-nt, Mr, Price's house has succeeded in making for itself a very high-class reputation, and taken on the whole is a most prosperous and flourishing establishment. I-ounded oiily about five years ago, this house soon succesiied in forming a very extensive and valuable mercantile connection, not merely in Dublin and its subiirbs, but al-o in various parts of the country. The premises are very extensive, and are ihnughout most tastefully and appropriately fitted, not only with a view to the convenience of the trade, but alsj to the elfc- live display of the large and valuable stock. This latter, which is very extensive, corsisis of an admirable asso/lment of articles in china, glass, del', and earthenware, and includes nearly every object manuTaclured in those various materials. All the articles are of the most superior quality, and fully justify the high reputation gained by the house durirg the first five years of its commercial existence. During the course of a necessarily brief inspection, we were much struck with the fine quality of the work and the tasteful and often elegmt designs of many of the objects we h.ad the privilege ofms|«cting. In the glass dc|.artment, for instance, we were highly deligh'ed with some Ijcautiful sets of cut-glas; decanters, as also with some very t.aste- ful designs in eMrgn<% for dinner-table purposes, and which were both elegant anrl novel, 'ihere was a very admirable selection of wine-glasses and tumblers displayed, all the gjods in this line being of exceptional ele- gance and beauty. Nor, when we came to inspect Mr. Trice's Hock of china, were we less pitased and surprised at the variety of the various jiatlcrns and ilcsigns. Some very admirable dinner sets rpiite struck our fancy, the articles being fully up to the best quality of goods of the Im st I-.ngiish or Krcnch houses. In the earthenware slock there were sirine fine specimens, altogether admirable. The general stock, which is large and comprehensive, inchi>le frequently to be found therein. INDUSTKIKS OF DUBLIN. 57 Kessrs. Mitchell ft Son, Confectioners, etc., etc., to, ("irafton Street. — To lincl anytliin),' like a ii.ir.ill(.l to the iiiii'|iie ami important poMtion wliich the niaijiiiucent eslall|i^h^u•lll of the Messrs. Mitchell & Son holds, wc must travel as far as the West Kiul of London, where the celebrated house of Mr. Hunter offers us a compari!on. Like Mr. Gunter in London, Mr. Mitchell in Dublin has lonj; won a world-wide reputation, and may justly claim, at least on Irish stiil, ttt he callcil j^ar exctlUmt the I'rince of Kalaiirateurs. This old e^^al)lished and famous house occupies hamUome and elalwrately fitted premises .it lo, (Jrafton Street, which are, during the Dublin season, the daily and fashionable resort of all that is aristocratic and wealthy in Dublin society. The interior of the spacious shop is luxuriantly lited with every elegance and comfort calctdaicd to render it a pleasant lounge for the more idle among the I'iait inotuii ; and its cool recesses tluring the warm summer afternoons may be seen daily crowded with a fashionable and well-dressed throng, e.igerly discussing the latest .scandal and Messrs. Mitchell's incomparable ices at one and the same time. What treasures of the pastrycook's art are here displayed in tempting profusion ! Cool jellies trembling on their cut-glass dishes, at the near prospect of their consumption by delicately co-tumecl l.idies, in the most bewitching hats or bonnets, and envying the fate of their more happy companions, the bath buns, who, during the warm weather, are comparatively safe, were it not for the wasting away of their s.iccharinc constitutions by the heat. Tarts and sponge cakes, bl.inc-m.inge and custard, all are here, and all are excellent, as well in point of fact as every delicacy that can captivate the eye or tempt the appetite. Nor are the more substantial delicacies, represented by succulent hams and tender (ibred ox-tongues, in all the glory of chocolate coloured gl.ize and perforated paper decorations, wanting, to satisfy the tastes of those to whom, alas ! the more ethereal charm of ice or jelly is no longer what it once was, when "all the world was younger." How many a pleasant hour have we ourselves not spent within those pleasant portals, consuming, with economic slowness, the currant or bath bun supplied tous, while menially taking notes, not without feelings of envy, of how many gooseberry tarts a certain divinity, in the most entrancing of pink tulle bonnets, was d.iintily consuming, and listening, with a schoolboy's greedy ears, to the sharp po,> of the champagne corks, which now or again might be heard. To estimate, however, the real importance of Messrs. Mitchell & Son's business, it is necessary to travel farther afield than their ■elegantly appointed premises in Grafton Street. It is in what may be termed, not unfittingly, their export trade, or, in other words, their outside business, that the house bears such a splendid reputation. There is not a Kill or partv given in Dublin by the upper ten thousand, at which the supper and refreshments are not supplied by "Mitchell's." Here is where the great and deservedly high fame of the house has been made. In the supply of first-class suppers to b.alls and parties, as well as in the supply of the wedding breakfasts, which are not unfrequently the outcome of the former, Messrs. Mitchell & Son can fear no rivalry, they are unique. No other house in the trade has the same name, or can ever .acquire it, as long as Mitchell's lasts. We can imagine the respected head of the firm smiling blandly at the mere suggestion of the house's fame not being eternal, and murmuiing, " Afr^s nous U dt'hr^e" with the air of an old aristocrat of the haute noblesse. Messrs. Mitchell & Son are widely famous for the quality of their wedding cakes, and in the manufacture of those costly and stately piles of plum cake and frosted sugar do a most extensive business — to order, of course. They hold appointments to the Queen, Prince of Wales, Dukes of Edinburgh and Conn.aught, and all the Lord Lieutenants ; and they supply all the principal banciucts, dejeuners, balls, etc. We once heard the time taken in the manufacture of one of Messrs. Mitchell & Son's cakes, but regret not being able to give the tigure to our readers ; it was, however, something enormous. 'I'hey send brides' cakes all over the world, and an order is now on hand for a young lady going out to India to be married, and who is going to take her bridal cake with her. These hymeneal trophies have lo be ordered of the firm considerably in advance of the time required, their composition being a weighty matter — in both senses of the term — and requiring great care and expenditure of thought. They have always a large stock on hand. Can turn one out in twenty-four hours (cakes which rcciuire to be m.ade «mie six months in advance). In taking leave of this old and favourite house, the very mention of whose name is redolent of the most pleasant memories and the happiest associations, we would call attention to the great populaiity which members of the firm undoubtedly enjoy, not merely among those with whom they are most intimately brought in cont.act, but generally, and throughout commercial circles in Dublin. Their unfailing courtesy, civility, and business tact has had much to do in the formation ol their large and influential connection, while, from the commercial standpoint, the honourable methods by which they carry on their extensive trade, coupled with the strict integrity and honour which characterises all their business relations, has caused them to be widely and deservedly respected. Mr. R. Mitchell is the only partner in the firm. May & Sons, Music Sellers, Pianoforte, Harmonium, and Organ Warohouse, 130, Su-plien's Cirt-en. -L)iie of the chicl houses (now established a quarter of a century) in Dublin lor the sale of musical instruments is that of Messrs. May & .Sons. The two large windows that introduce the sightcer or customer to the instruments soUl are well dressed with the latest publications of music, and with many ditlerent kinds of portfolios .and reticules made lo carry and contain works on music. In the ware-rooms is placed on view a very large and choice stock of pianos, har- moniums, organs, violins, meloleons, concert in.as, ami, in particular, a gooil stock of instruments used in life and drum and reed bandu, together with an issortmcnt of music-stands and stools, violin c.i»cs, etc. The premises throu;;hriut are maintained in admirable order by an clficient stair, anil the slock is well kept up lo meet the large Ir.idc that the hoasc hai, by conscientious ilealings, .acquired. .Superintending iheir own busi- ness, avoiding unnecess-iry expenditure of man.igement, and inordinate .ailvertising, they sell at the very smallest profit compatible with fair trading. The tuning of pianot is a speciality that the house has ever l)ccn famous for, the skilful hands employed gaining for it a name that adds lo and enhances the reputation enjoyed by it for the constant intri, luclion of the latest novv^lties in its line. In adililum lo catering for a valuable and inlluential private connection, the sales of the shop make the bu->iness a most lucrative one. In its equipment nothing has l)cen left undone to make it complete, and every accommodation has been requisitioned for the ease and comfort of all who inspect their fine show of goods. The quality of the articles sold is exceptionally good, and it h,Ts ever been the aim of this firm to give best possible value at lowest remunerative prices ; and the i>opulaiity attained by the house proves that the success has l>een com- mensurate with the efforts used to gain it. The utmost consideration for the customers' interests is shown, and the most painstaking energy cha- racterises the transactions of the house, which well deserves ihe ptosjicrily that true worth merits. "W. Orammond & Sons, 5S, Dawson Street. --Tn tlie career ol the Messrs. Drummond we have a short history of unbroken success, dating from 1S43, when the present head of the Irish branch of the house opened connections in this country. To touch on earlier traditions of the house would be to open up the stories of several generations, and touch upon matters which do not come into the scope of a work on Dublin industries. Opening in the same street where the establishment .so familiar to more than one generation of Iri^h agriculturists now stands, the Messrs. Drummond soon found the pressing need for such commodious stores and warehouses as they now possess, and accordingly, in 1845, moved from No. 16 to their present address. The famine year and the consequent commercial cri>is came and went ; seasons of difficulty and agricultural depression followed one upon the other, but the firm of Drummond floated salely and prosperously through them all. Mr. David Drummond, the founder of the Irish branch, has long been a prominent Dublin citizen, widely known both in the worlil of philanthropy and as a member of the lioards of many of the chief industrial enterprises of the capit.il. His career is but a reflex of the success which has followed that rigid adherence to high principle which has directed the management of Ihe firm. Some eight years ago he associated with him in p.artnership two son', Mr. Wdliam Henry and Hamilton Drummond, they having first gone through a long training in the agricultural details and technicalities incident to the management of such a business. Of the thousand and one necessaries to agricultural and horticultural economy in which they do bu-sin.-ss we do not propose to write, simply saying that the house makes a successful speciality of grass and clover seeds, and its name is inseparably connected with their widely-known purple-lopped swede. The various departments have of late been chielly under the direction of the younger memlx;rs of the firm, and we are glad to think that in their hands its prestige has suffered no diminution, and we predict that it will long continue its career of usefulness in the agricultural world. R. Sexton &; Sons, Tailor, 50, Dawson Street. — There exists in that weird philosophic, yet most pleasing and interesting work of Thomas Carlyle, "Sartor Kesartus," a history of clothes and a record of the part they have played in the destinies of the world. If some Iiish Carlyle were to compose a " Clothes-history " ol Dublin, he would find a full suliject for one chapter at least in the tailoring and military outfitting es'ablishment of K. Sexton & Sons, at 50, Dawson Street. Since its est.ablishment, now above thirty-five years ago, there have been witnessed in the promenades of Dublin many changes of fashion. A time was when full, indeed baggy, straight-cut, unornamcntal garments were the outer coverings of those who thought themselves the pink of perfection. At present closeness of lit, originality of cut, and cunning of design are de rigiuur. At other periiuls in those thirty years these extremes were in a manner blended and combined, with a result by which ease, elegance, and comfort were cansiilerably the gainers. Through all these changes Messrs. R. Sexton iS Sons always held their leading position among the tailors of town. The history of the past of this establishment is a record of success and prosperity, worthily acquired by a patient endeavour to serve ihe public. The number of hands varies from twenty to thirty. Needless to say that the patrons of this house are the chief lights ot Dublin, indeereading connection in the wholesale and retail drug trade. The business occupies, as premises suitable to its extensive industry, large buildings at 38, Arran Quay, of which they have recently obtained a long lease from the Corporation of Dublin, and where they have completely rebuilt the ware- houses, stores, and lalxjrator)-, and fitted them with every modern improve- ment to meet their daily increasing trade. Thiy have also enlarged and improved their Dame Street brancli. The new premises on Arran Quay ate very spacious and commodious, and arc admirably fitted with all llic requirements of modem taste and with a direct view to their general utility. As dispinsing chemists the firm have a wide and ilaily growing connection among all classes of citizen.?, the sale of patent medicines, many beinjj of their own preparation, being a speci.ilily with them. Their compounding department is under thechargeof .Mr. John Joze, B..\., T.C.D., L.P.S.I., Pharmaceutical Chemist, etc., assisted by skilled chemists, and every pre- scription is carefully checked. In addition to their large premises on .\rratv Quay, .Messrs. Joze & Co. have another extensive business establishment, at 24, Dame Street, both housss being admirably supplied with a large and' valuable stock of those many and varied commodities in w hich they success-, fully trade. The large and well-selected stock of pure fresh drugs and chemicals owned by the firm may invite comparison with any house in the- kingdom, and includes almost every species of drug and preparation known to the trade. The trade in drugs always forms a very important part iiVi the creation of the commercial greatness of any large or wealthy city, and in this particular Dublin is no exception to the general rule, boasting as it does so many eminent firms engaged in this particular form of commerce. Among those houses of established reputation the firm under our notice certainly plays a conspicuous part, having earned, as we have said, a well- deserved name for the purity and quality of those articles it oilers to the public. To enumerate in detail the various articles to be found among Messrs. Joze & Co.'s stock would take at least a column to itself, while to expatiate on their excellence or render them a tithe of 'he notice they in justice deserve would doubtless require half-adozen. In the druggist Ime, however, we may briefly classify their goods under about seven denomina- tions, retaining an eighth for oils and colours. The stock consists then,. shortly, of patent medicines, special medicines, toilet preparations, choice- perfumery, cattle medicines, and various household sundries. Under the. heading of "special medicines " we find many articles prepared by Messrs. Joze & Co. themselves. These form an extensive catalogue in themselves,, and require more space than we can, unfortunately, afford ; so that out of over a score of specially prepared and jiatent medicines, bearing the name- of the firm as their inventois, we merely mention Jozc-'s liver pills, Joze's antacid mixture, instant toothache cure, sarsapariila and iodine, JozeV chemical food, Joze's cough mixture, quinine and iron tonic, pick-me-up bitters. The business arr.angements are very complete, and do much credit to the business manager, Mr. T. M. Joze. who has spent several years visiting the principal laboratories in Europe and America, while the unvary-ing and untiring courtesy of their large staff of assistants is beyond all praise. Werner & Son, Artists and Photographers, 39, Grafton' Street. — In the fashionable and much frequented thorouglif^ue of Grafton .Street stands the studio of one of tlie most eminent firms of photographers, in the kingdom. The well-known house of Werner & Son has a reputation' that is not bounded by parallels of latitude, their productions finding their way to all parts of the civilised globe. Their name is as familiar in New- South Wales as it is in California, and many an adopted citizen of the United States can point with reverence to the facialyar similes produced at the renowned studio in Grafton Street. In the p.-ist year they have been the recipients of several medals, foremost of which are those awarded them in London and Vienna. Probably in no branch of the arts have more improvements been made during recent years than in that of photography, and the rapidity with which these inventions have been adopted by the profession is a convincing and very forcible proof of the spirit of progressive enterprise that has always been a distinguishing feature of those engaged in this particular business. The establishment under review have always displayed a keen sense of competitive energy, and have constantly added to their resources and producing powers, keeping pace in this way with the unceasing demands of a fashionable and truly critical clien'.iU. They have always been the first to adopt improvements and novelties in connection with their operations, and have never attempted to save either time or money where the interests of their patrons were at stake. ' In this way they have attained a degree of success; that is, however, only consistent with their enterprise, and the high standard of perfection to w-hich they have brought the art of photography. Their galleries have won an international reputation for the supeiiority and wonderful accuracy of ' their portraits, and in evidence of this, it may be mentioned that they have been honoured by the presence of many distinguished visitors, and liberally patronised by the wealthy and fashionable of Ireland. The best and most indisputable proof of the general excellence of the productions of this establishment, is to be found in the fact that atone exhibition alone they obtained three medals of first-class merit for three distinct productions of photography, a feat never before performed at any exhibition. The press and the public alike are unanimous in their eulogium of the extremely and singularly beautiful work turned out from the .studios of Messrs, Werner & Son. Their photographs ami monochrome enlargements are triumphs of artistic beauty and photographic skill unprecedented in the records of the art. It is only fair to mention that in this connection Messrs. Werner & .Son are the only firm in Dublin who have special apparatus and gallery constructed to produce enlargements, thus obviating the necessity of sending their work to be done out of the country, ensuring personal supervision, and guaranteeing a speedy delivery of all orders entrusted to them. Out- door I ihotography constitutes a most impoitant item in the operations of the establishment, and in this connection some splendid specimens may be seen in their galleries. The premises occupied are commodious, artistically arranged, and admir.il>ly equipped in every respect. In carte-tle-vi^ite, cabinet, and panel work the production of these galleries is unrivalled loi beauty and superior workmanship. The prices charged are very moderate, while the satisfaction to be obtained by an artistic and accurate portrait is- guarantccd. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 59 Mr. R. T. Martin, Ladies' Tailor, Coatnmier, and Habit Maker, S5, 86 .iiul S7, Oraflon Street. — .\mon(; the pioneers of the "l.iiii.s' i.iilor inovemeiil " must certainly be classed .Mr. K. T. Martin, of (Iraftoii Street, who has now, for the last ten years, ministered to laIcCorniick specially devote their attention to the importation of the higher class house coals ; for thirty-five years they have been the exclusive importers of Orrell coal, from the celebrated mines of Jonathan Blimdell & Son ; this coal has acquired an unequalled reputation in the Dublin market. Mr. McCormick and his sons still conduct and personally superintend their business, E 2 6o INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. fitted and, with every convenience required in | Mitchell & Son, Wine Merchants and Importers,. 21, Kildare "-treet. — In the Irish capital there arc lew more enterprising or more hard working men than Mr. K. Mitchell. His restaurant, at lo, Grafton Street, is an important con cern in itself, but it has not been sufficient to satisfy his active turn of minH, and to that important branch of liis business he has acntry dep!remises, and pack the bottles in one or two dozen boxes, somewhat similar to brandy cases, stamping ach box with their own name and the name of the makers in large lelters on its side ; by this nicajis the fiini make sure that the cases will not be tampered with. Some of the whisky thus bottled ami i>acked is that dis- tilled in 1S79, which makes the whisky nine years old. This must be a -most delightful quality whisky ; for even at four years old Messrs. Jameson's .manufacture may be said to hold the field, in the sense that they ilri\e all other competitors out o! it. If whisky be intrinsically bad, all the keei>iiig in the world, either in wf)oears, it com- manded that share of success and prosperity that is always associated with undertakings governed by energetic and well-dis;iplined management. About three years ago the business passed into the hands of .Messrs. James Williams & Robert Woods, and under their personal supervision the success and reputation established by thiir predecessors have not only been maintained but steadily developed, until now the concern stands on as solid a basis as any concern of its kind in the ki igdcm. In the manufacture ol sheet lead, lead piping, compo and waste pii>e, plumbor's and fine solder, etc., the house occupies a pre-eminent position, and is destined yet to assume greater activity and proportions. From the very date of its origin it has been noted for the general reliability of all its undertakings ; and to-day it occupies a most unique position among houses of its kind in Iielaud. A wholesale trade is transacted, anjl the establishment is fully occupied, its manufactures finding a market with the principal buyers in Ireland. In the city th- establishment commands a most extensive trade among plumbers, gas-fitters, and general builders and contractors. To keep pace with the growing demands made upon their resources, the producing powers of the fiiiii have been fully taxeil. It may not be out of place here to mention that extensive alterations are l)eing made, and that the latest improvements in machinery for pipe making and lead rolling are being introduced. The premises are unusually commodious, well arranged, and equipped with all that nineteenth century mechanical skill and ingenuity can accomplish ; and this added to a large staff of capable workmen renders the pioducing powers of the firm equal to any in the kingdom. Orders are daily received from all parts, and executed with that prompti- tude and despatch that have ever been the characteristics of the house. The proprietors are gentlemen of long and varied experience, who have biought to bear many notable qualities on the operations o( this business. That they are men of no mean stability may be gatherertefi goods, and cheap productions of the articles, have of late years been largely introduced into the city ; he, however, apjK-ars to hold his own well agamst such competition. Higher rates of prices must necessarily be charged for honiL work of undoubted material, than for such goods as those referred to ; still the firm under notice was never in a more prosperous and flourishing condition, which fact speaks eIo(|uently for the jmblic appreciation of the celebrated manufacture of this cmmenl firm. The proprietor is a thoroughly cx|ierienccd workman himself, has ha.l long experience of h^gh.class work in the trade, and jiL-rionally looks after the general superintendence of his flourishing business. of any house in the three kingdoms. We have mentioned that Mr. Hyam does a large and imporl.-inl trade; how large that trade is will be understood from the significant fact that to carry it on as it is, he has to employ ne.arly half a hundred hands. All the assistants have been most carefully selected with a view to their fitness for that branch of the business in which they are engaged, particular care and attention having been paid to the selection of the various cutters, Mr. Hyam being fully aware of the importance of having none but the best men in this department. The ready- made stock, which is of a most exhaustive description, includes gentlemen's morning and walk- ing coats in all the newest styles, made from plain or fancy cloths, double and single-bteasted, at prices varying from 20s. to £2 5?. Suits for the season, of a cheap yet duralile character, at very low prices, and admirably suited, we should say, for the use of ser- vants and others, made of strong tweeds in a great variety of pat- terns, from 30J. to ^2 10s. ; and suits for business, shooting, fish- ing, or travelling, all of a su- perior quality and at strictly moderate prices. In the juvenile department of dress Mr. Hyam has long been without a rival, hiscomprehensivcsupplyofboys' and children's suits having won for him a reputation all over the country. These suils are of a price which brings them within tile reach of all, the several shapes as now worn being as low as 4s. 6d., and going as high as 20s. or 30J. Suits of clothes suitable to boys more advanced in age are equally moderate in proportion, extending from 12/. 61/. and l6.f. bJ. to 30/. and ^2. His order department is replete with all the novelties of the sea- son in suitings, trouserings, coat- ings, etc., from which he makes to order suits from 42A, trousers from 13X., coats and vests from 37.t. 6d. upwards. In the matter of hosiery .Mr. Hyam docs a very large business, and extensive s'.ocks are held by him, em- bracing every description and quality of these goods. Half- hose, drawers, and under-vests, all will be found, and at most moderate prices, considering their superior quality and manufacture. Gentlemen's shirts of white longcloth, with linen fillings ; fancy cambrics of the newest patterns ; flannels in great variety ; and cuffs, collars, scarves, and ties, all go to make up one of the most complete outfitting slocks of articles lor the use of gentlemen that has come under our notice. Mr. Hyam is extremely popular among .ill classes of his customers, and by his civility and courtesy has done much to merit for liis house the large patronage it has received. No man is better liked or more highly respected for his many commendable qualities, and for his honourable method of conducting his house. William Hicks, Caljinet and Chair Maker, 2, Farrell's Court. -The manuf.ictory of Mr. William Hicks is one of considerable note and high reputation in connection with the cabinet-making industry that flourishes in ihe metroimlis. The factory is centrally situated in the best business p.art of the city in Farrell's Court. The premises are very extensive, and well adapted and arranged for the nianufaclure carried on. A large number of workmen are here employed in the diflerent processes of the work in the manufacture of c.ibnet-making and chair-making, and in the renovating and repolishing of all kinds of household furniture, and in restoring articles of the antique furniture class. As a proof of excellence, Mr. Hicks took a gold prize medal at Dublin Kxhibiti' n in 18S2, and first prize of merit at the Exhibition of 18S5. The firm occupies a leading place in the estimation of .an appreciative public. Its opera'.uins are of enor- mous dimensions, the firm being largely p.atronised by the wholesale trade in city and country, and a large local retail Ir.ade is attached. The goods manufactured are turned out in r.uper or woods made in highest artistic style of workmanship, and have gained a high reputation in the market. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 63 Francis Falkner. Wine Merchant, 83, Gtadon Street, nnlin. — This eminunt Ijiisinoss house lays claim to having been established for over a century. The firm's establishments in Dublin number two, one being situated in draft on .Street, the other in Dawson .Street. The I.cmrion house is at 2, Charing Cross Vaults, Coekspur Street, anil is well known to the people of the West End of London. It is rather with the Dublin branch of the Messrs. Falkner's firm that we are at present more immediately concerned. Dublin numbers many businesses of similar import, but the student of the leading commercial features of the Irish metro- polis will find very few which, for repute, for extended connection, ami for a past stretching bad; into the last centur)', will compare with the subject of this sketch. We may note that the Messrs. I'alkner have not lacked ade- quate recognition of their merits. Indeed, the recognitions which must have been accorded them are the fullest testimony to the high character of their house, and obviate the necessity of aught save their bare recital. The Messrs. Falkner have a reputation as bonders and blenders of that most excellent and cheering spirit, Irish whisky. That their whisky must be of an altogether 'unsurp.^s^able excellence is proved by the following honours list :— rin New Zealand (Christchurch), the linn, in 18S2, carried off the gold medal and diploma. In Amsterdam, a year later, we find the Falkner whisky carrying otT the silver medal and diploma, and this, it may be mentioned, ■was the highest award. At the Calcutta Exhibition of 1S83-4, the gold medal and diploma fell to the Grafton Street firm : and at Boston the firm were equally successful in that they won, in the face of the most strenuous competition, the gold medal and the di|)loma, these, as we have said before, being the highest awards which the ditTercnt juries were empowered to confer. To enumerate the striking success which the Falkner whiskies have at different times obtained would be a tedious task. Suffice it to say that in addition to the above highly commendable list of honours gained f'oiir k mhite, this firm can boast of three other gold medals, from London, Antwerp, and Paris respectively. This we have no ^esitation in declaring to be a remarkable record, especially as it has been made in the teeth of the severe competition and rivalry of other firms of known standing and approved reputation. Ijke all firms which are solicitous to maintain a character for fair dealing, the Messrs. Falkner issue a net cash price list, which is, and should be to the careful housewife, ver)' interesting reading. It is manifest that the Messrs. F.ilkner are ambitious of combining excellence with cheapness, for some of the prices quoted, considered in the light of the singular excellence of the goods, strike us as being very low indeed. Among other goods to which pro- minence of statement is given, we note Ceylon teas. Mr. Falkner has been quick to suit, and even to anticipate, the public taste in providing his customers with so liberal a v,iriety of Ceylon teas, drawn, we doubt not, from the verj' best plantations. Indeed, his general stock of teas is one of the finest in the city. Mr. Falkner, however, has cast his net wider, and affords intending purchasers a wide assortment of the delicious "teas of Ceylon to select from. We observe in the list the delicious Gallibode, than which, now th.at China teas have so sadly fallen off in merit and consequently in public esteem, it would be difficult to find a ■tea which in every respect more fully satisfies the exigent demand of the iconnoisseurs in tea. Going on our way through Mr. Falkner's price list we note many other features of his trade which well deserve commenda- .tion. We are especially struck with the arrangements which Mr. Falkner has made for the comfort of his customers and the expeditious despatch of all orders that may be sent him. lie delivers free three times a week within a radius of ten miles round Dublin, his smart .and well-horsed traps going out as far as Bray, Howth, and other places lying at distances more or less considerable from the metroiiolis. Mr. Falkner has established a system of deposit accounts at his two business houses in Dublin, which we consider to be both valuable in principle and extremely handy and workable in application. Sums of ^5 and upwards will be placed to a ■customer's credit, and goods supplied .against same as required. This arrangement is of the very handiest description to country clients who, when sending up their orders to Mr. Falkner, may not always have their cheque-book near, or a post-office convenient at which they may obtain the necessary postal order. Mr. Falkner has a graduated scale for the free delivery of goods at distances from Dublin. Thus, orders value £\ are delivered free of charge to any goods station within fifty miles of Dublin ; value £,2 to within a hundred miles ; and value ;f 3 to any goods station in Ireland. This is an excellent and ingenious system, and to it may undoubtedly be traced a large share of that extensive country patronage which Mr. Falkner receives. Mr. Falkner is wine merchant by appointment to the Imperial Court of Austria ; an honour which, great as it is, has been unquestionably deserved. Pearse & Sharp, Scnlptors, 27, Great Brunswick Street.— The tlotable establishment of .Messrs. I'earse & Sharp has certainly lost no time in establishing the reputation of being one of the first houses of its kind in the city. It is not more than a decade of years back since the two gentlemen who still so skilfully guide its course opened in a small way the business of architectural and ecclesiastical sculptors, and since that time its sphere of utility has gradually widened out, its credit steadily increased, until it took up its present prominent position. The premises, which have . been five times enlarged during those ten years, are situated at 27, Great Brunswick Street, and I55 and 156, Townsend .Street. They are com- posed of a sales-room, several large exhibition rooms, and numerous work- shops and worklofis. The machinery for polishing and turning, etc., it all of the latest design, and is liiii-d up with the moit recent inventionit. In the workshops and lofts from forty to fifty hands are continuously employed, and the major portion of these are really skilful and educated artists, some halfclo/en of whom are continually em|7lpulous locality. The premises are extensive, having a frontage of forty feet .and a depth of si.\iy feet, and arc formed of two extensive three-storeyed buildings. There is a splendid stock here displayed, including John Jameson & Son's renowned si.x-year-old whisky, with several productions from the leading city and provincial distilleries, including George Rowc & Co.'sand J. Power &' .Son's famous brands ; port, sherry, Malaga, and claret wines, brandies, cham- pagnes, gin, cordials, liqueurs, aerated waters, etc. ; Bass & Co.'s and Allsopp & Co.'s celebrated ales in wood and bottle, and the renowned Dutilin stout .and porter, the brewings of the celebrated firm, Guinness 4 Co., Limited. The entire business is under the efficient superintendence of the proprietor, a gentleman of long experience and undoubted business capa- bilities, and who is eminently ad.apted to fill the important position he holds in connection with a firm of such old and honourable traditions. 64 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. W.& H.M. Goulding, Limited, Mantire Manufacturers, 25, Eden Quay, Dublin. — It was a celebrated writer, and a native of Dublin, who said that " Whoever could make two blades of grass or two ears of com to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew befi>re would deserve better of mankind, and do more essential service to his country, than the whole race of politicians put together." As the visitor to Dublin sails up the splendid bay, and enters the LifTey, he sees on his right hand, in large while letters, the words " Goulding's Manure Works" painted upon the walls of one of their enormous acid chambers. Here the celebrated manures of this will-known firm are manufactured an' has honourably been associated with this important industry, reflecting alike credit on itself and the tr.ade with which it is connected. Spice will not allow a descri|)tion of the ])rocess followed in the manufacture of cork-wood into the familiar articles of use with which we arc all so well acquainted. Wc can, however, with perfect truth assure our readers that no conception can be formeil from a sketch like this of the magnitude and importance of such a house as that of Messrs. .Murjihy & Co. There is no house in Dublin, no matter what the line of business, that takes hi(;hcr rank in commercial circles, or whose excellent management has excited wider admiration among all classes of the mercantile coni« munity. Mr. R. J. Murphy, the senior partner, resides at Woodpark, Kingstown, is a county magistrate, and is chairman of the Kingstown Town Commissioners, and one of the most popular public men in Dublin. Galvin Bros., 'Wholesale and Family Grocers, 'Wine^ and Spirit Merchants, i-9. ijO, ^nd 131, Capel Street. — .\mong the foremost houses in Dublin connected witli the wholesale and family grocery trade, the above-named establishment must be allowed to take a prominent place, not only on account of the antiquity of its origin, but also of its commercial importance. The house was established inoie than a hundred years ago. The premises occupied by the firm are most spacious, being composed of three houses in one block respectively numbered 129, 130, and 131, Capel Street. The arrangement of ihis large building as a business emporium is altogether admirable, the whole being handsomely and most elTectively fitted up in accordance with the rules and canons of modern taste. In the decoration of the house the greatest and most unusual pains have been taken and no expense sjiared in jirocuring the best work to be had for money, the services of the eminent ])ainter Mr. Grey, one of the well-known tamily of that name, all of whom are members of the Royal Hibernian Academy, having been called in, and to whose rare artistic skill the house owes the eight handsome pictures of Irish scenery which adorn its walls. These arc representations of the famous Scalp at Bray, Bray River, The Stven Churches, County Wicklow, Muckross .-Mtbey, County Kerry, The Round Tower, The .St.ag at Bay, and Upper ami Lower Lake, Killarney, and are valued by experts at little under /500. The present l)rn|)rietors have spent altogether on the improvement, decoration, and general fitting out of their eslablishment alout JC7,ooo. In the laying in of their stock the Messrs. Galvin have been no less painstaking than in the adornment of their house. The establishment will be found well supplied with an extensive arr.iy of .all articles of grocery, including teas, coffees, cocoa, chocolates, sugar, spices, etc., of the jmrest quality. For the excellence of their tea, Messrs. Galvin have long borne a wides]Mead reputation. The stock of wines which fills the extensive and well-designed cellars of the establishment is equally pcifect. Besides the articles we have cursorily mentioned, the firm deals in preserved mcils, pickles, sauces, elc , and all those other articles of jiurely modern invention. In business circles both members of this firm enjoy a high and stable reputation for their business capacity and enterprising spirit. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 6S Keruan Ac Co., Mineral Water Manufacturers, !^S and 89, Lower Camden Street.— The hij^lily respectable tirm which forms the suliject of our present notice h.is been long established, being the oldest but one in its line in Ireland, and has for many years enjoyed the rcpiilalion o( being one of the first in that important branch of trade connected with the manuf.icturc of mineral and aerated waters. I he head uf the firm, .Mr. Michl. Keriian, is a gentleman well known in prominent political anil municipal circles, having for a number of years represented with ilistinction the Wood Quay Ward in the Court of Aldermen, and has on more than one occasion refused the honourable [wsition of Lord Mayor, offered to him by the Municipal Council for the city, .ind during the imprisonment in Tullamore Jail of Lord Mayor T. W. Sullivan, M.I'., and the illness of his successor, as well as on various other occasions, fil'ed the i>ost of Chief Magistrate as tsition in the trade to-day as it has done at any time during its successful career, now close on fifty years. The eminent position of the house speaks highly, and in eloquent tongue, for the enterprise and business capacity of tne gentleman who has guided its destinies for so many years, and to whose business Lict and fine manage- ment it owes the undoubtedly brilliant position it occupies as a firstclais house of business. The various mineral waters manufactured by .Messrs. Kcman 4 Co. are of very high quality, and have se- cured a large share of popularity wher- ever they have been intrrxluced, fearlessly bearing comparison with the manufactures of other houses, either home or foreign, and keeping fully abreast of all competitors for the public favour. At the Dublin Exhibition of 1S82, the only oc- casion on which they exhibited theirwaters, they were the only firm which received the gold medal for special excellence of manufacture. These waters include all the most favourite waters largely in use, such as soda, lemonade, Feltzer, lithia, kali, or potass, and a number of others too many to be enumerated, but which are doubtless familiar to our readers. In politics. Alderman Kernan has played a prominent part during the troubled period we have passed, and are now passing through, and has earned the respect and esteem of all alike, political opponents as well as friends. A strong and ardent Nationalist, he has always been well to the front in the various political struggles that from time to time have taken place, and is as a tower of strength to the national cause in the city councils. Among the great commercial and manufacturing houses of which Dublin is so justly proud, there is none which bears a higher name than that of Kernan & Co. ; while the strict and honourable integrity of his character, as displayed in all his business relations, has earned for its chief the respect and admiration of all who know him. iL\£a Mr, P. O'Beilly, Manufacturer of Plain and Fancy Chip and Cardboard Boxes, 64, Great Strand Street. — For over forty year,^ the well-known and highly respectable estalilishn.ent in Great .Strand Street has been honourably associated with the production or manufacture of plain and fancy chip and cardboard boxes ; a trade which has always been an important and thriving one, and which gives employment to thousands of workpeople over the three kingdoms during the course of the year. Established about 1S48, Mr. O'Keilly soon won for himself a pro- minent position in the trade by the excellent quality of the goods his house was turning out ; and the old reputation thus honourably achieved Mr. O'Reilly has succeeded in maintaining down to the present period, un- blemished and unimpaired. The ver)' extensive house, and works con- nected with it, occupy large and important premises at 64, Great Strand Street, which are admirably arranged, from a structural point of view, and supplied with every modern appliance and convenience suitable to the nature and extensive character of the business carried on. The steam machinery used by the house is very valuable, representing thousands of pounds, and is of a most ingenious and admirable character, as applied to the production of those articles in whose manufacture the house is engaged. The business is principally wholesale, all the goods being generally made to order, the latter comprising all those varieties of boxes made out of the thinnest wood, or " chi)i," and cardboard. The house docs a most ex- tensive trade throughout the whole of Ireland, in supplying articles of the former description to milliners, wholesale drapers, and hitters, for the package of bonnets, hats, mantles, or costumes. These boxes, which in their manufacture engage sever.al hands, passing from one to another until each is finished, are composed of wood cut down by machinery to a thinness considerably greater than many descriptions of cardboard, and ■which process is accomplished by means of steam saws, such as are used in cutting veneers of mahogany, rosewood, etc., for cabinet making purposes. The wood thus prepared is cut to the required shape by one ■workman, folded together by a second, and so on until it is finally bound together by means of a thin covering of paper pasted over its surface, and which serves to keep the entire box to^'ther. Mr. O'Keilly also manu- factures shirt and collar boxes, jewellery, bride-cake, and drapers' stock boxes ; all which latter class of goods are not composed of the chip or thin wood, but of a h ghly glazed surfaced cardlxiard, and are generally m.ade either of a plain or fancy pattern. The bride-cake boxes, those pretty little white cardboard tntles, in which a microscopic piece of plum cake and a few crumbs of almond-sugar lie modestly hid, blushing at the sense of their own insignificance, under an elaborate covering of lace-paper — are gener.ally of the fancy sort, and some of them are extremely pretty and tasteful in design. Of late years, the general introduction of cig.arette smoking gave a distinct impetus to this trade, by the demand made upotj it for the production of cigarette boxes, from those capable of holding a gross to those which only hold half-a-dozen. Mr. O'Keilly is a large employer, utilising the services of at least thirty-five hands in his very important works. The machinery department at Mr. O'Reilly's works is well worth a visit from those mterested in the subject, comprising as it does all the latest and most ingenious improvements for the substitution or assistance of manual lal)Our. The establishment over which .Mr. O'Keilly has now presided with success for f rty years and upwards, be.ars the very highest character for the superiority of quality and workmanship of the goods it produces, and has been fortunate enough to secure a most considerable amount of patronage from the various trades requiring boxes for the storage or packing of their goods. The goods supplied are not merely well made and highly finished, but they also possess a strength .and durability often conspicuously absent in this description of manu- factured article. It is, therefore, not a matter for surprise that this old established and highly respectable house, by closely adhering to the principle which, at its inception, had to so large an extent a share in the building of its fortunes, should have successfully retained its hold on the favour of the trading community, among whom the greater part of its business connection lies. 66 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. McBiraey & Co., Iiimited, General Warehousemen, Hibernian House, Aston Quay, Dublin. — Tliu history of nnHlcrn mercantile enterprise has no more striking example of wcll-directeJ energies and commercial skill than is to be seen in the career of such a thoroughly representative Dublin establishment as that of Messrs. McBirney & Co., Limited. H.alf a century h,as rolled by since the foundation of this extensive concern w.is laid, and during the intervening years it has steadily developed the field of its operations and kept pace with the growing demands of a critical public. A record such as that possessed by this establishment is crediL-ible alike to its founders and to the intelligent cooimunity wherein such things are possible. It was in the year 1S3S that the corner stone of this popular business house was laid by Mr. David McBirney and Mr. Robert Going CoUis, gentlemen whose names will be honourably associated with the establishment wliile it plays such an important part in the com- mercial activity of Ireland's metropolis. From the very date of its inception the concern commanded an influential place in mercantile circles, and under the far-sighted judgment of the founders it soon became the recofmised emporium for the most desirable class of the purchasing public. Yea? by year the business developed and the prosperity of the house increased. In 1S66 Mr. Collis retired, and to meet the growing and extraordinar)* demands made upon the resources of the concern it was mony to the excellence and superiority of every article in which they tr,-\de. But this is not all. The house possesses many other noteworthy depart- ments, such as that devoted to ladies' costumes, embroidery, lace, muslins, haberdashery, gloves, etc. Each of these is completely stocked with the finest imported and home-made goods in all the latest and most fashionable colours, all of which are sold at prices compatible with quality and fair dealing. The chief distinctive feature of the establishment is the superior quality and immense variety of everything kept in stock. In a word, the entire depot is replete with every convenience suggested by long and patient experience as calculated to facilitate the conduct of a great and important mercantile enterprise. A department devoted to the sale of carpets, curtains, and other requisites for house furnishing contains a stock which is most comprehensive in variety and style, and of the most artistic description. In the extensive, well-lighted show-rooms may be seen the latest jiroiUictions of the loom, home and foreign, and it is worthy of remark that the goods turned out by this firm combine the prime qualities of sound material, conscientious workmanship, fine finish, strength, and durability. The boot and shoe department is another feature of this won- derful emporium of mercantile activity. It is only necessary to point out that several large manufacturers throughout England and Ireland are engaged in supplying this firm, while they are constantly importing from thought advisable to float it into a limited company in 1873, and In this pfjsition it remains up to the present. The impetus and encour.igement civcn to the development of Ireland's only manufacture worthy of the name By the establishment of this enterprising firm — so popularly well known at home and abroad as the Ililjernian House, pre-eminently distinguisheil, in fact unrivalled from its commencement and noted for its m.agnificent selection and splendid stock of Irish linens — deserves the higliest eulogium. In encouraging the manufacture of this most important branch of Irish in- dustry, and indeed promoting every other interest that might stimulate the arts and manufacture of our country, the firm under review has alwiys been first in the field with the sinews o( war. It is no wonder therefore that the hou.sc has gained a world-wide notoriety for the superiority of its Irish linen goods. Justice wouhl not be done to the extensive operations and general enterprise and activity of the concern, if favourable mention were not ma'le of the encouragement given by the house to the manufacture and sale of Irish woollen gofids. Indeed it may be safely slated that it stands pre-eminently among the first firms in Ireland in this particular department. There is not a manufacturer of any repute or prominence in the kingdom that is not acquainted with McHimey's in warehousing woollen goods, while the greatest credit is due to them from the fact that they pro- mote and encourage in every way native industry. The stock is the most striking proof of their enterprise, and many an Irish home can bear tcsli- Continental countries, such as Fr.ance and Germany, in large quaiilities, goods of a lighter and more delicate character. With a view to satisfying the demanil for home-made goods, the firm have recently established a factory for the manufacture of gentlemen's, youths', and boys' clothing, in Aston's Place, contiguous to their warehouse. The iireimses, which are weU adapted for the purpose, are (ilteil with the newest and best machinery, and are most commodious and well ventilated. From this busy hive several hundred garments are turned out weekly, thereby giving employment to numbers at home. Every dep.-irtmcnt of this vast es- tabli.shment is complete in itself, the whole forming a splendid example of systematic organisation. The jircmises, which stand on the banks of the LilTey, in view of the Custom House, .and obli-iuely oi.positc the O'Connell monument, are one of the most perfectly equipped and ar- ranged in Dublin. Architecturally, ihey are an ornament to the p.irt ot the metropolis in which they stand, while internally, the arrangements are the result of .study, experience, and a thorough appreciation of public require- ments. No better idea of the m.agnitude of the business can be produced than that about two hundred hands ate constantly employed on the premises. The directors of the firm comprise some of the most enterprising '";^'"^;^ men in Ireland, and the management devolves on gentlemen highly capable in every respect to discharge the responsible duties of so popular and celebrated a concern as the Hibernian House. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. James Winstanley, Wholesale Boot and Shoe Mann- faoturor, Hack Lane. — The name of Winstanley lias long since Ijcciinie insi)iaral)ly associated with the most excelUiu and liest-.inished boots and shoes in the Irish market. Many years have now passed since the inaiij^n- ralion of this business, and with time has come a success deserved of ability linked to enterp.ise. The many shops e had of the enormous oprralions of this firm. In a like manner the sweating kilns, screening and cleaning departments, are of the most improved kind, and the processes through which the grain passes in them has, without doubt, a great esides the trailers in the principal towns and villages throughout Ireland. It would take us a great ileal more space than is really at our disposal to attempt anything like a particularised account of the various branches of this iinporlaiit business ; a fact our readers will appreciate when we mention that besides farm seed, flower- root, and other catalogues, the admirably arranged illustratetl spring catalogue published by the house occuoies the sp.ite of nearly a hundred closely printed pages, quarto size, and tastefully bound in chromo-litho- graphed cover of chaste and artistic design, consistent with the matter it encloses. We may, however, attempt a glossary of the contents of this interesting publication with a view to helping our readers to form some idea of the resources of Sir James Mackey s establishment. The catalogue may be divided into five parts : the first jieing devoted to vegetable seeds ; part two to select farm seeds ; part three to flower seeds ; while jiarts four and five are respectively devoteil to the illustration of flower roots, and horticultural implements and garden requisites. The first pirt, devoted to vegetable seeds, comprises every description of edible vegetation, from artichokes (taking the list alphabetically) to'vegetable marrows ; and in- cluding beans, beets, broccoli, lettuces, melons, and the familiar onion, peas, and potato. The farm s;eds include the various clovers and grasses, carrots, caliliages, turnips, and mingold-wurzels, together with others equally familiar. Part three, however, comprises the most attractive por- tion of the stock, being, as we have said above, devoted to flowers, and supplying with part four, which deals with roots and plants, the most com- pletely perfect assortment of these really excellent and lovely natural jjroductions. The horticultural implement stock is, we have no doubt, the finest show of its kind in the city, and unsurpassed in value. Jt comprises all the latest i>atents and improvements in this branch of manuraclure. Pressure of space prevents us from entering fully into the many interesting details of .Sir James Mackey's important business ; we feel how inadequate a sketch like this is, to convey anything but the rudest impression of the magnitude of the trade, and must leave it to the reader to supjily our deficiency from his own observation. No house in the tr.ii!e takes higher rank than does that of Sir James Mackey, to whose able and efli lent management the agriculturists and horticulturists of this country willingly bear testimony. Michael Meade, Carriage, Car, and Van Builder, 56, Great .Str.ind Street. — One of the most thriving businesses in the cily is that in the proprietorship of .Mr. Michael Meade, carriage, car, and van builder. This house has been established for five years. The works are situaied at 56, Great Strand Street, near to Capel Street, and are large and commo- dious, well fitted and arranged, in fact well adapted in every way to the work carried on in them. This distinguished house does all kinds of carriage work in the best style and finish, and controls a large businei-s in the manu- facture of vehicles to order, the instructions of patrons receiving the most particular attention. Kepaiis of every description in the line are well exe- cuted, and u])on the most moderate terms. All the materials used are of a uniform good quality, being carefully selected by the head of the firm. A staff of from eight to ten operatives ^s employed, who are thoroughly practical and experienced men. For constructive solidity, and beauty of finish, the vehicles turned out by this firm are unexcelled. This business, in all its departments, is conducted in a most spirited, energetic, and enter- prising manner, which qualities have brought success and prosperity to this vigorously directed industry. The success of the film has certainly been attributable to the character of its able proprietor, whose capacity and untiring energy have made the business what it is, and whose uniform promptitude and integrity have long since secured the confidence of his customers. J. Forristal, Family Grocer, 14*, Jones's Road.— One of the most im|)ort.uu and aHr;;iiive est.iblishmenls in its vicinity, and one repre- senting a leading branch ol metropolitan trade, is the well-known house of Mr. 1. Korristal, family grocer. This business, which was formerly in the projirictor-hip of Mr. O'Reilly, has been established about eight years. The premises, which are known asClonlifl'e House, are well situated, being a corner block willi a good frontage, and the shop from front to rear meafurcs about sixty-six feet. The shop is well fitted in mahogany, with every facility and convenience for the transaction of the busine-s. Large and compre- hensive stocks are heUi, embracing every item in the grocery trade wliich would be found in a first-class establishment. The wine depaitment is reiilete with good supplies of all the best brands, growths, and vintages of wines and spirits, as well as bottled beers and mineral waters. Three ex- cellent assistants are constantly employed, who are courteous and obliging in their mrnners. Under its present proprietary the biisiiie-^s has, by vigorous and capable management, achieve I a high degree of commercial success and importance, and become a prominent and flourishing institution among its numerous metropolitan contemporarici. The shop is very neatly and attr.actively arranged, and a di'-linguishing feature is the commendable re- gard for cleanliness and gocd order which is jiievalcnt throughout the establishment. The entire business of the house is personally conducted by the able, energetic, and enterprising proprietor, who has secured an influential and sui>erior circle of cu-itom, and in fact does a first-class Ir.ade. 'Ihe prices are based u|>on the most moderate scale, consistent with fair deahng, and the excellent quality of the articles disposed of. Mr. Korristal gives me most careful attention to all the details of the business, evidencing a desire and determination to maintain the past rejiutation of the house, and endow it with still greater claims to popular favour. The proprietor uses his best endeavours to satisfactorily supply all public tequiremenls, and meet all likely demands. Large or small orders receive equal attenlion and |iro;iipt execution, with compete satisfaction to the customers. Mr. I'orristal is well known in mercantile circles for his integrity and honourable business capacities, and'enjoys the respect and esteem of his numerous cus- tomers lor his courtesy upon all occasions, and for the tact he disp'ays in the management of his business, which is in every way a credit to him. INHUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 69 C. Bull, Fcclesiastical Warehouse, 21, Suffolk Sirect.— We areglncl to Ik- able 10 record the ilccidcl revival of a lirancli ofarlistic industry whicli Irelanm every i> ) ni of view is deservinjj of thesup]iort of theecclesi istical atith -rilies of the kint; lorn, as the undoubtecl capital of Cat 'oliti.y in (Jreat Britain. Among the houses en;.;.i',;ed in this interesting; and pious industry wh ch have done much to achieve ihis bene- ficial result, the eslatdishnient of Mr. Cornelius Hull, of 2t, .Suffolk Street, is pirli :ularly des:Tvii>g of notice, as a house remarkable for the beauty and taste of its pnxluctions, as well as for its undoubted importance as a com- mercial establishment. Established now for m.iny years, .Mr. Bull has long enjoyed in Ireland the highest rep.itaiioii for the excellence of his goods, and has fv>rmed a connection of the most inlluential description among the Catholic Hierarchy of Ireland. The piemises occupied by this gentleman as show-rooms and warehouse at the above address are most extensive and of a ir.ictive appearance, having been fiued throughout in a most appro- priate and tasteful manner, antl contain a large and valuable slock of the various articles used in connection with the rites and ceremonies of the Catholic Church. This handsome and interesting establishment has only been opened since 18S6, prior to which date .Mr. Hull occupied premise* at 15 and 16, Upper Gloucester Street. The stock com) risesa large selection of vc3t;nen;s in all the rubrical colous anJ malcriah, as well r.s a fine collection of altar ornaments and decorations, which in artistic excellcnra and perfection of workmanship, may vie with anything to be seen in the most celebrated Parisian establishments. Altars in carved oak or poly- chrouie decorations, tal>ernacles, expositions, pedest.als, credence tables, prie-/iieu» of various designs, materials, and decorations, all these ar'icles arc manufactured at Mr. Bull's extensive workshops and factory at 47, Clarendon Street. There are also on view many beauti'ul specimens of the gold and silversmith's handicraft, such as monstrances, ciborium«, ch\lices, etc., in the gre.ate,t excellence and variety. The general stock also includes candlesticks, candelabras, crosses, crucifixes, sanctuary lamps, thuribles, .ind other mitters familiar to all frequenters of Catholic churcht's. A noticeable feature in his business is the large eniploj- ment it affords to women and young persons in the manufacture of chasubles, dalmatics, and other ecclesiastical vestments. The art of wood- carving, which from all time has been closely associated with eccle- siastik:al work, has long been carried to its greatest degree of perfection in Germany — Munich having rendered itself particularly famous for the beauty of its productions in this delightful art, and especially in the carvings upon Gothic altars and tabernacles. The decided .idvanae which the more liberal extension of technical education in connection with the Government schools of design has rendered noticeable among our own workmen, hfts been fully taken advantage of by Mr. Bull, he having with much judgment and enterprising spirit largely availed himself of this growing skill, and rendere 1 good service to the cause of art in this country by alToiding ambitious workmen a fair field for the exercise and development of their artistic genius. Mr. Hull's house has produced some admirable examp'es of Irish woi kinan- ship ; very noticeable are a beautifullycarveil oak puljit and set of stations of the cross for Rathmines Roman Catholic Church, and amagnilicent set of stations of the cross m.ade for the Rev. I'assionist Fathers, Slount .Argus, Harold's Cross. The carving on these exquisite pieces of ecclesiastical work is really admirable, .and reflects the highest credit on Iwlh the designer and workmen. It i« idmously impossible in the limited scope of a review of this descripiion to convey anything more than the briefest sketch of this rlcserving establislinienl, and we wi-h that our space would permit u> to enter more fully into the consideration rjf the many excellences of the house, but we have, we fear, already rjver^tepped our limits. It is a pleasure lo be able to bear testimony to the grxxl work the house is doing, both from an artistic, religious, and industrial stanil|»int, and willingly lo record the feelings of esleern and respect with which the proprietor u regarded among his fellow citizens. Abbott Bros., Beehive Manufacturers, 9, Merchant's Quay, — A comparatively new industry of increasing imfiortance is the manufacture of improved beehives and apjiliances. Twenty years ago the bar frame hive was a scientific implement, costing about five pounds, and suitable only for the wealthy amattur. The founder of the aliovt firm, Mr. C. N. Abbott, foreseeing the important position improved beekeeping was capable of taking in the industries of Great Britain, devoted the whole of his atteniion and considerable capital to its encouragement. He established 'J'hf British Bee Journal^ devoted solely to apiculture, and besides giving pr.actical advice by post to all re<|uiring it, made such im- portant impiovenienls in beehives and appliances that the name of Abt>ott soon became amongst beekeepers as a household word. At the same lime, by manufacturing these appliances on a large scale and by improved machinery, he so lessened ihc cott of them that a hive superior in every way to the former expensive appliance can now be obtained for half a guinea, thus being within the reach of farmers, and even most labourers. That his elTorts, and those of his sons who succeeded him, have been appreciated, is proved by the fact that during the last twelve years the firm have been awaided upwards of 800 prizfs at the various shows at which they have exhibited their unrivalled productions. Their principal factory is at Southall, near London, with offices at Ludgate Arcade, London. Their latest success has been the establishment of the Dublin branch, which is a factory complete in every way, and largely employing Irish lal»our, and "being uader the experienced management of the founder's eldest son, it is turning out work of a class not previously seen in Ireland. Although so recently established, it already monopolises nearly the whole of the trade in its specialities, being the only factory in Ireland devoted exclusively to lieehive making. Messrs. Abbott s illustrated caia'oguc is well worth perusal. Their manuiaciuies were shown at the Olympia Exhibition, Stand 4j8. Thomas H. Reilly, Artists' Coloariuan, and Fine Art Gallery, 24, Gialton Street (Telegraphic Address, " i'alette," Dublin). — There is probably no house in Ireland that h.is done more to promote the best interests of art, both ancient and modern, than that controlled ly -Mr. Thomas \\. Reilly. A visit to the galleries will reveal some of the finest productions and samples ofarlistic triumphs worthy of the gloriiication that must ever be associated with their names and productions. First in point if attraction, representing, .as Ihey do, a refined taste, are many of the latest productions of the well-known "Decorative Art Society, '' for which Mr. Reilly is iole o^mt. This beautiful collection embraces mirror, draught, fancy glass, folding screens, panel mirrors, wooden screens, date cases, tables, wooden panels, wall mirrors, over-mantels, photographic frames, music stands, brackets, and many other examples, these being mounted either on jilush of various colours or fancy woocis, and decorated with the most exquisite taste in many designs, including storks, birds, animals, flowers, and many combinations. For wedding or birthd.ay presents, or for house furni.shing purposes, these articles are highly appro- priate. There is also a fine dis, lay of etchings, engravings, photogravures, photographs, chromos, and othrr artistic productions, alter Landseer, Millais, Leighton, Stone, Leader, Hook, De Blaas, MacWhirter, Slocombe, Fullwood, Whymper, Foster, Butler, etc. It would be utterly impossible to go into ileail, and to give anything approaching .an accurate descrip- tion of the m.any rlepartments that go to constitute the business and daily operations of this house. The walls of ihe jircmises are decorated with some fine specimens of the art world, while the stock of pictures, albums, fine art china, birthday, wedding, and in memoriam cards, and numerous other articles, constitutes an exhibition which reflects the highest credit on the tiste and enterprise of the establishment and the eftrcient management under which it is controlled. The well-known pro- ductions of Lacroix, Winsor & Newton, Reeves A; Son, and other eminent houses engaged in the manufacture of a-tists' colours, are kept in stock. .Mr. Reilly is also sole .agent for the noted Crystoleum Company, while Ihe Staflbrdshire, Torqu.ay, Danish, and Dresden potteries are exten-ively represented in fine art china and terra-cotla. Iiish scenery and landsca|)e have not been forgotten, and some m.agnihcent specimens, Imth in artistic drawing and ordin.ary photography, may be seen in the galleries. The feathered tribe, flowers, etc., are well and artistically represented io another deii.artment, where exquisite tasle is combined with remarkable study. The framing and gilding dep.artment constitutes a heavy and must important item in the operations of mis establishment, and in this particular capacity the concern stands seconil to none in Great Britain or Ireland. The establishment has ever been ihe resort of the fashionable element cf Dublin and iis environs, while the amateur artist has alw.ays found it a l)upular and favourite rendcivous to test his abilities or perhaps draw an inspiration from Ihe eminent productions which are placed before him. The whole concern is under ihe sole direction of Mr. T. H. Reilly and his son, a gentleman o! undoubted ability and business tact. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. William. Kavanagh te Son, Gun and Kifle Manu- facturers, 12, Daiiii; Street. — .Amoni; the most notable features of a busy vicimty ;.tjnJs the prominent anJ old-established house of .Messrs. William Kavanagh & Son, gun and rirte manufacturers. This representative house was founded in the year 1796, and has, during the many years of its active industrial career, been connected most creditably with the intro- duction of many leading specialities and valuable improvements in a number of the various hre-arnis to the production of which its attention is devoted. !£■ w^. kavamIgm The premises occupied arc large and commodious, having a frontage of 24 feet with a depth of 80 feet, comprising a warehouse and factory, besides a shooting-gallery for the trial of the rifles, 120 feet long. The entire establishment is admirably suited to all the needs and requirements of the industry carried on w ithin its limits. The capacities of the house for turning out thoroughly firstcl.a-s guns and rifles are unsurpassed. The finest and toughest steel and iron are used in their manufacture, and their widespread use s|>eaks jdainly for their undnubttd excellence. A good staff of hands is cmpluycd m the various departments of the work, and the industrial operations, as well as the entire business conduct of the establishment, receive the careful personal attention of Mr. Kavanagh himself, assisted by his son. The house enjoys a most eminent and well-deseivcd reputation IkjiIi far and wide for the excellent quality in every respect, .and general high-class character of all its manufactures, and no eftorl is sp.ired to wi*rihily retain a renown so desirable. The st«»ck ht.-Id at all limes is very large and kept in excellent order, thorough discipline and method being strictly observed, and the most perfect arrangement is everyw here ajiparent. It would be difficult to dwell adequately on the many excellent qualities of the firm's productions, which are at once the explanation .and the cause of the marked success which h;is attended its progress. W'lien we review the experience and manufacturing facilities of the house, the prestige it enjoys, together with the enterprising manner in which its afl'airs are conducted, we have the best reason for regarding its progress and prosperity in the past as but the antecedents of still greater prosperity in the future. The gentle- men constituting the firm are well known to be of the highest commercial status, and recognised authorities on the proper construction ofguns and rities, being highly esteemed by their numerous patrons for their courtesy upon all occasions, and the careful organisation of their large business and the stalV employed therein, in order to ensure the proinpt execution of all orders en- trusted to them, with the best materials and the most skilled and experienced workmanship. E. J. O'Brien, Draper, 166, Great Britain Street.— This is at> old-established house of business, having been held by .Mr. McConnell (or a quarter of a century in the ironmongery trade. But the present enter- prising proprietor has converted the premises into a large drapery estab- lishment, for which they arc admirably suited. They are equipped with the most modern fittings and supjilied with a very large and varied stock of the multitudinous articles of ladies' and cliiklren's wearing appairel. The goods are nicely arranged, it being a well-known fact that materials well displayed are half sold. A special feature of this house is the millinery department, which is under the personal supervision of Mrs. O'Brien. This lady produces the most elegant and tastelul hats and bonnets, which are not only the admiration of the fair sex, but- are really marvels of cheapness. Notice must also be taken of the gentlemen's hat and hosiery department. Here hats may be purchased at as low a figure as l.f. ; men's underclothing in all shapes and sizes, at exceptionally low prices. This house has the reputation of executing all orders in the promptest and most satisfactory manner, its customers being spread over a very \\ide area, and including the nobility and gentrj' of the surrounding district. The assistants employed at this emporium are most respectful and obliging in theii manners to customers, no amount of trouble being too great to please the tastes and requirements of intending purchasers at this deservedly popular and e.xcellent est.ablishment, which defies competition, both for excellence, good value, and cheapness, with any other house in the s.ame line, \\hile Sir. O'Brien displays such business capabilities, and is so unremitting in his attentions to the public as he has been heretofore, he cannot fail, not only to maintain his present patrons, but also extend, to a very considerable degree the circle of those who, being so well served themselves, will be sure to recommend their friends to deal w ith such an energetic tradesman, and one who calers for the requirements of all classes of the community. It may not be out of place to mention that Mr. O'Brien is an agent for Bell's Dye \Vorks, Paisley. Denis Hickey, Family Grocer, Tea, 'Wine, and Spirit Uerchant, i, Arran Quay, and 19, Francis Street. — The family grocery trade is well represented in Dublin, a great many respectable and well- known firms having devoled themselves to the pursuit of wealth and reputation in this extremely lucrative business. Among the many so engaged there are not, we venture to state, a great number « ho can claim, like Mr. Denis Hickey, to possess a business that can count from its commencement the very respectable number of over two hundred years. The establishment, however, despite itsgre.at antiquity of origin, is not one, of the largest of its kind, belonging rather to the old and highly-respectable class of family grocery stores that used to thrive and flourish when the century was young. The establishment consists of most commodious premises in Arran Quay, with an addition at 19, Francis Street, and is, despite its two hundred years of prosperous commercial life, a very fair representative of the modern idea of a grocery establishment. The fittings of the house are tasteful and expensive, and all the arrangements made with a view to general attractiveness and effect. The upper portion of the, house is entirely devoted to domestic use, the lower poriion, with its good frontage on Arran Quay, being admirably adapted to the business carried on there. The establishment so successfully conducted by Mr. Hickey will be found jilentifully stocked with a fine show of all those articles generally sold by grocers, especi.al care having been taken in laying in the really fine slock of teas, an aiticle of daily consumption for which this, house h.as long been justly famed. ColTee and cocoa, chocolates and condiments of all descriptions, are also to be procured in great excellence and variety, as well as the more modern articles now sold by grocers everywhere, but which were once deemed the peculiar line of the Italian, warehouseman, Mr, Mickey has a large assortment of tinned meats, soups, fish, and, latest of all develoiimenis, milk, while his stock of dried and preserved fruits, etc., is of a most attractive description. In the matter of wines and spirits there is here done a large and lucrative trade, the old house bearing a high character for both wine and whi.skey, the latter, of course, being the incomparable article manufactured by .Messrs. J. Jameson & Son. Bottled ales and stout also do a ready trade, Mr. Hickey bottling himself l!.i.ss's ales and the eelebr.ated .W of .Messrs. Guinness. There is certainly no house in the locality that is belter known or more widely respected than Mr. llickey, and he himself has won a reputation not merely among business people, but among all classes of the coininunity. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Aruo^t & Co., Limited, Wholesale and Retail Drapers, and Oonor>l House Furnlahera, 1 1 m 15, llniry Sirccl.— 1lie L»'(;iii- ninj; ol tlic iiimtccnlli CLiiuiry saw the issue of not only some of the most important political cIhhljis that have ever aflected the destinies of our country, but also a new spirit of commercial enterprise contributed l>y Duhlin, and obtaining for it the title and fame of being the second city in the empire. No better exemplification of this spirit can I'e submitted than that which is shown in the well-directed, energetically conductcil, and ably managed business o( an em)>oriuin whose foundation-stone was laid before the telegraph was introduced for minimising time and space, .and before the iron horse had given lime a new value. The title monster is a happily .ind indecil an appropriately chosen one when applicil to a house whose mannnolh proportions, extending a distance of three hundred feet from front to rear, and having a frontage of about four hundred feet in Henry .Street, and rrrther more in I'rinces Street, make one of the chief architectural objects of interest to be seen in the city of Dublin. The well-known and distinguished house of Arnott & Co., Limited, stands out most prominently as one of the most successful developments of irish com- mercial enterprise, playing a most active and important part in the mercintile activity of Ireland's metropolis. Close on fifty years ago this business was established in a comparatively small way, under the style of Cannock & White ; but by careful nianngeinent, backed by the strong faith that moveth mountains, it gr.-idually developed the lield of its operations, until about eighteen years ago it had attained such unprecedented success and proportions that it had grown beyond the reach of the management, 71^ attracts an extensive and high-class dUnl.fle, whose critical examinations have earned for .Vrnolts' a recognition among Uiloring houses Kcond to none in the kmgdom. Passing on to the silk, dre.s, and mantle rooms confronted with a gakixy of rich colours an.l beautiful designs, one nccdi no great stretch of im.igination to conjure up .iay-.lreaiin of the lull-room, with Its glare of light showing to perfection Venus like fi( . - ' ,,f [he Court, with its stalely dames who lead society. It would ,lc i„ give even an approximate idea of the magnitude of the bu .ictcd in these departments. .Suffice it to say that the concein has gained a notoriety that is jiurely its own in the extent and variety of the goo*U that constitute it a le.ah ami comfort of the workers. Here may be seen hundreds of bright-eyed girls whose cheeks are tinged witli the ruddy glow of health, constructing tlie graceful robes of womanhood and producing the many styles of ladies' head- gear tolerated by fashion. On leaving this branch, the eye resu on plainer goods, more of the household character, viz., longcloths, linens, blankets, and ipiilts, and from these to the furnishing department the visitor may next direct his inspection. It is a sight well worth seeing, and exhibits in the fullest sense the immense value of the house and the enormous resources at its command, .as well as displaying the orderly precision in which cver)-- thing is kept. A view of the beautifully carved cabinets, splendid specimens thus necessitating its launching into the sea of commerce as a limited liability company under its present style .and title, piloted by able manage- ment, and clear of the quicks.ands exposed by commercial depression. Well known throughout the length and breadth of the land, it has secured probably the largest wholesale drapery and upholstery trade done in Ireland, while its retail departments have ever been the rendezvous of an appreciative and stylish public, abounding in all the luxuries of high-class taste and its kindred accompaniment of fashion. The sightseer's attention, in passing through the noble thoroughfare of Henry Street, is arrested by the ebbing and flowing tide of humanity around .Messrs. Arnotts' ten large plate-glass windows, and irresistibly drawn thereto to admire all that the millinery and clothing arts have done to make modern apparel a science, and all the furnishing tr.ade has done to ni.ike the homes of the period equally as be.iutiful as they are luxurious. It would be impossible to do adequate justice to the numerous wares sold, and that have attracted the highest encomiums from the most critical and fastidious quarters. A glance at the hosier)- department will find well stocked and carefully appropriated shelves neatly fitted with artistic boxes, containing pedal habiliments of the coarsest and finest m.iterials. The celebrated productions of Balbriggan are conspicuously exhibited and truthfully represented, finding uncompro- mising favour, in spite of the unscrupulous imitations that have from time to time been pushed into the markets to detract from the well-known favour It has ever been accorded from a keen but sympathetic public. The de- p.irimeiit devoted to tailoring deserves more than passing notice, on account of the variety of the materials submitted for inspection, the manufacture of which they are comjioscd, and the ability dispkayed in turning out everv garment consistent with fit, modern taste, and f-shion. This department of chelToniers, and large and varied assortment of every kind of carpet and oilcloth manufacture, together with every class of ornament that makes the homes of the great replete with everything pertaining to comfort and art, may be obtained, giving pleasure to the eye, and establishing beyond dispute the reputation of the establishment. From the tapestry that adorns the walls to the beautiful specimens of lace, peculiar to Irish manufacture only, this department may be allowed to be one of the most complete and pertect in the kingdom. The workshops in connection with this depart- ment would well repay a visit. These are situated at the rear, in Princes Street, where also are conveniently arranged commodious packing rooms and parcel offices. A fine range of stables and coach-yard, running out to Abbey Street, with accommodation for a large number of horses and delivery vans, thus complete the view of the parcel office department. Downst.iirs, the wholesale flannel dep.irtment has almost monopolised the sale in IreLind of what is justly credited to be the preservative against and very often the only cure of more than one disease arising from exposure to cold and damp. In justice to the concern, it must "be ad- mitted that it has done more than any other house in Iieland to promote and encourage the manufacture and sale of this article, that has from time immemorial constituted such an important feature in the in- dustrial productions and resources of this couniry. It is too numerous to detail ihe other great dep.artments, but no better summary of the business done can be given than in a description of the show case that contributed such an important item to the Irish Kxhibition at Olympia, London. Here Air. Wallace displayed the taste and undisputed ability that have rendered him a master of the art of dressing. The exhibit contained sjxximens of nearly every fabric produced in Ireland ; and observers, in viewing it. 72 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. found a difficulty which to admire— the case, the exhibits, or the arrange- ment of the goods. Those with a taste for variety might well proclaim themselves satisfied. The exhibit contained Irish tweeds, linens, poplins, striped skirtings, laHies' dress materials, flannels wool skirtings, wool plaids, silk, embroidered, and cambric handkerchiefs, napkins, table-cloths, sheetings, tapestry, damask and eider-down quills, laces from Limerick and Carrick-on-Suir, ladies' under-clothing, and babies' robes. The general effect was very pleasing : groups of heavy goods were bordered by fancy articles ; folds ot dress materials relieved by graceful loops of lace ; rows of stiff skirtings softened by contact with nice silk handkerchiefs ; corsets It cod under handsome glass shades ; ladies' underclothing was blended with babies' robes ; and Irom the top hung Irish tweeds, reaching the bottom, on which rested piles of quilts supported by rolls of woollen goods. Here, again, ricjned boxes of cambric handkerchiefs under arches formed of striped shirtings, fringed with Carrickmacross lace. It was evident this exhibit must have cost much time and thought, and did as much credit to the country as to the firm that produced it. Before passing from this Mr. ■William Baird, Plumbing and Hydraulic Engineer, 27, Lower Abbey Street. — In connection with the hydraulic engineering and plumbing trade in Dublin, there are few names of greater and none of more creditable prominence than that of the well-known firm of Mr. William Baird, of 27, Lower Abbey Street, and at Bray. This representative house case, in connection with the Irish goods exhibited, it is only fair to apply the motto, "We ask a fair field and no favour." No meed of praise is sufficient to do justice to a house that speaks so eloquently in bringing before the British public and the world the productions and manufactures of our country. Ivor can even tlia' militarj' preciseness in which every act and work are done testify so truthfully as the contemplation of the happy faces of three hundred hands in the shops and warerocms, and the bright homes of seven hundred indirectly employed, to the cate with which the shareholders' interests are attended to by a directorate who, by a wise and just management, have matle the business financially realise every expecta- tion, and at the same time generously treat their assistants. Much of the success of this monster establishment is due and may be traced to the ever watchful and untiring exertions of the gentlemen who, in the capacity of managing directors, control the fate of a concern that is an architectural ornament to Henry Street and a lasting credit to the enterprise of Dublin's commercial men. nature, the operations of which extend all over Ireland and Scotland and into France. Since the establishment of this noted house some twenty years ago, .all commercial transactions have been conducted with that business-like management for which this establishment is so famous. Every description of plumbing and hyilraulic engineering is undertal^en by Mr. was founded twenty years ago under its present style and proprietary, and is one of the most important establishments in this city lor plumbing and general hydraulic engineering. The premises, situated within a few minutes' walk of the Great Northern Railway terminus, are conveniently adapted to the requirements of the large Irade carrierl on. The promp- titude, punctuality, and despatch displayed in all the untlcrtakings of this enterprising concern, have formed a connection of a very large and valuable J. Kerigan, Grocer and Spirit Dealer, 58, Ballybough Road.^This house is well known as the oldest of its kind in the locality. It has been established over sixty years. The history of the establishment is peculiar. It appears to have been one of the first that licences were granted to by the late Recorder Shaw, of Dublin. Prior to that the com- inissioncrs had the p^iwer to grant licences, bu'. a certain amount of bribery was carrierl on, and licensed houses were few and far between. This would be about the year 1S26-7. The place is also remarkable for its name, " Mud Island," which extended from Summeihill Bridge to Kairview. Some seventy-six years ago a man of most notorious character held the whole district in fear, as he had under him a large boily of men. This man's name was McDonnell. He was of low sLature, but very powerful. The house at present docs a sound retail Irarle in the locality amongst a good class of customers. The shrjp is well fitted up in mahogany, and slockeil with every article belonging to the trade It is of good size, with a capital frontage, and a depth fr-jm front to rear of forty-six feet. The slock of spirits will l)e found very choice and well matured. The business is managed by Mr. Kerigan, who^c never-failing courtesy .and attention to business are much ajipreciatcd by a large .and influential circle of residents in t'le neighlxrurhood. Baird, under whose supervision all work is executed by the large number of employ(;s, varying in number from thirty to forty ; and the workmanlike manner in which the plumbing and engineering executed by this noted house is carried out, has obtained for it a name associated with every mor.al attribute anrl good business qualifications, and it need not be feared but wh.it Mr. Baird will long continue to maintain those upright principles and honouralile mcthoils with wdiich hi< name has always been connected. Miss ritzsimona, Newsagent, 11 a, Great Brunswick Street.— Miss Kitzsimonshas been but a short time at the head of the news agency, 1 1 A, Great Brunswick Street, for until ipiitc recently it was carried on under the management of .Mr. Mannock, a gentleman who was as much .admired for his business abilities as his personal good qualities were respected. The present proprietress is in every respect the equal, ami in many the superior, of the late proprieior of this shop. The shop is •iituateil near Tara Street, and is just opposite the famed concern of McKenzie. As newsagent, the daily and weekly Dublin papers arc of course the principal stock, and of these an imm-nse number arc disposed of. In addition to these, the English dailies, and weekly comics, and monthly reviews may also be had, and in these journals, too, the tr.ide is more than extensive. Miss Fitzsiinons nKo offers for sale cheap literature, and that, too, at great reiluctions. Such works as the " People's Library," of Ward & Locke or Cassi-ll & Co., are also obtainable here Penny plays .and Dick's cheap editions of the Uritish poets form a popular section of Miss Fitzsimons' stock, and the poor ol^ the neighliourhood fully appreciate the kindly interest with which she so thoughtfully has consulted their interest and mental culture and advancement. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 73 M. H. Gill tt Son, Fablishers and Booksellers, 50, Upper O'Coiincll Street. — (.)ne of the most ilislinguished linns in the Irish pul>!i-ihiiig trade is that of Messrs. .M. II. Ciill v\: Son, of 50, Upper O'Conncll Sl'cct. FouinleM about the year 1855, the house had lonj; l)ecn known under its o'd title of .Messrs. McGlashaii iS: (Idl, when, some ten or twelve yeais ago, its title was changed to th.it which it bears at pres.-nt. It would be impossible to OTeriate the debt of gr.nitude whicli the cause of Irish literature owes to this well-known linn, no house con- nected with the publishing trade in Ireland having done more in late years to de\elop its resources than the concern which forms the subject of tliis review. Krom its ve.y inception almost it hxs esiaWished a firm hold on the conlKlence of the Irish public, and achieved the brightest of repu- tations for the admirable and varied character of its ])ablications. The pre- sent sole owner of the business, Mr. II. J. Gill, was for some yea:s a member of the National Pailianienlary party, having represented co. SVes'niealh, and afterwards the city t^f Limerick, at West- minster, under the lea'3erslup of Mr. Charles S. I'arnell. Mr. Gill recently res gned his seat in the Legislature, in which he was an acquisition to the National party, principally owing to great pressure of busi- ness, and devotes himself at present to the management of his concern. Messrs. Gill & Son occupy handsome premises at the above-quoted address, which are fitted in a manner thoroughly appropriate to their important trade, and which, from thtir attractive appear- ance, remler the house a very noticeable feature in the fine thoroughfare in which it is located. The premises are of great extent, being about 203 feel long, and are divided into two divisions, the front portion having long counters extending its entire length, at which retail customers are attended to, and the rear portion being leservtd for the transaction of the wholesale depirtments ot Hie houses trade. Above the shop are spacious galleries, fitted with shelves filled with Messrs. Gill & Son's publications, comprising every branch of literature it is possible to imagine. The counting-house is situated between the retail and wholesale departments. In it the books are kept by the most efficient accountants, and the heavy correspondence and clerical duties incidental to the business are carried on. The high reputation achieved by the hous-, almos' at the commencement of its career, has been most carefully conserved by the firm, the greatest care having been always taken to preserve it in all ils integrity, and we have only to look at the present flourishing state of the house to recognis; how successful the effort has proved. The connection formed by Messrs. Gill & .Son is of the greatest extent and inlluence, the list of the house's patrons and sup- porters including almost everybody of distinction in the country. The firm is jirincijially k^own as the chief publishing house of the Catholic hierarchy in Ireland, many of their publications being works on Catholic devotional subjects. It is in the records of the honourable achievements of a house like this of Messrs. Gill & Sons that the surest foundations of national commer- cial prosperity m.ay be said to be laid; and the city of Dublin has every C- Mannln, Piiarmacsatical Cheiaist, 2, Great Brunswick Street, and 1 10. Great Hritain .Street. — This house has been in existence for more than h.alf a century, which fact, of itself, speaks volumes for the attention b;stowe.1, and for the quality of the good^ supplied. It is a very large wholesale and retail house, doing an enormous first-class trade amongst the nobibty and gentry. The connection is by ni means confined to Dublin alone, but, on the contrary, is very much widespieaJ, reaching as it does all over Ireland. There is hardly a town or village which is not supplied directly or indirectly by Mr. C. Mannin, and the reason why is not a very hard problt m to solve. The excellence of all articles sold by Mr. Mannin is well known, and that is sufficient. Besides his establishment in Great Britain Street, Mr. Mannin has another at No. 2, Great Brunswick Street. At both these places he carries on the business of a pharmaceutical chemist, where prescriptions can be accurately compounded, and family and patent medicines dispensed ; medicine chests may be refitted and supplied on the shortest notice. He is also agent for Farina's Eau-de-Cologne, the genuine stamped Hop Bitters and blood Mixture, Dr. Gregory's antibilious pills, and genuine seidlitz powders, the tasteless cod liver oil emulsion with nypophosphites, and quinine and iron tonic jirepared by him are far-famed, and also his Oriental hair restorer, and magic toothache cure. In short, it would be very hard to say what one could not buy appertaining to the business of a chemist ; his well-selected stock of sponges and perfumes is reason to be proud of an establishment which, in ini|y)rlance and cntrrprine, can fairly rank among the large publishi-'g firms of the kingdom. It will, we fear, be impossible for us to give, in the limited scope of a review like this, anything like a complete descripiion of the goofnce, to the most clalx>ra*cly-finiihed ivory-bound missals of the most expel. sive description. Nor is the religious side of Irish litera- ture the only one which re- ceives full recognition at the O'Connell Street establish- ment, as Irish jwetry, fiction, and romance are equally well represented. lri.sh (loetry, poli- ti al pamphlets and works, his- tory, .science, and art — all are well to the front, forming a collection of works im|X)ssil>le to surp.ass in the establishment of any bookseller in the United Kingdom. Messrs. Gill & .Son are also publishers of a very interesting monthly periodical, approjwiately called TAe Irish Monihly, which contains con- tributions by several distin- guished writers, and which is replete with interesting and amusing ma'.ter. This publi- cation has long Iwen a great favourite in Irish Catholic households, and has already reached its sixteenth volume. This magazine is sold at six- pence lor the monthly part. The firm are naturally large employers, very many hands being eng,ig-d on the premises. Its large wholesale trade is spread over these and foreign countries ; some idei of its extent may be had when we siy that there is scarcely an impirtant retail bookseller in any part of Ireland who has not dealings with this firm. We regret exceedingly that the obviously limited sjiace at our disposal prevents us from going as thoroughly into the merits of this old-estab- lished house as we should wish to do, but it would take up a great deal more space than we can possibly afford, to give, even in the rough, a cata- logue of the firm's books, or anything like a full description of their business. W^e are aware how impjssible it is, in a sketch like this, to do more than present the rudest outlines, but, such as they are, we trust the reader's mind will enable him to fill in for himself the rest of the picture. If we have only helped to this result we must rest satisfied. In conclusion, it is unnecessary for us to dwell on the high po.-ition the house, commercially speaking, occupies, or upon ihe feelings of respect with which the head of the firm is regarded, and shall content ourselves wi h bearing very willing testimony to the able and efficient manner in which the business is conducted. most attractive. People that have gone to Mr. Mannin's once, go there again, and recommend others to folio .v their example. Like m.iny other professional gentlemen, Mr. Mannin prefers not to give the names of any of his numerous clients. He leaves them to recommend his goods themselves. Not only does he possess the two establishments .already mentioned, he is also the energetic and enterprising proprietor of two others. The first of these is a large Laboratory, chemical and drug store at 191, Townsend Street, where a very large wholesale business is carried on, the fame of which is known far and wide, as here it was, that for upwardsof aquarter of a century the Coloured Fires of the old Theatre Royal and other theatres (so necessary \o< pantomimic effect) were manul^rctured by him ; their brilliant colour totally eclipsed the foreign article. Everything in the shape of chemicals and drugs can be obtained here at a moderate price, with the full knowledge that the purchaser knows perfectly well that he is getting good value for his money, a con- sideration by no means to be despised. Many doctors and physicians are in the habit of buying their drugs at this store, and no lii;;her recommen- dation than this need be asked for regarding their purity and general excel- lence. The remaining establi^hment in the name of Air. Mannin is that of an oil, colour, varnish, cement and glass store, which is situated at 20<^ Great Brunswick Street. At this depot, oils of all sorts, varnishes, paint.«, and glass, also scenic artists' colours, can be obtained in large or small quantities, and all are guaranteed to be of the very best quality. 74 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. W. * P. Thompson, Wine Merchants and Shippers, S5, Lower Gardiner h.lreet. — A very old and well-known liou^e in the wholesale Wink Trade is that of Messrs. Thompson, of Lower Gardiner Street, who for many years have honourably been associated with this important branch of commerce. Messrs. Thompson occupy extensive and hajidsome premises as ofiices, warehouses, and wine cellars at S5, Lower Gardiner Street, at the rear of which their bonded warehouses are situated. These buildings were erected by themselves in 1870, and afford them great conveniences for their home and export trade, as well as enabling them to mature their wines, without incurring the usual expenses inseparable from storing in public warehouses. The lirm are extensive shippers of wines from Spiain, Portugal, and the chief wine-producing countries of Europe, and arc in close connection with some of the most celebrated growers. During the long period Messrs. Thompson have been before the public, they have received a large share of patronage and support ; a most exten- sive business being done by them, not only in the city of Dublin, but in every part of the cour.tr)'. The firm employ a slaff of travellers, who visit all the important towns in Ireland, England, and Scotland, and number amongst their customers many of the leading wine and spirit merchants throughout the kingdom. The Messrs. Thompson established a branch of their house in America in the year 1S65, the head-quarters being at 24, Beaver Street, New York, and a verj* large trade is done with our American cousins. A stock of their various goods is kept in bond at New York, and their wines are to be found on the lists of the Pri.ncipal Hotels and best Clubs in the United States. They have also established an agency at Melbourne, and do a considerable business throughout the Australian colonies and with the Cape, India, China, etc. It is impossible not to admire the energj' and enterprise of a firm which, not content with its great success at home, has planted its foot firmly across the ocean. In conclusion we need not dwell on the commercial po'^ition of the house of Thompson, but bear willing testimony to the feelings of respect which the clever management of their business has gained for the firm. J. Atkinson & Co., letter - Press and Lithographic Printers, Stationers, and Account-book Manufacturers, 72, Grafton Street. — The influenti.il and well-known establishment of .Messrs. J. Atkin- son & Co. has been in the hands of the prc^ent firm for more than a quarter of a centurj-, and during the whole course of its flourishing and prosperovis existence as a.first-cla-ss hou.se in the letter-press and lithographic printing trade, has done probably as much as any house in Ireland— if we make one or two exception.s — to develop and foster this interesting industry in this country. Although so long in being, the healthy vitality of the house is ais strong as ever, and certainly shows no sign of decadence, or of relaxing the firm and seemingly lasting hold it has got on the sympathy and encouragement of the public. The firm occupies a very substantial and .admirably planned premises at 72, Grafton Street, a thoroughfare that for its fashionable character, the wealth and importance of its commercial houses, and its general predominance as a street for business purposes, may be fittingly compared with New Bond Street or Regent Stre t in London. This old established and highly respectable firm does a very large and extensive trade in every branch of letterpress and lithographic printing, the specimens of modern and old style printing issuing from their press being of the most admirable and desiiable p;rfcction. We have before us a sm.ill specimen of their work in the form of an advertisement of the house itself, produced in the old style of block printing, which is in itself an effort of the highest art in this particular direction, and which we make bold to say will compare with any similar production of any house in the trade. The business done by the firm is extensive, as will be gathered from a statement of the fact that they find it necessary to employ as many as five-and-twcnty hands in the working in their establishment. The patronage the firm has received at all times — patronage from the best classes, and most influential circles — has been very great, and is a most flattering testimony to the wide. spread appreciation with which their labours have been met. Messrs. Atkinson & Co. have quite recently added new machinery, type, etc., to their already extensive plant in order, as they themselves remark, to facilitate the fulfilment of their extensive contracts within the time they mention. Their business consists of the printing of books and pain|ihlcts, as well a.s all kinds of commercial and private cards, circulais, handliills, memo' forms, programmes, and testimonials, all of which they execute, most accurately printed, and at such modest prices as utterly to defy competition. An idea of the extensive and influential patronage that has been bestowed on the firm, will be realised on reading the list of learned societies and other public bodies who arc among the regular supporters of their establishment. Besides Iwing printers of the Jrish AU'iical Dimlory, they arc also printers to the Koyal College of .Surgeons, Ireland, the Irish Medical Association, and th; medical profession generally. And they have lately printed a book of over four-hundred pages entitled a " Medicil History of the Mealh Hospital." They likewise do a large amount of sporting printing, including the Jtish Harce to the other branches in which the firm is engaged. These include provisions, Italian goods, fruits, tobaccos, cigars, perfumery, patent medicines, drugs, mincr.al oils, brushes, general fancy goods, and Japanese and American specialities. The history of this firm is (to say the very least) unique. It does not advertise, its business is in the best part of the city and with the best classes. It is the youngest house in the high-class family and general trades in Dublin, and itf, busi- ness goes on increasing day after day and year after year. A branch establishment had to be opened in Henry Street to meet the requirements of customers ; others are to follow. The trade done is something enormous, as will be gathered from the fact that the firm employs considerably over Ji hundred hands, and twelve vans for their business deliveries. Hill & Smith, Iron 'Worts, 47, Dawson Street.— The firm of Hill i: Smith, which has lor more than forty years carried on one of the (iiost extended iron busi lesses in KngLind at Hr erley Hill, Dudley, opened, about eight years ago, a branch house at 47, Dawsjn .Street, which bids fair to fully upho d the world-wide reput ition of th: parent etablishment. The house at 47, Dawson street, is ol considerable size, and is admirably suited fv^r their business. Their manufactures are arranged into four bioad and well-delined sections, mak ng themselves at once apparent. First, there is the department containing iron sheds and roofing, in which arc cxhibiteil al sorts of galvanised iron shees. The next gfcat division is compjsed of iron and wire fencing huidlcs, ga'es, and tree-guards, which are applicable, and, indeed, especidly constructed for the improvement of landed property, demesnes, and moikl farms. In this section is shown the testimonial received from the manager of the Royal estate at H.ilmoral. The ornamental gates for private houses show a freshness of design and excellence ol finish which deserve especial praise. The third departm .•nt is .il'.otted to garden furniture, an 1 is of unusual merit and beauty. It includes bwing water-barrows, either for the hand or fitted with pony or do ikey 75 shifts, the prices of which range from £2 to/f5 ; iron hose n-c! ' ' , wheelbarrows of wrojghl-irin, cricket or ganl-n icnts, awnings garden .seals, camp stools, folding chairs, garden rollers, g • plant frames, dog-kennels, and poultry-homt-j of superior quality, make,' and design. The last division is devme 1 to the articles n )t cla.sc 1 in the prccciling three depirtmens, and embraces Italian tilei, rixif gutters, g.ilvanised roof lights, chiinney-cowls, wire netting, oilcans, pi nt kecs! together with buckets, watering-pots, and tubs. P. Sanderson & Sons, Coach Builders, etc., 3t. Lower Uominick Street. — In the rapi.l march of commercial progre., which has distinguished the activity of Dublin during the last qua.ter of a century the manufacture of cabs, carriages, and other, vehicles has conslitute.1 a most impoitant item. Foremost in the ranks of metropolitan builders stands tlie well-known house of Messrs. F. Sanderson & Sons wh^.sc productions for taste, finish, strength, and durability, stand unrivalled t-ver since the foundation of this now popular concern was lail so far back as 1859, it developed features that at once di-played in a most lorcible manner the solid b.asis upon which its operations were intended to be pursued. With a consistency worthy of the promoters of this p.jpular undertaking, the pledges gi%'en have been faithfully and systematically pcrlormed. Conscientious dealing, based upon a thorough appreciation of the wants and requirements of a numerous and singularly incre-isinc patronage, has ever been a striking characteristic of the operations of the hrm. Year by year the business grew and fresh orders poured in uninter- niptedly, until the business had almost increased beyond the resources of the management. But the proprietors, ever alive to the exigencies of circumstances, coped with any dilTiculties in this direction, increase.1 their staff and .added periodically to their producing powers, until now they are capable of turning every order out with the greatest promptitude and despatch. Their cars and carriages are models of completeness, as is fully evidenced in the fact that in 1S65, and again in 1SS2, they were awarded first medals of meat at the Exhibition of Irish Art and .Manufacture. The firm do not exactly confine themselves to the manufacture of private cabs and carr.ages, they turn out every kind of vehicle that goes to do duty on our roads and public thoroughfares, from the shopkeeper's van to the hglitest and most fashionable cabs, cars, and carriages, that "ive im- port.ance and tone to the appearance of the aristocracy whether in^town or country. The house draws attention to the selection of wheels of every kind they keep in stock, and it is only fair to say that their productions in this particular department have long been celebrated for the seasoned character of the materials used, and the soundness and reliabilitv of the manner m which they are put together. An idea of the popularity of the concern, and the extensive patronage the house commands, 'will be gathered from the fact that their goods and manufactures find a market not only in Ireland, but in England, America, and Icdia. The pro- prietors are gentlemen of long and varied experience in this particular trade, and have earned for themselves a reputation that is alwavs insepa. rably associated with honest dealing and upright business principles. B.. McGrath, Merchant TaUor (Late of Bookev, O'Connell Street), 4>^, Marlborough Street.— About seven years ago the idea was conceived by Mr. K. McGr.ath to establish a first-class tailoring and out- fitting establishment in the neighbourhood of Marlborough Street The present site of Mr. McCrath's premises happening at^he time' to be vacant, they were taken by him, and from that date to this a xvidcsnread and succe-slul trade has been carried on there. It is not to ever\- newly est.iblished business that it is given to s,ay that, within the limits o( tl5e period during which its trade has been in progress, it has realised the expectations of its founder ; but this, fortunately, is the fact as regards his ^o"'»"r'„ "^ ''' P"^""^'^' "■•'i'^h the establishment occupies are situated at 48, Marlborough Street, and are of a very comfortable and commodious description. Ihe upper part of the building is occupied by Mr. .McGrath as a dwelling-house, the entire ground floor being devoted to purposes of business. The shop, which is a fairly largesijKd apartment, is admirably fitted with a direct Mew to the use it is intended for, and yet with a certain though; also for its .attr.activeness and effective appearance Mr McGraths orders are all executed on the premises by competent h.inds; N.iturally, m a tailor s establishment, the employment of go >d and efficient cutters is_a matter of supreme importance, and Mr. McGrath takes special charge of this branch. I he greatest care Aas so been shown, and with the good result that Mr. McGrath may rely on the perfect .s.ati,f.,etion he is by this mc.ins able to give his customers. The establi-hment is admirably stocked with a large supp y of the Latest patterns in twee.is, for suits or trousers. All the articles offered having been procured only from the best Irish English, and Scotch makers, may be relied upon for their excellence and durabdiiy In cloth also the house is able to furnish a large supply of plain black or blue broadcloth, as well as many new patterns of the modern manufacture known as diagonal. The establishment is furnisheil with vcrv convenient apartments for the customers' use. All those, and they are m,any vjho have patronised the establishment, express themselves perfectly satisfied with the fit, quality, and style of the garments supplied to them. F 2 76 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Tlie City of Dublin Drag Hall; Proprietors, Messrs. Hoyte & Son, Who^csalo Druggists, and Spice, Oil, Colour, Window Glass, and General Hercbants. i;, I.uwer Sackville .Street, and 3, L-aslt a! : v Street. — The "oldest inh.ibitant " cannot remember when the c ai-.t-r i if Sackville Street and Sackville Place was not occupied as a chemist and druggist's establishment. Old people will tell you that their fathers were customers of " Hoyte & Flood," as, for more than sixty years, the sale of drugs, chemica's, oils, and colours has been carried on M this establishment, and " Hoyte's Corner" is a well-known landmark in the city ; yet though the name has varied from time to time, being successively " Hoyte & Flood," " (Jeorge Hoyte," and " Hoyte & Son," and for some years Beater & Co., the business has gone on increasing arid extending, until now its customers are to be found in every county in Ireland, and even, we are informed, shipping orders are received from places so remote as Buenos .\yres. The reason of this extensive connection is not far to find, for while ever selling at as low prices as pos-ible, the high standard of quality in the various articles sold hai been fully maintained. Upon first entering from Sackville Street, the visitor will find himself in a large, well-lighted shop, where intelligent assistants are actively engaged m the ordinary work of a retail chemist's business. In this department will be found a large and varied stock of every article which may be required in this branch, including perfumery, toilet soaps, and brushes, of ever)' description fur personal and household use; on the shelves behind, all the drugs and chemicals in general demand, which have been purchased with the greatest care, and of guaranteed quality, will be found duly arranged in bottles and drawers ; baskets of sponges on the floor tempt the buyer, and the sale of veterinary preparations is made a specialty ; and here we would add that, discarding old-fashioned ideas of chemists' profits, Messrs. Hoyte & Sons sell all the leading patent medicines at co-operative prices. Quite separate from the general business is the department for the compounding of physicians' prescript ons, of which the managing member of the firm, Mr. J. N. Hardy, L. P.S.I. , is the pro- prietor. Here every p-escription is carefully compounded by a qualified assistant, and duly examined and checked before being delivered, all medicines for external use are sent out in special bottles, of different shape or colour to those intended for internal use, poisons are kept in a special locACr, and every precaution is taken to prevent any mistake in the com- pounding of prescriptions ; the manager of this department resides on the premises, medicines therefore can be procured at any hour of the night, as also at stated limes on Sundays and holidays. A great part of the upper portion of these premises is occupied as a s'.oreroom for large quantities of drysalteries, diugs, chemical*, chandlery, etc., as in addition to the retail ttade referred to, Messrs. Hoyte & Son do a consideralile wholesale business. But we must huiry on, and the visitor will kindly come wiih us through a covered passage to the Abbey Street jircmises of this extensive business. Here the scene changes, as we are in the window glass, oil and colour, and room pa[)cr departments ; in one pirt may be seen great panes of plate glass ready for shop windows, or stained and ornamental glass of cicry description for domestic and ecclesiastical purposes, large casks of oil and bales of pajicr demonstrate the varied character of this branch of Messrs. Hoyte's business. In concluding this short notice, we can only add that the success which has attended this old established house (or many years is more than ever deservcl by the energy which now marks its management, and the good va'ue which is given to its customers in the various departments we have briefly referred l<>. Thomas Moffitt & Co., Tire-proof Safe Manufacturers, 27. Lower Ormond Quay. — The old-established business of .Mesrs. T. Mofiitt & Co. holds a prominent and important position among the manu- facturers of iron safes, c!c. hslablished nearly ninety years ago, it soon secured for itself a widespread and lasting reputation for the excellence of w-orkmanship and the strong and durable character of the goods supplied to its customers. The high fame achieved by the firm eighty-eight years ago has gained fresh lusire as time has sped, until at the present moment there is probably no house in the safe-making trade better or more widely known, or whose safes arc more eagerly sought after by all desirous of obtaining a thoroughly useful and Lasting article. Messrs. Moffitt & Co. do a very considerable trade, not merely in Ireland but throughout the- ' United Kingdom, from all parts of which the most flattering expressions of s.itisfaciion on the part of purchasers are constantly received. That the firm should have been appointed safe-makers to the Bank of Ireland and the National Bank, Limited, from its foundation to the f>resent time, is in itself a testimonial of the highest character, as it will be readily understood that none but an establishment of the first r.ink, and most celebrated for good workmanship, could have been singled out for so signal a mark of distinction. The large and increasing business of the firm is attended to by an intelligent and efiicicnt staff. We wish we had space to enter fully into a description of some of Messrs. Moffitt & Co. 's manufactures ; but altogether apart from the necessarily limited n,iture of this article, we feel that only with the help of block illustration could anything like justice be done to the great and varied excellence of ■ their stock. A large share of the high esteem in which the firm is held is no doubt due to the punctuality and despatch with which all commissions entrusted to them are executed, as well as the unfailing civility the public receive from the highest to the lowest in their employment. Boyle & Co., Artists in 'Wood Carving and Art Furniture, "9, Lower Gardiner Street. — That delightfid branch of artistic industry comprised under the name of wood-carving has been carried to the greatest perfection by the firm of Boyle & Co., of Lower Gardiner Street, who have now enjoyed the esteem and patronage of the public generally for the long space of fifty-three years. This oUI established and delightful business was founded in the year 1S35, and rapidly succeeded in reviving what many persons thought or feared was a lost art in Dublin. The art itself is one that is largely cultivated on the Continent, ancf notably in Germany, where in Munich and other towns it largely con- tribates to the wealth and importance of the State as a flmrishing form of industrial and artistic enterprise. Of late years in th's country, under the fostering care of the South Kensington system of art training, and through the medium of the various afiiliated schools of art throughout the kingdom, a not unsuccessful attempt has been made towards its revival in the Biilish Isles ; but it is largely to the credit of Messrs. Boyle & Co. that long before the movement mentioned, they acted as pioneers in this direction, and it is with great pleasure we find that to the care of one of this firm, Mr. James F. Boyle (who was for many years a most successful pupil of the Royal Dublin Society's Art Schools, and of the Royal Hibernian Academy's), has been entrusted the instruction of the pupils of the wood-caiving classes in connection with the Technical Schools recently established and much needed in the city. Messrs. Boyle & Co. occupy business premises at 79, Lower Gardiner Street, where they carry on extensive transactions in the manufacture of carved wood articles of furniture, principally for the use of churches, etc. Messrs. Boyle & Co. are designers and manufacturers of church and art furniture generally of every description, and the excellence of the work produced by them ir warmly praised by all who are competent to pass judgment upon it. The work turned out by the firm will compare favourably with any houses now engaged in this industry, and for be.auty of design and skill of carving cannot, we feel sure, be surpassed by any in the same trade in Dutdin, and we are happy to notice that they were prominent exhibitors in the Irish Exhibition in London, where they displ.ayed some beautiful mirrors and chairs, richly carved, in the Chippendale style, which spoke for themselves and were well worthy the praise which \\.is liberally be- stowed upon them by art critics and the press generally. The busi- ness has received a very generous recognition from the clergy and others- interested in church fitting. The members of the firm individually are highly respected as trustworthy servants of the public, and for the business- like and prompt manner in which they attend to any orders that are entrusted to th.ni. Byrne, Maliony, & Co., Corn and Flour Merchants, Halt Factors, and Commission Agents. 4, Cope .s has already attained a reputation for it as unique as it is ilistinguished. The management is personally superintentled by the pr 'prietary in a manner that is recognised to be straight'orward, cntcrpris ng, and energetic. INDUSTRIES or DUliLlN. 77 Dablin Coal Company, 5, nOlicr Street, Coal Merchants rosperity of the house in the just as but the antccedeoU of still greater prosperity in the future. 78 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Smjrtli & Co. (Limited), Original Balbriggan Hosiery, 36 and 37, Lower Abbey Street. — Ver)' nearly one humlral and fifty years ago, at the peaceful and picturesque-looking village of Balbriggan, was l.iid In a modest and unostentatious manner the foundation stone of what was aftenvards to prove a great and flourishing national industry. About the year 1740, the manufacture of Irish hosiery was commenced in a very modest way by a certain Mr. Mathews, who at a place called Tanner's Water — close by Balbriggan — started a small factory. This business Mr. Mathews continued with a fair amount of success for about a quarter of a centur)', when a Mr. Fulham started a rival factoi-y at Balbriggan. Shortly after this the trade was joined by a certain Mr. Hatton, and in 17S0, Messrs. Smyth & Co., whose flourishing business forms the subject of our present review, established themselves also in the same locality. The theory of the " survival of the fittest " was exemplified in this as in other matters ; the smaller capit.ilists, being unable to bear the competition of their latest and more wealthy rival, gradually retired or joined the ranks of the em/iloyes, and the firm of Smyth & Co. held the field. From that date downwards, a period now extending over one hundred and some odd years, the name of Smyth & Co. has been the one most honourably associated with this well- known and flourishing industry, and to-day represents it as efficiently as at any time in its past career. Within the last twenty or twenty-one years, Messrs. Smyth & Co have built a handsome and spacious factory at this pretty little fishing vilbge, on a commanding site near the Drogheda Kail- way, which lends to the spot an attractive and imposing appearance. This splendid factory is supplied with a valuable plant of machinery — most of which is new — and other and most modern appliances for the carrying on of their extensive works, and manage to do an enormous amount of good in the way of giving employment, without which the poor people of the village would be entirely dependent on the fishing industry. Many of the male population of Balbriggan are either fishermen or agriculturists ; while the women and children obtain profitable employment in connection with the factory. Much of the work cin be performed at the employes' homes — many women and girls earning a substantial livelihood by embroidery, etc., at their own cottages. There are, at this admirable establishment, about eighty looms at present at work, and we are glad to learn that the company have in immediate contemplation the erection of several more. The work turned out from the celebrated Balbriggan factory is justly renowned for the excellence of its quality, all the materials used being the finest pro- curable ; with the result that the Balbriggan hosiery defies competition. The cotton used in the manufacture of the hosiery is that known as the Orleans and Sea Island, for some of the finer descriptions of which as much as forty-two shillings per lb. is paid — a price equivalent to silk. Even in the cheaper kinds of hosiery the cotton employed is six or eight thread, while Englisli manufacturers generally use a cotton comprising only two or three threads— of course the advantage of durability must be with the former. A writer in the Daily Express of June igtli, 186S, repeats the saying of one of the operatives which puts the fundamental difference between the Irish and the English goods in a nutshell. "The English," said the man, " direct all their eHforts to the production of the cheap, while our highest aim is to make IhegooJ.' This firm are now large manufacturcts of wool and merino goods as well as cotton, and have lately commenced to make ladies' and gent.'s underlinen. The establishment at 36 and 37, Lower Abbey Street, is the Dublin depot for the Balbriggan hosiery, and is well and tastefully fitted for the purpose it is intended for, and stocked with a large and valuable supply of the most admirable goods. It is quite impossible in the limited scope of a sketch like the present to convey any worthy impression of what is, and we hope always shall be, a most prosperous and flourishing Irish industry ; but we have, we trust, at least said enough to convey an impression, however slight, of the history, develop- ment, and prc-cnt condition of the trade. Fom the evidence given by .Mr. Wm. Whytc, Man.aging Director, before the Committee of the House of Commons last year, a clause was introduced into the Merchandise Marks Act, that now protects the good name of Balbriggan, and also protects the public from getting an inferior article which used to be sold under the name of Balbriggan. .-^myth & Co., Limited, for a further safeguard to the public, stamp every article with their well-known trade mark, a leg of a stocking. In conclusion, we can only wish Messrs. Smyth & Co. (Limited) every success. Wm. Nash, Jewel-Case, Plate-Chest, & Sressiug-Case uiafactaror, S3, William .Street. — A well-known house in an important line of business is that of .Mr. Wm. Nash, of William Street, who for many ycar> has carried on business as dressing case and jewel-case manufacturer at the above address. Founded more than twenty years ago, Mr. Nash has long achieved a high-class reputation for the admirable quality of his manulactures, and has been successful in forming a very important con- nection all over Ireland. The cstablshment so long and ably conducted by this enterprising trailcsm.an, occupies vcr)' extensive premises at 53, William Street, which, being admirably fitted and stocked throughout, forms, from their handsome appeaiance, an attractive feature in the thoroughfare. The front of the house in William Street measures about thirty f-et across, the denlh inleinally, from the front to the rear, measuring as much as sixty feet. During ihe long period he has now been before the public, Mr. Nash has succeeded in rendering his establishment one of the most pr>pular houses in the trade, never failing lo give the most conij le e satisfaction to all customers patronising the house. The stock, which is rery large and valualilc, comjirises a magnificent selection of jcwel-casis, plate-chests, dressing-cases, and every description of fancy goods of a like character. All these articles are of a very superior style of workmanship, m.any of them being objects of high artistic merit, which, both in design and execution, entitles them to rank with the productions of the best houses either in London or in Paris. Many of the articles we had the privilege of inspecting were of r.are beauty, especially some ladies' dressing- cases, which, in their silver-mounted fittings and leather or velvet linings, were about as choice specimens of this kind of production as we should ask to see. The plate-chests, too, .although of a different stamp of work, were in their line no less admirable, being strong and service.able, and eminently suited for the purpose for which they are intended. The premises cover a great extent of ground, the workshops occupying a flat of four apartments, wed lighted and ventilated, and in every wpear.ince, and one which is decidee in the wholesale ai:d retail drapery trade, despite the fact of its somewhat recent foundation, is that of the tirm trading as Bryan & Co., of Redmond's Hill. Established ten years ago by the gentlemen who decided to carry on the business under the name of Bryan & Co., this well known establishment soon achieved a veiy considerable reputation for the quality of its goods, and before long Messrs. Bryan & Co. had formed a connection which in numbers and social position entitled their house to take very high rank among similar establishrnents in Dublin. The firm occupies commodious premises at the above address, the frontage of the house measuring about fifiy-five feet, with an interior depth from frcnt to rear of about forty-e'ght feet. The premises are most tastefully fitted throughout, an admir.ible judgment having been displayed in their decoration, etc., while everything that could be has been done to secure the comfort and convenience of customers using the establishment. The principal business done is chiefly retail, although there is a small wholesale trade, and the house has gained considerable popularity among the inhab'lanis of the locality. The stock, which is large, varied, and valuable, contains a large assortment of drapery goods, all of very superior quality, and which are sold at prices sufficiently moderate to excite surprise when the excellence of the goods is taken into consideration. This stock comprises dresses, mantles, costumes, millinery, hosiery, gloves, stays, underclothing, linens, calicoes, flannels, blankets, and articles of drapery, all bring, as we have .said, of perfectly unexception- able quality. A very fine selection of materials suitable for ladies' dresses, in coiton, woollen, and stulT good-^, is held in stock, and a large trade is done in the sale of such articles. The costume and millinery department is also extensively patronised by the Ladies of the district, the house having long earned a high name for the fashionable shape of its hats and bonnets, and for the style of its mantles and costumes. The hosiery and under- clothing department also comes in for a large share of patronage, all the articles sold being of proved superiority and durability, while the gloves are fully equal to the best that can be procured at any high-class establishment, Messrs. Bryan & Co. only purchasing from celebrated manufacturers of such goods. Altogether the house of Bryan & Co. has every reason to be satisfied with the success that has attended it during the ten years it has now been soliciting the suffrages of the public, and the past history of the house supplies a very happy augury for that future development and prosperity which lies before it. . Charlotte Martin, Sealer in Autiqtiities, 2S, Lower Liffey .Street. — In answer to a growing demand tor an establishment where reliable ant'que works of art and •Id chinaware could be had, Mrs. Martin opened this shop about a year ago, and it must be said ibat the venture realised all expectations in the success it has achieved. It is well stocked with brie a-brac, old china, pictures, books, and the many curiosities usually seen in a shop in ti.is line. Here are lo be see 1 day after day the ardent lovers of a'ticlts de vein, who are daily Inring recruited principally from the most fasliion.ablc ranks of society, and lovtrs of the rare and curious. In this house both of these classes, from the courtesy shown and the moderate charges made, receive every encourage- nient to purcha.se, and willingly avail themselves of the advantages given. There is also a lirge and varied assortment of fancy delf, gl.issware, well-frameil pictures, and baby carriages, and many other articles that remain in the house a very short lime, on account of the good market ahvnys to be had for goods of the qiiabty here shown. The shop is cen- trally situated, not far from Ormoivl Qu.ay, and about five minutes' walk from the (Jencral Post Office, and in one of the best business streets in Dublin. Mrs. Martin has proved herself to be the right person in the right place, and her management bids fair to make the bu.siness a most prosperous one. 8o INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Conxelins Cadle, Engineer and General Mill Furnisher, 39, Wellinglon Quay. — There is a great and constant demand for eHective furnishings for nulls and factories. A representative firm in this connection is that of Cornelius Cadle of the foregoing address. Established but ten years ago, this concern has achieved a success of a prosperous and fruitful character, and is, a- the present day, one of the most widely-known in its branch of trade at home and abroad ; scarcely a week passes that he does not obtain some important order either for England or the colonies. The firm is sole aj,ent for William Furness & Co., Saw Mill Engineers, of Liverpool, and the connection it has formed for this house is of no inconsiderable nature. A prominent speciality is made of the "Turbine wheel," patented in iSSS under the style of the " Double jwrfection." It may also be mentioned that Mr. Cadle manufactures the "Wiley Oil Cabinet," a handy contrivance for the stor.age of oil, an arrangement which will be found of beneficial use to engineers, etc., who require diflTerent kinds of oil for lubricating machiner)-. Among other features of the tirm"s stock the following are noticeable : — Steam-engines and boilers, pulleys, shafting and gearing, "Halladay" standani windmills for pump- ing water, for domestic and manufacturing purposes, also for driving various kinds of machinery Irainage and irriga- tion at home and in nas co1»di« ; iron gates, fencing, galvanized iron roofs, leather and other kiadt c{ belting, and millstones. A large number of experienced hands are employed to assist the firm in executing the Dumerous orders received every day. Mr. Cadle, the enleri)rising pro- prietor of this prosperous firm, is an influential genllennn who is a prominent mcmlicr of our ciiy, and he is noted for the upright principles under which he has nianaf^cd his re])resentalive houie. Catherine Armstrong, Boot and Shoe MaVer, and Dealer, 39, Parliament Sticct. — Amcjiig ih'ise erigiged in ihe boot and shoe Iralein Dublin, and who have won for themselves a position of respeclabilily and importance, none are more worthy of notice than the highly respectable and old-established house of Mrs. Catherine Armstrong. For more than fifteen years this house has been before the Dublin public as a boot and shoe establislnnent, the quality and tit of whose goods have received the very highest nieeil of praise. Mrs. Armstrong's establishment is sit'.ia'ed in the very populous district of Parliament .Street, and in that busy thoroughfare occiipies a prominent an 'direct.— A spei-ial an.l very cliat;iclcri^lic lialiirc of the Irish ptople has over hern ihfir almost ilcvuled atlciUion to the exercise of every token of respect to the dead. As a result many line cstalilishnients devoted to supplying funeral arrangements llourish in the midst of the Iri h capital. Amongst these we must parliculaiise the concern controlled by Mr. John Ilendrick as one that has att lined prominence by studyinj; the public wishes and interests. This hou e was founded half a century past by the late lohn Keogh, who, at its very inception, inaugurated the policy of excellence comb ned with value, which has since then raided the establish- ment to its present high status. The premises occupieil stand on hallowed ground, and are convenient to Chiist Church Cathedral. From High Street they extend back into B.ack I.inc, covering a large area which is covereii in on the best system to store the valuable stock of vehicles held. To properly esimale the business transacted ia the funeral line, one would have to visit the difTerent ce-neierics of the metropolis, where he would 'observe at their gates many splendid equipages turned out b/ this house. Amjni^st the hearses can be chosen the newest open or gl.ass-sided patterns as well as the older though more s •Icmn patterns entirely closed in. Mourning coaches of the most rcspectab'e kind are also to be had, whi'st •the var cty of carriages to be seen in the commodious yards of thi; estab- lishment is. we have no hesitation in saying, unexcelled. In addition to funeral requisites being su|);)lied, w.-dding parties, picnics, etc., are catered for in a selection of waggonettes and dtags to suit two, fo r, or more horses. The stud of horses kept is constantly recruited from the private breeding establishment of this firm at Somniertou Mouse, Lucan. A feature that by no means has been the least respons.ble for the high reputation of the house is that of moderation in its rates. In conclusion, we must notice that since the present proprietor, Mr. John IKndrick, succeeded to the business, about two >..irs ago, the pr isperity of an already flourishing business has grown apace at a rate that promises the highest distinction for this noteworthy establishment. Mr. Thomas Brophy, Wholesale and Retail Boot and shoo Manufacturor, 4 and 15, Francis Street. — Notable amongst modern industries appiais the manufacture of boots and shoes so appropriately represented by the noted establishment of .Mr. Thomas IJiophy, wholesale and retail boot and shoe manufacturer, which has been in existence over thirty years, ami h.as acquired a world-wide reputa'ion for the superiority of its manufactures. The premises are very centrally situ.ited at 4 and 15, Francis Street, and in every way adapted to the Large and flourishing business transacle peachable integrity, which have raised it to its present eminent position. Madame T. Poirotte, French Corset Mannfactnrer, iS, Dawsun .street. — Corset nianufactuie may lie described as a branch of trade that has of recent years assumed surprising proportions, and has achieved a prominent position among other industries working in fashion- fcble arts. In this connection the establishment of Madame Poirotte may be recommended as a house where corsets, combining perfection in fit with excellence in wear, may be obtained. Madame Poirotte has had many years' experience in this business, and is consequently enabled to thoroughly satisfy the wanti and meet the requirements of her numerous patrons, rhis lady keeps herself fully conversant with the latest Parisian fashions, and customers may rely upon being served with corsets embodying all the most modern improvements and styles. Paris has long been famous for corsets of a superior finish and artistic shape ; but ladies have now no necessity for sending to the P'rench capital lor these articles of dress, as corsets of as good a fit and fashionable a shape are guaiantecd to be sold by this noted establishment. The premises occupied are situated at iS, Dawson Street, and are most elegantly fitted and well furnished. A la'ge and ex- perienced stalT of assistants find employment in this establishment. Corsets made to measure may be obtained upon the shortest possible notice. The excellence and superiority of the productions of this house have not failed in securing a large and valualjle connection. Madame Poirotte numbers annng her customers some of the best-known names in our city. Madame Dumas, to whom M.adame Poirotte succeeded, won medals at the P.iris Kxhibition of 1S44, and the Iiish Exhibition, 1865; and at the London Exhibition, 1S74, she was awarded a ccrtilicate for the superiority and njtcworthy excellence of her exhibits. The Iiondon and North-Weslem Hotel, Xorth Wall— The London and Norlh-WLstcrn Hotel is a compaiativdy new institution in the city, having origin.iUy bten cons'ru.ted about four years ago by the London and Nottli-Wtstcrn Railway Company for the convenience of its numerous customers. It has filled up a long-felt want, an I, in the short time that it has been started, has turned out a mo-t distinct success. It is p.itronised by m^st of the travellers .arriving in Dublin who intend pissing a night in tlie city, and by many it is nude their headquarters during a lengthened st.ay. It is a handsomely built and imposing edifice, and is one of the finest buildings aling the northern quays. It is four storeys high, and has two entrances under cover from boat and railw.ay stations, and ha; an entrance en North Wall. The upper fl.ors consist of dining, sitting, and bedrooms, all most comfortably and luxuriously furni-hd. The establishment is man.aged by Mr. Poole, who is certainly the right man in the right place. He thoroughly understinds the duties of his po-ition, is most attentive and courteous to vis tors, looking after their comfort in every way. It is under his superintendence that the hotel his become so noted for its cuisine, wines, and all-round arrangements for general comforU 82 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. P. Slialvey, Horseliair Manufacturer, etc., 3, High Street. — In reviewing historically the various trades and industries which contribute so materially to the commercial prosperity of the city of Dublin, and the daily employment of its industrial community, it is particularly interesting to meet with an establishment of such old standing and high reputation as that of Mr. Patrick Shalvey, general horsehair manufacturer, feather and flock merchant and purifier, of High .Street, and the factory, Nos. 22, 23, and 24, Michael's Lane, and to give this well-known house the prominence in our review which its high position in the trade and extensive business connections so justly merit. Reverting in the first place to the founding of the house, we find that it was established in the year 1S30. At the very comm ncement of its career it took a leading position, and for years has been the principal house in its owti line in the metropolis. It does a large and profitable trade amongst a valuable and wi3espread con- nection not by any means confined to the city, but extending to all parts of the country. The shop in High Street is large and spacious, having the capital frontage of forty feet. It i« nicely fitted up and contains a very extensive and ver)- valuable stock of prepared horsehair, feither, and flock for stuffin" seats, cushions, sofas, bedding, etc. .\ large staff of hands is re^TiIarly emp'oyed, giving the means of livelihood to a number of the working class. Mr. Shalvey manages the business with great energy and enterprise. He occupies a high position in commercial ciicles and is much respected for his str'ct integrity and attention to business. By his customers he is also greatly esteemed, and his house, under his able control, is un- surpassed and scarcely approached by any other in the same line in the metropolis. JoIinG. Powell, Fish, Ice, Poultry, Game, and Venison Dealer, 12, William Street. — Probably there is no city in the United Kingdom, a visit to which will better repay the business man, or from which he will carry awiy more valuable impressions than Dublin. So liitle com- paratively has been written or is known about the methods our large establishments have of carrying on business, that their order and regularity will be agreeably impressed on the stranger who enters some of our repre- sentative industiial concerns. Amongst these the establishment of Mr. John G. Powell stands out prominently. This eminent hou>e was founded fifteen years ago, and through good business energy and the excellence of everything sold, hns attained the pre-eminent and premier position in its line of trade in the mc:ropolis. The industrial operations of Mr. John G. Powell are both extensive and comprehensive, embracing the supply of fish, ice, poultr)', game, venison, and all the specialities in connection with the trade. In all of these lines there is no firm that has acquired a greater reputation, or has been more uniformly successful in its undertakings. The supply of fish is not only purchased direct from the fishermen rjund the Irish coast, but is also selected from the supplies provided by the wholesale markets, and therefore its freshness may be assured to the clientiie of the house. In like manner the poultry, game, venison, etc., are procured from the best farms throughout Ireland, and consequently can be relied upon to be of the finest and most exquisite quality. There is one feature which, had we space, we would dilate on, and that is, that however fastidious the lady or gentleman may be, they need not fear to enter this splendidly fixtured, well ventilated, and scrupulously clean establishment. The high-class clUntile who patronise this house is the best testimony to the superiority of the goods supplied. Amongst the patrons, by special appointment, are U.K. II. the Prince of Wales, H. l<. H. the Duke of Connaught, the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the Chief Secretary for Ireland, and the Commander of the Forces, in addition to the nobility, gentry, and clergy, as well as the Officers' Messes of the regiments in Ireland. He su;. plies the Sackville Street, Kildare Street, University, Stephen's Green, and Sheridan Clubs. It may not be out of jilace to quote one or two of the many unsolicited testimonials received by this house : " .MOLLABODEN, Xa«S, 'January, 1887. " Mr. Powf.lt., " Please send me your bill and I will pay it. I look upon you as the best tradesman in Dublin. The fish is always fresh and gojd, and the orders accurately and punctually carried out. " Yours truly, "Charles Criciiton." " Officers' Mess, Victoria Barracks, "Wl.NUSOK, Ducmber, 18S1. " .Mr. P.1WEI.L, " Dear Sir, — I have great pleasure in staling that during my stay in Dublin near twelve months with the Brigade of Guards, I dealt with you to my entire saiisfaclion. I found you very obliging and attentive, and that you always gave me the very best of fish, poultry, and game procurable, and I much appreciate your kindness in gelling things (rom London at a very short notice when they could not be obtained in Dublin ; and I would recommend any friend of mine that should be coming to Dublin to deal with you, as I ftel sure that you will tieat tlum as you have mc to my entire satisfaction. " I am, dear Sir, " Vours truly, •' H. Wiiai.e, " Messman to the Uri^r.dc of Cuards. ° Mr. John Powell, ably supported by Mrs. Powell, superintends in the management fully thirty employees, who are constantly engaged. The integrity and energy of .\Ir. I'owell has won the respect and confidence of all with whom he has dealings, and the success he is achieving is the just reward of his skill and enterprise. W. G. Moore, Photograplier, 11, Tpper Sackville Street.— Thirty years have p:issed since, at II, L'ppcr Sackville Street, Messrs. Kelson & Marshall established a studio for ihe taking of pliotographs and the general sale of articles connected with the fine arts. The venture was made at a critical and, as it proved, a most opportune moment. Eleven years back the premises changed owners ; but the only change in the work done within is that, if possible, it shows increased excellence and beauty under the new management. The window is most beautifully fitted with examples of the Academy pictures, and photos of prominent or notorious personages whose facial expressions and general appearances the grouped public criticise. In addition to these, the window displays some superior oil-paintings done by artists who take this opportunity of exhibiting their work, or which have been made to the order of Mr. Moore by his own artists, or have been purchased at the many auctions in England as well as- in Ireland — paintings some of them unframed and others encased in heavy gilt casings m.ide on the establishment — one and all display an appreciative taste. The stock embraces a collection of paints — w.-iter- colours and oil — contained in cases v.irying in size, quality, and price. The studio is of much interest, and is on the first Linding. If a subject is being taken, the visitor will find in the ante-room food indeed for much thought, and, if he be of a sarcastic temperament or cynic disposition, lor no small share of amusement. Mr. Moore's photos, for finish and close reproduction on paper of the subject as Nature formed him, are to be equalled by few other houses in the city, and excelled by none. The charges, too, are modera-e, and the pains of the at times unhappy photo- grapher to settle his subjects, and, if possible, to satisfy them, joined to the excellent bargains to be obtained in the shop, have given to this house a prominent, indeed pre-eminent, position among those of like character in the city. Arthur Wehb, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, 4, Upper Sackville Street, and 12, Wes'inoreland Street. — I'rominent among the most celebrated business establishments in this city are those occupied by Mr. Arthur Webb in Upper Sackville Street and O'Connell Street. The branch of trade to which this gentleman is devoted is the boot manufac- turing. Forty years have now passed by since the parent house of this business was founded in Sackville Street. About ten years ago it was found necessary to open the establishment in Westmoreland Street. This venture has been attended with the most fruitful results that could be desired. The stocks held in either house are mo.st valuable and compre- hensive. Amongst the specialities of this concern is the " Waterproof K Boot," which has an enormous sale, and is made of waterproof leather. The "Fetich Boot" is a splendid article for walking purposes, and is recognised to be the most excellent article to be found. The other articles kept comprise every kind of ladies', gentlemen's, and children's boots, including national and hygienic boots and shoes, and the celebrated Dr. Jaeger's wool-lined boots and shoes. Attached to the Westmoreland Street house at the rear is a commodious hall which is used by public bodies for meetings, lectures, etc., and known as the "Central Lecture Hall." The greatest punctuality and order characterise the transaction of business, and Mr. Webb's able supervision is evidenced in evciy detail of the large and inllueutial business carried on. M. Francois, Coiffeur Parfumeur, 2, Nassau Street. — A well. known and highly (latronised tonsurial establishment is that of M. Fran9ois, an artist of considerable taste and exceptional skill. The premises are elegantly and handsomely furnished. Fitted with every modern convenience, they aflord to customers superior and comfortable accommodation. M. Francois is a very talented "coiffeur parfumeur " of many years' experience. He has been established in his present place of business for only three years, but during that time he has worked up a very extensive connection, and commands a highly valuable pation.ige and trade. Ladies' ornamental hair is manufacturcu in the latest and most modern style. Wigs .and scalps in every variety arc also made ; the reputation aehieved in these two branches of trade is second to no other house in this line. A promincDt speciality is made of theatrical wigs ; the firm supply these stage icquisites to a very large circle of actors and actresses ; the manufacture of these head-dresses requires great skill and previous experience, and only hair- dressers of such knowledge and talent as M. Fr.im.ois can hope to succeed ill undertakings of this respect. In every particular this talented artiste attends to the requirements of iheatrical panics in wigs an 1 wig paste, and turns out these for sale or hire in the best style. Ladies in particular ."re under the greatest obligation to this gentleman as inventor of the natuial wavy fringe. M. Fran9ois is remarkable for his urbane courtesy and ai'a- bilily. He came originally from Paris, and w.-is the first to introduce ilic French style of hairdre^sing system to our city. In conclusion, the best recommendation lliat can be given him is to state iliat he has attained f jr his estaDlibhmenl an extensive and influential wholesale and retail patronage. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 83 Vessrs. Mitchell Amot & Co., Room paper Manu- faoturora, 18 ami 19, Lppcr Siickvillc Street. — Kooin-i>a|icr, as a work of an, lias of recent ye.irs Liken (jicat slriJcs lowauls |ierfection, I'ew houses have achieved a more pronnnent position in this connection than that of Mes.rs. Mitchell Arnul & Co., of 18 ami 19, Upper Sackville Street. The prenii>cs occupied in the aliove ihorouyhfare are very hard- sonic, commodious, and well furnished. No. 18 has a line measurenier.l, and is !-lockcd with a great variety of roompapurs, \ aints, oils, varnishes, glues, size, etc., while the upstairs portion is rcseivcil for the manufacture of picture framings. No. 19 is maintained for the retail sale of pic- tures, and the interior itself is splendidly fitted up with every appliance for hangini; and showing olT the Slock to the litsl ailvantagc. Emh shops ■ire well known and patronised, they are universally recognised to lie the best in their respcclive lines in our city. This house has been established for over one hundred years, and up to the present has enjoyed a prosperous and successful CNistence of much notoriety. From the commencement the firm has been deservedly known as one of the foremost in the trade. The factory, where all the principal produce of the concern is manufactured, is situated at Cilbornc, in Lancashire. Branches arc controlled in the populous city of Belfast, and in the vast London metropolis. All kinds of wallpapers and every description of picture fr.amcs are to be found in the firm's splendid stock, which alone comprises only the finest manufactures of first-class workmanship, and the material utilised is the best to be obtained. The manufactures and slock being of such a first-class representative nature, it is no wonder that connections, e.vtcnding far .ind wide, have been formed, and arc conducted with great energy and activity. The scope of the opera- tions is continually increasing, and this reliable house has achieved a repu- tation in this branch of trade that is unsurpassed by any other house in the trade. Every attention is paid to the tilling and execution of all orders, and the numerous and varied transactions are conducted with that skill and energy for which business houses of this high class are so deservedly noted. The long and honourable career, combined with the reput,ation the house h.is achieved in every branch of its manufacture, has obt.aincd for Messrs. Mitchell Arnot & Co. a connection extending over and embracing high-class patronage in all parts of the United Kingdom. In the Dubhn br.inch alone, twenty hands arc employed. They are skilled operaiives, and show by their general conduct their appreciation of the trust reposed in them by the proprietory. The chief manager is a Mr. Iladfield Pass, who is fully conversant with every department of the trade, and is held everywhere in high esteem for the honourable and capable manner in which he conducts the many operations of his firm. Earley 4 Powells, Artists in Stained-Glass, Sculptors, Archlteccoral Carvers, Church Painters and Decorators, etc., I, Upper Camden Street. — One of the most important houses in Dublin connected with the manufacture of stained glass and altar decorations, is that of Messrs. Earley & Powells, who have now for many years carried on an extensive business in this attractive line. Founded in 1S53, Messrs. Earley & Powells soon established an important connection among the Catholic Hierarchy in Ireland, and are at present one of the most largely patronised firms throughout the whole of Ireland. This well-known firm have for twenty-four years sustained the highest reputation for the admirable and artistic quality of their work, and have received the warmest recognition from all connected with the various Catholic churches throughout the country. The firm occupy very handsome and extin-ive premises at I, Upper Camden Street— popularly known as the Camden Street Works — which are fitted and decorated in a manner worthy of the h-gh name of the house. The frontage of the premises measures about forty-eight feet across, and there are, at the rear of the warehouse, extensive workshops w here the various works connected with the business are carried out. These work- shops measure about forty-two feet across, and in depth extend to over one hundred and forty-three feet. The stained-glass windows supplied by this firm to sever.il of the churches in Ireland possess high artistic merit, and, as specimens of the art, may take rank with the best productions of England or the Continent. The drawing of the figures and general composition of the works referred to leave nothing to be desired, and the windows display an admirable eye for colour and perfect truth and fidelity to medieval character. A very large branch of the firm's trade is the manufac- ture of wooden and marble altars, some of them beautifully carved, and fully up to the highest work of this description. For a very long period this important industry received but slight recognition in Ireland, and the greater part of the orders found their way to London or to Germany — the latter country being especially noticed for its excellent work in Gothic wood-carving, and commanding a large share of the patronage of this country. We arc gl.ad to know that a state of aflairs so discreditable to the naiional instinct has ceased to exist, and that ecclesiastical authorities in Ireland h.ave begun to recognise that they can procure at home, and at less cost, work fully equal in artistic conception and execution to any that can be imported from Munich or purchased at London. There are several hous s now c. g.aged in this most interesting industry, and foremost among them mast be ranked the name of the firm forming the subject of our present review. .Messrs. Earley i Powells' productions in ecclesiastical furniture aje of the highest character, and display throughout the most artistic culture. A very large business is likewise done by the firm in painting and nrlaiit factor in the large trade that is carried on in country produce, is the town agent or merchant who buys butter, eggs, b.acon, hams, etc., from the country people, and sells them in return tea, haberdashery, etc. One of the fore- most hou.ses in Dublin in this line is the establishment of Messrs. Fry & Son, Wholesale ami Retail Merclianls, 142 and 143, hrancis Street. The premises, which are situated in one of the best business streets in the metropolis, are very sjiacious and commodious, and admirably arranged with every facility (or the convenient transaction of business. They have a fine street frontage of fifty feet, and a depth to the rear of thirty feet. The stocks, which are held in the commodious ware and s.ale-iooms, .ire large and of great vaiiety and conqireheiisiveness, and inclutle Indian, Chinese, and Ceylon teas of the choicest growths, fiesh butter and eggs, as also all descriptions of habcrd.ashery, wools, etc. The trading connec- tions, which are very v.iluable, are extensive, the house being famed throughout the city and suburbs, as well as in many rural districts. The tiade itself, from a modest beginning, has steadily develojied and increased. The manager and projirietor, Mr. Fry, is a gentleman who h.is brought long experience to bear on the many lines to wliich the business is devoted, and who.se integrity and upiight conduct have won the esteem and support of the commercial comm mily. They are also extensively engaged as manufacturers of ladies' and children's woollen skirts and underclothing) in which items the house does n large wholesale trade. INDUSTRIIS OK DUBLIN. Patrick O'Kelly, The " Irish House," i ami 2, Wood Quay. — Thtre are few public cslililishmciils so slron^ly coduccIkI wiih natural historic associations as the "Irish House," which is situatcti on Wooil Quay. This is one of tlic oMcst establishmenis of its line known to cxi^t in our populous city. Associated with mcmoiits of patriots, the remcin- branccs of whose troublous times are cmbonilncnt is that representing "Graltan's la t appeal in the Irish Mouse of Coinmons before the passinjj of the Inicm;" another denotes O'Connell upholding the Kmancipalion Act in the llrilish House of Commons in lS2b. Kiin weeping at the loss of her parliament is an illusliation that calls to remembrance that short- Iivelems representing the " Four Provinces " are also emblazoned on the exterior, with representations of the utensils use I for drinking by the ancient Irish. The interior walls are decorated with beautiful oil-paintingi of the renowned Vale of Ovoca, and the historic and picturesque Lakes of Killarnry. Over the counter stands a fi.;ure representing Krin, in one hand she grasps a sword, the other unfolds to the lireeze t^^e banner of our native l:ind ; a clock that points the time is encased in a hirp of Irish oak-wotk sur- mounted by a cross, and the battle-axes and spears in use in Ireland from the days of King IJaihi down to '82. This establishment is consideicd and looked upon as the most historic house in the most historjc ward in Dublin, O'Connell btinj the first Catholic that ever entered the "Old Corporation," which w.as about the year 1S20. The ground on which the present building stands forms a p >rlion of the St. Patrick division for representation in Parliament. Mr. Patrick O'Kelly, the energetic pro- prietor of the " Irish House," is well known for the courteous manner in which he conducts his business, and it is to be trusted that he will long continue in the eminent position which lie at present holds. He is an elected P. L. G. for Wood Quay Ward at the Board of the South Dublin Union, and through his remarkable ability and popularity there is no constituency in Dublin that would not feel honoured by his representation. 7. J. Byrne Sc Son s, House, I>an(i, and Insurance Agents, Quinsboro Koad, liray. — In all large cities or villages the business of the auctioneer and valuer is indispensable. When the business alluded to is carried on conjointly with that of a stationer, we need hardly say that a most lucrative trade can be commanded. Su h, however, is the case in the instance of the establishment controlled so ably by Messrs. P. J. I!yrne & Sons. This concern was founded some twenty years past and has during the intervening period earned a high and enviable repuiatii n. The premises jccupied comprise a handsome shop devoted to the sale of stationery and a well appointed office, w here house, land, and insurance business is transacted. In the shop, which is .also district post oflke, a highly valuable and compre- hensive stock of plain and fancy articles for the office, school, or boudoir, is nhown to advantage, at prices that we certainly must say defy competition. The operations of the valuation office are in a like manner transacted in a Hy'.e that is eminently conducive to the best interests of the firm. The connection enjoyed is both widespread and influential, including at one .nnd the same time all sections of the shopping and propertied people of this town. Indefatigable energy allied to courtesy and civility are the most pronuaent features in the capable management of this establishment. 85 Thomas Conroy, Provision Stores, 46, Nonh King Street. — One of the very oldct of the nolai.le h(jusc» associated with the great provi ion trade of Dublin is that of .Mr. Thomas Conroy. These well, known stores were originally founded by the late Mr. Howlcy alxiut sixty years ago, and have, from the date of lleir inception, enjoyed steady and continuous prosperity, and duly shared in the progress and constant develop- ment of the provision trade. The premises are located in a gooes. A pro- minent establishment devoted to this line is that carried on by .Mr. Quin'ess at II, .\ungier Street. This important concern was founded by its present enterprising proprietor alx)ut nine years ago, and has been most progressive and flourishing in its extensive business operations during this period. The- concern occupies a splendid business position in this important thoroughfare close to the great commercial localities of Georges Street and Dame btreet, in the centre of a thriving and thoroughly commercial and fashionable district. The premises are spacious, represented in dimensions by a fron'age of twenty-seven feet and a depth of sixty feet, and three storeys in height. They comprise an extensive shop and suitably arranged workshops, where a constant staflf of from ten to twelve hands are kept in full employ in the execution of the numerous orders extended from a widely spread patronage in city and surrounding districts. There is a magnificent and attractive stock disjilayed at the warehouse, consisting of the most select and modern p.itlems in roompap-rs from the celebrated maker:, ornamental glass of the most varied and choice designs directly imported by this eminent hou e. This concern has been successful in securing some of the la-gest contracts in the kingdom, and is most extensively engaged in metropolitan business in the artistic line of trade so intimately and popularly associated with the name of this celebrated house. The business is in a highly prosperous- condition and under most superior man.-jgemenl, that duty devolving on the efficient proprietor, who is well known and deiirvedly esteemed. 86 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. J. Lafayette, Photographer Boyal, 30, Westmoreland Street. — To all who are interested in the latest developments of the photographer's at, a visit to the atelier of Monsieur J. Lafayette in West- moreland Street, cannot fail to afford the highest gratification. Although only cstabli>hed so recently as iSSo, M. La'ayette has already achieved the ver)' highest reputation, and has received the most extensive patronage from all classes of the Dublin publia M. Lafayette occupies very handsome pre- mises at 30, Westmoreland Street, which are fitted throughout in a manner displaying the most perfect taste, and securing to the fullest extent the com- fort and convenience of ladies or gentlemen patronising his stud'i by their presence. The walls display an admiialile selection of highly finished and artistic photographs, which in excellence of production, and method of treatment, cannot be surpassed by the productions of any photographic studio in the United Kingdom, or upon the Continent. The con- cction which this gifted artist has been enabled to form, during the short sjiace of eight years, is of a most extensive and aristocratic character, many of his sitters and patrons moving in the most select and influential circles of society in Dublin. All the photographs taken at M. Lafayette's atelier are highly finished in the "Enamelled Style," a method of treatment which imparts wonderful softness and brilliancy to the picture. Another special feature in his portraits is the introduction of his Chromotype Carbon Pro- cess, in which, by the use of permanent pigments instead of the chemical salts hitherto employed, permanency as well as brilliancy is obtained, and all fear of the picture becoming faded is perfectly insured against. The employment also of the instantaneous process as practised in M. Lafayette's atelier, is of the greatest advantage, especially in the case of children's por- traits ; and there are in his gallery some exquisite specimens of his work in this particular branch. Most persons will have noticed the constrained and often frightened expression on the faces of children photographed by the old and tedious method ; but, under the new system, the phologmph being taken in a second, a natural expression is caught, which by the former method would be often impossible. M. Lafayette has a large and accom- plished stafli of painters in oil and water-colours, through the aid of whose services he is now enabled to execute orders for pictures in the different styles required, and on terms which, considering the excellence of the ■workmanship, strike us as being particularly moderate. Life-sized portraits in oil, and miniatures on ivorj' or porcelain, are executed in the most admiiable manner, and some of the specimens v^e had the good fortune to be able to inspect were exquisite examples of this style of art. The high reputation which M. Lafayette has acquired is by no means confined to Dublin or to Ireland, his work having received a widespread recognition as to its superior merit wherever exhibited ; and receiving special commendation from such fully qualified authorities as the leading London art journals, and the jurors of various exhibitions who have awarded him several prize medals. The crowning honour, however, in ^L Lafayette's artistic career, is the summons he received from Her Majesty the Queen, at whose command he proceeded to Windsor and photographed the Royal Family ; the distingiiislied honour being permitted him to sign himself " Plioto^rapher Royal " by special warrant. He also attended at Marlborough House and photographed the Prince and Princess of Wales, Princess Louise, Princess Victoria, and Princess Maud of Wales. Among the other distinguished patrons who have honoured M. Lafayette with sittings for their portraits, we may mention the names of H.R.H. Prince Albert Victor, H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge, His Serene Highness Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar, and the Princess of Saxe-Weimar, Their Excellencies the Lords Lieutenants of Ireland for the past eight years, the Archbishops of Dublin, and the Chief Secretary, Duke and Duchess of I^inster, Duke of Abercorn, Marquis of Kildare, Lord Ashbourne (Lord Chancellor), the Duke and Duchess of Saxc-Meiningcn, the Duke of Teck, Earl of Dohoughmore, Marchioness of Ormonde, Lady Brooke, Marchioness of Waterfurd, Earl and Countess Cowper, Hon. Mrs. North Dalrymple, Lord Clarina, Viscount Powcrscourt, Duchess of Marlborough, Earl of Pembroke, Earl Fitzwilliam, the Countess of Carnarvon, and a great many more ol the nobility and gentry of Ireland. In fact, in rcaiiing over the list of distinguished names forming >1. I^fayclle's numerous clinuiU, one is apt to forget for a moment that one is not merely leading the names in some Court directory. We may add that in connec- tion with the studio, M. Laf.iyettehas provided additional and commodiMUs dressing-rooms, which are fitted with every convenience lor the use and comfort of his sitters. Prescott & Co., Dyers and Carpet Cleaners, S3, T.ilbot Street. — Tliere has been nu discovery of science that has conferred more benefits on the mixlern household, than that new and mo,l useful ait of dyeing. There is no better exemplification of the growing spirit of thrift and economy that is abroad at the present time, than can be found in llie extensive and increasing patronage that is accorded to the many dyeing establishments that compete for the public favour. Distinguislied and prominent among the»c is justly ranked the well-knowii firm of .Messrs. Prcscolt. Magniiudc of o|KKitiuns and exceptional ilurability of work done arc the features of their useful operations that conduce to raise this firm to the highest level in the commercial interests of modern Dublin. The liberal policy that characterises the affairs of this house is as plainly observable in the commolious and spacious premises that are replete with every facility for ilyeing or cirpetshaking as in the efforls that have been made to turn out nothing thit in every sense could not be callerl true and good value. The grvat niajorily of the people are U-giiining to recognise the enormous saving thai can be made by getting their clothes, whether they ate gentlemen's or ladies' apparel, dyed. In fact, the art has reached such an acme of perfection at Messrs. Prescott's establishment that it is impossible to distinguish between goods dyed in it, and the same articles perfectly new, and when the great difference in price saved is remembered, it is a wonder that such a house as Messrs. Prescott is not even greater than it is. However, from the steady increase in Messrs. Prescott's business, if we can use their great trade as a criterion of the dyeing industry, we may assume that before very long this business will create a revolution in the weaving apparel of our people. It is in quality and appearance, not in peculiarity of style, that the change will be effected. Even now there is no reason why our boys or girls or even ourselves should wear old or faded clothes when we have the means at a nominal price to renovate them and make them equal to new. No person who has ever patronised Messrs. Prescott has had reason to regret the occurrence; rather the satisfaction of having eflected a great saving, testi- fied itself in the continuance of his orders to this firm. This branch of the business is by no means confined to dyeing of habiliments, as its m.any patrons, that periodically get their blankets and quilts cleaned and dyed, are well aware. From the best facilities, improvements, and modem machinery acquired, the quality of the dyeing is incomparable, both in rich and plain colourings as well as the durability of them. The latter qualities are the two necessary desiderata which so many houses compete in, but in which it remains for this celebrated house to undoubtedly take the palm. The second important line of business is one that is closely allied to the first, and one in which tliis house has shown clearly an unmistakable superiority in method and execution as well as excellence to any other firm we have any knowledge of. We allude to the carpetrshaking industry. Formerly this business was done by the imperfect process of hand-beating, but now that has been superseded by the safer, cleaner, and more perfect means of machinery. The introduction of this new departure we believe is solely due to this firm, and consequently it may be easily understood that the advan- tages of it were first availed of through this firm, who have acquired a most extensive dicnlile as a resultant. In its entirety there is a most giatilyiiig appearance of prosperity and briskness of business that augurs well for a long-continued course of utility for the house's practical industries. Its proprietaiy, who in the face of many obstacles attained the happy accom- plishment of raising their business to the conspicuous position it holds, have won the golden opinions of every one whom, through business or otherwise, they were brought in contact with, for their courtesy, and tlie higher business qualities that make the success which invariably succeeds. R. Barrett, Candle ManTtiasttirer, etc., 23 & 24, Lincoln Place. — An establishment that is doing a rapidly increasing business is that of Mr. Robert Barrett, wax and tallow candle manufacturer, soap and oil merchant, located as above. The business was originally started some sixteen ye.irs ago, and at once began to take up a leading position amongst the other houses in the same line. It has gone on steadily increasing its trade till it has now an extensive and widespread connection in the city, the suburbs, and the surrounding country, where it does a business of great volume and value. The premises at the above address are large and spacious. They have a frontage of fifty-one feet, and a depth of eighty- four. The show-room contains a splemiid show of camiles of all makes and descriptions, from the aristocratic wax down to the lowly tallow. 'I here is also agood selection of soaps and oils for all purpnses. All these difierent articles are of the best quali y exclusively. The greatest care is taken in the manufacture of the candles, and the soaps ami oils are thoroughly reliable. About a dozen hands are constantly employed under the per>on.al superintendence of Mr. Bariett, who manages the business with great ability and enterprise. He has had many years' experience, which he uses to his customers' and his own adv.intage. The business is most ably conducted in every way and receives the substantial support of an extensive and infiiiential patrjnage. ^ James Bowe, Grocer, Wine and Spirit Mercliant, ij, William Street. — The family grocery, wine, and .-pirit trade constitutes a most important branch of commerce in the city, and numerous fine estab- lishments are embarked in that business. A popul.ir concern in this connection is carried on by .Mr. James Howe .at 15, William Street. This well-known house was first opened about half a cen ury past, and has made goud headway during that time in growing up a ]>rosperous and largely increasing Inisiness. It occupies a most suitaUe p sition.is situated in one of the leading business streets in the centre of a thick population, and clo^e to such important localities as the .South City .M.irkets, Uame Street, Ueorgc's Street, Trinity Street, etc. The premises consist ol a fine fivc- stoieyed house liuving a fronlige of twenty-two feet and a depth of seventy feet ; the shop is haiiils»incly fitted up with all modern and tasteful fittings and designs, which present a must ai tractive appearance. There is always in slock a choice and well-assorted supply of Irish whiskies from the dislilleiies ol John laineson & Son (seven years old), John Power & .Son, William J.imeson iV Co., t-i. Roe & Co., the Dulilin Whisky Distillery Co., etc. ; ii splendid assuilinciit of wines, brandies, hollaiuls, champagne, Jamaica rmi, Bass & Co., Allsopp & Co. 's celebrated ales in wood and bottle, Guinness & Soils' renowned Dublin stout .and porters. Also a magnificent supply oJ choice leas, sug.irs, fruits, spices, tinned meats and fish, etc. A widespread p.itroiiogc is accordcil to this well-known firm from the several classes in the coiiiiuuiiity. Tlierc is a good stalf of assistants at work, and the conccMi, wlii,,li is under the su|iervision of the proprietor, who possesses liiyh business nn.diiicatioiis and is thoroughly esteemed by his many friends and custum-ris, would well repay a visit. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 87 Baswell's Private ramily Hotel (Mr. J. A. Kclntoah, Proprietor) 25. -(>. a'"l 3°. Mi>li-swoitli Sinct.— One of the- mu^l old- csulilibhcil ami hit;lily rcs|ici.t;il.Ic family Ik.uIs in DuMiii is that which is popularly known to fame as " liuiwcUs Private Hotel," an.l which for many years has been very ably and cOiciently manafjed by Us present respected proprietor, Mr. J. A. Mcintosh. This well-known and popular establishment occupies premises consisting of three handsome houses at 25, 26, and 30. .Molesworth Street, and is altogether one of ihc best of its kind in the Irish metropolis. The premises, which are very extensive, comprise sever.il suites of handsome ap.irtmenls, which are ihiounhout fitted in the most tasteful and elaborate manner, and in a way which cractically ensures the comfort and convenience of families using the hotel. There .are twelve t-astefully appointed silting-rooms, and a lart;e numb::r of niry bedrooms, all of which are furnislied in the most fashionable and com- fortable manner, and the hotel as a whole has been arranged on a most convenient and useful plan. Kstablished over thirty years ago, this well- known establishment has long received the most extensive support and palron.ige. and is periodically the home of many country gentlemen and tjieir families, whom business or plea-ure bring to the capital. The house has long borne the most enviable reputation for comfort, and the excellent quality of its fare, and is perhaps one of the best patronised family hotels in Ireland. The cuisine of the house is faultless, there being no hotel in Dublin, whether of the privaie or family order, which can supply 3. more rtiherche dinner, or one better served, than Buswcll's. In sp.^aking of hotels one naturally thinks of the important question of attendance. Here again Mr. Mcintosh is famous, taking as he docs the greatest care in the selection of his large staff of servants, and insisting on his guests receiving all the attention .and respect that can and should be paid to visitors. The house also has a high reputation for the excellent quality of its wines, and other liquors, all of which arc of the finest description, and fully bear out and justify the old name of the house in this important particular. The cellars arc well stocked with an a>lmir.able supply of line old port, sherry, claret, and other iUvourite wines, some of the former being of very old and superior quality. There is also somcadmirabic light dinnersherrj-, which has found much favour with Mr. Mcintosh's guests, and is as excellent in quality .as it is moderate in price. A large share of the popularity attending the house is doubtless due to the courteous and polite manner of the host himself, who by his manner has largely contributed to the success of his establishment, .and gained for himself the friendship, even, of many guests using his house. Among those who patronise the es'.ablishment are T.S.H. Pnnce and Princess tdward of Saxe-Weimar ; M.irquesses Clanricarde, Conyngham, Drogheda, Head- fort, Sligo ; Earls Abingdon, Annesley, Bantry, Bective, Belmore, Carrick, Carysfort, Clonmell, Cowper, Desart, Donoughmore, Enniskillen, Erne, Fing.all, Fitzwilliam, Granard, Ilopetoun, Kenmaie. Kilmnrey, Leitrim, Lislowel, Longf.rd, Kanfurly, Koden, Rosse, Westmeath, Wicklow, Yarborough ; Viscounts Bangor, Combermeie, Doneraile, Massereene, Monck ; Lords Beaumont, Carbery, Castlemaine, Churchill, Clonbrock, De Freyne, Dunsany, Grevllle, Harlech, Inchiquin, Kilmaine, Liffor 1, Louth, Lurgan, Muskerry, Orannvire and Browne, Rath lonnell, Walls- court. It is impossible in the liniiied scope of our review to render full justice to the many excellent qualities of Buswell's Hotel, and we regret that considerations of space pi event us from doing more than ofToring the rudest portrait, in outline, of the house. In conclusion we can merely repeat how high the position of the house is among establishments of a similar character, and willingly bear tcslimony to its able and efficient management, and the homelike feeling induced by a stay within its walls. ISZessrs. Tates & Son, Optician- ind Scientific Instru- ment Makers, 2, t^rafion ^tieet, — Eslabliitied tally a century, there is no house in the United Kingdom in its particular line, which is entitled to take higher rank than the old-established and highly respectable lirm which forms the subject of this notice. Among opticians and manuHicturers of scientihc ajiparatus and appliances, the lirm of Vates & Son has received from the public generally the warmest marks of approval, and the most extended patronage. On its inception the house soon began to be known in scientihc circles throughout the kingdom for the excellent quality and exactness of its instruments and scientilic appli.iiices, and the high name tluis honourably earned from the first, it has been the pleasing duty of the present members of the firm to maintain unimpaired. The premises of Messrs. Yates & Son are striking and handsome, and in every w.ay worthy of the name and reputation of the house. The shop is suitably fitted with every modern im- provement, and stocked with a rare and expensive assortment of mathe- matical, scientific, and other instruments, which we venture to s.ay cannot be surpassed — if equalled — by any other house in the trade. We have bei'ore us two closely-printed illustrated catalogues, forming indeed only a pkirt o.*^ the general catalogue of this valuable stock, which we wish it were within the scope of our present article to deal with fully. These catalogues, dealing with electrical apparatus and appliances, and drawing, surveying, and engineering instruments, seem to cover the whole field of those two subjects in the most comprehensive manner, and display a supply of articles which, for completeness and absolute excellence of workman-hip, leaves nothing to be desired. The catalogue (a book in itself of some lifiy odd pages) de- voted to electrical apparatus and appliances, is divided under several dis- tinct headings, such as, Frictional hiectricity ; Voltaic .and Galv.anic Ap- paratus, including battery requisites, such as porous cells, flat and round, ebonite cells, etc., etc.; 'Ihenno-electrie Apparatus; Magneto electric Apparatus (Clarke's, Wilde's, Tislcy's, etc.); Induction Coils; Electric Bells and ,\pparatus ; Electrical Rain G.iuges ; Lightning Conductors, and a host of other apparatus and appliances used in every possible branch of electrical or scientific practice or experiment. I^aeh of the subjects the reader will remember is but a headiu^, under which will 1)0 found a long list of the various inventions, appliances, or machines, lielonging to each class, so that a fair idea of the extent of the firm's stock is in this way arrived at. The drawing, surveying, and general engineering instruments, are cat.alogucd in a hook even thicker than that devoted to scientific appliances, running to about sixty pages, and embracing every instrument, from the most familiar, as the compass or a set of parallel rules, to cradle theodolites, clinometers, and elliptographs, whose uses are not so generally understood. The instruments or apparatus manufactured by this house have receive! the highest testimonials from all quarters, and from all cU^ses of scientific men, an 1 have further received the Award of Merit from experienced judges at various exhibitions, at home and abroad, Messrs Yates & Son being the lucky possessors of about six first-class silver medals. It will not surprise the reader to learn that the firm are makers of instruments by appointment to the Univcr-ity of Dublin, and to the Port of Dublin Corporation ; though it is a little more worthy of notice that the Government High Schools of India also honour the firm with their patronage. All the instruments made by the house have been over and over again pronounced by practical men to be unsurp.assable for accuracy, high finish, and durability, and, we m.iy add, for general excellence of workmanship. The head of the firm is a thoroughly practical man, and can go through all the constructive detail of the work as well as any of the foremen in the various departments— a fact, no doubt, which has largely contributed to the great success and prosperity achieved by his house. A. P. Sharp, Architect aral and Mounmental Sculp- tor, etc., 17, tircat lirunpwick Street. — The business of architectural and monumental sculpture is one which, from its nature, admits of the exercise of considerable artistic skill. In this particular line, of recent years, there has been displayeil a very great improvement, the latter- day development of the art having resulted in the production of monumental works, some of the very highest merit, and all evincing the most steady advance in the knowledge and principle of design. Among Dublin houses devoted to this branch of industry, and which have been most closely identified with its progress, that of .Mr. A. P. Sharp is parti- cularly deserving of a word of praise, and cannot assuredly be passed over hastily in any review of the trade. Founded only as recently as about the year 1S71, Mr. Sharp, from the very commencement of his career, earned for himself and his establishment a very notable reputation, owing to the excellent taste dispUayed in his designs, and the admirable workmanship which distinguished their execution. This very well-known establishment occupies extensive premises at the above address, consisting of office and monumental yard — the latter having an entrance of about fifteen feet wide by over one hundred feet deep— and two workshops at the rear about forty feet square, specially built and lighted for the various branches of his trade. There is a large assoitment of designs and drawings for monu- mental tombstones, pulpiis, fonts, reredoses, etc. During the seventeen years that Mr. Sharp has been practising his art, he has gained consider- able popularity in ecclesiastical work especially, and achieved, as we have previously remarked, a distinguished reputation for skill and t.aste. The yard is extensively stocked with a large and varied assortment of monu- ments, Celtic crosses, headstones, and memorial tablets in stone .and marble, as well as stone vases, marble statues, and for monumental and ecclesiastical purposes, also for fountains and other objects of out-door architectur.al decoration. Th-rc is also a most artistic display of plas'.er enrichments, and architectural ornaments of classic and moilern design, all modelled on the premises, .all of which are remarkable for their giace and elegance, as well as their truth to the particular periods of art they serve to illustrate. In building generally he does considerable work ; he has now in fiand the very elaborate tower and spire at Raheny, also extensive addi- tions to Carnalway Church, Co. Kildare. Another branch of Mr. Sharp's important business, and one in which he has likewise gained no Utile I'a.ne, is the manufacture of church furniture in wood ; he employs a number of wood-carvers and cubinet-m.akers exclusively at church-furniture work. He has now in hand the elaborate carved-oak furniture for the new church at Ratieny, and lor St. Luke's, Cork. There are, lv)lh at Glasnevin and Mount Jerome cemeteries, many high-cl.ass tombs and nionuiucnts executed from his designs and under his supervision at the premises in 17, Great brunswick Street. All these designs evince, as we stated in our opening remarks, u very decided advance and de- velopment in the art of monumental and architectural scu'pture, and reflect the very highest credit on the taste, skill, .and judgmem possessed by the proprietor of the establishment. We leel convinced that before this line of business there must l)e a very great future, and one destined to wi.ness even still greater advance than that to which we have alluded, and feel confident, judging by the past record of Mr. Sharp's establishment, that he will be .iNle to give a good accour.t of himself in the future .as in the past. Sp.ice will not permit us to give a detailed descrip- tion of some of the very beautilul specimens of carving to lie seen at the yard in Brunswick Street. Viewed as a commercial undertaking, the business is no less noticeable than when viewed from its artistic aspect, and in the trade no house occupies a more assured position. The manage- ment of the business is everything that can be desired. 88 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. W. Birney, Ironmonger, etc., 45. Mary Street —An important house in the ironmonger)- traile is that of Mr. W. Hirney, whose establish- ment has for many years occupied a position of gieat prominence amongst the first-class commercial houses of Dublin. Founded about the year iSio, this old establidi.d and highly respect.ild: house has long achieved the highest reputation for the excellent quality of iis goods. The premises occupied by this respectable house are situated at 45, Mary Street, and are of great extent, stretching back to Chapel Lane, where are situated the works in connection with the business. I'he premises measure about 200 feet from front to rear, and give employment to a large number of hands. The business done by the house is of a very extensive description, and is of joth a wholesale and retail character. The stock includes culinary articles and utensils, etc.. a large selection of kitchen r.-inges, made on the best principles, to suit private families, large establishments, hotels, club houses, and public institutions ; while a smaller class of goods are deserving of more than a word of praise — we allude to the small ranges designed for gate lodges, labourers' cottages, and artisans' dwellings. There is also a lai^e collection of register giates, tile hearths, marble and metal mantel- pieces, hot air stoves, fenders and fire-irons, and many more of a like character. Mr. Birney takes large orders for plumbing, bell hanging, gas fitting, and smith's work, all being carried out to tht perfect satisfaction of his patrons. Mr. Birney sends experienced and thoroughly competent mc.i to execute work in all parts of the country, a large business being done in sanitary plumbing and sewer work, and in looking after and repairing lavatories, baths, water-closets, etc. Mr. Birney's stock also contains electro-plated goods in spoons, forks, cruets, fish knives, fruit knives, and other articles of cutlery. The general stock comprises brushes, cocoa matting, dish covers, meat safes, hot water plates rnd dishes, galvanised goods, refriccrators, larder requisites, pantry requisites, such as plate chamois and sponges, knife-boards, shoe-brushes and blacking; hall requisites, coal vases, and table cutlery ; iron and brass beus ; anil the mere recapmilation of the wonders of M-ieiililic |)ro(;ress, or the reconling of a series of discoveries in the paths of art and manufacture, all tendiug to the colossal strides made and malntaineil by the promoters of our commerc'.al industries, and which have raised these countries to the proud position they hold amongst the nations, woidd cnyaye a master mind. Our railways, great ocean steamships, ami the systems of inler- cominunicalion that a ersijns unknown to them, or unaccom- panie and a half to five per cent. The com- ; •ienessofthc"Globe" ^ ^tem is such that it 11 rs great inducements i large houses for de- ivrry, not only for local irposes but for daily transmission to the several railway and steamship conveyances, and it is obvious that the carrying in bulk enables the company to success- fully compete in the im- portant matterof freights, and past experience has proved their system beneficial in all the large centres since the company established same. A special care is manifest in the ex- cellence of the suburban delivery, which has proved a great boon to the dwellers on the north and south side of the city, and the moderate charges are instanced when we state that a parcel of seven pounds will be collected in Dublin and delivered in Kingstown for the low sum of twopence, whilst two stone weight can be carried same distance for fouipencr. Comment on this is needless. The Dublin branch, 8, Eden Quay, is working over a quarter of a century, and every information regarding charges, freight, etc., can be at once obtained personally from a staff of courteous though busy assistants, or by return i>ost from the Manager, Mr. \Vm. A. M Cleane, to whom all communications may be addressed. J. A. Mangan, House Fnmisliing Establishment, 26 and 27, Upper Lifley Street. — It is twenty-five years since Mr. J. \. .Mangan opened the well-known house-furnishing firm, in which he now engages twenty of the most competent cabinet-makers, upholsterers, and assistants, ito conduct a business that is year by year acquiiing, though par.adoxical it may seem, a commercial vitality which docs the greatest credit to the trade of an establishment, which is admiitcd to be an emporium of the best general furniture in Dublin, and which, on account of its well fitted up show-rooms and extensive warehouses, would alone show sufficient patron- age without the extensive export trade that the excellence and superior artistic merit of goods supplied have always commanded in I^ngland .and Wales. Mr. Mangan's stock, which is one of the largest in the metropolis, combines a rich and dur.able collection of all kinds of furniture, upholstery, cabinet-making, etc., to suit every class, and which for variety and genuine \'alue it would be hard to equal and impossible to excel. This house has been the residence of the clergy of the Catholic Cathedral of Dublin, called St. Mary's Pro-Catheilral ; portions of the chapel walls are still standing and form a part uf the premises. Situated as his house is in the ■centre of the city, not four minutes' walk from the General Post Office, a discriminating public have ever found it to their interest and convenience ,to inspect one uf the best general furnishing houses in Dublin. John W. Sullivan, Auction Booms, 8, D'Olier Street.— -The ■auctioneering busine--s is one of the most nourishing enterjirises in the city. This br.anch is well represented by numerous fine concerns embarked in the business, amongst them the firm of Mr. J. \V. Sullivan, No. 8, D'Olier Street, the leading establishment of its class in the city. It was established many years back by Mr. J. E. Jones, who was succeeded ly the present proprietor. The waierooir.s are most extensive and suitably ..arranged in all their oppoinmenls. The internal appearance conveys the •impression of a very flourishing business being conducted. The storage is ample, and contains immense quantities of all descriptions of household furniture, paintings, and valuable libraries, which are deposited for sale, this being a special branch of the trade conducted at the establishment. In the development of the business of the concern a large staff of expe- rienced assistants are employed. The firm has a widespread patronage from all parts of the city and country. The business, under splendid management, has grown to large dimensions, a result reflecting the highest cctdit on the energetic proprietor. Ephraim Phillips, Gentlemen's Outfitter, Shirk and Collar Maker, 37, (jralton Street. — Mr. Kphraim Phillips is m the enjoy- ment of a gninl trade at his well-known establishment in 37, Grafton Street, and looks with confidence to see it still further develop by a continuance of close personal supervision and attention to all the many details of the business. The shirt and collar department has always been a prominent feature in connection with this establishment, and as all the shirts are cut on the premises, and made under Mr. Phillips' personal supervision, a perfect fit is with a greater certainty guaranteed. His great speciality is the white shirts at 3^. 6./. and 41. 61/, made to special order; they are made with three-fold Irish linen fronts, and fourfold cuffs ; but the customer, when ordering, can have any alteration made in the detail of style that m.ay be desired. The extra qualilies 5^. (id. aid 6r. 61/., m.ailc with the finest 1 nen, he specially recommends for evening wear. -V conifortalile fitting shirt is a desideratum which all men like to possess, and none will willingly go w ithoul, and Mr. Phillips, from the very commencement of his business in Grafton Street, laid hiniseU out to make comfortable fitting shirts for genllemtn his speciality. Me has succeedeii well, but only by the legitimate means of offering a thoroughly reliable shirt for lowest cash price. Mr. Phillips' shirts are essentially the Dublin shins, and also the excellent and well-made collars he turns out are largely worn. The eslablishmen' in ijueslion is one of the best known in Grafton Street, and there is no more popular tradesman in the " Bond Street of Dublin." 9° INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Williams & Woods, Wholesale Manufacturing Confec- tioners, 204, 205 and 206, Great Britain Street. — However unfortunate may be the condition of Ireland, tliere are, however, some few manufactures of our people that are able to hold their own against all rivals, and amongst these is the manufacture of Confectionery and Sweets. 1 he leading firm iiv this branch of industry in our city is that of Messrs. Williams & Woods, whose reputation has spread over the Uniled Kingdom. This representative firm was originally established in Dame Street m 18^6. liut, in spite of frequent extensions it was necessary, to meet the demands of their growirg business to remove to 13, Fownes Street, in l84l. From this date to 1S75 the career of the house was a slow but sure course of success, so that in the last-mentioned year, a second removal was found absolutely necessary, and the magnificent premises now occupied were .taken possession of The slatciv pile of buildings now held is but a monument to the enterprise and indcfatigal>le energy of the proprietary that overcame gig-antic competition from outside sources. The interior of this factory is suitably fi.\tured, antl the minufacturing departments are fitted with the newest and most approved machinery. In detailing some of the chief lines done by the house we must commence v>ith the oldest department, that of boiling and m-aking Sweet- meats. .Since the abolition of the duty on sugar the price of confectionery is i(sduced greatly, so that its consumption, in consequence, increased rapidly. And to-day the viricty and purity of the sweets manufactured here are not excelled anywhere. The'splenklid variety of Lozenges is divided into numerous sorts, and all are carefully prepared and highly recommendetl. The many descriptions of Comfits, Mixtures, Rocks, Candies, Drops, TofiVes, Liquorice, Gum and Gelatine goods, it would fill the entire work to give accurate details of; suffice to s,iy that each and all of them are of the most whoh;some and purest materials. A speciality of the firm is Butter Irish, which, from its popularity, bids fair to win the place in the public taste so long held by Butter Scotch. In addition to the articles noticed, the Prize halfpenny and penny Packages, as well as the numerous other sundries, have qn er.ormous sale throughout the country. The second branch of the busi- ness is the manufacture of Jams, and though this has been a late addition to the already large operations, it is a most pronounced success. Everywhere these splendid productions are taking the place of inferior articles imported, and to the credit of the house it must be said tliat they pro iucc the most superior Jams at the lowest price consistent with the good value given. The Jams manufactured are in such demand that their freshness may be always depended on. They consist of Raspberry, Strawberry, Black Currant, Red Currant, Gooseberry, Damson, Plum, and .Apricot. In this department the curing of Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel is also carried on. The numerous hands employed, numbering over 200, testify to the important position this house holds in our manufacturing industries and indirectly to the encourage- ment given to home growers of fruit in Ireland who have a convenient market, and for months in the fruit season numerous additional hands are employed in preparing the fruit for manuficture. The connection enjoyed includes every respectable grocer, provision merchant, and wholesale con- sumer in the country. On the death of Mr. Anlrew Strachan, proprietor of the Victoria Lead Works in Loflus Lane, in 1SS5, Messrs. \Villijms& Woods took over this old-established contern, and have successively carried on its operations since. They have continued here the manufacture of .Sheet Lead, \ artry and Lead Pipes, Compo, Waste Pipe, and plumber's and fine Solder. The connection enjoyed by this branch is very extensive and in- creasing. Messrs. Williams A: Woods personally superintend both establi>h- menls, and the prosperity that has attended their commercial transactions h.as been the just reward of honourable trade dealings allied to tliat enter- p.ising spirit which has won the highest reputation for two of our most respected citizens. J. Jameson & Sons, Watchmakers, Jewellers, and Silvcrsmitfas, S7, Grafton Street, .a dioroughiy representative house, in t le old and respectable tr.ade with which it has so long and so honourably been associated, is that of the well-known firm of John Jameson & Sons. iCsiablisheil in the year 1S40, this highly respectable house ha.s for nearly half a century been particularly ilisiinnuished by a large and daily increas- ing share of public patronage, and cm, at ihe present moment, boast of a busine^s connection which, l>oth in [K>int of numbers and in infUience, may compare with that (if any house in the kingdom. The firm occupy hand- some and commodious premises. Tnc in eiior fitting and decoration, etc., ' ''•'':■■ establishment has been conceived with great taste, reflecting the t credit on the judgment of llic ilesigner, and admirably suited to i'.: ;-ally display the laige and valuable stock contained by this house. This slock, which is of a really comprehensive character, comprises all those articles of jewellery whi.h arc always to be procureil at any lirst-cl.iss watchmaker's and jeweller's esiabli.iliaieiit, as well as matiy articles of a propr elary and special character. The trade done by this house is very extensive, the name anrl reputation of the firm's watches having spread f.ir and near, and bringini^ them annuully a considerable increase ot cusioin. 'Ihe OMineclion, it will thus Im; seen, is not confined to city or suburlian hniil-s but extends to all p.iris of ihe king lom, its ramilicatioi.s having pcnctiated to most distant parts o the country. The slock, generally speaking, includes watches and clucks, articles of modern jewellery, and an assuilment of pialcd goods. Tlie watchmaking iiraneh — uliicli, 01 course, includes clocks and chronomrlers — is iiatur.dly the most extensive, and the firm holds a highly atiiactive supply which, for superiority of Workmanship and inocn ille Street, and 41 and 42, Sanclwith .St. — It is a n.^tional characteristic of the Irish people that the highest respect should be shown to their dead, and as a resultant, poor as well as fich strive hard to have the funeral obsequies of their friends and relations carried out in as respectable a manner .as possible, to testify the respect in which they held the departed. The visitor to Dublin who may find his way to the public cemeteries will, in the well-appointed equipages thatarrive.it the gates of "God's acre," acknowledge the truth of this assertion. Probably there is no establishment in the United Kingdom that has been more prominently identified with the progress that has beei» made in funeral arrangements than the well-known concerns established close on a century, and conducted by Mr. Alfred G. Waller. This business has since its inauguration been conducted with such consistent energy and ability that it occupies at present the premier position in its particular line in the metropolis. The premises occupied cover a large area, and comprise large yards for keeping the numerous rolling stock and horses required for the transaction of the business. In fact the chief yard, which is entirely covered with galvanise 1 iron, is the largest covered carriage depot in Ireland. The funeral cars include some open vehicles, designs which were originally introduced to Dublin by this firm, as well as a great variety of the older closed patterns. To suit these the best horses are kept, and the staff of drivers and others who assist in the execution of funeral orders are most courteous and obliging. In another part of the premises we see a neat display of mourning carriages, as well as other carriages which are solely used for funeral purposes. The principal yard in Denzille Street contains many kinds of handsome broughams, open carriages, and landaus, all of which are of the most modern pattern, and are turned out equal to any private vehicle. In another dep:irtmeiit we see many leviathan v.ins for the removal of furniture to all paits, and here also we see most amp'c and well-secured warehouses for the storage of luriiiture. The stabling accommodation in both yards is simply perfect. In conneclioiv with the funeral undertaking is a vaat workshop in the Denzille Street premises, wherein a large and competent number of hands are in a state of continual activity at japanning, carriage trimming, electro-plating, bmss furnishing, colfin making, and shroud and pall making, and many other operations in connection with this business. In its entirety the establish- ment is complete in every particular, as it not only builds but repairs, paints, etc., all its own vehicles, as well as executes every kind of farrier's work in. connection with its stabling. The patronage of the highest circles not only in the city but throughout the country is accorded to the house, though at the same lime the reasonable terms given to the poorer classes have conduced to eslablisli a creditable ami most honourable reputation for this old-established concern. Mr. Alfred G. W.aller has been un- remitting in his endeavours to please one and all, and to ever show a practical sympathy in the most careful attention to the wishes of all who are so well advised as to favour his establishment. H. Hughes, Saddler and Harness Maketr, 2S, Great Frltairi' .Street. —Saildlery and li.iriuss making is .in enterprising branch of trade in this po]iulous city. A leading house in this connection, and one deserving ol notice, is that of H. Hughes. The premises .are well fitted, and are furnishe 1 with a large and varied stock. Estahlishcd sixty years ago, by a .Mr. Martin who sul)-equently died, the business then falling into the present propiielor's hinds, the linn has enjoyed from the commencement a pitron.ige ol an extensive and prosperous nature. The manufactures are of excellent quality ; the strength aid durability of the harness made by this reliable house is well known. The gentry of the district p.atronise this establishment, .as ihey find ihe products of that high class and well-made character so in lispeii able to the magnificent equi|).nges which are to be seen in ihe drives and streets of Dublin. In order to ensure the m >st com- plete satisf.action, the proprietor or one of his assisti'nts will att'.nd to takCL meosurcmunls of horses lor which harness may be required. INDUSTRIES OK DUBLIN. 91 John Sheridan, Wholesale Cap IkTannfactarer, S, Usher's (juay. — To tlic spirited eiKerpiisc of tliis );cnlU'man is entirely due what prontisc^ to be nii iinpoit^int revival of a itnce flourishing trailc anil source of commercial wealth to fljc city of DuMin, At one tune the manufacture of caps wa-i a iJutilin mdustry that j^ave einpU)yn»eiU to hundreds of haniU, principally in th.eir own homes ; hut owin;; t<» tlic foreign competition ol wealthy capitalists it had gradually decreased, and ultimately became entirely extinct. The younger workers at the tr.ade had long since emigrated to .Manchester and other impiriant manufacturini; towns in Kngland, where w.ages were good and work constant ; and the Dublin trade, thus deprived of its natural support, may be said to have died of depletion. Mr. Shcrid.in when first establishing his business, now little more than a year .ago, hid great difl'iculty in procuring trained hands; but with a plucky determination to |>atriotic.ally succeed in restoring to Dublin one of her " lost tr.ades," he spared neither time, trouble, nor expense. Mr. Sherid.an having a sound i>ractical knowledge of the best markets where his materials can be procured, is quite sanguine as to the ultimate success of his s))iriteerily. Christopher Grimes, Victnaller and Contractor, 55, Crrat rtritain .Street. — Among the 1 irgc number of butchers' establishments to l>e found in that busy ami im)>iirtant thoro'Ji;hfrrc of (Jreat tlritain .Strrvt, there is probably no f>ther hr>use with so large a claim to respect as the \\ highly respectable, and old-established li'--u^cof .NIr. C. (Irimes. t over one hundred years ago, the business has remained in the : j ever since, and each successive proprietor has striven with creditable icai to maintain the cluracter of the establishment as a first-class house, as it was handed down to him by his pre.leccssor. The house kept by Mr. Grimcii occupies a comman'^ing situation at No. 5S, Great Itiitain Street, and b admirably fitted up in a manner scalable toih-; butcher's calling. The show of meat at this establishment is altogether admirable, the q.:ality of the beef and mutton being of the finest description, anil fit to compare with any similar display at any house in Dublin. Mr. Giimcs docs a large and wide- spread trade, not merely among the lr.Tles|H-ople in his vicinity, but al-so among the gentry living in the north side of town, and among the inhabitants of Rutland and Nf cunt joy .Squares, and other fashionable and professional quarters. An idea of the extent of this enormous trade may be guessed at when we learn th.at Mr. Grimes, besides his own services, has to employ about or over twelve hands in the conduct of his business. He has long catered for the Dublin public, and if pioof were wanted of the excel- lence of the goods he sells, it would be found in th'^ large and increasing connection which |iatronises his establishment. Mr. Grimes has adopted the good plan of buying his meat only in the best market, and thereby is able to guarantee to his customers the excellence and quality of every pound of meat he sells. His unfailing goad humour, civility, and willingness to oblige has won him hosts of supporters. Joseph A. Clarke, Millinery, Mantle, Costume, Hat, and Bonnet-Box Manufacturer, II and 12, Kyt'ers Row. With the m,inulacliire of millinery, innntle, costume, hat, and bonnet-txixes, the na:ne of Mr. Joseph Clarke is well and honouiably associated. The business dates its origin so far back as 1S37, so that it may well celebrate a Jubilee in the commercial operations of the Irish metropolis. Some of the most eminent houses in Dublin and other large towns in Ireland entrust the execution of their orders to this concern. For soundness in construction, neatness, and taste displayed in execution and general elatmration in de^ign, the boxes of this house stand unsurpassed. Everything that long experience, careful workmanship, and the most approved machinery and appliances can accomplish is brought into action in the operations of Mr. Clarke, to pro- mote the best interests of his business and give the highest satisfaction to a valuable and longstanding dienliU. The premises occupying Nos. II and 12, Ryders Row, are most eligibly located, and the bustle of business within, combined with the continual working of machinery, is sufhcient indication of the magnitude of the business transacted. Kmployment is permanently provided to about twenty hands, principally women and girls. Mr. Clarke watches over the progress of his business with a calm and per- ceiving eye, directing every detail and promoting every item that has for its object the success and development of his business. Mrs. S. Valentine claims for her house, 163, Great Bninswick Street, the coveted distinction of being the first purveyirg establishment opened in the city. Since the day its doors were thrown wide to the public, almost three-quarters of a century have p.assed. This lady only took up the management of the concern a(;er the death of her husband. The house is of great extent, and the stock is ample enough to give even the capacious shop and show-rooms a rather overcrowded though not altogether unattrac- tive appearance. The business of the several departments is chiefly done with the aristocracy and the upper classes of the citizens, and Mrs. Valentine has been honoured by being specially appointeil purveyor to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant. The provisions, such as bacon, poik, sausages, and butter, found on these premises are all of the highest quality. The neatness and cleanliness of the shop is indeed remarkable, and every means .are availed of to keep the perisliable goods in slock as fresh as possible. The business is under the control of an eneigetic and capable manager- But this does not deprive Mrs. Valentine of ample opportunities for the display of those abiUties— business and soc al -which have enabled her to place hex flourishing establishment in the vanguard of similar houses in Dablio. John McNeill, Musical Instrument Maker, 140, Capel Street. — Musical instrument manuf.icture has achieved a position of great prominence and noioiiety among Hriti-h industries. In this connection a leading house, trading under the .style of John McNeill, is deserving of special mention. Establishing liis business, fifty years ago, at 140, Capel Street, Mr. -McNeill at once began to lay the foundation of an enterprising commercial career. The manulactures of this leading house are famous for the full and natural tone which they po-sess, and for the excellent work- manship and superior finish displayed in their execution. The high-class character of Mr. .McNeill's instruments is well known, and consequently the firm enjoys a prosperity accruing from an extensive -and valuable connection. Tliis establishment is extensively patronised by the resident nobility and gentry. Mr. McNeill gives the utmost attention to .ill repairs entrusted to him, as well as to the superintendence of his ever increasing business, and ^ by his untiring activity has formed for his establishment a connection of wide extent and value. C 3 92 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Fliilip Iiittle, Grocer, and Wine and Sp'rit Merchant, Io6, Stephen's Green, \V. — If there is one hoii^^c more celebrated than another in the wine and spirit trade of DuMin, that house is undoubtedly Mr. Phihp Little's. The origin of this business dates back over thirty years, and it stands to-day an evidence of what steady industry linked with ability can do. The premises constitute an architectural structure which is an ornament to the locality. Entering the establishment one is struck with the splendour of its equipments, and the large body of customers with whom it is usually crowded. At the rear is located the wholesale department with an entrance in CufTe Street, and attended to by many assistants and packers who are busy executin;; the several orders received from a widespread con- nection of traders. The wide range of commodities displayed comprises teas torn the best growe.'S in India and China, and whiskies. Mr. Little, being a large b-nder of the best make of Dublin whi*kie=, is in a position to give the public a genuine article at a reasonable price. His wines are carefully selectel and well known for age, purity, and mellowness. The proprietor has also given much attention lo the choicest lines of brandies procured from the chief French and foreign exporters, and the quality of Guinness's porters and stouts is too well known to need any praise. In like manner are those who do not care for stimulants catered for in the first- class effervescing and mineral wateis kept. The business arrangements are carried on regularly and systematically, so that the customers in the retail, or the orders in the wholesale, receive prompt and punctual attendance. The proprietor, who holds a seat in the City Council, attends personally to the business, and giv-s the benefit of a long experience to a house that has under his management been always ably and energetically controlled. ■W. C. Joseph, M.B.C.V.S., Veterinary Snrgeon, 25, King's Inn Street. — I'romincnt among the large and representative body of veterinary surgeons in Dublin stands the name of Mr. W. C. Joseph, M.K.C. V.S., whose stables, yard, infirmary, and forge, are eligibly situated at 25, King's Inn Street, a neighborhood intimately associated with many stirring and inreresting events in the historic annals of Dub'in. For a peiiol extending over five years the business now controlled by this gentleman has played an active part in the veterinary operations of the metropolis, and in connection with the Dublin cattle market for a period of seventeen years as Veterinary Inspector, and contributed materially to the success and development of this popular and scientific profession. Com- mercial depression is one of those agencies that influence the progress of any undertaking whether in science or art, and it cannot be wondered that the operations of Mr. Joseph, like those of any other man, have sufifered more or less from the exigencies of unfavouralile circumstances. However this may be, it is a matter of congratulation to see that this establshment has maintained a reputation for reliability in the critical dep.artment in which it is engaged. Every detail in the operations of the concern is under the personal care of Mr. Joseph, and nothing escapes his notice that is calcu- lated to injure his reputation or endanger the confidence he has long estab- lished. He is allowed to be one of the most practical surgeons in the country. Tradesmen of long standing, and professional men whose veracity is unquestionable, have long since testified to the ability and judgment of this gentleman, and voluminous testimonials may be insjiecled in his offices. The premi cs are suitable to the requiremcnis of the profession. Any animals entrusted to ihe care of .Mr. Jus.ph will receive unqualified atten- tion and all that indisputable professional skill can administer; and no one could exert himself more in the interest of every jjatron than this worthy proprietor. Everylh ng that fiistclass tradesmen can do or execute, anil all thai professi.inal and scientific skill can command, are liberally extended 10 every animal that has the fortune lo be entrusted lo the care of Mr. \V. C. Joseph. William Lucas, Forage Stores, 32, Great Britain Street — A lindi- of vciy large diinensiuiis and cunsidcrab'e importance is the forage of a large city ; the demand for this cla's of goods is enormoubly great among the merchants, owners of livery establishments, bakery and milling firms, carriers, cab and car owner-, and many sections rc(iuiring such supplies. One of the finest estalilishnients engaged in this line is the celebrated one at 32, CIreat Britain Street, owned by Mr. William Lucas. It is truly a rising and most impiriant concern amongst its class in the city, where it bears ihc hghest reputation. It is as regards position splendidly kiluatcd for the trade. It is in the centre of Cireat lirilain Street and the corner house of Denmark Street, tritain Sticcl being considered one of the best business streets in Dublin, a principal business thoroughfare of the first importance. The premises are most extensive, atVoiding ample storage required for this class of trade. An unusually large stock is stored in this splendid establishment, comprising the various productions required in the business, such as hay, oats, and all descriptions of horse-feeding ma'erial. All productions are procured on most advantageous terms direct from large growers. Mr. Lucas possesses great and singular facilities for cairying out his extensive enlerprise. He embarked in business in the above concern about five years ago, and has been eminently successful in the undertaking ; being thoroughly qualified in his line of business, brought up to the trade and possessing good capial, he is always in a position to pl.ace his numerous patrons on the best terms possible in the trade. The business is in a fine flourishing comiition. Mr. Lucas has been most successful, and is deservedly popular and highly esteemed by all those his business operations bring him in contact with, and occupies a veiy Iccal position. This firm enjoys a widespread icputation. James Hopldns, Boot UEaVer, log, Lower Dorset Street.— In the comparatively short period of ten years, and in the face of keen competition, Mr. Hopkins has managed to form a connection for himself in his particular trade, that few houses of a like standing can boas'. The premises are small, but commodious and admirably fitted. The stock consists of a very complete assortment of gentlemen's boots and shoes, all of which have been made on Mr. Hopkins' premises, and under his personal supervision. Mr. Hopkins also executes on the premises all sorts of repairs, promptly, and at moderate rates. All his leather is procured from Messrs. Hays Bros., of New Row, Dublin. It will be seen from the foregoing, that the public purchasing boots or shoes at Mr. Hopkins' establishment, besides securing a really genuine article of use, are directly supporting two branches of native industry, namely, the boot-making trade and the leather-dressing industry, to the exclusion of spurious articles manu- factured from brown paper and sheepskin, from the sweating shops in London or Manchester. As a proof of the moderate rate at which a genuine home-manufactured article can be produced, we would call attention to Mr. Hopkins' eighteen-shilling gentleman's hand-sewn boot, than which a more stylish or more serviceable boot can nowhere be produced. Mr. Hopkins considers that the Dublin public are unfairly tieated by many of his fellow tradesmen in the same business ; there b;ing, as he alleges, -a widely prevailing custom in the trade to sell foreign manufactureil and machine- made boots, as hand-sewn boots of Irish make. Whether this is so or not we will not pretend to judge ; only remarking that in the end thorough work always tells, and that the tradesm^in who relies on any other support than this, occupies a risky position. Isji. Hopkins deserves support on account of his patriotic attitude and straightforward principles. Patrick O'Reilly, General Provision Merchant, 121, North King Street. — Tlie general p;■ovi^ion business forms a branch of great importance in the commerce of Dublin. The firm, many years established at 121, North King Street, is a prominent establishment of iis class, bearing a high reputation both for the extent of its business operaiions and the manner in which these are conducted. The premises are large and fitted with all modern appointmenis. The stock is well selec ed, ant com- prises an assortment of 1 imerick bacon, hams, butler in firkin and roll direct from country produc ng distr els, meal, flour, and eggs, soaps, candles, etc. The position is well adapted for the trade, ^orth K ng Street being a most important business thoroughfare. Duiing its lengthened existence this concern has made rapid progress, the business at the present time being in a most prosperous c ndition and rapidly increasing. Thoiough commercial ability, developed by long training in the fore i ost houses of the trade, has, on Ihe part of tlie worlny proprietor, secured for the firm well-.ieserved success, E. J. Maher, Wholesale and Retail Ready-made Clothier, 64, Dame Street. — .\ pioniiiient establishment in I )ulilin is the well-known emporium of Mr. E. J. Malier, wholesale and retail ready-made clothier. This house was founded fifte;n years ago, and w.as formerly in the proprietorship of Mr. D. Vaughan. The premises have a sngularly advan- tageous and imjiosing situation with a fionlage of twenty-four feet, .and a depth of sixty feet, and herein are conducted the alTairs of one of the largest re.idy-made clothiers in Dublin. There are laige slocks of men's clothing of every description, and Mr. Maher possesses such facilities in this line aj enable him perfectly lo clothe in the most satisfactory manner the peasant or the prince. The goods are made from the best fabricsinall varietiesof patterns. Owing 10 the locality, the film's trade to a great extent lies among the middle classes. Hut the scope offered for enterprise is practically unlimited, and has been fully recognised by Mr. .Maher, who, on account of his laigc resources, is in a position to supply firstra c clothing for artisans anil working men at prices which, all points of quality in material and workmanship duly consiilered, arc little less than marvellous to one unversed in the resources of such a house. The business is thoroughly well conducted, and be.irs eviilencc of sound and methodical oig.anisation. The Hade is widespre.id, both wholesale and retail, and is steadily increasing. The projirietor of this firm has won the esteem and ct-niidencc of his valuable connection solely iqion the merits of fair dealing and hoi our. able commercial mcthoils, and the entire business has at all times been woiked upon principles which have brought about a well-mcriicd mercantile success. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 93 la. Kelly, Merchant Tailor, 42, Midillc Ablwy Street.— In review iiit; the iuiimtlaiu liii^ini'ss houses of Mi>Mle Al)l)ey Street, the estalilisliineiU nf Mr. I. Kelly calls liir special remark. Alllioui;li only estaMishcJ for something like ei|;lit years, lliis house li:is in so womlei fully short a jieriod built it-clf a name and reputation anions the justly famous tailoiinj; houss of Uulilin, that is nothiiij; less than surpri.inj;. Founded in 18S0 by its present respected proprietor, the house soon beyan to receive a widespread recognition of the admirable (piality of the work it w.is turning out, and from that periiKl downwards lo the present moment, be- came largely popular not only with gL-ntlemen residing in Dublin, or its suburbs, but in other parts o( the country as well. Mr. Kelly brought to the management of his business great experience and skill at his trade, and by purchasing nothing but first-class slocks was able from the hist to guarantee Iwth the lit and <|ualily of the garments leaving his house. The establishment occupies handsome and commodious premises at No. 42, Middle Abbey Street, the fittini;s and arrangements of which are in every way perfect. The appointments are exceeilingly tasteful, and are calculated, with a nice juilgment, to show olTto the very best .advantage the large and important slock of tailoring materials ahv.ays kept on h.and. The assort- ment of cloths and tweeds, comprising Mr. Kelly's exhaustive stock, is very complete, embracing as it does all the newest designs and patterns in those fashionable mater ali, and of a (juality that will bear comparison with any similir stock in the lr.idc. Mr. Kelly's connection is au)ong the better classes of Dublin and country genllemen, amung whom he bears a high chaiacterfor the "build" and material of the clothes supplieil. In carrying on the work among his extensive circle of customers, Mr. Kelly (inds it necessary to employ the large number of sixteen hands, all of whom he has himself carefully selected, h.wing thorougldy satisfied his mind as to their fitness and experience in the various departments of the tailoring trade for which he intended them. He has naturally been most particular in securing tlie service of a good fitter and cuter, knowing as he does how largely the reput.it ion of a house is made or marred in this most esseniial department. Much of the >lishnien^, "i, Matl- borou'di .Stieet. — This respectable li.iaiding and lodging establishment is one of the most successful in the city. .Situated as alwve, ii occupies ai» advantageous and central position. The premises are lilted up in excellent style, and although it is true they lack the palatial character and sumptuous .adornment of the modern hotel, thty are scrupul lusly clean and well managed, which all modern hotels are not. The present proprietor is but the inheritor of a piedecessoi's fame. This institution— for, without exaggeration, it may t e called one of the institutions of Dublin, so well known is it — was founded many years ago, and has passed through a long course of vicissitudes. This boarding and Imlging-house is or.e of the most respectable in the whole city of Dublin, a fact that is eloquently lestilicd to by the patronage .accorded to it. It dors a very fair business also in supplying breaklasts. dinners, soups, tea, and coffee, etc. The house has a thoroughly good name, and, indeed, stands fully as high as some Dublin hotels that we could mention, and not a few provincial onc-s. The sleeping accommodation is beyond reproach, and the charges are agte.ably moderate. 94 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Mr. Warren, Hatter, i, Talbot Street. — Mr. Warren, who is known in Dublin for his poetic gi Us and his neat trick of Versifying the hatting trade, stimulates the public interest at once in the ropy of ver-es which he appends to his business card. The effusion, which is doub;le:S original, runs as follows : " Virtue may flourish in an Old Cravat, Bu: maa and Nature scam a Shabby Hat.* The exquisite idea of Nature in the act of fcornine the shabby hat of her young and impecunious days, is one of those lightning conceptions in which the true poet stands revealed. Mr. Warren's hats, however, have never had cause to wince under .the angry frown of ^ ature, or endure the lash of her cutting scorn. 1 hey are well known throughout t)ublin, and the people of Dublin agree with Nature in deeming Warren's hats to be of the very best and most cmlujiiig description. Mr. Warren's speciality is in the high, or as it is co:ileniptuously called, the chimney-pot hat, and it must be said that if it be possible to diminish the natural ugliness of the chimney- pot hat, and conciliate the legitimate dislike of mankind, Mr. W.irrcn might be relied on to effect this. Of the many varieties of hats to be found in .Mr. Warren's establishment we need hardly speak. Suffice it to say that every known genus and species of head-covering is to be found within the walls of Mr. Warren's handsome and extensive establishment. We had occasion to note the extreme attention which Mr. Warren devotes to fitting his customers with a hat which shall not in any way press unduly upon the head, or be in the slightest degree uncomfortable. This is a great point in Mr. Warren's favour, and yet another is the singular light- ness in weight of the hals he sells. .\11 men know the bitterness of wear- ing a heavy hat, and physicians assure us that it were lietter to go abro.id altogether uncovereil, rather than we.ir a cumbrous and heavy load upon the brows and temples. In (he important matter of fashion, Mr. Warren is scrupuliiity itself. Wc observed all the latest shapes in his establish- ment, and were not surprised to find that .Mr. W.arreir had himself placed more than one new and attractive shape upon the market. Mr. Warren is obliging to his customers and sells a giod article, anl knows what he is jelling, being a practical hatter of forty years' standing. "W. O'Connell, Draper and Outfitter, 7S and 79, Great Uritain Street. -This is a hi;;hly resprctable house in the general dr.ipery line, and one m reovcr that has received a 1 irge share of public sujjporl since it first was started. The house was established twenty-one years ago, and by suppiyi g a want then felt in the neighbourhood for the supply of cheap clothing gencrjjly, soon obtained a hoM on public favour by the excellence of the goods it was able to put into the market at a reasonable jiricc that brought them within the roach of all. The est;djlishment of Mr. O Connell is situated admirab'y for his line of biisiiics.s, at 79, (jreat Biilain .Street, and is nicely fitted up with a view to utility and effect. The slock, which is valuable by reason of its gre.at extent, comprises nearly every article of drapery, and general outfitting, suitable for persons in the humbler .stations of life, and to be obtained at prices so morlcsl and reasonable, as to m.ake but the slightist impression on their pockets. It is not to be wondered at that an eslaMi:.hment of this descripliim should soon have become poi^ular in the district in »hich it is placed, or that having done to there should not be in later years any falling away in the hold it has on the pub'ic. The stock, which comes under the c'ass termed outfitting, includes an admirable supply of ready-made clothing, hats, boots, shoes, etc., and all at prices that are simply wonderful. We select a few of the charges for our readers' instruction, such as men's boots from 4s. 6rf. and ladies' boots from 2s. to 10.f. 6J. ; gents' tweed suits from ly. 61/. to 40/., trousers from zr. ^a. ; and could give an extended list of such prices did space permit. Enough, however, has been stated to show how invaluable to the working man on short wages and wiih a long fjniily, such an establishment as Mr. U'Connell's must be. Mr O'Connell does also a large trade in national and ecclesiastical banners ; a splendid specimen of his work is to be seen at the Pro-Cathedral, Marlborough Street ; for such work he holds testimonials from every part of the world. He also supplies band uniforms, Irish poplin sashes and regalia for all societies, Irish National Foresters, Gae'ic and other Athletic associa- tions. Mr. O'Connell himself is so invai iably painstaking in trying to give every satisfaction to his customers that the success of the house must in a large manner be attributed to his efforts. M. Harris, Dealer in Antique and Modern Plate, etc., 28, Nassau Street. — No man is better known in this particular trade than Mr. M. Harris, who has had a very large and pr.actical experience in this line of business. This most interesting and widely-known shop might very properly be styled " ye old curiosity shop," being as it is replete with almost every kind of curiosity upon which a conno:sseur could wish to delight his eyes. In these days, when there is such a great revival of antiques of every descriplion, a visit to Mr. Harris's establishment would be well repaid, not only liy ihe sight of his wonderful collection of articles of vertu, but the proprietor having been nearly thirty years in this business is quite an authority, both as to date and value of all kinds of antiques. The large stock, which is very varied and contains some curious old specimens, comprises not only plate but jewellery and old coins and medals, of which Mr. Harris possesses a great quantity, besides some articles of vertu of very great value from their rarity. This business has a widespread patronage among the wealthy classes, and Mr. Harris enjoys the confidence of a large number of customers. At this unique establishment all the articles sold are of genuine value, the proprietor scorning to have recourse to those artifices which are now so common of palming off a worthless imitation for a genuine antique. Mr. Harris deals in modern plate also, and has a large and valuable collection. The success of this house has certainly been attributable to the character of its pro- prietor, whose energy, capacity, and extensive experience, have made the business what it is, and whose uniform promptitude, integrity, and courtesy, have long since secured the esteem and confidence of his customers. Mr. Harris has been favoured with the best patronage, and many of the leading members of the nobility and gentry are de- lighted and intensely interested in his really wonderful collection oi works of art both ancient and modern, of exquisite workmanship and design. Purchasers at this establishment will hnd the proprietor most obliging in his manners, and quite a fund of information upon nearly all works of antiquity, an inspection of his goods being quite a pleasurable recreation. The laudable enterprise of Mr. Harris proclaims a highly commendable determination that no effort shall be spared to enhance in the future the past renown of the house, and endow it with still stronger claims to the consideration it receives from a numerous and influential c/itnti/e. Laurence J. Eeogh, Grocer and Tea Merchant, 33, >rarl- borough Street. — There is no branch of commercial enterprise and activity of more universal importance to the community at large than is the grocery trade. It enters so largely into the requirements of everyday life that it has become in these days actually a part of our present civilisation. One of the foremost houses in the tr.aile in Dublin is that of Mr. Laurence J. Keogh. Established nearly forty years ago, it has steadily acquired and tenaciously maintained a high position among houses of a similar kind in the Irish metropolis. The business is carried on in a large and commodious brick-built edifice. All the st.apic articles of the trade may be obtained here, including all descriptions of condiments, spices, su;ar, and the numerous proprietary articles which are manufaciured in such large numbers by enterprising firms. Tea and coffee, iiiHK>rled by the leailing agents in the India and China tr.ide, are slocked on the premises in large quantities. This house is deservedly popular for certain mixtures of tea, to which Mr. Keogh pays special attention. A notable feature of this business is John Jameson's Irish whisky, of, so to sp^ak, almost venerable antiquity. Sherry, port, claret, and other descriptions of wine also receive due attention. Guinness's stout, of world-wiile lame, and I3a.ss's pale ale, of equally universal lepulalion, bo'llcd on the premises, meet with a large sale. An efficient and polite staff of assistants is employed to execute the orders of customers. Tne traffic of this est.iblislimeiit is not confined to the city of Dublin, for a large proportion of Mr. Kecgh's clients reside in the outlying districts surrounding the Irish capital. The house is centrally situated, being nearly ojiposite the I'roCalhedi.al, Marlb )rough Street, and within two niimiles' walk of O'Connell Street. The pioprielor, whose management of the busim^ss is of that enterprising and energetic character which is demanded by the exigencies of modern Ojmmerci.il lile, is a gentle- man of sound business principles, and is much esteemed and respected by his numerous customers. INDUSTRIES OP DUBLIN. The General Advertiser, Pleet Street.— 77//^ Genrral Adre>iiilislicil si)lcly for advcrli^iiii; iiurposc;. It was first broiii'lil out fifiy-iwi) years .iijo, ami at unco made its mark in the literary wnrlii as a pHlilicatinn of great merit, and obtained a large patronage. lis circulation from the first has liccn large and continually increasing, until at the present day it has reached the sui prising figure of 40,000 weekly. The dislinctive feature in this advertising medium is that the paper is dcliyered " free " in the city and suliurbs, and by post through every |iost office in the country. This free delivery ensures the perusal of each of the 40,000 papers printed weekly. The copie< arc delivered at the principal hou>es in the ciiy and suburbs. It can at once be seen that adveitisements instrtcd in this publication arc brought under the notice of the public in a degree most prominent and widespread. And the fact that persons desiring to.advcrlisc usually .select this paper to insert their wants, is formally established by the 'extent to which this AJverliter is patronised. The premises occupied are in the loading thoroughfare of Tleet Street. They comprise a spacious and well-furnished oflicc, and a commodious room for printing purposes, with a floor space of forty feet by twenty-five. The best and quickest machinery is maintained, and consequentlyonly workof the highest class is turned out. In .addition to the conducting of the paper, the firm enjoys a Large connection in job printing, which receives no small share of attention. The manager is a Mr. John Kelion, a well-known and worthy gentleman, ■who has achieved a great reputation from the businesslike maimer in which he controls the operations of his paper, and superintends the large force of hands employed. The General Advertiser is universally considered to enjoy the largest and best circulation in Ireland ; it far exceeds that of any Dublin paper, and is greater than the aggregate of the provincial press. The surprising success achieved by this enterprising paper is everywhere •recognised, and The General Advertiser may be said to have become a household word throjghout Ireland. B. White, Plumber, Brass founder, and Contractor, ■63, Middle Abbey .Street, and 41, North l.oits. — The estaliHshment of Mr. R. White, plumber and br.assfounder, is well known in his particular trade. The establishment occupies very large premises at 63, Middle Abbey Street, and 41, North Lotis, which are largely stocked with a valuable supply of articles of brass-foundry and materials generally used in the plumber's call- ing, many of which are interesting as specimens of the advance ni.ade in sanitary science of recent years. The materials are all of the best quality, Mr. White making it a nde to keep no other. Mr. White supplies in the wholesale way the plumbers all over Ireland with those materials most used in the sanitary airangements of modern houses. He is a contractor in a very large manner for the carrying out of works in connection with his trade, some of his undertakings being very extensive. lie is at present con- tractor for the Commissioners of Irish Lights, and has carried out contracts for Poor-law Boards and other public bodies. The following testimonial from among many others shows how satisfactory is the execution of his work : " Mr. White has put up two Automatic Sanitary flush-cisterns in my lavatory, which are doing their business well, and are the best inventions I have seen for closets open to the public, as they require no attention, can- not be interfered with, and are consequently for those reasons, as well as tsimplicity of construction, very unlikely to go out of order. "(Signed) J. W. CoNOt.LV, "49, Great Britain Street, Dublin." " Merchant. The house enjoys the patronage of a first-class connection all over the remises .ire maintaineil, and the scrupu- lous and commendable rc^'ard for cleanliness displayed throughout the whole cst.ablishmcnt. The business is under the proprietor's personal superinteri lence, and is therefore carried on in the most systematic manner. The firm is one widely known throughout the provision trade, and among all the leading wholesale and retail houses. The local trade is very extensive, and the patronage includes many of the lea.ling families .and gentry, in addition to which .Mr. Leigh has a very wide connection among the retail dealers. Being, as it is, so ably conducted by the proprietor, the 95 house enjoys n reputation throughout the Ir.iJe such as accrues only to thordinga prompt and competent attention to customci 1 . . ..., ..,• warehouse to make their selections, and rt ncctl sc.ircely be mentioned ih.i Mr. Leigh is well prepared for any demands that may l>c m.ade U(/on the resources of his imporlant establishment. The success of the firm lia< most certainly been attributable to the character of its pr')priclor, whose capacity .and untiring energy have made the business what it is, and whose uniform promptitude and integrity have long since secured the esteem aiii' confidence of the customers, both wholesale and n i.iil. John Hogg, Dairy, 42, I-ower Dorset Street.— A very thriving and well-known liairy is ihal of Mr. John Hogg, which has been estab- lished for six years, and h.is always maintained a very high-cl.ass reput.ation for the exceedingly good quality of its produce. The .shop in which this \i disposed of is situated at 42, Lower Dorset .Street, and is alxjul fourteen feet square. Its most striking feature is the regard which is paid to cleanli- ness, so essential and all-important a char.iclcristic in this branch of trade. Lvery convenience an 1 facility is proviiled for the conduct of the business, and the brightness of the utensils in use is both noteworthy and com- mendable. The shop is thoroughly well lilted in all parts, and the large stock consists of supplies of country butter, eggs, and milk. The principal speciality of this house is pure new milk, a commodity in universal demand, but not alw.ays to be obtained in these d.ays, when unprincipled tr.adesmen resort to dishonest pr.actices of adulteration. At this reputable establishment, however, country milk of exceptional richness and excellence is to be procured, which is a great advantage to the general inhabitants of the neighbourhood, and especially so for invalids and the nursery, where milk forms the principal article of diet. The milk is maintained at one uniform standard of quality, and there is no second or inferior grade. All this tells its own tale of prosperity. Mr. Hogg has from the first depended solely upon the merits ot his excellent milk to influence the development of his business. It is scarcely nece-sary to add that this firm has a good and widespread retail connection. A staff of five hands is employed, and the whole concern is uniler the able personal supervision of the proprietor, who, being a man of great experience and integrity, is held in high regard by his customers not only for his courtesy but for the thorough tact and skill he displays in the conduct of his business. In fact, he is so well known as an honourable tradesman, and has retained his old customers for so long a time, that his reputation in this respect is firmly established. There is every indication of this business receiving a desirable and well-merited impetus and enhancement by reason of the excellent quality of its dairy produce, resulting in a still further access of th.it prosperity which has attended its career since the date of its foundation. Joseph Wright, Hatter, 33, Westmoreland Street— Mr. Joseph Wright is the owner and manager of one of the first hat manufactories of Dublin. His premises are situated at 33, Westmoreland Street, and in this splendid thoroughfare the business his existed since the dawn of the present century. Inside in a special case, .Mr. Wright sometimes shows to some ons h.ive always on hand a varied assortment of monuments, tombs. Ilea 1-stones, mural marble tablets, etc., of which they respectfully solicit an inspection. They also make a fine display of every description of stone auil in.irble work. Altars, reredo.es, pulpits, fonts, etc., executed in the first style of art, and on the most reasonable terms. Designs and estimates are forwarded upon application to all parts of the country free, and all orders punctually attended to. 96 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Monsoa, Kobinson, & Co., The Metropolitan Printing Works and Paper Bag Factory, Talbot Street.— Tlie gooJ f.ime ana credit of Dublin printing may well be left in the hands of such firms as Messrs. Monson, Kobir.sun, & Co., who will worthily sustain it. This firm is engaged in almost every branch of commercial printing. Here, at Talbot Street, show-cards of the most elaborate and attractive design are prepared : tea-papers, fancy labels, account-books, and paper bags of every description are all a matter of daily production in large quantities. Messrs. Monson, Robirson, & Co. are particularly well known for their almanacks, which combine the greatest accuracy with the maximum of good taste and design. The house has been established during the kng period of fifteen ye.irs, and has steadily grown' in influence until now i' is in the very front rank of printing-houses in Dub" in. But the operations of the house are by no means confined to Ireland. The connection which the energetic and discrimi- nating managers have established ranges over the length and breadth of the United Kingdom. The chief depot for England is at Cannon Street, Man- ch-sier ; and it is no little to the credit of our Irish printers that many orders which might be placed in England are confided to the hands of Mesirs. Monson, Robnso i, & Co. Tnis enterprising firm, we may men- tion, emp'oys no less than 200 hands; and those who know any.hing of the printing trade will agree that only a house of pre-em'nent position anl established repetition could keep up such a nume.oas and highly-traine I staff. The Messrs. Monson, Robinson, & Co. pride themse'.ves on being especially commercial printers. It is in this department that, years ago, they made their reputation in Dublin, anl they have faithfully kept to that original line, and maintained their reputation ever since. At the p-esen' time Messrs. Monson, Robinson, & Co. print for some of the largest houses in Dublin, and export accojnt-books and almanacks in large quantities to England. Eigraving is also done at the printing factory in Talbot Street; and although this branch is .somewhat subsidiary to the many others, the reputation of this firm for skill and careful workmanship is borne out in this matter also. Jno. Murphy, Tea.Wice, and Spirit Merchant, "Cautoa Tea Waretaoase," 16, Upper Lifley Street. — The story of some of our old houvj, reals often quite as interesting as .some of the most sensational roman-es, and in the minds of the imaginative raises up the shades of our enterprising progenitors who, concpiering almost insurmountable obstacles, laid the foundation for that commerce wliich the United Kingdom h.as pushed all over the known worM. The " Canton Tea Warehouse," estab- lished 200 years ago, at a time when two rival monarchs made Ireland their battle-ground for a kingdom's sceptre, would afford a fit subject for an antiquary's research. iJuilt originally at a time when what is now con- sidered as one of the most nee ssary articles of ccmsumption was one of the most rcsiricled luxuries indulged in by the better clashes, passing through the whirlpoo's of fluctuating fortunes, it has survived, and is now one of the few connecting links between the present and the dead past, as a house keeping the best articles, handsomely fitted up and accommodated with every convenience for the sale of excellent tens, at prices to suit rich and poor, whiskies guaranteed pure, and brandies im;vorted from the best distillers. The great trade it doe?, wholesale and retail, is but the recompense a gooil business ability, as is shown in its management, is sooner or later bound lo receive. The ])Osiiion of the house, pl.iced as it is between Henry .Street and Ujipir l.ilfey Street, and so near the (lencral Tost Office, is alxjut the be^t that ciuld be for a busincis of the inignitude done by the " Canton Tea Warehouse." Knaggs Bros., The Irish Bog Oak Works, 27, C.rafton Slieel. — /'ur cjccelUmi THE Irish Bog Oak Works are those of Messrs. Knaggs Bros. This induslr)- pract-cally took its rise in Ireland about the time when thi-» hou-sc w-as fir^t established, ten years ago. Since then bog oak has mainlainel a high |)perity." A gem pos- sessing such properties as are here attributed to this humble jewel would be indeed wurth something ; scarcely less valuable is the sardonyx, which " ensures conjugal felicity." Mr. Ealk's business is not confined to the city of Dublin, for he has commercial relations with all parts of Ireland. His clients are all of the better class of society. Mr. Falk is an experienced and practical .antiquarian, and his opinion on matters connected with articles of vertu always carries great weight. He is a gentleman of high standing in his business, and by his enterprise and the excellence of his collections, has deservedly obtained the support of a large connection, and made great strides in the public favour. N.l!.— Parties desirous of selling their silver plate, old or new, diamonds, pearls, miniatures, old paste, and Sheffield plated ware, should call at Mr. Falk's, 32, Grafton Street, Dublin, before disposing elsewhere of .any of the above goods, etc., etc P. M'Kcrnan, General Printer and Stationer, 56, Capd Street. — In general priming, it would be diflicult to meet with a more enterprising house than that of P. M'Kcrnan. The premises of this leading firm are commodious and are fitted with lirst-cla>s machinery, well adapted to the requirements of the large trade enjoyed by this Iculing concern; The printing operations comprise circulars of every description, handbills, auction and sermon jioslers, concert cards and ]irogrammes, anil rule-i bill- heads. The ]iroducts are noted for the neatness and punctuality with which they arc executed. With a commercial career extending over forty years, this house enjoys a connection which for prosperity and extent is surpassed by few. The utmost attention is jiaid to all the numerous transactions undertaken ; the care and good workmanship displayed gives prominence to this successful house. NIr. M'Kcrnan is noted for his upright business. character and the ability with which he conducts his large establishuiejit.. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 97 Collins & Graham. Ladies' Dress-Basket, Trunk. Port- ■lon-oau. and HatCaso SUmufaoturor*. Paokln8-Ci»o Makora, and Qonoral Woodworkers, l-.l>l:romin-m ainoiiK llie many notable ostablishinciit'. in Dublin ;Vrtt have gaincJ success in ils rcsptctivc business, wc may mention the manufacturing concern of Me-srs. Collins & Graham, which was founiled many years ago at Woml Street. The increasing business sunn necessitated the removal of the ope- rations to the present commodious premises in Hanover Lane, Francis Street. About two years ago they re- opened the extensive sale shop at S, Aston's Quay, formerly owned by Mr. Jos. Martin, a well-known trunk manufacturer. This establishment hoMs an unequalled stock of trunks, port- manteaus, and all the various travel- ling reipiisitcs m.ade al their factory. The splendid works at ll.inover Lane stand on nearly an .acre of closed -in ground. In the centre are located the saw-mills and timber stores, engin;- rooms, etc. , and close by are the lar.;e and airy workshops wherein every description of packing-cases, military chests, joinery work, and trunks are fashioned as well .as fitted, covereil, painted, and poKshed, while in a f.ir corner are reaied heaps of roughly cut timber soon to be transformed into the elegant travelling appendages, so useful, so convenient, and so orna- mental, that are displayed in such numbers at the warerooms on Aston's Quay. Every required operation is here performed, and the whole enclo- sure is, with its numerous artisans, a little town within a town. Messrs. Collins & Graham respectfully caution the public against purchasing gojds similar or resembling goods of their manufacture, such as are .sold in monsier drapery houses, co-operative stores, and sale shops, which .ire generally made by inferior and unskilled workmen and their families, of the very worst materials, in tenement houses of the most unsanitary and repulsive description, and are admitted to be a most John Tiemey & Sous, Forwarding Agents and General Carriers, 24, Eden Quay.^This prominent firm of pu lie carriers has a long successful history associated with its name. It was established just a century ago ; a hundred years of a record is a r.Uher unusual one even for gigantic firms and public companies. How many thousands of the latter have retired, succumbed, and become bankru|it during this period, liut this firm of Messrs. Tierncy still retains the well- known and famili.ar name of a wliole century's tr.iding and successful enterprise. The position of the enterprising firm is highly adapted in its locali(m, close to North Wall, Custom House, Docks, Great Northern Railway, and also conveniently situ.ited to the North Wall stations of both great railway systems — the great Southern and Western and Midlind Companies (of Ireland), as well as the Great Northern of England (Its Dublin connection). The firm under notice is largely and appropriately supplied with all the necessary appointments of the tia le professedly carried on its particular line — a large available stock of best suited horses and vans, wa;^gons, lorries, fluats, etc., necessary for the removals and deliveries of goods in connection with the carrying ti.ade-all business being superintended personally by the practical principals of the firm. They employ a large st.iff of experienced packers, carters, etc., all of whom arc capable men, thoroughly adapted to eveiy section of the business allotted to their care and execution. The Messrs. Tierncy & Sons have succeeded in the line to an eminent degree. They are favoured with most extensive orders from the mercantile and .shipping firms of the city, ani'-mg which their business operations principally lie. Another scarcely less important department of their business is the carrying and delivery of all kinds of furniture, and in this branch also their operations are on a most extensive scale, and of growing m.agnitude. Splendidly ap]Hiinted and thoroughly approved furniture vans, and other necessary appliances, are always available at this well-known firm, careful and experienced hamls being deputed for these special duties. The prominent firm associated with the name now at its centenary completion, ocupic; a foreinoit place, and judging from its tenacious hold on the trade of the p.ast, its prosperous and thriving condition at the j'resent, it is to be presumed th.at its business op;rations will be in full viialiiy and existence under the TRUNK & PORTMANTEAU fruitful, though often unsuspected, source of spreading and conveying v.me of, if not all the most dangerous infectious ditcakcs. All their g'H>Iortmanteaux, hat-cases, dress-baskets, Gladstone and every other desciipiion of travelling bags, and any of these will be made without delay to any s|>ccial order of the purch.iser. A speciality is the supciior travelling trunk, patented in 1S82 by this house, and covered with "he best Irish liasil, splendidly lined and Iwautifully tried, and unrivalled by any make of English or forfign makers. Indeed it can be truthfully asserted that all the pro- ductions of Messrs. Collins & Graham ate unsurpassed by goods of the same class made in any part of the British Isles. Parlicular attention is given to the manufacture of ladies' dress-baskets, and in this line the house takes the lead in Ireland ; in- deed, ils reputation for beauty and strength in these goods is unrivalled. In making packing-cases they arc un- equalled, and consequently enjoy the patronage o( all the large whole- ale export and large establishments in Ihe cily. We must mention that we have also seen some beautiful speci- mens of branding on cases of trade marks and other designs done by a new process. The firm are well known all over Ireland, and have a large con- nection in England and Scotland. In every detail of the business the ability, energy, and enterprise of the pro- prietary are discernible. popular name of Ticrney, at the termination of the next and other suc- ceeding centuries. Heiuekey & Anderson, Wine Merchants, 62, Upper Sackville .Street. — An enterprising and representative house in the wine .and spirit trade, and one well deserving of mention, is the firm of Messrs. Heinekey & Anderson, of 62, Upper Sackville Street. These premises comprise front and b.ack offices, well fitted ami furnished, and decorated with handsome glass show-cases containing sample Inittles of their celebrated importations, as well as spacious warehouses at the back of the offices, largely stocked with a splendid as-sortment of wines, brandies, and whiskies, while underneath are commodious and extensive v.iults with a vast cellarage of liquors of old and fine vintages. This reliable concern was founded thirty years ago. and from the commencement has enjoyed a prosperous career. The firm deal in every description of wines and spirits, amongst which the following maybe mentioned as prominent specialities: a light pale dry and delicate unlirandied sherry, an old and tawny port, an old dry very p.alc and unbrandied Marsala, a full-bodied and agreeable hock, Lagarde & Fils' champ.agne, iSSo vintage, a fine old pale delicate Madeira of exceptional value, a very old extra fine thirty year old brandy, J. & J.'s ten year old whisky, and the finest Plymouth gin. French, Spanish, Portuguese, and German wines of the finest br.ind.s, and famous light dinner clarets, and other fancy liquors are imported from foreign markets. The whole of the comprehensive stocks maintained by Messrs. Heinekey & Anderson are noted for their superiority. The vast accommo- dation for storage that the cellars provide, enable the proprietary to take advantage of the fluctuations of the markets, and buy when prices are cheapest ; thus allowing them to maintain their rates at the lowest ebb, and to compete very successfully with other houses. This concern has a large and extensive connection, embr.icing patrcnngc of a widespread, permanent, and high-class nature both at home and abroad. As a mark of their prosperity it may be mentioned that the house maintains a London branch situated at II, Hart Street, Mark Lane, E.C. The only member of the firm is Mr. Anderson, a well-known gentleman, who is thoroughly conversant » ith every department of the trade. -98 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. T. S. Scott & Co., Cabinet Kannfactorers, Joinery Works, Sawing and Moulding Mills, 32, 33, and 34, Upper Abbey Street. — This noted company has been established in the city for a period ■extending over more than fiteen years, and from the beginning then made in 32, Upper Abbey Street, they have by tlie most remarkable energy and ability kep: on adding improvement to improvement and atldition to addiiion, until now they possess one of the largest woodwork factories in Ireland. The business done is chiefly retail, and the numerous orders which the firm receives for the furnishing of country mansions, castles, churches, and schools, necessitate the employment of a lar^e number of hands. The machiner)' employed is modern, effective, and complete. Everything in which the firm trades is done on the premises, and in the artistic furni- ture department each article is carefully designed on true art principles by Mr. T. R. .'^cott, who t.akes especial interest in this most important department. The upholster)* of furniture for drawing-rooms, be irooms, dining-rooms, etc., is also done on the premises, S3 purchasers may be con- fident that the goods they here obtain are of Irish manufacture in all their parts. A special care is taken in this establishment of the furnishinr; cf churches, schools, monasteries, and convents; and the strength, durability, and elegance of the goods supplied to these institutions have drawn from the pastors and superiors, numeious flattering testimonials. The ability of the management h.is an ample field to work iji, and up to the present has given abundant evidence that it only needed the opportunity it now so happily possesses to show that in the line of church, scnool, and domestic furniture manufacture, Ireland can well hold.its own against all comers. James Savanag-li, Wine and Spirit Mercliant, and Grocer, 27, Parliament street, and 8, Lower Exchange Street. — Prominent among the leading Dublin houses of wine and spirit merchants and grocers, stands that of Mr. James Kavanagh. This well-known firm was established fifty years ago, and is carried on under the sole control of the proprietor, a gentleman thoroughly familiar with every point and feature of the wine and spirit and grocery trades, and possessed of beneficial experience, by which he is fully qualified to engage in the high-class branch of trade with which he is both creditably and successfully identified. The premises are large and commodious, and contain an extensive and superior stock. All the best growths and vintages of superior foreign w ines find a place in this establish- ment, and are remarkable as examples of careful selection and consequent fine quality, and the assortment of first class brands and favourite distdla- tions in native whiskies, brandies, and other spirits, is most complete and well chosen. The whole of the large and valuable stock heUI is maintained in perfect condition. In addition to this branch, the firm have a grocery department, replete with a large stock of teas, coffees, sugars, and other provisions, from which a large and valuable family trade extendin;.; 10 all parts of the city is conducted. In all these goods, quality and price have been so carefully considered, that this house has always maintained its great popularity. The branches of the firm are at 42, Wentworth Place, Hollos Street, and Essex Gate, and at each of these establishments a very large volume of retail business is transacted. Each of these brandies above mentioned possess a grocer's wine and spirit license, and supplies goods of this class to its own immediate neighbourhood. Large or small orders with Mr. Kavanagh receive equal attention and promptness of execution, and a feature of this important and constantly growing business consists in the prevalence of a thorough co-operative system with legard to prices, thus aflTjrding every advantage to its customers. The house enjoys an eminent reputation for the high-class and reliable character of all its goods, and this good name brings with it a widespread and valuable connection in all parts. The business is thoroughly well and carefully conducted, and a large trade is controlled, extending among retail dealers and private customers, and these valuable connections are constantly being widened and enhanced. The principal is well known, and occupies a kading position in commercial -circles as a thoroughly practical man of business, and is much respected. J. Kewman, Manufacturer of !?cales, 'Weigliing Kocblnes, Weights and Measures, etc., etc, 156, ( anel Street. — Mr. J. Newman, whose esia.ili^hnient in Capel .Street furnrs tlie subject of tlus notice, i-, the sole manufacturer in Ireland of the vario.is kinds of articles purchasal,lc at his establishment. Founded twenty-one years ago, Mr. Newman soon achieved a high reputation for the character of his goods, and w.is not long before he had formed a connection all over Ire- land, which in magnitude and influence placed his e tablishmcnt in the foremost rank of coiimcrcial and manufacturing houses. Mr. Newman occupies extensive premises, admirably fitted, and supplied with every appliance (it the carrying on of his large and increasing business. The length of the premises from front to rear is about 1 10 feet, the fore part of the house being used as shop and warehouse, while at the rc.ir is situa'ed a large workshop where tlie various brass and other metal articles arc made. The stock, wliich is large, varied, and very valuable, compri-es a fine assortment of agate scales, tea, coffee, and pepper mills, sugar choppers, pcw;cr measures, fancy lea and coffee canisters, show bowls and vases, and a host of other shop fittings mo;.tly used in gocers and provision merchants' shops and stores, Among^ the many excellent articles to be seen here wc must mention K. GcrvaLs &. Co.'s celebrated French cooking machine, for which .Mr. Newman is sole agent. This machine has b en awarded forty- five prize medals at various exhibitions throughout the world. , It is now, and has been for years past, used by all the principal wint and j spirit merchants in Ireland, and has given universal sa'isfaction. We have no hesitation in saying that without exception it is the best cooking machine in existence. Ad the articles are of the finest quality, some of the agate scales being so true that almost a feather would turn the beam. The other articles, such as pepper .and coffee mills, are also admirable specimens of workmanship, reflecting the highest credit on the firm that produced them. The connection all over the country is of a most important character, most of the grocers and publicans having their measures, scales, etc., from him. Mr. Newman's trade is not, however, confined to the provinces, as he does a large trade among business establishments in Dublin, giving everywhere the greatest satisfaction by the excellent quality of his work. Mr. Newman's manufactures have received the most flatter- ing testimonials as to their excellence from authoritative quarters, he having been presented with the highest certificate of merit for his produc- tions at the Dublin Exhibition of 1S72, and again at the subsequent exhibitions held in iSSz. Mr. Newman is also scale maker, etc., by appointment to Her Majesty's forces in Ireland and to the Dublin Corporation. Miss Byrne, News Agent, Bookseller, and Stationer, 17, Harcourt Road. — A flourishing house is that of Miss Byrne, of No. 17, liarcourt Road, Dublin, News -Agent, Bookseller, and Stationer, and Fancy Goods Warehouse. It has a large and widespread connection in and around its own neighbourhood amongst the belter classes, and has a high reputation among its numerous patrons, who can rely upon getting their various wants met in a satisfactory manner. The house has only t^en established three years, but that short space of time has been quite long enough for it to make a ma-k for itself in the metropolis. The shop has an extensive frontage of thirty six feet, and a depth of fifteen. It is handsomely fitted up, and neatly appointed with large counter and elegant shelves and show cases. The newsagent's department has always a large and sufficient supply of the usual daily and weekly newspapers, and most of the monthly periodicals and magazines published in Ireland and England. 1 he stationery department contains an extensive and varied assortment of note and business paper, envelopes, pens, inks, gum, sealing wax of the best quality, ami at most moderate prices. In the department devoted to books there is a large selection from which to choose, suitable for all tastes, adult or juvenile, laughable or serious. Any book not in stock will be ordered and obtained with the greatest promptitude and despatch. In the fancy goods warehouse, there is a variety of charming articles, both useful and ornamental, which come in handy for making presents. The whole o' the business is managed with great energy and ability by the proprietress. Miss Byrne, who employs three assistants. She is well known as a thorough business lady, and one who pays strict attention to all orders entrusted to her. Robert B. Traynor, Tobacconist, 16, Great Brunswick Street. — The establiahiiient which, umlor the able management of .Mr. R. Traynor, has for more than twelve months been engage i in the tobacco business, is of moder.ate but ample dimensions. The situation of the house at 16, Great Brunswick Street, is as suitable as any within the city, being just opposite Trinity College, and in equal proximity to College Green, Amiens Street, and Westland Row, the scenes of a constant flow of traffic. Another advantage it possesses is its being in the immediate neighbourhood of the Leinster Hall and the site of the old Theatre Koyal. The premises are well stocked with all descriptions of cut and roll tolxaccos, cigars, and cigarettes of all the favourite and best brands, and every imaginable kind of pipes fashioned either from clay, wood, or meerschaum. The principal hahuiih of this thriving concern are the atliletic portion of the community who, becoming acquainted with him in the football field — where his prowess oftentimes displays itself — or in cross-country runs, in which his reputation stands equally high, have resolved to do all in their power to advance the cntei prising venture of their friend and fellow sportsman. Nothing is omitted on Mr. Traynor's part to reciprocate to their kind support, and everything that tends to increase the case and comlort of his dicntiU has been done by him in no half-hearted or niggardly manner. Mr. Jas. Brennan, Hairdresser, 67, Lower Dorset Street.— .\ useful anil important jirofession in the metropolis is that of the h.air- dresicr. Proficiency in this tr;iuthern line of quays. The locality is one of the best in the city from a commercial point of view. The principals in the lirm, before embarking in business on their own account, were both connected with the celebialcil manufacturing cst.iblishiiient of Mr. (Jrcgiry Kane of Dame .Street, one of the oldest and most noted of its kind in the kingdom, and who h.is now retired Iroin business. The warehouse, II, Astons Quay, is an extensive concern, and splendidly adapted for the tr.ide ; it is beautifully lilted, and its arrangements complete in every particular. It contains a magnilicent stock of the various articles of the trade, trunks and portmanteaus of ihc most modern designs produced from lest maleiiils and highest style ol workmanship, sami'lc cases, hat boxes, bonnet boxes, and ladies' dress baskets in every variety of shape and design, together with a choice selec- tion of the scveril minor articles of the trade. Their factory, situated against the warehouse, at No. 2, Crampton Quay, has a large capacity for the immense production necessarily required for their very extensive home and foreign trade ; here a complete staff of ten or more experienced workmen are kept in full and constant employ. Mere are produced the best description of their goods, and in numerous quantity for their home trade ; colonial and travelling outlits in every variety. The well-known and truly esteemed principals aie thoroughly practical and experienced manufacturers themselves, having had a long connection with some first- class firms of their trade ; they superintend the business and manufacture, and from their undoubted capacity are sure to raise their firm to be one of great reputation. At present it is pursuing a successful and promising trade. J. Bavenport, Boot SEannfactarer, 16.3, Capel .Street. — Mr. Davenport's trade is iioth of the wholesale and letail character, although the latter branch is the more .active of the two, and the one to which Mr. Davei p irt chiefly devotes his energies. The shop is remarkably well fitted up, a; d the goods are arranged and laid out for inspection in a way which enables their good points to be seen to perfection. Front to rear, the shop reaches some seventy feet. In the workshops adjoining the premises, there are no less th.in tweniy-four hands constantly at work. Mr. Davenport does a large repairing trade, and in addition to this is also honou:ed with many orders in the bespoke department. Altogether it may be said that he is the proprietor of one of the most comfortable and steady- going cstabli>hments hi Dublin. He knows his customers, who invariably return to him after Ihcy have once dealt with him, and in this manner he has created a steady connection. Mr. Davenport has only been es- tablished for t!ie comparatively short period of nine years, but they have been nine years of steady unremitting industry and consequent success. Heis a shrewd and pain^t.akin^ tra^esman, with a thorough knowledge of his business, and a very evident determination to raise it to a yet more advanced place in the list of Dublin business houses. Patrick Sonegan, WatoU Mauuficturar, 32, Dime Street. — this is a very old and firmly estab.ishcd business, and has been in existence lor o.er half a century. The prcmiies in Dame Street com- prise an admirably arranged establishment, wi;h a street frontage of twenty- four feet by a depth of ninety-five feet. The shop itself is handsome y appointed, and, with the various articles for sale arranged in an artistic way, forms a very striking exhibition. Thc:e is, too, always a fine show in the windows of wa'ches, plate, Sheffield ware, and church ornaments, a large stock of which is to hi seen within. In the workshops and factories from forty to fifty skilled hands are kept continually employed in manu- facturing and repairing watches. Only skilled and experienced men are employed, which is a guaiantec for the excellence of the workmanship turned out. There is a splendid and valuable collection of silver plate in the newest and latest styles. The stock on hand consists of .'puons, forks, tankards, mugs, clarc: jugs, biscuit and sardine boxes, cruets, spirit stands, fa'.veis, epergnes, an 1 many other articles of electro ware, all mojt beautifully executed and finished. The prices will be foui d as low and as reasonable as is at all compatii>le with re.il value. The house has a large connection amongst the churches in the city and all through the country. Old gold and silver, diamonds and ornaments, and precious stones, will be bought at their highest market value. Mr. Doncgan's business has reachetl its present dimensions and gained its hi;:h rcputa.ion by giving full v.ihie for money, and so long as he pursues this poli;y so long will he not only maintain his position but improve it, and add daily to the high reputa. ion his house already enjoys. Lanrence Hand, Clothier and Outfitter, 132, Capel Street. — The clothing industry is one wliicli attains to great imporlance in cvtry civilised country, and which has an important bearing on the every- day life of a nation. This is one of the oldest, most respected, and most respectable hous-.s in the trade of our city. It was established filty years ago, is situated in a besy part of Dublin, and commands a large portion of the best class of business in the city. Kverything is well lo ked after with a view to the convenience of customers, A large slock is coostaotly kept on hand comprisin'^ tamplcs of the very bcit varieties of woollcnj, tweeds, and serges, Irish, Sc .tell, and Welsh, or W'cst of Kngland. Be- sides this, Mr. Hand is constantly supplied with a large ass'irtincnt of ready made cloihiiig, new and second-hand, all which are sold at the most moderate prices. This firm also supplies evening dress in great variety at the shortest possible notice. An cxiK-rii need staff of assistants is employed who are most assiduous in their alltntion lo ihc requirements of customers. Altogether this cslablishinent may Ijc described as being in a flourishing and prosperous comlilion. This, in our opinion, has Iwcn mainly brought about by the unfailing per onal attenliim which Mr. liana has always rising proprietor, is fully convcrsint with every branch of his business, and superintends all transactions personally. John Murphy, Tlour Store, 134, Upper Abbey Street.— This is a ll.mr ^lo.e of lirst-ra e iin|iortance. It has been estabiished now five years, and owes its success during that period- to three causes. First, its position, w-hich is one of ihe most central in the city. Then ihe impetus it has receive.l from the personal exertions of Mr. Murphy, its owner and manager. The quilifijations of this gentleman are of the very h ghest order, and the extendcil knowled|^c which he possessed of the milling trade before he established this s:ore h.is in his present enterprise been of ihe greatest advantage. The third cause of its adv.anccment in the favour of the public is the extended and opulent conneciion which foUoweil -Mr. Muri>hy into his new venture, an! which since then has been enlarged and augmented, as the splendid value he gives came to be more widely kn iwn. The business is carried on by .Mr. Murphy and his family, and it is their advantage as it is evidently their pleasure to see that cusiomcrs receive every possible attention. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Mr. Vodrey, China and Pottery WareliOTise, Moore Street and Maiy Street. — The manufacture of pottery is one of the oldest arts that has been handed down to us. It seems lo have been, in ages almost prehistoric, followed by people almost emerging from a state of semi-civilisation, evidence of which we see in the crude designs of earthen- ware that have been discovered in the ruins of many ancient cities. The art seems to have been an universal one. We have evidence that it flourished in Eg)'pt over two thousand years ago, as in India ; and we have more reason now for believing, from late antiquarian research, that the designing and modelling of beautiful earthen ve-sels were pr.ictised by the extinct people of southern Mexico long before the existence of the Western world was dreamt of. In the Ireland of the past this art was one of the principal manufactures that, with education and piety, won for our people, among the less civil sed nations of the Continent, the name of being a most artistic and cultured pe 'ple. The pottery est.iblishnient of Mr. Vodrey is the only representative firm in this line in Dublin that has upheld the name and fame of the citizens in the ceramic art. Earthen- ware, faience, and porcelain may be seen in Mr. Vndrey's splendid shop and warerooms in Mary Street. The tirst kind, earthenware, is the oldest desc iption of potterj', and in this branch we seldom see the designs of ancient Greece or Rome equalled, though Mr. Vodrey can show specimens of ware that fully eqaal in richness of colour and beauty of design the style and manufacture of the ancients. The second kind, faience, is earthenware covered with enamel or glaze. This product of the potter's wheel is to be seen in variety in this cstabli'-hmcnt also. The third branch, porcelain, owing to the world-famed manufactures of lielli'ek, has acquired an unprecedented popularity of late yea'S, and in the display shown at Mr. Vodrty's, we have no hesitation in saying beauty rivals originality of design. The maiked revival which of recent years has t.aken place in the potter's art, is but the outcome of enterprise and energy on the part of Mr. Vodrey, whose highly attractive warehouse and showrooms are in Mary Street, and whose wholesale establishment is located in the busy thorough- fare of Moore .Street. Both houses are fitted handsomely and replete with every acccssoi-y for the transaction of a large and increasing Iralc. The stock held is most valuable and comprehensive, and includes in the chief division, the pottery, exquisite reproductions of the works of the best masters, and of antiqu-; vases an 1 other vessels. In the china department there is a collection of antique, quaint designs in china and ceramic goods, as well as the modern styles of the same articles. All the goods shown arc excellent in their w.ay, and reasonably moderate in price. Mr. Vijdrey is well worthy of support, and wc are glad to know that the establishment receives a large and increasing share of public patronage. In its business arrangements, order and discipline characterise the transaction of every detail. An establishment that can look back on fifty years of commercial indusry and prosperity may be saiil to have deserved well of the country ; and we have no doubt that the success which accompanied the operations of the house in the pa>l, will Ik; inseparably allied to it in the future. In conclusion, we must add that Mr. Vo irey's house occujiics a mo~t promi- nent and a leading position in the front rank of the commercial interests of not only our city, but of our country. The managerial tluties devolve on Mr. Vodrey per-.oii,ally, and, it must be acknowledged, are, in their execution, all that courtesy and efliciency could recommend. The Clarence Family and ConimeTcial Hotel (Mr. F. Wlnewlser, proprietor). — I his is an old-established house, and one that has long been a favourite with visitors to Dublin. The Clareu'.e Family and Commercial Hotel and restaurant is situated on Wellington Quay, where it occupies premises of a very extensive and commodious description. The ho;el was established about fifty years ago, and since then, under the management of its respected proprietor, has been fortu- nate enough to secure a considerable amount of public support. The Clarence is one of the best known hotels in that part of the city in which it is placed, and bears a high name for the character of its accom- modation and for the excellent quality of its fare. The house alto- gether has sixty bed-rooms, a spacious and handsomely furnished coffee- room for larlies, a commercial-room, and a fine billiard-room. All the rooms throughout the house have been quite newly furnished, and oat of the sixty bedrooms forty-five are entirely new, having been built over the new and aHj.acent warehouses of Messrs. Dollard & Son. The arrange- ment of the entire hotel is very perfect, all the rooms being fitted with electric bells, and speaks volumes for the clever management and general business capacity of Mr. Winewiser. The attendance, so often a matter of bitter complaint with the visitors at hotels, is here simply perfect, and many larger, more fashionable and pretentious esiablishments might, in this particular at least, take a leaf, to use a homely figure of speech, out of the Clarence's book. Attached to the hotel itself is a h.andsome and elegantly fitted restaurant, which, like the house, is ably mannged, and is largely patronised by Dublin and country gentlemen, who find they can procure here an admirable and nicely-served luncheon or dinner at a very moderate price. In speaking of the attractions which the Clarence has to off^r to its customers, we must not forget to pay a passing tribute of praise to the excellence and superior quality of the wines furnished by its proprietor. The cellars of the Clarence Hotel have been stocked with an admirable supply of wines, in the laying dow-n of which Mr. Winewiser has spared neither capital or trouble. Buying oily from the most eminent firms in the wliole-ale wine trade Mr. Winewiser is able to thoroughly guarantee the excellent quality of the wines served at his tables, and at prices which, considering their superiority, can most fairly be termed moderate in the extreme. The stock consists of a rare assortment of tawny and old crusted ports, pale, dry, and golden sherries, Marsala, light French and Rhine wines, such as Chablis, Sauterne, Hockeimer, etc. ; clarets and Burgundy of the finest quality and body, as well as all the favourite brands of Champagne and .Moselle. With such attractions to offer to his guests, it is no wonder that the proprietor of the Clarence shjuld have been able to form the highly respectalile and important con- nection he has done, or that visitors should continue to patronise a house where their comforts are so well looked after. Mr. "White, Watch and Jewellery Establishment, 88, Talbot Street. — Mr. White may be said to be a universal m-rcliant. He will equip you with a chronometer and chain, a wedding ring, or a gold seal. He will in turn buy from you as you have bought from him. or even without your buying from him. He purchases gold lace, false teeth, settings, medals, and epaulettes. It is scarcely necessary to reproduce these facts, for .Mr. White is a constant advertiser in the Dublin news- papers, and his business is known throughout Dublin. On going thrtiugh Mr. White's establishment we were especially struck with the elegance and exquisite finish of the articles of jewellery he keeps for sale. His diamonds are brilliants not in name only, and his watch chains are bo'h of rare artistic design and elegant workmanship. In these days of unlimited and unrestrained competition the excellence of a house of business is, in one particular, shown by the length of time during which it has been established. Mr. White may be said to he an ancient foundation, for his business has been established for the spice of eighteen years. Mr. White's large country trade is a prominent feature of his establishment. Every day, we may s.ay, he receives parcels of old gold, silver, and epaulettes from his country clients, and such is the confidence generally entertained in his judgment and fair dealing, that his customers very seldom stipulate before- hand on a price, but leave the matter entirely in the hands of Mr. White himself. This is high praise, and the .act speaks for itself. Mr. White invariably gives the highest price for goods forwarded for his approval, and this agreeable fact undoubtedly lies at ike very foundation of Mr. White's success. Agiin, to return to the large stock of jewellery kejit by Mr. White, we may mention that we have seen in his shop watches by the best makers, and of such workmanship as almost to defy wear and tear. V. Wade, Gentlemen's Hairdresser and Perfamer, 3, Talbot riacf. -This compiralively new concern is splenilidly situate, I in Talbot I'lace, branching off Talbot Street, in the vicinity of the (Ireat Northern Railw.ay Terminus, and in the midst of a thickly-populated and thriving locality of the city. The estab ishment is beautifully lilted wilh all modern appliances necess.iry for conducting a highly select business. The hair-cutting saloon, a spacious and well-lighted apartment, is ex- cellently arranged in every detail. Here hair-cutting, shampooing, etc., are performed on all the modern principles of the art. In the perfumery department a very select st ck of the various specialities necessary is ke|)t, these articles being procured from the most eminent manufacturers. Atten- tion and experience is given lo another important item of his trade, that of grinding and setting of r.azors, which are turned out from .Mr. Wade's establishment in a manner giving the h ghe,t satisfaclioa to his numerous customers. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. loi J. SIcDowell, Practical Watchmaker and Jewaller, 19, Mary Sirccr, opivjsiiL-ToiliI, Uurns, .V Co. — 1 his is one of the most attrnolivc shops In Mary Street. The e^talilishment h.is a line exterior, with a froni.nge of twenty live feel, and the inside, incasiirini; nventy-fivc l>y forty- live, is very ca|>acious. and so nfTords Mr. McDowell the oppiriunily of having his manufactory beside his salerooms, which of course represenls a !=avincst companions ; they never change with each breath of wind. Friends may be h.kle, but a good book is constant to the end." If this be true — and all men have acknowledged how true it should be — in what company does not the student then find himself! He holds converse with all times and with all nations. The poets, the historians, and the orators of all ages and of c%'cry clime appeal to hi» fancy, engage his reason, or touch his passions. Kverjthing giK,ort, is the yncrasiss. She will expatiate on the beauties of this bird, the cleverness of that, the tricks of another, and so on. Indeed, no one can spend a quarter of an hour with Madame, when on her pet subject, without feeling that his own stock of knowledge has been increased. Madame Margoiti has already a laige connection to boast of, and one which is on the increa.se, certainly not on the decline. Her clienls, amongst whom can be numbered both sexes, are invariably so well pleased that they are only too glad to rccom- rnend her to their other friends and ac-;iiainiances. It is by ste,ady atten- tion to business aid carefully attendin ; to her patrons' requirements that Madame has built up her business to the extent she has done, and there is no doubt but that it will grow l.irger year by year. There is no special line that she goes in for. unless it is c-inarics. She keeps the finest songsters that are inqiorted from Germany, the sweetest warblers from the famed HarU Mountains. You can hear these beautiful singing birds at her establishment, and will be delighted to listen to their mellow nightingale, water-bubble, and woodlark notes. As already said, one can find binls of all sorts and from all countries : finches, canaries, thrushes, love-birds, parrots, lar'KS. If .Madame does not happen to have exactly what you want, she will ^_ja obtain it for you, and no reasonable being can surely expect more. G. B,. Pemberton, Boot and Shoe Manufactnrer. 34, Mary Street. — Dublin has long been noted as one of the most impririant centres of thebootmanufacturingin lustiy, andjust'ywon the highest possible reputation for the superior quality of these goods. A prominint establishment in this line is that carried on at 34, Mary Street, by Mr. G. R. Pemberton. This concern was founded by the present proprietor about twenty-seven years ago. The concern is situated in one ol the b st streets in the city — a thoroughfare where business is specially cen rjlised. The shop is suitably arranged in adaptation to a warehouse, counting-house, and show-rooms. Mr. I'emberton keeps a large staff of workmen employed in the manufacture of hand-stitched boots for ladies', gentlenu-n's. and children's wear, and for the excellence of these, this house bears a high reputation. The proprietor imports largely, as a speciality of its trade, French lioots and shoes from the most celebrated manufacturing houses, .and an extens.ve slock of these clioice goods is always to be found at the establishment. The concern is thoroughly prosperous and is under the special supervision of the proprietor, a man of hi^h qualifications, who has a well-known and justly deserved reputation in ciiy circles as an cntei prising manufacturer. Urs. Anne Dillon, General Provision Store, 117, Great Britain .S reel. — One of the most important tr.rdesin Dublin is that connected with the supply of provisions. .-Vnd in this connexion we must not forget to mention the general provision warehouse of Mrs. Anne Dillon, though only eight years 111 the trade. This house has long occupied a prominent position ; situated at the end of Great llntain Sireet, and only one door removed from Lower Gardiner Sireet, in the busiest part of the city, it will be seen at once that it is in an exceptionally advan .ageous position, com- maniling as it does the major portion of the provision business of the neighbourhoo I. It has an elegant fronMge, and readily catches the eye ol the casual p.isser-by. There is a constant supply of all sorts of beef, to he had here daily, besides which there is also in stock a large quantity of oats, bran, Indian in -al, and flour. Every ariicle necessary in the trade is stocked, and a speciality is made oi Limerick bacon and fresh butter. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Mathew Kelioe & Son, Ham and Bacon Curers, lard Refiners, and Export Merchants, loo, Francis Street, and 13, 14, and 15, ^pitaliields. — In a country like Ireland, devoted so extensively to the producing not only of unexcelled liquors, but the jiurest of edibles, the ham and bacon curer and lard refiner is hap^iily supplied with a valuable and higiily remunerative field to prosecute his calling. In this connectioii there is no happier illustration of unerring judgment and persistent application than thai which is found in the recapitulation of the justly-earned successes in the commercial world which have attended the fortunes of the world • famed establishment controlled by .Messrs. Mathew Kehoe & Son, situated in the bu>y thoroughfare of Fiancis Street, Dublin. For a peiiod extending over sixty years this concern has played an active and highly-impor'ant part in the iriding interests of Dublin,' and it is a pleasure to find it to-day in the 21-nith of its prosperity. At present there is no house in the metropolis which occupies such a reputable position in its line, nor one that has done more to inculcate by force of example that the Irish people can by at'pHcation to business attain the highest positim in the commercial affairs of (he wcrll. The premises occupied by this firm are outwardly an archi.t. ctural ornament to th:! district in which they are located. A splendid frontage of white Irish gr.tnite first attract^ tlie visitor to view the interior. Entering a wide gate, he finds on the left a handsome counting- hou-e, well appointed, at the rear of which is Mr. L. Kehoe's private office, under which are many spacious cellars, used for storing rooms on account of theircoolness. Proceeding from the offices to an immense warehouse, used for packing and general purposes, we see on every hand indications of a business done that knows no riv.al outside the "Green Isle." Half-way up this department is a large side entrance, which leads to the well-furnished s'ables. To the left of this space many smoking-rooms are located, at the end of which is a staircase leading to many more departments devoted to trimming and preparing of hams. Descending from the latter, we reach the bottom of the first division of the premises and enter the second, which was formerly devoted to slaughtering of pigs, but is now used as a store- ho.ise. On the left hand of this division, and annexed to it, is the engine- room, filled up with the mt st modern and improved machinery, liy Toniifex & Wood, London, for chilling the pigs and regulating the temperature to the necessary point in the curing departments. Another division on this floor is that allotted to the rendering of l.ard, a commodity ttat has in itself brought a good reputation on the operations of the house. Leiore quitting the departments on the ground floor, we noticed that the utmost cleanliness characterised every feature of the operations, from the concrete fiooring to the most improved rooting. At the rear of this department in Spital fields is the wide entrance (or the pigs, leading to a flight of stairs that reaches to the slaughter-house. The latter, like the ground floor divisions, is concreted, well drained, and, considering the nature of the business, perfectly clean. Attached to it by a second flight o, stairs, is another large departmen-, used as a store space to accommodate an overtlow of live stock. The slaughter-room is connected by shoots with the bottom departments, through which the diflerent parts of the pigs, such as sides, hams, etc., are sent direct to their respective divisions to be cure-i. The space at our command will not allow us to give a more detailed sketch of the premises, and consequently we mutit proceed to give some idea of the business transacted. The superiority of Irish bacons and hams is acknowledged all over the world, and in particular the products of this house have attained a good notoriety. Messrs. Kehoe & Son not only have a most influential connection amongst traders and provision merchants throughout Ireland and the metroijolis, but also export to England, Scotland, and the Continental markets, w^herein they get the v' highest price for their manufactures. In evidence of the excellence of their goods, we may mention that though a host of competitors exhibited at the late Iiidustrial Exhibition, l!»S2, held in Dublin, Messrs. Kehoe's house (with two exceptions) was the only establishment in the line of business to whom a gold medal was awarded. In concluding this sketch, we must give the credit of the success that has been achieved in business to Mr. Laurence Kehoe, whose v\'hole desire is to raise his house to the highest level, an end that he has worthily acco nplished, and a position of prominence that we have no doubt he will ably sustain and cnhan'ic in Uie luture. Boucllier & Bailey, Drapers, 4*^ ami 49, Thomas Street. — ^This firm, whose reputation is more than a local one, have now been estab- lished ihirly-five years in these p'emises, and the f.ict that in the race for the patronage of the Dublin public they have ever K-ld a foremost position among their more youthful rivals an 1 competitors, speiks well for the merits alike of the management and the house. The two buildings, 48 and 49. have been united, and present to the stieet a fionlnge "( above forty feel. The sho]) is of large proportions, and reaches back a distance of sixty feet, and the ample space thus provided allows of the division of the concern into various departments, cich with its proper counter. Fancy dresses, cashmeres, and miscellaneous stuffs make up the first and not the least jntcresiing section, for the materials here set out are such as would l>e difficult to be excelled, either in originality of pattern, piclureBr|neniss, and artistic taste of colouring, or excellence of make and finish. Handker- chiefs and shawls form another department, as do flannels, blanketfi, quilts ; table-linen, licks ; calicoes and checks ; twecyed the whole year-round, painting the popular hand-painted cards ; and so great is the proficiency of these artists that they are not only able to earn a good return, but Mr. Lawrence is able to supply the market at the cheapest rate. At No. 5 is carried on the photographic business, and there can be no wonder at the immense numbers who patronise ilr. Lawrence's studio, when the excellent photos daily taken are once seen. The portrait studio is handsomely appointed. It has the advantage of being placed on the first floor, so that the clicnt'cU need not, as in other studios, have to climb to the top of the house. Attached to it are .spacious and comfortrble dressing and reception-rooms. In connection with the view department this establish- ment has two hundred agents in every part of Ireland, including Killarney, Cork, Giants' Causeway, and all the places of interest, so that the valuable stock of photographs and views of the scenery and antiquities of our country is well kept up. .Some idea will be had of the valuable nature of the stock held here when it is stated that the view neguives of Irish scenery alone number 10,000. The splendid specimens of cabinets ard large-size photos in the windows of this establishment comprise accurate pictures of ' the leading politicians, actresses, clergymen, and of Irish scenery, and must be seen for the perfection reached in th s art to be appreciated. The connection enjoyed by both houses is most widespread and influential. The onerous duty of managing the entire concern devolves on th ■ proprietor, who discharges it with ability and energy, and who is socially as w.ell as commercially respected. James Doyle, Tea, Wine, and Spirit Merchant, 83, North King Street. — Of all the farms which commercial activity assumes there is scarcely any which is of more importance to the community than the grocery trade. In the city of Dublin this trade readies its fullest development, for we find there not only at least one grocery store in every street but very often two or three. There are few houses, however, in the tr.ade which can show a longer or more honourable record than that of Mr. James Doyle, of 83, Nonh King Street. The large and commodious premises in which this business has been carried on lor more than three- quarters of a century are well fitted up, and are thoroughly adapted to the extensive trade in which Mr. Boyle is eng.aged. All the staple articles of the trade m.iy be obtained here, in all quantities, of the best quality, and at the most moderate prices. The tea and colTee, imjiorted especially for Mr. Doyle by the most reliable agents in the Eist India and China trade, cannot be surpassed by any other house in the tiade. For certain special mixtures of tea this house is justly and deservedly noted. A leading feature of Mr. Doyle's business is his old brandy, ami seven years old white whisky. Guinncss's porter, of world-wide reputation, and Bass's ale of equally wide-pread renown, .are kept in sock, in wood and bottle, and in excellent condition; sherry, port, and claret als j receive a due amount of attention. An efticient and pclite staff of assistants is retained here in ordti to meet the requirements and tar y out the wishes of customers. A number of porters are also employed in the executive work of ilistributing in vaiious jwrls of the town articles ordered during the day. The business of this house, which is extremely large, is c .1 fine 1 exclusively to the city and suburbs of Dublin. Mr. Doyle is regarded by all who know him .as being a thoroughly stiaightforward and hnnourable man of business, and he is accordingly much respected and esteemed by a numerous and influential. circle uf customers and acquaiQtances, INDUSTRIKS OF DUBLIN. ^°y The Reliance Mutual Life Assurance Society, 48. Upper SacUville Sticcl.— Amoni; tlic many liiglily rtspccIaMc a^suiaiico siicieiics, llicrc is none whose nierils have been moic fully recognised or which has reciiveil a larger share ol public supp irt than the olil-e-lalilishe'. M. Tufnell, r sq. ; while the directors include names as distinguished as those of J. T. Ab 7, Esq., of High Beech, Loughton ; The lion. Ib-nry Petre, of Springfield Place; J. Traill, Esq.; A. How- den, Esq. ; Thos. Kykyn, Esq., ami others of equal standing and respecta- bility. 1 he principal office of this old established assurance society is at 71, king William Street, London, E.C., while it possesses another branch in the West End, and several thiough'iu' the country, notably at Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool, P.irniinghani, Hristol, Chelmsford, and last, although not least, Dublin. It is of course pariicularly with this Irish branch we are principally concerned here, and w.th the past history and future prospects of the society in this country. As regards the former, we may say in a word, that its history in London and the provinces is the record of an un- broken success extending over eight-and-iorty years, and which supplies the most favourable testimony as to tlic re ogniiion by the Irish people of the usefulness and benefit arising out of its establishment in their midst. The office of the Dublin branch occupies veiy handsome premises at 4S, Upper Sackville Street, and has been for many years under the cfiicient control of the highly respected resident secret.iry, .Mr. J. Mcblane, a gentleman widely popular and univcrs.illy respected among all classes of 1 )u.'ilin citizens. As regards the future prospects ol the socieiy, there cannot be much room for doubt ; and we shall only be too happy, if, through the medium of this short notice, we are enabled in any way to further spread the knowle'ge of the useful and profitable nature of the advantages the Reliance Mutual Assurance Society have to offer. In ca>ting our eyes over the excellent little pamphlet published by the directors, we came across certain pieces of inforiration regarding the method of conducting the business of the suciety which we make no apology to our readers lor quoting. " Each member on first sharing in the bonus can choose either ol the following methods of appropriation : I. Increasing the amount a-sured by a sum piyable at death. 2. By permanently reducing the annual premium payable on his policy, so that, in course of time, after successive divisions of piofits, the demand for premiums may be extingui^hed. 3. By a payment in cash of the present value of the bonus. 4. By converting the assurance p.ayable at death into one payable also at a specitied age, if death shall not have happened, each allotment of bonus brnging nearer the time when the assurance becomes payable." Now, this latier method seems to us to be one which is peculiar to the society under our notice ; though vc cannot say it positively is so or not. Itns certainiy not as general as the three precceding options offered to the pol cy-holder, which are pretty j;eneially afforded by other companies ; but, at any rate, it will be admitted to be a most distinct and palpable advant. ge. Messrs. Booth & Son, Watch and Clock Manu- facturers, 4, -St. Stephen's Green. N.— (.^ne of the most impirlant houses in the flourishing watch and clock making trade in Dublin is that of Messrs. J. Booth & Son. E tabli hed betwien fi ty iin.l sixty years ago, this house almost fmm its commencement achieved a considerable reputation, and one which, dur ng the long icriod c'apsing since its inception, it has well man taii^ed. Messrs. Booth & Son occupy liandsome premises at the address above given, which is quite clos r to Grafton Suect, one of the most lasnion^ble business itreeis in the city, and are fitted up in a manner befitting the old name, and presrnt dis- linguislij I pi.ition of th; houic. Tiic connection (ormed by .Mo'.rs. Booth IS both large and influential, their patrons being per^jni who move in the highest soeial circles in the metropolis, as well as iiiiny of the country gentry. The chief manufactures of the house arc turret clu:ks, which arc turned out well designed, displaying much taste, and receiving a very large share of iniblic attention and i>atronage. 'I'hesc obtained Ihc only pri/.c medal awarded to turret clocks at the International Exhibiti' ns held in Dublin in the years i8fj5 and 1S72. A speciality of this establishment is the repairing of watches and clocks, which is executed in the l»cst manner, and at which a large number ol hands are kept constantly engagcil. In thiii dep.artinent, as in the other, the greatest satisfaction Iras ever liccn given, and all orders received are attended to with punctuality and prompti- tude, in addition to being done in Ihe most durable and admirable manner. The business transactions in their entirety are performed with pirfection in method and courtesy in .attention. In conclusion, we can only add that the proprietors integrity and ability have raised his establishment to the higliest status ol the trade which he so worthily represents in our annals of industrial Dublin. SuUiran Bros., Educational Publishers, 2'j and 27, Marl- borough Sluet. — The huu.ic of .Me>srs. Siiiliian liros. is, without doubt, one of the leading establishments in its own hne. It lias been establi,hed for a considerable numlier of years, having been foumled in 1S54. During those thirty-five years the house has gained a very high reputation for the manner in which its business is conducted. The firm's business is a very large one, with a very important and widespread connection. Us relations are not by any means cimliiied to Dublin and its vicinity, for it is in good re|)ute through- out the provinces. The premises are placed in a decidedly g^iod position, being within a few doors of the National Tjaining Schools, and nearly opposite to the .Marlborough Street Roman Catholic Cathedral. The shop is most capacious and handsomely fitted up in the most substantial way. The stock-in-trade consists ol a splendid collection of books and educational appliances of every description. The speciality of this h juse is the educa- tional and school books pablished by them. Several works by Dr. Robert Sullivan .ire issued by them. These are all on the list of pubhcations sanctioned by the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland ; and they are also extensively in use throughout England, the Colonies, and India. Messrs. Sullivan Bros, also carry on tiie trade of bookbinders and school furniture manufacturers, for which they employ the most skilled and experienced workmen that can be obtained. The business of tliis firm is mmaged entirely by the ISrothers Sulliv.an, who personally supervise the working of the ditTerent departments. Everything is so well ordered and planned out that all orders arc fulfilled and carried out in the most methodical manner, and to the satisfaction of their numerous customers and patrons, Professor F. de Pinna, Artist, PhotDgrapher, and Professor of Mus'.c, 24, Lppei ,'^ackville Street. — We have much plex-.ure in calling atteiui.jii to the uletiir of Mr. F. de Pinna, artist and photo- grapher, which is situated at the above addre-s. The premises occupied by this gentleman are situated over the well-known boot-making establish- ment of Mr. P. J. Sohan, and are very tastefully titled with all the modern requirements of the jihotographer's art. Protcssor de Pinna has already secureil a very respectable and numerous connection, and has achieved, in whit is a marvellously short time, a high reputation among all ckasses of the Dublin public for the excellent finish and style of his photographic pictures. In prices the charges may be broadly said to be about half h hat are charged in other first-class houses. There is the greatest p.-ssible difference between being able to take a good picture in the studio and one out of doors— the ligiit and other conditions being alteicd, require the exercise of skill and judgment guided by long experience. Here, however. Professor de Pinna is eiiually at home, and on visiting his atJi r one is lost which moa to aiinire, the beauty of his indoor subjects, or the excellence of his outdoor views and groups. The professor employs four experience-d artists, who never fail 111 rendering the fullest satisfaction. Besides the photographic line, Professor de Pinna adds the somewhat unusual calling of Professor of Alusic to his other accomplishments. Mark Hanlon, Tailor, 27, Lower Gardiner Street — Thirty-seven years ai; 1 .Mr Mark llaalmi opened, at 5, .Mabbot .street, a tailoring estab- lishment, which for over three decades held a unifoim and honourable record for first-class wor -inanship, excellence of material, and punctuality of delivery. It is .Mr. H.anlon's very justifiable jiride to be known .is a ]iiacticd tailor, and he certainly proves by his mastery of detail that he thor.iughly deserves the appellation. A short time .ago Mr. ilanlon re- moved from .Mabbot Street to his present address. Though he employs an efficient and painstaking staff ol assistants, -Mr. Hanlon 's attention to business and constant rush of trade do not prevent him from giving personal .attention to every customer ; indeed, as it is his pride to be practical, it is his pia.tice to be part cular in seeing that every detail is properly atteiKled to, and that no one who entrusts to him an oider, however .small," shall have any just cause of complaint. Mr. Ilanloa supplies his customers with the b St i.at rials, and has in hand som- exquisite samples of Irish, Scotch, and West of Eiig and tweeds and seiges. lie h.-»s also some very nice things in black twilled cloths and crepe, whch are much admired. 104 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Bernard Gorevan, Wholesale aud Setail Draper and Contractor, 104 ami 105, James Street. — A prominent and much patronised house in its own particular line is that controlled by Mr. B. Gorevan. It has been before the public a considerable time having been established eighteen years. It has always held a leading position amongst its contemporaries in the city in the same trade, and can at the present time bo.ist of an influential and widespread connection amongst the residents in the city and suburbs. The premises in which the business is carried on were formerly well known as an inn known by the name of "The Three Blackbirds." The present proprietor took them and entirely rebuilt them for their present use. The house is large and commodious, the shop having the capital front.-ige of forty feet, and a depth of fifty feet from front to rear. It is handsomely fitted up with good counters, shelves, and show-cases, and seats for customers. The window is always well dressed with silks, mantles, m'.llinery, and dresses, most tastefully arranged. The stock is large and extensive, and includes all kinds of millinery, dresses, costumes, drapery and haberdashery, all of the best materials and workmanship, and at prices which will compare most favourably with those of any other house in the same line. Several young ladies are employed as assistants in the shop. The business is personally managed by .Mr. Gorevan, who is well known as an able and practical man. He is most courteous and attentive to all customers, and for his strict integrity in business is widely esteeme 1. In addition to a numerous and widespread connection, the house holds contracts from the North and South Dublin Unions, also the Hibernian Military Schools. Another branch of the business is the Post-office, which is well conducted, and it has in connection a savings lank. The wholesale business is carried on in a spacious gallery over the shop, and dressmaking is extensively carried on in another portion of the building. In its entirety the business is conducted methodically and energetically. Ada Teates & Sisters (successors to Wilkinson), Law StatlODCrs, etc., 74. I'ame Street. — This firmof stamp-telailers, scriveners, printers, law stationers, and agents, in its own particular line is facile prinets, a position which it seems destined to maintain under its present splendid management. The house was originally established in the year 178S. The area and extent of its operations are ever on the increase amongst firms of high standing and respectability, whose confidence the firm can justly claim to have gained. The management of the business is in the hands of Miss Ada Yeates and her sisters, who are most zealous and active in superintending all the various orders that have to be carried out. Miss Yeates and her sisters have a practical and technical knowledge of the requirements of their trade, and are consequently not obliged to leave the management of anyihing in the hands of foremen. In the scrivenery branch, where a staff of competent lady clerks are employed, deeds, wills, memorials, leases, abs'racis of title, schedules, etc., will be correctly and expeditiously engiossed at reasonable fixed prices, and memoiials of deeds drafted for registration. Lease maps and architects' plans, drawn by experienced draugh'.swomen on the piemises, will be most accurately done. Court searches will also be made. There is a large and varied assortment of accoant-bojks. Acts of Parliament, and lawbooks usually in demand. The general stationery includes law-jjaper, note-paper, envelopes, etc., all of the best quality, at low prices. The house is licensed to sell the various legil and commercial stamps, impressed and adhesive, a large stock of which is always kept. County-court and comtnon-law forms, etc., are printed with solicitor's name and special title when required ; also biiefs, affidavits, memorials, conveyances, session lis's, and every description of law and general pri.Tiing, including heading no'.epap^r and printing and engraving visiting cards, at moderate charges. The .Misses Veaies are constantly receivmg tesiimoni-ils, written in glowing terms and bestowing high praise, from solicitors, justices of the peace, and other influential people. They are noted lor their punctuality, and lor the neatness and accuracy of their work. Mrs. Morphy, Watch Mannfactnrer, 25, Amiens Street. — A well-known and liii^hiy successful busuiess in the watchmaking line is that carried on by Mrs. Murphy at the above adilress. This first-class establishment was founded by the la:e Mr. Jeffiey Murphy, husband to the present enterprising proprietress, and wh > had for many years been engaged at the celel)raled watch and clock making establishment of Mr. Donegan. The present houss was built and opened as a lirst-class establishment in 1871. The prem scs. which are about eighteen (eet square (not including workshops), are most tastefully and elaliorately fitted throughout, and contain a large, valuable, and attractive stock of clocks and watches. The establishment is conducted under the able management of Mr. Armstrong, who continues to devote unccising attcnti m to every detail of the business, and to whose skilful experience and sound business capabilities the house owes no small measure of its success. The connec- tion formed by this establishment during the seventeen years it has now been succc-sfully before the public, is very widespread in its char-acter, and includes the names of many persons moving in the most intluenlial circles of society in Dublin. The stock which, as we have said, is large and valuible, is comprised o'a choice collection of watches and clocks, all distinguished Vhment arc adnrirable pieces of workmanship, and many are, more- over, most artistic and elaborate in their casings : we arc now alluding to what arc generally known as draw:ng-room clocks. There is also a very fine assortment of ladies' and gentlemen's gold and silver watches, some o( the former being, ag.iin, fully equal to those made in Paris, and displaying the greatest elegance and beauty. An enormous trade is done in all thes.: articles, the fame of the house being very considerable, and its productions being sent all over Iie'and. In the ordinary house-clock manufacture, another "big busness" — as our American cousins would term it — is also done, as well as in repairing, cleaning, and otherwise re-touching of clocks and watches alrea ly in use. A very important part of Mrs. Murphy's trade is, however, in supplying clocks to dift'erent lines of railway in Ireland, her house holding large contracts (or the supply of clocks to the difi"erent railway stations throughout the country. The establishment occupies a very advantageous site for business purposes, being situated directly opposite the Amiens Street Station of the Great Northern Railway of Ireland. The goods supplied have never failed to give the most complete satisfaction, and there is no doubt that, in the future, as in the past, the house will be able to keep itself well abreast of all its competitors. T. Larkin, Bootmaker, 71, Great Britnin Street. — A prominent and thoroughly repiesentalive house in connection with the great boot and shoe manuf.icturing industry of Dublin is that of Mr. T. Larkin, the well- known military and hunting-boot maker, who occujiies rather extensive premises at the above address. This important business was founded about twenty-four years ago, and its career has been marked by continuous and satisfactory commercial and industrial progress and development. The house stands today among the most notable manufacturing features of a busy and advancing vicinity. Mr. Larkin makes every description of boots, but confines his special attention to the manufacture of military and hunting-boots ; and the high reputation the house enjoys to-day has been earned in this particular branch of the trade. The premises are well situated, being opposite the Rotunda Hospital, and are rep'ete with every appliance that can tend to expedite the progress of the industry or remler the work produced better or more acceptable in character. Many workmen are constantly employed, who are skilled and practical operatives, which accounts for the satisfactory manner in which all the goods emerge from this establishment. The business is personally super- intended by the experienced, energetic, and enterprising proprietor, «ith a degree of ability that is conducive to a contrnuous expansion of its resources ; and the whole business of this pushing concern furnishes aa admirable illustration of the commercial advancement that m.ay be accom- plished by coupling superiority of production with managerial energy and judgment. None IJut superior goods are manufactured by this house, yet the prices are most reasonable, when the character of the workmanship is taken into consideration. The house has a good local tr.iile, and the connection includes miny of the gentry of the neighbourhood. .Ml orders are executed promp ly and in the best manner. With the lacilities at the command of .Mr. Larkin, he is enabled to offer special advantages to customers, and to treat them with liberality and fair-iiealing. Mr. Larkin is a gentleman who is greatly respected in commercial circles for his integrity and upright business principles, while by his courtesy and reliability he has gained the esteem and confidence of his large and influential circle of patrons. Mr. Larkin is also the owner of a tobacco- nist's business which is doing a good trade, and has been established seveu years, being located at 7 1 A, Great Brit.ain Street. John O'Longhlin, Druggist and General Snndryman. 58, Francis Street. — .Vlthough Francis Street lia.> fallen from the position it once could boast of, it still retains many commerci.al establishments of which any thoroaghfare in any city might well be proud. Of such a character is the wholesale and retail drug store at No. 5S in this street. The establishment is owned by Mr. J. O'Loughlin, and this gentleman has managed it from its institution now nearly tiventy years back. The slock is most varied, and embraces all descriptions of medicinal drugs. In addition to this section there are others devoted to the sale of sundry articles for the artisan and the kitchen, the housekeeper and the bath. Oils, varnishes, and painters' colours are largely dealt in, the principal oils being hard, paraftine, coUa, olive, petroleum, brown rape, castor, lubricating, boiled, turpentine, and hanzoline. The varnishes have been carefully selected, and are much more durable besides being more pleasing and less evident to the eye than the more common descriptions. All kinds ofsoap, tallow, mottled, pale, brown, and scented, are in full stock, as are also such sundries as pepper, soda, pitch, cement, brushes, sponges, starch, blue, blacking, treacle, syrup, cocoa, and writing ink. As this is the only hjuse of its kind in the vicinity, its trade is very large. John English, Plumber, Gasfitter, and Tinsmith, 72, Queen Street. — It is a jileasnre to refer to a business house ol such long and creditable slmding as that presiileil over by Mr. John English, and devoted to the plumbing, g.isfitting, and tinsmith branches of industry. This house w.as founded thirty years ago, and has become noted for its excel- lence of work combined with motleration in charges. The stock hehl in the shop comjirises every item in the ironmongery and tinware line, brass fittings, etc. All kinds of work in his lines of tr.ade he executes in the bjst manner that could be desired. Four most coinj),- eat hnnils are employed. Mr. Knglish enjoys an exlen-ive and influential patronnge, and owing to his many years of practical experience has obtained an enviable notoriety for the frrst-class workmanship of the articles he turns out. Tiie greatest success has been attained, and the progress to be seen here evidences the laudable energy aid enterprise ol the propriet r. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 105 Hodges & Sons, Manufacturing and Hous« rnmishing IronmoDRors. Sanitary and Bot Water Englnocri, Kitchen Fitters Kod Art Tllo Decorators. Marble Clilmnoy Ploco and Stovo Orate Uakers, 't>, Wc-Himh I.in4 > ud, ami 20 ai"l JI, Asliiii'> l^lii.iy. -Unc uf the olclol cs.iliUsht.-il (inns in ihe nia"ufactniin(j and house furnishing iron- moiij;ery lirif, is tli.n of Messrs. IIoilj;cs iV ^o^s, of 16, \V< s morcKimi .Sircet, which for over a ccnl'ny has enjoyed a pre-eminent position in this inipurtant biaiuh of trade. l-'uundcU so long a^o as 17.S0, ti'is well-known CCOKING APr.VRATUS. — NO. I. liouic has If n^ achievjtl the highest reputation in its particular line, and received thelargest share of public patronage it is po'sihle for a business house to enjoy. Willi all the improvements that have taken place witljin the last sixty years in-lKe sanitary arrangement of dwellings, and also in articles relating to culiiary operations, the name of Hodges & Sons has been closely and honouiably identilicd, probably no house in the trade having contributed more to the great development ttat has taken place in this branch of manufacluie. Messrs. Hodges & .Sons occupy must extensive premises at 16, Wesimoi eland Street, a branch estab- lishment being situated at 20 and 21, Aston's Quay, and an inspectinn of the enormous, valuable, an'l varied stock of goods there contained, will simply surprise any visitor unacquainted with the vast re- sources of the establishment. Messrs. Hodges & .Sons have earned a very high reputation as sanit.iry engineers, a calling which forms a very important branch of their business, and arc the inventors of Hodges & Sons' "Perfect Sanitaiy .System," which has been largely appieciaied and approved of by the mo^t learned experts in sanitary science. The system is simple and compar.itively not expensive, being easily .adapted to existing household arrarg.-ments. This proce-s ]>rocuics a perfect inter- cept!. ig system completely cutting off connection bctvveen main scvicrs and domestic diainage; the house drains being always empty, with thorough water flushing, and freely admitted and discharged current of fiesh air. A noticeable feature in this admirable arrangement, is that it is automatic in its action, and is obiained without having recourse to ex- pcn>ive apparatus, requiring constant inspection to secure its being in proper working ouier. This system has been widely used in modern house-, and the firm do a large and extensive business in its tilting, etc. The premises of the firm, which will well repay the trouble of a vi-it to anybody inteiested m such matters, are subdivided into nine spacous show- rooms, which have recently been much enlarged, and which contain a valuable stock of hardware goods, from the traditional " needle to the anchor." The immense stock is so admiral^ laid out. and with sucli perfect judyment, as to greaily facilit.ite the purchaser selection from among the various dejiartments. All the articles are «it the most superior quality, and are niaiked in plain figures, so that ihc unpleasantness of constant *' querying " as to the price oi ihis or Itiat is obviated. The stock consists of every description of ironmongery, uom the hugcst cooking apparatus capable of pieparmg u banquet for trom 300 to 700 persons, to a saucepan thai will oidy boil a couple ol eggs ; and would take more space, we fear, than it is possilile for us to devote to it, even to convey an approximate ulea ot its magnitude and usel.iincss. We may, howrercr, briefly state that it comprises among otiicr ihinjjs a large and comprehensive assortment of brass and iron bcrkteails, grate*, sioves, anil rire-irons, garden seats, engines, fyringcs. anil other utcn^iU, a',;iiiulniral implements, gas chandeliers, brackets, and liall lamps, bath", oil lamps of every description, clectio-plalcd tea and coffee nrvires, electro spoons and forks, and arliele< of table cutlery, anil many trore hcleiogeneousoliiccls. The dc|)artinents devoted to the cooking ap|>aratus are very extensive, and comprise some wonderful inventions in this branch of manufacture. Wc were pariiculaily struck with the enormous Hodges' " Talent Central (ooking Apparatus," II feel long by 5 feet 6 inches bioad.andcapalileof cixjking for from 300 to 700 pet>ons. This magnificent apparatm is of course principally in- tended for use in hotels, liosjiiLals, barracks, or very large houses of business, and is a most admirable a.-.d coni]>rehensivc contrivance. Hoiiges' patent cen'ral cooking apparatus is suit- able for col'eges, hospitals, lunatic asyluws. . bariac'-.'^, workhouses, hotels, clubs, large houses of business, gentlemen's mansions ; and the smaller sizes can In.- adapted lor every class of hou-e. No. I Range is II feet long by 5 feet 6 inches wide, capable of cooking for from 300 to 700 people ; consists of four roa'-ting chamben properly ventilated and fitted with double roastin;;pansand meat racks ; any or all of the;c are convertible into ovens lor the baking of briad, pastry, etc , when required ; two hot plates with movable rings and stopp.-rs, 5 feet 6 inches long each ; four large copper boilers with hinged covers (these may have steamers when .advisable); two wroughl-iron higli- pre-siirc boilers for heating hot water cisterns for scullery supply, or generating steam for steam cooking if needed ; a small fire, 12 inches wide at each end, keeps iht entire apparatus in full work {vit^f Testimonials). N. B. — Hot closet can be supplied wi h this range, to be set in or his COOKING ArPARAVU . — NO. 2. against wr.U, where underground flue meets chimney. These closets are maite 10 all si«s. 'I hose gener.ally in use, 5 feet by 4 feet, will he.it plates and dishes lor 400 people ; the waste heat Irom the range is thus utilised before entering chimney. Hodges' Talent Central Cooking Apjiaralus, No. 2 Range, is in every respect similar to No. i, except that it is only half the size, S feet 6 inches by S feet 6 inches, with but two roasters or ov,.ns, two copper boiling vesse's, and one wrought-iion high-pressure boiler. It will cixik lor from loo to 2UO people. H«t closet, as previous description and quotation, can a'so be supplied and attached to this range, ibese ranges have been fixed in the io6 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. following buildings, as well as in several private mansions : Albert Model Farm, Glasnevin ; Boys' Home, Grand Canal Street ; Clongowes Wood College, Xaas ; College of St. Kicran, Kilkenny ; Her Majesty's Board of Public Works ; Holycross College, Clonliffe ; Rockwell College, Caiiir ; Ragged Schools, Coome ; St. Joseph's Seminary, Clondalkin ; The Monastery, Mountrath ; St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra ; Wesley College, St. Stephen's Green ; Convent, Mount Sackville, Caslleknock ; Convent, Sisters of Charity, North William Street; Convent of St. Alphonsus, Drumcondra; Convent, Mount Prospect, Dollymount ; Male Training Establishment of National Education ; Constabulary Barracks, Cook Houses, Nos. I, 2, 3, and 4 ; Sergeants' Mess Hou-e. Constabulary Depot; The Police Barracks, Dublin Castle; The Police Barracks, Kingstown ; Mountjoy Male Connct Prison ; M'Birney & Co. (Limited), (Vston's Quay; Hospital for Incurables, Donnybrook ; Dr. Steevens ilospital, Kingsbridge ; Swift's Hospital, Bow Lane, West ; Clery S: Co., Sackville Street ; Gladesville Hospital, New South Wales ; Glendinning s Hotel, Wicklow Street; Royal Hotel, Malahide; Royal Arcade Hotel, Suffolk Street : Grattan Coffee Palace, Capel Street : Talbot Street Coffee Palace ; Friendly Brothers' Club House ; Royal Irish Yacht Club House, etc., etc.; St. Vincent de Paul Orphanage, Glasnevin, Co. Dublin; Hij'h Park Convent, Drumcondra : St. John of God, Maison de Sante, StiTlorgan, Co. Dublin ; W'ilson's Hospital, Multifarnliain ; Mater Misen- cordia Hospital, etc., etc. , _ . There are many other ■ apparatus of a smaller description, suited to gentlemen's houses, and a large trade is done in the many varieties of this class ot goods. Another important department is that devoted to antique and modern marble chimney-pieces, and decorative tiles for fiie-places, etc. Many of these former are beautiful specimens of art, while the latter fully ■exemplify the enormous modern improvement in decorative art in this country. c \. ■ Messrs. Hodges & Sons have had the distinguished honour of being appointed manufacturers to Her Majesty the Queen; His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant and the Viceregal Court ; His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales ; the Hon. the Board of Public Works and most of the leading public companies, club houses, hotels, etc. Another department where we were intensely gratified by the taste displayed in design was the Gas Fittings Department, where a magnificent stock is displayed at such prices as to suit the requirements of all. Want of space alone necessitates our closing this notice, and we can only hope to have done enough to call attention to a very noteworthy and thriving Dublin industry. In conclusion, we need not comment on the high position the firm holds in the estimation of commercial circles. hanker after advertised in this list, and bearing its price attached. From the rare and costly truffles to the savoury and appetising Gorgona anchovy ; from tinned asparagus to that caviare which, through the exertions of such merchants as Mr. Williams, is no longer "caviare to the general;" from pippins grown and baked in the sun ol romantic Normandy to dates pulled from the tree that looms large over the sandy waste of the Egyptian desert— all these and many other sapid and delicious accessories of the table are on sale at Mr. Williams' premises, and at prices of a singularly moderate level. It is clear to us, from the survey we were enabled to take of Mr. Williams' business premises, that he has spared neither time, labour, nor cost in the effort to make his establishments without a peer in all Dublin. Where there are so many which are good, it would be invidious to single out any one firm and say of it that it is the best ; but it may be truly asserted of Mr. Williams' business that in efficiency, in cheapness combined with unexceptionable quality, it is second to none in the Irish metropolis. Williams & Co., Importers of China and Indian Teas, Wine and Spirit Merchants, 47. Henry Street ; 25, Capel Street ; 13, Wexford Street: and 36, Th'jiii.as Street. — Mr. Henry J. W'llliams, the sole proprietor of this great and flourishing establishment, has been in the grocery trade for the last twenty years. By dint of the most strenuous industry, in association with a keen and commanding intelligence, he has succeeded in elevating the firm of Williams & Co. to one of the very first positions in the Dublin grocery trade. This firm has four different estab- lishments, all situated in the very busiest parts of the city, and all alike doing a good trade. The handsome and spacious house in Capel Street was the first that Mr. Williams opened, and here he laid the foundations of the immense trade to be developed a few years later on. The commanding position of his striking and handsome shop drew people inside to begin with, and once they had entered and purchased of Mr. Williams, and had practical acquaintance with the superlative qualities of the goods he retailed, they ever alter remained customers. Mr. Williams then opened out in new directions. The pressure of business was altogether too great for his Capel Street establishment, which, though large enough in all conscience, mexsuring some 127 feet from front to rear, was nevertheless inadequate to cope with the great trade that the proprietor was doing. Then, in suc- cession, Mr. Williams opened his branch establishments in Henry Street and Wexford Street. By a curious irony of fate, the piirent establishment has had to hand over the palm of precedence to one of the younger houses. Mr. Williams' headquarters are now situated at 47, Henry Street. The four establishments do a very large tr.ide among them. He has made a special study of the art of blending teas, and is one of the safest guides in all Dublin to the hidden and mysterious delights of the cup that cheers. His Darjeeling Assam is specially recommended as the perfection of tca.onibining the delicious flavour of theChina teas imported years ago, when China tea still preserved its reputation, with great strength and an entire freedom from bitterness. Teas being the leading feature at each and every one ol Mr. Williams' establishments, there are a great variety placed before the public at prices within the reach of all. Another tea for which this firm is deservedly famed is " the famous 21. tea," which, although not possessing the attributes of the lordly " Darjeeling Assam," is a sound exquisite tea, whose praises have lieen sung by all ckisses. Mr. Williams 'jocs a very exclusive wholesale trade with grocers in this famous 2s. tea. He is fully cognisant of the po>ition he has attained in the com- mercial world of Dublin, and is well aware that the pre-eminence ol such a business as his can only be maintained by the strictest and the most unremitting attention to high quality in the goods he retails, and a con- tinuous endeavour to lower prices in the interest of the purchasing public. J u.st giving one cursory glance at the list that Mr. Williams sends out, we are plea-cd, but not surprised, to find every delicacy that the palate may Iiundy, Foot, & Co., Tobacco and Snuff IMantifac- tnrcrs, and Cigar Merrhants, 26, Parliament Street. — It is particularly interesting, while historically reviewing the rapid progress and steady development achieved in the tobacco and snuft' manufacture, to meet with such an enterprising and valuable concern as that carried on under the style of Lundy, Foot, & Co., whose repiestntative establishment is situate at 26, Parliament Street — one of the finest thoroughfares in Dublin. This house was founded as far back as 17S0, and its commercial course from that time has been one of continual advancement and ever-increasing value. The premises occupied comprise a spacious building, composed of large workshops and offices, which are well furnished and fitted with every mechanical appliance that is in any way necessary to the manufacture of their products, and machinery of the most approved modern description. During recent years great improvements have been introduced into their factory ; machinery of the most high-class character has superseded manual labour in the production of the firm's noted manufactures. Employment is given to a large force of operatives, most of whom are girls, and the firm speak most highly of this class of their employes, who, it may be stated, are deservedly worthy of the confidence placed in them by the proprietary, and show their reciprocation of this esteem by the strict attention which they infuse into their business transactions. This firm produce all kinds of tobaccos, which are manufactured from thoroughly matured leaves, pro- cured from the finest toliacco-plant-growing districts in the world. The leaves are received in large hogsheads, weighing 12 to 18 cwt., by the factory, and, after undergoing a most careful assortment, are manufactured into various qualities, blends, and strengths, fer which a most noted name for purity and flavour has been obtained. The most prominent manufacture is undoubtedly that of "snuff," in wTiich line of their trade Messrs. Lundy, Foot, & Co. have a world-wide reputation for their " High Toast," commonly known as '■ Irish Blackguard," and registered as such. This is a natuial- flavoured snuf'f, very palatable to the nostrils, and, as the distinctive feature of the firm, receives the greatest possible care in preparation, so that consequently no impure ingredients are used, and it may safely be recommended as being entirely free from adulteration. The notoriety of this snuff is so great that throughout our colonies, India, China, and Japan, and indeed in almost every civilised quarter of the globe, " Lundy Foot's High Toast" is everywhere a household word. A large business is trans- acted in numerous brands of cigars, which are imported in large consign- ments from the most famous districts, and in the well-known Irish roll tobacco and smoking mixtures. Since its establishment the firm h.ive upheld their character for unsurpassed quality and unexcelled purity of all their manufactures, and to-day there is a no more influential or eminently reliable concern than the one under notice. The connection enjoyed by this high-class firm is of an enterprising and valuable nature, the trade extending all over the world, and is of a first class and permanent character. The name achieved in this interesting branch of Ir.ade has pl.aced the house of Lundy, Foot, & Co. in the foremost rank of tobacco manufacturers. The firm members are gentlemen of great experience in their tr.ade, as well as high commercial prestige, being highly esteemed by their p.itrons for their prompt execution of all orders entrusted to their establishment. W. T. Kenny, Newsagent and District Post Office, 25, Grafton Street. — This well-laiown establishment has fur many years enjoyed extensive patronage. Amongst the many important business houses of Graflim Street, that of Mr. W. T. Kenny is in high repute for the excellent quality of its goods. The position of Mr. Kenny's house is .admirably suited to his tr.adc. It is situated in the very centre o( Grafton Street, which is well known as one of the most frequented and fashionable streets in the Irish metropolis. The supply of stationery and other goods is most extensive and varied. During the winter months a large trade is carried on in the sale of those essentially modern requirements, the Christmas cards. Birthday and other cards are also a speciality. Tourists can gratify their tastes to the lull from his splendid collection of views of Irish scenery, all the most picturesque districts of the country being fully represented in his books. We must add that Mr. Kenny's establishment being also appointed by the General Post Ofiice as a district branch, is of distinct convenience to his customers and the public. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 107 Messrs. BTcClnskey & Co., Fruiterers, \Villinm Street.— A -liort narrnlivo of this Mill tlourisliiii); industry may Ijc well illiistr.it<'l in a tkscription of ihc now famous premises of the Messrs. McCluskey, William Slrctt. 'J'hetstahlishnient in question stands rit;ht opposite the once palatial residence of LorJ I'owersciiurt. now occupied hy Messrs. P"errier& rollock. The luildinR is of ihe old style, and the spacious premises within may lie considered one of the (incst in the country. Considerably more than half a century ago the Messrs. McCluskey first entered the arena of active liusine^s, anl from that time to the present they seem to have held, by keen competition, the trade of the country with a tiyht grasp. It is not often that capiRil .and brains are found in Ihc same company ; but we have here an undoubted condiination of both, the otTs|irin(; of which has been a coninieicial success, one of the most remarkable it has been our pleasure to record. I'roni His Kxcclkncy the Lord Lieutenant and our titled nobility, down to our respectable householder, a unanimous and favourable impression seems to prevail, and that in a strong sense, respecting the merits of this establishment, borne out no doubt by the facts that ihey hold in custody, viceregal, we may call them, diplomas almost as numerous in succession as our viceregal masters, as well as receiving from time to time the unstinted praise of the Irish press. Mis Koyal Highness the Prince of Wales has during his visits to Ireland patronised this cstabl shnient to a large extent. If the public have heard of Army and Navy stores, companies, and such like, they have also heaid of the Messrs. McCluskey, who, as far as price and quality of goods is worth enumeration, appear to have fairly knocked their opponents into the familiar " cocked hai." Milil.iry ofl'icers' messes, and centres of public and private gaiety arc also within the ambit of their supply, for we have observed letters of compliment from committees of management demonstrating pleasure and salislaction at their services. As an outline of the stock of this eminent lirm m.ay well repay perusal, we shall briefly glance through it so far as to give the general public an idea of its detail ; there are grapes, peaches, pears, melons, pine-apples, straw- berries, apples, lemons, oranges, nuts, plums, raspberries, while the edible vegetable kingdom is well represented in asparagus, beans, peas, cucumbers, lettuce, etc. A choice collection of the rarest flowers for temporary or permanent use are here shown to advantnge. Some of the foregoing arc the products of far oft" Australia and America, tlie English and French markets are also under heavy contribution, and such of our Irish products that can in point of excellence hold their own are largely availed of, orchards and vineries being generally anticipated before they reach the hammer. A fuller and more elaborate list of goods supplied by the film will, we apprehend, be supplied on application. The management is in the hands of skille appreciated. As a wholesale and retail establishment, .Mr O I'oiinell's has gained an enviable reputation for the flavour and quality 01 ils teas and coffees, great care in the selection of the stock of which is coi stanily l)eing taken. Tlie wines and spirits also sold at this establishment arc unex- ceptionable, ils proprietor taking a very wiirlhy pride in ihe siicc:c>s that h.as hitherto crowned his Labour in this branch of his business. Where, however, all the articles are equally good, it seems inviuious to select for special commendation any particular class of goods. .Mr. t>'DonneU employs four hands in the working of his business, all of whom are rem.arkable for their civility to their customers and their readiness to oblige. This systematic politeness contributes very much to Ihe prosperity of a house of business — a fact Mr. O'Donnell has doubtless observed and turned to profitable account. The house bears a very high commercial reputation, its stability being second to few in the city. F. Byrne, Victualler and Contractor, 91, Lower Canvlen Street. — Probably the largest and must important victualling csiablishment in Dublin is that of Alderman Byrne, which is situated at the aliove address. These extensive premises arc about twenty-one feet wide with a depth of nearly two hundred feet, arc handsomely stocked with a valuable and large supply of the finest meat procurable in the market. Lstablished many years ago, this highly respectable bouse has long enjoyed the most distinguished patronage, and is, at the present moment, one of the most flourishing in its line. In addition to his trade as a vicluaPer he has an extensive and splendid establishment which is devoted to the purposes of a high-class restaurant at No. 29, Nass.iu Street. This has been fitted up in the most luxurious and artistic style, and no expense has been spared on it to make it beautiful, and in every respect better than any other such establishment in the city. The large dining-room will accommodate lifty, and the saloon as many or more. It also contaios many small dining- rooms, bedrooms, smoke-rooms, and, in fact, every acconimixlation and requirement desired by ladies or gentlemen. There is also a large trade carried on in confectionery and pastry (wedding cakes a specialiiyi, and the house also docs a large and thriving trade in supplying wedding breakfasts and dejiuturs t ales can be had full-bodied and most refreshing. Clarets, rums, bramlies, gins, together with every sort of mineral waters, are also to be had of the best quality, and at Ihe cheapest prices. The volume of trade transacted is very extensive, and the able management of the proprietary, we have no doubt, will not only continue the prosperity of the house, but further enhance iU H 2 ic5 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Messrs. W. Tait & Co. (Walter Tait and Robert Elaipson), Seed Morohants, ug ami i?o, Capel Street —To form any- tliin" like a fair estimate of the constantly increasing business djne by the firm, it should be remem- bered that the present busi- ness premises have been in llic- farm and garden seed Hade for more than a hun- dred yf arv the former well- known old firm of Fergus I'arrell & Son having been succeeded by the present com])any, whose energetic mana;^ement has made it sufiicicnily appaient to all their cusimurs. that seidi from this cs'aljli-hmenl can be thoroughly relied on both as to character, purity, and po\\crs ofgetmination. In this way, not only was the fame of the old firm main- tained, but the new one was considerably advanced in the estimation of those wlio still continued to send on their orders, either in the sced~ or nursery depart- ir.enls. The numerous tesii- monials in the hands of the fi?r.i at the present time, refirring with unstinted praise to the genuineness of the seeds supplied, go to show that the present management has in no way relaxed the efforts so happily inargurated at the begin- nirg. in seeing that nothing slir.ll be left undone to sup ply customers with goods of the most supeiior quality. Many instances of growing crops during the present ycai, 1888, both on farm and gaukii, might be pointed to a> proving the above state- mei'l, but one case will suf- fice, wherein over twenty acr :., under nuxcrousvarii- tic'i of loots and several ki- I'.s of vegetables, all tie f«nU being supplied by tins fiiin, arc now shown one unlroken surface of foliage, no: such a thing as a gap to be found on the whole exleul of giound. That is a g I'.d point to make in fa\ ■•ur of the seeds sent otit by this firm, and that too during a season, part of wliicli was not at all favour- able to seed germination. A case like this proves clearly that when this firm says, " Our seeds are selected from the best strains known of their res].eclive kinds, aid we sell none but what are nru; j^'eiitiiiif, and of first quality, so that if properly tended, they are sure to succeed, our endeavours having always been to com:ic!c in qua ily rather tLan in jirice," it is no idle boast, but is fully borne out by results, and they add, "it is to this we attribute the large and increasing patronage we enjoy." In addition to the large home trade done, and thi* of course includes England and .Scotland, as well as Ireland, the Messrs. Tait & Co. send annually large con- signments of flower and vegetable seeds to India and the Colonies, all of which have been found to do so well, that a steadily increasing bu^ine^s in that direction is the result. This establishment has long been famous among those who- grow agricultural and hor- ticultural produce for exhi- liilion.and with good reason too. for in most cases they Ijnd themselves successful. 'Ihis has special reference to the fine quality of their bulbs, large quantities of which arc disposed of each ytar. iFor carrying on so txtt.nsive a business, the (remises are both usefully and tastefully arranged, so tliat while good accommo- d.ition is afforded for con- ducting the work to be done, there is ample room Tor the inspection of seed. slocks, implements, etc., by rustomers. The front gives- fine space for the display uf flowering plants, bulbs, seeds, and sometimes of enormous gardeu and farm productions, grown from, scLds furnished in the usual, way to customers, who are well pleased at getting the chance of bringing such fine growths so prominently in view of the public. In addition to their large stock I'f garden and farm seeds, iinp'ements, etc., this firm supplies all the appliances- necessary for the largely iiicreasii g industry of bee- keeping, and even those who wish to commence bu-iness in this line, can have swarms of bees forwarded safely to them, and whether their system is on the old or the new plan, eNi rythng in connection therewith will be founil in the slock kept in this establishment. With the experienced, careful, and painstaking manage- ment displa)cd by thiscom- l>any, it must follow that the large and well-appointed staff is equally efficient. Courtesy and prompt attention are the rule to the poorest as well as the richest customer. In this respect the Messrs. Tait & Co. may well bo congratulated, as business conducted in this way has no doubt helped to place this house in the high position it now enjoys in the estimation of the agricultural sind horticultural communities of the country. Eeatty & Bennie, Merchant Tailors, 2', Grafton Street.— A well-fitting cciat i-. I'l the inijotily of persons a distinctive mark of the wiar.r being a geiiileman. It therefore behoves the public to obtain their outfit from houses where only the best material is " made up " with the finvsl workmandiip. .\nnng ihis class of tailoring establishments, the na.iie was founded eleven years a,o, and up to the present h.as enjoyed a pro-perous and flourishing mercantile career. The measurements are taken with {.reat exactness by courteous assistants, and are then passed to "cutters" of long experience in this branch of trade. All wearing mpparcl mide by tlis noted house is remarkable for the nea'ness in fit and elegance of style. Co,its, vests, and trousers are cut to the requirements of the latest fashion, or in accordance with customers" wishes, and are made up with great care, and the best workmanship. All garments are hand- sewn, and are guaranteed free from that "slop-made appearance" that characterises the manufactures of many other houses in this particular line. A number of hands are employed on the |)remises, and in executing the numerous transactions of the business. They are men well versed in al! depaitments of their trade. The firm enjoys a connection of large and prospeioMS extent, and first-class character. The superiority ol their products has obtained for them a patronage of a valuable nature, and the firm's operatiims are substantial and widespread. The proprietary are gentlemen of good social position, and ihei.' habits of sterling integrity and honourable business methods have obtaiiicd for them a character which is only granted to commercial men of high standing in mercantile circles. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 109 Cherry & Smalldridge, Lithographic and Letttr- preas Printers, Paper Bug and Mustard Mannfaoturors, .Seville IM.icc.--In reviewing ihc wnic lii-Kl ol ronuinrii.il iiitt-rosts tlcvclopcd in IrcLind, Ihe ramc .ind operations of tlic linn of Messrs. Cherry & Sni.ill- dridgc stand forth with especbxl nnd crcditalile prominence. The important branches of industry rcj'Hesenlcd by this eslal)lishment arc lithographic, copperplate, and let'erpress prinlinj;, and bookbimling, in aHdition to the manufacture of paper bags and mustard. This business was founded by Messrs. Cherry iV Shielil in a not very pretentious way in the year 1858. The original premi-es occupied were situated in the Lotts, and at first the operations of the liTm were restricted to a local trade, which was so enlarged by the indefaiigable encrg)- of the proprietary th.at it became necesiaiy in the year 1859 to remove to larger and more central premises in Upper Sackville Street. Soon after, Mr. Shield retired from the business, ami a second removal, to meet the growing demands on the resources of the lirm, became imperili> e, and the extensive premises which ihey now occupy were taken in Seville I'lace. .Some years subsequently, Mr. Smalldridge joint d Mr. Cherry in partnership, and .idded to the business a practical knowledge that has inllueiu-cd this industry, in which nearly three humlred peojile arc constantly employed The Seville Steam Works, in which the operations are now carried on covers an immense area, and is fitted up with the most modern and approvetl machinery. The interior presents to the visitor a busy sight. On entering the wide port.als, and glancing round the ground floor, one sees the numerous in.\chines required in the various departments, which consist of 23 lithographic machines, 1 1 letterpress machines, as well as a large number of various other machines used for ruling, lettering, punching, eyeleting, and label-making, perforating, book-stitching, ink- grinding, paging, bronzing, relief-siamping, hydraulic presses, etc. These, oonlrollVd by skilled assistants, are engageil at every description of letter- press and lithogr.Tphic printing, and on every side .are the clerks and assistants passing to and f r > in ilie rajiid tr.insaclion of their duties. The first and most important branch we notice in connection with this p.art of the business is the chromo-lithographing department, in which a large staff of experienced ar:i!.ts are to be seen designing showcaids, traJiis' ptcseiilation almanncis, and coloured illustrations, in the iiroduction of which this lirm is exceptionally successftd, and may be said with truth to be unexcelled. The other plant held includes many thousancy Street are most elaborately lilted and slocked with a large aunrtmcnl of goods ol the description in which the hoii>e trailcs, all of which it is ncolle.-. to add are of the Iw^t mamifarture ami finest quality. The enormouH improve- ment which iif recent years has takrn place in the manufacture of room- papers, is fully exemplified in the valuable stock of these goods held \if Mr. Harris, all of which are far and away aljove the average of what was attainable say thirty years ago, and many of them of the greatest iJeauty in pattern and design. We are largely indebted in this much requirol im- lirovement to the care bestowed in the Government schools of design to this branch art as applicrl to manufacture, as well as to the private enterprise of a certain apostle of taste— Mr. Wdliam Morris— who has done so much lo relieve our homes from the hideously-designed pajiers that usc Plate Glass Insurance Company, for whom he has made a valuable connection in this city. We regret exceedingly that the limited space at our disposal only permits of this brief sketch of what is truly a repr'.senta- tive ho jse in its own line of business ; but, short as it is, we venture to hope it may convey some true if slight impression of the business. We have merely to add that in the estimation of commercial circles the house st.inds second to none, and that it is still well abreast of all competitors, whi!e the proprietor enjoys the esteem and respect, so certainly well earned, of all his lellow citizens. Thomas Dockrell, Sons, & Co., Merchants and Con- trantors. 38 and 39, South Great George's Street.— The premises of Ihls old-established firm are very extensive and cover a large portion of the area lying between South Great George's, Drury, Lower Stephen, and Fade Streets. The firm have a very large trade as window glass, room-pap; r, o'l and colour and cement merchants, builders, and furnishing ironmongers and dealers in gas and water fittings of all kinds. They also undertake t'.e complete decoration and repair of private residences and businesi premis.--. In addition to the waiehous:s and stores, there are large well lighted work- shop; in which are carried on painting, carpentry, glazing, plumbing, gas- fitting and smith work. As an illustration of the large business carried on by the firm, it may be mentioned that their sales of one make of London Portland cement, that of Knight, litvan, & Sturgc, have been over 3:,O0O tons. P. C. Roche, General Warehouseman, 10, Upper George's Street.— One lit the nmsi prominent and welltodo establishments in the whole extent of Upper Geor.;e's Street, is that of Mr. P. C. Roche, gener.il warehouseman. This concern has not been very long o|x;iied, yet by a straightforward system of dealing, coupled with a strict attention lo busi- ness, a la-ge and valuable trade has already been built up. The premise-, which are situated at No. 70, are very commodious and admiralily loca'i-l for the business. The stocks, which are helil in the commo.lions ware ami sale-rooms, are very varied and valuable, and include amongst other items a very large assortment of general house-furnishing, ironmongery, |K-n, pocket, and table cutlery, china, glass, and cUlf waies, chandlery, f.mey ornaments, etc. Everything is of the best cl.iss and quality, and the closest possible attention is paid to see that every order is prompt 'v and satisfactorily executc^l. The Ir.ading connecti'ins are very extensile and valuable, ihe house being well known throughout the country, and Ihe tr.ric itself, from a very mode-it beginning, has steadily cr,'ision of Mr. P. C Roche, who has hail long and practical exiierience \a the business, ami whose sterling qualities and good judgment have won the esteem and support, not only of the commercial community, but also of a very large circle of friends and acquaintances. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. M. E. BSatthews, Court Dressmaker, 49. Upper Sackville Street. — This establishment is one of much consiiier.ilion and of the very highest reputation in the city. Its career was begun some forty years ago in premises on the opposite side of the street to those which it at present occupies, 4% Upper ^'.^ckvi^e Street. The estaMishment, which is situated near the Rotunda and just opposite the Gresham Hotel — one of the best and most frequented hotels in the metropolis — is of extended dimensions, and of most quiet elegance, occupying as it does one of the finest of the many beauti- ful private residences for which this part of the city has been so long famous. The house has been altered as little as possible from its original state, and still retains its beautiful ceilings wrought by the Italian artists who did so much to beautify our city during the latter part of the last century. The noble proportions of its tine rooms and spacious staircases remain intact. The entire ground and drawing-room floors are used as show- rooms, and the exhibition here laid out with the most educated and artistic taste is one which can in no respect be surpassed in Ireland. The 6rst feature that one notices on entering the large and handsome show- rooms, which occupy the upper apartments of the premises, is the display made of tlie various articles, for which the house is famed. Costumes for ever)' occasion, from the simpler walking dress to the more elaborate toilettes required for driving and visiting, for dinner or d.ince, to the still more gorgeous court and wedding toilettes, for which latter the establish- ment has long since made a special renown. Mantles and wraps of every desciibable style and shape, furs from all the quarters of the globe, selected and made up with the utmost care. The very latest conceptions of the principal milliners of Paris. The most magnificent productions of the looms of Lyons, The laces of Belgium, France, Italy, and Ireland. Rich embroideries. Flowers which counterfeit nature herself. Every- thing that taste or art can suggest is to be found here. Should anything be found wanting, Mr. Matthews' agent in Paris will fortliwith endeavour to supply the deficiency. Tiie work-rooms, which have been designed and built for the purpose, occupy the site of the stables of the original house ; a spacious garden, intervening between the two, furnishes plenty of light and air, so necessary and yet so seldom to be found in establishments of this kind. The rooms are lofty and spacious, and considerably more than fulfil the requirements of the Acts of Parliament as to space, air, etc., to be allotted to each worker. Here a large number of workers are kept busily employed in miking up the rich materials which we have already examined in the ware-rooms, in fulfilment of orders, not only from Ireland, but from far-off India and Austr.alia, from America, both North and South, even from Pari; itself, for even in the Capital of Fashion this establishment is known and its work meets with approval. Originally established by the late Mrs. Matthews, the business is continued in her name by her son, under lyhose close personal supervision it is carried on with increasing success. W. r. Wells, M.F.S.Z,, Pharmaceutical Chemist, to, Upper Baggot Street. — The district around Upper Baggot Street is most populous, and is one that affords an excellent field for the business of a dispensing chemist. Of the opportunity thus presented, Mr. W. F. Wells, M. P.S.I. , has fully availed himself in establishing at 20, Upper Baggot Street, a pharmacy for tlie sale of all drugs and chemicals and the compounding of prescriptions that can rival those of any other house of its kind in the city. The connection of the pharmacy, as may be expected from the character of the locality, is most select, and the fullest confidence of all classes is bestowed on the proprietor. Though comparatively not long established, it was found necessary in the year 1888, to meet the growing demands on the house, to rebuild and enlarge the premises occu- pied. The splendid new building consider.ably enhances the architectural beauty of this fashionable district. The internal arrangements arc most complete in every detail, the retail counter and dispensing department (which is separated from the retail) alone have a depth of thirty-seven feet, and are fitted in a very attractive and handsome style, no trouble or ex- pense having been spared to make them as perfect as possible. All poisons are stored in special shaped bottles, aiid arc kept separate from other drugs. On the same floor is a well-appointed laboratory in which the pharm,a- ceutical preparations are carefully made, it being a special feature to pre- pare everything possible on the premises so >is to be in a positiim to guarantee their purity. On the ground-floor is also a large store, where the various Iwjttles us:d are kept, over which are store-rooms where a large stock of drugs, chemicals, and sundries is kept. Cleanliness and order evcr)-where prevail. The total depth of the premises is from front to rear about two hundred feet. In the selection of drugs and chemicals Mr. W. F. Wells has ever taken the greatest care, and in this resjiect his house is much ab-)ve the average. Low class or cheap drugs have little if any medicinal pr)wers, and so in cjscs of illness the use of a good or b.id article oftentimes makes a difference of life and death. In this respect the establiihinent of -Mr. Wells may safely be recommended ; many eminent physicians and surgeons have attested to the purity and superior quality of the drugs and chemicals used in all the medicines compounded in this house. Constant employment is found for five assistants, and the clienli:!e, which embraces all classes of the population, is widespread and extcn ling. All descriptions of patent medicines, home and foreign mineral waters, as Weil ai all toilet and sick-room requisites, medicated lozenges, anil per- fumery, are largely sold at prices as mrxlerate and fair, quality considered, as arc to be had anywhere in the business. 'I'his pharmacy has now been above six years in existence, and through the inan.agemcnt of Mr. Wells in this sliort time it has attained a vcr)' prominent position. Whitsitt & Co., Drapers, 7.;, Thomas Street.— The wholesale and retail establishment of Mes^r^ Whitsitt & Co., being one of the oldest firms in this very stirring thoroughfare, is widely known, and has deservedly gained the confidence of the general public. Several years have come and gone since the institution of this concern, and its history during that time shows a steady and unbroken prosperity. The busi- ness is conducted by Mr. J. Whitsitt, .md his long residence in, and perfect knowledge of the neighbourhood, give him the advantage of providing wares suitable for the wants of his numerous customers. The exterior of the building is bare of decoration, with the excepion of that lent by the windows which occupy the major portion of the frontage. These windows are indeed most artistically and tastefully arranged with a display of seasonable goods, the variety, style, .-ind value of which present an appearance in every way most attractive and pleasing. The interior is lofty and of extended dimensions, and is filled up with simple but neat furniture suitable to the requirements of their business. The variety of articles sold necessitates the employment of a range of counters at cither side, presided over by a numerous staff of experienced assistants, most willing and painstaking in looking after the requirement; of their customers. In one, and, perhaps, the most interesting section, are displayed a really most attractive and fashionable stock of costuiiies, millinery, dress materials, etc., excellent in quality and moderate in price. Blankets, flannels, calicoes, and quilts make a very fine show, and the prices attached are everything considered truly fair and reasonable. Their hosiery, shirt, and glove departments are well worthy of the merit they have gained. A large trade is also transacted in shawls, handkerchiefs, as well as laces, flowers, underclothing, etc. There can be no doubt, so long as the business of this interesting firm is carried on on the same principles as heretofore, their trade will continue to increase and prosper, and in no way suffer from the many dangers to which such a concern is so liable, if not steered with prudence and ability. Patrick Iffaguire, Grocer, 172, North Strand. — The grocery and wine and spirit stores of P.itrick Maguire at the above address have acquired a considerable reputation in the city, and a visit inevitably produces the impression that this reputation is indeed well merited. The position of the shop is most happy, as it is situated in a bread open street in the centre of a populous and rising neighbourhood. The exterior of this extensive building presents an appearance of uncommon attractiveness, being painted a gray stone colour. The interior is of striking cleanliness and beauty. The counters and cases are made from fine pine or mahogany, while the shining scales and weights, and rows of m.ade up sugars, teas, and coffics in the grocery half of the shop, and the marble beer-drawers, slabbed counters, and the multitude of sparkling glasses, and bottles, and decanters in the other half, constitute throughout the whole a dazzling picture of wealth and luxury in this line. The number of h.indi employed is five, and the skill, dexterity, and patience of these are often severely tried by the many customers who crowd the premises, and of whom each expects, indeed oftentimes demands, to be first served and attended to. The house has been now established in this trade for more than forty ye.ars, and for more than half that period has had the good fortune to have Mr. Maguire at its helm. The success and prosperity that has since then attendetl it was the only possible outcome of his extended experience, knowledge, ability, and energy. Harris & Whelan, Saddlers, 4, Westland Row.— The firm of Messrs. H.irris & Whulan (late Leahy & Son), saddle and harness manu- facturers, of No. 4, Westland Row (and late of 12, Brunswick .Street, where they were est.iblished in 1S02), Dublin, is now thoroughly well- known in the city as a first-class house, and one possessing an unsurpassed reputation for the high excellence of their goods and for the superior work- manship used in the manufacture of the various articles turned out by them from time to time. The connection is an influential one, being very extensive and widespread. The house has a very high reputation amongst the gentry and horse-keeping public. The firm received two bronze prize medals, the only ones given to the trade, at the Artis.ins' Exhibition, Dublin, in the year 1SS5. One of these was for harness-making, and the other for s.addlery. There is always a large stock of harness and saddlery in the .shop, which will be found to be m.adc of the best materials with the best workmanship. All orders are carried out with the greatest promptitude and despatch. Horse rugs, saddles, bridles, bits, and every article in a set of harness may be obtained of the best quality, and at the most moderate prices. The business is managed by the proprietors themselves, Messrs. Harris & Whelan, who ably and vigorously conduct the high class and valuable trade. H. Jutton, Print-Seller, Picture-Trame Maker, and Mount-Cutter, 4, -St- .Viidiew's .Street. — A very noleil lioiisr in the picture- frame manufacturing tr.ade is that of Mr. H. Jutton, of 4, St. Andrew's Street, and one which, since its being opened, has enjoyed a very large amount of patronage. Mr. Jutton has been fortunate enough to establish a very im- portant and influential connection in Dublin and throughout the country. Mr. Jutton's premises are fitted throughout in the most careful and t.istclal manner. People have often wondered how it was that frame-makers could continue in the same oUl tracl;, e.speci.ally when there are to be seen such beautiful specimens of mcdi.eval workmanship surrounc 5> 6, 7, 9, and 10. These buildings are where the factory is situated, and where the different kinds of carriages are turned out in such excellent style. The stores, where is always kept a large and well-assorted stock of seasoned timber, are at 6, 7, 8, and 0, Duke Lane. It is most essential that none but the choicest seasoned timber should be used, and Messrs. Colelough are most particular in this respect, with the result that their carriages last well. A very large number of skilled hands is necessarily kept constantly employed in the various branches. Ihey are all expe- rienced workmen and well up in their trade. In fact, Messrs. Colelough make it a rule of engaging none but the very best men, which enables them to keep up the name for superiority in workmanship so long enjoyed by them. Carriages can also be had on hire by the month or year, with option of purchase. Estimates will be furnished and competent men sent to all parts of the country to inspect and value at the desire of customers. The firm issues a catalogue of over forty pai^es, which is most tastefully .and elaborately got up. It contains drawings of the different styles and kinds of caniagcs, carts, and cars, inostly in demand, all numbered, so that Messrs. Colelough will quote price and give full par- ticulars of any carri.age in the catalogue on receiving the number of same. They also publish a little book containing a large number of splendid testimonials from the noliility and gentrj' residing in ditTerent parts of the country, who, one and all, are unanimous in their praise of the lirm, shd of the very high quality of the workmanship and materials. This is good proof of the excellent way in which the house is conducted. No effort is spared to maintain and still further increase the high commerciar reputa- tion not only at home but also in the colonies. The individual members of the firm, in whose h.ancU Ihe active suiM:rvi«ion of the bu«!nMi i< con- centrated, arc well known and higli'y res|)ected in mer. ' : !. * where th''y hold a very high character fur integrity and bu.ii; and the large amount of success that they have obtained u -. ' substantial as it is thoroughly well deserved. Harvey & Co., Veterinary Chemiat^s, 6, Dachclor's Walk, the pr.iprieiors of the famous Veterinary Preparations. — "Harvey's Great Kemedies for the Horse" have established a sviilesprcad and honourable reputation, not only in Ireland but in England and many other parts of the world, for peculiar excellence and efficiency. It is over fifty years since this house was founded. Messrs. Harvey have paid a large amount of skilled, and indeed scientific attention, to the many ills to which horseflesh is heir, and they have consequently produced many remedies which arc unsurpassed in the treatment of equine maladies and injuries. Of thcc the most remark.ible are the .Aconite powders, which are without a rival in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs, such as chronic cough, roaring, whistling, broken wind, and other troublesome complaints. Be- sides this they have produced the " Eradicating worm and condition powders," which are said not alone to be a direct specific for worms in horses, but to promote condition and restore that sleekness of coat and li%-c- liness of carriage which makes the noble animal so beautiful in his usefulness. They arc prepared on the principle that a specific for worms must at the same time be an invigorating tonic, raising the whole tone of the system, which has become debilitated by the ravages of the parasites, and they have been most successful in practice, as numerous testimonials certify. Messrs. Harvey are also the proprietors of a tasteless purging powder called " I'.dos," which has to a large extent superseded physic balls in the same manner as the minute doses of modern medicine have ousted from the field the boluses of old-time /Esculapii. This tasteless physic is readily t.aken by animals in their food, is soluble in fluids, and thus is easily given as a drench to horses that will not feed, and does not gripe a horse as aloes often do. The celebrated Embrocation and Red lotion of the late Mr. George Watts, V.S. , are also in the hands of .Messrs. Harvey & Co., their late partner, Mr. M. S. Small, V.S., having taken them over in connection with the famous veterinary establishment in Auiigier Street from the executors of the late Mr. George Watts in 1S59. The embrocation is an absolute specific for curbs, splints, and all varieties of bony enlargements and callosities. The red lotion is an excellent healing wash, simple to use and exceedingly rapid in its effects. It is a first-cl.iss application for wounds, and unequalled as a detergent for the " foot-and- mouth disease." The numbers of testimonials from all parts of the kingilom held by Messrs. Harvey is sifTicient proof of the estimation in which their remeilies are held by all who have tried them. They have ag;nts in all the principal towns of Great Britain, and their preparations may be had through any chemist in the kingdom. A p.amphlet published by Messrs. Harvey, entitled "The Horse Oivner's Handy Note Book ; or. Common Diseases of Horses and other Animals, with their Remedies," shouUl be read by all owners of equine stock ; it wjU be sent free of charge. It is important to mention that Messrs. Harvey have found it necessary to caution horse owners who purchase their preparations from chemists to see that every bottle and package bears their signature, as imitations are sometimes olTered, and the genuine articles always have their autograph distinctly engraved on the outside wrappers or labels. Messrs. Farmer & Co., Boot Manafactnrers, 9< Capcl Street. — There are tew more representative or highly reputable houses in the boot manufacture than that of Mr. I'arkcr, who trades under the style of Parker & Co., of 9, Capel Street, and with a branch establishment at 2S, Lower Camden Street. With a commercial career extending over fifty years, this firm has a connection and a trade of a prosperous and extensive nature, founded upon the upright and honest lines of manage- ment under which all transactions have been conducted from the com- mencement. The premises in Capel Street are commodious and well fitted with ever)' convenience for the requirements of the extensive stock kept by the firm. All manufactures are made by hand on the premises, every article in the splendid stock being guaranteed to be made in the firm's warehouses and by the firm's own men. The products of this noted establishment comprise ladies' boots and shoes, at from $s. to los. 61/. ; gents' boots and shoes, at from gs. to 20s. ; and every description of children's wear. A beautifully-stitched gent's shoe at 14J., and an Exhi- bition Prize llastic Hoot at Sj. , may be recommended as good wearing articles. A prominent speciality is made of cricket shoes, which arc also made on the premises, tne excellent quality of which is so widely known, that large quantities are purchased by other houses in the trade. Thirty hands arc employed in the manufacture of boots, etc., for this noted firm. The excellence of matciial and the durability of wear, for which they arc so remarkable, have obtained for Mr. P,^rkcr a widely-spread connection and v.aluablc patroiia;;c. Ihe proprietor of this concern is noted for his busi- ness qualificaiions, and there is no more worthy member of the boot trade at the present day than he. As an idea of the extensive ramifications of this cimcern it may be mentioned that the firm undertakes repairing in p.ll branches. The repairs are executed with the best procurable material and the best workmansliip. 112 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. William Martin, Houtc Painter, Church Decorator, an4 Stained Glass Minufacturcr, 18, Stephen's Green.— There is no more ho|)eful sign of the times than the rapid strides made in the decorative arts as applied to architecture. In the present age it is an imperative nece-sity for the business house to appear as attractive as possible, a fact that has as a result, a healthy competition amongst decorators, painters, contiactors, and glass manufacturers. A prominent eslablishment devoted to all the different though kindred branches of trade mentioned above, we need hardly say, is that controlled by Mr. Wiiliam Martin. With nearly forty years' experience in ever}- detail of the operations of his trades, this gentleman inaugurated the businrss associated wiih his name eight years ago. Since then, by the exerc se of his judgment and the highest integrity, he has piloted his establishment into the lirst rank of importance in the industrial affairs of the Irish metropolis. The premises occupied a-e in size and equipments suitable for the transaction of a large and increasing trade. Entering the handsome door which opens to the establishment, the visitor is first attracted by a comprehensive display of wall-papers, which contains many hundred designs ot the most beautiful description. Proceed- ing further on one sees a valuable stock of looking glasses, window-glass, and stained glass. Further back is found an unexcelled stock of pain's, varnishes, leads, oils, colours, and all kinds of painter's requisites. In the central portion of the premises is the splendid show-room, la ely built, and decorated in a- style that practically demonstrates the superiority of the work that can be done by this house. Around the w.alls are painted designs of the different beautiful patterns of decorative painting that have made this establishment's name famous. In this department is also a splendid show of church furniture, to which particular notice is due. We cannot under- stand why it is our clergymen send for inferior articles for their churches to Paris or Belgium, when they can be accommolatci at lower prices with better goods almost at their very doors. However, it is a ple.isure to record that this branch of the firm's operat'ons, though only recently siarted, from the increasing patronage accorded it, primiises to be a decided success. Space will not allow us to give further room to a description of the premises, which we might, by the way, say are from front to rear three hundred feet. We mus", however, mention a lew specialities kept. In the paper depart- ment the designs, after the Adam, Morres, Owen Jones, Jeffrys, Japanese, and Sunbuiy Walton styles, are particularly p'easing to the eye. In the glass department, the "Boudoir .Mirror," price 2is. — which reflects the iuil figure — struck us as just the article to suit the purpose for which it is intended, and as a present for a lady cannot be surpassed ; whilst the lead- light windows, suitable for ecclesiastical and domestic purposes, manu- factured here, seem to speak their own praises in the great demand for them from all parts. In the glass department we also noticed the exceptionally low prices of plate-glass for shop windows and private dwellings, whilst tlie stained glass for screens, etc., seemed unexcelled in value. The operations of the decorating departments cannot be fairly estimated from what is to be seen in the ware-rooms. It is the work that has been done by the skil'ed hands of the house throughout the country that has gained what might be truly termed an undying reputation for it. Two examples of the handiwork of Mr. Martin's concern are seen in the decoration of the Cathedral, Marl- boro" Street, which commands the highest artistic admiration, and th; decoration of the new church of the Oblate Fathers at Stillorgan, which has been made beautiful by the skilful work of the firm under notice. In addition to ecclesiastical decorating, the firm commands a lar^e business with the commercial houses in the city, whose premises they renovate, decorate, and piint, as well as the patronage of the principal property owners in the ciiy and county. It may be imagined from what has lieen stated, that the staff em^jloyed could number never less thin one humlred and fifty workmen, who are selected from the most competent in the r re-pective trades. Mr. Will am Martin personally superintends the mawy details appertaining to the different branches of his business, and it is to his enterprise and energy that this establishment was raised to its present proud position. Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Lewers, Ladies' Outfitters, Baby- Linen, Chlldron's Dress, etc., 67, Grafton .Street. — \. very important house au'l ciiic that i-. widely known and extensively p.ilronised, is that of Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Lewers, which is specially devoted to the supply of ladies' outfits, biby-Iinen, ann to the large and daily increasing circle of its customers, reflects the highest credit on the enterprise and business capicity of its much respected proprietors. The arrangements made for th-^ comfort and convenience of the ladies patronising the house with their custom are altogether admirable, and speak eloquently for the judgment used in their designing. The warehouse is furnished with comfortable seats, and well s ipplied with niTrors, etc., while private compartments are reserved for the measuring or fitting on of articles of underclothing. Especial care and atten'ion has been judiciously liestowed upon the selection of the stock of baby-linen, which includes infants' shirts, chemises, bibs, and a w hole host of other useful items which go to make the outfit of those tiny mor^,els of humanity. Babies' dresses are also strongly represented, .and include cos'umes of every description, from those of the more costly hand- embroidered patterns down to th >se of the plainest character and more moderate price. All the a-ticles, or mostly all, are manufactured on the premises, an arrangement which possesses the obvious recommendation of ensuring a superiority of workmanship which is not often obtained when the work is executed .iway from the direct supervision of the principals of the house. All orders entrustel to Mr. & Mrs. Lewers receive at their hands the closest and bast attention, and are executed in a manner which cannot fail to give satis''action to their customers, and reflect credit and reputation on their establishm-nt. The circle of Mr. & Mrs. Lewers' business connection includes within its circumference the names of families of the first distinction in Dublin society, and whose pitronage is in itself one of the highest testimonials a house co.dd receive. We much regret thit the United nature of the space at our disposal does not permit us to enter as fully as we could wish into something like a detailed description of the general stock of goods ; but it is for th's and other obvious reasons impossible that we can do so. We w luld, however, strongly recommend persons in want of articles like those we have just briefly' tried to epitomise, to pay a visit to Mr. and Mrs. L-wer's house and judge for themselves. We can at any rate guarantee thit, be they pur- chasers or nit, the courtesy and civility sho*n to them will b-; still the same, whether by either of the highly respected principals, or by the large and attentive s aff of assistants. There is no house in the retail ira-le, of its stindiiig, which is better patronised, 01 whic'n bears among commercial cUsses a higher character for integrity. T. & Ki. Dowse, Auctioneers anil Laud "Valuers, House nnd Estate Agents, loo, Middle .■\bbey Street. — .\ very well- ktiown firm of auctioneers and valuers is that of Messrs. T. & R. Dowse, who for many years have carried on a very prosperous and thriving busi- ness at the above address. F-tablished ab nit the year 1S4S, .Me-srs. Dowse have long rnjoyed the highest popularity in their important line of business, hiving been successful in fonmnj a connection of the most influential character not merely in Dublin and its suburbs, but all over the length and breadth of Ireland. Messrs. Dowse's establishment occupies very commodious premises at No. 60, .Middle Abbey Street, at which locality their offices are situated ; the latter being very tastefully fitted throughout in a manner suitable to the high-c'ass character of their basi- ness. The high rei>iitation which this well-known firm achieved at a very early period of therr career h is been fully maintained during the forty years they have been prominently before the public, the members of the firm individually taking the greatest trouble to secure the most perfect satisfac- tion of the clients who have extended their patronage to the house. The pro^'ssion of an auctioneer is one which requires the possession of special q lalitie , those of business ta..t and good address being particularly requisite. Many of the transactions, in which a firm cnga;ed in this line ol Inisiness is called upon to take a part in, require the greatest delicacy of mauipulatiim. Since the •' Laul Law, Ireland, Act, iSSi," was passed, this fiirn has devoted the greater part of their time and energy to the settlement of "fair rents" under that Act, having been retained by some of the largest and most influential landlords owning property in Ireland ; they have also acted largely for tenants, and during the past seven years they have valued or re adjusted the rents on some 7,000 farms to the eminent sa isfaction of their emjiloyers. They have also h.ad the high distinction of being called on by the Land Ju.lges to readjust the rents on property in the Landed Estates Court, while to landlord and tenant alike their principle having been a "live and let live" rent, amicable settlements have stamped theirlabours with the approval of both sides. In probate viluations this firm has had a large experience and infl lenlial connec.ion both in England as well as Ireland. The bu^ness which Mis.rs. T. S: R. Dowie have carried on wi h such eminent success for the past forty years has thrown them largely into the sot^icty of " all sorts and conditions of men," and it speaks highly for the char.acter the firm bears that they have at all times acrpiitted themselves in the carrying out of their instruc- tions in a manner which has proved them to possess ihc highest business a'.taininents. anrl given universal gra ificalion to their enq)loyers. We regret not being able, owing to the limited nature of oirr space, to give more than this hasty sketch of a firm which ranks deserveilly high in its special line of business. We need n t dwell on the I'.igh commerci.il repute of inis firm, but we mu>t, in conclusion, willingly bear testim uiy to the able and cflicient management of the business. INDUSTRIES OF DUni.IN. "3 Mr. J. Thornton, Frait Mercliant and Florist, 6^, Grafton Street. — IVrli.ips in the whole r.inRe of comnierci.il pursuits it woulil be (lilficiilt to select a calling whicii, (mm its purely ;vsthctic point of view, is more disiinclly and emp)i.iiically atir.ictive than that of the fruit merchant anti florist, liiought by his tr.ade into the closest connection with the most beautiful am 'ng the bounteous jrifts of nature to man, the florist anil fruiterer must almost insensibly have his nature mouMeil into some kind of harmony "'ilh his surrounilinps. And though, no doubt, sordid cares and the troubles and worries incidental to business life are here experienced as well as in other associations, the pursuit i>f wealth is subjected, almost imperceptibly, to a certain ameliorat- ing and refining inlluence to which other i ride- or lines of bu'-incss are of necessity strangers. In the 11 iral branch of the business particularly, there is so much taste and skilled judgment re(|uired in the making up of floral crosses, wreaths, and bouquets, that it may almost be said to |)artake of the nature of an art ; and certainly the skilful qrouping of flowers, managing the combination of tlic varied anil lovely colours, and so disposing of the whole as to secure the most tasteful ilis|>Iay of their many shades of loveli- ness, is a labour of love which a true artist would be the last to dcprec ate or despise. We are leil naturally to the consideration of this suhject in having to notice the establishment of Mr. J. Ihointon, of 63, CIrafton Street, who carries on this charming business at that address. The premises occupied by this gentleman are very extensive, and arc most tastefully and exipiisitcly fitted, as the nature of his calling would suggest. Established about twenty years ago, Mr. Thorntim soon found himself in the very foremost ranks of those who were engaged in this line of business ; and during the lengthened period that has since elapsed, he has been enabled to form a connection which, from its influence, and the distin- guished character of some of the personages forming it, at the present moment places him at the head of the trade in Ireland. The stock of fruit at Mr. Thornton's house is always of the very highest character and hment being perfect marvels of the art. In this branch of his busi- ness a very extensive tr.ide is done, his house supplying the c'lile of Dublin society with bouquets for ball or bridal, all of which are most deserveiily admired. All those bouquets are only made to order, and the greatest satisfaciion is invariably expressed, not merely with the articles themselves, but with the punctuality with « hich the orders are attended to. Another branch of the business is the sujiplying of floral wreaths and crosses tor funerals, etc., and here likewise a large custom exists, i^e fashion having very largely increased in recent years. To give our readers some idea of the distinguished nature of Mr. Thornton's connection, we may mention that besides supplying the aristocracy and nobility of Dublin, he has the much coveted honour of being appointed by special warrant fruiterer and florist to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales (the only one in Ire- land), H.R.II. the Duke of Connaught, His lixcellency the Lord Lieu- tenant, His Serene Highness I'lince Edward of Saxe-Weimar, the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant, and to the olTicers' messes of Her Ma- jesty's forces in Ireland. -Mr. Thornton received the medal of the Royal Horticultural Society at their May Show in 1SS6, for a special and very choice show of vegetables and fruit, and holds similar valuable testimoni.ils from other bodies. In conclusion, we can only add one testimony to the universal re-pect in which Mr. Thornton is held by all classes of his fellow- citizens, among whom, one and all, he is deservedly popular. ■William Green & Son, Tarning, Twisting, and Band- Sawing Works, 9 and 10, Loftus Lane, Capcl Struct. — rurnciy and its kindred accomjianiments have long held a jirominent and active position in the industrial operations of Ireland. At the b-ginning of the nineteenth century and many years prior to the introduction of the valuable agency of steam, the village turner occupied a popular place in the ranks of the mechanics of Ireland. Labouring under difl[i:ullies which few woultl venture to encounter in those days of mechanical skill and inventive genius, he pursued his operations, apparently free from any embarrassments, with the aid of his chisel and ihe apparatus which it would be an abuse of mechanical language to designate by the name of a lathe. Modern days have provided society with a vast iniproveinenl on the possessions of those times, and in no house in Ireland is this progress more exemplified than in the well-known cslabli-hment of William Cirecn & Son, situated at 9 and 10, Loftus Lane, Capel Street. This concern has seen many vicissitudes in the operations of this trade since it wan established about seventy years ago by Mr. William (Ircen, the father of the present proprietor. After many years of successful operations the originator of the business tiKjk his son, the present proprietor, into partnership, and under their joint management the cone rn was carried on under the style tnti title of William (ireen & .Son, by which it is known at the present day. At the commencement, it is ncefUess to say that mechanism had not attained the degree of perfection and clalxiration that char.icterises it today. It is therefore rca'-onable to infer that the producing powcn of the business h,ad not then possessed the same facilities they have now commanded. However, it is on record that no house in the trade bore a higher repuf.ation for the superiority and general excellence of its productions. This high standard of perfec ion has improved under the exigencies of more favourable circumstances, and with the fncililici provided by high-class machinery and oth'-r noteworthy features, tlie productions of the house stand second to none in the kingdom. In turnery, twisting, and band-sawing, the concern has gained a reputation that is more than national. Hy submitting models, turning and twisting of the most intr cate character arc executed with the greatest neatness, despatch, and precision, that are synonymous with the name of William (Jiccn tS; Son. The premises are of moderate dimensions, and the fittings and appliances are of the latest and most improved pattern. The machinery is worked with powerful steam-engines, and in every respect the concern is a model of completeness and regularity. Employment is provided to close on a dozen men, and these are allowed to include some of the most care^il and skilled artisans in Dublin. The interests of the patrons of the establishment are fully and faithfully considered, and the large orders that arrive at the premises daily from all parts of Ireland are sufficient evidence of the satisfaction that is given. Under the ca cful and well- disciplined management of Mr. Richard (ireen, the destinies of a popular and old business house are safe, and scrupulous accuracy and general superiority will be adhered to. McDowell Bros., Jewellers, 'Watchmakers, and Manu- facturers of Iilsh Ornaments, 27, Henry Mrcet, an 1 39 and 42, L .»er O'Connell Street, and 10, >outh Great (Je.rges Street.— One of the ol lest and most respectable es'alilishments connected with the great industry with which its name has so long and so honourably been associated, is that of Messrs. McDowell liros., who occupy handsome and commodious premises at the above address s. Founded now more than forty years ago, the house has long enjoyed the utmost popularity among all classes of the citizens o.' the Irish metropolis, and has, during its long and prosperous career, formed a connection which may compare with that of most houses in the trade. The premises occupied by iMessrs. .McDowell Bros., in Henry Street, are rather square in form, the handsome frontage measuring about twenty- three feet across, and the interior decoration, fittings, and appointments, having been conceived and carried out in the best possible taste. The slock is large and valuable, and comprises a number of high-class clocks and watches, all of the firm's own manufacture, and reflecting the highest credit on the skill and workmanship of the makers. Some of the watches made for ladies' use we part cularly noticed, and were much struck by the beau'y and elegance of their design, and the admirable quality of their finish. We knoiv it is the fashion to praise loudly the workmanship of Parisian makers in this especial line, and we are not going to say a word against a nation like the French, who have certainly in the fullest degree this gift of artistic perception and execution which we denominate taste; but we venture to aflirm, without fear of contradiction, that there are watches in the stock of Messrs. McDowell Bros., and manufactured by themselves moreover, which in point of elegance, beauty of design, taste, or call it what you will, are quite equal to any m.idc either in Paris or elsewhere on equal terms. Among the clocks there are some beautiful designs in drawing-room c'ocks, conceived and executed in the highest style of art, and at prices marvellously mi^derate. We also noticed srme handsome and new designs in eight-day English hall clocks, which .struck us as being excellent both in design and workmanship. The firm, like- wise, have a large assortment of wood and marble dining-room clocks. Besides their comprehensive assortment of timepieces, .Messrs. McDowell Bros, arc distinguished as manuTacturers of bog-oak ornaments, which are becoming more and more appreciated in the h'ghest circles, and certainly the beautiful designs in this aitistic line of jewellery turned out by this firm deserve the patronage that is accorded to them. The beautiful settings in Connemara marble are now to be best seen decorating the c'lile of the drawing-room or promenade. In particular the splendid brooches, earrings, and hand rings, set with their Irish diamonds, call for the highest encomiums from the artistic world. .As presents for friends abroad we know of no more useful ani applicable articles that will revi\e in the exile's breast the love for the old laud. In addition to the speciali- ties already mcniioned, Me-srs. McDowell Bros, have also a vancd supply of articles of jewellery, such .as fine gold earrings, brooches and bracelets, aid gem, keeper, and all other sorts of rings. Another branch of the trade is that of silver and electro plated sugar-bowls or basins, ewers, tea-pots, cruet-stands, and other articles for the tea or diningtable. The firm are exhibiting a stand of Irish made jewellery at the London "Irish Exhibi- tion," and employ about fifteen hands in carrying on their important busi- ness. We shall here take leave of .Messrs. McDowell Ibos.' very prosperous house, merely remarking by way of conclusion that the firm are popular among the Dublin commercial classes, anl are widely esteemed (or the honourable way in which they conduct their business. 114 LVDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. ,^S?^ Jury's Hotel, College Green, of the most famous he tels of the city of tinct and distinguished as that enjoyed lishment, foundtu upwards of fifty years ago, has at- tained its present mognilude and im- portance solely through the fulfil- ment of the com- mendable efforts to make it a beau ideal in its line. The pre- mises may well be ranked amongst the structural concerns that combine im- mensity with archi- tectural beauty. They are in close proximity to the Bank of Ireland. Some idea of its enormous dimen- sions may be had when we state that thelargeblock taken upis in front fully too feet, and has a side extension of not less than 150 feet. The interior arrangement lacks nothing to be found in the modern hotel, and the orga- nisation existing h perfect . The capat ity of the house may be estimated from the fact that it has smoking, billiard, and re-iding rooms. It has not fallen to the lot of many Dublin to maintain a reputation so dis- by Jury's Hotel. This notable estab- ■ffS : M ^'*iWft^?- '^WW^: over 100 bedrooms, dining, sitting, The bedrooms are carefully attended and weU aired, in addition to being furnished luxuriously and most com- fortably. In the same manner no false economy is recognised in the splendid articles of use and ornament that decorate the sitting-rooms, whilst the commercial and billiard rooms have every requisite for the business or pleasure of the nu- ~ .; y "-'-: ' ; ' i-'r ' = ' ^" .~ v^: - •" — - ■ " ^"'''^ merous gentlemen "' ■ ■ who stop here. The reading-room con- tains all the leading daily papers and newest published works of literature, and a soothing pipe or aromatic cigar can be enjoyed thoroughly in an exceptionally well- fixtured smoking- room. The cooks have proved them- selves true artists, and have nobly sus- tained the good name and creditable title of the establish- ment. Visitors to Dublin, private and commercial, who throng this house never fail to find within its walls the proverbial Irish hospitality, which coupled wilhlhe re- finement and lu.xury to be had here is sure to make "life worth living." The afi'iiirs of the hotel are ably adminis- tered by the proprietor, and the enterprise and energy shown in the conduct of the business has brought the establishment into deserved prominence. Telegraphic address ; "Jury, Dublin." m J. Maloney, Costume Manufacturer, 45, Henry Street.— For .about twenty years -Mr. J. Maloney ha. successfully carried on the business of manufacturing ladies' costumes and aiticles of dress, and during that period his house has e.arned the reputation of being one of the first in its special line. This reputation has not been idly earned, as the most indefatigable energy and perseverance has been displayed in rendering tlie management of the business as perfect as possible, and in supplying to the customers favouring the establishment with their patronage, articles which in quality and workmanship shoulii be able to stand comparison with the goods of the first houses in London or Paris. Starting on these general principles, Mr. Maloney has been equally zealous in matters of detail, with the result that the house is not only one of the most successful in Dublin, but is also one of the best managed in the trade. The premises occupied by the house at the above address are very commodious, and possess the distinct advantage of a pleasing and attractive frontage. The establish- ment would prob.ably measure in its frontal width some eighteen or twenty feet ; and its interior, from front to rear, about one hundreil and ten. The fittings and ajipointments generally have been got up regardless of cost, and dispby very considerable taste and judgment from the dual points of view of utility and attractiveness. During the twenty years he has been cng.Tged in this lucrative and respectable line of business, Mr. Maloney has been fortunate enough to form a very large and important business connection, including names mixing in the higliest and most fashionable circles in Dublin, and has had the gratification of knowing that the work supplied has given the most universal satisfaction. All sorts and descrip- tions of ladies' costumes are here nnnufactured, the materials used being of the finest quality procurable in the markets, .and. it is unnecessary to say, of the latest patterns or designs in the various fabrics. Walking diesscs, dresses for evening or dinner wear, as well as cloaks, mantles, and ulsters, arc all manufactured in the establishment ; and a large and valuable stocl: is held, comprising an assortment of articles of the description just named, which is of a most irreproachable character, and which probably few other bouses in Dublin could equal. The arrangements in the esablishment are very complete, every care being taken in lookirg after the comfort and convenience of ladies using the house, by the provision of seats and lounges, mirrors, chcviil glasses, etc. The most noticeable feature in ihe house is, however, perhaps, the extensive workshops, in which the work of manufacturing the costumes is carried on, all the articles being made on th;: premises. In this department provision had to be made for the very larjjc number of eighty odd hands, all of whom, be it parenthetically remarked, are females ; yet everything goes on as smoothly as clock- work, and the healthy appearance ni those employed testifies in an eloquent manner to the care ami trouble evidently taken in providing for their comfort. We have, however, stronger testimony than mere ap- j>caraaces, which may now and again be deceptive, if such is needed, in the flattering report of the Government Inspector of Factories, who, in praising the general arrangements, and particularly 'he admirable way in which the workshops are ventilated, paid to Mr. Maloney a very well-deserved com- pliment. It is in such first-class establishments as this -.ve are just describing, the strongest roots of national commercial greatness are most firmly planted, and if there are many heads of houses in the country, as we sincerely hope and believe there are, possessing the same enterprise, energy, and aptitude for business as its deservedly respected proprietor, there need be little fear for the future prosperity of Irish commerce. Th.it a house in the comparatively short time elapsing since its foundation should have achieved the honourable position so deservedly held by Mr. Maloney's house is not merely a matter of congratulation for that gentleman himself, but is a cause of pride and credit to the tr.ide, with which for the twenty years of its existence it has been so credit.ibly associated. In t.iking leave of the interesting subject of this truly representative and flourishing Dublin house of business, we can only regret being unable to enter as fully as we could wish to do into the details of the business, and afford our readers a glimpse at the inner workings of the bu.sy hive of female industry in Henry Street, but we are compelled here to abbreviate our remarks. We will, however, in conclusion, merely .add that amopg the mercantile classes in Dublin, Mr. Maloney is thoroughly esteemed and rtspected for the way in which he has respected the principles of integrity and mercantile honour directing his conduct, and which has rendered him popular among all classes of his fellow citizens. The Express Laundi*y, 87, Mailborough Street. — Mrs. Mary Lynch, the esteemed proprietress of this vigorous and going concern, has attained her present position in the laundry world of Dublin by her prompt attention to business and the despatch of orders entrusted to her, for .Mrs. Lj nch has been established at S7, Marlborough Street for the last six years, and her enterprise has reached such a pitch of success that she now employs- n) less than thirty hands on her premises. With this large staff it in.ay be readily understood th.at .she is able to execute the work entrusted to her with admir.able facility and punctuality. It may be here adverted to, that in Mi's. Lynch's establishment no chemicals of any descri])tion are used. What this means need not be insisted. upon. The use of chemicals in a bundiy simply means the destruction of whatever articles of linen are sent there. In Mrs. Lynch's establishment, the only cleansing agents used are jjure soap and pure water, and these applied by the vigorous arms of her assistants, quickly expel the ilirt and give to all articles their original fresh, ness and cleanliness of appearance. Anoihtr recommendation which must not be forgotten is that .Mrs. Lynch'u establishment is conveniently situated for .all purposes. Mrs. Lynch has enjo>ed a long and highly prosperous career, and has every promise of its continuance. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. i'S T. J. O'Keill, Family Grooer, Tea, Wine, and Spirit and Provision Mcrohont, <>2, Lowir Dorset Sirccl. — The great develop- nuiit lli.il li.is lakcii [ilace within the past twenly years — or we may say fifteen — in the noilhcrii siile of Dublin, is a most reassuring sign of hope to these who are likely to be depressed by the wliobsale chatter of pessiniisiic jargon. Only a comparatively few years ago the site occupied by Mr. CVeiU's extensive and handsome grocery ami provision establishment w.as little better than a piece of waste land, and at the moment when we write it has been occu|>ied on all sides by neat and well designed houses spread- ing all over the district, and including the Drumcondra, ClonlilTc, and Glasnevin township. There is a considerable amount of wisdom in select- ing .is the site of a ncsv business a district only just springing up, in preference to starling in traile in some older locality where the rents are neces-^arily higher, and the competition of older estabfiOied houses has to be reckonetl with. During the comparatively short period that Mr. T. J. O'Neill has been in business he must have had ample food for congratu- lation on the subject of the selection of his site, a large and rapidly increas- ing connection h.avinglong since been formed. Mr. U'Neill's establishment is situated at 62, Lower Dorset Street, next lo the canal bridge, and i, St. Ignatius Road, and the re.irs of the houses, 60 and 61, Lower Dorset Street, and also stores and stables at 43, Belvedere Road. The establishment, which was founded some eight years ago, is a very handsome edifice, doing much credit to its architect, Mr. F. Morley, C.E., and the contractor, Mr. M. Moran, of Lower Dorset Street. On this handsome house, the frontage of which is of cut stone, Mr. O'Neill has laid out over two thousand pounds, and the result is, that the house is one of the most attractive in the neighbourhood. The interior is equally expensively fitted, much taste having been displ.aycd in the appointments, etc., and everything done to .add to the convenience of the customers, and to the efl'eclive display of the large and v.aluable stock. Since its inception, Mr. O'Neill's establish- ment has achieved a very high reputation for the excellent quality of its goods, and has received a very generous recognition from all classes of the denizens of the district. A special reputation has been earned for the excellent quality of the tea which the house supplies, Mr. O'Neill being fully alive to the importance of this branch of tr.ade, and keeping only the finest selections in his stock. This stock, which is both large and varied, has been most carefully got together, and purch.ased in the best markets for cash, and with an adniir,able display of judgment ; so that he is able to supply the requirements of the most diverse and exacting t.istes among the lovers of "the cup that cheers." The general stock, which is of a most comprehensive character, includes every article of grocery usually to be procured at first-class grocery establishments, and comprises sugars in the raw and refined states, coffee, cocoa, rice, barley, and all those other familiar articles of domestic consumption or use. The Provision and Italian Depart- ments are replete with every article necess.ary for the doing of a first-class business. Besides these, the very attr.ictive departments of dried and pre- served fruits, jams, jellies, etc., are well represented ; all the articles being of the most superior quality and procured only from the first houses in the wholesale trade. As wine merchant, Mr. O'Neill keeps a very select stock, including some fine old port and sherry — the latter from a light and palat.ible dinner wine, pale or goMen, to the most expensive brands. At the rear of the premises arc large bottling houses, where operations are carried on in bottling Guinness & Co.'s stout and Bass & Co.'s ales, wines, etc., in which a large trade is being done ; and as all the cpei-ations are carried on thus, on the premi>ej anil under the personal supervision of the proprietor, he is able to guarantee not merely the purity but also the per- fect condition of every bottle leaving his horrse. Again in whisky — which is a specialty with the house — Mr. O'Neill is able to offer his customers some very old Irish and Scotch whisky, the latter being of Messrs. J. Jameson & Son's manufacture. Taken altogether, the establishment at Lower Dorset .Street is a very thriving and worthy one, and fully deserves the Iiber.il patronage and support it has received since its commencement. It is unnecessary for us to add that Mr. O'Neill is very generally respected for his able management among business circles, and that the house bears a high name for stability. James P. Carr, Irish and American Provisions, 22, Merchant's Quay.— About a year .ago, Mr. Jas. P. Carr, a gentleman whose experience of busirress extends over many years, and h.as had opportunities of displaying itself in more than one continent in the new and in the old world, opened an establishment at 22, Merchant's Quay, in the wholesale Irish and American provision trade, in which he does a very large business all over Ireland. The LilTey is remarkable for the be.auty of the' buildings, by the feet of which flow its dark and muddy waters. As a person advances from its mouth and follows its course up-stream, he will catch a p.assing glimpse of the Custom House, Bank, Trirrity, the Rolund.1, .and the KouV Courts. Opposite this latter famous temple of justice, he may perceive an immense four-storeyed building which rears itself above all the neighbouring edifices. This is the famous provision stores of Mr. Carr. The outside decoration is, indeed, in the best t.aste and most striking beaulv. The colour of the vast pile of masonry is light blue, and on this beautiful ground are raised two symbolic representations of the two countries wh ise products arc sold within. The one representing the "New World" consists of the national flag raised in red .and blire, while the harp raised in green and gold stands for the "Emerald Isle." Arourtd both arc twined sprays of the national emblem, and the whole forms one of the most attractive and plea.sing features in the metropolis. The business, which is moht cxtcnvive, IS chiefly done in Irish and American provision, all the finest qualities and brands, consisting of hams and bacon of all the different cuts, of long and short clean, long rib, Cumberland cut, etc., suitable for city and country Ir.ide. The very great facilities afforded by the river of sending consign- ments by steamer, cause an evident increns<' in the busir.ess done with such distant parts of the country as lielf.xst, Waterford, and Cork, and in con- sequence enable the prices of this establishment lo tx: always considerably under those charged by other such firms in the city. The managerial qu.ilities of Mr. Carr arc, it goes without saying, beyond question, and the untiring perseverance and far-reaching energy he has always displayerl, m.-iy inileeil be held accountable for the major part of the success of the house of which he is the able manager and worthy owner. Anderson & Adams, Pharmaceutical Chemists, etc. (J. E. lirunker, .\I.A.T.( '. D., I'resuiunt i;f I'.S. I.), 6S, (.raf'on Street. Among the great houses carrying on business as pharmaceutical chcmLsts, there is none which more justly takes high rank in the profession than the old and highly respectable firm trading under the name of Anderson & Adams. This well-known house was established in the year 1832, and during the course of the whole fifty-six years in which it has l>cen promi- nently before the public, has eanied the very highest reputation, and obtained the warnwst recognition from all monng in the mo-t aristocratic and influential circles in Dublin society. The house occupies handsome and attractive premises at 68, Grafton Street, and is most tastefully .and elegantly fitted, as becomes its high-class trade. From its very inception the establishment gained a name among the higher medical practitioners in this city for the purity and excellence of the drugs used in the compounding of prescriptions, and for the promptitude with which prescriptions were made up, as well as the punctuality of their delivery at the residences of patients; and from this, if from no other cause, became worthy of the patronage so generously bestowed upon it. This good name the house has never for an irrstant endangered, and it stands as highly now in the estima- tion of professional men and the public generally as it did at any time during the p.ast six-and-fifiy years. It speaks highly for the skill and business capacity of its distinguished and highly respected proprietor that this should be the case, and augurs well for the future prospects of the establishment. The establishment contains a large and valuable slock of chemicals and drugs used in the preparation of medical prescriptions, all of which arc of the purest and finest description, neither judgment nor capital having been spared in making ihe assortment as complete as possible. The establishment, also, is well slocked with a varied assortment of instru- ments and surgical appliances, such as are generally to be found in high- class establishments of this description, all of which arc of the finest quality and of the latest invention or improvement. Beside; the drugs and chemicals, the firm are large importers of eau-de-Cologne and other scents and perfumes, besides— what is almost a specialty with the house— fo eign mineral waters. These latter are those generally ordered by medical men in certain cases, and are not generally to be had among the ordin.ary class of chemists' establishments. Dublin has long been famous for the possession of high-class houses of this description, comparing, indeed, f.rvourably in this respect with other cities and large towns ; and it is highly to the credit of the old-establishtd house forming the subject of our notice that, despite the fierce competition everywhere to be encountered, it has been able to maintain for so many years the position of prominence, not to say ascendency, it undoubtcdly'holds. Much of the success attending the house in the present period of its career is due to the skilful manage- ment and high professional attainments of the gentleman who at present and for many years has controlled its destinies. Mr. J. E. Brunker, M. A.T.C. D. , and president of the Pharmaceutical Society, the prestnl highly- esteemed principal of the house, is a gentleman long and widely known to the medical profession, and one whose name is quite sufficiently a gitarantce for the high respectability of any establishment with which he might lie connected. His long experience and high professional reputation has largely aided in still lurthcr widening the important circle of the house's business connection, and ensuring the support and confidence of rdl ils^ customers. The business regulations of the house are excellent, and every- thing is done that can be done lo ensure the smooth and easy working of the heavy tr.ade carried on. All accounts are furnished quarterly, namrly, at the end of March, June, September, and December ; an arrangement which must prove most signally convenient to the customers, while ensurin" the interests of the house itself. If, however, no account is opened, the transaction is looked upon in the light of a cash transaction, and the goods supplied are expected to be paid for within one week, and accounts are accordingly furnished to avoid their being overlooked. The firm very properly give notice on their printed matter of these sahit.ary regulations, thereby doubtless preventing many thoughtless persons from taking a wholly unnecessary oflence on being prest'nled with their .account at the end of the week or quarter. We may just add in conclusion that no house in the retail drug trade in Dublin bears a higher reputation for stability among commercial circles, or is more fully 'looked up to and respected for its honourable methods, anil the high sense of commercial. integrity and honour distinguishing its management. Tl6 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. writ ^ A\ ^ K ij A © £_w Q) mMi Thomas W. Doyle, Coach. Builder, 30 and 30%, Upper Abhey Street. — The co.-ich-liuilding trade forms a branch of the highest im- portance, widespread re- putation, and vii;orous, flourishing, and well-sus- tained existence among the numerous Irish in- dustries. An eminent house engaged in this line is the important estab- lishment of Mr. Thomas \V. Doyle, situated at 30 and 30^4, Upper .Ablny Street. It is now many years since this eminent factory was founded, and during that period of existence it has made rapid progress. It occu- pies a splendid position in a tine business tho- roughfare, and is centrally located in one of the first commercial districts nf the city. The premises consist of two largo iluee- storeyed houses, moiilied into oneextensive factory, with spaciousshow-iooms for the exhibit of niuip- ages, and a welladjutcd counting-house. These are respectively fitted up in most modern and at- tractive style, with h.inJ- some appointments, and are beautifully arran;;ed. The show-rooms contain a valuable and fas'iion- able stock of eq-.iipnges ^ carriages in variety, phaetons, waggonettes, covered cars, outside jaunting cars in mo t fashionable designs, cabs, etc. Some of the most admirable, substantial, and fashion- able specimens of that favouriteone horse-power Irish roadster, " the Irish jaunting car,"tobe found on cab and car stands of the city, have been turned out from this celebrated faclory. Mr. Doyle has also been appointed con- tractor to Her Majesty's Government forthem.-inu- facture of Irish jaunting cars. There is a largely inereasingdemand arising inall partsof thekingilom for the elegant, anistic, and fashionable equipages manufactured at this es- tablishment. The con- cern is personally superin- tended by the deservedly popular proprietor, a gen- tleman of piactical and long exijerience, and pos- sessing the eminent qua- lifications of inveniive genius in mechanical art, superior taste, persever- ing industry, and pains- taking attention to the interests of his patrons. Under these inHuences, this celebrated firm has ri-en to an eminent rank, and successfully main- tains its position amongst in all 5t)les and des'gn^, including family | the many manuf;tcturlng enterprises of the kingdom. B.0SS, Miirray tc Co., Engineers, FlamVers, Iron and Brais Fonoders, etc., tto, 9lr92, and 03, Middle Abbey Street. — 1 here is certainly n.> huuse in the wholesale plumbing and brass-founding line of business which can claim precedence of the celebrated establishment which forms the subject of our review. A most thoroughly represenlaiive house, in a hi<;h'y important tiade, the firm of Ross, Murray & Co. have long enjoyed a position of pre-eminence among the great commercial establishments of which Dublin is so justly proud. Founded just fifty years ago, the firm of Ross, Murray & Co., by their own close attention to business, and by the admirable character of the work they performed as plumbers, brass and iron founders, and sanitary engineers, soon established a name, and gained a popularity which they have maintained undisturbed down to the pie ent moment. The premises occupied by this old and highly respectable firm are situated in Middle Abbey Street, and are of a large extent, and running aw.ay from Abbey Street, in which their frontage lies, to Prinres Street in the rear. These splendid premises are fully fitted with all the requirements and appliances necessary for a trade conducted on a scale of the greatest m.agnilude, and aie magnifiontly stocked with a supply of materials of every description, such as are used in plumbing and sanilary operations. The trade of the house is both whole- sale and retail and extends all over Ireland, contracts of the largest kind being taken on, and cariicd out by the firm with the greatest artment, anil are doing a large trade in this line. Krom the foregoing brief enumeration ol some of the operations ciirricd on, the reader will be able to form an idea of the management that must be required in the control of such an industry. Of such an establishment as that of Poss, Murr.iy & Co. any city might well be proud. The connection of the fi'm, which, as we have stated, extends all over Ireland, embraces all the most wealthy and influential classes, the firm sending dov\n from Dublin batches of workmen under ex- perienced foremen to perform work at the mansions of country gentle- men. We wish it were within the scope of our article to enter as fully as we could wish into a further and more detailed account of this great hive of human industry; but the limited nature of the space at our control, and which in our absorption of the subject we fear we have already exceeded, prevents us from continuing much further a subject so very interesting and touching so closely the industrial welfare of Dublin. This city can have no fear of her commercial or manufacturing decadence as long as she can proudly boast of such establishments in her midst, and which give to the world the strongest and most convincing proof of her commercial vitality. There is, we trust it is needless to say after all we have stated, no house in Dublin, and probably out.side of it, which holds a higher or more honourable position, or which has done more to develop the resources of Bublin, than that of Ross, Murr.iy & Co., whom we heartily wish God-speed. Phillips & Co., Merchant Tailors, 4, Dame Street. — A jiromi- nent and thoruiighly representative house in connection with the great tailor- ing industry of bubliii is that of .Me^srs. rhilli]is & lliii^' alonj; MuMle Abbey Street, coiiKl never furm an iile.i from a mere curKory (jlance of tlie inimcn'C liive of luiman incUislry whieli is Im-ily at work besiile him, within the precincts of the spicinus premises of Messrs. W. Curtis & Sons. These premises, which extend from Midillc Abl>ey Street in fr. nl to I'rinces Street in the rear, are of a most important cha- racter, and are fully worthy of the magnitude and greatness of the work carried on within them. Founded sixty-four year-i ago, the firm has long been celebrated as one of the very first of its kind in DuMin. The industry carried on in the manufacture of brass is of old and honourable origin, and we lind mention of it in the oldest records, of kingdoms and civilisations that have long Iwen extinct, since the old days when the artilicers of Kgypt and ancient Greece were accust imed, in a veiy primitive manner it is true, to fashion brazen gates or pillars for their temples, or armour for their warriors and kings. In the hands of such a firm as that which forms the subject of our present notice there can be no dread of this old and honourable branch of trade suffering any deterioration — the work produced at the foundry in Middle Abbey Street being fully equal to the best produced work of its kind. This extensive establishment gives employ- ment to many hand-', from one hundred and fifty to two hundred workmen being daily eng.aged. Messrs. Curtis & Sons have received the most flatter- ing recognition of their work. So far back as the Kxhibition of 1851 we find them rccivingthe silver medal for their productions; at the Koyal Jubilee lixhibition at .Manchester in 1SS7, the firm was largely represented by an admirable supply of articles of br.ass workmanship, including a set of double-flanged cocks and lock -levers for breweries and distilleries, a tray for brewer's cleansing ve-sel, with three 5-inch cocks for starling, turning, and washing combined, improved Smith's patent racking ap:>iraius with check-valve on air-pipe, lieer engine fittings, beer and spirit taps, fire brigade stand-pipe and fittings, light lubricator and oil syphons, and a great number of other articles. The sp.icious shop is excellently stocked with every description of article required in gas-fitting and generil house- work, everything being of the most improved .-iml modern make. The large slaflf of workmen, who are specially retained for the performance of work of this description, have been selected for their special fitness, and may at all times be relied upon to do their work promptly and efficiently. Another branch of the business, which is of course due to the great develop- ments in electric science, is the fitting to houses of electric bells, etc., as well as the more old-fashioned bells of our grandfathers' and our own period. In conclusion, we may confidently as ert that, taken upon the whole, the establishment of Messrs. Curtis & Sons is one of which any city, no matter how large and important, might be justly proud, as one representative of its commercial and industrial greatness. James Ferguson, Hairdresser and Cigar Importer, 3S a;i I 39, Lower .^bbey Street. — That " Nothing succeeds like success," is a saying as true, trite, and forcible as any we know o'', but when it is so well e-itned as it justly is by the hairdressin^ saloon and cigar divan, popularly known as Ferguson's, 3S and 39, Lower .^bbey Street, it adds additional pleasure in being able to state that the establishment \inder notice is probably one of the greatest succe-ses of the many known in Dublin during the last two de;ades of years. .Such were the thoughts that passed through our minds, as turning out of what George Augustus Sala has apily called " The finest tlioroughtare ia Europe " — O'Connell Street — we find ourselves in front of the establishment named above. Its extensive frontage, the upper part with its light and bright mixture of lavender and white col 'ur-, and its ■jnier part of black and gol I aid massive plate glass windows, is decidedly uncommon and unique, and leads one to expect to see something " not seen every day." Insiile is this feeling ; the most exacting could not be disap- pointed, as entering through the beautifully des'gned and highly finished porch, you enter by the left hand entrance the hairdressing saloon, and find yourself in an apartment that, on its merits alone, can challenge comparison with any one of its kind in the three kingdoms, for extent, height, ventila- tion, and general completeness of detail in its fitting up ; we conless never to h^ve seen its superior, seldom its equal: the niosi critrcd will admit that there must have been an amount of taste, judgment, and liberal expenditure on It to bring it to its present complete state ; one is fairly puzzled what to arlmire most where everything challenges admiration, from the massive walnut double .scat in the centre of the saloon, to the dozen of highly- tinis'ied shampooing stands, with their silver-plated hot and cold water taps, so arranged as both waters flow into the one tube, and can be graduated to any temperature the customer may desire. Th-; specially made chairs, with their automatic headrests, the large mirrors by wlii.h each side is literally covered, the novel and effjctive mode by wh ch it is lighted by gas, to the massive mirror rcstin;.j on the marble mantelpiece at the end, and reflecting all, in fact, duplicating the en ire assortment in a manner which makes it a sight well worth seeing. Ileie the enterprising proprietor, Mr. James Ferguson, holds the helm. W'e must in justice say his eflTorts to guide his ship well arc ably and t-lliciently seconded by his stalT of assistants, to whom it is barely giving them their m:rit, when we siy that for civility and an evident desire to please their customers, we have during a long experience never seen them excelled. \\ ilh iuch an establishment and staff of skilled assistants, under the management of the civil and hard- working proprietor, one ceases to wonder at the never-ceasing stream of customers passing in and out from opening to closrng time. It is one more instance of what well-directed business capacity and energy can do. After leaving the hands of our attentive 'oifftiir, and looking quite ipriglilly and gay, we enter the cigar divan on the other side o( the porch, and while enjoying a< well-matured and fragrant a cigar as it h.rs ever l>ecii our lot to rio, we are afforded an op,ioriuiiily of inspecting as large, varied, elegant, and select stock of cigirs, of every available foreign and other brands, as it is possible to put together by the aid of a large capital and long experience, of the last of which the manager of this branch of .Mr. Ferguson's business possesses a large and varied slock. Here the smoker may Lecome possessed of .iny or everything of first fjuality ami (we sj^ak from experience) at moderate prices. Cigars ami cigarettes of every brand worth having, from the sunny shores of llavanna to Kennedy's of .'\micns .Street. Tobaccos, fancy and plain, the majority of whose names are not in the dictionary ; pipes, cigar and cigarette holders, in all the shapes and miterials that the ingenuity of m.m could make or gel, with tobacco-pouches, fancy anrl plain, match-boxes, from the engraved silver to the plebeian " Tandstickor, ' aiul the thousand and one little nicknacks that the present day smoker reriuires, down to the useful pipe-cleaner anrl homely clay. We have briefly glanced at the moit silient features of the twin establishments, presided over by Mr. James Ferguson, whose untiring energy and great business experience have enabled him to build up a dual business of whrch he may feel justly proud, and upon which we can honestly congratulate him and wish him a long lime of success, which his effjrts fairly entitle him to. In conclusion, we can say that either or bjlh saloons are well wjrth a visit, and feel quite sure that those who miy do si will, like ojrselves, leave tham with a feeling of satisfaction at the attendance received and purcha-.es made, that they do not always feel in leaving kindred establishmeats. F. Corrigan, Funeral Establishment, Jo's Carriages, Post Horses, etc., 5, Lower Cam len .S'.rect. — 1 he wellknowii funeral establishment of Mr. P. Corrigan is an old-established business, having been largely patronised by the Dublin public during its former proprietorship uniler Mr. Eu,;en Sweeny. Mr. Corrigan, on succeeding to this old-established business, has taken every care that the high name and reputation it has achieved shall in no way be lessened while under his management. Mr. Corrigan's establishment, which is very large and extensive, is conveniently located, and is fitted in a very tasteful and appropriate m.anner. Funerals of every description, and to suit all classes of customers, are here undertaken and carried out with the utmost pro- priety, winning from all who have unfortunately been in need of his services, the highest marks of gratitude and approval. There are a large number of establishments in Dublin devoted to this rather solemn and melancholy calling, but it is questionable if there be one which has, from all quarters, received more flattering testimonials as to the manner in which its business has been conducted than that of Mr. P. Corrigan. Mr. Corrigan is also in a large way a "job master," owning a great many vehicles, job carriages, and post horses, and doing a large and extensive business in supplying carriages for wedding-parties, picnics, and other like purposes. The establishment was founded by its late proprietor, Mr. E. Sweeny, about sixty years ago, and almost from the commencement of its career obtained a firm hold on the confiilence of the public, a confidence which, as we have stated, has been transferred to its present respected proprietor. Tnere can be no question thit under thi skilfiil management of .Mr. Corrigan, and with the care and attenti n devoted by him to his business, there is a long and successful future of development before the house which it certainly deserves. Joseph. Ka^.hbone, Tobacconist, 25. Upper Baggot Street.— In all respects .Mr. Joseph Kathbune inust be considered extremely fortunate, as far at least as his business as tobacconist is concerned. Personally this gentleman is the essence of what one would desire to see combined in the owner and manager of a "Cigar Divan." He is well acquainted with all the subjects of conversation liable to crop up under the influence of the fragr.ant weed, and to the charm of his discourse he adds personal attractions, both of manner and of character, that enhance every- thing he s.iys or does. Extensive in the highest degree is his knowledge of and experience in his trade, and so he has stocked his premises with a collection or supply of tobaccos of first rate quality, strength, and flavour. In the success of this establishment another most iinpjrtant item is its location. What more could a tobacconist desire than to be established near Balls Bridge ? These famous grounds are the scene not only of the greatest sporting meetings in Ireland, but also of the (amous Ilorse Shows of the Royal Dublin Socie y. Few wec'ss pass then that do not find these grounds overflowing, and as everyone is out for ple.isure, everyone almost without exception jubilates with a cigar or a pipe or a modest cigarette. Needless to say, Mr. Kathbone's busine-s is never slack when there are sports at Balls Bridge. The stock is very ext- nslve, and as the clientilt are of the higher classes, is composed princii>ally of smoking mixtures, cigars, etc. Eg)p ian and American cigarettes are largely s lil, and the tame remark applies to the assortment of llavanna cigars. Of the mixture^ Judge is sold at Ts. bii. per lb. ; Military, 6..-. 6ng expe- rience enables us to select those qualities of both Indian and Chinese teas which combine most suit- . ably, so that each of the kinds enumerated on next page will be found to possess not only strength and flavour, but, vaiying in degree according to price, a'l the desirable qualities vhich render tea such an agreeable beverage." The public fully appreciate the trouble taken by Messrs. llewley to provide them wiih an article of superior quality, and ihe house reaps the benefit in the further patronage bestowed upon it. The list of groceries .and other articles held by the firm is of a most com- prehensive description, comprising as it does every article to be found usually in first class houses, and many articles which until recently were never kept by grocers. A most important branch of Messrs. Bewley & Sons' trade is that ol provisions, a large stock being held of hams, cheese, butter, bacon, etc., and many other articles of daily consumption in the household. The house is also extensively supplied with an admirable and varied assortment of dried and preserved fruits, jams, jellies, pickles, sauces, preserved meats, soups, soaps, starch, and a host of other items. The firm Bewley, Sons, & Co. have long, in their capacity as family wine merchants, enjoyeri a high and disiinguished character for the quality of their wines ; the extent of their stock l)eing partially guessed at by a study of their compre- hensive catalogue. This slock, which must be extremely valuable, includes sherries ; Sicilian wines, such as Marsala, .Syr.icuse, and Zueco ; ports from i8r. 10 108/. per dozen ; clarets, burgundies, French while wines, German wines, champagnes, hocks and moselles, and a large stock of Hung.iran wines. The vaults containing this very large stock arc extensive, and are built under the premises in Henry Street. Next in im- portance to their wine (.tock is the admirable supply of old Dublin wh.skics held by the firm, and for which the house has long borne the most cn-/iable reputation. These whiskies, which it is needless to say are the fioductions of the most eminent Dublin distilleries, can be p-ocurcd At in their own line are among the Largest employers of labour in the city nearly one hundred hands being daily employed in Ihe varied departments. The arrangements made for the systematic working of the business arc very perfect in their organis.ltion, the vans, delivering parcels at the cuslomers' residences, arriving with all the punctuality of the post-ofhcc- indeed surpassing that venerable inslitution very ofien in this latter parliciilar. Certain days in the week arc regularly specified for the delivery of goods in certain districts. The establishment of Messrs. liewley, Sons, & Co. is emphatically an honour and a credit to Dublin, as it would be to any city, no matter how important, in which it was located. I'osscssing a long and varied experience of the " Modern Habylon," we arc unable to jilaire our finger on a single London house in ihe retail or family lr.ide which can in the least degree compare with " Jjcwiey's," as the house is familiarly called. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. IIS Messrs. Slansfield, Musical Instrument Sealers and Fancy Goods I>ep6t, 89 and 90, Gmfloii SlicL-t.— An oUI-cstahlislieil and .•miiiciuly relial.lc lirm engaged in drirssiig-l>ig and dc- p.ilch-bi)x nianu- faclurc, and tlic imj.'(rlation of PariMan and Viennese fancy roikN, in addition to trading in music and nuisic.il inslriMiienls, is that so wtllknoHn thriuigtiout the ouinlry as Messrs. Mansfield Uros., of 89, Grafton Street, a leading thoroughfare in the city of DuMin. This liousc was founded many years ago, and since the commencement conducted operations on a scale of considerable magnitude, until, at (he present lime, there is not a more influential concern in its dillercnt branches of industry than the one under notice. The premises occujiied comjirise a handsome shop and ware-rooms, and are w'cll litled and appointed for the reception of a high-class cliailfle, who resort to the shops and take delight in appreciating the splendid displays of golds on view. Valuable and comprehensive slocks .are maintained, compiising a firsl-c!ass selection of musical instru- ments, includng a choice variety of pianofoites, harmoniums, and American or.;ans obtained from the leading fon-ign and Knglish manuf.actorics. w^y^^- 'A BD' V< Amongst the varied stock cf pianofortes will be found specimens of the •%vorld-renowned m.ikers — Collard & CoUard, Kirlcnian, Broadwood, Cadby, etc., both new and secondhand, at prices to defy competition. They arc also agents for the celebrated makers, Ilaakc, of Hanover, and Hoelling and Spangcnberg, of Zeitz, whose instruments received a large number of prize medals at the difTerent exhibitions within the last few •years. This department is kept well stocked with the newest English and foreign musical compositions and operas. In the second department, which is devoted to the sale of fancy goods and elcclro-plate, we fmd the stock held is of a very high-class nature, and is thoroushly complete, embracing a variety of dressing-bags, despatch-boxes, albums, leather and plush woik-cases, photo-screens and frames, purses, etc., of the most excellent make, as well as a miscel'aneous .assortment of articles to decorate the parlour or drawing-room, such as bronzes, brass and silver writing-sets. Their collection of fans is simply superb. The high-class character of this concern's manufacture h.is obtained for it an ever-increasing and widening connection, and it contains among its patrons names of the nobility and gentry all over the country. An idea of the high-cl.ass character of the trade may be h.ad when we mention that the distinctive honour of the patronage of II.K.M. the Prince of Wales and the Lord Lieutenant, by special appointment, is conferred on this house. Before concluding we must notice that the successes achieved by the firm have caused them to open a photographic gallery on the premises. The first-class work turned out by this studio has already made this venture a distinct success. The members of the firm have, by managerial ability combined with commercial rectitude, achieved for their establishment a foremost position -among the industrial institutions of the Irish metropolis. Bamardo & Co., Purriera, etc., r.nfton Street.— Among the many modern tr.adcs necessilaii;d by dame Fortune we vt:~- ■ '■ ■ ■';■ that carried on by the furrier. In this bu^incss ih- fi'm Harnardo & .Suns arc principally engaged. This notable c' was founded close on seventy years ago in Corlh Street, and since thcri we have no doubt that the amount of patronage accorded it has fultillcd the anticip.itions o( its founder. The premises, which are situat-d in the busiest thoroughfare of the city, comprise a well arranged shop, and many ware-rooms and work-room.s. The window is, in itstll a', least, a point of altr.iction for the fashionable promenaders who crowd this splendid street. It is arranged with many varieiies of ladies' apparel made from seal-skin and from the skins of many other animals, such as the tiger, lion, fox, etc The show here and in the large stock in the shop also comprises some very goo2. Grafion Sireet.— Ihis celebrated firm, from its c'jn^picuous |ii.'.iii.,n in the main thoroughfare of the Iiish mciropalis, enjoys advantages which arc accorded to lew, if any, of Messrs. Hayes' rivals. Their shop is a hands'jme and a well-fitted one, and has all that dignity of appearance which one naturally associates with a great and prosiHrrous firm. The trade carrie. In particular, their Icmp-.rancc beverages, the cliief of which is Ci..ncentratcd Umonadc, find iheir w.iy into almost every h .inc in the country. In lh;ir entirely, their specialiiies, as well .as every- thing they retail, hare b;en declared by the popular voice to be unexcellel for purity and efficiency. Among the many speciiics, on the undoubted curative efficacy of which the reputaton of this firm has very largely been founded, we may note, en passant, a highly effective remedy for that minor bodily ill, which nevertheless deserves to rank as a terrible affection, tooth- ache. The essential merit of this well-known preparation is. that no caustic elements enter into it. In too many toothiche specifics such power- ful remedies as carbolic acid, oil of cloves, etc., are used, and these, it need hardly be said, are dangerous remedies, having a tendency to corrode the gums and lips, and make the last state of the w.n.ing and agonised sufTerer worse than the first. A leading feature of this prominent establishment is the composition of family medicines, to which the Messrs Hayes give especial and, we have not the slightest doubt, deserved attention. As we have already stated, the business of this fiim is chiefly that of attending to family wants and the making-up of physicians' prescriptions. For this reason the Messrs. Hayes are solicitous to invariably supply their customers with drugs and healing medicaments of uniniiieachable quality and of the veiy greatest suitability to the purpose in view. They are also large holders of patent medicines, and in the list issued by them of patent medicines in stock at their extensive establishment, we have found every name of note and eveiy medicine of repute and sound medic-il qualities, while their facilities for procuring prompily the newest medicinal remedies are of the best. Again, the proprietors are agents for several articles of general con- sumption which do not come within the category of medicines. Thus we find them supplying and holding a large stock of mineral waters — Apollinaris, Hunyadi Janos, Carlsbad, and every other genuine medicinal water of repute; Maw, Son, & Thompson's feeding bottles; soaps by the best makers, which to enumerate would be both tedious and unnecessary. Suffice it to say that a first-class stock is held in every department, and that a large and high-class business is done. J. M. Gallagher, Cigar Importer, 19, Charlotte Street.— A well-known and well-conducted house is that of Sir. J. M. GalKigher, tobacconist and cigar importer, of No. 19, Charlotte Street, and lA, Harcourt Street, Dublin. It has only been established for four years, but it has, nevertheless, by honest and straightforward dealing, gained a most desirable reputation in the city. The premises occupied in Charlotte Street are large, commodious, and well adapted to the requirements of such a trade. They have a frontage of twenty-seven feet to the roadway, with a depth of fifteen feet. The shop is neatly fitted up with a good counter, handsome shelves, and show-cases. In the window ihere is always a nice display of the different goods offered for sale arranged in pretty fashion. There is always a good stock on hand, comprising a fine and varied assort- ment of cigars, foreign and homemade, of the best brands ; fine tobaccos, loose and in packets, from the best manufacturers, roll and twist. The- speciality of the house is its cigars — five for a slulling— which will be- found a splendid article for the money._ The collection of meerschaum, briar-root, bog-oak, and other pipes, is very extensive, aiul of good quality and workmanship. Tobacco pouches, fusee and vesta buxcs, cigar and cigarette cases, and many fancy articles connected with the tr.ade, can be bought at moderate prices. The establishment in Harcourt Street is also- nicely fitted up, and contains a stock similar to the one just mentioned. Mr. |. M. Gallagher supervises the whole of the business, conducting it with great aliility and judgment. He is very popul.ar among his cuslcmiers and the public generally, by whom he is justly co.nsidercd a thoroughly honourable tradesman. A. B. Hamilton, Newsagent, 6, Great Brunswick Street. — There is no intellectual inclination uf the public so attentively and so fully consulted as their taste for what is called liieraturc. There is in Dublin consequently — for in the metropolis of Ireland every one reads or wants to- read — no dcicriplion of business in which competition is so keen, and which requires such energy and ability in him who seeks the public favour and so success. Mr. Hamilton possesses in a striking manner all the necessary qualifications, and his undoubed merits have been accorded but their just desert in the prosperity which has thus far attended this gentleman's eflorls. In his wintlow, besides a large and wontlerfuUy comjileic slock of fancy goods, are set out the periodicals in which .Mr. Hamilton tr.ades. These consist of the Dublin as well as the London weeklies, comics, which un- fortunately too ofien become vulgar, and serious ones, which happily are often ridiculous in their solemnity. Here also may be hatl the jiiciorial monthlies, the Graphii, Illustrated Lond^m News, the Ladys J'litoria!^ etc., as well as .all the reviews both tnglisli and Irish. The daily and evening Dublin papers are sold off with aniaz 11;; rapidity, and it is only the last editions that are sold when they are obtainable. Of course the busi- ness would be altogether incomi)lete without cheaj) books, and of these the slock on hand is large and selected with extreme caie and good judgment. Cheapcdilionsof the novels of Dickens, .Thackeray, Disraeli, G. 1'. R. ja iics, Kenimore Cooper, and such masters of fiction ate ofiercd at sixpence, while for the .still more insignificant " thrcejienny bit" the seriously inclined may l)urchase some of the " cbssics " publishol by Messrs. Cnsscli, Ward & Locke, Longman, or Routlccfge. Mr. Hamilton adds to his businiss ca|>abilities a bonhomie whii.h attracts lo his shoj) many cusiinuers, and in both docs one find the basis on which h: has so firmly built his flourishing and progressing concern, INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 121 P. Beakey. House and Chorch Fornisher, 39 and 40, St.UTord Strcci.— The ilibiingiiishtd .-ind jusllv ci-li-liralcil h extensively patronised by the bishops and priests of Ireland for carved wood altars, confessionals, vestment cases, pulpits, station frames, benches, and general household furniture ; by the convents for choir stalls, communion rails, prie-dieus, sedili.as, and cell furniture ; by the colleges for desks, forms, beds, chairs, ma"tresses, etc., and also by the industrial schools, orp'ianages, hospitals, and .asylums, from all of which testimonials expressing satisfaction at the diflferent articles and the work done have been received. 1 he stock of household furniture is the largest in Dublin, and comprises every article that can be mentioned, and suitable for every class of house, from the mansion to the cottage ; and the prices will be found very moderate and reasonable, and can safely be compared with the prices charged by other houses for inferii r g'lod-. Mr. Beakey has won four prize medals in the Dublin Exhibitions of 1S53. 1865, 1872, and 1882, which were awarded to him for the superior excellence of the workman, ship of his goods. From the foregoing facts it will be re.idily gathered that a most extensive business of a very high class is conducted by Mr. Patrick Beakey, which is not confined to Ireland alone, but has a practically •world-wide connection. Tames Sooney, Tobacconist and Cigar Importer, 17, 'SutTolk street — .\ very noteii house in the trade with which it lias been long and honourably associated is that of Mr. James Kooney, tobacco merchant, of the above aliiress. Established for over twenty-two years, this highly respectable house has long been a popular one with all classes of smokers in the Irish metropolis, and has eirnel the hiijhcst reputation for the excellent quility of its cigars and toba:co. The establishment, which has been enti.ely rebuilt at a cost of alxjut ;^3,cxx5, occupies exceedingly handsome premises it No. 17 in the above street, and form^ an attractive and noticeable feature in the thoroughfare. The frontage of the new house is of cut stone — Irish granite froju the quarries at Ballinasloe — and measures about twenty-one leet across. The interior appear.ance of the house is fully in keeping with its attractive outward aspect, being fitted 'hroughout in a very tasteful and elegant fashion, and wiih a dual view to utility and c im''ort. The connection lormed by this house is of very great extent and of an influential character, numb -rini^ amo g its customers nany gemlemen of the highest social and pro essional standing. The stock, which is large and viried, comprises a fine selection of the choicest Havana cigiis, all the more favourite and fashioiuble kinds of tolxicco, •foreign and fancy snuffs, meerschaum pipes, and other articles of a like description usually procurable at every first class tobacconist'^ establish- ment. A very attractive feature in the slock is the selection ..f pipes above referred to, comprising as it docs many admirable s|)eciiiicns of carving, some of the \»]>c% being extremely artistic both in design and workmanship. The stock also incluiles a large ass^jrlmcnt of rach articles as toltacco- pouches, ci(;ar-cascs, light-boxes, and many others of an attractive charaiter. Kvery article soM, from an Havana cigar worth two .shillings to a cigarette procurable for a |ienny, and from a meerurhauin pipe to the more homely briaimot, is each in its way equally goixl and of superior quality. No house in the trade stands higher or is more generally patronised. Christopher O'Neill, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, wine, and Spirit Bfcrc^ ant, I ;•>. Iii>er llorsel .'sir.-.t. Ani.ii;; th'.M.- I stablishnu-iits wlinse business is of a distinctly prosp';rous and res]>ectablc character in Dublin, we must not forget to mention the grocery, wine, and spirit store of Mr. Christopher O'Neill. It is well situated in a busy and populous part of the city. It has a good record extending some thirty-four or five years back, and the e is no doubt that in the hands of .Mr. O'Neill, who has only within the List few months liecome iis pro- prietor, this business will uphold the lr.iditions of ancient days and b-come still more prosperous in the future. The house has recently lieeo thoroughly renovated and redecorated from top to bottom, and it is now one of the handsomest shops in the city. It has been most elegantly fitted up with all modern improvements. .Mr. O'Neill's efforts, however, have not been wholly confined to the adorning of the walls of his house, for he has laid in a stock of the best articles which are in grea-est demand in his neighbourhood. From front to lack the shop measures scarcely less than one hundred feet, and all this hrge extent of surface is required for the storage of the goods with which Mr. O'Neid has provided himself. A large staff of assistants are in attendance to minister to the wants of cus- tomers, and Mr. O'Neill himself m.iy be seen ever)- day su|Krin'ending with zealous care the whole internal arrangement of this noted establish- ment. It may well be imagined that the care of such a business demands more than ordinary capacity, and, indeed, such is the case; and Mr. O'Neill has proved himfelf equal to all demands. The house is one minute's walk fr 'm Br ad>tone terminus, and famous for its large supplyof best teas and rofiees, also for the best preserves in the market. Miss O'Connor, Old Chandlery Establishment, 45, Lower Camden Street. — This old-established concern w.as founded in the year 1838, and has enjoyed a thoroughly prosp;rous career, and is now one of the best known establishments of its class and largely patronised by the metropolitan community. The premises are extensive, having a frontage of eighteen feet, and a depth of fifiy-'our feet. The warehouse is h.-ind- somely fitted up, and well-arranged in all details, and with its (aluable and varied stock presents a very attractive appearance. The stock is most comprehensive : embracing colza oil, benzolicc, rock, and parafKne oils, methylated spirit, mould, composite, paraffine, and wax candles, carriage and night lights, matches, blacklead, starch, tallow, brown, pale, and .soft soaps, lamps, lamp wick, bru hes in great variety, sponges, brooms, lamp glasses of all kinds, and fancy soaps, laundry blues, bath-bricks, knife polish, and a fine, well-assorted stock ol^ ironmongery and various household requisites. All articles have been procured in the best known markets, personally selected and purchased on best possible terms. There is a fair staff of assistants employed in the several depailments. An extensive and very widespread business is being done at the select establishment, which is well sustained by a long-established connection, the trade being of the retail and local character. The customers are well served ; in drawing their supplies they can have a splendid and varied stock to select 'rom, every item being of best quality, and disposed of on the most moderate scale of prices to be found compatible with genuine firsl-cla-s articles. The concern is under the personal superintendence of the proprietcss, who possesses highest qualifications, and is thoioughly estejmcd by her numerous customers and friends. r. Hill Electro-plater and Gilder, 29, South Anne Street.— Energy and enterprise are struiigly exhibited in the establishment of Mr. F. Hill, electro gold and silver-plating works. This house is well situated, and admirably aaapted in every way to the carrving on of the business to the best advantage, being replete with .ill the most recent improvements and appliances for the rapid execution of the work, and giving con- stant em|iloyment to skilled workmen ; in fact, the proprietor is a /«>tali^:ic^ shuw- that llic threat majority of out" people are dcpenjent on the fruits of agricultiiie for their maintenance. Not«iihstai ding which, the cultivation of the land could, as proved by several cel-brated writers, be brought to bear a far greater product than it does. Certainly, many portions of it yield a larger percentage than others ; but this is not so much due to superiority of the soil as to care in its nourish- ment by I lie best manures. Chief among these we have no hesitation in rank ng the celebrated manufactures of the well-known house of Messrs. KicliardsoD & Fletcher. The business of this firiji was originated twenty- five ycirs ago, and has yearly since then increased its operations of utility to the ai;rii;ultural community of Ireland. The chemical works situated on the Kiiigsend Road comprise an imposing frontage of 130 feet, with a depth of lully 450 feet, and are every way fit and suitable .as regards accommoda- tion and machinery for the manufacture of the celebrated manures made by this firm. The stock is perhaps the most comprehensive of its kind to be seen in Dublin, and includes every nourishing material for the rapid or stiengthe.ing growth of the vegetable or fruit products of this country. Their sev. ral qualities and kinds include the best blood, bone, and fish manures, as well as several descriptions of pho=phate and mineral manures. Many .and incalculable are the benefits conferred on the farming circles by their, celebrated potato, and turnip, and other chief crop manures ; and the vital importance of using none but such manures as are sol 1 by this firm is self-evident to every farmer who bestows care and trouble on his land. The excellence of this firm's products may best be exhibited here by a simple statement of sluljborn incontrovertible facts. .\t the Exhibition held in Dublin in the year 1882, the firm was awarded a Gold Medal for their manures, this being the very hi^liest award there given ; at the Exhibition held in Cork in the foUo.ving year, no Gold Medals were given, but Messrs. Richardson & Fletcher had the singular honour of receiving two medal-i, one of which was the only medal given in its class, while the other represented the highest award in its division. We have correcily described this as a singular honour, for we find that no other firm receivei two medals for manures at this Exhibition. Successes of such unprece- dented character are worth recording, as they are a guarantee of the best possible description of the superiority of these goods. The farmer who expends a good deal of money on these manures will be ainply repaid in both abundance and quality of his crops. And ihe importance to the country in general of using such high-class manures could not be over-rated. In fact, the celebrated manures made by Messrs. Richardson & Fletcher, wherever used, have resulted in the most astonishing success. The reason of this is found in the great care and attention given to the mixing and compounding of the different qualities. In their respective manures to suit different cereals and plants, they combine the most necessary and requisite ingredients for the nourishment and abundance of a most healihy crop. One recommendation that in itself is worthy of special notice in connection with their famous manures is, that they all contain a fair proportion of blood, which is one of the most energetic fertilisers known. In particular, their special blood rrtanures arc composed of the materi.il in its most avail- able form'; this class of manure is found most uveful in producing crops under the most unfavourable circumstances. The large and widespread connection of the firm extends all over this country, and is, from moderation in price and excellence of products, daily increasing, as thenumerous .agents of the firm, from Antrim to Cork, can testify. In its entirety, the estabilsh- m^pt offers an exemplification of what excellence of production and good value can ever accomplish in this competitive age. The managerial control is exercised by the proprietary in a true spirit of commercial activity, energy, and ability, which is so ably displayed in every operation of the business carried on by this well-known house. W. Qainn, Ladies' Outfitter, 51, Henry Street.— For ver)' nearly twenty years the highly respectable shop of Mr. \V. Quinn, of Henry Street, has been largely ]remises generally Ihrooghout are most admirably fitted and appointed, with a great deal of t«.ste, and a due regard to an attractive display of the various stocks held by Ihe establishment. Tlie stock is certainly of a most comprehensive char.icter, ami may be generally said to include every article of ladles' outfit that can be imagiiieil, with a large and pleasing assortment of biby-lincn, etc., which, for quality and superior workmanship, can hardly be e:jualled, and certainly not surpassed, by any house in the trarle. A reputation like that which .\Ir. (juinn's cstablisli- menl is fortunate enough to possess, is never built without a .solid foundation of merit, and it is easy to realise the methods by which it was gained, when in-periing the l.islcfiil and usefiil articles he has on hand. Tlie lalies' umlcrclotliing department is slocked most completely with every article of ladi- s' underdress, and includes a large and varied assortment of drawers, chemises, plain or fancy trimmed, nightdresses, plain and fancy and embroidered dressing-jackets, gowns, and corsets in all coloiir.s, and a host of other items requiring more space than we can, unfortuna'ely, spare. The supjily of baby-linen is most complete also, and here ag.ain all the articles are marked by the same perfection of production which excited our admiration in the accompanying branch of the business. The list coin- priscs about twenty or t«enty-one dlfierent kinds of articles, all of which are only used for babies, ana include such items as infants' shirts, web- swathes, petticoats, plain or' embroidered squares, dribbling-bibs, long- cloth long-slips, infants' clo.aks of all colours, silk hoods, hats, and muslin frocks, and many other little articles suitable to the earliest stages of childhood. There is also in the stock, and still in connection with children's outfit, a very tasteful supply of infants' pelisses, in caslmiere, pique, and other materials, richly trimmed, and ranging in price from 2f . bil. up to £1 2!. 6J. Also children's Jackets, dolmans, and four-in-hands (of the perfect fit of which Mr. Quinn gives a guarantee), the list con- cluling, as far as children's wants are concerned, with a supply of under- clothing, diawers, chemises, and nightdresses, all at the srme moderate scale of charge. There are a laig:; number of other articles which we need not quote, having said enough to expre-s the thorou'.;h-going nature of the stock, and given a glance at the moderate prices of .some of the articles, which may^we say advisedly — be taken as a quite fair indication of the rest. The establishment of which we are speaking, viz., the house ill' Henry Street, is the "parent house." the other eslabllshment in I!.iggott Street having been started somewhat later. To give some idea of the trade done by the house, we. may mention that between the employes of both houses, and those persons who execute work for Mr. Quinn at their own homes, the number ! reaches about fifty hands. All the goods being manufactured by the house itself, or from material supplied by it, and carried out under the supervision of its managers, Mr. Quinn is enabled to give the most perfect guarantees as to the excellence of the . quality and superiority of the workmanship of every article sold. Amorig the wide and daily increasing numlier ot his customers, Mr. Quinn is . exireni-'Iy popular, his agreeable manner and sincere desire to please having rendered hlin particularly liked and respected, while among business circles the house, as a business establishment, occujiies a prominent place in the estimation of all who are best qualified to form a judgment. The strict and honourable methods adopted by Mr. Quinn in the conduct of his business, have earned for him the highest respect from everybody whos& — good opinion is worth possessing, in IJuolin and outside it. Gaiily, Sons, & Co., Cattle Salesmen, Wool and Corn Brokers, Auctioneers and Valuers, lii, 19, and 20, LLsher's Quay, and Cattle .Maikets, Liverpool and .Manchester. — The old-established and most highly respectable firm of Messrs. Ganly, Sons, & Co. is a name "familiar in our ears as household words," not only in every part of Ireland but in England itself. The premises occupied by this enterprising house are jituated at iS, 19, and 20, Usher's Quay, atxl are of a very spacious and comino llous des:ripuon, as the nature of their huge business demands. A great many years ago the premises now occui)ied by the Messrs. Ganly w.as built and useil as an old coaching-house, and was known by the somewhat confusing title of " Homes' Hotel, and Kxch.inge and Mart." Before the establishment of the railway system, all the co-iches coming into Dublin, or leaving it, called here, and doubtless the old Inn did a roaring tr.ade in those old days. Some time afterwards the White Quakers received ^500 for the house from its present respected and enterpris- ing pruprietor^s, and from that time to the present, in its new form, the house is, as we have said, one of the best known in the kingdom. Messrs. Ganly, Sons, & Co. are neither merchants nor .stock farmers on their own account, they simply purchase and sell on commission in the interest of their clients and customers. The principal trade of the house^t is not unfair to select one branch where all .are so extensive^s that done in the sale of cattle, wool, and corn, in which line the transactions of the firm are of great magnitude. Cattle consigned to Dublin, Liverpool, or Manchester mirk'.ts are met by men in the empl oyin-.-nt of the firm on their arrival, taken to their lairs, at 63, Prussia .Street, anil tliencc to tlie respective market-places, where they are jiromptly sold, and the proceeds remitted with- out undue delay. In the sale of landed property a Large coramission is done, the firm undertaking the valuation, and preparing the necessary maps, surveys, etc., upon the most reasonable terms. A great amount of credit is due to the firm of Ganly & Sons for the encouragement they have given to the wool trade in Ireland, every facility affordeil and regular sales held at statid iiieivals. Among the advant.ages they offer to the public generally in the furtherance of this important industry we may mention that Messrs. tiaiily .accommodate consignors with the loan of wool sheets, watch home and foreign markets, ^^ive stor.age /r« on all consignments, make necessary advances, and sell to the best advanLige for one farlliing per pound. In adilition to their business as commission agents in the cattle trade, and as .an almost necessary addition to it, Messrs. Gmly, Sons, & Co. always keep as an article of slock, which they have sold for thiily years, the .admirable preparation known as " HIgg's .Sheep Dipping and Scab .Siiecific," ami also supjily nil cakes, meals, and feeding slufls of all kinl.s. Among ihe com- iii.rcial firms of Dublin, such a firm as Messr.s. Ganly, -S ms, & Co. naturally takes high rank, and the personal popularity of the individual members of the firm, and the high respjct they are held in by all, have largely contributed to the commercial prosperity of this old-established house. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. John Smytli & Sons, Chnrch Plate Mann&ctarers, 17, \Vicklow Sircit. Tlic n^'^l noted c>l.iLli-hmt;nl, nml «rn is a gentleman of great experience in this branch of trade and industry, and of jound commercial integrity, and is held in high regard by his customers for hU courtesy upon all occasions, and the thorough business tact and skill he displays in the mamagement of his ever incr.rasing businevs. When we review the resources and experience at the command of the house, and the prestige it enjoys, together with the enterprising manner in which iu affairs are conducted, we have the best reason for regarding its progress and prosperity in the past as but the antecedents of still greater prosperhy in the future. There are tokens of continuous progress which bespeak the laudable enterprise of the proprietor, and proclaim a highly commcndal.lc dctemiination that no ciTort shall be spared to enhance materiaUy in the future the iMst renown of the house, and endow it with still stronger cbisB to the consideri:tion it so liberally receives from a nnmerous circle of patrons. Mr. English is highly respected, and his house is a leadin" one in his particular line of business. ° The Royal Hotel (Miss Power, Proprietress), Kildare Streel.— EsLibhshed f..r over a luiiulred years, llie Koyal Hotel in Kildare Street has long been known under i:s previous proprietor's name as " Elvidge's," and is one of the most frequented and fashionable hotels in Dublin. Miss Power, the present respected propielress, since she has assumed the ownership of the house has done all in her power, and wiith the most signal success, to maintain in all its integrity the old name and h'gh position of the establishment, and.has given at all times the most con- vincing proof that under her r. j;>//f the Royal shall b; as comfortable and attractive an hotel to visitors coming to the metropolis as at any time it lus been in the last century of its existence. . The hotel occu[>it» handsome premises at the above quoted add.ess, which are. thraughout Sited in a most irreproachable manner, and with a display of the most admiralJe taste thai reliects the highest credit on whoever is responsible for the decoration and arrangements of the cstablishmenL The hotel, from. its size, partakes more of the family order, and is, at we h.ive Saad,^one of the m.«t comfoS- able in the city. The house holds about sixteen betJrooms, one coffee- room, one reading-room, and thr^e private sitting-rooms. . The frontage of the house measures about thirty-nine-feet, and the depth from front to rear about one hundred. The rooms are all furoiihed in a most tasteful and elegant fashion, and the bedrooms are patterns of what all hotel rooms should belike. Scrupulously clean, wellaired and ventilated, it-would ibe impossible to afTonl a tiner example of a sleeping apartment than is to be procured at the Royal. The dinmg-room is handsa.mely ami appropriately furnished likewise, and is a cheerful dooking room, wdierc one can dinJe in comfort with a serr.c th.it everything is as perfect as it can be. The Royal lias long been famous for the character of its cjn'sine, the house possessing an admirable c/irf, who cm cook a joint, ent-ie, or cutlet with any cook in. the kingdom. The cellars are well stocked with a large and valuable assort- ment of wines, many being rare brands in port and Uuigundy. The country connecti >n enjoyed by the hotel is both large and influential. The attendance at the house in question is admirable, and all who know anything of hotel life will admit that this alone forms a high recommen- dation for the iiouse. We may also remark that the courteous .and agree- able manner of the proprietress h.as hail a great deal to do in adding lo the comfort of her numerous gutsts, being always ready to meet their wishes and attend to their requiicmenls. Samnel Kymer, Painter and Paper-hanger, 128, Upper Abbey ;>lrcct.— Amongst the hou»e-painter.». dcci>r.itor.i, .u.d ii.iper-haiij;eTS in the city, a leading position is occupied by .Mr. S. Kymer, of the aixive address. The business in which he is concerned is a most valuable one, and its sphere of operations is gradually but surely being extendovl. The house itself is in all respects most suitable to the needs of Mr. Kymer, who is an e.\tensive coatractor, and many of the promitKiil houses in town are indebted for a great portion of their iK-auty of ap^varance to the skill, dcxtciiiy, and educatevi taste of this gentleman. As a pajier- hangtr, .Mr. Kymer is wi.lely esteemed. The stock of r om papers displayed at IJS, Upper Abl.H;y .Street, is most complete, and is noticeable for the originality of its designs, and for the undeniable excellence of the quality of material used in its make. Mr. Kymer al.so im|>orts pipcr-h.-mgings aiul borders, gold mouldings and glass ; and in these articles he has been most successful. We may oliserve that although the house is not yet a quarter of a oentur)- established, its trade lias emiir.aced all |iarls of the countr)-, and keeps in constant empliyment a tuff of able and experienced workmen. I 2 124 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. The Grosvenor Hotel Caffitchell & Co., Proprietors).— In the very he.irt of Oiiblin, anil direcily uppnsite Wi/^'.liiiil Row Station, the terminus of the Dublin, Wicklow, and Wexford Railway, where the English mail airivcs and departs from, will be found the Grosvenor Hotel, a small, compact hostelry, well known to tourists and travellers crossing tbe Channel. In appearance, the C.rosvenor is not an imposing structure, like some of the large terminus hotels on the English lines, but its outer homeliness and compac'ncss may fairly be taken as indic.itnig the intern.al comforts in all sections of the hotel to be re.idily found and fully appreciated by the weary travelli-r after a fatiguing rail or sea journey. On entering the hall, on the left will be found a most comfortable and well lurnisheJ coftee-ioom and re.ading-room, where c'e.anliness is one of the first things that strikes the trarcUer. Here it is where any one going by the mail can have a hot anl well served breakfast ss eaily as 4 30. This is specially arranged for the convenience of travellers arriving by the Cork mail'and from the north, giving them ample time to get a refreshing hath, brush-up, and quiet breakfa-t, and also time to run over the morning papers be'ore going on with the Engli^h mail, which leaves at 6.45. In the evening there is .also served a tab/e dhole commencing at 5.30. Travellers arriving throflgh the day can have their luggage deposited in the luggage room and conveyed over to the mail by the hotel servants, no charge being made. Passing on from the coffee-room, and in close proximity, is a snug little smoking-room, wherein men like poor Edward .^othern, the veteran Buckstone, Mr. I'lielps, and the late lamented Henry Montague, were wont to loiter in overnight and let "tales go round." Leaving the rendezvous devoted to the weed and turning to the right, the visitor will find the hotel bar. This is me of the most [lopular resorts in the city, and here on an evening may be found men of all clashes and of all tastes, who prefer a private sanctum to try the renowned special old whisky, "Eblana" and " I'at," special blends, and sole property of the proprietors, M--sr5. Mitchell & Co., who carry on an extensive wine l)n';iness in KilJare .Street. It is needless to say it is to their advan- tage to put in the best of everything, and that they do so will be s;en by referring to the carefully selected wines on their list, which are fit for any connoisseur. Hera also may be had some of the best bran Is of cigars which it is possible to get, most of them 188 1 crop. Amongst them we may particularise the following : Villar Villar, Imperiales, hlor de Cuba, El Key Del .Mundo, Cabanas, Punch Infantes, etc. Leaving the bar we find ourselves on the first floor in a spacious drawing- room, suitable for wedding breakfasts and private dinners, able to accom- molate seventy. The sleeping apartments are all that could be desired, rf)omy, lofty, and well furnished, extreme cleanliness being the prominent feature. For any one making a stay in Dublin, the hotel is conveniently situated. Tram-cars pass the door to all parts of the city, and to I'hcenix Park, passing the world-renowned Guinness's brewery. It is also within a few minutes' walk of the principal theatres and popular places of amuse- ment, anil a sixpenny car fa e to and from the same. The telephone is laid on to the hotel, and will be found very useful to visitors requiring any firm in the city. The telegraphic address is "'Grosvenor,' Dublin." The proprietors, Messrs. Mitchell & Co., took over the hotel some years .ago, with the intention of considerably enlarging it, and putting it on a par with mr)St station hotels; but, owing to the delay of the railway company in con- s'.ruciing the lf>op line, they have been unable up to the present to carry out their designs. The management is under Mr. F. bethell, formerly of Kenton's Hotel, St. James's Street, and Tavistock Hotel, Covent Garden, London. Coster, Johnson, & Co., Paper Maiers, Wholesale Stationers, Bag Manufacturers, and Colonr Printers, t^ and 17, Ler-making inlu-try and wholesale stationery con- nection is that of .Vlessrs. Coster, Johnson, & Co., of 16 and 17, Lower Ormond Quay. This well-known and influential concern was founded as far back as 1865, and up to the jiresent day has enjoyed a prosperojsly commercial career. The factories are two in number, and are situated, one at 15 and 16, Strand Street, and the other at 7, 8, 9, 10, II, and 12, Swift's Row. Both premises are spacious and of exceedmgly commodious dimensions. They are fitted with every modern improvement in the shape of necessary appliances, and with machinery of the most representative dc-criplion. 'I'hc firm deal generally in all bianches of jrrinting, twines and ropes, grr»cers' canisters and fitting*, coffee and tea mills, engraving and die sinking, room and hall papers, commercial, office, and law stationery, copying presses, beer engines and bar fittings. They are agents for the Marvm Safe C<)m|)any, of New York, Avery's scale and weigh- brjrlge, Milner's Safe Company, of Liverpool, the Hafllc Safe Company, of Kirmingham ; and they hold an office for the registration of trade marks, designs, and patents. A prominent speciality is made of the manufacture of paper b.igs, in which department of their business they have achieved a prominent notoriety. Permanent employment is given to some hundred and filly hands, who, as operatives, are renowned for correct fulfilment of their various duties. Eight travellers, of .active commercial energy, arc engaged in extending the firm's connections by the exhibiting of a well a,svirted and comprehensive collection of the productions. The extensive bu-iness of Messrs. Coster, Johnson, & Co , in all its numerous branches and departments, is thoroughly well an. I energetically conducted under the j>ers mal supervision of the partners. Conneclions of great value and influence have long been enjoyed, and arc constantly being extended in scope and enhanced in importance ; and the maintenance of a high standard o( excellence and merit in all its manufactures, has endowed this creditable representative of a great industry with the full confidence of a virtually univeisal circle of customers, .and invested it with the cotiimercial benefits of a large home tra.ie, whose ramifications hav.; extended in a surprising and influential degree. The proprietary comprise well-known gentlemen, who are everywhe e considered to be well versed in all branches of their representative trade, and to be fully conversant with the details of their extensive op;;r.itions, to which they give the closest attention. They ate eminently renow.ief for the high standard of bjsinesj integrity and com- mercial influence from which they are inseparable, and for the persevering energy which they have shown in ra;sing their establishment to the commanding position it njw holds. Thos. Paarson & Co., Wire Worts, and Prsach Burr MlU-stone FactJry, i' to 10, Lutle Ship Street. — In a quiet str.-et at the end of the Lower Castle Yards, and separated by its length from the busy thoroughfare of Dame Street, stand the Wire- weaving Woiksand French Burr Mill-stone Manufactory of ^lessrs. Thos. Pearson&Co., which are num- bered from 1 1 to 16 in Little ."^hip Stieet, the works extending back to Great Ship Street. The windows on cither side of the entrance, which is in the former street, contain speciiii'^ns of the work of the finn and frame-l certifi. ca'.es, one received by them in the Dub'in Exhibition of 1SS2 for plain and ornamental wire work and woven wire-web, arfcd another for Sjiecial Merit in printing and wire work ; also certificates of Honourable Mention and Merit for Star lubricating oil, mill-stones, and wheat-cleaning machinery, with a medal awarded at the Paiis Exhibition of 1SS5. The house was founded by the late -Mr. Pearson, who inaugurated the plain and ornamental wire business in 1829, subsequentl)' adding the mill-stone building, and general mill-furnishing factory, which has since become the largest in Ireland, and one of the most prominent of its kind in the United Kingdom. The manufacture of wire-woven mattress.'s commenced in 1S83. This branch of the business has proved su^h a success that, not only is th-; sphere of its operations spread over the kingdom, but the articles turned out are gaining a gojd fame in many foreig.i c:mntri-s. Not the least interesting feature of their manu''actures i-i the weaving of wire for mill use and for sifting, the process being quite the same .as that witnessed in a woollen factory. The only difference is that the " cloth " is composed of a wire material of the fineness of human hair, the delicacy of the work being und-rstood when it is stated that wire cloth of a fine kind con'ains one hundred and fifty meshes to the lineal inch, while in still more gossamer pa'terns as much as double that number of meshes are found in the same space. This "cloth "is now being extensively used in flour mills, as the best modern substitute for silk, the wire being of course much stronger and better adapted to the wear and tear of the work in mills. The eniire range of ope rations carried on com|irise wire- weaving and wire- work manufac:in-iiig, the making of garden requisites, iron and wire fencings, oil-refining, gieas> making, the manufacture of mill-stones, the making of machine brushes, and the perforating of metals. Idle firm give constant and remunerative employ- ment to about fifty hands. In this age of advertising, it must be said that Messrs. Pearson keeji their wares well before the public, their Tr.ade .Mark, " Rest, and b; thankful," being a well-known one in Ireland. In conclu- sion, we may ajiply the lines of a distinguished poet, which bear a beautiful moral and allegorical interpretation, and are applicable to othe.' descriptions of weaving, the operation in which is not very dissimilar to that in the principal industry carried on by this firm. Coii bestowed the shining warp, Fill It with as bright a wont'. _ Ard the who'e shall gloA- divinely As if wrought by angels liiiely. To the music of the ha p ; And iV.e blended col inrs be Like perfected harinuny. Keeping evil thini; aloof. James McSwiuey, Druggist and Chamist, 61, Lower Dorset Street. — A very important estal)li^hment in the retail drug tiade is conducted by Mr. J. McSwiney, of Lower Dorset Street, who for some time has earned a high reputation for the superior quality of his drugs, etc. Mr. McSwiney occupies very commodious premises at No. bl. Lower Dorset Street, which arc fitted throughout in a manner reflecting the highest credit on the taste and judgment of the projirietor, and wiili an admirable view to the effective dispLay of the large and valuable stock held by the establishment. The frontage of the house, which is very attractive in its exterior asj">ect, measures about thirty- two feet across, the depth of the eslablishmcnt from front to rear being about a hundred feet. Nor is the interior of the house less attractive than the exterior aspect, the former being, as we have said, tastefully filled, the counters, shelves, and other furniture l)cing of mahogany and stained pine. The stock comprises all tho^e various items generally pr curable at a first-cKiss chemist's and druggist's establishment. At the rear of the establishment is situated a large store containing a valuable stock of oils, colours, etc., in the .sale of which a very large and extensive Ir.ide is constantly being done. .'V very inqiortant branch of Mr. McSwiney's tr.ade is the sale of patent and family medicines. It sj^caks highly for Mr. McSwiney's business capacity, that, in face of the very extensive opposition he mu.t have had to encounter, he should have won for his house the highly respectable position it holds. IN'DUSTRIES OV DUBLIN. '25 George Laie McCormaolc, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Hombor of Counoll of the Pbarmtoeutloal Sootety of Iroland, Miinkstimn. li\ ilosc nssi>ciatiuii wiili [he imili. .il pnifrssion ami i(^ (liitiis llic hiiiclioris nl the |ihariiinTiili al cluinst occupy anil cvcrcist: an important place and part. A noicil cslablisliintnt, ilcvotcil to the ciiliivat on of this sciciuilic branch, is conHuclcil by Mr. George Lane McCormack. This select establi-liinent was foiimled by its present pro- prietor six years ago ami ha^ been a most successful enterprise. From the period of its inception to the pn sent a substantial and select ratron.ige has been bestowed, i prosperous businc-s cultivated into full ami vi^oruus jjn.wlh, and the fullest contidence of an anpreciative public secured. .*^iiuated in one of the aristocratic and fashionable localities clos-: to Monks'own railway station on the Publin and Kin(^>town bne, the position is admirably .adapted to the development of an extensive and lucalive business, 'ihe shop is superbly lilted up with elejjant and most attractive lliilitnni KmmE. iRIvLSfiX' - "C appointm 'nts di> layint^ a higli orJer of taste. The sto:k, which is most compre'iensive, embraces the purest drugs and chemical prepuations used in modern c impound ing, also a large and weli-as-iorteil sto::k of the lead- ing patent and pr.>prietaiy medicines. The slock has b^en selected with the greatest care and thorough experience thnugh the best knoArn mediums, anl every item is characterise 1 by imrity and perfection. the compounding department is su 'plied with all req'dsite p.ire prepirations, and is |)crsondlv superintended and well supported bi? the pr )fessi in and the various classes of the community. In the or lin try. drug line an exten- sive business is done with the several guides of society in the ncig ibj U'- hood. The 'stablishm nt b-ars a justly high repuali m and is deservedly worthy of the success a; lained. The proprietor, who is most p ipular in the district, is fully qu,ili'ied as a Licentiite of die Pharmaceutical So iety of Ireland, and is ag;ntlennn highly esteemed throughout an extended circle, including customers, patrons, and many social friends. Miss M. Sizon, Boot and Shoe Dealer, 54, Rathmines Ro.id. — One 111 the n:o~t indispensable articles ol molein appirel is the boit. There are, lew people who disregard the covering of their feel with good boots, as the evil consequences of liail colds and many other ills result from such articles when not properly mnde. The enormous quantity used in Dublin :iles every class of giods to *uit iic!> or poor. Amongst the la lies' wear, we see the newest styles in the best lea;her, and well linished, including butloiu-d, l.iced, and elastic varieties of boots, and a so shoes to suit all s zes from the miniature Cinderella shoe to the hrjjest made. In men's boots and shoes, we see wares that never fail in durability or sptcnsful cxpuncnls .are necessarily men of inventiveness and business ab lily. A leading and prosiK-ious repesentative house for the s.ile of articles in this line is that of .^Ir. I'eicival Jones. This busines; was established twenty years ago. and his from the date of its inception enjoyed steady and continuous prosjx-rity. The premises oocupieil are well and conveniently situated, tram ca s Irom all the suburbs p.issing and repassing the door, and besides the shop, thcjr include a large and well lighted show-room, filled with the warc-s of all the most nited po tery manuiacturers and ih.- finest qu:ilily of ISiitish fl.nt glass. A noted feature in the latter material is a splendid specimen of b »t gl.iss water jug. This item was patented by .Mr. Jones for an " improved sifety handle," which is a very ilecideil boon to the careful housewife. .•\ department crior facilities at his comman I, .Mr. Jiines is enabled to olTer special advantages to customers, and to execute all orders in the proni])tcst and most siIisf.ictory manner. Liberality and fair de.iling are the basis upon which Pdr. Jones conducts his allairs, and th-? establishment over whicli he so ably presides is a credit in every resp.-ct, alike to his energy and enterprise and to the important industry it so ably represents. M. 'Vanca (snccsssor to A. & G. Taylor, Fhotograplisrs to the Quaoni, 140. St. .Sicphen's (Ireen, West. — 1 he coiinectio.i ol I lulilin rtitli every phase of adv.inceni-'nt and develojmient has always be.n of ihi most intimate character, and it is therefore but meet, and in full keepini; with the fostering care extended by the metropolis to one of the grea est and most potent arts and inventions of any age, that within its limits should stand to-day a photographic instituiion whose fame in the three kingdoms, it is safe to say, his never been eclipsed by that of any similar establish- ment. The prominent firm of A. C\; G. Taylor have founded branches in nearly every large town of Kngland and Scotland, and abjut eleven years ago they es.ablished this business in Dublin, and claim to be the first to introduce into Ireland the system of subscription photographs. The mag- nificent studio if situated at 140, .St. Stephen's (jreen, two doors from Grafton Street, and is spacious ami commodious, and well fitted with all the requisite acce-sories for the production of really good and artistic photo- graphs, as well as with all the newest appliances for the manipulation .and tlevelopinent of the work. The studio is decorated with caliinet, vignette, and i»ncl pliotogi.iiihs, which are beautiful specimens of this mtercsting art. This firm do a I irge and ever increasing business, both in the studio and through those who canv,ass for the subscription portraits. Ttie scales of prices charged are upon the most morleratc basis, when the quality and excellence of the work 1. considered. A very useful book of instructions to sitters is issued by the firm, which gives in a small compass a great deal of important information, which will tend to perfect and improve the photo- graphs. All kinds of woik in the line are undertaken by the firm, enlarging, copying, painting in oils, and various other ipaiali:(! pictures which are much appreciated by the general public. With the excellent facihties at the command of the firm, they are able to give entire satisfaction to |)atrons, and to produce pictures unequalled by any other house in the trade. M. Vance has entered into the possession of a first-class and flourishing concern, an ! there is every indication lh.at, under his capable manigement, it will n it only iinintain its p.ist renown as a representative establishment, but by energy and enterprise will be considerably and materially enhancetl in popular favour, and receive a still further access of that well-deserved prosperity which has char,icterised the firm since its foundat on. .M. Vance is highly respected by a large aiul widespread business connectioQ. Eeakey, Dyei and Cleaner (established in 1S71), 95, Harcourt Stieet. —livery description of Udies' dresses, feather-, and gloves are beautilully cleaned or dyed ; and damask, rep;i, moreen curtains are dynl eipial to new ; chintz is also cleaned or glaz d. Carjivts clvaned and refresticd or shaken by machinerv, peculiir to this establishment. Lace, lace curtains cleaned or re-dyed Gentlemen's clothes are ilyed fast colours, or cleaned in three days, and country orders carefull]- attended to. 126 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. AUen & Co. (Limited), Merchant TaUors, 103, Talbot Street. —Thus prominent concern \v.TS ojiened about seven years ago, aiid has been eminently successful, and has so far enjoyed a most prosperous trade. It occupies a splendid posiiion in this central commercial thoroughfare, which is a leading connection between the Great Northern Raihray Tenninus and Sackville Street, and is one of the finest business streets in the city, and its immediate surroundings are densely populated. The warehouse and work- shops are extensive, and elegantly arranged, and tastefully fitted up lor the execuuon of the various tailoring operations, and the sale of the pro- ductions. In the work-rooms is employed a constant staffof about hfteen ex- perienced men, presided over by an experienced, scientific cutter. The stock comprises all descriptions and patterns in ready-made garments choice m assortment, and substantial and fashionable in material and finish. All garments are made on the premises, by the most experienced workmen, from sound and choice materials in West of England cloths, English doeskms, meltons, beavers, \Torsted coatings, fancy tweed trouserings and vestmgs, and almost ever>- rariety in Scotch and Iriwiek Street, and situated at No. 44, is one uf the most flourishing and representa- tive boot and shoe cstablLshments in Dublin. During the twcniy-six years the business has been established, the tr.ade has gradually developed, until it enjoys now a position of eminence among such concerns in the metropolis. This happy state must be justly attributed to the large share of energy, abiUty, and persistent application that has always characterised the opera- tions and undertakings of Messrs. Bruce & Co., the worthy proprietors. Since they came into possession of the business they have done everything to raise its status, and give it an impetus that has placed it in the very successful position it is now our pleasure to review. There is no house in the trade that turn; out in large quantities such superior goods, from the strongest species of working men's boots, to the finest and most delicate goods, to satisfy the tastes of the most fastidious lovers of fashion. .Some of tlie most skilled, practical, and well-known tradesmen in Dublin — and there is no other place in Great Biitain or Ireland where men of higher capacity in this particular trade can be found than in the Irish metropolis — supply this concern with the fruits of tlicir labours. For superior finish, anatomical construction, ease, and durability, the productions of this concern can stand the severest test, and hold their own with any house in the kingdom. Good material and superior workmanship are features that have long associated themselves with every item that goes to constitute the stock- in-trade of Mr. Brucc's establishment. The premises are in themselves models of coilipleteness in every detail. They are neatly fitted with thorough appreciation of the requirements of modern taste and con- venience. The windows, neatly dressed, are in tliemselves an exhibition of the value of the stock, and the great care that is bestowed on producing it. Neither time nor money is spared to give the greatest satisfaction, and by this means Mr. Bruce has established himself deeply in the confidence of all who havehad any deilings With him. Mrs. Lawler, Mattress and Palliasse Manufacturer, and Iron Bedstead ■Warehouse, Spring Vans lor Hire. 7 and 25, Upper Lirtey Street. — The manufacture of this most extensive branch of fuini h- ing requisites is one of the largest and best sustained of the manv in- dustries of the kingdom. In Dublin it has maintained its position well in face of keen competition. Foremost in the ranks of this important industry is the firm of Jlrs. Lawler. This house was established by the husband of the present enterprising proprietress some twenty years ago,- and has been unusually successful as an eminent manufacturing concern. It oc- cupies one of the best possible positions for the trade, to which it is. devoted, Lilfey Street being the leading locality of the city in which the sale and manufacture of furniture are carried on. Mrs. Lawler has two establish- ments in Liffey Street devoted to the manufacturing and warehouse business in this line. These fine establishments are very spacious and commodious in all their arrangements. There is a superb stock contained in these extensive estaljlishments of all descriptions of goods necessarj' for the trade, which is of enormous dimensions, comprising in every kind of make and design the celebrated articles manufactured on the premises, such as hair, bloek, spring, and fibre mattresses and palliasses in all variety. Iron bedsteads in an endless variety, make, and rates of prices. In all these goods Mrs. Lawler does an extensive business with the wholesale firms, and public and ])rivate establishments, besides her enormous retail business. There is a large staff of workmen engaged in the factory, and kept in full employ, turning out a very large production of the mattresses and palliasses lor which the firm has become famed. The various oiher kinds not produced at her manufactory, she purchases from the best known makers on the most advantageous terms that business intelligence and ample capital can secure. Her numerous patrons are therefore placed on the best possible terms also in their trading operations at this establishment. The esteemed proprietress of the establishment is a lady having a large business and local connection, and is well known and deservedly respected. Messrs. E.& W. Seale, Sliirtaud Collar SSanufaoturers, and Military and Hcrohant Tailors, 97 ■'>uJ 9^i tjralton Sirect.— Founded ihree-and-thirty years ago, the firm of Messrs. E. & \V. Scale soon began to meet with success. The establishment so ably managed by Messrs. Edward A. & William H. Seale, occupies most handsome and commodious premises located as above, and fi'om the careful and elaborate manner in which it has been lilted, and from the tasteful appearance of its exterior, forms a very noticeable and attractive feature in Dublin's leading busness thoroughfare. The firm employs one hundred hands, and is concerned in the manufacture of shirts, and in the general tailoring traile (to order) among the wealthier classes. The large stafT employed have been most care.uUy selected, with a view to the nature of the employment for which they were intended. The material employed in the making of the shirts is of the finest long-cloth, with fine linen for cufis and fronts, and is the very best procurable article suitable to the purpose. This trade in the manufacture of shirts is (piile a speciality with the firm, and they t.ake a pardonable priile in ihi high reputation the house has always borne for the make aAd quality of these garments. They also supply all descriptions of underlineh, vests and drawers, neck-ties and pocket-handkerchiefs, etc. Thetradedone by the firm in these latter articles of dress is very extensive. .'\ few years ago tailoring was added to the trade of the house ; this addition h.as alie.idy turned out a complete success, and bids fair soon to become the leading feature of the entire establishment. Most tr.ade is done in tweeds, Irish, English, and Scotch, a speciality being made of the latter beautiful and slrongly-webbed fabric. A feature of much interest is that containing the " Indian outfits" for the "Civil Service" and the military. A larg.- .and increasing business is ilone in dress-co.its and winter over-coats, and for these, as lor other articles of attire, the house is resorted to by the " leatling lights " of Dubhn society. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. '^7 Edmond Iiong, Bntcher, 39, Wcsilnnd Row.— AmotiR ihc l.Trgc tet.iil viclii.'illint; c'-lalilislmuiils of which Diililin is dcscrvfdly proud, norte bears .t higher or more well-sustained reputnlloii ihnn the old eslab- lishetl and euunenlly respectable house of Mr. Kdniond Lon(;, (»f \VeslhinIi>.hnicnt owned by this highly successful tradesman is situated on the south or f.ishionablc siiie of the River LiiVi-y, at No. 39, Westlanvl Row — a situation admirably suited for the further development of his already large and important business— .and is contiguous to the terminus of the Dublin, WicKlow, and Westland Railway. It will be seen from this that Mr. Long is most conveniently placed for direct communication with the influential classes of Dublin citizens residing at Kingstown, or the interme- diate and beautiful suburbs of Did>lin. The shop is very tastefully fitted with all the modern requisites of the victualler's business, ami makes one of the linest shows of fresh meat that can bedispKiyed in the Iri.sh metropolis. It is in this latter particular that the cst.iblishment of the butcher should be • pre-eminent. In other lr.ades the fortuitous aid of plate-glass windows and decorated tloor-columns may with .advantage be resorted to, but, to our way of thinking, the greatest ornament of a butcher's establishment should be the rich aniritand astiduous attention to business matters, experienced a considerable development of its resources. The premises occupied by the establishment, which are of considerable ex- tent, are situated within a few minutes' walk of the Four Courts ; a position in every way suitable to the development of the trade, and convenient to a very large number of its extensive connection. Since the house has passed into the hands of the present proprietor it has undergone consider- able structural remodelling, Mr. Smyth hiving laid oat over ;f2,ooo on its rebuilding and decoration. The result is certainly satisfactory, as no house in the trade presents a more striking and attractive appearance. The stock, which is large and valuable, comprises all desciiptions of grocery goods, as well as a most extensive and comprehensive assortment of wines and spiiits. The house has long borne a high character for the quality of its teas, and Mr. Smyth has been most particular in laying in a stock of this commodity, which cannot fail to give satisfaction to all classes of his customers. The connection formed by the house is both local and wide- spread, and is of a daily increasing character. The general stock com- prises, as we have said, teas, sugars — raw and refined— cocoas, dried and preserved fruits, and every description of article which is usually pro- curable at first-class establishments in this line of business. A very ex- tensive business is done in the wine and spirit department, all the liquors sold being of the choicest and best description. The wine stock particu- larly is deserving of more than a passing word of pr.aise, considciable thought having evidently been taken in its formation. There are some admirable selections of port and sherry, .md at prices whijh bring them within the reach of all, and which, considering the excellent quality of the article, seem wonderfully moderate. In the sale of bottled ale and stout, both on and off the premises, a large trade is done ; and as all the malt liquors are bottled on the premises, and under Mr. Smyth's jiersonal supervision, he is enabled to guarantee not only the quality, but the absolute perfection of every bottle sold. Taking it altogether, the establish- ment so ably and efficiently managed by this gentleman is a very ad- mirable specimen of whit a business house of this description should be, and we make no doubt that under the continuance of his guidance there is a very brilliant future yet before the house. We are conscious of the inadequacy of a sketch like this to convey any true impression of the house or its commercial position, and can only hope that the rough sketch we have been enabled to give may help the reader in forming an approximate guess at the n ture of the establishment. George Erown, Fharmacentical Chemist, 20, Wexf.rd Street. — Pre-eminent among the pharmaceutical esablishnients of the vicinity in which it stands, is that o( Mr. (jeorge Brown, the Wexford Pharmacy, 20, Wexford .Street. The premises occupied aie possessed of every facility and convenience for the due transaction of the trade cairied on. Mr. Brown holds very high repute in the vicinity amlon Oimy, Dublin. — The mo^t cMciisivc L.uliolic; .ui.i .N.iUoii.il ^ullli^llcr^ in iIil' United Kingdom. Close U|ii>n sixly years .ijjo, this wellUmnvii publi.sliinj; linuse, James Di.fly & t'i>., I.iniiled, was estaWislicd by the late .Mr. James Dufly. Like many other undrrt-akings of a similar growth, no silver trowel nor royal presence marked its inception in laiinchinj; it into commercial evidence in llie Irish metropolis ; but the industry, ]).rseverance, and t.icl thai nursed it in its infancy, raised it step by step to the front r.ink in the publishing trade of Ireland, liy close ap| lication to the wants of the (.'alholic Church in matters of literature, ftlnrut ten years after tlic foundatir^n of the business, James |)iilTy found it necessary to remove to larger premi-es at Wellington Quay, and an uninterrupted period of success following, he deemed it advisable in the year r857 to acipiirc the commodious and imposing builil- ings which the lirm now occupy. Up to iSSft, however, they only occupied a portion of their present premises, but ow.ng to the rapiil development of the bu-iness thty were compelled to take the adjoining liouie, and in Mav, lS8S, the still growing ilcniands upon their resources necessitated the floating of the concern into a Limited Liability Company, under the style and title of Jaims Uufl'y & Co., Limited, witii the Kiglil Hon. Thomas .Sexton, Fsq., M.P., Lord Ma\or of Dublin, as one of the share- holders and directors. A success such as this is only the outcoitie of honest trading, combined with a steady appreciation of the requirements of the community, which the promoters of this popular business were so well known to understand. The principal, and what might be called the parent establishment at No. 15, is one of the most replete and extensive of its kind in Ireland, or indeed in the world for that matter. It is stocked wi'.h the newest Catholic and national publications, as well .is the choicest gems of liteiature which Irish genius .ind Irish |iioly have given to the world. Here is to be seen that superior workmanship which has not only gained the highest awards at the Dublin l""\hibiiion of 1SS2, the Cork Lxhibilion of 1SS3, ami the .Artisans' Exhibition, Dublin, 1SS5. but h.is won that worM-widc reputation which has made a market for Irish art and literature wherever the Knglish language is either read or spoken. This department reaches b.ack to Essex Street, a distance of about a hundred feet. The lower part of the premises contains a large ancl varied stock of books, exhibiting all that is beautiful and artistic in binding, while the material that has cncour.iged their publication is well deserving of the neatness, taste, anil elaboration displayed in their exterior. In this case " the book may well be taken and judged by the cover." Volumes upon volumes, some from the pens of the most eminent authors, are piled one upon another with that gr.iccful care and regularity that has always characterised the works of this house. An obliging anove. J. F. O. D. 129 George J. Alexancler, Wholesale Seed Merchant, Mary'« Ablicy. — In a t.iMinity like Ireland, divoed so cxtciisivil) lo ngriculluial pursuits and to general hus'.iamlry operations, the seed and manure merchant is happily supplied with a v.iluablc ami highly rcmuiier.ilivc field to proicculc his calling. In this connection there is no happier illustration of uncrrng judi;mcnt and persistent application than (hat which is 10 Ix: found in the well-known house controlled by Mr. Alexander, whose premises are eligibly situaterl at .Mary's Abbey. For a period extending over half a century this concern has playcil an active and highly impo t.ant part in the commercial unilerlakings of Dublin, anil it is a pleasure to lind it to day in the very zenith of its prosperity. Under more favourable circumstances, free from the agricultural depres.sions that have for some years played so destruciivc a part in the general commercial operations of Irelanrl, the house uniler leview woulil have attained a still higher prominence, ami contributed more mate- rially to the siicces. and rlevelopment of metropolitan traile and Iri-h com- merce in general. As it is, there is probably no house in Ireland that occupies a more reputable position in its line, nor one that has done more to cultivate, by force of goiM example, a growing tenrlency on the part of farmers and agriculturists to use nothing but seeds of the purest and most reliable character. In encouraging the use of artificial manures also, ami indeeil every other ingreilient or mineral matter calculated to improve Ihe condition of Irish land, the establishment has neither lost time nor savetl expense to promote the best interests of our farmers, and bring to a high status of perfection Irish agricultural operations. The projirietor, in order to carry out this object, secured the agency for Irelanil of some of our most noted artificial manure manufacturers. It is as a wholesale seed merchant, however, that Mr. George J. Alexander is best known throughout the length and breadth of Irelanil, and the reliability and general excellence of his goods are but the forerunners of the success and prosperity his concern now enjoys. His seeds, whether in vegetable or grass, are synonymous with superiority; and the high testimony with which they are invariably associated is the surest index of their merit, and the scru|)ulous conscientiousness by which the management is directed. To review the oper.alions of this highly popular con- cern without directing attention to the situation occupied by the premises would be to deprive the concern of many interesting reminiscences associated with it. From the eleventh to the seventeenth century, the position at present occupied by these premises was the site of a monastery, which oft reechoed the chaunts of the monks who devoted iheir lives to teaching and prayer. Many remnants of the old abbey are yet discernible, though the cells wherein the sorrows and toils of these monastics were in sleep forgotten now airord well-regulated space for the seeds that produce fruit for man, and the manures that fertilise the soil of this country. An attractive building of red brick now stands on this historic spot, and religion and prayer have given way to trade an I commerce. Employment is provided here to a very large staff, and in every depai tment the greatest system and business regularity prevail. The proprietor, Mr. George L .Mexan-ler, is probably one of the best-known business men in Dublin, while in the romantic world of sport he is no unimportant personage. Those who may take an interest in the Waterloo coursing meetings at Liverpool must not fail to be well acquainted with the name of .Mexander. He is also connected with many other im- portant commercial undertakings in Dublin, and iu every respect he is a' inoit worthy citizen. Joseph Kelly & ron, City Saw Mills, 66 and 67, Thomas Street. — The businesses ofiiml er apd skile nurchain as well as that of irimmonger which have fir so many years been carried on at 66 and 67, Thomas .Street, by Joseph Kelly & Son, deserve every possible sujiport Irom the public of the metropolis. The venture of Mr. Kelly has indeed proved a most suc- cessful one, and this prosperity is due not alone to the innate meiits of the, establishment, but also and in an especial degree to the prevision and energy and hard work of the able manager and owner. About the centre of Thomas Street-one of the most open streets in this part of the city a broad i)illared gate leads 10 the offices and yards of the " City of Dublin Saw Mills." The offices piesent a frontage of twenty feet, and behind these are a large number of waie-rooms containing the finer woods in which the Messrs. Kelly trade, as well as such ironwork as would be injured by exposure to the weather. Messrs. Kelly arc extensive impoiters of mahogany, spiuce and pine, deals, latlnmod, red and yellow pine, oak, elm, ash, birch, and .\Icmel timber, and for all these varieties of wood Mr. Kelly is much resorted to by builders, contractors, and owners of house property. Of the timber importet, however, pethajw the irajor jionion is sent through the mills an 1 fashioned into dilferent shapes and for different purposes by the employes (who number close on a hundred) constantly engaged at the works of Mr. Kelly. One portion of the yard is set a|iart for the storage of slates, fire-b:icks, blocks, ridge and flooring tiles, sewer- pipes and flue linings, while in another section cements, stoves, galvanised iron roofings and gen-ral ironmongery are exhibited in laige v.iriL-ties and extreme fulness. The machinery at work is of the newest patterns, .and the accutacy with which the sawing, planing, jointing, grooving, and rab- beting are effected is Ir ily suipri ing. Every description of joinery uork is done to order, and the name of the firm is suflicient guarantee that these works are perfornud in a most workmanlike and finished manner. The progress of this great concern has been most rapid : in a few years it ac- quired a high-class and widespread connection, and the excellence i>f the work it turns out and the good business qualiiies of Mes-rs. Kelly daily attr.ict fresh customers and patrons to " the City of Dublin Saw .Mills." INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Wallace Bros., Coal Merchants, 13. DOiier Street.— An extensive and imii'.rtant business is thnt o'" Messrs. Wallnce Bros,, coal merchants, shipowners, ami colliery agents, of Xo. 13, D'OIier Street. It was first started in the year 1S68, and at once began to make a name for iUelf. The chief olTices situated as above are conveniently placed in a busy thoroughfare, for such D'OIier Street is, about midway between Fleet Street and O'Connell Bridge. In addition to the offices in D'OUer Street there are important depots at Monkstown, Rathm'nes, Birkenhead, and Liverpool, where a large trade in household coals is also carried on. The connection of the firm is widespread and valuable, and they have an extensive and influential clientiU on their hooks, which in j-oint of niunbers is always increasing. A large number of hands are kept iu constant em- ployment, and also a number of horses vans, and carts used to deliver the coals at their customers' residences. The chief aim of the firm has been to build up a large trade in household coals. With tliis view iheyhave spared no pains or trouble in discovering the districts from which the best coals c.in be obtained. They have special arrangements with some of the leading collieries in Lancashire, as well a'* with the Whitehaven and Scotch collieries. All their coals will Ije found well picked and screened, tlitir branch depots at Liverpool and Uirkenlicad aJTurdinj; th.em special facilities for not only BKANCH ESTABLISHUENT, MONK^^TOUN, UUULIM. procuring their supplies on the most favourable terms, but also for superin- teiulencc and oversight at time of shipment The principle upon wluch their business w.is established and is sttll maintained is that uf fair dealing, giving the best article that can be supplied at a price tlut will be not only just to thcmsulvc!! but to the public, quahty being with them the true lest of cheapncs*. Tlie reputation of the (irm stands nov/ deservedly higli with the customers, who number a large proportion of the community. The premises at .Monkstown at foot of Uunleary Hill command one of the finest views of Kingstown Harbour. At thisdcp'jt, in addition to an extensive trade in househuM coals, a large business is carried on in building materials and timt«r. In point of fact, it is the principal yard in Kingstown neigb- bourhocd for the supply of these commodities, .as well as pottery and terra cotta proersonally, di-playing great activity and enterprise in the same. They are most industrious and attentive, . iTcnry Slrcft. — In llic yiar 1S65 the roun^lntion w.ts laiil in lliiiiy .Street of what has since proved to be one of the niDst flourishing ami successful business houses connected with the millinery trade in Dublin, and which, during the twenty-three years it h.is prominently been before the public, has received all that jiatronaije and support which is ever extended to a busi- ness establishment whose chief aim is the supply of lirst-ralc goods at mugany counters, shelves, and showcases, and ornamented with innuiner.ible mirror-, whose brightly polished surfaces rcllect the -..arious and attractive goods, etc., artistically displayed, and aflbid the fair customers plenty of opportunity for those surreptitious glances of self- admiration they are so wont to indulge in. The stocks held by the house .^re very large and valuable, and being for the most j'art designed after the latest Parisian fashion, it is needless to add, are exquisitely and faultlessly tasteful. The items forming the collection are principally bonnets, hats, feathers, ribbons, laces, flower.";, costumes for children, suitalile for every style of face and figure, from the tiny maiden of seven, whose conquests are all before her, to the more mature cliaims of the bride, busied in the arrangements of her trousseau, or those whom afllictions compel to wear the sable garments of mourning. Here in bewildering profusion is always found the most captivating caps, hats, and bonnets, some tlemure and staid, others daringly sprightly and coquettish-looking, but all designed by some master hand in the art of millinery, and most perfect examples of high-cLass workmanship and good taste. In the matter of children's dresses and costumes, this well-known house has long and worthily sus- tained a reputation of the hi^ihest character, a great deal of care and attention having been bestowed by those responsible for the management ■on the selection of juvenile novelties, a large, varied, and most attractive stock of which they always keep on hand. This branch, wliich with this house may be almost termed a special one of their trade, has for many years been very largely extended, to meet the fast-growing nature of the patronage bestowed U]ion it, and at present comprises a stock of children's dresses, under-clothing, etc., which it would be h.ard to equal, still more to beat, in any house in the trade. A large portion of the premi-cs is devoted to the supply of corsets and ladies' under-clothing, the assortment of which, though we cannnt pretend to be a judge upon such delicate matters, we are assured is of the most perfect and admirable quality. The rooms devoted to this branch of the business at " Maison Campbell " are very elegantly and conveniently appointed, every care and attention being duly given to the comfort and convenience of customers. Taken .iltogcther, the ".Maison Campbell" is a business establishment of which any city may well be proud, and which reflects the greatest credit on the enterprise which started it, and the skilful management that has so long and so successfully guided it along its prosperous and successful career. Among the chief business houses in Dublin of the foremost rank, there is none which stands com- mercially higher, or whose management deserves more praise for the uprightand honourable manner in which the business is conducted. With an admirable fovesijjht, the proprietors of " Maison Campbell " have from the beginning laid themselves out exclusively for a cash business, and sold at the smallest minimum of profit, so that when in recent years a period of depression overshadowed the couutiy, this firm found very little if any difference in the volume of their business which .it the present time is one of the healthiest and most successful in the city. W. rieming & Co., Tea, Wine, and Spirit merchants, and Italian Warehousemen, 25, Ste].lKns ( '.n-iii, .North, Turveyrs to 1 1 i^ Kxcellency the Lord Lieutenant. — 1 he tea, wine, and spirit stores and Italian warehouse which is carried on at St. Stephen's Green, between Kildare Street and Dawson Street, is one the trade of which is so extensive that it would alnost appear to enjoy the mono]ioly of the custom of the housekeepers. There is no establishment of its kind in the vicinity, or per- haps in the city, more worthy of the success that has attended its operations thta that carried on under the well-known style and title of Messrs. W. Heming & Co. which has for some years past lieen owned and ably con- trolled by Mr. Jno. Long, who at a great expense, though wisely contracted, rebuilt and renovated the entire concern in a manner that reflects great credit on the judgment of one of our best city architects. The splendid and comprehensive slocks held comprise every article in the trade neces-ary for the extensive .and influential business operations the house hasVilh a widespread and high class elieiifi.'i. The diflercnt departments of the business have separate and appropriate entrances to their respective divisions. In the grocery and Italian depaitmcnt is found a full and most complete variety of the purest and most excellent article* and pro- visions th.at could he met with in the metropolis. Tlie wine depaitiitent holds the choicest selection in clanis, including the l)cst Mcloc to ihc richest Chateau Lafitte brands. The mellow ports rival the golden and pale sherries in excellence, and the sp.irkling champagnes are in a like manner the " best of the best." In the sp.icious cellars arc also the purest and most matured distillations of the most famous old Irish and .Scotch whiskies. The qu.iliiy of the wines may be relied upon to 1« unexcelled, and their merit reflects highly on the experience of the proprietor, who personally buys them direct from the best vineyards of the Continent. The connection enjoyed, as before slatcfl, includes the <•?//< and irj' ' ible residents of our city. On the whole the goods sold in Ikj:: ;;ts are recognisch, and are fiiiished in the smoothest and mo>t workman- like manner, in the shortest possible time. The price, are wonderfully low, men's suiis commencing at 25<. , and coats at 151. Th-- great value offered by this es ablishmcnt has atrncted to it numerous customers, who cannot fail to be complet'-ly satisfied with the careful attention with which their directions are always carried out. hspccial iridit is deserved by Mr. McGuiness for the rapidity with which he attends to all orders, and the purchaser may depend on having his coat or suit at the appointed time, and in this w.iy all vexatious delays and disappoii.tincnts ore guarded against and avoided. Mr. Thomas McGuiness I. as already met with viidespread support, but \\ii exertions for the revival of this industry are deserving of a much fuller measure of patronage. . . Patrick ClafFey, Pawnbroker, Original Firt-Class Fawn OCQco. iS, lalUjl S:reet (private house, 29. Talbot Street). — In all large cities like Dublin, the |ia>»nbruker has become an indispensable acquisition to lhcopeialiontence a high character. It has an admirable position for the busiiuss pursued, is situatrd in Jervis Street, near all the splendid business thorougliiaies, such as Capel Street, Abbey Street, Henry Street, Mary Street, close 10 the Northern line of Quays in a justly reputed business centre. It is a few doors from Jervis Street Ho-pital. Ihe premises and wor"kshops are well fitted up, extensive, and suitably arranged. A consideiable number of hands are engaged, Mr. McCann enjoys an extensive patronage for his work from all parts of the kingdom. In his special designs of art he executes large crders for coach-builders' glass-work of all kinds, and his supplies lor ecclesiastical work are extremely large, this being one of the most extensive branches of his trade. In this ilepartment he does a splendid local and provincial business. Cl.utch wii.eluws, in plain and cathedral tints, arc furnished at very lowest estimates. He is the only glass bentler in Ireland, and carriage glasses and glass to all curves are bent on the premises on the shortest notice. He superintends all .ihe business opera- tions, .and sees the work executed under his own immediate control, and employs none but the very best arli-tic hands. S. Cnrham, Pharmaceutical Chemist, 46, South Richmond Street. — This forms a most important and select branch amongst the numerous city enterprises, and is wielely spread and representeil by many hanilsome establishments. A noted one irr this conneciion is that conductcil by Mr. Curham at 46, Soulh Ricliinoiul .Street, close to I'ortoliello Bridge. T his select est.\bli?hment was opened for business about three years ago by the present proprietor, who has been most successful in the undertaking, having secured an extensive pationoge from every quarter in the city and suburbs. The position is one of the best to be found, being situated in a Icailing busy thoroughfare, which is also a tram line, and in the centre of a fa.liroir.ible and densely populated loc.ility. 'Ihe premises constitute a jiretty bvrilding. having a froniage of twerrty-I'our feet and a ilejuh of twenty- one leet. I he internal arrangemtiits have been suitably carried into efl'eot, and the fittings arc of elegant and modern style. There is a valuable and choicely assorted stock on view, including all fine drugs, chemicals, tinctures, oils, ointments, liniments, lirjuors, jiills, extracts, etc., necessary for a select compounding busin ss. There is a very large and rapidly extending b.isiness done, the local trade being of most extensive proportions, as Well as a consider.ible bu-iness over the other ])arts of the city, townships, and suburban localities. In the comp'rumling rlejiarlment alone a large and select business is altacheil from a widespread patronage, and besides a fine business in plainer ilrugs, chemicals, oils, .soaps, perfumery, patent medicines, etc. I he proprietor is fully qualified and has h id long expe- rience, and is well known and thoroirglrly esteemed by his many patrons. IXDUSTRIKS OF DUBLIN. T. Montgomery, V.S., Shoeing Forge and Iiivery Stnbl s. I'), Kind's Inn Sirfi-I. — Aiii'Mij; iiiciri>|Hilii:iii ;>nil professional men, anil in llic ranks of vclrriii iry siirt;c.'ons in partii al.ir, llic name of Mr. T Monlgomcry sl.imls oul mo-t prominenlly. Kor a perioil eiitcndinjj over h.ilf a century, Ihe name of Montgnniery h.as been familiarly anil honourably associated with the pr<»j^ress and lievelop'ncn uljservahle in the skill and (pial ficalions of veterinary surgeons in Dublin. The concern now imdcr review was established by Mr. 'I'erence .Mrintgomciy, the uncle • if the pres.'nt piopriclor. The present proprietor, during his connection with ihc business, has done much lo piuiiuile Us interests, and invest it with that import.ince and reputation that are so characteristic of the age of pro- gress in which we live. Mr. Montgomery is a gentleman of high prole:>sionaI abiliiies, who .icquircd a practical knowledge of equine, and bovine, and canine tnatnient under the careful and ex.acting eye of his cousin, Mr. KdwarJ Montgomery. He has done every credit to his teaching, and is now established as one of the most reliable men in his profession in the city of Uublin. He is entrusted with some of the most important and intricate work in and about the city, .md he is invariably successful in all his under- inkings. His premises, containing shoeing forge, infirmary, and livery stal)!es, are commoilious, eligibly situated, ami fully e(|'.iipped with all that modern i.tstc or public requirements demand. He gives employment to a large siafT of men, including assistants, smiths, stableman, etc. Every item has the superintendence of himself ]icrsonally, and nothing is .allowed to pass his notice that could interfere with the reputation he has for some years so s'.eaddy maintained. Miss Fasley, Scientific Dress-Catting Association, ;>, \\*estmoreiand Street. — The method of making female attire intrtjduccd l»y the Scientific Drtss-Cutting Association has been altendetl with great •iicccss, and has furnished many l.rdies with the means of useful and ()rofiiable employment. To spread the system then among the women of •-•very ckus ot soci-ty whose means are circun scribed, is a mission that must recommend itself to energetic ladies lo whom the real /v.v hoik: of existence is having no object in life for their cajiabilitics. Many such l.idies have done good service in a culinary direction, learning that far more difficult art than the one now presented them, anrjmcly decorated and fitted up, replete with every accommodation that can tend to the case and comfort of the numerous and influential (liniliU that acc.rd their patronage to the firm. The stock held is well kept up, and supplied by the London markets through the many competent and eflicient buyers who attend tliem periodically. The comprehensive and excellent dis- plays shown include the newest and most fashirmable goods, selected with the greatest care, comprising the latest productions in dress materials, suitable in texture or mode for the different seasons. We also see here an unsurpassed variety of silks, satins, velvets, and velveteens, that in price or value recommend their good qualities to every lady who has an eye for beauty. The mantle department contains the newest desigt s in mant.cs, jackets, jerseys, and tailor inade coats and jackets for ladies' wear. In the millinery show room the visitor is confronted with a beautiful assortment of French and Englsh hats and bonnrts, all trimmed in the la'est fashion, and eaah article in itself the acme of perfection. The many other articles supplied by this establishment comprise gloves in all makes and colours corstts from the leading London and Parisian makers, underclothing, ready made or to order, as well as feathers, hosiery, ribbons, and bee?, together with a variety of such articles that it would be hard to find in as good qua ity elsew •ere. For the execution of millinery, dress, and mantle-making orders a highly experienced staff of assistants is engaged, and we have no hesitation in saving that the most perfect fit and newest style, combining to make reliable work, arc surely to be had here. The arrangement and man>ge- ment of the business is personally superintended, and the firm is popular with every section of the community, on account of their courtesy and intcgriiy. The success of the establishment is solely due to the encg:tic efforts they have always made to serve the public with the best articles at the lortesl consistent prices. Michael Egan &Co., Grocers and Wine Merchants, 50, 51, and 54, I honiasStreel. — Mes-is. Michael ligan A: Co. carry on an extensive bu-iness as gener.al grocers and wine and spirit merchants. The firm has been in existence fifteen years, and during this period not for a moment has this concern lost the countenance and pa'ionage of the citizens by whom it was so signally favoured at its very establishment. Needless to say its succe-s in the future is .assured, and in proportion as thii establishment becomes more thoroughly known to the public, the more la-ting will be its final prosperity. The trade is wholesale and retail in groceries, wines, and spirits, and to the attractions of excellent commodities and moderate prices olTered to the public is the adilitional one that all orders are most carefully executed and delivered. The stock tmbraces, of course, every article in the grocery or wine-store business, and immense quantities of teas, sugars, jams, tinned foods, ports, sherries, whiskies, and brandies are always on hand. No. 54 has been fitted up solely for the retailing of spirits, and does a most fl jurishing and paying trade. The liquors sold are all of really high quality, and the public justly appreciate the house owing to the attentive care with which .\Ir. Egan ministers to their wants. William Jones, Greengrocer, Fruiterer, etc., 29, Lower Camden street. — Most peo|iU-, we fear, eat fruit for the simple reason that they like to do so, rather than fiom a wise knowledge that its consumption — as well as that of other vegetables — is directly conducive to health and ha- a mot benefitial cfi'ect upon the blood especially. One is tempted to make these reflections in h.aving to notice the shop of Mr. William Jones, of Lower Camden Street, fiuiterer and greengrocer, who for m.any years — in a small but independent way— has carried on this branch of business. Mr. loncs occupies premises at So, 29 in the street al»ve mentioned, and has long earned the reputation of supplying goods of exceptionally high quality. The cstabbshinent is always stocked with a good supply of wholesome ami fresh fruit, Mr. Jones b ying daily in the best nmket, and taking care that his patrons shall have nothing to complain of in the qualiiy of the articles supplied. .Ml kinds of home fruit, in season, are always to be procured at .Mr. Jones' shop, as well as the ordinary descrip- tions of foreign fruit, such as oranges, American apples, giajics, etc., most generally in use. Mr. Jones is also a hackney-carriage proprietor in a small way, and is trus'.ed by all his patrons as a steady and thoroughly r. Lable man. 134 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Messrs. £app Bros., Sole Meerschaum and Briar Pipe Manufacturers In Ireland, 53. Gnifloa .Sucl-i, .inJ 55 and 56, South Kiiiy -litc-t. — Tliis wcll-e»taLiI]siicu and higlily respectable turn of pipe manu- facturers, \\ ho are the proprietors of extensive, commodious, and fashionably- fitted premises in Gratton Street, extending into South King Street, are one of the best known establishments connected with the cigar and tobacco trade in the fashionable and select quarter of the south siiie. To most non-smokers the peculiar attraction which the consumption of the tobacco-plant in its manufactured form possesses for its votaries must ever remain as a ''sealed book," but all will acknowledge how widespread the custom is, and how large a part the tobacco plays in creating the wealth and adding to the revenue of the country at large. How many minor pleasures wotdd not the habitual smoker readily forego rather than give up his favourite enjoy- ment, and froni the peer, in the smoking-room of his luxurious club, dovyn to the peasant in his cabin, there is no section of society in which men may not be found who would probably more readily renounce their principal meal than the society and comforting influence of the weed. The l:(te Charles Kingsley was one of the most ardent worshippers of the tobacco g'xl, and perhaps there is not in the whole range of English literature a more magnificent eulogium on the use of tobacco than is to be found in that lamented and gifted writer's famous novel of " Westward, Ho ; " J hose at least who agree with Canon Kingsley will admit that the man who does the most towards the furtherance of the practice of tobacco smoking should be looked upon as a kind of public benefactor, and though we should be slow even in jest to so much exaggerate its import- ance, we cannot fail to recognise with gratitude the great attention shown to the comforts of the tobacco-smoking public by the respected firm which is the subject of this notice. Messrs. Kapj/s premises ate admirably stocked with all the heart of man can desire in the way of tobacco, the .supply embracing, with a most commendable catholicity, every species of the weed, from the most expensive to the most moderate in figure. The hrm claims to be the sole manufacturers of meerschaum and briar pipes in Ireland, and certainly the immense stock to be seen at their establishment justifies, if it does not entirely exjilain, the monopoly, as they do not lK).-sess one single piece of ini'tation in amber, meerschaum, or bnar. The carving of some of the articles is simply perfect, the pipes being perfectly free from flaw or blemish, and recommending themselves, from an artistic point of view, to the commendation of the most cultivated taste. The firm, which was established in Dublin about fifteen years ago, has recently added, as an attraction to the Dublin public, a spacious and haiidsomely- tutcd billiard and smoking room, which is apparently much ajjpreciaied and largely patronised by the j.uiussc dorce 01 the Irish metropolis, and which has done much to augment the already large circle of suppo.teis of which the house can boast. Messrs. Kapp are at present introducmg a noted speciality in the shape of pipes m.ide from Irish MtEKS(;HAU.M. The partners have entered into this branch with great zest, as it^ develop- ment may result in the building up of a new department of industry. Tne meerschaum is found near Collen, in the county of Antrim, and lies in flakes between the limestone rocks, from sixty to eighty feet underground. The quality of the commodity is really first-class, and already large numbers of orders have been received by the house for pipes made from this home product. The grain of the material is fine, and its weight and colour comfiare lavourably with the great bulk of meerschaum procured from the hast. Indeed, judging from the all-round excellence of the finished pipes made irom this Irish meerschaum, it may be confidently predicted that Messrs. Kapp are certain to obtain a widespread sale for their productions in this ilcpartment of their constantly expanding business. The quality of the cigars ai)d tobacco sold by Messrs. Kapp is of the finest description, the fwtmer being selected as a stock with the utmost caie, and can be guaranteed li> 1(8 in the most perfect condition, as well as a large assortment of tobacco-pouches, cigar and cigarette-holders, novelty match-boxes, and Oilier interesting objects gencially to be found in shops of this desciiption, at prices to suit all. T. O'Brien, Fancy Bread and Biscuit Baker, 7, Leinster .Street. — One of the oldest cslalilished and iiiu-.t celL-braled hoqses in the bakery trade in Dublin is that of Mr. T. O'Brien, who, for a period of over fifty-three years, has held a position of the greatest eminence in his business, and who is probably the largest patronised tradesman in his s: ec:al Jine in Ireland. This highly respectable establishment occupies handsome and most e.xtensivc premises at 5io. 7, Leinster .Street, which are fitted throughout in a most la.steful and appropriate manner, and supplied with every requisite for carrying on business on a most extensive scale. I'oundcd alwut 1835. Mr. O'Brien, almost from the inception of his busi- ness career, achieved the highest possible reputation for the incomparable quality of his bre.ad ; and on such sure foundation was this good name established, that more than half a century has failed to shake hi^ pniiularity. The premises in Leinster .Street inea-ure across the frontage about twcnly- four feet, the interior depth from front to rear measuring about two hundred aiid fifty. The large and handsomely filled shop is fully stocked with an admirable supply ol fancy and household bread and biscuits, which, in its whitcneiis and exquisite flavour, far outrivals all competitors for public favour. During the many years, alinokt a lifetime indeed, that this house has been in existence, it has formed a connection which, both in p linl of numbers and in influential chaiactcr, may fairly challenge that of .any hoifse ill the Irish metropolis. Some idea of the great extent and magnlluilc of Mr. O'Brien's busiftess will be gained by learning the fact th.it he has to emiiloj as many as thirty vans and horses in the daily supplj ing of bread to his large and increasing number of patrons, and employs in his bakehouse as many as 100 hands. Mi. O'Brien possesses the coveted distinction oi being appointed, by special warrant, baker to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant and the Viceregal Court, and supplies as well nearly all the nobility, aristocracy, priv.ate-gentlemen, and professional classes throughout the city. In the honourable records of the achievements of such a house, Dublin has every reason to t.ake a just and proper pride, such an establish- ment reflecting no less credit on the city which is proud to own it than it does upon itself So long ago as the 27th of October, 1S46, we find Mr. O'Brien receiving, from the hands of the Lord Lieutenant of that period, the gold medal of the Society of Arts in London, and the high character borne by his hou-ie at the period referred to has been fully main- t.ained, in all its integrity, down to the present moment. Gerrard Brothers, 'Wholesale and Hetail Stationers, 37, Stephen's Green, North. — The house of .Messrs. Gerrard Brothers, wholesale and retail stationers, is one of the mr>st important and extensive of any in the same line in the metropolis. It is a very old-established busi- ness, having been in existence for a quarter of a centui-y. During the whole of that time it has been doing a large and valuable trade in the city, suburbs, and provinces. Its connection is very widespread, and not confined to Dublin alone, but extends to the Antipodes. The shop, whi'-h is well placed by the side of the " Shelbourne Hotel" and near Kildare Street^is beautifully fitted up and appointed. The window is arranged with stationery, blotters, type-writers, and various fancy articles. In the ^hop there is a large and well- .assorted selection of stationery and its requisites, comprising note-p.iper, envelopes, blotting-paper, stationery-cases, pens, ink, india-rubber, pencils, penknives, and various other articles loo numerous to mention. "The busi- ness is ably managed by Mr. John Gerrard, who is possessed of considerable vigour and who conducts the alTairs of the firm with judicious enterprise. He holds a high position in commercial circles, where he is much esteemed. By the able way in which he directs the business and the attention paid j' G. Smith iS; Co., whose connection with the business has ever brought fame and success to themselves, and honour to the city in which they work. The premises of this justly-celebrated firm are situated at 7, S, & 10, CastTe Street, a thoroughfare which, besides its excellent business houses, has its central position to recommend it — and in this respect the company may indeed be accounted most fortunate. The concern presents a lionlage of fifty-eight feet, and reaches in depth to upwards of one hundred feet. In the attached work-rooms a number of hands, varying Irom ten to twice this number, may be seen at work, while in the store-rooms are packed large qui .litiesof door-mats, combs, willow pipes, sponges, straws, canes,rubhes, and all desciiptions of materials either for turnerv, or matting, or basket-making.. In particular, a variety of walking-sticks, which is, without doubt, the largest assortment m Ireland. In the shop are shown the fiui.-.hed articles ; and the beauty of the designs exhibited is much enhanced by the tasteful inamier of their arrangement. Here are shown all descriptions of baskets in all sizes and for all ))urpose«, which, though in uppe.irance they look ilelicate and fragile, are in reality exceedingly strong and ihirable. Brushes of every kind are also uianuiactured in large quantities, both sweeping and hand brushes, boot, cljthes, and hair brushes. In mattings, plain straw, rus-h, and Italian are llie kinds in most reque>t, and may be had in almost every ■ imaginable variety ol design. A large business is also done in turnery, all tlu: fancy goods uir.ned out being well worth their moderate catalogued prices. In everything concerned in the tra,de Mr. Smith takes an active interest, and the conse.juence of his uiirem tting exertions and almost endless aiiidty 15 that hu firm occupy such a leading place in Dublin commercial lile. B. Butler, Confectioner. 22, Bolton Street.— An old-established house is tliat of .Mr. K. liuilcr, who lor more tlinn sixteen years li.as. in a r|uiet and unostentatious manner, carried on a luciative business as con- fectioner at the above .adrlress. Mr. Butler's establishment, although of small size, is very admirably lilted throughout, the greatest taste having be-en displayed. The connection fonneil l>y the house is very large, the establishment being extensively pationised by almost everybody in the locality, Mr. Huller having achieved a Iiigli reputation for the charncter of his pastry and confectionery. It is nee.iless to say that the windows of the shop, with llieir tasteful arrangement of cikcs and sweetmeats, area ne\cr-fai ing source of attraction to the mature ami the youth of the neigh- bourhood. Mr. Butler also iloes a very import. int trade in supplying light tea and coffee refreshments, wedding an 1 christening cakes to order, and in bak'ng di>hcs for families of restricted culinary Cicilitics. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN '.VS John Borke, "Orattan" Coffee Tavern, 45. Capel Street. In ilio henrt ol a most i)ii|iiili)iis district, .iiul siui.itcil in a most busy ihouuiglif.irc, Mr. John Hurkc, the proprietor of the "(Jratlan" Coffee House, cmlmrUed upon his career about two years aj; 1. The busi- ness which he now controls was cstaMisheil ni:iny years siiice. It is now destined to eclipse the succes'i that has ever been asso:i:\leil with any similar enterprise or speculation in Dublin. By proviilinj; the best of everyihmjj in the way of eatables at a truly moderate cost, Mr. Uurke has succeeded in niaUiny a name for this concern which is highly gralifyiiK to the energy, ability, and giod judgnient that h.ive always char.actcrised his undertakings. The moderation ol the tatilT is a matter of comment among the rcspect.able class who palronis; the establishment. The attendance is "Till*-" Lp5 ■1 ^ >jirl g g LjlJ* iZ^J I -Jj^JT -"^ -11,— . also a matter of the greatest import.ince, and in every sense the ccfTec- house is a picture of good taste and regularity. The fittings and general arrangements are on the most approved principle, care and judgment being displayed in every particular instance. The house is noted for its c'lops and steaks, while its teas and coffees are simply Eupeib. The opera- lions of such a well managed and busy establishment require energy and business ability of no mean oider ; and the staff employed, wliich is thnroughly experienced, gives the greatest satisfaction to all who frequent the concern. The proprietor is always on the premises, and every order canieJ out under his immediate supervision. The proprietor is in every way suited to direct the operations of a concern like the " Grattan " Coffee Tavern. Arthur Galwey & Co., BookbincTers, 22, Eustace .'Street.— OiK elf the nnst notalilc I lublin firms eonnecied with the important and iliuridiing bnnkbinding tr.ide, is that of Messrs. Arlhur Galwey & Co., the «eU-known bookbinders. ICst.Tblishe.l nearly a ccnturv, this important hou^c has long maintained the higliest reputation for the admirable quality of its workmanship, and h.is estalili.-hed what is perhaps one of the most important mercantile connections in the city. T he prumisi-s occupied by this noted house are very extensive, givii'g emplojment to a great many hands, as many as 130 male and lemale hands being constantly kept engaged in turning out work for the firm. The premi.es a e admirably de^igned, the spacious worU-rooms being well lighted and thoroughly Ventilate 1, and everything that can hi- being done lo secure the comfort of the numerous tmployH of the tiim. We were much s ruck by some most adm rable specimens of the booklun.iers hanJiciaft in morocco and calf bindings — work, which in Iwauty and finitti of workmanship, can fearlessly invite comparison with the productions of the most celebrated house* in the bookbinding trade. During the many >ears they have been cngagc. ul' Grafloti Street, has been long and popularly known in connection with the cabinet-making and upholstering trade. This house consists of commodious and handsome premises, comprising spacious warehouse and show-rooms, and contains an artistic assortment of antique and modern furniture. The shop, or ware- house, is ver)' t.ostefully fitted in quite the modern style, everything being dons with the dual object of procuring the comfort and ministiring to the convenience of customers visiting the establishment, as well ns securing the effective display of the valuable and attractive stock. The array of goods comprises modern and antique cabinets — many of which are admirable examples of the craftsman's skill — as well as tables, chairs, couches, and ottomans in various woods, and all of the most superior workmanship and finish. This art of cabinet-making, using the term in its broad api lication to the manufacture of hi^jh-class furniture, is one which, of late years, has witnessed a considerable revival, and which, in such skilful hands as those of Mr. Cairns, may be relied on to show even further signs of artistic de- velopment. Many of the articles of furniture on view at his show-rooms are particularly deserving of notice for the chastencss of their design, the beauty of their finish and workmanship, and the exquisite taste displayed in tl eir uphi'Is'.ering where the article required it. Some of the reproductions of antique designs are altogether beautiful, ani would do credit to any estab- lishment, cither in London or upon the Continent. The carpet warehouse is in itself a treat to lovers of the artistic. In the selection of his stock of carpets, we must heartily congratulate Mr. Cairns on the admirable judg- ment he has displayed, and on the fine taste evinced throughout the whole valuable assortment. We would call special attention to the fine stock of Eg\-ptian lace curtains which this gentleman also holds, some of which are of the rarest beauty, and which, we understand, can only be procured through his agency. We have seen a few of the leading designs, and can only say that, as specimens of machine'made lace, they are simply incom- )\Trable. Any peison who is interested in the question of lace, and who may not as yet have seen Mr. Cairns' stock, we would strongly urge to visic the establishment, and inspect the varied treasures there on view. Many of thise de>igns are of the most sumptuous floral p.atterns, baffling the writer's powers of description, and ail are examples of the most perfect taste. If we have been fortunate enough to direct the attention of the public to this collection of artisiic goods, we shall not consider we have wiiiten altogether in vain. We will merely add in conclusion that, as a business house, no establishment ranks deservedly higher than does that of Mr. Cairns in Giafton .Street, while among all classes of his commenial fellow-citizens, the proprietor is highly esteemed and respected for the inflexible integrity distinguishing his career. The National Assurance Company of Ireland, 3, College Green.- 'llu: Natioi al Assurance Company of Ireland has been well and appropriately named, for it stands prominently forward among contemporary offices of its kind as a thoroughly representative and creditable exponent of the best modern principles of life and fire as-urance. The distinctive feature of this organisation is assurance with the provision that seventy-five per cent, is paid on account during life. The society was founded in 1822, and great success was attendant upon its eaily years of operation. The economical basis upon which all transactions were con- ducted, soon achieved for the Company a prominent position in the ranks of assurance institutions. The authorised capital of thii institution is ;f2, 000,000, of which ;^i, 000,000 has been subscrilied. These figures tend to enhance the security of policy-holders to a degree quite unquestion- able. The premises occupied have a splendid frontage extending upwards of seventy-two feel, and with a depth of sixty-two feet. The offices are exceedingly well fitted and furnished, and are adapted most suitably to the convenience of the clerical staff of twelve assistants, maintained and acting under the cap.ible supervision of such well-known and experienced assurance officials as Harold Engelb.ach, Esq., F.I..\., actuary and secretary, and supplemented by the valuable assistance of T. T. L. Overend, Esq., law agent, and Arthur Wynne Foot, E-c|., M.D., medical referee. IJranch offices under competent local and district management are controlled in Ixmdon, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Nottingham, and Glasgow. The directorate numbers among its members gentlemen well known in the city .and in commercial circles. A credital)!e system of life and fire assurance with all its attendant advantages and full ami complete financial security under pr'ipcr administration, is well known alike for its beneficial character to the assured, and for the vast popularity that character has secuied for it everywhere. In the face, then, of this general public familiarity with the nature and prime features of assurance, it is only necessary here to state what is doubtle-s almost as generally familiar in itself, viz., that the National Assurance C*)mpany has well and worthily established its claim to be regarded and relied upon as a peifect exponent of all tlie best modern principles of the system. In order to best meet the requirements of an age of keen competition, this institution has lo^t noopportunily of placing itself in perfect touch with the progressive sp rit of the times, and it i ow offers to the assuring classes easy and lilieral nmditions of assurance. These points, hment has in the short space of six years achieved for itself a reputation and formed a connection that at once places it in the foremost rank among houses in this line of business, and, owing to the excellent quality of the goods it has for sale, does as fine a Ira.e as any hou^e in the city. The premises occujued by this noted house are of a very attractive appt-arance, the exterior of the shop being dccor.ited in black and gold — a sombre tint o! colour which all the more eficctively displays the handsome goods within the window. The interior of the premises are fully equal to the exterior aspect of the house, being throughout fitted in a most tasteful manner, and are fully stocked with a magnificent assortment of clocks, watches and articles of jewellery, silver and electro-plate. The frontage of the shop is about fifteen f et across ; the interior depth, frmn front to rear, measuiing about forty-five feet. The trade done by this establisliment is very extensive, the ramifications of its influential connection penetrating to all parts of the city, and even to many qrarters in the country itself. The connection is, as we have said, of a most influential character, many of tiie persons forming it moving in the most aristocratic circles in Dublin society, and a large trade being done among the gentry and -professional classes. The stock, which is large, varied, and v.iluable, comprises clocks and watches of every descrij.ition, jewellery, plate, and, in fact, every kind of article usually procurable at a first-ckiss jeweller's establishment. The stock of watches and clocks is particularly deserving of notice, all being admirable specimens of workmanship; while among the latter are many which may be fairly looked upon as works of art. We were greatly struck with some beautiful specimens of dining-room clocks, the production of which reflects the highest credit on the artisiic skill of the workman, and which, in beauty and finish, may fairly compare with the best Continental work of the sime class. There arc also some beautiful examples of workmanship in kadits' gold VN'atchcs ; while the collection of rings, brooches, and bracelets leaves absolutely nothing to be desired. We must congratulate Mr. Jacob that, in the face of the al undant existing competition, his house has, in so short a time, achieved so fine a position ; and may conclude by bearing our testimony to the able and eflttcient manner in which the business is managed. T. Eirwan, Grocer, etc., 146, Tolka Bridge, Drumcon-lra. — Allliough the house of business occupied by Mr. T. Kirwan at Tolka Bridge has been long established, having been prominently before the public of the northern quarter of Dublin for more than sixty years, the pre-;ent proprietor h.as only at a comparatively recent date assumed its management. Founded about 1S20, this old-established grocery and wine and spirit stores continues to supply articles of that superior quality which was the first cause of its success a few years ago. Mr. Kirwan only suc- ceeded to the proprietorship of the house about eight years ago, but during the period since elapsed has contrived to maintain the old and firmly estab- lished char.icter of the house. The shop occupies very fine premises .-it Tolka Bridge, Drumcondra, a thriving and fast progressing subuib, close by the tramway terminus. Mr. Kirwan. from his first connection witli the house, recognised the necessity of alw.iys keeping his establishment supplied witii articles of only first class quality, .and giving no room for suspicion that in changing proprietors the house was in any danger of forfeiting its well earned popularity. Acting on this guiding principle, he was not long in securing a substantial recognition of his eflorts in an increased trade, and rapidly extending connection. The wine and spirit department is adv.int.ageously divided into small bars and compart- ments for the convenience of persons using the house, and all the appoint- ments connected with this, as with other branches of the business, are alike excellent. The stock, which is very valuable, h.as been selected with the greatest care and judgment, special attention having been given to the acquisition of a stock of wines and spirits, with their accompanying branch of trade, ales and stout, which might challenge comp.irison with any house in the wine and spirit trade. The goods comprise a very admirable assortment of poils and sherries, and a tridy superb quality of old Dublin wliisky, which for flavour, mildness to the palate, and absolute purity of manufacture genirally, cannot be beaten. The whisky is all the manufacture of that celelir.ded firm of Dublin distillers, Messrs. J. Jameson & Son, and a fine quality of spirits can be obtained .as low as I Si. per gallon. A specialty with this house is its fine stock of Burton ales and stout, the latter article being the celebrated X.\ of Messrs. (iuinness & Co 's manufacture, lia-s & Co.'s October ale is sold .at 2s. 21/. per dozen, while an admirable light dinner ale, also of Burton brewing, may be obtained as low as 1/. 61/. jier do/cn. The sujiply of mineral waters includes ginger-beer, soda-water, gingrr .ale, lemonade, kali, and seltzer walei.s, and nuny other favourite beverages particularly p.atroni.sed in summer weather. As a supplement to his grocery and sjiirit stores, and with a view to consulting the convenience of customers patronising his house, Mr. Kirwan has engaged somewhat largely in the retailing of first-class provisions, such as butter, cgps, b.icon, and linned mints, .all of which arcoffirst-cla^sqn.iliiy. 'I he politeness and civility of .Mr. Kirwan with his customers has rendered hin particulaily popular among them, while his sound bu-inc'S qualities and the integrity inarking his business transactions have caused him to be widely rcsptcted. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN'. lir Joseph DoUard, lathographist, Letter-press Prii^r, Aoooont Book Mc::cr. oJc, rriiUii.t; Hmu^c, WcllmKlun Q any. ami Ea«x at any time by quoting it orders whether large or note, cartridge, tissue, and in Is. t cvory kind of paper, besides many special makes not to be obtained elsewhere. Over 3,000,000 enve- lopes are kept in stock in a separate department, consisting of 360 varieties, of every shape, si:c, description, and quality. In the plain and fancy st.itionery department are to be found all kinds of requisites connected with writing, such as tablets, gold and silver pencil-cases, gold pens, card cases, scrap books, and an infinity of fancy articles Street.— The connection of Dublin with every phav; of ailvanccment ami derclupinent in llie printing trade has lor year* been of the most mlifnale , '^ chariitcr. and it is therefore but meet, and in full keeping with the fiislering care ex- tcndeast, a printing institu- tion whose fame in the typosraphi- ' nl world, it !!> safe . say, has hardly ' en eclipsed by •pat of any simi- r establishment nee the day when ixlon struck oft" -first rudeshcet- i he premises are iplete with evi- Vnces of the vast nd comprehen- sive nature of the lirm's operations. .\ description which would ade- ouately portray the many features of attraction it fiossesses in the highest phases of the ]>rinter's art beyond the limits of space. However, this iew woiiM be altogether f we did not ment on the cimen of architectural art seen in the noble building constructed in the year 18S8, for the wholesale and retail sale of the many celebrated papers and other articles of stationery manufactured. Along the whole line of quay-s we know of no structure that can rival Mr. Dollard's establishment on Wellington Quav, either in beauty or size. Kaised above the other large establishments in lofti- ness, and with an extension of fully 300 feet, its enormous size alone would suffice to create a feeling of astonishment in the stranger who sees it for the first time ; but the astonishment would alone give way to amazement at the beauty of its mosaic passages and oniamentations of eiling, walls, and floors of interior departments. Though were we never to enter its portals, the belief would be impressed on our minds that its exterior frontage of red bricking is, in design, unequalled amongst the many famous architectural buildings in lich our city so justly claims preeminence for beauty and artistic style. side this mammoth concern the constant hum of the printing-machine heard commingling with the active and never-ceasing sounds of the busy lerations in every part of the building. No better indication of its lucrative traae can lie seen than in the countless throng around its counters, and the busy packers bundling and tying up its parcels, and filling cases destined for the traders in their line of business all over the United Kingdom. In all matteis which tend to constitute a perfect institution of its kind, this house excels in Ixing well-ordered, well-conducted, extensive, and fully equipped with every accessory requisite to the proper practice of the " .Art Preservative." 1 he business might be classed under six heads : letter- press printini: department, which includes books, pamphlets, catalogues, circulars, handbills, ]iostcrs, all kinds of cards, and legaf printing, which are executed cheaply and expeditiously. Kvery new design in types, borders and other ornamental devices are added to the plant as they are introduced by Irish, British, and .American foundeis. The lithngraphic printing department embr.ices visiting, menu, concert, ball, wedding, and presentation cards, with ornamental work of everv- description. The account-book department includes almost all sizes, rulings, and qualiiics of paper and descri|nions of binding. Every book has a distinctive number, so that an ex.-»ct duiilicate can be had Books of this clas< are also made to order, and equal atteniiun is given to all small. The paper department is rejilete with large stocks of drawing, too numerous to mention. .Some idea of the enormous operations of this firm may lie gathered from the fact that two hundied people find employ- ment at this establishment, and it would be sui>erfluous to dwell upon the many well-known merits of the work they produce, or its licauiies and excellence. .Mr. Dollard's commerci.iI renown and vigorously-directed trading transactions are wiilely known in their extent .tnd importance ; and the business connections of the house, I'irmly established upon the Insis of r?8 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. its old reputation and honourable tra-litions, are of mdespread influence and value in all p:irls of the country. In conclusion, we may cite this firm's rat-id increase in ewrj' hrancli of its business as a most liopeful sign that a time is coming when our country shall be raised through the eni-rgy and enterprise of such houses as this to the fore r.ink of tlie commercial and mercaniile world. The reputation, in every sense of the word, of the Irish metropolis has been honourably enhanced by the prominent position attained by the indefatigable and truly patriotic spirit shown in the able management of Mr. Joseph Dollard, in establishing this concern in the eminent and distinguished position it has attained in the commerci.al interests of not only Dublin but the United Kingdom. H. Sibthorpe & Sou, Decorators, Glass Mercliants, Ironmongers, Plumbers, Marble and Stone Merchants, etc , Central Oliices and Show-Kooms, 33, Molesivorlh Street. — This is one of the oldest and most eminent firms the metropolis can boast of, having been founded in the early hall of the eighteenth century at the remote date of 1747, and has therefore an honouiabie and prosperous history of nearly a century and a half to p'ace on record. The general offices and showrooms are con- veniently situated close to all the principal clubs, hotels, and leading thoroughfares in the city. The firm has extensive marble and stone works m Great Brunswick Street, occupying the frontage facing the new People's Park at Queen's Square. These «orks are fitted up with necessary steam power and modern machinery for an extensive manufacturing busi- ness. There are stored immense quantities of marble from the quarries of the firm situated in various parts of Ireland. These taken together form one of the most substantial recent oftbrls to develop ihe latent resources of the country. A constant staff of about three to tour hundred men are employed in the various works and departments of this gigintic firm. The stores, which by themselves con';titute a vast concern, are situated at 18, 19, and 20, Upper Kxchange Street, near Dame Street and Christ Church Place, on a site which has been connected with the history of the concern from the commencement. In these are warehoused a constant supply of the various productions of mantifacture ami merchandise connected with lire trade, such as cement, glass, paints, oils, colours, leads, varnishes, marble, and ornamental stone, buildeis' ironmongery, etc. The show- rooms in Moleswoith Street are well designed to exhibit to the best advan- tage the splendid collection of articles connected with household and ecclesiastical ornamentation brought together by this firm. These premises .are most extensive, containing one gallery of 160 feet in depth, and several smaller show-roomswith well-appointed counting-house attached. This film represent in Ireland, as sole agents, Messrs. Maw, in tile pave- ment ; -Messrs. l'o:idey & Sons, in weighing machines of all descripiions ; and the Burham Cement Co., who do an enormous trade in these lines, extending all over the world. They also deal largely in plain, stained, and ornamental glass, etc Messrs. Sibthorpe are ihe principal workers in marble mosaic in Ireland, and their work has the highest possible reputa- tion for true a'lis ic pe fection. They are extensively engaged as plumbers, sanitary engineers, ornamental and ilecorative art workers. They employ none but the best and most hi.ghly skilled workmen in the difierent depart- ments of their trade. Each department is presided over by a special and thoroughly experienced manager, who is accountalile to the heads of the firm for the perlect execution of all work entrusie t to his charge. None but best materials are ever used in the different sections of their manufac- ture. The trarle of this eminent firm is of colossal dimensions, and its reputation of the highest order. The entire business and manufacture of thefirm is under the practical superintendence of the proprietor^, gentlemen of great enterprise, energy, and commercial capacity, who enjoy alike the esteem and confidence of their patrons and eiiiployis. J. & "W. Dnrkin, Pamily Grocers, Tea, 'Wine, and Spirit Kercbonts, 42, liii-at Britain Street. — A higldy lespeciable esialilishnient — long and honourably associated with the family grocery business in Dublin— is that of .Messrs. ].- Ik W. Durkin. This old and deservedly esteemed house wa,s founded at the very beginning of the present century, and during the eigMy eight long years of its prosperous commercial life, has succeeded in gathering around it a circle of supporters of which any business establishment might well be proud. Situated at 42, Great Itriiain Street, in a position admirably selected by its founders for the develo|>ment of an extensive trade, the house sotm after iis inception began to assert its claim to be considered a leading estalilishmsnt in the special trade to which it was devoied ; and by the supply of really first class articles of consumption, which might challenge and be- r comparison with that of any house in the retail and family trade, soon gaine I the name and reputation it sought after. The premises are handsomely although sub- stantially fitted, and stocked from floor to ceiling with a magnificent stock of first-class groceries. Korcniost amongst its wares we find an excellent assS, Charlemont Street. — .\ popular and well pitronised house IS that conducted by Mr. Patrick Lynam, wholesale and retail boot and shoe manufacturer, at the above address. It has been founded upwards of twenty-five years, and has always held rank among the best of its many metropolitan contemporaries. The premises occupied as above are large and commodious, and comprise a spacious well-appointed shop with new ani elegant fittings. They have a capital frontage of fifieen feet with a depth of eighteen feet. "The shop is maintained in admirable order, the arrangement of the go ids in the window, on the shelves, and in the show-cases, being excellent in every respect. In addition to this establishment there are two brancli houses, both of them fitted up in the same first-class style as repairing houses, at No. 66, Charlemont Street, and at No. 36, South Richmond Street, three doors from the Portobello Hotel. At all three houses there is a large and carefully selected stock of first-class boots and shoes suitable for ladies, gentlemen, and children, of the best quality and workmanship. Boots will also be made to order, good fit and style being guaranteed. A speciality of the house is the " Charlemont Boots " for gentlemen. They are from fourteen shillings and sixpence to eighteen shillings and sixpence a pair, hand--ewn. For style, finish, workmanship, and economy, Mr. Lynam claims that ihey cannot be surpassed ; he strongly recommends them as the best value ever offered. A speciality in this establishment is the manufacture of boots to meet anatomical defects in feet, and this department alone is well supported by a large business. A large staff of assistants and workpeople are employed, and .Mr. Lynam personally superintends his business. T. J. Iiynch, Illiuninating and Heraldic Artist, Designer, etc., 5S, Middle Abbey Street. — To all true lovers of the beau- tiful there is a peculiar and distinctive charm, chiefly, perhaps, that of association, .about the old and, unhappily, but nowadays little pr.rctised art of ilium nating. How much of learning and of art does not the world owe to the labours and skill of those old monks, whom " modern thought " is wont to describe as worthless men doing but little for their kind. We are naturally led to a consideration of this interesting topic, in having to notice the 'tcUcr o{ Mr. Thomas J. Lynch, of .Middle Abbey Street, who is one of the i^iw artists of note who pursues the art of illuminating as a profession. Mr. Lynch's studio is at 58, Middle Abbey Street, and is well worthy of a visit from all who are interested in this old-fashioned and delightful calling. The rare talent and skill displayed by this gentleman in some of his illuminations is bejond all praise, and we feel the utter impossibility of conveying to our rea ler's mind anything like a true con- ception of the beauty and elegance of his designs. Mr. Lynch has been established in business for about fifteen years, and during that period he has achieved a name and reputation which has extended all over Ireland, and even received the most flattering recognition in the English press. The art of illuminating wa- practised largely in Ireland during the Middle Ages, and probably reacned a higher artistic excellence in this country thin anywhere else; and VI r. Lynch h.is evidently had the lienefiiof close study of the ancient Irish works of this description, such as the celebrated Book of Kells, than which a higher or finer model could not he furnished. The business done by Mr. Lynch in his interesting profession is very extensive. He has been honoured with mmy highly important commissions, princip.ally in the way of prepa ing illuminated addresses, etc. He executed the address pre- sented o His Holiness Pope Leo .Kill, by the bishops of Ireland on the occasion of his ju''ilee, which in the beauty of its design, and the exquisite and harmonious blending of its colours, cl.iimed and received the warmest praise and recognition. The address was written on a sheet of vellum carefully j^rejiared, and of a beautiful surface and whiteness, and was surrounded by a border in elaborate network of a pirc and beautiful Celtic dtsign execute 1 in gold, silver, and brilliant colours. In the border were placed four medallions and surmounted by a portrait of His lloline-s, at the foot being the Papal arms, and the sides being appropriately fillepci is a vrry llourishini; ami itn|nirtant one, ami one which, from the n.iiuie o( the articles pro luceil, rei|iiiiis the employment of a lar^je numlicr of hamls, even in an age when niachineiy plays so promini-nt a part. Like pins, envelopes i>i their manufacture have to pass throut;h a nuniher of haml-, altogether disproportionate, one should say, to the value of the article produced, yet such is the fact. Among the housc-s devoliil to the production of this famili.ir article, the cstaMishmenl of .Messrs. Ilely & Co., of the "Alcxamlr.i Knvelope Works," claims a prominent posiii.in, not merely by virtue of the liisl-rate quality of their good.s, but through the extent and magnitude of their business, extending as it derience in testing the tastt-s o! the various smokers of tobacco and cigars having enabled Mr. Mitchell to lay down Such a stock as cannot fail to satisfy the most diverse palates — from those who prefer a mild weed to those who can only be satisfied with the most full-flavoured description. The stock of ordinary tobaccos is no less complete, every fine specimen of the manufactured plant being here to be procured ; and all who have tried the tobacco of the establishment agree as to the superiority of its quality. Mr. Mitchell does a very extensive business in supplying clubs and oflicers' messes, his goods always obtaining the warmest appreciation. The high name which this house achieved almost at the commencement of its career has shown no sign of deierioraiion during the threescore and seven years during which it has existed and prospered, the reputation of the house standing as high to-day as at any time in its past history. It speaks highly for the intrinsic worth of an establi-hment when, without any adventitious aid, it is able to ste.idily pursue the even tenor of its way, fearing no rival, and relyinc solely on the good quality and superiority of the wares it h.as to offer to the public. We neeil not, in conclusion, dwell im the high positiim the house occupies commercially speaking, and can only congraulatc .Mr. .Mitchell on the success th.at has crowned his able and ethcient management. .Since the foregoing was wrilten, it is with feelings of Ihe most sincere regret thtit we have heard of the decease of the worthy citizen above meniionetl. To him has succeeded his son, a gentleman who h.as inherited Ihe integrity and energy so characteristic of his father. The business is still continuev) under the old style and title, .VIr. Geo. Mitchell, Tobacco and Wine Merchant, and in the established premises that have been occupied since the inception of the trade. K 2 140 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Tlie Junior Army and Navy Stores, Umited, 22, 23, and 24. D'Olier Siioct, LHiliiin. — The ninotcenlli ceniiiry, prolific in inventive genius, will present to the future historian a period of accelerated progress in ever)- department of science and art, and is remarkable for the cxtra- ordinar)- development of education among the masses — a development that has been marked by a growing tendency against ever)thing in the shape of monopoly. No better exemplification of this can be found than in the spirit of commercial enterprise that led to the foundation and achieved the ultimate success of the system of co-operation in business. Many failures have marked its path, some of its earlier periods were beset with grave obstacles ; nevertheless, the movement regathered its forces, each flowing wave has pressed on to its present gratifying reach, and is now swelling to far higher developments. That the public at large has very considerably benefited by the introduction of co-operative societies cannot be doubted. They may no doubt lend to injure small traders, and may possiblv ultimately aboli.sh such altogether ; but while the public reap the advantage little sympathy will be felt for this class of persons. l"he Junior Army and Navy Store's, Limited, is one of the largest co-operative societies in existence, and the principles upon which it is worked are some- what different from those regulating the ordinary co-operative societies, which may be said to be utilised by the masses, whereas the Junior Army and Navy Society is availed of by the classes. As its name would imply, it is not confined to the army and navy ; the public at large can share in its advantages on payment of yearly or li'e subscriptions. It is constituted of shareholders and members. The former participate in the profit of the concern, which does not exceed 5 per cent. : the latter obtain the best ancles of domestic consumption and gener.il use at the lowest remunerative prices. This society is a practical demonstration of the wonderful advance of co-operation. The head office is situated at Vork House, Waterloo Place, London, and its ramifications extend to every town of import.ince in Great Britain .and Ireland. The number of its members must exceed tens of thousands, so that the trade done by the society is simply enormous. The connection of this, the Dublin branch, is most extensive ; its members include the nolnliiy, gentry, and middle classes not only of the metropolis, but are to be found in every county in Ireland. The exterior of this establishment has a frontage of foriy-six feet, arid presents an impos- ing appearance, well set off with an array of carriages before its doors, which usually grace it with an air of grandeur. On entering the establish- ment, which extends a distance of two hundred feet to the rear, the visitor is struck with the neatness and order in which everything is kept, and the discipline, approaching almost military precision, shown in the attendance at ihe various counters. On the ground floor is situated the grocery deonrtment, neatly stocked with Moning and Kaisow and other Chinese leas, Darjeeling and Kangra Indian te.as and coffees, biscuits, arrowroots, Italian and trench goods, in addition to the many oiher varieties of groceries used in the household. Here are to be found the fruit and vegetable, provision, seeds, regimental counters, as well as the tobacco depiitment, where the smoker can gratify his wants from their stock of choice cigars, tobaccos, and pipes, as also the connoisseur cannot fail to j)lta!-e himself from the selection ol wines, spirits, ales, etc., at the counter allotted to -them, while the teetot.iler is well catered for at the mineral water department. Ascending the polished pine stairs the first floor is reached. It is occupied by the drug and ]ierfuniery deparlmeni, which contains chemicals, drugs, surgical instruments, perfumeries, soaps. I'ariicular mention must be made of their " Kucalyptozone .'^oap," the sor.hing and refreshing action of which on the skin makes it an inlispensable article in the nursery. The stationery department, on this floor, also calls for notice next. Many and varied are the qualities and styles shown of note-papers, printings, bindings, albums, letter and jewel cases, artists' materials, and, in fact, every requisite for the adorn- ment of the boudoir or the use of the oflice. Passing on to the ironmongery deparlmeni, the visitor's admiration is attracted to the many beautiful brass and copper utensils, the fine show of cutlery, the ditTeient patterns of stoves, and a variety of iron wares, making a slock which, of its kind, could harint of engaging two others. This is a testimony of sliiking eloquence and significance- to his p-obity as a tradesman, and skill as a manager. INDUSTRIES OK Dl'Iil.IN. Ml Daniel Murphy, Provision Merchant, 26, Mary's Al)bcy. — One i)f the busiest Ihoroutjlifarcs in the Irish metropolis is ('auc-l Slrcet, off whicli runs Mary's Al)bcv, in which is locatcil many of the principal houses devoted to the sale of provisions ; amongst these theol(l-estal)lishc(l concern controlled by Mr. Daniel Murphy wiihuui doubt holds the premier posi- tion. The exterior of the premises occupied is haiids.ime in appe.-»rance, whilst the shi.p presents to the eye evidences of the taste in arrangement of its stocks that has long since distinguished it from others of i(s kind. .Ml. round this sp.icious and commcHlious shop i.re festooned the best curing of flitches of bic m that, from the immense sale Ihey have, are daily replenished from the preparing departm-.-nts. At the rear of the shop are situated curing, smoking, and other departments for the preparation of bacon. Those are titled up with all the most modern appliances and jiiant for carefully preparing the unexcelled gooils that have won a high repula- tion for this house. The articles of consumption, in addition to his own smoked bac >ns, hams, and jams to be had here, are Limerick and Wicklow salt meats, the purest couniry butters, tints! cheeses, as well as lards, etc. In addition to this establishment Mr. Murphy conducts a second house at 20, Capel Street. The latter is devoted to the grocery business and holds a splendid stock of the best whiskies, wines, cordials, rums, and brandies, as well as most of the etVervescent mineral waters. In the many business transactions associated with both his establishments, the ability and enter- prise of Mr. Muri)hy have conduced to raise his commercial undertaking to the highest position in the best interests of our city. 'Wynn's Commercial & Family Hotel (Proprietress, Mrs. K. Telfourd), .is, 36, and 37, 1 .nver Abliey Street. — One of ihf most respectable and comfortable of the many high-class commercial hotels in Dublin is that which has long been known as Wynn's, and which has, during the many years it has been before the public, contrived to obtain a very large share of its patronage and support. The present proprietress is Mrs. E. Telfourd, to whose fine business tact and clever management the house owes much of the success that has undoubtedly crowned it of recent years. The house occupies very extensive and commodious premises at 35, 36, and 37, Lower Abbey Street, being a most central neighbour- hcod, very quiet in its character, yet within a minute s walk of one of the most busy thoroughfares in Dublin — Sackville Street, and within easy distance of the principal railway termini, and the jiackets for Liverpool , 1 loly- head, etc. The premises arc very admirably laid out and fitted. The style of the furniture also in the various sitting-rooms, etc., evinces the greatest taste, many of the rooms presenting a really handsome appearance. The louse contains a large coffee-room, commercial room, and private sitting- rooms, as well as spacious show-rooms for the use of commtrcial gentlemen staying .it the hotel, and a large number of light and well-aired bedrooms. The fittings and ap|x>intments in these latter apartments are all that can be desired, and will favourably compare with many of the most celebrated hotels in this particular. There has lately been added to the establishment a handsome and spacious smoking-room, which is largely appreciated and patronised by the smoking section of the guests. The niiiiiu at Wynn's, although unpretentious, has long enjoyei the highest reputation for the quality and good cooking of the viands. The connection formed by the house is extensive in numbers and of a most highly respectable character. A large share of the success attending the house as a first-class family hotel is undoubtedly due to its admirable management, the system, order, and regularity with which all the work of the house is done, and, we may add, not a little to the unfailing courtesy and politeness of its respected proprietress. Joseph Delahnnt, Family Grocer, Direct 'Wine and Brandy Importer. 42, Camden Street. — The grocery, wine, and spirit business is a most important branch in city commerce and one that is particularly flourishing at the pre-ent time. A most important house in this line is conducted by Mr. Joseph Delahunt, at 42, Camden Street, and was opened under the present proprietorship about ten years since, an undertaking that has been s ngularly successful. The premises are vety spac'ous and highly suited to the extensive business embarked in, having a frontage of twenty-four feet and a depth of one humlred and twenty feet. They form an extensive warehouse, cellars, counting-house, and storage accommodation. The internal arrangements are most complete in every detail, and embrace all suitable and modern appointments necessaiy for an extensive warehouse. Situated in one of the finest business thoroughfares, and in the centre of a very thriving locality, the position is .admirably suited to the development of an immense family trade. There is on exhi- bition a most superb stock of choice goods, including teas, sugars, spices, fruits, John Jameson & Son's celebrated old malt. John Power & Sons' and George Roe & Co.'s Dublin whiskies, all fully matured and in splendid condition. Wine«, brandies, and champagnes, directly imported. Bass & Co.'s celebrated ales in wood and Ixjttle, (uiinncss & Co.'s renownetl porter, cider, aerated waters, etc. All goods having been procured through best mediums and on most advantageous terms, customers are ceitain of making economical investments by drawing their supplies from this clc- hrated house. There is a large staff of trained assistants at work in the several departments of the establishment, and the entire business is under the personal superintendence of the proprietor, who has had long expe- rience in .all branches of his trade, and is highly q-.ialified to fill the position. Misa J. Dromgole, Wholesale and Betail Toa. Vine, and Spirit Merchant, Ko, i'dl Lane. — Une of the most famdur iiam.s in connrc-iioM Willi the tea, wine, and spirit trade, is undoubleilly thit o( Dromgole, o( So, I'dl Lane, whose commercial career records a pros- perous and influential businesi ciursc extending over lifly years. The premises, situate in I'ill Ijne, at the corner of Arnn .Street, are com- modious and well-furnished. The public portion of the establishment n conveniently partitioned off into apartments with wcll-cushioned ncats extending around them, an arrangement which calls (orih the publi,;'( thanks at this courteous attention to iheir comfort. The ap|H.-araDcc of the bui'ding is considerably enhanced by the handsome glass front which, wiih ihe well-furnished nature of'the interior, has ob:aineil for th s house a name associated with high repute and esteem. The stock is varieJ an4 lar^je, and is rcniarkab'e for excellence in quality combined with cheapness in pi ice. A pro-perous speciality is Power's five-year-old whisky, a spirit which is in great demand owing to its purity and strength. "The firm lay claim to being able to sell, on an aver.age, twenty-two barrels of Guinness's porter weekly, which may be taken as an idea of the enonnous trade done by Miss Dromgole. Sii.ce ihe establishment of this firm the business has been conducted under those lines of management which the keen competition of the present day demands from those houses that require to obtain rank and keep pace with the continually-growing industries of this central mart. And now it may be .safely mentioned that there is no other establishment with such a long and prosperous career, or which has achieved a more prominent connection in this important and enterpiising branch of tr.ide than the one under notice. James J. Mnrphy, Hydraulic Pnmp Maunfactarer, 123, (oombe. — Tliere are lew i iiics, perhaps there is none, that can boast of a purer or fuller water supply than that enjoyed by the capital of Ireland. The citizens arc indebted for this almost incalculable ble.s.sing to the late Sir John (irey, to whose memory has been erected one of the most eltg.-int monuments in O'Connell Street. The works and re.'ervoirs at koundwood and Stillorgan, however much they have benefited the general public, did not certainly encour.age the industry of hydraulic pump-making. This art or industry is one that was always countenanced and suppoited by the Irish public. In all the towns and vilKages throughout the country are to be seen pumps — some in decay, more somewhat old-fashioned — attesting to the antiquity of this business; but as the inetro|K)lis is approached the vartry-water superseump manu- facturer. .Mr. Murphy eng.agei to sink wells, erect pumps, and repair and improve pumps in any nart of Ireland ; an I ihe exjierience and practical knowledge of his sever.il assistant' are a sufficient guarantee that the work required will be done with e.\jicdi:ion, with accuracy, and with complete satisfaction and success. T42 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Thomas Corless, Kestauratenr, 26 and 27, St. Andrew Street — .\ noiod Ahicrican, who h.-id bcoii spendnig a holiday o( some month'; through Ireland, was, on his return to his native land, fruitlul 1.1 interviewers as well as in every other product of man and nature, tak^-n in hand by this most pushmg section of the Americ.m press and forced to underi,'o the inevitable ordeal. Many were the questions asked and equally numerous the replies given, and amongst the former appeared : ' What K your opinion of Dublin hotels and eating houses?' The brief answer of the Yankee was that the hotels were all right and the restaurants of much gener.1l excellence, but in connection with these latter he added : "I must Say however, that there is but one ' Burlington ' and but one ^ Thomas Corless." This noted traveller thus distinguishes the " Burlington from its competitors, as in New York he picks out Delmonico's, or, as in London, he would select Evans', because, like its noted contemporaries m the American metropolis and in modern Babylon, it so excels and surpasses ns rivals as almost to appear of an entirely different character from them and from what, were it in any respect less superior, it would itself naturally be expected to be. The complimentar)-, but none the less accurate judgment of this t;entleman, is one that finds a ready response in the feehngs of all whose good fortune has led them to patronise the eslabli>hment, or rather establishments, of Mr. T. Corless, at Church Lane, Suffolk Street, and St. Andrew Street For many years this celebrated restaurant has easily maint.iincd its pre-eminent position, a position which, thanks to the un- ceasing improvements devised and carried out by Mr. Corless, is being daily strengthened and advanced. The family of Mr. Corless has long held a prominent position as caterers for the public, and his brother acquired much fame as proprietor of the "Dolphin," and manager of both "The Red Bank," b'Olier Street, and HynesV, Dame Street ; but of course the most energetic, the most successful, and the most widely-known of the brothers is Mr. Thomas, who to-day guides the destinies of the "Burlington." Every quality that could possibly be expected or wished for in a manager of mortal mould, seems to have centre 1 in Mr. Corless, and his stock of patience, urbanity, and attentive watchfulness appears almost, if indeed not quite inexhaustible. The situation of the house is in all respects most fortunate. In the busiest portion of tlie city, wiihin a stone's throw of old " College Green," it stands on a slight elevation at the junction or confluence of Suffolk Street, Church Lane, and St. Andrew Street, is opposite the beautiful church which gives its name to the latter street, and adjoins the offices of the Hibernian, one of the steadiest banks in the capital, while the decorations which ornamen' and over-reach the cornices .ind entablatures of the North British and Mercantile Assurance Company's Offices, seem to stretch feverishly forward to catch in the fullest possiule measure the odours— appetising and pleasant— which, from early morn till late at night, arise from the kitchens of Mr. Corless' establishment. The premises are made up of three distinct buildings, of which the one at 26, St. Andrew Street, possesses especial historic interest in Dublin, as being the premises occupied by the National Discount Companj-, and in every niche and comer of these immense premises the watchful vigilance and care of Mr. Corless are strikingly »« evidence. The exterior of the entire block is of gray stone, the lower portions being plentifully supplied ■with and tastefully decorated by chaste Ionic columns carefully designed and excellently finished, as well as by numerous large plate-glass windows and entrances. To the second-fl^ or is attached a capacious metal balcony extending above fifty feet, and at either extremity is a large and more than life-sized representation of a turtle (both of which were alive at both the Caiile Show in April, 1S87, and Horse Show of 1887, one weighing, when alive, 490 lbs., the other 348 lbs.) each of which isa most natural and beau'iful specimen of art, and affords to one entering a most acceptable antiripaiion of the good thinjs in siore for him above ; outside is the pcculiir and distinguishing feature of the exterior adornment of the concern, a large, thickly-gilt gridiron, which, though far less useful, is a most jierfect representation of its humble ]irotolype that plays such an inifKjrlant part in the hands of Stephen, the lamei (iiisinicr of the " Bur- linglon." The roof is topped with glasses, in which at night-time are burnt many-coloured lights, which are as pleasing to the tired wanderer as is a light ai sea to a water-logged ship's crew\ For convenience of examina- tion the concern is naturally divided into four parts. The first of these, the bar, is entered from 27, St. Andrew Street, or from Church Lane. Pas^ing the glass portals a scene of striking beauty is disclosed : the apart- ment IS large, lofty, and cool, the walls arc wainscoted, the ceilings beautifidly cirved, while high art pictures, in heavy frames, are hung on the walls, and the grill to the left of the entrance is topped with a mirror handsomely set in mosaic. The bar is indeed most beautifully fuinished, and is ailmirably served with luncheons and high-class liquors, .ind every- thing that could possibly be done to advance its reputation has been atlen'el to, rcganlless of trouble and expense. The new fish, oyster, and will'.- bir niay Ik- entered from here by a cli>, is the well-known and celc- lir.iled business tr.nlinj; iiiulcr the name of the Kiluiational iJ.iiiy. The 1)usincs!> w.as cslahlisheil in the year 1SS3 liy the Kcv. Canon ilajit, .and at unce begnit to take a leading position ninincss. They coinpiise the central offices and a reiaii sliop. Th y are well built and handsomely lltieil up, and have a frontage of lorty-two feet with a depth of twenty nine. liut that is not large enough for the amount of bu^iu..■ss carried on. In .addition to wh.at may be called the " headquarters," the company has n branch retail shop at 19, Meriion Uow, and a stall on the ilepaituie plat- form of the Westlaiid Kow Unilway Station, and kiosk-, at .St. Stephen's Ureen and Teople's Garden, I'luvni\ I'ark. The manufacturing dcpait- nientsarcat I0ans'ia .SticL-l. - 'July those enga.;e(l 111 trade, and who have daily to experience the wear and worry of mind consequent ufxmthe formation of b.id or doubtful debts upon their book.s, can appreciate to its full extent the benefits conferred upon the tradesman l)y such an association as the .Mer- cantile Mutual Protection Association of Ireland, whose olTices at 3 ;, Uawson Street, are under the able ami elhcient management of .Mr. James Rickard. This institution was originally started by .Messrs. Wilmott i: Co., at No. 8, Cope Street, and, under the management of that tirm, achieved considerable popularity among commercial circles in Ireland ; but owing to increase in the transactions of the firm, the Association was removed to its present more commodious premises, likewise passing from the man.agement of Mc.ssr.s. Wilmott & Co into that of the present proprietor anil manager. The ofliccs occupied by the AssocLation are fitted throughout in a very tasteiul and appropriate manner. The object for which the .\ssociation was starteil is, to obtain security -or, at least, some security — for ir.adesmen, by obtaining reliable information fur thein as to the financial position of persons, either private customers or business houses, desirous of opening accounts with them ; and to aid them in the recovery of bad or doubtful debts. With this view a very extensive machinery has been placed in motion. The Mercantile -Mutual Protection Association of IrelanrI have agents and corre- spondents all over the kingdom, whose busine>s it is to quietly ascertain the most reliable information as to the financial position ol hou.ses in the country, with a view to forming a judgment whether or not the.-Vssociation could advise their clients consulting them to give them goods on credit or not. From this it will be seen that practically the Association is in the position of one ot those private inquiry olHces, whose services are so constantly in requisition in other matters tlian commerce; and that to the tradesman, in doubt v.'hether or not to extend his credit, a great and manifest boon is conferred. The system works admirably, and is really rendered necessary by the unscrupiilousncss of a certain class of shopkeepers, and, indeed, of ])rivate individuals as well. The annu.al failures are nothing short of a great n.ational loss, for which the evil of the credit system is mainly responsible, and until the evil is removed by the abolition of the system, such associations as the one under our notice are not only useful but absolutely necessary. The Association also does good work by the collection of outstanding accounts through its agents, and at a minimum of expense to the ocedilor. The X. L. Cafe (Mrs. Carty, Proprietress), S6, Grafton Street. — In the X. 1,. Cafe, Duliliii [lus^esses a re^t.iurant, high class and select in its character, which will compare both in cutstni appointments and management with the best of its kind in London. Established in 18S7, this now well-known lestaur.antsoon became a popular favourite and received the patronage .and support of all cLasses of the community. The establish- ment of the .K. L. Cale is due to the spirited enterprise of its proprietress, Mrs. Carty, who recoLinised the opening there undoubtedly was for such an establishment in Dublin. The X. L. Cafe occupies very handsome premises at 86, Grafton Sireet, a position which is admirably suited to the development of such a business, beingthe centre of a fashionable and thickly populated district ; and, moreover, one of the most fashionable "shopping " streets in the metropolis. The X. L. Cafe, though it may not come up in grandeur of size to the London " Cafe Royal," or the "Cafe- 1,'Etoile," may fairly claim equ.ality with either in ihegiaccfulness of its fittings and the per- fectly charming manner in which everything is served. The scale of charges seems to us to be particularly moileratc, soups being procurable at sixiience ; a plate of salmon (when in se.a.son) for one shilling and fourjwncc; roast beef, mutton, or lamb, from one shilling and twopence to one shilling and three- pence ; vegetables for a couple of pence, and pastry from threeiK-nce to six- pence. Besides the joints the menu contains a list oi tntries at e pi.ally low figures, and which, considering the ipiality of the meats and the perfection of the corjking. seem perfectly womlerful. The cafe also supplies cotlee. tea, cocoa, chocolate, milk, eggs, sandwiches, mineral waters, poachol eggs on toast, sausages, and other articles of light refreshment ; a noticeable ami com- mendable feature of the establishment being the fact that gratuities to attendants are not permitted by the rules of the house The sallrA mincer is very tas'efully hltentributing to the slaoiliiy and im- portance of the two preceding characteristics. This Company affrds facilities, which are unsurpasstd in the benetils which they confer for advantageous assurance against death and old age ; life policies and endow- ments bemg issued upon reasonable terms. lu the matter of law rates, and the ra-y character of the few restrictions embodietl in the policy, the British \\'orkman's .Assurance Conij)any's system will bear favourab'e comparison with that of any similar British institution. The competitive spirit of the age is constantly altering the face of insurance transactions of every kind, and the directors of this Comjiany have ever been among the foremost to adopt any improvement or innovation calculated to further the inteiests of their patrons, and to maintain that strong mutual confidence which has at all limes subs sie t between the Company and its policy- holders. The chiel offices of this eminent assurance institution are in Birmingham, and situated in the leading thoroughfare of IJroad Street corner. The direcloiate, which is under the able and genial presidency of Henry Port, Esrj., includes the names of gentlemen of great eminence in social and commercial circles. The entire business of the organisation i> conducted wilh the most commendable enterprise and judgment, the connections maintained are of gie.at value an i importan e, both in this metropolis and all the pn v nee-, ol the United Kingdom, and the Company can locik 1/ack with jiratitication on a long, honourable, and succes^lul career in the past, and for*ard to the indicated continuance ol that pros- l>eiiiy it so eminently merits and deserves. The Gaiety Theatre, .'^outh King Street.— Xo institution of a pc'iple testilies to its cultuie and high degree of civilisation mcjre plainly than the Stage, and no |«;riod in the exiilence of the dead empires of tJreece and Rome was more famous in the annals of histoiy, than when the drama ami tragedy was in a most flourishing condition in these stales. In the same way to-day, when the stage is recogniseil as one of the principal educational motors, and its power in reaching the ma.sses is unlimited in inculcating morality, which is acknowledged on all hamls, we arc correct in asserting that a [>eoplj who patronise the s'age so largely as the citizens of Dublin, arc by no means in ihe rear of the march of civili-ation and progress. The enthusiastic audiences that nightly crowd the " (iaiety Theatre " practically deinon-trale the truth of this assuition. This beau- tiful theatre was built for the proprietor, Mr. (jniin, in the year 1S71, and in architectural beauty as well as sealwig accomniodalion, which is for 2,000 persons, together with perfect and full arrangements for entrance and exit of theatre-goers, lac»s nolliuig iha' the experience, skill, and art of one of our IksI architects, Mr. ('. J. I'hipps, could ilevisc. Attached t" the theatre is Ihe "TysorJa" I ar, in which every excellent pro luclion of Ihe vineyaids rjf Eurojx", or dislillalions of the celebrated Irisli whiskies and brewings of best stouts, in adilition to all llie oilier well-known liriuors, arc kepi. The fillings of both iheaire ami bar are splendi.lly executed, and prove that the management leaves nothing nmlone to make Ihe Mage in Dublin worthy of ils high ie]iulalion. Lariy each evening the large crowd at its doors icst.fi.-s to the jjojuilarily of the cnlcrtaiumenls given ; later on, when the incandescent electric lamp throws its silvery g are riown the street, tlie approaches to tht theatre bi-gin to get bl'>ckcd with the numerous equipages of the t'/ite of Irish society. Inside the theatre, simultaneously with the rise of the curtain, the eye is struck, in looking from the top gallery around and below, wih the galaxy of splendid colour and be-iuty, as well as position and influence in the social world, represented in the audience. In the comfortable boxes anil tiers in the circles are all that is clever, wealthy, and beautiful of the classes. In ]iit and lialcony are seen the families of the mitldle classes, and high above, near to the ceiling, in the gallery, is the tiuth-loving, critical audience of the ''gods" snatching a few hours' bli;S from the cares of the world. In reference to the entcrtainment.s, they comprise peiformances of the drama, tragedy, and burlesque, given troin time to time and by the best companies, as well as the operas of Italian and English artists. Kvery new wort; that has made a name for itself in the dramatic world is brought out in first-class style on the siage of this thertre; and the solution of how this theatre has ever been able to maintain its character, as being one of the be.st in the world, is found in the fact that from the date of its establishment the high tone of every performmce has been ably .sustained bv Mr. M. Gunn. The leading celebriti'-s of the green-room have struggled for the applause of its a-idiences, and their merit have ever been awarded by the most discriminating public in the world, .\inongst the talent that have shone on its boards in the past we may mention the names of booth, Harry Sullivan, and J. L. Toole, and recently we have seen Mrs. Langtry, iVIary Anderson, and Sarah Bernhardt entrancing still-bound audiences. Mr, M. Gunn is also proprietor of the Leinster Hall, which for accoinmodaticm and applicability as a concert h.ill is unsurpassed in the United Kingdom. This hall was built in 1886 on the site of the old Koyal Theatre, and reflects the highest ciedit as an architectural work on the skill ot Mr. Phipps, who was also archiicct for the Gaiety Theatre. 'I hough this hall has a dramatic liceiisj, it is used jirincipally as a high-class concert hall, and, as such, is capable of seating 2,500 persons. In Mr. Doyle, the general manager, is discerned a geii'le- man whose association with the Dublin stage is as honourable a connection as could charac erise and uphold the reputation of this insiitution. The proprie or"s social position and mental cu.tivation has done much to elevate the taste for high art in Dublin, and hjs deserved well of every class of the citizens. J. Mulholland & Co., Bope, Twine, and Fishing-Tackle Manufacturers, 142, ('a]i-l Street. — Established lor more than twenty years, the well-known establishment of Messrs. [. .Mulhollaml ..V Co. i^ one of the most prominent liuuses in the nourishing trade wilh which it has been long and honourably associated. The rope and twine-making industry is of very old foundation, and is one which, at one p;rioiJ in the history of Irish commerce, contributed largely to the manufacturing wealth and im- portance of the country. The tra le was not, and is not even now, confined to Dublin, it forming a .".taple industry in many parts of the country, and epe ami twine, an I earning a very hign reputation for tlie quality of the goods they produce. The works in connection with the business are situated at Uingsend, where the Arm manufactures in a very large way every description of rope, net, twir.e, and cordage generally. A special branch of the tr.ade, anil one for which the house is justly celebrated, is the manufacture ol silk fishing lines, which are extensively patronised all over the country. The eslabbsliment in Capel .Street is mainly devoted to the sale of the goods manufactured at the Ringsend Rope Works. The discples of Isaac Walton are lirge patronisers of Messrs. Mulliolland & Co 's liouse, the fame and reputation ol their fishing lines having s|)read far and near. Although the house trades under the name of Mulholland cN; Co., we believe we are ju.lilied in staling that its sole proprietor is Mr. J. Muliiulland ; and it spi-aks highly for the enterprise and business ca|iicity of this highly respected gentleman, ihat he ha; been able to secure for his hous.; the proniineiit coniniercial position it undoubtedly holds. I James Beilly, Cooper, 12, Upper Abbey Street.— The compering tr.ade is in itself a very ex'eiisive and prosperous industry, tliat throughout the year must alTord a very considerable amount of employment. The number of casks required annually for the carrying on of such a foreign house as Gonzalez & Co., the Spanish wine shipper.-, for instance, must be \ery considerable; ami we have only to look a little nearer hmne at all our great breweries and distilleries, to form an idea of the usefulness and necessity of the cooper's skill. In Dublin there is no private cooircring estai'lishnient better known or appreciated than that of Mr. Jam-s Keilly, of Upper Abbey .Street. ICsIablished now for over half a century, he has carried rm a most successful and lucrative trade in this p.articular line of business, wilh creilit to himself, and satisfaction to the large circle of his customers, mostly connected wilh the smiller brewery establishments III Iniblin anri throughout the country. The stock of timber lairl in for the manufaclure of these vessels is very large, anil must represent the outlay of a considerable amount of capital. .Sir. Reilly employs about twenty hanrls lie is most obliging antl willing to ex]>lain everything con- nectril with his inlerciting business, aad is personally ixipujar with all his customcis. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. MS Messrs. Brooke Tyrrell. Manufacturing Furriers and Mantle Manufactarors, •">.!■ '■i.il>in Sirctt. 'lluic i>. no Imusc in Dublin in a niorr iiiipurl.int or cxUnsivc way of business in its spcci.Tl lino tban the well known (iraflon Sircel cstablisliment wliieh forms llie subject of our notice. ICslablishcil so long ago as 1S37, this old ami highly respectable house has, duiing the whole nnc-aml-tilty years of its prosperous commercial career, obtained from the most inlluential anil wealthiest section of society the warmest recognition and most generously extended patronage. The trade in furs is n niost important branch of commerce, and one. moreover, which involves the outlay of considerable capital. In later years the use .ind variety of furs has been greatly extended, and the process of niaiuifactuiing, always difticult and tedious, has become almost an art, so that it can only be catricil on by skilled furriers ; and one con- tinu.ally hears of valuable furs being utterly ruined by being given to drapers and others who must be entirely ignorant of this exclusive trade, under the mistaken idea of getting them cheaply done. This house has always been known by the excellence of its workmanship and its moderate charges. Messrs. Ilrookc Tyrrell occupy very handsome and extensive premises in Grafton Street, at the .iddress above quoted, which arc admi- rably and expensively tilted in a m.inner suitable to their high-class tr.ide, and replete with a magniticent nss. rtnrcnt of furs of the most teinj^ling description, selections from which they are frequently sending on approval to the North (where they do a considerab'e trade) and .ill other parts of Ireland. The stock, collected from the foi-r quarters of the globe, com- prises the pro iucts of all the great fur-producing countries of the world. Of ihete, America and .Siberia are by far the most important. From Alaska come the celebrated sealskins, from which .Messrs. lirooke Tyrrell manufacture the beautiful seilskin jackets for which their house has been so long famous ; also the handsome and much-favoured blue fox. The Hudson's liay territory send the richest otter skins, excellent sables (the best coming from Siberia), beaver, mink, racoon, and skunk. The skins of the latter becoming fur now shown by Messrs. Brooke Tyrrell, and manufactured by them, have been so carefully dressed that they are entirely free from that disagreeable odour which has been its only dr.iwhack. From this territory also come squirrel, wolverine, white and other foxes ; brown, black, and griz/ly bear, ami musquash (which latter is frequently sold as real sealskin). Among the skins found in South .\merica is the ever- fashionable chinchilla. Kuss'an Siberia supplies the richest sables in the worlii, some very fine specimens of which are shown at 82, (Irafton Street, as also the much-prized tails of the skin, and which have been manufactured by this film into trimmings, capes, muffs, dolmans, etc., «hich, considering the great beauty and rarity of the skins, they offer at exceedingly moderate prices. From Siberia also come eimine, squirrel, wolverine, and bear. Here m.ay be seen sloue marten from Turkey and Hungary ; Sweden and Norway producing the baum marten. From .Southern As a comes the Per.~ian lamb, which will always be a favourite with gentlemen (and ladies Telford & Telford, Organ Btuli5ers. — This distinguished house holds quite an unique position, being the only /wHif-/fi/<- firm of organ- builders in the ciiy, and thus enjoys a monopoly which, to their credit be it said, they by no means abuse. The connect on enjoyerafton Street. It is with pleasure that we can state that this house does a considerable business in dressing and mounting native skins, such as Irish otter, fox, marten, seal, badger, squirrel, wild cat, deer, i.ibbit, and a number o( the bird tiibe. In conclusion, we will wi-.h every success lo Messrs. Brooke Tyrrell which their enterprise and high commerc al character deserve. chapels possess instruments built by them. The business is managed by Mr. Williim Hodgson Telford, Mus. B.ic, and by Mr. Edward H. Telford. In short, the workmansliip all through is ol the very l>esl quality and warranted to endure. The house deservedly has a high reputation, and it is gratifying to see it meet « ith such hearty support and so much success. 146 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Whyte & Fons, Glass ard China Stores, South Great George's Street and Marlljoroiigh Street. — Dublin li.ns reason to be proud of the many beautiful and attractive establishments in her ihorcighfares, which, by the display of their lovely wares, enfance the eye and enlist attraction. Amongst her prettiest s-liops must, «e think, be rated the estal lishments of Messrs. Whyte & Sons, at South Great George's Street and Marlborough Street ; especially is the former w.-irehouse to be admired. lis frontage from an architectural point of view is handsome and imposing, and its mirrored wirdows e.xhibii a sock of great variety, which temjits one to a closer inspection. On enteiing, a dazzling display of coUly objects meets the bewildered eye. The effect of the show-room^ when ilium nated is very striking; it is, as we have often heard it expressed, "a treat to inspect them," with their delicately tinted porcelain and other artistically engraved glass glittering in the gaslight. The pnrenl house in Marlborough Street, which was establislud iii the last century, is equally deserviug ol praise. The house was the chief dc)j6t in Ireland for the celebrated Waterford glass, the manufacture of which has, like other fine inlusiries in this country, unfortunately become extinct. In thi^ huge store are displayed specimens from the chief mar.ufaeturers in the world, to supply ihe needs of either prince or peasant, and we congraluKite the firm on the taste and judgment they exhibit in their selections. On our tour of inspection here we were delighted to observe some exquisite services of Minton, Wedgwood, Copeland (late Spodc) and others, not forgetting our own Belleck. Again we were privileged to inspect soni? fine specimens of Worcester of the most beautiful workmanship. In all these different articles of veitu, Messrs. Whyte & Sons have a special advantage in enjoying the closest business rela'ionship with the leading Irish, Scotch, and Kngli-h manufacturers. The proprietors, we need lianlly say, are ever on the look-out for the newest artistic designs, and latest applicaiiun of the potter's ingenuity. We note as a mark of the high esteem in which Messrs. Whyte i; Sons are held in Dublin, and the liberal and constant patron.age acconled them, thit they have been compelled to extend their premises in South Great George's Street. The original premises were extensive, and would have more than sufficed for the requirements of any ordinary firm ; this, however, was not the case with Messrs. Whyte & Sons, who, by reason of their enoimous stock, and the continued presence of .admirers and purchasers in their existing show-ioMms, were forced to .acquire adilitional space, and to con- siderably increase their accommodalioii. We are well within bounds in saying that at the establishment of this firm the amateur in artistic curios, the connoisseur in prircelain, and the housewife bent on slocking her shelves with articles indispensable to her household, will all find their tastes satisfied and their purses suited. This firm has the honour of supplying all ihe leading clubs in Ireland, and we were gratified by inspecting several samples of the enormous order for dinner services, both of |>oreelain and plass, selected for the use of visitors to the new r.ace-couise, promoted by th; I^opardslown Hunt Club. In conclusion it is a mystery to u< how some of our fricniis and fcllou-ciii/ens can overlook this firm by onlering goods from London or Paris, in which case they must pay extra for packing and carri.ige, when the very same wares can be in-pectcmplitude, and in the most satisfactory manner. Prices are upon the mo4 moderate scale, consistent with fair dealing and the excellent quality of the cimimodities disposed of. The ho.ise enjoys a first-class retail connection, and has always maintained a high-class reputation for its tempting eatables. The business is most ably and energetically conducted by its capable proprietor. Mr. Byrne is thoroughly conversant with all the details of the confectionery anil b.ikery trade, .and is well known as a leading man in his particular tr.ade, of strict integrity, and very widely respected. T. McKenna, Tea and Wine Importer, and 'Whisky Bunder, 35, I'pper Clanbrassil .Mreet. — A popular a id llouri-sliing hone is that of Mr. Frjncis -McKenna, of 35, Upper Clanbrassil .Street (Clanbrassil Bridge), gncer and direct tea an 1 wine mporter, and whisky merchant. This is the oldest established house in its line in the historic suburbs of Ilarald's I ross, being founded in tlie year 1730. Tlie present proprietor became po-scssed of it a few years since, but this short time has been quite long enough to greatly eniiance the high reputation of the house, anti to r.Tnk it aniong.st the first-class lea ing eslablishinenis of the city and suburbs. Slr.iightforward management, and supplying the best articles that can be procured, has gained for it a distinguished prominence and a widespread connection ; doing a really fiist-cla.ss trade. The jiremises arc Wi II built, and cover a good deal of ground. The street frontage is twenty- one feet, but faither back it broadens out to sixiy, and the depth from front to rear is two hundred and tv^enty feet, thus giv;iig plenty ol sj ace for the shop and stores. The shop is handsomely appointed and littetl up in the most modern style. In the grocery department there is a large .and well- selected sti ck of pickles, jams, jelies, sauces, etc., while tlic leas are gii;ir:iiiteid the finest, strongest, and richest sold, and they are strongly recomm nded to housewives for their superior qualiiy and moderate [rices. 1 he s.ock ol wines includes po ts, sherries, clarets, .Marsalas, and hocks of hi..;!! eharactei, and at pi ices that are ni'ist moderate. A larije stock of Joint Jameson & .Son's whiskies is held in bond, on which it is unneces- sary to dwell, they ^ire so well kn.wn ; (Juiniic-s's slout. Bass's and Allsopp's ales arc also supplied in brilliant condition, and at prices as low as in any otiicr house <\ll the above goods arc rc^nm ncmied by Mr. McKenna With ttie greatest confidence from personal experience and t' e testimony 01 > Thomas Street, being recently fitted up with all the modern improvements reijuisite in that branch of the trade. He also imports a very large quantity of American meats direct from the principal centres of production in the United .States. Mr. Cogan has devoted such special attention to both these branches of his business, that his establishments now take a decidedly leading position, and have a^ notoriety that extends far and wide. In addition, this firm has a very large and rapid y extending tea trade, owing to the many advantages it possesses over other houses in the same business, it is in a position to give better facilities to its customers for obtaining their goods on the best possible terms. A specially noticeable feature in connection with these premises is the excellent order in which they are maintained, and the very commendable regard for cleanliness displayed throughout the entirety of both establish- ments. The business is under the proprietor's personal su)ieriiitcndence, and is therefore carried on in the most systematic m.inner. There is a very ex- tensive stock of the various comestibles made here of the very iincst fpiality. Ireland ha.s been famous for its bacon and hams for generations, and the wide-pread reputation in all parts enjoyed hythisfiim will certainly tend to enhance that renown. Originally established in 1782, the trade has been extensively developed. The firm receives the patronage of a very large circle of the local retailers, besides an extensive connection throughout the country. Indeed, this firm has long since established itseK as a model one in the confidence of all who have come into contact with it. Mr. Cogan, by his well-known integrity and spirited enterprise, has gained a high position in commercial circles, and the esteem of his wide and valuable connection. He is also a member of the Municipal Council of the City of Dublin. Patrick Lynch, Purveyor and Provision Merchant, 106, C.reai Hritain Street.— The general provision busiiie-.s of Mr. I'.itiick Lynch, which is carried on at the above address, is one of the most prosptrous and respectable in Dublin. Though only a comparatively short time in existence, it has already attained to great popularity in its particular branch of trade. The cause of this is not very far to seek. It lies in the fact that the articles supplied by Mr. Lynch are all of the best quality, and are suppli d at the most moderate prices. The shop is well lighted and clean, and presents a pleisant and inviting aspect to the passer-bv. It is situated in one of the busiest and most thickly populated parts of'Dublin, and the inhabitants of Great Britain Street and the surrounding cisiricls have not l>cen slow to recognise and reward by their patronage the sound business principles which have been followed in the management of this business. Cork butter, Limerick and Watcrford bacon are the itaple articles of Mr. Lynch's trade, and it is no exaggeration to say that l)citer articles cannot be obtained anywhere within the environs of the ciiy. There is al*o a brisk demand here for other nccess.iries of a like nature, and they are all of erpially good quality. Mr. Lynch i* the centre of a large and increasing circle of friends, by whom his sterling qualities of mini and character are as much appreciated as arc his business habits. Worth Dublin Brush Factory (I. S. Vari.in & Co.), 91 and <)2, T.ilb it Streit.— One of the most flourishing industries of Ireland is that which is concerned in the manuf.iclure and export of brushes, and the leading house in the tiade in Dublin, and, indeed, in the whole country, is that whose local habitation is at 91 and 92, Tallxit Street, and whose name is the " North Dublin Hrush Factory." The ma'^'nificent stix:k of brushes of all kinds there displayed is, for excellence of manufacture and elegance of finish, fit to compete with all the worid, and to prove Ihat Ireland has at least one industry in which she nee'l fear no rival, at least so long .Ts .she possesses men of the sterling worth and ent'rpri-ing keenness of Messrs. I. .S. Varian & Co. Eitablished more than a hundred years .igo in Cork, the career of this firm has been one of long-continued and unceasing ])rosperity. About thirty years since, its headquarters were removed from Cork to Dublin, and it has since then made for itself a permanent and honourable place in the commercial and business life of Ihat city. In the windows is displayed an assoitmcnt comprising everything in the line of brushes, from an ivory-handled h.iir-brush to one of those immen-e wood and iron contiivances adapted to the Street Commissioners' requirements. It is only when one has seen on the premises the hundred or mote employes at work, and has considered the responsibility and care which devolve on the shoulders of the heads of such an establishment, that one can thoroughly appreciate the qualities of mind and chir.icter which have enabled Messrs. i. S. Varian & Co. to make the North Dubhn Brush Factory the finest of many in Irc'and. Not only has one to consider the large r..tail trade in the city of Dublin alone, but also a large wholesale trade with nearly every town of size in Ireland, besides a large export and import trade with America and the Continent. Such a firm requires for its directors men of no ordinary capacity, and this requirement is fully satisfied in the persons of Messrs. 1. S. Varian & Co. A. J. Abraham, Wholesale Chandler, 23, Capel Street.^ In an indisputably Catholic country like Ireland, where Cathfdic churches abound, it is not surprising to find thiit the wax-candle industry flourishes amain. There are many large and influential bouses in the capital and other cities engaged for most part in catering to the wants of the religious cominitnities ami brotherhoods in this respect, and foremost among this number we must place the ancient house of A. J. Abraham, the well- known and widely respected wholesale and retail chandler and oil mer- chant of Capel .Street, Dublin. This business was established by the respected father of the present proprietor. The elder Mr. Abraham suc- ceeded by dint of industry, of perseverance, and of unwear)ing attention to the quality of the goods sold at his establishment, in elevating the business lie so ably conducted to a position of enviable pre-eminence. On his retirement his son succeeded him, and the tradition of honourable dealing, as well as marked success, has been fully maintained by the latter, who is in all respects a worthy son of a worthy father. Mr. A. J. Abraham makes it his boast that he is one of the chief suppliers of waxen candles to the Irish clergy and the heads of leligious communities domiciled in Ire- land. Mr. Abraham's goods are solely of Irish manufacture. His appeal to the Irish Church and its clergy is dictated by the purest patriotism, .ind in claiming Irish support for Irish manufactures, he utters a counsel of perfection which we iiopc to sec followed more and more every year. The )irices he quotes for the staple products of his house are moderate, and designed to suit the purses of all. We find that he sells good equally burning vegetable wax candles at the singularly low figure of one shilling and cightecn-pence ]ier pound, whilst the very best qualities of pure wax candles of all sizes, ranging from the great candle standing several feet high, which is used at hasier-tide, to the small candle which is used on the ordinarj-occasions and festivals of the Church, are quotctl at two shillings per pound. In .adiition to his great trade in wax candles, Mr. .Vbraharo is an importer of altar oils for the lamps which in C.itholic churches hang in front of the dilVercnt s.inctuaries, and by their dim religious light add a weird and holy fascination to (he sacred scene. We must turn away, however, from the purely religious side of Mr. Abraham's business 10 its secular aspect. Mr. Abralum does a large retail and wholesale trade with the lay and profirne world in such secular and eveiyday commodities as soaps, toilet requisites, and the many other articles which, in all well- regulated households, are in constant use. In these, as in the nutters before referrcfl to, we find reigning the same salutary rule of cheapness coinbinel with high quality. Mr. Abraham's shop is overflowing with a well-selected and agreeably displayed stock, embracing, without excep- tion, all the arlicles proper to the wholesale and retail chandlery and fancy trade. This house has been in existence for more than fifty years, a long span of life in these days of change, but all the more to be lem.irked by reason of the continued and uninterrupted prosperity which h.xs attended it. It is upon houses of this kind that the commercial cha- racter of any city in the long run depends, houses which date back to a comparatively distant p.-ist, the record of which is honourable, and which in themselves, by the impetus they give to other trades, conirilmte in a very large degree to the prosperity of the community in which they are situated. 148 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Jolm Eehoe, Furnishing Dep6t, 40 and 41, Richmond Street. — Having heard that a large anectivc business is commenced ami completed under his own watchful eye, and he is therefore in a posi- tion to thoroughly recommend what he sells, from Ihc rough wood frames to the beautifully designed and finished suites of drawing-room or dining-room furniture that we saw. In the Exhibition of 1882, he told us (only a few months after his opening) he had courage enough to enter his own workmanship in compe- tition with that put in by the monster houses of the city, and, wonderful to relate, he, with scanty means, carried away from all, even though his compe- titors were backed up with unlimited capital and the inconceivable advantages such provides, the first prize Gohi medal for a reversible spring mattress, his own invention, and the highest award for up- holstery work. This gave a great impetus to his name and trade, and in the Arlis.in's Exhibition of 1SS5 he received the only prize medal for bedding, and two first- class certificates for excellence in uphol- stery work. His next step was in a new sphere, being a portable table for surgical operations, which he has patented. It was suggested by Dr. Corley, F.R.C.S.I., late President of the Royal College of Surgeons, and it has been admired and approved of by all the leading surgeons in the city for its originality, utility, and completeness. It is very pleasing to re- cord that he has practical proof of their appreciation of it in the fact that the first surgeons in the United Kingdom, such as Sur- geons Clark and Jcssop, of London; Argyll Roberison, of Edinburi^h ; Bingham, Nelson, and McKeown, of Belfast ; Corley Bennett and McArdle, of Dublin, and C. Yelverton Pearson, of Cork, and very many others too numerous to mention, have provided themselves with one. The latter says ; " It is certain to prove acceptable to sur- geons in private opera- tions." In fact, a sur- geon's instrument outfit is not complete without this surgical portfolio. Mr. Kehoe's business was now established beyond ques- tion, and he again found it ncce'sary to go further. He purchased large furniture vans, made to order by John Latkin, Rutland PKace, on whom they reflect the greatest credit ; they certainly excel any- thing imported that we have seen. Mr. Kehoe informs us that he employs none but good packers, reliable men, which is self-evident from the nu- merous testimonials he has received in this new branch, and he truly seems to be able to compete successfully with any furniture removers. His ware- rooms are worth one's while visiting to inspect the really very fine stock of bedsteads, spring and hair mattresses, drawing, dining, and bedroom furniture, etc. etc., and when one buys at all it is our expe- rience tli.it it is far chea|)cr to purch.asc the genuine arliclethat is thorough ihrouglioul than the imported article at a sm.iUer cost wliose make-up is unre- liable, lie gives employment to from twenty three to twenty-five hands weekly, sometimes more, and it is a very wholesome sign to find that he has kept the same people from the time of their entering his cmployinont. When concUiding our inter- view, Sh. Kohoe hintfd that there were other iiioveiiients fornnil.ating in his mind. Since the above was put in print, we leani that the new ideas have l.aken practical form, and that Ik- has now ojiened next door, No. 42, as a house and land .agent, and auctioneer, .and has already established himself in the confi- ~;;-j lienceofthe Rathmines and Kathgar peojile, ^^ and almost all of the southern district, by llie upright and straighlfoiward manner in which he carries out the work. Mr. Kelioe's success truly emph.isizcs what can be d(mc by an energetic, persevering man, and he certainly is fully entilled to his expressive motto, which lie took from the start, and which he keeps prominently before ihc public on his vans, circulars, etc., viz., "Selk-RELIANCK." INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 149 St. John Adcock, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer and Importer 102, Grafion SlrcL-t. -.-V tidt.ililc l■^laUli^lmulU iii Ur.idoii Sttcot is ihal of -Mr. St. I»lin Adcock, who lias now enjoyed a very lar(;e share of public favour for a" period exten.lins; overal>oiil tliirly years. Mr. Adcoik's bu>inesswas eslablisheil somewhere about the year i856or 1S57, and durin(; the number of years that have clapseer. I hii vault is air-tight, its sides and lloor are of concrete, and it* average tem|M:- rature about 48 degrees Fahrenheit. With such conveniences on the pre- mises, and possessing such a manigcr as Mr. Kitward 1 1 dgins, it is necillets to say that the establishment is a veritable in'j position, and comprise a splendid fron'age of thirty feet and a depth from front to rear of nearly eighty feet. The stock is both valuJible and compre- hensive, including every article contained in the wardrobe of the lady or the child. Some of the chief lines that have made a reputation for the establishment, we may mention, are the fine baby-linens and qualities of underclothing, and excellent hosiery, in which the celebrated wares from Balbriggan are well represented. Amongst the other numerous art cles sold we may notice the first-class gloves from the best makers, the com- fortable stays and well-designed and finished costumes ; chief among the goods made on tlie premises are the first-rate styles in millinery and really fashion.ible costumes. The other lines include ladies' and juvenile clothing of every description, shirts, lies, collars, culTs, hats and caps, as well as good suitings for boys. In its entirely we know of no establishment in which the lady or gentleman could belter study his interests or his pockets in patronising it. The connection enjoyed is in accord.ance with the remarkable value given, and includes both rich and poor. The control of the concern, under the personal supervision of the proprietor, has been able, vigorous, and energetic. John Bogan, House Painter and Decorator, 6, 7, and 8, Bride .Street. — in this reconl of the indusliies of i)ubliii there is no better example of house than that of .Mr. John Rogan, which deserves to be cited as an explication of the trite proverb, " labor omnia vincit." Sixty years ago this business was founded in a most unpretentious w.iy by Mr. S. Mechan, to whom Mr. Rogan succeeded; but years passed before the obstacles of competition were overcome, and before the excellence of the work done won popular recognition. However, once gained, it was ably sustained, and by the time Mr. Kogan became proprietor, the nucleus of one of the best and most extensive house-painting an 1 decorating trades had been laid. In the present proprietor succeedeil a gentleman whose experience and ability constituted him as the proper person to not only maintain the reputation of the house, but to build up a lucrative business, that .at the present time, lor extent of operations, is hardly surpasseil in the metropolis. The tieco'ation of houses in the hands of such a man as Mr. Rogan, has reached the level of high art. No one could doubt this assertion after seeing the beautiful designs and rich colourings of the splendid painting .and decorative contr.acts done by this house in every jvirt of the city. The premises occupied are situated in a most prominent street, and comprise a large shop and show-room, which contain a comprehensive stock of cheap and high-priced wallpaperings, [uinls, and oils, colourtd and plain window-glass. The stalT consists of the imst skil'ul tradesmen, and numbers forty hands. The successfully developed an I most influential business comprises ainon',-st its ilitntile almo.-t every important house- property owner, and ?ome of the chief business firms in Mie c tyand co .nly of DubUn. The proprietor is an expert in every detail of his business. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. B. J. Clarke, taaies' Outfitter, 2, Henry Street, and 3, Lincoln Place, oil' Merrion Square.— This is a veiy important and rising business, ami one which has a large and e.xtensive connection in all parts of the citv. Founded only about four years ago, Mr. Clarke is to be congratulated on the success that has certainly crowned his enterprise. The establishment occupies large and convenient premises, and the shop is most commoJiously fitted, in a manner suitable to the trade conducted, which, we may add, is principally among ladies of the upper classes. The premises are posse-sed of an attraclive fronta,'e, with an interior depth of from ttiirty-ftve to forty feet, and are filled, from lloor to ceiling, with an exhaustive stock of ladies' under-clothing of the most superior quality and admirable make ; and a large and varied assortment of baby-linen and children's dresses. During the four years Mr. Clarke has been prominently before the Dublin public as a provider of ladies' outfits, he has succeeded in rendering his house exceedingly popular, and has largely reaped the assured and cfertain reward which sooner or later is bestowed on those who honestly strive to supply the public with the best quality of goods. The Dublin public, like all other communities, are not slow to recognise the serious efforts of those who would cater for their wjnts in a thoroughly earnest manner ; and accordingly have bestowed on Mr. Clarke's establishment a large and well- deser\-ed measure of support. As most of the excellent goods Mr. Clarke has for sale have been manufactured on the premises, he is able, owing to his own personal supervision, to guarantee their quality and workmanship. The large and valuable stock comprises among other items a large assort- ment of the latest London, Parisian, and Berlin novelties in children's costumes, mantles, millinerj-, and Dublin hand-made under-clothing : baby- line« in everj' quality and style; and a really attractive supply of ladies' dressing and tea-gowns, toilet jackets, hosiery, gloves, and other articles of minor outfit. Mr. Clarke is also a large importer of ladies' corsets, made by the best Parisian houses, in which special branch of his com- prehensive business a widespread trade is done. Another and very special branch is that devoted to children's rea ly-made costumes ; the stock of tho^e latter articles being of a large, valuable, and varied cha- racter. All these dresses and costumes, whether for the house or street, are marked for their fashionable make and the lastefulness of their design. They are principally suitable to the wear of young ladies from the .age of five to that of twelve or thirteen, and are alike admir.able .as specimens of the dressmaker's art. The millinery department is also extensively stocked, the latest slvles in children's hats and bonnets being fully repre- sented. A special feature at the Lincoln Place house is the splendid stock of men's shirts an 1 linen under-wear, made especially for Mr. Clarke by the celebrated Belfast Hemstitching Company, whose goods are held to be of the best quality and finish. In reviewing a stock so varied and charming in its attractions one is at a loss to choose where all are alike admirable ; but we confess ourselves to have been most striack by the two latter branches we have just been dealing with. It would indeed be hard to equal, still more to surpass, the truly admirable supply of goods Mr. Clarke has got together for his customers' approval. The highest testi- monial Mr. Clarke can receive is already his in the daily increasing circle of his supporters. Much of the respected proprietor's success is due, no doubt, to the unvarying politeness and consideration he pays to his numerous customers, among whom he is greatly esteemed. T. McAuley, Family Grocer, Tea, Wine, and Spirit Merchant, 39, Lower D.jrset Street.— The numb r of houses that siiU ret.iin the old painted signs over theii doors is becoming fewer every year in Ireland, although in many country districts in England these relics of the past survive. One of the few houses which still retain this custom in Dublin is that of .Mr. .\lc.\uley, of Lower Dorset .Mreet. whose house is familiarly known by its sign of "The Big Tree," which at one time extended across the roadway, and it is stated that a regiment of soldiers on march took shelter under it. What may be almost called an historic interest attaches to Mr. .McAuley's establishment, as it occipies a situa- tion immediately opposite what was once the country resilience of the witty and unl.appy Dean of St. Patrick's— Doctor Swift. Mr. .McAuley's is a very old established business, having now enjoyed the patronage of the inhabitants of Dul.hn for over sixty years, during the whole of which period it has been the property of his family. At one lime the Couit was held here, and Butt and McDonngh plea'ied therein, McDonogh at that lime bcmg open to accept a very small fee. The house was originally foundc.l as a wine and spirit business, liut of recent years the trade has been extended and now includes that of a family grocery. The establishment is of very spacious dimensions, a id the appointments and fittings are in excellent taste. The fittings arc of pine and inahog.iny, and are admirably design' d with a view to effect, and the advantageous disiilay of the attractive an 1 valuable stock. The latter has been formed with the greatest juilgm'mt, ami comprises a most complete assortment of .all articles usually kept in establishments of this description. Mr. McAuley in select- ing his stock o( teas has been guided by his great cxp ricnce, which h.as enabled him to con-ult the tastes of .all das vs. In ihe wine and spirit trade, with its ac ompanying branch of ales and stout, the e-labli>hinent has long enjoyed a most enviable reputation. The stocks here held arc of the most superior ch.iractcr, and arc very extensive. The cellars, which at one time e%tcndc'l across the road, are well slocl-ed with fine old trusted \Kitls and pale and golden sherries, which, in the mo eralion of their price, will compirc with ihe wmes of any house in Ihe trade. The stock of old Dublin whiskies held is also of a most noteworthy description, the puri'y, quality, and absence of fusel oil, rendering Mr. McAuley's whisky a most wholesome and desirable article; of J. Jameson's best he is a large bonder. Mr. McAuley is able to supply jams, etc., in the greatest variety and of assured excellence in qu.ality. The house keep; a large assortment of drie 1 and preserved fruits. Passing once more from the grocery to the other branch of the business, it may be remarked that .an extensive tnade is done in the bottled ale and s'out department. All the beverages .are bottled on the premises under the p rsonal supervision of the proprietor himself, who is thus enabled to assure his customers of the perfect condition of every dozen bottles that leaves his house. Mr. Mc.\uley occupies a high social position in his priv.ate life, and is very much respected, not only among his friends but the public generally. As an evidence of this we may state that he occupies the influential position of a member of the town council, and has also been elected to fill the pisition of a poor law guardian in the North Dublin Union. He is, moreover, vice-president of the licensed vmtners' tr.ide. These facts speak eloquently of the influence possessed by this gentleman among his ftrllow-citizens, and of the con- fidence and trust placed in him. Am mg the strictly mercantile and com- mercial classes he is also extremely popular, there being no house in the trade, probably, in the north side of Dublin, which is better esteemed, or which generally bears a sounder commercial reputation. A. J. SCain & Co., Iron Works, 11, Leinster Street — The lame of the compiny that works under the name of A. ]. Main & Co., is one that has attained a world-wide celebrity. Throughout Great Britain and Ireland there are few country se its or mansions, castles or farmyards, in the erection of the out offices of which the work of this firm has not played- a prominent part. The name of the company required but little introduction to the Dublin public when the branch house was, twenty years ago, established at II, Leinster Stree'. Since that lime its advance into the favour of Irish landowners, builders, and contr.actors, has been rapid and unfaltering. The works are situated at a place called Possel- park, near Glasgow. These works (the Clydesdale Ironworks) cover acres of ground, and employ hundreds of men. From this centre, by train and by steamer, are the manufactured articles sent to the branch houses in the Englis^i centres of pjpulation and in the Insh capital, and the articles that arrive at 1 1, Leinster Street, one and all display a strength and durability that are the more surprising when one considers the delicate appearance of the goods. The chief trade is done in galvanised iron sheds and roofings; and the testimonials thai from all quarters have teemed in on Messrs. Main, laudatory of thes ■ erections, give striking evidence of their value and worth. Continuous flat and round bars, fencing, iron standards, galvanised strand, steel and barbed wire liridgss, roofing, and sheds, are also sold, and have been heartily recommended. Another branch, which is perhaps the most interesting as it is certainly the most beautiful, is that concerned in the sale of field and entr.ance-gates, wickc's, and turnstiles. In the entrance- gates the ingenuity of the hrm has been most successful in getting toge her a combination of originality in design and lightness of workmanship rarely to be found. In the miscellaneous department are stored large quantities and varieties, unclimbable railings, stalde, harness, and cow-house fittings, and garden and farm machinery in gener.al, especially suitahle for the requirements of the Irish climate. Iron tanks, troughs, and corn-bins, are sold remarkalily cheap, and the same moderation in charges cha- racteri-es every single department of this most deservedly successful establishment. Jas. Levins, Wood Carver, 24, Upper Abbey Street.— Mr. James Levins, who for many years carried on an extensive business at 9, GlouCiSter Street, has translerred hisslock to more central and more cap.acious premises ;it 24, Upper Abbey Street. The change h.as been a very happy one ; for besides the advantage the new site is to .VIr. Levins, as it is in a thronged thorou^hiare and so liring^him increased custom, it affor is the more numerous frequenters of this large street an opportunity which otherwise might never be placed within tlicir reach of see ng, many of ihcm doubtless fo' the first time, one of the oldest trades at pre cnt exi-ting in the metropolis. The business is one which flourished all over Ireland, and was brought to the highest perfection in theeaily centuricMif the Christian era. Carvers in gold and wood were received with honou s little inferior to that shown to the " brehons" or the bards. It is an imlusiry in which Ireland has obtained a world wide ])re-cmincnce, and the ellbi is of .all who sup|iorl and practically en leavour to revive th-s industry, orserve all pos-ible praise and encourage- ment. .Mr. Levins has certain y done his p.irt in the woithv work, and Ir )in the success which his busine-s ha- always met with, it is eviilent that his exertions have not been lorgoitcn by the public. At the Artisan's Kxhib lion hel.l in Dublin, 18S5, Mr. Loins won the "Callagh.an I'rize Competition " from numeious aspirants. The article he then exhilit. d was a most beautiful "capital " in the Corinthian style, and the finish of the wh lie and noiaiily of the acanthus leaves reached the highest excellence of Ihe SHilptor'sarl. At present vlr. L'-vins is engiged in finishing a beautiful " eagle and pedestal," the entire carved from a block of the hardest o.ak. Fro 11 the \v mdcrtu ease of position, and the careful accuracy of design which tan already be not-d, the work, when it leaves the hands of Mr. Levins, is certain to be a misterpiecc of its kind. A iri -Jieii, which is a presenta- tion from .Mr. Patiick O'Brien, .\I.P., to the bazaar committee of the M I iai;li.in C.athedial, isat piesent on exhibition, and is indeeil in the highest deg ee e.redit.ilile to .Mr. L vin. The assi-laiits are skilled .and well trained in the business, and second in every way the elforts of the proprietor. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Kino, Tailor and Outfitter, London. Bablin Agent: Wm. West, '2. CollfjjL- (irccn. — A name of ulinu-i worlcl-Hidt; rt|iii(.itii>n is I hut oi Mr. Kino of I ondon, who h.is loni^ achieve I the hij^hcst poini- Inrity as tailor an.l oiittitier, ami does perhaps the largest general trade throughout England in his parlieular line ut the style and cut of the garments made by the house are fully er|ual to tho,e of the best West find establishments. Within the List ei'.;ht ye.-irs, Mr. Kino h.as established an agency in Dublin, which is man.r^ed by Mr. Wm. West, of 12, College (Jreen, and since- the establishment has been opened, it hns received a wonderlul amount of patronage from all classes of the romniu::ily, who are never slow to avail themselves of anything really deserving of their support. The premises occupied by Mr. West at his agency at College Greeo, are handsome and commodious ; the front being about liftecn feet acro'/;, ami the depth of the shop, (rom front to rear, measuring about twenty-seven feet. Ihe house has been admirably planned, the avail.ible space being cleverly economised, and turned to the best adv.intage, so that the house presents an extremely pleasing and attractive appearance. The connection forined by this estab- lishment since its inception, eight years ago, is of a most extended and in- tlucniial character, a large business being done among nearly all classes of the population ; there is an ailvantageousdisplay of the varied and valuable stock held by the house, ami a line assortment of m.iterials. Here we have fine specimens of Scotch, English, and Irish tweeds, for summer or winter wear ; plain, black, or blue, and diagonal morning coats ; overcoats in great variety, from 30s., 40J., and 50J.; ulslers, and deer-stalking coats, and wraps ; and last, although not least, a splendid selection of trousers and trousering materi,ils, which, for make, cut, finish, and quality of texture, may perhaps be equalled, but cannot be surpassed by any house in the trade. Mr. Kino employs cutters of the greatest eminence in their line, being fully aw.are from a prolonged cxpeiicnce, that the "make" and " build " of coin or trous-rs are matters of the first imporiance, to which, indeed, many persons would even subordinate the no less iniporLant question of material. Here, however, this is not necessary, as boi.i cm beobtained at the same time, economy and fashion, quality and durability being alike distinguishing features of his goods. Suits of clothes, in admirable tweeds of the latest designs and patterns, can be procureil at this establishment to order, at from 50X. to 6oj., and Mr. Kino guarantees the latest London style, and the best fit and finish. Those who have never tried Mr. Kino's goods, can hardly do belter than give the house a triil, when next in want of articles of dress at cash ])iices, when they will be able to judge for themselves. The high repuiaiion which ihis house has borne for so many years, is in itself the best recommendation and the highest testi- monial it can receive, all those who have tried the clothes pronouncing thein to be most perlectly satisfactory. We much regret that the extremely limited space at our command prevents us from ent. ring as fully as we could wish into the merits of this most enterprising house, ano feel how thoroughly inadequate a sketch like this (which from its nature must be rough and super- ficial) must prove in conveying anything like a full impression of a house which is of such magnitude as Mr. Kino's ; and can only hope that the reader may be able Irom his own knowledge to make up for our deficiency. In conclusion we cannot speak too highly of the able manner in which Mr. West, as agent, conducts the business. James McCa'be, Tea Importer, 'Wine and Spirit Merchant, 81 and ^2, .\lc.illi Street. — 1 he 1 isli nictiopnlis has long been noted for its energy and enterprise, and in no branch of i)u~iness has greater progress been displayed than in the line of teas, wines and spirits. This is abundanily demonstrated 10 any one who will inspect the fine establishment of Mr. J. McCabe, tea imoorler, wine and spirit metihant, 81 and 82, Meath Street. Tlic premises consist of two very fine and spacious shops having a street fr nta^e ot forty eight feet, an I a depth to the rear of sixty feet ; above these is a very handsome dwelling-house of three storeys. The shops are m.agnificently frted up and adiiiiiabiy arr.inged with every facility fcr the trans.action of business, and for the c uufort and convenience of the numi-rous pa'rons and customers wiih which the whole concern is always crovded. The sticks which aie held in the commodious ware and sale- rooms, are large and of great vaiietv and comprehensiveness, conssting of Indian and Chine.se tea- of the choice-.t growths and selections ; old Irish and .Scotch whiskies consisting of Jamesons, Power's, Roc's and Loch Katrine mal'.s, French brandies and wines, liuinness's porter, and Bass's ale, as well as mineral waters, cordials, ginger wine-;, etc , of the best quality. All these liquors, etc., are kept in v^ry large qu.antiiies, ai.d the greatest possible careful judgment is exercised in their purchase. This house has been established close on a quarter of a century, and (rom its xery inception, by reason of a straightforward system of dealing, coupled with a slricc attention to business, a large and permanent trade has been bui t up. This trade, although small at first, has gra ually evel ped and increased its growth, being equalle.i by the consummate ab lity and excellent judgment di-played in its management. A staff of ei_ht assistants is tmplo)ed. The proprietor and manager, Mr. J.imes -McCabe, is a gentleman who has h.ad Icmg and valuable expe ience in the many lines to which the establish- ment is devoted, and who-e promptness and urb.anity in all inatters have won the esteem and just confi 1 nee of the commercial community as well as of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Messrs. Flower Se McDonald, Salt ManafMtarera and Imporlors, Coal and Coke Horohanta, Offices, 7, Lcinkter Mrc:l, Kiiii;s.-iid. -Coal and salt are such necessary articles of consumption tiat Ihcy are ever in demand, and consequently form most im|Kirtant intere.u in the commerce of this city. Prominent among the many distinguished eslabli,hments in this connection, i. that conducted by .Messrs. Klower A: .McI)on.ald. Theopciat onsof this firm were inaugurated some twenty five years past, and since then the success that has attended their affairs has been the resultant of the true spirit of enterprise so characteiistic of their able management. The works at Ringsendare conveniently situated for the discli.-irging of cargoes, the firm having a private birth of their own. The premises consi-t of a commodious loal wharf as well as wholesale salt stores. In the wharf the visitor sees a valuable stock of the best selecietl Orrell coal, .as well as other celebrated kinds of coal, together with coke, fire-lighters, bogwood, briquettes, and charcoal. Entering the salt stores one sees the purest Irish freezing and curing s.ills, kitchen, rock, ami .agricultural salts, in addition to Humsted's Koyal British Table Salts in jais, .-.nd the "Eclipse" Refined Table S.ilt, an .article of consumpiim that is ilaily gaining friends in every household. We feel hound to men- tion that the honour of patronage is accorded the house by Mis Excel- lency the Lord Lieutenant, His Serene Highness I'rince Edward of Saxe-Weimar, and the officers' messes of the regiments in Dublin. In fact, the connection in both the coal and .salt branches of trade is extensive and influential, whilst the .satisfaction given to their clienllle is a fact recognisable in the annual increase in their business. Thomas Higgina, Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchant, l. Usher's t,)uay, — .\ wine and spirit stores which rnj .ys a very high reputation in the trade is that of Thom.as Higgins, I, Ustier's Quay. This flourishing house has now been established on its present site for a period extending over more than sixty years. As the spirits .sold are all of excellent qualiiy, and as the shop is remarkable for the unusual clean- ness it always exhibits, the frequenters are mostly from among the middle and arti.san class. For the convenience of parties desiring privacy, a few very ornament.il and airily-situated compartments have recently been erected; and these seem to be a great boon, if a judgment can be formed from the way the public patronise them. The fittings of the shop, which is in itself very compact and suitable for the business, and the cases are .all made from fine mahogany, while the counters, divisions, and screens are indeed finished and oesigned with the highest artistic .skill. The large mirrors and carved ceiling give the place a chaniiing appearance. The wines sold .ire some of them of the best vintages, and all are guaran'eed to tie bottled for the stated number of years. Every care is taken by .Mr. Higgins to please the frequenters of his establishment, which is carried on under his own personal supervision, or that of an experienced manager. Thomas Mackey, Builder and Contractor, iS, Lower Camden Street. — The name o| Th.jmas Mackoy, contractor and builder, is Well known and highly esteemed throughout the city and surrounding districts. Enterprise, tcmpeied with judgment .and cupled with sound principles and practical knowledge in the building trade, has been pro- ductive of pleasing results th.at are manifest to many residents in the city and suburks of Dublin, and not a few of these results arc attributed to the close attention to business of the present occupier of the esteemed house now under notice. This e-tabli-hmeiit is of very old date ; its former pro- prietor executed some very important contracts, amongst them the re- building of the .Mater Misericor li;v Hospital. This trade is noted for the use of hand labour in all branches of building operation-, most especially in the joinery department ; none but the legitimate tradesmen of our city .are engaged. The present worthy proprietor, being a member of the Car|)enlers' Regular Trades' Society, adheres to his principles to the very letter, and has no reason to regret doing so. The house now carries on some of the m st important budding and contracting operations in the city. .Many extensive contracts have been undertaken and completed for the erection of buildings in the suburbs and districts around the city. The offices, workshops, and timber yards in Lower Camden Street cover a considerable space of ground. The whole business is peisona'ly managed by Mr. Thomas Mackey, who is a most successful and enterprising tradesman. William Kerr, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, 7. .\ston"s Quay.— A pniiinnem house in the boot and shoe manufacture is that of Mr. William Kerr, of 7, Aston's (1u.iy. This gentleman laid the founda- tion of his business about forty years ago, and up to the present has en;oyed a prosperous career. The minufactuies of this firm are remark.iblc for their superior style and finish. Only material of the l>est qu.ality is used, and combined with good workmanship, Mr. Kerr produces an article of ea.sy fit and c egance of shape. The firm excels in the branch of " military work " ; the manufactures brought out under this head are notable for the low rate at which they are to be purchased. A great numl)er of hands are employed in carrying out the numerous orders which are left with this leading house for execution. Mr. Kerr is one of the most influential tr de-men in our city. His name is always associated with those upiight principles with which business men are always connected. He gives his sole attention to the superintendence of his business, and he has every reason to be proud of the high position which he has attained by the exercise ofsteilmg integrity and upright methods. 15 = INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. Hibernian Dining Booms (George Temple, Proprietor), I3S, Capel Street. — iliis old-established and well.conilucted Restaurant, from its commencement in 1860, has enioyed a large share of public favour. It is in the vicinity of the fish, fruit, and vegetable markets, and offers those who frequent them a first-rate meal at a moderate charge. Its select dining-rooms upstairs are supplied with newspapers, where both ladies and gentlemen by a slightly increased tariff can have superior accommodation at very moderate charges. The bill of fare includes roast beef, mutton, corned beef, and vegetables, with soup, from prices ranging from 51/. to icv/. and is., and which are always ready. Chops and steaks are supplied on shortest notice. Fish is supplied on fast days. Breakfast of tea, cotlee, or oatmeal porridge, is ready from 7 a.m., and ranging in prices from 2'^. for tea or coffee and bread and butter, to lOr/., with steak or chop, or rashers and eggs. Kvery article, as far as it has come under our observatioii, is of best quality, and is served up with thorough cleanliness and despatch. James O'Connell, Family Grocer, Tea, and Wine Im- porter, O'J, Gr.-ifl.jn Street. — A reputable and worthy lirm, tr.iding as a la:riily grocer, and tea and wine importer, is that of Mr. James O'Connell, of Co, Gr.ifton Street, one of the principal business thoroughfares in our city. These premises comprise a well-fitted shop and bar, stocked with a vast store of wines, .spirit.s, teas, and every description of groceries. The est.nblishment is situatcil near St. Stephen's Green, at the back of the Gaiety Theatre, and not far from the liijou Theatre in South Anne Street. The superior quality and excellent flavour of the liquors sold by Mr. O'Connell, ])roves a great attraction to the frequenters of the neighbouring theatres— though these places of amusement are provided with good bars. The superiority of Mr. O'Connell's liquors is so manifest that the lovers of the drama prefer this tstablishment to the theatrical bars. Wines, sherries, brandies, whiskies, Guinncss's porters, ales, and stouts are kept in stock ; and J. Jameson & Son's thirteen-year-old whisky is made a speciality of. Arlmircrs of good whisky will find in this spirit a pure, delicious flavour, soothing and comforting to the palate. The housewives are especially pleased with the first-class teas, sugars, and coffees retailed here ; they patronise this grocery to a great extent, and entirely ignore the claims for their support niaile by rival establishments. The interior is handsomely decorated and lit up with large plate-glass windows ; the bar, which measures some eighty-four feet long, is one of the favourite lounges and saloons in our city. The sole director of this extensive business is Mr. J. O'Connell, who, by vast energy and powerful acti\ity, conrbined with commercial qualifications, controls the whole with much success, and has made a nimc for his house that for reliability, enterjjrise, and superiority of produce is secjnd to no other house in this particular line. Jolin Doyle, Provision Merchant, 13, 14, and i5,Cnrman'sIIall, There is probably no commodity that enters so largely into the sustenance of the Irish people— with the exception, of course, of the potato — as does salt meat, whether nndcr the form of hams or gams, or flitches of bacon. Among the provision merchants trading in the mctiopohs, the position of Mr. John Doyle is a leading one. The premises occupied by this able and energetic gentleman are situatcil at 13, 14, and 15, Carman's Hall, near l-'rancis Sicect, and consequently in the near proximity of the old ami historic market-place of Spilaltields. The stock embr.aces all kinds of bacons, of Ixjth home and foreign makers, and though there arc many varietie!, all arc marked by the same careful and most successful cuiiig. A most extensive supply of American meats is always on lianil. Of Iri'.h bacons the slock on hand is also of iimtli merit, ami the foremost cuiers in Dublin and Limerick have contributed to the supply here sloreil. The business of Mr. Doy)c U rapidly increasing, and he is largely concerned in supplying the smaller traders of the suburbs and the dose-lying towns. Five hands are in constant employment, and two floats daily deliver orders through the city. There are few concerns in the trade more deserving than that under notice, and it is a matter for congratulation that a full measure of success has attended the exertions of its eneigetic proprietor. Miss A. Monnt, Chandler, Soap and Lamp-Oil Dealer, 41, Great Britain Street. — One of the most important trades in existence is that which is concerned in the tralVic in soap and oil. It is one which brings us into commercial relations with all parts of the world, and no review of Dublin could be considered complete which should fail to take it into consideration, together with the leading firms engaged in it. Of these one of the foremost is (hat of Miss A. Mount, of 41, Lireat Britain Street. This house is situated in an exceptionally busy part of Dublin, and commnnds a great portion of the trade of the metropolis. The staple lines of the chandlery trade are kept largely in stock, including soaps for the laundry and toilet table, lamp-oil, all requisites for lamps, such as wicks, chimneys, and globes, tooth, hair, and nail brushes, ei Itoc ^^enus omtie. A well- trained staff of assistants is employed, who attend to the requirements of bu)ers, and altogether we may describe this house as being a first-class one in its line of business. Miss Mount is well known for thorough business capacity, and she conducts the affairs of this house vt\n\\ a sound and well-balanced basis; at no time during the career of this establish- ment has a lapse occurred in the esteem and confidence inspired among the trade by this firm's honourable methods and high commercial principles. Messrs. John Lawlor & Son, Poulterers and Fish- mongers, 6 and 7, l.)uggan I'l.tce. — Prominent among the many notable establisiiments that have made Kalhniines the commercially important (.lis- ttict it is at present, we must mention the notable house controlled by Messrs. John Lawl or & Son. This extensive business w'e have no hesita- tion in placing as first in its particular branch of trade, and our reasons for doing so are on account of its wide scope of operations, and i's high-class and influential connection. The business was oiiginated by Mr. John Lawlor in the year 1S45, and since the very day ot its inception h.as had a remarkable and unprecedented course ol success. The premises lack nothing that good taste comljined with liberality could suggest. The arrangement is perfection itself, and the fixtures are handsome in appearance, and show to advantage the excellent articles of consumption sold. The chief characteristic of J. Lawlor & Son's establishment is, th.at .all the poultry sold there arc specially led at their own extensive feeding-grounds, covering an acre in extent, adjacent to their retail estaldishment. Here may be seen thousands of geese, ducks, chickens, ttc, enjoying the best of good living, and in blissful ignorance of this fate that awaiis them as soon as they are fat enough. The stock is always pure, frc;>h, and of the very best quality procurable, and includes lish, poultry, and ice, as well as game. The numerous customers of thehou e are spread over the large and growing sur- roumlings, including Kathmines, Rathgar, and Kanelagh, three of the most densely-populated districts in suburban Dublin. The connection, however, is by no means confined to the immediate vicinity, but is s]iread over the entire country. The business methods are in accordance with the rules of honourable dealing, and the integrity and energy of its propiietary have characterised the house as being the chief of its kind in this neighbourhood. Peter McGrath, "Wood Carver and Designer, (>i, Jervis Street. — This establishment devoted to the various braiu he> of the wood- carving, and inventions and designs in that line of art, embarked in that line about sixty-five years ago, is one bearing a reputation over Ireland. The designs and inventions, produced from wood material by the present proprietor, Mr. McGrath, h.ave been numerous, ami have called forth from his patrons of all classes unanimous admiration ; for the production of otiiaiiiental work, he possesses the greatest ficilitics, being a highly trained mejhmical artist. He cmidoys a consider.tble staff of workmen, who arc conversant in all details with the art he so devotedly pursues. He is favoured with most extensive engagements on the wood-carving used in coacti-buihlingand hearse ornamentation, in which art lie eminently excels, and some of the latest unicpte approved designs connected with the cabinet- making trade, have emanated fiom ami been executed at tlli^ establishment. Henry O'Connor, Cabinet-Maker and TTpholsterer, 12, Upiicr Lilley Street. — The extensive branch of caoinet-niaking ami ujihol- stering is one of enormous dimensions, and expanding to a great extent in Ireland, Dublin being the great centre of this industry, .■\mong the numerous firms engaged in this line the concern of Mr. O'Connor occupies, a most jirominent place. It is one of the most pros))erous eslalilishments of its kind in Duljlin. The premises are extensive, and coinjirise a factory where a large staff of experienced workmen of the trade are kept in con- stant employment, the production being large in rptantity, .some very splendid specimens being executed. An extensive warehouse is stored with an immense slock of highly selected and well-.issorted goods, to suit the various clas^es of society who bestow their patronage on this first-class establishment. There is a most extensive business done in all ilepartments. Another branch of Mr. O'Connor's business, and which is well looked after by highly experiencetl hands therein, is the renovation of old huniturc;. ill this department he receives a good patronage, and has acquired an excellent rejiulation. He is jilaced in a peculiarly good jrosilion, [wssessing ample capital to promote an extensive Ir.aile. He employs none but best hands in the trade, and he personally superintends his business. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. 'S3 McLonghlin Bros., Cigar Importers and Tobacconists, III, Gr.iflon Mrcct. — This is a very nM fsl.iMislicd ami rt^pcitalilc li.pusc, and one that has long enjoyed the largest patronage and support among the wealthy and influential classes belonging to the north and south sides of the city. The house was cstal)lishcnd the daily emplovment of its industrial community, we would mention the well- known and widely celebrated firm of Messrs. Pearson & Co., tailors and clothiers, Xos. 51 and 52, High Street, Dublin, where for nearly sixty years a very extensive bu-iness has been regularly carried on. This house was established in the early part of the present century by the late Mr. Richard .-Mien, a gentleman who was widely known and respected, not only for his high mur.-il ch.aracter, but also for his successful efforts as a philanthropist and tcrai^erance reformer. Sonic time after its foundation the success of the business was augmented by the reception into partnership of the energetic manager of the con- cern, Mr. Jami-s H.all, who materia! ly added to its ])ros- perity, and whose name appearing in the tirm, it was henceforth known as Allen vS: Hall m- stead of Kichard Allen, until suc- ceedevi by the pre- sent proprietors, Messrs. Pear-on & Co. The premises of this firm are situa- ted in one of the historical and mcst interesting parts of Dublin, being near to the famous Cathedral of Chiist Church, whose architectural bc.iuty we have already al- luded to; and adja- cent, also, we fin 1 the ancient chunh of St. Audeon's, whose buryiug- ground is one of ihe oldest in the city. The strucureof the establishment of Messrs. IVars >n & Co. is worthy of its admired surround- ings, the fine front- age being one of the attractive features in High Street. Viewed from the outside we can easily ]'>erceive the costly nature of the fittings, in the mirrored windows as well as in the handsome porch, whicb as we enter and pass on into the main portion of the building, an idea of the large extent of the premises is gained. The total depth from frcmt to rear is about one hundred and twenty lect, while the distance to the dome-like glass roof, whi.h affords excellent light and ventilation, is about twenty-six feet. On glancing arovmd the interior of this handsome building, we are at once struck with the regularity and order with which the immense slock of goods is stored, the long ranges of shelving rising tier above tier, offering a convenient means for keeping the various classes of goods together, while at the same time they are ready for immediate display. The mahogany counters, glass show-ciises, and large mirrors are in keeping with the general appearance of the place, while the comfortable rooms for fitting on garments show liow much the convenience of their clients has been consulted. The stock shown Ijv Waterhonse & Compaxy, Jewellers, Silversmiths, etc.. 25 and 20, iJaiiie Street. — '1 he distinguished lirm of Waterlmuse & Com- pany jewellers, silversmiths, and watchmakers, of the above address, is one o.' the oldest and most important commercial institutions in its line in the city. It has been established for close upon hall a century, and has obtained a Tery high reputation amongst all classes. The company have had the honour ol l»ing specially appointed jewellers, silver>miilis, and watchmakers, to Her M.ajesty the Queen, in 184S, to His Koyal Highness the Prince of W.ales, in 186S, and to the various Lord Lieuteuanls of Ireland. The premises in Dame Street are large and imposing, the winilows are always decked out and dressed in the most elaborate and artistic w.iy with yarious triumphs of the jeweller's, watchmaker's, an I clockmaker's arts. The shop and show. rooms arc handsomely fitted up, and contain a magnificent displ.ay, whose beauty, richness, variety, ami value, are certainly among the Ik-sI in Dulilin, or even in Ireland il>elf. Silver and clcclrosilver plate of every description, oiul of the most •upcrior character, both in malcrini, design, and execution, find a pro- minent place and form a magnificent show. The stock of diamonds, rubies, i>carU, emeralds, sapphirvs, and other precious stones, both Messrs. Pearson & Co. in their tailoring department is a very large and valuable one, and comprises a select variety of patterns in tweeds, serges,, cheviots, homespuns, and fancy coatings of the best Irish, Scotch, and West of England makers. Having n.ade Irish tweeds and coatings a special feature in their trade, there is a large supply of these goods, and we learn that this firm holds a larger stock of cloths made by the celebrated lirm of Messrs. Martin, Mahony& Uros., Limited, than of any other manufacturei- in the kingdom. In the ready-made clothing department, a passing glance shows the extent and variety of the garments which are made up and ready for immediate use. This house lias a long-standing reputation for goods of the best quality, and has earned a character for gooil and reliable articles of wear. It is a very interesting fact in connection with this portion of the firm's extensive btisiness, that the e;Iothing trade m Ireland was first introduced and es- tablished in theii premises in High Street many years ago, and from a comparatively small beginning this in- dustry advanced by rapid strides lull now we see it as one of great im- portance to the country. On ap- proaching the lower end of the build- ing, and passing thf cutting department, on the left, w^e open out into the ap- proach which leads to two very large workshops situated at the extreme end of the premises. These workshop- are models of their kind, being lofty, roomy, and well ventilated, afford- ingampleaccommo- ilation for the stall' of tailors whom we find hard at their work pulling to- gether garments which must be finished in a very efticient manner to pass the critical eye of the cutting room superintendent. The large s'aff of hands we find are on the most satisfactory terms with their employers, a kindly interest being taken in the welfare of the men, while they no doubt recognise the fact that in doing well for their masters they benefit ihciiiselves in a large measure. The premises of Messrs. Pearson & Co. are well adapleJ in every respect to the re- rpiircnients of their large business, and when with this fact we re- member the notoriety the firm have for high quality toods and superior workmanship, it is easy to understand how they have built up such a splendid connection among all classes in the city and suburbs, as- well as throughout the country. The whole business throughout is con- ducted with gr-at ability, energy, and enterprise, receiving that per.-onal care and superintendence which alone ensures satisfactory results, and maintains the high reputation which the house has enjoyed for so many years. mounted and unmounted, is of great value. Presentation plate, such as racing cups, .sporting trophies, agricultural prizes, are to be obtained here, also church plate and communion sen ices, all splendid specimens ol the gold and silversmith's craft. There is a large stock of watches and clocks, of Irish, English, and Swiss make, always kept on hand for sale. They will all be found good timekeepers and most reliable, and their price will be found most moderate. Repairs of all kinds will be promptly and efficiently done by skilled and experienced workmen on the premise^. Vie control of the business is in the hands of Mr. Walerliouse, to whom i> due the great .success and high position which thi» h"iise has won lor ilsrlf. Hy great energy, combine I with caution, and gradually feeling his way, he has built up this large and important business until it has become one of the leading houses in its line. liesides holding the special ai'pointmenls referred to above, the house enjoys the patronage of the nobility, leading gentry, and the upper classes in general, who all speak in high terms of the goods supplied to them. In fine, the firm, by the judicious ami careful enterprise of their manngirs, have brought it to its present pro- minence as a jeweller's and watchm.aker's of the first impo tance all u\er the country, and especially in the melrojx>lis itself. rNDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN: •155 James Fitssimon &: Son, Timber and Slate Importers, I5> >9i 4^» ■*"'' *!-• l''f"'i;t''"<»t Mrcct. — '1 lie iiiiiin-nsr ni)j>rMvci)it-nt> in, and increased facilities for, iransroriing gooils (hp.l ihc picstnt ci-nliiry has seen introduced, nfTnrd a most desirable o|vninjj for a business or nianu- factoiy concerneti in the bnililing of vehicles fnr carriage or tianspuit. In the Irish nletrol>out one hundred and liftyfeet by three hundred feet, and all departments aie lilted with machinery ul the best make and of the latest and most improved design. An inspection of this m.ichinery when at work is full of interest and instruction ; and the wondeiful combination of enormous strength in conjunction with the utmost delicacy of working, is a triumph of inventive genius. The steam bending machine is deserving of particular notice. It is used for shaping shafts, wheels, and other curved or circular portions of cars, carls, etc. All desciipiiins of waggons, floats, vans, jaunting-cars, are always to l)c seen in large va iety, and can of course be made to order in any peculiar shape or unusual s ze. All iion-work used in the works of Mcssis. Filzsimon A: ^on is made in their own workshops at Bridgefoot Street, and this, besides making the tit of plate.s, tyres, and springs more accurate and safe, ensures the utmost despatch in the com- pletion of all orders and repairs. This house was favoured with ordnance work as far back as 1 785, and to-day the firm are contractors to the Admiralty dockyards. Besides this extensive trade, which necessitates the employment of one hundred and fifty hands and above twenty horses and drays, Messrs. Fitzsimon & .Son are large importers of limber and slates, the latt.r being from \V.iles principally, while for timber many countries in various climes have been put under contubution. The woods most in demand are lanccwood, for gig shafts, ash, rock, elm, and hickory, as well as pine, birch, oak, and deal. Some idea of the great extent of the operations may be had when we state the fiim lately supplied one hundred and fifty tons of oak bark to the eminent tanners, Messrs. O'DonncU & .Sons, of Limerick ; the timber being cut up for making railways. Business is devoted to land and drainage tiles, and this division is in its diversity and excellence at one with the otheis. These large and extensive traders have been well and long esteemed by the Dublm public in all that they have done. &. & VL. Woods, Manufacturing Stationers, Dublin. — One of the most enterprising firms in Dublin eng.iged in the manu- facturing stationery and printing line is that of Mes rs. H. & M. Woods, who for many years have conducted a business of very considerable extent in this branch of trade. The house was first established at Kings- bridge in 1S74, but the building not affording sufficient accommodation to meet the requirements of a growing business the fircn purchased and fitted up their present extensive premises wliich, covering a space of over three- quarters of an acre, form one of the largest and most complete establish- ments of the kind in the kingdom. Operations on a scale of the greatest magnitude iii the manufactu e of paper bags, account books, and the various items which go to make tip what are known as commercial sta- tione:y, are here carried out. Some sjjecimens of lithographic and colour printing, which we had the pleasure o( inspecting, were altogether admirable, there being many beautiful specimens of the art in show-cards, calendars, fancy labels, etc., all of which were distinguished by the greaiest oiiginality of design and perfection of finish. We also saw and aomired some beautiful S|.ecimens of leUeipress printing, and especial y noticed some in the fa.shionable " old style " so much in vogue at present. In the department devoted to the manufacture of grocers' stationery the number of articles is considerable, including printed tea papers and bigs, tea 1k)x labels, cofifee, sugar, and biscuit b.ngs, and many other items of similar character. In this connection we may mention, as affording some idea of the extent of the business of the firm, that an average of something like 2}^ millions of paper bags and tea papers arc turned out weekly, giving a total yearly output of 117 millions of this article alone. Messrs. Woods have succeeded in establi>hing a high-class connection throughout the length and breadth of Ireland ; and we are also glad to notice that carrying the war into the enemy's country, as the phrase goes, they have developed a large business in many of the leading towns and cities of England. We regret that considerations of space prevent us from entering as fully as we should like into a more detailed account of the business, but we are reluctantly obliged to offer our readers what is but a veiy unfinished sketch of Messrs. Wood's establishment. In conclusion wc need not comment on the high position of the house commercially speaking, ind shall only bear testimony to the able manner in which it is managed throughout. E. A. Hall, Wine and Spirit Merchant, " Dock Taveni," I, Amiens Street. — In the popular and prominent thorougtfare of .Vmiens Street, and nearly opposite the traflic entrance of the railway station of the Great Northern terminus, stands a high-class and rising wine and spiiit establishment, presided over by Captain Md. A. Hall. Over ahundrc^l years ago this concern commenced to play an active part in the bu-inc«s of the neighbourhood in which it is loratcil, and sinceihe very date of its inrepticin it hn-s contributed materially to its gen'r.il activity. Sl(M-ked with cellars of the choicest wines, the most matured and cclebiated brands of lii>ih antl Scotch whiskies, the products of eminent brewers in stouts and beer**, it may safely be stated that this is one of the most reliable concerns of its kind in the city. This house is allowcil to open its door^ at five o'clock ifi the morning lor the acroninioortm.anteau-maki:rs, bookbinders, and harness-makers, including boot-uppers, shoe-findings, and mercery p( all descriptions, in addition to a large stock of Irish, English, and American sole leather. In the various departments every sample, from the most inexpensive roan to the best morocco, cannot be excelled. To meet the convenience of their customers, an innumerable quantity of sundries cai> also be had c/ the best giialiy. Krom what has been stated, it will be- e.asily understood that there is no limit to their connection, which is both wholesale aad retail. Not only has the superior merit of the goods sold gained a high reputation (or the house, bat the practical experience, coupled with the energy and enterprise of the proprietary, has enhanced the trade to the magnitude and extent of being the l.irgest of its kind in Ir.land. Edward Moore, Butcher, 14, Lower Dorset Street.— Pro- minent ^mong the victualling establishments of Dublin stands that wdl- known concern whose business is directed and controlled by .Mr. Edward Moore. For the Fast sixteen years that this concern has been before the public, it has kept pace with the extensive demands made upon its resources. There is no house in the neighbourhood that can IxKut of a more successful record, or has made a deeper or more favourable impres- sion. It is only necessary to point out that among its extensive patronage may be numbered a critical and far-seeing portion of the elite of Dut>lin society, when the well-known character of the concern will at once be established. Meat of the purest and most reliable character is supplied at prices that are in every sense compatible with conscientious dealings. This is not a house where foreign meat is retaileil as a secret suiwtitute for the native article. Everything is genuine and above-boa d. For beef, mutton, lainb, veal, pork, and other delicacies [lertaining to flesh, the reputation of Mr. Moore's establishment stands almost unrivalled. A very comprehensive stock is always held in readine-s to meet the wants of customers, and the facilities possessed for maintaining this in the best con- dition is certainly excellent. The premises are very extensive, antl possess intact every feature that can conduce to the success of the business and add to the convenience and comfort of all who support it. .Mr. Moore is a gentleman of the greatest integrity, guideil by 1 ,ng and varied exjierience in his calling, and he conducts his well-established business with exemplary ability and conscientiousness. Eavanagh & Sons, State Apothecaries, The Medical Hall, 107, Ujiper (jeorge's Mrect, King-town. I'liis est.ibiishment, ii>ened in 1S25 for the correct and elhcient disix'using of physicians' and surgeons* prescriptions, and for supplying every drug and medical requisite of the finest po.ssible quality and of unimpeach.ible purity, continues to be watched over with the same unremitting care whch has characterised it or the last h.alf-century. No photographic chemicals, mineral colour-, or other coarse and ccrrosive articles of commerce are kept or sold at ihis cstablshincnt, so that the dangerous accidents which have so frequently occurred fiom the negligent mixture of medicines and deleterious ingredients are effectually prevented. To meet the wishes of persons re idiiig in the localities of Uullock, D.alkey, Killiney, and Blackrink, medicines are delivered at any hour free of any additional charge. It is particularly requested, when con- venient, that all ordefs m.ay be in writing to avoid the misiak s incident to verbal directions. Messrs. Kavanagh & Sons areonly toih.^ppy, on applica- tion, to supply their price-lists lor mineral waters, pcrlumtry, and prop rieUiy medicinei. L 2 156 INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. T. O'Dwyer, Grocsr & Wine Ilffercliant, i, Margaret Place, Mountjoy Square. — This is one of ihe most proniiing houses in the northern district of Dub'in, and one which has, in the comparaiively short period of its existence as a commercial house, obtained a veiy considerable amount of patronage among all classes in that part of the town in which it is situated. Kslablishcd about sixteen years, .Mr. O'Dwyer has nevertheless been able to hy the foundation of what promises to be a very solid reputa- tion. ■] he premses occupied by this enterprising gentleman are situated at I, Margaret Place. On the branch house owned by him in Summer Hill, the enicrpri-ing proprietor has expended a considerable sum of money in renovating and decorating, with the result that both hou.ses at the period when we write, are ar. admiiably fitted and generally appointed as any such houses could be. The former shop is of a considerable size, measuring about thirty-seven feet long by about fourteen wide, and is fitted with all the most modern improvements and appliances. Krom his liist start in business Mr. O'Dwyer would seem to have recognised two principles for his guidance : the one the rendciin:; of the .-ippea'ance of hi; house as attractive as possib'e, and the other the retention only of first-class goods. The undeniable success which has atiended his enterprise speaks eloquently for the wisdom, prudence, and business acumen displayed. Mr. O'Dvvyer's houses are both stocked with a first-cl.as; supply of grocery wares, among the general excellence of which we would particularly call attention to the stock of teas, which to us appear to be of the most perfect description. Mr. O'Dtt'yer is an importer of wines ; and in this branch of his trade doe; a very extensive business. The stock of this aiticle consists of fine old ctustid ports, pale dry and golden sherries, ^^.•^rsala (pale or golden also), clarets, champagnes, Hurgundles, etc. The sim jl-s of these wines we have been enabled tojud>.;e of were simply perfect, and the taste of the purchaser roust be something more than epicurean who can find any fault cither with the quality or condition of the various vintages. Mr. O'Dwyer has also been most careful in laying in a stock of old Dublin whisky, which for age, quality, and flavour, can hardly be surpassed. An important branch of the businrss, and one greatly coniributing to the material welfare of the house, is the inide done in the bottled ale and stout line. The general grocery stores include all those arlices usually sold in this trade, such as sugar, rice, spices, condiments, coft'ee, cocoa, driei and preserved fruits, etc., as well as all those varied useful and attractive goods of com- ]Mratively recent invention, such as tinned and potted meats, soups, and lish ; jams, jellies, and liqueurs, and a whole host of others it would be impossible for us to catalogue in the limited space at our disposal. In taking leave of .\Ir. O'Dvvyer's important business, which includes, as we have remarked, a branch house doing an equally good trade at 69, Summer Hill, we desire to bear testimony to the high reputation for probity and respectability which its spirited proprietor bears. Mr. O'Dwyer is very popular in the northern wards of Dulilin, as may be concluded from the fact that he has the honour to represent one of them — the Mountjoy Ward ■ — in the Town Council. Among his customers and friends there is no one more deservedly esteemed and respected. M. O'Connor, Uanafactorer of Baskets, Hampers, Potato Cleaves etc.. 25, Slatford Street. — This prominent establishment, connccicd with the basket and hamper manufacturing branch of Irish industry, is situated in Stafford Street, a connecting link joining Upper Abbey .Street with Great Hrilain Street. It was established about nine years ago. Besides its notoriety in connection with its present extensive manu- facturing project, certain h.itoric memories and reminiscences of a past generation surround the house in .Stafford .Street designated as No. 25. It was within its walls the nativity of one of the greatest Irishmen whose name stands out in bold relief on history's page took place. Wolf Tone was 'jorn here. Mr. O'Connor employs a considerable staff of trained workmen of the trade ; many of these are totally blind, and yet he gives them full pay. He contr.icls and purcha?es largely the raw maleri.al required for the manufacture of his goods from the best producers in the willow.growing districts. His goods are widely known for their superior quality. There are large quantities of the superior articles of the trade manufactured and beautifully executed at this establishment, such as hampers, all sizes and forms for wine iraile, dru;*gist and grocery trade, bakery, fi-h merchants, laundry establishments, printing and bookbinding establishments, or drapery, haidware, cuilery, and various other branches. All descriptions of widserwork are always kept at the warehouse. Repairs to work arc neatly, cheaply, and expeditiously executed on the premises. Mr. O'Connor's business is in a most prosperous condition, and he has gaincil (or his sup>:rioi aivi excellent manufacture a justly deserved reputation. Jamea Clarkson, Military and Mercliant Tailor, 7, Sa'nt .Vndrew Slrret — I lie pr<-iniiu:nt and pro^pl■Ious esiahli Jmu-nt con- trolled by .Mr. J. Clarkson, inditary and merchant tailor, breeches and habit- maker, of No. 7, Saint Andrew .street, is well known and has a wide- spread connection in the inctrop"lis, suburban districts, and also in the north, souh, and west of Ireland, where he is represented Iiy an experienced travclUr both for taking orders and filing on, of which he takes .si)ecial care with invariable success. The extraordinary increase in the business during the past few years has neccssilattd his taking much more commodious premises at iS, Suffolk Street, alwut three d' ors from (iralton Street, where tic will shortly remove. Here will twscen to greater ad vant.ige than l)efoie, his choice scleciion of Irish .and Scotch twe.-ds, West of England cloihs, meltons, cheviots, fancy eatings, homespuns, etc., in great vjiriety, best quality, and the most fashionible patterns. In the workshop only the most skilled and experienced workmen are emploved uniler the personal supervision o( Mr. Clarkson. The iZ/i-Hv/f is of the most respectable class, and t'leir p.itronage in such large numbers evidences the perlect fit, style, and fi -ish to be had h<-re. In addition to gentlemen's apparel, ladies' riding habits are well mnde in various materials, and every article made of this kind has ever g'ven the greatest satisfaction. To the proprietor's enterprise, is due the high reputation and distinguished status of his establishment. ■W. Pleming, General House Furnislier, 61, Gr.ifton Street. — It is a fact worthy of notice, and on? wtiich is ceria nly calculated to give rise to a considerable amount of speculative invesli;.;alion, that in manv mitters of what we denominate as taste, ]^arlicularly as regards the combination and effective contrasts of colours, barbarous or scmi-baibarous countries manage to surpass the protluctions of civilised nations. Evidence of this may be found in the beautiful variety of Oriental goods to be seen in the est.iblishment of Mr. W. Fleming, who has been established as a house fur- nisher for a period extending to nearly twenty years, during which time he has earned a widespread rejiutation as one uf the earliest importers of Japanese and Oriental goods in Ireland. The establishment under notice nccuiiicsrom- modious and handsome premises at 61, Grafton Street, which a-'C utled and appointed in a manner worthy of the valuable stock held. The business comprises the making of cabine's, of which a splendid variety are al«ays kept on show, upholstering and the furnishing of houses with every item in many different woods and designed in many patterns. A large display of window blinds, curtains, brass and iron bedsteads, woven wire mattresses, bes des ha-r mattresses, pillows, etc., find a conspicuous place in the ware- rooms. The assorfment of rugs and carpets contains specimens of the most beautiful kinds. In fact, every article used in the furnishing completely or decorating ariistically of the mansion or the cottage is to be had at its best here. We may add in conclu-ion that Mr. Fleming's business is very ex- tensive, as will be gathered from the fact that he gi'es constant employment to over twenty hands. During the long period he has now been before the public, Mr. Fleming his rendered himsslf most [npul.ir by Iiis courtesy and attention to his Ciistomers, and by his punctuality and iiromptitudc in executing their wishes. In the commercial world the rejiutatioa of his house stands second to none, and may be said to have attained its high status through the integrity anil honour Me dealings of its jiroprietor. W. Barton, Steiui Cabinet 'Works, 24. Upper Abbey Street. — In one of the great industrial centres of the second city of the Empire, .Mr. W. Barton has erected steam cabinet works of no mean importance, wherein the steam machinery executes sawing, planing, etc. Mr. Barton at this establishment also undertakes orders, which he executes with gieat pre- cision for show cases, shop and office fittings, church and school fu-niture, all of which are turn-d out with finish and style of the very fiist order. Mr. Barton's works are well situated, and will well repay inspection. He has been for many years established, and hopes to earn for himself the con- fidence of the public liy the manner in which he turns out every description of work entrusted to him. He employs good workmen, and is a large and influential employer of labour. What with tlie machinery and the facili- ties at his command, it is reasonable to conclude that a largely increased trade is amongst the possibilities of the future, "a consummation devoutly to be wisheil." P. Hafner, Pork Butcher, 37, South Great George Street. . — A noteworthy and representative city house in a highly important line is that of Mr. F. Hafner, pork butcher. This business has been esiablislied for six years, and, by caieful consideration of the best interests of its cus- tomers, it has achieved a high degree of success ami prosperity. The pre- mises occupied at the above address are of considerable dimen^ions, having a fine frontage of twenty-four feet, and, from front to rear, a depth of sixty feet. The shop presents a very neat and attr.tctive appearance, and a characteristic feature is the commendable regard for cleaulir.ess displayed throughout the entire establishmeut, which is so essential in the conduct of a business of this nature. Large supplies of fresh and corned pork are always in stock, and the house has a deservedly popular reputation for its excellent sausages, which are made fresh daily. The high-class and reliable char.icter of these provisions, which are manufactured by competent men, together with the moderate prices charged, and the liheialiiy and fair dealing with which the affairs of the house are conducted, keep it well to the fore as a prominent business of its kind among its city contemporaries. Three assistants are employed, and the customers receive every attention and civility, being wailed upon with courtesy aud promptitude. The entire business is personally conducted by its capable and energetic propiietor, and it is creditable alike to his tact ami the imixirtance of the trade it so ably represents. Large or small orders with Mr. 1 lafner receive equal atten- tion, and are executed in the most satisfactory manner, and with punctuality and despatch, vans delivering every day both in the city and the suburbs. The quality of all goods coming from the house is strictly first cla-s, and the reputation acquired is unexcelled. Valuable and well-established con- nections are consistently maintained and enhanced, and a widespread and important trade is controlled among residents in c\i:xy quarter of the mciro- polis. Mr. Hafner is well known as a ti.idesman of great experience in his business, and of sound commercial integrity, and honourable m all his transactions, and is held in high regard by his customers for the courtesy and thorough business lad which he displays in the conduct of his eve.. increasing business. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. '57 Thomas Smith, Tei, Coffea. Wine, and Spirit Mer- chant, 13. H'gli Street, Dublin —A lir^l-chss and iin|.iiri.T.t house m the tra'li- wit*! which it is so honourably connecleil, is tliat <.f Mr. Thomas Smith, Te.i, Collee, Widc, »nil Spirit .Merchant, of No. 13, lli^h .Street, Dublin, and one that has a very high reDUtatiyn I ^ _,^^ . ill that pirt of the metropolis. The business P" ■ — ■ has been cslablislied for the past thiity years. Mr. Smith became the proprietor six ycar^ ai-o, sU(cee: and it may, in lccably the largest, as well as the most select, among the hairdressers of Dublin. \ large amount of the high favour in which this geniiein.an is held, is duiibtless due to his courteous and obliging manner, as well as the exquisite tahte displayed in his art. This gentleman has now been established as a hairdresser for upwards of fifteen years, during which prolonged period he has formed a coa- iieciioii of the most distinguished and influential character among aristo- (■lalii' circles in Dublin society. Nicholas Hore, F.'Dvision Merchant and Contractor, 18, New Street. — .\ well-known and extensive business is coiilrolleariicular manner, the csiabli^hmint of Messrs. Taylor & Lewcrs \% nothing short of a Imon, anl it is to the recognition of this fact by Dublin fathers and mothers that they are indebted for the high and flourishing condition wh.ch their house cnjovs to-day. The estalilishment in Grafioii Sticet will be found perfectly slocked with a supply of boys' aad youths' clothing, which leaves nothing to be desired, and which is even capable of satisfying the by no means easily pleased taste of the young gentlemen themselves. The stock includes boys' and youths' suits in every material, from the most homely to the most fashionalile pattern of tweed, suil.ible particularly for school wear ; overcoats in every style and taste, from the '" Ulster" to the " Chesterfield ;" " Eton " suits, to our minds the most becoming and gentlemanly a la t cm wear ; middy suits, which combine ali the attractions of a seafaring life for bays with twne of its dangers or troubles : and a large selection of other styles of goods, suitable for school or Indian outfits. Not content with thus providing the "small boy" widi his outer garments, Messrs. Taylor & Lewers, with a charity passing all bounds, go in for the supply of his minor outfit, and have laid in for his use anil benefit a most extensive and valuable stock of s'lirts collars, ties, cricketing flannels, under-shirts, and hosiery in general. During the (wc years it has been prominently before the public, the house has earned what is certain to prove a lasting reputation. Patrick Sheeran, Wine and Spirit Betailer, 43, Usher's Quay, and Hiidgefoot Street. — This old wine and spirit warehouse occupies handsome and extensive premises. The bars are handsomely and tastily fitted, the convenience of customers using the establishment being carefully considered and provided for. The house itself is three storeys high, the upper apartments and floors being used for domestic purposes, the entire ground floor being devoted to the use of the trade. The shop possesses a spacious frontage with four doors and three large and handsome windows, two of which command a view of the Quays. The house was originally established as long ago as A. o. iSo5, and during all these eighty years Ins continued in high favour with the inhabitants of the locality. Sir. Patrick Sheeran, the present respected proprietor, has done much to sustain the old character and reputation of his house, and by selling none but the best and purest wines and spirits, has taken the best possible means to ensure a continuance of public favour. In addition to wines and spirits, Mr. .Sheeran does .an extensive retail trade in ales and porter, his house having won a deservedly well-known character for the quality of those commo.lities. It is generally admitted that, in the retail trade, there are few houses which stand higher in the estimation of the public, or which better deserve the large amount of patronage bestowed upon it by all classes of the community. Mr. P. Sheeran himself has done not a little towards increasing the popularity of his establishment, he being much praised and admired, especially among the humbler classes of persons who frequent the establishment on Usher's Quay, lor the affability of his manners, and his general good humour and good temper under some of those trying circumstances peculiar to the retail spirit and beer trade. All this has no doubt very largely contributed towards retaining for the house the large share of public esteem it has so long enjoyed. P. O'Rsilly, Wewsagent, Stationer, and Tobacconist, 5, South Richmond .Street. — this prominent establishment has now been in existence for upwards of eleven years, and from the very first it has always done a good trade with its customers, who mostly reside in the neighbourhood. The shop, which is neatly fitted up and appointed, has a good frontage of twelve feet and a depth of twenty-four, thus affording ample room for transacting the business. The newsagent department is well looked after, and always contains a good stock of daily and weelily Irish and English newspapers, al.so all the best mag.azines and periodicals. Any particular paper or periodical which may not happen to be in stock will be readily ordered and promptly supplied to any customer requiring the same. The stationery department is well furnished with a good selection of paper, envelopes, blotting-paper, pens, ink, penholders, ink- stands, and many other neces.saries for the writing table, at prices within the reach of all. Note and memorandum books in various sizes and bindings can also be obtained, and there is a nice little stock of fancy stationery which is highly appreciated by the l.ady customers. The depart- ment devote 1 to tobacco contains all the well-known kinds and most popular brands, either loose or in packets, and manufactured by the best houses in the trade. Mr. O'Reilly looks after and works this cimpact little business himself, personally waiting on his patrons and attending to their various wants. He is a thorough business man, condu'-ling his aftairs with great energy and .ability. By his genial courtesy and strict attention to all onlers confided to him, he has gained the good»vill and esteem of his customers and their perfect confidence, witliout which no business can be successfully carried on. P. Ceppi & Sons, Carvers. GUders, Looking-Glass^ Picture Fra.no. and Statuary Manufaoturora, ■'<, \\ cllingtuii <,)ii.>> . I his lirm is one ol the uMest of its kind in Dulilin, having been istabli-h.. over thirty years. '1 luy are famous for the m.inufacture of all kinds ot church st.atuary, and this they have made a speciality, ami their business 111 this department extends all over the country, and indeed lluough..ul tno United King lorn. For finish of outline and artistic painting Ih.-y commaivi a great reputation, and in this department of art are one of the foremost in the city. Tueir business also combines every de.cripiion of avlicles 01 devotion, including a large and varied stock of altar lamps bcarts scapulars, etc. They are also larg-^ly engaged in the manufacture of picture frames of every descriiition, .also of Stations of the Cross m every variety 01 desij;n, looking-glasses, and good? of an allied character. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN: '59 Messrs. IMC. & S. Eaton, Wholesale and Retail StA- tlonaza, 49, l>.uiic Street. — KiitablUlicil nuw for nearly a (|itaitcr of a cvntiiry, the house of Messrs. M. & S. Eaton, of 49, Uanie Street, and o;, ('iraHon Slrct-t, which furnishes the suhjerl of this review, h.-i-s won for Itself a promineiil position .nmon(j the comnierci.-il establishments of which Dublin is justly proud, and securcil an iiilliiential connection among religious communities throughout the liritisli Isles, and the trading and puifessioiial classes throughout Ircl.Tnd and the metropol. . The premises occupied bv the lirm .as wholesale .-xnd retail stationers, at 40, Dame Street, a locality famous for the beauty and imposing character ol ii< commercial buildings, being situated in the very centre of the city, qtit^ dose to the Houses of r.iriameni, are admirably suited to the advancement !»nd development of a trade, containing, like that of Jfessrs. Eaton, the germs of inilustrial and commercial importance. The front.agc of the handsome building occupied by this lirm is a line specimen of commercial architecture, the design being admirably conceived and excellently carried out. The fittings and appoinlments of the interior of the premises are of a very superior kind, the more expensive ariicles being kept in verj- handsome ghiss ci-cs which .admirably display the stock. Croat tas'e hns been dis- )>laycd to render the appearance of their warehouse attr.ictivc, and to display to the best advant.igc the valuable stock of presents and prizes which is one of the firm's specialities. Established filty years since, and purcliased by Messrs. Eaton in the year 1S64, the house soon won a high reputation for the excellent quality of the goods it olTcred to the public. The firm holds large and valuable stocks, comprising every branch of the stationery trade, the quali'y and texture of all goods supplied being of the very best description. The lirm is always well supplied with a varied and elegant assortment of the best productions of tlie most eminent nianu- faciurers, in leather and fancy goods, suitable for wedding, birthday, and other presents, and the gener.al stock of stationery includes every article in that branch o( trade found at establishments of this kind, with many of a purely exceptional and spe;ial character. As publishers, the house is well known throughout Ireland, and in this department we .are hippy to- say the firm's business is daily increasing, their works being brought out in a very complete and atistic style. One of their special publications is Eaton's Railway Guide, which has now reached it > eighty-second monthly number, is of great utility to the travelling public, and supplies a long-felt want, owing to the clen.r and concise manner in which it is compiled. And their country order department is one of growinj; importance, their Work in this line is very extensive, and forms not the least important branch of the business. -Erom personal observation we caa say that the lirm well deserve the reputation they enjoy for promptly attending to all orders received by post. The whole bu-,iness of the house is thoroughly representative of the trade with which it has been so long and honourably associated, and among the commercial houses of Dublin tliere are ccriaiidy few that ho'd, in its own line, a more deservedly high position, or are reputed more sound or respectable. J. Uoran (Moran's Hotel), 71 and 72, Lower Gardiner Street, and 20A, 20D, Talbot Street. — .\ good, commodious, and comfortable hotel centrally situated, in which travellers may be cheaply and adequately accommodated, is a desideratum which, unfortunately, is not always easily to l>e found. Mr. .Moran's hotel in Talbot Street and Lower G.irdmer Street is an cstablishinont, however, to which the weary traveller, searching anxiously for a haven of rest, may be advi-ed to repair. The hotel is an institution of many year-.' standing, and is capable ol accoinuvidating close on one hundred guests, and has a solid and unimpe,achable reputation for cheapness anil comfort. It is very largely frequented, on account of its desirable position (being within a few minutes' drive of the various cross- channel steamers and the princip.al railway termini), by business men hailing from Englandor the country districts of Ireland, and also from the "Greater Ireland" across the Atlantic; as our "American Cousins" very largely avail themselves of the advantages of Moran's Hotel, which enjoys the distinction of btring essentially a family hotel. The rates charged are singularly low, and in this fact we can find in all probability the explanation of Mr. Mor.in's great popularity, and the veiy general esteem in which his hotel is held. Mr. Moran's hottrl is particularly intended for those clas.scs of the com- munity who, while wishing to find themselves surrounded with the comforts of a home, arc unable to meet the expenses of the larger and more costly hotels. In this establishment there is a comtoriable and handiomely ap- pointed coftee-room, and ,aIso commercial, billiard, and smoking-rooms, all newly furnished and handsomely decorated. There are also suites of private moms for the accomm"c gl.id to see carried out elsewhere. We refer to his ab d"t on of the charge* for attendance, which in other hotels arc felt by the|>ulilic to be such a gricvousand intolerable burden. This wc consiilcr to be a very wile and f.rr-sighted .act on the part of the proprietor. There are hotels which we could mention, in which «he charges for attendance arc really charges for services which have not been rendered at all. In Mr. Moran's hotel the a'tenilance is literally superb, and reminds one of the Irest Parisian holeU. We know little in Lonilon to e.|u.al it. The fact of the premises having been four times enlarged within three years, speaks volumes for the hold the tslablishineiit has got on the tra\elling public. The Dublin Flint-Glass 'Works, rotter's Alley, Marllx>rough Street. — One of the most interesting, and, at the same time, unique intlustries of Irel.and, is that which is represented by the Dublin Flint-Glass Works, in- teresting to all who .arc concerned with the dcvclo]>ment of Irish manufactures, and unique, inasmuch as the house now under notice is the only one in the trade in Ireland. " La France, c'esi nioi,'' .sail Kng Louis, and Messrs. T. i\: R. Pugh may, with still more accuracy, descrilw themselves as being actually, and in reality, the Irish I''lint-t;!ass trade. Established some one hundred and fifty years ago, the firm have maintained a high reputation for the production of ali descriptions of articles which can lake the outward form and semblance of flint-glass. We are sorry, however, to have to record the fact, that, at the present day, they meet with but scant support from the general public. They ascribe this result to the im]v>riation of immense quantities of foreign goods at prices with which they are unable to compete, and we have no doubt th.tt this estimate of the case is correct, substantially. This is merely an illustr.ation of the evils arising fiom an un- rcciprocal tree trade, for where, as in Germany. w.ages arc forced down to the lowest level of subsistence, it is sheer foolishness for a country whose workmen are paid higher wages to attempt to compete with it. However, we are surprised that the much vaunted patriotism ami public spirit of cert.ain sections of Irishmen, is not sufficiently deep-seated to cause them to p.ay a slightly higher price for n.itive-made goods. On a recent visit to the establishment of .Messrs. T. & R. Pugh, wc were shown some specimens of engraving on glass water-jugs, one being a perfect portrait of .Mr. Parnell, surrounded by the Round Tower, the Irish wolf dog, and the harp without the crown ; we are decidedly of opinion, that, for refinement of design, and high-class workmanship, the articles on show here are not to be surpassed by the productions of any other countr)- under the sun. The cxtett of .Messrs. Pugh's operations is inidoubtedly very large ; but when vs'e consider the fact th.at they have a monopoly of the trade in Irish manufactured flint- glass, we are surprised that it docs not assume much more gigantic propor- tions. Doubtless it will extend its ramifications when, as is rumoured (it is to be hoped correctly), the concern will be turned into a limited liability company. '1 he factory is centrally situated, with regard to the metropolis, and there are undoubtedly facilities for communication with all parts, not of Ireland alone, but, indeed, through London, of every country in the world. Let us, however, express a hope, that the revival of Irish industri-s, now gradually taking place, and which will receive an undoub'.cd impetus under an Irish Parliament, will bring fresh triumphs and increase of business to Mes-rs. Pugh, which the excellent character of their goods so well deserves. Their articles have been much admired wherever shown, and ali who desire to obtain a reliable idea of their quality should take an early opportunity of visiting the works at Potter's Alley, where a large and waluable stock is displayed in the show-rooms. The entire business is conducted by the pro- prietors, with exemplary enterprise and progressive energy, and their goods oiJy need to be more widely known to be more extensively sought after. Mr. Sodd, Family Grocer, etc., 100, Upper Dorset Siree'. — .■\inung representative gru.ery c-tabli^linients in Dublin, there is probably no more sinking example of successful trading than that which is demon- strated in the op-raiions of the well-known concern of .Mr. iJoild, whose prem ses are eligibly located as above. The wonderful strides made by this house in the public favour are due to three happy circumstances. Kirs!, the proprietor's capacity and indisput.ablc industry ; second, the discriminating choice he has always made in replenishing, and keeping up a most extensive stock ; and third, the discernment with which he has chosen his stalf of assistants. The premises are among the most attractive in this flourishing and highly popular thoroughfare, and have lately under- gone most extensive structural alterations. 1 he shop itself is extensive and airy, and is in every way "as neat" — to use a homely old phra e — "as hands can make it." liy this enlargement he is enabled to get through his work with more comfort and convenience, besides the extension has pro- vided him with extra storage, giving facility to make larger purchases, and thereby saving a big discount, which he liberally exteiins to his pations by supplying them with a superior class of goojs at prices in evrry sens; compatible with fair dealing. The excelleii.e of the g.iods is so well kn>wn that any remarks thereon are unnecessary : suffice it to say that Mr. Dodd buys largely Ixith in native and foreign markets, and with that expi-rience which h.is Ircen the recognised feature of his commercial life, he accumu- lates a stock which is second to none in Dublin. Tne business has now- been established for about three generations, so that its stability, front a commercial standpoint, can bear the test of the most critical examination. Mr. Dodd is active, energetic, and a highly capable man in every detail of liis business. i6o INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. P. Dann & Son, Wholesale Tea, Wine, and Grocery EstabUshment, 39, Arran Quay. — Thi- lii.:;lily rLspoctalile .and old- established Dublin house was rt'St founded, in llie year 1S2S, by Mr. P. Dunn, the present dosTvedly respected senior partner, and hfad of I he business. As a wholesale tea, wine, and general grocery establishment, it holds a very prominent position among houses of a similar line in this city, and has earned a widespre.ad and distinguished reputation for the (irst-class quality of the goods it sells. The pre- mis s used by the firm are of a very spacious description. The shop is most expensively and liandsomely fitted with .all the appliance^ required, and plentifully stocked with all those articles usua'ly sold in establishments devoted to this par- ticular trade. The siluaiion of Messrs. Dunn & Son's house of business is very fortunate, all the quays, including Arran Quay itself, being among the busiest thoroughfares to be found in the Irish incirop'>lis. Messrs. Dunn & .Son's slock of teas is very large and valuable, ami the firm is held in high repute for the quality of the article supplied by all those lovers of "the cup that cheers but does not inebriate." As wine merchants, Messrs. Dunn & Son have long borne a very high charac- ter, the wines and sp ris sold by them being of the p'jrest and most excellent description. .\s Messrs. Dunn & .Son only buy of the very first imrorters and distillers, they make absolutely certain of the n.ature of the goods they offer to the public, and reap their reward in a rich harvest of public approbation and patronage. The establishment on Arran Quay will also be found provided with a large as ortment of those minor articles of grocery which come under the heading of sauces or condiments, every requisite for the kitchen or table being always kept in stock. Their assort- in nt of pickles, etc., by the best Irish and English manufacturers, being carefully and plentifully selected, affords their customers the widest range of choice. The extensive business transactions cariied on by the firm involves the employment of a large number of assistants, all of whom by their civility and assiduous desire to please, have largely helped in gaining for the house the favourable reputation it bears among mercantile men. Samuel Meyer, Boys' and Toutlis' Tailoring: and Outfitting Establishment. 33. Lower ~^ackville Street.— A very notable and Lirgely-patrunised establishment in the tailoring and outfitting line is that of'.Mr. S. Meyer, who has succeeded to the well-known business of Messrs. J. Lewers & Co. Kstablished some ten years ago, this well-known house has long enjoyed a high reputation as an outfitting establishment for boys and youths. The establishment, so ably conducted by Mr. Meyer, occupies very handsome preir-ises at No. 33, Lower Sackville .Streer, and is throughout fitted in a most tasteful and elective manner, calculated to display to the (^reatest .advantage the very choice stock of clothing, etc., which the house contains. The house, during the ten j'ears it has been prominently before the public, has managed to form a very extensive con- nection among all classes of the community. The stock, which is very large and valuable, conists of a fine as-ortment of rcadym.ade clothes for boys and youths in the finest quality of Irish and .Scotch tweeds, and other inaicrials, all ihe materials used being of the latest and most fashionable design and pattern, and m.ide in a manner and style that cannot fail to satisfy. A verj' important branch of the business is that which is commonly called outfitting, in other words, underclothing of every kind, including shirts, vests, drawers, night-shins, braces, socks, collars, and neckties. In all these various articles, of which a large and valuaole tlock is held, the house, commercially speaking, occupies a high position. Xanrence Coyle, Wood Turner, 36, Ujiper .\bhey Street.— In the ninnu aclure and prcpainiiun of sucli articles as Indian clubs, wood plates, frames, and mangle rollers, tlie establishment pre^ideil over by Mr. Laurence Coyle stands at the head of the traile in Dublin. For a period extending back to iSdS, this concern has been engaged unin- terruptedly in the manufacture of the articles just mentioned, and has always lieen careful in using none but the best quality of material, anil sub- mitting it to the best workmen to mmipulac. As a v\ood turner of the highest standing and undispatable ability, Mr. Coyle has long occupieil a very high place in the estimation of his jiatrons, and in ihe ranks of his own trartc. lie is a competent workman, and one who spares neither time no! trouble to give all his operatio s a complexion and tone of superior excellence. Samuel Gill, Carver and Gilder, 122, Upper Abbey Street — To th.- li-.t of lirsl-cLiss houses engaged in the carving and eliding trade must be added that of Mr. .Samuel (jill. At Mr. Gill's establishment all the work is of the most superior description, some of his designs being particularly chaste and elegant. He has only been establish! d in business lor the comparatively short period of tight years, but duiing that time he has succeeded in forming a business connection of the greatest im- portance among some of the most influrnlial circles in Dublin. Mr. Gill's premises are sufficiently spacious for ih s pa'ticular line, which does not take up very much space in its operations, and are admirably stocked with a choice selection o( pic urc and looking-glass frames, both of modern ami antique design. He aoes a very large and aristocratic trade among Dublin and country gentlemen in the refraining of family pictures, etc., and has given the highest satisfaction everywhere as to the quality and workman- ship of his goods. The proprietor also does something in the delicate direction of picture-restoring, by removing the old and discoloured varnish which so often conceals exq lisite art beneath its brown surface. Those who have entrusted work of this kind to Mr. Gill spe.ak highly of the manner in which he completed his ta-k. We understand that, owing to the large and permanent increase of his busiess, he has determined to remove to still more commodious premises, in St. Stephen's Cireen Square, of which change, however, the public are to have the fullest notice. Mr. (lill's courtesy, politeness, and general attention to his cusloiiiers' wants have had iiuich to tio with his success. Kichard Hand, Practical Boot and Shoemaker, ?, New Lisburn Street. — What promises to be a prominent house of the medium class in the great boot and shoe manufacturing industry of Dublin, is that of Mr. Richaid Hand, practical boot and shoemaker. Though so recently established as six months ago, there are already signs of its becoming a well- known and thriving concern. The premises, w^hich comprise the house and workshop, are located at 2, New Lisburn Street, and only a short distance from the Linen Hall Barracks. They are most admiralily fitted for the business, and besides the manufacture of all kinds of ladies' and gentlemen's bjots and shoes, and the mounting of wotked slippers, a consid"rable amount of business is done in all sorts of repairs, which are executed both neatly and well, and at the most reasonable charges. Mr. Hand is a thoroughly practical man at his trade, understanding evety branch of the industry. A large amount of the trade of this house is in bespoke orilers, and customers can impacitly rely upon their instructions in this respect being faithfully and honestly carried out to the letter. ^ The house is already noted for the elegance, excellent finish, fashionable style, and perfect fit of all its goods, while the very best of materials are employed in their manu- facture, at the same time the execution of the work will bear the closest .scrutiny and inspection. There is a commendable determination on the part of Mr. Hand to m.ike his business sec-nd to none in the same line, and by his courtesy, integrity, and honourable repute in commercial circles, he h.is already secured the confidence of a very fair connection of pations. D. W. Carroll, Printer, Bookbinder, Stationer, and Prize Medal Accouat-Book Manufacturer. 44. lower Sackville Stieet. — Situated in the jirincipal street of the metropolis, this is one of the most pro- minent houses in its line of trade. From the large stock always ready, the traders can rely upon having the largest ortler su|>plied and special pa terns submitted with expediiion. All kinds of printing, writing, and other papers are sold here at mill prices. Amongst the splendid stocks held aie also envelopes in all qualitiej at maker's prices ; in the latter line their superfine antique palace envelopes are a speciality that has an immense sale. Some other articles of stationery to be had of the best kind are rentals, rent ledgers, rent receipts, cash receipts, ortler forms, memo forms, deliver)' forms, spirit stock-books, workmen's books, farm account-books, cattle stock-books, and in fact all sorts of ofTice and farming stationery. A seconil department /)f the business is devoted to a great selection of ladies' hand bags, Gladstone bags, purses, and other fancy leather goods, as well as cash boxes, deed boxes, iron trunks, copying ptesies at all prices and sizes, and prociued direct from the manufacturer. In addition to the lines mentioned, writing, copying, and other inks are to be had of the best description, whilst the imlia- rubber ami marking inks are of unequalled quality, iiefore concluding, the fact that this establishment has a large pitronage of a ci.mmercial. lei^al, and private diinidt speaks well for the reputation it has attaineii for the highest excellence in its goods. Samuel Parker, Leather Merchant, 36 and 37, Back Lane. --.Among the wholesale nieichanls in Dtihliii may be recktmed i\Ir. Parker, of Ifaek Lane, who establislietl his business in the year 1S23, and who is the oldest in the trade in this ciiy ; and we may judge that a man who has had the experience of Mr. Taiker will not on any .account oflei for sale any material but such as is good and genuine. Next to the clothiers, there is no meichant to whom we are so much indebted as the leather dresser, for we must have shoes, and what a confusion it puis us to if those articles are worn out ; but how would it be if we hid not them at all? The very suggestion seems not only riiliculous but impracticable. IJut these are only deviations regarding th.; utility of the aforesaid gentlen.an. Now, when we come to insiiecl liis lite, in regard to the pojuilace who patronise him, he ap|)ears a man attentive to business, allable in his demeanour, and upriglit in his principles. Joseph Croker, Button Manufacturer, 6, Crown Alley — \ noteworthy house is that of Mr. Joseph Croker, wholesale button manufacturer, and one that has won a very high reiiutation in ilie tiade with which it has so king and honourably b.en associated. Kstjblished for upwards of fifty years, it has during that period attained an extensive and first-class connection in the metrojiolis and surrounding districts. The jiremises occupied are most centrally situ.ated, and are fitted up with the most modem appliances. All kinds and sha])es of buttons are manufactured. In particular, the making of livery buttons has enhanced the already large trade. The most skilled ami competent han'ls ate employed, uniler the supervision of Mr. Croker, who is a thoroughly practical and experienced man in every iletail of his business, and w.io has by exereis ng his enterprising ability raised his house to the highest status in the trade. INDUSTRIES OF DUBLIN. i6i M Jordi 8c Co., Cork Mercliants, Growers, aud Manu- faoturcrs, 'M, Midillf Al>lify Sircil. Mf-sis. Jonii ,V (H. [ncupy t\ii.n- sive premises .is ofticrs aiul faclory at 64, Midillu Al)l)ey Slrcct, anil extensive stnrei! at rear exlemling to tlic I.otis, where they carry on a lar(;e an'l Uicraiive trailo .n* wholesale and retail imporlcrs and niamifacliirers of corks, and appliances for hottlin;^, etc. The tirni hoM a larj^e and valuable stock of cork in the raw or virgin slate, ami every conciivai)le description of manufaclnred corks, both foreif^n and hoine-cul. Since the house was eslahlisheil in lS;S, it has been fo lunate enouyh to secure a lar^je share of pulilic patronaj^e and support, and has, moreover, formed a business con- nection all over Irehmd. The principal liu-incss of the firm is the preparing and culling of cork for bottling pu' poses, and their country trade is prin- cipally carried on thro»;jh the agency of their commercial travellers. '1 hcse latter vi-it all puts of the country, soliciting and obtaining orders from all the principal wine merchants, grocers, mineral water manufacturers and bottlers throughout Irclanil, and sending them to ihe head-iiuarters of their house in Midille .Abbey Street to he executed ami despatched. The very superior qualiiy, consistent with price, of Me.-srs. M. jorrii iV: Co.'s corks has long been recognised by the trade jiretty generally, and in consequence, there is alw.iys a lively deniaml for th-^ir goods upon the jrirt of the country tradespeople. The linn of M. Jordi iV Co. are proprietors of another extensive faclory in I'alafrucell, Catalonia, Spain, where they also a-c possessed of a large cork-tree forest, from which they get their raw cork, nnd a manufactory, where they manufacture ihe corks for this market, as also the Knglish and Scotch markets and foreign export. ISesides themanu- facluie of the cork itself the firm seem to be interested in everytliing relating to the subject, and they accordingly do a large and increasing trade in the supply of numerous ingenious inventions calcrratcd to render the process of bottling ajtd corking easier. The lirnr deal also in bottle wax, capsrrlcs, and straw envelopes for bottles ; and likewise in another mechanical contrivance which h.as long been known to fame .as " Sikes' lly Iroirreter." and which is an i'lstrumetrt for testing the strength of spirits, anil for which M. lordi & Co. .are .agents in Dublrn. This firm are also agents for the sale of the " I'.ilcnt Kcl'p.se cork drawer," and ihc " .\cmc patent cork drawer," both of which snsvvcr the purpose their proprietors guarantee, and also have proved the greatest boon to the parties in retail trade. The machines are highly fini-hed. The Bnblin Pure Milk Co., 52, South King Street (near Gaiety Thettre). — I'erhaps the most important trade in Dublin, as far as the individual public is concerned, is the milk trade ; ami it is gratifying to be able to s'ate that within the last ten years a very considerable improvement has taken place, as far as the qualiiy of the milk is concerned. Thousands of gallons of niiik are now brought by rail from country districts, fifty and one hundred milcsaway,tlris milk being of infinitely superior quality to that which the citizens were hitherto obligerl to consume, viz., milk produced from cows hoMsed, in many cases from year's end to year's end, in close byres in the city, fed on the distilling refuse, and never free from the germ of that ccn in high favour wiih that quarter of ihe town in which it is pl.icepecdy transaction of business, and constant occupation is given to a large staft of experienced assistants. In Nos. 7 and S. which are demoted to the drapery business, a very large stock is held. It includes, amongst other ai tides gener.al and fancy drapery and millinery, mourning goods household linen, mantles, blankets, dress goods and silks, hosiery, ladies' and chdilren's underclothing, laces and haberdashery, as well as boys' and youths' ready-made suits in great variety, all of the best quality and marked at the most moderate prices. No. 9 contains a most \aricd stock of ladies' and childien's boots and shoes, and the stock of these goods in the warcrooms is of exceptional extent and variety. The trade connection of this house is firmly estal>lished, and a com:Tiercial prosperity is enjoyed, which results from the admirable and perfectly cons si^nt m.inner in which Mr. I.ee has. year by year, maintained and eiiliancei his eminent repute as a reliable household caterer. Lynch & O'Brien, Tea, Wine, and Spirit Merchants, and Family Grocers, So and Si, Lower (ieorge's street, Kingstown. — A l)upulousdi-Ir.cl like Kin.;stown is sure to have many caterers for the public .lavour in the grocery and provision trade, but ot the many firms devoted to this business there is none that deserves more favourable notice than Messrs. Lynch & O'Urien. The lofty premises occupied in Kingstown are located in its most fishionable street, and the fine frontage of fully fifty feet serves to add materially to the splendour of the architecture. The business is divided between two large shops, which lack nothing that will tend to the convenience and accommodation of every class that bestows its patronage on the firm. 'Ihe section allotted to the sale of groceries and wines is stocked re, letc with the best selection of teas and coffees, sugars, spices, and other such articles imported from the best markets in the world, whilst the eiccepti Mial mellowness of the wines and m.aturity of the whiskies con- firm the opinion that no small experience is advantageously useJ in their choice. The industrial operationsol the other section embrace the supplying of every kind of provisions, including hams, bacons, butters, eggs b.scuits, jams, and the many edibles that are found in every larder. The lines men- tioned are but a very sirt.all fraction of the firm's trade, but are eminently representative features, and will doubtless serre as an indi.alionof the host ot adjuncts with'which they are asociated in Messrs. Lynch & O'Brien's stQck. In this, as in th^ othc-r depatment, the firm have never pandered to any system of purveying inferior goods, b.it have successfully maintained the one uniiorm standard of high excellence in supplies by the establishment of which they first w m t.leir reputation. There is a thriving branch of this establishme it in Blackfock, which we need not say is carried on m the same honourable manner as the parent house. The extensive and wide- spread business is well maintained by su;)eriority of goods, and the able and strict attention of the projirietary to the management of the firm. Edward Mnrray, Kiigstown Bining-ltooms, 46, Lower Georges Street, Kmystown ■ llus line of business has become largely on the increase in recent years. .Seaside localities are usually a favourite and wclbchosen ground lor the growth of this pariicular branch of cnterpiise. In the lis' of establishments embarked in this line, the well-known house of Mr. Kilward Murray, 46, Lower George's Slieet, occupies a prominent place. This popular establishment was founded six years ago, and from thedaleof itsmception up to tlic present, has been favoured with a singularly prosperous career. Situated in the principal busine>s thoroughfare, ai d in most convenient position, as reg.irds railway and steamboat connection with this impaironised branch of a servant's registry office, in which deparlnient t le most extensive and best suppoited business in town is pursued. There is also a large tr.ide done at ihis establishment in toys and ornamental household articles, and bookbinding is also carried on, a fair share of inlronagc being bestowed. All the departments are well su] porteil by an active and rapidly-increasing business. Tnis house bears a ilestrvedly high reputation amongst all classes ol the local community for the superiority and modeiaie prices ol its wares. The concern is under the supervision of the well-known proprietor, who has had many years" experience in all branches of his trade. INDUSTRIES OF DUHLIN. '63 Michael Oalvin, Family Grocer, Tea, Wine, and Spirit Morohant. 17. Upper George's Sired, Kiiigblown.— Of tlic innny diHcrcnt liraiii ho of commi-rcial cnteipiise. there arc none which h.ive iiicreas-.d so rap.dly, or for which capital, energy, and financial skill are mure ncci.s>aiy, than that of the lea, wine, and spirit merchant. This trapulation. The position is an admirable one for the growth of an extensive business. The shop is elegantly lilted with tasteful and appropriate appointments. The stock, which is valuable .ind choice in description, consists of a splendid assort- ment of boots and shoes for ladies', gentlemen's, and children's wear, in makes and designs of almost infinite variety, and in prices to suit the taste and purse of every class of customer. The goods cons ituting this valuable stock have been all personally selected and purchased from the most cele- brated manufactories in the kingdom, and on the most advantageous terms that experience could secure. All intermediate profits of wholesale ware- housemen are thus saved, and customers are certain to obtain fullest bent- fits and commercial investments for their money at this well-known establi-h- ment. There is a large local and rural trade attached, and a staunch connection formed which is rapidly extenaing. The goods arc for superiority and moderation in prici s comparable with any house in the trade. The business is under the special management of the proprietress, who is most popular, and esteemed through an extensive circle of patrons and customers for her many personal qualities. Thos. Baker, Draper, 8, Quinsboro' Road, Bray.— t'ew visitors to Bray have failed to notice and admire the style and ham'some establish- ment devoted to the drapery business, and rnntrolled by Mr. Thos. Baker, on the Quinsboro' Road. This establishment has now been pursuing a career of utility for the past twenty years, and during that time the eflbrts of its proprietor to please all sections of the people have been rewarded in a palron.Tge of great dimensions. The premises occupied arc, in the lirst place, shown to a happy elTect by well-dressed windows, which light up a prepossessing shop stocked most advantageously with saleable goods in great variety. Ladies cannot fail to be pleased with the choice selections in every season kept there and offered at prices that compete most favour- ably with those of the best Dublin firms. A few spe.:ialilies of this establishment we may mention, are Ladies' underclothing, corsets, as well as dress fabrics of all materials, ladies' and children's boots and shoes, hosiery, etc., and camp-chairs suitable for enjoyment, to suit the poorest man's wife, or the gentle l.idy. Mothers who have not yet patronised this house could do no better than call heie when next their children require clothing of any description. The volume of trade tians.actcd is of great magnitude, and has been enhanced by the energy, al-ility, and tact of Mr. Baker, who is most popular with each cir,e of a large circle of cuslomeri. UCr. O. B. Eeggs, L.P.S.I., Pharmaceutical Chemist, Sorrento Road, Dalkey. — Kew visitors to the fashionable vilhgc of Dalkey h.ivo failed to be attracted by the lively and business air everywhere noticeable in its princi|>al commercial establishments, .\mong lhc«: a ]iremier iKisiiion must be accorded to the concern controlled by G. D. Jicg;»s, M.l'.S. This house is devoted to the pharmaceutical business, and has attained a notoriety in this line second to none in the county or city of Dublin. The premises are large, tastefully fitted up, and admirably arranged for the business to which they are devoid. In the stocks held are to be had all the purest and most effectual drugs and pharmaceutical preparations. In addition there are a large stock of patent and pre paratory medicines of the best descriptions ; also a large xssortmcnt of toilet requis tes, perfumerits, and forei;;n mineral waters. From the com- prehensive nature of the slock it may be truly inferred that few customers ever leave this shop without being thoroughly satisfied. The compounding department is under the per-onal care of the proprietor, ami is, for the purpose of preventing interruption or irregularity, separated from the retail business. Mr. Beggs has trained, skilful, and experienced assistants. In conclusion we must state that the marked succ-ss which has attemlc-d this business is wholly attributable to the able man.igemcnt of the housi by .\Ir. Iteggs personally, who is noted for his integrity, couitcy, an . business tact. Carson Bro8., Tea, Wine, Spirit, and Provision Mcrchaats, 155. R.ithgar Road. — Many are the splendid estabi^hments in the city of Dublin devoted to the general grocery and provisirm branches of business ; distinguished amongst these is the well-known hou^e conducted by Carson Bros., Rathgar. This establishment was founded only seven years ago, and during that short period has attained the prominent position it now holds. The premises occupied have a fine frontage of over fifty feet, and an extension from front to rear of sixty. The interior is fitted up not only with every modern convenience for the rapidly growing trade, but the arrangements have aUo been made with such artistic skill as to give it a very handsome appearance. The stock is both valuable and varied, and may be classed under four heads, viz. . wine, grocery, provision, and chandlery. In the first division, to which the firm devote special attention, their whiskies include the best known and most prized of both Irish and .Scotch pro- ductions, and they alw.iys keep in slock the best brands of champagne, port, sherry. Burgundy, and claret. In the grocery dep.irtment we observe a most carefully selected sock of Indian, Ceylon, and China teas, as well as judi- cious mixtures, and combination of the choicest growths of Jamaica ami Mocha colTee. The provision branch comprises a varied stock of Limerick and Dutlin hams, bacon, and jams, creamery butter, home and foreign cheese, Irish eggs, household and pastry flour, Sco'ch and Irish oatmeal. and so forth. The chandlery department is as carefully stocked as thr- others; amongst the goods kept here, that attract favourable notice for their good value and excellence, is every description of candles, matches, fancy • and household soaps, sarches, blue, blacking, and a variety of all ar'icles usually to be found in the best business houses. We kaow of no firm that has a belter displ.ay, so well shown to advant.age, or one that has such a large patronage. To see the shop at its best, the visitor would well be repaid in visiiing the busy sight of commercial prosperity that is evident in the thronged state of the house on the people's market-day, Saturday. Thr proprictaiy use every means to please the numerous elUnliU. and are well known to be gentlemen wh6se e.ergy is alone rivaileJ by their courtesy. T. McGrath & Co., Drapers, SCilliners, and Haber- dashers, 40 and 42, Main .Street, Blackrock. — Of the commercial establish- ments that grace .Main Street, Blackrock, that of T. McGrath A; Co. stands out in prominent relief. It dilTcrs from other houses in the town by the elegance and refined beauty of its exterior, by the diversity and sa|>erior quality of the stock it trades, and more especially by its close resemblance to a city house as distinguished from a country one. This concern is one that is fully worthy of comparison with any house of its character in the metropolis, and this being so it is almost superfluous to add that its success in Blackrock h-as been rapid and all but unprecedented, or that its condition is weekly becoming more flourishing and prosperous. In the town of course it has no rival, and the number of its patrons in consequence is extremely large, while the low prices at which the articles are offered, attract the very poor as well as the more opulent of ihe inhabitants. No. 40 is eng.iged in the drapery and mi linery bus ncss, while No. 42 is devoted to the boot and shoe trade. The jo nt houses present a colonnaded front of fifty feet, and reach back above forty, and this sjiace is utilised to the full by the able manngcment. Among the articles which constitute the stock of No. 40 are flannels, blankets, linens, shirts, collars and ties, ribbons and feathers, hosiery, gloves, cashmeres, umbrellas, l.alies' unilcr-closhing,. fancy goo.ls, etc., mens Irish tweed suits, and hats and caps. It is enou.h to say here that in all these many sections the value given exceeds that to be obtained elsewhere ; but the millinery deserves especial mention, as the be-iutiful style an I finish with which the hats and bonnet^ are trimmed, attracts of itself to the house a lucrative .inci>me. In the boot and shoe section at No. 42, the stock embraces all kinds of foot-wear for laiics and gentlemen and children, and all the articles here made are widely reputed for durability, and ease and com- fort to the wearer. The establishment is most ably man.aged, and to the tact and .ability which distinguishes the proprietor is in a principal measure 10 beasciibed the prominent and, indeed, pre-eminent pusitioa it now occupies. AH 'M Ilf