' t [ GIFT or LIST OF SERIALS IN THE Leland Stanford Junior University LIBRARY • «• • ••• STANFORD UNIVERSITY 1916 .^>:t a> "^ Y^ ^^ ■y^ ^>«i ©K \ ^ %^^ 329326 EXPLANATORY NOTE. This list includes the magazines, yearbooks, newspapers and publica- tions of societies and institutions, which are in the library of Leland Stanford Junior University (including the General Library, Law Library and Lane Medical Library in San Francisco). Governmental publica- tions, federal, state and municipal, have been omitted. The entries conform to the following rules : 1. Magazines and yearbooks are entered under the first word of the title, not an article. When the name has been changed the entry is under the latest title with cross reference from the earlier form or forms. 2. Publications of societies are entered under the latest official name of the society, with cross reference from the earlier names, if such there be. 3. Learned academies, whose names begin with Kaiserlich, Konig- lich, Reale, etc., are entered under the following word, the adjective being abbreviated and disregarded in the alphabeting. (i. e. Die Kaiserliche Akademie der wissenscJiaften, Vienna^ is to be found under A as K. Akad- emie der wissenschaften, Viemia.) 4. An institution whose name begins with a proper noun or ad- jective is entered under the first word of its name. Other institutions are entered under the name of the city or town in which located, (i. e. Lick observatory is to be found under Lick, but Museum of fine arts, Boston, is under Boston.) 5. Newspapers are entered under the names of the places where published. In the few cases where it has seemed advisable to depart from these rules, cross references have been made. (3) ABBREVIATIONS. L following the entry means that the serial so designated is in the Law Library. M following the entry means that the serial so designated is in the Lane Medical Library. + A plus sign indicates that the set is complete from the last date given and is currently received. II Parallels following a date indicate that the serial ceased publication with that date. [ ] Brackets indicate that the volumes or dates so inclosed are incomplete. (4) LIST OF SERIALS IN THE Leland Stanford Junior University Library A. L. A. booklist. Chicago. [1-3, 6, 8] 9+ 1905+ Aarb^ger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historic. See K. Nordiske oldskrift- selskab, Copenhagen. Abeille medicale. Paris. 1-11, 25, [39-46, 48-52] 1844-95. M. Aberdeen. University. Studies. 1, 6, 16, 18-21, 23, 28-29, 47, 1900-11. Aberdeen university review. Aberdeen. 1, 1913 + Abhandlungen zur geschichte der mathe- matischen wissenschaften. Leipzig. 1-11, 14, 27-28, 1877-1910. Abstract and index. Weston, Vt. [4, 6-8] 1889-93. M. Academia nacional de ciencias, Cordova, Boletin. 12-18, 1890-1905. Academician. New York. 1, 1818-20|| Academic de medecine, Paris. Bulletin. 1, 1836+ M. Memoires. 1-27, [28] 29-30, [31] 1828-75. M. Academic des beaux-arts, Paris. Me- moires. 1-5, 1798-1804. Academic des inscriptions et belles-let- tres, Paris. Comptes rcndus des seances. 1857-1911. Memoires. 1-21, 1815-57. Memoires presentes par divers sa- vants. . . . S.2, 1-4, 1843-60. Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque nationalc et autres bibliotheques. See Notices et extraits des manuscrits dc la Bibliotheque na- tionalc ct autres bibliotheques. (6) Academic des sciences, Paris. Comptes rcndus. 1-141, 143, 1835 + 1, 1835+ M. Memoires. 1-14; n.s., 1-31, 1796- 1859. Memoires de mathematique ct de physique. 1-11, 1750-80. Memoires presentes par divers sa- vants. 1-2, 1805-11; n.s., 1-15, 1827-58. Academic des sciences morales et poli- tiqucs, Paris. Memoires. 1-5 ; s.2, 1-3, 1798-1804; 1837-41. Memoires des savants etrangers. 1, 1841. Academic frangaise, Paris. Recueil des discours, rapports et pieces diverscs. . . 1820-29—1830-39, 1850-59, pt. 1-2. Academic hongrois des sciences, Buda- pest. See Magyar tudomanyos aka- demia, Budapest. Academic imperiale dc medecine, Paris. See Academic dc medecine. Academic imperiale des sciences, St. Petersburg. See I. Akademiia nauk, St. Petersburg. Academic nationale de medecine, Paris. See Academic dc medecine. Academic royale dc chirurgie, Paris. Memoires. 2-3, 5, 1769-74. Nouv. Ed., 1-5, 1819. M. Memoires sur les sujets proposes pour les prix. 1-5, 1819. M. Academic royale de medecine de Bel- giquc, Brussels. Bulletin. [13] ; s.2 [1] 2-3 [4-6]; s.3 [2-3, 5] 6-7 [8, 17-20]; S.4 [1-3, 10-14, 16, 21] 1853- 1907. M. List of Serials Academic royale de medecine, Paris. See Academic dc medecine. Proces-verbaux. [1884-89, 1891] M. Academic royale dcs sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Bclgique, Brussels. Annuaire. [74] 75-78, 1908-12. Memoires. 39, 1872. (Unnumbered series) 1863-91. Academy. London. 1, 1869+ Academy. Syracuse; Boston. 1-7, 1886- 9211 Academy of medicine in Ireland. See Royal academy of medicine in Ire- land. Academy of natural sciences of Phila- delphia. Journal. 1-8, 1817-42. 2-5, 1821-25. M. Proceedings. 1, 1841 + [1881, 1887-88] M. Academy of Pacific coast history, Berke- ley. Publications. 1, 1909+ Academy of political science, N. Y. Proceedings. 1, 1910+ Academy of science of St. Louis. Trans- actions. 1, 1895+ Academy of surgery, Phila. See Phila- delphia academy of surgery. R. Accademia dei Lincei, Rome. Notizie dcgli scavi di antichita. 1876+ Acta mathematica, Stockholm. 1, 1882+ Actualite medicale. Paris. [1, 5-10, 12, 14-17] 18 [19] 20 [21-22] 23 [24] 1889- 1912. M. Actuarial society of America. Transac- tions. 1, 1889+ Adjuster. S. F. [2, 4-5, 11-12, 16, 21-46] 47+ 1892+ Advocate of peace. Boston. [56-60] 61+ 1894+ Agassiz association. The guide to na- ture. See The guide to nature. Age. Melbourne. See Melbourne. Age. Age annual ; political and statistical reg- ister of Victoria. 1874, 1876-77, 1879- 81, 1887,- 1889-90, 1892-94. Age of steel. St. Louis. [71-93] 1892- 190311 Agricultural journal of the Union of South Africa. [1] 2+ 1910+ Agricultural news. Barbados. 13, 1914+ Aix-Marseillc. Universite. Faculte de droit, Aix. Annales. 1, 1907+ Faculte des lettres, Aix. Annales. 1, 1907+ K. Akademie der wissenschaften, Berlin. Abhandlungen. 1855 + Bericht iiber die zur bekanntmach- ung geeigneten verhandlungen. {Con- tinued as Monatsberichte.) 18S4-55|| Monatsberichte. (Continued as Sitzungsberichtc. ) 1856-81 1 1 Sitzungsberichtc. 1882+ K. Akademie der wissenschaften, Munich. Abhandlungen der Bayerischen akad- emie iiber gegenstande der schonen wissenschaften. 1, 1781 1| Abhandlungen der Churfiirstlich- baicrischen akademie der wissenschaf- ten. 1-10, 1763-7611 Denkschriftcn. [1] 2-7, 9, 1808-24|| Historische abhandlungen. 1-5, 1807-2311 Neue historische abhandlungen. 1-5, 1779-98; n.s., 1-2, 1804|1 Neue philosophische abhandlungen. 1-7, 1778-9711 Physikalische abhandlungen. 1-2, 1803-0611 Historische classe. Abhandlungen. [1] 2-24, 1833-1909. Mathematisch-physikalische classe. Abhandlungen. 1, 1832+ Supplement. See Bei- trage zur naturgeschichte Ostasiens, hrsg. von F. Doflein. Sitzungsberichtc. 3, 1873+ Philosophisch-philologische classe. Abhandlungen. 1, 1835 + Sitzungsberichtc. 1871 + .^e^^-^^i^...tli0!2i^^ .. -.dit//&Jm^ :. ^^.k^rO^.^... y ■.. 4 "^r. 3 .4y, List of Serials 3. K. Akademie der wissenschaften, Vienna. Math ematisch-naturwissenschaftliche classe. Denkschriften. 1, 1850+ Sitzungsberichte. 1-28, 30-38, 43-44, 47+ 1848+ x [90] 92, 94-95 [100] 1885- 93. M. Philosophisch-historische k 1 a s s e . Denkschriften. 1-11, 13-54, 56+ 1850+ Sitzungsberichte. 1-150, 170+ 1848+ K. Akademie van wetenschappen, Am- sterdam. Wis-en naturkundige afdeel- ing. Proceedings of the section of sciences. [11-12] 13+ 1909+ I. Akademiia nauk, St. Petersburg, Zoo- logicheskii muzei, Annuaire. 1-14, 16+ 1896+ Alabama industrial and scientific society. Proceedings. Tuscaloosa. 1-9, 1891-99. Alabama medical and surgical age. Bir- mingham. See Alabama medical jour- nal. Alabama medical and surgical journal. Birmingham. [1-2] 1886-87. M. Alabama medical association. See Med- ical association of the state of Ala- bama. Alabama medical journal. Birmingham. (Continues Alabama medical and sur- gical age.) Birmingham. 4-6 [7-12, 14] 15-16 [17, 19] 1892-1907. M. Alabama state bar association. Proceed- ings. Montgomery. 26-30, 1903-07. L. Albany county, N. Y. Medical society. See Medical society of the county of Albany. Albany institute. Transactions. 6-8, 1870-76. Albany law journal. Albany, N. Y. 1-68, 1870-1907. L. Albany medical annals. Albany, N. Y. (See also Medical society of the county of Albany. Annals.) 1 [2] 3-13 [14-15] 16+ 1880+ M. Albrecht von Graefe's Archiv fiir ophth- mologie. Leipzig. 1, 1854+ 1, 1854+ M. Alemannia. Freiburg. 1-37, 39+ 1873+ Alienist and neurologist. St. Louis. 1-21 [22-23] 24+ 1880+ M. • uC^r^ ' '"^ ' * Alkaloid. Chicago. [1-2] 1891-93. M. Alkaloidal clinic. 5"^^ American journal ^. . of clinical medicine. • '-^z '*/ Allgemeine bauzeitung. Vienna. 1, 1836+ Allgemeine militararztliche zeitung. Vienna. 6-16, 1865-75 11 M. Allgemeine Wiener medizinische zeitung. Vienna. 1-30 [31-38, 46-47, 52] 1856- 1907. M. Allgemeine zeitschrift fiir epidemiologie. Erlangen. 1-2, 1874-7611 M. Allgemeine zeitschrift fiir psychiatric und psychisch-gerichtliche medicin. Berlin. 1, 1844+ M. Allgemeiner deutscher litteratur-kalen- der. See Kiirschners Deutscher litter- atur-kalender. Allgemeiner deutscher sprachverein, Ber- lin. Verdeutschungsbiicher. 1-9, 1891- 1910. Zeitschrift. 21, 1906+ Wissenschaftliche beihefte. 1-32, 35+ 1891 + Allgemeines journal der chemie. Berlin ; Leipzig. (Continued as Neues allge- meines journal der chemie.) 1-10, 1798-180311 Allgemeines repertorium der gesammten deutschen medizinisch - chirurgischen journalistik. Leipzig. 7 [8] 1833-34. M. Allgemeines statistisches archiv. Tubin- gen. 1, 1890+ Almanach de Coblentz. Paris. 1792. Almanach de Gotha. Gotha. 1867, 1876, 1905+ Almanach de la paix. (Association de la paix par le droit.) Paris. 22, 25 + 1910+ Almanach de Versailles. Paris. 1780, 1784. Almanach des gens de bien. Paris. 1797. 8 List of Serials Almanach des honnetes gens. Paris. 1793. Almanach des muses. Paris. 1765-68, 1770-73 [1774] 1775-79, 1782-86, 1789-90, 1796. Almanach Hachette. Paris. 22, 1915. Almanaque de la illustracion. Madrid. Ano 5-12, 38, 1878-1911. Alphabetische naamlijst van boeken plaat-en kaartwerken. (Abkoude, Brinkman)'s Gravenhage; Amsterdam. 1790-1875. Alrededor del mundo. Madrid. 4-13, 1901-05. Alta California. Daily edition. See San Francisco. Newspapers. Daily alta California. Alta California. Weekly edition. See San Francisco. Newspapers. Weekly alta California. Alta California almanac and book of facts. S. F. 1877-8311 Amalgamated journal. Pittsburg, Pa. 3, 1901 + Amalgamated meat cutters and butcher workmen of North America. Report of proceedings. 2-5, 1899-1904. Official journal. [2, 5-6] 1900-04. American, Manila. See Manila. Ameri- can. American academy in Rome. Annual re- port. 1912+ American academy of arts and sciences, Boston. Memoirs. 1-4; n.s., 1, 1783+ Proceedings. 1-31 [32-33] 34 [35] 36-37 [38] 39+ 1846+ American academy of medicine. Bulletin. , See Journal of sociologic medicine. American academy of ophthalmology and oto-laryngology. Transactions. 8-9, 11-17, 1903-12. M. American academy of political and so- cial science, Phila. Annals. 1, 1890+ Bulletin, n.s., 1, 3-5, 7-14, 1897-1901. American academy of railway surgeons. Report. 1-3, 1894-96. M. American almanac and repository of use- ful knowledge. Boston. 4, 19-28, 30-31, 1833-60. American almanac and treasury of facts. N. Y.; Washington. 1-12, 1878-891 1 American angler. N. Y. [20-29, 1891- 99] American annals of education. Boston. 1, 3-4, 1826-29; s.3, 1-8, Aug. 1830- Dec. 183811 The American annual register. N. Y. [etc.] 1826-27. American anthropological association. Memoirs. 1, 1905+ American anthropologist. Lancaster, Pa. 6-11; n.s., 1, 1893+ American antiquarian. Cleveland, O. &c. 6-17 [18] 19-24 [25] 1884-1903. American anti-slavery society, N. Y. Annual report. 28, 1860-61. American antiquarian society, Worces- ter, Mass. Archaeologia americana. See its Transactions and collections.' Proceedings. 1843-49 [1850-52] 1853-98, 1900-03. Transactions and collections. 1, 3-5, 11-12, 1820-1911. American architect. N. Y. 35-41 [42] 43-53 [54] 55+ 1892+ American artisan and hardware record. Chicago. 69, no. 14+ 1915 + American Asiatic. S. F. [1907-11] American association for labor legisla- tion. Legislative review. [Madison, etc.] 2-6, 1909-1011 Proceedings of annual meeting. {Continued in American labor legisla- tion review.) 1-3, 1907-0911 American association for study and pre- vention of infant mortality. Transac- tions. 1-2, 1910-11. M. American association for the advance- ment of science. Proceedings. 1-62, 1848-191011 4, 6-14, 17-19 [33] 34, 36-38, 42-62, 1850-191011 M. i^i-a^ nrt&^/^/i/n ^v/ yt-n-^ryt^^^ . ^ (Oa kJ^^-*^^^ ^ <^ List of Serials American association for the cure of inebriates. Proceedings. 1-2, 6, 1870- 75. M. American association of demurrage offi- cers, Scranton, Pa. Proceedings. [1890-91] 1894-96, 1898-1902, 1907-08, 1910. American association of genito-urinary surgeons. Transactions. 2, 1907+ M. American association of obstetricians and gynecologists. Transactions. 1, 1888+ M. American association of public account- ants, N. Y. Year-book. 1911 + American bankers association, N. Y. Journal. 3, Jul. 1910+ American bar association. Journal. Baltimore. 1, 1915+ L. Reports. Phila., etc. 1+15, 19-20, 22+ 1891+ h. American bar association. Comparative law bureau. See Comparative law bureau of the American bar associa- tion. American bibliopolist. N. Y. & Lond. 1-6, 1869-74. American book-prices current. N. Y. 1, 1895+ American breeders association. Wash. Report. 1-8, 1905-11. American bureau of geography. Bulletin. Winona, Minn. (Continued in Journal of geography.) [1] 2, 1900-01 1| American catalogue. 1876+ American Catholic quarterly review. Philadelphia. 1, 1876+ American ceramic society, Columbus, O. Transactions. 1, 1900+ American chemical journal. Baltimore. 1-50, 1879-191311 American chemical society. Chemical abstracts. Easton, Pa. 1, 1907+ 1, 1907+ M. Journal. Easton, Pa. 1, 1879+ 1, 1879+ M. American chemist. N. Y. 1-7, 1870-7711 American city. N. Y. 10, 1914+ American climatological association. Transactions. 1-8, 10-11, 13-14, 1884- 99. M. American clinical lectures. N. Y. 1-3, 1875-7911 M. American college of surgeons. Report. 1, 1914. M. American colonial tracts monthly. Rochester, v. 1-2, (nos. 1-18) 1897- 98i| American dental association. Transac- tions. 7-8, 11-19, 21-28, 30-37, 1867- 97. M. American dental review. St. Louis. 1-2, 1858-60. M. American dermatological association. Transactions. 1-25, 1877-1901. M. American druggist. New York. See American druggist and pharmaceutical record. American druggist and pharmaceutical record. N. Y. 1-33 [34-37] 38 [39- 41] 42 [43] 44-45 [46-47, 50-51] 1872- 1907. M. American druggists' circular and chem- ical gazette. N. Y. See Druggists cir- cular. American economic association. Bulletin. 191111 Economic studies. 1-4, 1896-991 1 Handbook. (For earlier nos. see Publications.) 1910+ Papers and proceedings. (For ear- lier nos. see Publications.) 23, 1910+ Publications. (s.3, 9-11 called American economic association quar- terly; S.4, 1 called Bulletin of which nos. 1, 3, 5-6 form vol. 1 of American economic review.) 1 — s.4, 1, 1886-1911 1| American economic association quarterly. See American economic association. Publications, s.3, 9-11. American economist. N. Y. [8, 1891+] 10 List of Serials American economic review. Princeton, N. J, (Supercedes Economic bulletin and the American economic associa- tion quarterly.) 1, 1911 + Supplements. See American eco- nomic association. Papers and pro- ceedings atid American economic as- sociation. Handbook. American educational monthly. N. Y. [1-2] 3, 1864-66. American educational review. 28, 1906+ American electric railway association: Engineering association. See Ameri- can electric railway engineering asso- ciation. American electric railway engineering as- sociation. Proceedings. 1906+ American electrician. N. Y. (Merged into Electrical world.) 8-17, 1896- 19051 1 American electrochemical society. Trans- actions. Phila. 1, 1902+ American electro-therapeutic and X-ray era. Chicago. See Archives of elec- trology and radiology. American electro-therapeutic association. Transactions. 2-6, 8, 1892-98. M. American engineer and railroad journal. See Railway age gazette: mechanical edition. American engineer ; the railway mechan- ical monthly. See Railway age gazette : mechanical edition. American entomological society, Phila. Proceedings. 1-6, 1861-6711 Transactions. 1, 1867+ American entomologist. N. Y. (Sus- pended publication Jan. 1871-Dec. 1879.) 1-3, 1868-8011 American ethnological society, N. Y. Publications. 1, 1907+ American federation of labor. (Con- tinues Federation of organized trades and labor unions.) Proceedings. 1, 1881 + American federationist. Washington. 9, 11+ 1902+ American field. N. Y. and Chicago. 36-64, 1891-1905. American fisheries society. Transactions. 25, 40+ 1896+ American folk-lore society, Boston; N. Y. Memoirs. 1-2, 1894-95. American forestry. (American forestry association) Washington. 4-10 [11-12] 13-16 [17-18] 19+ 1898+ American forestry association. Proceed- ings. (Continued in Forester.) [7] 8, 10-12, 1888-9711 American foundrymen's association, Watchung, N. J. Transactions. 22, 1914+ American gas institute. Proceedings. 2-5, 1907-10. American gas light journal. N. Y. 80, 1904+ American gastro-enterological associa- tion. Transactions. 1, 1904. M. American geographical society of New York. Bulletin. 1 [2] 3-6, 8, 10-37, 1859-1905. [18-19] 20-21 [22-24] 32-36, 1886-1904. M. Journal. See its Bulletin. American geologist. Minneapolis. (Merged into Economic geology.) 1-36, 1888-190511 American gymnasia and athletic record. Boston. (Succeeded by Hygiene and physical training.) 1 [2-4] 1904-081 1 American gynaecological and obstetrical journal. N. Y. 1-19, 1891-190111 M. American gynecological journal. Toledo, O. 1-3, 1891-9311 M. American gynecological society. Trans- actions. 1-25, 31-32, 1876-1907. M. American gynecology. N. Y. 1-2 [3] 1902-0311 M. American historical association, Wash- ington. Annual report. 1889+ Papers. (Continued in Annual re- port.) 1-5, 1885-9111 ^^}/Y£nJ '^^^> ^ - ^^ ^'^'^' ' ■' -'-^ ^ List of Serials 11 American historical review. Lancaster, Pa. 1, 1895 + American history leaflets. 1, 1892+ American homoeopath. N. Y. See American physician. American homoeopathic ophthalmological, otological and laryngological society. Transactions. 10-12, 1897-99. M. American homoeopathic review. N. Y. 1 [2] 3-4 [5] 6, 1858-6611 M. American homoeopathist. N. Y. See American physician. American humane association, Albany, N. Y. National humane review. See National humane review. American industries. N. Y. [2-3] 1893- 94. American industries; the manufacturers* magazine. (National association of manufacturers of the United States of America) N. Y. [2] 1903+ American institute of banking. Bulletin. {Continued in American bankers asso- ciation. Journal.) 12-13, 1909-10|| American institute of chemical engineers, N. Y. Transactions. 1-2, 1908-09. American institute of criminal law and criminology, journal. Chicago. 1, 1910+ L. American institute of electrical engineers. Proceedings. N. Y. [29-31] 32+ 1910+ Transactions. N. Y. 1-31, 1884- 1912. Yearbook. N. Y. 1913. American institute of homoeopathy. Transactions. 14-15, 30-60, 1857-1904. M. American institute of instruction. Bos- ton. Annual meeting: lectures, discus- sions and proceedings. [1830-1906]. American institute of mining engineers, N. Y. Bulletin. 1, 1905 + Bulletin. Progress of mineralogy. 1-2, 1898-99. Transactions. 1, 1871 + Year book. 1901-04, 1907+ American institute of the city of New York. Annual report. 1849-50, 185+ 57, 1864-68, 1870-72. American Irish historical society, N. Y. Journal. 2, 4+ 1899+ American iron and steel association, Phila. Bulletin. 37, 1903+ Report of the secretary. See its Statistics of the American and foreign iron trades. Statistics of the American and for- eign iron trades. 1899-1903. American iron and steel institute^ N. Y. Monthly bulletin. 1, 1913+ Bureau of statistics. Special statis- tical bulletin. [1913+] American Jewish historical society, N. Y. Publications. 4, 1894+ American journal of anatomy. (Wistar institute of anatomy and biology.) Phila. 1, 1901 + 1, 1901+ M. American journal of archaeology. (Archaeological institute of America.) Norwood, Mass. 1, 1885 + American journal of clinical medicine. Chicago. J2-4] 5 [6-9] 10+ 1895+ M. American journal of conchology. Phila. 1-7, 1865-7211 American journal of dental science. Madison, Wis. 1-10; n.s., 2-10; s.3, 1-14 [18, 20, 22-27, 30-32, 34] 1839- 1903. M. American journal of dermatology and^ / genito-urinary diseases. St. Louis. See Urologic and cutaneous review. American journal of diseases of chil- dren. Chicago. 1, 1911+ M. •<- American journal of education. Boston. See American annals of education. American journal of education. Hart- ford, Conn. 1-31, 1856-81. American journal of electrology and neurology. N. Y. 1, 1879-8011 M. iit^l* 12 List of Serials American journal of insanity. Baltimore. 1, 1844+ M. -•■- American journal of international law. (American society of international law.) N. Y. 1, 1907+ L. Supplement. 1, 1907+ L. American journal of life insurance. 1, 1900-0111 American journal of mathematics. (Johns Hopkins university.) Balti- more. 1, 1878+ American journal of microscopy and popular science. N. Y. 1-4 [5-6] 1875-81 1 1 M. : - - '^^o ^-^ . /& 7t • American journal of mining. N. Y. See Engineering and mining journal. American journal of neurology and psy- chiatry. N. Y. 1-3, 1882-8511 M. American journal of nursing. Phila. 1, 1900+ M. American journal of obstetrics and dis- eases of women and children. N. Y. 1, 1868+ M. -• ' American journal of ophthalmology. St. Louis. 1-5 [6] 7-10 [12-13, 15] 16 ^^ [17-18, 20, 22] 1884-1905. M. American journal of orthopedic surgery. Phila, {Succeeds American orthopedic association. Transactions.) 1, 1903 + M. American journal of otology. Boston. 1-4, 1879-8211 M. American journal of pharmacy. (Phila- delphia college of pharmacy.) 83-85, 1911-13. 1-76, 78-79 [80-82] 83+ 1829+ M. American journal of philology. Balti- more. 1, 1880+ American journal of physiology. Boston. 1, 1898+ 1, 1898+ M. American journal of progressive thera- peutics. Chicago. [1-4] 5 [6-11] 12-14 [15-17] 1897-1905. M. American journal of psychology. Worces- ter, Mass. 1, 1887+ [1, 3-9, 11, 15-16] 1887-1905. M. American journal of public health. (American public health association.) {Continues American journal of public hygiene.) 1, 1911 + - 1, 1911. M. American journal of public hygiene. Boston. {Continued by American pub- lic health association. Journal.) 18-20, 1908-1011 American journal of railway appliances. N. Y. See Journal of railway appli- ances, and railway price current. American journal of roentgenology. De- troit. 1, 1913+ M. American journal of science. New Haven, Conn. 1, 1818+ 1-56 [65-66] 67-78 [79-107, 118, 135-6] M. American journal of Semitic languages and literatures. 2, 1885 + American journal of sociology. Chi- cago. 1, 1895 + American journal of surgery. Chicago. [3-4, 8-9] 10 [11-12] 13 [14-15] 16-18 [20] 21-22 [23] 24+ 1893+ M. American journal of surgery and gyne- cology. St. Louis. See American journal of surgery. Chicago. American journal of syphilography and dermatology. N. Y. 1-5, 1870-74|| M. American journal of the medical sciences. Phila. and N. Y. 1, 1827+ M. 1-22, 24; n.s., 1+ 1827+ The American journal of theology. (Di- vinity faculty of the University of Chicago.) 10, 1906+ American journal of tropical diseases and preventive medicine. New Or- leans. 1, 1913+ M. American journal of urology. N. Y. 1-2 [3] 4+ 1904+ M. DM. American labor legislation review. N. Y. 1, 1911 + American lancet. Detroit. 1-3 [4] 5-8 [9] 11-19, 1878-9511 M. nt0r> %U ^ :in^^t^tiv\,^ %'^y. ^^i y^M ^^^.M. List of Serials 13 American lancet. N. Y. 1-2, 1830. M. American laryngological association. Transactions. 1, 1879+ M. American laryngological, rhinological and otological society. Transactions. 2-13, 15+ 1896+ M. American law register. See University of Pennsylvania law review. American law review. Boston, etc 1, 1866+ L. American law school review. St. Paul. 1, 1902+ L. American library annual. N. Y. 1911 + American library association. A. L. A. booklist. Chicago. See A. L. A. book- list. American library association. Bulletin. Boston. 1, 1907+ American library institute. Proceedings. 1913. American literary index. N. Y. {Con- tinued as Annual library index.) 1892-190411 American machinist. N. Y. [1] 2+ 1878+ American magazine. N. Y. 63-76, 1906-13. American mathematical monthly. Spring- field, Mo. 16, 1909+ American mathematical society, N. Y. Bulletin. 1-3; s.2, 1+ 1891+ Transactions. 1, 1900+ American mechanics' magazine. N. Y. (Superseded by Journal of the Frank- lin institute.) 1, Feb. 5-Jul. 30, 1825. American medical and philosophical reg- ister. N. Y. 1-4, 1810-1411 M. American medical association. Bulletin. Chicago. [3-7] 8+ 1908+ M. Journal. Chicago. 1, 1883+,. 1, 1883+^?^-^ *''^'''^ Transactions. 1-33, 1848-82] | M. Chemical laboratory. Reports. 3-6, 1910-13. M. Council on pharmacy and chemistry. Therapeutic research committee. In- vestigations. 1, 1912+ M. Section on laryngology, otology and rhinology. Transactions. 1902, 1906- 08, 1910+ M. Section on ophthalmology. Trans- actions. 57-59, 62-63, 1906-12. M. Section on pathology and physiol- ogy. Transactions. 55, 1904. M. Section on surgery and anatomy. Transactions. 45, 56, 1894-1905. M. American medical bi-weekly. Louisville, Ky. See American medical weekly. American medical college association. Proceedings. 2-3, 1878-79. M. American medical compend. Toledo, O. [2, 7-13] 15 [16] 17-20 [21-22, 24, 38, 39] 1885-1913. M. American medical digest. N. Y. (Merged into Times and register.) 1-7, 1882- 89|| M. American medical editors' association. Proceedings. 38, 1907. M. American medical gazette. N. Y. 1-12, 1850-6111 American medical intelligencer. Phila. 1-4, 1837-41. M. American medical journal. St. Louis. [14, 16] 17-21 [22-23] 24 [25-28] 29 [30] 31 [32-34] 1886-1906. M. ' /t>it) ttfAr. a •^^2^ /5^/-/fA List of Serials 15 American physician. N. Y. [8-9, 11, 14, 25-26] 27 [28] 29-30 [31] 1882-1905. M. American pioneer. Cincinnati. 1 [2] 1842-4311 American political science association. Proceedings. Lancaster, Pa. 1, 3+ 1904+ The American political science review. Baltimore. 1, 1906-}- American practitioner. Louisville. 1-32, 1870-8511 M. American practitioner. N. Y. 1-24 [25- 28] 29-38 [39] 40, 46+ 1886+ M. American primary teacher. Boston. [22-33] 1898-1910. American prison association. Proceed- ings. New York [etc.] 1884, 1886+ American proctologic society. Transac- tions. 10-13, 15+ 1908+ M. American protective league of California. [S. F.] [Publications.] 1 [2] 3-4, 6-7. American psychological journal. N. Y. 1-6; n.s., 1-3, 1867-76|| M. American public health association. Journal. See American journal of public health. Proceedings. 1880. M. Public health papers and reports. 1-12, 14-20, 2+25, 1873-99. M. American quarterly microscopical jour- nal. N. Y. {Continued as American monthly microscopical journal.) 1, 1878-7911 American quarterly of roentgenology. Pittsburgh. 1, 1906-7. M. American quarterly register. Andover; Boston. 1-15, 1827-4311 American railroad journal and mechan- ic's magazine. See Railway age ga- zette : mechanical edition. American railroad manual for the United States and the Dominfon. N. Y. 1873-74. American railway association, Chicago. Proceedings. 1, 1886+ American railway bridge and building association. Proceedings. 5, 1895+ American railway engineering associa- tion. Bulletin. [1900+] Proceedings. 1, 1900+ American railway master mechanics* as- sociation. Report of the proceedings of the annual convention. 1-5, 7+ 1868+ American railway mechanical and elec- trical association. See American elec- tric railway engineering association. American railway times. Boston. [20] 21 [22-24] 1868-72. American Red cross bulletin. See Amer- ican Red cross magazine. American Red cross magazine. Wash- ington. [1, 1906+] [7-9] 1912-14. M. American register; or. General reposi- tory of history, politics and science. Phila. 1-7, 1806-1011 American review, and literary journal. N. Y. {Continues Monthly magazine, and American review.) 1-2, 1801-02. American Roentgen ray society. Trans- actions. 3-6, 1902-05. M. American scenic and historic preserva- tion society, N. Y. Annual report. 7, 1902+ American school board journal. N. Y. 20, 1900+ American school hygiene association, Springfield. Proceedings. 1, 1907+ American school of classical studies at Athens. (Archaeological institute of America.) Annual report. {Continued in American journal of archaeology, s.2, 1897+) Boston. 1-12, 14-15, 1881-97. Bulletin. 1-2, 1883-85. Papers. Boston. {Since 1897 in American journal of archaeology.) 1, 3-4, 1882-86. 16 List of Serials American school of classical studies in Rome. (Archaeological institute of America.) Annual report. 8, 11, 1902-03, 1905-06. Supplementary papers. N. Y. 1, 190511 American school peace league. Annual report. See its Year book. Year book. Boston. 1-4, 1908-12. American social hygiene association. Annual report. 1, 1913+ M. American social science association. Proceedings. See Journal of social science. American society for judicial settlement of international disputes. Judicial set- tlement of international disputes. 11, 1913+ 1-3, 5-9, 11-19, 21+ 1910+ L. Proceedings. 1, 1910+ American society for psychical research. (Succeeded by the Society for psychical research, American branch. 1890-1906.) Proceedings. Boston. 1, nos. 1-4, 1885-8911 American society for psychical research. (Section B of the American institute for scientific research.) Journal. N. Y. 1, 1907+ [1] 2 [3] 4-5 [6] 1907-12. M. Proceedings. Boston; N. Y. 1, 1907+ 2, 5, 1908-11. M. American society for testing materials, Phila. Proceedings. 1, 1899+ Yearbook. 1910-11, 1913. American society of agricultural engi- neers, Ames, Iowa. Transactions. [2] 3+ 1908+ American society of biological chemists. Proceedings. N. Y. 1907-08. American society of civil engineers, N. Y. Proceedings. 1-22, 1873-96. Transactions. 1, 1868+ American society of heating and ven- tilating engineers, N. Y. Transac- tions. 1, 1895 + American society of international law. American journal of international law. See American journal of international law. American society of mechanical engi- neers, N. Y. Journal. [30-31] 32+ 1908+ Proceedings. [28, 30] 1906-08. Transactions. 1, 1880+ American society of naturalists, Boston. Records. [1, 'l891+] American society of naval engineers, Washington. Journal. 1, 1889+ American society of railroad superin- tendents. Proceedings. 17-26, 1889-96. American society of sanitary and moral prophylaxis, N. Y. Transactions. 1-3, 1905-10. American society of tropical medicine. Papers. 1, 3-7, 1904-12. M. American specialist. Phila. 1 [2] 1880- 81. M. American statistical association, Boston. Publications. 1, 1888+ American street and interurban railway engineering association. See American electric railway engineering association. American street railway association. Verbatim report of annual meeting. Brooklyn. 2-8, 10-13, 1883-94. American surgery and gynecology. Kan- sas City, Mo. See American journal of surgery. Chicago. American surgical association. Minutes. 1881-90, 1893-95, 1897-98, 1900-01, 1906, 1908-09. M. American surgical association. Transac- tions. 1-16, 18-23, 25+ 1880+ M. American temperance union. .Executive committee. Report. 1838, 1845, 1847. M. American therapeutic society. Transac- tions. 1900+ M. List of Serials 17 American therapist. N. Y. 1-2 [3] 4 [5] 6 [7] 8 [9] 10 [11] 12 [13] 1892- 1905. M. American urological association. Trans- actions. 7, 1908+ M. American veterinary review. N. Y. 5 [6] 7-^ [13] 21+ 1881+ M. American Whig review. N. Y. 1-16, 1845-52. American wood preservers' association. Proceedings. Baltimore. 10, 1914+ American X-ray journal. St. Louis. See American journal of progressive thera- peutics. — t •' " ^ '■''■- American yearbook. N. Y. and London. 1, 1910+ Americana germanica. See German American annals. Amherst graduates' quarterly. Amherst. 1, 1911 + Ami de la Convention et le defenseur du peuple. Par Y. Baralere. 1, 1795. Ami de la revolution, et de quatre-vingt- deux departmens. . . . par MM. Duval et Moreau. Bordeaux. 1, 1791. Ami des citoyens. Paris. 81-82, 1794. Ami du roi, almanach des honnetes gens. Paris. 1792? Amtlicher bericht uber die versammlun- gen deutscher naturforscher und arzte. See Gesellschaft deutscher naturfor- scher und arzte. Verhandlungen. Analectic. N. Y. See Epitome of medi- cine. Analekten fiir frauenkrankheiten. Leip- zig. 1-5, 1837-45. M. Analyst. London. 1, 1877+ [11-13, 23-25] 1886-1900. M. Anatomical and surgical society. Brook- lyn. Annals. See Annals of anatomy and surgery. Anatomical record. (Wistar institute of anatomy.) Phila. 1, 1906+ 1, 1906+ M. Anatomische gesellschaft, Jena. Ver- handlungen. 1, 1887+ Anatomische hefte. Wiesbaden. Abt. 1. Arbeiten aus anatomischen instituten. 1, 1892+ 1-2, 26, 1891-1904. M. Abt. 2. Ergebnisse der anatomic und entwickelungsgeschichte. 1, 1891 + Anatomische und entwicklungsgeschicht- liche monographien. Leipzig. 1, 1909. Anatomischer anzeiger. Jena. 1, 1886+ Ancien ami du peuple; ou, Le nouvel ami des hommes. Paris. 1, no. 1, 1794. Anderson's quarterly journal of the med- ical sciences. London. 1 [2] 1824-25. M. Andover review; a religious and theo- logical monthly. Boston. 1-19, 1884- 931 1 Anglia ; zeitschrift fiir englische philo- logie. Halle. 1, 1878+ Beiblatt. 2, 1891 + Supplementheft zur anglia. 2+ Anglistische forschungen. Heidelberg. 1, 1900+ Anjou medical. Angers. 11-15, 1904- 08. M. Annalen der chemie und pharmacie. See Justus Liebig's Annalen der chemie. Annalen der natur- und kulturphiloso- phie. Leipzig. 1, 1902+ Beiheft. 1, 1911 + Annalen der pharmacie. See Justus Lie- big's Annalen der chemie. Annalen der physik. Leipzig. 1, 1799+ Erganzungsband. 1-8, 1842-78|| Beiblatter. 1-11, 15+ 1877+ Annalen der physik und chemie. 1824-99. See Annalen der physik. Annalen der physik und der physikalis- che chemie. See Annalen der physik. Annalen des Deutschen Reichs fiir gesetzgebung, verwaltung und volk- swirtschaft. Berlin. 1, 1868+ Annalen fiir gewerbe und bauwesen. Berlin. 1, 1877+ 18 List of Serials Annalen fur soziale politik und gesetzge- bung. Berlin. 1, 1911 + Annales d'hygiene et de medecine col- oniales. Paris. 1-9, 12+ 1898+ M. Annales d'hygiene publique et de mede- cine legale. Paris. 1, 1829+ M. Annales d'oculistique. . Paris. 2, 1839+ Annales d'orthopedie et de chirurgie pratiques. Paris. See Annales de chirurgie et d'orthopedie. Annales de chimie et de physique. Paris. (Continued as Annales de chimie and Annales de physique.) s.1-8, 1789- 191311 Annales de chimie. Paris. (Ser. 9 of Annales de chimie et de physique.) 1, 1914+ Annales de chirurgie et d'orthopedie. Paris. [1-2] 3 [4] 5-19, 27+ 1887+ M. Annales de dermatologie et de syphili- graphie. Paris. 1, 1869+ M. Annales de geographie. Paris. 1-17 [18, 22] 23+ 1891 + Annales de gynecologie et d'obstetrique. Paris. 1, 1874+ " ' Annales de gynecologie (maladies des femmes, accouchements.) Paris. See Annales de gynecologie et d'obstet- rique. Annales de la chirurgie frangaise et etrangere. Paris. 1-15, 1841-4511 M. Annales de la Policlinique de Bordeaux. See Bordeaux. Policlinique. Annales. Annales de la Policlinique de Lille. See Lille. Policlinique. Annales. Annales de la Policlinique de Paris. See Paris. Policlinique. Annales. Annales de medecine et chirurgie infan- tiles. Paris. [1-10, 12-14] 18+ 1897+ Annales de medecine scientifique et pra- tique. Paris. [1-5] 1891-95. M. Annales de micrographie. Paris. 6-7 [9] 1894-97. M. Annales de physique. Paris. (Ser. 9 of Annales de chimie et de physique.) 1, 1914+ Annales de therapeutique medico-chirur- gicales. Paris. [1-5] 6, 1885-9011 M. Annales des maladies de I'oreille, du larynx, du nez et du pharynx. Paris. 1, 1875+ M. Annales des maladies des organes genito- urinaires. Paris. 1-23 [25] 26-29, 1883-191111 M. Annales des maladies veneriennes. Paris. 1-2, 9+ 1906+ M. Annales des mines; ou, Recueil de memoires. (Continues Journal des mines.) s.l, 1— s.9, 18, 1816-1900. Partie administrative. Lois, de- crets, arretes. . . s.5, 1— s.9, 9, 1852- 1900. Annales des ponts et chaussees. Paris. Lois, decrets, arretes. 1, 1831 + Memoires et documents. 1, 1831 + Annales des sciences naturelles. Paris. (Continued in two subseries: Botan- ique and Zoologie.) 1-30, 182+331 1 Botanique. 1, 1834+ Zoologie. 1, 1834+ Annales des sciences psychiques. Paris. 1, 1891 + Annales des travaux publics. Brussels. 1, 1843+ Annales du Midi. Toulouse. 19, 1907+ Annales medico-chirurgicales frangaises et etrangeres. Paris. See Annales de therapeutique medico-chirurgicales. Annales medico-psychologiques. Paris. 1, 1843+ M. Annales romantiques. Paris. [1] 4-10, 1904-1311 Annali di botanica. Rome. 1, 1904+ Annali di matematica pura ed applicata. Milan. S.3, 6, 1901 + Annali di ottalmologia. Pavia. 23, 1904+ M. ^ ^^^f^ . y ^-t ^V*^^' ^\L(.^'^ I'J List of Serials 19 Annalist N. Y. 1-3, 1846-491 1 M. Annals and magazine of natural history. London. (Continues Annals of natural history.) 1, 1838+ Annals of anatomy and surgery. Brook- lyn. 1-9, 1878-8411 M. Annals of applied biology. (Association of economic biologists.) London. 1, 1914+ Annals of botany. London. 1, 1887+ Annals of chemical medicine. London. 1-2, 1879-81. M. Annals of gynecology. Boston. See Annals of gynecology and paediatry. Phila. ^ V: ' Annals of gynecology and paediatry. Phila. 1-19 [20-21] 22 [23] 1887- 1910. M. y^'U^^o- ^.-"i ■';'-^-^'. Annals of hygiene. Phila. 7-11, 1892-96. [1-2] 3 [4] 5 [6-7] 8-10 [11] 12, 1884-9711 M. Annals of Iowa. (Iowa. Historical dept.) Des Moines. [11] 1873; s.3, 4+ 1899+ Annals of mathematics. Cambridge, Mass. 1, 1884+ Annals of medicine. Edinburgh. 1-8, 1796-180411 M. Annals of natural history. See Annals and magazine of natural history. Annals of ophthalmology. St. Louis. {Continues Annals of ophthalmology and otology, vols. 1-5.) 6, 1897+ M. Annals of ophthalmology and otology. St. Louis. {In 1897 divided into two parts Annals of ophthalmology and Annals of otology, rhinology and laryngology.) 1-5, 1892-9611 M. Annals of otology, rhinology and laryn- gology. St. Louis. {Continues An- nals of ophthalmology and otology, vols. 1-5.) 6, 1897+ M. Annals of philosophy. London. {Merged into Philosophical magazine.) 1-16; n.s., 1-12, 1813-2611 Annals of surgery. Phila. 1, 1885+ M. Annals of the propagation of the faith. (Society for the propagation of the faith.) Baltimore. [65, 1902+] Annals of tropical medicine and parasi- tology. See Liverpool school of trop- ical medicine. L'Annee biologique. Paris. 1, 1895 + Annee medicale. Paris. 1-2, 4, 1878- 81. M. L'Annee pedagogique. Paris. 1-2, 1911- 12. L'Annee philosophique. Paris. 1, 1890+ L'Annee politique. Paris. 2-32, 1875- 1905. L'Annee psychologique. Paris. 1, 1894+ L'Annee sociologique. Paris. 1-8, 10+ 1896+ Annotationes Concilii bibliographici. See Concilium bibliographicum. Zurich. Annotationes zoologicae japonensis. (Tokyo zoological society.) Tokyo. 1-4 [5-6, 8] 1897-1912. Annuaire-almanach des chemins de fer. See Annuaire des chemins de fer. Paris. Annuaire-Chaix. Les principals socie- tes par actions, compagnies de chemins de fer, instutions de credit [etc.] Paris. 1-5, 1892-96. Annuaire de la vie Internationale. Mon- aco. s.2, 1, 1908+ Annuaire de therapeutique, de matiere medicale, de pharmacie et de toxicolo- gie. Paris. 1846, 1853, 1857, 1860- 61. M. Annuaire des chemins de fer. Paris. 1-11, 1886-96. Annuaire des deux mondes. Paris. 11-12, 1861-63. Annuaire des journaux. Paris. [1892+] Annuaire des mathematiciens. Paris. 1901-0211 Annuaire du Brezil economique. Rio de Janeiro. 2, 1913. Annuaire medicale et pharmaceutique de la France. Paris. 43, 1891. M. 20 List of Serials Annual bulletin of historical literature. 1, 1911 + Annual cyclopaedia. See Appleton's an- nual cyclopaedia. Annual library index. N. Y. {Pre- ceded hy the Annual literary index. Superseded hy the American library annual.) 1905-10|| Annual magazine subject index. See Magazine subject index. Annual of scientific discovery. Boston. 1850, 1852-55, 1857, 1860, 1865-67, 1868. Annual of the universal medical sciences. Phila. 1888-9611 M. Annual record of homoeopathic liter- ature. N. Y. 1-6, 1870-7511 M. Annual record of science and industry. N. Y. 1871-7811 Annual register. London. 1758-1880, 1896+ Annual statistician and economist. See Statistician and economist. Annual statistician. See Statistician and economist. Annuario brasileiro de agricultura, com- mercio e industria. Sao Paulo. 2, 1911-12. Annuario statistic© delle citta italiane. Florence. 5, 1913-14. Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland. See Royal anthropolog- ical institute of Great Britain and Ire- land. Anthropological review. (Anthropolog- ical society of London.) {Continued as Journal of anthropology, later Anthro- pological institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal.) 1-8, 1863-70|| Anthropological society of Washington. Special papers. 1-2, 1894. Transactions. 1-3, 1879-85 1| Anthropologic. Paris. {Continues Re- vue d'anthropologie.) 1, 1890+ Anti-imperialist league. Report. Bos- ton. 5-8, 11-12, 14+ 1903+ Antijacobin review. London. 1-26, 1798- 1807. Anti-prohibition manual. Cincinnati, O. 1915. Antiqvarisk tidskrift for Sverige. Stock- holm. 2-18, 1869-1908. Anuario general de Espaiia. (Sociedad anonima "Anuarios Bailly-Bailliere y Riera reunidos.") Barcelona. 1915. Anzeiger fiir deutsches altertum und deutsche litteratur. Berlin. 1, 1876+ Anzeiger fiir indogermanische sprach- und altertumskunde. See Indogermani- sche forschungen. Anzeiger fur kunde der deutschen vor- zeit. Niirnberg. 1-8 ; n.s., 1-21 ; 1832- 39, 1853-74. Anzeiger fiir kunde des deutschen mit- telalters. See Anzeiger fiir kunde der deutschen vorzeit. Appalachia. Cambridge, Mass. [6, 10+] 1891 + Appleton's annual cyclopaedia. N. Y. 1861-190211 Aquarium. Hammond, Ind. [1, 1912+]. Ararat. London. [1, 1913+] Arbeiten aus dem gebiete der patholo- gischen anatomic and bakteriologie aus dem pathologisch-anatomisches in- stitut zu Tiibingen, Leipzig. See Tiib- ingen. Universitat. Pathologisch-ana- tomisches institut. Arbeiten. Arbeiten aus dem neurologischen insti- tute (K. k. Osterreichisches interaka- demisches zentralinstitut fiir hirnfor- schung) an der Wiener universitat. See Vienna. Universitat. Neurolo- gisches institut. Arbeiten. Arbitration. (International arbitration league.) London. [262-323] 1893- 1901. Arboriculture. Connersville, Ind. 1-8, 1902-0911 /*^i'i>^xj£au> f, iSt^^- Archives of philosophy; ed. by F. J. E. Woodbridge. N. Y. 1, 1907+ Archives of philosophy, psychology and scientific methods. N. Y. 1-8, 1905-06. Archives of psychology. N. Y. 1, 1906+ Archives of radiology and electrotherapy. London; N. Y. 1, 1896+ M. . ^ Archives of scientific and practical medi- cine and surgery. N. Y. 1, 1873] | M. Archives of skiagraphy. London ; N. Y. See Archives of radiology and electro- therapy. AUyei -" Vxe^^/^ y3^c<^/^ — Uj.^'z^^v/-^) / — 4^ . '^^^ List of Serials 25 Archives of surgery. London. 1 [2-3, 5-6] 7-8 [9] 1890-98. M. Archives of the Roentgen ray, and allied phenomena. London; N. Y. See Archives of radiology and electro- therapy. B^vn^o^ rwi , '7+ . Archives provinciales de chirurgie. Paris. 1-2 [3] 4 [5-7, 9, 11, 13-14] 1892-1905. M. Archives slaves de biologic. Paris. 1-4, 1886-8711 Archivio di farmacologia sperimentale e scienze affini. Rome. 15, 1913+ M, Archivio di fisiologia. Florence. 1, 1903+ ' 1, 1903+ M. Archivio glottologico italiano. Rome. 12, 1890+ Supplementi. 1, 1891 + Archivio italiano di anatomia e di em- briologia. Florence. 1, 1902+ Archivio italiano di otologia, rinologia e laringologia. Turin. 15, 1903+ M. Arena. Boston. 1-19 [20] 21-28 [29] 30-41, 1889-190911 The Argentine year book. Buenos Aires. 1914. Argo. Belletristisches jahrbuch. Dessau. 1854. Argonaut. S. F. 1-27, 30+ 1877+ Argus, Melbourne. See Melbourne. Ar- gus. Argus, San Jose. See San Jose Daily argus, and San Jose Weekly argus. Aristotelian society for the systematic study of philosophy, London. Proceed- ings, s.l, 1-3; n.s., 1+ 1887+ Arizona. University. School of mines. Bulletin. 1-3, 1891-93. Arkansas bar association. Proceedings. Hot Springs, etc. 4, 6-8, 1901-03. L. Arkansas medical society. Journal. Lit- tle Rock. 1-3 [4-6, 8; n.s., 7-8] 9+ 1891+ M. Arkansas society of engineers, architects and surveyors, Little Rock. Transac- tions. 1-3. 1887-89. Arkiv for botanik. (K. Svenska veten- skapsakademien.) Stockholm. 1, 1903+ Arkiv for nordisk filologi. Christiania; Lund. 1, 1883+ Arkiv for zoologi. (K. Svenska veten- skapsakademien.) Stockholm. 1, 1903+ Armenia. New York. 5, 1911 + Around the world. N. Y. 1-2, 1893-95 1| Art and archaeology. (Archaeological institute of America.) Baltimore. 1, 1914+ Art amateur. N. Y. 47-48, 1902-03. Art and progress. Washington. 1, 1909+ Art et decoration. Paris. 29, 1911 + Art journal. London. 1-64, 1849-191211 Arts and decoration. N. Y. 1, 1910+ Asclepiad. London. 1-11, 1884-95 11 M. Ashcroft's official railway directory. N. Y. 1862-63, 1869, 1870-71. Ashcroft's railway directory. See Ash- croft's official railway directory. Asiatic quarterly review. See Imperial and Asiatic quarterly review. Asiatic society of Japan, Yokohama. Transactions. 1-9, 11+ 1872+ Association alsacienne des proprietaires d'appareils a vapeur. Exercice. Mul- house. 1867-68-1873-74, 1876-77-1880- 81. Association des anatomistes. Paris. Comptes rendus. 1, 1899+ Association des ingenieurs electriciens, Montefiore. Bulletin, s.l, 1-2; s.2, 1-4, 6; s.3, 1-6, 8+ 1886+ Association du Congres international des chemins de fer. See International rail- way congress. Association for international conciliation. American branch. New York. Inter- national conciliation. 1, 1907+ Pan American series. 1, 1914+ 2e List of Serials Monthly bulletin of books, pam- phlets and magazine articles dealing with international relations. 1909+ Association for promoting secondary education in Scotland, Edinburgh. An- nual report and report of a conference. 1-3, 1876-78. Association for the international inter- change of students, London. Report. 1, 1909+ Association internationale des botanistes. Annual report. 1912+ Progressus rei botanicae. Jena. 1, 1907+ Association medical journal. London. (Formed by the union of the Pro- vincial medical and surgical journal and London journal of medicine. Con- tinued as British medical journal.) 1853-561 1 M. Association of American anatomists. Proceedings. 5-6, 8, 11, 14, 1892- 19001 1 M. Association of American geographers, Albany. Annals. 1, 1911 + Association of American geologists and naturalists. Reports of meetings. Bos- ton. 1-3, 1840-42. Association of American law schools. Proceedings. 6, 1906+ L. Association of American medical col- leges. Proceedings. 10, 18-20, 22+ 1900+ 8, 14-15, 19, 21+ 1898+ M. Transactions. See its Proceedings. Association of American physicians. Transactions. 1, 1886+ M. Association of American railway account- ing officers. Report. Chicago. 1-2, 4-7, 1888-92. Association of American universities. Journal of proceedings and addresses. 1, 1900+ Association of chemical technologists. Journal of chemical technology. See Journal of chemical technology. Association of colleges and preparatory schools of the Middle States and Mary- land. Proceedings of the annual con- vention. 18, 1904+ Association of colleges and secondary schools of the southern states. Pro- ceedings of annual meeting. 10, 15, 20, 1904, 1909, 1914. Association of collegiate alumnae. Jour- nal. Chicago, [s.3, 1, 1898+] Association of Dominion land survey- ors, Ottawa. Report of proceedings. 5-6, 1888-89. Association of economic biologists. An- nals of applied biology. See Annals of applied biology. Association of engineering societies. Journal. Boston. 1-55, 1881-1915|| Association of fellows and licentiates of King's and Queen's college of phy- sicians in Ireland. See King's and Queen's college of physicians in Ire- land, Dublin. Association of fellows and licentiates. Association of history teachers of the Middle States and Maryland. Minutes. . . . Annual convention. N. Y. 3-8, 1905-10. Association of life insurance presidents. Proceedings. N. Y. 1, 1907+ 3, 5+ 1910+ M. Association of medical officers of Ameri- can institutions for idiotic and feeble- minded persons. Proceedings. 1-5, 1876-80. M. Association of municipal and sanitary engineers and surveyors. See Institu- tion of municipal and county engineers. Association of military surgeons of the national guard of the United States. Transactions. See Military surgeon. Association of military surgeons of the United States. Journal; Proceedings. See Military surgeon. List of Serials 27 Association of officials of bureaus of labor statistics of America. See Inter- national association of officials of bu- reaus of labor, factory inspection and industrial commissions. Association of provincial land surveyors of Ontario, Toronto. Proceedings. 3-4, 1888-89. Association of railway superintendents of bridges and buildings. See Ameri- can railway bridge and building asso- ciation. Proceedings. Association of state and national food and dairy departments. {Continues National association of state dairy and food departments.) Annual conven- tion. N. Y. 6-7, 10, 1902-03, 1906. Association of the bar of the city of New York. Reports. 23, 25, 27-37, 1893-1907. L. Association of transportation and car accounting officers. Proceedings. St. Louis. 4-8, 10+ 1905+ Association technique maritime. Paris. Bulletin. 1-21, 1890-1910. Assurance magazine and journal of the Institute of actuaries. See Institute of actuaries, London. Journal. Astronomical and astrophysical society of America. Publications. [Ann Ar- bor, Mich.] 1, 1910. Astronomical journal. Albany, N. Y. 1, 1849+ Astronomical notices. Ann Arbor, etc. 1-20, 1858-60. Astronomical society of the Pacific, S. F. Publications. 1, 1889+ Astronomische nachrichten. (Astrono- mische gesellschaft, Leipzig.) Kiel. 1-105, 109+ 1821 + Astronomische abhandlungen. Kiel. 17, 1910. Litterarisches beiblatt. 1, 1912+ Astronom.ischer jahresbericht. (Astro- nomische gesellschaft, Leipzig.) Ber- lin. 1, 1899+ Astronomy and astro-physics. North- field, Minn. {Continued as Astro- physical journal.) 1-13, 1882-94] ] Astrophysical journal. (University of Chicago.) Chicago. {Continues As- tronomy and astro-physics.) 1, 1895 + Asylum journal of mental science, Lon- don. See Journal of mental science. Atene e Roma. Bullettino della Societa italiana per la diffusione e I'incorag- giamento degli studi classici. Flor- ence. 7, 1904+ Athenaeum. Berlin. 1-3, 1798-180011 Athenaeum. London. 1, 1830+ Athens. Ethnikon panepistemion. Epi- stemonike epeteris. 1905-6-1910-11. Ta kata ten prytaneian. . . Pry- taneysantos kata to Akademaikon etos. 1904/05, 1906/07-08/09. Atlanta clinic, Atlanta, Ga. {Merged dnto Magazine of medicine.) 2-3 [4-7] 1894-9711 M. Atlanta journal-record of medicine. At- lanta, Ga. 1 [2-4] 5-7 [9] 1899-1907. M. J^^i^^i^'^ /-- " ' ri - r//L Atlanta medical and surgical journal. Atlanta, Ga. [1-20; n.s., 1-16] || M. Atlanta medical register. Atlanta, Ga. See Atlanta medical and surgical jour- nal. Atlanta university, Atlanta, Ga. Pub- lications. 1-8, 10, 1896-1903. Atlantic educational journal. Baltimore. [3-6, 1908-10] Atlantic educational journal. St. Louis. [4-6, 1901-03]. Atlantic journal of medicine. Richmond, Va. 1 [2] 1884-8511 M. Atlantic journal of medicine and sur- gery. Richmond, Va. See Atlantic journal of medicine. Atlantic medical weekly. Providence, R. L 1-4 [5] 6-9 [10] 1893-9811 M. Atlantic monthly. Boston. 1, 1857+ 28 List of Serials Auburn seminary record. (Auburn theo- logical seminary, Auburn, N. Y.) [1, 1905+] Audubon society of California. Annual report. Glendora, Cal. 1, 1907+ Audubon society of North Carolina. An- nual report. Greensboro, N. C. 5-6, 1906-08. Auk. (American ornithologists' union.) Cambridge, Mass. 1, 1876+ Die Aula. Munich. 1, no. 1-7, Apr.- Sep. 189511 Aurora. Berlin. 1802? Ausgaben und abhandlungen aus dem gebiete der romanischen philologie. 1-100, 1882-1909. Avsonia; rivista della Societa italiana di archaeologia e storia dell'arte. Rome. 1, 1906+ Australasian. Melbourne. 1, 1850-51 1| Australasian. Melbourne. See Mel- bourne. Australasian. Australasian association for the advance- ment of science, Sydney. Report. 1, 1888+ Australasian institute of mining engi- neers, Melbourne. Transactions. 2, 1894. Australasian medical congress. Trans- actions. 8, 1908. Australasian medical gazette. Sydney. {Merged into Medical journal of Aus- tralia.) [1-2] 3-16 [17-25] 26-30 [31-32] 33-35, 1881-1914|| M. Australasian schoolmaster and literary review. Melbourne. 3-4 [19, 21-23] 1881-1901. Australasian sketcher. Melbourne. 1-4, 1873-76. Australian almanac. Sydney. 8, 1857. Australian building societies and mort- gage companies gazette. See Aus- tralian financial gazette. Australian financial gazette. 1-5, 1886-91. Australian handbook. London. 4-6, 8, 10, 19, 23, 30-31, 1873-1900. Australian journal. Melbourne. 1-3, 5-9 [10] 11-14, 17-31 [32] 1865-96. Australian ladies* annual. 1, 1878. Australian mechanic and journal of sci- ence and art. Melbourne. 1, 1872. Australian medical journal. Melbourne. {Merged into Intercolonial medical journal of Australasia.) 1-2 [3] 5-6 [7-9] 10-23; n.s., 1 [2] 3-5 [6] 7 [8] 9-17, 1868-9511 :-,'^/3^ Australian mining standard, engineer and electrical record. Melbourne. 31-32, 34+ 1904+ Australian monthly magazine. Mel- bourne. 1-3 [4] 1865-6711 Australian museum, Sydney. Memoirs. 2, 1889+ — — Records of the Australian museum. 1, 1890+ Report of trustees. 48, 1901 + Australian practitioner. Newcastle. 1, 1877-7811 M. Australian zoologist. (Royal zoological society of New South Wales.) 1, 1914+ Australian worker. Sydney. [19] 20+ 1910+ Ayer, firm, newspaper advertising agents, Phila. N. W. Ayer & sons' American newspaper annual and directory. Phila. 1881, 1897, 1902, 1906, 1912, 1915. Babyhood. N. Y. 3-15 [16] 17, 1887- 1901. M. Bacteriological world and modern medi- cine. Battle Creek, Mich. See Modern medicine. Ballad society, London. Publications. 1-38, 1873-97. Baltimore. Gynecological and obstet- rical society. See Gynecological and obstetrical society of Baltimore. Baltimore. Maryland college of phar- macy. See Maryland college of phar- macy. -^iuS.iiU* List of Serials 29 Baltimore medical and surgical journal and review. 2, 1834|| M. Baltimore Sun almanac. Baltimore. 1901, 1908-10. Bankers' insurance managers' and agents' magazine. London. 1-62, 73-{- 1844+ Bankers' magazine. N. Y. (Absorbed Rhodes journal of banking Jul. 1895.) 2-46, 484- 1847+ Bankrupt register. N. Y. 1-3, 1867- 70. L. Bar associations of the various states see names of the states. Bar reports. London. See Law times reports. Barrister. Toronto. 1, 1894-95. L. Baumaterialienkunde. Freiburg. 1-12, 1896-1907. K. Bayerische akademie der wissen- schaften. See K. Akademie der wis- senschaften, Munich. K. Bayerische biologische versuchssta- tion, Munich. See Munich. K. Bayer- ische biologische versuchsstation. Baylor university. Bulletin. 10 [13+] 1908+ Bedrock. London. 1-3, 1912-14] | [1] 2-3, 1912-1411 M. Behavior monographs. N. Y. 1, 1911 + Beitrage zur alten geschichte. See Klio, Beitrage zur anatomie, physiologic, pathologic und therapie des ohres, der nase und des halses. Berlin. 1, 1908+ M. Beitrage zur anatomie und physiologic. Giessen. 1-12, 1858-88|1 M. Beitrage zur augenheilkunde. Hamburg and Leipzig. 1, 1890+ M. Beitrage zur biologic der pflanzen. Bres- lau. 1, 1870+ 1-5 [6-8] 1870-92. M. Beitrage zur chemischen physiologic und pathologic. Brunswick. (Merged into Biochemische zeitschrift.) 1-11, 1901- 0811 1-11, 1901-0811 M. Beitrage zur deutschen literaturwissen- schaft. Marburg. 1-14, 16+ 1907+ Beitrage zur geburtshilfe und gynaekolo- gie. Leipzig. 1, 1898+ M. Beitrage zur geburtshiilfe und gynakolo- gie. Berlin. (Merged into Zeitschrift fiir geburstshiilfe und gynakologie.) 1-4, 1872-7611 M. Beitrage zur geburtskunde und gynae- kologie. Wurzburg. 1-7, 1853-731 1 M. Beitrage zur geologic und palaeontologie von Siidamerika. 5-6, 13, 1897-1907. Beitrage zur geophysik. Stuttgart ; Leip- zig. 1, 1887+ Erganzungsband. 1-3, 1902-05. Beitrage zur geschichte der deutschen sprache und literatur. Halle. 1, 1874+ Beitrage zur geschichte und literatur. . . . Aarau. [1] 1846-4811 Beitrage zur klinik der tuberkulose. Wurzburg. See Wurzburg. Klinik der tuberkulose. Beitrage. Beitrage zur klinischen chirurgie. Tubin- gen. (Continues Mittheilungen aus der chirurgischen klinik zu Tubingen.) 1, 1883+ M. S.^^^^^S-y-fS^^t;S^ Beitrage zur klinischen medicin und chirurgie. Vienna and Leipzig. 15-21, 1896-1901. M. Beitrage zur kunde der indogermanischen sprachen. Gottingen. (Merged into Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende sprach- forschung auf dem gebiete der indo- germanischen sprachen.) 1-30, 1877- 190611 Beitrage zur literaturgeschichte. Leip- zig. 1-28, 56, 66, 1906-10. Beitrage zur naturgeschichte Ostatsiens ; hrsg. von F. Doflein. Miinchen. 1, 1908+ Beitrage zur pathologischen anatomie und zur allgemeinen pathologic. Jena. 1, 1886+ M. B^-v^cTKr- A^X, /r;^7 4- Beitrage zur psychologic der aussage. See Zeitschrift fiir angewandte psy- chologic. 30 List of Serials Beitrage zur psychologic und philosophic. Leipzig. 1, 1897-1905. Beitrage zur wissenschaftlichcn botanik. Stuttgart. 1-5, 1897-1906. Bellevue hospital, N, Y. (City). Medical and surgical report. 1, 1904+ M. Society of alumni. Transactions. 1896-97-1898-99, 1901-02. M. Bench and bar. N. Y. 10, 1915+ L. Bender hygienic laboratory, Albany, N. Y. Studies. 1-2, 5, 1904-8. M. Berg- und hiittenmannisches jahrbuch der k. k. montanistischen hochschulen zu Leoben und Pribram. 1, 1847+ Berg- und hiittenmannische zeitung. Leipzig. (Continued in Gluckauf.) 1-5, 7-10, 12-63, 1842-190411 Bergischer geschichtsverein, Elberfeld. Zeitschrift 7, 9, 11, 1871-76. Bergrechtliche blatter. (Beilage zur Osterreischische zeitschrift fiir berg- und hiittenwesen.) Vienna. 4, 1909+ Bericht iiber die fortschritte der anato- mic und physiologic. (Continued by Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der anatomic und physiologic.) Leipzig and Heidelberg. 1-16, 1856-71 1| 1-16, 1856-7111 M. Bericht iiber die wissenschaftlichcn Ici- stungen im gebicte der cntomologie. Berlin. 1908+ Berichte uber den mathematischen untcr- richt in Osterreich. Vienna. (Beilage zur Zeitschrift fiir die oesterreichi- schen gymnasicn.) 1, 1910+ Berkshire medical journal. Pittsficld, Mass. 1, 186111 M. Berlin. K. Landesanstalt fiir wasscr- hygicne. Mitteilungen. 1-9, 11 + 1902+ Berlin. K. Material priifungsamt der Technischen hochschule. Mitteilungen. 1, 4, 1883, 1886+ Erganzungsheft. 1887-90, 1895- 96, 1901, 1907, 19112+ Berlin. K. Priifungsanstalt fiir wasscr- versorgung und abwasscrbeseitigung. See Berlin. K. Landesanstalt fiir was- scrhygicne. Berlin. Societies. (For a society located in Berlin sec the name of the society.) Berlin. Universitat. K. Zoologisches museum. Bericht. 1896-97, 1899-1906, 1908+ Mitteilungen. 1, 1898+ Berlin. Vossische zeitung. 1912 [1913] 1914+ Berliner entomologischc zeitschrift. (Berliner cntomologischer verein.) Berlin. 1, 1857+ Berliner klinik. Sammlung klinischer vortrage. Berlin. 1-110 [112-162] 1888-1901. M. Berliner klinische wochenschrift. 4-16, 18, 20-30, 32, 1867-95. j._,^^^ ^/^ :i% 4- 1, 1864+ M. /^v-/ '^^'' Berliner mathematische gcsellschaft. Sitzungsberichte. 1, 1901 + Berliner philologischc wochenschrift. (Continues Philologischc wochen- schrift.) 1, 1881 + Berliner tierarztlichc wochenschrift. 26, 1910+ 30, 1914+ M. Berliner urologische gesellschaft. Ver- handlungen. See Zeitschrift fur urolo- gie. Berner studien zur philosophic u. ihrer geschichte. 6, 9, 11, 19, 23, 43, 1897- 1906. Bcrnice Pauahi Bishop museum, Hono- lulu. Memoirs. 1, 1899+ Occasional papers. 1, 1898+ Besangon. Universite. Observatoire national. Bulletin astronomique. 1-11, 1886-96. Bulletin chronometrique. 15, 1902+ Bulletin meteorologique. 16- 25, 1900-09. List of Serials 31 Beton und eisen. Berlin. 7, 1908-f Biblical repertory and Princeton review. Princeton [etc.] (Continued by Pres- byterian quarterly.) 1-4; n.s., 1-43, 1825-7111 Biblical world. Chicago, n.s. [4, 20-21, 26-28] 31+ 1894+ Bibliografia espafiola. Madrid. 11, 1911 + Bibliographer [a journal of bibliography and rare book news.] N. Y. 1-2, 1902- 0311 Bibliographer. A journal of book-lore. London; New York. (Succeeded by Book-lore.) 1-6, 1881-84] | Bibliographia economica universalis. Brussels. (Institut international de bibliographie, Brussels.) 1905 + Bibliographia medica. Paris. 1-3, 1900- 0211 M. Bibliographia physiologica. Vienna, s.3, 1, 1905+ s.3, 1905+ M. Bibliographia universalis, Bruxelles. (L'Institut international de bibliogra- phie.) 31, 38, 39, 1904-07. Bibliographia zoologica. Leipzig. 1, 1896+ Bibliographica. London. 1-3, 1895-971! Bibliographical society, London. Illus- trated monographs. 1, 1894+ News sheets. [1905+] [Publications] 1, 1895 + Transactions. 1, 1892+ Bibliographical society of America. Bul- letin. Chicago. (Continufcd in its Papers.) 1-4, 1907-12|1 Papers. N. Y. 1, 1904+ Proceedings and papers. See its Papers. Bibliographie anatomique. Paris. 1, 1893 + Bibliographie de la France. Paris. 89, 1891 + Bibliographie der deutschen naturwissen- schaftlichen litteratur. Jena. 1, 1901 + Bibliographie der deutschen zeitschriften litteratur. Leipzig. 1, 1896+ Erganzungs-band. 1, 1908+ Supplementband. See Bibliographie der rezensionen. Bibliographie der fremdsprachigen zeit- schriftenliteratur. (Abt. B of Interna- tionale bibliographie der zeitschriften- literatur.) Leipzig. 1, 1911 + Bibliographie der rezensionen. Leipzig. 1, 1900+ Bibliographie der sozialwissenschaften. See Blaetter fuer die gesamten sozial- wissenschaften. Bibliographie frangaise. (Le Soudier.) Paris, s.1-2, 1900-11. Bibliographie hispanique. N. Y. 1911 + Bibliographie scientifique frangaise. Paris. 1, 1902+ Bibliographischer monatsbericht iiber neu erschienene schul- und universitats- schriften. Leipzig. 3, 1891 + Bibliographisches repertorium. See Deutsche bibliographische gesellschaft. Veroffentlichungen. Bibliography of anthropology and folk- lore. London. 1-2, 1906-07. Bibliography of social science. See Blaet- ter fuer die gesamten sozialwissen- schaften, Le bibliophile frangais. Paris. 1-6, 1868-72. Bibliopolisches jahrbuch. 5, 1841. Biblioteca degli studi storici. Pavia. 1, 1914+ Bibliotheca botanica. Cassel. 1-67, 70+ 1886+ Bibliotheca hispanica. 1-15, 18-19, 1900- 10. Bibliotheca mathematica. Leipzig, s.3, 1, 1900+ Bibliotheca normannica. Halle. 1, 1879+ Bibliotheca norvegica. Christiania. 1, 1899-1908. Z2 List of Serials Bibliotheca philologica. Gottingen. [44] 45-50, 1891-9711 Bibliotheca philologica classica. Leipzig. 1, 1874+ Bibliotheca sacra. Oberlin, O. [38-44] 1881-87. zoologica. Leipzig. 1-2, zoologica. IL Leipzig. 1, Bibliotheca 1846-6011 Bibliotheca 1861 + Bibliotheca zoologica, original-abhand- lungen hrsg. von Leuckert und Chun. See Zoologica. Bibliotheque anthropologique. Paris. 3, 11, 13-15, 17-20, 1890-98. Bibliotheque de dialectologie romane. (Societe Internationale de dialecto- logie romane.) Hamburg. 1, 1912+ Bibliotheque de I'ficole des chartres, re- vue d'erudition. . . Paris. 1, 1839+ Bibliotheque de I'ficole des hautes etudes. . . Sciences historiques et philologiques. Paris. 1, 1869+ Sciences religieuses. Paris. 8, 12, 20, 25, 1896-1911. Bibliotheque de I'histoire du droit et des institutions. 12-13, 1899-1903. Bibliotheque des ecoles frangaises d'Athenes et de Rome. Paris. 11, 17, 29, Z7, 52-53, 58, 72, 75-77, 92, 94, 106+ 1880+ Bibliotheque internationale de psycholo- gic experimentale. 1, 10-12, 14, 18-19, 21-27, 38, 41, 46, 48, 1901-06. Biochemical association of Columbia uni- versity. See Biochemical bulletin. Biochemical bulletin. (Columbia univer- sity biochemical association.) Lancas- ter, Pa. 1, 1911 + 1, 1911+ M. Bio-chemical journal. (Biochemical so- ciety.) Cambridge, Eng. 1, 1906+ 1, 1906+ M. Biochemische 1906+ zeitschrift. Berlin. 1, 1, 1906+ M. Biochemisches centralblatt. (Central- blatt fiir die gesamte biologic, abt. 1.) See Zentralblatt fiir biochemie und bio- physik. Biographical directory of the railway officials of America. Chicago. 1885, 1887, 1893. Biographisches jahrbuch fur altertums- kunde. Berlin. 1, 1878+ Biographisches jahrbuch und Deutscher nekrolog. Berlin. 1, 1897+ Biologen-kalender. Leipzig. 1, 1914+ Biologica; journal scientifique du medi- cin. Paris. [1] 2-3, 1911-13. Biological bulletin of the Marine bio- logical laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. {Continues Zoological bulletin.) 1, 1899+ Biological society of Washington. Pro- ceedings. 1, 1882+ Biologisches centralblatt. Leipzig. 1, 1881 + 1, 1881+ M. Biometrika. Cambridge, Eng. 1, 1901 + Biophysikalisches centralblatt. (Central- blatt fur die gesamte biologic, abt. 2.) Leipzig. {Continued in Zentralblatt fiir biochemie und biophysik.) 1-4, 1905-1011 Bird-lore. N. Y. 1, 1899+ Birds. See Birds and nature in natural colors. Birds and nature in natural colors. Chi- cago. 1-3 [4-5] 12-14 [15] 1897-1904. Birmingham medical review. Birming- ham, Eng. [8-57] 1879-1905. M. Black diamond. Chicago. [15-16] 17-21 [22-23] 24-27 [28] 29-30 [31] 32+ 1896+ Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edin- burgh. 1, 1817+ Blatter fiir das bayerische gymnasial- schulwesen. See Blatter fiir das gym- nasialschulwesen. List of Serials 33 Blatter fur das gymnasialschiilwcsen. (Bayerischer gymnasiallehrerverein.) Munich. 1, 1865 + Blaetter fuer die gesamten sozialwissen- schaften. Dresden. 1-3 [4] 5+ 1905+ Blatter fiir klinische hydrotherapie. Vienna. [1-2] 3 [4] 5-6 [7] 12 [13] 14-15 [16] 1891-1906. M. Blanco y negro. Madrid. [12-17, 1902- 07] Board of casualty and surety underwrit- ers. (Merged into International asso- ciation of casualty and surety under- writers.) Proceedings. N. Y. 2-3, 5-7, 1905-06,1908-1011 K. Bohmische gesellschaft der wissen- schaften, Prague. Jahresbericht. 1912+ Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche classe. Sitzungsberichte. 1912+ Boletin de la libreria. Madrid. 29-35, 1901-08. Bollettino dei trasporti e dei viaggi in ferrovia. Milan. 1, 1884+ Bollettino delle publicazioni italiane. See Florence. R. Biblioteca nazionale cen- trale. Bollettino delle publicazioni ital- iane. Bollettino di filologia classica. Torino. 13, 1906+ Bollettino mensile di bachicoltura. s.2, 8-12; S.3, 1-4, 1890-98. Bombay. Times of India. Overland weekly edition. [1896-97] Bonner beitrage zur anglistik. Bonn. 1-25, 1898-1908. Bonner studien zur englischen philologie. 1-5, 7+ 1909+ Book-auction records. London. 6, 1908+ Book-lore. London. (Succeeds Biblio- grapher.) 1-6, 1884-87. Providence, R. L [9-15] Book notes. 1892-98. Book-prices 1888-1908. Book review 1905 + current. London. 1-22, digest. Minneapolis. 1, Book reviews. N. Y. ; Lancaster, Pa. 1-2, 4-9, 1893-190111 Bookman. N. Y. 1, 1895+ Bookseller. London. [1891-1907] Bookseller, newsdealer and stationer. N. Y. [4-12] 1896-1900. Boot and shoe workers' union. Proceed- ings of convention. 4-6, 1899-1904. Bordeaux. Policlinique. Annales. [1-2] 3-4 [5-7, 10] 1891-1903. M. Borderland. London. 1-4, 1893-97. Boston. Societies. (For a society lo- cated in Boston see the name of the society.) Boston. Children's hospital. Medical and surgical report. 1869-94. M. Boston. City hospital. Medical and sur- gical reports. 1, 1870+ M. Boston daily advertiser almanac. 1877. Boston evening transcript. [1897-1905] 1906+ Boston herald. Sept. 1901-Aug. 1902. Boston home and school newsletter. (Boston home and school association.) 3, 1912+ Boston journal of chemistry. 1, 3-11 [12] 13-16, 1866-82. 11-16, 1876-82. M. Boston journal of natural history. (Con- tinued by Boston society of natural his- tory. Memoirs.) 1-7, 1834-63. 1-4, 1837-44. M. Boston. Liberator. 20-35, 1850-65. Boston. Massachusetts general hospital. See Massachusetts general hospital, Boston. Boston medical and surgical journal. 1-131, 134-149, 1828-1903. J^^^^eur 1, 1828+ M. ' 'n4-^7 Boston medical intelligencer. Boston. (Merged into Boston medical and sur- gical journal.) 1-5, 1825-28|| M. Boston medical library association. Re- port. 2, 7-11, 26, 26, 39+ 1877+ M. /^w^, X^^*! 34 List of Serials Boston. Museum of fine arts. Bulletin. 4, 1906+ Boston. Psychopathic hospital. Contri- butions. 1913+ M. Boston. Saranac laboratory for the study of tuberculosis. See Saranac labora- tory for the study of tuberculosis, Boston. Boston society for medical improvement. Extracts from records. 1-6, 1853-76. M. Boston society of medical sciences. Journal. See Journal of medical re- search. Boston society of natural history. Memoirs. {Continues Boston journal of natural history.) 1-3 [4] 7, 1866- 1912. Proceedings. 1-32 [33-34] 1841- 1906. Boston state hospital. Psychopathic dept. Annual report. 2, 1913+ M. Botanical bulletin. See Botanical ga- zette. Botanical gazette. Chicago. 1, 1875 + Botanical magazine. (Tokyo botanical society.) Tokyo. 20, 1906+ Botanical magazine. London. See Cur- tis' botanical magazine. Botanical register. London. 1-33, 1815- 4711 Botanical society of Edinburgh. Trans- actions and proceedings. 1, 1844+ Botanische jahrbucher fiir systematik, pflanzengeschichte und pflanzengeo- graphie. Leipzig. 1, 1881 + Beiblatt. 1, 1882+ Botanische zeitung. Leipzig. 1-17 [18] 19-68, 1843-191011 Botanischer jahresbericht. See Just's botanischer jahresbericht. Botanisches centralblatt. Jena. 1, 1880+ Beihefte. 1-17, 1891-1904. Botanisches literaturblatt. Innsbruck. 1, 1903. Botaniste. Caen; Poitiers. 1, 1888+ Boulogne-sur-Mer. Station aquicole. Annales. n.s., 1-2, 1905-11. Bowdoin college, Brunswick. Municipal research series. 1, 1915. Studies in history. 1, 1910. Library. Brunswick. Bibliograph- ical contributions. 3-4, 6, 8-10, 1893- 1900. Boys' life. N. Y. [2, 1912+] Bradshaw's railway almanac. See Brad- shaw's railway manual, shareholders' guide and official directory. Bradshaw's railway gazette. London & Manchester. 1-3, 1845-46. Bradshaw's railway manual, sharehold- ers' guide and official directory. 1848- 49, 1853-72, 1875, 1880-81, 1884-1901. Bradstreet's ; a journal of trade, finance and public economy. N. Y. 1, 1879+ Brain. London. 1, 1878+ 1, 1878+ M. Braithwaite's Retrospect of medicine. London. See Retrospect of medicine. Brazilian engineering and mining review. Rio de Janeiro. [1] 2-3 [4] 1902-07. Brazilian mining review. See Brazilian engineering and mining review. Brazilian year book. Rio de Janeiro. 2, 1909. Brick and clay record. Chicago. [1] 3-5 [6] 7-15 [16] 17-29 [30] 31-36 [Z7] 38+ 1892+ Brick, tile and pottery gazette. Ottawa, 111. [10-11, 1889-90] Brickbuilder. Boston. 15, 1906+ Bricklayer, mason and plasterer. In- dianapolis. 7 [8-9] 10-15 [16] 17+ 1905 + Brickmaker. Chicago. [2] 3-10 [11] 12-20 [21-22] 1890+ Brighton health congress. Transactions. London. 1881 1| M. Brill magazine. Phila. [4] 5 [6] 7+ 1910+ iL d^£.s ,t £.*! ' V\. t.^ >«^ f^v of , » rJ^.'f-^0^^^ Brooklyn pathological society. Transac- tions. 1885-86. M. Brookmire's forecaster. (Brookmire economique service.) St. Louis. [3] 1914+ Brookville society of natural history, Brookville, Ind. Bulletin. 1-3, 1885- 8811 36 List of Serials Brotherhood of boiler makers and iron ship builders of America, Kansas City. Journal. 16 [17-19] 20+ 1904+ Brotherhood of locomotive engineers. Journal. Fort Wayne, Ind. [3, 6] 7, 9, 11, 29, 1895+ Brotherhood of locomotive engineers. Monthly journal. See Brotherhood of locomotive engineers. Journal. Brotherhood of locomotive firemen and enginemen's magazine. Indianapolis, Ind. 3-5, 7+ 1879+ Brotherhood of painters, decorators and paperhangers of America. Painter and decorator. See Painter and decorator. Browning society, London. Papers. 1-13, 1881-91. Brussels. Musee royal d'histoire natur- elle de Belgique. Annales. 1, 1877+ Memoires. 1-3 [4] 5 [6] 1900-11. Brussels. Universite libre. Institut botanique Leo Errera. Recueil. 2, 5, 7 [pt. 2] 8-9, 1889-1913. Institut de therapeutique. Travaux. 11, 1912-13. Bryn Mawr college, Bryn Mawr. Bryn Mawr college monographs. Mono- graph series. 7, 1910+ Reprint series. [1] 5-9, 1899- 19101 1 Buenos Aires. Museo nacional de his- toria natural. Anales. 3, 1883 + Communicaciones. 1-3, 6, 8-10. Buenos Aires. Universidad nacional. Anales. 1-15, 1888-1901. Revista. 1-3, 1904-05. Buffalo. General hospital. Medical and surgical reports. 1, 1913+ M. Buffalo historical society. Publications. 8, 10-14, 1905-10. Buffalo medical and surgical journal. Buffalo. See Buffalo medical journal. Buffalo medical journal. Buffalo. 1, 1845+ M. , a r..^/<< Buffalo. University. Medical depart- ment. Report of the laboratories. 2-4, 1903-12. M. New York state pathological labor- atory. Annual report. 2, 1899. M. Buitenzorg, Java. *s Lands plantentuin. (Jardin botanique.) Annales. 1, 1876+ Supplement. 1-3, 1897-1910. Bulletin. See San Francisco. News- papers. Daily evening bulletin. Bulletin. Sydney. See Sydney. Bulletin. Bulletin annote des chemins de fer en exploitation. Paris. 1-7, 28+ 1868- 74. 1895+ Bulletin argentin de droit international prive. Buenos Aires. 1-2, 1903-06. L. Bulletin astronomique. (Paris. Ob- servatoire.) (Continwes astronomical section of Bulletin des sciences mathe- matiques et astronomiques.) 1, 1884. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique. (ficole frangaise d'Athenes.) 1, 1877+ Bulletin de dialectologie romane. (So- ciete internationale de dialectologie ro- mane.) Bruxelles. 1, 1909+ Bulletin des sciences mathematiques. (ficole pratique des hautes etudes.) Paris. 1, 1870+ Bulletin des sciences mathematiques et astronomiques. See Bulletin des sci- ences mathematiques. Bulletin des sciences naturelles et de geologic. Deuxieme section du Bul- letin universal des sciences et de I'in- dustrie. 1-15, 1824-28. Bulletin des sciences pharmacologiques. Paris. 20, 1913+ M. Bulletin des transports internationaux par chemins de fer. Bern. 1, 1893+ Bulletin du bibliophile et du bibliothe- caire. Paris. 1906-07. Bulletin general de therapeutique medi- cale et chirurgicale. Paris. 1, 1831 + M. List of Serials 37 Bulletin general et universel des an- nonces et des nouvelles scientifiques. (Continued as Bulletin universel des sciences et de I'industrie.) Paris. 1-4, 182311 Bulletin hebdomadaire de statistique in- ternationale. Budapest. 11-15, 1888- 92. Bulletin hispanique. (Faculte des lettres de Bordeaux et des universites du Midi.) Bordeaux. 2, 1900+ Bulletin hydrographique. See Interna- tional council for the study of the sea. Bulletin italien. (Faculte des lettres de Bordeaux et des universites du Midi.) Bordeaux. 1, 1901 + Bulletin medical. Paris. [1-6] 7-8 [9-19] 1887-1905. M. Bulletin medical de Quebec. [1-5] 6 [7] 1899-1905. M. Bulletin of bibliography. Boston. 1, 1897+ Bulletin of entomological research. Lon- don. 1, 1910+ Bulletin of medical science. Phila. 1-4, 1843-4611 M. Bulletin of pharmacy. Detroit. [1, 3-4] . 5-6 [7-12, 16, 27] 1887-1913. M. Bulletin of the medical sciences. N. Y. See New York university bulletin of the medical sciences. Bulletin of the Pasteur institute. N. Y. (Continues New York therapeutic re- view.) 1-2 [3] 4-5 [6, 8] 1893-190011 M. Bulletin scientifique de la France et de la Belgique. Paris. 44, 1910+ Bulletin universal des sciences et de I'industrie. Paris. (Continues Bul- letin general et universel des annonces et des nouvelles scientifiques.) Deux- ieme section. See Bulletin des sciences naturelles et de geologic. Bulletins of American paleontology. Ithaca, N. Y. 1, 1895 + Bullettino bibliografico delle botanica italiana. (Societa botanica italiana.) Florence. 1-5, 1904-08. Bullettino del vulcanismo italiano. Rome. 1-17 [18-20] 1874-9711 Bullettino di archeologia cristiana, Rome, (Continued by Nuovo bullettino di archeologia cristiana.) 1-.S.5, 4, 1863- 9411 Bunker Hill monument association, Bos- ton. Proceedings. 1861-74, 1881, 1884, 1896, 1907+ Burdett's hospitals and chanties. Lon- don. 1902+ 24, 1913+ M. Bureau of railway economics, Washing- ton, D. C. Bulletin. 1-5, 7-10, 12+ 1910+ Bureau of the American republics. Bul- letin. See Pan American union. Bul- letin. Burlington magazine for connoisseurs. London. 1, 1903+ Calcutta. Medical and physical society. See Medical and physical society of Calcutta. Calendario astronomico para la parte austral de la America del Sur. Buenos Aires. 1912. California academy of sciences, S. F. Bulletin. 1-2, 1884-871 1 1-2, 1884-8711 M. Memoirs. 1-4 [5] 1868-1905. [1] 2-4, 1868-1904. M. Occasional Papers. 1-9, 1890-1905. 1-6, 8, 1890-1901. M. Proceedings. 1-7, 1854-76|| 5-6 [7] 1873-7611 M. Series 2. 1-6, 1888-961] 1-6, 1888-9611 M. Series 3 : Botany. 1-2, 1897- 190411 1-2, 1897-190411 M. 38 List of Serials Series 3 190511 Series 3 1, 1898-190311 Series 3 190611 [1] M. Series 4 Geology. 1-2, 1897- Mathematics-physics. Zoology. 1-4, 1897- 2-3 [4] 1897-190611 1, 1907+ [3] 1907. M. S. F. 11, 13-18, California architect. 1890-97. California bankers' association. Pro- ceedings of the annual convention. 3, 10+ 1894, 1903 + California bar association. Annual pro- ceedings. S. F. 1, 4-5, 1910-14. L. Report. 1, 1901. L. California Christian advocate. [53-59, 63+] 1903 + California chronicle. See San Francisco. Newspapers. Daily California chron- icle. California culturalist. S. F. 1-3, 1858-60. California dairy association. Proceedings of the annual dairy convention. 1-3. 1894-96. California development board. Califor- nia, resources and possibilities. . . . Annual report. S. F. 11, 14, 17+ 1900+ Monthly bulletin. S. F. 1912+ California education. 3an Jose. (San Jose state normal school.) [1] 1905-06. California educational review. S. F. 1, 189111 California eclectic medical journal. Los Angeles. [1] 1908. M. California farmer. See San Francisco. Newspapers. California fruit grower. S. F. [9-24] 1891-99. California fruit growers* convention. See Fruit growers' convention of the state of California. California genealogical society, S. F. Publications. 3, 1902. California historical society, S. F. Papers. 1, 1887-93. California homoeopath. S. F. {Merged into Pacific coast journal of homoe- opathy.) 2-9, 1884-91. M. California law review. Berkeley. (Dept. of jurisprudence. University of Cali- fornia.) 1, 1912+ L. California library association. Publica- tions. S. F. 1, 1897+ California medical and surgical reporter. Los Angeles. [1, 3-4] 1905-08. M. California medical gazette. S. F. 1-2, 1868-7011 M. California medical journal. S. F. {Merged into California eclectic medi- cal journal.) 1-10, 12 [16, 20-21] 22- 25 [26-29] 1880-190811 M. California medical society. See Medical society of the state of California. California miners' association. Proceed- ings. S. F. 8-13, 15, 1899-1906. California municipalities. See Pacific municipalities. California oil world. Bakersfield. 7, 1914+ California outlook. Los Angeles and S. F. 10-11 [12]+ 1911 + California pharmaceutical association. Journal. See Pacific pharmacist. Proceedings. 9, 11, 13, 14, 1878-83. M. California state bar association. See California bar association. California. State board of trade. An- nual report. See California develop- ment board. California state dental association. Transactions. 13-20, 23-24, 28, 33, 1882- 1904. M. California state federation of labor. Pro- ceedings of the annual convention. San Rafael. 10, 1909+ "^^t^^ Trj ^d. iyu/ '^^i Ad4.n /t ^-^- nn4 •' ^ k I-S, -y. ^/Z^ ^*^y '^z /^ l^i^/yA'j, JiT/^Ji ^^.tM.^.-k -^^"^r^^* f,/^: ryiVA'yi ^.^T^^t^^J u^t^.I«^:S^^- ~^'^/ /f^ ^^^fedt^A iP^d. List of Serials 39 California state homoeopathic medical society. Transactions. 1-2, 1890-91. M. California state horticultural society. Transactions. 1, 1892-9311 California state journal of medicine. S. F. (Medical society of the state of California.) 1, 1902+ M. California state medical journal, Sacra- mento. 1, 1856-5711 California state odontological society. Transactions. 1884-85. M. California state register and yearbook of facts. See State register and year- book of facts. California state teachers' institute. Pro- ceedings. Sacramento. 1861-63. California teacher. S. F. ; Sacramento. 1-2, 4-8, 11, 1863-74. California teachers' association. Proceed- ings. 1893, 1896-97. California. University. Memoirs. 1, 1908+ Publications : Agricultural sciences. 1, 1912+ American archaeology and ethnology. 1, 1903 + Astronomy. See Lick observa- tory. Botany. 1, 1902+ Classical philology. 1, 1904+ Economics. 1, 1908+ Education. 1 [2] 4+ 1893 + Engineering. 1, 1907+ Entomology. 1, no. 1-2, 1906. Geography. 1, 1913+ Geology. 1, 1893+ History. 1, 1911 + Mathematics. 1, 1912+ Modern philology. 1, 1909+ Pathology. 1, 1903+ 1, 1903+ M. Philosophy. 1, 1904+ Physiology. 1, 1902+ 1, 1902+ M. Psychology. 1, 1910+ Seismology. See California. Seismographic stations. 1, 1907+ prize U. C. debating Reprints of pa- M. University. Bulletin. Semitic philology. Zoology. 1, 1902+ Studies. See California. University. Publications : Education. The University chronicle. 1, 1898+ University of California essays. 1, 1912+ Debating council, annual. 1, 1911 + Dept. of anatomy. pers. 4, 1912. 3, 1908. Dept. of geology. Bulletin. See California. University. Publications : Geology. Dept. of mechanical engineering. Bulletin. 1-3, 1883-92. Lick observatory. See Lick ob- servatory. Philosophical union. Bulletin. 1-5, 10, 12-19, 21-22, 24, 30, 1889-1909. Seismographic stations. Bulletin. [1] 1912+ California voice. Los Angeles. [1910+] California weekly. S. F. {Merged into Pacific outlook, which became in Feb., 1911, California outlook.) 1-3, 1908- 1011 Californian, See Overland monthly. Californian illustrated magazine. S. F. 1-5, 1891-9411 California's magazine. S. F. 1, 1915 + Cambridge and Dublin mathematical journal. Cambridge, Eng, (Continued in Quarterly journal of pure and ap- plied mathematics.) 1-13, 1837-541] Cambridge mathematical journal. See Cambridge and Dublin mathematical journal. 40 List of Serials Cambridge philological society, Cam- bridge, Eng. Transactions. 1, 1872+ Cambridge philosophical society, Cam- bridge, Eng. Proceedings. 3-14, 16+, 1876+ Cambridge. University. Astronomical observatory. Astronomical observa- tions. 1-22, 1828-69. Canada health journal. Ottawa. [9-11] 12 [13-14] 1887-92. M. Canada journal of dental science. Mon- treal. [1-4] 1869-781 i M. Canada lancet. Montreal. [1] 1863-64|1 M. Canada lancet. Toronto. 1-7 [8] 9-10 [11] 12-33 [34-40] 41-45 [46-47] 48+ 1868+ M. Canada law journal. Toronto. (Con- tinues Upper Canada law journal.) 1, 1865+ L. Canada medical journal and monthly rec- ord of medical and surgical science. Edited by R. L. Macdonnell and A. H. David. Montreal. 1, 1852-53|1 M. Canada medical journal and monthly rec- ord of medical and surgical science. Edited by G. E. Fenwick and F. W. Campbell. Montreal. [2] 3-4 [5] 6 [7-8] 1865-7211 M. Canada today. London and Toronto. 1914. The Canadian law times. Toronto. 1-21, 23+ 1881+ L. Canada. Marine biological station. Con- tributions to Canadian biology. 1901-10. Canada medical and surgical journal. Montreal. See Montreal medical jour- nal. Canada medical association. Transac- tions. 1, 187711 M. Canada medical record. Montreal. [1] 2-15 [16] 17-26 [27-32] 1872-190411 M. Canadian annual review of public affairs. Toronto. 14, 1914+ Canadian entomologist. (Entomological society of Ontario.) London, Ont. 1, 1868+ Canadian institute, Toronto. Annual report. 4, 1890-91. Canadian journal of medical science. Toronto. See Canadian practitioner and medical review. Canadian journal of medicine and sur- gery. Toronto. 1-6 [7-8] 9-11 [12] 13 [14] 15-16 [17] 18 [19] 32 [33-34] 35+ 1897+ M. Canadian magazine. Toronto. 1, 1893+ Canadian medical association. Journal^ Toronto, n.s., 1, 1911+ M. ' > '^- Canadian medical review. Toronto. (Merged into Canadian practitioner and medical review.) [1-2] 3-5 [6-8] 1895-9811 M. Canadian mining institute, Ottawa. Bul- letin. 23, 1914+ Journal. See its Transactions. Transactions. 2, 4, 7, 9+ 1897+ Canadian mining journal. Montreal and Toronto. 23 [24-26] 29+ 1904+ Canadian mining review. See Canadian mining journal. Canadian municipal journal. Toronto. 1-2, 1891-92. L. Canadian naturalist and geologist. See Canadian naturalist and quarterly jour- nal of science. Canadian naturalist and quarterly jour- nal of science. Montreal. 1-8; n.s., 1-2, 5-6 [7] 8-9, 1856-81. Canadian pharmaceutical journal. Tor- onto. [12, 24-27, 30-31, 42, 47] 1897- 1913. M. Canadian practitioner. See Canadian practitioner and medical review. Canadian practitioner and medical re- view. Toronto. [1] 2-29 [30-31, 36- 37] 1876-1912. M. Canadian society of civil engineers, Mon- treal. Bulletin. 7-8, Jun. 1911-Jul. 1912. Report of the annual meeting. 2-9, 12-18, 20+ 1887+ Transactions. 1, 1887+ -^^^T ^tt-in^d , ^^ifn^^iZAt tr^ 41^1 ^4^ trU ^*H.'> n^C V 7, / ^ ^ 7 >- uyaciZ/i I? '., / ..// List of Serials 41 The Canadian who's who. London ; Tor- onto. 1910. Canadian year book. Toronto. 1899- 1903, 1905. Canal zone medical association. Pro- ceedings. [3-5] 1910-12. M. Canstatt's jahresbericht. See Jahres- bericht iiber die fortschritte der ge- sammten medicin in alien landern. Carnegie endowment for international peace. Year book. 1911 + Division of intercourse and educa- tion. Publications. 1, 1914+ Division of international law. Pamphlet. Washington. 1, 1914. Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching. Annual report. N. Y. 1, 1906+ 6, 1911+ M. Bulletin. N. Y. 1, 1907+ 3, 1910+ M. Carnegie institution of Washington. Publications. 1, 1903+ Yearbook. 1, 1902+ 5, 1906. M. Solar observatory, Mt. Wilson, Cal. Contributions. 1-20, 1906-07. Carnegie museum, Pittsburgh. See Pitts- burg. Carnegie institute. Museum. Carnegie trust for the universities ot Scotland, Edinburgh. Annual report. 7, 1907+ Carolina medical journal. Charlotte, N. ^ C. {Merged into Charlotte medical journal.) 1-41, 43-45 [46] 47-50 [52] 53 [54, 56] 1878-190811 M. Caroline Brewer Croft cancer commis- sion. See Harvard university. Medical school. Cancer commission. Case and comment. Rochester, N. Y. 3-5, 7-10, 12+ 1897+ L. Cassier's magazine. N. Y. [3] 4 [5-6] 7-44, 1891-191311 Catalogo generale delle libreria italiana comp. dal Prof. Attilio Pagliaini. Milan. 1, 1847+ Catalogue general de la librairie fran- Qaise. (Lorenz, Jordel.) Paris. 1-23, 1840-1909. Catalogue mensuel de la librairie fran- gaise. Paris. 1891-96, 1898-1907. Catalogue-tarif a prix forts. See An- nuaire des journeaux. Paris. Catholic school. London. 1-2, 1848-53] | Catholic world. N. Y. [65, 75] 76-77, 80-86, 88+ 1897+ Cayuga county historical society. Col- lections. Auburn, N. Y. 1-11, 1879-94. Cellule. Lierre, etc. 1, 1884+ 1-12 [13] 1884-97. M. The Centennial ; an Australasian monthly. Melbourne. [1] 2-3, 1888-90|| Centennial magazine. Sydney. [1] 2-3, 1888-9011 Central association of railroad officers. Proceedings. [Cincinnati.] 1890-96, 1898+ Central Indiana hospital for insane. In- dianapolis. Pathological dept. Report. 1903-06. M. Central law journal. St. Louis. 1, 1874+ L. Central railway club, Buffalo. Official proceedings. 1-9 [10] 11 [12] 13+ 1893 + Central society of education, London. Papers. 1-3, 1837-39. Central states medical magazine. Ander- son, Ind. {Merged into Central states medical monitor.) [1-3] 1903-05 1| M. Central states medical monitor. Indian- apolis, Ind. [1-5] 6-7 [8-9] 1898-1905. M. Central (unemployed) body for London. Report. 1-3, 1905-09. Centralblatt fur allgemeine gesundheit- spflege. Bonn. 1, 1882. 1-7 [8] 9-20 [21] 22+ 1882+ M. Erg^nzungshefte. 2-3, 1889-91. 42 List of Serials [1] 1883-85. M. Centralblatt fiir allgemeine pathologic iind pathologische anatomic. Jena. 1, 1890+ M. " '-'['] Centralblatt fiir bakteriologie, parasiten- kunde imd infektionskrankheiten. Jena. (Beginning with v.l7 issued in two parts.) 1-16, 1887-94. 1-16, 1887-94. M. l.abt. : Medizinisch-hygienische bak- teriologie und tierische parasiten kunde. (Beginning with v.31 issued in two parts: Originate and Referate.) 17-30, 1895-1901. 17-30, 1895-1901. M. Originale. 31, 1902+ 31, 1902+ M. Referate. 31, 1902+ 37, 1905+ M. 2.abt. : Landwirtschaftlich-techno- logische bakteriologie, garungsphysi- ologie und pflanzenpathologie. 21, 1908+ 2-5, 1896-99. M. Centralblatt fiir bibliothekswesen. See Zentralblatt fiir bibliothekswesen. Centralblatt fiir die gesamte biologic. See Zentralblatt fiir biochemic und bio- physik. JH-A't? Centralblatt fiir die gesamte immunitats- forschung und expcrimentelle therapic. Jena. See Zeitschrift fur immunitats- forschung und expcrimentelle therapic. Referate. Centralblatt fiir die grenzgebiete der medizin und chirurgie. Jena. 1, 1898+ M. Centralblatt fiir die krankheiten der ham- und sexual-organe. Leipzig. (Merged into Zeitschrift fur urologie.) [1-4] 5 [7-8] 9 [10-14] 15 [16] 1899- 1905. M. Centralblatt fiir die medicinischen wis- senschaften. Berlin. 1-38, 1863-1900. Centralblatt fiir elektrotechnik. Munich. (Merged into Elektrotechnische zeit- schrift.) 1-12, 1879-8911 Centralblatt fiir klinische medizin. Leip- zig. See Zentralblatt fiir innere medi- zin. Centralblatt fiir mineralogic, geologic, und palaontologic. Stuttgart. (Sup- plement to Ncucs jahrbuch fiir miner- alogic.) 1911 + Centralblatt fiir naturwissenschaften und anthropologic. 1, 1853. Centralblatt fiir nervcnheilkunde und psychiatric. Leipzig. 1-20 [21-23] 1878-1900. M. Centralblatt fiir orthopadische chirurgie. Bern. 1-3, 1884-86. M. Centralblatt fiir praktischc augcnheil- kunde. Leipzig. 1, 1877+ M. Centralblatt fiir stoffwechscl- und vcr- dauungs-krankhciten. Gottingen. See Zentralblatt fiir die gesamte physiolo- gic und pathologic des stoffwechscls. Berlin; Vienna. Centralblatt. See also Zentralblatt. Centralzeitung fiir kindcrheilkundc. Ber- lin. 1-2, 1877-7911 M. Centro dc estudios historicos. Junta para ampliacion dc estudios e investi- gaciones cientificas. See Revista de filologia espaiiola. Century illustrated monthly magazine. N. Y. 1, 1870+ Century path. Point Loma. (Continued by Theosophical path.) [5-14] 1901- nil Ceramic monthly. Chicago. [2-6, 8] 1895-98. Ceylon almanac. 1847. Chamber of commerce journal. London. [33] 1914+ Championniere's journal of practical medicine and surgery. American ed. Boston. See Journal of practical medi- cine and surgery. yl^^i'^O'tZ ji-f iuiii^ilcoBfnLlV^^z^ky\...:^'iJJ^^- ..Sxii^M List of Serials 43 Champlain society, Toronto. Publica- tions. 1, 1907+ Chaparral. Stanford University. 1-6 [7-8] 9+ 1899+ Chapman's New Zealand almanac. 1862. Charite-annalen. Berlin. 1, 1874+ M. Charities. See Survey. Charities and the commons. See Survey. Charities review. (Charity organization society of the city of New York.) (Merged into Charities, later Survey.) 1-4, 6-10, 1891-190111 Charity organization society. (Charity organization society of London.) n.s., 23, 1908+ Charity organization society of London. Annual report. 1889-91. Charity organization society of the city of New York. Annual report. 1-25, 1883-1907. Survey. See Survey. Committee on social research. Pub- lications. 1, 1904-05. Charleston medical journal and review. Charleston, S. C. 1-10, 12-15 ; n.s., 1-4, 1847-60; 1873-77 11 M. Charlotte medical journal. Charlotte, N. C. 1-13 [14] 15-18 [19] 20-59 [60] 61+ 1892+ M. •, Chaucer society. Publications. London. First series. 1, 1868+ Second series. 1, 1868+ Chautauquan. Meadville, Pa. 40-72, 1904-1411 Chemical abstracts. See American chem- ical society. Chemical abstracts. Chemical and metallurgical society of South Africa. See Chemical, metallur- gical and mining society of South Af- rica. Chemical engineer. Chicago. 1, 1904+ Chemical gazette. London. (Merged into Chemical news.) 1-17, 1842-59l| Chemical, metallurgical and mining so- ciety of South Africa, Johannesburg. Journal. 5, 1904+ Proceedings. (After Jun. 1904 in- cluded in its Journal.) 1-4, 1894-19041J Chemical news and journal of physical science. London. 1, 1860+ 109, 1914+ M. American ed. New York. 1, 5, 1867-70. M. Chemical society, London. Annual re- ports on the progress of chemistry. 1, 1904+ Journal. 1, 1849+ 25-88, 103+ 1872+ M. Memoirs and proceedings. (Con- tinued by its Journal.) 1-3, 1841-481] Proceedings. 16, 1900+ 1, 3-19 [20] 21, 1885-1905. M. The Chemical world. London. 1, 1912+ Chemiker-kalender. Berlin. 12, 14, 18, 1891-97. Beilage. 1891, 1893. Chemiker zeitung. Gothen. 4, 1880+ Chemisch-technisches repertorium ; beilage der Chemiker zeitung. 10, 1886+ Naturwissenschaftliche umschau der Chemiker-zeitung. 1 [2] 3+ 1912+ Le Chemin de fer ; bulletin polytechnique. See Die Eisenbahn ; schweizerische zeitschrift fiir bau- und verkehrswesen. . . . Le Chemin de fer; bulletin polytechnique. Le Chemin de fer, litteraire, politique, professionel, scientifique. Paris. See Le chemin de fer, professionel, &c. Le Chemin de fer, professionel, tech- nique, commercial et politique. Paris. [3] +9, 10, 189+1901. Chemisch-technisches repertorium. Ber- lin. 1-40, 1862-1901. Chemisch-technisches repertorium; Beil- age der Chemiker-zeitung. See Chem- iker-zeitung. Chemische annalen fiir die freunde der naturlehre, arzneygelahrtheit, haushal- tungskunst und manufacturen. Helm- stadt. 178+1803. 44 List of Serials Beytrage. 1-5, 1785-94. Die Chemische Industrie. Berlin. 1, 1878+ Chemische zeitschrift. Leipzig [etc.] 1, 1901 + Chemisches journal. Lemgo. See Die neuesten entdeckungen in der chemie. Chemisches zentralblatt. (Deutsche chemische gesellschaft.) Leipzig [etc.] 1. 1830+ 3, 10-16, 1832-45; s.5 [68] 84+ 1897, 1913+ M. Chi e? Rome. 1908. Chicago. Societies. (For a society lo- cated in Chicago see the name of the society.) Chicago academy of sciences. Annual re- port. {Continued in Bulletin.) 38-40, 1895-9711 Bulletin. 1-2 [3+] 1883+ Special publications. 1-3, 1902-11. Transactions. 1, 1867-69. Natural history survey. Bulletin. 1-6 [7] 1896-1909. Chicago art institute. Annual report. 30, 1908+ Bulletin. [2, 1908+] Chicago bureau of public efficiency. Pub- lications. 3, 1911 + Chicago clinic and pure water journal. Chicago. {Continues Omaha clinic. Omaha.) [1] 2 [3-4] 5-8 [9, 12] 13-14 [15-18, 21] 1888-1908. M. Chicago clinical review. Chicago. See Clinical review. Chicago daily news almanac and year- book. 24, 1908+ Chicago herald. [1898-1900] 1901 + Chicago historical society. Collections. 5-9, 1908-10. Chicago journal of nervous and mental disease. See Journal of nervous and mental disease. N. Y. Chicago medical examiner. See Medical examiner. Chicago medical gazette, review. See Medical Chicago medical journal. See Chicago medical journal and examiner. Chicago medical journal and examiner. Chicago. 1-18 [19] 20 [21] 22-24 [25- 26] 27-55 [56] 57-58, 1844-891 1 M. Chicago medical record. Chicago. See Chicago medical recorder. Chicago medical recorder. Chicago. [1] 2 [3] 4-12 [14] 15+ 1891+ M. Chicago medical review. See Medical review. Chicago medical society. Bulletin. [13] 14+ 1914+ M. Chicago medical times. [1-38] 1869-1905. M. Chicago pathological society. Transac- tion. Chicago. 4, 1899+ M. Chicago railway review. See Railway review. Chicago. Chicago record-herald. See Chicago her- ald. Chicago. Rush medical college. See Rush medical college, Chicago. Chicago school of civics and philan- thropy. Bulletin. 8, 13, 15-19, 21 + 1911 + Chicago. University. Contributions to education. 1-6, 1901-02|| Contributions to philosophy. [1-4] 1896-1903. Economic studies. 1-5, 1895-1901. Studies in classical philology. 1, 1895. University record. {Combined with Chicago alumni magazine in 1908 to form University of Chicago magazine ; resumed publication Jan. 1915.) 1-8 [9] 10-12; n.s., 1+ 1896+ Alumni association. University of Chicago magazine. See University of Chicago magazine. Hull physiological laboratory. Phy- siological archives. 1, 1895. List of Serials 45 Yerkes observatory. See Yerkes observatory. The Child. London. 1, 1910+ Child conference for research and wel- fare, N. Y. Proceedings. 1-2, 1909- 1011 Child labor bulletin. See National child labor committee. N. Y. Child-study. (Child study society.) London. 1, 1908+ Child study monthly. See Review of education. Child welfare magazine. Phila. [9] 1914+ Children's home-finding society of Cali- fornia. Orphan's cry. See Orphan's cry. Chile. Universidad, Santiago. Anales. [82, 1892+] China medical missionary journal. Shanghai. [1-2] 5 [6-9] 10 [11] 1888- 97. M. China review: or, Notes and queries on the Far East. Hongkong. 21, 1893-94? China yearbook. London. 2, 1913+ Chine nouvelle. Paris. 1, 1899. Chinese and Japanese repository of facts and events. London. 1-3, 1863-65. Chinese repository. Canton. 2-20, 1833- 5111 Chinese times. Tientsin. 1-2 [3] 4-5, 1886-9111 Chit-Chat club, S, F. Proceedings of the annual meeting. 5-9, 11-12, 15-16, 18- 22, 24-29, 36, 1879-1910. Christian almanac for New England. Boston. 1825, 1828. Christian literature society for China, Shanghai. Annual report. 13, 23-24, 1899-1911. Christian register. Boston. [76-83, 87- 88] 1897-1909. Christian science journal. Boston. [29] 30+ 1911 + Christian science sentinel. Boston. [13] 14+ 1910+ I v^ Chronique de France. Auxerre. 1-5, 1900-04. Cigar makers official journal. Chicago. [29+] 1905+ Cincinnati academy of medicine. Weekly bulletin. Cincinnati, Ohio. [4] 5 + 1913+ M. Cincinnati eclectic and Edinburgh med- ical journal. Cincinnati. See Eclectic medical journal. Cincinnati journal of medicine. See Western journal of medicine. Indian- apolis and Cincinnati. Cincinnati lancet and clinic. See Lancet- clinic. Cincinnati lancet and observer. See Lan- cet-clinic. Cincinnati lancet-clinic. See Lancet- clinic. Cincinnati medical advance. See Med- ical advance. Cincinnati medical and dental journal. See Cincinnati medical journal. Cincinnati medical and surgical news. 1-4, 1860-6311 M. Cincinnati medical journal. Cincinnati. [1-11] 1885-9611 M. Cincinnati medical news. {Continues Cincinnati medical repertory.) 1-9 [10] 11 [13] 14 [15-17] 18-19 [20] 21-22 [23-24] 1868-9111 M. Cincinnati medical news. [1] 2+ 1914+ M. Cincinnati medical observer. {Merged into Cincinnati lancet and observer.) 1-2, 1856-5711 M. Cincinnati medical repertory. See Cin- cinnati medical news. Cincinnati museum association. Annual report. 19-25, 27-30, 32, 1899-1912. Cincinnati society of natural history. Journal. 1-20, 1878-1906. Cincinnati. University. Bulletin. 1-7, 10, 12-15, 17-18, 19, 21, 24-25, 1900-03. University studies, s.2, 1, 1905 + 46 List of Serials Observatory. Publications. 9, 11-17, 1887-1910. Circolo matematico di Palermo. An- nuario biografico. Palermo. 1908, 1911-12, 1914. Rendiconti. 1-27, 29+ 1884+ Supplemento. 1, 1906+ City college quarterly. (College of the city of New York.) [2, 4-7] 8+ 1906+ City government. See Municipal jour- nal and engineer. Civil engineer and architect's journal. London. 1-31, 1837-6811 Civilingenieur. Freiberg, n.s., 1-42, 1854- 9611 Claremont pomological club. Claremont, Cal. Bulletin. 1-2, 1909. Classical journal. Chicago. (Classical association of the Middle West and South.) 1, 1905+ Classical journal. London. 1-15, 1810- 17. Classical philology. Chicago. 1, 1906+ Classical quarterly. London. 1, 1907+ Classical review. London. 5, 1891 + Classical weekly. N. Y. 1, 1907+ Clay record. Chicago. See Brick and clay record. Clay worker. Indianapolis. 12-40, 1889- 1903. Cleveland journal of medicine. {Merged into Cleveland medical journal.) 1-2 [3] 4-6, 1896-190111 M. Cleveland. Lakeside hospital. See Lake- side hospital, Cleveland. Cleveland medical and surgical reporter. [10-15] 1902-07. M. Cleveland medical gazette. [1-3] 1859- 61|1 M. Cleveland medical gazette. {Merged into Cleveland medical journal.) [1] 2-6 [7] 8-12 [13] 14 [15] 16 [17] 1885- 190111 M. ^ '. ■' Cleveland medical journal. 1, 1902+ M. Climatologist. Phila. [1-2] 1891-92|| M. ■fO Clin laboratories, Paris. Annals. [1-3] 4-5, 1909-13. M. B'rt/i£*uJt^ ^/>^' ^^^>i^^'>;-,'''-. 'i^^, Dublin medical press and circular. See Medical press and circular. Dublin quarterly journal of medical science. See Dublin journal of medical science. Dublin review. London. 1, 1836+ Dublin. Royal academy of medicine in Ireland. See Royal academy of medi- cine in Ireland. Dundee, Scotland. University college. Museum of zoology. Studies. 1, 1890. List of Serials 55 Early English text society, London. Publications : Original series. 1, 1864+ Extra series. 1, 1867+ East Tennessee record of medicine and surgery. Knoxville. 1, 1852-53|| M. Eastern medical journal. Worcester, Mass. [4-7] 1885-8711 M. Das Echo. Berlin. 33, 1914+ ficlairage electrique. Paris. (Continues and continued by Lumiere electrique.) 1-53, 1894-1907. Eclectic engineering magazine, Van Nos- trand's. See Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering magazine. Eclectic journal of medicine. Phila. 1-4, 1837-4011 M. The Eclectic magazine of foreign litera- ture, science and art. N. Y. and Phila. 1-131 ; n.s., 1-68, 1844-98. Eclectic medical gleaner. Cincinnati, O. [4-15] ; n.s. [1] 1893-1905. M. Eclectic medical journal. Cincinnati, O. 8-9 [10-11] 12 [13-14] 15 [16] 17 [18, 22, 24, 26-28, 31, 33-35, 37-39, 42, 45-46] 47 [48-52] 53-57 [58-66, 72-73] 74+ 1849+ M. ^' - • ^-^^-iz, m^'H' Eclectic medical society of the state of New York. Transactions. Buffalo. 1-6, 1866-72. M. Eclectic museum of foreign literature, science and art. N. Y. and Phila. {Superseded after Jan. 1844 by Eclectic magazine of foreign literature and Lit- tell's living age.) 1-3, 1843. Eclectic repertory and analytical review. Phila. See Journal of foreign medical science and literature. Eclectic review. N. Y. [7-9, 11, 15-16] 17+ 1904+ M. J&ft-ni^^ ..c~. -v^^t £cole frangaise d'Athenes. See Bulletin de correspondance hellenique. ficole frangaise de Rome. Melanges d'archeologie et d'histoire. 1, 1881 + Economic bulletin. {Merged into Ameri- can economic review.) Baltimore. 1-3, 1908-101 1 Economic geology. Lancaster, Pa. 1, 1905 + Economic journal. (Royal economic so- ciety.) London. 1, 1891 + Economic review. London. 2, 1892+ Economic studies. See American eco- nomic association. Economist. London. 1, 1843+ Economist. Investors' manual. See In- vestors' manual. L'ficonomiste frangais. Paris. 20-21, 35+ 1892+ Edinburgh geological society. Transac- tions. 1-2 [3, 5] 6-9, 1868-1910. Edinburgh hospital reports. Edinburgh. 1-6, 1893-190011 M. Edinburgh mathematical society. Pro- ceedings. 1-6, 8+ 1883+ Edinburgh medical and surgical journal. Edinburgh and London, {Merged into Edinburgh medical journal.) 1-82, 1805-55. M. Edinburgh medical journal. Edinburgh and London. 1, 1855+ M. , , . , ,,^^ Edinburgh. Medico-chirurgical society. See Medico-chirurgical society of Edinburgh. Edinburgh new philosophical journal. {Continues Edinburgh philosophical journal. Merged into Quarterly jour- nal of science.) 1-55, 57; n.s., 1-5, 7-18, 1826-6311 14-16, 1861-62. M. Edinburgh obstetrical society. Transac- tions. 1-2, 4, 6, 8, 1868-83. M. Edinburgh philosophical journal. {Con- tinued as Edinburgh new philosophical journal.) 1-14, 1819-26|| Edinburgh. Philosophical society. See Philosophical society in Edinburgh. Edinburgh review. Edinburgh and Lon- don, &c. 1, 1802+ Edison monthly. N. Y. [5, 1913+] Editor and publisher. N. Y. 47, 1915 + 56 List of Serials Education. Boston. [1] 2-3 [4, 6] 7+ 1881 + Educational administration and super- vision. Baltimore. 1, 1915 + Educational expositor. London. 1-3, 1853-55 1 1 Educational foundations. N. Y. 14, 1902+ Educational magazine. London. 1-2; n.s, 1; s. 3, 1-2, 1835-40. Educational review. London, n.s., 1 [2-3] 1899-1901. Educational review. N. Y. 1, 1891 + Educational times. London. 59, 1906+ Educator-journal. Indianapolis. {Con- tinues Inland educator.) 3, 1902+ Egypt exploration fund, London. Archae- ological report. 1892-1911-12. Memoirs. 1, 1883+ Report. 14-17, 19+ 1899+ Archaeological survey. Memoirs. 1-18, 1893-1908. Graeco-Roman branch. [Memoirs] 1-12, 1897-1911. Die Eisenbahn. . . Le Chemin de fer. Zurich. {Continued as Schweizerische bauzeitung.) 1-17, 1874-82|| Eisenbahn-jahrbuch der Oesterreichisch- ungarischen monarchie. Wien. 1-21, 1868-91. Eisenbahn-kalender fiir Oesterreich-Un- garn. Vienna. 15-19, 1892-96. Eisenbahnrechtliche entscheidungen und abhandlungen. Berlin. 1, 1879+ Eisenbahn-verordnungsblatt. Berlin. 1-13, 15+ 1878+ Electric club journal. See Electric jour- nal. Electric journal. Pittsburg. 1, 1904+ Electric railway journal. N. Y. 9, 1893+ Electric railway review. See Electric railway journal. Electrical age, {Merged Jan. 1911 into the Southern electrician, which adopted its vol. no.) [33] 34-41, 19'04-11|1 Electrical engineer. London. {Merged into Electrical engineering Feb. 1912.) n.s., 1-49, 1888-191211 Electrical engineer. N. Y. {Absorbed by Electrical world and engineer.) 1-27, 1882-9911 Electrical engineering. Atlanta. 42-43, 46+ 1911 + Electrical engineering. Chicago. See Telephone magazine. Electrical engineering. London. {Ab- sorbed Electrical engineer in 1912.) 8, 1912+ Electrical review. London. {Continues Telegraphic journal and electrical re- view.) 1, 1872+ Electrical review and western electrician. N. Y. 2, 1883+ Electrical world. N. Y. 1, 1883 + Electrician. N. Y. See Electrical engi- neer. N. Y. Electrician. London. 4-45, 47-63 [64] 65+ 1879+ Electrician; a weekly journal of teleg- raphy, electricity and applied chemis- try. London. 1, 1861-62. Electrician and electrical engineer. See Electrical engineer. N. Y. Electricien. Paris. 1-6; s. 2, 1+ 1881- 83, 1891 + Electricity. N. Y. 1-30, 1891-1906|I Electrochemical and metallurgical indus- try. See Metallurgical and chemical engineering. Electrochemical industry. See Metallur- gical and chemical engineering. Electro-therapeutist. Indianapolis. [1-4, 6-9] 1897-1905. M. Elektrochemische zeitschrift. Berlin. 1-3, 13+ 1894+ Elektrotechnik und maschinenbau. Vi- enna. 32, 1914+ Elektrotechnische zeitschrift. Berlin. 1, 1880+ Elementary school record. Chicago. 1, 190011 List of Serials 57 Elementary school teacher. Chicago. 1, 1900+ Elisha Mitchell scientific society, Chapel Hill, N. C. Journal. 2-9 [10] 11-13 [14, 16] 18-19 [20] 21 [22-30] 1883- 1911. Elsassische neujahrsblatter. Basel. 1844- 48. Emporium of arts and sciences. Phila. 1-2; n.s., 1-3, 1812-14. M. Encephale, journal des maladies men- tales et nerveuses. Paris. 3 [4] 5-8, 1883-88. M. Encephale, journal mensuel de neurolo- gic et de psychiatric. Paris. 1, 1906+ M. — 6, 1911 + — Supplement, alienistes. See Informateur des Encyclopadische jahrbiicher der gesam- ten heilkunde. Berlin; Wien. 1-8; n.s., 1, 1891-1903. M. Engelmann's kalender fur bahnmeister des Deutschen Reiches. Berlin. 1-2, 1895-96. Engelmann's kalender fiir eisenbahn- beamte des Deutschen Reiches. Ber- lin. 7, 10-14, 1889, 1892-96. Wiirttembergische .ausgabe. See Kalender fiir beamte der konigl. wiirt- tembergi schen staats-eisenbahnen. Engelmann's kalender fur eisenbahn- verwaltungs-beamte des Deutschen Reichs. See Engelmann's kalender fiir eisenbahn-beamte des Deutschen Reiches. Engelmann's kalender fiir fahrbeamte des Deutschen Reiches. Berlin. 1-2, 4, 1894-97. Engineer. Chicago. {Merged into Power. 1908.) 39-40 [41] 42-43 [44-45] 1902-0811 Engineer. London. 1-32, 34-70, 72+ 1856+ Engineer and surveyor. See Engineering news. Engineer, architect and surveyor. See Engineering news. Engineering. London. 1, 1866+ Engineering and building record. See Engineering record. Engineering and contracting. N. Y., &c. 29, 1908+ Engineering and mining journal. N. Y. 4-5, 15+ 1867+ Engineering-contracting. See Engineer- ing and contracting. Engineering index. Chicago, etc. {Con- tinued as Engineering index annual.) 1-4, 1884-190511 Engineering index annual. N. Y. 1, 1906+ Engineering journal. Stanford Univer- sity. 1-2, 1897-9811 Engineering magazine, N. Y. 1, 1891 + Engineering news. N. Y. 1, 1874+ Engineering record. N. Y. &c. 1-26 [27] 28-29 [30] 31 [32-33] 34+ 1878+ [4-6] 7-18, 1881-88. M. Engineers' club of Philadelphia. Pro- ceedings. 1-24, 28+ 1879+ The Engineer's journal and railway, pub- lic works, and mining gazette of In- dia and the colonies. Calcutta. 1-4, 1858-61. Engineers* society of western Pennsyl- vania, Pittsburgh. Transactions. 1, 5+ 1880+ Englische studien. Heilbronn, &c. 1, 1877+ English catalogue of books. London. 1801 + English catalogue of books [annual] London. 1862, 1880-95, 1897, 1899- 1900, 1904+ English dialect society, London. Pub- lications. 1-80, 1873-9611 English Goethe society, London. Pub- lications. 4, 7+ 1888+ English historical review. London, &c. 1, 1886+ 58 List of Serials English historical society, London. Pub- lications. 1-29, 1838-5611 English journal. (National council of teachers of English.) Chicago. 1, 1912+ English journal of education. London. 1-3, 1843-45. English review. London. 10, 191 1-f Engstroms gynaekologische klinik in Hel- singfors. See Helsingfors. Gynaekol- ogische klinik des Prof. Dr. Otto Eng- strom. L'Enseignement mathematique. Paris. 1, 1899 -f Entomologica Americana. (Brooklyn entomological society.) 1-6, 1885-90|| Entomological magazine. London. 1-5, 1832-3811 Entomological news and Proceedings of the entomological section of the Acad- emy of natural sciences of Philadel- phia. 1, 1890-f Entomological society of America, Co- lumbus, O. Annals. 1, 1908+ Entomological society of London. Trans- actions. 1, 1836+ Entomological society of Ontario. An- nual report. 24-32, 36+ 1893 + Entomological society of Philadelphia. See American entomological society. Entomological society of Washington, Washington, D. C. Proceedings. 1, 1884+ Entomologische nachrichten. Berlin. 1-26, 1875-190011 Entomologische zeitung. (Entomolo- gischer verein zu Stettin.) 1, 1840+ Entomologisk tidskrift. Stockholm. 1, 1880+ Entomologist. London. 1, 1840+ Entomologists' monthly magazine. Lon- don. 1, 1864+ Entomologist's record. London, &c. 1, 1890+ Eos. Vienna. 9, 1913+ Ephemeriden fur das baufach. (Beilage zur Allgemeinen bauzeitung.) 1-2, 1844-48. Ephemeris archaiologike. See Archaio- logike ephemeris. Ephemeris epigraphica. Romae. 1-9, 1872-1903. Ephemeris of materia medica, pharmacy, therapeutics and collateral information. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1-6 [7] 1882-1904. M. Epilepsia. Leipzig. 1, 1909+ M. Episcopal hospital, Phila. See Philadel- phia. Hospital of the Protestant Epis- copal church. Epitome, New York. 1-10, 1880-8911 M. Epitome of Braithwaite's retrospect of practical medicine and surgery. N. Y, 1-2, 186011 M. Epitome of medicine. N. Y. 1-10, 1884- 9311 M. Ergebnisse der allgemeinen pathologic. Wiesbaden. 1, 1894+ M. Ergebnisse der anatomic und entwick- lungsgeschichte. Wiesbaden. 1-2 [3] 4-5 [6] 7+ 1891+ M. Ergebnisse der chirurgie und orthopadie. Berlin. 1, 1910+ M. Ergebnisse der immunitatsforschung, ex- perimentellen therapie, bakteriologie und hygiene. Berlin. {Continues Jahresbericht uber die ergebnisse der immunitatsforschung.) 1, 1914+ 1, 1914+ M. Ergebnisse der inneren medizin und kin- derheilkunde. Berlin. 1, 1908+ M. Ergebnisse der neurologic und psychiat- ric. Jena. 1, 1912+ M. Ergebnisse der physiologic. Wiesbaden, 1, 1902+ 1, 1902+ M. Ergebnisse der pflanzengeographischen durchforschung von Wiirttemberg. Baden, und Hohenzollern. 1, 1905 + Ergebnisse und fortschritte der zoologie. Jena. 1, 1909+ = 7 /:• ..^^ :vf^ ^ -nie^/^^^ - ^e>Ji/rzi) V . ^^ ^ ^ / e^^c 't C ^u^ ■ /f*,s^f- P^/^M^ ^>oC. t^y^l* t^A^i^^ .„. . «^ ." List of Serials 59 Erlangen. Universitat. Acta seminarii philologici Erlangensis. 1-5, 1878-91. Erythea : a journal of botany, west Amer- ican and general. Berkeley, Cal. 1-7, 1893-9911 Esoteric. Applegate, Cal. 12, 1898-99. Espana moderna. Madrid. 22-26, 1910- 1411 Essex institute, Salem, Mass. Annual report. 1899-1906, 1909+ Bulletin. 24-30, 1892-98. Estudio. Barcelona. 5, 1914+ Eugenics education society, London. Annual report. 2, 1909+ Eugenics record office. See Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. Eugenics record office. Eugenics review. (Eugenics education society.) London. [1] 2+ 1909+ Euphorion. Bamberg, etc. 1, 1894+ Erganzungsheft. 1, 1895 + Europa ; chronik der gebildeten welt Leipzig. 1836-42. Everybody's magazine. N. Y. 14, 1906+ Examiner. See San Francisco. News- papers. Experimental studies in psychology and pedagogy. 1, 1902+ The Expositor. London, s. 8, 1, 1911 + Fabian tracts. (Fabian society.) Lon- don. [1, 1884+] Far-Eastern review. Shanghai and Ma- nila. 8, 1911 + Faraday society, London. Transactions. 1, 1906+ Federal reporter. St. Paul. 1, 1880+ L. Federal trade reporter. Washington; Chicago. [1] 2+ 1912+ Federated Canadian mining institute. Ottawa. {In 1898 it consolidated with others to form Canadian mining insti- tute.) Journal. 2-3, 1897-981! Federated institution of mining engi- neers. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. See Institution of mining engineers. Federated Malay States. Institute for medical research. See Institute for medical research, Federated Malay States. Fermentforschung. Leipzig. 1, 1914+ M. Field and forest. (Potomac-side natural- ists' club.) Washington, D. C. 1-3, 1875-7811 Field and stream. N. Y. [5] 6-7 [8-10, 15-16, 18] 1900-13. Field Columbian museum. See Field museum of natural history, Chicago. Field museum of natural history, Chi- cago. Publications. 1, 1894-95. Anthropological series. 1, 1895 + Botanical series. 1, 1895 + Geological series. 1, 1895 + Ornithological series. 1, 1896+ Report series. 1, 1894+ Zoological series. 1-9 [10] 11+ 1895+ Filson club, Louisville, Ky. Publications. 2, 4, 6, 10, 13-14, 16, 1884-1901. Financial reform almanac. London. 1884-86. Financial register. London. 4, 1876. The Financial register of the United States. Phila. 1-2, 1837-38. Financial review. N. Y. 1884, 1894-95. Financier. N. Y. 81, 1903+ Finanz-archiv. Stuttgart. 1, 1884+ Finsens medicinske lysinstitut, Copenha- gen. See Copenhagen. Finsens medi- cinske lysinstitut. Finska vetenskaps societeten, Helsing- fors. Acta. 36 [2,7] 1908-09. Fire underwriters' association of the Pa- cific, S. F. Proceedings. 1-6, 11-12, 14, 16-28, 1877-1904. Firemen's magazine. See Brotherhood of locomotive firemen and enginemen's magazine. 60 List of Serials Fisher's colonial magazine and commer- cial-maritime journal. London. See Fisher's colonial magazine and journal of trade, commerce and banking. Fisher's colonial magazine and journal of trade, commerce and banking. Lon- don. {Continues Colonial magazine and maritime journal.) [2, 4; n.s., 1-2, 1843-45] Fishing gazette. London. [47-55, 57, 60, 1903-10] Flagstaff, Ariz. Lowell observatory. See Lowell observatory. Flister's kalender fur eisenbahn-betriebs- und verkehrs-beamte des Deutschen Reichs. Berlin. 5-14, 1888-97. Flora; oder, Allgemeine botanische zeit- ung. Jena. 72-80, 82+ 1889+ Florence. R. Biblioteca nazionale cen- trale. Bollettino delle publicazioni itali- ane. 1886-91 [1892-95] 1901 + Florida medical association. Transac- tions. 1896, 1902. M. Folia haematologica. Berlin, etc. 1, 1904+ 1, 1904+ M. Folia neuro-biologica. Leipzig. 1, 1907+ Folia serologica. {Continued hy Zeit- schrift fiir chemotherapie und ver- wandte gebiete.) 1-7, 1908-11|| 1-7, 1908-1111 M. Folia therapeutica. London. 2-5, 1908- 11. M. Folk-lore. (Folk-lore society.) London. {Continues Folk-lore journal.) 1, 1890+ Folk-lore journal. (Folk-lore society.) London. {Continues Folk-lore record, continued as Folk-lore.) 1-7, 1883-89] | Folk-lore record. (Folk-lore society.) London. {Continued as Folk-lore jour- nal.) 1-5, 1878-8211 Folk-lore society, London. Bibliography of anthropology and folk-lore. See Bibliography of anthropology and folk- lore. Publications. 1-22, 24+ 1878+ Food. N. Y. See Journal of practical medicine. Foreign medical press. N. Y. 1, 1887] | M. The Foreign quarterly review. London. {Merged into Westminster review.) 1-37, 1827-4611 Forest and stream. N. Y. [36-67, 1891- 1906] Forest leaves. (Pennsylvania forestry association.) Phila. 5-11, 1895-1908. Forester. See American forestry. Forestry and irrigation. See American forestry. Forestry quarterly. Ithaca, N. Y., etc. 1, 1902+ Forschungen zur neuren literaturge- schichte. Weimar. 1, 1896+ Fort Wayne journal of the medical sci- ences. Fort Wayne, Ind. See Fort Wayne medical journal-magazine. Fort Wayne medical journal-magazine. Fort Wayne, Ind. {Merged into Jour- nal of the Indiana state medical asso- ciation.) [1-2] 3 [4] 5 [6-7] 8-9 [10- 12] 13 [14-16] 17 [18] 19-21 [22] 23- 24, 26 [27-28] 1881-190711 M. Fort Wayne medical magazine. Fort Wayne, Ind. {Merged into Fort Wayne medical journal-magazine.) 1-4, 1892-9611 M. Fortnightly review. London. 1, 1865 + Fortschritte auf dem gebiete der rontgen- strahlen. Hamburg. 8-15 [16] 17+ 1904+ M. Erganzungsheft. 27, 1912+ M. Fortschritte der chemie, physik und phy- sikalischen chemie. {Nezv series of Physikalisch-chemisches centralblatt.) Leipzig. 2, 1910+ Fortschritte der krankenpflege. Berlin. See Zeitschrift fiir krankenpflege. Fortschritte der medizin. Leipzig. 1, 1883+ M. ■:Af, >U'4^ne^ . /^e^j — P^fe Aiti i/I ^, List of Serials 61 Fortschritte der mineralogie, kristallo- graphie und petrographie. (Deutsche mineralogische gesellschaft.) Jena. 1, 1911 + Fortschritte der physik. (Deutsche phy- sikalische gesellschaft.) Berlin. 1, 1845 + Fortschritte der physik: Halb-monat- liches verzeichnis. See Deutsche phy- sikalische gesellschaft. Berichte. Fortschritte der psychologie und ihrer anwendungen. 1, 1912+ Forum. N. Y. 1, 1886+ Fourth estate. N. Y. 1915 + Fra alle lande. Copenhagen. 1870-76. Franco-Amerique. Paris. 1, 1910+ France medicale. Paris. [19-22] 23-24 [25] 26 [27] 28-30 [31-32] 33-39 [40- 52] 1872-1905. M. Frankfort. K, Institut fiir experimentelle therapie. Arbeiten. 1, 1906+ M. Frankfurter verein fiir geographic und statistik. Jahresbericht. 70, 1905 + Frankfurter wirtschaftsbericht. 1905 + Frankfurter zeitschrift fur pathologic. Wiesbaden. 1, 1907+ M. Franklin institute, Phila. Journal. 5-85, 130+ 1828+ Yearbook. 1912+ Franklin journal and American mechan- ic's magazine. See Franklin institute. Journal. Fraser's magazine. London. {Super- seded by Longmans magazine.) 1-80; n.s., 1-26, 1830-8211 Frauenarzt. Leipzig. [1-2] 3-5, 7-9 [10, 15-17] 1886-1902. M. Freie biihne fiir den entwickelungs- kampf der zeit. See Neue rundschau. Freie biihne fiir moderne leben. See Neue rundschau. Freies deutsches hochstift, Frankfurt am Main. Berichte. {Continued by its Jahrbuch.) 1878-79, 1883-84; n.s., 2-17, 1885-1901 1 1 Jahrbuch. 1902-08, 1910+ Freight. See Trade and transportation. Friday Harbor, Wash. Puget Sound marine station. See Puget Sound marine station, Friday Harbor, Wash. Friedens-warte fiir zwischen-staatliche organisation. Berlin. [12-13] 14 [15] 16+ 1910+ Friends of American art, Chicago. Year- book. 2, 1911 + Fruit growers' convention of the state of California. Proceedings. Sacra- mento. 10-11, 18-19, 26, 28-29, 34, 36- 40, 1888-1911. Fiirstlich Jablonowskische gesellschaft der wissenschaften, Leipzig. Preis- schriften. 9-10, 14-15, 19, 29, 40, 1862- 1911. Mathematisch - naturwissenschaft - liche section. Preisschriften. 11, 16, 1891-1911. Gaillard's medical journal. N. Y. See Gaillard's southern medicine. Savannah, Ga. Gaillard's medical journal and American medical weekly. N. Y. See Gaillard's southern medicine. Savannah, Ga. Gaillard's southern medicine. Savannah, Ga.- 1-61, 64-72 [73] 74-80 [81] 82-83 [84] 1866-1906. M. JBcLnU^ ^B,'U^ . '^"^ Galveston medical journal. Galveston, Texas. 1 [2-4] 5, 1866-71 1| M. Galveston and Texas medical journal. See Galveston medical journal. Garden and forest. N. Y. 1-10, 1888-971 1 Gardeners' chronicle. London, s. 1,1-33; n.s., 1-26; s.3, 1-28, 1841-1900. Gardeners' chronicle and agricultural gazette. See Gardeners' chronicle. Gazzetta chimica italiana. Rome. 1, 1871 + Gazzetta degli ospedali e delle cliniche. Milan. 4 [5] 6-9 [10-11] 12 [13] 14 [15-16] 17 [18-20, 35] 36+ 1883-99, 1915+ M. 62 List of Serials Gazette de gynecologie. Paris. [1] 2-5 [6] 7-10 [11-19] 1885-1904. M. Gazette des hopitaux civils et militaires. Paris. See Lancette frangaise. Gazette hebdomadaire de medecine et de chirurgie. Paris. 1— s.3, 7, 1853-1902|1 M. Gazette medicale de Montreal. Mon- treal. [1] 2 [3] 4-6, 1887-9211 M. Gazette medicale de Paris. Paris. 1-72 m] 7A [75] 77-79, 1830-1908. M. Gegenbaurs morphologisches jahrbuch. Leipzig. 1, 1875 + Gehrcke's kalender fiir eisenbahn-beamte. Dresden. 19-23, 1892-96. General conference of railroad commis- sioners. Proceedings. See National association of railway commissioners. Proceedings. General electric review. Schenectady, N. Y. 13, 1910+ General practitioner. St. Louis. [1] 2, 1895-9611 M. General society of mechanics and trades- men of the city of New York. Annual report. 107-112, 118, 1892-1903. Geneva. Universite. Laboratoire de physiologic. Travaux. 1-2, 1899-1900. Laboratoire de therapeutique ex- perimentale. Travaux. 1-3, 1893-96. Genoa. Museo civico di storia naturale. Annali. 34, 1894+ Genossenschaft deutscher biihnen-ange- horiger, Leipzig. Almanach. 1-6, 1873-78. Gentleman's magazine. London. 1-303, 1731-190711 Geographen-kalender. Gotha. 3, 7, 8, 11, 1905-13. Geographical journal. London. 1, 1893+ Geographical society of California, S. F. Bulletin. [1] 2, 1893-94. Geographical society of Philadelphia. [2] 3 [4] 1896-1904. Geographical society of the Pacific. Bul- letin. s.2, 4, 6, 1905-10. Transactions and proceedings. [1] 2+ 1881 + Geologen-kalender. Leipzig. 1898-1903, 1905-06, 1909+ Geological magazine. London. {Con- tinues Geologist.) 1, 1864+ Geological record. London. 1874-78. Geological society of America, N. Y. Bulletin. 1, 1888+ Geological society of Glasgow. Trans- actions. [1-2] 3-8, 9, no. 1, 1863-90. Geological society of London. Geolog- ical literature added to the library. 5-19, 1898-1911. Quarterly journal. 1-51, 54+ 1845 + Transactions. 1- n.s., 7, 1811-56]] Geological society of South Africa, Jo- hannesburg. Transactions [and pro- ceedings] 1, 1897+ Geological society of Tokyo. Journal. 2-5 [6] 7-12 [13-20] 21+ 1894+ Geologische rundschau. (Geologische vereinigung.) Leipzig. 1, 1910+ Geologisches zentralblatt. Leipzig. 1, 1901 + Geologist; a popular illustrated monthly magazine of geology. London. {Con- tinued as Geological magazine.) [1-7] 1858-64. Georg, Karl. Schlagwort-katalog. See Karl Georgs schlagwort-katalog. Georgia eclectic medical journal. At- lanta, Ga. [1-2, 12-19] 1879-97. M. Georgia journal of medicine and surgery. Savannah, Ga. {Continued in South- ern medicine.) 1-10 [11-12] 1897-1903. M. Georgia medical and surgical encyclopae- dia. Sandersville, Ga. 1, 1860]] M. Georgia medical association. Journal. Atlanta, Ga. [2] 3+ 1913+ M. Transactions. 29-35, 43, 45, 47, 59, 1878-1908. M. Georgia medical companion. Atlanta, Ga. See Southern medical record. List of Serials 63 German American annals. N. Y. ; Phila. 1-9 [10] 1897-1908. Germania. Vierteljahrsschrift f ii r deutsche alterthumskunde. Stuttgart; Vienna. 1-37, 1856-92|1 Germanisch-romanische monatsschrift. Heidelberg. 1, 1909+ Germanistische abhandlungen. Breslau. 1-34, Z7, 39, 1882-1911. Geschafts-bericht des vorstandes der Gesellschaft deutscher naturforscher und arzte. See Gesellschaft deutscher naturforscher und arzte. Geschafts- bericht. K. k. Gesellschaft der aerzte zu Wien Wochenblatt. 1-10, 1861-70|| M. Zeitschrift. See Medizinische jahr- biicher. Gesellschaft der bibliophilen, Weimar. Jahrbuch. 6, 1904+ K. Gesellschaft der wissenschaften, Got- tingen. Gottingische gelehrte anzeigen. See Gottingische gelehrte anzeigen. Nachrichten. 1865-93|| Geschaftliche mittheilungen. 1894+ Mathematisch-physika 1 i s c h e klasse. 1894+ Philologisch-historische klasse. 1894+ Gesellschaft deutscher naturforscher und arzte, Leipzig. Geschafts-bericht. 1899+ M. Tageblatt der versammlungen. 42, 44-46, 49, 51, 53, 55, 58-59, 71, 1868- 99. M. Verhandlungen. 14, 20-21, 31-32, 34, 39, 63, 78 [83-85] 1836-1914. (42-59 in its Tageblatt.) M. Naturwissenschaftliche abthei- lungen. 72-73, 1900-01. Gesellschaft fiir altere deutsche ge- schichtskunde, Hanover. Neues ar- chiv. 38, 1913+ Gesellschaft fiir deutsche philologie in Berlin. See Jahresbericht iiber die erscheinungen auf dem gebiete der germanischen philologie. Gesellschaft fiir deutsche sprache, Zur- ich. Abhandlungen. 11, 1911. Gesellschaft fur erdkunde, Berlin. Ver- handlungen. 19-27, 1892-1900. Zeitschrift. (Continues Zeitschrift fiir allgemeine erdkunde.) 1-35, 1866- 1900. Gesellschaft fur morphologic und physio- logic, Munich. Sitzungsberichte. 1-26, 1885-1910. 12-14, 1896-98. M. Gesellschaft fiir psychologische for- schung, Leipzig. Schriften. 1-15, 1893- 1907. Gesellschaft fiir romanische literatur, Dresden. [Veroffentlichungen] 1-20 [21] 22, 1902+ Gesellschaft fur theatergeschichte, Berlin. Schriften. 9-10, 15-16, 1907-10. Gesellschaft naturforschender freunde, Berlin. See Archiv fiir biontologie. Gesellschaft zur forderung der wissen- schaften des ackerbaues und der kiinste im Unter-Elsass. See Societe des sciences, agriculture et arts de la Basse- Alsace. Gesundheits-ingenieur. Berlin, etc. 1, 1878+ Giornale dantesco. Florence. 15, 1907. Giornale degli economisti e rivista di statistica. Rome, s.2, 4-7, 34+ 1892+ . . . Giornale della libreria, della tipo- grafia, e delle arti ed Industrie affini. Milan. 21, 1908. Giornale delle strade ferrate. Rome, 1-2, 1857-59. Giornale di filologia romanza. Rome. (Preceded by Rivista di filologia ro- manza. Continued as Studi di filo- logia romanza.) 1-4, 1878-83|I Giornale di matematiche di Battaglini. Naples. 1, 1863+ 64 List of Serials Giornale di mineralogia, cristallografia e petrografia. Milan. 1-5, 1890-94. Giornale italiano delle malattie veneree e delle malattie della pelle. Milan. 1-14, 16-17 [18-20] 21 [22] 23-25 [26- 27] 28-33, 1866-98. M. Giornale storico della letteratura itali- ana. Turin. 1, 1883+ Supplemento. 1, 1898+ Glacialist's magazine. London. 1-5, pt. 3, 1893-97. Glasgow medical journal. Glasgow and London, o.s., 1, 3-5; n.s. [1] 2-8 [9] 10-13 ; 8.3, 1 [2-4] 5-7, 9-51 [52] 53-57 [58] 59 [60-63] 64-65 [66] 67 [68-72] 73-75, 77-78 [79] 80+ 1828+ M. Glasgow. Philosophical society. See Philosophical society of Glasgow. Glotta, zeitschrift fiir griechische und lateinische sprache. Gottingen. 1, 1907+ Gliickauf. Essen-Ruhr. 44, 1908+ Goethe-gesellschaft, Weimar. Jahrbuch. 1, 1914+ Beilage. 1, 1914+ Schriften. 1, 1885+ Goethe- jahrbuch. Frankfurt-am-Main. 1, 1880+ Gottingen. Universitat. Sternwarte. Astronomische mitteilungen. 1-6, 1869- 1900. Gottingen musenalmanach. Stuttgart. 1770-72. Gottingische gelehrte anzeigen. (K. Gesellschaft der wissenschaften, Got- tingen.) 170, 1908+ Golden Gate kindergarten association, S. F. Annual report. 1-15, 21, 23, 27+ 1880+ The Golden monthly. S. F. 1, no. 1, Jan. 186111 Good health. Battle Creek, Mich. [2, 5, 26, 37-40] 1868-70, 1891-1905. M. Good health. Boston. [1-4] 1869-72. M. Gordon memorial college, Khartum. Wellcome research laboratories. Re- ports. 1, 1904+ M. Graefe's archiv fiir ophthalmologic. Ber- lin and Leipzig. See Albrecht von Graefe's archiv fiir ophthalmologic. Graevell's notizen fiir praktische arzte iiber die neuesten beobachtungen in der medicin mit besonderer beriick- sichtigung der kranken-behandlung. Berlin. 1, 3 [5] ; n.s., 2-5 [7-8, 11-13, 17-18] 1848-74. M. Graham's illustrated magazine. Phila. 18-53, 1841-5811 Graphic. London. 44-59 [60] 61 + 1891 + Gratz. Institut fur physiologic und his- tologic. Untersuchungen. 1-2. Green bag. Boston. 1-26, 1889- 1914 1| L. Grenzboten. Leipzig, etc. 62, 1903+ Grenzfragen des nerven-und seelenlebens. Wiesbaden. 17, 24, 30, 36, 84, 1902-12. Grevillea. London. 1-18, 1872-89. Grillparzer-gesellschaft, Vienna. Jahr- buch. 1, 1890+ Gross medical college, Denver. Bulletin. [1-7] 1893-96. M. Guinness research laboratory. Transac- tions. 1, 1903-06. Gulf States historical magazine. Mont- gomery, Ala. 1-2, 1902-0411 Gunton's magazine. N. Y. 4, 6, 8-27, 1893-190411 Guy's hospital, London. Reports. 1-7; s.2, 1-6 [7-8] ; s.3, 1+ 1836+ M. Guy's hospital gazette. London. 26, 1912+ M. ' - '-" Gynaekologische rundschau. Berlin. 1, 1907+ M. Gynecological and obstetrical society of Baltimore. Transactions. 1, 1895-06. M. Gynecological society of Boston. Jour- nal. 1-7, 1869-7211 M. • i-o^'^ /'7 Transactions, n.s., 1, 1889. M. '^. 5 ^f '^^f u - 7i,^ j.0,/o j^m. List of Serials 65 Gynecologic. Paris. [1-2] 3 [4-6] 7 [8] 1896-1903. M. Hahnemannian advocate. Chicago. (For V. 1-34, no. 7. See Medical advance.) [34] 35 [36-38] 1895-99. M. HTahnemannian monthly. Phila. [3-5, 8] 9 [10-12] 13-15 [16] 17 [18-19] 20- 32 [33] 34 [35-37] 38 [39] 40-41 [42-44, 47-48] 49+ 1868+ M. Hakluyt society, London. Works issued by the society. 1, 1847+ Half-yearly abstract of the medical sci- ences. London. 1-44, 51, 53, 55, 1845- 72. M. N. Y. (American reprint.) 1-32, 44-58, 1845-7311 M. Half-yearly compendium of medical sci- ence. Philadelphia. See Quarterly compendium of medical science. Hall's journal of health. N. Y. [2, 6-7, 10] 13-14 [18, 21-22, 29, 26] 1855-89. M. Hamburg. Bbtanische staatsinstitute. Mitteilungen. 1898-1910. Hamburg. Naturhistorisches museum. Mitteilungen. 27, 1909+ Hamburgische medizinische iiberseehefte. Hamburg. 1, 1914+ M. Hamilton association, Hamilton, Ontario. Proceedings. 1-4, 1882-87. Hampton negro conference, Hampton, Va. Annual report. 2-5, 1898-1901. Harbinger of light. Melbourne. 1906+ Harper hospital, Detroit, Mich. Bulletin. [1-5, 8-9] 10 [11] 12 [13-14] 1890-1904. M. Harper's monthly magazine. N. Y. 1, 1850+ Harper's weekly. N. Y. 1, 1857+ Hartford seminary record. (Hartford theological seminary.) Hartford, Conn. 1-23, 1890-191311 Harvard business studies. Cambridge. 1, 1914. Harvard economic studies. 1, 1906+ Harvard engineering journal. Cam- bridge, Mass. [3-9, 1904-10] Harvard graduates' magazine. Boston. 1, 1892+ Harvard historical studies. 1-12, 19+ 1896+ Harvard law review. Cambridge, Mass. 1, 1887+ L. Harvard oriental series. 1-11, 1891-1908. Harvard psychological studies. Lancas- ter, Pa., and N. Y. 1, 1903+ Harvard studies and notes in philology and literature. Boston. 1-11, 1892- 1907. Harvard studies in classical philology. 1, 1890+ Harvard studies in comparative litera- ture. 1, 1910+ The Harvard theological review. N. Y. 1, 1908+ Harvard university. Collis P. Hunting- ton memorial hospital for cancer re- search. Annual report. 1, 1912+ M. Dept. of social ethics. Publications. 1, 3+ 1908+ Divinity school. See Harvard theo- logical review. Gray herbarium. Contributions. U.S., 1, 1891-1903. Jefferson physical laboratory. Con- tributions. 1, 1903+ Library. Bibliographical contribu- tions. 4-6, 8, 11-13, 17, 19, 22-23, 26, 29-60, 1879-1911. Medical alumni association, Boston. Bulletin. 1-15 ; n.s., 1-4, 1891-1906. M. Quarterly. 1, 5-10, 13-14, 1901- 04. M. Medical school. Medical publica- tions. Boston. 1887-90. M. Cancer commission. Report. Boston. 3-5, 1905-09. M. Department of surgery. Bul- letin. 1, 3-7, 1903-12. M. Physiological laboratory. Col- lected papers. 2, 1880-86. M. 66 List of Serials Warren anatomical museum. Bulletin. 1, 1910. M. Museum of comparative zoology. Annual report. 1883/84, 1890/91, 1895/ 96, 1904/05 + Bulletin. [1-32] 33+ 1880+ Contributions. 17, 33, 42, 103, 113, 116, 119, 121-123, 125-128, 131, 134, 139, 150-151, 155-156, 158, 160-161, 165, 173-176, 180, 183, 207, 210, 212, 232. Memoirs. [1-6, 8-10, 12-14, 16-41, 44+ 1864+] Observatory. Annals. [9-42, 44-48, 50-57, 59-66, 68-72, 74+ 1877+] Annual report. 50, 57-63, 65- 66, 68+ 1894+ Circular. 1-124, 131-187, 1900+ Peabody museum. Archaeological and ethnological papers. See its Pa- pers. Memoirs. 1, 1896+ Papers. 1, no. 7+ 1901 + Psychological laboratory. See Har- vard psychological studies. School of architecture. Architec- tural quarterly. See Architectural quarterly of Harvard university. Harvardiana. Cambridge, Mass. 4, 1837/38. Harvey society, N. Y. Harvey lectures. 1905 + Havana. Universidad. Facultad de let- ras y ciencias. Revista. 1, 1905 + Hawaii educational review. Honolulu. 1 [2]+ 1913+ Hawaiian almanac and annual. Hono- lulu. 7, 16, 18, 26-30. 38, 1881-1912. Hawaiian entomological society, Hono- lulu. Proceedings. 1, 1905 + Hawaiian historical society, Honolulu. Annual report. 1911 + Hawaiian sugar planters' association. Experiment station. Division of ento- mology. Bulletin. 1, 1905-06. Division of pathology and phy- siology. Bulletin. 1, 1905 + Hawaiian volcano observatory, Hono- lulu. Weekly bulletin. 2, no. 1-26, 1914. Hazell's annual. . . London. 1, 1886+ Health. N. Y. [2, 32] 35 [43] 45-46 [47, 49-51, 57-60, 63; n.s., 47-48, 50-51] 1846-1901. M. Health-culture. N. Y. [1, 3-4, 6-9, 19] 1894-1913. M. Health reformer. Battle Creek, Mich. See Good health. Hearst's magazine. 10-24, 1905-13. Heart. London. 1, 1909+ 1, 1909+ M, ^'/ "^■' Hebraica. See American journal of Semitic languages and literatures. Heidelberg. Ophthalmologische gesell- schaft. See Ophthalmologische gesell- schaft, Heidelberg. Heidelberger jahrbiicher der literatur. 60-61, 1867-68. Heidelberger kongress. See Ophthal- mologische gesellschaft, Heidelberg. Helios. Berlin. (Naturwissenschaft- licher verein fur den regierungs-bezirk, Frankfurt.) 8-22, 1891-1905. Helsingfors. Gynaekologische klinik des Prof. Dr. Otto Engstrom. Mitteilun- gen. 1-2, 1897-98. M. Henke's zeitschrift fiir die staatsarznei- kunde. Erlangen. 1-88, 1821-64|| M. Erganzungshefte. 1-47, 1823-5511 M. Henle & Pfeufer's zeitschrift. See Zeit- schrift fiir rationelle medizin. Henry Bradshaw society. . . for the editing of rare liturgical texts. Pub- lications. 1-38, 1891-1909. Herald of health. N. Y. See Health. Herald of peace. London, n.s., 738-744, 746+ 1912+ Herapath's railway journal. London. (Continwed as Railway times.) 1 ; n.s., 1-20, 22-47, 55-65, 1835-19031] Herbart society for the scientific study of teaching. See National society for the study of education. . ^>l ' -t: > fi i^iVC ^a^u^i'^ ^'i50^'^^/y Jtn^i 't.-nni^^ O^Jc/^tt^A ^.o^. ^f^^,^i*^j^f/l ^^i^^uA fi.^ . iM ^/rr '^^d^ty . ^'-V • J3(^£trfe v./ it'/t tft^Ain.i *i^^^^u^ ¥ List of Serials a Herbier Boissier, Geneva. Bulletin. 1, 1901-0811 Memoires. 1, 1900] | Hermathena. Dublin. 1, 1874+ Hermes; zeitschrift fiir classische phil- ologie. Berlin. 1, 18664" Hesperia ; ■» Schriften zur germanischen philologie. Gottingen. 1, 1912+ Erganzungsreihe. Schriften zur en- glischen philologie. 1, 1912+ Hesperian. S. F. [5-9, 1861-62] Hibbert journal. London. 1, 1902+ Die Hilfsschule. (Verband der hilfs- schulen Deutschlands.) Halle. 3, 1910+ Hinrichs' halbjahrs-katalog. Leipzig. [1852-97] 1899+ Hinrichs' vierteljahrs-katalog. 1891-1904. Hirnanatomisches institut, Zurich. Ar- beiten. See Zurich, Hirnanatomisches institut. Hispanic society of America. Revue his- panique. See Revue hispanique. Histoire de la Societe royale de medecine. See Societe royale de medecine. His- toire. Historic society of Lancashire and Che- shire, Liverpool. Transactions. 53, 1901. Historical and philosophical society of Ohio. Quarterly publication. Cincin- nati. 4, 1909+ Historical association, London. Annual bulletin of historical literature. 2, 1912+ Leaflet. 1, 1907+ Council. Annual report. 7, 1912+ Historical magazine and notes and quer- ies concerning the antiquities, history and biography of America. Boston, &c. 1-23, 1857-7511 Historical society of New Mexico. See New Mexico. Historical society. Historical society of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography. See Pennsylvania maga- zine of history and biography. Historical society of southern California, Los Angeles. Publications. 1-7 [8] 1884-1910. Historische vierteljahrschrift. Freiburg i. B. (Continues Deutsche zeitschrift fiir geschichtswissenschaft.) 1, 1889+ Historische zeitschrift. Munich. 1, 1859+ Historischer verein von Oberpfalz und Regensburg. Verhandlungen. 40, 42, 44, 47, 48, 1886-96. Historisches jahrbuch. Munich. 34, 1913+ The history teacher's magazine. Phila. [1] 2+ 1909+ Hobart Town, Tasmania. Colonial times. 11, 14, 1826, 1829. Home progress. Boston. [2, 1913+] Homoeopathic examiner. N. Y. and London. 1-3; U.S., 1-2, 1840-4711 M. Homoeopathic eye, ear and throat jour- nal. Lancaster, Pa. [1-2] 3 [4-6, 8, 11] 1895-1905. M. Homoeopathic journal of obstetrics and diseases of women and children. N. Y. See Journal of surgery, gynecology and obstetrics. Homoeopathic journal of obstetrics, gynaecology and paedology. N. Y. See Journal of surgery, gynecology and obstetrics. Homoeopathic journal of obstetrics, gynecology and pediatrics. N. Y. See Journal of surgery, gynecology and obstetrics. Homoeopathic medical sotiety of Califor- nia. See California state homoeo- pathic medical society. Homoeopathic medical society of the state of New York, Albany, N. Y. Transactions. 1-12, 15 [22] 26-28, 1863-93. M. 68 List of Serials Homoeopathic news. St. Louis. [8-9, 20, 22-27] 1879-98. M. Homoeopathic physician. N. Y. [1, 3] 5-13 [14] 1881-94. M. Homoeopathic recorder. Phila. [1] 3 ,[4] 5-11 [12, 19-21] 1886-1906. M. Homoeopathic times'. N. Y. See Med- ical times. N. Y. Homoeopathic world. London. [9-10, 12-13] 15 [16] 1874-81. M. Hongkong daily press. Sept. 1901-Aug. 1902. Hoppe-Seyler's zeitschrift fiir physiolo- gische chemie. Strassburg. 1, 1877+ 1-66 \ui: ^ (P^^ \\y\.a'Ui Yn^*:*^ -fvyiX^Hri -Ck^C • -B-cL^^'^»4rwr- U-JJ^-f j^pi>-fl •v\ . ^'=^.3i Journal des chemins de fer, des mines et des travaux publics. Paris. 1-18, 55+ 1842+ Journal des connaissances medico-chirur- gicales. Paris. See Revue de thera- pcutique medico-chirurgicalc. Journal des connaissances utiles. Paris. 1-17, 1831-4811 Journal des economistes. Paris. 1, 1841 + Journal des mines. Paris. (Continued as Annales des mines.) 1-38, 1795- 18151 1 Journal des societes scicntifiques. Paris. (Succeeds Compte rendu general des academies et societes medicales de la France et de I'etranger.) 1-7, 1885-91. M. Journal des savants. Paris, n.s., 12, 1914+ Journal du droit international prive. Paris. 1, 1874+ L. Journal fur chemie und physik. Nurem- berg. (Continues Journal fiir die che- mie, physik und mincralogic. Con- tinued as Journal fur praktische che- mie. Vol. 31-60 also entitled: Jahr- buch der chemie und physik v. 1-30; vol. 61-69, Neucs jahrbuch der chemie und physik v. 1-9.) 1-69, 1811-33|I Journal fur die chemie, physik und min- cralogic. Berlin. (Continues Neues allgemcincs journal der chemie. Con- tinued as Journal fiir chemie und phy- sik. Vol. 1-3 have title Journal fiir die chemie und physik.) 1-9, 1806-1011 Journal fiir die chirurgie, gcburtshiilfc und gcrichtliche arzneykunde. Jena. 1-4, 1797-180611 M. Journal fiir die reine und angcwandte mathematik. Beriin. 1, 1826+ 80 List of Serials Journal fiir gasbeleuchtung. Munich. 1, 1858+ Journal fiir geburtshulfe, frauenzimmer- und kinderkrankheiten. Leipzig. (Merged into Neue zeitschrift fiir geburtskunde.) 1-17, 1813-38] 1 M. Journal fiir kinderkrankheiten. Erlan- gen. 1-59, 1843-72|| M. Journal fiir praktische chemie. Leipzig. (Continues Journal fiir chemie und physik and Journal fiir technische und okonomische chemie.) 1, 1834+ Journal fur psychologic und neurologic. Leipzig. (Continues Zeitschrift fiir hypnotismus.) 1-7, 12+ 1902+ 1, 1902+ M. Journal fur technische und okonomische chemie. Leipzig. (Continued as Jour- nal fiir praktische chemie.) 1-18, 1828- 3311 Journal fur zahnheilkunde. Berlin. [1-3, 5-9] 1886-94. M. Journal general de medecine, de chirur- gie et de pharmacie. Paris. 1-61, 1796-1817. M. Journal-lancet. Minneapolis. [1-3] 4-19 [20] 21 [22] 23-24 [25-27, 31] 35+ 1881+ M. Journal medical frangais. Paris. 5, 1912+ M. Journal of abnormal psychology. Bos- ton. 1, 1906+ [2, 6] 7+ 1908+ M. Journal of accountancy. N. Y. 1, 1905 + Journal of advanced therapeutics. N. Y. [4, 11] 12-16 [17-19] 20-21 [22-23] 1886-1905. M. .. Journal of American folk-lore. (Ameri- can folk-lore society.) Boston, etc. 1-13, 18+ 1888+ Journal of American history. New Ha- ven. 1-2 [3, 4, 7] 1907-13. Journal of analytical and applied chem- istry. Easton, Pa. [2] 3-4 [5] 1888-91. Journal of anatomy and physiology. Lon- don. 1-13, 21+ 1867+ 1, 1867+ M. Journal of animal behavior. Cambridge, Mass., etc. 1, 1911 + Journal of anthropology. (Anthropolog- ical society of London.) London. (Preceded by Anthropological review. Continued as Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Jour- nal.) 1, 1870-7111 Journal of applied microscopy and lab- oratory methods. Rochester, N. Y. 1-6, 1898-190311 Journal of balneology and climatology. (British balneological and climatolog- ical society.) London. 12-13, 1908-091 1 Journal of biological chemistry. N. Y., etc. 1, 1905 + 1, 1905+ M. Journal of botany, being a second series of the Botanical miscellany. London. (Continued as London journal of bot- any.) 1-4, 1834-4211 Journal of botany, British and foreign. London. 7, 1869. Journal of chemical technology. (Asso- ciation of chemical technologists.) London. 1, 1912+ Journal of chronic diseases. Chicago. 1, 189811 M. Journal of commerce. See San Fran- cisco. Newspapers. Daily journal of commerce. Journal of comparative literature. N. Y. 1, 1903. Journal of comparative medicine and surgery. Phila. See Journal of com- parative medicine and veterinary ar- chives. Journal of comparative medicine and vet- erinary archives. Phila. 1-18 [19, 21] 1880-1900. M. Journal of comparative neurology. Phila. 1, 1891 + 1, 1891+ M. Journal of comparative neurology and psychology. See Journal of compara- tive neurology. nxr^r^id. af^^*)> W^Ii^>CC , P.*l^n^<>^i'^'Ji Journal of Hellenic studies. (Society for the promotion of Hellenic studies.) London. 1, 1880+ Journal of heredity. Washington. [5, 1914+] Journal of home economics. Baltimore. [2-3] 7+ 1910+ Journal of hygiene. Cambridge, Eng. 1, 1901+ • : -^ /; ; /" 1, 1901+ M. Plague supplement. (No. 1 is the 6th report on plague investigations in India. Previous reports were issued as extra numbers of the Journal of hy- giene.) 1, 1911 + Supplement : Parasitology. See Parasitology. 82 List of Serials Journal of hygiene and herald of health. N. Y. See Health. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry. Easton, Pa. 1, 1909+ Journal of inebriety. Boston. 1-30 [31] 32 [34] 35+ 1876+ M. _ Journal of infectious diseases. Chicago. 1, 1904+ 1, 1904+ M. Journal of jurisprudence. Edinburgh. 1-35, 1857-911! L. Journal of laryngology, rhinology, and otology. London. 1, 1887+ M. ,,, . Journal of malacology. London. 1-6, 1891-97. Journal of materia medica. New Leb- anon, N. Y. n.s., 1-3 [4] 5-17 [18-24, 26-28] 29 [30-34] 1858-96. M. Journal of medical research. Boston. {Continues Boston society of medical research. Journal.) 17, 1907+ [1] 2+ 1896+ M. Journal of medicine and science. Port • land, Me. (Maine academy of medi- cine and science.) 1-10 [11] 12, 1894- 190511 M. Jb<^»i^ou> i*-^>l ''««^%'-M«»^" Journal of mental pathology. N. Y. [1-8] 1902-09. M. Journal of mental science. London. 2-43, 1856-97. M. 55, 1909+ Journal of morphology. Boston, etc. 1, 1887+ 19-21, 1908-10. M. Journal of mycology. Columbus, O. (None published between Aug. 1894 and May 1904. Continued as Myco- logia.) 1-14, 1885-190811 Journal of natural philosophy, chemis- try and the arts. London. (Merged ■into the Philosophical magazine, called later the London, Edinburgh and Dub- lin philosophical magazine.) 1-34, 1802-13!! Journal of nervous and mental disease. N. Y. 1, 1874+ M. Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British empire. London. 1, 1902+ M. ■•■■:■- Journal of ophthalmology, otology and laryngology. N. Y. 1-16, 1889-1904. M. Journal of orificial surgery. Chicago. [1-7] 1892-99. M. Journal of parasitology. Urbana, 111. 1, 1914+ Journal of pathology and bacteriology. Cambridge, Eng. (Pathological so- ciety of Great Britain.) 1, 1892+ M. 12-16, 1908-12. Journal of pedagogy. Syracuse, etc. [6, 8-9] 11-16, 18-19 [20] 1892-1907. Journal of pharmacology and experi- mental therapeutics. Baltimore. 1, 1909+ M. Journal of philology. (Cambridge philo- logical society, Cambridge, Eng.) 1, 1868+ Journal of philosophy, psychology and scientific methods. N. Y., etc. 1, 1904+ Journal of physical chemistry. Ithaca, N. Y. 1, 1896+ Journal of physiology. London. 1, 1878+ 1, 1878+ M. Journal of political economy. (Chicago university. Dept. of political economy.) Chicago. 1,1892+ Journal of practical medicine. Lowell, Mass. [1, 3-4] 5-11, 1892-1900!! M. Journal of practical medicine and sur- gery. American ed, Boston. 1-2, 1859- 60. M. Journal of preventive medicine. London. See Journal of state medicine. Journal of prison discipline and philan- thropy. (Pennsylvania prison society.) Phila. n.s., 1-2, 13, 28, 32, 35-40, 1862- 1901. Journal of psycho-asthenics. Faribault, Minn. 11. 1906+ '^.^.<^ ^ffLT^^i^itfimiJ.a^d <>^-/<«^»ytv^^r^gNu,,.^.>., j^aJiloi-tf«at'^ffi '7, 41-43, 1901-03. M. Contributions. Sacramento, 1-5, 1889-9511 Publications. 1, 1887+ 5 [7] 1901-02. M. Liebig's annalen der chemie. See Justus Liebig's annalen der chemie. Life and health. Washington, [9, 11-12, 16, 18-20] 21+ 1894+ M, Lille. Policlinique, Annales. [1, 5-6] 1892-97. M. 88 List of Serials Lilly scientific bulletin. (EH Lilly & co., chemists.) Indianapolis. 2, 1912+ Linnaea entomologica. (Entomologischer verein, Stettin.) Berlin. 1-16, 1846- 6611 Linnean society of London. Journal. Botany. 1, 1857+ Zoology. 1, 1857+ Transactions. 1-30, 1791-1875. Series 2. Botany. 1, 1880+ Series 2. Zoology. 1-9, 12+ 1879+ Linnaean society of New South Wales. Proceedings. Sydney. 1, 1875 + Lister institute of preventive medicine. London. Collected papers. 9-10, 1912- 14. M. Literarhistorische gesellschaft, Bonn. Schriften. 1, 3-4, 9+ 1906+ Literarhistorisches taschenbuch. Han- nover. 6, 184811 Das Literarische echo. Berlin. 1, 18^+ Literarisches centralblatt fiir Deutsch- land. Leipzig. 1, 1850+ Beilage. See Die Schone literatur. Literary digest. N. Y. 32, 1906+ Literary news. N. Y. n.s., 12 [13] 14- 17 [18-19] 20-21 [22] 23-25, 1891-1904. Literary West. S. F. [1, 3-4] 1902-04. Literary world. Boston. {After 1905 merged with Critic to form Putnam's monthly.) [23] 24-28 [29] 30 [31-35] 1892-1904. Literary year book. London. 1, 14+ 1897+ Literatur- und anzeigeblatt fiir das bau- fach. Beilage zur Allgemeinen bauzeit- ung. 1-7, 1837-65. Literaturblatt fiir germanische und ro- manische philologie. Heilbronn and Leipzig. 1, 1880+ Literature. N. Y. (Merged into the Academy in Jan. 1902.) [1] 2-3; n.s., 3, 6, 13, 14, 1897-99. Littell's Living age. See Living age. Litterarhistorische forschungen. Berlin. 7, 10, 20, 34-36, 1898-1908. Litterarischer verein in Stuttgart. Biblio- thek. 1-22, 27-31, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48- 49, 53, 55, 58-59, 68, 70-74, 76-106, 108- 125, 127-189, 191+ 1842+ Liverpool engineering society. Transac- tions. 1, 1881 + Liverpool geological society. Proceed- ings. 1-7 [8-9] 1859-1904. Liverpool marine biology committee. (Marine biological station, Port Erin, Isle of Man.) Memoirs. 1, 1899+ Liverpool medico-chirurgical journal. Liverpool. 1-17, 20-35, 38-43, 52-53, 1881-1908. M. Liverpool school of tropical medicine. Annals of tropical medicine and para- sitology. Liverpool. 1, 1907+ M. Memoirs. 1, 1902. 1, 5, 7, 10-11, 13-21, 1902-0611 M. Yellow fever bureau. Bulletin. 1, 1911 + Liverpool. University. Bio-chemical dept. Johnston laboratories. Bio- chemical journal. See Bio-chemical journal. Faculty of arts. Otia merseiana. See Otia merseiana. Institute of archaeology. Annals of archaeology and anthropology. 1, 1908+ Living age. Boston. 1, 1844+ Lloyd library, Cincinnati. Bibliograph- ical contributions. 1, 1911 + Bulletin. Botany series. 1, 1911 + Mycological series. 1, 1902+ Pharmacy series. 1, 1902+ Reproduction series. 1, 1900+ Local courts and municipal gazette. Tor- onto. 1-8, 1865-7211 L. Locomotive. Hartford, Conn, n.s., 1, 1880+ Locomotive engineer. N. Y. See Loco- motive engineering. N. Y. ^l-w^3, i'c^'h- ''>: O^h (^:^.^'f t^ft^ ^ ^^V- ^'f^-1'k ■ /hij/-/p>^ {C'»Jc/a<*^rf (^*4 c^ fi^ff^Y ■>-3; -^'^ . ^fff-f4 List of Serials 91 McCaskey's clinical studies. Fort Wayne, Ind. See Fort Wayne medical maga- zine. McClure's magazine. N. Y. 2-41, 1893- 1913. Machinery. N. Y. 6-7 [8, 12] 13-14 [15-16, 18] 19+ 18994- Machinery. Engineering ed. See Ma- chinery. Machinery. Railway ed. N. Y. {Con- tinues Journal of railway appliances and Machinery.) n.s. [1] 2-7 [8] 9-10 [11] 1901-11. Machinist's monthly journal. Washing- ton. 16, 1904+ Madrid. Universidad central de Espana. Revista trimestral micrografica. See its Trabajos del Laboratorio de investi- gaciones biologicas. Trabajos del Laboratorio de investi- gaciones biologicas. 1, 1896+ Magazin fiir die deutsche sprache. Leipzig. 1-2, 1782-84. Magazine of American history. Port Chester, N. Y. [36-37, 40] 1908-11. Magazine of American history, with notes and queries. N. Y. 1-30, 1877- 9311 Magazine of art. London. 15-18 [19] 23-28, 1891-190411 Magazine of history. N. Y. [7-8] 9-12, 1908-10. Magazine of natural history. London. (Continued in Annals and magazine of natural history.) 1-n.s., 4, 1828-40|1 Magazine of zoology and botany. Edin- burgh. (Continued in Annals of nat- ural history, later Annals and maga- zine of natural history.) 1-2, 1837-38|| Magazine subject-index. Boston. 1, 1908 + Magyar tudomanyos akademia, Budapest. Almanach. 1911-13. Rapport sur les travaux de I'Aca- demie hongroise des sciences. 1910-12. Maine historical society. Collections. 1-9, 1847-87. Documentary history. (Half-title: Maine historical society. Collections. S.2.) 1-8, 1869-1902. Maine medical and surgical reporter. Portland, Me. 1, 1858-59] | M. Maine medical association. Journal. Portland, Me. [4] 5+ 1914+ M. Transactions. 1866-72, 1880, 1882, 1884-96, 1898, 1904. M. Maine state bar association. Proceed- ings. Augusta. 2, 5-6, 9+ 1893+ L. Maine. University. Studies. 1-4, 6-7, 1900-07. Malone society. Collections. London. 1, 1911 + Reprints. 1907+ Malpighia. Geneva. 17, 1903+ Man. (Royal anthropological institute.) London. 1, 1901 + Manchester geological society. Transac- tions. 1-20, 1841-90. Manchester guardian. Manchester, Eng. Oct. 1913 + Manchester. University. See Victoria. University of Manchester. Manchester university lectures. See Victoria. University of Manchester. Lectures. Manhattan eye, ear, and throat hospital, N. Y. Reports. 1-4, 6, 9+ 1894+ M. Manila. American. 2, 1899. Manila medical society, Manila, P. L Bulletin. [2-5] 1910-13. M. Manila. Weekly times. Mar. 21, 1913+ Manitoba law journal. Winnipeg. 1-2, 1884-8511 L. Manual of American waterworks. N. Y. 2, 4, 1889-97. Manual of statistics. N. Y. 18, 22, 1896- 1900. Manual training magazine. Chicago. 1, 1899+ 92 List of Serials Marburger studien zur englischen philol- ogie. 1-12, 1901-06. Marine biological association of the United Kingdom. Journal. London. 1, 1887+ Maritime medical news. Halifax, N. S. (Merged into Journal of the Canadian medical association.) [1-2] 3-4 [5] 6-14 [15] 16-17 [18] 1888-1906. M. Marseille. Musee d'histoire naturelle. Annales. 1 [6] 14, 1882-1912. Maryland and Virginia medical journal. Baltimore and Richmond. 1-16, 1853- 61|| M. Maryland college of pharmacy, Balti- more. Journal and transactions. 1 ; n.s. [1] 2, 1858-6211 M. Maryland. Medical and chirurgical fac- ulty. See Medical and chirurgical fac- ulty of the state of Maryland. Maryland medical and surgical journal. Baltimore. (Official organ of the Medical dept. of the Army and Navy of the U. S.) 1 [2] 1839-41. M. Maryland medical journal. Baltimore. 1-42 [43] 44-51 [52] 54 [55-56] 57+ 1877+ M. Maryland medical recorder. Baltimore. Maryland prisoners' aid association. An- nual report. Baltimore. 15, 19-20, 1884-89. Maryland state bar association. Transac- tions. Ocean City [etc.] 8-10, 1903-05. L. Massachusetts. Civil service reform as- sociation. Women's auxiliary, Boston. Documents. 3, 5-6, 12, 23, 29-30, 1902- 11. Massachusetts eclectic medical journal. Boston. See Massachusetts medical journal. Massachusetts general hospital, Boston. Publications. 1, 1905+ M. Orthopedic dept. Papers. 1, 1912. M. Massachusetts historical society, Boston Collections. 1, 1792+ Proceedings. 1, 1791 + Massachusetts institute of technology. Society of arts. Abstract of proceed- ings. Boston. (Continued in Tech- nology quarterly.) 18, 24, 1879-86. Massachusetts medical journal. Boston. [1-3] 4 [5] 6-12 [13-16] 17 [18] 19 [20] 21-25 [26] 1881-1906. M. Massachusetts medical society. Medical communications. 2-3 [4] 5-11 [12-13] 14-16, 1813-95. M. Publications. 1-3, 1856-71. M. Massachusetts register and United States calendar. Boston. 1805, 1817, 1819, 1820, 1827-28, 1830. M, Massachusetts society for mental hy- giene. Publications, Boston. 1, 1915, Massachusetts society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. Our dumb ani- mals. See Our dumb animals. Massachusetts teacher. Boston, 2 [3] 4-21 [25] 26 [27] 1849-74, Masses, N. Y. 6, 1915 + Master mind. Los Angeles. [7, 1914+] Masters in art. Boston. 1-10, 1900-09, Masters in music. Boston. 5-6, 1905. K. Materialpriifungsamt zu Gross-Lich- terfelde-West. See Berlin. K. Mate- rialpriifungsamt der Technischen hoch- schule. Mathematical gazette, London, 1, 1896+ Mathematical magazine. Erie, Pa, [1-2] 1884-90. Mathematische annalen. Leipzig. 1, 1869+ Mathematische gesellschaft, Hamburg. Mitteilungen. 1, 1889+ Mathematische und naturwissenschaft- liche berichte aus Ungarn. Leipzig. 25-29, 1907-11. Mathews' medical quarterly. Louisville, Ky. See Louisville monthly journal of medicine and surgery. if&i^d .U-rrfixMiH^. 1-h^taC l^^^U£Jr^^ . ^AX£ai- 2>, 1885-1902. M. Medical society of the state of Washing- ton. Transactions. 1891, 1896, 1901. M. Medical society of the state of West Vir- ginia. Transactions. 3-8, 18-21, 23-24, 35, 1870-1902. M. Medical society of Victoria. Australian medical journal. See Australian med- ical journal. Medical standard. Chicago. 1, 1887+ M. J'.,. •■/.,,■ /-.:■ . '■ ■ ;r' Medical summary. Phila. [1-4] 5 [6-7] 8-11 [12] 13-14 [15-16] 17 [18-19] 20- 25 [26-27, 29] 33 [34] 35+ 1879+ M. Medical times. London. {Merged into Medical times and gazette.) 1-n.s., 3, 1839-5111 M. Medical times. London. {Continues Medical times and hospital gazette.) [22-29, 31, 35, 39+] 1894+ M. Medical times. N. Y. [20-21] 22 [23- 25] 26+ 1898+ } . - ) [1, 4] 5-7 [8-12] 13-19 [20-21] 22-32 [34] 35+ 1873+ M. Medical times. Phila. See Medical times and register. Medical times and gazette. London. 1-68, 1852-8511 M. ^^-,Uro iir^- 7i^jlf(¥ 67-68, 188511 Medical times and hospital gazette. Lon- don. See Medical times. Medical times and register. Phila. 1-27 [28] 29-33 [34] 35 [36] 37 [38-39] 40- 41, 1870-190311 M. Medical tribune. N. Y. (Volume num- bering irregular.) [1-6] ; [n.s., 6] 7-8 [9] 1879-84; 1890-9511 M. Medical visitor. Chicago. [2-8] 9 [10- 21] 1886-190511 M. Jl^« f*^if ^\ts\i> S^' ^igi-C ai^U4^ ^/^rucru^^'J ' ^y^y. vJlr^fOrt^ 0^/-!< 's^a/Amt- i--^^ i^a-^e List of Serials 97 Medical week. Paris. (English ed. of Semaine medicale.) 1-S, 1893-97[| Medical world. N. Y. 1, 1871 -72|| M. Medical world. Phila. 1 [2] 3-6 [7] 8-10 [11] 12 [13] 14-15 [16] 17-20 [21] 22-26 [27^ 28-30 [31] 32+ 1883+ M. 'y:.^.-u,.,. ^-/- -V.' .: Medicine. Detroit. {Merged into Thera- peutic gazette.) 1-3 [4] 5-11 [12] 1895-19061! M. B«.^At r./^^JTf- Medico-pharmaceutical journal. N. Y. [9-11] 12 [13] 1903-05. M. Medicus. Frederick, Md. [2-3] 4-5 [6] 7 [8-9] 10, 1894-190211 M. Medizinische jahrbiicher. Vienna. {Con- tinues Zeitschrift der k. k. Gesellschaft der aerzte zu Wien.) 1-n.s., 3, 1844- 8811 M. Medizinische klinik. Berlin. 1, 1904+ M. J^^ux£irijT ^, '^/)3+- Melbourne. Netvspapers. Age. Dec. 1897-1909 [1910] Mar. 1911 + Argus. May-Dec. 1855, Dec. 1897 + Australasian. [1894-97] 1898+ Leader. [1894-97] 1898+ Melbourne Church of England messen- ger. 3, 1852. Melbourne monthly magazine. [1] 1855. Melbourne Punch. [1865-66] [1869] 1871-73 [1878] 1879. Melbourne Punch's almanac. (Mel- bourne Punch. Supplement.) 1878- 79. Melbourne review. 1-10, 1876-851] Melbourne. University. Collected pa- pers from the science laboratories. 1-2, 1906-09. University review. [2, 5-6, 8] 1885- 91. Memorabilien. Heilbronn. [17] 18 [19] 20-26 [27] 28-30 [31] 32-39 [40-43] 1872-1900. M. 98 List of Serials Memorial de la librairie frangaise. Paris. 21, 1914+ Memphis journal of the medical sciences. Memphis. 1-3 [4] 1889-93] | M. Memphis lancet. Memphis, Tenn. {Merged into Memphis medical month- ly.) 1-4, 1898-190011 M. Memphis medical monthl3^ Memphis, Tenn. (Continues Mississippi Valley medical monthly.) [1-2] 3-19 [20] 21 [22] 23-25 [26-28] 29-31 [32-33] 1881- 1913. M. Memphis medical recorder. Memphis, Tenn. [1] 2-5 [6] 1852-58] | M. Mendell journal. (Mendell society.) London and Manchester. 1-3, 1909-12| | Menschenfreund, eine wochenschrift. Aachen. 1772. Merchants' association of New York. Yearbook. 1906-09. Merchants association review. S. F. (Superceded by San Francisco cham- ber of commerce journal.) [1] 2-7 [8-11] 12-16, 1896-191111 Merchants' magazine and commercial re- view. N. Y. (Merged into Commer- cial and financial chronicle, 1871.) 1-48 [49] 50-58 [60-63] 1839-70] | Merck's annual report of recent ad- vances in pharmaceutical chemistry and therapeutics. Darmstadt. 1896, 1899- 1900, 1902+ 24, 1910+ M. Merck's archives. N. Y. 1-4 [5-6] 7 [8-10, 13-15] 16, 1899-191411 M. Merck's bulletin. N. Y. See 'American medico-surgical bulletin. Merck's market report. N. Y. See Merck's report. Merck's report. N. Y. [1, 4-8, 10-11, 16] 1892-1907. M. Mercredi medical. Paris. 1-6, 1890-95!] M. Mercure de France. (Serie moderne.) Paris. 65, 1907+ Mercure historique et politique. Parme and La Haye. 1-4, 6-83, 1686-1727. Meriden scientific association, Meriden, Conn. Proceedings and transactions. 2-4, 1885-90. Message of the East. Boston. 1, 1912+ Messenger of mathematics. Cambridge. 1, 1861 + Messenger of peace. Marceline, Mo. [37, 1913+] Metal miner and colliery engineer. See Mines and minerals. Metall und erz. Halle. 1, 1904+ Metallographist. See Iron and steel magazine. Metallurgical and chemical engineering. N. Y. 1, 1902+ Metallurgie. See Metall und erz. Meteorological record. London. 1-30, 1881-1910. Meteorologische zeitschrift. Berlin. 1, 1884+ Mexican mining journal. Mexico City. 6, 1908+ Mexican year book. London; N. Y. 1908, 1912+ Mexico. Observatorio astronomico na- cional. Boletin. Mexico. 1, 1912+ Michigan academy of science, Lansing. Report. 1, 1894+ Michigan engineering society. Proceed- ings. See Michigan engineers' annual. Michigan engineers' annual. (Michigan engineering society.) 7-10, 1886-89. Michigan law review. Ann Arbor. 1, 1902+ L. Michigan medical news. Detroit. (Merged into Medical age.) 1-5, 1878- 8211 M. E.fv.-- \~> Michigan pioneer and historical society. Historical collections. Lansing. 1, 1874+ Pioneer collections. See its His- torical collections. Michigan political science association. Publications. Ann Arbor. [1-4] 5-6, 1893-190511 I , K^t < List of Serials 99 Michigan. Pomological society. See Michigan. State horticultural society. Michigan schoolmasters' club. Journal. Ann Arbor. 31-32, 34-35, 37-41, 44+ 1898+ Meeting. See its Journal. Proceedings. See its Journal. Michigan state bar association. Proceed- ings. 1903, 1905, 1908, 1910+ L. Michigan. State horticultural society. Annual report, Lansing. 1-10, 12-20, 1870-90. Michigan state medical society. Journal. Detroit. 1 [2] 3-8 [9] 10-11 [12-13] 14+ 1902+ M. Transactions. 13-16, 18, 20, 22-23. 1889-99. M. Michigan. University. Botanical series : Field notes in botany. 1-3, 1906. Historical studies. 1-3, 1911-13. Humanistic papers, s.2, 3, 1913. Studies : Humanistic series. 1, 1904+ Scientific series. 1, 1914. Clinical society. Transactions. 1, 1909+ M. Electro-therapeutical laboratory. Bulletin. 1-3 [4] 1894-97. M. Museum of zoology. Occasional pa- pers. 1-4, 8+ 1913+ Report. 1903, 1904/05-1905/06. 1907/08, 1909/10, 1911/12+ Physical laboratory. Contributions. Ann Arbor. 1, 1913+ Microscope. Ann Arbor and Washing- ton. 1-12; n.s., 1, 1881-93. M. Microscopical bulletin and opticians' cir- cular. Phila. [1-2] 3-8 [9-13] 1884- 96. M. Microscopical bulletin and science news. Phila. See Microscopical bulletin and opticians' circular. Microscopical society. See Royal micro- scopical society. Middlesex hospital, London. Reports. 1885-86, 1888, 1890-97. M. Midland medical miscellany. Leicester. See Provincial medical journal. Mid-Pacific magazine. Honolulu. [1-2] 3-5 [6] 1911-13. Milan. Museo civico di storia naturale. See Societa italiana di scienze naturali, Milan. Military surgeon. Washington. 1-20 [21] 22+ 1891+ M. Hv'.'i6-c: ^}>l>^i%-r Milwaukee medical journal. Milwaukee, Wis. [1-6] 7 [8-11] 12 [13, 19] 1893- 1911. M. Milwaukee. Public museum. Bulletin. 1, 1910/11. Mind ; a quarterly review of psychology and philosophy. London. 1, 1876+ Mind and body. Milwaukee, Wis. 1, 1894+ Mineral industry. N. Y. (Statistical supplement to Engineering and min- ing journal.) 1, 1892+ Mineral wealth. Redding, Cal. 6-7 [8-9] 1904-08. Mineralogical magazine and journal of the Mineralogical society. London. 1, 1887+ Minerva; jahrbuch der gelehrten welt. Strassburg. 1-2, 4+ 1891/92+ Mines and methods. Salt Lake City; [1-4] 1909-13. Mines and minerals. Scranton, Pa. 12-17, 19+ 1891 + Mining; journal of the Northwest min- ing association. Spokane. {Continues Northwest mining review. Continued as Northwest mining news, later Northwest mining and metallurgy.) 1-5 [6] 7-8 [9] 10-11 [12-13] 1896- 1904. Mining and electrical review. See Min- ing and engineering review. Mining and engineering review. S. F. [7-9, 11, 13] 14-21 [22] 1896-1906. Mining and engineering world. Chicago. 22, 1905 + 100 List of Serials Mining and metallurgical journal. Los Angeles. (Absorbed by Engineering and mining journal.) [15-18] 19-22 [23] 1896-1901. Mining and metallurgical society of America. Bulletin. 1, 1908+ Mining and scientific press. S. F. 39-74 [75] 76+ 1879+ Mining and smelting magazine. London. 1-6, 1862-64. Mining bulletin. (Pennsylvania state college. Dept. of mining engineering.) 1-5, no. 1, 1894-9911 Mining directory and reference book of the United States, Canada and Mexico. Chicago. 1, 1892. Mining journal. London, 83, 85-94, 96+ 1908+ Mining magazine. London. 1, 1909+ Mining magazine. N. Y. 1-10; s.2, 1-2, 1853-6111 Mining press. See Mining and scientific press. Mining reporter. See Mining science. Mining science. Denver. (Continuation of Ores and metals and Mining re- porter which combined in 1907, the volume number of Mining reporter being retained.) 49-61 [62] 63+ 1904+ Mining world. See Mining and engi- neering world. Mining world index of current litera- ture. Chicago. 1, 1912+ Minneapolis. Chamber of commerce. Annual report of the trade and com- merce of Minneapolis. 7, 9, 11-22, 1889-1904. Minneapolis homoeopathic magazine. Minneapolis. [1-3] 4-6 [7-8] 9 [10] 11, 1892-190211 M. Minnesota academy of natural sciences. See Minnesota academy of sciences. Minnesota academy of sciences, Minne- apolis. Bulletin. [1-2] 3 [4] 1874-1901. Minnesota academy of social sciences. Papers and proceedings of the . . . annual meeting. 1, 1907+ Minnesota historical society. Biennial report. St. Paul, etc. 7-8, 10, 17, 1890- 1912. Collections. St. Paul. 1, 1872+ Minnesota. State conference of charities and correction. Proceedings. St. Paul. 2-16, 1894-1907. Minnesota state medical association. Journal. See Journal-lancet. Minnesota state medical society. Trans- actions. 4, 7, 12, 1872-80. M. Minnesota. University. Bulletin: Cur- rent problems. 1, 1913 + Extra series. 1, 1913. General series. 8, 1914+ Studies in chemistry. See its Studies in physical sciences. Studies in economics. See its Studies in the social sciences. Studies in engineering. 1, 1915 + Studies in language and literature. 1, 1914. Studies in public health. 1, 1913. 1, 1913+ M. Studies in the physical sciences and mathematics. 1, 1912+ Studies in the social sciences. 1, 1913 + Dept. of anatomy. Contributions. 1, 1909+ 1, 1909+ M. Engineers' society. Year book. 1892/93. School of mines experiment sta- tion. Bulletin. 1, 1912+ Miramichi natural history association, Chatham, N. B. Proceedings. 6, 7, 1911-13. Missionary herald. (American board of commissioners for foreign missions.) Boston. [53, 88] 89-90 [91, 99] 1857- 1903. Missionary review of the world. N. Y. ; London. [25-27] 37+ 1902+ Mississippi historical society. Publica- tions. Oxford, Miss. 11, 1910. List of Serials 101 Mississippi medical record. Vicksburg. See Mississippi state medical associa- tion. Journal. Mississippi state medical association. Journal. Vicksburg. [1-2] 3 [4] 5-7 [8] 9 [10] 1897-1906. M. Transactions. 12-15, 1879-82. Mississippi Valley historical association. Proceedings. Cedar Rapids, la. 1, 1907+ historical review. 1, 1914+ medical monthly. See Memphis med- Mississippi Valley Cedar Rapids, la. Mississippi Valley Memphis, Tenn. ical monthly. Missouri bar association. Proceedings. Columbia. 1907. L. Missouri botanical garden. See St. Louis. Missouri botanical garden. Missouri clinical record. 3t. Louis. See St. Louis clinical record. Missouri dental journal. St. Louis. [1-2] 3 [4] 5-6 [7-9] 10-14 [15] 1869-83|| M. Missouri medical and surgical journal. St. Louis. {Merged into St. Louis medical and surgical journal.) 1-2, 1847-48. M. Missouri state medical association. Journal. St. Louis. 1-2 [3-5] 6+ 1904+ M. Js^oM^i^^ S / •Ho-''\'^ Transactions. 9, 11, 29-31, 34-36, 2^, 43, 46, 1867-1903. M. Missouri. University. Bulletin: Engi- neering experiment station series. 1, 1910+ Law series. 1, 1913+ L. Library series. 1, 1908+ Medical series. 1, 1913+ Science series. 1, 1911 + Social science series. 1, 1914+ Studies. 1-2, 1901-03. • Literary and linguistic series. 1, 1909+ Science series, 1, 1905 + Social science series. 1-2, 1905-09. Laws observatory. See Laws Ob- servatory. Mitteilungen aus den grenzgebieten der medizin und chirurgie. Jena. 1, 1896+ M. ■-'-••.■ -7- Mitteilungen fiir arzte (Knoll). Lud- wigshafen. See Knoll's Mitteilungen fiir arzte. Mitteilungen zur geschichte der medi- zin und der naturwissenschaften. Hamburg and Leipzig. 1, 1902+ M. 8-10, 1909-10. Mnemosyne. Leyden, etc. n.s., 1-34, 36+ 1873+ Mobile medical and surgical journal. Mobile, Ala. [1] 2-7 [8, 14] 1902-09. M. Modern electrics. N. Y. [2] 3-4 [5] 1909-12. Modern hospital. St. Louis. 1, 1913 + M. Modern language association of America. Publications. Baltimore. 1, 1884+ Transactions. See its Publications. Modern language notes. Baltimore. [1, 6] 7-9 [10] 11 [12] 13+ 1886+ Modern language quarterly. London. 1-7, 1897-1904. Modern language review. Cambridge. Eng. 1, 1905 + Modern language teaching. London. 4, 1908+ Modern machinery. Chicago. 15-18, 20, 1904-06. Modern medicine. Battle Creek, Mich. P.cuiii. 1-6 [7] 8 [9-13] 14 [15] 1891-1906. M. ' .,^. Modern medicine and bacteriological re- view. Battle Creek, Mich. See Mod- ern medicine. Modern medicine and bacteriological world. Battle Creek, Mich. See Mod- ern medicine. Modern medical science. N. Y. [1-4] 5-6 [7-8] 9-15 [16-17] 1886-1905. M. Modern philology. (University of Chi- cago.) Chicago. [1] 2+ 1903+ 102 List of Serials Modern quarterly of language and liter- ature. See Modern language quarterly. Modern sanitation. Pittsburgh. [5-6] 1908-09. Moderne stil. Stuttgart. 7, 1905. Modernograph. (United moderns.) Denver. 6, 1902. Mois medico-chirurgical. Paris. [5-11] 1903-09. Molieriste ; revue mensuelle. Paris, 1-10, 1879-8911 Monaco. Musee oceanographique. See Institut oceanographique. Monatliche unterredungen einiger guten freunde von allerhand biichern und andern annehmlichen geschichten. Leipzig. 1689-98. Monatsberichte fiir urologie. Berlin. {Merged into Zeitschrift fiir urologie.) 1-11, 1896-190611 M, Monatsberichte tiber die gesamtleistun- gen auf dem gebiete der krankheiten des harn- und sexual-apparates. Ber- lin. See Monatsberichte fiir urologie. Monatsblatt fiir medicinische statistik und offentliche gesundheitspflege. Ber- lin. 5"^^ Deutsche klinik, Monatschrift fiir hohere schulen. Berlin. 6, 1907+ Monatshefte fiir chemie und verwandte theile anderer wissenschaften. Vienna. 1, 1880+ Monatshefte fur deutsche sprache und padagogik. Milwaukee, Wis. 12, 1911 + Monatshefte fiir mathematik und physik. Vienna. 1, 1890+ Monatshefte fiir praktische dermatolo- gie. Hamburg and Leipzig. See Der- matologische wochenschrift. Monatshefte fiir praktische thierheil- kunde. Stuttgart. 1, 1890+ M. Monatsschrift fiir geburtshiilfe und gyna- kologie. Berlin. 1, 1895+ M. Monatsschrift fiir geburtskunde und frauenkrankheiten. Berlin. 1-34, 1853- 69|1 M. Monatsschrift fiir kinderheilkunde. Leip- zig and Vienna. 1, 1902+ M. Monatsschrift fiir ohrenheilkunde und laryngo-rhinologie. Berlin and Vienna. 1, 1867+ M, Monatsschrift fiir ohrenheilkunde sowie fiir kehlkopf- nasen- rachenkrank- heiten. Berlin and Vienna. See Mon- atsschrift fiir ohrenheilkunde und laryngo-rhinologie. Monatsschrift fiir orthopadische chirur- gie und physikalische heilmethoden. Berlin. 3-4 [5-6] 1903-06. M. Monatsschrift fiir psychiatric und neu- rologic. Berlin. 1, 1897+ 1-12, 15-22, 35+ 1897+ M. Monatsschrift fiir unfallheilkunde und invalidenwesen. Leipzig. 22, 1915 + M, Money, N. Y. [1-2] 3 [4] 1897-1900. Money market examiner and railway re- view. London. Dec. 1848-49. Monist. Chicago. 1, 1890+ Monitore. Milan. 1, 1910. Montana bar association. Proceedings. Helena. 1, 1885-1902. L Montana historical society. Contribu- tions. Helena. 1-5, 1876-1904. Montana. University. Bulletin : Bio- logical series. 1, 3, 5-7, 10, 1901-06. Geological series. 1-3, 1903-08. Studies in psychology. 1, 1908. Montanistische rundschau. Vienna. 7, 1915 + Montevideo. Instituto de agronomia, Revista, 1-12, 1907-13. Monthly abstract of medical science, Phila, {Merged into Medical news and abstract.) 1-6, 1874-79|I M. Monthly cyclopaedia and medical bul- letin. Phila, 1,1887+ M, > ' V" '-'^'^1^ Monthly cyclopaedia of practical medi- cine. Phila. See Monthly cyclopae- dia and medical bulletin. Monthly homeopathic review. London. 1-29 [33] 1857-85. M. List of Serials 103 Monthly illustrated Atlantis. N. Y. 6, 1915 + Monthly journal of foreign medicine, Phila. (Published also under title Spirit of the European medical jour- nals.) 1-3, 1828-2911 M. Monthly journal of medical science, Edinburgh, See Monthly journal of medicine. Monthly journal of medicine. Edinburgh. (Merged into Edinburgh medical jour- nal.) 2-3 [5] 6-20, 1842-5511 M. Monthly journal of medicine. Hartford, Conn. 1-5 [6] 1823-2511 M. Monthly magazine and American review. N. Y. (Continued by American re- view and literary journal.) 1-3, 1799- 1800. Monthly medical news. Louisville, Ky. 1-3, 1859-6011 M. Monthly microscopical journal. London. (Preceded by Transactions of the Microscopical society. Continued as Journal of the Royal microscopical so- ciety.) 4, 1870. 1-18, 1869-7711 M. Monthly repository and library of enter- taining knowledge. 3, 1832. Monthly retrospect of the medical sci- ences. Edinburgh. 1-2, 1848-491 1 M. Monthly stethoscope and medical re- porter. Richmond, Va. 1 [2] 1856-5711 M. Montreal horticultural society and Fruit- growers' association of the Province of Quebec. Report. 7, 1881. Montreal general hospital, Montreal. Pathological report. 1, 1876-77. M. Reports, clinical and pathological. 1, 1880. M. Montreal medical journal. Montreal. 1-26 [27] 28 [29] 30-31 [32] 33-34 [35, 37] 1872-1908. M. Montreal. Royal Victoria hospital. See Royal Victoria hospital, Montreal. Moody's analyses of railroad investments. N. Y. 3, 1912+ Moody's magazine. N. Y. 1, 1905 + Moody's manual of corporation securi- ties. See Moody's manual of railroads and corporation securities. Moody's manual of industrial and mis- cellaneous securities. See Moody's manual of railroads and corporation securities. Moody's manual of railroads and cor- poration securities. N. Y. 1-4, 6+ 1900+ Morgagni. Milan. [18-19, 21] 22 [23-24] 25 [26-27] 28 [29-30] 31 [32-33, 40-43] 56+ 1876+ M. Morphologische arbeiten. Jena. (Con- tinued as Zeitschrift fur morphologic und anthropologic. Stuttgart.) 4, 1895. Morphologisches jahrbuch. See Gegen- baur's morphologisches jahrbuch. Moscow. Institut agronomique. An- nales. See Moscow. Selskokhoziaist- vennyi institut. Moscow. SelskokhoziaTstvennyi institut. Izviestiia. [10-19] 1904-13. Mother earth. N. Y. 1, 1906+ Mother's nursery guide. N. Y. See Babyhood. Motorman and conductor. Detroit, Mich. 13, 1904+ Mt. Sinai hospital, N. Y. Reports. 1-4, 1898-1904. M. Mouvement medical. Paris. 2, 1914+ M. Moyen age. Paris. 20, 1907+ Miinchener beitrage zur romanischen und englischen philologie. 7, 13, 35, 38-41, 1894-1908. Miinchener medizinische wochenschrift. Munich. 33-42, 1886-95. 1, 1854+ M. Baa^^^ t>lk,m7'^ Miinchener museum fiir philologie des mittelalters und der renaissance. Mu- nich. 1, 1911 + Miinchener studien zur psychologic und philosophic. 1, 1914+ Muhlenbergia. Los Gates, Cal, 1, 3+ 1900+ 104 List of Serials Mulford digest. Phila. 1, 1912+ M. Munich. K. Bayerische biologische ver- suchsstation. Berichte. 1-2, 1908-09. Munich. Stadtisches allgemeine kran- kenhaus. Annalen. 1-8, 1874-94. M. Munich. K. Technische hochschule. Mit- theilungen aus dem mechanisch-tech- nischen laboratorium. 1, 3-6, 8+ 1874+ Munich. Universitat. K. Psychiatrische klinik. Jahresbericht. 1906-07. Municipal affairs. N. Y. 1-6, 1897-1902] | Municipal gazette. Shanghai. 5-6, 1912- 13. Municipal journal and engineer. N. Y. [3-7, 11-12] 1897-1902. Municipal record. S. F. 1, 1908+ [5] 6, 1912+ M. Municipal year book of the United King- dom. London. 1898-99.. , . Musee oceanographique de Monaco. See Institut oceanographique. Musee royal d'histoire naturelle de Bel- gique. See Brussels. Musee royal d'historie naturelle de Belgique. Musenalmanach. Berlin. 3, 1906. Musenalmanach. Gottingen. See Got- tinger musenalmanach. Musenalmanach. Tubingen. 1797?-1799? Museo civico di storia naturale, Genoa. See Genoa. Museo civico di storia naturale. Museo nacional de historia natural, Buenos Aires. See Buenos Aires. Museo nacional de historia natural. Museon. Louvain. n.s., 8, 1907+ Museum d'histoire naturelle, Paris. See Paris. Museum d'histoire naturelle. Museum of foreign literature, science and art. Phila. 1-45, 1822-42. Musashino. See Japan; formerly Musa- shino. Musser dept. of research medicine of the University of Pennsylvania. See Penn- sylvania. University. John Herr Mus- ser dept. of research medicine. Mycologia. Lancaster, Pa. (Continues Journal of mycology.) 1, 1909+ Nancy. Universite. Seance de rentree. 1898-1902, 1905-09, 1911 + Naples. Stazione zoologica. Fauna und flora des Golfes von Neapel. 1, 1880+ Mitteilungen. 1, 1879+ Naples. Universita. Institute di ana- tomica comparata. Lavori fatti. s. 2, 3, 1910. Orto botanico. Bullettino. 1, 1899+ Nashville journal of medicine and sur- gery. Nashville, Tenn. 1-4 [5] 6-12 [13] 14-20 [21] ; n.s., 1-24, 26-39, 41-46, 69-76 [77] 78-79 [80] 81-86 [87] 88-93 [94-98] 1851-1906. M. ■ i^tjirvh Nation. London, s. 3, [10] 11+ 1911 + Nation. N. Y. 1, 1865 + Nation; wochenschrift fiir politik, volks- wirtschaft und literatur. Berlin. [18- 20] 21-24, 1900-07. National academy of sciences, Washing- ton. Biographical memoirs. 1, 1877+ Memoirs. 2, 1883+ 2 [3] 1883-86. M. Proceedings. 1, 1915 + 1, 1915+ M. Report. 1901, 1903. M. National almanac and annual record. Phila. 1863-6411 National association for the promotion of social science. Transactions. London. 1857-84. National association for the study and education of exceptional children. Pro- ceedings. Plainfield, N. J. 1, 1910+ National association for the study and prevention of tuberculosis. Transac- tions. N.. Y. 1-5, 1905-09. 1, 1905+ M. National association of Audubon socie- ties for the protection of wild birds and animals. Report. Harrisburg, Pa. 1905, 1911. V(A ,yV-^^<^<'^S v'l^^iA.'-- "•""'£/w^^d^/^-//c^ /S. .v^.'>/xr- f<^0^-/^^ f f^^ijr)^JdaiA^fi^ ,^C^'g,^c4. 4^,'^ A,}^ ^'^-^. ^~^/ . /'i-i ~^/ J?M^?J^ List of Serials 105 National association of car service man- agers. See American association of demurrage officers. National association of cement users. Proceedings. 1, 1905 + National association of corporation schools. Annual convention. N. Y. 1, 1913+ Bulletin. [1] 1914+ National association of local freight agents' associations. Proceedings of annual meeting. Chicago. 7, 1894. National association of manufacturers of the United States of America. Ameri- can industries ; the manufacturers' magazine. See American industries; the manufacturers' magazine. Proceedings of the annual conven- tion. 8, 1903+ National association of officials of bu- reaus of labor statistics in the United States. See International association of officials of bureaus of labor, factory- inspection and industrial commissions. National association of railway commis- sioners. Proceedings. 1, 1889+ National association of railway surgeons. Journal. Fort Wayne, Ind. (v. 1 is- sued in v. 8, no. 4-v. 9, no. 5 of the Fort Wayne journal of the medical sciences.) 1-3, 1888-9111 M. Transactions. 4, 1891. M. National association of state dairy and food departments. See Association of state and national food and dairy de- partments. National association of state universities in the United States of America. Transactions and proceedings. 1, 1903+ National association of United States pension examining surgeons. Trans- actions. 1-2, 1903-04. M. National association of wool manufac- turers. Bulletin. Boston. [2-8] 9 [10-11] 12+ 1871 + National board of fire underwriters. Proceedings. N. Y. 29, 1895. [Reports] — Committee of twenty. N. Y. 1-49, 1904-06. N. National board of health magazine. Y. See Public health journal. National board of trade. Proceedings. Boston. 2-4, 6, 9, 1869-76. National brick manufacturers' associa- tion of the United States of America, Indianapolis. Official report. 3-15, 1888-1901. National car and locomotive builder. N. Y. 13-20, 23-26, 1882-95. National car builder. See National car and locomotive builder. National child labor committee, N. Y. Child labor bulletin. 1, 1912+ Pamphlets. 1914+ Proceedings. 3-7, 1907-11. National civic federation. Welfare dept. Welfare workers' conference. 1904, 1911. National civic federation review. N. Y. 1-3 [4] 1903-14. National civil service reform league. Proceedings. N. Y. 4-7, 9-16, 18+ 1884+ National collegiate athletic association. Proceedings. 1, 3+ 1906+ National committee for mental hygiene, N. Y. PubHcation. 2, 1911 + National confederation of state medical examining and licensing boards. Trans- actions. 7, 9-11, 13-14, 19-20, 1897- 1910. M. National conference of charities and cor- rection. Proceedings. 1-5, 7+ 1874+ 11, 13^ 1884-1903. M. Reformatory section. Proceedings. 19, 1892. National conference of Jewish charities in the United States. Proceedings. 1-2, 1900-02. 106 List of Serials National conference of state boards of health. Proceedings. 3-4, 6-7, 9, 1884- 93. M. National conference on city planning. Proceedings. 2, 1910+ National conference on industrial dis- eases. [Proceedings.] 1-2, 1910-12. National conference on pellagra. Trans- actions. 1, 1909. 1, 1909. M. National conference on race betterment. Proceedings, 1, 1914+ National conference on state and local taxation. See National tax associa- tion. National conference on the education of backward, truant, delinquent and de- pendent children. Proceedings. Plain- field, Ind. 2-4, 6+ 1905+ National consumers' league. Annual re- port. N. Y. 2-5, 8, 10, 13+ 1900+ National convention of chiefs and com- missioners of the various bureaus of statistics of labor in the United States. See International association of offi- cials of bureaus of labor, factory in- spection and industrial commissions. National convention of officers of bu- reaus of labor statistics in the United States. See International association of officials of bureaus of labor, factory inspection and industrial commissions. National convention of railroad commis- sioners. Proceedings. See National association of railway commissioners. National corporation reporter. Chicago. 17, 19-21, 23-35, 37-45, 1898-1913. [6-47] 1889-1914. L. National conservation congress. Pro- ceedings. Washington. 1, 1909+ National democratic quarterly review. Washington. 1, 1859/60. National dental association. Transac- tions. 2, 1898. M. National divorce reform league. See National league for the protection of the family. National druggist. St. Louis. [15-16, 18, 25, 28-31, 34-35, 38-39] 1889-1909. M. National education association of the United 3tates. Bulletin. [1, 1913+] Journal of proceedings. (No ses- sions held in 1861-62, 1867, 1878, 1906.) 1858, 1865-66, 1870, 1872-82, 1884+ Yearbook. 1903/04-1904/05, 1907/ 08+ Dept. of superintendence. Pro- ceedings. 1909-12. National electric light association. Bul- letin. N. Y. 1-2 [3] 1907-10. Conventions. N. Y. 1-3, 6-9, 11-13, 21-22, 24, 26-34, 1885-1911. National era. See Washington. Nation- al era. National geographic magazine, (Na- tional geographic society.) Washing- ton. 1, 1889+ National Herbart society. See National society for the study of education. National hospital and sanitarium record. Detroit. See National hospital record. National hospital record. Detroit. [1, 3-9] 1897-1906. M. National humane review. (American hu- mane association, Albany, N. Y.) 1, 1913+ National institute of social sciences. An- nual meeting. 2, 1915 + National irrigation congress. Official proceedings. 12, 17+ 1904+ National kindergarten association. An- nual report. N. Y. 1, 1909+ National league for the protection of the family. Report. Boston. 1886-1904, 1912. National lumber manufacturers' asso- ciation. Official report. Chicago. 8, 10, 1910, 1912. National magazine. N. Y. 15-18 [19] 1891-94. "'^^XJMJ^-^MJS^itahiltC^ ,^g^'^v/>^-^t . A , C^l^g^vt-' f-| n-M. / -^cOiliruJ ') ^'7^1" List of Serials 107 National marine engineers' beneficial as- sociation of the United States of Amer- ica. Journal of proceedings. Chicago. 11, 1910+ National medical association. Journal. 3, 1911+ M. "-•.,-- • f - National medical conventions. Proceed- ings. 1846-4711 M. National medical journal. Washington. 1-2, 1870-7211 M. National medical review. Walter S. Wells, editor. Washington. 1, 1878- 79|i M. National medical review. Charles H. Stowell, ed. and publ. Washington. 1-4 [5] 6-10 [11] 1892-190111 M. National municipal league. Proceedings of the Conference for good city gov- ernment and the annual meeting of the National municipal league. Phila. (Continued in National municipal re- view.) 1894-191011 National municipal review. (National municipal league.) Baltimore. 1,1912+ National pharmaceutical convention. Proceedings. See American pharma- ceutical association. Proceedings. National popular review. Chicago. [1-5] 6 [7] 1892-9511 M. National prison association. See Ameri- can prison association. National quarantine and sanitary con- vention. Proceedings and debates. 3-4, 1859-60. M. National review. Shanghai, China. 11, 1912+ National school magazine. London. 1 [2-3] 1824-25. National society for promoting the edu- cation of the poor in the principles of the Established church, London. The National society's monthly paper. 1847-48, 1855-58. National society for the promotion of industrial education, N. Y. Bulletin. Asbury Park, N. J. 1-6, 1907-08. National society for the scientific study of education. See National society for the study of education. National society for the study of educa- tion. Yearbook. Chicago. 1, 1894+ National society of the sons of the Amer- ican revolution. Official bulletin. Washington. [5, 1911 + ] National sportsman. Boston. [32] 33+ 1914+ National tax association. Proceedings. 1, 1907+ National teachers association. See Na- tional education association of the United States. National union of elementary teachers. Report. 1879/80-1882/83. National^konomisk tidsskrift. Copen- hagen. 45, 1907+ Nation's business. Washington. 1, 1912+ Natomas news. (Natomas consolidated of California.) Sacramento; S. F. [1-3] 1911-13. Naturae novitates. Berlin. 32, 1910+ Natural ice association of America. Pro- ceedings. N. Y. 3, 1911 + Natural science. London. 1-15, 1892-99. Naturalists' directory. Salem, Mass. 1877, 1885-86, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1894-95, 1904, 1914. Naturalists' universal directory. See Naturalists' directory. Nature. London. 1, 1869+ Nature study review. (American nature study society.) N. Y. [5] 6+ 1910+ Naturforschende gesellschaft, Bern. Mit- theilungen. no. 979-1003. 1880. Naturforschende gesellschaft zu Rostock. Sitzungsberichte und abhandlungen. [1902-03]; n.s., 1, 1909+ K. Naturforscher-gesellschaft, St. Peters- burg. Biologischesiisswasserstation. Be- richte. 1-3, 1901-12. Naturhistorische gesellschaft, Nurem- berg. Abhandlungen. [1] 4, 7-18 [19] 20+ 1858+ 108 List of Serials Jahresbericht. (1891-1905 issued with its Abhandlungen v.9-16. Super- seded by its Mitteilungen.) 1887, 1896- 190511 Mitteilungen. (Supersedes its Jah- resbericht.) [2-4] 1908-10. Naturhistorischer verein der preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens, Bonn. Sitzungsberichte. (Continues Nieder- rheinische gesellschaft fiir natur- und heilkunde. Sitzungsberichte.) 1906+ Naturhistorischer verein in Augsburg. See Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fiir Schwaben und Neuburg. Naturwissenschaftliche umschau der Chemiker-zeitung. See Chemiker zei- tung. Naturwissenschaftliche wochenschrift. Jena. 21, 1906+ Naturwissenschaftliche zeitschrift fiir forst- und landwirtschaft. Stuttgart. 12, 1914+ Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fiir den regierungsbezirk Frankfurt. See He- lios. Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur Schwaben und Neuburg. Bericht. Augsburg. 31-32, 34, 1894-96, 1900. Naturwissenschaftlichter verein fur Steiermark. Mittheilungen. Graz. 1882-83, 1885, 1890. Nautilus. Phila. [1-3] 4+ 1886+ Navy league annual. London. 5, 1911 + Navy records society, London. Publica- tions. 1-18, 1894-1900. Nebraska academy of sciences, Lincoln. Publications. 1-7, 1891-1901. Nebraska ornithologists' union, Lincoln. Proceedings. 1-3, 1899-1902. Nebraska state bar association. Pro- ceedings. Lincoln. 1, 1900-02. L. Nebraska state historical society. Pro- ceedings and collections. See its Pub- lications. Publications. Lincoln. 1-5, 8-12, 1885-1907. Transactions. See its Publications- Nebraska. State horticultural society. Annual report. Lincoln. 1872, 1883- 84, 1896. Nebraska state medical association. Pro- ceedings. 17, 28, 1885-96. M. Nebraska. University. Graduate bul- letin. Lincoln. 1, no.1-3, 1900-021] Studies from the Zoological labora- tory. 33-37, 61-80, 1900-07. University studies. 1, 1888+ Dept. of entomology. Special bul- letin. 1, 1891. Depts. of history and economics. Seminary papers. 1-2, 1891-92l| Library. Bibliographical contribu- tions. 1-3, 1900-02. K. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig ge- nootschap, Amsterdam. Tijdschrift. S.2, 3 [4] 5-18 [19] 22+ 1886+ Nederlandsche botanische vereeniging, Leyden. Recueil des travaux botan- iques neerlandais. 1, 1904+ Nederlandsche maatschappij ter bevor- dering van nijverheid. Tijdschrift. [s.4, 2, 4-5, 10-11] 1878-84. Negro year book. Tuskegee institute, Ala. 1914/15. Nelson's American lancet. Plattsburg, N. Y. [1-2] 5-9 [10-12] 1850-5611 M. Nelson's northern lancet and American journal of medical jurisprudence. Plattsburg, N. Y. See Nelson's Amer- ican lancet. Neue jahrbucher fiir das klassische alter- tum, geschichte und deutsche litteratur und fiir padagogik. Leipzig. (Con- tinues Neue jahrbiicher fiir philologie und paedagogik.) 1, 1898+ Neue jahrbiicher fiir padagogik. See Neue jahrbucher fiir das klassische altertum, geschichte und deutsche lit- teratur und fiir padagogik, of which it is part 2. 11 Aa^ A>-/i'-/iy, (jr^<^ ^dU' l^yH£^^ xy:. eOrt r^ ■^. 7- List of Serials 109 Neue jahrbucher fiir philologie und pae- dagogik. Leipzig. (In 2 parts: pt. 1, Jahrbucher fiir klassische philologie; pt. 2, Jahrbucher fiir philologie und paedagogik. Continued as Neue jahr- biicher fiir das klassische altertum, ge- schichte und deutsche litteratur und .fiir padagogik.) 113-156, 1876-9711 Neue notizen aus dem gebiete der natur- ilnd heilkunde. Weimar. See Notizen aus dem gebiete der natur- und heil- kunde. Neue philologische rundschau. Gotha. 1886-190811 Neue rundschau. Berlin. 1, 1890+ Neue zeit. Stuttgart. 1-24 [25] 26+ 1883+ Neue zeitschrift fiir geburtskunde. Ber- lin. 1-33, 1834-5211 M. Neue zeitschrift fiir speculative physik. (Schelling) Tiibingen. (Continues Zeitschrift fiir speculative physik.) 1, 1802-0311 Die Neueren sprachen. Marburg in Hesse. 14, 1906+ Neues allgemeines journal der chemie. Berlin. (Continues Allgemeines jour- nal der chemie. Continued by Journal fiir die chemie, physik und mineralo- gie.) 1-6, 1803-0611 Neues chemisches archiv. Leipzig. (Continued by Neuestes chemisches archiv.) n.s., 1-8, 1784-91. Neues jahrbuch fiir mineralogie, geolo- gic und palaeontologie. Stuttgart. 1830-36, 1839+ Beilage-band. 1-8, 12+ 1881 + See also Centralblatt fiir mineralo- gie, geologic und palaeontologie. Neues journal der practischen arzney- kunde und wundarzneykunst. Jena. See Hufeland's Journal der practischen arzneykunde und wundarzneykunst. Die Neuesten entdeckungen in der chemie. Leipzig. 1-6, 1778-81; n.s., 1-12, 1781-84. Neuestes chemisches archiv. Weimar. (Continues Neues chemisches archiv.) 1, 179811 Neurological review. Chicago. 1, 1886|| M. Neurologisches centralblatt. Leipzig. 1, 1882+ 1, 1882+ M. Nevada state university, Reno. Univer- sity of Nevada studies. 1, 1908+ Nevraxe, Louvain. 1, 1899+ New Albany medical herald. New Al- bany, Ind. 1-11 [12-19] 20-23, 29-30 [31] 1879-1913. M. New century path. See Century path. New England botanic, medical and surgir cal journal. Worcester, Mass. See Worcester journal of medicine. New England botanical club, Boston. See Rhodora ; journal of the New Eng- land botanical club. New England druggist. Boston. [1] 2 [3, 7, 9] 10-11 [12-14] 1888-1902. M. New England historic genealogical so- • ciety, Boston. See New England his- torical and genealogical register. New England historical and genealogi- cal register. (New England historic genealogical society, Boston.) [40-50] 51 [52-66] 67+ 1886+ Supplement. Proceedings of New England historic genealogical society, Boston. 1897-1903, 1905, 1907+ New England journal of medicine and surgery. Boston. (Continued as New England medical review and journal.) 1-15, 1812-2611 M. 12-15, 1823-2611 New England magazine. Boston, n.s., 7-42, 1892-1910. New England medical eclectic and guide to health. Worcester, Mass. See Worcester journal of medicine. no List of Serials New England medical gazette. Boston. 1 [2-4] 5-6 [7-12] 13-18 [19-20] 21-30 [31-32, 34] 35 [36-42, 47-49] 50+ 1866+ M. ;'. 'HI- •\v. New England medical monthly. Dan- bury, Conn. See New England medi- cal monthly and the prescription. New England medical monthly and the prescription. Danbury, Conn. 1-24 [25] 27 [28-29] 30-31, 1881-1912] ] M. New England medical review and jour- nal. Boston. (Continues New England journal of medicine and surgery. Merged into Boston medical and sur- gical journal.) 1, 1827|| M. New England quarterly journal of medi- cine and surgery. Boston, 1,1842-4311 M. New England railroad club, Boston. Proceedings. 1900+ New England roadmasters' association. Proceedings. Hartford, Conn. 11-13, 1893-95. New England society in the city of New York. Anniversary celebration. 94- 98, 104+ 1899+ New England water works association, Boston. Journal. (Continues its Transactions.) 1, 1886+ Transactions. 1883-85. New Englander. See New Englander and Yale review. New Englander and Yale review. New Haven. (Continued by Yale review.) [15-51] 1857-90. New Hampshire historical society. Con- cord. Collections. 1-3, 5+ 1824+ New Hampshire journal of medicine. Concord. 1-8, 1850-58] I M. New Hampshire medical society. Trans- actions. 64-71, 73, 77-78, 82, 84-86, 88-91, 93-98, 102-103, 105, 111, 113, 1854-1904. M. New Haven colony historical society, New Haven. Papers. 1, 1865 + New international yearbook. N. Y. 1907+ New Jersey medical reporter. Burling- ton. See Medical and surgical report- er. Burlington, N. J. New Jersey. Medical society. See Med- ical society of New Jersey. New Jersey state bar association. Year- book. 1900+ L. New Mexico bar association. Minutes. 3-4, 8, 10-16, 18, 19, 1898-1905. L. New Mexico. Historical society. Pub- lications. Santa Fe. 2-3, 5, 7-13, 15- 16, 18+ 1882+ New monthly magazine and library jour- nal. Phila. 2, 1821. New music review and church music re- view. N. Y. 7, 1907+ New Orleans journal of medicin'?. New Orleans. See New Orleans medical and surgical journal. New Orleans medical and surgical jour- nal. New Orleans. 1-52 [53-55] 56-57 [58-59, 63] 64 [66] 67+ 1844+ M. New Orleans medical journal. New Or- leans. See New Orleans medical and surgical journal. New Orleans medical news and hospital gazette. New Orleans. 1-7, 1854-61 1| M. New Orleans medical times. New Or- leans. 1, 1861]] M. New Orleans monthly medical register. New Orleans. (Merged into New Or- leans medical news and hospital ga- zette.) [1] 2, 1851-53]] M. New philosophy. (Swedenborg scien- tific association.) Lancaster, Pa. [4] 5-11 [12-16] 17+ 1901 + New phytologist. London. 2-5, 7+ 1903 + New preparations. Detroit. See Thera- peutic gazette. New Princeton review. N. Y. 1-6, 1886- 88. New remedies. N. Y. See American druggist and pharmaceutical record. New republic. N. Y. 1, 1914+ ■/, Tf^fhit^^ n^ii.-'U (h:rU ••^--<^. /tit-'H-O ^'ffM^ttrf iP./^ List of Serials 113 New York medico-chirurgical bulletin. N. Y. 1-2, 1831-3211 M. New York. Medico-legal society. See Medico-legal society of New York. New York monthly chronicle of medi- cine and surgery. N. Y. 1, 1824-251! M. New York. Mt. Sinai hospital. See Mt. Sinai hospital, N. Y. New York neurological society. Trans- actions. 1-2, 1894-96. M. New York obstetrical society. Transac- tions. 1876-78, 1881-85, 1891-99, 1906- 11. M. New York odontological society. Trans- actions. 1874, 1876-77, 1886, 1893, 1895- 96. M. New York ophthalmic and aural insti- tute. Annual report. 12-13, 43, 1882- 1912. M. New York pathological society. Pro- ceedings. [1862-63] 1875-81,1887-1900; n.s., 1-9 [10] 11+ 1901 + Transactions. See its Proceedings. New York peace society. Year book. 1913+ New York physico-medical society. See Physico-medical society of New York. New York polyclinic. N. Y. 1 [2] 3 [5] 7-12, 1893-9811 M. New York post-graduate medical school and hospital. Journal. See Post- graduate. New York post-graduate medical school and hospital. Clinical society. Quar- terly bulletin. See Post-graduate. New York. Presbyterian hospital. Med- ical and surgical report. 1-7, 9, 1896- 1912. M. New York railroad club. Official pro- ceedings. N. Y. [1896-1903] New York railroad men. See Railroad men. New York register of medicine and pharmacy. N. Y. 1-2, 1850-5111 M. New York school of philanthropy. Year book. N. Y. 1910/11 + New York society for the suppression of vice. Annual report. 31-33, 36, 38-39, 1904-12. New York sportsman. N. Y. 3, 1877. New York state agricultural society. Re- ports on the noxious, beneficial and other insects of the state of New York. Albany. {Continued by New York. State entomologist.) 1-9, 1856-65. Transactions. Albany. 7-10, 1+16, 29-30, 1847-70. New York state bar association. Pro- ceedings. Albany. 1-2, 9, 11, 14, 17- 18, 21-26, 28+ 1878+ L. New York state dental society. See Dental society of the state of New York. New York state eclectic medical society. See Eclectic medical society of the state of New York. New York state historical association. Proceedings. N. Y. 1, 1901 + New York state journal of medicine. N. Y. (Medical society of the state of New York.) 1, 1901+ M. ' -■ 'lif-^^? 7,^ New York state medical association. Transactions. (Continued in New York state journal of medicine.) 1-16, 1884-9911 M. New York state medical reporter. Roch- ester. 1-3, 189+9611 M. New York state medical society. See Medical society of the state of New York. New York state museum, Albany. Mem- oirs. 1-11 [12] 13, 1889-1910. Museum bulletin. 1, 1887+ New York state pathological laboratory. See Buffalo. University. State patho- logical laboratory. New York state teachers' association. Proceedings of the annual meeting. 62-64, 1907-09. 114 List of Serials New York state waterways association. Annual convention. 3, 4, 1912-13. New York surgical society. Transactions. 1, 1912+ M. New York teacher. Albany, n.s. [4-8] 1863-67. New York teachers' monographs. N. Y. [1-3] 4-11, 1898-1909. New York therapeutic review. N. Y. See Bulletin of the Pasteur institute. New York times annalist. [1] 3+ 1913+ New York times current history. . . The European war. 1, 1914+ New York times index. 1, 1913+ New York university. New York uni- versity bulletin of the medical sciences. N. Y. [1] 2, 1901-0211 M. New York university. New York uni- versity series of graduate school stud- ies. 1-3, 1914. Ottendorfer memorial series of Ger- manic monographs. 3, 1912. New York. University club. Annual. 37, 1901/02+ New York. Woman's hospital. Bulletin. 1, 1912+ M. New Yorker. See New York (City) Newspapers. New Yorker medizinische monatsschrift. N. Y. (Continues Medicinische monats- schrift.) 1-14 [15] 16 [17-18, 23] 24+ 1889+ M. . New Yorker medizinische presse. N. Y. 1-6, 1885-8811 M. New Yorker staats-zeitung. See New York (City) Newspapers. New Zealand. Dominion museum. See Wellington, New Zealand. Dominion museum. New Zealand institute, Wellington. Transactions and proceedings. 1, 1868+ New Zealand magazine. Wellington. 1-8, 1876-7711 New Zealand mines record. Wellington. 10-12, 1906-0911 Nichols monthly, a magazine of social science and progressive literature. Cincinnati. [1-3] 1854-56. Nidiologist. Alameda, Cal. 1-4, 1893- 9711 Niederrheinische gesellschaft fiir natur- und heilkunde, Bonn. Sitzungsberichte. {Continued in Naturhistorischer verein der preussischen Rheinlande und West- falens, Bonn. Sitzungsberichte.) 1869- 190511 Niles' national register. See Niles' week- ly register. Niles' weekly register, Baltimore. 1-64, 1811-43. ' •''^^ Nineteenth century and after. London. 1, 1877+ Nordisk boghandlertidende. Copenhagen. 41.44 [45] 46+ 1907+ Nordisk tidsskrift for filologi. Copen- hagen. 1-10; U.S., 1-10; s.3, 1-17, 1860- 1909. K. Nordiske oldskrift selskab, Copen- haben, Aarbj^ger for nordisk old- kyndighed og historic. {Continues Annaler for nordisk oldkyndighed.) 1, 1866+ Nordiskt medicinskt arkiv. Stockholm. 1-33 [34] 35+ 1869+ M. Normal exponent. Los Angeles. 1-5, 1894-96. Norsk bogfortegnelse. Christiania. 1814- 1900. Norsk fiskeritidende. (Selskabet for de norske fiskeriers fremme.) Bergen. [12, 1893+] North American archives of medical and surgical science. Baltimore. 1-2, 1834- 35|| M. North American homoeopathic journal. N. Y. See North American journal of homoeopathy. North American journal of homoeopathy. N. Y. {Continues North American homoeopathic journal.) 1-13 [14] 17 [18] 19-32 [33]; s.3, 1 [2] 3-11 [12-17] 18 [19-22] 1851-1907. M. ^ >'P)rw^' ^, diAjfy^-'hA *v^<) /^/!M>S5^i Sy.MrxtjU ^ -B^ii^ixr '-^- List of Serials 115 North American medical and surgical journal. Phila. 1-12, 1826-31 1] M. North American medical reporter. N. Y. 1, 1858-5911 M. North American medical review. Kan- sas City, Mo, See Medicus. North American medico-chirurgical re- view. Phila. 1-5, 1857-6111 M. North American practitioner. Chicago. [1-2] 3-11, 1889-991 i M. North American review. Boston; N. Y. 1, 1815 + North British review. Edinburgh. 1-53, 1844-7111 North Briton. London, no. 1-93, 95- 170, 1762-65. North Carolina. Historical commission. Publications. Bulletins. Raleigh. 8, 1910-f North Carolina literary and historical society. See North Carolina. State literary and historical association. North Carolina medical journal. Char- lotte. See Carolina medical journal. North Carolina. Medical society. See Medical society of the state of North Carolina. North Carolina. State literary and his- torical association. Proceedings of the annual meetings. Raleigh. 11, 1911 + North Carolina. University. James Sprunt historical publications. See James Sprunt historical publications. Elisha Mitchell scientific society. See Elisha Mitchell scientific society. Philological club. Studies in philol- ogy. See Studies in philology. North central association of colleges and secondary schools. Proceedings. 13, 1908. North central association of railroad commissioners. Minutes of meetings. 1908. North-China herald. Shanghai. [67] 68-69 [70] 104+ 1901 + North Dakota bar association. Proceed- ings. Bismark. 1899-1906. L. North Dakota. University. Quarterly journal. See Quarterly journal of the University of North Dakota. North German Lloyd bulletin. (North German Lloyd steamship company.) N. Y. [30-38] 1910-14. North of England institute of mining and mechanical engineers, Newcastle- upon-Tyne. Subject-matter index of mining, mechanical and metallurgical literature. 1900-01. Transactions. {Continued in In- stitution of mining engineers. Trans- actions.) 1-38, 1852-8911 North Staffordshire naturalists' field club and archaeological society. An- nual report and transactions. 26, 1892. North-east coast institution of engineers and shipbuilders, Newcastle-upon- Tyne. Transactions. 1-21, 1884-1905. Northern lancet and gazette of legal medicine. Plattsburg, N. Y. See Nel- son's American lancet. Northwest medicine. Seattle. 1-5 [6] n.s., 1+ 1903+ M. : • . . .1. '^^3^ Northwest mining and metallurgy. Spo- kane, Wash. {Continues Mining; a journal of the Northwest mining asso- ciation.) 3-6 [7] 8 [9] 1908-13. Northwest mining news. See Northwest mining and metallurgy. Northwest mining review. Spokane, Wash. {Continued as Mining; a jour- nal of the Northwest mining associa- tion.) 1-4, 1892-9511 North-western journal of education. See North-western monthly. Northwestern lancet. St. Paul. See Journal-lancet. Northwestern medical and surgical jour- nal. Chicago. See Chicago medical journal and examiner. Northwestern medical and surgical jour- nal. St. Paul. [1-2] 3 [4] 1870-7411 M. North-western monthly. Lincoln, Neb. 7-8, 1896-98. 116 List of Serials Northwestern university. Medical school, Chicago. Quarterly bulletin. [5] 10- 11 [12-13] 1904-12. M. , ;■•- r . . ''. ■■'( 7 ■' ■ >rotes and queries. London. 1, 1849+ Notes on new remedies. N. Y. [1] 2-5 [6-11, 15, 18, 23] 1888-1911. M. Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque nationale et autres biblio- theques. Paris. 1, 1787+ Notizblatt des Architekten- und inge- nieur-vereins fiir das konigreich Han- nover. See Zeitschrift fiir architek- tur und ingenieurwesen. Notizen aus dem gebiete der natur- und heilkunde. Weimar, s.1-3, 1821-491 f M. Notizen fur praktische arzte iiber die neuesten beobachtungen in der medi- cin mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der kranken-behandlung. Berlin. See Graevell's notizen fiir praktische arzte. Notizie degli scavi di antichita. See Ac- cademia dei Lincei, Rome. Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpetriere. Paris. 1, 1888+ M. Nouvelle revue pratique de droit inter- national prive. Paris. 1, 1905+ L. Nouvelles annales de la construction. Paris. 1, 1855+ Nouvelles annales de mathematiques. Paris. 1, 1842+ Nouvelles annales des voyages, de la geographic, de I'histoire et de I'arche- ologie. Paris. 1-188, 1819-65 1| Nouvelles archives d'obstetrique et de gynecologic. Paris. 1-4 [5] 6-9, 1886- 94. M. Nova Scotian institute of science, Hali- fax. Proceedings and transactions. [2, 5-7] 8-12 [13]+ 1869+ Nuevo mundo. Madrid. [14-15] 16+ 1907+ Numismatic and antiquarian society of Philadelphia. Proceedings. 1887-89, 1902-03. Nuova antologia di lettere, scienze ed arti. Florence, etc. s.5, 121, 1906+ Nuovo bullettino di archeologia cristiana. Rome. {Continues Bullettino di ar- cheologia cristiana.) 1-15, 1895-1909. Nuovo giornale botanico italiano. (So- cieta botanica italiana.) Florence. 1, 1869+ Nurses' journal of the Pacific coast. S. F. See Pacific coast journal of nursing. Nuttall ornithological club, Cambridge, Mass. Bulletin. (Continued as The Auk.) 1-8, 1876-8311 Memoirs. 1-2, 1886-95. Nye almanak. Copenhagen. 1892. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne. (Physiographiske forening.) Chris- tiania. 26, 1881 + Oberlin college, Oberlin, O. Laboratory bulletins. 1-15, 1889-1909. Observatory. London. 14, 1891 + Obstetric gazette. Cincinnati. 1-13, 1878- 90|| M. Obstetrical journal of Great Britain and Ireland. London. 1-8, 1873-8011 M. (American supplement.) Phila. 1-6 [7] 1873-80. M. Obstetrical society of London. Transac- tions. 1-39 [40] 41 [42] 43-49, 1859- 190711 M. Obstetrics. N. Y. 1-3, 1899-1901 1 1 M. Occident. S. F. [1891, 1897-1900] Occidental medical times. S. F. 1-18, 1887-190411 M. Odontographic journal. Rochester, N. Y. [1-4, 6-7] 8-10 [11-13] 14 [15-16] 17, 1880-97. M. Odontological society of Great Britain. Transactions, n.s., 30 [31] 32-37, 1897- 1905. M. Oesterreichische botanische zeitschrift. Vienna. 55, 1905 + Osterreichische eisenbahn-zeitung. Vi- enna. 1, 1878+ n1^ ■ ^tS' \^ i^ ai List of Serials 121 Papers for teachers and students. Lon- don. 3, 1882. Papers for the schoolmaster. London. 1-2, 1851-52. Para, Brazil. Museu Goeldi de historia natural e ethnographia. Boletim. 1-5, 1894-1909. Memorias. 1-2, 1900. Parasitolog>'. Cambridge, Eng. (Sup- plement to Journal of hygiene.) 1, 1908+ 1, 1908+ M. Paris. Societies. (For a society located in Paris see the name of the society.) Paris. Clin laboratories. See Clin la- boratories, Paris. Paris. £cole des chartres. Biblio- theque. Revue d'erudition. See Biblio- theque de I'ficole des chartres. Paris, ficole normale superieure. An- nates scientifiques. 1, 1864+ Paris, ficole polytechnique. Journal. 1, 1794+ Paris, ficole pratique des hautes etudes. Bibliotheque. See Bibliotheque de r^ficole des hautes etudes. Laboratoire d'histologie du College de France. Travaux. 1874-93. M. Paris. Institut de France. Academic des sciences. See Academic des sci- ences. Paris. Institut Pasteur. See Institut Pasteur, Paris. Paris. Museum d'histoire naturelle. Annales. 1-20, 1802-13] | Archives. 1-10, 1839-6111 Bulletin. 1, 1895 + Memoires. 1-20, 181S-32|I Nouvelles annales. 1-4, 1832-35 1| Nouvelles archives. 1, 1865 + Paris. Observatoire. Bulletin astronom- ique. See Bulletin astronomique. Paris. Observatoire d'astronomie phy- sique, Meudon, Annales. 1-3, 1896- 1906. Paris. Policlinique. Annales. 1-3 [4-5] 6-7 [8] 9 [10-13] 14 [15-16] 1890-1906. M. Paris. Le Temps. 1909+ Paris. Universite. Faculte de mede- . cine. Collection des theses. 1811-43, 1903+ M. Parkman club, Milwaukee. Publications. 5, 7-18, 1896-97. Pasadena academy of sciences. Publica- tions. 1-3, 1897-98. Pathologica. Genoa. 1, 1908+ M. Pathological society of London. Trans- actions. 1-58, 1846-190711 M. 52, 1900/01. Pathological society of Philadelphia. Proceedings. (v.4-19 called Trans- actions.) 1-32, 1860-1911. M. Patterson's American educational direc- tory. (1908 has title: Patterson's col- lege and school directory.) Chicago; N. Y. 3, 5, 9+ 1906+ Peabody museum of American archaeol- ogy and ethnology. See Harvard uni- versity. Peabody museum. Peace crusade. Boston. [1, 1899] I ] Peace forum. (International peace forum, N. Y.) [1] 1913 + Peace year-book. London. 1, 1910+ Peacemaker and court of arbitration. Phila. 1 [2-3] 4 [5-7] 8 [9-16] 17-18 [19] 20-22 [23] 24-25 [26] 27+ 1882+ Pedagogical seminary. Worcester, Mass. 1, 1891 + Pediatrics. N. Y. 1-15 [16-18] 19+ 1896+ M. Peking oriental society, Peking. Journal. [1-3] 4, 1885-98. Peninsular and independent medical journal. Detroit. 1-2, 1858-6011 M. Peninsular journal of medicine. De- troit. (The first vol. published was v.9. For earlier vols, see Peninsular journal of medicine and the collateral sciences, later Peninsular and inde- pendent medical journal. Merged into Detroit medical journal.) [9] 10 [11]; U.S., 1, 1873-7611 M. 122 List of Serials Peninsular journal of medicine and the collateral sciences. Detroit. (Merged into Peninsular and independent med- ical journal.) [1] 2-5, 18S3-S81| M. Pennsylvania bar association. Reports. Phila. 1, 18954- L. Pennsylvania common school journal. See Common school journal of the state of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania forestry association. See Forest leaves. Pennsylvania German society, Lancaster. Proceedings and addresses. 4-5, 7-21, 1893-94, 1896-1910. Pennsylvania historical society. See Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography. Pennsylvania hospital. See Philadelphia. Pennsylvania hospital. Pennsylvania journal of dental science. Lancaster. 1-3, 1874-76|| M. Pennsylvania library club, Phila. Occa- sional papers. 1, 3-10, 1894-1901. Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography. (Historical society of Pennsylvania.) Phila. 1, 1877+ Pennsylvania medical journal. Athens. 1, 1897+ M. :,r (,I&17+- Pennsylvania medical society. See Med- ical society of the state of Pennsyl- vania. Pennsylvania school journal. Lancaster. [1, 3-4] 5-7 [8-9] 10 [12-15] 1852-67. Pennsylvania state college. Dept. of mining engineering. Mining bulletin. See Mining bulletin. Pennsylvania. University. Americana germanica. See Americana germanica. Publications: Series in astronomy. 1, 1899+ Series in history. 1, 1901 + Series in mathematics. 1-3, 1897-1905. Series in philology and liter- ature. 1, 1891 + Series in philosophy. 1-4, 1890- 1900. Series in political economy and public law. 2, 1887+ Series in romanic languages and literatures. 1, 4+ 1907 + Extra series. 2, 1912. Botanical laboratory. Contributions. Phila. [1] 2 [3-4] 1897-1911. Dept. of history. Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history, l-s.2, 3, 1895-1907. Dept. of medicine. Contributions from the dept. of neurology and the laboratory of neuropathology. 1, 5-6, 1905-12. M. Medical bulletin. 1-11 [12] 13-23, 1888-191111 -^ - <^' •■ ''- i Free museum of science and art. See Pennsylvania. University. Uni- versity museum. John Herr Musser dept. of research medicine. Studies. 1, 1910+ M. Laboratory of hygiene. Contribu- tions. 1-2, 1898. University museum. Anthropolog- ical publications. 3^, 1910. Bulletin. (Continued by its Transactions of the Dept. of archae- ology.) [2] 3, 1900-0211 Transactions of the Dept. of archaeology. (Continues its Bulletin.) 1, 1904/05. William Pepper laboratory of clin- ical medicine. Contributions. 1-5, 1900-08. M. Wistar institute of anatomy and biology. Memoirs. 1, 1911 + Zoological laboratory. Contribu- tions. 1-8, 10 [11] 18+ 1893+ Peoria medical journal. Peoria, III. 2 [3] 4 [5] 6 [7] 1897-190211 M. Peoria medical monthly. Peoria, III. [1-3] 4-11, 1880-9111 M. '^ ^•'■'"'7 Pepper laboratory of clinical medicine of the University of Pennsylvania. See Pennsylvania. University. William Pepper laboratory of clinical medicine. zyn i5.r -^r. ^Ait^ T-m '* f. ^ f"^ J # r" ^■'' di} ^ tj / '• ^ -^f, /-f^7 -^. 777 €d^ C4^^ yjj^^'^f^ ^ ^^-V^aeT ^ >' ' 3 rt^^ , ^aruC^T^^ V'ff^ii^^ '^ ^€^^4^^ ^'O^ List of Serials 127 Practitioner, Baltimore. (Title of v.l, no. 1, International dental journal.) Practitioner. London. 1, 1868+ M. 48-49 [50] 51-61 [62] 63-77, 80-85, 1892-1910. (American reprint.) Baltimore. 5-8, 1871-7311 M. Prager medizinische wochenschrift. Prague. 1, 1876+ M. Prager philologische studien. Prague. 1-3, 1887-91. Prager studien aus dem gebiete der clas- sischen altertumswissenschaft. Prague. 1-5, 1894-9511 Prague. K. K. Allgemeines kranken- haus. Arztlicher bericht. 1889. M. Prague. K. K. Universitat. Sternwarte. Astronomische beobachtungen. 1892+ Praktische arzt. Wetzlar. [19, 23-24] 25-31 [32-33, 41] 1878-1900. M. Praktische ergebnisse auf dem gebiete der haut- und geschlechtskrankheiten. Wiesbaden. 1, 1910+ M. Pratique de la medecine infantile. Paris. See Annales de medecine et chirurgie infantile. Presbyterian hospital, N. Y. See New York. Presbyterian hospital. Presbyterian magazine and missionary record. See Tasmanian Presbyterian magazine and missionary record. Presbyterian quarterly and Princeton re- view. N. Y. (Preceded by Biblical repertory and Princeton review; con- tinued by Princeton review.) n.s., 1-6, 1872-7711 Prescriber. Edinburgh. [6-7] 8+ 1912 + M. Presse medicale. Paris. 1-9 [10] 11 [12] 13+ 1893+ M. ;a^,i^) Presse medicale beige. Brussels. 13, 27- 30, 1861-78. M. Preussische jahrbiicher. Berlin. 1, 1858+ K. Preussisches geodatisches institut, Berlin. See Prussia. K. Geodatisches institut. Primary education. Boston. [2-10] 11- 15, 17+ 1894+ Princeton review. N. Y. (Preceded by the Presbyterian quarterly and Prince- ton review ; continued as the New Princeton review.) 1878-841 1 Princeton university. Contributions to philosophy. 1, no. 2-4, 1899-1905. Contributions to psychology. 1-4,^ 1895-1909. Publications: Contributions from the biological laboratories. 3, 1912+ Print-collector's quarterly. Boston. 3, 1913+ Printing art. Cambridge, Mass. [6-12] 1906-09. Prison association of New York, Albany, Annual report. 9-14, 16, 20, 23-24. 26- 27, 29-30, 32-37, 39, 41-43, 45-47, 49-51, 1853-95. Proctologist. St. Louis, Mo. [1, 5, 7] 8+ 1907+ M. Professional memoirs. (Engineer school, Washington Barracks, D. C.) 1, 1909+ Professional papers on Indian engineer- ing. Roorkee. 3-4 [5] 1866-68. Progres medical. Paris. 3, 5-9, 11-12; S.2, 1-3,6-9, 1875-89. v .v,j^ -: 1-2 [3] 4+ 1873+ M. ^^^^' '^^ Progreso. Paris. 1, 1908+ Progress. Louisville, Ky. See Medical progress. Progress of medicine. S. F. 1, 189911 M. Progressive medicine. Phila. and N. Y. 1, 1899+ M. 9-13, 1907-11. Progressus rei botanicae. Jena. See Association internationale des botan- istes. Property lawyer. London. 1-12; n.s., 1-3, 1826-3011 L. Providence medical journal. 1, 1900+ M. '"■■^ Provident loan society of New York. Annual report. 3, 1897+ 128 List of Serials Provincial medical and surgical associa- tion, I^ondon. Transactions. 1-19, 1833-5311 M. Provincial medical and surgical journal. London. (Merged into Association medical journal.) [2] 3-16, 1841-52|1 M. Provincial medical journal. Leicester. [2] 3-5 [6] 7 [8, 10-14] 1883-95|| M. Provincial medical journal and retro- spect of the medical sciences. London. See Provincial medical and surgical journal. K. Prufungsanstalt fiir wasserversorgung und abwasserbeseitigung, Berlin. See Berlin. K. Landesanstalt fiir wasser- hygiene. Prussia. K. Geodatisches institut, Ber- lin. Lotabweichungen. 2-4, 1902-09. Verhandlungen. 1878-84. Prussia. K. Landes-okonomie-kollegium, Berlin. Verhandlungen. (Previous to 1911, issued as Erganzungsbande of Landwirtschaftliche jahrbiicher.) 12, 1911 + Psiche. Florence. 1, 1912+ Psyche; a journal of entomology. (Cam- bridge entomological club.) Cambridge, Mass. 1-7 [8-9] 10+ 1874+ Psychical review. (American psychical society.) Grafton, Mass. 1-2, 1892- 9411 Psychische studien. Leipzig. 1, 1874+ Psychological and medico-legal journal. N. Y. See American psychological journal. Psychological bulletin. Lancaster, Pa. 1, 1904+ Psychological clinic. Phila. 1, 1907+ Psychological index. N. Y. 1, 1894+ Phychological monographs. N. Y., etc. 1, 1895 + Psychological review. N. Y., etc. 1, 1894+ 1 [2-4, 6-7, 12] 1894-1905. M. Philosophical monographs. 1, 1908+ Psychological monographs. See Psychological monographs, Psychologische arbeiten. Leipzig. 1, 1895 + Psychologische studien. Leipzig. (Con- tinues Philosophische studien.) 1, 1905 + Psychologische untersuchungen. Leipzig. 1, 1905. Psychopathic hospital, Boston. See Bos- ton. Psychopathic hospital. Public. Chicago. [13, 1910+] Public education association of Phila- delphia. Study. 39, 42, 1913-14. Public health. London. (Incorporated society of medical officers of health.) 12-24, 1899-1911. Public health. Phila. [1-8] 1896-190411 M. Public health journal. N. Y. [1-8] 9 [10-15] 1886-190111 M. Public health papers and reports. See American public health association. Public health papers and reports. Public libraries. Chicago. 1, 1896+ Public library bulletin. Boston. [1] 2, no. 1, 1901-0211 Public opinion. Washington; N. Y. (Merged into the Literary digest.) 11- 40, 1891-190611 Public service. Chicago. [12] 13+ 1912+ Public service regulation. See Federal trade reporter. Publications mathematiques. See Revue semestrielle des publications mathemat- iques. Publishers' circular. London. [59] 60- 65 [66] 67-68 [69-70] 71-72 [73] 86+ 1893+ Publishers' trade list annual. N. Y. 1887, 1891-92, 1894, 1896, 1898+ Supplementary index. . . 1902-04. Publishers' weekly. N. Y. 40-73 [74-75] 76, 78 [79] 80, 82+ 1891 + ^ff. »> ^^ . t- -*i«.--..i»u,-***.-ii :^'^^^ -7ui C >^ ^W ^i^(t i ^rk ^ <*^s* ' V LU ^rtrj. ^f^^J List of Serials 129 Puget Sound marine station, Friday Harbor, Wash. Publications. 1, 1915 + Pulte quarterly. Cincinnati. [1-4] 1890- 9311 M. Punch, or The London charivari. Lon- don. 1-119, 1841-1900. Punch almanac. See Melbourne Punch's almanac. Pupil-teacher, a monthly journal of prac- tical education and educational liter- ature. London. {Merged after 1863 in the English journal of education.) 3, 1860. Pusa, India. Agricultural research in- stitute. Bulletin. 16, 1910. Report. 1907/09, 1910/11 + Putnam's magazine; an illustrated monthly of literature, art and life. New Rochelle; N. Y. {Succeeds the Critic; merged into Atlantic monthly.) 1-7, 1906-1011 Putnam's magazine. Original papers on literature, science, art and national in- terests. N. Y. {Merged into Scrib- ner's monthly.) 1-10; n.s., 1-6, 1853- 7011 Putnam's monthly. See Putnam's maga- zine ; an illustrated monthly. Putnam's monthly magazine. 1853-57. See Putnam's magazine. Original pa- pers on literature, science, art and na- tional interests. Quarry. London. 13, 1908+ Quarterly bibliography of books reviewed in leading American periodicals= Bloomington, Ind. [1-2] 1902-03|1 Quarterly compendium of medical sci- ence, fhila. 1-55, 1868-8911 M. Quarterly epitome of practical medicine and surgery. N. Y. See Epitome. Quarterly homoeopathic journal. Bos- ton. 1-2, 1849-50. M. Quarterly journal of economics. (Har- vard university.) Boston, etc. 1, 1886+ Quarterly journal of education. (So- ciety for the diffusion of useful knowl- edge.) London. 1-9, 1831-35. Quarterly journal of experimental phy- siology. London. 1, 1908+ 2, 1909+ M. Quarterly journal of foreign and British medicine and surgery. London. 2, 5, 1819-2311 M. Quarterly journal of foreign medicine and surgery. London. See Quarterly journal of foreign and British medicine and surgery. Quarterly journal of inebriety. Boston. See Journal of inebriety. Quarterly journal of medicine. Oxford,. 1, 1907+ M. ^xK^Uuf +• Quarterly journal of microscopical sci- ence. London. 1, 1852+ 1-8; n.s., 1-5, 7-40, 1852-98. M. Quarterly journal of psychological medi- cine. N. Y. See American psycholog- ical journal. Quarterly journal of pure and applied mathematics. London. {Continues Cambridge and Dublin mathematical journal, formerly Cambridge mathe- matical journal.) 1, 1857+ Quarterly journal of science, and annals of mining. See Journal of science and annals of biology, geology, industrial arts, manufactures, and technology. Quarterly journal of science, literature, and art. London. {Continues Journal of science and the arts.) 1-27, 29, 1816- 3011 Quarterly journal of the University of North Dakota. [1, 1910+] Quarterly medical journal for Yorkshire and adjoining counties. Sheffield. [1] 2-5 [6] 7-8 [9] 10-11, 1892-190311 Quarterly register of current history. See Cyclopedic review of current his- tory. Quarterly review. London. 1, 1809+ 130 List of Serials Queen's college. See Kingston, Canada. Queen's college and university. Queen's quarterly. Kingston, Canada. 19, 1911 + Queensland geographical journal, includ- ing the proceedings of the Royal geo- graphical society of Australasia, Queensland. Brisbane. 1-7, 9, 17, 19+ 1885+ Queensland government mining journal. 4-5, 7+ 1903+ Queensland museum, Brisbane. Annals. 6-10, 1905 ?-ll. Quellen und forschungen zur sprach- und cultur-geschichte der germanischen volker. Strassburg. 1, 1874+ Quellen und untersuchungen zur latein- ischen philologie des mittelalters. Munich. 1, 1906+ Qui etes-vous? 1-2, 1908-101 1 Raadgiver for hus og hjem paa land og i hy. Copenhagen. 1-5, 1885-89. Radcliffe college monographs. Cam- bridge. 3-4, 6-7, 10, 13-16, 1891-1911. Radium. Paris. 1, 1904+ Radium. Pittsburgh. [1-3] 4+ 1913+ [1-3] 4+ 1913+ M. Railroad age gazette. See Railway age gazette. Railroad and engineering journal. See Railway age gazette: mechanical edi- tion. Railroad car journal. See Railroad di- gest. Railroad digest. N. Y. 1-6 [7 ,9-12] 1890-190211 Railroad gazette. See Railway age ga- zette. Railroad men. N. Y. [1-6] 7-9 [11-14] 15+ 1887+ Railroad record. Cincinnati. 1, 1853/54. Railroad telegrapher. (Order of rail- road telegraphers.) St. Louis. 11 [12] 13-17 [18] 19+ 1898+ Railroad trainman. 7, 9-15 [16] 17 [18] 19+ 1890+ Railroad trainmen's journal. See Rail- road trainman. Railway age. Chicago, (v. 16-28: Rail- way age and northwestern railroader. Merged into Railroad age gazette, later Railway age gazette.) 1-45, 1876-1908|1 Railway age gazette. N. Y. (Continues Railroad gazette, consolidated with Railway age, June 1908.) 3, 5+ 1871 + Mechanical edition ; including the American engineer. 1-13, 15-16, 18 [21] 23-32, 52, 58+ 1832+ Railway agent and Station agent. Cleve- land, O. 1-2 [3] 4-17 [18] 19-20, 1889- 99. Railway and engineering review. Chi- cago. See Railway review. Chicago. Railway carmen's journal. (Brotherhood of railway carmen of America.) Min- neapolis. [3] 4, 1893-95. Railway chronicle. London. 1844-48. Railway conductor. Cedar Rapids, la. 2-15 [16-17] 18+ 1885 + Railway employees' magazine. S. F. 6, 1911 + Railway engineer. London. 14, 1893+ Railway engineering and mechanics. See Railway master mechanic. Railway intelligence. London. 9-18, 1856-75. Railway library. Chicago. 1, 1909+ Railway line clearances and car dimen- sions. N. Y. no. 23-46, 1903-08. Railway machinery. See Machinery: Railway ed. Railway magazine. N. Y. [2-4] 1897-98. Railway magazine and annals of science. See Herapath's railway journal. Railway master mechanic. (Continues Railway purchasing agent, and Railway engineering and mechanics.) Chicago. 3-28, 30+ 1880+ Railway monitor. N. Y. 1, 1873. r»r. . , J^c^rtv /-^ . /^r^^ List of Serials 131 Railway news. London, (Consolidated with Railway record, 1901.) 1, 1864+ Railway official gazette. London. {Ah- sorbed by Railway news, July 1914.) [1892] 1893-1913. Railway purchasing agent. See Railway master mechanic. Railway record. London. (In 1901 merged with Railway news.) 2-15 [42] 1845-58, 1884. Railway register. London. 1-2, 1844-45. Railway review. Chicago. [9-31] 32+ 1875 + Railway review. London. 1895-96, 1898- 1904 [1905-06] 1907+ Railway signal. London. 4, 1886+ Railway surgeon. Chicago. See Rail- way surgical journal. Railway surgical journal. Chicago. 1-9 [10] 11-16, 1894-1910. 1-2 [3-6] 7-9 [10-12, 20-21] 1894- 1914. M. J^a/i^O h l^s^fih^ Railway times. London. (Absorbed Herapath's railway journal in 1904. Merged into Railway gazette, 1914.) 2-105, 1839-191411 Railway travellers* magazine. London. 1, Aug. 1849. Railway world. London. See Tramway and railway world. London. Railway world. Phila. (v.19-47 called Quarto vol. 1-29.) 19-40 [41-42] 43+ 1875+ Rassegna bibliografica della letteratura italiana. Pisa. 15, 1907+ Rassegna dei lavori pubblici e delle strade ferrate. Rome. (Absorbed Re- vista generale delle ferrovie, Jan. 1909.) 2, 1909+ Ray society, London. Publications. [1845-1911] Reader. Indianapolis. (Merged into Putnam's monthly.) [4-5, 7] 8 [9-11] 1904-0811 Readers' guide to periodical literature. Minneapolis. (Continues Cumulative index to periodicals.) 1, 1901 + Cumulated. 1, 1900+ Supplement. White Plains, N. Y. and N. Y. 1, 1913+ Recorder. S. F. 27, 1914+ L. Recreation. N. Y. [1-6] 7, 9 [10] 11-12, 14-19, 1894-1903. Recreations in agriculture, natural his- tory, arts and miscellaneous literature by J. Anderson. London. 1-4, 1799- 1801. Recueil d'ophtalmologie. Paris. (1872 called Journal d'ophtalmologie.) Annee 1, 1871; 1; s.2, 1-33, 1872-1911|| M. Recueil des travaux botaniques neer- landais. See Nederlandsche botanische vereeniging, Leyden. Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays- Bas et de la Belgique. (Continues Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas.) Leyden. 1, 1882+ Recueil periodique de litterature medi- cale etrangere. (Supplement to Re- cueil periodique de la Societe de medi- cine de Paris.) Paris. 1-2, 1799] | M. Red cross, U. S. American national Red cross. Bulletin. See American Red cross magazine. Red cross notes. New Brunswick, N. J. [1-3] 4 [5-6] 1898-1909. M. "Redia": giornale di entomologia. Flor- ence. 1, 1903+ Reforme sociale; bulletin de la Societe d'economie sociale et des Unions de la paix sociale. Paris. [29-32, 35] 1895-98. Register and library of medical and chirurgical science. Washington. 1, 1833/34. M. Religious education. Chicago. [7] 8+ 1912+ Religious education association, Chicago. Proceedings. 1-4, 1903-07. Rennes. Universite. Travaux scien- tifiques. 3-4, 1904-05. 132 List of Serials Repertoire bibliographique de la librairie frangaise. (D. Jordell.) Paris. 1900- 0411 Repertoire bibliographique des princi- pales revues frangaises. (D. Jordell.) Paris. 1-3, 1897-9911 Repertoire de chimie appliquee. Paris. 1-4, 1858-62. Repertoire de chimie pure. Paris. 1-4, 1860-6211 Repertoire general de chimie. Paris. (Supplement to Revue generale de chimie.) 1, 1901-1- Repertorium der physik. Munich; Leip- zig. 1-25, 1866-89. Repertorium der technischen journal- literatur. Berlin. 1892-1908. Repertorium fiir experimental-physik, fiir physikalische technik, mathematische und astronomische instrumentenkunde. See Repertorium der physik. Repertorium fur physikalische technik, fiir mathematische und astronomische instrumentenkunde. See Repertorium der physik. Repertorium novarum specierum regni vegetabilis. Berlin. 3, 1906-}- Representation. (Proportional repre- sentation society.) London. [7, 1914-}-] Retrospect of medicine. (Braithwaite's.) London. 1-1 IS, 1840-97. M. Retrospect of practical medicine and sur- gery. London. See Retrospect of medicine. Retrospect of practical medicine and sur- gery. Uniform American ed. N. Y. 1-112, 114, 1840-97. M. Review of American chemical research. Easton, Pa. (Massachusetts institute of technology.) (Continued as Chem- ical abstracts. Pub. by the American chemical society.) 3-12, 1897-1906|| Review of applied entomology, (Im- perial bureau of entomology.) London. 1, 1913-h Review of education. Chicago. (Con- tinues Child-study monthly.) 1-5 [6] 7, 1895-1902. Review of historical publications relat- ing to Canada. (University of Tor- onto.) Toronto. 1, 1896 -f Review of insanity and nervous disease Milwaukee, Wis. 1-5, 1890-94| | M. -^ Review of neurology and psychiatry. Edinburgh. 11, 1913-h M. ' " Review of reviews. N. Y. See Ameri- can monthly review of reviews. Review of reviews for Australasia. Mel- bourne. [8, 10, 17] 1896-1900. Revista chilena de historia natural. Val- paraiso. [4] 5-6 [7-17] 1900-13. Revista chilena de historia y geografia. Santiago de Chile. 2, 1912+ Revista de America. Paris. 2, 1913 -h La Actualidad; suplemento ilus- trado. 1913. Revista de archivos, bibliothecas y mus- eos. Madrid, s.3, 16+ 1907+ Revista de bibliografia chilena y extran- jera. Santiago de Chile. 1, 1913 + Revista de derecho, historia y letras. Buenos Aires. 44, 1913+ Revista de filologia espafiola. Madrid. 1, 1914+ Revista de medicina y cirugia. Havana. 19, 1914+ M. Revista medico-quirurgica Americana. N. Y. [1-3] 1892-9511 M. Revista trimestral micografica. See Madrid. Universidad. Trabajos del Laboratorio de investigaciones biolo- gicas. Revolutions-almanach. Gottingen. 1795- 1804. La Revue. Paris. 84, 1910+ Revue archeologique. Paris. 1, 1844+ Revue bleue. See Revue politique et litteraire. Paris. Revue celtique. Paris. 1, 1870+ i^t^ail^Tif vi>'-/^. /^i^-l.i_ List of Serials 133 Revue clinique d'oculistique du Sud- Ouest. Paris. Merged into Recueil d'ophtalmologie.) [1-8] 1880-87|| M. Revue critique d'histoire et de litterature. Paris. 1, 1866+ Revue critique de legislation et de juris- prudence du Canada. Montreal. 1-3, 1871-7511 L. Revue critique des livres nouveaux. Paris. S.2, 5+ 1910+ Revue d'anthropologie, Paris. (Con- tinued as Anthropologic.) 1-15, 17-18, 1872-89. Revue d'economie politique. Paris. 1, 1887+ Revue d'histoire des doctrines econo- miques et sociales. Paris. See Revue d'histoire economique et sociale, Revue d'histoire diplomatique. (Societe d'histoire diplomatique.) Paris. 17, 1903+ Revue d'histoire economique et sociale. Paris. 1, 1908+ Revue d'histoire litteraire de la France. (Societe d'histoire litteraire de la France.) Paris. 1, 1894+ Revue d'orthopedie. Paris. 1-6 [7] 8-10; s.2, 1-6 [7] 8-10; s.3, 1+ 1890+ M. Revue de chirurgie. Paris. 1, 1881 + M. '^ ^-. '.-. '- '' ■ ■ Revue de dialectologie romane. (Societe internationale de dialectologie romane.) Brussels. 1, 1909+ Revue de droit international prive. Paris 1, 1905+ L. Revue de gynecologic et de chirurgie abdominale. Paris. 1, 1897+ M. Revue de jurisprudence. Montreal. 1-12, 1895-1906. L. Revue de I'histoire des religions. Paris. (Annales du Musee Guimet.) 37, 1898+ Revue de I'hypnotisme et de la psycho- logic physiologique. Paris. (Con- tinued as Revue de psychotherapie et psychologic appliquee.) 1-24, 1886- 191011 Revue de I'ingenieur et Index technique. [18-19] 1911-12. Revue de la renaissance. Paris. 1-14, 1901-1311 Revue de la tuberculose. Paris. 1, 1893+ M. Revue de laryngologie, d'otologie et de rhinologie. Bordeaux and Paris. See Revue hebdomadaire de laryngologie. Revue de legislation et de jurisprudence. Montreal. 1-3, 1845-47|| L. Revue de linguistique et de philologie comparee. Paris. 3, 1869. Revue de mathematiques. Turin. (Con- tinues Revista di mathematica.) 1-8, 1891-1905. Revue de mechanique. Paris. 1, 1897+ Revue de medecine. Paris. 1, 1881+ M. Revue de medecine et d'hygiene tropi- cales. Paris. 1-9 [10-11]' 1904-14. M. Revue de medecine legale et de juris- prudence. Paris. 21, 1914+ M. Revue de metaphysique et de morale. Paris. 1, 1893+ Revue de Paris. 13, 1906+ Revue de pharmacologic medicale. Paris. 3, 1905+ M. Revue de philologie, de litterature et d'histoire anciennes. Paris, n.s., 1, 1877+ Revue de philologie frangaise et de lit- terature. Paris. 1, 1887+ Revue de philologie frangaise et proven- gale. (Cledat.) See Revue de philolo- gie frangaise et de litterature. Revue de philosophic. Paris. 1, 1900+ Revue de psychotherapie et de psycholo- gic appliquee. Paris. 1, 1886+ Revue de synthese historique. Paris. 18, 1909. Revue de therapeutique medico-chirurgi- cale. Paris. 1-62, 1833-95. M. Revue des comptes rendus d'ouvrages relatifs a I'antiquite classique. Paris. See Revue de philologie, de litterature et d'histoire anciennes. 134 List of Serials Revue des cours scientifiques. See Re- vue scientifique. Revue des deux mondes. Paris, s.2, 25-57, 59-f 1860+ Revue des etudes anciennes. Bordeaux. 10, 1908+ Revue des etudes grecques. Paris. (As- sociation pour rencouragement des etudes grecques.) 1, 1888+ Revue des etudes napoleoniennes. Paris. 1, 1912+ Revue des langues romanes. (Societe pour I'etude des langues romanes, Montpellier.) 1, 1870+ Revue des maladies de I'enfance. Paris. 1-13 [14-15, 19-20] 21, 1883-1903. M. Revue des patois. (Cledat.) See Revue de philologie frangaise et de littera- ture. Revue des Pyrenees. (Universite de Toulouse.) 17, 1905+ Revue des questions historiques. Paris. 1-52, 61-66, 69+ 1866+ Revue des sciences medicales en France et a I'etranger. Paris. 1-52, 1873-9811 M. Revue des sciences psychologiques. Paris. 1, 1913+ Revue du dix-huitieme siecle. Paris. 1, 1914+ Revue economique Internationale. Brus- sels. 1, 1904+ Revue generale d'administration. Paris. ZZ, 1910+ Revue generale d'histologie. Paris. 1, 3+ 1904+ Revue generale d'ophtalmologie. Paris. 1, 1882+ M. Revue generale de botanique. Paris. 1-10 [11] 12+ 1889+ Revue generale de chimie pure et ap- pliquee. Paris. 1, 1899+ Repertoire general de chimie. See Repertoire general de chimie. Revue generale de clinique et de thera- peutique. Paris. 1-9, 1887-95. M. Revue generale des chemins de fer. Paris. 1, 1878+ Revue generale des sciences. Paris. 14, 1903+ Revue germanique. Paris. 1, 1905 + Revue hebdomadaire de laryngologie, d'otologie et de rhinologie. Bordeaux and Paris. 1-18 [19] 20 [21-25] 1880- 1904. M. Revue hispanique. (Hispanic society of America.) Paris; N. Y. 1, 1894+ Revue historique. Paris. 1, 1876+ Revue historique de la revolution fran- (jaise. Paris. 1, 1910+ Supplement. 1, 1910+ Revue internationale d'electrotherapie. Paris. See Revue internationale d'elec- trotherapie et de radiotherapie. Revue internationale d'electrotherapie et de radiotherapie. Paris. 1-6 [7-8] 10- 13 [14] 1890-1905. M. Revue internationale de bibliographie medicale, pharmaceutique et veterin- aire. Paris. See Revue internationale de medecine et de chirurgie. Revue internationale de I'electricite et de ses applications. {Continued in Elec- tricien.) Paris. 8-11, 1889-901] Revue internationale de I'enseignement. Paris. 21, 1891 + Revue internationale de medecine et de chirurgie. Paris. 1-8, 1890-97. M. Revue internationale de sociologie. Paris. 1-6, 1893-98. Revue legale. Montreal. 1-21 ; n.s., 1-12, 1869-92; 1895-1906. L. Revue medicale. Louvain. 6-9, 1887-90. M. Revue medicale de la Suisse romande. Geneva. 8 [9, 11-15] 16 [17-19] 34+ 1888-99, 1914+ M. Revue medicale du Canada. Montreal. [5-7] 1901-03. M. Revue medico-chirurgicale de Paris. 7, 1850. M. List of Serials 135 Revue medico-chirurgiGale des maladies des femmes. Paris. 9-11, 1887-89. M. Revue medico-photographique des hopi- taux de Paris. 1-4 [5] 1869-73. M. Revue mensuelle de gynecologie, d'obstet- rique. Bordeaux and Paris. 9, 1914+ Revue mensuelle de laryngologie, d'oto- logic et de rhinologie. Bordeaux and Paris, See Revue hebdomadaire de laryngologie. Revue mensuelle de medecine et de chir- urgie. Paris. 1-4, 1877-80|| M. Revue mensuelle des maladies de I'en- fance. Paris. 1-13 [14-15, 18-20] 21, 1883-1903. M. ^ Revue neurologique. Paris. 1, 1893+ M. Revue olympique. Basel, s.2, no. 57-75, 77-80, 82-103, 1910-14. Revue pedagogique. Paris, n.s., 40, 1902+ Revue philanthropique. Paris. 1-2 [3-4] 1897-99. M. Revue philosophique. Paris. 1, 1876+ Revue photographique des hopitaux de Paris. See Revue medico-photograph- ique des hopitaux de Paris. Revue politique et litteraire ; revue bleue. Paris. [49-52] 1892-93. Revue politique et parlementaire. Paris. 63, 1910+ Revue polytechnique ; schweizerische bauzeitung. See Schweizerische bau- zeitung. Revue pratique des chemins de fer. Paris. 1-16, 1892-1907. Revue pratique des maladies des organes genito-urinaires. Paris. [10] 11 + 1913+ M. Revue psychologique. Brussels. 1, 1908+ Revue scientifique. (Revue Rose.) Paris. 1, 1863+ Revue scientifique de la France et de I'etranger. See Revue scientifique. Revue semestrielle des publications mathematiques. (Societe mathemat- ique d'Amsterdam.) 1, 1893+ Revue universelle des mines, de la metallurgie, des travaux publics, des sciences et des arts appliques a I'in- dustrie. Uege; Paris. 1, 1857+ Rheinische monatsschrift fur praktische aerzte. Cologne. 4, 1850. M. Rheinischer fischerei-verein, Bonn. Jahresbericht. 1898-1909. Rheinisches museum fiir philologie. Frankfort-on-the-Main. n.s., 1, 1842+ Rhode Island historical society, Provi- dence. Collections. 1-7, 1827-85. Proceedings. 1892/93-1896/97. Publications. (Contains Proceed- ings.) 1-3, 5, 1893-97. Rhode Island institute of instruction. Providence. Journal. 1, 1845-46. Rhode Island medical science monthly. Providence. See Atlantic medical weekly. Rhode Island medical society. Transac- tions. Providence. 1-7 [8] 1859-1910. M. Rhode Island school master. Providence. 1, 3-5, 8 [10-12, 16] 17-20. 1855-74. Rhodes journal of banking. N. Y. (Con- tinued as the Bankers' magazine.) 51, 1895. Rhodora. Boston. (Journal of the New England botanical club.) 1-13, 15 + 1899+ Richmond and Louisville medical jour- nal. Louisville, Ky. See Gaillard's southern medicine. Savannah, Ga. i-'' j / ' ',''-■ ■' Richmond journal of practice. Rich- mond, Va. 1-6 [7-16] 17 [18, 20] 1886- 1906. M. Richmond medical journal. Richmond, Va. See Gaillard's southern medicine. Savannah, Ga. Riforma medica. Naples. [2-9] 10 [11- 15] 30+ 1886-99, 1914+ M. 136 List of Serials Rio de Janeiro. Mitseu nacional. Archives. 1-8, 10-12, 1876-1903. River improvement and drainage asso- ciation of California, S. F. Bulletin. 1-7, 1904-08. Rivista di filologia e d'instruzione clas- sica. Turin. 1, 1872+ Rivista di filologia ramanza. (Continued as Giornale di filologia romanza, later Studj di filologia romanza.) Imola; Rome. 1-2, 1872-7611 Rivista di mathematica. Turin. (Con- tinued as Revue de mathematiques.) 1-5, 1891-9511 Rivista di mineralogia e cristallografia italiana. Padova. 43, 1914+ Rivista di patologia vegetale. (A. N. and A. Berlese, ed.) Padova. 1-10, 1892-190411 Rivista di patologia vegetale. (L. Mon- temartini, ed.) Pavia. 1, 1905 + Rivista di scienza. See "Scientia." Rivista generale delle ferrovie. Florence. (Absorbed by Rassegna dei lavori pub- blici, Jan. 1909.) 11-14 [15] 16-23 [24] 25-26, 1893-190811 Rivista marittima. Rome. 23, 1890+ Road. N. Y. 1, 1875/76. Roadmasters' and maintenance of way association. Savannah, Ga. Proceed- ings. 1-11, 13-14, 17-20, 1883-1902. Roadmasters' association. See Road- masters' and maintenance of way asso- ciation. Rochester, Minn. Mayo clinic. See Mayo clinic, Rochester, Minn. Rochester academy of science, Rochester, N. Y. Proceedings. 1-4, 1890-1910. Rockefeller institute for medical re- search, N. Y. Studies. (Reprints.) 1, 1904+ 1, 1904+ M. Rockefeller sanitary commission for the eradication of hookworm disease. Pub- lications. 1, 3, 5+ 1910+ M. Rocky Mountain educator. Denver. 1, 1895. Rocky Mountain medical review. Den- ver. 1, 1880-8111 M. Rocky Mountain medical times. Den- ver. See Denver medical times and Utah medical journal. Rohrleger. See Gesundheits-ingenieur. Romaji. [Japanese journal transcribed with Roman characters] Tokyo. 1-5, 1905-10. Paris. 1, 1872+ Lancaster, Pa. Romania. Romanic 1910+ Romanische forschungen. Erlangen. 1, 1883+ Romanische studien. Strassburg. 1-6, 1871-9511 Rome. Societies. (For a society located in Rome see the name of the society.) Rome. Commissione archeologica com- unale. Bullettino. 1, 1872+ Rowell's newspaper directory. See American newspaper directory. Royal academy of medicine in Ireland. Transactions. 1-9, 11-14, 16, 1883-98. M. Royal anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London. Journal. 1, 1871 + Royal asiatic society of Great Britain and Ireland, London. Journal. [19] 20, pt. 1; n.s., 1, 1862-65. China branch, Shanghai. Journal. 1-2; n.s., 2-30, 1858-99. Transactions. 1-6, 1847-59. Royal college of chemistry, London. Re- ports. . . and researches. 1, 1845/4711 Royal college of physicians of London. Medical transactions. 1-6, 1785-182011 M. Royal colonial institute, London. Pro- ceedings. 6, 8-22, 24-28, 1874-97. Royal Dublin society. Economic pro- ceedings. [1, 1899+] n4fclt/^^.j -y^A^uyf/^ift^-t.^-^ ^»t>^j*cCc P^ £ ♦C^PVWwy -t^QJ^i:^^^C (Unft^ , lr*^y>n^C ^ ^^a^^^erus^ ^<> /^ 9^^ i" List of Serials 137 Scientific proceedings. 9-10, 12-13, 1899-1913. Scientific transactions, s.2 [1, 3, 4-5] 6 [7] 8 [9] 1877-1905. Royal economic society, London. See Economic journal. Royal geographical society, London. Journal. 1-50, 1831-80] | Proceedings. (Continued in Geo- graphical journal.) 1-22; n.s., 1-14, 1855-9211 Supplementary papers. 4, 1890. Year-book and record. 4, 1901. Royal geographical society of Australasia. New South Wales branch. Transac- tions and proceedings. 1-4, 1883-86. Queensland branch, Brisbane. Pro- ceedings and transactions. See Queens- land geographical journal. South Australian branch, Adelaide. Proceedings. 1, 1885/86. Victorian branch. Transactions. See Victorian geographical journal. Royal geological society of Cornwall, London, Transactions. 1-2, 4, 8 [10- 12] 1818-97. Royal geological society of Ireland, Dub- lin. Journal, n.s., 1-8, 1864-87. Royal historical society, London. Pub- lications : Camden series. 1, 1838+ Transactions, 1, 1872+ Royal humane society, London. Annual report. 1808. M. Transactions. 1, 1796. M. Royal institute of public health, London. See Journal of state medicine. Royal London ophthalmic hospital. Re- ports. 1, 1857+ M. Royal medical and chirurgical society of London. Medico-chirurgical transac- tions. 1-90, 1809-190711 M, Proceedings. 1-9; s.2, 1-2; s.3, 1-7 [8-9] 1856-95. M. Royal meteorological society, London. Proceedings. 1-5, 1861-71 H Quarterly journal. 1-37, 1871-1911. Royal microscopical society, London. Journal. (Continues Monthly micro- scopical journal.) 1878+ s.2, 2-18 [27] 1881-1907. M. Transactions. (Continued as Monthly microscopical journal.) 1-3; n.s., 1-16, 1853-6811 n.s., 9-12, 1861-64. M. Royal philosophical society of Glasgow. Proceedings. 1-32, 1841-1901. [9] 10, 1874-77. M. Royal sanitary institute, London, Jour- nal .. . Transactions. 1, 1879+ Supplement. 22, 1901 + Royal society of arts, London. (Con- tinues Society of arts.) Journal. 1, 1852+ Royal society of Canada, Ottawa. Pro- ceedings and transactions. 1, 1882+ Royal society of Edinburgh. Proceed- ings. 9, 1878+ Transactions. 1, 1783 + Royal society of London, Catalogue of scientific papers, 1800-1900. 1-9, 11, 1867+ Subject index. 1, 1908+ Philosophical transactions. 91, 1801 + Abridged edition. 1-18, 1665- 1800. Proceedings. 7, 1854+ Ser. B., 76-81 [82] 83+ 1905 + M. Sleeping sickness bureau. Sleeping sickness bulletin. See Sleeping sick- ness bulletin. Sleeping sickness commission. Re- ports. 1, 1903+ Royal society of medicine, London. Pro- ceedings. 1, 1907+ M. Otological section. Proceedings. 2-3, 1909-10. M. 138 List of Serials Royal society of New South Wales, Syd- ney. Journal and proceedings, (v.l called Transactions. Continues Philo- sophical society of New South Wales. Transactions.) 1-5, 7, 9-40, 1867-1906. Royal society of 3outh Australia, Ade- laide. Transactions and proceedings and report. 31-35, 1906-11. Royal society of Tasmania, Hobart. Pa- pers and proceedings. 1889+ Royal society of Victoria, Melbourne. Proceedings, (o.s., 1-4 called Trans- actions of the Philosophical institute of Victoria; o.s., 5-24, Transactions and proceedings of the Royal society of Victoria.) 2-7 [8-9] 10-23, 25-f- 1857+ Transactions. 1-4 [5] 1888-1909. Transactions and proceedings. See Proceedings. Royal statistical society, London. Jour- nal. 1-41, 43+ 1838+ Royal Victoria hospital, Montreal. Bul- letin. 1-2, 1911-12. M. 1, 1911. Royal zoological society of New South Wales. See Australian zoologist. Rumania. Institutul geologic al Roman- iei. Anuarul. Bucharest. 1-5, fasc. 1, 1907-12. Comptes-rendus des seances. 2, 1911. Rural California. Los Angeles. [1891- 1909] Rural magazine. Melbourne, no. 1-6, 1855. Rural manhood. N. Y. 1, 1910+ Rush medical college, Chicago. Alumni association. Proceedings. 1879, 1882. M. Russian review. London. 1-3, 1912-14. Russian yearbook. London. 1, 1911 + Russkoe entomoligicheskoe obshchestvo, St. Petersburg. Horae Societatis en- tomologicae Rossicae. 1, 1861 + Russo-Japanese war fully illustrated. Tokyo. 1-3, Apr. 1904-Sept. 190511 Sacramento medical times. See Occi- dental medical times. Sacramento union. [1863-81] July 1892- 1901 [1902-03] 1904+ K. Sachsische gesellschaft der wissen- schaften, Leipzig. Mathematisch-phy- sische classe. Abhandlungen. 1, 1852+ Berichte uber die verhandlun- gen. 1, 1849+ Philologisch-historische klasse. Be- richte iiber die verhandlungen. 1, 1849+ Sagamore sociological conference, Saga- more Beach, Mass. 3, 1909+ St. Andrews university. Publications. 1-6, 9+ 1901 + St. Bartholomew's hospital, London. Reports. 1, 1865+ M. St. Gallische naturwissenschaftliche ge- sellschaft. Bericht iiber die thatigkeit. 1892/93. St. George's hospital, London. Reports. 1-10, 1866-79. M. St. Joseph medical and surgical re- porter. St. Joseph, Mo. 1, 188011 M. St. Joseph medical herald. St. Joseph, Mo. See Medical herald. St. Lawrence state hospital, Ogdensburg, N. Y. Report. 8, 1894. M. St. Louis. Academy of science. See Academy of science of St. Louis. St. Louis clinical record. [1] 2-8 [9] 1875-82. M. St. Louis clinique. [1] 2-4 [5] 6-10 [11- 14] 15-16 [17-19] 1888-1906. M. St. Louis clinique of physicians and sur- geons, St. Louis. See St. Louis clin- ique. St. Louis courier of medicine. 1-20; n.s. [1] 2-3 [4] 5 [6-7] 8 [9-11] 12 [13] 21 [22] 23-33 [34] 1879-1906. M. Sg»/. ^'/m. *:.. List of Serials 139 St. Louis courier of medicine and collat- eral sciences. See St. Louis courier of medicine. , ; , . St. Louis eclectic medical journal. .See St. Louis medical journal. St. Louis journal of homoeopathy. See Clinical reporter. St. Louis medical and surgical journal. St. Louis. [1, 3] 4-80 [81] 82-88 [89- :Ewx£rttw. ^^ 1843-1906. ,M. f^^t^^^^^ t^l^/ijtsl^ Daily alta California St. Loujfe medical era. See Medical era. St. Louis medical gazette. 1, 3 [5] 1898- 1900. M. BWJ^-KT- i-T. >•. St. Louis medical journal. [3-13] 14-15, 1876-88. M. ^ :B/W-*^^^ Louis medical reporter. 1-2 [3] 4, 1866-6911 M. St. Louis medical review. See Medical review. St. Louis. Missouri botanical garden. Annals. (Stvcceeds its Annual report.) 1, 1914+ Annual report. (Continued as its Annals.) 1-23, 1889-191211 St. Louis polyclinic. See St. Louis cour- ier of medicine. St. Louis railway club. Official pro- ceedings. [1] 2 [3] 4 [5] 6+ 1897+ St. Louis university. Anatomical labora- tory. Papers. 1-3, 1904-06. St. Louis. Washington university. See Washington university, St. Louis. St. Mary's hospital. Mayo clinic, Roch- ester, Minn. See Mayo Clinic, Roch- ester, Minn. St. Paul medical journal. 1-7 [8, 15] 16+ 1899+ M. -Bcv^t^Vto '; St. Petersburger medicinische wochen- schrift. St, Petersburg. See St. Peters - burger medizinische zeitschrift. St. Petersburger medizinische zeitschrift. St. Petersburg. [1-8] 9 [10] 11 [12] 13 [14-15] 16-17 [18-20] 21-22 [23-33, 35-36] 39+ 1876+ M. St. Thomas's hospital, London. Reports. 1, 1836+ M. Salmon and trout magazine. London. 1, 1910+ Salvation; a new evangelical monthly. N. Y. 1-S, 1899-1903. Der Sammler; ein unterhaltungsblatt. Vienna. 10-26, 1818-34. San Francisco. Newspapers: California farmer. 3-36, 39-40, 45-49, 1855-80. [1851-59] Daily California chronicle. 1-8, 1853- S7|| Daily evening bulletin. [Oct. 1855- Dec. 1889] Daily journal of commerce. [1903- Jan. 1911] Examiner. Daily. [1876-97] Examiner. Weekly. [1867-68, 1893- 1902] Recorder. See Recorder. San Francisco call. [1874-1913] San Francisco chronicle. [1874-99] 1900+ San Francisco tageblatt. Apr. 1895- 1905. Star. Weekly. [May 1899-June 1905] Weekly alta California. 1874. San Francisco architectural club. Year- book. 5, 1909. San Francisco association for the study and prevention of tuberculosis. An- nual report. 1, 1908+ M. 1. 3, 6, 1908-13. San Francisco blue book. (Continued in Our society blue book.) 1889/90, 1891/92, 1895/96, 1898/99. San Francisco. Chamber of commerce. Chamber of commerce journal. (Superceded by San Francisco cham- ber of commerce journal.) 1, nos. 2-7, 191111 San Francisco chamber of commerce journal. (Continues San Francisco chamber of commerce. Chamber of commerce journal and the Merchants association review.) 1 [2] 1911-13. 140 List of Serials San Francisco chronicle almanac and political and commercial statistician. 1, 4, 1898, 1901. 3an Francisco. Golden Gate kindergar- ten association. See Golden Gate kin- dergarten association, San Francisco housing association. Re- port. 1-2, 1911-12. M. San Francisco law journal. 1, 187811 L- San Francisco. Mechanics' institute. Annual report. 36-44, 54-f 1891 + Report of the industrial exposition. 1, 10-12, 16, 21-23, 25-26, 1857-91. San Francisco medical press. 1-6, 1860- 6511 M. San Francisco. Merchants' association. See Merchants' association review. San Francisco microscopical society. Transactions. 1, 189311 1, 189311 M. San Francisco port society. Annual re- port. (v.1-3 have title: Proceedings at the , . . Anniversary.) 2, 31, 39, 1862-98. San Francisco settlement association. Annual report. 1-5, 1895-99. San Francisco society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. See Our ani- mals. San Francisco trade journal. [10-16] 1902-06. San Francisco western lancet. 1-9 [10] 11-13, 1872-8411 M. San Jose. Daily Argus. 1, Aug. 10- Nov. 7, 186811 San Jose letter. 3-4, Dec. 1895-Nov. 1896. San Jose mercury-herald. Mar. 1912+ San Jose. Pioneer. 1877-80, 1893-96 [1897-98] San Jose. Weekly Argus. 1-6, 8-12„ 1866-71, 1873-77. Sanitarian. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1-52, 1874- 19041! M. 38-52, 1897-190411 ($■/;/«, ^(^lohf- Sanitary engineer. N. Y. See Engineer- ing record. Sanitary engineer and construction rec- ord. N. Y. See Engineering record. Sanitary era. N. Y. See Modern med- ical science. '' - / / Sanitary inspector. Augusta, Me. [1-2] 3-9 [10-12] 1887-99. M. Sanitary institute. See Royal sanitary institute. Sanitary journal. Glasgow. [4, 6, 8, 10, 14-15] 1880-92. M. Sanitary news. Chicago. [1, Z-7, 9-13] 14 [15-16] 17 [18-19] 1882-9211 M. Sanitary record. London. 24-48 [51] 1899-1913. Sanitary record year book. London. 2+ 25, 1906-07. Sanitary reporter. Louisville, Ky. 1 [2] 1863-6511 M. Sanitary review and journal of public health. London. 1, 3-4, 1855-59. M. Sanitary volunteer. Concord, N. H. 1, 188911 M. Santa Barbara society of natural history. Bulletin. 1-2, 1887-90. Santa Clara Argus. See San Jose. Weekly Argus, v. 1-9, no. 2. Santa Clara county medical society. Transactions. 1877-79. M. Santiago de Chile. Biblioteca nacional. Anuario de la prensa chilena. 1904-07. Seccion de informaciones. See Re- vista de bibliografia chilena y extran- jera. Santiago de Chile. Instituto central meteorologico y geofisico de Chile. Publicaciones. 1-2, 1911. Sao Paulo, Brazil. Museu paulista. Re- vista. 1-9, 1895-1911. Sapporo, Japan. Tohoku gakuin. See Tohoku imperial university. College of agriculture, Sapporo, Japan. Saranac laboratory for the study of tuberculosis, Boston. Studies. 1900-04. M. -0 • ^ \- o z .r^. PJ. List of Serials 141 Satellite of the Annual of the universal medical sciences. Phila. See Monthly cyclopaedia and medical bulletin. Saturday review. London. 1, 1855 + Savannah journal of medicine. Savan- nah. [1] 2-3 [4] 5, 1858-6611 M. Scalpel. London. [1-5] 1896-190011 M. Scalpel. N. Y. 1-12, 1849-61 11 M. Schiffbau. Berlin. 2, 1900+ Schiffbautechnische gesellschaft, Berlin. Jahrbuch. 1, 1900+ Schlagwort-katalog. See Karl Georgs schlagwort-katalog. ^ Schlesische gesellschaft fur volkskunde. See Wort und brauch. Schmidt's Jahrbiicher. Leipzig. 3, 1834+ M. Schmiedeberg's archiv. See Archiv fiir experimentelle pathologie und pharma- kologie. Schmollers jahrbuch fiir gesetzgebung, verwaltung und volkswirtschaft im Deutschen Reich. Leipzig. 1, 1877+ Die Schone literatur. Leipzig. {Supple- ment to Literarisches centralblatt fur Deutschland.) 1, 1900+ School; a monthly journal of educational thought and progress. London. 1-2, 5-10, 1904-08. School and home education. Blooming- ton, 111. [20-32] 1900-12. School and society. Lancaster, Pa., etc. 1, 1915+ School arts book. Worcester, Mass. See School arts magazine. School arts magazine. Worcester, Mass. 4, 1904+ School bulletin and New York state edu- cational journal. Syracuse, N. Y. 30- 36, 1903-10. School hygiene, a monthly review. Lon- don. 1, 1910+ School journal. N. Y. [44, 46, 49] 50- 67 [68-69] 70 [71] 72-74 [75] 76+ 1892+ School of mines quarterly. (Columbia university.) 1, 1879+ School of tropical medicine and medical parasitology, Liverpool. See Liver- pool school of tropical medicine and medical parasitology. School review. (University of Chicago.) Chicago. 1, 1893+ School review monographs. Chicago. 1, 1911 + School science and mathematics. Chi- cago. 1, 1901 + School world. London. 4-9, 1902-07. Schulthess' europaischer geschichts-kal- ender. 1, 1860+ Das Schulzimmer. Charlottenburg. 1-8, 1903-10. Schwabischer Schillerverein, Marbach. Veroffentlichungen. 1, 1905 + Schweizerische bauzeitung. Zurich. 1, 1883+ Schweizerische naturschutzkommission, Basel. Jahresbericht. 4-5, 1909-11. Schweizerische padagogische zeitschrift. Zurich. 16, 1906+ Schweizerische statistische gesellschaft, Bern. See Zeitschrift fiir schweizer- ische statistik. Schweizerische technikerzeitung. Basel. 4, 1907+ Science. Cambridge; N. Y. 1-16, 18-23; n.s., 1+ 1883+ [1, Z-7] 9-11 [20-21] ; [n.s., 4, 8-11] 13+ 1883+ M. Science ; a weekly record of scientific progress. (John Michels, ed.) N. Y. 1 [2-3] 1880-8211 M. Science abstracts. London. 1, 1898+ Science progress in the twentieth cen- tury. London. 1 [2] 3+ 1906+ Science record. N. Y. 1873. "Scientia"; rivista di scienza. Bologna. (Continues Rivista di scienza.) 1-4 [5-6] 7+ 1907+ 142 List of Serials Scientific American. N. Y. 3-6, 10-11 [12] 13 [14]; n.s, 1-30 [31] 32-33 [34-37] 41, SO [51] 58-59 [60] 61 [64] 65+ 1848-f Scientific American supplement. N. Y. [19-22, 27, 29-30] 32-37 [38] 39-42 [43] 44 [45_46] 47+ 1885+ Scientific monthly. N. Y. 1, 1915 + Scientific society of San Antonio. An- nual report. 1, 1904+ Scientific temperance journal. Boston. [20, 1910+] Scientists' international directory. Bos- ton. See Naturalists' directory. Scottish antiquary. New series. See Scottish historical review. Scottish botanical review. Edinburgh. 1, 191211 Scottish burgh record society, Edin- burgh. Publications. 1-12, 1868-81. Scottish geographical magazine. Edin- burgh. 1, 1885 + Scottish historical review. {New series of the Scottish antiquary.) Glasgow. 1, 1903+ Scottish history society, Edinburgh. Pub- lications. 1, 1887+ Scottish medical and surgical journal. Edinburgh. {Merged in Edinburgh medical journal.) 1-5 [6] 7-21 [22] 1897-190811 M. ^>a^lnf>v^ , f^o^ Scottish text society, Edinburgh. Pub- lications. 1-56, 1884-1907. Scribner's magazine. N. Y. 1, 1887+ Scribner's monthly. N. Y. {Continued as Century magazine.) 1-22, 1870-81 1| R. Scuola superiore d'agricoltura, Portici. See Portici. R. Scuola superiore d'agri- coltura. Sechrist's hand-book. See Official rail- way equipment register. Sei-i-Kwai medical journal. Tokyo. [31- 32] ZZ+ 1912+ M. Seismological journal of Japan. Yoko- hama. {Continues Transactions of the Seismological society of Japan.) 1, 1893. Seismological society of America, Stan- ford University, Cal. Bulletin. 1, 1911 + Seismological society of Japan, Yoko- hama. Transactions. {Continued in Seismological journal of Japan.) 1-16, 1880-9211 Selden society, London. Publications. 1, 1887+ Sell's world's press. London. 30, 33+ 1910+ Selskabet for de norske fiskeriers fremme, Bergen. Aarsberetning. 1894- 1901 [1902+] See also Norsk fiskeritidende, Semaine medicale. Paris. [1-2] 3-19 [20] 21+ 1881+ M. Semana medica. Buenos Aires. 21, 1914+ M. Semi-monthly medical news. Louisville, Ky. See Monthly medical news. Sendai, Japan. Tohoku gakuin. See Tohoku imperial university, Sendai, Japan. Sentimental and masonic magazine. Dub- lin. 4, 1794. Sequoia. See Stanford sequoia. Sewanee review. Sewanee, Tenn., etc. 1, 1892+ Shakespeare society, London. Publica- tions. 1-48, 1841-5311 See also New Shakespere society. Shakespeare society of New York. Pub- lications. 10 (4th ed.), 1900. Shakespeariana. Phila. ; N. Y. [3-4] 5-10, 1886-9311 Shanghae almanac. Shanghai. 1855-56. Sheffield medical journal. Sheffield. See Quarterly medical journal for Yorkshire and adjoining counties. ^^^/>/ ^ ^^4^ V!^^^ /f^7 f- ^/^ ifi^ Z<^. List of Serials 143 Sheffield scientific school. See Yale uni- versity. Sheffield scientific school. Shelley society, London. Publications. s.l, 1-2; S.2, 1-7, 12, 17; s.4, 1-4, 6, 8, 1886-9111 Extra series. 1, 4-5, 1886-87] | Shipping gazette and Sydney general trade list. Sydney. 7, 1850. Shoe workers' journal. Boston. 6, 1905+ Shooting and fishing. Boston. [9-41] 1891-1906. Sibley journal of engineering. (Cornell university.) Ithaca. {Continues the Crank.) 5, 1890+ Sidereal messenger. Northfield, Minn. See Astronomy and astrophysics. Sierra club, S- F. Bulletin. {In its Pub- lications.) 1, 1893+ Publications. 1-3, 6-19, 21+ 1892+ Sierra educational news. S. F. 1, 1905 + Siglo medico. Madrid. 61, 1914+ M. Signs of the times. Oakland, Cal. [18- 2,7] 1891-1909. Similibus. N. Y. 1-10, 18721 1 M. Simmond's colonial magazine and for- eign miscellany. London. 1-10, 12, no. 1, 1844-47. Simplified spelling board. Bulletin. 1, 1910+ Circular. 1-11, 14+ 1906+ Single tax review. N. Y. [1-4, 7-9] 1901-09. Skandinavisches archiv fiir physiologie. Leipzig. 1, 1889+ Sleeping sickness bulletin. (Royal so- ciety of London. Sleeping sickness bureau.) London. {Continued by Tropical diseases bulletin.) [1] 2-4, 1908-1211 Sleeping sickness commission. See Royal society of London. Sleeping sickness commission. Smithsonian institution, Washington. Contributions to knowledge. 2, 1851 + Miscellaneous collections. 1-6 [7-8] 9-27, 29+ 1862+ Astrophysical observatory. Annals. 1, 1900+ Smoke abatement league, Cincinnati. Annual report. 1911 + Smull's legislative hand book and man- ual of the state of Pennsylvania. Har- risburg. 1905, 1912+ Social economist. N. Y. See Gunton's magazine. Social progress; a yearbook. N. Y. 1, 1904. Sociedad chilena de historia y geografia, Santiago de Chile. See Revista chilena de historia y geographia. Sociedad nacional de mineria, Santiago de Chile. Estadistica minera de Chile. 1-2, 1903-05. de Lisboa. de geographia do Rio de Revista. 1-9, 1885-93. Sociedade de geographia Boletim. 1-14, 1876-95. Sociedade Janeiro, Sociedade scientifica de Sao Paulo. Re- vista. 1-4, 1905-09. Societa botanica italiana, Florence. Bul- lettino. 1904+ Bullettino bibliografico della botan- ica italiana. See Bullettino biblio- grafico della botanica italiana. Nuovo giornale botanico italiano. See Nuovo giornale botanico italiano. Societa entomologica italiana, Florence. Bullettino. 1, 1869+ Societa geologica italiana, Rome. Bol- lettino. 1, 1882+ Societa italiana di scienze naturali e Museo civico di storia naturale, Milan. Memorie. 5-6, 1895-1901. Societa italiana per la diffusione e I'in- coraggiamento degli studi classici, Florence. See Atene e Roma. Societa sismologica italiana, Roma. Bol- lettino. 1, 1895+ 144 List of Serials Societas philologa lipsiensis, Leipzig. Acta Societatis philologae lipsiensis. 1-6, 1871-7611 Societas pro fauna et flora fennica, Hel- singfors. Acta. 4, 10, 14+ 1887+ Meddelanden. 23-35, 38+ 1896+ Societas scientiarum fennica, Helsing- fors. See Finska vetenskaps societeten, Helsingfors. Societatum litterae. Verzeichniss der in den publikationen der akademien und vereine aller lander erscheinenden ein- zelarbeiten auf dem gebiete der natur- wissenschaften, Jahrbuch. Berlin. 1-14, 1887-190011 Societe academique indo-chinoise, Paris. Memoires. 2, 1879. Societe anatomique de Paris. Bulletins et memoires. 1, 1826+ M. — S.6, 14, 1912+ Societe beige de chirurgie, Brussels, An- nales. [2] 3-5 [6] 7-8, 1894-19001] M. Societe beige de geographie, Brussels. Bulletin. 1-5, 1877-81. Compte rendu des actes. 1-4, 1877- 80. Societe beige de geologie, de paleontolo- gie et d'hydrologie, Brussels. Bulletin. 1, 1887+ Nouveaux memoires. 1-4, 1903-11. Societe botanique de France, Paris. Bul- letin. 1, 1854+ Memoires. 1, 1905 + Societe botanique neerlandaise. See Ned- erlandsche botanische vereeniging, Ley- den. Societe chimique de France, Paris. Bul- letin. 1858-61, 1863; n.s., 1-50; s.3, 1-36; s.4, 1-10, 13+ 1858+ Societe d'anatomie et de physiologic nor- males et pathologiques de Bordeaux. Bulletins. 11-12, 15, 1890-94. M. Societe d'anthropologie de Paris. Mem- oires. 1-3; U.S., 1-4; s.3, 1 [2] 1860-98. M. Societe d'economie sociale, Paris. See Reforme sociale. Societe d'emulation du Jura. Memoires. S.2, 3, 1877. Societe d'histoire diplomatique, Paris. See Revue d'histoire diplomatique. Societe d'histoire litteraire de la France, Paris. See Revue d'histoire litteraire de la France. Societe d'histoire naturelle d'Autun. Bulletin. 3, 1890. Societe d'obstetrique, de gynecologic et de paediatrie de Paris. {Merged into Societe d'obstetrique et de gynecologic de Paris.) Comptes rendus. [1-6] 1899-1904. M. Societe d'obstetrique de Paris. See So- ciete d'obstetrique et de gynecologic de Paris. Societe d'obstetrique et de gynecologic de Paris. {Continues Societe d'ob- stetrique de Paris.) Bulletin. 1, 1898+ M. Societe d'ophtalmologie de Paris. Bul- letin. 1-16, 1888-1903. M. Societe de biologic, Paris. Comptes ren- dus et memoires. 1-22, 24+ 1849+ M. 55, 1903+ Societe de chirurgie de Bucarest. Bul- letins et memoires. [1-8] 1899-1905. M. Societe de chirurgie de Paris. Bulletin. {Succeeded by Bulletins et memoires.) 1-10; s.2, 1-12; s.3, 1-3, 1848-74|| M. Bulletins et memoires. 1, 1875+ M. Memoires. {Succeeded by Bulletins et memoires.) 1-7, 1847-74] 1 M. Societe de geographie, Paris. Bulletin. s.6, 13-20; S.7, 1-2, 1877-81. Societe de geographie d'Anvers. Bul- letin. 1-5, 1877-80. Societe de I'histoire de France, Paris. Annuaire historique. {Continued in Annuaire-Bulletin.) 1-27, 1837-63 ]] Annuaire-Bulletin.) 1-43, 1863-1906. List of Serials 145 Bulletin. (Continued in Annuaire- Bulletin. 1843-45, 1848-51, 1857-58. Publications. 1, 1835 + Societc de I'histoire de la revolution frangaise. [Publications.] 1889. Societe de lingyistique de Paris. Mem- oires. 14, 1906+ Societe de medecine d'Anvers. Annales. [42, 44, 45-47, 49] 50-51 [52] 53 [54-62, 69] 1881-1907. M. Societe de medecine de Paris. Recueil periodique. See Journal general de medecine, de chirurgie et de pharma- cie. Societe de pathologic exotique, Paris. Bulletin. 1, 1908+ M. Societe de pediatric de Paris. Bulletins. [1] 16+ 1899, 1914+ M. Societe de physique et d'histoire natur- elle, Geneva. Memoires. 1, 1821 + Societe de psychiatric de Paris. See L'Encephale. Societe de radiologic medicale de Paris. Bulletins et memoires. 1, 1909+ M. Societe de sante de Paris. Recueil peri- odique. See Journal general de mede- cine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie. Societe de statistique de Paris. Journal. 1, 1860+ Societe de therapeutique, Paris. Bul- letins et memoires. 8-14, 1881-87. M. Societe des anciens textes fran^is, Paris. Bulletin. 1, 1875 + [Publications.] 1875 + Societe des ingenieurs civils de France, Paris. Memoires et compte rendu des travaux. 1848+ Societe des sciences, agriculture et arts de la Basse-Alsace, Strassburg. Bul- letin mensuel. 35-36, 1901-02. Societe des sciences medicales de Lyon. Memoires et comptes-rendus. 10, 18- 19, 38, 40, 1870-1900. M. Societe des sciences physiques et natur- elles, Bordeaux. Memoires. s.2, 2;. S.4, 1, 1878-93. Societe des textes frangais modernes, Paris. [Publications.] 1905 + Societe entomologique a Stockholm. See Entomologisk tidskrift. Societe entomologique de Belgique, Brus- sels. Annales. 1, 1857+ Memoires. 1-15, 17-18, 20+ 1892+ Societe entomologique de France, Paris. Annales. 1, 1832+ Bulletin. 1833+ Societe frangaise d'electrotherapie, Paris. See Societe frangaise d'electrotherapie et de radiologic medicale. Societe fran^aise d'electrotherapie et de radiologic medicale, Paris. (Continues Societe francaise d'electrotherapie. Bulletin officiel. [2-6] 7 [8, 10] 1894- 1902. M. Societe frangaise d'ophtalmologie. Bul- letins et memoires. Paris. 1, 1883+ M. Societe frangaise de bienfaisance mutu- elle, S. F. Annual report. 1899/1900. Societe frangaise de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie, Paris. Bulletin. 1, 1890+ M. Societe frangaise de mineralogie, Paris. Bulletin. 1, 1878+ Societe frangaise de philosophic, Paris. Bulletin. 1, 1901 + Societe frangaise de physique, Paris. Collection de memoires relatifs a la physique. 1 ; s.2, 1884, 1905, 1913. Societe frangaise de prophylaxie sanitaire et morale, Paris. Bulletin. 8-11, 1908- 11. Societe geologique de France, Paris. Bulletin, s.l, 1-14; s.2, 1-29; s.3, 1-28; s.4, 1-3 [4] 5-7 [8] 9 [10-13] 14+ 1830+ Compte rendu sommaire des se- ances. 1899-1-900, 1902+ Societe hollandaise des sciences, Haar- lem. See Hollandsche maatschappij der wetenschappen. 146 List of Serials Societe industrielle de Mulhouse, Bul- letin. [43-62] 1873-92. Societe internationale de chirurgie. Con- gres. 1, 1905. M. Societe internationale de dialectologie romane, Brussels. See Bibliotheque de dialectologie romane; Bulletin de dia- lectologie romane; Revue de dialec- tologie romane. Societe internationale des electriciens, Paris. Bulletin. 1-17; s.2, 1-6, 1884- 1906. Societe Jean- Jacques Rousseau, Geneva. Annales. 1-5, 1905-09. Societe libre pour Tetude psychologique de Tenfant, Paris. Bulletin. 26-67, 694- 19054- Societe mathematique d' Amsterdam. See Revue semestrielle des publications mathematiques. Societe mathematique de France, Paris. Bulletin. 1, 18724- Comptes rendus des seances. 19124- Societe medicale d'emulation de Paris. Memoires. 1-6, 1797-1806. M. Societe medicale d'observation, Paris. Memoires. 1-3, 1837-56|| M. Recueil des travaux. 1-2; s.2, 1-2, 1857-7011 M. Societe medicale des hopitaux de Lyon. Bulletin. 7-9, 1904. M. Societe medicale des hopitaux de Paris. Bulletins et memoires. 1, 18494- M. Societe medico-chirurgicale d'Anvers. Annales. Antwerp. 1 [2, 4-5] 1896- 1900. M. Societe medico-chirurgicale de Liege. Annales. [21] 22 [23] 24-26 [27] 28-29 [30-31, 33-38, 40] 1882-1901. M. Societe nationale des antiquaires de France, Paris. Bulletin. 1889. Societe obstetricale et gynecologique de Paris. Bulletins et memoires. [1888- 93, 1896-97] 1898. M. Societe paleontologique suisse, Zurich. Memoires. 1-12, 14, 18, 1874-9L Societe pour I'etude des langues romanes, Montpellier. See Revue des langues romanes. Societe royale de botanique de Belgique, Brussels. Bulletin. 1, 18624- Societe royale de medecine, Paris. His- toire. 1-10, 1779-88. M. Societe royale des sciences medicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. Annales. 5-6 [7-9] 10 [11-12] 13 [14] 1896-1905. M. Bulletin. [54-57] 58-59 [60-63] 1896-1905. M. Societe scientifique d'Arcachon. Station zoologique. Travaux des laboratoires. 1899. Societe scientifique du Chili, Santiago. Actes. 1, 1891. Societe vaudoise des ingenieurs et des architectes, Lausanne. Bulletin. 4, 1878. Societes de la Croix-rouge. Bulletin in- ternational. [18-22] 23-24 [25-30, 38] 1887-1907. M. Society for experimental biology and medicine, N. Y. Proceedings. 1, 19044- 1-2, 9H- 19034- M. Society for promoting national education, London. Annual report. 1, 1857. Society for promoting the education of the poor of Ireland, Dublin. Report. 1-17, 1813-29. Society for psychical research, London. Journal. 1, 18844- Proceedings. 1, 18824- Ml, 13-22, 1882-1908. M. Society for the history of the Germans in Maryland, Baltimore. Report. 1-14, 16, 1886-1907. Society for the improvement of medical and chirurgical knowledge, London. Transactions. 1-3, 1793-1812. M. Society for the promotion of engineering education, Ithaca, N. Y. Bulletin. [1] 24- 19104- c ^*>*^ Jr t t-^y n^^ ' ^S C -/% ^ ^ / €-/€^tttrir* /\ i7> n - List of Serials 147 Proceedings. 1, 1893+ Society for the promotion of Hellenic studies, London. Supplementary pa- pers. 1-4, 1892-1904. See also Journal of Hellenic studies. Society for the promotion of Roman studies, London. See Journal of Ro- man studies. Society for the propagation of the faith. See Annals of the propagation of the faith. Society for the study of diseases in chil- dren, London. Reports. 1-5, 1900-05. M. Society of alumni of Bellevue hospital, N. Y. See Bellevue hospital, N. Y. Society of alumni. Society of American foresters, Wash- ington. Proceedings. 1, 3 [4] 1905-09. Society of antiquaries of London, See Archaeologia. Society of arts, London. See Royal so- ciety of arts. Society of biblical archaeology, Londoli. Proceedings. 1-22, 1878-1900. Transactions. 1-9, 1872-93 11 Society of California pioneers, S. F. Anniversary celebrations. 20, 42-48, 50-51, 1870-1901. Annual report. 1891/92-1903/04. Society of chemical industry, London. Journal. 1, 1882+ Society of colonial wars in California, Los Angeles. [Publications.] 1896- 1903. Society of comparative legislation, Lon- don. Journal. 1, 1896+ L. Society of engineers, London. Trans- actions. 1860+ Society of medical jurisprudence and state medicine, N. Y. Proceedings. 1, 1883. M. Society of naval architects and marine engineers, N. Y. Transactions. 1, 1893+ Society of public analysts, London. Pro- ceedings. See Analyst. Society of telegraph engineers and elec- tricians, London. See Institution of electrical engineers. Society of tropical medicine and hy- giene, London. Transactions. 4, 1910+ M. Sociological review. Manchester [Eng.] 1, 1908+ Sociological society, London. Sociolog- ical papers. {Included later in Socio- logical review.) 1-3, 190S-07|I Sokrates, zeitschrift fiir das gymnasial- wesen. Berlin. {Continues Zeitschrift fiir das gymnasialwesen.) 1-3, 8-28, 30+ 1847+ Solar observatory, Mt. Wilson, Cal. See Carnegie institution, Washington. Solar observatory, Mt. Wilson, Cal. Solicitors journal and reporter. London. 1, 1857+ L. Sonnblick-verein, Vienna. Jahres-ber- icht. 7, 1898. Sons of the revolution. California so- ciety, Los Angeles. [Publications.] 1893-1903. Sound currency. N. Y. 2, 4-11, 1894- 190511 South African association of engineers. {Continued as South African institu- tion of engineers.) Proceedings. Jo- hannesburg. 14-16, 1908-101 1 South African institute of engineers. See South African institution of engineers. South African institution of engineers. Journal. Johannesburg. 9, 1910+ South African medical journal. Cape Town. [3-5] 1896-97. M. South African mining journal. Johannes- burg. [4] 6, 1895 + South African year-book. London. 1, 1914+ South American year book. London. 1913. South Carolina bar association. Transac- tions. Columbus. 8-12, 1892-1905. L. 148 List of Serials South Carolina historical society. Col- Southern journal of medicine and phar- lections. Charleston. 1-5, 1857-97. macy. Charleston, S. C. See Charles- South Carolina medical association. ton medical journal and review. Transactions. 1871, 1881, 1885, 1887,^ Southern journal of the medical and 1890,1894,1896. M.^B«.«^^^ ' ' ' <=l ^ "^ "t" physical sciences. Nashville, Tenn. South Dakota bar association. Reports. Sioux Falls. 1-7, 1897-1907. L. South Dakota state medical association. Proceedings. Mitchell. 12-13, 1894-95. M. South Dakota. State school of mines, Rapid City. Bulletin. 4, 6, 9, 10, 1900-14. Southern California academy of sciences, Los Angeles. Bulletin. 1, 1902+ Southern California historical society. See Historical society of Southern California. Southern California practitioner. Los Angeles. 1, 1886+ M. Southern clinic. Richmond, Va. 1-3 [4] 5-11 [12-13] 14-17 [18] 19-22 [23] 24- ^ 25 [26] 27 [28-29, 35-36] 37+ 1878+ Southern dental association, Baltimore. Transactions. 3, 28, 1871, 1897. M. Southern dental journal. Atlanta, Ga. See Southern dental journal and luminary. Macon, Ga. Southern dental journal and luminary. Macon, Ga. [3-6, 9, 11, 16, 19] 1884- 1900. M. Southern educational association. Jour- nal of proceedings and addresses. Knoxville, Tenn. 9-11, 13-19, 1899- 1908. Southern educational review. Chatta- nooga. 3-4 [5-6] 1906-09. Southern electrician. See Electrical en- gineering. Atlanta. Southern historical society. Papers. Richmond, Va. 1-38, 1876-1910. Southern history association, Washing- ton. Publications. 1-2, 4-11, 1897- 1907. Southern journal of homoeopathy. Balti- more. See American medical monthly. 1-2 [3-4] 5 [6] 1853-5711 M. Southern journal of the medical sciences. {Merged into New Orleans journal of medicine.) 1-2, 1866-6711 M. Southern law review. Nashville and St. Louis. 1-3; U.S., 1-8, 1872-83|1 L. Southern literary messenger. Richmond. 1-38, 1834-6411 Southern medical and surgical journal. Augusta, Ga. 1-3; s.2, 1-16 [17]; s.3 [1] 1835-67. M. Southern medical journal. Mobile, Ala. [4, 6] 7+ 1911+ M. Southern medical record. Atlanta, Ga. {Continues Georgia medical compan- ion.) 1, 3-9 [10] 11-18 [19] 20-26 [27] 28 [29] 1871-99. M. Southern medical reformer and review. Macon, Ga. [2, 4-9] 1853-59. M. Southern medical reports. New Orleans. 1-2, 1849-50. M. Southern medical review. Houston, Texas. 1, 189411 M. Southern medicine. Savannah, Ga. {Continues Georgia journal of medi- cine and surgery. Merged in Gail- lard's southern medicine.) [10-11] 1904. M. Southern medicine and Gaillard's medical journal. Savannah, Ga. See Gaillard's southern medicine. Southern medicine and surgery. Chat- tanooga, Tenn. [1] 2-4 [5, 7] 1904-07. M. Southern monthly magazine. Auckland. 1, 1863-64. Southern practitioner. Nashville, Tenn. 1-23 [24] 25-27 [28] 1879-1906. M. Southern spectator. Melbourne. 1-2, 1857-5911 List of Serials 149 Southern surgical and gynecological as- sociation, Phila. Transactions. 1-6, 10, 12, 1888-99. M. Southern workman and Hampton school record. Hampton. [21] 22-24 [1892] 1893-95. Southwest journal of medicine and sur- gery. El Reno, Okla. (Continues Oklahoma medical news- journal. Okla- homa City. Preceded by Oklahoma medical journal. Guthrie.) [2-3] 4 [5-6, 8] 9 [10] 11 [12] 13 [14,20] 21 + 18944- M. Southwest society of the Archaeological institute of America, Los Angeles. Bul- letin. 2, 3, 7, 1905-10. Southwestern historical quarterly. (Texas state historical association, Austin. Continues Quarterly of the Texas state historical association.) 1, 1897+ Southwestern medical gazette. Louis- ville, Ky. 1 [2] 1887-8811 M. Southwestern medical record. Houston, Texas. [1] 2 [3-4] 1896-991 1 M. Sozialistische monatshefte. Berlin. 11, 1907+ Spatula. Boston. [1-8] 9 [10] 11 [12] 1894-1905. M. Speaker. Phila. 1, 1905+ Special libraries. Boston. 6, 1915 + Specialist. London. [1] 2, 1880-8111 M. Specialist and intelligencer. Phila. See American specialist. Spectator. London. 6, 1833+ Spectator. Melbourne. 3-4, 1866-67 1| Spenser society, London. Publications. 1-39, 42, 44, 1867-87. Sperimentale. Florence. (Accademia medico-fisica fiorentina.) [28] 29 [30-31] 32 [33-37] 38-40 [41] 42 [43- 46] 47-48 [49] 50 [51-53] 54 [55-56, 58-59] 66+ 1875+ M. Sperlings zeitschriften-adressbuch. Stutt- gart. 43, 45, 47+ 1906, 1910, 1912+ Spirit of the European medical journals. See Monthly journal of foreign medi- cine. Spolia zeylanica. Colombo, Ceylon. 1, 1903+ Sprague memorial institute, Chicago. See Otho S. A. Sprague memorial insti- tute. Sprogforeningens almanak. Aabenraa. 7, 1900. Square deal. Battle Creek. [1, 1905+] Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche for- schungen. 1, 1879+ Stahl und eisen. Diisseldorf. 29, 1909+ Standard oil bulletin. S. F. 2, 1915. Stanford alumnus. Stanford University, Cal. 1, 1899+ Stanford sequoia. Stanford University, CaL 1, 1891 + Stanford university. Daily Palo Alto. 1, 1892+ Star. S. F. See San Francisco. Newspa- pers. State boards of commissioners for pro- moting uniformity of legislation in the United States. See Commissioners on uniform state laws. State charities aid association of New York. Publications. [1, 1873+] State hospitals bulletin. Utica, N. Y. 1-2, 1896-9711 M. State register and yearbook of facts. S. F. 1857, 1859. Statesman's yearbook. London. 7, 1870+ Station agent. See Railway agent and Station agent. Statistician and economist. S. F. 4, 11- 14. 16, 18, 1879-96. Statistisches jahrbuch deutscher stadte. Breslau. 6, 15+ 1897, 1908+ Stazione zoologica, Naples. See Naples. Stazione zoologica. Stethoscope. Richmond. (Merged into Virginia medical journal.) 1-5, 1851- 5511 M. 150 List of Serials Stethoscope and Virginia medical ga- zette. Richmond. See Stethoscope. Stettiner entomologische zeitung. See Entomologische zeitung. Stevens indicator. (Stevens institute of technology.) Hoboken, N. J. 4-27, 1887-1910. Stimme. Berlin. 3-4 [5-6] 1908-11. M. Stockton and co's dental intelligencer. Phila. See Dental intelligencer and rec- ord. Stone; an illustrated magazine. N. Y. [1] 2-3 [4] 5 [6-7] 8-29 [30] 1888-1909. Stone & Webster public service journal. Boston. 4, 1909+ Stonecutters' journal, Washington. [18, 1904+] Strahlentherapie. Berlin and Vienna. 1, 1912+ M. Street railway association of the state of New York. Report. N. Y. 1-7, 11, 1888-92, 1896. Street railway journal. See Electric railway journal. Street's pandex of the news. S. F. 1915 + Stryker's American register and maga- zine. Phila., etc. 1-6, 1848-51 1| Students' journal and hospital gazette. London. See Hospital gazette and students' journal. Studi di filologia moderna. Catania. 1, 1908+ Studi medievali. Torino. 1-4, 1904-131] Studi storici per I'antichita classica. Pisa. 1, 1908+ Supplemento. See Biblioteca degli studi storici. Studia sinaitica. London. 1-6, 8, 1894- 1901. Studien zur englischen philologie. Halle, 1, 1897+ Studien zur pathologic der entwicklung. Jena. 1, 1914+ Studien zur vergleichenden literaturge- schichte. Berlin, 1-9, 1901-0911 Studies in economics and political sci- ence. (London school of economics and political science.) 1-5, 7-8, 10-15, 19-20, 23, 27, 34, 38, 40, 1896-1914. Studies in education. Stanford Univer- sity; Phila. 1-2, 1896/97-190211 Studies in philology. (Philological club of the University of North Carolina.) Chapel Hill, N. C. 1, 1906+ "Studio" year book of decorative art. , p J London; N. Y. 1906+ /T-' -^'^^ /;«^^ Studj di filologia romanza. Rome. (Continues Giornale di filologia ro- manza.) 1-9, 1885-190311 Siiddeutsche bauzeitung, Munich. 21, 1911 + Sunset. S. F. 3, 1899+ Sunspot, (University of Santa Clara. Observatory.) 1-2, 1915. Surgery, gynecology and obstetrics. Chi- cago. 1, 1905+ M. -B/tA^tn^» f> f"^^ ^ Supplement. See International ab- stract of surgery. Surgical clinic. Chicago, {Merged into Alkaloidal clinic.) [1] 2, 1902-031 1 M. Surtees society, Durham, Eng. Publica- tions. 9-10, 1839-40. Survey. N. Y, {Continues Charities and the commons, preceded by Char- ities.) 1, 5+ 1897+ Surveyors' institution, London. Profes- sional notes, 1-13, 1886-1906. Transactions, 1-28 [29-37] 38-41 [42] 43, 1868-1911. Svensk bok-katalog. Stockholm, 1866+ K. Svenska vetenskapsakademien, Stock- holm, Arsbok, 1903 + Bilaga, 1-3, 1910. See also Arkiv for botanik. Swedenborg scientific association. New philosophy. See New philosophy. Sydenham society, London. [Publica- tions] [1844-57] Sydney, Bulletin. Nov, 14, 1907+ ^rh ' /^ft/f ? /; >r / . fo, /; . /3 // ^ i ■ A ^ . '"'" fgj^^, /♦ '. CJ ''^^J^uJ4'^ ./^-/3. liyi.-?^ . (^a^^ List of Serials 153 Die therapeutischen leistungen des jahres. Wiesbaden. 3-10, 1892-99. M. Therapie der gegenwart. Berlin. [15] 16 [17-19, 27] 28-29 [30-35] 36+ 1874-f- M. :^- • Therapist. London. [4, 7] 8-10 [13-16] 1894-1906. M. ^i^ni^trutr^^io.i^t-ii Thorn's official directory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Dublin. 66, 1909. Thomsonian recorder, or Impartial advo- cate of botanic medicine. Columbus, O. 1, 1832/33. M. Thunen-archiv. See Archiv fur exakte wirtschaftsforschung. Thiiringer volks-kalender fiir heimath und fremde. Leipzig. 2, 1861. Tidsskrift for philologi og paedagogik. See Nordisk tidsskrift for filologi. Tijdschrift voor entomologie. (Neder- landsche entomologische vereeniging.) 'sGravenhage. 1, 1857+ Times. London. See London. Times. Times. Los Angeles. See Los Angeles times. Times and register. Phila. See Medical times and register. Times of India. See Bombay. Times of India. Tohoku imperial university, Sendai, Ja- pan. Science reports. First series. (Mathematics, physics, chemistry.) 1, 1911 + Second series. (Geology.) 1, 1912+ College of agriculture, Sapporo, Japan. Journal. 4, 1911/12+ Tohoku mathematical journal. Sendai. 6, 1914+ Tokyo. Imperial academy. Memoirs. 1, 1913+ Proceedings. 1, 1912+ Tokyo. Imperial university. College of agriculture. Bulletin. (Continued as Journal of the College of agriculture.) [2] 3-5 [6-8] 1895-190911 Journal. 1, 1909+ of science. Journal. 1, — College 1887+ Tokyo zoological society. See Annota- tiones zoologicae japonenses. Toledo medical and surgical journal. To- ledo, O. 1-4, 1877-8011 M. Toledo medical and surgical reporter. Toledo, O. [1888-93] 1894-95 [1896-97] 1898 [1899-1900] 1901 [1902] 1903 [1904] 1905. M. Toledo medical compend. Toledo, O. See American medical compend. Torch and colonial book circular, Lon- don. 1, 1887-88. Toronto. School of practical science. Engineering society. Papers. 8, 1894- 95. Toronto. University. Studies : Anatomy series. 1, 1900+ Biology series. 1, 1898+ Geological series. 1, 1900+ History and economics, s.2, 1 [2] 1901-02; Extra vol. 1907. Pathological series. 1, 4, 1906- 09. Philological series. 1, 1903+ Physiological series. 1, 1900+ Psychological series. 1-2, 1900-07. Torrey botanical club, N. Y. Bulletin. 1, 1870+ 21-25 [26] 27-28 [29-30] 31, 1894-1904. M. Memoirs. 1-5, 7 [11] 1889-1902. [4] 5 [6] 7 [8] 9, 1892-1900. M. Torreya. N. Y. 1, 1901 + 1-3 [4] 1901-04. M. 154 List of Serials Tortosa. Observatorio del Ebro. Bole- tin mensual. 1, 1910+ Memoires. 1-4, 1906-10. Touchstone. Melbourne. 1, 1869-70. Toulouse. Observatoire. Annales. 3-5 [6] 7+ 1899+ Toulouse. TJniversite. Bulletin. 16-17, 19-20, 1905-08. Bulletin de Tenseignement secon- daire de I'Academie de Toulouse, n.s., 21. annee, 1912+ Facultes de droit et des lettres. Bulletin: Memoires originaux. ser. B, 1-4, 1902-05. Faculte des sciences. Annales. 1, 1887+ Station de pisciculture et d'hydro- biologie. Bulletin. 1-2, 1903-04. Traction and transmission. (Supple- ment to Engineering.) London. 1-10, 1901-0411 Trade and transportation, with which is incorporated Freight. N. Y. 3, 1905 + Train dispatchers' association of Amer- ica. Proceedings of annual conven- tion. Chicago. 5-7, 1892-94. Training school. Vineland, N. J. 7, 1910+ Tramway and railway world. London. (Continues Railway world. London.) 1, 1892+ Trans-continental association. Proceed- ings. St. Louis. 1885, 1887-91. Transvaal institute of mechanical engi- neers. Journal. See South African in- stitution of engineers. Proceedings. 1908. Transylvania journal of medicine and the associate sciences. Lexington, Ky. 1-6 [7-8] 9-11, 1828-38. M. Transylvania medical journal. Louis- ville, Ky. See Kentucky medical re- corder. Transylvania university, Lexington, Ky. Studies in English. 1-2, 1910-11. Travel. N. Y. 21, 1913+ Traveling engineers' association, Elk- hart, Ind., etc. Committee reports, papers and subjects for discussion. 15, 17-19, 1907-11. Proceedings. 6-8, 10, 12-16, 18-19, 1898-1911. Treatment. London. [1-5, 7-8] 1897- 1905. M. Tribune almanac and political register. N. Y. 1856-1900, 1902+ Tribune medicale. N. Y. (American edition.) 1 [2, 7-8] 1904-12. M. Trinity college, Durham, N. C. Pub- lication [s] : Political and social science series. 6, 1893. Trinity university, Toronto. Trinity uni- versity year book. 8-14, 16, 18+ 1903+ Tri-state medical journal. St. Louis. See Interstate medical journal. Tropical diseases bulletin. (Imperial in- stitute. Tropical diseases bureau.) London. (Continues sleeping sickness bulletin.) 1, 1912+ Tropical veterinary bulletin. (Imperial institute. Tropical diseases bureau.) London. 1, 1912+ 2, 1914+ M. True life. Eden Vale, Cal. [2-10] 1891- 190611 Trust companies of the United States . . . compiled and published by the U. S. mortgage and trust co. N. Y. 1908+ Tschermaks mineralogische und petro- graphische mittheilungen. Vienna. 1, 1871 + Tubingen, Chirurgische klinik. Mit- theilungen. See Beitrage zur klin- ischen chirurgie. Tiibingen. Universitat. Pathologisch- anatomisches institut, Leipzig. Ar- beiten. 1, 1891/92. M. Z> U^/^<^iU»t.: ^^t/i^^i^rx ' -^^ V/ .^ ^^- 7 - ''^ - ^'^^ «" ' '^ ^i^CtyCA lOMStiU m^f^ '^y^.hPfSn . J^i^i^erur" ...^jJl ^'"^ r ^v^ ^J^U Lc, hu. 'Uu^ t- >^ U Mfi'J^. aC f/ >n ^ f/yf i , , .( fTf^ ^rr^/'n^^^i^.aC- List of Serials 155 Tufts college. Studies. (Scientific series.) 1, 1894. Tulane graduate magazine. New Or- leans. 2, 1912+ Die Turbine. Berlin. (Merged into Zeitschrift fiir das gesammte turbi- nenwesen.) 1-9, 1904-13|| Twentieth century magazine. Boston. 3-7, 1910-131 1 Typographical journal. Indianapolis. 26, 19054- Union journal of medicine. N. Y. See Syracuse medical and surgical journal. Syracuse, N. Y. Union medicale. Paris. 1-12; n.s., 1-32; s.3, 1-58; S.4, 1-2, 1847-96|I M. Union medicale du Canada. Montreal. [8-11] 12-15; n.s., 1-9; s.3, 1-2 [3-5, 7-8, 10-13] 1879-1905. M. Union Pacific employes' magazine. Den- ver. 1-9, 1886-94. Union signal. Evanston, 111. [19, 1893+] United brotherhood of carpenters and joiners of America. Proceedings. At- lanta, Ga. 12-13, 1902-04. United mine workers journal. Indian- apolis. 16, 1905 + United mine workers of America. Pro- ceedings of the annual convention. Indianapolis. 13-15, 1902-04. United States annual mining review and stock ledger. N. Y. 1879. United States brewers' association, N. Y. Proceedings of the convention. (Continued in the Year book.) 48-50, 1908-1011 Year book. N. Y. 1909+ United States Christian commission. Annual report. Phila. 2, 1863. United States democratic review. Wash- ington; N.Y. 1-43, 1837-5911 United States. Engineer school, Wash- ington. Professional memoirs. See Professional memoirs. United States investor. Boston. 14 [15] 16 [17-18] 19 [20] 21+ 1903+ United States medical and surgical jour- nal. Chicago. (Merged into United States medical investigator.) [1-3] 4-9, 1865-741 1 M. United States medical and surgical jour- nal. N. Y. 1-3, 1834-3611 M. United States medical investigator. Chi- cago. [1-2, 4] 5 [6] 7-10 [12-15, 17, 21-23] 1875-87. M. United States sanitary commission. Bul- letin. Washington, no.1-40, 1863-651J Documents, no.1-95, 1861-65. United States veterinary medical asso- ciation, Phila. Transactions. 1896. M. Unity. Chicago. [43, 1899+] Universal medical journal. Phila. See Monthly cyclopaedia and medical bul- letin. JB>.xn^«rM.^ 7-^<^ -/^f6 Universal religion. Tacoma. [9-14] 1901-06. University courier. Washington. [2-17] 1894-1910. University journal of medicine and sur- gery. Phila. See Philadelphia uni- versity journal of medicine and sur- gery. University medical magazine. Phila. See Pennsylvania. University. Dept. of medicine. Medical bulletin. University of Chicago magazine. (Con- tinues University record and Chicago alumni magazine.) 1-6, 1908-14. University of Pennsylvania law review and American law register. Phila. 1, 1852+ L. University of Pennsylvania medical bul- letin. Phila. See Pennsylvania. Uni- versity. Dept. of medicine. Medical bulletin. 0>^, 156 List of Serials University record. Ann Arbor. (Uni- versity of Michigan.) 1-4, 1891-94. University record. Chicago. See Chi- cago. University. University review. Jun. 190911 Unpopular review. London. 1-7. 1905- N. Y. 1, 1914+ Untersuchungen zur indogermanischen sprach- und kulturwissenschaft. Strass- burg. 1-4, 1910-12. Untersuchungen zur naturlehre des men- schen und der thiere. Frankfort. [1-3, 13-14] 1856-89. M. Untersuchungen zur neueren sprach- und literatur-geschichte. Leipzig. 9, 11-12; n.s., 1+ 1906+ Upper Canada journal of medical, sur- gical and physical science. Toronto. 1 [3] 1851-5411 M. Upper Canada law journal. New series. See Canada law journal. Upper Canada law journal and local court gazette. Barrie, etc. 1-10, 1855- 6411 L. Upsala. Universitet. Arsskrift. 1889- 1907, 1909, 1912+ Zoologiska bidrag fran Uppsala. 2, 1913+ Mineralogisk-geologisk institut. Bul- letin. 1, 1892+ Urologic and cutaneous review. St. Louis. [1-9] 11-15 [16] 17+ 1897+ M. J?,^>t/.v.; ') /^' Utah bar association. Reports. Salt Lake City. 1-2, 4-8, 10, 1894-1908. L. Utah medical journal. \ See Denver medical times and Utah medical jour- nal. Utah. University. Bulletin. Archaeolo- gical number. 1-2, 1910. State school of mines. Engineering experiment station. Bulletin. 1-4, 1908-12. Utrecht. Hoogeschool. Physiologisch laboratorium. Onderzoekingen. s.5, 4-8, 10+ 1902+ Vanderbilt university quarterly. Nash- ville. 1, 1901 + Van Diemen's Land temperance herald. Launceston. no. 1-12, 1845-46. Van Nostrand's chemical annual. N. Y. 2, 1909+ Van Nostrand's engineering magazine. N. Y. 1-35, 1869-8611 Vasari society for the reproduction of drawings by old masters. Reproduc- tions. Oxford. 1, 1905 + Vassar brothers institute, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Transactions. [1-3] 4-7, 1881- 97. Vedanta monthly. See Message of the East. Velhagen & Klasings monatshefte. Leip- zig. [12] 13+ 1897+ Vem ar det? Stockholm. 1914. Verband der hilfsschulen Deutschlands. See Die hilfsschule. Verein der deutschen zucker-industrie, Berlin. Zeitschrift. 1, 1850+ Verein deutscher bibliothekare. See Jahrbuch der deutschen bibliotheken. Verein deutscher eisenbahn-verwaltun- gen, Berlin. Deutsche eisenbahn- statistik. See its Statistische nach- richten von den eisenbahnen. Statistische nachrichten von den eisenbahnen des Vereins deutscher eisenbahn-verwaltungen. 1-41, 1850-90. Zeitung. 32, 1892+ Zusammenstellung der ergebnisse der von den Vereins-verwaltungen. . . mit eisenbahn-material angestellten gute-proben. 1883-85, 1887-90. Verein deutscher ingenieure, Berlin. Technik und wirtschaft. See Technik und wirtschaft. Zeitschrift. 1-3, 5, 7+ 1857+ List of Serials 157 Verein fiir die forderung des local- und strassenwesens. Mittheilungen. Vi- enna. 1-2, 1893-94. Verein fiir niederdeutsche sprachfors- chung, Hamburg. Jahrbuch. 1, 1875. Verein fiir psychiatric und neurologic in Wien. See Jahrbiicher fiir psychiatric und neurologic. Verein fiir socialpolitik, Berlin. Schrif- ten. 49-51, 57, 119+ 1892+ Verein fur vaterlandischc naturkunde in Wiirttemberg. Jahresheftc. 58, 1902+ Beilagc, See Ergebnisse der pflanzengeographischcn durchfors- chung von Wiirttemberg, Baden und Hohcnzollcrn ; Wurttcmbcrg. Statis- tisches landcsamt. Mitteilungen der Geologischen abteilung. Verein von alterthumsfreunden im Rhcinlande, Bonn. Jahrbucher. 47-48, 1869. Verein zur verbreitung naturwissen- schaftlicher kenntnisse, Vienna. Schrif- ten. 16-31, 1876-91. Vereinigung der vertrcter der ange- wandte botanik. See Vereinigung fiir angewandte botanik. Berlin. Vereinigung fiir angewandte botanik. Jahresbericht. Berlin. 1, 1903+ Vercinte deutsche zeitschrift fiir die staatsarzneikundc. Freiburg. 1-9, 1847-51. M. Vermont historical society, Montpelier. Collections. 1-2, 1870-71. Proceedings. 1909/10-1911/12. Vermont medical monthly. Burlington. [1-4] 5-7 [8-9] 10 [11-13] 1895-1907. M. Vermont school journal. West Brattle- boro. [6, 1864] Vermont state medical society. Trans- actions. 1877, 1881-82, 1897-1902. M. Versammlung deutscher naturforscher und aerzte. See Gesellschaft deutscher naturforscher und aerzte. Verhand- lungen. Versammlung deutscher philologen und schulmanner. Verhandlungen. Leip- zig. 27-28, 40, 1869-72, 1889. Veterinary journal. London. 1-44, 46 [47] 48, 50-54, 57, 59-67, 69+ 1875 + M. Veterinary journal and annals of com- parative pathology. London. See Veterinary journal. Victoria law almanac. Melbourne. 10, 12, 1891, 1893. Victoria university of Manchester. Pub- lications : Biological series. 1, 1910. Classical series. 1, 1908+ Comparative literature series. 1, 1913+ Economic series. 1, 12, 1904, 1909. Educational series. 1-2, 4+ 1908+ 1909. English series. 1-2, 5+ 1909+ Historical series. 4, 8, 1906. Medical series. 12-13, 1909-11. Physical series. 2, 1911. Victorian agricultural and horticultural gazette. Geelong. 1-2, 1857-59. Victorian Christian witness and Congre- gational magazine. Melbourne. {Aus- tralian ed. of the Christian witness.) 1 [2] 1868-7011 Victorian congregational year book and almanac. Melbourne. 1867-87, 1890. Victorian engineers' association. Trans- actions and proceedings. Melbourne. 1, 1883/85. Victorian geographical journal, includ- ing the proceedings of the Royal geo- graphical society of Australasia, Vic- toria. Melbourne. 1-22, 1883-1904. Victorian institute of surveyors. Trans- actions and procedings. Melbourne. 1, 3, 1874/80, 1885/91. 158 List of Serials Victorian naturalist. (Field naturalists' club.) Melbourne. 2, 3, 5-6 [7] 8 [9- 11] 1885-95. Victorian review. Melbourne. [6, 12] 1882-85. Victorian schoolmaster. (Victorian teachers' union.) Melbourne. 1-2, 1879-81. La Vie Internationale. Bruxelles. !, 1912+ La Vie politique dans les deux mondes. Paris. 7, 1912/13. Vienna. Societies. (For a society lo- cated in Vienna see the name of the society.) Vienna. K. K. Allgemeines kranken- haus. Arztlicher bericht. (Continued in Jahrbuch der Wiener krankenan- stalten. 1892-) 1874, 1879, 1886-88, 1890. M. Vienna. Krankenanstalt Rudolphstift- ung. Bericht. 1870, 1875-76, 1882-83, 1888 [1891] M. Vienna. Medicinisches doctoren-colleg- ium. Mittheilungen. [8-15, 18-21, 25, 28, 30] 1882-1904. M. Vienna. Universitat. Institut fiir an- atomie und physiologic des central- nervensystems. Arbeiten. See Vienna. Universitat. Neurologisches institut. Arbeiten. Neurologisches institut. Arbeiten. Leipzig, etc. 1, 1892+ 3, 6, 20+ 1895+ M. Zoologisches institut. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen institute der Uni- versitat Wien und der Zoologischen station in Triest. 1, 1878+ Vierteljahresberichte iiber die gesamt- leistungen auf dem gebiete der krank- heiten des harn- und sexual-apparates. Berlin. 6"^^ Monatsberichte fiir urolo- gie. Vierteljahresschrift fiir dermatologie und syphilis. Vienna. See Archiv fiir dermatologie und syphilis. Vierteljahrs-katalog der neuigkeiten des deutschen buchhandels. See Hinrichs' viertel j ahrs-katalog. Vierteljahrschrift fiir die praktische heil- kunde. Leipzig; Prague. 1-144, 1844- 7911 M. Vierteljahrschrift fiir litteraturgeschi- chte. Weimar. (Continues Archiv fur litteraturgeschichte.) 1-6, 1888-9311 Viertel jahrsschrift fiir gerichtliche medi- zin und offentliches sanitatswesen. Berlin. 1-25; n.s., 1-53; s. 3, 1-14, 49+ 1852-97, 1915+ M. Vierteljahrsschrift fur gerichtliche und offentliche medizin. Berlin. See Vier- teljahrsschrift fiir gerichtliche medi- zin und offentliches sanitatswesen. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir wissenschaftliche philosophic und soziologie. Leipzig. 1, 1877+ Virchows archiv fiir pathologische an- atomic und physiologic und fiir klin- ische medizin. Berlin. 37, 1866+ 1, 1847+ M. Virchows jahresbcricht. Berlin. See Jahresbericht uber die leistungen und fortschritte in der gcsamten medizin. Virginia clinical record. Richmond. [1] 2 [3] 1871-7411 M. Virginia law review. Charlottesville. 1, 1913+ L. Virginia magazine of history and biog- raphy. (Virginia historical society.) Richmond. 1, 1893+ Virginia medical and surgical journal. Richmond. See Maryland and Vir- ginia medical journal. Virginia medical journal. Richmond. See Maryland and Virginia medical journal. • . ■ j Virginia medical monthly. Richmond. 1-22,1874-9611 M. J^-^-i^'<^ ^-'^- ^^ ^" Virginia medical semi-monthly. Rich- mond. [1] 2+ 1896+ M. ^J'V^i Virginia medical society. See Medical society of the state of Virginia. ?.A^C£. ^^uWvu^-^^> ^***:^^i^3 M^. r^U./f/'^ -tUi^A ^fC List of Serials 159 Virginia state bar association. Reports. Richmond. 1, 3-17, 19+ 1889+ L. Virginia. University. Philosophical so- ciety. Bulletin : Humanistic series. 1, 1910+ Scientific series. 1, 1910+ Proceedings. 1910+ The Virginias, a mining, industrial and scientific journal. Staunton. 1-5, 1880-84. Vis medicatrix. (Iowa state medical so- ciety.) Des Moines. 1, 1891-92. M. K. Vitterhets, historic och antiquitets akademien, Stockholm. Fornvannen. (Continues Manadsblad.) 1, 1906+ Manadsblad. (Continued as Forn- vannen.) 1-34, 1872-190511 Vocation office for girls, Boston. Bul- letin. 1, 1911 + Vocational education. Peoria, 111. 1, 1911 + Voice of freedom. S. F. 3, 1911 + Voice of peace. Phila. 1, 1874-75. Volkswirtschaftliche chronik, abdruck aus den Jahrbiicher fiir national-okon- omie und statistik. Jena. 1901 + Vorderasiatische gesellschaft. Mitteil- ungen. 15-16, 1910-11. Vortrage und aufsatze iiber entwickel- ungsmechanik der organismen. Leip- zig. 1, 3-5, 20+ 1905+ Vossische zeitung. See Berlin. Vos- sische zeitung. Vox urbis. Rome. 15-16, 1912-1311 Vulcanite. N. Y. 1-3, 1860-621 1 M. Wagner free institute of science, Phila. Transactions. 1-6, 1887-99. Walch's Tasmanian almanac. 1866-67, 1898. Wall street journal. See New York. (City) Newspapers. Walsh's retrospect. Washington. 1-3, 1880-8211 M. War and peace. London. 1, 1913+ Warren academy of sciences, Warren, Pa. Transactions. 1, 1903+ Warren anatomical museum. See Har- vard university. Medical school. Warren anatomical museum. Washburn college. Laboratory of nat- ural history, Topeka, Kans. Bulletin. 1-2, 1884-90. Washburn observatory, Madison, Wis. Publications. 1-12, 1882-1908. Washington, D. C. Societies. (For a society located in Washington see the name of the society.) Washington academy of sciences, Wash- ington. Journal. 1, 1911 + Proceedings. 1-13, 1899-1911 1| Washington historical quarterly. (Wash- ington university state historical so- ciety.) Seattle. 1, 1906+ Washington medical annals. (Journal of the medical society of the District of Columbia.) Washington. [2, 5] 6 [9] 13+ 1903+ M. Washington, D. C. National era. 1848. Washington obstetrical and gynecolo- gical society. Transactions. 2-3, 1887- 90. M. The Washington post. Washington. Sept. 1901-Aug. 1902. Washington state medical society. See Medical society of the state of Wash- ington. Washington (State). University, Seat- tle. Bulletin: University extension series. [2, 1912+] Occasional papers. 1-3, 1908-13|| Publications in English. 1, 1911 + University studies. 1-8, 1909-14|1 The Bailey and Babette Gatzert foundation of child welfare. Annual report. 1, 1912+ Washington, D. C. University club. Year book. 1-3, 1905-09. 160 List of Serials Washington university, St. Louis. Wash- ington university record, s.l, 8, 1912+ Washington university studies. 1, 1914+ Medical school. Bulletin. (Con- tinues Quarterly bulletin.) [2] 3-5 [6] , 7+ 1903+ M. . r- ■■' Washington university association. Bulletin. 1-6, 1903-08. Wasser und abwasser. Leipzig. 1, 1909+ Water and forest. S. F. 1-7, no. 3, 1900-07. Water-cure journal. N. Y, See Health. The Wave. S. F. [15-20] 1896-99. Weekly bulletin of the clothing trades. N. Y. (Official organ of the United garment workers of America.) [1-5] 1901-06. Weekly commercial news. S. F. 46, 1913+ Weekly medical counselor. Detroit. See Medical counselor. Weekly medical review. St. Louis. See Medical review. ' Weekly medical review and journal of obstetrics and gynecology. St. Louis. 1-2, 1885-8611 M. Weekly notes. London. 1, 1866+ L. Weekly register. Baltimore. See Niles' weekly register. Weekly reporter. London. 1-54, 1852- 1906. L. Weekly times. See Manila. Weekly times. Weimarisches jahrbuch ftir deutsche sprache. Hanover. 1-6, 1854-57] | Welch's monthly. Phila. See Dental brief. Wellcome chemical research laboratories, London. [Publications.] [1, 1900+] Wellcome research laboratories, Khar- toum. See Gordon memorial college, Khartoum. Wellcome research labora- tories. Wellington, New Zealand. Dominion museum. Bulletin. 3, 1911 + Wells Fargo messenger. N. Y. 1, 1912+ Die Weltwirtschaft. Leipzig. 1-3, 1906- 08. Wer ist's? Leipzig. 1, 3+ 1905+ West American scientist. San Diego. [6-13] 1889-1902. West coast magazine. » Los Angeles. [4-12] 1908-12. West coast reporter. S. F. {Continues • Pacific coast law journal.) 2, 7-8, 1884-86. L. West Indian bulletin, the journal of the Imperial dept. of agriculture for the West Indies.) 5, 1904+ West Riding pauper lunatic asylum, Yorkshire. Medical reports. 1-6, 1871- 76|| M. West Virginia bar association. Reports. Wheeling. 18, 1902+ L. West Virginia medical society. See Medical society of the state of West Virginia. West Virginia medical student. Wheel- ing. 1, 1875-7611 M. West Virginia school journal. Morgan- town. [33-36] 1905-07. Western Australia yearbook. Perth. 5, 7 [11] 12-13, 1890-1904. Western chemist and metallurgist. Den- ver. 1-6, 1905-1011 Western dental journal. Kansas City, Mo. 1, 2-4 [15-16] 1887-1902. M. Western druggist. Chicago. [2-5] 6 [7-8] 9-13 [14-17] 18 [19, 21, 23-26, 35] 1880-1913. M. Western electrician. Chicago. {Con- tinwed as Electrical review and West- ern electrician.) 1-42, 1887-1908|1 Western engineering. S. F. 1, 1912+ Western federation of miners. Official proceedings. 10-18, 1902-10. Western field. S. F. [1-13] 1902-09. 7?^^ri/t,^/^^^^^7 l^audc^ar. . :^r-^:.* 'f/^zlX~ List of Serials 161 Western journal of education. S. F. 1 [2] 3-4 [5-6] 7-8 [9] 10 [11] 12 [13-14] 15+ 1895 + Western journal of medicine. Indian- apolis and Cincinnati. 1-4, 1866-69|| M. Western journal of medicine and sur- gery. Louisville. 1-8; n.s., 1-8; s.3, 1-8 [9] 11-12; S.4 [1] 2 [3-4] 1840-5511 M. Western journal of the medical and phy- sical sciences. Cincinnati. (Merged into Western journal of medicine and surgery.) 1-12, 1827-38|| M. Western lancet. Cincinnati. See Lancet- clinic. Western lancet. S. F. See San Fran- cisco western lancet. ^'^»^-'<'^ '"J *^. s Western medical advance and progress of pharmacy. Detroit. See Leonard's illustrated medical journal. Western medical and physical journal. Cincinnati. See Western journal of the medical and physical sciences. Western medical and surgical reporter. St. Joseph, Mo. [1-8] 1890-96. M. Western medical journal. Fort Scott, Kans. (Merged into Journal of the Kansas medical society.) [1-7, 9, 11- 14] 1890-1902. M. Western medical reporter. Chicago. [1] 2-17, 1880-9511 M. Western medical review. Omaha. (Neb- raska state medical association.) 1 ^ [2-3] 4-8 [9] 10 [11, 16] 1896-1911. M. Western ophthalmologic and oto-laryn- golic association. Proceedings. 6, 1901. M. Western quarterly journal of practical science. Cincinnati. 1, 1837|| M. Western railroad association, Chicago. Annual report. 4-28, 1872-95. Western railway club, Chicago. Pro- ceedings. 10-16 [17-18] 19+ 1897+ Western reserve medical journal. Cleve- land, O. 2 [3] ; n.s., 1, 1894-95|| M. Western society of engineers, Chicago. Journal. 1, 1896+ Year book. 1906, 1909, 1911, 1915. Western surgical and gynecological as- sociation. Transactions. 12, 1902. M. Westminster hospital, Westminster. Re- ports. 1-9, 1884-94. M. Westminster review. London. 1-181, 1824- Jan., 191411 Westwind. S. F. 3-5, 1909-10. Whig almanac and United States regis- ter. 1844-50, 1855. Whitaker's almanack. London. 1912+ Who's who. London. 1898, 1901, 1903+ Who's who in America. Chicago. 1, 1899+ Who's who in India. Lucknow. 1911 + Who's who in Japan. Tokyo. 1, 1912+ Who's who in science (international). N. Y. 1, 1912+ Who's who year-book. London. 1904, 1912/13. Wiedemann's Annalen der physik. See Annalen der physik. Wiener beitrage zur englischen philolo- gie. Vienna. 1, 1895 + Wiener entomologische zeitung. 1, 1882+ Wiener Goethe-verein. Chronik. 1-20, 1886-1906. Wiener klinik. Berlin ; Vienna. 1 [2] 3-10 [11-13] 14-15 [16, 19, 22] 23 [26] 27 [28, 30] 1875-1904. M. Wiener klinisch-therapeutische wochen- schrift. Vienna. See Klinisch-thera- peutische wochenschrift. Wiener klinische rundschau. Vienna. [1] 2 [3-5] 6 [7-9] 10-11 [12-17] 1887- 1903. M. Wiener klinische wochenschrift. (K. K. Gesellschaft der aerzte in Wien.) 1, 1888+ M. • .-.'uCc- ^u,'^(^l^ Wiener medizinische blatter. Vienna. [17-18] 19 [20-22, 26] 1894-1903. M. 162 List of Serials Wiener medizinische presse. Vienna. 6-38 [47-48] 1865-1907|| M. Wiener medizinische wochenschrift. Vi- enna. 1, 1851+ M. Wiener mineralogische gesellschaft. Min- eralogisches taschenbuch. 1911. Wiener studien. Supplement der Zeit- schrift fiir die osterreichischen gym- nasien. 18, 1896+ Wilkinson's medical digest. Omaha, Neb. [1-3] 1899-1901. M. William and Mary college quarterly his- torical magazine. Williamsburg, Va. 17, 1908+ William Pepper laboratory of clinical medicine of the University of Pennsyl- vania. See Pennsylvania. University. William Pepper laboratory of clinical medicine. Wilson bulletin. Oberlin, O. 14, 1902+ Wisbechs almanak. Odense. 1895, 1910. Wisconsin academy of sciences, Madison. Transactions. 1, 1870+ Wisconsin archeologist. Milwaukee. 2 [3-4, 6] 7-8, 1902-09. Wisconsin journal of education. Madi- son. [8-9] ; [n.s., 5-6] 41 [42] 1863-64; 1875-1910. Wisconsin medical journal. Milwaukee. (Wisconsin state medical society.) [1-6, 12] 13+ 1903+ M. Wisconsin medical recorder. Janesville. [1] 2 [3] 4-8 [9, 13, 15-16] 17+ 1898+ M. -I - •,.,.".. ^ • Wisconsin natural history society, Mil- waukee. Bulletin. 1, no. 1-4, 1900. Wisconsin. State historical society, Madison. Annual report, (/m its Col- lections. Continued in its Proceed- ings.) 1-31, 1854-85. Bulletin of information. [1] 2+ 1894+ Collections. 1, 1854+ Reprint edition. 5-8, 1868-79. 34, 1887+ (34, first 1, Proceedings. published.) Publications : Calendar series. 1915+ Wisconsin state medical society. Trans- actions. (Continued in Wisconsin med- ical journal.) 4-5, 11-15, 21, 25, 29-30, 36, 1870-1902. M. Wisconsin. University, Madison. Bul- letin : Economics and political science series. 1, 1904+ Economics, political science and history series. (Continued as Bul- letin : Economics and political science series.) 1-2, 1894-991] Engineering series. 1, 1894+ High school series. 1-10, 1909-10. History series. 1, 1902+ Philology and literature series. 1, 1898+ Science series. 1, 1894+ Washburn observatory. See Wash- burn observatory. Wissenschaftliche meeresuntersuchun- gen. (Since 1894 in two series: Ab- teilung Helgoland and Abteilung Kiel.) Kiel; Leipzig, n.s., 1, 1896+ Wistar institute of anatomy and biology. See Pennsylvania. University. Wistar institute of anatomy and biology. Die Woche. Berlin. 17, 1915 + Wochenschrift fiir deutsche bahnmeister. Berlin. 13, 1896+ Wochenschrift fiir eisenbahn-telegraph- enbeamte. Berlin. (Continued as Zeitschrift fiir eisenbahn-telegraphen- beamte.) 3-4, 6-9, 1896-1902|| Wochenschrift fiir klassische philologie. Berlin. 1, 1884+ Wochenschrift fiir therapie und hygiene des auges. Dresden. 1, 1906+ M. List of Serials 163 Wochentliches verzeichnis der erschei- nenen und vorbereiteten neuigkeiten des deutschen buchhandels. Leipzig. 19104- Woman's Christian temperance union of California, S- F. Minutes of the An- nual convention . . . with reports. 13- 15, 20, 1892-94, 1899. Woman's hospital, N. Y. See New York. Woman's hospital. Woman's journal. Boston. [41-43] 1910- 12. Woman's medical college of Pennsyl- vania. Alumnae association. Trans- actions. (1881, 1888 called Proceed- ings.) 1881, 1888, 1889-1904. M. Woman's medical journal. Toledo, O. [1] 2-3 [4-6] 7-9 [10-11] 12-15 [16-17] 1893-1907. M. J"'.-..:...- L Women's agricultural and horticultural international union, London. Monthly leaflet, n.s. [24, 1911+] Women's educational and industrial un- ion, Boston. Annual report. 20, 27, 29, ZZ, 35+ 1897+ Wonderful and scientific museum. Sec Kirby's wonderful and eccentric mu- seum. Woods Hole, Mass. Marine biological laboratory. Report. 4-5, 12-13, 15 + 1891 + Wood's medical and surgical mono- graphs. 1-12, 1889-9111 M. Wood's quarterly retrospect of American and foreign practical medicine and surgery. N. Y. 1-2, 1847-4911 M. Worcester journal of medicine. Worces- ter, Mass. 1 [2] 3-5 [6] 7 [8] 9-10, 1846-55. M. Worcester polytechnic institute, Worces- ter, Mass. Journal. 1, 1897+ Words of grace. Melbourne. See Illus- trated words of grace. Work with boys. Boston. 12, 1912+ Worker. Sydney. See Australian worker. World almanac and encyclopedia. N. Y. 1889-90, 1892+ World peace foundation. Pamphlet se- ries. 1, 1910+ World to-day. See Hearst's magazine. World's work. N. Y. 1, 1900+ Wiirttemberg. Statistisches landesamt. Mitteilungen der Geologischen abteil- ung. 1, 1907+ Wiirttembergischer arztlicher verein. Medicinisches correspondenz-blatt. [43- 48, 52-58, 61-63, 66, 77] 1873-1907. M. Wiirzburg. Klinik der tuberkulose. Bei- trage. 1, 1903+ M. Wiirzburger medicinische zeitschrift. ( Con tinues Physikalisch-medicinische gesellschaft, Wiirzburg. Verhandlun- gen. Continued by Verhandlungen der Physikalisch-medicinischen gesellschaft zu Wiirzburg. Neue folge.) 1-7, 1860-6711 Wiirzburger naturwissenschaftliche zeit- schrift. (Continues Physikalisch-med- icinische gesellschaft zu Wurzburg. Verhandlungen. Continued by Ver- handlungen der Physikalisch-medicin- ischen gesellschaft zu Wurzburg. Neue folge.) 1-6, 1860-6711 Wyoming historical and geological so- ciety, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Proceedings and collections. [2] 3, 1885-86. Wyoming. University. School of mines, Laramie. Petroleum series. Bulletin. 1-2, 4, 1896-1901. Yale alumni weekly. New Haven. [10- 23, 1900-13] Yale divinity quarterly. New Haven. [9] 10, 1913+ Yale historical publications. Miscellany. New Haven ; London. 1, 1914. Yale law journal. New Haven. 17, 1907+ L. Yale medical journal. (Yale medical school.) New Haven. 1-13 [14] IS- IS. 1904-12. M. 164 List of Serials Yale psychological studies. New ser. {Continues Studies from the Yale psychological laboratory. Published as Monograph supplements of the Psycho- logical review.) 1, 1905 + Yale review. New Haven. (Continues New Englander and Yale review.) 1, 1892+ Yale studies in English. 1, 1898+ Yale university. Observatory, New Haven. Transactions. 1, 1887+ Psychological laboratory. Studies. (Continued as Yale psychological stud- ies.) 1-10, 1892-190211 Sheffield scientific school. Labora- tory of physiological chemistry. Stud- ies. 3, 1887-88. M. Year-book of Australia. London ; Syd- ney. 1884-85, 1888, 1890-94, 1896-1906, 1908, 1912+ Yearbook of facts in science and art. London. 1853. Year book of pharmacy. London. 1-37, 1869-1906. M. Yearbook of Queensland. 1909. Yearbook of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain and Ireland. London. 1, 18, 24+ 1884, 1901, 1907+ Yearbook of the universities of the em- pire. London. 1914+ Year-book of wireless telegraphy and telephony. 1, 1913+ Yellow book. London. Yellow fever bureau. school of tropical medicine. Yeoman, and Australian acclimatiser. Melbourne. 2-3, 1862-64|1 Yerkes observatory. (University Chicago.) Publications. 1, 1900. Ymer. Stockholm. 28-30, 1908-10. Young men's Christian associations North America. Yearbook. N. 1903/04-1908/09. Young women's Christian association, S. F. Annual report. 15, 23, 26, 35, 1892-1913. 1-13, 1894-9711 See Liverpool of of Y. Zealandia, a monthly magazine of New Zealand. Dunedin. 1, 1889/9011 Zeitschrift der Savigny-stiftung fiir rechtsgeschichte. Germanistische ab- teilung. Weimar. (Continues Zeit- schrift fiir rechtsgeschichte.) 1-31, 33+ 1880+ Zeitschrift fiir asthetik und allgemeine kunstwissenschaft. Stuttgart. 1, 1906+ Zeitschrift fiir allgemeine erdkunde. Berlin. (Continued as Gesellschaft fiir erdkunde. Zeitschrift.) 1-6; n.s., 1-19, 1853-6511 Zeitschrift fur allgemeine physiologic, Jena. 1, 1902 + 1, 1902+ M. Zeitschrift fur analytische chemie. Wies- baden. 1, 1862+ Zeitschrift fur anatomic und entwickel- ungsgeschichte. Leipzig. (Merged into Archiv fiir anatomic und physiolo- gic.) 1-2, 1875-7711 1-2, 1875-7711 M. Zeitschrift fiir angewandte anatomic und konstitutionslehre. Berlin. 1, 1913-14. Zeitschrift fiir angewandte chemie. Ber- lin; Leipzig. 1, 1888+ Zeitschrift fiir angewandte elektricitats- lehre. See Centralblatt fiir elektro- technik. Zeitschrift fur angewandte psychologie und psychologische sammelforschung. Leipzig. 1, 1903+ Beihefte. 1, 1911 + Zeitschrift fiir anorganische chemie. Hamburg. 1, 1892+ Zeitschrift fiir architektur und ingen- ieurwesen. Wiesbaden. 1-45, 47+ 1855+ Zeitschrift fiir augenheilkunde. Berlin. 1, 1899+ M. Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. Berlin. 1, 1851 + Supplement ausgabe. 1-2, 1862. List of Serials 165 Zeitschrift fur bekampfung der ge- schlechtskrankheiten, Leipzig. [2] 16+ 1904, 1915+ M. Zeitschrift fur biologie. Munich. 1, 1865+ 1.45, 47_48, 64+ 1865+ M. Zeitschrift fiir biologische technik und methodik. Leipzig. 1, 1908+ Zeitschrift fiir botanik. Jena. 1, 1909+ Zeitschrift fiir biicherfreunde. Bielefeld. 10-12; n.s., 1+ 1906-08; 1909+ Zeitschrift fiir chemie. Gottingen. 8-14, 1865-7111 Zeitschrift fiir chemie und industrie der kolloide. See Kolloid-zeitschrift. Zeitschrift fiir chemotherapie und ver- wandte gebiete. {Continues Folio serologica.) Leipzig. 1, 1912+ M. 1 [2] 1912-14. Zeitschrift fur comprimirte und fliissige gase. See Zeitschrift fiir komprimierte und fliissige gase. Zeitschrift fiir das berg-, hiitten- und salinenwesen im Preussischen staate. Berlin. 1, 1854+ Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte turbinen- wesen. Miinchen and Berlin. 11, 1914+ Zeitschrift fiir das gymnasialwesen. Ber- lin. See Sokrates. Zeitschrift fiir den deutschen unterricht. Leipzig. 1, 3, 5-6 [7] 8+ 1887+ Erganzungsheft. 3, 5+ 1894, 1900+ Zeitschrift fur deutsche kulturgeschichte. Nuremberg, n.s., 1-4, 1872-75. Zeitschrift fiir deutsche mundarten. Ber- lin. 1906+ Zeitschrift fiir deutsche mythologie und sittenkunde. Gottingen. 1-4, 1853-59 1| Zeitschrift fiir deutsche philologie. Ber- lin. 1, 1869+ Zeitschrift fur deutsche sprache. Pader- born. [5] 6-10, 1892-97. Zeitschrift fiir deutsche wortforschung. Strassburg. 1, 1900+ Zeitschrift fiir deutsches altcrtum und deutsche literatur. Leipzig; Berlin. 1, 1841 + Zeitschrift fiir diatetische und physi- kalische therapie. Leipzig. See Zeit- schrift fiir physikalische und diatet- ische therapie. Zeitschrift fiir die erforschung und be- handlung des jugendlichen schwach- sinns auf wissenschaftlicher grund- lage. Jena. 1, 1907+ Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte experimen- telle medizin. Berlin. 1, 1913+ M. Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte neurologic und psychiatric. Berlin. Originale. 1, 1910+ M. Referate und ergebnisse. 1, 1910+ M. Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte staatswissen- schaft. Tiibingen. 1-9 [10] 11+ 1844+ Erganzungsband. 1, 1844+ Zeitschrift fiir die osterreichischen gym- nasien. Vienna. 1, 1850+ Supplement. See Wiener studien. Zeitschrift fiir die staatsarzneikunde. Erlangen. See Henke's zeitschrift. Zeitschrift fur eisenbahn-telegraphen-be- amte. Berlin. 1-5, 1902-06. Zeitschrift fur eisenbahnen und dampf- schiffahrt der Osterreichisch-unga- rischen monarchic. Vienna. 1-10, 1888-9711 Zeitschrift fiir clektrochcmie und ange- wandte physikalische chemie. Halle. (Vol. 1 has title: Zeitschrift fiir elek- trotechnik und elcktrochcmie.) 1, 1894+ Zeitschrift fiir elektrotechnik und elck- trochcmie. See Zeitschrift fiir clektro- chcmie und angewandte physikalische chemie. Zeitschrift fiir ethnologic. (Berliner ge- scllschaft fiir anthropologic, ethnologic und urgeschichtc.) Berlin. 1, 1869 + 166 List of Serials Zeitschrift fiir experimentelle padagogik. Leipzig. {Continues Die experimen- telle padagogik. Merged into Zeit- schrift fiir padagogische psychologic.) 1-11, 1905-1011 Zeitschrift fiir experimentelle pathologic und therapie. Berlin. 9-12, 1911-13. 1, 1904+ M. Zeitschrift fiir farben-industrie. Braun- schweig. 1-6, 1902-07. Zeitschrift fiir farben- und tcxtil-indus- trie. See Zeitschrift fur farben-indus- trie. Zeitschrift fiir franzosische sprache und litteratur. (Continues Zeitschrift fiir neufranzosische sprache.) Oppeln ; Leipzig. 1, 1879+ Supplementheftc. 2-7, 1882-92. Zeitschrift fiir franzosischen und eng- lischen unterricht. Berlin. 1, 1902+ Zeitschrift fiir garungsphysiologie ; all- gemeine, landwirtschaftliche und tech- nische mykologie. Berlin. 4, 1914+ Zeitschrift fiir geburtshiilfe und frauen- krankheiten. Stuttgart. (Merged into Zeitschrift fiir geburtshiilfe und gyna- kologie.) 1, 1875-7611 M. Zeitschrift fur geburtshiilfe und gynako- logie. Stuttgart. 1, 1877+ M. Zeitschrift fiir gewasserkundc. Leipzig. 1, 1898+ Zeitschrift fiir glctscherkunde. Berlin. 1, 1906+ Zeitschrift fiir heilkunde. Vienna and Leipzig. 1-18 [22] 23-27, 1880-1906. M. Zeitschrift fiir hygiene. Leipzig. See Zeitschrift fiir hygiene und infektions- krankhciten. Zeitschrift fiir hygiene, medicinische sta- tistik und sanitatspolizei. Tiibingen. 1, 1859-601! M. Zeitschrift fur hygiene und infektions- krankheiten. Leipzig. 36-37, 66+ 1901, 1910+ 1, 1886+ M. Zeitschrift fur hypnotismus, suggestions- therapie, suggestionslehre und ver- wandte psychologische forschungen. Berlin; Leipzig. (Continued as Jour- nal fiir psychologic und neurologic.) 1-10, 1893-190211 [7] 1898. M. Zeitschrift fiir immunitatsforschung und experimentelle therapie. Jena. Orig- inale. 1, 1908+ 1, 1908+ M. Refcrate. 1, 1909+ 1, 1909+ M. Zeitschrift fiir irydividual-psychologic, Munich. 1, 1914. Zeitschrift fiir induktive abstammungs- und vererbungslehre. Berlin. 1, 1908+ Zeitschrift fiir infektionskrankhciten, parasitare krankheiten und hygiene der haustiere. Berlin. 1, 1905+ M. Zeitschrift fiir instrumentenkunde. Ber- lin. 12, 1892+ Beiblatt. See Deutsche mechanikcr- zcitung. Zeitschrift fiir Internationales privat- und strafrecht. See Zeitschrift fiir in- ternationalcs recht. Leipzig. Zeitschrift fiir internationales recht. Er- langen and Leipzig. 1, 1891+ L. Zeitschrift fiir kinderforschung. Langcn- salza. (Continues Kinderfehler.) 5, 1900+ Zeitschrift fiir kinderheilkunde. Berlin. Originale. 1, 1910+ M. ■ '.,''^33 + Referate. 1, 1911+ M.'.ge:^'^ /f , ;^/?3 f* Zeitschrift fur kirchengeschichte. Gotha. 17-21, 24+ 1897+ Zeitschrift fiir kleinbahnen. Berlin. 1, 1894+ Erganzungsheft. 1905 + Zeitschrift fiir klinische medizin. Ber- lin. 1, 1879+ M. UH c^crji List of Serials 167 Zeitschrift fiir komprimierte und fliis- sige gase. Weimar, 1, 1897+ Zeitschrift fiir krankenpflege. Berlin. 1-2 [3-4] 5-10 [11] 12-14 [15-16] 17-19 [20-21, 25, 28] 1879-1906. M. Zeitschrift fiir krebsforschung. Berlin. 1, 1904+ M. Zeitschrift fiir krystallographie. Leipzig. 1, 1877+ Zeitschrift fur lokomotivfiihrer. Han- nover. 10, 1892+ Zeitschrift fiir mathematik und physik. Leipzig. 1, 1856+ Zeitschrift fiir mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen u n t e r r i cht. Leipzig. 1, 1870+ Zeitschrift fur meteorologie. See Oster- reichische gesellschaft fiir meteorolo- gie, Vienna. Zeitschrift. Zeitschrift fur morphologie und anthro- pologic. Stuttgart. {Continues Mor- phologische arbeiten. Jena.) 1, 1899+ Sonderheft. 2, 1912+ Zeitschrift fiir neufranzosische sprache. See Zeitschrift fur franzosische sprache und litteratur. Zeitschrift fiir offentliche gesundheits- pflege. Vienna. 1, 1913+ M. Zeitschrift fiir ohrenheilkunde. Wies- baden. {Continues Archiv fiir augen- und ohrenheilkunde, vols. 1-7.^ 8-31, 71+ 1879-97, 1914+ M.^fl;^w^,3 , Zeitschrift fiir ophthalmologic. Dresden. 1-3, 1830-33. M. Zeitschrift fiir ophthalmologische optik. Berlin. 1, 1913+ M. Zeitschrift fiir orthopadische chirurgie. Stuttgart. 1, 1891+ M. ^ Beilageheft: Stuttgart. See Deutsche gesellschaft fiir orthopad- ische chirurgie. Verhandlungen. Zeitschrift fiir padagogische psychologic. Leipzig. 1, 1899+ Zeitschrift fiir pathopsychologie. Leip- zig. 1, 1911 + Erganzungsband. 1, 1914+ Zeitschrift fur pflanzenkrankheiten. Stuttgart. 1, 1891 + Zeitschrift fiir philosophic und philoso- phische kritik. 1, 1837+ Zeitschrift fur physikalische chemie. Leipzig. 1, 1887+ 82+ 1913+ M. Zeitschrift fiir physikalische und diate- tische therapie. Leipzig. 1, 1897+ M. Zeitschrift fiir physiologische chemie. Strassburg. See Hoppe-Seyler's Zeit- schrift fur physiologische chemie. Zeitschrift fiir praktische aerzte. Frank- fort, See Deutsche praxis. Zeitschrift fiir praktische geologic. Ber- lin. 1, 1893+ Zeitschrift fur psychologic und physio- logic der sinnesorgane. Leipzig. 1-6, 1890-94. M. 1, 1890+ Erganzungsband. 1, 1900+ Zeitschrift fiir rationelle medicin. Leip- zig and Heidelberg. (Henle & Pfeu- fer.) 1-10; s.2, 1-6; s.3, 1-36, 1842-69|| M. Zeitschrift fiir rechtsgeschichte. Wei- mar. {Continued as Zeitschrift der Savigny-stiftung fiir rechtsgeschichte.) 1-13, 1861-78. Zeitschrift fiir romanische philologie. Halle. 1, 1877+ Beihefte. 1, 1905 + Supplementheft. 16, 1892+ Zeitschrift fiir sauglingsschutz. Berlin. 1, 1909+ Zeitschrift fiir schulgesundheitspflege. Hamburg. 1, 1888+ Zeitschrift fur schweizerische statistik. Bern. 43-49, 1907-13. Zeitschrift f ii r sexualwissenschaften. Bonn. 1, 1914+ M. Zeitschrift fiir soziale medizin. Leipzig. See Archiv fiir soziale hygiene. 168 List of Serials Zeitschrift fiir speculative physik. (Schel- ling.) Jena. {Continued as Neue zeitschrift fiir speculative physik.) 1-2, 1800-0111 Zeitschrift fur systematische hymenop- terologie und dipterologie. Teschen- dorf. {Merged into Deutsche ento- mologische zeitschrift.) 1-8, 1901-08|| Zeitschrift fiir tiermedizin. Jena. 1, 1897+ M. Zeitschrift fiir untersuchung der nah- rungs- und genussmittel. Berlin. 1, 1898+ M. Gesetze und verordnungen. 1, 1909+ M. Zeitschrift fur urologie. Berlin. (Deutsche gesellschaft fiir urologie and Berliner urologische gesellschaft.) 1, 1907+ M. - -- 7/''?l3 H Zeitschrift fiir urologische chinirgie. Berlin. 1, 1913+ M. Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende literatur- geschichte. Berlin, n.s., 15-18, 1904- 1011 Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende sprachfor- schung auf dem gebiete der indoger- manischen sprachen. Berlin. 1, 1852+ Zeitschrift fiir volkerpsychologie und sprachwissenschaft. Berlin. {Contin- ued as Verein fiir volkskunde, Berlin. Zeitschrift.) 1-20, 1860-9011 Zeitschrift fiir volkswirtschaft, sozial- politik und verwaltung. Vienna. 1, 1892+ Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche insek- tenbiologie. Berlin. 1, 1896+ Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche mik- roskopie und mikroskopische technik. Braunschweig. 1-5, 1884-88. M. 1, 1884+ Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche zoologie. Leipzig. 1, 1849+ Zentralblatt. See also Centralblatt. Zentralblatt der bauverwaltung. Berlin. 1, 1881 + Zentralblatt der experimentellen medi- zin. Berlin; Vienna. 1, 1912+ M. Zentralblatt fiir allgemeine und experi- mentelle biologic. Leipzig. {United with Zoologisches zentralblatt to form Zentralblatt fiir zoologie, allgemeine und experimentelle biologic.) 1-2, 1910-1211 Zentralblatt fiir bibliothekswesen. Leip- zig. 15, 1898+ . Beihefte. 3, 20+ 1888+ Zentralblatt fiir biochemie und biophysik. Leipzig. {Continues Biochemisches centralblatt and Biophysikalisches cen- tralblatt.) 1, 1903 + 1, 1902+ M. Zentralblatt fiir chirurgie. Leipzig. 1, 1874+ M. Zentralblatt fiir die gesamte chirurgie und ihre grenzgebiete. Berlin. 1, 1913+ M. Zentralblatt fiir die gesamte gynakolo- gie. Berlin. 1, 1913+ M. Zentralblatt fur die gesamte innere medi- zin und ihre grenzgebiete. Berlin. 1, 1912+ M. Zentralblatt fiir die gesamte ophthal- mologic und ihre grenzgebiete. Berlin. 1, 1914+ M. Zentralblatt fiir die gesamte physiologic und pathologic des stoffwechsels. Ber- lin and Vienna. [1, 5] 6; n.s., 1-6, 1900-1111 M. Zentralblatt fiir die gesamte therapie. Berlin and Vienna. 1-18, 22, 32+ 1883+ M. Zentralblatt fiir gewerbehygiene. Berlin. 1, 1913+ M. Zentralblatt fiir gynakologie. Leipzig. 1, 1877+ M. .iS''^*>r-'~^ Zentralblatt fiir herz- und gefasskrank- heiten. Vienna. 4, 1912+ M. Zentralblatt fur innere medizin. Leip- zig. 1, 1880+ M. Xs&(y^1^t ih^ ^^U^ht>>t^^d<^ . -^^^.^fJL ■ ^cOl£<2X4J /, z/^*^ ^' List of Serials 169 Zentralblatt fiir kinderheilkunde. Leip- zig. 1, 1896+ M. Zentralblatt fiir normale anatomic und mikrotechnik. Berlin. 7, 1910+ Zentralblatt fiir physiologic. Leipzig. 1, 1887+ 1-3, 15-18, 20+ 1887-89, 1901+ M. Zentralblatt fur psychologic und psy- chologische padagogik. Wurzburg. 1, 1914+ Zentralblatt fiir rontgenstrahlen, radium und verwandte gebicte. Wiesbaden. 1, 1910+ M. Zentralblatt fiir wasserbau und wasscr- wirtschaft. Berlin. 3, 1908+ Zentralblatt fiir wasscrversorgung und beseitung fliissiger und fester abfall- stoffe. See Wasser und abwasser. Zentralblatt fiir zoologic, allgemeine und experimcntelle biologic. Leipzig. (Con- tinues Zentralblatt fiir allgemeine und experimcntelle biologic and Zoolo- gisches zentralblatt.) 1, 1912+ Zentralverband fiir wasserbau und was- serwirtschaft. See Zentralblatt fiir wasserbau und wasserwirtschaft. Ziegler's beitrage. See Beitrage zur pathologischcn anatomic. Zion's watchman. Sydney. 1, 1853/55. Zoc, a biological journal. S. F. 1-5, 1890-1908. Zoologica. Stuttgart. (Continues Biblio- theca zoologica.) 1-53, 56-60, 67+ 1888+ Zoological and acclimatisation society of Victoria, Melbourne. Annual report. 1-3, 5, 31-34, 36-40, 1872-1903. Zoological bulletin. (Continued by Bio- logical bulletin of the Marine biolog- ical laboratory. Woods Hole, Mass.) 1-2, 1897-9911 Zoological record. London. 1, 1864+ Zoological society of London. Proceed- ings. 1830+ Reports of the council and auditors. 1908+ Transactions. 1, 1835 + K. K. Zoologisch-botanische gcscllschaft, Vienna. Verhandlungcn. 20, 22-32, 34-38 [39] 40-42 [46-47] 1870-92. Zoologische jahrbiichcr. Jena. Abteil- ung fiir allgemeine zoologic und phy- siologic der tiere. (Begins with v.30.) 30, 1910+ Abteilung fiir anatomic und onto- genie der tiere. (Begins with v.3.) 3, 1888+ Abteilung fiir systematik, geogra- phic und biologic der tiere. 1, 1886+ Supplement. 1, 1886+ Zoologischer anzeiger. (Deutsche zoolo- gische gcscllschaft.) Leipzig. 1, 1878+ Zoologischer jahresbericht. Leipzig. 1, 1880+ Zoologisches zentralblatt. Leipzig. (United with Zentralblatt fiir allge- meine und experimcntelle biologic and continued as Zentralblatt fiir zoologic, allgemeine und experimcntelle biolo- gic.) 1-18, 1894-191111 Zoologist. London, s.4, 12-15, 1908-11. Ziirich. Eidgenossische polytechnische schule. Matcrialpriifungs-anstalt. Mit- teilungen. 1-13, 1886-1900. Ziirich. Hirnanatomisches institut. Ar- beiten. Wiesbaden. 1, 1905 + Zukunft. Berlin. 86, 1914+ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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