.<^ passed between the 1st Jan., 1870, and the 1st Aug., 1874. Published by order of the City Council. Boston : Rockwell and Churchill, City Printers, 1874, large 8vo, pp. 146. Ordinances of the City of Boston, and Acts of the Legislature of Massachusetts, on municipal subjects. Published by order of the City Council. Boston : Alfred Mudge & Son, since 1872 Rockwell and Churchill, City Printers, 1871-76, large 8vo, pp. 334 and 160 (being the six annual supplements for 1870-75, issued under an order of December 31, 1869). SEVENTH REVISION. Ordinances and Rules and Orders of the City of Boston. To- gether with a Digest of the General and Special Statutes of the Massachusetts Legislature relating to the City. Published by order of the City Council. Boston : Rockwell and Churchill, City Printers, 1876, large 8vo, pp. viii and 1023. (Commonly known as the seventh revision.) Ordinances of the City of Boston, and Statutes of the Legislat- ure of Massachusetts, on municipal subjects. Published by order of the City Council. Boston : Rockwell and Churchill, City Printers, 1878-1882, large 8vo, pp. 241 (being the annual supplements for 1877-81 ; issued under the order of December 31, 1869). Revised Ordinances of the City of Boston, and Revised Standing Regulations of the Board of Aldermen. Boston : Rockwell and Churchill, City Printers, 1883, 8vo, pp. vi. and 137 (being the text,, without notes and index ; published as document 17 of 1883). EIGHTH REVISION. The Revised Ordinances of the City of Boston, as passed prior to December 31, 1882 ; Being the eighth revision. To which are added the Revised Regulations of the Board of Aldermen. Published by order of the City Council. Boston : Rockwell and Churchill, City Printers, 1882 [should be 1883], large 8vo, pp. xi and 242. (Many copies have a specially wide margin.) Note. — Annual supplements of 12 pages each were issued in 1884 and 1885 for 1883 and 1884, respectively. In 1883 there was issued a supplement of 11 pages containing the ordinances passed during the first half of the year. vu Revised Ordinances of 1885. City of Boston. Boston: Eock- well and Churchill, City Printers, 1885, 8vo, pp. iv and 155 (being the text, without notes and index ; this edition is Document 169 of 1885). NINTH REVISION. The Revised Ordinances of 1885, of the City of Boston, as passed and approved December 14, 1885. With Amendments to May 1, 1886 : Being the ninth revision. To which are added the Revised Standing Regulations of the Board of Aldermen. Published by order of the City Council. Boston : Rockwell and Churchill, City Printers, 1886, large 8vo, pp. x and 275. (Commonly known as the ninth revision.) Note. — A supplement of 22 pages and ii of index was published in 1887, and contains the ordinances passed in 1885 and 1886. A supplement of 44 pages, pub- lished in 1888, contains the ordinances passed in 1885-1887. A supplement of 11 pages, published in 1889, contains the ordinances passed in 1888. A supplement of 13 pages, published in 1890, contains the ordinances passed in 1889. TENTH REVISION. The Revised Ordinances of 1890 of the City of Boston, a» passed and approved April 21, 1890. Being the tenth revision. To which are added the Revised Standing Regulations of the Board of Aldermen. Published by order of the City Council. Boston ; Rock- well and Churchill, City Printers, 1890, 8vo, pp. xi and 188. ELEVENTH REVISION. The Revised Ordinances of 1892 of the City of Boston, and the Revised Regulations of 1892 of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Boston. Being the Eleventh Revision. Published by order of the City Council. Boston: Rockwell and Churchill, City Printers, 1892, 8vo, pp. xii and 227. ELEVENTH REVISION, SECOND EDITION. The Revised Ordinances of 1892 of the City of Boston, and the Revised Regulations of 1892 of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Boston. Being the eleventh revision, second edition, containing all Ordinances passed between March 3, 1892, and January 30, 1894, and all Regulations of the Board of Aldermen passed between July 22^ vm 1892, and January 30, 1894. Published by order of the City Council. Boston : Rockwell and Churchill, City Printers, 1894. 8vo, pp. xiv and 236. ELEVENTH REVISION, THIRD EDITION. The Revised Ordinances of 1892, of the City of Boston, and the Revised Regulations of 1892, of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Boston. Being the eleventh revision, third edition, containing all Ordinances passed between March 3, 1892, and February 1, 1895, and all Regulations of the Board of Aldermen passed between July 22, 1892, and February 1, 1895. Prepared by Andrew J. Bailey, Corporation Counsel, and published by order of the City Council. Boston : Rock- well and Churchill, City Printers. 1895. 8vo, pp. xiv and 236. TWELFTH REVISION. The Revised Ordinances of 1898 of the City of Boston and the Revised Regulations of 1898 of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Boston. Being the twelfth revision, with all the Ordinances and Regulations passed between the passage of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 and the passage of the Revised Ordinances of 1898, tables showing the disposition of prior Ordinances and Regulations, and an Index. Prepared by Andrew J. Bailey, Corporation Counsel, and published by order of the City Council. Boston : Rockwell and Ohurchill, Printers. 1898. 8vo, pp. xiv and 278. City of Boston LAW DEPARTMENT 73 Tremont Street This volume has been prepared by the undersigned, under the direction of the Committee on Ordinances and Law Department of 1898, consisting of Aldermen Salem D. Charles, Chairman, Edward W. Presho, Joseph J. Norton, William Berwin, and ' Councilmen Michael W. Norris, John J. Flanagan, George Holden Tinkhara, William H. Cuddy, Joseph F. Hickey, Frederick W. Farwell, David R. Robinson, in compliance with the following order of the City Council, approved by Hon. Josiah Quincy, Mayor, July 28, 1898: " Ordered^ That the Corporation Counsel, under the direction of the Com- mittee on Ordinances and Law Department, prepare an edition of twenty-five hundred copies of a volume containing the Revised Ordinances of 1898, and the Revised Regulations of 1898, with all Ordinances and Regulations passed between the passage of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 and the passage of the Revised Ordinances of 1898, a table showing the disposition of prior Ordinances and Regulations, and an Index, fifteen copies to be furnished to each member of the Cit}' Council, thirty copies to be furnished to the Mayor, and the remainder to be distributed under the direction of the Committee on Ordi- nances and Law Department ; the expense attending the preparation and print- ing of said volumes to be charged to the appropriation for the Reserved Fund." Akdrew J. Bailey, OcTOBBR 1, 1898. Corporation Counsel. («) CiTT OF Boston CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT CiTT Hall OCTOBEK 1, 1898. I certify that the ordinances contained in this volume are true copies of the originals of all the ordinances of said city passed between the passage of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 and the above date, including said date, and that the regulations contained in this volume are true copies of the originals of all the regulations of the Board of Aldermen of the city of Boston passed between the passage of the Revised Regulations of 1892 and the above date, including said date. John M. Galvin, City Clerk. TABLE OF CONTENTS. REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1898. Art Department Assessing Department Auditing Department Bath Department Building Department Cemetery Department Children's Institutions Department City Clerk Department . City Messenger Department Clerk of Committees Department Collecting Department Election Department Engineering Department Fire Department . General Provisions .. Health Department . Hospital Department Insane Hospital Department Institutions Registration Department Lamp Department . Law Department Library Department Market Department Mayor . Music Department . Officers and Boards Overseeing of the Poor Department Park Department . . Pauper Institutions Department Penal Institutions Department 4 Pasb 21 5 22 6 24 7 28 8 29 9 3a 10 32 11 33 12 35 13 3ft 14 37 15 39 16 40 17 41 1 3 18 43 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 51 25 52 2 8 26 55 3 12 27 56 28 58 29 59 30 60 XVI M Printing Department Prohibitions and Penalties Public Buildings Department Public Grounds Department Registry Department Regulations for Trades, Buildings, etc. Sinking-funds Department Soldiers' Relief Department Statistics Department Street Department . Street Laying Out Department Treasury Department Vessels and Ballast Department Ward Boundaries Water Department . Weights and Measures Department Wire Department . Chap. Page 31 61 47 125 32 64 33 68 34 69 45 97 35 70 36 72 37 73 38 74 39 84 40 85 41 88 46 111 42 91 43 95 44 96 REVISED REGULATIONS OF 1898. Chap. Pagk Oeneral Provisions ....... 1 143 Minors' Licenses ....... 2 145 Public Amusements ...... 3 147 Public Officers ....... 4 150 Streets and their Uses ...... 5 152 Prohibitions and Penalties ..... 6 153 Paobs Ordinances passed between the passage of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 and the passage of the Revised Ordinances of 1898 ...... Regulations passed between the passage of the Revised Regulations of 1892 and the passage of the Revised Regulations of 1898 ...... Table of Changes Index 215-278 161-192 193-201 203-211 REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1898 OITY OF BOSTON In the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight AN ORDINANCE CONSOLIDATING AND ARRANGING THE ORDINANCES CITY OF BOSTON Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston ^ as follows (2) CHAPTER 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Section 1 . This ordinance shall be kao wn as the " Revised '^''*" ordinanee, . , . how known and Ordinances of 1898," and so far as its provisions are the same construed. in effect as those of previously existing ordinances, it shall be construed as a continuation of those ordinances ; it shall not affect any act done, any right accrued, any penalty in- >rot to a«fect - , . "^ , . -,. . , acts done, etc. curred, any suit, prosecution, or proceeding pending, or the tenure of office of any person holding office, at the ti:ne when it takes effect ; subject to the said limitations, all ordi- nances of the city heretofore in force are hereby repealed. Repeal. Sect. 2. All by-laws of the city of Boston shall be de- Enacting style nominated ordinances, and the enacting style shall be, "Be it ordained by the city council of Boston, as follows.'' Sect. 3. Every ordinance, unless for consolidating and PnWication of arranging the ordinances, shall, except when otherwise provided, be published once a week for three weeks suc- cessively in two daily newspapers published in this city, one of which shall be the newspaper in which the proceed- ' ings of the city council ar^ printed. Every ordinance for consolidating and arranging the ordinances shall be pub- lished by the action of the city council in passing the same. Sect. 4. The following rules of construction shall be i^°'e« 'o' «>n- . struction of or- observed tor this and every other ordinance, unless incon- dinances. sistent with the manifest intent of the city council, or the context of the ordinance : First. The repeal of an ordinance shall not revive any ^*p^°' "******'*• '' Vive ordinance ordinance in force before, or at the time when, the ordi- in force before. nance repealed took effect. Second. The repeal of an ordinance shall not affect any Repeal not to ^ ^ ^ *' aflfcct puDish- punishment or penalty incurred before the repeal took effect, ment, etc., in. or any suit, prosecution, or proceeding pending at the time e"c.?pendin'g.** of the repeal, for an offence committed under the ordinance repealed. Third. Words importing the singular shall include the ^°°'"'''***°" "' . 1 c V, certain words. plural, words importing the plural shall include the singular, and words importing the masculine gender shall include females and boards. Fourth. The word " street " shall include all public ways, Meaning of '^ •' ' word " street." (8) , GENERAL PROVISIONS — CHAP. 1. " Public grouodri." " Optner." " TenanC ' Peraon." ' Officer." ' Subordinate. " Fane^il.hall market." " Fanenll-hall market limits." alleys, lanes, courts, and sidewalks, and those parts of public squares and places which form travelled parts of highways. Fiflh. The words "public grounds" shall include the common and public garden, the public lands placed by the city council under the charge of the superintendent of public grounds, and those parts of public squares and. places which do not form travelled parts of highways. Sixth. The word "ow^ner," applied to a building or land, .shall include any part owner, joint owner, tenant in common, or joint tenant of the whole or of a part of such building or land. Seventh. The word "tenant" or "occupant," applied to a building or land, shall include any person who occui)ies the whole or a pail of such building or land, either alone or with others. Eighth. The word "person" shall include corporations. Ninth. The word "officer" shall include officers and boards in charge of departments and the members of such ' boards ; the word " subordinate " shall include only assistants, deputies, clerks, and otlier employees, appointed by an offi- cer or board in charge of a department, and paid a yearly salary. Tenth. The words " Faneuil-hall market" shall include the lower floor, porches, and cellar of the buildings called respectively "Faneuil Hall " and "Quincy Market." Eleventh. The words " Faneuil-hall market limits " shall include Faneuil-hall market as above defined, and the ter- ritory included within the following boundary, viz. : Begin- ning in the northerly line of North Market street extended, at a point thirty-five feet distant westerly from the sidewalk on the easterly side of Commercial stnet ; thence parallel with and thirty-five feet distant westerly from said sidewalk, to a line thirty-five feet distant northerly from the sidewalk on the southerly side of South Market street extended; thence by a line parallel with and thirty-five feet distant northerly from said sidewalk to Merchants row ; thence diagonally across Merchants row to the nearest point in a line twenty feet distant northerly from the sidewalk on the southerly side of Faneuil Hall square ; thence by a line GENERAL PROVISIONS — CHAP. I. parallel with and twenty feet outside of the sidewalk of said square and North Market street to Merchants row ; thence diagonally across said Merchants row to the northeast corner of said Merchants row and North Market street; thence by the northerly side of said North Market street to the point of beginning. Twelfth. The words "Market limits," without any words "Market of limitation preceding them, shall include the tenntory bounded as follows : Beginning at the southerly comer of Atlantic avenue and State street ; thence running west by the southerly line of State street to India street ; thence north to the centre line of State street ; thence west by the centre line of State street to the line of the curbstone on the easterly side of Commercial street produced to the cen- tre line of State street ; thence north by the line of the curb- stone on the easterly side of Commercial street produced to the centre of Stjite street to a point in the curbstone on the easterly side of Commercial street opposite the corner of said street and State street ; thence west across Commercial street to the westerly corner of Commercial street and State street ; thence north by the westerly line of Commercial street to Chatham street ; thence west by the southerly line of Chat- ham street and by said line produced to the westerly line of Merchants row ; thence north by the westerly line, west by the southerly line, and again north by the westerly line of Merchants row to Faneuil Hall square; thence we>t by the southerly line and north by the westerly line of Faneuil Hall square to Dock square ; thence west by the southerly line of Dock square to Exchanjro street ; thence north by the easterly line of Exchange street produced across Dock square ; thence noi-th by the westerly line of Dock square and across Elm street to the corner of Elm and Union streets ; thence north by the westerly line of Union street to the southerly corner of Friend and Union streets ; thence east across Union street to the corner of Union and North streets ; thence east by the northerly line and northeast by the northwesterly line of North street to Blackstone street ; thence noithwest by the southwesterly line of Blackstone street to Haymarket square ; thence north across Blackstone street to the corner of Cross and Blackstone streets : thence 6 GENERAL PROVISIONS — CHAP. 1. southeast by the northeasterly line of Blackstone street to the corner of Blackstone and North streets ; thence northeast by the northwesterly line of North street to the northeasterly corner of North and Richmond streets ; thence crossing North street, southeast by the northeasterly line and east by the northerly line of Richmond street to the north- erly corner of said street and Atlantic avenue ; thence east by the northerly line of Richmond street produced across Atlantic avenue to the easterly side thereof; thence south by the easterly line of Atlantic avenue to the northerly corner of said avenue and India wharf; thence west across Atlantic avenue to the northerly corner of said avenue and India street ; and thence north by the westerly line of Atlantic avenue to the point of beginning. All said Faneuil-hall market limits are shown in red, and said market limits are shown in blue, on a plan marked : " Faneuil Hall Market Limits and Market Limits in the City of Boston, February 16, 1897, William Jackson, City Engineer," and filed in the ofiice of the city engineer of the city of Boston. Words giving Thirteenth. Words purporting to give a joint authority joint authority. ^^ three or more officers or other persons shall be construed as giving such authority to a majority of such officers or persons. coDBtruction of Fourteenth. Words prohibiting anything from being done, words prohibit- gxcey)t in accordaucc with a license or permit, or authority ing doing of ^ acts without 11- from a board or officer, shall be construed as giving such cense. board or officer power to license or permit or authorize such thing to be done. Sect. 5. The financial year of the city shall begin with the first day of February and end with the last day of January. Sect. 6. The seal of the city shall be circular in form, shall bear a view of the city, the motto SICUT PATRIBUS, SIT DEUS NOBIS, and the inscription, BOSTONIA CONDITA ID. 1630. CIVITATIS REGIMINE DONATA ID. 1822, as here- with shown. Financial year of city. Scat of city ; "form and in- ■scription. GENERAL PROVISIONS — CHAP. 1. J Sect. 7. In the city hall the three rooms used by the ^o^'o^ ^^ <''*y mayor shall be under his control ; the four rooms used by troi of mayor. the board of aldermen and five rooms used by the city clerk Rooms under shall, except as specifically ordered by said board, be under dermen. the control of the chairman of said board ; the six rooms used by the common council shall, except as specifically Roonos under ordered by said council, be under the control of the presi- mon council. dent of said council ; the two rooms used by the city mes- senger and the two rooms used by the clerk of committees shall, except as specifically ordered by the city council, be under the control of the chairman of said board and the president of said council. All rooms in the city hall and Assignment of other public buildings, not assigned by this ordinance, may be assigned by the superintendent of public buildings with the approval of the ma3'or. Sect. 8. The departments named in the following Departments created. chapters are hereby created, and placed under the charge of the officers or boards designated therefor, under the general supervision and control of the mayor. "V^ g THE MAYOR — CHAP. 2. CHAPTER 2. THE MAYOR. Mayor to ap. SECTION 1. The mayor shall, in the year in which the term of the incumbent expires, appoint, from the residents Ord. 1895, c. 5. and legal voters of the city of Boston, unless otherwise pro- vided by statute or ordinance, and subject to confirmation as hereinafter provided, the following officers, to serve for the terms hereinafter specified ; that is to say, For one year Por the term of ouc year beginning with the first day of May in the year of appointment : The city auditor. The city collector. "' The city engineer. The city registrar. The city solicitor. The city treasurer.^' The corporation counsel. 1807, c. 395, § 6. The iustitutious registrar. Ord. 1896, c. 4, The scalcr and ten deputy sealers of weights and measures. 1897, c. 441, § 1. The soldiers' relief commissioner. The superintendent of lamps. The superintendent of markets. The superintendent of printing. The superintendent of public buildings. The superintendent of public grounds. The superintendent of streets. The chief weigher and two assistant weighers of vessels and ballast. For three years For the term of three years, beginning with the first day '■ in the year of a Three assessors. The building cor 1896, c. 449, s 9. , , The fire commissioner. r m ay . ^^ May in the year of appointment : i895;c*!'^9!'/24.{ ' The building commissioner. THE MAYOR — CHAP. 2. 9 One health commissioner. The penal institutions commissioner. "w, c aos, s 3. Four overseers of the poor. One park commissioner. Two sinking-funds commissioners. •^ The water commissioner. ia»,e.449,§i2. -The wire commissioner. ^®^' "• ^^• For the tei-m of four years, bescinnins: with the first da a- For four yeaw /. -. r . , ^ ' . ■ from May 1. of jVlay m the year of appomtment ; / One election commissioner. isqo, c 449, § a. For the term of five years, begdnninor with the first day of ^^^ ^^^ y®*""* •^ . ' *= ° •' from May 1. May in the j'ear of appointment : One cemetery trustee. 1897,0.375. " One city hospital trustee. One music trustee. Ord.i898,c.5. '" One public library trustee. One statistics trustees. ord.i8»7,c.2. And in any year in which any term or terms of any of the members of either of the following boards, each consisting of seven trustees, shall expire, viz. : The bath trustees ; Ord. i898, e. 1. The insane hospital trustees ; "^ ■ The i)auper institutions trustees ; > 1897, c. 395, § 2. The trustees for children ; 3 the mayor shall appoint, from the citizens or taxpayers of the city, a trustee or trustees for such term of five 3'ears ; but two of each board of trustees shall always be women. Sect. 2. Whenever any officer, appointed by the mayor Appointmenu .nd subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen, dies, Jr^""*"' resigns, or is removed, the mayor shall forthwith appoint, subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen, a new officer to serve for the unexpired term. And whenever any Temporary ap- officer appointed by the mayor dies, resigns, or is removed, ^'° or from absence or other cause is unable to discharge his duties, the mayor may designate some other head of a depart- ment to discharge such duties temporarily. Sect. 3. The mayor shall, upon receiving atiy report Transmit de- ,,, "i-i 1 partment re- 01 a department required by the city council to be made to porta to city 10 THE MAYOR — CHAP. 2. council, with IjJj^ transmit the same to the city council, with such sujyffes- SUggeStlODS. , ^ ' DO tions as he shall deem proper to make. May execute Sect. 4. The mavor shall countersio^n all notes, bonds, instruments, . „ , . . countersign or scrip 01 tlic City, and may execute in behalf of the city bonds, etc.. for j^jj instruments to be executed by the city; but this pro- vision shall not be construed to prevent any officer from executing any instrument, in performing the duties devolving upon him. May discharge Sect. 5. The mayor may, upon payment to the city naortgage upon "^ ./ ' i i ./ J payment to colIcctor of the amouut due on the mortgage of an estate city collector mortiTased to the city, discharije or release the mortofajje, or of amount due. f^'f? .'' o en' To transfer assigu the samc without liability of, or recourse to, the city, city's title to . j i « 1 1 /■ j » real estate sold and may, upon payment to the city collector oi the amount for taxes, etc., j^g q^^ e^^ cstatc sold to the city for non-payment of taxes or upon payment '' ^ i .' of amount due. otlicr assessmcut, rclcasc all the interest of the city in such estate ; and may execute and deliver in behalf of the city any and all legal instruments necessary to carry out the powers aforet^aid. To execute Sect. 6. The mayor may cxecutc and deliver to any paity deeds of rdcdse acknowledging' holding lauds the title to which is derived under a deed given compliance t^ ^^ City, and crcatiui? an estate upon condition, a deed of with condi- J J 1 o i ^ tion. release, acknowledging that up to the time when such deed of release is given such condition has been fully complied with, and releasing such land from the possibility of forfeit- ure to the city for any breach of condition happening prior to the date of the release. To*^can!er^ Sect. 7. The mayor may, upon the execution of a bonds. new bond satisfactory to him, cancel, or release the sureties on, any bond given to the city for the performance of a contract or the duties of an office. To approve Sect. 8. The mayor shall apr)rove all drafts drawn by drafts upon . V. treasurer, tlic city auditor upou the city treasurer, and the form of all drafts, checks, and orders used by the city auditor. May order pub- Sect. 9. The mavor may order any or all public lie buildings ^ ./ ^ L closed and buildiiigs or officcs to bc closcd for any period, not ex- flags displayed, (^.(j^jjjj^g ^ne day at a time, whenever he deems it ex{)edient so to do, and may order flags to be displayed thereon at any time. THE MAYOR — CHAP. 2. 11 Sect. 10. The mayor may, in the discharge of the duties May incur ex- of his office, incur such expenses for subordinates and other pforsubordu employees, for expert services, for the entertainment of°"^*^'*^'° guests, and for other purposes, as he shall deem necessary or proper, provided, however, that the total expenditures of hi's office shall not exceed the amount appropriated therefor. 12 OFFICERS AND BOARDS — CHAP. 3. CHAPTER 3. OFFICERS AND BOARDS. CiODfirmation and tenure of office. AcceptaDce. Bonds of officers and subordinateB. Section 1. Every officer appointed by the mayor, except the election commissioners, the fire commissioner, the insane hospital trustees, the institutions registrar, the penal institu- tions commissioner, the pauper institutions trustees, the trustees for children, and the water commissioner, shall be subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen after the expiration of one week from the date of appointment ; every officer so appointed, whether with or without confirmation, or elected by the city council, or either branch thereof, shall continue to hold office until his successor is appointed, or confirmed where confirmation is required, or elected, un- less removed as provided by law ; and every such officer shall subscribe in a book, to be kept by the city clerk for that purpose, a statement that he accejjts his office, subject to the statutes and ordinances. Sect. 2. The persons holding at the date of the pas- sage of this ordinance the positions hereinafter named shall, within such time, not exceeding two months from said date, as the mayor may allow, severally deliver to the city auditor (except that the city auditor shall deliver his own bond to the city treasurer) a bond to the city, satis- factory to the mayor, with an incorporated surety company as surety, unless the mayor shall be satisfied that a satis- factory suret}-^ of this character cannot be obtained at a reasonable premium, in which case he may accept individuals as sureties ; and any person hereafter appointed or elected to any of said positions, except the city clerk, shall deliver such a bond before he enters upon the duties of his office. Any person required to give bond as aforesaid shall give a new bond satisfactory to the mayor whenever required by him so to do. The amount paid as premium for the surety upon any bond aforesaid, not exceeding one-half of one per 8t. i8»6, c. 449. cent, of the penal sum named therein, shall be allowed and paid as an expense of the department of which the principal on the bond is an officer or employee. OFFICERS AND BOARDS — CHAP. 3. Jg Sect. 3. The following officers and employees shall give said bonds in the following sums, viz. : The city auditor, seventy-five thousand dollars. The city clerk, two thousand dollars. The city collector, seventy-five thousand dollars. The city hospital superintendent, three thousand dollars. The city registrar, two thousand dollars. The city treasurer, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The cemetery department secretary, five thousand dollars. The penal institutions department clerk of accounts, the port physician, and the assistant port physicians, each two thousand dollars. The park department secretary, three thousand dollars. The public library librarian, two thousand dollars. The sealer of weights and measures, two thousand dollars. The street department deputy superintendent of the ferry division, and the clerk and assistant clerk of said deputy, each five thousand dollars ; all other persons authorized to sell ferry tickets, or to receive money or tickets at the ferries, or to receive money for house offal, each one thousand dollars ; and the permit clerk of said department, one thousand dollars. The secretary, and the superintendent of the income division, of the water department, each five thousand dollars. Sect. 4. The condition of each of said bonds shall be that condition of the person therein named as principal shall, while he con- ^"°'^'' tinues as such officer or employee, by reappointment, re- election, or otherwise, safely hold all the money or other property belonging to the city which may come into his possession and promptly deliver the same to the proper officer; honestly disburse, and account for, any money belonging to the city which may be intrusted to him for disbursement ; and faithfully discharge all his duties and trusts relating to the city. Sect. 5. The following-named officers shall, while in the saiarfeitobe sei-vice of the city, receive the following salanes yearly and serriceB^and proportionally for any portion of the year, which shall, unless "" ^"^" ^ '''• otherwise specifically provided by ordinance, be in full ducted, for all services which such officers are authorized or required p^y.'^'*^*' by statute or ordinance to perform, and shall be subject to 14: OFFICERS AXD BOARDS — CHAP. 3. the deduction of any and all sums due to the city from such oflScers. They shall receive as such salaries : The mayor, ten thousand dollars. 1888,0.288. ' «*«- •^ or partmentM lo be within thirty days after the close of the financial year made to mayor transmit to the mayor a report containing a statement of the ciaiy^r. acts and doings, and receipts and expenditures, of the de- partment for such financial year, together with such other matters as may be required by law, or as the mayor or offi- cer may deem to be of public interest. Sect. 25. No officer in charge of a department, unless ^^ o^^®"" »» <= r ' exceed appro- specially authorized thereto by statute, shall make any p"*"'"" "• expenditure, or incur any liability, on behalf of the city, i885. c. 266, § e. for any purpose, until an appropriation sufficient to meet such expenditure or liability, together with all other ex- penditures and liabilities properly chargeable to such appro- issg, c. 320, § i. 20 OFFICERS AND BOARDS — CHAP. 3. priation, has been made therefor ; nor shall he exceed any appropriation made for his department. Or be a member Sect. 26. No Salaried officer or employee of the city, not bod/*°orid*-' elected by popular vote, shall be an officer of any political vocate special caucus or a member of any political committee or conven- tbislny!^^ ° tion, nor shall any officer or employee of the city, not Ord. 1892, c. 9. clcctcd by popular vote, apply for, object to, or advocate, ord 18960 3" '^^fo^® ^^^ legislature, any special act relating to the city of Boston, unless expressly authorized so to do by the mayor or the city council. ART — CHAP. 4. 21 CHAPTER 4. ART DEPARTMENT. Section 1. The art department shall be under the charge Art department of a board to be known as the art commissioners, who shall ^^ ^mm^° have the approval of all works of art offered to or executed ^onen. . , » , , . i. 1 /. 1898, c. 410. for the city, and of the location thereof, before the same are accepted or located, and shall, subject to the approval of the mayor, make all contracts and give all orders for the execu- Powers and tion of paintings, monuments, statues, busts, bas reliefs, or " **" other sculptures for the city ; and no work of art shall, until so approved, be erected or placed in, over or upon, or allowed to extend in, over or upon any street, avenue, square, place, common, park, municipal building or other public place under the control of the city or any department or oflScer thereof. No existing work of art in the possession of said city shall be removed, relocated or altered in any way without the similar approval of said commission, and any such work of art shall be removed, relocated or altered in any way that may be ordered by a vote passed and approved, in writing, by all the members of said com- mission, and also approved by the mayor. 22 ASSESSING — CHAP. 5. CHAPTER 5. ASSESSING DEPARTMENT. Assessing de- SECTION 1. The assessing department shall be under the partment under , />jii -if • .• /.. charge of board Charge ot the Doard 01 assessors, consisting of mue assessors, of assessors. ^Jjq shall have and exercise all the powers and duties, and be subject to all the limitations, of assessors of taxes ; shall keep a full and complete record of the name of each person having a residence in the city of Boston, with his residence on the first day of May of the current and the preceding year, To keep record and also a rccord of the names of persons whose taxes have of taxes™^" * been abated in whole or in part, with the amount originally assessed to each, the amount of the abatement, and the Assistants. reasou for which it was made ; may appoint as assistants, subject to confirmation by the mayor, two persons for each assessment district, and such other assistants and subordi- nates as it may deem necessary. Secretary, eiec- Sect. 2. Said board may elect one of the assessors as tion and salary, gggretary, and in such case may pay him two hundred dollars per annum in addition to his salary as assessor. Shall make out Sect. 3. Said board shall make out and deliver to the coiiecto7tox.° ^^^y collector, on or before the first day of October in each bills by first of year, tax-biUs for all taxes assessed; and such bills shall have printed on them the rate for each thousand dollars of property assessed, and the proportion for state, county, and city taxes respectively, and for public-school expenditures ; Shall record and before delivering such tax-bills to the collector, shall re- tax-biiis in ^^^.^j ^[jgm [^i books prepared for the purpose, add the amounts books, add the r r j i- ' amounts to thcrcof together, foot the same at the end of each book, * *!r„? and add the ao^orregates of all the books together, so as to amount as- ~o o o ' sessed.and show the total amount of taxes assessed, and shall deliver couector. the Said books with said bills to the city collector, and shall, before the fifth day of every ensuing month, deliver like bills and books of all additional or supplementary assessments made during the preceding month. Shall at same Sect. 4. Said board shall render to the city auditor, at a^itorstlte-** the time when it delivers any tax-bills to the city collector. ASSESSING — CHAP. 5. 23 ■a. statement of the amount of such bills, so far as the amounts ™entof the amount of tax- thereof have not been included in any statement previously biiis, and rendered to him; and such statement shall also include the *™*'"°**'/**'** ' abated, etc. amount of taxes abated, determined to be void, or remitted, which have been certified to the assessors during such month, giving also the year in which the taxes were laid. Sect. 5. Said board shall transmit to the mayor on or shaii include in ,,, , ,, ^-, ,, .....its annual re- beiore the tenth day oi January annually, and mclude in its pon valuation annual report, a statement of the assessors' valuation of the fo>" each of the '■ ^ preceding five taxable property in the city for each of the preceding five years, abate- years, the abatements thereon allowed previous to the thirty- ^d°aver^g^"' first day of December preceding, and the average of such valuations reduced by such abatements. 24 AUDITING — CHAP. 6. CHAPTER 6. AUDITING DEPARTMENT. mn^ under ^ECTION 1. The auditing department shall be under the- charge of city charge of the city auditor, who shall have the custody of all *"' '/7" notes, securities, bonds given for the faithful performance Dball have cus- ' o i tody of notes, of a contract, and other agreements to which the city is a ties, etc. pg^j^y g^jj^j £qj, ^iji(3[j qq other provision is made ; and of all bonds to the city other than the auditor's ; shall keep a regis- ter of the dates, amounts, and sureties on all such bonds, and Shall notify t \ mayor of expi- notify the mayor whenever any such bond expires, or he is of mrnTo7b3l'' ^^^ opinion that it is impaired by the insolvency or other dis- ability of a surety ; shall keep a complete set of books, wherein shall be entered the amount of each specific appropriation and Shall cause ac- each amouut that has been expended on account of such ap- countsofde- ••in partments to be propriatiou ; shall causc the accounts of the several depart- examined. nicuts to be regularly examined annually by competent experts at such times as the mayor shall approve ; shall Shall notify notify the mayor whenever the expenditure of a depart- mayor when . expenditures mcut sccms to him to be in excess of a proper monthly ratirand°when ^^^^^ of Its appropriation ; shall, when any appropriation of appropriations a department has been wholly expended, immediately make a report of that fact to the department and to the mayor ; To be custodian shall havc the custody of all bonds and certificates of in- of bonds, etc. debtcduess, and the coupons thereof, issued by the city,. •after they have been paid and delivered t(^him by the city treasurer ; shall direct to the treasurer all necessary drafts^ checks, or other orders for the payment of money, in such re^stry of form as the mayor shall approve ; shall keep a registry of, and sign bonds, and slgn with the city treasurer, countersigned by the mayor, T^ ' all bonds and certificates of indebtedness of the city issued by May serve as j j secretary of the the city treasurer ; and shall, if elected secretary of the board- sinking fund f • I • ^ I • • 1 ^ commissioners, ^t smkmg lund commissioncrs, serve as such secretary. AUDITING — CHAP. 6. 25- Sect. 2. Said auditor shall immediately on receiving any Payment of bond of the city from the treasurer, deliver to him a check, tions.knd or other order, for the payment of the same ; and shall on coupons. the days of receiving executions or coupons from the treasurer deliver to him a draft to the total amount of the executions, coupons, and interest paid by the treasurer to those days. Sect. 3. Said auditor shall, within fortv-eight hours after ^^»" examine ^ and approve the close of the period covered by any pay-roll, and after payrolls. examination thereof, if found correct, approve the same, and shall deliver to the treasurer each day a draft to pay the amount so approved during that day; he shall at any time. Payment of per- sons ^cftviDc on receiving a proper certificate from the officer or board m service of city. charge of a department, deliver to the treasurer a check or other order to pay the amount due any person in that de- partment leaving the service of the city. Sect. 4. Said auditor shall examine all bills or demands shaii examine rendered against the city or county, shall see that they have mands against been incurred and properly approved by some person duly °"y °^ co«i»'y- authorized, in exact accordance with such authority, that the clerical computations are correct, and that there are on hand funds appropriated for such purpose sufficient for the payment of such demand or bill ; in case of any error or informality he shall make note of the fact, and return the bill or demand with his objections to the officer or board presenting the same ; if he approve the bill or demand he shall cause an abstract of the same to be entered in a book shaii enter kept for that purpose, and as soon as possible after the twen- approved" tieth day of each month, he shall sign on a book a draft for the city treasurer to pay all accounts entered therein. Sect. 5. Said auditor shall, on the first secular day of shaiigive . . . ■ . check or order each month, after receivmg a proper receipt or acquittance for payment to of any bill or demand which has been so approved, sent to, p«"°° entitled and allowed by him and entered in the aforesaid book, give each month, to the person entitled to payment a check, or other order, directed to the city treasurer, for the amount due, and when requested in writing by any officer in charge of a department may, if he deem it proper so to do, audit accounts, and issue drafts for the payment thereof at other times. 26 AUDITING — CHAP. 6. j>rinting, etc. Payments In settlement and -executions, how charged. Accounts of street depart' ment. Shall transfer g^cT. 6. Said auditor, at the close of each month, shall to printing _ ' appropriation transfer the amount of all bills allowed by him for materials T^°eTother furnishcd, and printing done, by the superintendent of print- departments for ing, for another department, unless for city documents, from the appropriation for such other department to the appro- priation for the printing department, to be used as a part of the same ; shall transfer the amount of all bills allowed by him for electrical materials furnished, or electrical work done, by the public buildings department for, or on, any building in charge of another department, from the appropriation for such other department to the appropriation for the public buildings department, to be used as a part of the same ; shall charge as an expenditure of the department whose transaction, act, or neglect caused a claim or suit, every amount paid in settlement, or on execution, therefor, unless provision is made for such payment out of some other appropriation ; and shall charge to the appropriations for each division of the street department, or for any special work, the amount of all bills for materials, tools, or machinery fur- nished for such division, or for such work, by other divi- sions of said department, and shall add such amount to the several appropriations for the divisions furnishing such materials, tools, or machinery. Sect. 7. Said auditor shall, immediately after the first day of every month, make to the mayor a report showing the amounts of the several appropriations, the amounts of all drafts on account of each appropriation made during the month preceding, the amounts of such drafts made since the beginning of the financial year, and the balance of such appropriation remaining subject to draft. Sect. 8. Said auditor shall include in his annual report a statement of all the receipts and expenditures of the city for the past financial year, giving in detail the amount of each specific appropriation and the expenditures therefrom, the receipts from each source of income, the reduction, if any, of the city debt, and the change, if any, in the sinking funds; said statement shall be arranged as far as practicable to Shall make monthly report -to mayor. Annual report, details of. AUDITING — CHAP. 6. 27 conform to the accounts of the city treasurer and city collec- tor, and shall be accompanied by a schedule of the property belonging to the city, and by an exhibit showing the debts due by the city, the interest thereon, the years in which such debts will become due, and the amount of sinking fund for each debt. 28 BATH-HOUSES — CHAP. 7. CHAPTER 7. BATH DEPARTMENT. Bath depart- SECTION 1. The bath department shall be under the ment under charge of charge of a board to be known as the bath trustees, who trustees. ghall havc the care and custody of all bath-houses, whether for all-the-y ear-round use, or floating bath-houses in salt To have charge water for summcr use, bathing beaches, swimming pools, and gymnasia, now or hereafter provided by the city ; shall have the care and custody of all urinals or public con- venience stations now or hereafter established by the city ; and shall construct every such new bath-house, urinal, and station, for which an appropriation may hereafter be made. of all bath houses Ords. 1898, cc, 1 and 8. BUILDING — CHAP. 8. 29 CHAPTER 8. BUILDING DEPARTMENT. Section 1. The building department shall be under the Bauding depart- charge of the building commissioner, who shall, in accord- charge of b^uiid- ance with the statutes and ordinances, issue permits for, and i^g commis- ^ sioDer. inspect, the erection and alteration of buildings in the city ; To inspect shall keep a register of the names of all persons carrying on i^J.l'*^ ^^jg the business of plumbing who shall apply to him to be is^^, c. 449, § 24. registered ; shall issue permits for doing plumbing work, and of'piumberT.*'*' shall, by himself or one of his assistants, inspect the plumb- to inspect plnmbing work. ing work in a building within forty-eight hours after a notice of the completion of such work has been left at the oflfice of the department ; and may appoint not exceeding twenty-four building inspectors for duty in his department. Buuding inspectors. 30 CEMETERY — CHAP. 9. CHAPTER 9. CEMETERY DEPARTMENT. Duties. Cemetery de- SECTION 1. The cemeterv department shall be under partment under /• i i /» charge of board the charge 01 aboard of cemetery trustees, consisting of iLTr sTs ^^® trustees, who shall have charge of Mount Hope cemetery, Evergreen cemetery, and all other burial-grounds owned by, or in charge of, the city ; shall set apart and appropriate a portion of Mount Hope cemetery as a public burying- ground for the use of the inhabitants of the city of Boston, free from any charge therefor ; shall enclose and lay out said cemeteries in lots or other subdivisions for family or other burials, and construct paths and avenues therein ; may embellish the grounds thereof; may erect or annex thereta edifices and conveniences ; and may make such rules and regulations therefor, not inconsistent with statute or ordi- nance, as they deem advisable ; and may determine the pay- ments to be made for such lots, or for the perpetual or other care thereof. Sect. 2. The chairman of said board, after payment therefor has been made to its secretary, may execute and deliver to the person or persons by or for whom the pay- ment has been made, a deed of the city conveying the ex- clusive right of burial of human dead in, and of placing and maintaining tombs, cenotaphs, and monuments, authorized by the board or officer having, at the time of placing the same, charge of the cemetery, upon the lot or subdivision in either of said cemeteries, described in the deed, and shall cause the deed to be recorded in the office of the said board. Every such conveyance shall be subject to the following restrictions, or such other regulations and restric- tions relating to said cemetery or the lots therein as shall from time to time be established by said city by ordi- nance. May convey rights of burial, etc. CEMETERY — CHAP. 9. 3^ RESTRICTIONS. First. The owner shall use the lot only for the pur- Restrictions. poses stated in his deed thereof. Second. The owner shall not, for hire, deposit or allow to be deposited in said lot the remains of any person. Third. The owner shall not, without the consent of said board or oflScer, remove, or allow to be removed, the remains of any person deposited in said lot. Fourth . The owner shall not, without the consent of said board or oflScer, place or allow to be placed on, or remove or allow to be removed from, said lot any tomb, cenotaph, or monument, or any hedge, tree, fence, curb, or other ornament. Fifth. The owner shall remove from the cemetery any unauthorized structure or other thing on said lot, and said board or officer may so remove at the expense of the owner any such structure or other thing, or any tree, shrub, flower, fence, curb, or other ornament not removed within the time stated in a notice from said board or officer ; and the owner shall comply with all rules and regulations of said board or officer relating to said cemetery or lot. Sixth. The owner shall convey said lot only as a whole, and shall never divide said lot, and if there are two or more owners they shall designate in writing one of their number to represent the lot, and while they neglect so to do said board or officer may designate the one to represent the lot. Sect. 3. The chairman of said board, after payment May make has been made to the city treasurer for the city, for keep- perpetual car& ino: in repair any lot in anv cemetery or other burial- "*'*'**' °p*"* is f J ., J ^ receipt of ground owned by the city, may execute and deliver to the payment, person by or for whom the payment has been made an affreement that the city shall keep the lot and the struct- '^*'°^ *° "^'^ c . . . •"'* agreement ures and grass thereon in a good and neat condition forever, or during the period specified in the agreement, so far as •^the same can be done by the expenditure of an amount equal to four per cent, per annum of the amount of money so paid from the time of such payment, and said board shall cause all such agreements to be faithfully carried out. ;32 CHILDREN'S INSTITUTIONS — CHAP. 10. CHAPTER 10. children's institutions department. •Children's insti. SECTION 1. The children's institutions department shall tutlons depart- i i i ^ i t i i i ment under oe Under the charge oi a board to be known as the trustees charge of trus- ^^^ children, who shall have the care and control of Rains- tees for chil- ' dren. ford islaud, the house for the employment and reformation of juvenile offenders, known as the house of reformation at Rainsford island, the parental school at West Roxbury, and 1894, c. 498. 1886, c. 282, § 3. 1897, c. 395, the home for neglected children at Marcella street, Roxburj'', 1898 ^cc. 315, ^^^ shall purchase all the fuel and other supplies required for 496, and 580. ^}^g institutions uudcr the charge of said board. Parental school Sect. 2. The institution, premises, or situation at West at Roxbury as- '■ «ignedfor Roxbury in the city of Boston, known as the parental victedof certain school, is hereby provided, established, and assigned as a offences. suitable place for the confinement, discipline, and instruc- 1886, c. 282, § 1. ^ ^^ ^ ^ , . i894,c.498,§i9. tion of children described in the following section. Certain minors Sect. 3. Auv habitual truaut, and any child between to be committed "^ "^ ^ _ to parental scvcu and fifteen years of age, found wandering about in the c! 498, §§ 19,20, streets or public places of the city of Boston, having no law- ^^- ful occupation or business, not attending school, and growing up in ignorance, and any child persistently violating the rea- sonable regulations of the public schools, shall, upon convic- tion thereof, be committed to. the parental school at West Roxbury for a term not exceeding two years. Annual report. Sect. 4. Said trustcBs shall, in their annual report, in- clude a statement of the expenditures and receipts of each institution for the preceding municipal year, giving the con- dition of each, with the number of inmates admitted thereto and discharged therefrom, tha deaths therein, and the number of persons remaining in the same. CITY CLEKK — CHAP. 11. X^/=' CALlf CHAPTER 11. CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT. Section 1. The city clerk department shall be under the Citycierkde- xuharge of the city clerk, Who shall have the care and cus- charge of city tody of all records, documents, maps, plans, and papers ''^^^^' of the city respecting the care and custody of which no other provision is made ; shall attend all meetings of the s^aii attend board of aldermen, and all meetings of both branches of ^cTrd°of aMer- the city council in convention, and keep records of all such men and keep . records. meetings ; shall cause to be published once a week for three weeks successively in two daily newspapers published in this ghaii publish city, one of which shall be the newspaper in which the pro- *°<* p*^"* °"^*- /• 1 • -1 '111 • nances and ceedings oi the city council are printed, and to be printed regulations. as a city document within ten days after its passage, every ordinance and every regulation of the board of aldermen ; shall keep a copy of the last revision of the ordinances, and of the last revision of the regulations of the board of alder- men, with all amendments codified and arranged therein as soon as approved by the mayor, and shall, at the close of^*"*"?*^"* • . . . , supplement of -each municipal year, prepare and print as a city document revised ordu a supplement of the revised ordinances containing ^11 t^g nances each ordinances passed during the year. Sect. 2. The city clerk shall, seven days at least before sbaii publish the day fixed for any meeting for any election or other pur- ings for eiec- pose, advertise in at least four daily newspapers published in tions or other ' _ _ ^ ^ 1 1 i purposes. this city, one of which shall be the newspaper in which the proceedings of the city council are printed, a notice of the time and place of such meeting, the hours for opening and closing the polls, the officers to be chosen, and the question or questions to be voted upon. Sect. 3. The city clerk shall keep a book containing the shaiikeep dates of appointment of all officers appointed by the mayor, tionofaiioffii or elected by the city council, or either branch thereof, and cers.andac. , ceptance of a statement, which shall be signed by every such officer, that same. -he accepts his office subject to the statutes and ordinances. 34 CITY CLERK — CHAP. 11. Shall annually Sect. 4. The citj clerk shall annually, upon his elec- Ms^strnCwith tion, appoint, subject to the approval of the mayor, an approval of assistant city clerk, who shall be sworn to the faithful dis- mayor. ^ charge of his duties, shall hold office for one year, and until Duties of assist. Ms successor is appointed and qualified, shall assist the city antctycer . gjg,j.j^ ^^ ^^iQ performance of the duties of his office, and shall discharge the duties of the city clerk when that officer is- absent, or when there is a vacancy in that office. CITY MESSENGER — CHAP. 12. 35 CHAPTER 12. CITY MESSENGER DEPARTMENT. Section 1. There shall be elected annually, by concur- city council to rent vote of the two branches of the city council, a city mes- ^ty ^"""nger, sender, for the term of one year beginning with the first day *° '^^^^ charge '^ ' ^ , . . of city messen- of May in the year of his election ; said city messenger shall ger department. have charge of the city messenger department ; shall have the care, custody, and distribution of all documents, pamphlets, and books printed for the city council, or either branch thereof; shall, except as to repairs and alterations, and as to the steam apparatus therein, have the general custody and care, subject to the direction of the mayor, of the city hall building, including the elevators, duties. and of the flags, ropes, and stakes used on city hall and the public grounds ; shalj in suitable weather display the national colors upon the city hall on every day except ord. 1894, c. e. Sunday, and upon the public grounds on Franklin's birthday, January 17 ; Lincoln's birthday, February 12 ; Washington's ord. 1895, c. 7. birthday, February 22 ; Evacuation Day, March 17 ; Patriot's Day, April 19 ; Grant's birthday, April 27 ; Memorial Day, May 30 ; the anniversary of the adoption of the national colors, June 14 ; Bunker Hill Day, June 17 ; Independence Day, July 4 ; Labor Day, first Monday in September; and on the anniversary of the settlement of Boston, September 17 ; and whenever any of the above- named days fall on Sunday, shall display the colors on the following day ; shall attend all meetings of the board of aldermen, and of the common council, and shall perform all services required of him by the mayor, by either branch of the city council, or by any committee ; said city messenger shall have the disposition of any regular or special detail of police assigned for the protection of city hall or for the preservation of order therein. 36 CLERK OF COMMITTEES — CHAP. 13. CHAPTER 13. CLERK OF COMMITTEES DEPARTMENT. Olty council to elect annually clerk of com- mittees, to have charge of clerk of committees department. Duties. To keep in li- brary copies of publications issued by city. Shall issue licenses and badges to minors when directed. Shall appoint an assistant clerk. Duties of assistant. Section 1. There shall be elected annually by concurrent vote of the two branches of the city council a clerk of com- mittees, for the term of one year beginninsi; with the first day of May in the year of his election ; said clerk of committees shall have charge of the clerk of committees department, and of the libraries in its rooms ; shall, when no other pro- vision is made, act as the clerk of all committees, standing or special, of either branch or of both branches of the city council ; shall make proper records in books kept for the pur- pose of all the proceedings and transactions of each committee ; shall keep a calendar of all the meetings of each committee, and notify the members thereof of such meetings when requested so to do by the chairman or by a majority of the com- mittee ; and shall perform such other duties and services for said committees as they may from time to time require. Sect. 2. Said clerk shall keep in the said libraries, which together shall be known as the City Hall Reference Library, a copy of each of the several publications issued by the city and by every board and department thereof, and copies of publications presented to the city of Boston from other sources. Sect. 3. Said clerk shall, when so directed by the board of aldermen, issue licenses and badges to minors, and shall, in such case, see that every minor licensed by order of said board conforms to the condition of his license. Sect. 4. Said clerk shall appoint an assistant clerk, who shall assist him in the performance of the duties of his office, and shall discharge the duties of the clerk when that officer is absent, and when there is a vacancy in his office. COLLECTING — CHAP. 14. 37 CHAPTER 14. COLLECTING DEPARTMENT. Section 1 . The collecting department shall be under Collecting de- . Tin • /» 1 • partment under the charge of the city collector, who shall require irom his charge of city subordinates, for the faithful performance of their respective collector. duties, and for the safe custody of the moneys and other property intrusted to them, bonds to himself as obligee, with sureties satisfactory to the mayor, as follows : from the cash- fj|j°.i . See 1895, c 449, in case of fire, and shall furnish and keep m repair all§§9, lo, n. apparatus used therefor, including the fire-alarm telegraph and telephone systems ; shall divide the city into fire dis- Duties. tricts, and establish a fire patrol ; shall appoint a chief engineer, engineers, and other firemen, and shall, except as otherwise provided by ordinance, have and exercise all the powers and duties conferred by statute upon the board of fire commissioners of said city, or upon fire engineers. Sect. 2. Said commissioner shall appoint a superin- Superintendent tendent of fire-alarm, who shall, under the direction of said commissioner, have the entire care and maintenance of the DuUes. wires, posts, machinery, and appliances of the fire-alarm telegraph and telephone system ; shall see that all said wires, posts, machinery, and appliances are maintained and kept at all times in good order and condition, and shall keep in his oflSce a map showing the locations of the same. Sect. 3. Said commissioner shall, on application of any license for , . . , . , , (, business liable person desiring to carry on any business the exercise oi to cause fire, which is liable to cause fire, examine the premises where it is proposed to carry on such business, and make a full report thereon to the board of aldermen, and, when authorized by a vote of said board of aldermen, shall issue a license therefor which shall continue in force until the first day of April next succeeding its date. Said commissioner shall maintain a ^'^^^ '°**°**''* ^ _ *^ _ ^ _ a supervision supervision over such business, and shall immediately so over such busi- report to the board of aldermen when he deems that such °^^*' license should be revoked. Sect. 4. Said commissioner shall cause to be examined Places where 11 1 1 1 . -II. 1 combustible all places where explosive compounds, shavings, or other materials, etc., materials, articles, o^oods, or merchandise, liable to cause *''® ^^^V ^® ' ' c5 ' ' examined. fire, are placed or kept, and when he deems that the same 42 FIRE — CHAP. 17. Removal of combustible materialB. Shall furnish certificate to person serviug seven succes- sive years. Shall make monthly report to mayor of location and number of fires, etc. are so placed or kept as to be liable to cause fire, he shall order the occupant of the place where they are so placed or kept to" remove them, and if such occupant neglects or refuses so to do, said commissioner shall cause the same to be removed at the expense of such occupant. Sect. 5. Said commissioner shall furnish to every person who has served in said department for seven successive years a certificate of that fact signed by the mayor. Sect. 6. Said commissioner shall make to the mayor a monthly report of the location and number of fires that have occurred in the preceding month, the cause of the same and the amount of property destroyed thereby, and shall in his annual report include a brief summary of such matters. HEALTH — CHAP. 18. 43 CHAPTER 18. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Section 1. The health department shall be under the Health depan- charge of the board of health, consisting of three commis- Xa^le of^board sioners, who shall have and exercise all the powers conferred of health. by general or special acts upon the city council, or board of aldermen, of the city of Boston, or on boards of health, relative to the public health, and shall include in their annual report a review of the sanitary condition of the city ; shall have charge of all matters relating to quaran- shaii have tine, and to the quarantine-grounds, consisting of Gr«illop's ^'^^ °*^^''*'" island and that portion of the harbor between Long, Deer, hospitals for and Spectacle islands known as the President Roads ; shall diseases. have charge of the hospitals for persons having infectious diseases, established by the city on Swett street and on Canterbury street, and of the patients in said hospitals ; shall vaccine vtms t_ -11 /• x-ii /r* ' J 1-1 and anti-toxine keep on hand, so tar as practicable, a suincient quantity to be kept on of vaccine virus and anti-toxine, and supply the same free ^and. of charge to the physicians in the several departments and in the Boston Dispensary ; shall authorize the occupancy or use of stables ; and shall have the supervision of the stabiee. burial of the dead. Sect. 2. Said board shall appoint a city physician aty physician, to make examinations when requested by the board of police, and at its expense, and certify to said board of police the condition of candidates for appointment on, and of mem- bers of, the police force, and to make examinations when requested by the fire commissioner, and at the expense of his department, and certify to said commissioner the condi- tion of the members of the fire department; shall appoint one or more medical inspectors and require them to attend upon all cases requiring medical or surgical services in the jail, the city prison in the court-house, and the city temporary home, when requested by the officer in charge of, and at the expense of, the institution or department in which the cases are : to vaccinate and revaccinate all inhab- 44 HEALTH — CHAP. 18. Vaccination and certificates. Physician and assistant at quarantine to reside at Deer island. Ord. 1893, c. 6. Shall enter applications for opening and cleaning vaults in books. Shall make contracts for cleaning vaults. Shall fix price to be paid. Shall license a suitable num- ber of under- takers each year. 1890, c. 210. May establish regulations. itants of the city who apply for vaccination ; and to give the certificates of vaccination required for admission to the public schools ; shall appoint a port physician and assistant port physician, and require them to reside at Deer island, and, if the board of health and the penal institutions com- missioner so agree, to serve as assistant physicians for all the institutions on 'Deer island, and shall appoint a super- intendent of peddlers, and require him to see that every hawker and peddler conforms to law. Sect. 3. Said board shall keep books in which shall be entered all applications for opening and cleaning vaults, and such applications shall, unless the whole contents of the vault are to be taken, specify the number of loads to be removed ; said board shall from time to time, after advertising for pro- posals therefor, make contracts for terms not exceeding three years for cleaning all vaults in the city, and removing the contents thereof, and shall fix the price per load to be paid, together with all expense of preparing the vault for cleaning, by every party whose vault is cleaned by such contractor. Sect. 4. Said board shall in each year license for a term of one year, beginning with the first day of May, a suitable number of undertakers to take charge of the funeral rites preliminary to the interment of a human body, and may establish reasonable regulations for the government of said undertakers and for the fees to be paid for their services. HOSPITAL — CHAP. 19. 45 CHAPTER 19. HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT. Section 1 . The hospital department shall be under the Hospital de- charge of the trustees of the city hospital, consisting of five chrrge o*f"" ^'^ trustees, who shall have charge of the Boston city hospital '^^^^es of city and of the care and maintenance thereof; shall purchase all fuel and other supplies required therefor ; shall make all needful improvements in the lands and grounds connected with the city hospital ; shall have charge of all real estate held for purposes connected with the city hospital, and pay or cause to be paid to the city collector the incomes thereof. Sect. 2. Said trustees shall admit to the city hospital shaii only -, . -, ..1 ... !•/• admit to hos- only Sick or injured persons requiring temporary reliei, pitai persons unless for good cause, and shall remove all sick or injured ■■''^"'"°^*^™" '-' ... porary relief. persons as soon as their condition will permit of such re- moval ; they may allow persons making compensation there- ^fay aiiow for separate apartments and special accommodations, and commodations the compensation so received shall be paid over to the city ^°j^compensa. collector. Sect. 3. Said trustees shall, in their annual report, in- Annual report, elude a statement of the condition of the hospital, the num- ber of its inmates, the admissions thereto and discharges therefrom, and the births and deaths therein during the year. 46 INSANE HOSPITAL — CHAP. 20o CHAPTER 20, INSANE HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT. Insane hospital SECTION 1. The insane hospital department shall be department to iii c ^ i -t c • ^ • -i be under charge under the chargc 01 the board or insane hospital trustees, of insane hoB- ^j^^ gj^^jj ]^^yQ ^jjg charo'e and control of the Boston insane pital trustees. ~ 1897, c. 451. hospital at West Roxbury, and shall purchase all fuel and other supplies required for said institution. Annual report. Sect. 2. Said board shall, in its annual report, include a statement of the expenditures and receipts of said institu- tion in the preceding financial year, giving its condition, with the number of inmates admitted thereto and dis- charged therefrom, the births and deaths therein, and the number of persons remaining in the same. INSTITUTIONS REGISTRATION — CHAP. 21. ^ CHAPTER 21. INSTITUTIGNS REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT. Section 1. The institutions registration department i»»«tit«tion8 reg- . istration de- shall be under the charge of the institutions registrar, who partment to be shall be a citizen or taxpayer of the city, and who shall in- ,°n8alutionI^reg- vestigate all questions relating to the settlement of paupers, '^far- 1897, to the commitment of the insane, to the agency for dis- charged prisoners, and to any rights, duties, or liabilities connected therewith ; shall report the results of his investi- gations to the department interested therein ; and shall per- form such services relating to the accounts, and to the col- lection, registration, and tabulation of statistics relating to the children's institutions department, the insane hospital de- partment, the pauper institutions department, and the penal institutions department, or any of them, as may be required of him by the mayor, or by the officers or trustees in charge of said departments, with the approval of the mayor. ^3 LAMPS — chap; 22. CHAPTER 22. / LAMP DEPARTMENT. Lamp depart- SECTION 1. The lamp department shall be under the Xa°rge'of Buper- charge of the superintendent of lamps, who shall set up and intendentof ^^^ lamps in the streets, as the board of aldermen may 1aII113S direct ; shall have charge of all such lamps established by the board of aldermen and maintained at the expense of the Duties. city, of all lamps set up in parks, parkways, or public grounds, and of all lamp-posts, pipes, or fixtures connected with such lamps ; shall have the care and custody of all city property now in the possession of the lamp department, or that shall hereafter be acquired by it, and shall maintain and keep the same in good repair ; shall see that the streets are lighted by such methods of lighting as the board of aldermen may from time to time order, and that the lamps in the streets are lighted and extinguished as ordered by the board of aldermen, and shall purchase all the supplies required for his department. LAW — CHAP. 23. 4-9 CHAPTER 23. LAW DEPARTMENT. Section 1. The law department shall be under the charo^e officers in '■ ^ '-' charge of de- of the corporation counsel and the city solicitor jointly. partment. Sect. 2. The corporation counsel shall furnish opinions corporation f ,.. A- ^^ j^ 1 1-j.j.j counsel, powers on the law ot any subject or question that may be submitted and duties. to him by the mayor, the board of aldermen or the common council, and on any subject or question relating to the dis- charge of their or his official duties that may be submitted to him by the school committee, by any committee of the city to furnish '' ' ./ ./ ^ opinions and council, or of either branch thereof, or by four mem- advise officers. bers of the board of aldermen, or by ten members of the common council, or by any officer in charge of a depart- ment of the city government ; shall on application advise any officer or employee of the city on any question of > , law connected with the discharge of his official duties ; shall, subject to the direction of the m^yor, or of any stand- ing committee of the city council having charge of matters before the o-eneral court of the Commonwealth, appear for ^o appear be- " 1 r> **""® legislatore. the city as counsel before the general court or before any committee thereof, when the interest or welfare of the city is directly or indirectly affected, and may, in the care of mat- ters before the legislature, expend in any year a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars, to be charged to the appro- priation for incidental expenses of the city council ; shall '^'' prepare an- * '■ ^ "^ ^ nually a revision annually prepare and lay before the city council at the of ordinances beginning of the year, a revision of the city ordinances, con-"" reguations. taining all ordinances in force on the first day of the year; shall annually prepare and lay before the board of aldermen at the beginning of the year, a revision of the regulations of the board of aldermen, containing all regulations in force on the first day of the year ; shall annually, after the present year, ^° prepare an- . . nually volume immediately after the adjournment of the legislature prepare of special laws, a volume containing all special laws passed at the session ^"'' then ended, relating to the city of Boston, and such others as lie shall deem will assist the members of the city council, or 50 LAW — CHAP. 23. To draft legal papers and ex- amine titles. May perform duties of city solicitor. City solicitor, powers and duties. To bring suits and defend city and ofScers. To settle salts. To perform duties of corporation counsel. OflScers of law department not to appear in court except in Interest of city. departments or oflScers of said city, in the performance of their duties ; shall draft and approve the form of all written contracts ; shall by himself or by the city conveyancers examine all titles to real property which the city is to acquire, and furnish without charge all deeds or other legal papers necessary for the transfer of property to or from the city which the city is required by law, or has been accus- tomed, to so furnish, shall audit all bills incurred by the department, and may at his discretion perform any of the duties of the city solicitor. Sect. 3. The city solicitor shall, subject to the direction of the mayor, institute any suit or proceeding in behalf of the city which he shall deem the interest of the city requires ; shall by himself or by the assistants in the law department appear as counsel in all suits, actions, or prosecutions which may involve the rights or interests of the city, and defend the officers of the city in suits against them for their official actions, or for the performance of their official duties, or when any estate, right, privilege, interest, ordinance, act, or direc- tion of the city is brought in question ; may take such steps, and incur such expenses, for the prosecution and defence of suits as he deems necessary, the same to be charged to the appropriation for incidental expenses, or to such appro- priation as he deems the proper one ; shall examine into the settlement of a claim when requested so to do by the mayor or the head of any department, and, if he deems such settlement advantageous to the city, shall approve the same ; may settle any suit against the city when the settlement is recommended by a vote of the committee on claims, approved by the mayor, provided such settlement can be effected for a sum not exceeding four thousand dollars ; and shall, if the corporation counsel is absent or unable to act, or if there is a vacancy in the office of corporation counsel, or if the mayor so directs, exercise and perform any of the duties and powers of the corporation counsel. Sect. 4. No person connected with the law department shall, except as hereinbefore provided, appear in court la any case to which the city is not a party. LIBRARY — CHAP. 24. 51 CHAPTER 24. LIBRARY DEPARTMENT. Section 1 . The library department shall be under the library depan- charge of the board of trustees of the public library of the charge of board city of Boston, consisting of five trustees, who shall adopt °ubHc uw^ such measures as shall extend the benefits of the institution as widely as possible ; and may from time to time establish branch libraries and delivery stations in difi*erent sections of the city, and shall annually appoint an examining com- ^""®"- mittee of not less than five persons, not members of the board, who, with one of said board as chairman, shall exam- ine said library and make to said board a report of its con- dition. Sect. 2. Said board shall, in its annual report, include Annual report, a statement of the condition of said library, the number of books that have been added thereto during the year, the report of the committee appointed to examine said library, and the total amount of money received from fines and sales. 52 MARKET — CHAP. 25. CHAPTER 25. MARKET DEPARTMENT. Market depart- ment under charge of super- intendent of markets. Shall take and destroy dis- eased articles of food. May assign stands, etc., within Faneuil- hall market limits, and direct placing of merchandise, etc. Shall lease stalls for five years at rents not less than those estab- lished by city council. Leases to be approved by mayor and sub- ject to condi- tions. Section 1. The market department shall be under the charge of the superintendent of markets, who shall have the charo;e and control of Faneuil-hall market and Faneuil-hall market limits ; shall preserve order therein ; shall make such changes, and place or allow to be placed in said market such pipes, drains, and other appliances, as he may deem proper; shall take and foTthwith destroy any article of food which in his opinion is diseased, unwholesome, or tainted, and is kept for sale within said market limits ; and said superintendent or either of his deputies may assign stands within said market limits for the sale of provisions and other articles, and may, at the expense of the owner thereof, remove from one place or stand to another within said limits, or to, and to be kept in, a stable, until the expense is paid, any merchandise, vehicle, or animal, not under the charge of any person, or not immediately so removed on the direction of said superintendent or either of his deputies. Sect. 2. Said superintendent shall, on the expiration of any term of the leases of stalls in Faneuil-hall market, lease them for another term of five years, from the first day of April of the year in which such term expires, at rents not less than those which shall be established by vote of the city council therefor ; shall, after the establishment of such rents, notify the lessees then occupying said stalls and cellars of the rents to be paid therefor ; shall give a new lease at such rents to such of said lessees as in writing notify him that they desire to retain at such rents their respective hold- ings ; and shall lease for the remainder of any existing term all stalls and cellars which become vacant, or the leases of which shall be cancelled, to suitable persons, at not less MARKET — CHAP. 25. 53 than the rents previously paid therefor ; all leases shall be on the following conditions and be approved by the Mayor : 1 . The lessee shall comply with the ordinances of the conditions, city, and the regulations and orders of the board of alder- men relating to Faneuil-hall market, or the Faneuil-hall market limits as defined by said ordinances. 2. The lessee shall, at his own expense, keep the demised premises in good repair and condition. 3. The lessee shall not place, or sufier to be placed or kept, any article in any passage-way of said market, or within the demised premises, so as to project into any such passage-way, unless with the consent of the superintendent of markets, or one of his deputies. 4. The lessee shall not, within said market, as defined by said ordinances, smoke, or have in his possession, or suffer or allow any of his employees to smoke, or have in his possession, any lighted pipe, cigar, or cigarette. 5. The lessee shall not, without the approval in writing of said superintendent previously obtained, underlet, or assign, or suffer any other person to occupy, the demised premises ; nor shall he, without such approval, carry on any business therein other than that for which the premises are leased. 6. The lessee shall not throw, or permit to be thrown, into any part of the market limits, or suffer to remain within the demised premises, any animal substance, scrapings, or any kind of dirt, filth, or useless matter, but shall keep and remove the same as said superintendent or either of his deputies shall direct. 7. The lessee shall pay his rent in quarterly payments to the city collector, on or before the first days of July, October, January, and April of each year. 8. The lessee shall pay all water-rates. 9. The lessee shall not continue to employ any person within the market limits after such person shall have been objected to by said superintendent. 10. The lessee shall not become bankrupt, or insolvent, or allow the demised premises to remain unused for a longer period than fifteen days. 54 MARKET — CHAP. 25. 11. The lessee shall not interfere with or impede said superintendent when entering the demised premises to view, or to make repairs or improvements. 12. The lessee shall have the demised premises, on all week days except legal holidays, opened from March 1 to April 1, at 6.30 o'clock A.M. ; from April 1 to May 1, at 6 o'clock A.M. ; from May 1 to September 20, at 5.30 o'clock A.M. ; from September 20 to October 1, at 6 o'clock A.M. ; from October 1 to December 1, at 6.30 o'clock A.M. ; from December 1 to March 1, at 7 o'clock A.M., and kept open until 5 o'clock in the afternoon ; provided, however, that on the day of the observance of Patriots' day. Memorial day. Independence day, and Labor day, when Monday or Saturday, and on the day of the celebration of the battle of Bunker Hill, he shall have said premises opened as above, and kept open- until 9 o'clock in the morning, and on all other Saturdays he shall have them opened as above and kept open until 9 o'clock in the evening, or have them opened and closed at such other hours as the board of aldermen may from time to time order. 13. The lessee shall quit and deliver up the demised premises peaceably and quietly at the end of said term, in as good order and condition as the same are at the beginning of the term, or may be put into during the said term. The lessee shall also agree that on the violation of either of the foregoing conditions, said city by said superintendent may, without notice, and forcibly if necessary, enter upon and take possession of the demised premises, and expel the lessee and his assigns, and that by such violation the lease shall be cancelled. MUSIC — CHAPTER 26. 55 CHAPTER 26. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Section 1 . The music department shall be under the Mneic depan- •charge of a board to be known as the music trustees, con- charge of mn»ic sisting of five trustees. Said board shall have the charge trustees. J 1 ^ , . . . . Ords. 1898, c. 5. and control of the selection of public music, to be given either indoors or in the open air, for parades, concerts, j^^^g^ ^^ public celebrations and other purposes, under the authority of the city council, except entertainments for children on the fourth of July ; shall determine the parties to furnish the same, make the contracts and expend all moneys to be paid from the city treasury for such music. i^Q OVERSEEING OF THE POOR — CHAP. 27. CHAPTER 27. OVERSEEING OF THE POOR DlEPARTMENT. Overseeing of SECTION 1. The overseeing of the pooF department shalE ment under ^e Under the charge of the overseers of the poor in the city charge of of Boston, consisting of twelve overseers, who, in addition overseers of the ^ " ' ' poor. to the duty of caring for the poor imposed upon them by law, shall have charge of the Charity building and temporary home on Chardon street, and the Lodge for Wayfarers on Hawkins street, and may make and enforce all such rules and regulations as they may deem expedient in relation Sdiln's oVchar- ^^^^^^^^ '■> ^^^11, tVom time to time, determine what charitable ity building. societies shall be permitted to occupy said Charity building, and on what terms and for what length of time, and what proportion of the current expenses of managing, heating, and lighting the same, and of all other expenses, except rent, shall be paid by each ; but no such rule or regulation shall be in force, and no society shall be permitted to occupy the building, after the city council has otherwise ordered. Shall keep Sect. 2. Said ovcrsccrs shall causc to be kept a Complete books showing j. /? i i i • i n i t • i •! i Investments, sct oi Dooks, whcrein shall be stated in detail the manner m expenditures, -^^i^ich all funds in their hands are invested and how they are secured, the amounts and dates of all receipts and expendi- tures, and to whom and from what funds all payments are made ; and they shall preserve all papers, property, evi- dences of property, vouchers, and other things intrusted to or deposited with them. Shall keep Sect. 3. Said overseers shall cause to be kept another history of per- sct of books, wherciu shall be stated the following facts rela- forlwistonce *^^^ ^^ cvcry pcrsou to whom relief or assistance has been given or refused, namely : his or her name ; residence for as long a period as can conveniently be ascertained ; birth- place ; occupation ; property or means of support ; whether married or single ; name of husband or wife, if any ; number, names, residences, and occupations of children, if any ; names and residences of, and other information in regard to, ancestors, so far as such facts can be conveniently ascertained OVERSEEING OF THE POOR — CHAP. 27. ^J and may be of importance for determining settlements or other matters ; the nature and the amount of the relief or as- sistance given, and the cause or ground upon which it was given or refused ; the source or fund from which it was taken or derived ; and all other particulars or information which it is for the public interest to preserve, so that said books may present, in a clear, complete, and detailed manner, and in such a form that it shall be readily accessible, all information which may be of value to the city or to the Commonwealth in regard to persons to whom relief has been given or refused. Said overseers shall also cause to be kept a full and complete ^^*" ^^^p '■^*=- record of all applications by women and children for admis- tions by womeo sion to the temporary home, so called, which record shall *°*^ "j'''!*''^" i^ •' ' ' for admission contain the names of the applicants, the grounds upon which to temporary admission is granted or refused, and any other information which it is for the public interest to preserve. 58 PARKS — CHAP. 28. CHAPTER 28. PARK DEPARTMENT. Park depart- SECTION 1. The park department shall be under the ment under r i ^ /• charge of board charge oi the board of park commissioners, consisting of three I'rs^onerT Commissioners, who shall construct, improve, equip, govern, and regulate the Charlesbank, Commonwealth Avenue from Arlington Street to Beacon Street, Back Bay Fens, Jamaica- way, Arnold Arboretum, Franklin Park, Marine Park, North Brighton Playground, Dorchester Lower Mills Park, North End Park, Charlestown Heights, Charlestown Play- ground, Wood Island Park, Fellows Street Playground, the Playground on M Street, South Boston, and all other lands taken by the board, by purchase or otherwise, for park purposes or for playgrounds, and such as may be placed in the charge of the board by the city or by the board of Metropolitan Park Commissioners ; shall make rules for the use and government thereof, and fix penalties for breaches of such rules, not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence, to be imposed by any court of com- petent jurisdiction ; shall appoint a general superintendent and all necessary engineers, surveyors, clerks, and other oflScers, define the powers and duties of such officers, and fix the amount of their compensation ; and generally do all needful acts for the proper execution of the powers and duties above mentioned. Duties. PAUPER INSTITUTIONS — CHAP. 29. 59 CHAPTER 29. PAUPER INSTITUTIONS DEPARTMENT. Section 1 . The pauper institutions department shall be Panper instuu- under the charge of a board to be known as the pauper insti- ment under tutions trustees, who shall have the charo^e and control of^"^® ?* p.**"" C3 per institutions Long island, of the almshouse and hospital at Long island, trustees. 1897, and the almshouse at Charlestown, and shall purchase all '^^ •** • • fuel and other supplies required for the institutions under their charge. Sect. 2. Said board shall, in its annual report, include a Annual report, statement of the expenditures and receipts of each institu- tion in the preceding financial year, giving the condition of each, with the number of inmates admitted thereto and dis- charged therefrom, the births and deaths therein, and the number of persons remaining in the same. (JO PENAL INSTITUTIONS — CHAF. 30. CHAPTER 30. PENAL INSTITUTIONS DEPARTMENT. Penal inatitn- SECTION 1. The peiial institutions department shall be tioDB depart- , . . . ment under under the chargc of the penal institutions commissioner, who charge of penal cd i. institutionB shall have the charo^e and control of Deer island, the house of commissioner. '^ Ord. 1894, c. 4, corrcction at South Boston, and the house of correction at § 1. 1896, 0.^6, Va- ^^^^ island, and shall purchase all fuel and other supplies 1897,0.390, §5- required for the institutions in his charge. Annual report. Sect. 2. Said commissiouer shall, in his annual report, include a statement of the expenditures and receipts of each institution for the preceding financial year, giving the condition of each, with the number of inmates admitted thereto and discharged therefrom, the births and deaths therein, and the number of persons remaining in the same. PKINTING — CHAP. 31. Q\ CHAPTER 31. PBLNTING DEPARTMENT. Section 1. The printins: department shall be under the P"'>*'°g ^^p""^ /»! • -I ^ > • • 11111 ment under charge ot the superintendent oi printing, who shall have charge of super- charge of the printing plant of the city, and the printing of ^°^°^®°' ''^ all city documents and all documents for the city council, or either branch thereof, or any committee thereof, or any de- Duues. partment of the city government ; but such authority shall not extend to the publication of the proceedings of either branch of the city council in any newspaper, or to adver- tisements made by any department in any newspaper ; shall supply all printing, binding, stationery, ink, and other i^94, c. 378. office supplies, except furniture, required by the various de- partments ; shall, on the fifteenth day of each month, send to the city auditor a detailed bill of the stock used by, and the printing done for, each department for other than city documents, during the preceding month, which bill shall be approved by the officer in charge of the department. Sect. 2. Said superintendent shall number and print P"°*i°s of nine hundred copies of the mayor's inaugural address and gurai, annual of each of the annual and other reports made by the several '^®p*"'**> '*°'^ '■ '' city documents. departments to the major ; and shall number and print six ord. i898, c. 6. hundred copies of each of the other city documents ; shall, from the said copies, as soon as printed, deliver to the city messenger for distribution, four hundred copies of the said address, of each of said annual reports, and of each of the other city documents ; shall, as soon as practicable, from the J^Jndingand .,.,,,,. Ill delivery of Buch said copies, bind and deliver to the mayor two hundred sets documents. of volumes, two volumes to each set, each set containing one copy of said address and one copy of each of said annual reports, and each volume entitled "Annual Report of the Executive Departments of the City of Boston for the Year (32 PRINTING - CHAP. 31. (naming the preceding year) " ; and bind and deliver to the statistics trustees one hundred sets, and to the city messenger ord. 1898, c. 6. ^^^ distribution two hundred sets of volumes, each set con- taining one copy of each of the city documents of the preced- ing municipal year, numerically arranged ; every volume so bound shall contain an alphabetical list of the documents These provi- therein. The preceding provisions shall not, unless specially apply to certain provided, apply to any documents issued by special order of documents. ^j^g ^^^y couucil nor to the volumes which the city registrar may deem proper to print, but said superintendent shall number and print, as a city document, seventeen hundred copies of each of said volumes of the city registrar, fifteen ch.34, §2. hundred of which he shall deliver to said registrar for distribution, and two hundred of which he shall bind with the tM^o hundred sets of volumes to be delivered to the city To print an- mcsscngcr foT distribution. He shall also print as a city of splciai'i^s, document without any number four hundred copies of a vol- ute, ume to be prepared by the corporation counsel at the end of each session of the legislature, containing all special laws passed at such session j-elating to the city of Boston, and such others as he shall deem will assist the city council, or any department or officer, in the performance of its or his duties. Shall keep Sect. 3. Said Superintendent shall kccp propcr books of books of ac- ^ ... count, etc. accouut, and when satisfied of the legality of any requisition for printing, stationery, or binding, shall at once comply with it, and make proper entries on his books ; he shall re- quire suitable evidence that the work done or goods furnished are accepted by the officer issuing the requisition. Construction g ^ rpj^^ term " printing " in this chapter shall be of term jt o «■ ^ " printing." construcd to mean all engraving, stereotyping, electrotyping, lithographing, photographing, and other methods of work used in illustrating books, so far as the same are to be Construction applied to any documents printed for or by the city govern- "wrdTng'-and mcut or auy of its departments. The terms "binding" and " «ta"o°ery." ... ward-room upon (containing a copy of the call for a meeting notifying ftve'ie'^'*a"iToteL ^^^ pcrsons who may be present that it will be subject to the provisions of this section) is made to him by not less than five legal voters of a ward for the use of a ward-room for the purpose of holding such meeting, and when he is paid such sum of money as will in his opinion be sufficient to defray the expense of opening, lighting, heating, and closing the ward-room during the time specified in the ^®™^'™''y^® permit, may issue a permit for the use of such ward-room, mayor. whicli permit may at any time be revoked by the mayor. Shall specify in gald Superintendent shall specify in the permit the time and permit time and n i • ii • mit purpose of purposc of the meeting, and that the meeting will be sub- meeting, jgp^ ^Q ^YiQ following provisions of this section, and he shall request the board of police to detail a sufficient police force to be present and enforce said provisions, as follows : Oniyiestai Only legal voters in the ward in which such meeting is held, objected to, to and to whoui uo objection is made by the major part of such vote at such ^^ g^^-^j applicants as are present, or by the presiding officer of such meeting, shall mark or vote, or remain at such Duties of police nieetinij, and the members of the police force present shall officers at such ^ ^ ^ ^'■ meetings. keep tlic pcacc at such meeting, obey the lawful orders of, and remove such persons as shall be designated by, the major part of such of said applicants as are present, or after the election of a presiding officer of the meeting, such persons as shall be designated by such presiding officer. Shall reserve Sect. 7. Said superintendent, when an organized political use of political body calls caucuses or ward meetings for a designated day, bodies upon q\yq\\ j-jot permit any person except the recognized agents of for caucuses, sucli body, prior to the morning of the day fixed for such ****■ meetings, to have the use of a ward-room for such day. Shall have the Sect. 8. Said Superintendent shall have the care, custody, etr.'of^Fan'eu'ii and management of Faneuil hall ; shall display the national ''"'^- colors upon Faneuil-hall building on every day of the year, Ord. 1894, c. 7. gxccpt Sundays, weather permitting ; shall, upon vote of the board of aldermen approved by the mayor, permit the use of the hall, and shall be paid therefor in advance, for opening, heating, lighting, and closing the hall, unless the said vote shall otherwise provide, in the daytime a fee of ten dollars, PUBLIC BUILDINGS — CHAP. 32. 67 and in the evening a fee of fifteen dollars, and shall hold all persons signing the application, liable, jointly and severally, for any damage done to the hall at or in connectioli with the meeting for which the use is granted. Sect. 9. Said superintendent shall, in his annual report, ^^n"*' »«p®"*- include a statement of the kind and amount of city property in the armories ; of all buildings belonging to or used by the city, and of the land and appurtenances thereof; of the con- dition of such buildings and land, and the nature and amount of the expenditures that have been made during the preced- ing year relative thereto. 6g PUBLIC GROUNDS — CHAP. 33. CHAPTEK 33. PUBLIC GROUNDS DEPARTMENT. Public grounds Section 1 . The Dublic grounds department shall be under department /»i • -> under charge of the charge 01 the superintendent of public grounds, who superintendent gijall havc the carc and superintendence of the public grounds grounds. and of all trees belonging to the city, except those in the public parks ; shall trim all shade trees standing in streets, Duties. so that they will not interfere with public travel ; shall carry out all orders of the board of aldermen, made after public notice and hearing, to remove trees standing in the streets, and shall cause all statutes and ordinances for the protection of trees, shrubs, and flowers in the public grounds and streets to be strictly observed. REGISTRY — CHAP. 34. QQ CHAPTER 34. REGISTRY DEPART:MENT. Section 1. The reonstry department shall be under *^*y '*«'"*'*'» . ® f ^ dotieaof. the charge of the city registrar, who shall receive ori892,c.3i4. obtain, record, and index all facts relating to, and per-^'^j^'^ form all the duties required of, city clerks concerning births, deaths, and marriages in the city of Boston, and shall have the custody of all records, books, and papers be- longing to the city, relating to births, deaths, and marriages. Sect. 2. The city registrar shall complete, as far as cuy registrar practicable, the record of births, deaths, and marriages prior ^g^^^^^ to the year 1849, in the town or city of Boston, or in any ^'rthe, de«th«, . " and marriagefl. city or town now constituting a portion of the city of Boston ; shall receive and collect documents relating thereto ; shall make copies of all such documents as he may deem advis- able, and may distribute, as a city document, the fifteen see c si, § 2. hundred copies of each of such volumes as he shall deem proper to print, relating to the early history of Boston and said other cities and towns, delivered to him by the superin- tendent of printing, but shall not sell any copy. Sect. 3. The city remstrar shall, in his annual report, ^'"'•*' '*p*'* •^ " . f to include. include a statement of the number of births, of marriages and of deaths, recorded in his office during the previous year. 70 SINKING-FUNDS — CHAP. 35. CHAPTER 35. Sinking-funds department under charge of board of com. roiasioners of sin king-funds. Duties. Sball invest moneys re- ceived, and transfer surplus to other funds. Shall require certain appro- priations in annual esti- mates. SINKING-FUNDS DEPARTMENT. Section 1. The sinking-funds department shall be under the charge of the board of commissioners of sinking-funds, consisting of six commissioners, who shall be considered to be appointed and to act under the provisions of chapter twenty-nine of the public statutes, and who shall have charge and control of all sinking-funds established by the city, and of all sums appropriated therefor ; and there shall be, unless otherwise specially provided, a sinking-fund for each debt payable in five years or more than five years. Sect. 2. Said commissioners shall receive all moneys paid to them on account of the sinking-funds, and invest the same for the benefit of the appropriate fund, and whenever the amount of any sinking-fund exceeds the entire amount of the debt for the payment of which it was established, the commissioners shall transfer the surplus above such amount to such other sinking-fund or funds as they may deem ad- visable. Sect. 3. Said commissioners shall, in their annual esti- mates, require for every sinking-fund an appropriation suf- ficient, with the accumulations of the sinking-fund, to meet at maturity the debt for the payment of which it was cre- ated, requiring for a debt payable in five years from the time incurred, an appropriation of not less than twenty- three and one-quarter per cent. ; for a debt payable in ten years, an a})propriation of not less than eight per cent, of the amount of such debt ; for a debt payable in twenty years, an appropriation of not less than three and a half per cent, of the amount of such debt ; for a debt payable in thirty years, an appropriation of not less than two per cent, of the amount of such debt ; and for a debt payable in forty years, an appropriation of not less than one and one- quarter per cent, of the amount of such debt; provided, SESXING-FUNDS — CHAP. S5. 7X however, that said commissioners shall, when other pay- ments have been applied, or transferred, to the sinking-fund of any debt, require for that sinking-fund an appropriation less by the amount of such payments than they would otherwise have required. Sect. 4. Said commissioners shall, when a debt of the ^''*" P"y *<* , treasDrer snffi- city becomes due, pay over to the city treasurer so much of cieut fnnds to the funds which they may hold as a sinking-fund for such"^^**"** debt as may be required for the payment of such debt. 72 SOLDIERS' RELIEF — CHAP. 36. CHAPTER 36. soldiers' relief department. Soldiers' relief SECTION 1 . relief nommis Bioner. 1897, c. 441. Duties. The soldiers' relief department shall be under be under charge the charge of the soldiers' relief commissioner, who shall be of soldiers' g^ registered voter of the city of Boston, and shall, subject to the direction of the board of aldermen as to the amounts to be paid to beneficiaries, have and exercise all the powers and duties vested in the mayor and aldermen of said city under chapter four hundred and forty-seven of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety, chapters two hundred and seventy-nine and three hundred and one of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-four, chapter three hundred and sixty-one of the acts of the year eighteen hun- dred and ninety-five, and chapter two hundred and seventy- nine of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and acts in amendment or addition thereto. STATISTICS — CHAP. 37. 73 CHAPTER 37. STATISTICS DEPARTMENT. Section 1 . The statistics department shall be under the statistics de- charge of a board to be known as the statistics trustees, chlrgeof"" ^'^ consisting of six trustees, one of whom shall be the city ^'■"''t'^'^*- O ' . • Ord. 1897, c. 2. engineer, ex-officio; said board shall collect, compile, and publish such statistics relating to the city of Boston, and such statistics of other cities for purposes of comparison, as they may deem of public importance. Sect. 2. Said board shall publish, at least once a week. To publish an official gazette of the city, to be designated The City "*^ ^*^*"^ ' Record. Said publication shall contain a copy of every advertisement or public notice issued by the several depart- ments, a summary of all proposals received in response to the same, and a statement of all awards of contracts ; and shall also contain such record of official action, and such other matters of interest to the city, as said board may from time to time, with the approval of the mayor, direct. Said board shall cause said publication to be distributed regularly to the members of the city council, the several departments, and the press, as soon as published, and may provide for the sale to the public, by subscription or otherwise, of such number of copies thereof as the board shall deem expedient. STREETS — CHAP. 38. CHAPTER 38. STREET DEPARTMENT. Street depart- Sectton 1. The Street department shall be under the ment under charge of super- charge of the Superintendent of streets, who shall construct Itreets^"*"^ all strects and scwcrs ; shall have discretionary power as to 1892, c. 401. the grades, materials, and other particulars of the construction of streets, sidewalks, and sewers ; shall have charge of and keep clean and in good condition and repair the streets, the 1895,0.494. pumping-station and reservoirs of the improved sewerage system, all sewers under the control of the city, and the catch- basins in the streets connected with the sewers ; shall keep the streets properly watered ; shall remove from yards and areas, when so placed as to be easily removed, all ashes ac- cumulated from the burning of materials for heating build- Dnties. ings or for domcstic purposes, all house-dirt, house-oftal, and all noxious and refuse substances ; shall, on the fifteenth day of each month, send to the city auditor detailed bills of all materials, tools, and machinery furnished by either of the divisions of said department to any other such division, or for any special work. Bnperintendent Sect. 2. Said Superintendent sliall havc the carc and man- to have man- , agement of agcmcut of tlic fcrrics owned by the city ; shall purchase or 1895T449 §25 ^ui'd ^11 boats, and make the necessary repairs and alterations on the slips, drops, buildings and boats used for ferry purposes ; Shall pay ,^^^ shall causc all moneys received by him or his subordinates money received •' *' _ to city collector, from tolls and other sources to be paid to the city collector exceeding' ou the day following the day of the receipt thereof, but may $1,000 for retain in the possession of the clerk to the deputy superin- change. ,. . . t 1 tendent of the ferry division a sum not exceeding one thou- sand dollars for making change and for other purposes. Shall have care Sect. 3. Said Superintendent shall have the care and ment of management of all bridges which are used as highways, and bridgcB. ^^^ .j^ whole or in part under the charge of the city, and of so much of Harvard bridge and Prison-point bridge as axe STREETS — CHAP. 38. 75 under the charge and control of the board of aldermen or of the city ; shall be the commissioner to act with another com- missioner for the city of Cambridge, and as such commissioner shall have and exercise all the powers in relation to West Boston bridge and Craigie bridge conferred by chapter three hundred and two of the acts of the year 1870; shall, when he shaii notify city exposes any portion of the structure on which the strength of he^exposes a bridge depends, notify the city engineer and afford him an structure of opportunity to inspect the same ; shall make all repairs aft'ect- inor the strength of any bridge, under the supervision of the shaii make aii . . . II. repairs, and city engineer; shall keep the rails and planks m good order, keep bridges in and alldirt, snow, and ice removed from the sidewalks; 8°"*^ '^°°*'"'°°- shall keep all said bridges, or those pails thereof under his care, and the abutments, guards, draws, and wharves thereof, clean and in good condition and repair ; > shall appoint draw- shaii appoint . . , . draw- tenders. tenders for the draws in bridges of which he has the care, and see that they properly perform their duties, and may - remove them for such cause as he shall deem sufficient, and shall assign in his order of removal. Each draw-tender so Duties of drmw- appointed shall take charge by night and by day of the draw of which he is draw-tender ; shall require from the person in charge of a vessel applying to pass through the draw a true statement of the name, extreme width, and draught of the vessel ; shall determine the order in which vessels may pass through the draw, and may direct the placing of warp- ing-lines, anchors, and cables, and the use of any warping- apparatus provided by the city ; shall cause the draw to be opened for the passage of vessels when moving with the tide, and, in his discretion, when moving against the tide, if the wind is favorable or if the vessel is in tow ; shall cause the draw to be closed with all possible expedition after a vessel has passed through, not permitting more than one vessel to pass through at one opening of the draw, except that, when the draw is open and the bridge is free from persons desir- ing to cross, he may, in his discretion, permit other vessels to pass through before causing the draw to be closed ; he shall perform such additional duties as said superintendent may require. 76 STREETS— CHAP. 38. Shall place and maintain signs 'witb names of streets. Shall require buildings to be numbered. Ord. 1892, c. 13, §1. Shall keep rec- ord of orders for construct- ing sewers, the cost, names of owners of estates assessed, and amount of assessment. 1892, c. 402. Shall keep plans of every sewer, showing depth, etc. Shall notify abutters when about to build or repair a sewer. Shall also notify ■uperiDtend(.-nt of lamps and water commissioner. Sect. 4. Said superintendent shall place and maintain in one or more suitable conspicuous places, to be selected by him, on each street of the city, the name of the street and of the ward in which the street is situated, as shown by the records ; shall require the number of each build- ing on a street which he shall designate as the street number therefor to be affixed to or inscribed on the build- ing by the owner, and may determine the form, size, and material of any such number, and the place and mode of affixing or inscribing it. Sect. 5. Said superintendent shall keep a book in which he shall record the date of every order for constructing a sewer, the name of the contractor or builder constructing it, the date of commencing and the date of completing the work, and the cost of the sewer; also a book in which he shall certify the names of the owners of estates assessed for the construction of the sewer, the number of feet of land of each estate bordering on the street or strip of land in which the sewer was laid, the amount of each assessment, the date of completion of the sewer, and the dates when the notices of assessment were given. He shall make and deliver to the city collector all bills for assessments as they become due. Sect. 6. Said superintendent shall keep a plan for every existing and every new sewer, showing its depth, breadth, mode of construction, and general direction, and shall, from time to time, ascertain and insert on said plans all entries made into the sewers. Sect. 7. Said superintendent shall, when about to build a new sewer or repair an old sewer, notify all abutters on that part of the line of said sewer when he proposes to do work, and afford them facilities for entering the sewer; and shall, when about to construct a new street, at least four weeks before beginning work, and, when about to make a new surface of any street, at least two weeks before begin- ning work, notify the superintendent of lamps, the water commissioner and all persons authorized to place any structure in such street, and require and see that all said depai-t- ments or persons having any work to be done in the streets so designated shall do all such work before the surface of STREETS — CHAP. 58. rjj such sti'eet is again prepared for and opened to public travel, and, after the completion of the work then done on such street, shall not, for the space of one year thereafter, permit any department or person to disturb the surface of such street or way within the area of such previous disturbance, except in case of obvious necessity, a record of which shall be made in a book to be kept for that purpose. Sect. 8. Said superintendent may issue permits to per- >f«yiM«epCT. sons havmg authority m the premises to open, occupy, occupy, etc., obstruct, and use portions of the streets, and, should the potions of the portion of the street which has been so opened or used re- quire repaving or resurfacing within a period of twelve months Perron duturb. from the time it has been so used, the superintendent of ^aife repair« streets shall notify the person applvino' for the permit under rwj"i'^«^ '^'thin I . /. 1 . 1 1 i-r > o f twelve month!. authority of which the portion was so used, to make such repairs as in the opinion of said superintendent are necessary, and, in case of the failure of the said person to make such repairs within one week from the date of the said notification, then the superintendent of streets shall have the right to make such necessary repairs, and the expense of the same shall be paid by such person; all amounts received by the city collector for work done or materials furnished under notification of the superintendent of streets, as above author- ized, shall be placed to the credit, and used as a part, of the appropriation for the street department. Ever}' permit issued conditioMof as aforesaid shall specify the time, place, size, and use of such p*""'** opening, occupation, or obstruction, and the time within which the street must be put in good condition, and shall be on a condition the terms of which shall be those stated in chapter three, section twenty-one, of this ordinance, and, in ad- dition, that the person applying for the permit shall place and maintain, from the beginning of twilight, through the whole of every night, over or near the place so occu- pied, opened, obstructed or used, and over or near any dirt, gravel, or other material placed in or near such place, a light or lights sufficient to protect travellers from in- i'i?>»t« to pro- jury ; shall place and maintain a safe and convenient way for ** '*^* "' the use of foot-travellers and for vehicles around or over such place ; shall, if he does not, within the time prescribed 78 STREETS - CHAP. 38. by said superintendent, put the street into good condition satisfactory to said superintendent, pay whatever sum the said superintendent shall expend for putting it into such condition ; and shall deliver up the permit to an officer of the police force of said city on or before the expiration of the time fixed in the permit for completing work, such permit to be returned by said officer to the street depart- ment ; said superintendent may, in addition to said speci- May specify ficatious, spccify in the permit, or after the issuing thereof, kind of rail, jn writing, the kind of rail or fence to enclose the place, and place. the kind of way over or around such place, and the manner of constructing the same. Shall iBMe per- Sect. 9. Said Superintendent may issue such a permit "reetBto'Tay ^^ any pcrson who presents a permit from the water depaii- water.pipes, or ment to repair or lay water-pipes, and to any person who connect with ^ . ,. , , i lampB. presents a permit irom the lamp department to erect or repair a lamp. Mayisflueper- Sect. 10. Said Superintendent may issuc such a permit particular ^' ^^ competent mechanics for the purpose of entering particular drains into pub- draius luto public drains and sewers, on a condition the terms He drains, upon /»i.iini i i •!/> t > • .i certain condi- 01 which shail DC thosc hercmbeiore stated in section eight of uons. ^j^jg ciiapter, and, in addition, that the person applying for the permit shall make connection of the said drain with the said sewer only in the manner shown on the back of said per- mit, and only in the presence of an inspector of the sewer division ; shall have on the ground, when the inspector arrives to see the connection made, any slant, bend, or curve to be used in making the connection ; shall not cover up any work until inspected by one of said inspectors ; shall not lay the drain in the same trench with a water-pipe ; shall not connect any exhaust from a steam-engine, any blow-off from a steam-boiler, or any other pipe for delivering steam or hot water, with the drain or sewer; shall, when he receives any pipe from the street department in exchange for another, return such other to the yard of the street department within twenty-four hours after receiving such Shall specify In exchange. Said superintendent shall in each drain-pemiit J,^^*'^''PjJ"^J*''® specify the size, material, and mode of construction of the drain. particular drain, and the direction and grade for laying it, but STREETS - CHAP. 38. 79 before igsuinj' a permit for enterino^ a drain into a particular seweraseesB- public sewer from land upon which a sewer assessment has paid before not been paid, he shall be paid for the city an assessment of j^"'"^ JJ™*^ two cents per square foot for all land in the estate from w^hich the entry is made within one hundred feet of the street or strip of land in which the sewer or particular drain is laid. Sect. 1 1 . Said superintendent may issue such a permit May iMoe per- to a responsible person for the purpose of raising and gtreeis for r^«- lowerino: goods and merchandise into and from buildinirs, '"'^'"'^ '<"'«'■■ • • 1 fi"ui_iii 1 '~^ 1 I18 goods, etc., on a condition the terms of which shall be those stated on condition. in chapter three, section twenty-one, of this ordinance, and in addition that the person applying for the permit shall maintain, during the whole time the work is in progress, gooii anJ sufficient barriers across the sidewalk, from the wall of the building to or from which the goods or merchandise are so raised, out to the curbstone or edge of the sidewalk, on each side of said goods or merchandise, sufficient to protect travellers from injury or danger ; and that he will not encumber the sidewalk for more than fifteen minutes at a time for such work. Sect. 12. Said superintendent shall issue such a s^an. when m- permit to any person authorized by the board of aldermen board of aider- to place a coal-hole, vault, or coal-slide under a street, ">«»•»""« ?«- ^ ' ' ^ _ ' mils for con- or a cover thereto, on a condition the terms of which shall »trnciion of be those hereinbefore stated in section eight of this chapter, ^auiu°ete! and in addition that the person applying for the permit shall make the underground structure, if a coal-slide, with the sides at least eight inches thick, of good hard brick, laid in cement ; if other than a coal-slide, with the outer wall next to the roadway at least two and a half feet thick, of heavy granite blocks laid in cement, the side walls at least one foot thick, of good hard brick, or of granite blocks, laid in cement; the top of iron, or iron and glass, or of rough-surfaced iron, or, at least six inches thick, either of good hard brick laid in the form of an arch turned in a good and sufficient manner, or of rough-hammered granite, or bluestone, or Xorth-river flagstone ; shall make the opening of a coal-hole or coal-slide circular, and not more than eighteen inches in diameter, and furnish a cover therefor of 80 t May IsBue per- mit to building- mover to occupy street, when authorized by mayor and aldermen. Public hearing by board of aldermen. Shall issue per- mitto lay wires, trades, etc., when au- thorized by board uf alder- men. STREETS— CHAP. 38. iron, made with a rough upper surface, and with three or more iron rods or legs at least two feet in length, fitting closely to the side of the opening, and projecting downwards from the under side of the cover, and so constructed that, while the cover can be lifted perpendicularly, it cannot be tipped or easily removed from the opening. Sect. 13. Said superintendent shall, when authorized thereto by the board of aldermen, issue such a permit to a building-mover actually engaged in the business, for the purpose of moving a building through the streets, on a condi- tion the terms of which shall be those stated in section eight of this chapter ; provided, that an application for such per- mit, describing the locations from and to which, and the route over which, the building is to be moved, the length, width, and height of the building, and the principal material of its exterior and roof, and accompanied by the written consent of the building commissioner to the placing of the building on the lot proposed, shall be first made to said superin- tendent, who shall make an examination of the premises and report thereon to the board of aldermen, for its action. Whenever it appears that the moving of the building will encumber the tracks of any railroad corporation, a public hearing shall be given by the board of aldermen upon the subject before such permit is authorized. Skct. 14. Said superintendent shall, when authorized thereto by an order of the board of aldermen, issue such a permit, to a responsible person, for the purposes of laying, maintaining, and using wires, railway tracks, or rails in the streets, or wires, pipes, or conduits under the surface thereof, on a condition the terms of which shall be those stated in section eight of this chapter, and in addition that the person applying for the permit shall, whenever requested 80 to do by the mayor, furnish in his conduits for wires accommodations, free of charge, for all wires belonging to, or to be used by, the city ; shall remove the conduits and wires whenever directed, and not until directed, so to do by the city council; and shall not disturb or interfere with any wires, pipes, or sewers lawfully laid in such street or con- nected therewith. STREETS— CHAP. 38. Ql Sect. 15. Said superintendent shall, when authorized ^''*" '**"* p*'- mils to place thereto by an order of the board of aldermen, issue such a and maintaiu permit, to a responsible person, for the purpose of placing auj^orued'b and maintaining in the streets poles for the support of board of aider- wires, on a condition the terms of which shall be those hereinbefore stated in section eight of this chapter, and in addition that the person applying for the permit shall keep said poles well painted and in good condition, to the satisfac- tion of the superintendent of streets ; shall place the wires on said poles not less than twenty-five feet from the ground ; shall keep the name of the person owning the pole distinctly condition of painted on the cross-bars used and occupied by him on the pole, and also on the pole at a point not less than six feet nor more than eight feet from the ground ; shall allow the depart- ord. 1892, c. 1. ments of the city the exclusive use of the upper cross-bar and top of each pole, free of all charge, for the purpose of placing wires thereon ; shall not suffer or permit any other person to place or keep wires on said poles, or upon the fixtures thereto affixed, without permission being first obtained in writing from the board of aldermen ; shall not remove any pole erected under this order until, and shall remove any pole when, directed by the board of aldermen so to do ; and that on the violation of any term of these conditions the said superintendent shall remove the poles at the expense of the person owning them. Sect. 16. Said superintendent, before he delivers an}' s'^''"' ^^^"^ I • /» 1 !• 1 /• delivering per- such permit to any person for the applicant therefor, mit, require cer shall have received from such pei-son a certificate that a copy of the permit, entered in a l)ook kept for the pur- pose, is a correct copy of the permit he receives, and the applicant, unless cin employee of the city applying for a per- mit for public work, shall have given a bond, in the case of permits under sections eight, ten, eleven, and twelve of this chapter, of one thousand dollars ; under section thirteen of this chapter, of three thousand dollars ; and under sections fourteen and fifteen of this chapter, of twenty thousand dol- lars ; each bond with one or more sureties satisfactory to said superintendent, conditioned to the faithful observance of p""f'"°°*' . . . . bonds. the conditions and specifications of each and every permit tificate and bond. renal snm of bonds. 82 STREETS — CHAP. 38. Shall nnt ispue permits to per- P0D8 who hiive Tiolnted permit within twelve months. lasuing of per- mits subject to control of board of aldermen. Maintenance of cellars, co.il- boles, posts, etc., construed as agreement to hold city harm- less from damages nrisiog from such maintenaDce. Entrances and ■teps near line pf street to be thereafter issued on his application by the superintendent of streets ; and said superintendent of streets may at any- time require a new bond, which shall be considered a strengthening bond unless the sureties on the former bond or bonds are expressly released from their liability by vote of the city council. Sect. 17. Said superintendent shall not issue any such permit to a person who has within twelve months previous to his application violated or failed to observe the conditions or specifications of any such permit; but the issuing of such permits, and the opening, occupation, obstruction, and use of portions of streets, and the making and maintaining of coal-holes, vaults, and other permanent excavations under the surface of streets, and their covers, shall be subject to any permission, control, regulation, restriction, or revocation which the board of aldermen may make. Sect. 18. Every owner of an estate hereafter maintain- ing any cellar, vault, coal-hole, or other excavation under the part of the street adjacent to, or which is a part of, his estate, shall do so only on condition that such maintenance shall be considered as an agreement on his part to hold the city harmless from any claims for damage to himself or the occupants of said estate resulting from gas, sewage, or water leaking into such excavation or upon such estate ; and every such owner, and every person maintaining a post, pole, or other structure in a street, or a wire, i)ipe, con- duit, or other structure under a street, shall do so only on the condition that such maintenance shall be con- sidered as an agreement on his part with the city to keep the same and the covers thereof in good repair and condition, at all times during his ownership, and to indemnify and save harmless the city against any and all damages, costs, expenses, or compensation which it may sustain, or bo re- quired to pay, by reason of such excavation or structure being under or in the street, or being out of repair during his ownership, or by reason of any cover of the same being out of repair or unfastened during his ownership. Sect. 19. Said superintendent shall require every person who maintains an entrance on a level with, or below, or a STREETS -CHAP. 38. g3 flisrht of steps descending immediately from, or near, the enclosed wiu> "^ f 1 ^ ' ^ • 1 • /•! 1 1 '''*'° railing, or Ime of a street, and which is not otherwise saiely and securely otherwise se- guarded to the satisfaction of said superintendent, to enclose *^'"*'^ gowded. such entrance or steps with a permanent iron railing on each side, at least three feet high from the top of the sidewalk or pavement, and to provide the same with a gate, opening inwardly, or two iron chains across the entrance way, one near the top and the other half-way from the ground to the top of the railing, and to keep said gates or chains closed during the night, unless the entrance or steps are sufficiently lighted to prevent accidents. Sect 20. Said superintendent shall keep a record of the shaiikeep notices of defects in streets sent to him, with the name of the notices of person giving the notice, and the time when given, and he **^^^**- shall without delay cause the locality of the alleged defect to be examined, and, if the defect is of such a character as to ^■"** ^*^*** to be examined endanger the safety of public travel, shall do whatever may and repairs be necessary to protect the public from injury by the defect, "*^** and cause it to be immediately repaired ; and every person in the employ of the city shall send to said superintendent notice of every such defect which may come to his notice. Sect. 21. Said superintendent shall in his annual report Annual report, include a statement of the repairs and expenditures on each street and on each bridge under his charge ; of the number of times each draw of a bridge has been opened for the passage of vessels ; of the number of vessels laden with cargo that have passed through each draw ; of the condition of each ferry-boat, slip, drop, tank, and building used for ferry purposes, and of the repairs and expenditures on each ; and of the number of persons and teams of different classes that have passed over each ferry during the year. 84 STREET LAYING OUT — CHAP. 39. CHAPTER 39. STREET LAYING OUT DEPARTMENT. Street laying SECTION 1. The Street laying out department shall be undercharge of under the charge of the board of street commissioners, board of street commissioners consisting of three commissioners, who shall lay out, locate anew, alter, widen, and discontinue highways, and order specific repairs thereon ; shall, with the approval of the mayor, agree upon and settle the damages and benefits occa- sioned by any laying out, locating anew, altering, widening, discontinuing, or changing the grade of a highway ; may make abatements of taxes when refused by the assessors, notifying the board of assessors whenever it makes any such Duties. abatement ; shall have the care and maintenance of all lands and buildings belonging to the city and not used for specific purposes, and shall keep a record thereof; may, with the approval of the mayor, let said lands for a term not exceed- ing one year ; and, when authorized by the city council to sell any lands or buildings, may, with the approval of the mayor, sell the same at public auction or otherwise. Not to deliver Sect. 2. Said board shall not deliver any deed of lands lan^druDtVipur- sold by the board until the purchase-money has been paid chasemoney is |.q ^^q ^.j^y coUcctor in full ; but may, from time to time, on payment to the city collector of a poiiion of the puichase- money, convey to the party to whom the city has contracted to sell, or to his heirs or assigns, an equivalent part of the lands so contracted for. TREASURY — CHAP. 40. g5 CHAPTER 40. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Section 1. The treasury department shall be under the Treasnry charge of the city treasurer, who shall require from his nn^er chwge of subordinates, for the faithful performance of their respective ''"^ trea»urer. duties, and for the safe custody of the money and other property intrusted to them, bonds to himself as obligee, with Bonds of sureties satisfactory to the mayor, with penal sums as follows, "* "*** namely : from the cashier, not less than twenty thousand dollars ; from the tellers and paymasters, not less than ten thousand dollars each ; shall receive, receipt for, and have Receive and the care and custody of, the current funds of the city from fauda. the time the same shall come into his possession, and also of all moneys, properties, and securities which may come into his possession by virtue of any statute or ordinance, or as a gift, devise, bequ4st, or deposit; may deposit any portion of such current fiinds in such national bank or banks established in Boston, or such tnist company or com- sbaii depoeit panics organized under the laws of Massachusetts and doing app^vli of a banking business in Boston, and on such conditions and n»«yor- rates of interest, as he shall deem best, subject to the ap- proval of the mayor, provided, however, that the amount of such deposit in any bank or trust company shall not exceed fifty per cent, of its paid-up capital ; shall, with the maj'or shaii sign and city auditor, sign all bonds and certificates of indebted- ness issued by the city ; shall preserve all bids for loans, to serve as and papers relating thereto, and shall, if elected treasurer ginti„g.f„ndg of the board of sinkinsj-funds commissioners, serve as such con"n»««oner« '^ if so elected. treasurer. Sect. 2. Said treasurer shall pay all drafts, checks and^*»""p*y dr&fts checks* other orders directed to him from the auditing department, etc.. from as provided by ordinance, for the payment of biU^ and de- ■"^**"'- 86 TREASURY — CHAP. 40. Payment of executiona. Shall transmit to auditor coupons paid. Shall pay over certain moneys to comroission- ers of sinking- funds. Shall receive and invest all trust funds, and expend income for purpose specified. Shall pay the proceeds of police cliari- table fund as determined by board of police, Shall use and apply balance retcaiuiiig at end of fliiancial year as city council may direct. mands against the city ; shall on presentation pay every execu- tion against the city, when duly certified as correct by an officer of the law department, even if the appropriation to which the execution is chargeable is not sufficient to meet it ; shall pay on presentation when due all bonds issued by the city and the interest on the same ; shall cancel all bonds and coupons and daily deliver to the city auditor the bonds and executions paid during the day ; and shall on the tenth, twentieth, and last days of each month deliver to said auditor the coupons paid during the month, and a state- ment of the total amount paid for interest to each date. Sect. 3. Said treasurer shall pay over to the board of commissioners of sinking-funds all moneys received by him from payments on account of the principal sum secured by any bond or note, or on account of betterments, or for in- terest and exchange on debts. Sect. 4. Said treasurer, unless the donors have other- wise directed, shall receive all properties given, devised, or bequeathed to, or deposited with, the city for any specific purpose, and shall use the same, or the income thereof, as designated in the gift, devise, bequest, or deposit. If the income only is to be used, he shall invest the properties in bonds, notes, or scrip of the commonwealth or of any city or town therein, or in mortgages of real estate therein, as a permanent fund. Sect. 5. Said treasurer shall use the income of the police charitable fund for the relief of persons in necessitous circumstances who shall have been found by the board of police to be honorably discharged from the police force by reason of sickness, age or other disability, or to be the widows or orphans of police officers who have died while in the ser- vice of the city, and may monthly i)ay to each such person the amount of said income determined and allowed by said board, with the approval of the mayor, on a monthly pay- roll sent to the city auditor. Sect. 6. Said treasurer shall use and apply as the city council may direct all properties, moneys, and securities in his care and custody at the close of each financial year for the application of which no provision has been otherwise made. TREASURY — CHAP. 40. gj Sect. 7. Said treasurer may make his payments to school May pay school , I 1 • • instructors, mstructors, school janitors, pohcemen, witnesses, jurors, etc., in any and persons employed in and about the various depart- ^^^ ^j^ ments and institutions of the city and of the county of Suf- folk, in any of the public buildings in the different sections of the city, or upon any public works, as he may designate, and as will best facilitate such payments and prevent the loss of time by those receiving them. Sect. 8. Said treasurer shall, on or before the tenth ^*'"" '"^p**'* *** mayor by tenth day of each month, render to the mayor a statement of the of c very month receipts and payments of his department for the preceding l^y^u of*"* month, and a summary of the like items for the current department, financial year up to the close of the preceding month. 88 VESSELS AND BALLAST — CHAP. 41. CHAPTER 41. VESSELS AND BALLAST DEPARTMENT. Tnspoction of SECTION 1 . The vessels and ballast department shall be vessels and b;il- ^ '■ last department undcr the chai'ge of the weighers of vessels and ballast, con- weighers o^vel ''listing of one chief weigher and two assistant weighers of seis and ballast, vcsscls and ballast, who shall be sworn to the faithful dis- charo;e of their duties, and one of whom shall be desig:- nated by the mayor as the chief weigher; but no person shall be appointed to said office, or having been so appointed shall continue to fill the same, if he is an owner or agent of, or has any interest in, a vessel engaged in the transpor- tation of stone, gravel, sand, or ballast, or if he is engaged or interested in the sale of stone, gravel, sand, or ballast. Duties of chief Sect. 2. The chief weigher shall remain in the office during the time when said office is kept open ; shall receive all orders for the services of weighers ; shall designate the weighers to perform such services ; and shall keep regular books showing the work done in the department, the fees earned, the reports of the other weighers, and the datea of all certificates. Duties of assist- Sect. 3. The two othcr weighers shall perform, under the general direction of the chief weigher, all such services as weighers or inspectors of vessels or ballast are required to perform by the statutes or ordinances, and which are not herein especially required of the chief weigher; shall on each day account for and pay over to the chief weigher ^11 fees received by them for the services. Expenses to be Sect. 4. The cliicf weighcr shall every week pay all receivld™anT the cxpcnscs of his department for the week out of the reraaindei di- nioucv rcccivcd by him and the other weiijhers for fees, and vided equally. " "^ , "" ii i divide the remainder ot such moneys equally between the three weighers. Office hours of Sect. 5. The office of said weighers shall be opened from we g era. gunrisc to suusct on every day except Sundays and legal VESSELS AND BALLAST — CHAP. 41. 39 holidays ; but said weighers may close their office during the months of April, May, June, July, August, and September, from seven to eight o'clock in the forenoon, and during the other months from eight to nine o'clock in the forenoon, and through the vN'hole year from one to two o'clock in the after- noon. Sect. 6. The master of every vessel that has stone, Masters of vee- , -ijT 1 *^'^ having sand, gravel, or ballast for sale by weight, to be delivered atone, etc., to re within the city, shall, on arrival, report himself at the office ?«>« to weigher •^ ' ' '1 and produce of the said weighers, and shall produce for examination a certificate, certificate of the marks and measurements of his vessel whenev^er a weiijher so demands. Sect. 7. One of said weighers shall go on board every shaii inspect such vessel, and inspect the marks of such vessel both before fore and after and after the delivery of such material, and inspect and weigh deu^ery. such material ; and the person having charge of the vessel n shall before such delivery, if so required by the weigher, pump out all the water in the vessel, and trim it so as to vessel to be make it swim at equal marks at stem and stern, and shall not required. deliver any of such material until inspected ; but this section shall not apply to sand sold for building purposes unless the purchasers thereof request an inspection. Sect. 8. When a weiirher has inspected and weighed ^*"" '^p*"^ '** ^ _ *-' chief weigher any stone, sand, gravel, or ballast in any vessel, he shall the name of ve»- forthwith report to the chief weigher the name of the vessel, gVe^certi&Lte the vendor, the kind of material, the weight, and deduction to vendor or of light-water marks, and the amount of fees received, and the chief weigher, or in his absence one of the weighere designated by him, shall give a certificate, containing the same matters, to the vendor or owner, but such certificate shall not be given for any material sold out below light- water marks. Sect. 9. No vessel which has once been weisrhed and ^««^' <*"<^ *^ weighed not marked, according to law, by a weigher of the city of subject to sec- Boston, shall be subject to charge for a second weighing unieM^'etc."^* or marking, unless it appears that her former weight or marks are incorrect or have been changed ; but every vessel which has been so weighed and marked shall be subject 90 VESSELS AND BALLAST — CHAP. 41. to the examination and inspection of every weigher without charge, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the weights are correct or have been altered. Fees for inspec- Sect. 10. The fcc for inspecting the weight of stone, sand, gravel, or ballast of any kind shall be five cents for every ton, which fee in all cases shall be paid by the vendor and repaid by the vendee. WATER — CHAP. 42. 91 CHAPTER 42. WATER DEPARTMENT. Section 1 . The water department shall be under the ^ater depart- charge of the water commissioner, who shall have the care charge of water and control of all waters, resers'oirs, aqueducts, pumpinir- «=""i™'««'o°er. ' ' \ ' I 1 f^ 1S95, cc. 449, § stations, pumps, and other proj^erty acquired or held by the 12; 488, §§20, 21. city for the purposes of its water supply ; shall maintain the same in good order and condition ; shall use and operate Duties, the same, and furnish all fuel and other supplies required therefor ; shall take all measures necessar}^ to protect and preserve the purity of the water ; shall purchase, lay, main- tain, and test all meters, pipes, conduits, and other fixtures and appliances necessary for obtaining or supplying water for the inhabitants of the city ; shall, as often at least as once in each year, cause the premises of every person who takes water to be visited, and the water fixtures therein to be ex- amined by a skilled inspector ; shall shut the water off from, and let it on to, any particular sen'ice when notified by the city collector that the water-rate therefor has not, or has, been paid, and at such other times as he deems it necessary ; shall exercise a constant supervision over the use of water, and, with the approval of the mayor, shall, from time to time, determine and establish the rates for the use of water. Sect. 2. Said commissioner shall make contracts, and ^♦'""•^*"**"»''''« iii-ii the tariff for make out the bills, for the use of water, and send the bills to use of water. the city collector ; shall make abatements of charges for water where improperly assessed ; shall provide that all bills for water by annual rates shall be due in advance on the ■first day of January of each year, and be paid within sixty days thereafter ; that all bills for fractional parts of a year, or for specific supplies, shall be due when the water is let on or delivered, and be paid within ten days thereafter ; Rates for water that all bills for water furnished and measured by meter meter. ^ shall never be less than fifteen dollars per year, shall be due on the first day of January, April, July, and October, and shall be paid within ten days thereafter; shall, when 92 WATER — CHAP. 42. Secretary to receive and ac- count for moneys. Placing, care, and testing of meters. Records of meters. Commissioner luay let water on wlien occu- pancy is changed. Shall print regulations on bills for water- rates. two or more dwelling-houses are valued together for the assessment of taxes, make separate valuations of each ; and shall, when a portion only of an estate is chargeable for the water, make a separate valuation of such portion, and on such valuations the amounts to be paid, if based on values, shall be assessed. Sect. 3. Said commissioner shall require the secretary of the department to receive all moneys paid for the cost of pipes and the laying thereof, or, as security, give a receipt in behalf of the city therefor, pay, from the moneys so received, the amount found by him to be due the person paying any such money, as excess over the amount due the city, and, on or before the fifth day of every month, pay over the moneys in his possession due the city, and account for all moneys so received by him since the last accounting, as provided in chapter three, section eighteen, of this ordinance. Sect. 4. Said commissioner shall, from time to time, as he deems necessary, apply, remove, and test water meters and maintain the same in good condition ; shall record in a book kept for the purpose, a statement of the style, size, number of each meter, date when purchased, location, date when set, reading at such date, date when taken out, the reason therefor, the reading at such date, a detailed statement of test and percentage of error shoVvn, and the reading and date when reset; also a description of all defects and repairs of such meters. Sect. 5. Said commissioner, whenever the water has been shut off from any premises because the bill for water has not been paid, and there is a change in the occupancy of said premises, may let the water on again without waiting for the payment of the amount due from any former occupant. In case of contracts for specific supplies he shall shut the water off" as soon as the contract has been carried out ; the fore-' going provisions shall apply when two or more parties take water from the same service-pipe, although one or more may have paid the amount due from him or them. Sect. 6. Said commissioner shall cause the following regulations to be printed on every bill for water, and they shall be considered as a part of the contract with every person who takes water furnished by the city : WATER — CHAP. 42. 93 Regulations. 1. The person taking the water shall, at his own expense, . keep the service-pipes within his premises, including any vault beneath the sidewalk, in good order and repair, and protected from frost ; shall not allow the water to leak away or run to waste ; shall not, unless he pays the special rate established therefor, or takes water by meter, use water from a hose, and shall not use water from a hose in any case, except during such days and hours and in such manner as the water commissioner may from time to time order ; shall not make any change in the pipes or water-fixtures under the street, or within his premises, unless such change is approved by said commissioner ; shall not conceal the pur- pose for which the water is used ; shall allow the water commissioner, and persons authorized by him, to enter the premises supplied with water, for the purpose of examining the fixtures, ascertaining the quantity of water used, the manner of use, and whether there is unnecessary waste ; and shall pay his ])ill for water within the time specified in the bill. 2. The person taking water shall not demand or recover any abatement, compensation, or damages, on account of the shutting off, or the limitation of the use, of the water for any cause. 3. The person taking water by meter shall pay at least fifteen dollars per annum for the water so supplied, and, when a meter by which his water is supplied and measured gets out of order and fails to register, shall pay at the rate of the average daily consumption shown by the meter when in order, and shall pay as part of his bill for the use of water the expense of repairs made on his private meters by the city. 4. If one or more persons taking water through the same pipe shall violate any of these regulations, the water may be shut oflf from the building or place wherein the water is taken, until such sum, not exceeding ten dollars, as the city ^ collector may require, is paid to said collector, and the person so violating shall also indemnify the city for all damages it may sustain, or be required to pay, in consequence of any injury resulting from his violation. 94 WATER — CHAP. 42. commiBBioner Sect. 7. Said Commissioner shall keep Suitable books. in to enter on '^ ' books names of which shall be entered the names of all persons who take rater.'**""* water, the kind of building in which it is taken, the name of the street and the number thereon, the nature of the use, the number of taps, and the rate assessed. Annual report. Sect. 8. Said Commissioner shall, in liis annual report, include a statement of the number of water-takers and the purposes for which the water is taken, the number and kind of meters applied during the previous municipal year, the number and kind of meters in use, the number of cases where the water has been shut off, and the number and amount of abatements which have been made during the preceding municipal year. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES — CHAP. 43. 95 CHAPTER 43. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES DEPARTMENT. Section 1. The weights and measures department shall weighto and be under the charge of the sealers of weights and measures, partmentunder consisting: of one sealer and ten deputy sealers of weights <=*"'""8^ <>' •^"'^' ° . of weights and and measures, and the salary paid to each shall be full com- measures, pensation for all sen-ices. ^J^' ^^^^' "• *' Sect. 2. The sealer shall have direction of the deputy Duties, sealers ; shall keep regular books showing work done in the department, and the fees earned ; and shall each week pay over to the collector all fees received by or paid to him. Sect. 3. The deputy sealers shall perform the work Deputy assigned them by the sealer, and shall daily pay over to "***""* ^°"*^ him all fees received by them. f 9(5 WIRE — CHAP. 44. CHAPTER 44. WIRE DEPARTMENT. Wire com- SECTION 1. The wire department shall be under the Powerrand chargc of the commissioner of wires, who shall have general duties. supervision of all wires, cables, and conductors now placed 1894 c. 454. or hereafter placed in said city ; shall have the exclusive authority to, and prior to the first day of January nineteen To remove hundred shall, cause to be removed from above the surface wires and their 'i.! . i^ • ^ supports from of the public ways withm the section of said city bounded 18M T454 2 southerly by Dover street, westerly by Berkeley street and Charles river, northerly by Charles river, and easterly by Boston harbor and Fort Point channel, all wires, cables, or conductors, and the poles and structures in said ways used for the support thereof, and in the event of the construction of a subway, tunnel, or elevated railway in said section, may permit the feed and return wires of street railways to be See 1894, c. 548, placcd OT Carried in or upon the same; and shall have and exercise all the powers of the ofiBcer provided for in sec- tion three of chapter four hundred and four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety, and all the powers conferred by chapter four hundred and fifty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-four. To report on Sect. 2. Said commissioncr sliull, on application of any location of 1 • • A. ^ i^ii i/»' poles. person desiring to erect a pole tor the support ot wires, examine the ])lacc where it is proposed to place the pole, and make a full report thereon to the board of aldermen, and when autliorized by vote of said board of aldermen the city clerk shall issue a permit therefor. REGULATIONS FOR TRADES, BUILDINGS, ETC. — CHAF. 45. i)J CHAPTER 45. REGULATIONS FOR TRADES, BUILDINGS, ETC. Camphene, Buming-fluid, Explosive Compounds, Bdy, Wood, and Bark. Section 1. Every person who desires to manufacture, or Persons de- keep for sale or storage, any petroleum, camphene, burning- mauufactare, fluid, fmni)Owder, fire-works, fire-crackers, torpedoes, caps, *^<'» petroleum, or explosive comjx)und, or to have a place assigned as a to fire commi»- stand for weighing or selling hay or straw, or for measuring "°°n^^**' or selling wood or bark brought into the city by land for ord. is92, c. «. sale, shall make application in writing to the fire commis- igyg] c! 45, sioner for a license therefor, and state in such application ^-^ » *=• ^'^' . §§ 58, 60, 67. the place, building, or part of a building in which he desires ord. i892,c.6, to carry on business, and a full description of the business. *^' Sect. 2. The said fire commissioner shall immediately ^*'^* •=**""'•- sioners to examine the place or building described in the application, examine pUce or cause the same to be examined by competent parties, and, ^^^^ ^^ ^^ unless the same comes under the provisions of section seven, of aldermen, shall make a full report on the subject to the board of alder- men ; and the board of aldermen may, if it deems proper, order a license to be issued by the fire commissioner there- for, which shall continue in force until the first day of April next succeeding its date or such other date as shall be specified in the order. Sect. 3. Ev^erv such license shall contain the name of ^*<^""***> , contiHn name of the person or persons licensed, a statement of the business person licensed, to be carried on, a description of the place, building, or part***'' of building for which the license is gi-anted, and all other particulars which may be required by ordinance or shall be deemed necessary or proper. Sect. 4. Every person so licensed shall at the time of^**'*"""'^""*- , ^ Persons li- receiving the license ])ay therefor the sum of one dollar, and censed to sen shall thereafter permit the fire commissioner and any mem- ^°^!'J^**j.^' "* ber of the board of police, and any person designated by the commissioner fire comniissi(mer or board of police, to enter at any time the enter store, place so licensed and examine the place and remove any 93 REGULATIONS FOR TRADES, BUILDINGS, ETC. — CHAP. 45. Ord. 1892, c. 6, article kept therein whenever said commissioner or board shall deem it expedient so to do. Petroleum, Camphene, Burning-fluid, and Naphtha. Manufacture, Sect. 5. Petroleum, campliene, burninor-fluid, or naph- etorage, etc., of ' r ' j? ' i petroleum, tha shall not be manufactured, refined, mixed, stored, or camphene, etc. ■% , , . i^ j? '^\ ' j.i -j. kept upon any street or whari withm the city ; nor in any part of a building occupied in whole or in part as a dwell- ing-house ; nor upon any floor of a building above the first floor ; nor upon such first floor, unless the foundation and walls of the building are of brick, stone, or iron, iind the sills and walls are built without apertures for the space of at least one foot above such floor; and all crude petroleum, naphtha, or gasolene, kept in any part of a building above the cellar, shall be kept in metallic vessels securely closed. Kerosene, Petroleum, and its Products. Kerosene and Sect. 6. All keroscnc, rcfiued petroleum, and every petroleum for , , , , •■% n Bale at retail to product oi pctroicum sold or kept lor sale at retail lor beiDBpected. illuminating purposes, shall have been inspected by an offi- cer appointed for the purpose by the mayor and aldermen. Gunpowder. Gunpowder. Sect. 7. All the powcrs aiid duties conferred upon the Powers rt^t&iiTiir to gunpowder city couucil or board of aldermen relating to gunpowder, fire- given to fire worlvS, firc-crackcrs, torpedoes, and caps, including the power p. 8., c. 10-2, §56. to license to keep, sell, or convey gunpowder in quantities not 1878 c. 45! greater than one hundred and five pounds, — but not includ- Ord. 1892, c. 6. ing the power to make rules and regulations relating to the keeping, selling, manufacturing, and conveying of gunpowder, nor the power to grant licenses for manufacturing or convey- ing the same or keeping the same for sale, storage, or use in quantities greater than one hundred and five pounds, — are hereby delegated to the fire commissioner, and said com- missioner shall keep a record of all licenses issued, the time and purpose for which issued, and the places designated therein for keeping or for selling gunpowder. Qnantuyofgun. Sect. 8. No pcrsou exccpt on military duty in the ser- brJIight!car! vlcc of the United States, or of this Commonwealth, or as ried,orkeptin authorized in the license issued therefor by the fire com- clty. Ord. 18B2, c. 6. missioner, and in accordance with these regulations, REGULATIONS FOR TRADES. BUILDINGS, ETC. — CHAP. 45. 99 shall sell gunpowder within the city, or bring into, or carry, or convey, or keep in, the city more than one ponnd of gun- powder. Sect. 9. Any person licensed to bring gunpowder into Quantity of gnn- 1 • • 111 /••!• ij.i_ powder to be the city may bring into the harbor or said city, and there j,ept in harbor keep in a vessel approved by said commissioner, and in such ^ ^^j*^ ^ ^ place on the water adjoining South Boston as he shall ap- prove, gunpowder in such quantities as shall be authorized by the board of aldermen and specified in his license, and in such manner as shall be approved by said com- missioner ; but no such vessel shall at any time be brought within six hundred feet of any wharf or any part of the mainland. Sect. 10. Any person licensed to convey gunpowder in '^'^^gj^j',,'^'*" a boat may convey, in a boat which has been approved by carried in boat, said commissioner, and which displays at the bow and stern a ^ " red flag so long as it has any gunpowder on board, and which has the powder covered with canvas or other suitable cover- ing, gunpowder not exceeding six quarter-casks each of twenty-five pounds, and each cask tight, and enclosed in a strong leather bag closely tied and legibly marked with the word " gunpowder ; " and may deliver the same on board of any vessel lying at any wharf or at anchor in the harbor, or may deliver to any person licensed to receive the same at any wharf designated in the license, four of said quarter-casks, and shall deliver to the person in charge of the vessel or wharf a copy of the following section of these regulations at tb*^ time the powder is so delivered. Sect. 11. No person in charge of a vessel on which vessel having more than one pound of gunpowder has been placed shall to be kept ai allow such vessel, with gunpowder on board, to remain for ""^'fi' . more than three hours within six hundred feet of any wharf or mainland of said city, and no person in charge of any wharf shall allow more than one pound of gunpowder to remain on the wharf for a longer time than is necessary for its removal. Sect. 12. Any person licensed to convey gunpowder How gunpow- in a vehicle may, in a vehicle approved by said commissioner, riedincny. convey within the city, gunpowder not exceeding four quarter- 100 REGULATIONS FOR TRADES, BUILDINGS, ETC. — CHAP. 45. Ord. 1892, c. 6. casks of twentj-five pounds each, each cask tight, and en- closed in a strong leather bag closely tied and legibly marked with the word " gunpowder ; " and such person shall keep such bags tied as aforesaid and deliver them only to a person licensed to keep gunpowder, and at a place designated for such keeping. Quantity, and Sect. 13. Any persou licensed to sell jj-unpowder at manner or keep- ./ i o i Jug gunpowder wholcsalc or retail may keep gunpowder not exceeding three and^whoiesaTe^.' quailer-casks of twenty-five pounds each to sell in casks Ord. i8a2, c. 6. only, each cask tight, and enclosed in a strong leather bag closely tied and legibly marked with the word " gunpowder," and may keep in addition, for retailing, thirty pounds of gunpowder in tin or copper canisters, with tin or copper cov- erings thereon, said casks and canisters deposited in a copper chest with a copper handle at each end, and a tight copper cover furnished with copper hinges and locked with a copper padlock, and, unless otherwise specified in his license, placed on the lower floor within six feet of the door over which the sign provided for in section sixteen is placed ; and no person, except a person so licensed, shall open said chest, and then only for as short a time as is consistent with proper care in placing or removing said casks tied as aforesaid, or said canisters unopened. Qnantity, and Sect. 14. Any pcrsou liceuscd to keep gunpowder for manner of keep. ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^i at wholcsalc may kcsp on hand not exceedinsr ing gunpowder ^ r o for sale by four quartcr-casks of twenty-five pounds each, to sell in casks, Ord. 1892, c, 6. each cask tight, and enclosed in a strong leather bag closely tied and legibly marked with the word " gunpowder," and de- posited in a copper chest with a copper handle at each end, and a' tight copper cover furnished with copper hinges and locked with a copper padlock, and, unless otherwise specified in his license, placed on the lower floor within six feet of the door over which the sign provided for in section sixteen is placed ; and no person, except a person so licensed, shall open said chest, and then only for as short a time as is con- sistent with proper care in placing or removing said casks in bags closely tied as aforesaid. mauner^oVTetp. Sect. 15. Any pcrson licensed to sell gunpowder at Ing gunpowder retail may keep gunpowder not exceeding thirty pounds tail. thereof in tin or copper canisters with a tin or copper cover REGULATIONS FOR TRADES, BUILDINGS, ETC. — CHAP. 45. ^01 thereto, and in a tin, copper, or zinc chest approved by said onj. 1892, c. e. commissioner, which shall, unless otherwise specified in his license, be kept within six feet of the door over which the sign provided for in section sixteen is placed ; and no person, except a person licensed thereto, shall open said chest, and then only for as short a time as is consistent with proper care in placing or removing said canisters unopened. Sect. 16. Every person licensed to keep and sell gun- Persons licenaod powder shall have and keep in a prominent place upon the dertha1i'k^''a vessel, or over the outside of the principal entrance from the s'gn over door. „,,.,,. . ,. , , , . , . Ord. 1892, c. 6. street oi the buildmg m which such powder is kept, a sign on which shall be painted in capitals the words LICENSED TO KEEP AND SELL GUNPOWDER. Sect. 17. No person shall sell to any child under the age Fixedammnni- of sixteen years without the written consent of a parent or *'°° °°' *** "^ •^ ^ sold to children. guardian of such child any cartridge or fixed ammunition of ord. 1892, c. e. which any fulminate is a part. > Explosive Compounds. Sect. 18. The board of aldermen may, without any ^^p'o^'^e com- hearing or notice, order the issue of licenses for the sale licensed— to be or storage of explosive compounds in quantities not exceed- **'''^ '° quanu. ing fifty pounds, and may after having given a public hear- pounds. ing thereon, order the issue of licenses for establishing manufactories, or magazines for the storage, of explosive — inqnanuties J. .... i. <»/., 1 • n 1 of more than compounds in quantities exceeding fatty pounds as .specified ^fiy p<,nnde. in the order, such hearing being given only after a notice thereof has been printed for two successive weeks in three daily newspapers published in the city ; all such orders and all licenses for the sale or storage of such compounds or- saie or storage. dered to be issued as aforesaid shall state the quantities and the plnces authorized and shall be limited as follows ; (1.) For not exceeding fifty pounds — in a place distant — '" qnantuies at least five hundred feet from every building used as aorieM^""" " school-house, church, theatre, hall for public assemblies, the city hall, state house, and county jail. (2.) For quantities exceedins^ fifty pounds and not exceed- ~ '° i""""""" y ' i o ./ 1 of more than ing five hundred pounds — in a place on the waters adjoin- fifty pounds and ing South Boston, or in a place surrounded with an earthen h^undre'd parapet ten feet thick at the top, and with a natural slope poinds. 102 REGULATIONS FOR TRADES, BUILDINGS, ETC. — CHAP. 45. to the bottom, and so high that a line drawn from the highest point of the explosive stored therein to the top of the parapet will pass above the highest of the surrounding buildings, and distant at least fifteen hundred feet from every building used as aforesaid, and at least six hundred feet from every dwelling- house occupied by persons not engaged in the manufacture of explosive compounds. —In quantities (3.) For quantities exceeding five hundred pounds — in of more tiian , , -, . . . ""r^. i t-« five hundred a vcssci on the watcrs adjommg bouth Boston on the north pounds. g^jj^j (jistant at least fifteen hundred feet from every building used as aforesaid, and at least six hundred feet from every dwelling-house occupied as aforesaid. Bzpiosive com- Sect. 19." Evcry class of explosive compounds shall be kept. ' kept in a suitable compartment separated from every other class by suitable divisions or partitions of brickwork, and in conformity with the law and the license ; but every com- pound of nitro-glycerine shall be kept in a compartment in the interior of which no iron or steel is exposed, and only Amounts of ^hc following Quantities of the several classes may be kept each class of /. i . i /• • i i explosives lor Sale lu Separate compartments made oi material other which may be i\^^^^ Qf jj-ou or stccl, and in places within twenty feet of a kept for sale, '■ '' within twenty building whlch is regularly occupied during any portion of feet of occupied .i i • i ^ • buildings. the day or night, viz. : Nitro-glycerine and compounds thereof and gun-cotton and compounds thereof — four ounces. Detonators or exploders, for use with any explosive com- pound other than gunpowder, such number as shall contain in all one half-pound of the detonating compound employed. Explosive compounds not otherwise provided for, such amount, not exceeding ten pounds, as the fire commissioner may deem safe. Explosive compounds kept in the same building with gunpowder, or within fifty yards of such building, one-half of the above-named amounts. Transportation Sect. 20. Explosivc compounds may be transported compou°ndr through the streets only in quantities not greater than one through the hundred pounds, and in the following manner: Nitro-glycerine, in any of its forms, shall be in a congealed state, and the package in which it is contained shall, during transportation, be kept constantly packed in ice and in the REGULATIONS FOR TRADES, BUILDINGS, ETC. — CHAP. 45. JQ3 charge of a competent agent furnished by the forwarder, who shall ride in the vehicle with the package. Nitro-glycerine compounds in a dry form shall be packed in ^'^y "'f"- wooden cases not more than one hundred pounds in a case, pounds. and when transferred in bulk, shall be packed with at least three inches of dry sawdust between the explosive compound and the inside surfaces of the case, and when transported in cartridges, each cartridge shall be surrounded with saw- dust on all sides, and a space of at least one inch between the outside of each cartridge and the inside surface of the case shall be filled with sawdust. Gun-cotton shall be pulverized and in a compressed Gun-cotton. form and moist state. Fulminate explosives shall be wet and contained in wooden Fulminates, water-tight kegs, which shall be packed in sawdust in wooden packages. Nitrate-mixture explosives and chlorate-mixture explosives Nitratemixt- shall be subject to the same rules and regulations that are mixture, now or may hereafter be prescribed for the transportation of gunpowder. Each packaire containing explosive compounds shall be The pacicages 1 • 1 1 \ • 1 I 111 PI to be marlied. plainly marked with the name and address ot the manu- facturer and forwarder, and also plainly marked on at least three sides with the name of the contents, and the words " Explosive — Dangerous " so placed as to be readily seen by those who may have reason to handle the package. No detonating or percussion fuse, cap, primer, or other no fuse, cap, article to cause fire or explosion shall be packed in the ®*°',' '° ^^.,^ i I pncked with case or barrel containing an explosive compound, nor be compound. carried in or upon a vehicle in which such compound is being transpoi*ted. Not more than one case or barrel shall be transported in Not more than one vehicle, unless such vehicle has been suitably prepared barrel to be by linins: it with wood, feltinj?, tarpaulin, oiled cloth, or "'"■"^'^ '° , '^ . . ' o» t ' _ ' ^ veliicle, unlesB, other material, exclusive of iron or steel, and is fitted with etc. a close cover of the same. No match, acid, petroleum, or other hazardous article ^° •"**'='>' ^*<'- 1-111 •I'l !•! •! !• to be carried in shall be carried in the same vehicle with an explosive com- same vehicle nound with compound. No two vehicles cod- Sect. 21. Vehicles containing explosive compounds shall 104 KEGULATIONS FOR TRADES, BUILDINGS, ETC. — CHAP. 45. tainingcom. not be allowed to approach within one thousand yards of approach each ^ach other, unless they are in charge of a qualified in- other, unless, spcctor detailed for that duty by the fire commissioner upon the written application of the person transportini< such compound, and paid for his services by such person, at the rate of five dollars for each day or portion of a day. Sect. 22. The words "explosive compound," as used in this chapter, shall be understood to include gun-cotton, nitro- glycerine, or any compound of the same, and any fulminate, or substance, except gunpowder, which is intended to be used by exploding or igniting it in order to produce a force to propel missiles or to rend apart substances, but not to in- clude fire-works, fire-crackers, torpedoes, and caps. " Explosive compound " defined. Bee p. ! Board of aldermen to have public scales erected. Duties of weighers of hay. To keep account of i.11 articles weighed. ^ Weighing and Sale of Hay and Other Articles. Sect. 23. The board of aldermen shall from time to time cause a suflScient number of public scales for the weighing of hay and of other articles to be erected and furnished with decimal weights, which shall be used in all cases. Sect. 24. The weighers of hay shall personally attend on every day in the year at such of said scales as may be assigned to them respectively, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, from sunrise to sunset during the months of December, Janu- ary, and February, and from seven o'clock in the forenoon until six o'clock in the afternoon during the remainder of the year ; and they shall deliver to the driver of every load of hay or straw weighed by them a certificate, specifying the name of the owner or driver of the load, the town from which it has been driven, the weight and tare thereof, the amount of fees received, and the date when the certificate is given. They shall also keep in books furnished by the city clerk an account of all hay and other articles weighed at the scales to which they are assigned as aforesaid, which accounts shall specify all the items required to be specified as aforesaid in the certificates, and said books shall always be open to the inspection of said board, and, when filled, shall be deposited with the city clerk. ' Provisions of law authorizing' the establishment of public scales, adopted by City Council, August 20, 1830. See P.S., chap. 60, §} 32 et seq. REGULATIONS FOR TRADES, BUILDINGS, ETC. —CHAP. 45. 1()5 Sect. 25. The fees for weio;hin£r on said hay-scales shall f***'*"" •^ ^ weighing. be as follows : One-half of a cent for every hundred pounds of coal, pig-iron, stone, sand, produce, provisions, or ice, and one cent for every hundred pounds of hay, straw, or other articles ; but the fee for weighing an article other than hay or straw shall in no case be less than ten cents, and no single fee shall exceed one dollar, and no fee shall be taken for weighing done on account of the city, nor for weighing the cart or vehicle containing the article to be weighed, nor for any other tare ; the weighers shall deduct from said fees the necessary expenses incurred, retain four-fifths of the re- DiapoBition ot mainder to their own use, and pay ov^er the balance to the o^d.isw.c.s. city collector. Measuring and Sale of Wood and Bark. Sect. 26. The mayor shall appoint, subject to confirma- Mayor to tion by the board of aldermen, measurers of wood and bark, measure™ of They shall be sworn, and shall have and exercise all the '^°'^*°'^ •' ' bark. powers, and be subject to all the duties and limitations, pre- scribed by the statutes and ordinances relating to the meas- po^^^" ^^ •' ^ ^ ^ duties. urement of .wood and bark, and the inspection, survey, and sale of bark for fuel or manufacturing purposes, brought into the city for sale. Building Limits. Sect. 27. The building limits referred to in section funding limita eighteen of chapter four hundred and nineteen of the acts of 1892, c. 4i9. the year eighteen hundred and ninety-two are established as follows : All that portion of the city which is included within a line beginning at the intersection of the centre lines of Dover and Albany streets, and thence running eas>t through the centre of said Dover street to the harbor commissioners' line ; thence by the said harbor commissioners' line around the northerly portion of the city to a point on Charles river at the intersection of said line with the easterly line of St. Mary's street extended ; thence along said easterly line of St. Mary's street and the boundary line between Brookline and 106 REGULATIONS FOR TRADES, BUILDINGS, ETC. —CHAP. 46. Boston to the centre of Longwood avenue ; thence through the centre of said avenue to the centre of St. Alphonsus street ; thence through the centre of said street to the centre of Ward street ; thence through the centre of said Ward street to the centre of Parker street ; thence through the centre of said Parker street to the centre of Ruggles street; thence through the centre of said Ruggles street to the centre of Washington street ; thence through the centre of said Wash- ington street to a point opposite the centre of Palmer street ; thence through the centre of said Palmer street and through the centre of Eustis street to the centre of Hampden street ; and thence through the centre of said Hampden street and the centre of Albany street to the point of beginning; the said district being shown on a plan made by the city sur- veyor, dated June 28, 1881, and deposited in the office of the city engineer. Wooden Buildings Outside (he Building .Limits. PermitB to erect Sect. 28. Evcry pcTsou proposing to erect a wooden bundingTo°be^° buildiug outside said building limits, or to alter in any man- appiiedfor. ncr oue already erected, shall, fifteen days at least before commencing work thereon, file an application with the build- ing commissioner for a permit therefor, such application to contain a statement of the number or precise location on the street, and the name of the owner of the building to be erected or altered, the dimensions of the building to be erected, or the nature of the alteration to be made in the building, and the name of the mechanic or builder who is to do the work, and if the building commissioner so requires, such person shall furnish plans and specifications of the work proposed to be done. Wooden bi'iid- Sect. 29. Evcry wooden building hereafter erected or foundatfJus of altered outside of said building limits shall have a foundation of brick, etc. rubble, block-grauitc, or brick laid in mortar, as provided in section thirty of chapter four hundred and nineteen of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, carried to the surface of the ground, and no round or boulder stone Foundations, shall bc uscd. Evcry such foundation, if of brick, shall SZt mat'eHai."' ^'^ ^^ ^^ast twclve inchcs thick, and if of granite, shall be br^ « y REGULATIONS FOR TRADES, BUILDINGS, ETC. — CHAP >W i ^ ^""^ \(yf at least sixteen inches thick, and if of rubble, shall be at least twenty inches thick, shall be laid at least four feet below any surface exposed to frost, and upon the solid ground, or upon piles spaced not over three feet on centres in the direction of the length of the wall and driven to a solid bearing, the tops cut off at a grade to be given by said building commissioner, and capped with footing courses of block-granite levellers. Sect. 30. Every such wooden building, hereafter erected woodea buud- or altered, the sills of which do not rest directly upon a foun- 'fouJd'aiione to dation as above described, but on an underpinning, shall have hive underpin- such underpinning made of brick or stone ; and if the build- ing is thirty-three feet or less in heii>ht above the hiirhest street level of its principal front, the underpinning, if of brick, shall be at least eight inches thick, and if the build- ing is of greater height, the underpinning, if of brick, shall be at least twelve inches thick ; every un(ler[)inning of stone shall be at least sixteen inches thick. Every such wooden wooden buud- building, hereafter erected on soft and marshy land, and used i'°nd*"f^^da^ for a workshop or other like purpose, or as a temporary tion of. structure, may, if said building commissioner approves, rest upon mud-sills or blocks, or on piles cut to the height of grade. Sect. 31. Every such wooden building hereafter erected strength, etc., or altered shall have all parts of sufficient strength to carry wooden tuud- the weight of the superstructure ; shall be built with sills, *°*- posts, girts, studs, and plates, properly framed, mortised, tenoned, braced, and j)inned in each story ; the posts and girts shall be not less than four by eight inches in cross section and the studs shall be not more than twenty inches apart ; and no ledger board shall be used in any structure. Sect. 32. Every such wooden building hereafter erected Fire-stops for or altered to be used for a purpose other than as a stable, ing. carpenter-shop, or other similar shop, shall at each floor have a sufficient fire-stop effectually stopping every air-duct except those sanctioned by chapter four hundred and nine- teen of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety- two, and consisting of a solid, air-tight, cohesive layer, at least one inch thick, made of tile, brick, terra-cotta, 1QQ REGULATIONS FOR TRADES, BUILDINGS, ETC. — CHAP. 45. or like fire-made material, plaster, cement, cinders, or ashes, or of a combination of the same, or consisting of a layer, of a thickness approved by said building commissioner, of some equally non-inflammable, non-heat-conducting mate- rials, and every such fire-stop shall cover the whole under floor through all stud partitions to the outside boardings ; but every such wooden building to be used solely for mercantile, manufacturing, or storage purposes may have floors made of boards at least one inch thick, matched and breaking joints, laid upon a tight splined or tongued and grooved under floor of plank at least two inches thick with the spaces between the supporting timbers of the floor open and uncovered, and with- out any fire-stop. Fire-Btopsof Sect. 33. Evcry such woodcn building hereafter crcctcd certain kiadB of ^^ jjj^gj.g(j ^^^^y ^^ ^j^^.^^ pjaces at Icast iu every fliirht of stairs, the under sides of which are not open and uncovered, have all spaces between the stringers of the staircases and the joists of the landings so stopped with some of the incom- bustible materials above specified as to prevent the passage of air. Height and Sect. 34. Every such wooden building hereafter erected buiidiQgrfrr ^° or altered to be used as a dwelling-house, shall not be more dwelling- than forty-fivc feet in height above the highest street level of the principal front, nor shall any external wall thereof, unless made of brick at least twelve inches thick carried twelve inches above the roof and covered with a metallic cov- ering, or with the roof laid and embedded in mortar on such wall, be nearer than three feet to the line of any adjoining lot. Heigiit and area Sect. 35. Evcry such woodcu buildiug to be used as an of wallB. . . , "^ ® extension or addition to a dwelling-house shall not be more than twenty-five feet in height, nor more than five hundred square feet in hoi izontaV area, and may be built without a brick wall between it and the main building. Party waiiB of Sect. 3G. Evcry such wooden building hereafter erected to be a block of two or more dwelling-houses shall have a brick party wall between every two houses not less than twelve inches thick, carried twelve inches above the roof, and covered with a metallic covering. Height of Sect. 37. Every such wooden building hereafter erected wooden build- " ° REGULATIONS FOB TRADES, BUILDINGS, ETC. — CHAP. 45. ^QQ or altered, to be used for any purpose other than for a^°8'<^''«'*'^ '' ^ '■ dwellings or dwellingr-house or a ffrain or coal elevator, shall not be eievatora, more than fifty-five feet in height above the highest street level of the principal front, nor shall any external wall thereof, unless made of brick at least twelve inches thick, carried twelve inches above the roof, and covered with metallic covering, or with the roof laid and embedded in mortar on such wall, be nearer than five feet to the line of any adjoining lot, but in no case shall a wooden building ^^ ,j^ j^° j^"^ * to be used as a stable be built or placed nearer than ten feet ^rom any to the lines of any adjoining lot. Sect. 38. Every such wooden building: more than intercepting twenty-five feet in height and twenty- five hundred feet m oid. i892, c, * horizontal area, to be used for any purpose other than that of a dwelling house, shall unless otherwise ordered by the city council have for every such area an intercepting brick wall not less than twelve inches thick, carried twelve inches above the roof, and covered with metallic covering. Sect. 39. The requirements contained in the preceding Preceding five Ave sections shall not apply to buildings erected or placed ,pp,y. at a distance of fifty feet or more from every other building, and from every street or way used for public passage. Junk J Old Metals, and Second-hand Articles. Sect. 40. The board of police for the city of Boston may Board of police license suitable persons to be dealers in and keepers of shops "u"ubkpe«oii: for the purchase, sale, or barter of junk, old metals, or second- to be dealer* in band articles. Sect. 41. Every such shop-keeper shall keep a book, sach dealers tu in which shall be written,* at the time of every purchase of ^^^J,[J^°^"„^J^ any such article, a description thereof, and the name, age, purchased, etc and residence of the person from whom, and the day and hour when, such purchase was made ; and such book shall at all times be open to the inspection of the mayor, the board of aldermen, the board of police, or of any person authorized by the mayor, or board of aldermen, or board of police, to make such inspection. Sect. 42. Every such shop-keeper shall put in some suit- Snch shop- able and conspicuous place on his shop a sign having his .j^^^on'^"*^ name and occupation legibly inscribed thereon in larnje letters, "^p- 110 REGULATIONS FOR TRADES, BUILDINGS, ETC. — CHAP. 45. Such shop sub- ject at all times to examination by mayor or aldermen. A rticles to be kept for one week before sale, unless, etc, Hours for trans action of business. Sect. 43. Every such shop-keeper shall allow his shop and all articles therein to be at all times examined by the mayor, or board of aldermen, or by any person author- ized by the mayor or board of aldermen, to make such examination. Sect. 44. No such shop-keeper shall permit to be sold any article purchased or received by him until at least a period of one week from the date of its purchase or receipt has elapsed. Sect. 45. No such shop-keeper shall have his shop open for the transaction of busines^s, nor shall he purchase any of the aforesaid articles, except between sunrise and nine o'clock in the evening of any week-day except Saturday, on which day such shop may be kept open and such articles purchased from sunrise until ten o'clock in the eveninsr. Stray Animals. Stray animals. Sect. 46. No person shall permit any horse, cow, swine, goat, or other grazing animal of which he has the charge, to go at large upon any street or public land, nor upon any private land not fenced in ; and any police officer finding any such animal so going at large shall cause the same to be taken to, and kept in, a stable or other proper place, at the expense of the owner of such animal. WARDS — CHAP. 4«. JH CHAPTER 46. WARD BOUNDARIES. Sectiox 1 . The wards of the city shall be known and ^'^- ^^^' *• *• constituted as follows : Ward One. — Beginning at the intersection of the harbor ^"^i- commissioners' line and the division line dividing the property of the Alonzo Crosby heirs and Richard F. Green ; thence by the harbor commissioners' line to the boundary line between Boston and Chelsea and the boundary line be- tween Boston and Revere and the boundary line between Boston and Winthrop to the shore line of Boston ; thence by said line to Front street ; thence through the centre of Front street to Marion street ; thence through the centre of Marion street to Bennington street; thence through the centre of Bennington street to Central square ; thence across Central square to Border street ; thence through the centre of Border street to the dividing line between the property of the Alonzo Crosby heirs and Richard F. Green ; thence by said line to the point of beginning. Wai'd Two. — Beginning at the intersection of the har-^""^*' bor commissioners' line and the division line dividing the property of the Alonzo Crosby heirs and Richard F. Green ; thence by said line to Border street ; thence through the centre of Border street to Central square ; thence across Central square to Bennington street ; thence through the centre of Bennington street to Marion street ; thence through the centre of Marion street to Front street ; thence through the centre of Front street to Porter street; thence through the centre of Porter street to the Boston, Revere Beach & Lynn Railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of said railroad to the shore line ; thence by the shore line to the harbor commissioners' line ; thence by the harbor commissioners' line to the point of beginning. The islands in Boston harbor are included in Ward Two. 112 WARDS — CHAP. 46. Ward 3. Ward Three. — Beginning at the intersection, of High and Pearl streets in that part of the city known as Charles - town ; thence by the centre of Pearl street to Medford street ; thence by the centre of Medford street to the easterly line of Brooks' wharf; thence by said line extended to the boundary line in Mystic river between Boston and Everett ; thence along said boundary line and the line of the boundary between Boston and Chelsea to the easterly side of Chelsea bridge ; thence by the water to the south-westerly boundary line of the Navy Yard ; thence by the south-westerly boundary line of the Navy Yard to Chelsea street ; thence across Chelsea and Adams streets to Mount Vernon street ; thence through the centre of Mount Vernon street to Mount Vernon avenue ; thence through the centre of Mount Vernon avenue and Chestnut street to the street on the easterly side of Monument square ; thence through the centre of said last described street to the street on the southerly side of Monument square ; thence through the centre of said last described street and the centre of High street to the point of beginning. Ward 4. Ward Four. — Beginning at the intersection of Lincoln street extended and the boundary line between Boston and Somerville ; thence by said boundary line to the boundary line between Boston and Everett ; thence by said boundary line to the extension of the easterly line of Brooks' wharf; thence by said line to Medford street ; thence through the centre of Medford street to Pearl street; thence through the centre of Pearl street to High street ; thence through the centre of Hiijh street to Walker street ; thence throusrh the centre of Walker street to Main street ; thence through the centre of Main street to Lincoln street ; thence through the centre of Lincoln street and Lincoln street extended to the point of beginning. Ward 5. Ward Five. — Beginning at the intersection of Lincoln street extended and the boundary line between Boston and Somerville ; thence through the centre of Lincoln street extended and Lincoln street to Main street ; thence through the centre of Main street to Walker street ; thence through the centre of Walker street to High street; thence WARDS — CHAP. 46. ■ 113 through the centre of High street and the street on the southerly side of Monument square to the street on the east- erly side of Monument square ; thence through the centre of said street to Chestnut street; thence through the centre of Chestnut street and Mount Vernon avenue to Mount Ver- non street ; thence through the centre of Mount Vernon street to Adams street ; thence across Adams and Chelsea streets to the southwesterly boundary line of the Navy Yard ; thence by said boundary line to the water ; thence by the water to the boundary line between Boston and Cam- bridge ; thence by said boundary line and the boundary line between Boston and Somerville to the point of beginning. Ward Six. — Beginning at the intersection of Beacon ward 6. street and Bowdoin street ; thence through the centre of Bowdoin street to Cambridge street ; thence through the centre of Cambridge street to Bowdoin square ; thence across Bowdoin square to Chardon street ; thence through the centre of Chardon street to Portland street ; thence through the centre of Portland street to Travers street; thence through the centre of Travers street to Charlestown street ; thence through the centre of Charlestown street to Causeway street; thence through the centre of Causeway street to Prince street ; thence through the centre of Prince street to Charles-river bridge ; thence through the centre of Charles- river bridge to the water : thence by the water and harbor commissioners' line to the southerly side of Long wharf; thence by said line to Atlantic avenue ; thence through the centre of Atlantic avenue to Central street ; thence througrh the centre of Central street to India street ; thence through the centre of India street to Milk street ; thence through the centre of Milk street to Washington street; thence through the centre of Washington street to School street; thence through the centre of School street and Beacon street to the point of beginning. Ward Seven. — Beginning at the intersection of Charles Wardi. street and Beacon street ; thence through the centre of Beacon street and School street to Washington street ; thence through the centre of Washington street to Milk street ; thence through the centre of Milk street to India street ; thence through the 114 WARDS — CHAP. 46. centre of India street to Central street ; thence through the centre of Central street to Atlantic avenue ; thence throujjh the centre of Atlantic avenue to the southerly side of Long wharf; thence by said line to harbor commissioners' line; thence by harbor commissioners' line and the centre of Fort Point channel to Broadway ; thence through the centre of Broadway to Way street ; thence through the centre of Way street to Harrison avenue ; thence through the centre of Harrison avenue to Mott street ; thence through the centre of Mott street and Castle street to Tremont street ; thence through the centre of Tremont street to Pleasant street ; thence through the centre of Pleasant street to Columbus avenue ; thence through the centre of Columbus avenue to Park square ; thence across Park square to Charles street ; thence through the centre of Charles street to the point of beginning. Ward 8. Ward Eight. — Beginning at the intersection of Beacon street and Joy street ; thence through the centre of Joy street to Cambridge street ; thence through the centre of Cambridge street and West Boston bridge to the centre of Charles river ; thence through the centre of Charles river to Charles-river bridge ; thence through the centre of Charles-river bridge to Prince street ; thence through the centre of Prince street to Causeway street; thence through the centre of Causeway street to Charlestown street; thence through the centre of Charlestown street to Travers street; thence through the centre of Travers street to Portland street ; thence through the centre of Portland street to Chardon street; thence through the centre of Chardon street to Bowdoin square ; thence across Bowdoin square to Cambridge street ; thence through the centre of Cambridge street to Bowdoin street ; thence through the centre of Bowdoin street to Beacon street; thence through the centre of Beacon street to the point of beginning. Ward 9. Ward Nine. — Beginning at the intersection of West Dedham and Tremont streets ; thence through the centre of Tremont street to Castle street; thence through the centre of Castle street and Mott street to Harrison avenue ; thence through the centre of Harrison avenue to Way street ; thence WARDS - CHAP. 46. 115 through the centre of Way street to Broadway; thence through the centre of Broadway to Fort Point channel ; thence by Fort Point channel to the southerly side of Dover- street bridge ; thence by the southerly side of Dover-street bridge to the harbor commissioners' line on the easterly side of Fort Point channel ; thence by the said line to the New York & New England Railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of the New York and New England Railroad to East Brookline street extended ; thence through the centre of East Brookline street extended to the shore line ; thence by the shore line to the extension of East Canton street ; thence through the centre of East Canton-street extension and East Canton street to Shawmut avenue ; thence through the centre of Shawmut avenue to West Dedham street ; thence through the centre of West Dedham street to the point of beginninof. Ward Ten. — Beginning at the intersection of the centre w«rdio. of Muddy river and Boylston road ; thence through the centre of Boylston road to Boylston street ; thence through the centre of Boylston street to Exeter street ; thence through the centre of Exeter street to Blagden street ; thence through the centre of Blagden street to Copley square ; thence across Copley square to St. James avenue ; thence through St. James avenue to Berkeley street ; thence through the centre of Berkeley street to Providence street ; thence through the cen- tre of Providence street to Park square ; thence across Park square to Pleasant street ; thence through the centre of Pleasant street to Tremont street ; thence through the centre of Tremont street to Dartmouth street ; thence through the centre of Dartmouth street to Warren avenue ; thence through the centre of Warren avenue to Columbus square ; thence across Columbus square to West Newton street ; thence through the centre of West Newton street to the Providence Division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of the Providence Division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad to Rogers avenue ; thence through the centre of Rogers avenue to Huntington avenue ; thence through the centre of Huntington avenue to the Huntington entrance to Back Bay 116 WARDS — CHAP. 46. Fens ; thence through the centre of said entrance to the centre of Muddy river ; thence through the centre of Muddy river to the point of beginning. Ward 11. Ward Eleven. — Beginning at the intersection of the centre of Charles river and St. Mary's street extended ^ thence through the centre of Charles river to the West Boston bridge ; thence through the centre of West Boston bridge and Cambridge street to Joy street ; thence through the centre of Joy street to Beacon street ; thence through the centre of Beacon street to Charles street; thence through the centre of Charles street to Park square ; thence across Park square to Providence street ; thence through the centre of Providence street to Berkeley street ; thence through the centre of Berkeley street to St. James avenue ; thence through the centre of St. James avenue to Copley square ; thence across Copley square to Blagden street ; thence through the centre of Blagden street to Exeter street ; thence through the centre of Exeter street to Boylston street ; thence through the centre of Boylston street and Boylston road to Muddy river ; thence through the centre of Muddy river to extension of St. Mary's street ; thence through the cen- tre of the extension of St. Mary's street and St. Mary's street and St. Mary's street extended to the point of beginning. Ward 12. Ward Twelve. — Beginning at the intersection of the Providence Division of the New York, New Haven & Hart- ford Railroad and West Newton street ; thence through the centre of West Newton street to Columbus square ; thence across Columbus square to Warren avenue ; thence through the centre of Warren avenue to Dartmouth street; thence through the centre of Dartmouth street and West Dedham street to Shawmut avenue ; thence through the centre of Shawmut avenue to East Canton street; thence through the centre of East Canton street and East Canton street ex- tended to the shore line ; thence by the shore line and the centre of the Roxbury canal to Massachusetts avenue ; thence through the centre of Massachusetts avenue to Albany street ; thence through the centre of Albany street to Northampton street ; thence through the centre of North- ampton street to Fellows street ; thence through the centre WARDS — CHAP. 46. 117 of Fellows street to East Lenox street ; thence through the centre of East Lenox street to Washington street ; thence throusrh the centre of Washington street to Camden street ; thence through the centre of Camden street to the Provi- dence Division of the Xew York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of the Providence Division of the Xew York, New Haven & Hart- ford Railroad to the point of beginning. Ward Thirteen. — Beginning at the intersection of Fw*rdi3. street extended and the harbor commissioners' line ; thence throuofh the centre of F street extended and F street to West Broadway; thence through the centre of West Broadway to E street ; thence through the centre of E street to the Old Colony Division of the Xew York, Xew Haven & Hartford Railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of the Old Colony Division of the Xew York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad to D street; thence through the centre of D street to Dorchester avenue ; thence through the centre of Dorchester avenue to the Old Colony Division of the X'ew York, Xew Haven & Hartford Railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of the Old Colony Division of the Xew York, Xew Haven & Hartford Railroad to the Xew York & Xew England Railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of the Xew York & Xew Enffland Railroad to the harbor commissioners' line ; thence by said line to the southerly side of Dover-street bridge ; thence by the southerly side of said bridge to the centre of Fort Point channel ; thence through the centre of Fort Point channel to harbor commissioners' line ; thence by the harbor com- missioners' line to the point of beginning. Ward Fourteen. — Beginning at the intersection of F ward i*. street extended and the harbor commissioners' line ; thence by the harbor commissioners' line to the southern exten- sion of K street ; thence through the centre of K street ex- tended and K street to East Sixth street: thence throusrh the centre of East Sixth street to H street ; thence through the centre of H street to East Broadway ; thence through the centre of East Broadway to Dorchester street ; thence through the centre of West Broadwaj^ to F street ; thence 118 WARDS — CHAP. 46. Ward 15. Ward 16. through the centre of F street and F street extended to the point of beginning. Ward Fifteen. — Beginning at the intersection of the Old Colony Division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad and the New York & New England Railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of the Old Colony Division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad to Dorchester avenue ; thence through the centre of Dor- chester avenue to D street ; thence through the centre of D street to the Old Colony Division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of the Old Colony Division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad to E street ; thence through the centre of E street to West Broadway ; thence through the centre of West Broadway to Dorchester street ; thence through the centre of East Broadway to H street ; thence through the centre of H street to East Sixth street ; thence through the centre of East Sixth street to K street ; thence through the centre of K street and K street extended to harbor commissioners' line ; thence by harbor commis- sioners' line to proposed Strandway ; thence through the centre of proposed Strandway to Old Harbor street exten- sion ; thence through the centre of Old Harbor street exten- sion and Old Harbor street to Burnham street ; thence through the centre of Burnham street to Mercer street ; thence through the centre of Mercer street to Newman street ; thence through the centre of Newman street to Dorchester street ; thence through the centre of Dorchester street to Andrew square ; thence across Andrew square to Swett street ; thence through the centre of Swett street to the New York & New England Railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of the New York & New England Railroad to the point of beginning. Ward Sixteen. — Beginning at the intersection of the New York & New England Railroad and Swett street ; thence through the centre of Swett street to Andrew square ; thence across Andrew square to Dorchester street ; thence through the centre of Dorchester street to Newman street ; thence through the centre of Newman street to Mercer street ; thence WARDS — CHAP. 46. U9 tbrousrh the centre of Mercer street to Bumham street ; thence through the centre of Burnham street to Old Harbor street ; thence throusrh the centre of Old Harbor street and Old Harbor street extended to the proposed Strandway ; thence through the proposed Strandway to the Old Colony Division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of the Old Colony Divi- sion of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad to Crescent avenue ; thence through the centre of Crescent avenue and East Cottage street to Boston street ; thence through the centre of Boston and Columbia streets to Quincy street ; thence through the centre of Quincy street to Blue Hill avenue ; thence through the centre of Blue Hill avenue to West Cottage street ; thence through the centre of West Cottage street and East Cottage street to the New York & New England Railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of the New York & New England Railroad to the point of beginning. Ward Seventeen. — Beginning at the intersection of Wash- ward 17. ington street and East Lenox street ; thence through the centre of East Lenox street to Fellows street ; thence through the centre of Fellows street to Northampton street ; thence through the centre of Northampton street to Albany street ; thence through the centre of Albany street to Massachusetts avenue ; thence through the centre of Massachusetts avenue to the Roxbury canal ; thence through the Roxbury canal to East Brookline street extended ; thence through the centre of East Brookline street extended to the New York & New England Railroad ; thence by the centre of the location of the New York & New England Railroad to East Cottage street ; thence through the centre of East Cottage and West Cottage streets to Blue Hill avenue ; thence through the centre of Blue Hill avenue to Moreland street; thence through the centre of Moreland street to Warren street ; thence through the centre of Warren street to Washington street ; thence through the centre of Washington street to the point of beginning. Ward Eighteen. — Beginning at the intersection of the ward is. Providence Division of the New York, New Haven & Hait- 120 WARDS — CHAP. 46. ford Railroad and Camden street ; thence through the centre of Camden street to Washington street ; thence through the centre of Washington street to Warren street ; thence throutrh the centre of Warren street to Dudley street ; thence throuo-h the centre of Dudley street to Washington street ; thence through the centre of Washington street to Bartlett street ; thence through the centre of Bartlett street to Eliot square ; thence through the centre of Roxbury street to Gay street ; thence through the centre of Gay street to Linden Park street ; thence through the centre of Linden Park street to Treraont street ; thence through the centre of Tremont street to Prentiss street; thence through the centre of Prentiss street to the Providence Division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of the Providence Division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad to the point of beginning. Ward 19. Ward Nineteen. — Beginning at the intersection of the boundary line between Brookline and Boston and Jamaica- way ; thence by said boundary line and the centre of Muddy river to the extension of the Huntington entrance to Back Bay Fens ; thence by said entrance to Huntington avenue ; thence through the centre of Huntington avenue to Rogers avenue ; thence through the centre of Rogers avenue to the Providence Division of the New York, New Haven & Hart- ford railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of the Providence Division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad to Prentiss street ; thence through the cen- tre of Prentiss street to Tremont street; thence through the centre of Tremont street to Linden Park street; thence through the centre of Linden Park street to Gay street ; ■ thence through the centre of Gay street to Roxbury street ; thence through the centre of Roxbury street to Eliot square ; thence across Eliot square to Highland street; thence through the centre of Highland street to Marcella street; thence through the centre of Marcella street to Centre street ; thence through the centre of Centre street to New Heath street ; thence through the centre of New Heath street and Heath street to Bickford street ; thence through the centre of WARDS — CHAP. 46. 121 Bickford street to Minden street ; thence through the centre of Minden street to Day street ; thence through the centre of Day street to Grotto Glen ; thence through the centre of Grotto Glen and Grotto Glen extended to Jamaica way; thence through the centre of Jamaicaway to the point of beginning. Ward Twenty/. — Beginning at the intersection of the Old ^^'^ 20. Colony Division of the Xew York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad and proposed Strandway ; thence by the said Strand- way to the harbor commissioners' line ; thence by the har- bor commissioners' line to Greenwich street extended ; thence through the centre'of Greenwich street extended and Greenwich street to Dorchester avenue ; thence through the centre of Dorchester avenue to Centre avenue ; thence through the centre of Centre avenue and Centre street to Talbot avenue ; thence through the centre of Talbot avenue to Blue Hill avenue ; thence through the centre of Blue Hill avenue to Quincy street ; thence through the centre of Quincy street to Columbia street ; thence through the centre of Columbia street and Boston street to Edward Everett square ; thence through the centre of East Cottage street and Crescent avenue to the Old Colony Division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad; thence through the centre of the location of the Old Colony Division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad to the point of beginning. Ward Tioenty-one. — Beginning at Eliot square at the^*^^* intersection of Highland street and Bartlett street ; thence through the centre of Bartlett street to Washington street ; thence through the centre of AVashington street and Dudley street to Warren street ; thence through the centre of Warren street to More land street ; thence through the centre of ISIore- land street to Blue Hill avenue ; thence through the centre of Blue Hill avenue to Seaver street ; thence through the centre of Seaver street to Walnut avenue ; thence through the centre of Walnut avenue to Westminster avenue ; thence through the centre of Westminster avenue to Washinolon street ; thence through the centre of Washington street to Valentine street ; thence through the centre of Valentine street to Thornton street ; thence through the centre of Thorn- 222 WARDS — CHAP. 46. ton street to Ellis street ; thence through the centre of Ellis street to Hawthorn street ; thence through the centre of Haw- thorn street to Highland street ; thence through the centre of Highland street to the point of beginning. Ward 22. Ward Twenty-two. — Beginning at the intersection of the boundary line between Brookline and Boston and Jamaica- way ; thence through the centre of Jamaicaway^ to the extension of Grotto Glen ; thence through the centre of the extension of Grotto Glen and Grotto Glen to Day street ; thence through the centre of Day street to Minden street ; thence through the centre of Minden street to Bickford street ; thence through the centre of Bickford street to Heath street ; thence through the centre of Heath street and New Heath street to Centre street ; thence through the centre of Centre street to Marcella street ; thence through the centre of Mar- cella street and Highland street to Hawthorn street ; thence through the centre of Hawthorn street to Ellis street ; thence throuo;h the centre of Ellis street to Thornton street ; thence throu«rh the centre of Thornton street to Valentine street ; thence through the centre of Valentine street to Washinijton street ; thence through the centre of Washington street to Westminster avenue ; thence through the centre of West- minster avenue to Walnut avenue ; thence through the centre of Walnut avenue and Sigourney street to Glen road ; thence through the centre of Glen road and Green street to the Providence Division of the New York, New Haven & Haiiford Railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of the Providence Division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad to Carolina avenue ; thence through the centre of Carolina avenue to South street ; thence through the centre of South street to Centre street ; thence through the centre of Centre street to Myrtle street ; thence through the centre of Myrtle street to Pond street ; thence through the centre of Pond street to Jamaicaway ; thence through the centre of Jamaicaway to Perkins street ; thence through the centre of Perkins street to Chestnut street ; thence through the centre of Chestnut street to the boundary line between Brookline and Boston ; thence by said line to the point of beginning. WARDS — CHAP. 46. 123^ Ward Twenty-three. — Beginning at the intersection ofw«^23. the boundary line between Brookline and Boston and Per- kins street ; thence through the centre of Perkins street to Jamaica way ; thence through the centre of Jamaicaway to Pond street ; thence through the centre of Pond street to Myrtle street; thence through the centre of MjTtle street to Centre street ; thence through the centre of Centre street to South street ; thence through the centre of South street to Carolina avenue to the Providence Division of the New York, Xew Haven & Hartford Railroad ; thence through the centre of the location of the Providence Division of the Xew York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad to Green street; thence through the centre of Green street and Glen road to Sigoumey street ; thence through the centre of Sigoumey street and >Yalnut avenue to Seaver street ; thence through the centre of Seaver street to Blue Hill avenue ; thence through the centre of Blue Hill avenue to Back street; thence through the centre of Back street to the boundary line between Hyde Park and Boston ; thence by the said boundary and the boundary line between Boston and Ded- ham and the boundary line between Boston and Newton and the boundary line between Boston and Brookline to the point of beginning. Ward Twenty-four. — Beginning at the intersection of ward w. Greenwich street extended and the harbor commissioners' line ; thence by the harbor commissioners' line to the boundary line between Boston and Quincy ; thence by the said boundary line and the boundary line between Boston and Milton and the boundary line between Boston and Hyde Park to Back street; thence through the centre of Back street to Talbot avenue ; thence through the centre of Talbot avenue to Centre street ; thence through the centre of Centre street and Centre avenue to Dorchester avenue ; thence through the centre of Dorchester avenue to Green- wich street ; thence through the centre of Greenwich street and Greenwich street extended to the point of beginning. Ward Twenty-five. — Beginning at the intei*section of St. ward 25. Mary's street extended and the boundary line between Cam- bridge and Boston ; thence by St. Mary's street extended to J24 WARDS — CHAP. 46. the boundary line between Brookline and Boston ; thence by said boundary line and the boundary line between New- ton and Boston and the boundary line between Watertown and Boston and the boundary line between Cambridge and Boston to the point of beginning. PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 47. ^25 CHAPTER 47. PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES. Health. Section 1. No person shall throw into the harbor, or Entrails, refuse, any of the waters surrounding the city, within a line drawn ^,* thrownTnto** from Point AUerton to Nahant, any entrails or refuse parts harbor, etc. of fish, or any decayed fish. Sect. 2. No person shall at any time have in his *'**'' to be . iir«i/» i«T a cleansed before possession with intent to sell, fash or any kind, except noun- sale, and kepun ders, smelts, and other small fish, salmon and shad, until '''''®'"*'^ ***"*• the same have been cleansed of their entrails and other refuse parts, nor fish of any kind unless they are ke[)t in covered stalls, or fish-boxes, or in covered carts, which shall be clean and in good order, and well secured from the rays of the sun. Sect. 3. No person shall bring into the city or have in vegeuwes, his possession with intent to sell, or sell, any vegetables, divested of exceptino' green peas and beans in the pods, and green corn p*"^** "»» com- I o & r . * . monly used for in the inner husks, which have not previously been divested food. of all parts not commonly used for food ; and no person shall have such parts in his possession in any market-place, nor in a cart or vehicle used for the sale of vegetables, or other articles of food. Sect. 4. No person shall bring into the city, or have in Decayed or his possession with intent to sell, any decayed or damaged et''c'",''notto'L' fruit, vegetable or animal substance, except in accordance ^'■°"8''*'"'° with a permit from the board of health. except. Sect. 5. No person shall keep any live fowl, swine, or L*vefowi,etc., goats, except in accordance with a permit from the board of except, health. Sect. 6. No owner or occupant of a building shall permit Owner of buiid any manure to be therein, unless such building is used as a mit manure stable, nor in that case shall peiTnit more than two cords ^''^'''''f *"''®*" '^ a stable; and of manure to accumulate or remain therein, nor shall any not more than two cor ■ •table. person permit any manure to remain uncovered on jjjg '^^^ <=<"■•" * 226 PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 47. grounds outside of his building, nor permit his building or any grounds connected therewith to be foul or unclean. Removal of Sect. 7. No Dcrsou shall remove manure, or cause or manure. suffer the same to be removed, except in accordance vrith a permit from the board of health. Manure to be Sect. 8. No pcrsou shall rcmovc any manure, except in removed only In '■ " ^ ^ tight vehickB. a tight vehicle, with a canvas cover so secured to the sides and ends of the vehicle as to prevent the manure from dropping while being removed. One cow only to Sect. 9. No pcrsou shall keep, or allow to be kept in bekeptforench i mv • i? U' u'l, i a.u three thousand any buildmg, or on any premises oi which he may be the square feet of owucr or occupant, withiu the building limits of the city, more than one cow for each three thousand square feet of land in said building or premises, except in accordance with a permit from the board of health. Buildings In Sect. 10. No person shall keep or allow to be kept in kept to be clean any building, or on any premises of which he may be the and wholesome. Q^jjg^. qj. occupaut, any COW, uulcss such buildiug or prem- ises be kept clean and wholesome. Public urinaie. Sect. 11. No persou shall mar, misuse, defile, or deface, or attach any hand-bill, advertisement, or drawing to a public urinal. Ringing of Sect. 12. No person shall ring a church bell or other church bells, ^ '-' bell, when, on account of illness in the neighborhood, such ringing is forbidden by the board of health. Refuse matter Sect. 13. No pcrsou shall place or keep any refuse, or In any building, uoxious or decaying liquid or solid matter, except house-offal, etc., except. ^^ ^^y. building, or in any waters, or on any land, except in accordance with a permit from the board of health. House-offai to Sect. 14. No person shall keep in his house, or on his be placed In , . . i i suitable vessel, land, any house-offal, unless the same is placed in a suitable Jemove""^ vcsscl, free from ashes and other refuse matter, and so placed as to be easily removed. Water-closets to Sect. 15. No pcrson shall maintain a water-closet, vault, be kept clean, . . , ^ . . , etc. or privy in an unwholesome, unclean, or improper place or condition. Buildings to be Sect. 16. No person shall occupy, or permit others to BufBdent water- occupy, any building owned by him as a dwelling, tenement, oioieu. Qj, lodging-house, unless such building is provided with suffi- PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — GHAP. 47. 227 cient and suitable water-closets, or privies, for the persons ordinarily residing or working therein. Sect. 17. No person shall place or keep, in or near any Ashes and building, ashes or cinders in such a manner as to be liable to ke°pt*"' ^°^ cause fire, nor mix them with other substances, nor place or keep them except in metallic vessels, so placed as to be easily removed. Sect. 18. Xo person, other than employees of the city Housedirt, etc., engaged in public work, shall, in any street, carry house- "hrVugh^su-e^u! dirt, house-offal, or other refuse matter, except in accordance except, with a permit from the board of health. Sect. 19. Xo person shall bury a dead body, or cause Burfai of one to be buried, in a grave which is less than three feet deep from the surface of the ground surrounding the grave to the top of the coffin. Sect. 20. No person shall bury a dead body, or cause Bnriai to be be- one to be buried, at any other time than between sunrise and UdMinre"^** sunset, except in accordance with a permit from the board «««?»• of health. Sect. 21. No person shall remove a dead body or itsRe™«^»'«' remains from a grave or tomb in the city, or disturb in a tomb or grave such body or its remains, except in accord- ance with a permit from the board of health. Sect. 22. No person shall open a grave or tomb between opening of graves for pur> the first day of June and the first day of October for any poses other than other purpose than that of interring the dead, except in '""^'^* accordance with a permit from the board of health. Sect. 23. No person shall open or dig a grave in any Ope"*''g "^d burial-ground, except in accordance with a permit from the graves, board of health. Sect. 24. No person shall empty a cesspool, vault, or Cesspools, etc., privy, except in accordance with a permit from the board of tied, except health. Sect. 25. No owner or occupant of a building, or ofownernotto ' land, shall sufier sewage, or waste, or stagnant water to re- wnler tTr^main main in such building or upon such land. in a building Sect. 26. No owner or occupant of land abutting on a Abutters to private passage-way and having the right to use such pas- ^^ep private sage-way shall suffer any filth, or waste, or stagnant water to clean?" *"^' remain on that part of the passage-way adjoining such land. 128 PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 47. Steam exhaust Sect. 27. No DGrson shall connect Rnv steam exhaust- not to connect , _ ^^ ^ '' with ventilating- pipe with any ventilating, waste, or drain pipe in a building, p pe, etc. inside of the trap of the drain-pipe placed near the founda- tion wall of the building. Wastewater Sect. 28. No person shall discharge any waste Water, or from sinlis, etc., , jy • i i i i t to be discharged water iroui a sink or water-closet, except through a dram draL*^'^""^*' into a sewer or cesspool, or in accordance with a permit from the board of health. Drains. Not to suffer Sect. 29. No pcrsou shall suffer any particular drain particular drain /. i«it ^ ii?i»ii 'xi to leak or be out irom any building or land oi which he is the owner or occu- of repair. pant to leak or be out of repair. Kntryofpartic Sect. 30. No pcrsou shall cutcr, or attempt to enter, a ular drains into .• i -■ > > . i i« i • . • public drains or P^i'ticular drain into a public drain or sewer, except in sewer. accordance with a permit from the superintendent of streets. Not to discharge Sect. 31. No pcrsou shall discharge into a public drain, steam, etc., into i ^ ^ > a ^ ^ '^ . . etc., earth, a permit from the superintendent of streets, or in accord- gravei, etc., on ance with the provisions of section forty-two of this chapter, *"*'*^''- sprinkle, scatter, put, or place any earth, (Jirt, gravel, sand, cinders, ashes, sawdust, salt, or mixture of salt, in or upon a street, nor shall any person, except in accordance ^^*"°'"' °' with a permit from the superintendent of streets, remove any manure or dirt from any street. Sect. 38. No person shall, in any street, wash or other- ^°* *° '^''''*"'' , , , . 1 clean vehicles, wise clean any animal or vehicle, or shake or otherwise clean etc., in streets. any mat or carpet. Sect. 39. No person shall throw or sweep into, or place. Not to sweep, , 1 /«• J • • J J • ,. etc., into street or drop and suner to remain in, any street, any piece oiany hoops, hoop, board, wood, wire, paper, or any nail, sweepings, boards, etc. sawdust, soot, ashes, cinders, shavings, hair, manure, oyster- shell, clam-shell, lobster-shell, card, handbill, or rubbish or filth of any kind, or any noxious or refuse liquid or solid matter or substance. Sect. 40. No person shall coast in any street not desig- Not to coast ^"^ except where nated by the board of aldermen for coasting. designated. Sect. 41. No person shall, in any street, throw stones. Not to throw 1 11 1 • -1 I -1 Bio:ie« or mis. snowballs, or other missiles, or shoot with, or use, a bow siicc, or shoot. and arrow or sling, or play at ball, nor shall any person ^'''^ ^""^ ^"'^ o' jr »» 5 %! r arrow, or dls- distribute to persons on a street, handbills, cards, circulars, tribute biiis, or papers of any kind except newspapers. Sect. 42. No owner or tenant of an estate abutting on lilT''*' **^ 130 PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 47. Snow to be made even. Not to saw or cut firewood in street. Not to drive sheep, etc., in street, except. Not to permit horne, etc., to go at large in street. Not to water (Street, except. Not to ring bells, etc., ex- cept. 1892, c. 390. Not to expose tables for or play at games of chance in street. Not to climb or tie horse to tree ill street. Ord. 1892, c. 12. Not to use pro- fane language in street. a sidewalk shall place or suffer to remain for Inore than three hours between sunrise and sunset, any snow upon such side- walk, nor any ice upon such sidewalk unless such ice is made even, and covered with sand, sawdust, or ashes to prevent slipping ; nor shall any person place any ice or snow in a street, outside of the sidewalk, unless the same is made even at the time of placing. Sect. 43. No person shall, in any street, saw or cut fire- wood. Sect. 44. No person shall drive sheep, swine, or other neat cattle through or in any street, or feed or bait any ani- mal in any street, except in accordance with a permit from the superintendent of streets. Sect. 45. No person shall permit any horse, cow, swine, goat, or other grazing animal to go at large in any street. Sect. 46. No person shall water any street with a water- ing cart, except in accordance with a permit from the super- intendent of streets. Sect. 47. No person other than musicians in a lawful parade or procession, or itinerant musicians licensed thereto by the board of police, shall, in any street, except as a warning of danger, ring, or cause to be rung, any bell, or use, or cause to be used, any musical or noise-making instrument. Sect. 48. No person shall expose in any street any table, or device of any kind, intended for playing a game of hazard or chance ; and no person shall play at any such game or any other unlawful game in any street. Sect. 49. No person shall climb, or tie a horse or other animal to, or post a bill or notice upon, a tree, lamp-post, or hydrant in any street. Sect. 50. No person shall, in any street, accost or ad- dress another person with obscene or profane language. Pennanent ex- cavations in streets, con- struction of. Openings in and Occupations of Streets. Sect. 51. No person shall make any permanent excava- tion under the surface of a street, the inner face of the wall of which extends further under the street than to a line eighteen inches inside the line of the outer edge of the curb- stone or sidewalk. PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 47. 131 Sect. 52. No person shall place or maintain in a street ^'■**'''S8 in Streets* any jirating which extends more than eighteen inches into the street, or the spaces between the bars of which are more than one inch in width. Sect. 53. No person shall make a coal-hole or other ^''""'°'®* "** , , . , . openings in opening in a street, except in accordance with a permit from streets. the superintendent of streets. Sect. 54. No person shall maintain an entrance to his ^"*''*"°^^y ^ descending estate by steps descending immediately from or near the line steps to be of a public street, unless the same is securely guarded. ^"" Sect. 55. No person shall erect any canopy, awning, Erection of shade, shade-frame, or shade-curtain in any street, except in ings, etc. accordance with a permit from the superintendent of streets ; ^^^- ^^^*' •'• *• nor shall any person erect or maintain any such structure which shall extend over the adjoining sidewalk beyond a line two feet and six inches within the outside line of such sidewalk. Sect. 56. No person shall, except in accordance with a ^'°' *° '"'^"^ ' signs in side- permit from the board of aldermen, place or maintain an walks, nor pro- American flag on which is placed, or to which is attached, pxtepT"*' *'" * any word, figure or design, so as to project into or over any ord. isos, c. e. street, nor insert a sign in any sidewalk, nor place or main- tain a sign, show-bill, lantern, show-board, goods, wares, or other articles, so as to project into or overhang any street. Sect. 57. No person shall make a bonfiie in, or open ^^^°^y^P;"7 or occupy any portion of, a street, except in accordance with winiout permit. a permit from the superintendent of streets, nor without exhibiting such permit to any police officer, when requested by him so to do. Bridges^ Draws, and Bathing. Sect. 58. No person shall deface or injure any public jf^tto deface oir bridge or any wharf connected therewith, or unnecessarily i°J""^''^'"'^8^" or wb&]*V6tta open the draw of any such bridge, or obstruct the passage of the same ; nor shall any person, without the consent of the draw-tender, make fast to any public bridge, or draw, or guard or pier thereof, any vessel, scow, raft, or float, or remain inside of the draw-gates, or on any pier, wharf, fender, or appurtenance of such draw while such gates are closed; nor shall any person, having tinder his charge a to comply with vessel passing through the draw of any auch bridge, refuse '"'*"^''°"^°* ^ 'S o J o > draw-tender. 132 PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 47. or neglect to comply with the directions of a draw-tender relating to such passing. Not to swim or Sect. 59. No pcrson shall, except in accordance with bathe so as to . i t i i i i be visible from regulations established by the bath department or the park o'dTs'gs**' department and approved by the mayor, swim or bathe in any of the waters surrounding or within the city so as to be visible from any dwelling-house, wharf, or street. Kot to sell butter except by weight. Not to sell at auction. Not to obstruct sidewnllis or roadway. Not to permit boxes, etc., to remain within marliet limits on Sunday. Not to play at any game, or be- have in noisy manner. Not to smoke, or have lighted cigar, etc., in his possession. To comply with directions of superintendent, deputies, and police officers. The Market Limits. Sect. 60. No person shall, within any market limits, sell any butter other than by weight ; nor sell, or expose for sale, an}^ butter in lumps, unless said lumps weigh one or more integral pounds or quarter pounds ; nor sell, or have in his possession with intent to sell, as an article of food, any diseased, tainted, or unwholesome fish, animal, or fowl, or any part thereof; nor practise any fraudulent dealing ; and no person shall in any street, within any market limits, sell any goods, wares, or merchandise at public auction, except in accordance with a permit from the superintendent of streets. Sect. 61. No person shall, within any market limits, so occupy or obstruct any sidewalk as not to leave a clear and direct passage for travellers thereon ; nor so place or stop any vehicle abreast of, or near to, any other vehicle as not to leave a clear and direct passage for other vehicles. Sect. 62. No person shall, within any market limits, permit any box, cask, or other receptacle, or any vehicle, or any horse, or other beast, to remain on the sidewalk or any other part of the street during any part of the Lord's day except in the evening thereof, and in a place assigned to him by the superintendent of markets or one of his deputies. Sect. 63. No person shall, within any market limits, play at any game, or lie down, or sleep, or behave in a noisy, disorderly, or riotous manner, or scuffle, or throw any missile, or thing whatsoever ; and no person shall, in any public market-house within said limits, smoke, or have a lighted pipe, cigar, or cigarette in his possession? Sect. 64. No person shall, within any market limits, neglect, or refuse to obey or comply with any reasonable direction of the superintendent of markets, or either of his deputies, or of any police officer. PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 47. 133 Faneuil-hall Market Limits. Sect. 65. No person shall, within the Faneuil-hall mar- Not to sen in, --.. ,. , . iji'-iji • except in place* ket limits, except m a place assigned to him by the supenn- assigned, etc. tendent of markets, and during the hours for keeping open said market prescribed by ordinance, or by an order of the board of aldermen, and during the evenings immediately preceding Thanksgiving day and Christmas day, sell or expose for sale any goods, wares, or merchandise; and no ^1"^^^^^^°^ p*"**" itinerant pedler shall within said limits tarry or carry on his business. Grass and Areas. Sect. 66. No person shall walk, stand, or lie on the ^°* *** ''*'^' '■ _ ^ stand, or lie on grass of any of the public grounds, except in accordance grass, areas, with a permit from the mayor, nor upon the grass or other ^^'^'' ®^*'®p*- area between a building and a street, except in accordance with a permit from the owner thereof. Public Grounds. Sect. 67. No person shall, in or upon any of the public Not to make grounds, make any public address, discharge any cannon or address, dis- fire-arm, expose for sale any goods, wares, or merchandise, ^I'^'^^Vpubiic' erect or maintain any booth, stand, tent, or apparatus for grounds, ex- purposes of public amusement or show, or coast or engage in ^^^ ' a game of ball, football, or other athletic sport, except in accordance with a permit from the mayor. Sect. 68. No person shall, in or upon any of the public Not to drop, , , ^ . place, etc., dirt grounds, drop, place, or throw, and suffer to remain, any or refuse matter dirt, gravel, stone, paper, or refuse, or offensive matter ^^^"1^^^^^ ^^^ any kind, or drive any animal, or suffer any animal in his charge to feed or go at large, or propel any vehicle for con- veying goods or merchandise, or cut, break, or remove the ice in or from any pond, or climb any tree or fence, except under the direction of the superintendent of public grounds. Reservoirs, Hydrants, and Water-pipes. Sect. 69. No person shall without permission of the ^°* *° *"J"™ .... . . , city reservoir or water commissioner injure a reservoir, pipe, or other water pipes, etc. apparatus owned by the city. Sect. 70. No person shall without permission of the ^°* *** "*^* '■ ... opening or con- water commissioner make an opening or connection with, nection with, 234: PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 47. or take water qj. ^uj.j^ qjj^ qf tum ofF, Of draw off, or causG to be removed, from, city pipe, . • i i • . etc. water irom, any water-pipe or reservoir owned by the city. Not to open Sect. 71. No person shall, except in case of fire, or hydrant or lift , ■•ii ii/r»»i /• being authorized thereto by the omcer in charge thereof, cover. open a hydrant, or lift or remove the cover of a hydrant. Not to draw or Sect. 72. No pcrson shall, without permission of the use water from . . , pipes of city, water commissioner, draw or use water irom any pipe or except. fixture connected with the water supply of the city. Not to discharge Sect. 73. No pcrsou shall discharge water through a water tlirough '■ . i i i /^ i hand-hose, ex- haud-hosc, cxccpt in accordaucG with the orders of the **^** water commissioner in force at the time of such discharge. Chestnut-hill Reservoir Grounds. No person to Sect. 74. No pcrsou shall injure or deface any tree, lhru'b8!e^ta! shrub, grass, path, or fence on the grounds adjoining Chest- within reservoir nut-hill rescrvoir. Throwing dirt, Sect. 75. No pcrson shall place or throw dirt, rubbish, etc., on reser- filth or offensivG matter, or commit a nuisance, on the voir grounds i .ii forbidden. grouuds adjoining Chestnut-hill reservoir. And use of Sect. 76. No pcrson shall, except with the permission groundTof res- of the officcr iu chargc of the grounds adjoining Chestnut- ervoir. \^\\\ rcservoir, drive a team, cart, wagon, or other vehicle for the conveyance of goods or merchandise upon the drive- way of, or within, said grounds. Not to drive Sect. 77. No persou shall drive or conduct a funeral, dri4way°of ^^ ^ hearse or carriage connected with a funeral, on the reservoir. drivcway adjoining Chestnut-hill reservoir. Bpeed of horses, Sect. 78. No owucr or Other person having for the ami't8''ofrr8er- time being the charge or use of a horse or other animal shall voir grounds, drivc or permit such horse or animal to go at a rate of speed greater than eight miles an hour upon the driveway adjoin- insr Chestnut-hill reservoir. Not to dig or Sect. 79. No person shall, except with the permission ^aSetT^*"^ of the officer in charge of the grounds adjoining Chestnut- hill reservoir, dig or carry away the sward, gravel, rock, stones, sand, turf, or earth thereon. Not to climb Sect. 80. No person shall, except with the permission toTrVrouMdror of the officcF in charge of the grounds adjoining Chestnut- tte horses there. j^ji| rcscrvoir, climb a tree on said grounds, or tie a horse or other animal to a tree or fence on said grounds. PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 47. 135 Sect. 81. No person shall post a bill, placard, or ^°* *° p"** *^i"« ... y , I Ml or placards advertisement within the grounds adjoining Chestnut-hili wuhin reservoir grounds. reservoir. Notices and Placards. Sect. 82. No person shall post up or affix in any manner, ^otto post up, . . etc., notices, paint, print, or write, or cause to be painted, printed, or etc., upon posts. written, a notice, advertisement, or bill, upon a post, pole, ^"I'^^uTcon fence, wall, or building in the city, unless he has previously sent, obtained the consent of the person or persons having posses- sion of such post, pole, fence, wall, or building. Sect. 83. No person shall, without the consent of the ^"t'^P"**'**"- notices, etc., mayor, post up, or affix in any manner, or paint, print, or upon curb- write, or cause to be painted, printed, or written, a notice, ponlentTf'^""* advertisement, or bill upon a curbstone, sidewalk, tree, tele- mayor, graph-pole, or lamp-post, in a street or public place, or upon a walk, fence, or building belonging to the city. Owners of Dogs. Sect. 84. No person shall own or keep in the city any ^"* *•* "'^ <"" . 1 keep in city dog which by barking, biting, howling, or in any other man- do^sthatdis- ner, disturbs the quiet of any person. turb any person. Dealers in Junk and Second-hand Articles. Sect. 85. No person keeping a shop for the purchase, ^'^^'''^'''j""'''' ^ , etc.; buBinesa sale, or barter of junk, old metals, or second-hand articles hours, shall have his shop open for the transaction of business, nor shall he purchase any of the aforesaid articles, except be- tween sunrise and nine o'clock in the evening of any week- day except Saturday, on which day such shop may be kept open, and such articles purchased, from sunrise until ten o'clock in the evening; nor shall he directly or indirectly either purchase or receive by way of barter or exchange any ^"ot to purchase •^ -z '' o ./ from minors. junk, old metals, or second-hand articles from a minor or ap- prentice, knowing or having reason to believe him to be such. Hawkers and Pedlers. Sect. 86. No person shall hawk or peddle any of the pedTtrrtoTe- articles enumerated in section one of chapter sixty-eij^ht of cord name with '^ ./ o board of health. 136 PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 47. Bee ord. 1892. the public statutes, until he has recorded his name and resi- c. 4. dence with the board of health, and been assigned by said Proviso. board a number ; provided, however, that the foregoing pro- visions shall not apply to minors licensed by the mayor and aldermen ; and. further provided that the mayor and alder- men may restrain the sale by minors of any or of all such articles. Sect. 87. No person hawking, peddling, or selling, or exposing for sale, any articles enumerated in section one of chapter sixty-eight of the j)ublic statutes, shall cry his wares to the disturbance of the peace and comfort of the inhabi- tants of the city. Sect. 88. No hawker or pedler shall carry or convey any articles enumerated in section one of chapter sixty-eight of the public statutes in any manner that will tend to injure or disturb the public health or comfort, nor otherwise than in vehicles or receptacles which are neat and clean and do not leak, and which have printed on them in letters and figures at least two inches in height the name of the person selling, the number given him l)y the board of health, and the num- ber given him by the superintendent of streets, and which are approved on the first Monday in every month by the board of health. Dealers in Hay, Straw, Wood, or Bark. Bale of hay, Sect. 89. No pcrsou shall, in any street, have a stand for Btrelu.*^ '^' ° ^^^ s^l^ of hay, or straw, or wood, or bark, except in accord- ance with an order of the board of aldermen. Hawkers and pedlers not to disturb inhabi- tants. Carriage and conveyance of articles to be in neat and clean vehicles. Manufacture, etc., of petro- leum, etc. Not to manu- facture or sell gun-cotton, etc. Dealers in Camphene, Petroleum, or Explosive Compounds. Sect. 90. No person shall manufacture, refine, mix, store, or keep any petroleum, camphene, burning-fluid, or naphtha for sale or storage within the city, except in accord- ance with the ordinances, and a license issued by the fire commissioner. Sect. 91. No person shall manufacture or sell, or ex- pose for sale, any gun-cotton, nitro-glycerine, or any com- pound of the same, or any gunpowder or fulminate or any other substance, which by being exploded or ignited will produce a force or noise, except in accordance with a license issued by the fire commissioner ; nor shall any person send PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 47. 137 or carry through the public streets any such substance, ex- Not to trans- cept in the manner and in the quantities allowed by statute stances, except, or ordinance. Sect. 92. No person shall sell to any child under theSaiesto . , , ... J. i» i children under age of sixteen years, without the written consent ot a parent sixteen, without or sfuardian of such child, any cartridge or fixed ammuni- ^°^f'=°*' '"^°" D ' v^ o hlbited. tion, of which any fulminate is a component part, nor so sell any gun, pistol, or mechanical contrivance arranged for the explosion of any such cartridge or fixed ammunition, unless such cartridge or fixed ammunition is a paper cap, of which the only component parts are chlorate of potash and sulphide of antimony. Sect. 93. No person shall in any street explode, or so ^'°* *° "p'°*^" ^ , or place tor- place or deposit that explosion can occur, any torpedo, per- pedoes, etc., in cussion cap, or other mechanical contrivance whereof any *^'"^*'*- form of detonator is a part, nor any dynamite. Firearms, Bonfires, and Brick-Tcilns. Sect. 94. No person shall fire or discharge a cannon, Not to fire can- gun, fowling-piece, or firearm, within the limits of the city, except. ' except at a military exercise, or review, authorized by the military authority of the Commonwealth, or by the city council or mayor of the city, or in the lawful defence of the person, family, or property of a citizen. Sect. 95. No person shall make a bonfire, or other fire. Making bon- on an^y wharf or street in the open air within the city except in accordance with a permit from the fire copamissioner. Sect. 9G. No person shall erect, make, or fire, or cause Not to erect or /•I'l" 1 • I'li'i make brick or to be erected, made, or fired within the city, a brick-kiln, umekiin, or lime-kiln, except in accordance with a permit from the ^'"'^■p'- fire commissioner. Fire-alarm Apparatus; Combustible Material. Sect. 97. No person shall, without authority from the Fire alarm fire commissioner, open, or in any way interfere with, a ^pp*""**"^- signal-box, wire, or any other thing connected with the fire- alarm telegraph apparatus, except in case of fire. 138 PROHIBITIONS AND PENAL! lES — CHAP. 47. Removal of Sect. 98. No person shall neglect or refuse to remove combustible i.ii -ii t t ^ ^ f material. 'dniy. combustible material, when ordered by the hre commis- obsfruction of sioncr so to do, or obstruct any oflScer or member of the apparatus. firc department in the discharge of his duties, or wilfully interfere with any engine, or other apparatus used by the members of the fire department in the discharge of their duties. Bituminous coal. 1895, c. 389. Ord. 1892, c. 3. Erection and alteration of wooden buildings. Biluminous Coal; Wooden Buildings. Sect. 99. No person shall use bituminous coal for the purpose of generating steam in boilers in any building, unless the furnace in which said coal is burned is provided with some effective device for consuming its own smoke. Sect. 100. No person shall erect, or in any manner alter, a wooden building outside the building limits of the city, in violation of the requirements of the ordinances of the city, nor except in accordance with a permit from the buildiiiiT commissioner. Not to vote or remain at meet- ings unless in- cluded iu call, etc. Ward-rooms; Faneuil Hall. Sect. 101. No person not included in a call for a meet- ing held under a permit granted by the superintendent of public buildings, and no person, when objection is made by the major part of such of the applicants for such permit as are present at the meeting, or by the presiding officer at such meeting, shall mark a ballot, or vote, or remain, at such meeting. , Not to carry Sect. 102. No pcrsou, othcr than the superintendent of o7votere'^unlcs*8 public buildiugs, or some person by him duly authorized, authorized. shall Carry away, or interfere with, a copy of a list of voters posted or hung up in a ward-room. Sect. 103. No person shall put up any decoration in or on Faneuil hall unless authorized thereto by an order of the board of aldermen ; nor shall any person so authorized drive any nail or screw into the building or any part thereof, in putting up any decoration. Numbering of Buildings. Penalty for Sect. 104. No pcrsoR shall neglcct, or refuse, to affix to number on any buildiug owned by him the street number designated for building. g^j^i^ building by the superintendent of streets, nor shall any Decorations in Faneuil hall. PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 47. 139 person affix to or suffer to remain on any building owned or occupied by him, a street number other than the one designated for such building by said superintendent. Penalty for Violations. Sect. 105. Whoever violates any provision of section p«°*'*i«" '<» eighty-four of this chapter shall be punished by a fine not visions of uua exceeding ten dollars for each offence, and whoever violates '^''p^*'"' any provision of any other section of this chapter shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars for each oftence, and not only the person actually doing the prohib- ited thing, but also his employer and every other person concerned in so doing, shall be i)unished by the said fine. Approved July 18^ 1898. REVISED REGULATIONS OF 1898 CITY OF BOSTON In the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight A REGULATION CONSOLIDATING AND ARRANGING THE REGULATIONS BOARD OF ALDERMEN" CITY OF BOSTON Se it ordered by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Boston f 08 follows: CHAPTER 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Section 1. This regulation shall be known as the "Re- Adoption and vised Regulations of 1898," and so far as its provisions are latione. the same in effect as those of previously existing regula- tions, it shall be construed as a continuation of those regulations; it shall not affect any act done, any right Acta done, i ij ' 1 -J > • ""^ rights accrued, accrued, any pennlty incurred, any suit, prosecution, or etc., not to be proceeding pending, or the tenure of office of any person ^^*'^*^' holding office, at the time when it takes effect ; subject to the said limitations, all regulations, whether styled regulations or standing regulations, of the board of aldermen of the city of Boston, heretofore in force, are hereby repealed. Sect. 2. The enacting style of all regulations of the Regulations, board of aldermen of the city of Boston shall be, "Be it of."*' "g«je ordered by the board of aldermen of Boston as follows." Sect. 3. Every regulation shall, except when otherwise reguiat^ioM.** provided, be published once a week for three weeks suc- cessively in two daily newspapers published in the city, one of which shall be the newspaper in which the proceedings of the city council are printed. Every regulation for consoli- dating and arranging the regulations shall be exempted from the foregoing provision, and shall be published by the action of the board of aldermen in passing the same. Sect. 4. The following rules of construction shall be ^"'" "^ "f"" observed for this and every other regulation unless incon- sistent with the manifest intent of the board of aldermen, or the context of the regulation : First. The repeal of a regulation shall not revive any Repeal not to regulation in force before or at the time the regulation re- iToTin7oro'e** pealed took effect. before. Second. The repeal of a regulation shall not affect any ^peai not to punishment or penalty incurred before the repeal took effect, m.nt incurred, or any suit, prosecution, or proceeding pending at the time *'*'• of the repeal for an offence committed under the regulation. 043) 144 GENERAL PROVISIONS — CHAP. 1. CoDBtmction of singular and plural words. " Street. " Public gronnda." " Owner." ' Tenant." ' Occupant." " Per«on." " Sabordinate.' Words girtng Joint authority. Authority to llcenpe nets prohibited without license, etc. Third. Words importing the singular shall include the plural, words importing the plural shall include the singular, and words importing the masculine gender shall include females and boards of the city. Fourth. The word "street" shall include all public ways, alleys, lanes, courts, and sidewalks, and those parts of public places which form travelled parts of highways. Fifth. The words "public grounds" shall include the common and public garden, the public lands placed by the city council under the charge of the superintendent of public grounds, and those parts of public places which do not form travelled parts of highways. Sixth. The word "owner" applied to a building or land shall include any part owner, joint owner, tenant in common, or joint tenant of the whole or of a part of such building or land . Seventh. The word " tenant " or " occupant " applied to a building or land shall include any person who occupies the whole or a part of such building or land either alone or with others. Eighth. The word " person " shall include corporations. J}^inth. The word " subordinate " shall include only assist- ants, deputies, clerks, and other officers, appointed by an officer or board in charge of a department, and paid a yearly salary. Tenth. Words purporting to give a joint authority to three or more officers or other persons shall be construed as giving such authority to a majority of such officers or persons. Eleventh. Words prohibiting anything from being done, excej)t in accordance with a license or permit, or authority from a board or officer, shall be construed as giving such board or officer power to license or permit or authorize such thing to be done. MINORS' LICENSES — CHAP. 2. ^^^ CHAPTER 2. MrNORS' LICENSES. Section 1. No minor shall, in any street or public place I'lcensingof ■*■ * minors pro- of the city of Boston, work as a bootblack, or sell or expose videdfor. for sale any fruits, provisions, live animals, brooms, agri- ^*^^' °' ^^' cultural implements, fuel, newspapers, books, pamphlets, agricultural products of the United States, or the product of his own labor or the labor of his family, unless he has a minor's license, granted to him by the mayor and aldermen of said city, and issued to him by the clerk of committees of said city, for so working, or for so selling said articles, nor unless he complies with the terms of said license. Sect. 2. The clerk of committees of the city of Boston '^'^''^ ^^ *""»- in •! !•• /•! T f mittees to re- shall receive the application ot the parent or guardian of a ceive appiica- minor, or of any responsible citizen of Boston, for a license "°°* ^""^ '**"* for such minor to work as a bootblack, or to sell any or all the articles enumerated in the preceding section, and, if the minor is under fourteen years of age, such application shall be accompanied by the certificate of the principal of one of the public schools, or of some regularly established school in the city of Boston, approved by the committee on licenses of said city, that such minor is an attendant at such school, and said clerk shall, when the mayor and aldermen pass an order to that effect, issue a minor's license and badge to such minor to go about from place to place in the city of Boston, and on the sidewalks in said city, to sell newspapers, or to work as a bootblack, or in the streets and other public places in said city to sell any or all of the other articles enumerated in the preceding section. ]Every such license shall be wcenBce to be issued and accepted on the condition that the minor shall ceXd on ccr^ comply with the terms of the following section, and said **^'' *'*>''''^"<'°»- section shall be printed in the license. 146 MINORS' LICENSES — CHAP. 2. Terms of Sect. 3. The minoF shall conform to the statutes, the minors' licenses. Ordinances of the city of Boston, and the regulations of the board of aldermen of said city ; shall, so long as he continues under the age of fourteen years, attend, during every session thereof, one of the public schools, or some regularly estab- lished school in the city of Boston, approved by the committee on licenses of said city ; shall surrender his license and badge to the clerk of committees of said city when notified that his license has been revoked ; shall not transfer or lend his license or badge, nor furnish any unlicensed minor with news- papers or other articles to sell ; shall not sell newspapers in or on a street car, or any part of a street other than the sidewalk ; shall not work as a bootblack, or sell news- papers, unless he is over ten years of age ; shall not sell any other article than newspapers unless he is over twelve years of age ; shall not at any time while engaged in working as a bootblack, or selling articles in public places, congregate with other persons, nor make any unnecessary noise, nor in any way disturb or annoy persons as they pass, nor occupy any stand with any other person, nor allow any unlicensed minor to assist or accompany him, nor allow idle persons to assemble or congregate around him, or around any stand occupied by him, nor so work or sell in any other place than that specified in his license, when a place is so speci- fied, nor at any time, while so working or selling, fail to wear conspicuously in sight the badge furnished to him by said clerk of committees, nor fail to exhibit his license to any police or other officer of said city if requested by him so to do. Any minor who violates any of said terms will be deprived of his license and badge, and be fined. PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS — CHAP. 3. ^47 CHAPTER 3. PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Section 1. Licenses for theatrical exhibitions, public Public amnse- , T ,.,... I. 1 •■• ,11 menl licences, amusements, and exhibitions oi any description granted by jj^^g^^^^^ the board of aldermen, shall be subject to the terms and conditions contained in the following section, and to such other terms and conditions as said board may, from time to time, adopt ; and any failure to observe the same will be deemed sufficient cause for the revocation of such license ; during vacation, or between the sessions of the board, the committee on licenses, or their chairman, may grant such licenses, and the city clerk shall make a record thereof, and such licenses, when recorded, shall have the full authority of, and be subject to the terms and conditions of, a regular license ; all licenses for a theatrical season shall expire on the first day of August next after the date of the license. Sect. 2. Every licensee, before he receives any license Public amuse- for a theatrical exhibition, public show, public amusement, ^gg^for"**"' or other performance or exhibition of any description, to which admission is obtained by the payment of money or the delivery of any valuable thing, or by any ticket or voucher obtained for money or any valuable thing, shall pay to the city clerk for such license covering performances or exhibitions — for one day, one dollar ; for a term exceed- ing one day and not exceeding six days, two dollars ; for a term exceeding six days and not exceeding twelve days, three dollars ; for a term exceeding twelve days and not exceeding the theatrical season, five dollars ; provided, how- ever, that for a license for any athletic entertainment the licensee shall pay ten dollars, and for a license for any circus he shall pay five hundred dollars ; and every such licensee : 1. Shall prevent his place of amusement and any per- Conditions, formance or exhibition therein from being advertised by poJtTrs^etc. * means of pictorial posters or placards which have not been ^^8- 1892, c. i. approved by the committee on licenses ; 148 PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS — CHAP. 3. Obstructing bead -covering to be removed. Reg. 1897, c. 2. Aldermen may enter and in- spect at all times. Regular or Bpecial police oflScers only to be allowed to preserve order. City firemen to be allowed to enter and guard against fire. Exits to be marlicd and easily opened. Automatic skylights to be maintained. 2. Shall not, in his place of amusement, allow any person to wear upon the head a covering which obstructs the view of the exhibition or performance in such place of any person seated in any seat therein provided for spectators, it beiiior understood that a low head covering without projection, which does not obstruct such view, may be worn ; 3. Shall cause facilities for entering and inspecting his place of amusement, and viewing the exhibitions or per- formances therein, to be furnished at all times to any alder- man applying therefor ; 4. Shall allow such regular police officers as shall be detailed for the purpose by the board of police to enter and be about his place of amusement during all perform- ances therein ; shall employ for the preservation of order in such place only regular or special police officers designated therefor by the board of police ; and shall pay to the board of police for the services of the regular police officers such amount as shall be fixed by said board ; 5. Shall allow to enter and be about his place of amuse- ment such members of the fire department as shall be detailed by the fire commissioner to guard against fire ; shall employ as firemen in such place only members of the fire department, and men specially approved by the fire commissioner ; shall keep in good condition, and so as to be easily accessible in such place, such standpipes, hose, water pails, axes, chemical extinguishers, and other apparatus, as the fire commissioner may require ; and shall allow said members of the fire department at the time of any fire in such place to take and have the control and direction of his employees, and of the means provided for the extinguish- ment of fire therein ; 6. Shall cause all exits from his place of amusement to be marked with the word " Exit " in large letters over the same, and to be so constructed as to be easily opened from* within ; 7. Shall maintain in good condition over the stage of his place of amusement such automatic skylights as the com- mittee on licenses may require; PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS — CHAP. 3. 249 8. Shall, when required by the committee on licen8es, SeparateeyB- cause his place of amusement, if supplied with gas, to be so to be main- piped that the gas can be shut off separately from the stage, **'°^**- auditorium, and lobbies, without interfering one with the other ; 9. Shall maintain in good condition in his place of ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^ amusement such automatic sprinklers or other equivalent maintained, devices as the committee on licenses may require. 150 PUBLIC OFFICERS — CHAP. 4. CHAPTER 4. Officers of county jaii, sala- ries, etc. Reg. 1894, c. 4. Officer to trans- port insane. Salary and allowances. Reg. 1893, c. 1. Appointment of surveyors of marble, etc. Duties of surveyors of marble, etc. Surveyors to give certificate to owner or vendor. Fees of surveyors. PUBLIC OFFICERS. Section 1. The chief officer connected with the county jail siiall be paid an annual salary of eighteen hundred dol- lars ; the steward and the first inside officer, each not exceed- ing thirteen hundred and fifty dollars ; the second and third inside officers, each not exceeding twelve hundred and fifty dollars ; the other regularly employed officers, each not ex- ceeding twelve hundred dollars ; the watchmen and other necessary assistants, each not exceeding one thousand dollars. Sect. 2. The mayor shall appoint annually, subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen, an officer to have charge of the transportation of the insane, who shall re- ceive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars, and be allowed for assistants and expenses such sums as the board of aldermen, acting as county commissioners, may from time to time approve. Sect. 3. The mayor shall appoint annually, subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen, one or more sur- veyors of marble, soapstone, and freestone, who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of the duties of the office, but shall receive no compensation from the city. Sect. 4. The surveyors of marble, soapstone, and free- stone shall survey and measure all of said materials brought into the city and off*ered for sale ; shall ascertain the number of cubic feet in each block, and the number of square feet in each slab thereof; shall legibly mark thereon the measure- ment and the initials of the officer making the survey; shall give to the owner or vendor of any of said materials sur- veyed, a certificate specifying the name of such owner or vendor, the name of the place from which the material sur- veyed was brought, the measurement of the material, the amount of fees received, and the date of the survey ; and may charge and receive as fees for surveying said materials one and one-half cents for each cubic foot, and three-quarters PUBLIC OFFICERS — CHAP. 4. 151 of a cent for each square foot surveyed, to be paid to the surveyor by the owner or vendor. Sect. 5. The measurers of wood and bark may charo^e ^^* '**■" ™®**- j nring wood and and receive as fees for measuring wood and bark brought bark. into the city for sale ten cents for each cord measured, to be paid to the measurer by the owner or vendor. Sect. 6. The measurers of orrain may charge and re- ^«** '*»'™«*»- ~ ./ c unng grain. ceive as fees for measuring wheat, corn, and other grains three-quarters of a cent for each bushel measured, to be paid to the measurer by the owner or vendor. Sect. 7. The inspectors of petroleum and its products *■***'*"■ '"^p^*- '■ ing petroleum may charge and receive as fees for inspecting a sample, orandiuprod- a lot of ten or less barrels of said oil or its products, "*'*"■ fifty cents, and for inspecting a lot of more than ten barrels, five cents for each baiTel inspected, each sample and barrel to be placed in position, and opened for inspection, and said fees to be paid to the inspector, by the owner or vendor. 152 STREETS AND THEIK USES — CHAP. 5. CHAPTER 5. Snperintendent of streets to issue permits on certain condi- tions. R.0. 1898, c. 38, §§ 8 to 19. No extension of distribution pipes of gas and electric corporations. Beg. 1897, c. 4. Excavations under sidewalk to be closed, -when. STREETS AND THEIR USES. Section 1. The superintendent of streets may issue per- mits for opening, occupying, obstructing, and using portions of the public streets, and for other purposes, in the manner, and on the terms, specifications, and conditions, and for the purposes stated in the ordinances of the city, subject, how- ever, to any permission, control, regulation, restriction, or revocation which the board of aldermen may make ; and every person desiring, or receiving, any such permit shall conform to the statutes, ordinances, and regulations. Sect. 2. Said superintendent shall not issue any permit or permits for the opening during any calendar year of more than five hundred feet of streets for the laying of extensions of the pipes or conduits of any corporation unless the specific locations shall have been given by the board of aldermen, or the pipes to be laid are service pipes. Sect. 3. Said superintendent shall close and fill up, at the expense of the owner of the premises abutting on a side- walk, any excavation under such sidewalk, whether con- structed under a permit or not, which shall not be closed and filled up within five days after the board of aldermen have ordered the owner so to do. PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 6. I53 CHAPTER 6. PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES. Use of Roadways for Vehicles, Section 1 . No person having charge of any vehicle in a vehicles not to street shall stop his vehicle abreast of another vehicle, nor so posuions. as to obstruct a street or any sidewalk or crossing of a street, nor shall any such person snap a whip while his horse or beast is stopping in a street. Sect. 2. No owner or driver of an omnibus shall drive omnibuses to it, or permit it to be driven, in a street other than that des- on regular ignated therefor by the board ot aldermen. routes. Sect. 3. No person having charge of an omnibus shall 0™''*^''^®'°°* stop it in a street unless to take or leave a passenger, and except for pas- then only for such a time as is sufficient to enable the pas- «®''g«'^- sensfer to take his or her seat, or to leave the omnibus. Sect. 4. No person having charge of a truck, cart. Teams, manner wagon, sled, or a dray with an animal attached thereto to draw Led.""^' "^^^^ the same, shall in any street drive said animal attached thereto at other than a moderate foot pace, nor shall any such per- son, when riding, cease from holding the reins in his hands to guide and restrain such animal, nor, when not riding, cease from walking by the head of the shaft or wheel animal, either holding, or keeping within reach of, the bridle or halter thereof. Sect. 5. No person shall in any street use any truck or Length of di-ay, the length whereof, from the end of the shaft to the extreme end of the side, shall be greater than twenty-four feet and six inches. Sect. 6. No person shall carry, or cause to be carried, weight of load on any vehicle in any street, a load the weight whereof ''°'''^**' exceeds six tons, unless such load consists of an article which cannot be divided, provided, however, that no load Reg. i896, c. 1. the weight whereof exceeds three tons shall be carried on \,1 B RA/f y 154 PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 6. any vehicle in Tremont street from its junction with Shaw- mut avenue to Scollay square, during the construction of the subway, except where other streets cross said Tremont street, lopped'a^dl^ ^^^'^- ^' ^o person having in any street the charge rected by police of a Vehicle shall neglect or refuse to stop the same, or to place the same when stopped, as directed by a police officer, ^mlii^'n'ltree't, ^ECT. 8. No persou haviug the charge of any vehicle except, etc. shall allow the same, without an animal harnessed thereto, to remain in a street, except as provided in section fourteen, romltuhin te^n ^^^'^- ^' ^« pcrsou having in any street the charge of a feet of each vchiclc, with an animal attached thereto to draw the same, iDgs. shall allow such animal at a crossing of a street to come within ten feet of any vehicle in front of him. ^chvewcir Sect. 10. No person shall in any street at one time drive, guide, or have the care of two animals harnessed respectively to different vehicles. f;;;^f """"^ sect. ll. No person having the charge of a vehicle, with an animal attached thereto to draw the same, shall drive, or allow such animal to go, round a corner of a street at a gait faster than a walk. rtlps^ofTehl- Sect. 12. No person shall in any street ride upon the cies. steps of an omnibus or other vehicle, without the permission of the person in charge thereof, drawbridge! Sect. 13. No pcrsou having the charge of a vehicle with an animal attached thereto to draw the same, shall drive, or allow such an animal to go, over a drawbridge at a gait faster than a walk. Vehicles not to g^,^^^ j^ -^^ pcrsou having the charge of a vehicle, with stop in Btreets * o & » over five rain- or witliout an animal harnessed thereto, shall suffer the same UJ8, excep , ^^ remain in a street for more than five minutes, without some proper person to take care of the same, unless hitched to a post or a sufficient weight, or otherwise held by some appli- ance approved by the superintendent of streets, nor for more than twenty minutes in any case ; but no person shall be deemed to have violated this provision who shall satisfy the court that he was a physician visiting the sick, or a market or provision man standing for the purpose of selling provisions until eleven o'clock in the forenoon at places in the city lawfully designated therefor. PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 6. 155 Sect. 15. No person shall drive an animal drawing a Driving of vehicle in a street during any time that snow or ice is upon ^l^^ and^ice or covers the streets, unless there are three or more bells °^ atreeu. attached to the shaft or pole of the vehicle, or to the animal, or to some part of the harness thereon. Sect. 16. No person having charge of a vehicle shall so vehicles not to . , . _ , be placed so as place the same in a street as to prevent the passing oi other to obstruct. vehicles, unless it is for a reasonable time, not exceeding six minutes, for the loading or unloading of coal, wood or lum- ber, brick or stone, or of heavy articles, the weight of which in any one parcel or package is not less than six hundred pounds. Sect. 17. No person with or havino^ the care of any ^^'^'''®'"*' ™'*" '■ o *» concerning. cart, barrow, hand-cart, wagon, or other vehicle shall, ex- cept in accordance with an order of the board of aldermen, stop or stand, for the purpose of hawking, peddling, or selling any goods, wares, or merchandise, fruit or other articles, between the hours of eight o'clock A.M. and half-past six o'clock P.M., in, or occupy any part of, any of the following streets, ways, and squares, namely : Haymarket square, Sudbury street. Court street from Sudbury street to Scollay square, Scollay square, Tremont street from Scollay square to Eliot street, Eliot street from Tremont street to Washington street, Washington street from Eliot street to Franklin street, Franklin street from Washington street to Devonshire street, Devonshire street from Frank- lin street to Milk street. Milk street from Devonshire street to Pearl street, Post-office square, Water street from Con- gress street to Devonshire street, Devonshire street from Water street to Washington street, State street between Merchants row and Devonshire street, and Washington street from Adams square to Haymarket square, or any of the streets, waj^s, or squares included within the territory bounded as above described, nor shall any person having sp'^°g '«"e and , « . , i 1 1 • 1 Congress square the care or any carriage, wagon, truck, or other vehicle, not to be used with an animal attached thereto, drive or pass over or upon ^y vehicles. ^ * Reg. 1893, c. 2. Spring lane, or that part of Congress square about ninety Reg. 1895, c. i. feet in length, extending in a southerly direction from State «• ^^^'^' *=• 3* street and north of the way connecting Congress street and 156 PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 6. Devonshire street, or that part of Congress square extending easterly from Devonshire street and lying between the Phoe- Hand-carts not nix and Brazer buildings, so called. Nor shall anv person to be used in . /» "~ i city proper having the care of any wheel-barrow or hand-cart, except in houTr° ""**'" accordance with an order of the board of aldermen, stop or Reg. 1896, c. 2. stand in, or occupy any part of, any of the streets, ways, and squares in the city proper north of Massachusetts avenue, for the purpose of hawking, peddling, or selling any goods, wares, or merchandise, fruit or other articles, between the hours of eight o'clock, A.M., and half-past six, P.M. Sect. 18. No person having charge of a vehicle shall, unless otherwise directed by a police officer, stop the same in any street otherwise than lengthwise with the street, close to the sidewalk, and on the same side of the street with any other vehicle already stopping, if the street is not more than thirty feet in width. Placing of vehicles in atreete. Street-cars, limit of speed. Distance from other curs or vehicles. For Street-railways. Sect. 19. No person having the control of the speed of a street-railway car shall allow such car to go in any part of the city north or east of Charles street, Pleasant street, Broadway, Dorchester avenue, and Swett street between Dorchester avenue and the harbor, and includinof those streets, at a rate of speed faster than seven miles an hour; nor in any part of the city south or west of the above streets, and north or east of Swett street and Chester park and in- cluding said last-named street, nor on Beacon street between Massachusetts avenue and the Boston and Albany railroad, at a rate of speed faster than ten miles an hour ; nor in any part of the city south or west of said last-named limits, at a rate of speed faster than twelve miles an hour; nor in turning a corner in any part of the city, at a rate of speed faster than four miles an hour. Sect. 20. No person having the control of the speed of a street-railway car in any street shall, except in case of accident, or to prevent injury to persons or property, allow such a car, or if the car is drawn by an animal shall allow such animal, to go within ten feet of a car or other vehicle in front. PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 6. 257 Sect. 21. No person having control of the speed of a ^°'*<'^®^'^'«'» . . . against persons, street-railway car shall allow it in any street to go against etc. or afoul of any person, vehicle, or thing whatsoever; nor shall any such person fail to stop his car at any place in a street when directed by a police officer so to do. Sect. 22. No person having the control of the speed of ^'^'«" *<> ''««? a street-railway car passing in a street shall fail to keep a vigilant watch for all teams, carriages, and persons, especially . children, nor shall such person fail to strike a bell several times in quick succession on approaching any team, carriage, or person, and no person shall, after such striking of a bell, delay or hinder the passage of the car. Sect. 23. No person having the control of the speed of to stop on a street-railway car passing in a street shall on the appear- danger. ance of danger to any team, carriage, or person from, or on the appearance of any obstruction to, his car, or any animal, if any there be drawing the same, fail to stop the car in the shortest time and space possible. Sect. 24. No person having the control of the speed of ^^°* *° **«? o° a street-railway car shall stop any such car on a cross-walk, etc., except.' or in front of an intersecting street, except to avoid collisions or danger to persons, or as directed by a police officer. Sect. 25. No street-railway company shall, except by street-railway permission of the superintendent of streets, sprinkle any toTJrinkie"*** gravel or sand, or any salt or other article of a decomposing eand, salt, etc., nature, on its tracks or rails in a street, or wash such tracks or rails with brine or pickle. For Moving Buildings and Bulky Machinery. Sect. 26. No person shall move any bulky machinery. Moving of cars, or other merchandise through a street, except in accord- erytL'ough"' ance with a permit from the superintendent of streets. streets. Sect. 27. No person shall place or move any building Moving of in or through any street, except in accordance with a permit throughlstreets. from the superintendent of streets. Sect. 28. No person moving a building in a street under Buiidingmoven a permit therefor shall remove any shade-tree in a street, or ghade-treM*^* any branch thereof, except in accordance with an order of •»«•» ««»?'• 158 PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 6. Drivlngvehicles in streets. the board of aldermen ; nor interfere with any fire-alarm telegraph wire, except in accordance with the permission of the fire commissioner; nor interfere with any street-lamp or lamp-post, except in accordance with the permission of the superintendent of lamps. Use of Sidewalks. Sect. 29. No person having the charge of any horse or beast of burden shall drive it, or allow it or any vehicle to which it may be attached, if any there be, to be driven along any sidewalk or against or afoul of any person, vehicle, or thing whatsoever. Sect. 30. No person shall drive, wheel, or draw along any sidewalk or footpath any vehicle ; provided, however, that a caniage conveying children, drawn by hand and empty, or with children therein, shall not be deemed a vehicle. No person to Sect. 31. No person shall use a sidewalk for any pur- nse a sidewalk I'l I'x-j^x l^ t .. with more than P^^^^ which suDjects it to morc than ordinary wear, or injures ordinary wear, the material of whlch it is composed, unless said sidewalk be, Reg. 1894, c.l. /. , , . by the owner of the abutting estate, constructed of granite or other stone, in a manner satisfactory to the superintendent of streets, and kept in repair by such owner. Vehicles not to be driven on BidewalliLB. Bay windows over streets. 1897, c. 1. Distance pro. jections may extend over streets. Reg. of 1894, 0.2. Projections over Streets. Sect. 32. No person shall project a bay window over any street less than thirty feet in width unless another bay window already projects over such street ; no person* shall project a bay window more than eighteen inches over any street unless another bay window already projects more than eighteen inches over such street, and no person shall in any case project a bay window more than three feet over any street. Sect. 33. No person shall place or maintain any projec- tion over a street beyond a line two feet six inches within the outside line of the sidewalk, or which shall at its lowest part be less than seven feet six inches above the grade of ' PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES — CHAP. 6. 159 the sidewalk, or which in other particulars is not in accord- ance with a permit from the superintendent of streets. • Penalties for Violations. Sect. 34. Whoever violates any provision of this chapter Penalties shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence, and not only the person actually doing. the pro- hibited thing, but also his employer and every person con- comed in so doing, shall be punished by such fine. Approved August 5, 1898, THE ORDINANCES AND EEGULATIONS PASSED BETWEEN THE PASSAGE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892 AND THE PASSAGE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1898. ORDINANCES OF 1892. CHAPTER 1. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston ^ as follows: Section 1. Chapter thrrty-six of the Revised Ordinances words to be of 1892 is hereby amended in section fifteen by inserting the r"(^^'^'« following after the word "pole," in the thirteenth line of said § is. section : " and also on the pole, at a point not less than six § 15.' feet nor more than eight feet from the ground." Approved April 6y 1892. CHAPTER 2. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THIRTT-SIX OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston ^ as follows: Section 1. Chapter thirty-six of the Revised Ordinances Honm forkeep- of 1892 is hereby amended in section three by inserting ^°^ '^I*''* *' J G closed. after the words " 7 o'clock P.M.," in the twenty-second line R.0.1892, c.ae, of said section, the following words: "or through the draw p g ^ ^ 53 5 ^g. of Chelsea bridge, south, from 11.55 o'clock A.M. to 12.10 o'clock P.M., or from 12.50 o'clock P.M. to 1 o'clock P.M." Approved April 27, 1892. Chapter 2 never took effect, as the Board of Harbor and Land Commissioners, on August 2, 1893, declined to approve it. See P.S., c. 53, § 28. (163) 164 ORDINANCES OF 1892. CHAPTER 3. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER FORTY-THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston, as follows: siroke-coDBum- SECTION 1. Chapter foi'ty-three of the Revised Ordiiiiinces provided! ° of 1892 is hereby amended by inserting between sections R.o. 1892, c. 43, jjjjjg^y_gigjj^ and ninety-nine the following new section, to R.0. 1898, c. 47, be numbered ninety-nine, and sections now numbered ninety- ^^" nine to one hundred and three, inclusive, with said amend- ment, to be renumbered one hundred to one hundred and four respectively : " Sect. 99. No person shall use bituminous coal for the purpose of generating steam in boilers, in any building, unless the furnace in which said coal is burned is provided with some eiffectual device for consuming its own smoke." Approved May 7, 1892. 1893, c. 353. 1896, c. 389. Residents and citizens of Bos- ton not to be preferred. R.O. 1892, C. 43, § 86. CHAPTER 4. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER FORTY-THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Section 1. Chapter forty-three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby amended in section eighty-six by striking out of the first and second lines of said section the following words, viz. : "except a bona fide resident and citizen of the city of Boston." Approved May 10, 1892. Salaries of Are commissioners. B.O. 1892, 0. 8, $ e. CHAPTER 5. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Section 1. Chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby amended in section six by striking out of the clause establishing the salaries of the fire commis- ORDINANCES OF 1892. 1(55 sioners, in said section, the words "three thousand dollars," see 1895, c. 449, and inserting the words "three thousand five hundred dol- lars" in place thereof. Approved May 21, 1892. CHAPTER 6. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER FORTY-TWO OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. » Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston, as follows: Section 1 . Chapter forty-two of the Revised Ordinances of 1892, relating to regulations for certain trades, is hereby amended : First. In section one, by inserting between the words Gunpowder " burning fluid " and the words " or explosive compound," in r.o. 1892, c. 42. the second and third lines, the word "gunpowder." Second. By inserting after section five the following sec- RO. i898, c. 45. tions, and renumbering the remaining sections of the chapter : " GUNPOWDER. " Sect. 6. All the powers and duties conferred upon the Powers relating .,!,.. 1 . ,1 . . to gunpowder City council relating to gunpowder, except the power to grant ^^^^^ ^^ gre licenses for keepino: gunpowder for sale, storao^e, or use in commiseionere. , / ® ® » ' *= ' P.S., c.]02,§56. greater quantities than one hundred and five pounds, and the r.o. i898, c. 45, power to make rules and legulations relating to gunpowder, ^^" are hereby delegated to the board of fire commissioners, and said board shall keep a record of all licenses issued, the time and purpose for which issued, and places designated therein for keeping or for selling gunpowder. "Sect. 7. No person except on military duty in the ser- Quantity of gnn- . f -t . r~\ powder to be Vice of the United States, or 01 this Commonwealth, or as brought, car. licensed thereto by the board of fire commissioners, and in "'''*' *"^ ^^^^ '" accordance with these regulations, shall bring into, or carry r.o.i898, c. 45 or convey or keep more than one pound of gunpowder, or sell gunpowder within, the city. " Sect. 8. Any person licensed to bring gunpowder into Quantity of gnn. the city may bring into the harbor of said city, and there ^eptin'^htrb^or keep in a vessel approved by said commissioners, gunpowder *■» ^e«««i- IQQ ORDINANCES OF 1892. R.0.1898, C.45, j^ guch quantities as may be specified in his license, and in such manner as shall be approved by said commissioners ; but no such vessel shall at any time be brought within six hundred feet of any wharf or of any part of the mainland. Quantity of gun- " Sect. 9. Any pcrson Hceused to couvcy guupowdcr in carriedinboat. ^ boat may convcy, in a boat which has been approved by R.O. 1898, c. 45, gjj|j board, and which displays at her bow and stern a red §10. ' . ^ " flag so long as it has any gunpowder on board, and which has the powder covered with canvas or other suitable cover- ing, gunpowder not exceeding six quarter-casks of twenty- five pounds each, and may place the same on board of any vessel lying at any wharf or at anchor in the harbor, or may deliver to any person licensed to receive the same at any wharf designated in the license, four of said quarter-casks, each cask tight, and enclosed in a strong leather bag closely tied and legibly marked with the word ' gunpowder,' and shall deliver to the person in charge of the vessel or wharf a copy of section ten of these regulations at the time the powder is placed thereon. Vesseihaving " Sect. 10. No pcrsou in charge of a vessel on which tobek^ptat° niorc than one pound of gunpowder has been placed shall ■wharf. allow such vcsscl, with gunpowder on board, to rem^ain for R.O. 1898, c. 45, . , • • i i i /. n if §u. more than three hours withm six hundred leet ot any whart or mainland of said city, and no person in charge of any wharf shall allow more than one pound of gunpowder to re- main on the wharf for a longer time than is necessary for its removal. Howgunpow- "Sect. 11. Any person licensed to convey gunpowder in der may be car- i-i • i»i ii«ii i riedincity. ^ vchiclc may, in a vehicle approved by said board, convey K.o. 1898, c.45, vvitliiii llic city gunpowder not exceeding four quarter-casks of twenty-five pounds each, each cask tight, and enclosed in a strong leather bag closely tied and legibly marked with the word 'gunpowder;' and such person shall convey and deliver such bags, untied, only to a person licensed to keep gunpowder, and at a place designated for such keeping. Quantity, and " Sect. 12. Any pcrsou licensed to keep guupowder for manner of keep- ^^^ ^^. ^^ g^jj ^^ wholcsale luay kccp ou hand not exceeding ing gunpowder ,/ l o tor Hale by four quartci'-casks of twenty-five pounds each, each cask w oesae. tight, Hud cuclosed in a strong leather bag closely tied and ORDINANCES OF 1892. 167 legibly marked with the word * gunpowder,' and deposited in ^^- 1^^*> •=• *^' a copper chest with a copper handle at each end, and a tight copper cover furnished with copper hinges and locked with a copper padlock, and, unless otherwise specified in his license, placed on the lower floor within six feet of the door over which the sign provided for in section fifteen is placed ; and no person, except a person so licensed, shall open said chest, and then only for as short a time as is consistent with proper care in placing or removing said casks in bags closely tied as aforesaid. "Sect. 13. Any person licensed to sell gunpowder at Q°*"*'*y> *"^ .,, , Ti manner of keep- wholesale or retail may keep gunpowder not exceedmg three ing gunpowder quarter-casks of twenty-five pounds each to sell in casks ^°"*'f ^'Z '"^,**** T ./I and wholesale. only, each cask tight, and enclosed in a strong leather bag r.o. isqs, c. 45, closely tied and legibly marked with the word ' gunpowder,' and may keep in addition, for retailing, thirty pounds of gunpowder in tin or copper canisters with tin or copper cov- ers thereon, said casks and canisters deposited in a copper chest with a copper handle at each end, and a tight copper cover furnished with copper hinges and locked with a cop- per padlock, and, unless otherwise specified in his license, placed on the lower floor within six feet of the door over which the sign provided for in section fifteen is placed ; and no person, except a person so licensed, shall open said chest, and then only for as short a time as is consistent with proper care in placing or removing said casks tied as aforesaid, or said canisters unopened. " Sect. 14. Any person licensed to sell gunpowder at Qaanuty, and ... . 1 , T /i • , T manner of keep- retail may keep gunpowder not exceeding thirty pounds ing gunpowder thereof in tin or copper canisters with a tin or copper cover '°'" **•* ^^ "*' thereto, and in a tin, copper, or zinc chest approved by said r.o. isgs, c. 45, board, which shall, unless otherwise specified in his license, ^^*' be kept within six feet of the door over which the sign pro- vided for in section fifteen is placed ; and no person , except a person licensed thereto, shall open said chest, and then only for as short a time as is consistent with proper care in placing or removing said canisters unopened. "Sect. 15. Every person licensed to keep, and sell gun- Persons licensed powder shall have and keep in a prominent place upon the cTershal^k^p a sign over door. 168 ORDINANCES OF 1892. Ro. 1898, c. 45, vessel, or over the outside of the principal entrance from the street of the building in which such powder is kept, a sign on which shall be painted in capitals the words ' Licensed to keep and sell gunpowder.' renl^rto'seii " ^ECT. 16. Evcry person licensed to keep gunpowder for gunpowder to salc, storagc, or use shall permit any one or more of said com"^Li'oner8 commissioucrs to enter any place in which gunpowder is kept to enter store, by him, to cxaminc the place and to remove the irunpowder R.0.1898,c.45, ,, „ , 1 , 1, 1 » i §§ 4, 17. tnereirom whenever they shall deem it expedient so to do ; and no person so licensed shall sell or give to any child, under the age of sixteen years, without the written consent of the parent or guardian of such child, any gunpowder or any cartridge or fixed ammunition of which any fulminate is a component part." Approved June 1, 1892. CHAPTER 7. Salaries of water board. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained hy the Oity Council of Boston^ as follows: Section 1. Chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of R.0.1892, 1892 is hereby amended in section six by striking out of the Bee' 1895, c. 449, clausc establishing the salaries of the members of the water $^- board, in said section, the words "the three commissioners each three thousand dollars," and inserting the words "the chairman four thousand dollars, and the two other commis- sioners three thousand five hundred dollars each," in place thereof. Approved June 1, 1892. ORDINANCES OF 1892. IfiQ CHAPTER 8. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER FORTY— THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston ^ as follows : Section 1. Chapter forty-three of the Revised Ordi- No wire to be nances of 1892 is hereby amended in section thirty-nine by J^^ insertinor after the word "wood," in the third line of said ^o- 1892» , , . c. 43, §39. section, the word " wire." r.o. i898,c.47. Approved June 11, 1892. 5^- CHAPTER 9. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows : Section 1. Chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby amended by adding the following section : "Sect. 24. Xo clerk, employee, commissioner, member No employee of of any board, or other oflScer of any department or branch j^ poiiycg of the city government, except those elected by popular vote, ^•**- ^^^' '^•^^ shall be an oflScer of any political caucus or a member of any $ 20. political committee or convention." Approved June 28, 1892, CHAPTER 10. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows : Section 1. Chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of J^o employee of 1892 is hereby amended in section twelve by inserting at gpedai act for the end thereof the foUowinor ; " nor shall any officer or "^^• ^ . "^ R.O. 1892, member of a board, unless thereto authorized by the mayor c.3.§i2. 270 ORDINANCES OF 1892. R.0. 1898, c. 3, QY i\^q ^Ity council, apply for, object to, or advocate before the legislature any special act relating to the city of Boston." The foregoing ordinance was presented to the mayor June 25, 1892, and was not returned hy him within ten days thereafter. CHAPTER 11. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE REGISTRY DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows : Registry de- SECTION 1. The registry department shall be under the ^1^(1°'^°*'^'^° charge of the city registrar, appointed under the provisions R.0.1892. of chapter 314 of the Acts of 1892, who shall receive or ob- cc. 3, 4, and 33. . i • t ii/> ij- i c ii R.0.1898, C.34, tain, rccord, and index all tacts relating to and pertorm all ^.^* . the duties required of city clerks concerning births, deaths, duties of. and marriages in the city of Boston, and shall have the custody of all records, books, and papers belonging to the city, relating to births, deaths, and marriages. City registrar Sect. 2. The city rcs^istrar shall complete as far as to complete t /. i*^ i i i i records of practicable the record of births, deaths, and marriages prior births, deatiis. ^^ ^j^^ j^. -^g^g jn the towu or city of Boston, or in any and marriages. ./ ' . R.o. 1898, c.34, city or town now constituting a portion of the city of Boston ; ^^' shall receive and collect documents relating thereto; shall make copies of all such documents as he may deem advisable, and may print and distribute, as a city document, fifteen hundred copies of each of such volumes as he shall deem proper to print, relating to the early history of Boston, and said other cities and towns, but shall not sell any copy. Annual report Sect. 3. The city registrar shall, in his annual report, to include. /»i'i ^i- c' R.O. 1898, c.34, includc a statement of the number ot births, ot notices oi in- 5^- tention of marriage, of marriages solemnized, and of deaths recorded during the previous year. Term of office. Sect. 4. The term of office of the city registrar shall be §i. ' '"' ' one year, beginning with the first day of May in the year of appointment, and until his successor is appointed and con- firmed. R.0.1892, Sect. 5. Section six of chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is amended by striking out the words c. 3, § 0. ORDINANCES OF 1892. JJ^ "twenty-five hundred and fifty dollars" after the words 8»iary of regis- "city registrar," and substituting in place thereof the words r.o. isss. c. 3, "four thousand dollars;" also in said section, by striking^** out the words " the record commissioners, the chairman, twenty-five hundred dollars." Sect. 6. Chapters four and thirty-three of the Revised ^■^- ^^^' ''*'• '■ "^ 4 and 33. Ordinances of 1892 are hereby repealed. Sect. 7. This ordinance shall take eflect on the day when said city registrar is confirmed.^ Approved July 12, 1892. CHAPTER 12. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER FORTY-THREE OF THE ' REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892, CONCERNING THE TYING OF HORSES, ETC., TO LAMP OR HYDRANT POSTS. Be it ordained by the Oily Council of Boston, as follows: Section 1 . Chapter forty-three of the Revised Ordinances no person lo of 1892 is hereby amended by inserting in section forty-nine affix n™rce to of said chapter, after the word " tree," the following words : ''""p ""^ hydrant-poBta. lamp-post or hydrant-post. r.o. 1892, Approved October 19, 1892. R.o.'isgsic.^T, § 49. CHAPTER 13. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE NUMBERING OF BUILDINGS, AMENDING CHAPTERS THIRTY-SIX AND FORTY-THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Section 1. Chapter thirty-six of the Revised Ordinances Numbering of 1892 is hereby amended in section four, by striking out r"o.'i892, in the sixth and seventh lines thereof the words " which he ''•^e. §4. R.o. 1898, c. 38, shall be required by the board of aldermen to number," and § 4. inserting in place thereof the words " which he shall desig- nate as the street number therefor." ^ The City Registi-ar was confirmed July 18, 1892. 172 ORDINANCES OF 1892. R.0. 1892, c. 43. Sect. 2. Chapter fortj-three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby amended by inserting immediately before the last section thereof a new section as follows, and renum- bering; the last section : "Sect. 104. No person shall neglect or refuse to affix to any building owned by him the street number designated for such building by the superintendent of streets, nor shall any person affix to, or sutler to remain on, any building owned or occupied by him, a street number other than the one designated for such building by said superintendent." Approved December 30, 1892. Penalty for keeping wrong number on building. R.O. 1898, C-. 47, §104. CHAPTER 14. City registrar, office hours. R.O. 1892, c. 3, § 11. Dropped. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892, CONCERNING OFFICE HOURS OF CITY REGISTRAR. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Section 1. Chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby amended in section eleven by striking out of said section the following words : " the city registrar shall, in addition to the hours above stated, have his office open for the reception of returns from undertakers, and for the issu- ing of certificates to persons intending to be joined in mar- riage, from eleven o'clock in the forenoon until twelve o'clock noon on every day in the year." Approved December 30 ^ 1892. ORDINANCES OF 1893. CHAPTER 1. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER FORTY-THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892, CONCERNING USE OF STREETS. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Chapter forty-three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 Agent uabie for is hereby amended in section forty-two, by inserting the g °owTn°d ice word "agent" after the word "owner," in the first line of ''■°'» "i^«^"^- ^ ' R.0. 1892, said section.^ c 43,5 42. Approved April 17 ^ 1893. CHAPTER 2. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892, CONCERNING SESSIONS OP THE REGISTRARS OF VOTERS. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Section 1. Chapter thirty-two of the Revised Ordi- nances of 1892 is hereby amended by adding the following section : "Sect. 3. The registrars of voters, in addition to the Registrar* of day and evening sessions prescribed by statute, shall hold geggio'ns'or ' day sessions for the registration of voters for the annual ^•^•"*^'*'-'^ state election, during the office hours prescribed by ordi- Dropped, nance, each week day between the second day of September and the fourteenth day preceding the annual state election ; and shall hold day sessions for the purpose of registering voters for the annual city election every week day during the hours prescribed by ordinance, from the day succeeding the annual state election to and including the fourteenth day preceding said annual city election, and shall hold day ses- » Repealed by Ord. 1893, c. 4. (173) 174 ORDINANCES OF 1893. sions for registering voters from the day succeeding the annual city election to and including the thirtieth d;iy of April next succeeding, and in case of any special election or caucus such other sessions as they may deem necessary, or the statutes may hereafter prescribe." Approved May 29, 1893. CHAPTER 3. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER FORTY OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892, CONCERNING THE PAYMENT OF MYSTIC WATER-RATES. Be it ordained by the Oity Oouncil of Boston, as follows: Mystic water- SECTION 1. Chapter forty of the Revised Ordinances of in city hall. 1892 is hereby amended in section six, so that said section R.o. 1892, shall read as follows : c. 40, § 6. Dropped. " Sect. 6. The water-rates of the Mystic supply shall be payable at the office of the city collector, city hall."' Approved June 22, 1893. CHAPTER 4. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER FORTY-THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER ONE OF THE ORDINANCES OF 1893, CONCERNING THE REMOVAL OF ICE AND SNOW FROM SIDEWALKS. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Agent not liable Chapter foity-three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is ing snovv^or ice hereby amended in section forty-two, as amended by chap- from Bidewaiks. ^er ono of tlic Ordinances of 1893, by striking out the word E.0. 1892, , . . „ . c. 43, §42. "agent" after the word "owner," in the first line of said R.0. 1893. 0.1. section. Approved September 29, 1893. ORDINANCES OF 1893. ^75 CHAPTER 5. AN ORDrNANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER FORTY-THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892, CONCERNING DRAINS. Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston^ asfollovjs: Section 1. Section thirty-one of chapter forty-three No steam or of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby amended by ^^ ^[g^^^^g^^ striking out the word "or" before the word "sewer," in the into catchbasin. second line of said section, and by inserting the words "ore. 43, §31! catch-basin" after the word " sewer," in said second line : ^•^•^^^^•''•*^' also by inserting the words " or a nuisance " after the word "thereof," in the third line of said section, so that the said section shall read as follows : "No person shall discharge into a public drain, sewer, or catch-basin any steam nor any other matter or thing which may tend to cause an obstruction thereof, or a nuisance or a disposit therein, or any injury thereto." Approved October 23, 1893. CHAPTER 6. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER FIFTEEN OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892, CONCERNING HAWKERS AND PEDLERS. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Section 1. Chapter fifteen of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby amended in section one by adding thereto the following : " Said board shall appoint a superintendent of pedlers. Superintendent who shall see that every person hawking or peddling within appointed by"* the city comforms to the statutes, ordinances, and regulations, board or Said superintendent shall perform such other duties in con- r.o. 1892, nection with the matters under the charge of the health *'• ^*' ^ ^• , . , , , . ° R.o. 1898,0.18, department as said board may require." 52. Approved December 9, 1893. ORDINANCES OF 1894. CHAPTER 1. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER FORTY-ONE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston, as follows: Reports of tests SECTION 1. Chapter forty-one of the Revised Ordinances R.oA892,c.4i, of 1892 is hereby amended in section one, by striking out § 1- at the end of the said section the following : " and shall, as soon as practicable after the first day of every month, make a report to the mayor of all tests of water meters made dur- ing the preceding month." Approved April 30 ^ 1894. Office hours of departments. R.0. 1892, c. 3, §n. R.0. 1898, 0. 3, §10. CHAPTER 2. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston, as follows: Section 1. Chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby amended in section eleven, in the sixth line thereof, by striking out the words " July and August," and substituting therefor the words " June, July, August, and September." Approved May 10, 1894. CHAPTER 3. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER FORTY-TWO OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston, as follows: Public scales SECTION 1. Chapter forty-t WO of tho Revised Ordinances R.o. 1892, 0. 42, of 1892 is hereby amended in section fourteen, in the second 8 14. (176) ORDINANCES OF 1894. ;I77 paragraph of said section, by striking out the word " three " ^•9" ***** "■^' in the second line of said paragraph, and inserting the word " four " in place thereof. Approved May 14, 1894. CHAPTER 4. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Section 1. Chapter thirty-one of the Revised Ordinances rnrtUntioDeiB of 1892 is hereby amended in section one, in the sixth, BfoDers of public seventh, and eicfhth lines, by strikins: out the words " the inMitutions. ^1 1 /• ''. f • -1/^1 R.O. 1892, c. 31, house tor the employment and retormalion of juvenile offend- § i. ers (known as the house of reformation) and the truant ^:®"^' ''•*'* school at Deer island," and inserting in place thereof the words " and the house for the employment and reformation of juvenile offenders (known as the house of reformation) at Deer island, the parental school at West Roxbury." Sect. 2. Sections two and three of said chapter are hereby repealed, and the following substituted therefor : " Sect. 2. The institutions, premises, or situation in the Parenui school city of Boston known as the parental school is hereby pro- ^nflning clr- vided, established, and assiirned as the suitable place for the ta'°cwidren. . . ^ *■ K.0. 1892,c.31, confinement, discipline, and instruction of children convicted §2. of any offence described in the following section of tj^ig ^^o- ^898, c. 10, ordinance. "Sect. 3. Any habitual truant, and any child between Tmanu, etc., u seven and fifteen years of age, found wandering about in the parental school, streets or public places of the city of Boston, having no law- R<^-i892.c-3i. ful occupation or business, not attending school, and growing r.o. i898,c.io, up in ignorance, shall, upon conviction thereof, be committed *^' to the said parental school." Approved December 22 ^ 1894. 178 ORDINANCES OF 1894. BalarieB of street commis- sioners. R.0. 1892, e. 3, §6. R.0. 1898, c. 3, &5. CHAPTER 5. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Bonton, af< follows : Chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby- amended in section six, in the clause establishing the salaries of the street commissioners, by striking out the words " the three commissioners each three thousand dollars," and in- serting in j)lace thereof the words " the chairman forty-five hundred dollars, and the two other commissioners each four thousand dollars." Approved December 29, 1894. CHAPTER 6. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER NINE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Bostton, as follows: Chapter nine of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby amended in section one by inserting after the words " city hall," in the sixteenth line of said section, the following and shall display the national colors upon city hall Flag to be dis- played on city hall. R.0. 1892, c. 9, §1. R.0. 1898,c.]2, -^ords §1. on every day of the year, except Sundays, weather per mittins." Approved December 31, 1894. CHAPTER 7. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Chapter twenty-nine of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 Is hereby amended in section four by inserting after the words "Faneuil hall," in the second line of said section, the fol- R.o.i898,c,32, lowing words : " and shall display the national colors upon Faneuil hall on every day of the year, except Sundays, Flag to be dis- played on Funeuil hall. R.0. 1892, 0. 29, §4. weather permitting." Approved December 31, 1894. ORDINANCES OF 1894. ^79 CHAPTER 8. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Section six of chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of Salaries of city .-, --., „ - ., solicitor and 1892 IS hereby amended in the twenty-nrst and twenty-sixth corporation lines, so that said lines as amended shall read as follows, viz. : ^f""^^'" ' ^ ... I^-O. 1892, c. 3, The twenty-first line shall read : "The city solicitor, sev- §6. enty-five hundred dollars." §5^"^^^' ^'^' The twenty-sixth line shall read : " The corporation coun- sel, seventy-five hundred dollars." Approved January 3, 1895, CHAPTER 9. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby Salary of cierk amended in section six by striking out of the clause estab- rq. 1892, l^, lishino- the salary of the clerk of committees, in said sec- § ®- ® "^ ' R.0. 1898, c. 3. tion, the words "thirty-five hundred," and inserting the §5. words "four thousand" in place thereof. Approved January 3, 1895, ORDINANCES OF 1895. CHAPTER 1. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Salary of Chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is here- boardof by amended in section six, in the clause establishing the health. Salaries of the health commissioners in said section, by R.0. 1898, , . 'J c, 3, § 5. striking out the words " the three commissioners," and insert- ing the words "the chairman, forty-five hundred dollars, and the two other commissioners " in place thereof. Approved March 9, 1895. CHAPTER 2. [For this ordinance changing the ward boundaries, see Rev. Ordinances 1898, c. 46. Page 111 of this volume.] CHAPTER 3. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES of 1892. Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston, asfolloivs: Salary of super- SECTION 1. Chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of p^ubu/grounds. 1892 is hereby amended in section six, in the clause estab- R.o. 1892, lishing the salary of the superintendent of public grounds, B.0.1898, by striking out of said clause the word "three," and insei-t- 0.3, § 6. jjjg ^YiQ word " four " in place thereof. Approved May i, 1895, (180) ORDINANCES OF 1895. JQl CHAPTER 4. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows : Section 1. Chapter two of the Revised Ordinances of ^*y" ™»y **■• *■ , eel bonds. 1892 is hereby amended by adding at the end of section seven r.o. isoa, the following words: "and the mayor, upon the execution ^" ^ ^^^ of a new bond satisfactory to him, may cancel the bond ore. 2, §7. release the sureties on any bond given to the city for the performance of the terms of a contract or for the perform- ance of the duties of an office." Approved September 28, 1895. CHAPTER 5. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston, asfolloics: Chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby office" to b« ■. /••11 ■!• • • citizens and amended m the nrst section of said chapter, by inserting in voters of the second line thereof, after the words " city council," the ^'^q*'"^ words: "shall, unless otherwise provided by statute, be acs. §1. resident and legal voter of the city of Boston, and." c.2,§i. ' Approved Septeinber 28, 1895. CHAPTER 6. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER FORTY-THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston, as folloios : Section fifty-six of chapter forty-three of the Revised Ordi- American flag nances of 1892 is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Tn streeu'for " No person shall, except in accordance with a permit from ad'eniBing. R.0.1892 the board of aldermen, place or maintain any American flag c.43. §56. on which is placed or to which is attached any word, fiinire, ^^' \*!^' * ^ •' ' ~ ' c. 47, § 56. or design, so as to project into or over any street, nor insert 132 ORDINANCES OF 1895. any sign in any sidewalk, nor place or maintain a sign, show- bill, lantern, show-board, goods, wares, or other articles so as to project into or overhang any street." Approved December 26, 1895. CHAPTER 7. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER NINE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Flags to be Chapter nine of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby pubiic^grounds. amended in section one, by inserting after the words " pub- R.o. 1892, \\q crrounds," in the seventeenth line of said section, the c. e, § 1. » ' ^ » R.o. 1898, following words : " and shall, during suitable weather, dis- «. 12, § 1. pjg^y ^jj^g flags on the following-named days during each year : Franklin's birthday, January 17 ; Lincoln's birthday, Feb- ruary 12; Washington's birthday, February 22; Evacuation Day, March 17 ; Patriots' Day, April 19 ; Grant's birthday, April 27 ; at half-mast on Memorial Day, May 30 ; anniver- sary of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the national ensign of the United States, June 14 ; Bunker Hill Day, June 17; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, first Monday in September; the anniversary of the settlement of Boston, September 17 ; and whenever any of the above- named days fall on Sunday the flags shall be displayed on the following day." Approved December 30 ^ 1895, CHAPTER 8. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows : Salary of Chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby 1018810^6^. amended in section six, in the clause establishing the salaries R.o. 1892, of the health commissioners in said section, by striking out the R.d. 1898, word " three " and inseiting the word " four " in place thereof. 0.8, §6. rpjiQ foregoing ordinance was presented to the mayor December 21, 1895, and was not returned by him within ten days thereafter. ORDINANCES OF 1896. CHAPTER 1. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER FORTY-THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston, as follows: Section thirty-four of chapter forty-three of the Revised Loitering on Ordinances of 1892, as printed in the third edition thereof otis street, on pages 107 and 108, is hereby amended by inserting at^^-^-^^^* the end thereof the words, "provided, however, that theR.o. isqs, above provisions of this section shall not apply to that part*'"'''^ of Otis street between Franklin street and Summer street, during that part of the day between the hours of 11 A.M. and 2^P.M." Approved January 30 ^ 1896. CHAPTER 2. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO WARD-ROOMS. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows : The superintendent of public buildings shall designate a ^^v^ardrooms. suitable room in each of the following-named places, to ])ec. 29, §5. used as a ward-room for the ward in which it is situated as ^"32 5*4^ established in the year 1895, and in case any such room cannot be so used at any time, said superintendent shall provide equivalent accommodations elsewhere for any public meeting in such ward, for which he shall issue a permit : Ward 1. — Emerson School-house, corner Prescott and Bennington streets. Ward 2. — Armory Building, Maverick street. Ward 3, — Old Winthrop School-house, Bunker Hill street. (183) 1^ ORDINANCES OF 1896. Ward 4. — Bunker Hill Grammar School-house, Baldwin street. Ward 5. — Harvard Grammar School-house, Devens street. Ward 6. — Ware Primary School-house, North Bennet street. Ward 7. — Pierpont School-house, Hudson street. Ward 8. — Wells School-house, McLean street. Ward 9. — Old Franklin School-house, Washington street. Ward 10. — Rice School-house, Dartmouth street. Ward 11. — Prince School-house, Exeter street. Ward 12. — West Concord-street School-house. Ward 13. — Spelman Hall, West Broadway. Ward 14. — Gray's Hall, East Broadway. Ward 15. — Court-room, Dorchester street. Ward 16. — Winthrop Hall, Upham's corner. Ward 17. — - Old Church Building, Dudley street. Ward 18. — Old Bath-house, Cabot street. Ward 19. — Phillips-street School-house. Ward 20. — Proposed new building on land owned by the city on Meeting House Hill. Ward 21. — Dudley-street Opera House. Ward 22. — Hall at Boylston station. Ward 23. — Proposed new building, corner of Hyde Park avenue and Tower street. Ward 24. — Dorchester Hall, Field's Corner. Ward 25. — Old Town Hall, Washington street. Approved March 4, 1896. CHAPTER 3. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Salaried officers ]^q h ordained hy the City Council of Boaton, as follows: not to take part in cau- Scctiou twenty-four of chapter three of the Revised Ordi- B.o.**i892 c. 3, nances of 1892 is hereby amended by inserting after the word §24. " 2^o^» in the first line thereof, the word " salaried." c.3,§26.' Approved March 14 ^ 1896. ORDINANCES OF 1896. ^85 CHAPTER 4. AX ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTERS TWO, THREE, AND THIRTY-FOUR OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. 3e it ordained by the City Council of Boston^ cis follows : Section 1. Chapter two of the Revised Ordinances of ^''™'>e'' "^ 1892 is hereby amended in section one by striking out the increased to ten word "eio^ht," in the twentv-fourth line of said section, and^-^-^^"' ^ ." ' c. 2, §1. inserting the word " ten " in place thereof. r.o. i898, e. 2, Sect. 2. Chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of f^^^ ^^^ ^ 3 1892 is hereby amended in section six, in the clause estab- §6- lishing the salaries of the sealer and deputy sealers of weights c. 3, § 5. * and measures, by striking out the word "eight" and insert- ing the word " ten " in place thereof. Sect. 3. Chapter thirty-four of the Revised Ordinances r.o. 1892, 34, §1. 8«e 1898, of 1892 is hereby amended in section one by striking out^Q* the word "eight," in the second line of said section, and'=-^>§i- inserting the word " ten " in place thereof. Approved March 23, 1896. CHAPTER 5. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER ELEVEN OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained hy the Oily Council of Boston, a^ follows : Chapter eleven of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby amended by inserting a new section, to be section four of said chapter, as follows, and renumbering section five : "Sect. 4. Sjiid collector, upon the application of an}'^ ^""ector to 1 • 1 /• 1 II T certify as to person interested in any parcel 01 real estate and the tender claims, etc. of a fee of twenty-five cents, shall certitV in writini; whether ^'^- ^^^' *' _ ' -^ ^ c. 11, § 4. or not there are any claims of the city for taxes, assessments, r.o. i898, or otherwise against said estate, or any part thereof, in his""^*'^^' office for collection, and if there are any such claims, shall certify the nature and amount thereof." Approved April 4, 1896. ORDINANCES OF 1897. CHAPTER 1. Bills to be sent to auditor. R.0.1892, c. 3, §19. R.O. 1898, e. 3, § 19. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston, as follows: Chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby amended in section nineteen by striking out of the second line of said section the word " twentieth," and inserting the word " fifteenth " in place thereof. Approved January 23, 1897. CHAPTER 2. Department of municipal statisticM estab- lished. B.0. 1898, C.37. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892 BY PROVIDING FOR A STATISTICS DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston, as folloivs : Section 1. A department of municipal statistics is hereby established, to be in charge of a board of six mem- bers, of whom the city engineer shall ex-officio be one, and the remaining five members shall be appointed by the mayor. The members of said board may be appointed by the mayor at any time after the date of the passage of this ordinance, to serve until the first day of May next. On or before said first day of May, eighteen hundred and ninety- seven, the mayor shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen, one member to serve for the term of five years, one for the term of four years, one for the terra of three years, one for the term of two years, and one for the term of one year, each term beginning with said (186) ORDINANCES OF 1897. 187 first day of May ; and annually after the current year one such member shall be appointed as aforesaid for the term of five years, beginning with the first day of May in the year of his appointment. Said board shall collect, compile, and publish such statistics relating to the city of Boston and such statistics of other cities, for purposes of comparison, as they may deem of public importance. Approved February 27, 1897, 0EDINAN0E8 OF 1898. CHAPTER 1. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A DEPARTMENT OF BATHS. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston^ as follows : Bath-houses, SECTION 1. Sectiou ODG of chapter fifteen of the Revised care or. ^ R.o. 1892, c. 15, Ordinances of 1892 is hereby amended by striking out, in the fourteenth line thereof, the words " shall establish and maintain bath-houses." Department of Sect. 2. A department of baths is hereby established, to lisbed. ^^ i" charge of a board of seven members, to be appointed by See R.o. 1898, \\^q mayor, subject to confirmation by the board of alder- men, two of which members shall always be women. The members of said board may be appointed by the mayor at any time after the date of the passage of this ordinance, to serve until the first day of May next. On or before said first day of May, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, the mayor shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen, one member to serve for the term of five years, two for the term of four years, one for the term of three ' years, two for the term of two years, and one for the term of one year, beginning with said first day of May ; and annually after the current year, in the years in which any term or terms shall expire, a member or members of said board shall be appointed for the term of five years, beginning with the first day of May in the year of appointment. Said board shall establish and maintain bath-houses, and shall have the care and custody of all bath-houses, whether for all-the-y ear- round use, or floating bath-houses in salt water for summer use, now or hereafter established by the city, and shall have the care and custody of all urinals or public convenience stations now or hereafter established by the city, and shall have and exercise as to such baths and urinals all the powers now vested in the board of health. Approved February 4, 1898. (188) ORDINANCES OF 1898. 139 CHAPTER 2. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING " THE CITY RECORD." Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston , as follows: Chapter two of the Ordinances of 1897, bein*^ "An Ordi- Publication of . . " The City nance to amend the Revised Ordinances of 1892 by providing Record" pro- for a Statistics Department," is hereby further amended by ^'•^^^ ^°''- ^ ' "^ . " Ord. 1897, c. 2. adding thereto a new section, to be numbered section two, as follows : " Sect. 2. Said board shall publish, at least once a week, seeR.o. iws, an official gazette of the city, to be designated as ' The City Record.' Every department shall insert in said publication a copy of every advertisement or public notice issued by it, a summary of all proposals received in response to the same, and a statement of all awards of contracts ; and said publica- tion shall contain such record of official action, and such other matters of interest to the city, as said board may, from time to time, Avith the approval of the mayor, direct. Said board shall cause said publication to be distriliuted regularly to the several departments, and to the pi'ess, as soon as pub- lished, and may provide for the sale to the public, by sub- scription or otherwise, of such number of copies thereof as it shall deem expedient." Approved February 9y 1898, CHAPTER 3. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION TEN OF CHAPTER THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Chapter three of the Revised Ordinances of 1892 is hereby Employment of amended in section ten by inserting after the word " there- r.o!'i892 'c! 3, for," in the fourth line of said section, the following words : §^°- R O 1898 c 8 "but shall employ none but citizens of the United States in 512. any capacity, and shall give preference in all cases to resi- dents of Boston." Approved March 30, 1898. 190 ORDINANCES OF 1898. CHAPTER 4. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION THIRTY-EIGHT OF CHAP- TER FORTY-TWO OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892/ Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: wairiTwooden Section tMrty-eight of chapter forty-two of the Revised buildings. Ordinances of 1892 is hereby amended so as to read as fol- R.0. 1892,0.42, , 5 38. lows: R.o. 1898,0. 45, " Sect. 38. Evcrv such wooden buildinoj more than § 38. t, . . twenty-five feet in height and twenty-five hundred feet in horizontal area, to be used for any purpose other than that of a dwelling-house, shall, unless otherwise ordered by the city council, have for every such area an intercepting brick wall not less than twelve inches thick, carried twelve inches above the roof, and covered with metallic covering." Approved April 1, 1898. CHAPTER 5. e. 26. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC MUSIC. Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows: Department of A Department of Public Music is hereby established, ertebHs'hed''' ^^ ^^ '^^ charge of a board of five members, who shall be ap- see R.o. 1898, pointed by the mayor, and shall serve without pay. The members of said board may be appointed by the mayor at any time after the date of the passage of this ordinance, sub- ject to confirmation by the board of aldermen, to serve until the first day of May next. On or before said first day of May, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, the mayor shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen, one member to serve for the term of five years, one for the term of four years, one for the term of three years, one for the term of two years, and one for the term of one year, each term beginning with the first day of May ; and annually after the current year one such member shall be appointed as aforesaid for the term of five years, beginning with the first day of May in the year of his appointment. Said board ORDINANCES OF 1898. 191 shall have the charge and control of the selection of public music to be given either indoors or in the open air for parades, concerts, public celebrations, and other purposes, under authority of the city council, except entertainments for children on the Fourth of July ; shall determine the parties to furnish the same, and shall make all contracts, and expend all moneys to be paid from the city treasury, for such music. Approved April 23 y 1898. CHAPTER 6. AN ORIWNANCE RELATIVE TO THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. Be it ordained hy the City Council of Boston ^ as follows: Section two of chapter twenty-eight of the Revised Ordi- Annual report* *■ . . , J *** executive nances of 1892 is hereby amended by striking out the words departmenui. "eight hundred" in the second line of said section, and by R^oiss^-"-'®' inserting the words " nine hundred " in place thereof, and by R.o.isoa, csi, inserting after the word " year," in the sixteenth line thereof, the words " shall deliver to the board of municipal statistics one hundred sets of said volumes." Approved May 24 ^ 1898. CHAPTER 7. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER FORTY-THREE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892, RELATIVE TO BATHING. Section fifty-nine of chapter forty-three of the Revised S'^""'"? <>' "^ r- ./ bathing In pub- Ordinances of 1892 is hereby amended by addmg the fol- iic. lowing at the end thereof: r^.i892.c.43. ^^ Provided, however , that swimming or bathing from any RO. isqs, c. 47, bathing establishment or bath-house conducted by or under the authority of any department of the city government shall be allowed under such rules and regulations as may be es- tablished by the officer or officers in charge of said depart- ment, with the approval of the mayor." Approved May 31, 1898. 192 ORDINANCES OF 1898. CHAPTER 8. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER ONE OF THE ORDINANCES OF 1898, ENTITLED " AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A DEPARTMENT OF BATHS." Be it ordained hijtlie City Council of Boston, as follows: Section two of chapter one of the Ordinances of 1898 is hereby amended by striking out the last sentence and insert- ing in pkce thereof the following : Care and cus. (t g^^j^ board shall cstabHsh and maintain bath-houses and tody of bath- houses, etc. gymnasia, and shall have the care and custody of all bath- j2.' '"' ' houses, whether for all-the-y ear-around use, or floating bath- R.o. 1898, c. 7, houses iu salt water for summer use, and of all gymnasia other than those situated on parks or playgrounds and placed by statute under the control of the park department, now or hereafter established by the city, and shall have the care and custody of all urinals or public convenience stations now or hereafter established by the city, and shall have and exer- cise over such baths and urinals all the powers now vested in the board of health." Approved June 21, 1898. e R A R y TJ^IVEB REGULATIONS OF 1892. CHAPTER 1. A REGULATION CONCERNING THEATRICAL POSTERS, ETC. Be it ordered by the Board of Aldermen of Boston^ as follows : Section four of chapter three of the Revised Regulations rostem, etc., of 1892 is hereby amended so as to read as follows : amu^me'iite "Sect. 4. No licensee shall advertise a public perfonn- to *>e approved , p . . 1 ■, ., -1 1 ^y committee ance by means ot pictonal posters or placards until such on licenses. posters or placards have been approved by the committee ^- ^^- ^^• on licenses." r. Reg. isgs, c. Approved November 28, 1892. 3. § 2. (193) EEGULATIONS OF 1893. CHAPTER 1. A REGULATION PROVIDING FOR A COUNTY OFFICER TO HAVE CHARGE OF THE COMMITMENT OF THE INSANE. Be it ordered by the Board of Aldermen of Boston, as fol- lows : Officer to trans- SECTION 1. The mayor shall appoint, annually, subject to beappotmed'by Confirmation by the board of aldermen, an oflScer to have mayor. charffe of the transportation of the insane ; said officer shall R. Reg. 1898, c. ® '^ 4, §2. receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars, and shall Salary of. be allowed for assistants and expenses such sums as the board of aldermen, acting as county commissioners, may from time to time approve. Approved May 15, 1893. CHAPTER 2. A REGULATION TO AMEND SECTION SEVENTEEN OF CHAPTER SIX OF THE REVISED REGULATIONS OF 1892, RELATING TO THE USE OF CERTAIN STREETS BY VEHICLES. Be it ordered by the Board of Aldermen of Boston, as fol- lows : R. Reg. 1892, SECTION 1. SectioH Seventeen of chapter si.x of the Re- c.6,§i7. vised Regulations of 1892, relating to the use of Haymarket square, Sudbury street, and other streets, by certain vehicles, is hereby amended by inserting at the end thereof the following words : Spring lane not " Noi shall any pcrsou having the care of any carriage, lehidel!'* ''^ wagon, truck, or other vehicle, with an animal attached R. Reg. 1898, c. thcrcto, di'ive or pass over or upon Spring lane with such ' * carriage, wagon, truck, or other vehicle." Approved October 23, 1893, (194) REGULATIONS OF 1894. J CHAPTER 1. A REGULATION RELATIVE TO THE USE OF SIDEWALKS. Be it ordered by the Board of Aldermen of Boston, as fol- lows : Section 1. Chapter six of the Revised Regulations of ^-^g-^^*^' • • -I c. 6, 1892 is herel)y amended by inserting between sections twenty and twenty-one the following new section, to be numbered twenty-one, and the sections now numbered twenty-one to thirty-one inclusive to be renumbered twenty- two to thirty-two respectively ; "Sect. 21. No person shall use a sidewalk for any pur- No person to , . , 1 . , • , , ,1 T • • use a sidewalk pose which subjects it to more than ordinary wear, or injures with more than the material of which it is composed, unless said sidewalk be ordinary wear. „ , , . /. . R- Reg. 1898, c constructed by the owner of the abutting estate of granite e, § 31. or other stone, in a manner satisfactory to the superintend- ent of streets, and kept in repair by said owner." Approved January 31 ^ 1894. CHAPTER 2. A REGULATION RELATIVE TO PROJECTIONS FROM BUILDINGS. Be it ordered by the Board of Aldermen of Boston, as fol- lows : Section 1. No person shall place or maintain any pro-^°P'"°^®*'"°"*<' jection from a building which shall extend over the adjoining over sidewalk. sidewalk beyond a line two feet and six inches within the ''.5 " ^^^^* "' *^' outside line of such sidewalk, and which shall at its lowest R.Reg.isas, part be less than seven feet and six inches above the grade of the sidewalk, and which, in other particulars, is not in accordance with a permit from the superintendent of streets. App7'0ved April 4, 1894. (195) 196 REGULATIONS OF 1894. CHAPTER 3. A REGULATION RELATIVE TO PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Be it ordered hy the Board of Aldermen of Boston, as fol- lows : R. Reg. 1892, Section 1. Chapter three of the Revised Regulations of 1892 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section, to be numbered section fourteen, namely : LicenscBfor " Sect. 14. Liccuses for sacred concerts on the Lord's sacred concerts. day will be granted on condition that such concerts shall Dropped. consist of vocal or instrumental music with recitations or readings ; and that no dancing or representation of plays or scenes from plays shall be allowed ; and that no person taking part in such concerts shall appear in character costume." Approved May 2, 1894. CHAPTER 4. 4,§1. A REGULATION CONCERNING SALARIES OF THE OFFICERS OF SUFFOLK COUNTY JAIL. Be it ordered hy the Board of Aldermen of Boston, as fol- lows : officer °*^*^^ Section 1. Chapter four of the Revised Regulations of increased. 1892 is hereby amended in section two, by striking out the C.4, §^. ' word "seventeen," in the second line of said section, and in- R. Reg. 1898, c. gerting the word "eighteen" in place thereof; by striking out the word "twelve," in the fourth line of said section, and inserting the word " thirteen " in the place thereof ; by striking out the words "eleven hundred," in the fifth line of said section, and inserting the words "twelve hundred and fifty" in place thereof; also by striking out the words "one thou- sand," in the seventh line of said section, and inserting the words "twelve hundred" in place thereof; also by striking out, in the last line of said section, the words " two dollars a day," and inserting the words " one thousand dollars " in place thereof. This regulation, returned by the mayor to the board of aldermen within ten days after its passage, with his objections thereto, was there again passed on July 30, 1894, the objec- tions of the mayor to the contrary notwithstanding, in the mxinner prescribed by law. REGULATIONS OF 1894. ^97 In Board of Aldermen, February 5, 1894. Ordered, That on and after the date of the passage of this Hours for open. order the hours for opening Faneuil hall market and the nLker"' demised premises on all week days, with the exception of^*^-^^^^' legal holidays, shall be as follows : from r.o.'isos, c. 25, December 1 to March 1, at 7.00 o'clock A.M. March 1 to April 1, " 6.30 o'clock A.M. April 1 to May 1, «' 6.00 o'clock A.M. May 1 to September 20, " 5.30 o'clock A.M. September 20 to October 1, '* 6.00 o'clock A.M. October 1 to December 1, " 6.30 o'clock A.M. Approved February 7, 1894. REGULATIONS OF 1895. CHAPTER 1. A REGULATION RELATING TO CONGRESS SQUARE. Be it ordered by the Board of Aldermen of Boston, as follows : Part of Con- Section 1. Sectioii Seventeen of chapter six of the gress square not . , '■ to be used by Rcvised Regulations of 1892, as amended by chapter two of the Regulations of 1893, is hereby further amended by in- serting after thb words " Spring lane," in the next to the last line of said section, as amended, the following words : "or that part of Congress square about ninety feet in length, extending in a southerly direction from State street, and north of the way connecting Congress street and Devon- shire street." Approved May 7, 1895, vehicles. R. Reg., 1892, c. 6, § 17. R. Reg. 1898, c. 6, § 17. CHAPTER 2. A REGULATION CONCERNING SACRED CONCERTS. Be it ordered by the Board of Aldermen of Boston, as follows : Section 1. The regulation amending chapter three of the Revised Regulations of 1892, passed by the board of aldermen, April 30, 1894, and approved by the mayor, May Sacred concerts, g^ JL894, relating to granting licenses for sacred concerts on the Lord's day, is hereby repealed. The foregoing regulation was presented to the mayor, August 14, 1895, and was not returned by him within ten days thereafter. Reg. of 1894, c 3, repealed. R. Reg. 1892, c.3. Dropped. (198) REGULATIONS OF 1896. CHAPTER 1. A REGULATION RELATING TO THE USE OF STREETS BY VEHICLES. Be it ordered hy the Board of Aldermen of Boston, as follows : Chapter six of the Revised Regulations of 1892 is hereby R. Reg. 1892, c. amended in section six by striking out the word " three " in ' the third line of said section, and inserting the word " six " in place thereof, and by adding to said section the following words : '^Provided, Jioicever, that no load the weight whereof ex-Noioadof 1111 -T I'^i-rri J. more than thre« ceeds three tons shall be carried on any vehicle in 1 reraont tons to be car- street, from its iunction with Shawraut avenue to Scollay "^"^ "^'^'^ **»^ , subway until square, during the constiTiction of the subway, except where it is completed. other streets cross said Tremont street." ^ g ^^g^ ^^' Approved July 29, 1896. CHAPTER 2. REGULATION RELATING TO THE USE OF STREETS BY VEHICLES. Be it ordered by the Board of Aldermen of Boston, as follows : Section seventeen of chapter six of the Revised Regula- R- Reg- 1892. c. tions of 1892, as amended by chapter two of the Regulations of 1893, is hereby further amended by insertina; at the end ^^ ' "^ ^ ^ jj-Q pQgi) cart of said section the following words : "Nor shall any person to be used in having the care of any wheelbarrow or hand-cart, except in "lUJ^^^s Aji. accordance with an order of the board of aldermen, stop or a^d 6.30 p.m. R. Reg. 1898, stand m, or occupy any part of, any 01 the streets, ways, c.e, §17. and squares in the city proper north of Massachusetts avenue, for the purpose of hawking, peddling, or selling any goods, wares, or merchandise, fruit or other articles, between the hours of eight o'clock, A.M., and half-past six, P.M. A2)proved September 23, 1896, (199) EEGULATIONS OF 1897. R. Reg. 1892, c. 6, 6 30. Bay windows over streets. R. Reg. 1898, c. 6, § 32. CHAPTER 1. A REGULATION CONCERNING THE PROJECTION OF BAY WINDOWS. Be it ordered hy the Board of Aldermen of Boston, as follows : Chapter six of the Revised Regulations of 1892 is hereby amended by inserting after section thirty the following new section : "Sect. 31. No bay window shall project over a public street in said city when said street is thirty feet or less in width, unless bay windows already exist on said street. No bay window shall project over a public street of thirty feet or more in width more than eighteen inches over said street, unless bay windows already exist on said street, and no bay window shall project more than three feet over a public way." Approved April 22, 1897. Coverings for head in places of public amusement. R. Ri'g. 1892, c. 3, § 10. R. Reg. 1898, c. 3, § 2. CHAPTER 2. A REGULATION RELATING TO THE COVERING OF THE HEAD IN PLACES OF PUBLIC AMUSEMENT. Be it ordered by the Board of Aldermen of Boston, as follows : Section ten of chapter three of the Revised Regulations of 1892 is hereby amended by inserting after the word " amusement," in the second line, the words " nor shall any person be allowed to wear a covering for the head so as to obstruct the view of any person in any such place." The foregoing regulation was presented to the mayor May 25, 1897, and was not returned by him within ten days thereafter. (200) BEGULATIOSS OF 1897. 201 CHAPTER 3. A REGULATION CONCERNING THE USE OF STREETS BY VEHICLES. Be it ordered by the Board of Aldermen of Boston, as follows : Section seventeen of chapter six of the Revised Regula- Pan of con. tions of 1892, as amended by chapter two of the Regulations ZTe7Z'hr' of 1893 and by chapter one of the Regulations of 1895, is veWcies. hereby further amended by inserting, after the words "Dev- 6,§i7. onshire street" where they last occur in said section, the ^" ^^" ^*®'' •^ ' c. 6, § 17. following words : " or that part of Congress square extending easterly from Devonshire street and lying between the Phoenix and Brazer Buildings, so called." Approved October 13^ 1897. CHAPTER 4. A REGULATION CONCERNING STREETS AND THEIR USES. Be it ordered by the Board of Aldermen of Boston, as follows : Chapter five of the Revised Regulations of 1892 is hereby Penniufor amended by adding the following section : ^^uiu. ''Sect. 3. No permit or permits for the opening of any R- Reg-i892, c. 5, street for the laying of pipes or conduits for a distance of r. Reg. i898, more than five hundred (500) lineal feet shall be issued in *'• ^' ^ ^ any calendar year to any person, without the perhiission of the board of aldermen." Approved October 21, 1897. TABLES OF CHANGES THE CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892 AND THE REVISED REGULATIONS OF 1892 WILL BE FOUND UNCHANGED IN THE CORRESPONDING CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1898 AND THE REVISED REGU- LATIONS OF 1898, EXCEPT AS HEREINAFTER SPECIFIED; AND THE CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS OF THE ORDINANCES AND THE REGU- LATIONS PASSED BETWEEN THE PASSAGE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892 AND THE PASSAGE OF THE REVISED ORDI- NANCES OF 1898 WILL BE FOUND AS HEREIN API ER SPECIFIED. ORDINANCES. Where found in Chapters and Sections of Revised Ordinances Revised Ordinances of 1892. ' of 1898. ch. 1 . . . ch. 1. § 1 §1. § 2 § 2. § 3 . . Amended § 3. § 4 . . Amended § 4. § 5 § 5. § 6 . . Amended § 6. § 7 . . Amended § 7. § 8 . . Dropped § 9 . . Amended § 8. ch. 2 . . . ch. 2. § 1. . Amended eh. 2, § 1, ch. 3, § 1. St. 1892, c. 419 ; 1894, c. 454 ; 1895, c. 449 ; 1897, c. 375, 395; Ord. 1895, c. 5; 1896, c. 4, § 1 ; 1897, c. 2; 1898, c. 1 § 2 . . Amended ch. 2, § 2. § 3 . . Amended § 3. § 4 . . Amended § 4. §§ 5, 6 . Amended ' . §5. § 7 . . Amended. Ord. 1895, c. 4 § 6. § 8 §§ 4, 8. § 9 §9. § 10 . . Amended § 10. ch. 3 . . . ch. 3. § 1 . . Amended § 1. § 2 . . Amended. St. 1895, 449 §§ 2, 3. § 3 . . Amended § 4. 204 CHANGES IN TUE ORDINANCES OF 1892. Chapters and Sections of Revised OrdinaDces of 1892. ■yrhere found in Revised Ordinances of 1898. ch. 3, 4,5 6. § 7 § 8 § 9 §10 §11 §12 §13 § 14 §15 §16 §17 §18 §19 §20 §21 §22 §23 §25 ch. 4 . ch. 5 . ch. 6, § § § § § ch. 7, § 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 6 § 6 § 7 § 8 § 9 §10 ch, 8, § 1 § § 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6,7 ch. 9 § 1 . § a. Amended . . . Amended. Sts. 1894, c. 454 ; 1895, c. 449 ; 1897, cc. 395, 441; Ord. 1892, c. 11; 1894, cc. 5, 8, 9; 1895, cc 1, 3, 8; 1896, c. 4, § 2. St. 1896, c. 410 . Amended Amended. Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended. Amended Amended Amended Repealed. Annulled. Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Dropped Dropped Amended Dropped Amended Dropped Ord. 1893, c Ord. 1897, Ord. 1892, St 1895, c. c. 11 449, § 22 ch. 3, § 2. §5, 7,8. ch. 7, ch. 3, § 6. §8. §9. §12. §10. §§ 13,25. §11. §14. § 15. § 16. §17. §18. §19. §20. §21. §24. §23. §12. ch. 6, § ch. 6, § § § § § § ch. 3, § 22. ch. 6, § 1. § 7. ch. 11, § § §3. §4. ch. 12. §1. CHANGES IN THE ORDINANCES OF .1892. 205 Chapters and Sections of Revised Ordinances of 1892. Ch. 10 . ch. 11 § § § § § ch. 13 . ch. 14 . ch. 12 ch. 15 ch. 16 . § § § ch. 17 . ch. 18 . ch. 19 . ch. 20 . § § ch. 21 § 1 ch. 22 1 2 3 4-10 Amended Amended Amended Amended. Annulled. Amended. Amended. Amended Amended. Amended. Dropped Amended Annulled. St Annulled. St Title changed Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended See § 2 . St. 1893, 449 St. 1895, 449 (St. 1895, c. 449 St. 1894, c. 454 See Ord. 1898, c Ord. 1893, c. 6 1895, c. 449 1895, 449 11.) Where found in Revised Ordinances of 1898. ch. 13. §1- §2. §3. §4. ch. 14. ch. 16. §1. §2. §3. §6. §1. §2. ch. 17. ch. 18. §1. §2. §3. §*. §5- §6. §1. 1,2. §2. §3. §4- ch. 19. §4. §2. §3. ch. 8. ch. 41. §1 §2. §3. 4-10. ch. 22. ch. 23. §1. §1. 2,3. §3. §2. 208 CHANGES IN THE ORDINANCES OF 1892. Chapters and Sections of Revised Ordinances of 1892. Ch. 22 § 6 ch. 23 . § 1 § 2 ch. 24 . § 1 § 2 § 3 § i § 6 § 6 ch. 25 . § 1 § 2 § 3 § * ch. 26 . § 1 § 2 § 3 ch. 27 . § 1 ch. 28 . § 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 5 ch. 29 . § 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 5 § 6 § 7 § 9 ch. 80 . ch. 31 . ch. 82 § 1 § 2 ch. 83 . cb. 84 § 1 § 2 § 1 Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended. St Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended 1897, 375 Amended. (See St. 1894, 378.) Amended. Ord. 1898, c. ( Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended. Ord. 1896, c. 2 Amended Amended Amended Dropped. Sts. 1897, cc. 95, 395 10, 19, 20, 21, 29, 30, 36.) Title changed Amended. St. 1895, 449, 502 Amended. St. 1892, c, 314 . Title changed Amended. Ord. 1896, c. 4, § 8 451 (S Where found In Revised Ordinances of 1898. ch. 23, § 4. ch. 24. §1. §2. ch. 25. §1. ch. 1, § 4. §2. §3. §2. § 1. ch. 9. §1- ch. 3, § 22. ch. 9, § 2. §3. ch. 27. §1. §2. §3. ch.28. §1. ch. 31. §1. §2. §3. §4- §6. ch. 32. §1. §2. §3. §8. §4. §5. §6. §7. §9. ch. 83. ee new cc ch. 15. §1- §2. ch. 34. §§ 1, 2. ch. 48. §1. CHANGES IN THE ORDINANCES OF 1892. 207 Chapters and Sections of Revised Ordinances of 1892. ch.34,§§2, 3 ch. 35 . § § § ch. 36 . § 1 § 3 § 4 § 5 § 6 § 7 § 8 § 9 §10 §11 §12 § 13 §14 § 15 § 16 § 17 § 18 § 19 §20 §21 ch. 37 . § § ch. 38 . ch. 39 . § § § § § § § § ch. 40 . ch. 41 . ch. 42 . § § § § 4 Amended Amended Amended 402; 13, 1895 §1 449, Amended. St. 189 1892, cc. 1, 13 Amended Amended Amended. Ord. 1892, c Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended. St. 1892. 402 Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended. Ord. 1892, c Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Annulled. St. 1895, 449 Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Amended Changed to conform to St. 1895, cc. 449, 488 494; Eegulations Amended Amended Where found in Revised Ordinances of 1898. ch. 43, §§ 2, 3. Ord ch. 35. ch. 38. ch. 39. §1. §2. §3. §4. §1- §3. §3. §4. §6. §6. §7. §8. §9. §10. §11. §12. §13. §14. §15. §16. §17. §18. §19. §20. §21. §1. §2. ch. 40. §1. §2. §8. §4. §6. §7. §1. §8. ch, 42. ch. 42. ch. 45. 208 CHANGES IN THE ORDINANCES OF 1892. Chapters and Sections of Revised Ordinances of 1892. Where found in Revised Ordinances of 1898. ch.42, § 5 . ch. 45, § 6. §§ 6-12 . Amended . §§ 7-22. §13 . . . § 23, 24. §14 . . Amended. Ord. 1894, c. 3 . §25. § 15 . . . ch. 3,§ l,ch. 45, §26. §§ 16-29 . Annulled. St. 1892, c. 419, § ^20- -134 . §30 . . Amended . §27. §31 . Amended . §28. §§32-38 . Amended. St. 1892, c. 419 § 29-38. §39 . . . . §39. §40 . . . §§ 40, 41. §41 . . . ch. 45, § 42. §§ 42-44 . . §§ 43-45. ch. 43 . Prohibitions and penalties ch.47. §§1-5 . . §§ 1-5. § 6 . . Amended . §6. § 7 . . . . §7. § 8 . . Amended . §8. §§ 9-17 . . . §§ 9-17. § 18 . . . §18. §§ 19-24 . . . §§ 19-24. § 25 . . . . §26. §26 . Dropped . §§ 27, 28 . . §§ 27, 28. §29 . . . . §§ 25, 29. § 30 . . . §30. §31 . Amended. Ord. 1893, c. 5 . §31. §82 . Amended . §32. §83 . . . §33. §34 , Amended. Ord. 1896, c. 1 §34. §35 . Amended . §35. §36 . . .. §36. §37 . . • §38. §38 . . . §37. § 39 . Amended : §39. §40 . . . §40. §41 . Amended . §41. §§ 42-46 . . . §§ 42-46. §47 . Amended . §47. §48 . . . §48. §49 . Amended. Ord. 1892, c. 12 §49. §§50,51 . . . §§ 50, 51. §52 . . . §62. §§ 53, 54 . . . §§ 5.1, 54. § ''S . Amended. Reg. 1894, c. 2 §55. . §56 . Amended. Ord, 1896, c. 6 §56. §67 . Amended . §57. §58 . . . 58. §69 . Amended. Ord. 1898, cc. 1, 8 §59. CHANGES IN THE ORDINANCES OF 1892. 209 Chapters and Sections of Revised Ordinances of 1892. Where found in Revised Ordinances of 1898. ch.43,§§ 60- -62 . (See new ch. 25, §1) . . . . . . ch. 47, §§ 60, 61. §63. (See ch. 25 .§1) § 62. §04 . Amended • §§ 63, 65. §66 . Amended . . §64. §§66, 67 Amended . §§ 66, 67. §68 . Amended §68. §§69- -70 . . §§69-70. §71 . Amended . • . § 71. § 72 . . § 72. §73 . . § 73. §§74- -81 Amended . . §§74-81. §§82- -83 . . . . ch. 47, §§ 82-83. §84 . , . § 84. §85 . § 85. §86 . Amended. Ord. 1892, c. 4 . § 86. §§87- -89 . §§87-89. §90 . Amended . . .. . §90. §91 . Amended . §91. §92 . Amended . §92. §93 . Amended . §93, §94 . §94. §95 . Amended §95. §§ 96-98 . . . §§96-98. §99 . . § 100. §100 Amended § 101. §101 § 102. §102 . . § 103. §103 . . § 105. Ordinances of 1892. ch. 1 . . . . ch. 38, § 15. Ch. 2 . Dropped. See note, page 163. ch. 3 . . . ch. 47, § 99. ch. 4 . Amended. R. . 1892, c. 43, § 86. ch. 5 . Amended. St. 1895, c. 449, § 9. See . . ch. 3, § 5. ch. 6 . . . ch. 45, §§ 7-17. ch. 7 . Amended. St. 1895, c. 449, § 12 , . ch. 3, § 5. ch. 8 . . . ch. 47, § 39. ch. 9 . Amended. Ord. of 1892, ch. 10 . . ch. 3, § 26. ch. 10 . . ch. 3, § 26. ch. 12 . . . . ch. 47, § 39- ch. 11 . . . . ch. 34. ch. 13, § 1 . . . . . ch. 38, § 4. §2 . . . . ch. 47, § 104. ch. 14 . Dropped. Ordinances of 1893. ch. 1 . Repealed. Ord. 1893, c. 4. ch. 2 . Dropped. See St. 1898, c. 548, § 76. ch. 3 . Dropped. ch. 4 . Repeals Ord. 1893, c. 1. 210 CHANGES IN THE REGULATIONS OF 1892. Ordinances of 1893. ch. 5 . ch. 6 . Ordinances ot 1894. ch. 1 . . ch. 2 . ch. 3 . ch. 4 . ch. 5 . ch. 6 . ch. 7 . ch. 8 . ch. 9 . Ordinances of 1895. ch. 1 . ch. 2 . ch. 3 . ch. 4 . ch. 5 . ch. 6 . ch. 7 . ch. 8 . Ordinances of 1896. Ch. 1 . ch. 2 . ch. 3 . ch. 4, § 1 . §2 . . §3 . . ch. 5 . Ordinances of 1897. ch. 1 . ch. 2 . Ordinances of 1898. ch. 1, § 2 . ch. 2 . ch. 3 . ch. 4 . ch. 6 . ch. 6 . ch. 7 . ch. 8 . Dropped See Amended. Ord. 1895, c St. 1898, See c. 496, § 22 Amended. Ord. 1898, c Amended. Ord. 1898, c REGULATIONS. Chapters and Sections of Revised Regulations of 1892. ch. 1, § 1 . Amended §2 . . §3 . Amended §4 . . ch. 2, § 1 . Where found in Revised Ordinances' of 1898. . ch. 47, §31. ch. 18, §2. . ch. 42 §4- . ch. 3, § 10. . ch. 45, §25. c h. 10, §§ 2, 3. ch. 3 §5. ch. 12 §1. ch. 32 §8- . ch. 3 §5. . ch. 3 §5. . ch. 3, §5. ch .46. . ch. 3 §5. ch. 2, §7. ch. 2, §1- . ch. 47, §56. ch. 12, §1- ch. 3 §5. ch. 47, ^34. ch. 32, §4. ch. 3, §26. ch. 2, §1^ ch. 2, §1- ch. 43, §1- ch. 14, §5 ch. 3, M9. ch. 37, §1- ch. 7. . ch. 37 §2. . ch. 3, § 12 ch. 45, §38. ch . 26. . ch. 31, §2. . ch. 47, §59. ch. 7 §1- Where found in Revised Regulations of 1898. . ch. 1, §1- §2. §3. §4. . ch. 2, §1. CHANGES IN THE REGULATIONS OF 1892. 211 Chapters and Sections of Revised Regnlations of 1892. ch. 2, § 2 . . §3 . Amended ch. 3, § 1 . Amended . §2 . Amended §§ 3-13 Included in ch. 4, § 1 . Dropped R. 0. 1898, c. 3, § 5 §2 . Amended §3 . Dropped, St. 1894, c. 453. §4 . Dropped, St. 1895, c. 449. §5 . §6 . Amended §§ 7, 8, §9 . Amended § 10 . Amended §11 • . ch. 6, § 1 . . §2 . . ch. 6, § 1 . . §2 . . §3 . . §* • . §5 . §6 . Amended §7 . §8 . . §9 . . §10 . . §11 . . §12 . §13 . . §14 . Amended §15 . §16 . §17 . Amended §18 . . §19 . . §20 . §21 . Amended §22 . . §23 . . §24 . §25 . . §26 . . §27 . . §28 . . §29 . ■ §30 . . §31 . . ch ch Where found in Revised Regulaiions of 1898. ch. 2, § 2. §§ 2, 3. ch. 3, § 1. §2. §2. ch. 4, § 1. §3. §4. §4- §6. §7. §5. 5, §1. §3. 6, § 1. §2. §3. §4- §5. §6. §7. §8. §9. §10. §10. §12. § 13. §§ 7, 14. §15. §16. §17. §18. §29. §30. §19. §20. §21. §22. §23. §24. §26. §26. §27. §28. §34. 212 CHANGES IN THE EEGULATIONS OF 1892. Regulations of 1892. Ch. 1 . Regulations of ch. 1 . ch. 2 . Regulations of ch. 1 . ch. 2 . ch. 3 . ch. 4 . Regulations of ch. 1 . ch. 2 . Regulations of ch. 1 . ch. 2 . Regulations of ch. 1 . ch. 2 . ch. 3 . ch. 4 . 1895 Amended. Reg. 1895, c. 1 ; 1896, c. 2 ; 1897, c. 3 Repealed. Reg. 1895, c. 2. Repeals Reg. 1894, c. 3. Amended. Reg. 1897, c. 3 . Amended Where found in Revised Regulations of 1898. ch. 3, § 2. ch. 4, § 2. ch. 6, § 17. ch. 6, § 31. ch. 6, § 33. ch. 4, § 1. ch. 6, § 17. ch. 6, § 6. ch. 6, § 17. ch. 6, § 32. ch. 3, § 2. ch. 6, § 17. ch.5, §2. INDEX INDEX. A. PAGE ABATEMENTS of taxes, records of to be kept by assessing department ..... 22 to be certified to city auditor 22 may be made by street commissioners, if refused by assessors . . 84 street commissioners to notify assessors of ...... 84 of water rates, to be made by water commissioner when improperly assessed, 91 water commissioner to include number and amount of, in his annual report ............ 94 ABSENCE leave of, may be granted by mayor without loss of pay .... 16 ACCEPTANCE of oflBce, statement of, to be subscribed in a book kept by city clerk . 12, 33 ACCOUNTS of money due to the city for articles sold, etc., how kept .... 17 of weighers of hay, etc. ........... 104 ACTS done, not affected by revised ordinances ........ 3 nor by revised regulations . . ....... 143 ALDERMEN, board of city clerk to attend the meetings of ........ 33 to keep records of meetings of ........ 38 to publish regulations of, within ten days after passage ... 33 to keep copy of last revision of regulations of, with amendments . 33 assistant city clerk to act as clerk of, in absence of city clerk ... 34 appointments subject to confirmation by city auditor ............ 8 city collector ............ 8 city engineer 8 city registrar 8 city solicitor ............ 8 city treasurer ........... 8 corporation counsel .......... 8 sealer and ten deputy sealers of weights and measures ... 8 soldiers' relief commissioner ........ 8 superintendent of lamps ......... 8 superintendent of markets 8 superintendent of printing . 8 superintendent of public buildings ....... 8 superintendent of public grounds . 8 216 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. ALDERMEN, board of, continued. superintendent of streets weighers of vessels and ballast . . , three assessors . . . . . building commissioner .... one health commissioner four overseers of the poor one park commissioner .... two sinking-funds commissioners . wire commissioner .... , one city hospital trustee one cemetery trustee .... one music trustee ..... one public library trustee one statistics trustee .... bath trustees ...... inspector of petroleum and its products measurers of wood and bark surveyors of marble, soapstone, and freestone officer to have charge of insane for unexpired term .... certain rooms in city hall under control of powers with regard to apartments under its control salary of members of board of . . . city messenger to attend all meetings of . licenses and badges to minors to be issued as directed by city engineer to make surveys, etc., required by -,_may authorize issuing of licenses for business liable to cause fire — %)oard of health to exercise powers possessed by, relative to public ■superintendent of lamps to perform duties under orders of corporation counsel to furnish legal opinions upon questions submitted by or by four members of . -Jessees of market stalls to comply with regulations and orders of ~- market premises to be opened and closed at such hours as may be ordered by -superintendent of public buildings to report need of repairs on armories to perform appropriate duties devolved upon him by vote of to permit use of Faneuil Hall when authorized by su_perintendent of public grounds to carry out certain directions of, as to may direct soldiers' relief commissioner, how ..... care, etc., of portiQUs of Harvard and Prison-point bridges under charge may authorize permits to open, etc., streets to place coal-holes, etc. may issue permits for moving buildings in streets .... public hearing on application for such permit, when may allow removing, etc., of trees, to facilitate moving buildings . may grant permits to lay and maintain wires, tracks, etc., in streets may grant permits to place and maintain poles in streets poles to be removed when ordered by ..... . making of opening, etc., in streets subject to control of . coal-holes and other excavations subject to control of . . commissioner of wires to report to, on locations for poles for wires health trees of 9 9 9 9 9 9 98 105 150 150, 194 9 7 r u 3& 4a 41 43 4a 49 4^ 53 54 64 64 66 68 72 74. 79 80 80 157 80 81 81 82 82 9& INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 217 repealed ALDERMEN, board of, continued. may grant license to manufacture, etc., petroleum, camphene, etc also gunpowder, fireworks, etc. ...... for stands to sell hay, etc., and measuring, etc., wood and bark powers, etc., relative to gunpowder delegated to fire commissioner licenses for sale, etc., of explosive compounds .... may grant for magazines for storage of explosive compounds public hearing b)', on application to manufacture explosive compounds to erect and furnish public scales for weighing of hay, etc. books of weighers of hay to be open to inspection of . . . shops and books of junk dealers, etc., examination by members of streets for coasting to be designated by ..... . may permit signs to be inserted in sidewalk or projections into or over streets hours for business within Faneuil Hall market limits may be prescribed by may restrain sales by minors of certain articles .... hay, etc., not to be sold in street except in accordance with order of decorations in Faneuil Hall to be in accordance with order of revised regulations of. See Revised Regulation's of 1898 regulations of, existing previously to Revised Regulations of 1898, publication of .... . penalty for violation of ... minors' licenses to be granted by . public amusements, licenses for, to be granted by may enter and inspect places of . public officers, salaries and appointment . permits for use of streets subject to control of may order excavations under sidewalks closed peddling from vehicles without permit from . prohibitions and penalties ordinances ...... revised regulations .... ALLEYS, to be included in the word " streets " ALMSHOUSES, city pauper institutions trustees to have charge of . AMMUNITION of which any fulminate is a part, not to be sold to children AMUSEMENTS public, licenses for, how granted . . . fees for licenses ....... obstructing head covering not to be worn in places of aldermen may enter and inspect places of licensee not to use objectionable posters or placards automatic skylights over stage exits to be marked gas-piping in places of . automatic sprinklers in places of . stand-pipes, hose, etc., in places of detail of firemen for places of detail of police for places of preservation of order in places of 97 9T 97 9& 101 101 101 104 104 109, 110 129 131 133 13a 136 138 143 143 143 159 145 147 148 150, 194 152 152 155, 156 125-139 143-159 3-4, 144 59 . 137 . 147 . 147 148, 200 . 148 147, 193 . 148 . 14» . 149 . 149 . 148 . 148 . 148 . 148. 218 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. PAGE AMUSEMENTS, continued. for sacred concerts 196 repealed 198 ANIMALS grazing, not to be allowed to feed or go at large in the streets . . 110, 130 not to be driven faster than seven miles an hour, except .... 128 not to be suffered to go at large on public grounds . . • . . . , 133 speed of, on driveway of Chestnut-hill reservoir ...... 134 not to be tied to tree, etc., on Chestnut-hill reservoir grounds . . . 134 substance, decayed, not to be brought into city, except 125 cleaning of, in streets, prohibited ......... 129 baiting of, in streets, prohibited, except 130 not to be tied to trees, etc., in streets . . 130 attached to trucks, carts, etc., to be driven at moderate foot-pace . . . 153 not to come within ten feet of other vehicle at crossings . . . 154 driving of, around corner of street ......... 154 driving without bell attached, when snow and ice on street, forbidden . . 155 driving of, over drawbridges .......... 154 attached to street-railway cars, space from vehicles, etc., in front . . . 156 APPOINTMENTS of officers by mayor. See Mayor. record of, to be kept by city clerk ......... 33 APPROPRIATIONS required, before expenditure made or liability incurred . . . . . 19 detailed statement of, to be annually furnished mayor ..... 19 auditor to report to mayor when expenditures exceed proper ratio of . . 24 when deficient, report to be made to the mayor ...... 24 annual and monthly statements of city auditor in regard to .... 26 transfers of, for printing, and for divisions of street department ... 26 transfers for electrical work .......... 26 on account of sinking-funds .......... 70 ARMORIES superintendent of public buildings to have charge of property in . . . 64 to report to board of aldermen when repairs are necessary ... 64 ARNOLD ARBORETUM under charge of park commissioners . . . . . . . . 58 ARROW shooting with bow and, forbidden in streets 129 ART DEPARTMENT art commissioners to have charge of 21 works of art offered to, or executed for, the city to be approved by . 21 to contract for, for city 21 not to be located, relocated, etc., without approval of . . . . 21 ASHES to be removed by superintendent of streets ....... 74 not to be mingled with house-offal . . . . . . . . .126 how kept 127 to be placed so as to be easily removed 127 ASSESSING DEPARTMENT board of assessors to have charge of 22 appointment and term of office 8 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 219 FAGB ASSESSING DEPARTMENT, board of assessors, continued. salaries ,...<........ 14 subordinates ............ 22 assistant appointment 22 secretary . ........... 22 record of abatement of taxes to be rendered to city auditor by . .22 recorded in oflSce of ......... 22 tax-bills to be made out by 22 delivered to city collector by 22 recorded by 22 records of tax-bills to be delivered to city collector by ... 22 statement of amount of tax-bills to be rendered to city auditor by . 22 monthly statement of additional or supplementary assessments by . 22 annual report of valuations and abatements of five preceding years . 23 record of abatements made by street commissioners to be transmitted to, 84 See Officeks and Boards. Taxes. ASSESSMENTS of taxes. See Taxes- of water-rates. See Water-kates. for constructing sewers, how made and recorded ...... 76 bills for, in relation to sewers, to be delivered to city collector ... 76 for entering drain into sewer from land not previously assessed, how made . 79 ASSESSORS. See Assessing Department. ASSIGNMENT OF WAGES officers and boards to prevent . .16 ASSISTANT ASSESSORS 22 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 34 ASSISTANT CLERK OF COMMITTEES 36 ASSISTANT PORT PHYSICIAN AT QUARANTINE 44 ASSISTANT WEIGHERS AND INSPECTORS OF VESSELS AND BAL- LAST 8, 88 ASSISTANTS included in term " subordinates " 4,144 AUDITING DEPARTMENT city auditor to have charge of . 24 appointment and term of office 8 bond of .... .13 salary of ..... • 14 powers and duties of 24 bills to be sent to by fifteenth of each month . . . . 18, 186 to have custody of notes, securities, etc. ...... 24 shall deliver draft to treasurer for bonds, executions, and interest . 25 * to have the custody of all bonds given by the city officers, except . 24 to notify mayor of expiration or impairment of bonds .... 24 shall sign drafts for payments ........ 24 may issue special drafts ......... 25 to keep books stating the amount of appropriations and expenditures . 24 shall cause accounts of departments to be examined .... 24 shall give notice when appropriation has been expended ... 24 220 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. AUDITING DEPARTMENT, city auditor, continued. shall have custody of paid bonds and coupons 24 shall direct to treasurer drafts for payment of money . . . . 24 to see that bills, etc., have been duly incurred 25 and appropriations made for their payment ...... 25 shall examine and approve pay-rolls ...... .25 shall approve payments to employees leaving service of city . . 25 to report excess of expenditures over proper monthly ratio ... 24 to make monthly reports to mayor ....... 26 to place his approval on bills approved, and enter same in a book . 25 certificates of indebtedness to be signed by and registered in office of . 24 statement of amount of tax-bills to be delivered to .... 22 to give order on treasurer for payment of bills on the first of each month, 25 transfer of amounts allowed for printing ...... 26 transfer of amounts allowed for electrical work ..... 26 shall charge expenses for claims or suits to the several departments . 26 transfer of appropriations between divisions of street department . 26 may be elected and serve as secretary to commissioners of sinking-funds, 24 annual report of, to include statement of receipts and expenditures, etc., 26 See Officers and Boards. AUDITOR city. See Auditing Department. of the county of Suffolk, salary of 14 AWNINGS permits for, to be issued by superintendent of streets 131 BACK BAY FENS under charge of park commissioners BALLAST officers contracting for, to require it to be weighed, etc bill for, to be accompanied by certificate of weigher to be inspected by inspectors of vessels and . BARK assignment of stands for sale of wood and applications for licenses for such stands . sale of, in streets . . .... measurers of wood and, appointment and duties fees for measuring ...... BATH DEPARTMENT established ....... bath trustees to have charge of . . . appointment and term of office to have charge of bath-houses, gymnasia, urinals, etc. to construct new bath-houses, urinals, etc. . BATHING swimming, etc., in waters surrounding city prohibited, except BAY WINDOWS projection over streets limited BEANS may be sold in the pod 58 17 17 88 97 97 136 105 151 188 28 9 28, l88, 192 28 132, 191 158, 200 125 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 221 PAGE BELLS ringing of, suspended in certain cases 126 in streets prohibited .......... 130 to be attached to horses, etc., in streets, when snow is on the ground . . 166 BETTERMENTS to be paid into sinking-fund by treasurer ....... 86 BILLS for ballast, etc., to be accompanied by certificate ...... 17 departments to send alphabetical lists of, by wards, to city collector . . 18 a list of bills against and due the city to be sent monthly to city auditor, 18, 186 against the city, how examined ......... 25 for printing, stationery, etc., how charged by auditor . . . . . 26 against divisions of street department ........ 26 for electrical work ............ 26 for taxes, duties of assessors , 22, 23 corporation counsel to audit certain ........ 50 for the use of water committed to the city collector ..... 91 standing regulations for use of water to be printed on certain ... 92 BIRTHS city registrar to have custody of records of ..... . 69, 170 to submit in his annual report a statement of .... 69, 170 to complete records of, prior to 1849 ...... 69, 170 BITUMINOUS COAL use of, to generate steam in boilers, without smoke consumer, prohibited, 138, 164 BOARD OF Art Commissioners. See Art Department. Assessors. See Assessing Department. Bath Trustees. See Bath Department. Cemetery Trustees. See Cemetery Department. Children's Institutions Department. See Trostees for Children. Commissioners of Sinking-funds. See Sinking-funds Dbpartment. Election Commissioners. See Election Department. Health. See Health Department. Insane Hospital Trustees. See Insane Hospital Department. Music Trustees. See Music Department. Overseers of the Poor. See Overseeing of the Poor Department. Park Commissioners. See Park Department. Pauper Institutions Trustees. See Pauper Institutions Department. Statistics Trustees. See Statistics Department. Street Commissioners. See Street Laying-Out Department. Trustees of City Hospital. See Hospital Department. Trustees of Public Library. See Library Department. BOARDS. See Officers and Boards. BONDS to be given by certain city officers . 12 release of sureties on 10,181 condition of . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 sureties ............. 12 approval, execution, and delivery of .12 penal sums of 13 222 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. etc BONDS, continued. new, when to be given . . custody of .... . premium on, how paid . to be given by persons appointed to collect tolls on the ferrie penal sums of .... . to be given by certain officers to city treasurer penal sums of . . to be given by certain officers to city collector penal sums of .... . surety company to be surety, except premiums allowed as expense of department . expiration of, mayor to be notified . surety on, mayor to be notified of insolvency or disability of city auditor to be custodian of, payable to the city . city, to be paid and cancelled by city treasurer and transmitted to of persons licensed to use or open streets for certain purposes BONFIRES not to be made in the streets without a permit BOOKS documents and pamphlets, city messenger to have care, etc. , of BOOTHS not to be erected on common or public grounds without a permit, etc BOW shooting with, forbidden in streets . BRICK-KILNS not to be erected, etc., without a license, etc. BRIDGES city engineer to supervise all repairs on , repairs on, how made .... passage of vessels through, regulated superintendent of streets to have charge of draw-tenders, appointments of by to act as commissioner of certain bridges to Cambridge annual report of, to include details of use of bridges injury to, prohibited . . draws of, not to be opened unnecessarily passage of, not to be obstructed . driving over regulated . vessels, etc., not to be made fast to, etc. not to pass through draw without consent of draw-tender BRINE street-railway tracks not to be washed with, except BUILDING DEPARTMENT building commissioner to have charge of appointment and term of office salary ...... powers and duties .... to keep register of plumbers to issue permits for and inspect plumbing work auditor 12, 181 12 12 13 13 85 85 37 37 12 12 24 24 24 86 81 131, 137 36 133 129 137 40, 75 75 75, 163 74 75 75 83 131 131 131 154 131 131 167 8 14 29 29 29 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 223 FAGB BUILDING DEPARTMENT, building commissioner, continued. may appoint twenty-four inspectors ....... 2^ wooden buildings, erection, etc., outside building limits . . 106-109 notice of intention to erect, alter, etc., buildings to be given to . . 106 erection or alteration of, without permit, prohibited .... 138 See Officers and Boards. \ BUILDING LIMITS established 106- restrictions upon the erection, etc., of wooden buildings outside . 106-109, 190^ BUILDINGS numbering of .......... "6, 138, 171, 172 limits within which they must conform to St. 1892, c. 4r 1 9 .... 105 restrictions upon the erection, etc , of wooden, outside building limits, 106-109, 190 placards, etc., not to be aflBxed to, without permission, etc 135 moving, in streets ............ 80 application for, to be made to superintendent of streets ... 80 to be accompanied with written consent of building commissioner . 80 public hearing by board of aldermen, if it will obstruct railroad . . 80 bond of three thousand dollars to be given by building-mover . . 81 regulations relative to ......... . 157 shade trees, fire-alarm wires, etc., or street lamps not to be removed, except ........... 157, 158 public, supervision of ........••• 64 repairs in 64 not to be sold, except by order of the city council .... 84 city hall. See City Hall. BURIAL-GROUNDS ^ certain, to be in charge of the cemetery trustees 30- cemetery trustees may sell burial-rights, etc., in certain .... 30 graves in, not to be dug except with permission of the board of health . . 127 BURIALS to be under supervision of the board of health . . . . . .43 depth of graves ............ 127 to be between sunrise and sunset . . ....... 127 bodies not to be disturbed, except ......... 127 graves, etc., not to be opened, except ........ 127 graves not to be dug, except by permission of board of health . . . 127 BURNING-FLUID parties desiring to manufacture, etc., to apply for license .... 97 board of aldermen may order issue of license for ...... 97 fee for license to manufacture, etc. ........ 97 license to manufacture to contain names, etc. ....... 97 not to be manufactured, etc., in certain places within city .... 98 manufacture, etc., of, prohibited, except ....... 136 BUTTER sale of, regulated within market limits . 132 BY-LAWS to be denominated ordinances 3- enacting style 3^ 224 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. PAGK o. CAMPHENE proceedings on application for license to sell or store 97 board of aldermen may order a license to issue for the sale or storage of . 97 fee for license ..... ....... 97 manufacture, etc., of, prohibited, except 136 CANOPIES in streets, prohibited, except by permit from superintendent of streets . . 131 CAPS, etc. explosion of, in streets, prohibited 137 CARPETS not to be shaken or cleaned in streets 129 CARRIAGES. See Vehicles. CARTRIDGES, etc. not to be sold to children tinder sixteen years of age without, etc. . . . 137 CARTS. See Vehicles. CATCH-BASINS to be kept clean and in good condition and repair by superintendent of streets, 74 steam, etc. , not to be discharged into ....... 128, 175 €ATTLE provisions relative to driving, through streets . 130 See Cows. Goats. Sheep. Swine. CAUCUS use of ward-room on day designated for, by organized political body . . 66 officers, etc., of city not to be officers of, except .... 20, 169, 184 €ELLARS entrances to be guarded by 82,83, 131 maintenance of, to be considered agreement to indemnify city ... 82 in Faneuil Hall market, how leased 52 CEMETERY DEPARTMENT cemetery trustees to have charge of ........ 30 appointment and term of office ........ 9 powers and duties ........... 30 to have charge of cemeteries owned or in charge of city . . . 30 to set apart portion of Mt. Hope cemetery as a public burial ground . 30 to enclose and lay out lots in cemeteries ...... 30 to determine payments for lots 30 to make rules and regulations 30 to convey rights of burial, etc. ........ 30 restrictions on rights of burial ........ 30 may make agreements for perpetual care of lots . . . . . 31 secretary, bond .13 CERTIFICATES of city indebtedness, how signed ........ 10, 24, 85 to be issued to persons serving seven years in fire department ... 42 of weighing and inspection of vessels and ballast . . . . . . 89 bills for purchase of ballast, etc., shall be accompanied by . . . . 17 of weighing hay, etc. ........... 104 by surveyors of marble, soapstone, and freestone . . ... 150 CESSPOOLS. See Drains. INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 225 FAGK CHANGES IN ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS table of 203 CHARITY BL^LDING overseers of the poor to hare charge of ........ 56 may make rules, etc , concerning use of ...... 56 to determine proportion of current expenses paid by occupants . . 66 subject to direction of city council in relation to . . . . . 56 CHARLESBANK under charge of park commissioners 58 CHARLESTOWN HEIGHTS under charge of park commissioners .58 CHARLESTOWN PLAYGROUND under charge of park commissioners 58 CHECKS for payment of money out of the treasury, form of, etc. .... 10, 25 CHESTNUT-HILL RESERVOIR GROUNDS. driving vehicles for conveyance of burdens, prohibited 134 throwing filth or committing nuisance, prohibited ...... 134 funerals not to pass on driveway of ........ 134 fast driving on driveway of, prohibited ........ 134 trees, etc., on grounds of, not to be injured ....... 134 gravel, etc., on grounds of, not to be dug or carried away .... 134 climbing, or tying horses to trees on grounds of, prohibited .... 134 posting bills, etc., within grounds of, prohibited ...... 135 CHILDREN'S INSTITUTIONS DEPARTMENT trustees for children to have charge of ........ 32 appointment and term of office 9 general powers and duties 32 to have charge of Rainsf ord island . 32 to have charge of house of reformation at Rainsford island . . 32 to have charge of parental school . . . . . . .32 to have charge of Marcella-street home 32 to purchase fuel and supplies ........ 32 annual report 32 CITY AUDITOR. See Auditing Department. CITY BOARDS. See Officers and Boards. CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT city clerk to have charge of.. 33 bond 13 salary 14 to keep record of elections, etc., of officers 33 to keep a continuous record of ordinances 33 to publish ordinances and regulations in daily newspapers ... 33 to cause statements of purpose of election to be published, when . 33 to have the care, etc., of the city records, maps, plans, etc., except . 33 to attend all meetings of the board of aldermen ..... 33 and of both branches of the city council in joint convention . 33 to keep records of the proceedings in such cases ..... 33 to print annually a supplement to revised ordinances .... 33 to keep record of amusement licenses granted ..... 147 rooms of, in city hall, to be under control of board of aldermen . . 7 22G INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. etc. CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT, continued. assistant city clerk appointment by city clerk, subject to approval of mayor salary duties .......... See Officers and Boards. CITY COLLECTOR. See Collecting Department. CITY COUNCIL reports of departments to be transmitted to . . . may authorize officers of city to appear before legislature to elect clerk of committees ...... city messenger ....... record of officers elected by, to be kept by city clerk city clerk to attend meetings of both branches of in convention city messenger to perform duties required by either branch of city engineer to make surveys, etc., required by either branch of corporation counsel to furnish opinions when required by charity building, use of, subject to direction of . . . conduits and wires to be removed upon direction of public buildings and land appurtenant may be sold by order of balances at end of financial year to be applied as directed by . powers, etc., of, relating to gunpowder, delegated to fire commissioner cannons, guns, etc. , may be discharged at a military exercise authorized by CITY DEBT. See Debt. Sinking-funds. CITY ENGINEER. See Engineering Department. CITY HALL certain rooms in, to be under control of mayor, etc. .... general custody of .......... . city mest^enger to have direction of detail of police in ... . superintendent of public buildings to have charge of heating-apparatus in CITY HALL REFERENCE LIBRARY. See Clerk of Committees Depart ment. CITY HOSPITAL. See Hospital Department. CITY MESSENGER DEPARTMENT city messenger to have charge of election, term of office, and duties . . . . salary ............ rooms used by, control of to have the custody and distribution of documents, books, etc. to have general custody of city hall building .... to have direction of detail of police assigned to city hall to have care and custody of flags, ropes, and stakes to cause flags to be displayed to attend meetings of aldermen and common council . to wait upon committees in city hall to perform other services, when ....... See Officers and Boards. CITY PRINTING. See Printing Department. CITY PRISON attendance of medical inspectors of board of health at ... . 34r 14 34 9 20 36 35 33 33 35 40 49 56 80 84 86 98 137 7' 35 35 64 35. 35 14 7 . 35, 61 35 35 35 35, 178 35 35 So- ls: INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 227 "CITY RECORD, THE." See Statistics Department. CITY RECORDS. See Records. CITY REGISTRAR. See Registry Department. CITY SEAL form of, and inscription upon, established ....... 6 CITY SOLICITOR. See Law Department. CITY TREASURER. See Treasury Department. CLAIMS settlement of, by city officers, when not exceeding f 500 17 by city solicitor upon vote of committee, etc. ..... 50 of city for taxes, etc., city collector to certify .... 38, 185 amounts paid, how charged .......... 26 CLERK OF COMMITTEES DEPARTMENT clerk of committees to have charge of . . • election and term of office .... salary assistant to appointment ..... duties ....... rooms used by, control of ... . to act as clerk of all committees of either branch to have charge of City Hall reference library to keep copies of publications issued by city, etc. to keep records of transactions of committees to keep calendar of committee meetings and notify members when directed, to issue licenses and badges to minors to see that minors conform to conditions of license See Officers and Boards. CLERK OF COMMON COUNCIL salary of ......... CLERKS included in term " subordinates " COAL bituminous, use of, for generating steam, without smoke consumer, prohibited, 138 COAL-HOLES in streets, permits for ........... regulations relative to the construction, etc , under sidewalks bond to be given when permit is issued ........ maintenance of, to be considered an agreement to indemnify city . making of, prohibited, except according to permit 131 COASTING except in streets designated by board of aldermen, prohibited CODIFICATION of ordinances, how published of regulations, how published ...... COLLECTING DEPARTMENT city collector to have charge of . ... appointment and term of office 8 bond 13 36 36 14, 179 36 36 7 36 36 36 36 36 36, 145 36 14 4, 144 164 79 79 81 82 129 3 143 37 228 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. COLLECTING DEPARTMENT, city collector, continued. salary office hours .......... bills to be delivered to, for collection, monthly for supplies, etc., by officers and boards, to be delivered to for collection, to be in alphabetical lists by wards . for taxes, and record of, to be delivered to . for sewer assessments, to be delivered to . . . for use of water, to be sent to ..... to require bonds to himself from his subordinates penal sums of . ....... to collect and receive all moneys payable to city, except, etc. to be custodian of leases from, and tax-deeds held by, city . to pay receipts daily to treasurer ....... to keep alphabetical list of tax-sales ..... to sell real estate taken or purchased by city for non-payment of to issue summons upon non-payment of water-rates to notify water commissioner of non-payment to certify as to claims against real estate for taxes, etc report, to make monthly to mayor and auditor annual ....... rents from leases of market stalls, etc., to be paid to moneys received from tolls, etc., from ferries to be paid to . certain sums received by, to be credited to street department certain proportions of fees of weighers of hay, etc., to be paid to See Officers and Boards. COLLECTOR, CITY. See Collecting Department. COMBUSTIBLES. See Explosive Compounds. COMMISSIONERS Art. See Art Department. Building. See Building Department. Cambridge bridges. See Street Department. Election. See Election Department. Fire. See Fire Department. Health. See Health Department. Park. See Park Department. Penal Institutions. See Penal Institutions Department. Sinking-fund. See Sinking-funds Department. Soldiers' Relief. See Soldiers' Relief Department. Street. See Street Laying-out Department. Water. See Water Department. Wire. See Wire Department. COMMITTEES records of proceedings of . officers, etc., of city not to be members of political, except . See Clerk of Committees. COMMON. See Public Grounds. COMMON COUNCIL certain rooms in city hall to be under control of . . . . ■ corporation counsel to furnish opinion upon request of ten members of . taxes 14 15 17, 18 17, 18 18 22 76 91 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38, 185 38 38 53 74 77 105 36 20, 169, 184 7 49 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 229 PASS COMMON COUNCIL, continued. salaries 14 clerk of, salary 14 COMMONWEALTH AVENUE portion under charge of park commissioners 58 COMPENSATION of subordinates to be fixed by officer or board in charge of department . . 16 See Salaries. CONDITIONS in deeds from the city, may be released by the mayor, when .... 10 CONGRESS SQUARE vehicles not to be used on portions of 155, 156, 198, 201 CONSTRUCTION of certain words . . 3, 4, 5, 6, 62, 104, 144 of ordinances, rules for 3 of regulations, rules for 143 CONVENTION city clerk to attend all meetings of both branches of city council in . . 33 to keep records of such meetings ........ 33 officers, etc., of city not to be members of political . . . 20, 169, 184 CONVEYANCES. See Deeds. CORN green, may be sold in the husk ......... 125 CORPORATION COUNSEL. See Law Department. CORPORATIONS to be included in word " person " ........ .4,144 COLT^TY OF SUFFOLK. See Suffolk Cocnty. COUPONS city, to be paid, etc., by treasurer, and transmitted to auditor ... 86 auditor to have custody of paid ......... 24 COURTS included in the term " streets" . . . . . . • . . .4, 144 COWS to be kept only at certain rate for given area of land ..... 126 to be kept only in clean premises ......... 126 not to be allowed to feed or go at large in the streets . . . 110, 130 D. DEAD burial of. See Bttkials. DEATHS vacancies in office caused by, how filled ........ 9 city registrar to have custody of the records of . . . . . 69, 170 annual report to city registrar to include . . . . . . 69, 170 city registrar to complete record of, prior to 1849 ..... 69, 170 of employees, officer to certify name of party to receive amount due . . 18 DEBT of the city amounts to be appropriated annually for : when payable in five years , twenty-three and one-quarter per cent. . 70 when payable in ten years, eight per cent. ...... 70 230 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. DEBT of the city, continued. when payable in twenty years, three and one-half per cent. ... 70 when payable in thirty years, two per cent. ...... 70 when payable in forty years, one and one-quarter per cent. ... 70 certain moneys to be applied to the reduction of ...... 86 See Sinking-funds and Indebtedness. DEEDS mayor to execute ............ 10 corporation counsel to furnish, in certain cases ...... 50 not to be delivered until purchase-money is paid, except, etc. ... 84 of rights of burial in Mount Hope cemetery, how executed, etc. ... 30 how recorded ........... 30 DEMANDS against the city, monthly lists to be sent to auditor . . . . . . 18 how to be examined .......... 25 DEPARTMENTS created, etc. ............. 7 DEPUTIES included in term " subordinates " ......... 4, 144 DEPUTY COLLECTORS bonds of 37 DEPUTY SEALERS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. See Weights and Measures Department. - DIRT house, to be remored by superintendent of streets ..... 74 not to be carried through streets, except ...... 127 placing on or removing from street prohibited, except ..... 129 DISABILITY appointment to office in case of ........ . 9 DISPENSARY, BOSTON board of health to supply vaccine virus and anti-toxine to .... 43 DOCUMENTS of the city, city clerk to have the custody of certain ..... 33 printed by authority of the city council, how kept and distributed ... 35 printing of ............ . 61, 62 collected by city registrar for the city . . . . . . . . 69 distribution of ..... 69 DOGS barking, etc. , not to be kept in the city ........ 135 penalty 139 DORCHESTER LOWER MILLS PARK under charge of park commissioners ........ 58 DRAFTS form of, to be approved by mayor ......... 10 for payment of money to be directed by auditor to treasurer .... 25 for executions, coupons, etc. .......... 26 for amount of pay-roll ........... 25 monthly, to be signed by auditor ......... 25 auditor may issue special, when requested 25 to report, monthly, amounts of all ....... 26 treasurer to pay, when directed by auditor . ...... 85 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 231 PAOK DRAINS entering sewers, to be constructed, etc., by persons licensed therefor . . 78 how constructed ........... 78 into sewers, from land not previously assessed, how assessed .... 79 bonds to be given by persons licensed to construct, etc. ..... 81 steam-exhaust not to be connected with ........ 128 waste-water, etc., to be conveyed through 128 not to be allowed to be out of repair 128 not to be entered, except , etc. ......... 128 steam, etc , not to be discharged into 128,175 DRAW-TENDERS appointed by superintendent of streets ........ 75 duties of . . 75, 131 DRIVING fast, prohibited in streets ........ 128, 153, 154 on driveway of Chestnut-hill reservoir, prohibited .... 134 See Animals. E. ELECTION DEPARTMENT election commissioners to have charge of ....... 89 appointment and term of office ........ 9 salaries ............. 14 general powers and duties ......... 39 to prepare jury list 39 to select election officers 39 to prepare ballots .39 to publish and post lists of candidates = . . . . . .39 to furnish voting-places 39 to have care of ballot-boxes 39 to determine results of elections, etc. 39 powers and duties in respect to caucuses ...... 39 annual report, what to include . . . . . . . . 39 ELECTIONS city clerk to cause notice to be published ....... 33 statement of officers to be chosen, proposition to be acted upon, etc., at . 33 EMPLOYEES included in term " subordinates " . . . . . . . . . 4, 144 to notify superintendent of streets of defects in streets 83 not to be active in politics 20, 169, 184 to be citizens of U.S., and preferably residents 16, 189 EMPLOYERS liable to penalty for violation of ordinance or regulation, when . . 139, 159 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT city engineer to have charge of 40 appointment and term of office 8 salary ............. 14 duties ............. 40 to take charge of construction of appropriate public works ... 40 to make surveys, plans, estimates, etc. 40 to supervise repairs on bridges 40, 75 232 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. PAGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, city engineer, continued. to measure contract work and certify result when required ... 40' to have custody of surveys and plans relating to streets ... 40- office to be deemed the office of the surveyor of highways ... 40' annual report to include statement of safety, etc., of reservoirs, etc., 40 and of bridges within city limits used as highways .... 40- See Officers and Boards. ESTIMATES of appropriations for departments, to be sent annually to mayor ... 19 of income received by any department, etc., to be sent annually to the mayor, 19 EVERGREEN CEMETERY. See Cemetery Department. EXITS in places of public amusement, how to be marked and constructed . . 148 EXPENDITURES not to be incurred in excess of appropriations 20 annual estimates of, required by departments, to be sent to the mayor . . 19 auditor to report to mayor when expenditures exceed proper ratio ... 24 reports of annual, by city officers, etc. ........ 19 of city to be included in annual report of auditor 2ft EXPLOSIVE COMPOUNDS definition of ............ . 104r proceedings on application for license to manufacture or sell ... 97 amount of, to be kept for sale or storage 101, 102 persons licensed to keep for sale, to provide suitable receptacles therefor . 102 storage of, not to be allowed in certain localities 101,102 magazines for the storage of ......... 101, 102 transportation of, through streets, etc., regulated . . . . . 102,103 premises where they are licensed to be sold may be examined, etc. . . 97 not to be manufactured, sold, or transported without license . . . 136 See Regulations for Certain Trades. F. FANEUIL HALL to be under the charge of superintendent of public buildings . . .66 flag to be displayed on 66, 178 fees to be paid for use of 66 applicants for use of, to be liable for damage done ..... 67 decorations not to be put up in, without special order ..... 138 FANEUIL HALL MARKET what it shall include ........... 4 limits defined ............. 4r hours for business in 54, 197 sales in, regulated ............ 133 See Market and Market Department. FAST DRIVING prohibited on streets • 128, 134, 153, 154 FEES received by city officers, to be paid monthly to collector .... 17 of undertakers, board of health to establish 44 for use of Faneuil Hall 66, 67" INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 233 FEES, continued. of weighers and inspectors of vessels and ballast, disposition of ... 88 for weighing stone, sand, gravel, or ballast . 90 disposition of 88 for licenses to manufacture or keep for sale petroleum, gunpowder, etc. . 97 also fireworks, explosive compounds, etc. ...... 97 of weighers of hay, etc., fixed . 105 disposition of 105, 176, 177 for licenses for theatrical exhibitions, public shows, etc. .... 147 for surveying marble, soapstone, and freestone ...... 150 for measuring grain 151 of inspectors of petroleum 151 for the measurement of wood and bark . 151 FELLOWS STREET PLAYGROUND under charge of park commissioners 58 FENCES on grounds of Chestnut-hill reservoir, horses, etc., not to be tied to . . 134 not to be injured or defaced ......... 134 placards, notices, etc., not to be affixed to, etc 135 FERRIES. See Street Departmest. FILES of papers to be kept by departments ........ 16 to be open to public inspection, except 16 FINANCE financial statements of departments 19 See Treasury Departmext. FINANCIAL YEAR beginning and end of .......... . 6 property books of departments to be corrected at beginning of each . . 16 reports of departments to be made to mayor at close of each .... 19 estimates of amount required for next, to be sent to mayor .... 19 auditor to report to mayor amount of drafts since beginning of . . .26 auditor to include in annual report receipts and expenditures during past . 26 disposition of moneys, etc., in hands of treasurer at end of .... 86 treasurer to give mayor monthly summary of receipts, etc., of current . . 87 FIRE prevention of removal of shavings and other combustible materials .... 41 not to be made in the streets without a license ...... 131, 137 FIRE-ARMS discharging within city limits prohibited, except 137 FIRE COMMISSIONER. See Fire Department. FIRE DEPARTMENT fire commissioner to have charge of ........41 appointment and term of office 8 salary 14, 164 general powers and duties 41 to divide city into fire districts and establish fire patrol . . . 41 monthly and annual reports ......... 42 8ubordinat«s 41 ■ 234 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. FIRE DEPARTMENT, continued. to report on license for business liable to cause fire .... and issue license therefor when authorized ..... to cause places where combustibles are kept to be examined, etc. . persons serving in, for seven successive years entitled to certificate applications for licenses to manufacture, etc., explosive compounds to cause examination to be made in such cases ..... may issue licenses to sell explosive compounds on premises, when members of, may examine premises of persons so licensed application for licenses to manufacture, etc., petroleum, to be made to . members of, may examine premises licensed ...... applications to, for licenses to sell or store camphene or burning-fluid . and for gunpowder, fireworks, etc. ...... certain licenses to be issued by ...... . powers, etc., of city council relating to gunpowder, delegated to, except interference with fire-alarm apparatus of, prohibited, except . or with members or engines, etc., of . . .... may give permits for bonfires . . . . . . . . may give permits for firing brick and lime kilns ..... firemen employed in theatres, etc., to be approved by . wires of, not to be removed, etc., to facilitate moving buildings, except superintendent of fire-alarms to be appointed by .... , duties ............. See Officers and Boards. FIRE DISTRICTS fire commissioner to establish . . . . . . . . . FIRE PATROL fire commissioner to establish ......... FIREWOOD not to be sawed or cut in any str'eet ....... FIREWORKS applications for licenses to keep and sell . . . . . . licenses, how issued .......... FISH refuse parts of, not to be thrown into harbor . . sale of, how restricted .......... FLAGS mayor may order displayed on public buildings ..... superintendent of public buildings to display on Faneuil Hall city messenger to have charge of, belonging to City Hall and public ground: displaying of . . . . . . . . . . . American, not to be used in streets for advertising ..... FLOWERS statutes and ordinances for protection of, to be strictly enforced . FOWLS not to be kept in the city without permit FRANKLIN PARK under charge of park commissioners ....... FREESTONE appointment of surveyors of marble, soapstone, and .... 41 41 41 42 97 97 97, 136 97 97 97 97 97 97, 136 98 137 138 137 137 148 158 41 41 41 41 . 180 97 97 . 125 . 125 10 64 I. 35 178, 182 131, 181 68 . 125 58 . 150 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 235 TREESTONE, continued. duties • • 150 fees for surveying .... ....... 150 FUEL purchased for city to be weighed, except 17 purchase of, by superintendent of public buildings, except .... 64 FUNERALS not to be driven over Chestnut-hill reservoir driveway . . . . 134 G. GAMES prohibited of chance in streets 130 within market limits ...... o .. . 132 on public grounds .... 133 GENERAL REVISION of ordinances, how published .......... 3 of regulations, how published . 143 GOATS not to be kept in the city without a permit ....<... 125 in streets forbidden . . 110, 130 GRAIN fees for measuring 151 GRATINGS in streets 131 in sidewalks to be only of a certain kind . . . . . . . .131 not to project more than eighteen inches into street ..... 131 GRAVEL city officers not to purchase, etc., unless weighed, etc 17 brought to the city by water, etc , to be inspected ...... 89 not to sprinkle on street railways, except ....... 157 GRAVES burial of bodies in, less than three feet deep, prohibited ..... 127 bodies not to be removed from, except with permit ..... 127 opening of, between June and October, prohibited without permit . . . 127 opening and digging of, to be in accordance with- permit ..... 127 GUN-COTTON. See Explosive Compounds. GUNPOWDER not included in term " explosive compounds " 104 regulations for keeping and sale of . ....... 97-101 See Regulations for Certain Trades. GUNS not to be fired on common or public grounds without a permit, etc. . . 133 not to be sold to children under sixteen years of age without, etc . . . 137 discharging of, except in certain cases,' forbidden ...... 137 H. HAWKERS AND PEDLERS superintendent of, to be appointed by board of health .... 44, 176 to record name and residence with board of health ..... 135, 136 236 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. HAWKERS AND PEDLERS, continued. not to disturb the peace .... board of health to assign numbers to superintendent of streets to assign numbers to articles sold by, how to be conveyed vehicles of, to have name and numbers of in city proper, rules concerning residence and citizenship .... HAY VASK . 136 . 136 . 136 . 136 136 155, 156, 199 . . 164 stands for the sale of, in streets, licenses for penalty for selling in undesignated place . scales for the weighing of, to be established duties of weighers of ... . fees of weighers of . disposition of fees received by weighers of HEALTH prohibitions relative to ........ . See Health Department and Prohibitions and Penalties HEALTH DEPARTxMENT board of health to have charge of . how constituted appointment and term of office salaries of members office hours .... general powers and duties to have charge of quarantine matters to have charge of hospitals for infectious diseases annual reports ....... to keep vaccine virus and anti-toxine on hand to authorize occupancy and use of stables city physician, to appoint, and duties port physician at quarantine to be appointed by duties of ...... . bond ....... assistant ..... o . bond . . . superintendent of pedlers to be appointed by, duties to supervise burial of the dead .... to license undertakers and establish fees applications for opening and cleaning vaults, etc., to be to make contracts for cleaning vaults, etc., how keeping of cows limited, except by permit from noxious liquid or solid matter not to be kept, etc., without permit from when graves not to be dug unless by permission of may permit burials to take place at certain times . bells, ringing of, when forbidden .... remains in tombs, etc., to be removed, when graves or tombs to be opened, when regulations as to vaults, drains, water-closets, privies, etc. waste-water from water-closets, etc., how to be discharged 97 . 136 . 104 . 104 . 105 105, 176, 177 125-128 recorded by 43 43 . 8,9 14, 180, 182 15 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 44 13 44 13 44, 175 43 44 44 44 126 126 127 127 126 127 127 127 128 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 237 HEALTH DEPARTMENT, board of health, continued. regulations as to removal of house-offal, ashes, etc. • ■ house-offal, etc. , not to be carried in streets without a permit from may permit damaged fruit, etc. , to be brought into city may permit fowls, swine, and goats to be kept in the city manure may be removed at certain times, with permission of hawkers and pedlers to record name with .... numbers to be assigned to . vehicles used to be approved by . See Officers and Boards. HOME FOR NEGLECTED CHILDREN trustees for children to have charge of HORSES superintendent of markets may remove, within market limits abandoned within limits of Faneuil Hall market may be removed . not to be allowed to go at large in streets . . . . ' . not to be tied to trees, etc., in streets ...... not to be tied to trees, etc., on grounds of Chestnut-hill reservoir . not to be baited, etc., in the streets, except, etc. . . . . not to be allowed within limits of Faneuil Hall market at certain times bells to be attached to, in streets, when snow is on the ground rates of speed in streets ......... PAOX 127 127 125 125 126 135 136 136 32 52 52 110, 130 130 . 134 . 130 132 155 128, 153, 154 on Chestnut-hill reservoir driveway ....... 134 HORSE-RAILROADS See Street-railways. HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT trustees of city hospital to have charge of appointment and term of office ........ to purchase fuel and supplies for . . to make improvements on lands and grounds connected with to have charge of real estate for purposes connected with . to pay to city collector incomes of property so held .... admission of persons to, duties of, concerning ..... may allow special accommodations for compensation .... annual report of .......... . superintendent, bond See Officers and Boards. HOSPITALS insane insane hospital trustees to have charge of ..... . for infectious diseases on Swett and Canterbury streets, board of health to have charge of ■ . . . . HOURS office, of the several heads of departments, etc. . . .15, 88, 104, 172, 176 HOUSE FOR THE EMPLOYMENT AND REFORMATION OF JUVENILE OFFENDERS trustees for children to have charge of ........ 32 custody of (dropped) 177 HOUSES OF CORRECTION penal institutions commissioner to have charge of 60 45 9 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 13 46 43 i 238 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. HYDRANTS opening of, except in case of fire, prohibited ....... 134 not to be climbed, nor animals tied to, nor notices affixed to . . . 130, 171 I. ICE removal of, from sidewalks . 129, 130, 173, 174 IMPROVED SYSTEM OF SEWERAGE in charge of superintendent of streets ........ 74 INCOME estimates of, to be sent to mayor annually in December .... 19 of gifts, etc., subject to expenditure for purpose designated .... 86 of police charitable fund, disposal of . .86 INDEBTEDNESS certificates of to be signed by mayor ......... 10, 24, 85 by city auditor .......... 24, 85 by city treasurer .......... 24, 85 city auditor to have custody of, paid ....... 24 INSANE officer to be appointed by mayor to have charge of transportation of . 150, 194 salary and expenses of ........ . 150, 194 INSANE HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT insane hospital trustees to have charge of ....... 46 appointment and term of office ........ q to have charge of Boston insane hospital ...... 46 to purchase fuel and supplies ........ 46 annual report ........... 46 INSOLVENCY of surety on official bonds, mayor to be notified immediately .... 24 INSPECTORS OF KEROSENE petroleum, etc., to be appointed by mayor 98 fees .............. 151 INSTITUTIONS REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT institutions registrar to have charge of . . . . . . . . 47 appointment and term of office . . . . • . . . & salary 14 general powers and duties ......... 47 to investigate questions of settlement of paupers ..... 47 also questions of commitment of insane ...... 47 also questions relating to ajgency for discharged prisoners ... 47 to perform duties relating to other departments ..... 47 See also Children's Institutions Department. Insane Hospital De- partment. Pauper Institutions Department. Penal Institutions Department. INSTRUMENTS to be executed by city, mayor to sign . 10 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 239 JAIL physician to board of health to attend persons in, when .... 43 salaries of officers of county ......... 150, 196 JAMAICAWAY under charge of park commissioners ..... JUNK dealers in board of police to license ...... to keep records of purchases ..... such records to be open to inspection .... to have signs on their shops with their names, etc. shops of, to be subject to examination articles purchased, etc., not to be sold within one week, etc at what hours shops of , to be kept open not to purchase from minors ..... 6a 10* 109 109 109 110 110 110, 135 . 135 K. KEROSENE for sale at retail, to be inspected ......... 98 mayor to appoint inspectors of petroleum and its products . . . . 9& fees of inspectors ............ 151 L. LABOR hours of, of the several heads of departments, etc. LAMP DEPARTMENT superintendent of lamps to have charge of ... . appointment and term of office ..... salary ..... ..... to set up and fix lamps as directed by board of aldermen to have charge of lamps established .... ^to have charge of all property in his department . to light streets by methods ordered by board of aldermen to light and extinguish lamps as ordered by board of aldermen to purchase supplies ........ See Officers and Boards. LAMP-POSTS animals not to be tied to, or notice affixed to . persons not to climb ......... not to be removed, etc., to facilitate moving buildings, except LANDS. See Real Estate. Public Lands. LANES included in term " street " ........ LAW DEPARTMENT to be under charge of corporation counsel and city solicitor jointly officers of, not to appear in court except for city .... corporation counsel appointment and term of office ...... salary . . . ... . . . 15, 88, 104, 172, 176 48 8- 15 48 48 48 48 48 48 130, 171 130, 171 . 158 . 4, 144 49 50 8 14, 179- 240 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 14, LAW DEPARTMENT, corporation counsel, continued. duties ............ to devolve upon city solicitor in case of his disability, etc. to furnish legal opinions upon questions submitted by mayor, etc. to advise city officials in discharge of duties ..... to appear before legislature as counsel for city, etc. . may expend not over $2,000, in care of matters before legislature to prepare annually a revision of the ordinances .... also a revision of regulations of aldermen ..... also volume of special laws passed, etc. . ' . to draft and approve form of contracts ...... to examine titles to property acquired by city .... to furnish without charge certain deeds and papers to audit bills incurred by department ...... may in his discretion perform duties of city solicitor city solicitor appointment and term of office ....... salary .... ........ to institute suits, etc., in behalf of city, subject to direction of mayor to appear as counsel in suits, etc., involving rights of city . to defend officers of city in suits against them for their official action may take necessary steps and incur expenses in suits, etc. . shall examine claims and may settle them, when .... may settle suits against city, when ...... to perform duties of corporation counsel, when . . . . city conveyancers, examination of titles to property by . See Officers and Boards. LEASES to be executed by mayor, except 10 of city property, city collector to be custodian of 37 of public lands, to be approved by mayor 84 of market stalls, etc., to be for five years, and to be approved by the mayor, 52, 63 minimum prices therefor to be established by vote of city council . 52 holders of, not to assign, etc., without written assent, etc. . »• • 53 rents, to be paid to city collector quarterly .53 XEAVE OF ABSENCE mayor may grant to officers .......... 15 LEGISLATURE officers, etc., of city not to appear before, in certain cases, except . 20, 169, 184 LIABILITY not to be incurred on behalf of the city until appropriation is made . . 19 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT board of trustees of public library to have charge of 61 appointment and term of office ........ 9 to extend benefits of library 51 49 50 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 179 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 to establish branch libraries and delivery stations to appoint examining committee . annual report of . . . • • • librarian of, bond ....... See Officers and Boards. 51 51 61 13 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND BEGULATIONS. 241 I.ICENSES officers and boards to have power to license act prohibited, without license issued by officer or board, conditions of . . . . minors, to be granted by raayor and aldermen applications for, to be made to clerk of committees conditions of ....... . clerk of committees to issue, when directed by board of aldermen to see that conditions of, are conformed to undertakers, board of health to grant to . for manufacture, sale, or storage of camphene, petroleum, etc. also gunpowder, fireworks, etc. .... application for, to be made to fire commissioner . premises to be examined by fire commissioner fire commissioner to report to board of aldermen . to issue, when ordered by aldermen fee for ......... to contain certain details ..... to weigh and sell hay and straw ..... application for, to be made to fire commissioner . to issue, when ordered by aldermen fee for for measuring or selling wood and bark .... application for, to be made to fire commissioner . to issue, when ordered by aldermen fee for ......... to contain certain details ..... for manufacturing explosive compounds .... board of aldermen to give public hearing before ordering issuing not to issue in certain sections .... for sale or storage of explosive compounds board of aldermen may order issue of . . . premises subject to examination . junk dealers, board of police to issue to . for public amusements and exhibitions .... to be granted by board of aldermen committee on licenses may issue, when to expire, when fees for ........ aldermen may enter and inspect premises licensee not to use objectionable posters for sacred concerts ........ repealed See Permits. Regulations for Certain Trades. LIME-KILN not to be erected, etc., without a license 137 LUNATIC HOSPITAL under charge of insane hospital trustees ........ 46 of . 6, 144 18 . 146 . 145 145, 146 36, 145 36 44 97 97 97 41,97 41, 97 41,97 97 97 97 97 41,97 97 97 97 41, 97 97 97 101 101 101 97, 101 97, 101 41,97 . 109 . 147 . 147 . 147 147 . 147 . 148 147, 193 196 . 198 97 242 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. M. PAGK MACHINERY bulky, moving of, in streets 157 MANURE not to be allowed to accumulate, etc. ....... 125 not to be removed without a permit ........ 126 manner of removing . 126 in streets, not to be removed without permit .... . . 12{> MAPS of the city, city clerk to have the custody of, when .... . 3S MARBLE, SOAPSTONE, AND FREESTONE surveyors of appointment 150 duties 150 fees 150 certificates to be given by 150 MARCELLA-STREET HOME. See Homk for Neglbctkd Childkbk. MARINE PARK under charge of park commissioners 58 MARKET market limits defined ....... ..... 5 sale of provisions, produce, etc., within, regulated . . 125, 132, 133 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 fraudulent dealing prohibited within ..... sale of butter regulfited within ...... sale or possession of tainted food, etc., prohibited within sales not to be made at auction in, except .... sidewalks and roadways not to be obstructed boxes, etc., not permitted to remain within, during Lord's day regulation of horses and vehicles in .... . playing at games and riotous behavior within, prohibited no person shall smoke, etc., in any market-house within orders, etc., of superintendent of, to be complied with within See Faneuil Hall Market. Market Department. MARKET DEPARTMENT superintendent of markets to have charge of . appointment and term of office .... salary to preserve order within market limits . to control the placing of pipes, drains, etc., within said to take and destroy tainted and unwholesome food to assign stands for sale of provisions, etc. . may remove vehicles, etc., at expense of owner . to lease stalls in market for terms of five years . to notify tenants of rents established by city council to give new leases to tenants wishing to retain holdings to lease premises becoming vacant, etc. conditions of leases ...... premises leased, not to be underlet, etc., without approval of limits 52 8 15 52 62, 132 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 53,54 53 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 243 PAGE MARKET DEPARTMENT, superintendent of markets, continued. keeping, etc., of refuse within aforesaid limits, subject to direction of, 53 persons not to be employed within aforesaid limits, if objected to by . 53 lessee not to impede or interfere with ....... 54 may take possession of premises leased, upon violation of conditions . 54 or deputies, etc., directions of, to be obeyed 132 See Officers and Boards. See also Faxeuil Hall Market. MARRIAGES city registrar to have custody of records of 69, 170 annual report of city registrar to include . . . . . . 69, 170 records of, prior to 1849, to be comijleted by city registrar ... 69, 170 MATERIALS sale of old or unnecessary 17 MAYOR salary of . 14 to have control of certain rooms in city hall . 7 rooms in city hall to be assigned with approval of ..... . 7 to appoint only residents and legal voters, except 8, 181 appointment of officers by 8 without confirmation by board of aldermen 8, 12 to appoint for one year : institutions registrar 8 to appoint for three years : fire commissioner ....... i ., , 8 insane hospital trustees . 8 pauper institutions trustees 8 penal institutions commissioner 8 trustees for children 8 water commissioner 8 to appoint for four years : one election commissioner ......... 8 subject to confirmation by board of aldermen 8, 12 to appoint for one year : •city auditor ............. 8 city collector 8 city engineer 8 city registrar ............ 8 city solicitor 8 city treasurer ............ 8 corporation counsel .......... 8 one sealer and ten deputy sealers of weights and measures . . .8, 185 soldiers' relief commissioner ........ 8 superintendent of lamps . 8 superintendent of markets . 8 superintendent of printing 8 superintendent of public buildings ....... 8 superintendent of public grounds 8 superintendent of streets 8 2M INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. MAYOR, to appoint for one year, continued. weighers of vessels and ballast ....... inspector of kerosene, petroleum, and products .... measurers of wood and bark ....... surveyors of marble, soapstone, and freestone .... officer to have charge of transportation of insane for term of three years : three assessors .......... building commissioner ......... one health commissioner ........ four overseers of the poor . ....... • one park commissioner . . . . . . . . two sinking-funds commissioners . wire commissioner . ........ for term of five years : bath trustees one cemetery trustee one city hospital trustee one music trustee . . ........ one public library trustee one statistics trustee ......... in case of death, resignation, etc., of officers, to appoint for unexpired term in such case may designate person to perform duties temporarily . to transmit reports of departments to city council, with suggestions to countersign bonds, notes, etc. ........ to execute all instruments in behalf of city ...... to discharge, release, or assign mortgage upon payment of amount due upon payment, to transfer city's title to estate sold for taxes . may execute deed of release, acknowledging performance of conditions may release sureties on bonds to city to approve drafts, checks, and orders issued by city auditor . vanf order public buildings and offices closed for certain period may order flags displayed on public buildings at any time may incur expense and employ subordinates within appropriation . may incur expenses for expert services ....... may incur expenses for entertaining guests . . . . may require officers to furnish new bond or surety to approve official bonds and sureties ....... salaries of officers appointed by, 14, 15, 150, 164, 168, 171, 178, 179, 180, 182, 194, 196 may grant leave of absence to officers and boards .... increase in salary or number of subordinates to be approved by records of departments not open to public inspection, if so ordered by old materials, etc., not over $500, to be sold with approval of officers may settle certain claims with approval of . . . , departments to report to, at close of financial year .... annual estimates of departments to be sent to, before December fifteenth to be notified by auditor of expiration, etc., of official bonds . to be notified of insolvency or other disability of sureties on official bonds 98 105 150 150 • 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10, 181 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 245 MAYOR, continued. auditor to notify of excess of expenditure over proper monthly ratio auditor to report when appropriation for department is wholly expended to sign certificate for persons serving seven years in fire department corporation counsel to furnish opinions on the law to may direct institution of suits, etc., by city solicitor, when city solicitor to settle suits, etc., with approval of . to approve market leases ....... to approve hiring of buildings or rooms for city may revoke permit for use of ward-room .... accommodations for wires belonging to city to be furnished upon request of to approve settlements made by street commissioners to approve leasing or sale of city lands, etc. .... to approve deposits of city funds ...... to approve payments from police charitable fund . to approve rates for use of water ...... books kept by dealers in junk, etc., to be open to inspection of shops, etc., of dealers in junk, etc., may be examined by to approve bathing regulations ...... no sermon, lecture, etc., allowed on public grounds without permission of football, etc., on public grounds not allowed without permission of cannon, etc., not to be fired upon public grounds without permission of sale of goods, etc., on public grounds prohibited without permission of . walking, etc., on grass on public grounds prohibited without permission of placards, etc., not to be affixed to sidewalks, trees, etc., without consent of cannon, fire-arms, etc., may be discharged at a military exercise authorized by, may authorize officers, etc., of city to appear before legislature 20, 169, MEASURERS OF GRAIN fees ............... MEASURERS OF WOOD AND BARK appointment and duties of . . . . fees ............... MESSENGER. See City Messenger Department. METERS to be purchased, laid, and tested by water commissioner .... to be attached, when ........... statement of number and kind applied and in use to be made to the mayor record of, to be kept charge for use of water measured by ....... . statement of tests to be made to mayor (repealed) . . See Water Department. MILITARY discharging cannon, etc., except at review, etc., of, prohibited, except . MINORS certain, to be committed to parental school ....... issuing of licenses to .......... . mayor and aldermen may restrain sales by sales by, etc., restricted ........... licenses, granted by mayor and aldermen ....... applications for 24 24 42 49 50 50 53 64 66 80 84 84 85 86 91 109 110 132 133 133 133 133 133 135 137 184 151 105 151 91 92 94 92 93 176 137 32 36 136 145 145 145 ,246 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. MINORS, licenses, continued. how issued . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 conditions ............ 145 penalty for violating terms of . . . . . . . .146 MONEYS received for city, payment to city collector monthly ..... 18 orders for the payment of .......... 24 collection of, due to city .......... 37 collector to make monthly and annual reports of receipt and disposition of . 38 in hands of treasurer at close of financial year, application of ... 86 custody of, belonging to city 85 MORTGAGES mayor may discharge or assign those held by the city ..... 10 MOUNT HOPE CEMETERY cemetery trustees to have charge of ........ 30 See Cemetery Department. Officers and Boards. MUNICIPAL STATISTICS See Statistics Department. MUSIC DEPARTMENT established ............. 190 music trustees to have charge of ......... 55 appointment and term of office. ........ 9 to have charge of selection of music for public celebrations, concerts, etc., except ........... 55 and to determine the parties to furnish same ..... 55 to make contracts and expend money to be paid by city for music . 55 MYSTIC WATER-RATES payable at city hall (dropped) 174 NAPHTHA manufacture, storage, etc. regulated ............. 98 NITRO-GLYCERINE. See Explosive Compounds. NORTH BRIGHTON PLAYGROUND under charge of park commissioners . . 68 NORTH END PARK under charge of park commissioners ........ 58 NOTES belonging to the city city auditor to be custodian of ......... 24 disposition by treasurer of payments on account of 86 NOTICES placards, etc., placing on poles, sidewalks, etc., prohibited, except . 130, 135 NUMBERING buildings to be numbered by superintendent of streets .... 76, 171 penalty for neglect to affix number, etc. 138, 172 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 24:7 o. PAcn OBSCENE LANGUAGE in streets prohibited ........... 130 OCCUPANT meaning of term defined .......... 4:, 144 OFFAL removal of, to be in charge of the superintendent of streets .... 74 keeping of .....••.•••• • 126 not to be carried through the streets without a permit 127 not to be allowed within the limits of Faneuil Hall market .... 63 OFFICE HOURS office hours, generally .......... 15, 176 of the treasurer and the collector ..... . . 15 of city registrar's office (dropped) . 172 of the board of health .......... 15 of the weighers of vessels and ballast ....... 88 of weighers at hay scales ......... 104 OFFICER, term defined 4 OFFICERS AND BOARDS majority of, to have authority 6, 144 may license acts prohibited without license from . . . . . . 6, 144 tenure of office . . . . . . . • . • • 8, 9, 12 new appointments in cases of vacancy to be made ..... 9 when mayor may appoint pro tempore 9 appointment of women on certain boards ....... 9 exempt from confirmation .......... 12 organization of ..... ....'... 15 to elect secretary 15 and chairman ...... .... 16 secretary of, to be sworn . . . . . . . . . 16 vacations 15 leave of absence may be granted to, by mayor ...... 16 to preserve complete records of transactions of their departnients . . 16 compensation of . . 14,15,150,164,168,171,178,179,180,182,194,196 filling office temporarily, compensation ........ 15 shall cause statutes, ordinances, orders, etc., to be enforced . . . . 16 when may sell or dispose of old material ....... 17 books and accounts to be kept by certain . . . . . . . 17 shall make monthly reports of money received ...... 17 articles sold by, to be recorded and bills sent to collector .... 17, 18 alphabetical list of bills to be sent by, to collector ..... 18 to subscribe acceptance of office in a book kept by city clerk . . . 12, 38 may dispose of property not exceeding $500 with consent of mayor . . 17 bonds to be given by certain .......... 12, 13 condition of bonds ............ 13 to send bills, etc., against city to auditor by fifteenth of each month . 18, 186 weekly pay-rolls to be sent to auditor ........ 18 monthly pay-rolls to be sent to auditor ......... 18 . iiO send estimates of necessary appropriations annually to mayor ... 19 248 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. committee, 20, 169, 184 20, 169, 184 OFFICERS AND BOARDS, continued. requisitions by, for payments from city treasury . . . . . . 18 25^ to deliver monthly to the city collector money and bills due the city . . 18 to render monthly statement to city auditor of bills due the city . . . 17 when may require special drafts .... .... 18 to certify name of person to take deceased employee's pay .... 18^ conditions of licenses and permits issued by . . . . . . . ] g to make annual reports, when ......... 19 to pay collector monthly moneys, etc., received for city .... 18- not to purchase or accept fuel or ballast, etc., unless weighed, etc. . . 17 not to be officer of political caucus, or member of political etc not to appear before legislature in certain cases, except . for provisions in particular cases, see the titles of the several depart- ments. office hours of 15, 88, 104, 172, 175 shall not exceed appropriations shall expend trust funds, etc., as directed shall obtain all printing from superintendent of printing shall settle claims, when ...... shall pay all bills into city treasury, and keep account of all dues to city subordinates shall employ and fix compensation of to be citizens of United States residents of Boston preferred may increase compensation of, how removal of to be recorded assignment of wages of, to prevent may be designated to perform duty of head of department, when See Bonds. OFFICES tenure of under previous ordinances or regulations, not affected .... vacancies in, how filled .......... temporary occupant of, compensation of ...... . 15 record of appointments to, etc. ......... 8S ORDINANCES this ordinance to be known as Revised Ordinances of 1898 .... 3 by-laws shall be denominated .......... 3 enacting style of ........... . 3 how published ............. 3 general revision or codification of, how published ...... 3 previously existing, when continued by the revised ordinances ... 3 repealed or superseded, how affected by the revised ordinances ... 3 construction of words used in . . . . . . 3, 4, 6, 6, 62, 104 what repealed by the revised ordinances ........ 3 general penalty for violation of 1S9 what persons liable to penalty for violations of 13& See Revised Obdinancbs. 16- 16, 18& 16, 189 1& 16 16 19- J, 9, 12 , 3, 143 9 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 249 PAOX ORGANIZATION of boards, when and how - 15 OTIS STREET loitering on portion of allowed . .' . . . . 128,183 OVERSEEING OF THE POOR DEPARTMENT board of overseers of the poor to have charge of . . . . . . 65 how constituted .56 appointment of members of, and term of oflBce . . . . . 8, 9 to have charge of charity building and temporary home ... 56 to have charge of lodge for wayfarers ....... 56 to make rules and regulations concerning use of said buildings . . 56 to decide what charitable societies may occupy charity building, etc., 56 to keep certain books showing investment of funds, etc. ... 56 to keep records relative to persons applying for relief .... 56, 57 to keep record of applications for admissions to temporary home . 57 See Officers and Boards. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. See Overseeing of the Poor Department. OWNER meaning of term defined ........... 4, 144 P. PAPER CAPS sale of, to children, prohibited, except . 13T PARENTAL SCHOOL designed for children convicted of certain offences ..... 32, 177 See Children's Institutions Department. PARK COMMISSIONERS. See Park Department. PARK DEPARTMENT board of park commissioners to have charge of 58 appointment and term of office .8,9 powers and duties .......... 53 to construct, improve, regulate, etc., certain parks and playgrounds, etc 58 may make rules for use, etc. , of parks ...... 58 '' may appoint necessary subordinates ....... 58 secretary of, bond 13 PARKS. See Park Department. PAUPER INSTITUTIONS DEPARTMENT pauper institutions trustees to have charge of ...... 59 appointment and term of office ........ 9 to have charge of Long island and almshouse and hospital there . . 5^ to have charge of almshouse at Charlestown . .... 59 to purchase fuel and supplies ........ 69 annual report .... ....... 5^ PAUPERS records concerning, how to be kept by the overseers of the poor . . . 66, 57 PAYMENT of fees, etc., into city treasury by officers and boards . . . . • . 17 orders, drafts, etc., for 24, 25 of amount due person leaving service of city 25 250 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. of a street of aldermen 18 . 85-87 38, 91-93 18 25 PAYMENT, continued. of amount due deceased employee ..... duties of treasurer with regard to . of water-rates ......... PAY-ROLLS weekly and monthly, to be made up and forwarded to auditor approval of, by auditor . • . . . . PEAS green, may be sold in the pod ....... ... 125 PEDLERS 44, 135, 136, 155, 156, 175, 199 PENAL INSTITUTIONS DEPARTMENT penal institutions commissioner to have charge of . appointment and term of oifice to have charge of Deer island and house of correction there to have charge of house of correction at South Boston to purchase fuel and supplies annual report ...... clerk of accounts, bond PENALTIES for violation of ordinances and regulations generally incurred under previous ordinances or regulations not affected employer and others concerned in violation, to incur PERMITS may be granted to do act prohibited without . conditions of, issued by boards or officers persons accepting, to conform to the statutes and ordinances for plumbing work, building commissioner to issue for the use of ward-rooms, how granted and how revoked for use of Faneuil Hall, how made .... to enter particular drain into a sewer .... relative to opening, occupying, obstructing, or using any part for laying, etc., its water-pipes and erecting, etc., lamps to use streets for building purposes, how issued relative to laying wires, pipes, and conduits under streets relative to laying railway tracks in streets for moving buildings through streets .... not to be granted persons violating other permits . relative to bonds for ....... new bond may be required, when ..... persons entitled to permits ...... to raise and lower goods into and from buildings to place coal-holes, vaults, and coal-slides under sidewalks to place and maintain poles, etc., for support of wires . issuing of certain, subject to control and regulation of board for erection and repair of wooden buildings outside building limits decayed fruit, vegetables, etc., not to be brought into city, etc., without required to keep live fowl, swine, etc. . required for removal of manure .... cows to be kept in accordance with placing of refuse, etc., prohibited without . 139, 159 . 3, 143 139, 159 6, 144 18 18 29 66 66 78 77 78 77 80 80 80 82 81 82 77-80 79 79 81,96 106 125 125 126 126 126 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. PERMITS, continued. removal of house dirt, etc., through streets prohibited without . . .127 burial at certain times prohibited without ....... 127 removal of bodies prohibited without 127 opening of graves, etc., prohibited without . . . . . . .127 emptying of cesspools, etc., prohibited without ...... 127 discharge of waste-water prohibited without ....... 128 entry of particular drains into public drain or sewers prohibited without . 128 width of vehicles in streets not to exceed ten feet without ... . . 128 sale of goods and articles in streets to be in accordance with .... 129 carrying of show-cards, etc., prohibited without ...... 129 raising and lowering of merchandise into buildings prohibited without . . 129 sprinkling, etc., of earth, gravel, salt, etc., in streets prohibited without . 129 removal of manure and dirt from streets prohibited without .... 129 driving of sheep, etc., through streets prohibited without .? . . . 130 feeding and baiting animals in streets prohibited without .... 130 watering of streets prohibited without ........ 130 making of coal-holes, etc., in streets prohibited without .... 131 erection of canopies, awnings, etc., in streets prohibited without . . . 131 projection of .American flag with words, etc., thereon, prohibited without . 131 insertion of signs in sidewalks prohibited without ...... 131 projection of signs, lanterns, wares, btc., prohibited without .... 131 opening, occupation, and use of streets prohibited without . . . 131, 152 sale of goods, wares, etc., within market limits prohibited without . . . 132 walking, etc., on grass on public grounds and areas prohibited without . . 133 use of public grounds prohibited for certain purposes without . . . 133 use of water from pipes and fixtures of water-supply prohibited without, 133, 134 driving carts, etc., on driveway of Chestnut-hill reservoir prohibited without, 134 also digging of earth, etc. ......... 134 also climbing of, and tying horses to, trees ...... 134 making of bonfires, etc., on streets and wharves prohibited without . 131, 137 erection and firing of brick and lime kilns prohibited without .... 137 erection, etc., of wooden buildings outside building limits prohibited without, 138 for laying pipes or conduits, limitations on ..... . 152, 201 for pedlers to stop or stand vehicles in certain streets sprinkling of tracks with brine or pickle prohibited without . moving of bulky machinery, buildings, etc. , prohibited without wires and lamps not to be interfered with in moving buildings without See Licenses. TERSON meaning of term defined ......... PETROLEUM, ETC. license to manufacture, sell, etc., application for, how made . proceedings on application for ...... to contain certain statements ....... how issued .......... places licensed to be examined ...... fees for .......... not to be granted to manufacture, etc., in certain localities . for sale at retail to be inspected by officer appointed by mayor 155, 156 . 157 . 157 158 4, 144 97 97 97 97 41, 97 97 98 98 fees for inspection of . . . . . . . . . .151 252 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. PASS PHYSICIAN, CITY board of health to appoint . 43 to examine candidates for police force . ....... 43. to examine candidates for fire department 43 PHYSICIAN, PORT at quarantine, and assistant, bonds of . 13 and assistant to reside at Deer island . 44 duties 44. PICKLE street-railway tracks not to be washed with, except 167 PISTOLS not to be sold to children under sixteen years of age, without, etc. . . 137 PLACARDS for public amusements to be approved by committee on licenses . . 147, 192 not to be posted on trees, lamp posts, etc 130 not to be affixed on buildings, etc., without permission, etc. .... 136 not to be affixed to sidewalks, trees, poles, etc., without consent, etc. . . 135 PLANS belonging to the city, city clerk to have custody of, when . . . . 33 for laying out and widening streets, to be in charge of the city engineer . 40 city engineer to prepare certain ......... 40 of sewers, how made and preserved ........ 76 PLAYGROUNDS lands acquired for, under charge of park commissioners . . . . 58 PLUMBING plumbers to register with building commissioner . . . . . .29 permits for, issued by building commissioner ....... 29 to be inspected 29 steam-exhaust not to connect with drain, etc. ....... 128 waste-water to be discharged from sink or closet only through a drain . . 128 POLES for the support of wires. See Street Depaktment. POLICE board of to approve payments from police charitable fund .... 86- may license suitable persons as dealers in junk, etc. .... 109 may enter and examine certain licensed places ..... 97 officers to preserve order at ward meetings . . ... . . 66 may stop or place vehicles in streets 154, 156 may stop street-cars .......... 167 POLICE CHARITABLE FUND income from, how disbursed 86 POLLS time of opening and closing, notice of, to be given by city clerk ... 33 PONDS, ETC. city engineer to report upon safety and completeness of 40* ice not to be removed from, on public grounds 133 POOR. See Overseeing of the Poor Department. POSTERS for publio amusements to be approved by committee on licenses . . 147, 19$- INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 253 PRECINCTS Toting city clerk to publish statement of objects of meetings in, when . . 33 PRINTING terms " printing," " binding," and " stationery " defined .... 62 amounts allowed other departments for, to be transferred by auditor . . 26 printing and delivery of mayor's inaugural, etc. . ..... 61 PRINTING DEPARTMENT superintendent of printii^ to have charge of ....... 61 appointment and term of o£Sce ........ 8 salary .16 duties 61 requisitions for city printing to be sent to ...... 17 to have charge of printing plant of the city ...... 61 to have charge of the printing of all city documents, etc., except . ^ 61 to supply printing, stationery, ink, etc., to departments ... 61 to send to auditor bills for stock and printing furnished departments . 61 number of certain documents to be printed by, etc. . . . 61, 191 to deliver copies of documents to city messenger to distribute . . 61, 62 to deliver copies of certain documents to mayor ..... 61 to deliver other copies to statistics trustees 62, 191 provisions not to apply to certain documents unless, etc. ... 62 to print 1,700 copies of each volume prepared by city registrar . 62 to print annually volume of special laws, etc. ..... 62 to keep records and books of account . . . . . . . 62 annual report of 62 See Officers and Boards. PRISON, CITY physician to board of health to attend persons confined in, when ... 43 PRIVIES cleaning of *♦ emptying of, prohibited without permit 127 dwelling-houses not to be occupied unless provided with . . 126, 127 offensive, etc., not to be maintained ........ 126 PROCEEDINGS pending, not affected by these revised ordinances 3 nor by revised regulations . 143 of city council, certain provisions not to apply to publication of . . 61 PROFANE LANGUAGE in streets prohibited ........ . . 130 PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES Bituminous Coal use of, for generating steam, without smoke consumer, prohibited, 138, 164 Bredges, Draws, and Bathisg injury to public bridges and wharves, etc. ... . 131 swimming, etc., in waters surrounding city 132, 191 Camphene, Petroleum, and Explosive Compounds manufacture and keeping of camphene, etc 136 manufacture and sale of gun-cotton, nitro-glycerine, etc. . . . 136 transportation through streets of same ..... 137 254 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. PAGK PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES Camphene, Petroleum, etc., continued. sale of cartridges, etc., to children, regulation of . . . . 101, 137 explosion of dynamite, torpedoes, caps, etc., in highways . . . 137 Chestnut-hill Reservoir Grounds injuring trees, fences, grass, etc. ........ 134 throwing filth or committing nuisance ....... 134 vehicles for conveying burdens ........ 134 funerals 134 fast driving 134 digging or carrying earth, etc., from 134 climbing trees, tying horses to fences, etc 134 posting bills, placards, etc. 13& Dogs I barking, biting, howling dogs not to be kept 135 penalty 13» Drains care of particular drains . 12& connecting particular drains with sewer, etc. 128 discharges into particular drains . . . . . . . . 128, 175 Fanbuil Hall decorations in, forbidden, except ........ 138 Faneuil Hall Market Limits goods to be sold only in places assigned 133 pedling prohibited 13S FiBE-ARMS, Bonfires, and Brick-kilns firing of cannon, guns, etc. 137 bonfires, etc. , on streets or wharves ...... 131,137 firing of brick and lime kilns in city ....... 137 FiBE Department 'Apparatus, Combustible Material no person shall interfere with signal-boxes, etc. . . . . . 187 removal of combustible material . . . . . . . . 138 obstruction of officers and members of fire department . . . 188 Grass on Public Grounds and Areas standing or lying on ......... . 188 Hawkers and Pedlers board of health to issue licenses to 135, 136, 164 not to disturb the peace ......... 136 in city proper regulated 155, 156, 199 vehicles, etc., to have name and number of person selling . . . 136 Hat, Straw, Wood, or Bark sale of, in streets 186 Health refuse in harbor .... 126 fish, sale and cleansing of ........ . 125 sale of vegetables ... ....... 125 decayed fruit, vegetables, etc. 125 fowls, swine, or goats, keeping of . . 126 manure, keeping of . . 126 manure, removal of 126 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 255 PASV PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES Health, continued. manure, manner of removing 126- cows, keeping of . . . • . ..... 126 public urinals . 126- bells, ringing of . • 126 refuse matter, keeping of < . . . 12& house-offal, keeping of 126- water-closets, privies, etc., to be kept clean, etc. ..... 126 water-closets in dwelling and tenement houses 126 ashes, keeping and removing of . . 127 house-offal, etc., carrying in streets 127 depth of graves 127 burials to be by daylight ... 127 removal of bodies from tombs or graves, etc 127 graves, opening of 127 emptying cesspools, etc. ......... 127 waste-water, etc., not to remain in building or on land .... 12T care of passageways by abutters ........ 127 steam-exhaust connections ..... ... 128- discharging waste-water . 128 Junk and Second-hand Articles junk-shops, etc., hours for doing business 13& purchases from minors ' . . . 135- Makket Limits sale of goods in 132- butter 132 unwholesome food .......... 132 fraudulent dealing 132" sales at auction ........... 132^ sidewalks and roadways not to be obstructed 132 boxes, etc., not to encumber street or sidewalks 132 playing at games, sleeping, or behaving in a disorderly manner . . 132 smoking in market houses within ...... . . 132 orders of superintendent, etc. , in . . . . . . .132 See also Fanepil Hall Market Limits. Moving Bcildixgs and Bulkt Machinery in Streets . . . 157, 158 Notices and Placards \ placing on posts, poles, etc., prohibited, except .... 130,135 placing on sidewalks, etc., prohibited, except 135 Openings in and Occupations of Streets excavations in streets .......... 130 gratings in streets . .......... 131 coal-holes and other openings 131 entrances by steps descending from sidewalk 131 canopies, awnings, etc .......... 131 American flag projecting, not to be lettered, etc. ..... 131 signs in sidewalks 131 projection of signs, show-bills, etc. ... .... 131 bonfires ........... 131, 137 not to be made without permit 131 256 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. PAGE PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES, continued. Penalties for Violations . . . . . . , , . 139, 159 Projections over Streets bay-windows regulated ... . . . . . . ,158, 200 other projections 158, 195 Public Grounds regulations concerning use of . . 133 Reservoirs, Hydrants, and Water-pipes injury to public reservoirs, pipes, etc . .133 connections with reservoirs, etc. -.,..... 133 turning off or on water 134 opening of hydrants, etc , . . 134 use of water-supply of city and fixtures thereof 134 use of hand-hose ........... 134 Shade Trees, Removal of 157 Sidewalks horses, etc., driving on 158 vehicles, driving on . 158 not to be used with more than ordinary wear, or injured . . 158, 195 Street-railways street-cars, limit of speed on 156 distance between cars, etc. . . laG driving afoul of persons, etc. . . ...... 157 drivers of, to keep watch 157 drivers of, to avoid danger ......... 157 stopping on crosswalks .......... 157 sprinkling and washing of tracks of . . ... . . . 157 Streets, Use of rate of speed for horses, etc., in streets, etc. . . 128, 134, 153, 154 width of loads on vehicles 128 loitering, etc., in, except 128, 183 sale of goods, etc., on streets . . . . . . . . 129 raising and lowering goods over streets . . . . . .129 sprinkling of dirt, salt, etc., on, and removal of manure, etc., from streets 129 cleaning of animals, vehicles, and mats . . . . . . 129 refuse on streets 129, 169 coasting on streets 129 throwing missiles, balls, etc., in streets ...... 129 distribution of handbills, etc. 129 snow and ice on street 129, 130, 173, 174 sawing firewood ........... 130 driving of sheep, swine, etc., in streets 130 horses, cows, etc., not to go at large 130 watering of streets 130 bells or noise-making instruments not to be used in streets . . .130 playing at games of chance in streets ....... 130 climbing trees, posts, etc. 130, 171 tying of animals to trees, posts, etc 130, 171 profane or obscene language in streets 130 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 257 \ FAGS PROHIBITIONS AND PENALTIES Streets, Use of, continued. hay, straw, wood, or bark not to be sold in, except .... 136 numbering of buildings 138, 139, 172 Streets, Use of, by Vehicles Yehicles not to stop in certain positions 153 snapping of whips 153 omnibuses, driving of . . 153 omnibuses, stopping 153 teams, driving ........... 153 trucks, length of ... ; 153 loads, weight of 153 vehicles, stopping ........... 154 vehicles, remaining in streets ........ 164 vehicles, distance at crossings 154 one driver to each ........... 154 omnibuses, riding on steps ......... 154 vehicles, driving over drawbridges and around corners . . . 154 vehicles, stopping in streets . . . . . ... . . 154 animals, driving in winter ......... 155 • vehicles, placing so as not to obstruct ....... 155 hawkers and pedlers 155, 156, 199 Spring lane not to be driven upon 155, 194 Congress square, portions not to be driven upon . . 155, 156, 198, 201 vehicles to be placed lengthwise with street ..... 156 Ward-rooms attendance and voting at meetings in 138 copies of list of voters not to be interfered with ..... 138 Wooden Buildings erection and alteration of 138 PROJECTIONS into streets prohibited without permit 131 distance limited ........... 158, 195 PROSECUTIONS pending, not affected by these revised ordinances 3 not affected by these revised regulations ...... 143 PROVISIONS stands for the sale of, in Faneuil Hall market, how assigned . . . 52, 133 sale of certain, within the market limits, regulated ..... 132 tainted, not to be allowed within the market limits ...... 132 PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. See Amusements. PUBLIC BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT superintendent of public buildings to have charge of . . . . 64 appointment and term of office 8 salary ........... .15 powers and duties of 64 to supervise repairs on buildings owned or hired by city ... 64 to hire buildings or rooms required by city 64 to do electrical work .......... 64 to be custodian of certain flags 64 258 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. PAGK PUBLIC BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT, superintendent of, continued. to have charge of steam apparatus in city hall ... .64 to have charge of city property in armories 64 to report to aldermen repairs needed on armories 64 to purchase fuel, except . . . . . . " . . . 64 to perform duties required by aldermen or school committee . . 64 to designate ward-rooms ........ 64, 183- to post copy of certain sections of this ordinance in ward-room . . 65 to post list of voters in each ward-room . . . . . . 65 to grant permits for the use of ward-rooms . . . . . . 66 to notify board of police thereof ...... , . 66 to have care and custody of Faneuil Hall ..... 66 to include list of city buildings and lands in annual report ... 67 annual report 67 See Officers and Boards. Ward-rooms. PUBLIC GARDEN included in term " public grounds " ....... .4,144 PUBLIC GROUNDS meaning of term defined ........... 4, 144 flags to be displayed on . . . . , . . . . . . 35 trees on, not to be climbed, etc. . . . . . . . . . 133- filth, refuse, etc., not to be deposited on . , . . . . . .133 animals not to be allowed to graze or go at large on . . . . .133 vehicles not to be propelled upon ......... 133 public speaking on, without a permit from the mayor, prohibited . . . 133- throwing stones or rubbish on, prohibited . . . . . . .133 injuring ice on ponds in, prohibited . . ■ . . . . . . 133 cannon, etc., not to be fired on, except, etc. ....... 133 merchandise not to be exposed for sale on, without a permit . . . .133 booths, tents, etc., not to be erected on, without a permit .... 133 coasting on, prohibited, except, etc. ........ 133 ball-playing, etc., prohibited, except, etc 133 walking, lying, etc., on grass on, prohibited, etc. ...... 133 PUBLIC GROUNDS DEPARTMENT superintendent of public grounds to have charge of ..... 68 appointment and term of oflSce . . . . . . . . 8 salary ...... 15, 180 powers and duties ........... 68 to have care of all trees, except ........ 68 to trim shade trees in streets, when ....... 68 to remove trees, when .......... 68 PUBLIC LANDS certain included in term " public grounds " 4, 144 deeds, leases, etc., to be signed by mayor 10 care, etc., of certain, to be in charge of board of street commissioners . . 84 board of street commissioners may sell, when authorized by city council . 84 may let, with approval of mayor ......... 84 deeds of, not to be delivered until purchase-money is paid, except, etc. . 84 records of 84 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 259 PAGK PUBLIC LIBRARY. See Librabt Department. PUBLIC MUSIC. See Mcsic Department. PUBLIC PLACES included in terms " streets " and " public grounds" 4, 144 PUBLIC SQUARES included in terms " streets " and " public grounds " 4, 144 PUBLIC WAYS included in term " streets " . 3,144 PUBLICATION of proceedings of city council, certain provisions not to apply to . . . 61 of ordinances . 3 of regJilations 143 PUBLICATIONS issued by or presented to city to be kept in City Hall reference librafy . . 36 Q. QUARANTINE ^ of vessels to be under charge of board of health . . . . . .43 grounds defined ............ 43 port physician and assistant, appointment of 44 bonds 13 residence ..... 44 duties 44 B. REAL ESTATE collector to keep alphabetical list of tax sales of 37 to sell when taken or purchased by city for non-payment of taxes . 37 to be acquired by city, examination of titles to ...... 50 deeds of, to or from the city, furnishing of ....... 50 benefited by sewers, mode of assessment on ...... . 76, 79 trustees of city hospital to have the care of certain ..... 4.t owned by city, street commissioners to have care of, except .... 84 RECORDS of officers and boards, how to be kept and made up ..... 16 to be open to public inspection and examination, except, etc. . . 16 of removals of subordinates, etc., to be kept by departments ... 16 of assessing department 22 of the cit}-, city clerk to have custody of, except, etc .33 of meetings of board of aldermen 33 of meetings of joint convention 33 of election, confirmation, etc., of officers ....... 33 of committee meetings ........... 36 of births, marriages, and deaths 69,170 of overseers of the poor ........... 56, 57 of orders for constructing sewers, assessments for same, etc. ... 76 of notices of defects in streets, etc. ........ 83 of the public lands and buildings 84 of weigluTs and inspectors of vessels and ballast 88 of water meters ............92 260 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. PAGS RECORDS, continued. of work done in weights and measures department ...... 95 of gunpowder licenses ........... 98 of weighers of hay ............ 104 of dealers in junk 109 of amusement licenses granted 147 REFUSE within market limits 53 in buildings, waters, etc. .......... 126 not to be mingled with offal 126 in streets 129 on public grounds 133 REGISTRAR, CITY See Registry Department. REGISTRARS OF VOTERS sessions of (dropped) . 173 See Election Department. REGISTRY DEPARTMENT city registrar to have charge of 69, 170 appointment and term of office . . 8, 170 bond . . 13 salary 14, 171 duties 69, 170 office hours (dropped in Rev. Ord , 1898) 172 to have custody of records, etc., relating to births, deaths, and mar- riages ........... 69, I7O to complete such records prior to 1849 69, 170 may make copies of certain documents ..... 69, 170 may distribute certain printed documents 69, 170 annual report .69, 170 See Officers and Boards. REGULATIONS OF ALDERMEN. See Aldermen. Revised Regulations OF 1898. REGULATIONS FOR CERTAIN TRADES Camphene, Burning-fluid, etc. manufacture and sale of ......... 97 license for . . 97, 136 not to be granted in certain locations . 98 Explosive Compounds, Manufacture of ....... 97 application for license to fire commissioner ...... 97 premises of applicants to be examined ..... . . 97 license to issue upon order of board of aldermen . . . 97, 101, 136 storage and sale of ......... 101, 102 magazines for storage of ....... . 101, 102 transportation of ......... . 102-104 licensed premises to be examined ........ 97 definition of " explosive compound" ....... 104 Gunpowder application for license to fire commissioner ...... 97 powers, etc., of city council relating to, delegated to fire commissioner, 98 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 261 REGULATIONS FOR CERTAIN TRADES Gunpowder, continued. record of licenses, etc., to be kept .... bringing into, or conveyance of, in city prohibited, unless keeping of, in ressels in harbor conveyance of, in boats vessel with, not to remain near wharf, etc. not to remain on wharf conveyance of, in vehicles within city . manner of keeping, for sale at wholesale for sale at wholesale or retail for sale at retail .... persons licensed to keep, to maintain sign, etc. to permit fire commissioners to examine premises not to sell to children under sixteen, unless regulations adopted by Ord., 1892, c. 6. (See above.) Hat 98 98 99 99 99 99 99 100 100 ICO 101 97 101 165-168 weighing and sale of application for assignment of stand for 97 license, issuing of by fire commissioner 97 fee for license 97 board of aldermen to provide public scales for .... 104 weighers to attend scales assigned ...... 104 to use decimal weights 10* tQ give certificate to driver 104 to keep books of accounts 104 fees of 105 disposition of fees received by 105,176 Junk, Old Metals, and Second-hand Articles keepers of junk-shops to be licensed and keep books .... 109 junk-shops to have signs with their names, etc. ..... 109 junk-shops to be examined 110 articles purchased not to be sold within one week, unless, etc. . . 110 hours for business 110 PkTROLECM, CaMPHENE, BuRNING-FLniD, AND NaPHTHA sale and storage of 97-98 manufacture, etc., of ... 97-98 "Wood and Bark appointment and duties of measurers of 105 Wooden Buildings outside Building Limits building limits, defined .......... 105 regulations for erection of 106-109 erection and repairs of ... 106 permits for 106, 109 foundations 106, 107 posts, girts 107 fire-stops 107 fire-stops of stairs 108 height of, when used for dwellings 108 distance from adjoining lot . 108 262 INDEX TO OEDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. PAGB REGULATIONS FOR CERTAIN TRADES Wooden Buildings, etc.. continued. to be used for L's or extensions, height and area of walls . . . 108 block of two or more dwelling-houses to have brick party -walls . , 108 height of, other than dwellings . . . . . . . .109 distance from adjoining lot ........ . 109 how built in height of more than 50 feet and 2,500 feet in area . . 109 regulations not to apply, when ........ 109 REMOVAL vacancy in office caused by , may be filled for unexpired term ... 9 how filled temporarily .......... 9 of subordinates, record of, to be kept in departments ..... 16 of manure ............. 126 of house-dirt, house-ofifal, etc. . . . . . . . . . . 127 of bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 of manure, dirt, etc., from streets . 129 of snow and ice from sidewalks . . ....... 130 of ice on ponds of public grounds ......... 133 of water from pipes or reservoirs . . . . . . . . .131 of covers of hydrants ........... 134 of combustible materials ........ 41, 42, 138 REPEAL of an ordinance, not to revive ordinance in force before .... 8 of a regulation, not to revive regulation in effect before .... 143 REPORTS of city officers and boards generally to the mayor 19, 61, 191 what shall be inserted therein ........ 19 of money received for the city, to be made monthly 17 board of assessors ............ 23 city auditor • . 26 city collector 38 city engineer 40 city registrar ............. 69 city treasurer ............. 87 election commissioners ........... 39 fire commissioner . . , . . . . . • ... . 42 insane hospital trustees ........... 46 pauper institutions trustees .......... 59 penal institutions commissioner . . . . . . . . . 60 public library examining committee. . .... ... 51 superintendent of printing .......... 62 superintendent of public buildings . 67 superintendent of streets .......... 83 trustees for children 32 trustees of city hospital 45 trustees of public library 51 water commissioner . 94 REQUISITIONS for printing . . . . . . , 1^ bills and demands against city to be accompanied with 18 rendered against city to be examined by city auditor, etc. .... 25 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 263 FA6K KESERVOIRS See Prohibitions and Penalties. RESIGNATION vacancy in office caused by, may be filled for unexpired term . . 9 how filled temporarily 9 REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1898 what to be known as ..... 3 what repealed by ........... . 3 construed as continuation of previously existing ordinances, when • . 3 not to affect any act done, right accrued, penalty incurred, etc. ... 3 not to affect the tenure of any person holding office, etc 3 repeal of any ordinance, not to revive any ordinance in force before . . 3 construction of certain words in . . . . . . 3, 4, 5, 6, 62, 104 penalty for violation of . . 139 See also Ordinances REVISED REGULATIONS OF 1898 what to be known as 143 when construed as continuation of previously existing regulations . . . 143 standing regulations previously in force repealed ...... 143 enacting style of regulations 143 not to revive regulations heretofore repealed, etc. ...... 143 effect of, upon acts done, rights accrued, etc. 143 rules of construction ........... 143 publication of regulations . 143 construction of certain words in 144 general penalty for breaches of 159 Minors' Licenses how granted 145 applications to be made to clerk of committees ..... 145 to be issued and accepted on certain conditions 145 terms of license ........... 146 Public Amusements licenses, how granted . 147 for sacred concerts 196 repealed 198 fees for 147 objectionable posters . . .147 obstructing head coverings 148, 200 who may enter and inspect places of 148 police officers 148 only regular or special police to be employed in places of . . .148 standpipe, hose, etc., for water, implements, chemical extinguishers . 148 firemen . 148 automatic skylights over stages of theatres 148 exits to be marked 148 gas-pipes 149 automatic sprinklers , . .149 Public Officers county officers' salaries 150 appointment and duties of surveyors of marble, soapstone, etc. . . 150 264 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. PAGK REVISED REGULATIONS OF 1898 Public Officers, continued. fees for surveying marble, soapstone, and freestone . . . .150 fees for measuring wood and bark . . . . . . .151 fees for measuring grain . . . . . . . . .151 fees for inspecting petroleum 151 Streets and their Uses superintendent of streets to issue permits on conditions, etc. . . 152 permits for laying pipes or conduits limited ..... 152, 201 excavations under sidewalks to be closed, when ..... 152 koadways and the uses thereof by vehicles, 153-156, 194, 198, 199, 201 Street-railways 156, 157 Moving Buildings and Bulky Machinery in Streets .... 157 Sidewalks and the Uses thereof ........ 158 Projections over Streets ........ 158, 195, 200 Penalty for Violations . . 159 See Prohibitions and Penalties. REVISION general, of ordinances, how published . S of regulations of aldermen, how published . . . . , . . 143 RIGHTS accrued, not affected by these revised ordinances ...... 3 accrued, not affected by passage of the Revised Regulations of 1898 . . 143 s. SACRED CONCERTS licenses for 196 repealed 19& SALAKIES weekly and monthly rolls ...';...... 1& subject to deduction for sums due city by officers ...... 1^ payment of county ii 15 mayor * 14 aldermen .............. 14 city clerk . 14 clerk of committees .... 14 clerk of common council .......... 14 common councilmen 14 city messenger ............. 14 street commissioners ........... 14 of officers appointed by the mayor, 14, 15, 150, 164, 168, 171, 178, 179, 180, 182, 194, 196 compensation of clerks and other assistants . . . . . . . 16 auditor of the county of Suffolk 14 secretary, board of commissioners of sinking-funds . . . . . 14 treasurer, board of commissioners of sinking-funds . . ... 14 of officer performing duties of more than one office 16 secretary of assessors ........... 22 officers at jail 160, 196 officer to transport insane 160 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 265 PASS SALE of articles or materials by oflScers and boards, to be entered in books . . 17 of public property not exceeding $500, with written consent of mayor . . 17 of public lands by street commissioners when ordered by city council . . 84 may be at public auction or otherwise . . . . . . • 84 for non-payment of taxes 37 SALT not to be sprinkled, etc., in streets, except . 129 not to be used by street-railway corporations to remove snow on rails, etc. . 157 SAND brought to the city by water, etc., to be inspected . ..... 89 oflBcers of the city not to purchase, etc., unless weighed, etc. ... 17 not to sprinkle on street-railways, except ... .... 157 SCALES for weighing of hay, etc. , to be established . 104 to be furnished with decimal weights ........ 104 fees for weighing at 105, 176, 177 SCHOOL COMMITTEE superintendent of public buildings may act for . . . . . . 64 to receive compensation provided by ....... 64 SCHOOLS tax-bills to state proportion of tax-rate rendered necessary for ... 22 SEAL, CITY form and inscription upon . 6 SEALING OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. See Weights and Measures Department. SEWERS persons entering drains into, how assessed 76, 79 drains not to be entered into sewers without a permit . . . . . 128 drains connecting with, to be kept in repair ....... 128 steam, etc., liable to obstruct, not to be discharged into .... 128, 176 See Street Department. SHADES in streets, provisions as to 131 SHAVINGS deposit and removal of 41, 42, 138 SHEEP, ETC. not to go at large in streets 110 provisions relative to driving through streets 130 SHOW-BOARDS not to be carried in streets without permit 129 SHRUBS statutes and ordinances for protection of, to be strictly enforced ... 68 SICKNESS ringing of bells, how suspended in cases of 126 SIDEWALKS included in term " street " 4, 144 excavations under, permits for . 79 closing of ............. 152 signs not to be inserted in, without a permit . 131 266 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. SIDEWALKS, continued. not to be obstructed ..... remoTal of ice and snow from .... regulations relative to permanent excavations under to cellar doors leading from to gratings in ... . to construction, etc., of coal-holes and vaults under to hoisting goods and safes over vehicles, etc., not to be permitted on ... . projections over, distance limited ..... not to be subjected to more than ordinary wear SIGNS provisions as to erection of, over streets . . . not to be placed or carried on sidewalk without permit . not to be inserted in sidewalk without a permit dealers in gunpowder to have certain, on vessels or stores dealers in junk, etc., to have certain, on their shops SINKING-FUNDS DEPARTMENT board of commissioners of sinking-funds to have charge of how constituted ..... appointment and term of oflSce powers and duties .... disposition by, of moneys paid to them to report amounts required to be raised by taxation for sinking-funds city auditor may be secretary of . salary ...... city treasurer may be treasurer of salary ...... appropriations for how made ...... disposition of application of, when debt falls due certain moneys received by treasurer to be added to See Officers akd Boards. SKYLIGHTS automatic, to be placed over stage of every theatre SMOKE consuming devices to be used ...... SNOW AND ICE not to be thrown into street unless made even removal of, from sidewalks ...... who responsible for removal of bells to be used on horses when snow is on the ground . salt, etc., not to be used on street-railway tracks, etc. . SOAPSTONE appointment of surveyors of marble, freestone, and duties fees for surveying SOLDIERS' RELIEF DEPARTMENT soldiers' relief commissioner to have charge of . . 128 129, 130, 173, 174 130 131 131 131 129 158 58, 195, 200 158, 195 131 129 131 101 109 70 70 8,9 70 70 70 24 14 85 14 70 70 71 86 . 148 138, 164 . 130 129. 130 129, 130, 17.S. 174 155 157 150 150 150 72 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 267 I-AGB SOLDIERS' RELIEF DEPARTMENT, continued. appointment and term of office . . 8 salary 14 powers and duties 72 subject to direction by aldermen as to amounts paid by ... 72 SPECIFICATIONS for any work to be done, to be prepared and record kept .... 16 all changes and alterations in, to be recorded 16 SPRING LANE no vehicle or animal to be driven on . . . . . . . 155,194 STABLES occupancy and use of, authorized by board of health 43 STATISTICS DEPARTMENT established 186 statistics trustees to have charge of . . . . . . . .73 appointmeiit and term of office ........ 9 how constituted 73 to collect and publish statistics relating to Boston and other cities . 73 to publish and distribute " The City Record " .... 73,189 STONE brought into city, to be weighed .17 STRAW sale of, etc. See Hat. STREET COMxMISSIONERS. See Street Laying-oct Department. STREET DEPARTMENT superintendent of streets to have charge of 74 appointment and term of office . 8 general duties 74-83 salary ... 15 annual report of 83 to construct all streets and sewers ....... 74 to have discretion as to grades, materials, etc., of streets, sidewalks, and sewers ........... 74 to keep streets clean and in good condition and repair ... 74 to have charge of pumping station and improved sewerage reservoirs . 74 to have charge of all sewers and catch-basins 74 to keep streets properly watered . .74 to remove ashes, house-dirt, etc. ........ 74 to send monthly bills of mateiials, etc., to auditor .... 74 to have care and management of city's ferries ..... 74 and purchase boats, supplies, etc. . . . . . . , 74 receipts from tolls, etc., to be paid to the city collector ... 74 retaining of money for change . . . . . . . . 74 may issue licenses for excavations, etc , in streets, etc., when . . 77-81 may grant permits to occupy streets ..... 77-81,131,132 conditions of permits ......... 77-81, 152 permits to be exhibited to police, when ..... 78, 131 to have care and management of bridges ...... 74 of certain parts of Harvard and Prison-point bridges . . 74 to be commissioner of Cambridge bridges on part of city ... 75 268 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. STREET DEPARTMENT, superintendent of streets, continued. to notify city engineer when exposing structure of bridges ... 75 to repair bridges under supervision of city engineer .... 75 to keep bridges, abutments, etc., in good repair and condition . . 75 to appoint draw-tenders for bridges, etc. ...... 75 duties of draw -tenders ........ 75 to place and maintain names of streets .... . . 76 to require numbers to be affixed to buildings .... 76, 171 to record date of order for constructing each sewer .... 76 name of contractor or builder constructing a sewer ... 76 date of commencing and completing a sewer .... 76 the cost of each sewer . . ' 76 names of owners of estates assessed 76 number of feet of land bordering, etc., on sewer ... 76 the assessment on each estate 76-79 the date of the completion of the sewer 76 the date when notice of assessment is given .... 76 shall deliver bills of assessments to city collector .... 76 shall keep a plan for every existing and every new sewer ... 76 shall insert in said plan all entries into sewers ..... 7d when about to build or repair a sewer, etc., to notify abutters . . 76 lamp and water departments, etc., to be notified by superintendent, etc., 76 after notice, not to breakup street for one year, except ... 77 bonds required from persons for permits to open streets ... 81 persons violating specifications of permit not to receive another . . 82 persons making excavations to put streets in order .... 77 to restore streets at expense of person making excavation, when . 77, 78 certain sums received for work done by, to be credited to department, 77 lights and sidewalks to be maintained ....... 77 may issue permits to lay or repair water-pipes, or erect or repair lamps, 78 to enter drains into sewers ....... 78, 128 terms of condition for coal-holes, covers, vaults, etc. terms of condition openings .... covers . . for hoisting goods into buildings terms of condition for moving buildings, when terms of condition for tracks, wires, pipes, or conduits terms of condition for poles for support of wires terms of condition bond to be given before receiving permit new bond may be required not to issue permit to person who has violated months ....... issuing of permits subject to control of aldermen permit within twelve 78 79, 131 79 79 79 79, 129 79 80, 157 80 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 269 STREET DEPARTMENT, superintendent of streets, continued owners maintaining excavations, posts, conduits, etc., to hold city harmless .......... to require entrances or descending steps to be securely guarded to keep record of notices of defects ..... to cause defects to be examined and repaired, when to be notified of defects by city employees .... may grant permits for driving vehicles more than ten feet wide may grant permits to sell goods in streets .... permits issued by, subject to control, etc., of aldermen to close and fill excavations under sidewalks, when subordinates receiving money for house offal, bonds . permit clerk, bond . ........ deputy superintendent ferry division, bond .... clerk and assistant clerk of, bond .... sellers of tickets or receivers of tickets or money at ferries, bond See Officers and Boards. STREET DIRT not to be removed without permit 129 STREET LAYING-OUT DEPARTMENT street commissioners to have charge of . . . . . salaries to lay out, locate anew, discontinue, etc., highways, etc. and order specific repairs may make abatements of taxes, when ..... to settle damages ami benefits with approval of mayor to have care and maintenance of certain lands and buildings may let lands with approval of mayor ..... may sell lands when ordered by city council .... not to deliver deeds until purchase-money is paid . may convey portion of lands upon partial payments See Officers and Boards. STREET-RAILWAYS regulations as to See Prohibitions and Penalties. STREETS meaning of word defined . ....... sidewalks in. See Sidewalks. provisions when sewer is to be laid in . . . . . . . .76 footway for passengers to be provided around obstructions in ... 77 materials of which coverings of coal-holes, etc., in, may be made ... 79 provisions relative to laying telegraph and telephone wires under ... 80 provisions relative to erecting poles and wires in . . . . . 81, 163 moving buildings through, permits for, how procured 80 openings and excavations in 77-81,130,131,152 provisions relative to awnings, canopies, etc., into and over . . . 131 signs, etc., not to be placed in, or allowed to project over . . . 131,181 crying of wares in ........... . 13(5 raising and lowering goods over 79, 129 82 82 83 83 83 128 129 152 162 13 13 13 13 13 84 14, 178 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 156, 157 3, 4, 144 270 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. STREETS, continued. sauntering or loitering in . , . showcards, placards, etc., not to be carried in sawing firewood in .... placing merchandise, etc., in . snow and ice, removal of . . . snow and ice not to be thrown into, unless fast driving in, prohibited provisions relative to width of vehicles in provisions relative to driving sheep, swine, etc., through grazing animals not to be allowed to feed or go at large in carriages and horses not to be washed or cleaned in watering, without a license, forbidden .... provisions relative to the ringing of bells, etc , in . provisions relative to selling goods, etc . in . . playing at games of hazard, etc., in, forbidden playing ball, throwing stones, etc., in, forbidden . shooting with bows and arrows in, forbidden . distribution of handbills, etc., in, forbidden . provisions relative to coasting in .... . use of obscene or profane language in, forbidden . bathing in view of, forbidden ...... earth, salt, etc., not to be sprinkled or placed in removing dirt or manure from, regulated refuse not to be swept or placed in . trees, posts, etc., in, not to be climbed, etc., nor animals posted on ........ . carpets not to be shaken in ..... . use of, within the Faneuil Hall market limits, regulated use of, within the market limits ..... transportation of gunpowder through, regulated transportation of explosive compounds through, regulated bonfires, etc., not to be made in, without a license, etc. . stands in, for sale of hay, to be designated by board of aldermen 129, 1 128 129 130 129 30, 173, 174 . 130 128, 134, 153, 154 . 128 130 110, 130 129 130 . 130 . 129 130 . 129 . 129 . 129 129 130 132, 191 129 129 129, 169 tied to, nor bills 130, 171 . 129 62, 133 . 132 99 102-104, 137 131, 137 97. 136 stands in, for sale of wood and bark, to be designated by board of aldermen, 97, 136 notice to be given of intention to erect, alter, etc , buildings upon construction of word in ordinances and regulations regulations relative to moving buildings and bulky machinery in limiting permits for laying pipes and conduits in . projection of bay-windows over, limited .... other projections over, limited ..... the use of, by vehicles, etc. .... the use of, by street-railways ...... See Prohibitions and Penalties. Street Department SUBORDINATES meaning of, defined record of removal of, and cause assigned therefor . to be citizens of United States and residents of Boston . compensation of, how fixed . 106 8, 4, 144 157, 158 162, 201 168, 200 168, 195 153-156 166, 167 . 4, 144 16 16, 189 16 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 271 PAOB SUBORDINATES, continued. increase in compensation of, how made ........ 16 assignment of wages of, to be prevented ........ 16 certain, to furnish bonds . . . . . . . . . .13, 37, 85 may be designated to perform duties of head of department, when ... 19 SUFFOLK COUNTY auditor, salary ............ 14 bills against, how audited 25 city collector to receive moneys to be paid to ....... 37 superintendent of public buildings to have supervision of buildings used by . 64 treasurer may make payments in various institutions, etc., in . ... 87 officer to transport insane .......... 150 officers of, how salaries allowed and paid ....... 15 salaries of officers of . 150,194,196 SUIT pending, not affected by these ordinances or regulations . . . .3, 143 city solicitor may institute . . . 50 may settle, when 50 SUPERINTENDENT OF LAMPS. See Lamp Department. SUPERIXTKNDENT OF PEDLERS to be appointed by board of health, duties ...... 44, 175 SUPERINTENDENT OF PRINTING. See Printing Department. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. See Public Boildings Department- SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC GROUNDS. See Public Grounds De- partment. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. See Street Department. SURETIES mayor may release, when 10 on official bonds to be approved by mayor ....... 12 shall be an incorporated surety company, except . . ' . . . . 12 premiums for, to be paid by city ......... 12 new, to be furnished, when .......... 12 insolvency or disability of, mayor to be immediately informed of . . . 24 cancellation of 10, 181 SWIMMING bathing, etc., in waters surrounding city, prohibited, etc. . . . 132,191 SWINE, ETC. not to go at large in streets ......... 110,130 not to be kept in the city without a license from board of health . . . 125 provision relative to driving through streets 130 T. TABLE of changes in ordinances and regulations 203 TAXES when mayor may release^tai-titles held by the city . . . . . . 10 sales of real estate for, list of, to be kept by collector ..... 37 sale of real estate taken or purchased by city for non-payment of . ... 37 assessors of. See Assessors . 22 272 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. PAGE TAXES, continued. abatements of, by whom made . " . . . . . . . . 22, 84 records of 22 by board of street commissioners, to be transmitted to assessors . . 84 bills for, to be made out by board of assessors ...... 22 to be delivered to city collector 22 to be recorded by board of assessors ....... 22 record of, to be delivered to city collector ...... 22 statements of amounts of, to be delivered to city auditor ... 22 TAX-TITLES held by city, mayor may release, on payment, etc 10 TEMPORARY HOME medical inspectors to board of health to attend persons confined in, when . 43 overseers of the poor to have charge of ........ 56 records of applications for admission to 57 TENANT meaning of term defined 4, 144 TERM OF OFFICE of boards and officers 8,9 not affected by these ordinances or regulations 3, 143 THE CITY RECORD publication of . . . . ' . . . 73, 189 THEATRES provisions relative to 147-149 See Amusements. THEATRICAL EXHIBITIONS posters and placards for, to be approved by committee on licenses . . . 147 licenses for, and regulations as to . . . . 147-149, 193, 196, 198, 200 See Amcsements. TORPEDOES explosion of, in streets, prohibited . . 137 TREASURER, CITY. See Treasurt Department. TREASURY DEPARTMENT city treasurer to have charge of ......... 85 appointment of .... 8 term of office ............ 8 salary 1* bond 13 office hours 15 to pay salaries, etc., to officers of Suffolk county 87 shall pay checks of auditor 85 shall pay executions and bonds ........ 86 shall transmit paid executions, bonds, and coupons to auditor . . 86 money to be held for disposal by city council at end of year . . 86 to require bonds of his subordinates, when 85 to have custody of current funds of city, and to deposit same . . 85 payments by, when may be made in places other than City Hall . . 87 certificates of indebtedness to be signed by 85 to pay certain moneys to board of commissioners of sinking-funds . 86 investment, etc., by, of funds received from grants in trust ... 86 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 273 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, city treasurer, continued. disposition of bequests, etc. 86 shall disburse income of police charitable fund 86 may serve as treasurer to commissioners of sinking-funds ... 86 shall make monthly statements to the mayor . . . . 87 See Officers and Boards. TREES removal of, how ordered ........... 68 statutes and ordinances for protection of, how enforced ..... 68 superintendent of public grounds to have care of all owned by city, except . 68 in streets, not to be climbed, nor horses tied to, nor bills posted on . . 130 on public grounds, not to be climbed, etc 130 on grounds of Chestnut-hill reservoir, not to be injured .... 134 in streets, placards, etc., not to be affixed to, without consent of mayor . 135 shade, removal of, etc., to facilitate moving buildings 157 TRUANTS shall be sent to parental school at West Roxbury ....'. 32, 177 provisions relative to .32 TRUCKS length of, limited 153 u. UNDERTAKERS board of health to license and regulate, and establish fees of . . . . 44 URINALS in charge of bath trustees 28, 188, 192 defacing, etc., public . 126 Y. VACANCIES in offices, how filled 9 VACATIONS all salaried officers and boards entitled to fortnight without loss of pay . . 15 mayor may grant additional time ......... 15 VACCINATION duties of city physician in regard to 43 certificates of, for admission to schools . . . . . s . . .44 VALUATION for preceding five years to be included in annaal report of assessors . . 23 VAULTS burial. See Bubials. applications for cleaning, how made 44 board of health to make contracts for emptying ...... 44 under sidewalks, how constructed 79 dwelling-houses not to be occupied unless provided with .... 126 offensive, not to be maintained 126 not to be emptied without a permit, etc. ....... 127 274 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. VEGETABLES not to be brought into the city or sold except in certain condition damaged, not to be brought into the city without permit VEHICLES driving of, in streets ..... carriages not to stand in certain positions snapping of whips by drivers of . . . omnibuses to be driven only on regular routes omnibuses not to be stopped except for passengers teams, manner of driving, regulated length of trucks limited .... to be stopped or placed as directed by police officer vehicles not to remain, etc., in streets not to stop in streets over five minutes, except space between, at crossings one driver to each vehicle riding upon steps of driving around corners driving of, over drawbridges . bells to be attached to, when snow and ice on streets not to be placed in streets so as to obstruct other vehicles, etc pedlers', rules concerning placing of, in streets Spring lane and parts of Congress square not to be driven upon by, . 125 . 125 128, 134, 153, 154 153 153 153 153 153 153 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 155 155 155, 199 . 156 155, 156, 194, 198, 201 hand-carts, etc., not to be used for pedling in city proper between certain 155, 156 . 129 . 133 . 134 62, 132 62 . 132 . 132 153-156 . 128 163, 154, 199 hours . not to be washed or cleaned in the streets ..... not to be allowed on public grounds without a permit . certain, not to be driven within the grounds of Chestnut-hill reservoir superintendent of markets may control certain .... abandoned, within limits of Faneuil Hall market, may be removed not allowed to stand in certain positions within market limits . not to be allowed within the market limits at certain times regulations relative to the use of streets by .... . size of certain, limited ... . . .... weights of loads on, limited regulations relative to use of streets by street-railways with reference to, 156, 157 VESSELS duties of draw-tenders of bridges as to the passage of, through draws . . 76 masters of, to give draw -tenders statements of names, etc., of ... 76 to fix lines, etc., as directed 76 draw-tender to decide as to priority of right to pass through draw . 75 not to be made fast to bridges, etc., except ....... 131 persons in charge of vessels to comply with directions of draw-tender . . 131 VESSELS AND BALLAST DEPARTMENT weighers of vessels and ballast to have charge of 88 appointment and term of office 8 to be sworn, etc. .88 qualifications . 88 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 275 PASB VESSELS AND BALLAST DEPARTMENT, weighers of, continued. fees 88, 90 daties of chief weigher and inspector 88 to keep books, etc 88 daties of assistant 88, 89 oflSce and office hours 88 stones, ballast, et<;., brought by water to be inspected by ... 89 mode of inspection by 89 certificates of weighing and inspection to be given by . . . . 89 to contain certain facts 89 Tessels weighed and inspected by, not subject to second charge, except, 89 to be subject to inspection without charge for certain purposes, 89, 90 master of Tessel with ballast, etc., for sale, to report arrival, etc., to, 89 See Officers asd Boards. VOTERS lists of, to be posted up in ward-rooms 65 li8t« of, to remain, etc 65 use of ward-rooms by 66 penalty for interfering with list of, in ward-room 138 See Election Department. w. WAGES assignment of, to be prevented by heads of departments . . . . 16 due deceased employee, how paid 18 WAGONS. See Vehiclks. WALLS placards, notices, etc., not to be affixed to, without permission, etc. . . 135 in certain buildings 108, 109, 190 WARD MEETINGS when called for designated day, use of ward-rooms for such day ... 66 WARD-ROOMS places for 64, 65, 183 permits for the use of, how obtained 66 to set forth, what ....... .... 66 to be reserved when party caucuses are called ...... 66 police to be notified when permits are granted 66 duties of, at meetings in . . _ .66 other rooms to be provided, when 64 expenses of opening, closing, lighting, and heating of, payment of . . 66 printed copy of ordinance in regard to, to be hung up in .... 65 list of voters in the ward to be posted in ........ 65 See Prohibitions and Penalties. WARDS boundaries established 111-124, 180 WATER regulations relative to the use of 98 to be printed on bill for water-rates ....... 92 persons taking water to be considered as agreeing to .... 92 supply to be cut oS in case of violation of 93 276 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. PAOB WATER, continued. injury to reservoir, etc. 133 turning on or off in pipe or reservoir without a license 134 drawing from pipe or fixture of the city 134 use through hand-hose ........... 134 WATER-CLOSETS to be kept clean 12& dwelling-houses not to be occupied unless furnished with . .. . . 126 waste-water, etc., from, to be conveyed through drains ..... 12& WATEK-FIXTURES, PIPES, ETC. See Regulations for Certain Trades. Prohibitions and Penalties. WATER DEPARTMENT water board, salaries ........... 168 water commissioner to have charge of . . . . . . . . 91 appointment and term of office . . . . . . . • 8, 9 salary .15 powers and duties 91 to have charge of waters, reservoirs, etc., held by city ... 91 to furnish fuel and supplies . 91 to purchase, lay, and maintain meters, pipes, conduits, etc. ... 91 ■ to cause yearly examination of premises and fixtures of water-takers . 91 to shut off and let on water, when ....... 91 to determine rates for water . ........ 91 shall send lists of water-bills to collector ...... 91 may make abatements in water-rates in certain cases . . . . 91 to attach a meter, when ......... 92 to keep records of meters . 92 may let on water when occupancy is changed . . . . . 92 to make separate valuations, etc., to determine rates .... 92 charges for use of water, when measured by meters, to be paid quarterly, 91 may cut off water-supply for non-payment of water-rates ... 91 to enforce payment of water-rates when due 91 may enter premises supplied with water, in certain cases . . . 93 books to be kept ........... 94 annual report 94 use of water-supply of city and fixtures not without permission of, etc., 134 secretary, bond ........ .... 13^ to receive and account for certain moneys ...... 92 superintendent of income division, bond ........ 13^ See Officers and Boards. WATER-METERS to be furnished by water commissioner . .92 to be attached, when 92 detailed statements of tests of, to be made 92 record of, to be kept ........... 92 charge for use of water measured by, how collected ..... 91 WATER-RATES statements of assessments for, to be delivered to city collector ... 91 tariff of, to be established by water commissioner 91 abatements of, may be made by water commissioner 91 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. 277 FAOB WATER-RATES, continued. determination of, in joint assessment of different premises .... 92 at what time payable . 91 proceedings to collect, when due and not paid ...... 38 standing regulations for the use of water to be printed on bills for . . 92 WATERING streets, superintendent of streets to have charge of 74 without license, forbidden 130 WAYFARERS, LODGE FOR overseers of poor to have charge of ........ 56 WEIGHERS AND INSPECTORS OF VESSELS AND BALLAST . . 8, 88-90 See Vessels and Ballast Department. WEIGHTS decimal, to be furnished for hay scales 104 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES DEPARTMENT sealer and deputies to have charge of 95 appointment and term of office 8 bonds 13 salaries 14 sealer to keep books showing work done and fees earned .... 95 to pay fees weekly to collector ........ 95 deputies to pay fees daily to sealer . 95 number increased to ten 185 WIRE DEPARTMENT wire commissioner to have charge of 96 appointment and term of office 8, 9 salary 15 general duties 96 to remove wires and supports from certain streets .... 96 to examine and report upon locations for po les for wires ... 96 to issue permits for poles when authorized by aldermen ... 96 WOMEN appointment of, on certain boards 9 WOOD AND BARK places for measuring and sale of, may be assigned by board of aldermen . 97 sale of, in certain cases, except in places appointed, etc., prohibited . . 136 measurers of appointment 105 powers 105 fees 151 WOODEN BUILDINGS building limits ... .......... 105 regulations for erection of 106-109, 138 erection and repairs of, outside building limits 106 permits for 106, 109 foundations 106, 107 posts, girts, etc 107 fire-stops 107 fire-stops of stairs 108 height of, when used for dwellings 108 278 INDEX TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. PAGE WOODEN BUILDINGS, continued. distance from adjoining lot 108 to be used for L's or extensions, height and area of walls .... 108 block of two or more dwelling-houses to have brick party-walls . . . 108 height of, other than dwellings 109 distance from adjoining lot ......... . 109 how built in height of more than 50 feet and 2,500 feet in area . . . 109 regulations not to apply, when ......... 109 erection and alteration of, in violation of ordinances prohibited . . . 138 WOOD ISLAND PARK under charge of park commissioners ........ 58 See Park Department. WORDS construction of certain 3, 4, 5, 6, 62, 104, 144 Y. YEAR financial, when it begins and ends 6 YD 01781