Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2008 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/artofsliortstoryOOgrabricli THE ART OF THE SHORT STORY THE ART OF THE SHORT STORY BY CARL H. GRABO Instructor in English, the University of CbicafO CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON COFYKIGHT, 1913, BY CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS Printed in the United States of America I PREFACE The principles of narrative structure which I have set down here are for the most part true of the novel as well as of the short story, though for conciseness and clearness I have discussed their application chiefly to the latter. They are, most of them, commonly enough held, though in my college work I have felt the need of a book which should collect and relate them in simple, orderly, and yet comprehensive fashion. The material is scattered, and the amateur writer cannot easily find it. For other than commonplace and accepted principles of structure I have relied chiefly on Stevenson, whose letters and essays are filled with comments of technical interest to writers. It is unfortunate that he never wrote his promised work, a "small and arid book" upon the art of fiction. Most of my indebtedness to Stevenson is specifically acknowledged in the following pages. The method of the book is in part based upon Poe's The Philosophy of Composition. In this vi PREFACE he traces the development of The Raven, making clear the steps of the creative process. Unfor- tunately he did not perform a like office for his short stories, an analysis which would have been even more valuable. There is curiously little material upon the psychology of story composi- tion, the very thing which the beginner most needs, for he is too often of the opinion that the men he seeks to emulate work by mental proc- esses too mysterious and profound for his under- standing. There are invaluable hints — if skilled writers would but give them — which might save the beginner much time and mistaken effort and as well inspire him with some small confidence in the methods which he pursues, whatever his despair at the immediate results thereof. Could I analyze the masterpieces of the short story with certainty and exactness, so that their inception and development might be made clear and explicit, I should rely upon them alone to illustrate the mental processes of story writing. But so exact an analysis is possible only to the author. I have, therefore, in addition to quot- ing from Stevenson, Poe, and Henry James, en- deavored from my own experimental knowledge to analyze the way in which the mind seeks and selects a story idea and then proceeds to develop it. I trust that what I have found true of my experience may be of some value to others PREFACE vii who are seeking to learn the difficult art of working effectively at story composition. I am greatly indebted to the following mem- bers of the English department of the University of Chicago for helpful criticism and advice: Mrs. Edith Foster Flint, Mr. Robert M. Lovett, and Mr. James W. Linn. CONTENTS CBAPISR PAGE I. The Short Story i II. The Essentials of Narrative . _. 6 III. The Point of View ..._... 21 rV. The Unities of Action, Time, and Place -37 V. Exposition and Preparation . . 65 VI. Introductions. The Order of Nar- ration 96 VII. Character-Drawing 115 VIII. Description OF Person AND Place . 143 DC. Dialogue 175 X. Types of Story Ideas 198 XI. Titles and Names 214 XII. Suggestion and Restraint . . , 227 XIII. Unity of Tone 244 ix X CONTENTS CBAPTKR PAGX XIV. The Psychology of Story Writing 265 XV. Conclusion 284 Appendix: Poe's "The Philosophy OF Composition" 295 Index 313 THE ART OF THE SHORT STORY THE ART OF THE SHORT STORY CHAPTER I THE SHORT STORY Various attempts have been made to define the short story as a distinct form of narrative, much as a sonnet may be characterized as a verse form conspicuously different from the ballad and the ode. But though every one knows in a general way what a short story is, no single definition as yet devised has proved suffi- ciently precise to win universal acceptance. The reasons for this failure will be worth noting at the outset of our discussion of short-story technic. It is impossible, in the first instance, to state exactly what is meant by *' short." We have no difficulty in classing the Odyssey as a long story, an epic, or Vanity Fair as a novel. In compari- son with these, the tales of the Arabian Nights or the stories of Maupassant are relatively short. Yet we may not define a ''short story" as a fic- titious prose narrative of five, or ten, or fifteen ART' OF THE SHORT STORY thcusand woriis, for what, in that case, shall we say of a story of sixteen thousand words? Must this be called by another name, a "novelette," perhaps? To draw so hard and fast a line is ob- viously unsafe. Nor is the difficulty less if we define a "short story" as one which may be read at a sitting, for we read at varying speeds, and a '* sitting" may be two hours or four. The char- acteristic, shortness, is a relative, not a fixed, attribute, and upon it we cannot frame a defini- tion of the "short story." We encounter equal difficulty if we endeavor to base our definition upon some distinctive peculiarity of form whereby a "short story" may be differentiated from other types of short narrative, such as the "tale" and the "allegory." Rip Van Winkle is usually classed as a tale. We feel readily that it differs somewhat from the short story as practised by Kipling and Maupassant. Yet there are many points of re- semblance, too, and it is almost impossible to construct a brief and intelligible definition which shall make the distinction clear. Literary classi- fications are not like those of chemical elements, distinct and sharply drawn. A truer analogy would be that of a gradation of colors. This color, we say, without hesitation, is green; that blue. But not always can we be so sure. There are colors which partake of both, and which we THE SHORT STORY 3 may call blue-green, or greenish-blue, or by a specific name which more or less loosely defines a color commingled of the two. Thus it is with the forms of fiction. It is almost impossible to tell at what point one type begins, and another ends, for they have many elements in common; the structural principles of one resemble too closely the structural principles of a seconds Only when the contrast is extreme is a clear dis- tinction easy. A more profitable method whereby to approach the difficulty is to consider the analogy of the novel. The earlier forms of fictitious narrative from which the novel has been developed need not concern us here. We should note merely that various novelists, each with the work of his predecessors as a vantage-ground, have developed the possibilities of the novel as a form of prose fiction; have improved its technic and defined its field so that at last we have a fairly clear idea of what a novel is. Experiments, failures, and half -successes have made clear what the novelist may and may not attempt with a reasonable prospect of success. Of shorter fictitious narratives much the same is true. Only by repeated experiment have cer- tain of the possibilities of the form been revealed ■ — as yet not all of them, we may well believe. And, while the potentialities of the form have 4 ART OF THE SHORT STORY been indicated, so, too, have been its limitations. Nowadays the skilled writer decides, before set- ting pen to paper, at what length and in what form he may best express his idea, for he knows that some of the resources of the novel are denied the short story; and, conversely, that an idea effectively clothed in the shorter form may not suffice for the more elaborate development de- manded in the novel. Between novels and short stories the difference in technic is, at bottom, dependent almost solely upon the length of the narrative. In two thou- sand words I shall not, obviously, be able to do what George Eliot, in Middlemarchy has done in two hundred thousand. I should be foolish to try. But what is true of stories so discrepant in length as two thousand and two hundred thou- sand words is true in lesser degree of stories two and five thousand words long, though both may, in the common acceptation of the term, be "short stories." That there are structural principles true of one form of fiction and not of another we may not safely declare. Certain principles true of all narratives, long and short, there are, and at these we can arrive. We may also recognize structural difficulties which bear with increasing weight upon the writer as he attempts an ever shorter form. But we are wise if we do not make our theories too inelastic. THE SHORT STORY 5 The study of the technic of the short story is nothing more than the critical analysis of ex- periments made in the shorter forms of narrative. From this analysis emerges a body of generaliza- tions which will guide the writer in the effective development of his idea — that is, a technic. At the end of our study it may perhaps be pos- sible to summarize results in a fashion sufficiently concise to serve as a definition of the short-story jrbrm, but to attempt such definition at the outset would be unprofitable. We need first to under^ stand the narrative principles true of all storieSj^ long and short. Then we may consider more minutely those structural principles which are increasingly significant as the story form be- comes shorter. ^ y^ X<^^^"^'^- ' K^J^ CHAPTER n THE ESSENTIALS OF NARRATIV^E There are, then, certain structural principles true of all stories, alike short and long. These we should understand before we seek to define more particularly the essentials of short fiction. We should learn first what a story is; and this demands that we explain the meaning of narra- tive, for a story is only fictitious narrative, narra- tive imaginatively constructed to produce a de- sired effect. Narrative we may loosely define as a recor d. in w ords, of experience. Thus history and bi- ography are narratives no less than the stories of Poe. The term is broad and inclusive. Let us trace the steps by which we may develop one of the simpler narrative forms, the autobiog- raphy. Th£_i:ibi g_ct of an autobiography is jto_ re cord ^interesting and significant experiences. This purpose is, in reality, twofold. The incidents of his life being of interest to the writer, they may, first of all, interest you as well, for through the 6 ESSENTIALS OF NARRATIVE 7 imagination you are able to re-create, less vividly to be sure, the accidents which have befallen him. These experiences have, however, been more than interesting of themselves; they have affected and moulded him, made him what he is. You, following them, become, in some sort, ac- quainted with his personality. He is, in a sense, the hero of a true story, and you trace his for- tunes with some degree of concern. But how does he select from his many experiences those which are interesting and important only, for he cannot tell everything he does and feels. Even Boswell's Life of Dr. Johnson^ long as it is, fails to record everything Johnson did and said. Johnson himself could not have told all; much of it he would have forgotten. Memory it is that first sifts our experiences. Were" one to keep a diary m which each night he put down the events of the day, memory would see to it that his journal was not too full. He would not remember a tenth of his sensations. Many of them would be so familiar or so trivial as to pass unheeded. Yet there would be many left, the record of which would serve as the story of the day. Each day he would accumulate more, and in the course of years an immense quantity. So vast would the collection become that with his future autobiography in mind, he would soon reaHze that, for the sake of his read- 8 ART OF THE SHORT STORY ers, a discriminating selection was imperative. Deliberately, therefore, he would reread his diary, to cull from it only the best — the most in- teresting, and the most significant. As he rereads his diary the writer is imme- diately struck with an important fact: many of the incidents there narrated are highly uninter- esting to him now, though indubitably he once thought them of importance. They neither pos- sess any enduring quality of interest, nor are they of any significance in the light of after events. They resemble, indeed, many passages in the diary of the garrulous Pepys: they are but evidence of the petty concerns with which, for the most part, our lives have to do. He is surprised, on the other hand, to note but brief mention of an incident which he now thinks vastly more important than many another told at greater length. Wherein does his later judg- ment differ from the former? The difference lies here: the incident, unimportant at the time, is truly significant by reason of its relation to sub- sequent incidents of importance. It may have been the introduction to a stranger who is now an intimate friend; to an enemy who has since injured him; to the girl who is now his wife. He did not know the potentialities of the incident at the time. Now he perceives its vast sig- nificance. ESSENTIALS OF NARRATIVE 9 As he turns the pages he may chance here and there upon entries which hnk themselves together in chains. On this day he met again the woman who is his wife. He was impressed by her beauty or her inteUigence. Again, he called upon her, or they met at the house of a friend. From week to week he can trace the growth of his romance. He is struck by the fact that it constitutes a story, one of the many stories, broken or complete, which make up the sum of his life. I have employed the term ''story" as one ap- pro priate to such a chain of related incident s as I-have out lined. What, then, is the distinguish- ing char acter of a story? To grasp its essentials, lef^us take for analysi s some st ory which has bee n universally known for a long time, and which, therefore, is presumably good, that is, artistic. I shall briefly summarize the chief in- cidents of Cinderella. • ■ Cinderella is the beautiful and virtuous daughter of a widower who seeks to forget his loneliness by marrying a widow. The widow's two daughters, less beautiful and good than Cinderella, are jealous of her and abuse her. The stepmother, also, because of them, is hard upon the girl, and makes her the household drudge. Cinderella's lot is a sad one, for, while her stepsisters are enjoying themselves at balls, lo ART OF THE SHORT STORY she is without fine clothes, and pleasures, and attention. It happens that the king of the land is to give a great ball to which all the young ladies of position are invited, for from among them the prince, his son, will make choice of a bride. Cinderella would like to go, but she is without the fine clothes necessary. On the night of the ball she remains at home and bewails her fate. As she is thus sorrowful, her fairy godmother ap- pears, inquires the cause of Cinderella's grief, and comforts her by transforming her rags to a beautiful ball-dress and her worn shoes to crystal slippers. She also provides a coach and four in which Cinderella may attend the ball, warning her, however, to leave the ballroom before the last stroke of midnight, since the charm has potency no further. Promising to heed the warning, Cinderella departs, attracts the attention of the prince, and dances with him throughout the evening. At the stroke of twelve she recalls the fairy's warning, and es- capes hastily, in her flight leaving behind one of the crystal slippers, which the prince finds and keeps. Cinderella, arriving home in rags, there awaits her sisters and their account of the ball. The prince, the next day, begins his search for the maid of the crystal slipper, whom he has vowed to marry. The couriers who endeavor ESSENTIALS OF NARRATIVE ii to find her whom the slipper fits come at last to the home of Cinderella. After her sisters try the slipper unsuccessfully, Cinderella is called from the kitchen. The slipper goes on easily, and as her sisters stare, incredulous, the fairy godmother appears and transforms Cinderella's rags to rich and appropriate garments. Cinder- ella marries the prince and forgives her cruel sisters. In this outline of incidents there are several salient characteristics. It differs from a biog- raphy of Cinderella, first, in that it is far less ambitious. Of the many things which might be told of the heroine only a few have been selected for the story. Sel ection of incident is the firs t characteristic. But in a biography there was, we found, selection of a sort. The difference Hes in this: the purpose is unHke in the two cases. Were I to write a life of Cinderella, I should select the incidents which best revealed the varied aspects of her character. In the story of the crystal slipper not only is the purpose less ambitious, but it is also different in kind. We are interested in Cinderella's character only in- cidentally. Our true interest is in the solution of ^her diffi culties. We wisti to know what the end of the narrative is to be, and look forward to it eagerly. This is the first important differ- ence to note in our comparison of biography or 12 ART OF THE SHORT STORY autobiography and a story. In the one our sole concern is with the revelation of character. In the other we are concerned only incidentally with the character and much with the fate of the char- acter — that is, the outcome of the compHcation of events which we call the story. Because the author's purpose differs in the two cases, his selection of incident for the accomplishment of that purpose differs also. In the story the author is concerned with the /^outcome, and has it in mind before he puts peji "^^S^ to paper; it follows that, if he is skilful, he will ^^^ include only such incidents as advance the story K to that end. So, in Cinderella^ we learned noth- ing of the heroine's girlhood, or of any traits of character other than those necessary to make the story intelligible and interesting. In a biog- raphy of Cinderella we should ask far more than is given here. We should ask to know her as an individual different from all other girls in the world. As it is, she is conventional, possessed only of beauty, virtue, and patience under af- fliction. Not only would the addition of any further detail to the story be superfluous, but conversely, every incident as told may be proved vital to the intelligibility of the action. None may be omitted without making the progress of the story to its objective point — that is, the happi- J ESSENTIALS OF NARRATIVE 13 ness of Cinderella and her marriage to the prince — to some degree, however slight, obscure. Were we, for instance, to omit all mention of the loss of the slipper, the whole conclusion of the story would be distorted. Possession of the slipper is essential to the prince's search. We may set it down as an axiom that in the best stories no incident can be omitted without mar- ring the even progress of the story to its goal. The fact that the story of Cinderella is so mem- orable that one cannot easily forget any of its details is sufficient proof that it is well con- structed, that it contains neither too much nor too little — the ideal of selection in story writing. But the incidents of our story bear not only each one upon the objective point; they have, as well, a relation one to another, so that were we to change their order of recital in any instance, we should again injure our narrative. These inci- dents are, indeed, virtually but a series of causes and effects, and observe the relation of cause and effect in external nature. Because of her loneli- ness, Cinderella weeps; because of her grief, the fairy appears and waves her magic wand; because of her transformation, Cinderella attends the ball —and so to the end of the story. This vital relation of incident to incident is in marked contrast to the events of real life, wherein between any two related incidents may 14 ART OF THE SHORT STORY Dccur a host of unrelated and irrelevant things. Even in the autobiography previously cited, only careful selection made possible any such grouping of associated incidents, and these groups we found were but a small part of our Kves, stories embedded in our life's experiences. Fig. I. Incidents of Biography A graphic illustration may serve to make clear this fundamental difference between a story and the incidents of life as told in a biography. "iTThe incidents of the biography have a rela- tion one to another chiefly as they centre in a common personality, the I. From this they radiate as do the spokes of a wheel. Their rela-v tion is chronological. Certain of the incidents] may have a secondary or story relation, as, ioxJ ESSENTIALS OF NARRATIVE 15 (example, incidents 2, 4, and 6, with unrelated incidents coming between. These secondary groupings are stories in the rough, though it would be well to note that, seeming to lead somewhere, they have usually no clear objec- tive point. I > 2 > 3 > 4 > I > Objective point. Fig. 2. Incidents of a Story JP The incidents of a story, on the other hand, are like the links of a chain: incident i is the cause of incident 2, which in turn causes 3, and all march resolutely to a definite and predeter- mined end. They are selected for this specific purpose. Whereas in a biography the relation of incidents was chronological only, here it is both chronological and logical. The observing will have noted a seeming contradiction to the statement that all the in- cidents of Cinderella carried the heroine on to marriage and happiness. Some of the incidents seem indeed hostile to that end. There is that almost fatal forgetfulness of the fairy god- mother's warning, and, again, the delay in try- ing on the slipper. We had thought the goal in sight, and the girl in full sail for happiness, when these misfortunes gave us a momentary qualm, a qualm only, for we had all the while a i6 ART OF THE SHORT STORY deep-seated conviction that she would pull through. It was as though the author had de- liberately set up difficulties for the fun of har- rowing our emotions. That it is he has done, and he has had a legitimate purpose in so doing. Were Cinderella's path too smooth we should not be so interested in her fate as we now are when it is bestrewn with obstacles. At the out- set the author has cunningly enHsted our sym- pathies in her behalf by picturing her as beauty and virtue in distress. He has intimated a pos- sible amelioration of her lot, and then he has played with us, worked on our susceptible emo- tions by pretending that he will not relieve her situation after all. But in so doing he has inter- ested and pleased us — his object all along. He well knows that the very suspense and imcer- tainty he has aroused is a pleasurable emotion, one which can scarcely be too intense. We read the story to experience that emotion and should consider him a poor author if he failed to arouse it. Yet though he has done all this, he has in no place departed from the logic of his story. The forgotten warning and the loss of the slipper, which seemed for the moment fatal, turn out to be the very means by which the prince is enabled to rediscover Cinderella and claim her. Thus the writer has secured his suspense legitimately ESSENTIALS OF NARRATIVE 17 and logically. In no case does he violate the rules of the game. It will be noted that the uncertainty created by the pull of seemingly hostile incidents carried the story to a pitch of interest, after which the contest wavered for an instant, and then set definitely to an unmistakable conclusion. At this point, confident of the outcome, we relaxed somewhat, though still curious to know the final incidents. Were the author too slow in con- cluding the story we might become bored. The incidents which align themselves as favor- able and hostile to the outcome of the story have been called the positive and the negativ e forces. All, it m ust be remembered , do really a dvance the story, but some seem not to do so.