^^ ^ ^^ LIST OF THE MERCHANTS LONDON 167 7- 4^ ^^r ' L»i^ A THE LITTLE LONDON DIRECTORY OF 1677. THE LITTLE LONDON DIRECTORY OF 1677. THE OLDEST PRINTED LIST OF THE MERCHANTS AND BANKERS OF LONDON. REPRINTED FROM THE EXCEEDINGLY RARE ORIGINAI,; WITH AN INTRODUCTION POINTING OUT SOME OF THE MOST EMINENT MERCHANTS OF THE PERIOD. LONDON : JOHN CAMDEN HOTTEN, PICCADILY. 1863. UNIVERSITY OF CAIIFORNTA SANTA BARrJARA COLLEGE LIBRARli INTRODUCTION. nr^ HIS little book might cafily, by '■^'-^^ a competent pen, be made the text to a volume, as large, if not as ufcful, as the huge " Port Office Diredory," of which it was the modefl precurfor. No fuch ambitious objeft as the produdion of a volume of that clafs is to be here indulged in. On the contrary, the pur- pofe of the prefent fhort introdudtion is to offer a few fuggcllions upon topics obvioufly belonging to the contents of this commercial record of the merchants and goldfmiths of London in the fecond half of the feventcenth century. It will be found tp demonftrate the //- b vi INTRODUCTION. value of not a {qw family names as fignificant elements of the hiftory of fecial progrefs. It has, indeed, been fo in all time. From Homer's catalogues down to the knightly no- menclature of the " Roman de la Rofe," and other long-breathed poems of the middle ages ; from the Battle-abbey Roll of the conqueror's chiefs at Railings, and from that of King Henry's army at Agincourt to our modern mufters, fuch documents elucidate acceptably the courfe of military heroifm. The conjec- ture is as ingenious, as it is juft, lately made about Shakefpeare's early life, that the Ad- miralty books, with their myriad of feamens' names, may give his in fome royal Ihip, and fo account for his perfedl fea phrafes. The moft interefting manufcript lifts are thofe of the notabilities prefent at the Prefton Guild for more than 500 years ; and that of the founders of a Library in Hereford 200 years ago. The Guild is in exiftence ftill. The books given to the library by Vifcount Scudamore, and fome hundreds of the county people, were rotting on a damp floor not long fince. It may be hoped they are now better cared for. INTRODUCTION. vii Equally attraftive are the lifts ftill preferved of the zealous contributors to public loans to meet a national crifis. John Locke and Somers were among the iirft proprietors of the Bank of England. Thofe of the Raft India Company, or the like Stocks were the leading Tories. The founders of our early colonies — holders of even five-fhilling ftiares — have thus their enduring record; and a diligent colledlor may enrich his library of trafts with the printed names of all the graduates of old Harvard College in New England in the feventeenth century — fo zealoufly did the Puritans ground their fons in learning. The prefent produdion, although of more moderate pretenfions, contains individual names of fome hiftorical weight. Its moft ftriking feature is the feverance of " Goldjmiths that keep Running cajhes^' — precurfors of the mo- dern bankers — from the mafs of merchants of London, in 1677. Before that year the goldfniiths had really been bankers, and proper laws had long been advocated for their better eftablifhment in the craft. This lift fixes their refidence chiefly viii INTRODUCTION. in our ancient Lombard Street. Of fifty-eight, the whole number of them, thirty-eight lived there. Of the reft, we have Blanchard and Child, partners, in Fleet Street, at the Mary- gold ; and James Hore in Cheapfide, at the Golden Bottle, for then every houfe of bufi- nefs had its fign. Other banking names are ftriking, viz. the Cornifh Bolitho, the Lancafhire Hornby, the Yorkfhire Duncomb. Thefe men may be prefumed to have enriched their defcendants who are ftill confpicuous among us. The reft of the Goldfmiths of 1677 feem to have been little remarkable in the next generation, when, after the revolution of 1688, joint-ftock banking, and fafe facilities in paper currency took the ftart which conftitutes an era in finance. The capitalifts of London in the reign of Charles \\. were forely damaged by his iniquitous fliutting of the Exchequer againft their legitimate claims. They were content at laft to be fimply the lirft holders of ftock in the national debt, into which their claims were turned. But Michael Godfrey, the firft deputy-governor of the bank, and Sir N. INTRODUCTION. ix Heme, afterwards zealous fupporters of the new fyftem of banking after 1694, are here only fimple merchants. Two other names of the Goldfmiths, James Fowles and James Heriot, defer ve fpecial mention. They were Scots ; and the Fowles appear to have been long fettled in London in connexion with their countrymen. In 1695, the Lord Pro- volt of Edinburgh was to addrefs his letters on the fubjedi: of Darien to William Paterfon at the houfe of one of the name ; and it is no idle fpeculation to fuppofe that this goldfmith (a rifing banker) of 1677 afforded Paterfon, then a pedlar, or incipient merchant, the benefit of his financial experience. James Heriot has a flronger alTociation with a Scottifh worthy of finance, George Heriot, the goldfmith, and the munificent benefaftor of Edinburgh, who came fouth with his patron. King James ; and, as his biographer tells us, he profpered here as he had profpered in the north. Befides his bequefts to his na- tive town, he left ample legacies to his bro- thers-german, of whom one was James ; and their wealth and name were affuredly repre- X INTRODUCTION. Tented by the James Heriot the goldfmith of this lift. In it alfo ftands John Pentterfon, a mer- chant already, and fo giving a body to the tra- dition in Dumfriesfhire which places William Paterfon of the Bank of England in the count- ing-houfe of a relation of his own name in London about 1677. The fpelling of the two names Fowles and Peatterfon is correftly phonetic, fo as to fhow the Scottifli nationality of the men ; and in the latter cafe fhowing alfo the taft with which Eliot Warburton in his "Darien"makesaScot- tifti friend criticife his clumfy Englifh pronun- ciation of the word Paterfon. Another name in the general lift, that of Alexander Pope of Broad Street, has an even more famous affociation, as Mr, Camden Hotten fliows in his Adverfaria for July, 1857. The locality was then a charming fuburb of gar- dens; and although the poet Pope, when taken away with his father, the popifti mer- chant, to be educated in Windfor Foreft by a prieft, may have been too young to know how genial a home he was lofing, he need not INTRODUCTION. xi have been too vain, as it is feared he was, to revifit in after life the pleafant abode of his earliell years. Grefham's garden was in Broad Street, with its Jedlures on mulic and all fcience. King Richard's Crofby Hall, and Shoreditch with its unhappy leman of Edward IV, were hard by ; vvhilft Milton's birth-place, his retreat, and his grave were clofe at hand. The pidturefque charadler of old London, graced by the fparkling Thames of olden time, is a circumftance not to be forgotten, when we are calling up the memories of any clafs of its inhabitants. In 1677 the city was full of fine refidences for merchants ; and in this lift we meet with names of entertainers of wits of the time. Here is Fountain, doubtlefs father to the wealthy knight with whom Dean Swift was familiar, as fhown in his letters to Stella. Here, too, is Kiffen, the Baptift Alderman whom James II. could neither affright nor feduce, with a lefs refpeflable name of the fame clafs, that of William Lob. Here is Benjajnin Bathurjl, the founder of adi INTRODUCTION. the family diftinguiflied on the Bench and in the State, with Bragg their connection. Here is a tribe of the Houblons, who furnifhed the Bank of England with its firft Governor, Sir John ; and whofe names, feven in num- ber, may be read in documents recorded at the Board of Trade claiming convoys for their fleets. Thefe feven names are found in the more interefting record — the fermon of Bifhop Burnet at the funeral of this Houblon — with his eulogy and city defcent from Henry the Vlllth's time. The Vanjtt- tarts will find their wealthy forefather here, and many more Dutch members of the old church of their nation in Auftin Friars. The Fan Milderts of this lift were doubtlefs pro- genitors of the learned late Bifhop of Durham of that name ; and the predominance of Dutch over Flemifh merchants fettled in London is to be attributed to the ultra-Proteftant feeling of that time. Puckle the wit, and the eager projeftor, is here in the perfons of his father and uncle. Nor are the Barnardiftons, Du- canes, the Fredericks, Beckfords, and Papillons, Burdetts, Batemans, Biddulphs, Bulteels, Car- INTRODUCTION. xiii bonnels, Coventrys, the Dominiques, Crifps, Furleys, and the Holfords, to be omitted. The "Richard Steele" in the lift muft have been related to Sir Richard, who was more fuccefsful in the advocacy of the rights of trade with his pen than in his multifarious commercial fchemes. The fpecial occupations of thefe merchants are not ftated with much precifion. After the Goldfmiths come the Black-well Hall fac- tors, reprefenting our ancient ftaple in woollens, whofe privileges were the occafion of a great legal controverfy fhortly before the date of this little publication; and they were fettled with prodigious learning in the Common Pleas by Chief Juftice Sir Orlando Bridgman, as may be feen in his logical judgments. One particular addrefs is very interefting. It is at " the Injurance Office" then a new inftitution among us, and only extended with great fuc- cefs in the beginning of the next century, in the reign of Queen Anne. The Royal Exchange was a prominent place of bufinefs for our merchants of 1677. The Dutch walk, the Turkey walk, the IriJJp walk. xiv INTRODUCTION. the Spanifh walk, and the like, have a fignifi- cance far beyond the agreeable cofinopolitan fentiments exprefled in the Speftator upon Addifon's and Sir Richard Steele's vifit to the Exchange of their day, crowded with men from every clime. In thefe feveral walks could be found, in the earlier years of the reign of Charles II, the colleded members of our various trades beyond fea ; and it was from them that the Lord Mayor was direfted by a royal order in Council, to have eledled the body that was to affifl; minifters in the preparation of our laws of trade and the colonies. That original order in council, figned by Lords Clarendon and Southampton, is pre- ferved in the City library in Guildhall. It contains an article of extreme intereft at this moment, fpecially providing for the eleftion of the Italian merchants to that body. This commercial tie with United Italy cannot fail to be ftrengthened fo as to revive an alliance with us too long interrupted by religious pre- judice on both fides. The lift has a few Italian names, but more Portuguefe — perhaps brought over from the connexion with "the INTRODUCTION, xv Royal Houfe of Lijhon" in the perfon of Charles the Second's Queen, received by us with be- coming good humour, according to the pun- gent epigram which bade " the Deil take Hyde and the Bijhop bejide, that made her bone of his bone.'''' The divifion of the merchants in their re- fpeflive dignities is worth a paffing refleftion. Some are knights and baronets ; fome are al- dermen ; the mafs are plain John or Thomas, with a confiderable fprinkling of Mtjien — the mafter of olden times being an addition of worfhip. The Captains and Majors of the lift were doubtlefs the officers of the train- bands, of no little hiftoric fame in London, from King John and Magna Carta even to John Gilpin. The homes of many of the merchants named in this lift were in the fuburbs of London, and there they feem to have tranfafled their bufinefs, not in the City. We find them at Highgate, fo well known before as the re- fidence of the philofophic Earl of Arundel, where Lord Bacon died, — at Newington Green, Iflington, Clcrkcnwell Green, Hack- xvi INTRODUCTION. ney, Hogfden, Bethnall Green, Kingfland, Moorfields, Spital-fields, and Mile End Green, — places now fo many centres of crowded population, not the fweet rural retreats, which we are content to go for farther a-field, being, like our fathers, fully awake to the delights of foreft life. The Hogfden of the lift (our Hoxton) is fhown to have been pretty full of merchants ; and we know how delightful a group of gar- dens that fuburb poffelTed in the olden time. Not very long after 1677, its worthy horti- culturift Fairchild there praftifed his art with eminent fuccefs ; and not only founded the annual fermon ftill preached by diftin- guifhed divines every year upon the bounty of the Creator in the gifts of nature, but tried hard with his pen to teach the citizens to adorn London with gardens. This is a confideration well worth purfuingat this mo- ment of London's revival. Her feventy grave- yards, fo long feftering charnel-houfes, may, under wife direction, become centres of floral beauty and inftrudlive recreation to our youth- ful London population. INTRODUCTION. xvii Some refided on *• The Bridge," the Lon- don Bridge for ages covered with dwellings, from one of which the daughter of a rich citizen fell into the Thames to be faved by the bold apprentice Ofborne, who married her, and founded the ducal family of Leeds. The painted portraits of the more diftin- guifhed of thefe fathers of our trade would deferve a fpecial fludy. Sir John Houblon's may be feen at the Bank of England; Ben- jamin Bathurll's is affuredly pioufly preferved by his ennobled family; Sir John Tulfe, who has left his name perpetuated on the pic- turefque hill near the Cryflal Palace, mull have poflefTed good tafte enough to be a por- trait-painter's patron ; and the letter in the Spectator aflerting our fuperior appreciation of that branch of art is well jullified in the numerous portraits fcattered all over the land. Our commerce is indeed exceedingly rich in materials of hiftorical portraiture, and in its produdls. Without oftentatioufly boalling of a fuperiority which is not to be pretended over theftatefmen who grace fo many halls, our mer- chants, from the pencils of Holbein and Anto- xviii INTRODUCTION. nio More down to the lateft dates, may chal- lenge comparifon with them. The City and its halls are full of them ; and Sir Thomas Grelham's defign of an univerfity in London could not be better revived and realized than by annexing a fine gallery of merchants' por- traits to its other branches of inftruftion. It ia a good fuggeftion, that the profit got by the Treafury from the fale of his eftate in Broad Street to a Banking Company, fliould be pur- fued to its legitimate iffue, — the eftablilhment of that univerfity. The topic of Grefham's Univerfity has fome elucidation from the lift of 1677. Compara- tively kw merchants then refided in Broad Street, or in Bifhopfgate Street. Rents were therefore low in that quarter. In 1 760, when the Grefiiam property was fold, under an A61 of Parliament, for the Excife Office, its income was lefs than 450/. a-year ; and the govern- ment made it up to 500/. The fale, how- ever, to the Grefham Chambers' Company, a kw years fince, netted a very large fum to the Treafury. That furplus is believed tore- vert to the trufts of Sir T. Greflaam's will. INTRODUCTION. xix fince the Adts which have alienated the eftate firft from the Charity, and then from the Crown, are mere parliamentary titles — quite fecure to the occupiers of the land, but not deftruftive of the rights of the objedls of a founder. The matter is indeed under ferious fcrutiny before the Charity Commiffion ; and it has fpecial claims to the fair confideration of Her Majefty's prime minifter. The John Temple of this lift was probably of Lord Palmerfton's lineage. The Palmers of the lift, too, doubtlefs belonged to the family which almoft monopolifes the Mercers' Company — Grefliam's truftees ; and fo Sir Roundell Palmer, the Solicitor-General, muft not defert his duty. Nor will he have for- gotten his own labour of love in Grefham's leflure-room, when he helped his relative, Profeflbr Palmer, to do juftice to his charge. Earl RufTell will not, on this occafion, re- fufe his powerful aid to the improvement of the citizens of London, fo often the defenders of liberty, and the advocates of fcience. The City has indefeafible claims upon Earl RufTell's fympathies — if for nothing more — for the fad XX INTRODUCTION. facrifice of his great relative Lord William, led, from his prifon in the Tower, through the heart of the city to his fcafFold in Lincoln's- Inn-Fields, in order to crufli the fpirit of a people deeply attached to the houfe of Bedford. Finally, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Gladftone, will readily part with the large proceeds of the Grefham Charity-eftate, which, by all the calls of confcience, and the kindred rules of equity, belong to an objed which he, of all men, the moft approves — the liberal inftrudion of our youth. The Harveys of the lill are of a honoured ftock. They are near kinfmen to Dr. William Harvey, famous in medical hiftory as the dif- coverer of the circulation of the blood. He paffed many of the laft years of his eventful life with his brother Eliab, the merchant of London, who poflefled " noble feats, and at leall 3000/. a year," fays Aubrey. In thofe days the phyficians, with their College in Warwick Lane, may be held to have been citizens. It was at the Royal Exchange that Drs. Mead and RatclifFe fought their well- known duel. INTRODUCTION. xxi Three original copies of the hft of 1677 are known. One is in the Bodleian library ; one in the Manchefter Free Library, bought for 5/., (from this, owing to the kindnefs of R. W. Smiles, Efq-, the Librarian, the prefent reprint has been made) ; one was fold at the fale of the Rev. Mr. Hunter's library for 9/., although imperfeft. The volume — here reproduced as almoft a fac-limile — is a curious little precurfor of the London Direftory, grown from its firft edition of 1732 in 300 pages, to the huge volume, the Poll Office Dircftory of the prefent day. In the Lambeth Library there is fuch a lift in manufcript of thirty years earlier date. It is a lift of all the inhabitants of London liable to pay tithes, with the amounts due from each. During the progrefs of this little volume through the prefs a moft interefting faft rela- tive to the hiftory of trade has come to light. It appears from an old pamphlet that an " Office of Addrejfes " was ftarted as early as 1650, by Henry Robinson, a well known writer on matters of commerce and finance during the commonwealth period. The ideas c xxii INTRODUCTION. of this worthy are fo advanced and found that it is more than probable that Sir WilHam Petty, who foon after began to write upon thefe fubjefts, was indebted to him for fome of his Hberal views with regard to the exten- fion of trade. Henry Robinfon's *' Office in Threadneedle Street, over againft the Caftle Tavern, clofe to the Old Exchange in Lon- don," comes out with a bufinefs-like precifion in the very advertifement, that promifes well for his work — the keeping particular regijlers of all manner of addrejfes. Then follows a catalogue of fubjefts of inquiry, fo copious and fo curious as to be a new proof that there is almoft nothing new under the fun ! Sixpence was the fee, and for this fmall fum anfwers to all forts of queftions connedled with bulinefs could be obtained. The whereabouts of mer- chants, the arrivals or departures of fhips, the current price of certain commodities, were all to be afcertained by vifiting this ancient In- quiry Office — the crude off-fhoot of a com- merce ftruggling to develope itfelf, and an- fwering for a time the purpofes of a broker's office, the Stock-Exchange, and the modern newfpaper teeming with trade advertifements. •/vU .AA> Jv^ v'isN* t^CrU «/VV> i/V^i Licenfed OBob. ii. 1677. Roger L'estrange, •^ejy* 'lA^ wv 'v/fe' "vt^ 'w •vv' A COLLECTION OF THE NAMES OF THE MERCHANTS Living in and about The City of London ; Very Ufefull and Necejfary. Carefully Colleaed for the Benefit of all Dealers that fliall have oc- cafion w^ith any of them ; Dire£l- ing them at the firft fight of their name, to the place of their abode. LONDON, Printed for Sam. Lee, and are to be fold at his Shop in Lumbard- flreet, near Popes-bead- Allej : And Dan. Major at the Fl^jing Horfe in Fleetjtret. ).6-j-j. Preface. To the Merchants and Traders of the City o/' London. Gentlemen^ Lthough the publifhing of the enfuing Pamphlet (or Cata- logue) may at the firft view, feem to feveral perfons a ridiculous and prepofterous attempt, yet the Author of this poor Colle6lion humbly hopes, that it will not be exploded or rejected by you, for whofe eafe and con- veniency (together with your forein cor- refpondents) he principally intended it : And if it prove fo fuccefsful as to receive a favourable acceptance from your hands, the cenfure of all other perfons not con- cerned in the conveniency arifing by it, will not difcourage the Author to proceed A 3 and The Preface. and make fuch Improvements of this fmall Emhrio^ as may foon bring it to a perfe6t birth. He humbly hopes no Apology will be required for fuch Errata's or Efcapes as have been committed as to the Orthography, or true w^riting of the refpe6live Names of this Catalogue, as well for that he hath found it a very difficult thing, to procure fo ample an Account of Names as he hath done ; as alfo in regard his main defign is, to publifh this forthwith, to the end that if thofe perfons who are concerned in the Ufe of it, do give it a favourable Receptance, he may fet forth an Additional Catalogue far more corre£l and accurate ; wherein if he may receive Encouragement ac- cordingly, he fhall not in any thing be better fatisfied than that his poor En- deavours fhall have anfwered thofe Ends for which they were intended. Adver- Advertifement. Hereas^ fince the enfu'ing TraSi was in the Prefs^ the Author hath difcovered the Habita- tions of feveral other Mer- chants^ not cojnprehended in the Alphabe- tical Order; he hath therefore thought fit [rather than to omit them) to infert them in the laft Page of this Book by thetnfelves. And whereas the Author intends flyortly to Reprint this Catalogue, with additions ; he doth therefore defire^ that for the better furtherance of the next Edition^ all Mer- chants^ as well fuch as Jhall be newly ar- rived from beyond the Seas^ as alfo all fuch as Jhall be newly fet up^ would be pleafed to give in their Names and Habitations to Samuel Lee Stationer, over againji the Church, near Popes- head Alley in Lom- bard Street. And if it happen that any Omif- Advertifement. OftiiJJion Jhall he made of any Merchants Names in this or the enfuing Edition, let the parties concerned repair to the f aid Mr. Lee, where they may probably receive fatif- faSiion. And if any Bill of Exchange happen to be drawn upon any Tradefmen or Shopkeepers under the denomination of Merchants^ if they repair to the place afore- faid they may receive due Information. A Col- COLLECTION OF THE M E RCHAN TS Living in and about the CITY o( LONDON. [ ^. ] Robert Abbot, Bow-Churchyard. Allen Ackworth, Burchin-Lane. Edward Addams, Great St. Bar- tholomews. John Addis, Bednal-Green or at the Sun in Lumhard-Street . Elias Adrian and Cotnpany in Broad- ftreet. Thomas Allcock, in Gruhjlreet. Richard Aley, Mincin-Lane. B Richard [ A. ] Richard Aley Devonjhire-houfe. Cornelius Alderwerldt, Freemans -yard^ Cornhill. Mr. Allen, Catcaton-ftreet Black- well Hall FaSior, Edward Allen, Towerhill. Daniel Allen, Fanchurch-Jireet. William Allen, Princes-Jlreet. Edward Allen ^leen -Jireet^ removed into Tower-Jireet. Mr. Allen, Mugwell-Jireet, Mr. Allen Spittle-fields. Mr. Almand Clement's Lane, Church-Alley. Samuel Alftone, Bafmghall-Jlrect^ Blackwelhall FaSior. Ruflel Alfope, Lau. Fount. Lane. Ifaac Alvarez, in St. Mary Ax. Jacob Jefrum Alvarez, in St. Mary Ax neer Bury-Jlreet. Allwyn Shipyard Woodjireet. Herbert Thorn, & Peter Alderm } Andrews, Crutchet-Fryars. Andrews, Walhrook. William Will lam Mr. John- George lohn Jeremiah Capt. John Daniel Henry Henry Mr. Mr. John Alder m. Francis Thorn. & John William [ A. ] Andrews, Fanchurch - Street. Andrado Leadenhall-Jireet. Archer Mark-lane. Archer Cheapftde. Archer Gravel-lane Houndf- ditch. Armiger Hound/ditch. Armftrong, Islewington - Butts. Arthur Aujiin-Fryars. Arthur Broadjlreet. Afhurft Senior, Watllngjlreet. Afhurft Junior, St. Johns - Street. Afhur Alder nianherry. Afhlier Newington Town. Afliby Friday-Jireet. Afke Love -lane Alderman- berry. Afhty, Minor I es. Atterberry, Angel - Court Throgmorton-Street. Attwood ^icen-Street. B 2 William [ B. ] William Attwood Newington Town. Daniel Axtell to be fpoken withal at the Sign of the Purfe in Loathbury. Sir Benj. AylofFe Fanchurch-Jireet. J [ B. ] Ofeph ^ & 1> Bateman Martins lane. William J Edw. Baker New Court Throg- ?norton Street, Richard Baker Poultrey. John Mr. Baker Aldermary Church- yard. Ballard St, Dunjians-hill. Jacob Baldwyn Still-yard Thames- Street, Peter [ B. ] Peter Baldwyn Mark-lane. Mr. Baits Crown - court Spittle - Fields. John Banks, Fanchurch-Jireet. Rich. Banks Gravel- lane Houndf- ditch . Banifhford Hat ton-gar den. Barr Aujlin-fryars. Barron Throgmorton-Jlreet . Barkley Throgmorton-Jireet. Barton Angel -Court Throg- morton-Jlreet. Rich. Barker New - Court Throg- morton-Jlrect. Sir Sam. Barnadifton Bijhopfgate within. Arthur Barnadifton Hogfdon, to he fpoken with at Mr. Hed- ges in Broadjlreet. Pallatia Barnadifton Hu?nmerton in Hackney. Natha. Barnadifton Hackney. Thorn. Barnadifton Hackney-Town. B. 3 Mr. [ B. ] Mr. Barnadifton, Well-Street Hackney. Arthur Barron Cole/nan-Jlreet. George Barron Garlick-hill. Mr. Barrot Budge-row. John Barrot Pickle-Herring. John Barrot Execution Dock. George Barnes Love-lane. Gerard Berens Mincin-\?i.ne. Mr. Bard Old Bethelem. John Barcklet Fanchurch-Jireet. Thorn. Barker Seething-lane. Mr. Bafsford Kings- Anns -yard Coleman-Jireet. Mr. Baffet Bankfide. Richard BafTe Trinity-lane. William Battalie Mark-lane. Mr. Battle Broadjlreet. John Batthurft Cornhill. Benjam. Batthurft St. Mary Ax. Cap. Th. Battfbn Stepney near the Church. Ezeck. Batchelor without Aldgate. Thorn. Bawdes Berry-Jlreet. William Baxter Fanchurch-Jireet. Simon [ B, ] Simon Baxter High gate ^ to he Jpc- ken withal in Bujh - lane at a Packers. Richard Baxter Vine -Court Spittle - fields, William Bayly, Shadwel. William Beard, Lawrence Fount- ney' s Lane. Simon Berringer, Threadneedle Jireet. Phillip Beaumont, Dukes-place. Charl. Beavor Michael-lane. Edw. Beaker, Ironmonger-lane. Mr. Beavor, Crooked-lane. Will. Beakon, Cateaton-Jireet. Edw. Beakon, George- yard Lom- bard-Jireet. Mr. Beavor, Goodman'' s-fields . John Beare, Crutchet-fryars. Hump. Beane, Turkey-walk Excha. Mr. Beams, Mincin-lane. Ifaac Bean, Bow-lane. Thom. Beacon, Minories Haiden - Yard. Rich. Beavoir, Pelmell. B. 4. Will. [ B. ] Will, Beck, Crutchet-fryars. Thorn. Beckford, Thames-Jireet. Abrah. Beak, St. DunJIans-hill. Richard Beckford Tower-Jireet. Samuel Beak, Buttolph-lane. Mr. Bedkins, Bank-fide. Edward Bell Crutchet-fryars. Thorn. Bell, Tower-hill. Mr. Bellows, Ph'ilpot-lane. William Bellamy, St. Dunjlam-hill. Francis Bellows, Whlte-chappel. Adam Bellamy, Dice-key. John Bedell, Blofoms-lnne. William Benfon, Winchejler-Jireet at Mr. Holride. William Bennet, Borough South - wark. John Benes, Beaver-marks. Sir John Bendifh, Tork Buildings in the Strand. Mr. Berry, St. AnthoUngs. Mofes Berrew, Dukes-place. John Berry, Philpot-lane. Charles Beft, Bloomjlerry. Arthur 1' i i \ 1 ■ [ B. ] Arthur Betfworth, Bow-lane. Mr. ^yfield, Hackney. Mr. ^yfield, Ditto. Thorn. Boyer, Laurence Fount. lane. Mr: 5ible, Colchejler-Jlreet. Edward 5ickley, Bafinghall-Jireet. Sir Theo . ^iddolph, Aujiin-fryars. Mr. ^iddolph, Aldermanberry . Mr. 5idford, Newington Town. Edward -Bilton, Creedchurch-lane. William 5ird, Broadjlreet at a Packers. Mr. 5ird, Fijhjlreet-hill. John ^ird, Martins-lane. Mr. 51ackman j Ironmonger Lane. Thorn, 51ackmore, Kings-Jlreet. Robert £lackmore, at a Barbers Ironmonger-lane. Thorn. 51ackmore, Bartholomew Clofe. Mr. ^lacklefly, Tower-Jireet. Thorn. Z?lafhfield, Bartholomew Clofe. Mr. [ B. ] Mr. 51ackftone, B'ljhopfgate - Street. Mr. 51and, Hog f den. John 51ewitt, Great St. He/lens. Mr. 51eatingfton, Dijlaff-lane. John ^lowfield, Threadneedle Street. Sir Tho. Bloodworth, Maiden-lane . Fred. ^lunkard, Sice-lane. Mr. 51oonkard, Sice-lane. Robert 51oone, Crutchetfryars. Ben], £lundell, at the houfe of Mr. yohn Sheldon in Cannon-Jireet. Thorn. 5odley, Hound/ditch, Gun Yard. George ^oddington, Great Saint Hellens. Rene. 5odvin, King/ireet. Thorn. 5oghes, Loathberry. Richard 5ogon, little St. Hellens. Mr. 5oliford, Bujh-lane. Mr. 5oldt, Buttolph-lane. Mr. ^oldens, Bujh-lane. Andrew ■ 1 [ B. ] Andrew 5onneel, Mark-lane. John -Sonneel, St. Mary Ax. Mr. 5onfet, IJlington. Jerim. ^onneel, and Compan. Old Jury. John Bon^ New Court Throgmor- ton-Jireet. Mr. 5ooby, St. Mary Ax. Thorn. 5oon, Ditto. Rich. 5ooth, Princes-Jireet. Mr. 5ooby, Broadjlreet. Edw. 5ovey, Mark-lane. Edw. 5overy, 6"^. Mary Ax. Jofeph Bowles, Laurence Pountneys Hill. Thorn. 5owhey, Tokenhoufe-yard. John ^owden, Buflj-lane. John Bowles, Mark-lane. William Bowles, Mincin-lane. Mr. Bowles, 5/. 7W«r)' //x. Franc. 5oynton, Broadjlreet. Adrian 5eyer, Lauren. Pountney Lane. James 5race, Fanchurch-Jlreet. Mr. -Sragg, Broadjlreet. Franc. Franc. Mr. Mr. John Robert Mr. John John Rich, John Mr Nath. Will Rob '•} [ B. 1 ^ranetti, York buildings in the Strand. Bradley, Execution Dock. 5ray, Shoreditch. 5rand, Cheapftde. J5railsford, Tokenhoufe-yard. Bradford Harp-lane. Bradley, BiJ})opfgate Street over againjl the Pojl - houfe. Bray, Execution Dock. Breweft, Great St. Hellens. Brittin, St. Mary Ax. Brittin, Bury-Jireet. Brittin, Gray-fryars. Brinckley, Princes-Jireet. Bryant, and Company Cat - eatonjireet. Bryant, Shad. Thames. Bridges, ^eenjireet. Bridges, Goodman's fields. Bridges, Aujiin-fryars. Will. Will. Mr. Tho. Edw. Mr. Will. Mr. Benja. Edw. Arnold James Mr. Mr, Mr. Gerrard John John Edw. Mr. Mr. [ B. ] Brifhead, Bankfide. Brown. Crutch et -fry ars. Brown, Bury Jireet. Brown, and Comp. with Mr. Adrian, Broadjireet. Brown, Nicholas lane. Brown, Cannon Jireet. Brown, Mile-end Town. Brownfmith, Pudding - Lane. Brown, Fanchurch Jireet. Brown, Mincin lane. Brown, Swi things lane^ Brown, Coleman Jireet. Brooks, Bu/h Lane. Brooks, Bucklerfberry. Bruce, Mincin Lane. Buckworth, Crutchet Fry - ars, Bucher, Bankfide. Buckridge, Crown Court Broadjireet. Buinet, Laurence Poult. hill. Bulock, Armitage. Sam. [ B. ] Sam. Bultell, Anjiin-fryars. John Bull, St. Martins lane. Capt. Bonfoy, Little Tower hill. James Burkin, Mincin lane. John Burton, Abchurch lane. Franc. Burnell, Bujh lane. John Bonner, Petty France. Mr. Burin, Spittle Fields. Bobert Burdit, Gravel lane Hounf- ditch. Mr. Burden, Colemans Alley. Will. 5urd, Hackney Town to be fpoken withal at Mr. Sheriuoods, Broadjireet. Edw. Burket, Bankfide. Edw. ^urrifli, Gracechurch ftreet. J. 5apt. Burnell, near the New Ex- change in the Strand. John burnell, St. Mary hill. Abrah. Bufh, Mark lane. John Bufli, Fanchurch Jlreet. James Bufh, Mincin lane. Edw. Bufhel, Little St. Hellens. John 5ufh, Ditto. Mr. Burden, Vine-Court^ Spittle Fields. Mr. [ B. ] Mr. Bufton, Rofemary Lane. Mr. Butts, St. Mary Ax. Sir Wil. Butler, Pauls Wharf. Will. Butler, Nicholas Lane Foxes Ordinary. Butler, Clements Lane. Butler, Goodmans Fields. Butthard, Broadjlreet. Butington, Mun Yard Black Fryars. [ a ] Ed- [ c. ] [ C' ] 1 .^ Dmond Callender, in Tower 1 i Street. Mr. Calwell in Colemans Al- ley. Mr. Camfield in Great Saint Bartholomews. John Canham little Saint Hel~ lens. Thorn. Canham Leadenhalljireet. Roger Capple Bijhopfgate with- out. Matth. Carleton Fanchurch Jlreet. Abra, Caris, Mincin Lane. Tho. Carew Dukes place. Tho, Carew Tower hill. Tho. Gary Ditto. John Carlock Throgmorton Jlreet. Will. Cartell ditto. John Carter little Tower Jlreet. Rich. [ c. ] Rich. Carrel, Jldermanberry. Mr. Carrel Aujiin-fryars. Jofeph Carrel in Throgmorton- Jlreet, or Warwick - Court. Jofeph Carpenter Budgerow. Mr. Carpenter Leaden - hall- Street. William Carbonneel Mark-lane. Sir Fra. Chaplin Berry Jireet. Rob. Chaplin, Saint Swithins Lane. John Chapman Great St. Hel- lens. John Chapman Broad Jireet. Mr. Chapman Bijhopfgate with - out. Mr. Chapman Bajfinghall- Jlreety Blackwelhall FaSfor. Mr. Chadwick Fanchurch - Jireet. Jam. Chadwick Kings Street. Mr. Chalwel Tower Royal. C Fra. [ c. 1 Chamberlin La. Poun. lane. Chamberlin Great Saint. Chang Pauls wharf. Chandler Aldermanberry. Chatwood Hogfden. Chevecox Broadjheet. Cheuely Oxford Court Ca- nonjlreet. Chitty Bijhopfgate Jlreet within. Chomble Philpot lane. Clark little St. Hellens. Clark Throginorton-ftreet. Mr. Clark Pudding lane. Henr. Clark Poultrey. Mr. Clark Law. Poun. lane. John Clark Hogfden, at his Ware- houfe in Olive-tree Court Leaden hall-Jireet. Mr. Clark King/land. Mr. Mr. Edw. Will. Sam. Tho. Tho. Edward Sam. James John Mr. Mr. Mich. Mr. Alen Sir Tho Jafper Horfe -ferry Cheap } [ C. ] Clark by the Wejlminjler. Clark and Compa. fide. Clark Barthol. Clofe. Clark Barthol. Clofe. Clark Love-lane. Claxton Bijhopfgate within neer Thred- needle Jlreet. Claxton ^ueenflreet. Clay, Law. Poun. lane. Cleapole Bujh lane yard. Clemon fewen flreet. Clenues Bednal Green. Clenes Waplng. Clipfham Saint Dunjlans hill. Cliff Bankfide. Cliff Algate. Clouterbock at Mr terhocJCs houfe Threadneedle Street. Clouterbock in ditto Street. C 2 Mr Scot Clou ■ tn [ c. ] Mr. Coats Pudding-lane. Mr. Cofing Lime-Jireet. Will. Cockram St. Swithins-lane. Mr. Cole at Mr. PilkingtorCsy Bujh-lane^ Scot-yard. George Cole, Bartholomew - lane^ Ship-yard. Will. Cole, Thames-Jireet. Mr. Cole, Bujh-lane^ Scot-yard. Mr. Cole, near the new Poji- ern. Hen. Collier Nicholas-lane. Mr. Collier Borough of South - wark. Peter Collier Little Moor - fields near the Gun-Tavern. Jam. Collins Philpot-lane. Tho. Collet Thames-Jireet. John Coleman Saint - Swithins - lane near Lombard Jlreet. Mr. Collier Alder ynanhury^ Blackwelhall Faifor. Thorn. Compere Fijhjireet hill. David Conyard Fanchurch-Jireet. Will. [ c. ] Will. Conen Laur, Fount. Lane. John Cooker Crutchet-fryars. Thorn. Cooper Well-Court Soaper- lane. Hen. Cornifh Cateaton -Jlreet near Blackvoelh all-gate FaSIor. Mr. Corn Newington Green. Mr. Cook Chain Alley. Will. Cook Mark-lane. Mr. Cook Fanchurch-JIreet. John Cook Aujiin-fryars. Ralph Cook Laur. Fount, hill, Tho. 1 & > Cook, Bafinghall-Jlreet. Joh. J Mr. Cook Goodmans- fields. Thorn. Cook Hackney. George Cock Greenwich. Edw. Cooth Bafinghall-Jlreet. Peter Cofton Sherbon-lane. Edw. Cofton St. Dunfians hill. Dan. Cofton Hackney Town. Mr. Cordial Bankfide. Rich. Cotton Redriff". Adam Cottrill Bujh-lane Scot-yard. C 3 Tho. [ c. ] Tho. Coulfon Tower Royal. Mr. CoventreyThreadneele^r.[{ic.] Walter Coventrey Gr. St. Hellens. George Cowart in Bafmghall Street, Cox New'ington Town. Cox Berry Street, Cox, St. Martins Lane. Craker, London-wall. Craker Barnahy Street Southwark. Crawley Mlncin-lane. Cranenbergh St, Martins lane. Chriftopher lane. Chriftian Street. Crifp Towerhill. Crifp Breadjlreet. Crifp ^ in Cheapfide & > Angel near Lounes J Jlreet. Tho. John Mr. Abrah. Edw. John Elias Mr. Ironmonger Threadneedle at the Bread- Will. L c. ] Will. Crifp Cheapfide at the Hen and Chickens, James Cropp Fanchurch Street. Jacq. Crolle Phllpot lane. John CrofTe at the Three Pigeons in Cornhill. John Crofe Lymejlreet. Mr. Crofburn Lovelane. Rich. Crofman Lovelane. John Croger Armitage^ Eaji - country Walk Exchange. Tho. Croom Nicholas lane. Twi. Crowder Lymejireet. Tho. Crowdell Colemaiiflreet Bell Alley. Mr. Crow ^leenjireet. Will. Crouch Berryjlreet. Mat. Cadwell Broadjlreet Excife Office. Mr. Cumporter Barnabyjlreet. Mr. Cum porter Berryjlreet. Mr. Cutler Bafinghall-Jireet, Blackvuelhall Fa6lor. Tho. Cutler Aujlinfryars. C 4 Tho. [ c. ] Tho. Cutler Broadjireet. Mr. Cutteris Berryjlreet. Mr. Cuttalis ditto. John Curtis Little Trinity lane. [ D. ] Tho. I M [ ^. ] T [ D. ] Ho. Dade Suffolk-lane. Mat. Daffing St. Mary Ax. Mr. Dakers Clarkenwell Green . Mr. Dallington Roodlane. Henry Dandy Beerlane. Peter Daniel the Bridge. Robert Daniel neer Alhallows Tha?nes-Jireet. Mr. Daniers Peters-hill, Mat. Datheler St. Mary Ax. Tho. Dafhwood Copthall Court Throgmortonjireety Fran "^ o ■ I Dafhwood without Bijhops Sam. J S^*'- Edw. Davenport Little St. Hel- lens. Mr. [ ^. ] Mr. Davenport Ironmonger - lane. John Davalwid St. Martins-lane. Tho. Davall Kings - Arins - Tard Colemanjlreet. Jacob David Little Tower - Jlreet, John Davis Jldertnanbury Love lane. Tho. Davits Moor fields near the Pojiern by Petty France. Tho. Davis Broadjlreet. Mr. Daw^fon Lovelane. Mr. Dawes Horfe Ferry TVeJi. Nich. Dawes Little Towerjlreet. Mr. Dawes Roodlane. Tho. Death ^ & > Marklane, Mr. Death J Edm. Deathick Copthall Court Throgmortonjlreet. Tho. Dean Pancraji-lane. Rich. Dean Old Gravel-lane. David [ D. ] David Debarri at Mr. Dorvilh Walbrook. Peter Debarr Broad/Ireet. Mr. Debarr ditto. John Debart St. Martins-lane. John Deboys Aldermanberry . Love-lane. Thorn. Decraw Colchejlerjlreet. Jacq. Decocque Threadneedle - Jireet. Ignat. Decoque Lymejireet. Mr. Declufe IJl'ington. Alvaro Decofta Budgerow. Mr. Decoftus Dukes-place. Peter Decoker Culla?n Street. Rowi. Dee Senior, Poultry. Rowl. Dee Junior, Bowlane. Sir Ba. Degomaz Berryjlreet. John Degrave Bijhopfgate with - out Half -moon Alley or Angel Alley. John Degrave Old Fijhjireet. Abrah Degelder -^ IFhite Chappel^ & > Adam and Eve Corn Degelder J Court. John [ D- ] John Delachambre Fanchurch-Jir. Ifaac Delleliers Leadenhalljireet. Mr. Deliens Roodlane. Mr, Delorey Berry Street, Franc. Deliz ditto. Gabr. Delaport Ahchurch lane. Robert Deluna Great Saint Hel- Jos. Delliviers Throgmort.Jireet. Lyon Delliviers ditto. Peter Delmey Lyrnejireet. Peter Delmay Barnabyjireet. John Delmey Pancras lane. Mr. Delebarr Hackney Town. Wil. Delawood Nicholas lane. John Delowry Gracechurchjlreet. near Fanchurchjlreet at an Ironmongers. Mr. Delane Hogfden. Mr. Delacy Berryjlreet. Fra. Deiate at the hand and Glove in Cannon-Jlreet. Mr. Delate Cullam-Jlreet, Mr. Demingo Mugwelljlreet. Mr. Demancing Harp lane. John Demanel ditto. Dan, Si [ ^- ] Dan. Demetrius Berryjlreet. Dan. Demetrius Three Crown Court Southwark. Demodina Great St. Hel- Denew, Marklane. Denew Shadwell. Denham Lymejlreet. Denham Garlick-hill. Dent Aujlin-fryars. Denon the Pojiern. Depoftus Dukes Place. Deporta St. Mary Ax. Depremont Auji'in Fry - ars. Franc. Depary Fanchurch-Street Mr. Dermedo St. Mary Ax. Mr. Defkin Pan eras-lane. Peter Devitt Leadenhall-Jlreet. Will. Dewitt Bujh - lane Scotch - yard. Mich. Dewing Princefs Street. Will. Deworth Lauren. Pountncy Lane. Mr. [ D- ] Mr. Dewker Cullam Street. John Deway Leadenhall Street. Mr. Dewell ditto. Mr. Develler Broadjireet. Chris. Deynot Cullam Street. Mart. Deynens at Mr. Webs Throg- morton-Street. Mr. Dickfon Crown- Court Fijh- Jireet Hill. John Dickinfon Throgmorton Jireet. Benj. Diens St. Dunjian's hill. Will. Difher Walbrook, Mr. Difon Bankfide. Lewis Doe Aldermary Church - yard. Mr. Dodfworth Hummerton in Hackney. Chris. Dodfworth Poultrey. John Doggett Lawrence Pouut, Hill. David Dooley Swithin-lane. Mr. Doolenfon Kingjland. James [ ^. ] James Donalfon Roodlane. John Dorvill Walbrook. Mr. Dorafalis Copthal Court, Throzmorton Street. Mr. Dormon Bell Alley Cole- tnan-Jireet. John Drake at Mr. Colemans in Swithln lane near Lorn - bard Street. Tim. Drake Bunhlll. Sam. Draper Tokenhoufe-yard. John Dregue Angel Court with - out Bijhopfgate. Phil. Duboys Great Trinity lane. Thom. Ducke Suffolk-lane. Paul Dockminique Vine Court Spittlefields. Pall. Dockminique Junior, Cole- manjireet. Ducaine Pancras-lane. Ducane, ^eenjireet. Peter [ ^. ] A 1 Dugua, Covent - garden . I Henrietta Street. Ant, J And. Duff Lodger Bijhopfgate - Jlreet next an Up - holjiers. Henry Dunfter Mincinlane. Henry Dunfter Roodlane. Mich Dunwell Colemanjireet. Rich Dunidge and Comp Devon- Jhire houfe. Thorn. Duncombe Colemanjireet Blackwelhall Factor. Dan. Duprie Art'tllary-lane . John Durdan Bankfide. Dan. Duthais Aldermary Churchy at Mr. Lewis Doe. Mr. Dikes Colemanjireet. t [ E. ] John [ E. ] [ E. ] John Eaft Oxford Court Cannon Street. Mr. Eaft Horfey-down. Ifaac Eaftwick, Hackney Town, John Eaton, Buttolph-lane. Nich. Eaton ditto. Theod. Ecckelfton, Gracechurch Street Crown-Court. Sir Jam. Edwards IJl'ington. John Edwards Philpot-lane. Will. Edwards Coleman-Jireet. Dan. Edwards, JValbrook. Palati Edwards, Mary Old- Jla'irs Southwark, Mr. Edwards, Ropemakers Alley. Hump, Edwin Great St. Hellens. Mr. Ed worth Hog f den. D Mr. [ E. ] Mr. Egglefton, Bankfide. John Eglesfield at the Pewter - platter Cannon -Jireet^ Lodger. Johnmartin Elkins, Law. Poun. lane. ■ Mr. Elkins Bl/hopfgate with- out. Matth. Elifon, Cannon-Jireet near London-Jlone. John Elifon Berry-Jireet. Franc. Elifon Mark-lane. Jerem. Elwife Tokenhoufe-yard. Aid. EUis Saint Pauls Church- yard. Mr. Elfon at the Pojlern Black- welhall Factor. Rich. Ernes Fanchurch-Jireet, Mr. Emfon, Warwick Court in Warwick-lane. Rich. Ely, Bijhopfgate -Jireet over againji the Pojihoufe. John Evans at Mr. Sparows a Packers in Swan Al- ley Coleman -Jireet . John [ E. ] John Evans Michael-lane. John Eyles Great St. Hellens, Derick Eyles, Lcadenhall-Street . John Eldreed at Mr, Folio in Dove-Court. Mr. Ahearns. Law. Pou. hill. £> 2 [ F. ] [ F' ] M [ P- ] r. Fade Bow lane. Jos. Feak Grace- church -Jireet Sam. Nag/head- Court : [and Comp.) Feak Bow-lane. Edw. Fane, Philpot-lane. ^ Mr. Fanne, Broadjireet. Profper Rob. Fenton, Seething-lane. Fendall, Nich. lane. Rob. Fellowes j Alderfgate - John Jireet. Fellowes, Tlorogmorton - | George Jireet. Finch Great St. Hellens. Tho. Finch, Ditto. .' Mr. Finch, Petty France by Edw. Moorfields. ^ Fincham, Budge-row. ? Mr. Mr. John Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. John Tho. Tho. George Franc. Mr. Mr. Rich. John Rob. Jef. James Rich. Sir Ri. [ ^. ] Fincham, Kingjland. Flavin, Law. Fount, hill. Fleming, St. Mary Ax. Fletcher, Thomas Jpojile. Fletcher, Spittle-fields, Fleet, Mark-lane, Farfax, Bunhill. Farington, his IVarehoufe.^ Mincin - lane^ at a Packers, Firming, Three Kings Court Lornhard-Jlreet, Fi{her, ditto. Flide, Bankfide. Flide, Milkjireet. Folio, Berryjlreet. Folio, Broadjireet, Folio, ditto. Folkner, Ly?nejlreet. Foldes, Loathburry. Foules, Clements - lane at a Milliners. Foot, Roodlane. Ford, Tower-hill, D 3 Mr. [ F. ] Mr. Ford, Kings - Jrms - yard. Colemanjireet. Mr. Ford, Shadwell. Jer. Forman, Law. Fount, hill. Mr. Fortley, Execution Dock, Anth. Fofter, Berryjireet. Rich. Fofter, Law. Fount, hill. Will, Fofter, Three Kings Court Lombard-Jireet. Mr. Fofter, ^eenjlreet. Mr. Fofter, at the Ball in Lom- bard-Jireet. Peter Fountain, IVatUng ftreet. Mr. Founds Fickle-herring. Sam. Foxley, Nagjhead - Court Gracechurch Jireet and Co?np. Sam. Fulwood Throgmorton - Jireet. Matth. Fuller, Cateaton Jireet. John Furley, at Mr. Feter Lang- ley Gracechurch - Jireet. John Forley St. Dunjlans hill. Tho. [ F' ] Tho. Framton, Milkjlreet near the Red Cow. Jos, Frances, Camomile Jireet. Mr. Frances Clarkenwell. Simon Francia, Leaden hall Jireet, Dom. Francia, ditto. Sir Jo. Frederick, Old Jury, Will. Freeman, Fanchurchjireet. John Freeman, ditto. Aid. Freeman, Deadmans-place. Mr. Frencham, Leadenhall Street. Phil. French, Bujhlane Scot-yard. Bafil Fyerbrafte, Mark-lane, D 4 [ G. ] [ G. ] m [ G. ] En. Gall, Great St. Hellens. ohn Gardner, Fanchurch - Jireet. Franc. Gardner, Bow Church - yard. Will. Garfoot, Nicholas lane. Mr. Gaferonne, St. Mary Ax. John Gafp, Tokenhoufe-yard. Dan. Gates, Art'ichoak - lane Wapping. Franc. Gay, Bafinghall-Jlreet . Mr. Gay, Hog f den. John Genopen, Cajlleyard JVeJl- minjier. Hen. Gennen, at Mr. Dukes Suf- folk lane. Mr. Gener, Milkjlreet. Mr. [ G. ] Mr, Gewan Drans Yard Wejl - minjier Street. Mr. Gibfon, JVaterlane. [I]John Gibfon, at Mr. Prejion's Brewhoufe in St. Ka- tharines. Mr. Gibnefs, Blackfryars. Hen. Gibes, Clarkemvell. Will. Gibes, Southwark. Thorn. Glover, Cletnents lane. Thorn. Glover, Nich. lane. Mr. Goyer, Princes Jireet. Mr. Goldens, JujHn-fryars. Will, Golftone, Nich. lane. Hen, Gold, Brigendine Court., Bafinghall-Jlreet. Sir Th, Gold Aldermanberry. John Gold, Crutch et - fryars in Gold Court. Nich, Gold, Lymejlreet. John Gold, Turkey Walk in the Exchange^ or at Clap - ham . Jam. Gold, IJlington^ Turkey Walk. Mr [ G. ] Mr. Gold, Newington. Cha. Goldftone, ditto. Mr. Sam. Benj. Mr. Goldney, Bloomjbury. Godfrey, Poultrey. Godfrey, Tokenhoufe yard. Godard, Mugwell Street. Mich. Godfrey, Bujh-lane. Tho. Mr. Goddard, Cole7nan Jireet. -^ Goddard, Little Britain. George Goderis, Laurence Fount - Edw. ney lane. Godwin, Soaper lane. Mr. Gooding Bijhopfgate with - out. Hen. Anto. Goodhew, Buttolph lane. Gommefwares, Creed - church lane. Anth. John Gomeferd, Berry Jireet. Gunfton, at Blackwelhall. Jacq. Gonfaldus, Dukes Place. Ja. Gonfalus, Leadenhall Street. Chrift. George Goore, Coleman Jireet . Gofpright, Tokenhoufe Yard. Will [ G. ] Will. Goflin, Pancras lane. Thorn. Gurden, Turkey Walk at the Exchange. John Gurden, Mark-lane. Mr. Gouff, Armitage. Mr. Gandiat at a Packers^ Loathhury . Cha. Gravener in JVatUng - Jireet at the Black - Swan. Roger Gray Crutch et-fryars. Nich. Gray Barge yard Crutchet Fryars. Roger Gray, Garlick Hill. Mr. Granenta, Lymejlreet. Mr. Grayfo, Moorfields. John Grace Half - Moon Alley Bijhopfgate without. Phil. Graves Martins lane. Anth. Green, Bijhopfgate without. Mr. Grindall, Dukes place. Richard Grifteth, Bijhopfgate Jireet. Thorn, (kiffeth ditto. Edw. Grifteth Barge Yard Buck- lerjberry. The. [ G. ] Tho. GrifFeth at a Packers in Eajlcheap. Rich. Griffeth, Buckler/berry. Mr. Grinwell Colemanjireet^ Blackwelhall Fa£lor. Groves Dukes-place. Grover Martins-lane. Grove, Princes Jireet. Gronen Devonjhire houfe. Gronden, Old Fijh-Jlreet. Gumper Bunhill. Gun BilUngfgate. { H. 1 Franc. [ H. ] [ H. ] Franc. Hacker, Gun yard Houndf- ditch. Peter Hacker at Paul Darby, Leadenhall ftreet. Mr. Hackwell, Hackney Town. Jafp. Haines, Thaines ftreet. » Rob. Hagfliaw, White - hart Court. John Hagfhaw and Turner^ Suf- folk Lane. Will, Hage, George Yard Lom- bard Street. Mr. Hall at the Pofiern^ Black - welhall Factor. Edw. Hall Gravel lane Houndf- ditch . Mr. [ H. ] Mr. Hall, Chequer Yard Dow- gate. Hen. Hall, IJlington. John Hall, ditto. Mr. Hall, Stepney. Mr. Hall, Berry-ftreet. John Hall, Fanchurch Jireet at Mr. Baxter. Nath. Hallride, Winchejier Jireet. Roger Haley, Scot Yard., Bujh Lane. John Halworthy, Sivith'ins - lane near Lombard Street. Sir Mat. Halworthy, Hackney^ Spa- nijh Walk Exchange. Edw. Halford, Bun Hill. Edw. Halford, Clarkenwell Green . William Hamley, Thames Street. Mr. Hamond, Fanchurch Jireet. John Hamford, Buttolph lane. Chris. L H. ] Chris. Hambleton, Bujh lane^ Scot yard. Stephen Hames, Bull and Mouth Street. Hen. Hamfon, ditto. Walter Hampton, Gravel lane Houndfditch. Mr. Hamle Tooly Jireet . Mr. Hancock, St. Laurence lane. John Hanceoufe, Berry Jireet. Mr. Hantbotow Broadjlreet. Mr. Hanwock, Budge-row. Rob. Hanfon, Sice-lane. Rich. Hanfon, ditto. Mr. Hanes Coleman Street Blackwelhall Fa - 61 or. [fic] Mr. Hartley, Fanchurch - Street. Thorn. Hartley, Throgmorton Jireet. Nath. Hartley, Szvi things lane. Ralph Hardwick, Grace - church Street. The. Hackney^ Spa - [ H. ] Thorn. Hardwick ni/h Walks Tho. Hardwick London Wall near Broadjlreet . Mr. Harwick Loathberry. William Harwell Colchejlerjireet. Hen. Harbin Mark-lane. John Harbin Great Saint Hel lens. Edw. Harrifon Roodlane. Harrifon Clements-lane. Harris Saint Dunjians Hill. Hart Throgmorton Street. Hartops Lymejireet, Harrow Winchejler Jlreet. Harwood Mich. lane. Harwood St. Antlins. Harwood Mile-end Green. Harwood Mile-end Town. Harvey Swithiii's lane. Harvey Beerhinder lane. Harvey St. Mary Hill. Hanwock Waping. Will. [ H. ] Will. Harlman at Mr. Cha. Cor- celus in Wap'ing. Mr. Hanly at Frejh-Wharf. Anth. Harrifpe, Coleman -Jlreet, King's- Jr?ns- Tard. Tho. Harrington Mark-lane. Hen. Hafwell Bujh-lane. John Hafelwood, Goodmans-fields. Mr. Hafell at the Spread Eagle in Gracechurch Street. John Hatner Winch ejler Street. Jofeph Hayward ■^ and > in Butolf-Lane. Daniel Wagfield J Mr. Hawes, Clement's lane. Mr. Hawkins Colledge Hill. Chris. Hawkins Walbrook at Mr. Dijhers. Mr. Hawkes CUipton Hackney. Claud. Hayes Fanchurch Street. John Hayes Little St. Hellens. James "> and > Hayes, Gracechurch-Jireet. Jofeph J Rob. Hubold Great St. Hellens. E Sir [ H. ] Sir Nat. Heme Loathhury. Jos. Herne^/jS/rJohnFrede- [fie] ricks in Old Jury. Sam. Heron Jfricati houfe. Will. Hedges Bafinghall Street. Mr. Hedges Broadjlreet. Mr. Hemmings Bafinghall Street Blackwel - hall FaSlor. Ifaac Hemming St. Mary hill. Thom. Heming Tokenhoufe Yard. John Hency, St. Martins lane. Rich. Hamden at Daniel Mercer in Bartholomew Lane. Henman Bankfide. Henrique Walhrook. Herle Aldermanherry . Herringhook Budge-row . Hermond Bijhopfgate without. Charles Herle Junior and Comp. in Aldermanherry. Will. Heller Borough South - wark. Mr. [ H. ] Mr. Hefter Bow Churchyard. Benj. Hewling Coleman Jlreet. Rob. Hews Kingfland. William Hibert in Bell- Alley ^ Cole- man-Jlreet. o ' 1 Heybert, Nags-head Court,' Abra. J ^'■^^^• ^^^•\ Hide, Milkjlreet, at the ^ \ Rofe. Jos. J ■> Bedingfield Higham Seething-lane, John Hill Crutchet-fryars. Mr. Hill Broadjlreet. John Hill Leadenhall-Jheet. Franc. Hill Bucklerfberry . Edw. Hill the Pojiern. John Hill M'lnories. Mr. Hill Bljhopfgate without. Mr. Hill Shadwell. Mr. HiU Rredriff. Edw. Hill Bafinghall -Jlreet Factor. Mr. Hillet 5^ y/«///«j in Wat- lin-Jlreet. E 2 Nath. Nath. Jofeph Thorn. John Andr. Nich. Mr. Tho. Edw. [ H, ] Hilton at Newington, his IVarehoufe near the Bear and Fountain in Loath - hury. Hincham Pudding-lane. Hinchman Alderfgate Street. Hinde Abchurch lane. Hinde Bu/lj-lane. Hinton ditto. Hockton Grubjireet. Hoet Lymejlreet. Holffted, at a Packer s in Nicholas'' s-lane. Holmes in Coleman-Jireet. Holmes in Nazs - head- Court in Clements-lane. Hollaway, in Nicholas's Lane. And Collet in Company. Holder, at the African - Houfe. Holford, the Hambrough - Walk. Will. [ H. ] Will. Hodges Bafinghall Street. Rich. Holt, BiJJwpfgateJireet. Mr. Holt Ironmonger lane. Mr. Holmes Nicholas-lane. Tho. Holmes Walbrook. John Holeman Bell Alley Cole - manjlreet. Will. Holgate Alderman-herry. James Holland Woodjireet. Mr. Holfam, Jetvenjireet. Mr. Holcomb Hatton garden. Rich. Holder, Roodlane. Sir Wil. Hooker Crown Court Grace - Churchjlreet. Will. Hooker Lymejlreet. Caleb Hooke Pye - Alley Fan - church Street. Mr. Hooper IVapping. Chris. Hopkins Fanchurch Jlreet. Edw. i^opegood Loathbury. Mr. HoUe Hummerton in Hackney. E 3 Mr [ H. ] Mr. i/oward Bow Church - yard. Mr. //owfon, Aldermanhury . Rich. i/ow «/ Billing f gate every , Morning. '■■ \ Henry i/ovener Swlthlns Lane. \ Abrah. i/ovener Ifllngton. Abr. Ifaac 1 i^oublon, Winchejier - \ and Jam. j Street. ' John //oblon Threadneedle ' Street, \ Peter ii/oublon Burblnder Lane. . jj Peter //oublon iS/r^ Lane^ Senior and \ ] Junior. ' i Maj. Pet. //oublon, Budgerow. \ Nich. //udfon Tower hill. Abra. Hudfon Colchejier-Jireet. \ James Hutton /« Durham Yard, I Mr. Hulfbrd Lambeth. ;i Henr. i/unter Crutchet-fryars. i Hen. //unter Mincin-lane. Tho. i/unt Fanchurch-Street. Tho. i/unt Bow-lane. Tho. ii [ H. ] - Tho. i/oughton, ~| and Bereclif > Jbchurch Lane. in Company J David //utchingfon St. Mary hill. George //ockenhull, Hackney. John //ough Gravel lane Hounfditch. Aid. J oh. //ough Clarkenwell Green. Steph. //ouflan, Thredneedle-Jlreet. John Houfan, ombard-Jlreet. John Miggot, Threadneedle-Jlr. Mark Mortimore, Tcwer-hill. Mr. Moria, great St. Hellens. John Samuel "^ and /• Charles J Mr. Bernard Richard Mr. Francis Mr. William Edward Francis Mr. John Robert [ M. ] John Morgan, Lodger^ at Mr. Hopegoods, Throg- 7norton-Jlreet. Peter Moreman, at a Packers in Mincin-lane. Samuel Mjrfe, Juji in- Fryers. Edward Morfe, Token - houfe - yard at Mr. Drapers. William Aforfe ditto. John Moris, Jujiin- Fryers. Humph. Aforis, Broad-Jireet. Richard A/oris, Cateaten-Jireet. Mr. Morto, Ropemakers- Alley. Thomas Morgan, Aldermanbury . Simon -Mjrfe, Cheapfide. Nicholas Moyfie, Pancras-lane. Moks Mocate, Ca?nomile-Jireet. Mr. Montey, great St. Hellens. Mr. Montey, Jewen-Jlreet. Richard Monniel, Princefs-Jireet. Peter Montage, Aujiin-Fryers. Stephen Montage, TVincheJier-Jireet. Mr. Monuty, Leaden-hall-Jir. Robert i [ M. ] Robert Monteth, at a Packers Lawr. Fount. -lane. Sir John Moore, Mincin-lane. George Moore, Minories. Henry Moody, Colchejier-Jireet. Abra. Moone, Great St. Hellens, Comp. with Chamberlain. Fred. Mooles, Angel - Court Throgmorton-Jlreet . Peter Mody, JValbrook^ the fign of the Golden-key. Charles Muddeford, Fan - Church Jlreet. Abra. Mumma, Crutchet-Fryers. Mr. Mufon, Barnahy-Jireet. Mr. Muce, Fan-Church-Jireet. Sam. Moyer, Walbrook. Mr. Moyer, Rope-makers- Alley. [ N. ] [ N. ] EDward Neal, Poultrey. Sir Godard Nelthorpe, Clarken- well. James Nelthorpe, Charterhoufe Yard. John Nelfon, Cannon-Jireet, Captain Needum, Aldennanbury. Mr. Nunfan, Rofemarylane. Benj. Newland, Mark-lane. Samuel Newton, Crown - Court., Grace- Church-Jireet. John Newton, Crutch et- Fryers. John Newton, Mile-end-Town. Auguft. Newball, Gruh-Jireet. John Nichols, Tower-hill. Phil. Nichols, ditto. John Nichols, Minc'in-lane. Daniel Nichols, Ironmonger-lane. Richard Nichols, Rofemary-lane. Edward Nichols, Broad-Jlreet. Humph. Nicholfon, Mile-end-green. Jeff. [ N. ] Jeff. Nightingall, Clements-lane. Lawr. Nigi, JValbrook^ Bonds Court. Henry Norton, ditto. Mr. Norton, Cateaten-Jlreei. Daniel Norton, Cornhill. Heneage Norton, at Mr. Willoughby Throgmorton-Jlreet. Mr. Norington, Grace - Church - Jlreet. Mr. Norder, the Horfe - Ferry, IVeJlminJier. James Nunns, near Dukes-Place. William Nutt, Gun -yard Houndf- ditch. Mr. Nuport, Cat eat en -Jlreet, Blackwell-hall^Fa^or, [ o. -] Hermin Robert John [ O. ] Oadick, JuJIin-Fryers. Oleverez, Dukes-Place. Olmius, Bijhopfgate with- out Angel-Alley. Oldworth, Copt - hall- court ^ Throgmorton-Jireet. Onflow, Hatton-Garden. Ondby, Aldertnanbury, Otgar, St. Mary-hill. Otgat at Aid. Doggety Lawrence Fount, hill. Otwood, Lyme-Jlreet. . Orgueld, Peter-hill. Orey, Pudding-lane. Outvarft, Great St. Hel- lens. Ofgood, White-Hart Court, Grace-Church-Jireet. Cornel. i [ o. ] Cornel. Ofwald, Berry-Jireet. Richard Owens, Swan - Alley ^ Cole - 7nan Jlreet. Peter Overflield, St. Mary-Ax. Richard Overman, Oxford Court Cannon-Jlreet. Mr. Oyles, Bafing- hall- Jlreet^ Blackwell-hally Fabler. Richard Oakley, in Coleman -Jireet^ Blackw ell-hall^ FaSior. [ P- ] [ P' ] John Mr. William William Mr. Abra. Edward William Thomas Mr. Mr. Mr. Peter Mr. Robert Mr. Andrew Page, Bijhopfgate-Jireet. Pagetor, Hogfdan. Paggen, St. Dunjian Hill. Pain, ditto. Painer, Camofnile Street. Palmentier, in Goldftnith Street. Palmer, Nicholas Lane. Palmer, Bijhopfgate with - out Angel Alley. Papillion, Fan-Church-Str. Patts, Fan-Church Street. Panier, St. Mary-Ax. Panton, Chifwell Street. Paravicin, Fanchurchjir. Parker, Buttolph-Lane. Parker, Fijh-Jlreet Hill. Parker, Throgmorton Street. Pancier, in New Court Throgmorton Jlreet. Francis ■i\ [ p- ] Francis Pargetor, Mon - Yard Black Fryers. Lewis Paran, Bell Alley^ Coleman Street, Mr. Parret, Stepney. Daniel Parret, Lawrence Fount. Hill. Mr. Parr, little Moore Fields. Mr. Parfons, Ironmonger Lane. Edward Parr, Koxis Key, John Peatorfon ; at a Packers in Bafinghall Street. Sir John Peak Grace-Church Street. William Peak, Leadenhall Street. Benj. Peak, Winchejler Street. William Pocock, Bafinghall Street. Richard Peele, Bankfide. William Pennington St. Mary- Ax. Ifaac Pennington, Well - Court., ^ueen Street, William Pendarvis, Lyme Street. Richard Pendarvis, Swithins Lane. Samuel Pen, Without Algate. David Perfore, Dukes-Place. G Movill. 1 Movill and , Lopes J William Mr. Mr. Thomas Mr. Mr. Sir Rich. Mr. Mr. Mr. James Thomas William Mr. Phillip [ P' ] Perrera, Dukes-Place. Petters, Throgmorton Str. Pethoufe, Love Lane. Peps, Threadneedle Street. Phillips, Martins Lane, Phillips, Bankfide. Phillips, Com. with Browne Lombard Street, Pickett, Loathhury . Pickett, Berry Street. Pickett, Colledge Hill Pickett, Fijhjlreet Hill at an Apothecary^ s. Pickering, and Comp. Ni- cholas Lane for Ordnary. Pilkington Bujl:) Scot Tard. Piftorius, at Mr. head Packer in Street. Pinchback Lane. Pirn, Mincin Lane. Lane White - Broad - in Ironmonger Stephen Stephen Mr. William Mr. Mr. Thomas Henry- Mr. Mr. Mr. James Alexand. Jofeph Daniel William Mr. John Jofia Mr. [ P' ] Pitts, St. Dunjlan Hill. Pitts, the Bridge. Plymton London Wall Crofs-keys Court. Playfoot, Old Jury Black - xvelhall Fa SI or. Polixfield, Walbrook. Polter, Dukes-Place. Polftead, Bednal-Green. Ponia, New Court Throg- morton Street. Pompillion, Newfmans Yard Cornhill. Ponder, Tower Street. Popej Abchurch Lane. Pope, Broadjireet. Pope, Redriff. Portaine, Berry Street. Portington, Swithins lane. Pordage, Lawr. Pountney Lane. Pordage, Cheapfide, at the Swan and Harp. Potter, Loathbury. Potter, Old Jury. G 2 George [ p- ] George Potts, Tower Street. Henry Pottinger, Bankfide. William Powell, Abchurch Lane, Mr. Powell, the Bridge. William Poulden, Gravill Lane, Hounds-ditch. William Poynes, Throgmorton Str. Thomas Poynes, Broad Street. Mr. Prawing, Oxford Court, Cannon Street. Mr. Predox, Michael Lane. John Preftwood, Cole?nan Street. Captain Prefton, Mile-end-Green. Paul Priaulx, Finjherry. Jos. Prickman, Fanchurch Str- Mr. Prickmez, St. Mary-Ax. John Price, Three King Court, Lombard Street. William Prifcott, Angel Court, Throgmorton Street. Edward Puckridge, Broad Street. Robert Puckell, Thames Street near Gaily- key. Thomas Puckle, Aujlin- Fryers. Samuel Putt Beerbinder Lane, Mr { [ ^. ] Mr. Putick, Berry Street. John PyiTij Winchejier Street, David Prole, Bafmghall Street^ Blackwell Hall FaSfor. Sir Will. Prayward, at Carpenters Hall London-wall. R. ] F 'Rancis John James Afatthew Mr. Matthew- Edward Mr. Mr. Francis Mr. Rainsford, Boiv lane. Raimez, Mincin lane. Ralphfon, Chequer Yard^ Dowgate. Randall, Chain Alley. Randall, Fanchurch Street. Randall, Throgmorton Str. Randall, ^een Street. Randfofle, great S. Hellens. Ranalfon, Martins lane. Rape, at a Confe5iioners in Walbrook. RatlifF, Fijhjireet Hill. G 3 George George John John John Mr. Mr. Thomas Mr. Jos. John Stephen Thomas William Arthur Peter Theoph. John Rand. [ ^. ] Ravencroft, Wejlm'injier^ Turkey Walk Exchange. Rawlins, Cloapton Hackney. Rayner, Leaclenhalljireet. Rayner, Clefuents lane. Rayledge, Devonjhire- Houfe. Reanals, Bafinghall Jlreet^ Blackwel Hall Faiior. Rea, Prlncefs Street. Reeves, Great St. Hellens. Reeves, Barnarby Street. Reede, Aldermanhury . Reade, Leadenhall Street. Reeve, Cornhill^ lodger at an Uphol/lerers. Regoat, Gravil lane^ Hounds-ditch. Remington, Broad Street. Renew, Philpot lane. Revell, Thames Street near Billing [gate. Richardfon, Water lane. Richardfon, near Fijhmon - gers Hall. Edward [ R. ] Edward Richbell, Berry Street. Mr. Richmond, Harp lane. John Riches, Lawr. Fount, lane. Captain Rich, Bankfide. Henry Ricardus, at Aid. JefFery's Berry Street. Mr. Richards, without New - gate. Mv. Ridley, Grubjireet. William Robards, Leadenhalljlreet. Richard Robards, without Bijhops - gate. Gab. Robards, London - Wall^ Carpenters Hall. Gar. Robards, White Hart Court^ Grace Church Jir. Thomas Robards, George Tardy Lotnbard Street. Mr. Robards, Crooked lane. Mr. Robards. Berry Street. Lenc. Robinfon, and Comp. Ni- cholas's lane. Andrew Robinfon, Three Kings Court : Lo?nbard Street, William Robinfon, Mark lane. G 4 Mr. Mr. Robinfon, Crooked lane. George Robins, ditto. Mr. Robulus, Berry Street. Gomez Rodrigues, ditto. Nicholas Roo, Leadenhall Street. Richard Roo, White Hart Court Grace Church Street. Mr. Roo, Corbit Court Grace Church Street. Rand. Roper, near the Ar7nitage. Jos. Rookfby, Mincin lane. Mr. Rookfby \ „ Mr. Rookfby J '^'^^"^^ John Rowland, Winchejler Jlreet. Nicholas Rowles, Threadneedlejlr. Timothy Royly, Dow gate. John Royly, Soper lane. Samuel Royfion, Bucklers Berry. Jeremy Royfion, Poultrey. Edward Rudge, St. Mary-Ax. Mr. Rudge, Redriff. Richard RufTell, Bujh lane., Scot yard. Mr. RufTell by the Bridge. Mr. Rucket, Minories. [ S. ] [ s. ] iM John Samuel Henry Mr. Richard John Samuel William Mr. Edward John Philip Edward Mr. Edward Henry Sadler, Mugwell Street. Sadler, Walhrook. Sale, in Lymejireet Comp. with Scopin. Salter, Fanchurch Jireet. Salter, in Princes Jireet. S alia way, Oxford Court in Cannon Jireet. Sallaway, at Mr. Cockrams Swithins lane. Sambrook, Tower Jireet. Sam brook, ^leen Jireet. Samuel, Dukes-Place. Sanders, Thotnas Apojlles. Sanders, Throgmorton Jlr. Sanderfon, in St. Lawrence lane. Sanders, Buttolf lane. Sanders, Thames Jireet. Sanders, Newington Green. Sanders, Broad Jireet. Mr. [ s. ] I Mr. Sanders, Bucklers Berry. ' John Sanford, Baftnghalljireet. \ Mr. Sands, Beerbinder lane. i Mr. Saneeis, Talbot Court Grace Church Jireet. Clem. Sawyer, little Trinity lane. John Sawyer, Ivy-lane. I Abra. Sayon at Mr. Stubbs in j Swithins lane. . | Lucas Scantes, Lyine-Jlreet, '\ Mr. Scanly, the Bridge, i William Scarlet, Tower Jireet at a \ Drapers, ' Mr. Scarlet, Newington Green. -*< Edward Scuyt, Loathybury at the Bear and Fountain, \ John Scopen and Comp. Lyme - i Jireet. ; William Scoing, Lawr. Fount, lane. |; Richard Scot Baftnghalljireet. f Mr. Scot, London - wall Black- !' wel Hall FaSlor. John Serape, Loathbury. Daniel Scoken, Threadneedle Jir. Mr. Scowell, Buttolph lane. Edward Edward Michael Peter Obad. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jofeph Arnold Arth. Mr. John John William Bafal and Edmond William Henry Samuel Mr. [ S. ] Seaman, Thames Jireet. Sederis, Mark lane. Sedgwick, in Martins lane. Sedgwick, Fanchurch Jlr, Sedgwick, Beer binder lane. Sedgwick, Swithins lane. Seneris, little Eajichip. Serjeant, St. John Jireet .^ IriJh-lValk Exchange, Sertillion, Fanchurch Jireet. Sexagomes, Minories. Shaw, St. Dunjians Hill. Shelden, Cannon Jireet. Shelden iyi Dukes - Place near the Church. Shelden, the Bridge. Sherman, Tower Hill. Sherrington, BiJl)opfgate Jireet. Sheeth, Aldermanhury . Shepherd, Michaels lane. Shepherd, Buckler/bury, John John Thomas Mr. William Sir John James Charles William Mr. Mr. Mr. William Mr. William [ S. ] Shepherd, White Hart Court Grace Church Jir. Shepherd, Abchurch lane. Sherbrook, Company^ with Mr. Clark In Cheapfide. Sherbrook, St. Hellens. Shorter, Bankfide. Sherlock, at ^ueen Hive. Shorter, ditto. Short, Ditto. Shieres, Crutchet Fryers. Shieres, Ratliff Crofs. Shilgrove, Buttolph lane. Shipman Tower Hill. Sigues, Goodmans Fields. Sikes, lodger at a Packers in Swithins lane. Silvefter Thames Jlreet. Silvefter Camomile Jlreet. Silgrove, Love lane. Silver, Minories. Silver Camomile-Jlreet. Sitw^ell, Leadenhalljir. Thomas Thomas Edward Michael Daniel Benj. John Dan" el Mr. Mr. Nath. Mr. Richard Par. Benj. Mr. Sir Jam. John Nicholas and John [ s. 1 Symons, Cateatonjlreet. Symons, Mafons Alley in Cornhill. Sivex, Mark lane. Skinner, Crutch et Fryers. Skutt, Great St. Hellens. Skinner, Aujl'in Fryers. Skinner, Barthol. lane. Skinner, Camberry Houfe at IJlington. Skinner, Ironmonger lane. Skinner, Kings Arms Yard Coleman Jlreet. Skinner in Cateatonjltreet. [fie] Slinger, Philpot lane. Slater, Bafinghall Jlreet Blackwelhall-Faifor. Smart, Broad Jlreet. Smith in Gruhjlreet. Smith, Kings Ar?ns Tara Coleman Jlreet. Smith Camomile Jlreet. Smith, Little St. Hellens. Nath. [ s. ] Nath. .Smith, Woodjlrcet^ at an Apothecary'' s. John 6'mith Cheapfide. John .Smith IValbrook. Aid. 6'mith Clarkenwell Green. Mr. 6'mith ditto. Mr. -Smith ditto. Mr. i'mith Gruhjlreet. Mr. 6'mith (Fater fide near BiUingfgate. Thomas 6'mith backfide the Ex - change at a Packer's. Aid. .Smith, Bank/ide. Thomas ^mith Bankfule at a Pack. William 6'mith Bunhill. Mr. 6'mith, Peter's Alley Cornh. James 6'mith Clink Jireet. John 6"mith Mark lane. George i'nell Lawr. Poiint. Hill. John knelling Tuly Jireet. Mr. 6'now Shadwell. William .Somers Aldermary Church Yard. Mr. 6'outhwell Crutchet Fryers. Samuel 6'outhton Broad Jireet. John [ s. ] John jS'outh George Tard Lorn - bardjlreet. Mr. iSoutherby Hackney. Peter ^outhwick Coleinanjireet. Mr. iSpicer Abchurch lane. Mr. iS'picer Goodmans Fields. Mr. iSpencer Mlnorles. Mr. •S'pencer Newington Green. Peter iSplit Amiitage IVapping. Henry iSpencer Mark lane. S\x Tho. •Stamp Bafinghall Jireet. George 6'tanpel a Stationer near the Exchange. Mr. .Standley, St. Diinjlans hill. Will, iStavendifh Thames Jireet. Mr. »S"tacy Pickle Herring. Mr. (Stacy Thames Jireet near Billing/gate. Ifa. iStackman Broad Jireet. Roger »Stackhard Coleman Jireet . Mr. Stenenis Berry Jireet. Mr. 5teneque Threadneedle Jir. Farly iStephenfon at Billingfgate every morning. Mr. iStevenfon Threadn. Jireet. Mr. Stevcnfon BiJljopJ gate Jir. Richard [fic] [ s. ] Thomas iS'tevenfon 0/d Fijh-Jlreet. Richard -Steele Nags - head Court in Grace Church Streets Mr. iStenenis Hogfdon. Mr. gold in Fleet - Child J Jireet. Thomas c iHomas Cook THomas Cook "^ and > Nicholas Carv J at the Griffin in _T. , , r^ I Exchange Alley, Nicholas Cary J Mr. Cutbert in Cheapfide. Mr. Coggs in the Strand at the Kings-head. Mr. Churchill at the in the Strand. D [ar. Duncomb"! at the Grajhop- Lumbard CHar. Duncomb^j at the and > per in Richard Kent J ftreet. John Ewing "^ at the Angell and > and Crown in Benj. NoringtonJ LumbardJIr. Mr. Eaft at the in the Strand. F THomas Fowles at the Black Lion in Fleetjireet. Jofeph J H " r in Ofeph| Hornboy at the Sta ■^T , j Lumbardjireet, H John Hind "^ over againjl the > Exchange in Thomas Garwood J CornhilL Benj. Hinton at the Flower de Luce in Lu?nbard ftreet. James Herriot at the Naked Boy in Fleeijireet. James Hore at the Golden Bottle in Cheapfide. J Ames Johnfon at the Three Flower de Luces in Cheapfide. T K. Ho. Kilborne■^ at the Kings and > Head in Lum- Capill J bardjheet. I 2 Mr. L ! Mr. Kenton at the Kings -Jnns '\ in Fleetjireet. '}. Mr. Ketch at the Black - Horfe I in the Strand. i J'Enry Lamb at the Grapes in . X Lumbardjlreet. James Lapley at the Three Cocks Cheapfide. J M Ohn Mawfon and Comp. at the Golden Hind in Fleet Jir. H N Enry Nelthorpe at the Rofe in Lumbard Jir eet . P THo. Price at the Goat in Lum- bardjlreet. Peter Percefulh at the Black and \ Boy in Lumbar d Stephen Evans J Jlreet. Thomas R Thomas Pardo at the Golden An chor in Lumbardjireet. R THo. Rowe "» ^ .1 n \at the George in ^, ^"^^ f Lumbardjireet. Thomas Cjreen J S. HUmph. Stocks at the Black - Horfe in Lumhard Jir. John Sweetaple at the Black- Moors-Head in Lumhard Jireet. John Snell at the Fox in Lum- Jlreet. Michael Schrimpfhaw at the Golden Lion in Fleetjireet. Richard Stayley in Covent Garden, T T^^^alr^^^V' ^/.. Three Tunns V, ,, , \ in Lurnbard ftr. John beale J ■^ John Thurfby at the Ball in Lumbardjireet. 1 3 Bar. w Bar. Turner"^ . p, J \at the tleece in r. , rr^ 1 • T Lumbard fireet. bamuel 1 ookieJ -^ W Major Joh. Wallis at the Angell in Lumhardjlreet. Peter Wade at the Meannaid in Lufubardjireet. Peter White "^ ^ ^h th u • \at the r lough in ^" ,^, , .,1 I Lumbard /Ireet. L-hurchilU Thomas White at the Blew An- chor in Lumbard Jlreet. Thomas WiUiams at the Crown in L mnbardjireet. Robert /Fard i ; d • J \at the Ram in , , ,^ , I Lumbard fir. John TowneleyJ -^ THo. Flowerdew at Rowl. Dee in the Poultrey. Benj. Bathurft 5/. Mary-Ax. Benj. Rigfath Nicholas lane. Jafp. Chapman Bajinghalljir. Peter Vergrew in New Court in Throgmortou Jlreet. John Conine in Sali/bury Court. Auguft AUard in Kings Jlreet. W\\\. Faffet Dutch Walk Exch. Ja. Caepell at the Bee-hive in WatUn Jlreet. George Cokp near St. Dunjlans lodger at a Widdows. Hougo and John 'Lent at a Packers St. Dunjlan's Hill. John Burrow in Bujh lane. Cap. Nunflan at the Injur. Office. Edw. Blake Tower Jlreet. Nich. Lock Batholomew Clofe. John Blake St. Swithins lane at a Packer s. /Fill. Depeftor Broad Jlreet at the Surgeons Arms. John John Edmonds in Philpot lane. Edw. Wards Bafinghalljlreet, James Eyton Fi/h-Jlreet Hill. WdiXVf. Yard African-Houfe. Samuel Burlingham and Comp, in Angel Court in Lumbar d Jlreet. Ralph Far at Mile-end Green. Paul Aleftry in St. Martins lane. John Brufe Fanchurchjlrc J. Mr. Brabant in St. Swithins lane at a Packer' s. Samuel Braborne at his Brother Mr. braborne in the Poultry. Simon Clark in Love lane Alderman- bury. Adrian Van Schipcroot in Muddi- ford Court Fanchurch Jir, John Morris at Mr. Baker'j Al- mary Church Yard. Stat. Ahearns \^awr. Poult. Hill. untvf:"r,?;tty of rATTFORNTA SANTA BARriARA COLLEGE LIBRARY CHiswicK press: REPRINTED BY WHITTINGHAM AND WILKINS, TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. 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