v CATIONS MJENG1ES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN : SOCIAL WORKERS' GUIDE TO THE EDITED BY ELSIE M. RUSHMORE u> WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY FREDERICK W. JENKINS LIBRARIAN OF THE RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION LIBRARY NEW YORK RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION 1921 COPYRIGHT, 1921, BY RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION WM. F. FELL CO. PRINTERS PHILADELPHIA INTRODUCTION BY FREDERICK W. JENKINS Librarian, Russell Sage Foundation Library THE reports and serial publications of progressive institutions and organi- zations for social or civic welfare are source material of the greatest value to the student who may wish to know the history of any movement for human betterment. These publications not only record the work of a particu- lar organization or body, but they often trace the entire development of an important effort from its inception to its final success or failure. The reports of the Poor Law Commissioners of Great Britain, for example, beginning with the first annual issue in 1834 and still continuing, not only trace the history of the care of the poor in Great Britain, but discuss such questions as public health, housing, town planning, and old age pensions. In like manner a file of the reports of the Elmira Reformatory from 1876 to the present day show how penologists have come step by step to the realization of the need for a more intelligent treatment of the criminal. The reports of this Reformatory cov- ering the first twenty-five years contain also the record of achievement of its distinguished superintendent, the late Zebulon R. Brockway, in his efforts for the reformation and rehabilitation of the prisoner and the protection of society. The proceedings of local, state, national and international conferences represent another class of serial publications which not only assemble valu- able data but also record development. The library of Russell Sage Foundation contains probably the most complete sets of such publications in America and new material is being added daily. The Social Workers' Guide lists approximately 4,000 institutions and organi- zations whose publications are on the library shelves. This volume has been issued in order to make the collection more readily available. Its index, arranged by subjects The Feeble-minded, the Blind, Prison Reform, and so forth makes it possible for students to find valuable reports of institutions in a particular field. Librarians also should find the list of service in selecting reports for a working collection.* During the process of compilation all entries were submitted, class by class, to specialists, in order that no institution or report that did not represent * If librarians who have incomplete files will send a card list of missing numbers, the Russell Sage Foundation Library will gladly examine its duplicates and send to applicants any numbers it can spare. The only charge for this service will be for packing and transportation. These requests should be written on 3x5 cards, one item to the card, the entry being the same as that in the printed guide. progressive social effort should be included. At the same time advice was sought in regard to other important institutions the publications of which were not in the library and which nevertheless should be included in the list, since the aim of the Foundation is to make the guide as authoritative as possible. Obviously, because of lack of space, not all valuable reports can be included, but the publications listed have been carefully selected and represent the best standards in the fields covered. It is believed that the checklist will be especially helpful to social workers, to whom its service should be threefold: (1) to enable all those who have access to the Russell Sage Foundation Library to consult its source material in any given field with full information as to what publications are available and what are not. (2) To supply students at a distance who cannot use the Library with a source guide. In this latter case reports may generally be secured through a local library, a state library, or library commission. (3) To encourage visits to and studies of progressive institutions. This Social Workers' Guide is the result of co-operative work, without which its preparation would have been impossible. To all who have helped with sug- gestions or criticism, full appreciation is here expressed. Especial indebtedness is gratefully acknowledged to John B. Andrews, Leonard P. Ayres, Kate Holladay Claghorn, Earle Clarke, Charles K. Gilbert, Arthur H. Ham, Lee F. Hanmer, Shelby M. Harrison, Hastings H. Hart, Philip P. Jacobs, Allen J. Kennedy, Porter R. Lee, R. R. Lutz, Samuel McCune Lindsay, Orlando F. Lewis, Clarence A. Perry, Mary E. Richmond, Franz Schneider, Henry W. Thurston, Philip Van Ingen, Mary Van Kleeck, Agnes Van Valkenburgh, Gaylord S. White. The editorial supervision of the Social Workers' Guide to the Serial Publi- cations of Representative Social Agencies is the work of Elsie M. Rushmore, assisted by Constance Beal and Julia C. Harte. EXPLANATORY PREFACE THIS guide includes only such serial publications of social agencies as appear with some degree of regularity. Institutions and organizations which issue only occasional pamphlets, reports, or papers have been omitted. For this reason community trusts and several of the large Founda- tions are not represented. 1 Technical periodicals in the field of social work are listed and also magazines of a general character in which, from time to time, valuable articles and discussions of social significance appear. College catalogues, although now generally issued serially, are not included in this guide, but a current file of the catalogues and circulars of information of the larger institutions of learning of the country are available in the Library. The following explanations will be found helpful : When the fiscal year of an institution is not the calendar year, the fact is indicated by the use of a slanting line to separate the years covered by the report. For example, an annual report covering the twelve months beginning June 1, 1881 and ending May 31, 1882 would be listed as a report for 1881/82. A short dash is used to separate dates that begin and end a series of reports; thus, 1881/82-1897/98 indicates that the file begins with a report for the fiscal year 1881/82 and ends with one for the fiscal year 1897/98. A dash placed at the end of an entry means that the file is complete from that period to date. Thus 1881/82 means that the file of reports is continuous and complete from the fiscal year 1881/82 to the present. The reports of institutions are to be found under the names of places instead of under the title of the institution. Thus the annual report for the Associated Charities of Springfield, Mass., would appear in the guide as Springfield, Mass. Associated Charities Annual report, followed by dates indicating the numbers available. Where the Russell Sage Foundation Library does not attempt to keep com- plete files of the series listed, the entry is starred thus * with an explanatory note 1 A bibliography published by the Russell Sage Foundation Library (L. 44), listing the more important material, both serial and occasional, relating to Foundations and community trusts will be sent upon request. Price 20 cents. at the foot of the page, " Current Numbers Only." By current numbers is meant the last issue and generally one or two immediately preceding, often valuable for purposes of comparison. The librarian will appreciate having his attention called to any errors in the following pages so that they may be corrected in later editions of this guide. The gift of any numbers now lacking from the files of the Russell Sage Foun- dation Library will be deeply appreciated. Social Workers' Guide to the Serial Publications of Representative Social Agencies Academy of political science Proceedings, v. 1 (1910) Actors' fund of America Annual report.* Akron, Ohio. Bureau of municipal research Annual report. 1915 Akron, Ohio. Charity organization society and department of charities Annual report, no. 1 (1912/13) Alabama. Boys' industrial school (East Lake) Annual report, no. 10 (1909), 12-16 (1916) Alabama. Convicts, Board of inspectors of Quadrennial report. 1906-10 Alabama. Factory inspector Annual report. 1912 Alabama. Health, State board of Annual report. 1914 Alabama. Health, State board of Bulletin.* Alabama. Illiteracy commission Report, no. 1 (1915/16) Alabama. Immigration commission Report.* Alabama. Insane hospitals Report of the Trustees. 1911-14 Alabama. School for the deaf (Talladega) Report.* Alabama. State federation of labor Proceedings, no. 13 (1913) Alabama. State prison inspector Report. 1914/16 Alabama. State training school for girls (East Lake) Report. 1914 Alabama. Tuberculosis association Alabama blazer, v. 1 (1918/19) v. 2 no. 1 lacking. Previous to May 1920 entitled: Alabama. Anti-tuberculosis league. Alaska. Mine inspector Report. 1911/12-1914/15, 1917 Albany, N.Y. Albany hospital Annual report.* Albany, N.Y. Associated charities Annual report. 1890, 1893/94, 1895/96, 1912/13, 1914/15 Previous to 1916 entitled: Albany, N. Y. Society for co-operation of charities. Albany, N.Y. Charities, Department of Annual report, no. 19 (1917/18) Albany, N.Y. Education, Board of Report on medical inspection.* Albany, N.Y. House of shelter Report, no. 1 (1869), 2 (1873) Albany, N.Y. Orphan asylum Annual report. 1905/06 Albany, N.Y. Public safety department Annual report.* Albany, N.Y. Public schools Health messenger, v. 1 (1916) Alberta. Neglected children, Superintendent of Biennial report, no. 2 (1910/11) Alberta. Workmen's compensation board Annual report, no. 1 (1918) Allentown, Pa. Associated charities Report, no. 1 (1913-14) American academy of political and social science Annals, v. 1 (1890) American annals of the deaf v. 55 (1910) American association for labor legisla- tion Labor laws in war time. no. 1 (1917)-6 (1919) American association for labor legisla- tion Leaflets, no. 1 (1909), 4, 5, 7-15, 17 (1915?) American association for labor legisla- tion. New York State branch Annual report, no. 3 (1910/11) Branch discontinued, 1913. American association for labor legisla- tion: Publications no. 1 (1908)-!! (1910) In 1910 superseded by: American labor legislation review. American association for organizing fam- ily social work Report, no. 2 (1912/13) From May 1917-May 1919 entitled: Amer- ican association for organizing charity. Previous to May 1917 entitled: American association of societies for organizing charity American association for promoting hy- giene and public baths Proceedings, no. 2 (1913), 5 * Current numbers only. GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS American association for study and pre- vention of infant mortality see American child hygiene association American association for the conserva- tion of vision Monograph series, v. 1 (1911) no. 1 This is the only monograph issued. In 1915 the Association was merged with the New York. Committee for the prevention of blindness to form the National Committee for the prevention of blindness. American association of farmers' insti- tute workers Proceedings, v. 6 (1901) American association of hospital social workers Bulletin, v. 1 (1919/20) no. 2-6, 8, 9; v. 2 American association of industrial physi- cians and surgeons Proceedings of the annual meeting, no. 1 (1916) American association of instructors of the blind Proceedings, no. 18 (1906) American association of medical milk commissions Proceedings of the conference, v. 1 (1907)- 10 (1916) American association of park superin- tendents Proceedings, v. 10 (1908)-17 (1915) American association of public employ- ment offices Proceedings, no. 1 (1913) American association of small loan brok- ers see American industrial licensed lenders' asso- ciation American association of university pro- fessors Bulletin, v. 1 (1915) American Baptist year book* American child v. 1 (1919) In May 1919 superseded: Child labor bul- letin. American child hygiene association Transactions, v. 1 (1910) Previous to January 1919 entitled: Ameri- can association for study and prevention of infant mortality. American child's congress Bulletin. 1st congress (1913) no. 1, 2; 2nd congress (1918) no. 1, 2 American child's congress Proceedings, no. 2 (1919) American church institute for Negroes Annual report.* American city v. 1 (1909) American civic association Civic comment, no. 1 (1919)-3 American college of surgeons Bulletin: Hospital standardization series, v. 4 (1919) no. 1-4 American conservation v. 1 (1911) Publication discontinued, 1911. American co-operative convention Report of proceedings, no. 1 (1918) American economic review v. 1 (1911) American federation of Catholic societies Bulletin, v. 7 (1913) no. 8-12; v. 8-14 (1919) v. 10 no. 5; v. 11 no. 8, 11; v. 12 no. 11 lacking. American federation of Catholic societies Social service commission Bulletin, no. 1 (1912), 2, 4-6 American federation of labor Proceedings, v. 1 (1881) American federation of labor Weekly news letter.* American federationist v. 10 (1903) American genetic association see American breeders' association American health league. Committee of one hundred on national health Bulletin, no. 15 (1908), 16, 18-24, 27, 28, 30-34, 36-39, 41-50 (1911) Publication discontinued with no. 50. American hospital association Transactions of the annual conference, v. 9 (1907) American humane association Report of the proceedings, v. 28 (1904) v. 40 lacking. American industrial licensed lenders' as- sociation Industrial lenders' news. v. 1 (1916) Previous to September 1918 entitled: Amer- ican association of small loan brokers. Loan gazette. American industrial licensed lenders' as- sociation Proceedings, v. 3 (1917) v. 1 and 2 never published. Previous to 1918 entitled: American asso- ciation of small loan brokers. American institute of criminal law and criminology Bulletin, no. 1 (1909)-20 (1915) no. 9 and 17 lacking. Publication discontinued with no. 20. * Current numbers only. 2 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS American institute of criminal law and criminology Proceedings, no. 1 (1909), 4 (1912) no. 1 entitled: National conference on criminal law and criminology, no. 4 con- tains proceedings of joint meeting of the In- stitute and the Wisconsin branch. Other proceedings are not published separately, but are contained in the Journal of the American institute of criminal law and crim- inology. American institute of criminal law and criminology. Wisconsin branch Proceedings, no. 3 (1911), 4 (1912) American instructors of the deaf Proceedings, no. 7 (1870) American iron and steel institute Monthly bulletin, v. 1 (1913)-5 (1917) v. 5 no. 1, 6 lacking. Publication discontinued, 1917. American journal of care for cripples v. 1 U914) American journal of insanity v. 50 (1893)-55, 64 American journal of nursing v. 1 (1900) American journal of public health v. 1 (1911) Previous to 1912 entitled: Journal of the American public health association. American journal of sociology v. 1 (1895) American labor legislation review v. 1 (1911) In 1910 superseded: American association for labor legislation: Publications. American leader v. 1 (1912)-v. 14 (1918) no. 1-3 v. 14 no. 4-12 lacking. Publication discontinued, December 1918. American library association Bulletin, v. 8 (1914) Conference proceedings are included in these Bulletins. American medical association. Health and public instruction, Council on Social insurance series: Pamphlets, no. 1 (1915?)-7 (1915?) American museum of safety Manuals, no. 1 (1911)-3 (1912) American museum of safety Safety: bulletin board series, no. 1 (1914)- 41 (1917) Publication discontinued with no. 41. American museum of safety see also Safety institute of America American Negro academy Occasional papers, no. 2 (1897)-9, 11 American open air school association American open air school journal, v. 1 (1914/ 15) no. 2-4, 8, 9, 11, 12; v. 2 (1916) no. 1 American political science association Proceedings, v. 1 (1904)-! (1913) Since 1914 included in: American political science review. American political science review v. 1 (1906) American prison association Proceedings of the annual congress, no. 2 (1873)-4 (1874/76); 2nd ser. no. 1 (1883) Previous to 1908 entitled: National prison association. American public health association Public health: Reports and papers, v. 1 (1873)-37 (1909) Since 1910 papers included in: American journal of public health. American Red Cross see Red Cross society. United States. Amer- ican Red Cross American Red Cross magazine see Red Cross magazine American review of tuberculosis v. 1 (1917) American school hygiene association Proceedings, v. 1 (1907) 1914 proceedings never published. American seamen's friend society Report.* American social hygiene association, inc. Annual report, no. 1 (1913/14), 2 American social hygiene association, inc. Pamphlets, no. 1 (1918)-14 (1918) American social hygiene association, inc. Publications, no. 33 (1916), 41, 43-45, 48, 50-52, 54-64, 66-69, 73-79, 8 1 , 84-86, 88-9 1 , 93-95,97-104, 106-109a, 111, 112, 115, 117, 118, 121, 122, 126, 149, 151, 159, 160, 162, 168, 170, 172, 174-177, 180-185, 187-189, 194, 221, 223, 224, 231, 233-235, 237-242, 249 American social hygiene association, inc. Social hygiene bulletin, v. 1 (1914) American social science association, inc. Journal of social science containing the pro- ceedings of the American association, no. 1 (1869)-46 (1909) Publication discontinued, 1909. American society for superintendents of training schools for nurses see National league of nursing education American society of sanitary and moral prophylaxis Transactions, v. 1 (1906)-3 (1910) From 191 1-1915 reportsand papers included in: Journal of the Society of sanitary and moral prophylaxis. * Current numbers only. 3 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS American sociological society Papers and proceedings, v. 1 (1906) American statistical association: Quar- terly publications v. 1 (1888) American Unitarian association. Social and public service, Department of Bulletin, no. 1 (n.d.) Amsterdam, Holland. Liefdadigheid naar vermogen Annual report. 1904 Amsterdam, N.Y. Health, Board of Proceedings.* Ann Arbor, Mich. Federation of charities Report. 1908/09, 1911/12 Anna T. Jeanes foundation. Negro rural school fund Report of the president. 1913 Anti-saloon league of America Year book.* Die Arbeiter-versorgung v. 26 (1909)-29 (1912) Der Arbeitsmarkt v. 13 (1909)-16 (1912) Der Arbeitsnachweis v. 5 (1911), 6 (1912) Architectural record v. 44 (1918) Archiv fiir Rassen- und Gesellschaf ts- biologie v. 1 (1904)-8 (1911), 11 (1914-16) Archives of pediatrics v. 27 (1910) Arizona. Anti-tuberculosis association Health prospector, v. 1 (1919) Arizona. Board of control Annual report. 1911/12-1915/16 In 1917 superseded by: Arizona. State in- stitutions, Commission of. Arizona. Health, state board of Biennial report. 1912/14, 1917-18 Arizona. Health, State board of Bulletin.* Arizona. State federation of labor Proceedings, no. 5 (1916) no. 1-4 never published. Arizona. State institutions, Commission of Annual report, no. 1 (1917/18) Arizona. State institutions, Commission of Bulletin, v. 1 (1918) no. 1 In 1917 superseded: Arizona. Board of control. Arizona. Vocational education, State board for the control of Bulletin, no. 1 (1918), 3, 4 Arkansas. Deaf-mute institute (Little Rock) Biennial report.* Arkansas. Jefferson county. Associated char- ities (Pine Bluff) Annual report, no. 1 (1913/14)-4 (1916/17) Arkansas. Labor and statistics, Bureau of Biennial report, no. 2 (1915-16) no. 1 never published. Arkansas. Public health association Report. 1917/18 Arkansas. School for the blind (Arkadel- phia) Biennial report, no. 26 (1912-14) Arkansas. State charitable institutions, Board of control for Biennial report, no. 1 (1915/17) In 1915 superseded: Arkansas. State char- itable institutions, Board of trustees of . Arkansas. State charitable institutions, Board of trustees of Biennial report, no. 23 (1913/15) In 1915 superseded by: Arkansas. State charitable institutions, Board of control for. Arkansas. State conference of charities and corrections Proceedings, v. 1 (1912)-3 (1914) Arkansas. State federation of labor Proceedings, no. 10 (1912), 12 Die Armenpflege v. 4 (1906)-v. 9 (1911) no. 1-5, 7-10; v. 10 (1912) no. 1-6; v. 11 (1913) no. 7-9; v. 12 (1914) no. 1-6 Army relief society Annual report.* Asbury Park, N.J. Health, Board of Annual report.* Asheville, N.C. Flower mission and associ- ated charities Report. 1910/11-1914/15 Associated fraternities of America Proceedings, v. 1 (1901)-9, 13 (1914) In 1913 merged with National fraternal congress of America. Association boys v. 8 (1909)-10 (1911) In 1912 superseded by: American youth. L'Associatioii Internationale de bains populaires et de propretS Bulletin, v. 1 (1913) L'Associatioii Internationale pour la lutte contre le chomage Bulletin, v. 1 (1911)-v. 4 (1914) no. 1, 2 Association monthly v. 1 (1909) Association of Catholic charities Annual report, no. 7 (1908/09), 9, 13, 15 Association of collegiate alumnae (Cali- fornia branch). Baby hygiene committee Annual report, no. 1 (1909/10) no. 5 lacking. * Current numbers only. 4 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Association of governmental labor offi- cials of the United States and Canada Proceedings of the annual convention. 1914, 1918 Association of life insurance presidents Proceedings, no. 1 (1907) Athol, Mass. Associated charities Annual report. 1915/16 Atlanta, Ga. Anti-tuberculosis and visiting nurse association Annual report.* Atlanta, Ga. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1905/06), 3-6, 8, 10 Atlanta, Ga. Carnegie library Annual report.* Atlanta, Ga. Employment, Clearing house for Annual report. 1915/16 Atlanta, Ga. Hebrew orphans' home Annual report.* Atlanta, Ga. Juvenile protective associa- tion Report. 1907, 1910, 1914 Atlanta, Ga. Park commission Annual report, no. 2 (1910), 3, 5 Atlanta university Bulletin, ser. 2 no. 1 (1910) Atlanta university Publications, no. 1 (1896) Atlantic City, N.J. Children's sea-shore house for invalid children Annual report.* Atlantic City, N.J. Organized charities Annual report, no. 1 (1909/10) Atlantic City, N.J. Seaside house for in- valid women Annual report.* Auburn, N.Y. Associated charities Report. 1919/20 Auburn, N.Y. Young ladies' benevolent as- sociation Annual report.* Augusta, Ga. Associated charities Annual report. 1908/09 No reports published for 1911-1916. Augusta, Ga. Public health department Annual report.* Aurora, 111. Charity council Annual report. 1898/99-1902/03 Austin, Tex. United charities association Annual report, no. 6 (1916), 9 Australasian conference on charity Proceedings, no. 1 (1890), 2 (1891) Australia. Census and statistics, Common- wealth bureau of Commonwealth demography.* Australia. Census and statistics, Common- wealth bureau of Official year book.* Australia. Census and statistics, Common- wealth bureau of Quarterly summary of Australian statis- tics, no. 70 (1917) Australia. Census and statistics, Common- wealth bureau of. Labour and industrial branch Labour bulletin, no. 1 (1913), 14-18 (1917) Australia. Census and statistics, Common- wealth bureau of. Labour and statistics branch Report, no. 1 (1912) Australia. Pensions, Commissioner of War pensions: Statement. 1918/19 Australia. Treasury, Department of. Pen- sions and maternity allowance office Invalid and old age pensions: Statement. 1909/10 Australia. Treasury, Department of. Pen- sions and maternity allowance office Maternity allowances: Statement. 1912/ 13 Ayr, Scotland. School medical officer Report.* Babies of the Empire society Report.* Back to mufti no. 1 (1919) In 1919 superseded: Canada. Soldiers' civil re-establishment, Department of. Recon- struction: Bulletin. Only number issued. Baldwinville, Mass. Hospital cottages for children Annual report.* Baltimore, Md. Alliance of charitable and social agencies Report, no. 1 (1917/18) Baltimore, Md. Association for the im- provement of the condition of the poor Report. 1874/75, 1875/76, 1886/87, 1898/ 99-1903/04, 1905/06 In 1908 merged with the Charity organiza- tion society to form the Baltimore, Md. Federated charities. Baltimore, Md. Boys' home society Annual report.* Baltimore, Md. Bureau of state and mu- nicipal research Reports, no. 2 (1913), 4, 5, 10; n.s. no. 1 (1916), 7, 16 (1919) Numbers not listed never published. * Current numbers only. 5 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Charity organization so- no. 3 (1882/83)-26 (1906/ Baltimore, Md. ciety Annual report. 07) In 1908 merged with the Association for the improvement of the condition of the poor to form the Baltimore, Md. Federated chari- ties. Baltimore, Md. Children's fresh air society Annual report.* Baltimore, Md. Children's hospital school Report.* Baltimore, Md. Children's playground as- sociation Annual report. 1909/10-1913/15 Baltimore, Md. City charities supervisors Annual report, no. 1 (1900) Baltimore, Md. City club Bulletin, v. 1 (1913)-5 (1917) Baltimore, Md. City club Handbook.* Baltimore, Md. Family welfare association Annual report, no. 1 (1907/08)-4 (1910/11), 1913/14 Previous to November 1919 entitled: Bal- timore, Md. Federated charities. Baltimore, Md. Family welfare association Helping hand. no. 1 (1914), 3 Previous to November 1919 entitled: Bal- timore, Md. Federated charities. Baltimore, Md. Federated charities Directory of social work for Baltimore and Maryland. 1885, 1892, 1901, 1917 Baltimore, Md. Federated charities. Legal aid bureau Annual report, no. 1 (1911/12)-3 (1913/14) Baltimore, Md. Federated Jewish charities Annual report, no. 1 (1907) Baltimore, Md. Free public bath commis- sion Annual report, no. 8 (1902), 10, 12 Baltimore, Md. Health, Department of Annual report. 1906 Baltimore, Md. Health, Department of Monthly bulletin.* Baltimore, Md. Henry Watson children's aid society Annual report.* Baltimore, Md. Home for fallen women of Baltimore City Annual report.* Baltimore, Md. Home of the friendless Annual report.* Baltimore, Md. Industrial home for colored girls (Melvale) Annual report, no. 27 (1910) Baltimore, Md. James Lawrence Kerman hospital and industrial school of Maryland Annual report.* Baltimore, Md. Johns Hopkins hospital Annual report, no. 1 (1889/90), 3 Baltimore, Md. Juvenile court Annual report. 1908/09, 1910/11, 1912/13 Baltimore, Md. Kelso home for orphans of the Methodist Episcopal church Report.* Baltimore, Md. Locust Point social settle- ment association Annual report.* Baltimore, Md. Park commissioners, Board of Annual report.* Baltimore, Md. Police commissioners, Board of Report.* Baltimore, Md. Robert Garrett free hos- pital for children Report.* Baltimore, Md. St. Elizabeth's home for colored children Annual report.* Baltimore, Md. St. Mary's industrial school for boys and St. James' home Annual report, no. 47 (1914/15), 49 Baltimore, Md. Social service corporation Report, no. 1 (1911/12) Baltimore, Md. Thomas Wilson sanitarium for children Report.* Baltimore, Md. Visitors of the city jail Annual report. 1912, 1915 Baltimore and Ohio railroad company. Relief department Annual report, no. 1 (1888/89) Barking Town, England. Medical officer of health and sanitary inspector Annual report.* Bayonne, N.J. Charity organization society Annual report. 1898,1911 Belgium. Ministere de la justice. Office de la protection de 1'enfance Bulletin, no. 10 (1919) Belgium. Ministere de 1'industrie, du travail et du ravitaillement Revue du travail, v. 11 (1906)-15; v. 18 (1913) no. 1-14; v. 19 (1914) no. 2-13; v. 21 (1920) no. 1 Belgium. Ministere de 1'industrie, du travail et du ravitaillement. Office du travail Statistique des accidents du travail. 1907 Belgium. Ministere de 1'industrie et du tra- vail Rapport relatif a 1'execution de la loi du 31 mars 1898 sur les unions professionnelles.* Belgium. Ministere de 1'industrie et du tra- vail. Office du travail Annuaire de la legislation du travail, no. 1 (1897)-3, 6-17 * Current numbers only. 6 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Belgium. Ministers de 1'industrie et du tra- vail. Office du travail Les Industries a domicile en Belgique. v. 7 (1905)-10 Belgium. Ministere de 1'industrie et du tra- vail. Office du travail Rapport relatif a 1'execution de la loi du 24 decembre 1903 sur la reparation des dom- mages resultant des accidents du travail. 1909-11 Belgium. Ministere de 1'industrie et du tra- vail. Office du travail Rapports annuels de 1'inspection du travail, no. 1 (1895)-5, 8, 10-17, 19 Belgium. Ministere de 1'industrie et du tra- vail. Office du travail Statistique des greves et lock-out en Bel- gique. 1896-1910 Beloit, Wis. United charities Annual report, no. 2 (1915/16) Bennington, Vt. Public welfare association Annual report, no. 3 (1912/13) Previous to 1915/16 entitled: Bennington, Vt. Civic league. Berkeley, Cal. Charity organization society Annual report. 1907/08, 1909/10-1911/12, 1913/14, 1914/15 Berkeley, Cal. Civic art commission Annual report, no. 1 (1915/16) Berkeley, Cal. Public charities, Commis- sion of Annual report, no. 5 (1913/14), 6 Berkeley, Cal. Public charities, Commis- sion of Berkeley social service, v. 1 (1914), 2 (1916) Berlin, Germany. Statistisches Amt Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin.* Berlin, Germany. Zentral-verein fiir Ar- beits-nachweis Report. 1901, 1902, 1904, 1912, 1913/14, 1914/15 Bethlehem, Pa. Associated charities of Bethlehem Annual report, no. 1 (1902) no. 6 lacking. Better business; a quarterly journal of ag- ricultural and industrial co-operation v. 1 (1915) Better times v. 1 (1920) no. 1 Beverly, Mass. New England industrial school for deaf mutes Annual report.* Bibliographie der Sozialwissenschaf ten v. 1 (1905)-14 (1918) Bibliography of social science see Bibliographie der Sozialwissenschaften Big brother work v. 1 (1912/16) no. 2-10 Publication discontinued. Binghamton, N.Y. Health, Department of Annual report.* Binghamton, N.Y. Public safety, Depart- ment of Annual report, no. 1 (1916) Birmingham, Ala. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1910/11), 2 Birmingham, Ala. Mercy home Annual report.* Birmingham, England. Charity organiza- tion society Annual report, no. 21 (1895), 22, 25 Birmingham, England. Education com- mittee Report of the Special schools after care sub- committee. 1910-11-1913/14, 1915-20 Birmingham, England. Education com- mittee. Central care committee Annual report, no. 2 (1912/13) Birmingham, England. Floodgate street maternity & infant welfare centre Annual report, no. 1 (1908)-4, 6 Previous to 1918 entitled: Birmingham, England. Infants' health society and School of mothercraft. Birmingham, England. Medical officer of health Report. 1909 Birmingham, England. School medical of- ficer Annual report.* Birmingham, England. Women's settle- ment Report.* Blinded soldiers' and sailors' care com- mittee Report of St. Dunstan's hostel for blinded soldiers and sailors. 1916/17 Bloomfield, N. J. League for friendly service Annual report, no. 1 (1910/11) Bloomington, 111. Associated charities bu- reau Annual report. 1900/01, 1910/11 Blue Island, 111. United charities Annual report. 1915/16 Bordeaux, France. L'Oeuvre Bordelaise des bains-douches a bon marche Annual report. 1909 Boston, Mass. Alumni social service bureau Annual report, no. 2 (1914), 3 Boston, Mass. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1879/80) Boston, Mass. Associated charities Directory of the charitable and beneficent organizations of Boston. 1880, 1886, 1891, 1899, 1907, 1914 * Current numbers only. 7 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Boston, Mass. Association for the relief and control of tuberculosis Annual report, no. 1 (1903/04) Boston, Mass. Baby hygiene association Report, no. 1 (1909/10) Previous to 1916/17 entitled: Boston, Mass. Milk and baby hygiene association. Boston, Mass. Bath department Annual report, no. 2 (1899/1900)-?, 9 (1906/07) Boston, Mass. Boston dispensary Quarterly, v. 1 (1912)-2 (1914) Publication discontinued. Boston, Mass. Boston dispensary Report, no. 75 (1870/71), 82, 108,115,117 Boston, Mass. Boston dispensary. Social service department Report. 1910/11, 1912/13 Boston, Mass. Bunker Hill boys' club Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Carney hospital Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Channing house Report.* Boston, Mass. Children's aid society Annual report, no. 1 (1863/65)-7, 9 Boston, Mass. Children's friend society Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Children's hospital Annual report, no. 1 (1869)-12, 14-19, 21 Boston, Mass. Children's hospital. Con- valescent home Report.* Convalescent home located at Wellesley Hills. Boston, Mass. Children's institutions de- partment Annual report, no. 1 (1897) Boston, Mass. Children's mission to chil- dren Annual report, no. 2 (1850/51)-4, 8, 10-13, 16-25, 27 Previous to 1913 entitled: Boston, Mass. Children's mission to children of the desti- tute. Boston, Mass. Church home society for the care of children of the Protestant Episcopal church Annual report.* Boston, Mass. City club Bulletin, v. 5 (1910), 6, 9 v. 5 no. 1, 2, 5; v. 9 no. 4; v. 10 no. 1 lack- ing. Boston, Mass. City hospital Annual report, no. 1 (1864) Boston, Mass. City planning board Annual report, no. 1 (1914/15) Boston, Mass. Civic service house Record.* Boston, Mass. Consumptives' hospital de- partment Annual report, no. 1 (1906/07) Boston, Mass. Co-operative building com- pany Annual report, no. 33 (1903)-37, 39-42, 44, 48 Boston, Mass. Denison house Annual report. 1910 Boston, Mass. Elizabeth Peabody house Annual report, no. 17 (1913)-21, 23 Boston, Mass. Farm and trades school (Thompson's Island) Report.* Boston, Mass. Fatherless and widow's so- ciety Annual report, no. 20 (1836/37), 27, 30, 40, 42-44, 46, 47, 51 Boston, Mass. Fathers and mothers club Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Federated Jewish charities Annual report. 1904/05, 1907/08, 1911/12 Boston, Mass. Floating hospital Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Forsyth dental infirmary for children Annual report, no. 1 (1915) Boston, Mass. Frances E. Willard settle- ment Handbook.* Boston, Mass. Franklin Square house Handbook.* Boston, Mass. Girls trade education league Bulletin, no. 1 (c!911)-14 (1912) Boston, Mass. Hale house Annual report, no. 1 (1898)-6, 8 Boston, Mass. Health department Annual report, no. 3 (1874/75), 9-11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 26, 28 Boston, Mass. Health department Monthly bulletin, v. 1 (1912) Boston, Mass. Home and school association Annual report, no. 1 (1908/09)-4 Boston, Mass. Home and school association Boston home and school news letter. 1910- 1913 Boston, Mass. Improved dwellings associa- tion Annual report, no. 17 (1902) Association discontinued, 1917. Boston, Mass. Industrial aid society Annual report, no. 17 (1851/52), 20, 21, 25, 28 Boston, Mass. Industrial school for crip- pled and deformed children Annual report, no. 11 (1894/95) Boston, Mass. Infants' hospital Annual report.* * Current numbers only. GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Boston, Mass. Infirmary department Annual report, no. 1 (1897) Boston, Mass. Institutions registration de- partment Annual report, no. 2 (1898) Boston, Mass. Instructive district nursing association Annual report, no. 9 (1894/95), 14, 18, 20, 21, 23-25, 27 Boston, Mass. John Howard industrial home for discharged prisoners Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Legal aid society Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Lincoln house Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Lincoln house Social work: Monographs, no. 1 (1898)-5 (1902) Boston, Mass. Massachusetts babies hospital Annualreport.no. 1 (1867/68)-46 (1911/12) no. 44 lacking. Previous to 1912 entitled: Boston, Mass. Massachusetts infant asylum. In 1916 merged with Boston, Mass. Chil- dren's aid society. Boston, Mass. Massachusetts charitable eye and ear infirmary Annual report, no. 46 (1871), 64, 70, 73-78, 82 Boston, Mass. Massachusetts charitable eye and ear infirmary. Social service de- partment Annual report, no. 2 (1908/09)-7 (1913/14) Boston, Mass. Massachusetts general hos- pital Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Massachusetts general hos- pital. Social service department Annual report, no. 1 (1905/06) Boston, Mass. Massachusetts general hos- pital. Training school for nurses Report.* Boston, Mass. Massachusetts home and hospital Report, no. 1 (1881/82)-6, 8, 10, 16, 21, 22, 24, 27, 30, 31, 33 Previousto 1917/18entitled: Boston, Mass. Massachusetts home for intemperate women. Boston, Mass. Maverick dispensary Annual report. 1911/12 Boston, Mass. Municipal court Report.* Boston, Mass. New England home for little wanderers Little wanderers' advocate, v. 50 (1914) Boston, Mass. New England hospital for women and children Annual report.* Boston, Mass. New England Peabody home for crippled children Biennial report.* Boston, Mass. North Bennet street indus- trial school Annual report. 1 889/90, 1 898/99, 1 899/1900, 1908/09-1913/14 Boston, Mass. Nursery for blind babies Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Overseers of the poor Annual report, no. 1 (1864), 9, 11 Boston, Mass. Park and recreation depart- ment Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Penal institutions depart- ment Annual report, no. 4 (1900)-! 7 Boston, Mass. Permanent charity fund Year book. no. 1 (1917/18) Boston, Mass. Placement bureau Report. 1912-1914/15 Boston, Mass. Police commissioner Annual report, no. 1 (1905/06) Boston, Mass. Prison discipline society Annual report, no. 1 (1825/26)-4, 6-19, 21- 29, (1853/54) Boston, Mass. Provident association Annual report, no. 2 (1852/53)-9, 11-13, 15-17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27 Boston, Mass. Public institutions Annual report. 1857, 1859, 1861-1863,1869 /70, 1881/82, 1883/84, 1886, 1893/94, 1896 /97 In 1897 the control of institutions was di- vided into the Penal institutions and Pauper institutions (later the Infirmary depart- ment). The State took over the Insane hospital. Boston, Mass. Public library Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Roxbury neighborhood house Annual report.* Boston, Mass. St. Luke's home for conva- lescents Annual report.* Boston, Mass. School committee Annual report.* Boston, Mass. School committee School documents.* Boston, Mass. School of social work Announcements. 1905 Boston, Mass. Social research council Bulletin, no. 1 (1912), 2 (1913) All that have been issued, no. 2 published as no. 6 of Harvard university. Publica- tions of the Department of social ethics. * Current numbers only. 9 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Boston, Mass. Society for helping destitute mothers and infants Report. 1901-1917/18 Society discontinued, 1919. Boston, Mass. Society for the care of girls Annual report.* Boston, Mass. South End house Annual report, no. 3 (1894), 5-10, 14, 15, 17, 18 Previous to 1895 entitled: Boston, Mass. Andover house. Boston, Mass. Statistics department Boston statistics.* Boston, Mass. Talithacumi maternity home Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Temporary home for work- ing women Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Twentieth century club Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Vocation bureau Report. 1913 In 1917 the work of the Vocation bureau was transferred to Harvard university. Boston, Mass. Vocation bureau Vocations for boys: Bulletin, no. 1 (c!911) -9 (c!913) Boston, Mass. Washingtonian home Annual report.* Boston, Mass. Women's educational and industrial union Annual report. 1904/05 Boston, Mass. Women's educational and industrial union Vocation series bulletin, no. 1 (1911)-14 (1912) Boston, Mass. Women's educational and industrial union. Domestic reform league Bulletin, v. 1 (1907)-3 (1909) Publication discontinued with v. 3. Boston, Mass. Women's municipal league Bulletin, v. 3 (1911/12) v. 3 no. 5; v. 4 no. 1, 2 lacking. Boston, Mass. Workingmen's building as- sociation Annual report, no. 16 (1903/04)-21, 23-26 Association discontinued, 1916. Boy scouts of America Scouting, v. 1 (1913) Boys' brigade (of England) Annual report.* Boys' brigade gazette v. 19(1911) v. 27 no. 1; v. 28 no. 1-3, 5, 8-9 lacking. Boys' club federation Boys' club bulletin, v. 1 (1915)-v. 2 no. 3 (1918) Publication discontinued, January 1918. Bradford, England. City guild of help Annual report, no. 2 (1906), 4, 6 Bradford, England. Education committee Report.* Brattleboro, Vt. Mutual aid association Annual report, no. 1 (1907/08) Brazil. Liga Brazileira contra a tuberculost Report. 1913 Bridgeport, Conn. Associated charities Annual report, no. 2 (1887/88)-5, 7, (1898/99), 1900/10 In 1910 superseded by: Bridgeport, Conn Charity organization society. Bridgeport, Conn. Charity organization so- ciety Report, no. 1 (1914) In 1910 superseded: Bridgeport, Conn Associated charities. Bridgeport, Conn. Health, Deoartment ol Annual report.* Bridgeport, Conn. Health, Department ot Community health.* Brigade v. 18 (1911) v. 22 no. 9-12; v. 23 lacking. Brisbane, Australia. Charity organization society Annual report, no. 1 (1899/1900), 3-5, 7 Bristol, England. Education committee Annual report.* Bristol, England. Medical officer of health Annual report. 1890, 1891, 1893-1896, 1899- 1913 Bristol, England. Port sanitary district; Medical officers of health Annual report. 1908, 1909, 1911 Bristol, England. Training school for won men patrols and police Annual report. 1916/17 British Columbia. Child welfare associar tion Report of annual convention, no. 2 (1919) British Columbia. Labour department Annual report, no. 1 (1918) British Columbia. Provincial industrial school (Vancouver) Annual report, no. 8 (1911/12)-10, 12 (1915/16) British Columbia. Provincial returned sol- diers aid commission Report. 1915 British Columbia. Workmen's compensa- tion board Annual report, no. 1 (1917) British institute of social service Annual report, no. 2 (1906)-10, 12 British journal of inebriety v. 6 (1908) * Current numbers only. 10 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS British journal of tuberculosis v. 1 (1907)-7 (1913) Brockton, Mass. City planning board Annual report, no. 5 (1917/18) Brockton, Mass. Health, Board of Mortality statistics.* Brockton, Mass. Health, Board of Annual report, no. 31 (1912) Brookline, Mass. Friendly society Annual report, no. 17 (1902/03), 19 Brookline, Mass. Gymnasium and baths committee Annual report.* Brookline, Mass. Health, Board of Health bulletin.* Brookline, Mass. Health, Board of Report. 1912- Brookline, Mass. Park commissioners Report.* Brookline, Mass. Planning board Annual report, no. 2 (1915) Brookline, Mass. Playground commission Report. 1914 Brooklyn, N.Y. Association for improving the condition of the poor Annual report, no. 33 (1875/76)-67, 69 Brooklyn, N.Y. Bushwick and East Brook- lyn dispensary Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Charities bureau Annual report, no. 2 (1882/83) Brooklyn, N.Y. Charities bureau. Com- mittee on the prevention of tuberculosis Annual report, no. 1 (1908/09) Brooklyn, N.Y. Charities bureau. Tene- ment house committee Annual report, no. 1 (1910/11) Brooklyn, N.Y. Children's aid society Annual report, no. 1 (1868/69)-20, 23, 24, 27-30, 32 Brooklyn, N.Y. Children's court Annual report. 1905 Brooklyn, N.Y. Civic club Bulletin.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Federation of Jewish chari- ties Annual report. Brooklyn, N.Y. Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Free kindergarten society Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. German Evangelical aid society Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Graham home for old ladies Annual report.* no. 1 (1910) Female employment society Brooklyn, N.Y. Home for aged colored peo- ple Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Home for aged men Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. House of St. Giles the crip- ple Year book.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Industrial home for the blind Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Industrial school associa- tion and home for destitute children Annual report, no. 1 (1854/55), 2, 6, 8, 10- 15, 17, 19, 21, 41, 42, 46-48, 58 Brooklyn, N.Y. Juvenile probation associa- tion Report. 1907 Brooklyn, N.Y. Kallman Scandinavian or- phanage Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. King's daughters' house Annual report.* Little Italy neighborhood no. 1 (1904/05)-9, 11 (1914 Brooklyn, N.Y. association Annual report. /15) Brooklyn, N.Y. Marein-Heim Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Methodist Episcopal church home Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Methodist Episcopal hos- pital Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. New York Congregational home for the aged Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Norwegian Christian home for the aged Biennial report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Nursery and infants' hos- pital Report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Orphan asylum society Manual.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Parks, Department of Annual report, no. 1 (1860)-9, 14 (1873), 20 (1880)-26, 28-34 (1894) 1874-79 report (1 volume) unnumbered. Since 1898 included in: New York, N.Y. Parks department. Annual report. Brooklyn, N.Y. Prospect Heights hospital and Brooklyn maternity Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Public library Annual report.* * Current numbers only. 11 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Brooklyn, N.Y. Roman Catholic orphan asylum society Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. St. Christopher's hospital for babies Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. St. Peter's hospital Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Scandinavian sailors' tem- perance home Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Society for the aid of friend- less women and children Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children Annual report, no. 1 (1881) Brooklyn, N.Y. Training school and home for young girls Annual report, no. 20 (1908/09) Brooklyn, N.Y. United neighborhood guild Year book. no. 1 (1909/10) Brooklyn, N.Y. Willoughby house Annual report.* Brooklyn, N.Y. Woman's work exchange and decorative art society Annual report.* Brussels, Belgium. Oeuvre de la soupe sco- laire des ecoles communales Rapport. 1908-09-1910-11 Buenos Aires, Brazil. Sociedad de benefi- cencia de la capital Memoria. 1911 Buenos Aires, Brazil. Sociedad patronato de la infancia Annales del patronato de la infancia. v. 4 (1896)-14 Buffalo, N.Y. Association for the relief and control of tuberculosis. Annual report, no. 1 (1909/10)-4 Buffalo, N.Y. Charity organization society Annual report, no. 2 (1879) Buffalo, N.Y. Children's court Annual report, no. 1 (1912), 3 Buffalo, N.Y. City court Annual report.* Buffalo, N.Y. City planning committee Annual report, no. 1 (1918/19) Buffalo, N.Y. Crippled children's guild Report.* Buffalo, N.Y. District nursing association Annual report.* Buffalo, N.Y. Health department Annual report. 1904-1908, 1910 Buffalo, N.Y. Health department Sanitary bulletin (monthly), v. 5 (1912) Buffalo, N.Y. Jewish federation for social service Yearbook. 1918/19 Buffalo, N.Y. Legal aid society Annual report.* Buffalo, N.Y. Orphan asylum Annual report. 1865, 1873/74, 1875/77, 1884/85, 1895/96 Buffalo, N.Y. Park commissioners Annual report.* Buffalo, N.Y. Playground commission Annual report, no. 1 (1910)-4 Buffalo, N.Y. Police department Annual report.* Buffalo, N.Y. Remedial loan society Annual report, no. 1 (1913) Buffalo, N.Y. Streets, Bureau of Annual report.* Buffalo, N.Y. Welcome hall Annual report. 1910/11 Buffalo, N.Y. Wheel chair home for incur- ables Annual report.* Buffalo live wire v. 1 (1909/10) v. 1 no. 1, 2, 7, 8; v. 4 no. 5; v. 5 no. 7; v. 6 no. 3; v. 9 no. 3 lacking. Bulletin 16gislatif Dalloz; lois, decrets, arrltes, circulaires, etc. (textes sans com- mentaires) v. 2 (1919) Burdett's hospitals and charities 1892, 1894, 1899, 1901, 1902, 1905, 1907-11, 1914-15 Bureau for exchange of information Child helping organizations: Directory of the Bureau.* California. Association of medical milk commissions Proceedings, v. 2 (1910) California. Boys aid society Annual report, no. 18 (1891/92), 25-35, 37 Previous to February 1920 entitled: Cali- fornia. Boys and girls aid society. California. Children's home society California homeless children's friend.* California. Commonwealth club of Califor- nia. Transactions, v. 2 (1906/07), 5 v. 1; v. 2 no. 2, 6, 7; v. 3; v. 4 lacking. California. Conference on city planning Bulletin, no. 1 (1915)-3 California. Deaf and blind, School of Biennial report, no. 1 (I860)-!!, 13-30,32 * Current numbers only. 12 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS California. Education, State board of Report of the commissioner of vocational and industrial education.* California. Health, State board of Biennial report, no. 20 (1906/08) California. Health, State board of Monthly bulletin.* California. Immigration and housing, Com- mission on Annual report, no. 1 (1914) California. Industrial accident commission California safety news. v. 1 (1917) California. Industrial accident commission Report. 1913/14 California. Industrial accident commission Report of decisions, v. 1 (Sept. 1911-Dec. ' 1914) California. Industrial home of mechanical trades for the adult blind (Oakland) Annual report.* California. Industrial welfare commission Biennial report, no. 1 (1913-14) California. Industrial welfare commission Bulletin, no. 1 (1917), 2 California. Industrial welfare commission Publications, no. 3 (1917) California. Labor statistics, Bureau of Biennial report, no. 12 (1905) California. Labor statistics, Bureau of Labor laws.* California. Los Angeles county. Charities, Department of Annual report, no. 1 (1915/16) California. Los Angeles county. Probation department Annual report. 1917 California. Lunacy commission Biennial report, no. 1 (1896/98) California. Marin county. Bothin conva- lescent home. Arequipa sanatorium Annual report, no. 1 (1911/12)-3, 5 California. Preston school of industry Biennial report, no. 9 (1908/10) California. Prison commission Annual report, no. 1 (1865/66), 9 (1873/74) California. Prison directors, State board of Report. 1891/92-1895/96, 1898/1900-1902 /04, 1908/10 California. San Joaquin county. Associ- ated charities (Stockton) Report. 1905/06, 1914/15, 1919 California. San Mateo county. Social ser- vice commission (Redwood City) Annual report, no. 1 (1917/18) California. School for girls (Ventura) Report, no. 1 (1912/14) California. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children Annual report.* California. State board of charities and cor- rections Biennial report, no. 1 (1903-04) California. State board of charities and cor- rections Bulletin: Monthly census of inmates in state institutions.* California. State board of control California institution quarterly, v. 1 (1920) no. 1 California. State board of control. Chil- dren's department Report, no. 3 (1916/18) California. State conference of social agen- cies Proceedings, no. 3 (1904)-6, 8 Previous to 1916 entitled: California. State conference of charities and corrections. California. State conference of social agen- cies Social agencies bulletin, v. 1 (1917) v. 1 no. 2 lacking. California. State federation of labor Proceedings, no. 12 (1911) California. State library Biennial report.* California. Travelers' aid society Annual report.* California. Whittier state school Biennial report, no. 2 (1892/94)-4, 6, 8, 10 California. Whittier state school The Sentinel.* California. Whittier state school. Depart- ment of research Bulletin, no. 1 (1915) Cambridge, England. Education commit- tee Report on dental inspection and treatment of school children.* Cambridge, Mass. Anti-tuberculosis asso- ciation Annual report.* Cambridge, Mass. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1882/83) Cambridge, Mass. Cambridge hospital. So- cial service department Annual report. 1911 Cambridge, Mass. Health, Board of Annual report. 1911 Cambridge, Mass. Housing association Report, no. 1 (1913) Cambridge, Mass. Industrial aid society Annual report, no. 47 (1881/82), 51-56, 59 (1893/94) * Current numbers only. 13 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Cambridge, Mass. Park department Annual report, no. 19 (1911/12) Cambridge, Mass. Social union Annual report.* Cambridge, Mass. Visiting nursing associa- tion Annual report.* Camden, N.J. City plan commission Annual report, no. 1 (1914/15) Camden, N.J. Playground commissioners, Board of Annual report, no. 1 (1909/10), 2 Camp fire girls (of America) Handbook.* Canaan, N.Y. Berkshire industrial farm Annual report. 1889, 1894/95, 1899/1900- 1902/03, 1907/08 Canaan, N.Y. Berkshire industrial farm Record.* Canada. Conference of public welfare Proceedings, no. 2 (1899) no. 1 never published. Previous to 1917 entitled: Canada. Con- ference of charities and correction. Canada. Conservation commission Annual report, no. 1 (1910) Canada. Conservation commission Town planning and conservation of life. v. 2 (1915) no. 3, 4; v. 2 (1915/16) Canada. Immigration, Superintendent of Report. 1903-1916/17 In 1917 superseded by: Canada. Immigra- tion and colonization, Department of. Canada. Immigration and colonization, De- partment of Annual report. 1917/18 In 1917 superseded: Canada. Immigra- tion, Superintendent of. Canada. Justice, Minister of Report as to penitentiaries 1911/12 Canada. Labour department Annual report. 1900/01 Canada. Labour department Labour gazette: Monthly bulletin. (1900) Canada. Labour department Report of the proceedings under the Com- bines investigations act. 1910/11-1912/13 Canada. Labour department Report on labour organization in Canada, no. 1 (1911) of Canada. v. 1 Canada. Labour department Wholesale prices, Canada. 1912 Canada. Labour department. Registrar of boards of conciliation and investigation of the proceedings under the Industrial dis- putes investigation act, 1907 Report, no. 1 (1907/08) Canada. Soldiers' civil re-establishment, De- partment of Reconstruction: [Bulletin] 1916-1918 In 1919 superseded by: Back to mufti. Canada. Statistics, Dominion bureau of Annual report of the Dominion statistician, no. 1 (1918/19) Canada. Trades and labor congress Proceedings, no. 22 (1905) Canadian association for the prevention of tuberculosis Annual report, no. 2 (1901/02) Canadian hospital association Transactions of the annual meetings, v. 1 (1907), 3-7 Canadian housing and town planning congress Proceedings, no. 1 (1912) Canadian patriotic fund. Relief commit- tee Annual report, no. 1 (1914/15) Canadian woman's annual and social ser- vice directory, v. 1 (1915) Cape Town, Africa. Cape peninsula charity organisation Annual report, no. 10 (1917/18) Cape Town, Africa. Medical officer of health Annual report. 1902/03 Cape Town, Africa. Society for the protec- tion of child life Annual report, no. 1 (1908/09)-3, 5 Capon Springs conference for Christian education in the South see Conference for education in the South Cardiff, Wales. League of social service Annual report, no. 1 (1887)-!!, 13-17, 19 Carlisle, England. Charity organization so- ciety Annual report, no. 1 (1904) Carnegie Dunfermline trust see Dunfermline, Scotland. Carnegie Dunferm- line trust Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching Annual report, no. 1 (1905/06) Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching Bulletin, no. 1 (1907) Carnegie institution of Washington Year book. no. 1 (1902) 1890-1910, Carnegie United Kingdom trust Annual report, no. 1 (1914) * Current numbers only. 14 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Carry on: a magazine on the reconstruction of disabled soldiers and sailors no. 1 (1918)-10 (1919) Publication discontinued, July 1919. Gastleton, N.Y. Charity organization soci- ety Annual report. 1889/90, 1891/92, 1892/93, 1895/96-1902/03, 1909/10, 1913/14 Catholic charities review v. 1 (1917) Catholic hospital association Transactions, no. 1 (1915) Catholic social guild Catholic social year book. no. 5 (1914) Catholic social guild Catholic studies in social reform, no. 1 Central (English) association for the care of the mentally defective Report, no. 1 (1913/15) Central-blatt & social justice v. 5 (1912) Central discharged prisoners' aid society Annual report [and report of annual meet- ing], no. 22 (1919) In 1916 (?) superseded: Conference of dis- charged prisoners' aid societies. Central states co-operative society Proceedings, no. 1 (1915), 2 Certified milk producers' association of America Proceedings, v. 3 (1910), 4, 6 Charities see Survey Charities and the Commons see Survey Charities record (Baltimore) v. 1 (1893)-7 (1907) Charities review (New York) v. 1 (1891)-10 (1901) In 1901 merged with Charities. Charity organisation reporter (London) v. 1 (1872)-13 (1884) Charity organisation review v. 1 (1885) Charity review (Melbourne) v. 1 (1900) no. 4; v. 2 (1901) no. 1, 2, 4; v. 3 (1902) Charleston, S.C. Associated charities Annual report. 1916 Charleston, S.C. Charities, Department of Annual report, no. 1 (1916), 3 Charleston, S.C. Health department Report.* Charleston, S.C. Playground commission Report. 1916 Charlotte, N.C. Associated charities Bulletin, no. 1 (1915)-4 (1915) Charlotte, N.C. Associated charities Report. 1914/15, 1916/17 Chattanooga, Tenn. Associated charities Annual report. 1910, 1911, 1915/16 Chelsea, Mass. Associated charities Annual report. 1902/03 Chelsea, Mass. Health, Board of Annual report.* Cheshire, England. School medical officer Report.* Chicago, 111. Abraham Lincoln centre and All souls church Annual report.* Chicago, 111. Associated Jewish charities Annual report, no. 1 (1900/01) Chicago, 111. Boys' club Annual report.* Chicago, 111. Bureau of public efficiency Bulletin, no. 1 (1911)-7, 9-22, 24, 26-31, 33 Chicago, 111. Catholic women's league. Pro- tectorate Year book.* Chicago, 111. Charities bureau Annual report, no. 3 (1896/97)-13 Chicago, 111. Chicago plan commission Annual report. 1911-1914 Chicago, 111. Children's memorial hospital Annual report.* Chicago, 111. Children's memorial hospital. Social service department Annual report, no. 2 (1912)-6 Chicago, 111. City club. City club bulletin, v. 1 (1907) v. 1 no. 11, 16 lacking. Chicago, 111. City club Year book.* Chicago, 111. Civic federation Bulletin, no. 1-15, 26-35 Chicago, 111. Civic music association Annual report, no. 1 (1913/14)-3, 5 no. 4 never published. Chicago, 111. Collegiate bureau of occupa- tions Annual report.* Chicago, 111. Committee of fifteen Annual report. 1915/16 Chicago, 111. Committee of fifteen Bulletin, v. 1 (1919) Chicago, 111. Council of social agencies Bulletin, no. 1 (1919) Previous to April 1919 entitled: Chicago, 111. Central council of social agencies. Chicago, 111. Education, Board of Annual report.* * Current numbers only. IS GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Chicago, 111. Education, Board of. Depart- ment of child-study and pedagogic investi- gation Annual report. 1900/01, 1902/03, 1906/07 Chicago, 111. Elizabeth McCormick open- air schools Open-air smile, v. 1 (1913) no. 4-7; v. 7 (1919) no. 1-6 Publication discontinued, June 1919. Chicago, 111. Health department Bulletin Chicago school of sanitary instruc- tion, v. 6 (1912) v. 8 no. 31; v. 9 no. 39; v. 11 no. 3, 6 lack- ing. Chicago, 111. Health department Report. 1895-1898, 1905 Chicago, 111. Hebrew institute Observer, v. 1 (1912/13) v. 7 no. 7-12 lacking. Chicago, 111. Hebrew institute Report.* Chicago, 111. Home for girls Annual report.* Chicago, 111. Home for Jewish orphans Annual report.* Chicago, 111. Home for the friendless Annual report, no. 8 (1867), 14, 17, 19-21, 23-50, 56 Chicago, 111. House of correction Annual report, no. 16 (1887), 17, 36 Chicago, 111. House of correction. Research department Bulletin, no. 1 (1915)-3 (1915) Publication discontinued. Chicago, 111. Hull house Year book. 1907, 1910, 1913, 1916 Chicago, 111. Hull house. Labor museum Report. 1901/02 Chicago, 111. Immigrants protective league Annual report, no. 1 (1909/10) Previous to 1910/11 entitled: Chicago. League for the protection of immigrants. Chicago, 111. Immigrants protective league Publications, no. 3 (1909), 4 (1915) Previous to 1910/11 entitled: Chicago, 111. League for the protection of immigrants. Chicago, 111. Infant welfare society Annual report.* Chicago, 111. Jewish agriculturalists' aid so- ciety of America Annual report. 1905, 1906, 1908 Chicago, 111. John Crerar library Annual report.* Chicago, 111. Juvenile protective association Annual report. 1909 Chicago, 111. Legal aid society Annual report.* Chicago, 111. Legal aid society Bulletin.* Chicago, 111. Lying-in hospital and dispens- ary Annual report.* Chicago, 111. Margaret Etter creche Annual report.* Chicago, 111. Municipal court Annual report, no. 1 (1907) Chicago, 111. Municipal court. Psycho- pathic laboratory Report. 1914-17 Chicago, 111. Municipal museum Report, no. 1 (1906/07) Museum discontinued. Chicago, 111. Municipal tuberculosis sani- tarium Annual report. 1916 Chicago, 111. Municipal tuberculosis sani- tarium Monthly bulletin, no. 1 (1917) Chicago, 111. Orphan asylum Annual report.* Chicago, 111. Parental school Annual report, no. 1 (1902)-12 (1911) Chicago, 111. Parks, public playgrounds and bathing beaches, Bureau of Annual report. 1905 Previous to 1917 entitled: Chicago, 111. Special park commission. Chicago, 111. Police department Annual report.* Chicago, 111. Public library Annual report.* Chicago, 111. Public library. Municipal ref- erence library Bulletin, no. 1 (1914)-8 (1917) Publication discontinued with no. 8. Chicago, 111. Public safety commission of Chicago and Cook county Annual report, no. 1 (1913/14) Chicago, 111. Public welfare, Department of Bulletin, no. 1 (1916) Chicago, 111. Public welfare, Department of Semi-annual report, no. 1 (1915) Chicago, 111. Public welfare, Department of Social service directory. 1915, 1918 Chicago, 111. Reform school Annual report, no. 5 (1859/60)-9, 11 Chicago, 111. Relief and aid society Annual report, no. 15 (1871)-21, 24-33, 35-49, 51 (1907/08) Merged with the Bureau of charities in 1909 to form the Chicago, 111. United charities. Chicago, 111. School of civics and philan- thropy Bulletins, no. 1 (1908) no. 9-11 never published. Current numbers only. 16 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Chicago, 111. South park commissioners Annual report. 1903/04 Chicago, 111. Travelers' aid society Annual report, no. 1 (1914/15) no. 3 never published. Chicago, 111. United charities Annual report, no. 1 (1909) Chicago, 111. University of Chicago University of Chicago war papers, no. 1 (1918)-5, 8 Chicago, 111. University of Chicago settle- ment Annual report.* Chicago, 111. Urban league Annual report, no. 1 (1916/17) Previous to 1919 entitled: Chicago, 111. League on urban conditions among Negroes. Chicago, 111. Visiting nurse association Annual report.* Chicago, 111. West Chicago park commission Annual report, no. 44 (1912) Chicago, 111. Women's trade union league Biennial report. 1911/13 Chicopee, Mass. Health, Board of Annual report.* Chicopee, Mass. Playground commission- ers, Board of Annual report.* The Child; a monthly American journal of child welfare v. 1 (1912), 2 (1913/14) Publication suspended. The Child; a monthly English journal de- voted to child welfare v. 1 (1910/11) Child labor bulletin v. 1 (1912/13)-? (1918/19) In May 1919 superseded by: American child. Child welfare annual v. 1 (1916/17) Editor, 1916/17, T. Kelynack. Child welfare conference (South Africa) Report of the proceedings, no. 1 (1917) Child -welfare magazine v. 6 (1912) Children's charities v. 15 (1908) no. 2-6, 8-10, 12; v. 16 (1906) no. 3, 8, 9, 12; v. 17 (1910)-19 (1912) In 1912 merged with Juvenile court record. Chippewa Falls, Wis. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1913/14) Chirk, England. Medical officer of health Annual report.* Christian social union Annual report. 1910, 1912 Christian social union Gazette, no. 1 (1916) Christian social union Pamphlets, no. 1 (1907) Church of England. Church of England in Canada. Council of social service Bulletin, no. 1 (1917) Churchman's year book and American church almanac* Cincinnati, Ohio. Anti-tuberculosis league Annual report. 1912, 1914/15 Cincinnati, Ohio. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1879/80), 2, 8-35 (1914/15) Cincinnati, Ohio. Better housing league Report, no. 1 (1918/19) Cincinnati, Ohio. Bureau of municipal re- Report. 1909/10, 1911/13, 1913/15 Cincinnati, Ohio. Chamber of commerce Bulletin, no. 1 (1915), 2 (1915) Cincinnati, Ohio. Charities and correction department Annual report, no. 1 (1912), 2 Cincinnati, Ohio. Children's home Monthly record.* Cincinnati, Ohio. Council of social agencies Annual report. 1918 Cincinnati, Ohio. Fire department Annual report.* Cincinnati, Ohio. General hospital and tu- berculosis sanitorium Report.* Cincinnati, Ohio. Health, Board of Sanitary bulletin.* Cincinnati, Ohio. Health, Department of Annual report. 1915 Cincinnati, Ohio. Hospital social service association Annual report. 1913 Cincinnati, Ohio. House of refuge Annual report, no. 40 (1890), 41, 62 (1912) Cincinnati, Ohio. Legal aid society Report.* Cincinnati, Ohio. Park commissioners, Board of Annual report.* Cincinnati, Ohio. Public library Annual report.* Cincinnati, Ohio. Public schools. Depart- ment of gardening Annual report. 1918 Cincinnati, Ohio. Public welfare, Depart- ment of Annual report, no. 5 (1916) Cincinnati, Ohio. Schmidlapp bureau for women and girls Report, no. 1 (1908/09), 2 (1909/13) Cincinnati, Ohio. Union Bethel Year book.* * Current numbers only. 17 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Cincinnati, Ohio. United Jewish charities Annual report, no. 14 (1909/10) City and state; a Maryland journal of civic and social progress, v. 1 (1919/20), v. 2 (1920) no. 1 Publication discontinued, February 1920. Civic journal v. 1 (1909/10) Publication discontinued, 1910. Clean milk bulletin v. 1 (1911/12) no. 1-9, 11 Publication discontinued. Cleveland, Ohio. Associated charities Report, no. 1 (1899/1901) 1912/13, 1914/15 lacking. In 1900 superseded: Cleveland, Ohio. Bethel associated charities. Cleveland, Ohio. Babies' dispensary and hospital Annual report, no. 1 (1906/07)-9 (1914/15) Cleveland, Ohio. Bethel associated chari- ties Annual report, no. 1 (1884/85)-8, 10, 11, 14, 15 (1898/99) In 1884 superseded: Cleveland, Ohio. So- ciety for organizing charity. In 1900 superseded by: Cleveland, Ohio. Associated charities. Cleveland, Ohio. Bethel union Report. 1878/79 Cleveland, Ohio. Chamber of commerce Annual report.* Cleveland, Ohio. Division of Annual report. 1897-1906, 1909-1915 Cleveland, Ohio. Civic league Civic affairs.* Cleveland, Ohio. Civic league Efficiency series: Report, no. 1 (1912)-3 (1914) Cleveland, Ohio. Civic league Report. 1914/15 Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland twist drill com- pany Drill chips.* Cleveland, Ohio. Co-operative employ- ment bureau for women and girls Annual report, no. 1 (1909/10)-4 Cleveland, Ohio. Day nursery and free kin- dergarten association Annual report.* Cleveland, Ohio. East End neighborhood house Report.* Cleveland, Ohio. Education, Board of Annual report.* Charities and correction, 1878-1880, 1884, 1894, Cleveland, Ohio. Employment and immi- gration, Division of Annual report. 1915 Cleveland, Ohio. Federation for charity and philanthropy Social bulletin, v. 1 (1914)-3 (1916) Publication discontinued. Cleveland, Ohio. Federation for charity and philanthropy. Social news bureau Bulletin, no. 11 (n. d.)-39, 41-44, 46-50, 52, 55, 56, 59, 60, 63 (1916) Publication discontinued. Cleveland, Ohio. Federation for charity and philanthropy see also Cleveland, Ohio. Welfare federation Cleveland, Ohio. Federation of Jewish char- ities Annual statement, no. 15 (1918) Cleveland, Ohio. Health, Division of Annual report. 1912-1915 Cleveland, Ohio. Hiram house Report. 1904/05, 1905/06, 1907/08 Cleveland, Ohio. Holy Cross house Annual report.* Cleveland, Ohio. Humane society Annual report, no. 32 (1904/05) Cleveland, Ohio. Humane society Bulletin.* Cleveland, Ohio. Jewish orphan asylum Annual report, no. 32 (1899/1900) Cleveland, Ohio. Jewish orphan asylum Jewish orphan asylum magazine.* Cleveland, Ohio. Lakeside hospital Annual report.* Cleveland, Ohio. Lakeside hospital. Social service department Report, no. 1 (1911) no. 4 lacking. Cleveland, Ohio. Legal aid society Annual report.* Cleveland, Ohio. Metropolitan park dis- trict, Board of park commissioners of Annual report, no. 1 (1917/18) Cleveland, Ohio. Municipal court Annual report, no. 1 (1912) Cleveland, Ohio. Parks and public grounds, Sub-division of Annual report.* Cleveland, Ohio. Protestant orphan asy- lum Annual report, no. 50 (1901/02), 52 Cleveland, Ohio. Public library Annual report.* Cleveland, Ohio. Public welfare, Director of Annual report. 1914, 1915 Cleveland, Ohio. Public welfare depart- ment Monograph series, no. 1 (1914), 2 (1914) * Current numbers only. 18 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Cleveland, Ohio. Society for organizing charity Annual report, no. 1 (1881/82)-3 (1883/84) In 1884 superseded by: Cleveland, Ohio. Bethel associated charities. Cleveland, Ohio. Visiting nurse association Annual report.* Cleveland, Ohio. Welfare federation Cleveland directory of social agencies; a practical index to social service activities in Cleveland. 1910, 1914, 1918 Previous to 1917 entitled: Cleveland, Ohio. Federation for charity and philanthropy. Cleveland, Ohio. Welfare federation [Report.] 1912/13, 1915/16, 1917/18 Previous to 1917 entitled: Cleveland, Ohio. Federation for charity and philanthropy. Cleveland, Ohio. Western reserve univer- sity. School of applied social sciences Announcement.* Coffee public house news and temperance hotel journal 1879-1885 Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. Eugenics record office Bulletins, no. 1 (1911) Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. Eugenics record office Eugenical news. v. 1 (1916) Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. Eugenics record office Memoir, no. 1 (1912), 2 (1912) Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. Eugenics record office Report. 1910-12 Only report issued. College settlement association Annual report, no. 1 (1889/90)-25 (1913/ 14) Colorado. Charities and corrections board Biennial report, no. 2 (1892/94) Colorado. Charities and corrections board Bulletin, no. 1 (1920) Colorado. Charities and corrections board Quarterly bulletin, v. 1 (1912)-3 (1914) v. 1 no. 1 lacking. Colorado. Coal mine inspector Annual report, no. 1 (1912/13) Colorado. Health, State board of Laws and regulations: Annual bulletin.* Colorado. Health, State board of Report, no. 4 (1892/94)-10 Colorado. Industrial commission Report, no. 1 (1915/17) Colorado. Labor statistics bureau Biennial report, no. 3 (1891-92), 4, 7-10, 12 Colorado. Prison association Report, no. 10-11 (1907-08) No reports issued previous to 1905-06. Colorado. School for the deaf and the blind (Colorado Springs) Report. 1916/18 Colorado. State federation of labor Proceedings, no. 18 (1913), 21 Colorado. State home and training school for mental defectives, Board of commissioners of Biennial report, no. 1 ( 1910-1 2)-3 Colorado. State home for dependent and neglected children (Denver) Biennial report, no. 1 (1894/96) Colorado. State industrial school (Golden) Biennial report, no. 16 (1910/12) Colorado. State industrial school for girls, Board of control of Biennial report, no. 17 (1912/14) Colorado. State insane asylum (Denver) Biennial report.* Colorado. State penitentiary (Carson City) Biennial report, no. 18 (1910/12) Colorado. State reformatory (Buena Vista) Biennial report. 1908/10, 1910/12, 1914/ 16 Colorado fuel and iron company (Pueblo) Bulletin: Sanitary and sociological.* Colorado fuel and iron company (Pueblo) Medical and sociological departments Reports. 1903/04-1908/09, 1911/12 Colorado Springs, Colo. Associated chari- ties Annual report. 1908/09 Colorado Springs, Colo. Public health and sanitation department Annual report.* Colorado Springs, Colo. Public health and sanitation department Report (monthly).* Colorado Springs, Colo. Sunnycrest sana- torium Report.* Columbia, Mo. Charity organization soci- ety Annual report, no. 10 (1910/1 1)-13 Columbia, S.C. Associated charities Bulletin, v. 1 (1916) no. 3, 4 Columbia university Columbia war papers, no. 1 (1917)-10, 12, 14, 15, 17 (1917) Columbia university. Henry Bergh founda- tion for the promotion of humane education Bulletin of social legislation, no. 1 (1913)-5 (1917) Columbus, Ohio. Associated charities Annual report. 1900/01-1902/03, 1904/05, 1908/09, 1911/12 * Current numbers only. 19 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Columbus, Ohio. Associated charities Social servant, v. 1 (1915) Columbus, Ohio. Chamber of commerce. Social service bureau Annual report, no. 1 (1917/18) Columbus, Ohio. Juvenile court Annual report. 1910-11 Columbus, Ohio. Society for the preven- tion and cure of tuberculosis Annual report, no. 9 (1914/15) The Come-back Dec. 1918-Oct. 1919 Commission for relief in Belgium C.R.B. bulletin, no. 2 (1918), 5 Commission internationale permanente pour 1'etude des maladies profession- elles Bulletin, v. 1 (1908/09)-7 (1915) Committee for men blinded in battle Report. 1915 Committee on provision for the feeble- minded Bulletins, no. 1 (1916?)-4 (1917) Committee on the war and the religious outlook Religious outlook, no. 1 (1919) Common good v. 4 (1910/ll)-7 (1914) Publication discontinued, 1914. Commons (Chicago) v. 1 (1896)-10 (1905) In 1905 merged with Charities. Commonwealth fund Annual report, no. 1 (1918/19) Community leadership through the cham- ber of commerce v. 1 (1920) no. 1, 6 Concord, N.H. Charity organization society Annual report, no. 8 (1910/11) Concord, N.H. District nursing association Annual report.* Concord, N.H. Orphans' home Annual report.* Conference board on safety and sani tation Spirit of caution.* Conference for education in the South Proceedings, v. 1 (1898)-17 (1914) Previous to 1901 entitled: Capon Springs conference for Christian education in the South. Conference internationale de bains pop- ulaires et scolaires Compte-rendu. v. 1 (1912) This conference resulted in the formation of L'Association internationale de bains popu- laires et de proprete which publishes a Bulletin. Conference internationale du chomage Proceedings, v. 1 (1910) This conference resulted in the formation of L'Association internationale pour la lutte centre le chomage which publishes a Bulletin. Conference of discharged prisoners' aid societies Proceedings, no. 8 (1893), 10-17 (1914) In 1916(?) superseded by: Central dis- charged prisoners' aid society. Conference of legal aid societies of the United States Proceedings, no. 1 (1911) The National alliance of legal aid societies was formed at the second Conference of the above organization. Conference of state and provincial boards of health of North America Proceedings, no. 17 (1902), 20-30, 32 Conference of state and territorial health officers with the United States public health and marine hospital service Transactions, v. 1 (1903) Transactions appear in the Public health bulletins issued by the United States public health service. Conference on the weights and measures of the United States Proceedings, v. 1 (1905) Congregational board of ministerial re- lief, and Annuity fund for Congrega- tional ministers Biennial reports. 1913-15 Congregational year book* Congres international d'agriculture Comptes-rendues. 1896 v. 1, 2 Congres international d'assainissement et de salubrite de 1'habi tation Compte-rendu. v. 1 (1904)-3 (1911) Congres international d'assistance pub- lique et priv6e Receuil des traveaux. no. 1 (1889) v. 1, 2; no. 3 (1900) v. 1-6; no. 4 (1906) v. 1-6; no. 5 (1911) v. 1, 2 Congres international des assurances so- ciales Rapports, no. 1 (1889)-8 (1908) Previous to 1908 entitled: Congres inter- national des accidents du travail et des as- surances sociales. Congres international des assurances so- ciales. Comite permanent Bulletin des assurances sociales. v. 1 (1890) v. 25 (1914) no. 1, 2 Previous to 1908 entitled: Congres inter- national des accidents du travail et des as- surances sociales. Comite permanent. Congres international des gouttes de lait Rapports, v. 1 (1905)-3 (1911) * Current numbers only. 20 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Congres international des habitations a bon marche Proceedings, no. 1 (1889)-10 (1913) no. 2 lacking. Congres international des maladies pro- fessionelles Actes. v. 1 (1906), 2 (1910) Congres international des tribunaux pour enfants Actes du congres. v. 1 (1911) Congres international du repos du di- manch Rapport, no. 1 (1876), 2, 5-14, (1915) Congres international du travail a domi- cile Rapports, v. 1 (1910), 2 (1912) Connecticut. Board of control Biennial report, no. 1 (1904/06) Connecticut. Charities board Report, [annual] no. 1 (1881/82)-* (1885); [biennial] no. 1 (1886-88) Connecticut. Children's aid society Annual report.* Connecticut. Children's aid society Children's friend, no. 1 (1917) Connecticut. Colony for epileptics (Mans- field) Annual report, no. 1 (1910/1 1)-4 (1914/16) In July 1917 this Colony and the Training school for feeble-minded were merged to form the Connecticut. Mansfield state training school and hospital (Mansfield). Connecticut. Compensation commissioners, Board of Annual report, no. 1 (1913/14) Connecticut. Compensation commissioners, Board of Compendium of awards of the Compensa- tion commissioners. 1914/16 Connecticut. County commissioners Returns in relation to jails and the receipts and expenditures of the several counties, and reports in relation to licenses. 1908/ 10, 1910/12 Connecticut. Dairy and food commissioner Pamphlets.* Connecticut. Dairy and food commissioner Report.* Connecticut. Education of the blind, Board of Report. 1893-95, 1896-98, 1898/1900 Connecticut. Factory inspector Biennial report, no. 1 (1906/08) Connecticut. Health, State board of Report, [annual] no. 1 (1877/78)-29 (1905/ 06); [biennial] no. 30 (1906-08)-33 (1912-14) In July 1917 superseded by: Connecticut. Health, State department of. Connecticut. Health, State board of. Bu- reau of vital statistics Registration report. 1878-1914 Connecticut. Health, State department of Connecticut health bulletin.* In July 1917 superseded: Connecticut. Health, State board of. Connecticut. Hospital for the insane Biennial report. 1912-14 Connecticut. Humane society Annual report, no. 2 (1881/82), 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 Connecticut. Industrial school for girls (Middletown) Report. 1900/02, 1906/08 Connecticut. Institute and industrial home for the blind (Hartford) Biennial report.* Connecticut. Labor statistics bureau Biennial report, no. 1 (1884) Connecticut. Labor statistics bureau Bulletin, no. 2 (1908)-4 (1911) Connecticut. Mansfield state training school and hospital Biennial report. 1916/18 Formed in July 1917 by the merger of Con- necticut. Colony for epileptics (Mansfield) and Connecticut . Training school for feeble- minded (Lakeville). Connecticut. New Haven county anti-tu- berculosis association Annual report concerning the work of the Gaylord farm sanatorium (Wallingford). no. 1 (1903-05) Connecticut. Prison association Annual report, no. 27 (1903/04) Connecticut. Prison association Annual report concerning the operation of the probation law. no. 1 (1903/04) Connecticut. Public library commission Report. 1912/14 Connecticut. Reformatory (Cheshire) Chronicle.* Connecticut. Reformatory (Cheshire) Report. 1911/12 Connecticut. Sanitary conference of the health officials Proceedings, v. 5 (1910)-7 (1914) Connecticut. School for boys (Meriden) Biennial report. 1908/10 Connecticut. Society of social hygiene Annual report.* Connecticut. State conference of charities and correction Proceedings, v. 1 (1910)-3 (1912) Connecticut. State farm for women Annual report, no. 1 (1917/18) * Current numbers only. 21 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Connecticut. State park commission Report. 1913/14 Connecticut. State police department Report.* Connecticut. State prison (Wethersfield) Monthly record.* Connecticut. State prison (Wethersfield) Report. 1849/50, 1860/61, 1862/63, 1864/ 65, 1867/68, 1869/70, 1870/71, 1873/74, 1875/76-1881/82, 1884/85, 1885/86, 1889/ 90, 1894/95-1900/01, 1902/03, 1903/04, 1905/06, 1910/12 Connecticut. State trade school (Bridge- port) Artisan.* Connecticut. State tuberculosis commission Report, no. 1 (1909/10) Connecticut. Training school for feeble- minded (Lakeville) Biennial report. 1912/14, 1914/16 In July 1917 this Training school and the Colony for epileptics were merged to form the Connecticut. Mansfield state training school and hospital (Mansfield). Consumers' league (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Annual report.* Consumers' league (Cincinnati, Ohio) Bulletin, no. 1 (1916) Consumers' league (Connecticut) Pamphlet, no. 2 (1902?), 4-11 Consumers' league (Eastern Pennsylvania) Annual report.* Consumers' league (Indiana) Monthly reports.* Consumers' league (Massachusetts) Annual report.* Consumers' league (Massachusetts) Bulletin, no. 3 (1912) no. 16, 17 lacking. Consumers' league (Missouri) Report.* Consumers' league, National Annual report, no. 2 (1900/01) Consumers' league (New Jersey) Annual report.* Consumers' league (New York) Annual report. 1906, 1910-13 Consumers' league (New York) Bulletin. 1912 Consumers' league (New York, N. Y.) Annual report. 1895 Consumers' league (Philadelphia, Pa.) Annual report, no. 1 (1901) Consumers' league (Rhode Island) Annual report.* Consumers' league (Toledo, Ohio) Pamphlets, no. 2 (1918) 3, 7, 9-13, 16-17, 19, 21, 22, 24-28, 32 Consumers' league (Washington, D. C.) Bulletin, no. 1 (1918), 2 Consumers' league (Washington, D. C.) Report.* Cooperation v. 1 (1901)-8 (1908) Co-operative press agency People's year book.* Cooperative safety congress see National safety council Cooperative union Annual congress report, v. 21 (1889)-23, 27-37, 39 Cooperative wholesale societies limited Annual. 1897, 1899, 1900, 1903, 1910-1913, 1915 Co-partnership no. 169 (1909)-179, 181-184, 196-198, 202- 226, 230-232, 234-241 (1915) Copenhagen, Denmark. Understfarsafdeling. 1910-1915 Denmark. Arbejdsanvisningsdirektoren Indberetning. 1915-16, 1918/19 Denmark. Arbejdslshedsinspektor Indberetning til indenrigsministeriet. 1909/ 10 Denmark. Dansk arbejdsmands forbunds Kongres. no. 9 (1913) Denmark. Dansk forening for arbejderbes- kyttelse Publications. Heft 1 (1907)-3, 5-8, 12, 14 (1913) Denmark. Direktor for faengselvaesenet Beretning om straffeanstalterne i Danmark. 1911-12 Denmark. Indenrigsminister Beretning fra forsikringsraadet. 1910 * Current numbers only. 23 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Denmark. Overinspection for faengselsvse- senet Statistiske oplysninger om fanger indsatte i de danske strafanstalter. 1891/1900 Denmark. Statistiske departement Aegteskaber, fde. 1911-15 Denmark. Statistiske departement Alderdomsunderst-7,9 National federation of remedial loan as- sociations Proceedings, v. 1 (1909) National federation of settlements Conference, no. 3 (1913), 5 National federation of women workers Annual report, no. 3 (1909), 6 National Florence Crittenton mission Report of the Mission and its affiliated branches. 1910/11, 1913, 1918 National fraternal congress Proceedings, v. 5 (1891)-9, 11-13, 15-27 (1913) In 1913 this Congress and the Associated fraternities of America merged to form the National fraternal congress of America. National fraternal congress of America Proceedings, v. 1 (1914) Formed in 1913 by the merger of the Na- tional fraternal congress and the Associated fraternities of America. National (English) guilds league Pamphlets, no. 1 (n.d.), 2, 4 National health no. 78 (1916) no. 85 lacking. National housing association Publications, no. 1 (1910)-34, 40-42, 47 National industrial conference board Industrial news survey, v. 1 (1917) v. 1 no. 1-8, 10, 36 lacking. National industrial conference board Research reports, no. 1 (1917) National industrial conference board Special reports, no. 1 (1919) * Current numbers only. 58 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS National information bureau, inc. Annual report, no. 1 (1918/19) Previous to August 1919 entitled: National investigation bureau. National information bureau, inc. Bulletin, no. 1 (1918) Previous to August 1919 entitled: Na- tional investigation bureau. National institute of social sciences Journal, v. 1 (1915) National junior republic (Annapolis Junc- tion, Md.) Annual report, no. 15 (1914/15) National labor digest v. 1 (1919) National (English) league for health, ma- ternity and child welfare Annual report. 1918 National (English) league for physical education and improvement Report. Interim (1906); [annual] no. 1 (1905/06)-10, 12 (1916/17) Since 1918 report included in: National (English) league for health, maternity and child welfare. Annual report. National (English) league for physical education and improvement Report of the proceedings, v. 5 (1910) Only volume published. National league for the protection of the family Annual report. 1905-1914 No reports issued since 1914. National league of nursing education Proceedings, no. 11 (1905), 14, 15, 18 Previous to 19 13 entitled: American society for superintendents of training schools for nurses. National league of women workers Club worker, v. 5 (1904) v. 5 no. 1-4; v. 7 no. 9; v. 8 no. 1; v. 9 no. 7, 8; v. 10 no. 1, 4, 9; v. 11 no. 5, 7; v. 14 no. 10, 11; v. 17 no. 10; v. 19 no. 8 lacking. National league of women workers (Mas- sachusetts Association) Report. 1916 National league on urban conditions among Negroes see National urban league National municipal league Handbook.* National municipal league Pamphlets, no. 1 (1898)-3, 6, 8, 12, 14 (1905); n. s. no. 1 (1905)-12 (1914); 3rd ser. no. 2 (1913)-5 (1914) National municipal league Proceedings of conference for good city gov- ernment, v. 1 (1894)-17 (1910) Proceedings discontinued with v. 17. Since 1911 reports and papers included in: National municipal review. National municipal review v. 1 (1912) National Negro business league Report of the annual convention, v. 5 (1904)-9, 12 National Negro conference Proceedings, v. 1 (1909) Only volume published. National organization for public health nursing Bulletin, v. 1 (1913/l7)-3 (1918) Publication discontinued, June 1918. National prison association see American prison association National probation association Directory.* National probation association Proceedings, v. 7 (1915) No proceedings published previous to 1915. National public welfare league Public welfare, v. 1 (1918/19) National research council Annual report.* National safety council National safety news. v. 2 (1920) National safety council Proceedings, no. 1 (1912) Previous to 1913 entitled: Co-operative safety congress. National sanatorium association of Can- ada Annual report, no. 1 (1897/98), 2, 4 National social unit organization Bulletin, no. 1 (1917) National (English) society for the preven- tion of cruelty to children Annual report. 1907/08,1910/11 National society for the promotion of occupational therapy Proceedings, no. 1 (1917), 2 National society for the study of educa- tion Yearbook, v. 1 (1902) Previous to 1910 entitled: National society for the scientific study of education. National society for vocational education Bulletin, no. 1 (1907) Previous to February 1918 entitled: Na- tional society for the promotion of indus- trial education. National society for vocational education Newsletter, no. 1 (1918) Previous to February 1918 entitled: Na- tional society for the promotion of indus- trial education. National (English) society of day nur- series Creche news.* * Current numbers only. 59 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS National (English) society of day nur- series Report. 1918/19 National temperance society and publi- cation house Annual report, no. 2 (1866/67)-28, 30-32, 35-40, 42-44, 46 National trade union centres International report of the trade union movement, no. 7 (1909), 9 (1911) National (English) transport workers' federation Report, no. 3 (1913) National travelers' aid society see National association of travelers' aid soci- eties National tuberculosis association Bulletin.* National tuberculosis association Pamphlet, no. 102 (1914) Previous to May 1918 entitled: National association for the study and prevention of tuberculosis. National tuberculosis association Transactions, v. 1 (1905) Previous to May 1918 entitled: National association for the study and prevention of tuberculosis. National union of women workers of Great Britain and Ireland Conference reports. 1891, 1896, 1898, 1900, 1903, 1905, 1907-1913, 1915 No conference held in 1914. National union of women workers of Great Britain and Ireland Report and handbook. 1910/11 National union of women workers of Great Britain and Ireland Report of the conference of rescue workers. 1897, 1898, 1907, 1909-1913 No conference has been held since 1913 al- though the committee is still active. National urban league Bulletin, v. 2 (1912) v. 1; v. 3 no. 5; v. 4 no. 1, 3; v. 6 no. 1, 3; v. 7 no. 3; v. 9 no. 1, 3 lacking. Previous to 1919 entitled: National league on urban conditions among Negroes. National urban league Report. 1910/11 Since 1911 report included in: National urban league. Bulletin. Previous to 1919 entitled: National league on urban conditions among Negroes. National (English) vigilance association Annual report, no. 3 (1887/88)-5, 7, 9-19, 21-23, 27 National (English) vigilance association Vigilance record (monthly bulletin). 1909 National vigilance committee for the United States of America Annual report, no. 3 (1909) National vocational guidance association Proceedings, v. 2 (1912)-4 (1914) v. 1 never published. National vocational guidance association Vocational guidance bulletin, v. 1 (1915) v. 1 no. 3 lacking. National women's trade union league of America Proceedings of biennial conventions, no. 2 (1909) no. 1 never published. National women's trade union league of America Women's work and war. v. 1 (1918) no. 2- 11; v. 2 (1919) no. 1, 2 National workmen's compensation ser- vice bureau Weekly bulletin. 1917 Previous to December 1918 entitled : Month- ly book-list. Nation's business* Nebraska. Charities and correction, State board of Biennial report, no. 1 (1900/02)-4, 6 Nebraska. Labor, State department of Bulletin. 25a (1911), 25, 27-31, 33 Previous to 1915 (?) entitled: Nebraska. Labor and industrial statistics bureau. Nebraska. Labor, State department of Report, no. 10 (1905-06) Previous to 1915 (?) entitled: Nebraska. Labor and industrial statistics bureau. The 1917-18 report includes the report of the Commissioner of the workmen's com- pensation law. Nebraska. Labor, State department of Report upon the operation of the workmen's compensation law. 1914/15 Nebraska. Prison association Annual report. 1999, 1914, 1915 No report issued since 1916. The work of the Association has been taken over by the State board of charities and correction. Nebraska. Public lands and buildings com- missioner Biennial report, no. 2 (1878/80), 3, 5-18 (1910/12) In 1913 nearly all of the institutions former- ly under the control of the Commissioner were placed under the control of Nebraska. State institutions, Board of commissioners of. Nebraska. Public library commission Biennial report.* Nebraska. State institutions, Board of com- missioners of Biennial report, no. 1 (1912/14) * Current numbers only. 60 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Nebraska. Tuberculosis association Nebraska tuberculosis bulletin, v. 2 (1918/ 19)- Negro year book 1912 Netherlands. Rijksverzekeringsbank Verslag. 1908 Neuchatel, Switzerland. Caisse cantonale d 'assurance populaire Rapports, no. 1 (1899) Nevada. Health, State board of Biennial report. 1903-04 Nevada. Hospital for mental diseases (Reno) Report.* Nevada. Industrial commission Report. 1913-14 Nevada. Industry, agriculture and irriga- tion, Bureau of Biennial report. 1913-14 Nevada. Labor, Commissioner of Biennial report, no. 1 (1915-16) Nevada. Mines, State inspector of Biennial report.* Nevada. Orphans' home directors (Carson City) Biennial report.* Nevada. School of industry (Elko) Annual report. 1918 Nevada. State police Biennial report.* Nevada. State prison (Carson City) Report. 1873/74, 1893/94, 1911-12 New Bedford, Mass. Family welfare society Report, no. 1 (1914/15) Previous to 1919 entitled: New Bedford, Mass, Charity organization society. New Bedford, Mass. Health board Annual report.* New Bedford, Mass. Parks, Department of Annual report.* New Boston v. 1 (1910), 2 (1911) Publication discontinued, 1911. New Britain, Conn. Charity organization society Annual report, no. 2 (1894/95)-5, 8-10, 15, 19-23, 26 no. 24, 25 never published. New Britain, Conn. Children's home Annual report.* New Brunswick. Jordan memorial sanato- rium (River Glade) Annual report.* New Brunswick, N.J. Charity organization society Annual report, no. 14 (1897/98), 32 New England Kurn Hattin homes for homeless and neglected boys New England Kurn Hattin homes.* New England watch and ward society Annual report.* New Hampshire. Children's aid and pro- tective society Annual report, no. 1 (1914/15) New Hampshire. Conference of charities and correction Proceedings, no. 1 (1899)-3, 5-16 (1914) no. 1 and 2 never published except as appen- dix to 3d biennial report of New Hampshire. State board of charities and correction. No proceedings published since 1914. New Hampshire. Health, State board of Quarterly bulletin.* New Hampshire. Health, State board of Report, [annual] no. 2 (1882/83); [biennial] no. 18 (1902/04)-21, 25 New Hampshire. Health, State board of Report relating to the registration and re- turn of births, marriages, divorces and deaths, no. 19 (1902-03), 23, 24 (1912-13) New Hampshire. Labor bureau Report, [annual] no. 1 (1893); [biennial] no. 1 (1895-96), 2, 4, 5, 7 New Hampshire. Lunacy, Board of com- missioners of Report.* New Hampshire. Orphans' home (Franklin) Annual report, no. 36 (1906/07), 40 New Hampshire. School for feeble-minded (Laconia) Biennial report.* New Hampshire. and correction Biennial report. New Hampshire. State board of charities no. 1 (1893) State federation of labor 2 (1913) State hospital State industrial school Proceedings. New Hampshire. Annual report.* New Hampshire. (Manchester) Report, [annual] no. 1 (1856/57)-14 (1869/ 70); [biennial] 1910/12 From 1867/68-1894 (?) entitled: New Hampshire. Reform school. Previous to 1866/67 entitled: New Hamp- shire. House of reformation for j uvenile and female offenders against the laws. New Hampshire. State prison (Bristol) 1908/10, 1910/12 State sanatorium (Glen- Biennial report. New Hampshire. cliff) Biennial report. no. 1 (1908/10) New Haven, Conn. Civic federation Documents, no. 1 (1909) * Current numbers only. 61 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Public parks, Commis- New Haven, Conn. Health, Board of Report.* New Haven, Conn. Health, Department of Bulletin.* New Haven, Conn. Lowell house association Annual report.* New Haven, Conn. Organized charities as- sociation Annual report, no. 4 (1881/82), 5, 10, 12- 16, 18 New Haven, Conn. Orphan asylum Annual report.* New Haven, Conn. sioners of Annual report.* New Haven, Conn. United workers Annual report, no. 1 (1872/73)-10, 12-20, 42-46 (1915/16) New Jersey. Catholic children's aid associa- tion Annual report.* New Jersey. Charities and correction de- partment Annual report, no. 1 (1905) New Jersey. Children's guardians, State board of Annual report, no. 1 (1899) New Jersey. Children's home society Homes for the homeless.* New Jersey. Commission for the blind Annual report. 1912 New Jersey. Conference of charities and cor- rection Proceedings, v. 1 (1902) New Jersey. Conservation and development, Department of Annual report, no. 1 (1914/15) New Jersey. Employers' liability commission Report. 1913-1915 In 1916 superseded by: New Jersey. Work- men's compensation aid bureau. New Jersey. Essex county. Children's aid and Society for the prevention of cruelty to children Annual report, no. 50 (1917/18) New Jersey. Essex county. Christian en- deavor union. Fresh air home (Roseland) Report.* New Jersey. Essex county. Parental school (Newark) Annual report, no. 1 (1915/16), 2 (1916/17) New Jersey. Essex county. Parks, Depart- ment of Annual report of the Board of commission- ers.* New Jersey. Essex county. Probation offi- cer (Newark) Annual report, no. 5 (1904/05), 6, 8-13, 15- 18, 20 New Jersey. Factory and workshop inspec- tion, Department of Annual report, no. 17 (1898/99), 20-22 (1903/04) In 1904 superseded by: New Jersey. Labor department. New Jersey. Health, State board of Annual conference of state and local health officials, no. 3 (1912)-8 no. 1 and 2 never published. Previous to 1916 entitled: Annual confer- ence of state and local boards of health. New Jersey. Health, State board of Annual report, no. 4 (1880), 11, 25 New Jersey. Health, State board of Circulars.* New Jersey. Health, State board of Public health news.* New Jersey. Hudson county. Health and vital statistics, Board of Annual statement of vital statistics.* New Jersey. Industrial statistics, Bureau of Annual report, no. 7 (1883/84)-15, 17-19, 24, 26, 27, 29 New Jersey. Industrial statistics, Bureau of Industrial directory.* New Jersey. Labor department Annual report. 1904/05 In 1904 superseded: New Jersey. Factory and workshop inspection, Department of. New Jersey. Mercy committee Report. 1918/19 New Jersey. Monmouth county. Organiza- tion for social service, inc. Report, no. 1 (1912/15)-4 Previous to 1917 when the activities of the organization were enlarged, entitled: New Jersey. State charities aid and prison reform association. Monmouth county branch. New Jersey. Morris county. Probation, De- partment of Report, no. 1 (1915-17) New Jersey. Palisades interstate park com- missioners Annual report, no. 1 (1900)-6, 10 New Jersey. Prison labor commission Annual report, no. 2 (1912/13)-6 (1916/17) No report issued for 1917/18. The work of the Commission has been taken over by the Department of institutions and agencies. New Jersey. Public library commission Annual report.* New Jersey. Public service corporation. Welfare committee Annual report, no. 2 (1912), 3, 5 * Current numbers only. 62 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New Jersey. Sanatorium for tuberculous diseases (Glen Gardner) Annual report, no. 10 (1910/11), 13-16 New Jersey. State charities aid and prison reform association Annual report, no. 1 (1886)-5, 7, 23, 25 No report issued for 1909. New Jersey. State charities aid and prison reform association New Jersey review; monthly bulletin, v. 1 (1902)-10 (1912) Publication discontinued, May 1912. New Jersey. State colony for feeble-minded males (New Lisbon) Annual report, no. 1 (1916/17) New Jersey. State federation of labor Proceedings, no. 35 (1913)-37, 39 New Jersey. State home for boys (James- burg) Annual report, no. 2 (1866), 3, 5-8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 19, 22, 25, 43, 44, 47 Previous to 1903 entitled: New Jersey. State reform school for juvenile delinquents. New Jersey. State home for girls (Trenton) Annual report, no. 1 (1871H, 9, 14-19, 21, 24, 29-32, 34-36, 38 New Jersey. State hospital (Morris Plains) Annual report, no. 1 (1875/76)-15 (1889/ 90), no. 22 (1896/97) From 1890/91 (no. 16)-1895/96 (no. 21) report included in : New Jersey. State hos- pitals, Managers and officers of. Annual reports. Previous to 1893 when the State hospital was moved from Morristown to Morris Plains, entitled : New Jersey. State asylum for the insane (Morristown). New Jersey. State hospital (Trenton) Annual report. 1848, 1850, 1853, 1855, 1856, 1859, 1861-1863, 1866/67-1885/86, 1887/88-1889/90, 1896/97-1904/05, 1906/ 07-1912/13 From 1890/91-1895/96 report included in: New Jersey. State hospitals, Managers and officers of. Annual reports. Previous to 1890 entitled* New Jersey. State lunatic asylum (Trenton). New Jersey. State hospitals, Managers and officers of Annual reports. 1890/91, 1892/93-1895/96 Previous to 1893 entitled: New Jersey. State asylums for the insane, Managers and officers of. New Jersey. State institution for feeble- minded (Vineland) Annual report, no. 16 (1903/04)-23, 25-31 Previous to 1915 entitled: New Jersey. State institution for feeble-minded women (Vineland). New Jersey. State prison (Trenton) Report. 1839/40, 1852, 1854, 1856, 1858, 1859, 1861, 1864, 1890/91, 1892/93, 1894/ 95-1896/97, 1898/99, 1900/01-1905/06, 1907/08 New Jersey. State reformatory (Rahway) Annual report, no. 9 (1908/09) New Jersey. State reformatory for women (Clinton) Annual report, no. 1 (1912/13) New Jersey. State village for epileptics (Skillman) Annual report, no. 2 (1898/99) New Jersey. Tenement house supervision, Board of Annual report, no. 1 (1904) New Jersey. Training school for feeble- minded children (Vineland) Annual report, no. 2 (1889/90) New Jersey. Training school for feeble- minded children (Vineland) Bulletins, v. 5 (1908) v. 5 no. 1-4; v. 7 no. 6 lacking. New Jersey. Union county. Bonnie Burn sanatorium for tuberculous diseases Annual report, no. 1 (1913) New Jersey. Union county. Probation offi- cer (Elizabeth) Report. 1902 New Jersey. Workmen's compensation aid bureau Report. 1916/17 In 1916 superseded: New Jersey. Em- ployers' liability commission. New London, Conn. Associated charities, inc. Annual report, no. 1 (1913/14) New Mexico. Insane asylum (Las Vegas) Report.* New Mexico. Reform school (Springer) Report. 1912/14, 1915/16 New Mexico. State penitentiary (Santa Fe) Report. 1912/13-1915/16, 1917/18 New Orleans, La. Charity organization so- ciety Annual report, no. 1 (1896/97), 3, 15 New Orleans, La. City park improvement association Annual report.* New Orleans, La. Factories inspection^de- partment Report, no. 1 (1908) New Orleans, La. Health department Biennial report. 1904-05 New Orleans, La. Health department Monthly report.* New Orleans, La. Jewish orphans home Annual report.* * Current numbers only. 63 New Orleans, La. Kingsley house Annual report. 1912/13-1914/15 New Orleans, La. Playgrounds commission Report. 1912, 1913, 1917 New Orleans, La. Police department, Board of commissioners of the Annual report.* New Orleans, La. Prisons and asylums com- missioners Annual report, no. 10 (1905/06) no. 20 lacking. New republic v. 1 (1914) New Rochelle, N.Y. Home for the aged Annual report.* New Rochelle, N.Y. Organized charities so- ciety Annual report, no. 14 (1908/09), 20, 21 (1915/16) New South Wales. Conference on the wel- fare of mothers and babies Proceedings. 1918 New South Wales. Labour and industry de- partment New South Wales industrial gazette, no. 1 (1912)-5 (1914) New South Wales. Labour and industry de- partment Report on the working of the factories and shops act; minimum wage act; early clos- ing acts; shearers' accommodation act. no. 12 (1908)-18 (1914) New South Wales. Labour commissioners Annual report, no. 1 (1900/01)-5 (1904/05) In 1905 superseded by: New South Wales. State labour bureau. New South Wales. State children relief board Report. 1902/03 New South Wales. State labour bureau Annual report of the director of labour, no. 1 (1905/06)-7 (1911/12) In 1905 superseded: New South Wales. Labour commissioners. New statesman v. 1 (1913) New York. Agricultural society Proceedings, v. 70 (1910) New York. Agriculture department Annual report, no. 13 (1904/05) New York. Agriculture department Bulletin.* New York. Albany county. Board of child welfare Annual report, no. 1 (1915/16) New York. Albany county. Penitentiary Annual report, no. 2 (1849/50), 3, 5, 18-22, 24, 26, 39, 43 (1890/91) Since 1896 report included in: New York. Prisons, State commission of. Annual re- port. New York. Albany county. Superintendent of almshouse Report.* New York. Asylum for insane criminals (Au- burn) Annual report, no. 3 (1861/62)-5, 8, 12-14, 17-20, 22-27, 29 (1887/88) In 1892 superseded by: New York. Mat- teawan state hospital. New York. Binghamton state hospital Annual report, no. 1 (1878/79) New York. Brooklyn state hospital Annual report, no. 10 (1904/05) From 1895/96-1901/02 report included in: New York. Long Island state hospitals. Annual report. Previous to 1916 entitled: New York. Long Island state hospital. New York. Buffalo state hospital for the in- sane Annual report, no. 1 (1871) New York. Capital district conference of charities and correction Proceedings, no. 3 (1915) Only proceedings published. New York. Central Islip state hospital Annual report, no. 1 (1899/1900) Previous to 1904/05 entitled: New York. Manhattan state hospital (Central Islip). New York. Central New York institution for deaf-mutes (Rome) Annual report, no. 1 (1874/75) New York. Chamber of commerce Annual report.* New York. Chamber of commerce Monthly bulletin.* New York. Civic league Reform bulletin, v. 5 (1914)-7, 10 New York. Civil service commission Annual report, no. 1 (1883) New York. Commission for the blind Annual report, no. 1 (1913), 3 New York. Commission for the blind Message to the sightless, no. 3 (March 1920) no. 1, 2 lacking. New York. Committee for the prevention of blindness Publications, no. 1 (1908) Previous to 1913 entitled: New York, N.Y. Association for the blind. Committee for the prevention of blindness. The annual reports of the Committee are included in these Publications. New York. Conference for better county government Proceedings, no. 1 (1914), 2 (1915) Only conferences held. * Current numbers only. 64 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York. Conference of charities and cor- rection Proceedings, no. 1 (1900) New York. Conference of mayors and other city officials Proceedings, v. 1 (1910), 2, 4 New York. Conference of sanitary officers Proceedings, v. 1 (1901)-12 (1912) Since 1913 proceedings included in: New York. Health department. Annual report. New York. Corporation for the relief of widows and children of clergymen of the Protestant Episcopal church Annual report.* New York. County superintendents of the poor Proceedings, v. 4 (1874)-6, 8, 10-12, 14-38, 40, 41, 43 v. 39 included in: New York. State board of charities. Annual report. 1909. v. 1, p. 939-1096. v. 42 included in : New York. State board of charities. Annual report. 1912. v. 1, appendix II. New York. Le Couteulx St. Mary's institu- tion for the instruction of deaf-mutes Annual report. 1872/73-1875/76, 1877/78, 1902/03, 1905/06 1876/77 report never published. New York. Craig colony for epileptics (Son- yea) Annual report, no. 1 (1894/95) New York. Dannemora state hospital for in- sane convicts Annual report, no. 6 (1904/05) New York. Dutchess county. Board of child welfare (Poughkeepsie) Report. 1916/17 New York. Education department Annual report, no. 1 (1903/04) New York. Efficiency and economy, De- partment of Annual report. 1915, v. 1, 2, 4, 5 New York. Elmira reformatory Annual report, no. 1 (1876) New York. Emigration, Commissioners of Annual report, no. 1 (1847)-14, 17-46 (1892) New York. Employment, Bureau of Bulletin, no. 14 (1916)-35 (1917) no. 28 and 34 lacking. New York. Erie county. Board of child wel- fare Annual report, no. 1 (1916) New York. Erie county. Charities and cor- rections, Commissioner of Annual report, no. 1 (1913/14) New York. Erie county. Children's aid and Society for the prevention of cruelty to chil- dren (Buffalo) Annual report, no. 1 (1915/16) New York. Erie county. County lodging house (Buffalo) Annual report.* New York. Erie county. Probation office (Buffalo) Report. 1909/11, 1919 New York. Erie county penitentiary Annual report. 1886/87, 1887/88, 1896, 1898 New York. Factory inspector Annual report, no. 1 (1886)-15 (1899/1900) From 1900/01-1911/12 factory inspection reports included in : New York. Labor de- partment. Annual report. New York. Farms and markets department Report. 1919 New York. Farms and markets department. Division of foods and markets Foods and markets, no. 1 (1918) New York. Feeble-mindedness, Committee on Annual report, no. 1 (1916/17) New York. Fiscal supervisor of state chari- ties Annual report. 1902/03 New York. Foods and markets, Department of Annual report, no. 1 (1914)-3 (1916) New York. Gowanda state homeopathic hos- pital (Collins) Annual report, no. 4 (1896/97) Reports for 1894/95 and 1895/96 included in: New York. State hospital commission. Annual report. Previous to May 1889 entitled: New York. Collins state homeopathic hospital. New York. Health department Annual report, no. 1 (1880) New York. Health department Health news monthly bulletin, n.s. v. 3 (1908) n.s. v. 3 no. 6-9 lacking. Previous to 1914 entitled: Monthly bulle- tin. New York. Health department Public health manual.* New York. Health officer of the Port of New York Annualreport. 1910/11-1914/15,1916/17 New York. Hospital for the care of crippled and deformed children (Haverstraw) Annual report, no. 1 (1901) * Current numbers only. 65 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York. House of refuge for women (Hud- son) Annual report. 1887/88-1902/03 Institution discontinued by the act of the Legislature which established the New York. State training school for girls (Hudson). New York. Hudson River state hospital Annual report, no. 1 (1867) New York. Industrial commission Annual report. 1914/15 On June 1, 1915 the Commission assumed charge of the New York. Labor department. New York. Industrial commission Industrial code; bulletin, no. 2 (1913) Previous to June 1, 1915 when the Indus- trial commission assumed charge of the La- bor department, entitled: New York. La- bor department. Industrial bureau. Bul- letin. New York. Industrial commission. Bureau of statistics and information Bulletin, v. 1 (1915/16) New York. Industrial commission. Bureau of statistics and information Labor market, v. 1 (1915) New York. Industrial safety congress Proceedings, v. 1 (1916) New York. Industries and immigration bu- reau Annual report, no. 1 (1910/11) New York. Inebriate asylum (Binghamton) Annual report. 1863-1869, 1872-1878 New York. Jail library committee Annual report, no. 1 (1913/14) New York. Kings Park state hospital Annual report, no. 8 (1902/03) From 1895/96-1901/02 report included in: New York. Long Island state hospitals. Annual report. New York. Labor department Annual report, no. 1 (1901)-14 (1913/14) In 1901 the Labor department was created out of the existing Bureau of labor statistics, office of Factory inspection and Board of mediation and arbitration. On June 1, 1915 the New York. Industrial commission assumed charge of the Labor department. New York. Labor department Industrial directory of the State of New York. no. 1 (1912), 2 (1913) On June 1, 1915 the New York. Industrial commission assumed charge of the Labor department. New York. Labor department Monographs on social economics, no. 1 (1904), 2, 4 (1906) New York. Labor department Special bulletin, no. 1 (1899) During 1899 bulletin issued by the Labor statistics bureau. Since no. 70 (1915) issued under the direc- tion of the Industrial commission. Previous to no. 75 (1916) entitled: Bulle- tin. New York. Labor statistics bureau Annual report, no. 1 (1883)-18 (1899/1900) From 1900/01-1911/12 report included in: New York. Labor department. Annual re- port. New York. League of women voters. Com- mittee on American citizenship City-state-nation; weekly information bul- letin for voters.* New York. Letchworth Village Annual report, no. 1 (1909) New York. Long Island state hospitals Annual report, no. 1 (1895/96)-7 (1901/02) Previous to May 1900 entitled: New York. Long Island state hospital. The Long Island state hospital was origin- ally composed of two departments the Brooklyn department, and the Kings Park department. On May 1, 1900 these two de- partments were made distinct institutions, and since 1902/03 each has issued separate reports. New York. Lunacy commissioner Annual report, no. 1 (1873), 2, 4-6, 8-16 (1888) In 1889 superseded by: New York. Lunacy commission (now State hospital commis- sion). New York. Manhattan state hospital Annual report, no. 1 (1904/05) Formed in June 1905 by the merger of New York. Manhattan state hospital, East and New York. Manhattan state hospital, West. New York. Manhattan state hospital, East Annual report, no. 1 (1895/96)-5, 7-9 (1903/04) In June 1905 this Hospital and the Man- hattan state hospital, West were merged to form the New York. Manhattan state hos- pital. New York. Manhattan state hospital, West Annual report, no. 1 (1899/1900)-5 (1903/ 04) In June 1905 this Hospital and the Man- hattan state hospital East, were merged to form the New York. Manhattan state hos- pital. New York. Matteawan state hospital Annual report, no. 33 (1891/92) In 1892 superseded: New York. Asylum for insane criminals (Auburn) * Current numbers only. 66 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York. Mediation and arbitration board Annual report, no. 1 (1887)-15 (1901) From 1900/01-1913/14 report included in: New York. Labor department. Annual re- port. Since 1914/15 report included in: New York. Industrial commission. Annual re- port. New York. Metropolitan board of health Annual report, no. 1 (1866)-4 (1868/69) In March 1866 superseded: New York, N.Y. City inspector. In 1870 when the new city charter was granted, superseded by: New York, N.Y. Health department. The Metropolitan board of health was com- posed of the counties of New York, Kings, Westchester and Richmond, and the towns of Newtown, Flushing and Jamaica. New York. Middletown state homeopathic hospital Annual report, no. 1 (1870/71) New York. Mohansic state hospital (York- town) Annual report.* New York. Monroe county. Board of child welfare Annual report, no. 1 (1916/17) New York. Monroe county. Superintendent of the poor Annual report. 1914/15 New York. Monroe county tuberculosis hos- pital (Rochester) Circular of information and annual report, lola sanatorium, no. 1 (1911/12)-3 (1913/ 14), 1917/18 New York. Montgomery county hospital for tuberculosis (Cranesville) Annual report.* New York. New asylum for insane criminals commission Report, no. 1 (1887)-4 (1890) New York. New prisons, State commission on Annual report, no. 1 (1906)-5 (1910/11) New York. New York State grange Journal of proceedings, no. 32 (1905) New York. New York State league of sav- ings and loan associations Annual convention, no. 23 (1910), 25, 27- 29, 32 New York. Northern New York institution for deaf-mutes (Malone) Annual report.* New York. Northern Westchester county district nursing association Annual report.* New York. Palisades interstate park com- mission Annual report, no. 1 (1900) New York. Prison association Annual report, no. 2 (1845)-6, 8 no. 3 pt. 2 lacking. New York. Prison association Bulletin, no. 1 (1915?), 2, 5 (1915?) New York. Prisons, State commission of Annual report, no. 1 (1895) New York. Public charities and corrections, Commissioners of Annual report, no. 1 (1860)-4, 6-10 (1869) From 1860^1870 the board of Commission- ers of public charities and correction which operated in New York City reported to the State legislature. After 1870 when the new city charter was granted the Commission- ers ceased to report to the Legislature and reported to the City. New York. Reformatory for women (Bed- ford) Annual report, no. 1 (1900/01) New York. Rensselaer county. Pawling san- atorium (Wynantskill) Annual report.* New York. Richmond county. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children Annual report.* New York. Rochester state hospital Annual report, no. 1 (1890/91) New York. Rome state custodial asylum Annual report, no. 1 (1894/95) New York. St. Andrew's society Annual report.* New York. St. Lawrence state hospital Annual report, no. 1 (1887)-10, 13, 19 New York. School for the blind (Batavia) Annual report, no. 1 (1866/67) New York. Sing Sing prison (Ossining). Mutual welfare league Sing Sing bulletin, v. 18 (1917) no. 10-19; v. 19 v. 20 no. 11, 12; v. 21 no. 1-7 lacking. In February 1917 the Star of hope and the Bulletin of the Mutual welfare league were merged and issued as the Star bulletin con- tinuing the numbering of the Star of hope. Previous to February 1920 entitled: Star bulletin. New York. Societies for the prevention of cruelty to children and animals Proceedings, v. 1 (1890)-9, 13 New York. Soldiers' and sailors' home Annual report. 1878-1880/81, 1883/84- 1905/06, 1907/08 New York. State, Secretary of Annual report in relation to the statistics of the poor. 1855/56, 1857/58-1861/62, 1863/64-1872/73 * Current numbers only. 67 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York. State, Secretary of Annual report on statistics of crime. 1854, 1855, 1860, 1886/87-1896/97, 1898/99- 1902/03, 1904/05--- New York. State agent for discharged con- victs Annual report, no. 1 (1878) New York. State agricultural and industrial school (Industry) Annual report, no. 1 (1849), 6-45, 47-50, 52 From 1886-1906/07 entitled: New York. State industrial school (Rochester). Previous to 1886 entitled: New York. Western house of refuge for juvenile de- linquents. New York. State board of charities Annual report, no. 1 (1868) New York. State board of charities Quarterly record, v. 1 (1900) no. 1-4 Publication discontinued. New York. State board of charities. Bureau of analysis and investigation Eugenics and social welfare bulletin, no. 1 (1912)-15 (1918) New York. State board of child welfare Proceedings, no. 1 (1917) New York. State charities aid association Annual report, no. 1 (1872/73) New York. State charities aid association Annual report to the State hospital com- mission, no. 1 (1892/93)-19 (1910/11) Since 1911 report included in: New York. State charities aid association. Publica- tions. Previous to 1911 entitled: Annual report to the State commission on lunacy. New York. State charities aid association Publications, no. 1 (1872)-12, 14-51, 53- 103, 105-119, 121 no. 52 and 120 never published. New York. State charities aid association S.C.A.A. news. v. 1 (1912/13) New York. State charities aid association State charities record, v. 1 (1889)-3 (1892) Publication discontinued. New York. State charities aid association. Agency for providing situations for mothers with infants Annual report, no. 1 (1893/94)-16 (1908/ 09) Since 1909 report included in: New York. State charities aid association. Annual re- port. New York. State charities aid association. Care of motherless infants sub-committee Annual report, no. 1 (1906/07) Committee discontinued. New York. State charities aid association. Cohoes committee for the prevention of tu- berculosis Annual report. 1909-1914 New York. State charities aid association. Hospital book and newspaper society Annual report, no. 13 (1886/87), 14, 16-33, 36 (1909/10) Since 1910 report included in: New York. State charities aid association. Annual re- port. New York. State charities aid association. New York City visiting committee Annual report, no. 1 (1903/04)-10 (1912/ 13) Since 1913 report included in: New York. State charities aid association. Annual re- port. Formed in June 1904 by the reorganization of the New York, Kings and Richmond county visiting committees. New York. State charities aid association. New York county visiting committee for Bellevue hospital and other public charit- able institutions Annual report, no. 1 (1872/73)-4, 6-17, 19- 31 (1902/03) Committee discontinued. New York. State commission for mental de- fectives Report, no. 1 (1918) Previous to May 1919 entitled: New York. State commission for the feeble-minded. New York. State custodial asylum for feeble- minded women (Newark) Annual report, no. 1 (1885) New York. State federation of labor Proceedings. 1909-1911, 1913 New York. State food commission Annual report, no. 1 (1917/18) New York. State hospital commission Annual report, no. 1 (1889) In 1889 superseded: New York. Lunacy commissioner. Previous to 1911 entitled: New York. Lun- acy commission. New York. State hospital commission Handbook. 1899/1900, 1901/02-1905/06, 1907/08 Previous to 1911 entitled: New York. Lun- acy commission. New York. State hospital commission Official directory of state hospitals and pri- vate institutions for the insane.* New York. State hospital commission Psychiatric bulletins, v. 1 (1895), 2 (1896); n.s. v. 1 (1908)-! 1 (1917) Previous to 1916 entitled: State hospital bulletin. Publication discontinued, 1917. * Current numbers only. 68 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York. State hospital commission State hospital quarterly, v. 1 (1915/16) New York. State hospital for the treatment of incipient pulmonary tuberculosis (Ray Brook) Annual report, no. 4 (1904), 6 New York. State police department Annual report, no. 1 (1918) New York. State prisons, Inspectors of Annual report, no. 1 (1847/48), 3, 5-29, (1875/76) New York. State prisons, Superintendent of Annual report. 1876/77-1889/90, 1891/92- 1893/94, 1895/96 New York. State probation commission Annual report, no. 1 (1907) no. 2 never published. New York. State probation commission Manual for probation officers.* New York. State workmen's compensation commission Annual report. 1914/15 Commission discontinued, 1915. New York. Syracuse state institution for feeble-minded children Annual report, no. 1 (1851) New York. Tax commission Annual report.* New York. Thomas Indian school (Iroquois) Annual report, no. 18 (1872/73), 20-49, 51 New York. Training school for girls (Hud- son) Annual report, no. 1 (1903/04) New York. University of the State of New York Bulletin.* New York. Utica state hospital Annual report, no. 1 (1843) Previous to 1 890 entitled : New York. Utica lunatic asylum. New York. Weights and measures depart- ment Annual report. 1907-1914, 1916, 1918 New York. Weights and measures depart- ment Bulletin, v. 1 (1913) no. 2-6; v. 2 (1914) no. 1, 2; n.s. v. 1 (1914/16) no. 1-5 New York. Westchester county. Charities and corrections, Commissioner of Annual report, no. 1 (1917) In January 1917 superseded: New York. Westchester county. Poor, Superintend- ent of. New York. Westchester county. Poor, Su- perintendent of Report. 1914/15, 1915/16 In January 1916 superseded by: New York. Westchester county. Charities and correc- tions, Commissioner of. * Current New York. Western house of refuge for women (Albion) Annual report, no. 1 (1893/94) New York. Willard state hospital Annual report, no. 1 (1869) New York. Woman's Christian temperance union Annual report.* New York. Woman's relief corps home (Ox- ford) Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Abigail free school and kindergarten Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Alliance employment bu- reau Annual report. 1901, 1902, 1904, 1906-1915 In 1916 this Bureau and the New York, N.Y. Vacation association. Vacation war relief committee merged to form the New York, N.Y. United employment bureau. New York, N.Y. Almshouse, Governors of Annual report, no. 1 (1849)-10 (1858) In 1849 superseded: New York, N.Y. Alms- house commissioner. In 1860 the depart- ment was abolished and the work taken over by the New York. Charities and cor- rection, Commissioners of. New York, N.Y. Almshouse commissioner Annual report. 1848 In 1849 superseded by: New York, N.Y. Almshouse, Governors of. New York, N.Y. American female guardian society and home for the friendless Advocate and family guardian.* The annual report is included in the Advo- cate and family guardian. New York, N.Y. American museum of na- tural history Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Art commission Annual report. 1907 New York, N.Y. Artists' fund society Biennial report.* New York, N.Y. Associated out-patient clinics Annual report. 1912/13-1917 New York, N.Y. Association for improving the condition of the poor A.I.C.P. notes, v. 1 (1895/96) no. 1-5 New York, N.Y. Association for improving the condition of the poor Annual report, no. 1 (1845) no. 2 never published. New York, N.Y. Association for improving the condition of the poor Bagdad on the subway; a monthly bulle- tin, no. 1 (1917)-9 numbers only. 69 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York, N.Y. Association for improving the condition of the poor Bulletin: Battles in tenement houses, no. 1 (1915?)-9 (1915?) New York, N.Y. Association for improving the condition of the poor Publications, no. 71 (1912?)-75, 77, 86, 91, 115-117, 119 no. 76, 85,. 87-90 never published. New York, N.Y. Association for the aid of crippled children Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Association for the blind Annual report, no. 1 (1906/07) New York, N.Y. Association for the relief of respectable, aged and indigent females Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Association of day nurseries Report. 1912 New York, N.Y. Association of neighbor- hood workers Bulletin, v. 1 (1916) New York, N.Y. Association of practical housekeeping centers Report. 1906, 1917/18 New York, N.Y. Association to promote proper housing for girls Annual report. 1916 New York, N.Y. clinics Annual report. New York, N.Y. Annual report. Association of tuberculosis no. 3 (1910) Asylum for friendless boys 1851 New York, N.Y. Asylums for the insane Annual report. 1866, 1874-1886, 1889, 1892 -1895 Previous to 1877 entitled: New York, N.Y. Lunatic asylum. In 1896 superseded by: New York. Manhattan state hospital, East and New York. Manhattan state hospital, West. New York, N.Y. Babies' dairy 1914/15, 1915/16 Babies' hospital Babies' welfare association Annual report. New York, N.Y. Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Report. 1912 New York, N.Y. Babies' welfare association Report (weekly), v. 1 (1915)-4 (1918) y. 1 no. 47; v. 2 no. 1, 51; v. 3 no. 52 lack- ing. New York, N.Y. Baptist home for the aged Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Baron de Hirsch trade school Annual report, no. 16 (1900/01)-19, 21, 22, 25-29 (1914/15) no. 1-15, 20, 23 and 24 never published. No reports published since 1914/15. New York, N.Y. Belgian relief fund Belgian relief bulletin, no. 1 (1914)-3 (1915) New York, N.Y. Bellevue and allied hospi- tals Report, no. 1 (1902) New York, N.Y. Bellevue and allied hospi- tals. Social service bureau Report. 1909 New York, N.Y. Bellevue and allied hospi- tals. Tuberculosis division Annual report. 1910-1912 New York, N.Y. Bellevue training school for nurses Annual report, no. 2 (1874)-23, 25-34, 36- 41,43 New York, N.Y. Beth- El sisterhood Annual report, no. 23 (1912)-26 (1915) New York, N.Y. Big brother movement Annual report, no. 7 (1911/12) New York, N.Y. Big sisters Annual report. 1912/13, 1913/14, 1915/16, 1916/17, 1919 New York, N.Y. Bloomingdale day nursery association Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Bloomingdale guild Annual report, no. 1 (1905/06)-6 (1910/11) New York, N.Y. Blue anchor society Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Bowling Green neighbor- hood association, inc. Annual review of work. no. 1 (1915) New York, N.Y. Boys' club Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Boys' club Boys' club record.* New York, N.Y. Brick Presbyterian church Year book.* New York, N.Y. Brightside day nursery and kindergarten Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Bronx board of trade Year book.* New York, N.Y. Bronx eye and ear infirmary Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Buildings, Bureau of Building code.* New York, N.Y. Buildings, Bureau of Report. 1900 * Current numbers only. 70 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York, N.Y. Bureau of municipal re- search Efficient citizenship, no. 39 (n.d.), 41, 45- 47, 52, 57, 58, 61, 62, 64, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 82, 89, 92, 99-101, 112, 113, 118, 130, 134, 135, 140, 145, 146, 152-157, 160, 164, 171, 172, 175-182, 184-186, 188, 190, 192, 194- 199, 207-209, 213, 214, 217, 219-228, 232, 239, 244, 247, 248, 250, 253, 254, 257, 259, 262, 265, 268, 300, 303, 307, 324, 325, 328, 329, 356, 363, 368, 379, 387, 391, 407, 409, 410, 429, 432, 433, 436, 443, 446, 451, 454, 458, 460, 463, 467, 497, 511, 514, 516, 517, 520, 521, 524, 526, 528, 537, 540, 544, 557- 560, 562, 564, 566, 579, 581-583, 587, 588, 599- 601, 604, 609, 614, 619, 625, 626, 641, 642, 644, 670, 672-678 (1914) New York, N.Y. Bureau of municipal re- search Municipal accounting, no. 1 (1911?), 4, 12- 15, 17, 29, 21, 26, 30-33 (1912) Publication discontinued. New York, N.Y. Bureau of municipal re- search Municipal research, no. 1 (1913)-5, 7-93 (1918) Publication discontinued with no. 93. New York, N.Y. Bureau of personnel ad- ministration Bulletin of information. 1920/21 New York, N.Y. Bush terminal company Bush magazine.* New York, N.Y. Calvary church Year book.* New York, N.Y. Catholic home bureau for dependent children Annual report. 1904/05-1907/08 New York, N.Y. Catholic protectory Annual report, no. 1 (1863) New York, N.Y. Central park, Commission- ers of Annual report, no. 1 (1856)-14 (1870) In 1870 superseded by: New York, N.Y. Public parks, Department of. New York, N.Y. Chapin home for the aged and infirm Annual report.* Home located at Jamaica. New York, N.Y. Charity organization so- ciety Annual report, no. 1 (1882) New York, N.Y. Charity organization so- ciety Charity organization bulletin, no. 1(1914) New York, N.Y. Charity organization so- ciety Monthly bulletin, no. 1 (1884)-81 (1893) Publication discontinued with no. 81. * Current New York, N.Y. Charity organization so- ciety New York charities directory. 1883, 1887, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1895, 1897-1907, 1909 New York, N.Y. Charity organization so- ciety Papers, no. 1 (1882)-5, 7-13, 15, 17, 19-26, 29c, 29d, 30-55, 57-60, 62-71 (1898) New York, N.Y. Charity organization so- ciety. Penny provident fund Annual report. 1892/93-1912/13 Publication discontinued, 1913. New York, N.Y. Charity organization so- ciety. Prevention of tuberculosis commit- tee Annual report, no. 1 (1903)-4, 8-11, 14 (1915/16) no. 5^7, 12, 13 included in: New York, N.Y. Charity organization society. Annual re- port. Committee discontinued. New York, N.Y. Chattel loan society Annual report, no. 1 (1912) New York, N.Y. Child welfare, Board of Annual report, no. 1 (1915/16) New York, N.Y. Child welfare committee Annual report. 1910/11-1915-16, 1918/19 New York, N.Y. Children's aid society Annual report, no. 1 (1853/54) New York, N.Y. Children's cottage, day nursery and temporary shelter Annual report, no. 1 (1913/14)-5 (1917/18) Cottage closed, September 1918. New York, N.Y. Children's court Annual report. 1903-1909, 1915 From 1910-1914 report included in: New York, N.Y. Court of special sessions. An- nual report. New York, N.Y. Children's school farm Report, no. 1 (1902)-4 (1905) In 1906 incorporated into the New York, N.Y. Parks department. New York, N.Y. Christodora house Annual report. 1902, 1904-1912/13, 1914/ 15 New York, N.Y. Chrystie street house Annual report, no. 1 (1904/05) New York, N.Y. Church mission of- help Annual report, no. 1 (1910/11) New York, N.Y. Church mission to deaf- mutes Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Church of the Ascension Public forum weekly, v. 1 (1915) no. 1-17 no. 11 lacking. Publication discontinued, 1915. New York, N.Y. Citizens union The Searchlight.* numbers only. 71 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York, N.Y. Citizens union Work of the Citizens union.* New York, N.Y. City and suburban homes company Annual report, no. 1 (1896/97) New York, N.Y. City club Bulletin. Sept. 1907 New York, N.Y. City history club Annual report.* New York, N.Y. City hospital school of nursing (Blackwell's Island) Annual report.* New York, N.Y. City inspector Annual report. 1853, 1854, 1856, 1858- 1861, 1863-1865 In 1866 superseded by: New York. Metro- politan board of health. New York, N.Y. City magistrates, Board of Annual report. 1915 Previous to 1915 the Board was composed of two divisions the First division and the Second division and issued its report in two parts. New York, N.Y. City magistrates, Board of (First division) Annual report, no. 22 (1894/95), 25-41 (1914) In 1915 this Division and the Second divi- sion of the Board were consolidated. New York, N.Y. City magistrates, Board of (Second division) Annual report. 1907-1914 In 1915 this Division and the First division of the Board were consolidated. New York, N.Y. City magistrates, Board of. Probation bureau Annual report. 1917/18 From 1902-1913 probation was reported upon in the annual reports of New York, N.Y. City magistrates, Board of (First di- vision) and of New York, N.Y. City mag- istrates, Board of (Second division). The First division reported upon Manhattan and the Bronx; the Second division re- ported upon Brooklyn, Queens and Rich- mond. In 1914 the Probation bureau of the First division issued a separate report, pre- sumably for Manhattan and the Bronx; the Second division made its report as in former years. In 1915 the two divisions of the Board of City magistrates consolidated, and the reports for 1915 and 1916 included the report on probation for all five boroughs. In 1917/18 the Probation bureau issued its first separate report. New York, N.Y. City mission society Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Clinic for functional re- education of disabled soldiers, sailors and civilians Annual report, no. 1 (1918/19) College settlement no. 11 (1899/1900), 13-15, New York, N.Y. Clothing bureau Annual report." New York, N.Y. Annual report. 17, 19 New York, N.Y. Collegiate Reformed Pro- testant Dutch church Year book.* New York, N.Y. Colored orphan asylum Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Committee for the care of the Jewish tuberculous Report. 1915/16 New York, N.Y. Committee of fourteen for the suppression of the Raines law hotels Annual report. 1907 New York, N.Y. Common council Manual of the corporation of the city of New York. 1846/47, 1849, 1852-1866, 1868-1870 1867 manual never published. New York, N.Y. Common council Minutes, v. 1 (1784/93)-19 (1830/31) New York, N.Y. Conference of charities and correction Proceedings, no. 1 (1910) New York, N.Y. Conference of teachers of the deaf Proceedings, no. 1 (1912) Only Conference held. New York, N. Y. Conference on hospital social service see New York, N.Y. Hospital social service association New York, N.Y. Consumptive relief league, inc. Report. 1916/17 New York, N.Y. Cooper union Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Co-operato; a home small-salaried girls Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Correction department Annual report. 1902, 1905, 1907-1916 In 1896 this Department and the New York, N.Y. Public charities department superseded: New York, N.Y. Public char- ities and correction, Commissioners of. Reports for 1903, 1904 and 1906 never pub- lished. No reports issued since 1916. New York, N.Y. Court of special sessions Annual report. 1908, 1910 New York, N.Y. Crippled children's driving fund Report, no. 1 (1905) No 1918 report issued. New York, N.Y. Crippled children's East Side free school Report.* for * Current numbers only. 72 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York, N.Y. Darrach home for crippled children Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Daughters of Jacob home for the aged poor Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Demilt dispensary Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Deutsche Poliklinik Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Diet kitchen association Annual report, no. 3 (1875), 7, 11-19, 23 New York, N.Y. Doe ye nexte thynge so- ciety Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Dominican sisters of the sick poor Report.* New York, N.Y. Down-town day nursery Annual report.* New York, N.Y. East Harlem community association Annual report. 1916/17 New York, N.Y. East Side house Annual report, no. 1 (1891) New York, N.Y. Economic club Year book. v. 1 (1910)-4 (1914) New York, N.Y. Education, Board of Annual financial and statistical report. 1912-16 In 1898 when the new charter of the City of New York became effective, the present Board and Department of education were established. New York, N.Y. Education board Annual report, no. 12 (1853)-14, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 36-49, 52, 54 (1895) In 1898 when the new charter became effec- tive, superseded by: New York, N.Y. Edu- cation department. New York, N.Y. Education department Annual report, no. 1 (1897/98)-16, 18 In 1898 when the new charter became effec- tive, superseded: New York, N.Y. Edu- cation board. New York, N.Y. Education department Annual report of the city superintendent of schools, no. 1 (1898/99) In 1898 when the new charter became effec- tive, superseded: New York^ N.Y. Edu- cation board. New York, N.Y. Education department Directory of the Board of education of the City of New York.* New York, N.Y. Education department. Board of retirement Annual report, no. 4 (1910/11), 5 (191 1/ 12) New York, N.Y. Education department. Bureau of attendance Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Education department. Di- vision of reference and research Publications, no. 1 (1914) New York, N.Y. Education department. Public lectures Annual report. 1902/03 New York, N.Y. Educational dramatic league Annual report, no. 1 (1913), 2 (1914) New York, N.Y. Educational experiments, Bureau of Bulletin, no. 1 (1917) New York, N.Y. Emanuel sisterhood of per- sonal service Biennial report. 1906-08, 1912-13, 1914- 15 New York, N.Y. Estimate and apportion- ment board. Committee on recreation Report. 1916 Only report published. Committee discontinued, December 1917. New York, N.Y. Exempt firemen's benevo- lent fund Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Eye and ear infirmary Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Federated employment bu- reau for Jewish girls Annual report. 1916/17 New York, N.Y. Federation for child study Bulletin, no. 52 (1913)-55, 58-61, 63 New York, N.Y. Federation for the support of Jewish philanthropic societies Federation news. v. 1 (1919/20) no. 1-7, 9- 12; v. 2 New York, N.Y. Federation of non-com- mercial employment agencies Yearbook. 1916/17 New York, N.Y. Federation of non-com- mercial employment agencies. Bureau of information no. 1 (1916/17) Fire department 1910-1913, 1915 Fire department relief fund Annual report. New York, N.Y. Annual report. New York, N.Y. Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Year book.* New York, N.Y. Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Report. 1869/71, 1872/74, 1908-09 New York, N.Y. Free industrial school for crippled children Report.* First Presbyterian church Flower hospital Foundling hospital * Current numbers only. 73 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York, N.Y. Free synagogue Free synagogue pulpit.* New York, N.Y. Free synagogue. Child adoption committee Annual report. 1916/17, 1918/19 New York, N.Y. Friends' employment soci- ety Annual report.* New York, N.Y. General society of mechan- ics and tradesmen Annual report.* German society New York, N.Y. Report.* New York, N.Y. Good Samaritan dispen- sary Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Gospel settlement Annual report. 1911, 1914/15, 1918/19 New York, N.Y. Gouverneur hospital. Tu- berculosis clinic Report. 1903/10, 1915 New York, N.Y. Grace church Year book.* New York, N.Y. Gramercy neighborhood as- sociation 1916/17 Greenwich house no. 2 (1902/03) Guild civic union Annual report. New York, N.Y. Annual report. New York, N.Y. Report.* New York, N.Y. Annual report. Haarlem house 1912-1915 Previous to 1915 entitled: New York, N.Y. Home garden settlement. New York, N.Y. Hahnemann hospital Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Harlem eye and ear hos- pital Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Hartley house Annual report, no. 1 (1897), 5 (1901/02) New York, N.Y. Health department Annual report. 1870/71-1880, 1889 In 1870 when a new city charter was granted, superseded: New York. Metro- politan board of health. Reports for 1881-1888 never published. New York, N.Y. Health department Food and drug bulletin, v. 2 (1920) no. 1 New York, N.Y. Health department Gramercy chronicle, v. 1 (1915), 2 (1916) Publication discontinued. New York, N.Y. Health department Monograph series, no. 1 (1912) New York, N.Y. Health department Monthly bulletin, v. 1 (1911) New York, N.Y. Health department Quarterly report. 1905-1910 Publication discontinued, 1911. New York, N.Y. Health department Reprint series, no. 1 (1912)-77, 79 New York, N.Y. Health department Sanitary code.* New York, N.Y. Health department Tuberculosis monographs, no. 1 (1916)-5 (1917) New York, N.Y. Health department Weekly bulletin, v. 1 (1909) New York, N.Y. Health department. Clinic for the treatment of communicable pulmon- ary diseases Report, no. 1 (1904/05) Only report published. New York, N.Y. Hebrew free loan society Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Hebrew orphan asylum Annual report, no. 46 (1868/69), 52, 54, 80- 93,95 New York, N.Y. Hebrew sheltering and im- migrant aid society Annual report, no. 3 (1911), 4, 6-8 (1916) Since 1917 report included in: New York, N.Y. Hebrew sheltering and immigrant aid society. Jewish immigration bulletin. New York, N.Y. Hebrew sheltering and im- migrant aid society Jewish immigration bulletin, v. 2 (1912) v. 3 no. 2, 5; v. 6 no. 1; v. 8 no. 3, 8; v. 9 no. 3 lacking. New York, N.Y. Hebrew sheltering guar- dian society Report, no. 1 (1879/80)-25, 34 (1911/13) New York, N.Y. Hebrew technical institute Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Hebrew technical institute for girls Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Herman Knapp memorial eye hospital Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Home for aged and infirm Hebrews Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Home for Hebrew infants Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Home for incurables Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Home for old men and aged couples Annual report.* New York, N.Y. for consumptives Report." * Current numbers only. 74 Hospital and house of rest GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York, N.Y. Hospital book and news- paper society Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Hospital bureau of stan- dards and supplies Annual report, no. 1 (1909/10), 2, 4 New York, N.Y. Hospital for deformities and joint diseases Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Hospital social service as- sociation Proceedings, no. 1 (1914)-5 (1918) Since 1919 papers and reports included in: Hospital social service quarterly. Previous to 1918 entitled: New York, N.Y. Conference on hospital social service. New York, N.Y. House and school of indus- try Annual report, no. 53 (1903)-63 (1913) New York, N.Y. House of mercy Annual report.* New York, N.Y. House of the Annunciation for crippled and incurable children Annual report.* New York, N.Y. House of the Holy Com- forter Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Annual report. 1918/19 New York, N.Y. Annual report. New York, N.Y. Annual report. New York, N.Y. Hudson guild 1909/10-1911/12,1914/15, Industrial removal office no. 5 (1905), 7, 11-17 (1917) Inebriety, Board of no. 1 (1913) Infant asylum Annual report, no. 15 (1886)-17, 20, 21, 35, 36 In March 1910 merged with the New York, N.Y. Nursery and children's hospital. New York, N.Y. Infirmary for women and children Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Institute for public service Annual report. 1915/16 New York, N.Y. Institute for public service Public service, no. 1 (1915)-14, 16-31, 36, 37, 42-44, 46, 48-53, 55 no. 113, 194, 195 lacking. New York, N.Y. Institution for the educa- tion of the blind Annual report, no. 3 (1838), 7, 9-28, 30- 56, 58 New York, N.Y. Institution for the im- proved instruction of deaf-mutes Annual report, no. 2 (1868/69)-13, 15-22, 32 New York, N.Y. Institution for the instruc- tion of the deaf and dumb Annual report, no. 1 (1818)-5, 9, 26-45, 47 New York, N.Y. Intercollegiate bureau of occupations Report, no. 1 (1911/13)-4 (1915/16) Bureau discontinued in 1918 when the New York office of the United States employ- ment service took over the labor side of the work. The National social workers ex- change took over the social work side. New York, N.Y. Irish emigrant society Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Isabella home Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Italian immigrant society Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Jacob A. Riis neighbor- hood settlement Annual report. 1901/02, 1904/05-1911/12, 1913/14, 1914/15, 1917/18 New York, N.Y. Jewish big brother associa- tion Annual report, no. 5 (1914/15) New York, N.Y. Jewish big sisters Bulletin, no. 2 (1918) New York, N.Y. Jewish community (Kehil- lah) Annual report, no. 1 (1909/10)-4 (1912/ 13) New York, N.Y. Jewish community (Kehil- lah) Jewish communal register of New York City. 1917/18 New York, N.Y. Jewish protectory and aid society Annual report, no. 1 (1907) Protectory located at Hawthorne. New York, N.Y. Jewish working girls' va- cation society Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Joint board of sanitary con- trol in the cloak, suit and skirt, and the dress and waist industries Annual report, no. 1 (1911)-7 New York, N.Y. Joint board of sanitary control in the cloak, suit and skirt, and the dress and waist industries Bulletin, v. 1 (1911-13) no. 1-10; v. 2 (1914) no. 1-3; no. 1 (1915)-8 (1915) no. 7 (1915) never published. New York, N.Y. Joint board of sanitary con- trol in the cloak, suit and skirt, and the dress and waist industries Sanitary control; monthly bulletin, v. 1 (1919) no. 1-3; v. 2 (1920) * Current numbers only. 75 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York, N.Y. Joint distribution commit- tee of funds for Jewish war sufferers Bulletin, v. 1 (1916/17)- v. 3 (1918) no. 1-6 New York, N.Y. Joint distribution commit- tee of funds for Jewish war sufferers Report. 1916 New York, N.Y. Juvenile asylum Annual report, no. 4 (1855)-! 1, 13, 14, 16 Asylum located at Dobbs Ferry. New York, N.Y. Kennedy house Annual report, no. 1 (1908), 5-8 (1915) New York, N.Y. Kindergarten association Annual report, no. 11 (1900/01) New York, N.Y. Kips Bay neighborhood association Bulletin.* New York, N.Y. Labor temple Bulletin, v. 1 (1910/11); v. 2 (1911/12) no. 1-4, 6-9, 12-21, 23; v. 3 (1913) no. 24, 26, 27, 29-31 Publication discontinued. New York, N.Y. Ladies' helping hand asso- ciation Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Laura Franklin free hos- pital for children Annual report.* New York, N.Y. League for business oppor- tunities for women Bulletin, v. 1 (1916/17) New York, N.Y. League for political educa- tion Reports of the director and treasurer.* New York, N.Y. Leake and Watts orphan house in the City of New York Report.* Orphanage located at Yonkers. New York, N.Y. Legal aid society Annual report, no. 19 (1894) New York, N.Y. Legal aid society Legal aid review; quarterly publication. v. 1 (1903) v. 1 no. 4; v. 2 no. 3; v. 3 no. 2, 3; y. 5 no. 1-3; v. 9 no. 1; v. 16 no. 3, 4 lacking. New York, N.Y. Lenox Hill hospital Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Lenox Hill settlement Annual report. 1896/97-1900/01, 1902/03, 1905/06, 1908/09 Previous to 1911 entitled: New York, N.Y. Alumnae settlement. New York, N.Y. Licenses, Department of Report.* New York, N.Y. Lisa day nursery Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Little mothers' aid asso- ciation Annual report. 1908, 1912/13-1914/15 New York, N.Y. Loan relief association Annual report, no. 3 (1880) New York, N.Y. Lying-in hospital society Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Madison Avenue exchange for women's work Report.* New York, N.Y. Madison Square boys' club Report.* New York, N.Y. Manhattan eye, ear, and throat hospital Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Manhattan trade school for girls Annual report, no. 1 (1903)-6 (1909) Since 1913 report included in: New York, N.Y. Education department. Annual re- port of the city superintendent of schools. A private institution until September 1910 when the school was taken over by the City. New York, N.Y. Manhattanville nursery association Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Margaret Strachan home Annual report. 1898/99-1901, 1903-1907, 1909 New York, N.Y. Mariners' family asylum Annual report.* Home located at Stapleton. New York, N.Y. Masonic hall and asylum fund, Trustees of Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Mayors' committee of women on national defense Annual report of the Women's agricultural camp, Bedford, N.Y. 1917 New York, N.Y. Mayor's committee on na- tional defense. Industry and employment, Committee on Report. 1917 New York, N.Y. Report.* New York, N.Y. Merchants' association Greater New York; bulletin, v. 1 (1912) New York, N.Y. Merchants' association Year book.* New York, N.Y. Methodist Episcopal church home Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Metropolitan hospital train- ing school for nurses (Blackwell's Island) Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Metropolitan museum of art Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Metropolitan museum of art Bulletin, v. 1 (1905) Memorial day nursery * Current numbers only. 76 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York, N.Y. Metropolitan throat hos- pital Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Milk committee Report, no. 3 (1908/09)-7, 10 (1907-16) New York, N.Y. Montefiore home Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Montefiore home. Social service department Annual report. 1916 New York, N.Y. Mount Sinai hospital Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Municipal civil service commission Annual report, no. 2 (1885) New York, N.Y. Music school settlement Annual report. 1905/06-1908/09, 1915 New York, N.Y. National employment ex- change Annual report, no. 1 (1909/10)-7 (1915/ 16) Publication of annual reports discontinued as the Manual labor branch was closed in 1917. New York, N.Y. Negro fresh air committee Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Netherland benevolent so- ciety Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Annual report. New York, N.Y. Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Annual report. New York, N.Y. New York league for the hard of hearing, inc. Annual report, no. 2 (1913/14) Previous to May 1914 entitled: New York, N.Y. Nitchie service league. New York, N.Y. North-eastern dispensary Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Northern dispensary Annual report.* New York, N.Y. North-western dispensary Annual report.* New York, N.Y. tal Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Ophthalmic hospital Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Orphan asylum society in the City of New York Annual report, no. 20 (1825/26), 90 (1893)- 103, 105 Orphanage located at Hastings-on-Hudson. Neurological institute no. 1 (1909/10), 2, 4 New York dispensary i New York hospital society 1900 Nursery and child's hospi- New York, N.Y. Orphans' home and asylum of the Protestant Episcopal church Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Orthopaedic dispensary and hospital Year book.* New York, N.Y. Parks and playgrounds as- sociation Report. 1908-1912/15 New York, N.Y. Parks department Annual report. 1898 In 1898 superseded: .New York, N.Y. Pub- lic parks, Department of. New York, N.Y. Parks department. Bureau of recreation Annual report, no. 1 (1910/11), 2 (1911/12) New York, N.Y. Parole commission Annual report. 1916, 1918 In December 1915 superseded: New York, N.Y. Reformatory for misdemeanants, Board of parole of. New York, N.Y. Peabody home for aged and indigent women Annual report.* New York, N.Y. People's institute Annual report, no. 11 (1907/08), 16 New York, N.Y. People's institute. Social center committee Pamphlets, no. 1 (1915?), 2 (1915) New York, N.Y. Training school for com- munity workers Announcement. 1915/16-1918/19 School discontinued, 1919. New York, N.Y. People's university exten- sion society Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Philanthropic research, Bureau of Publications, no. 1 (1917), 3 (1918) New York, N.Y. Philanthropin hospital Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Police department Annual report. 1885-1904, 1906 New York, N.Y. Police department. Police pension fund Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Police justices, Board of Annual report, no. 1 (1873/74)-15, 19 (1891/92) New York, N.Y. Post-graduate hospital Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Presbyterian home for aged women Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Presbyterian hospital Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Probation and protective association Annual report, no. 1 (1908/09) * Current numbers only. 77 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York, N.Y. Protestant Episcopal city mission society Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Provident loan society Annual report, no. 1 (1894/95)-5, 7 New York, N.Y. Public charities and cor- rection, Commissioners of Annual report, no. 11 (1870), 12, 16-34 (1893) From 1860-1870 the board of Commission- ers of public charities and correction re- ported to the State legislature. After 1870 when the new city charter was granted the Commissioners ceased to report to the Leg- islature and reported to the City. In 1896 superseded by: New York, N.Y. Public charities department and New York, N.Y. Correction department. New York, N.Y. Public charities department Annual report. 1902 In 1896 this Department and the New York, N.Y. Correction department super- seded: New York, N.Y. Public charities and correction, Commissioners of. No reports issued previous to 1902. 1916 re- port never published. New York, N.Y. Public charities department Charities bulletin, no. 1 (1917)-3 (1917) Publication discontinued with no. 4 (1917) New York, N.Y. Public charities department Departmental estimate annual report. 1895 -1898, 1901-1903, 1905, 1906, 1909, 1910 New York, N.Y. Public education associa- tion Annual report. 1895-1911/13 1910/11 report never published. New York, N.Y. Public education associa- tion Bulletin, no. 1 (1912)-31 (1917) New York, N.Y. Public education associa- tion The Public and the schools, no. 1 (1918) no. 3 lacking. New York, N.Y. Public employment bureau Monthly report. May 1915-August 1917. In 1918 taken over by the United States employment service as a war measure. New York, N.Y. Report.* Public library New York, N.Y. Public library, reference branch Municipal reference library notes. (1914/15) Municipal v. 1 New York, N.Y. Public library. Municipal reference branch Special reports, no. 1 (1918) New York, N.Y. Public parks, Department of Annual report, no. 1 (1870/7 1)-3 (1872/ 73); 1893/94, 1897/98 In 1870 superseded: New York, N.Y. Cen- tral park, Commissioners of. In 1898 superseded by: New York, N.Y. Parks department. From 1874-1893 and from 1895-1897 no re- ports were issued except the Quarterly re- ports printed in the City record or in the Minutes and documents of the Board of commissioners. New York, N.Y. Public school athletic league Year book.* New York, N.Y. Rand school of social science. Department of labor research American labor year book. 1916 New York, N.Y. Recreation, Committee on Report. 1916 New York, N.Y. Reformatory of misde- meanants, Board of parole of Annual report, no. 1 (1906)-8 (1913) Reformatory located on Hart's Island. In December 1915 superseded by: New York, N.Y. Parole commission. New York, N.Y. Richmond Hill house Annual report, no. 3 (1905/06)-7 (1910/11) New York, N.Y. Roosevelt hospital Annual report.* New York, N.Y. St. Agnes nursery of the Church of the Ascension Annual report.* New York, N.Y. St. Andrew's convalescent hospital Annual report.* New York, N.Y. St. Bartholomew's church Year book.* New York, N.Y. St. George's church Year book.* New York, N.Y. St. George's society Annual report and constitution.* New York, N.Y. St. John's guild Annual report.* New York, N.Y. St. Joseph day nursery Annual report.* New York, N.Y. St. Joseph's hospital for consumptives Report.* New York, N.Y. women Annual report.* New York, N.Y. St. Luke's home for aged St. Luke's hospital Annual report.* New York, N.Y. St. Luke's hospital. Social service Annual report, no. 1 (1914) Previous to 1917 entitled: New York, N.Y. St. Luke's hospital. Auxiliary. * Current numbers only. 78 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Sanitarium for Hebrew New York, N.Y. St. Mary's free hospital for children Annual report.* New York, N.Y. St. Thomas's church Year book.* New York, N.Y. Samaritan home for the aged Annual report.* New York, N.Y. children Annual report.* Sanitarium located at Rockaway Park. New York, N.Y. School garden association Annual report, no. 1 (1908/09) New York, N.Y. School of philanthropy Library bulletin, no. 1 (1911)-11 (1913) New York, N.Y. School of philanthropy Studies in social work. no. 1 (1915)-! 1 (1917) New York, N.Y. School of philanthropy see also New York, N.Y. School of social work New York, N.Y. School of social work Bulletin, v. 1 (1907) Previous to April 1919 entitled : New York, N.Y. School of philanthropy. New York, N.Y. School of social work Studies in social work: Monographs in child welfare, no. 1 (1919) New York, N.Y. Seton hospital and the Nazareth branch Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Shelter for respectable girls Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Sheltering arms Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Silver Cross day nursery Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Societe Beige de bienfai- sance Rapport du President.* New York, N.Y. Societe Francaise de bien- faisance Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Society for the employment and relief of poor women Annual report, no. 28 (1872), 44, 47, 49 New York, N.Y. Society for the encourage- ment of faithful domestic servants Annual report, no. 2 (1827), 3 (1828) New York, N.Y. Society for the prevention of crime Annual report, no. 2 (1877/78), 6, 12, 13 (1888/89); 1896, 1903, 1908/09, 1909/16 New York, N.Y. Society for the prevention of crime Bulletin, no. 1 (1908) no. 12, 17, 21, 22, 29, 34 lacking. New York, N.Y. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children Annual report, no. 1 (1875) New York, N.Y. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children Manual.* New York, N.Y. Society for the prevention of pauperism in the City of New York Annual report, no. 1 (1818), 2, 4-6 (1822) New York, N.Y. Society for the" reformation of juvenile delinquents Annual report, no. 1 (1825)-7, 10-20, 22- 24, 26-30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 39-45, 47, 48, 50 -52, 54 House of refuge located on Randall's Island. New York, N.Y. Society for the relief of destitute children of seamen Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Society for the relief of half orphan and destitute children Annual report, no. 10 (1845), 15, 23-25, 30, 33, 38, 39, 49, 55, 57, 60, 63, 76, 77, 79 New York, N.Y. Society for the relief of poor widows with small children Report.* New York, N.Y. Society for the relief of the destitute blind Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Society for the relief of the ruptured and crippled Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Society for the suppression of vice Annual report, no. 1 (1874/75), 2, 4 New York, N.Y. Society for the welfare of the Jewish deaf Annual report, no. 3 (1913/14) New York, N.Y. Solomon and Betty Loeb memorial home for convalescents Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Street cleaning department Annual report. 1898-1900, 1902 New York, N.Y. Sunnyside day nursery Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Swiss benevolent society Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Sydenham hospital and dispensary Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Taxes and assessments de- partment Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Tenement house depart- ment Report, no. 1 (1902)-9 New York, N.Y. Throat, nose, and lung hospital Annual report.* * Current numbers only. 79 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York, N.Y. Trade school Catalogue.* New York, N.Y. Travelers' aid society Annual report, no. 2 (1906/07) no. 1 never published. New York, N.Y. Tribune fresh air fund aid society Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Trinity chapel home for aged women Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Trinity church Year book.* New York, N.Y. Trinity church association Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Tuberculosis association, inc. Bulletin, v. 1 (1920) no. 1 An outgrowth of the New York, N.Y. Char- ity organization society. Prevention of tu- berculosis committee. New York, N.Y. Union settlement Annual report, no. 7 (1902), 10-20 (1914/ 15); 1918 New York, N.Y. United employment bureau Annual report, no. 1 (1917) Formed in 1916 by the merger of the New York, N.Y. Alliance employment bureau and the New York, N.Y. Vacation associa- tion. Vacation war relief committee. New York, N.Y. United Hebrew charities Annual report, no. 4 (1877/78)-6, 8-42 (1915/16) New York, N.Y. United Hebrew charities Other side. no. 1 (1915)-4 (1916) New York, N.Y. United hospital fund Annual report, no. 29 (1907/08), 31 Previous to 1916 entitled: New York, N.Y. Hospital Saturday and Sunday association. New York, N.Y. University settlement so- ciety Annual report, no. 1 (1892) New York, N.Y. University settlement so- ciety University settlement studies; quarterly publication, v. 1 (1904)-3 (1907) New York, N.Y. Vacant lot gardening asso- ciation Annual report, no. 1 (1906)-4 (1910) New York, N.Y. Vacation association Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Vacation association. Va- cation war relief committee Annual report, no. 1 (1915) In 1916 this Committee and the New York, N.Y. Alliance employment bureau were merged to form the New York, N. Y. United employment bureau. New York, N.Y. Vanderbilt clinic Report on tuberculosis work. 1904, 1905 From 1906-1908 report included in: New York, N. Y. Vanderbilt clinic. Visiting nursing, Department of. Annual report. New York, N.Y. Vanderbilt clinic. Visiting nursing, Department of Annual report. 1906, 1907, 1908 Since 1909 report included in: New York, N.Y. Vanderbilt clinic auxiliary. Annual report. New York, N.Y. Vanderbilt clinic auxiliary Annual report, no. 1 (1909) New York, N.Y. Warren Goddard house Annual report, no. 15 (1906)-23, 26 New York, N.Y. Washington Square associa- tion Bulletin, no. 4 (1907), 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15-18, 21-28 (1917) New York, N.Y. Washington Square associa- tion Year book. no. 2 (1908), 3, 6, 7, 9, 11 New York, N.Y. Washington Square home for friendless girls Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Wayside day nursery Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Webb's academy and school for shipbuilders Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Wesley house settlement Annual report.* New York, N.Y. West Side day nursery, kindergarten and industrial school Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Widowed mothers' fund as- sociation Report. 1912/13-1916 New York, N.Y. Woman's hospital Annual report.* New York, N.Y. Woman's municipal league Bulletin, v. 1 (1902/03)-8 (1910/11) Publication discontinued. New York, N.Y. Woman's municipal league Bulletins: Women and the city's work. v. 1 (1915/16) April 19, 1920 lacking. New York, N.Y. Woman's municipal league Quarterly, v. 1 (1912) no. 1, 2; v. 2 (1913) no. 1 New York, N.Y. Woman's municipal league Yearbook. 1910/11-1913/14 New York, N.Y. Woman's municipal league. Research bureau Annual report. 1906 Bureau discontinued. New York, N.Y. Women's city club. Bien- gtre du blesse woman's motor unit Report. 1917-19 * Current numbers only. 80 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York, N.Y. Women's prison associa- tion and Isaac T. Hopper home Annual report, no. 4 (1847), 5, 7, 9-15, 39, 58 Previous to 1854 entitled: New York, N.Y. Female department of New York prison as- sociation. New York, N.Y. Women's trade union league Annual report. 1906 New York, N.Y. Working women's protec- tive union Annual report, no. 5 (1868), 7, 12-16, 18, 23, 31 (1892/93) New York, N.Y. Young men's Hebrew asso- ciation Bulletin.* New York, N.Y. Young women's Hebrew as- sociation Annual report.* New York libraries v. 1 (1907) New Zealand Official year book.* New Zealand. Government insurance de- partment Annual report.* New Zealand. Government insurance de- partment Government insurance recorder, no. 1 (1897) -48 (1916) New Zealand. Government insurance de- partment. Accident insurance branch Annual report. 1912, 1915, 1917 New Zealand. Hospitals and charitable aid department Report. 1906/07, 1907/08, 1909/10 In 1909 (?) this Department and the New Zealand. Public health department were merged to form the New Zealand. Public health, hospitals and charitable aid, De- partment of. New Zealand. Justice department. Prisons board Annual report. 1912 Previous to 1915 entitled: New Zealand. Justice department. Prisons branch. Pri- sons board. New Zealand. Labour department Annual report, no. 18 (1908/09) New Zealand. Labour department Awards, agreements and decisions under the Industrial, conciliation and arbitration act.* New Zealand. Labour department Journal, no. 242 (1913)-290 (1917) no. 258 lacking. Publication discontinued with no. 290. New Zealand. Labour department Report on workers' dwellings. 1907/08, 1912/13-1914/15 Since 1915 report included in: New Zea- land. Labour department. Annual report, appendix 3. New Zealand. Pensions department Report of the Commissioner, no. 1 (1898/ 99) New Zealand. Prisons department Report on prisons, and report on the opera- tions of the First offenders' probation act, 1908. 1906 Previous to 1916 entitled: New Zealand. Justice department. Prisons branch. New Zealand. Public health department Annual report. 1908/09, 1909/10 In 1909 (?) this Department and the New Zealand. Hospitals and charitable aid de- partment were merged to form the New Zealand. Public health, hospitals and char- itable aid, Department of. New Zealand. Public health, hospitals and charitable aid, Department of Journal, v. 1 (1916/17) New Zealand. Public health, hospitals and charitable aid, Department of Public health reports, no. 1 (1916), 2 (1917) New Zealand. Public health, hospitals and charitable aid, Department of Report. 1911/12 Formed in 1909 (?) by the merger of New Zealand. Public health department and New Zealand. Hospitals and charitable aid department. New Zealand. Public service superannuation fund Actuarial examination. 1908-10 New Zealand. Public service superannuation fund Report, no. 1 (1908) New Zealand. Royal New Zealand society for the health of women and children Annual report, no. 3 (1909/10), 5 Previous to 1915/16 entitled: New Zea- land. Society for the health of women and children. New Zealand. Royal New Zealand society for the health of women and children Report of the general conference, no. 4 (1914), 5 (1917) Previous to 1915/16 entitled: New Zea- land. Society for the health of women and children. New Zealand. Teachers' superannuation fund Report. 1913-1915 Newark, N.J. Anti-tuberculosis association Annual report, no. 1 (1909/10)-4, 6, 7 (1915) * Current numbers only. 81 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Newark, N.J. Associated charities, Bureau of Annual report, no. 1 (1882/83), 7 Newark, N.J. Babies' hospital Annual report.* Newark, N.J. Free public library Annual report.* Newark, N.J. Health, Department of Annual report. 1909, 1913, 1915, 1916, 1918 Newark, N.J. Health, Department of Health bulletin, n.s. v. 1 (1917) Newark, N.J. Hebrew benevolent and or- phan asylum society, and United Hebrew charities Annual report, no. 57 (1918) Newark, N.J. Home for crippled children Annual report.* Newark, N.J. Recreation commissioners, Board of Annual report. 1907/08-1911, 1913 Previous to 1915 entitled: Newark, N.J. Playground commissioners, Board of. Newark, N.J. Shade tree commission Annual report.* Newburgh, N.Y. Agency for dependent chil- dren Annual report, no. 1 (1894/95)-4, 19 Newburgh, N.Y. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1885/86)-19, 21 Newburyport, Mass. Anti-tuberculosis as- sociation Annual report.* Newburyport, Mass. Associated charities Annual report. 1912/14-1916/17 Newport, R.I. Charity organization society Annual report, no. 1 (1879) Newport, R.I. Civic league Civic league bulletin, v. 9 (1914/15) v. 12 no. 11 lacking. Newport, R.I. Health, Board of Annual report.* Newport, R.I. Health, Board of Statement of mortality.* Newport, R.I. Recreation commission, Board of Annual report. 1915 Newton, Mass. Associated charities Annual report, no. 5 (1892/93)-14, 20, 22- 25 (1913) Association discontinued, 1914. Newton, Mass. Health department Annual report.* Newton, Mass. Planning board Annual report, no. 1 (1914), 3 Newton, Mass. Welfare bureau Annual report, no. 1 (1915/16) Nineteenth century and after* Norfolk, Va. Beautifying the city, Commis- sion on Report, no. 2 (1912/13), 3 (1913/15) Norfolk, Va. Health department Monthly report.* Norfolk, Va. Playground commission Annual report, no. 2 (1913/14)-4 Norfolk, Va. United charities Annual report, no. 28 (1909/10) Norristown, Pa. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1908/09) North American civic league for immi- grants Annual report.* North Carolina. Caswell training school (Kinston) Biennial report, no. 1 (1911-12) Previous to 1915 entitled: North Carolina. School for the feeble-minded (Kinston). North Carolina. Conference for social ser- vice Social service quarterly, v. 1 (1913)-5 (1917) Publication suspended. North Carolina. Forsyth county. Board of charities and public welfare Annual report: Child welfare, no. 1 (1919) North Carolina. Health, State board of Biennial report. 1912/14, 1914/16 North Carolina. Health, State board of Bulletin (monthly).* North Carolina. Labor and printing depart- ment Annual report, no. 2 (1888), 3, 7, 11-13, 16 no. 6 never published. North Carolina. Library commission Biennial report.* North Carolina. Oxford orphan asylum Annual report, no. 42 (1913/14) North Carolina. Sanatorium for the treat- ment of tuberculosis (Sanatorium) Annual report, no. 2 (1914/15) North Carolina. State board of charities and public welfare Bulletin, v. 1 (1918) North Carolina. State board of charities and public welfare Report. 1889, 1891-1916 Since 1917 report included in: North Caro- lina. State board of charities and public welfare. Bulletin. Previous to 1917 when the powers and duties of the Board were enlarged by the Legis- lature, entitled: North Carolina. Public charities board. North Carolina. State hospitals for the in- sane (Raleigh, Goldsboro, Morganton) Reports of the Board of directors and su- perintendents.* * Current numbers only. 82 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS North Carolina. State school for the blind and the deaf (Raleigh) Report. 1916/18 North Carolina. State's prison (Raleigh) Report. 1909-10-1915-14 North Carolina. University of North Caro- lina Extension leaflets.* North Dakota. Administration, Board of Annual report, no. 1 (1919) In 1919 superseded: North Dakota. Board of control of state institutions, Board of education, and Board of regents. North Dakota. Agriculture and labor com- missioner Biennial report, no. 11 (1908-10) North Dakota. Anti-tuberculosis association Pennant.* North Dakota. Board of control of state in- stitutions Biennial report, no. 1 (1910/12)-3 (1914/ 16) In 1919 superseded by: North Dakota. Ad- ministration, Board of. North Dakota. Children's home society Children's home finder.* North Dakota. Health, State board of Biennial report, no. 8 (1903-04), 12, 13, 15 no. 14 never published. North Dakota. Health, State board of Bulletin.* North Dakota. Public library commission Biennial report.* North Dakota. State penitentiary (Bis- marck) Biennial report. 1906/08-1908/10 From 1910/12-1914/16 reports included in: North Dakota. Board of control of state institutions. Biennial report. North Riding, Yorkshire, England. School medical officer Annual report.* Northampton, Mass. Clarke school for the deaf Annual report.* Northern Baptist convention. Social ser- vice commission Bulletin, no. 1 (n.d.), 10, 14, 16, 18, 19 (1915) Norway. Expeditionschef for faengselsvae- senet Faengselsstyrelsens aarbok. 1902-1916 Norway. Riksforsikringsanstalten Fiskerforsikringen. 1909 Norway. Riksforsikringsanstalten Industristatistik. 1895- Norway. Riksforsikringsanstalten Ulykkesforsikringen. 1895 Norwich, Conn. United workers Annual report, no. 9 (1885)-12, 15 Norwood, Mass. Civic association Civic herald.* Nottingham, England. Medical officer of health Annual report, no. 17 (1905), 24-27 Nottingham, England. Senior medical of- ficer Medical inspection and treatment of school children.* Nova Scotia. Charities department Report. 1904 Nova Scotia. Factories inspector Annual report, no. 1 (1907/08)-4 (1910/11) Nova Scotia. Humane institutions, Inspec- tor of Annual report. 1914/15 Nova Scotia. Neglected and dependent chil- dren, Superintendent of Report.* Nova Scotia. Penal institutions Annual report, no. 1 (1901), 3, 4, 6, 8-14, 17 Nova Scotia. Public works and mines, De- partment of Annual report of the mine. 1913/14 Nova Scotia. Workmen's compensation board Report. 1917 Oakdale, Pa. Boys' industrial home of West- ern Pennsylvania Report.* Oakland, Cal. Associated charities Annual report. 1893/94, 1896/97, 1897/98, 1902/03, 1905/06, 1908/09 Oakland, Cal. Health department Monthly bulletin.* Oakland, Cal. West Oakland home for the care and training of orphans, half orphans and destitute children Annual report.* Ohio. Administration board Annual report, no. 1 (1911/12) Ohio. Administration board Ohio state institution journal, v. 1 (1918/ 19)- Ohio. Administration board Publications, no. 1 (1914) Ohio. Arbitration board Annual report. 1893-1906, 1911-12 In September 1913 superseded by: Industrial commission. * Current numbers only. 83 Ohio. GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Ohio. Association of children's homes Annual convention, no. 5 (1886), 8, 9 (1890) The Ohio State conference of charities and correction was formed at the Convention of 1891 and in 1892 the Association of chil- dren's homes became a section of the Con- ference. In 1913 the Ohio State conference on dependent children was formed to meet the demand for a stronger organization dealing with children's homes. Ohio. Blind commission Annual report, no. 1 (1908)-5 (1912) Ohio. Children's home society Beacon light.* Ohio. Health, State board of Annual report, no. 16 (1900/01)-30 (1915) Ohio. Health, State board of Ohio public health journal, v. 1 (1911) In 1911 superseded: Ohio. Health, State board of. Quarterly bulletin. Previous to 1915 entitled: Monthly bulle- tin. Ohio. Health, State board of Ohio sanitary bulletin, v. 10 (1906)-12 (1908) In 1909 superseded by: Ohio. Health, State board of. Quarterly bulletin. Ohio. Health, State board of Quarterly bulletin, v. 1 (1909), 2 (1910) In 1909 superseded: Ohio. Health, State board of. Ohio sanitary bulletin. In 1911 superseded by: Ohio. Health, State board of. Ohio public health journal. Ohio. Industrial commission Bulletin, v. 1 (1913/14) v. 4 no. 1, 2, 14 lacking. In September 1913 superseded: Ohio. Ar- bitration board, Ohio. Inspection depart- ment, and Ohio. Labor statistics bureau. Ohio. Industrial commission. Investigation and statistics department Report, no. 1 (1913)-17 (1915) no. 16 lacking. Ohio. Inspection department Annual report of workshops, factories and public buildings, no. 18 (1901)-28 (1910/ 11) In September 1913 superseded by: Ohio. Industrial commission. Ohio. Institute for public efficiency Annual report, no. 4 (1916/17) Ohio. Institution for feeble-minded (Colum- bus) Annual report, no. 1 (1857), 13, 17, 27, 30, 32, 34, 41-43, 45, 47, 49-52 (1908/09) no. 53 and 54 never published. Since 1911 report included in: Ohio. Ad- ministration board. Annual report. Ohio. Labor statistics bureau Annual report, no. 2 (1878), 7, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24-36 (1911) In September 1913 superseded by: Ohio. Industrial commission. Ohio. Labor statistics bureau Bulletin, no. 45 (1912)-49 (1913) In September 1913 superseded by: Ohio. Industrial commission. Ohio. Montgomery and Preble counties. District tuberculosis hospital Annual report.* Ohio. National defense, Council of Americanization bulletin, no. 1 (n.d.)-6 Ohio. Penitentiary (Columbus) Annual report. 1876/77, 1907/08-1911/12 Since 1911 report included in: Ohio. Ad- ministration board. Annual report. Ohio. Society for the prevention of tubercu- losis Report. 1911/12, 1914/18 Ohio. State charities board Report, no. 1 (1876)-23 (1897/98) From 1898/99-1910-11 report included in: Ohio. State charities board. Bulletin. Ohio. State charities board Bulletin, v. 1 (1891) Previous to 1897 entitled: Circular. Ohio. State conference of charities and cor- rection Proceedings, no. 1 (1892)-6 (1896) Since 1897 proceedings included in: Ohio. State charities board. Bulletin. Ohio. State conference on child welfare Ohio child ; a bulletin devoted to child wel- fare, no. 1 (1919) Ohio. State conference on dependent children Proceedings. 1914-1916 Ohio. State federation of labor Proceedings. 1910-1913, 1915 Ohio. State library, Commissioners of Annual report.* Ohio. Vital statistics bureau Annual report, no. 1 (1909)-5 (1913) Oklahoma. Charities and corrections, De- partment of Quarterly bulletin, no. 1 (April 1920) Oklahoma. Charities and corrections com- missioner Report, no. 1 (1908) Oklahoma. Charities and corrections com- missioner Monthly bulletin, v. 1 (1912/13), v. 2 (1913) no. 2 Publication discontinued, 1913. Oklahoma. Labor department Annual report, no. 2 (1908/09)-5 (1911/12) * Current numbers only. 84 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Oklahoma. Public health, State department of Biennial report, no. 2 (1910/12) Oklahoma. State federation of labor Proceedings, no. 6 (1909), 10, 14 (1917) Oklahoma. State industrial commission Annual report, no. 1 (1915/16) Oklahoma. Tuberculosis association Annual report, no. 1 (1917/18) Omaha, Neb. Associated charities Annual report. 1893/94-1896/97,1909/10 Omaha, Neb. Health department Report.* Omaha, Neb. Jewish welfare federation Report. 1919 Omaha, Neb. Public welfare, Board of Annual report, no. 1 (1916) Ontario. Auxiliary classes, Inspector of Annual report, no. 1 (1915) Ontario. Education, Minister of Report.* Ontario. Factory inspection branch Annual report, no. 1 (1888)-28 (1914/15) Since 1915 report included in: Ontario. Trades and labour branch. Annual report. Ontario. Feeble-minded in Ontario, Inspec- tor of Annual report, no. 2 (1907)-! 1, 14 Ontario. Friendly societies, Registrar of Report. 1912 Ontario. Health, Provincial board of Annual report, no. 1 (1882)-4, 6, 8-10, 12, 13, 15 Ontario. Labour bureau Annual report, no. 1 (1900)-16 (1915) Ontario. Neglected and dependent children, Superintendent of Annual report, no. 1 (1893) Ontario. Prisons and public charities, In- spector of Annual report, no. 6 (1872/73), 7, 9-14 (1880/81) The Annual report included the following: 1. Annual report upon hospitals and char- itable institutions, 2. Annual report upon hospitals for feeble- minded and epileptics, 3. Annual report upon hospitals for the in- sane, 4. Annual report upon prisons and reforma- tories. Since 1881 these reports issued separately. Ontario. Prisons and public charities, In- spector of Annual report upon the Central prison and reformatories, no. 20 (1892/93)-25 (1897/ 98) Ontario. Prisons and public charities, In- spector of Annual report upon hospitals and charit- able institutions, no. 13 (1881/82), 15, 17- 20, 23-44 (1912/13) Previous to 1881 report included in: On- tario. Prisons and public charities, Inspec- tor of. Annual report. Ontario. Prisons and public charities, In- spector of Annual report upon hospitals for feeble- minded and epileptics. 1909, 1910/11, 1911/12 From 1876-1880/81 report included in: On- tario. Prisons and public charities, Inspec- tor of. Annual report. From 1881/82-1907 report included in: On- tario. Prisons and public charities, Inspec- tor of. Annual report upon hospitals for the insane. Ontario. Prisons and public charities, In- spector of. Annual report upon hospitals for the insane. no. 15 (1881/82), 22, 25-45, 47 Previous to 1881 report included in: On- tario. Prisons and public charities, Inspec- tor of. Annual report. Ontario. Prisons and public charities, In- spector of Annual report upon prisons and reforma- tories, no. 15 (1881/82), 22, 25-37, 39, 41, 44, 46 (1912/13) Previous to 1881 report included in: On- tario. Prisons and public charities, Inspec- tor of. Annual report. Ontario. Registrar general Infant mortality (annual report), no. 1 (1909)-3 (1911) Ontario. Registrar general Report relating to the registration of births, marriages and deaths, no. 9 (1878), 10, 13, 14, 16, 18 Ontario. Trades and labour branch Annual report, no. 1 (1916) Ontario. Workmen's compensation board Report, no. 1 (1915) Orange, N.J. Associated charities bureau Annual report. 1883, 1884, 1892/93, 1894/ 95 Orange, N.J. Children's aid and protective society of the Oranges Annual report. 1909/10-1914/15 Orange, N.J. Fresh air work Annual report.* Orange, N.J. Health, Board of Annual report, no. 5 (1912) Orange, N.J. Milk committee of the Oranges Report. 1916 Orange, N.J. Orphan society Annual report.* * Current numbers only. 85 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Oregon. Boys' and girls' aid society Annual report, no. 24 (1908/09)-27, 30 Oregon. Child labor. Board of inspectors of Report, no. 1 (1911-12), 7 (1915-16) Oregon. Child welfare commission Biennial report, no. 1 (1913/15) Oregon. Health, State board of Report, [biennial] 1904/06-1908/10; [an- nual] 1909, 1910, 1912 Oregon. Industrial welfare commission Biennial report, no. 1 (1913-14) Oregon. Industrial welfare commission Industrial welfare commission order, no. 1 (1913)-5 (1913) Oregon. Labor statistics, Bureau of, and In- spector of factories and workshops Biennial report, no. 2 (1904/06)-6, 8 Oregon. Social hygiene society Annual report, no. 1 (1911/12), 2, 4 Previous to 1913 entitled: Portland, Ore. Social hygiene society. Oregon. Social hygiene society Bulletin, v. 1 (1913/14)-3 (1915/16) Publication discontinued, 1916. Oregon. Social hygiene society Pamphlets, no. 1 (1917), 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 21, 23, 25, 26, 29 (1917) Oregon. State board of charities and correc- tions Biennial report, no. 1 (1891/92) Board discontinued, December 1892. Oregon. State board of control Biennial report, no. 1 (1912/14) Oregon. State conference of charities and correction Report of proceedings, v. 1 (1902), 2 (1903) No report published since 1904. Oregon. State federation of labor Proceedings, no. 7 (1910) Oregon. State industrial accident commis- sion Report, no. 1 (1914/15) Oregon. State land board. Rural credits de- partment Report, no. 1 (1917/18) Oshkosh, Wis. Associated charities Annual report. 1913/14 Oskaloosa, Iowa. Social service league Annual report, no. 2 (1915/16) Ossining, N.Y. Hospital association Annual report.* Ottawa, Ontario. Vacant lot association Annual report, no. 1 (1917) Outlook for the blind v. 1 (1907) * Current Oxford, England. Barnett house Annual report. 1918/19 Oxford, England. Barnett house Barnett house papers, no. 1 (1917) Pacific Coast. Conference of charities Proceedings, no. 1 (1886) Pacific co-operative league Pacific co-operator.* Paisley, Scotland. Association for improv- ing the condition of the poor Annual report, no. 37 (1914/15) Palo Alto, Cal. Health department Report.* Paris, France. Administration generale de 1'assistance publique Rapport sur le service des enfants assistes du department de la Seine. 1904, 1905, 1907 -1910 Paris, France. Fondation Pierre Budin Assemblee generale. 1910, 1911 Paris, France. L'CEuvre Henry Coullet du "lait maternal" Assemblee generale annuelle. 1910 Paris, France. Office central des oeuvres de bienfaisance Annuaire. 1903/04-1914/15 Paris, France. Office central des oeuvres de bienfaisance Bulletin, no. 1 (1910)-15 (1915) Pasadena, Cal. Associated charities Annual report. 1911/12 Pasadena, Cal. Welfare bureau Annual report, no. 1 (1916/17) Passaic, N.J. Playground association Annual report, no. 1 (1909/10) Paterson, N.J. Charity organization society Annual report, no. 1 (1899/1900) 1911/12 report never published. Paterson, N.J. Health board Annual report.* Paterson, N.J. Health board Statement of vital statistics.* Pawtucket, R.I. Associated charities Annual report. 1907/08 Peabody education fund Proceedings of the trustees, no. 1 (1867)-60 (1914) Pedagogical seminary v. 20 (1913) Peekskill, N.Y. Associated charities Annual report. 1912/13, 1913/14 Penal reform league Annual report, no. 4 (1910/11) Penal reform league Publications, no. 1 (1908?)-4, 6, 8-14 (1917) numbers only. 86 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Penal reform league Quarterly record, v. 1 (1909)-v. 8 (1919) no. 1-2 Previous to 1913 entitled: Monthly record. Pennsylvania. Allegheny county work-house (Pittsburgh) Annual report.* Pennsylvania. Association for the blind Annual report, no. 5 (1914) Pennsylvania . Association of directors of the poor and charities and corrections Proceedings, v. 1 (1876)-27, 29 Pennsylvania. Censors, State board of Report. 1914 Previous to 1917/18 entitled: Pennsyl- vania. Censors of motion pictures, State board of. Pennsylvania. Children's aid society Annual report, no. 2 (1883/84) Pennsylvania. Conference of industrial phy- sicians and surgeons Proceedings, no. 1 (1916) Pennsylvania. Conference of tuberculosis workers Proceedings, v. 1 (1911)-3 (1913) Proceedings for 1914 included in: Pennsyl- vania. Tuberculosis society. Year book. 1913/14. No conference held since 1914. Pennsylvania. Conference on social welfare Proceedings, v. 1 (1909)-4 (1912); 1916 No proceedings published for 1913, 1915 and 1917. Previous to 1915 entitled: Pennsylvania. Conference of charities and corrections. Pennsylvania. Dixmont hospital for the in- sane Annual report. 1912/13 Pennsylvania. Eastern Pennsylvania state institution for the feeble-minded and epi- leptic (Spring City) Biennial report. 1910/12 Pennsylvania. Epileptic hospital and colony farm (Oakbourne) Annual report, no. 5 (1900)-8, 10-12, 15 Pennsylvania. Factory inspector Annual report, no. 14 (1902/03)-23 (1912) Department discontinued, 1913. Pennsylvania. Free library commission Report.* Pennsylvania. Glen Mills schools (Glen Mills and Darlington) Annual report, no. 1 (1828/29), 8, 10, 11, 14, 16-18, 21, 33, 38, 43, 46, 48-54, 56-62, 64-66, 72, 77, 78, 80-87 (1914) Previous to 1911 entitled: Pennsylvania. House of refuge (Glen Mills and Darling- ton) Pennsylvania. Health, State department of Annual report of the Commissioner, no. 1 (1885)-10 (1915) Pennsylvania. Home for the training in speech of deaf children (Philadelphia) Report, no. 1 (1892) Pennsylvania. Home teaching society and free circulating library for the blind Annual report.* Pennsylvania. Industrial reformatory (Hun- tington) Biennial report, no. 1 (1889-90), 3, 6 Pennsylvania. Industrial statistics bureau Annual report, no. 34 (1906)-41 (1914) The Industrial statistics bureau was a part of the Department of internal affairs until 1913 when, by act of the Assembly, it was transferred to the Department of labor and industry as the Statistics and information bureau. Pennsylvania. Institution for the instruc- tion of the blind (Overbrook) Annual report, no. 45 (1876/77)-49, 51, 52, 54-57, 67, 68, 74 Pennsylvania. Labor and industry, Com- missioner of Annual report, no. 1 pt. 2 (1913/14)-no. 4 (1916) Pennsylvania. Labor and industry, Depart- ment of Bulletin, v. 1 (1914) no. 1-7; v. 2 (1915) no. 1-4, 6-12; v. 3 (1916) Pennsylvania. Labor and industry, Depart- ment of Industrial directory.* Pennsylvania. Labor and industry, Depart- ment of Safety standards of the Industrial board, v. 1 (1915/16) no. 1-9, 21; v. 2 (1918) no. 27 Pennsylvania. Mines department Annual report.* Pennsylvania. Montgomery county. Juve- nile court (Norristown) Annual report of the probation officer, no. 10 (1914), 11, 13, 15 Pennsylvania. Oral school for the deaf (Scranton) Annual report.* Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania institution for the deaf and dumb (Mt. Airy) Annual report.* Pennsylvania. Philadelphia county. Moth- ers' assistance fund Report. 1913/14 Pennsylvania. Prison labor committee Annual report, no. 3 (1918) * Current numbers only. 87 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Pennsylvania. Prison society Journal of prison discipline and philan- thropy, v. 1 (1845)-v. 18 (1857) no. 1, 3, 4; v. 13-16 (1861); n.s. v. 1 (1862) Pennsylvania. Public charities association Report, no. 1 (1913), 2 (1914-15) Pennsylvania. Public charities association News bulletin, v. 1 (1916)-v. 4 (1919) no. 1 Pennsylvania. Public charities association Publications, no. 1 (1915?), 7-18 (1916?) Pennsylvania. Public charities board Annual report, no. 1 (1870) Pennsylvania. Public safety, Committee of. Department of civic relief Community organization in war time; an outline for study of community needs and resources, no. 1 (1915?)-4 Pennsylvania. Rural progress association Annual report. 1913 Pennsylvania. Rural progress association Proceedings. 1912 Pennsylvania. Society to protect children from cruelty Annual report, no. 1 (1877)-4, 6 Pennsylvania. State federation of labor Proceedings. 1913, 1916, 1917, 1919 Pennsylvania. State hospital for the insane (Danville) Report. 1867/68-1870/71, 1877/78 Pennsylvania. State hospital for the insane (Norristown) Annual report, no. 2 (1880/81) Pennsylvania. State hospital for the insane (Warren) Annual report.* Pennsylvania. State institution for feeble- minded for Western Pennsylvania (Polk) Report, no. 1 (1896/97) Pennsylvania. State lunatic hospital (Har- risburg) Annual report, no. 11 (1861), 22, 23, 26, 27, 38, 43, 45, 46, 58, 61, 63, 64 (1913/14) Pennsylvania. State penitentiary for the eastern district (Philadelphia) Annual report, no. 1 (1829), 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 Pennsylvania. State penitentiary for the eastern district (Philadelphia) The Umpire.* Pennsylvania. State penitentiary for the western district (Pittsburgh) Report. 1842, 1852, 1879, 1885/86, 1906/ 08 Pennsylvania. State workmen's insurance board Annual report of the State workmen's in- surance fund. no. 1 (1916) Pennsylvania. Statistics and information, Bureau of. Division of immigration and un- employment. Annual report. 1913/14 Pennsylvania. Training school (Morganza) Report. 1859, 1872, 1873, 1904/06, 1908/ 10 Pennsylvania. Training school for feeble- minded children (Elwyn) Annual report, no. 25 (1876/77)-38, 40, 42, 45 Pennsylvania. Tuberculosis society Year book. 1897/98, 1901/02, 1905/06, 1907/08, 1910/11 Previous to June 1920 entitled: Pennsyl- vania. Society for the prevention of tuber- culosis. Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania. Henry Phipps institute Report, no. 1 (1903/04) Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania. Hospital Annual report.* Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania. Hospital Annual report of the social service depart- ment, no. 2 (1908/09) Previous to 1913/14 entitled: Annual re- port of the social service of the out-patient department. Pennsylvania. Western Pennsylvania insti- tution for the blind (Pittsburgh) Annual report. 1912-1914 Pennsylvania. Western Pennsylvania insti- tution for the instruction of the deaf and dumb Report.* Pensacola, Fla. Associated charities Annual report. 1909/10 Peoria, 111. Associated charities and philan- thropies Annual report. 1911/12 Peoria, 111. Child welfare league Child welfare bulletin, v. 1 (1912/13) v. 1 no. 5; v. 2 no. 7; v. 3 no. 6 lacking. Peoria, 111. Park commissioners, Board of Annual report.* Personnel; the employment manager's bul- letin v. 1 (1919) Phelps-Stokes fund (University of Georgia) Phelps-Stokes studies, no. 1 (1913)-5 (1919) Philadelphia, Pa. Adam and Maria Sarah Seybert institution for poor boys and girls Biennial report. 1908-1913-14 Philadelphia, Pa. Adam and Maria Sarah Seybert institution for poor boys and girls. Bureau of social research Bulletin, no. 1 (1918), 2 (1918?) * Current numbers only. 88 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Philadelphia, Pa. Armstrong association Annual report, no. 2 (1909/10) Philadelphia, Pa. Association for the care of colored orphans Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Babies' hospital Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Bethesda children's Chris- tian home of Chestnut Hill Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Blind relief fund Report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Bureau of municipal re- search Citizens' business.* Philadelphia, Pa. Chapin memorial home for aged blind Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Charities, Bureau of Annual report. 1913 Previous to 1913 the report of this Bureau included in: Philadelphia, Pa. Public health and charities department. Annual report. Philadelphia, Pa. Charities and correction, Department of Annual report. 1887-1900 In 1887 superseded: Philadelphia, Pa. Guardians for the relief and employment of the poor. In 1903 by act of the Assembly this Depart- ment was changed to the Philadelphia, Pa. Public health and charities department. The Bureau of correction was transferred to the Department of public safety and the Bureau of health transferred from the latter department to the Philadelphia, Pa. Public health and charities department. Philadelphia, Pa. Children's bureau Co-operation, v. 1 (1913/14) Philadelphia, Pa. Children's hospital Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Children's playhouse and playground Annual report. 1899-1901, 1904, 1906. 1908 -1910, 1912, 1914 Philadelphia, Pa. City club Bulletin, v. 1 (1909)-6 (1913) Philadelphia, Pa. City institute Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. City parks association Annual report, no. 12 (1899/1900), 16-19, 21 Philadelphia, Pa. City trusts directors Annual report, no. 1 (1870) Philadelphia, Pa. Civic club Annual report, no. 19 (1912) Philadelphia, Pa. Civic club Bulletin.* Philadelphia, Pa. Fairmount park, Com- missioners of Report. 1913-1915 Philadelphia, Pa. Federation of Jewish charities Annual report, no. 1 (1901/02), 2, 5 Philadelphia, Pa. Foster home association Annual report, no. 49 (1889) Philadelphia, Pa. Free hospital for poor con- sumptives Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Germantown boys' club Annual report, no. 9 (1894/95), 11-20, 22- 24, 26-30 (1916) Since 1918 report included in: Philadel- phia, Pa. Germantown boys' club. News. Previous to 1907 entitled: Philadelphia, Pa. Boys' parlors association of Germantown. Philadelphia, Pa. Germantown boys' club News. v. 1 (1911/12) v. 1 no. 16; v. 5 no. 9, 15, 16, 23, 25, 31, 36, 46; v. 6 no. 9, 12; v. 7 no. 3, 9 lacking. Previous to 1907 entitled: Philadelphia, Pa. Boys' parlors association of German- town. Philadelphia, Pa. Girard college Annual report. 1911,1916 Philadelphia, Pa. Guardians for the relief and employment of the poor Annual report. 1855, 1856, 1859, 1864-1866, 1868-1872, 1875-1886 In 1887 superseded by: Philadelphia, Pa. Charities and correction, Department of. Philadelphia, Pa. Haddock memorial (home for infants) Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Health, Bureau of Annual report. 1913 Previous to 1913 the report of this Bureau included in: Philadelphia, Pa. Public health and charities department. Annual report. Philadelphia, Pa. Highways and street cleaning, Bureau of Report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Home and school league. School lunch committee Annual report, no. 1 (1910/1 1)-4 (1913/14) In 1914 work taken over by the Philadel- phia, Pa. Public education board. Philadelphia, Pa. Home for incurables Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Home for infants Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Home of industry for discharged prisoners Report. 1889, 1890/91, 1892/93, 1894/95, 1898/99, 1900/01, 1904/05, 1 906/07-1908 / 09, 1911/12, 1912/13, 1916/17 * Current numbers only. 89 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Philadelphia, Pa. Hospital association Annual report. 1903/04 Philadelphia, Pa. House of rest for the aged of the Protestant Episcopal church Annual report. 1914/15 Philadelphia, Pa. House of the Holy child Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Housing association Annual report, no. 2 (1912)-7 (1917) Philadelphia, Pa. Howard hospital. Social service department Report. 1914/15 Philadelphia, Pa. Juvenile aid society Annual report. 1911/12 Philadelphia, Pa. Juvenile court and pro- bation association Report. 1908-1911, 1913 Philadelphia, Pa. Kensington dispensary for the treatment of tuberculosis Report, no. 1 (1905/07), 2, 4 Philadelphia, Pa. Kensington dispensary for the treatment of tuberculosis. Country branch Report. 1915/16 Preventorium located at Mont Clare. Philadelphia, Pa. Legal aid society Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Lighthouse Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Magdalen society Report. 1844, 1847, 1849/50, 1867/68, 1883/84, 1887/88, 1890/91, 1896/97-1899/ 1900, 1909/10-1913/14 In 1918 this Society changed the scope of its work and was reincorporated as: Philadel- phia, Pa. White-Williams foundation for girls. Philadelphia, Pa. Mary J. Drexel home and Philadelphia motherhouse of deaconesses. Children's hospital Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Methodist Episcopal or- phanage Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Municipal court Annual report, no. 1 (1914)-5 Philadelphia, Pa. Municipal court Social service directory of Philadelphia. 1919 Philadelphia, Pa. Northern home for friend- less children Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Octavia Hill association Annual report, no. 1 (1896) Philadelphia, Pa. Orphans society Annual report, no. 3 (1817), 5, 8, 33, 37, 54- 56, 58, 62-69, 71, 74, 77, 85, 91-94, 98, 101, 103 Philadelphia, Pa. Orthopaedic hospital and infirmary for nervous diseases. Social ser- vice department Annual report, no. 1 (1912) Philadelphia, Pa. Pennsylvania industrial home for blind women Annual report, no. 2 (1869/70), 4, 5, 7-17, 32, 34-36, 38, 40-43 (1910) Philadelphia, Pa. Pennsylvania school for social service Announcements. 1910/11 Previous to August 1914 entitled: Phila- delphia, Pa. Training school for social work. Philadelphia, Pa. Playgrounds association Annual report. 1909-1911,1917/18 Philadelphia, Pa. Police bureau Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Presbyterian hospital Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Presbyterian orphanage Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Public baths association Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Public education board Annual report. 1915 Philadelphia, Pa. Public education board. School gardens Annual report. 1905, 1911/12-1915 Philadelphia, Pa. Public health and chari- ties department Annual report. 1903-1912 In 1903 by act of the Assembly the Phila- delphia, Pa. Charities and correction, De- partment of was changed to the Philadel- phia, Pa. Public health and charities de- partment. Since 1913 the Charities bureau and the Health bureau have issued separate reports. Philadelphia, Pa. Public health and chari- ties department Monograph series, no. 1 (1917) Philadelphia, Pa. Recreation, Board of Annual report. 1912-1914 Philadelphia, Pa. Rush hospital for con- sumptives and allied diseases Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Society for alleviating the miseries of public prisons Annual report. 1832, 1854-1858, 1861, 1862, 1868 Society for organizing Philadelphia, Pa. charity Annual report, no Philadelphia, Pa. charity Circulars, no. 4 (1878)-7, 12-15, (1880) 1 (1878/79) Society for organizing 17-36 * Current numbers only. 90 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Philadelphia, Pa. Society for organizing charity Monthly register, v. 1 (1879/80)-18 (1897) Philadelphia, Pa. Society for organizing charity Papers, no. 1 (1878)-47 (1882) Philadelphia, Pa. Society for organizing charity Ward reports, no. 1 (1879)-3 (1881) Philadelphia, Pa. Society for the employ- ment and instruction of the poor Report, no. 1 (1847/48), 4, 19, 21, 25, 26, 29-41, 53-59, 62 Philadelphia, Pa. Starr centre association Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Surveys, Bureau of Annual report. 1914 Philadelphia, Pa. Travelers' aid society Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Union benevolent asso- ciation Annual report, no. 23 (1853/54), 24, 39, 40, 43-53, 55, 57, 60, 66 Philadelphia, Pa. United Hebrew charities society Annual report, no. 7 (1875/76)-17, 19-24, 26, 30-45 (1913/14) Since 1914 report included in: Philadelphia Pa. Federation of Jewish charities. Annual report. Philadelphia, Pa. Vacant lots cultivation association Annual report, no. 1 (1897)-5, 7 Philadelphia, Pa. Visiting nurse society Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Western home for poor children Annual report.* Philadelphia, Pa. White- Williams founda- tion for girls Annual report, no. 119 (1918) Previous to 1918 entitled: Philadelphia, Pa. Magdalen society. Philadelphia, Pa. Whittier centre Papers, no. 2 (n.d.)-5 (1916) Philadelphia, Pa. Whittier centre Report. 1918/19 Philadelphia, Pa. Widener memorial indus- trial training school for crippled children Annual report. 1914 Philadelphia, Pa. Willing day nursery Report.* Philadelphia, Pa. Women's directory Annual report, no. 7 (1899/1900), 14, 17 Philadelphia, Pa. Yearly meeting of Friends. Philanthropic labor, Committee on Bulletin: Friends' social service series, no. 1 (1913), 4, 8, 12, 15, 16, 18-23 (1918) Philadelphia, Pa. Young women's union Annual report. 1915/16 Philippine Islands. Anti-tuberculosis so- ciety Bulletin, v. 3 (1917) Philippine Islands. Health bureau Annual report. 1910/11 Philippine Islands. Health bureau Quarterly report.* Philippine Islands. Labor, Bureau of Annual report, no. 1 (1909/10)-6 (1913/14) no. 5 never published. Phillipsburg, N.J. Social service league see Easton, Pa. and Phillipsburg, N.J. Social service league Phoenix, Ariz. St. Luke's home for the treat- ment of tuberculosis Annual report.* Pine Mountain, Ky. Pine Mountain settle- ment school Notes from the Pine Mountain settlement school, no. 1 (1919) Pittsburgh, Pa. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1908/09)-4 (1911/12) Pittsburgh, Pa. Association for improving the condition of the poor Annual report, no. 4 (1878/79), 6, 7, 10-12, 15, 17, 18, 22, 29, 35 (1909/10) Pittsburgh, Pa. Carnegie institute Annual report.* Pittsburgh, Pa. Carnegie library Annual report.* Pittsburgh, Pa. Chamber of commerce Annual report.* Pittsburgh, Pa. Children's hospital Annual report.* Pittsburgh, Pa. Citizens committee on city plan Reports, no. 1 (1920) Pittsburgh, Pa. Civic club of Allegheny county Monthly bulletin, v. 1 (1914/15) Pittsburgh, Pa. Civic club of Allegheny county Report, no. 15 (1895/1910), 17 1913/14 report included in: Pittsburgh, Pa. Civic club of Allegheny county. Bulle- tin, v. 1 no. 2, December 1914. Pittsburgh, Pa. Federation of the Jewish philanthropies Annual report, no. 8 (1919) Pittsburgh, Pa. Industrial home for crippled children Annual report.* Pittsburgh, Pa. Irene Kaufmann settlement Annual report.* Pittsburgh, Pa. Kingsley association Kingsley record.* * Current numbers only. 91 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Pittsburgh, Pa. Kingsley association Year book.* Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh and Allegheny home for the friendless Annual report. 1914/15 Pittsburgh, Pa. Playground association Annual report. 1896-1911,1913,1914 Association discontinued. Pittsburgh, Pa. Protestant orphan asylum of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Annual report.* Pittsburgh, Pa. Public health department Annual report. 1907, 1910 1908 and 1909 reports never published. Pittsburgh, Pa. Tenement improvement company Annual report. 1909 Plainfield, N.J. Charity organization so- ciety Annual report, no. 1 (1906/07) Formed in 1907 by the merger of Plainfield, N.J. Organized aid association and Plain- field, N.J. Relief association. Plainfield, N.J. Organized aid association Yearbook. 1895/96-1902 In 1907 merged with the Plainfield, N.J. Relief association to form the Plainfield, N.J. Charity organization society. Plainfield, N.J. Playground commissioners, Board of Annual report, no. 2 (1911) Plainfield, N.J. Relief association Annual report, no. 1 (1878/79), 3, 6-26 (1903/04) In 1907 merged with Plainfield, N.J. Or- ganized aid association to form the Plain- field, N.J. Charity organization society. Playground v. 1 (1907) Playground and recreation association of America Leaflets, no. 1 (1909)-19 (1912) Previous to June 191 1 entitled : Playground association of America. Publication discontinued. Playground and recreation association of America Pamphlets, no. 1 (1907)-162, 164 Previous to June 1911 entitled: Playground association of America. Playground association of America Proceedings of the annual congress, v. 1 (1907)-3 (1909) Since 1910 papers included in: Playground. Political science quarterly v. 1 (1886) Poor law conferences Official reports. 1875-1914/15 Port Jervis, N.Y. Associated charities Report, no. 7 (1915/16) Portland, Me. Associated charities Annual report. 1887/89, 1892/94-1900/02, 1909/10 1915/16 report never published. Portland, Me. Children's hospital Annual report.* Portland, Me. Citizens' committee Report, no. 1 (1913/14) Portland, Me. Fraternity Annual report.* Portland, Me. Health board Annual report.* Portland, Ore. City board of charities Report, no. 1 (1889/90)-7 (1897/1900) Portland, Ore. City planning commission Bulletin, no. 1 (1919)-4 Portland, Ore. Parks, Bureau of Annual report.* Portland, Ore. Public welfare bureau Annual report. 1904-1909, 1912/13, 1918/19 Previous to October 1916 entitled: Port- land, Ore. Associated charities. Portland, Ore. Visiting nurse association Annual report. 1915/16 Porto Rico. Agriculture and labor, Com- missioner of Report. 1908/09 From 1912-1916/17 entitled: Porto Rico. Labor, charities and correction, Director of. Previous to 1912 entitled: Porto Rico. Health, charities and correction, Director of. Porto Rico. Labor, Bureau of Annual report, no. 1 (1912)-3 (1914) Porto Rico. Secretary Register of Porto Rico. 1911 Portsmouth, England. Medical officer of health Annual report. 1910 Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Associated charities Report. 1894, 1919 In 1894 superseded: Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Charity organization society. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Bowne memorial hos- pital Annual report.* Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Charity organization society Annual report. 1881/82, 1888 In 1894 superseded by: Poughkeepsie,[N.Y. Associated charities. Presbyterian church. Board of ministerial relief and sustentation Annual report, no. 1 (1918/19) * Current numbers only. 92 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Prisoners' friend v. 1 (1848/49); v. 2 (1850); v. 7 (1853/54) no. 1, 10; v. 8 (1855/56) no. 4, 5; v. 9 (1856/57) no. 1, 10-12 Progress; civic, social, industrial v. 3 (1908) Protestant Episcopal church. Clergymen's mutual insurance league Annual report. 1914/15 Protestant Episcopal church. Clergymen's retiring fund society Annual report. 1915/16 Protestant Episcopal church. Diocese of Chicago. Committee on Christian social service Report. 1918 Protestant Episcopal church. Diocese of Long Island. Church charity foundation Annual report.* Protestant Episcopal church. Diocese of Long Island. Church charity foundation Helping hand.* Protestant Episcopal church. Diocese of New York. Social service commission . Report.* Protestant Episcopal church. Joint com- mission on social service Reconstruction series: Bulletin, no. 1 (1919), 2 Protestant Episcopal church. Joint com- mission on social service Triennial report, no. 1 (1910-13) Protestant Episcopal church. Joint com- mission on social service War service bulletin, no. 1 (1917)-5 (1918) Providence, R.I. Aid society Annual report, no. 2 (1856/57), 3 (1857/58) Providence, R.I. Children's friend society Annual report.* Providence, R.I. City registrar Annual report of the births, marriages, and deaths, no. 1 (1855)-61 (1915) Providence, R.I. District nursing associa- tion Annual report.* Providence, R.I. Health, Superintendent of Annual report, no. 1 (1856/57)-33 (1915) Providence, R.I. Jewish orphanage Annual report. 1916 Providence, R.I. Overseers of the poor Annual report. 1858, 1875, 1880, 1890, 1897 -1901, 1907 Providence, R.I. Police commissioners, Board of Annual report. 1915 Providence, R.I. Society for organizing char- ity and League for the suppression of tu- berculosis Annual report, no. 4 (1895/96), 6-12, 14- 17, 20-24 (1915/16) Previous to 1907 entitled: Providence, R.I. Charity organization society. Providence, R.I. Summer playgrounds com- mittee Report. 1908 Providence, R.I. Union for Christian work. Immigrant education bureau Report, no. 1 (1911/12), 2 (1912/13) Psychological clinic v. 1 (1907) Public health journal v. 3 (1912) Public health nurse v. 1 (1909) Previous to 1912 entitled: Visiting nurse quarterly. Pueblo, Colo. Associated charities Report, no. 1 (1895/96), 5, 13-17 (1911-12) Quarterly journal of economics v. 1 (1886) Queensland. Labour department Queensland industrial gazette, v. 1 (1916) Queensland. Labour department Report of the Director and Chief inspector of factories and shops. 1908/09 Queensland. State children department, Di- rector of Annual report, no. 3 (1914) Quincy, Mass. Associated charities Annual report. 1913/14, 1916/17 Quincy, Mass. Planning board Annual report, no. 2 (1916) Racine, Wis. Central association Annual report. 1910/11, 1911/12, 1918 1914, Ragged school union magazine v. 7 (1855)-8 (1856) Publication discontinued. Raleigh, N.C. Associated charities Annual report. 1905/06, 1907/08, 1912/14 Ramsgate, England. Medical officer of health and school medical officer Annual report. 1915 Ratan Tata foundation see London, England. University of London. Ratan Tata foundation Reading, England. Charity organisation so- ciety Annual report. 1882/83, 1886/87 * Current numbers only. 93 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Reading, Pa. Bulletin.* Health, Bureau of Reading, Pa. Home for friendless children and the Children's aid society Annual report. 1916 Reading, Pa. Parks and public property, Department of Annual report of the superintendent. 1915 Reading, Pa. Social welfare league Annual report, no. 1 (1902/03)-3, 5 Previous to 1916 entitled: Reading, Pa. Associated charities. Recalled to life; a journal devoted to the care, re-education, and return to civil life of disabled sailors and soldiers no. 1 (19l7)-3 (1918) In 1918 superseded by: Reveille. Red Cross institute for crippled and dis- abled men Publications, ser. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1918)-16 (July 1918); ser. 2, no. 1 (March 1918)-9 (June 1919) Red Cross institute for the blind Publications, no. 1 (1918)-4 (1919) Red Cross magazine v. 1 (1906)-14 (1919) From April 1913-December 1916 entitled: American Red Cross magazine. Previous to April 1913 entitled: American Red Cross bulletin. Publication discontinued, October 1920. Red Cross society Conference internationale de la Croix- Rouge: Compte-rendu. 1912 Red Cross society. American Red Cross in Italy. Commission for tuberculosis Report: General and supplementary. 1919 Red Cross society. League of Red Cross so- cieties Bulletin, no. 8 (March 1920) Red Cross society. United States. American Red Cross Annual report of the American national Red Cross society. 1900, 1901, 1908-1915 From 1905-1907 report included in: Ameri- can Red Cross bulletin (i. e. Red Cross mag- azine). Since 1915/16 report included in: Red Cross society. United States. American Red Cross. A.R.C. publications. The original act of incorporation of the American national Red Cross, approved June 6, 1900, was repealed and the organiza- tion created thereby dissolved when "An act to incorporate the American National Red Cross" was approved on January 5, 1905. Red Cross society. United States. American Red Cross A.R.C. publications, no. 97 (1917), 106, 107, 114-117, 119-121, 124, 126, 132, 136- 138, 140-157, 159-166, 172-175, 200-203, 205-208, 210, 211, 241-244, 300-305, 400- 410, 500-502, 504, 600-605, 607, 700-708, 801, 802, 1000, 1011 Red Cross society. United States. American Red Cross Red Cross bulletin, v. 1 (1917) Red Cross society. United States. American Red Cross. Atlantic division News letter, v. 1 (1918) v. 1 no. 13, 28, 29, 34-39 lacking. Red Cross society. United States. American Red Cross. Civilian relief, Department of Annual report. 1917 Red Cross society. United States. American Red Cross. New York county chapter Annual report. 1916/17 Red Cross society. United States. American Red Cross. Public health nursing, Bureau of Bulletin, v. 2 (1916) no. 2-8; v. 3 (1917) no. 1-6; v. 4 (1918) no. 1, 3, 4 Previous to October 1918 entitled: Red Cross society. United States. American Red Cross. Town and country nursing ser- vice. Redlands, Cal. Associated charities Annual report, no. 13 (1909/10)-18 (1915) La Rforme sociale v. 30 (1895)-32, 34-36, 39-41, 43, 44, 61 Reporter of organized charity v. 1 (1887) Reveille no. 1 (1918)-3 (1919) In 1918 superseded: Recalled to life. Publication discontinued, 1919. La Revue des assurances mutuelles no. 151 (1912)-186 (1916) Publication suspended. Revue internationale de la Croix- Rouge; Bulletin international des societes de la Croix-Rouge v. 1 (1919) La Revue philanthropique v. 22 (1908) Rhinebeck, N.Y. Holiday farm Annual report.* Rhinebeck, N.Y. Thompson house com- munity center Annual report. 1914/15 Rhode Island. Advisory board of visitors to the institutions where women are impri- soned Annual report, no. 2 (1871), 3, 9-18, 22, 33- 38, 41-43, 45 Rhode Island. Anti-tuberculosis association Annual report, no. 3 (1909/10), 5 * Current numbers only. 94 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Rhode Island. Control and supply, Board of Report, no. 2 (1913)-5 (1917) In April 1917 this Board and the Rhode Is- land. State charities and corrections board superseded by: Rhode Island. Penal and charitable commission. Rhode Island. Factory inspector Annual report, no. 1 (1894) Rhode Island. Health, State board of Annual report, no. 25 (1902)-29, 35 (1912) Rhode Island. Health, State board of Bulletin, v. 3 (1917) v. 3 no. 3, 4 lacking. Rhode Island. Industrial statistics commis- sioner Annual report, no. 19 (1905)-27 (1913) Rhode Island. Institute for the deaf (Provi- dence) Annual report. 1913, 1914 Rhode Island. Penal and charitable commis- sion Annual report, no. 1 (1917) In April 1917 superseded: Rhode Island. Control and supply, Board of, and Rhode Island. State charities and corrections board. Rhode Island. Prisoners' aid association Annual report. 1915 Rhode Island. School for the feeble-minded (Exeter) Report. 1915 Rhode Island. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children Annual report.* Rhode Island. Soldiers' relief, State board of Annual report, no. 20 (1908)-27 (1915) Rhode Island. State charities and correc- tions board Annual report, no. 1 (1869)-47 (1915) In April 1917 this Board and the Rhode Is- land. Control and supply, Board of, super- seded by: Rhode Island. Penal and charit- able commission. Rhode Island. State home and school for de- pendent and neglected children (Provi- dence) Annual report, no. 25 (1910)-30 (1915) Rhode Island. State prison, Board of inspec- tors of Report. 1854, 1855, 1858, 1861, 1865-1867, 1869, 1871, 1877 Rhode Island. State prison commission Annual report. 1876 Rhode Island. State sanatorium (Wallum Lake) Annual report, no. 1 (1905)-12 (1916) no. 1 (1916) Nurses' settlement Rhode Island. Vital statistics, State board of Report relating to the registry and return of births, marriages and deaths, and of di- vorce.* Richmond, Ind. Social service bureau Annual report. 1915/16, 1918 Richmond, Va. Associated charities Annual report. 1905/06, 1914/15 Richmond, Va. Health department Annual report. 1912 Richmond, Va. Instructive visiting nurse association of the Nurses' settlement Annual report. 1914/15 Richmond, Va. Juvenile and domestic rela- tions court Annual report. Richmond, Va. Year book of the social workers of the Nurses' settlement. 1915 Richmond, Va. Public employment bureau Annual report, no. 1 (1914/15)-3 Richmond, Va. School of social work and public health Announcement. 1917/18 Previous to 1918 (?) entitled: Richmond, Va. School of social economy. Roanoke, Va. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1913/14) Rochdale, England. Charity organization society Annual report, no. 1 (1880) Rochester, N.Y. Children's aid'society ' Annual report.* Rochester, N.Y. Health bureau Annual report. 1894/95, 1904, 1905, 1907, 1909 Rochester, N.Y. Health bureau Report (monthly). 1912 Rochester, N.Y. Police department Annual report.* Rochester, N.Y. Public health association Report. 1909-1911/12 Rochester, N.Y. United charities Annual report, no. 1 (1911/12)-5 (1915/16) Rochester, N.Y. United Jewish charities Report. 1915/16 Rock Island, 111. Associated charities Annual report. 1910/11,1911/12 Rockefeller foundation Annual report, no. 1 (1913/14) Rockefeller foundation Rockefeller foundation (bulletin), no. 1 (1916)-6 (1919) * Current numbers only. 95 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Rockefeller foundation. International health board Annual report, no. 1 (1913/14) Previous to 1916 entitled: Rockefeller foundation. International health commis- sion. Rockefeller institute for medical research History, organization and equipment. 1911, 1912, 1914 Rockefeller sanitary commission for the eradication of hook-worm disease Publications, no. 1 (1910)-9 (1915) In 1915 this work taken over by the Rocke- feller foundation. International health com- mission. Rockford, 111. Public welfare association Annual report, no. 1 (1914/15), 2 Rockford, 111. Rockford park district, Board of commissioners Annual report.* Roslyn, N.Y. District nursing association Annual report. 1914/15 Roslyn, N.Y. Village improvement society Annual report. 1913 Rotterdam, Netherlands. Vereeniging tot verbetering van armenzorg Mededeelingen. no. 16 (1882) Rotterdam, Netherlands. Vereeniging tot verbetering van armenzorg Verslag. 1907, 1908, 1912 Roxbury, Mass. Charitable society Annual report, no. 116 (1909/10) Roxbury, Mass. Norfolk house centre Annual report, no. 1 (1883/84), 3-7, 33 Previous to 1915 entitled: Roxbury, Mass. South End industrial school. Roxbury, Mass. St. Monica's home for sick colored women and children Report.* Rural manhood v. 1 (1910)-8 (1917) Russell Sage foundation. Charity organiza- tion department Publications, no. 1 (1910) Russell Sage foundation. Child helping, Department of Publications, no. 1 (1909) Russell Sage foundation. Child hygiene, Department of (Health, Education, Recre- ation) Publications, no. 1 (1908)-134 (1913) For numbers issued since 1913 see: Russell Sage foundation. Education, Department of. Publications, and Russell Sage founda- tion. Recreation, Department of. Publica- tions. Russell Sage foundation. Education, De- partment of Publications, no. 135 (1914) For numbers previous to 135 see: Russell Sage Foundation. Child hygiene, Depart- ment of (Health, Education, Recreation). Publications. Russell Sage foundation. Industrial stud- ies, Division of Forms, no. 1 (1910), 3 Previous to September 1916 entitled: Rus- sell Sage foundation. Women's work, Com- mittee on. Russell Sage foundation. Industrial stud- ies, Division of Publications, no. 1 (1915) Previous to 1916 entitled: Russell Sage foundation. Women's work, Committee on. Russell Sage foundation. Library Bulletin, no. 1 (1913) Russell Sage foundation. Prevention of blindness committee Publications, no. 1 (1910), 2 (1911) In June 1911 merged with the American as- sociation for the conservation of vision. Russell Sage foundation. Recreation, De- partment of Publications, no. 135 (1913) For numbers previous to 135 see: Russell Sage foundation. Child hygiene, Depart- ment of (Health, Education, Recreation). Publications. Russell Sage foundation. Remedial loans, Division of Publications, no. 1 (1912) Russell Sage foundation. Southern high- land division Publications, no. 1 (1917) Russell Sage foundation. Surveys and ex- hibits, Department of Publications, no. 1 (1912) [Russell] Sage foundation homes com- pany Forest Hills Gardens bulletin, v. 1 (1915) Russian co-operative unions. American committee Russian cooperative news; bulletin, v. 1- (1919) no. 5-7; v. 2 Russian co-operator; a journal of co-opera- tive unity v. 4 (1920) Rye, N.Y. League of social service Annual report. 1907/08 Sacramento, Cal. Health department Statement of vital statistics.* * Current numbers only. 96 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Sacramento, Cal. State capital planning board Report, no. 1 (1915/16), 2 (1916/17) Safety institute of America Safety; monthly bulletin. 1914 Previous to 1919 entitled: American muse- um of safety. Safety institute of America see also American museum of safety Sagamore sociological conference Proceedings, v. 1 (1907) Sage foundation homes company see [Russell] Sage foundation homes company Saginaw, Mich. Parks and cemeteries, Com- missioner of Annual report.* Sailor's magazine v. 73 (1901) St. Joseph, Mo. Federation for charity and philanthropy Report. 1918 St. Joseph, Mo. Social welfare board Annual report, no. 1 (1912/13) St. Louis, Mo. Associated charitable work- ers, Society of Annual report, no. 1 (1889/90), 2 (1890) St. Louis, Mo. Barnes hospital, St. Louis children's hospital, Washington university dispensary. Social service department Annual report, no. 1 (1911/12) The social service work of these three hos- pitals is maintained by the St. Louis asso- ciation for social work. In 1910 the Social service committee, as it was then called, agreed with the Board of managers of the Children's hospital and with the Corporation of Washington uni- versity, to supply the social service for the hospitals and dispensaries. Since then it has been responsible for the budget and for the policy of the social service. St. Louis, Mo. Bethesda Annual report, no. 12 (1900/01)-14, 16-21, 23, 25, 27 St. Louis, Mo. Board of commissioners of penal and charitable institutions Annual report. 1907/08 St. Louis, Mo. Central council of social agencies Bulletin, no. 1 (1919) St. Louis, Mo. Central council of social agen- cies Yearbook. 1915 St. Louis, Mo. Chamber of commerce. Charities committee Charitable and philanthropic organizations of St. Louis.* St. Louis, Mo. City plan commission Annual report, no. 1 (1916/17) St. Louis, Mo. Civic improvement league. Open air playgrounds committee Report. 1903-1905 Committee discontinued in 1905 when city took over the work. St. Louis, Mo. Civic league Year book.* St. Louis, Mo. David Ranken, jr. school of mechanical trades Annual catalogue.* St. Louis, Mo. Education board Annual report.* St. Louis, Mo. Federation of Jewish charities Annual report. 1919 St. Louis, Mo. Health department Annual report. 1914/15 St. Louis, Mo. Health department Bulletin.* St. Louis, Mo. Health department Statement of vital statistics.* St. Louis, Mo. Juvenile court Annual report. 1907/08-1915 St. Louis, Mo. Missouri school of social economy Handbook. 1907/08-1913/14, 1916/17, 1920/21 From 1909-May 1916 entitled: St. Louis, Mo. School of social economy. Previous to 1909 entitled: St. Louis, Mo. School of philanthropy. From 1906-1909 affiliated with the Univer- sity of Missouri. From 1909-1915 affiliated with Washington university. Since May 1916 conducted by the Extension division of the University of Missouri. St. Louis, Mo. Orphans' home of the Protes- tant Episcopal church Annual report.* St. Louis, Mo. Parks and recreation, Divi- sion of Annual report. 1907/08-1915/16, 1917/18 St. Louis, Mo. Parole and probation depart- ment Report, no. 1 (1914/15) St. Louis, Mo. Police commissioners, Board of Annual report.* St. Louis, Mo. Provident association Annual report, no. 24 (1883/84) 1916/17 and 1917/18 reports never pub- lished. St. Louis, Mo. Public library Annual report.* St. Louis, Mo. School of social economy Reports of social investigation, no. 1 (1914) -4 (1914) * Current numbers only. 97 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS St. Louis, Mo. School of social economy Studies in social economics, no. 1 (1914), 2 (1916) St. Louis, Mo. School of social economy see also St. Louis, Mo. Missouri school of social economy St. Louis, Mo. Streets and sewers, Depart- ment of Annual report. 1915/16 St. Paul, Minn. Amherst H. Wilder charity Annual report. 1911/12 St. Paul, Minn. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1892/93)-5, 7-12, 14- 17, 19, 21, 22 (1913/14) In December 1914 the Associated charities voted itself out of existence as a corpora- tion, and united with the day nursery and the St. Paul anti-tuberculosis committee to form the St. Paul, Minn. United charities. St. Paul, Minn. Associated charities Bulletin, no. 1 (1914)-8 (1914) Since January 1915 bulletin issued by: St. Paul, Minn. United charities. St. Paul, Minn. Health, Bureau of Annual report.* St. Paul, Minn. Health, Bureau of Monthly bulletin.* St. Paul, Minn. Humane society Report. 1914/16 St. Paul, Minn. Playground committee Annual report, no. 5 (1908) St. Paul, Minn. Relief society Annual report, no. 14 (1889/90)-29, 31- St. Paul, Minn. United charities Our work. v. 2 (1915) In December 1914 superseded: St. Paul, Minn. Associated charities. Previous to December 1918 entitled: Bul- letin. The annual report is included in Our work. St. Vincent de Paul quarterly v. 1 (1895)-21 (1916) Publication discontinued. St. Vincent de Paul society Proceedings. 1876, 1904, 1908, 1911 St. Vincent de Paul society (Brooklyn, N.Y.) Annual report, no. 53 (1907), 55, 58, 60-61 (1915/16) St. Vincent de Paul society (New York, N.Y.) Annual report of the superior council. 1864, 1865, 1868-1911, 1913, 1914 Salem, Mass. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1891/92)-7, 16, 17, 19-24, 26 no. 23 never published. Salem, Mass. House of seven gables settle- ment association Annual report.* Salem, Mass. Planning board Annual report, no. 1 (1912) Salem, Mass. Salem fraternity Report. 1915/16 Salem, Mass. Society for organizing charity Annual report. 1898/99 Salford, England. Medical officer of health Annual report. 1915, 1916 Salt Lake City, Utah. Free kindergarten and neighborhood house association Report. 1915/16 Salt Lake City, Utah. Health department Annual report.* Salt Lake City, Utah. Health department Statement of vital statistics.* Salt Lake City, Utah. Juvenile court Report. 1905 Salvation army Social news. v. 1 (1911)-4, 9 v. 4 no. 12; v. 5-8 lacking. San Antonio, Tex. Associated charities Annual report, no. 7 (1910), 8 (1911) San Diego, Cal. Associated charities Annual report. 1910/11,1913/14 San Diego, Cal. Playground commissioners, Board of Annual report. 1913, 1915, 1916 San Diego, Cal. Travelers' aid society Annual report. 1916 San Francisco, Cal. Associated charities Annual report. 1890-1916, 1918 San Francisco, Cal. Association for the study and prevention of tuberculosis Report, [annual] 1909, 1910, 1912; [biennial] 1914-15 San Francisco, Cal. Charities endorsement committee Annual report, no. 1 (1903) San Francisco, Cal. Co-operative employ- ment bureau Report. 1911/12, 1912/15 San Francisco, Cal. Federation of Jewish charities Annual report, no. 1 (1910) San Francisco, Cal. Housing association Report, no. 1 (1910/11), 2 (1912/13) San Francisco, Cal. Infant shelter Annual report. 1915/16 San Francisco, Cal. Juvenile court Report. 1906, 1911, 1915, 1916 San Francisco, Cal. Juvenile protective as- sociation Annual report. 1916/17 * Current numbers only. 98 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS San Francisco, Gal. Ladies' protection and relief society Annual report. 1911,1913,1914 San Francisco, Cal. Park commissioners, Board of Annual report. 1911/12 San Francisco, Cal. Police department 1911/12 San Francisco, Cal. Protestant orphan asy- lum society Annual report.* San Francisco, Cal. Public health depart- ment Annual report. 1906/07-1915/16 San Francisco, Cal. Public library Report.* San Francisco, Cal. Recreation league Annual report. 1915/16 San Francisco, Cal. Recreation league Bulletin, v. 1 (1913/14) no. 1, 2; v. 2 (1914/ 15) no. 1-3, 6-10; v. 3 (1915/16)-v. 5 (1917) no. 2, 3 San Francisco, Cal. Telegraph Hill neighbor- hood association Annual report, no. 7 (1909), 11-13 (1914/ 15) San Francisco, Cal. Widow's pension fund Report. 1914-1916/17 San Jose, Cal. Associated charities Annual report, no. 2 (1895)-7, 9, 17-22, 24 (1916/17) Santa Barbara, Cal. Associated charities Annual report, no. 11 (1909/10), 12, 14, 15 (1913/14) Saranac Lake, N. Y. Reception hospital Annual report, no. 1 (1901/02) Saranac Lake, N.Y. Trudeau sanitarium Annual report, no. 1 (1886)-4, 8, 11, 13 Previous to 1916/17 entitled: Saranac Lake, N.Y. Adirondack cottage sanitarium. Saskatchewan. Labour, Bureau of Annual report, no. 7 (1917/18) Saskatchewan. Neglected and dependent children, Superintendent of Report.* Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan sanatorium (Fort Qu'Appelle) Annual report, no. 1 (1918/19) Sault Sainte Marie, Mich. Civic and com- mercial association Annual report.* Savannah, Ga. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1910)-4, 10 no. 5-9 never published. Schenectady, N.Y. Charities association Report. 1909/11 Schenectady, N.Y. Children's home Annual report. 1915/16 Schenectady, N.Y. Health, Bureau of Annual report.* School and society v. 1 (1915) School child and juvenile worker v. 9 (1919) School garden association of America Annual report, no. 1 (1910/12)-5 (1915/16) School hygiene v. 1 (1908/09) v. 1 no. 1 lacking. In May 1909 merged with Hygiene and physical education. Scotland. Education department Report on the medical inspection of school children in Scotland, no. 1 (1910/11), 2 (1911/12) Scotland. General board of control Annual report, no. 1 (1914)-3 In 1914 superseded: Scotland. Lunacy commission. Scotland. Inebriates acts inspector Annual report. 1914/15 Scotland. Local government board Annual report, no. 1 (1894/95)-22 Scotland. Local government board Report as to the proceedings of distress committee in Scotland. 1905/06-1913/14 Scotland. Lunacy commission Annual report, no. 1 (1858)-56 (1913) In 1914 superseded by: Scotland. General board of control. Scotland. Prison commissioners Annual report. 1908-1915 Scotland. Scottish Christian social union Annual report. 1910/11 Scotland. Scottish war savings committee Annual report, no. 1 (1916/17) Scranton, Pa. Associated charities and hu- mane society of Lackawanna county Annual report. 1894/95-1898, 1905-1914/ 16 Scranton, Pa. District nurse association Report. 1913-15 Scranton, Pa. Health bureau Annual report.* Scranton, Pa. Recreation, Bureau of Annual report. 1915-1917, 1919 Scranton, Pa. Scranton poor district, Board of directors Annual report of the Hospital for the insane and almshouse. 1912/13 Sea Cliff, N.Y. Country home for convales- cent babies Annual report. 1915 Seattle, Wash. Charity organization society Annual report. 1910/11,1911/12 * Current numbers only. 99 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Seattle, Wash. Charity organization society Bulletin, no. 4 (1916)-6 (1916) Children's orthopedic hos- 1915/16 Health and sanitation, De- Seattle, Wash. pital Annual report. Seattle, Wash. partment of Bulletin.* Seattle, Wash. Health and sanitation, De- partment of Report. 1911 Seattle, Wash. Juvenile court Annual report. 1911 Seattle, Wash. Park commissioners, Board of Annual report. 1916 Seeking and saving v. 16 (1906-08) Sewickley, Pa. Fresh air home Annual report. 1915/16 Sharon, Conn. Trade school for cardiac con- valescents Annual report, no. 1 (1913/14) Sharon, Mass. Sharon sanatorium for pul- monary diseases Annual report, no. 1 (1891/92)-ll, 13 Sheboygan, Wis. Associated charities Report. 1912/14-1915/16 Sheffield, England. Borstal club Annual report. 1909/10 Sheffield, England. Health committee Annual report. 1906, 1907, 1910-1915 Sheffield, England. School medical officer Report.* Single tax review v. 13 (1913) v. 17 no. 6 lacking. Sioux City, Iowa. Charity bureau Annual report. 1914/15 In 1916 this Bureau, the Visiting nurse's as- sociation, the Anti-tuberculosis society, the Safety-first league, and the Day nursery merged to form the Sioux City, Iowa. Or- ganized charities. Sioux City, Iowa. Organized welfare bureau of Sioux City and Woodbury county Annual report, no. 1 (1916/17) Previous to October 1918 entitled: Sioux City, Iowa. Organized charities. Slainte; the journal of the Women's national health association of Ireland no. 1 (1909)-71 (1915) no. 36, 38, 41-47 lacking. Publication discontinued, 1915. Training school for social Smith college. work Bulletin. 1919 Social center v. 1 (1912) Publication discontinued, 1912. Social education quarterly v. 1 (1907) Social hygiene v. 1 (1914/15) Social progress v. 1 (1917) v. 3 no. 8, 10 lacking. Social progress; a year book and encyclo- pedia of economic, industrial, social and re- ligious statistics, v. 1 (1904)-3 (1906) Editor, 1904-1906, Josiah Strong. Social service v. 2 (1900)-13 (1906) ' v. 2 no. 7, 11, 12; v. 3 no. 1, 2; v. 4 no. 3 lacking. Publication discontinued, 1906. Social service (London) no. 114 (1913) Social service review v. 5 (1917) Social tidskrif t v. 9 (1909)-12 (1912) v. 9 no. 8; v. 12 no. 3, 8-12 lacking. Social welfare v. 1 (1917/18) no. 1-10; v. 2 (1918/19) no. 3-5 Publication discontinued, April 1919. Social welfare (Canada) v. 1 (1918/19) Societe des creches Bulletin, no. 16 (1879), 18, 24, 26, 37, 51, 66, 86, 87, 89, 90, 92, 94, 98, 101, 104, 106, 111, 129, 141-143, 147-166, 171 Society for instruction in first aid to the injured Annual report.* Society for the improvement of prison discipline Report, no. 8 (1832) Society for the promotion of social service in the Young men's Christian associa- tion Conference proceedings, no. 1 (1908), 2, 4, 5 (1911) No proceedings were published for the first conference. The proceedings of the second and conference were published as no. 1, those of the third conference as no. 2. Society discontinued, 1911. Sociological review v. 1 (1908) Sociological society (English). Cities com- mittee Papers for the present, no. 1 (1917?)-5, 9 * Current numbers only. 100 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Somerset county, England. Health, Medi- cal officer of Report. 1912, 1915, 1917 Somerset county, England. School medi- cal officer Annual report. 1913 Somerville, Mass. Associated charities Annual report, no. 5 (1897/98), 12-22, 24 (1916/17) no. 23 never published. Somerville, Mass. Health department Annual report.* Somerville, Mass. Visiting nurse association Report. 1911/12 South Australia. Factories, Chief inspector of Report. 1910-1916 South Australia. State children's council Report. 1886/87 South Bend, Ind. Associated charities and philanthropies Annual report, no. 1 (1902/03), 8-15 (1916/ 17) South Bend, Ind. Municipal recreation committee Annual report, no. 1 (1914/15) South Bend, Ind. Visiting nurse association Annual report.* South Carolina. Agriculture, commerce and industries commissioner Annual report, no. 4 (1907) South Carolina. Agriculture, commerce and industries commissioner. Labor division Annual report, no. 1 (1909) South Carolina. Charities and corrections, State board of Quarterly bulletin, v. 1 (1915)-5 (1919) From 1915-1919 annual report published in the Quarterly bulletin. In 1920 superseded by: South Carolina. Public welfare, State board of. South Carolina. Health, State board of Annual report, no. 36 (1915) South Carolina. Industrial school (Florence) Annual report, no. 4 (1912), 8 South Carolina. Penitentiary (Columbia) Annual report. 1908, 1910, 1912, 1914-1916 South Carolina. Public welfare, State board of Quarterly bulletin, v. 1 (1920) no. 1 In 1920 superseded: South Carolina. Char- ities and corrections, State board of. South Carolina. State federation of labor Minutes. 1915 South Carolina. State hospital for the in- sane (Columbia) Annual report.* South Carolina. Tuberculosis association Year book. no. 1 (1918/19) South Dakota. Free public library commis- sion Biennial report.* South Dakota. Health, State board of Bulletin.* South Dakota. Health and medical exam- iners, State board of Biennial report, no. 1 (1912/14) South Dakota. Hospital for the insane Biennial report.* South Dakota. Industrial commissioner Annual report, no. 1 (1917/18) South Dakota. State board of charities and corrections Biennial report, no. 1 (1889/90), 3-10, 12, 14 South Dakota. State penitentiary (Sioux Falls) Biennial report. 1908/10 1914/16 report included in: South Dakota. State board of charities and corrections. Biennial report, 1914/16. South Dakota. State school and home for the feeble minded (Redfield) Biennial report, no. 1 (1901-02) Previous to 1913 entitled: South Dakota. Northern hospital for the insane. South Dakota. State training school (Plan- kinton) Biennial report, no. 11 (1908/10) 1914/16 report included in: South Dakota. State board of charities and corrections. Biennial report, 1914/16. South Dakota. Vital statistics, Division of Annual report, no. 1 (1905/06) South Dakota. Women's committee of in- vestigation of penal and charitable institu- tions of South Dakota Report. 1914, 1918 Southampton, England. Charity organisa- tion society Annual report, no. 2 (1876/77)-7, 27-29, 31 -40 (1914/15) Southern California sociological society Studies in sociology, no. 1 (1916) Southern sociological congress Addresses, v. 1 (1912) Southern sociological congress Forward, v. 1 (1916/17) no. 1-3 Publication discontinued with v. 1 no. 3. Southern workman v. 29 (1900) Soziale Kultur v. 31 (1911), 32 (1912) Publication suspended. Soziale Praxis und Archiv fur Volkswohl- fahrt v. 19 (1909/10)-v. 26 (1916) no. 1-13; v. 29 * Current numbers only. 101 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Spain. Institute de reformas sociales Boletin. no. 1 (1904)-148 (1916) Sec- Spain. Institute de reformas sociales. cion segunda Estradistica de los accidentes del trebajo. 1905-1914 Spain. Institute de reformas sociales. Sec- cion tercera Estradistica de las huelgas. 1906-1913 Special libraries v. 1 (1910) Spokane, Wash. Health and sanitation de- partment Annual report.* Springfield, 111. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1897/98), 2 (1898/99) Springfield, Mass. Bureau of municipal re- search Public affairs, no. 3 (1914?)-! 1 (1916?) Springfield, Mass. City planning commis- sion Annual report, no. 1 (1913/14), 2 (1914/15) Springfield, Mass. Health department Annual report.* Springfield, Mass. Overseers of the poor, Board of Report. 1877/78-1880/81, 1902/03-1914/ 15 Springfield, Mass. Park commissioners, Board of Annual report.* Springfield, Mass. Union relief association Annual report, no. 1 (1876/77)-7,9, 11 Springfield, Ohio. Playground association Report. 1910/12 Springfield, Ohio. Social service bureau Report. 1916/17 Previousto 1920entitled: Springfield, Ohio. Associated charities. Der Stadtebau v. 1 (1904) v. 16 no. 5, 6 lacking. Staffordshire county, England. Council. Medical officer of health Annual report. 1902, 1903, 1914 Stamford, Conn. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1910/11) Stamford, Conn. Visiting nurse association Report. 1916/17 Steubenville, Ohio. Social service union Annual report. 1913/14 Stockholm, Sweden. Foreningen for val- gorenhetens ordnande Annual report. 1913/14 Studies in social progress in the Gospel of the Kingdom v. 1 (1910)-v. 10 (1918) no. 1-10 v. 10 no. 11,12; v. 11 no. 1-3 lacking. Previous to October 1916 entitled: Gospel of the Kingdom. Publication discontinued, December 1918. Summit, N.J. Co-operative charities Annual report, no. 1 (1914/15) Superior, Wis. Public welfare association Annual report. 1915/16 Survey v. 1 (1897/98) From 1905-1909 entitled: Charities and the Commons. Previous to 1905 entitled: Charities. Survey associates Statement by the editors; annual report of the Survey. 1907/08 Sweden. Kommerskollegium. Afdelning for arbetsstatistik Registrerade sjukkassors. 1905-1912 Sweden. Kommerskollegium. Afdelning for arbetsstatistik see also Sweden. Sveriges officiella statistik Sweden. Socialstyrelsen Sociala meddelanden. 1916 Sweden. Sveriges officiella statistik Arbetsinstallelser i Sverige. 1917 Sweden. Sveriges officiella statistik Olyckfall i arbete. 1906, 1908, 1909, 1915 Previous to 1915 (?) entitled: Sweden. Kommerskollegium. Afdelning for arbets- statistik. Sweden. Sveriges officiella statistik Riksforskringsanstalten. 1906 Switzerland. Bureau des assurances Rapport sur les entreprises privees en ma- tiere d'assurances en Suisse. 1915 Switzerland. Department 1'economie pub- lique Rapports des gouvernements cantonaux sur 1'execution de la loi federate concernant le travail dans les fabriques. 1909-10 Switzerland. Departement de 1'economie publique Rapports des inspecteurs suisses des fabri- ques sur leurs fonctions officielles. 1916-17 Switzerland. Inspecteurs federaux des fa- briques et des mines Rapport. 1904/05-1914/15 Switzerland. Statistics bureau Statistisches Jahrbuch der Schweiz. 1909 Switzerland. Union suisse des societes de consommation (U.S.C.) Rapports et comptes concernant 1'activite des organes de 1'union. 1917 * Current numbers only. 102 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Switzerland. Zentralstelle schweizerischer Arbeitsamter Geschafts-bericht. 1905-1915, 1918 Syracuse, N.Y. Associated churches and charities Year book. 1902-03, 1915/16 1917/18 report never published. In 1902 superseded: Syracuse, N.Y. Labor and charities, Bureau of. Previous to 1914 entitled: Syracuse, N.Y. Associated charities. Syracuse, N.Y. Chief probation officer Annual report. 1910/11, 1916/17 Syracuse, N.Y. Labor and charities, Bureau of Annual report. 1878/79-1881/82, 1885/86- 1889/90, 1891/92-1895/96 In 1902 superseded by: Syracuse, N.Y. As- sociated charities. Tacoma, Wash. Associated charities Annual report. 1901 Tacoma, Wash. Metropolitan park district, Commissioners of Annual report. 1915 Talladega, Ala. Orphans' home Annual report.* Tarrytown, N.Y. St. Faith's house Annual report.* Tasmania. Charitable grants department Report. 1914/15 Tasmania. Neglected children, Department for Report. 1914/15 Taunton, Mass. Associated charities Annual report, no. 3 (1883/84)-6, 8-10, 12- 18, 20 (1900) Taunton, Mass. City planning board Annual report, no. 1 (1914/15) Taunton, Mass. Health, Board of Annual report.* Taxation; a journal of economic justice v. 1 (1920) no. 1 Tenafly, N.J. Mary Fisher home Annual report. 1915/16 Tennessee. Anti-tuberculosis association Report, no. 1 (1918/19) Tennessee. Blind, Commission for the Annual report, no. 1 (1918) Tennessee. Board of control Biennial report, no. 1 (1915-16) Tennessee. Health, State board of Report. 1880/84, 1907-08, 1909-10 Tennessee. Industrial school (Nashville) Biennial report, no. 12 (1908/10)-14 (19 12/ 14) Since 1915 report included in: Tennessee. Board of control. Biennial report. Tennessee. Labor, statistics and mines bu- reau Annual report, no. 3 (1893)-5, 8 (1898) Tennessee. Mining department Annual report. 1914 Tennessee. Prison commissioners, Board of Biennial report, no. 7 (1906/08)-9 (1910/ 12) Tennessee. State charities board Report. 1901-02, 1909-10, 1913-14, 1914- 16 Tennessee. State federation of labor Proceedings, no. 15 (1912), 20 (1917) Tennessee. Work shop and factory inspec- tion, Department of Annual report, no. 1 (1913) Terre Haute, Ind. Society for organizing charity Annual report, no. 26 (1909)-34 (1916) Texas. Health, State board of Biennial report. 1910-12 Texas. Health, State board of Texas health magazine.* Texas. Health, State board of. Bureau of vi- tal statistics Annual report. 1917 Texas. Industrial accident board Report. 1913/14, 1915/16 Texas. Labor statistics bureau Biennial report, no. 1 (1909-10) Texas. Library and historical commission Biennial report. 1911/13 Texas. North Texas hospital for the insane (Terrell) Annual report, no. 1 (1883/84), 3, 5, 8-10, 12-18, 21, 22, 25 Texas. Public health association Report. 1918/19 Texas. Southwestern insane asylum (San An- tonio) Annual report.* Texas. State conference of charities and cor- rections Proceedings, no. 2 (1912)-4, 7 no. 1 never published. Texas. State epileptic colony (Abilene) Annual report, no. 1 (1903/04), 5, 7 Texas. State federation of labor Proceedings of the annual convention, no. 13 (1910)-21, 23 Texas. State juvenile training school (Gates- ville) Report. 1910/12, 1915/16 Previous to 1913 entitled: Texas. State in- stitution for the training of juveniles (Gates- ville). Texas. State lunatic asylum Annual report.* * Current numbers only. 103 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Texas. State penitentiaries Biennial report. 1908/10 Texas. State sanatorium for the treatment of incipient pulmonary tuberculosis (Carlsbad) Annual report. 1913/14 Texas. University of Texas Bulletin: Municipal research series, no. 2 (1914)-14 (1917) Three towns housing association Annual report. 1905/06-1908/09 Thrift tidings v. 1 (1907) v. 4 no. 3; v. 13 no. 3, 4 never published. Toledo, Ohio. District nurse association, inc. Annual report.* Toledo, Ohio. Health board Annual report.* Toledo, Ohio. Social service federation Annual report. 1910/11-1915/16, 1918/19 1916/17 and 1917/18 reports never pub- lished. Previous to May 1919 entitled: Toledo, Ohio. Federation of charities. Tompkinsville, N.Y. Staten Island diet kitchen association Annual report. 1916 Topeka, Kan. Provident association Annual report, no. 6 (1909/10)-!! (1914/ 15) Toronto, Ontario. Boys' home Annual report. 1915/16 Toronto, Ontario. Bureau of municipal re- search Annual report, no. 1 (1914/15) Toronto, Ontario. Bureau of municipal re- search Bulletin.* Toronto, Ontario. Children's aid society Annual report.* Toronto, Ontario. Girls' home Annual report. 1916 Toronto, Ontario. Neighborhood workers association Annual report. 1918/19 Toronto, Ontario. Neighborhood workers association Social service directory of Toronto. 1918 Toronto, Ontario. Playgrounds association Report, no. 1 (1909/10) Toronto, Ontario. Protestant orphans' home Annual report. 1914/15 Toronto, Ontario. Public health, Depart- ment of Health bulletin.* Toronto, Ontario. Social service commis- sion Annual report, no. 4 (1915), 5 (1916) Toronto, Ontario. University of Toronto. Department of social service Calendar. 1919/20 Toronto, Ontario. Working boys' home Annual report. 1914/15 Torquay, England. Convalescent home for blinded soldiers and sailors Report, no. 2 (1916/17) Torquay, England. Medical officer of health Annual report. 1916 Torrington, Conn. Relief association Annual report. 1915/16 The Town v. 1 (1915)-3 (1918) Publication discontinued, 1918. Town planning institute (English) Papers and discussions, v. 1 (1914-15) Town planning review v. 1 (1910) Trades union congress (English) Report of the proceedings, no. 50 (1918) Trained nurse* Trenton, N.J. Emergency food garden com- mission Report. 1918 Trenton, N.J. Playgrounds commission and the Playgrounds association Reports. 1910-^ No reports published from 1911-1914. Trenton, N.J. Society for organizing charity Report. 1907/08 Trivandrum, India. Reformatory school Report. 1909/10-1912/13, 1914/15, 1915/ 16 Troy, N.Y. Instructive district nursing asso- ciation Annual report.* Troy, N.Y. Orphan asylum Annual report. 1915/16 Troy, N.Y. Public safety, Department of Comparative yearly mortality.* Troy, N.Y. Public safety, Department of Official monthly report of the health officer.* Tuberculosis year book and sanatoria an- nual v. 1 (1913/14) Editor, 1913/14, T. M. Kelynack. Tuskegee, Ala. Normal and industrial in- stitute Annual report. 1909/10 Tuskegee, Ala. Normal and industrial in- stitute Tuskegee institute bulletin, ser. 10 (1916) no. 2; ser. 11 (1917) no. 2-4; ser. 12 (1918) no. 2, 4; ser. 13 (1919) no. 2; ser. 14 (1920) no. 3 Tuxedo, N.Y. Tuxedo hospital Annual report. 1916/17 * Current numbers only. 104 Union printers home (Colorado Springs, Colo.) Annual report. 1904/05 United association of handicapped men Thumbs up! v. 1 (1919/20) United fruit company. Medical depart- ment Annual report.* United garment workers of America The Garment worker.* United mine workers of America Auditor's semi-annual report. 1914 1914 pt. 1 lacking. United mine workers of America Proceedings, no. 1 (1914) United mine workers of America Report of the international secretary-trea- surer. 1913/14 United Oddfellow's (German) home and orphanage association (New York) Annual report.* United shoe company (Beverly, Mass.) Athletic association Three partners.* United States. Agriculture, Secretary of Report.* United States. Agriculture department Bulletin.* United States. Agriculture department Farmers' bulletin.* United States. Agriculture department Yearbook. 1894 United States. Agriculture department and Treasury department Thrift leaflets, no. 1 (1919)-20 (1919) United States. Army general hospital (Fort Bayard, N.M.) Report. 1915 United States. Census bureau Birth statistics for the registration area of the United States: Annual report, no. 1 (1915)- United States. Census bureau Bulletin, no. 1 (1903) United States. Census bureau Mortality statistics: Annual report. 1900 United States. Census bureau Report of the Director. 1903/04 United States. Census bureau Weekly health index.* United States. Chamber of commerce Yearbook and directory.* United States. Chamber of commerce. Im- migration committee Bulletin, no. 1 (1916)-26 (1918) United States. Children's bureau Annual report of the Chief, no. 1 (1912/ 13)- United States. Children's bureau Publications, no. 2 (1912) United States. Civil service commission Annual report, no. 1 (1883/84), 3, 4, 7 United States. Commerce, Secretary of Annual report. 1913-1915/16, 1918/19 The Commerce department was formed by the act of Congress of March 4, 1913, which reorganized the United States. Commerce and labor department. United States. Commerce and labor, Secre- tary of Annual report, no. 1 (1903)-10 (1912) The Commerce and labor department was reorganized by the act of Congress of March 4, 1913, which created two separate depart- ments the United States. Commerce department and the United States. Labor, Department of. United States. Commerce and labor de- partment Statistical abstract of the United States, no. 31 (1908)-35 (1912) Since 1913 abstract issued by: United States. Commerce department. United States. Commerce department Statistical abstract of the United States. no. 36 (1913) Previous to 1913 abstract issued by: United States. Commerce and labor department. United States. Education bureau Annual report of the Commissioner. 1867 / 68 United States. Education bureau Bulletin. 1906 United States. Education bureau Circulars of information. 1873 no. 2-5 1875 no. 5, 8 1877 no. 2 1879 no. 5 1880 no. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 1881 no. 1, 3, 4 1882 no. 1-4, 6 1883 no. 1, 3, 4 1884 no. 1, 3-6 1885 no. 1-5 1886 no. 1, 2 1887 no. 1-3 1888 no. 1-7 1889 no. 1-3 1890 no. 1, 2 1891 no. 1, 2, 4-9 1892 no. 1, 2 1893 no. 1-8 1894 no. 1, 2 1898 no. 1-3 1899 no. 1, 3 1900 no. 1, 2 1902 no. 1-3 1903 no. 1-3 * Current numbers only. 105 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS United States. Education bureau Community center circulars, no. 1 (1919) United States. Education bureau Industrial education circulars, no. 1 (1919) -4 United States. Education bureau Library leaflets, no. 1 (1919) United States. Education bureau School life. v. 1 (1918) United States. Education bureau. Ameri- canization division Americanization bulletin, v. 1 (1918/19)-v. 2 (1919) no. 1-3 United States. Education bureau. Division of school hygiene Health education, no. 1 (1919) United States. Employees' compensation commission Annual report, no. 1 (1916/17) United States. Employment service Annual report of the Director general, no. 1 (1917/18) United States. Employment service United States employment service bulletin. . v. 1 (1918/19), v. 2 (1919) no. 1-3 v. 1 no. 21, 22 lacking. United States. Employment service. Boys' working reserve Boy power; official bulletin, v. 1 (1917/18), 2 (1919) v.l no. 9, 10 lacking. Publication discontinued, June 1919. United States. Federal board for vocational education Annual report, no. 1 (1916/17) United States. Federal board for vocational education Bulletin, no. 1 (1917) United States. Federal board for vocational education Rehabilitation leaflet, no. 1 (1918)-6, 8 (1919) United States. Federal board for vocational education Rehabilitation series: Monographs, no. 1 (1918), 2 (1918) United States. Federal board for vocational education Vocational rehabilitation series: Mono- graphs, no. 1 (1918) United States. Federal board for vocational education Vocational summary, no. 1 (1918) United States. Federal farm loan board Annual report, no. 1 (1916/17) United States. Federal farm loan board Circulars, no. 1 (1917) United States. Food administration Annual report. 1918 United States. Food administration Bulletin, no. 1 (1917)-16 (1918) no. 13, 15 lacking. United States. Food administration Food leaflets, no. 1 (1917)-20 (1917) United States. Food administration Food news notes for public libraries, no. 1 (1917)-12 (1918) United States. Food administration Retail stores flyer, no. 1 (1918)-8 (1919) United States. Food administration. Wash- ington branch Weekly news letter, no. 1 (1918)-12 (1918) United States. Foreign and domestic com- merce, Bureau of Monthly summary of foreign commerce of the United States.* United States. Government hospital for the insane Report, no. 58 (1912/13) United States. Immigration, Commissioner general of Annual report. 1898/99 United States. Immigration bureau Immigration bulletin. 1914-1917 In 1918 superseded by: United States. Im- migration bureau. United States immigra- tion service bulletin. United States. Immigration bureau United States immigration service bulletin, no. 1 (1918)-17 (1919) In 1918 superseded: United States. Immi- gration bureau. Immigration bulletin. Publication discontinued, August 1919. United States. Internal revenue bureau Bulletin: Income tax rulings, no. 1 (Jan. 1920) United States. Justice, Department of Rules and regulations governing the parole of United States prisoners. 1910 United States. Labor, Department of Bulletin, no. 1 (1895)-47 (1903) From November 1903-December 1912 bul- letins issued by: United States. Labor bu- reau. Since March 1913 issued by: United States. Labor statistics bureau. This Department was created by the act of Congress approved June 13, 1888. By the act of February 14, 1903, it became the La- bor bureau of the newly created Commerce and labor department. United States. Labor, Department of Report of the Secretary of labor, and reports of bureaus, no. 1 (1912/13) This Department was created by the act of Congress of March 4, 1913. United States. Labor, Department of. United States training service Training bulletin, no. 1 (1918)-13 (1919) * Current numbers only. 106 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS United States. Labor, Department of. Working conditions service. Labor ad- ministration division Circulars, no. 1 (1919)-5 (1919) United States. Labor bureau Bulletin, no. 48 (1903)-! 11 (1912) Previous to November 1903 bulletin issued by: United States. Labor, Department of. Since 191 3 issued by: United States. Labor statistics bureau. United States. Labor commissioner Annual report, no. 1 (1885)-25 (1910) United States. Labor commissioner Special report, no. 1 (1889)-12 (1905) United States. Labor statistics bureau Bulletin, no. 112 (1913) From November 1903-December 1912 bul- letin issued by: United States. Labor bu- reau. Previous to November 1903 issued by: United States. Labor, Department of. United States. Labor statistics bureau Monthly labor review, v. 1 (1915) Previous to July 1918 entitled: Monthly re- view. United States. Library of Congress Annual report of the Librarian.* United States. Life saving service Annual report. 1913/14 United States. Mediation and conciliation, Board of Annual report. 1913/14, 1919 United States. Mines bureau Annual report, no. 1 (1910/11) United States. Mines bureau Bulletin.* United States. Mines bureau Miners' circular.* United States. Mines bureau Monthly statement of the coal-mine fa- talities in the United States.* United States. Mines bureau Technical papers.* United States. National board of health Annual report, no. 1 (1879)-4 (1881/82) United States. National board of health Bulletin, v. 1 (1879)-3 (1881/82) United States. National defense, Council of Annual report, no. 1 (1916/17) United States. National defense, Council of Community council circulars, no. 1 (1918) -4 United States. National defense, Council of. Committee on women in industry Women in war industries series, no. 1 (1918), 2, 4 (1918) United States. National defense, Council of. Reconstruction research division Daily digest of reconstruction news.* United States. National home for disabled volunteer soldiers Annual report. 1903/04 United States. Naturalization bureau Annual report of the Commissioner. 1913/ 14 From 1906/07-1912/13 naturalization re- port included in: United States. Immigra- tion, Commissioner general of. Annual re- port. United States. Panama canal. Health de- partment Annual report.* United States. Parole, Boards of Annual report, no. 1 (1910/11) United States. Penitentiary (Atlanta, Ga.) Annual report, no. 2 (1902/03) United States. Penitentiary (Leavenworth, Kan.) Annualreport. 1907/08-1912/13, 1914/15 United States. Penitentiary (McNeil Is- land, Washington) Annual report. 1909/10 United States. Provost marshal general Report, no. 1 (1917), 2 (1917/18) United States. Public health service Annual report of the Surgeon general, no. 2 (1872/73), 3, 23, 26 United States. Public health service Keep well series, no. 1 (1919)-10 United States. Public health service Hygienic laboratory bulletins.* United States. Public health service Public health bulletins, no. 4 (1899), 6, 8, 11, 12, 15-23, 26-28, 30-59, 61 United States. Public health service Weekly public health report reprints, no. 1 (1899), 2, 4, 6, 8-10, 12-16, 18-28, 30, 31, 34, 36-39, 42, 44-46, 48-53, 55-101, 104- 112, 114-140, 142-194, 196, 198-515, 517- 534, 536, 538, 539, 541-544, 549, 552, 554 United States. Public health service Weekly public health report supplements, no. 1 (1899)-4, 6-36 United States. Public health service Weekly public health reports, v. 14(1899) v. 25 pt. 2 lacking. United States. Smithsonian institution Annual report.* United States. Soldiers' home commission- ers Report of the Soldiers' home.* United States. Steamboat inspection service Annual report of the Supervising inspector- general.* * Current numbers only. 107 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS United States. War department. Training camp activities, Commission on Report of the Chairman to the Secretary of war. no. 1 (1917/18) United States. War loan organization. Sav- ings division The Director, no. 1 (1919)-12 United States. War-risk insurance, Bureau of Annual report of the Director. 1915/16 United States. Woman in industry service Annual report, no. 1 (1918/19) United States. Women's bureau Bulletin, no. 1 (1918) Previous to October (?) 1919 entitled: United States. Woman in industry service. United States. Women's bureau Charts, no. 1 (1919?)-7 United States brewers' association Yearbook. 1909 United States league of building and loan associations Proceedings, v. 1 (1893) United States sanitary commission. Wo- man's central association of relief Annual report, no. 2 (1862/63), 3 (1863/64) United States shipping board emergency fleet corporation. Industrial relations di- vision. Employment management branch Bulletins, no. 1 (1918)-3 United States steel and Carnegie pension fund Annual report, no. 1 (1911) United States steel corporation. Safety, sanitation and welfare, Bureau of Bulletin, no. 1 (1910)-7 (1918) United States volunteer life saving corps. New York department Annual report. 1915 Unpartizan review v. 1 (1914) Previous to July 1919 entitled: Unpopular review. Utah. Health, State board of Report. 1908/10-1912/14 Utah. Immigration, labor and statistics, State bureau of Biennial report, no. 1 (1911-12), 2 (1913- 14) In 1917 superseded by: Utah. Industrial commission. Utah. Industrial commission Report, no. 1 (1917/18) In 1917 superseded: Utah. Immigration, labor and statistics, State bureau of. Utah. Insanity, State board of, and State mental hospital (Provo) Report. 1912/14 Utah. Juvenile court commission Biennial report. 1912/14 Utah. School for the deaf and the blind Biennial report.* Utah. State board of corrections Report. 1896 Utah. State federation of labor Proceedings, no. 9 (1913), 15 Utah. State industrial school (Ogden) Biennial report, no. 6 (1906/08), 8, 9 Utah survey v. 1 (1913/14); v. 2 (1914/15) no. 1-3, 6, 7; v. 3 (1915/16) no. 3, 6-8 Utica, N.Y. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1912/13) Utica, N.Y. Committee of twenty Annual report, no. 1 (1917/18) Utica, N.Y. Home for the homeless Annual report. 1914/15 Utica, N.Y. Orphan asylum Annual report. 1915/16 Utica, N.Y. Parks and boulevards, Depart- ment of Annual report.* Utica, N.Y. Tuberculosis camp committee Annual report. 1916 Utica, N.Y. Utica dispensary Annual report.* Valhalla, N.Y. Jennie Clarkson home for children Annual report.* Valley Stream, N.Y. Wayside home Annual report.* Vancouver, British Columbia. Juvenile court Report. 1919 Vancouver, British Columbia. Park com- missioners, Board of Annual report. 1914/15 Vassar college Ellen S. Richards monographs, no. 1 (1917) Ventnor City, N.J. Jewish seaside home for invalids Annual report.* Verbank, N.Y. Hope farm Annual report, no. 1 (1907) Vermont. Association for the prevention of tuberculosis Annual report, no. 1 (1916/17) Vermont. Brattleboro retreat, Officers of Biennial report. 1908-10 Vermont. Charities and probation, Board of Biennial report, no. 1 (1916-18) * Current numbers only. 108 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Vermont. Conference of social work Proceedings, no. 1 (1916) Previous to 1918 entitled: Vermont. Con- ference of charities and corrections. Vermont. Factory inspector Biennial report, no. 1 (1912/14), 2 (1914/ 16) In April 1917 superseded by: Vermont. Industries, Commissioner of. Vermont. Free public library commission Biennial report.* Vermont. Health, State board of Bulletin.* Vermont. Health, State board of Report, no. 14 (1902-03), 17 Vermont. Industrial school (Vergennes) Biennial report. 1908/10, 1912/14, 1914/16 Since 1916/18 report included in: Vermont. State institutions, Director of. Biennial re- port. Vermont. Industries, Commissioner of Biennial report. 1916-18 In April 1917 superseded: Vermont. Fac- tory inspector. Vermont. Insane, Supervisor of Biennial report. 1886/88-1890/92, 1894/ 96, 1902/04, 1906/08 Vermont. Sanatorium for incipient tubercu- losis (Pittsford) Annual report, no. 2 (1909) no. 1 never published. Vermont. Soldiers' home (Bennington) Report. 1902/04 Vermont. State federation of labor Proceedings, no. 14 (1915), 16 Vermont. State institutions, Director of Biennial report, no. 1 (1916/18) Vermont. State prison (Windsor) Biennial report. 1908/10-1912/14 Since 1916/18 report included in: Vermont. State institutions, Director of. Biennial re- port. Victoria. Charitable institutions inspector Annual report. 1906/07 Victoria. Children's court act Report of the Chief probation officer. 1907- 1909 Victoria. Conference of probation officers Proceedings. 1909 Victoria. Factories and shops, Chief inspec- tor of Report. 1908 Previous to 1912 entitled: Victoria. Fac- tories, work-rooms and shops, Chief inspec- tor of. Victoria. Indeterminate sentence board Annual report. 1908/09-1910/11, 1912/13 Victoria. Neglected children and reforma- tory schools, Department of Report of the secretary and inspector. 1914 Victoria. Penal establishments, gaols and re- formatory prisons Report and statistical tables. 1914 Victoria. Prison association Annual report, no. 2 (1873/74), 4, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15-43, 45 Previous to 1914 entitled: Victoria. Dis- charged prisoners' aid society. La Vie Internationale v. 1 (1912)-4 (1913) Vienna, Austria Statisches Jahrbuch. 1909 Vigilance v. 22 (1908)-27 (1914) v. 26 no. 4, 12 lacking. Publication discontinued, 1914. Virginia. Central state hospital (Petersburg) Annual report.* Virginia. Children's home society Annual report, no. 5 (1905/06), 6, 8, 12, 15 Virginia. Conference of charities and correc- tions Proceedings, v. 4 (1904), 5, 8, 10 Virginia. Co-operative education association Annual report.* Virginia. Co-operative education association Community league news.* Virginia. Eastern state hospital (Williams- burg) Annual report.* Virginia. Health department Annual report of the Commissioner. 1909/ 10-1915/16, 1917/18 Virginia. Health department Bulletin.* Virginia. Home and industrial school for girls Annual report, no. 2 (1915/16) Virginia. Industrial commission Annual report reviewing the administration of the workmen's compensation act. no. 1 (1918/19) Virginia. Labor and industrial statistics bu- reau Annual report, no. 4 (1901)-9, 11 Virginia. Negro reformatory association Report, no. 1 (1900/01)-9 (1915/17) Virginia. Prison association Biennial report. 1904-05-1914-15 Virginia. Southwestern state hospital (Mar- ion) Annual report.* Virginia. State board of charities and correc- tions Annual report, no. 1 (1908/09) * Current numbers only. 109 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Virginia. State epileptic colony (Madison Heights) Annual report, no. 1 (1909/10) Virginia. State federation of labor Proceedings, no. 18 (1913) Virginia. State penitentiary (Richmond) Annual report. 1910/11 Virginia. Travelers' aid society Annual report. 1915 Virginia. Western lunatic asylum (Staunton) Biennial report.* Vocational education v. 1 (1912)-3 (1914) In 1914 merged with Manual training. Volta review v. 12 (1910) Walsall, England. Anti-mendicity and char- ity organisation society Annual report, no. 2 (1876/77)-7 (1881/82) Waltham, Mass. Baby hospital Annual report.* Waltham, Mass. District nursing associa- tion Report.* Waltham, Mass. Park commissioners Annual report.* Waltham, Mass. Social service league Annual report, no. 1 (1912/13), 2 (1913/14) Previous to 1913/14 entitled: Waltham, Mass. Social service committee. Der Wanderer v. 26 (1909) Wappingers Falls, N.Y. Dutchess bleach- ery, inc. Bleachery life. v. 2 (1919/20) War camp community service. Bureau of memorial buildings Community buildings as war memorials; bulletin, no. 1 (1919)-12 (1919) Washington. Children's home society Children's home finder.* Washington. Health, State board of Biennial report, no. 5 (1902/04) Washington. Industrial insurance depart- ment Annual report, no. 1 (1911/12) Washington. Industrial insurance depart- ment Monthly bulletin, v. 1 (1920) no. 1 Washington. Industrial welfare commission Biennial report, no. 1 (1913-14) Washington. Labor, Bureau of Report, no. 3 (1901) Washington. Pierce county. Social hygiene society Social hygiene outlook.* Washington. State board of control Biennial report, no. 1 (1900/02), 3 Washington. State federation of labor Proceedings, no. 10 (1911), 12, 14-16, 18 Washington. State librarian Biennial report. 1912/14 Washington, D.C. Associated charities and Citizens' relief association Joint year book. no. 1 (1881/82)-4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15-18, 20-23, 25, 27-34 Washington, D.C. Association for the pre- vention of tuberculosis Annual report, no. 1 (1908/09), 9-10 Washington, D.C. Bureau of applied eco- nomics, inc. Bulletin, no. 3 (1919) Washington, D.C. Charities, Superinten- dent of Report on charitable and reformatory in- stitutions. 1886/87, 1890/91-1899/1900 In 1900 superseded by: Washington, D.C. Charities board of the District of Columbia. Washington, D.C. Charities board of the District of Columbia Annual report, no. 1 (1900/01) In 1900 superseded: Washington, D.C. Charities, Superintendent of. Washington, D.C. Child welfare society Annual report of the infant welfare centers and pre-natal work. no. 3 (1915) Previous to 1919 entitled: Washington, D.C. Diet kitchen association. Annual re- port of the infant welfare centers and pre- natal work. Washington, D.C. Columbia institution for the deaf Annual report. 1917/18 Washington, D.C. Diet kitchen association Annual report. 1904, 1907/08-1913/14 In 1913 the Association changed its scope to infant welfare and pre-natal work. Washington, D.C. District of Columbia workhouse Report of the superintendent, no. 1 (1910/ 11) Since 1911/12 report included in: Washing- ton, D.C. Charities board of the District of Columbia. Annual report. Workhouse located at Occoquan, Va. Washington, D.C. Health officer Annual .report. 1876, 1893/94-1898/99, 1900/01 Washington, D.C. Instructive visiting nurse society Annual report, no. 12 (1911), 17 Washington, D.C. Juvenile court of the District of Columbia Report, no. 1 (1906/07) * Current numbers only. 110 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Washington, D.C. Metropolitan police de- partment Annual report. 1915 Washington, D.C. Minimum wage board Annual report, no. 2 (1919) no. 1 never published. Washington, D.C. Minimum wage board Bulletin, no. 1 (1919), 3 Washington, D.C. Playgrounds, Depart- ment of Annual report, no. 4 (1914/15) Washington, D.C. Prisoners' aid association Report, no. 19 (1917) Waterbury, Conn. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1909/10)-6 (1914/15) Watertown, Mass. Perkins institution and Massachusetts school for the blind Annual report, no. 2 (1883), 4-7, 9-11, 14- 17, 19 Previous to 1912 located in Boston. Watertown, Mass. Planning board Annual report, no. 1 (1914), 2, 4 Waterville, Me. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1914) Wayne, Pa. Neighborhood league Annual report, no. 1 (1912/13) Weekly review v. 1 (1919) Previous to June 1920 entitled : The Review. Welfare v. 1 (1913) no. 8-10; v. 2 (1914) Welfare work; the journal of the Welfare workers' institute v. 1 (1920) no. 1 Wellesley Hills, Mass. Friendly aid associa- tion Annual report. 1917 West Allis, Wis. Neighborhood association Report. 1916/17 West Medford, Mass. Sarah Fuller home for little deaf children Annual report.* West Riding, England. Borstal committee Annual report, no. 7 (1913) West Riding, England. Discharged prison- ers' aid society Annual report. 1914, 1915 West Virginia. Country life conference Proceedings, no. 1 (1912) West Virginia. Health, State department of Report. 1912/14 West Virginia. Health, State department of Bulletin.* West Virginia. Labor bureau Biennial report, no. 9 (1905-06), 11 West Virginia. Mines, Department of Annual report, no. 10 (1913/14) West Virginia. State board of control Biennial report, no. 1 (1908) West Virginia. State compensation commis- sioner Report, no. 1 (1913/14) 1914/15 report never published. Westdeutschen Binnenschiffahrts-be- rufsgenossenschaft Verwaltungsbericht. 1912-1914 Western Australia. Charities department Report. 1898-1901, 1904, 1905, 1907, 1908/ 09, 1909/10, 1911/12-1914/15 Western Australia. Medical, health, facto- ries, early closing, vaccination and quaran- tine departments Annual report. 1907/08 Western Australia. State children depart- ment Annual report, no. 1 (1908/09)-6 (1913/14) Western Australia. State labour bureau Annual report, no. 1 (1898)-17 (1914/15) Western Australia. Workers' homes board Annual report and financial statement, no. 1 (1912)-6 (1916/17) Westfield, N.J. Children's country home Annual report.* Wheeling, W.Va. Associated charities Report, no. 1 (1909/1 1)-4 (1912/13); 1917/ 19 Wheeling, W.Va. Associated charities Social service review, v. 1 (1916/18) no. 1-4 Wheeling, W.Va. Playground association Annual report, no. 1 (1909/10)-4, 6 (1914/ 15) White Plains, N.Y. Rest for convalescents Annual report.* White Plains, N.Y. Westchester temporary home for destitute children Annual report, no. l(1880)-22, 24-28 (1906/ 07) Home discontinued. Whittingham, England. County lunatic asylum Report. 1914/15 Wichita, Kan. Associated charities Annual report. 1906/07, 1918/19 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Settlement association Annual report of Georgetown club. 1916 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. United charities Annual report, no. 1 (1896), 3, 4, 6 Williamsport, Pa. Social service bureau Annual report, no. 1 (1915/16) Previous to 1919 entitled: Williamsport, Pa. Charity organization society. Williamstown, Mass. Anti-tuberculosis as- sociation Annual report. 1916/17 * Current numbers only. Ill GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Willimantic, Conn. Welfare bureau Annual report, no. 1 (1915/16) no. 4 never published. Wilmington, Del. Associated charities Report. 1885/86, 1886/87, 1888/89-1910/ 12, 1914/15 Wilmington, Del. Park commissioners, Board of Report.* Wilmington, N.C. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1895) Winchester, England. Charity organisa- tion society Annual report, no. 38 (1909/10), 45 Winifred Masterson Burke relief founda- tion (White Plains, N.Y.) Report, no. 1 (1915/16) Winnipeg, Manitoba. Children's aid so- ciety Annual report.* Winnipeg, Manitoba. City planning com- mission Report. 1911/13 Winnipeg, Manitoba. Juvenile court Report. 1915/16 Winnipeg, Manitoba. Playground commis- sion Annual report, no. 1 (1913) Winnipeg, Manitoba. Social welfare asso- ciation Annual report, no. 1 (1908)-8 (1915) Previous to 1915 entitled: Winnipeg, Man- itoba. Associated charities. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Social welfare com- mission Annual report, no. 1 (1917/18) Wisconsin. Anti-tuberculosis association The Crusader, no. 1 (1910) Wisconsin. Association of trustees, superin- tendents and matrons of county asylums for chronic insane Proceedings of the annual convention, no. 9 (1910) Wisconsin. Country life conference Proceedings, v. 1 (1911)-4 (1914) Wisconsin. Health, State board of Bulletin.* Wisconsin. Health, State board of Report, no. 21 (1905/06) Wisconsin. Industrial commission Apprenticeship report, no. 1 (1916) Wisconsin. Industrial commission Bulletin, v. 1 (1912)-v. 3 (1914) no. 1 v. 2 no. 10 lacking. In 1912 superseded: Wisconsin. Labor and statistics bureau. Wisconsin. Industrial commission Report on allied functions. 1912/14 In 1912 superseded: Wisconsin. Labor and industrial statistics bureau. Wisconsin. Industrial commission Wisconsin safety review, v. 1 (1918/19) no. 1-4 Wisconsin. Industrial commission Workmen's compensation insurance report. no. 1 (1914) Wisconsin. Industrial commission Workmen's compensation report, no. 2 (1912/13) In 1912 superseded: Wisconsin. Labor and industrial statistics bureau. Wisconsin. Industrial education board Bulletin, no. 1 (1912)-6, 10, 11, 14 (1916) Wisconsin. Industrial school for girls (Mil- waukee) Biennial report, no. 9 (1906/08)-2 (1912/ 14) Wisconsin. Labor and industrial statistics bureau Biennial report, no. 1 (1883-84), 2, 8, 9, 11- 15 (1911-12) In 1912 superseded by: Wisconsin. Indus- trial commission. Wisconsin. Milwaukee hospital for insane Biennial report. 1908/10-1912/14 Wisconsin. State board of charities and re- form Report, [annual] no. 1 (1871), 2, 4-12 (1882) ; [biennial] no. 2 (1885-86)-4 (1888/90) In 1891 this Board and the State board of supervision superseded by: Wisconsin. State board of control. Wisconsin. State board of control Biennial report, no. 1 (1890/92) In 1891 superseded: Wisconsin. State board of charities and reform, and Wisconsin. State board of supervision. Wisconsin. State board of supervision Biennial report, no. 1 (1882/84), 4 (1888/ 90) In 1891 this Board and the State board of charities and reform superseded by: Wis- consin. State board of control. Wisconsin. State conference of social work Proceedings. 1888, 1893, 1897, 1911 Previous to 1918 entitled: Wisconsin. State conference of charities and corrections. Wisconsin. State federation of labor Proceedings, no. 18 (1910), 19, 21 Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin. Agri- cultural experiment station Bulletin.* Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin. Ex- tension division Bulletin.* * Current numbers only. 112 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin. Mu- nicipal reference bureau Municipal reference bulletin, no. 2 (1914) 6 (1918) Witzwil, Switzerland. Die Strafanstalt Jahresbericht. 1912 Womelsdorf, Pa. Bethany orphans' home Annual report.* Women police service (English) Report. 1915/16, 1916/17 Women's co-operative guild Annual report. 1915/16 Women's industrial news no. 1 (1897)-83 (1919) no. 3-6, 9, 11, 13, 22, 24, 27, 84 lacking. Publication discontinued, 1919. Woolwich, England. Charity organisation society Annual report. 1887/88-1896/97, 1899/ 1900, 1901/02, 1902/03, 1904/05-1908/09, 1911/12-1914/15 Woolwich, England. Invalid children's aid committee Annual report.* Worcester, Mass. Associated charities Annual report, no. 1 (1890/91) Worcester, Mass. Boys' club Annual report.* Worcester, Mass. Chamber of commerce. Bureau of employment and relief Report, no. 1 (1914/15) Worcester, Mass. Children's friend society Annual report.* Worcester, Mass. Health board Annual report.* Worcester, Mass. Health board Mortality report.* Worcester, Mass. Memorial hospital. So- cial service department Report. 1912/13 Worcester, Mass. Overseers of the poor Annual report. 1870/71 Worcester, Mass. Park and recreation com- missioners, Board of Annual report, no. 1 (1916/17) In 1917 superseded: Worcester, Mass. Playground commission. Worcester, Mass. Playground commission Annual report, no. 1 (1910/11), 3, 5, 6 (1915/ 16) no. 2 and 4 never published. In 1917 superseded by: Worcester, Mass. Park and recreation commissioners, Board of. Worcester, Mass. Society for district nursing Annual report.* Work with boys v. 3 (1903)-v. 20 (1920) no. 1 Publication discontinued, 1920. World's labour laws v. 2 (1912/13) no. 3, 4-v. 6 (1916) no. 1, 2 Publication discontinued, August 1916. World's student Christian federation Report of student movement.* Wyoming. Health, State board of Biennial report, no. 1 (1911-12) Wyoming. Labor and statistics, Commis- sioner of Report, no. 1 (1917-18) Wyoming. State board of charities and re- form Report. 1891-1897/98, 1902/04 Wyoming. Workmen's compensation de- partment Report, no. 2 (1917) Wyoming. Wyoming humane society and State board of child and animal protection Biennial report. 1912/14 Yale review v. 1 (1892/93)-10, 12-14, 16-19 (1905/06); n.s. v. 1 (1907) Year book of open air schools and chil- dren's sanatoria 1915 Editor, 1915, T. N. Kelynack. Year book of social progress 1912-1914/15 Yodo, Japan. Yurin en Annual report. 1916/17 Yonkers, N. Y. Bureau of municipal research Bulletin, no. 1 (Jan. 1920) Yonkers, N.Y. Bureau of municipal research Publications, no. 2 (1916)-10 (1919) Yonkers, N.Y. Charity organization society Annual report, no. 1 (1910) Yonkers, N.Y. Fairview garden school asso- ciation Annual report. 1910 Yonkers, N.Y. Prospect house settlement Annual report.* Yonkers, N.Y. Women's institute Annual report.* York, England. Health and housing reform association Annual report, no. 13 (1913) York, Pa. Associated charities Report, no. 1 (1914/15) Young men's Christian association. Com- munity boys' work secretaries Report of conferences, no. 2 (1915) Young men's Christian associations, In- ternational committee of Year book.* * Current numbers only. 113 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Young men's Christian associations, In- ternational committee of. Industrial department Service.* Young women's Christian association (New York, N.Y.) The W. v. 1 (1919) Young women's Christian associations of the United States of America. House- hold employment, Commission on Report, no. 1 (1915) Young women's Christian associations of the United States of America, National board of Year book.* Young women's Christian associations of the United States of America, National board of. War work council. Industrial committee Industrial campaign series, no. 1 (1918)-4 (1918) Youngstown, Ohio. Charity organization society Annual report. 1910/11-1912/13, 1914/15 Zanesville, Ohio. Welfare organization Annual report, no. 1 (1914/15) Zeitschrif t fur das Armenwesen v. 9 (1908)-13 (1912) Zeitschrif t fur Schulgesundheitspflege v. 21 (1908) Zentralstelle fur Volkswohlfahrt Bericht. 1907/08-1909/10, 1911/12, 1912/ 13 Zentralstelle fur Volkswohlfahrt Concordia. v. 18 (1911) no. 1-24 Zentralstelle fur Wohnungsreform in Oesterreich Mitteilungen. no. 1 (1907)-38 (1914) Zurich, Switzerland. Stadtisches Arbeits- amt Geschafts-bericht. 1917 Zurich, Switzerland. Tuberkulose-kom- mission Bericht. 1915 Zurich, Switzerland. Zentralschulpflege Geschafts-bericht.* * Current numbers only. 114 INDEX SUBJECT INDEX AGED AND INFIRM, HOMES FOR Brooklyn, N.Y. German Evangelical aid so- ciety Brooklyn, N.Y. Graham home for old ladies Brooklyn, N.Y. Home for aged colored peo- ple Brooklyn, N.Y. Home for aged men Brooklyn, N.Y. Marien-Heim Brooklyn, N.Y. Methodist Episcopal church home Brooklyn, N.Y. New York Congregational home for the aged Brooklyn, N.Y. Norwegian Christian home for the aged Jersey City, N.J. St. Ann's home for aged men and women Mount Vernon, N.Y. Seabury memorial home New Rochelle, N.Y. Home for the aged New York. Woman's relief corps home (Ox- ford) New York, N.Y. Association for the relief of respectable, aged and indigent females New York, N.Y. Baptist home for the aged New York, N.Y. Chapin home for the aged and infirm New York, N.Y. Daughters of Jacob home for the aged poor New York, N.Y. Home for aged and infirm Hebrews New York, N.Y. Home for old men and aged couples New York, N.Y. Isabella home New York, N.Y. Masonic home and asylum fund, Trustees of New York, N.Y. Methodist Episcopal church home New York, N.Y. Peabody home for aged and indigent women New York, N.Y. Presbyterian home for aged women New York, N.Y. St. Luke's home for aged women New York, N.Y. Samaritan home for the aged New York, N.Y. Trinity chapel home for aged women Philadelphia, Pa. House of rest for the aged of the Protestant Episcopal church Tenafly, N.J. Mary Fisher home Union printers' home (Colorado Springs, Colo.) AGRICULTURAL CREDIT Oregon. State land board. Rural credits de- partment United States. Federal farm loan board AGRICULTURE American association of farmers' insti- tute workers Farm School, Pa. National farm school (Bucks county, Pa.) Great Britain. Board of agriculture and fisheries Annual report of proceedings under the Small holding colonies act, 1916. Great Britain. Board of agriculture and fisheries Annual report of proceedings under the Small holdings and allotment acts, 1908 and 1910. Ireland. Agriculture and technical instruc- tion department Ireland. Irish agricultural organisation so- ciety, limited Louisiana. Agriculture and immigration, Commissioner of Massachusetts. Agriculture, State depart- ment of National country life conference New York. Agricultural society New York. Agriculture department New York. Farms and markets department New York. New York state grange Pennsylvania. Rural progress association Rural manhood United States. Agriculture, Secretary of United States. Agriculture department West Virginia. Country life conference Wisconsin. Country life conference Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin. Agri- cultural experiment station ARBITRATION, INDUSTRIAL see INDUSTRIAL ARBITRATION ARBITRATION, INTERNATIONAL see INTERNATIONALISM 117 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS ARCHITECTURE Architectural record Landscape architecture BATHS AND COMFORT STATIONS American association for promoting hy- giene and public baths Association Internationale de bains popu- laires et de proper te Baltimore, Md. Free public bath commis- sion Bordeaux, France. L'CEuvre Bordelaise des bains-douches a bon marche Boston, Mass. Bath department Brookline, Mass. Gymnasium and baths committee Conference Internationale de bains popu- laires et scolaires Glasgow, Scotland. Baths and wash-houses Philadelphia, Pa. Public baths association BENEFIT SOCIETIES see CO-OPERATIVE INSURANCE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE Bibliographic der Sozialwissenschaf ten BLIND American association for the conserva- tion of vision American association of instructors of the blind Arkansas. School for the blind (Arkadelphia) Blinded soldiers' and sailors 1 care com- mittee Boston, Mass. Nursery for blind babies Brooklyn, N.Y. Industrial home for the blind California. Deaf and blind, School of California. Industrial home of mechanical trades for the adult blind (Oakland) Colorado. School for the deaf and the blind (Colorado Springs) Committee for men blinded in battle Connecticut. Education of the blind, Board of Connecticut. Institute and industrial home for the blind (Hartford) Delaware. Commission for the blind Great Britain. Union of Unions of societies for the blind in England and Wales Idaho. State school for the deaf and blind (Gooding) Illinois. Society for the prevention of blind- Indiana. Board of industrial aid for the blind International conference on the blind International sunshine branch for the blind. Dyker Heights blind babies' home nursery and kindergarten (Brooklyn, N.Y.) International sunshine society. Depart- ment of the blind Iowa. College for the blind (Vinton) Kentucky. School for the blind (Louisville) London. Metropolitan and adjacent coun- ties association for the blind Maryland. School for the blind (Overlea) Maryland. School for the blind (Overlea). Department for colored blind and deaf Maryland. Workshop for the blind Massachusetts. Blind commission Michigan. Employment institution for the blind (Saginaw West Side) Missouri. School for the blind (St. Louis) National committee for the prevention of blindness New Jersey. Commission for the blind New York. Commission for the blind New York. Committee for the prevention of blindness New York. School for the blind (Batavia) New York, N.Y. Association for the blind New York, N.Y. Institute for the education of the blind New York, N.Y. Society for the relief of the destitute blind North Carolina. State school for the blind and the deaf (Raleigh) Ohio. Blind commission Outlook for the blind Pennsylvania. Association for the blind Pennsylvania. Home teaching society and free circulating library for the blind Pennsylvania. Institution for the instruc- tion of the blind (Overbrook) Pennsylvania. Western Pennsylvania insti- tution for the blind (Pittsburgh) Philadelphia, Pa. Blind relief fund Philadelphia, Pa. Chapin memorial home for aged blind Philadelphia, Pa. Pennsylvania industrial home for blind women Red Cross institute for the blind Russell Sage foundation. Prevention of blindness committee Tennessee. Blind, Commission for the Torquay, England. Convalescent home for blinded soldiers and sailors Utah. School for the deaf and blind 118 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Washington, D.C. Aid association for the blind of the District of Columbia Watertown, Mass. Perkins institution and Massachusetts school for the blind BOYS AND BOYS' CLUBS Association boys Big brother work Boston, Mass. Bunker Hill boys' club Boy scouts of America Boys' brigade (of England) Boys' brigade gazette Boys' club federation Brigade Chicago, 111. Boys' club International conference of the Big broth- ers and Big sisters Lowell, Mass. Boys' club Maiden, Mass. Boys' industrial club New York, N.Y. Boys' club New York, N.Y. Madison Square boys' club Philadelphia, Pa. Germantown boys' club Salem, Mass. Salem fraternity Worcester, Mass. Boys' club Work with boys Young men's Christian association. Com- munity boys' work secretaries BUDGETS National budget committee BUSINESS see COMMERCE AND BUSINESS CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS. AS- SOCIATIONS see SOCIAL WELFARE. ASSOCIATIONS CHARITY ORGANIZATION SOCIETIES see SOCIAL WELFARE. ASSOCIATIONS CHILD WELFARE Albany, N.Y. Orphan asylum Alberta. Neglected children, Superintendent of American child American child's congress American humane association Archives of pediatrics Army relief society Association of collegiate alumnae (Cali- fornia branch). Baby hygiene committee Atlanta, Ga. Hebrew orphans' home Atlanta, Ga. Juvenile protective association Australia. Treasury, Department of. Pen- sions and maternity allowance office Babies of the Empire society Baltimore, Md. Boys' home society Baltimore, Md. Children's fresh air society Baltimore, Md. Henry Watson children's aid society Baltimore, Md. Home of the friendless Baltimore, Md. Kelso home for orphans of the Methodist Episcopal church Baltimore, Md. St. Elizabeth's home for colored children Belgium. Ministere de la justice. Office de la protection de 1'enfance Birmingham, Ala. Mercy home Birmingham, England. Floodgate street maternity & infant welfare centre Boston, Mass. Baby hygiene association Boston, Mass. Children's aid society Boston, Mass. Children's friend society Boston, Mass. Children's institution de- partment Boston, Mass. Children's mission to chil- dren Boston, Mass. Church home society for the care of children of the Protestant Episcopal church Boston, Mass. Farm and trades school (Thompson's Island) Boston, Mass. Fatherless and widow's so- ciety Boston, Mass. Fathers and mothers club Boston, Mass. New England home for little wanderers Boston, Mass. Society for helping destitute mothers and infants Boston, Mass. Society for the care of girls British Columbia. Child welfare association Brooklyn, N.Y. Children's aid society Brooklyn, N.Y. Industrial school associa- tion and home for destitute children Brooklyn, N.Y. Juvenile probation associa- tion Brooklyn, N.Y. Kallman Scandinavian or- phanage Brooklyn, N.Y. Nursery and infants' hos- pital Brooklyn, N.Y. Orphan asylum society Brooklyn, N.Y. Roman Catholic orphan asylum society Brooklyn, N.Y. Society for the aid of friendless women and children Brooklyn, N.Y. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children Buenos Aires, Brazil. Sociedad patronato de la infancia 119 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Buffalo, N.Y. Orphan asylum Bureau for exchange of information Child helping organizations: Directory of the Bureau. California. Boys aid society California. Children's home society California. Society for the prevention of, cruelty to children California. State board of control. Chil- dren's department Cape Town, Africa. Society for the protec- tion of child life Chicago, 111. Home for Jewish orphans Chicago, 111. Home for the friendless Chicago, 111. Infant welfare society Chicago, 111. Juvenile protective association Chicago, 111. Orphan asylum The Child; a monthly American journal of child welfare The Child; a monthly English journal de- voted to child welfare Child labor bulletin Child welfare annual Child welfare conference (South Africa) Child welfare magazine Children's charities Cincinnati, Ohio. Children's home Cleveland, Ohio. Humane society Cleveland, Ohio. Jewish orphan asylum Cleveland, Ohio. Protestant orphan asylum Colorado. State home for dependent and neglected children (Denver) Concord, N.H. Orphans' home Connecticut. Children's aid society Connecticut. Humane society Cuba. Training school for girls (Havana) Dallas, Tex. Buckner orphans home Day nursery bulletin of the United States Dedham, Mass. Chickering house (Dedham temporary home for women and children) Detroit, Mich. Children's aid society Detroit, Mich. Protestant orphan asylum Detroit, Mich. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. St. Christopher's home for children Elizabeth, N.J. Orphan asylum association. Janet memorial L'Enfant Fall River, Mass. Children's home Florida. Children's home society France. Ministere de I'interieur. Bureau des service de 1'enfance Good will record Great Britain. Board of education Infant welfare; return (of) grants.. .to volun- tary schools for mothers. Great Britain. Boy labor in the post office, Standing committee on Great Britain. State children's association Halifax, Nova Scotia. Infants' home Hamilton, Ontario. Babies' dispensary guild Hartford, Conn. Juvenile commission Houghton, Mich. Good will farm associa- tion Illinois. Children's home and aid society Illinois. Cook county. County board of visitors Illinois. Department visitation of children placed in family homes Illinois. Humane society Indiana. Soldiers' and sailors' orphans' home Indianapolis, Ind. Children's aid associa- tion Indianapolis, Ind. Christ Child society International congress for the welfare and protection of children International congress in America for the welfare of the child Iowa. Children's home society Italy. Ministero di agricoltura, industria e cpmmercio. Directione generale della sta- tistica Statistica della assistanza dell' infanzia ab- bandonata. Kansas. Children's home society Kentucky. Children's home society Kingston, Ontario. Children's aid society Lehigh Valley child helping conference Leicester, England. Children's aid associa- tion Lincoln, Neb. Home for dependent children Liverpool, England. Sheltering homes (in- corporated) Liverpool, England. Society for the preven- tion of cruelty to children London, England. Deptford fund. Shaftes- bury house refuge London, England. Dr. Barnardo's homes for orphan and waif children London, England. St. Pancras school for mothers London, England. Stepney school for moth- ers London, Ontario. Children's aid society Louisiana. Child finding and home society, inc. Louisiana. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children 120 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Louisville, Ky . Orphanage of the Good Shep- herd Societe protectrice de 1 'en- Bath military and naval orphan asy- Lyons, France. fance Maine. lum Manchester, England. Schools for mothers Manitoba. Mothers' allowance commission Manitoba. Neglected children, Superinten- dent of Maryland. Society to protect children from cruelty and immorality Massachusetts. Child labor committee Massachusetts. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children Massachusetts. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children. Brockton district Massachusetts. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children. Hampshire branch Massachusetts. State primary school (Mon- son) Michigan. Child welfare league Michigan. Children's home society Michigan. State public school for dependent and ill-treated children, Board of control of Milwaukee, Wis. Orphans' asylum Mineola, N.Y. Children's home Minneapolis, Minn. Washburn memorial orphan asylum Minnesota. Children's home society Minnesota. Hennepin county. Juvenile pro- tective league (Minneapolis) Minnesota. State board of control. Chil- dren's bureau Minnesota. State conference of child wel- fare boards with the Board of control Missouri. Children's home society Missouri. Humane society for the preven- tion of cruelty to children and animals Montana. Child and animal protection bu- reau Montana. State orphans' home Montreal, Canada. Boys' home Montreal, Canada. Society for the protec- tion of women and children Mother and child; a magazine concerned with their health Mount Vernon, N.Y. Wartburg orphans' farm school National association for the study and education of exceptional children National (English) baby week council National child labor committee National child welfare association National children's home and welfare as- sociation National conference on the education of backward, truant and delinquent chil- dren National congress of mothers National congress of mothers and parent- teacher associations National (English) league for health, ma- ternity and child welfare National (English) society for the preven- tion of cruelty to children National (English) society of day nurseries Nevada. Orphans' home directors (Carson City) New Britain, Conn. Children's home New England Kurn Hattin homes for homeless and neglected boys New Hampshire. Children's aid and pro- tective society New Hampshire. Orphans' home (Franklin) New Haven, Conn. Orphan asylum New Jersey. Catholic children's aid associa- tion New Jersey. board of New Jersey. New Jersey. Children's guardians, State Children's home society Essex county. Children's aid and Society for the prevention of cruelty to children New Orleans, La. Jewish orphans' home New South Wales. Conference on the wel- fare of mothers and babies New South Wales. State children relief board New York. Albany county. Board of child welfare New York. Corporation for the relief of widows and children of clergymen of the Protestant Episcopal church New York. Dutchess county. Board of child welfare (Poughkeepsie) New York. Erie county. Board of child wel- fare New York. Erie county. Children's aid and Society for the prevention of cruelty to children (Buffalo) New York. Monroe county. Board of child welfare New York. Societies for the prevention of cruelty to children and animals New York. State board of child welfare New York, N.Y. American female guardian society and home for the friendless New York, N.Y. Association of day nurser- ies New York, N.Y. Asylum for friendless boys New York, N.Y. Babies' welfare association 121 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS New York, N.Y. Big brother movement New York, N.Y. Big sisters New York, N.Y. Catholic home bureau for dependent children New York, N.Y. Catholic protectory New York, N.Y. Child welfare, Board of New York, N.Y. Child welfare committee New York, N.Y. Children's aid society New York, N.Y. Children's cottage, day nur- sery and temporary shelter New York, N.Y. Colored orphan asylum New York, N.Y. Federation for child study New York, N.Y. Free synagogue. Child adoption committee New York, N.Y. Hebrew orphan asylum New York, N.Y. Home for Hebrew infants New York, N.Y. Infant asylum New York, N.Y. Jewish big brother associa- tion New York, N.Y. Jewish big sisters New York, N.Y. Leake and Watts orphan house in the City of New York New York, N.Y. Little mothers' aid associa- tion New York, N.Y. Orphan asylum society in the City of New York New York, N.Y. Orphans' home and asylum of the Protestant Episcopal church New York, N.Y. Sheltering arms New York, N.Y. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children New York, N.Y. Society for the relief of destitute children of seamen New York, N.Y. Society for the relief of half orphan and destitute children New York, N.Y. Society for the relief of poor widows with small children New York, N.Y. Sunnyside day nursery New York, N.Y. Tribune fresh air fund aid society New York, N.Y. Widowed mothers' fund association New Zealand. Royal New Zealand society for the health of women and children Newark, N.J. Hebrew benevolent and or- phan asylum society, and United Hebrew charities Newburgh, N.Y. Agency for dependent chil- dren North Carolina. Forsyth county. Board of charities and public welfare Annual report: Child welfare. North Carolina. Oxford orphan asylum North Dakota. Children's home society Nova Scotia. Neglected and dependent chil- dren, Superintendent of Oakdale, Pa. Boys' industrial home of West- ern Pennsylvania Oakland, Cal. West Oakland home for the care and training of orphans, half orphans, and destitute children Ohio. Association of children's homes Ohio. Children's home society Ohio. State conference on child welfare Ohio. State conference on dependent children Ontario. Neglected and dependent children, Superintendent of Orange, N.J. Children's aid and protective society of the Oranges Orange, N.J. Fresh air work Orange, N.J. Orphan society Oregon. Boys' and girls' aid society Oregon. Child labor, Board of inspectors of Oregon. Child welfare commission Paris, France. Administration generate de 1 'assistance publique Rapport sur le service des enfants assistes du department de la Seine. Paris, France. Fondation Pierre Budin Paris, France. (Euvre Henry Coullet du "lait maternal" Pennsylvania. Children's aid society Pennsylvania. Philadelphia county moth- ers' assistance fund Pennsylvania. Society to protect children from cruelty Peoria, 111. Child welfare league Philadelphia, Pa. Adam and Maria Sarah Seybert institution for poor boys and girls Philadelphia, Pa. Association for the care of colored orphans Philadelphia, Pa. Bethesda children's Chris- tian home of Chestnut Hill Philadelphia, Pa. Children's bureau Philadelphia, Pa. Foster home association Philadelphia, Pa. Girard college Philadelphia, Pa. Haddock memorial (home for infants) Philadelphia, Pa. Home for infants Philadelphia, Pa. House of the Holy Child Philadelphia, Pa. Jewish foster home and orphan asylum Philadelphia, Pa. Juvenile aid society Philadelphia, Pa. Methodist Episcopal or- phanage Philadelphia, Pa. Northernhome for friend- less children Philadelphia, Pa. Orphan society Philadelphia, Pa. Presbyterian orphanage Philadelphia, Pa. Western home for poor children 122 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh and Allegheny home for the friendless Pittsburgh, Pa. Protestant orphan asylum of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Providence, R.I. Children's friend society Providence, R.I. Jewish orphanage Queensland. State children department, Di- rector of Reading, Pa. Home for friendless children and the children's aid society Rhode Island. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children Rhode Island. State home and school for dependent and neglected children (Provi- dence) Rochester, N.Y. Children's aid society Russell Sage foundation. Child helping, Department of Russell Sage foundation. Child hygiene, Department of (Health, Education, Recre- ation) St. Louis, Mo. Orphans' home of the Prot- estant Episcopal church St. Paul, Minn. Humane society San Francisco, Cal. Infant shelter San Francisco, Cal. Juvenile protective as- sociation San Francisco, Cal. Ladies' protection and relief society San Francisco, Cal. Protestant orphan asy- lum society San Francisco, Cal. Widow's pension fund Saskatchewan. Neglected and dependent children, Superintendent of Schenectady, N.Y. Children's home School child and juvenile worker Sewickley, Pa. Fresh air home South Australia. State children's council Talladega, Ala. Orphan's home Tasmania. Neglected children, Department for Toronto, Ontario. Boys' home Toronto, Ontario. Children's aid society Toronto, Ontario. Girls' home Toronto, Ontario. Protestant orphans' home Troy, N.Y. Orphan asylum United Oddfellows' (German) home and orphanage association (New York) United States. Children's bureau Utica, N.Y. Orphan asylum Valhalla, N.Y. Jennie Clarkson home for children Verbank, N.Y. Hope farm Victoria. Neglected children and reforma- tory schools, Department of 9 123 Virginia. Children's home society Washington. Children's home society Washington, D.C. Child welfare society Western Australia. State children depart- ment Westfield, N.J. Children's country home White Plains, N.Y. Westchester temporary home for destitute children Winnipeg, Manitoba. Children's aid so- ciety Womelsdorf, Pa. Bethany orphans' home Woolwich, England. Invalid children's aid committee Worcester, Mass. Children's friend society Wyoming. Wyoming humane society and State board of child and animal protection Zeitschrift fur Schulgesundheitspflege CHURCHES AND SYNAGOGUES American Baptist year book Churchman's year book and American church almanac Congregational year book Federal council of the churches of Christ in America Free Baptist register and year book Methodist year book New York, N.Y. Brick Presbyterian church New York, N.Y. Calvary church New York, N.Y. Church of the Ascension New York, N.Y. Collegiate Reformed Prot- estant Dutch church New York, N.Y. First Presbyterian church New York, N.Y. Free synagogue New York, N.Y. Grace church New York, N.Y. Labor temple New York, N.Y. St. Bartholomew's church New York, N.Y. St. George's church New York, N.Y. St. Thomas's church New York, N.Y. Trinity church CITY PLANNING Berkeley, Cal. Civic art commission Boston, Mass. City planning board Brockton, Mass. City planning board Brookline, Mass. Planning board Buffalo, N.Y. City planning committee California. Conference on city planning Camden, N.J. City plan commission Chicago, 111. Chicago plan commission Everett, Mass. Planning board Harrisburg, Pa. City planning commission Hartford, Conn. City plan commission GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Massachusetts. Federation of planning boards Melrose, Mass. Planning board National conference on city planning Newton, Mass. Planning board Norfolk, Va. Beautifying the city, Commis- sion on Quincy, Mass. Planning board Pittsburgh, Pa. Citizens committee on city plan Portland, Ore. City planning commission Sacramento, Gal. State capital planning board St. Louis, Mo. City plan commission Salem, Mass. Planning board Springfield, Mass. City planning commis- sion Der Stadtebau Taunton, Mass. City planning board Town planning institute (English) Town planning review Watertown, Mass. Planning board Winnipeg, Manitoba. City planning com- mission see also GARDEN CITIES CIVIL SERVICE Great Britain. Civil service commissioners National civil service reform league New York. Civil service commission New York, N.Y. Municipal civil service com- mission United States. Civil service commission COMFORT STATIONS see BATHS AND COMFORT STATIONS COMMERCE AND BUSINESS Cincinnati, Ohio. Chamber of commerce Cleveland, Ohio. Chamber of commerce Community leadership through the chamber of commerce Grand Rapids, Mich. Association of com- merce Hoboken, N.J. Chamber of commerce Massachusetts. Board of trade Nation's business New York. Chamber of commerce New York, N.Y. Bronx board of trade New York, N.Y. Bush terminal company New York, N.Y. Merchants' association Pittsburgh, Pa. Chamber of commerce United States. Chamber of commerce United States. Commerce, Secretary of United States. Commerce and labor depart- ment United States. Commerce department United States. Foreign and domestic com- merce, Bureau of CONSERVATION American conservation Canada. Conservation commission New Jersey. Conservation and develop- ment, Department of New Jersey. Palisades interstate park com- missioners New York. Palisades interstate park com- mission CONSTABULARY see POLICE CONSUMERS' LEAGUES Consumers' league (Brooklyn, N.Y.) Consumers' league (Cincinnati, Ohio) Consumers' league (Connecticut) Consumers' league (Eastern Pennsylvania) Consumers' league (Indiana) Consumers' league (Massachusetts) Consumers' league (Missouri) Consumers' league, National Consumers' league (New Jersey) Consumers' league (New York) Consumers' league (New York, N.Y.) Consumers' league (Philadelphia, Pa.) Consumers' league (Rhode Island) Consumers' league (Toledo, Ohio) Consumers' league (Washington, D.C.) Ligues sociales d'acheteurs CO-OPERATION American co-operative convention Better business; a quarterly journal of agri- cultural and industrial co-operation Central states co-operative society Cooperation Co-operative press agency People's year book. Cooperative union Cooperative wholesale societies, limited Co-partnership International co-operative alliance Labour co-partnership Massachusetts. Bank commissioner Annual report ; part 2 relating to co-opera- tive banks, savings and loan associations, and credit unions. 124 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS National conference on marketing and farm credits Pacific co-operative league Russian co-operative unions. American committee Russian co-operator; a journal of co-opera- tive unity Survey associates Switzerland. Union suisse des societes de consommation (U.S.C.) United States league of building and loan associations Women's co-operative guild CO-OPERATIVE INSURANCE Actors' fund of America Associated fraternities of America Congregational board of ministerial re- lief, and Annuity fund for Congrega- tional ministers France. Ministere du travail Rapport sur les operations des societes de secours mutuels. Milwaukee, Wis. Electric railway and light company, and others. Employes' mutual benefit association Minneapolis, Minn. Street railway com- pany, and others. Employes' mutual bene- fit association National federal congress National federal congress of America New York, N.Y. Artists' fund society New York, N.Y. Exempt firemen's benevo- lent fund New York, N.Y. St. George's society Presbyterian church. Board of ministerial relief and sustentation Protestant Episcopal church. Clergymen's mutual insurance league Protestant Episcopal church. Clergymen's retiring fund society Revue des assurances mutuelles CO-OPERATIVE SAVING AND LOAN Boston, Mass. Co-operative building com- pany Great Britain. Friendly societies, Chief registrar of New York. New York State league of savings and loan associations Ontario. Friendly societies, Registrar of COST OF LIVING see PRICES COUNTY GOVERNMENT New York. Conference for better county government CRIME AND DELINQUENCY American institute of criminal law and criminology American institute of criminal law and criminology. Wisconsin branch The Delinquent Howard association Howard association (Central) Journal of delinquency Journal of the American institute of criminal law and criminology New York, N.Y. Society for the prevention of crime CRIME AND DELINQUENCY. STATISTICS Connecticut. County commissioners Returns in relation to jails and the receipts and expenditures of the several counties and reports in relation to licenses. Massachusetts. Secretary of the Common- wealth Abstracts of sheriffs' returns concerning the jails and houses of correction. Michigan. State, Secretary of Abstract of the reports of sheriffs relating to the jails in the state of Michigan. New York. State, Secretary of Annual report on statistics of crime. CRIPPLES American journal of care for cripples Baltimore, Md. James Lawrence Kerman hospital and industrial school of Maryland Boston, Mass. Industrial school for crippled and deformed children Boston, Mass. New England Peabody home for crippled children Brooklyn, N.Y. House of St. Giles the crip- ple Buffalo, N.Y. Crippled children's guild Cleveland, Ohio. Holy Cross house Englewood, N.J. Daisy fields home and hos- pital for crippled children Federation of associations for cripples Hawthorne, N.Y. Blythedale convalescent home for tubercular crippled children Institute for crippled and disabled men London, England. Crippled children's din- ners committee 125 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Massachusetts. Hospital school for the care and education of the crippled and deformed children New York. Hospital for the care of crippled tind deformed children (Haverstraw) New York, N.Y. Association for the aid of crippled children New York, N.Y. Crippled children's driving fund New York, N.Y. Crippled children's East Side free school New York, N.Y. Darrach home for crippled children New York, N.Y. Free industrial school for crippled children New York, N.Y. Hospital for deformities and joint diseases New York, N.Y. House of the Annunciation for crippled and incurable children New York, N.Y. Orthopaedic dispensary and hospital New York, N.Y. Society for the relief of the ruptured and crippled Newark, N.J. Home for crippled children Philadelphia, Pa. Widener memorial indus- trial training school for crippled children Pittsburgh, Pa. Industrial home for crippled children Portland, Me. Children's hospital Red Cross institute for crippled and dis- abled men Seattle, Wash. Children's orthopedic hospi- tal United association of handicapped men DAY NURSERIES Chicago, 111. Margaret Etter creche Cleveland, Ohio. Day nursery and free kin- dergarten association Day nursery bulletin of the United States National federation of day nurseries National (English) society of day nurseries New York, N.Y. Association of day nurse- ries New York, N.Y. Bloomingdale day nursery association New York, N.Y. Brightside day nursery and kindergarten New York, N.Y. Down-town nursery New York, N.Y. Lisa day nursery New York, N.Y. Manhattanville nursery association New York, N.Y. Memorial day nursery New York, N.Y. St. Agnes nursery of the Church of the Ascension New York, N.Y. St. Joseph day nursery New York, N.Y. Silver Cross day nursery New York, N.Y. Sunnyside day nursery New York, N.Y. Wayside day nursery New York, N.Y. West Side day nursery, kindergarten and industrial school Philadelphia, Pa. Willing day nursery Societe ties creches DEAF AND DUMB Alabama. School for the deaf (Talladega) American annals of the deaf American instructors of the deaf Arkansas. Deaf-mute institute (Little Rock) Beverly, Mass. New England industrial school for deaf mutes California. Deaf and blind, School of Colorado. School for the deaf and the blind (Colorado Springs) Georgia. School for the deaf (Cave Spring) Hartford, Conn. American school for the deaf Idaho. State school for the deaf and blind (Gooding) Indiana. State school for the deaf Jewish deaf Kentucky. School for the deaf (Danville) Maine. School for the deaf (Portland) Maryland. School for the deaf and dumb (Frederick) Michigan. School for the deaf (Flint) Missouri. School for the deaf (Fulton) National bureau for promoting the gen- eral welfare of the deaf New York. Central New York institution for deaf-mutes (Rome) New York. Le Couteulx St. Mary's institu- tion for the instruction of deaf-mutes New York. Northern New York institution for deaf-mutes (Malone) New York, N.Y. Church mission to deaf- mutes New York, N.Y. Conference of teachers of the deaf New York, N.Y. Institution for the im- proved instruction of deaf-mutes New York, N.Y. Institution for the instruc- tion of the deaf and dumb New York, N.Y. New York league for the hard of hearing, inc. New York, N.Y. Society for the welfare of the Jewish deaf North Carolina. State school for the blind and the deaf (Raleigh) Northampton, Mass. Clarke school for the deaf 126 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Pennsylvania. Home for the training in speech of deaf children (Philadelphia) Pennsylvania. Oral school for the deaf (Scranton) Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania institution for the deaf and dumb (Mt. Airy) Pennsylvania. Western Pennsylvania insti- tution for the instruction of the deaf and dumb Rhode Island. Institute for the deaf (Provi- dence) Utah. School for the deaf and the blind Volta review Washington, D.C. Columbia institution for the deaf West Medford, Mass. Sarah Fuller home for little deaf children DEFECTIVES London county, England. Education com- mittee Report of the executive officer dealing with schools for blind, deaf, mentally defective and physically defective children. Michigan. State, Secretary of Annual abstract of statistical information relative to the insane, deaf and dumb, blind, idiotic, feeble-minded, epileptic and either deaf or dumb. see also BLIND; CRIPPLES; DEAF AND DUMB; EPILEPTIC; FEEBLE-MINDED; IN- SANE DELINQUENCY see CRIME AND DELINQUENCY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONS Great Britain. Development commission New Jersey. Conservation and development, Department of DIET KITCHENS New York, N.Y. Diet kitchen association Tompkinsville, N.Y. Staten Island diet kitchen association Washington, D.C. Diet kitchen association DISCHARGED PRISONERS Boston, Mass. John Howard industrial home for discharged prisoners Central discharged prisoners' aid society Conference of discharged prisoners' aid societies Massachusetts. Agent for aiding discharged prisoners Massachusetts. Society for aiding dis- charged prisoners New York. State agent for discharged con- victs Philadelphia, Pa. Home of industry for discharged prisoners Sheffield, England. Borstal club West Riding, England. Borstal committee West Riding, England. Discharged prison- ers' aid society DISPENSARIES Boston, Mass. Boston dispensary Boston, Mass. Maverick dispensary Brooklyn, N.Y. Bushwick and East Brook- lyn dispensary Halifax, Nova Scotia. Visiting dispensary New York, N.Y. Associated out-patient clinics New York, N.Y. Demilt dispensary New York, N.Y. Good Samaritan dispen- sary New York, N.Y. New York dispensary New York, N.Y. North-eastern dispensary New York, N.Y. Northern dispensary New York, N.Y. North-western dispensary Utica, N.Y. Utica dispensary DISTRICT NURSES see NURSING DOMESTIC ECONOMY Journal of home economics New York, N.Y. Association of practical housekeeping centers New York, N.Y. Society for the encourage- ment of faithful domestic servants Young women's Christian associations of the United States of America. House- hold employment, Commission on DUMB see DEAF AND DUMB ECONOMICS American economic review Economic bulletin Economic journal Economic review London, England. University of London. London school of economics New York, N.Y. Economic club Quarterly journal of economics Washington, D.C. Bureau of applied eco- nomics, inc. ECONOMY see EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY 127 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS EDUCATION Alabama. Illiteracy commission American association of university pro- fessors Boston, Mass. Home and school association Carnegie foundation for the advance- ment of teaching Conference for education in the South Education General education board Georgia. Education, Department of Indiana university. Conference on educa- tional measurements Kahn foundation for the foreign travel of American teachers Kansas. State normal school (Emporia). Educational measurements and standards, Bureau of Mount Berry, Ga. Berry school National association of state universities in the United States of America National educational association National society for the study of educa- tion New York. Education department New York. University of the State of New York New York, N.Y. Education board New York, N.Y. Educational experiments, Bureau of New York, N.Y. People's institute New York, N.Y. People's university exten- sion society New York, N.Y. Public education associa- tion Peabody education fund Pedagogical seminary Pine Mountain, Ky. Pine Mountain settle- ment school Russell Sage foundation. Education, Di- vision of School and society School review Virginia. Co-operative education association see also EXTENSION COURSES ; VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND GUIDANCE EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY Chicago, 111. Bureau of public efficiency Massachusetts. Economy and efficiency, Commission on Milwaukee, Wis. Bureau of economy and efficiency New York. Efficiency and economy, Depart- ment of EMERGENCY RELIEF Army relief society Back to mufti British Columbia. Provincial returned sol- diers aid commission Canada. Soldiers' civil re-establishment, De- partment of Canadian patriotic fund. Relief committee Carry on; a magazine on the reconstruction of disabled soldiers and sailors The Come-back Commission for relief in Belgium Edith Wharton's war charities in France France. Comite national d'aide et de pre- voyance en faveur des soldats Inter-allied conference on the after-care of disabled men Italy. Alto commissariato per i profughi di guerra London, England. Social welfare associa- tion. Demobilisation committee New Jersey. Mercy committee New York, N.Y. Belgian relief fund New York, N.Y. Clinic for functional re- education of disabled soldiers, sailors and civilians New York, N.Y. Clothing bureau New York, N.Y. Joint distribution com- mittee for funds for Jewish war sufferers New York, N.Y. Vacation association. Va- cation war relief committee New York, N.Y. Women's city club. Bien- gtre du blesse woman's motor unit Pennsylvania. Public safety, Committee of. Department of civic relief Red Cross magazine Red Cross society Red Cross society. American Red Cross in Italy. Commission for tuberculosis Red Cross society. League of Red Cross so- cieties Red Cross society. United States. Ameri- can Red Cross Red Cross society. United States. Ameri- can Red Cross. Atlantic division Red Cross society. United States. Ameri- can Red Cross. Civilian relief, Department of Red Cross society. United States. Ameri- can Red Cross. New York county chapter Reveille Revue Internationale de la Croix- Rouge: Bulletin international des societies de la Croix-Rouge Rhode Island. Soldiers' relief, State board of 128 GUIDE TO SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Society for the instruction in first aid to the injured United States. National defense, Council of United States sanitary commission. Wo- man's central association of relief EMIGRATION see IMMIGRATION, EMIGRATION AND NATURAL- IZATION EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY SOCIAL INSURANCE see EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT American association of public employ- ment offices Der Arbei tsnachweis L'Association Internationale pour la lutte contre le chomage Atlanta, Ga. Employment, Clearing house for Berlin, Germany. Zentral-verein fur Ar- beits-nachweis Boston, Mass. Industrial aid society Brooklyn, N.Y. Female employment society Brooklyn, N.Y. Woman's work exchange and decorative art society Chicago, 111. Collegiate bureau of occupa- tions Cleveland, Ohio. Co-operative employment bureau for women and girls Cleveland, Ohio. Employment and immi- gration, Division of Conference Internationale du chomage Denmark. Arbejdsanvisningsdirektoren Denmark. Arbejdslshedsinspekt