THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY PHILOSOPHY THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY PHILOSOPHY THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY PHILOSOPHY METAPHYSICS, PSYCHOLOO^ ETHICS CHICAGO CLASS B (Sections 0-6) 150 Copies Multigraphed as Manuscript 1922 Trustees of The Newberry Library 1922 "John P. Wilson Horace H. Martin .... Elected November 4, 1901 David B. Jones Elected May 5, 1902 John A. Spoor Elected January 11, 1904 John P. Wilson, Jr. . . Elected January 3, 1911 Edward L. Ryerson . . . Elected March 6, 1911 Frederic I. Carpenter . Elected February 3, 1913 Andrew C. McLaughlin . . Elected April 6, 1914 Charles H. Hulburd . . . Elected April 6, 1914 John W. Scott Elected May 1, 1916 Albert H. Wetten .... Elected December 5, 1916 Horace S. Oakley .... Elected April 1, 1918 Former Members of the Board of Trustees *George E. Adams 1892-1917 "Edward E. Ayer . . . . . 1892-1911 "Ellphalet W. Blatchford . 1892-1914 "William Harrison Bradley 1892-1901 "Daniel Goodwin 1892-1898 "Franklin H. Head .... 1892-1914 "Edward S. Isham 1892-1902 "Alexander C. McClurg . . 1892-1901 "Franklin MacVeagh .... 1892-1896 "Walter C. Newberry . . . 1892-1912 "Lambert Tree 1892-1910 "Henry J. Willing .... 1892-1903 Bryan Lathrop 1896-1916 George Manierre 1898-1919 Moses J. Wentworth . . . 1901-1916 "Charter member. April 13. 1892 T 731836 Officers, 1922 President Edward L. Ryerson First Vice-President Second V ice-President John W. Scott Horace H. Martin Secretary and Financial Agent Jesse L. Moss Assistant Secretary and Financial Agent Philip Williams Librarian George B. Utley FOREWORD The present list Is a transcript of the classed catalogue covering the division of Philosophy, under which are grouped works In the Library treating of Philosophy In general and by country, on Metaphysics, Logic, Psychology and Ethics. A list Is In prepara- tion showing works on the Philosophy of Religion, Folk-lore, and Ethnic Religions. An alphabetical index of the entries, by author and short title, and of the subject headings, shows the Library call-numbers and the pages of this pub- lication on which full titles will be found. vii EXPLANATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS A plus sign (+} after a volume number or date in- dicates that the publication is currently re- ceived or is in progress. A dash (-) before an entry Indicates that the author or the title is the same as in the pre- ceding entry; between dates it indicates "to and including the second date." Two dashes (- -) before a date or designation of an edition indicate that the author and the title are the same as In the preceding entry. aarg. Abt. .aargang .Abteilung arr . atl ........... Aufl ........ Ausg ........ bearb. Bd. c. ..... comp ........ cop. D ..... ed .............. P.... P4 ..... F5. F6 ................ fasc. Hft. hrsg ........ Jaarg ..... Jahrg ..... Lief ...... livr ........ ms . ,mss arranged .atlas Auf lage .Ausgabe .bearbeltet .Band .circa .compiled, com- piler .copyright duodecimo .edited, edition, editor follo(12-14 .follo(14-16 folio(16-20 .folio(20-24 .fascicule .Heft .herausgegeben jaargang .Jahrgang .Lieferung livralson manuscript , manuscripts in.) in. ) in. ) in. ) n.d. no date n. s new series nar narrow no. , nos number, numbers nouv. ...nouvelle 0. ..octavo ob oblong pam. , pams ....pamphlet , pamphlets pi plates pref preface pseud pseudonym pt . , pts part , parts ptle. pub . .. partie published , publisher publication publ Q. quarto red. ...redlgeret repr reprint, re printed 16 samlet series S saml. ser sq. square suppl . supplement t . tome , tomo T.. ...24 tr translated , translation, translator trad. traduit udarb. udarbeidet udg udgivet uitg ultgave, uitgegeven v. volume, volumes SYNOPSIS OF CLASS B Sections 0-6 Class No. Page B Philosophy 1 B 1 Ancient (general) 24 B 102 Chinese 24 B 104 Indian 25 B 107 Arabian and Mohammedan 30 B 109 Jewish 30 B 11-168 Greek and Roman 31 B 17 Early Christian and mediaeval 44 B 18 Scholastic, Neo-scholastic , Catholic 45 B 19 Modern 46 B 20 National philosophies 48 B 235-299 Individual philosophers (By country) 51 B 2 Sys terns of philosophy 94 B 4-47 Metaphysics. 99 B 48 Theory of knowledge 106 B 49 Logic 109 B 5-58 Psychology 115 B 59 Character 149 B 6-69 Ethics, moral philosophy 151 zt ERRATA p. 3. Cancel Eucken, R.C. Die Lebensanschauungen der grossen Denker. B 0.2698. See p. 13. Cancel entry: James, W. Memories and stud- ies. 1911. 0. B 0.4505. v See p. 93. Cancel entry: Some problems of philosophy 1911. 0. B 0.4507. See p. 93. p. 29. Patanjali. The Yoga philosophy... Add call- no. Eames B 104.662. p. 32. For Burnett, J. read: Burnet, J. p. 57. For Renan, R. read: Renan, E. p. 59. Hume, D. Essays and treatises. For v. read 2v. p. 61. Bacon, F. For Francis Bacon und seine Nach- folger read: Fischer, K. Francis Bacon und seine Nachfolger. For Francis Bacon of Verulam, realistic phi- losophy... read: Fischer, K. Francis Bacon of Verulam, realistic philosophy. p. 68. For Glbsom read: Gibson. p. 72- For Spinoza, Beneditus de, read: Spinoza, 74. Benedictus de. p. 74. Agrippa von Nettesheim. For vanitic read: vanitie. p. 80. Kant, I. Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. For praktiscen read: praktischen. p. 85. Riehl should not be in capitals. p. 93. James, W. For Memoires and studies read: Memories and studies. James, W. The will to believe... Call-no, should read: B 283.4518. p. 103. Du Bois-Reymond, E. Tiber die Grenzen... For der read: des. p. 145. Baudouin, C. Suggestion... Title belongs under following section, B 574. p. 150. For Casaubon, I. read: Casaubon, M. p. 155. Kant, I. For Metaphysics of ethics read: Metaphysic of ethics. p. 173. Elyot, Sir T., Of the knowledeg... For Museum B 692.261 read: Case B 692.261. PHILOSOPHY /'.'I Call No [BAILEY, S.] Essays: On the -pursuit of' truth; On the progress of knowledge; and, On the fundamental principle of all evidence and expectation, by the author of Essays on the formation and publication of opinions. 1829. 0. B 0.06 BAIN, A. Dissertations on leading philo- sophical topics. 1903. 0. B 0.065 BALDWIN, J.M. Fragments in philosophy and science. 1903. 0. B 0.07 BENN, A.W. Revaluations, historical and ideal. 1909. 0. B 0.09 BLEWETT, G.J. The study of nature and the vision of God; with other essays in philosophy. 1907. 0. B 0.103 BOUTROUX, E.E.M. The beyond that is with- in, and other addresses, tr. by J.Nleld. 1912. D. B 0.108 BOWEN, P. Critical essays, on a few sub- jects connected with the history and present condition of speculative phi- losophy. 1842. D. B 0.11 CAIRD, E. Essays on literature and phi- losophy. 1892. 2v. D. B 0.14 CALKINS, MARY W. The persistent problems of philosophy; an introduction to meta- physics through the study of modern systems.. 2d ed. 1910. 0. B 0.145 CARPENTER, W.B. Nature and man; essays scientific and philosophical. ..With an introductory memoir by J . E. Carpenter . 1888. 0. B 0.15 (D PHILOSOPHY Call No- CARR, H.W. The new idealist movement in philosophy; an inaugural address de- livered on [the occasion of the author's appointment to the chair of the Depart- ment of philosophy, King's college, University of London] May 16th, ,1918. With the-, introductory and concluding remarks ''by the" ; chair man, the Rt. Hon. Viscp.unV ; jjaldfiiie ^af Sloan. 1918?. D. CARUS, V : 'bur'*need of philosophy; an ap- peal to the American people. 1893. D. - Philosophy as a science; a synopsis of the writings of Dr. Paul Carus , con- taining an introduction written by him- self, summaries of his books, and a list of articles to date. 1909. D. CECIL, H.M. Pseudo-philosophy at the end of the nineteenth century: 1. An irra- tionalist trio, Kidd, Drummond , Balfour. 1897. 0. CLIFFORD, W.K. Lectures and essays, ed. by L.Stephen and F. Pollock; with an in- troduction by F. Pollock. 1879. 2v. 0. COBBE, FRANCES P. Darwinism in morals, and other essays. 1883. 0. - Scientific spirit of the age, and other pleas and discussions. 1888. D. COURTNEY, W.L. Studies in philosophy, ancient and modern. 1882. 0. DEWEY, J. The influence of Darwin on phi- losophy, and other essays in contempo- rary thought. 1910. D. ENCYCLOPAEDIA of mental philosophy, com- prising Science of method, by S.T. Coleridge...Logic, by R. Whately...Theology , by G.E.Corrie; forming a portion of the Encyclopaedia metropolitana. 1847. Q. ERDMANN, J.E. Rede zur Saecularf eier Frledrich Wilhelm des Dritten nebst drei anderen akademischen Reden. 1875. D. B 0.151 B 0.152 B 0.153 B 0.157 B 0.17 B 0.182 B 0.188 B 0.195 B 0.223 B 0.265 B 0.267 (2) PHILOSOPHY Call No. ESSAYS philosophical and psychological, In honor of William James by his colleagues at Columbia university. 1908. 0. Con- tents: Philosophical essays: The new realism, by G. S .Fullerton. Does reality possess practical character? by J.Dewey. A factor In the genesis of Idealism, by W.T.Bush. Consciousness a form of en- ergy, by W.P.Montague. Perception and eplstemology, by F. J . E.Woodbrldge . Sub- stitutlonallsm, by C. A. Strong. World- pictures, by W.B.Pltkln. Naive realism; what Is It? by D.S. Miller. Kant and the English Platonlsts, by A.O.Lovejoy. A critique of Kant's ethics, by F.Adler. The abuse of abstraction In ethics, by H.G.Lord. Purposive consistency, the outline of a classification of values, by G.A.Tawney. The problem of method In mathematics and philosophy, by H.C. Brown. -Psychological essays: Pragmatism In aesthetics, by Kate Gordon. The con- sciousness of relation, by R.S. Wood- worth. On the variability of Individual Judgment, by F.L. Wells. The validity of Judgments of character, by Naomi Nors- worthy. Reactions and perceptions, by J.M.Cattell. A pragmatic substitute for free will, by E.L.Thorndlke . B 0.269 EUCKEN, R.C. Die Lebensanschauungen der grossen Denker. Elne Entwicklungsge - schlchte des Lebensproblems der Mensch- helt von Plato bis zur Gegenwart. 10. Aufl. 1912. 0. B 0.2698 Fundamental concepts of modern philo- sophic thought; critically and his- torically considered... Tr. by S.Phelps... with additions and corrections by the author, and an Introduction by N. Porter. 1880. D. B 0.27 - Geschichte und Kritik der Grundbegrif f e der Gegenwart. 1878. 0. B 0.272 (3) PHILOSOPHY Call No. EUCKEN, R.C. Der Kampf urn einen geistigen Lebensinhalt , neue Grundlegung einer Weltanschauung. 2.Aufl. 1907. 0. B 0.274 FARNESE, 0. Qvaestlones definitae ex triplici phllosophia disputatae. 1613. P. Case B 0.28 FLUEGEL, 0. Probleme der Philosophie und ihre Losungen. 1876. 0. B 0.3 FRASEJR, A.C. Essays in philosophy. 1856. D. B 0.31 FULLERTON, G.S. An introduction to phi- losophy. 1908. 0. B 0.317 GAULTIER, P. La pensee contemporaine ; les grands problemes. 1911. D. B 0.326 GLANVILL, J. Essays on several important subjects in philosophy and religion. 1676. D. B 0.34 - [2d copy, large paper] B 0.34a - Two choice and useful treatises: the one Lux orientalis; or, An enquiry into the opinion of the eastern sages concerning the praeexistence of souls... [by Joseph Glanvill] The other, A discourse of truth, by the late Reverend Dr. Rust...; with annotations on them both.. .[by H. More] 1682. 2 Iv. , D. B 0.342 HARRIS, W.T. Introduction to the study of philosophy, by W.T.Harris; comprising passages from his writings selected and arranged with commentary and illustra- tion, by Marietta Kies. 1890. D. B 0.385 HARTMANN, E. von. The sexes compared, and other essays, tr. by A.Kenner. 1895. D. (Philosophy at home series) B 0.39 HIBBEN, J.G. A defence of prejudice, and other essays. 1912. D. B 0.405 The problems of philosophy; an introduc- tion to the study of philosophy. 1911. D. B 0.406 HINTON, J. Chapters on the art of think- ing, and other essays... With an intro- duction by S.Hodgson. Ed. by C.H.Hin- ton. 1879. D. B 0.408 (4) PHILOSOPHY HINTON, J. Philosophy and religion; se- lections from the manuscripts of...J. Hlnton. Ed. by Caroline Haddon. 2d ed. 1884. D. HODGSON, S.H. [Hodgson's philosophical addresses. Binder's title] Contents: The practical bearing of speculative philosophy. 1881. -The two senses of "reality". 1883. -The relation of phi- losophy to science, physical and psy- chological. 1884. -Philosophy and ex- perience. 1885. -The re-organisation of philosophy. 1886. -The unseen world. 1887 Common-sense philosophies. 1888. 0. HOFFDING, H. Der menschliche Gedanke, seine Formen und seine Aufgaben. Er- weiterte Ausgabe der "Philosophlschen Probleme". 1911. 0. The problems of philosophy... Tr. by G.M. Fisher; with a preface by W.James. 1905. S. JACKS, L. P. The alchemy of thought. 1910. 0. Call No. B 0.4085 B 0.41 B 0.417 B 0.418 B 0.45 0.4505 JAMES, W. Memories and studies. 1911. 0. B - Some problems of philosophy; a beginning of an introduction to philosophy. 1911. 0. B 0.4507 - The will to believe, and other essays in popular philosophy. 1899. 0. B 0.451 JOUSSAIN, A. Romantisme et religion. 1910. D. LBibllotheque de philosophic con- temporalne] B 0.457 KEARY, C.F. The pursuit of reason. 1910. 0. B 0.46 KULPE, 0. Elnleltung in die Philosophic; 6. verb. Aufl. 1913. 0. B 0.468 - Introduction to philosophy. A handbook for students of psychology, logic, ethics, aesthetics, and general philoso- phy. Tr. from the German (1895) by W.B. Pillsbury and E.B.Titchener . 1897. D. B 0.469 (5) PHILOSOPHY Call No. LADD, G.T. Introduction to philosophy. An inquiry after a rational system of scientific principles in their relation to ultimate reality. 1890. 0. B 0.47 LLOYD, A.H. The will to doubt; an essay in philosophy for the general thinker. 1907. D. (The ethical library) B 0.51 McCOSH, J. Philosophical papers. I. -Ex- amination of Sir W. Hamilton's logic. II. -Reply to Mr. Mill's third edition. III. -Present state of moral philosophy in Britain. 1868. 0. B 0.53 MANSEL, H.L. Letters, lectures, and reviews, including the Phrontisterion; or, Oxford in the 19th century; ed. by H.W. Chandler. 1873. 0. B 0.54 MARTINEAU, J. Essays, philosophical and theological. 1879-83. 2v. Q. B 0.55 MARVIN, W.T. An introduction to systematic philosophy. 1903. 0. B 0.553 - A syllabus of an introduction to phi- losophy. 1899. 0. (Columbia university contributions to philosophy, psychology and education, v.3, no. 3-4) [2d copy] B 0.56 MELLONE, S.H. Studies in philosophical criticism and construction. 1897. 0. B 0.565 MUIRHEAD, J.H. Philosophy and life and other essays. 1902. D. B 0.6 [MULLANY, P.P.] Essays philosophical, by Brother Azarias of the Brothers of the Christian schools; with preface by the Rt. Rev. J.J.Keane. 1896. D. B 0.605 NAVILLE, E. Les systemes de philosophie ou les philosophies affirmatives. 1909. 0. B 0.61 NERVA, S.E. Introduction a la philosophie des sciences naturelles, a la philoso- phie de 1'histoire et a 1'etude des litteratures comparees, apergus philo- sophiques sur la litterature frangaise comparee a celles de 1'antiquite, aux B 0.62 (6) PHILOSOPHY Call No. NERVA, S.E. (Continued) litteratures du Nord, surtout a celles du Midi de 1'Eu- rope. l.pte. 1860. 0. B 0.62 NETTLESHIP, R.L. Philosophical remains of R.L.Nettleship... Ed. with a biographical sketch, by A.C.Bradley... 2d ed. 1901. 0. B 0.625 ORMOND, A.T. Concepts of philosophy. 1906. 0. B 0.64 PAULSEN, F. Einleitung in die Philoso- phic. 24.Aufl. 1912. 0. B 0.66 - Introduction to philosophy. 2d American from the 3d German ed., tr. with the author's sanction, by F.Thilly. 1907. 0. B 0.662 PERRY, R.B The approach to philosophy. 1905. D. B 0.67 PHILOSOPHICAL essays in honor of James Edwin Crelghton, by former students in the Sage school of philosophy of Cor- nell university, in commemoration of twenty-five years 1 service as teacher and scholar. 1917. 0. Contents: The confusion of categories in Spinoza's ethics, by E. Albee .-Hegel ' s criticism of Spinoza, by Katherlne E. Gilbert. - Rationalism in Hume's philosophy, by G.H. Sablne. -Freedom as an ethical postulate: Kant, by R. A. Tsanof f .-Mill and Comte, by Nann C.Barr.-The Intel- lectuallstlc voluntarism of Alfred Foulll6e, by Alma T. Penney .-Hegelianlsm and the Vedanta, by E.L.Hinman. -Co- herence as organization, by G.W.Cun- ningham. -Time and the logic of monistic Idealism, by J. A.Leighton.-The datum, by W.B.Pillsbury.-The limits of the physical, by Grace A. de Laguna.-Is the dualism of mind and matter final? by H.W.Wright .-The revolt against dualism, by A. H. Jones .-Some comments on instru- mentalism, by E.H.Hollands .-Pragmatism B 0.685 (7) PHILOSOPHY Call No PHILOSOPHICAL essays... Contents: (Continued) and the correspondence theory of truth, by Ellen B.Talbot .-Idea and action, by E.Jordan. -Some practical substitutes for thinking, by H.G.Townsend .-Self- hood, by E.C.Wilm. -Mental activity and conscious content, by R.M.Ogden. The role of Intent in mental function- Ing, by J.W.Baird.-The relation of punishment to disapprobation, by T. de Laguna . -Func t i onal int erpr etations of religion: a critique, by E.L.Schaub. PIGOU, A.C. The problem of theism, and other essays. 1908. D. PORTER, N. Science and sentiment; with other papers, chiefly philosophical. 1882. 0. - Sciences of nature versus the science of man; a plea for the science of man. 1871. D. POWELL, B. Unity of worlds and of nature. Three essays, on the spirit of inductive philosophy, the plurality of worlds, and the philosophy of creation. 2d ed. 1856. D. RENAN, E. The future of science, ideas of 1848; tr. from the French. 1891. 0. RIPLEY, F.J. Ethianism; or, The wise men reviewed. 1893. 0. RITCHIE, D.G. Darwin and Hegel; with other philosophical studies. 1893. 0. - Philosophical studies... Ed. , with a memoir, by R.Latta. 1905. 0. G.C. ...Elements of general phi- Ed, from notes of lectures de- livered at the college [i.e. University college, London] 1870-1892, by C.A. Foley Rhys Davids. 1896. D. (The uni- versity series. [American ed. of the University extension manuals]) ROBERTSON, losophy B 0,685 B 0.69 B 0.706 B 0.7063 B 0.71 B 0.74 B 0.741 B 0.7417 B 0.742 B 0.745 (8) PHILOSOPHY Call No. ROBERTSON, G.C. Philosophical remains of G.C.Robertson.. .with a memoir. Ed. by A.Baln...and T.Whlttaker. 1894. 0. B 0.749 ROMANES, G.J. Mind, motion and monism. 1895. D. B 0.75 ROYCE, J. Studies of good and evil; a series of essays upon problems of phi- losophy and of life. 1899. D. B 0.762 - William James, and other essays on the philosophy of life. 1911. 0. B 0.763 RUSSELL, B.A.W. Mysticism and logic, and other essays. 1918. 0. B 0.7645 - Philosophical essays. 1910. 0. B 0.765 - The problems of philosophy. [1912] S. (Home university library of modern knowledge, v.40) B 0.767 SANTAYANA, G. The life of reason; or, The phases of human progress. 1906. bv. D. B 0.78 SETH PRINGLE-PATTISON, A. Essays In phil- osophical criticism, ed. by A.Seth and R.B.Haldane; with a preface by E.Calrd. 1883. 0. B 0.8 - Man's place In the cosmos, and other essays. 2d ed. 1902. 0. B 0.801 - The philosophical radicals and other es- says, with chapters reprinted on the philosophy of religion In Kant and Hegel, by A.Seth Pringle-Pattlson. 1907. 0. B 0.802 SIDGWICK, H. Lectures on the philosophy of Kant, and other philosophical lect- ures & essays. 1905. 0. B 0.81 Philosophy; Its scope and relations; an Introductory course of lectures . 1902 . 0. B 0.815 SMITH, W.H. Gravenhurst; or, Thoughts on good and evil. 2d ed. -Knowing and feel- Ing; a contribution to psychology; with a memoir of the author. 1875. D. B 0.82 Thorndale; or, The conflict of opinions. 3d ed. 1879. D. B 0.821 (9) PHILOSOPHY Call No. SPURZHEIM, J.F.K. Philosophical catechism of the natural laws of man. 2d ed . 1832. S. B 0.837 STEWART, H.L. Questions of the day in philosophy and psychology. 1912. 0. B 0.84 STIRLING, J.H. The categories. 2d.ed., with appendix. 1907. D. B 0.843 - What is thought? or, The problem of phi- losophy by way of a gener?! conclusion so far... 1900. 0. B 0.844 STOY, K.V. Philosophische Propadeutik; gedrangte Darstellung der philosophi- schen Probleme, der Logik, der Psycholo- gic; Leitfaden fur Vortrage und Studien auf Gymnasien und Universitaten. 1869- 1870. 2 Iv. 0. B 0.849 STUCKENBERG, J.H.W. Introduction to the study of philosophy. 1889. 0. B 0.853 STUDIES in philosophy and psychology, by former students of C.E.Garman, in com- memoration of twenty-five years of ser- vice as teacher of philosophy in Am- herst college. 1906. 0. Contents: Studies in philosophy: I. On moral evo- lution [by] J.H. Tufts. II. The expan- sion of Europe in its influence upon population [by] W.F.Wilcox. III. De- mocracy a new unfolding of human power [by] R. A. Woods. IV. An analysis of the moral judgment [by] F.C. Sharp. V. The problem of consciousness [by] F.J.E. Woodbridge. VI. The intellectual element in music [by] E.L.Norton. VII. Pragma- tism and Kantianism [by] W.L.Raub. VIII. The influence of pragmatism upon the status of theology [by] E . W . Lyman . - Studies in psychology: IX. Influence of surrounding objects on the apparent di- rection of a line [by] E.B.Delabarre . X. Beginning a language; a contribution to the psychology of learning [by] E.J. Swift. XI. An appeal from the prevailing B 0.856 (10) PHILOSOPHY Call No STUDIES in philosophy and psychology... Con- tents: (Continued) doctrine of a de- tached subconsclousness [by] A. H. Pierce. XII. The cause of a voluntary movement [by] R.S.Woodworth. XIII. An experi- mental test of the classical theory of volition [by] C.T.Burnett. B 0.856 SULLY, J. Sensation and intuition; studies In psychology and aesthetics. 2d ed. 1880. 0. B 0.858 THORNTON, W.T. Old-fashioned ethics and common-sense metaphysics; with some of their applications. 1873. 0. B 0.87 TULLOCH, J. Modern theories in philosophy and religion. 1884. 0. B 0.89 VEITCH, J. Essays in philosophy. lst-2d series. 1889-95. 2v. D. B 0.93 VINET, A.R. Outlines of philosophy and literature. [Ed. by J.F.Astlj 2d ed. 1867. 0. B 0.945 WALLACE, W. Lectures and essays on natural theology and ethics. Ed., with a bio- graphical introduction by E. Caird . 1898 .0. B 0.95 WATSON. J. Cointe, Mill and Spencer; an outline of philosophy. 1895. D. B 0.96 - Outline of philosophy; with notes his- torical and critical. 2d ed. 1898. D. B 0.9601 WRIGHT, C. Philosophical discussions; with biographical sketch of the author by C.E.Norton. 1878. 0. B 0.986 WUNDT, W.M. Einleltung in die Philosophic. 5.Aufl., mlt einem Anhang tabel larlscher Ueberslchten zur Geschlchte der Phi- losophic und ihrer Hauptrichtungen. 1909. 0. B 0.9875 - Ueber den Einfluss der Philosophic auf die Erfahrungswissenschaf ten; aka- demische Antri ttsrede . 1876. 0. B 0.988 ZELLER, E. Vortrage und Abhandlungen. l.-3.Samml. 1875-84. 3v. 0. [l.Samml., 2.Aufl. ] B 0.993 (ID PHILOSOPHY Call No. ZIMMERMANN, R.A.T. von. Phllosophlsche Propaedeutik. 3.Aufl. 1867. 0. B 0.996 - Studien und Kritiken zur Philosophle und Aesthetik. 1870. 2v. 0. B 0.997 GENERAL HISTORIES OF PHILOSOPHY See also Modern philosophy, B 19 ALEXANDER, A.B.D. A short history of phi- losophy. 1907. 0. B 04.03 ARMSTRONG, A.C. Transitional eras in thought; with special reference to the present age. 1904. D. B 04.05 BAUMANN, J. Gesamtgeschichte der Philoso- phic. 2.Aufl. der Geschichte der Phi- losophic nach Ideengehalt und Beweisen. 1903. 0. B 04.076 BAX, E.B. Handbook of the history of phi- losophy for the use of students. 2d ed. 1888. D. (Bohn's philosophical library) B 04.08 B5RGMANN, J. Geschichte der Philosophic. 1892-93. 2v. 0. B 04.095 BLAKEY, R. History of the philosophy of mind, embracing the opinions of all writers on mental science from. the earliest period to the present time. 1848. 4v. 0. B 04.1 BOUTROUX, E.E.M. Historical studies in philosophy. Tr. by F.Rothwell. 1912. 0. B 04.11 BRUCKER, J.J. History of philosophy from the earliest times to the beginning of the present century, drawn up from... [his] Hlstoria critica philosophise, by W.Enfleld. 1819. 2v. 0. B 04.125 COUSIN, V. Introduction to the history of philosophy. Tr. from the French by H.G.Linberg. 1832. nar.O. B 04.195 (12) GENERAL HISTORIES OF PHILOSOPHY Call No. CROZIER, J.B. History of intellectual de- velopment on the lines of modern evolu- tion, v.l, 3. 1897-1901. 2v. 0. [Vol.2 was never published] B 04.2 DEUSSEN, P. Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophic; mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Religionen. l.Bd.,l.-3. Abt. ; 2.Bd. ,l.Abt.-2.Abt. , l.Halfte; 2.Bd. ,3.Abt.+ 1906-17+ . [ 1 . Bd . , 1 .-2 . Abt. 2.Aufl. ] B 04.225 DRAPER, J.W. History of the Intellectual development of Europe. 1889. 2v. D. (Bohn's philosophical library) B 04.241 DOHRING, E.K. Kritische Geschichte der Philosophic von ihren Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart. 4. verb, und verm. Aufl. 1894. 0. (His Gesammtcursus der Philosophic. l.Th. ) B 04.246 ELMENDORF, J.J. Outlines of lectures on the history of philosophy. 1876. D. B 04.26 EPOCHS of philosophy. Contents: [v.4] Stole and epicurean, by R.D. Hicks. 1910. 0.-[v.lO] The philosophy of the enlightenment, by J.G.Hlbben. 1910. 0. B 04.265 ERDMANN, J.E. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophic. 3. verb. Aufl. 1878. 2v. 0. B 04.268 - History of philosophy. English trans- lation. Ed. by W.S. Hough. 1890. 3v. 0. (Library of philosophy) B 04.269 EUCKEN, R.C. Die Lebensanschauungen der grossen Denker; cine Entwicklungsge- schichte des Lebensproblems der Mensch- heit von Plato bis zur Gegenwart. 10. Aufl. 1912. 0. B 04.27 - The problem of human life as viewed by the great thinkers from Plato to the present time... Tr. from the German by W.S. Hough and W.R.B. Gibson. 1909. 0. B 04.273 FAGUET, E. Initiation Into philosophy... Tr. from the French by Sir H.Gordon, bart. 1912. D. B 04.28 (13) GENERAL HISTORIES OF PHILOSOPHY Call No. HARRIS, W.T. History of philosophy In outline. 1876. 0. [Extract from the Journal of speculative philosophy, v.10, no. 3, July, 1876, p. 225-270] B 04.388 HEGEL, G.W.P. Lectures on the history of philosophy.. Tr. from the German by E.S. Haldane. 1892. 3v. 0. (English and foreign philosophical library) B 04.394 HOLLAND, P.M. The rise of intellectual liberty from Thales to Copernicus. 1885. 0. B 04.42 JANET, P.A.R. A history of the problems of philosophy, by P.Janet...& G. Seailles... Tr. by Ada Monahan. Ed. by H.Jones. 1902. 2v. 0. B 04.45 KINKEL, W. Geschichte der Philosophic als Einleitung in das System der Phi- losophic. 1906-08. 2v. 0. B 04.456 KUHN, E. Memorial und Repetitorium zur Geschichte der Philosophie. 1872. 0. B 04.46 LEFEVRE, A.P.E. Philosophy, historical and critical... Tr. with an introduction by A.H.Keane. 1879. 0. (The library of contemporary science) B 04.49 LEWES, G.H. A biographical history of phi- losophy. 1845-46. 4v.S. (Knight's weekly volume for all readers) B 04.501 Library ed.... enl . and...rev. 1857. 0. B 04.502 - The history of philosophy from Thales to Comte. 3d ed. 1867. 2v. 0. B 04.5021 4th ed. 1871. 2v. 0. B 04.5022 LINDSAY, J. Studies in European philoso- phy. 1909. 0. B 04.525 MARVIN, W.T. The history of European phi- losophy; an introductory book. 1917. D. B 04.55 NOIRE, L. A sketch of the development of philosophic thought from Thales to Kant. 1908. 0. B 04.63 REHMKE, J. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. 2.Aufl. 1913. 0. B 04.74 (14) GENERAL HISTORIES OF PHILOSOPHY Call No. RITTER, H. Die chrlstliche Philosophic nach Ihrem Begriff , Ihren aussern Ver- haltnlssen und in ihrer Geschichte bis auf die neuesten Zeiten. 1858-59. 2v.O. B 04.745 ROGERS, A.K. A student's history of phi- losophy. New ed. 1909. D. B 04.75 SCHWEGLER, F.K.A. Geschichte der Philoso- phic. G.Aufl. 1868. 0. B 04.8 - History of philosophy in epitome. Tr. by J.H.Seelye. 1856. D. B 04.801 - Handbook of the history of philosophy. Tr. and annotated by J.H.Stirling. 2d ed. 1868. D. B 04.802 STOCKL, A. Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Philosophic. 3.Aufl. 1888. 2v. 0. B 04.838 - Handbook of the history of philosophy... v.l+. 2d ed.(1903) tr. by...T.A.Flnlay.. Reissue. 1911+. 0. B 04.84 TENNEMANN, W.G. Manual of the history of philosophy. Tr. by A.Johnson, rev. and contin. by J.R.Morell. 1873. D. (Bohn's philosophical library) B 04.867 TURNER, W. History of philosophy. 1903. 0. B 04.895 UEBERWEG, F. ...Grundrlss der Geschichte der Philosophic; l.,3.-4.Th. 1901-03. 3v. 0. B 04.9037 3.Th. lO.Aufl. 1907. 0. B 04.9038 - History of philosophy from Thales to the present time. Tr. from the 4th German ed. by G.S.Morris; with additions by N. Porter. 1872-74. 2v. 0. (Theological and philosophical library... Philosophical division, v.1-2) B 04.9039 - 1885-87. 2v. 0. B 04.904 WEBB, C.C.J. A history of philosophy. [1915] S. (Home university library of modern knowledge, v.102) B 04.96 WEBER, A. History of philosophy... Author- ized tr. by F.Thilly...from the 5th French ed. 1899. 0. B 04.963 (15) GENERAL HISTORIES OF PHILOSOPHY Call No. WINDELBAND, W. Lehrbuch der Geschlchte der Philosophic. 6 .durchgesehene Aufl. 1912. Q. B 04.969 - A history of philosophy; with especial reference to the formation and develop- ment of its problems and conceptions.. Authorised tr. by J.H. Tufts... 2d ed. rev. and enl. 1901. 0. B 04.97 DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS BALDWIN, J.M., ed. Dictionary of philoso- phy and psychology; including many of the principal conceptions of ethics, .logic, aesthetics, philosophy of re- ligion, mental pathology, anthropology, biology, neurology, physiology, econom- ics, political and social philosophy, philology, physical science, and educa- tion, and giving a terminology in En- glish, French, German, and Italian. Written by many hands and ed. by J.M. Baldwin... 1901-05. 4. Q. B 05.06 EISLER, R. Philosophen-Lexikon; Leben, Werke und Lehren der Denker. 1912. 0. B 05.25 - Worterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe; hi storisch-quellenmassig bearb. von Dr. R.Eisler. 3.vollig neu bearb. Aufl. 1910. 3v. nar.O. B 05.26 ENCYCLOPAEDIA of the philosophical sciences. v.l+, 1913+. 0. Contents: v.l. Logic, by A.Ruge, W. Windelband , J.Royce, L.Couturat, B.Croce, P.Enriques and N. Losskij. Tr. by B.Ethel Meyer. B 05.27 FLEMING, W. Vocabulary of philosophy, psychological, ethical, metaphysical; with quotations and references. 4th ed., rev. and largely reconstructed by H.Calderwood. 1887, D, B 05,304 (16) DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS Call No. KRAUTH, C.P. A vocabulary of the philo- sophical sciences. (Including the vo- cabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical, by W.Fleming.. .from the 2d ed., 1860: and the 3d., 1876. Ed. by H.Calderwood...) 1879. 0. B 05.46 MAUTHNER, F. Worterbuch der Philosophic. Neue Beitrage zu einer Kritlk der Sprache... 1910-11. 2v. Q. B 05.6 NOACK, L. Philosophie-geschlchtllches Lex ikon; historisch-blographisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der Phi- losophic. 1879. Q. B 05.63 THOMSON, J.R., ed. A dictionary of phi- losophy in the words of philosophers. 2d ed. 1892. Q. B 05.87 CHARTS SCHULTZE, F. Stammbaum der Philosophic; tabe liar isch- schema tlscher Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophic von den Griechen bis zur Gegenwart. 2.Aufl. 1899. F5. B 06.79 PERIODICALS ANNALEN der Naturphilosophie . Leipzig. l.-ll.Bd. 1902-12. llv. 0. Continued as: Annalen der Natur- und Kulturphilosophle. Leipzig. 12.Bd.+, 1913+. 0. Beiheft; 1-3, 1910-13. 3v.ln 1. 0. B 07.02 L'ANNfiE philosophique, publiee sous la direction de F.Pillon. Paris. 19.-23.annee, 1908-12. 4. 0. B 07.0^5 (17) PERIODICALS Call No. ARCHIV fur Geschichte der Philosophic. Berlin. l.-7.Bd. 1888-94. 7v. 0. Continued in two parts as: Archiv fur Philosophie. - l.Abt. Archiv fur Geschichte der Phi- losophie. Berlin. 8 .-31 .Bd . + , t N. F. 1 .-24. Bd. + , 1895-1918+. 0. - Register zu Bd.1-20, 1888-1907. 1898- 1907. 1. 0. - 2.Abt. Archiv fiir systematlsche Philoso- phic; Neue Folge der philosophischen Monatshefte. Berlin. l.-24.Bd.->, 1895- 1918+. 0. - Bibliothek fur Philosophic; Beilage zu [l.-2.Abt. des Archivs fur Philosophic] Berlin. l.-5.Bd.+, 1911-12*. 0. B 07.037 ARCHIVES of philosophy, psychology and scientific methods... Ed. by J.McK. Cattell and F. J. E.Woodbridge . New York, v.l, Sept. 1905-July 1906 1| Q. [Numbered also as Columbia university contributions to philosophy and psychology] B 07.04 The JOURNAL of philosophy, psychology and scientific methods. New York, v.l-16-t-, Jan.7,1904-Dec.l8,1919t. Q. B07.44 The JOURNAL of speculative philosophy. St. Louis [etc.] v, 1-22, 1867-Dec. 1893 || 22v.O. - Index to...v.l-15, 1867-1881. (in v.15) B 07.45 MIND; a quarterly review of psychology and philosophy. London, v.1-16, Jan. 1876- Oct.1891. 16v.; n.s. ,v.l-28+, Jan, 1892- Oct.l919+. 0. - Index to v. 1-10 , 1876-35 . (in v.10 [o.s.]) B 07.58 The MONIST; a quarterly magazine devoted to the philosophy of science. Chicago. V.1-29+, Oct .1890-Oct. 1919+. 0. - Complete index [to] v.1-17, 1890-1907. 1908. (in v.18) [2d copy. Separate] B 07.59 NEUESTE philosophische Litteratur; hrsg. von J.C.Lossius. Halle. 1778-82. 3. D. B 07.62 (18) PERIODICALS Call No. The OPEN court; a monthly magazine. [De- voted to the science of religion, the religion of science, and the extension of the religious parliament idea] Chicago. V.1-33+, Feb. 17 , 1887-Dec . 1919+ . F. - [Index to] v.1-20, 1887-1906. 1907. 0. (in v.21) [2d copy. Separate] B 07.64 The PHILOSOPHICAL review. New York. v. 1-16, 18-28+, Jan. 1892-Nov. 1907, Jan. 1909-NOV.1919+. 0. B 07.69 PSYCHOLOGICAL review. The philosophical monographs . v. 1 ,no. 1-3, Jan. 1908-March 1916. Q. Contents: v.l,no.l. The aesthetic experience: Its nature and function in eplstemology , by W.D. Furry. (The Johns Hopkins studies in philosophy and psychology, no. 1 ) .-v. 1 ,no . 2 . The philosophy of John Norrls of Bemerton, by Flora I .MacKinnon. -v. 1 ,no. 3 . Freedom and purpose, an interpretation of the psychology of Spinoza, by J.H.Dunham. B 07.75 REVUE no-scolastlque, publlSe par la So- ciet phllosophlque de Louvain. l.-20.anne+ , Jan. 1894-nov. 19J3+. 0. - Tables... 1. 1-20, 1894-1913. (in v.20) B 07.806 Sommaire id^ologique des ouvrages et des revues de philosophic; 1 .-70. f asc . + , 20 Julllet 1895-20 nov.!912+. Q. (Suppl6- ment a la Revue n6o- scolastlque) B 07.8061 REVUE philosophlque de la France et de 1'etranger. Paris. 1 . -44 .anne+ , [t.]l-88+, Jan.l876-dec.l919+. 0. Table g6nrale des matleres. [1J-4, 1876-1912. 1888-[1913] 3. 0. B 07.807 VIERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT fur wl ssenschaf tliche Philosophic. Leipzig. 1.-25. Jahrg. , 1877-1901. 25v. 0. Continued as: Viertel jahrsschrlf t fur B 07.93 (19) PERIODICALS Call No. VIERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT fur wlssenschaf tliche Philosophic. (Continued) wissenschaf t- liche Philosophic und Soziologie. Leip- zig. 26. -37. Jahrg. +, N.F.I. -12. [ Jahrg. ] + 1902-1913+ . 0. - Generalregister zu Jahrg. 1. -30, [1877- 1906] 1908. 0. B 07.93 ZEITSCHRIFT fur immanente Philosophic. Berlin. l.-4.Bd. 1895-1900|| 4v. Q. B 07.98 ZEITSCHRIFT fur Philosophic und spekula- tlve Theologie. Bonn[etc.] l.-16.Bd., 1837-46. 16v. 0. Continued as: Zeitschrift fur Philosophic und phllosophische Kritik... Neue Folge. 17.-105.Bd., 1847-1895. Halle [etc.] 44. 0. B 07.99 SOCIETIES ARISTOTELIAN Society for the Systematic Study of Philosophy, London. Proceed- ings. v.1-3, 1887/88-1895/96; n.s.,v.l- 19+, 1900/01-1918/194-. 0. [None published 1897-1900] B 08.04 PHILOSOPHICAL Society of Chicago. Pro- spectus for the season of 1881-82. 0. B 08.68 COLLECTIONS ABHANDLUNGEN zur Philosophic und ihrer Ge- schichte; hrsg. von B.Erdmann. Halle a.S. l.-51.Heft+, 1893-1917+. 0. B 09.01 BEITRAGE zur Geschichte der Philosophic des Mittelalters . Texte und Untersu- chungen...hrsg. von C.Baeumker. 1. 15., 17.-19.Bd.-f-, 1891-1918+ . 0. - Supplementband . Studien zur Geschichte der Philosophic. Festgabe zum 60. Ge- burtstag C.Baeumker. 1913. 0. B 09.08 (20) COLLECTIONS Call No. COLUMBIA University. Contributions to phi- losophy, psychology and education, v.l- 3,6-8,10-12, May 1894-Feb. 1905 1| 9v. Q. [Vols.4,5 and 9 were also Issued as monograph supplements of the Psycho- logical review, for which see B 507.5805] B 09.18 CORNELL studies in philosophy, no. 1-6. 6v. Q. Contents: no . 1 . Some problems of Lotze's theory of knowledge by E.P.Rob- Ins. 1900. -no. 2. Brahman; a H. De W.Grlswold. 1900. -no. 3. The philoso- phy of F.Nietzsche by Grace N.Dolson. 1901. -no. 4. The ethical aspect of Lot- ze's metaphysics by Vlda F.Moore. 1901.- no.5. Maine de Blran's philosophy of will by N.E.Truman. 1904. -no. 6. The philosophy of F.H.Jacobl by A.W.Craw- ford. 1905. B 09.2 FROMMANNS Klasslker der Philosophic, hrsg. von R.Falckenberg. 1 . ,3. -6. ,8. -11. ,13.- 20. [Bd.] 17v. 0. Contents: 1. G.T.Fech- ner, von K.Lasswltz. 3.Aufl. 1910. -3. S.Kierkegaard als Phllosoph, von H. Hoffding. 2.Aufl. 1902. -4. Rousseau und seine Philosophic, von H. Hoffding. 3.Aufl. 1910. -5. H. Spencer, von O.Gaupp. 3.Aufl. 1906. -6. F.Nietzsche der Kiinst- ler und der Denker, von A.Rlehl. S.Aufl. n.d.-8. Arlstoteles, von H.Slebeck. 3.Aufl. 1910. -9. Platon, von W.Wlndel- band. 5.Aufl. 1910. -10. A.Schopenhauer... von J.Volkelt. 3.Aufl. 1907. -11. T. Carlyle, von P.Hensel. 2.Aufl. 1902.- 13. W.Wundt als Psycholog und als Phl- losoph, von E.Konlg. 3.Aufl. 1909. -14. J.S.Mill, von S.Saenger. 1901. -15. Goethe als Denker, von H.Siebeck. 2.Aufl. 1905. -16. Die Stoa, von P.Barth. 2.Aufl. 1908. -17. L.Feuerbach, von F. Jodl. 1904. -18. R.Descartes, von A.Hoff- mann. 1905. -19. Lesslng als Philosoph, B 09.31 (21) COLLECTIONS Call No. PROMMANNS Klassiker der Philosophie. Con- tents: (Continued) von C. Schrempf . 1906.- 20. E.von Hartmann, von O.Braun. 1909. B 09.31 LIBRARY of genetic science and philosophy. v.1-2. 2v. 0. Contents: v.l. The moral life; a study in genetic ethics, by A. E.Davies. 1909. -v. 2. Darwin and the humanities, by J.M.Baldwin. 1909. (Psychological review publications) B 09.5 LIBRARY of philosophical translations. v.l+, 1917+. 0. Contents: Plotinus: the ethical treatises, being the treatises of the first Ennead, with Porphyry's life of Plotinus, and the Preller-Rit- ter extracts forming a conspectus of the Plotinian system. Tr. from the Greek by S.Mackenna. v.l+, 1917+. (Med- ici society, London. [Publications]) B 09.51 MISSOURI. University. Studies. Philosophy and education series, v.l, no.l, May 1911. Q. Contents: The treatment of personality by Locke, Berkeley and Hume; a study in the interests of ethical theory, of an aspect of the dialectic of English empiricism, by J. W.Hudson. 1911. B 09.58 [PAMPHLETS relating to philosophy] 2v. ( Q. Contents: [v.l] Abbott, L. A study in human nature. 1886. -Bates, H.H. The physical basis of phenomena. 1884. -Clifford, W.K. The scientific basis of morals, and other essays. 1884. (Humboldt library of popular science literature, no. 55 )-Dorsey , Sarah A. On the philosophy of the University of France. [1874]-Friends , Society of. An address on some growing evils of the day, especially demoralizing literature and art, from the representatives of the religious society of Friends for B 09.99 (22) COLLECTIONS Call No. PAMPHLETS relating to philosophy] Con- tents: (Continued) Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware . [1882 ]-Hegel ,G.W. F. Hegel's First principle; an exposition of comprehension and Idea... Tr. from the W.T.Harris. 1869. -Henderson, G.L. The positive catechism. 1678.- Hodge,C.F. Some effects of electrically stimulating ganglion cells. [1889?]- James,W. The association of Ideas. [1880?]-Lef f Ingwell ,A. Does science need secrecy? A reply to Prof. Porter and others of Harvard medical school... With statement concerning vivisection by...W. T . Porter . 1896 . -Ma 1 1 1 son , H . Popu- lar amusements; an appeal to Methodists In regard to the evils of card-playing, billiards, dancing, theater-going, etc. [c!867] [v.2] Parvln,T. A physician on vivisection. 1895. -Prentlss ,D.W. Hypno- tism In animals. '^ 1882? ]-McCosh, J . Locke's theory of knowledge, with a no- tice of Berkeley. 1884. (Philosophic series, no. 5 )-Quldde ,L. Caligula, elne Studle iiber romlschen Casarenwahnslnn. n.d .-Slmms , J. Health and character, with directions for their Improvement. 1879.- Slzer,N. Character reading from photo- graphs. 1891. (Human-nature library, no.!9)-Spencer,H. Herbert Spencer on the Americans and the Americans on Her- bert Spencer, being a full report of his Interview, and of the proceedings at the farewell banquet of Nov. 9, 1882. 1883. -Stevenson, W.G. The evidence of the senses, n.d. -Van Nostrand , J . J . The primary laws of thought - Identity, con- tradiction, affirmation - applied. 1891. B 09.99 (23) ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY For general histories see B 04. Call No. MAYOR, J.B. A sketch of ancient philosophy from Thales to Cicero. 1881. S. (Pitt press series) B 1.56 RITTER, H. The history of ancient phi- losophy... r. from the German, , by A.J.W. Morrison. 1838-1846. 4v. 0. B 1.74 STANLEY, T. The history of philosophy: containing the lives, opinions, actions and discourses of the philosophers of every sect. Illustrated with the effi- gies of divers of them... 2d ed. 1687. F4. B 1.84 3d ed. To which is added the life of the author, never before published. 1701. F4. B 1.841 TAYLOR, H.O. Ancient ideals; a study of intellectual and spiritual growth from early times to the establishment of Christianity. 2d ed. 1913. 2v. 0. B 1.86 CHINESE PHILOSOPHY See also Oriental religions: B 91. [CHOW LEEN-K'E] Bin Beitrag zur Kenntniss der chinesischen Philosophic; T'ung-su des Ceu-tsi., mlt Cu-Hi ' s Commentare; nach dem Sing-Li Tsing-I, chinesisch mit mandschuischer und deutscher Uebersetz- ung und Anmerkungen hrsg. von W.Grube. Th.l. Cap. 1-8. 1882. 0. B 102.16 CHU-TZU. Yu tsuan Chu-Tzu chuan sho. 1713. 40v.ln 8. B 102.17 1IARLEZ, C.J. de. ...L'ecole philosophique moderne de la Chine, ou systeme de la nature (Sing-Li)... (Presente a la Classe des lettres dans la seance du 3 mars 1890) L1890] sq.Q. [Reprinted from v.49 of the Nouveaux memoires of the Academic royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, Brussels] B 102.39 (24) INDIAN PHILOSOPHY See also Indian religions: B 93, etc. Call No. [ANATHA DASA] The Vlchar Mala. Tr. [from the Hindi] by L.Sreeram. 1886. 0. (Dhole's Vedanta series) Earaes B 104.03 ANNAMBHATTA. The Tarka-sangraha of Annam Bhatta; with a Hindi paraphrase and En- glish version... [Ed. by J.R.B. i.e. J.R. Ballantyne, assisted by F.E.Hall] 1851. D. [The Hindi paraphrase has a special title- page dated 1850] Eames B 104.04 BADARAYANA. The aphorisms of the Vedanta, by Badarayana; with the commentary of Sankara 'Acharya and the gloss of Go- vlnda 'Ananda. 1875. D. [Sanskrit] Eames B 104.06 [BALLANTYNE, J.R.] Lectures on the Nyaya philosophy, embracing the text of the Tarka sangraha. 2d ed. [1852] 0. Eames B 104.07 - A lecture on the Snkhya philosophy, em- bracing the text of the Tattwa samasa. 1850. 0. Eames B 104.071 - A lecture on the Vedanta, embracing the text of the Vedanta-Sara. 1850. 0. Eames B 104.072 - A synopsis of science; from the stand- point of the Nyaya philosophy; v.l, 1852. 0. [Sanskrit and English] Eames B 104.073 BHATTACHARYA, M.L. A lecture on the Ve- danta philosophy, read before the Agra college literary society, under the presidentship of Lala Balj Bhattacharya... 1895. S. Eames B 104.09 [BODSCHASTRA. Book of learning; with sup- plement] n.d. 0. [Sanskrit] Eames B 104.11 The BRAHMA Sutras; with the commentary of Sankaracharya. Tr. into English by K. M.BanerJea. 1870. 0. (Biblloteca Indl- ca, n.s. , no. 214) . Eames B 104.115 BROCKIE, W. Indian philosophy; intro- ductory paper. 1872. 0. Eames B 104.12 (25) INDIAN PHILOSOPHY Call No DESAI, S.A. A study of the Indian phi- losophy. 1906. S. B 104.225 DHAMMA SANGANI. Buddhist manual of pys- chological ethics of tthe fourth centu- ry, B.C., tr. by Caroline A.F.Rhys Da- vids. 1900. 0. (Oriental translation fund) B 104.23 GARBE, R. The philosophy of ancient In- dia. 1897. 0. (Religion of science li- brary, no. 26) Eames B 104.32 GOTAMA, surnamed Akshapada. The aphorisms of the Nyaya philosophy of Gautama; with illustrative extracts from the commentary... v.2-4. 1853-54. 2. 0. Eames B 104.358 GOUGH, A.E. The philosophy of the Upan- ishads and ancient Indian metaphysics, as exhibited in a series of articles contributed to the Calcutta review. 1882. 0. (Trubner's oriental series) Eames B 104.359 2d. ed. 1891. 0. (Trubner'g Oriental series) B 104.36 HAUGHTON, Sir G.C. The exposition of the Vedanta philosophy, by H.T. Colebrooke ...vindicated; being a refutation of cer- tain published remarks of V.Kennedy. 1835. 0. Eames B 104.42 ISVARAKRISHNA. Hindu philosophy. The Sankhya Karika of Iswara Krishna. An exposition of the system of Kapila; with an appendix on the Nyaya and Vai- seshika systems, by John Davies. 1881. 0. (Trubner's oriental series) B 104.446 - The Sankhya karika; or, Memorial verses on the Sankhya philosophy, by Iswara Krishna, tr. from the Sanscrit by Henry Thomas Colebrooke. ..also the Bhash- ya or commentary of Gaurapada, tr. , and illustrated by an original comment, by Horace Hayman Wilson.. 1837. 0. (Orient- al translation fund) Eames B 104.447 (26) INDIAN PHILOSOPHY Call No. JACOB. G.A. , tr. A manual of Hindu pan- theism; the Vedantasara. 2d ed. 1888. 0. (Triibner's oriental series) B 104.45 JAIMINI. The aphorisms of the Mfmansa philosophy; with extracts from the com- mentaries, [ed. by J.R. Ballantyne ] 1851. 0. (Sanskrit and English) Eames B 104.452 [K.,-] The gist of the Vedanta as a philosophy, by K. n.d. 0. Eames B 104.456 [K.,-1 On the Nyaya system of philosophy and the correspondence of its divisions with those of modern science, by K. n.d. 0. Eames B 104.645 [K.-] On the ontology of the Vedanta, by K. n.d. 0. (From Benares magazine, Dec. 1851) Eames B 104.457 [K.-] The Pandits and their manner of teaching, by K. , no. 3-4. n.d.O. Eames B 104.4575 [KAPILA] .The Sankhya-pravachana-bhashya ; aphorisms of the Sankhaya phlloso-phy; with a commentary, ed. by Pitz-Edward Hall. 1854-57. nar.O. (Asiatic society of Bengal. Blbllotheca indlca) Eames B 104.459 - The Sankhya aphorisms of Kapila, tr. by J.R. Ballantyne. 3d ed . 1885. 0. (Triib- ner's oriental series) B 104.46 [2d copy] Eames B 104.46 KRISHNAMOHANA VandyopdkySya . Dialogues on the Hindu philosophy, comprising the Nyaya, the Sankhya, the Vedant; to which is added a discussion of the au- thority of Vedas, by...K.M. Baner Jea I.e. Krishnamohana V. 1861. 0. Eames B 104.468 KURODA, S. Outlines of the Mahayana as taught by Buddha. 1893. B 104.47 M^DHAVA ^ch-irya. The Sarva-darsana-samgra- ha; or, Review of the different systems of Hindu philosophy, by Madhava Acharya, tr. by E.B.Cowell and A.E.Gough. 1882. 0. (Triibner's oriental series) B 104.54 (27) INDIAN PHILOSOPHY Call No. MANILALA Nabhubhai Dvivedi . The imitation of Sankara, being a collection of sev- eral texts bearing on the Advaita. 1895. 0. (Sanskrit and English) Eames B 104.55 - Monism or advaitism? (An introduction of the advaita-philosophy read by the light of modern science) 1889. D. Eames B 104.551 MULLER, F.M. Three lectures on the Vedan- ta philosophy. 1894. 0. B 104.6 MUIR, J. Does the Vaiseshika philosophy acknowledge a Deity or not? n.d. 0. (From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society) Eames B 104.599 NILAKANTHA GORE, N. A rational refutation of the Hindu philosophical systems, tr. from the original Hindi, printed and manuscript by Fitz-Edward Hall. 1862. 0. Eames B 104.625 - The tenets of Turaram; a treatise es- pecially addressed to the members of the Prarthana-Samaj and Brahmo-Samaj of Maharashtra, by Rev. Nehemiah Goreh. [Marathi] 1892. D. Eames B 104.626 The NOTIONS of the Hindus, A second dia- logue, n.d. 0. (From the Benares maga- zine, Oct. 1851) Eames B 104.635 On the NYAYA system of philosophy and the correspondence of its divisions with those of modern science, by K. n.d. 0. Eames B 104.645 PATANJALI. The aphorisms of the Yoga philosophy of Patanjali; with illustra- tive extracts from the commentary of Bhoja Raja. 2v. 0. (Sanskrit and Eng- lish) Eames B 104.66 - The Yoga aphorisms of Patanjali; with the commentary of Bhoja Raja and an Eng- lish translation by Rajendralala Mitra. 1882-83. 3 2v. 0. (Bibliotheca Indica. Eames B 104.661 (28) INDIAN PHILOSOPHY Call No. PATAflJALI. ...The Yoga philosophy, being the text of Patanjali; with Bhoja Raja's commentary, with their translations in English by Dr. Ballantyne and Govint Sastri Davi, an introduction by Col. 01cott...Revised, edited and reprinted for the Bombay theosophical publication fund, by Tookaram Tatya. 2d ed. 1885.0. (The theosophical society. Publication) - The Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali. Transla- tion; with introduction, appendix, and notes based upon several authentic commentaries, by Manilal Nabhubhai Dvivedi. [1890?] 0. Eames B 104.663 PRANALALA Sambhulfila Desai. The Mahakaran; or, The origin or source of the whole universe. 1893. 0. Eames B 104.71 RAM CHANDRA BOSE. Hindu philosophy, popu- larly explained; the Orthodox systems. 1884. 0. Eames B 104.73 RAMA PRASADA. The science of breath and the philosophy of the Tattvas, tr. from the Sanskrit, with Introductory and ex- planatory essays on Nature's finer forces, reprinted from "The theosoph- ist", with modifications and additions by Rama Prasad. 2d ed. 1894. D. B 104.731 REGNAUD, P. Materiaux pour servir a 1' hlstolre de la philosophic de 1'Inde. 1876-1878. 1. 0. (Blbliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes fasc. 28, 34) B 104.737 SADANANDA [Yoglndra] Vedanta-Sara; or, Es- sence of the Vedanta, an introduction In- to the Vedanta philosophy, by Sadananda Parivrajakacharya, tr. from the original Sanscrit by E.Roer. 1845. 0. Eames B 104.77 [VIVEKACHINTAMANI] . A synopsis of Hindu systems and sects; tr. from the Tamil [Vivekachintamani ; or, The wishing- stone of knowledge] by T.Foulkes. 1860. 0. Eames B 104.939 (29) INDIAN PHILOSOPHY Call No. VIVEKANANDA, SWAMI . Yoga philosophy; lectures delivered in New York, 1895-6, on Raja Yoga... also Patanjalis Yoga aph- orisms. 4th ed. 1897. D. B 104.94 - ^ ARABIAN & MOHAMMEDAN PHILOSOPHY BOER, T.J., de. The history of philosophy in Islam, tr. by E.R. Jones. 1903. (Luzac's oriental religious series) 0. B 107.22 al-GHAZZALI. The alchemy of happiness, tr. from the Hindustani by C. Field. 1910. S. (Wisdom of the East series) B 107.32 KARAMAT 'ALI [ibn Rahmat 'Ali, Husaini Jaunpuri] Mubda-i-Uloom; or, A treatise on the origin of knowledge, by Moulovee Syed Keramut into English [from Hindustani] by Moonshee Ayenooddeen Ahmud...l870. D. Eames B 107.46 Makhaz-i-Uloom; or, A treatise on the origin of the sciences; to which is appended an attempt to trisect an angle by Moulvie Syed Keramut into English by Moulvie Obeyd-Olla, Al- Obeydee...and Moulvie Syed Ameer Ali, B.A.... 1867. 0. Eames B 107.461 INDIVIDUAL PHILOSOPHERS B 1071 RENAN, E. ...Averroes et 1 ' averroisme ; essai historique. (5.ed.) n.d. 0. B 1071. A 87 CARRA de VAUX, B., baron. ...Avicenne, par le Bon Carra de Vaux. 1900. 0. (Les grands philosophes) B 1071. A 915 JEWISH PHILOSOPHY HUSIK, I. A history of medieval Jewish philosophy. 1916. 0. B 109.42 (30) JEWISH PHILOSOPHY MUNK, S. Philosophy and philosophical authors of the Jews; a historical sketch; with explanatory notes; tr. by I.Kalisch. 1881. 0. SPIEGLER, J.S. Geschichte der Philosophic des Judenthums; nach den neuesten Forschungen [1890] 0. Call No. B 109.6 B 109.83 INDIVIDUAL PHILOSOPHERS BERACHYA ben NATRONI : , ha-nakdan: Dod: ve-nechd: (uncle & nephew) The work of Berachya Lanakdan, now ed...wlth an Eng- lish translation, etc. to which is added the first English translation from the Latin of Adelard of Bath's Quaestiones naturales, by H.Gollancz. 1920. B 1091. B 45 MOSES ben MAIMON More nebuchlm; sive Liber doctor perplexorum...a...S . A.Thibbone in linguam hebrseam translatus, novls commentarls uno...M. Narbonnensls...altero anonyml cujusdam, sub nomine G.Hamore adauctus, nunc In lucem edltus cura et impensls I.Euchell. 1828. sq.O. [Text in Hebrew] The guide of the perplexed of Maimonl- des; tr. from the original text and annotated by M.Friedlander... 1881-85. 3v. 0. (English and foreign philosoph- ical library, v. 28-30. Society of He- brew literature. Publications, 3d ser- ies) B 1091. M 86 B 1091. M 84 GREEK AND ROMAN PHILOSOPHY ADAM, J. The vitality of Platonism, and other essays. Ed. by his wife, Adela M.Adam. 1911. 0. (31) B 11.01 GREEK AND ROMAN PHILOSOPHY Call No. ADAMSON, R. The development of Greek phi- losophy... Ed. by W.R.Sorley and R.P. Hardie. 1908. 0. B 11.016 BAKEWELL, C.M. Source book in ancient philosophy... 1909. 0. B 11.06 BEARE, J.I. Greek theories of elementary cognition from Alcmaeon to Aristotle. 1906. 0. B 11.08 BENN, A.W. Early Greek philosophy... 1908. D. (Philosophies ancient and modern) B 11.089 - The Greek philosophers... 1882. 2v. 0. B 11.09 BERTLING, 0. Geschichte der alten Phi- losophic als Weg der Erforschung der Kausalitat, fur Studenten, Gymnasiasten und Lehrer.. 1907. 0. B 11.096 BRANDIS, C.A. Geschichte der Entwickel- ungen der griechischen Philosophie und ihrer Nachwirkungen im romischen Reiche. 1862-64. 2v. 0. B 11.115 BURNETT, J. Greek philosophy; pt.l, Thales to Plato. 1914+ B 11.13 BURT, B.C. A brief history of Greek philosophy. 1889. D. B 11.135 BUTLER, W.A. Lectures on the history of ancient philosophy. Ed. by W.H.Thomp- son. 1856. 2v. 0. B 11.14 COCKER, B.F. Christianity and Greek phi- losophy; or, Relation between spontan- eous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and his Apostles. 1870. 0. B 11.18 CORNFORD, F.M. From religion to philoso- phy; a study in the origins of western speculation. 1912. 0. B 11.19 DEUSSEN, P. Die Philosophie der Griechen. 1911. 0. B 11.225 DICKINSON, G.L. Greek view of life. 1896. D. B 11.23 DORING, A. Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie. 1903. 2v. 0. B 11.237 (32) GREEK AND ROMAN PHILOSOPHY Call No. GOMPERZ, T. Griechische Denker; elner Ge- schichte der antiken Philosophie... Ed. 3. 1909-12. 3v. 0. B 11.352 - Greek thinkers; a history of ancient philosophy. Vol.1, tr. by Laurie Mag- nus; v.2-4, tr. by G.G. Berry. 1901-12. 4v. 0. B 11.353 [JACKSON, H.I Texts to illustrate a course of elementary lectures on the history of Greek philosophy from Thales to Aristotle. 1901. 0. B 11.45 The MAKERS of Hellas; a critical inquiry Into the philosophy and religion of ancient Greece, by E.E.G. With an in- troduction, notes, and conclusion by Frank Byron Jevons... 1903. 0. B 11.54 RITTER, H. Historia phllosophlae graecae; testimonla auctorum conlegerunt notis- que instuxerunt H.Rltter et L.Preller. 9.ed. quam curavit Eduardus Wellmann. 1913. 0. B 11.738 SCHUSTER, P. Tber die erhaltenen Portrats der grlechischen Philosophen. 1876. Q. B 11.79 SCHWEGLER, A. Geschlchte der griechlschen Philosophie Hrsg. von. K.Kostlln. 3.Aufl. 1882. 0. B 11.796 SIHLER, E.G. Testlmonium anlm:' ; or, Greek and Roman before Jesus Christ; a series of essays and sketches dealing with the spiritual elements In classic- al civilization. 1908. D. B 11.82 TAYLOR, T. Collectanea; or, Collections, consisting of miscellanies inserted by Thomas Taylor in the European and monthly magazines. With an appendix, containing some hymns by the same au- thor never before printed. 1806. nar.O. B 11.858 (33) GREEK AND ROMAN PHILOSOPHY Call No. TAYLOR, T. Miscellanies, in prose and verse: containing the triumph of the wise man over fortune, according to the doctrine of the Stoics and Platon- ists; the creed of the Platonic phi- losopher; a panegyric on Sydenham, &c . Ac.... 1805. D. B 11.859 2d ed., with additions. 1820. S. B 11.86 WINDELBAND, W. History of ancient phi- losophy... Authorized translation by H.E. Cushman... From the 2d German edition. 1900. 0. B 11.97 ZELLER, E. Die Philosophie der Griechen in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung.-.. 0. Contents: 1. Teil, 1. Halfte. 6. Aufl. 1919. Allgemeine Einleitung.- 2.T. l.Abt. Sokrates und die Sokratik- er; Plato und die alte Akademie. 4. Aufl. 1889. -2. T. 2.Abt. Aristoteles und die alten Peripatetiker . 3. Aufl. 1879. -3. T. Die nacharistotelische Phi- losophie. 4. Aufl. 1909, 1903. 2v. B 11.996 - Outlines of the history of Greek phi- losophy; tr. by Sarah F.Alleyne and Evelyn Abbott. 1886. D. B 11.998 - Synopsis tes historias tes hellenikes philosophias ; exell. hypo M.Euangeli- dou. 1886. 0. B 11.9985 PRE-SOCRATIC For texts see Greek literature Y 6409, Y 6498, and Y 642 BURNET, J. Early Greek philosophy. 2d ed. 1908. 0. B 12.13 ZELLER, E. A history of Greek philosophy from the earliest period to the time of Socrates; with a general introduc- tion. Tr. from the German by S.F. Alleyne. 1881. 2v. D. B 12.998' (34) IONIC SCHOOL, HYLACISTS Call No. HERACLITUS, of Ephesus. The Fragments of the work of Heraclitus of Ephesus on nature. Tr. from the Greek text of Bywater; with an introduction histor- ical and critical, by G. F.W.Patrick. 1889. 0. B 121.4 PYTHAGORAS AND THE PYTHAGOREAN SCHOOL ROTHENBUCHER, A. Das System der Pytha- goreer nach den Angaben des Aristotel- es. 1867. 0. B 122.76 EMPEDOCLES 'EDOCLES. The fragments of Empedocles. Tr. into English verse by W.E.Leonard. 1908. 0. [The Greek text, followed by the English translation] B 124.2 MILLERD, CLARA E On the Interpretation of Empedocles; a dissertation. 1908. 0. B 124.57 i ATOMISTS (Democrltus, etc.) MASSON, J. The atomic theory of Lucretius contrasted with modern doctrines of atoms and evolution. 1884. 0. B 126.55 VEITCH, J. Lucretius and the atomic theory. 1875. D. B 126.93 SOCRATES AND THE SOCRATIC SCHOOLS For texts see Greek literature Y 6409, Y 6498, and Y 642 GODLEY, A.D. Socrates and Athenian so- ciety in his day; a biographical sketch. 1896. D. B 13.36 (35) SOCRATES AND THE SOCRATIC SCHOOLS Call No. NOZEMAN, C. Socrates eere gehandhaefd. 2e druk. 1769-70. 1. 0. B 13.63 [MEERSCH, A. A. van der] Vier brieven 1 ; over P.Hofstede. 2e druk. 1770. 0. in B 13.63 FIAT, C. ...Socrate... 1900. 0. (Les grands philosophes) B 13.685 ZELLER, E. Socrates and the Socratic schools. Newly tr. from 3d German ed. by O.J.Reichel. 3d ed. 1885. D. B 13.998 PLATO For works of Plato see Y 642. P 5 The Platonist. St. Louis, Mo. v.l, no. 1-12, Feb. 1881-Jan. 1882. F. B 14.0005 ACKERMANN, G.C.B. The Christian element in Plato and the Platonic philosophy, unfolded and set forth by C . Ackermann... Tr. from the German by S .R. Asbury...with an introductory note by W.G.T.Shedd. 1861. 0. B 14.007 ADAM, Mrs. ADELA MARION (KENSINGTON) Plato; moral and political ideals. 1913. S. (The Cambridge manuals of science and literature, 69) B 14.01 ADAM, J. The nuptial number of Plato; its solution and significance. 1891.0. B 14.015 BOSANQUET, B. Companion to Plato's Re- public for English readers. Commentary adapted to Davies and Vaughan's trans- lation... 1895. D B 14.11 BUSSELL, F.W. The school of Plato; its origin, development, and revival under the Roman empire... 1896. 0. B 14.13 COLLINS, C.W. Plato, n.d. S. (Ancient classics for English readers) B 14.18 COOK, A.B. The metaphysical basis of Plato's Ethics. 1895. D. B 14.19 (36) PLATO Call No. GROTE, G. Plato, and the other companions of Sokrates. 2d ed. 1867. 3v. 0. B 14.37 LUTOSLAWSKI, W. The origin and growth of Plato's logic; with an account of Plato's style and of the chronology of his writings... 1905. 0. [Reissue] B 14.52 MILLER, I.E. The significance of the mathematical element in the philosophy of Plato; a dissertation. 1904. 0. B 14.575 MORE, P.E... Platonism...lectures delivered at Princeton university, October 29, 30,31, November 6,7, 1917. 1917. 0. (Princeton university. The Louis Clark Vanuxem foundation lectures for 1917- 1918) B 14.59 NATORP, P. Platos Ideenlehre; eine Ein- fiihrung In den Ideal ismus. 1903. 0. B 14.61 NETTLESHIP, R.L. Lectures on the Repub- lic of Plato; ed. by G.R.Benson. 1901.0. B 14.62 PATER, W. Plato and Platonlsm; a series of lectures. 1901. D. B 14.66 PIAT, C. ...Platon... 1906. 0. (Les grands Phllosophes) B 14.683 PLATO. Works... Tr. by P.Sydenham and T. Taylor; with notes. 1804. 5v. Q. [2d copy] B 14.689 - Dialogues. Tr. Into English with an- alyses and Introductions by B.Jowett. 1887. 4v. 0. B 14.69 SCHLEIERMACHER, P.D.E. ..Introductions to the dialogues of Plato. Tr. from the German by W.Dobson. 1836. 0. B 14.79 SHOREY, P. De Platonis idearum doctrina atque mentis humanae notionibus com- mentatio. 1884. 0. B 14.81 STEWART, J.A. Plato's doctrine of ideas. 1909. 0. B 14.84 STRONG, T.B. Platonism. n.d. S. (Chief ancient philosophies) B 14.85 TAYLOR, A.E. Plato. 1914. D. (Philoso- phies ancient and modern) B 14.865 (37) PLATO Call No. TEMPLE, W. Plato and Christianity; three lectures. 1916. 0. B 14.87 WILLIAMS, MARIE V. Six essays on the Platonic theory of knowledge as ex- pounded in the later dialogues and re- viewed by Aristotle. 1908. D. * B 14.975 WOOD, MARY H. Plato's psychology in its bearing on the development of will; a thesis. 1907. 0. B 14.983 ZELLER, E. Plato and the older academy. Tr. from the German by Sarah Frances Alleyne and A.Goodwin. New ed. 1888. D. B 14.998 ARISTOTLE For works of Aristotle see Y 642. A 8 See also History of philosophy, B 04. ARISTOTELES. De generatione animal- ium. [Tr.] by A.Platt. 1910. 0. (The Works of Aristotle) [2d copy] B 15.043 - De lineis insecabilibus . [Tr.] by H.H. Joachim. 1908. 0. (The Works of Aris- totle) [2d copy] B 15.044 - De mirabilibus auscultationibus . [Tr.] by L.D.Dowdall. 1909. 0. (The Works of Aristotle) [2d copy] B 15.045 BRENTANO, F. Die Psychologie des Aristo- teles; insbesondere seine Lehre vom nous poietikos.. (Nebst einer Beilage liber das wirken des Aristotelischen Gottes) 1867. 0. B 15.11 GRANT, Sir A. Aristotle... n.d. D. (Ancient classics for English Readers... Supple- mentary series) B 15.36 GROTE, G. Aristotle. Ed. by A. Bain and G.C.Robertson. 2d ed. with additions. 1880. 0. B 15.3/ (38) ARISTOTLE Call No. JAEGER, W.W. Studien zur Entstehungsge- schichte der Metaphysik des Aristote- les... 1912. 0. B 15.45 LANG, A. The politics of Aristotle; in- troductory essays. 1886. D. B 15.48 LEWES, G.H. Aristotle; a chapter from the history of science, including an- alyses of Aristotle's scientific writ- ings. 1864. 0. B 15.5 LONES, T.E. Aristotle's researches in natural science. 1912. 0. B 15.51 LUQUET, G.H. Arlstote et I'universitS de Paris pendant le xliie siecle. 1904. Q. (Bibllotheque de 1'Ecole des hautes etudes. Sciences rellgleuses, 16. v. f fasc.2) B 15.52 MARSHALL, T. Aristotle's theory of con- duct. 1906. 0. B 15.55 MUIRHEAD, J.H. Chapters from Aristotle's Ethics. 1900. 0. B 15.6 NITZSCH, P.A.B. Luther und Aristoteles. Festschrift zum vlerhundert Jahrlgen Geburtstage Luther's. 1883. 0. B 15.62 PIAT, C.. Arlstote... 1903. 0. (Les grands philosophes) B 15.68 SMITH, I.G... Arlstotellanlsm; the Ethics of Aristotle, by I.G. Smith; the logical treatises, the metaphysics, the psy- chology, the politics, by W.Grundy. 1889. S. (Chief ancient philosophies) B 15.82 TAYLOR, A.E. Aristotle... [1912] S. (The people's books, v.67) B 15.858 TAYLOR, T. A dissertation on the philoso- phy of Aristotle, In four books. In which his principal physical and meta- physical dogmas are unfolded; and it is shown, from indubitable evidence, that his philosophy has not been accurately known since the destruction of the Greeks. The insufficiency also of the philosophy that has been substituted B 15.859 (39) ARISTOTLE TAYLOR, T. (Continued) by the modern for that of Aristotle, is demonstrated. 1812. sq.P. TEICHMULLER, G. Aristotelische Forsch- ungen. 1867-73. 3v. D. WALLACE, E. ...Outlines of the philosophy of Aristotle. 3d ed. 1883. S. (Pitt press series) WILSON, J.C. Aristotelian studies i. On the structure of the seventh book of the Nicomachean ethics, chapters i-x. 1897. Reissue (1912) with a postscript on the authorship of the parallel ver- sions. 1912. 0. ZELLER, E. Aristotle and the earlier Peripatetics; being a translation from Zeller's 'Philosophy of the Greeks', by B.P.C.Costelloe and J.H.Muirhead. 1897. 2v. 0. Catl No. B 15.859 B 15.86 B 15.95 B 15.97 B 15.998 POST-ARISTOTELIAN For text see Greek literature, Y 6409., Y 6498. , and Y 642. ADAM, J. Texts to illustrate a course of elementary lectures on Greek philosophy after Aristotle; sel. and arr. by J. Adam. 1902. 0. B 16.016 SUNNE, D.G. Some phases in the develop- ment of the subjective point of view during the post-Aristotelian period; a dissertation. [1911] 0. B 16.85 ZELLER, E. The Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics. ..Tr. from the O.J. Reichel. New and rev. ed. 1880. D. B 16.998 (40) STOICS Call No. ALSTON, L. Stoic and Christian in the second century; a comparison of the ethical teaching of Marcus Aurelius with that of contemporary and anteced- ent Christianity. 1906. D. B 161.03 ARNOLD, E.V. Roman Stoicism; being lec- tures on the history of the Stoic phi- losophy; with special reference to its development within the Roman empire... 1911. 0. B 161.04 BUSSELL, F.W. ...Marcus Aurelius and the later Stoics. 1910. D. (The world's epoch-makers) B 161.13 CAPES, W.W. Stoicism. 1909. S. (Chief ancient philosophies) B 161.145 DAVIDSON, W.L. ...The Stoic creed. 1907. 0. (Religion in literature and life) B 161.22 [DU VAIR, G.] The moral philosophic of the Stolcks. Written in French, and Englished for the benefit of them which are Ignorant of that tongue, by T.I. 1598. T. Case B 161.25 - - Written originally in French by-Mon- sieur du Vaix [I]... Englished by C. Cotton. Case B 161.251 STOCK, ST. G. Stoicism. 1908. D. (Phi- losophies ancient and modern) B 161.84 EPICUREANS SHOREY, P. Plato, Lucretius, and Epicur- us, n.d. 0. (Reprinted from Harvard studies in classical philology, v.12) B 162.81 WALLACE, W. ...Epicureanism. 1908. S. (Chief ancient philosophies) B 162.95 (41) SKEPTICS (Pyrrho, Arcesilaus) Call No. MACCOLL, N. The Greek sceptics, from Pyrrho to Sextus; an essay which obtained the Hare prize in the yer 1868... 1869. D. B 163.53 ECLECTICS See also Jewish philosophy ZELLER, E. A history of eclecticism in Greek philosophy. Tr. from the German by S.F.Alleyne. 1883. D. B 164.99 JEWISH- ALEXANDRIAN SCHOOL (Aristobulus Philo) DRUMMOND, J. Philo Judaeus ; or, The Jew- ish-Alexandrian philosophy in its de- velopment and completion. 1888. 2v- 0. B 166.24 KINGSLEY, C. Alexandria and her schools. Four lectures delivered at the Philoso- phical institution, Edinburgh. With a preface... 1854. D. B 166.465 KIRSCHBAUM,... Der jiidische Alexandrinismus eine erfindung christlicher lehrer... 1843. (Aufsatze in gebiete der religion und des socialischen lebens) B 166.468 PHILO JUDAEUS. Philonis alexandrini Opera qvae svpersvnt; ed. L.Cohn et P.Wend- land. 1896-1906. 5v. 0. B 166.68 - The works of Philo Judasus , the contem- porary of Josephus. Tr. from the Greek by C.D.Yonge. 1854-90. 4v. D. (Bohn's ecclesiastical library) B 166.685 - Fragments of Philo Judseus. Newly ed. by J.R.Harris... With two facsimiles. Ed. for the syndics of the University press. 1886. sq.Q. B 166.693 (42) JEWISH-ALEXANDRIAN SCHOOL (Aristobulus Philo) Call No. PHILO JUDAEUS. Philo about the contempla- tive life; or, The fourth book of the treatise concerning virtues, critically ed., with a defence of its genuineness, by F.C.Conybeare... 1895. 0. Phllonea, inedita altera, altera nunc demum recte ex vetere scriptura eruta. Ed. C.Tischendorf... Cum duabus tabulis. 1868. 0. Phllonis Alexandrlnl Llbellus de oplfl- cio mundi, edidit L.Cohn. 1889. 0. (Breslauer phllologische Abhandlungen. 4.Bd. , Heft 4) VACHEROT, E. Histoire critique de 1'ecole d'Alexandrie. 1846-51. 3v. 0. B 166.695 B 166.696 B 166.697 B 166.93 NEO-PYTHAGOREAN (Apollonius of Tyana) JAMPBELL, F.W.G. Apollonius of Tyana; his life and times. 1908. D. B 167.14 DELATTE, A. Etudes sur la literature pythagoriclenne. 1915. (Bibllotheque de l'6cole des hautes Etudes. 217) B 167.22 RfiVILLE, A. Apollonius of Tyana, the pagan Christ of the third century; auth. tr. 1886. nar.D. B 167.74 TAYLOR, T., tr. Political fragments of Archytas, Charondas, Zaleucus, and other ancient Pythagoreans, preserved by Stobseus; and also, Ethical frag- ments of Hlerocles...preserved by the same author. Tr.from the Greek. 1822.0. B 167.86 - Vlndlclae Britannlcae; Christianity in- terested In the dismissal of ministers; by Christophilus [pseud.] 1821. in B 167.86 TREDWELL, D.M. A sketch of the life of Apollonius of Tyana; or, The first ten decades of our era. 1886. 0. B 167.88 (43) NEO-PLATONISM See also Greek literature, Plotinus and Porphyry, Y 642. P Call No. BIDEZ, J. Vie de de Porphyre le philosophe neo-platonicien, avec les fragments des traites Peri agalmatcn et de Regressu animae. 1913. (Univ. de Grand\ Recueil de travaux) B 168.085 BIGG, C. Neoplatonism. 1895. S. (Chief ancient philosophies) B 168.09 FULLER, B.A.G. The problem of evil in Plotinus. 1912. D. B 168.3 GUTHRIE, K.S. Numenius of Apamea, the father of neo-Platonism; works, biogra- phy, message, sources, and influence. [1917] B 168.368 - Philosophy of Plotinos. His life, times, and philosophy. [1910] B 168.37 INGE, W.R. The philosophy of Plotinus; the Gifford lectures at St. Andrews, 1917-1918. 1918. 2v. B 168.44 PORPHYRIUS. Porphyrii philosophi Platon- ic! opuscula selecta. Iterum recogno- vit A.Nauck. 1886. D. (Bibliotheca scriptorum graecorum et romanorum Teub- neriana) [2d copy] B 168.7 WHITBY, C.J. The wisdom of Plotinus; a metaphysical study. 1909. B 168.966 WHITTAKER, T. The Neo-Platonists ; a study in the history of Hellenism. 1901. 0. B 168.97 EARLY CHRISTIAN AND MEDIEVAL WULF, M.,de. History of medieval philoso- phy. 3d ed., tr. by P.Coffey. 1909. 0. B 17.98 EARLY CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHERS NEMESIUS, bp. of Emesa. The natvre of man; Englished by G. Wither . 1636 . Case B 171. N 31 (44) SCHOLASTIC, NEO-SCHOLASTIC, CATHOLIC See also Mediaeval theologians, C 512, and special topics. Call No. ABELARD, P. Ouvrages inedits pour servir a 1'histoire de la philosophic scolas- tiques en France, pub. par V. Cousin. 1836. (Docs. ined. hist. France. 2.ser. ) B 18.01 HAURftAU, B. Histoire de la philosophic scolastique. 1872-80. 3. 0. B 18.4 LANGLOIS, C.V. ...La connaissance de la nature et du monde au moyen age, d' apres, quelques ecrits frangais a 1' usage des laics. 1911. D. B 18.48 MANUALS of Catholic Philosophy. London. (Stonyhurst series) Contents: no.l. Logic, by R.F.Clarke. 1889. -no. 2. First principles of knowledge, by J. Rickaby. 1888. -no. 3. Moral philosophy, by J. Rickaby. 1888. -no. 4. Natural theology, by B.Boedder. 1891. -no. 5. Psychology. 2d ed. by M.Maher. 1893,- no.6. General metaphysics. 2d ed. by J. Rickaby. 1894. -no. 7. Political econ- omy, by C.S.Devas. 1892 .-[no. 8. ] Theor- ies of knowledge. 2d ed. 1911. D. B 18.54 A MANUAL of modern scholastic philosophy; by Cardinal Mercler and [others]; tr. by T.L. and S.A.Parker. 2d ed. (rev.) Contents: v.l. Cosmology, Psychology, epistemology [etc.] 1917+ B 18.541 RICKABY, J. Scholasticism. 1911. D. (Philosophies ancient and modern) B 18.74 STOCKL, A. Geschichte der Philosophic des Mlttelalters. 1864-1866. 3v. 0. B 18.84 TOWNSEND, W.J. The great Schoolmen of the Middle Ages. Anastatic reprint. 1905. 0. B 18.88 WILLIAM of Champeaux. Lefevre, G. Les variations de Guillaume de Champeaux et la question des universaux. 1898. 0. (Lille. Facultes. Trav. et mem.) B 18.972 (45) INDIVIDUAL SCHOLASTIC PHILOSOPHERS Call No. SCHAARSCHMIDT, C. Johannes Saresberiensis nach Leben und Studien, Schriften und Philosophie. 1862. 0. B 181. J 6 MODERN PHILOSOPHY ADAMSON, R. The development of modern philosophy, with other lectures and essays; ed. by W.R.Sorley. 1903. 2v. 0. B 19.016 BOWEN, P. Modern philosophy, from Descar- tes to Schopenhauer and Hartmann. 1877. 0. B 19.11 BURT, B.C. History of modern philosophy. 1892. 2v. 0. B 19.13 CARRIERE, M. Die phllosophlsche Weltan- schauung der Ref ormatlonszeit in ihren Beziehungen zur Gegenwart. 1847. 0. B 19.15 COUSIN, V. Course of the history of mod- ern philosophy; tr. by O.W.Wight. 1852. 2v. 0. B 19.196 PALCKENBERG, R. Geschichte der neueren Philosophie von Nikolaus von Kues bis zur Gegenwart. 7.Aufl. 1913. 0. B 19.278 - History of modern philosophy from Nic- olas of Cusa to the present time. 3d ed.,tr. by A.C.Armstrong, Jr. [1893.] 0. B 19.28 FISCHER, K. Geschichte der neueren Phi- losophie. lOv. 0. Contents: l.Bd. Descartes und seine Schule. 3.Aufl. 1889. l.-2.Bd. Spinozas Leben, Werke und Lehre. 4.Aufl. 1898. -[3. Bd. ] G.W.Leibniz. 3.Aufl. 1889. -[4. -5 . Bd . ] Immanuel Kant und seine Schule. 3.Aufl. 1889. l.-[6.Bd.] J.G.Fichte und seine Vorganger. 2.Aufl. 1890 .-[ 7 . Bd. ] P.W.J.Schelling. n.d. l.-8.Bd. Hegels Leben, Werke und Lehre. 1901. 2v.-9.Bd. Schopenhauers Leben, Werke und Lehre. 2.Aufl. 1898. -10. Bd. Francis Bacon und seine Schule; 3.Aufl. 1904. 0. B 19.3 (46) MODERN PHILOSOPHY HOFFDING, H. Geschichte der neueren Phi- losophic von dem Ende der Renaissance bis zu unseren Tagen. 1895-96. 2v. 0. - History of modern philosophy; a sketch of the history of philosophy from the close of the Renaissance to our own day; tr. by B.E.Meyer. 1900. 2v. 0. - Lehrbuch der Geschichte der neueren Phi- losophic. 1907. 0. MAURICE, F.D. Modern philosophy; or, A treatise of moral and metaphysical phi- losophy from the fourteenth century to the French Revolution; with a glimpse into the nineteenth century. 1862. D. PRICE, E.K. Some phases of modern phi- losophy, n.d. 0. RAND, B. Modern classical philosophers; selections illustrating modern philoso- phy from Bruno to Spencer. 1908. 0. ROBERTSON, J.M. Pioneer humanists. 1907.0 ROGERS, A.K. A brief introduction to modern philosophy. 1909. S. ROYCE, J. Spirit of modern philosophy. 1892. 0. STOCKL, A. Geschichte der neueren Phi- losophic von Baco und Cartesius bis zur Gegenwart. 1883. 2v. nar.O. Contents: l.Bd. Von Baco und Cartesius bis Kant.- 2.Bd. Die neueste Philosophic seit Kant WINDELBAND, W. Die Geschichte der neueren Philosophic in ihrem Zusammenhange mit der allgemeinen Kultur und den beson- deren Wissenschaf ten. S.Aufl. 1911. 2v. 0. Contents: l.Bd. Von der Renais- sance bis Kant.-2.Bd. Von Kant bis Hegel und Herbart. Call No. B 19.41 B 19.412 B 19.413 B 19.56 B 19.71 B 19.73 [B 19 j B 19.75 B 19.76 B 19.84 B 19.97 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY EUCKEN, R. Geistige Stromungen der Gegen- wart. 4.Aufl. Neue Ausgabe. 1913. 0. B 194.275 (47) EIGHTEENTH CENTURY EUCKEN, R.C. Main currents of modern thought; tr. by M. Booth. 1912. 0. MERZ, J.T. History of European thought in the nineteenth century. 1896-1914. 4v. 0. MORELL, J.D. Historical and critical view of the speculative philosophy of Europe in the 19th century. From the last London ed. 1846. 2v. 0. - Same. 1858. 0. SANTAYANA, G.' Winds of doctrine; Studies in contemporary opinion. [1913] Call No. B 194.276 B 194.58 B 194.59 B 194.591 B 194.78 1900- Die PHILOSOPHIE im Beginn des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts . Festschrift fur Kuno Fischer unter mitwirkung von O.Lieb- man, W.Wundt, Th.Lipps, B.Bauch, E. Lask, H.Rickert, E.Troeltsch, K.Groos. Hrsg. von W.Windelband. 2.Aufl. 1907.0. B 195.68 NATIONAL PHILOSOPHIES FRANCE BOUILLIER, F. Histoire de la philosophic cartesienne. 3e ed. 1868. 2v. D. B 0239.11 FISCHER, K. History of modern philosophy; Descartes and his school; tr. from 3d German ed. by J.P.Gordy; ed. by N. Porter. 1887. 0. B 2039.3 LEVY-BRUHL, L. History of modern philoso- phy in France. 1899. 0. B 2039.5 RAVAISSON, F. La philosophic en France au 19e siecle. 1868. 0. (Recueil de rapports, etc.) B 2039. 73 TAINE, H.A. Les philosophes classiques du 19e siecle en France. 6e ed. 1888. D. B 2039.86 (48) NATIONAL PHILOSOPHIES SPAIN BONILLA y SAN MARTIN, A. Historia de la filosofia espanola. (Biblioteca de de- recho y de clencias sociales) [t.1-2], 1908-11. 2v. 0. Call No. B 2040.1 SCOTLAND LAURIE, H. Scottish philosophy In its national development. 1902. D. B 2043.49 McCOSH, J. Scottish philosophy from Hutcheson to Hamilton. 1880. 0. B 2043.53 MACPHERSON, H. The Intellectual develop- ment of Scotland. [1911] 0. B 2043.54 SETH, A. Scottish philosophy. 2d ed. 1890. D. (Balfour philosophical lec- tures) B 2043.81 ENGLAND English philosophy; its general development. 1910. philosophy; a 3d ed. 1877. FORSYTH, T.M. method and D. MASSON, D. Recent British review, with criticisms D. REMUSAT, C., de. Hlstolre de la philoso- phic en Angleterre depuls Bacon jusqu'a Locke. 2d 6d. 1875. 2v. D. SETH, J. English philosophers and schools of philosophy. 1912. 0. (The channels of English literature) SORLEY, W.R. A history of English phi- losophy. 1920. 0. STEPHEN, L. The English utilitarians. 3v. 1900. 0. History of English thought in the 18th century. 2d ed. 1881. 2v. 0. B 245.31 B 2045.56 B 2045.74 B 2045.81 B 2045.82 B 2045.83 B 2045.84 (49) NATIONAL PHILOSOPHIES ENGLAND Call No. philosophical styles Q. (The Victoria STUART, W. ...English six studies. 1899 University) B 2045.85 WADDING-TON, M.M. The development of Brit- ish thought from 1820 to 1890,- with special reference to German influences. 1919. 0. B 2045.95 GERMANY der Gegenwart ; Hauptvertret- BRASCH, M. Die Philosophic ihre Richtungen und ihre er. 1888. 0. CHALYBAUS, H.M. Historical survey of speculative philosophy from Kant to Hegel; tr. from 4th German ed. by A Tulk. 1854. D. HEINE, J. Religion and philosophy in B 2047.11 B Germany; tr HUBER, J. Das Philosophic 1871. 0. KULPE, 0. The in Germany; by J.Snodgrass. 1882. 0. Verhaltniss der deutschen zur nationalen Erhebung. B 2047.16 2047.591 B 2047.42 philosophy of the present tr. by Maud L.Patrick and G. T.W.Patrick; authorized tr. 1913. D. SETH, A. Development from Kant to Hegel. 1882. 0. STAHLIN, L. Kant, Lotze, and Ritschl; a critical examination; tr. by D.W.Simon 1889. 0. WINDELBAND, W. Die Philosophic im deutschen Geistesleben des xix. Jahr- hunderts; fiinf Vorlesungen. 2.Aufl. 1909. 0. ZELLER, E. Geschichte der deutschen Phi- losophic seit Leibniz. S.Aufl. 1875. 0. (Geschichte der Wissenschaf ten in Deutschland) B B 2047.477 2047.81 B 2047.84 B 2047.97 B 2047.99 (50) NATIONAL PHILOSOPHIES DENMARK Call No. H0FFDING, H. Danske filosofer. 1909. 0. B 2050.41 UNITED STATES CARLSON, J.S. Om filosoflen 1 Amerika. 1895. 0. B 2083.15 RILEY, I.W. American philosophy; the early schools. 1907. 0. B 2083.74 INDIVIDUAL PHILOSOPHERS (By Country) Collective and systematic works by them and works on them. See also Metaphysics, Psychology, Ethics, Lives are in E 5. ITALIAN PHILOSOPHERS BRUNO, GIORDANO, 1548-1600 Boultlng, W. Giordano Bruno, his life, thought, and martydom. [1917?] 0. B 235.118 - Brunnhofer, H. Giordano Bruno's Weltan- schauung und Verhangnlss. 1882. 0. B 235.12 - Mclntyre, J.L. Giordano Bruno. 1903.0. B 235.1253 - Riehl, A. Giordano Bruno; In memoriam of the 17th February 1600; tr. by Agnes Fry. 1905. 0. B 235.127 CROCE, BENEDETTO, 1866- Croce, B. Fllosofia come sclenza dello spirito. 1908-9. 3v. 0. Contents: 1. Estetica-ii. Logica-iii. Filosofia della pratica. B 235.19 - Esthetic as science of expression and general linguistic; tr. by D.Ainslle. 1909. 0. [Tr. of his Philosophy of the spirit, pt.l] B 235.195 (51) ITALIAN PHILOSOPHY CROCE, BENEDETTO, 1866- Call No. Logic as the science of pure concept; tr. by D.Ainslie. 1917. 0. [Tr. of his Philosophy of the spirit, pt.2] B 235.1955 Philosophy of the practical, economic and ethic; tr. from the Italian by D. Ainslie. 1913. 0. [Tr. of his Philoso- phy of the spirit, v.3" 1 B 235.196 Saggi filosofici; i. Problem! di estetl- ca. 1910. 0. B 235.198 The philosophy of Giambattista Vico; tr. by R.G.Collingwood. 1913. 0. [Tr. of v.2 of his Saggi filosofici] B 235.199 Carr, H.W. The philosophy of Benedetto Croce; the problem of art and history. 1917. 0. B 235.2015 Prezzolini, G. Benedetto Croce; con. bibliograf ia, ritratto e autografo. 1909. D. (Contemporanei d'Italia,i) B 235.207 FERRARI, GIUSEPPE, 1811-1876 Ferrari, G. Filosofia della revoluzione. 1851. 2v. D. B 235.2905 FICINO, MARSILIO, 1433-1499 Ficino, M. Marsilii Ficini Florentini, medici atque philosophi celeberrimi, de Vita libri tres. 1595. T. B 235.305 GIOBERTI, VINCENZO, 1801-1852 Gioberti, V. Meditazioni filosofiche inedite; pub. da E.Solmi. 1909. S. B 235.34 La teorica della mente umana; Rosmini; la liberta cattolica; pub. da E.Solmi. 1910. 0. B 235.344 (52) ITALIAN PHILOSOPHERS POMPONAZZI, PIETRO, 1462-1524 Call No- Douglas, A.H. The philosophy and psy- chology of Pletro Pomponazzi; ed. by C. Douglas and R.P.Hardie. 1910. 0. B 235.71 ROSMINI-SERBATI, ANTONIO, 1797-1855 Rosmini-Serbatl , A. Philosophical system of A.Rosmini-Serbati ; tr. with life, bibliography and notes by T.Davidson. 1882. 0. B 235.752 The origin of ideas; by A.Rosmlni Ser- bati. New ed. 1886. 3v. 0. B 235.755 Theodicy: essays on divine providence; tr. from the Milan ed. of 1845. 1912. 3v. D. B 235.757 - Lockhart, W. , ed. Life of Antonio Ros- mlnl Serbatl, founder of the Institute of Charity. 2d ed. 1886. 2v. D. (Ital- ian philosophers) B 235.76 VARISCO, BERNADINO, 1850- Varisco, B. The great problems; tr. by R.C. Lodge. 1914. 0. B 235.93 Know thyself; tr. by G. Salvador!. 1915. 0. (Library of Philosophy) B 235.932 VICO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, 1668-1744 Vico, G.B. ...Le orazionl Inaugural!; 11 de Italorum sapientla e le polemiche, a cura di G. Gentile e F.Nicolini. 1914. 0. (Scrittorl d'ltalla, [67] B 235.94 Flint, R. Vice. 1884. S. (Philosophical classics for English readers) B 235.943 (53) FRENCH PHILOSOPHERS BAYLE, PIERRE, 1647-1706 Call No. Bayle, P. Analyse raisonnee de Bayle; [par P.M. de Marsy] 1755. 4v. nar.S. B 239.055 - Cazes, A. Pierre Bayle; sa vie, ses idees, son influence, son oeuvre. 1905. D. B 239.0615 - Delvolve, J. Religion, critique et phi- losophic positive chez Pierre Bayle. 1906. 0. (Bibliotheque de philosophic contemporaine) B 239.C622 - [Le Febvre, J. ] Bayle en petit ov, Anatomie de ses ouvrages. 1738. nar.S. B 239.0649 - Lenient, C. Etude sur Bayle. 1855. 0. B 239.065 BERGSON, HENRI LOUIS, 1859- Balch, Ruth. Henri Bergson and his philosophy; a bibliography. 1912. sq.O. Typewr. ms . B 239.08 Balsillie, D. An examination of Pro- fessor Bergson's philosophy. 1912. D. B 239.0807 Carr, H.W. Henri Bergson; the philoso- phy of change. [1911] S. (The people's books, no. 26) B 239.082 Elliot, H.S.R. Modern science and the illusions of Professor Bergson. 2d im- pression. 1912. 0. B 239.0827 Gillouin, R. La philosophie de M.Henri Bergson. 1911. D. B 239.084 Le Roy, E. The new philosophy of Henri Bergson; tr. by V.Benson. 1913. D. B 239.088 Lindsay, A.D. The philosophy of Berg- son. 1911. 0. B 239.09 Stewart, J.M'K. A critical exposition of Bergson's philosophy. 1911. 0. B 239.103 (54) FRENCH PHILOSOPHERS COMTE, AUGUSTE, 1798-1857 Call No. Comte, A. Cours de philosophic positive. 2.ed. par fi.Littre. 1864. 6v. B 239.1801 Positive philosophy; tr. and condensed by H.Martineau. [1853] 2v. 0. B 239 - Same. 1855. 0. B 239 1802 1803 - System of positive polity. 1875-76,54. B 239.1805 4v. 0. A general view of positivism; tr. by J H. Bridges. 2d ed. 1880. D. Caird, E. The social philosophy and religion of Comte. 2d ed. 1893. 0. Ingram, J.K. Human nature and morals according to Auguste Comte. 1901. 0. L. The philosophy of Auguste by F.Harrison. 1903. 0. B 239.1845 Comte 's philosophy of the 1853. D. B 239.185 D. (Bonn's philosophical B 239.1851 B 239.1808 B 239.182 B 239.1843 Levy-Bruhl Comte; tr Lewes, G.H sciences . - Same. 1887. library) Mill, J.S. Auguste Comte and positivism. 1866. 0. B 239.1859 3d ed. 1882. 0. (English and foreign philosophical library) B 239.186 Peabody, A. P. The positive philosophy; an oration. 1867. 0. B 239.187 Reinhardt, N.B. Hesbkamboda Teomempla u nosumubusur. Kasahb. 1897. S. B 239.188 Ward, W. The clothes of religion; a reply to the popular positivism. n. d. S. B 239.189 Whittaker, T. Comte and Mill. 1908. D. (Philosophies ancient and modern) B 239.1895 COUSIN, VICTOR, 1792-1867 Cousin, V. Lectures on the true, the beautiful, and the good; tr. by O.W. Wight. 1854. 0. Barthelemy-Saint-Hilaire, J. M.Victor Cousin; sa vie et sa correspondance. 1895. 3v. 0. (55) B 239.1901 B 239.195 FRENCH PHILOSOPHERS COUSIN, VICTOR, 1792-1867 Call No. - Simon, J. Victor Cousin; tr. by M.B. Anderson and E.P.Anderson. 1888. D. (The great French writers) B 239.1957 ; *' DESCARTES, RENfi, 1596-1650 Descartes, R. OEuvres de Descartes; pub. par C.Adam & P. Tannery. 1897-1910. 12v. sq.Q. B 239.198 - The philosophical works of Descartes; rendered into English by Elizabeth S. Haldane and G. R.T.Ross. 1911-12. 2v. 0. B 239.21 - Discovrs de la methode povr bien cond- vire sa raison & chercher la verite dans les sciences. 1668. 0. B 239.22 - Traite de la mechaniqve. 1668. 0. in B 239.22 - Method, meditations and selections; tr. by J.Veitch. 9th ed . 1887. D. B 239.2203 - The meditations, and selections from the principles, of R.D.; tr. by J.Veitch. 1901. D. (The religion of science li- brary, no. 51) B 239.2204 - Philosophy of Descartes in extracts; tr. by H.A.P.Torrey. 1892. D. (Series of modern philosophers) B 239.2205 - Discourse on the method of rightly con- ducting the reason and seeking the truth in the sciences; tr. by J.Veitch. 1899. D. (The religion of science li- brary, no. 38) B 239.221 - R.Descartes; his life and meditations a new tr. of the "Meditationes" , by R. Lowndes. 1878. D. B 239.2215 - Mahaffy, J.P. Descartes. 1881. S. (Phi- losophical classics for English read- ers) B 239.226 - Smith, N. Studies in the Cartesian phi- losophy. 1902. 0. B 239.228 (56) FRENCH PHILOSOPHERS DIDEROT, DENIS, 1713-1784 Call No. Diderot, D. ..Diderot's early philosophic- al works; tr. and ed. by Margaret Jour- dain. 1916. D. (The Open court series of classics of science and philosophy, no. 4) B 239.233 DOLBET, J.P. de GERVILLE )olbet, J.P. Le code des codes. 1880. D. B 239.237 GASSENDI, PIERRE, 1592-1655 Brett, G.S. The philosophy of Gassendi. 1908. 0. B 239.325 MALEBRANCHE, NICOLAS, 1638-1715 Malebranche, N. Father Malebranche ' s treatise concerning the search after truth; tr. by T.Taylor. 1694. F. B 239.54 OEuvres de Malebranche. Nouv.Sd., par J.Simon. 1859, 1853. 2v. S. B 239.543 RAMUS, PETRUS (or La Ramee, Pierre de) - Waddlngton, C. Ramus , Pierre de La Ram6e; sa vie, ses Merits et ses opin- ions. 1855. 0. B 239.72 RENAN, ERNEST i.e. JOSEPH ERNEST, 1823-1892 Renan, R. Philosophical dialogues and fragments; tr. by Ras Bihar i Mukharji. 1883. 0. B 239.728 (57) FRENCH PHILOSOPHERS RENAN, ERNEST i.e. Joseph Ernest, 1823-1892 Call No - Brauer, H.G.A. The philosophy of Ernest Renan. 1903. 0. (University of Wiscon- sin. Bulletin, no. 55) [2d copy] B 239.73 VOLTAIRE, FRANgOIS MARIE AROUET, de 1694-1778 Voltaire, P.M. A., de. Philosophical dic- tionary from the French; with notes by A.Kneeland. 1856. 1. Q. B 239.94 A philosophical dictionary. From the French of Voltaire. [1843?] 2v.O. B 239.941 - Pellissier, G. Voltaire; philosophe. 1908. D. B 239.95 SCOTTISH PHILOSOPHERS FERRIER, JAMES FREDERICK, 1808-1864 - Haldane, E.S. James Frederick Ferrier. [1899] D. (Famous Scots series) B 243.294 FRASER, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, 1819-1914 Fraser, A.C. Biographia philosophica ; a retrospect. 1904. 0. B 243.31 HAMILTON, Sir WILLIAM, 9th bart., 1788-1856 Hamilton, Sir W. Discussions on philoso- phy and literature. 1858. 0. B 243.3802 - Lectures on metaphysics and logic; ed. by H.L.Mansel, and J.Veitch. 1859-60. 4v. 0. B 243.3804 v.l, n.d. 0. B 243.3805 - Philosophy of Sir W.Hamilton; arranged and ed. by O.W.Wright. 1853. 0. B 243.3807 (58) SCOTTISH PHILOSOPHERS HAMILTON, Sir WILLIAM Call No. Mansel, H.L. Philosophy of the condi- tioned; remarks on Hamilton's philoso- phy and Mill's Examination. 1866. 0. B 243.3845 Mill, J.S. Examination of Hamilton's philosophy. 1884. 1. 0. B 243.385 Grote, G. Review of the work of J.S. Mill, entitled, "Examination of Sir W.Hamilton's philosophy". 1868. S. B 243.3855 Monck, W.H.S. Sir William Hamilton. 1881. D. (English philosophers) B 243.386 Stirling, J.H. Sir William Hamilton; being the philosophy of perception; an analysis. 1865. 0. B 243.388 Veitch, J. Hamilton. 1882. S. (Philoso- phical classics for English readers) B 243.389 - Memoir of Sir William Hamilton, Bart. 1869. 0. B 243.3892 HUME, DAVID, 1711-1776 Hume, D. Essays, moral, political, and literary; ed. by T.H. Green and T.H. Grose. 1875. 2v. 0. (His Philosophical works, v.3-4) B 243.419 - Essays and treatises. 1825. v. 0. B 243.42 Treatise on human nature; ed. by T.H. Green and T.H.Grose. 1874. 2v. 0. B 243.4205 - Philosophy of Hume as contained in ex- tracts from the Treatise of human na- ture; selected by H.A.Aikins. 1893. D. (Series of modern philosophers) B 243.4207 Calderwood, H. David Hume. [1898] D. (Famous Scots series) B 243.4216 Knight, W. Hume. 1886. S. (Philosophic- al classics for English readers) B 243.425 - Orr, J. David Hume and his influence on philosophy and theology. 1903. D. (The world's epoch-makers) B 24.4264 (59) SCOTTISH PHILOSOPHERS HUTCHESON, FRANCIS, 1694-1746 - Scott, W.R. Francis Hutcheson; his Call No. life, teaching and position in the history of philosophy. 1900. 0. B 243.435 - Laurie, S.S. Synthetica; being medita- tions epistemological and oncological. 1906. 2v. 0. Contents: v.l. On know- ledge, -v. 2. On God and man. B 243.485 REID, THOMAS, 1710-1796 Reid, T. Philosophy of Reid as contained in the Inquiry into the human mind on the principles of common sense; with selected notes by E.H.Sneath. 1892. D. (Series of modern philosophers) B 243.7307 [2d copy] B 243.7307a - The works of Thomas Reid [ed.] by Sir W.Hamilton. 6th ed. 1863. 2v. 0. B 243.74 - Fraser, A.C. Thomas Reid. [1898] D. (Famous Scots series) B 243.746 SMITH, ADAM, 1723-1790 - Macpherson, H.C. Adam Smith. [1899] D. (Famous Scots series) B 243.825 STEWART, DUGALD, 1753-1828 Stewart, D. Collected works; ed. by Sir W.Hamilton. 1854-58. lOv. 0. B 243.84 - Philosophical essays. 3d ed. 1818. 0. B 243.8407 (60) ENGLISH PHILOSOPHERS B 245.06 B 245.0604 BACON, FRANCIS, viscount St.Albans, 1561-1626 Call No. Bacon, P., viscount St.Albans. Opera omnia quae extant. 1665. F . B 245.05 - The works of F.B. New ed. by B.Montagu. 1825-1834. 17. Q. B 245.058 - Works, with an introductory essay. 1838. 2v. Q. B 245.059 The works of F.Bacon; collected and ed. by J.Spedding [and others]. 1857-90. 14v. 0. Contents: v.1-5. Philosophic- al works. -v. 6-7. Literary and pro- fessional works ,-v. 8-14. Letters and life, including occasional works. Moral and historical works. 1890. D. Physical and metaphysical works; ed. by J.Devey. 1889. D. (Bohn's philosophical library) B 245.0605 The two bookes of the proficience and advancement of learning, divine and human. 1633. D. B 245.061 The advancement and proficience of learning. 1640. P. B 245.0611 The two books of the proficience and ad- vancement of learning, divine and hu- man. 1825. D. The advancement of learning. 2d ed . 1880. D. Advancement of learning and Novum or- ganum; by F.Bacon, Lord Verulam. Rev. ed. [1900] 0. Sylva sylvarvm, slve Hlstorla natvralis et Novus atlas. Amstelodaml, Elzevir, 1648. nar.T. Bound by Hortlg. Case *B 245.0619 Sylva sylvarvm, slve Historia natvralis, et Nova Atlantis. Amstelodami, Elzevir, 1661. nar.T. Case B 245.062 Francis Bacon und seine Nachfolger. 1875. 0. B 245.063 Francis Bacon of Verulam; realistic philosophy and its age; tr. by J. Oxen- ford. 1857. 0. B 245.0632 B 245.0613 B 245.0615 B 245.0617 (61) ENGLISH PHILOSOPHERS BACON, FRANCIS, viscount St.Albans, 1561-1626 Call No. Fowler, T. Bacon. 1881. 0. (English phi- losophers) B 245.0633 Jacquinet, P. Francisci Bacon! de re lltteraria judicia. 1863. 0. B 245.0645 Nichol, J. Francis Bacon; his, life and philosophy. 1888-89. 2v. S. (Philoso- phical classics for English readers) B 245.066 Reichel, E. Wer schrieb das "Novum organon" von F.Bacon? 1886. 0. B 245.067 Remusat, C. , de. Bacon, sa vie, son temps, sa philosophic et son influence jusqu'a nos jours; par C. de Remusat. 1858. nar.O. B 245.0672 Wigston, W.F.C. Bacon, Shakespeare and the Rosicrucians . 1888. 0. [ 2d copy] B 245.0676 - The Columbus of literature; or, Bacon's new world of sciences. [1892] 0. B 245.0677 - Francis Bacon; versus phantom Captain Shakespeare, the Rosicrucian mask. 1891. 0. [2d copy] B 245.0678 - Hermes Stella; or, Notes and jottings upon the Bacon cipher. 1890. 0. [2d copy] B 245.0679 BACON, ROGER, 12147-1294 Bacon, R. Fr. R.Bacon; I. Opus tertium; II. Opus minus; III. Compendium philoso- phiae; ed. by J.S. Brewer. 1859. Q. (Rolls series) B 245.07 - The 'Opus majus' of R.B.; ed. by J.H. Bridges. 1897-1900. 3v. 0. B 245.0702 - Opera hactenus inedita Roger! Baconi; fasc. 1-2,4+, [1909]-13+ Contents: fasc.l. Metaphysica. 0.-fasc.2. Com- munium naturalium; liber l.-fasc.4. Liber secundus communium naturalium. B 245.0703 - Bridges, J.H. The life & work of R.Ba- con; an introduction to Opus majus; ed. by H.G.Jones. 1914. D. B 245.0711 (62) ENGLISH PHILOSOPHERS BACON, ROGER, 12147-1294 Call No. Charles, fi. Roger Bacon; sa vie, ses ouvrages, ses doctrines. 1861. 0. B 245.0712 Little, A.G., ed. Roger Bacon; essays contributed by various writers; coll- ected and ed. by A. G. Little. 1914.0. B 245.0715 BACONTHORPE, JOHN, d.1346 Baconthorpe, J. lo.Bachonis Angli doc- toris resolvtl Philosophia; [ed.] H. Aymo. 1667-69. 3v. D. B 245.08 BERKELEY, GEORGE, bp . of Cloyne , 1685-1753 B 245.0904 B 245.0905 Berkeley, G. , bp. [Works; ed, ] by A.C. Fraser. 1871. 4v . 0. Selections from Berkeley; [ed.] by A.C. Fraser. 4th ed. 1891. D. (Clarendon press series) The works of G.Berkeley, bishop of Cloyne; ed. by G.Sampson. 1897-98. 3v . D. (Bohn's philosophical library) B 245.0906 Berkeley and Percival, by B.Rand: correspondence of G.Berkeley and Sir J. Percival, earl of Egmont. 1914. 0. B 245.0907 Treatise concerning principles of human knowledge; tr. by G.P.Krauth. 1874. 0. (Philosophical classics) Fraser, A.C. Berkeley. 1881. S. (Phi- losophical classics for English read- ers) Berkeley and spiritual realism. 1908 D. (Philosophies ancient and modern) B 245.0908 B 245.093 B 245.094 (63) ENGLISH PHILOSOPHERS BOYLE, ROBERT, 1627-1691 Catl No. - Birch, T. The life of the honourable Robert Boyle. 1744. 0. B 245.1 - Masson, F. Robert Boyle, a biography. 1914. 0. B 245.105 *4 BROWNE, Sir THOMAS, 1605-1682 Brown, Sir T. Sir Thomas Browne's works, including his life and correspondence; ed. by S.Wllkin. 1835-36. 4v. 0. [2d copy] B 245.12 BUTLER, JOSEPH, bp. of Durham, 1692-1752 - Collins, W.L. Butler. 1881. S. (Philoso- phical classics for English readers) B 245.132 - Spooner, W.A. Bishop Butler. 1901. D. (Leaders of religion) B 245.138 COLLIER, ARTHUR, 1680-1732 Collier, A. Clavis universalis; ed. with introduction and notes by Ethel Bowman. 1909. D. B 245.18 CUDWORTH, RALPH, 1617-1688 Cudworth, R. The true intellectual sys- tem of the universe. 2d ed. , [augment- ed] by T. Birch. 1743. sq.Q. B 245.202 - Abridgment of Cudworth' s True intellect- ual system of the universe; (by T.Wise) 1732. 2v. 0. B 245.2 - True intellectual system of the uni- verse; tr. by J.Harrison. 1845. 3v. 0. B 245.205 (64) ENGLISH PHILOSOPHERS FERRIER, JAMES FREDERICK, 1808-1864 Call No Ferrler, J.F. Lectures on Greek philoso- phy and other philosophical remains; ed. by Sir A. Grant and E.L.Lushington. 1866. 2v. D. B 245.29 Philosophical works. 3.ed. 1875-83. 3v. D. [v.2: new ed. ] B 245.291 GLANVILL, JOSEPH, 1636-1680 Glanvlll, J. Scepsis scientifica: or, Confest ignorance, the way to science. With a reply to the exceptions of the learned T.Alblus. 1665. 2v . in 1. 0. B 245.339 Scepsis scientifica: or, Confest ignor- ance, the way to science; ed. by J. Owen. 1885. S. B 245.34 GREEN, THOMAS HILL, 1836-1882 Green, T.H. Works of T.H. Green; ed. by R.L.Nettleshlp. 1885-88. 3v . 0. B 245.36 Fairbrother, W.H. The philosophy of T.H. Green. 1896. D. B 245.363 GROTE, GEORGE, 1794-1871 Grote, J. Exploratlo philosophlca . 1900. 2v. 0. B 245.37 HARTLEY, DAVID, 1705-1757 - Bower, G.S. David Hartley and James Mill. 1881. D. (English philosophers) B 245.384 (65) ENGLISH PHILOSOPHERS HERBERT OF CHERBURY, EDWARD HERBERT, 1st baron, 1583-1648 Call No. Giitler, K. Eduard Lord Herbert von Cherbury; ein kritischer Beitrag zur Geschichte des Psychologismus und der Religionsphilosophie. 1897. Q. B 245.4 HINTON, JAMES, 1822-1875 Ellis, Edith M.O.(Lees). James Hinton; a sketch, by Mrs. Havelock Ellis. [1918] 0. B 245.404 HOBBES, THOMAS, 1588-1679 Hobbes, T. English works; collected and ed. by Sir W.Molesworth. 1839-45. llv. 0. B 245.41 - Opera philosophica quae latine scripsit omnia; coll. G.Molesworth. 1839-45. 5v. 0. B 245.4102 - [Eachard, J.I Mr. Hobbs ' s state of nature considered; in a dialogue be- tween Philautus and Timothy, to which are added five letters...2 . ed. 1672. S. B 245.412 Some opinions of Mr. Hobbs considered in a second dialogue between Philantus and Timothy. 1673. S. B 245.412 - Robertson, G.C. Hobbes. 1886. S. (Phi- losophical classics for English read- ers) B 245.417 - Stephen, Sir L. Hobbes. 1904. D. (Eng- lish men of letters) B 245.418 - Taylor, A.E. Thomas Hobbes. 1908. D. (Philosophies ancient and modern) B 245.4186 Wille, B. Der Phanomenalismus des Thomas Hobbes. 1888. 0. B 245.4197 (66) ENGLISH PHILOSOPHERS HODGSON, SHADWORTH HOLLWAY, 1832-1912 GUI No. Hodgson, S.H. The philosophy of reflec- tion. 1878. 2v. 0. B 245.4198 HOPE, THOMAS, 17707-1831 Hope, T. An essay on the origin and pros- pects of man. 1831. 3v. 0. B 245.42 LAURIE, SIMON SOMERVILLE, 1829-1909 Remade, G. La philosophic de S.S. Laurie. 1909. 0. B 245.495 LEWES, GEORGE HENRY, 1817-1878 Lewes, G.H. Problems of life and mind; 1st ser., 2d ed. 2v; 2d ser; 3d ser. 2v. 1874-79. 7v.ln 5. 0. B 245.5 LOCKE, JOHN, 1632-1704 Locke, J. Works. 4th ed. 1740. 3v. F. B 245.51 - 6th ed. 1759. 3v. P. B 245.51005 12th ed. 1824. 9v. 0. B 245.5101 1889. 2v. D. (Bonn's stand, library) B 245.510'5 - An essay concerning humane understand- ing. 1690. nar.F. B 245.5104 - An essay concerning human understanding; Led.] by A.C.Fraser. 1894. 2v. 0. B 245.5105 - Lettres ingdites de J.Locke a N.Thoy- nard,P. van Limborch et E.Clarke; pub. avec notes par H.Ollion [et] T.J., de Boer. 1912. 0. B 245.5106 - Philosophy of Locke in extracts arranged by J.E.Russell. 1891. D. (Series of modern philosophers) B 245.5107 (67) ENGLISH PHILOSOPHERS LOCKE, JOHN, 1632-1704 Call No. Alexander, S. Locke. 1908. D. (Philoso- phies ancient and modern) B 245.511 Fraser, A.C. Locke. 1890. S. (Philoso- phical classics for English readers) B 245.513 Gibsom, J. Locke's theory of -knowledge and its historical relations. 1917.0. B 245.5134 MANSEL, HENRY LONGUEVILLE, 1820-1871 Mansel, H.L. Letters, lectures, and re- views, including the Phrontisterion, or, Oxford in the 19th century; ed. by H.W. Chandler. 1873. 0. B 245.54 - Metaphysics. 3d ed. 1875. 0. B 245.5405 - Young, J. Province of reason; a crit- icism of [Mansel's] "Limits of re- ligious thought." 1860. D. B 245.549 MARTINEAU, JAMES, 1805-1900 Martineau, J. Inter amicos; letters be- tween James Martineau and William Knight, 1869-72. 1901. 0. B 245.55 - Carpenter, J.E. James Martineau theo- logian and teacher; a study of his life and thought. 1905. 0. B 245.5515 Jones, H. The philosophy of Martineau in relation to the idealism of the present day; an address. 1905. 0. B 245.5545 MILL, JOHN STUART, 1806-183 Mill, J.S. Dissertations and discussions political, philosophical, and historic- al. (v.1-2 = 3d ed.; v.3-4 = 2d ed.) 1875. 4v. 0. B 245.57 (68) ENGLISH PHILOSOPHERS MILL, JOHN STUART, 1806-1873 Call No Bain, A. John Stuart Mill; a criticism. 1882. D. B 245.571 Courtney, W.L. The metaphysics of John Stuart Mill. 1879. D. B 245.572 Douglas, C. John Stuart Mill; a study of his philosophy. 1895. D. B 245.5724 M'Cosh, J. Examination of Mill's phi- losophy. 2d ed. 1890. 0. B 245.576 Taine, H.A. Study on John Stuart Mill; tr. by T.D.Haye. 2d ed. 1873. D. B 245.578 MORE, HENRY, 1614-1687 More, H. A collection of several philoso- phical writings. 2d ed. 1662. 4 Iv. Q. B 245.59 NECK AM, ALEXANDER, 1157-1217 Neckam, A. De naturls rerum librl 2; with poem; ed. by T.Wright. 1863. Q. (Rolls series) B 245.61 NORRIS, JOHN, 1657-1711 Norrls, J. The theory and regulation of love. A moral essay, in two parts. 1688. S. Case B 245.63 Reason and religion: or, The grounds and measures of devotion. 1689. S. in B 245.63 Reflections upon the conduct of human life; to which is annex'd a Visitation sermon. 1690. S. in B 245.63 (69) ENGLISH PHILOSOPHERS SHAFTESBURY, ANTHONY ASHLEY COOPER, 3d earl of, 1671-1713 Call No. Shaftesbury, A.A.C.,3d earl of. The life, unpublished letters, and philosophical regimen of A. Earl of Shaftesbury; ed. by R.Rand. 1900. 0. B 245.809 - Fowler, T. Shaftesbury and Hutcheson. 1883. D. (English philosophers) B 245.813 - Weiser, C.F. Shaftesbury und das deut- sche Geistesleben. 1916. 0. B 245.815 SIDGWICK, HENRY, 1838-1900 - Hayward, F.H. The ethical philosophy of Sidgwick; nine essays. 1901. D. B 245.82 SPENCER, HERBERT, 1820-1903 Spencer, H. An autobiography. 1904. 2v.O. B 245.83 - Epitome of the synthetic philosophy; (comp.) by F.H.Collins. 1889. D. B 245.8302 - Essays, moral, polit. and aesthetic. New ed. 1888. 0. B 245.8303 - Essays; scientific, political, & specu- lative. Library ed . 1901. 3v. 0. B 245.8304 - Facts and comments. 1907. 0. B 245.8305 - Illustrations of universal progress. New ed. 1888. B 245.83055 - Recent discussions in science, philoso- phy and morals. New ed. 1888. 0. B 245.8306 - System of synthetic philosophy. 1888- 1897. 11. 0. Contents: v.l. First principles. -v. 2-3. Principles of biology .-v. 4-5 . Principles of psycholo- gy. -v. 6-8. Principles of sociology. - v.9-10. Principles of ethics. B 245.8308 - Various fragments. Enlarged ed. 1907.0. B 245.8309 - Bowne, B.P. Philosophy of Spencer. (1874) D. B 245.832 (70) ENGLISH PHILOSOPHERS SPENCER, HERBERT, 1820-1903 Call Na. Elliot, H.S.R. ...Herbert Spencer. 1917. 0. (Makers of the 19th century) B 245.8326 Ground, W.D. Examination of the princi- ples of Spencer's philosophy. 1883. 0. B 245.834 Hudson, W.H. An introduction to the philosophy of Herbert Spencer. 1894. 0. B 245.8344 Herbert Spencer. 1908. D. (Philoso- phies ancient and modern) B 245.8345 Macpherson, H. Herbert Spencer; the man and his work. 1900. D. B 245.8357 - Spencer and Spencerism. 1900. D. B 245.83573 Royce, J. Herbert Spencer; an estimate and review; together with a chapter of personal reminiscences by J. Collier. 1904. D. B 245.8376 Thomson, J.A. Herbert Spencer. 1906. D. (English men of science) B 245.8386 Waite, C.B. Herbert Spencer and his critics. 1900. D. B 245.8395 SULLY, JAMES, 1842- Sully, J. My life & friends, a psycholo- gist's memories. [1918] 0. B 245.85 TUCKER, ABRAHAM, 1705-1774 Tucker, A. The light of nature pursued. 2d ed. 1805. 7v. 0. B 245.9 DUTCH PHILOSOPHERS GEULINCX, ARNOLD, ca. 1625-1669 Geulincx, A. Opera phllosophica ; rec. J.P.N.Land. 1891-93. 3v. 0. B 246.33 (71) DUTCH PHILOSOPHERS SPINOZA, BENEDITUS de , 1632-1677 Call No. Spinoza, B. , de. Benedict! de Spinoza opera quotquot reperta sunt ; rec. J. van Vloten et J.P.N.Land. Ed. altera. 1895. 3v. D. B 246.82 - [Werke; uebers. erl. und versQhen von J.H. von Kirchmann. (binder's title) 1870-77. lOv. in 5. D. (Philosophische Bibliothek) Contents: Bd.l. Ethlk. 3.Aufl. Erlauterungen zu Ethik. 2.Aufl. -Bd.2. Theologisch-politische Abhand- lung. Erlauterungen. -Bd . 3 . Descartes ' Prinzipien von Spinoza. Erlauterungen. - Bd.4. Verbesserung des Verstandes. Er- lauterungen. -Bd. 5 . Briefe an Spinoza und Antworten. Erlauterungen. B 246.83 - Chief works; tr. by R. H.M.Lewis. 1889. 2v. D. (v.l: 2d ed; v.2: 3d ed.) (Bohn's philosophical library) B 246.8305 - Ethics, demonstrated after methods of geometers; tr. from Latin. 1876. 0. B 246.83068 -Ethic; tr. by W.H. White. 1883.0. English and foreign philosophical library) B 246.8307 - Spinoza and his environment; with tr. of the Ethics by H. Smith. 1886. 0. B 246.83071 - Ethic; tr. from the Latin by W.H. White; tr. revised by Amelia H.Stirling. 4th ed. 1910. 0. B 246.83073 - Spinoza's short treatise on God, man and human welfare; tr. by Lydia G. Robinson. 1909. 0. B 246.83078 - Spinoza's short treatise on God, man, & his well-being; tr. and ed., with a life of Spinoza, by A. Wolf. 1910. 0. B 246.8308 - Philosophy of Spinoza; tr. and ed . by G.S.Fullerton. 2d ed. enl . 1894. D. (Series of modern philosophers) B 246.8309 - Tractatus de intellectus emendatione; tr. by W.H. White; translation rev. by Amelia H.Stirling. 1899. D. B 246.83095 (72) DUTCH PHILOSOPHERS SPINOZA, BENEDITUS de, 1632-1677 Call No. B 246.831 B 246.832 Berendt, M. and Friedlander, J. Spino- za's Erkenntnisslehre in ihrer Bezieh- ung zur modernen Naturwissenschaf t und Philosophie. 1891. 0. Caird, J. Spinoza. 1888. S. (Philoso- phical classics for English readers) Duff, R.A. Spinoza's political and ethical philosophy. 1903. 0. B 246.8^24 Erhardt, F. Die Philosophie des Spino- za im Lichte der Krltik. 1908. 0. B 246.8327 Fullerton, G.S. On Spinozistic immor- tality. 1899. 0. (University of Penn- sylvania Publication; series in phi- losophy, no. 3) B 246.8332 Joachim, H.H. A study of the ethics of Spinoza. 1901. 0. B 246.835 Knight, W. , ed. Spinoza; four essays, by Land, Kuno Fischer, J. Van Vloten and Ernest Renan. 1882. 0. B 246.8352 Leibniz, G.W. Frelherr von. A refuta- tion recently discovered of Spinoza by Leibnitz; with introduction by Count A.Foucher de Carell; tr. by O.F.Owen. 1855. D. B 246.8355 Llnde, A. van der. Benedictus Spinoza; bibliographic. 1871. 0. B 246.8356 Martlneau, J. Study of Spinoza. 2d ed. 1883. D. B 246.836 Picton, J.A. Spinoza; a handbook to the ethics. 1907. 0. B 246.8367 Pollock, Sir F. Spinoza; his life and philosophy. 1880. 0. - 2d ed. 1899. 0. Powell, E.E. Spinoza and religion; a study of Spinoza's metaphysics. 1906. 0. Sorley, W.R. ...Spinoza. [1918] 0. (The British academy. Third annual lecture on a mastermind. Hennie He Hertz trust. [From the Proceed, of the British acad- emy, v.8]) B 246.833 (73) B 246.837 B 246.8371 B 246.8372 DUTCH PHILOSOPHERS SPINOZA, BENEDITUS, de 1632-1677 - Willis, R. Benedict de Spinoza; his life, correspondence, and ethics. 1870. 0. Cat! No. B 246.8397 GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS AGRIPPA von NETTESHEIM, HEINRICH CORNELIUS, 14867-1535 Agrippa von Nettesheim, H.C. Henrici Cor.Agrippae at) Nettesheym, De occvlta philosophia libri III, [etc.] Parisiis, 1567. D. Case B 247.016 - H.C. Agrippa, Of the vanitic and vncer- taintie of artes and sciences. English- ed by I.San[dford] gent. 1575. D. Case B 247.019 - The vanity of arts and sciences. 1676. D. B 247.02 BUCHNER, LUDWIG, i.e. FRIEDRICH CARL CHRISTIAN LUDWIG, 1824-1899 Biichner, L. Force and matter; or, Princi- ples of the natural order of the uni- verse. 1891. 0. B 247.13 EUCKEN, RUDOLF CHRISTOF, 1846- Eucken, R.C. Collected essays; ed, and tr. by M. Booth. 1914. 0. B 247.26 - The meaning and value of life; tr. by Lucy J.Gibson and W.R. B. Gibson. 1910. D. B 247.27 - Gibson, W.R.B. Rudolf Eucken's philoso- phy of life. 1906. D. B 247.2733 - Jones, A.J. Rudolf Eucken; a philosophy of life. [1912] S. (The people's books, no. 69) B 247.2745 - Jones, W.T. An interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's philosophy. 1912. D. B 247.2746 (74) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS FECHNER, GUSTAV THEODOR, 1801-1887 Call No. Fechner, G.T. Nanna ; Oder, Cber das Seel- enleben der Pflanzen. 4.Aufl. 1908. 0. B 247.277 - Ueber das hochste Gut. 1846. nar.O. Vorschule der Aesthetik. 2.Aufl. 1897- 1898. 2v. 0. Zend-Avesta; Oder, uber die Dlnge des Himmels und des Jenselts vom Stand- punkt der Naturbetrachtung. 3.Aufl. 1906. 2v. 0. B 247.2775 B 247.2778 B 247.278 FEUERBACH, LUDWIG ANDREAS, 1804-1872 Feuerbach, L. Ludwig Feuerbachs Sammt- liche Werke; neu hrsg. von W.Bolln und F.Jodl. 1903-11. lOv. 0. Contents: l.Bd. Gedanken liber Tod und Unterblich- kelt.-2.Bd. Phllosophlsche Krltlken und Grundsatze .-3. Bd. Geschlchte der neuer- en Philosophic. -4. Bd. Die Leibnlz'sche Philosophic. -5. Bd. Pierre Bayle.-6.-7. Bd. Das Wesen des Chrlstenthums .-8.Bd . Das Wesen der Religion. -9. Bd. Theogon- le.-10.Bd. Ethlk und Aphorlsmen. B 247.279 FICHTE, JOHANN GOTTLIEB, 1762-1814 Plchte, J.G. J.G.Flchte's sammtllche Werke; hrsg. von J.H.Flchte. 1845-46. 8v. 0. - J.G.Flchte's nachgelassene Werke; hrsg. von J.H.Flchte. 1834-35. 3v. 0. - Popular works; tr. by W. Smith. 4th ed. 1889. 2v. 0. (English and foreign phi- losophical library) - The vocation of man; tr. by W. Smith. 1906. 0. B 247.29067 - Contributions to mental philosophy; tr. and ed. by J.D.Morell. 1860. D. B 247.2907 (75) B 247.28 B 247.281 B 247.2905 GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS FICHTE, JOHANN GOTTLIEB, 1762-1814 Call No. Fichte, J.G. Science of knowledge; tr. by A.E.Kroeger. 1889. 0. (English and foreign philosophical library) B 247.2908 - The science of ethics as based on the science of knowledge; tr. by-<.A.E. Kroeger; ed. by W.T.Harris. 1907. 0. (English and foreign philosophical library) B 247.29082 - Adamson, R. Fichte. 1881 S. (Philoso- phical classics for English readers) B 247.291 - Everett, C.C. Fichte's Science of knowledge; a critical exposition. 1884. D. (German philosophical class- ics) B 247.293 - Smith, W. Memoir of Johann Gottlieb Fichte. 1846. nar.D. B 247.297 - Thompson, Anna B. The unity of Fichte 's doctrine of knowledge. 1895. 0. (Rad- cliffe College monographs, no. 7) B 247.298 HARTMANN, EDUARD i.e. KARL ROBERT EDUARD von, 1842-1906 Hartmann, E. von. Eduard von Hartmann's Ausgewahlte Werke. 1875-1907. 13v. Contents: Bd.l. Transcendentaler Real- ismus. 2.Aufl. 1875. -Bd. 2. Das sitt- liche Bewusstsein. n.d.-Bd.3. Die deutsche Aesthetik seit Kant. 2.Ausg. n.d.-Bd.4. Philosophic des Schonen; 2.Theil der Aesthetik. n.d.-Bd.5. Das religiose Bewusstsein der Menschlreit. S.Aufl. 1906. -Bd. 6. Die Religion des Geistes; 2.Teil der Religionsphiloso- phie. 1907. -Bd . 7-9. Philosophic des Unbewussten. ll.Aufl. 1904. 3v.-Bd.10. Kategorienlehre. 1896. -Bd. 11-12. Ge- schichte der Metaphysik. 1899-1900. 2v.-Bd.13. Die moderne Psychologie. B 247.37 (76) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS HARTMANN, EDUARD i.e. KARL ROBERT EDUARD von, 1842-1906 Call No. Hartmann, E. von. Contents (Continued) 1901,-Erganzungsbd. zur 1. bis 9. Auf- lage der Philosophic des Unbewussten. n.d. nar.O. B 247.37 - Ethische Studien. 1898. 0. B 247.38007 - Phanomenologie des sittlichen Bewusst- selns. 1879. 0. B 247.3801 - Philosophic des Unbewussten. 5.Aufl. 1873. 0. B 247.3802 Philosophy of the unconscious; tr. by W.C.Coupland. 1884. 3v . 0. (English and foreign philosophical library) B 247.3803 HEGEL, GEORG WILHELM FRIEDRICH, 1770-1831 Hegel, G.W.P. Werke; vollstand. Ausg. durch elnen Vereln von Freunden; (mit Supplement) 1832-44. 14. 0. B 247.39 - Logic; tr. with proleg. by W.Wallace. 1874. 0. B 247.3902 Loglque; tr. (avec) introduction et comm. par A.V6ra. 2e 6d. 1874. 1. 0. B 247.3905 Hegel's doctrine of formal logic; being a tr. of the first section of the Sub- jective logic; with notes by H.S.Mcran. 1912. 0. B 247.39052 Hegel's Philosophy of mind; tr. by W. Wallace with five Introduction essays. 1894. D. B 247.3906 Lectures on the philosophy of religion tr. by E.B.Speirs and J.B.Sanderson. 1895. 3v. 0. (English and foreign phi- losophical library) B 247.39067 Philosophic de 1'esprit; tr. [avec] in- troduction et comm. par A.Vera. 1867- 1869. 2v. 0. B 247.3907 (77) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS HEGEL, GEORG WILHELM PRIEDRICH, 1770-1831 Call No. Hegel, G.W.P. Philosophic de Ta religion; tr. [avec] introduction et comm. par A. Vera; t.1,2. 1876-78. 2v. 0. (All pub. ) B 247.3908 - Baillie, J.B. The origin and ^signifi- cance of Hegel's logic; a general in- troduction to Hegel's system. 1901. 0. B 247.391 - Caird, E. Hegel. 1886. S. (Philosophic- al classics for English readers) B 247.392 Croce, B. Lebendiges und totes in Hegels Philosophic mit einer Hegelbib- liographie; deutsche vom Verfasser ver- mehrte Ubers. von K.Blichler. 1909. 0. B 247.3922 - Harris, W.T. Hegel's logic; a critical exposition. 1890. D. (German philoso- phical classics) B 247.394 - Haym, R. Hegel und seine Zeit; Vorles- ungen liber [die] Hegel'schen Philoso- phic. 1857. 0. B 247.3941 - Hibben, J.G. Hegel's logic; an essay in interpretation. 1902. D. B 247.3942 - Mackintosh, R. Hegel and Hegelianism. 1903. D. (The world's epochmakers) B 247.3952 - McTaggart, J.McT.E. A commentary on Hegel's logic. 1910. 0. B 247.3954 - Studies in Hegelian cosmology . 1901.0. B 247.3955 Studies in the Hegelian dialectic. 1896. 0. B 247.39553 - Michelet, C.L. Hegel der unwiderlegte Weltphilosoph; eine Jubelschrif t . 1870. 0. B 247.3957 - Morris, G.S. Hegel's philosophy of the state and of history; an exposition. 1887. D. (German philosophical class- ics) B 247.396 - Seth, A. Hegelianism and personality. 1887. D. (Balfour philosophical lect- ures 2d series) B 247.398 - Sterrett, J.M. Studies in Hegel's phi- losophy of religion. 1891. 0. B 247.3984 (78) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS HEGEL, GEORG WILHELM FRIEDRICH, 1770-1831 Call No. - Stirling, J.H. The secret of Hegel. New ed. 1898. 0. B 247.3985 Vera, A. Introduction a la philosophie de Hegel. 1855. 0. B 247.399 Wallace, W. Prolegomena to the study of Hegel's philosophy and especially of his logic. 2d ed. 1894. D. B 247.3995 HERBART, JOHANN FRIEDRICH, 1776-1841 Herbart, J.F. Joh.Fr .Herbart ' s Samtliche Werke; In chronologischer Relhenfolge; hrsg. von. K.Kehrbach. 1887-1912. 19v. 0. B 247.41 JACOBI, FRIEDRICH HEINRICH, 1743-1819 Crawford, A.W. The philosophy of F.H. Jacob!. 1905. 0. See B 09. 2, no. 6. [B 247] KANT, IMMANUEL, 1724-1804 COLLECTED WORKS Kant, I. Immanuel Kant's sammtliche Werke; hrsg. von K.Rosenkranz und F.W. Schubert. 1838-42. 12v . In 13. 0. B 247.45 - Immanuel Kant's sammtliche Werke, in chronologischer Relhenfolge; hrsg. von G.Hartenstein. 1867-68. 8v. 0. B 247.4501 - Immanuel Kant's vermischte Schrlften und Brlefwechsel; hrsg. und erlautert von J.H. von Kirchmann. 1873. D. B 247.4502 Immanuel Kants Werke; hrsg. von. E. Cassirer. Bd. 1-7 ,9, 11+ , 1912-18+ Q. B 247.46 - The philosophy of Kant, In extracts from his own writings; sel. and tr. by by J.Watson. New ed. 1891. D. B 247.451 (79) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS KANT, IMMANUEL, SEPARATE WORKS ALLGEMEINE NATURGESCHICHTE UND THEORIE DES HIMMELS Call No. Kant, I. Kant's cosmogony; with introduc- tion [and] appendices; ed. and tr. by W.Hastie. 1900. 0. B 247.4518 - Immanuel Kant's Anthropologie in prag- matischer Hinsicht; hrsg. und erlaut- ert von J.H. von Kirchmann. 2.Aufl. 1872. D. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 14. Bd. ) B 247.452 ETHIK UND RELIGIONS PHILOSOPHIE Kant, I. Immanuel Kant's kleinere Schrift- en zur Ethik und Religionsphilosophie; hrsg. und erlautert von J.H. von Kirch- mann. 1870-71. 2 Iv. D. (Phi- losophische Bibl. ,37. Bd. ) B 247.453 Immanuel Kant, die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft; hrsg. und erlautert von J.H. von Kirchmann. 2.Aufl. 1875. D. (Philosophische Bibl. ,17.Bd) B 247.4532 GEFUHL DES SCHONEN Kant, I. Kant's Critique of aesthetic judgement; tr. , with seven essays, notes and index by J.C.Meredith. 1911. D. B 247.4545 KRITIK DER PRAKTISCEN VERNUNFT Kant, I. Immanuel Kant's Kritik der prak- tischen Vernunft; hrsg. und erlautert von J.H. von Kirchmann. 2.Aufl. 1870. D. (Philosophische Bibl.,7.Bd.) B 247.455 (80) GERiMAN PHILOSOPHERS KANT, IMMANUEL, SEPARATE WORKS KRITIK DER REINEN VERNUNFT Call No B 247.4555 Kant, I. Kant's Critique of practical reason and other works on the theory of ethics; tr. by T.K.Abbott. 4th ed. 1889. 0. - Immanuel Kant's Krltik der reinen Ver- nunft; hrsg. erlautert und mit Lebens- beschriebung versehen von J.H. von Kirchmann. 1877. 0. (I.K... sammtliche Werke, l.Bd.) B 247.456 Immanuel Kants Kritlk der reinen Ver- nunft; mit elner Blnleitung und Anmerk- ung, hrsg. von E.Adickes. 1889. 0. B 247.4562 Immanuel Kant's Kritlk der reinen Ver- nunft; hrsg. von B.Erdmann. 5.Aufl. 1900. 0. B 247.4563 Immanuel Kant's Critique of pure rea- son; tr. by F.M.Muller. 1881. 2v. 0. B 247.4566 Critique of pure reason; tr. by P.M. Miiller; with introduction by L. Noire. 1881. 2v. 0. [2d copy] Critique of pure reason; by J.M.D. Melklejohn. 1884. D. (Bonn's philoso- B 247.4566a phical library) B 247.4567 KRITIK DER URTHEILSKRAFT Kant. I. Immanuel Kant's Krltik der Ur- theilskraft; hrsg. und erlautert von J.H. von Kirchmann. 2.Aufl. 1872. D. (Philosophische Bibl . ,9.Bd. ) B 247.457 Immanuel Kant's Krltik der Urtheils- kraft; hrsg. von B.Erdmann. 2.Ausg. 1884. 0. B 247.4571 - Kant's Kritik of judgment; tr. with in- troduction and notes by J.H.Bernard. 1892. 0. B 247.4572 (81) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS KANT, IMMANUEL, SEPARATE WORKS LOGIK Catl No Kant, I. Immanuel Kant's Logik; hrsg. von G.B.Jasche; erlautert von J.H. von Kirchmann. 1869. D. B 247.4575 - Immanuel Kant's kleinere Schriften zur Logik und Metaphysik; hrsg. und er- lautert von J.H. von Kirchmann. 1870. 4 Iv. D. (Philosophische Bibl. , 33. Bd. ) B 247.4576 - Kant's introduction to logic, and his essay on the mistaken subtilty of the four figures; tr. by T.K.Abbott. 1885. 0. B 247.4578 METAPHYSIK DER SITTEN Kant, I. Immanuel Kant's Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten; hrsg. und er- lautert von J.H. von Kirchmann. 1870. D. (Philosophische Bibl . ,28. Bd. ) B 247.458 - Immanuel Kant's Metaphysik der Sitten hrsg. und erlautert von J.H. von Kirch- mann. 1870. D. (Philosophische Bibl., 29. Bd.) in B 247.458 - The metaphysic of ethics; tr. by J.W. Semple. 3d ed. , ed. by H. Calderwood . 1886. D. [2d copy] B 247.4585 NATURPHILOSOPHIE Kant, I. Immanuel Kant's kleinere Schriften zur Naturphilosophie ; hrsg. und erlautert von J.H. von Kirchmann. 1872-73. 2 Iv. D. (Philoso- phische Bibl. ,49. Bd. ) B 247.459 (82) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS KANT, IMMANUEL, SEPARATE WORKS PROLEGOMENA ZUR JEDEN KUNFTIGEN METAPHYSIK Kant, I. Imraanuel Kant's Prolegomena zu einer jeden klinftigen Metaphysik; hrsg und erlautert von J.H. von Kirchmann. 2.Aufl. 1876. D. (Phllosophische Bibl. 22. Bd. ) Kant's Prolegomena and Metaphysical foundations of natural science; tr. with a biography and Introduction by E.B.Bax. 1883. D. (Bonn's philosophic- al library) Kant's Prolegomena to any future meta- physics; ed. in English by P.Carus. 1902. 0. Call No. B 247.46 B 247.4605 B 247.4606 WORKS ABOUT KANT'S WRITINGS Adamson, R. On the philosophy of Kant 1879. D. (Shaw fellowship letures, 1879) B 247.461 Adickes, E. German Kantian bibliogra- phy; pp. 1-256 repr. from Philosophy Review, 1896; pp. 253-623 (Sup. 1-2, Philosophy Review, 1895-6) 2v. 0. B 247.4611 - Kants Ansichten uber Geschichte und Bau der Erde. 1911. 0. B 247.4612 Bilharz, A. Erlauterungen zu Kant's Krltik der reinen Vernunft. 1884. 0. B 247.4613 Bowne, B.P. Kant and Spencer; a crit- ical exposition. 1912. 0. B 247.4614 Buchner, E.F. A study of Kant's psy- chology with reference to the critical philosophy, n.d. 0. (Psychological review, monograph supplement no. 4, Jan. 1897) B 247.4615 Caird, E. Critical philosophy of Kant. 1889. 2v. 0. B 247.462 (83) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS KANT, IMMANUEL WORKS ABOUT KANT'S WRITINGS Catl No. Chamberlain, H.S. Immanuel Kant; a study and a comparison with Goethe, Da Vinci, Bruno, Plato and Descartes; tr. by Lord Redesdale. 1914. 2v. B 247.46215 Cousin, V. The philosophy of Kant; lectures; tr. , with a sketch of Kant's life and writings by A.G.Henderson. [1854] 0. B 247.4622 Fischer, K. A commentary on Kant's Critick of the pure reason; tr. from The history of modern philosophy by K.P....; Led.] by J.P.Mahaf fy. 1866. D. B 247.4629 - Critique of Kant; tr. by W.S. Hough. 1888. 0. B 247.463 Jordan, E. The constitutive and regu- lative principles in Kant; a disserta- tion. 1912. Q. B 247.4645 Kirchmann, J.H. von. Erlauterungen zu Kant's Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. 2.-3.Aufl. 2 1. 1876-82. 0. (Philosophische Bibliothek) B 247.4646 Laas, E. Kants Analogien der Erfahrung; Studie liber die Grundlagen der theore- tischen Philosophie. 1876. 0. B 247.4648 Lasswitz, K. Die Lehre Kants von der Ideal itat des Raumes und der Zeit. 1883. 0. B 247.465 Lindsay, A.D. The philosophy of Imman- uel Kant. [1913] S. (The people's books, no. 29) B 247.4652 Macmillan, R.A.C. The crowning phase of the critical philosophy; a study in Kant's critique of judgment. 1912. 0. B 247.4653 Mahaffy, J.P., and Bernard, J.H. Kant's critical philosophy for English read- ers. New ed. 1889. 2v. D. B 247.4654 (84) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS KANT, IMMANUEL WORKS ABOUT KANT ! S WRITINGS Morris, G.S. Kant's Critique of pure reason; a critical exposition. 2d ed. 1886. D. (German philosophical class- ics) Paulsen, F. Immanuel Kant, his life and doctrine; tr. from the rev. German ed. by J.E. Creighton and A.Lefevre. 1902. 0. Porter, N. Kant's ethics; a critical exposition. 1886. D. (Grigg's philoso- phical classics) - Prichard, H.A. Kant's theory of know- Call No. B 247.466 B 247.4666 B 247.4668 ledge Riedel 1909. 0. B 247.4669 0. Die monodologischen Bestimm- ungen in Kants Lehre vom Ding an sich. 1884. 0. B 247.4674 RIEHL, A. Der philosophische Kritizis- mus , Geschichte und System. l.Bd. Ge- schlchte des phllosophischen Krltizls- mus. 2.Aufl. 1908. 0. See B 48.745 [B 2471 Sarchi, C. Esame della dottrlna dl Kant. 1873. 0. B 247.468 Schurman, J.G. Kantian ethics and the ethics of evolution, a critical study. 1881. 0. B 247.4685 Sidgwick, H. Lectures on the philoso- phy of Kant, and other philosophical lectures & essays. 1905. 0. See B 0.81 [B 247J Stirling, J.H. Text-book to Kant; critique of pure reason; aesthetic, categories, schematism. 1882. 0. B 247.469 Stuckenberg, J.H.W. The life of Imman- uel Kant. 1882. 0. B 247.4692 Wallace, W. Kant. 1886. S. (Philoso- phical classics for English readers) B 247.4695 Watson, J. Kant and his English crit- ics. 1881. 0. B 247.4696 The philosophy of Kant explained. 1908. 0. B 247.46962 (85) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS KANT, IMMANUEL WORKS ABOUT KANT'S WRITINGS Call No. - Wenley, R.M. Kant and his philosophical revolution. 1910. D. (The world's epoch-makers) B 247.4697 - Witter, C.E. Pragmatic elements in Kant's philosophy. 1913. 0. B 247.4698 KRAUSE, KARL CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH, 1781-1832 Krause, K.C.F. Die reine d. i . allegemeine Lebenslehre und Philosophy der Ge- schichte hrsg. von H.K. von Leonhardi. 1843. 0. (Krause's Handschr. Nachlass, IV, 1,1) - Vorlesungen ilber das System der Phi- losphie. 1828. 0. - Vorlesungen liber die Grundwahrheiten der Wissenschaft. 1829. 0. - Lindemann, H.S. Uebersichtliche Dar- stellung des Lebens und der Wissen- schaftlehre Krause's. 1839. D. B 247.4705 B 247.4708 B 247.4709 B 247.475 LEIBNIZ, GOTTFRIED WILHELM, freiherr von, 1646-1716 B 247.4906 B 247.4908 Leibniz, G.W. von. Neue Abhandlungen iiber den menschlichen Verstand. 1873. D. (Philosophische Bibliothek) - Die philosophischen Schriften von G.W. L; hrsg. von C. J.Gerhardt . 1875-90. 4. Q. - Leibniz The monadology, and other phi- losophical writings; tr., with intro- duction and notes by R.Latta. 1898. D. B 247.4909 - New essays concerning human understand- ing; with shorter pieces; tr. with notes by A.C.Langley. 1896. 0. B 247.491 86) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS LEIBNIZ, GOTTFRIED WILHELM, freiherr von, 1646-1716 Call No. Leibniz, G.W. , Freiherr von. Discourse on metaphysics, Correspondence with Arnauld and [the] Monadology; with an introduction by P.Janet; tr. by G.R. Montgomery. 1908. D. (Religion of science library, no. 52) B 247.4911 Bodemann, E. Die Leibniz-handschrif ten der K.Offentlichen Bibliothek zu Han- nover; beschrieben von E.B... 1895. 0. B 247.4916 Couturat, L. La loglque de Leibniz d'apres des documents inedits. 1901. Q. (Collection hlstorique des grands phllosophes) B 247.4918 Dewey, J. Leibniz's New essays concern- ing the human understanding; a critical exposition. 1888. D. (German philoso- phical classics) B 247.492 Merz, J.T. Leibniz. 1884. S. (Philoso- phical classics for English readers) B 247.496 Russell, B. A critical exposition of the philosophy of Leibniz, with an ap- pendix of leading passages. 1900. 0. B 247.498 LOTZE, HERMANN i.e. RUDOLF HERMANN, 1817-1881 Lotze, R.H. Medlclnische Psychologic, oder Physiologic der Seele. 1852. 0. B 247.5202 Mlkrokosmus; Ideen zur Naturgeschlchte und Geschichte der Menschhelt; Versuch einer Anthropologie. 1878-84. 3v. D. B 247.5204 Mlcrocosmus; man and his relation to the world; tr. by E.Hamilton and E.E.C. Jones. 3d ed. 1888. 2v. 0. B 247.5205 - [Grundzuge (Binder's title)] 1882-84. 8 Iv. 0. Contents: 1. Grundzuge der Psychologic . 2.Aufl.-2. Grundzuge der praktischen Philosophic. 2.Aufl.- 3. Grundzuge der Religionsphilosophie. 2.Aufl.-4. Geschichte der B 247.52055 (87) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS LOTZE, HERMANN i.e. RUDOLF HERMANN, 1817-1881 Call No. Lotze, R.H. Contents: (Continued) deut- schen Philosophic seit Kant. -5. Grund- zlige der Naturphilosophie .-6 . Grundziige der Logik und Encyclopadie der Philoso- phie.-7. Grundziige der Metaphysik.-8 . Grundziige der Aesthetik. B 247.52055 - Lotze's outlines of philosophy; (dic- tated portions of the lectures of H. L. ; tr. and ed. by G.T.Ladd) 1886-87. 6v. D. B 247.5206 - Outlines of a philosophy of religion;ed. by F.C.Conybeare. 1892. D. See B 7.523 [B 247] - System der Philosophic. 1880-84. 2v. 0. Contents: Bd.l. Logik. 2 . Auf 1 .-Bd. 2. Metaphysik. 2.Aufl. B 247.5207 - System of philosophy; English tr. ed . by Bosanquet. 1887-88. 2v. D. (Claren- don press series) Contents: pt.l. Log- ic'. 2d ed.-pt.2. Metaphysic. 2d ed. B 247.5208 -Jones, H. Critical account of the phi- losophy of Lotze. 1895. D. B 247.525 NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH WILHELM, 1844-1900 Nietzsche, F.W. Nietzsche's Werke. 1903-13. 19v. 0. Contents: Bd.l. Die Geburt der Tragodie; Unzeitgemasse Betrachtungen.- Bd. 2-3. Menschliches , allzumenschlich- es.-Bd.4. Morgenrothe.-Bd.5 . Die froh- liche Wissenschaf t .-Bd.6. Also sprach Zarathustra.-Bd. 7 . Jenseits von Gut und Bose; Zur Genealogie der Moral. -Bd. 8. Der Fall Wagner, etc. Namenregister zu Bd.1-8 in v . 8.-Bd . 9-10 . Nachgelassene Werke, 1869-75/6. 2. Ausg.-Bd . 11-12 . Unveroffentlichtes, 1875/6-86. 2. Ausg.- Bd. 13. Unveroffentlichtes, 1882/3-88.- Bd.14. Ecce homo Der Wille zur Macht; 1.2. Buch.-Bd.15. Der Willie zur Macht; 3. -4. Buch.-Bd. 16-19. Philologica. B 247.61 (88) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS NIETZSCHE, PRIEDRICH WILHELM, 1844-1900 Call No. Nietzsche, F. The complete works of F. Nietzsche; English tr.,ed. by O.Levy. 1909-13. 18v. 0. Contents: v.l. The birth of tragedy. -v. 2. Early Greek phi- losophy & other essays. -v. 3. On the fu- ture of our educational institutions; Homer and classical philology .-v. 4-5 . Thoughts out of season. -v. 6-7. Human all-too-human. -v. 8. The case of Wagner. 3d ed.-v.9. The dawn of day. -v. 10. The joyful wisdom. -v. 11. Thus spake Zara- thustra.-v. 12 . Beyond good and evil.- v.13. The genealogy of morals .-v. 14-15 . The will to power. -v. 16. The twilight of the idols. -v. 17. Ecce homo. -v. 18. Index to the complete works. B 247.62 Dolson, Grace N. The philosophy of Friedrlch Nietzsche. 1901. 0. (Cornell studies In philosophy , no. 3) [2d copy] B 247.6223 Hansson, 0. Friedrlch Nietzsche; seine Personlichkelt und seine System. n.d.O. B 247.624 - Kennedy, J.M. The quintessence of Nietzsche. [1909] D. B 247.625 - Llchtenberger, H. The gospel of super- man; the philosophy of Frledrich Nietz- sche; tr. by J.M.Kennedy. 1910. 0. B 247.6253 - Ludovicl, A.M. Who Is to be master of the world? An Introduction to the phi- losophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. 1909. D. B 247.6255 More, P.E. Nietzsche. 1912. D. B 247.6259 Mligge, M.A. Frledrich Nietzsche; his life and work. 1908. 0. B 247.626 Friedrlch Nietzsche. [1912] S. (The people's books, no. 68) B 247.6262 - Orage, A.R. Nietzsche in outline & aphorism. 1910. S. B 247.63 - Richter, C. Nietzsche et les theories biologiques contemporaines . 2.ed. 1911. D. B 247.633 (89) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS PARACELSUS , 1493-1541 Call No Paracelsus. The Hermetic and alchemical writings A. P.T. Bombast...called Paracel- sus the Great. Tr. into English; ed . by A.E.Waite. 1894. 2v. 0. B 247.65 - Life and substance of his teachings ex- tracted and tr. by F.Hartmann. 2d ed. 1896. 0. (English and foreign philoso- phical library) B 247.651 SCHELLING, FRIEDRICH WILHELM JOSEPH von, 1775-1854 -Watson, J. Schelling's transcendental idealism; a critical exposition. 1882. D. (German philosophical classics) B 247.789 SCHLEGEL, FRIEDRICH i.e. KARL WILHELM FRIEDRICH von, 1772-1829 Schlegel, F. von. Philosophy of life; tr. by A. J.W.Morrison. 1885. D. (Bonn's standard library) B 247.7903 SCHLEIERMACHER, FRIEDRICH ERNST DANIEL, 1768-1834 Schleiermacher , F.D. E. Schleiermachers Dialektik; hrsg. von I.Halpern. 1903. 0. B 247.794 - Munro, R. Schleiermacher, personal and speculative. 1903. D. B 247.796 SCHOPENHAUER, ARTHUR, 1788-1860 Schopenhauer, A. Samtlicne Werke; mit Einleitung, von R.Steiner. n.d. 12v. D. B 247.8 (90) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS SCHOPENHAUER, ARTHUR, 1788-1860 Schopenhauer, A. Arthur Schopenhauer's handschrif tlicher Nachlass. n.d. 4v. T. Contents: l.Bd. Balthaser Gracian Orakel der Weltklugheit .-2 .Bd. Ein- leitung in die Philosophie-3 .Bd. An- merkungen zu Locke und Kant.-4.Bd. Neue Paralipomena. [Essays, tr. by T.B. Saunders ] 1896-1904. D. Contents: [v.l] The wisdom of life. 1904. -[v. 2] Counsels and maxims. 1899.- [v.3] Religion: a dialogue, and other essays. 1904. -[v. 4] The art of litera- ture; a series of essays. 1904. -[v. 5] Studies in pessimism; a seriess of essays. 1903. -[v. 6] The art of contro- versy. 1896. -no. 7. On human nature. 1902. B Select essays; tr. by G. Droppers and C.A.P.Dachsel. 1881. B Selected essays; with biographical in- troduction and sketch of his philosophy by E.B.Bax. 1891. D. (Bonn's philoso- phical library) Two essays; 1: Four-fold root (etc.); 2: Will In nature; a literal transla- tion. 1889. D. (Bohn's philosophical library) - The basis of morality; tr. with notes by A. B. Bullock. 1903. D. Schopenhauer-Lexlkon; eln philosophl- sches Worterbuch nach A. Schopenhauers Schriften und Nachlass bearb. von J. Frauenstadt. 1871. 2v. nar.O. World as will and idea; tr. by R.B. Haldane and J.Kemp. 1886-88. 3v. 0. (v.l: 2d ed.) (English and foreign philosophical library) Beer, Margrieta=Schopenhauer , n.d. S. (The people's books, no. 113) Call No. s B 247.80005 247.8001 247.8002 B 247.8003 B 247.8004 B 247.80045 B 247.8005 B 247.8007 B 247.8011 (91) GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS SCHOPENHAUER, ARTHUR, 1788-1860 Call No. Caldwell, W. Schopenhauer's system. 1896. (Shaw fellowship lectures) B 247.8014 Frauenstadt, J. Arthur Schopenhauer mlt Blographie. 7.Aufl. 1891. S. B 247.804 Grlsebach, E. Edita und inedi-ta Schop- enhauer iana; elne Schopenhauerbibliog- raphle. 1888. Q. B 247.8044 Hecker, M.P. Schopenhauer und die In- dische Philosophic. 1897. 0. B 247.805 Hertslet, W.L. Schopenhauer -register ; Stellen, Gegenstande, Personen und Be- grlffe in A.Schopenhauer's Werken. 1890. 0. B 247.8052 Laban, P. Die Schopenhauer-literatur ; Versuch einer chronologischen Ueber- sicht derselben. 1880. 0. B 247.8054 Mlihlethaler, J. Die Mystik bei Schopen- hauer. 1910. 0. B 247.806 Ruyssen, T. Les grands philosophes. Schopenhauer. 1911. B 247.8076 Saunders, T.B. Schopenhauer, a lecture. 1901. D. B 247.8078 Wagner, G.P. Encyklopadisches Register zu Schopenhauer's Werken. 1909. Q. B 247.809 Whittaker, T. Schopenhauer. 1909. D. (Philosophies ancient and modern) B 247.8095 SIGWART, CHRISTOPH von, 1830-1904 Sigwart, C. von. Kleine Schriften. 1889. 2.Ausg. 2v. 0. Contents: 1. Reihe. Zur Geschichte der Philosophie .-2 . Reihe. Zur Erkenntnisslehre und Psychologie. B 247.815 WUNDT, WILHELM MAX, 1832- Wundt, W.M. System der Philosophie. 3. Aufl. 1907. 1. 0. B 247.98 (92) DANISH PHILOSOPHERS KIERKEGAARD, S0REN AABYE, 1813-1855 Ammundsen, V. S0ren Kierkegaards ungdom bans slaegt og hans rellgi0se udvikling. 1912. Q. (Festskrift udg. af K0benhavns Universltet) B 250.46 Call No. BOHEMIAN PHILOSOPHERS BOLZANO, BERNARD Bergmann, H. Das phllosophische Werk Bernard Bolzanos. 1909. 0. B 258.11 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHERS ABBOT, FRANCIS ELLINGWOOD, 1836-1903 Abbot, F.E. The syllogistic philosophy; or, Prolegomena to science. 1906. 2v.O. B 283.01 JAMES, HENRY, 1811-1882 James, H. The literary remains; ed. by W.James. 1885. 0. B 283.447 JAMES, WILLIAM, 1842-1910 James, W. Collected essays and reviews. 1920. 0. B 283.4505 - The letters of William James; ed. by his son Henry James. [cl920] 2v. 0. B 283.4514 - Memolres and studies. 1911. 0. B 283.4515 Some problems of philosophy; a beginn- ing of an Introduction to philosophy. 1911. 0. B 283.4517 - The will to believe, and other essays In popular philosophy. 1899. 0. B 0.4518 (93) AMERICAN PHILOSOPHERS JAMES, WILLIAM, 1842-1910 Call No. - Boutroux, fi. William James; tr. from the 2d ed. by Archibald and Barbara Henderson. 1912. D. B 283.452 - Flournoy, T. The philosophy of William James; tr. by E.B.Holt and W.James, jr. 1917. D. B 283.453 - Perry, R.B. Annotated bibliography of the writings of William James. 1920.0. B 283.457 LADD, GEORGE TRUMBULL, 1842- Ladd, G.T. Knowledge, life and reality; an essay in systematic philosophy. 1909. 0. B 283.47 MORRIS, GEORGE SYLVESTER, 1840-1889 - Wenley, R.M. The life and work of George Sylvester Morris; a chapter in the history of American thought in the 19th century. 1917. [2d copy] 0. B 23.6 EMPIRICISM DABNEY, R.L. Sensualistic philosophy of the 19th century considered. [1875] 0. B 32.21 JAMES, W. Essays in radical empiricism. 1912. 0. B 32.45 IDEALISM BAILLIE, J.B. An outline of the- idealis- tic construction of experience. 1906. 0. B 33.08 GRAHAM, W. Idealism; an essay, metaphy- sical and critical. 1872. 0. B 33.36 (94) IDEALISM No. HOLMES, N. Realistic idealism in philoso- phy Itself. 1888. 2v. 0. B 33.41 HOWISON, G.H. The limits of evolution, and other essays; theory of personal idealism. 1901. D. B 33.42 HYDE, W.DeW. Practical idealism. 1908. D. B 33.427 JONES, H. Idealism as a practical creed; lectures on philosophy and modern life. 1909. D. B 33.45 LAAS , E. Idealismus und Positivismus ; eine kritische Auseinandersetzung. 1879-84. 3v. 0. Contents: l.T. Allge- meiner .-2 .T. Idealistische und Posi- tivistlsche Ethlk.-3.T. Idealistische und Positivistlsche Erkenntnlsstheorie . B 33.47 MUNSTERBERG, H. Science and Idealism. 1906. S. B 33.6 ROYCE, J. Lectures on modern idealism. 1919. 0. B 33.765 STURT, H. Idola theatri ; a criticism from the standpoint of personal Idealism. 1906. 0. B 33.85 Personal idealism; philosophical essays by eight members of the University of Oxford; ed. by H.Sturt. 1902. 0. B 33.852 WILLMANN, 0. Geschlchte des Idealismus. 2.Aufl. 1907. 3v. 0. B 33.97 MATERIALISM, NATURALISM BERGER, M. Der Materiallsmus in Kampfe mit dem Splrltualismus und Idealismus. 1883. D. B 34.09 EUCKEN, R. Naturalism or idealism? the Nobel lecture; tr. by A.G.Widgery. 1912. 0. B 34.27 JANET, P.A.R. Le materialisme contempo- rain en Allemagne; examen du systeme du docteur Biichner. 1864. D. B 34.45 (95) MATERIALISM, NATURALISM LANGE, P. A. Geschichte des Materialismus und Kritik seiner Bedeutung in der Gegenwart. S.Aufl. mit biog. Vorwort und Nachtrag von H.Cohen. 1908. 2v . 0. MONDOLFO, R. ...Le materialisme historique d'apres Frederic Engels, par .-?R.Mon- dolfo; tr. de 1 ' Italien...par le dr. S. Jankelevitch. 1917. 0. (Etudes econo- miques et sociales ..19) Call No. B 34.48 B 34.59 MONISM EISLER, R. Geschichte des Monismus. 1910. 0. B 35.26 HAECKEL, E. Der Monismus als Band zwi- schen Religion und Wissenschaf t ; Glau- bensbekenntnis eines Naturf orschers . IS.Aufl. 1911. 0. B 35.38 - Die Weltratsel; gemeinverstandliche Studien liber monistische Philosophic. lO.Aufl. 1909. 0. B 35.385 - The riddle of the universe at the close of the 19th century; tr. by J.McCabe. 1902. D. B 35.387 LODGE, Sir O.J. Life and matter; a crit- icism of Professor Haeckel's "Riddle of the universe". 1905. B 35.3885 PESSIMISM The philosophy of despair. JORDON, D.S 1902. 0. B 36.45 PAULSEN, F. Schopenhauer, Hamlet, Mephi- stopheles; drei Aufsatze zur Naturge- schichte des Pessimismus. 3.Aufl. 1911. D. B 36.66 SULLY, J. Pessimism; a history and crit- icism. 1877. 0. B 36.85 (96) PLURALISM Call No ROSNY, J.H. , aine, [pseud.] Le plural- isme; par J.H.Boex-Borel . 1909. 0. B 364.75 PRAGMATISM. HUMANISM BAWDEN, H.H. The principles of pragma- tism. 1910. D. B 365.08 BERTHELOT, R. ...Un romantisme utilitaire; etude sur le mouvement pragmatiste. Paris. 1911-13. 2v. nar.O. (Bibliothe- que de philosophic contemporaine) B 365.09 CREATIVE intelligence; essays in the prag- matic attitude, by J.Dewey [and others] [1917] D. B 365.2 JAMES, W. Pragmatism; a new name for some old ways of thinking. 1907. 0. B 365.45 The meaning of truth; a sequel to 'Prag- matism' . 1909. 0. B 365.451 MOORE, A.W. Pragmatism and its critics. [1910] D. B 365.59 PRATT, J.B. What is pragmatism? 1909. D. B 365.71 SCHILLER, F.C.S. Humanism; philosophical essays. 1903. 0. B 365.79 Riddles of the sphinx; a study in the philosophy of humanism. New ed. 1910. 0. B 365.792 Studies In humanism. 1907. 0. B 365.793 SCHINZ, A. Anti-pragmatism; the rights of intellectual aristocracy and social democracy. [1909] D. B 365.8 RATIONALISM BIOGRAPHY (Collective only) McCABE, J. , comp. A biographical diction- ary of modern rationalists. 1920. Q. B 3681.53 (97) REALISM, NEW REALISM Call No. BOSANQUET, B. The distinction between mind and its objects; the Adamson lec- ture; with an apx. [on the new realism] 1913. D. (Manchester University lec- tures, no. 16) B 37.11 ESSAYS in critical realism; a co'-opera- tive study of the problem of knowledge, by D.Drake [and others] 1920. 0. B 37.27 McCOSH, J. Realistic philosophy. 1887. 2v. 0. B 37.532 McDOWALL, A. Realism, a study in art and thought. 1918. 0. B 37.537 The NEW realism; cooperative studies in philosophy; by E.B.Holt, W.T.Marvin [and others] 1912. 0. B 37.62 SKEPTICISM OWEN, J. Evenings with the skeptics. 1881. 2v. 0. B 38.65 - The skeptics of the Italian (and French) renaissance. 1893. 2v. 0. B 38.651 TRANSCENDENTALISM COOK, J. Transcendentalism. 7th ed. (1877) D. (Boston Monday lectures) B 39.19 FROTHINGHAM, O.B. Transcendentalism in New England. 1886. D. B 39.317 GREENE, W.B. Transcendentalism. 4th ed. 1871. 0. B 39.368 KUHNS, 0. The sense of the infinite; the transcendental element in literature, life and religion. 1908. 0. B 39.46 (98) METAPHYSICS Call No. ARNOLD, R.B. Scientific fact and meta- physical reality. 1904. 0. B 4.04 AVENARIUS, R. Kritik der reinen Erfahr- ung. 1888-90. 2v. 0. B 4.05 BAIN, F.W. On the realisation of the possible, and the spirit of Aristotle. 1899. 0. B 4.066 BENDER, H. Zur Losung des metaphysischen Problems... 1886. 0. B 4.09 BERGMANN, J. Untersuchungen liber Haupt- punkte der Philosophie. 1900. 0. B 4.094 BERGSON, H. An introduction to metaphy- sics; tr. by T.E.Hulme. 1913-. 0. B 4.095 BOSANQUET, B. Individuality and destiny; the Glfford lectures for 1911/12. 1912. 2v. 0. Contents: [1st s.] The principle of Individuality and value. - [2d s.] The value and destiny of the individual. B 4.11 BOUTROUX, E. The relation between thought and action from the German and the classical point of view. (Herbert Spen- cer lecture, 1917) 1918. 0. B 4.1105 BOWNE, B.P. Metaphysics. A study in first principles. [5th ed.] n.d. 0. B 4.113 Personallsm; common sense and philoso- phy. 1908. D. B 4.114 BRADLEY, F.H. Appearance and reality; a metaphysical essay. 1899. 0. (Library of philosophy) B 4.115 - Essays on truth and reality. 1914. 0. B 4.116 CARUS, P. The surd of metaphysics; an inquiry Into the question Are there thlngs-in-themselves? 1903. 0. B 4.15 DAY, H.N. Outlines of ontological science. 1878. D. B 4.22 DEUSSSEN, P. Die Elemente der Metaphysik; Wesen des Idealismus. 4.Aufl. 1907. 0. B 4.226 - The elements of metaphysics; tr. by C.M.Duff. 1894. D. B 4.227 (99) METAPHYSICS Call No. DEWING, A.S. Life as reality; a philoso- , phical essay. 1910. D. B 4.229 DUHRING, E. Logik und Wissenschaf ts- theorie; Denkerisches Gesamtsystem verstandessouveraner Geisteshaltung... 2.Aufl. 1905. 0. ., B 4.24 EINHEIT und Vielheit; aus dem Schwedischen. (Also, Konnen wir etwas von Gott wiss- en?) 1875. 2 Iv. D. B 4.26 EUCKEN, R. Life's basis and life's ideal; the fundamentals of a new philosophy of life; tr. by A. G.Widgery . [2d ed.] 1912.0. B 4.27 FAWCETT, E.D. The individual and reality; the first principles of metaphysics. 1909. 0. B 4.286 FROBEL, K.F. Definitions and axioms of a future science of existence or ontolo- gy. 1881. D. B 4.31 FROTHINGHAM, E.L. Philosophy as absolute science, founded in the universal laws of being, and including ontology, theol- ogy, and psychology made one, as spirit, soul, and body. By E.L. & A. L. Frothing - ham...v. 1, 1864. 0. [No more published] B 4.317 FULLERTON, G.S. A system of metaphysics. 1904. 0. B 4.319 HALDANE, R.B. HALDANE , 1st viscount. The pathway to reality; being the Gifford lectures delivered...l902-04 . 1903-04. 2v. 0. B 4.38 HARPER, T. The metaphysics of the School; v.l-2,3,pt.l. 1879-84. 3v. 0. B 4.39 HAUGHTON, Sir G.C. Prodromus; or An in- quiry into the first principles of reasoning. 1839. 0. B 4.392 HIGHT, G.A. The unity of will; studies of an irrationalist . 1906. 0. B 4.403 HOBBES, T. The metaphysical system of Hobbes; chapters and extracts from his [writings]; sel. by Mary W. Calkins. 1905. 0. B 4.407 (100) METAPHYSICS HODGSON, S.H. The metaphysic of exper- ience. 1898. 4v. 0. HOERNLE, R.F.A. Studies in contemporary metaphysics. 1920. 0. JAMES, W. A pluralistic universe ; :H:lb.b,$rt lectures. 1909. 0. '.. : A:; V, LADD, G.T. Theory of reality; an essay : >o>n the basis of human cognitive expe*renc'S ; , 1899. 0. [LAURIE, S.S.] Metaphysica nova et vetus- ta; a return to dualism; by Scotus No- vanticus. 2d ed. 1889. D. LIEBMANN, 0. Zur Analysis der Wirklich- kelt; eine Erorterung der Grundprobleme der Philosophie. 4.Aufl. 1911. 0. McCOSH, J. First and fundamental truths. 1889. 0. Intuitions of the mind inductively in- vestigated. 1860. 0. Prevailing types of philosophy; can they reach reality. 1890. 0. S. Outlines of metaphysics. logically MACKENZIE, J 1902. D. McTAGGART, J v.l, 1921 MEYERSON,fi. M.E. 0. Identity The nature of existence . 1908. and new 0. 2d ed et O'SULLIVAN, J.M. Old criticism pragmatism. 1909. 0. READ, C. The metaphysics of nature. 1908. 0. RENOUVIER, C. Hlstolre et solution des problemes metaphyslques . 1901. 0. (Bib- liotheque de philosophic contemporalne) RIEHL, A. The principles of the critical philosophy; Introduction to the theory of science and metaphysics; tr. by A. Fairbanks. 1894. 0. (The English and foreign philosophical library) ROYCE, J. The world and the individual; Gifford lectures; lst-2d series. 1900- 1901. 2v. 0. Call No. B 4.41 B 4.417 ;;>' 4. 4 5 B*4.47 B 4.48 B 4.507 B 4.53 B 4.5303 B 4.5308 B 4.532 B 4.54 B 4.57 B 4.64 B 4.735 B 4.74 B 4.75 B 4.76 (101) METAPHYSICS SCOTTISH metaphysics reconstructed; by the writer of "Free notes on H. Spen- cer's First principles". 1887. D. SHUTE, R. A discourse on truth. 1877. 0. SPIR, A. Denkern;und Wirklichkeit ; Ver- siioh einer" Erhe.uerung der Krt.tischen Philqs^phie:. : ; :4..Aufl. mit Skizze von : HeIene Claparede-Spir. 1908. 0. (His Gesammelte Werke Bd.l) - Pensee et realitS; traduit sur la 3.d. par A.Penjon. 1896. 0. (Lille. Facul- tes Travaux et memoires) STRADA, J. de. Essai d'un ultimum orga- num; ser.l: Metaphysique. 1865. 2v. D. TAYLOR, A.E. Elements of metaphysics. 3d ed. [1912] 0. VARISCO, B. I massimi problem!. 1910. 0. VICO, G.B. Delia antica sapienza degl' Italiani; tr. di C.Sarchi. 1870. 0. WARD, J. The realm of ends; or, Pluralism and theism; the Gifford lectures, deliv- ered 1907-10. 1911. 0. WINTER, N. Pan-gnosticism. 1895. D. WORDSWORTH, J.C. Short essays in con- structive philosophy. [1911] D. Call No. B 4.8 B 4.81 B 4.834 B 4.835 B 4.85 B 4.865 B 4.93 B 4.942 B 4.96 B 4.98 B 4.985 CHANGE BERGSON, H. La perception du changement; conferences faites a 1'Universite d' Oxford, 1911. 1911. 0. B 4115.1 RHODES, D.P. The philosophy of change. 1909. 0. B 4115.16 COSMOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE ARRHENIUS, S.A. The life of the universe; tr. by H.Borns. 1909. 2v. S. (Harper's library of living thought) B 42.04 (102) COSMOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE Call No. BILHARZ, A. Der heliocentrische Stand- punct der Weltbetrachtung. 1879.0. B 42.09 BOEHMER, H. Geschichte der Entwickelung der naturwissenschaf tlichen Weltan- schauung in Deutschland. 1872. 0. B 42.108 BOUTROUX, E.E.M. De la contingence des lols de la nature. 7.ed. 1913. D. B 42.109 BOWSHER, C.A. The absolute curriculum, its basis. 1900. D. B 42.11 - Le grand epitome; the fundamental prin- ciple and its immediate facts relating man to the world, a sequence. 1901. D. in B 42.11 - The money question from a celestial point of view. 1901. D. In B 42.11 World relations; man and the cosmic principle. 1899. D. B 42.112 BOYLE, R. The origine of formes and qual- ities (according to the corpuscular philosophy) 2.ed. 1667. D. B 42.116 - Some considerations touching the vsefvl- nesse of experimental natural philoso- phy. 1664-71. 2 Iv. [Pt.l=2d ed. ] D. B 42.117 DU BOIS-REYMOND, B. tfber die Grenzen der Naturerkennens. 3.Ausg. 1873. 0. B 42.244 Uber die Grenzen des Naturerkennens; die sieben Weltrathsel; zwel Vortrage. Des ersten Vortrages 6. , des zweiten Vor- trages 2.Aufl. 1884. 0. B 42.2442 - Weber, T. Emil Du Bois-Reymond; eine Kritik seiner Weltansicht. 1885. 0. B 42.245 - Uber die Grundlagen der Erkenntnls In den exacten Wissenschaf ten; nach einer hinterlassenen Handschrlft. 1890. 0. B 42.248 FULLERTON, G.S. The world we live in; or, Philosophy and life in the light of modern thought. 1912. 0. B 42.317 HARTWIG, G.L. Harmonies of nature. 1866.0. B 42.39 JOEL, K. Der Ursprung der Naturphilosophie aus dem Geiste der Mystik. 1903. Q. B 42.4551 (103) COSMOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE Call No KEYSERLING, H. Graf von. Das Gefiige der Welt; versuch einer kritischen Phi- losophic. 1906. 0. B 42.464 Prolegomena zur Naturphilosophie . [01910] 0. B 42.465 MIVART, St.G. The groundwork of science; a study of epistemology . 1898. 0. (The science series) B 42.58 MORGAN, C.L. The interpretation of na- ture. 1905. S. B 42.59 OSTWALD, W. Natural philosophy, tr. by Thomas Seltzer. 1910. S. B 42.64 PESCH, T. Die grossen Weltratsel; Phi- losophic der Natur. 3.Aufl. 1907. 2v. Q. B 42.67 PLUCHE, N.A. History of the heavens; tr. by Freval. 1740. 2v. 0. B 42.7 TAYLOR, T. , tr. Ocellus Lucanus On the nature of the universe; Taurus, the Platonic philosopher, On the eternity of the world; J.F.Maternus Of the Thema mundi; select theorems, by Proclus. 1831. 0. B 42.86 THOMPSON, H.C. New reading of evolution, a study-plan. [c!907] D. B 42.87 WARD, J. Naturalism and agnosticism; the Gifford lectures delivered 1896-98. 3d ed. 1906. 2v. 0. B 42.95 WHITEHEAD, A.N. The concept of nature; Tanner lectures delivered in Trinity college, Nov. 1919. 1920. B 42.957 WIESZNER, A. Das Atom das Kraftelement der Richtung, als letzter Wirklich- keitsfactor. 1875. 0. B 42.96 INFINITE CALDERWOOD, H. Philosophy of the infin- ite; in answer to Hamilton and Mansel. 3d ed. 1872. 0. B 44.14 (104) INFINITE JOURDAIN, E.P. On the theory of the in- *" N finite in modern thought; two intro- ductory studies. 1911. D. B 44 SPACE AND TIME BAUMANN, J.J. Die Lehren von Raum, Zeit und Mathematik in der neueren Philoso- phic. 1868-69. 2v. 0. B 45 06 CARR, H.W. ../Time' and 'history' in con- temporary philosophy; with special ref- erence to Bergson and Croce. [1918] 0. (From the Proceedings of the British academy, v.8) B 45 16 HALLOCK-GREENWALT, MARY. Time eternal. n.d. 0. B 45.38 HODGSON, S.H. Time and space; a meta- physical essay. 1865. 0. B 45.41 PHILOSOPHY OF MATHEMATICS DU BOIS-REYMOND, P. Die allgemeine Func- tlonentheorie; l.Theil. Metaphysik und Theorie der mathematischen Grundbe- griffe. 1882. 0. B 455.24 MILHAUD, G. Nouvelles etudes sur 1'his- toire de la pens6e scientif ique. 1911.0. B 455.57 TAYLOR, T. The elements of a new arith- metical notation, and of a new arithme- tic of Infinites. 1823. 0. B 455.86 Theoretic arithmetic, in three books. 1816. 0. B 455.862 YOUNG, J.W. Lectures on fundamental con- cepts of algebra and geometry; by J.W. Young, with cooperation of W.W.Denton. 1911 0. B (105) MATTER, FORCE Call No. LE BON, G. The evolution of forces. 1908. D. (International scientific series) B 473.5 LODGE, Sir 0. Modern views on matter. New ed. 1907. 0. (Romanes lectures, 1903) B 473.52 MECHANICALISM AND TELEOLOGY SCHOLFIELD, S. The doctrine of mechanic- alism. 1907. D. B 474. 79 LIFE, VITALISM COLERIDGE, S.T. Hints towards the forma- tion of a more comprehensive theory of life; ed. by S.B.Watson. 1848. 0. B 475.2 DRIESCH, H. The history & theory of vital- ism. Authorised translation by C.K. Ogden. 1914. D. B 475.24 - The problem of individuality; a course of four lectures delivered in October 1913. 1914. 0. B 475.243 WORTH MUNSTERBERG,H. The eternal values. 1909.0. B 479.6 URBAN, W.M. Valuation; its nature and laws. 1909. 0. (Library of philosophy) B 479.92 THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE AVENARIUS, R. Der menschliche Weltbe- griff. 1891. 0. B 48.05 BALFOUR, A.J. Defence of philosophic doubt. 1879. 0. B 48.068 - Foundations of belief. 1895. D. B 48.0685 (106) THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE Catl No BARENBACH, P. von. Prolegomena zu einer anthropologischen Philosophie. 1879. 0. (Grundlegung der kritischen Phi- losophie; l.Th.) B 48.07 BIESE, R. Die Erkenntnisslehre des Aris- toteles und Kant's in Vergleichung ihrer Grundprincipien. 1877. 0. B 48.09 BOWNE, B.P. Theory of thought and know- ledge. 1897. 0. B 48.11 CARR, H.W. The problem of truth. [1913] S. (The people's books, 71) B 48.14 CASSIRER, E. Das Erkenntnisproblem in der Philosophie und Wissenschaft der neuer- en Zelt. 2.Aufl. 1911. 2v. Q. B 48.15 DREYER, F. Studien zu Methodenlehre und Erkenntnisskritik. 1895. 0. B 48.24 HALDANE, R.B. Haldane, 1st viscount. The doctrine of degrees in knowledge, truth, and reality. [1919] 0. (From the Proceedings of the British academy, v.9) B 48.38 HELMHOLTZ, H. Die Thatsachen in der Wahrnehmung. 1879. 0. B 48.395 HOBHOUSE, L.T. Theory of knowledge. 1896. D. B 48.41 JASTROW, J. Belief and credulity; an ad- dress, delivered Feb. 22, 1901. 0. B 48.44 JOACHIM, H.H. The nature of truth; an essay. 1906. 0. B 48.45 JORDAN, D.S. The stability of truth; reality as related to thought and ac- tion. 1911. D. (American nature series, group vl) B 48.456 KANT, I. Critique of pure reason; tr. by J.M.D.Meikeljohn. 1878. D. (Bohn's phi- losophical library) [2d copy] B 48.46 Immanuel Kant's Critique of pure reason; tr. by F.M.Miiller. 1881. 2v. 0. [2d copy]' B 48.461 (107) THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE Call No. KIRCHMANN, J.H. von. Die Lehre vom Wissen als Einleitung in das Studium philoso- phischer Werke. 2. Aufl. 1871. D. (Phi- losophische Bibliothek; Bd . 1 ) B 48.465 LADD,G.T. Philosophy of knowledge; an in- quiry into the nature, limits and vali- dity of human cognitive faculty. 1897.0. B 48.47 LEWIS, G.C. Essay on the influence of authority in matters of opinion. 1849. 0. B 48.5 LINDSAY, J. The psychology of belief. 1910. D. B 48.53 MAYER, A. Die Lehre von der Erkenntniss. 1875. 0. B 48.56 MOORE, A.W. The functional versus the representational theories of knowledge in Locke's essay; dissertation. 1902. 0. (Chicago. University. Contributions to philosophy, v.3, no.l) B 48.59 OLZELT-NEWIN, A. Die Grenzen des Glaub- ens. 1885. 0. B 48.64 ORMOND, A.T. Foundations of knowledge. 1900. 0. B 48.645 PHILIP, A. The dynamic foundation of knowledge. 1913. D. B 48.68 REHMKE, J. Die Welt als Wahrnehmung und Begriff; eine Erkenntnisstheorie . 1880. 0. B 48.74 RIEHL, A. Der philosophische Kritizismus, Geschichte und System. l.Bd. Geschichte des philosophischen Kritizismus. 2. Aufl. 1908. 0. B 48.745 RUSSELL, B.A.W. Our knowledge of the external world as a field for scien- tific method in philosophy. 1914. 0. B 48.765 Scientific method in philosophy. 1914. 0. (The Herbert Spencer lecture, 1914) B 48.766 SCHUPPE, W. Grundriss der Erkenntnis- theorie und Logik. 2. Aufl. 1910. 0. B 48.79 SMITH, W. Methods of knowledge; an essay in epistemology. 1899. D. B 48.82 (108) THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE STEWART, J.T. Reason and progress. 1876. p/Qp^r STOKES, G.J. The objectivity of truth 1884 ' - B 48.848 VOLKELT, J. Erfahrung und Denken; krit- ische Grundlegung der Erkenntnis- theorie. 1886. 0. B 43.946 CLASSIFICATION OF SCIENCES BITTENCOURT, L. Classif icagao das scien- cias. 1904. 0. B 485.09 CALOV, A. Encyclopaedias disciplinarum realium ideae. 1673. F. B 485.14 COLERIDGE, S.T. ...Preliminary treatise on method. 3d ed. [1849] D. B 485.18 General Introduction to the Encyclo- paedia metropolitana; or, A preliminary treatise on method. 5th ed. [1852] D. B 485.181 FLINT, R. Philosophy as scientia scien- tlarum and a history of classifications of the sciences. 1904. 0. B 485.3 LOGIC For psychology of reasoning see B 524. ALDRICH, H. Artls logic:, rudimenta; from the text of Aldrich, with notes by H. L.Mansel. 4th ed. 1862. 0. B 49.025 BACON, F. Novum organum; ed. by T. Fowler. 1878. 0. (Clarendon press series) B 49.061 [Hoppus, J.] An account of Lord Bacon's Novum organon sclent iarum; or, New method of studying the sciences; pt.l. n.d. 0. B 49.0624 BAIN, A. Logic. 1870. 2v . D. Contents: pt.l. Deduction. -pt. 2. Induction. B 49.063 (109) LOGIC Call No. BALDWIN, J.M. Thought and things; a study of the development and meaning of thought; or, Genetic logic. 1906- 1911. 3v. 0. B 49.064 BERGMANN, J. Die Grundprobleme d,er Logik. 2.Bearbeitung. 1895. 0. B 49.09 - Allgemeine Logik; l.Theil, 1879|| Reine Logik. 0. B 49.095 BLUNDEVILLE, T. The arte of logick; plainely taught in the English tongue by M.Blvndevile. London, 1617. D. Bound by Ramage . Case B 49.1 BOOLE, G. Investigation of the laws of thought. 1854. 0. B 49.108 BOSANQUET, B. Essentials of logic. 1895. D. B 49.11 - Logic; or, The morphology of knowledge. 1888. 2v. 0. B 49.1105 2d ed. 1911. 2v. 0. B 49.1106 BOWEN, F. A treatise on logic; or, The laws of pure thought, and some chapters of applied logic. 1866. D. B 49.112 BRADLEY, F.H. The principles of logic. Anastatic reprint. 1905. 0. B 49.114 CREIGHTON, J.E. An introductory logic. 1898. D. B 49.2 DAVIDSON, W.L. 'The logic of definition explained and applied. 1885. D. B 49.22 De MORGAN, A. Syllabus of a proposed system of logic. 1860. 0. B 49.225 Formal logic; or, The calculus of infer- ence, necessary and probable. 1847. 0. B 49.227 DEVEY, J. Logic; or, The science of in- ference. 1854. D. (Bohn's philosophical library) B 49.23 DEWEY, J. Essays in experimental logic. [c!916] 0. B 49.234 DROBISCH, M.W. Neue Darstellung der Logik nach ihren einfachsten Verhaltnissen mit Riicksicht auf Mathematik und Natur- wissenschaft. 5.Aufl. 1887. 0. B 49.245 (110 LOGIC ERDMANN, B. Logik; 1 . Bd . Logische Elemen- tarlehre. 2.Aufl. 1907. 0. B 49 267 ERDMANN, J.E. Outlines of logic and meta- physics; tr. by B.C.Burt. 1896. D. (In- troductory science text-books) B 49 27 EVERETT, C.C. The science of thought; a system of logic. 1875. D. B 49.277 FOSTER, W.T. Argumentation and debating. [C1908] D. B 49.3 GIBSON, W.R.B. The problem of logic; with the co-operation of Augusta Klein. 1908. 0. B 49.33 HAMILTON, E.J. The modalist; or, The laws of rational conviction; a text-book in formal or general logic. 1891. 0. B 49.38 HEDGE, L. Elements of logick. 1827. D. B 49.39 HIBBEN, J.G. Logic, deductive and induc- tive. 1912. 0. B 49.402 HITCHCOCK, L.P. Logic of reason, univer- sal and eternal. 1875. 0. B 49.404 HOFLER, A. Grundlehren der Logik und Psy- chologic. 2.Aufl. 1906. 0. B 49.418 HUGHLINGS, I. P. Logic of names; an intro- duction to Boole's Laws of thought. 1869. D. B 49.423 JEVONS, W.S. Logic. 1890. S. (Science primers) B 49.455 - The principles of science; a treatise on logic and scientific method. 1874. 2v. 0. B 49.4556 - Pure logic and other minor works; ed. by R.Adamson and Harriet A.Jevons. 1890. 0. B 49.456 Studies in deductive logic. 1880. D. B 49.457 JOSEPH, H.W.B. An introduction to logic. 1906. 0. B 49.458 KEYNES, J.N. Studies and exercises in formal logic. 4th ed. 1906. 0. B 49.464 [KUFFELAER, A.J.] Specimen artis ratio- cinandi naturalis & artificialis ad pantosophia principia manuducens- 1884. 3v. in 1. S. B 49.469 (111) LOGIC Call No. LINDNER, G.A. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Logik; verfasst von G.A.Lindner und A. von Leclair. b.Aufl. 1911. 0. B 49.505 LIPPS, T. Grundziige der Logik. Unverand- erter Abdruck. 1912. 0. B 49.508 LOCKE, J. Conduct of the understanding; ed. by T. Fowler. 3d ed. 1890. S. (Clar- endon press series) B 49.51 McCOSH, J. Tests of the various kinds of truth; being a treatise of applied log- ic. 1891. D. B 49.53 MACLEANE,D. Reason, thought and language; or, The many and the one. 1906. 0. B 49.538 MacLENNAN, S.F. The impersonal judgment; its nature, origin and significance. 1897. 0. Thesis. B 49.54 MANSEL, H.L. Prolegomena logica; an in- quiry into the psychological character of logical processes. 2d ed. 1860. 0. B 49.55 MERCIER, C. A new logic. 1912. 0. B 49.57 MILL, J.S. A system of logic; ratiocin- ative and inductive. 1855. 0. B 49.576 7th ed. 1868. 2v. 0. B 49.577 8th ed. 1874. 0. B 49.5772 10th ed. 1879. 2v. 0. B 49.5773 MINTO, W. Logic, inductive and deductive. 1893. D. (University extension manuals) B 49.58 1901. D. (The university series) B 49.581 MONCK, W.H.S. An introduction to logic. 2d ed. 1890. D. (Dublin University press series) B 49.585 PRANTL, C. Geschichte der Logik im Abend- lande. 1855-70. 4v. 0. B 49.71 READ, C. On the theory of logic; an es- say. 1878. D. B 49.74 SCHILLER, F.C.S. Formal logic; a scien- tific and social problem. 1912. 0. B 49.79 SCHUPPE, W. Erkenntnisstheoretische Log- ik. 1878. 0. B 49.796 SHEARMAN, A.T. The scope of formal logic; the new logical doctrines. 1911. 0. B 49.804 (112) LOGIC Call No. SIDGWICK,A. The application of logic. 1910. D. B 49.806 - Distinction and the criticism of be- liefs. 1892. D. B 49.807 The process of argument; a contribution to logic. 1893. D. B 49.808 - The use of words in reasoning. 1901. 0. B 49.81 SIGWART, C. Logic. 2d ed. tr. by H.Denby. 1895. 2v. 0. (Library of philosophy) B 49.818 STOHR, A. Leltfaden der Logik in psy- chologisierender Darstellung. 1905. 0. B 49.84 STRtJMPELL, L. Grundriss der Logik; Oder, Der Lehre vom wissenschaf tlichen Denk- en. 1881. 0. B 49.85 SY/INBOURNE, A. Picture logic; or, The grave made gay. 1875. D. B 49.855 THOMSON, W. An outline of the necessary laws of thought; a treatise on pure and applied logic. 3d ed. 1853. D. B 49.87 TRENDELENBURG, A. Logische Untersuchung- en. 3.Aufl. 1870. 2v. 0. B 49.88 TURRELL, H.J. Manual of logic, or, A statement and explanation of the laws of formal thought. 1870. S. B 49.895 UEBERWEG, F. System der Logik und Ge- schichte der loglschen Lehren. S.Aufl., bearb. und hrsg. von J.B.Meyer. 1882.0. B 49.903 System of logic; tr. by T.M.Lindsay. 1871. 0. B 49.904 VEITCH, J. Institutes of logic. 1885. D. B 49.93 WALLER, A.D. A contribution to the psy- chology of logic considered from a phy- siological standpoint. 1912. 0. B 49.95 WELTON, J. A manual of logic. 2d ed. 1896. 2v. D. (The university tutorial series) B 49 - 966 WILLIAMS, S. Principles of logic, n.d. S. (The people's books, 118) B 49.974 WILSON, Sir T. The rule of reason. 1551. T. (Queen Elizabeth's copy) Case #B 49.976 WUNDT, W. Logik. 3.Aufl. 1906-08. 3v. Q. B 49. 9 (113) HISTORY OP LOGIC Call No ADAMSON, R. A short history of logic; ed. by W.R.Sorley. 1911. D. B 4904.1 SYLLOGISM. QUANTIFICATION OF THE PREDICATE ADAMSON, E. The logical copula and quan- tification of the predicate. 1897. 0. B 492.02 FALLACIES JOHANNSEN, W.L. Falske Analogier. 1914. Q. B 493.45 SIDGWICK, A. Fallacies. 1884. D. (Inter- national scientific series) B 493.81 INDUCTIVE LOGIC ASHLEY, M.L. The nature of hypothesis; dissertation. 1903. 0. B 495.05 FOWLER, T. The elements of inductive logic. 6th ed. 1892. D. (Clarendon press series) B 495.31 PROBABILITIES VENN, J. The logic of chance; the theory of probability. 1866. D. B 496.94 - The logic of chance; an essay on the foundations of the theory of probabil- ity. 2.ed. 1876. D. B 496.941 SYMBOLIC AND MATHEMATICAL LOGIC For logic of mathematics see B 455. BOOLE, G. The mathematical analysis of logic; an essay towards a calculus of deductive reasoning. 1847. 0. B 497.1 (114) SYMBOLIC AND MATHEMATICAL LOGIC Call No. De MORGAN, A. First notions of logic, preparatory to the study of geometry. 1839. 0. B 497.22 [DODGSON, C.L.] Symbolic logic; pt.l, Elementary, by Lewis Carroll [pseud.] 2d ed. 1896. S. B 497.23 MacCOLL, H. Symbolic logic and its appli- cations. 1906. 0. B 497.53 MURNER, T. Chartilvdivm logicae; opera I.Balesdens. 1629. D. #B 497.6 SCHRODER, E. Vorlesungen iiber die Alge- bra der Logik, exakte Logik. l.-3.Bd. l.Abt. 1890-95. 4v. 0. B 497.79 SHEARMAN, A.T. The development of sym- bolic logic; study of the logical cal- culus. 1906. D. B 497.81 VENN, J. Symbolic logic. 2d ed. 1894. 0. B 497.94 WHITEHEAD, A.N. Principia mathematica; by A.N.Whltehead and B.Russell, v.1,3. 1910-13. Q. B 497.97 PSYCHOLOGY ABERCROMBIE, J. Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers and the investiga- tion of truth. 1833. D. Rev. ed. 1867. D. ANGELL, J.R. Chapters from modern psy- chology. 1912. 0. (The Ichabod Spencer lectures, 1911) Psychology; the structure and function of human consciousness. 4th ed. 1909. D - The relations of structural and func- tional psychology to philosophy. 1903. Q. (Printed from University of Chicago Decennial publications, v.3) ATKINSON, H.G., and Martineau, H. Letters on the laws of man's nature and devel- opment. 1851. D. B 5.018 B 5.019 B 5.029 B 5.03 B 5.031 B 5.053 (115 PSYCHOLOGY Call No. BAIN, A. Mental and moral science. 1872. 2 Iv. D. Contents: pt.l. Psy- chology and history of philosophy. pt.2. Theory of ethics and ethical sys- tems. B 5.063 - The senses and the Intellect. 3d ed. 1886. 0. B 5.065 - The emotions and the will. 3d ed. 1888. 0. [A sequel to the above] B 5.0655 - The senses and the intellect. 4th ed. 1894. 0. B 5.0656 BENEDIKT, M. Die Seelenkunde des Menschen als reine Erfahrungswissenschaf t . 1895. 0. B 5.087 BINET, A. The mind and the brain. 1907. D. (International scientific series) B 5.09 BRENTANO, P. Psychologic vom empirischen S t arid punk te; l.Bd. 1874J! 0. B 5.116 BROUGH, J. The study of mental science; lectures on the uses and characteris- tics of logic and psychology. 1903. D. B 5~.12 BROWN, T. Lectures on the philosophy of the human mind. 1820. 4v. 0. B 5.123 BURCKHARDT, F. Psychologische Skizzen zur Einfuhrung in die Psychologie. lO.Aufl. 1912. 0. B 5.13 CASTRO, MATILDA. The respective stand- points of psychology and logic. [c!913] B 5.15 COLLINEAU, J.C. Analyse physiologique de 1' entendement humain. 1843. 0. B 5.186 CORNELIUS, H. Psychologie als Erfahrungs- wissenschaf t . 1897. 0. B 5.196 COUSIN, V. Elements of psychology; exami- nation of Locke's essay; tr. by C.S. Henry. 1861. D. B 5.2 CYPLES, W. Inquiry into the process of human experience. [1880] 0. B 5.21 DEWEY, J. Psychology. 3d ed. n.d. D. B 5.22 DRBAL, M. Lehrbuch der empirischen Psy- chologie; zum Unterricht fur hohere Lehranstalten. 5.Aufl. 1892. 0. B 5.237 (116) PSYCHOLOGY DROSSBACH, M. tlber die verschiedenen Grade der Intelligenz und der Sittlich- keit in der Natur. 1873. 0. B 5.24 DUBRAY, C.A. The theory of psychical dis- positions; a dissertation. 1905. Q. . B 5.245 EBBINGHAUS, H. Grundziige der Psychologie. 1911-13. 2v. 0. l.Bd. 3.Aufl. bearb. von E.Diirr; 2.Bd.l. bis 3.Aufl. be- gonnen von H.Ebbinghaus , fortgefiihrt von E.Diirr. B 5.27 FITZGERALD, Mrs. P.F. A treatise on the principle of sufficient reason; a psy- chological theory of reasoning. 1887. 0. B 5.3 GORDY,J.P. Lessons in psychology. 1891. S. B 5.356 GRANGER, F.S. Psychology. 1891. D. (Uni- versity extension series) B 5.363 HAGEMANN, G. Psychologie. 1868. 0. (His Elemente der Philosophie, v.3) B 5.38 HALL, G.S. Adolescence, its psychology and Its relations to physiology, an- thropology, sociology, sex, crime, re- ligion and education. 1904. 2v. Q. B 5.385 HAVEN, J. Mental philosophy. [1883] 0. (Haven series) B 5.39 HERBART, J.F. Text-book in psychology; tr. by M.K. Smith. 1891. D. (Interna- tional education series) B 5.398 HOFFDING, H. Outlines of psychology; tr. by M.E.Lowndes. 1896. D. B 5.41 HOFLER, A. Psychologie. 1897. Q. B 5.416 HUNTER, W.S. General psychology. Lcl919] 0. B 5 - 42 JAMES, W. Principles of psychology. 1890. 2v. 0. (American science series, ad- vanced course) B 5 - 451 JERUSALEM, W. Lehrbuch der Psychologie. 5.Aufl. 1912. 0. B 5 ' 45 JODL, F. Lehrbuch der Psychologie. 3.Aufl. 1908. 2v. 0. B 5 ' 458 KttLPE, 0. Grundriss der Psychologie. 1893. 0. B 5 ' 468 (117) PSYCHOLOGY Call ND. KULPE, 0. Outlines of psychology; the results of experimental investigation; tr. by E.B.Titchener. 1909. 0. B 5.4685 LADD, G.T. Outlines of descriptive psy- chology; text-book of mental science. 1900. 0. , B 5.472 - Primer of psychology. 1894. D. B 5.473 Psychology, descriptive and explanatory; the phenomena, laws, and development of human mental life. 1894. 0. B 5. 74 LINDNER, G.A. Lehrbuch der empirischen Psychologie; verfasst von G.A. Lindner und P.Lukas. 3.Aufl., besorgt von A. von Leclair. 1909. 0. B 5.505 LIPPS, T. Leitfaden der Psychologie. 3.Aufl. 1909. 0. B 5.508 McCORMAC, H. Philosophy of human nature. 1837. 0. B 5.53 McCOSH, J. Psychology; the cognitive powers. 1889. 0. B 5.5305 - Psychology; the motive powers. 1889. 0. B 5.5308 McDOUGALL, W. Psychology; the study of behaviour. [1912] S. (Home university library, 49) B 5.54 MERCIER, C.A. Psychology, normal and mor- bid. 1901. 0. B 5.57 MILL, JAMES. Analysis of the phenomena of the human mind. New ed. with addition- al notes by J.S.Mill. 1869. 2v. 0. B 5.575 MITCHELL, W. Structure & growth of the mind. 1907. 0. B 5.58 MUNSTERBERG, H. Grundziige der Psycholo- gie; Bd.l. Die Principien der Psycholo- gie. 1900. 0. B 5.608 - Psychology and life. 1899. 0. B 5.61 OGLE, N. Preliminary steps to the study of the endowment of mind. 1853. D. B 5.643 PILLSBURY, W.B. The essentials of psy- chology. 1911. D. B 5.69 PORTER, N. The human intellect. 4th ed. 1886. 0. B 5.706 (118) PSYCHOLOGY REHMKE, J. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Psy- chologie. 2.Aufl. 1905. 0. ROBERTSON, G.C. Elements of psychology; ed. by C. A. F.R.Davids . 1896. D. ROSMINI-SERBATI, A. Psychology. New ed 1886-88. 3v. 0. ROYJE, J. Outlines of psychology; an elementary treatise. 1911. D. (Teach- ers' professional library) SP-NCER, H. Principles of psychology 1897. 2v. D. SPELLER, G. The mind of man; a text-book of psychology. 1902. 0. (Ethical series STEWART, D. Elements of the philosophy of the human mind; rev. by P.Bowen. New ed. 1859. D. STOUT, G.F. Analytic psychology. 1896. 2v. 0. (Library of philosophy) The groundwork of psychology. 2d im- pression. 1903. D. (The University tutorial series) A manual of psychology. 2d ed. 1904. D. (The university tutorial series) STRCMPELL, L. Grundriss der Psychologie; Oder, Der Lehre von der Entwickelung des Seelenlebens 1m Menschen. 1884. 0. SULLY, J. The human mind; a text-book of psychology. 1892. 2v. 0. Outlines of psychology; text-book. 1891. 0. Teacher's hand-book of psychology. 3d ed. rev. and enl. 1897. D. TAINE, H.A. On intelligence; tr. by T.D. Haye. 1871. 0. THORNDIKE, E. The human nature club; the study of mental life. 1901. D. TISSOT, C.J. La vie dans I 1 nomine; ses manifestations diverses. 1861. 0. - La vie dans 1 'nomine; existence, fonc- tions. 1861. 0. [A sequel to the above] Call No B 5.74 B 5.75 B 5.759 B 5.766 B 5.83 ) B 5.835 B 5.845 B 5.848 B 5.8485 B 5.849 B 5.85 B 5.853 B 5.854 B 5.855 B 5.861 B 5.87 B 5.88 B 5.8805 119 PSYCHOLOGY Call No. TITCHENER, E.B. Outline of psychology. 1899. 0. B 5.882 - A primer of psychology. Rev.ed. 1912. D. B 5.883 - A text-book of psychology. 1909-11. 2v.D. B 5.884 UPHAM, T.C. Elements of mental philoso- phy. 1841. 2v. D. B 5.92 VOLKMANN, W. , Ritter von Volkmar. Lehr- buch der Psychologie vom Standpunkte des Realismus. 4.Aufl. 1894. 2v. 0. B 5.945 WATT, H.J. Psychology. [1912] S. (The people's books, no. 27) B 5.96 WUNDT, W.M. Grundriss der Psychologie. ll.Aufl. 1913. 0. B 5.9785 - An introduction to psychology; tr. by R. Pintner. 1912. D. B 5.979 - Outlines of psychology; tr. with the co- operation of the author, by C.H.Judd. 1897. 0. B 5. '98 HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY BALDWIN, J.M. History of psychology. 1913. 2v. D. (A history of the sciences) B 504.06 BRETT, G.S. A history of psychology, an- cient and patristic. 1912. 0. (Library of philosophy) B 504.12 DESSOIR, M. Geschichte der neueren deut- schen Psychologie. 2.Aufl. l.Bd. 1897- 1902. 0. B 504.22 RAND, B. The classical psychologists; selections illustrating psychology from Anaxagoras to Wundt. 1912. 0. B 504.73 RIBOT, T. English psychology; tr. from the French. 1873. 0. B 504.738 - German psychology of today; tr. from the 2d French ed. by J.M.Baldwin. 1886. 0. B 504.74 VILLA, G. Contemporary psychology;- tr. by H.Manacorda. 1903. 0.. (Library of philosophy) B 504.94 (120) PERIODICALS The AMERICAN journal of psychology. Wor- cester. V.1-31+, 1887-1920+ 0. B 507 04 L'ANNEE psychologlque. Paris. 1.-21. annee+, 1894-1919+ 0. B 507 05 ARCHIV fur die gesamte Psychologic. Leip- zig. l.-37.Brt.+, 1903-17/18+^0. B 507 055 ARCHIVES of psychology. New York, v.l- v.2, no. 22, 1906/08-1908/12. 0. B 507.06 The BRITISH journal of psychology; ed. by J.Ward and W. H.R. Rivers . Cambridge. v.1-2, 1904/05-06/08. 2v . Q. B 507.16 The PSYCHOLOGICAL review. Baltimore. V.1-22+, 1894-1915+ 0. B 507.78 The PSYCHOLOGICAL review; monograph sup- plements. Baltimore, v.1-11, 1895-1909. llv. 0. Continued as: Psychological review publications; the psychological monographs; v. 12-28+, 1909/11-20+ 0. B 507.7805 The PSYCHOLOGICAL review. The psycholog- ical index. New York. no. 1-20, 26+, 1895- 1919+. 0. B 507.781 PSYCHOLOGICAL review publications. The philosophical monographs. Baltimore, v.l, no. 1-3, Jan. 1908-Mar. 1916. Q. See B 07.75 PSYCHOLOGICAL bulletin; containing the literature section of the Psychological review. New York, v.1-12, 1904-15. 12v. 0. B 507.782 PSYCHOLOGICAL review publications; library of genetic science and philosophy. See B 09.5 PSYCHOLOGISCHE Studien: - Philosophische Studien; hrsg. von W. Wundt. Leipzig. l.-20.Bd. 1883-1902. 20v. 0. Namen- und Sachregister zu Bd.1-20, bearb. von H.Lindau. 1904. 0. Continued as Psychologische Studien. B 507.799 PSYCHOLOGISCHE Studien; hrsg. von W. Wundt; neue Folge der Philosophische Studien. Leipzig. l.-8.Bd., 1905/06-12/13. 8v . 0. Beilage zu Bd.7. 1911. 0. B 507.8 (121) PERIODICALS Call ND. ZEITSCHRIFT fiir Psychologic und Physiolo- gic der Sinnesorgane. Hamburg; Leipzig. l.-40.Bd. 1890-1906. 40v. 0. Continued in two parts as follows: l.Abteilung. Zeitschrift fiir Psychologic; 41. -68. Bd. , 1906-13. 28v. 0. - - S.Abteilung. Zeitschrift fiir Sinnes- physiologie; 41. -47 . Bd. , 1907-13. 7v. 0. Register zu Bd.1-50. 1902-09. 2v. 0. Erganzungsband; 1-8, 1900-13. 8v. 0. B 507.99 SPECULATIVE PSYCHOLOGY DOLLFUS, C. De la nature humaine. 1868. 0. B 51.23 DU PfiAN, C.A. Recherches philosophiques et physiologiques sur la nature de 1'homme et de 1'etre vivant. 1880. 0. B 51.247 HICKOK, L.P. Rational psychology. 1854. 0. B 51.4 LADD,G.T. Philosophy of mind; an essay in the metaphysics of psychology. 1895. 0. B 51.47 LIPPS, T. Grundtatsachen des Seelenlebens . Anastatischer Neudruck. 1912. Q. B 51.51 MOMERIE, A.W. Personality; the beginning and end of metaphysics. 2d ed. 1883. D. B 51.59 RAOUX, E. De la destinee de 1'homme d'apres les lois de sa nature. 1845. 0. B 51.73 THE SOUL FLUGEL, 0. Die Seelenfrage mit Riicksicht auf die neueren Wandlungen gewisser na- turwissenschaf tlicher Begriffe. 1878. 0. B 511.3 PRINCE, M. Nature of mind and human auto- matism. 1885. D. B 511.71 PERSONALITY JEVON, F.B. Personality. [1913] D. B 512.45 (122) PREEXISTENCE A DISSERTATION concerning the preexistency of souls; being originally written in the Latine by C.P.; English by D F [and] D.P. 1684. nar.T. ' C ase B 518.23 TRANSMIGRATION BERTHOLET, A. The transmigration of souls; tr. by H.J.Chaytor. 1909. S. (Harper's library of living thought) WALKER, E.D. Reincarnation. 1888. D. B 519.09 B 519.95 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY BAGLEY,W.C. The educative process. 1908. D. B 52.06 BALDWIN, J. Elementary psychology and education. 1888. D. (International ed- ucation series) B 52.07 Psychology applied to the art of teach- ing. 1892. D. (International education series) B 52.072 CLARK, W.A. Suggestion in education; dissertation. 1900. 0. B 52.17 DARROCH, A. The place of psychology in the training of the teacher. 1911. D. B 52.217 DEXTER, T.F.G. Psychology in the school- room, by T. P. G. Dexter and A.H.Garlick. New impression, 1908. D. B 52.22 HARRIS, W.T. Psychologic foundations of education. 1898. D. (International edu- cation series) B 52.39 HERBART, J.P. A B C of sense perception, and minor educational works; tr. by W.J.Eckoff. 1896. D. (International education series) B 52.403 HORNE, H.H. The psychological principles of education. 1907. D. B 52.41 (123) EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Catl No. JAHN, M. Psychologie als Grundwissen- schaft der Padagogik; ein Lehr- und Handbuch. G.Aufl. 1911. 0. B 52.448 JAMES, W. Talks to teachers on psycholo- gy; and to students on some of life's ideals. 1901. 0. B 52.45 The JOURNAL of educational psychology. Baltimore, Md. V.1-9+, 1910-18+ 0. B 52.453 JUDD, C.H. Genetic psychology for teach- ers. 1903. D. (International education series) B 52.458 KING, I. The psychology of child develop- ment. 1907. D. B 52.46 LANGE, K. Apperception; a monograph on psychology and pedagogy; translated; ed. by C.De Garmo. 1907. D. (Heath's pedagogical library, 16) B 52.48 MILLER, I.E. The psychology of thinking. 1909. D. B 52.57 MUNSTERBERG, H. Psychology and the teach- .er. 1910. D. B 52.6 PEIRCE, W.F. Methods of inducing intro- spective power. [1892] D. B 52.669 PERRIN, F.A.C. An experimental and intro- spective study of the human learning process in the maze; ...dissertation... 1914. 0. B 52.68 PITT, St.G.L.F. The purpose of educa- tion; an examination of the education problem in the light of recent psycho- logical research. New ed. 1919. 0. B 52.69 RADESTOCK, P. Habit and its importance in education; tr. by P. A. Caspar!. 1886. D. (Educational classics) B 52.731 SALISBURY, A, The theory of teaching and elementary psychology. 1906. D. B 52.77 SCHULZE, R. Experimental psychology and pedagogy for teachers, normal colleges, and universities; tr. by R.Pintner. 1912. 0. B 52.79 (124) EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY SINCLAIR, S.B. Introductory educational ^ N * psychology; a book for teachers in training; by S.B.Sinclair and F.Tracv D. SULLY, J. Outlines of psychology, with special reference to the theory of education. 2d ed . 1886. S. B 52 85 TAYLOR, A.R. The study of the child; a brief treatise on the psychology of the child. 1899. D. (International education series, v.43) B 52 35 THORNDIKE, E.L. Educational psychology. 1903. 0. B $2.87 WANG, C.P. The general value of visual sense training in children. 1916. 0. (Educational psychology monographs, no. 15) B 52.947 WARNER, P. Study of children and their school training. 1899. D. B 52.95 EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF THE FACULTIES BALDWIN, J.M. Mental development in the child and the race. 1895. 0. B 521.07 COMPAYRfi, J.G. Intellectual and moral development of the child. 1896-1902. 2v. D. (International education series. v.35,53) B 521.19 CULTIVATION of the senses. (c!879) T. (Manuals for teachers) B 521.2 MAJOR, D.R. First steps in mental growth; a series of studies in the psychology of infancy. 1906. D. B 521.54 MOORE, K.C. The mental development of a child, n.d. 0. (Psychological review, monograph supplement, no . 3,0ct . 1896) B 521.59 PREYER, T.W. Mental development in the child; tr. from the German by H.W. Brown. 1899. D. (International educa- tion series) B 521.709 (125) EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF THE FACULTIES Call No. PREYER, T.W. The mind of the child; tr. by H.W. Brown. 1888. 2v. D. (Interna- tional education series) B 521.71 SULLY, J. Studies of childhood. 1896. 0. B 521.85 WARNER, F. Course of lectures on the growth and means of training the men- tal faculty. 1890. S. B 521.95 CONSCIOUSNESS For Subconsciousness see B 574 BINET, A. On double consciousness; ex- perimental psychological studies. New ed. 1905. D. (Religion of science li- brary, no. 8) B 522.1 MARSHALL, H.R. Consciousness. 1909. 0. B 522.55 THOUGHT AND THINKING BINET, A. L'etude experimental de 1 ' in- telligence. 1903. 0. (Bibliotheque de pedagogie et de psychologie) B 524.1 GODDARD, H.H. Human efficiency and levels of intelligence; lectures delivered at Princeton university April 7,8,10,11, 1919. 1920. 0. (Princeton University. The Louis Clark Vanuxem foundation lectures for 1919) B 524.35 HAZLITT, H. Thinking as a science. Lcl916] D. B 524.39 JAMES, W. On the function of cognition. Reprinted from Mind, no. 37. n.d. 0. B 524.45 LE BON, G. Les opinions et les croyances; genese, evolution. 1911. D. (Bibliothe- que de philosophic scientif ique ) B 524.49 PILLSBURY, W.B. The psychology of rea- soning. 1910. D. B 524.7 (126) THOUGHT AND THINKING RIBOT, T. The evolution of general ideas' tr. by Frances A.Welby. 1899. 0. B 524 -A TITCHENER, E.B. Lectures on the experi- mental psychology of the thought-pro- cesses. 1909. D. B ASSOCIATION OF IDEAS CALKINS, MARY W. Association; an essay analytic and experimental, n.d. 0. (Psychological review, monograph sup- plement, no. 2, Feb. 1896) TANNER, AMY E. Association of ideas; a preliminary study; dissertation. 1900 0. B 525.14 B 525.86 JUDGMENT JERUSALEM, W. Die Urtheilsfunction; eine psychologlsche und erkenntniskritische Untersuchung. 1895. 0. B 5256.45 ATTENTION AND INTEREST ARNOLD, F. Attention and interest; a study in psychology and education. 1910. D. PILLSBURY, W.B. Attention. 1908. 0. RIBOT, T. The psychology of attention. Authorized tr. 4th ed. 1898. D. TITCHENER, E.B. Lectures on the elemen- tary psychology of feeling and atten- tion. 1908. D. UHL, L.L. Attention. 1890. 0. WELCH, JEANNETTE C. On the measurement of mental activity through muscular activity and the determination of a constant of attention; dissertation. 1901. 0. (127) B 526.04 B 526.69 B 526.74 B 526.87 B 526.91 B 526.96 MEMORY Call No CULTIVATION of the memory. (c!879) T. (Manuals for teachers) B 527.2 KAY, D. Memory; what it is and how to im- prove it. 1888. D. (International edu- cation series) B 527.46 PETERSON, H.A. The influence of complexi- ty and dissimilarity on memory; a dis- sertation, n.d. 0. B 527.67 RIBOT, T. Diseases of memory; an essay in the positive psychology. 1882. D. (The international scientific series, v.43) B 527.74 MNEMONICS GREEN, F.W.EDRIDGE. Memory, and its cultivation. 1897. 0. (International scientific series, v.78) B 528.35 GREY, R. Memoria technica; or, A new method of artificial memory. New ed. 1796. S. B 528.36 [LARROWE, M.D.] Assimilative memory; or, How to attend and never forget; by A. Loisette, [pseud.] [c!896] D. B 528.48 MNEMONICS, or, The new science of arti- ficial memory. 1844. D. B 528.583 ROSSELLI, C. Thesavrvs artificiosae mem- oriae. 1579. 0. Case #B 528.76 IMAGINATION FERNALD, MABEL R. The diagnosis of men- tal imagery; a dissertation. 1912. 0. (Psychological review, monograph sup- plement, no. 58) [2d copy] B 5283.29 GORE, W.C. The imagination in Spinoza and Hume; a comparative study; disserta- tion. 1902. 0. B 5283.35 RIBOT, T. Essay on the creative imagina- tion; tr. from the French by A.H.N. Baron. 1906. D. B 5283.74 (128) PSYCHOLOGY OF READING DITTRICH, 0. Grundziige der Sprachpsycho- logle; l.Bd. 1903. 0. Bilderatlas zum l.Bd. 1903. 0. B HUEY, E.B. The psychology and pedagogy of reading. 1912. D B 528 4.42 EMOTIONS ALGER, W.R. The solitudes of nature and of man, or, The loneliness of human life. 1867. S. B 529.026 ALIBERT, J.L., baron. Physiologie des passions; ou, Nouvelle doctrine des sentimens moraux. 3.ed. 1825. 2v . S. B 529.029 BUONI, T. Problems of beautie and all human affections; tr. by S.L. [1606]S. B 529.127 [BURTON, R.] Anatomy of melancholy; by Democrltus Junior [pseud.] 1660. Q. #B 529.13 New ed. 1883. 0. B 529.132 The anatomy of melancholy; ed. by A.R. Shilleto. 1893. 3v. 0. B 529.133 CASAUBON, M. A treatise concerning en- thuslasme, as it is an effect of na- ture. 1655. D. B 529.15 CUREAU de la CHAMBRE, M. The characters of the passions; tr. into English. 1650. S. B 529.2 FAZIO, E. II tremuoto del 28 luglio 1883; nota antropologica. 1884. D. B 529.28 FOURIER, F.C.M. Passions of the human soul; tr. by H.Doherty. 1851. 2v. 0. B 529.31 FOWLER, O.S. Love and parentage, applied to the Improvement of offspring. 40th ed. [c!844] D. B 529.314 JAMES, W. What is an emotion? Reprinted from Mind, no. 34. n.d. 0. B 529.45 MORIARTY, W.D. The function of suspense in the catharsis. 1911. D. B 529.588 MOSSO, A. Fear; tr. by E. Lough and F. Kiesow. 1896. D. B 529.59 (129) EMOTIONS Call No. NIFO, A. De pvlchro et amore. 1641. T. B 529.625 NOTOVITCH, O.K. Lyubov. [Love, a philoso- phico-psychological study. 2d ed. in Russian] 1888. 0. B 529.63 RIBOT, T. Problemes de psychologie affec- tive. 1910. D. (Bibliotheque Se phi- losophie contemporaine) B 529.739 - Psychology of the emotions. 1897. D. (Contemporary science series, v.32) B 529.74 STANLEY, H.M. Studies in the evolutionary psychology of feeling. 1895. 0. B 529.84 SULLY, J. An essay on laughter, its forms, its causes, its development and its value. 1902. 0. B 529.85 ZIMMERMANN, J.G. von. Solitude. 1799- 1800. 2v. 0. *B 529.99 INSTINCT MARSHALL, H.R. Instinct and reason; an essay. 1898. 0. B 5292.55 MORGAN, C.L. Instinct and experience. [1912] D. B 5292.59 LAUGHTER BERGSON, H. Laughter; the meaning of the comic; tr. by C.Brereton and F. Roth- well. 1911. 0. B 5293.09 PLAY APPLETON, LILLA E. A comparative study of the play activities of adult savages and civilized children; a dissertation. 1910. 0. B 5295.04 GROOS, K. The play of man; tr. by Eliza- beth L.Baldwin. 1901. D. B 5295.3 (130) WORK. SKILL BATSON, W.H. Acquisition of skill- dis- sertation. [1916] 0. (Published'as Psy- chological monographs, no. 91) Call No. B 5298.1 WILL ALEXANDER, A. Theories of the will in the history of philosophy. 1898. D. B 53 02 BARRETT, E.B. Motive-force and motiva- tion-tracks; a research in will psy- chology. 1911. 0. B 53.07 BOARDMAN, G.N. The will and virtue. [1882] D. B 53.11 CONTA, B. Theorie de fatalisme; essai de philosophic mat6rialiste. 1877. D. B 53.18 DAY, J. Inquiry respecting the seif-deter- mlning power of the will; or, Contin- gent volition. 1838. D. B 53.22 EDWARDS, J. Careful and strict inquiry into the modern notions of freedom of will. 3d ed. 1768. D. B 53.255 A careful and strict enquiry into the modern prevailing notions of freedom of will. 5th ed. 1790. nar.O. B 53.256 HAZARD, R.G. Causation and freedom in willing; ed. by C. Hazard. 1889. 0. B 53.39 - Freedom of mind in willing. 1866. D. B 53.3903 - Ed. by C. Hazard. 1889. 0. B 53.3905 MAUDSLEY, H. Body and will. 1883. 0. B 53.56 - Responsibility In mental disease. 1888. D. (International scientific series) B 53.561 PAYOT, J. The education of the will; tr. by S.E. Jelllffe, from the 30th French ed. 1910. D. B 53.66 PFISTER, 0. Die Willensf reiheit ; eine kritlsch-systematische Untersuchung. 1904. 0. B 53.68 (131) WILL Call No. RIBOT, T. Diseases of the will; tr. from the 8th French ed. by M.M.Snell. 2d ed. 1896. D. B 53.742 TAPPAN, H.P. Doctrine of the will. 1840. D. B 53.86 THOMSEN, H. Die rechtliche Willensbe- stimmung; ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Error. 1882. 0. B 53.87 UPHAM, T.C. Philosophical and practical treatise on the will. 1845. D. B 53.92 WARD, W.G. Free will. 1879. 0. (From Dub- lin review) B 53.957 - The extent of free will. 1881. 0. (From Dublin review) in B 53.957 WEST, S. Essays on liberty and necessity; pt.2. 1795. D. B 53.97 WHEDON, D.D. Freedom of the will. 1884. D. B 53.972 PSYCHOLOGY OF MORALS BOSANQUET, B. Psychology of the moral self. 1897. D. B 535.11 PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY. MIND AND BODY BAIN, A. Mind and body. 1887. D. (Inter- national scientific series) B 54.06 BERGSON, H. Matter and memory; tr. by Nancy M.Paul and W.S. Palmer. 1911. 0. (Library of philosophy) B 54.09 BRODIE, Sir B. Mind and matter. 1857. D. B 54.12 The relations of mind and 0. B 54.14 Principles of mental physiology. 6th ed. 1888. 0. B 54.15 CARUS, P. The soul of man; physiological and experimental psychology. 2d ed . 1900. D. (The religion of science li- brary, no. 41) B 54.16 CALDERWOOD, H. brain. 1879 CARPENTER, W.B (132 PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY. MIND AND BODY COX, E.W. Mechanism of man; an answer to ^ N * the question What am I? 3d ed. 1879. DONALDSON, H.H. Growth of the brain. 1895. D. (Contemporary science series) B 54 237 DURAND, J.P. Essais de physiologic phi- losophique suivis d'une etude sur la theorie de la methode en general. 1866. FECHNER, G.T. Elemente der Psychophysik 1889-1907. 2v. 0. B 54 29 FERRIER, D. Functions of the brain. 2d ed. 1886. 0. B 54.393 HOPKINS, M. Outline study of man. Rev. ed. 1887. D. B 54<42 Outline study of man; or, Body and mind in one system. 1888. D. B 54.421 LADD, G.T. Elements of physiological psychology. 1889. 0. B 54.47 Elements of physiological psychology; by G.T.Ladd and R. S. Woodworth. 1911. 0. B 54.471 Outlines of physiological psychology; a text-book of mental science. 1891. 0. B 54.472 LICHTHORN, C. Die Erforschung der physio- logischen Naturgesetze der menschlichen Geistestatigkeit. 1875. 0. B 54.5 LUYS, J. Brain and its functions. 1887. D. (International scientific series) B 54.53 MACH, E. Die Analyse der Empf indungen und das Verhaltnis des Physischen zum Psychischen. 6.Aufl. 1911. 0. B 54.54 MAUDSLEY, H. Body and mind. Rev. ed. 1873. D. B 54.56 The physiology of mind. 1876. D. B 54.561 MOORE, T.V. A study in reaction time and movement; a dissertation. 1904. 0. B 54.59 MURPHY, J.J. Habit and intelligence. 1869. 2v.ln 1. 0. B 54.6 MUTTUKRISHNA, G.R. An essay on the human mind; [with] "A translation from Tamil authors on the mind". 1849. D. Eames B 54.608 (133) PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY, MIND AND BODY Call No MYERS, C.S. An introduction to experi- mental psychology. 1912. S. (The Cam- bridge manuals of science and litera- ture, no. 14) B 54.609 - A text-book of experimental psychology. 1909. D. B 54.61 RAUE, K.G. Psychology as a natural science applied to the solution of occult psychic phenomena. 1889. 0. B 54.73 ROGERS, A.K. The parallelism of mind and body from the standpoint of metaphy- sics; dissertation. 1899. 0. B 54.74 ROSENTHAL, I. General physiology of muscles and nerves. 1881. D. (Interna- tional scientific series) B 54.75 SANFORD, E.G. Course in experimental psy- chology. 1895. D. (Heath's pedagogical library) B 54.78 SCHROEDER van der KOLK, J.L. Seele und Leib in Wechselbeziehung zu einander. 1865. 0. B 54.79 SCRIPTURE, E.W. The new psychology. 1897. 0. (Contemporary science series) B 54.8 STRATTON, G.M. Experimental psychology and its bearing upon culture. 1908. D. B 54.85 STRONG, C.A. Why the mind has a body. 1908. 0. B 54.853 TITCHENER, E.B. Experimental psychology; a manual of laboratory practice. 1901- 1906. 4. 0. B 54.873 WUNDT, W. Grundziige der physiologischen Psychologic. 6.Aufl. 1908-11. 3v . 0. B 54.987 Principles of physiological psychology, tr. by E.B.Titchener. v.l. 1904. 0. B 54.988 Vorlesungen liber die Menschen- und Tierseele. 5.Aufl. 1911. 0. B 54.989 YALE Psychological Laboratory. Studies; 1892-93. 0. B 54.99 YOAKUM, C.S. An experimental study of fatigue; a dissertation. 1909. 0. B 54.991 ZIEHEN, T. Introduction to physiological psychology. 1899. D. B 54.992 (134) MENTAL TESTS BROWN, W. The essentials of mental Ca " N ' measurement. 1911. 0. B 5405 ]p TRABUE, M.R. Measure your mind; the men- timeter and how to use it, by M.R.Tra- bue and F. P. Stockbridge. 1920. 0. B 5405 88 WHIFFLE, G.M. Manual of mental and physical tests. 2v. 1914-15. Contents: pt.l. Simpler processes. 2.ed.-pt.2. Complex processes. 2d ed. B 5405 9? YOAKUM, C.S., ed. Army mental tests, comp. and ed . by C.S.Yoakum and R.M. Yerkes. 1920. D. B 5405.99 PERCEPTION. SENSES AND SENSATION BERNSTEIN, J. Five senses of man. 1886. D. (International scientific series) B 541.09 DOVE, H.W. Ueber Wirkungen aus der Feme; elne am l.Marz 1m Vereine fur wissen- schaftliche Vortrage gehaltene Vorles- ung. 1845. D. B 541.23 Ueber Elektricltat ; eine am Vereine fur wissenschaf tliche Vortrage gehaltene Vorlesung. 1848. D. in B 541.23 FECHNER, G.T. Ueber die Frage des Weber'- schen Gesetzes und Periodicitaetsge- setzes im Gebiete des Zeitsinnes. 1884. Q. B 541.28 Ueber die Methode der Richtigen und falschen Falle in Anwendung auf die Massbestimmungen der Feinheit Oder ex- tensiven Empf indlichkeit des Raumsin- nes. 1884. Q. in B 541.28 FERNALD, GRACE M. The effect of achro- matic conditions on the color phenomena of peripheral vision; a dissertation. 1909. 0. B 541.29 GORDON, KATE. The psychology of meaning; dissertation. 1903. 0. B 541.35 (135) PERCEPTION. SENSES AND SENSATION Call No. KITTO, J. The lost senses. 1845. 2v. S. Contents: ser.l. Deafness .-ser. 2 . Blindness. B 541.46 LIPPS, T. Einheiten und Relationen; eine Skizze zur Psychologie der Apperzep- tion. 1902. 0. B 541. MACH, E. Contributions to the analysis of the sensations; tr. by C.M.Williams. 1897. 0. B 541. M'KENDRICK, J.G., and SNODGRASS , W. Phy- siology of the senses. 1893. D. (Uni- versity extension manuals) B 541 QUANTZ, J.O. Problems in the psychology of reading, n.d. 0. (Psychological review, monograph supplement no. 5, Dec. 1897) B 541.'^ RAHN, C.L. The relation of sensation to other categories in contemporary psy- chology; dissertation. 1913. 0. B 541.73 SIGHT HELMHOLTZ, H. von. Handbuch der physio- logischen Optik. 3.Aufl. hrsg. in Ge- meinschaft mit A.Gullstrand und J. von Kries, von W.Nagel. 1909-11. 3v. Q. B 542.39 HERING, E. Grundzuge der Lehre vom Licht- sinn. 1905-20. 4 Iv. 0. B 542.4 LE CONTE, J. Sight. 1881. D. (Interna- tional scientific series) B 542.5 WOLFE, H.K. On the color-vocabulary of children. 1890. (Nebraska. University. University studies; v.l, no. 3) 0. B 542.98 TEMPERATURE SENSE ABBOTT, E. The effect of adaptation on the temperature difference limen; dis- sertation. 1913. 0. B 5465.01 (136) EXPRESSION WARNER, F. Physical expression, its modes id principles. 1886. D. (International scientific series) B 549 PHRENOLOGY ^ERCROMBIE, J. Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers, and the investi- gation of truth; from the 2d Edinburgh ed. 1832. S. (Harper's family library, no - 37) B 55.02 IBER, J. Address delivered before the Boston Phrenological Society, 1832. 1833. 0. B 55.071 bnRTLETT, E. Address delivered at the anniversary of the celebration of the birth of Spurzheim. 1838. 0. B 55.077 BOARDMAN, A. A defence of phrenology. 1847. D. B 55.1 BRIGHAM, A. Letter to the author of Phrenology known by its fruits. [1836] 0. B 55.119 BUCHANAN, J.R. Outlines of lectures on the neurological system of anthropolo- gy. 1854. 0. B 55.13 CALDWELL, C. Elements of phrenology. 1824. D. B 55.141 COMBE, G. Address; birth of Spurzheim. 1840. 0. B 55.189 - The constitution of man considered in relation to external objects. 5th ed. rev. [1835] D. B 55.1893 - The constitution of man. 20th ed. 1848. D. B 55.1895 System of phrenology. 3d ed. from 3d Edinburgh ed. 1835. 0. B 55.19 FELCH, W. Phrenological chart. 2d ed. 1840. D. B 55.291 FOSSATI, J.A.L. De la mission du philoso- phe. 1833. 0. B 55.308 (137) PHRENOLOGY Call No. FOSSATI. J.A.L. De la necessite d'etudier B 55.3081 une nouvelle doctrine. 1827. 0. FOWLER, L.N. Synopsis of phrenology and physiology. 1848. 0. FOWLER, O.S. Religion, natural and re- vealed; or, Moral bearings of , phrenol- ogy. 3d ed. [1844] 0. Synopsis of phrenology. 20th ed. n.d.D. B 55.3102 - Illustrated self -instructor in phrenol- ogy and physiology; by O.S. and L.N. Fowler. 1854. D. New illustrated self-instructor in phrenology and physiology; by O.S. and L.N. Fowler. 1883. D. RASKINS, R.W. History and progress of phrenology. 1839. D. INGALLS, W. Phrenology not opposed to the principles of religion. 1839. 0. OLCOTT, T.W. Address before the Albany Phrenological Society. 1840. 0. PHRENOLOGICAL Society, Washington. Pro- ceedings relative to two lectures against the science of phrenology. [1826] 0. Report, Mar. 14, 1828. 0. PHRENOLOGY, a science; with addresses de- livered before the American Institute of Phrenology, 1892. D. POUPIN, T. Caracteres phrenologiques et physiognomoniques des contemporains . 1837. 0. ROBERT, L.J.M. Essai sur la megalanthro- pogen6sie. An X [1801] S. SALTER, J. Phrenological chart, n.d. D. SEWALL, T. Notices of an examination of phrenology. 1839. 0. SPURZHEIM, G. Appendix to the anatomy of the brain. 1830. 0. STEVENS, E. Rudiments of mental philoso- phy and phrenological chart. 1839. 0. Phrenological characters and B 55.309 B 55.31 B 55.311 B 55.3113 B 55.38 B 55.438 B 55.64:5 B 55.6-86 in B 56.686 B 55.688 B 55.71 B 55.75 B 55.777 B 55.81 B 55.837 B 55.843 WHEELER, N talents of H.Clay. 1844. D. (138) B 55.971 PERIODICALS Call No. PHRENOLOGICAL journal and magazine of moral science. Edinburgh, v.1-20 1823-471! 20v. 0. PHRENOLOGICAL journal and science of health. New York. v. 50-51, 54-59, 70- 71, 73-110; 1870-1900. 48v. [Volumes mostly incomplete ] Packard's monthly; Oct. -Dec. 1869. in B 5507.65 ZOIST, a journal of cerebral physiology and mesmerism. London. 0. v.1-13, Mar. 1843-Jan. 1856|| 13v. 0. B 55077.99 B 5507.64 B 5507.65 COLLECTIONS [PAMPHLETS on phrenology] 0. Contents: Caldwell, C. Phrenology vindicated. 1835. -Ferry, A.L. New system; mental science. 1885 .-Sewall, T. An examina- tion of phrenology. 1837. -Smith, J.T. Phrenology vindicated. 1836. -Smith, J.T. The reasonableness of phrenology. 1837. in B 5509.99 PHYSIOGNOMY COCLES, B. Physiognomiae epitome; cum chlromantiae ratione A.Corui. 1541. T. Case #B 56.18 FOERSTER, R. Die Physiognomik der Grie- chen. 1884. 0. LAVATER, J.C. Physiognomische Fragment e zur Beforderung der Menschenkenntniss und Menschenliebe. 1775-78. 4v. F. L'art de connaitre les homines par la physionomie. 1806-07. 9v. F. illustrated by B 56.31 B 56.48 B 56.484 Essays on physiognomy T.Holloway; tr. by H. Hunter. 1789-98 3v. F. Whole works; 4v. 0. tr. by G. Greenville. [1787] (139) B 56.4845 B 56.485 PHYSIOGNOMY Call No. MANTEGAZZA, P. Physiognomy of expression. n.d. D. B 56.55 SIMMS, J. Physiognomy illustrated. 9th ed. 1889. 0. B 56.82 TURNLEY, J. Language of the eye. 1856. D. B 56.89 *t GRAPHOLOGY BAUGHAN, R. Character indicated by hand- writing. 2d ed. [1896] D. B 565.07 DOWNEY, JUNE E. Control processes in modified hand-writing; a dissertation. 1908. 0. B 565.24 LUMLEY, E. Art of judging the character from handwriting and style. 1875. T. B 565.52 PATHOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY BEERS, C.W. A mind that found itself; an autobiography. 2d ed . 1910. 0. B 569.08 BINET, A. Alterations of personality; tr. by Helen G.Baldwin, with notes by J.M. Baldwin. 1896. D. B 569.09 BLACKBURN, I.W. Illustrations of the gross morbid anatomy of the brain in the insane. 1908. 0. B 569.1 CORIAT, I.H. Abnormal psychology. 1910. D. B 569.2 FREUD, S. A general introduction to psy- choanalysis; authorized translation by G.S.Hall. [c!920] 0. Case B 569.315 HART, B. The psychology of insanity. 1912. S. (The Cambridge manuals of science and literature, 45) B 569.38 MAUDSLEY, H. The pathology of mind; its distempers, deformities, and disorders. 1895. 0. B 569.56 MITCHELL, S.W. Wear and tear; or, Hints for the overworked. 4th ed. [c!871] S. B 569.58 (140) PATHOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY PRINCE, M. The dissociation of a person- ^ N ality; a biographical study in abnormal psychology. 2d ed . 1908. 0. B 569 71 REED, C.B. Toxemia as a stimulus in lit- erature. Reprint from Chicago Medical Recorder, Aug. 1912. 0. B 569 3 RIBOT, T. The diseases of personality; authorized tr. 4th ed. 1906. D. (Re- ligion of science library, no. 4) B 569 74 Mental pathology in its re- lation to normal psychology; a course of lectures; tr. by T.Loveday. 1907. 0. B 569.85 PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. OCCULT SCIENCES PSYCHICAL review. Boston; Grafton. v.l- 2, 1893-94(||?) 0. BARRETT, W.F. Psychical research. [1911] S. (Home university library, 28) [BUTLER, H.E.] Practical methods to in- sure success, llth ed. [c!893] S. DENDY,W.C. Philosophy of mystery. 1847. D DODS, J.B. Philosophy of electrical psy- chology. 1852. D. DU PREL, C. The philosophy of mysticism; by C.C.Massey. 1889. 2v. 0. L'inconnu; the unknown. tr. FLAMMARION, 1900. 0. HUDSON, T.J. The law of psychic phenome- na. 34th ed. 1912. D. HYSLOP, J.H. Psychical research and the resurrection. 1908. D. IRELAND, W.W. Herrschermacht und Geister- krankheit. 2. Aufl. 1888. 0. JASTROW, J. Fact and fable in psychology. 1901. 0. KERNER, J.A.C. The seeress of Prevorst; tr. from the German by Mrs. Crowe. 1845. 0. B 57.007 B 57.07 B 57.13 B 57.22 B 57.23 B 57.245 B 57.302 B 57.418 B 57.42 B 57.44 B 57.45 B 57.46 (141) PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. OCCULT SCIENCES Call No. LODGE, Sir 0. The survival of man; a study in unrecognized human faculty. 1909. D. B 57.503 MAISON, L. , ed. Le livre de toutes les proprieties et predictions, passe, pre- sent, av-enir. 5.ed. 1861. T B 57.51 MAHAN, A. Modern mysteries explained and exposed. 1855. D. [2d copy] B 57.546 MAYO, H. On the truths contained in popu- lar superstitions; with an account of mesmerism. 3d ed . 1851. D. B 57.56 MERCIER, C. Sanity and insanity. 1890. D. (Contemporary science series) B 57.57 MONTEITH, MARY E. The fringe of immortal- ity. 1920. D. B 57.585 MYERS, F.W.H. Human personality and its survival of bodily death. 1903. 2v. 0. B 57.609 NEWNHAM,W. Essay on superstition. 1830. 0. B 57.62 OWEN, R.D. The debatable land between this world and the next. 1871. D. B 57.649 - Footfalls on the boundary of another world. 1860. D. B 57.65 SOCIETY for Psychical Research. Combined index to 'Phantasms', v.1-2; Proceed- ings, v.1-15; Journal, v.1-9 & Proceed- ings of the American Society. 1904. 0. B 57.829 - Journal. [London] V.1-19+, 1884/85-1919- 1920+. 0. B 57.83 - Proceedings. London. V.1-30+, 1882/83- 1918/20+. 0. B 57.831 TITCOMB, S.E. Mind-cure on a material basis. 1885. 0. B 57.88 TUCKETT, I.LL. The evidence for the supernatural; a critical study made with "uncommon sense". 1911. 0. B 57.888 TUTTLE, H. Arcana of nature; with intro- duction by E.Densmore. 2d ed. [c!909] D. B 57.89 WERBER, G. The healing forces of nature in disease and enforced compensation. (Reprinted from Washington Medical Annals, v.10, no. 6) [c!912] 0. B 57.96 (142) PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. OCCULT SCIENCES WRIGHT, G.E. Practical views on psychic phenomena. 1920. D. Call No. B 57.98 MENTAL HEALING CUTTEN, G.B. Three thousand years of mental healing. 1911. 0. FEUCHTERSLEBEN, E. Freiherr von. Health and suggestion; the dietetics of the mind; tr. and ed. by L. Lewisohn. 1910 D. JACOBY, G.W. Suggestion and psychothera- py. 1912. D. LAWRENCE, R.M. Primitive psychotherapy and quackery. 1910. 0. MacDONALD, R. Mind, religion and health. 1908. D. MONSTERBERG PODMORE, F. science. POWELL, L.P. H. Psychotherapy. 1909. D. Mesmerism and Christian 19091 0. The Emmanuel movement in a New England town. 1909. D. SADLER, W.S. The physiology of faith and fear; or, The mind in health and dis- ease. 3d ed. 1913. D. WORCESTER, E., and McCOMB, S. The Christ- Ian religion as a healing power. 1909. D. B 571.2 B 571.3 B 571.45 B 571.48 B 571.53 B 571.6 B 571.67 B 571.7 B 571.77 B 571.98 NEW THOUGHT DRESSER, H.W. The power of silence. 1895. D. B 5715.24 The spirit of New thought; essays and addresses by representative authors and leaders. [c!912] D. B 5715.243 WILSON, F.B. Paths to power. [1901] D. B 5715.97 (143) HYPNOTISM. ANIMAL MAGNETISM Call No. BARNES, W.A. Psychology, hypnotism, per- sonal magnetism and clairvoyance. [c!898] D. B 572.075 BINET, A. , and PERfi, C. Animal magnetism. 1888. D. (International scientific ser- ies) B 572.09 CONFESSIONS of a magnetiser. 1845. 0. B 572.191 DELEUZE, J.P.F. Practical instruction i n animal magnetism; tr. by T. C. Hartshorn. Rev.ed. 1879. D. B 572.22 DODS, J.B. Lectures on the philosophy of mesmerism. 1851. D. B 572.236 FORBES, Sir J. Mesmerism true; mesmerism false; critical examination of animal magnetism. 1845. 0. B 572.31 HADDOCK, J.W. Somnolism & psycheism; as revealed by mesmerism. 2d ed. 1851. D. B 572.38 HART,'E. Hypnotism, mesmerism and the new witchcraft. 1893. D. B 572.39 HISTORY and philosophy of animal magnet- ism, n.d. 0. B 572.409 HUTCHISON, A.M. Hypnotism and self-edu- cation. [1912] S. (The people's books, no. 18) B 572.42 LIBRARY of mesmerism and psychology, n.d. 1. D. B 572.5 MacDONALD, A. Traumatic hypnotism. 1911. D. B 572.53 MESMER, F. Precis historique des faits relatifs au magnet! sine -animal ; tr. de 1'Allemand. 1781. S. B 572.571 MOLL, A. Hypnotism. 1891. D. (Contempo- rary science series) B 572.59 PHILOSOPHY of animal magnetism; by A gentleman of Philadelphia. 1837. D. B 572.68 POYEN, C. Letter to W.L. Stone. 1837. B 572.71 SINNETT, A. P. Rationale of mesmerism. 1892. D. B 572.82 SUNDERLAND, L.R. Confessions of a mag- netiser exposed. 1845. 0. B 572.855 (144) HYPNOTISM. ANIMAL MAGNETISM TOWNSEND, C.H. Pacts in mesmerism. 1842. B 5 72 88fi Mesmerism proved true. New ed . 1855. D. B 572*.887 CLAIRVOYANCE. SECOND SIGHT THOUGHT-TRANSFERENCE . MIND -RE AD ING BAUDOUIN, C. Suggestion and autosugges- tion; a psychological and pedagogical study based upon the investigation made by the new Naney school; tr. by E. and C.Paul. [1920] 0. B 574.08 PICKERING, E.G. Possibility of errors in scientific researches due to thought transference, n.d. 0. B 57?. 688 PODMORE, F. Apparitions and thought- transference; an examination of the evidence for telepathy. 1894. D. (Con- temporary science series) B 573.7 SUBCONSCIOUSNESS. MENTAL SUGGESTION TASTROW, J. The subconscious. 1906. 0. B 574.45 .SON, R.O. Telepathy and the subliminal self. 4th impression. 1899. B 574.555 IDIS, B. Psychology of suggestion; a research into the subconscious nature of man and society. 1899. D. B 574.81 iUBCONSCIOUS phenomena: by H.Miinsterberg, T.Ribot, P.Janet, J.Jastrow, B.Hart and M. Prince. 1910. D. B 574.85 fALDSTEIN, L. The subconscious self and its relation to education and health. 1898. D. B 574.95 (145) HALLUCINATIONS AND ILLUSIONS Call No. BRIERRE de BOISMONT, A. Hallucinations; tr. by R.T.Hulme. 1859. S. B 575.108 BROWN, J H. Spectropia; or, Surprising spectral illusions; ser.l. 5th ed . 1866. 0. B 575.12 PARISH, E. Hallucinations and illusions. 1897. D. (Contemporary science series, v.32) B 575.65 SULLY, J. Illusions; a psychological study. 1884. 0. (Humboldt library, no. 56, 57) B 575.855 1886. D. (International scientific series) B 575.856 SLEEP. DREAMS ARTEMIDORUS DALDIANUS . De somniorvm in- terpretatione libri qvinqve; a I. Cornario latina lingua conscript! . 1546. S. Case #B 578.04 BIGELOW,J. The mystery of sleep. 1897. D. B 578.09 ELLIS, H. The world of dreams. 1911. 0. B 578.26 FREUD, S. The interpretation of dreams; tr. by A. A. Brill. 1913. 0. Case B 578.31 [GRANT, A.H.] Literature and curiosities of dreams; by F.Seafiend, [pseud.] 1865. 2v. D. B 578.36 GREENWOOD, F. Imagination in dreams and their study. 1894. D. B 578.37 [TRYON, T.] A treatise of dreams & visions; by Philotheos Physiologus, [pseud.] [1689?] S. B 578.89 GENETIC PSYCHOLOGY. MENTAL EVOLUTION KIRKPATRICK, E.A. Genetic psychology; an objective and genetic view of intelli- gence. 1909. D. B 579.46 ROMANES, G.J. Mental evolution in man; origin of human faculty. 1889. 0. B 579.75 (146) COMPARATIVE PSYCHOLOGY ALLEN, G. The colour-sense; essay in com- ^ "' parative psychology. 1879. R RO n .< BASTIAN, H.C. The brain as an organ of mind. 1880. D. BROUGHAM and VAUX, H.P.B., baron. Dia- logues on instinct, with analytical view of the researches on fossil os- teology. 1844. S. B 58 12 CLEVENGER, S.V. Comparative physiology and psychology. 1885. 0. B 58 18 CUREAU de La CHAMBRE, M. A discovrse of the knowledg of beasts; by de la Cham- bre; tr. by a person of quality. London 1657. D. B 58<2 EVANS, E.P. Evolutional ethics and animal psychology. 1898. D. B 58.27 MORGAN, C.L. Introduction to comparative psychology. 1894. D. (Contemporary science series) B 58.59 PARMELLEE, M. The science of human be- havior; biological and psychological foundations. 1913. 0. B 58.66 WAKE, C.S. Chapters on man. 1868. D. B 58.95 WUNDT, W. Lectures on human and animal psychology; tr. by J.E. Creighton and E.B.Titchener. 1896. 0. B 58.989 ETHNOPSYCHOLOGY. NATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS FOUILLEE, A. Esquisse psychologique des peuples europeens. 5.ed. 1914. (Biblio- theque de philosophic contemporaine) 0. B 583.3 LAZARUS, M. Das Leben der Seele in Mono- graphien uber seine Erscheinungen und Gesetze. 3.Aufl. 1883-97. 3v. 0. B 583.49 McDOUGALL, W. The group mind, a sketch of the principles of collective psycholo- gy, with some attempt to apply them to the interpretation of national life and character. 1920. 0. (The Cambridge psy- chological library) B 583.535 (147) ETHNOPSYCHOLOGY. NATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Call No- WUNDT, W.M. Elements of folk psychology; outline of a psychological history of mankind; tr. by E.L.Schaub. [1916] 0. B 583.972 - Volkerpsychologie; elne Untersuchung der Entwicklungsgesetze von Sprache , Mythus und Sitte. Contents: l.-2.Bd. 'Die Sprache. 3.Aufl. 1911-12 .-3. Bd . Die Kunst. 2.Aufl. 1908. -4. Bd. Mythus und Religion. 2.Aufl. l.Teil. 1910. Q. B 583.98 ENGLAND BARDOUX, J. Essai d'une psychologie de 1 ' Angle t err e contemporaine . 1906-07. 2v. 0. (Bibliotheque de philosophic con- temporaine) Contents: [1.] Crises bel- liqueuses .-[2. ] Crises politiques. B 5845.07 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BALDWIN, J.M. The individual and society; or, Psychology and sociology. 1911. D. B 589.059 - Social and ethical interpretations in mental development; a study in social psychology. 2d ed. rev. 1899.0. B 589.06 - 4th ed. 1906. 0. B 589.061 ELLWOOD, C.A. An introduction to social psychology. 1917. D. B 589.258 - Some prolegomena to social psychology; dissertation. 1901. 0. B 589.26 FITE, W. Individualism; four lectures on the significance of consciousness for social relations. 1911. 0. B 589.3 LE BON, G. The crowd; a study of the popular mind. 5th impression. 1908. 0. B 589.5 LEOPOLD, L. Prestige; a psychological study of social estimates. [1913] 0. B 589.'505 ROSS, E.A. Social psychology; an outline and source book. 1909. D. B 589.75 (148) SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY VIERKANDT, A. Naturvolker und Kultur- volker; ein Beitrag zur Socialpsycho- logie. 1896. 0. Call No. B 589.94 CHARACTER BAILEY, T.P., jr. Ethology; standpoint, method, tentative results. 1899. 0. (Reprinted from University chronicle, University of California) BAIN, A. On the study of character, in- cluding an estimate of phrenology. 1861. 0. BUTTERFIELD, D. Character and duty; ad- dress at the 95th annual commencement, 1892. n.d. 0. DOUD, F.N. Evolution of the individual; brief exposition of the natural laws of growth and how to obtain mental and bodily freedom. 1901. D. GALTON, F. English men of science, their nature and nurture. 1890. D. (Popular science library) GILES, A.E. Moral pathology. 1895. D. (Social science series) GUNSAULUS, F.W. The evolution of human character and the evolution of machin- ery; the baccalaureate sermon, deliv- ered before the graduating class of Armour Institute of Technology June 16, 1901. 0. HOPKINS, M. Strength and beauty; a bacca- laureate sermon, delivered at Williams- town, Ms., Aug. 17, 1851. 1851. 0. JASTROW, J. The qualities of men; an essay in appreciation. 1910. D. LARNED, J.N. A study of greatness in men. 1911. D. B 59.06 B 59.065 B 59.139 B 59.24 B 59.32 B 59.33 B 59.37 B 59.42 B 59.45 B 59.48 (149) INDIVIDUALITY Call No. SCHOPENHAUER, A. Transcendent specula- tions on apparent design in the fate of the individual; tr, from Schopen- hauer by D.Irvine. 1913. D. B 592.79 *t GENIUS BETHUNE, G.W. Genius; an address de- livered, July, 1837. 1837. 0. B 593.09 ELLIS, H. A study of British genius. 1904. 0. B 593.26 [PLECKNOE, R. ] Fifty five enigmatical characters, all very exactly drawn to the life. By R.F., esquire. 1665. T. B 599.29 GALTON, F. Hereditary genius; its laws and consequences. 1869. 0. B 593.32 Constable, F.C. Poverty and hereditary genius; a criticism of Mr. Francis Galton's theory of hereditary genius. 1905. D. B 593.322 HAYWARD, F.H. Professionalism and origi- nality. [1917] 0. B 593.39 LOMBROSO, C. The man of genius. 1891. D. B 593.509 - - 1895. D. (The contemporary science series) B 593.51 NISBET, J.F. The insanity of genius and the general inequality of human facul- ty physiologically considered. 4th ed. 1900. D. [2d copy] B 593.62 HABIT [CASAUBON, I.] Treatise of vse and cvs- tome. 1638. D. B 594.15 HEREDITY (PSYCHOLOGY) GALTON, F. Inquiries into human faculty and its development. 1883. 0. B 595.317 - Natural inheritance. 1889. 0. B 595.32 (150) SEX (PSYCHOLOGY). PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMAN THOMAS, W.I. On a difference in the met a- *" N bolism of the sexes; dissertation. 1897. * B 596 ft7 - Sex and society; the social psychology of sex. 1907. 0. B , q , WEININGER, 0. Sex and character; tr. from the 6th German ed. [1906?] 0. B WOOLLEY, Mrs. HELEN B. (T.I Psychological norms in men and women; dissertation 1903. 0. B TEMPERAMENT PECK, G.R. Temperament; address, Dec. 30, 1903. 0. B 597.66 [WALKINGTON, T. ] The optick glasse of humors; or, The touchstone of a golden temperature; or, The philosophers stone to make a golden temper, by T.W. , master of arts. 1664. nar.S. Case B 597.95 ETHICS. MORAL PHILOSOPHY [A collection of pamphlets on ethics] 0. Contents: American Moral Reform So- ciety; 1st annual meeting, 1837. -Bay- les, J.C. Professional ethics. 1886.- Bellows, H.W. A sermon, Dec. 8, 1838.- Bellows, H.W. A sermon. Dec. 9, 1838.- Boardman, H.A. Sermon, 1834. -Chandler , S. Sermon, Sept. 25th, 1738,-Dahlgren, Mrs.M.V. Etiquette. 1873. -Kerf oot , J.B. Sermon. 1850,-Lardner , N. Two discourses. 1739,-Lardner, N. Dis- course. 2d ed. 1743. -Newman, J.P. Ser- mon. May 27, 1888 .-Noailles , due de. Prix de vertu fondes par Montyon; dlscours. 1872.-Wayland,F. Three ser- mons. 1847. -Washington Humane Society. "Human Devils". 1892. (151) B 6 ETHICS. MORAL PHILOSOPHY Call No. ALEXANDER, A., 1772-1851. Outlines of moral science. 1852. D. B 6.02 ALEXANDER, A., Ph.D. A theory of conduct. 1890. D. B 6.021 ALEXANDER, S. Moral order and progress. 1889. 0. B 6.022 BALDWIN, W. Treatise of morrall philoso- phic. 1610. T. #B 6.07 BENETT, W. Justice and happiness. 1911. 0. B 6.08 BENTHAM, J. Introduction to the princi- ples of morals and legislation. New ed. 1823. 1. 0. B 6.09 BIBEL fur Preunde der Wahrheit. 1878. D. B 6.093 BIGGE, L.A.S., ed. British moralists ; being selections from writers of the eighteenth century. 1897. 2v. D. B 6.095 BRADLEY, F.H. Ethical studies. Anastatic reprint 1904. 0. B 6.114 BRENTANO, F. The origin of the knowledge of right and wrong; tr. by C.Hague. 1902. 0. B 6.12 BRYANT, SOPHIE. Short studies in charac- ter. 1894. D. B 6.126 BUCKLEY, A.B., later Mrs. FISHER. Moral teachings of science. 1892. D. B 6.13 BUSHNELL, H. Moral uses of dark things; literary varieties, ii. Centenary ed. 1909. 0. B 6.135 CALDERWOOD, H. Handbook of moral philoso- phy. 13th ed. 1886. D. B 6.14 CATHREIN, V. Moralphilosophie . 5th ed. 1911. 2v. 0. B 6.155 CHARRON, P. De la sagesse trois livres. 1777. 3v. Tt. B 6.1595 - - Leide, Elzeviers, 1646. Bound by Trautz-Bauzonnet . nar.T. Case *B 6.159 - Of wisdome 3 books; tr. by S.Lennard. 1630. D. Case B 6.16 Wisdom; three books; made English by G.Stannope. 3d ed. 1729. 3v. D. #B 6.161 (152) ETHICS. MORAL PHILOSOPHY CLAP, T. Essay on the nature and founda- tlon of moral virtue and obligation- a short introduction to the study of ethics. 1765. D. COBBE, P.P. Essay on intuitive morals New ed. 1864. D. Studies new and old of ethical and social subjects. 1865. D COURTNEY, W.L. Constructive ethics 1886. 0. CUMBERLAND, R. A treatise on the laws of nature. 1727. Q. CULVERWEL, N. Of the light of nature; a discourse; ed . by J. Brown. 1857. 0. DEWEY, J., and TUFTS, J.H. Ethics. 1909. D. (American science series) DORNER, A. Das menschliche Handeln; phi- losophische Ethik. 1895. 0. DUPRAT, G.L. Morals; a treatise on the psycho-sociological basis of ethics. 1903. D. (The contemporary science series) DYMOND, J. Essays on the principles of morality. 6th ed. 1867. 0. EDFELDT, H. Om de etlska grundbegreppen. 1894. 0. (Upsala. Universitet. Ars- skrlft; fllosofi; 1894, 1) ELLIS, EDITH M.O.L. Three modern seers; by Mrs. Havelock Ellis. [1910] D. ELYOT, Sir T. Bankette of sapience. 1534. T ESCHENAUER 1874. EUCKEN, R. A. La morale universelle. 'Ethics and modern thought; a theory of their relations; the Deem lectures; tr. from the German ms . by Margaret von Seydewitz. 1913. D. FITE, W. An introductory study of ethics 2d Impression. 1906. D. FLEMING, W. Manual of moral philosophy. New ed. 1884. D. Call No B 6.17 B 6.18 B 6.1805 B 6.196 B 6.202 B 6.205 B 6.23 B 6.236 B 6.24 B 6.25 B 6.256 B 6.26 #B 6.265 B 6.27 B 6.275 B 6.3 B 6.304 (153) ETHICS. MORAL PHILOSOPHY FOWLER, T. The principles of morals, by T. Fowler and J.M.Wilson. 1894. 0. - Progressive morality; an essay in eth- ics. 1884. D. GIZYCKI, G. von. Moralphilosophie . [1888] D. GREEN, T.H. Prolegomena to ethics; ed. by A.C.Bradley. 3d ed. 1890. 0. Fragments on ethical sub- a selection from his posthumous 1876. 0. A treatise on the moral ideals; J.B. Mayor. 1876. 0. A sketch of morality independ- obligation or sanction; tr. by Kapteyn. 1898. D. Moral evolution. 1896. D. GROTE, G. jects; papers GROTE, J. ed. by GUYAU, M. ent of Gertrude HARRIS, G. philosophy. [c!859] 0. Oeuvres completes. 1795. intellectu- New HAVEN, J. Moral HELVETIUS, C.A. 14v. T. De 1'homme et ses facultes elles. 1773. 2v. S. - Treatise on man; tr. by W. Hooper. ed. 1810. 2v. 0. HILDRETH, R. Theory of morals. 1844. 0. HINTON,J. Haddon, Caroline. The larger life; studies in Hinton's ethics, with some unpublished letters of James Hin- ton. 1886. D. HIRST, E.W. Self and neighbour; an ethi- cal study. 1919. 0. HOBHOUSE, L. T. Morals in evolution; a study in comparative ethics. 1906. 2v. HODGSON, S.H. The theory of practice; an ethical enquiry. 1870. 2v. 0. HOFFDING, H. Ethik; Prinzipien und An- wendung auf besondere Lebensverhalt- nisse. 2.Aufl. iibers. von F.Bendixen. 1901. 0. HOPKINS, M. Lectures on moral science. [1862] D. 1865. D. (154) Call No. B 6.308 B 6.31 B 6.345 B 6.36 B 6.37 B 6.372 B 6.378 B 6.388 B 6.389 B 6.39 B 6.3905 B 6.3907 B 6.403 B 6.405 B 6.407 0. B 6.41 B 6.414 B 6.417 B 6.42 B 6.421 ETHICS. MORAL PHILOSOPHY HUME, D. Treatise of morals, and selec- N ' tions from the Treatise of passions 1894. D. (Ethical series) R fi APA [HUTCHESON, P.] An inquiry into the original of our ideas of beauty and virtue. 4th ed. 1738. 0. B 6 428 - A short introduction to moral philoso- phy; the elements of ethicks and the law of nature; tr. from the Latin 1747. nar.S. B 6>429 - A system of moral philosophy; pub. by his son. 1755. 2v. Q. B 6<43 INGRAM, J.K. Practical morals; a treatise on universal education. 1904. 0. B 6.441 JANET, P. The theory of morals; tr. by Mary Chapman. 1884. 0. B 6.45 JOUFFROY, T.S. Introduction to ethics; tr. by W.H.Channing. 1860. 2v. D. B 6.456 KANT, I. Metaphysics of ethics; tr. by J.W.Semple. 3d ed. by H. Calderwood. 1886. D. B 6.4605 LADD, G.T. Philosophy of conduct; a treatise of the facts, principles, and ideals of ethics. 1902. 0. B 6.47 [LAURIE, S.S.] Ethica; or, The ethics of reason; by Scotus Novanticus, [pseud.] 1885. 0. B 6.487 - On the moral philosophy of ethics. 1866. 0. B 6.488 LEVY-BRUHL, L. Ethics and moral science; tr. by Elizabeth Lee. 1905. 0. B 6.5 McCOSH, J. Our moral nature. 1892. D. B 6.53 MACKENZIE, J.S. A manual of ethics. 4th ed. 1904. D. (The university tutorial series) B 6 - 54 MAUDSLEY, H. Life in mind & conduct; studies of organic in human nature. 1902. 0. B 6 - 56 MERCIER, C.A. Conduct and its disorders biologically considered. 1911. 0. B 6.57 (155) ETHICS. MORAL PHILOSOPHY Call No. MILL, J.S. The ethics of J.S.Mill; ed. by C.Douglas. 1897. 0. B 6.573 MOORE, G.E. Ethics. [1912] S. (Home uni- versity library, 54) B 6.59 - Principia ethica. 1903. 0. B 6.592 MUIRHEAD, J.H. Elements of ethlfcs. 1892. D. (University extension manuals) B 6.6 [NICOLE, P.] Essais de morale; (avec con- tinuation). 1714-15. 13v. S. B 6.625 PALEY, W. The principles of moral and political philosophy. 7th ed. 1788. D. B 6.655 - Principles of moral and political phi- losophy; with questions for students; by J. Frost. 1831. 1. S. B 6.656 PALMER, G.H. The field of ethics; being the William Belden Noble lectures for 1899. [1901] D. B 6.657 - The nature of goodness. [1903] D. B 6.658 PAULSEN, F. System der Ethik; mit einem Umriss der Staats- und Gesellschaf ts- lehre. 7. u. S.Aufl. 1906. 2v. 0. B 6.664 A system of ethics; ed. and tr. by P.Thilly. 1899. 0. B 6.665 PEARSON, K. Ethic of freethought. 1888. 0. B 6.666 PLUTARCHUS. Plutarch's Morals; tr. rev. by W.W.Goodwin. 1888. 5v. 0. B 6.69 PORTER, N. The elements of moral science, theoretical and practical. [1885] 0. B 6.705 RAND, B. , comp. The classical moralists; selections illustrating ethics from Socrates to Martineau. [c!909] 0. B 6.73 RASHDALL, H. Ethics. [1913] S. (The people's books, 28) B 6.7348 The theory of good and evil; a treatise on moral philosophy. 1907. 2v. 0. B 6.735 READ, C. Natural and social morals. 1909. 0. B 6.74 ROTHENBUCHER, A. Handbuch der Moral. 1884. D. B 6.759 - Der Philosoph fur die Welt. 1885. D. B 6.7595 (156) ETHICS. MORAL PHILOSOPHY SCHUPPE, W. Grundziige der Ethik und Rechtsphilosophie. 1881. 0. SETH, J. Study of ethical principles 1894. 0. SHAFTESBURY, A.A.C., 3d earl of. Charac- teristicks of men, manners, opinions, times. 5th ed . 1773. 3v. 0. [2d copy] SHELDON, W.L. A bird's-eye view of the literature of ethical science since the time of Charles Darwin. 1903. 0. (Academy of Science of St. Louis. Trans . , v.13, no. 4) SIDGWICK,H. Methods of ethics. 4th ed 1890. 0. - Practical ethics; a collection of ad- dresses and essays. 1898. D. (The ethi- cal library) SIMCOX, E. Natural law; an essay in ethics 2d ed. 1878. 0. SIMMEL, G. Einleltung in die Moralwissen- schaft; eine Kritik der ethischen Grundbegriffe. 3.Aufl. 1911. 2v. 0. SMITH, A. Theory of moral sentiments. 9th ed. 1801. 2v. 0. The theory of moral sentiments; added, A dissertation on the origin of lan- guages. New ed. 1853. D. (Bonn's stand- ard library) New ed. with biographical memoir by D. Stewart. 1887. D. (Bonn's standard li- brary) SMITH, W. A discourse on ethics of the school of Paley. 1839. 0. SORLEY, W.R. On the ethics of naturalism. 1885. D. (Shaw fellowship lectures , 1884) SPENCER, H. Data of ethics. 1888. D. (His Synthetic philosophy, IX, 1, 1) Principles of ethics. 1895. 2v. 0. SPINOLA, R. Moral razonada y lecturas escogidas; l.curso, 1900. S. STEPHEN, L. Science of ethics. 1882. 0. Call No. B 6.795 B 6.81 B 6.813 B 6.815 B 6.817 B 6.818 B 6.82 B 6.822 B 6.824 B 6.8241 B 6.8242 B 6.827 B 6.83 B 6.833 B 6.835 B 6.838 B C.84 (157) ETHICS. MORAL PHILOSOPHY Call No. STEWART, D. Philosophy of the active and moral powers of man. 1828. 2v. 0. B 6.845 SUGIMORI, K. The principles of the moral empire. 1917. 0. B 6.848 SUTHERLAND, A. Origin and growth of the moral instinct. 1898. 2v. 0. ? B 6.85 SYLLABUS of lectures on moral philosophy. n.d. S. B 6.853 TAYLOR, A.E. The problem of conduct; the phenomenology of ethics. 1901. 0. B 6.86 WAYLAND, F. Elements of moral science. [1835] D. B 6.96 WESTERMARCK, E. The origin and develop- ment of the moral ideas. 1906-08. 2v. 0. B 6.965 2d ed. v.2. 1917. 0. B 6.966 WHEWELL, W. Elements of morality. 1871. 2v. S. B 6.97 WITHERSPOON, J. ...Lectures on moral phi- losophy; ed. by V.L.Collins. 1912. 0. (Early American philosophers) B 6.975 WUNDT, W. Ethik; eine Untersuchung der Tatsachen und Gesetze des sittlichen Lebens. 4.Aufl. 1912. 3v. Q. Contents: l.Bd. Die Tatsachen des sittlichen Le- bens. -2. Bd. Die Entwicklung der sitt- lichen Weltanschauung. -3. Bd. Die Principien der Sittlichkeit und die sittlichen Lebensgebiete . B 6.979 - Ethics; an investigation of the facts and laws of moral life; tr. by J.Gull- iver [and others] 1897. 3v. 0. B 6.98 HISTORY OF ETHICS BLACKIE, J.S. Four phases of morals; Soc- rates, Aristotle, Christianity, util- itarianism. 1887. D. B 604.1 DORNER, A. Zur Geschichte des sittlichen Denkens und Lebens; neun Vortrage. 1901. 0. B 604.24 (158) HISTORY OF ETHICS LECKY, W.E.H. History of European morals' ^ N ' from Augustus to Charlemagne. 3d ed 1888. 2v. D. MARTINEAU, J. Types of ethical theory 2d ed. 1886. 2v. 0. B RnA ,, MAURICE, J.F.D. Moral and metaphysical philosophy; pt.l. Ancient; (pt.2.) First 6 centuries; (pt.3.) Mediaeval 1850-57. 3v. D. (v.1-2. 2d ed.) B 6 04 56 ROBERTSON, J.M. A short history of mor- als. 1920. 0. B 6Q4 ?5 SIDGWICK, H. Outlines of the history of ethics. 2d ed. 1888. D. B 604.81 WHEWELL, W. Lectures on the history of moral philosophy. New ed. 1862. D. B 604.97 Additional lectures on the history of moral philosophy. 1862. 0. B 604.971 PERIODICALS The ETHICAL record. Philadelphia, v.1-3, no. 2, Apr. 1888-July 1890j| 2. 0. B 607.27 Succeeded by the International journal of ethics. INTERNATIONAL Journal of ethics. Phila- delphia. V.1-27+, 1890/91-1916/17+ Q. B 607.44 The NEW ideal; v.2-3. 1889-90. 2v. 0. B 607.62 ETHICAL CULTURE MOVEMENT ABLER, F. Sketches of a religion based on ethics; discourse. 1885. 0. B 608.01 BOSANQUET, B. Civilization of Christen- dom. 1893. D. (Ethical library) B 608.11 SALTER, W.M. The basis of the ethical movement; lecture Apr. 1st, 1883. 1883. 0. B 608.769 - Ethical religion. 1890. 0. B 608.77 (159) ETHICAL CULTURE MOVEMENT i Call No SHELDON, W.L. An ethical movement; a volume of lectures. 1896. 0. B 608.815 - An ethical Sunday school. 1900. D. B 608.8153 SOCIETY of Ethical Propagandists. Ethics and religion; a collection of essays by Sir John Seeley, Dr. Felix -Adler and others. 1900. D. B 608.816 GREEK AND ROMAN ETHICS DOBBS, A.E. Philosophy and popular morals in ancient Greece down to the close of the third century B.C. 1907. 0. B 616.23 HADZSITS, G.D. Prolegomena to a study of the ethical ideal of Plutarch and the Greeks of the first century, A.D. 1906. 0. (University studies, Cincin- nati, series 2, v.2, no. 2, Mar. -Apr. 1906) B 616.38 HYDE, W.De W. From Epicurus to Christ. 1910. 0. (Haverford library lectures) B 616.419 - The five great philosophies of life. 1911. D. B 616.42 MODERN MACKINTOSH, Sir J. Dissertation on the progress of ethical philosophy, chiefly during the 17th and 18th centuries. 1862. 0. B 62.54 WRIGHT, W.K. The ethical significance of pleasure, feeling, and happiness in modern non-hedonistic systems; a dis- sertation. 1906. 0. B 62.98 (160) ENGLAND LAURIE, S.S. Notes on certain British theories of morals. 1868 SIDGWICK, H. Lectures on the ethics of T.H. Green, Mr. Herbert Spencer, and J Martineau. 1902. 0. Catl No B 6345.48 B 6345.81 JAPAN NITOBfi, I. Bushido, the soul of Japan; an exposition of Japanese thought. 10th e*A T Qf\Q T\ ed. 1909. D. B 6367.62 HEDONISM. UTILITARIANISM ALBEE, E. A history of English utilitar- ianism. 1902. 0. B 644.02 BIRKS,T.R. Modern utilitarianism. 1874. D. B 644.1 MILL, J.S. Utilitarianism. 1863. 0. B 644.57 WATSON, J. Hedonistic theories from Ar- istlppus to Spencer. 1895. D. B 644.96 EVOLUTIONARY ETHICS HUXLEY, T.H. ...Evolution and ethics. 1893. 0. (The Romanes lecture. 1893) B 648.42 MACKINTOSH, R. Prom Comte to Benjamin Kidd; the appeal to biology or evolu- tion for human guidance. 1899. 0. B 648.53 SCHURMAN, J.G. The ethical import of Dar- winism. 1887. D. B 648.79 WILLIAMS, C.M. A review of the systems of ethics founded on the theory of evolu- tion. 1893. 0. B 648.97 SKEPTICISM KREIBIG, J.C. Geschichte ethischen Skepticismus und Kritik 1896. 0. des (161) B 649.46 CONSCIENCE. DUTY Call No. COOK, J. Conscience. 10th ed. 1887. D. (Boston Monday lectures) B 65.18 MAURICE, F.D. The conscience. 3d ed. 1883. D. B 65.56 MUNSON, M.A. Duty contemplated as due-ty, that which Is due. 1876. 0. B 65.6 PARKER, T. The function and place of con- science in relation to the laws of men; sermon, Sept. 22, 1850. 1850. 0. B 65.659 SHARP, F.C. A study of the influence of custom on the moral judgment. 1908. 0. (University of Wisconsin. Bulletin, no. 236) B 65.81 WAYLAND, F. The limitations of human re- sponsibility. 1838. S. B 65.96 VIRTUE DICKINSON, G.L. The meaning of good; a dialogue. 1901. D. B 652.23 HAPPINESS COOKE, H.P. Maurice, the philosopher (a dialogue); or, Happiness, love, and the good. 1912. D. B 656.19 NORRIS, J. An idea of happiness, in a letter to a friend. 1683. sq.O. Case B 656.63 DUTIES OF KINGS AND RULERS BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ETHICS ABENQUFIAN, A. La vie du roy Almansor. 1671. T. B 67.01 [CHALESME, de] L'homme de quail te; ou, Les moyens de vivre... 1671. in B 67.01 BARNES, B. Fovre bookes of offices. 1606. Q. Case B 67.07 (162) DUTIES OF KINGS AND RULERS BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ETHICS B 67.26 B 67.418 B 67.423 CLELAND, J. Heropaideia, or, The institv- tion of a young noble man. 1607. D. Case B 67 17 I, L.] Ars avlica; or, The courtiers arte; [tr. by E.Blount] 1607.nar.T. Case B 67 25 ELYOT, Sir T. The boke named The Gouer- nour; ed. from the 1st ed. of 1531 by H.H.S. Croft. 1883. 2v. Q. HOPE, M.B. Discourse designed to show that physiological inquiries are not unfriendly to religious sentiment; Jan 18, 1845. 1845. nar.O. HUBBARD, E. Message to Garcia. [c!899] D JAMES I., king of Great Britain. Basilikon doron; or, Regla institvtio ad Henricum princlpem prlmogenitum filium suum, heredem proximum. 1604. S. B 67.449 Basilikon doron; or, His maiesties in strvctlons to his dearest sonne, Henry the Prince. 1603. S. Case #B 67.45 LA PERRI&RE, G. de. The mirrovr of poli- cle. [Tr. from Le mlroir politique] 1599. D. Bound by Riviere. Case B 67.48 LIPSIUS, J. A direction for trauailers taken [by Sir J.Stradling] out of [the "Eplstola de peregrlnatione Italica" of] J.Llpslus. London, 1592. sq.S. Case B 67.51 MANNING, J.M. The soldier of freedom; sermon before the officers of the 43th regiment, Oct. 5, 1862. 1862. 0. B 67.549 MENDO, A. Principe perfecto y ministros alvstados, docvmentos politicos y morales. En emblema. 1662. 0. Case B 67.57 Trattato de regimine rectoris PAOLA, fra. 1868. 0. PARKER, T. 22, 1846 PATRIZI, F. tione. 1531. F. A sermon of merchants, Nov. 1847. 0. De regno et regis institu- B 67.66 B 67.663 Case #B 67.67 (163 DUTIES OF KINGS AND RULERS BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Call No POTTER, H.C. The scholar and the state; oration June 26, 1890. 0. B 67.708 SAAVEDRA FA JARDO , D. de. Idea de un pol- itico Christiano representada* en cien empresas. 1659. T. #B 67.77 - The royal politician represented in one hundred emblems. Written in Spanish by don Diego Saavedra Faxardo. Done into English by Sir J.A.Astry. 1700. 2v. nar.D. Case B 67.772 [SANCROFT, W.], abp. of Canterbury. Modern policies, taken from Machiavel, Borgia, and other choice authors, by an eye- witnesse. 4th ed. 1653. nar.T. Case B 67.78 WALSINGHAM, Sir F. Arcana aulica; or, Walsingham's manual; added, Fragmenta regalia by Sir R.Naunton. 1694. S. B 67.95 FAMILY ETHICS CHAPONE, Mrs. H. Letters on the improve- ment of the mind, addressed to a young lady. 7th ed . 1778. 2v. S. B 68.16 HAWES, J. "A looking glass for ladies;" or, The formation and excellence of the female character; address, Aug. 24, 1845. 1845. D. B 68.392 SIGOURNEY, Mrs. L.H.H. Letters to young ladies. 1839. D. B 68.818 STEARNS, J.F. Female influence, and the true Christian mode of its exercise; discourse, July 30, 1837. 0. B 68.835 TULLAR, M. A concise system of family duty; six sermons. 1802. 0. B 68.894 TUTHILL, Mrs. L.C. The young lady's home. 1839. D. B 68.895 (164) FAMILY ETHICS WILLET, A. Treatise of Salomon's mariage- * or, Congratulations for the mariae;e of' Prince Frederick V., and the ladle Elizabeth, daughter of King James of Great Britain, 1612. 1612. D. B 68 [WRAY, MARY] Ladies' library; written by T a ^ ad y- ? 14 ' 3v - na r.S. B 68<981 Ladies library; v.3; written by a lady 5th ed. 1739. nar.S. B 68 982 YOUNG lady's parental monitor. 1792. S. B 68^997 DUTIES OF CHILDREN BOND, A. The memory of the fathers; dis- course, Jan.l, 1843. 0. B 683.109 CHANNING, W.E. The duties of children; sermon, Apr. 12, 1807. 5th. ed. 1822. 0. B 683.161 GANNETT, E.S. Sermon for children. 1831. T. B 683.323 2d ed. 1831. T. B 683.3231 KOELMAN, J. De pllgten der ouders. 1684. nar.S. B 683.46 SOCIAL ETHICS. POLITICAL ETHICS See also Duties of Kings and rulers, B 67 [A collection of pamphlets on patriotism] Contents: Boulter, H. Sermon, Nov. 20, 1715. -Boyle, W.H.W. Citizenship and moral obligation. 1910 .-Ireland , J. Patriotism; address, Apr. 4, 1894. [2d copy] B 686. ALLEN, B.R. The patriotism of private life; address before the Mugford Fire Association of Marblehead, May 17, 1866. 1866. 0. B 686.027 - - [2d copy] B 686.027a (165) SOCIAL ETHICS. POLITICAL ETHICS Call No. BALDWIN, S.E. The relations of education to citizenship. 1912. D. (Yale lectures on the responsibilities of citizenship) B 686.06 BASCOM, J. Hero-worship; a baccalaureate sermon. 1885. 0. B 686.07 BAYARD, T.F. "Unwritten law"; address, June 28, 1877. 0. B 686.08 BERNARD, L.L. The transition to an ob- jective standard of social control; a dissertation. [1911] 0. B 686.09 [BOLINGBROKE, H. St.-J.j 1st viscount. Letters on the spirit of patriotism and on the idea of a patriot king. 1917. D. B 686.1 BOURDE, P. Le patriote. 1882. D. B 686.11 BRENT, C.H. Leadership; the William Bel- den Noble lectures, delivered Dec. 1907. 1908. D. B 686.12 BREWER, D.J. American citizenship. 1911. D. (Yale lectures on the responsibili- ties of citizenship) B 686.122 BRYCE, J. The hindrances to good citizen- ship. 1910. D. (Yale lectures on the responsibilities of citizenship) B 686.124 BUREAU, P. La crise morale des temps nou- veaux. 1908. S. (Etudes de morale & de sociologie) B 686.13 CARMAN, A.R. The ethics of imperialism. 1905. D. B 686.15 GLOSS, W.J'.L. Christian citizenship; an address. 1895. D. B 686.18 DANA, J. Sermon delivered before the Merrimack Humane Society, at their anniversary meeting, Sept. 4, 1804. 0. B 686.215 DE LAND, P. The A B C of good citizen- ship. [c!894] 0. B 686.222 DOLE, C.F. The citizen and the neighbor. 4th ed. 1887. S. B 686.23 DRUMMOND, H. The greatest thing in the world. 1890. D. [2d copy] B 686.24 (166) SOCIAL ETHICS. POLITICAL ETHICS Catl No. B 686.27 B 686.34 B 686.38 EVERETT, W. Patriotism; an oration de- livered before the Phi Beta Kappa of Harvard College Commencement 1900 1901. 0. GIZYCKI, G. von. Vorlesungen liber soziale Ethik; hrsg. von Lily von Gizycki 1895. 0. GUYARD, A. Des droits, des devoirs, et des constitutions. 3. ed. 1882. S. HADLEY, A.T. The moral basis of democra- cy; Sunday morning talks to students and graduates. 1919. D. B 686.384 HAVEN, J. The prosperity of our country; sermon, July 21, 1856. 0. B 686.39 IRELAND, J. Conscience the sure founda- tion of good citizenship. 1897. 0. (Catholic Truth Society) B 686.441 American citizenship; address before the Union League Club, Feb. 22, 1895. 1895. 0. B 686.443 Patriotism, its duty and its value; ad- dress before the New York Commandery of the "Loyal Legion" Apr. 4, 1894. 0. B 686.4434 LAMB, E.E. Paying honest debts; sermon, Feb. 16, 1879. 1879. 0. B 686.475 LIBBER, F. Manual of political ethics. 2d ed. ed. by T.D.Woolsey. 1875. 2v.O. B 686.504 LOVETT, W. Social and political morality. 1853. D. MACCUNN,J. Ethics of citizenship. 1894.0 MARTINEAU, H. How to observe; morals and manners. 1838. D. MAURICE, F.D. Social morality; 21 lec- tures. 1869. 0. MORLEY, J. On compromise. 1886. D. MORSE, J. Sermon preached before the Hu- mane Society of Massachusetts at their semi-annual meeting, June 9, 1801. 1801. nar.O. B 686.52 B 686.53 B 686.55 B 686.56 B 686.59 B 686.596 (167 SOCIAL ETHICS. POLITICAL ETHICS Call No PECK, G.R. The conflict of social forces; annual address at the Kansas State Agricultural College commencement, 1884. 1884. 0. B 686.668 ROOT, E. The citizen's part in govern- ment. 1908. D. (Yale lectures ~- % on the responsibilities of citizenship) B 6S6..75 ROYCE, J. The philosophy of loyalty. 1908. D. B 686.76 - Race questions, provincialism, and other American problems. 1908. D. B 686.762 SALTER, W.M. The social ideal; a lecture before the Society for Ethical Culture, Chicago, May 27, 1883. 1883. 0. B 686.777 SPILLER, G. Faith in man; the religion of the twentieth century. 1908. D. ,B 686.83 STEPHEN, L. Social rights and duties. 1896. 2v. D. (The ethical library) B 686.84 WALSINGHAM, Sir F. Arcana Aulica; or, Walsingham's manual of prudential max- ims; added, Observations on Queen Eliz- abeth by Sir R.Naunton. 1694. S. B 686.95 WILLING, Mrs. JENNIE F. Diamond dust. 1880. S. B 686.98 FRIENDSHIP BLACK, H. Friendship. 1902. D. B 6863.1 GOLDWELL, C. The true choice of a friend. (Choyce and applications. My friend) 1625, 1621. 3 Iv. nar.T. Case B 6863.3 TRUTHFULNESS AND FALSEHOOD COIGNET, M. , Sieur de La Thuillerie. Pol- itiqve discovrses vpon trveth and ly- ing; by Sir M.Cognet, Knight; tr. by Sir E.Hoby. London, 1586. 0. B 687.18 (168) TRUTHFULNESS AND FALSEHOOD HIGGINSON, T.W. The tongue; two practical sermons. 1850. 0. R R HOUSE, A.H. Conversation; a sermon Feb 14, 1858. 0. RIGHT use of speech; by the author of "This one thing I do." 1863. D. WEBSTER, H.D.L. Discourse on the use of the tongue, n.d. 0. YOUNG, A. Discourse on the sins of the tongue. 2d ed. 1829. 0. B 6 B 687 74R B 687 964 B 687 996 COURTESY URQUHART, D. Desolation de la chretiente par la substitution de la familiarite a la politesse. 1871. 0. B 689.92 ETIQUETTE The ART of good behaviour; and letter writer on love, courtship and marriage. 1848. Tt. [ASTER, Mrs. JANE, pseud., ed.] The habits of good society; a handbook. 1866. 0. The BABEES 1 book; medieval manners for the young; done into modern English from Dr. Furnivall's texts, by Edith Rickert. 1908. S. (The new medieval library) BRATHWAITE, R. The English gentleman. 1630. sq.T. - The English gentleman, and the English gentlewoman; with a ladies love-lectvre and a svpplement. 3d ed . 1641. Q. CASA, G. della. Galateo; or, Manners and behaviours in familiar conversation; ed. by H.J.Reid. 1892. Q. B 69.05 B 69.055 B 69.06 B 69.1097 B 69.11 B 69.15 (169) ETIQUETTE Call No. CASA, G. della. The refin'd courtier; or, A correction of several indecencies crept into civil conversation; written originally in Italian by John Casa, into Latin by N.Chytraeus, made English by N.W. 1686. nar.S. B 69.151 The COURTIER'S calling; shewing the ways of making a fortune, and the art of living at court, according to the max- ims of policy & morality; by a person of honour. 1675. T. B 69.19 DEFOE, D. The compleat English gentleman; ed. by K.D. Bulbring. 1890. 0. B 69.22 GAILHARD, J. The compleat gentleman; or, Directions for the education of youth. 1678. 2 Iv . D. B 69.32 HAWKINS, F. Youths behaviour; or, Decency in conversation amongs-t men, 5th ed . with twenty six new precepts . 1651 . T. Case B 69.39 New additions unto Youths behaviour... 1652. in B 69.39 HOLT, EMILY. Encyclopaedia of etiquette; what to write, what to do, what to wear, what to say: .a book of manners for everyday use. 1921. 2v. D. B 69.416 The INSTITUCION of a gentleman, 1568. [1839] D. Bound by Hayday. Case B 69.44 - [2d copy] D. B 69.44a - Walton and Cotton Club, London. Rules and regulations. 1840. in B 69.44a - How the goode wif thaught hir doughter. 1838. in B 69.44a [LONGSTREET, Mrs. A.B.] Social etiquette of New York; rewritten and enlarged. 1897. S. B 69.52 McALLISTER, W. Society as I have found it. [c!890] D. B 69. 53 MANNERS and tone of good society; or, Solecism to be avoided; by a member of the aristocracy. 3d ed. n.d. D. B 69.546 MARSHALL, F. Curiosities of ceremonials, titles, decorations and forms. 1880. 0. B 69.55 (170) ETIQUETTE [MOORE, CLARA J.] Sensible etiquette of *" N ' the best society; by Mrs. H.O.Ward [pseud.] 20th ed. [c!878] S. R M C Q [OSMUN, T.E.] The mentor; by Alfred Ayres [pseud.] 1884. S. B 69 64g PEACHAM. H. The compleat gentleman 1627. sq.D. B 6g QQ [PHILLIPS, B.] The mysteries of love and eloquence. 3d ed. 1685. ^B 69 68 [RAMESEY, W. ] The gentlemans companion; or, A character of true nobility and gentility; by a person of quality. 1672. s - Case B 69.74 [SHERWOOD, MARY E. (WILSON). "Mrs. JOHN SHERWOOD"] Manners and social usages. Rev. and corr. [cl918] D. B 69.81 [TUVILL, D. ] The dove and the serpent; in which is conteined such points and principles as tend either to conuersa- tion or negotiation. 1614. sq.D. Case B 69.9 WASHINGTON, G. George Washington's rules of civility traced to their sources and restored, by M.D.Conway. 1890. D. B 69.95 CONVERSATION The ART of complaisance; or, The means to oblige In conversation. 1673. D. Case B 6902.05 The CONVERSATION of gentlemen, considered in most of the ways that make their mutual company agreeable or disagree- able. 1738. nar.D. B 6902.2 SWEARING HALL, A. Sermon against profane swearing, Oct. 17, 1790. n.d. S. B 691.383 SIVACHANDRA VASU. The Hindoos as they are; Hindoo society in Bengal; by Shib Chunder Bose. 1881. 0. Eames B 691.8 (171) CONDUCT OF LIFE Call No. [ALLESTREE, R. ] The gentlemans calling. London, 1660. S. Case B 692.02 BEEM, M. Practical life; address, n.d. 0- B 692.08 BENNETT, A. How to live on 24 hours a day. 1910. D. B 692.088 - The human machine. 3d ed . [1911] D. B 692.09 The reasonable life; being hints for men and women. 1907. D. B 692.095 BLACK, H. Culture and restraint. 5th ed. 1909. 0., B 692.1 BOIES, A. An address delivered before the Society of Inquiry [on discretion]. 1834. 0. B 692.107 BOWKER, R.R. The arts of life. Revised ed. 1903. D. B 692.11 [BURGH, J.] Youth's friendly monitor. 1756. D. B 692.13 BURGHLEY, W.C., 1st baron. Precepts; or, Directions for the well ordering of a mans life, left by William, Lord Burghly, to his sonne. Also some other precepts. 1636. Tt. Case B 692.135 - Raleigh, Sir W. Sir Walter Raleigh's Instrvctions to his sonne; and to pos- teritie. 3d ed. 1633. in B 692.135 CARNERI, B. Der moderne Mensch; Versuch iiber Lebensfiihrung. n.d. S. (Kroners Taschenausgabe) B 692.15 [CHEVREMONT, J.B. de] The knowledge of the world; or, The art of well-educat- ing youth; [tr. by] J.Dunton. n.d. S. B 692.16 COBBETT,W. Cobbett's advice to young men. (From the edition of 1829) 1906. S. [Oxford library of prose and poetry] B 692.18 GUMMING, J. Discourse to a society of young men, 1719. 1805. 0. B 692.202 DARE, J. Counsellor Manners; his last legacy to his son. 1673. S. Case B 692.21 DAVIDSON, J.T. Talks with young men. n.d. D. B 692.22 (172) CONDUCT OF LIFE DE BRITAIN, WILLIAM, [pseud?] The coun- sels of William de Britaine; [ed bvl H.H.Sturmer. 1897. D. B DODSLEY,R. Economy of human life. 1797 B 69? ELYOT, Sir T. The castell of helth [Lond. ] 1541 T. Case B 692>26 the knowledeg whiche maketh a wise man. London!, 1533. Bound by Fazaker- ley, Liverpool. T. Museum B 692 261 The ENGLISH Theophrastus; or, The manners of the age. London, 1702. D. B 692.265 ESSICK, A. Counsel to young men; sermon, Feb. 27, 1862. 0. B 692 27 EVANS, W. The Christian; his creed and conduct. [c!911] D. B 692.276 FLETCHER, H. Menticulture ; or, The A-B-C of true living. 1895. D. B 692.3 FOBES, P. Sermon addressed to youth, Aug. 4, 1793. 1794. 0. B 692.307 OILMAN, N.P. Conduct as a fine art; the laws of dally conduct; by N.P.G... Char- acter building by E.P.Jackson. 1891. D. B 692.34 HAINES, T.L., and YAGGY, L.W. The royal- path of life. Rev. ed. 1882. 0. B 692.38 HAWES, J. Lectures addressed to the young men of Hartford and New Haven. 1828. D. B 692.39 HILTY, C. Happiness; essays on the mean- ing of life; tr. by F.G.Peabody. 1903. D. B 692.405 HOLDEN, E.S. Address to the graduating class at the University of California, 1887. Q. B 692.414 JOHNSON, J. Living in earnest. 1870. D. B 692.45 JOSLYN, R.W. The philosophy of happiness. n.d. D. B 692.456 KING, H.C. Rational living; some practical inferences from modern psychology. 1912. D. B 692.465 LARNED, J.N. A multitude of counsellors, being a collection of codes, precepts and rules of life from the wise of all ages. 1901. 0. B 692.475 (173) CONDUCT OP LIFE Call No. LATHROP, S.G. Fifty years and beyond. [C1881] 0. B 692.48 LECKY, W.E.H. The map of life, conduct and character. 1899. D. B 692.497 LeFAVRE, Mrs. CAROLINE W. Beauty of the highest type; a scientific and an ar- tistic aim for a nobler beauty. 1912. S. B 692.5 McCRIE, J. Autopaedia; or, Instructions on personal education. 2d ed. 1871. 0. B 692.55 MacCUNN, J. The making of character; some educational aspects of ethics. Stereo- typed ed. 1901. D. B 692.535 MISCELLANEA; or, A mixture of choyce ob- servations and institutions, moral and divine, composed for private use, [by] J.H. 1669. nar.T. Case B 692.57 MOORE, J.H. The young gentleman and lady's monitor, and English teacher's assistant. 1802. S. B 692.59 MUNGER, T.T. On the threshold. 20th ed. 1888. D. B 692.6 NEWCOMB, D.B. How to win; or, The dignity of labor. 1872. D. B 692.62 NEWFANG, 0. The development of character, a practical creed. 1921. 0. B 692.625 OSBORN, F. Advice to a son; or, Direc- tions for your better conduct. 1658. nar.T. B 692.639 - Advice to a son; a new ed.; [ed.] by E. A. Parry. 1896. 0. B 692.64 PALMER, G.H. The glory of the imperfect; an address, at Cleveland, 0., 1891. 1891. D. B 692.656 PEACHAM, H. The worth of a penny; or, A caution to keep money, 1667. [repr. 1813] 0. B 692.66 PENN, W. Fruits of solitude in reflec- tions and maxims, llth. ed. 1794. S. B 692.67 - Fruits of a father's love. 9th ed. 1794. in B 692.67 (174) CONDUCT OP LIFE PENN, W. Fruits of solitude; reflections M N ' and maxims relating to the conduct of human life; [ed. by J.V.Cheney] nth ed 1906. S. (The Lakeside classics, v.4) *B 692 671 PILLOW, G.J. The purpose of life, its objects and pursuits, and its duties and responsibilities; address. 1856. nar.O. B 692 6g2 POTTER, W.J. Sunshine of the soul [by W. J. Potter]; In the shadow [by] Paul R. " Frothingham. [1894?] 0. B 692 709 RAYNB, Mrs. MARTHA L. Written for you; or, The art of beautiful living. [01882] 0. B 692.73 REAVIS, L.U. Thoughts for the young men (and women) of America. 1871. 1. D - B 692.74 REID, A. Address delivered before the Adelphic Union of Williams College, Aug. 14, 1849. 1850. 0. B 692.75 The RICH cabinet furnished with varietie of excellent dlscriptions , exquisite charracters... wherevnto is annexed the Epitome of good manners, exttracted from lohn de la Casa. 1616. nar.S. B 692.753 SENN, N. The choice of a profession; ad- dress, delivered May 23, 1907. n.d. 0. B 692.8 SMILES, S. Self-help with illustrations of conduct and perseverance. 1877. D. B 692.822 - Life and labour; or, Characteristics of men of genius. 1887. D. B 692.824 SOCIAL purity series. T. Contents: Novels, by J.H. Kellogg, n.d. -Words to mothers, by Mrs. E.E. Kellogg, n.d. 2 pains . B 692.825 SORLEY, W.R. The moral life and moral worth. 1911. S. (The Cambridge manuals of science and literature, 26) B 692.83 SPRAGUE, W.B. The danger of evil company; sermon, Mar. 30, 1823. 1823. 0. B 692.836 - Discourse on true magnanimity, addressed to young men; Feb. 25, 1844. 1844. 0. B 692.8361 (175) CONDUCT OF LIFE Call No. STEARNS, W.A. Discourse on educated man- hood, Aug. 7, 1859. 0. B 692.837 TALMAGE, T . De W. Traps for men; or, The pitfalls of life. [c!878] 0. B 692.861 Temptations of summer watering-places. 1876. 0. in B 692.861 TOLSTOI, L.N., graf. Life; tr. by I. P. Hapgood. 1889. D. B 692.88 TRYON,T. Wisdom's dictates; or, Aphorisms & rules... 1691. S. B 692.89 WAGNER, C. The simple life; tr. from the French by Mary L.Hendee. [c!901] S. B 692.95 Youth; tr. from the French by E. Redwood. 1905. D. B 692.952 WASHINGTON, B.T. Character building; ad- dresses. 1902. 0. B 692.956 WHITLOCK, R. Zootomia; or, Observations on the present manners of the English; with an usefull detection of the mountebanks of both sexes. 1654. T. B 692.97 WINCHESTER, W.P.,3d marquis of. The Lord Marqves idlenes; conteining manifold matters; as sage sentences, prudent precepts... London, 1587. D. Case B 692.976 MORAL AND RELIGIOUS ASPECTS OF AMUSEMENTS COBARRUBIAS, P. de. Remedio de jugatores. 1543. D. Case #B 696.18 HERMAN, W. The dance of death. 3d ed. 1877. S. B 696.39 PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO CHILDREN BROWN, J.M. Unwanted children; an ad- dress. 1896. 0. B 697.123 MASSACHUSETTS Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Amended man- ual; laws of Massachusetts concerning children. 1890. S. B 697.549 (176) PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO CHILDREN MASSACHUSETTS Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Annual report - 10th-17th, 1890-97. 8v. Call No. B 697.55 TREATMENT OF ANIMALS. VIVISECTION ALLEN, Mrs. FAIRCHILD. Amos Hunt and his steel trap. 3d ed. rev. n.d. D. B 698.017 AMERICAN Humane Education Society. Our gold mine at Hollyhurst. [c!893] S. (Gold mine series, no.l) B 698.025 AMERICAN Humane Association. Report on vivisection in America adopted at Minneapolis, Minn. Sept. 26, 1895. 0. B 698.026 [Pamphlets on vivisection] Contents: Scientific chicanery; does it pay?- Lefflngwell, A. Does science need se- crecy?-Abstract of report on vivisec- tion, Sept. 26, 1895. -Confessions of a vlvlsector .-Facts about vivisection which cannot be denied. -Opinions con- cerning schools. B 698.027 ANGELL, G.T. Autobiographical sketches and personal recollections. [1892] D. B 698.03 BOLTON, SARAH K. The story of Douglas. 1898. D. B 698.108 CARTER, SARAH N. For pity's sake. n.d. D. B 698.15 COVILLE, MARION E. An appeal against slaughter; are you able to hear? [1916] D. B 698.2 FOGG, A.D. Early lessons in kindness or cruelty [and other leaflets on cruel- ty] . 0. B 698.307 LLINOIS Humane Society. Annual report; 16th, 1886; 20th, 1889; 22d-35th, 1892- 1904; 38th, 1907. 17 pams . 0. B 698.43 EFFINGWELL, A. An ethical problem; or, Sidelights upon scientific experimen- tation on man and animals. 1914. 0. B 698.4 The vivisection question. 1901. 0. (177) TREATMENT OF ANIMALS. VIVISECTION Call No. LISZT, E.R. von. Die wissenschaf tliche Thierfolter. 2.Aufl. 1899. D. (Wiener Verein der Vivisectionsgegner . [Nach- richten] ) B 698.51 LUCHTMANS, G. Een blik in de geneeskunde der toekomst; open brief aan Sen Neder- landschen Bond tot Bestrijding der Vivisectie. 1899. 0. B 698.528 McCREA, R.C. The humane movement; a de- scriptive survey. 1910. 0. B 698.54 MENAI, G. Byw-Ddifyniaeth (Vivisection) n.d. 0. B 698.567 OUR fellow creatures. Aurora; Chicago. v.6-8, no. 11, Jan. 1898-Nov. 1900; [v.9], Sept. 1901. 6v. 0. [United with Vegetar- ian but re-established Sept. 1901] B 698.64 PEABODY, P.G. Personal experiences of two American anti-vivisectionists in various countries. 1895. S. (New Eng- land Anti-Vivisection Society quarter- ly, v.l, no.l) B 698.667 Bericht iiber Treiben und Ausdenung der Vivisektion. 1896. S. B 698.6675 RITSON, J. An essay on abstinence from animal food as a moral duty. 1802. 0. #B 698.748 SALT, H.S. Animal rights in relation to social progress; also, Vivisection in America, by A.Lef f ingwell. 1894. D. B 698.78 U.S. Senate. District of Columbia, Com- mittee on the. Report [on vivisection] 1896. 0. (54th. Congr. 1st sess. Report no. 1049) B 698.9 Vivisection; hearing on the bill for the prevention of cruelty to animals in the District of Columbia. 1900. 0. B 698.91 VIVISECTION Reform Society. Publications. [pamphlets] 0. B 698.94 ZAHLER, J. Karo and the blind man; tr. 1898. D. B 698.99 [Pamphlets and leaflets. Treatment of animals] . F. B 698.999 (178) INDEX Call No. Page Abbot, Syllogistic philosophy B 283.01... 93 Abbott, E. Temperature difference llmen B 5465.01.. .136 Abelard, P. Ouvrages inedits. 1836.. B 18.01 45 Abenguflan, A. La vie du roy Alman- so r B 67.01. .. .162 Abercromble , J. Intellectual powers. 1832 B 55.02 137 1833 B 5.018 115 -Rev. ed. 1867 B5.019 115 Abhandlungen zur Philosophic B 09. 01..... 20 Ability tests. See Mental tests 135 Ackermann, G.C.B. Christian element in Plato B 14.007 36 Adam, Mrs. A.M.K. Plato B 14.01 36 Adam, J. Nuptial number of Plato... B 14.015 36 Texts on Greek philosophy B 16.016 40 Vitality of Platonisra B 11.01 31 Adamson, E. Logical copula B 492.02. .... 114 Adamson, R. Development of Greek philosophy B 11.016 32 Development of modern philosophy . .B 19.016 46 . Fichte B 247.291 7.6 Philosophy of Kant B 247.461 83 History of logic B 4904. 1 .... 114 Adickes, E. German Kantian bib- liography B 247.4611 83 Kants Ansichten liber Geschichte B 247.4612 83 Adler, F. Religion based on ethics B 608 . 01 . . . . 15' Agrlppa von Nettesheim, H.C -74 De occvlta philosophia Case B 247.016 74 *Vanitle of artes .-...Case B 247.019 74 Vanity of arts. 1676 B 247.02 74 Albee, E. English utilitarianism. . .B 644. 02 1 Aldrich, H. Artis logic*? rudimenta B 49. 025.... 1 *S ErraU (179) INDEX Call No. Page Alexander, A. Moral science B 6. 02.... 152 - Theories of the will B 53.02. ... 131 - Theory of conduct B 6.021... .152 Alexander, A.B.D. History of phi- losophy B 04.03 12 Alexander, S. Locke 7..B 245.511 68 - Moral order B 6.022. . . .152 Alexandrian school of philosophy 42 Alger, W.R. Solitudes of nature... B 529 . 026. . . . 129 Alibert, J.L., baron. Physiologic des passions B 529 . 029. ... 129 Allen, B.R. Patriotism of private life B 686.027 165 Allen, Mrs. P. Amos Hunt... B 698. 017 . . . . 177 Allen, G. Colour-sense B 58.03. . . .147 Allestree ,R.Gentlemans calling Case B 692 . 02 . . . . 172 Alston, L. St.oic and Christian B 161.03 41 American Humane Association. Vivi- section in America B 698 .026. . . .177 - Pamphlets B 698.027. . . .177 American Humane Education Society. Our gold mine B 698 . 025 . . . . 177 American journal of psychology B 507. 04. . . . 121 American philosophers 93 Ammundsen, V. S0ren Kierkegaards ungdom B 250. 46 93 Amusements, Moral and religious aspects of 176 Anatha Dasa. Vicher Mala. . . . . Eames B 104.03 25 Ancient philosophy 24 Angell, G.T. Autobiographical sketches B 698.03. . . .177 Angell, J.R. Chapters from modern psychology B 5. 029. ...115 - Psychology B 5. 03. ...115 - Relations of structural psychology to philosophy B 5. 031. ...115 Animal magnetism. 144 Annalen der Naturphilosophie B 07.02 17 Annalen der Natur- und Kulturphiloso- phie B 07.02 17 (180) INDEX Annambhatta. Tarka-sangraha . . Eames B 104" 04 Annee philosophique B 07*03' 17 Annee psychologique !.!.!. !fi 507*05' ' 121 Appleton.Lilla E. Play activities B 5295^04* 130 Arabian & Mohammedan philosophy 30 Arcesilaus ' 2 Archlv fur die gesamte Psychologic V 567! 055 ' '121 Archlv fur Geschtchte der Philoso- P hie B 07.037. 18 Archiv fur Philosophic B 07.037. is Archiv fur systematische Philoso- P hle B 07.037. . .18 Archives of philosophy B 07.04 18 Archives of psychology B 507 . 06*. '. '. ' 121 Aristobulus 42 Aristotle 33 Aristoteles. De generatlone anima- lium B 15.043 38 De llneis insecabilibus B 15.044 38 De mirabllibus auscultationibus . . .B 15.045 38 Aristotelian Society. Proceedings ... .B 08.04 20 Armstrong, A.C. Transitional eras in thought B 04.05 12 Arnold, E.V. Roman Stoicism B 161.04 41 Arnold, F. Attention and interest.. B 526. 04. . . . 127 Arnold, R.B. Scientific fact B4.04 99 Arrhenlus ,S.A. Life of the universe B 42. 04.... 102 Art of complaisance Case B 6902. 05 ... .171 Art of good behaviour B 69.05. . . .169 Artemldorus Daldianus. De somniorvm interpretatione Case #B 578.04. . . .146 Ashley, M.L. Nature of hypothesis , .B 495.05 114 Association of ideas 127 Aster, Mrs. Jane, pseud., ed. Habits of good society B 69.055. . . .169 Atkinson, H.G. , and Martineau, H. Laws of man f s nature B 5. 053.... 115 Atomists (Democritus , etc.) Attention and interest 127 Avenarius, R. Kritik der reinen Er- fahrung B 4. 05 99 (181) INDEX Call No. Page Avenarius, R. Der menschliche Weltbegriff B 48.05. .. .106 Babees' book B 69. 06. ...169 Bacon, Francis , viscount St . Albans 61 - Advancement of learning. 1633.... B 245 . 061 ...... 61 1640 " .B 245.0611 61 1825 B 245.0613 61 1880 B 245.0615 61 1900 B 245.0617 61 - *Francis Bacon und seine Nach- folger B 245.063 61 *Francis Bacon of Verulam; real- istic philosophy B 245.0632 61 - Moral and historical works B 245.0604 61 Novum organum B 49. 061 . . . . 109 - Opera omnia B 245.05 61 Physical and metaphysical works B 245.0605 61 - Sylva sylvarvm. 1648 Case B 245.0619 61 - 1661 Case B 245.062 61 - Works, 1825-34 B 245.058 61 - 1838 B 245.059 61 1857-90 B 245.06 61 Bacon, Roger 62 - Opera B 245.0703 62 - Opus majus B 245.0702 62 - Opus tertium, Opus minus, Com- pendium philosophiae B 245.07 62 Baconthorpe , John 63 - Philosophia B 245.08 63 Badarayana. Aphorisms of the Vedanta Eames B 104.06 25 Barenbach, F. von. Prolegomena zu einer anthropologischen Philoso- phie B 48.07 107 Bagley, W.C. Educative process B 52. 06.... 123 Bailey, S. Essays B 0.06 1 Bailey, T.P.,jr. Ethology B 59. 06. ...149 Baillie, J.B. Idealistic construc- tion of experience B 33.06 94 - Origin of Hegel's logic B 247.391 78 *See Errata (182) INDEX Call No P Bain, A. Dissertations on leading philosophical topics. . . . . . .B 065 Emotions and the will ..'.'. B 5 0655* 'lie John Stuart Mill !.!!!.'! .*B 245.571* 69 Logic B 49.063*. 'l09 Mental and moral science B 5 063 'lie Mind and body ' *//. B 54.06*. "132 On the study of character B 59.065. '149 Realisation of the possible B 4'.066* 99 Senses and the intellect. 18.86... ..B 5 .' 06s! ! .' ! iie 1894 B 5. 0656. '.'.'.' 116 Bakewell, C.M. Source book in an- cient philosophy B 11.06. .32 Balch, Ruth. Henri Bergson B 239 '. 08*. !'.'.'. 54 Baldwin, J.M., ed. Dictionary of philosophy .B 05.06 16 Elementary psychology and educa- tion B 52.07. .. .123 Fragments in philosophy and science B 0.07 1 History of psychology B 504.06. . . .120 Individual and society B 589 . 059. . . . 148 Mental development in the child and the race B 521.07. ... 125 Psychology applied to the art of teaching B 52.072 123 Social and ethical interpretations in mental development. 1899 B 589. 06. . . . 148 1906 B 589.061 148 Thought and things B 49 . 064 .... 110 Baldwin, S.E. Relations of educa- tion to citizenship B 686.06. . . .166 Baldwin, W. Treatise of morrall philosophic #B 6.07 152 Balfour, A.J. Defence of philoso- phic doubt B 48.068 106 Foundations of belief B 48.0685 106 Ballantyne, J.R. Lecture on the S-nkhya philosophy Eames B 104.071 2 Lecture on the Vedrnta Eames B 104.072 25 Lectures on the Nyaya phi- losophy Eames B 104.07 25 (183) INDEX Call No. , Page Ballantyne , J.R. Synopsis of science Eames B 104. 073 25 Balsillie,D. Examination of Berg- son's philosophy B 239.0807 54 Barber, J. Address delivered be- fore the Boston Phrenological Society B 55.071. . . .137 Bardoux, J. Essai d'une psychologic de 1'Angleterre contemporaine . . . .B 5845 . 07 . . . . 148 Barnes, B. Fovre bookes of offices Case B 67.07. ... 162 Barnes, W.A. Psychology, hypnotism, personal magnetism and clairvoy- ance B 572.075. ... 144 Barrett, E.B. Motive-force and motivation-tracks B 53.07. . . .131 Barrett, W.F. Psychical research. ... B 57. 07.... 141 Bar the lemy- Saint -Hi la ire , J. Victor Cousin B 239.195 55 Bartlett, E. Address delivered at the anniversary of the celebration of the birth of Spurzheim B 55 . 077 . . . . 137 Bascom, J. Hero-worship B 686 .07 . . . . 166 Bastian, H.C. The brain as an organ of mind . B 58.08.... 147 Batson, W.H. Acquisition of skill. .B 5298.1 131 Baudouin, C. Suggestion and auto- suggestion B 574.08. ... 145 Baughan, R. Character indicated by handwriting B 565.07 140 Baumann, J. Gesamtgeschichte der Philosophic B 04.076 12 Die Lehren von Raum, Zeit und Mathematik in der neueren Phi- losophic B 45.06 105 Bawden, H.H. Principles of pragma- tism B 365.08 97 Bax, E.B. Handbook of the history of philosophy B 04.08 12 Bayard, T.F. "Unwritten law" B 686. 08. . . . 166 (184) INDEX Bayle, Pierre P *J Analyse raisonnee de Bayle .".'.".".'.' .'B ' 239 .'655 " '54 Beare, J.I. Greek theories of elementary cognition B 11 08 Beem, M. Practical life B 692*.08 Beer, Margrieta=Schopenhauer B 247.8011 Beers, C.W. Mind that found itself.. B 569.08 Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philoso- phic des Mittelalters B 09.08. .20 Bender, H. Zur Losung des metaphy- sischen Problems B 4.09 Benedikt, M. Die Seelenkunde des Menschen als relne Erf ahrungswiss- enschaft B 5.087 Benett, W. Justice and happiness B 6.08 Benn, A.W. Early Greek philosophy. .B 11.089 32 Greek philosophers B 11.09 32 Bennett, A. How to live on 24 hours a day B 692.088, The human machine B 692 . 09 The reasonable life B 692.095 Bentham, J. Introduction to the principles of morals B 6.09, Berachya ben Natron! . Work of Berachya Lanakdan B 1091. B 45 31 Berendt, M. , and Friedlander , J. Spinoza's Erkenntnlsslehre B 246.831 73 Berger, M. Der Materialismus in Kampfe mlt dem Spirituallsmus und Idealismus B 34.09 95 Bergmann, H. Das philosophische Werk Bernard Bolzanos... B 258.11 93 Bergmann, J. Allgemeine Logik; Reine Logik B 49.095, Geschichte der Philosophic B 04.095, Die Grundprobleme der Logik B 49.09. Untersuchungen liber Hauptpunkte der Philosophic B 4.094. ergson, Henri Louis Introduction to metaphysics B 4.095. Laughter , B 5293.09. .32 172 .91 140 99 .116 .152 172 172 172 152 .110 . .12 .110 . .99 . .54 . .99 .130 (185 INDEX Call No. Page Bergson, H.L. Matter and memory B 54. 09.... 132 - La perception du changement B 4115.1. . . .102 Berkeley, George, bp . of Cloyne 63 Berkeley and Perclval B 245.0907 63 Principles of human knowledge ... B 245.0908 63 Selections from Berkeley ? .B 245.0905 63 Works. 1871 B 245.0904 63 1897-98 B 245.0906 63 Bernard, L.L. Transition to an ob- jective standard of social con- trol B 686.09. . . .166 Bernstein, J. Five senses of man...B 541 . 09. . . . 135 Berthelot,R. Romantisme utilitaire B 365.09 97 Bertholet, A. Transmigration of souls B 519.09 123 Bertling, 0. Geschichte der alten Philosophic B 11.096. . , . .32 Bethune, G.W. Genius B 593. 09. . . . 150 Bhattacharya, M.L. Lecture on the Vedanta philosophy Eames B 104.09 25 Bibel fur Freunde der Wahrheit B 6. 093.... 152 Bibliothefc fur Philosophie B 07.037 18 Bidez, J. Vie de de Porphyre B 168.085 44 Biese, R. Die Erkenntnisslehre des Aristoteles und Kant's in Ver- gleichung ihrer Grundprincipien. . . .B 48. 09.... 107 Bigelow, J. Mystery of sleep B 578 . 09. . . . 146 Bigg, C. Neoplatonism B. 168.09 44 Bigge, L.A.S.,ed. British moralists B 6. 095.... 152 Bilharz, A. Erlauterungen zu Kant's Kritik der reinen Vernunft B 247.4613 83 Der heliocentrische Standpunct der Weltbetrachtung B 42. 09.... 103 Binet-,A. Alterations of personality B 569 . 09 . . . . 140 Double consciousness B 522.1.,.. 126 L' etude experimentale de 1 ' in- telligence B 524.1. . . .126 Mind and the brain B 5. 09.... 116 Binet, A., and Fere, C. Animal mag- netism B 572.09 144 Biography (Collective only) 97 (186) INDEX Birch, T. Life of Robert Boyle... .B Birks, T.R. Modern utilitarianism. . .B 644* 1 ' Bittencourt, L. Classif icacao das sclencias ......................... B 435. 09> Black, H. Culture and restraint ..... B 692 1 Friendship ........................ B 6 863.'l! *168 Blackburn, I.W. Gross morbid anatomy of the brain in the insane B 569.1.... 140 Blackie, J.S. Pour phases of morals B 604.1. !!!l58 Blakey,R. History of the philosophy of mind ............................. B 04.1 ..... 12 Blundeville, T. Arte of logick..Case B 49.1.... no Boardman, A. Defence of phrenology .. .B 55.1.... 137 Boardman, G.N. The will and virtue.. B 53.11. ...* 131 Bodemann, E. Die Leibniz-nand- schrif ten ....................... B 247.4916 ..... 87 Bodschastra. Book of learning Eames B 104.11 ..... 25 Boehmer, H. Geschichte der Ent- wickelung der naturwissenschaf t- llchen Weltanschauung in Deutsch- land .............................. B 42.108 ____ 103 Boer, T.J., de. History of phi- losophy in Islam .................. B 107.22 ..... 30 Bohemian philosophers ............................ 93 Boles, A. Address delivered before the Society of Inquiry ..... ...... B 692. 107 . . . . 172 Bolingbroke ,H. St.-J. 1st viscount. Letters on the spirit of patriot- ism ................................ B 686.1. . . .166 Bolton, Sarah K. The story of Douglas .................... ...... B 698.108. . . . 177 Bolzano , Bernard ................................. 9? Bond, A. Memory of the fathers.... B 683. 109. .. .165 Bonilla y San Martin, A. Historia de la f ilosofia espanola .......... B 2040.1 ..... 49 Boole, G. Laws of thought .......... B 49. 108.... 1 Mathematical analysis of logic ..... B 497.1 ---- 114 Bosanquet, B. Civilization of Christendom ....................... B 608.11. . . .159 Companion to Plato's Republic ...... B 14.11 ..... ^ (187) INDEX Call No. Page Bosanquet, B. Distinction between mind and its objects B 37.11 98 - Essentials of logic B 49. 11.... 110 Individuality and destiny . . .B 4.11 99 - Logic. 1888 B 49.1105 110 1911 7. .B 49.1106. . . .110 - Psychology of the moral self B 535 .11 . . . . 132 Bouiilier, F. Histoire de la phi- losophic cartesienne B 0239.11 48 Boulting, W. Giordano Bruno B 235.118 51 Bourde, P. Le patriote B 686.11 166 Boutroux, E.E.M. De la contingence des lois de la nature B 42 . 109 . . . . 103 Historical studies in philosophy ... B 04.11 12 - Relation between thought and ac- tion B 4. 1105 99 William James B 283.452 94 Bowen, F. Modern philosophy. B 19.11 46 - Treatise on logic. B 49 . 112 . . . . 110 Bower, G.S. Hartley and Mill B 245.384 65 Bowker, R.R. The arts of life B 692 . 11 . . . . 172 Bowne, B.P. Kant and Spencer B 247.4614 83 - Metaphysics ' B 4.113 99 Personalism B 4.114 99 Philosophy of Spencer B 245.832 70 Theory of thought and knowledge ... .B 48. 11.... 107 Bowsher-, C.A. Absolute curriculum. . .B 42. 11.... 103 Le grand epitome in B 42. 11. ... 103 - Money question in B 42.11. .. .103 - World relations B 42.112 103 Boyle, Robert 64 - Origine of formes and qualities ... B 42 . 116. . . . 103 Vsefvlnesse of experimental natur- al philosophy B 42. 117. . . . 103 Bradley, F.H. Appearance and reality B 4.115 99 - Essays on truth and reality B 4.116 99 - Ethical studies B 6.114 152 - Principles of logic B 49.114 110 Brahma Sutras Eames B 104.115 25 Brandis, C.A. Geschichte der Ent- wickelungen der griechischen Phi- losophie B 11.115 32 (188) INDEX Brasch, M. Die Philosophie der Fage Gegenwart _ _ B 20 47. 11 50 Brathwaite, R. English gentleman. . B 69 1097* - English gentleman and the English gentlewoman B 69 11 169 Brauer,H.G.A. Philosophy of Ernest Renan B 239.73. 58 Brent, C.H. Leadership B 686. 12. ie6 Brentano, P. Origin of the know- ledge of right and wrong B 6. 12.... 152 Psychologie des Aristoteles B 15. ll!!! .38 Psychologic vom empirischen Stand- punk te B 5.116 116 Brett, G.S. History of psychology . .B 504. 12. . . . 120 Philosophy of Gassendi B 239.325 57 Brewer, D.J. American citizenship B 686. 122. ... 166 Bridges, J.H. Life of R. Bacon. ...B 245.0711 62 Brlerre de Boisinont, A. Halluci- nations B 575.108. . . .146 Brlgham,A. Letter to the author of Phrenology known by its fruits.... B 55. 119. .. .137 British journal of psychology B 507 .16. . . . 121 Brockle,W. Indian philosophy Eames B 104.12 25 Brodie, Sir B. Mind and matter B 54. 12.... 132 Brough, J. Mental science B 5. 12.... 116 Brougham and Vaux, H.P.B. , baron. Dialogues on Instinct B 58.12 147 Brown, J.H. Spectropia B 575. 12. .. .146 Brown, J.M. Unwanted children B 697. 123 176 Brown, T. Philosophy of the human mind B 5.123 116 Brown, W. Mental measurement B 5405 . 12. . . . 135 Browne, Sir Thomas 64 Works B 245.12 64 Brucker,J.J. History of philosophy B 04.125 12 Brunnhofer, H. Giordano Bruno's Weltanschauung B 235.12 51 Bruno , Giordano 51 Bryant, Sophie. Short studies in character. B 6. 126.... 152 (189) INDEX Call No. Page Bryce, J. Hindrances to good citizenship B 686.124. . . .166 Buchanan, J.R. Outlines of lectures on the neurological system of an- thropology v . . .B 55.13. ... 137 Buchner, E.F. Kant's psychology? . B 247.4615 83 Buchner , Ludwlg 74 Force and matter B 247.13 74 Buckley, A.B., later Mrs. Fisher. Moral teachings of science B 6. 13.... 152 Buoni, T. Problems of beautie and all human affections B 529 . 127 . . . . 129 Burckhardt, F. Psychologische Sklzzen zur Elnfiihrung in die Psychologie B 5.13. ... 116 Bureau, P. La crise morale des temps nouveaux B 686.13. . . . 166 Burgh, J. Youth's friendly monitor B 692 . 13 . . . . 172 Burghley, W.C., 1st baron. Pre- cepts Case B 692. 135. .. .172 Burnet, J. Early Greek philosophy. . .B 12.13 34 *Greek philosophy B 11.13 32 Burt, B.C. History of Greek phi- losophy B 11.135 32 History of modern philosophy B 19.13 46 Burton, R. Anatomy of melancholy. 1660 #B 529.13 129 1883 B 529.132 129 - 1893 B 529.133. .. .129 Bushnell, H. Moral uses of dark things B 6.135 152 Business and professional ethics 162 Bussell, F.W. Marcus Aurelius B 161.13 41 School of Plato B 14.13 36 Butler, H.E. Practical methods to insure success B 57. 13.... 141 Butler, Joseph, bp. of Durham 64 Butler, W.A. Lectures on ancient philosophy B 11. 14 ...*.. 32 Butterfield, D. Character and duty B 59. 139. . . . 149 *See Errata (190) INDEX Caird, E. Critical philosophy of * ant ' B 247.462.. .83 He S e B 247.392.. 78 Social philosophy of Comte B 239.182. '55 Caird, J. Spinoza B 246.832 Calderwood, H. David Hume B 243.4216^ 59 Handbook of moral philosophy B 6.14! .Ib Philosophy of the infinite B 44^14! iiQ4 Relations of mind and brain B 54.14. Caldwell,C. Elements of phrenology B 55.141." "."."137 Caldwell,W. Schopenhauer's system B 247. 8014. '. . . .92 Calkins, Mary W. Association B 525. 14. . .' .'i27 Calov, A. Encyclopaedias disciplin- arum realium ideae B 485.14. .109 Campbell, P. W.G. Apollonius of Tyana B 167.14*. *.!*. .43 Capes, W.W. Stoicism B 161.145 41 Carlson, J.S. Om filosoflen i Amerlka B 2083. 15 51 Carman, A.R. Ethics of imperialism B 686. 15 . . . . 166 Carneri, B. Der moderne Mensch; Versuch iiber Lebensfuhrung B 692. 15. . . . 172 Carpenter, J.E. James Martineau. .B 245.5515 68 Carpenter, W.B. Principles of mental physiology B 54. 15.... 132 Carr. H.W. Henri Bergson B 239.082 54 New idealist movement in phi- losophy B 0.151 2 Philosophy of Benedetto Croce...B 235.2015 52 Problem of truth B 48.14 107 'Time 1 and 'history' in contem- porary philosophy B 45. 15.... 105 Carra de Vaux , B. , baron. Avi- cenne B 1071. A 915 30 Carrlere, M. Die philosophische Weltanschauung der Ref ormations- zelt B 19.15 46 Carter, Sarah N. For pity's sake...B 698.15 177 Carus, P. Our need of philosophy ... .B 0.152 2 Philosophy as a science B 0.153 ..2 Soul of'man Vl'is'" 99 - Surd of metaphysics B 4. it) * (191) INDEX Call No. Page Casa, G. della. Galateo B 69. 15. ...169 Refin'd courtier B 69. 151. . . . 170 Casaubon, M. Treatise concerning enthusiasme B 529. 15. ... 129 - *Treatise of vse and cvstome B 594 . 15. . . . 150 Cassirer, E. Das Erkenntnisproblem in der Philosophic und Wissen- schaft der neueren Zeit B 48. 15.... 107 Castro, Matilda. Respective stand- points of psychology and logic B 5. 15.... 116 Catholic philosophy .45 Cathrein, V. Moralphilosophie B 6. 155.... 152 Gazes, A. Pierre Bayle B 239.0615 54 Cecil, H.M. Pseudo-philosophy B 0.157 2 Cnalesme, de. L'homme de qualite in B 67.01. .. .162 Chalybaus, H.M. Historical survey of speculative philosophy B 2047.16 50 Chamberlain, H.S. Immanuel Kant B 247.46215 84 Change 102 Channing, W.E. Duties of children B 683 . 161 . . . . 165 Chapone, Mrs. H. Letters on the improvement of the mind B 68 . 16 .... 164 Character 149 Characteristics, National 147 Charles, E. Roger Bacon B 245.0712 63 Charron, P. De la sagesse trois livres. 1646 Case B 6. 159. ...152 1777 B 6.1595. . . . 152 - Of wisdome 3 books. 1630 Case B 6. 16.... 152 Wisdom three books. 1729 #B 6.161. . . .152 Charts of philosophy 17 Chevremont, J.B. de. Knowledge of the world B 692.16. . . .172 Children, Cruelty to 176 Children, Duties of 165 Chinese philosophy 24 Chow Leen-K'E. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der chinesischen Phi- losophic B 102.16 24 Christian philosophy, Early 44 *See Errata (192) INDEX Cho-Tzu. Yu tsuan Chu-Tzu chuan sho B !<" *Z Clairvoyance ............ iX . / ..... ^ 4 Clap, T. Essay on* the 'nature 'and * foundation of moral virtue and obligation ............... B6T7 Clark, W.A. Suggestion in education's 52 17 Classification of sciences. ' 1 2 leland, J. Heropaideia ........ Case' B' 6?' 17* Clevenger, S.V. Comparative physi- ology and psychology ............... B 58 18 14? ford, W.K. Lectures and essays... B 17 2 Closs,W.J.L. Christian citizenship B 686*18' * 166 Cobarrubias, P. de. Reraedio de jugatores ................... Case #B 696.18. .176 Darwinism in morals ..... B 0.182 ____ Essay on intuitive morals ........... B 6 18* 'iss Scientific spirit of the age ....... B b.lss!!'. Studies new and old ............... B 6.1805. *153 Cobbett, W. Cobbett's advice to young men ......................... B 692.18 ____ 172 Cocker, B.P. Christianity and Greek philosophy ........................ .B ..... 32 Codes, B. Physlognomlae epi- tome .......................... Case B 56.18 ____ 139 Colgnet, M. , Sleur de La Thuillerie. Polltlqve dlscovrses vpon trveth and lying ......................... B 687.18. . . . 168 Coleridge, S.T. Comprehensive theory of life ............................ B 475.2 ____ 106 Introduction to the Encyclopaedia metropoll tana .................... B 485. 181. ... 109 Preliminary treatise on method.... B 485 . 18. . . . 109 Collection of pamphlets on ethics ........ B 6.... 151 Collection of pamphlets on patriotism. .B 686.... 165 Collections .................................... 139 Collier, Arthur .................................. 64 Clavls universalis ................ B 245.18 ..... 64 Collineau, J.C. Analyse physiolo- gique de 1 ' entendement humain ...... B 5. 186.... 116 Collins, C.W. Plato .............. , . .B 14.18 ..... 36 Collins, W.L. Butler .............. B 245.132 ..... 64 (193) INDEX Call No. Page Columbia University. Contributions to philosophy B 09.18 21 Combe, G. Address; birth of Spurz- heim B 55 . 189 . . . . 137 - Constitution of man. 1835 B 55 . 1893 . . . . 137 1848 ?. .B 55.1895. . . . 137 System of phrenology B 55. 19.... 137 Comparative psychology 147 Compayre, J.G. Intellectual and moral development of the child.... B 521 . 19. . . . 125 Comte, Auguste 55 Cours de philosophic positive... B 239.1801 55 - General view of positivism B 239.1808 55 Positive philosophy. 1853 B 239.1802 55 1855 B 239.1803 55 System of positive polity B 239.1805 55 Conduct of life 172 Confessions of a magnetiser B 572 . 191. . . . 144 Conscience 162 Consciousness 126 Constable, F. C. Poverty and heredi- tary genius B 593 . 322. . . . 150 Conta, B. Theorie de fatalisme B 53. 18.... 131 Conversation ....171 Conversation of gentlemen B 6902 . 2. . . . 171 Cook, A.B. Metaphysical basis of Plato's Ethics B 14.19 36 Cook, J. Conscience B 65. 18. ...162 - Transcendentalism B 39.19 98 Cooke,H.P. Maurice, the philosopher B 656 . 19 . . . . 162 Coriat, I.H. Abnormal psychology. .. .B 569. 2.... 140 Cornelius, H. Psychologic als Er- fahrungswissenschaft B 5. 196. . . .116 Cornell studies in philosophy B 09.2 21 Cornford, F.M. From religion to philosophy B 11.19 Cosmology 102 Courtesy 169 Courtier's calling B 69. 19. ...170 Courtney, W.L. Constructive ethics.. B 6. 196.... 153 - Metaphysics of John Stuart Mill. .B 245.572 69 (194) INDEX Courtney, W.L. Studies in philosophy B 0?195 Cousin, Victor .................... ' * Elements of psychology ...... ..... *B 5*2* History of modern philosophy ..!. !!B' 19 196* Introduction to the history of philosophy ........................ B 04.195. 12 - Lectures ........................ B 239.1901. Philosophy of Kant .............. B 247.4622.. 84 Couturat,L. La logique de Leibniz B 247.4918.' Coville, Marion E. An appeal against slaughter .................. B 698.2 ____ 177 Cox, E.W. Mechanism of man ......... B 54 . 196. . . 133 Crawford, A.W. Philosophy of P.H. Jacob! ............................... B 247 ..... 79 Creative intelligence ................ B 365.2. .97 Crelghton, J.E. Introductory logic... B 49.2....110 Critical realism ..................... B 37 .27 ..... 98 Croce , Benedetto ................................. 51 Esthetic. . . . ..................... B 235.195 ..... 51 Pilosofla come scienza dello splrl to ........................... B 235.19 ..... 51 Hegels Philosophic .............. B 247.3922 ..... 78 Logic ........................... B 235.1955 ____ .52 Philosophy of Giambattista Vico. .B 235.199 ..... 52 Philosophy of the practical ...... B 235.196 ..... 52 Saggl fllosoficl ................. B 235.198 ..... 52 Crozler, J.B. History of intel- lectual development ................. B 04.2.... 13 Judworth, Ralph .................................. 64 True Intellectual system of the universe. 1743 ................... B 245.202 ..... 64 - 1845 ........................... B 245.205 ..... 64 Abridgment ....................... B 245.2 ..... 64 Cultivation of the memory ............ B 527.2 ---- 128 Cultivation of the senses ............ B 521.2 ---- 1 Culverwel,N. Of the light of nature B 6.205 ---- 153 Cumberland, R. Treatise on the laws of nature .......................... B 6.202. ... 153 Gumming, J. Discourse to a society of young men ..................... B 692 . 202. . . . 172 (195) INDEX Call No. Page Cureau de la Chambre, M. Characters of the passions B -529.2. .. .129 - Discovrse of the knowledg of beasts B 58. 2.... 147 Cutten, G.B. Three thousand years of mental healing B 571. 2.... 143 Cyples, W. Inquiry into the process of human experience B 5 .21 .... 116 Dabney, R.L. Sensualistic philosophy of the 19th century B 32.21 94 Dana, J. Sermon delivered before the Merrimack Humane Society B 686. 215 . . . . 166 Danish philosophers 93 Dare, J. Counsellor Manners ... Case B 692 . 21 . . . . 172 Darroch, A. Place of psychology in the training of the teacher B 52 . 217 . . . . 123 Davidson, J.T. Talks with young men B 692 . 22 . . . . 172 Davidson, W.L. Logic of def ini tion. . B 49. 22.... 110 Stoic creed B 161. 22 41 Day, H.N. Outlines of ontological science B 4. 22 99 Day, J. Self-determining power of the will B 53.22. .. .131 De Britain, W. Counsels B 692 . 225 . . . . 173 Defoe, D. Compleat English gentle- man B 69. 22. ...170 De Land, F. The A B C of good citi- zenship B 686.222. . . .166 Delatte, A. La litterature pytha- goricienne B 167.22 43 Deleuze, J.P.F. Practical instruc- tion in animal magnetism B 572. 22 . . . . 144 Delvolve, J. Religion chez Pierre Bayle B 239.0622 54 De Morgan, A. First notions of logic B 497 . 22 . . . . 115 - Formal logic . B 49 . 227 . . . . 110 - Syllabus of a proposed system of logic B 49.225 110 Dendy, W.C. Philosophy of mystery... B 57. 22.... 141 Denmark , phi losophy 51 Desai, S.A. Indian philosophy B 104.225 26 Descartes , Rene 51 (196) INDEX Descartes, R. Dlscovrs de la methode B Discourse on method .............. B 239 221 Life and meditations, a new tr..B 239 2215 Meditations and selections ...... B 239 2204* Method, meditations and selec- .................. B 239.2203. .56 OEuvres .......................... B 239.198. philosophical works ............... B 239.21. ' 56 Philosophy of Descartes in ex- tracts ....................... B 239.2205. .56 Traite de la mechaniqve ........ in B 239.22. 56 Dessolr.M. Geschichte der neueren deutschen Psychologic ............. B 504.22.. .120 Deussen, P. Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophic ................... B 04.225 ..... 13 Die Elemente der Metaphysik: Wesen des Ideallsmus ..................... B 4.226 ..... 99 Elements of metaphysics ............ B 4.227 ..... 99 Die Philosophic der Griechen ...... B 11.225 ..... 32 Devey, J. Logic ............... ...... B 49. 23. ...110 Dewey, J. Essays in experimental logic ............................. B 49.234 ____ 110 Influence of Darwin on philosophy . .B 0.223 ...... 2 Leibniz's New essays ............. B 247.492 ..... 87 Psychology ........................... B 5.22. . . .116 Dewey, J. , and Tufts, J.H. Ethics. ...B 6. 23. ...153 Dewing, A.S. Life as reality ........ B 4. 229.... 100 Dexter, T.F.G. Psychology in the schoolroom ......................... B 52.22. .. .123 Dhamma Sangani. Buddhist manual.... B 104.23 ..... 26 Dickinson, G.L. Greek view of life..B 11.23 ..... 32 Meaning of good ................... B 652.23 ---- 162 Dictionaries of philosophy ....................... 16 Diderot, Denis ........................ ........... 51 Early philosophical works ........ B 239.233 ..... 57 Dissertation concerning the preex- istency of souls ............. Case B 518.23 ---- 123 Dittrich, 0. Grundzlige der Sprach- psychologie ................. ... -B 5284. 23. ... 129 Dobbs, A.E. Philosophy and morals in ancient Greece ................. B 616.23 ---- 160 (197) INDEX Call No. Page Dodgson, C.L. Symbolic logic B 497 . 23 . . . . 115 Dods,J.B. Lectures on the philoso- phy of mesmerism B 572 . 236 . . . . 1 44 Philosophy of electrical psy- chology B 57.23. .. .141 Dodsley, R. Economy of human life..B 692. 23 . . . . 173 Dor ing, A. Geschichte der griech,- ischen Philosophic .B 11.237 32 Dolbet, J.P. de Gerville 57 -Le code des codes B 2 39. 237 57 Dole, C. P. Citizen and the neighbor B 686.23. ... 166 Dollfus, C. De la nature humaine....B 51. 23.... 122 Dolson, Grace N. Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche B 247.6223 89 Donaldson, H.H. Growth of the brain B 54 . 237 . . . . 133 Dorner, A. Das menschliche Handeln. .B 6. 236.... 153 - Zur Geschichte des sittlichen Denkens und Lebens ; neun Vortrage B 604. 24. . . . 1 58 Doud, F.N. Evolution of the indi- vidual B 59.24. .. .149 Douglas, A.H. Philosophy of Pietro Pomponazzi B 235. 71 53 Douglas, C. John Stuart Mill B 245.5724 69 Dove, H.W. Ueber Elektricitat . . . in B 541.23. ... 135 Ueber Wirkungen aus der Feme B 541 . 23. . . . 135 Downey, June E. Control processes in modified hand -writ ing B 565.24. ... 140 Draper, J.W. Intellectual develop- ment of Europe . .B 04.241 13 Drbal, M. Lehrbuch der empirischen Psychologle B 5.237 116 Dreams 146 Dresser, H.W. Power of silence. ...B 5715 . 24 . . . . 1 43 Spirit of New thought B 5715 . 243 .... 143 Dreyer,F. Studien zu Methodenlehre und Erkenntnisskritik B 48.24. . . . 107 Driesch, H. Individuality B 475 . 243 . . . . 106 Vitalism B 475.24. .. .106 Drobisch,M.W. Neue Darstellung der Logik B 49.245 110 (198) INDEX Drossbach, M. Uber die verschieden- en Grade der Intelligenz und der Sittlichkeit in der Natur B 5.24 117 Drummond, H. Greatest thing in the world B 686.24. . 166 Drummond, J. Philo Judaeus B 166.24. 42 Du Bois-Reymond,E. *Uber die Grenz- en des Naturerkennens B 42.244. 103 Uber die Grenzen des Naturerkenn- ens, die sieben Weltrathsel B 42.2442.. .103 Uber die Grundlagen des Erkenntnis in den exacten Wissenschaf ten B 42.248. ... 103 Du Bois-Reymond, P. Die allgemeine Functionentheorie B 455. 24. . . . 105 Dubray, C.A. Theory of psychical dispositions B 5.245. ... 117 Ducci, L. Ars avlica Case B 67. 25.... 163 Diihrlng, E. Kritische Geschichte der Philosophie B 04.246 13 Logik und Wissenschaf tstheorie B 4. 24.... 100 Duff, R.A. Spinoza's philosophy. .B 246.8324 73 Du Pean, C.A. Recherches philoso- phlques B 51.247 122 Duprat, G.L. Morals B 6.24 153 Du Prel, C. Philosophy of mystic- ism B 57.245 141 Durand, J.P. Essais de physiologic phllosophlque B 54.246 133 Dutch philosophers 71 Duties of children 165 Duties of kings and rulers 162 Duty 162 Du Vair, G. Moral philosophic of the Stolcks. 1598 Case B 161.25 41 1667 Case B 161.251 41 Dymond.J. Essays on the principles of morality B 6. 25. ...153 Eachard, J. Mr. Hobbs ' s state of natu^ B 245.412 66 - Some opinions of Mr. Hobbs B 245.412 6 Early Christian and mediaeval philosophy 4 *Sce Errata (199) INDEX Call No. Page Early development of the faculties 125 Ebblnghous, H. Grundziige der Psychologic 117 Eclectics 42 Edfeldt, H. Om de etiska grundbe- greppen I . . .B 6.256. . . .153 Educational psychology 123 Edwards, J. Modern notions of free- dom of will. 1768 B 53.255 131 1790 B 53.256 131 Eighteenth century philosophy 47 Einheit und Vielheit B 4.26 100 Eisler, R. Geschichte des Monismus . .B 35.26 96 Fhilosophen-Lexikon B 05.25 16 - Worterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe B 05.26 16 Elliot, H.S.R. Herbert Spencer... B 245.8326 71 Modern science and Bergs on B 239.0827 54 Ellis, Edl th M.O. (Lees) . James Hinton B 245.404 66 Three modern seers B 6. 26.... 153 Ellis, H. Study of British genius.. B 593. 26 . . . . 150 World of dreams B 578.26 146 Ellwood, C.A. Introduction to social psychology B 589 . 258 . . . . 148 - Some prolegomena to social psy- chology B 589.26. . . .148 Elmendorf, J.J. Outlines of the history of philosophy B 04.26 13 Blyot, Sir T. Bankette of sapience.. B 6. 265.... 153 - The boke named The Gouernour B 67. 26.... 163 - Castell of he 1th Case B 692 . 26 . . . . 173 - Of the knowledeg whiche maketh a wise man *Case B 692. 261 . . . . 173 Emotions 129 Empedocles . Fragments B 124. 2 35 Empiricism 94 Encyclopaedia of mental philosophy .. .B 0.265 2 Encyclopaedia of the philosophical sciences B 05.27 16 Encyclopedias of philosophy 16 *See Errata (200) INDEX England, philosophy Cal1 No< Pagc Engl Ish philosophers ... English Theophrastus. ..../!!!!/! !B*692.'265.' ! ' '173 Epicureans Epochs of philosophy..!!*//.! 'B*04'265 ti Brdmann, B. Logik ...BiS.'S?: 'ill Erdmann, J.E. Grundriss der Ge- schichte der Philosophic B 04 268 13 History of philosophy B 04.269. Outlines of logic and metaphysics . .B 49.27* ill Rede zur Saecularf eier Friedrich Wilhelm des Dritten B 267 2 Erhardt, F. Die Philosophie des* Spinoza B 246.8327 73 Eschenauer ,A. La morale universelle. . .B 6. 27.... 153 Essays in honor of William James B 0.769.'.'!. .3 Essick, A. Counsel to young men....B 692. 27.! / 173 Ethical culture movement 159 Ethical record B 607.27. !! !l59 Ethics 151 Ethics, Family 164 Ethics of evolution 161 Ethics, Political 165 Ethnopsychology 147 Etiquette 169 Eucken, Rudolf Christof 74 Collected essays. 1914 B 247.26 74 Meaning of life B 247.27 74 Ethics and modern thought B 6. 275.... 153 Fundamental concepts of modern philosophic thought B 0.27 3 Geistlge Stromungen der Gegen- wart B 194.275 47 Geschlchte und Kritik der Grund- begrlffe der Gegenwart B 0.272 2 Der Kampf urn elnen geistigen Lebensinhalt B 0.274 4 *Die Lebensanschauungen der grossen Denker B 04.27 13 Life's basis and life's ideal B 4.27 1 Main currents of modern thought.. B 194.276 48 *Sec Errata (201) INDEX Call No. Page Eucken,R.C. Naturalism or idealism? B 34.27 95 Problem of human life B 04.273 13 Evans, E.P. Evolutional ethics B 58. 27.... 147 Evans, W. The Christian B 692.276 173 Everett, C.C. Science of knowledge B 247.293 76 Science of thought \ ..B 49. 277. . . . Ill Everett, W. Patriotism B 686.27 167 Evolutionary ethics 161 Expression 137 Faculties, Early development of 125 Faguet,E. Initiation into philosophy B 04.28 13 Fairbrother, W.H. Philosophy of T.H. Green B 245.363 65 Falckenberg, R. Geschichte der neueren Philosophic B 19.278 46 - History of modern philosophy B 19.28 46 Fallacies 114 Falsehood 168 Family ethics 164 Farnese,Q. Qvaestiones definitae Case B 0.28 4 Fawcett,E.D. Individual and reality B 4. 286.... 100 Fazio, E. II tremuoto del 28 luglio 1883 B 529.28. . . .129 Fechner , Gustav Theodor 75 Elemente der Psychophysik B 54. 29.... 133 - Nanna B 247.277 75 - Ueber die Frage des Weber 'schen Gesetzes B 541 . 28 . . . . 135 - Ueber das hochste Gut B 247.2775 75 - Ueber die Methode der Richtigen Falle in B 541.28 135 - Vorschule der Aesthetik B 247.2778 75 - Zend-Avesta B 247.278 75 Felch, W. Phrenological chart B 55. 291. . . . 137 Fernald, Grace M. Achromatic con- ditions B 541. 29. ... 135 Fernald, Mabel R. Diagnosis of men- tal imagery B 5283 . 29. . . . 128 Ferrari , Giuseppe 52 - Filosofia della revoluzione B 235.2905 52 Ferrier, D. Functions of the brain B 54 . 293 . . . .133 (202) INDEX 245.291. .65 .65 .143 75 247.279 75 75 Ferrier, James Frederick Lectures on Greek philosophy!!! Philosophical works '3 Feuchtersleben, E. Freiherr von! Health and suggestion B 571 3 Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas Sammtliche Werke B* Fichte, Johann Gottlieb !!!. Contributions to mental phi- losophy B 247.2907.. . .75 Nachgelassene Werke B 847.281. ... .75 Popular works B 247. 2905 ! ! ! ! .'75 Sammtliche Werke B 247.28. .75 Science of ethics B 247.29082 !!!! !76 Science of knowledge B 247.2908 76 Vocation of man B 247.29067... .75 Flclno , Mars 11 io 52 De Vita llbri tres B 235.305 52 Fischer, K. Commentary on Kant's Crltick of the pure reason B 247.4629 84 Critique of Kant B 247.463 84 Francis Bacon of Verulam B 245.0632 61 "Francis Bacon und seine Nach- folger B 245.063 Geschichte der neueren Philosophic. .B 19.3 History of modern philosophy B 2039.3 Fite, W. Individualism B 589.3 - Introductory study of ethics B 6.3 Fitzgerald, Mrs. P.F. Treatise on the principle of sufficient reason... B 5.3 61 46 48 148 153 117 141 Flammarlon, C. L'lnconnu B 57.302. Flecknoe,R. Fifty five enigmatical characters B 599.29 150 Fleming, W. Manual of moral phi- losophy B 6.304. . . .153 Vocabulary of philosophy B 05.304 1 Fletcher, H. Menticulture B 692.3 173 Flint, R. Philosophy as scientia sc lent i arum B 485.3. . . .1 .B 235.943 53 See Errata (203) INDEX Call No. Page Flournoy, T. Philosophy of William James B 283.453 94 Flugel.O. Probleme der Philosophic .... B 0.3 4 - Die Seelenfrage B 511. 3. ...122 Fobes,P. Sermon addressed to youth B 692 . 307 . . . . 173 Foerster, R. Die Physiognomik der Griechen B 56.31. . . .139 Fogg, A.D. Early lessons in kind- ness or cruelty B 698 . 307. . . . 177 Forbes, Sir J. Mesmerism true; mesmerism false B 572. 31. ...144 Force 106 Forsyth, T.M. English philosophy .. .B 245.31 49 Fossati, J.A.L. De la mission du philosophe B 55.308 137 - De la necessite d'etudier une nouvelle doctrine B 55 . 3081. . . . 138 Foster, W.T. Argumentation and de- bating B 49.3 111 Fouillee, A. Esquisse psychologique des peuples europeens B 583. 3.... 147 Fourier, F.C.M. Passions of the human soul B 529 . 31 . . . .129 Fowler, L.N. Synopsis of phrenology and physiology B 55. 309. .. .138 Fowler, O.S. Love and parentage ... B 529. 314. ... 129 - New self-instructor in phre- nology B 55.3113 138 - Religion, natural and revealed B 55. 31.... 138 - Self-instructor in phrenology B 55. 311. . . . 138 - Synopsis of phrenology B 55 .3102 . . . . 138 Fowler, T. Bacon B 245.0633 62 Elements of inductive logic B 495 . 31 . . . . 114 - Principles of morals B 6. 308.... 154 - Progressive morality B 6. 31.... 154 - Shaftesbury and Hutcheson B 245.813 70 France, philosophy 48 Fraser, Alexander Campbell 58 - Berkeley B 245.093 63 - Berkeley and spiritual realism. . .B 245.094 63 - Biographia philosophica B 243.31 58 (204) INDEX Fraser,A.C. Essays in philosophy. B^Sl ^ - Locke p ' A . _ * ' 4 Thomas Reid [ . '.[ \ [ ] [ [ \ | ; ; | ] ^ J"'^- Frauenstadt,J. Arthur Schopenhauer B 247 804* French philosophers " ' ' ' Freud, S. Interpretation of' 54-55 ................... Case B > Psychoanalysis .............. Case B 569.315 Friendship ....................... Frobel, K.F. Definitions and axioms . .B*4 ! 31.' Frommanns Klassiker der Philosophie . .B 09 31 Frothingham, E.L. Philosophy as absolute science ................... B 4.317. .100 Frothingham, O.B. Transcendentalism in New England .................... B 39.317.. 98 Frothingham, P.R. In the shadow... B 692 . 709. .' ! .'175 Fuller, B.A.G. Problem of evil in Plotlnus ........................... B 168.3 ..... 44 Fullerton, G.S. Introduction to philosophy ......................... B 0.317 ...... 4 On Spinozistic immortality ...... B 246.8332 ..... 73 System of metaphysics .............. B 4. 319.... 100 World we live In .................. B 42.317. . . .103 Gailhard, J. Compleat gentleman ..... B 69. 32.... 170 Galton, F. English men of science... B 59. 32.... 149 Hereditary genius ................. B 593.32 ____ 150 Human faculty and its develop- ment ............................. B 595.317. .. .150 Natural inheritance ............... B 595. 32. . . . 150 Gannett, E.S. Sermon for children. 1831 ............................. B 683.323 ____ 165 2d ed. 1831 ................... B 683.3231 ---- 165 Garbe, R. Philosophy of ancient India ....................... Eames B 104.32 ..... 2 Gassendl , Pierre ................................. ^7 Gaultier,P. La pensee contemporaine B 0.326 ...... 4 General histories of philosophy ............ ...... Genetic psychology .............................. 146 Genius .......................................... 15 German philosophers .............................. 74 ermany, philosophy .............................. 5 (205) INDEX Call No. Page Geulincx, Arnold, . . 71 Opera philosophica B 246.33 71 Ghazzali. Alchemy of happiness B 107.32 30 *Gibson, J. Locke's theory of know- ledge B 245.5134 68 Gibson, W.R.B. Problem of logic."-. ...B 49. 33.... Ill - Rudolf Eucken's philosophy of life B 247.2733 74 Giles, A.E. Moral pathology B 59. 33.... 149 Glllouln, R. La philosophic de Henri Bergson B 239.084 54 Oilman, N.P. Conduct as a fine art B 692 . 34. . . . 173 Globerti , Vlncenzo 52 - Medltazloni fllosoflche B 235.34 52 - La teorlca della mente umana B 235.344 52 Glzyckl, G. von. Moralphllosophle . . . B 6. 345.... 154 - Vorlesungen liber sozlale Ethlk....B 686 . 34 . . . . 167 Glanvlll , Joseph 65 - Essays on philosophy and religion... B 0.34 4 Scepsis scientifica. 1665 B 245.339 65 1885 B 245.34 65 Two choice and useful treatises .... B 0.342 4 Goddard, H.H. Human efficiency and levels of intelligence B 524 . 35 . . . . 126 Godley, A.D. Socrates B 13.36 35 Goldwell, C. True choice of a friend Case B 6863.3 168 Gomperz, T. Greek thinkers B 11.353 33 - Griechische Denker B 11.352 33 Gordon, Kate. Psychology of meaning B 541 . 35 . . . . 135 Gordy, J.P. Lessons in psychology .. .B 5. 356.... 117 Gore, W.C. Imagination in Spinoza and Hume... B 5283 .35 . . . . 128 Gotama, surnamed Akshapada. Aphorisms Eames B 104.358 26 Gough, A.E. Philosophy of the Upanishads. 1882 Eames B 104.359 26 1891 B 104.36. 26 Graham, W. Idealism B 33.36 94 Granger, F.S. Psychology B 5. 363. ...117 Grant, Sir A. Aristotle B 15.36. ....38 *See Errata (206) INDEX Call No. a- .146 160 .31 Grant, A.H. Literature and curi- osities of dreams... R R7 c> Graphology ................ " Greek ethics ...................... [[[' Greek philosophy .................. Green, F.W.Edridge. Memory, and its cultivation ....................... B 528.35. 1P 8 Green, Thomas Hill ......................... 65 Prolegomena to ethics ............... B G'.ZG' Works ............................. B 245^36! .65 Greene, W.B. Transcendentalism ..... B 39.368 ..... 98 Greenwood, F. Imagination in dreams B 578.37*. !*. !l46 Grey, R. Memorla technica .......... B 528.36. ... 128 Grisebach, E. Edlta und inedita Schopenhauerlana ................ B 247.8044. .92 Groos, K. Play of man .............. B 5295.3. ... 130 Grote, George .................................... 65 Aristotle ........... '. .............. B 15.37 ..... 38 Fragments on ethical subjects ....... B 6. 37.... 154 Plato .............. . ............... B 14.37 ..... 37 Review of Mill's "Examination of Sir W.Hamilton's philosophy" ... .B 243.3855 ..... 59 Grote, J. Exploratio philosophica. .B 245.37 ..... 65 Treatise on the moral ideals ....... B 6. 372.... 154 Ground, W.D. Examination of Spen- cer's philosophy ................. B 245.834 ..... 71 Glitler, K. Eduard Lord Herbert von Cherbury ........................... B 245.4 ..... 66 Gunsaulus, F.W. Evolution of human character .......................... B 59.37 ---- 149 Guthrie, K.S. Numenius of Apamea..B 168.368 ..... 44 Philosophy of Plotinos ............ B 168.37 ..... 44 Guyard, A. Des droits, des devoirs, et des constitutions .............. B 686. 38. . . . 167 Guyau, M. Sketch of morality ........ B 6. 378.... 154 Habit Somnolism & psycheism B 572.38.. Moral basis of de- ,B 686.384. . Haddock, J.W. Hadley, A.T. mocracy Hadzslts, G.D. Prolegomena to a study of Plutarch B 616.38 . .144 . .167 .160 (207) INDEX Call No. Page Haeckel , E. Der Monismus B 35.38 96 - Riddle of the universe B 35.387 96 - Die Weltratsel ...B 35.385 96 Hagemann, G. Psychologie. . . . .B 5. 38 .... 117 Raines, T.L., and Yaggy, L.W. Royal path of life ?. . . . B 692 . 38 . . . . 173 Haldane, E.S. James Frederick Ferrier B 243.294 58 Haldane, R.B. Haldane, 1st viscount. Degrees in knowledge, truth, and reality B 48 . 38. . . . 107 - Pathway to reality B 4. 38.... 100 Hall, A. Sermon against profane swearing B 691.383. . . .171 Hall, G.S. Adolescence B 5. 385. ...117 Hallock-Greenwalt ,Mary. Time eternal B 45. 38.... 105 Hallucinations 146 Hamilton, E.J. Medalist B 49. 38. ...Ill Hamilton, Sir William, 9th bart 58 - Discussions on philosophy and literature B 243.3802 58 Lectures on metaphysics and logic. 1859-60 B 243.3804 58 v.l. n.d ..B 243.3805 58 - Philosophy B 243.3807 58 Hansson, 0. Friedrich Nietzsche .. .B 247.624 89 Happiness 162 Harlez, C.J. de. ...L'ecole philoso- phique moderne de la Chine B 102.39 24 Harper, T. Metaphysics of the School B 4. 39.... 100 Harris, G. Moral evolution B 6. 388.... 154 Harris, W.T. Hegel's logic B 247.394 78 History of philosophy B 04.388 14 - Introduction to the study of phi- losophy B 0.385 4 - Psychologic foundations of educa- tion B 52.39 123 Hart, B. Psychology of insanity. .. .B 569. 38. .. .140 Hart, E. Hypnotism, mesmerism and the new witchcraft B 572 . 39 . ... 144 Hartley, David 65 (208) INDEX Hartmann, Eduard ...... Cal1 No> *V - Ausgewahlte Werke . . .' " .' .' ] .' *B*247'^"" II - Ethische Sbudien ............ 8*247 3900? ..... * Phanomenologie des sittlichen Bewusstseins ............... B 24? 3 Philosophic des Unbewuss ten .'.'.' .'B 247*3802 ..... II Philosophy of the unconscious .. .B 247*380^ 79 Sexes compared ................... B ' ^' Hartwig, G.L. Harmonies of nature! *B 42*39' *i. p w Grundzxige .... ..... ' ' : ............. 87 Medicinische Psychologie' ' a Jli J2H ..... 8? - Mlcrocosmus ____ ...... 247.5208 ..... 87 Mlkrokosmus. ...... n 247.5205 ..... 87 Outlines of a philosophy' of ' ^e- 247 ' 5204 ..... 87 ligion ......... Outlines of philosophy! [f'.'Jg 11 ..... 8 System der PhllosophlJ ! ! \'l JJJ;JJJ2 ..... System of philosophy... [J 247 'S ..... ! Lovett, W. Social and pollti^i' morality ..... R Luchtmans, G. Een' bilk ' in'de 'ge^ ' neeskunde der toekomst ____ B 698 5PR i Ludovici,A.M. Introduction to the'phi losophy of Friedrich Nietzsche.. B 247.6255 89 Lumley, E. Art of judging the char- from handwriting and style.. B 565 52 140 Luquet, G.H. Aristote ........... B 15*52* Lutos'awski, W. Origin and growth of Plato's logic ................... B 14.52.. .37 Brain and its functions ____ B 54 53 133 McAl Ister, W. Society as I have ^^ nd T lt ...................... . ..... B 69. 53.... 170 Me e,J., comp. Biographical dic- ionary of modern rationalists .. .B 3681.53 ..... 97 MacColl, H. Symbolic logic ......... B 497.53. ..! 115 Maccoll, N. Greek sceptics ......... B 163.53 ..... 42 McCormac, H. Philosophy of human nature .............................. B 5.53. .. .118 M'Cosh, J. Examination of Mill's philosophy ....................... B 245.576 ..... 69 First and fundamental truths. ....... B 4. 53.... 101 Intuitions of the mind ............ B 4. 5303. . . . 101 Our moral nature .................... B 6. 53. ...155 Philosophical papers ................ B 0.53 ...... 6 Prevailing types of philosophy. .. .B 4. 5308. . . . 101 Psychology; the cognitive powers.. B 5 . 5305. . . . 118 Psychology; the motive powers ..... B 5 . 5308. . . . 118 Realistic philosophy .............. B 37.532 ..... 98 Scottish philosophy .............. B 2043.53 ..... 49 (223) INDEX Call No. Page McCosh, J. Tests of the various kinds of truth B 49.53 112 McCrea, R.C. Humane movement B 698. 54. . . . 178 McCrie, J. Autopaedla B 692 . 53. . . . 174 Maccunn, J. Ethics of citizenship. .B 686. 53. . . . 167 Making of character ^.B 692 . 535 . . . . 174 MacDonald, A. Traumatic hypnotism.. B 572 . 53 . . . . 144 MacDonald, R. Mind, religion and health B571.53... .143 McDougall, W. Group mind B 583 . 535 . . . . 147 Psychology B 5. 54. ...118 McDowall, A. . Realism B 37.537 98 Mach, E. Die Analyse der Empfind- ungen B 54. 54. . . . 133 Analysis cf the sensations B 541 . 528 . . . . 136 Mclntyre, J.L. Giordano Bruno.... B 235.1253 51 M'Kendrick, J.G., and Snodgrass, W. Physiology of the senses B 541. 5? . . . . 136 Mackenzie, J.S. Manual of ethics B 6. 54.... 155 - Outlines of metaphysics B 4. 532.... 101 Mackintosh, Sir J. Progress of ethical philosophy , B 62. 54.... 160 Mackintosh, R. From Comte to Benja- min Kidd B 648.53. . . .161 - Hegel B 247.3952 78 Macleane, D. Reason, thought and language B 49.538. . . .112 MacLennan, S . F . Impersonal judgment.. B 49. 54.... 112 Macmillan, R.A.C. Kant's critique of judgment B 247.4653 84 Macpherson, H.C. Adam Smith B 243.825 60 Herbert Spencer B 245.8357 71 - Intellectual development of Scotland B 2043.54 49 Spencer and Spencerism B 245.83573 71 McTaggart, J.McT.E. Commentary on Hegel's logic B 247.3954 78 Hegelian cosmology B 247.3955 78 Hegelian dialectic B 247.39553 78 - Nature of existence. .B 4. 54.... 101 (224) INDEX Sarva-darsana- Call No. Pag, B 104.54 B 239.226 4654 .27 .56 .84 142 142 125 33 Madhava Achfirya. samgraha Manaffy, J.P. Descartes..../. Mahaffy, J.P., and Bernard, J.E. Kant's critical philosophy B 247. Mahan, A. Modern mysteries ex- , Pained B 5 Malson, L. , ed. Le llvre de toutes les prophetles _ .B 57 51 Major, D.R. First steps in mental* g r wth B 521.54 Makers of Hellas B 11.54 Malebranche , Nicolas OEuvres i' ^V.B* 239*. 543 ".'.!!'. 57 Treatise concerning the search after truth B 239.54 57 Manilula Nabhubhal Dvlvedl. Imi- tation of Sankara Eames B 104.55 28 - Monism or advaitism? Eames B 104.551 28 Manners and tone of good society. .. .B 69. 546. . . . 170 Manning, J.M. Soldier of freedom. . .B 67. 549. . . . 163 Mansel , Henry Longueville 68 Letters, lectures, and reviews B 0.54 6 Metaphysics B 245.5405 68 Philosophy of the conditioned .. .B 243.3845 59 Prolegomena loglca B 49. 55.... 112 Mantegazza, P. Physiognomy of ex- pression B 56.55 Manual of modern scholastic philoso- phy B 18.541 45 Manuals of Catholic philosophy B 18.54 Marshall, P. Curiosities of cere- monials, titles and forms ...B 69.55 Marshall, H.R. Consciousness B 522. 55 Instinct and reason B 5292.55 Marshall, T. Aristotle's theory of conduct B 15.55 Ma'-tineau, H. How to observe B 686.55 Martlneau, James Essays B 0.55 Inter amicos; letters B 245.55 140 . .45 .170 .126 .130 . .39 .167 .68 (225) INDEX Call No. Page Martineau, J. Study of Spinoza.... B 246.836 73 Types of ethical theory B 604. 55 . . . . 159 Marvin, W.T. History of European philosophy B 04.55 14 Introduction to systematic phi- losophy i , ? . . .B 0.559 6 Syllabus of an introduction to philosophy B 0.56 6 Mason, R.O. Telepathy and the sub- liminal self B 574.555. .. .145 Massachusetts Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Children. Annual report B 697 . 55 .... 177 Manual B 697.549 176 Masson, D. Recent British phi- losophy B 2045. 56 49 Masson, F. Robert Boyle B 245.105 64 Masson, J. Atomic theory of Lucretius B 126.55 35 Materialism 95 Mathematical logic 114 Mathematics, Philosophy of 105 Matter 106 Maudsley, H. Body and mind B 54. 56.... 133 - Body and will B 53. 56. ...131 - Life in mind & conduct B 6. 56. ...155 - Pathology of mind B 569 . 56. . . . 140 - Physiology of mind B 54. 561 . . . . 133 - Responsibility in mental disease.. B 53 . 561 . . . . 131 Maurice, F.D. Conscience B 65. 56.... 162 Modern philosophy B 19.56 47 - Moral and metaphysical philoso- phy B 604.56. . . .159 - Social morality B 686. 56 . . . . 167 Mauthner, F. Worterbuch der Phi- losophic B05.6 17 Mayer, A. Die Lehre von der Er- kenntnlss B 48.56. .. .108 Mayo, H. On the truths contained in popular superstitions B 57. 56. ...142 (226) INDEX Mayor, J.B. Sketch of ancient phll- Pa * osophy R Mechanicalisra ' ' .* ' b 24 Medieval philosophy Meersch,A.A. van der. Vier brieven; ' over P.Hofstede ^ B 13 6 _ Mellone, S.H. Studies in phiio-' sophical criticism B 565 Memory ^8 Menal, G. Byw-Ddifyniaeth (Vivisec-' tlon) B 698. 567.... 178 Mendo, A. Principe perfecto y mlnlstros aivstados Case B 67.57. .163 Mental healing Mental suggestion Mental tests '^3 Mercier, C.A. Conduct and its dis- orders B 6.57 155 New logic B 49.57 112 Psychology, normal and morbid B 5. 57.... 118 Sanity and insanity B 57. 57.... 142 Merz, J.T. History of European thought in the nineteenth century B 194.58 48 Leibniz B 247.496 87 Mesmer, P. Precis historique des faits relatifs au magnetisme- animal B 572.571 144 Metaphysics 99 Meyerson, E. Identity et realite B 4.57 101 Mlchelet, C.L. Hegel der unwider- legte Weltphilosoph B 247.3957 78 Mllhaud, G. Nouvelles etudes sur 1'hlstolre de la pensee scien- tlflque B 455.57 105 M111,J. Phenomena of the human mind B 5.575 118 Mill, John Stuart 68 - 69 Augusta Comte. 1866 B 239.1859 55 1882 B 239.186 5 - Dissertations and discussions B 245.57 68 - Ethics of J.S.Mill B 6. 573. ...156 (227) INDEX Call No. Page Mill, J.S. Examination of Hamil- ton's philosophy. B 243.385 ..... 59 System of logic. 1855 B 49. 576 . . . . 112 1868. B 49.577 112 1874. B 49.5772. .. .112 1879 ^.B 49.5773. . . . 112 Utilitarianism '. . .B 644.57 161 Miller, I.E. Mathematical element in the philosophy of Plato B 14.575 37 - Psychology of thinking B 52.57. ..124 Mlllerd, Clara E. EmpedocTes B 124.57 35 Mind B 07.58 18 Mind and body 132 Mind-reading 145 Minto, W. Logic. 1893 B 49. 58.... 112 1901 B 49.581 112 Miscellanea Case B 692 .57. . . .174 Missouri. University. Studies. Philosophy and education series.... B 09.58 22 Mitchell, S.W. Wear and tear B 569 . 58 . . . . 140 Mitchell, W. Structure & growth of the mind B 5. 58. ...118 Mivart, St.G. Groundwork of science B 42. 58.... 104 Mnemonics 128 Mnemonics, the new science B 528 . 583. . . . 128 Modern ethics 160 Modern philosophy 46 Moll, A. Hypnotism B 572 . 59 . . . . 144 Momerie, A.W. Personality B 51.59 122 Monck,W.H.S. Introduction to logic B 49.585 112 - Sir William Hamilton B 243.386 59 Mondolfo, R. Le materialisme his- torique d'apres Frederic Engels....B 34.59 96 Monism 96 Monist; a quarterly magazine B 07.59 18 Monteith, Mary E. Fringe of immor- tality B 57. 585. . . .142 Moore, A.W. Theories of knowledge in Locke's essay B 48.59. .. .108 Pragmatism and its critics B 365.59 97 (228) INDEX ofhh- Senslbl e etiquette of the best society D Moore, G.E. Ethics. ..... B69.59 ---- 171 Principia ethica ' ........ B 6 ' 59 ---- 156 Moore, J.H. Young g^tieman* and ..... 6 - 5 92....i 56 lady's monitor. . . n enn Moore, K.C. Ment al development ' of " 8M - B ----1W a chi Id ....... Moore T.V. Reaction' U me ' and'move ment ................ Moral aspects of amusements.' Moral philosophy ......... ....... 17 Morals, Psychology of".'.!! ........... 151 More , Henry .......... .......... * Philosophical writings! **' ..... ^*?!!!fH:::::::: : ::l. Morell.J.D. Speculative philosophy of Europe in the 19th century. ' ................. 'B 194.59 ..... 48 **; ........................ B 194.591 ..... 48 L. Instinct and exper- ience- .................. B 5292.59. .130 pretatlon of nature ........... B 42.59....104 Introduction to comparative psychology ........................ >B 53.59. u . 147 Morlarty,W.D. Function of suspense in the catharsis ............. ....B 529. 588. ... 129 Morley, J. On compromise.. ......... B 686. 59. . . . 167 Morris , George Sylvester ......................... 94 Hegel's philosophy of the state.. B 247.396 ..... 78 Kant's Critique of pure reason... B 247.466 ..... 85 Morse, J. Sermon preached before the Humane Society of Massachus- etts ......... ...- ................. B 686.596. ... 167 Moses ben Maimon. More nebuchim B 1091. M 84 ..... 31 Guide of the perplexed ......... B 1091. M 86 ..... 31 Mosso, A. Pear ..................... B 529.59 ____ 129 Muhlethaler, J. Die Mystik bei Schopenhauer ..................... B 247.806 ..... 92 Muller, F.M. Vedanta philosophy ..... B 104.6 ..... 28 (229) INDEX Call No. Page Mlinsterberg, H. Eternal values B 479. 6.... 106 - Grundziige der Psychologie B 5. 608.... 118 - Psychology and life B 5. 61.... 118 - Psychology and the teacher B 52.6.... 124 Psychotherapy B 571. 6.... 145 - Science and Idealism ?....B 33.6 95 Mugge , M.A. Friedrich Nietzsche. 1908 .B 247.626 89 1912 B 247.6262 89 Muir, J. Vaiseshika philoso- phy Eames B 104 . 599 28 Muirhead, J.H. Aristotle's Ethics... .B 15.6 39 Elements of ethics B 6. 6. ...156 Philosophy and life B 0.6 6 Mullany, P.P. Essays philosophical .. B 0.605 6 Munger, T.T. On the threshold B 692. 6.... 174 Munk, S. Philosophy of the Jews B 109.6 31 Munro, R. Schleiermacher , personal and speculative B 247. 796 90 Munson, M,A. Duty contemplated as due-ty B 65.6. .. .162 Murner, T. Chartilvdivm logicae B 497. 6.... 115 Murphy, J.J. Habit and Intelligence .. B 54. 6.... 133 Muttukrishna,G.R. Human mind Eames B 54 . 608 . . . . 133 Myers, C.S. Introduction to experi- mental psychology B 54. 609 . . . . 134 - Text-book of experimental psy- chology B 54.61. . . .134 Myers, F.W.H. Human personality ... .B 57 . 609 . . . . 142 National characteristics 147 National philosophies 48 Natorp, P. Platos Ideenlehre B 14.61 37 Naturalism 95 Nature, Philosophy of. 102 Naville, E. Les systemes de phi- losophic B 0.61 6 Neckam, Alexander 69 De naturis rerum B 245.61 69 Nemesius, bp. of Emesa. Natvre of man Case B 171.N 31 44 Neo-Platonism 44 (230) INDEX Neo-Pythagoreanlsm (Apollonlus of Tyana^" *"' *T* Neo-scholastic philosophy ...... Nerva, S.E. Introduction a la phi-* .......................... B 62 6 Nettleship, R.L. Philosophical remains ...................... g Q gg^ Republic of Plato ........ ...I*.... *.B 14.62* '37 Neueste philosophische Litteratur . . . .B 07*62* 'is New ldeal ........................... B 607 '.62'. !l59 New realism ....................... ; ^ ^ ^ 9Q New realism; by E.B.Holt, W.T. Marvin [and others] ................ B 37.62. 98 New thought ........................... " ^ 43 Newcomb, D.B. How to win ........... B 692 '.62! Newfang, 0. Development of charac- ter ................. . ............ B 692.625 ____ 174 Newnham, W. Essay on superstition. . .B 57.62 ____ 142 Nichol , J. Francis Bacon .......... B 245.066 ..... 62 Nicole, P. Essais de morale ......... B 6. 625. ...156 Nietzsche, Priedrlch Wilhelm .................. 88-89 Complete works of F.Nietzsche ..... B 247.62 ..... 89 Werke ............................. B 247.61 ..... 88 Nlfo, A De pvlchro et amore ...... B 529.625 .... 130 Nllakantha Gore, N. Refutation of the Hindu philosophical sys- tems ....................... Eames B 104. 625 ..... 28 Tenets of Turaram .......... Eames B 104.626 ..... 28 Nlsbet, J.F. Insanity of genius ---- B 593. 62. . . . 150 NltobS, I. Bushido, the soul of Japan ......................... , . .B 6367.62 ---- 161 Nltzsch, F.A.B. Luther und Aristo- teles .................... ' .......... B 15.62 ..... 39 Noack, L. Philosophie-geschicht- llches Lexikon ..................... B 05.63 ..... 17 Noir, L. Sketch of philosophic thought ........................... B 04 . 63 ..... 14 Norrls , John ..................................... 6 ^ - Idea of happiness ............ Case B 656. 63.... 16 Reason and religion ............ in B 245.63 ..... 6 Reflections .................... in B 245.63 ..... 69 - Theory of love ............... Case B 245.63 ..... 69 (231) INDEX Call No. Page Notions of the Hindus Eames B 104.635 28 Notovitch, O.K. Lyubov B 529 . 63 . . . . 1 30 Nozeman, C. Socrates B 13.63 ^6 Nyaya system of philosophy .. .Eames B 104. 645 . . . . . 28 Occult sciences 141 Olzelt-Newin, A. Die Grenzen des-, Glaubens B 48 . 64. ... 108 Ogle, N. Endowment of mind B 5. 643.... 118 Olcott, T.W. Address before the Albany Phrenological Society B 55 . 643. . . . 138 Open court ; a monthly magazine B 07 . 64 19 Orage , A.R. Nietzsche in outline... B 247.63 89 Ormond , A.T. Concepts of philosophy . .B 0.64 7 - Foundations of knowledge B 48 . 645 . . . . 108 Orr , J . David Hume B 24 . 4264 59 Osborn, F. Advice to a son. 1658.. B 692 . 639 . . . . 174 1896 B 692.64 174 Osmun, T.E. Mentor B 69 . 648. . . . 171 Ostwald, W. Natural philosophy B 42. 64.... 104 O'Sulllvan, J.M. Old criticism and new pragmatism B 4. 64.... 101 Our fellow creatures. B 698 . 64. . . . 1 78 Owen, J. Evenings with the skeptics B 38.65 98 - Skeptics of the Italian and French renaissance B 38.651 98 Owen, R.D. Debatable land B 57 . 649. . . . 142 - Footfalls on the boundary of another world B 57. 65. ...142 Packard's monthly in B 5507.65. . . .139 Paley, W. Principles of moral and political philosophy. 1788 B 6.655. . . .156 - - 1831 B 6.656. . . . 156 Palmer, G.H. Field of ethics B 6. 657.... 156 Glory of the imperfect B 692.656. . . .174 Nature of goodness B 6. 658.... 156 Pamphlets and leaflets. Treatment of animals B 698 . 999 .... 178 Pamphlets on phrenology in B 5509. 99 . . . . 139 Pamphlets relating to philosophy B 09.99 22 Paola, fra. Trattato de regimine rector is B 67 . 66. ... 163 (232) INDEX Paracelsus ............. Hermetic and alchemical Life and substance of his teacn a " No - 247* Parish 'E'. ' 'Hallucinations'and ..... B 247 ' 651 ..... 90 Illusions ........ R . Parker, T. Function and' place* of ' conscience ...... .................. B 65 Sermon of merchants ........ B 67 6 ^' Parmellee, M. Science of human behavior ....................... B 58 66 Patanjali. Aphorisms of the Yoga philosophy .................. Eames B 104 . 66 28 oga aphorisms ............. Eames B 104.661. *Yoga philosophy ......... ..Eames B 104.662. 29 Yoga-Sutra ................. Eames B 104. 663 *29 Pater, W. Plato ..................... B 14>66 Pathological psychology ................... ^40 Patrizi, F. De regno et regis in- stltutione .................... Case B 67.67 ____ 163 Paulsen, P. Einleitung in die Phil- osophie ............................. B 0.66 ...... 7 Introduction to philosophy ......... B 0.662 ...... 7 Kant ............................ B 247.4666.. . . *85 Schopenhauer, Hamlet, Mephisto- pheles ............................. B 36.66 ..... 96 - System der Ethlk ................... B 6.664 ____ 156 System of ethics ................... B 6. 665. ...156 Payot, J. Education of the will ..... B 53. 66.... 131 Peabody, A. P. Positive philosophy B 239.187 ..... 55 Peabody, P.G. Bericht liber Treiben und Ausdenung der Vivisektion. . .B 698.6675. ... 178 Personal experiences of two American anti-vivisectionists. . . .B 698. 667. ... 178 Peacham, H. Compleat gentleman ...... B 69.66 ---- 171 Worth of a penny ............... . . .B 692.66 ---- 174 Pearson, K. Ethic of freethought ---- B 6.666 ---- 156 Peck, G.R. Conflict of social forces ........................... B 686.668 ---- 168 Temperament ....................... B 597.66. ... 151 *Sce Errau (233) INDEX Call No. Page Peirce, W.F. Methods of inducing introspective power B 52.669. ... 124 Pellissier, G. Voltaire B 239.95 58 Penn, W. Fruits of a father's love in B 692.67. . . .174 - Fruits of solitude. 1794 '-. ..B 692 . 67 . . . . 174 - 1906 '. B 692.671 175 Perception 135 Periodicals, Ethical 159 - Philosophical 17 - Psycho loogical 121 Perrin, F.A.C. Human learning process B 52.68.... 124 Perry, R.B. Annotated bibliography of William James B 283.457 94 - Approach to philosophy B 0.67 7 Personality 122 Pesch, T. Die grossen Weltratsel. . . .B 42. 67.... 104 Pessimism 96 Peterson, H.A. Influence of complex- ity and dissimilarity on memory. . .B 527.67. ... 128 Pfister, 0. Die Wlllensfreiheit B 53. 68. ...131 Philip, A. Dynamic foundation of knowledge B 48.68. .. .108 Phillips, E. Mysteries of love B 69. 68.... 171 Philo Judaeus 42 - Contemplative life B 166.695 43 - Fragments B 166.693 42 Libellus de opificio mundi B 166.697 43 - Opera B 166.68 42 - Philonea B 166.696 43 Works, tr. by C.D.Yonge B 166.685 42 Philosophical essays in honor of J.E.Creighton B 0.685 7 Philosophical review B 07.69 19 Philosophical Society of Chicago B 08.68 20 Philosophic im Beginn des zwanzigs- ten Jahrhunderts B 195 .68 48 Philosophy, Ancient 24 Philosophy, general works 1 Philosophy, Modern . .46 (234) INDEX Philosophy, Moral ^ No Philosophy of animal magnetism'. '.B'iri'aft'"? Philosophy of mathematics Phrenological journal and magazine' moral science. Edinburgh B 5507.64 139 Phrenological journal and science of health B 5507 Phrenological Society !' Proceedings '. . B 55 686* in B 56.686! Phrenology Phrenology, a science ! .". ! '.] '." ][ [\\ \ B ' 55 ^g'; Physiognomy Physiological psychology Plat, C. Aristote "!.'.'.' .Y 15 ' 68 ' laton B 14.683.. Socrate B 13.685 36 Pickering, E.G. Possibility of errors in scientific researches . .B 573 . 688. . . . 145 Picton, J.A. Spinoza B 246. 8367. 73 Pigou, A.C. Problem of theism B 0.69..'!!.'. 8 Pillow, G.J. Purpose of life B 692.692. ..". 175 Plllsbury, W.B. Attention B 526. 69. . . . 127 Essentials of psychology B 5. 69.... 118 Psychology of reasoning B 524. 7.... 126 Pitt, St.G.L.P. Purpose of education B 52. 69.... 124 Plato 36 Dialogues, tr. by B.Jowett B 14.69 37 Works, tr. by F.Sydenham and T. Taylor B 14.689 37 Platonist B 14.0005 36 Play 130 Pluche, N.A. History of the heavens.. B 42. 7.... 104 Pluralism 97 Plutarchus. Plutarch's Morals B 6.69 156 Podmore,F. Apparitions and thought- transference B 573.7. ... 145 Mesmerism and Christian science... B 571.67 143 Political ethics 165 Pollock, Sir F. Spinoza. 1880 B 246. 837 73 1899 ,B 246.8371 7 Pomponazzi , Pietro 53 (235) INDEX Call No. Page Porphyrius. Opuscula selecta B 168.7 44 Porter, N. Elements of moral science B 6. 705.... 156 - Human intellect B 5. 706.... 118 - Kant's ethics B 247.4668 85 - Science and sentiment B 0.706 8 Sciences of nature -* . .B . 7063 8 Post-Aristotelian philosophy 40 Potter, H.C. Scholar and the state B 67. 708. . . , 164 Potter, W.J. Sunshine of the soul B 692. 709 . . . . 175 Poupin,T. Caracteres phrenologiques B 55. 71.... 138 Powell, B. Unity of worlds B 0.71 8 Powell, E.E. Spinoza and religion B 246.8372 73 Powell, L.P. Emmanuel movement ..... .B 571. 7.... 143 Poyen, C. Letter to W.L. Stone B 572.71 144 Pragmatism 97 Pranalala Sambhulala Desai. Mahakaran Eames B 104.71.... 29 Prantl, C. Geschichte der Logik im Abendlande B 49.71 112 Pratt, J.B. What is pragmatism? ... .B 365.71 97 Preexistence 123 Pre-Soc ratio philosophy 34 Prevention of cruelty to children 176 Preyer, T.W. Mental development in the child B 521.709 125 - Mind of the child B 521 . 71 . . . . 126 Prezzolini, G. Benedetto Croce....B 235.207 52 Price, E.K. Modern philosophy B19.71 47 Prichard, H.A. Kant's theory of knowledge B 247.4669 85 Prince, M. Dissociation of a per- sonality B 569.71 141 - Nature of mind and human auto- matism B 511.71 122 Probabilities 114 Professional ethics 162 Psychical review B 57 . 007. . . . 141 Psychical research 141 Psychological bulletin. New York...B 507 . 782. . . . 121 Psychological index B 507 . 781 . . . . 121 Psychological review B 507 . 78. . . . 121 (236) INDEX Psychological review. Monograph supplements ....... Call No. B . 7805 alnS 5 121 . 19 121 .19 121 507.799. . . .121 Philosophical monographs' Psychological indef. Publications, philosophical 'mono graphs ............. Psychologische Studien'. Phllosophlsche Studien. '. ! *B507 7Q?' ' ' Psychology ............... Psychology, Comparative" Psychology, Educational.! Psychology, Genetic ..... . *. " ....... 12 Psychology of morals. ...... Psychology of reading ..... !!! Psychology of women ........ . .* ! " Psychology, Pathological... Psychology, Physiological... Psychological, Social. ......... Psychology, Speculative ____ Pyrrho ......................... !!!!!!!!! 42 Pythagoras and the Pythagorean school.!!! Quantification of the predicate ......... !!!!!!!!il4 Quantz, J.O. Psychology of reading B 541 ! 72." Radestock, P. Habit and its im- 136 124 portance In education B 52.731. Rahn, C.L. Relation of sensation to other categories in contem- porary psychology B 541.73. Raleigh, Sir W. Instrvctlons to his sonne in B 692.135. Ram Chandra Bose. Hindu phi- losophy Eames B 104.73. Rama Prasada. Science of breath... B 104.731. Ramesey,W. Gentlemans companion Case B 69. 74.... 171 Ramus, Petrus 57 Rand, B. , comp. Classical moralists. .B 6. 73. ...156 Classical psychologists B 504. 73. .. .120 Modern classical philosophers B 19.73 47 Raoux, E. De la destinee de 1'homme B 51. 73.... 122 Rashdall, H. Ethics B 6. 7348.. .156 Theory of good and evil B 6. 735.... 156 136 172 .29 .29 (237) INDEX Call No. Page Raue , K.G. Psychology applied to occult psychic phenomena B 54. 73.... 134 Ravaisson, P. La philosophic en France B 2039. 73 48 Rayne , Mrs. Martha L. Written for you -\ .B 692. 73. .. .175 Read, C. Metaphysics of nature B 4. 735.... 101 - Natural and social morals B 6 . 74 .... 156 On the theory of logic B 49. 74.... 112 Reading, Psychology of . 129 Realism 98 Reavis, L.U. Thoughts for the young men B 692.74. . . .175 Reed, C.B. Toxemia as a stimulus in literature B 569 . 73. . . . 141 Regnaud, P. Philosophic de 1'Inde B 104.737 29 Rehmke, J. Grundriss der Ge- schichte der Philosophic B 04.74 14 - Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Psy- chologic B 5.74. .. .119 - Die Welt als Wahrnehmung und Be- griff B 48.74 108 Reichel, E. Wer schrieb das "Novum organon" B 245 . 067 62 Reid, A. Address B 692.75 175 Reid, Thomas 60 - Philosophy of Reid B 243.7307 60 - Works B 243.74 60 Reinhardt, N.B. Hesbkamboda Teo- mempia B 239.188 55 Remade, G. La philosophic de S.S. Laurie B 245.495 67 Remusat, C., de . Bacon B 245.0672 62 - Histoire de la philosophic en Angle t err e B 2045.74 49 Renan, Ernest 57 - Averroes et l f averroisme B 1071. A 87 30 - Future of science B 0.74 8 "Philosophical dialogues B 239.728 57 Renouvier, C. Histcire et solution des problemes metaphysiques B 4. 74.... 101 *See Enata (238) INDEX RSvllle, A. Apollonius of Tyana. B 167 74 Revue neo-scolastique B 07.806* Sommaire ideologique B 07 8061* Revue philosophique B 07.807.' 19 Rhodes, D. P. Philosophy of change .. B 4115.16! 'l02 Ribot, T. Creative imagination. .. .B 5283.74*. Diseases of memory B 527.74* Diseases of personality B 569*74! Diseases of the will B 53.742*. - English psychology B 504! 738*.! !! .2Q Evolution of general ideas B 524. 74. . . !l27 German psychology of today B 504. 74! ! ! ! 120 Problemes de psychologie affec- tive .B 529.739. . . .130 Psychology of attention B 526.74. . . .127 Psychology of the emotions... B 529 . 74 . . . . 130 Rich cabinet B 692 . 753. . . . 175 Richter,C. Nietzsche et les theo- ries blologiques contemporaines . .B 247.633 89 Rickaby, J. Scholasticism B 18.74 45 Rledel, 0. Kants Lehre vom Ding an slch B 247.4674 85 Rlehl, A. Giordano Bruno B 235.127 51 Der phllosophische Kritizismus, Geschlchte und System B 48.745 108 Principles of the critical phi- losophy B 4.75... .101 Right use of speech; by the author of "This one thing I do" B 687.746 169 Riley, I.W. American philosophy .. .B 2083.74 51 Ripley, F.J. Ethlanism B 0.741 8 Ritchie, D.G. Darwin and Hegel B 0.7417 3 Philosophical studies B 0.742 8 Ritson, J. Essay on abstinence from animal food B 698 . 748. . . . 178 Ritter, H. Die christliche Phi- loso^hie B 04.745 15 Historia phllosophlae graecae B 11.738 3 History of ancient philosophy./ B 1.74.. Robert, L.J.M. Essai sur la megal- anthropogenesie B 55.75. . ..1 (239) INDEX Call No. Page Robertson, G.C. Elements of general philosophy B 0. 745 8 - Elements of psychology B 5. 75.... 119 - Hobbes B 245.417 66 Philosophical remains B 0.749 9 Robertson, J.M. Pioneer humanists 7 47 Short history of morals B 604.75. .. .159 Rogers, A.K. Introduction to modern philosophy B 19.75 47 - Parallelism of mind and body B 54. 74.... 134 Student's history of philosophy. .. .B 04.75 15 Roman ethics 160 Roman philosophy 31 Romanes, G.J. Mental evolution in man B 579. 75 ... .146 - Mind , motion and monism B 0.75 9 Root, E. Citizen's part in govern- ment B 686. 75 .... 168 Rosenthal, I. General physiology of muscles and nerves B 54. 75.... 134 Rosmini-Serbati , Antonio 53 - Origin of ideas B 235.755 53 - Philosophical system B 235.752 53 - Psychology B 5. 759.... 119 - Theodicy B 235.757 53 Rosny, J.H. , aine, [pseud.] Le plural isme B 364.75 97 Ross, E.A. Social psychology B 589 . 75 . . . . 148 Rosselli, C. Thesavrvs artificiosae memoriae Case B 528 . 76. . . . 128 Rothenbiicher , A. Handbuch der Moral.. B 6. 759.... 156 - Der Philosoph fur die Welt B 6.7595 156 - Das System der Pythagoreer B 122.76 35 Royce, J. Herbert Spencer B 245.8376 71 - Modern idealism B 33.765 95 - Outlines of psychology B 5. 766.... 119 - Philosophy of loyalty B 686. 76. . . 168 - Race questions B 686 . 762 . . . . 168 Spirit of modern philosophy B 19.76 47 - Studies of good and evil B 0.762 9 - William James B 0.763 .9 (240) INDEX Russell, B. A. W. Mysticism and ' logic 'B'O '' ' ' Our knowledge of the external 45 ...... 9 world ......... Philosophical essays.'! ' Philosophy of Leibniz... !B ' ... Problems of philosophy ..... ' S J' ' o Scientific method in philosophy 'B 48 ?ll' " * inp Ruyssen, T. Schopenhauer.. ' B '247 8 07' * ' ' "! Saavedra Fajardo, D. de. Idea'de un politico Christiano ____ B 67 77 lc . Royal politician ............. Case ' B 67 / '^' " " Sadananda [Yogindra] Vedanta- Sara ....................... Eames B 104.77 ?9 Sadler, W.S. Physiology of faith and fear .......................... B 571>77 143 Theory of teaching ____ B 52.77** .124 Animal rights ........... B 698.78* Salter, J. Phrenological chart ..... B 55 777* Salter, W.M. Basis of the ethical movement ......................... B 608.769 ____ 159 Sthical religion .................. B 608.77 ____ 159 Social ideal ................... ,. B 686. 777. !. !l68 Sancroft, W. , abp. of Canterbury. Modern policies ............... Case B 67. 78. ...164 Sanford, E.G. Course in experimental psychology ......................... B 54.78 ____ 134 Santayana, G. Life of reason ......... B 0.78 ...... 9 Winds of doctrine ................. B 194.78 ..... 48 Sarchl, C. Esame della dottrina di Kant ............................. B 247.468 ..... 85 Saunders, T.B. Schopenhauer; a lecture ......................... B 247.8078 ..... 92 Schaarschmidt , C. Johannes Sares- berlensis ........................ B 181. J 6 ..... 46 Schelling, Friedrich Wilheim Joseph von .......... 90 Schiller, F.C.S. Formal logic ....... B 49.79 ---- 112 - Humanism .......................... B 365.79 ..... 97 Riddles of the sphinx ............ B 365.792 ..... 97 - Studies in humanism .............. B 365.793 ..... 97 (241) INDEX Call No. Page Schinz, A. Ant i- pragmatism B 365.8 97 Schlegel, Friedrich 90 Philosophy of life B 247.7903 90 Schleiermacher, Friedrich Ernst Daniel 90 - Dialektik B 247.794 90 - Introductions to the dialogues oT Plato B 14.79 37 Scholastic philosophy 45 Scholf ield,S. Doctrine of mechanic- alism B 474.79. . . .106 Schopenhauer, Arthur 91 - Arthur Schopenhauer's handschrift- licher Nachlass B 247.80005 91 - Basis of morality B 247 .80045 91 - Essays B 247.8001 91 - Samtliche Werke B 247.8 90 Schopenhauer-Lexikon ..B 247.8005 91 Select essays .....B 247.8002 91 - Selected essays B 247.8003 91 - Transcendent speculations on ap- parent design in the fate of the individual B 592.79. . . .150 Two essays B 247.8004 91 World as will and idea B 247.8007 91 Schroder, E. Vcrlesungen liber die Algebra der Logik B 497 . 79. . . . 115 Schroeder van der Kolk,J.L. Seele und Leib B 54.79 134 Schultze, F. Stammbaum der Philoso- phic B 06.79 17 Schulze, R. Experimental psychology B 52. 79.... 124 Schuppe, W. Erkenntnisstheoretische Logik B 49.796 112 - Grundriss der Erkenntnistheorle und Logik B 48.79 108 - Grundziige der Ethik und Rechtsphi- losophie B 6.795. . . .157 Schurman, J.G. Ethical import of Darwinism B 648.79. . . .161 - Kantian ethics. .B 247.4685. ...85 (242) INDEX Schuster, P. Portrats der grlech ' p<84 24 Stearns, J.P. Female influence! !B 6s!835! Stearns, W.A. Educated manhood ... .B 698 ' 837* i?6 Stephen, L. English utilitarians . *B 2045 83* History of English thought B 2045*84* - Hobbes B 245 413 Science of ethics B 6 84 157 Social rights and duties ! * !B*686.*84' Sterrett, J.M. Hegel's philosophy of religion B 247.3984.. .78 Stevens, E. Rudiments of mental philosophy B 55.843.. .138 Stewart , Dugald 60 Collected works B 243.84. "... ".60 Philosophical essays B 243.8407 60 Philosophy of the active and moral powers of man B 6. 845.... 158 Philosophy of the human mind B 5.845. . . .119 Stewart, H.L. Questions of the day...B 0.84 10 Stewart, J.A. Plato's doctrine of ideas B 14.84 37 Stewart, J.M.'K. Critical exposi- tion of Bergson's philosophy B 239.103 54 Stewart, J.T. Reason and progress.. B 48. 845. . . . 109 Stirling, J.H. Categories B 0.843 10 - Secret of Hegel B 247.3985 79 Sir William Hamilton B 243.388 59 Text-book to Kant B 247.469 85 - What is thought? B 0.844 10 Stock, St. G. Stoicism B 161. 84 41 Stockl, A. Geschichte der neueren Philosophic B 19.84 47 Geschichte der Philosophic des Mittelalters B 18.84 45 - Handbook of the history of phi- losophy B 04.84 15 Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Phi- losophle B 04.838 15 (247) INDEX Call No. Page Stohr, A. Leitfaden der Logik in psychologisierender Darstellung. . .B 49. 84.... 113 Storring, G. Mental pathology B 569 . 85 . . . . 141 Stoics 41 Stokes, G.J. Objectivity of truth.. B 48 . 848 . . . . 109 Stout, G.F. Analytic psychology . .?. .. B 5. 848.... 119 Groundwork of psychology B 5 . 8485 . . . . 119 Manual of psychology B 5 . 849. . . . 119 Stoy,K.V. Philosophische Propadeutik B 0.849 10 Strada, J. de. Essai d'un ultimum organum B 4.85.... 102 Stratton, G.M. Experimental psy- chology. B 54.85. . . .134 Strong, C. A. Why the mind has a body B 54 . 853 . . . . 134 Strong, T.B. Platonism B 14.85 37 Strlimpell, L. Grundriss der Logik... B 49. 85.... 113 Grundriss der Psychologic B 5. 85.... 119 Stuart, W. English philosophical styles B 2045.85 50 Stuckenberg, J.H.W. Introduction to the study of philosophy B 0.853 10 - Life of I.Kant B 247.4692 85 Studies in philosophy and psychology B 0.856 10 Sturt, H. Idola theatri B 33.85 95 Personal idealism B 33.852 95 Subconscious phenomena B 574. 85. ...145 Subconsciousness 145 Suggestion, Mental 145 Sugimori, K. Principles of the moral empire B 6.848. . . .158 Sully , James 71 Essay on laughter B 529. 85 . . . . 130 Human mind B 5 . 853 .... 119 - Illusions. 1884 B 575.855 146 - - 1886 B 575.856. . . . 146 My life & friends B 245.85 71 Outlines of psychology. 1886 B 52. 85.... 125 1891 B 5.854 119 Pessimism B 36.85 96 - Sensation and Intuition B 0.858 11 - Studies of childhood B 521 . 85 . . . . 126 (248) INDEX - Sully, J. Teacher's hand-book of PV psychology B 5 55 i , Q Sunderland, L.R. Confessions of a* magnetiser exposed B 572 .855. 144 Sunne, D.G. Subjective point of view during the post-Aristotelian P erlod B 16.85. 40 Sutherland, A. Origin and growth of the moral instinct B 6.85. 158 Swearing .'!... Swinbourne, A. Picture logic B 49.85s! Syllogism ' ' Call No. Page Teichmiiller , G. Aristotelische Forschungen B 15. 86. ...,40 Teleology 106 Temperament 151 Temperature sense 156 Temple, W. Plato and Christianity. . .B 14.87 38 Tennemann, W.G. Manual of the his- tory of philosophy B 04.867 15 Theory of knowledge 106 Thinking 126 Thomas, W.I. On a difference In the metabolism of the sexes B 596 . 87 . . . . 151 - Sex and society B 596. 872 . . . . 151 Thompson, Anna B. Unity of Fichte's doctrine of knowledge B 247.298 76 Thompson, H.C. New reading of evo- lution B 42.87 104 Thorns en, H. Die rechtllche Willens- bestimmung B 53. 87. ...132 Thomson, J.A. Herbert Spencer.... B 245.8386 71 Thomson, J.R., ed. Dictionary of philosophy B05.87 17 Thomson, W. Outline of the necessary laws of thought B 49. 87.... 113 Thorndlke, E.L. Educational psy- chology B 52. 87. ...125 - Human nature club. B 5.87. ...119 Thornton, W.T. Old-fashioned ethics.. B 0.87 11 Thought 126 Thought-transference 145 Time ' 105 Tissot, C.J. La vie dans 1'homme B 5. 88.... 119 - La vie dans 1'homme; existence, f one t ions. B 5 . 8805 . . . . 119 Titchener, E.B. Elementary psychol- ogy of feeling and attention B 526 . 87. . . . 127 Experimental psychology B 54 . 873 . . . . 134 - Experimental psychology of the thought -processes B 5 24.87. ...127 - Outllne-of psychology B 5. 882.... 120 - Primer of psychology B 5. 883.... 120 (250) INDEX Titchener, E.B. Text-book of psy- C '" N ' chology ........ R Tltcomb, S.E. Mind-cure::'. 3 57 Tolstoi LN graf. Lif e . . . . \ \ ' \ ^ Townsend, C.H. Pacts in mesmerism B 572 886* Mesmerism proved t.rue ............ B 572*887* Townsend, W.J. Great Schoolmen of the Middle Ages .................... B 18.88 45 Trabue, M.R. Measure your mind ..! '.B' 5405*. 88 Transcendentalism ................... g 8 Transmigration ................... '123 Treatment of animals " Tredwell, D.M. Apollonius of Tyana B es. Trendelenburg, A. Logische Unter- suchungen .......................... B 49.88 ____ 113 Truthfulness ............. . .............. 163 Tryon, T. Treatise of dreams & visions ............ . .............. B 578.89 ____ 146 Wisdom's dictates .............. \ . .B 692 .89. . . . 176 Tucker , Abraham .................................. 71 Light of nature pursued ............ B 245.9 ..... 71 Tuckett, I.LL. Evidence for the supernatural ...................... B 57.888 ____ 142 Tullar.M. Concise system of family duty .............................. B 68.894 ____ 164 Tulloch, J. Modern theories in philosophy .......................... B 0.89 ..... 11 Turner, W. History of philosophy .. .B 04.895 ..... 15 Turnley, J. Language of the eye ..... B 56. 89.... 140 Turrell, H.J. Manual of logic ...... B 49.895 ---- 113 Tuthlll,Mrs.L.C. Young lady's home B 68.895 ---- 164 Tuttle, H. Arcana of nature ......... B 57.89 ---- 142 Tuvlll, D. Dove and the serpent Case B 69. 9.... 17 Twentieth century philosophy ..................... 48 Ueberweg, P. Grundriss der Ge- schlchte der Philosophie . 1901-03 B 04.9037 ..... 15 1907 ........................... B 04.9038 ..... 15 - Hlstory'of 'philosophy. 1872-74... B 04.9039 ..... 15 1885-87... ...................... B 04.904 ..... 15 System der Logik und Geschichte der logischen Lehren .............. B 49.903 ---- 1 (251) INDEX i Call No. Page Ueberweg, F. System of logic B 49. 904 . . . . 113 Uhl, L.L. Attention B 526. 91. . . . 127 United States , philosophy 51 U.S. Senate. Report on vivisection. . .B 698. 9.... 178 Vivisection, hearing B 698. 91. ...178 Upham, T.C. Mental philosophy ... ."-*. .. .B 5. 92.... 120 Philosophical and practical trea- tise on the will B 53. 92.. ..132 Urban, W.M. Valuation B 479. 92 . . . . 106 Urquhart, D. Desolation de la chre- tiente B 689.92. . . .169 Utilitarianism 161 Vacherot, E. L'ficole d ' Alexandrie . . B 166.93 43 Varisco, Bernadino 53 - Great problems B 235.93 53 - Know thyself B 235.932 53 - I massimi problem! B 4. 93.... 102 Veitch, J. Essays in philosophy B 0.93 11 - Hamilton B 243.389 59 - Institutes of logic B 49. 93. ...113 Lucretius B 126.93 35 - Memoir of Sir William Hamilton.. B 243.3892 59 Venn, J. Logic of chance. 1866 B 496 . 94. . . . 114 1876 B 496.941 114 - Symbolic logic B 497. 94. . . . 115 Vera, A. Philosophic de Hegel B 247.399 79 Vico, Giovanni Battista 53 - Delia antica sapienza degl' Italian! B 4.942 102 Le orazioni inaugural! B 235.94 53 Vierkandt, A. Naturvolker und Kul- turvolker B 589.94. . . .149 Vlertel jahrsschrif t fur wissen- schaftliche Philosophic B 07.93 19 Villa, G. Contemporary psychology . .B 504 . 94. . . . 120 Vinet, A.R. Outlines of philosophy. .B 0.945 11 Virtue , 162 Vitalism 106 Vivekachintamani . Synopsis of Hindu systems Eames B 104.939 29 Vivekananda, Swami . Yoga philosophy B 104.94 30 (252) INDEX Vivisection. Cal1 No> Pt8e ****.... Vivisection Reform Society. Pub- licatlons B 698.94 178 Volkelt, J. Erfahrung und Denken. . .B 48 946* Volkmann, W. , Ritter von Volkmar. Lehrbuch der Psychologie _' . . B 5 945 Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de Philosophical dictionary. 1836.... B 239 '.94*. 1843 B 239.941. Waddington, C. Ramus , Pierre de La Ram6e B 239.72. . . .57 Waddington, M.M. Development of British thought B 2045.95 50 Wagner, C. Simple life B 692.95. . . '.176 Youth B 692.952 176 Wagner, G.F. Encyklopadisches Register zu Schopenhauer B 247.809 92 Walte, C.B. Herbert Spencer B 245.8395 71 Wake , C. S . Chapters on man B 58. 95. ...147 Waldstein. L. Subconscious self....B 574. 95 . . . . 145 Walker, E.D. Reincarnation B 519.95 123 Walkington, T. Optick glasse of humors Case B 597.95. ... 151 Wallace, E. Outlines of the phi- losophy of Aristotle B 15.95 40 Wallace, W. Epicureanism B 162.95 41 . Kant B 247.4695 85 Lectures and essays on natural theology B 0.95 11 Prolegomena to Hegel's philoso- phy B 247 . 3995 79 Waller, A.D. Contribution to the psychology of logic B 49. 95.... 113 Walsingham, Sir F. Arcana aulica. . . .B 67. 95.... 164 Walton and Cotton Club, London. Rules and regulations in B 69.44a 170 Wang, C.P. Visual sense training in children B 52.947 .... 125 Ward, J. Naturalism and agnosticism B 42.95 1 Realm of ends B 4.96.... 102 Ward, W. Clothes of religion B 239.1 (253) INDEX Call No. Page Ward, W.G. Free will B 53.957 132 - Extent of free will in B 53.957 132 Warner, F. Growth and means of training the mental faculty B 521 .95 . . . . 126 Physical expression B 549.95. . . .137 - Study of children ? ..B 52. 95.... 125 Washington, B.T. Character building B 692. 956. ... 176 Washington, G. George Washington's rules of civility B 69. 95. ...171 Watson, J. Comte, Mill and Spencer. . .B 0.96 11 Hedonistic theories B 644. 96. . . . 161 - Kant B 247.4696 85 Outline of philosophy B 0.9601 11 Philosophy of Kant B 247.46962 85 Schelling's transcendental idealism B 247.789 90 Watt, H.J. Psychology B 5.96 120 Wayland,F. Elements of moral science B 6. 96.... 158 Limitations of human responsibil- ity B 65.96 162 Webb, C.C.J. History of philosophy . .B 04.96 15 Weber, A. History of philosophy ... .B 04.963 15 Weber, T. Emil Du Bois-Reymond B 42. 245 . . . . 103 Webster, H.D.L. Discourse on the use of the tongue B 687 .964 . . . . 169 Weininger, 0. Sex and character ... .B 596.96 .... 151 Weiser, C.F. Shaftesbury B 245.815 70 Welch, Jeannette C. Measurement of mental activity B 526.96. . . .127 Welton, J. Manual of logic B 49. 966 . . . . 113 Wenley,R.M. George Sylvester Morris.. B 23.6 94 - Kant B 247.4697 86 Werber, G. Healing forces of nature B 57. 96.... 142 West, S. Essays on liberty and necessity B 53.97. .. .132 Westermarck, E. Origin and develop- ment of the moral ideas. 1906-08... B 6. 965.... 158 - 1917 B 6.966. . . .158 Whedon, D.D. Freedom of the will...B 53. 972 . . . . 132 Wheeler, N. Phrenological characters B 55 . 971. . . . 138 (254) INDEX W - Additional lectures on ^ Lectures on the history of'morai' philosophy ........... Whlpple, o.M. Mental and'physical " 159 Whitby, C.J. Wisdom of Whitehead, A.N. Concept ot'i: ' ' Schopenhauer ........ ; B4 7 8095 Wleszner, A. Das Atom das Kraft- element der Richtung. . B / QR in>1 Wigston,W.F.C. Bacon, Shakespeare' and the Rosicruclans ............ B 245.0676. .62 Columbus of literature .......... B 245 0677* Francis Bacon ................... B 245!o67s! ! *62 Hermes Stella ................... B 245.0679 ..... 62 Wllle, B. Der Phanomenalismus des Thomas Hobbes ....... ........ ____ B 245.4197 ..... 66 Wlllet, A. Treatise of Salomon's marlage ........................... B 68.975 ____ 165 Williams, C.M. Review of the sys- tems of ethics .................... B 648.97. .. .161 Williams, Marie V. Platonic theory of knowledge ...................... B 14.975 ..... 38 Williams, S. Principles of logic... B 49.974 ____ 113 Willing, Mrs. Jennie F. Diamond dust B 686.98 ____ 168 Willis, R. B. de Spinoza ......... B 246.8397 ..... 74 Wlllmann,0. Geschichte des Ideal- ismus .............................. B 33.97 ..... 95 Wilson, F.B. Paths to power ....... B 5715.97 ---- 143 Wilson, J.C. Aristotelian studies. ..B 15.97 ..... 40 Wilson, Sir T. Rule of reason Case B 49.976 ---- 113 Winchester, W.P.,3d marquis of. Lord Marqves idlenes ........ Case B 692.976 ---- 176 (255) INDEX ail No. Page Windelband, W. Die Geschichte der neueren Philosophie B 19.97 47 - History of ancient philosophy B 11.97 34 - History of philosophy ...B 04.97 16 - Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Phi- losophie. .;.. - ? .B 04.969 16 - Die Philosophie im deutschen Geistesleben B 2047.97 50 Winter, N. Pan-gnosticism B 4. 98.... 102 Witherspoon, J. Lectures on moral philosophy B 6. 975. ...158 Witter, C.E. Pragmatic elements in Kant's philosophy B 247.4698 86 Wolfe, H.K. Color-vocabulary of children B 542.98. .. .136 Women. Psychology of 151 Wood, Mary H. Plato's psychology. . .B 14.983 38 Woolley, Mrs. Helen B. (T.) Psy- chological norms B 596.98. . . .151 Worcester ,E. , and McComb,S. Christ- ian religion as a healing power... B 571 . 98 . . . . 143 Wordsworth, J.C. Constructive phi- losophy B 4. 985. ...102 Work 131 Worth 106 Wray, Mary. Ladies' library. 1714. .B 68 . 981. . . . 165 1739 B 68.982 165 Wright, C. Philosophical discussions B 0.986 11 Wright, G.E. Psychic phenomena B 57. 98.... 143 Wright, W.K. Ethical significance of pleasure B 62. 98. ...160 Wulf, M. , de. History of medieval philosophy B 17.98 44 Wundt , Wilhelm Max 92 - Einleitung in die Philosophie B 0.9875 11 - Elements of folk psychology B 583.972 .... 148 - Ethics; life B 6.98. .. .158 - Ethik B 6.979. . . . 158 - Grundriss der Psychologic B 5 . 9785 . . . . 120 Grundziige der physiologischen Psycho log! e B 54.987. .. .134 (256) INDEX ^ N ' Wundt, W.M. Introduction to psy- chology ................... Lectures on human and* animal* psyl chology ................... R * * * B 68.989... .U7 B 49 98 m Outlines of psychology.... ......... B 5 ' 98 ' Principles of physiological psy- chology ........................... B 54.988. 134 System der Philosophic ............ B 247.98. 92 Ueber den Einfluss der .Philosophic B 0.988* - Volkerpsychologie. . . .............. B 583. 98* Vorlesungen iiber die Menschen- und Tierseele ..................... B 54.989. .134 Yale Psychological Laboratory. Studies ............................ B 54.99 ____ 134 Yoakum,C.S. ,ed. Army mental tests B 5405.99 ____ 135 Fatigue ........................... B 54.991 ____ 134 Young, A. Discourse on the sins of the tongue ....................... B 687.996 ____ 169 Young, J. Criticisms of Mansel's "Limits of religious thought ..... B 245.549 ..... 68 Young, J.W. Lectures on fundamental concepts of algebra and geometry.. B 455.99. ... 105 Young lady's parental monitor ....... B 68.997. .. .165 Zahler, J. Karo and the blind man. .B 698.99. ... 178 Zeller, E. Aristotle ............... B 15.998 ..... 40 Eclecticism Greek philosophy ...... B 164.99 ..... 42 Geschichte der deutschen Philoso- phic ............................. B 2047.99 ..... 50 History of Greek philosophy to the time of Socrates .............. B 12.998 ..... 34 Outlines of the history of Greek philosophy ........................ B 11.998 ..... 34 - Die Philosophic der Griechen ...... B 11.996 ..... 34 - Plato ............... . ........... B 14.998 ..... 38 - Socrates .......................... B 13.998 ..... 36 Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics. ..B 16.998 ..... 40 - Synopsis tes historias tes hel- lenikes philosophias ............. B 11.9985 ..... 34 - Vortrage und Abhandlungen. ......... B 0.993 ..... 1 (257) INDEX Call No. . Page Zeitschrift fiir immanente Philoso- phie B 07.98 20 Zeitschrift fiir Philosophie B 07.99. . . . . 20 Zeitschrift fiir Psychologie B 507 . 99. . . . 122 Zeitschrift fiir Psychologie und Pt^y- siologie der Sinnesorgane ."..B 507 . 99 . . . . 122 Zeitschrift fiir Sinnesphysiologie . . . B 507 . 99. . . . 122 Ziehen, T. Introduction to phy- siological psychology , B 54.992. . . . 134 Zimmermann, J.G. von. Solitude B 529.99 .... .130 Zimmermann, R.A.T. von. Philoso- phische Propaedeutik B 0.996 12 Studien und Kritiken B 0.997 12 Zoist, a journal of cerebral phy- siology and mesmerism B 55077 . 99. ... 139 (258) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY