//////////y ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. HISTORICAL NOTICE OF THE PROGRESS OP ELECTRICAL DISCOVERY. I. ELECTRO-STATICS. Page (1.) The Ancients ignorant of electrical Science - - 1 (2.) Electricity of Amber known to THALES - - 2 (itf Electrical Light seen on the Lances of Roman Soldiers, and on the Masts of Vessels - - - 3 Sparks emitted from the Body of Walimer, a Gothic Chief - 4 (4.) GILBERT'S Treatise on the Magnet - 5 First electrical Machine constructed by Otto Guericke - 5 (5.) Otto Guericke discovers Attractions and Repulsions of excited Bodies - -5 (6.) NEWTON'S Neglect of Electricity - - 6 (7.) HAWKSBEE'S Experiments ; uses a Glass Globe for exciting Electricity - - - - - -6 (8.) GRAY commences his Researches - - - - 7 (9.) Classifies Bodies as Electrics and Non-electrics 7 (10.) Discovers the Transmission of Electricity by Contact - 7 (11.) Discovers that some Bodies are Conductors and others not - 9 (12.) Discovers that Liquids conduct - - 10 (13.) Observes that a Body is electrified by mere Proximity to an electrified Body - - - - - 10 (14.) Finds that Bodies may become electrical in cooling after Fusion 11 (15.) Researches of DUFAYE - - - * - 12 Extends the Class of Electrics to all Bodies except Metals and Liquids - - - 12 VOL.1. A ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Shows that by Insulation all Bodies may be electrified by Contact - . . _ . .12 (16.) Takes a Spark from the Human Body . . > 13 (17.) Discovers the Properties of Bodies electrified by Contact - 14 (13.) Propounds his Hypothesis of two distinct Electricities - 14 (19.) Researches of DESAGULIERS - - . . 18 (20.) BOZE of Wittemburgh invents the Prime Conducts - - 16 (21.) WINKLER invents the Cushion, or Rubber - -17 GORDON substitutes a Glass Cylinder for a Globe - - 17 (22.) Inflammable Substances fired by Electricity - -17 Electrical Bells invented - _ - 17 (23.) Researches of MUSCHENBROECK, CUNEUS, and KLEIST - 18 (24.) Invention of the LEYDEN JAR - . . .18 (25.) Anecdotes of its Effects - - - _ _ jg (26.; BEVIS substitutes an external Coating for the Hand - 21 Substitutes Shot for the Liquid contained in the Jar - - 21 (27.) Performs the Leyden Experiment with a Plate of Glass coated with Silver Leaf - . - . - 21 (28.) Experiments of WILSON and Dr. WATSON - -22 Wilson discovers the lateral Shock, but does not explain it - 23 (29.) Researches of NOLLET and LEMONNIER - - - 23 Phial containing rarefied Air charged - - -24 (30.) Experiments by Nollet, on the Distance to which Electricity could be transmitted - . . - 24 Discharge passed through 180 Men - _ - 24 (31.) Experiments in England conducted by Dr. Watson and a Com- mittee of the Royal Society - . - 24 A Discharge transmitted over and under Westminster Bridge - 25 (32.) Similar Experiments at Stoke Newington - - - 25 (33.) Experiments at Shooter's Hill ... . QQ (34.) FRANKLIN begins his Researches - - . - 26 His Correspondence with Collinson - - 27 Importance of his Discoveries ... - 27 (35.) Great Circulation of his Letters on Electricity - - 28 (36.) His Facts more valuable than his Theory - - - 29 (37.) Franklin's Notion of the two Electricities . - - - 29 (38.) Two insulated Persons electrified, one positively and the other negatively ... _ .30 (39.) Opposite Electricities neutralise each other - - 31 (40.) His celebrated Hypothesis of a single electric Fluid - - 31 (41.) His Analysis of the Leyden Experiment - - - 33 (42.) Experimental Verifications of this - - - 34 (43.) Invents the Charge of a Series of Jars by Cascade - - 34 (44.) An electric Battery thus charged - - 35 (4S.) A Jar charged by connecting it with the Conductor and Rubber - . . _ _ - 35 (46.) A Jar charged externally . . - 36 (47.) The Charge lies upon the Glass - - - 36 Experiments to prove this - . - 36 (48.) (49.) (50.) (51.) (52.) (53.) ,54.) (55.) (56.) (57.) (58.) (59.) (60.) (61.) (62.) ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. XI Page Early conjectures of the Identity of Electricity and Lightning 37 Dr. WALL'S Allusion to it - 37 Remarkable Guess of Mr. GREY - - - 38 Anticipation of their Identity by NOLLET - - - 38 Character of Franklin's Mind. His Desire for useful Applica- tions of scientific Principles - - - 40 His first Suggestions of the probable Identity of Lightning and Electricity - - - - 42 Analogies supporting these Suggestions - - .43 Discovers the Property of Points - - 44 Ingenious Experiment to show their probable Use for drawing off Electricity from the Clouds - 44 Describes the Methods by which Lightning might possibly be drawn from the Clouds - - 46 Makes his celebrated Experiment with a Kite, and draws down Lightning along its Cord - - 48 The same Result obtained, according to his Directions, by M. DALIBARD, near Paris, a Month earlier Franklin's Right to the Discovery of the Identity of Lightning and Electricity denied by M. Arago - - - 51 Vindication of Franklin - - - 52 Franklin proposes pointed Conductors for the Protection of Buildings from Lightning - - - - 56 Disputes in England, whether blunt Conductors would not be better - - - - - 56 Blunt Conductors placed on the royal Palace - 57 Continues his Experiments on Lightning - - - 58 Finds that the Electricity of the Clouds is sometimes positive and sometimes negative - - - - 58 Is elected a Fellow of the Royal Society - - 59 Death of RICHMANN. - - - - - 59 Franklin's Experiments repeated in England by CANTON, WIL- SON, and BEVIS - - 60 Researches of BECCARIA - - 61 His Observations of the Circumstances attending a Thunder- storm - - - - - - 61 FRANKLIN shows the magnetic Effect of Electricity - 64 BECCARIA shows that the Polarity of the Needle depends on the Direction of the Current through it - - - 65 Remarkable Anticipation, by BECCARIA, of Ampere's Theory of Terrestrial Magnetism f(7fi.) (77.) BECCARIA explains the Cause of Thunder - Observation of BOUGUER confirming this Researches of LEMONNIER on Atmospheric Electricity Shows the diurnal Variation of the Electricity of the Air BECCARIA determines the Law of these Changes CANTON discovers that the same Body may be electrified with either Kind of Electricity - Discovers the Use of Amalgam on the Cushion - 66 67 68 68 68 68 X ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page (78.) CANTON shows that insulated Conductors are rendered electrical by the Proximity of electrified Bodies ; but fails to account for this - - - . . -70 (79.) FRANKLIN discovers the Principle of INDUCTION - - 70 (80.) His Experiments illustrative of it - - - 71 (81.) WILKE and ^EPINUS apply the Principle of Induction, and invent the Condenser - - - - .73 (82.) JEPINUS reduces the Franklinian Theory to mathematical Analysis - - . . . - 76 (83.) Relation of Heat to Electricity - - - - 77 (84.) JEpiKvs discovers the Polarity of the electric Fluid on Tour- maline - - . . . - 77 (85.) BECCARIA, WATSON, and CANTON observe some chemical Effects of Electricity . . - . . .78 / (861) Electroscope invented by NOLLET . - 79 (87.) Condenser improved by VOLTA, who invents the Electrophorus 79 Condensing Electroscope invented by him - - 79 (88.) BECCARIA shows that the Distribution of the Fluid on Con- ductors is superficial - ... 80 Lemonnier shows that the Form of the Conductor affects the Distribution ------ (89.) VOLTA'S Researches as to the Form of Conductors- - (90.) SYMMER propounds the Theory of two electric Fluids (91.) His Theory not generally assented to (92.) Researches of Dr. Priestley (93.) Labours of COULOMB ; his Balance of Torsion (94.) Discovers the Law of electrical Attraction and Repulsion (95.) Invents a Method of observing the Distribution of Electricity on Conductors - - - - - 84 (96.) Observes the Dissipation of Electricity by Contact of the Air and imperfect Insulators - 85 (97.) EBERHART and PAUL FRISI explain the Aurora Borealis - 85 (98.) Fruitless Attempts to apply Electricity to Medicine - - 87 (99.) Straw Electroscope invented by Volta ; places a Lamp at the Point of the Conductor of the atmospheric Electroscope - 87 (100.) Volta proposes large Fires as a means of averting Storms - 87 (101.) Arago suggests Observations on the Effects of the Iron Fur- naces of Staffordshire - - 88 (102.) Experiment of Laplace, Lavoisier, and Volta, to determine the Effect of Evaporation on the Electricity of the Atmosphere - 88 (103.) POISSON reduces the Investigation of the Phenomena of common Electricity to strict mathematical Analysis, on the Principles of the Theory of two Fluids - - 90 II. ELECTRO- DYNAMICS. C104.) Propriety of the Division of the Science into Electro-statics and Electro-dynamics ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Xlll Page Origin of the Discovery of Galvanism - - 96 (105.) GALVANI assumes the Existence of Animal Electricity - 96 (106.) Is opposed by VOLTA - - 100 (107.) Contest between these Philosophers - 101 (108.) Volta's Theory of Contact - 102 (109.) Experiments in Support of it - -102 (J10.) FABRONI rejects the Theory of Contact, and ascribes the Elec- tricity to chemical Action - - - 104 (111.) Invention of the VOLTAIC PILE - - - -106 (112.) Invention of the " Couronne des Tasses " - - 109 a (113.)- NAPOLEON invites VOLTA to Paris ... 110 His Discourses at the Institute; is honoured with a gold Medal - 110 (114.) NAPOLEON establishes Prizes for VOLTAIC DISCOVERIES - 110 * (115.) Relation between the VOLTAIC PILE and the LEYDEN JAR - 111 (116.) Their respective physiological Effects - - 112 (117.) Anecdote of NAPOLEON - - - 113 (118.) Experiments of NICHOLSON and CARLISLE - - 114 (119.) Experiments of W. CRUICKSHANK - - -117 (120.) CRUICKSHANK invents the Voltaic Trough - -117 (121.) RITTER'S Experiments - - - - 118 (122.) DAVY commences his Researches - 119 (123.) His Experiments on the Decomposition of Water in separate Vessels .... - 120 (124.) Shows that the Power of the Pile depends on Oxydation - 121 (125.) Examines the chemical Action which takes place in the Pile - 122 (126.) Shows that a Voltaic Pile may be made with Charcoal and Zinc ... - 124 (127.) Shows that voltaic Action does not depend on the conducting Power of the Metals - -124 (128.) Constructs a Pile with a single Metal and two Liquids - 125 (129.) Constructs a Pile with Charcoal and two Liquids, without any metallic Element - - - 128 (130.) Researches of BIOT and F. CUVIER - -129 (131.) WOLLASTON and GAUTHEROT maintain that chemical Action is the Source of Voltaic Electricity - 130 (132.) Experiment of VOLTA and ERHMAN to prove electric Polarity - 130 (133.) RITTER'S secondary Piles - 130 (134.) DAVY shows that the Wire retains its electric Property after Separation from the Pile - 131 (135.) He investigates the calorific Properties of the Pile - - 132 (136.) Researches of FOURCROY, VAUQUELIN, and THENARD -133 (137.) Electric Spark transmitted in Water and nitric and sulphuric Acids - - - - - - 134 Charcoal ignited in various Liquids ... 134 (138.) Theory of GROTTHUS ----- 13; (139.) DAVY'S Bakerian Lecture for 1806 - 137 (140.) He shows that in the Decomposition of Water by the Pile no new material Principle is generated - 139 XIV ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page (HI.) Decomposes various solid Substances by the Pile - - 145 (142.) Decomposes various Salts - 14(> (143.) Transfers from Vessel to Vessel the decomposed Elements of Solutions ...... 147 (144.) Shows that the decomposing Power is in the Current and not the Wire .... -149 (145.) .Transfers the decomposed Elements through intermediate Solu- tions - - - - - - - 149 (146.) Shows that during the Transfer chemical Action is suspended 150 (147.) Except in Cases where insoluble Compounds are formed - 151 (148.) Transmission of Oxides through Acids - -153 (149.) Transmission of the Constituents of Salts through Solutions of neutral Salts - ... - 153 (150.) Decomposition of vegetable and animal Substances - -154 (151.) His Ideas of the Mode of Action in these Phenomena - 155 (152.) His electro-chemical Hypothesis - - 159 (153.) Experiments in Support of it ... -160 (154.) Chemical Properties of Bodies consistent with this Hypothesis 161 (155.) Relations of different Bodies according to their electrical Energies - - 161 (156.) Heat and Light evolved in chemical Action, accounted for - 162 (157.) How Heat influences chemieal Action - 162 (158.) When Combination is rapid and when slow - - 163 (159.) Davy's Explanation of the Mode of Action of the Pile -164 (160.) Shows that chemical Action is indispensable, but still receives Volta's Theory of Contact - 166 (161.) Shows the propable Applications of the Pile to the Uses of Life - ... - 168 (162.) Anticipates the future decomposing Effects of the Pile . 169 (163.) Attempts to explain geological Phenomena by voltaic Action - 170 (164.) Experimental Illustration of these Views - 170 (165.) GUYTON-MORVEAU adopts and follows out these Views - 171 (166.) DAVY'S Bakerian Lecture for 1807 - 172 (167.) Discovery of the Decomposition of Potash . - 173 (168.) And of Soda - 174 (169-) Methods of preserving Potassium and Sodium in a separate State - 175 (170.) Extension of the Enquiry to other alkaline Substances - 175 (171.) BERZELIUS and PONTIN decompose Baryta and Lime - 176 (172.) Davy repeats these Experiments, and also decomposes Strontia and Magnesia - - - - - 177 (173.) Decomposes Silica, Alumina, Glucinia, and Zirconia - 177 (174.) Infers in general, that the Alkalies and Earths are metallic Oxides - - 179 (175.) BERZELIUS submits Ammonia to Analysis - - 179 (17.6.) DAVY'S Hypothesis to explain Volcanoes and Aerolites - 180 (177.) Physiological Applications of Voltaic Electricity - - 181 (178.) Experiment and Conjectures of WOLLASTON -182 (179.) Experiments of GAY LUSSAC and THENARD - 183 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV Page (180.) Davy's electro-chemical Theory compared with those of GROT- THUS and OERSTED - (181.) BERZELIUS and AMPERE support Davy's Views (182.) Berzelius extends and improves them (183.) Fruitless Attempts to construct DRY PILES (184.) Deluc's Pile improved by Zamboni - 189 (185.) Uses of what have been called dry Piles - - isX) (186.) CONCLUSION - - - - - - 1* III. MAGNETISM. (187.) Magnetic Attraction and Polarity * - 190 (188.) Magnetic Meridian, Variation - - - - 191 (189.) Dip of the Magnetic Needle (190.) Magnetic Attraction known to the Ancients - - 192 (191.) Invention of the Mariner's Compass of uncertain Date - 192 Said to be of Chinese Origin (192.) Alluded to in Writings of the 12th Century. > - 193 (193.) Discovery of the Variation 194 (194.) Tables of Variation constructed ... 194 (195.) Robert Norman discovers the Dip 194 (19n.) Invention of the Dipping Needle - - 194 (197.) The Variation of the Variation discovered -195 (198.) Influence of Magnets on soft Iron observed - -195 (199.) Polarity of Magnets observed - - - - 196 (200.) Construction of artificial Magnets - - - 196 (201.) Magnetism imparted to Iron by the Earth (02.) Laws of Magnetic Attraction discovered by COULOMB - 197 (203.) Methods of making artificial Magnets consequent Points -198 (204.) Knight's improved Method - - 198 (205.) DuhamePs Improvement 199 (206.) Coulomb's Researches on artificial Magnets - - 199 (207.) Influence of Heat on Magnetism - 200 (208.) Local and periodical Changes of the Variation - - 200 Diurnal Variation - - - - 200 ., (209.) Cassini's Observations at Paris - - - .201 (210.) Advancement of Magnetic Geography . - -201 (211.) Magnetic Equator - - - - - 202 (212.) Magnetic Poles . - - - .202 IV. ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. (213.) Electro-magnetism very recently discovered - - 203 (214.) OERSTED'S Experiments at Copenhagen - 204 (215.) AMPERE follows them up by a Series of splendid Memoirs - 206 XVI ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page (216.) Shows the Law according to which the Needle is deflected - 206 (217.) Discovers the Law of Attraction and Repulsion of electric Currents ... -207 (218.) Supposes electric Currents circulating round the Globe - 208 {219.) ARAGO shows that the conducting Wire has magnetic Pro- perties - 208 (220.) ARAGO magnetises Needles by the electric Current - - 209 (221.) DAVY effects the same Object by another Method - - 209 (222.) BIOT and SAVART determine the Variation of the Attraction of the Current at different Distances - - 210 LAPLACE reduces this Result to an analytical Formula - 210 (223.) AMPERE reduces the whole Body of Electro-magnetic Phe- nomena to analytical Calculation - - 210 (224.) FARADAY begins his Researches makes an electric Cur- rent revolve round a Magnet - - -211 (225.) DAVY imparts Rotation to Mercury by means of the Magnet and electric Current - - 212 (226.) DAVY shows the magnetic Influence of a Current passing through Air - 214 (227.) SCHWEIGER invents the Multiplier, or Galvanometer - - 215 Its Construction and Application - - 215 (228.) AMPERE shows that the Earth affects electric Currents in the same Manner as it affects Magnets - 216 (229.) AMPERE'S Theory of Terrestrial Magnetism - 217 (230.) Researches of M. DE LA RIVE - - 18 (231.) SAVARY shows the magnetising Power of the Current at different Distances, and the Law of its Variation - - 219 (232.) Shows the Effect produced by transmitting it through Metals - 219 (233.) Shows that these Facts indicate an undulatory Theory of Electricity, similar to that of Light - - - 220 V. THERMO-ELECTRICITY. (234.) Thermo-electric Effects observed by Professor SEEBECK - 220 (235.) His Experiment with Antimony and Copper - - 221 (236.) Researches of YELIN, MARSH, and CUMMING - 222 OERSTED and FOURIER construct a Thermo-electric Pile - 222 BECQUEREL decomposes Water with such an Instrument - 223 (237.) Thermo-electric Scale of Metals - - - - 23 (238.) CONCLUSION - - - - 224 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. XVil BOOK THE FIRST. ELECTRO-STATICS. CHAPTER I. DEFINITIONS AND PRIMARY FACTS. Page (1.) Properties of Matter - - 225 Imponderable Agents - 225 Material Substances have extensive interstitial Spaces - 226 Proved by Expansion and Contraction by Change of Temper- ature * - - - - - 226 Imponderable Ether pervades these Spaces - - 227 The probable Cause of Heat and Light - - - 227 And of Electricity - - 227 Electricity independent of the mechanical Properties of the Bodies it invests - - 227 (2.) Electrical Excitation by Friction - - - - 227 (3 ) Electricity defined - 228 Origin of the Name - 228 (4.) Attraction of excited Body on light Substances - .228 (5.) Succeeded by Repulsion - - 230 (6.) Meaning of the Term Electric Fluid ... 230 (7.) Attractive and repulsive Power of excited Substances may be imparted to others by Contact - - 231 Effect of an excited Substance on the Skin . - 232 (9.) Luminous Spark produced - - . - 232 Bluish Light attends the Friction - - 232 (10.) Substances capable of being excited ; numerous - -232 (11.) The Metals are apparently incapable of it - - -232 How shown to be capable of Excitation ... 232 (12.) Effects of Suspension by silk Threads, or Support on Glass Pillars 233 (14.) Conductors and Non-conductors of Electricity - - -234 (15.) Impropriety of the Term . . -234 Electrics and Non-electrics ... -234 (18.) Effect of suspending Pith Balls by conducting and non-conduct- ing Threads ... . 235 (20.) Water in all States is a Conductor . . - 236 (21.) Effects of Humidity of the Air . . . -236 Injures the insulating Power of Support - - - 237 XV111 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page No Substance is either a perfect Conductor or Non-conductor 237 (22.) The conducting Power exists in various Degrees - - 238 (23.) Metals the best Conductors - - 238 (24.) Method of measuring the conducting Power - - 238 (25.) Table of Substances in the Order in which they possess the con- ducting Power - 239 (27.) Conducting Power of rarefied Air - - - 241 (28.) Meaning of the Term conducting Power -241 (29.) Conductors of Electricity compared with Conductors of Heat and Light - - 242 (31.) Use of the conducting Power of Metals in the Construction of Electrical Apparatus - 244 Insulated Conductor - 245 jf General Account of the Electrical Machine - 245 (32.) The Human Body a Conductor - - 248 (33.) The Earth the common Reservoir of Electricity - - 249 CHAP. II. * OPPOSITE ELECTRICITIES. (34.) Mutual Repulsion of electrified Bodies - - - 251 (35.) Different Substances excited by Friction produce different Effects .... - 251 Attraction of Bodies electrified by Contact with different Sub- stances .... _ 252 Electricity of two Kinds . 252 Vitreous and resinous - - 253 Positive and negative ... . 253 The latter Terms preferred - - - 253 (36.) Bodies similarly electrified repel each other . . 253 Bodies oppositely electrified attract each other . - 253 (38.) Electrical Attractions and Repulsions are transmitted through material Substances - - - - - 254 (40.) Usefulness of suspended Pith Balls in electrical Researches - 254 Mode of increasing the Sensibility of such an Apparatus - 254 (41.) Substances excited by mutual Friction are both electrified - 255 They have opposite Electricities - ... 255 (42.) The same Substance may be electrified by Friction with Elec- tricity of either Kind - 256 (43.) Friction produces opposite Electricities ... 256 (44 ) Table of Substances, arranged according to the Electricity they acquire by mutual Friction .... 257 (46.) Example of opposite Electricities produced in the Bodies of two Persons --.-.. 259 The Fur of the Cat useful in electrical Experiments - 259 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. XIX Page Electricity of the Human Hair - - 2GO (47.) The Production of contrary Electricities by Friction in the Electrical Machine - - 260 (48.) Electricity excited by the Friction of a Liquid against a Solid - 260 Mercury rubbed against Glass - - - -260 (49.) Electricity of Mercury in the Barometer ... 261 (50.) Electricity produced by the Friction of Gases against Solids - i'61 (51.) Friction not the only Method of exciting Electricity - -261 Excited in the Fusion of Solids - - 261 By Change of Temperature - 261 Chemical Changes - - 262 By Contact of dissimilar Bodies - - 62 CHAP. III. LAWS OF ELECTRICAL ATTRACTION AND REPULSION. (52.) Coulomb's Electrometer of Torsion . .263 (54.) Its extreme Sensibility - - 266 (56.) Another Modification of it - .267 (57.) Method of using it ..... 268 (58.) Electrical Attraction and Repulsion ... 269 (59.) Application of the Electrometer to its Investigation - 270 (60.) Coulomb's Experiments, proving that the Repulsion varies in- versely as the Square of the Distance - . - 271 (62 ) Objections to these Experiments answered - 272 (65.) Similar Experiments establish the same Law of electrical At- traction ...... 73 (66.) Method of establishing the same End by Experiments with an electrical Pendulum ..... 274 Coulomb's Experiments for this Purpose - 275 (68.) The Share which each of two electrified Bodies has in the Effects of Attraction and Repulsion examined - - 280 (69.) Diffusion of Electricity on Conductors is independent of the Kind of Matter of which they are formed - - 281 70.) Hence different Kinds of Substances have no peculiar Affinity for Electricity - .... 282 V71.) Mutual Attraction or Repulsion of electrified Bodies at a given Distance, depends conjointly on the Quantities of Electricity upon them, and on these only .... 282 Mathematical Expression of the general Law of electrical At- traction and Repulsion .... 282 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAP. IV. DISSIPATION OF ELECTRICITY BY THE AIR, AND BY IMPERFECT INSULATORS, Page (72.) Electricity lost by the Contact of the Air - - 284 (73.) Escape of Electricity along the insulating Supports - - 284 (75.) Deposition of Humidity on the Supports - - 285 (76.) Manner in which Electricity is absorbed by Contact of the Air 286 (79.) Coulomb's Experiments to investigate the Law of the Dis- sipation of Electricity by the Contact of the Air - - 288 (80.) Other Circumstances being the same, the Loss of Electricity is equal in equal Intervals of Time - - 291 Other Circumstances being the same, the Loss of Electricity is proportional to the Force of Repulsion, or the Tension of the Fluid - - - - - - 291 (81.) The Loss of Electricity affected by the hygrometric State of the Air - - 291 (83.) Mathematical Formulae for calculating the Loss of Electricity by the Contact of the Air - .292 Practical Application of these Formulae ... 292 (84.) Formulae for electrical Attractions and Repulsions, including Correction for the Loss of Electricity by the Contact of the Air - ... . 296 (85.) The Law of the Loss of Electricity deduced from Coulomb's Experiments is general - 298 Biot's Experiments on the Dissipation of Electricity of dif- ferent Kinds - - - - - - 301 (86.) General Inferences from Coulomb's Experiments - - 301 (87.) Coulomb's Investigation of the Loss of Electricity by imperfect Insulators ...... 302 The Loss ceases when the Tension of the Fluid is reduced to a certain Limit . . .302 Mathematical Analysis of these Effects - - 303 CHAP. V. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY ON CONDUCTORS. (89.) Experiment to prove the Electricity of a Conductor superficial 308 (90.) Another Experiment with the same Object - 309 (91.) Another Experiment illustrating the same Principle - 311 (92.) Electricity not strictly speaking superficial - - 312 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXI Page (93.) Distribution of Electricity on a Sphere - - 513 (94.) Density or Depth of Electricity on a Conductor - - 314 (95.) Coulomb's Proof -Plane its Use - -315 (96.) On the same Conductor the Distribution is always the same - 316 (97.) The total Change proportional to the Depth of a given Point - 317 (98.) Dissipation by the Air verified - - - - 317 (99.) Method of determining the relative Depths at different Points at the same Time - - - - 318 (100.) Experiment to prove the Efficacy of the Proof Plane - 319 [101.) Determination of the actual Depth at a given Point by the Proof Plane ... -319 (102.) Method of rendering successive Observations comparable -321 (103.) Precautions respecting the Gum-lac Handle of the Proof Plane 322 C104.) Practical Example of these Methods of experimenting. Dis- tribution of Electricity on a flat oblong metallic Plate - 323 (105.) Depth increases towards the Ends - 324 (106.) Is still greater beyond the Extremity - - -325 (107.) General Inference from such Experiments - - 325 (108.) Geometrical Illustration of these Results - - - 326 (109.) Extension of the same Property to oblong Cylinders, Prisms, &c. 326 (110.) Distribution of Electricity on a thin circular Plate - -327 (111.) Mathematical Expression of this - -327 (112.) Depth of Fluid always increases towards Edges - -329 (113.) Conductors with rounded Extremities admit of uniform Dis- tribution ....._ 329 (114.) Effect of Points ... .329 (115.) Escape of Electricity at a Point - - - -329 (116.) Experimental Illustration - - - .330 (117.) Rotation by Recoil produced .... 330 (118.) Another experimental Illustration - - 331 (119.) Electrical Orrery - - . . .332 CHAP. VI. INDUCTION. (120.) Action of the electric Fluid at a Distance - - - 333 (121.) Action of an electrified Sphere on the Electricity diffused on a cylindrical Conductor placed near it - 334 (122.) The electric Fluid on one Conductor repels a similar electric Fluid, and attracts an opposite electric Fluid on any neigh- bouring Conductor ..... 335 (124.) The Attractions and Repulsions manifested between electrified Bodies, really belong to the electric Fluids with which they are charged -.... 336 (125.) How then can a Body not electrified be acted on by one that is ? 336 XX11 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page (126.) A cylindrical Conductor in its natural State placed under the Influence of two Spheres oppositely electrified - - 337 (127.) Effects produced by measuring and diminishing the Distance of the Spheres - - 338 (128.) Equal Quantities of contrary Electricities are diffused on a Conductor in its natural State - - 339 (129.) Effect of placing the electrified Spheres at unequal Distances from the Conductor ... 340 (130.) Effect of removing one of the Spheres - 341 (131.) Further Demonstration of the natural Electricities of a Con. ductor - - - - " 342 (132.) Inductive Action of a Series of Conductors - 343 (133.) Inductive Action reciprocal - 344 (134.) Reciprocal Decomposition of the natural Electricities of two Conductors - - - - - - 346 (135.) Experiments illustrative of this - - 346 (136.) Analysis of these Effects -347 (137.) Further experimental Illustrations - - 348 CHAP. VII. THEORY OF ELECTRICITY. (141.) Tests of the Validity of Theories - - - -352 (142.) The two electrical Theories - - 354 (143.) Hypothesis of two Fluids -355 (144.) The natural Electricities of Bodies independent of their free electrical Changes ... 355 (145.) Induction and Excitation explained - - 35(i (146.) Effect of the natural Electricities proved experimentally - 357 (147.) Franklinian Theory - - - - - 359 (148.) Experiment in support of it - - - o62 (149.) Another - - - 363 (150.) Another ..... - 363 (151.) Objections to the Franklinian Theory - - 364 (152.) Distribution of free Electricity on an insulated Conductor - 367 (153.) Distribution of free Electricities on a spherical Conductor - 369 Distribution on an elliptical Spheroid - - 369 (154.) On a very elongated Ellipsoid - - 370 (155.) Property of Points inferred - 371 (156,) Experimental Verification - - 371 (157.) Why Conductors should be every where rounded - - 371 (158.) Distribution of Electricity on Conductors in contact (159.) Condition determining it - 372 (160.) Mutual Influence of two Spheres, one electrified and the other in its natural State ..... 373 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. XX111 Page (161.) Mutual Effects of their electric Charges acting at a Distance - 374 (162.) Effects of Contact on the Distribution - - 375 (164.) Analysis of the Distribution on two Spheres in Contact - 376 (165.) Experimental Method of estimating the Distribution practised by Coulomb - - 377 (166.) A second Method - - 379 (167.) Comparison of the Results of Experiment and Theory - 381 (168.) Analysis of the Distribution after Separation - 383 (169-170.) Analysis of Depth at extreme Points when in Contact - 384 (171-172.) Analysis in particular Cases - 386 (173.) Comparison of the Results of Theory and Experiment - 388 (175.) Analysis for equal Spheres - - -389 (176.) Comparison of the Results of Theory and Experiment - 389 (177.) Analysis when the Radius of one Sphere is double the other - 391 (178.) Comparison of the Results of Theory and Experiment - 391 (180.) Analysis when the Radii are as 1 to 4 - - 393 (181.) Correspondence of Theory and Experiment - 394 (182.) Analysis of two electrified Spheres acting at a Distance - 394 (183.) When the lesser Sphere is in its natural State - 395 (184.) State of the lesser at particular Points - 396 (185.) Locus of the unelectrified Points - - 397 (187.) Unequal Spheres separated after Contact - - .399 (188.) Recapitulation - .... 400 (189.) Comparison of Theory and Experiment - 400 (190.) Further Comparison - - - 402 (191.) Results of Poisson's Researches - - - -402 (192.) Analysis of the Electric Spark - -403 (193.) Particular Case to verify Theory - - - - 405 (194.) Method of electrifying two Spheres in any required Proportion 406 ' (195.) Experimental Illustration of the Effect of the Spark - -407 CHAP. VIII. ELECTRICAL ATTRACTIONS AND REPULSIONS EXPLAINED. u9ti.) Effect of the Atmosphere on an an elecmned i5ody - - *o9 (Iy7.) Attraction or Repulsion of an electrified Non-conductor ex- plained . . 410 (198.) Illustration of this Action - 419 (199.) Attraction or Repulsion of an electrified Conductor - - 411 (200.) Illustrations of this - . . . _ 41i > (201.) Cases apparently exceptional explained - . .416 (202.) Experimental Illustration - . . . 41S XXIV ANALYTICAL TABLE OP CONTENTS. CHAP. IX. ELECTRICAL MACHINES. Page (203.) Parts of an Electrical Machine - -421 The common Cylindrical Machine. (205.) Cylinder Cushion and Flap. Use of Amalgam - -424 (206.) The Prime Conductor - - - - - 426 (207.) Frame of the Cylinder .... . 426 (208.) Varnish for Insulaters - - - - - 427 (209.) Necessity of dryness - - - . -427 (210.) Cement for Sockets - .. - - - 427 (211.) Conditions for a good Prime Conductor - - 428 (212) Operation of the Machine -429 (213.) Practical Limit of its accumulating Power - - 432 Nairne's Cylindrical Machine. (214.) Description of its Form and Operation - - 432 Capable of evolving and accumulating other Fluid - 433 The common Plate Machine. (215.) Its Form and Operation - - - - 434 Its accumulating Power greater than the Cylindrical Machines 435 The Haerlem Plate Machine. (216.) Its Form and Operation - - - 435 (217.) Method of charging the Conductor with either Fluid - 436 Appendages to Electrical Machines. (219.) Insulating Stools - - Metallic Points and insulated Rods .. (220.) Jointed Dischargers - - . . ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, AND METEOKOLOGY, INTRODUCTION. HISTORICAL NOTICE OP ELECTRICAL DISCOVERY. I. ELECTRO-STATICS. (1.) ALTHOUGH it has been reserved for modern times to bring to perfection the methods of investi- gation pursued in physical researches, these great divisions of human knowledge have nevertheless been always progressive. If the labours of the an- cients were obstructed, their advancement retarded, and their productions disfigured by fantastical theo- ries ; the facts they accumulated, the phenomena they described, and the observations they recorded, have formed a bequest of the highest value to the better disciplined inquirers and observers of later days. Astronomy, the mechanics of solid and fluid bodies, and the physics of the imponderable agents, light and heat, received severally more or less atten TOL. i. B INTRODUCTION. tion at an early epoch of the progress of human knowledge ; and the results of ancient researches in some of these branches of science, astronomy for example, form an important element of the know- ledge we now possess. Electricity, however, is a remarkable exception to this state of progressive movement. To that particular division of physics antiquity has contributed absolutely nothing. The vast discoveries which have accumulated respecting this extraordinary agent, by which its connection with and influence upon the whole material uni- verse, its relations to the phenomena of organized bodies, the part it plays in the functions of animal and vegetable vitality, its subservience to the uses of man as a mechanical pov/er, its intimate con- nection with the chemical constitution of material substances, in fine, its application in almost every division of the sciences, and every department of the arts, have been severally demonstrated, are exclusively and peculiarly due to the spirit of modern research, and in a great degree to the labours of the present age. (2.) The beginnings of science have often the ap- pearance of chance. A felicitous accident throws a certaia natural fact under the notice of an inquiring and philosophic mind. Attention is awakened and investigation provoked. Similar phenomena under varied circumstances are eagerly sought for; and if in the natural course of events they do not present themselves, circumstances are designedly arranged so as to bring about their production. The seeds of science are thus sown, and soon begin to germinate. Whether such primary facts are really fortuitous, ELECTRICITY A MODERN SCIENCE. 3 or ought not rather to be viewed as the prompting of HIM, whose will is that intellectual progression shall be incessant, it is certain that they not only give the first impetus to science, but their occa- sional and timely occurrence in its progress pro- duces frequently greater effects on the celerity of its advancement than the most exalted powers of the human mind, unsupported by such aid, have ever accomplished. It may then be imagined that if any such hints were offered by ordinary pheno mena, an agent so all-pervading as electricity could scarcely have eluded notice, or failed to command attention, during a succession of ages which wit- nessed the growth and extension of so many other parts of natural knowledge. On the contrary, the class of effects in which electricity originated was observed by and well known to the early philo- sophers of Greece. THALES, six centuries before the Christian era, was acquainted with the property of amber, from which electricity derives its name * ; and Theophrastus and Pliny, as well as other writers, Greek and Roman, mention the property of this and certain other substances, in virtue of which, when submitted to friction, they acquire the power to attract straws and other light bodies, as a magnet attracts iron. In the spirit which characterized the times, such effects were regarded with feelings of superstition. A soul was ascribed to amber, and it was held sacred. (3.) Nor were these the only phenomena which presented themselves to the ancients, and afforded them a clue to the foundation of this part of physics. * "HAe/rrpoi/, amber. B 2 4 INTRODUCTION. Various other scattered facts are recorded, which p^pve that Nature did not conceal her secrets with more than usual coyness in this case. The luminous appearance attending the friction of those substances which exhibited electrical effects, was observed. The Roman hist6rians record the frequent appear- ance of a flame at the points of the soldiers' javelins, at the summits of the masts of ships, and sometimes even on the heads of the seamen. * The effects of the torpedo and electrical fishes are referred to by Aristotle, Galen, and Oppian ; and at a period less remote, Eustathius, in his Commentary on the Iliad of Homer, mentions the case of Walimer, a Gothic chief, the father of Theodoric, who used to eject sparks from his body ; and further refers to a certain ancient philosopher, who relates of himself that on one occasion, when changing his dress, sudden sparks were emitted from his person on drawing off his clothes, and that flames occasionally issued from him, accompanied by a crackling noise.t Such phenomena attracted little attention, and provoked no scientific research. Vacant wonder was the most exalted sentiment they raised ; and they accordingly remained, while twenty centuries rolled away, barren and isolated facts upon the sur- face of human knowledge. The vein whence these precious fragments were detached, and which, as we have shown, cropped out sufficiently often to chal- lenge the notice of the miner, continued unexplored and undiscovered ; and its splendid treasures were * Caesar, de Bell. Afr. cap. vi. Liv. cap. xxxii. Plut. Vita Lys. Plin. sec. Hist. Mun. hb. ii. f Eustath. in Iliad, E. GILBERT. OTTO GUERICKE. 6 reserved to reward the toil and crown the enter- prise of our generation. (4.) The work of classification and generalisation: was first commenced upon the phenomena of elec- tricity by GILBERT, an English physician, in a work entitled De Magnete, published in the beginning of the seventeenth century. In this treatise, the sub- stances then known to be susceptible of electrical excitement were enumerated, and several of the circumstances which affect the production of elec- trical phenomena, such as the hygrometric state of the atmosphere, were explained. Between that period and the earlier part of the last century the science was not advanced by any capital discoveries. In that interval, however, Otto Guericke, celebrated as the inventor of the air-pump, contrived the first electrical machine. This apparatus consisted of a globe of sulphur, mounted upon a horizontal axis, from which it received a motion of rotation, by means of a common handle or winch. The operator turned this handle with one hand, while with the other he applied a cloth to the globe, the friction of which produced the electrical state. (5.) Aided by such apparatus, this philosopher discovered, that after a light substance has been attracted by and brought into contact with an electrified body, it will not be again attracted, but, on the contrary, will be repelled by the same body ; but that after it has been touched by the hand, its primitive condition is restored, and it is again at- tracted. He also showed that a body becomes electric by being brought near to an electrified body without touching it ; but offered no explanation B 3 O INTRODUCTION. of this fact, which, as will be seen hereafter, indi- cated one of the most important principles of elec- trical science. (6.) Whether it was that his attention was alto- gether engrossed by the researches which he prose- cuted with such splendid results in astronomy, the higher mechanics, and optics, or that facts had not yet accumulated in sufficient number and variety to impress him with a just notion of the importance of electricity as a general physical agent, NEWTON bestowed on it no attention. One experiment only proceeding from him is recorded, in which he shows that when one surface of a plate of glass is elec- trified, the attraction will be transmitted through the glass, and will be manifested by its effect on any light substances placed on the other side of it. (7.) In the beginning of the eighteenth century, HAWKESBEE made a series of experiments on elec- trical light produced in rarefied air ; but as no con- sequences were deduced from them affecting the progress of the science, we shall not further notice them. In the construction of the apparatus for producing electricity, he substituted a glass sphere for the globe of sulphur proposed by Otto Guericke. This was a considerable improvement; and yet the experimentalists who followed abandoned it, and used no more convenient apparatus than glass tubes, which were held in one hand, and rubbed with the other. To this circumstance Dr. Priestley ascribes, in a great degree, the slow progress made by the immediate successors of Hawkesbee in electrical discoveries. STEPHEN GREY. (8.) About the year 1730 commenced that splen- did series of discoveries which has proceeded with accelerated speed to the present day, and now forms the body of electrical science. Mr. STEPHEN GREY, a pensioner of the Charter House, impelled by a passionate enthusiasm, engaged in a course of ex- perimental researches, in which were developed some general principles, which produced important effects on subsequent investigations. (9.) The most considerable discovery of Mr. Grey was, that all material substances might be reduced, in reference to electrical phenomena, to two classes, electrics and non-electrics; the former, including all bodies then supposed to be capable of electric ex- citation by friction; and the other, those which were incapable of it. He also discovered that non- electrics were capable of acquiring the electric state by contact with excited electrics. As the experi- ments which led to these conclusions were of the highest interest, we shall here state them. (10.) Desiring to make some experiments with an excited glass tube, he procured one about three feet and a half long, and an inch and a quarter in dia- meter. To keep the interior free from dust, he stopped it at the ends with corks. When this tube was recited, he happened to present one of the corks to a feather, and was surprised to observe that the feather was first attracted, and then re- pelled by the cork, in the way it was wont to be by the glass tube itself. He concluded from this, that the electric virtue conferred on the tube by friction I spontaneously to the cork. S INTRODUCTION. It then occurred to him to inquire whether this transmission of electricity would be made to other substances besides cork. With this view he obtained a deal rod about four inches in length, to one end of which he attached an ivory ball, and inserted the other in the cork, by which the glass tube was stopped. On exciting the tube, he found that the ivory ball attracted and repelled the feather even more vigorously than the cork. He then tried longer rods of deal ; next rods of brass and iron wire, with like results. He then attached to one end of the tube a piece of common packthread, and suspended from the lower end of this thread the ivory ball and various other bodies, all of which he found capable of acquiring the electric state when the tube was ex- cited. Experiments of this kind were made from the balconies of his house, and other elevated stations. With a true philosophic spirit, he now deter- mined to inquire what circumstances attending the manner of experimenting produced any real effect upon the results ; and, first, whether the position or direction of the rods, wires, or cords, by which the electricity was transmitted from the excited tube, affected the phenomena. For this purpose he ex- tended a piece of packthread in a horizontal direc- tion, supporting it at different points by other pieces of similar cord, which were attached to nails driven into a wooden beam, and which were therefore in a vertical position. To one end of the horizontal cord he attached the ivory ball, and to the other he tied the end of the glass tube. On exciting the tube, he found that no electricity was transmitted WHEELER AND GREY. to the ball, a circumstance which he rightly ascribed to its escape by the vertical cords, the nails sup- porting them and the wooden beam. Soon after this, Grey was engaged in repeating his experiments at the house of Mr. Wheeler, who was afterwards associated with him in these inves- tigations, when that gentleman suggested that threads of silk should be used to support the hori- zontal line of cord instead of pieces of packthread. It does not appear that this suggestion of Wheeler , proceeded from any knowledge or suspicion of the electric properties of silk ; and still less does it ap- pear that Grey was acquainted with them ; for, in assenting to the proposition of Wheeler, he ob- served, that " silk might do better than packthread on account of its smallness, as less of the virtue would probably pass off by it than by the thickness of the hempen line which had been previously used." (11.) They accordingly extended a packthread through a distance of about eighty feet in an hori- zontal direction, supporting it in that position by threads of silk. To one end of this packthread they attached the ivory ball, and to the other the glass tube. Wlien the latter was excited, the ball imme- diately became electric, as was manifested by its attraction upon metallic leaf held near it. After this, they extended their experiments to lines of packthread still longer, when the silk threads used for its support were found to be too weak, and were broken. Being under the erroneous impression that the escape of the electricity was prevented by the fineness of the silk, they now substituted for it 10 INTRODUCTION. thin brass wire, which they expected, being still smaller than the silk, would more effectually inter- cept the electricity; and which, from its nature, would have all the necessary strength. The ex- periment, however, completely failed. No elec- tricity was conveyed to the ivory ball, the whole having escaped by the brass wire, notwithstanding its fineness. They now saw that the silk threads intercepted the electricity, because they were silky and not because they were small. Having thus accidentally discovered the insulat- ing property of silk, they proceeded to investigate its generalization, and found that the same property was enjoyed by resin, hair, glass, and some other substances. In fact, it soon became apparent that this property belonged in a greater or less degree to all those substances which were then known to be capable of being rendered electrical by friction, and which were denominated electrics. (12.) Grey now extended his inquiry to fluids and animal bodies. Having at that time no other test of the electrical state of a body than its attraction for light substances placed on a stand under it, the application of such a test to liquids presented at first some difficulty. This was soon surmounted by the expedient of blowing a soap-bubble from the bole of a tobacco-pipe. The bubble was held suspended over some leaf metal, and on bringing the excited tube to the small end of the pipe, the bubble immediately became electrical. (13.) It was in the prosecution of these experi- ments that he discovered that, when the electrified tube was brought near to any part of a non-electric GREY'S RESEARCHES. 1 1 body, without touching it, the part most remote from the tube became electrified. He thus fell upon the fact, which afterwards led to the principle of INDUC- TION. The science, however, was not yet ripe for that great discovery, and Grey accordingly con- tinued to apply the principle of inductive electricity without the most remote suspicion of the rich mine whose treasures lay beneath his feet. (14.) In another series of experiments, Grey was also unfortunate in missing a subsequent discovery on which he just touched. He found that certain electric bodies were capable of becoming perma- nently excited without the previous process of attri- tion. He took nineteen different substances, among which were resin, gum-lac, shell-lac, sulphur, and pitch, and the remainder of which were various compounds of these. The sulphur he melted in a glass vessel, the others in a spherical iron ladle. When they became solid, and cooled, and were re- moved from the moulds in which they were, in this manner, cast, he found them to be electrified, and that, on preserving them from exposure to the air, by wrapping them in paper or wool, this electrified state continued for an indefinite time. In the case of sulphur, he found that not only the sulphur was electrical, but also the glass from which it was re- moved. Had he carried these inquiries further, and looked carefully into the circumstances of the attraction exhibited by the sulphur and the glass, he could not have failed in discovering the exist- ence of the two opposite electricities, and would probably have also found the reason why the iron ladle did not exhibit electrical signs as well as the 12 INTRODUCTION. glass. This, however, escaped him, and the honour of the discovery was reserved for a contemporary philosopher. In his investigations respecting the power of liquids to receive electricity from excited glass, Grey exhibited, in a manner which at that period appeared striking, the attraction of the glass tube for liquids. We shall, however, pass over these and some other experiments of less importance, since they did not conduce to the development of any general principle. (15.) Contemporary with Grey was the celebrated DUFAYE, who, though not impelled by the same enthusiasm, nor exhibiting the same unwearied activity in multiplying experiments, was endowed with mental powers of a much higher order, and consequently was not slow to perceive some im- portant consequences flowing from the experiments of Grey, which had eluded the notice of that phi- losopher. Dufaye, in the first place, extended the class of substances called electrics ; showing that all substances whatever, except the metals and bodies in the soft or liquid state, were capable of being electrified by friction with any sort of cloth, and that, to secure the result, it was only necessary to warm the body previously. He also showed that the property of receiving electricity by contact with an excited electric was much more general than was supposed by Grey, and that most sub- stances exhibited that property in a greater or less degree, when supported by glass well warmed and dried. Dufaye also showed that the conduct- ing power of the packthread used in the experi- DUFAYE. 13 ments of Grey depended on the moisture contained in it, and that the conducting power was consider- ably increased by wetting it. By this expedient he transmitted electricity along a cord to the dis- tance of about 1300 feet. (16.) It had been previously ascertained that when any substance charged with electricity com- municated the electric principle to another body near it, but not in contact with it, the electricity passed from the one body to the other in the form of a spark, accompanied by a snapping or cracking noise, like that of a slight explosion. It had also been discovered by Grey and Wheeler, that the bodies of men and animals would become charged with electricity, if placed in the usual manner in contact with an excited glass tube, provided they were suspended by silk cords, so as to prevent the escape of the electricity. Dufaye, therefore, rea- soned, that a man being so suspended by silk cords, the electricity imparted to his person could not escape ; and being charged by the excited glass tube, sparks of fire ought to issue from his body, if any body capable of receiving the electricity were presented to it. To reduce this to the imme- diate test of experiment, Dufaye suspended his own person by silk lines ; and being electrified, the Abbe Nollet, who assisted him in these experi- ments, presented his hand to his body, when im- mediately a spark of fire issued from the person of the one philosopher, and entered the body of the other. Although such a result had been predicted as a consequence of the arrangement, the astonish- ment was not the less great at its occurrence. INTRODUCTION. Nollet states that he can never forget the surprise of both Dufaye and himself when they witnessed the first explosion from the body of the former. (17.) The celebrity of Dufaye rests, however, not on his experiments, but on the sagacity which led him to evolve natural laws of a high degree of generality from his own experiments, and from those of the philosophers who preceded him. He repro- duced in a more definite form the principles of at- traction and subsequent repulsion, which had pre- viously been announced by Otto Guericke. "I discovered," says Dufaye, " a very simple principle, which accounts for a great part of the irregularities, and, if I may use the term, the caprices, that seem to accompany most of the experiments in electri- city." This principle was, first, that excited electrics attract all bodies in their natural state ; second, that after a body is so attracted, and has touched the excited electric, then such body is re- pelled by the excited electric ; third, that if, after being so repelled, such body touches any other, it will be again attracted, and again repelled by the excited electric, and so on. (18.) But a discovery of a much higher order was due to Dufaye. " Chance," says he, "threw in my way another principle more universal and remark- able than the preceding one; and which casts a new light upon the subject of electricity. The principle is, that there are two distinct kinds of electricity, very different from one another ; one of which I shall call vitreous, and the other resinous electricity. The first is that of glass, rock-crystal, precious stones, hair of animals, wool, and many VITREOUS AND RESINOUS ELECTRICITY. 15 other bodies. The second is that of amber, copal, gum-lac, silk-thread, paper, and a vast number of other substances. The characteristic of these two electricities is, that they repel themselves and attract each other. Thus a body of the vitreous electricity repels all other bodies possessed of the vitreous, and on the contrary attracts all those of the resinous electricity. The resinous also repels the resinous and attracts the vitreous. From this principle one may easily deduce the explanation of a great number of other phenomena, and it is pro- bable that this truth will lead us to the discovery of many other things." This was a discovery of the highest order, and in its consequences fully justified the anticipation that " it would lead to the discovery of many other things." It is the basis of the only theory of electri- city which has been found sufficient to explain all the phenomena of the science, and with the subsequent hypothesis of Symmer, and the laws of attraction developed by the researches of Coulomb, it has brought the most subtle and incontrollable of all physical agents under the subjection of the rigor- ous canons of mathematical calculation. A new question now arose respecting &ny body which has been rendered electrical, whether by immediate excitation, or by contact with another body already excited. It was not enough to ascer- tain that it was electrified ; but it was necessary to know with which of the two kinds of electricity it was invested. The test of this proposed by Dufaye was the same which has ever since his time been adhered to. He electrified a light substance freely 1 6 INTRODUCTION. suspended with a known species of electricity ; say, for example, with resinous electricity. If this sub- stance was repelled on bringing it near another electrified body, then the electricity of that body was known to be resinous ; but if, on the contrary, it was attracted, then the electricity of the other body was known to be vitreous. (19.) Dr. DESAGULIERS, whose works in other parts of physical science are well known, devoted some attention to electricity from the close of the la- bours of Grey till the year 174-2, but the researches of this philosopher contributed nothing to the exten- sion of the science. He methodised the elements which had already accumulated, and improved in some important instances the nomenclature. He denominated all substances in which electricity may be excited electrics per se y and defined in a distinct manner their characters. He also first applied the term conductor to bodies which freely transmitted electricity, and showed that animal substances owed this property to the fluids which they contain. He however failed to discover that moisture was the conducting agent in many other bodies which at that time were used to propagate electricity to a distance. (20.) The subject of electricity now began to at- tract the attention of the Germans, and the first con- sequence was considerable improvement in the power and efficiency of electrical apparatus. The globe of glass revolving on an horizontal axis, which had originated with Hawkesbee, but had, ever since that time, greatly to the detriment of the science, been abandoned in favour of the glass tube, was BOZE. WINKLEB. GORDON. 17 now resumed by Professor BOZE of Wittemburgh, who added, for the first time, the prime conductor to the machine. This conductor consisted of an oblong cylinder, or tube, of iron or tin. It was at first supported by a man, who was insulated by standing on cakes of rosin ; but it was subsequently suspended by silken cords. (21.) The method of exciting the globe or tube hitherto generally practised, and, indeed, long after- wards persevered in, was to rub them with the hand, taking care that it was dry and warm. WINKLER, a professor in the university of Leipsic, substituted the more convenient expedient of a cushion fixed in contact with the globe, and gently pressed upon its surface by springs, or any similar means. Gor- don, a Scottish Benedictine monk, who was pro- fessor of philosophy at Erfurt, abandoned the use of the globe, and substituted for it a cylinder of glass, having its geometrical axis horizontal, and supported on pivots so as to revolve on that axis. The cylinders he used were eight inches long, and four inches in diameter. Thus the electrical ma- chine assumed a form very nearly identical with the cylindrical machines of the present day. (22.) The effects produced by these improved and powerful apparatus are related to have been ex- traordinary. Various inflammable substances, such as spirits, heated oil, pitch, and wax, were fired. Appearances of electrical light issuing from points, and the experiment since known as the electrical bells, were the productions of this epoch. The spark drawn from the conductor by the finger ia described as being so intense as to burst the skin, 1 8 INTRODUCTION. draw blood, and produce a wound. Other effects on the animal system are related, in which there is probably some exaggeration. (23.) The year 1746 forms a remarkable epoch in the history of electricity, being signalized by the in- vention of the LEYDEN PHIAL. The merit of this discovery is disputed, being claimed for Professor MUSCHENBROEK, CUNEUS, a native of Leyden, and KLEIST, a monk of that place. Probably all these individuals were engaged in the proceedings in which the discovery originated. Dr. Priestley, a -contemporary writer, gives an account of this inven- tion, apparently obtained by personal inquiry, of which the following is the substance. (24.) Professor Muschenbroek and his associates having observed that electrified bodies exposed to the atmosphere speedily lost their electric virtue, which was supposed to be abstracted by the air itself, and by vapour and effluvia suspended in it, imagined that if they could surround them with any insulating substance, so as to exclude the contact of the atmosphere, they could communicate a more intense electrical power, and could preserve that power for a longer time. Water appeared one of the most convenient recipients for the electrical influence, and glass the most effectual and easy in- sulating envelop. It appeared, therefore, very obvious, that water inclosed in a glass bottle must retain the electricity given to it, and that, by such means, a greater charge or accumulation of electric force might be obtained than by any expedient be- fore resorted to. In the first experiments made in conformity with these views, no remarkable results THE LEYDEN EXPERIMENT. 19 were obtained. But it happened on one occasion that the operator held the glass bottle in his right hand, while the water contained in it communicated by a wire with the prime conductor of a powerful machine. When he considered that it had received a sufficient charge, he applied his left hand to the wire to disengage it from the conductor. He was instantly struck with the convulsive shock with which electricians are now so familiar, and which has been since, and is at present, so frequently suffered from motives of curiosity or amusement. (25.) It is curious to observe how much effects on the organs of sense depend on the previous knowledge of them, which may or may not occupy the minds of those who sustain them. Those who now think so lightly of the shock, produced even by a power- ful Leyden phial, would be surprised at the letter in which Muschenbroek gave Reaumer an account of the effect produced upon him by the first experi- ment. He states, that " he felt himself struck in his arms, shoulders, and breast, so that he lost his breath, and was two days before he recovered from the effects of the blow and the terror." He declared, " that he would not take a second shock for the whole kingdom of France." Nor was Muschenbroek singular in this extra- ordinary estimate of the effects of the shock. M. Allamand, who made the experiment with a com- mon beer glass, stated that he lost the use of his breath for some moments, and then felt so intense a pain along his right arm that he feared permanent injury from it. Professor Winkler, of Leipsic, c 2 20 INTRODUCTION. stated, that the first time he underwent the experi- ment he suffered great convulsions through his body ; that it put his blood into agitation ; that he feared an ardent fever, and was obliged to have recourse to cooling medicines ! That he also felt a heavi- ness in his head, as if a stone were laid upon it. Twice it gave him bleeding at the nose, to which he was not subject. The lady of this professor, who appears to have been as little wanting in the cu- riosity which is ascribed to her own as in the courage assumed for the other sex, took the shock twice, and was rendered so weak by it that she could hardly walk. In a week, nevertheless, her curiosity again got the better of her discretion, and she took a third shock, which immediately produced bleeding at the nose. No sooner were these experiments made known, than the amazement of all classes of people of every age, sex, and rank, was excited at what was re- garded as ie a prodigy of nature and philosophy." Philosophers everywhere repeated the experiment, but none succeeded in explaining its effects. After the first emotions of astonishment had abated, the circumstances which influenced the force of the shock were examined. Muschenbroek observed, that if the glass were wet on the outer surface the success of the experiment was impaired ; and Dr. WATSON proved that the force of the shock was increased by the thinness of the glass of which the bottle containing the water was made. He also ob- served, that the force of the charge did not depend on the power of the electrical machine by which the phial was charged. Dr. Watson also showed that THE LEYDEN JAB. the shock could be transmitted undiminished through the bodies of several men touching each other. (26.) By further repeating and varying the ex- periment, Watson found that the force of the charge depended on the extent of the external surface of the glass in contact with the hand of the operator ; and it occurred to Dr. BE vis that the hand might be efficient merely as a conductor of electricity, and in that case the object might be more effectually and conveniently attained by coating the exterior of the phial with sheet-lead or tin-foil. This expe- dient was completely successful ; and the phial, so far as related to its external surface, assumed its present form. Another important step in the improvement of the Leyden jar was also due to the suggestion of Dr. Be vis. It appeared that the force of the charge increased with the magnitude of the jar, but not in proportion to the quantity of water it contained. It was conjectured that it might depend on the ex- tent of the surface of glass in contact with water ; and that as water was considered to play the part merely of a conductor in the experiment, metal, which was a better conductor, would be at least equally effectual. Three phials were therefore pro- cured and filled to the usual height with shot instead of water. A metallic communication was made between the shot contained in them respectively. The result was a charge of greatly augmented force. This was, in fact, the first electric battery. (27-) Dr. Bevis now saw that the seat of the elec- tric influence was the surface of contact of the metal and the glass, and rightly inferred that the form of c 3 22 INTRODUCTION. a bottle or jar was not in any way connected with the principle of the experiment. He therefore took a common pane of glass,, and having coated the op* posite faces with tin-foil, extending on each surface within about an inch of the edge, he was able to ob- tain as strong a charge as from a phial having the same extent of coated surface. Dr. Watson being informed of this, coated large jars made of thin glass both on the inside and outside surface with silver leaf, extending nearly to the top of the jars, the effects of which fully corroborated the anticipations of Dr. Bevis, and established the principle that the force of the charge was in proportion to the quan- tity of coated surface. The results of all these experiments led to the inference that, in the discharge of the phial, the electricity passed through the circle of conducting matter which was extended between the inside and the outside coating of the jar. If that circle were any where interrupted by the presence of non-conduct- ing matter, or electrics per se, as they were then called, no discharge took place. Also, if any portion of the circle were formed of living animals, each animal sustained the shock. To carry the de- monstration of this further, Dr. Watson placed, at several points in the circuit, spoons filled with spi- rits between the extremities of iron bars, but not in contact with them. In such cases the spirits in all the spoons were inflamed apparently at the instant of the discharge. (28.) Many of these properties were simulta- neously discovered by Mr. WILSON, who experiment- ed in Dublin. He coated the external surface of the WILSON. CANTOtf. 23 ar in the first experiments by plunging it in water. He also made several experiments with a view to affect by a shock one part of the human body with- out affecting the other parts. But the most remark- able discovery of this electrician was the lateral shock. He observed, that a person standing near the circuit through which the shock is transmitted, would sustain a shock if he were only in contact with any part of the circuit, or even placed very near it. Those who are conversant with the science, and aware of the important principle of induction, will see, with much interest, how nearly many of the philosophers engaged in these researches touched, from time to time, on that property, and yet missed the honour of its discovery. Without it, the ex- plication of the phenomenon of the charge and discharge of the Leyden phial was impossible. The lateral shock just adverted to, and observed by Wilson, was almost a glaring instance of it ; but a still more striking manifestation of the theory of the Leyden phial was afforded by an experiment of Mr. CANTON, who showed that if a charged phial be insulated, the internal and external coatings would give alternate sparks, and then, by continuing the process, the phial might be gradually discharged. Canton just touched on the discovery of dissimulated electricity. (29.) While these investigations were proceeding in England, the philosophers of France were not want- ing in that zeal and activity which they have always manifested for the advancement of physical science. The Abbe Nollet, M. de Monnier, and others, pro- c 4 24 INTRODUCTION. secuted similar experimental researches, and arrived at the knowledge of several of the important circum- stances developed in England. Nollet showed that a phial containing rarified air admitted of being charged as readily as one which contained water, and stated that the water in the Leyden experiment served no purpose, except to conduct the electricity to the glass. (30.) From this time to the period at which Dr. Franklin commenced his researches, no important progress was made in the science, although at no former period were experiments on so grand a scale projected and executed ; nor was public attention ever before so powerfully attracted to any scientific subject. Numerous and extensive experiments were made, both in England and France, to determine the distance through which the electric shock could be transmitted, the nature of the substances through which it could be propagated, and the rate at which it moved. At Paris, M. Nollet transmitted it through a chain of 180 soldiers; and at the convent of the Carthusians he formed a chain measuring 54-00 feet, by means of iron wires extending between every two persons, and the whole company gave a sudden spring, and sustained the shock at the same instant. (31.) But it was in England that the experiments on this subject were made on the most magnificent scale. Mr. Martin Folkes, then president of the Royal Society, Lord Charles Cavendish, Dr. Bevis, qjid several other fellows of the Society, formed a committee to witness these experiments, the chief direction and management of them being undertaken by Dr. Watson. A circuit was first formed by a EXPERIMENTS NEAR LONDON. 25 wire carried from one side of the Thames to the other over Westminster Bridge. One extremity of this wire communicated with the interior of a charged jar ; the other was held by a person on the opposite bank of the river. This person held in his other hand an iron rod, which he dipped into the river. On the other side, near the jar, stood another person, holding in one hand a wire communicating with the exterior coating of the jar, and in the other hand an iron rod. This rod he dipped into the river, when instantly the shock was received by both persons, the electric fluid having passed over the bridge, through the body of the person on the other side, through the water across the river, through the rod held by the other person, and through his body to the exterior coating of the jar. Familiar as such a fact may now appear, it is impossible to convey an adequate idea of the amazement, bordering on in- credulity, with which it was at that time witnessed. (32.) The next experiment was made at Stoke Newington, near London, where a circuit of about two miles in length was formed, consisting, as in the former case, partly of water and partly of wire. In one case there were about 2800 feet of wire, and 8000 feet of water. The result was the same as in the case of the experiment at Westminster Bridge. In this case, on repeating the experiment, the rods, instead of being dipped in the water, were merely fixed in the soil at about twenty feet from the water's edge, when it was found that the shock was equally transmitted. This created a doubt whether, in the former case, the shock might not have been conveyed through the ground between the two rods, instead of passing 20 INTRODUCTION. through the water, and subsequent experiments proved that such was the case. (33.) The same experiments were repeated at Highbury, and finally at Shooter's Hill, in August, 1747. At the latter place the wire from the inside of the jar was 6732 feet, and that which touched the outside coating was 3868 feet long. The observers placed at the extremity of these wires were two miles distant from each other. The circuit, therefore, con- sisted of two miles of wire, and two miles of soil or ground, the latter being the space between the two observers. The result of the experiment proved that no observable interval elapsed between the mo- ments at which each observer sustained the shock. In this experiment the wires were insulated by being supported on rods of baked wood. We shall here pass over a variety of experiments made in England, France, and Germany on the effects of electricity on organized bodies, and on some proposed medical applications of that agent, such researches not having led to any general prin- ciples affecting the real advancement of the science. (34.) Passing from the analysis of the confused experimental labours of his immediate predecessors, labours which contributed so little to the develop- ment of the nature and laws of electrical phenomena, to the researches of FRANKLIN, is like the transition from the mists and obscurity of morning twilight to the unclouded splendour of the noontide sun. It was in the summer of the year 1747, that a fortuitous cir- cumstance, happily for the progress of knowledge, first drew the attention of this truly great and good man, and (as he afterwards proved) acute philo- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 27 sopher, to the subject of electricity. Mr. Peter Col- linson, a fellow of the Royal Society of London, and a gentleman who took much interest in scientific affairs, made a communication to the Literary So- ciety of Philadelphia, explaining what had been re- cently done in England in electrical experiments, and with his letter he sent a present of one of the glass tubes then commonly used to excite electricity, with directions for its use. Previous to this time, Franklin does not appear to have ever given his attention to physical science. Nevertheless he now commenced repeating the European experiments with all the ardour of an enthusiast, and extending, varying, and adapting them to the development of great general laws, with all the skill and sagacity of a practised experimental philosopher. Within the brief period of four months after the arrival of the tube, he commenced a series of letters to Mr. Col- linson, in which are related a body of discoveries, which for the high generality of the laws they un- folded, the surpassing beauty and clearness of the experimental demonstrations on which they were based, and their intimate connection with the uses of life, are well worthy to be put in juxtaposition with the discoveries of Newton respecting the analy- sis and properties of light. How different, however, was the position of these two great discoverers and benefactors of the human race ! One brought to bear on the subject of his inquiry a mind early dis- ciplined in scientific investigation, a memory stored with profound mathematical erudition, faculties ren- dered more acute and strong by the severe studies exacted from all aspirants to academical honour and 28 INTRODUCTION. office in the universities of the old countries, zeal awakened, emulation stimulated, and enthusiasm kindled by associates, among whom were included all that was most distinguished in the physical sciences ; the other, first a tallow-chandler's appren- tice, and next a poor printer's boy, unschooled, undis- ciplined, self-informed, having nothing to aid him but the inborn energy of his mind, separated by an ocean three thousand miles wide from the countries which alone were the seats of the sciences, and where alone those aids and encouragements deriv- able from the society of others engaged in like in- quiries could be obtained. Such was the individual whose researches we must now briefly notice. The series of letters in which he embodied the details of his experiments, and developed the laws which re- sulted from them, were continued from 1747 to 1754, and were subsequently collected and published. (35.) " Nothing," says Priestley, "was ever written upon the subject of electricity which was more gene- rally read and admired in all parts of Europe than these letters. There is hardly any European language into which they have not been translated; and, as if this were not sufficient to make them properly known, a translation of them has lately been made into Latin. It is not easy to say whether we are most pleased with the simplicity and perspicuity with which these letters are written, the modesty with which the author proposes every hypothesis of his own, or the noble frankness with which he re- lates his mistakes when they were corrected by subsequent experiments." * * History of Electricity, per. ix. sect. i. FRANKLIN'S EXPERIMENTS. 29 (36.) In the analysis of Franklin's discoveries, it is necessary to distinguish carefully fact from hypo- thesis^ and to separate the great natural laws which he brought to light, the truth and reality of which can never be shaken, based, as they are, on innumerable observed phenomena, from the theory by which these phenomena and their laws are attempted to be explained by him ; which latter, though marked by great sagacity and ingenuity, and adequate to the explication of most of the ordinary effects of elec- tricity, has been found insufficient to represent the results of subsequent researches, and has been ge- nerally superseded by another theory, which will be noticed hereafter. (37.) The first step made by this philosopher in the brilliant series of discoveries by which he rendered his name so memorable, was one which produced a material influence on his subsequent proceedings, since it formed the foundation of his celebrated hy- pothesis of positive and negative electricity, which served him as the link by which many scattered facts might be grouped and connected, and as a clue to the development of new and unobserved pheno- mena. To reduce to the most brief, simple, and general terms the expression of the first-fruit of his observations, it may be said to consist in the esta- blishment of the general principle, that when electri- city is excited by the mutual friction or attrition of any two bodies, both these bodies become electrified ; and if both are insulated they will continue to be so electrified. They will, however, be in different electrical states, since, if moveable, they would at- tract and not repel each other; but, nevertheless, SO INTRODUCTION. each of them will exhibit in relation to other bodies not electrified the same properties. Thus sparks may be drawn indifferently from either ; and each of them may be de-electrised, or discharged of their electricity, by being put in metallic communication with the ground. These general facts he proved by direct experiment. (38.) He placed two persons, A. and B., on insu- lating supports. In the hand of A. he put a glass tube, which being rubbed by A. became electrified. This tube was then touched at every part of the rubbed surface by B. ; after which the same process was several times repeated, the tube being deprived of its electricity as often as it was touched by B. A third person, C., not insulated, now presented his finger or a metallic sphere to B., from whom a spark was drawn ; and by repeating this, or by touching the person of B., the latter was deprived of the elec- tricity he had received from the tube. This was no more than was expected. But on subjecting A. to the same process, the very same effects were pro- duced. It appeared, therefore, that both A. and B. were electrified. Being again electrified, as before, by the friction of the tube, instead of A. and B. being successively touched by C., they were made to touch each other, both remaining insulated. After this both were found to be as completely de-electrised and restored to their ordinary state as when they had been touched by C. A cork ball, suspended by a silk thread, being electrified by contact with the excited glass tube, was repelled when brought near the person of B,, FRANKLIN'S EXPERIMENTS. 31 but it was attracted when brought near the person of A. From these experiments it appeared the electrical states of A. and B. were different. Franklin called the state of B., and consequently that of the glass tube from which he drew the electricity, positive, and that of A. negative. The one was said to be posi- tively, the other negatively electrified. The cloth with which A. rubbed the glass tube was, like A., negatively electrified it attracted the cork ball ; and the glass tube, like B., was positively electrified it repelled the cork ball. (39.) The generality of this result was established by a great variety of experiments. In all cases it ap- peared that the opposite electrical charges of the two bodies submitted to friction, or of any insulated bodies in communication with them, had the same reciprocally neutralising power ; in virtue of which, when brought into contact, or when a metallic com- munication was established between them, all signs of electricity would disappear. (40.) Such is a strict statement of the facts as evolved in the experiments. The hypothesis pro- posed by Franklin for their explication was as fol- lows : All bodies in their natural state are charged with a certain quantity of electricity, in each body this quantity being of definite amount. This quantity of electricity is maintained in equilibrium upon the body by an attraction which the particles of the body have for it, and does not therefore exert any attraction for other bodies. But a body may be invested with more or less electricity than satisfies its attraction. If it possess more, it is ready to give 32 INTRODUCTION. up the surplus to any body which has less, or to share it with any body in its natural state ; if it have less, it is ready to take from any body in its natural state a part of its electricity, so that each will have less than their natural amount. A body having more than its natural quantity is electrified posi- tively or plus, and one which has less is electrified negatively or minus. When two bodies are submitted to mutual attri- tion and become electrified, one parts with a portion of its proper electricity, which is received by the other. The latter then has more than its natural amount, and is positively electrified ; the former has less, and is negatively electrified. In the instance above stated, when A. rubs the glass tube, he loses a portion of his natural elec- tricity, and is negatively electrified ; while the tube receives what he loses, and becomes positively elec- trified. When B. touches the tube, he takes from it nearly all the electricity with which it is charged over and above its natural amount ; for his body being of so much greater magnitude than the tube, the proportion which will remain on the tube will be insignificant. If when A. rubs the tube he were not insulated, he would not be electrified, because, as fast as his body would lose its proper amount of electricity, the deficiency would be made up from the earth with which he is in free electrical communication ; whereas in the former case being insulated, this supply could not be obtained. Hence, in this theory, the earth is regarded as the common reservoir of electricity, from which bodies negatively electrified FRANKLIN'S THEORY. 33 receive what they want, and to which bodies posi- tively electrified give up their surplus, except in the case in which the one or the other are insulated. Such, in general, was the Franklinian theory ; whichj however, will be more fully developed here- after. (4?1.) Assuming these hypothetical principles, Franklin next proceeded to analyse the phenomena of the Leyden jar. His first experiments were directed to establish the fact, that when the jar is charged the inside is electrified positively, and the outside nega- tively. A charged jar was placed on an insulating support, and a metallic wire bent into the form of a circular arc was then placed with one end in con- tact with the outer coating. The other end was capable of being brought into contact with the hook of the wire inserted through the cork, and thereby put in metallic communication with the water con- tained in the jar. This bent wire being supported by a handle of sealing-wax was itself insulated, and no electricity could pass in the experiment, other- wise than between the inside of the jar and the coating on the outside. On bringing the upper ex- tremity of the bent wire into contact with the hook, the jar was instantly discharged, both the inside and the outside being restored to their natural state. Franklin inferred from this, that before the dis- charge the interior of the jar was positively elec- trified, and the exterior coating negatively elec- trified, in an equal degree ; that is to say, that the interior of the jar contained an excess of electricity over and above its natural amount, and the exterior 34 INTRODUCTION. coating fell short of its natural amount by a quan- tity equal to that excess. (42.) Various other experiments were made to ve- rify this doctrine. Two metallic knobs were placed near each other, one communicating with the ex- ternal coating, and the other with the water within the jar. A small cork ball suspended by a silk thread was placed between those two knobs. The ball was alternately attracted and repelled, " playing inces- santly from one to the other, till the bottle was no longer electrised ; that is, it fetched and carried fire from the top (inside) to the bottom (outside) of the bottle, till equilibrium was restored."* It had been observed by electricians in Europe, that a jar could not be charged if its external coat- ing were insulated ; that, in fact, it was a neces- sary condition that a communication between that coating and the ground should be provided and maintained by some conducting matter, such as a metallic wire. Franklin assumes, that no electricity can be conveyed to the inside without causing the expulsion of an equal quantity from the outside ; but if the jar be insulated, no means of escape being left for the electricity on the outside, no ac- cumulation can take place on the inside, f (43.) In these experiments, we find also a de- scription of the method of charging a series of jars, now called the charge by cascade. " Suspend two or more phials on the prime conductor, one hanging on the tail of another, and a wire from the last to the floor. An equal number of turns of the wheel * Franklin's Works (Letters), vol. v. p. 192. Boston, 1837 f Ibid. p. 190. THEORY OF THE LEYDEN JAB. 35 will charge them all equally, and every one as much as one alone would have been ; what is drawn out of the tail of the first serving to charge (the inside of) the second ; what is driven out of the seconcj charging the third, and so on." * (4-4-.) In this way he constructed an electrical battery. After charging a series of jars he separated them, putting the insides in metallic communication with each other, and the outsides, in like manner, in metallic communication. By such means he ob- tained discharges sufficiently powerful to kill the smaller animals. (4-5.) But the experiment which appeared to be most conclusive in the support it gave to his hypo- thesis, of the transfer of the electricity from the ex- terior to the interior of the jar in the process of charging it, was the following: A jar was suspended by its hook on the prime conductor of the machine, so that a metallic communication was maintained between the conductor and the inside of the jar. Meanwhile, the rubber was insulated. On working the machine, the jar was found to receive no charge. A metallic wire was now rolled round the outer coating of the jar, and carried from thence to the rubber, so as to make a communication between them, both being still, in other respects, insulated. The jar was now charged with ease, which was explained by the supposition that the electric fluid passed from the outside coating by the wire to the rubber, and thence by the glass globe and prime conductor to the inside of the jar.f * Letters, p. 199. t Ibid - P- 253. 36 INTRODUCTION. (46.) According to the hypothesis above stated, there is no essential distinction, so far as relates to the charge, between the external coating and the internal contents of the jar; the one ought to be as easily charged as the other. This was accordingly found to be the case. A jar was placed on an in- sulating support, and while the external coating was put in communication with the prime conductor of the machine, the wire extending from the interior was put in communication with the rubber. The electricity of the outer coating was now positive, and that of the inside negative ; and the jar was discharged, and produced the same effects as before. (4?7.) The next important investigation was as to the place in which the electricity of the jar was con- tained. To determine this, Franklin charged a jar, and insulated it. He then removed the cork, and the wire by which the electricity was conveyed from the machine to the inside of the jar. On examining these, he found them free from electri- city. He next carefully decanted the water from the charged jar into another insulated vessel On examining this it was found to be free from electri- city. Other water in its natural state was fiow in- troduced into the charged jar to replace that which had been decanted ; and on placing one hand on the outside coating, and the other in the water, he received the shock as forcibly as if no change had been made in the jar since it was first charged.* A piece of glass was then placed between two plates of lead extending nearly to its edge on every * Letters, p. 201. THEORY OF THE LEYDEN JAB. 3J side. One of these plates of lead being touched by the hand, the other was charged with electricity as usual. The plates were then removed from the glass, and, being examined, were found to be in their natural state. On presenting the finger to the glass where the lead had covered it, little sparks were received; and on displacing the lead, and touching it at both surfaces, a violent shock was received. From this he inferred that the glass was the sub- stance in which the electricity was deposited; and the metallic coating, or the water, or other conductor, applied to it, " served only, like the armature of the loadstone, to unite the forces of the several parts, and bring them at once to any point desired ; it being the property of a non-electric (conductor), that the whole body instantly receives, or gives, what electrical fire is given to, or taken from, any one of its parts." * (4-8.) From a very early period of the progress of electrical observations, the analogy between elec- tricity and lightning had been noticed, and conjec- tures as to their identity were expressed ; and in some cases distinct predictions hazarded, that the time would arrive which would fully establish their identity. Dr. Wall, in a paper published in the " Philosophical Transactions/' speaking of the elec- tricity of amber, said that he had no doubt, " that by using a longer and larger piece of amber, both the cracklings and the light would be much greater. * Letters, p. 202. D 3 INTRODUCTION. This light and crackling seems in some degree to represent thunder and lightning." * (49.) Mr. Grey, whose experiments have been al- ready referred to, says, speaking of electrical effects, tf These are at present but in minimis. It is pro- bable that, in time, there may be found out a way to collect a greater quantity of electric fire, and conse- quently to increase the force of that power, which, by several of these experiments, si licet magnis componere parva, seems to be of the same nature with that of thunder and lightning" (50.) But of all the anticipations which are pre- tended to of the grand discovery of the philosopher of Philadelphia, that which is by far the most remark- able proceeded from his contemporary and compe- titor, the Abbe Nollet. Immediately after the first exhibition of the experiments proving the identity of electricity and lightning, the Abbe urged his claim to a share of the merit of having suggested them. In a paper, dated Paris, June 6. 1 752, the Abbe, after noticing the experiments, observes that he (i is more interested than any one to come at the facts, which prove a true analogy between lightning and electricity, since these experiments establish incontestably a truth which he had con- ceived, and which he ventured to lay before the public more than four years ago." In the fourth volume of his Lemons de Phy- sique is found the following passage : "If any one should undertake to prove, as a clear conse- quence of the phenomenon, that thunder is, in the * Priestley, History of Electricity, p. 11. THEORY OF LIGHTNING. 3Q hands of Nature, what electricity is in ours that those wonders which we dispose at our pleasure are only imitations on a small scale of those grand effects which terrify us, and that both depend on the same mechanical agents if it were made ma- nifest that a cloud prepared by the effects of the wind, by heat, by a mixture of exhalations, &c. is in relation to a terrestrial object what an electrified body is in relation to a body near it not electrified, I confess that this idea, well supported, would please me much ; and to support it, how numerous and specious are the reasons which present them- selves to a mind conversant with electricity. The universality of the electric matter, the readiness of its action, its instrumentality and its activity in giving fire to other bodies ; its property of striking bodies externally and internally, even to their small- est parts (the remarkable example we have of this effect even in the Leyden jar experiment, the idea which we might truly adopt in supposing a greater degree of electric power) ; all these points of analogy which I have been for some time medi- tating, begin to make me believe that one might, by taking electricity for the model, form to oneself, in regard to thunder and lightning, more perfect and more probable ideas than any hitherto pro- posed." * The volume containing this passage was printed and published towards the close of the year 1748, as appears by the register of the Academy of Sciences, in which the order to print it bears date * Nollet, Le9ons de Physique, torn. iv. p. 315., Sme. edi- tion. D 4} 40 INTRODUCTION. on the 9th of August in that year. It will presently appear that Franklin's first publication of the same views was in a letter addressed to Mr. Collinson, despatched in 1749. So far, therefore, as relates to these speculations, the priority of publication must be conceded to Nollet. It seems, however, impro- bable that Franklin, residing at Philadelphia, could have seen Nollet's volume between the date of its publication and the despatch of his letter, an inter- val not exceeding a few months ; and the probability is, therefore, that these views occurred simulta- neously to the American and the French philosopher. (51.) From the moment that Franklin first engaged ill electrical inquiries, his views were constantly bent on the discovery of some useful purpose to which the science could be applied. Cui bono 9 was a ques- tion never absent from his thoughts.* This crav- ing after utility was the great characteristic of his * After he had succeeded in making the discoveries which have been already explained, and besides inventing a little moving power, which he called an electrical jack, he expressed to Mr. Collinson, in his usual playful manner, his disappoint- ment at being unable to find any application of the science beneficial to mankind. " Chagrined a little that we have hitherto been able to produce nothing in this way of use to mankind, and the hot weather coming on when electrical ex- periments are not so agreeable, it is proposed to put an end to them for this season, somewhat humorously, in a party of pleasure on the banks of the Schuylkill. Spirits, at the same time, are to be fired by a spark sent from side to side through the river without any other conductor than the water ; an ex- periment which we some time since performed to the amaze- ment of many. A turkey is to be killed for dinner by the electrical shock, and roasted by the electrical jack, before a fire kindled by the electrified bottle, when the healths of all the famous electricians of England, Holland, France, and Ger- many are to be drunk in electrified bumpers, under the dis- charge of guns from the electrical battery." Letters, p. 210. CI CHARACTER OF FRANKLINS GENIUS. 41 mind, and might be regarded as being carried almost to a fault. To bring the properties of mat- ter and the phenomena of Nature into subjection to the uses of civilised life, is undoubtedly one of the great incentives to the investigation of the laws of the material world ; but it is assuredly a great error to regard it either as the only or the principal motive to such inquiries. There is in the percep- tion of Truth itself in the contemplation of con- nected propositions, leading by the mere operation of the intellectual faculties, exercised on individual physical facts, to the development of those great general laws by which the universe is maintained an exalted pleasure, compared with which the mere attainment of convenience and utility in the eco- nomy of life is poor and mean. There is a noble- ness in the power which the natural philosopher derives from the discovery of these laws, of raising the curtain of futurity, and displaying the decrees of Nature, so far as they affect the physical universe for countless ages to come, which is independent of all utility. There is a lofty and disinterested plea.- sure in the mere contemplation of the harmony and order of Nature, which is above and beyond mere utility. While, however, we thus claim for truth and knowledge all the consideration to which, on their own account, they are entitled, let us not be mis- understood as disparaging the great benefactors of the human race, who have drawn from them those benefits which so much tend to the wellbeing of man. When we express the enjoyment which arises from the beauty and fragrance of the flower, we do not the less prize the honey which is ex- 42 INTRODUCTION. tracted from it, or the medicinal virtues it yields. That Franklin was accessible to such feelings, the enthusiasm with which he expresses himself through- out his writings in regard to natural phenomena abundantly proves. Nevertheless, useful application was, undoubtedly, ever uppermost in his thoughts ; and he probably never witnessed any physical fact, or considered for a moment any law of nature, with- out inwardly proposing to himself the question, " In what way can this be made beneficial in the eco- nomy of life ? " (52.) The analogy and probable identity of light- ning and electricity were first suggested and demon- strated by Franklin in a letter addressed to Collinson, which appears without a date, and which has by some been referred to the date (1750) of that which immediately follows it in the published collection of letters. It appears, however, by a subsequent letter*, addressed to the same gentleman in 1753, that he was occupied in the investigation of this question from 1747 to 174-9 ; that the paper now referred to was first written in the former year, but that it was enlarged and improved and sent to England in 1749, which must, therefore, be taken as its date. In this letter he enters very fully into his reasons for considering the cause of electricity and lightning to be the same physical agent, differ- ent in nothing save the intensity of its action ; and he truly observes, that the difference in degree, however enormous, is no argument against the * " In my former paper on this subject, written first in 1747, enlarged and sent to England in 1 749, I considered the sea as the great source of lightning," &c. Letters, p. 300. LIGHTNING AND ELECTRICITY IDENTIFIED. 43 identity of the agents, but that, on the contrary, an almost infinite difference might be naturally looked for. " When a gun-barrel in electrical ex- periments has but little electrical fire in it, you must approach it very near with your knuckle before you can draw a spark. Give it more fire, and it will give a spark at greater distance. Two gun-barrels united, and as highly electrified, will give a spark at a still greater distance. But if two gun-barrels electrified will strike at two inches dis- tance, and make a loud snap, to what a great dis- tance may ten thousand acres of electrified cloud strike and give its fire, and how loud must be that crack I " * (53.) The analogies which he stated as affording presumptive evidence of the identity of lightning and electricity may be briefly enumerated. The elec- trical spark is zigzag, and not straight ; so is light- ning. Pointed bodies attract electricity ; lightning strikes mountains, trees, spires, masts, and chim- neys. When different paths are offered to the escape of electricity, it chooses the best conductor ; so does lightning. Electricity fires combustibles ; so does lightning. Electricity fuses metals ; so does lightning. Lightning rends bad conductors when it strikes them ; so does electricity when rendered sufficiently strong. Lightning reverses the poles of a magnet ; he proved by direct expe- riment that electricity had the same effect. A stroke of lightning, when it does not kill, often produces blindness ; he rendered a pigeon blind by a shock of electricity intended to kill it. Light- * Letters, p. 218. 44 INTRODUCTION. ning destroys animal life ; he killed a hen and a turkey by electrical shocks. (54.) Having ascertained by experiment the pro- perty of points in attracting and discharging elec- tricity, Franklin, acknowledging his inability to give satisfactory theory of this effect, set himself to inquire how " this power of points might possibly be of some use to mankind/' To discover this, he suspended a large conductor, by silk lines, from the ceiling, and charged it with electricity, so as to enable it to give a spark at the distance of two inches, " strong enough to make one's knuckle ache." Under these circumstances, he found that if a person presented the point of a needle to the conductor at more than a foot distance, no elec- tricity could be retained upon it, all passing off by the needle as fast as it was supplied. He also found, that if, after it was strongly electrified, the -needle was presented at the same distance, the conductor would instantly lose its electricity. That the electricity, in this case, really passed off by the point, he ascertained by observing that, in the dark, the light was visible on the point of the needle ; and also because, when the person pre- senting the needle was himself insulated, or stuck the needle in a bundle of sealing wax, the electricity no longer escaped. (55.) The next experiment is so remarkable in itself, and so characteristic of the mind of Franklin, that we shall give it in his own words : " Take a pair of large brass scales, of two or more feet beam, the cords of the scales being silk. Suspend the beam by a packthread from the ceil- INVENTION OP PARATONNERRES. 45 ing, so that the bottom of the scales may be about a foot from the floor ; the scales will move round in a circle by the untwisting of the packthread. Let an iron punch (a silversmith's iron punch, an inch thick, is what I use) be put on the end upon the floor, in such a place as that the scales may pass over it in making their circle ; then electrify one scale by applying the wire of a charged phial to it. As they move round, you see that scale draw nigher to the floor, and dip more when it comes over the punch; and, if that be placed at a proper distance, the scale will snap, and discharge its fire into it. But if a needle be stuck on the end of the punch, its point upwards, the scale, instead of drawing nigh to the punch and snapping, dis- charges its fire silently through the point, and rises higher from the punch. Nay, even if the needle be placed upon the floor near the punch, its point upwards, the end of the punch, though so much higher than the needle, will not attract the scale and receive its fire ; for the needle will get it, and convey it away, before it comes nigh enough for the punch to act. " Now, if electricity and lightning be the same, the conductor and scales may represent electrified clouds. If a tube (conductor) of only ten feet long will strike and discharge its fire on the punch at two or three inches distance, an electrified cloud of perhaps ten thousand acres may strike and discharge on the earth at a proportionally greater distance. The horizontal motion of the scales over the floor may represent the motion of the clouds over the earth, and the erect iron punch a hill or 46 INTRODUCTION. high building ; and then we see how electrified clouds, passing over hills or high buildings at too great a height to strike, may be attracted lower till within their striking distance. And, lastly, if a needle fixed on the punch with its point upright, or even on the floor below the punch, will draw the fire from the scale silently at a much greater than the striking distance, and so prevent its descending towards the punch ; or if in its course it would have come nigh enough to strike, yet, beipg first deprived of its fire, it cannot, and the punch is thereby secured from the stroke ; / say, if these things are so, may not the knowledge of this power of points be of use to mankind in preserving houses, churches, ships, fyc. from the stroke of lightning, by directing us to fix, on the highest parts of those edifices, upright rods of iron, made sharp as a needle, and gilt, to prevent rusting ; and, from the foot of those rods, a wire down the outside of the building into the ground, or down round one of the shrouds of a ship, and down her side till it reaches the water 9 Would not these pointed rods probably draw the electrical fire silently out of a cloud before it came nigh enough to strike, and thereby secure us from that most sudden and terrible mischief? (56.) " To determine this question, whether the clouds that contain lightning be electrified or not, I would propose an experiment to be tried, where it may be done conveniently. On the top of some high tower or steeple, place a kind of sentry-box, big enough to contain a man and an electrical stand. From the middle of the stand let an iron rod rise, and pass, bending, out of the door, and then upright LIGHTNING AND ELECTRICITY IDENTIFIED. 4fJ twenty or thirty feet, pointed very sharp at the end. If the electrical stand be kept clear and dry, a man standing on it, when such clouds are passing low, might be electrified, and afford sparks, the rod drawing fire to him from a cloud. If any danger to the man be apprehended, let him stand on the floor of his box, and now and then bring near to the rod the loop of a wire that has one end fastened to the leads, he holding it by a wax handle ; so the sparks, if the rod is electrified, will strike from the rod to the wire, and not affect him." * When this and other papers by Franklin, illus- trating similar views, were sent to London, and read before the Royal Society, they are said to have been considered so wild and absurd that they were received with laughter, and were not con- sidered worthy of so much notice as to be admitted to a place in the " Philosophical Transactions."-)- They were, however, shown to Dr. Fothergill, who considered them of too much value to be thus stifled ; and he wrote a preface to them, and pub- lished them in London. They subsequently went through five editions. After the publication of these remarkable letters, and when public opinion in all parts of Europe had been expressed upon them, an abridgment or ab- stract of them was read to the Society on the 6th of June, 1751. It is a remarkable circumstance that, in this notice, no mention whatever occurs of Franklin's project of drawing lightning from the clouds. Possibly this was the part which had Letters, p. 235. t Franklin's Works (Memoirs), vol. i. p. 299. 48 INTRODUCTION. before excited laughter, and was omitted to avoid ridicule. (57.) Franklin was under an impression that a pointed rod could not be expected to attract the lightning, unless it were placed at a very great height in the atmosphere; and to render the result of his projected experiment more certain, he determined to wait for the completion of a spire then being erected in Philadelphia. Meanwhile, however, a different and more promising expedient occurred to him ; which was, to send up the pointed wire upon a kite, by the string of which the lightning might be brought within his reach. He soon succeeded in realizing this, the most bold arid grand concep- tion which ever presented itself to the imagination of an experimental philosopher. He prepared his kite by making a small cross of two light strips of cedar, the arms of sufficient length to extend to the four corners of a large silk handkerchief stretched upon them. To the extre- mities of the arms of the cross he tied the corners of the handkerchief. This being properly supplied with a tail, loop, and string, could be raised in the air like a common paper kite, and, being made of silk, was more capable of bearing rain and wind. To the upright arm of the cross was attached an iron point, the lower end of which was in contact with the string by which the kite was raised, which was a hempen cord. At the lower extremity of this cord, near the observer, a key was fastened ; and, in order to intercept the electricity in its de- scent, and prevent it from reaching the person who held the kite, a silk ribbon was tied to the ring of LIGHTNING DRAWN FROM THE CLOUDS. 49 the key, and continued to the hand by which the kite was held. Furnished with this apparatus, on the approach of a storm, he went out upon the commons near Philadelphia, accompanied by his son, to whom alone he communicated his intentions, well knowing the ridicule which would have attended the report of such an attempt, should it prove to be unsuc- cessful. Having raised the kite, he placed himself under a shed, that the ribbon by which it was held might be kept dry,, as it would become a conductor of electricity when wetted by rain, and so fail to afford that protection for which it was provided. A cloud, apparently charged with thunder, soon passed directly over the kite. He observed the hempen cord ; but no bristling of its fibres was ap- parent, such as was wont to take place when it was electrified. He presented his knuckle to the key, but not the smallest spark was perceptible. The agony of his expectation and suspense can be ade- quately felt by those only who have entered into the spirit of such experimental researches. After the lapse of some time, he saw that the fibres of the cord near the key bristled, and stood on end. He presented his knuckle to the key, and received a strong bright spark. It was lightning. The dis- covery was complete, and Franklin felt that he was immortal. A shower now fell, and wetting the cord of the kite, improved its conducting power. Sparks in rapid succession were drawn from the key, a Leyden jar was charged by it, and a shock given ; and, in fine, all the experiments which were wont to be 50 INTRODUCTION. made by electricity were reproduced identical in all their concomitant circumstances. (58.) This experiment was performed in the month of June, 1752. It will be remembered that Franklin's letters to Mr. Collinson had been previously pub- lished, translated, and widely circulated in different languages throughout Europe ; and in these letters, not only the object of the experiment and the prin- ciple it was designed to establish were fully ex- plained, but minute and circumstantial directions were given as to the manner of executing it. Per- sons engaged in physical inquiries in different parts of Europe were invited, and prepared to submit it to a trial when convenient opportunities offered. Among these was a French electrician, M. Dalibard, who, in the spring of 1752, prepared means of making the experiment at Marly-la-Ville, a place situate about six leagues from Paris. He succeeded on the 10th of May, about a month before the ex- periment of Franklin, and made a report of his proceedings to the Academy of Sciences at Paris on the 13th, in which he states that the experiment had been made at the suggestion and according to the method laid down by Franklin.* The experi- ment of Franklin, in June, was made before he could have been informed of that of Dalibard. The same experiment was repeated on the 18th of May by M. de Lor, at his house in the Estrapade, at Paris ; and an account of it, as well as that of M. Dalibard, was communicated to the Royal * " En suivant la route que M. Franklin nous a tracee, j'ai obtenu une satisfaction complete." Memoir de M. Dalibard, quoted in Franklin's Works, vol. v. p. 288. FRANKLIN'S CLAIM DISPUTED. 51 Society of London by the Abbe Mazeas, in a letter dated 20th May, two days after the latter experi- ment, in which the Abbe ascribes all the credit of the experiment to Franklin.* (59.) The right of Franklin to the credit of having established the identity of lightning and electricity has been denied, and the honour claimed for the French philosophers Nollet and Dalibard. This claim was advanced, not when Europe from east to west, and from north to south, was filled with amazement and admiration at the philosophic bold- ness of the " Philadelphian experiment " (as it was universally called), or the profound sagacity with which it was conceived, with which its minute de- tails were prescribed, and its results foretold not when its illustrious author was elected by acclama- tion a member of the learned societies of Europe, and received the academical degree from the most ancient and honoured of universities but after the lapse of nearly a century, after the story of Franklin's kite had passed from the transactions of philosophical societies, and the memoirs of insti- tutes of sciences, into the primers of children. In short, it was so recently as the year 1831, that, in his admirable Eloge of Volta, M. ARAGO, taking a retrospect of electrical discovery, maintained that after the conjecture of Nollet, on the identity of lightning and electricity, an experiment to ascer- tain the fact was almost useless. And the reasons he assigned for such inutility were, that the ex- periment had been first made when flame appeared * See Phil. Trans, vol. xvii. 1752. E 2 52 INTRODUCTION. on the spears of soldiers, and the masts of ships * ; but that, if any credit be claimed for the actual exhibition of the fact by immediate experiment, that credit is due to M. Dalibard. (6jO.) If such a statement, supported by such a rea- son, had proceeded from a quarter less entitled to re- spect than the "perpetual secretary of the Academy of Sciences," the astronomer royal of France, the man who stands, if not first, incontestably in the first rank of living meteorologists in a word, than M. ARAGO no one would think it entitled to a serious answer. It would be classed among those strange obliquities of historic vision which have led some persons to see in Richard and Macbeth, not tyrants and murderers, but mild and virtuous * " Les premieres vues de Franklin sur 1'analogie de 1'elec- tricite et du tonnerre n'^taient, comme les idees anterieures de Nollet que de simples conjectures. Toute la difference, entre les deux physiciens, se reduisait alors a un projet d'experience, dont Nollet n'avait pas parler Sans porter atteint a la gloire de Franklin, je dois remarquer que 1'experience proposee etait presque inutile. Les soldats de la cinquieme legion Romaine 1'avaient dejafaite pendant la guerre d' A fri que, le jour oii, comme Cesar le rapporte, le fer de tous' les javelots parut en feu a la suite d'un orage. II en est de meme des nombreux navigateurs a qui Castor et Pollux s'etaient montres, soit aux pointes metalliques des mats ou des vergues, soit sur d'autres parties saillantes de leurs navires Au reste, soit que plusieurs de ces circonstances fussent ignorees, soit qu'on ne les trouvat pas demonstratives, des essais directs semblerent necessaires, et c'est a Dalibard, notre compatriote, que la science en a etc redevable. Le 10 Mai, 1752, pendant un orage, la grande tige de metal pointue qu'il avait etablie dans un jardin de Marly-la- Ville donnait de petites etincelles, comme le fait le conducteur de la machine electrique ordi- naire, quand on en approche un fil de fer. Franklin ne realisa cette meme experience aux Etats-Unis, a 1'aide d'un cerf volant, qu'un mois plus tard." Eloge de Volta, p. 1 2. FRANKLIN S CLAIM VINDICATED. 53 princes, cruelly wronged by the calumnies of tra- dition. Nollet conjectured the probable identity of light- ning and electricity, but gave not the most distant hint of any possible method by which the proba- bility could be experimentally tested. Franklin boldly maintained the identity of these agents, gave* numerous and cogent reasons to support that posi tion, and moreover prescribed with minute details two distinct methods by which lightning could be brought into the hands of the observer, and sub- mitted to the same experimental examination as electricity had undergone. One of these two me- thods was, in scrupulous accordance with his direc- tions, applied in France ; and the other, within a few weeks, was adopted by himself in America. The results of both were precisely what Franklin had foretold. Both were completely successful. But, rejoins M. Arago, the whole affair of the experiment was useless, for it had already been effected. The flame on the javelins of the Roman sentinels of the fifth legion was sufficient as an ex- periment, not to mention Castor and Pollux, so often seen by sailors on their mast-tops ! What would so severe a reasoner as M. Arago say to another who should maintain, without further ex- periment, that either of these luminous appear- ances was identical with lightning? and if that were conceded, where would have been found the proof that these meteors, and the lightning with which they would be granted to be identified, were due to the same physical agent as that manifested by the friction of glass and resin ? E 3 54< INTRODUCTION. If however, says M. Arago again, the experiment were necessary or useful, science owes it to M. Da- libard, who executed it at Marly-la- Ville a month before Franklin, with his kite, made it at Phila- delphia. This statement is not attended with the circumstantial accuracy which M. Arago is accus- tomed to observe. The fact, as stated by M. Da- libard himself, was, that he took Franklin's printed directions as to the manner of performing his (Franklin's) projected experiment, and followed them to the letter in preparing his apparatus at Marly-la- Ville. Having accomplished this, he put the directions for making the observation into the hands of one COIFFIER, an old retired soldier, who followed the trade of a carpenter, and who pro- bably also erected the apparatus itself, and desired Coiffier to make the experiment in the manner pre- scribed by Franklin, if a storm should occur at a time when he (Dalibard) was absent. The first storm did occur when Dalibard was at Paris. Coiffier presented a piece of metal to the rod, and received several sparks. He then ran for the cur, who, with him, repeated the experiment, and imme- diately wrote a full description of it, with which he despatched Coiffier himself to Paris to M. Da- libard. Thus it appears that so far from science being indebted to M. Dalibard for the earliest exhibition of this capital experiment, that philosopher had no other share in it, save that of having caused the erection of the conducting rod and other apparatus according to Franklin's directions. In the actual FRANKLIN'S CLAIM VINDICATED. 55 performance of the first experiment, he had no share whatever. Let us now see how the account of credit stands on the score of this memorable discovery : In 1708, Dr. Wall mentions a resemblance of elec- tricity to thunder and lightning. In J 735, Mr. Grey conjectures their identity, and that they differ only in degree. In 1748, the Abbe Nollet reproduces the con- jecture of Grey, attended with more circum- stantial reasons. In 1749, Franklin strongly maintains their iden- tity, and accurately describes two ways of ex- perimentally testing it, and sends his instruc- tions to Europe, to enable others with better local opportunities than he possessed to try it. In 1 752, MM. Dalibard and Delor, in France-. make the preparations prescribed according to one of Franklin's methods; and Franklin makes in Philadelphia preparations according to the other method. On 10th May, 1752, Coiffier and the curate make the experiment as directed by Franklin, and obtain the results foretold by Franklin. In June, 1752, Franklin makes the same ex- periment in Philadelphia, according to the other method, with like results. If the credit of the discovery is due to him who first conjectured the identity of lightning and electri- city, then it is due to Mr. STEPHEN GREY. If it be due to him who showed the method of making the capital experiment by which the iden- 56 INTRODUCTION. tity must be either established pr refuted, it belongs to FRANKLIN. If it be due to the persons at whose expense Franklin's apparatus was first constructed, it must be shared between FRANKLIN, DALIBARD, and DELOR. If it be due to him who first, in person, per- formed the experiment proposed by Franklin, it must be accorded to the carpenter and dragoon COIFFIER. We shall now dismiss this matter, to which more space has been allotted than it is entitled to, merely observing, that much as living philosophers must be surprised at the claim advanced in favour of M. Dalibard, that electrician himself, could he rise from his tomb, would see with infinitely more asto- nishment an- honour sought for him to which he never himself aspired, or supposed he had the slightest title. (61.) Franklin having established, beyond the possibility of dispute, the identity of lightning and electricity, proceeded, in accordance with that cha- racteristic attribute of his mind already noticed, to turn this discovery to the benefit of mankind, and proposed the general adoption of those pointed metallic rods now so commonly erected at the sum- mits of buildings to protect them from the effects of lightning. The principle of this apparatus, as now constructed for edifices and ships, differs in nothing essential from that proposed by its cele- brated inventor. (62.) This part of the labours of Franklin in elec- tricity cannot be dismissed without a passing notice FRANKLIN AND GEORGE III. 57 of the dispute which was maintained in England re- specting the comparative advantages of conductors with pointed ends as proposed by Franklin, or with round or blunted ends as suggested by some others. It were for the honour of science that this discredit- able controversy had never taken place. It forms a rare, if not a solitary example, of the prostitution of philosophy to gratify the meanest passions of an obstinate and imbecile prince. The persevering tenacity with which the British monarch fastened his last grasp on his American subjects about to wrest themselves from his power, and assert their independence, is well known. By his pursuit of that object, after all reasonable hope of securing it had expired, the treasures of his kingdom were lavished, and the blood of his people flowed in mutual slaughter. Bad as were these consequences, they were nevertheless the ordinary consequences of war. But the vindictive spirit of the court passed from the field and council-board to the peaceful halls of science ; and because Franklin, the agent, representative, and counsellor of the American people, had proposed the use of pointed conductors, a party of parasites was found, who, to gratify George III., advocated blunt conductors; and, to crown this most egregious absurdity, blunt con- ductors were actually erected upon the royal palace ! * * " The king's changing his pointed conductors for Hunt ones is a matter of small importance to me. If I had a wish about them, it would be, that he would reject them altogether as in- effectual. For it is only since he thought himself and his family safe from the thunder of heaven that he has dared to use his own thunder in destroying his innocent subjects." Franklin's Works, viii. 227. 58 INTRODUCTION. (63.) Franklin next directed his inquiries to the quantity and nature of the electricity with which the clouds in various states of the atmosphere were charged. To facilitate his experimental inquiries on this subject, he erected in his house in Phila- delphia a pointed iron rod, which he was enabled to insulate at pleasure. This rod was put in commu- nication with a system of bells, which alternately attracted and repelled their hammers when elec- trified. Whenever a cloud charged with electricity passed over the house within such a distance as to affect the conductor, these bells would ring and in- form him of the opportunity of prosecuting his experiments. (64.) Having satisfied himself that the clouds were frequently in an electrified state when there was no thunder or lightning, his next inquiry was, whether they were electrified positively or nega- tively. This was a question of more interest to him, because, according to his theory, if their elec- tricity were negative, the earth, " in thunder-strokes, would strike into the clouds, and not the clouds into the earth." To determine this, he " took two phials and charged one of them with lightning from the iron rod, and gave the other an equal charge (of elec- tricity) from the prime conductor. When charged, he placed them on a table within three or four inches of each other, asmall cork ball being suspended by a fine silk thread from the ceiling, so as to play between the wires. If both bottles then were elec- trified positively, the ball being attracted and then repelled by the one must be repelled by the other. If the one positively and the other negatively, then DEATH OF RICHMANN. 59 I would be attracted and repelled by each, and continue to play between them, so long as any considerable charge remained." * From experiments with this apparatus, he con- cluded that clouds were sometimes positively and sometimes negatively electrified, but oftener nega- tively. Electrical instruments had not yet, how- ever, advanced to such a state of improvement as to enable a mind, even acute as his, to make much further discovery in atmospheric electricity ; and although the details of his experiments and his theo- retical speculations regarding them must always be read with profound interest, yet no further prin- ciples of importance appear to have been evolved from them. (65.) If it be true that the Royal Society laughed at his speculations and refused to them a place in their Transactions, they were not slow to retract and re- pair their error. They conferred upon him their highest honour (the Copley medal), and unanimously elected him an honorary member of their society, in 1753. (66.) An experiment so remarkable as the attraction of lightning from the clouds, could not fail to be veri- fied and repeated by many enthusiastic lovers of science. One of the first instances of this zeal was rendered memorable by its fatal result. Professor George William Richmann of St. Petersburg was preparing an essay on electricity; and in order to obtain the most certain and accurate knowledge of the phenomena, he placed a conductor on his house, making a metallic communication between * Letters, p. 302. 60 INTRODUCTION. it and his study, where he provided means for re- peating Franklin's experiments. On the 6th of August, 1753, while Richmann attended a meeting of the Petersburg Academy of Science, distant thun- der was heard, on which he went to his house, ac- companied by Sokolow the engraver, who being engaged to illustrate his work, desired to see those electrical appearances which he would have to re- present in the plates. While Richmann was de- scribing to Sokolow the nature of the apparatus, a thunder-clap was heard louder and more violent than any which had been remembered at St. Peters- burg. Richmann stooped towards the electrometer of the apparatus to observe the force of the elec- tricity, and " as he stood in that posture, a great white and bluish fire appeared between the rod of the electrometer and his head. At the same time a sort of steam or vapour arose which entirely benumbed the engraver, and made him sink on the ground." Several parts of the apparatus were broken in pieces and scattered about. The doors of the room were torn from their hinges, and the house shaken in every part. The wife of the professor, alarmed by the shock, ran to the room, and found her husband sitting on a chest, which happened to be behind him when he was struck, and leaning against the wall. He appeared to have been instantly struck dead.* (67) During 1752 and the succeeding years the subject of atmospheric electricity engaged the atten- tion of persons devoted to physical science in different parts of Europe. The climate of England being less * Phil. Trans, vol. xlix. p. 61. BECCAK1A. 61 favourable to such researches than more southern latitudes, fewer opportunities of observation were of- fered; nevertheless, Canton, Wilson, and Bevis soon repeated and verified the Philadelphia experiments. Canton showed that the clouds were electrified, sometimes negatively and sometimes positively, and carried such observations further than Franklin. (68.) But the most acute and indefatigable follower of Franklin at this time, in atmospheric electricity, was Beccaria, who, in 1753, published a treatise on electricity at Turin, and a series of letters on the same subject at Bologna in 1758. He erected nu- merous conducting rods in different places of ob- servation, and elevated kites according to Franklin's method. By raising these to various heights, he observed the electricity of different atmospheric strata, and he improved this mode of observation by interlacing the strings with metallic wire. To keep his kites constantly insulated, and, at the same time, to give them more or less string, he rolled the string upon a reel, which was supported by pillars of glass, and his conductors were placed in metallic communication with this reel. (69.) This profound philosopher, and acute and ac- curate observer, has left in the history of electricity traces of his genius second only to those with which Franklin and Volta impressed it. Beccaria was the first who diligently studied and recorded the circum- stances attending the phenomena of a thunder-storm. He observes that the first appearance of a thunder- storm (which generally happens when there is little or no wind) is one dense cloud or more, increasing rapidly in magnitude, and ascending into the higher 62 INTRODUCTION. regions of the atmosphere. The lower edge is black and nearly horizontal, but the upper is finely arched and well defined. Many of these clouds often seem piled one upon the other, all arched in the same manner; but they keep constantly uniting, swelling, and extending their arches. When such clouds rise, the firmament is usually sprinkled over with a great number of separate clouds of odd and bizarre forms, which keep quite motionless. When the thunder-cloud ascends, these are drawn towards it ; and as they approach they become more uniform and regular in their shapes, till, coming close to the thunder-cloud, their limbs stretch mutually towards one another, finally coalesce, and form one uniform mass. But sometimes the thunder-cloud will swell and increase without the addition of these smaller adscititious clouds. Some of the latter appear like white fringes at the skirts of the thunder-cloud or under the body of it, but they continually grow darker and darker as they approach it. When the thunder-cloud, thus augmented, has attained a great magnitude, its lower surface is often ragged, particular parts being detached to- wards the earth, but still connected with the rest. Sometimes the lower surface swells into large pro- tuberances, tending uniformly towards the earth ; and sometimes one whole side of the cloud will have an inclination to the earth, which the ex- tremity of it will nearly touch. When the observer is under the thunder-cloud after it has grown large and is well formed, it is seen to sink lower and to darken prodigiously, and, at the same time, a great number of small clouds are observed in rapid mo- PRECURSORS OF A STORM. 63 tion, driven about in irregular directions below it. While these clouds are agitated with the most rapid motions, the rain generally falls in abundance ; and if the agitation be very great, it hails. While the thunder-cloud is swelling and ex- tending itself over a large tract of country, the lightning is seen to dart from one part of it to another, and often to illuminate its whole mass. When the cloud has acquired a sufficient extent, the lightning strikes between the cloud and the earth in two opposite places, the path of the light- ning lying through the whole body of the cloud and its branches. The longer this lightning continues, the rarer does the cloud grow, and the less dark in its appearance, till it breaks in different places and shows a clear sky. When the thunder is thus dis- persed, those parts which occupy the upper regions of the atmosphere are spread thinly and equally, and those that are beneath are black and thin also, but they vanish gradually without being driven away by the wind. The instruments for electrical observation used by Beccaria never failed to give indications corre- sponding to the successive changes in progress in the atmosphere above his observatory. The stream of fire from his conductor was generally uninterrupted while the thunder-cloud was directly above it. The same cloud in its passage electrified his conductor alternately with positive and negative electricity. The electricity of the conductor continued to be of the same kind so long as the thunder-cloud was simple and uniform in its direction ; but when the lightning changed its place, a change in the species 64 INTRODUCTION. of electricity ensued. A sudden change of this kind would also happen after a violent flash of light- ning ; but the change would be gradual when the lightning was moderate, and the progress of the thunder-cloud slow.* (70.) But among the labours of this philosopher, that rendered by modern discoveries most memorable was one which by his contemporaries and their im- mediate successors was regarded as an ingenious and over-refined conjecture, rather than what it afterwards proved to be, the distant shadow of a coming discovery detected by the far-sighted mind of this acute and extraordinary man. Franklin had been the first to magnetise fine sewing needles by the electric spark. Dalibard observed that the ex- tremity of the needle at which the spark from the excited glass entered had northern polarity, and both Franklin and Dalibard discovered that a spark of equal force given to the other end of the needle deprived it of the magnetic virtue. From these and from similar experiments made by himself, Beccaria inferred that the polarity of the magnetic needle was determined by the direction in which the electric current had passed through it. He as- sumed the magnetic polarity acquired by ferrugi- nous bodies which had been struck by lightning, as a test of the direction of the electric current in passing through them, and thence inferred the species of electricity with which the thunder-cloud had been charged.! * Beccaria, Lettere dell' Elettricismo. Bologna, 1758, p. 146. et seq. f " I poli del mattone teste descritto, provano chc anche in BECCABIA'S BESEABCHES. 65 (71.) Extending this analogy to the earth itself, Beccaria conjectured that terrestrial magnetism was, like that of the needle magnetised by Franklin and Dalibard, the mere effect of permanent currents of natural electricity, established and maintained upon its surface by various physical causes ; that, as a violent current, like that which attends the exhibi- tion of lightning, produces instantaneous and power- ful magnetism in substances capable of receiving that quality, so may a more gentle, regular, and constant circulation of the electric fluid upon the earth impress the same virtue on all such bodies as are capable of it. Observation proves that a vast quantity of this fluid circulates between different parts uf the atmosphere in storms ; that a quantity not inconsiderable circulates in the time of ordinary rain ; and that even when the weather is serene and the heavens unclouded, some quantity is still observ- able. " Of such fluid, thus ever present," observes Beccaria, " I think that some portion is constantly passing through all bodies situate on the earth, especially those which are metallic and ferruginous ; and I imagine it must be those currents which im- press on fire-irons, and other similar things, the power which they are known to acquire of directing themselves according to the magnetic meridian when they are properly balanced." * certi corpi che abbiano certa porzione di ferro, il fulmine tm- prime un segno permanente delta sua direzione." Beccaria, Lettere, p. 261. * " Di tale ftioco, io penso che alcuna parte perpetuamente discorra per tutti i corpi situati sopra la terra, massimamente per i metallic! e ferigni. Penso che esso sia, il quale attra- VOL I. F INTRODUCTION. (72.) He observed, that to say we are insensible to this current around us,, is no good argument against its existence ; for that its uniformity, constancy, and universality would necessarily render it impercep- tible, since all bodies must partake of it in common, His hypothesis to account for the variation and dip is not the least remarkable part of this extra- ordinary anticipation. He considers that the electro- magnetic currents have not all a common centre, but may have several situate in our northern he- misphere. The aberration of their common centre from the true terrestrial pole may probably be the cause of the variation of the compass. The periodi- cal change to which the position of this common centre is subject would correspond with and cause the periodical change of that variation, and the obliquity of these currents may be the cause of the dip.* versando le padelle, le molle, le palette ed altri si fatti bis- lunghi ferri, i quali d'ordinario pendono o posano verticalmente, imprima loro la virtu di situarsi nella meridiana magnetica, allora che sono convenientemente bilicati." Letter^ p. 266. * " Questa sistematica elettrico-magnetica circolazione, se- condo me, non procederebbe da un solo punto settentrionale, ma avrebbe infinite sorgenti in diversi punti del nostro set- tentrionale emisfero, forse successivamente, piu folte ne luoghi piu vicini ad alcun punto settentrionale ; e la frequenza, la posizione, o piuttosto la direzione del corso loro mi si rap- presenterebbono dalla posizione, frequenza, e diverzione, con che si dispongono intorno alii emisferi di una sferica calamita le ordinatissime filze della limitura di ferro. E giusta una tale ipotesi, 1' aberrazione del centre comune di tutte le varit sorgenti, che estenderebbono la loro azionead una data ragione, dal vero punto settentrionale mi spiegherebbe 1' aberrazione della calamita ; il periodo di quella aberrazione mi spieghe- rebbe il periodo di qutsta declinazione j 1' obbliquita, con che BECCARIA/S RESEARCHES. 6? That the anticipation of the fundamental prin- ciple of electro-magnetism, arid terrestrial magnetism, should have been complete in all its details, could scarcely have happened at that epoch without something approaching to inspiration ; but it will be readily admitted that these guesses of BECCARIA, when compared with the discovery of OERSTED and the theory of AMPERE, form one of the most striking episodes in the history of science. (73.) The analogy between lightning and the elec- tric spark, arising from the peculiar noise or explosion with which each was attended, had been noticed by many electricians. Beccaria, however, inves- tigated and demonstrated its cause, by showing that it proceeded from a pulsation produced in the air by the sudden displacement of that portion of it through which the electric fluid passes. This displacement being transmitted through the atmo- sphere in exactly the same manner as vibrations are produced by a sonorous body, the sound accom- panying an electric discharge, and the thunder which attends the atmospheric electricity, ensue. Beccaria verified this hypothesis by experiment. He constructed a glass siphon, in one leg of which air was inclosed above a column of mercury, and compressed by the column in the other leg of the siphon. On discharging a Leyden jar through the air thus inclosed, the column of mercury in the other leg was suddenly elevated, and recovered its quelle sorgenti spiccierebbono da terra, e si direggerebbono verso mezzo di, mi spiegherebbe e la inclinazione degli agbi, e la particolare facilita con che si calamitano i ferri si fattu- uiente inclinati.'* Lettere, p. 268. INTRODUCTION. position after several oscillations.* This fact was also noticed by Kinnersley, the friend and associate of Franklin, but not until a later period. (74.) This was afterwards corroborated by Bouguer and De la Condamine, when they encountered a vio- lent thunder-storm on one of the highest mountains of Peru. The cloud from which the thunder pro- ceeded was placed at but a small distance above their heads. The thunder heard by them consisted only of single cracks, or explosions, like those which attend the discharge of electric batteries ; an effect manifestly produced by the proximity of the cause of the sound, and the highly rarefied state of the air at that great elevation. (75.) Contemporaneously with Beccaria, Franklin, and Canton, the subject of atmospheric electricity engaged the attention of Lemonnier, who erected an apparatus according to Franklin's method at St. Germain-en-Laye, with which he showed that sparks were received from the conductor not only in times of storm, but also when the heavens were cloud- less. He also first showed that the electricity of the air underwent every twenty-four hours periodical variations of intensity. (76.) Beccaria determined the law of these varia- tions, and was the first who demonstrated that at all seasons, at all heights, and in every state of the wind, the electricity of an unclouded atmosphere is positive. He found no indications of electricity in the air in high winds, when the firmament was covered with black and scattered clouds, having a slow motion in a humid state of the air ; but in the * Beccaria, Elettricismo Artificiale. Turin, 1753, p. 227. CANTON'S EXPERIMENTS. 69 absence of actual rain, he found that in change- able squally weather, attended with occasional showers of snow, hail, or rain, the electricity was very variable, both as to its quantity and quality being sometimes feeble and sometimes intense^ sometimes positive and sometimes negative. (77.) Contemporaneously with Beccaria in Italy, Canton prosecuted inquiries in many respects similar in England, and in various matters of minor import- ance these philosophers arrived at the same results. The most considerable discovery due to Canton was, that the electricity developed in the friction of the same substance is not always of the same kind. It will be remembered that Dufaye gave the names vitreous and resinous to the two fluids, on the sup- position that each was invariably produced by the friction of the classes of bodies signified by these terms. Canton, however, showed that glass itself was capable of being electrified negatively, and would be always so electrified, if the rubber used were the fur of a cat. Canton also (as well as Beccaria) proved that a volume of air in a quiescent state might be charged with electricity. To Canton is also due the discovery of the virtue of the amal- gam of tin and mercury, still used with so much effect to augment the development of electricity on glass. The progress of the science had now attained a point at which the great principle of induction could scarcely fail to force itself upon the notice of those engaged in electrical researches. A na- tural law of the highest order, embracing within the range of its application nearly the whole do- main of electrical phenomena, its discovery and F 3 70 INTRODUCTION. development, forms an epoch in the history of the science, scarcely second in importance even to that by which Franklin brought meteorology within the legislation of electricity. How much, then, will the veneration in which the memory of the philo- sopher of the West is held be increased, if it can be demonstrated, contrary to what has been gene- rally maintained by the historians of the science, that to him is justly owing the honour of the dis- covery of this physical principle! (78.) Some of the more obvious phenomena of induction were noticed so early in the progress of electrical science, as the researches of Mr. Grey; and many other effects proceeding from it presented themselves to subsequent experimental inquiries, but attracted no attention, and led to no conse- quences. The first series of experiments, conducted so as to develop in an unequivocal manner this principle, were laid before the Royal Society by Canton, on the 6th of December, 1753.* They consisted chiefly in rendering insulated conductors electrical, by bringing near to one end an excited glass tube, or stick of wax, and exhibiting the varying state of cork-balls suspended on the con- ductor by the alternate approach and removal of the excited electric. (79.) These experiments having been communi- cated to Franklin, he pursued the inquiry, and suc- ceeded in expressing, in clear and unequivocal terms, the principle of induction ; that is to say, in demon- strating that a body charged with either kind of elec- * Phil. Trans, vol. xlviii, p. 350. FRANKLIN DISCOVERS INDUCTION. 71 tricity will, on approaching a conductor in its natural state, render that part of such conductor which is nearest to it electrical ; that its electricity will be contrary to that of the approaching electrified body; that on removing the electrified body the conduc- tor would be restored to its natural state ; all which effects Franklin showed would follow from his theory, by assuming that the electric fluid is self- repulsive, and attracted by the matter of the con- ductor. (80.) The experiments and reasoning which ap- pear to establish Franklin's right to the honour of this discovery are so concise, that they may be stated here nearly in his own words. Let a metallic conductor, about five feet long and four inches in diameter, be suspended by dry silk lines, so as to be insulated. From one end of it suspend a tassel consisting of fifteen or twenty threads in a damp state, so as to give them a con- ducting power. Present an electrified glass tube within five or six inches of the opposite end, and keep it in that position for a few seconds. The threads of the tassel will diverge, and when the tube is withdrawn they will collapse. While the tube is held near the opposite end of the conductor and the threads are divergent, pre- sent the finger to the end of the conductor at which the tassel is suspended. A spark will be received, and the threads of the tassel will collapse. Let the tube be then removed. The threads of the tassel will again diverge. Let the tube be again presented as before. The threads will again collapse, and so on. F 4 72 INTRODUCTION. Finally, let the tube be presented to the tassel. The divergence of the threads will immediately increase, and continue to increase, as the tube is brought nearer to the tassel. These phenomena are accounted for by Franklin in the following manner : " By taking the spark from the end of the conductor, you rob it of part of its natural quantity of electrical matter, which part so taken away is not supplied by the glass tube, and the conductor remains negatively elec- trified. On withdrawing the tube, the electric matter on the conductor recovers its equilibrium, or equal diffusion ; and the conductor, having lost some of its natural electricity, the threads connected with it lose part of theirs, and so are electrified negatively, and repel each other. "When the tube is again presented to the opposite end of the conductor, the part of the natural elec- tricity which the threads had lost is again restored to them by the repulsion of the tube forcing the electric fluid towards them from other parts of the conductor, and thus restoring them to their natural state. When the tube is once more withdrawn, the fluid is again equally diffused, and the threads, as before, are negatively electrified. "Finally, when the tube is presented to the threads already diverging with negative electricity,, still more of their natural electricity is repelled by the excited tube, and the threads are more strongly negative than before, and their divergence is con- sequently augmented." Pursuing the principle thus developed still fur- ther, Franklin now having restored the conductor DISCOVERY OF INDUCTION. 73 to its natural state, presented the excited glass tube to the tassel. The threads immediately di- verged. Maintaining the tube in that position with one hand, he presented the finger of the other to the tassel. The threads receded from the finger as if repelled by it. This was explained on the same principle. When the excited tube is presented to the tassel, part of the natural electricity of the threads is driven out of them into the conductor, and they are negatively electrified, and therefore repel each other. When the finger is presented to the tassel (being then close to the glass tube), part of its natural electri- city is driven back through the hand and body, and the finger becomes, as well as the threads, negatively electrified, and so repels, and is repelled by them. To confirm this, hold a slender light lock of cotton, two or three inches long, near a conduc- tor positively electrified. You will see the cotton stretch itself out towards the conductor. Attempt to touch it with the finger of the other hand, and it will be repelled by the finger. Approach it with a positively charged wire of a bottle, and it will fly to the wire. Bring it near a negatively charged wire of a bottle, it will recede from that wire in the same manner that it did from the finger, which demonstrates that the finger was negatively electri- fied as well as the cotton.* (81.) The great principle thus thrown before the scientific world by Franklin, was immediately taken * Letters, p. 341. Also see Phil. Trans, vol. xlix. p. 300. 74 INTRODUCTION. up and pursued through its consequences by WILKE and ^EPINUS, who carried on their researches to- gether at Berlin. The most important result of their combined labours was the invention of the instrument, which, as subsequently improved under the hands of VOLTA, became the CONDENSER now so useful in electroscopical investigations. In applying the principle of induction to the phenomena of the Leyden jar, and to the same effect as exhibited by the oppositely electrified sur- faces of a coated plate of glass, these philosophers saw that the negative state of one surface of the glass was, according to the Franklinian theory, the necessary consequence of the positive state of the other. This contrary state of the electricities could only be maintained on the supposition that glass was impermeable by the electric fluid ; and Wilke and ^Epinus reasoned, that to whatever extent air or any other body might be similarly impermeable, to the same extent might it be charged on its oppo- site surfaces. To realize this conception with a plate of air, they coated two large boards of equal size with tin-foil, and suspended them one over the other, leaving a space of about an inch in thickness between them. This space was, in fact, a plate of air, of which the upper and lower surfaces were in contact with the metallic coating of the boards. The lower board communicated with the ground, and a charge of positive electricity was given to the upper one. The lower one then became charged with negative electricity ; and when a person touched at the same time the coating of the two boards, the equilibrium was re-established, and he received the INVENTION OF THE CONDENSER. 75 shock produced by the passage of the electric fluid from the one to the other. Many curious experiments were exhibited with this apparatus. They found that the two boards, when electrified, strongly attracted each other, and would have rushed together if they had not been prevented by the strings. Sometimes, when the charge was strong, the intervening plate of air was not sufficiently impermeable to resist the mutual attraction of the opposite electricities, and a spon- taneous discharge would take place through it. They considered these two plates to represent the state of the clouds and the earth during a thunder- storm ; the clouds being always charged with one kind of electricity, and the earth with the other, while the body of atmosphere between them was analogous to the stratum of air between the two boards. When the charges of the earth and clouds become so strong that the air can no longer resist the passage of the electric fluid through it, a spon- taneous discharge ensues, the fluid is seen in its passage by the light it evolves, and the violent dis- placement of the air produced in its passage causes the thunder. From these experiments, ^pinus inferred that the phenomena of the Leyden jar was not owing, as Franklin supposed, to any peculiar attraction of the glass for the electric fluid ; for, since a plate of air might be charged as well as a plate of glass, that property must be common to them, and was not peculiar to the glass. He inferred, therefore, that this impermeability was a property of all non- conductors; and, since they can all receive elec- 76 INTRODUCTION. tricity to a certain degree, it must consist in the difficulty and slowness with which the electric fluid moves in their pores, whereas, in perfect conductors, it meets with no obstruction at all.* (82.) ^pinus brought to the investigation of the Franklinian theory of electricity those mathemati- cal attainments in which its illustrious founder was deficient. The manner in which that theory had been assailed by its opponents, and defended by its partisans, was such as might have allowed inter- minable controversy. ^Epinus first reduced its principles to exact mathematical statement, with a view to ascertain whether the consequences de- ducible from them, by rigorous calculation, should be in accordance with the observed phenomena, not only in their general character, but in their numerical quantity. He assumed, according to Franklin's hypothesis, that the molecules of the electric fluid were self- repulsive, and that they were attracted by those of the bodies on which they were diffused. He found, however, that the phenomena could not be explained on these suppo- sitions, unless it were also assumed that between the matter composing the masses of different bodies there existed a mutually repulsive force, acting at sensible distances. At first he recoiled from an assumption in direct opposition to the known pro- perties of matter ; but the necessity for its admis- sion, in order to give consistency and validity to the Franklinian theory, appears at length to have reconciled him to it, * JEpini Tentamen, &c. Petersburg, 1759, p. 82, 83. RESEARCHES OF uEPlNUS. 77 (83.) The investigation of the physical relation between the principle of heat and that of electricity, had attracted the attention of experimental philoso- phers at a very early period in the history of elec- trical research. Beccaria suspected that heat might itself be an immediate means for the development of electricity, and made some experiments to illustrate this. He soon, however, relinquished the inquiry, concluding that, in cases where the appearance of electricity followed the application of heat, the effect was due to evaporation, or other physical agents, which ensued. Priestley observed that heat had some relation to the conducting power of bodies, since, by the elevation of temperature, that quality was improved. (84.) A mineral substance, brought from the East by the Dutch navigators, called by the natives of Ceylon, where chiefly it was found, Tournamal, and since known as Tourmaline, exhibited, under certain circumstances, a property similar to that of amber, and other electrics. But the power was excited in it by mere elevation of temperature. Lemery, the Due de Noia, Wilson, Priestley, and others, made experiments on this mineral, and pub- lished results, in which there were much discordance and contradiction. .ZEpinus first showed that the attraction and repulsion exerted by this gem when exposed to heat was owing to the development of electricity upon it ; and that, when so excited, its opposite sides or ends had contrary kinds of elec- tricity, one being always negative, and the other positive. This was the first case of the distinct exhibition of electrical polarity. Canton observed 78 INTRODUCTION". that the development of the electric fluid upon it was produced only by change of temperature, and that whenever the gem was broken each fragment exhibited the same electrical polarity. (85.) At this period effects were observed, which, if chemical science had attained a sufficiently ad- vanced state, could not fail to have led to the dis- covery of electro-chemistry. Beccaria, by the electric spark, decomposed the sulphuret of mercury, and recovered the metals, in some instances, from their oxides.* Watson found that an electric dis- charge passing through fine wire rendered it incan- descent, and that it was even fused and burned. Canton, repeating these experiments with brass wire, found that, after the fusion by electricity, drops of copper only were found, the zinc having apparently evaporated. Beccaria observed that when the electric spark was transmitted through water, bubbles of gas rose from the liquid, the nature or origin of which he was unable to deter- mine. Had he suspected that water was not what it was then supposed to be, a simple elementary substance, the discovery of its composition could scarcely have eluded his sagacity. After general laws have once been developed, and their application to particular phenomena has become familiar, it appears wonderful that even quick-sighted and acute observers should have had such effects continually reproduced under their eyes, without even making an approach to the dis- covery of their causes. Franklin found that the * Lettere del Elettricismo, 341 . p. 282. INVENTION OF ELECTROMETERS. 79 frequent application of the electric spark had eaten away iron ; on which Priestley observed, that it must be the effect of some acid, and suggested the inquiry, whether electricity might not probably redden vegetable blues 9 Priestley also observed that in transmitting electricity through a copper chain, a black dust was left on the paper which supported the chain at the points where the links touched it ; and, on examining this dust, he found it to contain copper. (86.) Some years after the invention of the Leyden jar, when the necessity of some sufficient indicator of the presence of electricity, and some visible measure of its power became apparent, the inven- tion of electrometers engaged the attention of electricians. After several abortive attempts on the part of others, the Abbe Nollet proposed the simple expedient of suspending two threads, which, when electrified, would separate by their mutual repulsion. Cavallo afterwards improved upon this, by substituting two pith balls, suspended in contact by fine metallic wires, an apparatus still used. After this, various forms of electroscopic instru- ments were suggested and constructed by Volta, Saussure, and others, all depending on the principle that the intensity of the electric fluid was mani- fested by the force of its attraction or repulsion exerted upon light substances to which it was im- parted. (87.) The principle of induction applied to the air- condenser by Wilke and ^Epinus, was taken up by Volta, and applied, first, to the construction of the ELECTROPHORUS, and subsequently to the 80 INTRODUCTION. common CONDENSER, which, combined with the electroscope, became in electricity an instrument of investigation analogous in its character and im- portance to the compound microscope in optics. (88.) The manner in which the electrified fluid is distributed upon insulated electrified conductors next became the subject of inquiry. Beccaria showed that its distribution is superficial, and that the in- ternal parts of the electrified body are in their natural state. It was shown that, whether the elec- trified conductor were hollow or solid, the electricity contained on it was the same. Lemonnier first showed that the form of the conductor had an in- fluence on the quantity and the distribution of the fluids. (89.) In 1778 Volta published a memoir on this subject, in which he proved, that of two cylinders of equal superficial dimensions, that which had the greater length would receive, cceteris paribus, the stronger charge, and inferred that great advantage would arise from the substitution of a system of small cylinders for the large conductors of elec- trical machines. About the same period, he showed how inflammable gases could be ignited in close glass receivers by the electric spark, the apparatus for which purpose soon grew into his eudiometer, for the analysis of gases. Soon after this, the same apparatus supplied the means of inflaming a mix- ture of oxygen and hydrogen gas, which led to the discovery of the composition of water. (90.) In the year 1759 appeared, in the "Philoso- phical Transactions/' a series of papers by Mr. Ro- bert Symmer, which are entitled to be recorded in the VOLT A. SYMMER. 81 history of electricity ; not so much on account of what they describe, as for the theoretical views developed in them. The experiments of Symmer consisted chiefly in exhibiting, by striking examples, the effect of the mutual attraction of bodies elec- trified by opposite kinds of electricity. These re- sults led him to doubt the sufficiency of the Frank- linian theory, then and long afterwards universally received, to explain satisfactorily the phenomena ; and he was led to consider whether the hypothesis of Dufaye might not be so modified as to explain them more adequately. Dufaye, as has been already stated, assumed the existence of two independent electric fluids, which he supposed to be latent in two distinct classes of bodies, the one in bodies of a vitreous, and the other in bodies of a resinous na- ture; and that these fluids, while they were eacli self-repulsive, were mutually attractive of each other. (91.) It was obvious that such an hypothesis was quite inconsistent with the known phenomena of elec- tricity, even limited as they were in variety at the period now referred to. Symmer retained the sup- position of Dufaye so far as regarded the assumed existence of two distinct fluids mutually attractive, but he maintained that these fluids were not inde- pendent of each other. On the contrary, he as- sumed that they were always co-existent in bodies not electrified ; that, by their mutual attraction, they held each other in subjection ; that every body in its natural state contained equal quantities of these fluids, each molecule of the vitreous fluid being combined with a molecule of the resinous 82 INTRODUCTION. fluid, the compound molecule thus formed exciting neither attraction nor repulsion on the other parts of the natural fluid. This theory of two fluids was left by its author unsupported by any extensive application to the phenomena which could be expected to shake the confidence then generally given to the hypothesis of Franklin ; and although it is noticed at some length in his History of Electricity by Dr. Priestley, it obtained no countenance or support until further advances in electrical experiments rendered appa- rent the defects of the theory of a single fluid. It may be here observed, that the French writers generally ascribe the theory of two fluids to Dufaye, and are silent as to Symmer's share in it ; with what justice will be apparent from what has been above stated. (92.) In the year 1770, Dr. Priestley published his works on electricity. This philosopher did not con- tribute materially to the advancement of the science by the development of any new facts ; but in his History of Electricity he collected and arranged much useful information respecting the progress of the science. At this period the Honourable Henry Cavendish, whose name has been distinguished in other departments of physics, engaged in some ori- ginal investigations respecting electricity. The discovery of the composition of water, by trans- mitting an electric spark through a mixture of oxygen arid hydrogen gases, has been generally ascribed to him.* Cavendish conceived the notion * This claim has been recently called in question. --- See Lardner on the Steam-engine. Seventh edition, p. 303. CAVENDISH. COULOMB. 83 of reducing the phenomena of electricity to mathe- matical analysis, and had proceeded with a memoir on that subject, which was completed before he learned that ^Epinus had produced a work with the same object. On comparing his own paper with the Tentamen of JEpinus, he found that they were nearly similar. Nevertheless, Cavendish published his memoir. (93.) The year 1785 formed an important epoch in the history of electrical science, marking, as it did, the commencement of those labours by which Cou LOME laid the foundations of ELECTRO-STATICS This great experimental philosopher was the first who really brought the phenomena of electricity within the reach of numerical calculation, and thereby prepared the way for his followers in the same field to reduce this most subtle of all physical agents to the rigorous sway of mathematics. It is to COULOMB we owe it that statical electricity is now a branch of mathematical physics. The immediate instrument by which this vast object was attained was the balance of torsion, which he had already used with signal success in other delicate physical inquiries. This apparatus, which will be fully explained in the following work, consisted of a needle suspended in a horizontal po- sition by an extremely fine wire or filament of silk attached to its centre of gravity. The attraction, or other force of which the intensity is to be mea- sured, is made to act on one end of this needle, so as to twist the filament by which it is suspended; and it is resisted in its effort to effect this by the reaction proceeding from the torsion so produced. This G 2 INTRODUCTION. reaction, and therefore the force which produces it, and is in equilibrium with it, was proved by Coulomb to be proportionate to the angle described by the needle round its centre of motion. Such was the sensibility of this exquisite instrument, that it was found to be perceptibly affected by a force not exceeding the twenty-millionth part of a grain. (94.) With this instrument Coulomb measured the force with which electrified bodies attract and repel each other ; and the first result of his investi- gation was the discovery, that the law of this attrac- tion and repulsion was the same which Newton showed to prevail among the great bodies of the uni- verse. In fact, he showed that two bodies,, oppositely electrified, attract each other with a force which, cceteris paribus, is the same at equal distances, and which augments in the same proportion as that in which the square of the distance is diminished. Also if two bodies be similarly electrified, they will repel each other by a force which increases accord- ing to the same proportion when the distance be- tween them is diminished. (95.) By attaching a very small circular disc of paper coated with metallic foil to an insulating handle, Coulomb found that by touching with the face of the disc an electrified surface, and then submitting the disc itself thus electrified by contact to the test of the balance of torsion, he could determine the depth of the electric fluid on the surface touched by , the disc. In this manner was he enabled to gauge or sound the electricity on the surface of bodies, so as to compare numerically its depth on different bodies, or on different parts of the same body. RESEARCHES OF COULOMB. 85 With this instrument he measured the proportion in which electricity was shared between insulated conductors when brought into contact, and also the law according to which its depth varied on different parts of the same insulated conductor. These results acquired, at a later period, still greater importance, supplying, as they did, tests by which the mathematical analysis of the science could be tried. (96.) The same apparatus supplied the means of investigating the law according to which an insulated electrified conductor had its charge gradually di- minished by dissipation in the surrounding air, and by the escape of the fluid by the imperfect insula- tion of the supports. The results of the observations of Coulomb on the distribution of the electric fluid on the sur- faces of conductors illustrated satisfactorily the doctrine of points, which formed so prominent a part of Franklin's researches. The theoretical solution of this problem was not, however, effected till a later period. (97.) The demonstration of the identity of light- ning and electricity naturally directed the attention of philosophers to the solution of other meteorological phenomena by means of the same agency. The explanation of the aurora borealis had long exer- cised the sagacity and baffled the attempts of those devoted to physical researches. Some ascribed this appearance to solar light refracted in the higher regions of the air, others assigned it to the agency of the magnetic fluid. Euler imagined it to pro- ceed from the same ether which formed the tails of r, 3 86 INTRODUCTION. comets : Mairan conceived it to arise from the mix- ture of the atmosphere of the sun with that of the earth ; but when the properties of electric light became known, and when its appearance in raretied air had been observed, all these hypotheses were by common consent abandoned, and no doubt was entertained that, whatever might be the details of the natural process by which it was produced, the aurora borealis was an effect of atmospheric elec- tricity. EBERHART, professor at Halle, and PAUL FRISI at Pisa, were the first who proposed an ex- planation of it, founded on the following facts : " ]. Electricity transmitted through rarefied air exhibits a luminous appearance, precisely similar to that of the aurora borealis." "2. The strata of atmospheric air become rarefied as their altitude above the surface of the earth is increased." Hence they argued that the aurora is nothing more than electrical discharges transmitted through parts of the upper regions of the atmosphere, so rarefied as to produce that peculiar luminous appearance which they exhibit. This theory, which was embraced and improved in its details by Canton, Beccaria, Wilke, Franklin, and other contemporary electri- cians, has received further countenance from more recent researches. Attempts were also made to explain on electrical principles other meteorological effects ; such as waterspouts, whirlwinds, rain, fogs, hail, &c., but no satisfactory conclusions resulted from these in- vestigations, and the discussion of such phenomena forms a part of the meteorological inquiry of the present time. VOLTA'S METEOROLOGICAL RESEARCHES. 87 (98.) While the series of experimental researches which have just been related were in progress, many attempts were made to trace electricity in the phe- nomena of vegetable and animal life, and more especially to apply it as a medical agent in cases of organic disease in the animal system. None of these attempts, however, led to any consequences sufficiently important to entitle them to attention in this brief sketch. (99.) After electroscopes had been much im- proved, and in their application to atmospheric elec- tricity had derived great power from the addition of a long pointed conductor, extending from the di- verging balls to a height of several feet, Volta en- gaged in the investigation of the electric state of the air. He substituted for the suspended balls two blades of dry straw, hanging in contact and communicating with the lower end of the con- ducting rod. In addition to this, he had recourse to another apparently strange and unusual expe- dient. He placed on the point of the rod a taper, so as to cause this conductor to terminate in a flame. He contended that the flame attracted to the point of the conductor three or four times as much electricity as would be collected in its ab- sence. This was explained by the effect of the vertical current of air which the flame maintained directly over it, which established a better commu- nication between the metallic conductor and the strata of air above it. (100.) Assuming this property of flame, Volta argued, that since fires robbed the atmosphere above them of electricity faster and more effectually than 4 88 INTRODUCTION. metallic points, it must follow that to prevent coming storms, or to mitigate their force, the best expedient would be to light enormous fires in the middle of extensive plains, or, better still, on elevated stations. If the effects of the lamp on the atmospheric elec- trometer were admitted, there would be nothing un- reasonable in the supposition that large fires may, in a short interval of time, rob immense volumes of air and vapour of their electricity. (101.) Volta wished to submit this theory to an experiment on a large scale, but was not able to carry the design into effect. M. Arago suggested, that by making suitable meteorological observations in those parts of Staffordshire and other English counties which abound in vast iron furnaces, where fires of extraordinary magnitude are maintained night and day, and comparing the results with similar observations made in adjoining agricultural districts, the conjecture of Volta might be tested.* Observations of this kind have accordingly been recently made both in England and in certain parts of Italy, the results of which will be explained at the proper place in these volumes. (102.) It has been already stated, that direct ob- servations proved that the atmosphere, in its ordinary condition, is always charged with positive electricity. The beginning of the year 1780 was signalised by a capital experiment, by which it was proved that he source from whence this vast amount of the electric fluid was derived, or, to speak more cor- rectly, the cause of the disturbance of the general equilibrium of the globe, which gives a surplus of * Eloge de Volta, p. 18. ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY. 89 the positive fluid to the air, and leaves the earth sur- charged with negative fluid, and which, in its effects? assumes all the terrific forms of the tempest and the hurricane., and probably of many other violent con- vulsions which are occasionally exhibited in the war of the elements, is to be found in the process of natu- ral evaporation, which continually maintains its silent and imperceptible progress upon the surfaces of ocean, lake, and river, and even upon those of organ- ized bodies. That heat passes off in a latent form by such means, and equalizes and moderates the ge- neral temperature around us, was well known ; but it was not suspected that the elements of the storm, the coruscations of meteoric light, and the splen- dours of the aurora were due to the same cause. Volta states, that in the year 1778 this idea oc- curred to him, and that he conceived the notion of an experiment by which it might be brought to an immediate trial. Let a metallic dish filled with water be placed on an insulating support, and ex- posed in the open air until it evaporates, the dish being maintained in communication with a sufficiently sensible condensing electroscope. If, in evaporating, the positive fluid be carried off, the dish will, after the evaporation, be negatively electrical, and the electroscope will show it ; if not, the electroscope will give no sign. Various circumstances prevented Volta from trying this experiment until the month of March, 1780, when, being in Paris, he succeeded, in company with some members of the Academy of Sciences. There appears, nevertheless, to remain some doubt as to the share which Volta really had in this famous experiment, since, in the account of it published by Lavoisier and Laplace, it is related 90 INTRODUCTION. as performed by them, and Volta is mentioned inci- dentally as being present on the occasion.* (103.) After the phenomena of electricity had, by the labours of Coulomb, been reduced to exact numerical estimation, this branch of physics was in a state to permit its being brought within the pale of mixed mathematics. To accomplish this it was ne- cessary to express, by mathematical formulae, the intensity of the electric fluid on different parts of insulated conductors of given forms, placed either separately, or in such a position as to exercise an electrical influence upon each other without con- tact, or, finally, when placed in actual contact. To establish such formulae, it was necessary to as- sume some definite hypothesis as the law of elec^ trical action. The Franklinian theory of a single fluid appeared to be incapable of affording the means of explaining, with numerical precision, the state of such bodies. It is true, that this long- received hypothesis was sufficient to account, in a general way, for the electrical state of bodies under the ordinary circumstances of their mutual action ; but when rigorous numerical accuracy was demand- ed, when not merely the general circumstances of the dense accumulation of electricity in one part of the surface, its more feeble intensity at another, its total absence from a third place, or the presence of negative electricity on a certain side of a con- ductor, and positive electricity on another, were severally demanded ; but when it was required to determine the exact numerical measure of the depth of the fluid at each particular spot on a given insu- lated conductor, placed under given conditions with * Eloge de Volta, p. 21. LABOURS OF POISSON. 91 reference to others, so that such numerical measure, so obtained by calculation, might be compared with the actual depth observed by the instruments in- vented and applied by Coulomb, then this theory appeared to fail ; at least, none of its advocates pro- duced any such calculations. La Place investigated, on mathematical principles, the distribution of elec- tricity on ellipsoids of revolution, assuming, as the basis of his reasoning, the hypothesis of two fluids. Biot also investigated the same problem applied to spheroids of small eccentricity ; but the general subjugation of this portion of electrical science to mathematical analysis is due to Poisson. This illustrious analyst took as the basis of his investigations the theory of two fluids proposed by Symmer and Dufaye, with such modifications and additions as were suggested by the researches of Coulomb. He regarded the mutual attractions and repulsions exhibited by electrified bodies, not as real forces exercised by those bodies, but as altogether due to the electric fluids with which they are charged. The laws of attraction and repulsion developed by Coulomb are therefore assumed as those of the electric fluids. The particles of each of these fluids are assumed to repel each other with a force varying according to that law, while tne particles of each fluid attract those of the contrary fluid by a force governed by the same law. These conditions are sufficient to supply the mathematical formuke necessary to the determination of the depth and quality of the electric fluid on every part of the surface of a body of given figure placed under any given electrical conditions. The electric fluids of either kind would, by virtue of their self-expansive 92 INTRODUCTION. property, escape from the surface of the body on which they rest ; but this is prevented by the pres- sure of the surrounding air, which retains them in their position so long as their expansive force is less than that pressure. On bodies of elongated forms, or those which have edges, corners, or points, it is shown, as a consequence of this theory, that the electric fluid accumulates in greater depths about the ends, edges, corners, or points, than in other places. Its expansive force at such parts is there- fore greater than elsewhere, and will exceed the atmospheric pressure, and escape when at other parts of the surface it is retained. This theory will be explained in the present work, as far as its development is consistent with the ob- ject of these volumes. It will not, therefore, be needful to enlarge upon it further in this place. It may, however, be asked why it is, seeing that the theory of two fluids is sufficient for the explanation of all the phenomena to which it has yet been ap- plied, and that, on the other hand, the theory of a single fluid fails to afford any satisfactory or accu- rate explanation of so many phenomena, the latter theory nevertheless still has followers, and that even among electricians, whose opinions cannot be re- garded otherwise than with sentiments of respect, it is still clung to as the hypothesis best entitled to reception and confidence ? It is not easy to assign any sufficient reason for this, unless one can be found in the profound and abstruse nature of the mathematical principles by the aid of which alone the effects are capable of being expressed. When it is remembered that, until very recently, electricity was regarded as exclusively a part of experimental MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 9^ physics ; that researches in it were chiefly carried on by persons engaged in chemical investigations ; that, from the nature of their studies and pursuits, such persons rarely cultivated even the elements of mathematics, and almost never pursued analytical science into those more profound parts which are now indispensable for the solution of the class of pro- blems which electricity has presented, it cannot be matter of much surprise that reasoning which is incapable of being expressed save by symbols, of which the force and import must be unintelligible to the great mass of such persons, should fail to carry conviction to their understanding. To arrive at such conviction, they must either commence their education anew, or be content to receive those new doctrines on their faith in the assurance of those who are capable of investigating them. Either side of such an alternative is never very willingly embraced. Having now followed the progress of discovery in this part of electrical science to that point at which all subsequent researches must be regarded as the labour of our contemporaries, the province of the historian ceases. Whatever has been effected more recently will properly form a part of the sub- ject matter of the volumes here presented to the reader, of which it is hoped that a brief exposition and analysis of the researches of contemporary philosophers will form not the least interesting and useful portion. II. ELECTRO-DYNAMICS. (104.) The investigation of the mechanical pheno- mena of material substances has been, in modern 94- INTRODUCTION. works, conducted by resolving these effects into two principal divisions ; those in which the bodies exhi- biting them are at rest, and those in which they are in motion. As applied to solid bodies, these divisions have been respectively denominated STA- TICS and DYNAMICS*; and, as applied to fluids, HYDROSTATICS and HYDRODYNAMICS. Electricity being assumed to be a physical agent, having the properties of an elastic fluid, and capable, like the grosser solids and fluids, of being maintained in a state of equilibrium by the mutual action and re- action of antagonist forces, or of moving in definite directions, and forming currents of greater or less intensity, the analysis of its effects would naturally be conducted by means of the same classification ; and, accordingly, that division of the science in which the electric fluid is considered in a state of equilibrium or repose, and in which the physical conditions on which such equilibrium depends are investigated, would be denominated ELECTRO-STA- TICS, while that in which the effects of currents of electricity are considered would be called ELECTRO- DYNAMICS. REST being in its nature more simple than MO- TION, and the cases of forces mutually destructive of each other's influence, and therefore productive of equilibrium, being more simple than those in which motion ensues from the combined action of forces differing from each other in various respects, it was natural that, in every part of physics, the principles of statics should be first established and understood. Such has been accordingly the course * The terms STEREO- STATICS and STEREO-DYNAMICS would be preferable. ELECTRO-DYNAMICS. 5 which the progress of discovery has taken in other branches of natural philosophy, and electricity is not an exception to it. All the phenomena which have been hitherto adverted to in this notice belong pro- perly to ELECTRO-STATICS. In all of them the elec- tric fluid is contemplated in a state of equilibrium ; or if its motion be occasionally considered, it is only in sudden and momentary changes from one state of equilibrium to another. Thus, when a Leyden jar is charged, the positive electricity ac- cumulated on the inner surface of the glass is main- tained there, in spite of the tendency it has to escape in virtue of its self-expansive property, by the attraction of the negative electricity accu- mulated on the external surface. When a com- munication is made between the internal and external surfaces by a metallic wire, this state of equilibrium ceases ; the positive fluid of the inner surface runs along the wire in one direction, and the negative fluid of the external surface runs along it in the other direction, until each neutralises the other, and a new state of equilibrium is established by the actual combination of the two fluids. If this change occupied a sensible interval of time, and it were required to investigate the effects which would be produced during that interval either on the jar and wire, or on any bodies which might be within their influence, the question would properly belong to ELECTRO-DYNAMICS ; but in fact the discharge, as it is called, or the transition from the one state of equilibrium to the other, is instantaneous, and the same may be said of all the phenomena which form the subject of the preceding pages. 96 INTRODUCTION. In the commencement of this notice, the frequent influence of circumstances, apparently fortuitous, on the progress of discovery in the sciences has been mentioned. It would be difficult, either in the history of the sciences or of the political growth of states, to find a more signal example of this than was offered by the discovery of that powerful instrument of physical investigation, the VOLTAIC PILE. " It may be proved," says M. Arago, " that this immortal discovery arose in the most immediate and direct manner from a slight cold with which a Bolognese lady was attacked in 1790, for which her physician prescribed the use of frog-broth" Galvani was professor of anatomy at Bologna. At the period just mentioned, it happened that several frogs, divested of their skins and preparec for cooking the broth prescribed for Madame Galvani, lay upon a table in the laboratory of the professor, near which at the moment stood an elec- trical machine. One of the professor's assistants, being employed in some process in which the ma- chine was necessary, took sparks occasionally from the conductor, when Madame Galvani was asto- nished to see the limbs of the dead frogs convulsed with movements resembling vital action. She called the attention of her husband to the fact, who repeated the experiment, and found the motions re- produced as often as a spark was taken from the conductor. This was the first, but not the only or chief part played by chance in this great discovery. (105.) Galvani was not familiar with electricity. Had he been so, he would have seen in the con- vulsions of the frog evidence of nothing more than a DISCOVERY OF GALVANISM. 97 high electroscopic sensibility in the nerves of that ani- mal, and an interesting example of the known prin- ciple of electrical induction. But luckily for the pro- gress of science, he was more an anatomist than an electrician, and beheld with sentiments of unmixed wonder the manifestation of what he believed to be a new principle in the animal economy, and, fired with the notion of bringing to light the proximate cause of vitality, engaged with ardent enthusiasm in a course of experiments on the effects of electri- city on the animal system. It is rarely that .an ex- ample is found of the progress of science being favoured by the ignorance of its professors. Chance now again came upon the stage. In the course of his researches he had occasion to separate .e legs, thighs, and lower part of the body of the rog from the remainder, so as lay bare the lumbar nerves. Having the members of several frogs thus dissected, he passed copper hooks through part of the dorsal column which remained above the junc- tion of the thighs, for the convenience of hanging them up till they might be required for the purposes of experiment. In this manner he happened to suspend several upon the iron balcony in front of his laboratory, when, to his inexpressible astonish- ment, the limbs were thrown into strong convul- sions. No electrical machine was now present to exert any influence. If the supply of capital facts be occasionally due to chance, or to the BEING by whom what is mis- called chance is directed, it is to the operation of the faculties of exalted minds that the develop- 98 INTRODUCTION. ment of the laws of nature is due : if rude lumpe* of the natural ore of science be now and then thrown under the feet of philosophy, the dis- covery of the vein itself, its depth and direc- tion, its quality and value, the separation of the precious metal it contains from its baser elements, the demonstration of its connection with the phe- nomena of nature, and its adaptation to the uses of life, are all and severally the work of that noble faculty of intellect, that image of his own essence, which the Creator of the universe has impressed upon man, and which is never more worthily ex- ercised than in the investigation of those laws of the material world, in all of which, whether they affect the vast bodies of the universe, or the imper- ceptible molecules of those around us, there is ever conspicuous a provident care for the wellbeing of his creatures. In the convulsions of the frog, suspended by a copper wire on an iron rail, Galvani saw &new fact, and soon discovered that the circumstance on which it depended was the simultaneous contact of the metals with the nerves and muscles of the animal. He found that the effects were reproduced when- ever the muscles touched the iron while the nerves touched the copper, but that contact with the copper alone did not produce them. He next placed the body of the animal upon a plate of iron, and touching the plate with one end of a copper wire, brought the other end into contact with the lumbar nerves. The convulsions followed as before. Gal- vani inferred from these and other similar experi- ments and observations, that the conditions under GALVANl's THEORY. 99 which the phenomenon was produced were, that a connection should be made between the nerves of the animal and the muscles with which those nerves were united by a continued line or circuit com- posed of two different metals ; and he explained this singular effect by assuming, hypothetically, that, in the animal economy, there exists a natural source of electricity ; that, at the junction of the nerves and muscles, the natural electricity is decomposed ; that the positive fluid goes to the nerve, and the negative to the muscle ; that the nerve and muscle are there- fore analogous to the internal and external coating of a charged Leyden jar ; that the metallic connec- tion made between the nerve and the muscle in the experiments above mentioned serves as a conductor between these opposite electricities ; and that, on making the connection, the same discharge takes place as in the Leyden experiment. This theory fascinated for a time the physiologists. The phenomena of animal life had been ascribed to an hypothetical agent, which passed under the name of the " nervous fluid." The Galvanic theory con- signed this term to the obsolete list ; and electricity was now the great vital principle, by which the decrees of the understanding, and the dictates of the will, were conveyed from the organs of the brain to the obedient members of the body. Those who know how passionate is the love of a theory which appears to give a satisfactory account of effects otherwise mysterious, and how much more grati- fying to the amour-propre it is to be able to con- nect effects with supposed causes, than to be corn- H 2 100 INTRODUCTION. pelled to view the former as the real limits of our knowledge, will understand the reluctance with which the Bolognese school and its distinguished leader would surrender a theory so dazzling as animal electricity ; nevertheless, it was doomed soon to fall under the irresistible assaults of phy- sical truth directed against it by a giant intellect, which, though located in a little village of the Milanese, belonged to mankind. (106.) VOLT A, professor of natural philosophy at Como, and subsequently at Pavia, had been already known for his researches in different parts of physics, but more especially in electricity. The Bolognese experiments naturally engaged his attention, and it \vas not long before his superior sagacity enabled him to perceive that the theory of Galvani was- destitute of any sound foundation. Indeed, a single experiment was sufficient to overturn it, though not to carry conviction of it& futility to the minds of its partisans. Volta applied the metals in contact with each other to the muscle alone without touching the nerves, and the convulsions nevertheless ensued. The analogy of the muscle and nerve to the Ley den phial was no longer tenable. Volta transferred this analogy to the two rnetals, and contended that the mutual contact of two dissimilar metals must be regarded as the source of the electricity ; that by the contact the natural electricity was decomposed, and the positive fluid passed to one metal, and the negative one to the other ; and that the muscle merely played the part of a conductor in carrying off one of the fluids thus developed. VOLTA REFUTES GALVANT S* THEORY. K) 1 (107.) To this Galvani replied by showing that, when a single metal was used to connect the nerves and muscles the convulsions ensued, and that there- fore the contact of dissimilar metals could not be the source of the electricity. Volta rejoined, that it was impossible to be assured of the perfect ho- mogeneity of the metal, and that any the least hete- rogeneous matter contained in it would be sufficient for his hypothesis. Also, that when a single metal was used, the convulsions were uncertain, and never produced, except in cases where the organs were in the highest state of excitability ; whereas, on the contrary, they happened invariably, and were long continued, when the connection was made by two dissimilar metals. Tenacious of the cherished theory to the last, Doctor Valli, a partisan of Galvani, confounded the advocates of the school of Pavia, by showing that, by merely bringing the muscles themselves into contact with the nerves, without the interven- tion of any metal whatever, the convulsions ensued. To this, the expiring effort of the Bolognese party, Volta readily and triumphantly replied, that the success of the experiments of Valli required two conditions; 1st, that the parts of the animal brought into contact should be as heterogeneous as possible ; and, 2dly, the interposition of a third substance be- tween these organs. This, so far from overturning the theory of Volta, only gave it increased gene- rality, showing, as it did, that electricity was deve- loped, not alone by the contact of two dissimilar metals, but also by the contact of dissimilar sub- stances not metallic. H 3 I Q.I , INTRODUCTION. From this time, the partisans of animal electri- city gradually diminished, and no effort worth re- cording to revive Galvani's theory was made. Meanwhile, the hypothesis of Volta was, as yet, re- garded only as the conjecture of a powerful and sagacious mind, requiring nevertheless much more cogent and direct experimental verification. This experimental proof he soon supplied. (108.) The first analogy which Volta produced in support of his theory of contact was derived from the well-known experiment of Sulzer. If two pieces of dissimilar metal, such as lead and silver, be placed one above and the other below the tongue, no particular effect will be perceived so long as they are not in contact with each other ; but if their outer edges be brought to touch each other, a pecu- liar taste will be felt. If the metals be applied in one order, the taste will be acidulous. If the order be inverted, it will be alkaline. Now, if the tongue be applied to the conductor of a common electrical machine, an acidulous or alkaline taste will be perceived, according as the conductor is electrified positively or negatively. Volta contended, therefore, that the identity of the cause should be inferred from the identity of the effects ; that, as positive electricity produced an acid savour, and negative electricity an alkaline, on the conductor of the machine, the same effects on the organs of taste produced by the metals ought to be ascribed to the same cause. (109.) However sufficient this analogy might seem to the understanding of Volta, it was insuffi- cient for the rigid canons of the logic of modern phy- .. VOLTA'S EXPERIMENTS. 103 sics, and he accordingly sought and obtained more direct and unequivocal proof of his hypothesis. Two discs, one of copper, and the other of zinc, were attached to insulating handles, by means of which they were carefully brought into contact, and sud- denly separated without friction. They were then presented severally to a powerful condensing elec- troscope. The usual indications of electricity were obtained, and it was shown that this electricity was positive on the zinc, and negative on the copper. By repeating the contact, and collecting the electri- city by means of the condenser, sparks were pro- duced, and the demonstration was complete. That the contact of dissimilar metals was followed by the evolution of electricity, could therefore no longer be doubted. It will, however, hereafter appear that philosophers are not even yet agreed that the contact is the immediate or the only cause of the disengagement of electricity in such cases. Chemical agency is now known to be one of the sources of electricity ; and its operation is so subtle, often so imperceptible, and generally so inevitable, when heterogeneous molecules come into con- tact, that doubts have been entertained whether, in every case where electricity seems to proceed from contact, it has not really its origin in feeble and imperceptible chemical action. Although the complete development of this last- mentioned idea belongs to a much more recent epoch in the progress of electrical discovery, yet the chemical origin of electricity did not altogether escape notice even at the period to which we now refer. 104 INTRODUCTION. ( 1 1 0.) Of the numerous philosophers in every part of Europe who took part in the discussions, and varied and repeated the experiments connected with these questions, one of those to whom attention is more especially due was Fabroni, who, in the year 1792* 5 two years after the discovery of Galvani, communicated his researches to the Florentine Aca- demy. In this paper is found the first suggestion of the chemical origin of Galvanic electricity. Fabroni observes, that in the mutual contact of heterogeneous metals there is a reciprocal action which favours chemical change ; that to this action must be ascribed many well-known phenomena, such as the more rapid oxidation of certain metals when combined, or in mere contact with other metals. According to him, a metal, like all che- mical re-agents, has a tendency to combination with another metal when they are brought into contact ; that this effect is only prevented by the superior force of cohesion which prevails among the par- ticles of each. This cohesive force will, however, be lessened in its energy by the antagonism of the attraction of the molecules of the two metals to- wards each other, just in the same manner as it would be lessened by the action of heat. Being thus lessened, its opposition to the tendency which the. particles of either metal have to combine with oxygen, taken either from the atmosphere, or ob- tained from the decomposition of water, would be proportionally diminished, and such oxidation would * The date of the researches of this philosopher is generally, but erroneously, assigned to the year 17G9. FABRONl's RESEARCHES. 105 accordingly be promoted. In this way Fabroni accounted for the tendency of certain alloys of metal to oxidation, and for the well-known fact that iron nails, then used in attaching the copper sheathing to vessels, were rendered so liable to rust by their contact with the copper, that they became soon too small for the holes in which they were inserted. He supposed, therefore, that in the experiments of Galvani and Volta, in which the convulsions of the limbs of animals were produced, a chemical change was made by the contact of one of these metals with the liquid matter always found on the parts of the animal body ; and that the immediate cause of the convulsions was not, as supposed by Galvani, due to animal electricity, nor, as assumed by Volta, to a current of electricity emanating from the surface of contact of the two metals, but to the decomposition of the fluid upon the animal substance, and the transition of oxygen from a state of combination with it to combination with the metal. The electricity produced in the experi- ments Fabroni ascribed entirely to the chemical changes, it being then known that chemical pro- cesses were generally attended with sensible signs of electricity. He maintained that the convulsions were chiefly due to the chemical changes, and not to the electricity incidental to them, which, if it operated at all, he considered to do so in a second- ary way. The necessary limits of this notice will not allow of a further analysis of the researches of this philo- sopher ; but if his original papers be referred to, it will be seen that he is entitled to the credit of 106 INTRODUCTION. having first distinctly demonstrated the chemical origin of Voltaic electricity. (111.) In the year 1800, the attention of the scien- tific world was withdrawn from the controversy re- specting the origin of Galvanic electricity, and all other matters of minor importance, and engrossed by one of those vast discoveries which constitute an epoch in the progress of knowledge, and give a new direction to the sciences. On the 20th March, 1800, Volta addressed a letter to Sir Joseph Banks, then president of the Royal Society, in which he an- nounced to him the discovery of the VOLTAIC PILE, one of the most powerful instruments for the in- vestigation of the laws of nature, as exhibited in the mutual relations of the constituent parts of matter, which ever did honour to the science of any age, or any nation. In order to complete the experimental analysis of the effects of Galvanic electricity, Volta felt the necessity of collecting it in much greater quantities than could be obtained in the processes which had then been adopted. According to his theory, when two plates of metal, zinc and copper for example, were brought into contact, two currents of electric fluid originated at their common surface, and moved from that point in opposite directions. The positive fluid passed along the zinc, and the nega- tive along the copper. If the extremities of the two metals most remote from their mutual contact were connected by an arc of conducting matter, these contrary currents would flow along this arc> the positive fluid moving from the zinc towards the copper, and the negative from the copper towards INVENTION OF THE VOLTAIC PILE. 107 the zhic ; but the intensity of these currents was supposed to be so feeble that no ordinary electro- scope, whatever might be its sensibility, would be affected by it. In order to bring into operation in this question those instruments which had been ap- plied to common electricity, he therefore sought some expedient by which he could combine, and, as it were, superpose, two or more currents, and thus multiply the intensity, until it should attain such an augmentation as to produce effects analogous to those which had been obtained by ordinary electricity. With this object, he conceived the idea of placing alternately, one over the other, discs of differ- ent metals, such as zinc and copper. Let us suppose the lowest disc to be copper, having a disc of zinc upon it. On this disc of zinc let a second copper disc be placed, and over that a second disc of zinc, and so on. According to Volta's theory, currents of electricity would be established at each surface of contact of the two metals, the positive current running along the zinc, and the negative along the copper. With the arrangement above described, there would proceed from the first surface a nega- tive downward, and a positive upward current ; from the second a positive downward, and a negative up- ' ward current ; from the third a negative downward, and a positive upward current, and so on ; the down- ward current being negative, and the upward positive from the upper surface of each copper disc, and the upper current being negative and the downward positive from the lower surface of such disc. It is evident, therefore, that the downward currents would be alternately positive and negative ; and the same 108 INTRODUCTION. would be the case with the upward currents. Now, since the surfaces of contact of the metals would be equal, these currents would have equal intensities, and accordingly each positive current would neu- tralize each negative current having the same direc- tion. The result would be, that if the lowest and highest disc of the pile were of the same metal, all the currents neutralizing each other, the pile would evolve no electricity whatever ; and if they were of different metals, all the downward currents, except one, would neutralize each other, and that one would be positive. The effect of the pile would therefore be the same as if it consisted of only two discs, one of copper, and the other of zinc. Volta therefore saw the necessity of adopting some expedient by which all the currents in the same direction should be of the same kind ; so that, for example, all the decending currents should be negative, and all the ascending currents positive. If this could be accomplished, the current issuing from the bottom of the pile would be a negative current as many times more intense than one pro- ceeding from a single pair of discs as there were surfaces of contact supplying currents, and the same would be true of the positive current issuing from the top of the pile. To effect this, it was necessary to destroy the Galvanic action at all those surfaces from which descending positive and ascending negative currents would proceed ; that is, the lower surfaces of the copper discs and the upper surfaces of the zinc discs. But while this was effected, it was also essen- tial that the progress of the descending negative INVENTION OF THE PILE. 109 and ascending positive currents should still be un- interrupted, The interposition of any substance which would have no sensible Galvanic action on either of the metals between each disc of copper and the disc of zinc immediately below it would attain one of these ends, since the action of all the surfaces in which ascending negative or de- scending positive currents could originate would thus be prevented. But in order to allow the free progress of the remaining currents in each direc- tion, such substance must be a sufficiently free con- ductor of electricity. Volta selected, as the fittest means of fulfilling these conditions, discs of wet cloth. They would be free from any sensible Gal- vanic action on the metal, and their moisture would give them sufficient conducting power. (112.) Having discovered the principles by which this species of electricity can be accumulated in quantity and strong currents obtained, he varied its form, and contrived the apparatus which is known by the name of La Couronne de Tasses. This ar- rangement, which Volta himself most commonly used in his experiments, consisted of a circle of cups filled with warm water, or a solution of sea- salt. He immersed in each cup a plate of zinc and one of silver, not in contact, and then es- tablished a metallic communication by means of wire between the zinc of one cup and the silver of the adjacent one. The positive fluid was found to proceed from the. extreme zinc plate, and the nega- tive from the extreme silver one, and a continuous current was obtained by connecting these by any conductors of electricity. 110 INTBOD UCTION. (113.) Profoundly impressed with the importance of the results likely to arise from the application of the powers of the pile in physical inquiries, and doubtless animated by the desire for which he was honourably distinguished to extend all possible encouragement and advantage to those engaged in the natural sciences, Napoleon, then first consul, and surrounded by the splendour of his southern triumphs, invited Volta to visit Paris ; and there, at the Institute, before the elite of European philoso- phers, to explain personally his great invention, and expound his views as to its probable uses and powers as an instrument of scientific research. Volta ac- cepted the proffered honour, and, in 1801, attended at three meetings of the Academy of Sciences, at which he explained his theory of contact, and developed his views respecting the voltaic, or, as he called it, electro-motive, action of different metals upon each other. Among the audience at these memorable meetings was Napoleon himself, and none present appeared to appreciate more justly the vastness of the power which was on that occasion placed in the hands of the experimental philosopher. (114.) When the report of the committee on the subject was read, the FIRST CONSUL proposed that the rules of the Academy, which produced some delay in conferring its honours, be suspended, and that the gold medal be immediately awarded to Volta, as a testimony of the gratitude of the philosophers of France for his discovery. This proposition being carried by acclamation, the hero of an hundred fields, who never did things by halves, and who was filled with a prophetic enthusiasm as to the powers of the NAPOLEON INVITES VOLTA. Ill pile, ordered two thousand crowns to be sent to Volta the same day from the public treasury, to defray the expenses of his journey.* He also founded an annual medal, of the value of three thou- sand francs, for the best experiment on the electric fluid ; and a prize of sixty thousand francs to him who should give electricity or magnetism, by his researches, an impulse comparable to that which it received from the discoveries of Franklin and Volta. (115.) The relation in which the voltaic pile stood in reference to theLeyden jar and electrical machines now began to be perceived. In the latter apparatus a great quantity of electricity is accumulated on the surfaces of the jar, and held there in equili- brium, the positive fluid on one side of the glass, and the negative on the other. When the communi- cation is made between the two surfaces, a torrent of the fluid precipitates itself instantaneously along the line of communication, and the electrical equili- brium is re-established in an interval of time so short as to be inappreciable. A sudden, instantaneous, and violent effect is produced on whatever bodies may be exposed to the transit of this electric fluid. On the other hand, the Voltaic pile is a generator of electricity, which supplies to its opposite poles the two fluids, the positive and the negative electricity, in a continued, gentle, and regulated current. It dis- charges it not suddenly or instantaneously, or with uncontrollable and irresistible violence, but with gentle, moderate, continued, and regulated action. * Arago, Eloge de Volta, p. 42. INTRODUCTION. What takes place in the Leyden jar in an interval so brief as to render observation of its progress, or examination of its successive effects impossible, is with the pile spread over as long an interval as the ob- server may desire. Besides this, the effects themselves consequent on the two modes of action are different. That which in mechanical phenomena is effected by a violent blow or concussion is not more different from the effects of the long-continued action of an uniform accelerating force or a constant pressure, than are the effects of the common electrical dis- charge from those of the currents of electricity pro- pagated between the poles of the pile. (J 16.) The physiological effects of electricity ex- hibited under these different forms, differ in a manner which might be anticipated from these modifications in the transmission of the electric fluid. If the wires proceeding from the opposite poles, and conducting the contrary currents of fluid, be taken in the hands, the sudden and violent shock of the Leyden jar is no longer felt. It is replaced by a continued con- vulsion in the arms and shoulders, which does not cease so long as the wires are held. If a metallic plate, in connection with the positive pole, be applied to the tongue, and another con- nected with the negative pole to any other part, a strong acidulous savour is perceived. If the plate applied to the tongue be connected with the nega- tive pole, a strong alkaline savour is felt. It is not the organs of taste only which are sen- sible to the influence of this instrument. The sense of sight is susceptible of its operation in a manner even more wonderful. Let a metallic surface con- PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF THE PILE. 113 nected with one of the poles be applied to the fore- head, the cheek, the nose, the chin, or the throat and, at the same time, let the patient take in hii hand the wire connected with the other pole. Im- mediately a light will be perceived, even though the eyes be closed, the splendour and appearance of which will vary with the part of the face in con- tact with the metallic plate. By similar means, the perception of sound will be perceived in the ears. The action of the pile on the animal body after the vital principle is destroyed is so well known, that it is scarcely necessary to mention it here. The trunk of a decapitated body will rise from its recumbent posture ; the arms will move and strike objects near them ; the legs will elevate themselves with a force sufficient to raise considerable weights ; the breast will heave as if respiration were restored ; and, in fine, all the vital actions will be manifested with terrific and revolting precision. In the hands of the entomologist, the pile affords results not less interesting. The glow-worm, sub- mitted to the electric current, shines with increased splendour ; the grasshopper chirps, as if under the action of a stimulant.* (117.) The physiological action of the pile was strongly suggestive of a mysterious connection be- tween the electric fluid and the proximate principle of vitality. When some of these effects were ex- hibited to Napoleon, the emperor turned to Corvisart, his physician, and said, " Docteur, voila 1'image de * Eloge, p. 33. VOL I. I 114 INTRODUCTION. la vie : la colonne vertebrale est la pile ; le foie, le pole negatif; la vessie, le pole positif."* (118.) The invention of the pile had been scarcely more than hinted at, when that course of electro- chemical investigations began which soon led to the magnificent discoveries of Davy, and the series of experimental researches which have been continued to the present time with results so remarkable by those who succeeded him. The first four pages only of the letter of Volta to Sir Joseph Banks were despatched on the 20th of March, 1 800 ; and as these were not produced in public till the receipt of the remainder, the letter was not read at the Royal Society, or published until the 26th of June following. The first portion of the letter, in which was described generally the formation of the pile, was shown in the latter end of April by Sir Joseph Banks to some scientific men, and among others to Sir Anthony (then Mr.) Carlisle, who was engaged * This anecdote was told by Chaptal, who was present on the occasion, to Bequerel ; and the latter relates it in the first volume of his work on electricity, published in 1834. The idea that electricity is the immediate principle of vitality has occurred to other minds. Sir John Herschel, in his Prelimi- nary Discourse published in the CABINET CYCLOPAEDIA in 1830, without any knowledge of the above anecdote, says (p. 343.), " If the brain be an electric pile constantly in action, it may be conceived to discharge itself at regular intervals, when the tension of the electricity developed reaches a certain point, along the nerves which communicate with the heart, and thus to excite the pulsation of that organ. This idea is forcibly suggested by the view of that elegant apparatus, the dry pile cf De Luc, in which the successive accumulations of electricity are carried off by a suspended ball, which is kept by the dis- charge in a state of regular pulsation for any length of time." A similar idea occurred to Dr. Arnott, and is mentioned in his PHYSICS. CHEMICAL ACTION OP THE PILE. 115 at the time in certain physiological inquiries. Mr. W.Nicholson, the conductor of the scientincjournal known as Nicholsons Journal, and Carlisle con- structed a pile of seventeen silver half-crown pieces alternated with equal discs of copper and cloth soaked in a weak solution of common salt, with which on the 30th of April they commenced their experiments. It happened that a drop of water was used to make good the contact of the conducting wire with a plate to which the electricity was to be transmitted ; Carlisle observed a disengagement of gas in this water, and Nicholson recognised the odour of hydrogen proceeding from it. In order to observe this effect with more advantage, a small glass tube, open at both ends, was stopped at one end by a cork, and being then filled with water was similarly stopped at the other end. Through both corks pieces of brass wire were inserted, the points of which were adjusted at a distance of an inch and three quarters asunder in the water. When these wires were put in communication with the opposite ends of the pile, bubbles of gas were evolved from the point of the negative wire, and the end of the positive wire became tarnished. The gas evolved appeared on examination to be hydrogen, and the tarnish was found to proceed from the oxydation of the positive wire. It was inferred that the process in which these effects were produced was the de- composition of water. This took place on the 2d of May, shortly after the receipt of the first portion of Volta's letter. To ascertain whether the oxydation of the po- sitive wire was an effect incidental to the experiment, i 2 116 INTRODUCTION. or had an influence in producing the decomposition, Nicholson determined to try the effect of wires formed of metal more difficult of oxydation. Wires of platinum were accordingly inserted through the corks, and the experiment repeated. Bubbles of gas were now evolved from both wires. Two pla- tinum wires were next inserted at the closed ends of two separate tubes, which, being open at the other ends and filled with water, were inserted in the same vessel of water. Being placed side by side close together, and the wires being continued to the lower ends of the tubes, so that the distance between their points was not more than two inches, their upper extremities were put in connection with the ends of the pile. Gas was evolved from the points of both wires, and, ascending through the water, was collected separately in the two tubes. These gases being examined, proved to be hydrogen from the negative, and oxygen from the positive wire, nearly in the proportion known to constitute water. * Thus was the decomposing power of the pile es- tablished within a few weeks after the first intimation of the invention of that instrument had been re- ceived in England, and before any description of it had been published. It seemed proper to give these details here, not only on account of the great im- portance of the discovery, but because it has been sought to depreciate the merit of it by ascribing it altogether to chance. It is probably impossible to exclude chance altogether from such investiga- * Nicholson's Journal, vol. iv. p. 179. 1800. CRUICKSHANK S EXPERIMENTS. tions, but in this there was as little as is gene found. (119.) When these experiments became knownV Mr. W. Cruickshank of Woolwich repeated them, and obtained similar results ; but observed that when the distilled water was tinged with litmus, the effects of an acid were produced at the positive and those of an alkali at the negative wire. Led by this indi- cation, he tried the effects of the wires on solutions of acetate of lead, sulphate of copper, and nitrate of silver. In each case he found the metallic base deposited at the negative pole, and the acid mani- fested at the positive pole. Muriate of ammonia and nitrate of magnesia were next decomposed, the acid as before going to the positive, and the alkali to the negative pole. These experiments of Mr. Cruickshank were made as early as June, 1800.* In the September following, Mr. Cruickshank published the continuation of his researches-)-, in which he corroborated the results of his former ex- periments, showing more generally the tendency of oxygen and the acids in Voltaic decomposition to collect round the positive wire, and hydrogen, metals, alkalies, &c. round the negative pole. ( 1 20.) The investigations of which the pile became the instrument now began to assume an importance which rendered it necessary to give it considerably augmented power, either by increasing its height or enlarging its component plates. In either case, inconveniences were encountered which imposed a * Nicholson's Journal, vol. iv. p. 187. 1800. t Ibid. p. 2o'4. I 3 118 INTRODUCTION. practical limit on the increase of its power. When the number or magnitude of the metallic discs was considerable, the incumbent pressure discharged the liquid from the intermediate discs of cloth or card. The trouble of refilling it whenever its use was required, and of wetting the cloth or card, was very great. Mr. Cruickshank, adopting the prin- ciple of Volta's couronne des tasses, proposed, as a more convenient form for the apparatus, an arrange- ment consisting of a trough of baked wood, which is a non-conductor of electricity, divided by parallel partitions into a series of cells. Into these cells the liquid to be interposed between the successive pairs of metallic plates was poured. A series of rectan- gular plates of metal, alternately zinc and copper, were arranged so as to be parallel to each other, and at such a distance as to allow the partitions of the trough to pass between each pair of plates. This modification rendered the Voltaic apparatus capable of having its power increased without practical limit. (121.) While these investigations were proceeding, Hitter, afterwards so distinguished for his experi- mental researches, but then young and unknown, made various experiments at Jena on the effects of the pile; and, apparently without knowingwhat had been done in England, discovered its property of decom- posing water and saline compounds, and of collecting oxygen and the acids at the positive, and hydrogen and the bases at the negative pole. He also showed that the decomposing power in the case of water could be transmitted through sulphuric acid, the oxygen being evolved from a portion of water on SIR HUMPHRY DAVY. 119 one side of the acid, while the hydrogen was pro- duced from another separate portion of water on the other side of it.* (122.) When the chemical powers of the pile be- came known in England, Sir Humphry (then Mr.) Davy was commencing those labours in chemical science which subsequently surrounded his name with so much lustre, and left traces of his genius in the history of scientific discovery which must remain as long as the knowledge of the laws of nature is valued by mankind. The circumstance attending the decompositions effected between the poles of the pile which caused the greatest surprise, was the production of one element of the compound at one pole, and the other element at the other pole, without any discoverable transfer of either of the disengaged elements between the wires. If the decomposition was conceived to take place at the positive wire, the constituent appearing at the negative wire must be presumed to travel through the fluid in the se- parated state from the positive to the negative point ; and if it was conceived to take place at the negative wire, a similar transfer must be imagined in the opposite direction. Thus, if water be de- composed, and the decomposition be conceived to proceed at the positive wire where the oxygen is visibly evolved, the hydrogen from which that oxygen is separated must be supposed to travel through the water to the negative wire, and only to become visible when it meets the point of that wire; and if, on the other hand, the decomposition be * Nicholson's Journal, vol. iv. p. 511. i 4 120 INTRODUCTION. imagined to take place at the negative wire where the hydrogen is visibly evolved, the oxygen must be supposed to pass invisibly through the water to the point of the positive wire, and there become visible. But what appeared still more unaccount- able was, that in the experiment of Ritter it would seem that one or other of the elements of the water must have passed through the intervening sulphuric acid. So impossible did such an invisible transfer appear to Ritter, that at that time he regarded his experiment as proving that one portion of the water acted on was wholly converted into oxygen, and the other portion into hydrogen. * (123.) This point was the first to attract the attention of Davy, and it occurred to him to try if de- composition could be produced in quantities of water contained in separate vessels united by a conducting substance, placing the positive wire in one vessel and the negative in the other. For this purpose, the positive and negative wires were immersed in two separate glasses of pure water. So long as the glasses remained unconnected, no effect was pro- duced ; but when Davy put a finger of the right hand in one glass and of the left hand in the other, decomposition was immediately manifested. The same experiment was afterwards repeated, making the communication between the two glasses by a chain of three persons. If any material principle passed between the wires in these cases, it must have been transmitted through the bodies of the persons forming the line of communication between the glasses. * Nicholson's Journal, vol. iv. p. 51 2. DAVY'S RESEARCHES. 121 The use of the living animal body as a line of communication being inconvenient where expe- riments of long continuance were desired, Davy substituted fresh muscular animal fibre, the con- ducting power of which, though inferior to that of the living animal, was sufficient. When the two glasses were connected by this substance, decom- position accordingly went on as before, but more slowly. To ascertain whether metallic communication be- tween the liquid decomposed and the pile was essential, he now placed lines of muscular fibre between the ends of the pile and the glasses of water respectively, and at the same time connected the two glasses with each other by means of a me- tallic wire. He was surprised to find oxygen evolved in the negative, and hydrogen in the positive glass, contrary to what had occurred when the pile was connected with the glasses by wires. In none of these cases did he observe the disengagement of gas either from the muscular fibre or from the living hand immersed in the water. (124.) In October, 1800, after many experiments on the chemical effects of the pile, Davy commenced an investigation of the relation which its power had to the chemical action of the liquid conductor on the more oxydable of its metallic elements. The in- fluence of chemical decomposition in evolving the Voltaic electricity originally maintained by Fabroni, was again brought under inquiry by Colonel Hal- dane. Davy showed that at common temperatures zinc, connected with silver, suffers no oxydation in water which is well purged of air and free from 122 INTRODUCTION. acids ; and that with such water as a liquid con- ductor, the pile is incapable of evolving any quan- tity of electricity which can be rendered sensible either by the shock or by the decomposition of water ; but that if the water used as a liquid con- ductor hold in combination oxygen or acid, then oxydation of the zinc takes place, and electricity is sensibly evolved. In fine, he concluded that the power of the pile appeared to be, in great measure, proportional to the power of the liquid between the plates to oxydate the zinc.* He inferred from these results that although the exact mode of operation could not be accounted for, the oxydation of the zinc in the pile, and the chemical changes connected with it, were somehow the cause of its electrical effects. (125.) To ascertain whether a liquid solution ca* pable of conducting the electric current between the positive and negative wires of a Voltaic pile, but not capable of producing any chemical action on its metallic elements, would, when used between its plates, evolve electricity, Davy constructed a pile in which the liquid was a solution of sulphuret of strontia. When the current from an active pile was transmitted through the liquid, the shock was as sensible as if the communication had been made through water ; but, on the other hand, solutions of the sulphurets were incapable of acting chemically on the zinc. If, therefore, chemical action on the zinc be a necessary condition to ensure the activity of the pile, such an arrangement must be inactive. * Nicholson's Journal, vol. iv. p. 337. DAVY'S RESEARCHES. 123 Twenty-five pairs of silver and zinc plates, erected with cloths moistened in solution of sulphuret of strontia, produced no sensible action, though the moment the sides of the pile were moistened with nitrous acid, the ends gave shocks as powerful as those of a similar pile constructed in the usual manner. The next question brought to the test of experi- ment was, whether the chemical action which takes place between the liquid and the plates of the pile is of the same kind as that which is manifested when water is decomposed by its extreme wires ; that is, whether, when the oxygen is freed upon the surface of the zinc, the remaining constituent of the solution decomposed is also liberated at the sur- face of the zinc, as in ordinary oxydation ; or is transmitted invisibly through the fluid to the sur- face of the silver, and there deposited, or otherwise liberated, as in the decomposition between the po- sitive and negative wires. An arrangement of zinc and copper plates, in the form of the couronne des tasses, was formed, and charged with spring water. The general result of these experiments showed that the hydrogen liberated by the zinc was manifested not at the zinc, but at the silver sur- face ; and therefore that the action in the cells is similar to the decomposition of water at the ex- treme wires of the pile. The phenomena were, how- ever, rendered less decisive of the question by the modifications produced by the azote of the common air combined with the water, and also by saline matter which it held in solution, effects which were then imperfectly understood. 1 24 INTRODUCTION. (126.) The inventor of the pile maintained that, among the metals, those which held the extreme places in the scale of electro-motive power were silver and zinc; and that, consequently, these metals, paired in a pile, would be more powerful, ceteris paribus, than any other. But as he also showed that pure charcoal was a good conductor of the electric cur- rent, and that the electro-motive virtue depended on the different conducting powers of the metallic elements, it was consistent with analogy that char- coal, combined with another substance of different conducting power, would produce Voltaic action. Dr. Wells accordingly showed that a combination of charcoal and zinc produced sensible convulsions in the frog ; and Davy, adopting this principle, constructed a couronne des tasses, consisting of a series of eight glasses, with small pieces of well- burned charcoal connected with zinc by pieces of silver wire, using a solution of red sulphate of iron as the liquid conductor. This series gave sensible shocks, and rapidly decomposed water. Compared with an equal and similar series of silver and zinc, its effects were much stronger. Hence he inferred that charcoal and zinc formed a combination equal, if not superior, to any of the metals. (127.) Volta was understood to refer the electro- motive power of the metallic elements of the pile to the difference of their powers as conductors of elec- tricity. The experiments of Davy induced him to connect the electro-motive power with the amount of chemical action on the more oxydable metal These two principles might, nevertheless, be con> patible, if it could be shown that the oxydation wai DAVY'S RESEARCHES. 125 dependent on, and proportional to, the difference of conducting power of the metals. To test this, it was only necessary to construct a pile with metals of nearly equal conducting power. With this view, Davy constructed a pile with gold and silver plates, these metals being supposed to differ very little in their power of conducting electricity, interposing discs of cloth moistened with dilute nitric acid. Voltaic action was produced. A similar pile, formed of plates of silver and copper, and a so- lution of nitrate of mercury, acted powerfully. The conducting powers of these several metals were then considered as nearly equal.* (128.) In considering the various arrangements and combinations in which Voltaic action had been manifested, Davy observed, as a common character, that, in every case, one of the two metallic elements was oxydated, arid the other not. Did the produc- tion of the electric current, then, depend merely on the presence of two metallic surfaces, one under- going oxydation, separated by a conductor of elec- tricity ? and, if so, might not a Voltaic arrange- ment be made by one metal only, if its opposite surfaces were placed in contact with two different liquids, one of which would oxydate it, and the other transmit electricity without producing oxyda- tion ? To reduce this to the test of experiment with a single metallic plate would have been easy ; but in constituting a series or pile, the two liquids, the oxydating and the non-oxydating, must be in * The relative conducting power of the metals has not even yet been satisfactorily established. 126 INTRODUCTION. contact, and subject to intermixture. To overcome this difficulty, different expedients were resorted to, with more or less success ; but the most convenient and effectual method of attaining the desired end was suggested to Davy by Count Rumford. Let an oblong trough be formed, similar to that suggested by Cruickshank, as a substitute for the pile ; and let grooves be made in it such as to allow of the inser- tion of a number of plates, by which the trough may be divided into a series of water-tight cells* Let plates of the metal of which the apparatus is to be constructed be made to fit these grooves ; and let as many plates of glass or other non-conducting material, of the same form and magnitude, be pro- vided. Let the metallic plates be inserted in alter- nate grooves of the trough, and the glass plates in the intermediate grooves, so as to divide the trough into a succession of separate cells, each cell having on one side metal, and on the other glass. Let such an arrangement be represented in fig. 1., where the metallic plates are represented at M, the intermediate plates being glass. Let the alternate cells O be filled with the oxydating liquid, and the intermediate cells L with the liquid which con- ducts without oxydating. Let slips of moistened cloth be hung over the edge of each of the glass DAVY'S RESEARCHES. 12? tubes, so that its ends shall dip into the liquids in the adjacent cells. This cloth, or rather the liquid it imbibes, will conduct the electric current from cell to cell, without permitting the intermixture of the liquids. In the first arrangements made on this principle, the most oxydable metals, such as zinc, tin, and some others, were tried. The oxydating liquid O was dilute nitric acid, and the liquid L was water. In a combination consisting of twenty plates of metal, sensible but weak effects were produced on the organs of sense, and water was decomposed slowly by wires from the extremities. The wire from the end towards which the oxydating surfaces were directed evolved hydrogen, and the other oxygen. To determine whether the evolution of the elec- tric current was dependent on the production of oxydation, or would attend other chemical effects producible by the action of substances in solution upon metal, the oxydating liquid was now replaced by solutions of the sulphurets, and metallic plates were selected on which these solutions would exert a chemical action. Silver, copper, and lead were tried in this way. Solution of sulphuret of potash was used in the cells O, and pure water in L. A series of eight metallic plates produced sensible ef- fects. Copper was the most active of the metals tried, and lead the least so. In these cases, the terminal wires produced, in the usual manner, the decomposition of water, the wire from which hydrogen was evolved being that which was con- nected with the end of the series to which the 128 INTRODUCTION. surfaces of the metal not chemically acted on were presented. It will be observed that in this case the direction of the electric current relatively to the surfaces of the metallic plates was the reverse of the former. When oxydation was produced, the oxydating sides of the plates looked towards the negative end of the series. Comparing these two effects, Davy was led by analogy to suspect that if the cells O were filled with an oxydating solution, while the cells L were filled with a solution of sulphuret, or any other which would produce a like chemical action, the combined effect of the currents proceeding from the two distinct chemical processes would be ob- tained. This was accordingly tried, and the results were as foreseen. The acid solution was placed in the cells O, and the sulphuret in the cells L. A series, consisting of three plates of copper or silver, arranged in this way, produced sensible effects ; and twelve or thirteen decomposed water rapidly. The oxydating sides of the metal looked to the negative end of the series. (129.) As it appeared from former experiments that charcoal possessed, as a Voltaic agent, the same properties as the metals, the next step in this course of experiments was naturally to try whether a Voltaic arrangement could not be constructed without any metallic element, by substituting char- coal for the metallic plates in the series above de- scribed. This was accomplished by means of an arrangement in the form of the couronne des tasses. Pieces of charcoal, made from very dense wood, were formed into arcs ; and the liquids O and L BIOT AND F. CUVIER. 129 were arranged in alternate glasses, as represented in fig. 2. The charcoal arcs C were placed so as to have one end immersed in each liquid, ike inte: mediate glasses being connected by slips of bi- bulous paper P. When the liquid O was dilute acid, and L water, a series consisting of twenty pieces of charcoal gave sensible shocks, and decom- posed water. This arrangement also acted, and with increased intensity, when the liquid O was sulphuric acid, and L was solution of sulphuret of potash. (130.) The connection of chemical change with the production of electricity in the pile, was too obvious riot to attract the attention of other philosophers. Pepys in England, and MM. Biot and Frederic Cuvier in France, investigated the effect produced by the pile on the atmosphere in which it was placed. The former placed the pile in an atmo- sphere of oxygen, and found that in the course of a night 200 cubic inches of the gas had been absorbed. In an atmosphere of azote the pile had no action. MM. Biot and Cuvier also observed the quantity of oxygen absorbed, and inferred from their experiments that " although, strictly speaking, the evolution of electricity in the pile was produced by oxydation, the share which this had in pro- ducing the effects of the instrument bore no com- parison with that which was due to the contact of ISO INTRODUCTION. the metals, the extremity of the series being in communication with the ground." (131.) Dr. Wollaston and Gautherot, on the other hand, reproduced the principle advanced by Fabroni and Creve. Wollaston maintained that chemical action was not only the source of the electricity of the pile, but also of the common electrical machine. He showed that by conveying the electricity of the machine to gold wires terminated in extremely fine points the decomposition of water could be effected, and that the phenomenon was the same as when the decomposition was effected by Voltaic wires. He maintained that the friction of the rubber was attended with oxydation, and showed that the ma- chine was ineffective in an atmosphere of dry hydrogen, or any other gas in which chemical action was not produced. ( J 32.) If an oblong slip of wet paper have its ex- tremities in contact with the poles of a Voltaic pile, each half of the slip will be electrified; that which is in contact with the positive pole will be positively elec- trified, and that which is in contact with the negative pole will be negatively electrified. If it be removed from contact with the pile by a rod of glass, or other nonconductor, its electric state will continue. This means of producing electrical polarity was observed by Volta, and about the same time by Erhman. (133.) This fact suggested to Ritter the idea of his secondary pile, which consisted of a series of discs of a single metal alternated with cloth or card, moistened in a liquid by which the metal would not be affected chemically. If such a pile have its ex- tremities nut in connection by conducting sub- HITTER'S SECONDARY PILES. 131 stances with the poles of an insulated Voltaic pile, it will receive a charge of electricity in a manner similar to the band of wet paper, one half taking a positive and the other a negative charge ; and after its connection with the primary pile has been broken, it will retain the charge it has thus received. The secondary pile, while it retains its charge, produces the same physiological and chemical effects as the Voltaic apparatus. The polarity which the band of wet paper an, the secondary pile acquire by their temporary con- tact with the ends of a Voltaic apparatus, is a con- sequence of their imperfect conducting power. he electricity of each species appears to force its /ay ^ rough the imperfect conductor till the two opposite currents meet in the centre. At the time of the discovery of the secondary piles, it was known that a piece of metallic wire, the ends of which had been placed in contact with the poles of a Voltaic pile, does not instantly recovei its natural state when its contact with the pile is broken. (134.) From the experiments of Davy and others, it appeared that if a communication was made be- tween the poles of an insulated pile and two glasses of water, so that the water in the one would be charged with positive, and the other with negative electricity, a metallic wire connecting the two portions of water would evolve oxygen gas at one point, and hydrogen at the other. If, under such circumstances, the connection of the glasses with the pile be suddenly broken, the action of the wire will nevertheless continue for some time, but its effects will be re- K 2 132 INTRODUCTION. versed ; the point which before disengaged hydrogen will now disengage oxygen, and vice versa. It ap- pears, therefore, that the sudden suspension of the action of the pile has the effect of reversing the direction of the electric current which passes through the wire.* The continuance of the electric state of a wire which had been used to connect the poles of a pile after its separation from the pile was also demon- strated by Oersted, who showed its effect on the or- gans of a frog, f The same effect was produced by a wire through which the current of a powerful elec- trical machine had been transmitted. (135.) From the chemical effects of the pile, Davy turned his attention to its calorific powers. The means of experimental investigation placed at his dis- posal were enlarged by the apparatus of the laboratory of the Royal Institution, which was now under his direction. The Voltaic apparatus consisted of a series of 150 pairs of four-inch plates of zinc and copper, and a series of 50 pairs of zinc and silver of the same magnitude. The plates were cemented into four troughs of wood, according to the method pro- posed by Cruickshank. Another apparatus was provided, consisting of a series of twenty pairs of thirteen-inch plates of zinc and copper. With the batteries of the smaller plates he re- peated some of the experiments on the production of the spark, and the combustion of the metals which had already been made. When the poles * Histoire de Galvanism de Sue, torn. iii. p. 341. f Journ. de Opim. de Van-Mons, No. iv. p. 6' 8. DAVY'S RESEARCHES. 133 consisted of two knobs of brass, the spark which attended the discharge was of dazzling brightness, and one eighth of an inch in apparent diameter. Between pieces of charcoal it had a vivid whiteness, and the charcoal remained red hot for some time after the contact was broken, and threw off bright coruscations. The current passing through steel wire -j^oth ^ an ^ nc ^ * n diameter, rendered it white hot, and caused it to burn with great splendour. Gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, and zinc were also burnt Platinum in thin slips was rendered white hot and fused. (136.) Fourcroy, Vauquelin, and Thenard had investigated the different effects produced by enlarg- ing the plates of a battery, and by increasing their number. They demonstrated that the power of the apparatus to heat and ignite metallic substances was augmented by enlarging the plates, without in- creasing their number ; but that no increase of power to decompose water, or to produce the shock, ensued. The calorific power, therefore, appeared to depend, ceteris paribus, on the magnitude of the plates, while the chemical and physiological power depended on their number. The battery of thirteen-inch plates was tried suc- cessively with pure water, a solution of common salt, and dilute nitric acid. With water its effects were feeble, with the solution of salt they were much more considerable, and were still more en- ergetic with nitric acid. With the last three inches of iron wire, y^oth of an inch in diameter, were rendered white hot, and two inches of the same K 3 134 INTRODUCTION. wire were fused. The action of the water, feeble as it was, was ascribed to the air and saline matter it held in solution; and it was judged from analogy that water perfectly purged of air, and free from all saline substances, would have no Voltaic action. A pile of thirty-six pairs of five-inch plates lost its activity in an atmosphere of azote and hydrogen in about two days ; and its power was constantly restored by common air, and rendered more intense by oxygen gas. (137.) When two pieces of well-burnt charcoal, or a piece of charcoal and a metallic wire, are connected with the apparatus and immersed in water, on com- pleting the circuit, gas was abundantly evolved, and the points of the charcoal appeared red hot for some time after the contact was made. Sparks were also produced by means of charcoal points immersed in concentrated nitre and sulphuric acids. When two charcoal points acted in water, the gaseous products consisted of one eighth carbonic acid, one eighth oxygen, and one eighth inflammable gas, apparently hydrogen. The gases produced by a similar process from alcohol, ether, and dilute sulphuric acid, were also a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. In all these cases it appeared that the gases proceeded chiefly from the decomposition of the water con- tained in the several solutions. The effects of the ignition of charcoal in muriatic acid confined over mercury were next tried. The charcoal being kept white hot for nearly two hours, the gas was very little reduced in volume, and the charcoal was not sensibly consumed. When the THEORY OF GROTTHUS. 135 gas was examined, three fourths of it were absorbed by water, and the remainder was inflammable.* (138.) Of the theories proposed at this early pe- riod of the experimental inquiry to explain chemical decomposition by the Voltaic apparatus, that of GROTTHUS was the earliest and most plausible. To simplify the view of this theory, we shall take as an example of its application the decomposition of water. Each molecule of water being composed of a molecule of oxygen and a molecule of hydrogen, their natural electricities are in equilibrium when not exposed to any disturbing force, each possessing equal quantities of the positive and negative fluids. The electricity of the positive wire acting by in- duction on the natural electricities of the contigu- ous molecule of water, attracts the negative and repels the positive fluid. It is further assumed in this theory, that oxygen has a natural attraction for negative, and hydrogen for positive electricity; therefore the positive wire in attracting the negative fluid of the contiguous molecule of water, and re- pelling its positive fluid, attracts its constituent molecule of oxygen, and repels its molecule of hy- drogen. The particle of water, therefore, places itself with its oxygen next the positive wire, and its hydrogen on the opposite side. The positive elec- tricity of the first particle of water thus accumu- lated on its hydrogen molecule, produces the same action on the succeeding molecule of water as the wire did upon the first molecule; and a similar arrangement of the second molecule of water is * Davy's Works, vol. ii. p. 214. London, 1839. K 4 136 INTRODUCTION. effected. This second molecule acts in like manner on the third, and so on. All the particles of water between the positive and negative wires thus as- sume a polar arrangement, and have their natural electricities decomposed ; the negative poles and oxygen molecules looking towards the -positive wire, and the positive poles and hydrogen molecules look- ing towards the negative wire. The attraction of the positive wire now separates the oxygen mole- cule of the contiguous particle of water from its hy- drogen molecule, neutralizes its negative electricity, and either dismisses it in the gaseous form, or com- bines with it, according to the degree of the affinity of the metal of the wire for oxygen. The hydrogen molecule thus liberated effects in like manner the decomposition of the second particle of water, com- bining with its oxygen, and thus again forming water and dismissing its hydrogen. The latter acts in the same manner on the next particle of water, and so on. Thus, a series of decompositions and re- compositions are supposed to be carried on through the fluid, until the process reaches the particle of water contiguous to the negative wire, and the mole- cule of hydrogen there disengaged gives up. its positive electricity, by which an equal portion of negative electricity proceeding from the wire is neu- tralized, and the molecule of hydrogen escapes in the gaseous form. It is equally compatible with this theory to suppose the series of decompositions and recompositions to commence at the negative and terminate at the positive wire, or to commence simultaneously at both, and terminate at any inter- mediate point by the union of the last molecule of THEORY OF GBOTTHUS. 137 oxygen disengaged in the one series with the last molecule of hydrogen disengaged in the other. Grotthus illustrated this ingenious hypothesis by comparing the supposed phenomena with the me- chanical effects produced when a number of elastic balls ivory balls for example being suspended,, so that their centres shall be in the same straight line, and their surfaces mutually touch, either of the extreme balls of the series being raised and let fall against the adjacent one, the effect is propa- gated through the series, and the last ball alone recoils in consequence of the impact ; and although the action and reaction are suffered by each ball of the series, and each is instrumental in transmitting the effect, no visible change takes place in any ball except the last, and the effect is continued by the alternate action of the extreme balls until the mo- tion is gradually stopped by the resistance of the air, and other external causes. (139.) The experiments of Davy, which have been already mentioned, were only the prelude to a brilliant series of discoveries, the commencement of which burst upon the scientific world in his Bakerian Lecture for the year 1806. As soon as the splendid results detailed in that paper became known in France, the members of the Institute, rising superior to the feelings of national animosity which at that time unhappily prevailed, unani- mously conferred upon its distinguished author the prize which had been established by Napoleon for the best experiments on Voltaic electricity.* * It is stated in the Memoirs of Davy by Dr. Paris (p. 168. ), that the prize given to Davy was the annual medal, worth 138 INTRODUCTION. The genius, address, and perseverance of him whose vocation is to investigate the laws of nature, are not always confined to the grateful labour of developing truths. The extirpation of error is a task which, while it demands the exercise of equally exalted powers, is never rewarded by that eclat which surrounds the discovery of natural harmonies before unobserved and unsuspected. In the com- mencement of the series of researches now referred to, Davy found it necessary to clear from his path 3000 francs, which was designed as a reward for the best expe- riments in electricity which should be made in each year. The same statement is made in a note by the editor in the fifth volume of Davy's Works (p. 56.), edited by his brother Dr. John Davy. " The minor prize of 3000 francs, founded by Napoleon when first consul, for the most important result in electrical research during each year, was awarded by the In- stitute to the author for this paper: the principal prize of 60,000 francs, of which the preceding was only the interest, in the opinion of the best judges was rather due to him, as it was proposed to be given * a celui, qui par ses experiences et ses decouvertes, fera a faire a 1'electricite et au galvanisme un pas comparable a cela qu'ont fait faire a ces sciences Franklin et Volta.' Thus the writer in the Quarterly Review already re- ferred to remarks, * It was only questioned by those who were capable of appreciating its importance, whether they acted with strict impartiality in assigning to him the annual interest only, when he appeared to have a fair claim to the principal. ' " On the other hand, the French writers on electricity claim the merit of having given Davy the higher prize: "Les grandes decouvertes," says Becquerel (torn. i. p. 165.), " dont Davy avait enrichi la science electro-chemique, le placaient hors de ligne avec les autres physiciens qui avaient parcouru la meme carriere depuis Volta; aussi PInstitut lui decerna-t-il le prix de 60,000 f. qui avait ete promis par Napoleon a 1'auteur des plus grandes decouvertes en electricite, comparables a celle de Volta et de Galvani." Whether Davy received the higher or the lower prize (we believe it was the lower), it is evident that the French scientific authorities now think he was entitled to the former. DAVY'S RESEARCHES. 139 certain difficulties, and, as he rightly conceived, errors, by which his progress was obstructed. (140.) When the decomposing powers of the pile were first exhibited, the excitement attending a discovery so unlocked for prevented the details of the experiments from receiving all the attention to which they were entitled. When the circumstances attending the decomposition of water by the Voltaic wires were submitted to closer examination, it was found that indications of the presence of an acid always existed at the pole where oxygen was evolved, and those of an alkali at the other pole. In cases where the water submitted to decomposition might be supposed to hold saline matter in solution, such effects would create no surprise ; but they were unequivocally manifested when the water used was distilled, and when there was every reason to think it chemically pure. Mr. Cruickshank explained this, by supposing the acid to be nitrous acid, pro- ceeding from the combination of the azote of the common air held in solution by the water with the oxygen evolved at the positive wire ; and the alkali to be ammonia, proceeding from the com- bination of the same principle with the hydrogen evolved at the negative wire. Desormes maintained that the acid was muriatic ; and Brugnatelli that it was an acid sui generis, produced by the combin- ation of positive electricity with one of the con- stituents of water, and called it electric acid. Some maintained that the constituents of the acid and alkali came over from the liquid used in the Voltaic apparatus in some undiscovered manner along the wires, and was thus deposited in the water ; and 140 INTRODUCTION. others held that it was generated out of the elements of the water by Voltaic action. An article was published in the " Philosophical Magazine*," by a Mr. Peel of Cambridge, containing an account of an experiment in which the water that remained, after a large portion had been decomposed by the pile, yielded on evaporation muriate of soda, al- though the water used in the experiment had been distilled with every precaution necessary to free it from impurities. On inquiry being made at Cam- bridge, no person corresponding with the name and address of the professed author could be found ; and the statement was concluded to be a mere attempt to practise on the credulity of the scientific world, when the surprise was revived by the publi- cation of experiments actually made by Professor Pacchionif of Pisa, in which the same result was attained as was stated in the pretended Cambridge experiment. Sylvester being led to the same con- clusion, ascribed the supposed effects, in common with Pacchioni, to the oxydation of hydrogen, on the one hand in a higher, and on the other in a lower degree than that which forms water. Such were the confusion and obscurity in which the community of science was involved on the sub- ject of the Voltaic decomposition of water, when the question was taken up by Davy. In common with others, he had observed at an early period the presence of an acid and alkali in water under the process of decomposition ; but states, that so early as 1800, he concluded from his experiments that * Vol. xxi. p. 279. f Vol. xxii. p. 179. DAVY S RESEARCHES. 14J Fig. 3. the acid proceeded from the animal and vegetable substances which he employed, and that the alkali arose from the corrosion of the glass vessels in which the experiment was conducted. Similar inferences were made by the Galvanic Society of Paris, by MM. Biot and Thenard, and by Dr. Wol- laston ; the last of whom removed one of the sources of these disturbing elements by the happy expedient of connecting the positive and nega- tive portions of water by a piece of well-washed asbestos. The investigation now undertaken by Davy was commenced by decomposing distilled water in two small cups of agate P N {fig. 3.), connected by a piece of white transparent amianthus A. The wires of the Voltaic battery of 160 pairs of four-inch plates were connected with the water, the positive wire being immersed in the cup P, and the negative wire in N. After the process had been continued for forty- eight hours, the water in the cup P was found to redden litmus paper, and turmeric paper was affected by the water in N. It ap- peared, therefore, and fur- ther experiment confirmed the indication, that acid was present in the positive water, and alkali in the negative. 142 INTRODUCTION. This result, after all the precautions which had been taken, was quite unexpected, and, as may be imagined, gave not a little surprise to the experi- menter. Still he did not for a moment entertain any of the speculations of the generation of these substances in the water. His next step was to re- peat the experiment with glass instead of agate cups, using the same quantities of the same water, and exposing them for the same time to the action of the same battery. He argued, that if the cause lay in the water, the effects would be the same; but that if the cups had any share in producing them, they might be expected to be different. The result confirmed his anticipation. The alkali was produced in the cup N in quantity twenty times as great as with the agate cups, but there was no trace of the acid. The experiments were then repeated several times with the agate cups, when the acid and alkali reappeared in quantities, which, when compared with each other and with the result of the experiment with glass cups, left no doubt that the agate cups themselves had been the chief if not the only source of the acid, and, in a considerable degree, of the alkali also. Still it was impossible to ascrfbe the effects altogether to the material of the cups ; and he was impressed with the suspicion that the water itself, notwithstanding its careful distil- lation, must have held more or less alkaline matter in solution. It was known that the usual tests would fail to indicate the presence of alkaline im- purities when their proportion in water was under a certain limit ; and the New River water, which he used, contained animal and vegetable impurities, Fig. 4. DAVY'S RESEARCHES. 143 which might furnish neutral salts capable of being carried over in the process of distillation. The agate cups were now replaced by two conical cups of pure gold (fig. 4.), each containing about twenty-five grains of water. Distilled water in these was exposed to the action of a bat- tery of 100 pairs of six-inch plates. In ten minutes indications of acid and alkali were formed in the cups D and N respectively. The process was con- tinued for fourteen hours, during the whole of which time the acid increased in the cup D. The same increase was not, however, observed in the alkali in the cup N ; on the contrary, it reached its maximum state in a short time, and continued with- out increase afterwards. On heating the cup N, the alkali diminished, but could not be altogether dis- missed. These experiments being repeated with similar results, it became apparent that the source of the acid and alkali must exist in the water itself, and must either have arisen from saline matter remaining in solution in the water after distillation, or have been produced by the azote, which exists in minute portions in all water exposed to the air. The latter supposition would not be incompatible with the cir- cumstance of the alkali speedily attaining a maxi- mum, since the continued absorption of azote from I4t4f INTRODUCTION. the atmosphere by the water would be stopped when the latter would become charged with hy- drogen. The former supposition was adopted, and it was determined to submit the water which had been used in the last experiments to slow re-distillation. A quart of this water was accordingly evaporated in a silver still at a temperature below 140, and a saline residuum was obtained weighing seven tenths of a grain. The gold cups were now again filled with the water thus purified, and exposed to the Voltaic ac- tion. After two hours, the cup N failed to show any alkaline effect on turmeric paper. By very mi- nute observation, its effect on the more delicate test of litmus was perceivable ; but this disappeared by the application of heat, and was therefore ascribed to ammonia produced by the combination of the small quantity of azote contained in the water with the nascent hydrogen. Finally, in order to insulate the results from the disturbing effects of the surrounding atmosphere, the gold cups containing the purified water were placed under the receiver of an air-pump, which was exhausted until the gauge stood at half an inch. Hydrogen gas was then introduced under the re- ceiver, which, mixed with the very minute portion of atmospheric air which had remained, was again withdrawn by the pump. Pure hydrogen gas was now once more introduced around the cups, which, being placed in connection with the Voltaic appa- ratus, were suffered to remain under its action for twenty-four hours, at the end of which time neither DAVY'S RESEARCHES. 145 of the portions of the water altered in the slightest degree the tint of litmus. Thus were dispelled the speculations on the power of electricity to generate new principles in water; and by eliminating the disturbing action of other causes, the decomposing power of the pile upon a binary compound was presented in a manner fitted for theoretical investigation. (141.) If chance occasionally deprives the philo- sopher of the merit of discovery by throwing facts under his feet, an ample field for the exercise of his sagacity remains in the due appreciation of the in- numerable effects which are incidental to his expe- rimental researches : to seize which as they arise, to pursue them through their consequences, to strip them of the Protean disguises which they borrow from other phenomena with which they become re- lated, to expand them by comparison and general- ization into comprehensive natural laws, is the province of the highest powers of philosophical inquiry. Never was this felicitous instinct more conspicuous than in the mind of Davy. No effect, however minute or accidental it might apparently be, presenting itself in his experiments, escaped his vigilance, if it offered the least clue to further dis- covery. In the course of the experiments just noticed, he found himself embarrassed by the dis- turbing action of the Voltaic wires on the material of the vessels containing the liquid, which was the immediate object of his attention. One material after another was put aside to get rid of this effect ; but the fact was not overlooked or forgotten. It proved the germ of a vast discovery. 146 INTRODUCTION. The negative wire effected a partial decompo- sition of the glass and agate cups, and brought a portion of their constituents into solution in the water contained in them. Might not a power, which thus subdued affinities so stubborn as those which produce the aggregation of substances so insoluble as agate and glass, be brought to bear on other similar bodies, arid perchance resolve into their components substances now considered simple and elementary ? As a first trial of the decomposition of insoluble or difficultly soluble bodies, cups were formed of wax, resin, marble, argillaceous schist from Cornwall, serpentine from the Lizard, and graywacke. Being filled with purified water * in the same manner as in the experiments above de- scribed, decomposition was in all cases effected and saline matter evolved. (142.) Pursuing this investigation, he successively decomposed by the same process sulphate of lime, sulphate of strontia, fluate of lime, sulphate of baryta, and other insoluble salts, and in each case obtained the acid in the positive and the base in the negative cup. Certain mineral substances, such as basalt, zeolite, and vitreous lava from ^Etna, were examined ; and although the saline ingredients in some cases prevailed in extremely minute proportions, their pre- sence was nevertheless distinctly manifested. The soluble compounds, such as sulphate and nitrate of potash, sulphate and phosphate of soda, were easily decomposed, and the results were the same. * By purified water in all the following experiments is to be understood water rendered chemically pure by the processes described in p. 144. DAVYS RESEARCHES. 147 The metallic salts deposited their metallic ele- ments in crystals on the negative wire, round which the oxide was also deposited, while the acid was collected in the positive cup. These, however, were only the first and least im- portant of the consequences of the idea of extend- ing the principle in virtue of which the Voltaic wire corroded the glass. We shall dismiss this for the present to consider the next series of experi- ments in these researches, but shall resume the subject. (143.) From many of his own experiments, and some described by Gautherot, Hisinger, Berzelius. and Ritter, it was apparent that the Voltaic influence was capable not only of decomposing compound bodies, but also of transferring, or, if the term may be permitted, decanting their constituents from one vessel to another. The series of experiments which follows next in order in these researches was directed to the examination of the limits of that power, and the effects attending it under con- ditions not before tried. When the substance to be decomposed was in- soluble, it was formed into a cup, as in the preced- ing experiments, and water contained in it was exposed to the Voltaic action. Thus, let A, fig. 5., be an agate cup, and S a cup made of the substance to be sub- mitted to Voltaic action. Let them each be filled with purified water and connected by asbestos. If A be connected with the positive and S with the negative wire, it was expected that any acid 148 INTRODUCTION. constituent which may be in the substance of which S is formed would pass into A, which would become an acid solution, and appear by the applica- tion of the usual tests. If, on the other hand, A be connected with the negative and S with the posi- tive wire, any alkali which may be in the sub- stance of which S is formed was expected to pass into A, and to be manifested there by the common alkaline tests. In the first case in which his method was tried, the cup S was formed of sulphate of lime. The cup A was connected with the negative and S with the positive wire. With a battery of 100 pair of plates, the water in A was in about four hours con- verted into a strong solution of lime, and the liquid in S was converted into sulphuric acid. When the cup A received the positive and S the negative wire, the effects were reversed. In that case the water in A became sulphuric acid, and a solution of lime was found in S. Other saline cups were submitted to the same process with like results ; the water in the positive cup always receiving acid, and that in the negative cup alkalL Two cups of glass were connected with the poles of the battery. One was filled with distilled water, and the other with a saline solution. In every case the salt was decomposed, the base passing into or remaining in the negative, and the acid in the positive cup. The time required for these transmissions ap- peared to increase, ceteris paribus> as the space through which the decomposed elements were to be transmitted increased. DAVYS RESEARCHES. 149 Fig. 6. To determine whether the action of the me- tallic wires proceeding from the Voltaic battery was immediately engaged in the production of these de- compositions, the next experiments were arranged so that the electric current should be transmitted to the solution to be decomposed through liquid con- ductors. For this purpose, three cups (P, I, and N, fig. 6.) were provided; the extreme ones P and N receiving the positive and negative wires from the battery, and the cup I connected with each of them by amianthus. The cups P and N were filled with purified wa- ter, and the solution to be decomposed was put into the intermediate cup I. In every case the acid constituent of the solution was decanted into P, and the alkaline into N. Lest the amian- thus siphons should have any mechanical effect on the transference of the solution between the cups, the cups P and N were so filled that the surfaces of the water in them were above that of the solu- tion in I. (145.) As it was now abundantly apparent that the elements of the decomposed substance were drawn from cup N through the interstices of the siphons, it was determined to try how far this de- canting power could be carried by breaking the con- tinuity of the siphons, and rendering it impossible for the decomposed element to reach its destination L 3 150 INTRODUCTION. without passing through an intermediate liquid. For this purpose, the three cups being arranged as before, two of them, P and I, were filled with distilled water, the water in I being tinged with litmus ; and the negative cup N was filled with a solution of the sulphate of potash. If the energy of the attraction of the positive wire for the acid constituent of the salt were sufficiently strong to cause it to pass from N to P, through the liquid in I, it was naturally expected that, on its route, its presence in I would be rendered manifest by the usual effect of reddening the litmus. The acid passed from N to P through I, but without being manifested in I by any redness of the solution. When the saline solution was put in the positive cup P, and the purified water in the negative cup N, the water in I being tinged with turmeric, the alkali passed in like manner from P to N without producing any effect on the colour of the liquid in I. (146.) As the transmission of acid or alkali by means of the electric current through water tinged with vegetable colours was effected without pro- ducing any sensible change in these delicate tests of their presence, it was conjectured that, while in this state of transition, or electrical progression, the che- mical elements were deprived of their wonted pro- perties, and that therefore they would equally pass through solutions of substances for which, under or- dinary circumstances, they exhibit a strong affinity, that affinity being rendered dormant, or counteracted, by the predominating influence of the electrical at- traction. To reduce this conjecture to the test oi DAVY'S RESEARCHES. 151 experiment, the water tinged with vegetable colours in the intermediate cup I was replaced by a weak solution of ammonia, purified water was put into the cup P, and a solution of the sulphate of potash in the cup N. The sulphuric acid, attracted by the positive wire, could only reach the cup P by pass- ing through the solution of ammonia. With a battery of 150 pairs, the presence of the acid in P was manifested in five minutes by litmus paper. In half an hour, the solution in P became sour to the taste, and precipitated solution of nitrate of ba- ryta. Thus the sulphuric acid passed through the solution of ammonia in I without producing upon it any chemical change. Solutions of lime, potash, and soda were successively substituted, with similar results. Muriate of soda and nitrate of potash were suc- cessively placed in the cup N, and the muriatic and nitric acids made to pass through concentrated alkaline menstrua in I without any chemical effects. The neutral salts of lime, potash, soda, ammonia, and magnesia in solution, were successively placed in the cup P, distilled water in N, and sulphuric, nitric, and muriatic acids successively in the inter- mediate cup I. The alkaline elements of the salts were thus drawn through the acids, and decanted into N, without undergoing any change themselves, or causing any change in the acids. (147.) Strontia and baryta passed freely by a si- milar process through muriatic and nitric acids, and reciprocally these acids passed with equal facility through solutions of strontia and baryta. The uni- formity of this series of phenomena was, however, L 4 152 INTRODUCTION. broken when it was attempted to transmit the same alkalies through sulphuric acid, or to pass sulphuric acid through them. A new order of effects was here evolved. A solution of sulphate of potash was placed in the cup N, distilled water in P, and a solution of baryta in I. The sulphate of potash was decomposed as before, and sulphuric acid passed from the ne- gative cup on its route towards the positive wire; but its progress was arrested in the intermediate cup, where it was seized by the baryta and precipi- tated. It appeared, however, that this obstruction to the progress of the acid was not absolutely com- plete ; for when the process was continued for several days, traces of acid were found in the posi- tive cup. When a solution of strontia was substi- tuted for the baryta in the intermediate cup, the effects were similar. When the muriate of baryta was put in the posi- tive cup, sulphuric acid in the intermediate cup I, and water in the negative cup N, no alkali passed to the cup N, all being arrested in I, where the sul- phate of baryta was manifest, and muriatic acid remained in the cup P. It appeared, therefore, that the exception to the transmission of the elements of bodies through menstrua for which they have an affinity, includes the cases in which the result of that affinity would be an insoluble compound. The sulphates of stron- tia and baryta are insoluble in water ; and sulphuric acid cannot be transmitted, by the electric current, through strontia or baryta, nor the latter through the former. DAVY'S RESEARCHES. 153 The operation of these principles was very beau- tifully illustrated by the following experiment: The cups P and N were filled with solution of muriate of soda, and the cup I with solution of sulphate of silver. The cup P was connected with I by a slip of wet turmeric paper, arid the cup N was con- nected with I by a slip of wet litmus paper. When the operation of the battery commenced, the pre- sence of soda in a free state was manifested in the cup N, and muriatic acid in the cup P. The muri- atic acid drawn from the cup N, through the litmus paper, was seen to form a dense precipitate in the cup I, and the soda passing through the turmeric paper from the cup P was observed in the cup I forming a more diffused and lighter precipitate. But neither the acid in passing through the litmus paper, nor the alkali in passing through the tur- meric paper, produced any change in the colour of these tests. (148.) When salts having metallic oxides as bases were placed in the cup P, acid solutions being put in I, the oxides passed through the acids; but their progress was much slower than that of the alkalies. When a solution of the green sulphate of iron was placed in P, and muriatic acid in I, the green oxide of iron began to appear in about ten hours on the amianthus connecting N and I ; and it took three days to collect any considerable quantity of it in the cup N. The results were similar when solutions of sulphate of copper, nitrate of lead, and nitro- muriate of tin were placed in the cup P. (149.) The transmission of the constituents of salts through solutions of the neutral salts was next 154 INTRODUCTION. tried, and the results were what was anticipated. Saline solutions being placed in N and I, and puri- fied water in P, the alkali of I first began to pass into N; then the alkali of P, after passing through I, reached N, and at the same time the acid of I passed into P. Ultimately the two acids were col- lected in P, and the two alkalies in N. As an ex- ample of this, the cup N was filled with a solution of the muriate of baryta, the cup I with sulphate of potash, and the cup P with pure water. A battery of 150 pairs brought sulphuric acid in five minutes, and muriatic acid in two hours, into P. When the cup P was filled with a solution of sulphate of potash, I with muriate of baryta, and N with distilled water, the baryta appeared in the water in a few minutes; after an hour the potash became sensible in it. When the muriate of baryta was in P, the sul- phate of potash in I, and water in N, the potash soon appeared in the water; but the baryta was arrested in the intermediate cup by the sulphuric acid, and sulphate of baryta was abundantly pre- cipitated. In like manner, when sulphate of silver was placed in the cup I, muriate of baryta being in N, and water in P, sulphuric acid alone passed into P, and a precipitation took place in I. (150.) The effects of the electric current on the principles of vegetable and animal substances was next tried. The fresh stalk of a polyanthus leaf was used instead of the siphon of amianthus, to connect the two cups P and N (fig. ?), the cup 1 being omitted. The cup P was filled with a solution of nitrate of strontia, and the cup N with purified DAVY S RESEARCHES. 155 water. The water soon became green, and showed Fig. 7. the presence of alkali ; and the solution in the cup P indicated the presence of free nitric acid. After ten minutes, the alkaline mat- ter in N being examined proved to be potash and lime, but no strontia had yet arrived in the cup. In half an hour, however, strontia appeared, and in four hours was abundant. A piece of the muscular flesh of beef was used in like manner as a siphon connecting the two cups, P containing a solution of muriate of baryta, and N distilled water. Soda, ammonia, and lime appeared first in the water, and after about an hour and a quarter the baryta began to arrive. Mu- riatic acid was abundantly liberated in the cup P. It is nothing more than a general expression of the phenomena which have been just detailed to say, that hydrogen, alkaline matter, metals, and certain metallic oxides, are attracted towards the negative, and repelled from the positive pole of a Voltaic apparatus ; and that oxygen and acid sub- stances are affected with a similar attraction and repulsion in the contrary direction. (151.) As to the actual process by which the trans- fer of the element decomposed takes place, either be- tween the positive and negative wires in the solution under decomposition, or through the intermediate solution, no distinct opinion was expressed in the 156 INTRODUCTION. paper now noticed. Davy showed that it is natural to suppose that the repellent and attractive energies are conveyed from one particle to another of the same kind, and that locomotion (of these particles) takes place in consequence. He considered this to be proved by many facts. Thus, when an acid was drawn from the negative to the positive cup through an alkaline solution contained in the intermediate cup, if the Voltaic action was for a moment sus- pended before the transfer of all the acid in the negative cup had been effected, traces of acid were always discoverable in the intermediate cup. It appears from this that the series of acid molecules, while moving between the ends of the amianthus siphons in the intermediate cup, do not enter into combination with the alkali ; but if the motion be for a moment suspended, combination instantly takes place. In this case, therefore, it would not appear that any supposition of transmission by a series of decompositions and recompositions is com- patible with the phenomena. In the cases, however, of the decomposition of water (where the whole menstruum between the decomposing wires is water), and of solution of neutral salts (where also the menstruum is alto- gether Qomposed of the same solution), he admits that there may possibly be a succession of decom- positions and recompositions throughout the fluid. He admits also, that the impossibility of trans- mitting through an acid or alkali any element which forms with it an insoluble compound, al- though the transmission is perfect when the com- pound is soluble, supports the hypothesis of a sue- DAVY'S RESEARCHES. 157 cession of compositions and decompositions taking place in every case. He maintains, that although in some cases insoluble substances are transmitted, the transmission is effected in a manner totally dif- ferent from that which takes place in the more general case. The insoluble matter was, in these cases, carried over mechanically, either through the interstices of the siphons, or by means of " a thin stratum of pure water, where the solution had been decomposed at the surface by carbonic acid." It appears from the tenor of the observations in this paper, " on the mode of decomposition and transition," that the mind of the author had not yet arrived at any opinion satisfactory to himself on this subject. By the experiments of Volta it had been shown that different metals brought into contact were oppositely electrified after separation. Davy found that an acid and a metal being in contact, the former became negative, and the latter positive ; but that when an alkali and a metal were in con- tact, the electrical effects were reversed. As a general fact it appeared, therefore, that positive electricity has a tendency to pass from acids to metals, and from metals to alkalies, and negative electricity to flow in the opposite direction. Dif- ferent bodies were, therefore, regarded by Davy as having with relation to each other specific electrical energies. Acids have a negative and alkalies a positive energy, with relation to metals ; while metals have a positive energy with relation to acids, and a negative energy with relation to alkalies. Various experiments of a delicate kind were 158 INTRODUCTION. made to establish this general principle. To avoid the disturbing effects which would be introduced by chemical action, the substances of each kind selected for experimental examination were in the solid and dry form. When oxalic, succinic, benzoic, or boracic acid, perfectly dry, either in powder or crystals, was touched upon a large surface with a disc of copper, zinc, or tin insulated, the metal became positive, and the acid negative. Phos- phoric acid and zinc gave a like result. Metallic plates being brought in like manner in contact with lime, strontia, magnesia, or soda, be- came negative, the earths being positive. The attraction of potash for water was too strong to allow that alkali to be submitted to trial. Sulphur became positive after contact with a metallic plate, and the supposed exception to this in the case of lead was removed by showing that the substance rubbed against newly polished lead always became positive. All these facts went to support the position, that the electrical relation of different substances, as shown by mere contact, was in harmony with the law according to which electricity was developed in the Voltaic apparatus, and with the phenomena of decomposition. To complete the experimental proof of this analogy, it would have been necessary to show that oxygen has a negative and hydrogen a positive electrical energy in relation to the metals. Not being able to accomplish this, recourse was had to the compounds of these substances. Sulphuretted hydrogen in water, used in the Voltaic arrangement of single metallic plates, plays the part of an alkali. To support by a like analogy the negative character DAVY'S RESEARCHES. 159 of oxygen, he showed that oxymuriatic acid* (chlorine) was more powerfully negative in rela- tion to metal than muriatic acid, even in a higher degree of concentration. (152.) He assumed, as a principle suggested by analogy and supported by experiment, that two bodies which have contrary electrical energies in relation to a third body have contrary electrical energies in re- lation to each other ; that is to say, two bodies, A and B, being successively brought into contact with a third C ; if A is found to be positive after separa- tion and B negative, then it follows that if A and B be brought into mutual contact, A will be posi- tive after separation and B negative. Lime and oxalic acid in a dry and solid state, the former being positive and the latter negative in relation to metals, were brought into contact, and the electricity collected after repeated contacts by a condensing electrometer. The lime was found to be positive and the acid negative. Guided by the analogies suggested by such facts, Davy maintained, as a general principle, that oxy- gen and acid substances have a negative electrical energy in relation to hydrogen and alkaline sub- stances ; and that in the decompositions and changes presented by the effects of electricity, the different bodies naturally possessed of chemical affinities ap- pear to be incapable of entering into combination or of remaining in combination by virtue of these affinities when they are placed in a state of elec- tricity, contrary to the natural relation of their * This substance was then supposed to be a compound. 160 INTRODUCTION. electrical energies. Thus the acids in the positive part of the circuit separate themselves from the alkalies, oxygen from hydrogen, and so on ; and metals on the negative side do not unite with oxgyen, and acids do not remain in union with their oxides ; and in this way the attractive and repellant agencies seem to be communicated from the me- tallic surfaces (the poles of the pile) throughout the whole of the menstruum. (153.) In all cases in which bodies combine che- mically, they are found to have contrary electrical energies. Examples are numerous. The bodies in the first of the following columns are all negative with respect to those which are opposite to them in the second : Oxygen Zinc. Oxygen Silver. Copper Zinc. Gold Mercury. Metals Sulphur. Acids Alkalies. The constituent particles of each of these sub- stances when brought into contact, being naturally in opposite states of electricity, will, according to the common laws of electricity, attract each other. If they be solid bodies, the force of aggregation of these particles, which constitutes the character of their solidity, will resist their separation ; but if the constituent particles be free to move and inter- mingle among each other, then the attraction due to their proper electricity will take effect, combin- ation will ensue, the conditions of equilibrium of the electrical forces will be satisfied, and all signs of free electricity will cease. DAVY'S ELECTRO-CHEMICAL THEORY. l6l In support of this hypothesis it is argued, that when, by artificial means, the elements of any compound are invested with electricity contrary to that which naturally belongs to them, such electricity exerting a force contrary to that which produces or maintains, or tends to produce or maintain their combination, that combination, if it exist, is dis- solved, and if it tend to be effected, is prevented. Thus zinc is one of the metals which have the strongest natural tendency to combine with oxgyen. Let it be charged with negative electricity, and its oxydation becomes impossible, because, according to Davy's hypothesis, the positive electricity natu- rally belonging to its molecules is neutralized by the negative electricity artificially imparted to it. Again, silver is one of the metals which have the least tendency to unite with oxygen ; but let silver be charged with positive electricity, and it oxydates easily. The positive electricity supplied artificially gives increased power to that which the particles possess, so as to augment their attraction for the negative particles of the oxygen. (155.) The cases of bodies which have contrary electrical energies, either in relation to a third body or in relation to each other, are therefore simple, and easily apprehended. But two bodies may have electrical energies with respect to a third, the same in kind, but unequal in degree. Thus all acids are negative in relation to metals, but any two of them will be unequally so ; and in like manner all alkalies are positive, but unequally positive in relation to metals. Sulphuric acid is more negative than mu- riatic acid in relation to lead, and potash is more VOL. i. M 9 12 INTRODUCTION. positive than soda in relation to tin. Such bodies compared with each other may have the same or contrary electrical energies, or they may be neutral. Sulphur and the alkalies are positive in relation to the metals, but their electrical energies with respect to each other are contrary. (156.) The evolution of heat and light, which com- monly attends the restoration of electrical equilibrium between two bodies strongly charged with electricity by artificial means, is brought by Davy in further support of his theory. It is well known that heat and light also result from intense chemical action. When the electric current passes through bodies, the electricity being then incomparably more feeble in intensity than that which proceeds from the common machine, heat is evolved without light, and the degree of this heat is, ceteris paribus, augmented as the intensity of the electricity is increased. In the same manner in slow chemical combinations there is an increase of temperature without lumi- nous appearance. (157.) Heat by producing fusion, and liberating the constituent particles of bodies from their natural aggregation, has been regarded as being conducive to their chemical combination. In the theory pro- posed by Davy it is, moreover, viewed as being otherwise instrumental in giving play to the affi- nities. That heat is one of the means of exalting the electrical energy of bodies, is apparent from its known effects on glass and tourmaline. But in the experiments now noticed, more distinct and specific evidence is adduced of its direct electric agency. A plate of sulphur was placed on an insulated plate DAVY'S ELECTRO-CHEMICAL THEORY. 163 of copper, and the temperature of the bodies being gradually elevated, their electrical state was ex- amined at different stages of the experiment. At 56 the electricity was scarcely sensible to a con- densing electrometer; at 100 it affected the gold leaves without the condenser, and increased in a still higher degree as the sulphur approached its point of fusion. Since heat, therefore, increases the natural elec- trical energy of the component particles of bodies, it gives them, according to the theory of Davy, an increased tendency to combine chemically, if those energies be contrary. Hence, when a spark, or other sufficient source of heat, is introduced into a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen, it renders the contiguous molecules of oxygen more strongly ne- gative, and those of hydrogen more strongly po- sitive. In virtue of their increased mutual attraction they combine, and in combining heat is evolved, which affecting other contiguous molecules causes further combination, and so on until the combination is complete. (158.) According to this hypothesis, combination should be rapid, heat and light intense, and the com- pound neutral in its properties, whenever the elec- trical energies of the two constituents are strong and perfectly equal. But when they are very unequal, the effects would be less vivid, and the compound would have the acid or alkaline character, according as the energy of the negative or positive constituent is in excess. The production of water from the combination of oxygen and hydrogen, and the formation of the M 2 164 INTRODUCTION. metallic salts, are adduced as examples of strong and equal energies. Like examples are afforded by the nitrate, sulphate, and chlorate of potash and muriate of lime, which severally, when touched upon a large surface by plates of copper and zinc, gave no electrical signs. Subcarbonate of soda and borax, on the contrary, gave a slight negative charge, and alum and superphosphate of lime a feeble positive charge. (159.) The next section of this remarkable paper professes to explain the author's views of the " mode of action " of the Voltaic pile. The absence of that perspicuous style of expression which so generally characterizes his writings, in this case justifies the supposition that his own perceptions on the subject of the theory he proposes were not at the time very clear or well defined. It must be recollected that Volta maintained that the source of electricity in the pile was the contact of the dissimilar metals, and that the intervening fluid merely acted the part of a conductor to carry away, in a continued stream, the positive electricity from each zinc surface, and the negative electricity from each copper surface. Fa- broni and Creve, and afterwards Wollaston and others, maintained that the source of the electricity was the chemical action between the zinc and the fluid, and that the intervening copper acted as a conductor to carry away, in a continued stream, the positive electricity from one side of the fluid, and the negative electricity from the other. Davy pro- fessed to reconcile these conflicting hypotheses by admitting, with Volta, that the opposite currents were propagated from the surface of contact of the DAVY'S ELECTRO-CHEMICAL THEORY. 165 zinc and copper ; but that the liquid separating the pairs of plates did not, and could not, carry forwards the currents, as Volta maintained, by their conduct- ing power, but that they effected that object by the chemical action which took place between them and the zinc. This is our view of the theory proposed by Davy in the paper now referred to ; but, as has been already stated, the expressions are not so clear as to remove all doubt of his exact meaning. Davy uses the term " electrical energy " appa- rently to express the same phenomenon which Volta called " electro-motive action," and which had been also called " Voltaic action." This term denotes the quantity of electricity evolved upon the two metals on either side of their common surface, ac- cording to Volta's theory of contact. The act of conveying forward through the series in each di- rection the electricity, positive and negative, thus propagated at the common surface, is called by Davy the " restoration of the electrical equilibrium which was disturbed by the electrical energy of the metals." Strictly speaking, there is no restoration whatever of electrical equilibrium during the action of the pile. The electric fluids are never in a state of repose. Two currents run in uninterrupted streams in opposite directions. When therefore Davy says that " the chemical changes" produced by the liquid interposed between the metallic elements of the pile are " the causes that tend to restore the equilibrium/' he must, as we conceive, be under- stood to mean that these changes are " the causes by which the electric currents are propagated towards the poles of the pile." M 3 166 INTRODUCTION. (160.) Having premised these explanations, let us now consider the reasoning and the facts on which this theory of Davy has been based. He denies that the liquid elements of the pile can act as an or- dinary conductor of electricity, the term conductor being used in the same sense as when applied to the metals and other solid conductors, because, with regard to electricities of such very low intensity, water (as well as liquids in general) is an insulating body. Besides, there is every reason to believe that, " if the fluid medium were a substance in- capable of decomposition (by the metallic ele- ments), the motion of the electricity would cease.'* When the liquid in a Voltaic arrangement of zinc and copper is a solution of muriate of soda, decom- position ensues. The oxygen and muriatic acid pass through the fluid from the copper towards the zinc, transporting or transported by the negative current ; and the hydrogen and soda pass from the zinc towards the copper, transporting or transported by the positive current. Whether the author con- sidered that the transfer of the electricity is effected by the locomotion of the decomposed elements through the fluid, or by a series of decompositions and recompositions, in which there is no motion of translation imparted to any of the elements re- sulting from the decomposition, and in which the electricities themselves are not transferred through the fluid, but rendered alternately free and latent as the successive decompositions and recompositions are effected, does not appear from the developments contained in this paper. A pile of twenty-four pairs, in which the con* DAVY'S ELECTRO-CHEMICAL THEORY. 167 necting fluid was water free from air, had no Voltaic power. To determine whether another liquid with superior conducting power, but still incapa'ble of chemical action, would be affected, concentrated sul- phuric acid was tried. No permanent current was produced. Solutions of neutral salts render the pile active at first ; but .when, by continued decom- position, the solution in contact with the zinc be- comes acid, and that in contact with the copper alkali, the action ceases. Dilute acids being them- selves easily decomposed, and promoting the de- composition of the water, dissolving the oxide of zinc as fast as it is formed, and evolving gases only on the copper side, are the most powerful and durable- fluid elements for a pile. All these facts supply converging evidence upon the position that che- mical action is essential to the vitality of the Voltaic apparatus. Against the hypothesis that chemical change is the primary source of the action of the pile, it is contended that in a combination of zinc and copper plates with dilute nitrous acid, the side of the zinc exposed to the acid is positive; but in a Voltaic combination of zinc water and dilute nitric acid, the side of the zinc exposed to the acid is negative. The chemical action of the acid on the zinc being in both cases the same, it is argued that if the electric currents originated at the common surface of the zinc and acid, which they would do if che- mical change were their primary source, the di- rection of the currents would be the same, instead of being contrary in the two cases. As a further argument against the chemical theory M 4 1 58 INTRODUCTION. of the pile, Davy maintained that in mere cases of chemical change, electricity is never exhibited ; and endeavoured to support this position by the ex- amples of iron burned in oxygen, the deflagration of nitre and charcoal, the combination of solid potash and sulphuric acid, and other chemical actions. Subsequent investigation, however, has shown that this principle is not tenable, and that chemical change is attended with the evolution of electricity. (161.) With Davy, as with Franklin, application ever trod closely on the heels of discovery. The same memoir which disclosed the brilliant series of discoveries of which we have here attempted to give a brief analysis, also indicated the vast applications of which they were susceptible, in the further in- vestigation of the laws of nature, and in arts con- ducive to the economy of life. The detection of acid and alkaline matter in mineral, animal, and vegetable substances, and their separation from them, was sufficiently obvious. A piece of muscular fibre, through which the electric current was trans- mitted for five days, was rendered dry and hard. Potash, soda, ammonia, lime, and oxide of iron were carried from it by the negative current; and the three mineral acids, with phosphoric acid, passed off with the positive current. From a laurel leaf the negative current carried green colouring matter, resin, alkali, and lime, and the positive current took vegetable prussic acid. Mint gave potash and lime with the negative, and an acid matter with the po- sitive current. The flesh of the living hand, care- fully washed in pure water, gave a mixture of DAVYS RESEARCHES. muriatic, sulphuric, and phosphoric acids with the positive current, and fixed alkaline matter with the negative current. This fact accounts for the acid and alkaline tastes first observed by Sulzer given by metals in contact. By converting the processes, the Voltaic currents may be made the means of introducing acids and alkaline, or metallic principles, into the animal and vegetable system. This idea has since been realized in medical practice by some physicians. (162.) In the experiments hitherto made, the acids and alkalies themselves were not decomposed. The history of scientific discovery affords no more remarkable example of that instinctive foresight which enables the philosopher to suspect the direc- tion in which truth lies, and prompts him in the selection of subjects of inquiry, than is apparent in comparing Davy's present guesses with the result of his subsequent researches. " These facts," says he, ' ' induce us to hope that this new mode of ana- lysis may lead to the discovery of the true elements of bodies, if the materials acted on be employed in a certain state of concentration, and the elec- tricity be sufficiently exalted. For if chemical union be of the nature which I have ventured to suppose, however strong the natural electrical energies of the elements of bodies may be, there is yet every probability of a limit to their strength : whereas the powers of our artificial instruments seem capable of indefinite increase." How soon he led the way towards the realiz- ation of this magnificent conjecture will presently appear. 170 INTRODUCTION. (163.)Suddenandviolentderangements of the elec- trical equilibrium of the elements of our system are manifested in other cases besides the glaring instances offered by atmospheric phenomena. The electrical appearances which precede and attend earthquakes and volcanic eruptions admit of easy explanation on the electro-chemical theory. The slow and gra- dual changes observed by the geologist are indi- cations of the more tranquil and incessant opera- tions of electrical agency. Where strata of pyrites and coalblende occur; where the pure metals or the sulphurets are found in contact with each other, or with any conducting substances ; and where dif- ferent strata contain different saline menstrua, elec- tricity must be evolved, and by its agency mineral formations would probably be influenced or pro- duced. (164.) These views, which have been recently con- firmed by the observations of Mr. Fox on the elec- trical condition of the metallic veins in Cornwall, were illustrated by experiment. A mixed solution of muriates of iron, copper, tin, and cobalt, was placed in the positive cup P, and distilled water in the negative cup N, the cups being connected by as- bestos. The four oxides passed through the asbestos to the cup N ; a yellow metallic crust was formed on the negative, wire, round the base of which the oxides collected in a mixed state. In another ex- periment the carbonate of copper was diffused in minute subdivision through water, and a negative wire placed in a small perforated cube of zeolite in the liquid. Green crystals collected upon the cube and adhered to it, the particles being incapable of DAVY'S RESEARCHES. 171 penetrating it. By the multiplication of such in- stances, Davy conceived that the electrical power of decomposition and transference would afford a satisfactory explanation of some of the principal facts in geology, and his anticipations have since been to a considerable extent realized by the re- searches of Becquerel and others. " Natural elec- tricity/' says Davy in the conclusion of this me- morable paper, " has hitherto been little investi- gated, except in the case of its evident and power- ful concentration in the atmosphere. Its slow and silent operations in every part of the surface will probably be found more immediately and import- antly connected with the order and economy of nature ; and investigation on this subject can hardly fail to enlighten our philosophical systems of the earth, and may possibly place new powers within our reach."* (165.) His theoretical ideas on the application of electrical decomposition to the solution of the phenomena of geology were seized with ardour by GUYTON MORVEAU. That eminent chemist, like Davy, endeavoured to exhibit on a small scale, by direct experiments, the processes which are con- tinually going on in the crust of the earth. The native oxide of antimony he regarded as an ex- ample of slow transition from the state of a sul- phuret to that of a pure oxide, by means of the decomposition of water by subterranean electricity. By careful examination of a specimen of this mi- neral, he observed that it still retained the structure of the crystallized sulphuret of antimony, and even * Philosophical Transactions, 1807. 172 INTRODUCTION. preserved partially its metallic lustre, and inferred that a slow Voltaic action had changed its compo- sition without disturbing the arrangement of its constituent parts. To support those ideas suggested to him in Davy's celebrated paper by direct expe- riment, he submitted a piece of sulphuret of anti- mony to the action of a powerful Voltaic apparatus. An odour of sulphuretted hydrogen was soon per- ceivable ; the liquid assumed a yellow colour, and the sulphuret appeared of a darker tint and iri- descent, indicating incipient decomposition. The negative plate became black, and the positive one was coated with a light yellow incrustation, which proved to be the oxide of antimony. Thus it ap- peared that the sulphuret of antimony was capable of being transferred immediately into the oxide by the mere operation of the Voltaic forces. Other native sulphurets were tried in like manner, and gave similar results.* (166.) During the twelve months next succeeding the date of the memoir above noticed, Davy devoted his labours, and directed all the powers of his ge- nius, to the development of the consequences of the theoretical principles which he had propounded, and to the realization of the ideas he had ventured to throw out respecting the resolution of natural substances, before regarded as simple, into their con- stituents. Never before did Theory more surely lead to Discovery ; never was the prophetic instinct of a philosopher more speedily or more magnificently satisfied. His foreknowledge of the facts to be dis- * Annales de Chimie, torn. liii. p. 113. DAVYS RESEARCHES. closed and the instruments for their disclosure, of the end to be attained and the means of attaining it, of the route to be followed and the goal to be reached, was distinctly expressed; and with the con- fidence inspired by clear perceptions and conscious power, he immediately advanced in the course he described, and attained the end he foresaw. The resolution of the alkalies and earths into their ele- ments was the splendid result of his labours during the year 1807, and was consigned to the Bakerian Lecture read before the Royal Society on the 19th of November in that year. (167.) His first efforts were directed to potash, which was submitted in a state of solution to the elec- tric current. The water only was decomposed, the alkali refusing to yield. In its dry state it would not transmit the current. In order to give it a con- ducting power, and at the same time exclude water, on which by preference the current appeared to act, the alkali was now placed in a platinum spoon, and exposed to the flame of a lamp directed upon it by a blast of oxygen. When reduced to the fluid state by such means, the potash transmitted the Voltaic current. When the metal of the spoon was posi- tive, and the point of a platinum wire inserted in the fluid alkali negative, combustion attended by intense splendour was exhibited at the wire, and a column of flame arose from the point of contact of the wire with the alkali. When the spoon was ne- gative, and the wire positive, a vivid light appeared on the former ; aeriform globules rose through the liquid potash, which inflamed as soon as they escaped into the air. 2 74 INTRODUCTION. It was conjectured that the constituent of the potash, attracted by the negative pole, was the mat- ter which in these cases escaped in bubbles ; and that its affinity for oxygen was so strong, that the moment it came in contact with the atmosphere it recombined with oxygen and produced combustion. The question, therefore, now was, how to arrest that element, and submit it to examination ? As the liquefaction of the alkali by heat appeared to entail, as a consequence, the immediate recom- bination of its separated constituent, it was now attempted to give the necessary conducting power to the potash, by allowing it to imbibe from the atmosphere as much moisture as would give a con- ducting power to its surface. The alkali in this state was placed on a platinum disc, which was con- nected with the negative pole, while a wire connected with the positive pole was applied to its upper sur- face. At the upper surface there was a disengage- ment of gas ; at the lower surface small metallic globules appeared, like mercury, in their visible character. Some of these burnt by contact with the air. Others had their metallic lustre tarnished, and finally covered with a white film, which de- fended them from the atmosphere, and preserved them in their metallic state. The gas disengaged at the positive wire was oxy- gen, and the metal deposited was the base of the alkali, afterwards called POTASSIUM. (168.) Soda, when submitted to a like process, gave a similar result, and the metal educed from it was that which is now called SODIUM. This capital discovery was made in October, 1807. DAVYS RESEARCHES. 1?5 Potassium was discovered on the 6th of that month, and sodium a few days after. Sensitive friends of the great British chemist have been moved to vindicate the glory of this dis- covery from those who would tarnish it, by ascribing to the accidental possession of the laboratory and apparatus of the Royal Institution of Great Britain a share in producing it. These generous survivors may tranquillize their fears. Possibly such vindica- tion may be called for by a portion of the present generation having pretensions sufficient to raise them to the level of envy, but wanting those better qualities which would elevate them above it. Cer- tainly no such apology will be needful with posterity. (169.) The strong affinities of these new metals for one or other of the constituents of almost every body with which they were brought in contact, and of every menstruum or atmosphere with which they could be surrounded, was very embarrassing, and rendered the examination of their physical pro- perties extremely difficult. It was found most con- venient either to preserve them in a tube protected from the contact of the air above recently distilled naphtha, or to allow them to combine with mercury so as to form an amalgam, and in that state to pre- serve them, separating them by heat when the pure metal was required. (170.) The analogy suggested by the decomposition of the fixed alkalies naturally led to a like inquiry with respect to the earths which enjoy with the former common properties, and those which seemed most analogous to the alkalies. Baryta, strontia, lime, and magnesia, were tried by like methods, but INTRODUCTION. without any satisfactory result. Being slightly moistened at their surfaces, they were exposed to the electric current transmitted by iron wire un- der naphtha. At the negative pole they assumed a darker colour, and small particles appeared there showing metallic lustre, and which gradually whitened by exposure to air. In the experiments on potassium it was found that when a mixture of potash and the oxide of mercury, tin, or lead, was exposed to the Voltaic current, decomposition en- sued, and an amalgam of potassium was produced. The same method was accordingly tried with the alkaline earths. Mixtures of these substances with oxides of tin, lead, silver, and mercury, were ex- posed to the current. In these cases, a small quantity of a substance having the whiteness of silver was deposited at the negative pole, which was found to be an amalgam. Still the results were not conclusive or satisfactory. (171.) The labours of Davy had attained thi point, when, in June, 1808, he received a letter from M. Berzelius, informing him that, assisted by Dr. Pontin, that chemist had succeeded in decomposing baryta and lime, by exposing them in contact with mercury to the current. Davy immediately re- peated the experiment, and obtained the amalgam of the metallic base of baryta at the negative pole. This was accomplished by a battery of 500 pairs, weakly charged, acting on a surface of slightly moistened baryta through the medium of a globule of mercury. The mercury gradually became less fluid, and after a few minutes was found covered with a white film of baryta ; and when the amalgam DAVY'S RESEARCHES. 177 was thrown into water, the latter was decomposed, hydrogen was dismissed, mercury precipitated, and a solution of baryta formed. A like process gave a similar result with lime. (172.) Having thus verified the results obtained by Berzelius, Davy extended the same method to strontia and magnesia. The former readily yielded; the latter was more intractable. By continuing the process, however, for a longer time, and keeping the earth continually moist, at last a combination of the basis with mercury was obtained, which slowly produced magnesia by absorption of oxygen from the air, or by decomposing water. Thus were discovered BARIUM, STRONTIUM. CALCIUM, and MAGNESIUM, as an immediate consequence of the first great step made in this course of investigation by the discovery of potas- sium and sodium. (173.) The next group of earths brought to trial consisted of alumina, silica, zirconia, and glucinia, which proved more refractory than any of the former. Driven in search of other methods of experimenting, he considered minutely their quali- ties in relation to other bodies, with a view to the discovery of analogies by which his researches might be conducted. From the absence of any tendency in alumina and silica to yield to the at- traction of the electric current in the direction of either pole, he inferred the probability of their par- taking of the nature of neutro-saline substances, and attempted their decomposition by processes suggested by that supposition. Failing in these, 178 INTRODUCTION. and observing that alumina and silica have both a strong affinity for potash and soda, and considering that such affinity could not proceed from the oxy- gen which might be one of their constituents, he inferred that it must be a quality of their metallic bases, and that it would, in that case, be probable that, if mixed with soda or potash, and exposed to the electric current, the base might be made to separate, and to attach itself to the base of the alkali. A mixture of silica and potash, in the pro- portion of one to six, was accordingly put in a platinum crucible, and reduced to a fluid state over a charcoal fire. The crucible was put in connec- tion with the positive pole of a battery of five hundred pairs, and a rod of platinum connected with the negative pole was brought in contact with the alkaline menstruum. The moment the end of the negative rod touched the liquid, globules rose through it to the surface, on which they swam about in a state of brilliant combustion. When the mixture cooled, the platinum bar was removed, and the alkali and silex which adhered to it detached ; there remained upon it brilliant metallic scales, which, immediately on exposure, became covered with a white crust, and some of which burnt spon- taneously. Being plunged in water, the end of the platinum produced effervescence, and an alkaline solution was formed, which, upon examination, was proved to contain silica. The same process applied to alumina gave a like result. It was now determined to try the effect of the Voltaic current upon the earths, in contact with potassium itself. An amalgam of potassium, in DAVY S RESEARCHES. I 7.0 contact with silica, was negatively electrified under naphtha. After being acted on for an hour, the amalgam was made to decompose water, and the alkali thus obtained was neutralized by acetous acid. A white precipitate was obtained having all the characters of silica. The same process was applied, with the same results, to alumina, glucinia, and zirconia. It was inferred, therefore, that these earths were oxides of metals, to which respectively the names of SILI- CIUM, ALUMINIUM, GLUCINIUM, and ZIRCONIUM were given. (174.) Having established, by direct experiments, the fact that so many of the alkaline and earthy sub- stances were oxides with metallic bases^ it was con- sistent with sound physical logic to assume, as a general law, that " the alkalies and earths are oxides of metals ." (175.) The question, how far the volatile alkali, Ammonia, was to be regarded in relation to such a law, naturally presented itself. Without reference to this analogy, or offering any hypothesis to explain the fact, SEEBECK had already shown that an amalgam could be obtained by the action of ammonia on mercury. This fact was reproduced by Berzelius and Pontin, and communicated by them, with vari- ous circumstances attending it, to Davy. Berzelius maintained that ammonia came within the scope of the general law, and that an idea which had been previously thrown out by Davy was justified by the phenomena which showed that ammonia was a binary metallic base. This question was then taken N 2 180 INTRODUCTION. up by Davy, and the experiments of Berzelius re- peated, but without arriving at any certain or clear result. Gay-Lussac and Thenard opposed the views of Davy and Berzelius ; and a contest arose, for which, as it has little connexion with the pro- gress of electrical science, we shall merely refer to the scientific periodical works in which it was car- ried on.* (176.) It has been already observed, that the cha- racter of Davy's mind was to pass directly from dis- covery to application. In the same memoir which contained the announcement of the subjugation of the alkalies and earths by the powers of the pile, is found his brilliant hypothesis to explain the pheno- mena of volcanoes and aerolites. The metallic bases of the alkalies and earths cannot exist at the surface of the earth in their simple or uncombined form, nor even alloyed with the more perfect metals., be- cause of the intensity of their affinity for oxygen. But the same cause does not prevent their existence in the interior parts of the globe. Let the possibi- lity of the existence of potassium, sodium, calcium,, or any other metals of the same class in the inferior strata of the earth, either in a separate state or in combination with other metallic substances, be ad- mitted ; and it is only necessary to imagine their occasional exposure to the action of air or water, to obtain a satisfactory solution for volcanic eruptions. These highly combustible metallic principles, com- bining with oxygen, attended by violent com- * Annales de Chimie, torn. Ixxii. p. 193., Ixxv. 256 291 Biblioth. Brit, June, 1809, p. 122. DAVY*S RESEARCHES. 181 bustion, are ejected from the bowels of the earth, and form the craters of volcanoes, the combination being an earthy matter exhibited after its ejection as lava. The formation of aerolites might proceed from the same causes, their luminous appearance and detonation being produced by the combustion at- tending the combination of the metals with oxygen as they enter the atmosphere. With a view to test Ihe validity of these inge- nious hypotheses, Davy investigated carefully the phenomena of active volcanoes; and, not finding them to be in sufficient accordance with these, he relin- quished his theory, without any of that regret which attends the failure of a favourite hypothesis, when the discovery of truth is an object secondary to the attainment of personal distinction. (177.) The powers of decomposition and transfer by Voltaic electricity, so strikingly exhibited in the researches of Davy, directed the attention of physio- logists and others once more to the investigation of the agency of electricity in the vegetable and animal economy. The experiments which had been made to show that the alkaline and earthy ele- ments found in organized vegetable substances were evolved, by the process of vegetation, from air and water, had always been inconclusive and unsatisfac- tory; and Davy's experiments, in which it was shown that even in water carefully distilled there is still held in solution a portion of saline or metallic matter, together with the known fact, that air almost always holds in mechanical suspension solid matter of va- rious kinds, finally overturned such hypotheses. All the substances developed in organized nature may N 3 182 1NTROD U CTION. be produced, by ordinary processes, from combin- ation of known constituents. The compounds of iron, alkalies, and earthy bodies with mineral acids, abound in vegetable soil. The decomposition of basaltic, granitic, and other rocks affords a constant supply of earthy, alkaline, and ferruginous matter to the superficial part of the earth. In the seeds of all plants which have been examined, neutro-saline compounds, containing potash, soda, or iron, have been found. It is easy to imagine that these princi- ples pass from vegetables to animals. (178.) The same analogies suggested to Dr. Wol- laston the idea, that something like the decomposing and transmitting powers of the pile is the agent to which the animal secretions are due, especially as the existence of such agency in a considerable degree of intensity, in certain animals, was proved by the effects of the torpedo and Gymnotus electricus; and he con- sidered that the universal prevalence of the same power, lower only in degree in other animals, was rendered highly probable by the extreme sudden- ness with which the nervous influence is propagated from one part of the living system to another. Although the electric power of decomposition and transfer has been experimentally demonstrated only in cases of comparatively high intensity of action, yet analogy countenanced the idea that very feeble electric energies would produce like effects more slowly, in proportion to their weakness. To illus- trate this by immediate experiment, he tied a piece of clean bladder over one end of a glass tube three quarters of an inch in diameter, and two inches long, and filled it with water holding ^^ of its EXPERIMENT OF WOLLASTON. 183 weight of salt in solution. Placing it on a shilling, he connected the silver with the surface of the water by a wire of zinc, and found that alkali was trans- mitted through the bladder to the silver by the at- traction of the negative electricity. Decisive indi- cations of this were obtained in five minutes. The efficacy of a power so feeble confirms the conjecture that similar agents may be instrumental in various animal secretions. The blood, which is alkaline, supplies the bladder with matter in which acid is strongly manifested ; while an excess of alkali, above that contained in the blood, is manifested in bile. These effects would be explained by admitting a permanent state of positive electricity in the kidneys, and negative electricity in the liver. The coinci- dence of this view with the guesses of Napoleon, already mentioned (117.), is curious and interest- ing.* (179.) The last great discovery of Davy directed the attention of the philosophers of the Continent to the same field of inquiry ; and, much as had been expected from the powers of the pile when its illus- trious inventor expounded its nature and properties to the assembled members of the Institute in 1801, it was now, from day to day, rendered more evident that these powers were inadequately estimated, and imperfectly understood, and that it was still destined to enrich every branch of physical science by the development of new and unlooked-for phenomena. Napoleon, in the magnificent spirit with which his encouragement of the sciences was always manifested, * See Philosophical Magazine, vol. xxxiii. p. 1088. N 4 184 INTRODUCTION. had presented to the laboratory of the Polytechnic School a Voltaic apparatus of immense magnitude and power. With this instrument MM. Gay-Lussac and Thenard undertook an experimental investiga- tion of the powers of the pile, with the view of de- termining more especially the influence which the number of the metallic elements, and the nature of the liquid used to charge the pile, have on its chemical action. Assuming, as a modulus of the chemical energy of the pile, the quantity of gas evolved in the process of decomposition in a given time, they arrived at the following conclusions : 1. The de- composing energy depends conjointly on the con- ducting power of the liquid under decomposition, and on the nature of that which is used to charge the pile. 2. It is greater when the pile is charged with a mixture of acid and salt, than with salt alone. 3. The chemical effects are proportional to the force of the acids by which it is put in action : and, 4. They do not augment in the same ratio as the number of pairs of plates, but very nearly in the ratio of the cube root of that number. (1 80.) That part of the electro-chemical theory of Davy in which the negative character natural to certain physical elements, and the positive to others, is assumed, was implicitly, if not expressly, included in the hypothesis of Grotthus. Without such a sup- position, the series of decompositions and recompo- sitions imagined by that philosopher could scarcely be admitted. The probable connexion of chemical attractions with electric forces had been also con- jectured by Hube in his Traite de Physique, and Hitter obscurely expressed some ideas of the same DAV\ S RESEARCHES. 185 kind. Immediately before the commencement of Davy's researches, OERSTED, since so celebrated for his discoveries in electro-magnetism, promulgated a theory *, in which he maintained that all the phe- nomena of chemistry might be regarded as the result of two general forces common to all matter, and that the same forces produced those effects which were rendered sensible in electric attractions and repul- sions. This work, however, was exclusively of a speculative kind, unsupported by any experiments which could give force or validity to the theory it proposed. The electro- chemical theory of Davy was the first which had ever professed to be based on clear and well-ascertained facts. It was laid down as a fun- damental principle in this theory, that when two bodies, the particles of which are in opposite elec- trical states, and sufficiently exalted to enable their electric attraction to overcome the force of aggrega- tion of their particles, are brought into contact, they will unite, and heat and light will be developed by the combination of the two electric fluids. When the combination is effected, all signs of electricity cease, as would necessarily ensue from the union of the two fluids, but by what power the aggregation of the new compound was maintained was not ex- plained. (181.) Berzelius and Amp ere, who, of all the philo- sophers of the Continent, evinced most justice and candour in their appreciation of Davy's merit, took up * Recherches sur 1'Identite des Forces Chimiques et Elec* triques. Traduit de I'Allemand. 1813, 186 INTRODUCTION. the electro-chemical theory, which was not pursued through its consequences by its author, owing pro- bably to the natural disposition of his mind to in- vestigate new facts rather than discuss the merits of hypotheses. Berzelius assumed that the constituent atoms of bodies were not only naturally electrical, as Davy had maintained, but that they possessed electric polarity, and that the intensities of their poles are unequal. He investigated, in the first place, the two questions, How electricity exists in bodies ? and, How it is that some bodies are natu- rally negative, and others sometimes positive and sometimes negative ? (182.) A body never becomes electric, without ma- nifesting the two opposite electric principles, either in different parts of it, or in the sphere of its action; when the two electricities appear separately in a continuous body, they are always found on opposite sides. The tourmaline and some other crystals offer an example of this. But, since the parts of a body possess the same properties as the body itself, it is necessary to admit that bodies are composed of atoms, each of which has an electric polarity, and its poles have unequal intensities. On this polarity depend the chemical phenomena, and its unequal intensity is the cause of the different force exercised by their affinities. Bodies are accordingly electro- positive or electro-negative in combining, accord- ing as the influence of the one or other of their atomic poles predominates. The degree of polarity in this theory is influenced 6y the temperature. Thus many substances at common temperatures manifest but feeble electric ELECTRO-CHEMICAL THEORY OP BERZELIUS. 187 polarity, which, at a red heat, show a very strong one. No combination can be effected unless the polar- ized molecules of one or both of the combining bodies have free mobility amongst each other, each being at liberty to turn on its own centre in any direction, so that the particles may present towards each other their contrary poles in obedience to their electric attraction. This condition renders it neces- sary that one or both of the combining bodies be in the fluid state. The vulnerable point of this theory was found in the phenomena of aggregation. In what manner can the electric forces which it assumes produce the hardness, brittleness, ductility, and tenacity of different species of solids ; the viscidity of liquids ; or the elasticity of gases ? Berzelius admits that these effects are not expli- cable by this hypothesis. M. Ampere attempted to solve this question *, by assuming that the atoms of bodies possessing each its proper electricity, in virtue of which they are united in combinations in the same manner as two leaves of paper oppositely electrified adhere to each other, also act by their electricity on the electricity of the medium in which they exist, attracting the fluid of the contrary name, and repelling the fluid of the same name. The atoms are therefore considered as strictly analogous to the Leyden jar; the internal charge represent- ing the natural electricity of the atom, and the ex- ternal that which is drawn from the surrounding * Journal de Physique, 1821. 188 INTRODUCTION. medium. If a combination is formed between an electro-positive and an electro-negative body, a discharge takes place ; the atoms dismiss their ex- ternal charge, and rush into union in virtue of the reciprocal attraction of their opposite natural elec- tricities. The atmospheres of the atoms, as well as the atoms themselves, are combined ; but, as the atoms cannot emerge from them, their electricities act on those of their atmospheres, exerting attractions and repulsions, so as to produce electrical phenomena the reverse of those which attended their combin- ation. (183.) The zinc plates of a Voltaic apparatus, being subject to continual oxydation, are at length so reduced in thickness, as to render it necessary to replace them by new ones. This gradual wear of the pile by use rendered it desirable to seek for means of constructing a pile composed of solid elements only; a project, however, which could only be entertained by those who conceived that chemical action was merely incidental, and not essential, to the development of Voltaic electricity. Although the high probability, if not the certainty, that che- mical action is indispensable, must render abortive all attempts at the discovery of a dry pile, such researches have nevertheless been attended with some advantage. In 1803, MM. Hachette and Desormes substituted starch for the liquid in the common pile ; and, in 1809, De Luc invented a pile apparently free from any liquid element. This ap- paratus consisted of a column formed of alternate discs of zinc and paper gilt on one side, the gilt sides of the paper discs being all turned in one DRY PILES. 189 direction. This was in reality not a dry pile ; the paper imbibed and retained moisture enough to give a feeble activity to the apparatus. (1 84.) De Luc's pile was improved by Zamboni in 1812. He rejected the discs of zinc, and composed the pile of discs of paper only, one surface being tin- ned, and the other coated thinly with the peroxide of manganese, brushed with a mixture of flour and milk ; or gilt or silver paper may be used, the me- tallic surface being wetted with a saturated solution of the sulphate of zinc, on which, when dry, the peroxide of maganese in powder may be spread. Several leaves of paper thus prepared are placed one upon the other, and cut into the required form by a circular cutter. As many discs are thus formed by one operation as there are leaves of paper super- posed ; and these being afterwards laid one upon the other, the pile is formed. This pile is usually placed in a hollow cylinder of the same internal diameter. The paper discs are forced into close contact by pressure produced by screws. In these, as in the pile of De Luc, the humidity of the paper is the source of Voltaic power. Al- though, by the aid of a condenser, the electricity evolved in these piles may be rendered sensible, and sparks may even be obtained, the power is in- comparably more feeble than that of the common pile, even in its most inefficient state. It is found that by increasing beyond a certain limit the number of discs composing these, their power is diminished. Their effects have been generally limited to those produced on the condenser ; but, by diminishing con* siderably the number of discs, M. Pelletier has sue- 190 INTRODUCTION. ceeded in decomposing water by these instruments. Their action, however, ceases after the lapse of a cer- tain period, when the paper has lost all its humidity. (185.) The only uses to which dry piles have been hitherto applied are 1. To produce a continued motion, by an electrical pendulum suspended between the contrary poles of two such piles placed side by side, so that the positive pole of one and the ne- gative pole of the other shall be at the summit. This motion will be continued as long as sufficient moisture is retained by the elements of the piles to sustain their activity ; but it will not be regular, since the development of electricity will be affected by variable atmospheric causes. 2. In condensing electrometers, to detect the presence of very small quantities of electricity on the inferior plate of the condenser.* (186.) We shall here conclude this brief sketch of the progress of Voltaic electricity, regarding the phe- nomena and natural laws which have been more re- cently developed as belonging to the topics of present investigation rather than to the history of the past, and reserving them, therefore, for their suitable place in the work we have undertaken. III. MAGNETISM. (187.) The substances endowed with magnetism exhibit that property by three distinct effects : - 1. They attract iron and all ferruginous matter. * Becquerel, Traite de 1'Electricite, torn. i. p. 166. MAGNETISM. 191 2. Two bodies endowed with the property of magnetism will attract each other at one part of their dimensions, and repel each other at another part. These contrary effects, belonging to opposite sides or ends, are called MAGNETIC POLARITY. (188.) 3. When a magnet is placed on a vertical axis through its centre of gravity, on which it is free to revolve, the axis being between its poles, it will oscillate on each side of a certain determinate po- sition, in which it will at length come to rest. When in this position, a vertical plane passing through the axis and the poles will be nearly, but not exactly, coincident with the plane of the meri- dian of the place in which the magnet is situate. For all magnets similarly supported, in the same situation, these planes will be parallel. This plane is called the MAGNETIC MERIDIAN. The angle which the magnetic meridian makes with the ter- restrial meridian is called the VARIATION of the magnet. (189.) 4. If a magnet be placed on a horizontal axis passing through its centre of gravity at right angles to the magnetic meridian and between its poles, it will oscillate on each side of a certain determinate position, in which it will at length come to rest. When in this position, a plane passing through the axis and the poles of the magnet will not be hori- zontal, but will make a certain angle with a hori- zontal plane through the axis. This angle is called the DIP of the magnet. The power of the magnet, when placed on a ver- tical axis, to fix itself in the magnetic meridian of any place to which it may be transported, is called 192 INTRODUCTION. its DIRECTIVE POWER, and is the principle on which its application to navigation depends. (190.) The attractive power of the magnet for iron was the property which was first observed. This property was known to the ancients, who gave to the natural magnet (an oxide of iron) the name Mag- nes (//ayrije); derived, as is supposed, from Mag- nesia, a district of Lydia, in which the natural magnet was found in greatest abundance. It was also called Lapis Heracleus, from Heraclea, a city of Lydia. From some passages in ancient authors, it would seem that the force of magnetic attraction in very high degrees of intensity was then generally known. Pliny relates that Dinochares proposed to Ptolemy Philadelphus to erect a temple at Alex- andria, the dome of which should be built of load- stone, so as to sustain in the air an iron statue of Arsinoe. Saint Augustine also alludes to a statue thus suspended in the air in the middle of the temple of Serapis, at Alexandria. (191.) The polarity and directive powers of the magnet were discoveries of a much more recent date. The application of the magnetic needle to navigation must have immediately succeeded the first know- ledge of its directive power, but the discoverer is unknown ; and even the century which was ho- noured by the invention of this most beautiful application of science to the uses of man is un- certain. It is stated, in the account of the Chinese empire by Du Halde, that the directive power of the magnet was used in that part of the globe, for the purpose of land journeys, more than a thousand years before the birth of Christ. If such were the MARINER'S COMPASS. 193 case, it is difficult to imagine that its use for sea voyages should have failed to spread itself west- ward until two thousand years later. But, besides this, there are other reasons why little credit is to be given to the accounts which ascribe this inven- tion to the Chinese.* (192.) The earliest work in which the use of the mariner's compass is distinctly mentioned is a ma- nuscript poem of the twelfth century, preserved in the Royal Library at Paris, the authorship of which is attributed to Guiot de Provins. Guiot was at the court of the emperor Frederic Barbarossa, held at Mentz, in the year 1181. Hansteen, in his work on the " Magnetism of the Earth," quotes an Icelandic historian, to show that the directive power of the loadstone was known a century antecedent to the date of this poem. That annalist, relating a voyage made in those seas, says incidentally, that " In those times, seamen had no loadstone in the northern countries." It appears that this writer, Arc Frode, was born about the year 1068, and therefore probably published his account early in the twelfth century. Cardinal Jacques de Vitri, who lived about the year 1200, speaks of the magnetic needle, in his His- tory of Jerusalem, as indispensable to those who make sea voyages. It has also been said that it was first brought to Europe, from the East, by Marco Polo. It is, however, certain that Vasco de Gama, the Portuguese navigator, used the compass in his voyage to India in 1497. * See Kircher, De Maynete. VOL, I. O 1 94> INTRODUCTION. (193.) Before it became the subject of accurate investigation, it was supposed that the direction of the compass was identical with that of the terrestrial meridian, and that it pointed due north and south. The discovery of its variation, and that the amount and direction of the variation are different in dif- ferent places, is generally ascribed to Columbus in 1492. There appears, however, in a volume of MS. tracts in the University of Leyden, a letter dated 1269, by Peter Alsiger, in which the principal pro- perties of the magnet are mentioned; and, among others, the variation. The honour of this discovery . has also been ascribed to Grignon, a pilot of Dieppe, Sebastian Cabot, Gonzales, and others. Accurate observations of the variation of the needle began to be made at Paris about the year 1550. At this time the variation was towards the east. It diminished in quantity, and became nothing in 1663; after which it passed to the west, increas- ing gradually till it attained a certain limit, after which it diminished. (194-.) The Dutch navigators, in 1599, also con- structed accurate tables of variation. (195.) In the year 1576, Robert Norman, a mathe- matical instrument maker in London, discovered the DIP. He found that the card of the compass near the north point was always depressed or inclined downwards, so that he was obliged to put a counter- poise on the southern pole of the needle, to keep it level. (196.) Mentioning this circumstance to some sci- entific friends, he was advised to construct a needle on a horizontal axis, and to observe the position VARIATION AND DIP. 3 5 to which this downward inclination would bring the northern pole. He accordingly constructed the first DIPPING NEEDLE, and found the DIP to be about 71 J. (197.) The variation of the needle was accurately observed at London by Burrough, the friend of Norman, who found that in the year 1581 it was 11 15' east. In the treatises extant by Norman and Burrough, no reference is made to any change, periodical or otherwise, either in the variation or the dip. In the following century, the change to which the variation is subject was observed by Mair, Gunter, Gellibrand, and Bond. In the year 1599, Edward Wright wrote a work on the compass, which was published by Prince Maurice, lord high ad- miral of the United Provinces, in which the advan- tage of keeping registers of the variations observed on all voyages is urged. Thus the variation of the variation, not only as to time, but as to place, had at this period begun to receive the attention of those engaged in navigation. (198.) When the influence of magnets on ferru- ginous matter came to be examined, it was soon appa- rent that they not only enjoyed the property of attrac- tion, but that soft iron, so long as it remained within the sphere of their influence, actually acquired their own nature, and became magnetic also. When withdrawn from the influence of the magnet, the iron was found to return to its natural state. If, however, the iron, while influenced by the magnet, were twisted, filed, hammered, or submitted to other violence affecting its structure, it was then found co 9b INTRODUCTION. preserve the magnetism it had acquired, even when withdrawn from the magnet. (199.) When iron filings were scattered over a sheet of paper under which a magnetic bar was placed, it was found that the metallic powder arranged itself in a particular manner, indicating different intensi- ties of attraction in different parts of the bar. At a point near the centre the attraction seemed to cease, and to be augmented in each direction towards the extremities. The POLARITY of the magnet was consequently apparent. The points where the at- traction seemed to be most intense were called the POLES. When a magnetic bar was broken in the middle, or at the neutral point, each part was found to ac- quire separate polarity, and, like the original magnet, to have two poles with neutral points intermediate. When magnetism was imparted by a magnet to a bar of iron, the former lost none of its own magnetic force. Hence it was inferred that, in giving mag- netism, the magnet lost none of the magnetic fluid. (200.) When a magnet was brought in contact with a piece of steel, the effect was first discovered to be feebly but gradually increased, until the steel itself became a permanent magnet, but that this might be effected suddenly by friction. Bars of steel, thus magnetized, were called artificial magnets. (201.) Gilbert, in his work already referred to published in the sixteenth century, mentions that the fact of magnetism being imparted to a bar of iron by the earth itself, was first discovered by examin- ing the rod of the weathercock of the church of the Augustines at Mantua. COULOMB'S RESEARCHES. 197 The possibility of conferring magnetism on sub- stances which are not ferruginous was shown in 1733 by Brandt, who imparted magnetism to the metal cobalt. Croustedt, in 1750, showed that nickel is also susceptible of this property. (202.) After philosophers had become familiar with the attractions and repulsions, the polarity and directive power of magnets, their attention was di- rected to the establishment of a numerical measure of the actual amount of attractive or repulsive force which they exerted under given circumstances. For a long period, no estimate of this was formed more accurate than the weight which, by attraction, the magnet was capable of supporting attached to a piece of soft iron adhering to it. In 1789, COULOMB applied to magnetism those beautiful and accurate instruments of investigation which were so suc- cessfully employed in electricity and other depart- ments of experimental physics, and determined by their means the intensities and laws of magnetic forces. Two methods of measuring the force ex- erted were practised by him, similar to those by which electric attractions and repulsions had been measured. These were, the balance of torsion, by which the amount of the force was estimated by the action of a twisted wire or fibre of silk; and the ob- servation of the number of oscillations which the attracted or repelled body made in a given time, on each side of the line of attraction or repulsion. By these means it was demonstrated that the force of a magnet was, cceteris paribus, in the direct ratio of the absolute intensity of the magnetism, and inversely as the square of the distance of the attracted or o 3 198 INTRODUCTION. repelled body from it ; a law identical in all respects with that by which electrical attractions and re- pulsions are governed. He also estimated, as he had done with electrified conductors, the distri- bution of magnetism on the surface of magnetized bars ; and found that in bars of equal transverse sec- tion, of which the length was considerable compared with the magnitude of the section, the poles or points of maximum intensity were always at a dis- tance of about an inch and a half from the extre- mities ; and that, in very short bars, the poles are at one third of their length from the extremities, and that this latter position is the limit to which the poles approach as the bars are diminished in length. (203.) In making artificial magnets, either by means of natural magnets or by other artificial mag- nets already made, the process first adopted was to rub the bar to be magnetized, from end to end, with one of the poles of the magnet by which it was to be magnetized. This method succeeded sufficiently well in magnetizing short needles ; but, when applied to bars of any considerable length, it was attended with the liability of producing consequent points^ that is, in fact, making the bar into a succession of magnets instead of a single magnet. Thus, a certain portion of the entire length, measured from the ex- tremity, would possess two poles and an interme- diate neutral point ; then another succeeding portion of the length would possess other two poles with another intermediate neutral point, and so on. (204.) In 1745, Dr. Gowan Knight of London practised an improved method. He placed two strong bar magnets end to end in the same line, the north ARTIFICIAL MAGNETS. 1 99 pole of the one being in contact with the south pole of the other. Over them he laid the bar to be mag- netized, its centre coinciding with the united ends of the two magnets, and its length laid along them. In this position the two magnets were drawn asunder lengthwise, their poles passing under each half of the length of the bar to be magnetized. By this method the bar acquired much stronger magnetism than by that which had previously been practised. (205.) Du HAMEL further improved this process. The bar to be magnetized being placed between the pieces of soft iron, he took two bar magnets, and placing the north end of one and the south end of the other upon the centre of the bar, and inclining them at an angle of about 30 to it, he drew them upon it from the centre to the extremities, and repeated this process until the bar was strongly magnetized* This method was modified by MITCHELL, who placed a series of bars to be magnetized in the same straight line,, with their extremities successively in contact. He then placed two bundles of strong magnets per- pendicular to them, with their ends resting upon them, the northern end of one bundle and the southern end of the other being downwards. These two bundles of magnets, being attached to each other, were moved over the series of bars to be magnetized. (206.) In 1789, COULOMB directed his investiga- tions to the processes of producing artificial magnets. He showed that the susceptibility of bars of steel for magnetism depended conjointly on the temper of the steel and the force of the magnets, and that there was a certain limit to the magnetic force o 4 200 INTRODUCTION. which a bar could receive. When a bar attained this limit, it was said to be magnetized to saturation. (207.) The magnetic needles of ships' compasses being liable to great vicissitudes of temperature, it was a question of considerable importance to navi- gation whether heat affected the magnetic virtue. Gilbert was the first who observed that a magnet lost all its power when raised to a white heat, and on being cooled did not recover its magnetism. It was not, however, till a much later period, that the influence of neat on magnetism was submitted to accurate inquiry. (208.) It was natural that the directive power of the magnet, and its application to navigation, should engross a large share of attention ; and that the go- vernments of maritime countries, more especially, should cause to be carefully and accurately observed all those phenomena by which that property was affected. The variation of the . needle, and the changes periodical and local to which it is subject, were questions of the highest importance to national and commercial interests in every part of the world. So early as 1722, Graham had observed that in a given place the needle was subject to a diurnal va- riation, which was afterwards ascertained with great precision in different parts of Europe. It was ob- served by WARGENTIN, secretary to the Swedish Academy in 1750, and by CANTON in London in 1756, and subsequently by VAN SWIETEN, with nearly the same results. From all these observations it appeared that the north pole of the needle be- gins to turn westward at seven or eight o'clock in the morning, and continues to deviate in that clirec- DIURNAL VARIATION. 201 tion till about two o'clock, when it becomes station- ary, and soon begins to return eastward, arriving at the position it had in the morning at the same hour in the evening. Canton's observations showed that the amount of this deviation varied from seven to thirteen or fourteen minutes, being greatest at mid- summer and least at midwinter, and increasing and decreasing gradually between these seasons. More recently the same phenomenon has been observed by Colonel Beaufoy, Professor Hansteen, and others. ( 209.) Cassini, who observed the diurnal variation of the needle at Paris, found that neither the solar heat nor light influenced it ; for it was the same in the deep caves constructed under the Observatory in Paris, where a sensibly constant temperature is pre- served, and from which light is excluded, as at the surface. In northern regions these diurnal changes are greater and more irregular; while, towards the line, their amplitudes are gradually diminished until at length they disappear. (210.) The investigation of the changes produced in the direction of the needle, and in the intensity of the earth's attraction upon it, by change of place upon the surface, being a matter vitally important to com- merce and navigation, has engaged the attention of all maritime and commercial countries, from an early period in the history of the mariner's compass. In fact, what may be not improperly called magnetic geography has been, and still is, a subject of pro- found interest, as well to the merchant as to the philosopher. It has been already stated that the discoverer of 202 INTRODUCTION. the DIP found that at London a magnetic needle, free to move on an axis perpendicular to the mag- netic meridian, presented its north pole downwards forming an angle of above 71. If the instrument be carried northward, it is found that the dip gradually increases ; and, on reaching a certain region near the pole, the needle would become ver- tical, the dip being then 90, and its north pole pointing downwards. At such a place, the common compass needle, moving on a vertical support, would lose its directive power, and rest indifferently in any position. A place where these effects would be pro- duced is called a NORTHERN MAGNETIC POLE. (211.) If, on the other hand, the dipping needle, were carried towards the equator, the magnitude of the DIP would be gradually diminished, until, on arriving at a certain region near the equator, the needle would become horizontal, and the dip would become nothing ; and if the dipping needle could be carried round the globe, always following such a course as would allow it to retain its horizontal po- sition, its course traced on the globe would be the MAGNETIC EQUATOR. The magnetic equator does not coincide with the equator of the globe, nor is it a great circle of the earth. It never departs from the equator, however, more than twelve or thirteen degrees. (212.) If, after passing the magnetic equator, the dipping needle be carried southwards, its south pole will dip or be directed downwards ; and this dip will increase in magnitude as the needle approaches the south pole. A place near that pole, where the needle becomes vertical, is a SOUTHERN MAGNETIC POLE. ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. 203 The first national project to determine the ele- ments of magnetic geography was undertaken by the British government about the year 1700, when the celebrated Halley was commissioned to make a voyage with the view to collect the necessary ob- servations. The results obtained by him were, however, deprived of the chief part of the advan- tages which ought to have attended them, because of the absence of uniformity in his instruments, and the neglect of making proper comparisons of them with others. Since that period, observations have been made and recorded in all extensive voyages, and the data for the determination of the elements of this part of physical geography have been greatly aug- mented. The question being still, however, under investigation, the statement of the circumstances attending it will find a more proper place in the following treatise, than in the present historical summary. IV. ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. (213.) Those capital experiments by which the science of magnetism has been reduced to the rank of a branch of electricity, by showing that all magnetical phenomena are merely effects of electrical currents modified by physical influences peculiar to certain substances, are of so very recent a date that they can scarcely be considered as yet falling within the scope of Scientific History. Nevertheless, the im- portant relations they bear to other parts of physics, 204 INTRODUCTION. the high generality of the phenomena themselves, and especially their susceptibility of being re- duced to mathematical analysis, require that they should not be passed without some notice, even in a sketch so brief and rapid as the present. Since, however, it is proposed in these volumes to enter very fully into the details of the chief experiments which form the foundation of this part of electrical science, it will be sufficient here to notice concisely the chief results, in the order of their discovery, of those experimental investigations which may be regarded as forming the basis of the division of the science now denominated ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. At a very early period in the progress of electri- - cal inquiries, indications were observed of a relation existing between electricity and magnetism. Ships' compasses had their directive powers impaired by lightning, and sewing needles were rendered mag- netic by electric discharges passed through them. The influence of electricity over the magnetic pro- perties of iron had been sufficiently noticed to suggest to the clear and far-sighted mind of Bec- caria a notion, which can scarcely be called a vague one, of that theory of terrestrial magnetism which may now be regarded as established on the basis of electro-magnetical phenomena. No facts sufficiently clear and decisive to afford general conclusions were produced until the year 1280, which was signalised by the greatest discovery in physical science since the memorable invention of the pile. (214.) Professor OERSTED, of Copenhagen, had promulgated certain theoretical views on the subject OERSTED'S EXPERIMENTS. 205 of the relations of electricity and magnetism in the year 1807, which obtained little attention, being un- accompanied by any new facts, and the community of science being then engrossed by the various and interesting experimental applications of the pile, and the magnificent series of discoveries which Davy was beginning to unfold. In 1820, however, Oersted supplied all that was wanting in 1807 to fix the attention of scientific inquirers a capital experiment. In that year he announced the fact, that a magnetized needle placed near a metallic wire connecting the poles of a pile was compelled to change its direction ; that the new direction .which it assumed was determined by its position in relation to the wire, and to the direction of the current transmitted along the wire ; that when the current was sufficiently strong, and the needle suffi- ciently sensitive, the latter always assumed a position at right angles to the wire ; and that, whenever the direction of the current along the wire is reversed, the needle, making half a revolution, reverses the direction of its poles, keeping still perpendicular to the wire. This discovery being made known caused unqualified astonishment throughout Europe ; the more especially, as all the attempts made before to trace the relation between the electric current and the magnet had been unavailing. The enthusiasm which had been lighted up by the great discovery of Volta twenty years before, and which time had moderated, was relumined, and the experimental resources of every cabinet and laboratory were brought to bear on the pursuit of the consequ'ences of this new relation between sciences so long sus- 206 INTRODUCTION. pected of closer ties. The inquiry was taken up by AMPERE, ARAGO, BIOT, SAVART^ and SAVARY, in France; by DAVY, GUMMING, and FARADAY, in England ; and by DE LA RIVE, BERZELIUS, SEE- BECK, SCHWEIGER, NOBILI, and others, in various parts of Europe. (215.) Among these, in the inquiry now before us, AMPERE has assumed the first and highest place. No sooner was the fact discovered by OERSTED made known, than that philosopher commenced the beau- tiful series of researches which has since surrounded his name with so much lustre, and brought electro- dynamics within the pale of mathematical physics. On the 1 8th of September, 1 820, within less than three months of the publication of Oersted's experiments in France, Ampere communicated his first memoir on electro-magnetism to the Academy of Sciences. (216.) In this paper was explained the law which determined the position of the magnetic needle in relation to the electric current. In order to illustrate this, he proposes that a man should imagine the current to be transmitted through his body, the positive wire being applied to his feet and the negative wire to his head, so that the cur- rent of positive fluid shall pass upwards from the feet to the head, and that of the negative fluid downwards from the head to the feet. This being premised, a magnetic needle freely supported on its centre of gravity, so as to be capable of assuming any direction, and placed before him, will throw itself at right angles to him ; the north pole of the needle pointing towards his left, and the south pole towards his right. AMPERE'S RESEARCHES. 207 If the person through whose body the current thus passes turn round, so as to present his face in different directions, a magnetic needle, still placed before him, will have its direction determined by the same condition ; the north pole pointing always to the left, and the south to the right. In the same memoir were described several in- struments intended to be constructed; especially spiral, or helical wires, through which it was pro- posed to transmit the electric currents, and which, it was expected, would thereby acquire the properties of magnets, and retain these properties so long as the current might be transmitted through them. The author also explained his theory of magnets, ascribing their attractive and directive powers to currents of electricity circulating constantly round their molecules, in planes at right angles to the line joining their poles ; the position of the poles, on the one side or the other of these planes of revolution, depending on the direction of the revolving current. (217.) On the 25th of the same month, Ampere communicated to the Academy another paper.* In this he delivered the results of his experiments on the reciprocal attractions and repulsions of electric currents acting on each other. He showed that two straight wires along which currents are transmitted will attract or repel each other, ac- cording to the direction of the currents. Let a line be imagined intersecting both wires at right an- gles. If both currents move towards this per- pendicular or both from it, the wires will attract each other ; but, if while one of the currents moves * Annales de Chimie et Physique, torn. xv. 59 170. 208 INTRODUCTION. towards this perpendicular the other moves from it, then they will repel each other. If the wires be parallel to each other, they will attract or repel each other, according as the currents move in the same or opposite directions. If the wires be in the same plane, but not parallel, their directions will meet if produced : in this case they will attract each other, if the currents be both directed towards, or from, the point where their directions meet ; and they will repel each other, if one current be directed towards, and the other from, that point. (218.) In the same paper he proposes the hypo- thesis of currents of electricity circulating round the terrestrial globe, from east .to west, in planes at right angles to the direction of the dipping needle, to ac- count for the phenomena of terrestrial magnetism. These researches proceeded with unusual celerity. On the 9th of the following month (October), three weeks after the reading of the last-mentioned paper, he presented another memoir to the Academy, in which he investigated the properties of currents transmitted through wires forming closed curves (courbes fermees), or complete geometrical figures. (219.) While Ampere was proceeding with these researches, ARAGO directed his inquiries to the state of the wire through which the current was trans- mitted, more especially with a view to determine whether every part of its surface was endowed with the same magnetic properties. With this view he placed iron filings within the sphere of attraction of the wire, and found that they adhered to it, so as to form concentric rings upon it. The moment the connexion of the wire with the pile was broken, ARAGO S RESEARCHES. 209 and the current was no longer transmitted along it, the filings fell off and all attraction disappeared. (220.) By a process inferred from the theory of Ampere, M.Arago succeeded in imparting perma- nent magnetism to needles and bars of steel by means of the electric current. This was accomplished by making a spiral of wire, through which the cur- rent was transmitted, while the needle or bar to be magnetized was placed within its coils. The posi- tion of the poles of the magnets thus made depended on the direction of the screw, or helix, formed by the conducting wire. If the wire formed a right-handed screw, the poles were placed in one direction ; and if it made a left-handed screw, they were reversed. When the wire was made to form a succession of screws alternately right-handed and left-handed, the bar was magnetized with a corresponding series of consequent points. The same results were obtained whether the electricity transmitted through the wire proceeded from a Voltaic apparatus or from the common electrical machine. * (221.) At the same time, or very little later, and be- fore the information of Arago's experiments reached England, Davy succeeded also in imparting mag- netism to needles by the Voltaic current, and by common electricity; and also showed the effect of the conducting wire on iron filings.f M. Ampere, with the view of more completely developing the action of electric currents and mag- nets separately and on each other, contrived various * Annales de Chimie et Physique, torn. xv. p. 93. f Letter to Wollaston, 12th Nov. 1820, Phil. Trans. 1821. VOL. I. P 210 INTRODUCTION. methods by which wires, formed into parallelo- grams, circles, and other geometrical figures, could have a current transmitted round them, and be at the same time so supported or suspended as to be capable of assuming any position or direction to which their mutual attraction, or the attraction be- tween them and magnets placed near them, or the influence of the magnetism of the earth upon them, might dispose them. These contrivances afterwards became instruments by which many important ex- periments were made ; the first of which was com- municated to the Academy on the 30th of October, 1820. This was the fact, that a wire forming a plane geometrical figure through which the electric current is transmitted will, if free to move, dispose itself so that its plane shall be at right angles to the dipping needle. (222.) On the same day, MM. BIOT and SA VART communicated to the Academy the results of experi- ments made with the view to determine the law of the mutual attraction and repulsion of electric currents. The results of these experiments were reduced to analytical investigation by LA PLACE, who showed that the law resulting from them was, that the attraction or repulsion of each elementary .part of the current diminishes in the same ratio as the square of the distance of the object on which it acts increases; a law identical with that of all other modes of electrical attraction and repulsion. ;The effect of the obliquity of the current to the direction in which the force acted was also deter- mined. (223.) On the 4th of December following, M. AM- BIOT. SAVART. LA PLACE. FARADAY. 211 PERE read to the Academy the memoir which con- tains the reduction of the phenomena of electro- magnetism to mathematical analysis. He showed that all the various phenomena attending the action of magnets on each other, of electric currents on mag- nets, and of magnets on electric currents, and, in fine, of electric currents on each other, could be derived, by mathematical calculation, from formulae expressing the action of two infinitely small ele- ments of electric currents, acting on each other in the direction of the line joining their middle points. The discussion of this subject was concluded in another memoir, read to the Academy on the 8th and 15th of January, 1821. (224-.) This year, 1821, was signalized by the com- mencement of the labours of FARADAY in electro- magnetism. This philosopher, who has since attained such well-merited celebrity, realized a suggestion which originated with Dr.Wollaston. A magnet being placed in a vertical position, a wire was so suspended that, while the electric current was pass- ing through it, it was capable of moving round the axis of the magnet so as to describe a conical or cylindrical surface. While the current was main- tained, the wire took spontaneously this motion ; and when the direction of the current along it was re- versed, it reversed its motion, and turned round the magnet the contrary way. Reversing these con- ditions, and instead of fixing the magnet and leaving the wire free, he fixed the wire, and so adjusted the magnet that it was at liberty to revolve round the wire as an axis. When the current was transmitted through the wire, the magnet spontaneously revolved p 2 212 INTRODUCTION. round it; and when the direction of the current through the wire was changed, the motion of the magnet was reversed. FARADAY attempted, without success, to cause a magnet to revolve on its own axis ; but, the memoir containing the account of his experiments being pub- lished in France, AMPERE succeeded in producing rapid rotatory motion of magnets on their own axes, and showed that this and the two former results of Faraday's experiments followed as necessary con- sequences of his own mathematical principles. He also showed that the same effects could be produced with helical currents, thus affording a further cor- roboration of his theory of magnetic action. (225.) Immediately after the publication of these experiments of Faraday, DAVY thought that the effect of the magnet on the current might be obtained in a more simple state by transmitting the current through a fluid conductor, and exposing the conductor to the action of a strong magnet. With this view, two copper wires, about a sixth of an inch in diameter, coated with sealing-wax, and flattened and polished at the ends, were cemented into two holes three inches apart in the bottom of a glass dish, so that the direction of the wires was perpendicular to the dish. The coating of sealing-wax rendered the wires non-conductors, except at their flattened and po- lished ends, which were not coated. Mercury was poured into the dish so as to cover the ends of the wires to the depth of the tenth or twelfth of an inch. The parts of the wires proceeding from the bottom of the dish were now put in connexion with a powerful Voltaic battery, the positive current flow- DAVY'S EXPERIMENTS. 213 ing into the mercury at one wire, and passing from it at the other. The moment the current commenced, the mercury over each wire was thrown into a state of violent agitation. Its surface was raised into the form of two small cones one over each wire ; waves flowed off in all directions from these cones. On holding the pole of a powerful bar magnet some inches above one of the cones, its vertex was lowered; and according as the magnet descended towards the mercury the subsidence of the cone continued, and the propagation of waves around it ceased, until at length the surface of the mercury became perfectly level, and a slow revolving motion of the mercury round the pole of the magnet began to be manifested. As the magnet was brought still closer to the mer- cury this gyration of the fluid became more rapid, and the centre round which the gyration took place (which was directly over the end of the wire) be- came depressed. The rapidity of the rotation of the . mercury, and the depression of the centre of the vortex, continued to increase as the magnet was brought nearer to the mercury, until no more mer- cury remained over the end of the wire than was barely sufficient to cover it. This rotation took place with either pole of the magnet, and over either wire, changing its direction when either the pole of ' the magnet or the direction of the current was changed. It is evident that these phenomena are in accordance with, and referable to, the same general law as those previously discovered by Faraday. The same effects were observed when fused tin was sub- stituted for mercury, and when steel wires were used p 3 214 INTRODUCTION. to conduct the current. The current was also con- ducted to the dish by tubes filled with mercury, with like results.* (226.) In order to determine whether the matter forming the conductor along which the electric cur- rent passed had any influence on the electro-magnetic phenomena which at this time engaged the attention of philosophers, Davy placed two pieces of charcoal in connexion with the wires of a powerful Voltaic battery, and, by presenting their points towards each other, at a distance varying from one to four inches, according to the density of the air in which the experiment was made, he obtained a column of electric fluid formed by the current passing through the space between the charcoal points. This cur- rent was not transmitted, as usual, along any con- ductor, but merely passed through the air between the points ; and its presence was rendered manifest by the light evolved. When a powerful magnet was presented to this column, with its pole at a very acute angle to it, the column was attracted or repelled with a rotatory motion, or made to revolve by placing the poles in different positions, in the same manner as metallic wire conducting the cur- rent would have been. The electric column was more easily affected by the magnet, and its motion was more rapid, when it passed through dense than through rarefied air; and, in this case, the con- ducting medium, or chain of aeriform particles, was much shorter, f * Phil. Trans. 1823; also Davy's Vorks, vol. vi. p. 258. | Phil. Trans, 1821 ; Davy's Works, vol. vi. p. 232. SCHWEIGER. 215 While these investigations were proceeding in France and England, the discoveries to which they led conducted a German philosopher to the inven- tion of an instrument of physical inquiry of sur- passing beauty and utility, and equalled in import- ance by none which had appeared since the balance of torsion. (227.) The multiplier, or, as it has been called in England, the galvanometer, invented by SCHWEIGER, is an instrument by which the presence of an electric current is detected, and its intensity measured. It is based upon the fact, that a wire through which a current passes will have a tendency to turn a mag- netic needle at right angles to it. By this beautiful instrument the most feeble currents may be made manifest, and their intensities compared. It is various in its construction, according to the nature and power of the electric currents intended to be observed, but generally consists of a rectangular frame of wood, round two parallel sides of which a copper wire, lapped with silk, is rolled, so that the coils of wire shall be close beside each other, and parallel in their general direction to the other two sides of the frame. Within the frame, and between the two surfaces formed by the coils of wire, is suspended a magnetic needle. If the frame be so placed that the needle, when at rest, shall be parallel to the coils of wire, these coils will be parallel to the magnetic meridian. Matters being thus dis- posed, let the extremities of the wire be put in connexion with the poles of a Voltaic pile. The current passing through the wire will act upon the needle, and each coil of the wire will affect it as a p 4 216 INTRODUCTION. separate current, so that the total effect will be in proportion to the number of coils. If the current in the lower coils moved in the same direction as the upper, it would have a contrary effect on the needle ; but, by the manner in which the wire is carried round the frame, the systems of inferior currents are contrary in their direction to the supe- rior currents, and they have, consequently, the same effect on the needle. If the effect of the current thus multiplied be sufficient, the effect of the earth's magnetism will be overcome, and the needle will be turned at right angles to the wires, and, consequently, will take the direction of mag- netic east and west ; but if the force of the current be insufficient for this, the needle will be deflected at some definite angle with the magnetic meridian, the magnitude of which angle will supply the means of estimating the force of the current. It is evident that the sensibility of this instrument will be augmented in proportion as the magnetism of the needle is enfeebled, and the number of coils of wire augmented. The direction of the current is indicated by the direction in which the deflection of the needle takes place. If the north pole of the needle be deflected towards the east when the current passes in one direction through the wire of the multiplier, it will be equally deflected towards the west when the same current is reversed. (228.) When Ampere had demonstrated the reci- procal action of electric currents on each other and on magnets, he showed that the terrestrial globe ex- erted an influence on magnets freely suspended, and THEORY OF TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. 217 on electric currents transmitted through wires so supported as to be capable of obeying any forces exerted upon them, identical in all respects with the influence which a sphere would exert round which a wire coiled so that its coils shall nearly coincide with the parallels of latitude, through which wire an electric current is transmitted, run- ning continually from east to west, or contrary to the diurnal motion of the earth ; or, since the wire in such case is merely necessary to conduct the electricity, the phenomena of terrestrial magnetism only require the admission that a series of electric currents continually circulate round the globe, according to lines which intersect the magnetic meridians perpendicularly. (229.) To present an experimental verification of this theory, M. Ampere constructed a plane geome- trical figure, a circle, for example, of wire, and sus- pended it in such a manner that, while the current circulated upon it, the figure was capable of moving on a vertical axis through its centre of gravity. It was observed to throw its plane into a position at right angles to the magnetic meridian. When the current was reversed, it turned round through 1 80, and reversed its plane. When a helix was suspended on its centre of gravity, and a current was transmitted through the wire, it exhibited all the properties of a magnet ; when suspended on a vertical axis, it as- sumed the direction of the magnetic meridian ; and when suspended on a horizontal axis at right angles to the magnetic meridian, it threw itself parallel to the dipping needle. The hypothesis of Davy, that the nucleus of the INTRODUCTION. globe consisted of the metallic bases of the alkalies and earths, and that its surface was oxydated, sup- plied Ampere with strong grounds of probability in support of these theoretical ideas of terrestrial magnetism. It was easy to imagine that, at the surface of contact of the metallic nucleus and the surrounding shell of oxydated matter, there were constant chemical actions in progress, which might produce a series of electric currents at some dis- tance below the surface of the earth, and that these currents, acting through the shell of oxides, would produce the phenomena of terrestrial magnetism. (230.) In the same year, M. de la Rive, of Geneva, published a memoir, in which he showed that when a current is transmitted through a closed circuit of a rectangular form, for example, it affected only the sides which have a vertical position. He esta- blished, as a general law, that a vertical current, capable of revolving round a fixed vertical line as an axis, will place itself so that the plane passing through its own direction, and the axis round which it revolves, shall be at right angles to the magnetic meridian, the side on which the current descends being on the east of the axis, and the side on which it ascends being on the west. He also showed that a horizontal current, though not susceptible of being influenced by the magnet- ism of the earth, is not therefore free from all ac- tion; on the contrary, he proved that when it is free to move parallel to itself, it will move in this manner in the one direction or the other, according to its own direction ; and that this motion will equally ensue in all positions in which it may be placed, 1)E LA HIVE. SAVARY. 219 whether it be directed north and south, east and west, or in any intermediate azimuth. These laws, proved experimentally by M. de la Rive, were immediately shown by M. Ampere to be direct consequences of his theoretical principles. (231.) In the year 1827, M. SAVARY directed his labours to follow out the researches on the power of theVoltaic current to impart magnetism to iron, which had been demonstrated by the experiments of Davy and Arago. M. Savary discharged a Ley den jar through a metallic wire, needles placed near which were found to be magnetized, and the strength oi the magnetism imparted to them was observed to vary with their distance from the wire. Being placed at various distances from it, the magnetizing power of the current was not found either conti- nually augmented, or continually decreased ; but, as the needle receded, it first increased and then di- minished, attaining a maximum at a certain posi- tion. He also showed that as the distance varied, not only the intensity of the magnetic force passed thus successively through maxima and minima, but the polarity was reversed, taking alternately one direction or the other. These alternations of in- tensity and polarity appeared to be determined in a great measure by the weight, diameter, and con- ducting power of the wire, and the strength of the electric discharge. (232.) One of the most novel and unexpected cir- cumstances attending the experiments of M. Savary, was the manner in which he showed that the mag- netizing influence of the current was modified by transmitting it through other metals. When the 220 INTRODUCTION. needle to be magnetized was enveloped in metallic leaf, the magnetism it received was augmented. By gradually increasing the thickness of its metallic coating, the force of the magnetism it received in- creased by degrees till it attained a maximum, after which it diminished; and, by further augmenting the thickness of its coating, it was diminished so as to be equal to the magnetism it would receive with- out any coating. Copper, tin, gold, silver, and mercury, used as coating, were found to possess this property in different degrees. The force of the electric charge transmitted through the wire was found to have a singular influence on the pheno- menon; for, according as this force was increased or diminished, different thicknesses of the same coating were necessary to produce equal effects. These consi- derations also affected the direction of the polarity. (233.) These facts appeared to M. Savary to be scarcely compatible with any hypothesis which requires the admission or the translation of electric matter by the current ; and he considered that they indicated rather that the current proceeds from a system of undulations propagated along the wire, and transmitted by it laterally to adjacent media. V. THERMO-ELECTRICITY. (234.) The fact that a derangement of the equili- brium of temperature was attended with the evolution of electric effects was observed by VOLT A, and subse- quently by DESSAIGNES. VOLTA found that a plate of silver, one end of which was more heated than the other, produced Galvanic effects ; and DESSAIGNES THERMO-ELECTRICITY. 221 observed that convulsions were produced in the frog, when the muscles and nerves were connected by a silver spoon in which lighted charcoal was placed. These isolated observations, however, led to no con- clusions affecting the progress of discovery. Immediately after the discovery of OERSTED be- came known throughout Europe, Professor SEEB EC K, of Berlin, engaged in a series of researches on the Voltaic effects produced by derangement of tem- perature; and communicated to the Academy of Sciences of Berlin, during the years 1821 and 1822, the results of his experiments, which were published in the Transactions of that body, and form the basis of whatever has since been collected under the title of THERMO-ELECTRICITY. (235.) A rod of copper being bent into a semi- circle, a bar of antimony was soldered to it, so that the two metals had the form of a stirrup. The tempera- ture of one of the points of junction of the metals was raised, while that of the other was unchanged. An electric current was immediately excited, passing from the copper at the heated point through the antimony. The intensity of the current was aug- mented by augmenting the difference of temperature of the two points of connexion of the metals, and the direction of the current was reversed when the source of heat was removed from one point of junc- tion to the other. The current was rendered mani- fest by its power to deflect a magnetic needle. Seebeck observed similar effects by combining- various other metals in pairs ; and found that the relative electric state of the metals did not corre- spond with that assigned to them in Volta's theory 222 INTRODUCTION. of contact. He also observed that currents were produced by inequality of temperature in bars of a single metal, when they have a crystalline structure ; and suggested that the changes of temperature of the metallic nucleus supposed by Davy to be within the external crust of the earth, might produce those currents circulating round the globe to the influ- ence of which Ampere ascribed the magnetism of the globe. (236.) In the year 1823, these inquiries were pro- secuted by the Chevalier YELIN, and MM. MARSH and GUMMING.* The first investigated the influ- ence of the nature and form of homogeneous metals on the direction and intensity of the elec- tric current. The two latter philosophers pro- duced the revolution of thermo-electric currents round magnets. Soon afterwards MM. OERSTED and FOURIER communicated to the Academy of Sci- ences a series of experiments on currents obtained by thermo-electric piles, made by combining bars of antimony and bismuth in a series. The alter- nate points of junction were heated, and the current was manifested by the deflection of a magnetic needle. This deflection, though considerable, was not observed to increase in proportion to the num- ber of thermo-electric elements constituting the pile. They attempted, without success, to effect chemical decompositions by the current thus ob- tained. This has, however, been since effected by Becquerel, by exposing to the action of the thermo- electric current solutions easily decomposable. M. Bottot, of Turin, has also succeeded in decom- * Bibl. Univ. torn. xxiv. xxv. xxvii. and xxix. THERMO-ELECTRICITY. 223 posing water, and various solutions, by the thermo- electric current obtained from a pile formed of a series of wires of platinum and iron. (237.) The result of these and subsequent investi- gations of SEEBECK, BECQUEREL, and others, has led to the establishment of the following series of metals possessing thermo-electric excitability, in the order in which they stand. 1. Bismuth. 7. Silver. 2. Platinum. 8. Copper. 3. Mercury. 9. Zinc. 4. Lead. 10. Iron. 5. Tin. 11. Antimony. 6. Gold. If a thermo-electric couple be formed by any two metals in this series, the positive electricity at the heated point will pass from that metal which holds the higher to that which holds the lower place in the series ; consequently, each of the metals in the series is thermo-electrically positive to all above it, and negative to all below it. Becquerel showed that when one end of a homo- geneous metallic wire was heated, and brought into contact with the other end, an electric current was formed, passing from the heated to the cold part of the wire across the point of contact. These in- quiries were attended with several curious and im- portant results, when the temperatures were carried to extreme points in the case of certain metals ; but as they will necessarily form a part of the subject matter of these volumes, it is needless to enter here into any details respecting them. 224 INTRODUCTION. (238.) In concluding this brief outline of the his- tory of the progress of electrical science, it may b' proper to remind the reader, that the necessary limits of such a compendium as the present have precluded many details which would be regarded with interest by those who prosecute scientific in- quiries. The chief discoveries only, including those which have had most influence in establishing gene- ral theories, were entitled to any detailed notice ; and the labours of contemporary philosophers have been for the most part excluded, as they will find a more suitable place in the manual wiiicii we now offer to the public. BOOK THE FIRST. ELECTRO-STATICS. CHAPTER I. DEFINITIONS AND PRIMARY FACTS. (1 .) As the observation of the phenomena of nature pro- gressively unfolded those general laws which constitute the body of physical science in its present advanced state, effects which were tangible, and admitted of direct nu- merical estimation by weight and measure, first pressed themselves on the attention of philosophers. Weight, extension, magnitude, and form, are properties insepa- rable from matter, in whatever state it may be, and di- vested of which, indeed, it is impossible to imagine its existence. Such qualities, and their consequences, were therefore early subjects of investigation. Some of them are not only inseparable from the matter to which they appertain, but are unchangeable in quantity or degree so long as the identity of that matter continues. The weight, or inertia, of a body must be the same so long as no particle is added to it or subtracted from it; and although the effects of the mutual attraction of its con- stituent molecules, which determine its hardness, brittle- ness, ductility, and elasticity, may be modified by the action of other antagonist forces depending on the agency of heat and the play of the chemical affinities, yet these molecules can by no means be deprived of any portion of that reciprocally attractive force. It is otherwise witi the class of physical agents called the imponderables one of the most remarkable of which is about to engagd VOL. j. Q 226 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. our attention. Material substances are composed of particles or atoms,, maintained in their position with a greater or less degree of mutual proximity by the opera- tion of forces, the sphere of whose action is extremely minute. But these constituent particles, though in close juxtaposition, are not in absolute contact : on the con- trary, it is demonstrable that they are separated by in- terstitial spaces, which, though small in magnitude compared with the total dimensions of the bodies they pervade, are great, perhaps infinite, compared with the dimensions of the molecules which they separate. Is evidence required of this proposition ? Take the most solid and adamantine body, and accurately measure its volume. Let it then be exposed to cold, so as to reduce its temperature any required number of de- grees. If its magnitude be now measured, it will be found to be less than before. But this diminution of volume has not arisen from any loss of ponderable matter, for the body before and after the change of temperature would be found to have the same weight. It has, therefore, contracted its dimensions by the nearer ap- proach of its constituent particles to each other. Their mutual attraction has been rendered more energetic by the diminished force of that agent which keeps them se- parated ; but had they been in actual contact before the change of temperature, they would have had no room to approach each other, and therefore no diminution of vo- lume would have ensued. To this diminution of volume, of which the hardest and most solid bodies are suscep- tible, there is no known limit, save that which is imposed on the reduction of their temperature ; and the spaces which separate their ^articles must, therefore, bear to the dimensions of the particles themselves a proportion indefinitely great. These interstitial spaces or pores, though void of all ponderable matter, are nevertheless the region of physical agents of vast importance in the great economy of nature. The researches of modern philosophers respecting the phenomena of light and heat have rendered it probable, ELECTRICAL EXCITATION. 227 228 ELECTRO- STATICS. PART I. briskly rubbed with a dry woollen cloth,, and then pre- sented to the feather : when the side of the tube where it has been rubbed is brought near the feather, the latter will manifest a tendency to approach the tube ; and when the distance is further diminished, the feather will sud- denly fly to the tube, and adhere to it. It is apparent, then, that friction with a woollen cloth has imparted to the glass a property which previously it did not possess, in virtue of which it exerts an attrac- tion on the matter of the feather, and produces a distinct and measurable mechanical effect. The mechanical pro- perties of the tube, and cloth with which it was rubbed, remain, however, unchanged, neither having gained or lost a single particle of ponderable matter. This property is not peculiar to glass. If a stick of sealing-wax, or a piece of resin or amber, be rubbed, in a similar manne'r, these substances will manifest the same attraction for the feather. Neither is a feather the only substance which will be affected by this attraction. If bits of paper, straw, or other similar light substances, be suspended like the fea- ther, they will be similarly attracted by the glass. (3.) The physical agent, whatever be its nature, which is thus called into operation by the friction of the glass, wax, resin, or amber, and to which the attraction is due, is called Electricity. The first substance which was known to be capable of acquiring this property was amber, in which it was ob- served by Thales, about six centuries before the birth of Christ. The name electricity has therefore been given to this part of physical science, from the Greek word yXsKTpov (electron), signifying amber, the first substance in which the property had been observed. (4.) To examine all the circumstances attending the phenomena to which we have above referred, let us suppose that pieces of glass, sulphur, resin, and sealing- wax are provided, formed into cylinders of such a mag- nitude as to produce the desired phenomena with suf- ficient intensity. For this purpose, cylindrical pieces CHAP. I. ATTRACTION AND REPULSION. 22Q of these substances should be about an inch in diameter, and twelve or fourteen inches in length. Let a small ball, with a diameter of about the eighth of an inch, be turned from the pith of the elder tree ; and let it be suspended from a hook by a fine silken thread, sup- ported by a convenient stand, as represented in fig. 1. This ball will supply the place of the feather in the ex- periments already explained. Let a glass rod, S (fig. 1.), be now briskly rubbed with a .,._ , woollen cloth previously well dried, and let it be presented to the pith ball B, The ball will approach the glass, and adhere to it. If they be separated by / ' drawing the glass away, and after. / wards the glass be again presented / to the pith ball as before, the ball, / instead of being attracted, will recoil / 5 from it, taking the position B', and I rt (J) will remain in that position so long jIL B ' as the glass is held near it ; but when i-^^ the glass is removed, the ball will again descend to its natural position of rest, the silken string by which it is suspended recovering its vertical position. If a stick of resin, sulphur, or sealing-wax be simi- larly rubbed, and presented to the pith ball, the same effect precisely will ensue. From these experiments the following consequences may be inferred : 1st. By the friction of the dry woollen cloth, a quality is imparted to glass, sulphur, resin, or sealing-wax, in virtue of which the pith ball is attracted to it. 2d. After being brought in contact with the surface of the glass, sulphur, resin, or sealing-wax, and sepa- rated from it, the state of the ball is changed ; and it acquires a property, relative to the glass, sulphur, resin, or wax, in virtue of which, instead of being attracted, it is repelled. (5.) Let two pith balls be now suspended from the game hook by two separate silken threads of the same Q 3 230 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. length, so that the balls shall rest in contact. Let the glass rod, after being rubbed as before, be presented to these balls. It will attract both of them, and they will adhere to it. Let the glass rod be then withdrawn from them. They will no longer fall into the vertical position, and rest \ in contact with each other, as they did before they were touched by the glass : on the contrary, they will repel each other, so that the threads by which they are suspended will diverge, as represented in fig. 2. In fact, the baUs will acquire a property, relative to each other, similar to that which the glass and the single ball had after contact in the preceding experiments. The same effects would ensue if the sulphur, resin, or sealing-wax were used in the experiment. (6'.) Whatever theory may be adopted for the ex- planation of electrical phenomena, or to whatever phy- sical agency the immediate effects of electricity may be ascribed, it will be convenient to express the phenomena which are to be described, arid whose laws are to be developed, by terms which must unavoidably have occa- sional reference to one or other of the various hypotheses which have been invented to connect together, system- atize, and generalize the facts which form this branch of physical science. We shall thus frequently refer to electricity as & fluid. In so doing, however, we desire for the present to be understood as using the phrase electric fluid, and similar terms, merely to express ascertained and observed facts, without asssuming anything respecting the physical agent from which electrical phenomena pro- ceed. Whatever the nature of electricity may be, whether it be a fluid sui generis which pervades all bodies, and possesses distinct properties ; or a property of the fluid or fluids from which the effects of heat, light, and other imponderable agents arise; or whether, finally, it be an affection of the constituent molecules of matter^ CHAP. I. ELECTRICITY A FLUID. 231 the effects we shall have to explain being such as might and would belong to an elastic or self-expansive fluid, we shall apply that term to express the physical agent, whatever it may be, to which such effects belong ; and this, and this only, is what we would be understood to convey whenever the phrase " electric fluid " is used. (7.) The preceding experiments indicate the trans- mission of a physical influence from the glass to the pith balls, which influence the glass itself acquired by friction. The electric fluid, produced on the surface of the glass by friction, being self-expansive, and the surface of the pith balls being of a nature to allow an unobstructed passage to it, a portion of the fluid dis- tributed upon the glass at the point of contact passes, by virtue of its expansive power, to the surface of the pith balls ; and this fluid being self-repulsive, the pith ball, when covered with it, is repelled by the glass. That the pith ball, after contact with the glass, pos- sesses the property which by friction was imparted to the glass, may be proved by causing the ball to approach another ball in its natural state. The latter will then be attracted by the former in the same manner as it would be attracted by the glass ; and, after contact, the two balls will repel each other in the same manner as that in which the glass repelled the pith ball after contact in the first experiments, and in the same manner as the two pith balls repelled each other after they had both touched the glass. (8.) When glass, sulphur, resin, sealing-wax, or any other substance susceptible of like effects, is sub- mitted to friction, so as to acquire the property here described, such surface is said to be excited; and when, by contact with it, a pith ball or any other body ac- quires alike property, that body is said to be electrified. (9.) Besides the effects of attraction and repulsion here described, an electrified or excited body is attended with other effects, not less remarkable, which will be more fully developed as we proceed. If a glass tube, excited by friction, be brought near the surface of the Q 4 232 ELECTRO-STATICS- PART I. skin, a sensation will be produced, when the distance is diminished to a certain limit,, similar to that which is felt when we touch a cobweb. Also, if a strongly elec- trified or excited surface be brought nearly into contact with the knuckle, or with a small metallic ball, a little luminous spark, accompanied with a cracking noise, will be observed to pass between the electrified body and the knuckle or to the metallic ball. If the experiment be made in the dark, this spark will be more distinctly visible. If any of the bodies above mentioned be excited by friction in the dark, a blueish light will be observed constantly to follow the motion of the cloth with which the friction is performed. (10.) Besides the substances above mentioned, there are a vast number of others capable of evolving elec- tricity by friction in the same manner. All vitreous and resinous bodies whatever produce like phenomena in different degrees. They are also obtained with stuffs of silk of every kind. (11.) The metals form a class of bodies which at first appear incapable of producing these effects. If a tube or rod of metal be taken in one hand, and any stuff by which other substances are excited be briskly rubbed upon it with the other hand, none of the usual indications of electricity will follow. The metal will not attract light substances ; it will have no effect upon the pith balls; no luminous appearance will follow the rubbing, nor will any effect be produced upon the organs by approaching or touching it. A more close and attentive examination will show, however, that this absence of electrical effects does not arise from the circumstance of the metal being incapable of evolving the electric fluid by friction, but that the proper effects of such an evolution of electricity are masked by others depending on a property of the metals in which vitreous and resinous substances do not participate. To make this apparent, let us suppose that, instead of holding the metallic tube in the hand, we attach to the end of it a CHAP. I. EXCITATION OF ELECTRICITY. 233 glass handle, which enables us to hold it in d convenient manner for rubbing it, but at the same time without touching it. If we now rub it as before, taking care not to touch it except with the cloth with which it is rubbed, it will be found to acquire the same elec- trical properties as the glass, sulphur, and resinous sub- stances acquired in the former experiments. (12.) The possibility of exciting electricity on the surface of metals may also be shown in the following manner. Let a tube of metal be suspended by a silken cord, and let it be struck two or three times with the skin of a cat ; it will be then found to be electrified, or excited, in the same manner as the glass or resin. So long as the metal thus excited is kept suspended by silk, or supported by glass, the electrical state of its surface will continue ; but if it be touched, even for an instant, by the hand, or by a rod of metal held in the hand, it will suddenly lose its electricity altogether. There are a variety of other substances, besides silk and glass, by which metal may be suspended or supported so as to enable it to be excited by friction : if it be supported, for example, by any resinous substance, it will be equally capable of being excited. (13.) These effects are easily explained. Metallic bodies are susceptible of excitement as easily as the vitreous or resinous bodies ; but they likewise possess a property which the latter do not enjoy, in virtue of which the electric fluid moves freely upon them. In the experiment, therefore, in which a metallic rod held in one hand is rubbed by a woollen cloth held in the other, the electricity which is excited upon the rod of metal passes away through the hand to the body of the operator. That portion of the electricity which is nearest the hand first passes away, and the facility with which the electricity moves upon the sur- face of the metal causes the remaining portion of it immediately to follow. As fast, therefore, as the electric fluid is evolved by the friction upon the metal, it passes 234 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. away to the- hand and thence to the body of the operator, and no portion remains on the surface of the metal. The case, however, is quite otherwise with a rod of glass similarly treated. Unlike metallic surfaces, the surface of glass does not give free motion to electricity. On the contrary, the electricity appears, as it were, to be so obstructed in its movement over a vitreous sur- face, that it may be accumulated in one part, while another part is altogether free from it. If, therefore, a rod of glass be held in one hand, while with the other it is excited by friction, that part of the rod which has been thus submitted to friction will be covered with electricity, whilst that part which is held by the hand will be free from it. The electricity which is accu- mulated on the part of the surface which has been rubbed, does not, as was the case with the metallic sur- face, pass over the surface to the hand and thence into the body of the operator, but remains on that part of the surface where it was excited. The glass, however, may be deprived of its electricity by the operator passing his hand in contact with that part of the surface which has been excited. All the electricity produced upon the glass will then pass into the body of the operator. (14.) These and similar effects lead to the distribu- tion of natural substances, in reference to their electrical properties, into two great classes ; those which, like the metals, allow the free motion of the electric fluid over their surfaces; and those which, like glass and resinous substances, do not allow its free motion. The first are called conductors of electricity, and the second non-conductors. (15.) The impracticability of producing electrical effects by friction upon the metals and similar substances, when the experiment is conducted in the same manner as with glass or resin, for a long time led to the suppo- sition that such substances were incapable of evolving electricity, and hence they were called non-electrics or analectrics; while, on the other hand, vitreous and resin- ous substances, and the like, were called electrics. When, CHAP. I. CONDUCTORS AND NON-CONDUCTORS. 235 however,, it was discovered that the absence of the elec- trical effects on conducting bodies, when excited by friction or otherwise, was owing not to their inability to evolve electricity, but to the escape of this electricity as fast as it was evolved, these terms were abandoned as ex- pressing properties and effects which have no actual existence ; and the more appropriate terms conductors and non-conductors were retained. (16.) When it is desired to preserve on a conducting body the electricity which has been imparted to it or excited upon it, it is usual either to suspend or support it by a non-conducting substance: such a substance, not giving free passage to the electricity, prevents its escape from the electrified body. An electrified body thus placed is said to be insulated ; and non-conductors are accordingly called also insulators. (17.) Atmospheric air must manifestly belong to the class of non-conducting bodies; for if it gave a free passage to electricity, the electrical effects excited on the surface of any body surrounded with it would quickly pass away, and no electrical phenomena of a permanent or durable nature could be produced, unless the bodies ex- perimented on were removed from contact with the air. On the contrary, it is found that resin or glass, when submitted to friction, preserves its electrical properties for a considerable time, even though surrounded by at- mospheric air. (18.) In the experiments with the pith balls already explained, we have stated that the balls should be sus- pended by threads of silk. If, instead of silk threads, fine metallic wires had been used, the same effects would not have ensued. The balls could not then have been perma- nently electrified by contact with the excited tube, and consequently the effects of electricity upon them would not be manifested. The cause of this admits of easy explanation. When the pith ball touches the glass, being itself a conductor of electricity, its surface becomes covered with the electric fluid taken from that part of the glass which 236 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. it touches. When detached from the glass, this fluid flows along the wire hy which the ball is suspended, this wire heing also a conductor of electricity ; and from this wire it passes away through the material of the stand by which the wire is supported. But a silk thread being a non-conductor of electricity, the electric fluid taken by the ball from the glass cannot escape when the ball is suspended by such a thread, and is therefore re- tained upon it. (19.) If the stand to which the ball is suspended consist of a pillar of glass, the same effects will ensue, whether the ball be suspended by a conducting or a non- conducting thread ; for if the ball be suspended by a metallic wire, the electric fluid received by the ball when it touches the glass will be spread over the ball and the wire; but its escape will be prevented by the glass pillar from which the wire is suspended, glass being a non- conductor. (20.) Water, whether existing in the liquid or va- porous form, is a conductor of electricity * ; and this property affects, in a very important manner, all electri- cal experiments. The atmosphere contains suspended in it at all times more or less aqueous vapour ; and the presence of this conducting substance, mingled with the pure atmospheric air, which is a non-conductor, impairs the non-conducting quality of the latter, and facilitates the escape of electricity from all excited or electrified bodies. This is one of the reasons why electrical ex- periments are made with more facility, and the desired effects produced with more certainty and success, in cold and dry weather, the atmosphere then holding but little aqueous vapour suspended in it. (21.) It also happens that, when the atmosphere is highly impregnated with vapour, more or less of this vapour is deposited in a film of moisture on the surfaces of bodies exposed to the air, more especially on surfaces which have an attraction for such vapour. When such * It will appear hereafter that its conducting power is of an order very inferior to that of the metals. CHAP. I. CONDUCTORS AND NON-CONDUCTORS. 237 a coating of moisture is deposited on the surface of a non-conducting body., it impairs or destroys its non- conducting power. If, under such circumstances., glass or resin, or any other non-conductor, be excited by fric- tion, the electricity evolved will escape by means of the conducting power of the moisture which rests upon the surface. In like manner, if pillars of glass or resin be used as supports to insulate electrified bodies, or if threads of silk be used for the same purpose to suspend electrified bodies, those substances will lose their insu- lating power, since the moisture deposited upon them will enable the electricity to pass away. In warm ^eather, therefore, and, in general, at any time when the atmosphere is strongly impregnated with vapour, the success of electrical experiments can only be insured by keeping the insulating supports dry, by constantly rubbing them with a dry warm cloth, which is itself a non-conductor. A silk handkerchief is very fit for this purpose. (22.) The distribution of all bodies into two great classes of conductors and non-conductors, like most other systematic classifications in physical science, is not in strict conformity with the natural properties of material substances ; and though such a distinction is useful and necessary, it must be adopted subject to a clear know- ledge of the restrictions under which only it can be ap- plied. Few bodies can be found which, in a strict sense, belong to either of the specified classes ; and many exist which present nearly equal claims to be placed under either of them. There is, in fact, no substance whose surface is strictly impassable by the electric fluid, though there are many which offer such obstruction to its pro- pagation over them, that, in a practical sense, they may be regarded as non-conductors. It is equally impossible to find any body whose surface offers so free a passage to the electric fluid, that under no conceivable circum- stance is any the least obstruction discoverable; but there are many which offer an obstruction so extremely small in amount, that th^y may be, and are, regarded as 238 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. practically perfect conductors. Finally, there are many substances which possess the conducting power so im- perfectly, that it seems doubtful to which class they should most properly be assigned. There is, in a word, a progression of degrees in which the conducting power is found in bodies ; and the various substances in nature might be tabulated or arranged in a series, beginning with that substance over which electricity passes most freely, proceeding through gradations to those substances which offer such obstruction to its passage as scarcely to be considered as conductors, and from these through the catalogue of bodies offering more and more obstruction to its transmission, until we arrive at that substance which approaches nearest to an absolute non-conductor. In the formation of such a series, however, much difficulty is found, owing partly to the absence of any precise measure of the conducting power of bodies, and partly to the fact that the conducting power of the same body at different times is subject to variations, proceeding from causes external to it; such as its hygrometric state, or its temperature. (23.) Of all known substances, those which offer least obstruction to the passage of electricity are the metals. These bodies all appear to transmit common electricity without sensible obstruction : but, from experiments made with galvanic electricity, there is reason to think that even the rnetals are permeable in different degrees by the electric fluid. (24.) Mr. Singer, so well known for his investigations in electricity, observes, that a tendency of the electric fluid to pass through good conductors offers a measure of their conducting power : for if various substances of the same length and magnitude are used simultaneously to connect an electrified conductor with one not electrified, that through which the fluid passes in preference to the others is the best conductor ; or if they are placed in succession, that which conveys the charge most com- pletely may be considered the most perfect. Metals, al- though the most perfect of known conductors, offer some CHAP. I. CONDUCTORS AND NON-CONDUCTORS. 239 slight resistance to the transmission of electricity ; and a charge will even prefer a short passage through air to a current of twenty or thirty feet along thin wire. (25.) The hodies composing the following series are arranged in the order in which experiment has shown them to possess the conducting power ; the most perfect conductors standing at the head,, and the most perfect non-conductor at the conclusion, of the series. The black line divides the most imperfect conductors from the most imperfect non-conductors : but, accord- ing to wnat nas been already explained, the position of this line is in a great measure arbitrary, and the ex- act relative position of many of the substances composing the series is, as yet, unascertained : All the metals. Well-burnt charcoal. Plumbago. Concentrated acids. Powdered charcoal. Dilute acids. Saline solutions. Metallic ores. Animal fluids. Sea water. Spring water. Rain water. Ice above 13 Fahrenheit. Snow. Living vegetables. Living animals. Flame. Smoke. Steam. Salts soluble in water. Rarefied air. Vapour of alcohol. Vapour of ether. Moist earths and stones. Powdered glass. Flowers of sulphur. Dry metallic oxydes. Oils, the heaviest the best. 240 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. Ashes of vegetable bodies. Ashes of animal bodies. Many transparent crystals, ory. Ice below 13 Fahrenheit. Phosphorus. Lime. Dry chalk. Native carbonate of barytes. Lycopodium. Caoutchouc. Camphor. Some siliceous and argillaceous stones. Dry marble. Porcelain. Dry vegetable bodies. Baked wood. Dry gases and air. Leather. Parchment. Dry paper. Feathers. Hair. Wool. Dyed silk. Bleached silk. Raw silk. Transparent gems. Diamond. Mice. All vitrifications. Glass. Jet. Wax. Sulphur. Resins. Amber. Gum-lac. (26.) According to the experiments of M. Achard, of Berlin, ice whose temperature is below 13 Fahr. is a non-conductor, though at all higher temperatures it is a conductor. That philosopher experimented on a rod of ice two feet long and two inches in diameter, and found that at 18 Fahr. it became an imperfect conductor, and that at 13 it ceased to have any dis- coverable conducting power whatever. CHAP. I. CONDUCTING POWER. 241 Since the best test of a non-conductor is to ascertain whether electricity can be excited on its - surface so as to remain on it, M. Achard, having frozen some water so as to exclude all air-bubbles from it, formed it into a spheroid, and mounted it on an axis. When the tem- perature of this was reduced below 13, he was able to excite upon it a very high degree of electricity by the ordinary process. (27.) It is doubtful whether rarefied air should oc- cupy a place among conducting bodies,, for the manner in which it admits the motion of electricity is probably very different from that in which other conducting sub- stances exert that power. It will hereafter appear that the electric fluid is retained on the surfaces of electrified bodies by the atmospheric pressure, and that when its tension exceeds this pressure it escapes spontaneously. Whatever, therefore, be the intensity of the electric fluid on any electrified body, if the atmosphere surrounding it is so rarefied that its pressure shall be less than that tension, the electricity must escape by its self-expansive power ; and, in this sense, the surrounding air thus rare- fied may be regarded as a conductor. Various experi- ments have been made to ascertain whether a vacuum is or is not a non-conductor ; and, although the question cannot be considered as finally settled, there appears every reason from analogy to consider it a perfect con- ductor. (28.) In conformity with the usage of all writers on this branch of physics, we have adopted, and shall con- tinue to use, the term conducting power to express that quality of bodies in virtue of which they afford a free passage to electricity. It were, however, to be wished that this property had been designated by some term which would more correctly express what appears, from observation and experiment, to be its nature. Expe- riment seems to prove that the particles of bodies have no peculiar affinity for the free electric fluid, and they neither attract nor repel it. So far, therefore, as the phrase conducting power implies an active quality in VOL. i. B ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. relation to that fluid, it does not correctly express the property to which it is applied. A conductor exer- cises no action on the electric fluid, and is merely characterised by the negative or passive condition of offering no obstruction to its motion. The electric fluid, being self-expansive, has a natural tendency to diffuse itself into the surrounding space; and when, in virtue of this elasticity, it passes from the surface of one con- ductor to the surface of another, the effect is analogous to that which takes place when a vessel filled with com- mon air is put into communication with another vessel in which there is a vacuum. The air, by its elasticity, expands and diffuses itself through the dimensions of the two vessels, having before been confined to one of them. What the vacuum is to a vessel filled with air, a con- ductor in its natural state is to an electrified conductor. We do not wish, however, to be understood to state that, when an electrified conductor is brought into contact with another conductor not electrified, the electric fluid diffuses itself over both conductors according to the same law as air would distribute itself between the two re- ceivers just referred to. It does, however, diffuse itself over both conductors according to its own peculiar laws. (29.) The physical condition which confers on bodies this conducting power has been a subject of fruitless inquiry among electricians. All that is known respect- ing it is, that the conducting quality depends partly, if not altogether, on the peculiar arrangement of the par- ticles of bodies, and is not dependent on the particles themselves. It has been ascertained, that all bodies be- come conductors in a state of solution. It is natural to inquire whether any relation exists between the power of conducting electricity and other imponderable physical influences, such as light and heat There is, however, one obvious distinction to be observed between the manner in which light and heat are trans- mitted through bodies, and that in which electricity is transmitted by them. If a body be capable of conduct- ing or transmitting light, that fluid will pass through its CHAP. I. CONDUCTING POWER. 2^3 solid dimensions ; thus glass, water, air, and other trans- parent bodies, allow light to pass through them ; in other words, they are conductors of light, while the metals generally, and other opaque substances, refuse to admit light through their dimensions, and either reflect it from their surfaces or absorb it upon them. The metals in general are free conductors of heat: if one end of a metallic bar be heated, the heat soon passes through all its dimensions, and the temperature of the other end rises. But, on the other hand, glass and water, which are such perfect conductors of light, scarcely possess the power of conducting heat at all : one end of a rod of glass may be rendered white hot, while no sensible ele- vation of temperature takes place at the other end. Electricity, however, is transmitted or excited not through the interior dimensions, of bodies, but only on their surfaces ; and the conducting power, therefore, belongs solely to the surface. No relation exists between the conductors of heat or light and those of electricity. Glass, which is almost a perfect conductor of light, is a non-conductor of heat, and also of electricity. Sealing- wax, which is an opaque substance, and therefore a non- conductor of light, is likewise a non-conductor of heat and electricity. The metals, on the other hand, which are non-conductors of light, are conductors of both heat and electricity. Water is a conductor of electricity and light, but a non-conductor of heat. Neither does there appear to exist any general or con- stant relation between the conducting power of bodies and the state of cohesion of their particles. The metals,, and vitreous and resinous bodies, when in the solid state, manifest an active principle of cohesion among their par- ticles ; but the metals are good conductors, while glass, gum, and resin are non-conductors. Most liquids are conductors, but possess this quality in very different degrees. The oils are very imperfect conductors. Wax and tallow, when cold, and therefore solid, are very bad conductors, but when melted they are comparatively good ones. The conducting power is found to exist in B 2 244 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. bodies having the most opposite physical characters : the flame of alcohol is a conductor, and so is ice. At common temperatures, the bodies over which electricity passes have no sensible effect upon it. The same elec- tric spark will be derived from electricity transmitted by an iron conductor, whether the iron is at the tempera- ture of melting ice or red hot. The same spark is ob- tained if the electric fluid be conducted by ice itself. (30.) The non-conducting quality of atmospheric air is shared by all gases when in a dry state ; but, besides the insulating property which these bodies possess in virtue of the absence of the conducting power, they all, in common with atmospheric air, owe a great part of their insulating power to the mechanical pressure which they excite upon the surface of electrified bodies. It appears that this pressure is the chief agent by which the electricity is retained upon such bodies. This fact may be established by experiment in the following man- ner : Let a metallic ball,, suspended by a silken thread, be electrified,, and placed under the receiver of an air- pump. Let the air under the receiver be then rarefied by the action of the pump : the ball will lose its elec- tricity by degrees, according as it is relieved from the pressure of the surrounding air by gradual rarefication. If the same experiment be made with a ball of glass, of equal magnitude, similarly suspended, and also electrified by previous friction, it will be found that this ball will also lose its electricity when the air in the receiver is rarefied ; but it will not lose it so rapidly as the metallic ball. (31.) The conducting power of the metals is of great use in the construction and adaptation of 'apparatus for experimental investigations in electricity. A body having an extensive metallic surface, placed on an in- sulating support such as a pillar of glass or resin, or suspended by insulating cords such as threads of silk, may be regarded as a reservoir or vessel in which electricity may be collected and retained for experi- mental purposes. It is true that, after the lapse of a CHAP. I. ACCUMULATION OP ELECTRICITY. 245 certain time, it will be dissipated ; but it can always be retained for a time sufficient for the purposes of experi- mental inquiry. It is very easy to comprehend how electricity may be accumulated on such a body. Let a glass tube be electrified by friction, and brought in contact with an insulated metallic surface. The electricity upon the tube at and immediately around the point of contact will pass to the metallic surface, and, in virtue of its conducting power, will be diffused uniformly over it. If another part of the tube be then brought in contact with the metal, a further communication of electricity will take place ; and in the same manner, if, by any contrivance, all the parts of the tube which have been electrified by friction be brought successively in contact with the metal, all the electricity excited on the tube will be transmitted to the metallic surface, and will be uni- formly diffused over it. The tube may then again be excited by friction, and the electricity with which it is charged may, in like manner, be communicated to the metallic surface. By continuing this process, the insu- lated metallic surface may be charged with any quantity of accumulated electricity. But it is evident that the mechanical labour of exciting the tube in the manner already described, by holding it in one hand, and the cloth to rub it in the other, would be considerable, and the process would be otherwise inconvenient. If the tube were mounted so as to be capable of revolving on an axis, while the cloth were held against it by a fixed support, the manual labour would consist merely in giving a motion of ro- tation to the^ tube, which might be accomplished by a small handle or winch. The tube would be thus made to revolve by a manual operation similar to that by which a barrel-organ is worked. Such is, in fact, with certain modifications and additions, the ELECTRICAL MACHINE, a detailed de- scription of which we shall give hereafter ; but it will be convenient at present to render the general B 3 246 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. principle and purpose of such a machine understood. Instead of a tube, a cylinder of glass, of considerable magnitude, is mounted on bearings placed at the ex- tremities of its geometrical axis, and is made to re- volve on that axis by a winch or handle attached at the extremity, so as to move outside the supports of the cylinder. A transverse vertical section of such a cylinder is represented at C (fig. 3.), supported at the Fig. 3. V~N i ^\ Gjr-O ends of its axis by uprights, D. The cylinder Is kept moving, in the direction of the arrow, by the winch already referred to. A cushion, A, is supported by a pillar, B, and pressed by a spring against the glass cylinder. A cloth of the proper material for exciting electricity is attached to the cushion, and carried round part of the cylinder terminating at E. As the cylinder revolves, its surface becomes covered with electricity, excited by friction with the cloth A E ; and if the appa- ratus were limited to such a cylinder, it would soon be covered with all the electricity it is capable of re- taining. This cessation of the production of electricity is pro- vided against by a conductor, F. This is a body with a metallic suface in the form of a cylinder of consider- able length, having extremities which are segments of spheres greater than a hemisphere ; and it is supported on a pillar G of glass, or other non-conducting sub- stance. From the end of the conductor, which is pre- sented to the side of the cylinder, a horizontal row of metallic points project, one. of which is represented at P. The height of the pillar G is so adjusted, that CHAP. I. ELECTRICAL MACHINE. 247 these points shall be at the same level as the axis of the cylinder, and they are so disposed as to extend through- out the length of the cylinder. The -conductor is so placed that these points shall be very nearly in contact with the glass. While any por- tion of the cylinder's surface is moved from the rubber A to the point E, electricity is excited upon it by the friction of the cloth. As it descends to P, it gives up this electricity to the metallic points, which have an at- traction for it, the nature of which will be explained hereafter ; and from these points it passes to the con- ductor F, over the surface of which it diffuses itself. This process may be continued until the conductor has received from the cylinder all the electricity which the pressure of the air surrounding it is capable of retaining on its surface. If it be desired to collect a still greater quantity of electricity, it is only necessary to provide two or more insulated conductors, similar to F, which, being put successively in communication with the cylinder C, may be similarly charged ; or if two or more of these insulated conductors be connected together by metallic chains or wires, which will give free passage to the electricity from one to the other, they may be all simul- taneously charged by the cylinder C. In fact, they may be then regarded as one continued conductor. Such is the general principle of the ELECTRICAL MACHINE, by means of which electricity is produced and accumulated at pleasure, for the purpose of experi- mental investigation. In the details of the construction of these machines, there are, however, many other principles brought into operation, depending on more complicated phenomena, which will be explained here- after. The description of the actual form and con- struction, therefore, of electrical machines, as now used, must be postponed until the phenomena on which they depend have been explained. Meanwhile, it will be apparent, from what has been above stated, that, by the aid of apparatus such as we have here described, 248 ELECTRO-STATICS. electricity may be evolved and accumulated, and., when so accumulated, may be transferred from place to place by insulated conductors, or may be made to pass from one conducting body to another by wires, chains, or cords of any conducting substance. (32.) When an electrified conductor is touched by the finger, it instantly loses all its electricity. Where, it may be asked, does this electricity escape to ? It is easy to show that it passes through the body of the person touching the conductor, and from his body to the earth. To demonstrate this, let us first suppose that a pith ball, suspended by a non-conducting thread, is charged with electricity. We have seen that if it be touched by the finger it will immediately lose all its electricity. But, instead of being touched by the finger, let it be brought in contact with another pith ball, of ten times its diameter, also suspended by a non- conducting thread. It will be found that the smaller ball, after the contact, will have retained but a small portion of its electricity. In fact, the greater ball, having a diameter ten times greater, has a surface a hundred times greater, than the smaller one ; and the electricity which, before the con- tact, was confined to the surface of the smaller ball, is diffused, after the contact, by the conducting power of the balls over the surface of both. The greater ball takes a portion of it nearly a hundred times more than is left on the smaller ball, and the electricity remaining on the smaller ball is therefore nearly a hundred times more feeble than it was before the contact. It is evi- dent, that the degree in which the electricity on the smaller ball is diminished by such means will depend on the proportion of the surfaces of the two balls ; and that, by augmenting the magnitude of the greater, the quantity of electricity left upon the lesser will become insensible. If, then, an electrified conductor be taken to re- present the smaller ball, and the whole globe of the earth the greater,, it will be easily perceived that, whea CHAP. I. COMMON RESERVOIR. 249 such a conductor is made to communicate with the earth by any conducting substance, such as a metallic wire or chain, or the human body, the electricity which was before accumulated on the insulated conductor will be shared between it and the whole surface of the earth ; and as its surface, however extensive it may be, must be infinitely small compared with that of the earth, the electricity remaining on the conductor must be proportionately small compared with what it has lost. In fact, the quantity remaining on it is inappreciable, and the conductor may be considered as restored to its natural state. (32.) As all bodies temporarily electrified must, in this manner, give up their electricity to the earth, the moment that the means taken to insulate them are re- moved, or whenever they are touched by any conduct- ing substance, or even by the conducting power of the aqueous vapour suspended in the air, the earth is called the common reservoir of electricity. All free electricity, wherever and however confined and accumulated, must return to it. The conducting power of the human body, as well as the use of insulators in electrical investigations, may be illustrated by the following interesting experiment. If a metallic body or other conductor, insulated by standing on supports of glass, be charged with electri- city, this electricity may be drawn off and transmitted to the earth by presenting to the body so insulated any conducting body which communicates with the earth. If the extremity of such conductor consists of a knob or ball of metal, when brought near the insulated con- ductor the electricity will pass from the latter to the former, accompanied by a bright spark distinctly visible and a cracking noise; the brightness of the one and the loudness of the other being proportionate to the quantity of electricity accumulated in the insulated con- ductor. As the animal body is known to be a conduct- ing substance there is no reason why a man might not be used, instead of the insulated conductor, in this ex- 250 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. periment. Let a stool with glass legs be provided,, on which a man shall stand : electricity may be communi- cated to his body thus placed. The electricity thus im- parted to him, being prevented from escaping by the non-conducting power of the legs of the stool, will be retained in his body. When a sufficient quantity is thus accumulated in his person, a knob of metal, com- municating by a chain or wire with the earth, being brought near some part of his person, his head, for example, a spark of electricity, accompanied by a noise like that of a small explosion, will pass from his head to the ball. (INTROD. (16.) ) OPPOSITE ELECTRICITIES. 251 CHAP. II. OPPOSITE ELECTRICITIES. (34.) IT has been shown that two pith balls, suspended in contact by non-conducting threads, when electrified repel each other. This is a general law. All bodies whatever, when electrified by the contact of the same excited surface, repel each other, and continue to ex- ercise such reciprocal repulsion until they are deprived of the electricity diffused upon them. This repulsion is manifested not only between bodies like the two pith balls, which have derived their electricity from contact with the same excited surface, but also between a body excited by friction and another which has been elec- trified by contact with it. When a glass tube has been electrified by friction with a woollen cloth, and has im- parted a portion of its electricity to a pith ball sus- pended by a non-conducting thread, it will repel that ball, as has been already shown; and the reciprocity of this effect is only prevented from being visible by the comparative inertia of the glass. The repulsive force which produces a visible displacement on so light a mass of matter as the pith ball, when shared by the component parts of so much heavier a mass as the glass tube, can produce no sensible effect. If, however, a hollow glass ball, equal in weight to the pith ball, were electrified by friction, and suspended similarly to the pith ball, the same reciprocal repulsion would be pro- duced between it and the pith ball as was manifested between the two pith balls electrified by contact with the glass tube. (35.) It will be observed that the pith balls, which manifest a mutual repulsion, have in this case been both electrified by the same body. As, however, it has 252 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. appeared that a great variety of substances are capable of being excited by friction, it is natural to inquire whether the electrical state to which they are brought is the same in all, or, if not, in what respects it differs in different bodies. For this purpose, let a stick of sealing-wax and a piece of amber be excited by the friction of the same woollen cloth ; and let two pith balls, suspended on different stands, be electrified by contact with them. If these pith balls be then brought near each other, a mutual repulsion will ensue. The same effect would have been produced if both pith balls had been electrified by contact with the same excited body, whatever that body might be. If, after the pith balls are restored to their natural state by being touched by the finger, one of them be electrified by sealing-wax excited by the friction of a woollen cloth, and the other by glass excited by friction with the same cloth, the same effects will not ensue. On bringing one ball near the other, instead of mani- festing a mutual repulsion, they will now attract each other. It is evident, therefore, that the electricity produced by friction upon the glass has a different quality from that produced by friction upon the wax. These electricities impart a power of mutual attraction to bodies to which they are communicated ; while, on the other hand, bodies both electrified by either glass or wax acquire a power of reciprocal repulsion. To extend and vary these experiments still further, let us suppose a pith ball to be suspended by a non- conducting thread, and electrified by a glass tube excited by friction. Let a variety of substances be provided, susceptible of electrical excitation. These being elec- trified by friction, let them be successively presented to the pith ball electrified by the glass tube. By some of them this ball will be attracted, and by others it will be repelled. It is evident, therefore, that the elec- tricity on the latter is contrary in its nature and effects to the electricity excited on the former. Since this electricity excited on glass is found to CHAP. II. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ELECTRICITY. 253 repel the pith ball, to which the same electricity has been imparted, all those substances which, when ex- cited, also repel the pith ball are said to be electrified similarly to the glass ; while all those substances which have the contrary effect of attracting the pith ball, are said to possess a contrary kind of electricity. Vitreous substances generally are among those which produce the electricity by which the ball is repelled; while wax, amber, and resinous substances generally, are among those by which the ball is attracted. The name of vitreous electricity has therefore been applied to the one, and resinous electricity to the other. It will, how- ever, presently appear that the actual phenomena are not in accordance with these terms ; and the names po- sitive and negative electricity have partially superseded them, positive electricity being substituted for vi- treous, and negative for resinous. These latter terms are not free from objection, taking their origin, as they do, from a theory of electricity which, being proved to be incompatible with the phenomena, has been superseded by one more adequately representing them. Both systems, however, are used by writers of the present day, and both, therefore, should be rendered familiar to the student. Since, then, the substances are so various which pro- duce these two electricities, and since even the same sub- stance, as will presently appear, may produce each of them, what, it will be asked, is the test of similar or different electricities ? and how is the positive or vitre- ous to be known from the negative or resinous ? This question is answered by the statement of the fol- lowing law, to which there is no exception, and which, indeed, must be regarded as constituting the definition of similar and opposite electricities: (3 6.) Bodies charged with similar electricities mu- tually repel each other; and bodies charged with opposite electricities mutually attract each other. (37.) Positive) or vitreous., electricity is that which is produced upon polished glass when rubbed with a woollen 254 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. cloth; and electricity of the contrary kind is negative, or resinous. (38.) It has been shown that these attractions and repulsions are transmitted without obstruction through the body of air by which the electrified bodies are sur- rounded, and which intervenes between them. Air, how- ever, is not the only medium through which these attrac- tions and repulsions act. They are likewise transmitted freely through all non-conductors, such as glass or resin. If a pith ball, suspended by a silk thread, and elec- trified by a glass tube excited by friction with a wool- len cloth, be placed within a glass receiver, it will be repelled when the excited glass tube is brought near the side of the receiver, in the same manner as would happen if the glass receiver were not interposed between the tube and ball. If, on the other hand, a stick of sealing-wax, excited by friction with the same woollen cloth, be brought near the side of the receiver, the pith ball, elec- trified by the glass, will be attracted. (39.) The attractions and repulsions of electrified bodies are likewise transmitted through conducting bo- dies, such as the metals ; but their effects are so modi- fied in that case by other phenomena, which will be explained hereafter, that they are not observable. (40.) The simple apparatus of a small pith ball, sus- pended by a silken thread, and electrified by glass ex- cited by the friction of a woollen cloth, is sufficient, in all ordinary cases, to detect the presence and species of electricity on any body. If a body produce neither attraction nor repulsion on such a ball, it is not electrified; or, at least, not suffi- ciently so to produce a force strong enough to overcome the rigidity of the silken string. If, however, it repels the ball, it must possess positive electricity. The electricity upon the body under examination may be so feeble, that its attraction or repulsion shall be inca- pable of moving the ball through any sensible space. The sensibility of the apparatus may, under such circum- stances, be augmented by using a fine thread and a lighter CHAP. II. OPPOSITE ELECTRICITIES. 255 ball ; but we shall hereafter explain the construction of instruments by which the presence of electricity is more accurately determined and measured. Such an appara- tus as is described above is, in many cases,, sufficiently sensible, and will serve to explain the phenomena to which we shall at present confine our attention. (41.) When two bodies are submitted to the process of friction, there is nothing in the mechanical circum- stances of the operation to lead to the supposition that any peculiar effect could be produced upon one without some corresponding effect being produced upon the other. When, therefore, glass, sealing-wax, or any other non- conductor, is electrified by friction with another sub- stance, it is natural to infer that the substance with which it is rubbed must undergo some physical change, or ac- quire some quality having an analogy to that which is acquired by the body rubbed. Such an inference is ren- dered more probable by the circumstance that the elec- tricity acquired by glass or resin is the same, whether the glass or resin be kept at rest and the cloth rubbed upon it, or the cloth be kept at rest and the glass or resin rubbed against it ; or, finally, whether the friction be produced by motion imparted to both. To determine this, it is only necessary to bring the cloth with which the conductor is rubbed to the test of the electrified pith ball above explained. If glass be excited by the friction of a woollen cloth, the glass will be vitreously electrified, as has been already shown, and will therefore repel the pith ball. If the woollen cloth be presented to the same pith ball, it will attract it ; and we therefore infer that the woollen cloth is resinously, or negatively, electrified. Again : let the same woollen cloth be rubbed upon a stick of sealing-wax, and the pith ball being as before positively electrified, the sealing-wax will attract it, since the latter is negatively electrified ; but if the woollen cloth with which the sealing-wax has been rubbed be presented to the pith ball, repulsion will take place. It appears, then, that the woollen cloth is capable of 256 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. being electrified either positively or negatively, accord- ing as it is rubbed against the glass or the wax, and that in each case it acquires an electricity of a kind contrary to that which it imparts to the substance against which it is rubbed. If it be rubbed against glass, the glass acquires positive electricity, while the cloth acquires negative electricity. If it be rubbed against sealing- wax, the latter acquires negative electricity, and the cloth will be positively electrified. (42.) If these experiments be carried further, it will soon become apparent that not only the substance used as a rubber is capable of acquiring either kind of electricity according to the substance against which it is rubbed, but that the same substance, when submitted to the friction of different rubbers, may be either posi- tively or negatively electrified. To prove this, let a tube of polished glass be rubbed first with a woollen cloth, and then with the fur of a cat. In the first case, as has already been explained, the glass will be positively electrified, but in the second it will be found to be negatively electrified. The species of electricity excited upon glass is, therefore, not always the same ; but is sometimes positive and sometimes negative, according to the substance with which it has been rubbed. If the fur of a cat, after having been rubbed on glass, be examined, it will be found to be positively elec- trified, while the glass is negatively electrified. The glass and cat's fur are, therefore, oppositely electrified. By continuing and varying those experiments it will be found that the electricity produced when two bodies are submitted to friction is subject to the following law : (43.) The electricities excited by the mutual friction of two bodies are always of contrary kinds ; one being positive } and the other negative. The objection against the use of the terms vitreous and resinous, to express the two opposite species of elec- tricity, will now be apparent. These terms imply, that Tvhen vitreous bodies are excited, they are always elec- CHAP. II. OPPOSITE ELECTRICITIES. 257 trifled with the one species of electricity; and that when resinous bodies are excited, they are always electrified with the other. Such an hypothesis is, however, at variance with the facts which have been just demon- strated; the same body being capable of being elec- trified with either kind of electricity, according to the substance with which it has been rubbed. (44.) In order to verify more extensively the above important law, that all bodies submitted to friction acquire opposite kinds of electricity, the following ar- rangement should be made. If the bodies under ex- periment be solid, it will be advantageous to form them into flat plates, the faces of which may be exposed to friction. The magnitude of the surface operated upon is thus increased, and the quantity of electricity evolved proportionably augmented. If the bodies be conductors of electricity, they should be furnished with non-con- ducting handles or supports, to prevent the escape of the electricity excited upon them. Whether the bodies under examination be solids, or have the form of stuffs or cloths, or are the skins of animals, they may be insulated by these means, or by being suspended by threads of silk kept well dried. When the two bodies have been submitted to friction they must be separated, and, while still insulated, presented successively to the electrified pith ball previously described. One of them will always be found to attract, and the other to repel it. A vast number of experiments have been made with a view to the discovery of the physical circum- stances which determine the species of electricity which different substances acquire, but hitherto this inquiry has not been attended with satisfactory results. The following is a series of non-conducting substances, ar- ranged in such an order that, when any one of them is rubbed against any other, that which stands first in the list becomes positively electrified, and therefore the other will be negatively electrified : 258 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I* 1. Fur of a cat. 6. Paper. 2. Polished glass. 7. Silk. 3. Woollen cloth. 8. Gum lac. 4. Feathers. 9. Rough glass. 5. Wood. Thus, if the fur of a cat be rubbed against any one of the eight substances which follow it upon the list, it will be positively electrified, while the other substances will be negatively electrified. If wood be rubbed against any of the four substances which precede it, it will be negatively electrified, while the substance against which it is rubbed will be positively electrified ; but if it be rubbed against any of the four substances which follow it upon the list, it will be positively electrified, while the substance against which it is rubbed will be negatively electrified. (45.) The species of electricity which two bodies acquire by friction is not always the same, and is some- times influenced by circumstances apparently of an in- different nature. For it appears by the above series (which has been deduced entirely from experiments, independently of any theory) that if a piece of polished glass be rubbed against a piece of rough glass, the former becomes positively, and the latter negatively, electrified. But there appears no reason why the polish of the surface should produce this effect. If two lengths of white silk ribbon, cut from the same piece, be rubbed one across the other, that which is rubbed transversely will become negatively electrified, while that which is rubbed longitudinally will be positively electrified. There is, however, no apparent reason why the di- rection of the threads forming the ribbon should affect the species of electricity it acquires. JEpinus found that a plate of copper rubbed against sulphur, and that two similar squares of glass rubbed against one another, produced electricity that they were always oppositely electrified, but that the electricity each acquired was not always the same. The copper, when rubbed against the sulphur, was sometimes positive, and sometimes ne- CHAP, II. OPPOSITE ELECTRICITIES. 259 gative, the sulphur always having an electricity of an opposite kind ; and the plate of glass, which was at one time positively electrified, was at another time electrified negatively ; the other plate undergoing corresponding variations. (46.) The following experiment furnishes an inter- esting illustration of the production of opposite elec- tricities. Let two persons be placed upon insulating stools (that is, stools having glass legs to prevent the escape of electricity to the earth), and let one of them, holding in his hand the fur of a cat, well dried, strike the other with it two or three times. He that strikes will have his body charged with positive electricity, and he that is struck will be charged with negative electri- city. This may be proved by the usual test of the electrified pith ball. The ball being positively electri- fied, let the first present his hand near it, and it will be repelled ; but if the second present his hand towards it, it will be attracted. If a person not insulated present his finger to the face of either of them, a spark will pass from their flesh to his finger. If either of those persons descend for a moment, he will lose all the electricity with which he is charged, which will escape to the earth. If, in performing the above experiment, one of the two persons only stand on the insulating stool, he alone will be charged with electricity, the electricity excited in the other escaping immediately to the earth. If neither of these persons be so insulated, neither will exhibit signs of electricity. The electricity will be excited in each of them as before, but, as they are not separated from the earth by any non-conducting substance, it will immediately escape. In experiments of this kind, the fur of the cat is the most convenient substance which can be used, owing t^ the facility with which electricity is produced by it. If in dry weather, the hand be passed over the back of a living cat, the hairs will bristle and be attracted by the hand ; and sometimes a cracking noise will be heard, and sparks observed. These latter effects, however, s 2 260 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. which are also observable with human hair, only take place in very cold weather, when the air, from its ex- treme dryness, becomes a good insulator. The human hair,, when clean and dry, and not greased, may be elec- trified with great facility by friction. This is especially the case with fair hair, which is generally fine and pliable. (47.) The opposite electricities produced by friction may be demonstrated by the electrical machine, of which the general principle has been explained. Be- hind the rubber or cushion A (fig. 3.) let a conductor, H, be placed, and let it be insulated by standing upon a glass pillar, the cushion being also insulated. When electricity has been excited by turning the glass cylinder, the glass and the cushion, in accordance with what has been explained in this chapter, acquire opposite kinds of electricity. The positive electricity produced upon the glass passes off to the conductor F, and the negative electricity produced upon the rubber passes off to the conductor H. These conductors are accordingly called, respectively, positive and negative conductors. Elec- tricity will continue to be accumulated on each of them until as much has been collected as the atmospheric pressure is capable of retaining on their surfaces. As opposite electricities have an attraction for each other, there is a continual tendency of the negative electricity to flow towards the positive, and of the positive to flow towards the negative, conductor ; and if the action of the machine were suspended, nothing would prevent the excess of electricity on each conductor from flowing t< the other, and thus restoring the electrical equilibrium, and reducing the conductors to their natural state, ex- cept the non-conducting quality of the glass cylinde v which stands between them. (48. ) The property of exciting electricity by friction is not confined to solids. The friction of liquids against solids and against each other produces like effects. On the top of a glass receiver let a wooden cup be attached, so that no air can pass between it and the glass. The CHAP. II. EXCITEMENT OF ELECTRICITY. 26l receiver thus arranged being placed upon the plate of an air-pump, and the wooden cup being filled with mer- cury, let the air within the receiver be rarefied by the pump. The pressure of the external atmosphere will force the mercury through the pores of the wood, and it will fall like a shower of silver within the receiver, striking against the sides of the glass as it descends. If the electrified pith bah 1 be brought near the side of the glass while the mercury is thus falling, it will be at- tracted or repelled according to the species of electricity with which the ball is charged, demonstrating that the inner surface of the glass is electrified. (49.) If the column of mercury supported in the tube of a barometer be made to ascend and descend by alternately inclining the barometer from side to side, the friction of the mercury within the tube will be attended with the evolution of electricity ; and if the experiment be made in the dark, a faint luminous appearance will be observed to follow the motion of the mercury. (50.) Electricity may be also excited by the friction of gases against solids. If a blast of air be directed by bellows upon a plate of glass, the glass will be posi- tively electrified, and the electricity may be detected by the usual tests. (51.) Friction, though the most convenient and usual, is not the only, method of exciting electricity. Electricity is evolved in almost every important change of form or constitution which bodies undergo. It is evolved in the fusion of solids. Let a metallic vase be placed on . insulating supports, and let melted sulphur be poured ~ into it. When the sulphur cools and hardens, and is removed from the vessel, it will be found to be electri- fied, and the metal will be found to have an electricity of an opposite kind. Sometimes the sulphur in this case is positively electrified, and the metal negatively; and sometimes the contrary happens. Various mineral substances of a crystallised structure and vitreous nature are found to be electrified when their temperature is raised to a certain point. In such cases, s 3 262 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. the two extremities of the crystal are sometimes oppo- sitely electrified, the one being positive and the other negative. The effects, however, vary. There are various other sources of electricity, such as chemical action, and the contact of heterogeneous sub- stances, especially metals. As these phenomena, how- ever, will be fully explained at the proper places in these volumes, it will not be necessary here to enter into de- velopments on the subject. , /:; 263 CHAP. III. LAW OF ELECTRICAL ATTRACTION AND REPULSION. (52.) HAVING ascertained the existence of the attractive and repulsive forces manifested by bodies on which elec- tricity has been excited, or to which it has been im- parted by contact with other bodies on which it has been excited, it will next be necessary to investigate the laws which govern the variation of the intensity or energy of these attractions and repulsions under the various cir- cumstances in which the bodies affected by them may be placed. But, before commencing this inquiry, we shall explain the principle and struc- ture of the instrument by the aid of which such forces have been mea- sured. The BALANCE OP TORSION, in- vented and applied by COULOMB with signal success in various physical in- vestigations, and used by him in his electrical experiments, is repre- sented in fig. 4. A B C 1) is a glass cylinder twelve inches in dia- meter, and twelve inches in height ; on the top is placed a glass plate A B thirteen inches in diameter, which completely covers the cylinder. In the centre of this plate a hole E is fo med, in which is inserted a glass tube E F, about two feet high. In the top of this tube is inserted the balance of torsion, the parts of which are separately exhibited in The top of the tube E F is represented s 4 figs. 5, 6, 7- 264 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. at F (fig. 6.). Into this passes like a telescope joint a short tube H (fig. 5.), to the top of which is at- Fig. 5. Fig. 7. tached a circular plate I, the edge of which is divided into 360 degrees. The tube H is permanently soldered into F. A button K carries an index L at- tached to a small cylinder M, to the lower end of which is at- tached a short rod N, at the bot- tom of which is a small pincers O, capable of being tightened by pressing down a ring sliding on N. These pincers hold the upper extremity of an extremely fine silver wire, kept in the ver- tical position by a weight hang- ing from it below. In the centre of the circular plate I a circular hole is formed, corresponding in magnitude to the small cylin- _A der M. When the wire and the pincers which support it are let into this hole, the cylinder M is capable of revolving within it with a little friction. The length of the index L is such, that its extremity bent downwards at right angles to its length, plays upon the graduated edge of the circular plate I. The fine wire thus held by the pincer O, descends through the centre of the cylindrical tube E F (fig.l4>.) to the centre P. of the great cylinder A B C I). The lower extremity of this wire is held by another similar metaUic pincers P, closed by a ring like the former, and held in the vertical position by the weight of a small cylinder of metal Q. This needle and its appendages are shown in fig. 7. The pincers P are pierced with a small hole in the horizontal direction, through which a needle R S passes. CHAP. in. COULOMB'S ELECTROMETER. 25 This needle is usually formed of gum lac, and is termi- nated at one extremity by a ball R of the pith of elder of about a quarter of an inch in diameter, and at the other end by a circular plane of paper S, steeped in turpen- tine, which serves as a counterpoise for the ball R, and which, by means of the resistance of the air, retards the oscillation of the needle. In the other hole T (fig. 4.) made in the circular top A B of the great cylinder, is in- serted a small rod T V formed of gum lac terminated in a small ball V of the pith of elder. Round the great cylinder at the level of the needle S R is attached a graduated circle, by which the movements of the sus- pended needle S R are measured. This graduated circle is so numbered, that its degrees commence from the point which is opposite the pith ball V. Since the tube H turns with a little friction within the tube F, the zero of the graduated cirjcle I, or the point from which its divisions commence to be num- bered, may be turned into any required position rela- tively to the great cylinder A B C D. (53.) Since the small tube M turns freely within the hole formed in the centre of the circle I, the index L may be turned round, causing the piece K, the tube M, the pincers O, and the wire suspended from it, also to turn. Let us suppose that the index L is turned so as to coin- cide with the zero of the circle I, the wire by which the needle R S is suspended being then free from any torsion. Let the divided circle I be now turned until the pith ball R is brought opposite to the zero of the divided circle : it will be then immediately under the opening T, by which the rod of gum lac bearing the other pith ball V is let into the great cylinder. The instrument is now reduced to a state in which it is capable of measuring the force with which the balls R and V would repel each other. If the centre of the pith ball R be supposed to correspond precisely with the zero of the circle before the introduction of the pith ball V, and if the centre of the pith ball V when intro- 266 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. dueed be made to take the place of the centre of the pith ball R, it will press the latter aside, and therefore turn the needle R S through a space equal to the sum of the radii of the two balls. This will produce a very slight torsion of the wire suspending the needle R S, the reaction of which will be just sufficient to keep the two balls in contact. If either of the two balls thus in contact be electrified, the electricity will be shared by the other ball, and they will repel each other ; but as the ball V is fixed, the repulsion will only take effect upon the ball R, which will separate from V, and make the needle R S move from V. R will continue thus to depart from V, twisting the wire as it turns, until the reaction of the torsion of the wire shall ba- lance the repulsive force exercised by V upon R ; R will then remain at rest at a distance from V, indicated by the division of the circle opposite to which it stands. The number of that division will also indicate the angle of torsion through which the suspending wire has been twisted, and this angle is always proportional to the reaction of the wire, or the force with which it en- deavours to recover its position of rest. In this manner the force of repulsion at different distances may be mea- sured and observed. (54.) The extreme degree of sensibility of this in- strument, and the minuteness of the quantities which it is capable of measuring, may be collected from the con- sideration of the dimension of the wires which were used. In the experiments which will be hereafter explained, and by which- the laws of electrical attraction and repulsion were discovered, the suspending wire was 28 inches in length, and was so fine that 1 foot of its length weighed only the -$ part of a grain. The radius of a circle described by the centre of the ball R was 4 inches ; the force of torsion of this wire was found to be such, that when turned through one entire revolution, or 360 de- grees, its reaction amounted to no more than the 340th part of a grain ; and since the reaction of torsion is pro- CHAP. in. COULOMB'S ELECTROMETER. 267 portional to the angle of torsion, the force corresponding to the motion of the ball R through one degree of the circle was only the 122,400th part of a grain. Thus this balance so constructed was capable of dividing a single grain into 122,400 parts, and rendering each part distinctly observable. (55.) Such a wire, on account of its extreme tenuity, and, consequently, liability to be broken by the least dis- turbance of the apparatus, was found to be inconvenient in experiments where the forces to be measured were not so extremely minute as to require so high a degree of sen- sibility. Coulomb found it therefore more convenient to employ in such cases a wire of double the diameter, and of equal length. He showed that the reaction of torsion, under like circumstances, of different wires was diminished by augmenting the length of the wire, and diminishing its diameter. This reaction, the smallness of which is the measure of the sensibility of the instru- ment, increases in the same proportion as the length of the wire is diminished, when its thickness remains the same ; and it increases in the same proportion as the fourth power of its diameter when its length remains the same. Thus the sensibility of the instrument is in the direct proportion of the length of the suspending wire, and in the inverse proportion of the fourth power of its diameter. If, for example, the length of the wire be doubled, the sensibility of the instrument will be doubled, since the reaction produced by a given torsion will be diminished in the proportion of two to one ; and if the thickness of the wire be reduced in the proportion of two to one, its length being preserved, the sensibility of the instrument will be augmented in the proportion of sixteen to one, the reaction produced by a given torsion being sixteen times less than before. (56.) In cases where the presence of much smaller quantities of electricity was required to be detected, or their quantity estimated, Coulomb used an electrometer of a still higher degree of sensibility. From a micrometer 268 ELECTRO-STATICS. of torsion A {fig. 8.), placed at the top of a cylindrical glass receiver, he suspended a single fibre of natural silk, as produced by the silk- worm, four inches in length. This thread supported a small needle C D formed of gum lac, twelve lines in length, and ter- minated at one of its extremities by a small circular disc of gilt paper. In the ap- paratus employed by Coulomb, the weight of the needle and disc, taken together, did not exceed a quarter of a grain. These delicate needles are easily formed by holding a thin stick of gum lac in the flame of a lamp, and, when it is softened, drawing the ends in opposite directions. The melted part will thus be drawn into an extremely fine thread, of which the needle of the electrometer may be formed. The silk fibre, of four inches in length, by which it is suspended, has such a flexibility, that when twisted by a force acting with a leverage of one inch, its reaction after one revolution is only the 60,000th part of a grain ; and consequently its reaction, when turned through one degree, would only amount to the Fig. 9. 21,600,000th part of a grain. Thus, by this * exquisite contrivance, a force is rendered ac- jf tually observable amounting to less than the 20,000,000th part of a grain. (57.) To communicate electricity to the disc, a small copper wire is surrounded by a stick of sealing-wax A B {fig. Q.\ extending at each end beyond the extremities of the wax. At one end the wire terminates in a small gilded pith ball C, and at the other end in a hook D. The stick is introduced into the glass case of the electrometer through the opening T {fig. 4.), and the ball C, is placed in contact with the disc. Electricity is then communicated to the hook D, and in virtue of the conducting power of the wire it passes to the ball C, and is shared with the CHAP. III. ELECTRICAL REPULSION. 269 disc in contact with that ball. The disc is then repelled with a force, the amount of which may be observed in the manner already explained. The sensibility of these instruments is so great, that if, after having electrified a stick of sealing-wax by friction, it be held at a distance of three feet from the hook D, the disc will be repelled to the distance of 90 from the ball C. The manner in which this repulsion is produced by the action of an electrified body at a distance and without contact will be explained hereafter ; it is only referred to at present as a proof of the extreme sensibility of this apparatus. (58.) In the forces which are manifested between electrified bodies, the first circumstance which will at- tract attention is the fact that the energy of these forces is augmented as the distance between the elec- trified bodies is lessened. The analogies suggested by various other physical forces, whose intensities likewise increase with the diminution of the distance, and more especially the law of gravitation, by which the energy of that force increases in the same proportion as the square of the number expressing the distance between the gravitating bodies is diminished, naturally leads to the question, According to what law does the force of electrical attraction or repulsion increase as the distance between the electrified bodies is lessened ? If the nature of electricity were perfectly known, this law could be deduced by general reasoning, so that the manner in which electrified bodies would comport themselves, in any position in which they might be respectively placed, could be certainly foretold. But the physical principles from which electricity arises not being known, investi- gation must proceed from the discovery of its laws by the direct observation and comparison of its phenomena, to the establishment of a just theory respecting its nature. To determine, therefore, the law of its variation, it is necessary to submit electrified bodies to their mutual attraction or repulsion at different distances, to measure 270 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART the actual amount of that attraction or repulsion at those distances, and by comparing the results of such measure- ment with the distances themselves, to discover the de- pendence of one upon the other. This was effected by Coulomb by the aid of electrometers of torsion, such as have been described. (59.) Let us suppose the suspended needle of the electrometer to carry at its extremity a small disc of gilt paper S (fig. 7.)* tne plane of which shall be ver- tical, and so placed that its edge shall be presented to the wire of suspension. Let the index of the micro- meter at the top of the tube E F (fig. 4.) be then turned to the zero of the divided circle I (fig. 5.), on which it moves ; also let the piece I itself, carrying with it the micrometer, be turned until the edge of the disc of gilt paper shall be presented to the zero of the divisions sur- rounding the case ABCD (fig. 4.) of the instrument. Let another similar disc of gilt paper be now introduced into the case through the opening T (fig. 4.), and be let down to the level of the needle, and so placed that the gilt surfaces of the two discs shall be parallel to each other and in contact. If a feeble electricity be imparted to these discs by means of the head of a pin held by a stick of sealing-wax or gum lac, the two discs, being si- milarly electrified, will repel each other ; and that which is attached to the needle, being free, will recoil from the fixed disc under the opening T, and the needle will move through part of a revolution, producing a corresponding torsion in the suspending wire. When the reaction of this torsion becomes equal to the repulsion, the needle, after a few oscillations, will come to rest. This will necessarily take place in some position of the needle if the discs be not too strongly electrified, because while the repulsive force diminishes by the increasing distance of the moveable from the fixed disc, the re- action of torsion which resists this repulsion will be augmented. If the index L (fig. 5.) be now turned in such a CHAP. III. LAW OF REPULSION. 271 direction as to force the moveable disc nearer to the fixed disc, and be adjusted so as to maintain the moveable disc at rest at any required distance from the fixed disc, the force of repulsion, which must always be equal to the reaction of torsion, will be proportional to the angle of torsion, and that angle will be measured by the dis- tance of the index L from the zero of the divisions I added to the distance of the moveable disc from the zero of the divisions surrounding the case A B C D (fig. 4.). In this manner the repulsive force corre- sponding to any distance of the moveable from the fixed disc less than that at which it first settles itself may be observed. If the repulsive force at greater distance be required, then let the index L (fig. 5.) be turned in the opposite direction, so as to turn the moveable disc from the fixed disc, and when the former is brought to rest in any re- quired position, the angle of torsion will be found by subtracting the distance of the index L from the zero of the divisions I (fig. 5.) from the distance of the move- able disc from the zero of the divisions surrounding the case A B C D (fig. 4.). Thus in every case the angle of torsion corresponding to any given position of the moveable disc may be found, and thereby the repulsive force at that distance may be determined. Instead of discs of metal or gilt paper, the experiment may be made with pith balls gilt, or balls of metal. (60.) To show the method which led Coulomb to the discovery of the law of electrical repulsion, we shall give the details of one of his experiments. Having electrified the two discs, he found that the moveable disc, when repelled, remained at rest after it had turned through an angle of 36 from the fixed disc. The torsion therefore produced by turning the suspend- ing wire through this angle balanced the repulsive force of the discs in this position. He now applied his hand to the index L (fig. 5.), and turned it round in such a direction as to move the disc upon the needle towards the fixed disc. He found that, to bring the moveable 272 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART III. disc to a distance of 18 from the fixed disc, the index L had moved oyer the divided circumference I from zero to 126. The angle of torsion, therefore, corre- sponding to this position of the moveable disc, was found by adding 18 to 126, and was therefore 144. He now continued the motion of the index L in the same direction, so as to force the moveable disc still nearer to the fixed disc ; and he found that when the distance between the discs was 8^, the distance between the Index L and the moveable disc or the angle of torsion was 575 J. The results of these three experi- ments are exhibited in the following table : Distance between the Discs. Torsion measuring the Repulsive Force. 36 18 SJ 36 144 5751 (6l). On comparing these two series of numbers, it will be observed, that those in the first column form a decreasing series, in which each number is nearly double that which follows it. This would be exactly the case, if the last distance were 9 On comparing the numbers in the second column, they will be observed to be an increasing series, in which each number is very nearly four times that which precedes it ; this would be the case exactly, if the last number were 576; hence, it appears, that if the distances between the electrified bodies be constantly diminished in the proportion of 2 to 1, their repulsive force will be increased in the proportion of 1 to 4, or as the squares of the distances. If the law, therefore, developed in these particular ex- periments prevail generally, we shall arrive at the re- markable conclusion, that the same law which reigns among the great bodies of the universe, and regulates their mutual attractions, also governs the attractions and repulsions of electrified bodies. (62.) In deducing such a conclusion from these ex- CHAP. III. LAW OF REPULSION. 2? periments, it may be objected, that the distances be- tween the electrified bodies have been measured,, not by straight lines drawn from one to the other, but by the arcs of a circle, of which the suspending wire is the centre, and the distance from that wire to the bodies, the radius. It is, however, easy to show by geometrical calculation, that, in cases like the present, where the arcs do not exceed 36, the distances between the bodies measured upon the arcs differ little from the distances measured in a straight line, and that the law deduced from the comparison of the arcs will there- fore be applicable to the rectilinear distance. (63.) It may also be objected that the force of electrical repulsion is exerted in a straight line joining the two electrified bodies, while the force of torsion by which this repulsion is balanced acts in the direction of a tangent to the circle described by the moveable disc ; that, therefore, the two forces not acting in imme- diately opposite directions will not be equal ; and that since the obliquity of the tangent representing the direction of the force of torsion to the straight line joining the electrified bodies is variable, the force of torsion will not even be proportional to the force of repulsion. This objection, like the former, would be valid, if the experiment were extended to such a distance be- tween the electrified bodies as would cause a consider- able obliquity between the tangent and the line joining them ; but, the present experiments being limited to angles under 36, this obliquity is so small, that the force of torsion may, without sensible error, be taken as equal to the repulsion of the electrified bodies. (64.) By varying the experiments, and extending them to other distances, Coulomb succeeded in establishing the universality of the law, that bodies electrified by similar electricities repel each other with a force which dimi- nishes in the same proportion as the square of the dis- tances between them is increased. (65.) Having thus determined the law of repulsion 274< ELECTRO-STATICS. PART t. where bodies are similarly electrified, a like inquiry was extended to the attraction of bodies oppositely elec- trified. An inconvenience occurs in the application of the same method of experimental inquiry to this ques- tion. When the two electrified bodies, in virtue of their mutual attraction, approach each other, the force with which they are attracted often increases faster than the force of torsion by which that attraction is resisted, so that, in spite of the resistance of torsion, the discs or balls rush into contact. It is easy to assign the me- chanical conditions which will prevent this, but the inconvenience is readily obviated by extending a thread of fine silk vertically between the top and bottom of the case A B C D (fig. 4.), having its ends attached to them by wax. This thread should be placed near the fixed disc, and in the commencement of the experi- ments the needle may be placed in contact with it. When the two discs are oppositely electrified, the move- able disc may be forced from the fixed disc by turning the index L in a direction contrary to that in which it was moved in former experiments. By such -means, the angles of torsion, corresponding to any distances of the electrified bodies within these limits, which will allow of the arcs being taken to represent the dis- tances, may be observed. And by experiments thus conducted, it was found that electrical attractions were governed by the same law as electrical repulsions, and that their energy diminished in the same proportion as the square of the distance between the electrified bodies was increased. (6*6.) Besides this method of determining the law of electrical forces, Coulomb also applied a method of inquiry similar in principle to that by which the variations of the force of gravity have been deter- mined on different parts of the earth's surface. When a pendulous body is at rest, its centre of gravity must be placed in a straight line, joining its point of sus- pension with the centre of the earth by which it is attracted. If it be drawn from this position, and CHAP. III. LAWS OF ATTRACTION AND REPULSION. 275 liberated, it will fall back, and with the momentum acquired in its descent, it will swing to the opposite side, and will thus continue to vibrate alternately from side to side. The rate of its vibration will be more or less rapid, according to the force with which it is attracted ; and it is demonstrated in mechanics, that the energy of the force with which the pendulum is attracted will be diminished in the same proportion as the square of the time occupied by a given number of vibrations of the pendulum is increased. Thus, if in one place the pendulum were found to make ten vibrations in forty seconds, and in another it made ten vibrations in twenty seconds, then the force which attracts it in the latter case would be greater than that which attracts it in the former case, in the proportion of the square of forty to the square of twenty, or, what is the same, of the square of two to one. This principle was applied in the following manner by Coulomb. A needle of gum lac, A B (fig. 10.), fif- Fig. 10. teen or sixteen lines in length, carried at one extremity a small disc of gilt paper, and was suspended by a single filament of raw silk seven or eight inches in length. The upper end of this thread was fastened to a slip of wood D., well dried in the oven, and coated T 2 276 ELECTRO -STATICS. PART I. with a varnish of gum lac, by the non-conducting power of which, and of the needle itself, the disc A was per- fectly insulated. The slip of wood D supporting the silk was inserted in a frame E, capable of sliding on a horizontal rod F G, to which it could be fastened by adjusting screws. The flexibility of the thread by which the needle was suspended was such, that a force equal to the 1 20,000th part of a grain, applied to the extremity of the needle, was sufficient to turn it one entire revolution. After having left the apparatus thus arranged standing for several days, in order to give time to the silk to untwist itself perfectly, the re- action of torsion for several degrees on either side of its position of equilibrium might be regarded as altogether in- sensible. A sphere H of wood, one foot in diameter, was coated with tin- foil, and supported on three thin legs of gum lac, by which it was insulated ; this sphere was placed at any required distance from the needle, in such a position that its centre stood precisely in the direction of the needle A B. The distance of the disc A from the globe was varied at pleasure, by sliding the piece F on the horizontal arm F G. These arrangements being made, the disc A was electrified by an insulated pin-head, and a charge of electricity of the opposite kind was given to the globe H, by bringing into contact with it the prime conductor of an electrical machine. The disc, being attracted to the centre of the globe was, relatively to the globe H, placed under the same mechanical conditions as a pen- dulum is with respect to the globe of the earth ; and fcrhen drawn a little aside from its position of rest, and disengaged, it would therefore be made to vibrate like a common pendulum, and the rate of its vibration would become an indication of the force with which it is at- tracted. In the experiments made by Coulomb, he observed the time by a seconds watch, in which the pendulum performed a given number of oscillations. CHAP. III. LAWS OP ATTRACTION AND REPULSION. 277 When the disc A was placed at nine inches from the centre of the globe H, it vibrated fifteen times in twenty seconds. When the distance was increased to eighteen inches, it vibrated fifteen times in forty seconds ; and when the distance was further increased to twenty-four inches, it vibrated fifteen times in sixty seconds. In considering these experiments, it is necessary to observe that the globe, in consequence of its geometrical form, and of the uniform diffusion of electricity over its surface, attracts the disc A in the same manner as if all the attracting matter were collected at its centre. This is a principle which is demonstrated in mechanics. It must also be observed, that although, strictly speaking, the different points of the surface of the disc A, in any given position of the disc, are at different distances from the centre of the globe, yet the disc .is so small, and the range of its vibration so limited, compared with its dis- tance from the centre of the globe, that the change of distance arising from these causes may be disregarded. The attractive force of the globe, therefore, on every point of the disc, and in every position of it, may be regarded as invariable. These circumstances render the pendulum A in all respects analogous to a common pen- dulum attracted by the earth. The formula which ex- presses the relation between the attracting force, the time of vibration, and the length of the pendulum in the one case, will, therefore, be equally applicable to the other. Let L then express the length of the pendulum ; let T express the time occupied by one of its oscillations, and let E express the attraction exerted upon it by the globe H. Finally, let TT express the ratio of the cir- cumference of a circle to its diameter or the number 3" 141 5. Then, by the principles established in me- chanics, we shall have, 2 2 TT? __ T j-j 7T AJ A T 3 78 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I, Thus the force will always be proportional to the length of the pendulum divided by the square of the time of one of its oscillations ; but, as in the present case, the length of the pendulum is the same in all the experiments, the attracting force will increase in the same proportion as the square of the time of one vibra- tion is diminished. Now, the time of a single vibra- tion is proportional to the time of any given number of vibrations, and consequently it follows that the energy of the attractive force will diminish in the same propor- tion as the square of the time taken to make any given number of vibrations increases. If the attractive force diminish in the same proportion as the square of the distance increases, then it is evident that the variation of the distance would be proportional to the variation of the time taken to make a given number of vibrations ; and if this correspondence be found to exist between the variation of the distance and the variation of the time of vibration, it will supply a demonstration of the law which establishes the relation between the energy of the attraction and the distances of the electrified bodies. In the three experiments which have just been de- scribed, the distances are proportional to the numbers 3, 6, and 8, while the times of the vibrations are pro- portional to the numbers 3, 6, and 9- There is, there- fore, in the last of the three experiments a departure from the law to be established. The actual time taken to make fifteen vibrations, at the distance of twenty- four inches, was sixty seconds; whereas, if the attraction rigorously diminished as the square of the distance in- creased, fifteen vibrations ought to have been made in fifty-four seconds. The rate of the pendulum being slower than it ought to be, is an indication (supposing the law to be true) that the electrical attraction at the last distance is more feeble than it ought to be. But this is only what might have been anticipated, for Cou- lomb found by other experiments, made on the same day, that an electrified body lost by dissipation in tVie air about a fortieth part of its attractive power per minute* CHAP. III. LAWS OF ATTRACTION AND REPULSION. 279 Now, between the first and third of the above experi- ments, there elapsed an interval of four minutes, in which time the globe H would lose a tenth of its whole attractive power. If a correction be made corresponding to this loss of electricity, the result of the last experi- ment \vill be found in sufficiently near accordance with the law of attraction already established by means of experiments made with the electrometer. This method of the electrical pendulum will equally afford an experi- mental proof of the law of electrical repulsion. The method of experimentising will be the same, the disc A being, however, turned in the opposite direction, and the needle being placed so that A and B shall inter- change places, (67.) By means of the law of electrical attraction and repulsion the energies of the attraction or repul- sion of two electrified bodies can always be found for any distance whatever, when its energy has been observed at any known distance ; for let F' be its energy observed by experiment at the known distance D', and let it be required to calculate its force F at any other distance D ; since the force increases as the square of the distance diminishes, we shall have the following propor- tion : 12 2 F : F'::D : D from which the following formula follows : D" To find, therefore, the force at the distance D, mul- tiply the observed force by the square of the distance at which it is observed, and divide the product by the square of the distance at which the energy of the force is sought. As the forces are measured by the torsion whose reaction holds them in equilibrium, the angles which measure the torsion may always be taken to represent the forces in such calculations. It may therefore be 280 ELECTRO-STATICS. PARTI. assumed in the use of the electrometer of torsion, that the angle of torsion increases in the same proportion as the square of the distance between the electrified bodies diminishes. (68.) By such means, the whole amount of the attractive or repulsive force of two electrified bodies placed at any given distance from each other, may be determined. But, as both bodies unite in contributing to the production of this effect, it still remains to in- quire what proportion of the total attraction thus deter- mined is due to each of them. We shall arrive at the solution of the problem if we can increase or diminish in any known proportion the quantity of electricity on either of the bodies, and then observe the change in the attractive or repulsive force thus produced. Now, it is easy to take away from either of those electrified bodies half of its electricity. To effect this, it is only neces- sary to bring it into contact with another conducting body of the same magnitude, form, and nature, and similarly insulated. Thus, if an electrified gilt pith ball, of a certain magnitude, being insulated, be touched by an equal gilt pith ball, also insulated, but not pre- viously electrified, then the electricity will be shared equally between the two balls ; and when they are sepa- rated, the first will possess exactly half its former quantity of electricity. By repeating the same process, the electricity upon the first ball may be reduced to a fourth or an eighth of its electricity. This equal partition of electricity may be verified experimentally in the following manner : In the electrometer of torsion, let a small pith ball be attached to the end of the needle, and another of equal magni- tude be introduced at the opening T, and placed in contact with it. The balls being electrified by the head of a pin, let us suppose they are repulsed to a distance of 48, and that, by turning the thread of suspension, the moveable ball is forced back to the distance of 28 ; and let the angle of torsion necessary to keep it at this dis- tance be 148. The needle being stationary, let the CHAP. III. LAWS OF ATTRACTION AND REPULSION. 281 fixed ball be touched by another ball exactly equal and similar,, and similarly insulated. After the ball, which has just touched it, is withdrawn, the moveable ball will approach it in consequence of the diminished repulsion, and to restore the moveable ball to its former distance of 28 from the fixed ball, it will be necessary to untwist the thread of suspension by turning the index L of the micrometer. When the index is so adjusted that the moveable ball remains at rest, the angle of tor- sion will be found to be a little less than 74. It would be exactly 74, being the half of its former value, 148, but for the small quantity of electricity dissipated by contact with the air in the interval between the two experiments. (69.) By the same kind of experiment, varied by changing the quantities of electricity and the distances at which the moveable ball is brought to rest, a similar result may be obtained ; and the same effect is produced, whatever be the form of the bodies used, provided they be such, that, in the calculation of their mutual attrac- tion, they may be regarded as points. Coulomb sub- stituted for the fixed ball an iron disc, ten lines in dia- meter, keeping the pith ball attached to the needle. He electrified these two bodies by the head of a pin, and a repulsion was produced, such that, to keep the move- able ball at 30 from the fixed ball, a torsion of 140 was necessary. He then touched the disc of iron by another of the same diameter, after which he un- twisted the wire until the moveable ball was again brought to rest at 30 from the iron disc. The angle of torsion was then found to be 70, or half its former amount. These and similar experiments lead to the conclusion that the diffusion of electricity on such conducting bodies brought in contact with each other depends only upon the dimensions of the bodies, and is entirely in- dependent of the substance out of which they are formed Whether an electrified pith ball be touched by another pith ball of equal magnitude, or by a metallic ball, or 282 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. in fine, by a ball of equal magnitude formed of any conducting substance, it will equally lose half its electricity,, and the effect will be the same., whether the ball which touches it be solid or hollow. (70.) It appears, therefore, that between the electri- city which is diffused over a conductor and the matter composing that conductor, there exists no peculiar at- traction analogous to chemical affinity which would give the electricity a greater hold on one kind of matter than on another ; for, were it so, it would be found that, when balls of equal magnitude, but of different materials, one being electrified, the other not, and both being in- sulated, are brought into contact, the electricity would not be equally diffused over them, but would collect in greater quantity on that for which it would have the stronger affinity. It may also be inferred that the in- ternal dimensions of a body have no effect on its con- ducting power, since, whether a ball be solid or hollow, it will take the same quantity of electricity from an electrified body, with which it is brought in contact. (71.) It appears, also, from the above experiments, that the mutual attraction or repulsion of each of two electrified bodies depends conjointly on the quantity of electricity on each of them. Thus, if the quantity of electricity on either be doubled, or halved, or augmented, or diminished in any other proportion, then their mutual attraction or repulsion will be augmented or diminished in the same proportion. If the quantity of electricity on one be double, while on the other it be halved, then their mutual attraction or repulsion would remain the same, and, in general, their attraction or repulsion at a given distance will be found by multiplying together the numbers expressing the quantities of electricity upon them respectively. By combining this law with that which expresses the variation of the electrical force depending on the change of distance of the electrified bodies, we arrive at the following general law : The mutual attraction or repulsion of two electrified CHAP. III. LAWS OF ATTRACTION AND REPULSION. 283 bodies is directly proportional to the quantity of electri- city on the one, multiplied by the quantity of electricity on the other, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. If R express the quantity of electricity on one of two electrified bodies, and R 7 the quantity of the other,, then that mutual attraction or repulsion at any distance D T>TO/ will be expressed by the formula- -, which is nothing more than the above law expressed in mathematical symbols. It is remarkable, that this law is in all respects iden- tical with that which governs the mutual gravitation of masses of matter. Thus the mutual attraction is in the direct proportion of the product of their masses, and the inverse proportion of the square of their distances. 284 ELECTROSTATICS. PART I. CHAP. IV. DISSIPATION OF ELECTRICITY. (72.) THE law determined in the last chapter, by which the intensity of electrical attraction and repulsion varies with the variation of distance,, is only observed so long as the electrical state of the bodies between which these forces are exhibited remains unaltered. But in all cases where such experiments are made, the electricity dif- fused over the bodies is exposed to continual diminution, being dissipated partly by the contact of the surround- ing atmosphere, and partly by the imperfect insulation afforded by the supports. In order, therefore, to de- duce exact conclusions, it is necessary to know the extent to which, and the law according to which, electricity is dissipated or lost during the experiment. (73.) When an insulated conductor has been elec- trified, the electricity has a tendency to escape from it to its insulating supports, and from these last to the earth. Although, in practice, certain substances are usually called insulators, or non-conductors, because they afford a great obstruction to the passage of elec- tricity, yet, in an absolute sense, there is no substance in nature which does not allow electricity to be propa- gated upon its surface in a greater or less degree. Glass, sealing-wax, and gum lac are bad conductors, especially the last, and offer a great obstruction to the transmission of the electric influence ; but still they do transmit it, and even in a sensible degree. To render this manifest, let the end of a rod formed of any of these substances CHAP. IV. DISSIPATION OF ELECTRICITY. 285 be held in contact for some time with the conductor of an electrical machine,, the machine being kept in opera- tion. After withdrawing it from the conductor, let the same extremity be presented to the needle of Coulomb's electrometer, and it will be found to be charged with the electricity of the conductor. It may be objected, that in this case the electricity has been imparted to it by immediate contact with the electrified surface of the conductor, and that there is no evidence of the electric fluid moving along its surface, and, therefore, that there is no proof of any conducting power. If, however, a small piece be cut from the end of the rod which was in contact with the conductor, and the rod be then pre- sented to the electrometer, the side of the rod contiguous to the extremity from which the piece was cut will be found to be electrified, but with less force than the ex- tremity itself which was in contact with the conductor. In the same manner, if slice after slice be cut from the rod, and the state of its sides examined with the electrometer, it will be found that the sides, through a certain length of the rod, are electrified with a continu- ally decreasing intensity. (74.) The effect which is thus rendered manifest is produced in a similar manner upon the supports by which electrified conductors are insulated. The elec- tricity upon them is gradually absorbed by the insu- lating supports along which it slowly, but continually, steals. If the length of these supports be less than the distance through which the electricity can force its' way, then there will be a constant and slow escape of the electricity from the conductor to the earth ; but even if the support be too long to allow of this, there will still be a continual escape of electricity to the insulating support so long as the latter continues to absorb it. (75.) When the atmosphere holds in suspension any considerable quantity of vapour, as is the case in warm weather, the vapour has a tendency to be condensed on 286 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. the surface of all bodies exposed to the air, and it col- lects upon them in a greater or less quantity, according to the attraction which they severally have for it. When a film of moisture is thus collected on the sur- face of a non-conductor, such a body loses, in effect, its non-conducting power; or, to express more correctly the phenomena, the body becomes enveloped in a thin covering of water, along the surface of which, and not the surface of the body itself, the electricity passes. And water being a conducting body, the deposition of such moisture on the insulating supports of an electrified conductor must give a free passage to the electricity, and therefore destroy the effect of the insulator. In elec- trical experiments, therefore, besides selecting the best non-conducting substances for insulators, it is necessary to keep them constantly dry by rubbing them occasion- ally with a dry cloth. (76.) But even supposing an electrified conductor to be perfectly insulated, a gradual loss of electricity would take place by means of the atmosphere surrounding it. This atmosphere, like all other non-conductors, possesses the insulating power only in an imperfect degree, and this imperfection varies according to the quantity of vapour suspended in it, and probably, also, according to physical modifications produced by variations of heat and other causes which affect the properties of its con- stituent elements. In general, the air may be considered as being com- posed of an infinity of different atoms, which possess the conducting power in different degrees. Each molecule of air which touches the electrified conductor receives a portion of its electricity, and becomes itself elec- trified. The charge of electricity which it receives depends conjointly on its magnitude and its conduct- ing power, and having an electricity similar to that of the conductor, it is repelled and replaced by another molecule, which is likewise electrified, and in its turn repelled. Thus, by the continued effects of such par- CHAP. IV. DISSIPATION OF ELECTRICITY. 28? tides, the electricity of the conductor is progressively diminished. Since, in practice, the gradual loss of electricity sus- tained by any electrified conductor is due to the com- bined effect of the two causes above mentioned, namely, the contact of the surrounding air and the imperfect in- sulation of the supports, a difficulty is presented in de- termining how much of the total loss of electricity is due to the one, and how much to the other, of these causes. The means selected by Coulomb to remove that diffi- culty was the selection of supports composed of the best non-conducting substances, and so reducing their dimen- sions that the surface which they expose to the humidity of the air is so small that the electricity escaping by the imperfect insulation shall bear so small a proportion to the total loss of electricity sustained, that it may be disregarded, and that the whole loss may, without sen- sible error, be ascribed to the air. (77.) After various trials, he found that when the conductor was not very strongly electrified, a rod of sealing-wax or gum lac, about twenty lines in length and half a line in diameter, perfectly insulated a pith ball of five or six lines in diameter. For he found that, whe- ther the ball was supported by a single rod of this kind or by several, the loss of electricity was the same. Now it is evident that the loss produced by the imperfection of the insulating power of these rods would be greater in proportion to the number of them used to support or suspend the ball. If, then, the actual loss when the ball was suspended by six such rods was sensibly the same as when it was suspended by only one, it follows that the loss produced by the imperfect insulating power of a single rod was so small that no sensible difference existed between it and a loss six times greater. (78.) He found also, that when the atmosphere was dry a thread of fine silk drawn through boiling sealing- wax, so as to have a diameter not exceeding a quarter of a line, was an equally good insulator when its length 288 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. was not less than six inches. A thread of glass, drawn at the blow-pipe, five or six inches in length, was a sufficiently good insulator when the electricity of the conductor was very feeble, and the air dry. A human hair or a thread of silk, coated with sealing-wax, or a varnish of gum Jac, was found to answer the same purpose. (79-) Having by these preliminary experiments been enabled to select the best insulators, Coulomb attached a pith ball to the extremity of a thread of very pure gum lac twenty lines in length, and the other ex- tremity of this thread he attached to a filament of very fine silk coated with sealing-wax. He considered the ball thus suspended to be perfectly insulated. This ball, so suspended, he introduced at the opening T (fig. 4.) in the top of his electrometer, and used it as the fixed ball in his experiments. The mov cable ball being, as in the experiment formerly described, attached to a needle of gum lac, and that needle being suspended by a fine silken thread, was also perfectly insulated. In the first instance he submitted to experiment two balls of equal diameter in an electrometer of such sen- sibility that the torsion produced by one revolution of the needle did not exceed the 340th part of a grain. The two balls being brought into contact were electri- fied by the head of a pin, as in the former experi- ments, and the moveable ball was repelled to the dis- tance of 40 from the fixed ball. By turning the thread of suspension the moveable ball was then forced nearer to the fixed ball, and brought to rest, for example, at the distance of 20. To maintain it at this distance, the angle of torsion was found to be 160. The mo- ment at which the ball was brought to rest in this position was observed by a watch* having a seconds hand, and was found to be fifty minutes after six o'clock. The apparatus being allowed to remain undisturbed, the gradual loss of electricity by the surrounding air produced CHAP. IV. DISSIPATION OF ELECTRICITY. 289 a progressive diminution of the repulsive force by which the balls were separated, and, accordingly, the distance of the moveable from the fixed ball was observed to be gradually diminished, and to have become less than 20. To bring back the moveable ball to its former position, the suspended thread was untwisted by moving the index of the micrometer of torsion through 30. The moveable ball now, however, was driven beyond its first position, and came to rest at a distance from the fixed ball greater than 20. The apparatus was again left undisturbed, until, by the further loss of electricity, the distance of the moveable ball was again diminished. The moment at which that distance became 20 was observed, and was found to be fifty-three minutes after six o'clock. It appears, therefore, that a torsion of l6'0 was necessary to keep the moveable ball 20 from the fixed ball at fifty minutes after six o'clock ; and that a torsion of 30 degrees less was sufficient to maintain it in the same position at fifty- three minutes after six. Thus in three minutes the repulsive force was dimi- nished by an amount corresponding to an angle of torsion of 30 ; and as by further experiments it was found that in small intervals of time, the loss is sensibly proportional to the time, it follows that in this case the electricity was lost at the rate of 1 per minute. Now, since the mean repulsive force during the above expe- riment was 145 (which is a mean between the initial and final repulsive force), it follows that the loss of electricity by the contact of the air was in this case J, y or the twenty-ninth part of the whole mean repulsive force. By experiments conducted in this manner, Coulomb obtained the results in the following table : VOL. i. 290 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. Time of Experiment. Distance of Balls. Torsion of Micrometer. Time elapsed between two Observations. 111 Mean Force between two Ob- servations. jjlljj First Experiment, May 28. Saussure's Hygrometer, 75. Thermometer 60. Barometer 30'08. Exp. H. M. S. min. 1 6 32 30 30 150"! 3 C)f\ 1 dC\ r. 2 6 38 15 3 6 44 30 id. id. 130J 1 nol / 81 zu id. id. 1 4U 120 100 1 4 6 53 5730 6 7 17 id. id. id. 90 / 1 701 j 50 J 2 10 14 id! id. 80 60 I Second Experiment, May 29. Hygrometer 69. Thermo- meter 60. Barometer 30'16 inches. 1 5 45 3 2 5 53 30 id. 160\ 140 J "1 7| 20 id. 150 130 * 3 6 2 30 id. 120\ J | i 1 4 6 12 15 5 6 33 6 6 51 id. id. id. 100J 1 70 \S 50/ 20} 18 ia. 30 id. 75 60 i Third Experiment, June 22. Hygrometer 870. Thermo- meter 601. Barometer 29,75 inches. 1 11 53 '45 2 11 56 45 3 11 59 45 20 id. id. 100 \ 80 h 60\ / 3 3 20 id. ;j 90 70 i; 4 12 5 5 12 16 15 id. id. 40 M 25 / 111 ia. 25 50 28 S Fourth Experiment, July 2. Hygrometer 80. Thermo- meter 60|. Barometer 30 inches. 1 7 43 40 2 7 49 20 id. 1001 80 J\ 51 20 j 90 A 3 7 57 20 4 8 9 20 id. id. 60J{ 40/1 8| "f la. id. 70 50 Q re 5 8 17 30 id. 30 / 8 ' 10 OO * CHAP. IV. DISSIPATION OF ELECTRICITY. 291 (80.) From the mere inspection of this table it will be evident, that, on the same day, and in the same state of the air, the loss of the electricity which takes place in equal small intervals of time, bears the same ratio to the whole intensity of the electric force of the body. Thus, in all the six experiments of the 28th of May, the loss per minute was very nearly the same fraction of the total mean repulsive force, the greatest observed amount of loss being ^Jg-, and the least ^V> part of the whole ; and a like correspondence will be observed be- tween the result of all the experiments made on any one day. But on comparing the rate at which electricity was lost on different days, a striking difference will be ob- served: thus, on the 22 d of June the loss per minute was at the rate of about the 13th part of the whole electric force of the bodies, while on the 29th of May the loss was little more than the 60th part. On com- paring the state of the hygrometer on the different days with the results of the experiments, it will be found that in proportion as the hygrometer rose, the loss of elec- tricity increased. On the 22d of June, when the hy- grometer was at 87, a 13th part of the electricity was lost per minute, while on the 29th of May, when the hygrometer stood at 69., the loss per minute was scarcely a 60th part. It is apparent, therefore, that the loss of electricity increases in some proportion not yet deter- mined, with the quantity of aqueous vapour suspended in the air. It will be observed that, on the four days on which the experiments here recorded were made, the barometer and thermometer had nearly the same altitude. (81.) If experiments on this subject were extended and varied, they would doubtless lead to the discovery of the exact relation between the quantity of aqueous vapour suspended in the air, and the rate at which electricity is lost. It would also be apparent, whether the loss of electricity is owing exclusively to the aqueous vapour suspended in the air, or in part due to 292 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. the pressure and temperature of the air itself. The exact solution of these problems would convert the electrometer into the most delicate and precise meteoro- logical instrument, and the determination of the meteoro- logical state of the atmosphere as to its humidity, tem- perature, and pressure, would probably afford sufficient data to enable us to calculate the rate at which the electricity is dissipated on any given day, independently of experiments. (82.) In the absence of such data, it is necessary to determine by direct experiment, in the manner above explained, the rate at which electricity is lost by the contact of the air on each particular day on which any experimental enquiry in electricity is made. A single experiment, however, is in general sufficient for this purpose, since the indications of the hygrometer, ' thermometer, and barometer do not generally suffer any considerable change in the time occupied by such ex- periments on any given day, and while they remain the same, the rate at which electricity is dissipated remains unaltered. (83.) The law which governs the loss of electricity being thus known, it only remains to establish such formulae as will enable the observer, when the electric state of body, or in other words the intensity of attrac- tion or repulsion at a given distance, is known at any one epoch, to determine what it would be at any other, and thus to enable him to introduce into his calculations those corrections which the loss of electricity by the contact of the air renders necessary. For this purpose let A be the torsion which measures the electric force at the time T , and let the successive times be T l} Tg, T 3 , &c. at which, by the gradual waste of electricity, the torsion becomes A l} A 2 , A 3 , &c. Tn the successive intervals of time expressed by T,-T O , T 2 -T,, T 3 -T 2 , T 4 -T 3 , AP. IV. DISSIPATION OF ELECTRICITY. 2Q3 the losses of force expressed by the corresponding ele- ments of torsion will he A **w "1 *2) A 2 A 3 , A 3 -A 4 . If we suppose the time expressed as before in minutes, and the torsion in degrees, the first series will express the number of minutes in which are lost the forces equi- valent to the degrees of torsion expressed in the second series. Thus,, in the number of minutes expressed by Tj T , the loss of electricity is proportional to the number of degrees expressed by A AI ; and as the loss of electricity in one minute will be found by dividing the total loss in any number of minutes by that number,, it follows, that the loss of electricity per minute is propor- tional to and as the loss per minute has been proved to be always in the same ratio to the total mean electric force, let this proportion in the present case be expressed by a, the mean electric force being half the sum of the initial and final electric forces, and we shall have 1 1 A From which we infer T,- To)' If we suppose the same interval to elapse between each successive pair of observations, and this interval to be expressed by t, we shall have u 3 ELECTRO-STATICS. PAKT I. T -T 2 =* and by extending the preceding formula to every suc- cessive pair of observations,, we shall have Ai~mA , A 2 =mA L , A 3 =wA 2 ; where, for brevity, m= - ^ . From these it follows, that A L =mA , A 2 =m 2 A , A 3 By which, if m and the torsion A at the time T be known, the torsion at any succeeding epoch may be immediately computed. If, in general, n express the order of any observation counted from the first, we shall have A n =m n A . Since the whole interval from the time T to the time T n of the n th observation is T n T , and since t is the interval between two succeeding observations, the number of observations n will be found by dividing Tn T by t } and we shall therefore have T n -T n= - . t But we have A n =m n A , log. A n =n log. Therefore log. m and therefore we have T,.-T = (log. A. -log. Ao). log. m The relation here expressed between the time T n T , and the quantity of electricity lost, has an apparent de- pendence on the interval of time t between two succes- CHAP. IV. DISSIPATION OF ELECTRICITY. 9' sive observations, of which, however, it ought evidently to he independent. It is easy, however, to show that the quantity - is really a constant quantity inde- log.w pendent of t. Substitute for m its value, and we have log.m=log.l^i=log. (1 -la*) -lg. (1 + JflO- i ~r t fl Developing these logarithms in series of powers of t, by the theorem of Taylor, we have in which M=2'302585 ; from whence we infer t M But in order that the conclusion at which we have arrived be rigorously true, the interval t must be taken =0. Hence M - - = , log. m a which is independent of t, and dependent only en the rate at which electricity is lost by the contact of the air. Hence we have M T n -T =-(log. Ao-log. A n ) . . . . (i), or log. A n =log. A - ^(T n - T ) . . . (2). 3y the formula (1) we can calculate the interval u 4 296 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. T n T , after which the torsion shall have any given value A n ; and by the formula (2) we shall find the torsion, which will be produced by the electrical force after any given interval, T B T . As an example of the practical application of the pre- ceding formula, let us take the observations of the 28th May, given in the table (79-)- ^ n tn ^ s case tne an gl e of torsion at the moment of the first observation was 150, and the loss of force was at the rate of ^ T of the whole mean force per minute. Let it be required to calculate what the angle of torsion would be after the lapse of 45 minutes. We have then A =150, a= , T n -T =45. Hence we have log. A =2-1760913. Hence we shall have log. A a =2-1760913-0'4766625==l-6994288. which gives A n =50 3' 10". Now the angle of torsion given by observation was 50, as appears by the table. The accordance of the calcu- lated and observed angles is perfect, since, in this species of observation, small fractions of a degree cannot be estimated. (84.) The amount of torsion being thus reduced to computation, it remains to explain the method of de- ducing from it the actual intensity of the electric force to which this torsion is proportional. If F express the at- tractive or repulsive force exerted by the electrified bodies F at the unit of distance, then - will express the force CHAP. IV. DISSIPATION OF ELECTRICITY. 297 exerted at the distance D ; and since this bears an in- variable ratio to the torsion which measures it, we shall have where A is the angle of torsion corresponding to the force F. Let F he the force, and A the corresponding angle of torsion at any proposed epoch, and after the lapse of any given interval of time t, let F* be the force and A, the angle of torsion ; we shall then have Hence we have Fo A A, _ =1? orF ( =F - which is nothing more than the statement in mathema- tical symbols, that the electric forces are proportional to angles of torsion. Taking the logarithms we have log. F<=rlog. F + log. A, log. A . But by (2) we have log.A,= log.A - Hence we have log. F,=log. F. J. . . . (3). By which the force F, may be computed when F is known. The forces which are here submitted to calculation, being the actual attractions or repulsions exerted between two electrified bodies, their total effect is the compound result of the actions of each body on the other ; arid if these forces separately be expressed by R and R', we have already shown that F will be equal to their pro- 298 ELECTRO-STATICS. PABT I. duct. Retaining a notation analogous to the preceding one, we shall therefore have F = R R o) F* = R, R',. (85.) In the experiments of Coulomb., tabulated in (79-)j the two electrified bodies were equal balls of the same substance simultaneously and equally electrified. Hence, after the lapse of any time, their electric forces must have been necessarily equal. Thus we should have R=R', and therefore F =R 2 and F,=R, 2 . Making these substitutions in the equation (3), we shall have log. R,=log.R -~ The electric force of each ball, therefore, decreases ac- cording to the same law as the angle of torsion. But the co-efficient la of this proportion is only half that of the decrement of torsion. For example, in the experi- ments of the 28th of May, tabulated in (7.9.), the decre- ment per minute of torsion is -^ of the whole mean torsion, while the decrement per minute of the electric force of each ball is only the -g 1 ^ part of the whole mean electric force of that ball. It is easy to extend this problem to the case of balls of unequal magnitude. If R R', be the electric forces of the balls respectively at any moment, the decrement which each suffers per minute will follow the law just explained ; so that we shall have at at log. R,=log. Ro-gjj, log. R',=log. R'.-^- From which we deduce by addition log. R,R',=log. RoR'o-^- .... (4). Substituting for the products of the separate forces of the balls their values, we have CHAP. IV. DISSIPATION OF ELECTRICITY. 299 and therefore log. A,= log. AO ^ (6'), since the forces of attraction or repulsion, compared, as they are here understood to be, at the same distance, are always proportional to the angles of torsion. It appears therefore, by the result of this investigation, that in the case of unequal balls, the decrement of tor- sion, by reason of the dissipation of electricity, takes place in the same manner, and according to the same proportion, as in the case of equal balls. The results of the experiments are altogether in accordance with this whatever be the proportion of the magnitude of the fixed to the moveable ball whatever be the quantity of electricity first imparted to them, whether they be electrified simultaneously or at different times, equally or unequally the rate of decrease of the force with which they mutually attract or repel each other, will be invariably proportional to the intensity of that force. It is further to be observed, that the ratio which this rate of decrease bears to the whole amount of the attractive or repulsive force, is the same, whatever be the nature of the electrified bodies. The nature of the matter of which they are formed has therefore no dis- coverable influence on the rate at which electricity is lost by the contact of the air. This result is in ac- cordance with what has been already stated, that bodies appear to retain the electricity imparted to them not by any peculiar affinity or attraction for it, but only by the mechanical resistance opposed to its escape by the surrounding air. For example, on the day on which the electricity decreased on each of the balls at the rate of -g 1 ^ part of its whole amount per minute, the same rate of decrease was observed when a ball of copper was substituted for one of the pith balls. A ball of sealing 300 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. wax charged with electricity hy contact with a strongly electrified conductor being substituted for the fixed ball in the electrometer, the same rate of decrease was ob- served. It appears, therefore, that even in the case of non-conducting bodies, whose surface opposes an ob- struction to the transmission of electricity over them, there is no corresponding obstruction to its escape by the contact of the surrounding air ; but that, on the other hand, such a body loses its electricity as fast as the most perfect conductor. The experiments which have been referred to were made on small balls, such as could be conveniently in- troduced into the electrometer ; but the law which has been deduced from them is universal, provided the charge of electricity given to them is not very consider- able. Whatever be the figure of the electrified body, whatever be its magnitude, and whatever be the amount of its repulsive force, if only the atmosphere be dry, and the degree of electricity imparted to the body be not considerable, the decrement of the repulsive force per minute will always be the same fractional part of its whole amount, supposing the hygrometric state of the air not to change. Coulomb extended this in- vestigation to bodies of various magnitudes and forms. He submitted to experiment a globe of a foot in dia- meter with cylinders of various magnitudes and lengths. He substituted for the balls discs of various sub- stances: he tried also the effect of a copper wire ten lines in length and one-fourth of a line in diameter, and found that the decrease of all these different bodies electrified on the same day was the same. It is neces- sary to observe, however, that this uniform decrease in bodies differing much in figure is only observed when they are charged with a very feeble electricity^ for when a strong charge of electricity is given to bodies having an angular form, the rate of its decrease is much more rapid than is the case . with round bodies, for reasons which will be explained hereafter. But even these bodies will conform to the law of the uniform decrease CHAP. IV. DISSIPATION OP ELECTRICITY. 301 of electricity, when their electricity has been so far en- feebled that the angles and points lose their influence. Biot, to whom the mathematical analysis of the loss of electricity by the contact of the air is due, instituted a series of experiments with a view to determine whether any difference existed at a given time between the rates at which positive and negative electricity were lost. The result of his enquiry was., that these rates were the same. (86.) It is evident from the results of the numerous and careful experiments instituted by Coulomb, that the quality of the atmosphere which produces the most material effect on the dissipation of electricity, is that which is indicated by the hygrometer ; but, notwith- standing the elaborate investigation of that philosopher, he could discover no law of electrical dissipation de- pending exclusively on the combined indications of the barometer, thermometer, and hygrometer. It appears, therefore, that there is some source of the absorption of electricity independent of variation of the pressure, tem- perature, and dryness of the air; or, as is perhaps more probable, these instruments are not so immediately affected by atmospheric changes as an electrified body is. Hence it may have happened that on different days, when the barometer, thermometer, and hygrometer indicated the same state of the atmosphere, the quantity of electricity lost per minute would not be the same. On a sudden change of weather, when the hygrometer indicated in- creased dryness, the quantity of electricity lost per minute was not diminished so much as it ought to have been by calculation. Coulomb accounts for this by the supposition, that there is an adhesion between the air and the vapours which interferes with the indications of the hygrometer, so that the substance, by the qualities of which the indications of this instrument are obtained, can only be affected by that portion of moisture which is entirely disengaged from any combination with the molecules of air ; and that, as the separation is effected only by degrees, the dissipation of electricity is pro- 302 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. moted by those particles of aqueous vapour remaining in combination with the air, of which the hygrometer is not sensible. (87.) The same method of experiment which con- ducted Coulomb to the discovery of the law according to which electricity is dissipated by the contact of the air, would naturally be resorted to ascertain the loss of electricity proceeding from imperfect insulation. Such a method would consist in the adoption of sup- ports which would produce a loss of electricity bearing a very considerable proportion to the loss sustained by the contact of the air. This would, however, be at- tended with great practical inconvenience and difficulty. Each time the apparatus is touched, whether it be to electrify the balls or to adjust the torsion of the sus- pended thread, the needle would continue to oscillate for a considerable time before it would come to rest ; and in that interval the intensity of the electricity would suffer great variation ; the insulator, therefore, should be at least sufficiently perfect to enable the observer to complete a series of several observations without renewing the electricity of the balls. In the experiments instituted by Coulomb for this purpose, the fixed ball, instead of being suspended by a small rod of gum lac which per- fectly insulated it, was suspended by a single fibre of raw silk fifteen inches in length. The moveable ball was, as before, equal to the fixed ball, and perfectly in- sulated. The apparatus being thus arranged, the expe- riments were made in the same manner as in the former case, and the decrement of torsion which took place in known intervals of time was observed. As these expe- riments were made on the 28th and 29th of May, two of the days on which the former experiments were made, the loss of electricity by the atmosphere alone was known, which being deducted from the total loss of electricity, the remainder would be that due to the im- perfect insulation of the supports. The results of the experiments are exhibited in the following table : CHAP. IV. IMPERFECT INSULATION. 303 Time of Experiment. Distance of Balls. Torsion of Micrometer. Time elapsed between two consecutive Observations. tm. foP Mean Force between two Ob- servations. llrll, j|IJ|l First Experiment, May 28. Exp. H. M. S. M. S. 1 10 30 180 2 30 30 165 A 2 10 2 30 id. 150 5 30 40 130 T5 3 10 8 id. 110 5 20 100 iz 4 10 13 id. 90 16 30 40 70 55 5 10 29 30 id. 50 21 20 40 A 6 10 50 30 id. 30 16 30 10 25 3 ! T 7 11 7 id. 20 Second Experiment, May 29. 1 7 34 30 180 2 40 20 170 la 2 7 36 40 id. 160 4 50 id. 150 55 3 7 41 30 id. 140 , 6 50 id. 130 1 4 7 48 20 id. 120 7 25 id. 110 A 5 7 55 45 id. 100 11 45 id. 90 J 6 8 27 30 id. 80 1 ' 17 30 id. 70 A 7 8 25 C id. 60 17 30 15 52 A 8 8 42 3C id. 45 22 30 14 38 A 9 9 5 id. 31 On inspecting this table it will be evident, that in the commencement, when the repulsive force of the elec- 304 ELECTRO- STATICS. PART I. tricity is considerable, the loss of electricity is much more rapid than by the air alone ; but, according as the repulsive force is diminished and the electricity becomes more feeble, the rate at which it is lost is diminished, until at last it becomes equal to the rate at which it is lost by the contact of the air alone. Thus, on the 28th of May, in the first experiment, the total loss per minute was a fourteenth of the whole electric force ; but when the repulsive force was diminished, so as to be balanced by a torsion of 40, the quantity lost per minute was equal to that which was lost by the contact of the air alone. When the electricity, there- fore, did not exceed this intensity, the insulators became perfect. In the same manner, in the experiments on the 2Qth of May, the insulation became perfect when the repulsive force was measured by the angle of torsion of 70. In these experiments, the moveable ball, being per- fectly insulated, loses its electricity only by the con- tact of the air. The electric force of this ball, there- fore, for any time, may be calculated by the formulae already established for the case of bodies perfectly insu- lated; and as the experiments supply the value of the whole repulsion of the two balls, that of the fixed ball may be immediately inferred. Let R be the electric force of the moveable, and R X that of the fixed ball at the commencement of the observations, and let R, and R', be their forces after the interval t, and let F and F, be the total electric force exerted by the balls on each other at the commencement, and at the end of the time t. We have then F =R R / , F,=R,R'f. Therefore R', CHAP. IV. IMPERFECT INSULATION. 305 But according to what has been already proved with respect to balls perfectly insulated, we have R, at the number a expressing the decrement per minute, which the electricity suffers by the air alone. The F quantity is determined by the experiment, being F o equal to the ratio of the torsions at the commencement and at the end of the time t. Let these torsions, as be- fore, be expressed by A and A,, and we shall have R' t A t at , . This formula will therefore be sufficient to determine the electrical state of an imperfectly insulated body after the lapse of any given time. As an example of the practical application of this formula, let it be required to determine the electrical state of the fixed ball at the time when the silk thread of suspension beg- an to insulate it perfectly, in the expe- riments of the 28th May. Let it be assumed that this perfect insulation commenced after an interval of forty minutes, when the torsion was reduced from 180 to 40. The decrement of torsion per minute by the operation of the air alone was on that day -fa part of the mean torsion. Hence we have A =180, A,=40, *=40. a= 1 1 T - Since M= 2-302585, we shall then have -^-=0-0105925, 4--= 0<0052 962, -^- =0'2118480. M 2M 2M By the tables then we find 30t) ELECTRO- STATICS. PART I. log.A,=l-6020600, log. ~'=r-S467875, ^=0-2118480, T>/ __ log. -J =1-5586355, HO ^=0-36194. tt Hence it appears that the thread of silk fifteen inches long "became a perfect insulator when the electricity of the ball was reduced to -ffy of its original amount. The original electric force of the fixed ball may be easily determined. We have F =R R / . But since the balls are equal, and similarly and simultaneously electrified, R U =R / . Therefore F =R' 2 , andR' =VF . F But if 2=&A we shall have But since A =180, we obtain by taking the square root R' = The state of the air remaining the same,, Coulomb re- peated this experiment with a thread of the same silk five feet long, being four times the length of the former, and he found R' =971 1 84D\/6~~. As the experiment was made with the same apparatus, and the distance D was the same in both cases, it is evident, that by in- creasing the length of the insulating thread in the ratio CHAP. IV. IMPERFECT INSULATION. 3(37 of four to one, its insulating power was increased in the ratio of two to one. (88.) This principle may be considered as appli- cable to all cylindrical supports of very small diameter,, whose insulating power is imperfect. In a given state of the atmosphere, the intensity of the electric force at which they begin to insulate perfectly is proportional to the square root of their length, their nature and diameter being the same. When the insulating powers of different substances are required, the ratio must be deduced by means of the formula itself from direct ex- periment. By calculating thus, the electric forces at which threads of gum lac and silk of equal length and the same diameter begin to insulate perfectly, Coulomb found that its value was ten times greater for gum lac than for silk. In the same manner, the insulating power of all substances may be compared and reduced to numerical estimation. In such experiments it is not necessary that the balls of the electrometer should be observed at the same distance in the two series of experiments : it will be sufficient that this distance be maintained constant in each series, and that its value be substituted in each case in the formula. It is also indifferent what degree of electricity is im- parted to the balls, provided only equal balls similarly suspended, and simultaneously electrified, be used in all those parts. If this condition were not fulfilled, the co-efficient B would not be the same in the different series, which would render their comparison difficult and indirect. x 2 SOS ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. CHAP. V. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY ON CONDUCTORS. (89.) BY what has been explained, it is apparent that when electricity is communicated to any point of an insulated conductor, it is immediately diffused over its entire surface ; but whether on every part of that sur- face its distribution is the same, or if not, according to what law its energy at different parts of the surface varies, and whether it penetrates beyond the surface to the internal parts of the body, are questions which still remain to be investigated. Several of the facts which have been already ex- plained render it highly probable, that the electricity which is imparted to conductors is confined to their surface, and that none of their particles, sensibly below the surface, are affected by, or produce any effect upon, it. A ball formed of any material will be equally elec- trified, whether it be solid or hollow ; and if it be hollow, the charge which it receives from any source of electricity will be the same, whether the shell of matter of which it is formed be thin or thick. To reduce this question to direct experiment, let A (fy. 11.) be a conductor of an oval or spheroidal form ; Jet two thin hollow covers B B' be formed to corre- CHAP. V. DISTRIBUTION OP ELECTRICITY. 309 spond with the shape and magnitude of the conductor A, so that, when applied to it, they shall form a coating, which shall completely cover it, and be in close contact with it. Such cover may be formed of paper, gilt on the concave side. Let C C' be two handles of gum lac attached to these covers, by which they may be applied to the body A, and removed from it without either imparting electricity to them, or allowing any to escape from them. Let the body A be now placed on an in- sulating support, or suspended by a thread of fine silk, varnished with gum lac, and let it be electrified in the usual way. After having touched the two inner covers B B' to deprive them of any electricity they may have, let them be applied to the conductor A, holding them by the insulating handles C C'. After withdrawing them from A, they will be found, if tested by the electrometer, to be electrified with the same electricity as was previously communicated to A ; and if A be similarly tested, it will be found to have lost all its electricity. Thus, by mere superficial contact, all the electricity which had been previously imparted to A has been taken away upon the covers B B'. To this experiment it may, however, be objected, that the at- traction of the surface of the covers B B' may have been sufficient to draw the electricity from a depth more or less considerable within the surface of the con- ductor A. Fig. 12. (90-) The following experiment made by| Coulomb indicates in a manner still more direct the superficial distribution of electricity ; and! the result is more general, being applicable to bodies of any form whatever. Several small round holes, of less than half an inch in dia- meter, and of various depths, are made in dif- ferent parts of the surface of a conductor. A thread of pure gumlac AB (fig. 12.), several inches in length, is then attached to a small disc C of gilt paper, the diameter of which is about a third of the diameter of the holes. x 3 310 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. The conductor being insulated, is then strongly elec- trified by sparks taken from the prime conductor of an electrical machine. Holding the insulating handle of gum lac at A, the disc C is then introduced into one of the holes so carefully as not to touch their edges, and being brought into contact with the surface of the con- ductor at the bottom of the hole, it is withdrawn with the same precaution. This disc C being then tested by an electrometer, will be found to have acquired no elec- tricity whatever ; and the same result will be obtained by introducing it in the same manner into each of the holes. The successful result of this experiment may be rendered more certain by providing a tube of glass, corresponding in magnitude with the holes, which being introduced into them before the disc, the latter may be inserted in the tube, so as to be defended from contact with the edges of the hole. If the disc C be applied to any part of the surface of the conductor not perforated, or even to the very edges of the holes, it will be found, on withdrawing it from the surface, to be strongly electrified. From this experiment it appears, that the distributior of electricity upon bodies is confined to their surfaces but an effect is sometimes observed, which might lead to the supposition that the surface at the bottom of the hole is electrified with electricity of a contrary kind to that of the surface of the conductor ; for if the con- ductor be positively electrified, the disc, after being withdrawn from the hole, is sometimes found to have feeble charge of negative electricity ; and, if the con- ductor be negatively electrified, the electricity of the disc is found in similar cases to be positive. This ife observed to take place more especially when the atmo- sphere is humid, the gum lac not pure, and when in the < performance of the experiment the disc is allowed tc remain a considerable time in the hole. The electricity of the disc in such cases does not proceed from any electricity taken up from the surface of the bottom oi' the hole, but is an effect produced by the electricity DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. Sll diffused on the surface of the conductor acting in a peculiar manner, which will be explained hereafter, on ihe natural electricity of the gum lac. (91.) The superficial distribution of electricity on conductors, may be also illustrated by the following ex- periment: Let A B (fig. 13.) be a cylinder of metal, Fig. 13. insulated, and capable of being turned on a horizontal axis by a handle M formed of glass, so that, when held by the hand, no electricity shall pass from the con- ductor to the hand. Let R be a piece of metallic leaf or foil sufficiently strong to be raised without being broken, and let this be rolled several times round the cylinder, and terminated in a semi-circle, which shall hang from the side of the cylinder. To the lowest point of this semi-circle let a thread of silk F be attached. To the end of the conductor let an electro- meter be fixed, consisting of two pith balls, suspended by metallic wires or threads of linen, or other conduct- ing substance. Let the conductor be now electrified. The electricity having free passage to the pith balls, they will repel each other, and the extent of their divergence will be proportional to the intensity of the electricity of the conductor. If the metallic covering R be now unrolled from the cylinder by taking hold of the silk thread F, the divergence of the balls will gra- . x 4 312 ' ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. dually diminish; and, when the covering is entirely unrolled, the balls will exhibit no sensible divergence. The silk thread by which the metallic covering is sus- tained being an insulator, the electricity will be retained on the surface of the metal, and will not escape to the hand. If the metallic covering be now again rolled upon the cylinder, the balls will gradually diverge, their divergence increasing as the covering is successively roiled up ; and when it is restored to its first position, the balls will exhibit the same divergence as in the first instance, provided the interval suffered to elapse be not so great as to allow any sensible loss of electricity by the contact of the air. In this experiment it is evident, that when the con- ductor and metallic ribbon are first electrified, the electric fluid is diffused on the external surface of the ribbon. As the ribbon is unrolled from the cylinder by the thread F or by turning the handle M, a more ex- tensive surface of the ribbon is successively exposed, over which the electric fluid is diffused. Its intensity diminishes as this surface increases ; and if the ribbon be sufficiently long, the surface over which it is distri- buted will become so extensive, and its intensity will be consequently so diminished, that it will cease to produce any sensible effect upon the balls. When the ribbon, however, is again rolled upon the cylinder by turning the handle M in the other direction, the electricity will again be collected on the same surface on which it was originally diffused, and it will recover its original in- tensity, and the balls will again diverge. (92.) Although these experiments satisfactorily prove that the distribution of the electric fluid is either ri- gorously confined to the surface of bodies or very nearly so, there are some circumstances which render it pro- bable that it penetrates to some depth below their surface, but to so smah 1 a depth as to be inappre- ciable by any known methods of measurement. At so early a period of electrical investigation as the middle of the last century, it occurred to Watson, CHAP. V. DISTRIBUTION OP ELECTRICITY. SIS and about the same time to Lemounier, to try whe- ther the electric fluid passed within the external surface of a metallic rod; and for this purpose the rod was coated through a portion of its length with sealing wax, which,, being a non-conductor, would not allow the electric fluid to pass either along its outer surface or along its inner surface,, which was in contact with the surface of the metal. A charge of electricity,, however,, even of feeble intensity,, communicated to one end of the rod,, passed as freely through its entire length as if there was no coating of wax upon it. It follows from this experiment,, that the electricity must have passed sufficiently below the external surface of the metal to be out of contact with the wax. (93.) Having thus proved the distribution of electri- city to be nearly superficial, it now remains to examine whether its intensity on every part of the electrified sur- face of a conductor is the same. There are some bodies whose geometrical properties suggest so strongly the necessity of uniform distribution as to render demon- stration unnecessary. If the electrified body,, for ex- ample, be a sphere of metal or any other conducting substance, the symmetry of its figure alone renders the uniform distribution of electricity upon it inevitable, since no reason can be assigned why the electricity should be stronger in any one part of the sphere than in any other. If, then, electricity be regarded as a material fluid diffused over the surface of the sphere, having a uniform but extremely small depth on every part of it, as a liquid might be diffused over the surface of the globe, then the total quantity of electricity upon the sphere will be found by multiplying the surface of the sphere by the depth of the fluid. It is proved in geometry that the surface of a sphere is four times the magnitude of the area of one of its great circles, that is, of a section of the sphere made by cutting it through its centre. If, therefore, four times the area of such a circle be multiplied by the supposed depth of the elec- tricity, the total quantity of electricity will be obtained. 314 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. Let R be the radius of the sphere, and TT =3*141 5, then the area of the great circle of the sphere will be R 2 7r; and if x express the thickness or depth of the electric fluid, the quantity of electricity upon the sphere will be expressed by 4<#R 2 TT ; so that,, if E be the quantity of electricity, we shall have And if E y be the quantity of electricity on another sphere whose radius is R x , and on which the thickness of the fluid is x' 9 we shall have Hence it follows, that the electricities of two spheres will be proportional to the squares of their radii mul- tiplied by the depths of the electric fluid upon them, which is expressed mathematically by E #R 2 It follows also that the quantities of electricity on spheres similarly electrified, will be in the proportion of the squares of their radii or diameters, for in that case #=#' (94.) It has been here assumed, that, by imparting an increased charge of electricity to a sphere, the thick. ness of the shell of electric fluid by which it is enve- loped is proportionally increased, which involves the supposition that the density of the electric fluid remains the same. If it be supposed, on the other hand, that each addition made to the electricity leaves the depth of the fluid the same, it must be assumed that its density is increased in the same proportion as the quantity of electricity imparted to it is augmented. On such a supposition the symbol x in the above formula would express the density of the electric fluid and not its depth ; and, subject to this modification, the preceding reasoning and the formula will still hold good. It is, in a word, indifferent whether the increased energy or CHAP. V. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. 315 intensity of the electricity be ascribed to the increased depth or increased density of the fluid; for the depth of the fluid, whether variable or not, always bearing an in- finitely small proportion to the magnitude of the surface on which the electricity is diffused, the attraction or repulsion it exercises is the same as if all its particles, superposed on one another, were condensed into a single point. (95.) The electrometer of Coulomb supplies the means of determining by immediate experiment the distribution of electricity on the surfaces of electrified conductors. For this purpose, the disc of gilt paper attached to the handle of gum lac already described is used. This -disc is applied to any part of the surface of an electrified conductor, where the intensity of the electricity is to be ascertained. It is then introduced into the electrometer of torsion, and placed opposite the ball or a similar disc electrified with the same kind of electricity attached to the extremity of the needle. The intensity of the electricity with which it is charged is estimated by the torsion necessary to bring the move- able ball or disc of the electrometer within a given distance of it. Let us suppose, for example, that after applying the disc C (fig. 12.) (which we shall call the proof plane) to any point of an electrified conductor, it is introduced into the electrometer, and is observed to repel the moveable disc similarly electrified. Let the micrometer of torsion be now turned until the moveable disc is brought within 20 of the proof plane, and let the angle of torsion necessary to keep it there be 80. Let the proof plane be now removed from the elec- trometer and applied to another part of the conductor, and let it be again introduced into the electrometer. Let the micrometer of torsion be adjusted, so that the moveable disc shall be maintained at a distance from the fixed disc less than 20 by the angle of torsion, which would be lost by the contact of the air in the inter /al between the two experiments j and let the tor- sion necessary to maintain it in this position be again 31 6 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. observed, and suppose its amount to be 120. It will follow then that the intensities of the electricity at the two points of the conductor to which the proof disc has been applied, or, what is the same, the depths or densi- ties of the electric fluid at those points will be in the ratio of 80 to 120, or of 2 to 3. If therefore it can be assumed, that the electricity of the proof plane after touching the conductor is really proportional to the electricity of the conductor at the point of contact, the manner in which electricity is distributed over the surface of different conductors may always be determined by thus applying the proof plane to various points upon them, and determining the force of its electricity in the electrometer. (96.) The first important conclusion to which such an experimental inquiry has led is, that on a conductor of any given form and magnitude the distribution of electricity is always the same, whatever be the depth or density of the electric fluid with which the conductor is charged. This is easily rendered manifest. An insu- lated conductor being strongly electrified, let the proof plane be successively applied at several points, P, P', P /x , P //x , &c. &c. and let it be successively tried in the electrometer after each contact. Let the torsions repre- senting the repulsive force it exerts at a given distance after each contact be T, T x , T", T'", &c., the loss of electricity by the contact of the air upon the moveablo disc of the electrometer being duly allowed for. Let the conductor be now discharged by touching it, or otherwise putting it in communication with the earth, and let it be again electrified with a greater or less force than before. Let the proof plane be again brought into contact with the same points P, P', P' x , P x ", &c. &c. as before, and let it, as before, be tested in the electrometer. Let the torsion corresponding to those points be now t, t', t", t"' ', &c. These several angles of torsion will ex- press, as before, the electric force which the proof plane has acquired by contact with the conductor at the several points. CHAP. V. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. 317 Now, if the quantities T, T', T", T"", &c. be compared severally with the quantities t, t', t", t'", &c., they will be found to be exactly proportional, each to each, so that the following mathematical condition will be ful- filled: Thus, if it were observed that in the second electrical state produced upon the conductor the torsion t were only one-third of the torsion T, it would follow that the depth or density of the electricity at the point P was three times greater in the first case than in the second ; and it would accordingly be found that the torsions T', T", T"', &c., expressing the depths of the electricity at the points P, P', P", P'", &c., would be three times the torsion t', t" > t'" , &c., expressing the depths of elec- tricity at the same points in the second case ; and, in general, that the depth of the electricity on every part of the conductor in the first case would be three times its depth on the same parts of it in the second. (97.) It follows, therefore, that the total quantity of electricity with which any given conductor is charged at different times is always proportional to the quantities of electricity found by the proof plane at these times on any given point of it. (98.) If an electrified conductor be tried at a given point by the proof plane after equal successive intervals of time, it will be found that its electricity is subject to a gradual diminution ; and if this diminution per mi- nute be calculated, it will be found to be precisely the same as would be produced by the contact of the air, provided the conductor is well insulated, which is there- fore evidently the cause of the gradual diminution of its electric force. This may be verified in the following manner : Let a proof plane be applied to any point of the conductor, and introduced into the electrometer ; after remaining there any given time, for example five I 8 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. minutes, it will be observed that the moveable disc will gradually approach it, by reason of the loss of electrical force by the contact of air. Let the moveable disc be restored to its proper distance by diminishing the torsion which retains it. Let another similar proof disc be now applied to the same points of the conductor, and let it be introduced into the electrometer in place of the former. It will be found that the moveable disc will be held in the same position by its repulsion, without any change in the torsion. It follows, therefore, that the loss of electricity sustained in any given time by any part of the surface of the conductor is exactly the same as the loss which would be sustained in the same time by the proof disc electrified by contact with the conductor. In other words, the conductor itself, and the discs elec- trified at any point of it, undergo the same changes of electrical force in the same intervals of time. (99) If it be desired to obtain the exact ratio of the electric densities at any other point of an electrified con- ductor, independently of any computation of the loss of electricity by the contact of the air, it may be done in the following manner: Let the proposed points be P and P', and let the proof plane be first applied to the point P, and its repulsive force be determined by the electrometer. Let it then be applied to the point P', observing the interval between the two contacts by a watch having a seconds hand, and let its repulsive force be again observed. After the lapse of an equal interval of time, let it be again applied to the point P, and let the electric force be again observed in the electrometer. If half the sum of the two angles of torsion obtained after the two contacts with the point P be taken, it will be the angle of torsion which would have been obtained if the two points P and P' had been touched by the proof plane at the same moment. The ratio of the tor- sions, and therefore of the electric densities^ at the points P and P', will thus be obtained independently of any computation of the loss by atmospheric contact, or of any other supposition, save that the loss of electricity in CHAP. V. DISTRIBUTION OP ELECTRICITY. the interval between the first contact with the point P and the contact with the point P' was equal to the loss in the equal interval between the contact with the point P' and the second contact with the point P. (100.) The following experiment will further cor- roborate the proposition, that the quantities of electricity taken by the proof plane from the same point of a con- ductor at different times are proportional to the whole quantities of electricity with which the conductor is charged at those times. Let two equal cylinders of metal or of metallic surface, whose lengths are much greater than their diameters, be placed on insulating supports, and let one of the two be strongly electrified. Let the proof plane be applied to it first at a point near the middle of its length, and next at a point near its extremity, it will be found by the electrometer, that the electrical forces at these two points are very dif- ferent. Let them, however, be exactly observed. Let the second insulated cylinder, which was not electrified, be now placed beside the other, so that their extremities shall exactly coincide, and let them thus be brought into lateral contact. From the perfect regularity and symmetry of the two cylinders and from their conducting power it follows, that the electricity with which the one was previously charged will now be diffused uniformly over the surfaces of both, and that the first will be only charged with half its original quantity. Let them be separated, and let the first be touched at the same points as before by the proof plane, and it will be found, by the indications of the electrometer, that the electrical force of the proof plane will in each case be exactly ahalf what it ws before. This result may be further verified by touching the other cylinder at corresponding points, when the electric forces manifested by the proof plane will be the same. (101.) To determine by means of the proof plane and the electrometer the actual quantity of electricity with which a conductor at any point is charged, it will be necessary to determine the ratio of the electricity with S20 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART T. which the proof plane becomes charged in touching a conductor to the electricity with which the portion of the surface of the conductor so touched was charged. With a view to the solution of this question,, Coulomb made the following experiment: he placed a globe eight inches in diameter upon insulating supports, and charged it, as well as the moveable disc of the electrometer, with posi- tive electricity. To determine the electric force of this globe^ he brought into contact with it another of an inch in diameter insulated by a handle of gumlac. This latter being introduced into the electrometer, it was found that an angle of torsion 144 was necessary to hold the moveable disc at a given distance from it. He next brought an insulated circular disc of metal, sixteen inches in diameter, in contact with it; after removing which, he again brought the small globe into contact as before with the great one, and again introduced it into the electrometer, when he found that an angle of torsion of 47 was sufficient to keep the moveable disc at the same distance from it. The insulated disc, sixteen inches in diameter, had a surface on each of its faces equal to four times the area of a circle eight inches in diameter, and therefore a total surface equal to eight times the area of such a circle ; but the surface of a globe eight inches in diameter is proved in geometry to be equal to four times the area of a circle of the same diameter. It consequently follows, that the surface of each face of the great disc is equal to the whole surface of the greater globe ; and therefore, that the total surface of both faces is double the surface of the globe. When this disc is therefore brought into contact with the globe, the elec- tricity which was previously diffused upon the globe is diffused over the united surfaces of the globe and the disc ; that is, over three times the surface to which it was before confined. If it be diffused uniformly on these surfaces, it will be therefore three times less dense on the greater globe after the contact of the disc, than it was before. In the second experiment made with CHAP. V. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. 321 the inch ball, the repulsive force was found to corre- spond to an angle of torsion of 47, which would be a third part of 141, which is little different from the actual angle of torsion 144 obtained by the first expe- riment. Since the repulsive force of the smaller globe in the two cases is proportional to the depth of electri- city on the greater globe., it follows that this depth is in the ratio of three to one ; and therefore, that by the contact,, the disc has taken from the globe two-thirds of its charge of electricity, and consequently that the depth of electricity on the plane after contact is the same as the depth of electricity remaining on the globe. Had the disc been electrified and the globe not so, the result would have been the same. In that case, the globe would have received one- third of the charge of electricity upon the disc. Coulomb verified this by a great variety of experiments, and found in general, that whatever the magnitude of the disc might be, the quan- tity of electricity it required always bore to the quan- tity remaining on the globe the ratio which the area of the two sides of the disc bore to the area of the surface of the globe. It follows, therefore, that when the disc be- comes so small that its total surface bears a very minute proportion to that of the globe, the quantity of electri- city it takes from the globe bears no sensible proportion to the quantity remaining on the globe ; the disc, there- fore, carries away upon each of its faces as much elec- tricity as covers the portion of the globe with which it is brought into contact, and consequently the total quan- tity of electricity taken upon the disc at each contact must be double the quantity which covers an equal part of the surface of the globe. The angle of torsion, therefore, produced by the repulsive power of this electricity, will be double that which would be produced by the electricity diffused upon a portion of the globe equal in magnitude to the area of the disc. (102.) By the frequent repetition of such experi- ments, the electricity taken from the globe by the proof 22 ELECTRO-STATICS. FAULT 1. plane would diminish in a slight degree the absolute quantity of electricity ; and consequently, to be enabled to compare together the results of a succession of ob- servations so made,, it would, in strictness,, be necessary to take into account this gradual diminution of the electric force. This precaution is, however, rendered needless if the magnitude of the proof disc bears so small a pro- portion to the magnitude of the surface of the con- ductor, that the whole quantity of electricity which it takes away in any one series of experiments bears an insignificant proportion to the quantity which remains on the conductor ; but if this precaution be considered insufficient, it is only necessary to bring back the proof disc to the conductor in each experiment without discharging it. By such means the only diminution of electricity which will take place will be that due to the contact of the air, which can be computed and allowed for as already explained. (103.) In the practical application in this method of experimenting the results of the experiments are sometimes exposed to a source of error against which it is necessary to provide. The rods of gum lac used to support the proof discs are imperfect non-conductors, and are capable of absorbing, in a sensible degree, the electricity of the disc. The errors arising from this source are greater in proportion to the humidity of the air ; but they are also dependent on the nature of the gum lac itself, which possesses the insulating power in different degrees, according to its purity. That which has the darkest colour is generally the best, but the colour alone can hardly be depended on as a test of purity. The gum lac must be tested by experiment, before it is employed in investigations requiring such extreme delicacy. With this view, when the threads are formed of the requisite thickness and length, it is ne- cessary to bring the extremity intended to bear the proof disc in contact with a strongly electrified con- ductor, after which it should be presented to the move- CHAP. V. DISTRIBUTION OP ELECTRICITY. 3 C 23 able disc of an electrometer charged with electricity of the same kind. If it produces a sensible repulsion, it must be rejected, and such threads only retained as produce no repulsion. For if threads be used which are not almost perfect insulators, the succession of contacts which are made by the disc with the electrified conductor would at length impregnate a portion of the handle of the gum lac by which they are supported with the elec- tricity of the conductor, and when once the gum lac should thus absorb any portion of electricity, it would be extremely difficult to remove it, and a permanent source of error would be produced, which would aug- ment the electric force of the proof disc after each contact. This effect would be greater for feeble electricities, and would entirely vitiate and render useless all expe- riments made on parts of the conductor weakly electri- fied. Considering this source of error, there is an ad- vantage in the employment, in such experiments, of conductors of some considerable magnitude, for, in that case, a proportional magnitude may be given to the proof plane, and the proportion will be lessened in which its electricity will be affected by the electricity, if any, which may be absorbed by the handle of the gum lac. (104.) The following practical example of the ap- plication of this species of experimental investigation has been extracted by Biot, from the unpublished manu- scripts of Coulomb. He proposed to determine how the electricity was distributed upon a thin insulated plate of metaL For this purpose he insulated a plate of steel eleven inches in length, one inch in width, and half a line in thick- ness. To be able to touch it in its whole width, he made the proof plane an inch long and three lines wide. He first applied this plane at the centre C of the plate A B (fig. 14.), and then at P and Q points, one inch from its extremities, and he obtained the fol- lowing results : Y 2 324 ELECTRO-STATICS. Torsions observed. Mean tor. sion at centre. Mean torsion at 1 inch from extremity. Ratio of the mean torsions. At centre 370 At 1 inch from extremity - At centre 440 350 360 350 440 4] 7'5 1-22 1-20 At 1 inch from extremity - At centre . - 395 320 335 395 1-18 Mean 1-20 (105.) Thus, on equal spaces taken across the whole width of the plate, at the centre, and at points one inch from its extremities, the quantities of electricity are as 10 to 12, and, consequently, nearly equal, the excess being in favour of the electricity towards the extremi- ties. Coulomb repeated these experiments, but instead of applying the proof plane at points an inch from the extremities, he applied it close to the extremities, so as to obtain the quantity of electricity covering a portion of the plate extending three lines from the end. The results of these experiments are given in the following table : Torsions observed. Mean tor- sion at centre. Mean torsions at extremity. Ratio of mean torsions. At extremity - 400 At centre 195 195 395 2-02 At extremity - 390 190 390 2'05 At centre 185 185 370 2-00 At extremity 350 Mean 2-02 i It will be observed that, in this case, the excess of electricity at the ends, compared with the centre, is CHAP. V. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. 325 much greater than in the former case. In fact, while the quantity of electricity upon the plate is nearly uni- form from the centre to within an inch of the borders, it is augmented rapidly towards the edges, where it he- comes more than double its amount at the centre. (106.) Coulomb extended this inquiry still further, by applying the proof plane, not on the surface of the plate itself, but in the space corresponding to the pro- longation of the plate beyond its extremities A and B, in such a manner that the edge of the proof plane coin- cided with the extreme edges of the ends of the plate, the proof plane, however, lying beyond the limits of the sur- face of the plate. The results of these experiments are given in the following table : Observed torsions. Mean tor- sions at centre. Mean bodies beyond the "edge. Ratio of mean torsions. Centre - 305 Beyond edge - 1175 295 1175 3'98 Centre - 285 285 1156 4*05 Beyond edge - 1137 Mean 4-01 It appears thus that the proof plane, beyond the limits of the plate, acquired an electricity four times that which it acquired at the centre, and double that which it ac- quired at the extremities. The experiment being repeated with a plate twenty- two inches long, or double the former length, and of the same dimensions in other respects, exactly the same re- sults were obtained. (107.) Coulomb concluded, first, that the proof plane in these experiments only acquired the electricity of that side of the plate to which it was applied ; and, secondly, that no increase of length of the plate beyond a certain limit of length, sufficient to enable the electricity to be- come uniform on the middle portion of its surface, pro- Y 3 326 ELECTRO-STATICS. duced any sensible effect on the ratio of the quantity of electricity at the extremity, and at the middle. The first being always double the second. (108.) To render the result of these experiments more apparent, let A B (fig. 14.) represent a plate Fig. 14. -IB whose length surpasses the limit necessary to insure a uniform depth of electricity at the centre C. Let per- pendiculars, such as P and Q, be drawn to represent the depths of the electricities at the different points of the plate, and let the curve formed by the ends of such per- pendiculars be A' P E Q B', the curve between the points P and Q will hold its course parallel to the surface of plate A B, all its points being equally distant from the surface of the plate ; but from P to A', and from Q to B', the curve rises by the increased length of the per- pendiculars until A A' and B B' are double the magni- tude of the perpendiculars between P and Q. Now, since the ratio of these extreme particulars to the centre perpendicular C E is the same in all plates whose length is considerable compared with their width, and since the intermediate ordinates between P and Q are the same in all, it follows that the curves A' P and B' Q have the same magnitude in all plates, whatever be their length ; and that they consequently designate the varying thickness or density of the electricity at the extremities of all such plates. We are thus enabled to predict perfectly the electric state of any part of such plates when the electricity of the centre has once been ob- served. (109.) This rapid increase of electricity towards the extremities of long and narrow plates of metal is not peculiar to them. An analogous effect is observed in all bodies of a prismatic or cylindrical form, whose lengths CHAP. V. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. 327 are considerable in proportion to their thickness, and the increase of electricity at their extremities is found to be so much the more rapid as they are thinner. Coulomb insulated a circular cylinder, two inches in diameter and thirty inches in length, of which the ends were hemi- spherical, and on comparing, as in the former case, the quantities of electricity collected at the centre, and at points near the extremities, he obtained the following results. At two inches from the extremity the electricity was to that at the centre as 1^ to 1; at one inch from the extremity it was as 1 J- to 1 ; and at the extremity it was as 2-f 1 ,- to 1. (110.) The manuscripts of Coulomb supplied ana- logous experiments to determine the distribution of electricity upon thin circular plates, which have likewise been published by Biot. He touched these plates at different distances from their centre with the proof plane, and ascertained by the electrometer, as in the former experiments, the quantity of electricity at different places upon them. In the following table, the result of expe- riments made in this way upon a plate of copper ten inches in diameter are given. Distances from the edge. Depths of electricity. 5 centre of the disc. 1 4 1-001 3 1-005 2 1-17 1 1-52 0-5 2-07 2-90 (111.) To express, in mathematical language, the re- lation between the quantities of electricity, and the dis- tances from the edge of the plate, let y express the in- tensities of the electric forces, the unit being the force at the centre, and let x express the distances from the edge of the disc in the first column of the above table. Y 4 328 ELECTRO-STATICS. M.Biot proposes the following formula obtained empi- rically to express this relation : y = 1 + A (m* w 2M ) In which r is the radius of the disc, and A and m constants, whose value are to be determined by observa- tion. To obtain the value of A, let x O, and for y substitute 2 '90, which is the value of y at the edge of the disc, and we have 2-90= 1+ A (1-w 2 *-). But since r = 5, this becomes 2-90 = 1 + A(l-ra 10 ). It will appear presently that m is a fraction, not ex- ceeding three-tenths, and consequently that its tenth power may be neglected ; hence we have by the above equation, A = 1-9. To determine the value of m let %=. 1, and the corre- sponding value of y being 1'52, we shall find m = 0'27 But, on comparing the other observations, it will be found that 0*3 is a value of m more in accordance with them. The value m being thus determined, the values of x and y may be found by calculation, and com- pared with those obtained with experiment. In the following table, the observed and calculated values of y are given, and their near accordance sufficiently proves, that the empirical formula of M. Biot represents with great accuracy the phenomena. Distances from the centre. Depths of electricity. 4 Difference. By formula. By observation. 5 1-000 1-000 o-ooo 4 1-014 1-001 + 0-01 3 3 1-051 1-005 + 0-046 2 1-170 1-170 o-ooo 1 1-570 1-520 + 0-050 0-5 2-041 2-070 -0-029 2-900 2-900 o-ooo CHAP. V. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. 329 (112.) It appears in general, from the experiments of Coulomb, that the depth of the electric fluid on a conductor always increases in a rapid proportion in ap- proaching the edges, and that this increase commences at a certain small distance from those edges ; thus, when a circular disc or rectangular plate has any considera- ble magnitude, the density of the electricity is uniform throughout those parts of its area not contiguous with its borders, and whatever be the figure of the conductor, whether round or square, if only it be terminated by sharp angular edges, the density of the electricity will be found to increase at all parts contiguous to those edges. (113.) If a conductor be terminated not by sharp angular edges, but rounded sides or ends, then the dis- tribution of electricity will again become more uniform. Thus, if a cylindrical conductor of considerable diame- ter have hemispherical ends, the distribution of electri- city on it will be uniform : but if its ends be flat, with sharp circular edges, then an accumulation of electricity will take place contiguous to them, as already described. If the sides and ends of a flat plate of considerable thickness be rounded or receive a semicylindrical form, then the accumulation of electricity at the borders will cease. (114.) The increase of electrical density at the an- gular edge of a conductor produces still more aug- mented effects at its corners, where the increase of density due to two edges are in fact combined, and this effect is still further increased if any part of a con- ductor have the form of a point. (115.) It has been shown that the pressure of the surrounding air is the principal, if not the only, force which retains the electric fluid upon a conductor. Now it is evident, that if at the edges, corners, or angular points of a conductor, the electric depth be so much in- creased that the elastic force of the electric fluid shall exceed the restraining pressure of the atmosphere, the electricity must escape. Let P (fig. ,25.) be a metallic point attached to a conductor C, and let the perpendicular n 330 ELECTROSTATICS. PART J. express the thickness or density of the electric fluid at that place, this thickness will increase in approaching the point P, so as to be represented hy perpendiculars drawn from the respective points of the curve n n' n" to A P, so that its density at P will he expressed by the perpendicular n" P. Experience shows, that, in ordi- nary states of the atmosphere, a very moderate charge of electricity given to the conductor C will produce such a density of the electric fluid at the point P, as to over- come the pressure of the atmosphere, and to cause the spontaneous discharge of the electricity. The following experiments will serve to illustrate this escape of electri- city from points. (116.) Let a metallic point, such as AP (^.15.), be r . , - attached to a con- Jbig. 15. ductor, and let a me- tallic ball of two or three inches in dia- meter, having a hole in it corresponding to the point P, be struck upon the point. If the conductor be now electrified, the electricity will be diffused over it, and over the ball which has been struck upon the point P. The electric state of the conductor may be shown by a quadrant elec- trometer being attached to it. Let the ball now be drawn off the point P by a silk thread attached to it for the pur- pose, and let it be held suspended by that thread. The electricity of the conductor C will now escape by the point P, as will be indicated by the electrometer, but the ball suspended by the silk thread will be electrified as before. (117.) Let two wires AB and C D (fg. 16.), placed at right angles, be supported by a cap E upon a fine point at the top of an insulating stand, and let them communicate by chain F with a conductor kept con- DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. 331 Fig. 1 6. stantly electrified by a machine. Let each of the four arms of the wires be terminated by a point in a horizontal direction at right angles to the wire, each point being turned in the same direc- t tion as represented in the figure. When the electricity comes from the conductor to the wires, it will escape from the wires at these four points respectively, and the force with which it leaves them will be attended with a proportionate recoil, which will cause the wire to spin rapidly on the centre E. (118.) An apparatus supplying another illustration of this principle is represented in fig. 17- A square Fig. 17. wooden stand T has four rods of glass inserted at its corners, the rods at one end being less in height than those at the other. The tops of these rods having metal wires A B and C D stretched between them, across these wires another wire E F is placed, having at- tached to it at right angles another wire G H having two points turned in opposite directions at its extre- mities, so that when G H is horizontal, these two points shall be vertical, one being presented upwards, and the other downwards. A chain from A communicates with a conductor, kept constantly electrified by a machine. The electricity coming from the conductor by the chain passes along the system of wires, and escapes at the points G and H. The consequent recoil causes the wire G H to revolve round E F as an axis, and thereby causes E F to roll up the inclined plane. ELECTRO-STATICS. (119.) An apparatus called the electrical orrery is represented in fig. 18. A metallic ball A rests upon Fig. 18. an insulating stand by means of a cap within it, placed upon a fine me- tallic point, forming the top of the stand. From the ball A, an arm D A proceeds, the extremity of which is turned up at E, and formed into a fine point. A small ball, B, rests by means of a cap on this point, and attached to it are two arms, extended in opposite direc- tions; one terminated with a small ball C, and the other by a point, P, presented in the horizontal di- rection at right angles to the arm. Another point P', attached at right angles to the arm DA, is likewise presented in the horizontal direction. By this arrange^- ment the ball A, together with the arm D A, is capable of revolving round the insulating stand, by which motion the ball B will be carried in a circle round the ball A. The ball B is also capable, at the same time, of revolving on the point which supports it, by which motion the ball C will revolve round the ball B in a circle. If electricity be supplied by the chain to the apparatus, the balls A and B, and the metallic rods, will be electrified, and the electricity will escape at the points P and P x . The recoil produced by this escape will cause the rod D A to revolve round the insulating pillar ; and, at the same time, the rod P C, together with the ball B, to revolve on the extremity of the arm D A. Thus, while the ball B revolves in a circular orbit round the ball A, the ball C revolves in a smaller circle round the ball B. The motion resembling that of the moon and earth with respect to the sun. INDUCTION. 333 CHAP. VI. INDUCTION. (120.) IN all the phenomena which have heen hi- therto considered, the electricity developed on bodies has heen educed either by the contact of two bodies, accompanied by friction, or by the mere contact of an electrified body with one not electrified. Among the earliest manifestations, however, of the phenomena of electricity, effects were rendered apparent, which proved that the agency of electricity did not require absolute contact ; but, on the contrary, that it operated at de- finite distances, producing distinct mechanical effects. Thus an electrified body, presented to bits of paper, feathers, or other light substances, caused these latter to move towards it If it be presented to a small ball not electrified suspended by a thread, it will draw the ball aside from the vertical position in which it would naturally rest. Since a body, not electrified, presented to these various substances, will manifest no attraction for them, it is evident, that the attractive and repulsive forces exhibited in the effects above referred to are due, not to the matter of the electrified body itself, but to ihe electricity diffused upon it. If these attractions or repulsions were only manifested between electrified bodies, the natural inference would then be, that these forces are exerted between the electric fluid on one body, and the electric fluid on the other ; and that the apparent attractions and repulsions, exhibited in the motion of the bodies, are due to the electric fluid with which these bodies are enveloped ; but since an elec- trified body exhibits an attraction on bodies not elec- trified, it would seem that the electric fluid, diffused 334} ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. over an electrified body, exerts an attraction on the matter of bodies not electrified. Such an inference, on the other hand, is discountenanced by the ascertained fact, that the electricity diffused on an electrified body is retained there, not by any proper attraction existing between the electric fluid and the matter of the body, but merely by the pressure of the surrounding atmo- sphere. If the electric fluid have no attraction for the matter of the body which it envelopes, it would be un- reasonable to suppose that it would have an attraction for the more distant matter of another body. The electric fluid diffused upon the surface of an electrified pith ball, suspended by a silken thread, is proved to have no attraction for the matter composing that pith ball. How then, it may be asked, can it be assumed to have an attraction for another precisely similar pith ball, similarly suspended in its neighbourhood? Yet the effects of such an attraction are produced, and ought to be accounted for. (121.) To reduce these questions to a rigorous ana- lysis, it will be necessary, first, to ascertain, by imme- diate experiment, whether the electric fluid diffused on one electrified body can produce any effect on the elec- tric fluid diffused upon another body in its neighbour- hood, independently of the bodies themselves. As the bodies themselves may be fixed while the electric fluid upon them is free to move (as will be the case if the bodies selected be conductors), it will be easy to bring this question to the immediate test of experiment. Let A A' (fig. 1 9) be a cylindrical conductor, with hemi- Fiff.l9. CHAP. VI. INDUCTION. 335 spherical ends, supported by a pillar of glass, or other insulating substance ; let S be a sphere formed of a con- ducting substance, and likewise supported on an in- sulating pillar; let the centre of the sphere S be so placed, that it shall be in the direction of the geome- trical axis of the conductor A A'. Let the conductor and the sphere be both strongly electrified with the same kind of electricity, for example, with positive electricity. If the conductor be examined by means of the proof plane and the electrometer, it will be found that the electricity is not uniformly diffused upon it, but that its depth is least at the extremity A, nearest the sphere, and that it increases gradually towards the electrical A', most remote from the sphere. If the sphere S be now gradually removed from the conductor, its centre however being still kept in the direction of the axis of the conductor, the distribution of the electricity upon the conductor will undergo a gradual change, its density towards the extremity A being progressively increased while its density towards the extremity A' is progressively diminished. If, on the other hand, the sphere S be moved towards the con- ductor, the density of the electricity towards the ex- tremity A will be diminished, while the density towards the extremity A' will be increased. If the sphere S be removed altogether from the neighbourhood of the conductor, or if the sphere be deprived of its electricity, the electricity of the con- ductor A A' will instantly resume that uniform distri- bution which, under ordinary circumstances, it takes, and every part of its surface examined by the proof plane will indicate electricity of the same density. If the sphere S be again electrified, and brought near to A A', the uniform distribution of the electricity on A A' will again be destroyed, and the electricity will, as before, be accumulated towards the extremity A', most remote from the sphere S. (122.) The result of this experiment indicates a re- pulsive action, exercised by the electric fluid of the 336 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. pphere S, upon the electric fluid diffused upon the con- ductor A A'. If the sphere S, instead of being charged with positive electricity, were equally charged with ne- gative electricity, and, instead of being presented to the extremity A_, were presented to the extremity A', pre- cisely the same effects would ensue. The electricity on A A' would be accumulated towards A" , and its densi- ties on different points of the conductor would increase from A to A'. The result of such experiment would in- dicate an attractive force exerted by the negative elec- tricity of the sphere upon the positive electricity of the conductor. (123.) We have supposed that the conductor A A' was in this case charged with positive electricity. The same results however would be obtained,, mutatis mu- tandis, if it were charged with negative electricity. In that case, the negative electricity would be accumulated towards the extremity most remote from the sphere charged with negative electricity, or towards the ex- tremity nearest the sphere when charged with positive electricity. (124.) All these experiments lead to the conclusion, that the attractive and repulsive forces which are mani- fested between electrified bodies belong to the electric fluid diffused upon bodies, and that similar electric fluids repel each other, while dissimilar electric fluids attract each other. This principle will be further illustrated by phenomena, which we shall hereafter explain. (125.) If the attractions and repulsions which have been referred to be ascribed to the electric fluids with which bodies be invested, and not to the bodies them- selves, the motions imparted to bodies not electrified by the near approach of electrified bodies still demand ex- planation ; for if it be true that the electric fluids only attract and repel themselves, and that the bodies neither exercise nor suffer attraction or repulsion, how, it may be asked, can the electric fluid with which any body is invested, produce the effects of attraction on a body which is free from all electricity ? CHAP. VI. INDUCTION. 33J (126.) To arrive at an explanation of this difficulty, it will only be necessary to examine carefully what will happen to an insulated conductor, not electrified, when an electrified body is brought near it in such a position, that, were it free to move, and sufficiently light, it would be attracted in the same manner as a pith ball, not electrified, is attracted by an electrified body. For this purpose, let S and S' (fig. 20.) be metallic spheres supported on pillars of glass, and let A A' be a con- ductor also insulated ; let these bodies be in the first instance free of all electricity, which may be insured by putting each of them for a moment in communication with the earth by touching them ; in addition to which, each of them may be tested by the proof plane, and the electrometer in the usual manner. Let the spheres S and S' be now strongly and equally charged, the one S with positive, and the other & with negative electricity, and let the conductor A A' be placed between them, as re- presented in the figure, so that the centres of the spheres shall be placed in the prolongation of the geometrical axis X X' of the conductor, and at equal distances from its middle point O. If the conductor be now examined by the proof plane and the electrometer, it will be found to be no longer in its natural state, or free from electri- city, as it was before the spheres S and & were electri- fied. On applying the proof plane to different points 338 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART 3. throughout its length, it will be found, that the only part which is free from electricity is its centre O ; that the half of the conductor, extending from O to A, is electrified, and that its electricity is negative; and that the other half of the conductor, extending from O to Af, is also electrified, and that its electricity is positive. The intensity of the opposite electricities at the extremities A and A' will be equal, and the intensities will gradually diminish from the extremities to the centre O, where all electricity disappears. At any points such as P and P', equally distant from the centre O, the depths of the electric fluids will be equal. In fact, the electric state of each half will be represented by the ordinates PM, P / M / , of two branches of a curve, which are precisely similar and equal. (127.) If the electrified spheres S and & be gradually removed from the conductor, their centres being main- tained in the line X X x , at equal distances from the middle point O, it will be found, that the electric state of the conductor will vary with the varying distance of the centres of the spheres from its middle point. The middle point O will still be free from all electricity, while the conductor on each side of it will still be electrified, with contrary electricities, and the electric depths at equal distances from O will still be equal; but the actual electrical depth at any given distance frcm O will be diminished by the increase of distance of the spheres from O. In fact, as the spheres recede from O, in opposite directions, being kept however at equal distances from it, the curve, whose ordinates re- present the densities, will become less and less concave, taking successively the forms in figures 21. and 22., until at length, when the electrified spheres are removed in- definitely, the conductor recovers its natural state, and is free of all electricity. On the other hand, if the sphere S and S' be moved in the contrary direction, and made to approach the conductor, the accumulation of electricity towards the extremities of the conductor will be increased, and the CHAP. VI. INDUCTION. 339 curve representing the electrical densities will take the form represented in figure 23. Fig. 21 (128.) It is impossible not to perceive how strongly these phenomena suggest the existence of the two electric fluids in equal quantities, and uniformly distributed over a body in its natural state. In the experiments here described, no electricity has been imparted to the con- ductor A A' by either of the spheres S and S' ; for if these spheres be examined after the experiment, by means of the proof plane and the electrometer, they will be found to have lost no electricity, except what was dissipated by the air. Neither has the permanent electrical state of the conductor been changed, for in removing the spheres from it, it will be found to be in its natural state, and free from all electricity. On the other hand, the result of the experiment is exactly what would have been anticipated, if we could have conceived the conductor A A' to be at the same time charged with equal quantities of positive and negative electricity ; for, when it was charged with positive electricity, the repul- sion of the electricity of the sphere S caused the elec- tricity to accumulate towards the extremity A', and the attraction of the negative electricity of the sphere S' produced a like effect. When the conductor was charged with negative electricity, the attraction of the positive electricity of the sphere S caused the negative electricity of the conductor to accumulate towards the 340 ELECTRO-STATICS. PAKT I. extremity A, while the repulsion of the negative electri- city of the sphere S' produced the same effect. It is evident, therefore, that if equal quantities of both kinds of electricity be at the same time diffused upon the conductor, the presence of the two electrified spheres would cause the positive electricity to accumulate to- wards the end nearest the negative sphere, and most distant from the positive sphere, and the negative elec- tricity to accumulate towards the end nearest the positive sphere, and most distant from the negative sphere. If the action of these electrified spheres increase with the diminution of distance, this accumulation of the oppo- site electricities towards the extremities will be aug- mented by bringing the spheres closer to the conductors, and will be diminished by removing them farther from it. These are precisely the effects which take place, and the conductor A h.' in its natural state, therefore, com- ports itself under the various circumstances above men- tioned exactly as a conductor would do charged with equal quantities of the contrary electricities. (129.) In these experiments we have supposed that the two spheres S and S' are maintained throughout all their changes of position at equal distances from the conductor A A', and on the supposition that the two spheres under like circumstances produce like effects on the positive and negative electrical principles dif- fused upon the conductor, it might be expected that the neutral point O would be placed, as in fact it has been found to be, exactly in the middle of the con- ductor ; but if the two spheres equally charged with opposite electricities be not symmetrically placed with respect to opposite ends of the conductor, this simi- lar distribution of opposite electricities on either side of the centre of the conductor will not be expected. If one of the spheres, S' for example, be gradually removed from the conductor, the distribution of the contrary electricities will no longer be symmetrical with respect to the centre of the cylinder, and the neu- tral point O will be removed from the centre of the INDUCTION. 341 cylinder to a position nearer the extremity A ; and that portion of the cylinder on which negative electricity is educed, will be less than half its length. (130.) To carry this supposition to its extreme length, let it be supposed that tte sphere $' is removed altogether from the conductor, which is therefore left under the sole influence of the sphere S, in the present case supposed to be positively electrified. If the state of the conductor A A' be now examined by the proof plane and the electrometer, the neutral point O will be found, as represented in figure 24., to be between the Fig. 24. centre of the cylinder and the extremity A ; the cylinder from O to A will be negatively electrified, the electric density increasing in like manner. The electric densities being as before represented by the ordinates of a curve, the state of the cylinder will be shown by the curve in the figure. If the sphere S, acting thus alone upon the conductor A A', be gradually moved towards X, so that its dis- tance from the conductor is progressively increased, the effects of its attraction and repulsion are gradually diminished, and accordingly it is found by experiment that the neutral point O, which by this inequality was transferred from the centre towards A, is again removed towards the centre, and approaches it more nearly as the distance of S from the conductor is augmented. z 3 342 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. We have here supposed that the sphere S is charged with positive electricity. Corresponding results would be obtained if it had been electrified negatively. In that case,, the electricity from A to O would have been posi * tive, and the electricity from A' to O would have been negative : in all other respects the effects would have been the same. (151.) All these results tend to establish the position that a conductor, such as A A x in its natural state, and apparently divested of all electricity, holds never- theless upon it the two opposite electric principles which have been denominated positive and negative ; and that these two principles are decomposed, and sepa- rated, and driven to opposite ends of the conductor by the influence of either or both of the electrified spheres S and S'. It has been already shown, that neither of these spheres have parted with any electricity, and that none has been received by the conductor A A' ; and that, con- sequently, whatever electricity may be on A A' when the spheres are brought near to it, must have been also on it in their absence. That the electricity thus educed on A A' by the presence of the spheres is a principle in all respects identical with that produced by excitation or communication, admits of easy demonstration. When the opposite extremities of the conductor A A' are en- veloped with contrary electricities by the proximity of the sphere S, let an insulated conductor, such as a sphere of metal supported on a glass pillar, be brought into contact with A', it will immediately become charged with positive electricity, and when removed will produce the same effect as the electrified positive conductor of an electrical machine. If, after this has been done, the sphere S be removed from the neighbourhood of the conductor A A', it will be found that the conductor A A' is charged with negative electricity, and will produce the same effects as the negative conductor of an electrical ma- chine. If the sphere, which by contact with the extremity A' became positively electrified^ be now again brought CHAP. VI. INDUCTION. 343 in contact with the conductor A A', the positive elec- tricity which had been taken from the conductor will be restored to it, and it will return to its natural state. (132.) Since an electrified insulated conductor, brought near to another insulated conductor in its natural state, will cause the latter to become electrical, having con- trary electricities on opposite sides of it, the electricities thus developed in the conductor will be capable of act- ing in the same manner on another conductor contiguous to it, and the latter on a third, and so on. In the illustrations of these principles which have been here given, we have, for the convenience of explanation, as- signed certain forms to the bodies under consideration ; but the same effects will be produced, and the same rea- soning may be applied, whatever may be the form of the bodies. Let S, as before, be an insulated conductor electrified positively, an4 let A, A/ A", A"', &c. be a series of insulated conductors disposed contiguous to each other, but not in contact, as A A' A" A x// A"", these being in their natural state. Now let S, electrified positively, be placed to tbe left of A, and let the posi- tive electrical state be expressed by -f , and the negative by ; the electrical state of the whole series produced by the position assigned to S will be as follows : + S+, -A+, -A'+, -A"+, -A'"* The positive electricity which envelopes S has educed negative electricity on the side of A next to it, and positive electricity on the opposite side. The positive electricity thus educed on the opposite side of A, educes negative electricity on the adjacent side of A 7 , and positive electricity on the opposite side. Again, the positive electricity thus educed on the oppo- site side of A' has educed negative electricity on the ad- jacent side, and positive electricity on the opposite side of A", and so on throughout the series ; negative elec- tricity being evolved on the sides of the conductors z 4 344 ELECTRO-STATICS. nearest to S, and positive electricity on the opposite sides. (133.) As an electrified body, such as the sphere S, produces so important an action on a body in its na- tural state, it may be expected in conformity with the general principles and analogies of physics, that a re- ciprocal effect would be produced, and that the elec- trified body S itself would suffer some corresponding effect from the influence of the electricity which it has evolved on the conductor contiguous to it. Experiment accordingly confirms the anticipation suggested by these analogies ; but in order to render the explanation of this reaction more simple and more pointedly illus- trative of the theoretical principles which have been raised upon these phenomena, we shall here consider the case in which the electrified body has a form si- milar to that of the conductor gn which it acts. Let us then suppose that B ft' (fig. 25.) is an in- Fig. 25. sulated cylindrical conduc- tor, with hemispherical ends strongly charged with posi- tive electricity, and let a pair of pith balls be sus- pended from each extremity of it, connected by linen threads attached to rings of wire surrounding the con- ductor. Since the threads and wire are conductors of electricity, the pith balls will share the electricity of the conductor, and will diverge from each other to a distance proportionate to the elec- tric density of the conductor at the points at which they are attached. The balls will diverge equally, in- dicating the uniform diffusion of the electricity of the conductor. Let a similar and equal conductor, A A', in its natural state, be so placed that its geometrical axis shall be in the same straight line with that of the elec- trified conductor B B', and let it be gradually moved CHAP. VI. INDUCTION. 345 towards B B'. As it approaches B B', the opposite electricities will be educed upon its surface, and dis- tributed in the same manner as already described with respect to the conductor A A' (fig. 24.), when brought near the electrified sphere S. The negative electricity is accumulated at the end A., and the positive electricity at the end A', the neutral point O being nearer to A than to A'. If the state of the pith balls upon the conductor B B' be examined, it will be found that, as soon as any sensible evolution of electricity has taken place upon A A', the divergence of the balls near the extremity B' will be increased, while the divergence of those near the extremity B is diminished, and according as the distance of the conductor A A' from BB' is lessened, the divergence of the balls near B' is augmented, and the divergence of those near B is diminished. These effects indicate a gradually increasing accumulation of the positive electricity of BB' towards the extremity B'. This is nothing more than might have been expected. The electricity which has been educed on A A', acts upon the electricity on B B' in the same manner as an electrified sphere does. The negative electricity accumulated between O and A has a tendency, by its attraction, to produce an ac- cumulation of the positive electricity of the conductor B B' towards the extremity B. The positive electricity accumulated from O to A' has a contrary tendency, by reason of its repulsion; but its effect is diminished by its greater distance from B', and the two electricities of the conductor A A' produce an attraction on the positive elec- tricity of the conductor BB' proportionate to the excess of the attraction exercised by the negative electricity accu- mulated from O to A above the repulsion of the positive accumulated from O to A'. This excess of attractive force, acting on the positive electricity with which BB' is charged, produces the accumulation towards B', which causes the increased divergence of the one pair of balls and the diminished divergence of the other. (134.) But another important phenomenon con- 346 ELECTRO-STATICS. tributes to increase this effect. The excess of the at- traction of the negative electricity on the conductor A A' affects not only the positive electricity with which it has been charged, but, in addition to this, is attended with the same effect as would be produced upon it by that attraction if it were in its natural state. These effects would be, as has been already explained, the evolution of positive electricity towards the extremity B', and the negative electricity towards the extremity B. The former of these effects tends to increase the quantity of positive electricity drawn to the end B x , while the latter diminishes the depth of the portion which remains at the end B. In the present case, this part of the effect of the electricity educed on the conductor A A' cannot be rendered apparent, since the negative fluid evolved to- wards the extremity B is neutralized by a portion of the positive fluid with which the conductor has been charged. (135.) To render it apparent, let the conductor BB X (fig. 26.) be feebly charged with positive electricity. Fig. 26. In the absence of the conductor A A', the depth of elec- tricity on every part of B B' will be the same, and the two pairs of pith balls will be equally divergent. Let the conductor A A' in its natural state be now made to approach B B' slowly from a distance, being moved in the direction X'X. As it approaches the divergence of the balls near the extremity, B' will gradually increase, while the divergence of the other balls will gradually diminish. When it has come within a certain distance of B B', the balls near B will have collapsed, while the divergence of the balls near B will be still more aug- mented. In this position of the conductors, therefore, the extremity B is reduced to its natural state, while the conductor extending towards B' is electrified po- CHAP. VI. INDUCTION. 34? sitively, the electric density continually increasing, as represented by the curve (fig. 26-), from B to B'. This effect is produced not merely by the attraction of the electricity developed on the conductor A A' acting on the positive electricity with which the conductor B B' is charged ; for if that were the case, the further ap- proach of the conductor A A x towards the conductor B B' would only produce a continued motion of the positive electricity of B B' towards the extremity B', and a portion of the conductor B B' of more or less extent at the extremity B, would be reduced to its na- tural state, so that pith balls suspended any where upon it would collapse by their gravity. Such, however, will not be the case ; for if the conductor A A' be moved still nearer to B B', the balls near the extremity B, which had before collapsed, will again diverge, and if another pair of pith balls be moveable on the con- ductor, a point O (fig. 2?.) will be found near the ex- tremity B, where the balls will collapse, and where the con- ductor therefore is in its na- tural state. The divergence of the balls near B, proves that the conductor between O and A is electrified, and if it be examined by means of the proof plane and the electrometer, it will be found to be charged with negative electricity of gradually increasing density from O to A, while the conductor from O to A' is charged with positive electricity of gradually increas- ing density. (136.) It is evident, therefore, that the effect of the electricities developed on A A' is twofold ; first, it at- tracts the positive electricity with which the conductor B B' is charged from B towards B': secondly, it deve- lopes on B B' the opposite electrical principles, in the same manner as they are developed on a conductor in its natural state by the proximity of a conductor posi- tively electrified. The combination of these two effects 348 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. produces an electrical state of the conductor B B', which is dependent on the distance of the conductor A A' from it. Beyond a certain distance B B' is positively elec- trified. When the conductor A A' is brought to that particular distance, the end B of the other conductor is reduced to its natural state,, the electricity from B to B' being positive, and of gradually increasing density; when the conductor A A' is brought nearer to B B' than that particular distance, a neutral point O (fig. 27.) is established between B and the middle of the conductor where the conductor is in its natural state, and which divides it into two portions oppositely electrified, O B being negatively electrified, and O B x being positively electrified. The position of the neutral point O will depend on the distance of the conductor A A' from B B'; the less this distance is, the nearer the point O will be to the centre of the conductor. (137-) It appears from what has been explained, that the effect of the approach of the conductor A A' upon the distribution and development of the electricity on B B ' depends on the excess of the attraction of the ne- gative electricity accumulated towards the extremity A above the repulsion of the positive electricity accumu- lated towards the extremity A'. It may therefore be expected, that if by any means the quantity of positive electricity collected at the extremity A' were diminished, and still more if that electricity were altogether abstracted, the effects of the conductor A A' upon B B' would be augmented. This may be easily tested by experiment : Let us suppose the two conductors to be placed under the circumstances represented in fig. 35., in which the conductor B B' is electrified positively throughout its whole length, the electric density gradually increasing towards the extremity B',, as indicated by the compara- tive divergence of the pith balls. Let a small insulated spherical conductor be now brought in contact with the conductor A A' at the extremity A', and removed from it. Immediately the divergence of the pith balls near B' will be observed to be increased, and the divergency CHAP. VI. INDUCTION. 349 of those near B diminished, indicating a further move- ment of the positive electricity from B towards B'. If the spherical conductor which was brought into contact with A' be examined, it will be found to be charged with positive electricity. The result of the experiment is therefore easily explained. A portion of the positive electricity, which was collected near A', has been re- moved. The negative electricity near A now exceeds the positive electricity near A', and this has given in- creased power to the electricity developed upon A A' over the electricity diffused upon B B', and a greater quantity of the latter has been consequently drawn from B towards B', producing, as we have seen, an increased divergence of one pair of balls, and a diminished di- vergence of the other pair. (138.) But the effects of this change in the electrical state of A A' do not end here. The increased accumu- lation of positive electricity towards B' is attended with a corresponding means of attraction excited upon the negative electricity of A A', and of repulsion upon its positive electricity. An augmented development of both these principles is the consequence, and this again re-acts on the electricities of B B x ; and in this manner a reciprocal series of effects is produced, which continue until the mechanical equilibrium between the electricities of the two conductors, disturbed by the abstraction of the electricity from A' by the contact of the spherical con- ductor has been re-established. In order to render this process intelligible, the series of effects has been here described as if a definite time were occupied in their pro- duction. Such, however, is not the case. They are, in fact, completed instantaneously, and the moment the spherical conductor has touched the extremity A the pith balls on B B' assume a new divergence, which they maintain. (139.) If the spherical conductor, having been dis- * charged, be again brought in contact with A', like effects ensue. The pith balls near B' further increase their divergence, and the divergence of those near B is 350 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I, diminished, and the same process may be repeated with the same effects. To carry this principle to its extreme limits, let the extremity A' be put for a moment in communication with the earth, by being touched by a conductor which is not insulated ; immediately the whole of the positive electricity accumulated near A' will pass away, and the negative electricity accumulated near A will take effect with un diminished force on the elec- tricity of the conductor B B'. An increased divergence of the balls near B' will take place, and the balls near B will either be diminished in their divergence, or will collapse, or finally will diverge with negative electricity, according to the quantity of positive electricity with which the conductor B B x has been originally charged. A reaction, similar to what has been already described, takes place between the electricities on the two con- ductors, until their mutual attractions and repulsions are restored to a state of equilibrium. To render these effects more easily intelligible, we have supposed the conductor B B' to be originally charged with positive electricity. The results, how- ever, would have been the same, mutatis mutandis, had it been charged with negative electricity. (140.) The important electrical phenomena of the development of electricities on bodies in their natural state by the near approach of bodies already electrified, which have formed the subject of the present chapter, have been denominated by English electricians induction, and when a body is rendered electrical by the presence of an electrified body not in contact with it, it is said to be electrified by induction, and the electricity deve- loped upon it called induced electricity. The effects of induction will be still more fully developed in the fol- lowing chapter, when the theories which have been pro- posed to connect together and explain the phenomena of electricity will be discussed. In a series of con- ductors (such as A A' A", described in 132.), in ' which electricity is educed by the influence of a posi- tively electrified conductor S placed before A, if the CHAP. VI. INDUCTION. 351 positive end of the conductor A"' be put in commu- nication with the earth, so as to discharge its positive electricity, an increased development of electricity will take place on the preceding conductor A", upon the principles already explained. This will produce, hy the same principles, a corresponding increase of electricity on the conductor which precedes it, and so on through- out the series, so that the first conductor A, having an increased development of negative electricity on the side presented to S, will produce an increased accu- mulation of positive electricity on the side of S pre- sented towards it. 032 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. CHAP. VII. THEORY OF ELECTRICITY. (141.) IN any branch of natural science, where the facts collected in the careful observation of the opera- tions of nature, and by accurate and well-directed ex- periments, become sufficiently numerous and varied to show traces of general laws, it is the province of the philosopher to form a theory, which, by assigning ade- quate general causes, may embrace, under a few com- prehensive theorems, all the various phenomena which observation and experiment have supplied. By such means, those who prosecute scientific researches are placed in a condition to foretell what will happen under any supposable physical conditions ; and the accordance of the event with such predictions, supplies the most legitimate proof of the validity of the theory on the principles of which such predictions were made. It has happened in almost every branch of natural science, that more than one theory has been propounded to account for the phenomena ; and, in many cases, rival theories have maintained their ground, supported by a body of partisans, during the progressive advance- ment of the science, under the increasing labours of those whose vocation is to observe and collect facts and phenomena rather than generalise them. No hy- pothesis can be expected to gain any general or per- manent acceptance, which does not afford a satisfac- tory explanation of the more striking phenomena, and obvious appearances, for the explanation of which it has been proposed. In cases, therefore, where the com- munity of science has been divided between two con- tending theories, more especially in modern times, when inductive science is so well understood, it ought to CHAP. VII. THEORIES OP ELECTRICITY. 353 excite no surprise that both such theories afford expla- nations equally plausible and satisfactory for all the ordinary phenomena comprised in the department of science to which they extend. It is not, then, by the account which they render of these prominent effects that the claims of conflicting hypotheses can be decided. If they had not been adequate to the explanation of such appearances, they never could have obtained such an extensive assent as to raise any question respecting their validity. Such hypotheses can only be tested in two ways : first) by exacting from them a clear and consistent account of phenomena developed after the theory itself had been proposed, and which were not fore- seen by those who propounded it ; and, secondly, by de- ducing from it, not merely a general account of the phe- nomena which will be produced under any given phy - sical conditions, but by exacting from it a rigorous numerical and quantitative estimate of the effects, and by comparing such estimate, so deduced from the theory, with the actual numerical and quantitative account as obtained from experiment and observation. If the dis crepancy between the numbers and quantities furnished by the theory and by observation exceed the possible amount of the errors of observation, and still more, if the principles of the theory afford no means whatever of reducing the effects to numerical calculation, such theory must be rejected as insufficient. If, on the other hand, it be found that an hypothesis, capable of affording a clear and satisfactory explanation of the general nature of all the phenomena, as well those which were known to its proposers, as those which observation and experiment subsequently developed ; if it also supply the means, by calculation and reason- ing, of predicting other phenomena to which experi- ment and observation have not yet been directed, and that the effects already produced under the prescribed con- ditions have been found to be in strict accordance with such predictions ; if, moreover, by the application of the principles of analytical calculation, the numerical 854) ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. and quantitative amount of all the phenomena are capable of being deduced from such hypothesis, and the difference between such numerical results, and the actual numerical quantities obtained by observation and experiment, do not exceed the possible amount of the errors of observation ; - then such theory must be re- garded as proved, and ought, by the principles of inductive philosophy, to be assented to and received, until some phenomena shall arise of which it is in- capable of giving a satisfactory account. (142.) Two theories have been proposed for the explication of the phenomena of electricity. That which, until within a few years, has been most generally em- braced in this country, originated with Dr. Franklin, by whose labours this department in physics has been so highly enriched. The other hypothesis is usually ascribed to Dufay ; but it may be more properly attri- buted to Mr. Robert Symmer. INT. (9^-) Both these theories agree in ascribing the phenomena of electricity to a material substance, endowed with the most perfect fluidity, the molecules of which are distri- buted on the surfaces of bodies. The properties of a fluid are irresistibly suggested by all the most striking phenomena of electricity. The extreme facility with which electricity diffuses itself on conductors, its rapid escape when relieved from the pressure of the surround- ing air, the perfect mobility with which its particles transfer themselves from conductor to conductor, and by which they combine and separate, all concur in suggest- ing the notion of fluidity. In the theory of Symmer, however, the existence of two independent fluids is assumed, the vitreous and the resinous, or, according to the other nomenclature, the positive and the negative. Each of these fluids is self- repulsive, its particles tending to separate from each other by an elastic force like that of atmospheric air. Thus, if a certain quantity of either of those fluids, the posi- tive for example, be introduced upon a metallic sphere, where its motion is unobstructed, it will instantly dif- CHAP. VII. THEORY OF TWO FLUIDS. 355 5) ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. state ; and, when a body is negatively electrified, it is considered as having a quantity of the negative electric fluid diffused upon it, having likewise the combination of electricities which characterise the natural state. (145.) When an electrified body is brought near an insulated conductor, which is in the natural state, the electric fluid with which the former is charged acts by attraction and repulsion upon the two fluids which are naturally combined upon the conductor. It acts by re- pulsion on the molecules of fluid of its own name, and by attraction on those of the contrary name. Thus, if the electrified body be charged with negative electricity, it attracts the molecules of the positive fluid, and repels those of the negative fluid on the conductor. By this means, it separates or decomposes a quantity of the combined fluids on the conductor, drawing the positive molecules to the side next itself, and repelling the nega- tive molecules to the opposite side. The quantity of na- tural electricity thus decomposed is proportional to the force excited by the electrified body upon the conductor, which force depends partly on the quantity of the elec- tricity with which the electrified body is charged, and partly on its distance from the conductor. It will be easy, by following out these views, to per- ceive how the various effects of induction detailed in the last chapter are accounted for by this theory. When electricity is excited by the friction of two bodies, the natural electricity upon one or both of them is decomposed by some forces or powers brought into operation by the friction, and the molecules of the po- sitive fluid adhere to one of the two bodies so submitted to friction, while those of the other fluid adhere to the other body. When an insulated conductor charged with positive electricity is brought near to another conductor not in- sulated, that other conductor is regarded as a part of the entire globe of the earth, forming one great con- ductor. The positive electricity with which the insu- lated conductor is charged, as it approaches the con- CHAP. VII. THEORY OF TWO FLUIDS. 357 ductor not insulated, decomposes by its attraction and repulsion a portion of the combined electricity of the entire globe, and attracts to the part of the conductor nearest to it a portion of negative electricity. When the conductors are brought so near together that their mutual attraction produces such an accumulation of contrary electricities at the parts contiguous to each other that the pressure exceeds that of the atmosphere, they rush towards each other, and combine so as to neutralise each other, and it may be considered that the positive electricity of the electrified conductor escapes to the earth, where it combines with an equal portion of negative electricity. It may be here observed that the supposition that the total quantity of negative electricity existing on the globe is equal to the total quantity of positive electricity, involves the consequence that whenever there is any quantity of either electricity uncombined, as is the case when an insulated conductor is charged with either fluid, then there will be on the earth, or on some body upon it, an equal quantity of the other electricity also uncombined, which by combination with the elec- tricity of the conductor, will restore the electrical equi- librium and reproduce the natural state. (146.) That the combination of the two opposite electricities will manifest no attraction on a body which would be attracted by either acting alone, may be proved by direct experiment in the following manner. Let two circular discs of plate glass be formed about six inches in diameter, and let insulating handles of glass be attached to them. Being brought into contact face to face, as represented in fig. 28., let them be Fig. 28. rubbed one against the other, being held by the insulating handles E and F. If without separating them they are _L now presented to a pith ball sus- pended by a filament of raw silk, they will not attract it ; but if they be separated, and be presented se- A A 3 358 ELECTRO-STATICS. parately to it, they will attract it. They are there- fore both electrified, and it is easy to show that they are oppositely electrified; for if they be presented separately to an electrified pith ball, one of them will attract and the other will repel it. Since, how- ever, the discs, when in contact, produce no effect upon the electrical pendulum in its natural state, it is clear that the two electricities, though developed on the surfaces of the glass discs, and not naturally combined, nevertheless neutralise each other's effects ; the attraction which either would exert on the pith ball being counteracted by the effect of the other. The positive electricity developed upon the discs has a ten- dency to decompose the natural electricities of the pith ball, drawing its negative electricity to the side next to the discs, and driving its positive electricity to the op- posite side ; while on the contrary the negative electri- city of the discs has a tendency to draw the positive electricity of the ball to the side next the discs, and to drive the negative electricity to the opposite side. When the faces of the discs are in contact, the two electricities being equally distant from the ball exert equal forces tending to produce these effects, and they consequently neutralise each other; but it is easy to show that if they were presented to the ball at different distances, they would produce an effect in virtue of the difference of their attractions, and that this effect would gradually diminish as the discs would approach each other. Let G (fig. 29.) be a pith ball suspended in the usual manner, Fig. 29. \ fl" 1 Mr JA cj IAP. VII. FBANKLIMAX THEORY. 359 and let A B be one of the discs presented with its insulat- ing handle E towards the pith ball ; the electricityexcited upon its surface acting through the glass will draw the ball from the vertical position G to the position G'. Let the other disc C D be now presented with its face to- wards A B. As it is advanced towards AB, the ball will gradually descend from the position G' to the po- sition G, arriving at the position G at the moment when the face of the disc C D comes into contact with that of the disc A B. (14?.) Such, in general terms, is the hypothesis of two fluids propounded by Symmer and Dufay, and which, as we shall presently show, has by the aid of the higher principles of mathematical analysis afforded sa- tisfactory solutions for all the phenomena of electricity to which the present powers of mathematical science allow it to be applied. We shall now briefly explain the Franklinian theory. This theory assumes the existence of a single electric fluid, self-expansive and possessing perfect fluidity and mobility. The molecules of this fluid are supposed to attract and be attracted by the constituent particles of all material substances. The attractions however exerted between it and different substances are different, and its attraction even for the same substance is variable, accord- ing to the various changes which the physical properties of such substance may undergo. A body is supposed to be in its natural state when it contains upon it as much of the electric fluid as satisfies its attraction. If it contain more, such excess is free, and the body is po- sitively electrified. If it contain less, the body is said to be negatively electrified. Excitation, therefore, takes place when there is either more or less electricity on the body than is adequate to the saturation of its existing attraction ; but not to incur the risk of unintentionally misstating a theory to the validity of which we do not assent, we shall borrow from a modern author, a par- tisan of the theory, an outline of it, together with a few experimental illustrations in support of it A A -i 360 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. tc Electrical excitation may be thus effected : the bo- dies employed have each a certain quantity of the elec- trical fluid proportionate to their natural attraction for it. This they retain, and appear unelectrified so long as they remain in their natural state. Now, if two such bodies are brought into contact, their natural attractions are altered ; one of them attracts more than in its sepa- rate state, and the other less, the electric fluid diffuses itself amongst them in quantities proportionate to their relative attractions, and they consequently appear un- electrified. But if they are suddenly separated, the new distribution of the electric fluid remains whilst the origi- nal attractions are restored ; and as these are not equal to each other, the bodies will appear electrical : that whose natural attraction was increased by contact, having re* ceived an addition to its quantity of electric fluid, will be positively electrified ; and that whose attraction was lessened, having lost a portion, will be negative/' fe Take as an instance the electrical machine : let the attraction of the cushion for the electric fluid be repre- sented by 20, and that of a similar surface of glass by 30 : the sum is 50. Bring the bodies in contact, their attractions alter ; that of the glass becomes 40, and that of the cushion 10; the sum of these is still 50: the natural electricity, therefore, though unequally distri- buted, is still equal to the sum of its attractions, and does not appear, for the cause of its unequal distribution (the contact) is still active. Separate the glass from the cushion, its original attraction of 30 will now only operate, but it has acquired 40 of electricity by contact with the cushion ; the glass is therefore positive with force equal to 10. The cushion will now also have its original attraction of 20; but its electricity amounts only to 10. It is therefore negative with a force equal to 10. And here is seen the reason why positive and negative bodies act more powerfully on each other than on indifferent matter, for their mutual difference is often twice as great as their individual, since if the latter be 10, the former may be 20. CHAP. VII. FRANKLINIAN THEORY. 361 " The effects now described continually recur during the revolutions of the cylinder, every part of which is successively brought in contact with the cushion, and passes forward with the electricity it thus progressively acquires. The silk flap may be considered as a con- tinuation of the rubber, which, by partially maintaining the altered attraction of the glass, counteracts the ten- dency of the acquired electricity to pass back into the cushion. The surface of the glass, when it passes from beneath the silk flap, has not this compensation. Hence the acquired electricity is there uncombined, and has a tendency to diffuse itself among the surrounding bodies : the conductor, with its row of points, is the nearest reservoir, and into this it passes, and the conductor becomes thereby positively electrified. During this pro- cess the cushion and its attached conductor constantly furnish electricity to the glass, and they are conse- quently negative in the same degree j but they have only a limited surface and a certain quantity of natural elec- tricity, and if perfectly insulated can furnish only a definite portion ; but if they are connected with the ground whose surface is comparatively unlimited, they operate upon an extensive store, to the supply of which there appears no assignable bound. It is for this reason that the electricity of either conductor separately is more apparent when the opposite one is insulated." * Such is the view of the theory of a single fluid mo- dified, as it has been since it was first proposed by its illustrious author, to adapt it to the phenomena of the science in its modern state. Different partisans of this theory accept it with different qualifications and con- ditions ; but the above may be considered in the main as a fair statement of the hypothesis by a recent elec- trician who advocated its validity. Considering what was observed respecting physical theories in general at the commencement of this chapter, it is needless to state that a theory which has been so long and so extensively accepted as the true one, is * Singer's Electricity. 362 ELECTRO-STATICS. quite sufficient to afford an explanation of all the or- dinary phenomena of electricity. It is not, therefore, by such means that the question can be decided between these two celebrated theories. That question can only be settled by requiring from each of them an account of some phenomena which have more recently attracted the attention of electricians, but above all by demand- ing from each of them a rigorous numerical estimate of the state of bodies brought under each other's influence in an electrified state in cases which we shall presently explain. Meanwhile it may be right here to give the particular details of some striking and beautiful experiments, which 1 are much relied on by the advocates for the theory of a j single fluid, as being decisive tests in favour of the reality of that theory. EXPERIMENT- I. (148.) To the conductor of a machine so arranged as to be charged with negative electricity present a pointed metal rod held in the hand, in a darkened room. A cone, formed of rays of light, will be seen, having its vertex at the point and its base towards the conductor ; but if a similar point be presented to a po- sitively electrified body, instead of the cone of light there will be seen a brilliant star at the extremity of the me- tallic point. The light in these experiments is con- sidered to indicate the course of the electric fluid. The point is a sort of pipe capable of emitting or receiv- ing it. The negative conductor is supposed to have a deficiency, and the point presented towards it is illumi- nated by a diverging pencil of rays, which indicates that the cause of that light moves from the point to the ne- gative body. The positive conductor is supposed to have an excess of electric fluid, and the point presented to it is merely illuminated by a globular spot of light, CHAP. VII. FRANKL1NIAN THEORY. 363 an appearance that may be conceived to attend the en- trance of a subtle fluid into it. Reversing the experiment, by connecting the points with the conductors respectively, the converse series of phenomena is produced. EXPERIMENT II. (149-) Take the transfer plate of an air-pump, and affix to its centre, by a wire three inches long, a brass ball one inch in diameter (fig. 30.) ; connect a similar Fig. 30. ball* by a sliding wire, to the top of a receiver, and place this over the transfer plate, so that the one ball may be vertically over the other, and at the distance of about one inch. Exhaust the receiver accurately, and then connect the plate with the nega- tive conductor, and the upper wire and ball will be positive. Upon turn- ing the machine, a torrent of beauti- ful light will pass from the positive to the negative ball, on which it breaks and divides into a luminous atmosphere, entirely sur- rounding the ball and stem, and conveying most strik- ingly the idea of a fluid running over the surface of a resisting solid, which it cannot enter with facility. No appearance of light occurs on the positive ball, but the straight luminous line that passes from it ; but if it be rendered negative and the lower ball positive, these ef- fects are entirely reversed. EXPERIMENT III. (150.) Fig. 31. represents two hollow metal balls, about | of an inch in diameter, insulated upon sepa- rate glass pillars, by which they are supported two inches 364 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. Fig. 31. apart ; the upper part of each ball is indented, so as to form a small cup, in which a fragment of phosphorus is to be placed. A small candle or lamp has its flame situated midway be- tween the balls ; one of them is connected with the positive, the other with the negative conductor of the electrical machine by means of a wire. When the balls are electrified the flame is agitated, and in- clines to that which is negative. This it soon heats sufficiently to fire the phosphorus, whilst the posi- tive ball remains perfectly cold, and the phosphorus solid. If the connecting wires be now reversed, so that the ball which was before negative shall become positive, and that which was positive be rendered ne- gative, the phosphorus in the latter will soon take fire. So that electricity passes from the positive to the nega- tive, and transmits with it the heat of any intervening ignited body. We shall not now enter into any observations or ar- gument drawn from these experiments, in favour of the theory of a single fluid. There are other experiments, of the same kind, which we shall have occasion to ex- plain hereafter, when it will appear that they may be accounted for in a very different manner. (151.) About the year 1760, JEpinus, INT. (82.), brought the Franklinian theory to the test of strict mathe- matical statement, and obtained numerous results in gene- ral accordance with the phenomena. He found, however, that the mere hypothesis of an elastic fluid, whose mole- cules attracted and were attracted by the particles of bodies, even admitting this attraction to vary in different bodies, and in different states of the same body, was insufficient to explain the phenomena, and that to bring the theory into accordance with the facts, a further as- CHAP. VII. FRANKLINIAN THEORY. sumption must be made, that masses of matter exer- cise upon each other,, at great distances, a reciprocally repulsive force of sensible amount, similar to the re- pulsion which exists among the molecules of the electric fluid itself. If no other reason could be assigned for rejecting the theory of a single fluid as untenable, than this assump- tion of a mutual repulsion, of the existence of which there is not only no evidence whatever, but which is in immediate opposition to all the laws developed by the motions of the great bodies of the universe, we should be justified in its rejection. The illustrious proposer of this theory did not himself see the necessity for so unphilosophical an assumption. In the loose manner in which the theory was in his time applied, it was sufficient to explain in a general manner the limited body of phenomena then observed ; and it was not until further observation and inquiry had multiplied the facts, and a more rigorous account of those facts was exacted, and it became necessary to reduce the theory to a strict mathematical form, that the necessity of this additional assumption of a repulsion between matter and matter at a distance, so completely opposed to the most striking phenomena in nature, became apparent. But supposing this hypothesis, objectionable as it is, to be admitted, would the theory even then be sufficient for the due explication of the phenomena ? That it would afford a reasonable explanation of the ordinary attractions and repulsions, and the chief electrical effects upon bodies by induction, may be admitted; for no theory which could fail in giving a reasonable account of effects so conspi- cuous, could have obtained any acceptance. It does not appear, however, in what way a theory, in which different kinds of matter must be admitted to exert different attractions for the electric fluid, can explain the distribution of electricity on the surfaces of con- ducting bodies, in a manner depending solely on their form, and not at all on their chemical composition. If different material substances have different attractions 366 ELECTBO-STATICS. PART I. for the electric fluid, how does it happen that the dis- tribution of that fluid on an oblong plate of metal, of given dimensions, will be the same, of whatever metal tha plate be formed, or even though it be formed of pieces of various different metals connected together? Neither can that theory show why negative electricity, which it views as a deficiency or absence of the electric fluid, should, when developed on the surfaces of bodies, pro- duce effects in conformity with the rigorous hydrostatical laws, which an elastic fluid would obey, whose mole- cules repel each other with forces which diminish in intensity as the square of the distance between them increases. If this theory of a single fluid fail in af- fording a reasonable explanation of such striking phe- nomena, its insufficiency becomes still more glaring when by its principles an attempt is made to calculate the depth of the electric fluid on bodies of various forms, brought under each other's influence in given positions. Thus, if two spheres composed of a conducting sub- stance are brought into contact and electrified, and then separated, it will be found, that round the point of con- tact, on the smaller sphere, electricity will be diffused of a kind contrary to that with which the spheres were electrified ; and this electricity will extend to a certain distance round the point of contact, beyond which the electricity diffused over the remainder of the sphere will be the same as that with which the two spheres were electrified. The theory of a single fluid cannot account for this general fact ; still less can it enable us to com- pute the limits which separate the portions of the sphere electrified by the one electricity from that electrified by the other. On the other hand, the hypothesis of two fluids, observing the conditions by which that hypothesis is restricted, not only enables us to show that under these circumstances the development of a contrary electricity round the point of contact, and of the same electricity over the remainder of the sphere, is a natural and inevitable consequence of the properties, which, in this theory, are assigned to the two fluids, but it en- CHAP. VII. THEORY OP TWO FLUIDS. 367 ables us to calculate with the most surprising precision the exact limits which, in any given position, separate the positive from the negative regions of the smaller sphere. The mathematical problems involved in the application of the theory of two fluids to the explanation of electrical phenomena require for their solution the last resources of the most profound analytical researches of modern science. It would not be consistent with the object of a treatise like the present to enter into the details of such investigations. The language itself, in which alone the general theorems of electricity must be expressed, would be unintelligible to the great majority of our readers. Much may be done to popularise mathematics, and more especially those parts of mathematics which express the laws of physical phenomena; but this advantage has practical limits beyond which it cannot be carried, and in the whole range of mathematical physics it would probably be difficult to find a portion of science which would more decidedly forbid any attempt at popular or elementary exposition than the results of the mathe- matical investigation of electrical phenomena. Although we cannot pretend, therefore, to deliver here even an abridged view of the splendid labours of POISSON in this department of physics, we shall endeavour to select a few results at which he has arrived ; and by showing their accordance with the phenomena, we may direct and encourage those who have time and opportunity to pursue experimental inquiry to those points which ana- lysis has suggested, and thereby enable them to supply new facts which will either fulfil the predictions of theory, or show by their departure from these antici- pations in what respects theory must be modified in order more perfectly to represent the phenomena. (152.) The first proposition which presents itself for solution is to determine the distribution of the electric fluid upon an insulated conductor of a given form which is charged with electricity of any given in- tensity. The analytical conditions immediately derivable 368 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. from the hypothetical properties of the electric fluid ought to solve this problem. If we view the electric fluid as heing of uniform density in every part, a supposition which is suggested by the self-expansive property of that fluid, we must regard its varying intensity at different parts of the surface of the elec- trified conductor, or what we have occasionally called its varying density, to be the consequence of the vary- ing depth of the fluid on different parts of the sur- face. But as the atmospheric pressure keeps the supe- rior surface of the electric fluid level with the surface of the body itself, the problem proposed will resolve itself to the determination of the inferior surface, or to the law according to which the depth of the electric fluid varies on different parts of the conductor. If it be more conso- nant with the notions of some persons to view the elec- tric, fluid as being of uniform depth, and to ascribe the varying intensity which is found by experiment to pre- vail at different parts of the same electrified conductor to a variation in the density of the electric fluid, such a supposition may be equally entertained, and the calcu- lations will remain undisturbed, save that the numbers which in the one case indicate the depths of electric fluid in the other case express its densities. Supposing, then, that the electric fluid were diffused upon an insulated electrified conductor, the analytical conditions by which its state is expressed will be those by which the conditions of equilibrium are declared to subsist between the attractions and repulsions exercised by the various molecules of the electric fluid diffused over the conductor on the natural electricities of each particle of matter in the conductor. It is evident that this is a condition, and the only condition, of electrical equilibrium. If the combined attractions and repul- sions of the electric fluid diffused over the conductor, acting on the natural electricities of any one or more of its particles, were not in equilibrium, the resultant of such forces would produce a decomposition of the natural electricities of such particle or particles, and an evolu- CHAP. VII. THEORY OF TWO FLUIDS. 369 tion of electricity would be the consequence, which would contradict the supposition of electrical equilibrium as- sumed as the basis of the hypothesis. The analytical formulae by which such conditions are expressed must depend on and be derivable from the laws of attraction and repulsion, assumed in the electrical theory conjointly with the form of the conductor. The exterior surface of the electric fluid diffused over the conductor being assumed to be identical with the surface of the conductor itself, these analytical con- ditions will necessarily supply the means of obtaining its interior surface. The problems arising from the application of such principles to particular forms of conductors offer ma- thematical difficulties of the most formidable kind, and in many cases their complete solution cannot in the present state of mathematical science be effected. The form of the conductors in some cases, however, renders the solution comparatively simple. (153.) It has been demonstrated by Newton that a spherical shell of uniform thickness surrounding a sphere composed of matter whose attraction increases as the square of the distance is diminished, exercises forces on any point within the sphere which are in me- chanical equilibrium. This is the most simple case of the preceding problem, and it follows from it that the diffusion of the electric fluid on the surface of a sphere of conducting matter is uni- form. Thus if A B (fig. 32.) represent the section of a sphere of conducting matter made by a plane through its centre, the concentric circle C D will represent the inferior surface of a stratum of electric fluid diffused upon it. If an elliptical speroid be surrounded by a shell of Fig. 32. 3?0 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. attracting matter governed by the same law of the inverse square of the distances, the form which would reduce its attractions on any particle within the sphe- roid to equilibrium would be one bounded by similar elliptical surfaces. If the section of such a spheroid, therefore, be represented by A B C D (fig. 33.),, the section of the interior surface of the electric shell will be represented by A' B' C' D', being an ellipse having the same centre and axes, and similar to it; that is to say, one whose axes are in the same proportion. Since the distance between the surfaces of two such ellipsoids at their vertices is the difference between their semiaxes, it follows that the depths of the elec- tricity at the vertices of an ellipsoid formed of a con- ducting substance are proportional to the axes ter- minated at these vertices respectively ; for the axes being proportional to each other, their differences A A' and B B' will be in the same proportion, and the depth of the electricity at A will be greater than the depth of the electricity at B in the ratio of the length of the axis A C to the length of the axis B D. (154.) When an ellipsoid is very elongated, and therefore its longitudinal axis bears a great ratio to its lesser axis, the depth of the electricity will be propor- tionably greater at its ends. For example, if we sup- pose a spheroid to be formed by the revolution of a very elongated ellipse, such as A B C D (fig. 34.), on its major axis A C, the thickness of the electric fluid will THEORY OP TWO FLUIDS. Fig. 34. be greater at the ends A and C of its longer axis than round its equator, formed by the revolution of the points B and D in the proportion of A C to B D. (155.) Since any part of a body which has a gra- dually tapering form, and is terminated in a point, may be considered to be part of an extremely elongated elliptical spheroid, the point being one of the extremities of its longer axis, the principle here established will show that the depth of the electricity at such a point would be very great, if it could be maintained there ; but in all such cases, when the electricity has a sensible force on other parts of the conductor, its intensity at the point will greatly exceed the atmospheric pressure, and it will escape from the point into the air, as it is found by experience to do. (156.) It would be easy to verify, in a general manner, these conclusions by constructing elliptical spheroids of metal, and electrifying them. On exa- mining with the proof plane and the electrometer the densities of the electricity at their vertices, the accord- ance of the results with the theory will be apparent ; but we shall presently state results of experiments made by Coulomb, which will afford other satisfactory proofs of such accordance. (157-) The tendency of the electricity diffused upon a body to overcome the atmospheric pressure increases not merely in the proportion of the simple ratio of the depth of the electricity, but is proportional to the square of that depth. Thus, if the depth of the electricity in the neighbourhood of an angular or pointed part of a conductor be ten times greater than its depth at another part of the surface, the pressure of the electricity against 372 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. the air will be a hundred times greater. This admits of rigorous mathematical demonstration ; but, without entering into such details, it will be easily comprehended that since the outward pressure of an external mole- cule of electricity is the result not merely of the re- pulsion existing between itself and the molecules under it, but also of the repulsion existing between each of those molecules and those below it, the combined effects of all the repulsions will be as the square of the depth. Due consideration of these properties will explain the great facility with which even feeble charges of elec- tricity are dissipated at the angular points and edges of bodies, and why conductors, which are intended to re- tain upon them the electricity with which they are charged, are every where made in a rounded form. (158.) Having established the general analytical conditions under which electricity is maintained in equilibrium on a single conducting body, Poisson next applied himself to the solution of the more difficult and complicated problem, to determine the distribution of electricity on two or more conductors, either brought into actual contact, or so placed as to be affected by their mutual electricities. The difficulties which this general problem presented were happily surmounted by showing that whatever might be the number or form of electrified bodies brought under each other's influence, the electricity diffused upon them when in a state of equilibrium must be subject to a single general condition, which has the double advantage of being self-evident, and of being immediately expressed in mathematical language. The following is this condition as an- nounced by Poisson. (159.) If two or more electrified conductors are brought near each other, and the electric fluid upon them has acquired a state of equilibrium, it will be necessary that the resultant of the actions of all the molecules of electric fluid diffused upon them, exerted upon any point whatever assumed within the dimensions of any one of these bodies, be nothing. For if this resultant were not CHAP. VII. THEORY OF TWO FLUIDS. 3J3 nothing, the natural electricities of the point on which these forces would act would be decomposed, an evolution of electricity would take place, and the electric state of the body would be changed, contrary to the supposition ivhich has been made of its equilibrium. This principle, when reduced to mathematical ex- pression,, supplies all the equations or conditions ne- cessary to determine the distribution of electricity on each of the hodies ; and if analytical science were sufficiently advanced to supply the means of solving these equations in every case, the phenomena of electrified bodies could be as accurately calculated and as certainly foreseen as the movements of the bodies of the solar system. In most cases, the complete resolution of these equations surpasses the power of analysis. Poisson has, however, succeeded in surmounting the analytical diffi- culties which they present in certain particular cases, in which the electrical state of bodies had been long before experimentally examined by Coulomb. The comparison of the numerical results of the theoretical calculations effected by Poisson, in those particular cases, with experiments made before the theory which supplies these results had been propounded, has afforded con- clusive proofs of the soundness and truth of that theory, and furnishes one of the most beautiful examples to be found in the history of physical discovery of the co- operation of experimental and theoretical inquiry in the discovery of a great natural law. The bodies on which Coulomb had experimented, and whose electrical state he had minutely examined and recorded, were spheres; and Poisson succeeded in rendering the general analy- tical conditions capable of solution when applied to the particular case of two spheres charged with given quantities of electricity, and brought either into actual contact or near each other. (160.) According to the theory of Poisson, when a body is in its natural state it contains equal quantities of positive and negative electricity. Each of the two fluids will be uniformly diffused through its dimensions; S?4 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. and as one of them attracts whatever the other repels, and these attractions and repulsions are equal, the me- chanical forces thus exerted by the two fluids will be in equilibrium. Hence, if two spheres be in their natural state, their effect on each other will be nothing ; and if they are not submitted to the influence of some third body, they will continue in the natural state. But if, besides the natural charge of electricity of the two kinds, an excess of either electric fluid, as, for example, the positive, be imparted to either sphere, it will diffuse itself over the surface, forming a thin stratum upon it of uniform depth. The attractions of this stratum on any particle within the sphere on which it is diffused are in equilibrium, and therefore it cannot, of itself, liberate or decompose the combined electricities of any particle of that sphere ; but this is not necessarily the case with respect to the particles of the other sphere. On the con- trary, by attracting the negative part of the combined electricities, and repelling the positive, it will in general effect a partial decomposition of them ; and the fluids thus liberated will move to the surface, where they will be retained in a thin stratum by the atmospheric pressure. The depth of this stratum will vary in different parts of the sphere, according to a law which can be deduced from the theory. (l6l.) The fluids thus decomposed and liberated on the second sphere will react as well on the natural electricities of the first sphere as on the excess of the positive electricity with which it was charged, and a new distribution of electricity on that sphere would be the consequence. When the mutual decompositions produced by these actions are completed, the electric fluids which are free will dispose themselves in a certain manner on the two spheres, and the depth and the quality of the fluid at each point of each of the spheres can be determined by theory, when the radii of the spheres and their mutual position with respect to each other are given. It may, however, be observed in ge- . neraL that the reciprocal action of the two spheres can, CHAP. VII. MATHEMATICAL ANALYSES. 3J5 in no case, increase or diminish the difference between the quantities of positive and negative fluids upon them. This difference must always be equal to the excess of positive or negative fluid which has been origin- ally imparted to them by any third body or bodies by which either or both of them may have been electrified ; for since their natural electricities contain equal quanti- ties of the positive and negative fluids, any decomposi- tion which has been effected by their mutual action must develop equal quantities of the positive and nega- tive fluids. Such action, therefore, always adding equal quantities to the positive and the negative fluids with which the spheres are already charged, leaves their difference unaltered. (162.) If two conducting spheres, differently charged with electricity, be brought into contact, the fluids will distribute themselves between them, in a certain propor- tion depending on the radii of the spheres. If, before the contact, the electricities with which they are charged happen to be in this proportion, no electricity will pass from either to the other when brought into contact ; but if the electricities with which they are charged before contact be in any other proportion than when contact takes place, it will distribute itself in the pro- portion due to the relative magnitude of the spheres. When the spheres have been separated after contact, the total quantities of electricities upon them, estimat- ing these quantities by the excess of the positive above the negative, or, vice versa, will be the same as when in contact ; but its distribution over their surfaces will be different, being affected by the varying distance between their centres. (163.) We propose here to state some of the results of the mathematical investigations of Poisson, and to compare them with the results of the experiments of Coulomb ; and, for the sake of clearness, we shall resolve the theorems which are to be explained into a series of distinct propositions. We shall first consider the cases in which the spheres are brought into contact; secondly, #? ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. when after contact they are separated, no additional electricity being imparted to them after contact ; and, thirdly, the cases in which the two spheres are charged with any quantities of electricity, and brought under each other's influence without previous contact. PROPOSITION I. (164.) Two conducting spheres of given radii are charged with electricity and brought^into contact : it is required to determine the proportion in which the sum of their electrical charges will be shared between them when elec- trical equilibrium has been established after contact, and also the mean depth of electricity on each sphere. Let r and r be the radii of the spheres. Let E and E' be the quantities of electricity which each will have after contact. Let D and D / be the mean depths on each after contact. From what has been explained in (93.) we have By the formula established by Poisson we have E - E'= - 4>v 2 mhr cot. (1 m)^ ; /r- 1 - 1 - dt; 1 t _ x -* 1 ,.*-! J l-t CHAP. VII. MATHEMATICAL ANALYSES. 377 ,cot.(l-> E ft m ~ - 1 J L-t where h is a constant quantity depending on the absolute amount of the electric charge, and m= - and the integral is taken from t=0 to t=l. When the values of r and / are given in any par- ticular case, the integral may be obtained by the usual E' methods of integration, and the value of may be in- E D' ferred, and this being known may be computed. (165.) Among the numerous experiments made by Coulomb, are several in which, after bringing into contact two electrified spheres, and separating them, he examined their state by means of his electrometer, and ascertained the depths of electricity upon them, and the relation between the amount of their total charges. By applying the formula [_3^\ obtained in Proposition I. to these particular cases, and comparing the quantities and depths of electricity thus derived from the formula with the actual quantities and depths given by the experi- ments, the theory from which the formula has been derived may be tested. The experiments of Coulomb, to which we now refer, were conducted in the following manner : One of the two spheres was first electrified by being applied to the prime conductor of an electrical machine, or by any other means. It was then introduced into the electro- meter in the place of the fixed ball, the moveable ball having been previously charged with similar electricity. The moveable ball being repelled by it, was brought back to a certain distance from it, suppose, for example, 30, by turning the micrometer of torsion, and the angle of 378 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. torsion necessary to keep the moveable ball at this dis- tance was observed. The electrified sphere was now withdrawn from the electrometer, and brought into contact with the other sphere. By this means the charge of electricity origin- ally given to the former sphere was shared between the two. The spheres being again separated, the sphere first electrified was again placed in the electrometer. Having lost a part of its charge of electricity, it now exerted a less repulsion than before on the moveable ball ; and on bringing the latter to stand at the same dis- tance of 30 from it, a less angle of torsion was neces- sary. The difference between the first angle of torsion and the second must represent the electricity lost by the contact, and must therefore represent the electricity im- parted to the other sphere. Let this difference be A'; and let A express the angle of torsion which kept the sphere at 30 from the moveable ball after the contact. Also let E and E' express the quantities of electricity on the spheres respectively after the contact. It is evident then that we shall have Having thus ascertained the ratio of the whole quan- tities of electricity on the two spheres, their relative depths would be given by the formula 2.], the radii being known. In the interval which elapsed between the first intro- duction of the electrified sphere into the electrometer and its second trial after the contact, a loss of electricity must have taken place both on the sphere and on the moveable ball of the electrometer by contact of the air, which would affect the result of the experiment. This loss, however, was ascertained upon the principles ex- plained in Chap. IV., and the necessary correction was made in the angles of torsion. The angles A and A' CHAP. VII. MATHEMATICAL ANALYSES. 379 may therefore be considered as free from any error due to atmospheric dissipation. (166.) In some cases this method cannot be conve- niently practised. If the magnitude of the greater of the two spheres be too considerable to allow of its being introduced into the electrometer, it would be necessary to electrify in the first instance the smaller sphere ; but if in that case the spheres be very unequal in magnitude, the latter would undergo too great a change in its charge of electricity by contact with the greater. In such cases Coulomb proceeded in the following manner : The greater sphere C was first electrified, and being insu- lated, the smaller sphere C' was placed in contact with it, by which this latter became charged with electricity. The lesser sphere C'was then placed in the electrometer, and the an^le of torsion necessary to retain the move- able ball at a given distance from it was observed. Sup- pose this angle to be Aj. The sphere C x being then with- drawn from the electrometer, was deprived of its electri- city by being touched by the hand. It was then again brought into contact with the greater sphere C, and being withdrawn its electricity was again discharged by touching it. This was repeated a certain number of times, the electricity acquired by C' at each contact with C being always discharged before the next contact. After the last contact, the sphere C' was again placed in the electrometer, and the angle of torsion necessary to retain the moveable ball at the same distance from it was observed. Suppose this angle to be A n . The pro- portion in which the electricity was shared between the two spheres was inferred from A l and A w , on the follow- ing principles. Whatever be the quantity of electricity with which C may be charged, it will be shared with C' by contact in the same proportion. If then E and E' be the quantities with which the spheres are charged after the first contact, and if E=#E', then z will express the ratio of the quantities 380 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. of electricity with which the spheres are charged after any succeeding contact. By the second contact the quantity E, with which the first is charged,, is therefore shared between the two spheres in the proportion of x to 1. % The charge of the sphere C will then he E - , and that of the sphere C' will be E - . After the third \+z contact, the quantity of electricity E . -- will be as i j~ z before, shared between them in the same ratio of # to 1 . z 2 Therefore the charge of C will be E . - - - , and that - of C' will be E . - - r-. In like manner, after the n th (1+*) 2 gn-l contact, the charge of C will be E . -- ^-^^ and that of C' wiU be E . But since the repulsion of C' after the first contact was balanced by the torsion A l} and after the w th con- tact by the torsion A n , we shall have E *"" "A 'A' P" " "' A. ' (1+*)- 1 A, Let - =y, and take the logarithms, and we obtain 1 -\-z (n- 1) Jog. #=log. A n -log. A! ; log. A n log. A! Hence, when A n and AI are known by observation, y CHAP. VII. MATHEMATICAL ANALYSES. 381 may be found, from which z may be derived, and there- E' fore the ratio of the electricities will be known. E In the practice of this latter method of experimenting, it is especially necessary to take into account the loss of electricity by the contact of the air, and even the loss by imperfect insulators ; for so considerable a time must elapse between the moments at which the lesser sphere is placed in the electrometer, that these losses must be expected to be of sensible amount. In an ex- periment made by Coulomb by this method he touched the greater sphere C twenty times with the lesser sphere C', and found it necessary to allow for a loss of one eighth part of the whole electricity by the contact of the air in the interval. It does not appear that he made any correction for imperfect insulation ; and this, as we shall see hereafter, exposed this experiment to more extensive limits of error. (167.) Coulomb's experiments to determine the pro- portion in which electricity is shared between two spheres brought into contact were made with spheres whose diameters were in the ratio of 2 to 1, 4 to 1, and 8 to 1. In the first two cases he proceeded by the method explained in (165.), but in the last case he adopted the method described in (166.). The results of these experiments are given in the following table, where the radius of the lesser sphere is supposed =1, and the quantity of electricity on the greater sphere also 1. The depths are obtained by the formula [2.], Proposition I., the depth on the greater being =1. Radius of greater sphere. Quantity on lesser sphere. Depth on lesser sphere. 2 0-27 1-08 4 0-0909 1-33 8 0-02566 1-64 382 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART I. To compare these experimental quantities with those deducible from the theory, it is only necessary to make the necessary substitutions in the formulae \_%.~\ and [3.], and execute the calculations. 1. In [4.], Proposition L, let r=2, r'=l ; /. w=--- ; and the integral in the denominator becomes Let t=0 3 , and therefore ^~l= . Hence the integral is transformed into This being integrated between the limits 6=0 and 6=1, gives E' D' 2. In [3.] let r=4,, /=!, /.w= . If, as above, o we put t=6 5 and proceed as before, we shall obtain E" W =0*0823, =1-316*8. 3. In \jk.~] let r=8, r x =l, .*.m= ; and if we pul t=6 9 , we shall obtain "p x T)' =0-0226, =1-4443. Placing then these results of theory in juxtaposition with the corresponding quantities obtained by expe. riment, the comparison is exhibited in the following table CHAP. VII. THEORY AND EXPERIMENT COMPARED. 383 Radius of greater sphere. Quantity of electricity on lesser sphere. Depth of electricity on lesser sphere. Ratio of the observed to the computed quantities. Theory. Observa- tion. Theory. Observa- tion. 2 0-29 0'27 1-1601 1-08 0-93 4 0-0823 0-0909 1-3168 1-33 1-01 8 0-0226 0-02566 1-4443 1-64 1-14 1-03 Mean ratio of the observed to the computed values -...-._ In the first two cases the coincidence of theory and experiment is evidently within the limits of the errors of observation, and the greater discrepancy which ap- pears in the last case is satisfactorily accounted for by the nature of the experiment, as already explained (166.) PROPOSITION II. (168.) When two electrified spheres are brought into contact, and then separated, the electric fluid is spread with a greater depth on the lesser than on the greater sphere; taking the depth (D) on the greater as the unit, it is re- quired to find the limiting value of the depth (D') on the less when its radius r is indefinitely diminished. By making certain transformations on the formula for , Poisson has shown that when - - = 0, it will D r-\-r become - l s ' 7 D' f J D' 111 _ -I J __ i ___ I ___ *D ^^^- 384 ELECTRO-STATICS. PART This is a result which, from its nature, cannot be verified directly by experiment. By gradually increas- ing the ratio of the greater to the lesser sphere, Coulomb conjectured that the limit of the ratio of the depths might be about two to one, being about one fifth more than the value given by theory. The result of the experiment with two spheres whose diameters are as eight to one, shows that beyond that proportion the relative depths on the smaller sphere will acquire no sensible increase. PROPOSITION III. (l6'9) Two electrified conducting spheres are main- tained in contact : it is required to determine the depth of the electric fluid at the points diametrically opposite the point of contact. Let X and X' be those depths, and let the former symbols retain their significations. ByPoisson's formula we have rrfh ft* - t T 1 rV _ -log. . ,(l- m y-h ft 2 -t 2 1 77 / . log . . dt . 4r *J 1 / / PROPOSITION IV. (170.) Two equal electrified spheres are maintained in contact; to find the depth of the electricity at the points diametrically opposite the point of contact. In this case r=r'; .*. m==, which renders X=X X . CHAP. VII. THEORY AND EXPERIMENT COMPARED. 385 And we have To prepare this for integration let t=6 4 , and we find ... . . r * 1-0 4 6 r * 1+^ Expanding - this becomes. X= . Al-2+9 4 -8 6 + ...Jlog.-J-.rf9. P / But between the limits By taking a sufficient number of terms for the neces- sary approximation, we find To find in the same case the mean depth of the fluid , we have, by Proposition I., ...... 4>nr 2 r J lt But in this case m=~. Hence Hence we shall have D=0'693 . for the mean depth. r VOL. i. c e 386 ELECTRO- STATICS. PART I. Hence the ratio of the depth at the point most remote from the point of contact to the mean depth is X _Q-9i6 D ~0-693~ (171.) Coulomb brought several pairs of unequal spheres into contact, and ascertained by the proof plane and the electrometer the ratio of the depth of the elec- tricity on the smaller sphere at the point most remote from the point of contact with the mean density on the greater sphere. In order to compare his observations with the theoretical values of this ratio, we shall inves- tigate the particular case of the general formula,, which will include these experiments. PROPOSITION V. (172.) To calculate the ratio of the depth of the elec- tric fluid on the point of the lesser of two electrified spheres in contact most remote from the point of contact to the mean depth on the greater sphere^ in the cases in which the radii of the spheres are in the ratios 1 ! 2, 1 .* 4, and 1 : 8 respectively. By [7.] and [8.] we find f,- 2 2 r r- 1 -! J i-* ' dt First. Let r=2r', /. m= . Let t=fr\ and the o integrals in the numerator and denominator will become respectively CHAP. VII. THEORY AND EXPERIMENT COMPARED. 387 Each of which may be obtained by series ; and taken be- tween the limits 0=0 and 0=1, we shall find = 1-884. Secondly. Let r=4*r' } .'. m=- . In this case let o i=0 f) ,, and the integrals in the numerator and denomi- nator become respectively 02 /0 02 1 .log. T .*; /1-0 4 !=*'> which being integrated by series between the same limits, gives =2-477. Thirdly. Let r=8r' . .'.m = . In this case let y =0 9 , and the integrals in the numerator and denomi- nator will become C C 2 388 ELECTRO-STATICS. which, as before, being integrated by series between the same limits, we find ~ =3-087. (173.) The results of Coulomb's experiments in these three cases, and of a similar experiment with equal spheres, are placed in juxtaposition with the three num- bers determined here by theory and the number obtained for the case of equal spheres in the following table. In the fourth column the ratio of the computed to the ob- served numbers is given in each case. The radius of the lesser sphere is taken as the unit. Radius of greater sphere. Value of Ratio of observed to computed value. By Theory. By Observation. 1 1*322 1-27 0-96 2 1-834 1-55 0-845 4 , 2-477 2-35 0-95 8 3-087 3-18 1-03 0-946 Mean ratio of the observed to the computed values - - - It appears, therefore, that the results of theory come within a twentieth part of those of observation. (174.) Coulomb brought two equal electrified spheres into contact, and ascertained with the proof plane and the electrometer, that at the point of contact arid in the space immediately around it, there was no sensible quan- tity of electricity on either sphere. He ascertained the depths at 30, 60, 90, and 180, from the point of contact, as compared with what the density would be if the spheres were removed from each other's influence, and the electric fluid allowed to diffuse itself uniformly upon them. In order to compare these results of ob- CHAP. VII. THEORY AM) EXPERIMENT COMPARED. 38Q servation with theory, we shall investigate the formula for this case. PROPOSITION VI. (175.) Two equal electrified spheres are maintained in contact: it is required to determine the depth of electricity at any points upon them. Let ip be the angular distance of any point P on either of the spheres from their point of contact, and let TT be the depth of the electricity at this point. By the formulae established by Poisson, we have x= (A A t -f A a -A s + . . . .); where 2+l This series will be sufficiently convergent for calcu- lation, except for those values of cos.
= QO and 0=180,
and found the ratio of the latter to the former to be
that of 143 to 100.
If these values be substituted for refers to the sphere whose radius is r, and $' to
that whose radius is r'.
It is necessary to observe, that D and D' are to be
taken with a positive or negative sign, according as
the electricity with which the spheres are respectively
charged is positive or negative. Also the values of
or y' which render x or x' positive correspond to
those parts of the spheres where the electricity is posi-
tive, and those which render x or of negative corre-
spond to points where the electricity is negative.
(183.) To investigate the particular case in which
the lesser sphere in its natural state is placed at the
distance a, under the influence of the greater sphere
charged with electricity, it is only necessary to sup-
pose D' in the above formula for o? 2 . This gives
,zv>= -3D . cos. 0'H -- (1 -3 cos.V) D.
a- 2 a*
Let S and S x (fy. 36.) be the two spheres.
Fig. 36.
To determine the state of the sphere S' at the
point V, where the line CC X joining the centres meets
the surface, let $'=(), and we find
3 a
If the electricity of the sphere S be positive, this value
of #2 is negative ; and if the former be negative, this
value is positive. Hence the electricity at V is of a
different kind from that with which the sphere S is
(184.) To determine the state of the sphere S' at
the point V" most distant from the sphere S, let
(b'=l80 : /. cos6= 1. Hence
Since we have proceeded on the supposition that r is
inconsiderable in magnitude compared with a r, it
is still more so compared with a. Hence must be
3 5 T'
less than , and therefore 1 > . Hence this value
D O Ck
of #2 must have the same sign as D, and therefore the
electricity at the point V" is of the same kind as that
with which the sphere S is charged. It is conse-
quently of a different kind from the electricity at the
point V.
The ratio of the depth of electricity at the point V
to the depth of the contrary electricity at the opposite
5 r e > r'
point V" is that of H to 1 - -. The
3 a 3 a
depth at V therefore is greater than at V".
By means of the proof plane and the electrometer,
this inference might be verified by experiment without
5 r' 1
difficulty. Thus, if a = 10r', = -^-. Hence
the depth at V will, in this case, be to the depth at
V" as 1 + -7T- is to 1 --, or as 7 to 5. In general,
O o
however, when is very small, these depths are nearly
(185.) Since the electricities at the opposite points
V and V" are of different kinds, it is evident that
some intermediate part of the sphere S' must be in its
natural state. To determine at what distance from V
this takes place, it is only necessary to find the value of
fy', which renders # 2 =0. Thus we have the condition
5 '
3 cos. /H (1 -3cos.y ) . =0.
This equation will in general give two values of cos.0',
but it will be found that one of them is < 1, and
would therefore correspond to an imaginary value of fy'.
The other only is admissible. This value is
1 -f ' ) 2 be, developed in a series, and the
terms involving the third and higher powers of
be neglected, we shall find
Cos. 0'=-^-
O a
A circle on the surface of the sphere S', at the dis-
tance thus determined from the point V, passes through
all the points of the sphere which are in their natural
This circle can be easily found by geometrical con-
struction. The distance of its plane from the centre C'
will be r' cos. <'. But
5 r'2
T COS. (L =- F - . .
6 a
From the centre C of the sphere S let a tangent
C P' (fig. 36.) be drawn to the sphere S x , and from the
point of contact P' let a perpendicular P / M / be drawn
? /2
to the line C' V. The distance C'M'= ; and there-
fore if C'M be taken equal to five sixths of C'M',
and M P be drawn perpendicular to C C', the circle P P
will be that which corresponds to the points of the sur-
face of the sphere which are in their natural state.
(186.) By the common principles of analysis, it ap-
pears that all values of cos. ' greater than that which
renders # 2 =0 will render it >0, and all less values
will render it < 0. Hence it is easily inferred that on
all parts of the surface of the spherical segment, whose
base is the neutral circle P P, and whose vertex is V,
the electricity is of a different kind from that with
which the sphere S is charged, and on all parts of the
surface of the spherical segment having the same base,
and whose vertex is V", the electricity is of the same
kind as thfct with which the sphere S is charged.
It can also be inferred that the depth of the electri-
city continually increases from the neutral circle to the
points V and V", at each of which it is a maximum.
As the sphere S' is gradually removed from S, the
point of contact P' of the tangent continually approaches
the point Z, which is the extremity of the diameter
perpendicular to C C' ; and since the neutral circle P
always lies between P' and Z, this circle must approach
to the great circle of the sphere perpendicular to the
line C C' as the distance of S' from S is increased. Tt
appears, therefore, that when a small sphere, such as a
pith ball, is placed under the influence of an electrified
sphere, but at a distance from it many times greater
than the radius of the small sphere, then that hemi-
sphere of the small sphere which is turned towards the
electrified sphere will be charged with electricity differ-
ent from that of the electrified sphere, and the other
hemisphere will be oppositely electrified.
We shall now examine a case of the mutual influence
of two electrified spheres, to which we have formerly
referred, and which was presented in the experimental
researches of Coulomb.
(187.) Two unequal spheres in contact are electrified,
and then separated: it is required to determine the
distribution of electricity on them, when placed under
the influence of each other at a distance.
In order to avoid very complex mathematical formulae,
we must here limit the question to the case in which
r .
is a small fraction ; that is, to the case in which the
two spheres are very unequal in magnitude.
It appears by what was proved in (168.) that under
these circumstances
D 6
But by Proposition IX. we have
^=D X -3D.-^ cos. 0'+ (1-3 cos. V).-^-.D
a- 2 a 3
Omitting the terms of which is a multiplier, and eli-
minating D x _, we obtain
/ W 2 r 2\
a7 2 =D ( - 3 cos. 3 ;, or
o a- 1
> . It will be =0 if = , and will have
a sign contrary to that of D if < . But
3 V 2 a 3^2
= - very nearly. Hence we infer that the electricity
at V is similar to or different from that with which S
is charged, according as the distance of the centre C' of
the lesser sphere from the surface of the greater is
greater or less than one third of the radius of the greater ;
and that if its distance from that surface be equal to one
third of the radius of the greater, then the point V will
be in its natural state.
(188.) Let us briefly recapitulate these remarkable
consequences. If a small sphere (S') be placed in
contact with a great electrified sphere (S), the elec-
tricity at the point of contact (V x ) will be nothing.,
that point being in its natural state. When they are
separated (that point (V) being still kept in the line
of centres), the point V will be electrified by an elec-
tricity contrary to that of the sphere S. This elec-
trified state of the point V' will first gradually increase,
and having attained a maximum, then gradually de-
crease in intensity as the sphere S' is moved from the
sphere S, until the distance of the centre (C') of the
smaller sphere from the surface of the greater sphere
becomes equal to one third of the radius of the greater
sphere (very nearly), and at that distance the point V
will return to its natural state. If the smaller sphere
be moved to a greater distance from the greater sphere,
the point V will be electrified with electricity similar
to that with which the greater sphere is charged.
(189-) To simplify the formulae, we here suppose
the radius of the lesser sphere to be so small that
terms of which is a multiplier may be neglected ;
but if the spheres be unequal, whatever be the propor-
tion of their radii, a series of phenomena similar to
that explained above will be produced, and the for-
mulae given by Poisson will always be sufficient to
determine by calculation the distance at which the point
V of the lesser sphere is reduced to its natural state.
These results of theory have been confirmed by ex-
periment, but it is desirable that such experiments
should be multiplied and varied. Such experiments
may be made by providing several spheres with me-
tallic surfaces, mounted on glass pillars, and attended
with all the usual precautions, to secure perfect insula-
tion, and to preclude, as far as possible, all error arising
from the effect of atmospheric dissipation ; the experi-
ments should be made in cold and dry weather, when
the air holds but little vapour in suspension. The
supports should be so regulated that the centres C C'
(fig. 37.) should be at the same height. After having
Fig. 37.
brought two such spheres into
contact, and electrified them,
they should be separated to a
very small distance. The proof
plane should be then applied
at V, the point of contact on
the greater sphere. On test-
ing it by an electroscope, it
will be found to indicate elec-
tricity of the same kind as that
with which the spheres were
charged. After having dis-
charged the electricity of the
proof plane, let it be next applied to the point V' on the
lesser sphere. On testing it in the same manner, it will
be found to indicate electricity of a different kind from
that of the greater sphere. Let the sphere S' be moved
a little further from S, and let the same process be re-
peated, and the same results will be obtained ; and this
will continue until S' is removed to a certain distance,,
at which the point V will be found in its natural
(190.) Before these results of theory were discovered.
Coulomb obtained,, in several of his experiments, a series
of phenomena similar to the preceding. In one of his
experiments,, the globe S was eleven inches and S' was
eight inches in diameter. So long as the distance V V
was less than an inch, the electricity at V was contrary
to that of the globe S. When the distance was equal to
an inch, the sphere S' at V was in its natural state, and
beyond this distance the electricity at V' was similar to
that of the globe S.
When a globe, S', of four inches in diameter was
brought into contact with one of eleven inches, the point
V was not reduced to its natural state until the distance
V V was two inches ; and when the smaller globe was
two inches diameter, this state was produced at the dis-
tance of two and one third inches.
It appears from these experiments that the distance
V V, at which all signs of electricity disappear at the
point V, diminishes as the spheres approach to equality;
and when they are actually equal this distance vanishes,
the neutral state of V being then produced by contact.
On the other hand, however small the sphere S' may be,
this distance, VV, never can exceed the limit deter-
mined in Prop. X. In all these remarkable circum-
stances, theory and observation are in the most complete
(191.) In the beautiful Memoirs* of Poisson on the
theory of electricity, he has given formulae for the solution
of the general problem of the distribution of electricity
on the surfaces of any two spheres, each charged with
any given quantity of electricity of either kind, and
placed under the influence of each other at any given
* The mathematical student will be well rewarded for the labour of studying
these fine pieces of mathematical physics, and the experimental electrician
who may not be able to comprehend their details will be at least directed
by their results to the best course of experiment. See Memoir -es de Fln~
liitut, 1811.
distance. In the great generality of this problem he
has far outstripped the limits to which experimental
research has yet attained, and has placed the theory in
a condition to supply the experimental inquirer with
information as to a variety of circumstances affecting the
electrical state of bodies, which will serve to guide his
proceedings in the course which will lead most surely to
the extension of knowledge in this part of physics.
It appears by these formulae that the phenomena
evolved by the mutual influence of two electrified spheres
will have an important dependence of the relation be-
tween the quantities of electricity with which they are
charged, and the quantities with which they would be
charged if they were brought into contact.
(192.) Let a certain quantity of electricity, which we
shall call Z, be shared between two spheres, so that E
being the portion given to one, E' will be the portion
given to the other. We shall then have
Now if the spheres, being charged with the total quan
tity of electricity expressed by Z, be brought into con
tact, the fluid will distribute itself between them in a
certain proportion determined by the ratio of their radii.
Let the portion which each would receive under these
circumstances be e and e\ We shall therefore have,
Z=e + e'.
If the quantities E and E' are different from e and e'
(which generally happens when the spheres are electrified
without contact), and the spheres be placed as in fig. 37 ,
and moved towards each other, the depth of electricity
at the points V and V must undergo a continual in-
crease as the distance V V is diminished. Now, since
the pressure of the electricity at any point of a con-
ductor against the air which confines it upon that sur-
face increases as the square of the depth, this continual
augmentation of pressure will at length enable the fluid
to overcome the resistance of the air at V or V; and
D D 2
when it does so it will escape, and will pass from the
one surface to the other ; and such an effect will usually
be accompanied by a visible spark, and such a noise as
is produced by the impact of one hard substance against
another. The state of the points V and V before the
spark is oppositely electrical, the one being positive and
the other negative. If the electricities E and E' are
of the same kind positive, for example and if E be
greater than E', then, as the spheres approach to con-
tact, the electricity at V x will become negative, while the
electricity at V will continue positive, and will increase
in depth. But if E and E' are of opposite kinds, then
the electricities of the points V and V, as they ap-
proach, will be of the same kind as that of the elec-
tricities with which the spheres respectively are charged.
In the case in which E and E x are of the same kind,
E being greater than e, and E' less than e', the influence
of the E upon E' is to repel it towards the more remote
parts of the sphere S', and at the same time E by its
attraction and repulsion decomposes a portion of the
natural electricities of the sphere S', drawing towards the
point V that part of the decomposed electricity which
is of a contrary kind from itself, and driving the electri-
city of the same kind towards the opposite side.
When the spark is produced and contact takes place,
the distribution of the electricity Z between the spheres is
suddenly changed, and the quantities with which the
spheres are respectively charged become e and e'.
These phenomena would not be produced if the con-
E e
were observed by the electricities E and E'; that is to
say, if the electricities were imparted to the spheres in
the same proportion as they would be if electrified in
contact. This easily appears from the mathematical for-
mulae. For the first term in the expression of the value
of the depth of the electricity at V and V has the form
where D and D' are the mean depths of E and E', and
d and d' the mean depths of e and e ', and Y is a quan-
tity which involves log. {a (r + r')}. Now if the
be not fulfilled,, the numerator of the above expression
will be finite. Hence as a is diminished, and approaches
to equality with (r -f- r'},a (r + O will be diminished;
and since {a (r -j- r') } log. {a - (r -f r') } becomes =
when a (r + r') becomes =0, it follows that the above
quantity must become infinite when the spheres come
into contact; and consequently before that takes place,
the atmospheric pressure must be overcome, and the in-
terchange of electricity take place, which is usually at-
tained by the spark and explosion.
But if the condition
5 JL
V~~ d'
be observed, then the numerator of the above will be
and the value of the depth at V and V will be = 0, and
no discharge will take place., since no electricity will pass
from either sphere to the other.
(193.) Among the various consequences of the theo-
retical investigations of Poisson, one is entitled to more
particular notice, as it suggests an experiment which
affords a striking verification of the theory. He has
shown that a relation may be adopted between the
radii of the two spheres and the quantities of electri-
city with which they are charged, so that there shall be
certain distance of the centre of the lesser sphere S'
from that of the greater S, at which the electricity shall
oe distributed uniformly over the lesser sphere, exactly
as it would be if that sphere were removed altogether
from the influence of the greater. This state, however,
is not owing to the sphere S exercising no action on S',
but from a peculiar condition of equilibrium arising
from the reciprocal action of the two spheres.
(194.) The difficulty which is presented in reducing
this and other results of the theory to the test of ex-
periment, is that which attends the process of giving to
the two spheres charges of electricity which have any
required ratio to each other. This may, however, be
effected by the following method.
The two spheres are first placed in contact, and elec-
trified. Being separated, the electricity will be dis-
tributed between them in the ratio e to e' ', which is
due to contact, and which is known by theory. This,
however, may be confirmed by the proof plane and
the electrometer. Let the ratio of the required charges
|7 in
be , and let us suppose that -? > . In that case
& e &
it will be necessary to deprive the sphere S of a part of
its electricity, to reduce the ratio of the charges to
;. Now, let -=7M, =m, and let E'=e'.
Jii Jit e
Hence E-e = (M-m}E'=^-^ . E.
Hence it appears that of the whole charge E a
fractional part is to be removed, expressed by ;
and as M and m are both given, the question is reduced
to the discovery of a method of abstracting from the
electrical charge of a sphere a given part.
Now, it has been shown (101.) that if a circular
disc of metal be brought into contact with a sphere
charged with electricity, the fluid will distribute itself
between the sphere and disc in proportion to the mag-
nitude of their surfaces. If, therefore, the magnitude
of the disc be a certain fractional part of the magnitude
of the spherical surface, the disc by contact will receive
a proportional part of the electricity with which the
sphere is charged ; and being removed from the sphere,
the latter will be deprived of that proportion of its
To apply this principle, let A be the total superficial
magnitude of the disc, including both surfaces ; and let
S be that of the sphere. Then, if E be the charge of
the sphere, the disc will receive the quantity - . E.
V^e shall then have
M m A
/. A=S .
By which the magnitude of the disc, which will take
the necessary portion of electricity from the sphere,
may be determined.
To reduce these expressions to terms involving only
the radii of the disc and sphere, let r= the radius of
the sphere, and R=the radius of the disc. Hence
we have
(195.) It appears, from the theoretical expressions
obtained for the depth of electricity at various parts of
two electrified spheres brought near each other, that
these depths are, even when the spheres are nearest
each other, materially different from what they are
after contact. This difference is not confined to those
parts of the spheres which are near the point of con-
tact, but prevails throughout their entire surfaces. It
follows, therefore, that at the moment of contact, or,
more strictly, at the moment of the spark passing be-
tween them, a sudden change is produced in the depth
of the electricity on every part of each of the spheres.
This is equally true with respect to conductors of every
form, and may be easily verified by experiment. For
D D 4
this purpose let a conductor, such as is represented in
%. 38 ., having several pairs of pith balls placed upon
Fig. 38.
{ 1 jf Jf j' #
A 1 A A\ A
it, suspended by linen thread, be electrified. The di-
vergence of the balls will be greater or less, according
to the depth of electricity, at the parts where they are
suspended. If a metallic sphere be brought into con-
tact with this conductor, and a spark passes between
them, all the pith balls will undergo a sudden change,
each pair changing instantaneously their angle of di-
vergence -
(196.) HAVING explained the theory by which the
phenomena of electricity have been brought under the
dominion of mathematics, and by which the effects of
bodies electrified under given circumstances may be
predicted, it now only remains to complete this branch
of our subject by showing how, by the agency of the
two electric fluids, the movements which are imparted
to electrified bodies brought near each other can be ac-
counted for.
It appears, in the first place, to be satisfactorily esta-
blished by direct experiment, that the electric fluids exert
no force of attraction or repulsion on the material par-
ticles of the bodies upon which those fluids are dif-
fused. The immediate escape of electricity from con-
ductors, when relieved from the atmospheric pressure,
is a sufficient evidence of this with regard to that class
of bodies ; and although its departure from noncon-
ductors under like circumstances is not quite so rapid,
there is nothing in the phenomena to indicate the
existence of any attraction general or specific between
the molecules of electricity and the particles com-
posing these bodies, the nonconducting quality being
simply one by which the superficial movement of the
electric fluid on the body is prevented or very much
obstructed. Whether,, then, we consider the one class
of bodies or the other, the conductors or the noncon-
ductors, the atmosphere must be regarded as a coating
of nonconducting matter, under and within which is
confined the shell of electric fluid by which the body is
invested. The form and thickness of that shell are de-
ter mined by the forces exerted by the molecules of elec-
tricity on each other, and on the natural electricities of
the body, as well as by the forces exercised on them by
the electricity of other bodies in the neighbourhood ;
but the shell itself is held together by the atmosphere
alone. In fact, the surrounding atmosphere confines
this shell of electric fluid exactly as gas is confined
within a bladder.
(197.) Let us first, then, consider the case of the
attraction or repulsion which is apparently exerted by
an electrified body, S, on a nonconducting body, S', also
In this case the electric fluid on S attracts or repels
the electric fluid on S', each molecule of the one fluid
acting separately on each molecule of the other, accord-
ing to the laws already assigned. Now, since the pres-
sure of the surrounding air prevents any motion of the
fluid in a direction perpendicular to the surface of S',
and the nonconducting power forbids any superficial
motion of the particles of fluid, no change of position
inter se can ensue, and the shell of electric fluid will
preserve its form exactly as if it were solid matter
encrusting the body S'. The attraction or repulsion of
the fluid on S must therefore cause a motion of the en-
tire shell of fluid on S' to or from the body S ; and as
this preservation of the form of the electric shell neces-
sarily requires the continuance of the body which it in-
vests within it, that body must accompany it as it moves
to or from the body S.
(198.) This may be illustrated in the following
manner. Let us suppose a sphere of cork to have its
surface covered by iron dust, and imagine this 4ust to
be pressed against the surface of the cork by a surround-
ing atmosphere whose pressure is sufficient to prevent
its escape from the surface. Also suppose that the
roughness of the surface of the cork is sufficient to pre-
vent the particles of iron from moving upon it. Let
this sphere be placed near a powerful magnet. The
iron will be strongly attracted, and, if free, would leave
the cork and fly to the magnet. But this is prevented
by the causes just stated. The iron can neither leave
the cork nor shift its position upon it. It must there-
fore move towards the magnet in virtue of the attraction
exerted on it, carrying the sphere of cork which it in-
vests along with it.
(199.) If the hody S' attracted or repelled be a con-
ductor, the circumstances are somewhat different. In
that case, the electric fluid upon it has a freedom of
superficial motion more or less perfect in proportion to
the conducting power of the body. There is, however,
a certain distribution which it will assume, and in which
it will maintain itself, depending on the form of the
body S x , and on the influence exerted by the electricity
of S. So long as the position of S and S' remain un-
changed, the electric fluid on S', thus distributed, is
stationary. Let us suppose that while S' is fixed in any
given position it were suddenly to be deprived of its
conducting power, and to become a nonconductor, and
left at liberty to move. Then S' would move towards
or from S, as we have already shown that an electrified
nonconductor would do. Let it be supposed that this
motion is allowed to take place through a very small
space, which we shall call dx ; and after having moved
through this space, suppose the conducting power of S'
to be restored, and the body again to be fixed. The
influence of the electricity of S on that of S x will now be a
little different in consequence of the small change, dx,
which has taken place in the distance between them. On
the restoration of the conducting power, the electricity
of S'will undergo a change in its distribution on the
surface of that body, and it will assume that distribution
which corresponds to the new relative position which the
two bodies have assumed.
When the electric fluid on S' has come to rest after
this change, let S' be supposed a second time to be de-
prived of its conducting power, and to be at liberty again
to move. As before, it will move, as a nonconductor
would do, to or from S. After it has moved through a
small space, doc, let it be stopped as before, and let its
conducting power be restored. Another change in the
distribution of electricity will now take place, and the
fluid will take a new position of equilibrium on S', con-
formably to the change which has taken place in the
relative position of the two bodies. If, in like manner,
the conducting power be once more annihilated, and the
body S x liberated, another small motion, doc, will take
place, and so on.
Now, let it be supposed that this succession of changes
shall proceed without any intermission, and that the
spaces dx, which divide the intervals at which the elec-
trical state of S x undergoes a sudden change, are infi-
nitely small. In fact, suppose the change of the distri-
bution of electricity on S' not to be intermitting but
continuous, and the progress of S towards or from S' not
to be made by a succession of movements broken by in-
tervals of rest, but to be made by one continued motion,
then the same reasoning would hold good, and the actual
effects which take place when an electrified conductor is
placed near another electrified body would ensue.
(200.) In this illustration we have regarded only the
effects produced on one of the two electrified bodies, con-
sidering the other as fixed ; but the same reasoning will
be evidently applicable to the other, and the reciprocal
attractions and repulsions thus become matter of easy
explanation. When the bodies thus mutually acted upon
are conductors, it is not only the distribution of the
electricity with which they are originally charged that
undergoes a continuous change with their continuous
change of mutual position, but there is a constant deve-
lopment of natural electricity, by which their electrical
condition is affected. This, however, does not in any
way interfere with the reasoning by which we have here
accounted for the reciprocal movements by which such
bodies are affected.
One of the two bodies, as S', may be originally in its
natural state, and it nevertheless will exhibit the effects
of an attraction exerted upon it by an electrified body,
S, in its neighbourhood. In this case, a decomposition
of its natural electricities takes place before any motion
is produced,, and a shell of free electricity is formed at
its surface, a part of which is of one kind, and a part
of the other. This shell, being acted upon by the elec-
tricity of S, the effect of the attraction on the nearer
portion of electricity (of a contrary kind to that with
which S is charged) is greater than the repulsion exerted
on the electricity of the same kind which is on the side
of S' most remote from S. The whole effect is, there-
fore, an attraction on the shell, by which it is drawn
towards S, and with it, according to the reasoning
already explained, the body S', enveloped by this shell
of electricity, is carried.
Such appears, according to my views, to be the manner
in which the apparent attractions and repulsions of elec-
trified bodies may be accounted for, on the principles of
the theory of two fluids. As this, however, is not the
manner in which these effects are usually explained, and as
the question may be important, involving, as it does, the
application of the theory to the most familiar effects of
electricity, we shall here briefly state the method of
accounting for these phenomena, proposed by M. Biot,
and adopted and quoted by most other elementary writers
on this part of physics.
Let S' (fig. 39.) be a sphere of conducting matter
Fig. 39.
charged with either kind of electricity, positive for exam-
ple, and let it be placed near another sphere also positively
electrified. By the influence of the electricity of the sphere
S, the electricity of S' will not be distributed uniformly on
'"t, as would otherwise be the case, but will accumulate in
greater quantity on the side most remote from S. In
fact, the inferior surface of the electric fluid on S' may,
in a general sense, be imagined to be represented by the
dotted circle. It is proved by theoretical principles
that the electricity confined upon a body by the sur-
rounding air presses against the air with a force which
is proportional to the square of the depth of the electric
fluid. In the present case, the depth of the fluid on the
hemisphere S' N s is greater than on the hemisphere
S' M s; and if the sum of the squares of the depths at
every point of the one be compared with the sum of the
squares of the depths at every point of the other, the ex-
cess of the sum on the hemisphere S' N s would be much
greater than on the hemisphere S' M s. The electric
fluid on S' N s, therefore, presses against the atmosphere
in the direction N with greater force than that with
which the fluid on S' M s presses in the contrary direc-
tion ; and therefore the fluid and the body invested by
it must move in the direction of the greater pressure ;
that is, must recede from the body S, which is similarly
electrified. Hence an apparent repulsion will take
If the sphere S' be negatively electrified, the fluid
upon it will accumulate in greater quantity on the side
S' M s, and its inferior surface will be represented
by the dotted circle in fig. 40. In this case, for the
Fig. 40.
reasons explained above, the fluid on the hemisphere
S'M s will press against the air with greater force thai?
the fluid on the hemisphere S'Ns, and a movement of
the sphere S' in the direction N M will ensue. Hence
an apparent attraction of the sphere S electrified posi-
tively will be exerted on the sphere & electrified nega-
Such is the ordinary method of explaining these
effects, and the following illustration of it is given by
M. Biot: "Although the proposition which declares
that similarly electrified bodies attract, and oppositely
electrified bodies repel each other/' says M. Biot, ' c ap-
pears to be a mere statement of the phenomena, we
must beware not to attach to these terms (attraction and
repulsion) any notion of absolute reality, since mo-
tions of the same kind may be produced without any
real attraction or repulsion existing between the parti-
cles of the two bodies. As an example of this, let us
imagine a glass vessel AB (fig. 41.) filled with a heavy
Fig. 41.
fluid, such as water or mercury, and suspended vertically
by a cord from a fixed point D. So long as this vessel
is untouched, it will remain at rest, according to the
common laws of statics, and the fluid which it contains
will suffer no motion in the horizontal direction, since
it presses with equal force on opposite points of the
inner surface of the vessel. But suppose that, by means
of a burning glass, a cone of rays is directed upon a
point A. in the side of the vessel, and a hole is made
by melting the glass. The fluid will issue from this
hole, and the pressure at A, in the direction B A,
will be removed ; while the pressure at the point B,
corresponding to A on the other side of the vessel, will
continue. The vessel and its contents will accordingly
yield to the excess of pressure in the direction A B, and
will deviate from the vertical position, in the same
manner as if it were repelled by the lens E,
" If, on the other hand, the cone of rays be directed
on the point B, as represented in fig. 42., and the hole
be made there, the contrary
effect will be produced, and
the vessel with its contents
will deviate from the verti-
cal in the direction B A, as
if it were attracted by the
lens. Nevertheless, there is
not in either case any true
attraction or repulsion, and
the effects only arise from
the common principles of
hydrostatic pressure. Now,
not only does this example put us on our guard against
entertaining the notion of any real attraction or repul-
sion exercised by the particles of the electrified body ;
but these very motions produced in this example result
from a mechanism similar to that which produces the
apparent attractions and repulsions of electrified bodies.
The attraction and repulsion take place not between
the bodies, but between the positive or negative fluids
which envelop them, and of which the mutual action
causes the pressure to be increased on some parts of their
surfaces, and diminished on others ; which pressure is
exerted against the surrounding air, by which the fluids
are retained on the bodies, or in general against what-
ever obstacles are opposed to its displacement/'
(201.) The explanation founded on these principles
has always appeared to me to be inconclusive and un-
satisfactory, and the illustration by which it is accom-
panied to be inapplicable. The motion of the sphere
S' is here not ascribed directly to the attraction or re-
pulsion of the electricity of S acting on the electricity of
S'. It is ascribed to the unequal diffusion of the elec-
tricity on S', which unequal diffusion is produced by
the proximity of S. But if the unequal diffusion of the
fluid on S' by producing an excess of pressure on the
one side against the air above that on the other is really
the cause of the motion of S', then that motion would
ensue by any other cause which, without the proximity
of another electrified body, would produce such unequal
distribution of the fluid. But such would not be the
case ; for if a nonconducting sphere, a sphere of gum lac
for example, be strongly electrified on one side, and
either feebly or not at all electrified on the other, then
such sphere ought, according to the preceding explana- .
tion of the phenomena, to move spontaneously towards
that side on which it is most strongly electrified. It is
scarcely necessary to observe that no such motion would
take place.
But, independently of this practical instance of the
inconclusiveness of this explanation, it is evident that
by a general principle of mechanics no motion can be
imparted to the centre of gravity of any system by the
reciprocal actions of the parts, or any of them, composing
that system ; and whenever such a motion takes place,
it must be due to the action of some cause external to
and separate from the system. In the preceding ex-
planation, nevertheless, it is assumed that by the mutual
repulsions of the unequally distributed fluid, and by
those alone, a motion of translation is given to the
whole body S'.
In fact, whatever be the pressure which the electric
fluid at any part of an electrified body exerts against
the air, an equal pressure in the contrary direction
must be exerted on the body itself by the inferior
surface of the electric fluid. This is a necessary con-
sequence of the perfect fluidity of that fluid. Thus, in
fig. 40., if the fluid presses against the air at N with
VOL. i. E E
a certain force,, there must be an equal pressure exerted
against the matter of the sphere at n, and in the con-
trary direction. These two pressures are then in equi-
librium ; and the same may be said of the pressure
exerted by the electricity at any other point. However
unequal, therefore,, may be the pressures exerted by the
electricity against the air, these pressures will be ba-
lanced by equal and contrary pressures exerted against
the sphere S' itself, and no motion could consequently
The illustration of the vessel of liquid having a hole
in its side, from which a stream of the liquid issues, is
quite inapplicable. That example is altogether ana-
logous to the cases of motion produced in electrified
bodies by the rapid escape of electricity at points, ex-
amples of which have been given in (117.) et seq. But
in the present case no escape of the fluid from the
electrified body takes place, and therefore the motion of
recoil or reaction cannot ensue.
In fine, it appears that the motion of an electrified
body from a body similarly electrified, and towards a
body oppositely electrified, is due not to the unequal dis-
tribution of the electric fluid upon it, which in this
respect must be considered as a merely accidental cir-
cumstance, but to the mutual attraction or repulsion of
the masses of electric fluid on the two bodies.
(201.) In the reciprocal motion exhibited by elec-
trified bodies, some cases occur which, at the first view,
would appear to be contrary to those which might be
inferred from theory ; but, as happens with all hypotheses
having a foundation in truth, such apparently excep-
tional cases, when they come to be strictly examined,
serve only as further verifications of the theory.
When two electrified bodies, one of which is very small
compared with the other, but feebly electrified, approach
each other, effects ensue contrary to what are usually pro-
duced. Suppose that S, the greater, is strongly charged
with positive electricity, and S' is feebly electrified and
also positively. At a certain distance S' is, as usual,
repelled. But if it be gradually brought nearer to S,
the repulsion is by degrees diminished, and it is at a
certain distance attracted. This attraction continues to
increase until contact takes place, after which S' is re-
pelled, as bodies in the natural state usually are after
contact with an electrified body.
These effects are easily accounted for. The body S',
being first invested with a very thin coat of positive
electricity, and placed at such a distance from S that
an inconsiderable decomposition of the natural elec-
tricities of S is produced, the usual repulsion exerted
on the shell of electric fluid is manifested. But when
the distance is diminished, the increased influence of
the electricity of S repels the small charge of positive
electricity previously given to S', and causes it to ac-
cumulate at the side of S' most remote from S. At the
same time, the influence of S x decomposes a portion of
the natural electricities of S', causing the negative por-
tion to accumulate at the side of S' nearest to S, and
the positive at the side most remote from it, where it is
added to the charge of positive fluid collected there.
There will be thus an accumulation of positive fluid on
the side of S' most remote from S, which we shall call
P, and of negative fluid on the nearest side, which we
shall call N. Now, the quantity of P is greater than
that of N, and on that account the repulsion exercised
by the electricity of S on P would be greater than its
attraction on N. But, on the other hand, the distance
of P being greater than the distance of N from S, the
repulsion on that account exerted on P would be less
than the attraction exerted on N. When the distance
of S' from S is so small that the excess of the attraction
above the repulsion due to the difference of distance is
greater than the excess of the repulsion above the at-
traction due to difference of quantity, the body S' will
be attracted, and will, a fortiori, be attracted at all less
When contact takes place, S' receives from S a charge
of positive electricity so great that the excess of attrac-
tion and repulsion due to difference of distance is in-
sufficient to neutralise the contrary excess due to differ-
ence of quantity, and repulsion will take place at all
(202.) These effects may be verified experimentally
in the following manner. Let A A' (fig. 43.) be an
insulated conductor, and let B
be a pith ball suspended near
it by a thread of silk, and at-
tached to the conductor by ano-
ther horizontal thread, A B, by
which it shall be prevented from
receding further from the con-
ductor. Let A A' be first feebly
electrified : the ball B will be
attracted, will touch the con-
ductor, and will then be repelled as far as the thread AB
will permit. Let the conductor now receive a stronger
charge : the ball B will be again attracted, and again
repelled, and this may be continued until the ball B be-
comes so strongly charged with electricity that it can be
no longer repelled.
(203.) IN the commencement of this work, the
structure and the forms of the machines by which
the electric fluid is developed and accumulated for
the purposes of experiment, and the details of some of
the principal instruments by which the presence of
that fluid is ascertained, its quality detected, and its
quantity measured, were explained, so far as was ne-
cessary to render intelligible the development of the
electrical phenomena, and the theory founded upon
them, which are the subject-matter of the preceding
chapters. A full and accurate explanation of the prin-
ciple and structure of electrical machines, and other
apparatus commonly used either in imparting a know-
ledge of the science, so far as it is known, or in experi-
mental investigations made with an immediate view to
extend its limits, required a previous acquaintance with
those facts and principles which have now, it is hoped,
been explained with sufficient clearness and precision.
We shall, therefore, proceed with the description of
the form, structure, and operation of electrical ma-
chines, and such other experimental apparatus as admit
of being explained on those general principles of the
science 'which have been already established, reserv-
ing for a subsequent part of this work such other in-
struments and apparatus as rest upon principles and
facts to be developed hereafter.
All machines, whatever be their form, for the evolu-
tion and accumulation of free electricity, must consist
of three principal parts ; firstly, the rubber ; secondly,
the substance on which electricity is disengaged by
E E 3
friction ; and, thirdly, the conductor on which the free
electricity thus evolved is collected and accumulated for
the purposes of experiment.
In all ordinary electrical machines, the rubber is a
cushion stuffed with hair, hearing upon its surface
some substance which, by friction with the second body
above mentioned, will freely, and abundantly evolve
electricity. The substance against which the friction
of this rubber takes place is invariably glass, that
having been found in all respects most convenient and
eligible for the purpose; and the form given to it is
one which will admit of every part being brought in
rapid and uninterrupted succession under the action of
the rubber. The form best adapted for this purpose is
either that of a cylinder revolving on its geometrical
axis, the cushion being pressed against its side, or a flat
circular plate of sufficient thickness to give it the re-
quisite strength kept revolving in its own plane on an
axis at right angles to that plane passing through
its centre, the cushion being pressed against its faces.
Electrical machines are accordingly divided into two
classes, cylindrical machines and plate machines.
The conductor is a body having a metallic surface,
and supported on insulating pillars, or suspended by
insulating cords.
The Common Cylindrical Machine.
(204.) A hollow cylinder of glass, A B (fig. 44.),
is supported in bearings at C, the extremities of its
geometrical axis, on which it is capable of receiving a
motion of continued rotation. In order to impart by
a moderate velocity of the hand a sufficiently rapid
motion to the cylinder, a small grooved wheel is at-
tached to the end of the cylinder C, which is driven by
a much larger grooved wheel, D, the two wheels being
connected by a band in the usual manner, as repre-
sented in the figure. The bearings in which the
cylinder turns are formed in upright pieces of wood,
E F, attached to a rectangular base, E G, of sufficient
magnitude and solidity to give the necessary firmness
and stability to the apparatus. The cushion is repre-
sented at H, formed of soft leather stuffed with hair,
and supported on a glass pillar. This cushion is more
clearly represented in fig. 45. Between the cushion
and the wooden back which supports it is interposed a
steel spring, by means of which the face of the cushion
is urged with the necessary pressure against the cylin-
der. By the elasticity of this spring the rubber ac-
commodates itself to the inequalities of the cylinder. The
foot of the glass pillar supporting the rubber is inserted
in a groove formed in the base or table of the machine,
in which groove the pillar carrying the rubber with it
may, within certain small limits, be varied in its dis-
tance from the cylinder. It is fixed in any desired po-
sition by the adjusting screw I. A screw having a
large spherical head, K (fig. 44. and fig. 45.), passes
Fig. 45.
through the wooden back of the rubber. By means of
this screw the tension of the spring behind the rubber
is adjusted. This screw and its metallic knob, being
conductors, form a free communication with the elec-
tricity evolved upon the rubber ; and by suspending a
metallic chain, K L, from the knob K, a communica-
tion may be made at pleasure between the rubber and
E E 4
the ground, or with any other conductor. When the
chain K L is removed, the rubber is insulated by the
glass pillar on which it stands, and whatever electricity
may be evolved upon it will be retained there.
Attached to the superior edge of the cushion is a flap
of silk, usually varnished, which extends over the
cylinder, and terminates within about an inch of the
place where the prime conductor is presented to it.
(205.) Although by the friction of a leather or silk
cushion against the glass electricity would be evolved,
its production would not be so rapid or abundant as
other expedients, the effects of which depend on prin-
ciples which will be explained hereafter, render it. It
is found that the evolution of the electric fluid is stimu-
lated by smearing the face of the cushion by certain
amalgams of metals, which in this case, therefore, be-
come the real rubber. An amalgam consisting of
mercury and tin, in the proportion of two parts of the
former to one of the latter, with the addition of a little
chalk, wa.s used by Canton. Singer proposed a com-
pound of two parts by weight of zinc and one of tin,
with which, in a fluid state, six parts by weight of
mercury are mixed. The whole is then shaken in an
iron or thick wooden box until it cools. It is then
reduced to fine powder in a mortar, and mixed with
lard in sufficient quantity to reduce it to the consistency
of paste. This preparation should be spread cleanly
over the surface of the cushion up to the line formed
by the junction of the silk flap with the cushion ; but
care should be taken that the amalgam should not be
extended to the flap. It is necessary, occasionally, to
wipe the cushion, flap, and cylinder, to cleanse them
from the dust which the electricity evolved upon the
cylinder always attracts in a greater or lesser quantity.
It is found that, from this cause, a very rapid accumu-
lation of dirt takes place on the cylinder^ which appears
in black spots and lines upon its surface. As this
obstructs the action of the machine, it should be con-
stantly removed, which may be done by applying to the
cylinder as it revolves a rag wetted with spirits of wine.
The production of electricity is greatly promoted by
applying with the hand to the cylinder a piece of soft
leather, five or six inches square, covered with amalgam.
This is, in fact, equivalent to giving a temporary en-
largement to the cushion.
The purpose of the flap of silk coated with a varnish
of gum is to protect the electricity evolved by the
rubber on the glass from the contact of the air, by
which it would be more or less dissipated. The gum
varnish of the silk possessing in a very high degree the
nonconducting quality, the electricity does not pass
from the glass to it ; and the flap covering the surface
of the cylinder nearly to the points where it is in com-
munication with the prime conductor, the electricity is
protected until it passes to the latter.
The quality of glass best adapted for the cylinders
has not been certainly ascertained ; it is evident that it
should be rendered as little hygrometrical as possible ;
which condition will be attained by rendering its com-
position as free from alkaline matter as is practicable.
The use of minium in a greater quantity than is neces-
sary should also be avoided, since it injures the insu-
lating power of the glass. Cylinders are generally
made of flint glass, and as thin as is consistent with
the necessary strength. They should be free from
knots and veins, and should be as true in their cylin-
drical form as practicable, that the pressure of the
cushion may be uniform.
The practice of coating the inner surface of the cy-
linder with a resinous cement or varnish is now gene-
rally discontinued. It may, however, contribute to the
improved action of a bad cylinder. The process con-
sists in melting together four parts of Venice turpentine,
one part of resin, and one of bees' wax, and boiling the
whole together for about two hours in an earthen pip-
kin on a slow fire. The cylinder is to be carefully
heated, and a portion of the liquid cement poured in.
Then, by causing the cylinder to revolve while the ce-
ment is fluid, the latter will gradually harden, and form
a permanent coating on the inner surface.
(206.) The prime conductor, M N, is a cylinder
made of thin brass, the extremities being segments of a
sphere of greater radius than the cylinder, and greater
than hemispheres. This cylinder is supported on a
strong glass pillar, O P, resting on a wooden stand of
sufficient magnitude to give stability to the conductor.
To the end of the conductor which is presented to
the cylinder is attached a row of points, the bar from
which these points project terminating in two varnished
Fig. 46. wooden balls. This appendage to the con-
ductor is represented separately in fig. 46.
A hole is made in the end of the conductor,
in which the rod Q may be inserted, so that
the points may be attached to it or removed
at pleasure. When the conductor is properly
placed, these points should stand within
about half an inch of the surface of the cy-
* linder.
(207.) The bearings on which the cylinder rests at
each end are fastened into brass caps, which close two
large orifices, one at each end of the cylinder. By
means of these openings, the inner surface of the glass
is made perfectly clean and dry before the cylinder is
mounted ; and a sufficient bed of some resinous cement
is melted into each cap on the inside, so that no com-
munications can take place between the external air
and the air within the cylinder.
Since the electric fluid is evolved only on that part
of the cylinder to which the rubber is applied, the glass
beyond the ends of the rubber is covered with a varnish
of gum lac, to prevent more effectually the electricity
under the flap from passing along the cylinder and
escaping by the metallic caps at its extremities.
As the object of the row of points is to act on, or be
acted on, by the electricity on the cylinder, in a manner
which will be presently explained, their extent, should
be equal to, and should not exceed, that of the cushion
and the flap.
(208.) The efficiency of electrical machines must
mainly depend on each of their several points discharging
the functions assigned to them with the highest practica-
ble degree of perfection; and among these functions, none
is more important than perfect insulation. Now glass,
which for many reasons sufficiently obvious is the most
convenient substance which can be used as an insulator,
offers a peculiar facility to the condensation of moisture
upon its surface, and the moment such a film of water
is formed upon it, its insulating virtue ceases. To
remove or diminish the liability to this injurious effect,
it is usual to cover the insulating pillar, and a portion
of the cylinder, with a coating of some resinous varnish,
which, while its nonconducting power is even greater
than that of glass, offers less attraction to the moisture
suspended in the air. A varnish for this purpose may
be made by dissolving common sealing-wax in alcohol ;
but it is better, if possible, to apply the wax directly,
by heating the surface which is to be coated by it. /
varnish of gum lac is still better, that substance being
a more perfect insulator than sealing-wax, and equall)
repellant of moisture.
(209.) With all the precautions which can be used,
and with the very best experimental apparatus, electri-
cal experiments will be very sensibly affected by the
hygrometrical state of the air. They should be always
performed in a warm and dry room, and eiery part of
the apparatus intended to be used should be kept for
some hours at a moderate distance before a fire, in order
that all moisture deposited on them may be dissipated.
This precaution must be understood as applying not
only to electrical machines of every form, but also to
all electrical apparatus whatever in which the property
of insulation is required.
(210.) In fixing the insulating pillars or handles
into their sockets, a cement is required which admits of
being easily softened by heat. One of the best for this
purpose is composed of five pounds of resin melted
with one pound of bees' wax, one pound of red ochre,
and two table-spoonfuls of plaster of Paris. The two
last substances should be well dried, and gradually
mixed with the wax and resin while in a state of
(211.) The only essential condition to be fulfilled
by the material of the prime conductor is, that its ex-
ternal surface should be metallic ; and the only essential
condition to be fulfilled by its form is, that it should
be such as not to permit the spontaneous dispersion of
electricity. It has been shown that the free electricity
of a conductor may be practically considered as super-
ficial ; for although, strictly speaking, it penetrates to a
depth generally variable below its surface, yet that depth
being incomparably more minute than the thinnest me-
tallic foil with which any body can be coated, a con-
ductor of a given form and magnitude of solid metal
cannot contain more free electricity than one of the
same superficial extent and form, however thin it may
be. A globe of solid gold cannot contain more free
electricity than a globe of equal magnitude formed of
gilt paper.
For the sake, therefore, of lightness, metallic con-
ductors are usually hollow. If they be cylindrical,
which they generally are, their extremities are formed
of segments of a sphere, not less than a hemisphere, to
avoid corners or edges, which would facilitate the spon-
taneous dispersion of electricity. They are generally
formed of thin copper or brass, which have the advan-
tage of cheapness, are little liable to injury, and have
surfaces easily polished.
Conductors formed of wood or pasteboard, coated
with tin foil, or gold leaf, are sometimes convenient,
and, if kept clean and in good order, answer very well.
Whatever be the matter or form of the prime conductor,
small round holes should be made in it at convenient
places having a diameter of about the eighth of an inch
into which the stems of electroscopes and other appa-
ratus may be occasionally inserted.
(212.) To explain the operation of the electrical
machine above described, let us suppose the handle R,
fig. 44., turned, so as to make the wheel D revolve in the
direction of the arrows. The wheel C and the cylinder
will therefore turn in the opposite direction, so that the
glass, after moving in contact with the cushion, and
having positive electricity developed upon it, passes
under the flap, and afterwards comes opposite the points
projecting from the conductor. Negative electricity is
at the same time developed in the cushion, and passes
by the metallic screw and knob K and the chain K L
to the ground. The positive electricity accumulated on
the surface of the cylinder acts by induction on the
natural electricities of the conductor NM ; and according
to what was explained in Chapter VI. the positive
electricity of the conductor is driven towards the ex-
tremity N, while the negative electricity is attracted
and accumulated round the extremity M. In this state
of things let us suppose for a moment the conductor not
to be armed with the system of points already described,
but to be terminated by a spherical surface. The at-
traction of the positive electricity of the glass would,
according to the principles already explained, accumulate
negative electricity on the spherical surface at M, and this
negative electricity would re-act on the positive electricity
of the glass, and would have a tendency to collect it in
increased quantity at the part nearest the conductor ;
but this tendency would be resisted by the noncon-
ducting quality of the glass, on which the stratum of
free electricity would maintain a depth, little, if at all,
augmented. Under such circumstances no electricity
could pass either from the cylinder to the conductor, or
from the conductor to the cylinder, unless the depth of
the electric fluid on the one or the other surface were
so great as to overcome by its force the pressure of the
surrounding air. Now it is clear that the nonconducting
property of the glass conspires with its cylindrical form
to prevent this on the one hand, while the facility to
accumulation offered by the conducting power of the
spherical surface M is counteracted by the property of
that surface in virtue of which it favours the uniform
distribution of electricity on the other. That the con-
ductor may become charged with free electricity, either
of two effects must be produced. The depth of elec-
tricity on the cylinder must be so increased as to over-
come the restraining power of the air, so that it may
force its way to the spherical surface M, and thus the
conductor may become charged with the positive elec-
tricity which passes to it from the cylinder ; or the
depth of the negative fluid on the surface M must be
so increased as to surpass the restraining power of the
air, so that a portion of the negative fluid shall pass
from the conductor to the cylinder. In this latter case
the quantity of positive fluid remaining on the con-
ductor would exceed the quantity of negative fluid, and
if the conductor were removed from the cylinder it
would be found, charged with positive electricity. The
negative fluid, which would in this case pass from the
extremity M of the conductor to the cylinder, would
there combine with an equal portion of the positive fluid
diffused upon the cylinder, and would, to a proportionate
extent, restore the cylinder to its natural state. If the
quantity of negative fluid thus supplied by the conductor
to the cylinder were exactly equal to the quantity of
negative fluid which escaped through the rubber and the
chain K L to the earth, then it would necessarily be equal
to the quantity of positive fluid developed on the cylin-
der, and the cylinder would be obviously restored to its
natural state. The electricities which would thus be
combined as the cylinder passes before the conductor
would be again decomposed as it passes under the rubber,
and the negative fluid which was just received from the
conductor would be dismissed through the rubber and
the chain KL to the earth.
Now it is evident that, consistently with the principles
of this theory, either of these two methods of charging
the conductor with positive electricity may be adopted.
Either a positive charge of electricity may be supplied
from the cylinder to the conductor, or a quantity of
negative electricity may be drawn from the conductor
to the cylinder, and dismissed through the rubber to the
earth, leaving an equal portion of free and uncombined
positive electricity on the conductor.
But there are practical circumstances which decide
the choice between these two methods. To produce
such an increased depth of fluid as would overcome
the resistance of the air, the adoption of an angular or
pointed form would be necessary, and this would be
incompatible with the continued action of the cylinder ;
but, independently of this, supposing that points could
be attached to the cylinder to facilitate the escape of
electricity from it, the nonconducting power of the
cylinder would obstruct the flow of the electric fluid
towards these points, and would therefore render the
expedient inefficacious.
Neither of these difficulties, however, attends the
adoption of" the other method. The conductor, being
stationary, may have a system of points or any other
appendages easily attached to it ; and when the points
are thus attached to it, the perfect freedom of motion
of the electric fluid upon it enables it to collect at the
points with the depth which the general condition of
electrical equilibrium requires ; and as the depth greatly
exceeds what would give a force equal to that of the
atmosphere, a rapid escape of electricity will take place.
After these explanations, there can be little difficulty
in perceiving the process which is effected by the opera-
tion of this electrical machine. By the friction of the
amalgam on the cushion with the glass, the natural
electricities of one or both of these substances are de-
composed. The negative electricity escapes by the chain
to the earth; and the positive electricity remaining upon
the glass, over a width of the cylinder determined by
the length of the cushion, is carried by the motion of
the cylinder under the flap towards the end of the
conductor. Coming opposite the conductor, its attrac-
tion draws the negative portion of the natural electricity
of the conductor towards M, and drives the positive
portion towards N. The negative portion accumulates
in great depth at the row of points which are close to
that part of the cylinder electrified positively. This
great accumulation at the points is favoured partly by the
property of points formerly explained (11 .5.), and partly
by the proximity of the point to the attracting fluid. The
negative fluid, therefore, issues in copious jets from the
several points, and, diffusing itself on the cylinder, com-
bines with and neutralises the positive fluid ; and ac-
cordingly the lower part of the cylinder between the
point and the rubber is always in its natural state.
(213.) It is apparent, therefore, that the effect pro-
duced by the operation of this machine is a continued
decomposition of the natural electricities of the prime
conductor, and an abstraction of the negative fluid.
This process would continue until the quantity of
positive fluid disengaged upon the conductor would be-
come so great that the repulsive force of the positive fluid
on the cylinder would be insufficient to expel it from
the extremity of the conductor next the cylinder, where
its presence would be incompatible with the accumu-
lation of the negative fluid, and, consequently, all trans-
mission of negative electricity from the conductor to
the cylinder would cease, and no further accumula-
tion of positive electricity on the conductor would take
Nairnes Cylindrical Machine.
(214.) The electrical machine represented in^. 47-
was constructed by Mr. Nairne with a view to the de-
velopment of either positive or negative electricity.
The chief parts of this machine are so similar to those
of the last, that it will not be necessary to give any de-
tailed description of them. The corresponding parts
are marked in the two figures by the same letters. The
conductor M is in this case placed with its length parallel
Fig. 47.
to the cylinder ; and the points project from its side,
and not from its end as in the former case. The nega-
tive conductor M' supports the rubber, and receives from
it the negative electricity ; not by induction, as is the
case with the positive conductor, but by communication.
If it be required to accumulate positive electricity, a
chain must be carried from the negative conductor to
the ground, otherwise an inconsiderable quantity only of
positive electricity could be collected on the conductor
M. If, on the other hand, negative electricity be re-
quired, then the conductor M must be put in commu-
nication with the ground, and the conductor M' insu-
lated. By this arrangement the repulsion of the positive
electricity on the cylinder will constantly drive a portion
of the positive element of the natural electricities of the
conductor M to the earth, and its attraction will act
with undiminished effect on the negative element col
lected about the points. The accumulation of negative
electricity on the conductor M' will continue until its
repulsive power becomes so great as to stop the further
decomposition of electricity by the cushion.
The Common Plate Machine.
(215.) This machine is represented in fig. 48., and
consists of a circular disc
or plate of glass, A B,
fixed in a vertical posi-
tion on a horizontal axis,
C, supported in a wooden
framing. It is capable
of being made to revolve
in its own plane by a
handle or winch, D, at-
tached to the end of its
axis. At the lowest part,
E, the plate is embraced
between two cushions, to
which a regulated pressure is given, and a casing of silk
covers both faces of the plate from the cushion to a point,
F, within about an inch of the horizontal diameter.
The cushions and cover together, therefore, extend over
something less than a quadrant, and the breadth of the
silk cover is equal to the length of the cushion.
The plate is ^embraced in a similar manner at its
highest point by two similar cushions, E', and covered by
a similar casing of silk extending to F x , a point a little
above the opposite end of the horizontal diameter. The
handle being turned in the direction of the arrow,
vitreous electricity will be developed upon the glass by
the friction of each of the cushions. The conductor is
composed of a long narrow cylinder, bent at angles so as
to bring it into the proper position with respect to the
plate, and formed at its angles into spheres to avoid edges
or corners. It is represented at N M, which is in the
direction of the axis of the plate. A branch, M O, is
thence carried parallel to the plate, which, being bent at
right angles, is terminated in a sphere at P, close to the
plate. A short branch, P Q, is thence carried parallel to
the plate contiguous to the edge of the silk flap. A simi-
lar bent branch of the conductor extends on the other
side, terminating just above the edge of the lower flap.
The principle of this machine is so similar to that of
the common cylindrical machine, that it is needless here
to offer any further explanation of it. With the same
weight and bulk,, the extent of rubbing surface is much
greater than in the cylindrical machine, and the evo-
lution of electricity is proportionably more rapid. In
the construction and adaptation of the rubbers, and in
the general adaptation and management of the parts of
the machine, the same precautions are to be taken and
provisions made as in the cylindrical machine. The
principal objection to this, as compared to the cylin-
drical machine, is the difficulty of insulating the rubbers
so as to. obtain the negative electricity when required.
This end is sometimes attained by insulating the entire
apparatus, which is done by mounting it on glass legs.
The object is, however, much more elegantly and ef-
fectually attained in the machine which we shall now
The Haerlem Plate Machine.
(216.) By far the most splendid and powerful elec-
trical machine which has been constructed is that which
was made under the superintendence of Doctor Van
Marum for the Teylerian Museum of Haerlem. As
it may be considered one of the most perfect models for
such a piece of apparatus, we shall here give a detailed
account of it.
A view of this machine is given in fig. 4>9 The
cushions are each insulated on a pillar of glass, and are
applied at opposite ends of the horizontal diameter of
the plate. Silk covers are attached to them, as already
described in the common plate machine. A metallic
sphere, B, supported on a glass pillar, is the prime
conductor; and to it is attached a rod of metal bent
into a semicircular form, the diameter of the semicircle
Pis. 49.
corresponding to that of the plate, and the plane of the
semicircle being perpendicular to the plate. At the ex-
tremities of this semicir-
cular piece are two small
cylinders, C and C', pre-
sented with their sides to
the plate, and having
their sides armed with
points presented to the
surface of the glass. The
effect produced by these
metallic points upon the
positive electricity dif-
fused upon the glass as
it leaves the flap is ex-
actly the same as in the
case of the common cy-
lindrical machine.
(217.) Since it is necessary that the cushions should
each communicate with the ground when the conductor
B is to be charged with positive electricity, there is
another semicircular branch, similar to C B C', attached
to the axis of the plate at D, but placed in a horizontal
position, so that its extremities shall be in contact with
the cushions respectively; and as this semicircular piece
is in metallic communication with the ground, the ne-
gative electricity developed on the cushions escapes by
it to the earth.
If it be required to charge the conductor B with ne-
gative electricity, the semicircular piece C B C' is moved
from the vertical to the horizontal position, so that the
cylinders C and C' shall have their points presented to
the cushions instead of the glass. A provision for this
movement is made in the apparatus. The position of
the other semicircular piece on the opposite side of the
glass is in this case likewise changed, its extremities
being presented to the glass at the top and bottom of
the plate near the points where it moves from under the
flapa charged with positive electricity.
Whether the prime conductor be charged with po-
sitive or negative electricity, the effect is produced by a
decomposition of its natural electricities, and the ab-
straction of the electricity contrary to that with which
it is charged. This process has been so fully explained
in the case of the common cylindrical machine, that it
need not be repeated here.
(218.) Having explained the principal varieties of
electrical machines, we shall now briefly notice some
appendages to them which are necessary or useful in
almost all experiments in which these machines are
Appendages to Electrical Machines.
(219.) When it is required to preserve the elec-
tricity on a conductor, and to prevent its escape to the
earth, it is usual to place it on a stool (fig. 50.) having
glass legs coated with a var-
^' nish of gum lac. The top
is usually made of a piece of
mahogany or other strong
and hard wood, which
should be baked and sub-
sequently varnished. The
legs should be six or eight inches in length, and formed
of solid cylinders of glass, from an inch to an inch and
a half in diameter. They should be fixed into holes in
the under side of the stool by proper cement.
As it is frequently necessary to examine the effects
of points and spheres, pieces such as are represented in
figs. 51, 52, should be provided, to be occasionally in-
serted in holes in the prime conductor ; also metallic
balls attached to rods having glass handles (figs. 53,54.),
for cases in which it is desired to apply to an electrified
body a conductor, without allowing the electricity to
pass to the body of the person conducting the expe-
Figs. 51. 52.
Pieces of br,ass chain to make occasional commu-
nications between one conductor and another ; boxes of
small balls about the size of medical pills made of the
pith of rush or elder, silken threads, fine silver wires,
fine linen threads steeped in salt and water, for the sus-
pension of the balls, should be also provided.
(220.) It is frequently necessary to establish a tem-
porary metallic communication between two conductors,
so that the electricity with which one is charged may
be shared by the other without passing through the
body of the experimenter. This might be done by at-
taching a chain of sufficient length to one of the two
conductors, and supporting the end of it by a glass rod
held in the hand of the operator. It might thus be
brought into contact with the other conductor. Under
such circumstances, the electricity would pass between
the two conductors through the chain. But as this
process is one so constantly necessary, instruments
called dischargers are constructed expressly for the
The jointed discharger is represented in fig. 55.,
where A B represents a glass handle, B D and B C
brass wires terminated by metallic balls moving on a
pivot or joint at B, by which they may be opened or
closed at pleasure, so that the distance between D and C
Fig. 55.
can be varied as may be required. Previously to the
experiment, the opening of the legs is adjusted ac-
cording to the distance between the bodies between
which a metallic communication is to be made.
It is sometimes more convenient to be enabled to
adjust the distance of the balls D and C in the per-
formance of the experiment: for this purpose handles
of glass are attached to the legs of the discharger, as
represented in^. 56.
Fig. 56.
Printed by SPOTTISWOODE & Co.
.New-street Square.
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