THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID Kofoid JVJ3690Q3 OUTLINES BOTANY, TAKES' CHIEFLY FROM SMITH'S INTRODUCTION ; COSTATXING AX EXPLANATION OF BOTANICAL TEII' AXD AN ILLUSTRATION OF THE SYSTEM OFL? ! ALSO SOME ACCOUNT OF NATURAL ORDERS, A3TD THE ANATOMY AND PHYblOLO^* i,F. VEGETABLES. Illustrated by Engravings. For the use of Schools and Stud-en BY DR, JOHN LOCKE, T.BCTUHEU O?f BOTANV BOSTON : CUMMINGS A,N) For the Aathdr. 1819. DISTRICT $ Office. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the twenty ninth day of July, A, D. 1 and in the forty fourth year of the Independence of the United States of Amei John Locke of the said District has deposited in this office the title of a Book, right whereof h claims as author, in the words following, viz. Outlines of Botany, tak^a chiefly from Smith's Introduction ; containing an planation of Botanical Terms, and an Illustration of the System ol Linnaeus. - anaon o oanca erms, an an usrao ome Account of Natural Orders, and the Anatomy and Physiology of Vee-eta llustrated by Engravings. Fr t se of Schools and tudents. B Dr Locke, Lecturer on Botany. Ill , For the use of Schools and Students. By Dr. Ac Books, to the Authors and Propri mentioned ;" and also to an Act, entitled, " An act supplementary to an Act Titled, an Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of IV Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies, during times therein mentioned ; ami extending the benefits thereof to the Arts of ..-iti and other Prints." JXO. W. DAVIS, TO JACOB BIG BLOW, M. D. Kumford Professor and Lecturer on Materia Medica and Botany in Harvard . University. ( SlJR^ As this little treatise is chiefly taken from a \Vork which has been made particularly valuable to our local situation by your additions, and as the public, especially in this vicinity, are much indebted to your . t |ectures and publications, for a knowledge of the science of Botany, and an acquaintance with our native productions, there is a peculiar propriety in my oflferirig lKyour notice. mlP*^ As you are acquainted with the value of the science, as a branch of early education, I inn confident that every effort to put into the hands of the young a facility in its acquisition, will meet your approbation. ^ "Permit me then to place the following pages unde"r ycfur protection, and offer you this inscription as a of personal gratitude and esteem for the ir and benefits of your friendship, which were f bestowed on me white your pupil, and have een continued. Touv much obliged friend and humble servant, JOHN LOCKE, uly 24, 1819. PREFACE. BOTANICAL works are of two kinds, elementary and practical. The design of an elementary treatise on botany, is to enable the student by the help of a prac- tical work, to find out the name and history of an un- known plant in the most expeditious and certain man- ner. This it does by making him acquainted, in the first place, with the marks or characters by which plants are distinguished from each other, such as the forms of the leaves, the number of parts in the flower, &c. and with the terms applied to those characters ; and in the second place, with a system, by which these characters are used to the best advantage, and a multitude of descriptions so methodized, that the description of an individual can be determined with expedition and certainty. Practical works contain no explanations of terms ov system, but presuming the student to be already ac- quainted with these, proceed immediately to make use of them in the descriptions of plants. Elementary works are to practical ones what a spelling book, dictionary, and grammar are to works of history, poetry, &c. Notwithstanding this distinc- VI PREFACE. tion of botanical books is so obvious as seems scarcely to need noticing here, yet I have seen those who were by no means deficient in literature, go to an elementary treatise such as Smith's, and search it in vain for the description of some unknown plant they had met with. The object of the present treatise has not been to bring forward any thing new in elementary botany, or to alter what has been before established ; but merely to collect and arrange the most important " outlines' 9 of the subject in a concise form, and illustrate them by examples of native plants, affording a volume of a moderate price for the uqe of schools and students. For several years I have occasionally given instruc- tions in various places, to classes of young people $ in several instances to boarding schools of young ladies and misses, who have generally acquired the elements with great facility. In giving these instructions I uni- formly felt the want of such a work as this is intend- ed to be. Other instructors informed me that they experienced the same* These were the circumstances which induced me to prepare the following pages. Lately I have delivered lectures on botany in Dart- mouth College and to a private class in the Medical Institution of Yale College* The students in both in- stances were anxious to obtain a concise work contain- ing the most essential elements, as they had scarcely PREFACE* VU time to attend to more. I have therefore endeavoured to make this treatise acceptable not only to schools, but to students generally. As schools are inclined to attend to the classes and orders of Linn sens without much regard to their prac- tical use, I have been particular to give some account of genera and species, and the application of the ele- ments in practice in finding out an unknown plant.'* The classes and orders of Linnseus were construct- ed for no other purpose than to afford a means of ar- riving at a knowledge of genera and species, and a knowledge of them seems not to be of much conse- quence unless applied to this purpose. I have added some observations on natural orders, and put down in a concise way the natural orders of Linn sens, and also some account of the anatomy and physiology of vegetables. The English terms have been placed first and the Latin included in a parenthesis, after the manner &f Thornton's Grammar. The plants mentioned as ex- amples of the various elementary principles, are gen- erally natives or exotics, which are commonly cultivat- ed. In most cases the common English appellation of the plant is put down first and this followed by the pro- per technical or Latin name in italics, separated by a comma. U PREFACE. tion of botanical books is so obvious as seems scarcely to need noticing here, yet I have seen those who were by no means deficient in literature, go to an elementary treatise such as Smith's, and search it in vain for the description of some unknown plant they had met with. The object of the present treatise has not been to bring forward any thing new in elementary botany, or to alter what has been before established $ but merely to collect and arrange the most important " outlines' 9 of the subject in a concise form, and illustrate them by examples of native plants, affording a volume of a moderate price for the uqe of schools and students. For several years I have occasionally given instruc- tions in various places, to classes of young people $ in several instances to boarding schools of young ladies and misses, who have generally acquired the elements with great facility. In giving these instructions I uni- formly felt the want of such a work as this is intend- ed to be. Other instructers informed me that they experienced the same* These were the circumstances which induced me to prepare the following pages. Lately I have delivered lectures on botany in Dart- mouth College and to a private class in the Medical Institution of Yale College. The students in both in- stances were anxious to obtain a concise work contain- ing the most essential elements, as they had scarcely PREFACE* Vil time to attend to more. I have therefore endeavoured to make this treatise acceptable not only to schools, but to students generally. As schools are inclined to attend to the classes and orders of Linnaeus without much regard to their prac- tical use, I have been particular to give some account of genera and species, and the application of the ele- ments in practice in " finding out an unknown plant. 5 * The classes and orders of Linnseus were construct- ed for no other purpose than to afford a means of ar- riving at a knowledge of genera and species, and a knowledge of them seems not to be of much conse- quence unless applied to this purpose. I have added some observations on natural orders, and put down in a concise way the natural orders of Linnseus, and also some account of the anatomy and physiology of vegetables. The English terms have been placed first and the Latin included in a parenthesis, after the manner of Thornton's Grammar. The plants mentioned as ex- amples of the various elementary principles, are gen- erally natives or exotics, which are commonly cultivat- ed. In most cases the common English appellation of the plant is put down first and this followed by the pro- per technical or Latin name in italics, separated by a comma. Till PREFACE. The student very properly inquires what books are most suitable for his purposes. In addition to this or some other elementary work, it is necessary he should have some practical ones, such as Dr. Bigelow's "Plants of Boston," which is particularly recommended in this vicinity ; although it describes a part only of the na- tive plants, yet Dr. B's descriptions and observations, added to the generic and specific characters, render it very satisfactory and easy even to those who are but slightly acquainted with the language of botany : or, Mr. Eaton's Manual of Br>tany/ 5 2d ed. containing descriptions of the indigenous plants to the north of Virginia, which are well defined and established ; and of the cultivated exotics. 55 Mr. NuttalPs Genera of North American plants, 55 is highly recommended. * Richard's Botanical Dictionary, New-Haven trans- lation, is very useful for students. The student can do very little towards getting any practical knowledge of botany with less books than this or some other elementary work, and either Dr Bige- Iow 5 s Plants of Boston/ 5 or Mr. Eaton 5 s Manual of Botany, 55 as a practical work. The student should, if possible, examine plants from the very commencement of studying the elements, es- 3PKEFACE. IX pecially those which are mentioned as examples, when he can obtain them. From what little experience I have had in instruct- ing, I cannot recommend to teachers to oblige their pupils to commit any of the following pages formally to memory \ in doing which they are by no means certain to get the ideas. But let them read the whole carefully and obtain a general idea of the various parts of a plant, as the roots, trunks, leaves, and especially of the seven parts of the flower and fruit, without mak- ing any particular effort to fix in the mind and retain all the more particular terms, which is a thing hardly practicable. Let them get some knowledge also of the classes and orders and the characters by which they are distinguished ; and then proceed immediately to exa- mine plants by practical works, agreeably to the meth- od pointed out, p. 86. At the same time genera, species and varieties should be attended to. They should have their elementary work by them, and refer immediately by the index to the explanation of any term in the practical work which they do not understand. If the student is anxious to arrive at a knowledge of the classes and orders as immediately as possible, he may commence with Part ILL the fructification, flower and fruit, p. 45. When he has studied this he will be prepared to understand the classes, orders, and X PREFACK. genera. After acquiring an idea of these, he may proceed to study parts I. & IL the roots and herbage, on which principally are founded the characters of the species. We will just mention some of the recommendations of the science and study of botany. 1. The science of botany is valuable, as medicine, agriculture, and the arts are more or less dependant upon it. 2. The study recommends itself as a " rich source of innocent pleasure." It is pure and elegant, and be- comes more and more interesting as it is pursued. It adds a new sense and opens a new source of enjoyment. It is not among the least of its recommendations to the young, that it takes the place of other amusements, which are liable to be useless, pernicious, or even ruin- ous, serving in this way as a preventive to intemper- ance and dissipation. 3. The study is profitable to the young especially, as it forms the mind and regulates the modes of thinking. Many gentlemen whose learning and experience have qualified them to judge in subjects of this nature, have expressed an opinion that children are generally too much confined to the study of abstract subjects $ subjects entirely mental, which they casi with difficulty, if at all, comprehend, and that their minds would be better form- FRlil'ACE. Xi ^(1 and their rational powers sooner developed by more attention to sensible objects. Dr. Hosack of New- York, in a letter to Mr. Eaton, published in the Manual of Botany/ 5 makes the following observation on this sub- ject "In early life, before our external senses are com- pletely evolved ; when we are, in truth, endeavouring to bring them into exercise and usej it has always appear ed to me a very absurd practice in our schools, to occu- py children with studies of an abstract nature, and which require faculties to comprehend them, that are not yet unfolded." The power of methodizing and analyzing a subject so important in ail mental operations, is no doubt bet- ter acquired by studying natural history, than by any other means. The vegetable kingdom, as arranged by Linnaeus, is a very perfect model of method. The divisions and subdivisions in the system arc founded on marks so simple and obvious, that a child will acquire an exact and practical knowledge of it. When he has thus acquired a knowledge of system and a power of analysis by attending to sensible ob- jects, he is enabled to carry it into abstract operations, in which sensible objects arc not concerned. In the analysis of the vegetable kingdom according to the Lin- nxan system, we pass from generals to particulars, thus : it is first into classes 9 classes are divided into orders, orders into Xll PREFACE. genera, and genera into species. This is the course commonly adopted in instructing. In the synthesis we ascend from particulars to erenerals, thus : species unite themselves into genera, genera are united into or- ders, and orders into classes. This is the order in which discove- ries have proceeded. By this analysis and synthesis, it will be seen, that " systematic botany is practical logic." The advantages of method are mentioned under the word sys tern, page 3. The power of method enables one, by dividing and. subdividing a complex subject, finally to simplify each portion, so as to bring it perfectly within the power of his comprehension. The power of method is in mental operations, what the lever, screw, See. are in mechanical ones : by dividing and diminishing the resistance of a given subject to any degree, it brings it finally to be overcome by a given force, however small. 4. The study of nature is acknowledged to be high- ly important, as it gives us just views of the char- acter of the Supreme Being, and thus tends to make us wiser and better. It is the study of the " elder scripture written by God's own hand." The evidences of himself which the Creator has im- pressed on all his works, are so conspicuous in every class of natural objects with which we are conversant, and particularly in those which delight us most, in the objects of every flowery walk, that he who has had his attention once directed to them, must continually ob- serve them, and will acquire a habit of deriving pleas- ure from their contemplation. The study of botany is every year becoming more and more attended to by academies and common PREFACE. Xlll mt.g-fi.- fiffi ^^ schools, and from its recommendations as a study for the young, every encouragement should be afforded. The increasing attention to the study of natural his- tory is reckoned among the late improvements in education in this country. Professor Silliman makes the following observation on this point in his American Journal of Science. " An extensive cultivation of the physical sciences is peculiar to an advanced state of so- ciety, and evinces in a country where they flourish, a highly improved state of the arts, and a great degree of intelligence in the community. To this state of things we are now fast approximating. The ardent curiosity regarding these subjects, already enkindled in the public mind, the very respectable attainments in science which we have already made, and our rapidly augmenting means of information in books, instruments, collections, and teachers, afford ground for the happiest anticipations." Boston, July 23, 1819. 6 CONTENTS; Page. Introductory deflations, Part I. Hoot, - 6 Part II. Herbage, - - 10 Chapter I. Trunks, - 10 II. Buds, 9.0 III. Leaves, - 22- IV. Appendages, - 38 V. Inflorescence, - 40 Part III. Fructification, 45 Part IV. System of Linnaeus, &c. - 64 Chapter I. Classes arid Orders, 65 II. Genera and Species, - 79 III. Natural Orders, - 89 Part V. Anatomy and Physiology, - - 99 Chapter I. Germination, 100 II. Anatomy of Vegetables, - 102 III. Physiology of Vegetable, - 107 instruments, - - 123 Herbarium, - - 124 OUTLINES OF BOTANY. INTRODUCTORY DEFINITIONS. I. Natural History. .NATURAL HISTORY is that science which treats of the productions of nature constituting the globe we inhabit, as they come from tiie hands. of the Creator. It is generally divided into three branches. 1. Zoology, which includes all animals. 2. Botany, which treats of plants. 3. Mineralogy 9 which includes the unorganized mass of our globe ; as earths, rocks, ores, &c. Observation. 1. These are called the three kingdoms of nature. 2 A fourth branch has been added: Aerology t which includes the atmosphere and whatever floats in it 3. Animals are nourished by vegetables, and vegetables by minerals ; thus do plants, by tuking up unorganized matter from the mineral kingdom and converting it into nutriment for the animal kingdom, form an indispensable link between them. BOTANY is a word derived from the Greek Botane grass. It is applied to that branch "of natural science which teaches us the relations, properties, and general economy of the vegetable kingdom, and at tiie same time by presenting the innumerable individuals of which this kingdom consists in a form of arrangement that brings them easily within the reach of our compre- hension, enables us in practice both to designate them by their proper names, and to avail ourselves of what is known concerning their medicinal or economical uses. Encijc. 1 8 INTRODUCTION. Distinctions of Vegetables from height) places of growth, $c.* I. From height and consistence. 1. A tree, (arbor) a woody plant, generally rising- to a great height and of long life, producing buds in cold climates. Exam- ple, Oak, Pine 2. A shrub, (Jrutex} a tree of small size whose young branches generally produce buds. Ex. Lilac, Syringa. 3 Under Shrub, (sufrutex) a woody plant which is usually smaller than a shrub, and frequently produces no buds* Ex. Par- tr id ge- berry, Gaultheria. 4 Herb, (Jierb({) of a tender substance which dies down in winter whether its roots be annual or perennial. Ex. Tulip, Observation. The difference between a tree and a shrub is dif- ficult to define, although obvious enough to the sight in many in- stances ; the trunk of a tree is usually single, of a shrub, more frequentfy numerous even from the base. II. Distinctions from the country in which they grow* 1. Exotics, (ezoticci) plants introduced from foreign countries. 2. Indigenous, (indigen*) natives of the country in which they grow. III. Places where they naturally grow. In trodden places, (ruderales.) In fields, (arvenses.) Ex. Ve- ronica arvensis. In gardens, (cufla.) In or Lear water, (aquatfaai) aquatics. In marshes, (pahtdosa ) Ex. Scirpi. On the borders of rivers, (littorales) Ex. Rushes. On the sea-shore, (maritime ) marine. In meadows, (pratenses.) On sands, {arenosa.) On plains, (campestres.) In hedges, {dumosa: or &epiariwers another, provided it flowers but once, whether that event takes place the second year as usual, or \\hether, from unfavourable circumstances, it may happen to be deferred to any future time. 3. PERENNIAL, (perennis*) such as live and blossom through many succeeding seasons to an indefinite peri- od. Ex. Trees and many herbaceous plants. Observation. 1. The herbage is often annual while the root is perennial : such plants are notwithstanding termed perennial. 2. The duration of plants is marked by the following 1 signs. O Annual, Biennial, Jj S'.rubby, % Perennial. * 1 he fibres, particuTarly their extremities which imbibe nourishment, are in every case strictly muuiu!. After the cessation of their functions in autumn arid before their reproduction in the spring, w the time to transplant vegetables successfully. II. Form, tye. L. FIBROUS, (fibrosa,') Plate 1, fig. 1. consisting of fibres either simple or branched, which convey nour- ishment directly to the basis of the stem or leaves. Ex. Many of the grasses, as Poa annua. Observation. This is the most simple in its nature of all roots, and belongs principally to plants that require but a slight support, such as most annual herb* 2. REPENT, (repens.') PL 1, fig. 2. A creeping root. A kind of subterraneous stem creeping and branching horizontally and throwing out fibres as it goes. Ex. Mint, (Mentha.') Observation. Plants furnished with a creeping- root are multi- plied by their roots in such a manner as frequently to occur in beds of greater or less extent. S. FUSIFORM, (f us if or mis.} PL 1, fig. 3. A spin- dle-shaped or tapering root, thick at the top and tap- ering downwards to a p,;inU Ex. Carrot, Parsnip, Kadish. Observation. The fusiform root descends perpendicularly and throws qut fib.'es or radicles from various parts. 4. ABRUPT, (jmzmorsm?) PL 1 , fig. 4. Appearing as if the end was hi I ten off. Ex. Devil's bit, Liutris. Birdsfoot Violet, Viola petiata. 5. TUBEROUS. (tuberosaS) PI. 1, fig. 5. Composed of tubers. It is of many different kinds. The most genuine consists of fleshy knobs various in form, con- nected by common stalks or fibres, as in the Potatoe, Solatium tuber osum. Species of the Tuberous Root. 1. Twin, (geminata.) PL 1, fig. 6. Consisting of a pair of globular or oval bodies, tubers. Ex. Orchis. 2. Palmate, (palmata.') PI. 1, fig. 7. Divided into blunt lobes like fingers. Ex, Orchis macidata. Observation. " Of these globular or palmate knobs, one produ- ces the herb and flowers of the present year, withering away towards 8 HOOTS. autumn, and the other is reserved for the following season, while in the mean time a third is produced to succeed the latter/' Smith. 3. Fasicular, (fasicularis.} PI. 1, fig. 8. When a large portion of tubers proceed from a common ren- tre shooting forth in an elongated form, as in Peony. Observation* 1. The radicles of tubers originate principally from the stalks and the place of their insert ion. 2. Tubers are reservoirs of nourishment, moisture, and vital energy. 3. In most cases a tuber is produced o ie season, lives through the succeeding winter, and dies the next, after having produced the plant und another tuber or parcel of tubers to 'succeed ,t. Thus the herbage is annual, and the root, strictly speaking-, bienr ninly but ns it annually reproduces itself and thus is tx-rpetuated, it is termed p?rerti.inh Ex Pctatoe, (Solatium tiibero&um ) 4. The knobs of genuine tuberous roots, such as ti.e polatre, ?ire studded with buds, in which respect such roots differ esst nti ,lly from bulbous ones ; which last are themselves simple buds and produce their shoots as well as their offsets, either from the cen- tre or from the base. All perennial roots, which have annual herbage, have buds. The buds in bulbous roots are in the centre, as they ave also in many of the spindle-shaped roots In the creeping root they are at its ends ; in the tuberous, as has just been observed, scattered over its surface. 6. BULBOUS, (bblbos(i) a fleshy root of a bulbous or globular form. Species of the Bulbous Hoot. 1. Solid, (so/i(/.) PI. 1fi. 9. Of a uniform sub- stance. Ex. Crocus and Tulip. %. Tunicate, (turncdta.) PI. 1 5 fig. 10. Compos- ed of concentric layers enveloping one another. Ex. Oniqii, Jttiiinn. 3. Scaly, (sqwmmik) PL 1, fig* 11> Consisting of fleshy scales connected only at their base. Ex. While Lily. Observation 1. The two latter kinds have a very close analogy with leaf buds They are the reservoirs of the vital powers of the plant during the winter season. They as well as buds contain, in KOOTS. winter, plants perfect in all their parts in an embryo state ; the leaves and Die flowers with all their parts may frequently be dis- tinctly dissected out, and the stamens, p-stils, &c. counted. Linnaeus arranged both buds and bulbs under the same term, Hybernaculum, winter residence 2 The radicles are generally from the base of bulbous roots, as in the Onion. 7. GRANULATED, (granulata.) PI. 1, fig. 12. Com- posed of joints or grains. Ex. Wood Sorrel, Oxalis Jicctosdla. White Saxifrage, Saxifraga grnnulata* Observation 1. It is with roots as with other natural objects, we can apply terms to the most prominent features, while there are so many intermediate points of gradual transition, that we hardly know where to draw the line of distinction. Tiie application of these terms is in many cases arbitrary. As botanists have in general determined under what head to place the root of every species of plant, we have only to follow them. 2. Specific characters are sometimes taken from the root, and in some cases the specific name also, as Solanum tuberosum t Pota- toe ; Ranunculus bidbosus, Bulbous Ranunculus, and Ranunculus fascicukirnt. PART II. THE HERBAGE, (lierba.} The HERBAGE consists of the Trunk, Leaves, Buds, and Appendages. CHAP. I. TRUNK, (Truncus.} Linnaeus enumerates seven kinds of Trunks, Stems or Stalks of vegetables, caulis, culmus, scapus, peaun- culus, petiolus,frons, and stipes. 1. Stem. STEM," (caulis.*) PI. 2, fig. 1. Bears or elevates from the root the leaves as well as flowers. Ex. The trunks and branches of all trees and shrubs. A great proportion of herbaceous plants, especially annuals. The stem is described from its duration, composition, mode of growth, shape, fyc. I. Duration. 1 . HERBACEOUS, (hcrbaceus) annual, and not woody. 2. SUFFJRUTICOSE, (suffniticosus) belonging to un- dershrubs. 3 FRUTICOSE, (jruticosus) belonging to shrubs. 4. ARBOREOUS, (arboreus) belonging to trees. II. Composition. 1. SIMPLE, (simplex) without branches. Ex. White Lily. 2. BRANCHED, (ramosns) giving out branches as in most plants. 3. TWO-RANKED, (distichus) branches spreading in two horizontal directions. Ex. Hemlock tree, Pinus Canadensis. STEMS. 11 4. FOUR-RANKED, (brachiatus.} PI. 2, fig. 2. When they spread in four directions, crossing each other al- ternately in pairs. Ex. Common Lilac, Syringa vul- garis. Observation. A common mode of growth in shrubs which have opposite leaves. 5. MUCH-BRANCHED, (ranrnissimus) repeatedly sub- divided into a great many branches without order. Ex. Most Trees. 6. ABRUPTLY-BRANCHED, (determinate ramosus) when each branch after terminating in flowers produces a number of fresh branches in a circular order from just below the origin of those flowers. Ex. Azalea nudi- Jlora. 7. PROLIFEROUS, (prdifer) shooting out new branches from the summits of the former ones. Ex. Pines. 8. VERT ic i I/LATE, (verticillatits) giving off its branches at regular intervals in whorls like rays from a centre, as in the White Pine, Pinus strobus. 9. DICHOTOMOUS, (dichotomus.} ' PI. 2, fig. 3. Re- peatedly forked. Ex. Cerastinm vi^gatum. 10. PANICULATE, (jjamculatus) where the brandies are many times subdivided. Ex. Erigeron Canadense, see Panicle. 11. FASTIGIATE, (fattigialus) the stem being ter- minated by equal brandies so as to make a level top. Ex. Yarrow, Jtchillea miUefolium. III. Mode of Growth. 1. ETIECT, (credus) upright, nearly perpendicular. 2. OBLIQUE, (obliquiis) visibly turned from the per- pendicular line. 3. PROCUMBENT, (procjtmbens) lying on the ground. Ex. Purslane, Portidacca olcracea. 4. REPENT, (renews.) PI. 9.. fig. 4. Creeping, run- ning on the ground ami taking root at certain distan- ces as it goes. Ex. Creeping Crowfoot, Ranunculus repws. 12 TRUNK*. 5. ASCENDING, (astendens) ascending obliquely without support. Observation. From a horizontal direction is gradually curved or bowed upwards. 6. PROSTRATE, (prostratus or deprcssus) when it lies remarkably flat, spreading horizontally over the ground, 7. RECLINING, (reclinatus) curved towards the ground. Ex. Black berry. Rnbus. 8. RADICAL T, (radicans) clinging to any body for support by means of fibres which do not imbibe nour- ishment. Ex. Vitis quinqnejbiici, common Creeper* 9. CLIMBING, (scandens) either with spiral tendrils for its support, as the Vine, Vitis 9 Passionflower, Pas- siflora ; or by adhesive fibres, as in the preceding par- agraph. c 10. TWINING, (voluUlis.') PI. 2, fig. 5. Twining in a spiral manner round other plants, either from left to right, supposing the observer in the centre, (with the sm) as tiie Hop, or from right to left, (against the sun) as Convolvulus sepium. 11. FLAGELLIFOBME, (Jlagettiformis) resembling a whip- lash. 12. SARMENTOSE, (sarmentosus) trailing ; a creep- ing stem barren of flowers, thrown out from the root for the purpose of increase, giving rise to another plant where it takes root. Ex. Strawberry. Observation. A sarmentose stem is filiform and almost naked or having only leaves in bunches at the joints or knots where it strikes root. Jllartin. It is called a sarmtntum or a flagellum, a runner. When leafy, it is arenerally denominated STOT,O, a sucker, or scyon, as in Bugle, Jl} reptanSy and Sweet Violet, Viola odorata* Smith. 13. STRAIGHT, (recto) as in Liliurn. 14. STRICTUS expresses only a more absolute de- gree of straightness. 15. SPREADING, (laxusvrdrffusus) expanding in an open, loose manner. STEMS. IS 16. FLEXIJOTJS, (Jlexnosus] zigzag ; forming angles from right to left and from left to right. 17. JOINTED, (articidatus) as in the Prickly Pear, Cactus. IV. Shape. 1. ROUND, (feres) cylindrical. 2. HALF-CYLINDRIC, (semiteres) round on one side and flat on the other. 3. COMPRESSED, (compressus) more or less flattened on the sides. Ex. Poa compressa. 4. TWO-EDGED, (anceps.} Ex. Sisyrinchium an- ceps. The term ANGUINE, comprehends the following. 5. TRIANGULAR, (triangularis) having three edges. Ex. Cactus triangnlaris. 6. THREE-SIDED, (triqueter) having three fiat sides. 7. FOUR-CORNERED, (tetragonns or quadrangulans) square. Ex. Balm. 8. FIVE-SIDED, (pcntagonus or qwnquangularis) having five angles and five sides. Observation. When the number of angles is either variable or more than five, it is usual merely to describe the stem as (angulo* sus) angular, except where the precise number makes a specific difference, as in the genus Cartu*. Smith. V. Clothing. 1. NAKED, (nudns) entire nakedness, destitute of leaves, hair, prickles, &c. 2. LEAFLESS, (aphyttus) without leaves. Ex. Cactus. 3. SCALY, (sguatnosus) having scales. Ex. Beech- drops, Orobanche. 4. IMBRICATED, (iinbrtcatns) covered with scales, so that the stem does not appear. Ex. Sempcrd-piim, Houseleek, 5. WINGED, (alatus) furnished longitudinally with a membrane which is commonly a prolongation of the hase of the leaves. Ex. Thistle. 14 TRUNKS. VI. Surface. 1. SMOOTH, (glaber} destitute of hairs, glands, or any particular excrescences. 2. POLISHED, (/ords) the surface being every where equal and smooth. 3. SHINING, (nitidus) polished ; smooth, and shining. 4. VISCID, (viscidus) covered with a clammy juice. 5. WARTY, (verrucosus.} Ex. Enonymous verru- cosus. 6. PAPiLLosE,(|;api#0sws) covered with soft tubercles, Ex. Ice plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, 7. SCABROUS, (scabe-r) rough to the touch, from any little rigid inequalities. Ex. Centaurea nigra. 8. BRISTLY, (hispidus.) Ex. Borage, JBorago qffi- cinalis. 9. HAIRY, (hirtus or pilosus.*) Ex. Common Cin- quefoil, Potentilla simplex. 10. DOWNY^ (tonientosus) very soft to the touch from soft feeble hairs so interlaced with each other that each hair connot be separately distinguished. 1 1. SHAGGY, (yiUosus^) covered >vith long soft hairs. 12. WOOLLY, (lanatus.*) Ex. Common Mullein, Ver- bascum Thapsus. 13. HOARY, (incanus) appearing as if frosted. Ex. "Wormwood, Artemisia absinthium, and Mriplex portulac- oides ; in the former case from close silky hairs, in the latter from a kind of scaly mealiness. 14. MEALY, (glamcus) clothed with fine sea-green mealiness which easily rubs off. Ex. Common Black Raspberry, lliibus occidentalis. 15. STRIATED, (striatus) marked with fine parallel longitudinal lines. Ex. Conium maculatum. 16. FURROWED, (sulcatus) lines somewhat deeper and broader than the last. Ex. Hogweed, Chenopodium album. } 7. SPOTTED, (maculatusJ) Ex. Hemlock, Conium maculatum. The spines and prickles of the stem will be described under Arms of plants. SCAPE. 15 VII. Consistence, 1. SOLID, (solidus) of an uniform solid substance. 2. MEDULLARY, (inanis or medullosus) containing pith, a spongy substance in the centre. Ex. Elder, Sambucus. 3. HOLLOW, (cavus or Jistulosns.') Ex. Hemlock, Conium maculatum. Observation. Plants destitute of a stem are called STEMIESS, (ac- antes.) Ex. Early Anemone, Anemone hepatica* Dandelion. 2. Culm. CULM, (cidnws.) PI. 2, fig. 6. The proper trunk of the grasses, which elevates the leaves, flower, and fruit. LinncKiis. The Culm is denominated 1. WITHOUT KNOTS, (enodis.} Ex. Common Rushes. Bulrush, Juncus effusus. 2. JOINTED, (firticulatus) interrupted by joints or knots from space to space, as in most of the grasses. 3. GENICULATE, (geniculatus^ bent like the knee. Ex. Floating Foxtail grass, Mopecurus geniculatus. Observation. 1. When a culm takes a curved direction, it usu- ally inclines to bend at the joints only, and thus become geniculate. 2. Several of the terms applied to the stem, (caulis) are occa- sionally applied also to the culm, such as ASCENDING, EHP.CT, SOL- ID, HOLLOW, ROUND, ANOULAR, ROUGH, SMOOTH, &c. 3 The number of angles in the culm sometimes affords a mark to discriminate the species, as in the genus Eriocaulon . Milne. S. Scape. SCAPE, (scapus.) PL 2, fig. 7. A Stalk. A spe- cies of trunk which springs from the root and bears the flower and fruit, but not the leaves. Ex. Dandelion, Leontodon, and Marsh Rosemary, Statice limonium. In the former the stalk is simple and single flowered ; in the latter, subdivided and many flowered. 16 TRUNKS. The Scape is termed 1. SPIRAL, (spiralisS) Ex. Valisneria spiralis. 2. SCALY, (squamosus*') Ex. Tussilago farfara. Observation. 1. Several of the terms defined under the stems, (caw/;*, );ire occasionally applied also to the Scape as well as to the Culm. 2. Plants furnished with a Scape come under the head of STEM- LK69 plants, (acaules*} Thus the Daffodil, Dandelion., and many of the Violets are stemless plants. 3. Linnaeus has observed, that " a Scape (scafnis) is on!y a spe- cies of pedunculus." Should the term scapits be abandoned, Pe- duncuhts radiealis, a RADICAL PEDUNCLE, should be substituted. 4. Peduncle. PEDUNCLE, (pedunadus) Flower stalk. A spe- cies of trunk bearing the flower and fruit, but not the leaves. I. Composition. 1. SIMPLE, (simplex) without division and bearing only one flower. Ex. Three-coloured Violet, Viola tricolor. 2. COMPOUND, (compositus) having divisions. Ex. Pea. 3. COMMOK, (communis) not dividing, but bearing many sessile flowers assembled. Ex. Catkins, as of the Alder, Willow, &c. 4. PARTIAL, (partialis) the ultimate division of a common peduncle immediately connected with the flower ; sometimes called PEDICEL, (yedicellus.} II. Insertion on the Plant. 1. CAULINE, (caulinus) growing out of the main stem. Ex. Indian shot, Canna Indica. 2. RAMOSE, (rameiis) growing out of a main branch. 3. AXILLARY, (axillaru) growing from the angle made by the leaf and stem, or the branch and stem. Ex. Chickweed, Stdlaria media. FLOWER-STALK. A' 4. EXTRA-AXILLARY, (exira-axillaris) placed near the axilla. 5. OPPOSITE THE LEAF, (pppositifolius.') 6. BETWEEN THE LEAVES, (internodis) proceeding from the intermediate part of a branch between two leaves. Observation. A mode of insertion very rare. 7. TERMINAL, (terminalis) terminating a stem or branch. 8. LATERAL, (lateralis} situated on the side of a stem or branch. 9. SOLITARY, (solitarius) either single on a plant or only one in the same place. 10. CLUSTERED, (aggregatus) when several grow together. 11. SCATTERED, (sparsi} dispersed irregularly over the plant. Ex. Ranunculus scelleratus. III. Number of Flowers. 1. ONE-FLOWERED, (unWorus.') 2. TWO-FLOWERED, (blflorus.) 3. THREE-FLOWERED, (triftorus.) 4. MANY-FLOWERED, (multiflorus.) Reference. For the different modes in which flowers are borne and connected on their footstalks, see Inflorescence. Observation. When there is no peduncle, the flower is said to be SESSILE, (sessilis) IV. Direction. 1. FLACCID, (flaccidus) so weak andfee.ble as to hang down by the weight of the flower it supports. 2. DROOPING (cernnus) bent at the top so that tl*e flower is inclined to one side or towards the earth, and cannot be placed erect on account of the curvature. Ex. Annual Sunflower. 3. FLEXUOUS, (flexuoms) making angles to the right and left. Ex, Mrajlexuosa* 1& TRUNKS. V. Form. Besides being occasionally ROUND, ANGULAR, &c* the peduncle is termed 1. FILIFORM, (Jiliformis) thread shaped, when it is of slender structure like a thread. 2. ATTENUATED, (atteuuatus) diminishing insensi- bly in thickness from the base to the summit. 3. lNCRAssATED,(mcrassato) thickening at the sum- mit ; opposed to the last. Ex. Annual Sunflower, Hell- anthus animus. VI. Length. 1. SHORT, (ftrms) very little shorter than the flower. 2. VERY SHORT, (brevissiinus) much shorter than the flower. 3. EQUAL, (inediocris) of the length of the flower. 4. LONG, (longus) somewhat longer than the flower. 5. VERY LONG, (longissimus) more than twice the length of the flower. Thornton. Observation. 1. Linnaeus very rarely admits ar.y other mensura- tion than that arising- from the respective length* and breadth of the parts of a plant compared with each other ; of which the above is an example. 2. Instead of using terms like the above, which would be liable to mislead, authors express themselves more fully thus Peduncle shorter than the flower as loner as the flower longer than the flower ttoice as long as the flower, &c. 5. Petiole. PETIOLE, (petidus) Leaf-stalk or Foot-stalk. A species of trunk bearing the leaf only. Observation. 1. The peduncle and petiole were called by Lin- nscus partial trunks, feeing" placed upon the general or universal trunk, which proceeds immediately from the root. 2. The petiole is commonly channelled on its upper side. The channel ends in a concavity at the base on the side next the stem, "#lnch is termed the AXILLA. 19 I. Composition. 1. SIMPLE, (simplex^) without divisions. 2. COMPOUND, (compositus) when a common petiole gives origin to several PARTIAL PETIOLES, which either support leaflets immediately, or divide into other par- tial petioles, Ex. Locust, Robinia, arid Sumach. Ehus. II. Appendages. 1. BEARING TENDRILS, (drrAi/br.) Ex. Common Pea. 2. WINGED, (alatus) furnished on each side with a leafy appendage. Ex. Dwarf Sumach, Ehus copalli- num. III. Form. 1. ROUND, (teres.) Ex. Common Hollyhock. 2. HALF-ROUND, (semiteres.) Ex. Yellow Water Lily, JVjjrtipKcetl advena. 3. FLATTENED, (compressus.) Ex. Lombardy Pop- lar, Populus dilatata. 4. CLUB-SHAPED, (clavatus) growing gradually thicker towards the top. Ex. Cacalia suaveolens. IV. Direction. 1. ERECT, (eredus] nearly perpendicular. 2. SPREADING, (patens") forming an acute angle with the stem. 3. RECURVED, (recurvatus) curved downward. 4. CLIMBING, (scandens) performing the office of a tendril. Ex. Virgin's bower, Clematis Virginiana. Observation. 1. In length, the petiole is compared with the leaf, as the peduncle is with the flower. See p. 18. 2. Several terms, defined under caul-is, are occasionally applica- ble to the leafstalk. 6. Frond. FROND, (/rons.) PL 2, fig. 8. A species of trunk in which the stem, leaf, and fructification are united as in the Ferns, Filices. 20 BTJDS. 7. Stipe. STIPE, (stipes) is applied to the stern or leafless part supporting a frond, pi.' 2, fig. 8, a.; to the stalk of a fungus, pi. 2, fig. 9, a. ; and to the slender thread which in many of the compound flowers, such as the Dandelion, elevates the hairy or feathery crown (pap- pus,) with which the seeds are furnished, and connects with the seed. CHAP. II. BUDS. THE BUD, (gemma) contains the essential parts of a plant, covered by scales in order to protect the tender rudiments enclosed during the winter. Observation. 1. The scales of buds envelop each other closely and enfold the infant plant or branch. Externally they have often an additional guard of gum, resin or woolliness against wet and cold. 2. That buds contain all that is essential to constitute a'perfect plant is proved beyond a doubt by producing plants from buds. This is done either by placing them immediately in the earth or by introducing them into the bark of another plant, which last is termed inoculation. So analogous are buds to seeds that some plants, besides seeds, produce a set of buds or bulbs, which are destined to propagate the plant by falling into the earth and vege- tating. " Plants considered in analogy to animals may properly enough be reckoned both oviparous and viviparous. Seeds are the vegetable eggs ; buds, living infant plants which renew their spe- cies as certainly as the seed.*' Milne, 3. Buds, together with bulbous roots, which are buds under ground, constitute what Linnaeus termed HIBERNACXE, (hybernacu- lum) that is, the winter-quarters of plants. See observation, p. 8. FOLIATION, (foliatio.) By foliation or vernation (vernatio*) Linnseus ex- presses the curious manner in which the leaves are folded or wrapped up in the buds. * Vernatio, the terra employed by Linuxus in bis later works instead Milne. FOLIATION. 21 Observation. 1. Foliation, which is in fact the structure of the leaf bud, is not only curious, but affords a means of distinguishing plants in the dormant season. 2. Buds are various in their forms and structure, but very uni- form in the same species or even genus. Various modes of Foliation. 1. CONVOLUTE BUD, (gemma convoluta.) PL 3, fig, 1. Rolled together. Ex. Many of the grasses. Q. INVOLUTE, (involuta.) PL 3, fig*. 3. Lateral margins roiled spirally inwards on both sides. Ex. Violet. 3. REVOLUTE, (reroduta.} PL 3, fig. 3. Lateral margins rolled spirally backwards on both sides. Ex. Coltsfoot, Tussitago, and some species of Willow. 4. CONDUPLICATE, (conduplicata.) PI. 3, fig. 4. One side of the leaves doubled upon the other at the mid rib. Ex. Beech and Rose. 5. OBVOIAJTE, (obvoluta.} PL 3, fig. 5. "When their respective margins alternately embrace the straight margin of the opposite side. Ex. Pink, Dianthus. 6. EQ.UITANT, (equitantia.} PL 3, fig, 6. Riding ; when the sides of the leaves lie parallel and approach in such a manner as that the outer embrace the inner. Ex. Iris, Acorus, Sedge-grass, Carex. 7. PLICATE, (plicata.] PL 3, fig. 7. Plaited, fold- ed up like a fan. Ex. Maple, Alder, Mallow. 8. IMBRICATE, (imbricata^ PL 3, fig. 8. Laid over one another like tiles. Ex. Campanula. 9. RECXINATE, (reclinata.) Leaf reflected down- wards toward the petiole. Ex. Monk's-hood, Aconitum. 10. CIRCINAL, (cirdnalia.) PL 3, fig. 9. Rolled spirally downwards. Ex. Ferns, Filices. Contents of the Bud. 1. FLOWER-BE AKING BUD, (gemma Jlonfera) a bud containing the rudiments of flowers. 2. LEAF BEARING, (foliifera) containing rudiments of leaves only. 22 LEAVES. 3. LEAF AND FLOWER BEARING, (foliifera et Jlori- fera) containing the rudiments both of flowers and leaves. Observation. Buds containing flowers can in general be distin- guished by their form, being thicker and less pointed than those containing leaves only. CHAP. III. LEAVES, (folia.} THE LEAF, (foliuni) is an organ of vegetables of an expanded form, presenting a much greater surface to the atmosphere than all the other parts of the plant to- gether. Observation. Leaves are not merely ornamental to plants ; they are essential organs of vegetation, performing the functions of respiration, perspiration, and absorption. Reference. For the anatomy and functions of leaves, see anato- my and physioktgy. Observation. The us^s of leaves in the arts, in medicine and as food for animals ; the infinite variety and elegance of their forms, their wonderful vascular structure, and their importance to the plant that bears them, are subjects highly deserving atten- tion, but they are foreign to the purpose of this chapter. Smith. LEAFLESS PLANTS, (planter aphyllcK) are those in which the leaves are wanting, the surface of the stem performing the necessary functions. Ex. Glass wort* salicorniu. The different situations, insertions, forms and sur- faces of leaves, which are next to he explained, are of very great use in systematical botany. I. Situation and position of Leaves. 1. RADICAL LEAVES, (folia radicalia) are suck as spring fr-Mti the root. Ex. Dandelion. 2. CAULINE, (caulind) stem leaves, grow on the stem. 3. RAMEAL, (ramea) branch leaves, sometimes dif- fer from those of the main stem, and tUeri require to be LEAVES. 23 distinguished from them. Ex. Malampyrum arvense. 4. ALTERNATE, (alterna.) PL 4,%. 1. Stand soli- tary on the stem or branches spreading in different di- rections. Ex. Borage, Borago. 5. SCATTERED, (sparsa.} PL 4, fig. 2. Situated irregular!/, without any apparent order. Ex. Lilium bubiferum. 6. OPPOSITE, (opposita.) PL 4, fig. 3. Arising from two opposite points on the same stem. Ex, Lilac, 8y- ringa vulgar Is. 7. CLUSTERED, (conferta.) PL 4, fig. 4. Crowded together. Ex. Trientalis Europwa. 8 BINATE, (biua} only two upon a plant or stem. Ex. Enjthronmin Jlmericanum, and Lily of the valley, Convaliaria majalis. 9. TERNATE, (terna) three together. 10. QtfATERtfATE, (quaterna) four together. 11. QUINATE, (quina) five together. 12. VERTICILLATE, (vertidttata.) PL 4, fig. 5. Whorled ; is used to express several leaves growing in a circle round the stem, without any reference to their precise number. Ex. Wild Lilies, Lilium Canadense and L. Philadelphia* in. 13. FASCICULATE, (fosciculata.) PL 4, fig. 6. Tuft- ed or bundled together. Ex. Pine, Pinus. 14. IMBRICATE, (imbricata.) PL 4, fig. 7. Lying one over another like tiles upon a house. 15. DECUSSATE, (decussata.) PL 4, fig. 8.^ Cross- ing each other alternately in pairs. Ex. Motherwort, Leonnrus Cardiaca. 16. TWO-RANKED, (disticha.) PL 4, fig. 9. Spread- ing in two directions, and yet not regularly opposite at their insertion. Ex. Hemlock, Pinus Canadeusis. 17. UNILATERAL, (secunda.) PL 4, fig. 10, j^ean- ing all to one side. Ex. Many flowered, Solomon's seal, Convaliaria multiflora. 18. APPRESSED, (adpressa} when the leaf takes a 4 LEAVES. direction parallel to the stem, and touches it in its whole direction. Ex. Xvranthemnm sesamoides. 1 9. VERTICAL, (verticcdia') perpendicular ; both sides at right angles with the horizon, but not quite in con- tact with the stern. Ex. Lactnca Scariota. 20. ERECT, (eretfa) forming: a very acute angle with the stem. Ex. Red Cedar, Juniperus Virginiana. 21. SPREADING, (patentid) forming a moderately acute angle with the stem or branch. 22. HORIZONTAL, (horizontalia or patentissimd) spreading in the greatest possible degree. 23. RECLINATE, (redinatd) inclining downward. Ex. Motherwort, Leonurus Cardiaca. 24. RECURVED, (recurva or reflex(i) curved back- ward. 25. INFLEXED, (incuroa or inftexa) curved inward. 26. OBLIQUE, (obliqua) twisted, so that o*he part of each leaf is vertical, the other horizontal. Ex. Frit- tiUaria obliqua. 27. RESUPIWATE, (resupinatd) reversed ; when the upper surface is turned downward. 28. DEPRESSED, (depressa) radical leaves pressed close to the ground. Ex. Plantago media. 29. NATANT, (natantid) floating on the surface of the water. Ex. Water Lilies, NympkcRa advena and odorata. SO. SUBMERSED, (submersa, demersa, or immersa} sunk ; plunged under water. Ex. Potamogeton. 31. EMERGED, (emersd) raised above the water. II. Insertion. By insertion is meant the mode in which one part of a plant is connected with another. 1. FETIOLATE LEAVES, (folia petiolatd) leaves on footstalks ; are such as are furnished with that organ, whether long or short, simple or compound. 2. PELTATE, (pdtata.) PL 4, fig. 11. When the footstalk is inserted into the centre of the leaf, like the LEAVES. 23 arm of a man holding a shield. Ex. Nasturtium, Tra- pceolum inajns, 3. SESSILE, (sessilia) are sucli as spring immedi- ately from the stein, branch or root, witnout any foot- stalk. 4. AMPLE XTCATJL, (cnnplexicaulia^) PL 4, fig. 19. Clasping the stem with their hase. Ex. Several of the Asters, as Aster N0v&-Jbigli& and A. amplexicaulis. 5. CONNATE, (connata.} PL 4, fig. 13. United at their base. Ex. Trumpet Honeysuckle, Lonicera sein- pervivens. 6. PERFOLTATE, (pcrfoliata.) PL 4, fig. 14. When the stem runs through the leaf. Ex. Uviilaria 2 )er f " liala. Observation. The veins or nerves of a leaf will generally deter- mine whether it be a single perfoliate leaf, as in Uvularia perfolhi- ta : or double and connate, as occurs in different degrees in the Trumpet Honeysuckle, Jed ; cut into several transverse segments, gradually larger toward the extremity of the leaf, which is rounded. Ex. Water Avens, Geum Rirale. 9,5. CLEFT or CLOVEN, (jfisswwi.) PL 5, fig. 24 U When tiie margins of the fissures and segments are straight. Observation. JBifdum, two-cleft ; trifiJitm, three- cleft ; muhi- Jhlnm, many- cleft, &c. express the number of segment*. 26. LOBED, (lobatum.} PL 5, fig. 25. When the margins of the segments are rounded. Ex. Early Anemone, Anemone liepatica. Observation. JBilobatum, two-lobed ; trilobatwn, three-lobed, -SvC. according- to the number of lobes. 27. STNUATED, (sinuatnm^ PL 6, fig. 1. Cut Into rounded or wide openings. Ex. Oak. 8. PARTED, ( partitumj PL fi, fig. 2. Deeply JLEAVES. divided nearly to the base. Ex. Spotted Geranium, Geranium maculatum. Observation. Bipartitum, two-parted; tripartitum, three-part- ed ; multipartitum, many parted, according to the number of di- visions. 29. LACINIATED or JAGGED, (laciniatum.) PL 6, fig. 3. Cut into numerous irregular portions. Observation. 1 Incisum and Dissectum, cut, are nearly synony- mous with the last. Smith. 2. It is remarked by Linnxus, that aquatic plants have their lower, and mountainous ones their upper, leaves most divided, by which they better resist the action of the stream in one case, and of the wind in the other. 30. PALMATE, (palinatum.) PL 6, fig. 4. Hand- shaped ; cut into several oblong, nearly equal segments, about half way or rather more toward the base, leav- ing an entire space like the palm of the hand. Ex. Sweet-gum, Liquidamber styracifolia. 31. PINNATIFID, (piniiatitidiim.^) PL 6, fig. 5* Cut transversely into several oblong parallel segments* Observation. Cut, but not to the mid-rib. 32. BIPINNATIFID, fbipirmatijiduin.*) PL 6, fig. 6. Doubly pinnatifid ; cut into segments as in the last, and the segments cut again. Ex. Roman Wormwood, Ambrosia datiur, and paniculata. 33. PECTINATE, (pectinatum.) PL 6, fig. 7. A pinnatified leaf, whose segments are remarkably nar- row like the teeth of a comb. 34. UNEQUAL, (inwquale.) PI. 6, fig. 8. When the two halves of a leaf are unequal in dimensions and their bases not parallel. IV. Termination. 1. TRUNCATED XEAF, (folium truncatum.) PL 5, fig. 12. Has the extremity cut off, as it were, bv a transverse line. Ex. Tulip-tree, Leriakudron feiltm- f&ra. so IJEAVES. 2. PREMORSE, (prcemorsum.*) PI. 6, fig. 9. Jagged- pointed; bitten off, very blunt with various irregular notches. 3. RETUSE, (retusum.*) PL 6, fig. 10. Ending in a broad shallow notch. Ex. Rumex digynus. 4. EMARGiNATE^emar^naftttti.) P1.6,fig.ll. Hav- ing a small acute notch at the summit. 5. OBTUSE, (pbtusum.) PI. 5, fig. 2. Blunt ; end- ing in a segment of a circle. 6. ACUTE, (acutum.') PI. 6, fig. 17. Sharp; end- ing in an acute angle. Observation. A very common form. 7. ACUMINATE, (acuminatum.} PL 6, fig. 12. Pointed ; having a taper or awl-shaped point. Ex. Sea Club-rush, Scirpus maritimns. 8. BLUNT, WITH A SMALT, POINT, (obtusum cum acumine.') PL 6, fig. 13. Ex. Marsh Rosemary? Stalice limonium. Observation. The following" term, (mucronate,) is sometimes applied to a leaf of this description. 9* MUCRONATE, (mucronatum or cuspidatum.} PI, t>, fig. 14. Sharp-pointed ; tipped with a rigid spine, 10. CIRROSE, (cirrosM-m.) PL 6, fig. 15. Tendrilled. V. Margins. 1. ENTIRE LEAF, (folium intcgerrwium^) PL 5 y fig. 1. Ex. The various species of Lilies. Observation. This term is opposed to all kinds of teeth notches jr incisions. It regards solely the margin of a leaf, whereas undi- vided integrum respects its whole shape, and has nothing to do with the margin. English writers who translate the one entire) and the other very entire, are therefore incorrect. Smith. 2. SPINOUS, (spiwosiim.) PL 6, fig. 16. Beset with prickles. Ex. Thistles. 3. UNARMED, (mmne.) is opposed to spinous, 4. CILTATE, (cUiatum.) PL 6, fig. 17. Fringed ; bordered with soft parallel hairs. Beech tree, Fagus Jerruginea, and Xylosteum dliahim. LEAVES. 31 5. CARTILAGINOUS, Qprtilaginum) hard and hor- ny. Ex. Saxifraga callosa*. 6. DENTATE, (dentatumS) PL 6, fig. 18. Tooth- ed $ beset with projecting, horizontal, rather distant teeth of its own substance. Ex. Arrow wood, Vibur- num dentatum. 7. SERRATE, (serratumS) PI. 6, fig. 19. When the teeth are sharp and resemble those of a saw, point- ing toward the extremity of the leaf. Ex. Rose. Observation. Examples of this are frequent. 8. DOUBLY SERRATE, (duplicate serratuiri) having a series of smaller serratures intermixed with the large. Ex. Black Birch, Betula lenta. 9. MINUTELY SERRATE, (serrulatuni) is used when the teeth are very fine. 10. CREMATE, (crenatum.) PI. 6, fig. 20. When the teeth are rounded and not directed toward either end of the leaf. Ground-Ivy, Glechoma hederacea. 11. JAGGED, (erosumS) PI. 7, fig. 1. Irregularly cut or notched, especially when otherwise divided be- sides. Ex. Hogweed, Chenopodium riride. 12. REPAND, (repandum^ PI. 7, fig. 2. Wavy; bordered with numerous minute angles and small seg- ments of circles alternately. 13. GLANDULAR, (glandulosum.) Ex. Bay -leaved Willow, Salix pentandria. 14. RE VOLUTE, (revolutum) when the margin is turned or rolled backward. Ex. Kalmia glauca. 15. INVOLUTE, (involutum) the reverse of the pre- ceding. 16. CONDUPLICATE, (coiiduplicaiurn) folded when the margins are brought together in a parallel direc- tion. VI. Surface. Terms expressive of different kinds of surface, ap- plying equally to the leaf, and to the stem, have been 32 LEAVES. already explained, p. 14. To these may be added the following, chiefly appropriated to leaves. 1. DOTTED, (punctatum) full of small points hol- low and transparent, or having vesicles containing in them an essential oil. Ex. St. John's- wort, Bijpericum perjbratum. 2. WRINKLED, (rugosum) when the veins are tighter than the surface between them, causing the lat- ter to swell into little inequalities. Ex. Various species of Sage, Salvia. 5. BLISTER Y, (bullatnm) is only a greater degree of the last. Ex. Cabbage, Bra&sica oleracea. 4. PLAITED, (plitatum.) PL 7, fig. 3. When the disk of the leaf, especially toward the margin, Is acutely folded up and down. Ex. Veratrum viride. Observation. Folded like a fan, distinguished from waved by the folds being angular. J\lartyn. 5. UNDULATE, (undulatwn.) PI. 7, fig. 4. Waved ; \vhen the disk near the margin is waved obtusely up and down. 6. CURLED, (cri spurn.) PL 7, fig. 5. When the border of the leaf becomes more expanded than the disk, so an to grow elegantly curled and twisted. Ex. Jllafaa critpa 7. CONCAVE, (concavum) hollow ; depressed in the middle, owing to a tightness in the border. 8 CONVEX, (wuwx-n 1 ) opposed to the last. 9. VEINY, (vcnosum) Pi. 7, fig. 6. When the vessels by which the leaf is nourished are branched and subdivided, and more or less prominent, forming a net- work on either or both its surfaces. Ex. Common Thorn, Crahegus, and Pear, Pynis 10. NERVED, (nervosum or costatum.) PI. 7, fig. 7. Ribbed ; when they extend in simple lines from the base to the point. Ex. Ladies'-s! ; pper, Cypripcdinm. It. THKEK-WEHVED, (trinerre.) PI. 7, fig 8. Three ribbed $ is applied to a leaf that lias three ribs, all die- LEAVES. &> tinct, from the very base, as well as unconnected with the margin. 12. BASE-THREE-NERVED, (basi trinerve.) PL 7, %. ! . Triply-ribbed at the base ; is when the base is cut away close to the lateral ribs. Ex, Burdock, dirctium tappa, and Sunflower, Helianthus annuus. 13. TRIPLY-NERVED, (triplinerve.) PL 7, fig. 10. Triply-ribbed ; when a pair of large ribs branch off from the main one above the base. 14. COLOURED, (coloratum) expresses any colour in a leaf besides green. 15. VARIEGATED, (variegalum) is applied to leaves which become irregularly blotched with white or yellow. Ex. Striped Grass, Jlrundo colorata. 16. NAKED, (wudum) implies that the leaf is destitute of all kinds of clothing or hairiness. Ex. Orchis. VII. Substance, Configuration) $*c. 1. CYLINDRICAL, (teres.) PI. 7, fig. 11. A solid cylinder. 2. SEMICYLINDRICAL, (semicylindriaceum.) Flat on one side. 3. STIMULATE, (subulatum?) PL 7, fig. 12. Awl- shaped ; tapering from a thick base to a point. Ex. Saltwort, Salsola kali. 4. TUBULAR, (tubulosurn) hollow within like a tube. Ex. Common Onion, Miimn Cepa. o. FLESHY, (carnosum) of a thick pulpy consist- ence, as in all those called succulent plants. Ex. Live- forever. Sedum. 6. GIBBOUS, (gibbnm) swelling on one side or both from excessive abundance of pulp. 7. COMPRESSED, (compressiun) flattened laterally. 8. DEPRESSED, (depressum) flattened vertically. 9. CHANNELLED, (canalicufatum) having a lon- gitudinal furrow, Ex. Sea Plantain, Plantago mari- tima* S4 LEAVES. 10. CARINATE, (carinatum) keeled \ when the back is longitudinally prominent. 11. ENSIFORM, ( msijorme) sword-shaped ; is a two- edged leaf tapering to a point, slightly convex on both surfaces. Ex. Flag or Flower-de-luce, Iris. 12. TWO-EDGED, (anceps.) Much the same as the last. IS. SCIMITAR-SHAPED, (acinaciforme.) PI 7, fig 14. Compressed, with one thick and straight edge, the other thin and curved. Ex. Mesembryanthemum acinaciforme. 14. HATCHET- SHAPED, (dolabriforme.) PL 7, fig. 13. Compressed with a very prominent dilated keel, and a cylindrical base. Ex, M. dolabri/orme. 15. THREE-EDGED, (trigonum.} PL 7, fig. 15, Hav- ing three longitudinal sides and as many angles. Ex. Mesembryanthemiim delt tides. 16* THREE- s IDED, (triquetrum) differs from trigo- num on ly in being used by Linnaeus for a three-sided, awl-shaped leaf. Ex. M. emarginatum. 17. FOUR-ED GED, (tefrag-orawn.) PL 7, fig. 16. Hav- ing four prominent angles. 18. TONGUE- SHAPED, (lingulatum) of a thick, ob- long, blunt figure, generally cartilaginous at the edges. Ex. Jhesembryanthemum linguiforme. 19. MEMBRANOUS, (membranaceum) of a thin, pli- able texture. Ex. Rubus odoratus. 20. LEATHERY, (coriaceum) thick, tough, and somewhat rigid. Ex. Magnolia grandifora, and Hy- drangea horiensis. 21. EVERGREEN, tsempervirens) permanent through one, two, or more winters, so that the branches are never stripped. Ex. Pine, Pinus 9 and Laurel, Kahnia latifdla. 22. DECIDUOUS, (deciduiim) falling off at the ap- proach of winter, as in most of the trees and shrubs of our northern climate. 23. ALIENATED, (alienatum.) PI. 7, fig. 17. When tb# first leaves of a plant give place to others totally LEAVES. S5 different from them and from the natural habit of the genus* Ex. Many of the Mimosce of New-Holland. 24. HOODED (cucullatum.) PL 8, fig. 1. When the edges meet in the lower part and expand in the up- per. Ex. Hooded Violet, Viola cucullata, and Side- saddle Flower, Sarracenia. Observation. A leaf is said t6 be hooded, whether the edges unite so as to form a perfect cavity as in Saracenia ; or whether they simply meet without cohering 1 , as in Viola cucullata. Prof. 25. APPENDAGED, (appendiculatum.) PL 8, fig. 2. Furnished with an additional organ for some particular purpose not essential to the leaf. Ex. Venus's Fly- trap, Dioncea mustipula. Observation, Each of the leaves of this plant is furnished with a pair of armed irritable lobes, which close upon and pierce or imprison insects whenever they crawl upon it ; hence the name of Venus's Fly-trap. VIII. Compound Leaves. COMPOUND :LE\VES, (folia composita) consist of two, or any greater number of leaflets ; ( foliola) con- nected by a common footstalk. Observation 1. Any part is denominated common, which includes or sustains several parts similar among themselves. 2. These leaflets or lobes are, themselves, small, simple leaves, and like them vary in form according to distinctions already es- tablished . Milne. 3. A compound leaf is distinguished from a branch by this cir- cumstance, that the leaflets do not fall off alone, but are accom- panied by the common footstalk. 1. JOINTED ;LEAF, (folium articulatum.) PL 8, fig. 3. Is when one leaf grows out of the summit of anoth- er with a sort of joint. 2. DIGITATE, (digitotum.] PL 8, fig. 4. Finger- ed ; when several leaflets proceed from the summit of a common footstalk. Ex. Common Cinquefoil, Potentilla simplex. 3. BIXATE, (binatum.} PI 8, fig. 5. Is a fingered leaf, consisting of only two leaflets. Ex. Zigophylium. 56 1.EAVES. 4. TEKNATE, (ternatum.) PL 8, fig. 6. Consists of three leaflets. Ex. Clover, Trifolinni. 5. QUINATE, (quinatum,) PI. 8, fig. 4. Of five leaf- lets. Ex. Potentilta simplex. 6. PINNATE, (pmnatnm.) PI. 8, fig. 7. When the common footstalk bears many leaflets on each side. It is of several kinds, as follows : 1. With an odd leaflet, (cum impart.) PL 8, fig. 7. Ex. Rose, Rosa ; Elder, 8ambncus ; Sumach, Rhus. 2. With a tendril, (cirrosum) PL 8, fig 8. When furnished with a tendril in place of the odd leaflet. Ex, Pea, Pisum. 3. Abruptly, (abrupte.) PL 8, fig. 9. Without either a terminal leaflet or tendril. Ex. Common Sen- sitive-plant, Mimosa sensitiva. 4. Opposite, (opposite,) when the leaflets are op- posite in pairs. Ex. Water Par-snip, Slum augusii- falium. Roses, pi. 8, fig. 7. 5. Alternately, (alternatim.) PL 8, fig. 10. When they are not directly opposite, but alternate. 6. Interruptedly (interrupted PL 8, fig. 11. When the principal leaflets are arranged alternately, with an intermediate series of smaller ones. PotentiUa anserina. 7. Jointedly, (articulate*) with apparent joints in the common footstalk. 8. Decurrently, (decursive) when the leaflets are decurrent. 9. In a lyrate manner, (lyrato.) PL 8, fig. 12. Having the terminal leaflet the largest, and the rest gradually smaller, as they approach the base. Ex. Avens, Geum rivale, and common Turnip. 10. In a whorled manner, (vertidllate.) PL 8, fig* 13. The leaflets cut into fine divaricate segments embrac- ing the footstalk. Ex. Slum. verticUlatum. 7. AURICLED LEAF, (miYiculatum folium) is a leaf furnished with a pair of leaflets properly distinct, but occasionally liable to be joined with it. .LEAVES. 37 8. CONJUGATE, (conjugatuni) yoked ; consists of on- ly a pair of leaflets, and is much the same as binate. Ex. Zygophyllum. Observation. Two-yoked, (bijugum) Three-yoked, (trijugum,) Four-yoked, (quadrijugum.) Many-yoked, (multijitgum,) ^&c. ex- press particular numbers of pairs of leaflets, and are used for that purpose where such discrimination is requisite for specific charac- ters, as in the J\limos ten, & ** aner. 11. Dudecandria, J^^f^a dodeka, twelve, Sauvyg aner. 12. Icosandria, ejxo^ eikosi. twentj, & v^ aner. 13. Polyandria, 7roAt/$ polus, many, &c v^ awer. 14. Didynamia, sule, numerous. Ex. Toad-fiax, Antirrhinum, Chelonc and Mimulus. Observation. The personate flowers belong to this order. 70 ORDERS. CLASS 15. Tetradynamia. This, like the last, has but one pistil* It has two or- ders, hoth very natural, and distinguished by the form of the fruit. 1. SILICULOSA, fruit a silicle fsiliculaj or roundish pod. Ex. Shepherd's purse, Thlaspi, 2. SLLIQUOSA, fruit a silique fsiiiquaj or long pod. Ex. Stock-July, Cabbage, Mustard. The orders of the 16th, 17th and 18th classes, Man- adelphia, Diadel^Jna and Polyadelpkia, are founded on the number of the stamens, that is, on the characters of the thirteen first classes, and have the same names* TRIANBRIA, PENTANDIUA^ &c. Observation. It may appear inconsistent to the student, that there should be orders Triandria &c. when there are classes of the same name ; but he will observe, that these are orders of classes, which have their character not from the number of stamens, but from some other circumstance ; in the classes above, from the union of the filaments, the number of the stamens being unappropri- ated is taken to characterize their orders. CLASS 19. Syngenesia. Observation The orders of this great natural class are frequently complained of, as being difficult to be understood It is true there are a number of particulars relating to compound flowers, which should be attended to by the student, before he can possibly have a clear conception of these orders. Each of these particulars is easy enough in itself; and it is only for want of attention to them that he meets with any difficulty in understanding the orders. As the class is a very extensive and interesting one, the student is directed to attend to the points alluded to above, in the follow- ing Analysis of Compound Flowers. 1. A COMPOUND FLOWER* is formed by the union of seve- eral fructifications or lesser flowers, called florets, placed together upon a common receptacle, and enclosed in a common calyx ; each floret being furnished with fivti stamens, distinct at bottom, but united at top by their anthers into a tube or cylinder, through which passes a style considerably longer than the stamens, and crowned by a stigma or summit with two divisions, that are generally rolled backward like a recurved fork. 2. Each floret has a monopetalous corolla. * The Class Syngenesit is made up of compound flowers, ORDERS. 71 The Florets, as it respects their Corollas, are of two hinds. 1. Ligulate, having a strap-shaped corolla, ending in three or five teeth, PL 16, fig. 1, a. 2. Tubular, having a tubular corolla divided into five segments at top, b. The Flowers themselves are of three kinds. 1. COMPOUND RADIATE. PI. 16,fig.l. Consisting of two parts ; the disk or central part of the flower, c composed of tubular florets, and the ray, the external circle of florets, d, which is composed of ligulate florets. In the Sunflower, the disk is brown and the ray yellow. In the Whiteweed, Crysanthemum, the disk is yellow and the ray white These flowers are compared to the sun, having his disk and rays. 2. LIGULATE. PI. 16, fig. 2. Made up altogether of ligulate flo- rets, as the Dandelion. 3. DISCOID. PI. 16, fig. 3. Composed entirely of tubular flor- ets, as the Burdock and Thistle. So far the florets have been described as being perfect, furnish- ed with both stamens and pistils ; but these are sometimes sepa- rated and found in separate florets in the same flower. The Florets, as it respects Stamens and Pistils, are of four kinds. 1. Perfect florets, having both stamens and pistils. 2. Barren, having stamens only. 3. Fertile, have pistils only. 4. Abortive, destitute of either stamens or pistils, or having none that are effectual. The orders of this class, Syngenesia, are founded on the situation of the several kinds of florets ; perfect) barren, fertile, and abortive. 1. POLYGAMIA JEQ.UALIS, florets all perfect or united, each having stamens and pistils. Ex. Dandelion, Leontodon ; Thistle, Carduus and Cnicus. Observation. Linnaeus applies the term polygamia to all the or- ders of this class, on account of the promiscuous intercommunica- tion of the several kinds of florets in a compound flower. 2. POLYGAMIA SUPEKFLUA, florets of the disk perfect, having stamens aud pistils ; those of the ray fertile, hav- ing pistils only, but each producing perfect seed. Ex. Camomile, dnthemis ; Field-daisy, Chrysanthemum. 72 ORDERS. 3. POLYGAMIA FRUSTRANEA, florets of the disk per- fect ; those of the ray abortive, being either destitute of a pistil, or having only an ineffectual one. Ex. Blue- bottle, Centaurea; Sunflower, Helian thus. 4. PO;LYGAMIA NECESSARIA, florets of the disk, bar- ren, having stamens only ; those of the ray fertile, hav- ing pistils only. Ex. Marygold \ Everlasting, Gnaph- alium* 5. POLYGAMIA SEGREGATA, each floret having a ca- lyx proper to itself, besides a common calyx includ- ing them all. Ex. Globe Thistle, Gundelia. Observation* 1. Linnaeus had a 6th order, named Monogamia, consisting- of simple flowers with united anthers, as Violet and //o- belia ; but as these have no affinity to the compound flowers, and as the union of their anthers is not in every instance constant, they are lately more commonly placed in the 5th class, Peitfandria. 2. The names of these orders have been translated, as follows ; cequalis, equal ; fnperflua, superfluous ; frustranea, ineffectual ; neccssaria, necessary ; segregata, separated. The orders of the 20th class, Gynandria, the 21st, Monoecia, and the 22d, Dioecia, are distinguished by the characters of some of the classes themselves which pre- cede them, that is, almost entirely by the number of the stamens, and have the same names, as MONAJVDRIA, DlANDRIA, &C. CXASS 23, Potygamia. This class has three orders, which are founded on the situation of the stamen-bearing, pistil-bearing, and perfect flowers. 1. MONOECIA, lias eitherperfcct arid stemen-bearing, or perfect and pistil-bearing flowers, or all these three kinds on the same plant. 2. DIOECIA, has the two or three kinds of flowers, on two separate plants. 3> TRIOECIA, has them on three separate plants* The Fig, Ficus, is the only example- ORDERS. < i> CLASS 24, Cnjptogamia. Observation* The orders in this class are professedly natural. They are four in Linnaeus, but we no,Y reckon live. 1. FILICES, Ferns. Whose fructification is obscure, and grows either on the back of the leaf, which is thence denominated a frond ; or upon a separate frond. Common Brake is an example. The parts of their flowers are almost entirely un- known. Their fructification proved to be such by pro- ducing them from their seeds, consists of the following parts. 1. Involucre, (i-nvolucrum or inducium.') PL 5, fig. 10. A membranous patch which covers the capsules. Observation. The fructification is most commonly in dots or patches, which are frequently in rows upon the back of the leaf; each of these dots or patches consists of an assemblage of cap- sules, either naked or covered by an involncrum. 2. Capsules, PL 3, fig. 11, which consist of two valves, PL 3, fig. 11, 6. contain many seeds, and are sometimes furnished with a ring. 3. Ring, (annulus.} PL 3, fig. 11. a. An elastic sub- stance which surrounds the capsule, partially attached by its opposite ends to the two valves of the capsules. When the capsule is ripe, its valves separate, and the ring, by its elasticity, throws it open, thus scattering abroad the seeds. Observation. Those furnished with a ring are termed annulate, those destitute of it, exannuJatx. 2. Musci, Mosses. These are really herbs, with dis- tinct leaves, and frequently a distinct stem. Fructification of the Mosses. The fertile flowers have the following parts. 1. Calyptra, (cahjptra.} PL 3, fig. 14, b. The" proper calyx of the mosses, the summit of which per- forms the office of a stigma. See page 49. Observation. Smith considers this a species of corolla, and its apex, a stigma. 74 ORDEKS. . Capsule, PI. 3, fig. 14, a. It is of one valve and one cell, opening by a lid. S. Lid, (ppurculum.) PI. 3, fig. 15,6. Which is situ- ated on the top and is covered by the calyptra. Observation. The capsule in most mosses has its orifice closed by a fringe. 4. Fringe, (peristomium.') PL 8, fig. 15 & 16, a. Which is brought into view by removing the lid. It is either simple or double. The number of teeth, remarkably constant in each genus and species, is either 4, 8, ] 6, 32, or 64. Observation. 1. This part is a very interesting- object in the mi- croscope. 2. The stamens and pistih of mosses are so difficult to be ob- served, that I believe no distinctions are founded on them. The barren flowers of mosses consist of an indefinite number of nearly cylindrical, almost sessile anthers ; the fertile flowers, of one, rarely more, perfect pistils, accompanied by several barren ones. Some' few species have the stamens and pistils associated in the same flower, but they are generally separated. 3. Hedwig raised mosses from the seed. 3. HEPATICJE, Liverworts. Their herbage consists of stem, leaf, and fructification, all united, hence call- ed a frond. The capsules are destitute of a lid or opcr- culum. 4. A&GM, Flags. In this order the herbage is a frond, sometimes a mere crust, sometimes of a leathery or gelatinous texture. The seeds are imbedded either in the frond itself or in some peculiar receptacle. To this order belong the seaweeds, &c. 23 the com- mon weed upon rocks, between high and low water, with blistery swellings, and the green fibrous substance in fresh water; also the Lichens, very distinct from the above, examples of which are seen in the green and dark coloured patches on rocks, and in the light green fibrous substance on trees. 5. FUNGI, Mushrooms. PI. 2, fig. 9. These cannot properly be said to have any herbage, Their subsance TABUS OF THE CLASSES AND ORDERS. 75 is fleshy, generally of quick growth, and short duration, differing in firmness from a watery pulp to a leathery or woody texture. Ex. Common Mushroom, Toadstool, and Puff ball. Their seeds are imbedded iii their sub- stance. Tabular View of the Classes and Orders. CLASS 1. MONANDRIA, 1 stamen, contains 2 orders. 1. Monogynia, having one pistil. 2. Digynia, 2 pistils.* CLASS 2. DIANDRIA, 2 stamens, contains 3 orders. 1. Monogynia, having 1 pistil. 2. Digynia, 2 pistils. S. Trigynia, 3 pistils. CLASS 3. TRIANDRIA, 3 stamens, contains 3 orders. 1. Monogynia, having 1 pistil. 2. Digynia, 2 pistils. 3. Trigynia, 3 pistils. CLASS 4. TETRANDRIA, 4 stamens, contains 3 ordeis. 1. Monogynia, having 1 pistil. 2. Digynia, 2 pistils. 3. Tetragynia, 4 pistils. CLASS 5. PENTANDRIA, 5 stamens, contains 6 orders. 1. Monogynia, having 1 pistil. 2. Digynia, 2 pistils. 3. Trigynia, 3 pistils. 4. Tetragynia, 4 pistils. 5. Pentagynia, 5 pistils. 6. Polygynia, many pistils. CLASS 6. HEXANDRIA, 6 stamens, contains 6 orders. 1. Monogynia, having 1 pistil. 2. Digynia, 2 pistils. 3. Trigynia, 3 pistils. 4. Tetragynia, 4 pistils. 5. Hexagynia, 6 pistils. 6. Polygynia, many pistils. * When the pistils are not distinct in all their parts, the number of styles or sessile stigmas is taken for the order* 7ft TABLE OF THE CLASS 7. HEPTANURIA, 7 stamens, contains 4 orders. 1. Monogy nia, having I pistil. 2. Digynia, 2 pistils. 3. Tetragynm, 4 pistils. 4. Heptagynia, 7 pistils. CLASS 8. OCTANDRIA, 8 stamens, contains 4 orders, i. Monogynia, having one pistil, 3.' Digynia, 2 pistils. 3. Trigynia, 3 pistils. 4. Tetragynia, 4 pistils. CLASS 9. ENNEANDRIA, 9 stamens, contains 3 orders. 1. Monogynia, having 1 pistil. 2. Trigynia, 3 pistils. 3. Hexagynia, 6 pistils, CLASS 10. DECANDRIA, 10 stamens, contains 5 orders. 1. Monogynia, having 1 pistil. 2. Digynia, 2 pistils. 3. Trigynia, 3 pistils. 4. Pentagynia, 5 pistils. 5. Decagyiiia, 10 pistils. CLASS 11. DODECANDRIA, 12 to 19 stamens, contains 6 orders. 1. Mnnogy nia, having 1 pistil. 2. Digynia, 2 pistils. 3. Trigynia, 3 pistils. 4. Tetragynia, 4 pistils. 5. Pentagynia, 5 pistils. 6 Dodecagynia, 12 to 20 pistils. CLAS 12. ICOSANDRIA, stamens 20 or more, inserted into the calyx, contains 3 orders. 1. Monogynia, having 1 pistil. 2. Pentagynia, 5 pistils. 3. Polygynia, many pistils. CLASS 13. POLY ANDRIA, stamens more than 20, insert- ed into the receptacle, contains 7 orders. 1. Monogynia, having 1 pistil. .2. Digynia, 2 pistils. 3. Trigynia. 3 pistils. 4. Tetragynia, 4 pistils. CLASSES AND ORDERS. 77 5. Pentagynia, 5 pistils. 6. Hexagynia, 6 pistils. 7. Polygynia, many pistils. CLASS 14. DIDYNAMIA, 2 long and 2 short stamens, contains 2 orders. 1. Gymnospermia, seeds naked. 2. Angiospermia, seeds in a capsule. CLASS 15. TETRADYNAMIA, 4 long and 2 short sta- mens, contains 2 orders. 1. Siliculosa, fruit a short roundish pod. 2. Siliquosa, fruit a long pod. CLASS 16. MONADELPHIA, stamens united by their filaments into one tube, contains 8 orders. 1. Triandria, having 3 stamens. 2. Pentandria, 5 stamens. 3. Heptandria, 7 stamens. 4- Octandria, 8 stamens. 5- Decandria, 10 stamens. G Endecandria, 11 stamens. 7. Dodecaridria, 12 to 20 stamens. 8. Polyandria, many stamens. CLASS 17. DIADELPHIA, stamens united by their fila* merits into 2 parcels, contains 4 orders. 1. Pentandria, having 5 stamens. 2. Hexandria, 6 stamens. 3. Octandria, 8 stamens. 4. Decandria, 10 stamens. CLASS 18. POLYADELPHIA, stamens united into more than 2 parcels, contains 3 orders. 1. Dodecandria, having from 12 to 20 stamens in- serted on the receptacle. 2. Icosandria, numerous stamens inserted, in several parcels, on the calyx. 3. Polyandria, stamens numerous, more than 20, inserted on the receptacle. CLASS 19. SYNGENESIA, anthers united into a tube, contains 5 orders. 7* 78 TABLE OF THE CLASSES Atfl> ORDER!*. 1. Polygamia sequalis, all the florets perfect, having stamens and pistils. 2. Polygamia superflua, florets of the disk perfect, and those of the ray, pistil-bearing. 3. Polygamia frustranea, florets of the disk perfect, those of the ray neuter and abortive. 4. Polygamia necessaria, florets of the disk furnish- ed with stamens only, those of the ray with pistils only, 5. Polygamia segregata, florets all perfect, and each furnished with a proper calyx besides the common calyx. V- CLASS 0. GYNANDRIA, stamens inserted on the pistil, contains 7 orders. 1. Monandria, 1 stamen. 2. Diandria, 2 stamens. 3. Triandria, 3 stamens. 4. Tetrandria, 4 stamens. 5. Pentandria, 5 stamens. 6. Hexandria, 6 stamens. 7. Octandria, 8 stamens. CLASS 21. MONOECIA, stamens and pistils in separate flowers on the same plant, contains 9 orders. 1. Monandria, 1 stamen. 2. Diandria, 2 stamens. 3. Triandria, 3 staiyiens. 4. Telramlria, 4 stamens. 5. Pentandria, 5 stamens. 6. Hexandria, 6 stamens. T. Polyamlria,more than 7 stnmens. 8. Monadelphia, filaments united into one body. 9. Polyadelphia, filaments united into more than 2 sets CLASS 22. DIOECIA, stamens and pistils in separate flowers, situated on separate plants, contains 8 orders. 1. Monandria, having 1 stamen* . Diandria, 2 stamens. 3." Triandria, 3 stamens. 4. Tetrandria, 4 stamens. 5. Pentawdria *5 stamens. GENEKA. 79 6. Hexandria, 6 stamens. 7. Polyandria, many stamens. 8. Monadelphia, filaments united into a tube. CLASS 23. POLYGAMIA, stamens and pistils separate in some flowers, united in others, either on the same plant, or on two or three distinct ones of the same species. Observation. Such difference in the essential organs being moreover accompanied with a difference of structure in the other parts of the flower. Smith. This class contains 3 orders. 1. Monoecia, united flowers, accompanied with bar- ren or fertile, or both, all on one plant. 2. Dioecia, the different flowers on two different plants. 3. Trioecia, the different flowers on three different plants. CLASS 24. CHYPTOGAMIA, stamens and pistils either not well ascertained, or not to be numbered with any certainty ; contains five orders. 1. Fillets, Ferns. 2. Muse?, Mosses. 3. Hepaticcv, Liverworts. 4. Mgw, Flags. 5. Fungi, Mushrooms. CHAP. II. GENERA AND SPECIES. I, Genera and their Characters. 1. A GENUS consists of a number of plants which agree with each other in their flower and fruit. Will- denow* A genus comprehends one or more species, so essen- tially different in formation, nature, and often many adventitious qualities, from other plants, as to consti- 80 GENERA. tute a distinct family or kind, no less permanent, and founded in the immutable laws of the creation, than the different species of such a genus. Smith. Take, for example, the various species of Rose ; these compose a beautiful genus, known to the most ignorant, merely by a certain combination of ideas, which he is unable to express, but which is clearly distinguished by a defi- nite character, which, in the present instance, consists, principally in the urn-shaped calyx, the enlargement or swelling below the flower. The Violets form, also, a beautiful genus, and the Lilies another. Other fa- miliar examples of genera occur in the several families of Oaks, Pines, Cherry trees, Willows and Birches. 2. A genus is aptly compared to a family, and has- one name, called the generic name, applied to all the in- dividuals composing it, while each individual or species has, in addition, its own peculiar name, called the spe- cific name ; thus we have Lilium Canadense, Lilium Philadelphicum, &c. 3. A genus may consist of one species only, although it is commonly composed of more. Ex. Linncea is the only species of its genus. 4. Genera are as much founded in nature, as the species which compose them. Observation, 1 Although naturalists assume characters, and form artificial divisions as they please, yet they all agree nearly in the genera, which are sufficient!/ marked by nature. 5. Plants of the same genus possess similar medici- nal powers. Observation. This is in general true, yet there are so many ex ceptions that " the final appeal must be to experience." Al- though their properties may be similar in kind, yet very different effects may be produced, by the different degree in which they possess these properties. Generic Characters. THE GENERIC CHAHACTER is that mark or set of marks which distinguishes one genus from all others. 1. The genric characters are taken exduswdyjrotti the seven parts of fructification. GENERA. 8 1 Observation, 1. This is a rule of the first importance in scientif- ic botany, and should be kept in view by the student from the very commencement of his studying genera. To the discovery and observance of this rule, botany owes its very existence as a science. Linnzeus first insisted on generic characters being exclusively taken from the seven parts of fructification, and he demonstrated these to be sufficient, for all the plants that can be discovered. 2. The most important characters are afforded by those parts of plants which are most essentially concerned in the reproduction of the species, as the flower and fruit ; it follows then, that plants which agree in these, whether they agree in other points, or not, are allied ; and those which do not, are fundamentally different. 2. Generic characters are drawn from the number, figure, situation, proportion, and connexion of eacli par- ticular part of the fructification. Observation. 1. Thus all the different species of calyx, corolla, nectary, pericarp, &c. considered with respect to the five attributes just mentioned, furnish the observer with so many simple charac- ters These simple characters Linnaeus denominates the letters or alphabet of botany. By studing, comparing, and, as it were, spell- ing these letters, the student comes at last to read and understand the generic characters, which the Creator has originally imprinted upon vegetables. JVtilne. 2. Some characters are more uniform and constant than others ; the parts of the flower and fruit are more constant than the other parts of a plant ; and again, the situation, connexion, and pro- portion of these parts, more constant than the number and figure. Colour is in general so variable, that it is not depended on as a character, either of genera or species. 3. In some few genera, alt the parts of the flower and 'fruit are constant and uniform, as the Lily, Rose* Violet, Iris, &c. 4. In others, a part only of the frucitiflcation is uni- form and constant. 5. The part that is uniform and constant in all the species of the genus, is various in various genera. In the genus Anemone, it is the seeds, while the petals vary from 5 to 9. In the genus Acer, Maple, it is the pecu- liar seed-vessel, furnished with a dilated wing, while the other parts are inconstant. In Hydrophyllum, it is the closed chinks, which are situated within the co- rolla. 82 GENERA. By taking into the generic character a greater or less numher of marks, Linnseus himself makes several kinds of generic characters. The most important are the Natural and the Essential. 1. The Natural character comprehends every possi- ble mark, common to all the species of one genus ; is an enumeration of all the particulars in which their fructifications agree. 2. The Essential character consists of an enumera- tion of those marks onl), which distinguish the genus from all others. This last, is the kind of generic char- acter now universally adopted, and indeed the only one in common use. The excellence of the essential char- acter consists in its brevity and perspicuity. In ten or twelve words, it frequently makes know the dis- tinguishing marks. The natural character is much more lengthy, and does riot direct the attention, particularly, to those es- sential marks which distinguish the genus. It is used by Linnaeus in his Genera Plantarum, a work now near- ly superseded by the essential characters* in his Systema Vegetabilmin 9 and therefore, in some measure laid aside. Both the Natural and Essential characters are put down in the Cyclopedia. Observations. The study of genera cannot be too strongly re- commended to the young Bo anist. The science of Botany may be said to corsist principally in a knr wedge of them, and the whole use of the Classes and Orders, is to afford a facility, by which to arrive at this knowledge. When a Botanist has become acquainted with a single species of a genus, and by examining its flower and fruit, fixed in his mind the character of the genus, he is enabled to recogrT.ze all the other species, which, in some Di- stances, are hundreds, wherever he may meet With them. TI is serves to give some idea of the pleasures and advantages of a knowledge of genera. But it is not from books alone that this knowledge is to be obtain- ed ; the student should study plants themselves ; he should make na- ture principal, and books auxiliary In Botany, as well as in every other branch of Natural Hi-tory, the objects themselves should be studied, and books be used as a mere assistance. SPECIES. 8S The few rules given above concerning 1 genera and their charac- ters can hardly be comprehended without some practical observa- tion. Whenever the young botanist has an opportunity, he should exa- mine the several species of the same genus, and see how the gen- eric character appears in each. He should also compare the characters of different genera. By repeated efforts of this kind, he will finally become acquainted with the various affinities of plants, by which species are united into Genera, and Genera again into Natural Orders, by which all the individuals of the vegetable kingdom sustain a beautiful and varied relation to each ether. II. Species. 1. SPECIES are the individuals of which a genus consists. A species more properly consists of a number of individuals, all of which are essentially alike ; called different specimens of the same species ; for example, in one orchard are several Apple- trees, which are so many individuals of the same species, Pyr\is Mains. 2. Any permanent peculiarity is sufficient to consti- tute a species. Observation. If one plant in a genus had round leaves, while all the rest had leaves of some other form, such plant would con- stitute a distinct species. THE SPECIFIC CHARACTER consists of those marks which distinguish one species from all others in the genus. Specific characters are taken from the number, j%- ure 9 situation, proportion and connexion of the roots, trunks, leaves, and appendages ; also from the inflo- rescence, and such circumstances of the flower and fruit as are not appropriated to the other divisions. Observation. 1. The most permanent characters are furnished by those circumstances of a plant which are most essentially con- cerned in its existence or peculiar habits. Thus the strong*curv- ed prickles of the Sweet-briar Rose are necessary to support this " towering* queen" on other plants, and are therefore constant and uniform, while in other species of Rose, in which the prickles have no very essential part to serve, they are variable. 84 SPECIES. 2. Colour, although so conspicuous a mark in flowers, is so va- riable, that it is never depended on as a character. Take, for an example of Generic and Specific char- actors, the family of Lilies, which in Practical Works is arranged as follows. Class VI. HEXANDRIA, six stamens. Order I. MOJVOGYJVI4, one style. Genus LILIUM. LILY. Generic character. Calyx none ; corolla inferiour, six petalled, the petals with a longitudinal groove from the middle to the hase. Species 1. LIUUM CANADENSE. Canada Lily. Com- mon Yellow Lily. Specific Character. Leaves in whorls ; flowers ter- minal, drooping, petals spreading. Species 2. LIUUM PHIIADELPHICUM. Common Red Lily. Specific Character. Leaves in whorls; flowers erect ; corolla hell-shaped, petals with claws. Observation. I . The Cabbage, Turnip, and Kale, are so many species of one genus, Brassica. The Apple, Pear, and Quince, of the genus Pyrus. The Plum and Cherry are species of the genus Prunm. The Currant and Gooseberry are species of Ribes. . A diagnostic or discriminating description of a plant, of which the above is an example, is liable to differ very much from a general or entire description. In a discriminating de- scription such points only are noticed as are sufficient to distin- guish the plant successively, in classes, orders, genera, and spe- cies from all others In distinguishing species especially, very minute marks are frequently of necessity made essential, because they are the only definable points in which the species differs from all others, while some marks which are prominent, pass un- noticed because they are common to several. A per/eft or complete description of an individual, made out with- out any reference to other plants, touches every point and gives, as it were, a complete picture of the whole plant. Such a de- scription has been called the Natural Character of the Species. It is often very convenient to note down something 1 like an en- tire description of plants, as we find them, in order to retain their characters until we can fir.d their distinguishing description, or in other words, their generic and specific characters. VARIETIES. 85 It is very well calculated to improve a young' botanist to at. tempt an entire description of all the parts of a plant in technical terms. By repeated attempts of this kind, the language of bota ny will become familiar. The order to be observed in such descriptions, is that of nature, as follows : beginning with the ROOT, then the TRUNKS, LEAVES, APEXI)AKS, INFLORESCENCE, FRUCTIFICATION, &c. In describing 1 the fructification, b^gin with the external part, and proceed in- ward, thus, first the calyx, then the corolla, 8cc The description of each separate part should be arranged in a sepaiate paragraph. The Characters of the Classes are taken from the stamens ; those of the Orders from the stamens and pistils, principally from the pistils ; the Generic Char- acters from the other of the seven parts of fructification and such circumstances of the stamens and pistils as are not taken for the Classes and Orders ; and the Spe- cific Characters from all parts of the plant except such circumstances of the flower and fruit as are taken for Classes, Orders, and Genera. VARIETIES, (varietas) are plants changed from their usual appearance by some accidental cause ; the various kinds of Apples are examples of varieties. See page 3. Observiitioii 1. As many plants of different form and appear- ance as are produced from seed of the same species, are to be re- garded as g*enuine varieties, and in all cases to be distinguished with great care from the species. 2. Varieties are caused by culture, climate, exposure, age, dis- ease, luxuriance or poverty of nourishment, and some other causes. 3. Gardeners by various methods of culture produce innumer- able varieties, especially of double flowers. 4. Varieties in colour are very common. We have now explained the terms of botany, as ap- plied to the external forms of plants, illustrated the Classes and Orders of Lirmseus, and given a brief out- line of Genera and Species ; an understanding of which is all that is necessary for discriminating plants* It remains to explain 8 86 METHOD TO FIND OUT The method to take tojind out an unknown plant. Observation. As the most important distinctions are founded on the flower, the only proper time for examining a plant is when it is in flower. When a botanist lias obtained a plant in flower, he determines, in the first place, by inspecting the flower, to what class it belongs, and to what order in that class. He next refers to some practical work, such as Dr. Bigelow's " Plants of Boston," Eaton's "Man- ual," or Pursh's " Flora," in which the plant is pre- sumed to be described, and turns to the class and or- der pointed out by the flower. Next reads over the generic characters in that order, carefully observing the particulars of the fructification mentioned, until one is found which applies. This gives him the gen- eric or family name which is prefixed to the character. Lastly he turns to the specific characters of the genus, reads them over, and observes the particulars men- tioned until he finds the one which applies. To this is prefixed the specific name. Thus he discovers the tech- nical name of the individual ; which was the object. This is generally accompanied with the synonims, one or more English names, and references to figures. By means of the name he is enabed to refer to what- ever may have been written concerning it. And also to refer to its place in the Natural Orders, and thus see to what other genera it is allied. To be convinced of the great utility of an artificial system in con- ducting 1 to the knowledge of plants, let us suppose the number of known species of plants to be twelve thousand, and the number of classes in a certain known method, to be twenty-four. A plant is presented to me which I have never seen. 1 immediately look for the general character, which serves to distinguish each of the twenty- four classes. This being found, and consequently the class of the plant being determined, 1 have no longer to look for my plant among twelve thousand, but, on a supposition that each class contains an equal number, among live hundred only the twenty-fourth part of the number just supposed. I next look for the character of the order, the second division, which being like- wise found, will reduce the number to about an hundred. The character of the genus, which I next explore, will reduce the number still further, to twenty, for instance^that of the species determines the plant in question. UNKNOWN PLANTS. tf< This method of proceeding is similar to that which is observed in turning- over a dictionary, where, in searching for a word, as FAME, we first look for the letter F, then A, and so successively the M and E. F may represent the class, A the order, M the ge- nus, and E the species. Milne. Observation. 1 It happens in some instances in the Linnaean system, that a particular species has the character of some other class or order than the one to which the other species of the same genus belong. Thus the Fringed Gentian has only four stamens, while the other species of the genus have 5. Some spe- cies of Cerastium have only 4, others 5, stamens, though the greater part have 10. This is an imperfection in the classes and orders, and as the different species of the same g'enus must nevei be separated by artificial arrangements, such species are not plac ed in the class and order whose character they have, but are re- tained with the other species of their genus in another class and order. Their names however are put down in italics by Linnaeus in the class and order to which they would be referred by the stamens and styles. This obviates the difficulty which would otherwise arise to the student, and enables him to refer to the plant by the index. 2. There is generally a relation in the numbers of the different parts of the same flower. Thus the Lily has 6 petals, 6 stamens, stigma 3-cleft, capsule 3celled. The Rose has its calyx 5-parted and corolla 5-petalled. In Trillium this uniformity of numbers is so remarkable as to give name to the genus. It has 3 leaves ; the flower has the calyx 3-leaved, corolla 3 petalled, stamens 6, stigmas 3, capsule 3-celled. This often gives a clue to the class and order of an unknown plant when it is in fruit. The benefit of which I have frequent- ly had the satisfaction to avail myself of, either by the divisions of a permanent caiyx, the number of valves or cells of the capsule or the number of seeds. 3. Sometimes from poverty of nourishment or some other cause, flowers are found to have a less number of divisions in all their parts than usual ; or a greater number from abundance of nourishment. The Epigaa usually has its calyx and corolla 5-parted, stamens 10, capsule 5-celled ; but some of its flowers occasionally have a fifth part wanting, thus : calyx and corolla 4-parted, stamens 8, capsule 4 celled 4. In some plants the terminal flowers have a greater number of divisions than the latteral ones. Ex. Some species of Jllonotropa have their terminal flowers with 10 petals, 10 stamens, capsule 5- valved, &c. while the lateral ones have a fifth part wanting, thus : petals 8, stamens 8, capsule 4-celled, &c. 88 POISONOUS PLANTS. The student will observe that the genera in each order of Lin- naiis are arranged according 1 to their natural affinities ; thus com- bining-, as far as may be, the advantages, both of a Natural and an Artificial method. Tt has already been observed, that plants which agree in their most essential external characters, agree also in their properties. Of course certain qualities will be indicated by particular exter- nal marks See page 80 St 91. Upon this principle are construct- ed the following Mules to distinguish Poisonous Plants. 1. Plants with glumes, as the grasses, never poisonous. They belong mostly to Triandria 2. Plants with 5 stamens and 1 pistil, Pentandria, Monogynia, of a dark gloomy aspect andnauoeous smell, are narcotic and dan- gerous. Kx. Thorn-apple, Datura ; Henbane, Hyo&eyamus ; To- bacco, Nicotiana 3. Plants of Pentandria Digynia, bearing umbels, are poisonous if th,'y grow in wet soil and have a nauceous odour ; Kx. Hem- lock, Conium ; Water parsnip, Slum ; Water-hemlock, Cicuta. Observation. The cicnta maculuta is an exception to a part of the rule, being aromatic and still a deadly poison. It is on that account the more dangerous. It has destroyed some children lately, the root being mistaken and eaten by them for Angelica. See I)r. Bigelow's Medical Botany. If they grow on dry soil and have an agreeable odour, they are healthful aromatics, as Coriander, Carui, Fennel. 4. Plants with stamens inserted on the calyx, whether they be few, as in the Currant, or numerous, as in the class Icosar,dria t have wholesome fruits, as Apple, Plum, Strawberry, Currant. The other parts of the plant should be suspected. 5 ^Plants with corollas and naked seeds arc mostly aromatic, and none of them poisonous, as Sweet Marjoram, Cat- mint, Hyssop, Motherwort. They belong chiefly to Didynamia Gymnospermia 6. Plants with labiate corollas, and seeds in a seed-vessel, are, in some instances, narcotic, as Fox-glove, Digitalis. They belong to Didynnwia Jlngospermia, and have generally personate flowers. 7. Plants of the 1.5th Class, Tetradynamia* having cruciform flow- ers, rarely, if ever, poisonous, but are many of them used as food ; :is Cabbage, Turnip, Radish, and Mustard 8. Plants with butterfly shaped flowers, belonging mostly to .'Diadelphia, very rarely poisonous ; many of them are used for food ; as Pea and Bean. Wild Indigo, Podalyria tinctoria t is an excep- tion, being 1 emetic and cathartic. 9. Planis of the 19th Class, Syngenetia, having compound flow- ers, are rarely poisonous ; as Sunflower, Dandelion and Thistle^ NATURAL ORDERS. 89 10. Plants which have a milky juice, unless compound, are poisonous ; as Dog's-bane, Jlpocymun ; Milkweed, Asclefiias. 11. Plants having any appendage to the calyx or corolla, and 8 or more stamens, generally poisonous ; as Columbine, Jlquilegia ; Monk's-hood. See Eaton's Manual, page 11. We have now gone through with what is necessary to become acquainted with genera and species, in a knowledge of which Bo- tanical science principally consists. The next chapter contains some observations on Natural Orders, and the general relations of plants, of which the student cannot possibly form a very definite conception, until he is more or less acquainted with genera. It is well enough however for him to read them, but he must not be dissatisfied with himself or discouraged if he does not at once un- derstand them in every particular. CHAP. III. NATURAL ORDERS. A NATURAL ORDER consists of a number of genera, which are allied to each other by botanical af- finities ; which have an evident agreement with each other in some of their most essential parts. In a Natural Method the Artificial Divisions, Classes and Orders are set aside and the vegetable kingdom stands divided, first into those primary divisions, NATURAL ORDERS, which nature has marked out. These are divided, in the next place, as artificial classes and orders are, into genera ; and the genera into species. The Artificial arrangement of the vegetable kingdom into Clases and Orders, for the purpose of determining the name and history of an unknown plant in an easy and' direct manner, was thought by Linnseus to be a matter of necessity ; because Natural Orders cannot be stamped with a single definite character by which the individuals of each might be readily knovvn But still he consid- ered a Natural method as the perfection of Botanical science. See page 64. Take a fruit garden for an example of a natural or- der. The Cherry and Plum are two species of the genus Prunus ; Peach and Flowering Almond, two 8* 90 tfATtJJ&AL ORDERS. species of Amygdalus ; Pear, Apple and Quince, three species of Pyrus ; Currant and Gooseberry, two spe cies of Ribes. These all belong to the same Natural Order, POMACEJE of Linnaeus. Observation The relation between these several genera is obvious even to a common observer, by their habit* or general aspect. These relations may he represented in the following manner : NATURAL ORDER. GENEHA. SPECIES. ~Prunus. {Cherry, | Plum. POMACEJS.- Jhnygdab*. | Bering Almond, f Pear, Pyms. -j Apple, I Quince. Ribes -f Currant ' | Gooseberry. There is a tendency in the vegetable kingdom to- wards the following general relations, upon which Natural Divisions, such as Natural Orders, Genera, &c. are (bunded. 1. All the individuals which compose 1 it are united by affinities into one common bond, in which there is a gradual transition from one point to another, the vari- ous individuals standing as so many points of an ex- tended series, or so many links of a continued chain. Thus one plant has a certain set of characters ; anoth- er loses some of these and acquires some new ones; another loses some more, and acquires other new ones, ALGJB. Flags, Liverworts, Lichens, and Sea- weeds. 58. FuffGi. Mushrooms. Observation. These four last constitute the Linnsean class Cryp* ivgamia, which see. PART V. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY otf VEGETABLES. THIS comprehends an account of the internal or- gans, and the functions they perform. Plants are organic bodies, containing cells, vesicles* absorbents, tubes, &c. which being disposed in regular order and qualified with the principle of vitality, arc the laboratory in which nature produces the phenome- na of vegetation. Plants as well as animals then are endowed with the principle of life or vitality, a principle which minerals do not possess ; they are living organized beings." If it be asked what this principle of life or vitality is, we must own our complete ignorance. We know it, as we know its omnip- otent Author, by its effects. The effects of vitality are stupendous beyond conception, in the operations constantly going on in every organized body, from our own elaborate frame to the humblest moss or fungus. Those different fluids which compose the eye, so fine and trans- parent, separated from each other by membranes as fine, all retain their proper situations (though each fluid individually is perpetu- ally removed and renewed) for sixty, eighty, or an hundred years or more, while the principle of life remains. So do the infinitely small vessels of an almost invisible insect, the fine and pellucid tubes of a plant, all hold their destined fluids, conveying or changing them according to fixed laws, but never permitting them to run into confusion so long as the vital principle anftnafes their various forms. But no sooner does death happen, than witlwut any apparent alteration of structure, any ap- parent change in the ir material configuration, all is reversed. The eye loses its form and brightness ; its membranes let go their contents, which mix in confusion, and thenceforth yield to the laws of chemistry alone. Just so it happens, sooner or later, to the other parts of the animal as well as vegetable frame. Chemicai changes, putrefaction and destruction immediately follow the total privation of life, the importance of which instant* ly becomes evident when it is no moret 1 00 GERMINATION. I humbly conceive therefore, that if the human understanding can, in any case, flatter itself with obtaining in the natural world, a glimpse of the immediate agency of Deity, it is in the contempla- tion of this vital principle, which seems independent of material organization, and an impulse of his own divine energy. CHAP. I. GERMINATION. GERMINATION is a term applied to that part of vegetable physiology, which explains the process by which a seed becomes a plant. For the terms applied to the various parts of a seed, see p. 59. When a seed is committed to the earth, under the proper conditions of air, heat, and moisture, it first swells by the fluids absorbed by its vessels. Accord- ing to Dr. Thomson of Edinburgh, a chemical action next takes place ; oxygen gas is absorbed, and carbonic acid evolved; by this process, the carbon in the farina of the lobes being diminished, and the oxygen increased in proportion, it is, in part, converted into sugar. The cotyledons thus prepared, convey nourishment through vessels, fitted for the purpose, immediately to the em- bryo or chick. Thus supplied with nourishment, the chick sends its radicle downward, taking such root as finally to be supplied with nourishment from the earth, and its plume upward, to unfold itself into herbage. In this process, the integuments of the seed are ruptur- ed and presently decay. The radicle makes its ap- pearance rather before the plume. Observation. The chemical action, mentioned above, is attend- ed with an evolution of heat which results from the absorption of oxygen The evolution of .sugar is precisely what takes place in malting-, in which the seed is exposed in a warm place and moistened un- til germination commences, when the process is stopped by drying 1 it.- It is then found to have become sweet, -.-d is used to impart saccharine matter to beer. GERMINATION. 1 01 When the young root has made some progress, the cotyledons are raised out of the ground hy the ascend* ing stem, take a green colour and perform the function of real leaves, submitting the juices to the action of air arid light ; in this state they constitute what are called seed-leaves. Hadish, Mustard, and Bean are ex- amples. After the plume unfolds itself into the proper leaves, these seed-leaves, being no longer needed, gen- erally wither and decay. Plants which have only one cotyledon, as the grass and corn tribes, and the Orchidce, do not raise it out of the ground, and it of course never becomes a seed-leak Observation* The substance, which makes up the principal bulk of the seed with one cotyledon, has been called Albumen. There is, in some of those seeds, another part, which is situated in imme- diate contact with the embryo, which has been called Vitelhts or yolk, very conspicuous in Indian- corn. The presence of air is indispensable to the germi- nation of seeds. They will not vegetate in an ex- hausted receiver, nor when they are buried too deep in the earth, but they often retain their power to vegetate for an unlimited period. Earth, taken from a consid- erable depth, will, when exposed to the air, soon be cov- ered with young plants, especially of the Thistle or Mustard kind, though no seeds have been allowed to have access to it. The vital principle of seeds, on which depends their power to vegetate, seems not to be affected by the com- mon vicissitudes of heat and cold. Some seeds lose their vegetative power by being kept out of the ground ever so little a while after they are ripe, and, in order to succeed, must sow themselves in their own way. Others may be kept a long while without losing this power. Some seeds, although they will vegetate after being long preserved, jet they produce stinted and sickly plants. If the process of germination has once commenced., its interruption is fatal to the seed. 102 Aff ATOMY 01? VEGETABLES. The elongation of the radicles downward takes, place by additions to their extremities. The elonga- tion of the plume takes place by an increase of parts already formed. The unerring direction of the radicle downward, and of the plume upward, is found, by experiment, to he under the controul of gravitation ; hence, we per- ceive, why plants do not grow perpendicular to the sur- face, which is frequently much inclined, but always stand perpendicular to the horizon. CHAP. II. ANATOMY. In the living vegetable system there are to be con- sidered the exteriour form and the internal constitution. Having, in the former part of the work, explained the external characters of plants, we proceed next to an examination of their internal structure. Observation, The Anatomy and Physiology of vegetables, al- though a pleasing and important branch of Botanical science, is not absolutely indispensable to the practical botanist, the discrimi- nating characters being taken altogether from external marks. Most of the following observations will be intelligible to every reader, but as the subject is very much connected with the pecu- liar laws which govern living beings, and with the science of chemistry, the young* reader is cautioned not to be dissatisfied with himself, if he should be unable to comprehend them in every particular. This chapter will be confined principally to a mere description of the several internal parts ; the next will be appropriated to the various functions these perform. The vegetable body consists of the BARK, WOOD, and PITH. I. Of the Bark. The Bark consists externally of the Epidermis, Cuti- cle, or outer bark, next of the Cellular integument, and internally of the Cortex or inner bark. ANATOMY Of VEGETABLES. 10S 1. Epidermis. Every part of a living plant is cov- ered with a skin or membrane, called tiie epidermis or cuticle. The term cuticle has been applied by anatomists to the scarf skin which covers the animal body. There is the most striking analogy between the animal and veg- etable cuticle. The cuticle is sometimes called the outer bark. Upon the leaves and annual branches it is membranous and transparent. Upon older branches it is more or less opaque, and on the bodies of old trees it is coarse, thick, cleft and scaling off, being sometimes altogether removed, as in old oaks and elms, the dead layers of the inner bark performing its functions. The Birch has its outer hark in circular layers re- sembling paper, for which daat of- the White Birch has heen used as a substitute. The outer bark serves (he purpose of protection from external injuries, at the same time that it regulates the proportion of absorption and perspiration through its pores. It is destitute of vitality ; the only part of a living plant which is dead. Although it does not grow, yet it is capable of very great extension. The outer bark of many of the grasses, and of sev- eral species of Equisdum or scouring 1 rush, contains silicious earth or flint. It is so abundant in the Rat- tan, that it will give fire with steel. 2. The Cellular integument. Immediately beneath the cuticle or outer bark we find the cellular iutegu- ment. This being for the most part green, is the seat of colour, and so far is analogous to the cutis or true skin of animals. The leaf consists of an extension of the cellular in- tegument, covered on both sides by a membranous ex- pansion of the cuticle. It is of a succulent vascular na- ture, and is important in a physiological point of view, being the part in which the fluids are changed by the 104 ANATOMY OF VEGETABLES. action of air and light, and in which the various secre- tions principally take place. This part is interposed between the cuticle and the true bark. 3. Cortex. Immediately under the cellular integu- ment and next to the wood we find the inner or true bark. Jt consists of but one layer in plants or branch- es of only one year old. In older branches or the trunks of trees, it consists of as many layers as they are years old. The innermost layer is called the liber. It is in this layer only that the essential vital functions are carried on for the time being ; after which, it is pushed outwards with the cellular integument by the successive formation of new layers, and with the cel- lular integument finally becomes a lifeless crust. The inner bark of some species of trees separates when macerated in water into the several layers of which it is composed ; each layer, in some cases, ap- pearing perforated like lace. The Lime-tree or Bass- wood is one of the finest examples, in which the fibres are soft and tenacious like hemp, and have been manu- factured. All these layers, in a living state, are closely con- nected by the cellular texture which pervades the vege- table body generally, as well as by transverse vessels which pass through them. The principal vessels of the bark are the longitudinal ones 5 they are called cortical vessels. In the bark the peculiar virtues of particular plants chiefly reside, especially in several of its internal lay- ers nearest the wood. II. Wood. When the bark is removed, we come to the wood* which makes the principal bulk of a trunk of a tre^ or shrub. When cut across, it is found to consist of a number of concentric layers, called grains, PL 3, fig* 17, c. very distinct in most trees of our northern cli- ANATOMY OF VEGETABLES. 105 mate. Every year's growth constitutes a layer, so that by counting the several layers the age of the tree may be ascertained. In a species of ash these layers are very distinct, and are so slightly connected by the cellular substance between them, that by continual beating and bending, the basket-maker is enabled to separate them for his use. These layers are annually secreted or deposited from the innermost part of the bark or liber. The wood owes its tenacity and strength to innumerable woody fibres, and consists of various vessels running for the most part longitudinally, PI. 3, fig. 17, b. Some of these vessels have a spiral coat, others not. Some have their 9 ides perforated, and others nearly or quite en- tire see pi. 3, fig. 19 & 20. The vessels anastomose or communicate laterally with each other. This is the case also with the vessels of the bark, which are smaller and more complicated thaw those of the wood. Observation. In the transverse sections of wood, which are a common and beautiful object in the microscope, these vessels are very conspicuous. In the roots of the Elm, the trunk of the Com- mon Creeper, and the wood of the Chesnut, they are so large that air and even water can be sucked through them in pieces of sever- al feet in length. Of the vessels of the wood, some in their youngest state convey the sap from the root to the extremities of the branches and leaves, and others contain the vari- ous peculiar or secreted juices. The whole are joined together by the cellular substance, which seems to be designed to unite all the parts of a plant. In some trees, and particularly old ones, there are a number of external layers or grains of wood which differ greatly in colour from the central ones, being much whiter ; these are called by the workmen the sap, while the central or darker part is called the heart. The sapwood is called technically alburnum. - The sapwood is the living, vascular, and active part, while the heart is dead or possesses a very low degree 106 ANATOMY OF VEGETABLES. of vitality. The heartwood is usually much more du- rable timber than the sapwood. In the arrangement of the fibres of the wood there are two distinct ap- pearances. Besides the layers just described, there are a series of white and shining lamellae, which shoot from the centre towards the circumference, and these constitute what is called the Silver grain PL 3, fig. 17, d. The appearance of the silver grain is generally ob- vious in trees and shrubs, and particularly so in the Oak. Something analogous to it is discoverable in an- nual herbs. The silver grain is elastic and susceptible of change of volume by various temperatures. III. Medulla or Pith. This is situated in the centre of the trunk and branches of plants* JLn plants of one year's growth it is often very large and full of the juices of the plant ; in older ones, it becomes dry, soft, light, and very com- pressible. In most old trees it is altogether obliterat- ed. It has been thought to be a reservoir of the juices in young plants. The pith is very conspicuous in the Elder, Ash, and Sumach. General texture of Plants. Mirbel finds, by the help of the highest magnifying powers, that the vegetable body is a continued mass of tubes and cells ; the former extended indefinitely, the latter frequently and regularly interrupted by trans- verse partitions. These partitions being ranged al- ternately in the corresponding cells, and each cell in- creasing somewhat in diameter after its first forma- tion, except where restrained by the transverse parti- tions, seems to account for their hexagonal figure.* See PI. 16, fig, 1 1. a. The membranous sides of all these cells and tubes are very thin, more or less transparent. * Jn microscopic figures they are generally drawn like circles intersecting each other, PHYSIOLOGY OF VEGETABLES* 107 often porous, variously perforated or torn. Of the tubes, some are without any lateral perforations, b. at least for a considerable extent ; others pierced with holes ranged in a close spiral line, c. ; in others, sev- eral of th^se holes run together, as it were, into inter- rupted spiral clefts, d. ; and in some, those clefts are continued, so that the whole tube, more or less, is cut into a spiral line, e. ; which, in some young branches and tender leaves, will unrol to a great ex- tent, when they are gently torn asunder. The cellular texture, especially, is extended to every part of the veg- etable body, even into the thin skin, called the cuticle, which covers every external part, and into the fine hairs or down, which, in some instances, clothe the cuticle itself. CHAP. III. PHYSIOLOGY. Having, in the former chapter, given a brief outline of the structure of the internal organs of plants, we pro- ceed to give some account of the supposed functions these perform. I. Division of a Plant into parts according to the func- tions they perform. Every plant examined as to external structure dis- plays at least four systems of organs. 1. The Root ; 2. the Trunk and Branches ; 3. the Leaves ; and 4. the Fructification. Davy. 1. The Root fixes the plant in the earth and imbibes the nourishment from the soil. The root is a continu- ation of the trunk, and is similar to it in its anatomi- cal structure. While the trunk terminates in leaves, the root terminates in fibres or radicles, in which its peculiar functions are performed. 2. The Trunk elevates the leaves, flow r er and fruit to a convenient and proper situation, and serves as a me- lf)3 PHYSIOLOGY 0]F VEGETABLES. dium of vascular communication between the root and these parts. 3. The Leaves serve to effect important changes in the juices of the plant, as is presently to he explained. 4. The Fructification forms a distinct set of organs for the continuation of plants in succession, one genera- tion after another. For the particular physiology of this part, ^^fructification, p. 45. II. Thz Circulation of the Blood in Jlnimals. Physiologists observe an analogy between animals and vegetables, both in anatomical structure and physi- ological functions, which r;)akes it necessary to explain, especially, the circulation in animals, which is very analogous to what we are about to explain in vegeta- bles. The blood passes out of the left cavity of the heart* in the main trunk of the arteries, vUiich, dividing and branching like a tree, takes a pretty direct course to all the various p?rts of the body, where its branches finally become innumerable, pervading every particle of the body, and so small as to elude observation. These are called the extreme vessels of the body. They grad- ually collect themselves again into another set of vessels, called the veins, which finally unite into two principal trunks that enter the cavity of the right side of the heart together, and convey the blood thither. By ite contractions the heart sends it from the right cavity to the lungs, through a vessel which passes up to them, ramifying, like the artery which has been de- scribed, until it pervades every particle of the lungs with its minute vessels, which are called the extreme bloodvessels of the lungs. These finally collect them- selves into another set of vessels, which enter the left cavity of the heart in four trunks, and return the blood to be recirculated. The extreme blood vessels, in the lungs meet with the extreme branches of the trachea or f The heart has two cavities, a right and left, PHYSIOLOGY OF VEGETABLES 109 Windpipe, which every where accompany them, being separated from them only by very fine membranes. In these extreme vessels of the lungs the blood under- goes an important change* It gives off a portion of its carbon which combines with a portion of the oxy- gen or vital air inspired ; at the same time its capaci- ty for caloric or heat is increased, and it drinks up, as it were, the heat of the oxygen, which otherwise would have been developed. By these changes, the blood from a purple, acquires a bright verm ill ion colour. The blood then passes into the left cavity of the head, which contracts and throws it through the arteries in- to the extreme vessels of the body, still retaining its vermillion colour. In the extreme vessels of the body 9 the blood performs the important offices for which it was designed in the animal economy. In these, in some unknown manner, its capacity for the matter of heat, is diminished, and the heat which was taken up in the lungs is thus devel- oped, where it is required, in every part of the body. In these vessels also, the body is nourished and its de- cays built up. After the blood has passed the extreme vessels, it is found to have lost its fine vermillion, and acquired a dark purple, which it retains as it passes through the veins to the heart, and thence to the lungs, to be re- newed arid recirculated. Another system of vessels called t\\eLacteals 9 take up from the viscera the essential nourishment of our food, and convey it by their common trunk, to the circulation emptying it, in form of milk into one of the veins. Thus the great business of the circulation is done in in the extreme vessels of the lungs and in those of the body ; the larger trunks serve as mere channels of con- veyance, while the heart acts as an engine to give mo- tion. In the extreme vessel:-; of the lungs the blood is prepared to nourish and support the body, and in th we of the body it performs this office. 10 110 PHYSIOLOGY OF VEGETALES. The arteries in the limbs are deep-seated near the bones, while the veins are much more superficial. III. Of the Sap-vessels, course of the Sap, functions of the Leaves, and theory of Vegetation. The whole vegetable body is an assemblage of tubes and vessels, as has been previously observed. Observation. In the arrangement of these there is a degree of similarity in all plants, but each species has its peculiarities just as it has in external characters. The fluid which is most abundant in these vessels is the sap or blood of the plant, from which are secreted by appropriate organs, all the various vegetable products to which the various flavours and qualities of each plant are owing, as gums, resins, honey, acids, essential oils, &c. These substances must each be lodged improper cells and vessels to be kept distinct from each other. Air is found to exist in the vegetable body, and must like- wise be contained in appropriate vessels. 1. Of me, Sap-vessels and Cortical-vessels, and their communication with each other in the leaf. The external surface of the radicles or fibres of the roots, are presumed to be perforated by the mouths of innumerable vessels which absorb nourishment. These absorbents are presently collected into the large simple vessels of the sap-wood, which are com- pared to the veins of an animal. The sap-vessels, called by Mr. Knight central vessels, from their situa- tion near the pith in young plants, pass up and branch off to the leaves and fructification, as they approach them. Passing through the woody part of the foot-stalks of the leavef, and through the ribs and veins of the leaf, which are its ramifications, they are presumed to terminate in the -parenchyma or pulp of the leaf, and communicate with the vessels and cells which compose it. Thus they extend from the fibres of the root to the IPAYSIOJLOGY OF VEGETABLES. Ill extremity of each annual shoot of the plant. They have throughout, spiral coats see plate 3, fig. 18 &19. The cortical vessels or vessels of the inner bark are very distinct, botli in structure and function, from the sap+vessels ; they are much smaller, and the spiral coats which are conspicuous in the sap-vessels have never been found in them. Through the medium uf the bark of the leaf-stalk these vessels of the inner bark communicate with the cells of the leaf, the same with which the sap-vessels communicate. This is probably the only communication which the two sets of vessels have with each other. 2. Ascent of the Sap. In the following account of the course of the sap, &c. the theory of Mr. Knight is adopted. In the extreme vessels of the root which immediate- ly absorb the nourishment, an important function is per- formed. The matter presented to the root is water holding various materials in solution : by an unknown process the extreme vessels of the root, as they absorb this fluid matter of the soil, convert it into sap of the peculiar quality necessary to nourish the plant which absorbs it. The sap thus formed differs widely in its properties in different species. Sugar, in a greater or less degree, usually abounds in it ; various salts, acids, gums, oils, and resins, are occasionally found in it. The sap is compared to the blood of animals. Thus prepared by the root, it undergoes no change of consequence, nor performs any important func- tion until it enters the leaves and fructification. The vesse^ of the sap-wood, in which it passes, seem destined merely to convey it to the leaves and flowers, elevated in their several convenient situations. Part of the sap is conveyed into the flowers and fruit, where various fine secretions, such as the volatile 112 PHYSIOLOGY OF VEGETABLES. oil, on which depends the aroma or peculiar perfume of flowers, are made from it. By far the greater portion of sap is carried into the leaves, where it is subjected to important changes. In these organs the sap is ex- posed to the action of light and air, two powerful agents by which it is enabled to form various secre- tions, which give peculiar flavours and qualities to the leaves themselves, at the same time that much super- fluous matter passes off by perspiration. The sap, thus modified in the leaves, is returned by another set of vessels into the new layer of bark. A More will be said of the? descent of the sap and growth of the plant after we have given an account of S. The Structure and Functions of the Leaves. The Leaves are very aptly compared to the lungs of animals. They are the organs of respiration, perspi- ration, and absorption. The alburnum or sap-wood is continued into the leaf-stalk, which branches out into the leaf, form- ing what is called the skeleton of the leaf, which is frequently seen after the worms have devoured the other parts. The spiral tubes attend the alburnum throughout this skeleton ; they are conspicuous in the leaf of the Rose, Lilac, Lilies, and particularly so in the Common Eel-grass ; when these are torn and gent- ly separated, they are seen unrolling themselves from the broken ends of the nerves and veins. This skeleton is clothed on both sides by a membra- nous extension of the cuticle ; between these two membanes is the fleshy substance of the leaf called parenchyma, which consists of vessels and cells filled with the juices of the plant. The upper surface, which is exposed to the sun, is darker than the under, its epidermis is thicker but transparent, allowing a free passage of light. On the under surface, the epidermis is thin and full of cavities, and, it is probable, altogether by this sur- PHYSIOLOGY OF VEGETABLES. US lace that leaves perspire, and absorb the principles of the atmosphere necessary for vegetation. The under surface is so constructed that water will not wet it, but collects in large drops and rolls off, otherwise its func- tions might be obstructed. There are in the leaves of some plants, either on one or both surfaces, a large number of small whitish points, scarcely apparent to the naked eye but easily distinguished with a glass. They are found to consist of small fissures surrounded by areas. These pores, which contain air only, are surrounded by a pair of cells, which contain a greenish fluid in common with the other cells of the leaf. Through these pores and cells the communication appears to be kept up between the external air and the juices of the leaf. See Smith's Bot. Note 84, by Prof. Bigelow. The upper side of leaves is uniformly turned to the light. If a branch be overturned, the foot-stalk will twist until the leaf regains its former position. Light is so essential to vegetation that few plants can be perfect without it. Plants growing in the shade, besides other imperfections, are without colour. When they are placed in a room where the light comes only laterally from a single window, they incline not only the leaves, but the whole plant takes a course to- wards it. Three kinds of vessels centre in the lungs of animals, the Arteries, the Veins, and the dir-vessels of the Wind- pipe. In tbe leaves, the Sap-vessels, the CorticM-ves- sels, and Pores, which convey air, communicate with each other. In the lungs of animals the purple blood from the, veins absorbs oxygen gas from the air inhaled through the air-vessete of the Wind-pipe, which combines with a portion of the carbon of the blood, and is thrown off at the next breath in the form of carbonic acid gas, while the caloric of the oxygen is absorbed, to be car- ried on in the arteries and disengaged in the extreme vessels. Watery vapour is also given off by the Junes. 10* 114 PHYSIOLOGY OF The leaves, in the sunshine, uniformly absorb car- bonic acid gas from the atmosphere, by their under sur- faces, and decomposing it, retain the carbon and give out its oxygen. The carbon retained, no doubt goes into the juices in the leaves. This, it will be perceiv- ed, is the converse of what is effected on the atmos- phere by the lungs of animals. Animals absorb oxy- gen and produce carbonic acid gas, but vegetables ab- sorb carbonic acid, and give out oxygen gas ; thus ani- mals and vegetables serve, very happily, to counteract each other's effects on the atmosphere. In animals, the blood in the lungs, by parting with some of its carbon, changes from a purple to a vermil- lion colour. In the leaves, the juices from being col- ourless, become green, not by losing carbon, for that principle is increased in them. So great is the quantity of carbonic acid gas pro- duced by the breathing of animals, and various chemic- al operations in nature, that we should probably be suffocated by it were it not continually decomposed by the whole world of vegetables, and the pure vital air restored for our respiration. Leaves in the night give out carbonic acid, but in a less quantity than that which they absorb during the day. Flowers are found to give out carbonic acid both in the sunshine and shade, of course their effect is uniformly to vitiate the air. Observation. 1. It will be perceived, from what takes place in leaves, that plants derive a part of their solid nourishment from the air, that is, the carbon or charcoal matter from the decomposed fixed air or carbonic acid gas. 2. Some inquiries of Mr. Ellis of Edinburgh go to prove, that vegetating plants, at all times, absorb oxygen and produce carbo- nic acid in its stead Smith** Bat, p. 175. Note. The leaves are also organs of perspiration. The blood or juices of plants give off a portion of their water in the form of perspiration, through the under surface of the leaves. Dr. Hales proved that an annual Sunflower perspired in dry weather, more than a man. The Cor- PHYSIOLOGY OF VEGETABLES. 115 nelian Cherry perspires, in the course of 24 hours, sev- eral times its own weight. In moist weather, however, plants sometimes absorb moisture by their leaves. The rapid waste of moisture, by the perspiration of the leaves, and its supply by the absorption of the roots, are both indicated by the rapidity with which a plant wilts when plucked from its root, and its immediate revival when the stem is pl&ed in water. It is indi- cated also by the very great quantity of water ne- cessary to supply some plants when placed in the house in an espalier or flower-pot. 4. Descent of the Sap and Growth of the Plant. It is very contradictory to the common notions of vegetation, that plants should grow by a flow of sap from the leaves downward ; yet this point seems to be well established by Mi\ Knight's experiments. The sap, haying ascended from the roots to the leaves, and being there modified and prepared, as has just been described, descends through the vessels of the bark, for the double purpose of nourishing and increasing the plant, and of producing the various secretions, such as gums, resins, turpentines, oils, &c. which are usually found in the bark. " In the bark, principally, if I mistake not, these peculiar secretions of a plant are perfected, each, undoubtedly, in an ap- propriate set of vessels." Smith. The new layers of bark and wood appear to be add- ed in trees in the following manner. The descending cortical vessels of the liber, in the growing season, throw out between the bark and the wood, a pulpy or gelatinous matter, which has been called cambium. The cambium, as it gradually becomes fibrous and of a firmer consistence, separates into a new layer of bark, which attaches itself to the other layers, and, in its turn, secretes another cambium; and a new layer of wood, which is deposited upon the outside of the former layers. 116 PHYSIOLOGY OF VEGETABLES. Observation. 1. When the cambium first begins to be fibrous, although produced by the bark, yet it adheres so much more firmly to the wood, that it remains* quite entire upon it when the bark is removed. It contains much saccharine matter, and in those trees, in which it is not tinctured with any disagreeable property of the plant, as bitterness, it is palatable. It is particularly so in the Birch. Children, in the country, sometimes seek for it, and appear to be as fond of it as they are of fruit. 2. At the season when the cSnbium is perfectly formed, trees maybe stripped of their bark entirely without injury, a new bark being speedily formed upon them. This has been thought to prove, that the wood had power to produce anew bark I have sev- eral times made the experiment on forest trees with perfect suc- cess, and from some circumstances attending it, am inclined to the following opinion. That the cambium, containing the rudi- ment of a new layer of bark, as well as of a new layer of wood, is not removed with the bark, but remains undisturbed on the trunk, and thus the new bark, which forms in this case, is not formed by the wood, but had its rudiment previously formed by the bark. This method of removing the old bark has been turned to advantage in fruit trees, whose bark had become bound. Care should be taken not to injure the pulp of the cambium. It should be protected from the weather a while b} some soft covering. In animals, the trunks of the arteries serve as mere channels to convey the blood into the extreme vessels, which are distributed throughout e/ery fibre of the body. It is in these extreme vessels, that the great vital functions go on ; in these it is, that parts are in- creased or renewed, and in these animal heat is pro- duced. The veins collect the blood, after it has^erform- ed these function.^ and return it through the medium of the heart, to the lungs, to be renewed by the air, and sent round again by the arteries. In the vegetable, the sap-vessels are analogous to the veins, and .the vessels of the leaf to the extreme vessels of the lungs. The vessels of the bark, are com- pared to the arteries. There are not any vessels in vegetables, which carry the descending sap back again from the bark to the vessels of the sap-wood to be recirculated. The sap is supposed to be exhaust- ed altogether, by nourishing the plant in its descent. PHYSIOLOGY OF VEGTABLES. llf In this respect the course of the sap in vegetables dif- fers essentially from the circulation in animals. 5. Growth in genera!. The growth of the trunks and branches, as it re- pects thickness, takes place by means of successive layers, which are annually added, one to the bark, and another to the wood, in a manner already described. The elongation of trunks and branches of trees and shrubs takes place by annual shoots, which are made at their extremities, No part already formed is carried upward or enlarged in proportion in all its parts, as is the case with animals. The Sword-leaved plants, such as Iris and some species of Lily, elongate by additions to their base, while the parts perfectly formed are carried upward ; hence they appear of a darker green at their extremi- ties than near the ground. Most of the grasses elon- gate by additions to the bases of their several joints. Observation. I have determined these points by placing" stakes beside the growing- plants and marking- them. That part of a plant which is the shooting part, whether it be the base or extremity, is usually whitish anil tender. 6. Duration of the Vascular Systems. All perennial plants have annually a new set of radi- cles to their roots, a new growth of leaves to their branches, whether the former fines have fallen or not, a new layer of bark, and a new one of wood added to their bodies. Dr. Smith says, <* the vascular system of all plants is strictly annual. This of course is ad- mitted in annual plants, the existence of whose stems, and often of the whole individual, is limited to one season ; but it is no less true with regard to trees. The layer of alburnum, on the one hand, is added to 118 PHYSIOLOGY OF VEGETABLES. the wood, and the liber, or inner layer of bark, is on the other, annexed to the layers formed in the preced- ing seasons ; and neither have any share in the pro- cess of vegetation for the year ensuing. Still, as they continue for a long time to be living bodies, and help to perfect, if not to form, secretions, they must receive some portion of nourishment from those more active parts, which have taken up their late functions." The vital functions of these systems diminish with their age. Thus, on one hand, the layers of bark, with their systems of vessels, are pushed outward by the new layers within, gradually diminishing in vitali- ty, until they finally become quite dead, split and scale off, as we see them in old trees. On the other hand, the layers of wood are successively covered by the new layers of alburnum, gradually losing their vital powers, until at last they become quite destitute of vitality, and then constitute the heart-wood. The heart-wood some- times goes a step farther, decomposes and leaves the tree hollow. 7. Facts which tend to prove the preceding theory of vegetation. 1. The old physiologists had an idea, that the ves- sels of the alburnum contained nothing but air. Dr. Darwin and Mr. Knight, by placing the cut ends of the twigs of various plants in coloured fluids, succeeded in making these vessels absorb them in such a degree, that they were enabled to trace them in the vessels quite into the leaves 3 thus proving that they carried fluids. 2. When a tree is wounded, it heals from the upper edge of the wound downward, while below the wound, the tree dies in a sort of triangular space, until by the anastomosis or lateral communication of the vessels of the bark with each other, the parts are supplied with what is necessary to their vitality. PHYSIOLOGY OF VEGETABLES. 119 3. It lias been stated that grapes came to maturity much earlier, were larger, asiu setter flavoured when a small circle of bark, one or two eighths of an inch wide, was removed from around the alburnum of the fruitful branches, while the fruit was in its young state. Dr. Bigelow mentions that this method is annually practised in the vicinity of Boston, by different indi- viduals, with the best success. See Smith's Botany, page 59. According to Mr. Knight's theory, the ex- planation is obvious, The sap continues to ascend with freedom, but being interrupted in its descent, and confined to the branches above the incision, a geater quantity of it goes to nourish the fruit. 4. Du Hamel, by many experiments, proved the wood to be deposited from the innermost part of the bark or Liber. He introduced plates of tinfoil under the bark of growing trees, arid after some years, on cut- ting them across, he found the layers of new wood, equal to the number of years, on the outside of the tin. Observation. Linnaeus had a peculiar notion that the new layers were secreted annually from the pith, and added internally to the former ones. 5. It has been mentioned, that at a particular sea- son, trees may be stripped of their bark without inju- ry, a new bark being speedily formed. This was thought to go against the theory, but if it be true, as I have suggested, page 116, that the rudiment of the new bark is formed before the old bark is re- moved, and is not removed with it, but remains on the wood, it accords perfectly with it. 8. Of the power which elevates the Sap. The manner in which the sap is propelled through the several tubes, and elevated to the top of the tallest tree, seems not to be well understood. Whatever may be the action which propels the fluids, it must possess great power, for the mass of fluid in a large tree, which is not only supported by it, but mov- 120 PHYSIOLOGY OF VEGETABLES. ed upward with considerable force, amounts to several tons. ; In animals, the hlood is propelled around its curcuit by the powerful muscular contractions of the heart and arteries. It is also solicited by the action of the ex- treme vessels. Mr. Knight supposes that the silver grain, being susceptible of quick contraction and ex- pansion by heat and cold, has an agency in propelling the sap by pressing upon the vessels. It has been supposed that the propulsion of the fluids in vegetables takes place in a manner similar to that of animals, i. e that they are in some way acted on by the coats of the large vessels, and that they are like- wise drawn up by the action of the extreme vessels of the leaf. The spiral coats of the vessels have been suspected of having an agency in this business. " In some of these, when separated from the plant, Mal- pighi tells us, he once saw a very beautiful undulating motion that appeared spontaneous. This indeed has not been seen by any other person, nor can it be sup- posed, that parts so delicate can, in general, be remov- ed from their natural situation, without the destruction of that fine irratibility, on which such a motion must- depend." Smith. Observation. I was once examining some Eel-grass, in which these spirals are numerous and may be dra*vn out to a great length ; but my object at this time was not to observe them. The grass was moist ft?om the salt water and laid in a heap, various- ly broken and torn asunder, on a table in a dry, warm room. I\vas presently surprised by the appearance of numbers of white filaments in a very brisk vermicular motion, and which I actually took for little worms. They seemed to raise themselves frequent- ly in end, and being bent at various angles, turned rapidly round in one direction a while, then changed and turned in the opposte, making at the same time various other animated movements. Put- ting them in the microscope, I found they consisted of the spiral coats, which, from the manner in which they had been drawn out, were twisted, and when drawn quite asunder had, consequently, twisted together into an elegant little cord, which being very sus- ceptible of changes of volume by alternate dryness and moisture, had been put in motion by the fluctuating vapour arising from the moist grass. SLEEP OF PLANTS. I made some experiments to see how they would be affected by changes of temperature, but determined nothing further than their mechanical sensibility to water, being a most extraordinarily delicate Hygrometer, actively affected even by the vapour of the hand at a considerable distance. It might have been something like this which Malpighi ob* served. Although this may not throw any immediate light on the inter- esting subject of the propulsion of the sap, yet the fact will doubtless be thought worth noticing. It is most probable that the propulsion of the sap is not .to be explained on any mechanical principles, but is in some way the effect of vitality. IV. Sleep of Plants. Many leaves, especially the pinnate ones, of legumin- ous plants, fold themselves together at night or droop as if dying. It is a fact, very commonly observed, that many flowers close at night without opening again un- til the next day. Some flowers are open only in the morning, closing before noon. Common names are sometimes applied from the hour of their closing or expanding ; as Four o'clock. The compound flowers are very much disposed to close during the night. The Dandelion and Marigold are examples. Shakspeare notices this fact in the Marigold in the following lines, Her eyes like marigolds had sheathed their light, And canopied in darkness lay Till they might open to adorn the day. This change of the leaves and closing of the flowers are what is called the sleep of plants. It seems to take place in consequence of the absence of light. Light acts beneficially on the upper surface of leaves and hurtfuily on the under side ; hence the upper sur- face is always turned to the light in whatever situation the plant may happen to be placed. The leaves of a great number of plants follow the sun in his daily course. Clover is an example. Many flowers also follow the sun, as the Sunflower 11 PHYSIOLOGY OF VEGETABLES. and other compound radiate ones. " In their forms Nature seems to have delighted to imitate the radiant luminary to which they are apparently dedicated, and in the abscence of whose beams, many of them do not expand their blossoms at all.' 5 It has already been mentioned^ that the functions of the leaves, in decomposing carbonic acid and deliver- ing out its oxygen, were performed only in the sun- shine. The most important functions of flowers are also performed in the sunshine only. Most plants vegetate but imperfectly in the shade, and scarcely at all in perfect darkness. Trees, which are overgrown by others around them, decline and finally die. Leaves and flowers are attracted by light, and prob- ably have their vital functions stimulated by it. The pinnate leaves of the Sensitive-plant, Mimosa sensitwa, and some other plants, have a most extraor- dinary sensibility not only to light but to the touch of any extraneous body or to any sudden concussion. By even a gentle impression to one of the leflets they will close together, one pair after another, and finally the whole leaf will drop down to the stalk. " Weak with nice sense the chaste Mimosa stands, From each rude touch withdraws her timid hands ; Oft as light clouds o'erpass the summer glade, Alarmed, she trembles at the moving- shade, And feels alive through all her tender form The whispered murmurs of the gathered storm ; Shuts her sweet eyelids to approaching night, And hails with freshened charms the rising light." Hedysarum gyraus has a spontaneous motion in its leaves, independent of any external stimulus, even of light, and only requiring a very warm atmosphere to be performed in perfection. That it does not depend on any motion of the atmosphere is proved by its con- tinuing under a glass bell. These various phenomena depend no doubt on what is termed vital irritability, which means a power in liv- ing beings independent of any thing mechanical, by which they act when certain agents are applied. INSTRUMENTS FOR BOTANIZING. 123 IT remains to make some observations on Instruments for botanizing and the method of preparing an Herbarium. INSTRUMENTS. 1. A small knife, a pair of scissors, a bodkin, a pair of forceps, and a glass or microscope for dissecting and examining plants. A bodkin may be made by fitting a piece of wood in- to the sliding socket of a pencil case and inserting a needle into it. The forceps should be a simple spring ; a strip of brass or other metal bent over at a short angle like a V, about 2 inches long, points i inch apart, to close by pressure with the fingers like sugar-tongs. These will be found very convenient. These several instruments should be in a pocket case* A simple glass of from one to two inch focus, such as the watch-makers use, or a penknife with a glass in the handle, as may now be obtained in the shops, will answer very well. Pocket microscopes with a reflector to illuminate the object, and adjusting- forceps, are now manufactured and sold by J. Peirce, optician, Marlborough street, Boston, which are very use- ful, especially in examining the grasses and mosses, besides being* convenient for examining any other small interesting object. 2. A tin box to receive those specimens, when col- lected, which are afterward to be examined. A close box of this kind immediately becomes full of the va- pour of the plants. Further evaporation being thus pre- vented, the plants are preserved fresh for days, espe- cially if a few drops of water be put in with them. It may be made of a flattened form so as to be carried in the pocket. 3. A portfolio, furnished with strings, containing a parcel of paper like a large, thin book, to collect those specimens which are to be dried and preserved. 1.24 HERBARIUM. HERBARIUM. A collection of dried specimens of plants is called an Herbarium or Hortus siccus. Upon the subject of collecting and preparing speci- mens 1 refer the reader to Smith's botany and to Rich- ard's Dictionary, New-Haven translation, giving at the same time the outlines of a metbod which I have found very successful in practice. The most usual method of preparing specimens, is to dry them between papers under pressure, which is the method I am to give some account of. When a specimen is taken it should be put into the portfolio or into a book immediately, before it wilts to al- ter its habit. Very little care should be taken in placing the various parts, except that some of the flowers may be laid open so as to display the parts which compose them. If the plant be small, the root and all the oth- er parts should be taken. If it be tall like the grasses, it should be cut into pieces and brought upon the paper, or partially broken in several places and folded down once or more in a zigzag manner, passing the last fold ob- liquely across the others, and tying it to them with silk or thread where it crosses them, that it may keep in place when handled. Every thing belonging to the natural habit of the plant should be preserved ; the dead leaves should be suffered to remain, and even a little of the native rub- bish upon the roots often indicates the peculiar situa- tion in which the plant grows. The specimens are next to be dried under pressure, which may be applied by laying a board upon the pa- pers containing them, and putting weights upon it, or by placing them between two shelves and setting a prop down upon them, or by a press made for the purpose. There should be paper enough to accommodate itself to the inequalities of the specimens, and by pressing upon them uniformly and equally in every part to pre- HERBARIUM. 125 vent them from shrivelling, which is the very object of pressing them. The degree of pressure should be ac- cording to the nature of the specimens, more being necessary for rugged woody ones than for delicate herbaceous ones $ it should never be so great as to break the specimen and force out the juices. I com- monly apply from 50 to 1 or 2 hundred pounds. When a number of specimens are to be dried at once, several folds of empty paper should be interpos- ed between them, and if they are rigid, a piece of book- binder's pasteboard also. The specimens should be frequently taken out and put into dry papers. The following is the most expeditious and effectual method of drying the papers I have tried. Take a few spare sheets, and having laid the tongs or other convenient instrument from one. andiron to the other of a kitchen fire, set them up against it. When the one next the fire is sufficiently dry and warm, remove it and place a specimen in it, applying the damp paper from which the specimen has been taken, to the backside of the parcel before the fire, and so on, taking a dry paper from the fo reside of the parcel and applying a moist one to the backside, until all the spe- cimens are changed, when they are to be replaced in the press Another method equally effectual and more comfort- able in warm weather, though not so expeditious, is to iron the papers dry with a hot flat-iron, instead of plac- ing them before the fire, and then place the specimens in them as before. This should be repeated as often as once or twice in a day, or oftener if the weather be damp, or the speci- mens crowded. The best specimens I ever nrenarcd were done by changing and drying the papers once every half hour until they were dry. I cornmoniy \\$Q printing paper, which having little size, is more ab- sorbent than other kinds. 11* 126 HEKBARIUM. Plants which are not very rigid, can be dried very well in a book without changing, if only two or three are put into a volume. Plants dry very variously ; some unavoidably turn black by drying, as the Or- chis and Cypripedium. Flowers in many instances lose or change their colour $ those that are blue es- pecially. After a specimen is dry, it should first be done over with a solution 06 corrosive sublimate in spirits of wine, one drachm to a pint, with a little camphor ; or a solution of aloes, applied by means of a camel's hair pencil. This proves effectual in preventing the attacks of insects. It is next to be fastened to paper, which is best done by means of carpenter's glue. I first used a solution of gum Arabic, but specimens fastened with it are very apt to get detached in a short time, especi- ally if handled. Glue is much superior. As it will not keep in a dissolved state any length of time, it must be dissolved at the time of using, and made into a thin size, which may be done by boiling a small piece in water in any convenient small vessel. A few drops of the solution of corrosive sublimate should be added. The specimen should be held out in one hand, and the size applied while warm uniformly over one side of it, with the other, by means of a large camel's hair pencil. It is then to be put immediately on the paper. Take care to place it right the first time, otherwise the size will deface the paper where is is not required ; a piece of waste paper should be laid over the specimen and another under the paper. In this state put it immedi- ately in the pres& between two or more quires of empty paper to form a bed for it, and screw the press firmly upon it. Let it remain one or two minutes, and taking it out remove the waste papers and apply new ones ; repeat this as often as they are soiled by the size, other- wise the papers will be glued together. The paper is usually directed to be of the folio size, (the full size of a quire.) I have commonly used what HERBARIUM. 127 is called demy printing paper, folded quarto size, (half the size of the quire.) 1 fasten my specimens to the right hand side of a folded sheet, leaving the other to fold over it. On the outside of the left hand side I write the names of the Class, Order, Genus, and Spe- cies of the plant ; and upon the inside of the same, its name, synonyms, common names, place of growth, time of gathering, and any thing else I wish to remem- ber concerning it. Great neatness should be observed in an herbarium. The papers should ail be of the same size, and kept regularly and evenly packed. I have usually kept mine in several parcels, each between two pieces of book- binder's pasteboard, tied down with tapes. The uses of prepared specimens are, 1. To get a knowledge of Plants. When a number of plants are well prepared, we have an opportunity to compare them with each other all at once, and see in what they agree, and in what differ. Observation. When a botanist has taken and examined a speci- men, dried and prepared it on paper, as has been directed, and written its name upon it, he will have done about enough, and pro- bably none too much to remember it well. It is well for every one, who wishes to be in any degree a practical botanist, to prepare a few specimens, if it be only fifty or an hundred species. In- dependent of the value of the collection, he will thus acquire a par- ticular knowledge of the plants. 2. To revive in the memory the names and habits of plants which have been previously examined. 3. Tojind out unknown plants which cannot be other- wise determined, by sending the specimens to some one acquainted with them. For this purpose duplicates should be prepared and numbered with corresponding numbers, one set being retained when the other is sent for examination. QUESTIONS FOR STUDENTS. A few general questions are here put down. It is left for the instructer to construct particular questions extemporaneously, from the subject of the lesson be- fore him ; varying them according to the knowledge and capacity of "the pupil. For in this as well as oth- er casses an instructer will find it necessary to seek out what avenues are open to the young mind, and shape his precepts accordingly. 1. What is Natural History ? p. 1. 2. Into how many branches is Natural History di- vided, and what are they called ? p. 1. 3. Of what does Zoology treat ? p. ! 4. Of what does Botany treat? p. 1. 5. Of what does Mineralogy treat ? p. 1. 6. What is meant by Characters ? p. 3. 7. Give an example of a simple character of a plant ? p. 3. 3. What is system ? p. 3. 9. What are the advantages of system ? p 3. 10. How is the vegetable kingdom divided, accord- ing to the Linnsean system ? p. 4. 11. What divisions are the Classes ? p. 4. 12. What are the Orders ? p. 4. 13. What are Genera? p. 4. 14. Give an example of a Genus ? p. 4. 15. How is a Genus known ? p. 4. 16. By what mark is the family of Buttercups known ? p. 4. 17. What are Species ? p. 4. 18. Give an example of the Species of a genus? p. 4 & 5. 1 9. What are Varieties, and how are they distinguish- ed from species ? p. 5. QUESTIONS. 19 0. Give an example of Varieties, p. 5. 21. To what are Classes, Orders, Genera, and Spe- cies compared? p. 5. 22. What are Vegetables ? p. 5. 23. What are the Primary divisions into which Bo- tanists divide a plant or vegetable ? p. 5. 24. Define the Root, p 6. 5. Of what part does the root consist ? p. 6. 26. Which of these is most necessary ? p. 6. 27. Of what does the Herbage consist 1 p. 10. 29. How many kinds of Trunks are enumerated ? p. 10. 50. Name each of the 7 kinds and define it so as to see how they differ from each other, p. 10, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20. 51. What do Buds contain ? p. 20. 32. What is intended by Foliation ? p. 20. 33. Define a Leaf. p. 22. 34. What is a simple leaf ? p. 26. 35. What are compound leaves ? p. 35. 36. How is a compound leaf distinguished from a branch ? p. 35. 37. What is meant by Inflorescence ? p. 40. 38. Define the Appendages of plants, as Stipule, Bract, Spine, Prickle, Tendril, Gland, Hair, arid men- tion examples, p. 38. 39. Define the various kinds of Inflorescence, as Whorl, Raceme, Spike, Corymb, Fascicle, Umbel, Cyme, Panicle, Thyrse, and mention examples, p. 40. 40. Of what does the Fructification consist ? p. 45. 41. What is the use of the fructification ? p. 45. 42. Does every species of plants produce flower and fruit ? p. 45. 43 Define the seven parts of fructification, Calyx, Corolla, Stamen, Pistil, Pericarp, Seed, and Recep- tacle, p. 45. 44. Which of these parts are essential and always present ? p. 43. 45. Name and define the several kinds of Ca- lyx, p. 46. ISO QUESTIONS. 46. Name and define the several kinds of Corolla, p. 49. 47. What is the Nectary ? p. 53. 48. Of how many parts does a Stamen consist ? p. 54. 49. Which of these is essential and always present, and which sometimes wanting ? p. 54. 50. What is the Pollen ? p. 54. 51. What causes the Anther to burst? p. 55. 52. What are the grains of Pollen ? p. 55. 53. What causes the grains of Pollen to burst ? p. 55. 54. Of what parts does a Pistil consist? p. 55. 55. Which of these is absent in some flowers ? p. 55. 56. What. are the functions of the stamens and pis- tils ? p. 56. 57. From the office the stamens and pistils perform, is it necessary they should be present in every species of plant ? 56. 58. When a flower has stamens only, what is it cal- led ? p. 57. 59. When a flower has pistils only, what is it cal- led ? p. 57. 60. When a flower has stamens and pistils both, what is it called ? p. 67. 61. What part of the flower forms the seed-vessel or Pericarp ? p. 57. 62. What are the various kinds of pericarps? p. 57. 63. What part of the fructification are all the other parts designed to perfect ? p. 59. 64. What is the Receptacle ? p. 62. 65. When is the receptacle called proper and when common ? p. 62. 66. What is an aggregate flower ? p. 62. 67. Define the several kinds of aggregate flowers p. 62. 68. What is the use of dividing arid subdividing the vegetable kingdom into Classes and Orders ? p. 64. 69. Why are the Classes and Orders called Artificial divisions ? p. 64. QUESTIONS. 131 70. Name the Classes and give the character by which each is known, p. 65. 71. Name the Orders and give the characters by which they are distinguished, p. 68. 72. Define a Genus, p. 79. 73. What is meant by the Generic character ? p. 80. 74. What are species ? p. 83. 75. What is meant by the Specific character ? p. 84. 76. From what parts of the plant are the characters of the Classes taken ? p. 85. 77. From what parts are the characters of the Or- ders taken ? p. 85. 78. From what parts are the characters of the Genera taken ? p. 85. 79. From what parts are the characters of Species taken ? p. 85. 80. How do you proceed to find out an unknown plant ? p. 86. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE 1. ROOTS. Fig. 1. A FIBROUS ROOT. Ex. Grass, p. 7. 2. CREEPING. Ex. Mint. 3. FUSIFORM or SPINDLE-SHAPED. Ex. Radish. 4. ABRUPT. Tuberous Roots. 5. TUBEROUS. Ex. Potatoe. 6. Twin tuberous root. Ex. Orchis. 7. Palmate tuberous root. 8. Fasciculate tuberous root. Bulbous Hoots.]). 8. 9. Solid bulbous root. Ex. Tulip. 10. Coated bulbous root. Ex. Onion. 11. Scaly bulbous root. Ex. Lily. 12. GRANULATED, p. 9. 13. JOINTED. 134 EXPLANATION OP PLATES. PLATE 2. TRUNKS. Fig. 1. A STEM (caulis.) p. 10. 2. Four-ranked stem. p. 11. 3. Dichotomous or forked stem. p. 11. 4. Creeping stem. 5. Twining stem. Ex. Convolvolus. p. 12. 6. CULM (cuJmtw.) Ex. Grass, p. 15. 7. SCAPE. Ex. Dandelion. a. The scape. It. A naked receptacle. c. The pappus. d. A flower. 3. FROND. Ex. Polypodium vulgaris. p. 19. 8 a. STIPE, p. 20. 9 a. A stipe also. Ex. Fungus. b. The Volve, c. the Head of the fungus, 1S6 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE S. FOLIATION. p. 23. These figures represent sections of buds. Fig. I. A convolute bud* 2. Involute. S. Revolute. 4. Conduplicate. 5. Ob volute. 6. Equitant. 7. Plicate. 8. Imbricate. 9. Circinal. FRUCTIFICATION OF THE FERNS. p. 73. 10. A Fern leaf having its fruit covered with in- volucres, a. One of the involucres or patches magnified. 11. A capsule of the same. a. Its ring. 6. The hemispherical valves. FRUCTIFICATION OF THE MOSSES. 73. 12. AMoss. a. The Perichsetiurn, as in the genus Hypmnn* b. The Peduncle, c. The Fruit. 13. A capsule of a species of Hypnum magnified. 14. The same with the Calyptra b. separated. 15. The same with the Lid (operculum) b. sepa- rated, exposing the fringe, a. 16. The same with the exteriour row of the fringe a. expanded, the interiour with the points gathered in the centre* ANATOMY OF THE VEGETABLE BODY. p. 102. 17. A section of the branch of an Ash magnified. , The bark. /, The wood, b, The sap-ves- sels, c, The concentric layers, d, The sil- ver grain, e, The pith. 18. The section of its natural size* 19. A tube or sap-vessel with its coat variously perforated and slitted in a spiral manner, 0. A simple spiral tube. EXPLANATION OE PLATES. PLATE 4. LEAVES. Situation and position of leaves.- p. 22. Fig. 1. Alternate leaves, p. 23. 2. Scattered. 3. Opposite. 4. Clustered. 5- Verticillate or Whorled. 6. Fasciculate. 7. Imbricate. 8* Decussate. 9. Two- ranked. 10. Unilateral. Insertion. p. 24. 11. Peltate, p. 24. 12. Amplexicaul or Clasping, p. 25. 13. Connate. 14. Perfoliate. 15. Vaginant. 16. Equitant. 17. Decurrent. 18. Flower-bearing. 8 EXPLANATION OF PLAiES* PLATE 5. LEAVES CONTINUED, Form of Simple Leaves. p. 26. Fig. 1. Orbicular or circular, p. 6. 2. Subrotund or roundish, S. Ovate. 4. Obovate. 5. Elliptical. 6. Spatulate. p. 27. 7. Lanceolate. 8. Wedge-shaped 9. Linear. 3 0. Acerose or needle-shaped. 11. Triangular. 12. Quadrangular, and Truncate also. IS. Quinquangular. 14. Deltoid, or trowel-shaped. 15. Rhomboid. 16. Reniform, or kidney-shaped. 17. Cordate, or heart-shaped. 18. Lunate, or crescent -shaped, p. 28* 19. Saggittate, or arrow-shaped. 20. Hastate, or halbert-shaped. 21. Pandviriform, or fiddle-shaped. 22. Runcinate, or lion-toothed. 23. Lyrate, or lyre-shaped. 24. Cleft or cloven. 25. Lobed. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 139 PLATE 6. LEAVES CONTINUED. Fig. 1. A Sinuated leaf. p. 28. 2. Parted. 3. Laciniated. p. 29. 4. Palmate, or hand-shaped. 5. Pinnatifid. 6. Bipinnatifid. 7. Pectinate. 8. Unequal. Termination. p. 29. 9. Premorse. p. 30. 10. Retuse. 11. Emarginate. 12. Acuminate. 13. Blunt, with a small point 14. Mucronate. 15. Cirrhose, or tendrilled. Margins. p. 30. 16. Spinous. 17. Ciliate, or fringed. 18. Dentate, or toothed, p. 31. 19. Serrate. 20. Crenate. 140 EXPLANATION OF PI.ATES. PLATE 7. XEAVES CONTINUED. Fig. 1. Jagged. p. 31. 2. Repand, wavy-bordered. Surface. 3. Plaited, p. 32. 4. Undulate. 5. Curled. 6. Veiny. 7. Nerved. 8. Three-nerved. 9. Base-three-nerved, p. 33. 10. Triply. nerved. Substance, Configuration, #c. p. 3S. 11. Cylindrical. 12. Subulate, or awl-shaped, IS. Hatchet-shaped. 14. Scimitar-shaped. 15. Three-edged. 16. Four-edged. 17. Alienated. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 141 PLATE 8. LEAVES CONTINUED, Fig. 1. -Hooded, p. 35. 2. Appendaged. Compound Leaves. 3. Jointed. 4. Digitate, or fingered, and Quinate also. 5. Binate. 6. Tern ate. p. 56. 7. Pinnate, with an odd leaflet. It is also a compound leaf, simply-^-see p. 37. a* A Stipule. 8. Pinnate, with a tendril. . A Stipule. 9. Pinnate, abruptly. 10. alternately. * 11. " interruptedly. 12. in a ly rate manner. 13. in a whorled manner. 142 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE 9. i LEAVES CONTINUED. Fig. 1. Twice ternate. p. 37. 2. Triternate. 3. Bigeininate, twice paired. 4. Bipinnate, and Decompound also. 5. Tri pinnate, and Superdecompound also. 6. Pedate. APPENDAGES. 7. A Bract, p. 38. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 143 PLATE 10. APPENDAGES CONTINUED. p. 38. Fig. 1. Spine, or thorn, p. 39. 2., A Prickle. 3. Glands on the leaf-stalk of the Passion- flower. 4. Glands on the calyx of the Moss Rose. 5. The Nettle, a. One of the stings (stimuli) magnified. It is a tube opening at the point and containing a sack of poison at the base, which when pressed on is dis- charged through the point and produces the inflammation and itching in the skin. 6. A hairy leaf. INFLORESCENCE. p. 40. 7. A Whorl, p. 40. 8. Raceme. 9. Spike, p. 41. 144 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE 11. IFFLORESCENCE CONTINUED. Fig. 1. A Corymb, p. 41. 2. Fascicle, p. 42. 3. Umbel. a. The universal or general umbel and in- volucre. &. The partial umbel and involucre. 4. Cyme. p. 43. 5. Panicle. 6. Thyrse. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 145 PLATE 12. FRUCTIFICATION. Parts of a Flower. p. 45. Fig. 1. White Lily, Lilium candidum. a a. a. The Co HOLLA consisting of 6 petals. b. The STAMENS. c The PISTIL, d. The NECTARY, which is a groove in the petal, 2. A dissection, showing the stamens and pistil, and likewise (lie RECEPTACLE, a. 3. A STAMEN, consisting of b. The Filament, and a. The Anther, p. 54. 4. The PISTIL, consisting of c. The Germen, b. The Style, and . The Stigma. p. 55. 13 146 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, PLATE 13. CALYX. Fig. 1. Perianth. Ex. Pink. p. 46. 2 & 3. Ament. Ex. Willow, p. 48. 2. The barren flower, b. A floret magnified consisting of 2 stamens and a scale which protects them. 3 The fertile flower, a. A magnified floret, consisting of a pistil and a scale which protects it. 4. Ament of the Hazel, a. The barren, and b. The fer- tile flowers. 5. Spathe. Ex. Wild Turnip, Arum. p. 48. a. A stamen-bearing, and b* A pistil-bearing spadix. 6. a. The spathe of the Narcissus. b. Its Nectary. 7. The Glume. a. The valves. b. The awns. p. 49. 8. b. The Calyptra. Ex. Polytricum. p. 49. COROLLA. 9. Bell-shaped, p. 51. 10. Funnel-shaped, p. 51. a. The tube. b. The limb. 11. Salver-shaped, p. 51. 12. Wheel-shaped, p. 51. 13. Ilingent, showing the stamens separated, p. 51. . The upper lip or helmet. b. The lowar lip or beard. 14. Personate. Ex. Antirrhinum. a. The palate. b. The nectary. 15. Cruciform. a. b. One of the petals separated, a its claw, b its border. c. The stamens separated. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 147 PLATE 14. COROLLA CONTINUED. Fig. 1. Papilionaceous or Butterfly-shaped flower. Ex. Sweet Pea. p. 52. 2. A dissection of the same. a. The banner. If. b. The wing-s. c. The keel. NECTARIES. 3. Spur-shaped Nectary of the Columbine, Jlqui* tegia. p. 53. 4. Nectaries of the Monk's-hood, Aconitum. 5. Fringed Nectary of the Parnassia. p. 54. PERICARPS. p. 57. 6. Capsule of the Thorn-apple, Datum Stram- momum. p. 57. a. The cells. b. The columns. 7. Silique. p. 58. a. The dissepiment. b. The valves. 8. Silicic. 9. Legume, p. 58. 10. Drupe. Ex. Cherry, p. 58. 11. Pome. Ex. Apple, p. 59. 12. Berry. Ex. Gooseberry, p. 59. 1 3. Compound berry. Ex. Blackberry, p. 59. 14. Strobile or Cone. p. 59. 14 S !EXP1*ANATJOX OF PLATES. PLATE 15. A. CLASSES See Frontispiece. Tins plate contains a figure of a flower in each of no 24 Classes. With the exception of 1, 9, and 23, they are either native or commonly cultivated. Fig. 1. Monamlria, 1 stamen ; MareVtail, Hippuris vidgaris. Native of Britain. Tliis is an example also of the order Monogynia, having- 1 pistil. 2. Biandria, 2 stamens ; Speedwell, Veronica. 3. Triandria, 3 stamens ; Common Timothy. grass or Herds-grass, Fhieum Pratense, much magnified. a. The entire Floret, having three stamens and two feathered styles projecting- from the two compressed glumes which enclose them at the base. b. The Pistil shown separate, consisting of the germen and two feathered styles. This is an example also of the order fiigynia, having 2 styles. 4. Tetrandria, 4 stamens ; Cornel, Cornuspani- culata, somewhat magnified, 5. Pentandria, 5 stamens; Common Elder, Sam-. bucu-s niger, magnified. It is an exemple also of the order Tryginia, having- three sessile fitig-mas. 6. Hexandria, 6 stamens ; Barberry, Berberis vulgaris. 7. Heptandria, 7 stamens ; Chickweed winter- green, Tnentalis Europeans. 8. Octiindria, 8 stamens ; Dwarf tree primrose, (Enothera pumila. 9. Enneandria, 9 stamens ; Flowering Rush, Butomus umbellatus. Native of Britain. This is also an example of the order Hcxag^nia^ having 6 pistils-, 10. Decaridria, 10 stamens ; Broad-leaved Lau- rel or Lamb-kill, Kalmia latifolia. 11. Dodecandria, 12 to 19 stamens ; Houseleek, Sernperowum tetforum. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 149 PLATE 15. CONTINUED. 12. Icosandria, 20 or more stamens inserted into the calyx ; Pear, Pyrus communis. tn this specimen the five stamens opposite the segments of the calyx are shorter than the rest. B. 13. Polyandria, stamens more than 20, inserted into the receptacle ; Celandine, Chelidonium majus. 14. Didyriamia, stamens 2 long and 2 short ; Selfheal, Prunella Pennsylvania. a. The flower. b. The stamens and pistils shown separate and magni- fied. In tlje genus Prunella the filaments are forked, and the anther borne on one point of the fork, as seen in the figure. 15. Tetradynamia, stamens 4 long and 2 short ; White Mustard, Sinapis alba. a. The flower of the natural size. b. The stamens and pistil magnified. c. Glandular nectaries at the base of the stamens. d. One of the petals. 16. Monadelphia, stamens united by their fila- ments into one tuhe ; Mallow, Makca. a. The flower. b. The stamens and pistil separated from the other parts of the flower. c. The tube of the united filaments. d. The anthers. e. The styles passing through the tube and appearing at top like a pencil. An example also of the order Polyandria, having many stamens. IS* ^50 EXPLANATION OF PLATES; PLATE 15. CONTINUED. IT. Diadclphia, stamens united into two parcels f Sweet Pea, Lathy rus odoratus. a The flower. b. The stamens and pistil separated from the other parts. An example also of the order JJecandria, having 1 ten stamens. In this as in many other pspilionaceous flowers, there are nine stamens united by their filaments into one parcel and one stamen not united. This drawing- was made from the dissection of a flow- er not quite expanded, in which the anthers were entire and con sequently large. Fig. 18. Polyadelphia, stamens united into more than two parcels ; St. John's-wort. Hypericum. An example also of the order Potyandria, having 1 many stamens. 19. Syngenesia; stamensmnited by their anthers into a tube, flowers compound. A floret of the Dandelion,, Leontodon Taraxacum. A. The corolla. B. The stamens. c. The Jive separate filaments* d Tlie tube of united anthers. E. The pistil. f. The germen. 'ff. The style. h. The stigma. i. The pappus. 20 Gynandria, stamens united with, or growing out of the pistil | Ladies'-slipper, Cypri- pediwn acaule. a. The pistil. b. The germen. c. The style and stigma. d. One of the anthers. e. The pistil separated, having the anthers attached to the sides. An example also of the order Fiandria> having two stamens. 21. Moncecia, stamens and pistils in separate flowers on the same plant 5 Sedge-grass, Carex ccespitosa. Otf PLATES. 151 PLATE 15. CONTINUED. A. The stamen-bearing- spike. b. One of the florets separated, consisting of a glume and 3 stamens. C. The pistil-bearing" spikes. d. One of the florets separated, consisting of a pistil constituted of a germen, two styles, and a glume which protects them. It is also an example of the order Triandria, having three stamens. 22. Dioecia, stamens and pistils in separate flow- ers on separate plants of the same species 5 Willow, Salix. A. A stamen-bearing ament. b. A floret separated, consisting of two stamens pro- tected by a scale. C. A pistil-bearing ament. d. One of the florets separated, consisting of a pistil protected by a scale. It is also an example of the order Dianctria, having two stamens'. Fig. 23. Polygamia, stamens and pistils separate in some flowers, united in others, either on the same plant, or on two or three sepa- rate ones of the same species ; Fig, Ficus. a. A stamen-bearing flower. b. A pistil. bearing flower. c. A perfect flower. It is likewise an example of the order Triacia, the three kinds of flowers being on three different trees. 24. Cryptogamia, stamens and pistils obscure. A. A a Fern, Polypod, Polypodium vulgaris. b. The patches of fructification. C. Hair-cap Moss, Polytrichum. D. Scarlet Lichen, Lichen cocineus. The above are examples of three of the orders of Oyptogamia, viz. Filices, Musci, and Hepaticae. Several of the 24 classes of Linnaeus have been abandoned by several eminent botanists. The classes Polyadelphia and Polyga- mia particularly have been rejected, and the plants distributed in other classes. These are rejected in Eaton's *' Manual," which is consequently arranged under 22 classes. 152 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, PLATE 16, COMPOUND FLOWERS. p. 70. Fig. 1. A compound radiate Flower. Field Dasiy. a. The ray or external circle of florets, b. The disk or centre. c. A lig-ulate floret of the ray separated. d. A tubular floret of the disk separated- 2. A ligulate Flower. Dandelion* a. One of the florets separated. 3. A Discoid flower. Burdock. a. A floret separated. SEEDS. 4. A Seed and its appendages. a. The seed. b. The stipe. c. The pappus or down. p. 60. 5. The wing of a seed. p. 61 6. A seed having one cotyledon, p. 60. 7. A seed having two cotyledons, p. 60. a. a. The cotyledons. b. c The corcule. b. The radicle, and e. The plume. 8. A seed having many cotyledons, p. 60. 9. Seminal leaves p. 60. 10. Anatomy of wood. p. 104. INDEX. Abrupt leaf. See truncated, 29. Abruptly branched stem, 11. Abruptly pinnate leaf, 36. Abrupt root, 7. Acerose leaf, 27. Acinus, 59. Acuieus. See Prickle, 39. Acotyledonous plants, CO. Acute leaf, 30. JEqualis poly gam ia, 71. Aggregate flo\v r er, 62, 63. raceme, 40. Ala. See Wings, 52. Mbumen, 101. Alburnum, 105. Aerology, 1. Alienated leaf, 34. Alpine plants, 2. Alternate leaves, 23. Alternately pinnated leaf, 36. Ament, 48. Amentaceous flower, 63. Ample xicaul leaves, 25. Jlnceps caulis. See two-edged stem, 13. Angiospermia, 69. Annual, 6. Anther, 54. Appeiidaged leaf, 35. APPENDAGES, 38. Arillus> 60. Arista, See Awn, 49 Arrow-shaped leaf. See Sagit- tate, 28. Articulated. See Jointed, Appressed leaves, 23. Arboreous stem, 7. Arms of plants, 48. Artificial system, 64. Ascending stem, 12. Attenuated peduncle, 18. Auricled leaf, 36. Awn, 49 Axillary peduncle, 16, B liacca. See Berry, 59. Banner, 52. Bark, 98. Barren flowers, 57. Base three nerved, 33. Beard. See Awn, 49. of the corolla, 51. Bell-shaped corolla, 50. Berry, 59. Biennial, 6. Bifid leaf, 28. Bigeminate leaf, 37. Binate leaf, 35. Binate leaves, 23. Bipinnatifid leaf, 29. Bipinnate leaf, 37. Biternate leaf, 37. Blistery leaf, 32. Blunt leaf. See Obtuse, 30. Border of the petal, 50. Botany defined, 1. Brachiatus caulis. See Four- ranked, 11, Bract, 38. Bristle}', 14. BUDS, 20. Bulbous roots, 8. Butterfly-shaped corolla. See Papilionaceous, 52. C Caducous corolla, 52, Calyculate calyx, 47. Caiyptra, 49. Calyx, 46. 154 JNBEX. Cambium, 115. Campanulata corolla. See Bell- shaped, 51. Canilicuiatum folium. See Chan- nelled, 33. Capitulum. See Head, 42. Capsule, 57. Carina. See Keel, 52. Cartilaginous leaf, 31. Catkin. See Ament, 48, Caudex, 6. Cauline leaves, 22. peduncle, 16. Caulis. See Stem, 10. Cells of the seed-vessel, 58. Cellular integument, 103. Characters, 3. Ciliate leaf; 30. calyx, 47. Cirrhose leaf, 30. Cirrhus. See Tendril, 39. Classes, general definition of, 4. explained, 55. Clasping- leaves. See Amplexi- caul, 25. Claw of the petal, 50. Cleft leaf, 28. perianth, 47. Climbing- stem, 12. petiole, 19. Club-shaped petiole, 19. Cluster. See Raceme, 40. Clustered peduncles, 17. leaves, 23. Coloured leaf, 33. Collumn, 58. Common peduncle, 16. receptacle, 62. Compound Berry, 59. corymb, 42. flowers, 63, leaf, 35. leaves, 35. peduncle, 16. spike, 41. umbel, 42. Compressed leaf, 33. stem, 13. Gencave leaf, 32* Conduplicate leaf, 31. Cone. See Strobile, 59. Conjugate leaf, 37. Connate leaves, 35. Convex leaf, 32. Corcule, 59. Cordate leaf, 27. Coriaceum folium. See Lathery, 34. COROLLA, 49. Cortex, 104> Corymb, 41. Costatum folium. See Nerved, 32. Cotyledons, 59. Creeping. See Repent, Crenate leaf, 31. Crispum folium. See Curled, 32. Cross-shaped corolla. See Cru- ciform. Cruciform corolla, 52. Cryptogamia class, 67. Cucullatum folium* See Hooded; 35. CUL*, 15. Cuneiform leaf, 27. Cup -shaped nectary, 54. Curled leaf, 32. Cuticle, 103. Cylindrical leaf, 33. Cyme, 43. Cymose flower, 63. D "Decandria, 65. Deciduous corolla, 52. leaf, 34 Decompound leaf, 37. Decurrent leaves, 25. Decurrently pinnated leaf, 36. Decussate leaves, 23. Deltoid leaf, 27. Dense panicle, 43. Dentate leaf, 31. Depressed leaf, 33. Diadelphia, 66. Diandria, 65. Dichotomous stem, 11. Dicotyledonous plants, 69. Didynamia, 66. INDEX. 155 Digitate leaf, 35, Digynia, 69. Dimidiate involucre, 48. Dicecia, 67 Dipetalous corolla, 50. Discoid flowers, 71. Disk, 71. Dissectum folium, 27. Dissepiments, 5 Distichus cciutis. See Two-rank- ed, 10. Divaricate panicle, 43. Dodec'indria, 65. Dotted leaf, 32. Doubly serrate leaf, 31. Down See Pappus, 60. Downy, 14* Drooping- peduncle, 17. Drupe, 58. Elliptical leaf, 26. Emarginate leaf, 30. Embryo. See Corcule, 59. Emerged leaves, 24. Enneandria, 65 Ensiform leaf, 34. Entire leaf, 30. Epidermis, 103. Equitant leaves, 25. Erect leaves, 24. stem, 11. Erosum folium. See Jagged, 31. Essential character, 82. Equal corolla, 50. Evergreen leaves, 34. Exotic plants, 2 Extra-axillary peduncles, 17. Fascicle, 42. Fasciculate leaves, 23. Fascicular root, 8. Fastigiate stem, 11. Faux. See Throat, 51. Feathery pappus. See Plumose, 61. Ferns. See Filices, 73. Fertile flowers, 59. Fibrous root, 7. Fiddle-shaped leaf. See Pandu- nform, 28. Filament, 54. Filices, 73. Filiform peduncle, 18. Fingered leaf. See Digitate, 35. Fistulous stem. See Hollow, 15. Five-sided stem, 13. Flaccid peduncle, 17. FlagelLform stem, 12. Flattened petiole, 19. Fleshy leaf, 33. FlexufAis peduncle, 17. stem, 12. Florets, 70 Floscular umbel, 43. Flower-bearing leaf, 25. Foliation, 20. * Forked stem. See Dichotomous s 11. Four-cornered stem, 13. Four-edged leaf, 34. Four ranked stem, 11. Fringed leaf. See Ciliate, 30. Fringe of mosses, 74. Frond, 19. Frustranea polygamia, 72. Fruticose stem, 8 Fulcra. See Supports, 39. Functions of the stamens and pistils, 56. G Galea. See Helmet, 51. Gape of the corolla, 51. Gemma. See Bud, 20. Genera, general definitions of, 4. particular explanation of, 79. Generic characters, 80. names, 80. Geniculate culm, 15. Germen, 55. Germination, 100. Gibbous leaf, 23. Glabrous. See Smooth, 14. 156 INDEX. Gland, 39. Glandular leaf; 31. nectary, 54. Glaucous. See Mealy, 14. Glume, 49. Glumose flower, 63. Granulated root, 9. Gymnospermia, 69. Gynandria, 67. H Hairs of plants, 39. Hairy, 14. Hairy pappus. See Pilose, 61. Halbert-shaped leaf. See lias- tate, 28* Half cylindric stem, 13. Hastate leaf, 28. Hatchet-shaped leaf, 34. Head, 42. Heart-ovate leaf, 38. Heart-shaped leaf. See Cordate, 27. Helmet of the corolla, 51. Hepaticae, 74. Heptandria, 65. Herb, 2. Herbaceous stem, 10. HERBAGE, 10. Herbarium, 123. Hexandria, 65. Hexapetalous corolla. 50. Hilum See Scar, 60. Hispid. See Bristly, 14. Hoary, 14. Hollow stem, 15. Hood of mosses. See Calyp- tra, 49. Hooded leaf, 35. Horizontal leaf, 24. Hortus Siccus, See Herbarium, 123. Husk. See Glume, 49. Hypocrateriform corolla. See Salver-shaped, 51. losandria, 65. Imbricate leaves, 23. calyx, 47. Incanus. See Hoary, 14. Incomplete corolla, 52. flower, 62. Incrassated peduncle, 18. Incurved leaves. See Inflexed, 24. Indigenous plants, 2. Inducinm, 73. Liferiour germen, 55. calyx, 55. corolla, 55. Inflated calyx, 47. Inflexed leaves, 24. INFLORESCENCE, 40. Infundibuliformis corolla. See Funnel-stiaped, 51. Integrum folium* See Entire, 30. Interruptedly pinnate leaf, 36. Interrupted spike, 41. Introduction, 1. Involucre, 48. of the ferns, 73* Involute leaf, 31. Irregular corolla, 50. Jagged leaf, 31. Jointed culm, 15. leaf, 35. Jointedly pinnated leaf, 36, Keel, 52. Kingdoms of Nature, 1. Kidney-shaped leaf. See Reni- form, 27. Labiate flowers. See Ringent and Personate, 51. Lacinnated leaf, 29. Lamina. See Border, 50. Lanceolate leaf, 27. Lateral peduncle, 17. Lax panicle, 43. INDEX. In? Leafless plants, 22. Leathery leaf, 34. Leaves, 22. Legume,, 58. Liber, 104. Ligulute coiolla, 52. florets, 71. Liliaceous corolla, 52. Limb of the corolla, 50. Linear leaf, 27. Lion -toothed leaf. See Runci- ate, 28. Liverworts. See Hepatic x. 74. Lobed leaf, 28. leaves, 26. Loment, 58. Lunulate leaf, 27. Lyrate leaf, 28. M. Maculatus. See Spotted, 14. Marcescent corolla, 52. Mealy, 14. Medulla, 106. Medullary stem, 15, Membranous leaf, 35. pappus, 61. Mineralogy, 1. Monadelphia, 66. Monandria, 65. Monocotyledonous plants, 60. Moncecia, 67. Monogamia Syngenesia, 72. Monogyni?, 69. Monopetalous corolla, 50, Monophyllous calyx, 47. Mosses. See Musci, 73. Mucronate leaf, 30. Muricate calyx, 49. Musci, 73. N Naked flower, 62. Natant leaves, 24. Natural orders, 89. History defined, 1. Necessariapolyg-amia, 72. Nectariferous glands. See r nectary, 54. 14 Nectariferous scale, 54. Nectary, 53. Needie-sha.ped leaf. See Ace- rose, 27. Nerved leaf, 32. Nicked leaf. See Emarginate, 30. Nitidus* See Shining, 14. Notched leaf* See Emargi- nate, 30. Clique leaves, 24. Oblong leaf, 26. Obovate leaf, 26. Obtuse leaf, 30. Octandria, 65. One-rowed panicle, 43. spike, 41. Opposite leaves, 22. Orbicular leaf, 26. Orders, general definition of, 4. particularly explained, 68. Orifice of the corolla, 50. Oval leaf. See Elliptical, 26. Ovate leaf; 26. Ovate-lanceolate, 38. Palate, 51. Palmate leaf, 29. root, 6. Panduriform leaf, 28. Panicle, 43. Paniculate stem, 11. Papilionaceous corolla, 52. Papillose, 14. Pappus, 60. Parted leaf, 28. Perianth, 47. Partial involucre, 48. peduncle, 16. Patentia folia. See Spreading-, 24. Pectinate leaf, 29. Pedate leaf, 37. Pedicelled down. See Stipitatf pappus, 61. 158 INDEX. Peduncle, 16. Peltate leaf, 24. Pcntagonus cutilis. See Five- sided, 13. Pentandria, 65. Pentapetalous corolla, 50. Perennial, 6. Perfect flowers, 57. Perfoliate leaves, 25. Perianth, 46. Perianthium diphyllwn. See two- leaved, 47. Pericarp, 46, 57. PericJifliwn, 49. Peristomium. See Fringe, 74. Personate corolla, 51. Perspiration of leaves. Petal, 49. Petiolate leaves, 24. Petiole, 17. Pilose pappus, 61. Pilosus. See Hairy, 14. JPilus. See Hair, 39. Pinnate leaf, 36. Pinnatifid leaf, 29. Pistil, 46, 55. Pistil-bearing flowers, 57. Pith, 106. Plaited leaf, 32. Plumose pappus, 61. Plumula. See Plume, 59. Pod. SeeSilicle, 58. Poisonous Plants, rules to dis- tinguish, 88. Pollen, 54. Polished, 14. Polyadelphia, 66. Polyandria 16. Polycotyledonous plants, 60. Poly gam ia, 67. Polygynia, 69. Polypetalous corolla, 50. Pome, 59. Prsemorse root. See Abrupt, 7. leaf, 30. Prickle, 39. Primary divisions of a vegeta- ble, 5. Prismatic calyx, 47. Procumbent stem, 11. Proliferous stem, 11. Proper receptacle, 62. Prostrate stem, 12. Pubescence, 39. Quadrangular leaf, 27. Quadrangular stem. See Four- cornered, 13. Quaternate leaves, 23. Quinate leaves, 23. Quinquangnlaris caulis, See Five- sided, 13. R Raceme, 40. Radiate compound flowers, 71 umbels, 43. Radical leaves, 22. Rndicans cau!is 9 12. Radicant stem, 12. Radicle of the eorcule, 59. Radicles of the root, 6. Radix. See Root, 6. Rameal leaves, 22. Ramose peduncle, 16. Ray, 71. Receptacle, 46, 62. Reclinate leaf, 24. Reclining stem, 12. Rectus caulis. See Straight, 12. Recurved leaves, 24. petioie, 19. Reflexed leaves. See Recurved, 24. Regular corolla, 50. Reniform leaf, 27. Repand leaf, 31. Repens cautis 9 ll. Radix, 7. Resupinate leaves, 24. Retuse leaf, 30. Revolute leaf, 31. Rhomboid leaf, 27. Ribbed leaf. See Nerved, 32. Rictus. See Gape, 51. Ring of the ferns, 73. Ringent corolla, 51. INDEX. 159 HOOT, 6. Rosaceous corolla, 52. Rotate corolla. Sec Wheel- shaped, 51. Round stem, 13. Roundish leaf, 26. Rugged leaf. See Wrinkled, 32. fiugosum folium. See Wrinkled, 32. Runcinate leaf, 28. Salver-shaped corolla, 51. Sagittate leaf, 28. Sap, 110. Sap-vessels, 110. Sarmentose stem, 12. Scabrous, 14. Scaly, 13. Scale nectary, 54. Scaly bulbous root, 8. scape, 16. Scandens. See Climbing, 12. Scape, 15. Scar of the seed, 60. Scariose calyx, 47. Scattered peduncles, 17. leaves, 23. Scimitar-shaped leaf, 34. Secunda folia. See Unilateral, Secunda spica. See One-row- ed, 41. Secundus racemm, 40. Seeds, 46, 59. Seed-vessel. See Pericarp, 57. Segregata polygamia, 72. Scmiteres caulis. See Half cy- lindric, 13. Seminal leaves, 60. Separated flowers, 57. Serrate leaf, 31. Sernilatum folium. See Minute- ly serrate, 31. Sessile anther, 54. leaves, 25. pappus. 61, Shaggy, 14. Sheath. See Spathe, 48. Sheathing leaf. See Vaginant, 25. Shining 14. Shrub, 2. Silicle, 58. Siliculosa, 70. Siliqua. See Sllique, 58. Silique, 58. Silver-grain, 106. Simple flower, 62. leaves, 26. peduncle, 16, petiole, 19. Sinuated leaf, 28. Sleep of plants, 121. Solid bulbous root, 8. Solitary peduncle, 17. Spadix, 49. Spadiceous flower, 63. Spathe, 48. Spatulate leaf, 27. Species of plants, 4, 83. Specific character, 83. Spike 41. Spikelet,41. Spine, 39. Spinous leaf, SO. cal}x, 47. Spiral vessels, 113. Spiral stalk. See Twining, 1%, spike, 41. Spreading stem, 12. petiole, 19. leaves, 24. Spotted stem, 14. Spur, 53. Squamosum periamhiimim* See Imbricate, 47. Squarrose perianth, 47. Stamens, 46, 54. Stamen- bearing flowers, 57. Stameniferous flowers, 57. Standard. See Banner, 52. Stem, 10. Stemless plants, 16. Stigma, 55. Stipe, 23. 160 ISTDEX. Stipitate pappus, 61. Stipule, 38. Striated, 14. Strictus caulis. See Straight, 12. Strobile, 59. Style, 55. Submersed leaves, 24. Subrotundum folium, 26. Subsessile leaf, 58. Subulate leaf. S3. Sulcatus. See Furrowed, 14. Super flu a poly gam ia, 71. Superiour calyx, 55. corolla, 55. g-ermen. 55. Superdecompound leaf, 57. Sword-shaped leaf. See Ensi- form, 34. Syngenesia, 70. System of Linnaeus, 64. T Table of the Classes and Or- ders, 75. Tail of the seed, 61. Tendril, 39. Tendiilled leaf. See Cirrhose, 30. Teres caulis t 13. folium. See Cylindrical, 33. Tergeminate leaf, 3f . Terminal peduncle, 17. Ternate leaf, 36. Testa. See Skin, 60. Tetradynamia, 66. Tetragonum folium. See Four- edged, 34. caulis, 13. Tetragynia, 69. Tetrandria, 65. Tetrapetalous, corolla, 50. Thorn, 39. Three-edged leaf, 34. Three nerved leaf, 32. Three-lobed leaf, 28. Three-sided leaf, 34. stem, 13. Thyrse, 43. Tomentosus. See Downy, 14. Tongue- shaped leaf, ;>4. Toothed leaf. See Dentate, 31. Tree, 2. Triandria, 65. Triangular leaf, 27. stem, 13. Trigonum folium. See Three- edged. 54. Trig-onus caulis. See Three- sided, 13. Trigyma, 69. Trilnbum folium. See Three- loted, 28. Triner-ve folium. See Three* nerved, S2. Trioecia, 72. TripUnerve folium* 33. Tripiunate leaf, 37. Tripeialous corolla, 51. Triternate leaf, 37. Trowel-shaped leaf. See Del- toid, 27. Truncate leaf, 29. Tube of the corolla, 50. Tuberous root, 7. Tubular corolla, 51. florets, 71. leaf, 33. Tuft. See Capitulum, 42. Tunicate bulb, 8. Turbinate perianth, 47. Twin root, 7. Twining stem, 12. Two-edged leaf, 34. stem, 13. Two-ranked leaves, 23. stem, 10. Two-rowed spike, 41. U Umbel, 42. Umbellate flowers, 63. Unarmed leaf, 30. Under-shrub, 2. Undivided leaf, 26. Undulate leaf, 32. INDEX. 161 Unequal leaf, 29. corolla, 50. Unilateral leaves, 23. raceme, 40. United flowers, 57. Universal involucre, 48. umbel, 42. Vaginant leaves, 25. Valves, 57. Variegated leaf, 33. Varieties, 5, 85. Vegetable defined, 5. Veiny leaf, 32. Ventticosum perianthium. See Inflated, 47. Vemcosus. See Warty, 14. Vertical leaves, 24. Verticillate stem, 11. Verticillus. See Whorl, 40. Vexillum. See Banner, 52. Villosus. See Shaggy, 14. Viscid, 14. Vitellus, 101. Volubilis caulis. See Twining 1 , 12. Volva, 49. W Warty, 14. Waved leaf. See Undulate, 32* Wedge- shaped leaf, 26. Wheel-shaped corolla, 51. Whorl, 40. Whorled leaves. See Verticil- late, 23. Whorled stem. See Verticil- late, 11. Wings of a papilionaceous flow- er, 52. Wing of the seed, 61. AVinged stem, 13 . petiole, 19. Wood, 104. Wrapper. See Volva, 49. Wrinkled leaf, 32. Yoked leaf. See Conjugate, Yolk, 101. Zoology, 1 ffj. m 6 ' 9 10 20 >A\- ( "'^ A ' V C ^^, VSfV ^{ 4