-NRLF ARCHITECTURE Ex Libris BEATRIX FARRAND UANDSCAPfi ARCHITECTURE REEF POINT GARDENS LIBRARY The Gift of Beatrix Farrand to the General Library University of California, Berkeley ALPINE OB ROCK PLANTS. HYMUS ALPINirs. 3 . O R S T T A N A MY.fl.lS VRS.EDINB1 PRACTICAL HINTS CULTURE AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT ALPINE OE BOOK PLANTS, JAMES (LOTHIAN, r,ARI>ENER TO W. A. CAMPBELL, ESQ. OF ORMSART. TO WHICH IS ALSO APPENDED A LIST OF ALPINES, I ERNS. MARSH, AN1> AQUATIC PLANTS, ETC., ETC. ILLUSTRATED WITH COLOURED PLATES. ' Some clothe the soil that feeds them, far diffused A ud lowly creeping, modest and yet fair." Camper. EDINBURGH : PUBLISHED BY W. H. LIZARSJ S. HIGHLEY, LONDON ; W. CURRY, JUN. AND CO., DUBLIN : AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. PKINTD BY W. H. LIZARS, EDINBURGH. LANDSCAPE TO MRS. CAMPBELL OF ORMSAEY, THE EARNEST PROMOTER OF HORTICULTURE AND HORTICULTURISTS, THIS TREATISE IS INSCRIBED, WITH THE HIGHEST RESPECT, AND THE MOST SINCERE ESTEEM, BY HER MOST OBEDIENT AND MOST HUMBLE SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. 186 PEEFACE. In submitting to the Public the following Remarks on the Treatment of Alpine and other Plants, the author makes no pretensions to originality. He has carefully perused the many useful works containing instructions on the subject, and he trusts he has been candid enough to acknowledge the assistance he has received from them. Having, however, had considerable experience in their cul- tivation, under the direction and auspices of a worthy master, one of the most eminent cultivators of the present day, and having all along been much interested in their study and culture, the following observations are chiefly the result of ex- perience; and he trusts they will not be altogether unacceptable or useless, to such as admire this beautiful family of Plants. Regarding the Treatment recommended for Mosses, Succulents, cfcc., he has proved it superior to any other ivhich has come under his own observation; X PREFACE. and he has had the advantage of assisting in the formation of a Mockery and Pond on the most extensive scale. As he has long felt that this beautiful and interesting group are too much the victims of neglect, he has been induced to make the attempt of being useful in assisting the inexperienced bota- nical cultivator (for whom it is chiefly designed^ to a knowledge of their culture; and to draw the attention of the admirers of Flora, in general, to this much neglected, but very interesting tribe of Plants; and, by perusing these hints, the practical man may likewise be stimulated to greater exer- tions in their cultivation. There is no class of plants more worthy the attention of Ladies, as they are, in themselves, very interesting and beautiful; and when once a collection is formed, the major part of them are easily managed, as they do not, like many other families of Plants, require the application of manures and composts, or any extra labours which Ladies could not well overtake. Those who may try the Wardian Case, recommended at the close of the Treatise, will find it well suited for the growth of most of these Plants, and a source of much pleasure and amusement, either in toivn or country. PREFACE. XI He therefore feels confident, that when this pretty class becomes a little more noticed and regarded, very few gardens will ~be found without its collec- tion, and he hopes the following pages may be the means of drawing general attention to their study and cultivation. His aim to be useful may, he hopes, receive encouragement, and induce others to give to the public the results of their practice and experience. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Page VIGNETTE Title Page. FOUR PLANS OP ROCKERIES. Figs. 1 and 2 85 Figs. 3 and 4 42 SPRING 1. Clusius's Greater Soldanella ; 2. Alpine Thyme ; 3. Small Alpine Gentian . 44 SUMMER 1. Mountain Avens ; 2. Trailing Azalea . 50 AUTUMN 1. Menziesia Empetrifolia ; 2. Andromeda Tetragona ; 3. Andromeda Hypnoides 52 WIN T TER 1. Common Maiden Hair or Spleenwort ; 2. Round leaved Woodsia ; 3. Alternate leaved Spleenwort . . . . 54 CONTENTS. Page INTRODUCTION 17 PART I Situation 22 The Rockery 24 The Pond 28 Arrangement of the Plants, &o. . . 32 Illustrations .35 PART II Main Collection of Alpines . . . 38 Spring Treatment . . . . .44 Summer Treatment .... 50 Autumn Treatment 52 Winter Treatment 54 Treatment of the Tenderer and Rarer Kinds of Alpines ...... 55 NOTE 62 APPENDIX. Plants for the Rockery, Pond, &c. . . Go I. List of Alpine Plants . . . . 68 Ferns and Allied Plants . . .77 II. Marsh or Bog Plants . . . . 78 III. Aquatic Plants for Pond . . . .79 IV. American Shrubs .... 80 V. Mosses , 83 INTRODUCTION. THE cultivation of plants and flowers is one of the most rational occupations, as being most conducive to health and happiness, that can possibly take up our attention. Every true admirer of plants and flowers can bear ample testimony to the pleasing and soothing asso- ciations accompanying the culture of the fair progeny of Flora. How delightful ! and how many happy and cheerful thoughts are created in the mind, by simply taking a stroll or walk through the flower-garden, pleasure-grounds, or along the margin of the woods, in a summer morning, when the plants are still bathed in dew, and bedecked in silvery drops, and when all around is still and silent, save the deep and distant murmur of the ocean, and the waves beating heavily upon the surrounding shores ; or, when the feathered melodists have commenced their morning carol ; or when the sun begins to shine on the neighbouring hills, and already rapidly advancing in 18 INTRODUCTION. its splendour, invites the exemplary bee to her in- dustrious and persevering labours. This pleasure may probably, by some, be deemed of too solitary a nature; but, to use the words of the poet, it is " Not solitude, 'tis but to hold Converse with Nature's charms, And view her stores unroll'd." How much more amusing and gratifying, then, must it be to those who attend to the culture of plants and flowers, and see the daily progress of those nurtured by their own hands, thus to observe the various processes of Nature ? Are they not com- pelled, as it were, to acknowledge the wisdom, the power, and goodness of an all-wise Creator ? At every season of the year there is something to be learned among plants and flowers something to cheer and arouse to energy the pensive mind. If we walk out in Spring, we behold the tender bud unfold ; in Summer and Autumn, the perfection and diversity of floral beauties ; and even in Winter, when the greater proportion has vanished, we discover some lingering gem still left to decorate a secluded spot and please the eye of the spectator. How often have we felt, and been cheered, by pleasing thoughts, borne back on the memory by the recollection of such happy scenes, yea, perhaps, when hundreds of miles intervene ! When we revert to the annals of Horticulture generally, we perceive the great and rapid progress and improvements made both in science and art, INTRODUCTION. 19 even within the last few years, which cannot fail to attract our attention. The period, indeed, has not long elapsed, since the culture of flowers was taken much into considera- tion at all. There was no periodical, and scarcely a standard work on the subject; and any flowers, cultivated about the premises, were generally in the borders of the kitchen-garden.* But, although this is even still the case in many localities, and in limited or small places by no means improper or un- suitable, nay, in some situations better perhaps could not be adopted; yet in extensive localities, where there is ample scope and means, it is decidedly more desirable to have these matters arranged in separate compartments. In this branch of Horticulture, mat- ters have assuredly progressed well and rapidly. A taste for plants and flowers universally prevails amongst the poor as well as the rich, from the highest peer in the land down to the humble cot- tager, who possesses a small patch of ground around his dwelling. To the zealous exertions and industrious perse- verance of many eminent and talented individuals, we are indebted for this new era in Floriculture, by the introduction of new species and varieties ; and still farther, to the landed proprietors throughout * See " Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Garden," by Dr. Neill; the best work I know, especially for the northern part of the kingdom. 20 INTRODUCTION. the country, who are, in most cases, zealous pro- moters and supporters of Horticulture in its various departments. No less serviceable are the many ex- cellent periodicals and works now existing on the subject, besides societies, which act as direct stimu- lants to the British Horticulturist. But notwithstanding this rapid and progressive change in the various departments of Horticulture, there is yet ample room for further improvements. Every year, every season that rolls along, brings something new, something to demand the attention and care of the votaries of Flora. Plants and flowers are greatly attended to at the present day both by amateurs and gardeners ; but evidently those more showy, or otherwise most con- spicuous, receive most attention, while other plants equally interesting, and in themselves quite as beau- tiful, are comparatively neglected. The allusion is here made to Alpines or Rock-plants ; for, except- ing in extensive establishments, botanical institutions, &c., these are very rarely to be met with. This disregard very probably arises from their being so minute, consequently less conspicuous and attractive at first glance, than some of those going under the name of Florists' Flowers. But let Alpines be looked into closely, and viewed without partiality, and per- haps there exists not a more lovely group in Flora's train. But it is requisite here to observe, that this tribe is, for the most part, composed of plants, na- tives of high or Alpine situations, many of which INTRODUCTION. 21 are denizens of the hills and woods of Great Britain, " Sweets of the wild that breathe and bloom ;" while others are inhabitants of bogs and water hence the latter are generally termed aquatics in short, any plants, which from their minuteness and rarity, cannot with safety be planted out in the plots or borders. This constitutes (what are called by cul- tivators) Alpine-plants. In order to insure success in the culture of this tribe of plants, they require a situation peculiar to their respective natures. This is properly denomi- nated by Mr. M'Intosh, in his Practical Gardener, " The Alpine, or Rock-garden," and which should consist of a Rockery, a Pond, or piece of water of any size, and at one end a small artificial Bog, for plants requiring this mode of treatment. In order to illustrate the subject, it is necessary to divide it into two parts. I. As to situation, formation of the Rockery, Pond, and Bog, above referred to, general arrangement of the plants on the Rockery, &c. II. Culture and general management of the main collection, or otherwise, plants in pots, &c. 22 ALPINE OR ROCK-PLANTS. PAET I. SITUATION. IN treating of situation (the first thing to be ob- served in choosing a locality for the formation of the Rockery), one must be, to a certain extent, guided by the nature and style of the place, besides the taste of the proprietor. But again, regarding the selection of a situation to suit the plants, it is on this account necessary, that the site be neither shaded nor yet too much exposed. Let it be an open, airy, but at the same time a sheltered place. It may adjoin the flower-garden, or be in the vicinity of the shrubberies and kitchen-garden, and, should a suitable situation present itself along the walks, or drives leading through the woods or pleasure-grounds, it might form as desirable a site as any. It is, how- ever, to be understood, that it is not meant to be exactly along the margin. A little off the walk would be more desirable, with a path leading to the Rockery. Perhaps too much attention cannot be paid to the choice of a proper situation; for though these SITUATION. 23 plants be natives of high and bleak localities, where they enjoy the purest atmosphere, and though, in their native habitats, they endure a great degree of cold, still, when introduced into our gardens, and planted upon a Rockery, many of them will neither stand the winter frosts, nor yet bear the strong and sharp gusts of wind. The former, alternating with mild weather, keep a degree of vitality in their system, which they do not experience in their Alpine abodes, and thus they are more exposed to injuries from the latter. 24 ALPINE OR ROCK-PLANTS. THE EOCKERY. IN the formation of the Rockery, there are other objects to be attained besides the imitation of nature. The rock-work must be so constructed as to insure the preservation and successful growth of the plants. It may be made any size the projector chooses, and various forms may be adopted and indulged in; but the plainer these are the better. And it should always be kept in view, to make it of the most fanciful structure, so as to show off the different kinds of plants, by which means it has the most effective display and appearance. There is no great difficulty, nor need any great expense be incurred in the formation of the Rockery* when the locality is near the sea shore, as abundance of materials for this purpose are quite at hand, such as stones worn into different shapes by the waves, and some containing cavities, the use intended for which will be described hereafter. * Any materials for the rock-work, excepting clay, can be driven when carts are more at leisure, say between Winter or beginning of Summer; hence not interfering with farm operations. THE ROCKERY. 25 In making up the Rockery, the space it is to occupy, in the first place, must be cleared of any rubbish thereon, the ground then levelled, and the ground figure properly marked out. Then the earth taken out of the Pond may be laid down where marked ; but should this soil not be of a kindly na- ture for the plants, that is, should it be of a cold clayey kind, when coming near the desired height, it will be well to mix up some good soil, and to lay a thick stratum of it on the surface. The kinds of soil requi- site will be presently described. Then proceed with laying the stones on, properly and tastefully. Let a good many of those above referred to, as containing holes or cavities, be placed on the north side of the Rockery, for mosses, ferns, &c., &c., while, at the same time, a good many of them may be distributed over the whole for Sedum, Sempervivum, Saxifraga, Me- sembryanthemum, &c. Then let the crevices be- tween the stones have some earth put in. The soils may be distributed as follows :~ On the North Side of the Rockery, On one part a mixture of black peat or bog-mould, leaf-mould, and sandy loam ; in another, red gravelly or ferruginous soil ; and along the base on this side, an adhesive or clayey kind. Perhaps the soil from the Pond, and placed here in the formation, may be sufficient. In these varieties of soil, the larger ferns, 26 ALPINE OR ROCK-PLANTS. Osmunda regalis, and Alpines, Adoxa, Chrysosple- nium, Marchantia, &c., can be grown. On the South and two Ends, A mixture of light sandy loam and peat, containing a good deal of white sand, for Helianthemum, Iberis, Stachys Corsica, Achillea tomentosa, Saxifraya, &c. On the Top of the Rock-work, Very light loam, and a little peat and white sand, for such as Thymus serpyllum, Saocifraga oppositi- folia, Rhodiola rosea, &c. The latter is common in various Alpine districts, and is found abundantly among the rocks on the south-west coast of Argyle- shire. Along the margin of the pond, and on the Rockery, soil composed of sandy loam and a good deal of gravel (not too coarse) ; or, what suits better, where it can be had, stone, or rather slate crumbled away into a resemblance of soil. It is found plentifully on the banks of mountain streams. As to the soil suitable for the cavities in the stones, it will be described under the head Arrangement. After having distributed the soil, &c., petrifactions, marcasite, or any other curious or rare specimens of minerals, may be placed here and there among the THE ROCKERY. 2? stones, wherever suitable ; but, at the same time, it is necessary not to interfere with the plants, or the situations they are to occupy. It is further desirable, that around part of the rock-work (at the base) a border should be formed. Should your locality permit, perhaps the south-west side may be as desirable as any. This border should be made up with peat, containing abundance of white sand and small white stones, for some of the Erica tribe, Azalea procumbens, Arbutus alpina, &c. These thrive most luxuriantly in this kind of soil. We have observed them half way up Bennevis, and found there specimens of the latter plant in full fructification. Another portion of this border should be composed of sea-sand and gravel, with the addition of some peat well incorporated, for such as Lithospermum maritimum, Glaux maritima, &c., which are not by any means easily preserved, or cultivated in any other soil. Some large and curious stones may be placed here and there along the border. 28 ALPINE OR ROCK-PLANTS. THE POND. REGARDING the formation of the Pond, it should be made to correspond with the Rockery, and should run along the margin on one side (the south side being the most suitable for the plants). It may like- wise be here observed, that it is desirable to have a path left along the foot of the Rockery, and on the bank of the Pond, when again a walk surrounds the same on the opposite side. Presuming that the Pond has been marked off when the Rockery was so done, and the principal part of the soil dug out when forming the same, we may therefore proceed to clear out the soil pro- perly, to the depth, perhaps, of two feet (but such as this may vary according to size, &c.), leaving the bank all around, except the side next the Rockery, completely sloping out, so as that the surface of the water may nearly run parallel with the surrounding walk. This being finished, a sufficient supply of good tough clay must be got, to make the whole water-tight. The best clay for this purpose, that ever came under my own notice, was taken from within sea-mark, at ebb-tide, below Ormsary House, THE POND. 29 Argyleshire, the seat of W. A. Campbell, Esq. ; and, I have no doubt, equally good may be had in similar situations. It was perfectly tough, and had not such a tendency to crack in drying as some clays have, probably arising from the particles of salt it con- tained, keeping it in a moist state, until gradually dried. Being furnished with a sufficient supply of clay, let it be wheeled into the Pond, dry or otherwise as it is dug up, and not worked up in water with the feet, prior to placing it in the Pond, as is some- times done, a process by no means commendable. It may be a little more expeditious, but expedition in such cases is dangerous, and in the end very un- profitable. Let one, two, or three men, as you have the means and the space to be occupied, proceed first to lay a thick stratum of clay along the bottom of the banks (the thickness of this first layer depending on the height of the bank, size of Pond, &c.), and let it be beat firmly, applying water to soften the clay as re- quired. The beater may be the same as is some- times used by paviers (see plate A), only it must not be so heavy ; by being so, a man could never work the clay properly. In this manner, layer after layer may be applied, getting gradually thinner, as it comes near the top or lip of the bank, afterwards pro- ceeding with the bottom in the same way, until all be finished. But it may now be naturally inquired, how, or 30 ALPINE OR ROCK-PLANTS. whence, is the Pond to be supplied with water ? This may be accomplished in several ways ; but what I consider the best and most economical, is by means of a drain from wherever the water is near- est, and again another drain can be made to take off the superfluous water from the Pond, Leaden pipes are used; but I cannot see their advantage over good firm drains. A small lead pipe, however, could be introduced into the supplying drain, and led over the top of the Rockery. Besides being bene- ficial to the plants during the heat of summer, it would have the appearance of a rill, and would thus contribute to beautify the locality. After the Pond has been allowed to dry for some little time, perhaps three or four days, it is neces- sary to see that the clay is not cracking, and should it show the least appearance of this it must be beat up instantaneously. After being dry, some suitable soil for the plants to strike root in, must be laid in the bottom. It may be composed of ditch cleanings, or soil from any other marshy place, cleared of noxious weeds, and mixed with gravel and some peat; then a thick layer of it can be placed in the bottom. The water may now be admitted. The formation of a Bog for plants requiring this mode of treatment, may be accomplished at one corner of the Pond, simply by placing stones edge- wise on the outside, to prevent the soil, &c., from being carried into the Pond. The soil, of course, must be bog-mould, or black peat and Sphagnum, a THE POND. 31 common white moss in boggy places. But this and the foregoing remarks will be more fully described and illustrated. Between the walk surrounding the Pond, and the margin of the latter, may be placed a quantity of good sea-sand and gravel, besides some stones, for the culture of Convolvulus soldanella, Arenaria marina, Silene maritima, and some other maritime plants. 32 ALPINE OR ROCK-PLANTS. ABKANGEMENT OF THE PLANTS, &c. IN planting out the plants upon the rock-work, the proper disposal of them is essentially requisite, for appearance, as well as to insure success in their culture. Therefore, the north side is to be taken up princi- pally with cryptogamic plants, requiring the shade, and several strictly Alpine-plants, as indicated in the Index. To assist, as much as possible, some trees planted on this side are further required. A more suitable tree cannot, perhaps, be introduced into such a place, than the common Thorn, and its ornamental varieties, which is described by the Scottish bard as " The milk-white thorn that scents the evening gale." The larger ferns can be disposed among the cre- vices, and at the foot, when the soil consists of peat, leaf-mould, and sandy loam ; while the lesser ones and mosses can be planted as follows: The stones already mentioned as being excavated, or worn by the waves, to be filled, when for ferns, with peat, leaf-mould, and a little white sand, and then planted with such as the Adiantum, or maiden- ARRANGEMENT OF THE PLANTS. 33 hair family, Polypodium vulgare, Asplenium tricho- manes, A. viride, &c., which have valuable medicinal properties ; also Scolopendrium, Cystopteris, Crypto- gramma, and Hymenophyllum, besides Grammitis ceterach, a pretty little rare fern. Again, for mosses, let as much of the soil in which the plants are growing naturally be taken up with each plant (or tuft) as will fill the stone or hollow, but observing to leave it below the lip, in order to allow the rain to lodge therein, to supply the plants with sufficient moisture; and those grow- ing upon sticks or stones, pieces of decayed sticks, or pieces of stone, can be placed in the cavities along with them. A collection of mosses thus formed, would, even of themselves, prove very interesting about a place. Many of the lichens will also succeed by this treat- ment, which are highly interesting and beautiful, such as Scypkophorus cocciferus, Lecanora tartarea, &c. On the top and sides of the Rockery, Tfiymus, Iberis, Parietaria, Linaria, Phlox (dwf.), Saxifraga, Veronica, Polygala, Cochlearia, Drdba, and many others of a similar nature. Succulent plants also, such as Sempervivum, Sedum, Mesembryanthemum, &c., will thrive most luxuriantly in stones, as re- commended for mosses, filled with sandy loam and a little peat. Here and there, throughout the Rockery, may also be planted the common heather and other hardy heaths, which have a very imposing effect during the summer and autumn months. c 34 ALPINE OR ROCK PLANTS. In the border, along the base of the rock-work, may be planted heaths, Vaccinium, Azalea procum- bens, and other dwarf shrubs. Rubus chamcemorus, R. arcticus and others of the genus, must be raised a little higher. They may be planted in good-sized boxes, sunk on the Rockery, among the stones ; soil composed of bog-mould and natural white sand. Ma- ritime plants can be planted round the Pond at in- tervals, commencing at one end of the above border. In a corner of the Pond, some of the larger grasses, &c., may be planted, such as Typha lati- folia, T. angustifolia, and T. minor, and many others, also Alisma plantago, which appears to great advantage, In the Pond plant the Nymphcea lutea and alba, Ranunculus aquatilis, and others ; but, in planting these, they should first be potted in large pots. Though cracked, it does not matter, as they have to be cracked at any rate, so as, that whenever the roots begin to extend themselves into the soil at the bottom, the pots may fall away. They may be tied round the mouth with small twine, which will keep the pots together until the plants are settled, and beginning to strike out roots. By that time the twine will be useless, and consequently will give way. 35 ILLUSTRATIONS. IN order to make the reader comprehend better the preceding remarks, he is referred to the Plate con- taining the ground-plan of a Rockery for Alpines, Fig. 1. Being, however, upon rather an extensive scale, one for smaller collections is shown at Fig. 2. But such matters can be added to or taken from ad libitum. Plate, Fig. 1. a Is the rock-work in front, b The Pond, c Is the space allotted for the bog, for the culture of Eriopho- rum, Narthecium, Drosera, Pinguicula, and other marshy or bog-plants, e e e Is that portion of the Pond containing the different species of grasses, d Is the border for dwarfish shrubs ; and, surrounding the Pond at ///, is the space mentioned for maritime plants. At h is the path along the foot of the Rockery, and which joins with the walks iiii on the opposite side of the Pond, and which, at the same time, surrounds the whole, gg Is a lawn or green, containing some white and scarlet thorns. At , the small leaden pipe, in form of a rillet of water, runs 00 ALPINE OR ROCK PLANTS. down, among the stones, into the Pond. Outside the walk, surrounding the Pond, is a border o, filled with dwarf American shrubs ; and, separating the walk from the border, is an edging of Calluna vulgaris, or common ling, mixed with the white variety. Plate, Fig. 2, As already mentioned, represents a Rockery and Pond upon a limited scale, but which, at the same time, may be extended to any size the proprietor chooses. In the centre is a representation of a circular pond, supplied with water by a leaden pipe, which divides into three branches above water, from whence the water rises to a considerable height, forming a jet- d'eau, the fountain-head being a good deal higher than the pond ; and close beside this pipe, as marked in the Plate above, is another pipe to carry off the waste water. At Ormsary there is a Pond of nearly the same description, and when the jet is made to play in a summer morning or evening, it has a truly pleasing effect ; and in the extensive gardens of Castlesemple, Renfrewshire, the seat of Colonel Harvey, if memory serves me aright, may also be seen one very similar to this. Surrounding the Pond is the rock-work, outside of which a walk runs along, edged with Calluna vul- garis ; and, surrounding the entire Pond, a border for both dwarf American and native shrubs. At Plate, Jig. 3, is a fuller illustration of the above. ILLUSTRATIONS. 3? Having thus laid down some hints relative to the formation of the Rockery, &c., and what I consider requisite to give the reader a general idea how to proceed in the formation, operations, &c., connected with it ; before proceeding with the Second Part, I cannot refrain from again observing, how ornamental an object of this kind is in any locality of either greater or lesser extent, and how little expense is incurred in the cultivation of these, in comparison to many other groups of plants. 38 ALPINE OR ROCK PLANTS. PAET II. MAIN COLLECTION OF ALPINES. As there are many Alpine-plants that will not en- dure the severity of our winters, and some, that can- not be exposed at all in this climate it hence becomes necessary to have a plant or two of each, according to the genus or species, in pots, that they may, with more facility, be covered or protected during severe or frosty weather. This will also afford the means of replacing any plants which may have died during Winter on the Rockery; it will serve, besides, for giving a better acquaintance with the names, and a general knowledge of each genus and species, which, when in pots, can be more advantageously studied, and correctly tallied ; and, when in flower, the seeds of some, which are annuals, are more easily collected for general propagation. As it not unfrequently happens, that a suitable place for the main assemblage of these cannot be MAIN COLLECTION OF ALPINES. 39 had convenient to the rock-work, I beg to make a few remarks regarding a situation for this purpose. A great space is not required, though the collec- tion be very extensive, as they take up little room when in pots. The spot where the greenhouse plants are sometimes placed in Summer, may be rendered a suitable situation for Alpines also; but where this cannot be spared, or where there is no greenhouse, a separate situation for themselves must be sought. Should a site not naturally suitable present itself, it must be rendered so artificially ; on the south side of this locality it is requisite to have a belt, or clump of shrubs and trees, planted promiscuously, to prevent the sun in Summer from beating too intense upon the plants, and consequently causing excessive evaporation. By being thus partially shaded, they are kept in a moist and cool state. The north side ought also to be sheltered, at some distance from where the plants are placed. The space where the plants are intended to be placed, must be covered with a stratum, composed of a mixture of clay, coal ashes, and a little lime (in the same way that cottage floors are sometimes done), and beat down firmly; then a coat of ashes finely, riddled, can be laid on, previous to placing the plants on it. This prevents worms, slugs, and other vermin visiting the spot. In order to protect the plants from frost, and very heavy rains, a frame of some description is neces- sary. I have seen a frame of wood serve admirably 40 ALPINE OR ROCK PLANTS. for protecting a very extensive collection; and, in this manner, I have treated them successfully. Mr. M'lhtosh, however, recommends a pit of his construction. It can best be described in his own words. He says, " In our practice, we have had a pit constructed in the flower-garden, which served a double pur- pose, being the abode of a collection of these plants during Winter, and, when they were put out in Spring, it was filled with the more showy species of Mesembryanthemums planted out in it, which flowered beautifully till Autumn, at which time it was again filled with the Alpine-plants, plunged into finely sifted coal ashes. " The walls of this pit were constructed of rock- work, which was planted with rock plants, and was soon completely covered. Nothing appeared, during Summer, of a pit, when the whole was covered with plants. The wooden wall-plates and rafters were removed as soon as the Mesembryanthemums had established themselves ; and were only replaced in Autumn, when the others were placed into it; the lights, &c., were used during Summer for other pur- poses. In this pit, which was elevated about a foot in front, and two feet behind, we cultivated, for three years, one of the richest private collections of these interesting plants, probably brought together in this country."* * Practical Gardener, p, 873. MAIN COLLECTION OF ALPINES. 41 He adds, " At first sight there will appear some- thing incongruous in placing a pit in any part of a well arranged flower-garden; but as rock-work and similar things are admitted sometimes, though rarely, in imitation of rocky strata, or mountains in minia- ture, but, for the most part, with a view to form a proper situation for plants, which are natives of rocky soils, to grow in, we can see no difficulty nor objection in constructing and arranging a rock-work, so as to be capable of being rendered a fit receptacle for such plants during the Winter. But as many, and by far the greater part of the rarer species of these plants, can only prosper in a low temperature, their removal to a cool shaded spot, during the heats of our Summer, becomes necessary, and will of course leave a space unoccupied. Few plants, therefore, can be brought in as substitutes, that will have a better effect than the genus in question. Their rapid growth, and capability of withstanding our hottest suns, without requiring much water, fit them, in a particular degree, for such a purpose."* It may be deemed presumptuous in any young man to add more, after such an authority as Mr. M'Intosh, or to question the opinion of such a talented individual. With all due respect, however, for this eminent Horticulturist, I beg to say, that I consider this sort of pit attended with a great deal of * I am not aware of any plants more highly suitable for the purpose than those recommended. 42 ALPINE OR ROCK PLANTS. labour; and when hands are scarce, and one cannot command other facilities, he may be exceedingly fond of this tribe of plants, and be anxious to cul- tivate them too, but must keep his taste for them in subjection to his limited resources. I allude to the labour of carrying backwards and forwards an extensive collection of these ; as beds of ashes, on which to place the plants or pots in summer, would ill accord with a tasteful erection of this sort, but which, it is true, may be at a considerable distance from the Rockery. Besides, the expense of glass sashes, though in itself a minor item, is still not to be altogether overlooked, when better success than with the common method, cannot be expected. Should the wooden frame be adopted, it can be placed close to the belt or clump sheltering the north side previously alluded to. This, however, may also be better understood, by referring to the Plate, Fig. 4. a Shows the belts or clumps on both sides, which may be of any form to suit the locality or proprie- tors 5 taste. b Is the space for the wooden frame which is to protect the plants during Winter, plunged in coal ashes. It is raised higher than the surrounding space, to assist in keeping the plants dry and free from damp, and covered with wooden sashes. The size of the frame should vary with the collection. c Is the space for the plants during Summer ; fffl. .}. h'tq. 4. * - ; <.. :to = ^c pc...,. .r, W J& '*'- *& *" cc ' toc "" tr ' ;^-:-" "'^^ MAIN COLLECTION OF PLANTS. 43 and which may be arranged in forms of beds, leaving spaces like alleys between each, xxxxx, to allow the passing amongst them when watering, &c., &c. It is to be understood, not to dig out alleys, but leaving spaces when the pots are placed on it. d Shows the walk surrounding the whole, which may be edged with Statice armeria, or Thrift, or any other plant deemed more suitable; at each end, in the distance, are some scattered trees. All that is necessary to be added, may, I believe, be included in the seasonal treatment of the plants. 44 ALPINE OR ROCK PLANTS. SPRING TREATMENT, ABOUT the latter end of February it is necessary to look over the rock-work, and should there be any blanks occasioned by the death of the plants, they can easily be replaced from your main collection when propagating. Indeed, the rock-work can be entirely furnished with plants from the collection, if fully established. The time to commence propagation must be re- gulated according as the plants commence to vege- tate, which they do at different periods. The month of March, however, may be considered the proper season for most of them. Alpines are chiefly propagated by division of the plants, and by seeds. Some, but few, are propa- gated by cuttings, such as the Dianthus, or pink family ; and these may also be propagated by seed, collected at the proper season. If you do not require to increase your stock of this tribe of plants, and if they are not growing too large for the pots, a top dressing of suitable soil, and weeding, is sufficient* SPRING TREATMENT. 45 But to proceed with the operation of propagation. First, A small temporary bench can be made of any old boards nailed together it may be about 3J feet long, and 21 inches or so broad and may remain beside the frame until you are done propa- gating, top dressing, &c. ; then place your pots accord- ing to the number of plants intended to be increased or shifted. The sizes of pots, which are known as Nos. 60, 48, and 32, are most suitable for these plants ; most of them succeed in No. 60 and 48, and some few require No. 32, such as some of the ferns, Salices, &c., &c. But, as the reader may not be acquainted with the dimensions of these sizes, it may not be improper to mention, that No. 60 is a pot 4 inches deep and 3J inches in diameter at the top, No. 48 is 5 inches deep and 4J inches in diameter, and No. 32, which is the largest size requisite for this group, is 6 inches deep and 6 inches in diameter. Let also a quantity of crocks, or pieces of broken pots, and a wheel-barrow load or two of suitable soil, be brought beside you. The crocks are to be placed in the bottom of the pots, over the hole, for drain- age, thus preventing the water from accumulating and souring the soil about the roots. The soil may be prepared as recommended for the plants on the Rockery. In preparing the pots to receive the soil and plant, it is necessary to make sure that one piece of crock covers the hole, then a few more above, and afterwards a little of the riddlings of your soil ; 46 ALPINE OR ROCK PLANTS. then as much good soil above as will raise the crown of the plant at a (see Plate, Fig. 5), a little above the surface when potted ; then proceed to divide your plants, which is accomplished as follows: Take up the pot, turning it upside down upon your hand, allowing the top of the plant . to pass down between your fingers, then give the pot edge, or rim, a gentle touch upon the bench, when the ball will loosen in the pot, and the latter may be easily lifted off and laid aside, the plant and ball laid down upon the bench, and divided into as many pieces, with roots, as can be done with safety to the main plant; and each piece may be potted, or if there be blanks on the Rockery, these can be supplied from the above divisions; or if you have already duplicates of the plant potted, these may be planted out having larger balls, and the divisions may be potted in their stead, and tallied correctly, using neat painted wooden tallies, written or painted ; afterwards give them a good watering, replacing them into their respective quarters. But there are several of this tribe that do not require to be entirely divided. Among these, for example, the genus Saxifraga, and others, which layer of themselves as it were, that is, strike roots into the soil at joints around the parent plant. These can be simply cut off and potted, the parent plant dressed and laid aside. Regarding the propagation of Alpines by seed, it is simply as follows : Should the seed be very small, they may be sown when collected, as if kept SPRING TREATMENT. 4? long, they lose their vegetative properties. This I have found, from experience, to be the case ; hav- ing kept some paper bags of these, which I sowed in spring, 1842, and which never vegetated ; I also sowed some of the same seed when gathered, which came up strongly. But the larger seeds may be kept in bags during Winter, and sown in March in pots, which, being properly crocked, can be filled with a mixture of sandy loam, peat, and a little leaf mould, and beat firmly into the pots, and the seeds sown thereon, with a top dressing or sprink- ling of very fine sifted soil above them ; then neatly tallied and placed in the frame, when attention must be paid to the progress they make. When fairly up, the seedlings may be pricked out into thumb pots, and afterwards potted into No. 60, 48, and 32, according to the kind. But, to explain better the operation of pricking out, when the plants or seedlings have attained to one inch, half an inch, or when the second leaf is coming on, according to the genus or species, pre- pare thumb pots (the smallest size), by beating the soil into them ; then, with a small sharp pointed stick, make a hole in the soil, in which the seedling is to be placed, then press the soil closely about it, giving it a watering with a very fine rosed water- pot. This operation is expressed by the Horticul- tural term, pricking out. But there are some of this tribe that sow them- selves naturally; these, however, are chiefly annuals, 48 ALPINE OR ROCK PLANTS. such as Draba verna, D. muralis, but not D. aizoides, a pretty little thing which flowers about the end of March and in April, and is a perennial; Arabis verna, A. arenosa, and others of the genus ; and many others of the Cruciferous plants. Therefore the pots containing these (if the seed be not gathered) should not be touched, as, very likely in a short time the seed will come up strongly, and should be attended to. As to the propagation by cuttings, such as have a tendency to make firm shrubby stems, such as Dianthus, Linaria, Mesembryanthemums, &c., may be increased by this method. The cuttings are taken off the plant, then cut clean across, below the first or second joint, then pricked into pots ; a number may be in each pot, round the rim, filled with sandy loam and leaf mould. These can be placed into the shade, where they strike better than any other way that I am aware of. But, for the latter (Mesembryanthemums), if a slight hotbed be convenient, they will strike more expeditiously ; and when fairly struck, they can be shifted into single pots of the sizes previously recommended. For further information regarding this, reference can be had to the Summer Treatment. Being finished with the propagation of these, and after the whole have been gone over, weeded, and received a general top dressing, the bench may be thrown into a shed, or any place where it will be at hand when required. The covers may be taken off the frames every fine day after this, and, about SPRING TREATMENT. 49 the middle or latter end of April, entirely removed, should the state of the weather permit. Attention must also be paid, during Spring, to see that none are giving way from the effects of damp, &c., and all appearance of decay removed. This being all that is requisite during Spring, I now proceed to give a few details regarding their Summer treatment. 50 ALPINE OR ROCK PLANTS. SUMMER TEEATMENT. ABOUT the beginning of May, or sooner, if all danger from frost is considered over, the collection of Alpines may be entirely removed to their Summer quarters, as already described (see Plate, Fig. 5). It is pre- sumed this space has received a general dressing with the hoe and rake, besides a fresh layer of riddled coal ashes. Afterwards, they must be kept clear of weeds, and the vermin destroyed, by scattering some hot lime over the ashes, which forms an effectual remedy. For the same purpose, Mr. M'Intosh re- commends watering with lime water. When the weather becomes hot, the plants must be supplied abundantly with water every night, commencing about six o'clock, or sooner, if the sun's influence is removed; watering them completely over head, beds and all, which assists in keeping the soil moist in the pots, and the ground cool all around them, a condition essentially requisite at this period. In the morning, should it have the appearance of being very hot, they can be gone over in the same way. But I have found once a day sufficient, when in a suitable place, and watered effectually. 1. D K YA S or T<> I' K r A I. A .\X.\I.KA I'Moci'Mhl-.N S ! rfiihri'f . \;ii,'i ii SUMMER TREATMENT. 51 In July, and when done flowering, cuttings may be taken off all those plants admitting of this mode of propagation. They may be placed any where in the shade, under hand glasses or in a frame; in a very slight hot-bed some strike quicker ; but attention is requisite to shade them during the day, when the sun is powerful. Those species which flower early soon ripen their seeds, which should be preserved, if it is intended to propagate them by this means. 52 ALPINE OR ROCK PLANTS. AUTUMN TKEATMENT. IN August, ripening seeds must be looked after and gathered, and the more minute sorts sown, as already directed. The main collection must be still watered plenti- fully, until the weather becomes cooler and more moist. If there are any plants which could not be divided in Spring, being too small, this may now be done successfully. Both during the Summer, and at this season, the Rockery must also be looked after, and the plants, walks, and pond, kept free of weeds. About the end of September the latter may be cleared of leaves, grass, stems, &c., &c., by cutting them away with a scythe fastened to a pole ; drawing them thence with a rake, and wheeling them off to the compost heap. Towards the close of September, any of the more rare and delicate Alpines may be placed within the frame, as the weather will now be coming in cold and boisterous. Avoid, however, putting the sashes on, as this would only tend to cause damp, and, perhaps, induce the plants to make additional KMI'KTKll 01.1A ^ . AM>KO-MK DA TKTK.U.oX A . ." . AN DKOMKDA HYPNO1DKS. AUTUMN TREATMENT. 53 soft growths, which would promote decay and cause damp, so much to be guarded against in winter. About the middle of October, according to the weather, the whole may be gone over, cleaned thoroughly of weeds and any decayed leaves, and the soil stirred a little about the plants, which are then to be placed in the frame, and plunged in coal ashes as before* alluded to. But the sashes need not yet be put on until there is an appearance of frost ; when this may be done, taking them off every good day at noon, for the greater part of the day. ALPINE OR ROCK PLANTS. WINTER TEEATMENT, As to the Winter treatment of Alpines, it merely consists in keeping the plants and pots free from decayed leaves, or any other matter which may tend to cause dampness; taking the sashes oif every fine day, about mid-day, for several hours, and care- fully covering them up at night; should the frost be very severe, an additional cover of mats may be added. With this attention they will hybernate in safety, and be ready, on the approach of Spring, to repay, by their fresh beauty, the labour that has been bestowed on their protection during the in- clemency of Winter. 1. AMM.KMI'M TniCHoNMNKS 2.WOODSIA H YP1-. i.'l'.ol; K \ 3 ASPLEN1UM ALTERHIFOL] - / i ?/,'<>////./ ,< 55 TREATMENT TENDERER AND RARER KINDS OF ALPINES, As there are many of this lovely and interesting tribe, that can never with safety be out of the pit or frame during the whole season, I think it right to add a remark or two regarding their culture. They are such as plants of the natural order, Lycopo- dinece, or club-moss tribe ; Filices, or fern tribe ; Sarraceniece, of which the Sarracenia purpurea forms an example, the only genus in the order; Amaryllidacece, of which the genus Anomatheca is one. In this last are some very showy plants. To add more than these examples would be superfluous. I will therefore proceed with the mode of culture I have adopted, and also seen practised successfully. The pit for this group should be situated in the neighbourhood of the hot-houses, that where hot water pipes are used, a small pipe may be led through from the main pipes, heating the general range, and which could be regulated by valves, in order to preserve a proper temperature during winter. But where there is no such convenience, a furnace, 56 ALPINE OR ROCK PLANTS. with a pipe running along some inches below the level of the earth in bottom, or a small stove, which I use myself, will be quite sufficient. The walls of this pit may be either of brick or stone I prefer the latter ; cut 6 inches by 4 inches. It should be about 22 inches or 2 feet at the back, and a foot or 10 inches in front, and 4J or 5 feet wide; the length varying according to the collection. The interior can be neatly plastered and white washed, and the sashes neatly painted and glazed, and opening on hinges. Close wooden shutters, often used for Alpine plants, are inadmissable here, as the nature and treatment required by the two groups are very dif- ferent ; and the want of due consideration on this one point, may perhaps have been the cause that so many attempts made to cultivate them have proved rather unsuccessful. I have some of this group under my own care, treated as here recommended, and thriving most luxuriantly such as the Lycopodium, Sarra- cenia, &c. , both genera are very easily brought to perfection, though we find at times L. denticula- tum under the shade of some stone or greenhouse shrub. In this case glazed sashes are necessary, to give all the light possible during the whole season, as the plants are never out of the frame or pit. Though expected by some, that most of them may yet be brought to bear exposure in this country, I do not feel very sanguine on this head. At all events, until TREATMENT OF TENDER AND RARE ALPINES. 5? this can be accomplished, suitable places for their culture must be attended to. As to the hardier tribes of Alpines, wooden shut- ters are quite sufficient, although for successive days they may be covered up or in the dark ; during winter it does no harm, they being then in a torpid state, and resembles what they are accustomed to in their native abodes, at that season enveloped in a mantle of snow. The only reason for uncovering them, or taking off the wooden sashes, every fine day in winter, is simply to assist in drying up damp, and clearing away any thing in a state of decay ; during the rest of the season, the sashes can be taken off during the day, or entirely removed. I have seen both used, but would not say that glazed ones are in any degree preferable to wooden ones, in regard to their culture.* In the culture of this group that we are treating of, they require large pots, Nos. 24 and 16, the former are 8 inches deep and 8J diameter, the latter 9 inches deep and 9 diameter ; in some instances, the roots penetrate deep, and when this is not the case, the plants are sometimes of a spreading nature, consequently requiring room, a good depth of soil and moisture. Regarding the potting and shifting of these, it may be performed in January or beginning of the * Now that the heavy duty on glass has been abolished, glazed sashes will, doubtless, be generally adopted. 58 ALPINE OR ROCK PLANTS. February. The soil may be mostly sphagnum moss mixed with bog mould, a small quantity of white sand, and pieces of decayed sticks, leaving a good deal of room around the plant, on the surface, to be filled to the top with fresh moss, for such as Sarracenia or Sidesaddle plants. For Lycopodium bog mould and white sand is sufficient ; and these require the largest pots. For ferns, bulbs, &c., &c., bog mould and white sand, as in Lycopodium; only in the latter there may be added a very small quantity of sandy loam. Many of these are denizens of America and the Cape of Good Hope, Great attention is necessary, during the Summer months, to admit plenty of air, by lifting up the sashes, and also keeping the whole in a 'moist state. This must be regulated according to the season and weather; but in any case, during Summer and Autumn, water must be supplied copiously. Before concluding, there is another subject I would advert to, and space will only permit me to say a few words on it. It is probable that this Treatise may fall into the hands of a class of readers, to whom many of the preceding remarks on the Rockery will be comparatively useless; I refer to such as are residents for the whole or greater part of the year in our towns and cities. Now, I know there are many such who admire, like myself, these and other interesting tribes of Flora, and still continue to cultivate them, though CONCLUSION. 59 they have to combat the unfavourable atmosphere of a town residence. The poet has justly said, that " Man, immured in cities, still retains An inborn unextinguishable thirst For rural scenes." And rural occupations might have been added, as it is well known, that the most successful cultivators of various fruits and flowers, are the weavers and artizans of our manufacturing towns. To return, however, to my subject, my design in making these remarks, is to bring before my town readers a mode by which a great variety of plants may be grown more successfully than hitherto. This is by means of the Wardian, or Portable Greenhouse, first brought into notice, a few years ago, by Dr. Ward of London, who has written a treatise on the subject. Perhaps it is not generally known, that in many of the houses in the west end of London, and also in Edinburgh, a greenhouse has been formed by making double windows, with a considerable space between the interior and exterior ones, which have been found very effectual for growing many kinds of plants. The Wardian Case is constructed on a similar principle, but of a different form. It may be made of any size, but that usually adopted is such as will fit well into the space occupied by a window. The form of the base of such a case, should be that of a trough, sloping from the top to the bottom, and it should be supported by a table, such as is used for 60 ALPINE OR ROCK PLANTS. a flower basket. The glass case above, to be of such dimensions and form as will suit the plants grown in it, with one or two of the panes on hinges, to admit access, when necessary. Little attention, however, is necessary, after the plants have been placed in it and thoroughly watered; as Dr. Ward grew, for several years together, various plants, without once watering or admitting free air. Care should also be taken to secure proper drainage, by a good layer of broken pots and moss at the bottom of the case. The success of this method seems to be, first, the effectual manner in which fuliginous (sooty) matter and dust is excluded from the plants, both of which are great barriers to growing them in towns, as the pores of the leaves (the vegetable lungs) are com- pletely closed by their presence ; and second, the still atmosphere and equal temperature which they experience when thus enclosed. Various tribes of plants have been grown in these cases with more or less success; but it seems best adapted for those whose natural habitats are in shaded or moist loca- lities, and we know that many of our Alpine and Rock-plants are of such a description. Nothing can exceed the beauty of some of the minuter Ferns and Lycopodia when thus grown. For further par- ticulars, however, I must refer to Dr. Ward's trea- tise, and various articles which have appeared in the Horticultural Magazines and Newspapers. In the latter, I frequently see advertisements from trades- CONCLUSION. 61 men, who are making their construction a branch of their business ; and now that glass is so considerably reduced in price, I do not doubt that these cases will be very generally adopted, by those for whom these remarks are chiefly intended. I have now done with the subject, and have given what I know, and have practised, regarding the cul- ture of Alpines, and if others would do the same, it might prove the means of elucidating the treatment best adapted for this tribe of plants generally. I am not aware of any separate treatise extant on the cultivation of Alpine-plants. In M'Intosh's Practical Gardener (a work worthy of a place in every library) are the only remarks I have seen written on the subject; and from the preceding pages, it will be seen, that although I differ from him on some things, I nevertheless agree with him in most points. The subject is more generally discussed in Horticultural periodicals, indicating an attention to these hitherto comparatively neglected objects, and I hope soon to see more of these discussions. In short, this is given with a good intent, and, I trust, will prove effectual in assisting and drawing general attention to this lovely family. M Sweets of the wild ! uncultured, blowing, Neglected, in luxuriance glowing; From the dark ruins frowning near, Your charms in brighter tints appear, And richer blush assume; You smile with softer beauty crowned, While all is desolate around, Like sunshine on a tomb." NOTE. To such as feel disposed to study or cultivate these interesting tribes of Plants, I would recommend a visit, whenever that can be accomplished, to the Botanical Gardens of Edinburgh or Glasgow, or the Experimental Gardens of the former city, where they are arranged according to the Linnaean and Natural Systems, in diiferent compartments, so as to permit of their respective habits and forms being examined. The nursery establishments of the same cities, always keep a supply of them in pots or in the open ground, where collections may be had at various prices; and other information, regarding the materials and soil suitable for the formation of Rock-work, obtained. Those who are botanists do not require to be informed, that many of these in- teresting plants are natives of the mountains, bogs, and woods, of our own country. APPENDIX. 65 APPENDIX, PLANTS FOE THE EOCKEEY, POND, ftc. DESPISE not thou the wild flower small it seems, And of neglected growth, and its light bells Hang carelessly on every passing gale; Yet it is finely wrought; and colours there Might shame the Tyrian purple; and it bears Marks of a care eternal and divine : Duly the dews descend to give it food, The sun revives its drooping, and the showers Add to its beauty, and the airs of heaven Are round it for delight. IN arranging the plants on the Rockery, the great object to be kept in view, is to place them so, that the flowers, foliage, and habit of each, will contrast well with each other; always taking care, that in doing this, the healthy growth of each species is secured, by placing it in a congenial soil and situa- tion. Tallies, with numbers to correspond with an alphabetical list, may be inserted beside each plant. When they are removed to their Winter quarters, they may be classed either alphabetically or botani- cally, according to the taste and convenience of the cultivator. 66 LIST OF ALPINE PLANTS. The works of Loudon, and other Horticultural writers, afford much useful information on this and kindred subjects. It is desirable, that the nomenclature of these plants be carefully attended to, as there is other- wise great danger of the collection getting into con- fusion, from its frequently being necessary to change the situation of plants, replace those that have died out, and other causes. With the view of assisting collectors, I hope the following lists of Alpines, and other Plants, whose cultivation is the subject of the preceding Treatise, will prove serviceable in the arrangement of collec- tions, TJie~ Botanical synonymes, which are circumflexed, ha|^3g|fe been given in a few instances ; but ample infor^^^^pn this subject, as well as regarding the colour, ^^^gjit, and habitats, of the different Plants enumerated^ may be gleaned from Botanical Works. Where the Plants have popular English names, these are added in Italics. The following Lists comprise Four Classes of Plants, viz. : I. ALPINE-PLANTS, or those which may be con- fined to the Rock-work; and tender sorts, requiring more or less frame protection. II. MARSH or BOG-PLANTS, for the artificial Bog at the end of the Pond, or the dampest spots among the stones. III. AQUATICS, or Plants which will thrive success- LIST OF ALPINE PLANTS. 6? fully either at the bottom, or on the surface of the Pond, or with their roots embedded in its margin. FV. AMERICAN SHRUBS. These will be found use- ful to plant in borders beyond the Rockery. The marks employed are * Placed at Plants which are natives of more tem- perate climates, and requiring protection, in frames, from the severity of our Winters. t Plants of a trailing or creeping habit. I Plants suitable for edging to borders. 1" Plants with bulbous or tuberous roots. Such as have an a attached to them, are annuals ; and those with a b, are (or may be treated as) biennials. ID 68 I.-LIST OF ALPINE PLANTS. ACER AS anthropophora ACHILLEA, Milfoil clavennse s errata tomentosa ACINOS vulgaris a ADONIS vernalis ADOXA moschatellina JETHIONEMA * membranaceum AOROSTIS pulchella a AJUGA, Bugle alpina chamoepitys a genevensis pyramidalis t reptans, fol. variegatis 's Mantle alpina vulgaris ALETRIS farinosa ALTSSUM calycinum a montanum oriental e saxatile fol. rarieg. ANAGALLIS, Pimpernel * Monelli * Phillips! ANDROSACE * carnea * chamsejasme * lactea nan a a obtusifolia a * villosa ANEMONE alpina apennina \ baldensis hortensis fl. pleno hudsoniana narcissiflora nemorosa coerulea fl. pleno palmata patens ranunculoides sylvestris fl. pleno thalictroides vernalis ANTENNARIA (Gnaphalium) alpina dioica * triplinervis ANTHYLLIS * inontana vulneraria AQUILEGIA, Columbine alpina LIST OF ALPINE PLANTS. ARABIS alpina arenosa a bellidifolia caucasica ciliata hirsuta 6 incana lucida fol. variegatis petrea ARBUTUS (Arctostaphylos) alpina uva-ursi ARENARIA balearica ciliata grandiflora laricifolia longifolia nardi folia peploides rostrata rubra a saxatilis verna vulgaris ARETIA alpina vitaliana ARMERIA (Statice) alpina formosa I maritiraa montana ARNICA montana ASARUM canadense ASPERULA, Woodruff cynanchica odorata ASTER alpinus fl. albo ASTRAGALUS, Milk Vetch alopecuroides alpinus canadensis depressus hypoglottis Ieucopha3us monspessulanus tragacantha ASTRANTIA carniolica major minor AUBRIETIA I deltoidea hesperidifolia purpurea AZALEA (Chamaeledon) f procumbens BARTSIA alpina viscosaa BELLIDIASTRUM Michelii BELLIUM crassifolium minutum BRIZA minor a BRASSICA monensis BRODLEA * congesta BULBOCODIUM U vernum CAKELE maritima a CALOPOGON Tj* pulchellus CAMPANULA, Bellftorver carpatica collina fragilis t garganica glomerata fi. albo hybrida a nitida fl. coeruleo patula pentagonia a pulla fl.albo pumila fl. albo rigida rotundifolia fl. albo rubra rupestris saxatilis 70 LIST OF ALPINE PLANTS. CAKDAMINE, Lady's smock bellidifolia pratensis fl. pleno trifoliata CAULOPHYLLUM (Leontice) thalictroides CERASTIUM alpinum arvense latifolium perfoliatum tomentosum CHAPTALIA (Tussilago) tomentosa CHEIRANTHUS, WaVjkmer alpinus mutabilis CHERLERIA sedoides CHLORA perfoliata i CHRYSANTHEMUM alpinum CIRCJEA alpina lutetiana CLAYTONJA grandiflora perfoliata a virginiana CNICUS acaulis(Carlina) COCHLEARIA danica a groenlandica a COMAROPSIS (Dalebarda) fragarioides CONVALLARIA, Lily of the Valley iwajalis fl. rubro fl. pleno CONVOLVOLUS soldanella CORN us eanadensis suecica CORONOPUS t didyma a t Ruelliia CORTUSA Mathioli CORONILLA coronata minima Securidaca a varia CORYDALIS (Fumaria) bracteata bulbosa t claviculatan lutea tuberosa albiflora COTYLEDON lutea umbilicus CRUCIANELLA I * stylosa CYCLAMEN * coum europseum hederifolium album * repandum vernum CYPELLA Herbert! CYPRIPEDIUM, lady's Slipper fi* arietinum it * calceolus If* humile ;* parviflorum * pubescens If* spectabile CZACKIA (Anthericum) U liliastrum DlANTHUS, Pink alpinus armeria b arenarius cassius | deltoides fragrans nitidus pallidiflorus petraeus saxatilis superbus LIST OF ALPINE PLANTS. 71 DIELTTRA (Fumaria) Cucullaria exiraia spectabilis DIGITALIS, Fosglovt lutea b purpurea k fl. albo b DlPHYLLEIA cymosa DONDIA (Astrantia) epipactis DRAB A aizoides ciliaris incana muralis '/ pyrenaica t repens rupestris DRACOCEPHALUM botryodes grandiflorum nutans peregrinum DRUMMONDIA (Mitella) raitelloides DRYAS Drumrnondi integrifolia octopetala ELICHRYSUM, Everlasting I arenarimn EPILOBIUM, Willm-larb alpinum alsinifolium DodonaBi EPIMEDIUM alpinum diphyllura grandiflorum (macranthum violaceum EPIPACTIS (Ce]ha!anthera) 1[ ensifolia IT grandiflora f latifolia IF rubra ERICA (Heath) cineraea fl albo *" ciliaris Mackaii tetralix fl. iilbo ERIGEROX acris alpinus glabellus Villarsi ERINUS I Hispanicus ERIOPHOnUM, Cotton-gran alpinum polystacbion vaginatum ERIOPRTLLUM lanatum ERODIUM maritimum a moschatum ERPETION reniforme EETNGIUM, Sea Holly alpinum maritimum ERYTHEMA centaurium a littoralis a El'PHORBTA, Spurge esula cyparissias exigua FEDIA dentata a olitoria a FRAGABIA monophylla FKANKENIA la^vis FUMARIA parviflora a GALIUM saxatile GALEOBDOLON luteum GENTIANA, Gentian J acaulis alpina campestris a. gelida nivalis pneunomanthe fl. albo I verna fl. albo 72 LIST OF ALPINE PLANTS. GERANIUM altaicum argenteum columbinum lancastriense lucidum a nepalense nodosura pyrenaicum rotundifolium, a sanguineum striatum wallichianum GEUM album GILIA tenuiflora a GLAUX maritima GLECHOMA t hederacea, Ground Ivy GLOBULARIA cordifolia nudicaulis GOODYERA (Neottia) IT repens GYPSOPBILA elegans a prostrata repens viscosa a HABENARIA IF albida f bifolia 1 ciliaris IF fimbriata IT viridis HEDYSARUM alpinum obscurum HELTANTHEMUM J guttatum a Other species in great variety, HELIOPHILA araboides a HEPATIC A triloba ccerulea fl. pleno rubra fl. pleno albo stam. rub. HERBERTIA pulchella HERMINIUM IT monorchis HEUCHERA americana cylindrica villosa HlERACIUM, ffan podolica SCILLA * autumnalis * bitblia 1 fl. albo T fl. roseo T verna * ri.albo SCUTELLAEIA alpina fol. varieg. galerculata minor SEDUM acre album anglicum a SKDCM caeruleum o dasyphyllum * Eversii Forsterianum monregalense populitblium roseum sexangulare * Siebofdii telephium SEMPERVIVUM arachnoideum ciliatum montanum tectorum SHORTEA t c alifcrnica SlBBALDIA procumbens SlBTHORPIA ( europaBa SlLEXE, CatcJifly acauliis fl. albo alpestris chloraefolia conica a incarnata laciniata maritima fl. pleno quadridentata rubella saxifraga SISYRINCHIUM anceps Bermudianuui * grandiflorum striaturn SMILACIWA umbel lata SOLDANELLA alpina Clusii crenata minima montana pusilla SPERODLA t nodosa fl. pleno saginoides 76 LIST OF ALPINE PLANTS. STATICE Graelini sinuata STELLARIA cerastoides holostea nemorum SriPA, Feather grass pennata SWERTIA perennis TELLIMA grandiflora TEUCRIUM chamaedrys montanum pyrenaicum THALICTRUM alpinum anemonoides THLASPI alpestre perfoliatum THTMUS, Thyme azorica t corsicus t lucidus t serpyllum, fl. albo tomentosus TlARELLA cordifolia TRICHONEMA IT * bulbocodium TRIENTALIS atnericana europaea TRIFOLIUM arvepse f fragif erum repens fol. atro purp. t ornithopodioides a t uniflorum TRILLIUM * cernuum * erectum grandiflorum * pictum sessile TRIPTILION * spinosum TUSSILAGO alpina fragrans nivea VACCINIUM uliginosum vitis-idaea VALERIANA dioica VERONICA alpina aphylla Buxbaumii a " chamaedrys fl. albo fol. variegatis fruticulosa gentianoides hum if us a t montana multifida t prostrata t repens saxatilis VESICAUIA utriculata VICIA angustifolia a lutea lathyrpides sylvatica VlNCA, Periwinkle herbacea VIOLA, Violet calearata canadensis cornuta hirta lactea lutea * neapolitana palmata pedata primulaefolia pygmaea striata suavis WAHLENBERGIA (Campanula) grandiflora WALDSTENIA geoides LIST OF ALPINE PLANTS. 77 PEEKS.. ADIANTUM, Maiden hair Fern capillus veneris pedatum ASPIDIUM, Shield Fern aculeatum acrostichoides bulbiferum cristatum dilitatum filix mas Goldieanium lobatum lonchitis noveboracense oreopteris spinulosum thelypteris ASPLENIUM, Spleenrvnrt ad ian turn nigrum alternitolium fontanum lanceolatum marinum ruta muraria septentrionale trichomanes viride BLECHNUM boreale BOTBTCHIUM lunaria, Moonwort CETEEACH (Grammitis) oflficinarum ClSTOPTERTS, Bladder Fern dentata CBYPTOGBAMMA (Allosorus) crispa, Rock Brake CYATHEA alpina fragilis H YMENOPH YLLUM Tunbridgense Wilsoni ONOCLEA sensibilis OPHIOGLOSSUM vulgatum, Adder's tongue OSMUND A regalis, Royal Fern POLYPODItTM, Polypody calcareum drjopteris phegopteris vulgare vulgare cambricum PTEBIS crenata cretica SCOLOPENDBIUM, Hart s tongue ofl&cinarum crispum undulatum furcatum STBUTHTOPTERIS germanica TBICHOMANES, Bristle Fern brevisetum (speciosum) WOODSIA ilvensis hyperborea ALLIED PLANTS. LYCOPODIUM, Club moss alpinura * circinale * cordilblium * denticulatum inundatum selaginoides selago * stoloniferura EQUISETUM, Horse fail hyemale sylvaticum variegatum 78 LIST OF ALPINE PLANTS. IL-MABSH OE BOG PLANTS, ANAGALLIS LYSIMACHTA tenella t nummularia BIDENS MALAXIS cernua a paludosa CAREX, several interesting and curious NASTURTIUM species terrestre CARUM verticillatum OXYCOCCUS, Cranberry t palustris CAMPANULA PARNASSIA, Grass of Parnassn hederacea asarifolia CHRYSOSPLENIUM, Golden Saxifrage palustris alternitblium PEPLIS t oppositifolium portula COMARUM PlNGUICULA, Buttermort. palustre : CORALLORHIZA, Coral root alpina grandiflora lusitanica innata lutea DROSERA, Sundew vulgaris anglica longilolia rotundifolia SAMOLUS valerandi ELATINE hexandra RANUNCULUS lingua SCIRPUS ELEOCHARIS acicularis setaceus EPIPACTIS palustris SEDUM, siontcmp villosum GALIUM SlUM uliginosum angustitblium HELIOSCIADIUM STELLARIA repens glauca HlDROCOTYLE TOFIELDIA vulgaris palustris ILLECEBRUM VALERIANA, Valerian verticillatun\ dioica LATHYRUS palustris VERONICA scutellata LlPARIS 1 Loeselii VIOLA palustris LIST OF ALPINE PLANTS 79 III. -AQUATIC PLANTS FOE POND. ALISMA natans ranunculoides APONOGETON distachyon BUTOMDI umbellatus CALTHA, Marsh Mangold palustris, fl. pleno CALLITEICHE autumnalis verua CERATOPHYLLUM demersum ERIOCAULON septan gulare HlPPURIS, Mare's tail vulgaris HOTTONIA, Water Violet palustris HYDROCHARIS, Frog bit. morsus ranae HTDROPELTIS purpurea LlMOSELLA aquatica LlTTORELLA, Slu>reivced lacustris LOBELIA dortmanna MYBIOPHYLLUM spicatum verticillatum NUPHAR, Yellow Wain- Lily advena Kalmiana lutea puniila alba odorata POLYGONUM amphibium PONTEDERIA angustifolia cordata POTAMOGETON crispus densus lucens perfoliatus pusillus R ANUNCULUS aquatilis hederaceus SCIRPUS fluitans lacustris SPARGANIUM natans simplex SAGITTARIA, Amu-head sagittifolia SXRATIOTES, Water Soldier aloides SUBULABIA aquatica UTBICULARIA minor vulgaris VERONICA anagallis beccabunga fl. albo scutellata VlLLARSIA nymphaeoides 80 LIST OF ALPINE PLANTS. IV. AMERICAN SHKUBS. THESE are mostly natives of North America, and, in general, require peat earth to grow them successfully. They are suitable neighbours to the Alpine-plants, and may be planted in the borders leading to, or in beds around the Rock-work. Those marked * are evergreen. ANDROMEDA ARCTOSTAPHYLOS (Arbutus) * acuminata * arborea * alpina * nitida * axillai'is * pungens * calyculata * uva-ursi cassinefolia * coriacea AZALEA * Drummondi calendulacea, several varieties * floribunda canescens * hypnoides (Cassiope,h.) glauca mariana fl. pleno * paniculata, several varieties * pulverulenta grandiflora nudiflora, several varieties * racemosa pontica, several varieties * rosmarinifolia speciosa serratifolia salicifolia * speciosa viscosa * tetragona (Cassiope t.) crispa dealbata glauca ASBUTUS, Strawberry Tree odorata Andrachne serratifolia BUXPS, Box-tree, hybrida * balearica procera * sempervirens sibirica CALLUNA unedo ruber (Scarlet A.) * vulgaris (Erica) fl. pleno CALOPHACA salicifolia wolgarica tomentosa * albo. LIST OF AMERICAN SHRUBS. 81 CALYCANTHUS, Allspice I acuminatus ERIC A, Heath ramulqsa | floridus * ] scoparia stricta CEANOTHUS * tetralix I americanus * alba I coeruleus vagans, Cornish Heath * rubra CEPHALANTHUS * alba * J occidentalis FOT HERGILLA CERCIS, Judas Tree Ealnifolia t canadensis : speciosa CHIMONANTHUS GAULTHERIA 1 fragrans I grandiflora 1 procumbens : s ballon CHIONANTHUS # serpyllifolia maritima HAI ESIA, Snowdrop Tree J virginiana ; tetraptera COMPTONIA, Fern-Gale I asplenifolia JUNIPERUS, Juniper, fyc. * alpina * * Bermudiana CORNUS, Dogwood * coramunis I canadensis * excelsa COTONEASTER ifrigida * lycia * oxycedrus Phoenicea macrophylla * ; Sabina, A'n microphylla tomentosa * ; variegata sinensis CUPRESSUS, Cypress * I australis * I lusitanica, Cedar of Goa # ; suecica, Swedish J. * thurifera ; virginiana, Red Cedar * pendula KAI.MI --. * t seinpervirens * 4 horizontalis [ augUStifolia, several va * t thyoides, White Cedar variegata *J torulosa KceLREUTERIA J paniculata DAPHNE Auckland! MAGNOLIA * I grandiflora * 1 alpina altaica * 1 Cneorum MEDICAGO, Medick arborea *l collina * Neapolitan a * t L aureola MENZIESIA, Irish Heath *t coerulea *J globularis ERICA, Heath * [ pohfoha *t arborea * t alba * t ciliaris * 1 cinerea, with several varieties OXYCOCCUS, Cranberry * ; herbacea * : carnea I fmacrocarpus palustris * j mediterranea * t Mackayana PER NETTIA *T multiflora * t mucronata *t alba # I piloaa 82 LIST OF AMERICAN SHRUBS. POLTGALA, Milkwort SPIR^A * I Chamaabuxus 1 bella RHODODENDRON ; J hypericifolia I sahcifolia alba * : azaloides 1 tomentosa * t campanulatum * 1: catawbiense : caucasicum STMPHORICARPUS, Snomberry I montanus * : album j racemosus * : Chamascistus I vulgaris, Common A'. : chrysanthum : dahuricum atrovirens TAXODIUM, Deciduous Cypress I distichum : ferrugineum J pendulum *: hirsutum I lapponicum maximum THUJA, Arborvita; 1 * OCClden tails, American A. * t album I* orientalis, Chinese A. * : odoratum 1 * plicata 5* ponticum ULEX, Whin * : album fol. argent, var. fol. areis var. J * europaeus fl. pi. j * strictus, Irish U. # : # Kalmianum pumilum VACCINIUM, Bilberry, Ift. I amcenum * punctatum roseum J arctostaphylos t buxifolium (marianum RUSCUS. Butcher's Broom myrtillus *1 aculeatus stamineum i hypoglossum J uliginosum J vitis-ida3a SPIRAEA VlNCA, Periwinkle j argentea I * major 3 ariafoliaB $ * minor 83 V.-MOSSES, THE following list of Musci and Hepaticce (Mosses and Liverworts) is added, for the use of those who may wish to try their success in growing a few on the Rock-work, or in Wardian Cases, for the latter of which they are especially adapted. It comprises only such as are pretty generally distributed, and calculated to make some show by agreeable contrasts. Those who are Botanists will have no difficulty in augmenting the collection to an almost indefinite ex- tent ; as, in addition to those of our own country, there are many interesting exotic species, which might, with little trouble, be introduced, from their retaining their vitality when in a dried state. The native habitats of these will form the best guide for placing them on the Rock-work as these will indicate the situations in which they thrive best. The majority, when once established, will -succeed on the north side of the Rock -work. Those distinguished by an asterisk will only succeed where a constant supply of moisture can be insured. MUSCI (MOSSES). BARTRAMIA, Apple Moss BRYUM, Thread Moss * ion tana hornum pomiformis ligulatum nu tans BRYUM, Thread Most roseum * androgynum punotatum argenteum csespititium lurbinatum ventricosum 84 LIST OF MOSSES. DlCRANUMj Fork Moss adiantoides* bryoides cerviculatum flavescens heteromallum * squarrosum taxifolium varium DIDYMODON capillaceus flexifolius purpureus ENCALYPTA, Extinguisher Most ciliata vulgaris FtWARIA, Cord Moss hygrometrica GfilfilMIA apocarpa GYMNOSTOMUM, Beardless Moss * sestivum pyriforme * rupestre truncatulum HOOKERIA lucens HYPNUMj Feather Moss denticulatum myosuroides pulchellum undulatum, &c, NECK ERA crisp a POLYTRICHUM, Hair Moss aloides undulatum PTERIGONIUM gracile TETRAPHIS pellucida TRICHOSTOMUMj Fringe Moi * aciculare heterostichum polyphyllum WEISSIA acuta eontraversa curvirostra * verticillata HEPATIC^E (LIVERWORTS). FEGATELLA * conic a * hemispherica JUNQERMANNIA. The frondose species of this most extensive genus are those best suited for cultivation, as the foliose sec- tion, though the most extensive, contains generally such as are very minute, or of too rambling a habit to be kept within due bounds. FRONDOSE SPECIES. JUNGERMANNIA * Blasia * epiphylla furcata /9 maxima * multifida, &c. FOLIOSE SPECIES. * asplenioides nemorosa * tomentella, &c., &c. MARCHANTIA * polymorpha 1 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD3M67M57D