LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class > Cooling Towers I BY- OSWALD GlETH, M. E I PRICE THEORY AND PRACTICE with tables and other useful data. REPRINTED FROM THE ENGINEERS' IIST. F I TWENTY-FIVE CENTS : SPON & CHAMBEBLAJN, BOOKS ON [ Mechanics, Engineering, iiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiimiiminiimi ANALYSIS AND TREATMENT OF Boiler Waters O U R SPECIALTY Gallon Sample ent to the Dearborn Laboratories will be analyzed and reported to you and a solution sug- gested for the troubles caused in your boilers by its use* Scale, Corrosion, Pitting and Foaming successfully prevented. Our analytical testing department solicits your work on any subject of engineering chemistry. DEARBORN DRUG & CHEMICAL WORKS WM. H. EDGAR, Founder. E. W. EDGAR. President. CHAS. M. EDDY, Secy, and Treat. ROBT. F. CARR, Vice Pres. and Gen. WM. B. McVICKER. 2nd Vice Pres. and East. Mgr NEW YORK 299 BROADWAY CHICAGO POSTAL TELEGRAPH BLDG 20 BRANCHES IN U. 3, THE ENGINEERS' LIST. MICHAEL FOG-ARTY Manufacturer of Marine and Stationary Boilers RETUBING OF WATER TUBE BOILERS Tanks of Every Description, Smoke Stacks, Breechings, Etc. Lard Rendering Tanks a Specialty 531 AND 535 WEST 33D ST., BET. 1OTH AND 11TH AVES., NEW YORK PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS TELEPHONE CALL, 8465-38th ST. Something Different! Call around and see the Davidson Elevator Pump AT THE NEW Title Guarantee 6 Trust Co. Building 176 Broadway. M. T. DAVIDSON, TRIBUNE BUILDING. 154 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK Telephone 4671 eSCTE ELEVATORS! GEORGE I. ROBERTS & BROS., Inc. 471 and 473 Fourth Avenue Beg to announce that this department of their business is now under the superintendency of MR. JOHN CLANCY, in whom our patrons will recognize an able and efficient mechanic. YOUR CALLS WILL RECEIVE PROflPT ATTENTION. Telephone 746 Columbus Established 1880 685, 687, 689 11TH AVE,, AND 603 W. 49TH STREET STEAM BOILERS, SMOKE STACKS & TANKS SS REPAIRING OF STEAM AND WATER TUBE BOILERS LARD RENDERING AND BREWERS' TANKS A SPECIALTY IIsT ^.LL ITS THE ENGINEERS' LIST. One Dollar Is All Jill U I J\ Just one dollar is all that it will cost you for one year's sub- scription to The Engineer. It is published twice a month (24 times a year) and each copy is chock-full of illustrations and articles showing and telling you how things are being done in the power plants of the world. These things are worth knowing. You can apply the wholesome, practical in- formation contained in The En- gineer to your various tasks every working day of your life, and the manner in which it solves the many knotty problems that daily confront you makes it a paper worth far more than its price. The editors of The Engi- neer are themselves engineers they know what you want, what you need, and what you like in the way of engineering facts, and you get them fresh and reliable. Cut out that coupon, send it in today, and you'll never wish you hadn't. Why not act as x x our agent in your vicinity ? Every engineer wants The Engineer when he once knows what it is. We will \ pay you big cash commissions. Taylor \^ x Publishing Her^id, I hand you $1 00 "S*^ Tlte Ta^OF PubHshiflg CO. Send (or free sample copy. ioc a year's subscription to The Engineer, beginning with next issue. MAME ADDRESS. CITY... 800 Ellsworth Building Chicago, Illinois THE ENGINEERS' LIST. Geo. I. Roberts & Bros. Inc. 471 and 473 Fourth Avenue Between 31st and 32d Streets New York City Telephones:] 307 " adison j 308 Square. THE ENGINEERS' LIST. BENJ. F. KELLEY & SON HANUFACTURERS OH Kelley's Patent Improved Berryipan [Water Tube] Feed Water Heater and Purifier The Old Type Steam Tube, ferryman, (Side or bottom Torts). Economical Boiler Feed Pump. Exhaust Pipe, Heads. We Exchange and have the Best Facilities in the U. S. for Repairing and Removing Feed Water Heaters. OFFICE AND WORKS: 76 40th ST., SO. BROOKLYN Near 39th St. Ferry. Telephone 141 South. NEW YORK OFFICE: 120 LIBERTY STREET. Telephone 1 lOCortlandt. PURE RUBBER MOULDED GASKETS ARE THE BEST. No More Trouble With Leaking Manholes. No matter how rough the surface or how warped the plates, the will allow for all irregularities, stop all leaking and resist all pressure. These Gaskets are soft and pliable, of uniform thickness, and vulcanized to stand high pressure without melt- ing or blowing out. They are particularly adapted for use on old boilers. Owing to their being made in moulds, they are uniform, smooth and true in every respect, and are applied with ease. We sinlply ask the favor of a trial. Put one or two on your boilers. We are not solicitous as to your future action. One trial will answer all purposes. Mechanical Rubber Goods : BRIDGEPORT. CONN. THE ENGINEERS' LIST. Empire State Engineering Company, Engineers and Machinists. Builders of Engines, Ice and Refrigerating Machinery, Fans and Blowers. Manufacturing and Repairing in all Phases. Our Refrigeration and Ice Machine Department is under the direct supervision of Messrs. Karl Vesterdahl & Co., 95 Liberty St., who are prepared to give expert advice and furnish estimates. Manufacturers of MAXFIELD ENGINE. Office and Works, Foot of EAST 116th [STREET, NEW YORK. Boilers, Tanks and Sheet Iron Work. Newburgh Steam Boilers. IF. JDEIL^IfcT-X- & GO. Works at Newburgh, N. Y. New York Office, 38 Park Row. Phone 1866 Cort. Marine, Export and Repair Work a Specialty. THE ENGINEERS' LIST. Pump Governors The best Pump Governor on the market. Why? Because our valve will not leak or stick and if lubricated we guarantee it to abso- lutely govern the plimp and remain tight for five years. Compare the construction of our valve with any other on the market and by adopting the "Utility" you can save coal and get a higher tempera- ture from your heating or drying systems. We have heard of a plant using another make of governors spend- ing $300 i'or new valves inside of four years. Our Record We have replaced nearly every make of Pump Governor with ours. We have never heard of one of the "Utility's" being replaced by another make. We never had a call for a new valve for one of our Governors. In Response to a Demand We are selling separately the Valve and Float of the "Utility Combination" Pump Governor. It may be bolted upon ANY tank or receiver where level is to be automatically maintained, and does its work to per- fection. The Standard Steam Specialty Co 542-544 West Broadway, City of New York Telephone 4902 Spring THE ENGINEERS' LIST. CHALK IT UP WHERE YOU WILL SEE IT Eureka Packing ^i^^^^^c With this Diamond <^]EUREKA'' J> anc * on *^ e on the Label '^T^^^^^^^f^ Packing Is the Standard *ffiff of the World That EUREKA RED SHEET Carries this GUARANTEE: "This packing is not offered as a substitute for any ofher brand but on it- merits. That it will wMist nd heat, gas and ammonia, make a perfect joint and not crack while in siock within a year." ' T ^T CD \-J TFR"^ IT That The Hine Steam Separator Will remove moisture in live steam, giving it more energy and increasing engine efficiency. When placed in exhaust line will extract oil in the steam and cleanse the condensation. That Spencer Damper Regulator Will do you more good and save more fuel than any other device in a steam plant. That Our Exhaust Head, Oil Filler, Flue Cleaners, &c Are the best made and moderate in price. Our Telephone 3266 Will Bring Us to Tell You More. Jas.L Robertson & Sons, lnc 48 Warren Street, New York. THE ENGINEERS' LIST. Some Important Books for DYNAMO TENDERS All the bookn listed below are of the practical kind, written In Mimple language and largely illuMtratlve. They are all Mclenttflcally accurate and are Intended mainly for the ue of the men who are closest to the dynamo or motor both when It in running, and when it wants repairing. MANAGEMENT OF ELECTRICAL MACHINERY. Containing simple directions for the practical . use and management of dynamos and motors. By FRANCIS B. CROCKER and SCHUYLER S. WHEELER. Sixth edition. 223 pages, 131 illustrations. Price, $1.00 net. NEW DYNAMO TENDERS' HANDBOOK. By F. B. BADT. 226 pages, 140 illustrations. Price, $1 net. DYNAMO TENDING FOR ENGINEERS. A clear and comprehensive treatise on the principles, construction and operation of dynamos, motors, lamps, storage batteries, indicators and measuring instruments. By HENRY C. HORSTMANN and VICTOR H. TOUSLEY. 12mo, cloth. 207 pages, 100 illustrations. Price, $1.50. THE DISEASES OF ELECTRICAL MACHINERY. By ERNST SCHULTZ. Ed- ited, with a preface, by SILVANUS P. THOMPSON. 84 pages, 42 illus- trations. 12mo, cloth. Price, $1.00. MODERN ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION. A guide in electrical construction showing methods of installing work according to the rules of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. By HENRY C. HORSTMANN and VICTOR H. TOUSLEY. 245 pages. Illustrated. Price, $1.50. MODERN WIRING DIAGRAMS AND DESCRIPTIONS. A handbook full of practical diagrams and information for electrical construction work. By HENRY C. HORSTMANN and VICTOR H. TOUSLEY. 157 pages. Illus- trated. Price, $1.50. ELECTRICAL WIRING AND CONSTRUCTION TABLES. Easy up-to-date ta^ bles for electric wiring. By HENRY C. HORSTMANN and VICTOR H. TOUSLEY. 120 pages, illustrated. Price, $1.50 net. THE WIRING HAND BOOK. With complete labor-saving tables and digest of Underwriters' Rules. By CECIL P. POOLE. Leather. Pocket size. 85 pages, 61 illustrations. Price $1.00 net. ALTERNATING CURRENT WIRING AND DISTK1IH TION. By WILLIAM LE- ROY EMMET. Second edition. 96 pages, 33 illustrations. Price $1.00 net. KEYS FOR THE PRACTICAL ELECTRICAL WOKKER. Giving electric light, power, street railway, telephone, telegraph and every-day tables. By F. J. ROBINSON. Cloth. 194 pages. Mostly diagrams. Price, $2.00 net. Any of these books sent anywhere postpaid on receipt of price. We can supply any Engineering Book published. Send us \<>ur inquiries. McGRAW PUBLISHING COMPANY Publishers, Importers and Booksellers I 14 Liberty Street, New York THE ENGINEERS' LIST. THE ROBERTSON THOMPSON INDICATOR Victor Reducing Wheel and Willis Planimeter ARE THE FINEST INSTRUMENTS MADE For the purpose of ndmg out how much an engine is doing and how well it is doing it. No Ambitious Engineer Can afford to overlook the value to him of a knowledge of the indicator. EASY TERMS AND PRICES MAKE BUYING EASY. Shall We Send You Catalog ? or Shall We Call With Outft to Show You ? TELEPHONE 3266 CORTLAND Jas.L. Robertson & Sons 48 Warren St., New York 10 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. SMOOTH-ON TRADE: ttA.PfK-.RE,G.vj..s. PAT,;:OI IRON CEMENT No. 1 Cements sold in 5, 10, and 25 Ib. cans. Repaired this pump 6 years ago, and it is still in use. Smooth-on makes permanent repairs. This cement is prepared in powder form for use mix with water. It is unequalled for stopping leaks of steam water fire or oil because it be- comes metallic iron thus keeping tight at all temperatures. Our new Illustrated Catalogue is Free SMOOTH-ON MFG. CO. Jersey City, N. J., U.S. A. Turline Exhaust Head with Turbine Separator WILL SAVE YOU MONEY, INCREASE YOUR DRAFT, RELIEVE ENGINE OF BACK PRESSURE, INCREASE CAPACITY OF BOILER, Born Soft Coal, Shavings or Rubbish WITHOUT SMOKE. UNIQUE SMOKELESS FURNACE or ACCELERATED DRAFT SYSTEM LIVE MEN WANTED TO;PUSH THESE GOODS. J. B. HACKETT, Sales Manager, f 5-7 Beekman Street, New York UNIQUE ENGINEERING CO THE ENGINEERS' LIST. 11 li New England Roller Grate This Grate will burn any kind of coal and all of it. It has more air space than any other grate and is the only grate that does not change its op'ening when you shake it. It rests on rollers; is easy to shake; removes the ashes without disturbing the surface and does not drop coal into the ash pit. Made in all sizes, for all types ft boilers, and is easily installed without changing the fire box or cutting away of boiler front. It costs practically nothing for re- pairs and it must and does save coal. Catalogue for the asking. Also Shaking & Dumping, and a new type of the Stationary Grates New England Roller Grate Co., Springfield, Mass. J. B. Hackett, 5-7 BEEKMAN ST., N. Y. IDOIfcT'T TJ T !R, O XT IB UL IE U3TTT TJSE STERLING METALLIC PACKING For Ammonia, Steam, Oil or Air. BEATS THE BEST. GUARANTEED FOR 5 YEARS Ruggles Perfection. Flue Cleaner CHESTERTON'S OIL FILTER PACKING TOOLS, SCRAPING TOOLS and COLD CHISELS in Sets. LINDSTROM'S Corliss Valve Steam Traps Superheater Steam Separators WATTS REGULATOR CO.'S Damper Regulator Steam Regulator Spring Regulator Pump Regulator Reducing Valves Boiler Oil Feeder Vacuum Pressure Regulator J. B. r Beekman St. Temple Court Building. N6W York 12 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. Trade Mark. Style No. 99 GARLOCK PACKINGS are made in more than two hundred styles for every conceivable purpose. Packings guaranteed for all conditions when full particulars are furnished. PABTfW WATFRPRnOl? HYIlRAIIITf 1 uAnLUuKlfifflltjnrtiuul 1 HlUnflULlu is the outcome of numerous experiments and hun- dreds of practical tests on outside packed plungers, accumulating piston rods, elevators, both with and without leather cups, and in fact, is absolutely guaranteed to meet all requirements on high, pressure hydraulic work. Garlock Alabestine Style No. 17. Especially adapted for small globe valves and valve stems. Made from long fibre asbestos treated with the celebrated style NO. IT. Garlock Compound. Made in sizes as follows: 1-lt), 1-8, 3-16, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16 and 1-2 inch. GARLOCK DUO PACKINGS For medium high steam. Especially adapted for high speed engines, flat bottom stuffing boxes, Corliss valves, air pumps, rock drills, and every place where a strong elastic and durable packing is required. Made in twenty different styles. Style No. 444. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx< The Garlock Packing Co. 136 Liberty St. : : New York MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS: PALMYRA, NEW YORK : HAMBURG, GERMANY BRANCH. FACTORIES: Atlanta, Ga.; Denver, Colo., and San Francisco. NEW \'ORK BOSTON CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA OFFICES: PITTSBURG CLKVKLAND ST. LOUIS DENVER SAN FRANCISCO ATLANTA THE ENGINEERS' LIST. GEORGE FOX BENJAMIN FOX M. FOX LAW GEORGE FOX'S SONS ESTABLISHED B7 GEOBGE FOI, 1856 STEAM BOILER MAKERS Nos. 509-511-521-523-525 W. 34th St., near 10th Ave., New York Patentees and Manufacturers of IMPROVED WATER SPACE ARCH PLATES for Steam Boilers. No Bricks. No Cast Iron, It is STEEL, and Always Full of Water in Circulation. STEAM BOILERS, GRATE BARS, BOILER CASTINGS, TANKS, STACKS ETC Personal Attention to All Work and Repairs to Boilers. Telephone 38-232 Telephone 3496-3497 38th St. ESTABLISHED 1M 5 6 BENJAMIN FOX'S SONS Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists GRATE BARS FOR HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL BOILERS Sec- tional Boiler Fronts and Furnace Castings RUBBING BEDS AND HACH1NERY CASTINGS A SPECIALTY 513 to 519 WEST 34th ST. : : NEW YORK CITY illIIIIIIBIIIIl!lllllllllliMIIIIIillllllllllllllllliBI M " | McNab # Harlin Manufacturing Go. ' | MANUFACTURERS OF | i VALVES, FITTINGS, COCKS, ETC., FOR | STEAM, WATEB AND GAS. DOUBLE BRANCH ELBOW TEE Our long turn Fittings are well made and we pay particular attention to the ping. We also carry a good stock both at Paterson and New York warerooms. t FACTORY: \ Paterson, N. J. * tap- | OFFICE and SALESROOMS: 5O-56 John St., New York iiitimiiniiiiniiimuinimiii York | HiiiHiiimiiiiHs THE ENGINEERS' LIST. THE LATEST IMPROVED DAMPER REGULATOR THE CARMICHAEL Contains the only valuable patented improvements made in this type of Kegulator in the past fifteen years. Packings so arranged that ports cannot become displaced or closed. Valve easily removed for cleaning or oiling. GET OUR CATALOGUE AND TERMS Up* flf; % THE SOOT SUCKER Cleans the Boiler Tubes Quickly and Thoroughly NO STEAM ADMITTED TO THE TUBES INDICATORS, REDUCING WHEELS, PLANIMETERS, CORD-TAKE-UP, FURNACE BLOWERS John S. Bushnell tide or climatic conditions. Freedom from' foreign material permits of the use of a more complete spraying device in the condenser, and a higher efficiency follows; further- more, the durability of the condenser is enhanced as the water usually con- tains trie oil from the cylinder lubrication of the main engines, and is free from any material that can wear the moving parts. The use of cooling towers also relieves the condenser and pumps from corrosive action caused by the presence of salt and some chemicals often found in natural water supplies. It is these and other seemingly small points that when grouped together have proved very valuable to the every-day running of a steam plant. There TS nothing so objectionable as the loss of a vacuum through the stoppage of the THE ENGINEERS' LIST. 49 water supply. Even if the station can carry the load with the engines running non-condensing, they will be at a great disadvantage and will usually show harshness of action, which may result in a serious disarrangement. A single occurrence of this kind more than offsets any slight difference of steam econ- omy by the use of cooling towers instead of a natural water supply. Economy of Cooling Towers and Results in Cooling* There is, of course, a certain loss of water by evaporation, but this rarely exceeds ten per cent, of the water cooled, while under favorable conditions of the air it does not exceed five per cent. The saving of water is, therefore, from ninety to ninety-five per cent., and where a large condensing plant would, for instance, require 1,000,000 gallons of water per day, it will by use of the cooling towers need only from 50,000 to 100,000 gallons per day. Take city water at 10 cents per 1,000 gallons, 1,000,000 gallons would cost $100, while 100,000 gallons would cost only $10, thus effecting a saving of $90 per day. About 1,000,000 gallons per day are needed for the steam condensers of a 500 horse-power condensing engine. A 500 horse-power non-condensing engine would require about nineteen tons of coal per day, and running condensing the saving would be about five tons of coal, which at $3.50 per ton would be $17.50 per day. Condensing water with the use of cooling towers would cost $10 100,000 gallons), the net saving equaling $7.50 per day, or $2,700 per year. ' The following data are supplied by the Ruemmeli-Dawley Mfg. Co., and show the results in cooling obtained by the use of cooling towers : For ammonia condensers, with the air at 95 F. and 37 per cent, humidity : Initial temperature of water entering cooling tower 100 F. Final temperature of water leaving cooling tower 71 F. Result in cooling . . , 29 F. For steam condensers, with the air at 95 F. and 44 per cent, humidity: Initial temperature of water entering cooling tower 160 F. Final temperature of water leaving cooling tower 81 F. Result in cooling 79 F. The tables below give a series of tests at different temperatures and different degrees of humidity of the air . The International Steam Engineering Co., of New York, has conducted a series of tests on their cooling tower, which has been described above. The table given elsewhere shows the results of these tests, which indicate a remark- ably high efficiency. Capacity and Size of Cooling Towers* When we consider the requirements in a power plant, we will see that the work of a cooling tower lies in abstracting sufficient heat from the circulat- ing water to reduce its temperature enough to use it again in the condenser. 50 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. FOR AMMONIA CONDENSERS. FOR STEAM CONDENSERS. Temperature of Air in the Shade. Humidity of the Air. Temperature of Warm Water. Temperature of Cooled Water. 95 37 per cent. 100 71* 84 67 per cent. 100 75* 77 40 per cent. 100 11* 70 48 per cent. 90 60- 1 42 per cent. 86 72 88 42 per cent. 86 8H' 80 70 per cent. 85 71* Temperature of Air in the Shade. Humidity of the Air. Temperature of Warm Water. Temperature of Cooled Water. 95 95 94 44 per cent. 41 per cent. 43 per cent. 160 140* 120 tr 79 76* This means a reduction from about 120 F. to 80 F., when a vacuum of about 25 inches is to be maintained. Vacuum results are measured, aside from the air displacement, by the quantity and temperature of the cooling water. When the temperature is low, the quantity required is correspondingly small. The question becomes one of proportion, and the ratio of water to that of exhaust steam to be condensed is determined by the following formula : H T rn T T Where H = total heat in exhaust steam. T = temperature of discharge. T* == temperature of suction. R = ratio. With conditions mentioned above, this would be 1150 _ 120 120 80 = 2;..;. Or, 25.7 Ibs. of cooling are required to condense each pound of exhaust steam to maintain a vacuum of 25 inches when the temperature of the circulating- water is 80 F. In order, now, to find the amount of cooling water required per hour JKT horse-power of engine, \ve must first determine -hat kind of engine is to he used, as on this depends the steam consumption. The following table shows the average operation of a steam engine for one horse-power per hour : A direct acting steam pump uses r?n Ibs. su-am per H.P. per hour. THE ENGINEERS' LIST. 51 A plain slide valve engine uses 60 to 70 Ibs. steam per H.P. per hour. A high speed automatic engine uses 30 to 50 Ibs. steam per H.P. per hour. A Corliss simple non-cond. engine uses 25 to 28 Ibs. steam per H.P. per hour. A Corliss comp. non-cond. engine uses 23 to 26 Ibs. steam per H.P. per hour. A Corliss simple condensing engine uses 19 to 21 Ibs. steam per H.P. per hour. A Corliss compound condensing engine uses 13 to 15 Ibs. steam per H.P. per hour. When it is taken into consideration that the average boiler will evaporate 8 Ibs. of water per Ib. of coal, it is very easy to determine how much coal is required and how much can be saved through the operation of the condensing system attached to a simple or compound engine. Upon the quantity and terminal temperature of the circulating water is based the area of surface necessary in the tower to cool the water. The ap- paratus will handle to good advantage only that quantity for which it is de- signed. Greater quantities lessen its efficiency. For best results the attendant should regulate the speed of his pump in order to deliver the proper quantity of water required to meet the varying conditions. By determining the necessary proportions of a cooling tower installation, the following data may be used to good advantage : TOWERS WITH INJECTOR. The pressure required for the jet is from 48 to 66 feet. Two sizes of injectors are commonly employed. The capacity of the smaller one, which is y% inch in diameter, is from 10^/2 to 12^4 cub. m. per hour, covering a spray surface of from 5 to 7 sq. m., and resulting in lowering the temperature of from 30 to 35 C. The large injector of ^4-inch diameter will handle from 14J/2 to 18 cub. m. per hour, covering a spray surface of from 7 to 10 sq. m., and lowering the tem- perature 30 to 38 C. The cooling surface may be calculated as follows : About 0.3 sq. m. to cool 20 to 30 C for one H. P. of comp. cond. engine. About 0.1 sq m. to cool 10 to 15 C. for one H.P. of comp. cond. engine. Towers with injectors are expensive to operate, as the work of the pump consumes about 3 to 4 per cent, of the engine. NATURAL DRAFT TOWER. The cooling of the water depends, as has been outlined before, on atmospheric conditions and amount of water. The required surface may be taken on the same basis as for towers with injectors. FORCED DRAFT TOWER. The cooling surface may be taken to about 0.035 sq. m. for one H. P. of comp. cond. engine. The suction of the fan is about y^ inch. For lifting the water and running the fan about 4.5 to 6 per cent, of the engine are consumed, which makes the operation quite an expense when compared with the other systems, but which is greatly counterbalanced by obtaining constant and positive results and saving in the first cost of instal- lation. The dimensions of a Worthington cooling tower are about as follows : An apparatus suitable for 1,000 horse-power is 17 feet in diameter and 30 feet high. The suction tank, which is placed directly under the tower and in 52 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. the foundation, is 8 feet in diameter and 7 feet deep, and contains about 2,000 gallons of circulating water, this being a sufficient quantity to fill the con- denser pump, pipes and tower on starting up, and to carry on continuously the transfer of heat from the exhaust steam to the atmospheric air. Fig. 32. Views of Cooling Tower Giving General Dimensions (See Tables. As the forced draft tower seems to have met with general favor, it has become desirable, when figuring on installing cooling towers, to have some tables to go by in laying out a plant, and for this reason we will append here a few tables, stating general dimensions, capacity, size of fan, etc., of the fan cooling towers, as manufactured by the Ruemmeli-Dawley Co., of St. Louis, and the De La Vergne Machine Co., of New York. Size and Weight of Cooling Towers. No. of MAIN DIMENSIONS. Weight Tower. A B c D E f G H in Ibs. I s f iiy 2 " 8' 6y 2 " 6 ft. 9' r 24' 9" 32' is r i\y 2 " 19' 6/ 2 " 25,000 II 9' 9y 2 " 8'11 J/z" 6 ft. 9' 3" 24' 9" ! 32' 19' 9^" 19'll/ 2 " 28,500 III 10' 2y 4 n 9' 9!/ 2 " 6 ft. 9'10" 24' 9" 32' 20' 2y 4 " 20' 9i/>" 32,000 IV 11' 5/ 2 "|10' 7/ 2 " 7 ft. 10' 4" 24' 9" i 32' 21' 5//'|22' 7/ 2 " 39,000 V 13' 3/2" 12' 5/ 2 " 7 ft. 11' 4" 24, 9" 32' 23' 3y 2 " 24' 5^2" 46,000 VI 14' 6y 4 " 13' 3y 2 " 7 ft. 12' 6" 25' S" 32' 9" 24' 6y 4 " 25' 3^2" 53,000 VII 16' 4K"'15' \y 2 " 7 ft. 13' 4" 25' 8" 32' 9" 26' 454" 27' l/ 2 " 59,000 VIII 17' 7y 2 "\\v 4y 2 " 8 ft. 14' 9" 27' 4" 34' 7" 27' 7^" 29' 4^" 65,700 IX 18'10K"U7' 2y 2 " 8 ft. 15' 3" 27' 4" 34' 7" i?8'10^" 30' 2y 2 " 71,700 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. 53 Cooling Capacity of Cooling Towers* |*r cxc - s^- bo8> a c~ ^o"^^ >>< --.s Coding Capacity in Gallons in 24 hours fur: sl t-P s 8ST3S itl Q, O 3 *! O r. w Ammonia CONDE Steam NSERS I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX 50,000 75,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 Sire of Fans. c/i - C ll 75 "c^ 2 " 1 JU 3 ^ n g+H 3 OH u (ti OH O ^ "3 si 03 '-H-i _ *-fc- > 4) aj O di O o N N !U C/} 'cH X I 1 6ft. 15"x 8" 11 00 125 1 1^ II 1 6ft. 15"x 8" 150-170 1^ 2 III 1 7ft. 18"x 9" 140150 2 2^ IV 1 8ft. 24"x 9 140150 3 l / 2 4 V 1 9ft. 28"xlO" 130140 5 6 VI 1 10ft. 30"xll"1130 1401 79 VII jl 10ft. VIII |1 12ft. 30"xll"1145 150 36"xl2 / "110 120 10 -12 13 15 IX |1 12ft. 36"xl2"|140 150|16 20 LOG READINGS OF "ACME" COOLING TOWER. BY B. F. HART. From a paper read before the American Society of Refrigerating Engineers. The readings shown below were taken at the Arnholt & Schaefer Brew- ing Company's plant, Thirty-first and Thompson streets, Philadelphia, Pa., from an "Acme" self-cooling tower measuring 14' x 18' x 35' high. There are five (5) decks of spraying pans placed 7' apart, the pan surface on the top deck being 77 square feet. The tower was designed to cool 250 gallons of water per minute, guarantee being to reduce the water to 80 de- grees F. when the temperature of the atmosphere did not exceed 80 degrees F. nor the relative humidity 80 degrees. These readings show observations taken daily and covering the months of July, August, September and half of October and show that this tower was doing excellent work. The tower is placed on an exposed corner of the building, directly over: 54 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. the ammonia condensers. The water is caught by a concrete collecting pan lined with asphalt. The discharge water from the condensers drops to a 3" American Well Works belt-driven centrifugal pump, the pump discharging to the top of the tower, a point 65' above same. The horse-power necessary to run this pump is 7.8. The cooling tower, therefore, is doing its work and a glance at the results show that the average temperature of the water leaving the tower throughout the month of July was 79.1 degrees F., during August it was 79.4 and during September it was 68.7 degrees, so that this plant pro- duced an ample quantity of cold water throughout the heated season without the use of fans and with the total expense of operation of 7.8 H.P. per hour for driving the centrifugal pump. The pump in this case was placed so far below the condenser for the reason that an engine was available at that point to drive it. DISCUSSION ON COOLING TOWERS AT THE MEETING OF THE A, S. R. E. t J906. EDGAR I'KNNEY: May I ask the capacity of the tower you mention per hour ? B. FRANKLIN HART, JR. : Two hundred and fifty gallons per minute. EDGAR PENNEY: What is the number of pounds or gallons of water you lost through evaporation, etc. ? B. FRANKLIN HART, JR. : We had no way of measuring that, because we had no meters. They are quite expensive things to put in. We know that the only water lost w r as from evaporation, and such as might sometimes be blown off the tower in the form of spray. EDGAR PENNEY : You do not know how much water you handled ? B. FRANKLIN HART, JR. : We know from our figures that we were hand- ling from two hundred to two hundred and fifty gallons per minute. AI.HKRT A. GARY: I would like to ask Mr. Hart what form of hygrom- eter was used in those tests? 13. FRANKLIN HART, JR.: A wet and dry bulb hygrometer. We made the calculations from the table. \uiERT A. GARY: Were the wet and dry bulbs placed against the wall of the building? B. FRANKLIN HART, JR. : The readings were taken in the condenser room where it was all open. The condensers were placed on what had formerly been the roof of the building, but the walls had been carried up for an extension and the tower placed on it. The roof was open, except for the tower, and the hygrometer was placed so it was handy for the engineer. ALBERT A. GARY: I asked the question with the point in view that the water tower depends a great deal upon the humidity in the atmosphere; that is a very important matter in obtaining data comvrning efficiencies, and if we wish to use the data for future references, it is very necessary for us to know the true humidity of the air. The ordinary hygrometer screwed against the vail, with no disturbance of air surrounding it. does not give true readings. THE ENGINEERS' LIST. 55 The Weather Bureau of the United States Government found that to be true, and they use an instrument which I think they call a psychrometer. It is a wet and dry bulb placed on a board, and when made to revolve rapidly the dead air will not collect around the bulb as of an ordinary thermometer. In reading the hygrometer when placed against the wall, I found that it is well, if you have no better conditions, to take a fan and fan it until your reading becomes stationary. You will then find a change of reading on your wet bulb. If it can be placed in the current of an electric fan, then you get much better and truer results, but the information is so important in the study of cooling towers that this matter must be taken into consideration. B. FRANKLIN HART: As Mr. Gary says, the relative humidity is the key to the whole situation, and we were as careful as we could be in ordinary practice. Of course, it was simply a commercial hygrometer which was used, and there was no special precaution taken in the way of testing or anything of that kind, but, as he says, the humidity is the main thing. JOHN E. STARR: Another experience with the water tower is in regard t(> the precipitation of solids; theoretically, at least, the efficiency of the tower, of course, depends on evaporation. The water so evaporated does not, of course, carry with it any of the solids that may have been in suspension in the water. Hence, the expectation would be that, in course of time, with ad- ditions of water, the water being cooled would become rich in solids in suppres- sion. It would seem that the solids could not get away by evaporation, and hence they must either remain in the water or be deposited in the piping of the apparatus. I suppose that in an open condenser this feature may not be a very bad one, but in the enclosed type of condenser, or perhaps in spiral piping, it might be worse, and I would like to know r if Mr. Hart has any data on this subject, or whether any of the other members have noted any bad effects in this direction. B. FRANKLIN HART, JR. : Of course, as Mr. Starr says, the deposits would precipitate. All that would come down at the temperature of the water, ^ind I have come in contact with cases where the water used was very heavily laden with carbonates of lime and magnesia, so much so that when the water was used solely as a cooling medium the precipitation was so great that in a few months it filled up all the outlets and passages, and filled up the sewers so that the city officials complained. The tower was put in to help this. In this case the condenser was submerged, so that the only annoyance they had after the tower was in use, that they had to sweep the tower quite often to get rid of the small accumulation which would deposit in the pans, which would be due to the make-up water, which was in the neighborhood of five per cent. ; but the deposit on the pipes in the submerged condensers was very great, and it had to be pounded off every once in a while to keep the system going. I think the same people who did that will, in another installation, have to e twice as much as that for cooling tower. This shows, in my opinion conclusively, that considering the risk we take in drilling wells, and that we may perhaps get no water at all, or bad water, or not enough, it is well to dig just one well, because in ice plants, well water at, say, C2, effects a great saving in capacity, and ice making capacity, especially in rainy, warm weather when using cooling tower. We have two items of saving: First, the cooling of the liquid after it leaves ammonia con- densers, and before it evaporates ; second, the cooling of the condensed water before it enters cans. Three hundred thousand gallons of water are sufficient for a seventy-five ton ice plant. This means that 80 X 2,000 = 160,000 pounds of condensed water must be cooled, say, from 90 to 65; 90 being temper- ature of water coming from cooling tower in rainy weather, 90 temperature of air, and 62 being temperature of well water, therefore 28 can be taken out by well water if proper heat exchange is used. This will require only about 10 per cent, more well water than condensed water to be cooled, or 16,000 + 10 P er cent - == 2,000 gallons per day. Each ton of ice made re- quires about 1,200 pounds of liquid to be cooled, therefore a seventy-five ton plant requires 90,000 pounds; this again being cooled under the same condi- tion as above, requires 10 per cent, more well water than liquid circulated, or 90,000 + 10 per cent. = 99,000 pounds = = 12,000 gallons per day. Boiler would require, if highest economic plant is used, just as much steam as there is ice made plus 10 per cent, allowance for waste, or 75 X 2,000 +10 per cent., or same as condensed water. Two thousand gallons evaporation on tower is about 8 per cent; eight-hundredths of 300,000 == 24,- 000 gallons, must be furnished by the pump, or the total of 2,000 + 12,000 + 2,000 + 24,000, or 40,000 gallons. He said it would be advisable to dig at least one well and to take the risk of throwing money away, and then when assured that sufficient water, and of the proper purity and temperature can be had, to use deep well pumps, operated by electric motors and dynamos. Of course, if this extra quantity of 40,000 gallons could be bought cheaper from z: neighbor or the city, then no deep well pumps would be required. The increase in capacity of this plant ill using well water for the above mentioned use of well water can be ascertained. Latent heat is 488 th.u. at 218 pounds condensing pressure, which pressure will be obtained when water enters condenser gutter, at 90 liquid leaves, then at 105 (15 taken up), while if liquid is cooled to 65 the amount of heat needed to cool the liquid it- self is reduced. Assuming twenty-seven pounds suction pressure and 14 temperature of evaporation, then 105 -- 65 = = 40 th.u. is abstracted, and the amount of work of each pound* of liquid is increased in proportion, as 488 105:488- r,:, = 383 : 423, or 383 X 1-"' = 100 X X; X = - 423 X 100 + 383 = = 11 per cent. Now as to the cooling of the condensed water, we cooled this from 90 10 f ( .V\ Heat required to make one pound of ice is 284 th.u. Therefore 90 - THE ENGINEERS' LIST. 65 = 25 ; or 25 -=- 284 = 1-llth, or 9 per cent, saving in heat absorbing capacity of freezing coils. ATMOSPHERIC CONDENSATION VERSUS COOLING TOWER. At the Southwestern Ice Manufacturers' Convention at Houston, Tex., 1905, Mr. M. F. Smith read a paper as follows : In refrigerating plants it is the duty of the condensers to dispel the lat- ent heat taken up by the ammonia in the cooling rooms or ice freezing tanks The customary vehicle used to carry off this heat is water. In localities where a copious supply of water is obtainable it may be passed over the condensers, where it absorbs the heat and passes off to the sewer. Since the introduction of cooling towers to relieve this circulating water of the latent heat which it carries, many plants have been installed where the water supply is limited, the customary plan being to pass the water first over the ammonia condenser, then over the steam condenser, after which it is car- ried to the cooling tower to dispel the heat emitted by both condensers. We have on exhibition in this city a small working model of a new steam condenser, which utilizes the cooling properties of saturating air instead of a large volume of cool water as a cooling agent. The condenser proper consists of a series of galvanized steel flasks,, mounted in a housing which acts as a flue, being without roof or floor. The flasks are made in such size as the capacity and conditions of the plant may require and are constructed with internal horizontal partitions, which bound a continual fore and aft course for the steam from the inlet at a lower corner to the outlet at an upper corner. Each flask is equipped with a gutter at the top, which is accurately adjustable and may be set perfectly level to overflow in a thin film over both sides of the flask the entire length of the gutter. The circulating water is fed into this gutter and passes in a thin sheet over the outer surface of the flask, keeping its entire outer surface thoroughly wetted down, dropping from its lower edges into a catch-basin, from which it is returned to the supply tank, to be again pumped over the flasks. Thus this water is used over again and again, the only loss being that which vapor- izes from the wet flasks and passes into the atmosphere, carrying off the heat, never exceeding 50 per cent, of the weight of the steam condensed. The condensing steam is inside the flasks. Entering at a lower corner, it travels in a winding course from bottom to top, pushing the non-condensable gases before it to an upper corner, where they issue into the atmosphere. The condensation water, freed of these gases, passes off from an outlet at the bottom. The advantages to be gained by this atmospheric system of steam con- densation are : Reduced water consumption, as there is no loss of circulating water, except that which vaporizes from the wet flasks, carrying off the heat. Reduced ammonia pressure, as this condenser relieves the cooling tower of the duty of dispelling the heat from the condensing steam, which is four 60 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. times greater than that from the condensing ammonia, so that the cooling tower is able to perform its greatly reduced duty at a much lower temperature, reducing the ammonia pressume correspondingly and resulting in a gratify- ing effect upon the coal consumption, a better and more marketable cake of ice, as by this system the gases which form the core in the ice cake are en- tirely expelled from the condensation water which passes from the condens- ing flask absolutely free of gas, practically eliminating the core in the ice. The circulating water passing over the flasks deposits its scale upon their outer surfaces, from which it can easily be removed without loss of time, and becomes a most desirable boiler feed, dispensing with the expense and trouble of frequently cleaning the boilers. Each flask acts independently of the others, and when it is desirable to remove the scale from the surface each can in turn be shut out of service, when the scale immediataely dries out, cracks, and the edges of the pieces curl so that a light tap of a mallet brings it down in a shower. We also have an ammonia condenser which utilizes the cooling properties of saturating air. This consists of a housing built over and about an ordinary pipe ammonia condenser, which, by virtue of construction and position, takes advantage of the prevailing winds. In the top of the housing there are open- ings over each coil, in which are set gutters, accurately adjustable, that may be leveled to overflow evenly over the entire length of the coil. For emergency purposes a disk fan is mounted in the north end. On each side of this fan, also in the north end, are doors, which are regulated to stand at any angle desired. The south end consists of doors similarly regu- lated. When the wind is in the south the south doors are opened wide and the north doors just enough to allow a draft of about 150 feet per minute to pass through, making a breeze which is a little more than perceptible, but not suffi- cient to blow the circulating water away from the coils. With a north wind the north doors are opened wide and the south doors adjusted with discre- tion. In case of a calm or an east or west wind the fan is brought into action. This will probably be less than half the time and will require about 1-10 horsepower per ton of refrigeration. The other current expense would be : Water from some outside source to make good the atmospheric vapor- ization, amounting to less than fifty gallons per daily T. R., and the power required to run the circulating pump, raising less than three-fourths gallon per minute per T. R. from the catch-tank to the gutters above the flasks. The installation of this condenser does away with the necessity of a cooling tower, as the circulating water is pumped directly from the catch-tank to the gutters, to again pass over the condensing coils. We also have a power and pressure regulator, to be attached to the en- gine driving the compressor, by means of which the speed of the engine is governed automatically by the increased or decreased demands of the plant. Under conditions now in common use the speed of the engine is constant, while the temperature and pressure in the expansion coils varies with the changing demands of the plant for refrigerative duty. For instance, in case, in a cold storage plant, one chamber is emptied of THE ENGINEERS' LIST. 61 cool goods and at once refilled with goods at normal summer temperature, the temperature surrounding the coils immediately rises, resulting in increased temperature and pressure in the expansion coils. When the engineer notes on his gauge this increased demand he speeds up his engine to such an extent as he thinks sufficient to take up the increased volume of vaporization thus form- ing. He can not be sure that he is getting just enough speed for this purpose without wasting power, and his action is likely to be tardy. Meantime the temperature has gong up, not only in the chamber undergoing changed condi- tions, but in all the other chambers in the house. In the case of delicate ar- ticles this might result in serious deterioration. The construction of this power and pressure regulator is such that the moment there is an increase in demand for refrigerative duty the balancing lever is at once affected, which in turn acts on the governor of the engine, increasing the speed just sufficient to take up the increased vaporization with- out loss of power. In the meantime the pressure in the expansion coils has not been increased more than one-half of a pound and the temperature has been maintained within three-quarters of one degree. UNDER WHAT CONDITIONS DOES IT PAY TO USE A COOLING TOWER? This topic was discussed at the meeting of the A. S. R. E., 1905, and opened by Mr. Morris, as follows : I did not come here for the purpose of having anything to say in this meeting, but more for the purpose of listening and possibly learning. The subject of cooling towers, however, is a most important one in my section of the country, because the temperature of the atmosphere is high, much hotter than it is through this section of the country, and water, especially good water, is hard to get. So the question of cooling the water and using it over again becomes a very serious and a very important one in the refrig- erating line, and we have had to use cooling towers in many sections. The most of the ice plants in Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas and Texas, especially in Texas and Mexico, are compelled, owing to the scarcity of water, to use cooling towers of some sort. There are hardly any places in our sec- tion of the country hardly any localities where it would not pay to put in cooling towers, in fact, cooling towers ought to be used throughout that coun- try almost universally, and my own experience is that it is a good plan- to use two cooling towers, taking the hot water from the steam condenser and cool- ing it, and have a separate tower for cooling the water from the ammonia condensers. By doing this we get colder water for the ammonia condensers and get it with a smaller power, it requires less power for forcing the air through it. As a rule, we use cooling towers in that section with fans. Take, for instance, a 50-ton plant and we use a cooling tower that will require possibly six horsepower to operate the fans. In some cases two towers are built side 62 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. by side with an engine directly connected to line shaft, with a fan on each end of the shaft center crank engine with a fan on each end of the shaft one fan for the hot water tower from the steam condensers and the other for the cool water from the ammonia condensers. To show you the value of cooling towers, especially of one such as I have just mentioned, I know of a 30-ton plant in Texas where the great trouble was to get sufficient cooling water. They had to depend on an artesian well about 700 feet deep. It was pumped by an air compressor and it was hard to get sufficient water from this well to operate the plant. Finally they put in cooling towers, taking the hot water from the steam condenser through one tower and the cooler water from the ammonia condenser through the other. They have since increased the capacity of the plant by putting in another 60-ton machine, and since putting in these towers they have sufficient water to run the increased plant, whereas before they hardly had enough to get along with a 35-ton capacity. In many places in Texas we have to go from 1,000 to 3,000 feet deep to get water, and where it is a question of spending $5,000, say, on a deep well, the cooling tower comes in, and often it is good business to put in a cooling tower rather than bore additional expensive wells. I do not know what value the cooling tower would have in this section, I do know that we can not get along without it in the Southwest. THE PRESIDENT: Is it not true that in Texas, as a rule, the air is much drier than in sections perhaps further north and east, and that a tower for that reason is more effective in your climate? MR. MORRIS : That may possibly be. I can only speak of the efficiency of the cooling tower in my own section, and I say again that we could not get along without them in the Southwest. MR. GARY : I think with respect to these cooling towers that they are most successful and generally in use in sections where they have a great scar- city of water, or where water has to be purchased for cooling the condenser, or where water is so bad as to pile up a deposit so as almost to insulate the condensers from the cooling effects of the water. I think under those three heads the cooling tower would be a good investment. THE PRESIDENT : I would like to hear from some gentleman on the ques- tion of the concentration of a solid in the water. Possibly Mr. Burhorn might throw some light on that subject. Mr. Burhorn replied as follows: It. is like using water in a boiler. The evaporation leaves a certain per- centage of solids, and that has to be blown out at intervals. In the cooling tower it is practically the same thing. We might sum up the whole matter more as a financial proposition than anything else. In this part of the country water is expensive, in large plants especially. I know of one case 'in Wash- ington where the cost of the water is about $5,000 a year. With a cooling tower we can save about 00 per cent, of that cost; and that will soon pay the total cost of the tower. We have a tower put up in New York City that paid the first cost in the first year. It seems to me that it is better than a gold min- CALIF THE ENGINEERS' LIST. 63 ing proposition in a great many cases. The returns certainly pay more for the investment. The idea of using two towers I think is a good one, the difficulty in a good many 'cases being that where the water is used on steam condensers, the temperature is so high that it can not be used in one tower to sufficient ad- vantage. In Philadelphia where we use two towers, the conditions are fav- orable for this particular installation. The water runs from the condensers into one tower, which reduces the temperature to below 100, and then it is pumped to another tower placed directly over the condensers. This tower reduces the temperature so that it is practically the same as city water for the use of the ammonia condenser. MR. VOORHEES: I think the question of cool water is most important. On any ice plant or for refrigerating or cold storage purposes I think it should be given first consideration. The question of whether you should use a cooling tower on the water at your command is one of the very first ques- tions that should be passed on before you go to the expense of erecting your plant. I think this is the cause of more plants falling down than any other. MR. HAVEN : I want to know whether any one has observed bad results from the oxidization of pipes ? We do not see any bad effects upon our pipes. They are practically as good as ever then. MR. GARY: The only time when water will have an oxidizing effect is when heat is applied to drive the air out. Take a glass of water and set it in the sun, and very soon the sides of that glass will be coated with little bubbles of air. That is quite different from atmospheric air. I find from investigating work that the air, when it dissolves on account of the greater solubility of the oxygen, becomes about one part of oxygen to 1.87 parts of nitrogen. The con- sequence is that the oxygen is much more active and much stronger than it is under atmospheric conditions. Temperature has a considerable influence. At a proper temperature it will act very rapidly and oxidize. A slight heating is necessary, and where a large volume of water is collected and held, the air will separate out and concentrate on different points and pitting will take place. If the water is in motion there is much less danger of that effect than with water standing comparatively stationary. MR. MATTHEWS : I would like to ask whether this oxidization is centered or over the entire surface. MR. GARY : The oxidization occurs by the little molecules collecting on one point and remaining there. If the water is in motion it sweeps them away. In a boiler you will find pitting occurs where the water collects and in pipes where the water remains quiet ; but where the steam is rapidly sweeping these bubbles away on the metallic surface, you will find little trouble from pitting. THE WATTMETER. The wattmeter is generally a small motor which is connected to gears and on the gears are hands which indicate on dials the number of watt-hours of current passing through the circuit. The field mag- netism is supplied by two coils of wire enclosing the armature. 64 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. The Continuous Use of Condensing Water. Kent quotes as follows from a series of articles published in Power: In San Francisco, J. N. Stub cools the water after it has left the hot well by means of a system of pans upon the roof. These pans are shallow troughs of galvanized iron arranged in tiers, on a slight incline, so that the water flows back and forth for 1,500 or 2,000 feet cooling by evaporation and radiation as it flows. The fans are about 5 feet in width, and the water as it flows has a depth of about half an inch, the temperature being reduced from about 140 to 90. The water from the hot well is pumped up to the highest point of the cooling system and allowed to flow as above described, discharging finally into the main tank or reservoir, whence it again flows to the condenser as required. As the water in the reservoir lowers frorn evaporation, an auxiliary feed from the city mains to the condenser is operated, thereby keeping the amount of water in circulation practi- cally constant. An accumulation of oil from the engines, with dust from the sur- rounding streets makes a cleaning neces- sary about once in six weeks or two months. It is found by comparative trials, running condensing and non-condensing, that about 50 per cent, less water is taken from the city mains when the whole apparatus is in use than when the engine is run non-con- densing. 22 to 23 in. of vacuum are main- tained. A better vacuum is obtained on a warm day with a brisk breeze blowing than on a cold day with but a slight movement of the air. In another plant the water from the hot well is sprayed from a number of fountains, and also from a pipe extending around its border, into a large pond, the exposure cooling it sufficiently for the obtaining of a good vacuum by its continuous use. In the system patented by Messrs. See, of Tulle, France, the water is discharged from a pipe laid in the form of a rectangle and elevated above a pond through a series of special nozzles, by which it is projected into a fine spray. On coming into contact with the air in this state of extreme division the water is cooled 40 or 50, with a loss of evaporation of only one-tenth of its mass, and produces an excellent vacuum. A 3,000 H.P. cooler upon this system has been erected at Lannoy, one of 2,500 H.P. at Madrid and one of 1,200 H.P. at Liege, as well as others at Roubaix and Tourcoing. The system could be used upon a roof if ground space were limited. In the evapo- rative condenser of T. Ledwards Co., of Brockley, London, the water trickles over the pipes of the large condenser or radi- ator, and by evaporation carries away the heat necessary to be abstracted to con- dense the steam inside. The condensing pipes are fitted with corrugations mounted with circular ribs, whereby the radiating or cooling surface is largely increased. The pipes which are cast in sections about 76 in. long by 3^ in. bore, have a cooling sur- face of 26 sq. ft., which is found sufficient under favorable conditions to permit of THE ENGINEERS' LIST. 65 WILLIAM McKEABs SONS .A-ZLSTID BTJILIDIEIR/S 48 BANK STREET, NEW YORK. Telephone Call 182 Spring A Specialty Made in Boiler Setting, Furnace Building and Engine Foundations JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO D. M. NICHOLS IRON WORKS BOI LERS, LAND, MARINE AND HEATING. TAN KS, ALL SIZES AND SHAPES. FACILITIES FOR ALL KINDS REPAIRS. ESTABLISHED 1850. GOUVERNEUR SLIP PHONE 497 ORCHARD. NEW YORK & ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Tel. 1353 Cort. 136 Liberty St. New York Engines Indicated and Adjusted, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Cylinders and Valve REPAIES FOE HIQH SPEED ENGINES. Chambers Bebored in Position. AG E NTS Experts on Shaft Governors aud Valve Adjustments on all Types of Engines. THE STRAIGHT-LINE ENGINE CO. AMBROSE <;. CHRIST B CONTRACTOR * REPAIRSTO PLUMBING AND ROOFS ASPECIALTY JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO 263 WILLIAM STREET NEW YORK CITY TELEPHONE 2178 WORTH rHRHHIMHHIHHHBWIHMHWIOMIBHHHHHBHHBHHI ESTABLISHED 1857. i Long Lived Elevator Rope FLATTENED ROUND ^j^/ N^^X SThAND STRAND jj A Smooth Round Rope which runs over sheaves and pulleys with minimum wear and friction, jj ^ lasting very much longer and saving machinery. J A. LESCHEN & SONS ROPE CO. New York i^^JSglSSSi st ' 5 920-932 North First Street, . * ST LOUIS y Chicago. Denver. Seattle. New Orleans, j {{IJ&MMBIIHHHBIIHIHH.MT 66 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. condensation of 20 to 30 Ibs. of steam per hour when producing a vacuum of 13 Ibs. per sq. in. In a condenser of this type at Rixdorf, near Berlin, a vacuum ranging from 24 to 26 in. of mercury was constantly maintained during the hottest weather of August. The initial temperature of cool- ing water used in the apparatus under no- tice ranged 80 to 85 F., and the tem- perature in the sun, to which the condenser was exposed, varied each day from 100* to 115 F. During the experiments it was found that it was possible to run one engine under a load of 100 horse power and maintain the full vacuum without the use of any cooling water at all on the pipes, radiation afforded by the pipes alone sufficing to condense the steam for this power. Does It Pay to Install Cooling Towers in Small Plants? This question came up at the American Warehousemen's Convention, 1905, as fol- lows: MR. READ: In regard to water towers, is it true that water towers can only be used economically by plants of considerable size? We have a small plant and have trouble with water. Our water here in the city of Washington in the summer time is at a temperature of from 85 to 90 F., and we have been advised by engineers that we could not use a water tower with our small plant. MR. STARR: It seems to me that 'if you could find room on the roof, where you can get plenty of atmospheric power over a large area of surface, that is at all times exposed to the natural circulation of air, it would work just as well in a small plant as in a large one. There are a large number of very effective water towers made which are supplied with air from fans and the cost of running those fans is considerable. Of course, the fans need not be run the year around. You will have to use them all through the summer. The cost of hand- ling large quantities of air is quite consid- erable, but at the same time I should say that any good type of water tower could be used, either in a large plant or in a small one. In a small plant there is a smaller amount of water and a smaller amount of air required, and I can not see any objec- Index to Advertisers. Page. Audel & Co 67 Begg, James & Co 90 Borne, Scrymser & Co 93 HOI-IMS Chan. A 80 Rroflerick & Bascom I lope Co <7 Bushnell. John S 1* Collins. II 73 Canfleld, H. 4 Christ. A. G 65 Cold Storage 77 Cook's Son's. Adam 82 J. A. Donnelly 77 Davidson Pump Co 1 Dearborn Drug & Chemical Works. Inside front cover Dinger, Chas. & Son 84 Emergency Engineering Co 73 Empire State Engineering Co 5 Engineer. The | Fox, Benjamin 18 Fogarty. Michael 1 Fox & Son, Geo lo General Electric Co Front cover outside Garlock Packing Co 12 Griswold & Shepherd 65 Gueth, Oswald 71 Hazard Manufacturing Co 7o J. L. Humbert 18 Inventor 1$ Jenkins Bros ** Jenkins Bros. . Back cover outside Johns-Manville Co 69 Keasbey. Robert A 69 Kelley, Benj. F. & Son 4 Kieley & Muller Front cover outside Lndew. Edward R 71 Lallier & Co 84 Leschen & Sons 65 Lippincott Specialty Co 16 Love. W. & G. W 93 McGill, G. L 73 McGraw Publishing Co McKean Sons, William 60 McLeod & Henry 15 T. R. McMnnn Son 69 MoXnb & M:inuf:u-ruring Co 13 Marine Engineers' Exchange, The 73 Miller, Joseph 88 Montgomery, James e4 Newburprh Steam Boiler Works 5 New Knjrhind Onito Co .11 New York Grate Bar Co 88 D. M. NiehoN Iron Works 65 Ostrander, W. R. & Co 73 Fred'k Page 78 Penberthy Ini^ctor Co bl Phenix Grate Bar Co 91 Prentiss Clock Co 77 Pul ver. Peter & Sons 2 Revere Rubber Co *1 Robertson & Sons I'i'I? Roberts. Geo. T. & Bros. (Inc.) 1-3-94 Salamander Grate Bar Co 85-86-87 S;indb:icli, R. W 79 S-ni(lcr>5on & Wright J5 Schmidt, G. & L. 77 Schwarz. L. T 71 Sohuerkes, Theo <1 Shepard. G. R 73 Shepherd & Parker 93 Smith. A. & Son 1 Smooth on Mfer. Co 10 Southern KujriniMT 79 Standard Steam Specialty Co., 95. inside back cover Star Lubricating Co 71 Thompson Co.. Richard 9 Troadwell & Co.. M. H 91 Tu oner * Co.. W. W 69 Unique Ktiff. Co -11 Ward & Co 92 Ward & Unright Engineering Co 96 c. F. Wemllnnd & Co 18 WifMit/.. Chas 84 Win. Wilson -JJ Wright. Garret S 84 Wright's Sons. William 84 Yost. Albert f* has stood the test of time. For over 19 years, the Penber- thy Automatic Injector has held its place as the standard injector of the world. During each one of these years, it has become more firmly intrenched in the esteem of the engineers of America. To- day there are more Penberthy Automatic Injectors in use than all other makes of automatic in- jectors combined. The Penberthy "Engineer & Fireman." a 32-page magazine for engineers, sent free on re- quest. Write for it and our il- lustrated catalog of injectors, oilers, and other engine-room specialties. PENPERTHY INJECTOR CO. Largest Manufacturers of Injectors ia the World, 384 HOLDEN AVENUE, DETROIT, MICH., U. S. A. Made in Canada by THE PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO., Ltd.. WINDSOR, ONT. The Penberthy Automatic Injector HAWKINS 1 ENGINEERS BOOKS TTHIS series, which is accepted as standard, are the most complete, practical self-instructors pub- lished on Steam, Electrical Engineering and Mechan- ical Drawing in all branches. Books will be sent, post-paid, to any address in the world upon receipt of price. Money refunded if not satisfied. 1. Hawkins' S3lf-:blp Mechanical Drawing, (rorHcme study) - - $2 2. Hawkins' New Cabchism of Electricity $2 3. Hawkins' Aids to Engineers' Examinations, (with Questions & Answers) $2 4. Hawkins' Maxims and Instructions fcr the Boiler Room - - 82 5. Hawkins' Hand Book of Calculations for Engineers - - - $2 6. Hawkins' New Catechism of th3 Steam Engine - - - - $2 7. Hawkins' Indicator Catechism, (A Practical Treatise) - - - - $1 MENTION SUBJECT INTERESTED AND SEND POSTAL FOR CATALOG THEO. AUDEL & CO. 63 Fifth Ave., NEW YORK 68 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. tion to using one, unless it was in an ex- tremely small plant. Cooling Ponds. Of the same nature and use as the cooling tower is the cooling pond, which has been used to some extent in England. Such an equivalent for the cooling tower is not practical in many places. To be suc- cessful, a pond area must be supplied of sufficient size to prevent an undue rise in temperature and if the object is as in the case of cooling towers to save water, an undue rise in temperature would cause more or less evaporation from the pond. The heat would be abstracted from the water in the pond by radiation, by conduc- tion into the air, and by evaporation. The dispersion of heat in these ways involves no loss of water except by the last evapo- ration. The method of returning the hot condensing water to the pond as usually observed, is to let fall from some distance on a wooden or stone apron, so as to not disturb materially the water in the pond. This also tends to keep the hot water on the surface, which promotes cooling. On the other hand, the water for the engine is withdrawn from beneath the surface, where it is the coolest. The supply of fresh water is carefully strained in order to prevent the influx of mud. A drainage pipe is pro- vided for carrying off all the water, so that the pond can be cleaned at times. It has been found advantageous when possible to use two ponds, alternately. It is estimated that on an average a pond should disperse 600 heat units per square foot of surface, and on this basis the required area can be calculated from the temperature of the re- turn water. The depth is four or five feet. The cooling effect can be increased by car- rying the water through shallow open troughs. Cooling TO\VT in a (ias Huginc IMant. The American Electrician gave an ac- count some time ago of a cooling tower n-ed in connection with a gas engine. It says that the cooling water for the jackets is obtained from a 12 ft. cistern located be- tween the floor of the repair shop in the front of the building, although city water may be used if desired. The water is heat- ed t" about ISO degrees F. in passing through the jackets and is cooled by evap- oration in air currents as it passes down through a series of drain tiles placed in a cooling tower. There is a marked advan- tage in using the same water continuous!). since incrustation in the jackets and pipes is thereby reduced to a minimum. Where water is used containing much carbonate of lime in solution, the temperature of the jackets will have to be reduced unless the lime is precipitated or neutralized with soda or other agent ; even then much trouble may be experienced. In this case, it says, only a small amount of scale is formed and this is largely produced by the use of city water, which is necessary to supply the loss due to exaporation. A three-throw water circulating pump is belted either directly from one engine, or from an underground shaft driven from the other engine. The quantity of cooling water used by each en- gine varies from 4 to 5 gallons per horse- power hour. COOLING TOWERS. Points to I5e Considered in Designing Tower*. If an engineer has at hand an unlimited supply of cold water than can be had with- out prohibitive cost, there is little excuse for not running an engine condensing; but, in the face of this fact, it is estimated that about nine-tenths of the engines in this country are run non-condensing. The rea- son being that the cost of cooling water more than balances the economy of from 20 to 30 per cent, that would result from having a lower pressure and temperature on the exhaust side of the steam cylinder. This is the field of the cooling tower to effectively cool large quantities of water at a moderate initial and low running cost. The temperature reduction is accomplished by radiation, contact of cold air, and evap- oration, the latter being by far the most elective agent in securing the desired end, while with every pound of water evap- orated or converted into vapor, 955.7 or practically 1,000 b.t.u. are absorbed from the remaining body of water. Since evap- oration takes place only on the surface of fluids, it is accelerated by the removal of the air next to the water surface, as soon as this air has become saturated with vapor. To meet these conditions, cooling towers THE ENGINEERS' LIST. Telephone 6097 Franklin HEADQUARTERS 85% MAGNESIA, ASBESTOS AND BRINE ESTIMATES FURNISHED ANt* PIPE COVERINGS, ASBESTOS PRODUCTS.ETC. CONTRACTS EXECUTED* '100 NORTH MOORE ST, NEW YORK CnY. GRATES FOR ALL KINDS OP COAL Telephone 3258 Broad ,W. Tnpper& Go. 24 State Street, SHAKING GRATES. DUMPING GRATES. NEW YORK J. M" Asbestos and Magnesia Products A reputation backed by 50 years experience in the manufacture of Asbestos Products for the Steam Engineering trade, should be a sufficient guarantee of the superiority of our materials to meet any and all demands, write nearest branch for descriptive catalogue H, W. JOHNS-MAN VI LLE CO. Manufacturers of Asbestos and Magnesia Products, Asbestos Roofings, Packings, Electrical Insulating Materials "Noark" Fuse Devices, Electric Railway Supplies, Etc. New York Boston Minneapolis Los Angeles Milwaukee Philadelphia Pittsburg New Orleans Dallas Seattle Chicago St. Louis Cleveland Zansas City San Francisco London FOR SALE BY ESTABLISHED I860. T. R. McMANN SON DEALERS IN Wrought Pipe, Plumbers' and Fngineers' Supplies. Telephone jjjjj* | John 56-58-60 GOLD ST., NEW YORK 70 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. must provide a method of spreading the water over an area large enough to expose it as long as necessary for reducing the temperature, and must supply a draft of air by means of a fan or otherwise, the fan when used being placed at the bottom of the tower. Running expenses connected with the operation of the tower are the power consumed in raising the water to the top of tower, and that for running the fan as well as the cost of the makeup wa- ter required to supply the place of that evaporated. The cost of the first item de- pends largely upon the location selected for the tower. For good operation, it must be placed near the condenser, as otherwise the temperature of the water will rise dur- ing its passage from the tower to the con- denser. Generally speaking, less than 10 per cent, of the water is lost, but this loss depends on the temperature, the humidity of the atmosphere, etc. The expense of oprating the fan depends largely on the type of fan selected and the construction of the tower and the resulting air resist- ance, the amount of which depends upon the plan selected for distributing the water. Only particular designs of disk wheels are used in connection with cooling towers, these types having been tested and found to be most efficient. Many engineers con- struct their own cooling tower, purchasing merely the fans and some means of driving them, either a small vertical engine or elec- tric drive as may be preferred. From The Engineer. Motor Driven Fans* Dia. _f Medium Speed Maximum Sp^ed OI Fan in Ins. Ap- pro x. Speed Motor Size Number Wt. Not Pkd. V o Ap- prox. Speed Motor Size Number Wt. Not Pkd. V O c a, 18 800 X E.B, "5 $170 1,000 # E.B. 115 $170 24 600 y 4 E.B. '65 180 800 % E.B. 255 220 30 500 % E.B. 280 230 675 i E.B. 33 200 36 425 i E.B. 380 280 55> a E.B. 440 370 42 350 2 E.B. 575 400 470 3 E.B. 760 500 48 300 3 E.B. 825 500 410 5 E.B. 925 000 54 60 260 235 5 E.B. i-ioo M.P. 8 ,025 ,050 600 725 365 325 i-ioo M.P. 8 i-ioo M.P. 8 1,075 1,000 850 66 210 i-ioo M.P. 8 ,150 c 300 ii- TOO M.P. 8 '.275 C 72 '95 i- 100 M.P. 8 375 o 2 75 2-100 M.P. 8 1,750 O 84 165 ii-ioo M.P. 8 ,675 c 3 235 4-100 M.P. 8 2,325 = 2 96 '45 2-100 M.P. 8 2,'75 O-Jt 200 4-100 M.P. 8 2.575 0;= 108 '30 4-100 M.P. 8 2,9<0 O. o. l8 5 6-100 M.P. 8 3,200 p. Q 120 "5 4-100 M.P 8 3,200 re I6 5 lo-roo M.P. 8 4.200 re Belt Driven Fans. Dia. of Fan in ins. Med'm Speed Disc Fan Propeller Fan Size Puriey Weight Not Packed Price Size Pulley Weight Not Packed Price 18 800 f* *% 100 $30 4**M 60 $40 24 600 5 x 2% 132 40 5x2% 125 30 500 6 x 3% 1 66 5 6 x y/i 1 60 OS 36 425 7 x 4 l /t 190 60 7*4% 225 80 42 350 8 x 5% 290 80 8x5^ 400 100 48 300 8x 5% 100 8x 5 H 465. 120 54 260 9 X 5% 425 120 9x5^ 600 I5O 60 235 10 X t>% 535 150 10x6^ 575 185 66 210 10 x 6) 665 '75 10x6^ 720 2 2O 72 '55 I2X 7% 875 200 12 X J% 950 250 78 180 14 x 8% 1,000 225 '4X8H ' 1,050 275 84 165 14 x &% 1,025 250 '4x8>i 1,125 300 96 '4? i6x ioj> ','75 300 16x8^ 1.375 350 102 '30 iSfttaM 350 18x8^ 1,700 400 120 "5 20X 12% i!8oo 400 20x8^ 2.000 500 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. 71 W. G. HAWTHORNE, Engineer and Mason, Successor to THEO. SCHUERKES. furnace fining Grate Bars Boiler Repairs Telephone 601 Broad. 50 Broadway, Star Lubricating Co. HENRY BEYER, Prop. Telephone 433 M .id. ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. Cylinder and Machinery Oils, Pipe Fittings, Packings, Steam, Electric and Hotel Supplies. 140 West 32d St., New York HOYT SHORT-LAP OAK-TANNED LEATHER BELTING Special Belts for every.use made and shipped without.delaj. Hydraulic, Valve and Pump Leather ESTATE, EDWARD R. LADEW SUCCESSOR TO FAYERWEATHER & LADEW 300 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK Chicago : Boston : Philapelphia : Pittsburgh Newark, N. J. : Charlotte, N. \J. : Atlanta, Ua. Oswald Gueth, M. E. Consulting Engineer. New iork Representative of Kroeschell tros Ice Machine Co., of Cnicago. Io8 Fulton St. NEW YORK BLACK HAWK SHEET PACKING is especially adapted for very high pres- sure and it is not affected by any degree of steam heat. It will not harden under any degree of heat, nor blow out under the highest pressure, and will make an air, steam or hot or cold water joint equally well. This packing is not affected by am- monia, liquors, steam heat or alkalies and conforms to rough or uneven surfaces, making a perfectly tight joint and retains its elasticity under all conditions. Joints can be made and broken several times. Packing will not adhere to rough surfaces. TRADE MARK. Joints in new plants can be made with- out the use of steam with absolute cer- tainty when steam is applied that every joint will be perfect. REVERE RUBBER CO., of N. Y. 59 & 61 READE ST., NEW YORK MANUFACTURER OF Engineers' Ash Cans Guaranteed to be the Strongest and most durable Ash Can on the market. All cans to be kept in re- pair for one year FREE OF CHARGE. No. 357 West Broadway Bet. Broome & Grand Sts., New York Telephone No. 1429 Spring. THE ENGINEERS' LIST. TESTS OF COOLING TOWER, FEDERAL PRISON, ATLANTA, GA. Tine Humid- ity Tank Temp. Pump Temp. Reduction Temp. Dif- ference. Temp in Sao. Temp in Shade. Weather. 6.00 9 8 ICO 77 23 4- 6 71 Cloudy 6 30 3V 100 77 23 4- 4 73 * 7 oo 98 100 76 24 + 76 75 * 7.30 98 100 77 23 + 77 77 1 8.00 8.30 98 98 100 100 7* 58 22 22 f I? 77 77 1 c 900 90 100 78 22 87 79 Part cloudy 93> 90 100 78 22 85 80 4 I J 00 10.30 90 97 100 101 11 21 2[ 91 90 So Si ' 11 00 95 101 Si 21 2 91 83 * 11.30 97 102 8c 21 4 9 ! 85 * 12.00 97 102 8( 21 7 88 J2. 3 97 104 81 23 4 85 Cloud) 1. 00 98 104 8t 23 3 84 I 30 98 103 81 22 - 3 . . 84 1 2 00 93 103 81 22 2 . . 83 1 230 98 103 81 22 . . 81 ' 3-00 99 100 81 1 9 4- i . . 80 i 3-30 99 100 81 ISL 4- 2 . . 79 Part tloudy. 4.00 99 100 Soft '9fc + ifV 79 ' 4.30 99 100 80 20 4- 2 78 1 * 5.00 99 100 80 20 4- 2 t 78 Clearing. 5-3<> 99 100 80 20 4- 3 77 6.00 99 100 80 20 4- 3 77 700 82 102 79 23 4- 2 82 77 Clear. 7.30 80 102 79 2 3 4- i 8 4 7 8.00 78 102 80 22 4- i 86 79 8.30 68 101 80 21 88 88 9.00- 5 102 80 22 I 90 81 930 62 102 80 22 3 9T 83 10.00 So 102 80 22 4 92 84 10.30 54 102 80 22 93 84 11. OO 11.30 11 102 102 80 80 22 22 4 94 94 84 85 12 00 1230 57 55 101 102 80 Ko 21 22 5 o 94 97 II 1. 00 5o 101 83 21 7 JOO 87 130 52 foi 80 21 7 102 87 2.00 53 lor 8ofV 20A 7 103 87 2.30 55 102 80 22 7 . 100 87 3-0 54 I0( 80 21 7 98 87 330 55 100 80 20 7 96 87 1 400 54 100 80 20 - 6 91 86 < 4.30 54 101 80 21 6 92 86 " THE ENGINEERS' LIST. engineers' exchange. Advertisements will be inserted under this head for engineers and firemen wanting positions, free of charge. Answers may be sent in our care. Adver tisements of owners of steam power or electric plants wanting help in every case will be charged twenty- five cents per line, each insertion . This department is for the exclusive use of engineers and firemen wanting positions, and employers ivishing help. In connection with our engineers' exchange we have established a free Bureau of Information for the ben- efit of engineers and firemen out of employment and employers wanting help . Applications for help will have prompt attention, and those wishing employ- ment should file at this office their names and ad- dresses, together with a record of experience and reference. ENGINEERS. Wanted to sell or furnish in- formation leading to the sale of the improved Berryman Feed Water Heater. See our adver- tisement, page 73. Write for particulars. BENJ. F. KELLEY & SON, 91 Liberty Street, New York City. TWO AMERICAN YOUNG MEN, 22 years of age, students of mechanical and electrical en- gineering, with knowledge of engines and elec- tric wiring, desire positions as assistant engin- ers in this country or abroad. L,. W. H., care ENGINEERS' LIST. POSITION WANTED by an engineer with 15 years experience; has a second-class license and the best of reference. Understands all kinds of engines and boilers. F. B., care ENGINEERS' LIST. YOUNG MAN, 23, technical school graduate, three years experience electrical work at switch and panel board and switch making; also ma- chinist work, wishes a position as electrician's helper or to learn to be engineer. Alfred Viren, 352 W. 37th St., N. Y. City. POSITION WANTED. By young man with nine years' experience as stationary engineer and electrician; desires position as draftsman or tracer. Will start low if position offers good opportunity. California, New Mexico or Mexico preferred. Address care ENGINEERS' LIST. ana for Sale. Advertisements inserted under this heading, without display, for 25 cents per line each insertion. FOR SALE. Blake Pump, 2%x2%x4 with re- ceiver and tank. Inquire of Mr. Armstrong, Ho- tel Leonore. FOR SALE CHEAP. An almost new galvan- ized iron vapor tank, 3% feet by 3 feet, for 6 in. exhaust. Engineer, 92 4th Ave. WANTED. Scranton school and other second hand engineering books. State price. J. C., care ENGINEERS' LIST. FR ED'K PAGE . . . MASON . . . Furnace Work ad Boiler Setting. 220 West I Oth Street, Telephone 4863 Spring GRAFTON L. McGILL PATENT LAWYER M'GILL BLDG., WASHINGTON. D. C. 15 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. Patents Procured. Trade Marks Registered. Advice on Relations of Employer and Em- ployee. Inventions Relating to Steam Plants and Equipment a Specialty. S. R. Shepard Engineering & Eonst. Co. No. 5 Dutch St., New York. General Repairs to Steam and Electric Plants. Licensed to Manufacture and Install Bites Inertia Governors. Repairing Engines and Pumps a Specialty. Valve Re-seating and Piping for All Purposes. SHOP OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. ELECTRIC BELLS Speaking Tube 6 Electric Annunciators Electric Light Supplies W, R. OSTRANDER & CO. 22 Dey St., New York Send for Catalogue HOUGHTALING'S WORK ON THE INDICATOR Is a reliable and up-to-date book on an im- portant subject. Liberal inducement in connection with a subscription for the Engineers' List. The Marine Engineers' Exchange. 21-23 STATE ST., NEW YORK. COMPETENT ENGIN- EERS MAY ALWAYS BE OBTAINED FOR STEAMSHIPS, TOW- BOATS, YACHTS AND LAUNCHES ; ALSO FOR POWER HOUSES, ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS, REFRIGER- ATING PLANTS, AND FOR ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. THE EMERGENCY ENGINEERING CO. 147-140 VARICK STREET NEW YORK Elevators, Hydraulic and Electric, Repairs and Cabling a Specialty. Elevators Maintained; Pumps, Motors, Dynamos and Ice Machines Repaired. Steam Plants Overhauled. E. MARSHALL, Manager of Elevator. Department. TEL. 487 SPRING. NIGHT AND SUNDAY TEL. 1999-J 38ih ST. 10l3=J HARLEM 74 I in-; ENGINEERS' LIST. Volume, Density, and Pressure of Air at Various Temperatures. (D. K. Clark.) Fahr. Volume at A linos. Pressure. Density. Ibs. per Cubic Foot at Atmos. Pressure. Pressure at Constant Volume. Cubic Feet in 1 Ib. Com para- tive Vol. Lbs. per Sq. In. Compara- tive Pres. 11.583 .881 .086331 12.96 .881 82 12.387 .943- .080728 13.86 .943 40 12.586 .958 .079439 14.08 .958 60 12.840 .977 .077884 14.36 .977 63 13.141 .000 .076097 14.70 1.000 70 13.342 .015 .074950 14.92 1.015 80 13.593 .034 .073565 15.21 1.034 90 13.845 .054 .072230 15.49 1.054 100 14.096 .073 .070942 15.77 .073 110 14.344 .092 .069721 16.05 .092 120 14.592 .111 .06*500 16.33 .111 130 14.846 .130 .067361 16.61 .130 140 15.100 .149 .068*21 16.89 .149 150 15.351 .168 .065155 17.19 .168 160 15.603 .187 .061088 17.50 .187 170 15.854 .206 .063089 17.76 .206 180 16.106 .226 .062090 18.02 .226 200 16.606 .264 .060210 18.58 .264 210 16.860 1.283 .059313 18.86 .283 v 212 16.910 1.287 .059135 18.92 .287 Weights of Air. Vapor of Water, and Saturated Mlxtni of Air and Vapor at Different Tern perai urea, under tbe Ordinary A tmopherlc. Pressure of 29.921 inches of Mercury. - jHj u" Q MIXTURES OP AIR SATURATED WITH VAPOR. iji If Elastic Weight of Cubic Foot of the Mixture of Air and Vapor. Weight 2" oj s Force of of _j * *gj the Air in Vapor 3:8 "** 3 Mixture m i Y -i 1 Tempera FahrenlM Weight ol of Dry A i Tempera Elastic Fo Inches ol of Airand Vapor, nch^s of Mercury. Weight of the Air, Ibs. Weight of the Vapor, pounds. Total Wght of Mixture, pounds. Jill A"U with 1 Ib. of Air, pounds. .0864 .044 29.877 .0863 .000079 .086379 .00092 I '2 .OS42 .074 29 849 .0840 .000130 .084130 .00155 22 .0824 .118 29.803 .0821 .000202 .082302 .00245 32 .OS07 .181 29.740 .0802 .000304 .080504 .00379 42 .0791 .267 29.654 .0784 .000440 .078840 .00561 52 .0776 .388 29.533 .0766 .000627 .077227 .00819 02 .0761 .556 29.365 .0747 .000881 .075581 .01179 72 .0747 .785 29.136 .0727 .001221 .073921 .01680 82 .0733 1.092 28.829 .0706 .001667 .072267 .02361 .0720 1.501 28.420 .0684 .002250 .070717 .03289 102 .0707 2.036 27.885" .0659 .002997 .068897 .04547 112 .0694 2 731 27.190 .0631 .003946 .067046 .06253 122 .0682 3.621 26.300 .051)9 .005142 .065042 .08584 132 .0671 4.752 25.169 .0564 .006639 .063039 .1177: 142 .0660 6.165 23.756 .0524 .008173 .060873 .16170 162 .0649 7.930 21.991 .0477 .010716 .058416 .22465 162 .0638 10.099 19.822 .0423 .013415 .055715 .31713 172 .0628 12.758 17.163 .0360 .016682 .052682 .46338 182 .0618 15.960 13.961 .0288 .020536 .049336 .7l300 r 102 ' ' '19 b - '8 10.093 .0205 .025142 .045642 1.22643 1 202 .Otx.1 24.450 5.471 .0109 .030545 .041445 2.80230 212 .0591 29 921 0.000 .0000 .036820 .036820 Infinite. THE ENGINEERS' LIST. SAUNDERSON & WRIGHT. M-inuf icturers of the American and Nonesuch Brands- of Packing, Oils, etc. Lubricating and Boiler Cleaning Compound. 456 & 407 West Broadway, New York. SfgSS 6 Supplies of every description 'Red Seal" Boiler Compound. "Slip-Not" Belt Dressing. Perry's Original Packing. Combination Packing. Trade Mark "White I Live I'll Crow." for Steam, Water, Gas and Electrical Engineering. Iron and Brass PIPE VALVES and FITTINGS. COPPER RUBBER COVERED WIRES AND CABLES, WATERPROOF WIRES FOR ELECTRICAL PURPOSES. hWI R E^P H A Z A R D M COPPER, STEEL, IRON GALVANIZED FOR ELEVATORS, MINES, DERRICKS, SHIP AND YACHT RIGGING. WORKS . OFFICE and WAREHOUSE : WILKES-BARRE, PA. 50 DEY ST.. NEW YORK Graber Indicating Automatic Water Gauge The Graber Gauge possesses several valuable features that make it a most desirable water gauge. In case a gauge glass should break, it is provided with an auto- matic valve which closes instantly, cutting off the flow of steam or water from the boiler. The Graber Gauge is self-cleaning, and as the auto- matic valve is fitted with a Jenkins Disc, it does not stick or leak when closed. It prevents danger from scalding, and damage resulting from leaking water glasses. The Graber Gauge is made in two patterns: Regular Pattern, for pressures up to 125 pounds; Extra Heavy Pattern, for pressures up to 250 pounds. JENKINS BROS. New York Chicago Boston London Philadelphia THE ENGINEERS' LIST. e 60 1 C c & bo 3 1906. Atmosphere. Water. Reduction as com- pared with Atmosphere Date. Time. - U3 "o > ej o ec M & & c 6 Lt B O. J 5 C i o *> . ii C h > Ji w e Ii 1 i O s i i WT -3-c -o e c July 16, 3 F. M 16, 6PM 84 75 79 70 82 75 92 72 82 72 94 77 87 75 91 75 84 75 73 67 80 67 79 67 70 66 80 71 86 -7 84 74 84 76 82 72 82.4 72.4 79 7-2 92 78 88 78 89 77 94 76 80 74 83 75 84 71 82 73 90 78 74 66 85 69 82 61 80 74 84 74 85 76 88 77 86 77 84 79 74 70 68 66 82 78 84. 77 77 68 75 69 87 77 82.9 73-4 78 60 76 67 85 72 73 5"8 78 67 82 70 80 67 69 55 70' 57 74 65 76 70 75 63 78 70 68 60 75^8 64.3 60 54 70 61 7^ 62 7: c- 70 .67 i5o 8s 68 34 57 52 42 60 ~o 47 59 46 II 57 57 67 52 39 64 60 53 II 40 30 71 57 61 55 61 76 H 80 76 59 70 6*0.7 35 59 49 40 53 47 45 7i 49 63 60 51-7 66 57 54 " l 6- 83 88 90 93 90 90 90 90 89 84 82 79 82 83 94 87 86 86 88 II- 3 88 93 88 88 92 89 84 86 89 84 76 85 84 84 88 89 93 89 92 82 76 |4 89 81 83 01 86.4 82 75 77 69 66 11 70 73 79 83 64 5 72 74 8*- 82 11 y, 82 81 81 7"8 72 74 77 85 79 78 70 81 79.1 86 84 82 84 82 77 80 83 79 81 81 84 82 83 74 70 78 82 73 I 6 , 79-4 77 69 62 71 65 71 76 68 I 7 66 67 71 6 7 9 13 10 8 6 10 8 8 6 1 8 7 L I 7 4 8 7 6 5 4 9 8 8 i 9 7 6 6 I 7 9 6.9 5 6 6 9 4 6 9 7 8 8 - 6 8 6 6 7 6 6 7 TO 8 2 4 2 15 2 12 6 10 6 i 9 7 7 6 5 4-3 10 2 5 12 4 I 7 ' 2 7 5 2 9 6 2 3 4 4 T 4 2 4 "~~ I 17, 8 A. M. . " 18, 4 P. M....... " 19, 10 A. M . " 20, 4 P. M. . . " 21, n A. M " 22, I P. M . . ' 2 3) roA. M ' 24, 8 A. M 25 i P M 26, i P. M. . ' 27, 8 A. M ' 28, ii A. M. . ' 28, i P. M....... ' 29 i P. M . ' 30, ii A. M * 31 i i A M Mean results for month. AUK. i, 7 A. M. . 4, 4P.M.. " 5, ii A. M.. .' 6 ii A M . " 6, 2 P. M " 78AM 8, P M " 9, P. M " 10 P. M. . " n,' P. M " 12 10 A M " 13 P M "14 P M ** 15' P. M . . " 18 P M " io' P M . " to P M M 21, P. M . "22 P M "23 P M " 24, o A M "25 P M " 26, P M " 27, P. M" "28 P M " 29 i i A M " 30, 2 P. M 5 3-3 I 7 14 13 6 ii 9 6 5 3 4 2 Mean results for mom..,' Sept i, 6PM . . ..." ' r 2, i P. M 3 2 P. M " 42PM " 5 i P M " 6 i P M " 23 i P M . " 24, i P. M " 25 i P M " 26, i P. M " 27, i P. M " 28, i P. M " 29, i P. M " 30, 3 P. M Mean results for month. Oct i i P M 2, I P. M ; 3, i P. M .... , i P. M ".'. .'. '. 6, J R M . . . William T. Donnelly, Mem. A. S. M. E. James A. Donnelly, Mem. A.S. H.& V. E. Vanderbilt Building, New York, N. Y. POSITIVE DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM OEEXHAUS1 STEAM CIRCULATION SEND FOR BOOKLET. 60 Day Clocks. Prentiss 60 Day clocks run two months on a single winding and keep perfect time. They are well made, dur- able and reliable, and cannot fail to give perfect satisfaction. Prentiss Program clocks will auto- matically ring your bells at any times desired. Electric, Synchronized, Watchman's and Frying' pan Clocks. Send for Catalogue No. 837. The Prentiss Clock Improvement Co. Dept. 83. 49 Dey Street. NEW YORK CITY COLD STORAGE "4 ICE TRADE JOURNAL Produce Exchange, New York. J*HE progressive refrigerating engineer can not well get along without a live journal cov- ering his trade. COLD STORAGE & ICE TRADE JOURNAL contains much valu- able practical information that is especially written for the refrig- erating engineer by competent writers. Every refrigerating engineer would do well to consult its pages. The subscription price to the re- frigerating engineer only is $1.00 per year. Sample Copy on request. William Wilson, Contracting and Consulting Engineer. f 00 William Street, New York. Tel. 1791 John. Ice Making and Refrigerating Machinery. Double Pipe Condensers* Special Grade of Ammonia. GUSTAV SCHMIDT. LUDWIG SCHMIDT. G. (Si L. SCHMIDT (Formerly with A. Schmidt & Bros.) Manufacturers of the most improved Steam Vacuum, Blast, Hydraulic and Water Tank GAUGES, which only a practical experi- ence of over 30 years can produce. Machine Work of all kinds Gauges. Indicating Counters, etc., made and repaired. No. 216 Centre St., (Second Floor.) Below Grand St. NEW YORK. ELECTRICIAN AND MECHANIC!! A monthly magazine of technical in- structions, telling how to make and do things electrical and mechanical. Articles on Electroplating and Gild- ing; How to Build a Gasoline Engine; The Right and Wrong Way to Use Tools; The Amateur's Workshop; A Course in Electrical Engineering, by A. E. Watson, E. E., Instructor in Brown Umversitv ; and many other valuable features are now in course of publication. FIFTY CENTS A YEAR A postal card will bring you a sample copy, our list of electrical and mechan- ical books, and anything else of interest which we may happen to have on hand. WRITE NOW ! E. L. Sampson Publishing Co. 6 Beacon St* t Boston, Mass, THE ENGINEERS' LIST. RELATIVE HUMIDITY, PER GENT. Difference between the Dry and Wet Thermometers, Deg. F. V DPI 1 2 3 4 6|e|7 8 9 io|n 12 13 14J15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26J28 30 bfa Relative Humidity, Saturation being 100. 32 90*79 69 5950 40 31 21 12 3 40 92 84 70 68 60 53 45 38 30 22 16 8 1 50 98 87 HO 74 67 61 55 50 44 38 33 2722 16 11 ft 1 60 1)4 89 84 78 73 08 68 58 53 48 44 39134 30 26 22 IS 14 10 C 2 70 98 90 80 81 77 72 08 64 00 55 &2 4844 40 36 33 29 26 23 1!' 10 13 10 i 1 80 90 96 96 92 92 87 83 85 79 81 75 78 72 7.-) 08 71 64 68 01 65 57 62 5451 5956 47144 5350 41 47 38 44 35 41 3229 39 36 20 34 23 32 20 29 18 20 13 22 8 17 3 13 100 97 93 190 86 83 80 TT 74 71 08 05 62|59 57 54 51 49 47 44 42 39 37 35 33 ','9 25'21 110 07 949087 8481 78 70 73 70 07 65 02 6057 55 53 50 48 40 44 42 40 3H 3i 3027 120 97 9491 8S 85 83 80 77 75 72 70 67 o.-) 6260 58 50 54 51 4'.) 47 45 44 42 3S 3531 140 97 95 1 92 89 87 84 8279 77 75 73 71J68 GO 01 02 00 58 5655 53 51 49 48 41 41*38 CENTRIFUGAL FANS. Flow of Air through an Orifice. VELOCITY, VOLUME, AND HP. REQUIRED WHEN AIR UNDER GIVEN PRESSURE IN OUNCES PER 8Q. IN. IS ALLOWED TO ESCAPE INTO THE ATMOSPHERE. (B. F. Sturtevant Co.) eloci min. 1,828 2,585 3,165 3.654 4,084 4,473 4,830 5,162 5,478 5,768 6,048 6,315 6,571 6,818 7,P55 4 g 12.69 17.95 21.98 25.37 28.36 31.06 33.54 35.85 38.01 40.06 42.00 43.86 45.63 4784 49.00 III. 9- c .i: H>< I i3 a .00043 .00122 .00225 .00346 .00483 .00635 .00800 .00978 .01166 .01366 .01575 .01794 .02022 .02260 .02505 i I .0340 .0680 .1022 .1363 .1703 .2044 .2385 .2728 .3068 .3410 .3750 .4090 .4431 .4772 .5112 it v a 7,284 7,507 7,722 7,932 8,136 8,334 8,528 8,718 8,903 9,084 9,262 9,435 9,606 9,773 9,938 10.100 s 1*1 5 O i i v- 50.59 52.18 53.63 55.08 56.50 57.88 59.22 60.54 61.83 63.08 64.32 65.52 66.71 67.87 69.01 7014 .02759 .03021 .03291 .03568 .03852 .04144 .04442 .04747 .05058 .05376 .05701 .06031 .061168 .06710 .07058 .07412 fcg 8.9 S hi H .5454 .5795 .6136 .6470 .6818 .7160 .'500 .7841 .8180 .8522 .8863 .9205 .9546 1.0227 1.0567 Amount of Water for Surface Condenser?. (Pounds of Water required per Pound of Steam.) T-t TKMPERATUBE OF A!R PUMP DISCHARGE. r 90 95 100 ?02 104 I 106 108 110 | 112 114 116 118 120 125 130 5 2*0 219 218 217.6 217.2 216.8 216 4 216 215.6 215 2 214,8 214.4 214 213 212 10 110 109.5 109 108.8 108.6 408 4 108.2 108 107.8 107. G 107 4 107 2 107 106.5 106 16 73.3 73 72.7 72.6 72.4 72.3 72.1 72 71.9 71.7 71 6 71 6 71.3 71 70.7 20 65 64.7 54.5 54.* 64.3 64.2 54.1 64 63.9 63.8 63.7 63.6 63.5 63.2 63 26 44 43.8 43. . 43.6 43.4 43.4 43.3 43.2 43 1 43 42.9 42.9 42.8 42.6 42.4 80 36.7 36.6 36.3 36.3 fl6.2 36.2 36 1 36 35 9 35.9 36.8 35.7 35 7 35 6 36.3 35 31.4 31.3 3t.l 31.1 31.0 31 30 9 30.8 30 8 30.7 0.7 30 6 305 30.4 30.3 40 27.6 27.4 27\2 27.2 27.1 27.1 U7 27 2 9 26.9 26.8 6.8 26.7 26.6 26.6 46 24.4 24.3 24.2 24.2 24.1 24 1 24 24 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.8 23.8 23.7 .* 50 22 21.9 21.8 21.8 21.7 21 7 21.6 21.6 21 6 21 5 21.6 21.4 21.4 21.3 21.2 65 20 19 9 19.8 19.8 19.7 19.7 19.7 19.6 19.0 19 U 19.5 19.6 194 19.4 19.5 60 18.3 18.3 18.2 18.1 18.1 18.1 18 18 18 17. 9: 17 9 17 9 17.8 17.7 17.7 65 16. y 16.8 16 8 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.6 16.6 16 6 165 16.5 16 5 16 5 16.4 16:3 70 15 7 15.6 15.6 15.5 15.5 15.5 15 4 15.4 15 4 15 4 15.8 163 15.3 10.2 15.1 75 14.7 14.6 14.5 14.5 14.5 14 4 14.4 14.4 11.4 14 3 14.3 14.3| 14.3 14.2 14.1 80 13.7 13.6 13 6 13.6 13.6 13.5 13.5 13.6 136 13 4 13 4 13.41 13.4 13.3 13.2 85 to. 9 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.7 12 7 12.7 12 7 12.6 12.6 12.61 126 12.5 12.6 90 12 2 i, -: 19.. 1 12 1 12.1 U 12 12 12 11 9 11.9 11.9> 11.9 11.8 11.8 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. 71) 2.0 24.5 27.6 31.6 37.1 44.8 66.6 76 9 116 13 3 14.1 15.1 16.3 17.6 19.2 21.1 23.3 26.2 29.8 34.6 41.3 51.1 67 1 118 12.9 13.7 14.7 15.8 17.0 18.5 20. 2 22.3 24.9 28.2 32.6 383 46.6 59.6 120 12.6 13.4 14.3 15.3 16.5 17.8 19.5 21.4 23.8 26.7 30.6 35.7 42.8 53.5 122 12.3 13.0 13.9 14.8 15.9 IT. 2 18.7 20.5 22.7 25.4 28.9 33.4 39 6 48.5 124 12.0 12.7 13 5 14 4 15.4 16.7 18.1 19 7 21.8 24.2 27.3 31.4 3G.8 44.4 126 11.7 12.4 13.1 14.0 15.0 16.1 17.4 19.0 20.9 23.1 26 29.6 34.3 40.9 128 1K4 12.1 12.8 13.6 14.5 15.6 169 183 20.0 22.1 24.7 27.9 32.2 37.9 130 11.2 11.8 12.5 13.2 14.1 15.1 16,3 17.7 19.3 21.2 23.6 26 5 30.3 35.3 132 10.9 11.6 12.2 12.9 13.7 14.7 15.7 17.1 18.6 20.3 22 5 25.2 28.6 33.1 134 10.7 11.2 11.9 12 6 13.4 14.3 15.3 16.5 17.9 19.6 21.6 24.0 27.1 31.0 136 10.4 11.0 11.6 12.3 13.0 13.9 14.8 16.0 17.3 13.8- 2ft. 7 22.9 25.7 29.2 138 10.2 10.7 11.3 12.0 12.7 13.5 14.4 15.5 16.7 18.1 19.8 21.9 24. & 27.7 140 10.0 10.5 11. 1 11.7 12 4 13.1 14.0 15.0 16.2 17.6 19.1 21.0 23.3 26.2 Experiments made with a Blackman IM&k Fan, 4 ft. diam , by Geo. A. Suter, to determine the of air delivered under various conditions, and the power required; with calculations of efficiency and ratio of increase of power to increase of velocity, by G. H. Babcock. (Trans. A. S. M. E., vii. 54?) : c 8 I 1 & . . 5U *rsi 3-0 P. h 1 . *i-s r SA* M M & IP Ratio of In- crease of Delivery. Ratio of In- crease of Power. Exponent or, HPaF*. Exponent y, hocV V . Efficiency of Fan. 350 25 797 65 1 632 440 32.575 2.29 1.257 1.262 3.523 5.4 .9553 534 41,929 4 42 1.186 1.287 1 843 2 4 3.062 612 47,756 7 41 1 146 1.139 1.677 3 97 .9358 For series 1.749 1.851 11.140 4. 340 20,372 0.76 .7110 453 26 660 1 99 .332 1.308 2 618 3 55 6068 536 31 .649 3 86 .183 1.187 1 940 3 86 5205 627 36,543 6.47 .167 1.155 1 676 8 59 .4802 For series 761 1.794 8 513 3 63 340 , 9 983 1.12 0.28 .3989 430 534 570 13,017 17,018 18,649 For 3.17 6.07 8.46 series 0.47 0.75 0.87 .265 .242 .068 .676 1.804 1.307 1.096 1.704 2.837 1.915 1.394 7.554 3 93 2.25 3.63 3 24 1.95 1.74 1.60 I 81 .3046 .331S JBK87 330 8,399 1 31 26 28t 437 516 10,071 11,157 For 3 27 6.00 series 0.45 0.75 1.324 1.181 1.563 1.199 1.108 1.3-J9 8.142 1 457 4 580 6.31 3 66 5.35 3.0f> 4.96 3.72 .! .a& There Is Only One Lubricates Everything. It is the Only Safe and Uniform Lubricant for Machinery of All Kinds. ADOPTED BY THE U. S. GOVERNMENT IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS jjs^We Solicit Your Inquiries. WRITE FOR OUR FREE SAMPLE ORDER Look for Yellow Label MADE ONLY BY ADAM COOK'S SONS, 313 WEST STREET, NEW YORK. COOL, CLEAN, LIGHT-RUNNING MACHINERY That is what dots the work of the world, and it does it hest where the Kest Lubricant is used. American intusiry is fst oveitaMng the trade of the globe and likewise THE PULVER LUBRICATING COMPOUND is finding its way into every engine room and machine shop from Portland to Portland. Easy to guess why They must have it. IT IB Uniform in Quality Effects a Great Saving in Cost Insures Freedom From Grit Cannot Be Successfully Imitated 214 FRANKLIN ST., N.Y. c J^nufacturers REJER PULVER & SONS 214 Franklin Street NEW YORK THE ENGINEERS' LIST. 83 PARIS M. FLETCHER President ARTHUR F. STANLEY Treasurer "HELLO" SIX-0-TWO-O-JOHN Attractive Prices A Square Deal fromptDeliveries P. M. Fletcher Co. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES and SPECIALTIES 32 and 34 Frankfort Street Cable Address "PARISELEC. NEW YORK General Electric Ompany JL ^/ TTHE largest electrical mannfacturer in the world of corn, plete power and railway equipments and of illuminating and miscellaneous electrical and wiring supplies. 840 ew York Office 44 Broad St. PRINCIPAL OFFICE Schenectady, N. Y. Sales offices in all large cities KIELEY COMBINED MUFFLER AND GREASE EXTRACTOR TANK, RcCElVfR, PUMP GOVERNOR, POMP AND FEED WATER HEATER Guaranteed to Extract 99 per cent, of the Oil. Alan uf uet urers of Reducing; Valves, Dumper ReKulatora, Relief VulteM, AVater A robed, Baek Pressure Valve*, Steam Trnpn, it-am ;MI. I Oil Separator**, I'limp <. oriiora, Tn iik \uUfM, Temperature font roller*, \\UMie Heat Utilizer*, \\aier Feeders, Jtc. ELEY & MUELLER 34 WEST 13th ST, WRITE FOR LATEST CATALOGUE NEW YORK CITY 84 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. GARRET S. WRIGHT MASON BOILER SETTING,FURNACE REPAIRS an( * BUILDER ENGINE FOUNDATIONS AND CHIMNEY BUILDING A SPECIALTY All Kinds of Mason Work and Repairs Attended To At Short Notice BETWEEN 9th and H)th AVENUES, NEW YORK CITY Office: 421 West 24th St. Residence: 41 2 West 24th St Tel. 11 30 Chelsea Tel. 2775 J-Chelsea CHARLES DINQER & SON Mason, Boiler Setting and Engine Foundations a Specialty. Office: 51 John Street, NEIW _ ([^'Estimates Furnished and Work Done in all Parts of the Country. Also Smelting Furnaces and Chimneys. Telephone Call 2609 John Residence: 126 E. 87th Street, Stephen C. Wright. A Specialty Made of Boiler Setting, Furnace Building and Engine Foundations. All kinds of Mason Work for Steam Plants. Fully equipped for repairs of every description. TELEPHONE 1491 CHELSEA. Office and Residence: 352 West 16th St., New York. G R AT E BARS JAMES MONTGOM EH V, PIO.I F u " dr M " oulder by Trade DUMPING. SHAKING AND STATIONARY BARS. FURNACES LINED. Tel. 8093 Cortlandt. i 36 LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK THE ENGINEERS' LIST. 85 The Salamander Cradle Dumping Grate ("WEEK'S PATENT) FOR BURNING CHEAP FUEL Has No Equal Fire can be cleaned in three Minutes. Most substant i a I Dumping Grates made. Reduces the fireman's labor to a min- imum. This is the perfection of Dumping Grates, and its distinguishing feature is the cradle supporting the front end of the bars. Each bar has three supports, hence the front end cannot drop below the re- quired level, causing the back end to raise in the fire and burn off. Frees itself from clinkers and refuse more readily than any other style of grate. Made for any size coal, but particularly adapted to burning the smaller sizes of cheap coal and waste fuel . Our Special Grate Bar Iron Mixture is used in the castings. Salamander Grate Bar Co. 126 Liberty Street, New York Telephone 4136 Cortlandt 86 THE ENGINEERS' LIST. Salamander Grate Bar Co. Established in 1853. Incorporated in 1855. GRATE BARS EXCLUSIVELY of Inferior Imitations. SOME OF OUR SPECIALTIES: Salamander Interlocking Grate Bars. 3 s Q> 8 X ' of rrzrrrzrrrrrrr:rr-rrrrr::r:rzrrr:m_r::rrrrmrrrrrrrrrr. Ml C \V T O Jenkins '96 Packing. Kngineers who have given it a thorough trial rind it to be all that is claimed for it. IN'one but the best ingredients are used in the compound. No substi- tutes for rubber are ever employed. Known to give perfect satisfaction under any condition that sheet packing can be used. Instantaneous in application. Makes perfect joint immediately without having to be followed up. JNot loaded to increase weight. Comparison of weights will show that Jenkins '96 is the cheapest. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded is the motto that we always endeavor to live up to. 't)G is always stamped with Trade Mark as shown in the cut. Beware of imitations. Write for a copy of our 1907 catalogue. It will be mailed on application. JENKINS BROS., NEW YORK, BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA, CHICAGO, LONDON. 71 JOHN ST. 35 HIGH ST. 133-137 NORTH 7th ST. 31-33 NORTH CANAL ST. 96 QUEEN VICTORIA ST. I 82