r REESE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ccession No. THE PURIFICATION OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES BY JOHN W. HILL 1 1 CONSULTING ENGINEER MEMBER AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, MEMBER AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION, MEMBER AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY LONDON E. & F. N. SPON, 125 STRAND i COPYRIGHT, 1898, BY D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY. TYPOGRAPHY BY C. J. PETERS & SON, BOSTON. Plimpton pres NORWOOD, MASS. PREFACE. THIS work is in continuation of a series of lectures and papers on the Quality of Public Water Supplies, which the author has had the honor to read before several scientific societies and uni- versities during the past five years, and is intended to present in a brief way, (i), the fact and causes of pollution of sources of public water supply; (2), the effect of this pollution on the typhoid fever rates of our larger cities ; and (3), to illustrate by a few examples how the typhoid rates have been reduced by the introduction of water from purer natural sources and by filtration of polluted waters. In connection with the subject of water quality, brief reference is made to the water bacteria, and some data are given on the methods of construction and operation of sand filters, together with the cost of filter construction in dif- ferent water-works, and the cost per million gallons of water treated. The principal object in bringing out this work at the present time is to impress upon city officials, health officers, and others connected with or interested in works of public water supply, the necessity of a more vigorous attack of the problems of "Water Pollution," and "Purification of Water" intended for drinking and other dietetic uses. The statistics of population and typhoid fever death rates (Appendix A) have been obtained from health officers, water- works managers, and official published reports. The author has endeavored to acknowledge all sources of information in the body of the book ; but especial thanks are due Dr. Dunbar of the Hamburg Hygienic Institute for several valu- able original papers on water supply in Germany ; Mr. Rud Schro- der, inspector of the Hamburg water-works, for much valuable iv PREFACE. information on the operation of these filters ; and Mr. Thomas W. Boughen of Cincinnati, who by the author's request kindly undertook to collect exact information upon the details of filter construction and operation during a recent tour of Europe. In the translation of German, French, and Spanish papers and reports on European water-works and the hygiene of water, he has had kind and valuable assistance from Dr. Philip Hillkowitz, Charles E. Rasinsky, and Adolph G. Wulff, graduates of the Uni- versity of Cincinnati. Valuable assistance has also been rendered by Mr. Paul Hamilton, a graduate of the University of Michigan, in the preparation of tabular matter on recent filter practice, etc. All the illustrations, excepting Figs. 10, 11, and 12, were pre- pared especially for this work by his son, Mr. Henry C. Hill, to whom the author is also largely indebted for patient assistance, and many valuable suggestions in connection with the experimen- tal work and collation of authorities for matter which appears in the book. Chapter I. was originally read as a lecture before the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society at the Cincinnati Uni- versity, Jan. 15, 1897 ; and Chapter II. was originally read as a lec- ture before the Academy of Medicine, Cincinnati, May 3, 1897. Chapter IX. was originally read as a paper on the "Sterilization of Drinking- Water as a Means of Reducing the Typhoid Fever Rates " at Buda-Pest, September, 1894. j. w. H. CINCINNATI, June, 1897. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 Water the main constituent of the animal system. Difficulty of obtaining exact proof of water quality. Modes of test admissible in physics not applicable to test of water quality. Changes in character of water source by pollution. General confi- dence in present standards of water quality still to be established. Absolutely pure water not found in nature, nor is it essential for dietetic purposes. In the light of present information cities are not justified in supplying polluted water to consumers. Hygienic laboratory at Hamburg. Management of filters in Hol- land. Sources of water supply to the cities of Manchester and Vienna. Work of Massachusetts State Board of Health in behalf of public water supplies. The fil- ters of London thirty years ago. Zymotic disease and prophylaxis. Transmission of pathogenic organisms through the medium of water supply. Failure to find the typhoid bacillus in polluted water not to be taken as evidence of its non-exist- ence. Pure water cannot create disorders of the animal system. Pure water better than purified water. Filtration cannot render water absolutely pure. Typhoid fever rates of London, Munich, Berlin, Chicago, Pittsburg, Louisville. Habits of people in the United States and Europe. Interest in water supplies of high hygienic quality by the large cities of Europe. CHAPTER II. SOURCES OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY 14 Sources of water supply for cities. Hard water from limestone watersheds. Other sources of water pollution than sewage. Professor E. Ray Lankester's opinion on b. typhosus and b. colt communis. Rivers and lakes receiving surface drainage cannot be regarded as uncontamihated water sources. Sources of satisfactory water supply at high elevations of rare occurrence. Rivers constitute the largest general source of water supply for cities. Dilution of sewage-polluted waters can- not be depended upon for the removal of disease germs. Longevity of typhoid bacillus in water. Sewage and garbage should not be disposed of in rivers and lakes which constitute sources of water supply. Dr. G. Sims Woodhead on the avoidance of surface drainage into the Thames. Professor Baumeister on the influ- ence of dilution of sewage. Lakes subject to same sources of water pollution as are rivers. Improvement of water quality by sedimentation. Experiments by Dr. Miquel. Lake Zurich as a source of water supply. Self-purification of sewage- polluted waters cannot be seriously entertained. Dr. Drown's experiments on aeration of polluted waters. Theory of self-purification of rivers and lakes. Im- pounding reservoirs not safe sources unless drainage ground is laid waste. Pollu- VI CONTENTS. PAGE tion of dug wells. Ground water may be well purified before it is intercepted by wells. The typhoid fever rates as an index of water quality. Feasibility of prevent- ing direct sewage pollution of water sources. Filtration to be successful must meet all the varying conditions of the unfiltered water. Failures in filtration due to ignorance and carelessness. High rates of filtration not admissible. Deep driven wells not always proper sources of water supply. Natural filtration through mate- rials in the drift not always complete. Dr. Rosenau's investigation of deep well water supplied to San Francisco. B. proteus vulgaris in driven well water. Dis- trust of nearly all natural sources of water supply by foreign investigators. Chol- era a disease not indigenous to this country. Typhoid fever the principal disease to be restrained by pure water or water purification. Objection to water otherwise pure, but high in mineral constituents. Sentiment against polluted water not as strong as it should be. Tests of water quality. Comparison of water supplies of Jersey City and Newark, N. J. Water supply of Lowell and Lawrence, Mass. Dr. Rogers on causes of mountain fever. Mr. Preller on pollution of mountain water by droppings from cattle. Many diseases of domestic animals are also diseases of man. Water the only article of diet of universal use. Other causes than water responsible for some typhoid epidemics, but polluted water is regarded as the cause of high continuous typhoid rates. CHAPTER III. BACTERIAL CONTENTS OF VARIOUS WATERS 40 Causes of variation in numbers of bacteria from same source. Bacteria in cistern water. Bacteria in Ohio River water. Longevity of pathogenic bacteria increased by dilution of sewage. Bacterial contents of deep well water. Determinations by Professor Sedgwick. Bacterial tests of deep well water by author. Bacteria in water from Pasteur filters. Freudenrich's tests of Pasteur filters. Author's tests of water from Pasteur filters. Stone disk and tube filters. Bacteria in water from stone disk and tube filters. Influence of days of growth on numbers of bacteria in a water sample. Spring waters. Bacterial examinations by Dr. Drown. Bacterial examinations of spring water by Professor Sedgwick. Tests of the Ohio River water in Parietti solution. Rainwater. Bacterial tests by Dr. Miquel. Bacterial tests by author. Chemical contents of rainwater by Dr. Drown. Bacterial con- tents of distilled water. Bacterial contents of a water suspected of sewage pol- lution. Bacterial contents of water from small Anderson Iron Purifier and sand filter. Bacteria in artificial ice. Bacteria in the air. Influence of sunlight on bacteria in water. CHAPTER IV. THE TYPHOID BACILLUS AND TYPHOID FEVER 56 Properties of b. typhosus. Non-pathogenic organisms which resemble in some re- spects b. typhosus. Comparison of b. typhosus. b. coll communis, and b. lactis aerogenes. Experiments on b. typhosus and b. coli communis in sterilized milk. B. coli communis and b. typhosus in polluted water. Dr. Alessi's experiments with putrid gases on rats, guinea pigs and rabbits. Direct proof of the presence of b. typhosus in a water supply not essential. Sanarelli's papers on the etiol- ogy of typhoid fever. Typhotoxin. Dr. Jordan on the identification of the typhoid bacillus. Mortality from typhoid fever. Seasonal distribution of ty- phoid fever. Reduction of typhoid in Munich. Dr. Reincke on typhoid fever in Hamburg and Altona. The large cities as typhoid fever centers. CONTENTS. Vll CHAPTER V PAGE CLASSIFICATION OF CITIES BY TYPHOID FEVER STATISTICS ... 70 Final test of water supplies is the influence on the public health. Cities of the first class. Cities of the second class. Cities of the third class. Cities of the fourth class. Cities of the fifth class. Cities of the sixth class. Cities of the sev- enth class. No city of the United States in the first class. A reduced death rate from typhoid fever easy of attainment if desired by municipal authorities. Water supplies of Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and The Hague. Water supplies of Vienna, Munich, Dresden, Berlin, London, Edinburgh, New York, Brooklyn, Hamburg. On the use of beer and wine by people of Europe and the United States. CHAPTER VI. PURE AND PURIFIED WATERS 81 Superiority of pure and purified waters. Sources of pure water very rare. Definition of "pure" and ''purified" waters. Degree of water "purity." Protection of watersheds. Consumption and waste of water in American cities. Sources of ground water supply. Double system of public water supply. Advantage of water supply from sources of natural purity. Filtration of impounded and surface waters for public supply. Pollution of deep well water. Objections to dual water sup- plies. Influence of sterilized water on the human system. Poisonous mineral matters in ground and surface waters. Storage of ground and surface waters. In- fluence of sunlight on the growth of algae. Comparison of water supplies of small and large communities. Sources of water supply of Vienna, Munich, Dresden, etc. Use of water from mechanical filters and driven wells. Revenue the dominating factor in the location of cities. Feasibility of procuring satisfactory water from natural sources. CHAPTER VII. CITATIONS ON TYPHOID FEVER EPIDEMICS 91 Value of practical illustrations of the relation of water quality and typhoid fever. Epidemic at Lausen. Epidemic at Caterham. Epidemic at Plymouth, Penn. Epi- demic at Zurich. Epidemic at Spring Water, N.Y. Epidemics at Lowell and Lawrence, Mass. Epidemic at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Analysis of Sault Ste. Marie water. Epidemic at St. Louis, Mo. Epidemic at Elmira, N.Y. Relation of San Francisco water and typhoid fever. Typhoid rates of Denver, Col. Epi- demic at Middletown, Conn. Epidemic at Stamford, Conn. Epidemic at Eliza- beth, N.J. Typhoid fever at Evansville, Ind. CHAPTER VIII. SEDIMENTATION OF POLLUTED WATERS 110 Experimental information rather meager. Miquel's experiments with the Seine water. Limited subsidence can produce no marked change in quality. Effective sedimentation in large deep reservoirs. Reduction of bacteria in Ohio River water by subsidence. Reduction of bacteria in water from Lake Linthrathen by subsi- dence. Reduction of bacteria in London water by subsidence. Experiments with alum and slaked lime on Ohio River water. Effect of lime process on Colne Valley water. Experiments by Professor Lankester with mud and clay in Oxford water. Experiments by Professor Lankester with alum and lime in Oxford water. Experi- Vlll CONTENTS. ments by Mr. Flad on sedimentation of Ohio River water. Rate of subsidence of suspended matter. Experiments by Mr. Dibdin with lime in the New River water. Influence of lime for reduction of hardness on the bacterial contents of water. Cost of applying the lime process to the water supply of London. CHAPTER IX. STERILIZATION OF DRINKING-WATER . 120 Purification of drinking-water should be conducted by the municipal corporation or water company. Use of boiled water in cases of doubt. Filtered and boiled water. Investigation of the method and cost of sterilizing the dietetic water for a community. The Yaryan process of water sterilization. Distribution of sterilized water through separate system of small mains. Separate services for sterilized and unsterilized water. Construction of public improvements in the United States influenced by political considerations. Use of sterilized water by employees at the Columbian Exposition. Objections which have been raised to a double supply. CHAPTER X. FILTRATION OF WATER SUPPLIES 131 Works for treatment of water for city use. Domestic filters not a safeguard against contaminated water. Continuous sand filtration in Europe. Filtration cannot produce absolutely pure water. Theory of filtration. Biologic action of a sand filter. Scraping and aeration of sand-beds. Action of bacteria on organic matter in water. Penetration of sand-bed by bacteria. Experiments by Piefke with sand filters at Berlin. Head on Lake Miiggel filters. Refilling a scraped filter. Inter- mittent sand filters. Theory of action. Influence of the nitrifying bacteria on organic matter in water. Lawrence, Mass., intermittent filter. Natural filtration in the materials of the drift. Comparison of pure spring water with purified river water. Artificial filtration more reliable than natural filtration. Dr. Drown's opinion of natural filtration. Sedimentation and filtration in Europe. Time al- lowed for sedimentation in different cities. Mr. Binnie on filtration of water from Welsh sources. Filters of Altona, Germany. Mr. Kiimmel on maximum rate of filtration. Rate of filtration at the Lawrence, Mass., experiment station. Rate of filtration as affecting the quality of Zurich water. Bacteria in London waters. Operation of the London filters (1896). Bacteria in Hamburg water. Bacteria in Lawrence water. Double filtration. Filtration should be measured by practical results. Influence of storage on waters. Covered and open reservoirs for filtered water. CHAPTER XL TYPES OF SAND FILTERS 158 Classification of sand filters. Filters with vertical walls of masonry. Filters with sloped walls of earth. Regulating devices. Advantage of sloped walls for open filters in cold climates. Arrangement of drains and filtering materials. Capacity of a filter. Scraping the surface of a sand-bed. Rate of delivery. Grading of filtering materials. Effective size of sand grain. Uniformity coefficient. Sterili- zation of filter sand. Lawrence, Mass., intermittent filter. Rate of filtration. Periods of work and intermission. Expense of operation for Lawrence filter for 1895. Rate of filtration for 1895. Bacterial results for 1895. Cost of Lawrence filter. Mr. Shedd on sand filtration. Providence, R.I., experiments with sand filters. Bacterial efficiency of plain sand filter with alum. Lowell, Mass., filter. Hudson, N.Y., filters. Poughkeepsie, N.Y., filters. Filter galleries. Filters of CONTENTS. ix Rotterdam. Filters of The Hague. Filters of Amsterdam. Bilters of Paris sub- urbs. Anderson Iron Process. Filters of Zurich. Extent of London filters. CHAPTER XII. MECHANICAL FILTERS . . >. . 184 Operation. Comparison of rates with London plain sand niters. Types of mechani- cal filters. Experiments at Providence, R.I. Morison mechanical filter. Worst re- sults a measure of efficiency of filtration. Reduction of color by mechanical filters. Results with and without alum. Cost of filters. Cost of operation compared with plain sand filters. Use of mechanical filters in American cities. Somerville and Raritan, N.J., filters. Long Branch, N.J., filters. Lorain. Ohio, filters. Mechan- ical filtration, Albany, N.Y. Mechanical filtration, Philadelphia, Penn. Elmira, N.Y., filters. The use of alum for filtration. Influence of alum on the human system. Consumption of alum in filtration. Drs. Thomas and Marshall on alum filtration for Philadelphia. Mechanical filtration works in cities of America. Reduction of iron by mechanical filters, Asbury Park, N.J. Dr. Dunbar on reduc- tion of iron in German ground waters. Reduction of iron in ground water, Read- ing, Mass. CHAPTER XIII. HAMBURG SETTLING-BASINS AND FILTERS 208 History. Settling-basins. Conduit from settling-basins to filters. Influent cham- bers. Description of filters. Collecting-drains. Arrangement of filtering materials. Washing of filtering materials. Quantity of filtering materials. Effluent chambers and regulating weir. Measuring the effluent. Determining the size of filtration works. Operation of the filters. Cleaning a filter. Refilling a filter. Clear- water basin. Period of operation of filters. Sand-washing machinery. Schroder sand washers. Capacity of sand washers. Ice on filters. Mode of cleaning ice- covered filters. Mager sand-scraper. Comparison of old and new methods of clean- ing ice-covered filters. Method of scraping sand during winter 1896-1897. Cause of typhoid epidemic, autumn of 1897. CHAPTER XIV. THE FILTERS OF THE BERLIN WATER-WORKS 230 Works at Stralau and description of filters. Works at Lake Miiggel and description of filters. Regulation of filters. Cost of covered filters. Clear-water reservoir. Operation of filters. Sand-washing machine. Bacterial efficiency of filters. CHAPTER XV. THE FISCHER FILTER AND ANDERSON PURIFIER 238 Fischer filter at Worms, Germany. Cost of filter compared with plain sand filters. Anderson Revolving Iron Purifier. Experimental results obtained with the Ander- son Purifier at Paris. Dr. Dupre on Anderson Purifier at Worcester, Eng. Cost of purifying water by the Anderson process. Cost of installation of Anderson Purifiers. CHAPTER XVI. FILTERS PROPOSED FOR CINCINNATI . 246 Condition of Ohio River water. Experiments on Ohio River water. Subsiding-reser- voirs. Description of filters. Arrangement of filtering materials. Regulating- chambers. Clear well. Open and closed filters. Cost of original and amended plans of filters. Cost of Berlin and Hamburg filters. X CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVII. PAGE COST OF FILTERS AND FILTRATION 255 Conditions effecting cost of works of filtration. Estimated cost of filters for Philadel- phia. Estimated cost of filters for Providence. Mr. Hazen's estimate of cost of covered filters. Estimated cost of filters for Cincinnati. Open filters. Covered filters. Estimated cost of filters for Albany. Capacity of clear well. Estimate on a system of ten filters and clear well. Cost of Berlin and Hamburg filters. Cost of Zurich filters. Cost of Lawrence filter. Rates of filtration per acre per day. Rates proposed as standards for plain sand filters. Duration of service of filters. Scraping of sand-bed. Rotation of sand-bed. Cost of scraping the London filters. Washing sand for filters. Cost of filtration. Estimate of cost by Mr. Hazen. Estimate of cost for Philadelphia. Estimate of cost for Albany. Cost of filtra- tion at Zurich. Estimate of cost for Cincinnati. Cost of filtration at London. Cost of filtration at Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Cost of operating filters in Germany. Estimate of cost of filtered water per capita per annum. APPENDIX A. TYPHOID FEVER STATISTICS FROM LARGE CITIES OF THE WORLD, 268 APPENDIX B. THE BACTERIA 272 Chemical composition. Mycoprotein. Products of bacterial action on organic mat- ter. Saprophytes and parasites. Liquefiers and non-liquefiers. Aerobians and anaerobians. Forms of bacteria. Cocci. Bacilli. Spirilla. Motility of certain species. The flagella. Putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria. Chromogenic spe- cies. Ptomains. Toxins. Measurement of the bacteria. Bacteria in air, soil and water. Putrefactive organisms from sewage sources. Spore-bearing bacteria. Number of species found in water. Pathogenic bacteria found in water. No proof of the diphtheria bacillus being transmitted by water. Staining-properties and differentiation. Effect of high temperatures on water bacteria. Bacteria resembling in some respects b. typhosus found in water. Bacteria smaller than b. typhosus found in water. Large bacteria found in water. Spore-bearing bacteria found in water. APPENDIX C. THE LEGAL LIABILITY OF CITIES AND WATER COMPANIES FOR DAM- AGES BY SEWAGE POLLUTED WATER 287 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 1. TYPHOID FEVER RATES NEWARK AND JERSEY CITY, N.J. BLACK, NEWARK ; SHADED, JERSEY CITY 33 2. TYPHOID FEVER AND RAIN-FALL FROM JANUARY, 1882, TO DECEMBER, 1895. (SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.) 105 4. I YARYAN APPARATUS FOR STERILIZING WATER 127 5.J 6. DIAGRAM SHOWING ACCUMULATION OF BACTERIA IN SAND-BED . . 135 7. DIAGRAM SHOWING OPERATION OF LONDON FILTERS 151 8. DETAILS OF PROPOSED FILTER FOR ST. Louis WATER- WORKS. (KIRK- WOOD) 155 9. LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF FILTER. (LAWRENCE, MASS.) .... 167 10. EXPERIMENTAL FILTER. (PROVIDENCE, R.I.) 170 11. JEWELL GRAVITY FILTER 185 12. MORISON EXPERIMENTAL FILTER. (PROVIDENCE, R.I.) 186 13. INFLUENT CHAMBER SHOWING REGULATOR. (HAMBURG, GER.) . . 209 14. SECTION OF MAIN DRAIN AND FILTERING MATERIALS. (HAMBURG, GER.) 211 15. PLAN OF FILTER. (HAMBURG, GER.) 212 16. EFFLUENT CHAMBER SHOWING WEIR. (HAMBURG, .GER.) .... 215 17. DIAGRAM SHOWING OPERATION OF FILTER No. 12. (HAMBURG, GER.), 216 18. DIAGRAM SHOWING OPERATION OF FILTER No. 16. (HAMBURG, GER.), 217 19. SAND- WASHING PLANT, HOPPER No. 1. (HAMBURG, GER.) . . . 221 20. SAND- WASHING PLANT, HOPPER No. 2. (HAMBURG, GER.) . . 221 oo'l 03 f SAND-WASHING PLANT. (HAMBURG, GER.) 222 24J 25. DIAGRAM SHOWING ICE ON FILTERS, WINTER OF 1896-1897. (HAM- BURG, GER.) 224 26. DEVICE FOR SCRAPING ICE-COVERED FILTERS. (HAMBURG, GER.) . 225 27. PLAN OF FILTERS AT LAKE MUGGEL. (BERLIN, GER.) 231 28. PLAN OF REGULATING-CHAMBER. (BERLIN, GER.) 233 29. SAND-WASHING MACHINE. (BERLIN, GER.) 236 30. FISCHER FILTER. (WORMS, GER.) 239 nnt i ANDERSON REVOLVING IRON PURIFIER 242 oOt>. l 31. ^ 32rt. IPROPOSED PLAN FOR OPEN FILTERS. (CINCINNATI, O.) . . . . 248 32^. J xi THE PURIFICATION OF WATER, CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. WATER is an essential of human existence. According to Landois,* 58.5 per cent of the body weight is water, and nearly 70 per cent of the blood corpuscles is water ; of the serum of the blood, 90 per cent is water, f No other article of "diet enters so completely into the construction and support of the animal system. A very early writer held that the blood of an animal was life, $ and the use of it as an article of food was interdicted by holy law. Water being the main constituent of the blood, it may also be regarded as the principal element of animal life ; and all diligence should be exercised in procuring for dietetic purposes a water which, while readily assimilable by the system, shall not be the cause of disease. It is a curious fact, borne out by the many costly and pains- taking investigations into the resources of cities for public water supply, that, after all, we are not thoroughly informed upon the question of water quality. This is not in disparagement of the labors of the many able investigators along this line of scientific research ; but while in nearly every other branch of physics satis- factory proof of certain qualities of matter can be had, the absolute proof of the hygienic quality of water supplies is still beyond the reach of our most modern methods of research. If one is disposed to question this statement, his careful attention is invited to the * Landois' Human Physiology. t Transactions American Society of Civil Engineer 'S, vol. xxxii., p. 151. J Genesis, chap, ix., v. 4. 1 2 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. views of some of the ablest water analysts of England, as shown by the exhaustive investigation of the Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply.* If one is in doubt as to the strength of a bar of steel, he can easily resolve his doubts by putting a specimen into a testing- machine and breaking it. The results will satisfy him upon all the physical properties of the metal. If he desires to pursue the inquiry further, he can obtain very satisfactory evidence of the composition of 'this steel, and reasoning a priori, can make as many bars substantially like his specimen as may be desired. Examinations of water samples, however, are not so satisfac- torily conducted. The results obtained at one time are not often verified by subsequent tests. Changes in the chemical and bio- logical condition of the water are constantly going on ; and it is not unlikely that a public water supply might comply with all the recognized standards of potability at one time, and be subject to just condemnation at another. And right here lies the danger to communities which depend upon water from a common source. The experience at Plymouth, Penn. (1885), shows how a hith- erto satisfactory source of water supply may become an agent of destruction, with no preliminary indications of the time or nature of the changes which were taking place in the previously pure water of this little mountain reservoir. The terms " pure " and " impure " with reference to water are used advisedly. If the water is safe for drinking and dietetic pur- poses, it is "pure" although such water, if from natural sources, would not be found chemically and bacterially " pure ; " while an "impure" water is one that is the cause of disease, even though the chemist and bacteriologist might not be able to decide upon the evidence or nature of the impurity. Impurities may come into water from the atmosphere, from surface drainage, and from sewage. But the impurities which are feared in water are the pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria, and the ptomains. The pathogenic bacteria are those specifically concerned in disease, and held to be a part of its etiology. The putrefactive bacteria found in all water rich in organic matter, especially from * London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1893. JNTR OD UC TION. 3 sewage sources, may produce disorders of the digestive tract, although not held to be the specific agents of disease. The ptomains have never within the author's knowledge been found in water, although it is reasonable to suppose that such may come into water from putrefying organic matter lying upon the fore- shores of rivers and lakes ; but the dilution of these will be very great in all ordinary instances of rivers and lakes constituting sources of water supply. The biologist and bacteriologist deal in matter found only in suspension in water ; and dangerous substances may exist in solu- tion, and their methods of search would not disclose the fact. If ptomains ever occur in a water supply they will be in solution, and the ordinary chemical water analysis will not reveal them. Indeed, the proof by chemical means of a ptomain or toxic substance in water will be found upon investigation to be very difficult, if not altogether impossible, by any known process.* It is a disputed question whether Brieger and his co-laborers have really precipi- tated the toxic substances of bouillon cultures of the pathogenic bacteria,f and altogether it may be held that the absolute proof of water quality is still an unattainable result. This fact, however, should not diminish the perseverance of the workers in the field of water analysis and purification, but rather serve as a stimulus to stronger and higher efforts in behalf of the thousands who annually perish from water-borne diseases. That certain waters, when judged by our present standards, are held to be safe for drinking and other dietetic purposes, while other waters, judged by the same standards, are held to be unfitted for such uses, we all know ; but general confidence in these same standards is still to be established. Absolutely pure water is not found in nature. All water, from whatever source, even freshly fallen rain-water, contains some evi- dences of contamination ; but according to our standards, water fit to drink is often found in natural sources. It is not essential that water for drinking and dietetic purposes be chemically and * Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply, London, 1893. Professor E. Ray Lankester, Appendices to Evidence, p. 452. t Annales de rinstitut Pasteur, Sanarelli, April, 1894. 4 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. bacterially pure ; but it is essential that it contains no pathogenic organisms, and shall be free from ptomains due to the action of bacteria upon decaying organic matter. Whether the latter have really occurred in drinking-water is not certainly known, but some investigators at the present time seem to suspect the possibility of it. The pumping of water for domestic uses from a source known to be polluted by sewage or otherwise should be severely con- demned. The delivery of water containing the elements of fatal disease to a confiding and helpless community should be ranked with the sale of intoxicating liquors to minors and confirmed in- ebriates. An attempt to kill people by the systematic distribution of a poison would be met by the apprehension and punishment of the offender ; while the delivery of water for drinking and other dietetic uses, as fatal to some as a dose of strychnine, is going on in nearly every large city of the land. Shall we shut our eyes to the fact that polluted water is dangerous to health, or shall we recognize the evil, and address ourselves to its remedy ? Every city which continues to supply a tainted water without earnest and intelligent efforts at abatement, is guilty of a barbar- ism not tolerable in this age of enlightenment and progress. The interest taken in the quality of public water supplies during the past ten years is well shown by the work of the Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply, London (1893) ; by the magnifi- cent and far-reaching work of the Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1890, et seq., and of several important commissions upon city water supply in this country and abroad ; and, finally, by the independent labors of many able and patient investigators, like Professor Frankland, Dr. Miquel, Dr. Prudden, and others. The Royal Commission on Water Supply to London covered more ground, and was more searching in its investigations, than any similar body that has hitherto acted on behalf of a municipal corporation ; and without regard to its conclusions, which may be open to discussion, there can be no doubt of the great ability of the commission and of the men called to give evidence before it. The whole field of inquiry, from the available capacity of the London watershed to the quality of the water which may be had INTR OD UC TION. 5 from the most perfect works for filtration, was fully covered. The ablest men of England, in geology, medicine, chemistry, biology, bacteriology, and sanitary and hydraulic engineering, were called before the commission, and evidence was taken upon every point which by any means could affect the quantity or quality of the water required by the metropolis ; and minute inquiry was made into the possibility of transmitting certain zymotic infectious dis- eases by drinking-water. The Hygienic Laboratory of Hamburg, so far as it relates to a supervision of the quality of water supplied to the citizens, is perhaps more complete than that of any other city in the world. Dr. Dunbar, a former resident of St. Paul, Minn., and now a citi- zen of Germany, is in charge of the laboratory ; and every facility is afforded him for complete surveillance and control of the quality of the city water supply. The management of the niters, and maintenance of the quality of the water supplied to the chief cities of Holland, are as care- fully conducted in the interest of the public health as are the boilers and pumping-engines operated in the interest of the public purse. By the combined efforts of the engineers, chemists, and bacteriologists connected with the water-works of Holland, the water is pumped with the greatest ecomony of fuel, and is con- sumed by the people with the least loss of life from water-carried diseases. The city of Manchester, Eng., realizing the value to its pros- perity of an unimpeachable public water supply, has recently bought a lake (Thirlmere) in County Cumberland, and much of the proximate drainage ground, and conducts this water to the city through conduits aggregating in length one hundred and two miles. Vienna, from a city having at times typhoid fever rates as high as any in Europe, by abandoning its former sources (the Danube and wells), and seeking its water in the Austrian Alps, has become one of the least typhoid fever infected centers in the world. The extensive labors of the Massachusetts State Board of Health at its Lawrence experiment station have been guided by two chief objects, one the treatment of urban sewage by practical 6 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. methods, which will render the effluents innocuous to health, and the other the development of information upon practical methods of sand filtration of polluted waters. Independent investigators have been seeking information upon the exact chemical and biological character of various waters all over the world. Research has been conducted along the line of water transmission of disease ; and the organisms concerned in the etiology of infectious disease have been patiently and carefully studied. The practical work of cities, and the scientific work of the analysts, clearly point to great changes along the line of public water supply. Thirty years ago the sand filters, which we now find in the London water-works, were filtering water from the rivers Thames and Lea, as they are now ; but no one at that time suspected what these filters really were doing. The water com- panies and consumers believed that the filters were making a great improvement in the quality of the polluted river waters, but the physics of sand filtration were at that time not written and not known. Naturally enough, processes conducted in ignorance of the rationale of every step and each reaction seldom attain the high efficiency which follows manipulation along lines based upon a clear knowledge of all the causes operating to produce a common result. And if the filters of the London water-works, as ope- rated thirty years ago, failed to furnish water of a quality equal to that now obtained, the fault was not in the principle of the filter, but in the lack of experimental information upon the part of the eminent engineers, who, like Mr. James Simpson, designed and operated them. This knowledge has since been supplied by the Pasteurs, the Kochs, the Franklands, and the Mills, who have each in his way furnished some of the material by means of which the practice of water purification has reached a firm foundation. When Mr. James P. Kirkwood went abroad in the spring of 1866, to examine the works of water purification at that time in use in several European cities, notably London, the subject of water quality rested entirely upon the chemical tests for organic matter. The filter was regarded as a fine strainer, or as Mr. Kirk- INTRODUCTION. 1 wood says,* "They (the sand filters) become indeed screens of the greatest delicacy, intercepting all material impurities, not the least of which are the very small fish with which all waters are crowded at certain seasons." Something smaller than fish were then held back by the London filters ; this much was known, but no mention had then been made of the action of bacteria in water on organic matter, of the " Schmutzdecke," which in Germany is regarded at once as the evidence and cause of successful sand filtration, or of the action of the nitrifying organisms in converting compounds of ammonia into nitrous and nitric acids. These things were being done by the London sand filters in 1866, not so perfectly, perhaps, but in a measure as they are now ; yet the bacteria were in the London water then as at present, but no one was conducting gelatin plate cultivations, and searching in drops of water for little organisms, so small in any dimension as to be beneath notice, f Organic matter in suspension in the water was being split up into carbon dioxide and other gases and into nitrogenous com- pounds by bacterial action ; but no one, not even Dr. Letheby, mentioned it to Mr. Kirkwood upon the occasion of his visit to London. The gelatinous Schmutzdecke, which Herr Piefke J writes upon so ably, and argues as the very essence of successful sand filtration, was being formed on the sand-beds ; but the British workman, who shoveled off the upper one-half or three-quarters of an inch of sand from a clogged filter bed, never noticed it. The partial or complete aeration of a filter when it was temporarily out of service was never suspected as a means of maintaining the nitrifying organisms in the sand-bed. In short, the real ac- tion of a sand filter was then unsuspected, the bed of sand being considered somewhat superior to a molder's sieve for the intercep- tion of suspended matter in the water. The celebrated Dr. Letheby freely admitted " that we have * Filtration of River Waters, by James P. Kirkwood, New York, 1869, p. 7. f This term is not here used in the same sense as under observation. \ Die Principien der Reinwassergewinnung vermittelst Filtration, Berlin, 1887- Filtration of River Waters, by James P. Kirkwood, New York, 1869, p. 26. . 8 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. not at the present time any absolute test for discovering organic matters in water, much less the nature of these organic matters;" but great as has been the progress in the chemistry, biology, and bacteriology of water since Dr. Letheby penned these lines, much remains to be done in applying the knowledge gained in a practical way. If it be true that by proper prophylaxis certain zymotic diseases may be made to disappear, why are we so slow in adopting the remedies which science and history have pointed out ? Are we in doubt of the correctness of our conclusions, or are we indiffer- ent to the sacrifice of human life ? It is not the author's purpose at this time to discuss any special methods of purification for polluted waters. This will be done under their respective headings ; but the fact has been demon- strated so often, especially abroad, that methods upon a large scale can be so conducted as to command the quality of a water supply, and one who opposes the purification of water supplies upon the ground of impracticability must be set down as not being well informed on water purification or as an enemy of the public health. Professor Percy Frankland,* after comparing the operation of the London filters for a series of years with certain deductions which he had drawn from an earlier investigation of these filters, stated : ' " The importance of these results lies in their proving that in the matter of sand filtration we are no longer working in the dark, but that we now know the factors upon which the success of the process depends, and by attention to which its efficiency may be maintained or even increased." The tracing of disease through a sewage-polluted water may be obscure to some; but if a certain source of water supply is known to be polluted at some point with the organisms concerned in disease, and it is further known that such organisms, or some of them, can live in water for a length of time sufficient to pass from the place where they enter this source of water supply to another place where water is taken up for domestic uses, is it difficult to conceive that some of the people who drink this water at the sec- * Micro-organisms in Water, by Percy and Grace Frankland, London, 1894, p. 131. INTR OD UC TION. 9 ond place may take these organisms into their s'ystem and lay the foundation of disease ? The typhoid bacillus is seldom found in water, and the failure to find it is too often taken as an evidence of its non-existence there.* Dr. T. M. Prudden, however, in a conversation with the author, very aptly disposes of this objection by stating, " If I were to go down to the Battery and throw a coin into New York Har- bor, do you think I could ever find it again?" The coin is there; this we know because he threw it into the water, and the failure to recover it cannot be taken as proof of its non-existence in the bay, but as an indication of the inefficiency of our methods of search. The same argument will hold good in case of failure to find, among a lot of vigorous water bacteria, the typhoid or any other disease germ which can sustain at best only a limited, migra- tory existence in any kind of water. It is also held by opponents of the water transmission of infec- tious disease that the evidence is lacking of the actual infection by this means. Of course no one sees the germ in water, and therefore is never distinctly aware of taking it into the system in this way ; but circumstantial evidence of the transmission of disease is sometimes as potent as circumstantial evidence of crime, and must be accepted accordingly. Upon another occasion the author attempted to illustrate the passage of disease germs from one point to another in water in the following manner : If we were to take an iron pipe two or three feet long, put a marble in one end, tilt the pipe slightly, and make the marble appear at the other end, you would say that the marble had passed through the pipe. You saw it put in at one end, and in due time it appeared at the other, but you have not really seen the marble passing through the pipe. The inference, however, that the marble did pass through the pipe is correct ; there is no other way in which, after it was put in at one end, it could reach the other. Let the marble be replaced by the typhoid bacillus, and let the pipe be a river, or a lake, or a reservoir (as at Plymouth, Penn.. in 1885). We can prove by examination of the faeces of typhoid patients in the early stages of the dis- ease that the Eberth germ is passing into our sewers,f and, of course, into our * Twenty-fourth Annual Report Massachusetts State Board of Health, p. 531. t " Report of Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply," Minutes of Evidence, UNIVERSITY 10 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. larger sources of water supply. Eventually we will find, upon post-mortem examination of persons dying in the early stages of typhoid, this same bacillus in cultures made from the spleen and sometimes from the intestine. How has it come there ? We saw it go into the sewer, and we find it in the body of the typhoid victim. We know it went from the sewer to the river, and we infer that the river was the carrier of the germ. We did not see it passing through the water, neither did we see our marble passing through the pipe. We know that the marble did go through the pipe, and I think the evi- dence now before us sufficiently demonstrates that water is the carrier of the typhoid bacillus from the sick to the well. It is strange that, in spite of our exact information upon the matters which convert water into sewage, we are so willing to drink this dilute mixture of filth. We know sewage consists of the wastes from the household and factory, and from the wash of the streets and roads, and still we drink the mixture, often with no misgiving, and rarely indeed with complaint. At the same time, if I were to take a glass of distilled water which is wholly destitute of dangerous organic matter and bacteria, and in your presence put into it even the slightest amount of any of the objectionable wastes which constitutes sewage, there is not one person who would care to drink it. Senti- ment revolts at the bare suggestion of drinking a water with which we have seen filth mixed, and at the same time we swallow just such stuff when we drink the water of many of our large cities. The whole theory of water purification is based upon' the con- viction that pure water cannot create a disturbance of the animal system or be the cause of ill health, and that certain organic mat- ter, or the products of organic matter, or organisms in water, is the cause of certain disorders, or are concerned in the etiology of spe- cific disease. It is not necessary for one to believe in the germ theory of disease before he can become an advocate of pure water supplies. Long before the ptomains and bacteria were known, certain able men had pointed out that water from sources appar- ently beyond the reach of pollution was more healthful to drink than water which was known to be polluted. But to those who do believe in the transmission of some infectious diseases by living organisms, it is not difficult to perceive how sewage-polluted waters may become very dangerous distributers of infection. Pure water is held by some to be better than purified water. This undoubtedly is true ; but the sources from which pure water is available are so few, that it can safely be assumed if cities are to have pure water, they must adopt artificial means to make it so. INTRODUCTION. 11 f ' Thus filtration and sedimentation are not adopted at the present time by any city simply to improve the appearance of water, and make it more welcome to the bodily senses, but as distinct safe- guards against water-borne diseases. No one should be deceived upon the influence of sedimentation or filtration of polluted waters. These means never have rendered, and probably never will render, such waters pure ; but they can be devised and operated in such a manner that nearly every natural water can be rendered less likely to injure the human system, and at a cost which will not be prohibitory to their use. A claim such as is sometimes put forth, that the water from the filters of Lon- don has not or cannot be the cause of typhoid fever,* cannot be universally admitted. Organisms larger than the typhoid bacillus have repeatedly been detected in the filtered London water ; f and while the typhoid bacillus has not been found among them, neither has it been found upon careful investigation in the raw water before it has gone to the filters. :f (According to Dr. G. Sims Woodhead, it has never been found in any rapidly flowing river.) At the same time, with greater care in operation of the filters, and with improved methods of water analysis and higher standards of purity, the typhoid rates of London have shown a marked decline. Thus for the decade 1861-1870 || the annual typhoid fever death rate for London was 90 per 100,000 of population. For the following decade the annual typhoid fever death rate was 24 per 100,000 of population, and for the decade ending with 1890 the annual typhoid fever death rate was 19 per 100,000 of population. During the seven years ending Dec. 31, 1896, the average annual typhoid fever death rate for London was 14.4 per 100,000 of population, or was then one-sixth of the rate which prevailed thirty years before. This remarkable reduction in the typhoid rates cannot be credited to improvements in the filters, so much as * " Report of Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply," 1893, Minutes of Evi- dence, p. 404 ; also Potable Water, by Floyd Davis. New York, 1891, p. 40. f Analytical Investigation of London Water Supply, 1896, p. 10. | " Report Royal Commission," Mimdes of Evidence, p. 405. Ibid., p. 505. || Engineering Record, Oct. 27, 1894. 12 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. to a better knowledge of how they should be operated, and to the methods of water analysis developed during the past fifteen years. Thirty years ago the London filters were operated to secure a clarified water, clear water seeming at that time to mean pure water, or water safe for drinking and other dietetic uses. We know better now, and limpidity is no longer taken as an evidence of purity in water. When we consider that the death rate from typhoid fever has been as low as three persons per 100,000 of population in Munich (1892), while it has been as high as 154 persons per 100,000 of population in Chicago (1891), the most obtuse must admit that there is something wrong in our sanitary works or regulations which will permit of a death rate from typhoid fever in any city of this country fifty times as great as that of a certain city in Europe. While the Munich rate is very low, still it is not excep- tional, as is shown by the following rates for that city, Berlin, and Vienna : DEATHS PER 100,000 OF POPULATION FROM TYPHOID FEVER. YEAR, 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. Munich, 8 7 3 15 2-3 3 3 Berlin, 9 10 8 9 455 Vienna, 9 6 8 7 565 Now compare these rates for the same years with those of three cities of the United States. DEATHS PER 100,000 OF POPULATION FROM TYPHOID FEVER. YEAR, 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. Chicago, 92 154 106 45 31 32 46 Pittsburg, . . 100 100 111 56 77 61 Louisville, 88 81 72 84 72 77 45 Vienna and Munich are supplied with the purest of natural waters from mountain springs, and the city of Berlin takes its supply from the River Spree and Lake Tegel, the waters of both being passed through artificial sand filters before they are served to the consumers. In comparing the typhoid fever rates of American and German cities, perhaps some allowance should be made for the difference INTRODUCTION. 13 in habits of the populations of the respective localities. Thus Munich is said to be one of the greatest beer-drinking centers of the world, the consumption of this beverage having at one time reached as high as one hundred and twenty-five gallons per capita per annum ; and it is possible that the low typhoid fever rates from the German cities may be due in part to the general absti- nence of the populations from the public water for drinking pur- poses. If it be true that the low typhoid fever rates of certain cities in Europe are due to the general use of beer and wine as beverages instead of water, then this emphasizes the fact that a typhoid pol- luted drinking-water is the principal cause of the high typhoid fever rates in cities in this country, and makes it seem remarkable that cities like Munich, Vienna, and The Hague, for examples, where the typhoid rates are very low, and, as some people claim, water is not regarded as a proper thing to drink, should pay so much attention to the quality of their public water supplies. Why should Vienna, for instance, be at such great expense to bring water from the Alps, distant sixty-five miles, if it is not to be used for dietetic purposes, when the water of the Danube will meet every other requirement quite as well as this " Schneeberg water," and can be obtained at a fraction of the cost involved in the scheme of works by which that city is now supplied ? The usual manner of introducing the typhoid germ into the human system is by infected drinking-water ; therefore every city should regard it as a duty to itself to see that the water distributed for drinking and other dietetic purposes is not the carrier of the typhoid bacillus or of the organism productive of typhoid fever. Much has been written upon the subject of water supply and the dangers of polluted waters to health, much also has been writ- ten upon methods of purifying polluted waters, and doubtless much remains to be written upon all these subjects ; but from the pres- ent view, it can be safely stated that whenever a steady, vigorous effort is made by all municipalities to supply their citizens with water up to the highest standard attainable by practical means, that the case and death rate from water-borne diseases will sink so low as to be no longer the cause of alarm. 14 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. CHAPTER II. SOURCES OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. THE sources of public water supply for cities are rivers, natural lakes, large impounding reservoirs, usually at elevations sufficient to furnish a supply to cities by gravity ; springs, shallow dug wells, often carried into the drift a depth not much in excess of the max- imum suction lift of pumping machinery ; and deep driven wells. Some of the latter may be artesian, and supply into large wells or reservoirs from which the suction of the pumps is taken, or may be connected directly with the pumps. Of course all water supply must be derived from the rainfall, whether it be taken from streams, lakes, impounding reservoirs, or from springs and wells ; but the water supply of any particular lo- cality may not be wholly dependent upon the local rainfall. This is true where the source of supply is a river draining a large terri- tory, or where it is obtained from springs or deep wells. In local- ities where the outcrop or denuded rock formation is destitute of soluble materials, such as lime and magnesia, the water gathered in impounding reservoirs will be quite as soft as that of domestic cis- tern water collected from the roof of a residence or other building. In the limestone regions surface water, while running off to im- pounding reservoirs, comes in contact with the outcrop of rock, and takes up some of the lime and magnesia ; and the impounded water will be harder than domestic cistern water. River water ip hardness and quality will depend entirely upon the character of the water- sheds from which it is derived, and the materials with which it may come in contact after it has reached the channel of discharge. Aside from the direct sewage pollution of the large rivers of the world by the refuse from the civilization which is collected upon their banks, there is another pollution, due to the contact of the water while running off, with organic matter from various SOURCES OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. 15 sources collected upon the watershed. Some of this may be car- ried in solution by the runoff of rainfall into the channel, while other portions may be carried along in mechanical suspension. The objection to a polluted river or lake water is not limited to the amount of sewage which it may contain. It may be posi- tively objectionable from a sanitary point of view by reason of organic matter, and possibly pathogenic bacteria, which may come into such water from the surface drainage of the tributary water- shed. If the opinion entertained by Professor E. Ray Lankester, that the bacillus of typhoid fever may be an exacerbated form of b. coli communis (a pathogenic germ which is known to be given off in the dejecta of sheep and other domestic animals, as well as of man), be confirmed by later investigation, then it is very clear that the special sewage pollution of a drinking-water supply is not essential for the propagation of typhoid fever, and that there will be found in the organic matter now coming into streams and other sources of public water supply, from the runoff of rainfall or sur- face drainage, all the elements essential for the development of this particular disease. (It does not appear that there are many who share the opinion with Professor Lankester that b. typhosus is an exalted form of the colon bacillus, but time may demonstrate that his view is correct ; and if it does, light will be shed upon some of the apparently inex- plicable phenomena connected with certain epidemics of typhoid fever.) Rivers which receive the drainage of cities or towns on their banks and the banks of their tributaries, even. in the absence of known sewage pollution, cannot be regarded as uncontaminated sources of public water supply ; and although it may be difficult to show the presence of organic matter or of bacteria inimical to health, still there will always be an amount of organic matter in such rivers in process of decomposition, which may give rise to dis- orders of the human system, even though they may not be the cause of specific disease. It is" probable that surface water can be impounded in reser- voirs from watersheds at elevations so high as to avoid pollution from all sources but the atmosphere ; and such water, although still 16 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. open to the influence of decomposing organic matter found every- where in nature, will always be purer than water collected in rivers, lakes, and ponds on the low lands. Sources of water supply at high elevations with a yield so large as to satisfy the requirements of cities are of rare occurrence ; and even in the few cases where such exist, the distance from the mu- nicipality to be supplied is so great as to make the development and utilization prohibitory for any but the larger cities. The city of Vienna derives its supply of public water at the present time altogether from large springs found in the Schneeberg, a portion of the Austrian Alps, and brings this water through a conduit sixty- five miles long to the city. The city of Munich obtains its water supply from similiar springs in the Mangfall valley of the Bavarian Alps. A few of the smaller municipalities in this country derive their public water supply from springs or streams at high eleva- tions in sparsely settled or wild districts. But sources of this char- acter are not available by the majority of the cities of this or any country ; and recourse must be had to such sources as are avail- able, and these, as stated at the outset in this chapter, are rivers, lakes, ponds, creeks, and dug and driven wells. Considering rivers as constituting by far the largest source of water supply for municipal corporations, it may be accepted as an axiom " that no river is carrying during times of flood a water which is fit for drinking purposes except it first be artificially puri- fied ; " and if such rivers, in addition to the pollution which cannot be avoided by the runoff of rainfall on the drainage areas, receive the sewage of towns and cities, the water is undoubtedly not fit for drinking and culinary uses until it has been dealt with in such a- manner as to render it innocuous to health. It is frequently as- serted or implied in text-books and reports on sewage and sewage disposal, that the noxious properties of sewage are destroyed by proper dilution ; but when sewage is the carrier of disease germs, dilution cannot remove them. It will reduce the number of such germs per unit of volume of the mixed sewage and water ; but the germs are still there, and if taken into the system through drink- ing-water may produce just as serious results to as many people as if no dilution had occurred. SOURCES OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. 17 Dilution of sewage undoubtedly reduces ttfe chances of any single individual imbibing a fatal germ in drinking the water ; but the germ itself will be just as dangerous, and in one aspect of the case may be more dangerous, when imbibed. It is well known to bacteriologists engaged in the analysis of drinking-waters that the typhoid bacillus, for instance, will live for the greatest length of time in a water devoid of other kinds of bacteria, and will live for the least length of time in a con- centrated sewage rich in the bacteria of putrefaction. The dilu- tion of sewage therefore reduces the number of bacteria per unit of volume of the water, and favors the vitality of the typhoid bacillus. Considering that some of the bacteria can survive for many days in water of single distillation containing naturally but a very minute amount of organic matter, it will not be difficult to apprehend the possibility of a high dilution of sewage distinctly favoring the longevity of the typhoid germ ; and the theory that a sewage-polluted water may be rendered safe for drinking pur- poses by dilution must necessarily neglect this fact. Rivers and their tributaries have for generations been the receptacles of sewage, garbage, and all the wastes of civilization ; and even if the water came into these channels free from any objectionable matter, the practice of communities in making them the receptacles of sewage would condemn the water from such sources as altogether unfitted for drinking and some other uses. This, however, is well recognized, not only in England and other countries of Europe, but in certain portions of this country ; and steps are being taken to prevent the pollution of streams by the refuse of organized communities. Considering that even in its best condition the water of a river is of questionable hygienic quality, one can appreciate the impor- tance of a disposal of sewage, garbage, and other wastes, in a man- ner that can by no means injure sources which are drawn upon for public water supply. Dr. G. Sims Woodhead * says : " If river water must be used, every possible precaution should be taken against its being made a receptacle for unpurified sewage. It is almost im- * Report Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply, Appendix C, p. 491. 18 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. possible during periods of flood to obtain it free from large quantities of sur- face drainage, but it should be insisted that in ordinary weather there should be no surface drainage directly into the Thames or into its tributaries." According to Professor Baumeister,* we can safely drink a sewage-polluted water when the sewage and water are mixed in certain proportions, depending upon the amount of organic matter in the sewage and of that previously in the water. But he depends altogether on chemistry for the test of potability of the water, when it is well known that chemistry is powerless to reveal infec- tious properties or bacteria in the water. He states upon German authority that water may carry 2^ grains of organic matter to the gallon and still be potable. Looking at the question from a chem- ical standpoint this may be true, but from a sanitary standpoint any organic matter in drinking water known to be from a sewage source will render such water unsafe for drinking. The statement by Professor Baumeister that sewage containing 29.2 grains of organic matter to the gallon may be mixed with river water containing 1.2 grains of organic matter to the gallon, in the ratio of 23 gallons of water to 1 gallon of sewage, and the mixture be safe for drinking purposes, seems to me to be very dangerous, because the sewage may contain the germs of typhoid fever which no amount of dilution can eliminate. Moreover, advice like this, instead of promoting the purity of water supplies and the public health, is calculated to injure both. It is but fair to state that Professor Baumeister is looking at the matter solely from the standpoint of sewage disposal into running streams ; and it is doubtful if the selfish motive of ridding a community of sewage by generally the easiest and cheapest method should be allowed to prevail, when certain disaster to those who may draw their drinking-water from the stream below is bound to follow. In another paragraph Professor Baumeister says : " The objection may be raised to these computations [relating to sewage dilution] that the limiting amounts of organic matter in potable water was not fixed under a supposition that a part of it was human excrement." * " The Quality of Water Supplies," by the author, Transactions American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. xxxii., p. 149 et seq. SOURCES OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. 19 But all sewers receive some human dejecta and this at times may contain disease germs, and these germs, mixing with a so- called potable water, are dangerous. Adapting to our purpose the memorable words of Mr. Lincoln, any water likely to be adopted for drinking purposes may be safe to all people at some times, it may be safe to some people at all times, but it may not be safe to all people at all times ; and the protection of those who may at some time be susceptible to its deleterious influences should warn us against the use of any drinking-water known to contain organic matter from a sewage source. What has been said by way of objection to rivers and their tributaries as sources of water supply will apply to lakes which receive the drainage of rivers and the runoff of large watersheds, with the reservation, that in large bodies of water the reduction of organic matter by subsidence and bacterial action will proceed with a more regular rate than in rivers. In support of this prop- osition, the experiments of Dr. Miquel upon water taken from the River Seine at a point below the outfall of some of the larger sewers of Paris indicate that polluted water at rest through a long period of time is sufficient to reduce the organic matter to harmless nitrates and nitrites, and remove the bacteria altogether ; these (as organic matter) probably disappearing as gases, or form- ing a part of the residual compounds of nitric or nitrous acid with the inorganic bases. The time required, however, according to Dr. Miquel, is very great ; and excepting in cases of very large, deep bodies of water no such reduction can be expected. The experiments of Dr. Miquel have not taken into considera- tion the seasonal disturbances of large bodies of water, which occur in the spring and autumn, and are due to the difference of temperatures of the layers of water at the top and bottom of large lakes and reservoirs, which is calculated to bring organic matter from the bottom of such bodies of water, and distribute it with more or less uniformity throughout all the layers, from the top to the bottom. Aside from these seasonal disturbances', the fact is very well established, that there is a species of purification going on steadily in all large bodies of water, which if uninter- 20 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. rupted by the accession of fresh organic matter from the runoff of rainfall and the discharge from sewage-polluted rivers and streams, such water would eventually become absolutely pure. This of course assumes a regimen for lakes and impounding reser- voirs as well as the lesser quiescent bodies of water which is not found in practice, and in the author's opinion, the time has ar- rived to treat such sources of public water supply in the same manner as we are preparing to treat the water of polluted rivers ; for the same agencies which are operating to increase the natural contamination of river waters are also operating to produce a contamination of our lake and impounded waters, the difference being more in degree than in kind of pollution. In his testimony before the Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply, Dr. William Odling,* one of the official analysts of the water supplied by the London companies, expressed the opinion that no river or lake water was potable until after filtra- tion, and laid particular stress upon the necessity of filtering lake water before it was used for dietetic purposes. This fact is well illustrated in the experience of the city of Zurich, which takes its water from Lake Zurich, a large body of -water at high elevation in the Swiss Alps, and supposed for many years to be an ideal source of public water supply ; yet it is well known that alarming typhoid fever rates have been traced to the polluted water of the lake, and for a number of years no water has been taken by that city until it has first been passed through a system of sand filters. It is possible that no natural water supply in the United States is superior to that of Lake Zurich, lying as it does far above the usual sources of contamination ; but despite this fact, we find that even this body of water is not located high enough, or far enough away from the habitation of man, to insure its purity through all time ; and if it be essential to filter the water of Lake Zurich before it is delivered for drinking and other domestic purposes, why should it not be so with any natural body of water now used as a source of public supply in this country ? The commonly accepted opinion that sewage-polluted streams are capable of self-purification by flow through a reasonable dis- * Minutes of Evidence, p. 388. SOURCES OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. 21 . tance can no longer be seriously entertained. The Sixth Report of the Rivers Pollution Commission of England contains the con- clusion " that there is no river in the United Kingdom which is long enough to purify itself of sewage received at its source ; " and it might have added, nor in any other country where fresh acces- sions of sewage are being constantly received by rivers from cities on their banks. It is often held that aeration of polluted waters has a beneficial effect on their quality. This theory, however, is successfully disputed by the experiments of Dr. T. M. Drown for the Massa- chusetts State Board of Health. These experiments show no oxydizing effect of aeration on the suspended organic matter in polluted waters, and a water must be very heavily charged with sewage before the dissolved oxygen per unit of volume of the water becomes so low as to have an injurious effect on the bac- teria concerned in the destruction of organic matter. Aeration may impart "life," as it were, to water; but it cannot be said to have any marked influence on its quality. It is probable that the self-purification of rivers occurs in the same way as in lakes, by subsidence of the heavier organic matter, and by the destructive action of the bacteria ; and these effects, as shown by the experiments of Dr. Miquel on the water of the River Seine, require considerable time, and are probably assisted by a quiescent state of the water, two conditions not consistent with rivers of steep or moderate slope, and exposed from point to point in their course to renewals of organic matter from sewage and drainage sources. Certain eminent investigators still hold to the opinion that self- purification of polluted streams really occurs, and that this, com- bined with dilution of the sewage by accession of fresh water, will be sufficient to purify a contaminated water until it is fit for drink- ing. But no reliance can be placed on self-purification ; and if cities are to have a satisfactory drinking-water from a source of known pollution, it must be made satisfactory by some artificial means. Impounding reservoirs, such as constitute the sources of sup- ply for New York and Liverpool, are not open to the same degree of pollution as lakes and rivers ; but excepting the drainage-ground 22 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. of such sources is laid waste, and rendered free from all animal influences, even such water cannot be regarded as complying with the highest standard of hygiene. Dug wells sunk a short distance in the drift are open to pollu- tion from surface drainage ; and such should never be adopted for a public supply except they be far removed from human habita- tion, and then only when the materials through which they are dug contains a thick stratum of impervious clay overlying the water-bearing sand or gravel. Wells of this character usually are limited in depth to the suction lift of pumps, and intercept water only in the upper layers of the soil. Sometimes shallow wells intercept veins of water gathered on distant and higher watersheds, and the water may have been sub- jected to efficient natural purification before it reaches the well. In such cases, if the materials of the drift and the manner of constructing the well are such as to effectually exclude all local surface drainage, the water may be of high quality and altogether safe. It is not an easy matter, however, to determine from what source intercepted ground water has come ; and shallow well water should no't be used for public supply until repeated bacterial and chemical tests, through a reasonable length of time, have shown no possible pollution by sewage or local surface drainage. If it be true that the typhoid fever death rates in any large community is a reliable index of the quality of the public water supply, then we are bound to admit that our great lakes (sewage polluted as they are, especially in the neighborhood of such cities) cannot be accepted as satisfactory sources of public water supply, excepting the water be subjected to careful filtration before it is supplied to the consumers. TYPHOID FEVER DEATH RATES PER 1OO,OOO OF POPULATION LIVING. CITIES USING LAKE WATER. Chicago, (average for seven years ending December 1896), 71 Milwaukee, 29 Detroit, " " " " 30 Cleveland, 46 Buffalo, " sup " 34 Average, 42 SOURCES OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. 23 CITIES USING RIVER WATER. Pittsburg, (average for seven years ending December, 1896), 84 Philadelphia, " " " " " 45 Cincinnati, " " " " " " 49 Louisville, " " " " " " " 74 St. Louis, " " " " " " 39 Average, 58 CITIES USING FILTERED RIVER WATER. London, (average for seven years ending December, 1896), 14.4 Berlin, " " " " " " " 7.1 Rotterdam, " " " 5.7 Hamburg, " four " " 9.7 * Hamburg, " " three " " " " 7.0 Altona, " " six " " 1895 26.8 Average, 12.2 In addition to the causes of pollution of river and lake waters previously mentioned, certain objectionable properties are some- times imparted to the water by the subsoil drainage from irrigated and fertilized land. Thus the salts in phosphates and other ferti- lizers, and the ammonias from land laid with stable compost, are taken up by the water percolating through the arable ground, and eventually find their way by lateral movement through the soil into sources of water supply. While the simple addition of organic matter to water by this cause may never be very objectionable in itself, there is an objection to imparting properties to water which may encourage the growth and development of some of the patho- genic bacteria, and the increase of the alkalinity of water has already been pointed out, at least in one instance, as the cause of the rapid development of the cholera bacillus. f A professor of chemistry in one of our Western universities has stated to the author, that from his investigations typhoid fever seems to be most persistent in those districts where the water is abnormally high in nitrates and nitrites, and it is altogether probable that the subsoil drainage of farm lands is concerned in maintaining this condition of nitrates and nitrites in certain water sources which are drawn upon for domestic supply. * Filters put in service, May, 1893. t Micro Organisms in Water, by P. F. & G. C. Frankland, London, 1894, p. 300 (Ham- burg Epidemic, 1892). 24 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. The author does not propose at this time to discuss the influ- ence of nitrates or nitrites on the vitality of the typhoid bacillus, and will simply suggest that what has hitherto been regarded as a matter of no consequence in connection with a public water sup- ply may become, in the light of future developments on the biology of this germ, a question of grave concern. Thousands of acres of farm land are to-day being annually treated with natural and arti- ficial fertilizers, and the subsoil water from such land is going into some of our sources of water supply with possibly no advantage to the water. If the opinion now held by some investigators be con- firmed by later experience, that the addition to water of certain salts from these fertilizers is favorable to the growth of the ty- phoid bacillus, then a new and difficult problem will be pre- sented in connection with the other and well-recognized sources of pollution by surface drainage and urban sewage. It is altogether feasible to provide against the direct contami- nation of water supplies from sewage by requiring all communities to treat this in such manner that the effluent shall conform to a given standard of hygiene before it is permitted to go into our water courses, lakes, and ponds ; but the objection to surface and subsoil drainage cannot be so easily disposed of. In the light of the present information upon the subject, we are safe in assuming that any dangers to our sources of water supply from these causes must be met by treatment of the water after such pollution has occurred, rather than by efforts to prevent pollution ; and if the theory and operation of sand filtration be accepted as established conditions, and not as propositions still to be proven, we can as- sume that the filtrate may be brought to any practical standard of hygiene without regard to the quality of the water from which it is obtained. Filtration to be successful must be able to meet all the vary- ing conditions of any water, and render a filtrate which will be substantially unvarying in quality. While the quality of the water applied to the filter may, and in many cases will vary between wide limits, the quality of the filtered water must be practically uniform. The London standard of bacterial quality of the filtered water is one hundred bacteria per cubic centimeter of the filtrate ; SOURCES OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. 25 and while the counts are usually much lower than this, under no condition can the filtered water show more than this number with- out passing the limits there assigned for potable water. The London standard is thus not based upon the relation of the numbers of bacteria in the filtrate to the numbers of bacteria in the unfiltered water, but is an absolute standard, to which the filtered water must conform without regard to the bacterial con- dition of the water as it comes from its natural source. The standard of filtered water, like all standards, is an arbitrary one, and is fixed upon the judgment of men best informed upon the subject ; and as standards of quality for any substance are rarely placed beyond the reach of practical methods, it is reasonable to infer that with increased experience and knowledge of filtration, and with improved results from the application of research and experiment, that the standard of water quality will be placed higher and higher, until the limit of practical methods is attained. That one hundred bacteria or colonies per cubic centimeter of filtered water is not a rare or difficult achievement is well attested by the operation of the Chelsea filters, which according to Dr. E. Frankland, the official analyst of the water supplied by the London companies, furnished a filtrate that contained for the year 1896, omitting the month of June, an average of 21 colonies of bacteria per cubic centimeter of water, the numbers being as high as 55 in December and as low as 2 in September, while the river water at Hampton Court, the point of intake for the Chelsea water company, contained so few as 1,740 bacteria per cubic centimeter in August, and as many as 160,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter in December of that year. No operation suffers by care in its performance ; and to the caution as well as skill displayed in the operation of the London filters is due the low numbers of bacteria in the filtered water, and the low typhoid fever rates of that metropolis. When failures have been recorded in the filtration of public water supplies, it can be set down as being due to ignorance or carelessness in proportioning the filters, or to gross mismanage- ment in their operation. Many attempts have been made to pass water through sand filters at rates which were not only beyond 26 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. all precedent, but beyond reason. Thus a certain water company, which is now supplying a city of over 150,000 population east of the Rocky Mountains, has attempted to filter a polluted water at the rate of nearly 200,000,000 gallons per acre per day ; a rate one hundred times greater than that for the London filters, and has assumed that this water was fit to go to its consumers, and be used for drinking and other dietetic purposes. The vertical rate of filtration in the London and most of the European works seldom exceeds 8 to 10 feet per day of twenty-four hours, while the esti- mated rate for this improved system of filtration in the Western city was 600 feet per day, or 5 inches per minute.* Natural fil- tration through the pervious materials of the drift is variously stated to occur at rates of 7 to 40 feet per day of twenty four hours. Under circumstances like these it is not surprising that the water was really not filtered at all, and went through the mains to the consumers with no actual improvement in its hygienic quality. The typhoid fever rates for that city were abnormally high for the last six months of the past year (1896), and the health officials very justly charged the unusual rates to this sham filtration. In another Western city an improved natural filter was recently started to operate at rates of 22,000,000 to 44,000,000 gallons per acre per day, with very satisfactory results, according to report of the designer. No analysis of the water before and after it passed this filter, nor records of the influence of such water filtration on the health of the consumers, are available by the author ; but it cannot be doubted that filtration under these conditions is really no filtra- tion at all, and is calculated to hinder rather than encourage proper efforts in the direction of water purification by practical methods. If the bacterial contents of a water is a fair test of quality, then driven wells sunk to moderate depths in the drift do not always intercept thoroughly filtered water. Professor Sedgwick, of the Massachusetts State Board of Health, has tested the water of a number of driven wells in the vicinity of Boston, with bacterial counts as high as 1,376 per cubic centimeter, while the water from other driven wells was shown to contain so few as 30 bacteria per cubic centimeter. * Transactions American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. xxxi., p. 159. SOURCES OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. 27 The author's tests have shown certain drivep wells to supply water containing from 2 to 4 bacteria per cubic centimeter, while other wells have shown as many as 1,060 bacteria per cubic cen- timeter. When chemical analyses have been made by the author contemporaneous with the bacterial tests, the higher counts of bacteria in driven well waters are usually accompanied by evi- dences of organic matter in the water. High numbers of bacteria in driven well water is sometimes said to be due to the condition of the casing-pipe rather than to the water. But this scarcely can be correct ; the manner of driving tube wells and the condition of the casing are quite alike in all sit- uations, and counts of bacteria per cubic centimeter of the water as widely separated as 2 to 1,400 cannot be satisfactorily ac- counted for by growths on the walls of the pipe. Within the author's practice he has seen no reason to suspect any variation in the condition of the interior surfaces of the iron casings, while great variations in the bacterial counts of driven well water have bean recorded. It is quite probable, even with foul casing-pipes, that the continuous passage of water of low bacterial contents over the iron would reduce the bacteria to the kinds and numbers of those naturally in the water ; * and since tests of the water for bacteria are usually made after long pumping of such wells, it seems unreasonable to charge high numbers of bacteria in water from tube wells to the growth of species in the organic matter supposed to be on the interior surface of the pipes. Natural nitration through the materials of the drift must de- pend (like artificial filtration through prepared beds of sand) upon several factors, chief of which are the thickness of the layers, and size of the grains of sand and gravel, through which the water passes to the lower levels, where it is collected in reservoirs and pockets, or intercepted by strata through which vadose currents are passing. It cannot be assumed without analysis that natural filtration always produces pure water. In some examples it doubtless does ; in others it may not. If the pervious materials of the drift are quite porous, allowing high rates of vertical percolation, it is possible, indeed probable, that such water, if originally polluted, will still be * Practical Bacteriology, Dr. W. Migula, London, 1893, pp. 151, 166. 28 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. polluted at considerable depths. Beds of coarse gravel below the lower levels of the ground water probably have no influence on the quality of the water passing through them, no straining effect can be expected, nor is the author aware of any biologic action taking place in deep-seated strata of pervious materials. Dr. Rosenau * of the U. S. M. H. S., during November of 1895, made a very exhaustive examination of the water supplied to the city of San Francisco, and found unmistakable evidence of the presence of the colon bacillus and b. proteus vulgatis in the San Andreas and Pilarcitos waters, and evidence of the proteus variety in the water from the Crystal Springs Reservoir. The Visitacion water, from a series of wells 130 to 180 feet deep in the sand and gravel, contained the colon bacillus. Con- cerning these bacteria Dr. Rosenau says : " The presence of the proteus indicates fermenting processes, doubtless the decomposition of organic matter in the water. This organism is one of the most common and widely distributed putrefactive bacteria. " The colon bacillus is an intestinal organism, and its presence in the water means contamination with alvine discharges, either of man or the lower animals." In the light of what has been said on the inefficiency of natural nitration in certain localities, the discovery of b. coli communis in water from the wells of the Visitacion water-works possesses es- pecial significance. The presence of this bacillus in water is an index of sewage pollution, either from man or animals ; and the evidence of sewage pollution at this depth (130 to 180 feet) clearly demonstrates that natural filtration cannot be relied upon in all localities or at all times. The water from a well sunk in a sand-bar in the Ohio River near the city of Cincinnati, at a depth of 77 feet, contained a putrefactive bacterium resembling b. proteus vulgaris, which lique- fied 10 per cent gelatin in a cool cupboard within two days.f The water from the Ohio River had a hardness at this time of 2.18 to 2.40 parts per 100,000 parts of water ; while the water from * Public Health Reports, Washington, D.C., April 10, 1896. t Report of Engineer Commission on Extension and Betterment of Cincinnati Water Works, 189(3, p. 23. SOURCES OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. 29 the bottom of the sand-bar had a hardness of 12 to 13 parts per 100,000 parts of water, indicating ground water not well purified by percolation through the pervious materials of the drift. It is fortunate, however, that the ground water generally adopted for public water supply is gathered originally on suburban or unim- proved land, the runoff of which at its worst is never polluted with city sewage, as are our rivers and some other bodies of water ; and such water is infinitely less liable to contain the bacteria of disease communicable by drinking-water. Such waters, while of higher purity than lake and river waters, are not always to be accepted as indices of the efficiency of natu- ral filtration, but as waters which never were seriously polluted. The distrust of all natural sources of water supply, excepting deep wells, and springs at high elevations, by many of the European authorities, has given a strong impetus to filtration -of water in foreign cities. "With the exception of mountain springs * such as supply Vienna and Munich, or carefully planned works for ground water such as supply Dresden, or deep well water from the chalk strata such as supplies the Kent district of London, the foreign engineers seem to regard nearly all other of the natural sources of water supply as open to suspicion." Certain standards of quality in articles of diet are recognized the world over, and even the poorer grades of food materials are required by law to be of a quality that will cause no injury to health. All civilized nations insist upon absolute immunity from disease through articles of diet ; and why should people be less concerned about the quality of their domestic water supplies than they are about the quality of articles of food ? No other sub- stance enters so largely into the support of the animal system ; and the same care and safeguards which are applied to the ordi- nary articles of food should be applied to drinking-water, and water for most of the domestic uses. The objection to polluted water is not so much to the organic matter which it may contain, as it is to the possibility of the pres- ence of some of the bacteria concerned in the production of disease. * The Water Supplies of Eight Cities in Relation to Typhoid Fever Rates, by the author, Chicago, 1896. 30 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. At the present time some 23 of the pathogenic organisms have been found in water or sewage, among which are the germs of typhoid fever and cholera. The latter being a disease not indigenous to this country, and rarely coming even by importation, it is sufficient to consider the typhoid bacillus as the special object to be avoided in selecting sources of water supply, or to be restrained by methods of purifi- cation of polluted waters. While other pathogenic organisms may be imbibed through drinking-water, or be taken into the system through some other form of contact with water, and set up processes which lead to disease, the proof of this is still lacking ; and the distinguishing purpose of pure or purified water is the reduction of the typhoid fever rates. Moreover, the use of a naturally pure water, and the processes resorted to for the purification of polluted waters, will probably have the same influence on all other water-borne patho- genic organisms as on the typhoid bacillus ; and remedies which will be successful in excluding this one germ from our domestic waters will (so far as we now know) operate with equal force against all other water-carried disease germs. Before discussing the probability of typhoid fever infection by public water supplies, it may be well to remark that other dis- orders of the animal system may be traced to certain inorganic matters in water. Thus waters high in lime or other bases are not the best for continuous use as a drinking-water. Certain of these minerals may, in very limited quantities and at times, be of advantage to the animal system ; but the continuous use of a water high in mineral contents is recommended by physicians only in special cases, and to correct certain disorders or symptoms to which such waters, or rather their mineral contents, are fitted. In early life that part of the human system which is intended to eliminate the excess of salts in water and food is very powerful, and capable of a large amount of daily work without injury. As we grow older, and especially in advanced life, this part of the system can be easily overworked ; and when it is, the blood will contain an abnormal amount of these salts or their acid products which lead to very serious results. The excess of salts often is SOURCES OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY, 81 deposited in the capillaries and other blood vessels where the cir- culation is sluggish, rendering them brittle and easy of rupture bv shocks or vascular pressure. Embolisms, apoplexy, and paralysis may be traced to this de- posit of lime or some other base (in excess in the blood), which impedes the movement of the fluid through the vascular system, and produces stresses in some of the more delicate vessels or cap- illaries, which they are unable to resist. This objection to what are usually termed hard waters for drinking-purposes may be very refined, and too remote for practical consideration in the light of the more pronounced objection to the sewage pollution of waters ; but it is worthy of thought, and continued study of this aspect of drinking-waters may verify the author's opinion, that a soft, pure drinking-water is better for the human system than a hard, pure drinking-water. While there is a popular sentiment against the use of a water known to be sewage polluted, this is neither as strong nor as well grounded as it must be to secure reforms in the water supplies of many of our cities. When people come to understand that disease and death lurk in sewage-polluted waters, and that to drink such waters, or permit others to drink them, is an invitation to suffering and -loss of life, then communities will demand remedies for the evils which in many instances are now but vaguely supposed to exist. There are several well recognized tests of the quality of a water supply : First, the test by chemical methods, which measures the amounts of nitrogenous organic matter in water as ammonias, the chlorides of sodium and potassium as chlorine, the reduction of nitrogenous matters to nitric and nitrous acids, as nitrates and nitrites, and finally determines the presence of minerals, as arsenic, copper, etc., which may be in quantity sufficient to make a given water supply dangerous to health. Chemistry divides up the dis- solved and suspended matters, and indicates the nature and amount of each. Second, the test by biological methods, which deals exclu- sively with the number and kinds of organisms present, and their 32 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. probable origin in the water, and more directly and certainly than chemistry determines the fitness of water for domestic uses. Finally, the quality of a given water supply may be roughly but effectually determined by allowing the people to use it, and noting its influence on their health. This method prevails in nearly all the cities of this country ; and a comparison of the typhoid fever rates from these with the rates of other cities where the quality of water supply is the subject of careful and constant supervision, clearly demonstrates the importance to every com- munity of the best water which skill and money can provide. For many years the cities of Jersey City and Newark, N.J., drew their water supplies from the Passaic River at Belleville. Above this point, as early as 1894, the river was receiving the sewage from two hundred thousand people ; and, being subject to tidal influence, some of this sewage was carried up and down past the two water-works intakes, until it went with ebb-tides into Newark Bay, or was deposited by subsidence on the bottom of the river. At the time of the author's examination of the Jersey City water (August, 18&4), some destruction of the sewage by the action of the bacteria, infusoria, and other living organisms, in the water evidently was going on, but at a rate too slow to have any marked effect on its quality. In April of 1892 Newark abandoned the Passaic River, and commenced to draw its water supply from impounding reservoirs in the valley of the Pequannock River, while Jersey City continued to take all or part of its water from the Pas- saic River until November, 1896. These two cities are separated principally by a large meadow or swamp.* They are embraced in the same "system of electric street railroads, subject to the same climatic conditions, and, excepting their sources of public water sup- ply, there is no known reason why any marked difference in the typhoid fever rates should exist between them." " A comparison of the typhoid rates for the past seven years from these two cities, however, furnishes important evidence that water is the carrier of the typhoid bacillus, and that the typhoid death rate bears a just relation to the sewage pollution of our sources of public water supply." * Engineering Record, March 23, 1895. (Including rates for 1895-1896.) SOURCES OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. 33 In the following table are given the death rates from typhoid fever per 100,000 of population living : YEAR, Death Rate, YEAR, Death Rate, Until 1892, and for nearly four months of that year, both cities drew their water sup- plies from the Passaic River, at Belleville. During April of 1892, the supply of Newark was changed to the Pequannock source ; while Jersey City con- tinued the use of Pas- saic water until No- vember of 1896, when the whole supply of that city also was obtained from the Pequannock River. While the influence of the Pequannock water is not so well shown in the annual records of Jersey City, a study of the monthly typhoid mortality for 1896 reveals the re- markable vileness of the water from the old source. JERSEY CITY, N. J. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 91 95 53 60 76 NEWARK, N. J. 1890. 1891. 1892. 60 81 45 1893. 28 15 1895. 1896. 71 61-62 1895. 1896. 17 21 34 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. Considering that the average death rate from typhoid fever in Newark since the introduction of the Fequannock water is still from two and a half to five times what it would be if supplied with water like that of some of the larger cities of Europe, one can understand how objectionable must be the Passaic River as a source of dietetic water supply. The average rate for Newark for 1890 and 1891 was 70.5 ; while the average rate for 1892 to 1896 inclusive was 25.2, or a reduction of 64.3 per cent. The average rate for Jersey City for 1890 and 1891 was 93 ; and the average rate for 1892 to 1896 inclusive was 64. 3^ a reduction of 30 per cent. This reduction in the case of Jersey City is due to other causes than the use of Pequannock water ; and allowing for the same general influences in the city of Newark, the net reduction in the typhoid fever rates by Pequannock water was 34.3 per cent. The distinct influence of the Pequannock water when used in Jersey City in comparison with Passaic water, is shown by the following table : JERSEY CITY, N. J. (1896). POPULATION, 187,OO8. MONTH. PUMPED FROM PASSAIC RIVER. Av. DAILY GALS. BY GRAVITY FROM PEQUANNOCK RIVER. Av. DAILY GALS. PERCENTAGE OF PEQUAN- NOCK WATER. DEATHS FROM TYPHOID FEVER. January, 18,100,000 6,600,000 27 28 February, 15,700,000 10,400,000 40 30 March, 14,700,000 11,500,000 44 16 April, 9,800,000 13,900,000 59 9 May, 13,200,000 13,000,000 50 6 June, 6,300,000 21,000,000 76 7 July, 5,700,000 22,400,000 80 3 August, 6,900,000 22,100,000 76 3 September, 7,900,000 19,900,000 72 3 October, 3,500,000 22,500,000 86 4 November, . . . 25,500,000 100 1 December, . . . 28,400,000 100 5 Of the 115 deaths from typhoid for the year (1896), 74 oc- curred during the first three months, for which time the average proportion of Pequannock water was 39 per cent. On comparing January and February, when 67 per cent of the SOURCES OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. 35 water supply was drawn from the Passaic River, with the months of November and December, when all . the water was from the Pequannock River, the reduction in the typhoid rates was nearly 90 per cent. From the following table it appears that the typhoid death rate is generally higher in Jersey City for the months of October, November, and December, than for the months of January, Febru- ary, and March, as it usually is for other cities ; and assuming this to be true for the year 1896, then with an increased or complete substitution of Pequannock water for the sewage polluted Passaic water, there was a reduction of over 86 per cent in the typhoid death rates. DEATHS FROM TYPHOID FEVER, JERSEY CITY, N. J. YEAR, 1893. 1894. 1895. 189G. 1897. POPULATION, 175,000. 179,939. 184,173. 187,098. 190,000? January, 12 16 12 28 1 February, 3 5 9 30 6 March, 15 1 20 16 2 April, 7 6 19 9 2 May, 2 3 9 6 2 June, 11 4 7 7 3 July, 6 10 7 3 1 August, 13 14 11 3 2 September, 8 16 6 o J 2 October, 9 23 13 4 3 November, 11 7 9 1 December, 8 14 14 5 The average deaths from typhoid for the months of November and December for the years 1893 to 1895 inclusive, during which time Passaic water alone was used (corrected for population of 1896), were 22, compared with which months the deaths for 1896, using Pequannock water alone, were 6, or the reduction was 73 per cent. Comparing the deaths for January and February, 1893 to 1896 inclusive, with the deaths for the same months of 1897, the reduction of the death rate was over 76 per cent, by reason of the complete substitution of Pequannock for Passaic water. The water from the Pequannock was first turned into the Jersey City mains Jan. 10, 1896. 36 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. The city of Lawrence, Mass., with a population (1896) of 55,000, draws its water supply from the Merrimac River, after it has received the sewage from Lowell, nine miles above. The city of Lowell, with a population (1896) of 85,700, draws its water supply partly from the Merrimac River, and partly from a system of driven wells. Lawrence, however, has filtered its water since September of 1893, while Lowell uses such water as is drawn from the river in its natural state. The typhoid fever death rates per 100,000 of population living, for these two cities, since 1890, are shown in the following table : YEAR, 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. Lowell, 158 98 90 61 55 39 42 Lawrence, 123 115 102 93 48 31 15 The average death rates for the years 1890 to 1892 inclusive, before filtered water was used in Lawrence, were for Lowell 115, and for Lawrence 113, or quite the same ; while for the three years, 1894 to 1896 inclusive, during which time filtered water was used in Lawrence, the average rates were for Lowell 45, and for Lawrence 31. The percentage of reduction in the rates for Lowell was 40, and for Lawrence over 72, leaving a net reduction of 32 per cent to be credited to the filtered water of the latter city. This is not all that the filtered water is entitled to, according to reports from Lawrence, which show that many of the mill opera- tives continue to use canal water, which is unfiltered Merrimac water, in defiance of the notices posted conspicuously in the mills that canal water is dangerous to health, and should not be drunk ; and a fairer comparison will be of the years 1890 to 1892 inclusive, before the filtered water was introduced, with 1896, when the use of filtered water was doubtless more general than for 1893, 1894, and 1895. Upon this comparison, Lowell shows a reduction of 63.5 per cent on the former rates, while Lawrence shows a reduc- tion of nearly 87 per cent on the former rates, or a net reduction in favor of the filtered water of Lawrence of over 23 per cent. An examination of the table indicates that some influences were at work in Lowell since the filtered water was introduced in Lawrence, which very materially reduced the typhoid fever rates SOURCES OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. 37 of the former city ; * but whatever these influences, they were not so efficient in reducing the death rates as were those of the filtered water supplied to Lawrence. Standing alone, the nitration of the polluted Merrimac River water has reduced the typhoid rates for Lawrence nearly ninety per cent ; and by the correction of certain errors in the design of this filter, with total abstinence of the people from unfiltered water, a greater reduction than this is to be expected. The great difficulty in the way of advancing practical works of water purification is the lack of proof that water is really the cause of disease. A moment's reflection will convince one that apart from transmission by personal contact, as in smallpox, or by food, as milk, etc., all infectious diseases must be transmitted to human beings from the air, the soil, or from water. The evidence now that certain diseases like tuberculosis and diphtheria are due to air-borne germs is very satisfactory. Similarly from the soil we obtain the germs of tetanus and anthrax, and the evidence is very convincing to the majority of investigators that typhoid fever and cholera are almost exclusively water-carried diseases. Dr. Edmund Rogers, an eminent physician of Denver, Col., classes mountain fever with typhoid fever. Both are continuous fevers, and arise from similar causes. If the fever is light, it is called mountain fever ; if it becomes intense, it is called typhoid. Typhoid seems to be endemic in parts of certain States where mountain water constitutes the supply for potable purposes. It is a mistake to assume that mountain water must be pure water, where exposed, as it is in many localities, to the sewage from mining-camps or other permanent or migratory settlements upon the watershed above the points at which such water is taken for domestic supply. Small centers of typhoid are found upon the mountain slopes at all times, and these may furnish material for the infection of cities dependent upon mountain water. * After above paragraph was written, a communication to the author from Mr. R. J. Thomas, superintendent of the Lowell water-works, contained the information that since February, 1896, " No water has been taken from the river, direct nor through the filter [described in Chapter XI.], a sufficient supply of very good water having been obtained from a system of driven wells." 38 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. A foot-note in Mr. Preller's paper on the water-works of Zurich, Switzerland, contains the following statement : " Spring water rising in the upper Alpine reaches is, in spite of its crystal- line clearness, peculiarly liable to pollution by the scattered droppings of graz- ing cattle, unless the whole drainage area is inclosed. Although the water purifies itself to a great extent in the course of its flow, it can produce epi- demics by the droppings of diseased cattle, of which cases are recorded in the upper Rhine Valley, at Neuchatel, and at Appenzell." Here is a danger to which too little attention has been given. In considering the population of a given watershed no mention (within the author's knowledge) has ever been made of the num- ber of domestic animals, while careful enumeration is given of the people per square mile. Domestic animals are not always in a state of health ; and evidently any disease germs which may be in the excreta of these scattered over a given watershed will be washed into the streams, lakes, or reservoirs with each succeeding storm. It is not likely that any farmer would fancy having the sewage from his stock discharged into his domestic well, yet the same thing really occurs when the runoff of rainfall on perhaps every watershed carries this same sewage from domestic animals into our sources of potable water supply. Some of the diseases of cattle and sheep, for instance, are rec- ognized as diseases of man ; and while no evidence exists that these are infectious by water carriage, still it is certainly very imprudent to assume that no danger can exist in this direction simply be- cause it has not been proven. It is sometimes held that all typhoid fever cannot be charged to impure water supplies : this may or may not be true ; but in any family the only things that are common to all its members are the water, the soil, and the air surrounding the premises all other possible causes of disease infection are affected by the personal habits of the members. Nearly all articles of diet, ex- cepting water and milk (as a beverage), are sterilized by cooking and baking before they are ingested ; and such articles as are not sterilized are usually washed with water before they are brought to the table. SOURCES OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. 39 Other causes than domestic water supplies liave been shown to be responsible for typhoid epidemics, but water only has been shown to be the cause of our high continuous typhoid fever rates. The investigation of epidemics of typhoid fever in isolated localities has suggested that in many of these the cause must have been local ; and it has been held that when no known pol- lution of the water supply by domestic sewage has occurred, the water supply was blameless. A little thought upon the subject suggests that, in settlements far removed from the ordinary channels of typhoid infection, the same causes may be at work that we find in more populous centers. The colon bacillus may be found in any water open to pollu- tion from the excremental refuse of domestic animals ; and may it not be possible that the colon bacillus from a sheep or hog, when taken into the human system, becomes the active cause of typhoid fever ? and if it does, is it not easy to understand how epidemics can arise, even when no apparent cause may exist ? It is not known to the author that any one excepting Professor Lankester believes that the colon bacillus may become the typhoid bacillus ; and no one but Harvey, two hundred and fifty years ago, believed in the circulation of the blood. Harvey, however, was right, while the others were wrong ; and Lankester may be right to-day. Many steps must be taken to prove his views ; and if proven by time, the cause of these isolated typhoid cases will be made very clear, and water again will be shown to be the carrier of the infection. The fact has been repeatedly shown, that certain so-called pathogenic organisms have their virulence exalted by contact with certain other so-called non-pathogenic organisms ; and the com- bined effect of the action of the colon bacillus normal to the human intestine and the colon bacillus from domestic animals may be the symptoms and lesions characteristic of typhoid fever. Proof of this is lacking, but certain epidemics seem to be accountable for in no other way. 40 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. CHAPTER III. BACTERIAL CONTENTS OF VARIOUS WATERS. THE great variation in the numbers of bacteria counted from the same source on different dates of the same month, or upon a series of plates all inoculated in the same manner at the same time, has frequently been noted, and is probably due primarily to the lack of uniformity in the distribution of the bacteria through- out the water sample, and somewhat to the nutrient properties of the media employed, and temperature of growth. When the nutrient media are from the same solution for a series of three or more plates, and the conditions in other respects the same, the author has frequently found a great difference in the number of bacteria from successive drops of water from the same sample, which can be reconciled only upon the theory of a lack of uniform distribution of the organisms in the water sample. It is well known, in the case of a water sample allowed to stand for a few minutes, that the number of organisms varies consider- ably with the depth at which they are taken by the dropping tube, the smaller number being found near the surface of the water, and the larger number at the bottom. To avoid an error due to depth of water when the sample is taken up for inoculation of the nutrient media, it is customary to shake the bottle thoroughly before it is opened and the sample taken, to distribute as well as possible the organisms throughout the whole volume of water. The number of bacteria per cubic centimeter of a water sam- ple also depends upon how the inoculation is made ; whether the water is taken from the collecting bottle and quickly dropped into the gelatin, or is given time to permit of the bacteria settling to the point of the pipette before inoculating the tube. A test for the effect of gravitation of the bacteria after the sample of water has been taken up in the dropping tube is given below : BACTERIAL CONTENTS OF VARIOUS WATERS. 41 PLATE I. Water taken from the beaker into the tube, and a few minutes allowed for the bacteria to settle to the point of the tube before the inocula- tion was made. PLATE II. Inoculation quickly made after the sample of water was taken into the dropping tube. PLATE III. Same as PLATE II. WATER FROM DOMESTIC CISTERN. PLATE I. Bacteria per cubic centimeter, 1,330 PLATE II. " 460 PLATE III. " " 480 Tests of Ohio River water as it comes through the taps of Cin- cinnati have been made by the author with the following results : BACTERIAL CONTENTS OF OHIO RIVER WATER AS SUPPLIED TO THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. DATE. DAYS OF GROWTH. COLONIES PER C. C. OF WATER. July 18, 1894, 4 on gelatin, 7,665- 9,570 " 24, " 5 " 94,050-163,000 Aug. 1, " 7 " 1,680 Oct. 4, " 4 " agar, 9,856 " 15, " 5 " . " 1,872 " 15, " 5 " gelatin, 5,820 " 29, " 5 1,760 Nov. 7, " 5 " " 2,674 Mar. 13, 1895, 6 " " 20,724 July 23, " 4 " " 2,835- 2,910 Aug. 30, " 4 i it 561 Nov. 29, " 4 tt it 8,448- 9,120 Dec. 12, " 5 tt n 2,455- 3,295 Jan. 15, 1896, n " u 3,146- 4,825 " 22, " 5 1,248- 1,704 " 27, " 4 " 1,498- 1,701 Feb. 1, " 4 " 5,025- 5,100 " 9, " 4| " 1,596- 1,717 " 10, " 6 " " 2,030- 2,155 " 16, " 71 ,. 1,442- 1,680 " 16, " 41 1,458- 1,593 Mar. 1, "" 3f " 842- 1,446 " 2, " 5 " 1,051- 1,821 Apr. 12, " 5* 1,657- 1,883 June 29, " 4 .< 2,304- 2,832 July 4, " 4 495- 644 Dec. 11, " 4 " 10,742- 11,300 " 13, " 4 .* 6,333- 9,637 42 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. There is nothing unusual about the bacterial contents of the Ohio River water. All rivers receiving sewage, or the wash of soil, contain relatively large numbers of bacteria, most of which are the common water species, and concerned in the breaking up of organic matter. The water supply of Cincinnati is subjected to no kind of purification before it is delivered to the consumers, and any objection which may exist to it before it is pumped from the river still exists when it reaches the consumer. Cincinnati is one of the cities of this country which has a high typhoid fever rate.- According to Mr. M. N. Baker,* who has given very serious consideration to the subject of sewage disposal and water purifica- tion, " When sewage-polluted water must be used, means should be adopted for its purification." With large dilution of sewage containing pathogenic organisms, the chance of taking any of these into the stomach through the medium of drinking-water is diminished, but the longevity of the organisms is increased. In an undiluted sewage the typhoid bacil- lus would probably perish within a short time. In pure water, that is, water free from the energetic putrefactive organisms, the typhoid bacillus would live for weeks. If other organisms be absent from the water, i.e., if the water is sterile, the typhoid bacillus has been known to survive for three months. f Dr. Abbott states that no bacteria are found in deep well water,J but the author's experience has been quite to the con- trary ; no well water, however deep the well, has failed to contain some bacteria, and some moderately deep driven wells have shown considerable numbers upon bacterial test. The examinations by Professor Sedgwick, and the table of results by the author which are given on pp. 44 and 45, throw some light on the bacterial contents of well water. Certain experiments have been made to determine the effect of domestic filters on Ohio River water. These filters are all sold as germ-proof apparatus, and the purchaser in most instances really * New Jersey Sanitary Association, Proceedings, 1895, p. 75. t Water Supply for Cities, by author, University of Illinois, 1896. p. 12. \ Principles of Bacteriology, by A. C. Abbott, M.D., Philadelphia, 1894, pp. 419-436. BACTERIAL CONTENTS OF VARIOUS WATERS. 43 believes in their efficiency in the prevention of th'e passage of bac- teria. The best domestic filter is the Pasteur, with which at this time nearly every person is familiar ; but even this will not restrain the passage of bacteria for any length of time. Variations in the porosity of the porcelain tubes will increase or diminish the rate of delivery of water through the unglazed material, and correspond- ingly affect the rapidity with which certain of the bacteria will grow through the pores of the tubes. BACTERIAL CONTENTS OF WATER. PASTEUR-CHAMBERLAND FILTERS, DAYS OF GROWTH COLONIES PER C. C. DATE - ON GELATIN. OF WATER. 1. June 16, 1894, 7 62 Tube sterilized just before use. 2. Oct. 10, 1894, 5 580-974-1,536 This filter in restaurant, and probably not well attended to. 3. Oct. 10, 1894, 5 2 This is a new filter with freshly sterilized tubes. 4. Oct. 15, 1894, 10 4 Sample from new filter. 5. Oct. 24, 1894, 5 180-209-436 This filter is in a popular hotel, and carefully attended to. 6. Nov. 25, 1894, 19 4-8 This filter in drug-store, water used for prescription purposes. 7. May 23, 1895, 7 201-236-287 Same as No. 6, water still used for prescription purposes. 8. May 23, 1895, 7 167-182-293 Same as No. 2, tubes renewed. Freudenrich * has made some experiments with the Pasteur filter to determine the sterility of the filtrate at different dates after sterilization of the tubes, and for different temperatures of the room in which the filters were kept, and finds that at a tem- perature of 35 C. the filter delivered sterile water at the end of six days, while at a temperature of 22 C. the filtrate in some cases was, and in others was not, sterile at the end of ten days. The cause of one filter furnishing sterile water, and another operating under the same conditions giving a filtrate containing bacteria, is * Centralblatt fur Barter iologie, vol. xii., 1892, p. 240. 44 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. explained by the investigator as being due to the difference m the density or porosity of the tubes, and to differences in the micro- organisms in the water at different times. It has been the author's experience with water from niters of this type that they never furnish absolutely sterile water ; for upon a series of plates inoculated with such water, while some may re- BACTERIAL CONTENTS OF WELL WATER, EASTERN MASSACHUSETTS. (From Examinations by PROFESSOR W. T. SEDGWICK. *) LOCATION OF WELL. DEPTH IN FEET. COLONIES PER C. C. OF WATER. Cambridge, 103 254- 269 100 30 454 206- 214 254 135- 150 Lowell, . . 228 <( . . 178(Gly.Agar.) Cambridgeport , 198 116 < 198 192- 193 (C 198 258- 262 Boston, 213 138- 139 213 130- 140 <( 213 101- 106 377 48- 54 ii 377 149- 158 Cambridgeport, 277 1,240-1,376 277 486 Boston, 130 440- 480 200 525 Roxbury, 180 57- 60 Somerville, 67 165 Roxbury, 750 38 main sterile for several days, in due time they will develop one or more colonies. An entirely sterile plate he has never met with. Professor Percy Frankland, in discussing this filter, says : " It must be regarded, therefore, still as an open question whether patho- genic organisms, such as typhoid bacilli, can or cannot grow through the pores of the Chamberland (Pasteur) filter ; and until this question has been answered in the negative, it is obvious that in using these cylinders they should be frequently cleaned and sterilized." * Twenty-sixth Annual Report Massachusetts State Board of Health, p. 435. BACTERIAL CONTENTS OF VARIOUS WATERS, 45 Not having the details of the Freudenrich tests, it is impos- sible to compare the results from abroad with those obtained here. Tests of Pasteur filters, in such condition as they are found in hotels and restaurants, have given from 180 to 1,500 bacteria per BACTERIAL CONTENTS OF WATER FROM DRIVEN WELLS. (From Examinations by Author.) DATE. LOCATION. GROWTH ON GELATIN, DAYS. DEPTH OF WELL it: FEET. COLONIES PER C. C. OF WATER. REMARKS. 1895 Lebanon, O. 5 62 260-1060 Boring No. 7. 1895 Wyoming, O. 34 146 109 . . . 1895 Lebanon, O. 5 115 7 Boring No. 12. " 8 115 4 <( (( 11 115 8 (4 1895 St. Maryls, O. 5 265 3- 14 In lime rock. it " 74 265 3- 14 " n 9| 265 6- 14 M 14 5 280 53- 67 14 1896 Dayton, Ky. 54 82 34 Dayton sandbar. 14 54 82 38 <( it 54 82 39 " 1896 Dayton, O. 44 70 1 Pumping. M 44 70 52 . . . (( II 44 70 60 Natural flow. " 14 44 70 66 n <( (1 4 70 146- 149 M (( 5 70 31- 39 After 72 hours of pumping. 1896 Wyoming, O. 4 146 7 From discharge pipe of pump while pumping. (i 4 146 73- 75 From tap, residence. 1897 Wyoming, O. 4 146 285- 305 ( 39.4 0.2635 0.0330 85.8 77 18 31.0 0.5425 0.1287 76.3 74 19 40.5 0.5900 0.1085 81.6 75 21 31.5 0.5623 0.1628 71.1 78 22 41.2 0.3780 0.0945 75.0 80 24 29.6 0.3455 0.0855 75.3 83 25 40.3 0.3811 0.0930 75.6 84 27 47.1 0.2940 0.0765 74.0 A review of the data in the table indicates that the greatest percentage of reduction of the silt accompanies the greatest tur- bidity of the river water. Experiments by the author upon the rate of reduction of the suspended matter in the Ohio River water have given the follow- ing results : SEDIMENTATION OF SUSPENDED MATTER IN OHIO RIVER WATER, DECEMBER, 1896. PARTS PER 100,000. Original amount of matter in suspension, 54.00 Matter in suspension at end of two days, 15.00 Matter in suspension at end of four days, 13.50 . Matter in suspension at end of six days, 12.00 Showing a reduction of 72 per cent of the suspended matter in two days, 75 per cent in four days, and 77.8 per cent in six days. The rate of subsidence will depend upon the specific gravity of SEDIMENTATION OF POLLUTED WATERS. 117 the matter in suspension, and the quiescence of the water under- going sedimentation. When the specific gravity of the suspended matter is considerably in excess of one, and the water altogether at a state of rest, the precipitation will be rapid. Conversely, with a specific gravity of the suspended matter not much above that of water, and the water in a state of agitation, the sedimentation will be slow, and under unfavorable conditions there may be no precipi- tation by subsidence at all. The reduction of organic matter in water by subsidence is due partly to precipitation of matters heavier than water, and partly to destruction of organic matter in suspension by bacterial action ; while the reduction of the bacterial contents of water by sedimen- tation is accomplished partly by precipitation of the bacteria in contact with the suspended matter, and partly by the natural decay of the less hardy species of the water bacteria. In the biologic action which occurs in large bodies of water, the weaker species of the bacteria, as organic matter, are absorbed by or be- come food for the stronger species ; and this process of the destruc- tion of the weaker by the stronger forms goes on until all food supply is exhausted, whereupon the strongest species 'perish, and in a manner still to be explained are converted into the harmless nitrogenous compounds, and as such are precipitated along with the inorganic matters in suspension in all surface waters. REDUCTION OF HARDNESS AND BACTERIAL CONTENTS BY ADDITION OF LIME. Experiments conducted by Mr. Dibdin,* on the water of the New River Company furnished the following results : DATE. BEFORE TREATMENT. AFTER TREATMENT. PERCENTAGE OF REDUCTION. Hardness. Bacteria. Hardness. Bacteria. Hardness. Bacteria. Dec. 16, 1895. 17.4 96 5.4 12 68.4 87.5 Dec. 18, " 17.4 110 5.0 6 71.3 94.5 Dec. 20, " 17.4 60 8.5 16 51.2 73.4 1896. Analytical Investigations of London Water Supply, London County Council, January, 118 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. The lime treatment reduced the red color in the water, by Lovibond's tintometer, 100 per cent, and the yellow color 35 per cent. No change was noticed in the "free ammonia" after and before treatment, while the albuminoid ammonia was reduced 23 per cent. The chlorine was unaffected by the treatment, while the oxygen absorbed on a four-hour test before and after treatment was reduced 25 per cent. The total solids were reduced from an average of 24.3 parts per 100,000 parts of water before treatment to 11.8 parts after treatment. In all the tests the water was dosed with 9.4 per cent of a saturated lime-water. Of these tests Mr. Dibdin says, " It would therefore seem that by the adoption of the system of soft- ening, the present supply, in respect to its chemical quality and bacteria, would be improved to a degree comparable with that of the Welsh sources." * Such experience as has been had along the line of reduction of hardness in water for city supply has revealed the interesting fact, that the addition of lime to a hard (polluted) water is effective in the purification of the water, as well as in the reduction of the hardness, as indicated by the experiments previously noted. Elaborate appliances for the lime treatment of water are now being built by several companies abroad, and the author is in- formed that the Jewell Filter Company of Chicago has built some apparatus for this purpose for cities in this country. With reference to the cost of water softening on .a very large scale, the following information is abstracted from Reports by Mr. W. J. Dibdin, chemist, and Sir Alex. R. Binnie, engineer, to the London County Council, on the London Water Supply for 1895. Considering, according to Mr. Dibdin, the cost of lime alone for a daily treatment of 200,000,000 imperial gallons, this will amount to 35,000 or $175,000 per year. Considering the cost * It is not within the province of this work to discuss projects of water supply ; but it may be of interest to mention that the Welsh sources with which Mr. Dibdin compares the lime-treated London water are ably and elaborately presented in a Report by Sir Alexander R. Binnie to the London County Council, entitled, Available Sources of Water Supply for London, June, 1894. The development of these sources in Wales will provide a daily supply of 415,000,000 im- perial gallons, at an estimated cost of nearly $200,000,000, the water to be conducted to the metropolis through two aqueducts 150 and 176 miles long. SEDIMENTATION OF POLLUTED WATERS. 119 of lime and all labor, Mr. Binnie puts this at* .300 to 310 per million imperial gallons treated daily per year, while the cost of ap- paratus and buildings for lime treatment, he estimates at .3,500 to 4,500 or $20,000 per million imperial gallons treated daily. For the present daily consumption of water by London (200,000,000 imperial gallons), Mr. Binnie puts the annual cost at 60,000 or $300,000. Reducing these figures to our measures and values, the annual cost for 1,000,000 U. S. gallons treated per day, for a reduction from a hardness of 17 degrees by Clark's scale to about 5 degrees for lime alone, according to Mr. Dibdin, becomes 1708.00 ; and the whole cost of lime and labor, according to Mr. Binnie, will be $1,270.32, or about ^ cent per 1,000 gallons of water treated. These figures are based upon the treatment of 240,000,000 U. S. gallons per day, and this cost would naturally not be applicable to small quantities of water per diem. 120 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. CHAPTER IX. STERILIZATION OF DRINKING-WATER.* SEVERAL years ago, in discussing the hygiene of public water supply, the author took the ground, that, as the proportion of water used for drinking-purposes was one-half per cent or less of the whole quantity consumed by the takers from a public source, the better plan was not to attempt to secure the whole supply of po- table quality, but to render any water available fit for drinking- purposes by domestic filtration. Later experience satisfies him that this plan will not answer for several reasons : 1. All consumers of a public water supply cannot, or will not, use domestic filters. 2. There is no domestic filter which is absolutely proof against the dangers of polluted water. 3. Even if a satisfactory filter was obtainable, it is doubtful if the average householder would give this the attention it requires to keep it at all times in condition to act as a safeguard. In view of which the conclusion has been reached, that if the consumer is to have a safe drinking-water, it must come to him in this condition through the public water mains. In other words, the matter of purity must be looked after by the municipal corpo- ration or the water company. The prevalence of typhoid fever in any city or town having a public water supply is evidence that the water now generally furnished to consumers is unpotable, and that municipal corporations and water companies are delivering to their consumers water containing the specific organism of typhoid fever. * A portion of this chapter is abstracted from a paper by the author, read at the Eighth International Congfess of Hygiene and Demography, Buda-Pest, Austria, September, 1894. STERILIZATION OF DRINKING-WATER. It is common for physicians in case of doubt of the purity of a water supply, to recommend that water for drinking-purposes be boiled ; but the boiling of water renders it insipid and unpalatable, and it is claimed by some of the manufacturers of filters that water deprived of certain of its natural gases and solids in solution (as it will be by boiling) is not as wholesome as natural waters. The author has been unable to obtain any reliable information of the influence on the human system of the salts and gases in solution in natural waters, and is uncertain whether the continuous use of boiled water as a beverage will be deleterious. Considering that filtered and boiled water will be limpid and sterile and deprived of all toxic properties, and assuming that such water will not be in- jurious to the system, may not the problem of an absolutely safe drinking-water finally be solved by combined filtration and distilla- tion ? If carried out to its legitimate conclusion this would mean the treatment of a sufficient quantity of water by the municipal corporation for drinking and culinary purposes, and the delivery of this to consumers through an independent system of comparatively small mains. But the expensive apparatus for distillation ; the cost of duplicating the street mains, even with pipes of small diameter ; and especially the large annual expense of operation, might at first sight seem to prohibit any attempt by this process to purify water on a large scale. For the purpose of estimating the probable cost of this method of water purification for city use, let us take an American city with a population of 400,000, and allow a daily consumption of water for all purposes of 40,000,000 U. S. gallons, or 100 gallons per head of population ; of which quantity it will be assumed that 2^ per cent, or 1,000,000 gallons per day, is used exclu- sively for drinking and cooking purposes, including water for the washing of culinary vessels and apparatus. To sterilize by heat 1,000,000 U. S. gallons of water per day of 24 hours will require an hourly distillation of 347,100 pounds ; and assuming the average temperature of the filtered water (or feed water) to the boilers to be 60 Fahr., and the pressure of distillation to be six pounds above the atmosphere, then the total heat to be added to each pound of water will be 1,124 B. T. u. 122 THE PURIFICATION OF WAITER. If the steam in going from the boilers to the surface con- densers be made to pass through suitable closed heaters, through which also the cold water to the boilers is being pumped, then a part of the heat of the steam will be given up to the feed water, and a smaller amount of heat will be required from the coal or other fuel to sterilize a given amount of water, and a smaller ca- pacity of boilers and surface condensers will be required. Since the cold water from the niters will be pumped under full boiler pressure through these closed heaters, it will be possible (if such heaters are of sufficient capacity) to supply to the water not only the sensible heat, but a part of the latent heat from the heat in the steam before it is finally condensed in the surface condensers ; or of the heat in the sterilized water a large percentage can be recovered and utilized in heating the filtered water to the boilers, with a corresponding saving of fuel. The cost of fuel being the bete notrin the problem of steriliz- ing by heat the drinking-water for a city, it is desirable that the facts in connection with the expenditure of fuel be carefully and fully considered. The rate at which the feed water is pumped to the boilers being the same as the rate of flow of steam through the heaters to the condensers, it follows, that, if the heaters were large enough and sufficient time allowed for the passage of the steam through them, and there were no losses of heat by radia- tion, etc., one-half of the heat of the steam would be transferred to the water on its way to the boilers ; or of the 1,124 heat units added per pound of water in the boilers, 562 units would be car- ried back in the feed water. But the recovery of 50 per cent of the heat assumes an efficiency beyond the reach of ordinary heat- ing apparatus ; and some allowance must be made for the losses by conduction and radiation, and by contact of air, which can safely be put at 10 per cent ; and considering the very slow rate of transfer of heat when the temperature of the steam (partially con- densed) and that of the feed water approximate each other, it will be safe to allow another 10 per cent loss upon account of time ; from which, as a practical proposition, it is estimated that of the heat carried off from the boilers by the steam, 30 per cent may be recovered in the feed-water heaters, leaving STERILIZATION OF DRINKING-WATER. 123 70 per cent to be taken up by the cooling water in the surface condensers. It will therefore be necessary to supply to each pound of water pumped into the boilers 1,124 x .7 = 787 heat units ; and with coal and boilers showing an efficiency of 11,250 heat units per pound of fuel, each pound of coal will distill 14.3 pounds of water at 6 pounds pressure above the atmosphere ; and for the distilla- tion or sterilization of 347,100 pounds per hour (1,000,000 U. S. gallons per day), there will be required 291 tons (2,000 pounds) of coal, or an annual consumption of 106,215 tons. The boiler capacity to distill this amount of water daily has been estimated as follows : An ordinary return tubular boiler sup- plied with water at 60 Fahr., and working at six pounds pressure above atmosphere, will easily evaporate 3.5 pounds per hour per square foot of heating surface ; and if the heat required per pound of water be 787 instead of 1,124 thermal units, then each superfi- cial foot of heating surface can be expected to evaporate 5 pounds of water per hour ; and for the evaporation of 347,100 pounds per hour, there will be required a-u^sm = 69,420 square feet of heat- ing surface. Allowing 2,000 square feet to each boiler, there will be required 35 boilers, each 6 feet 6 inches diameter by 18 feet long, with the proper complement of tubes. The feed-water heat- ers to heat the filtered water and partially condense the steam from the boilers have been estimated in the following manner : Each square foot of surface, taking the tube in the heater as -fV inch or less in thickness, will readily transfer 4,000 thermal units per hour, equivalent to the heating through 337 Fahr. of 12 pounds of water ; and to heat 3-7o_o pounds will require 29,000 square feet of heating (or cooling) surface in the heaters ; or with an allowance of 1,000 square feet of surface to each heater, there will be required 29 heaters to deal with 1,000,000 gallons of water per day. Surface condensers constructed with thin brass tubes can be estimated to condense 15 pounds of steam per square foot of cool- ing surface per hour ; and if these also are of 1,000 square feet each, there will be required, to deal with 1,000,000 gallons of water in 24 hours, 23 such condensers. 124 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. The apparatus, therefore, which we have outlined for the sterili- zation by heat of 1,000,000 U. S. gallons of water per day, consists in detail of a duplicate filter plant, each half of 1,000,000 gallons daily capacity ; pumping machinery in duplicate of 1,000,000 gallons daily capacity to take the filtered water and supply it to the boilers ; steam-boilers to evaporate the water under low pres- sure ; closed feed-water heaters to cool the steam and heat the feed water ; surface condensers to condense the steam ; and pump- ing machinery to take the condensed steam and sterilized water, and pump it into the mains for distribution to the consumers. The filters, heaters, and steam-boilers will require buildings for their protection from the weather, while the condensers may be exposed to the weather without detriment to their operation or durability. In addition to the apparatus mentioned, for a city of the population we have assumed, there will be required about 350 miles of mains of small diameter, to distribute the sterilized water to the various premises to be supplied. We are now ready to estimate the cost of constructing and operating such a plant for water purification : COST OF CONSTRUCTION. Two filter plants, each of 1,000,000 gallons daily capacity, $15,000.00 Filter-house, 4,000.00 Thirty-five steam-boilers, complete, 63,000.00 Twenty-nine feed-water heaters, complete, 29,000.00 Twenty-three surface condensers, complete, 34,500.00 Boiler-house, 30,000.00 Two sets of pumping machinery, each set of 1,000,000 gallons daily capacity, to supply the filtered water to the boilers, 9,000.00 Two sets of pumping machinery, each set of 1,000,000 gallons daily capacity, to pump the sterilized water into the mains, 12,000.00 Pumping-station, 12,000.00 Add for pipes, valves, etc., at sterilizing-station, 20,000.00 350 miles of mains at an average cost of $4,500 per mile, 1,575,000.00 Total, $1,803,500.00 Cost per capita of population, $4.50. STERILIZATION OF DRINKING-WATER- 125 FIXED ANNUAL CHARGES. Interest on cost of construction at 5^>, $90,175.00 Annual payment to sinking-fund to redeem construc- tion bonds invested at 4^ for 40 years, 18,972.82 Total, $109,147.82 OPERATING EXPENSES. 106,215 tons of coal at $2, $212,430.00 Forty-five men at $2 per day, and five men at $3 per day, 38,325.00 Total annual cost, $359,902.82 Annual cost of operating, and fixed charges per capita, $0.90 Or for filtration and sterilization of the drinking-water for a city of 400,000 population, the cost per capita per annum cannot be in excess of $1. Are we prepared to pay this for absolute immunity from typhoid fever and other water-borne diseases ? The Yaryan Company of New York has kindly furnished the author an estimate of cost and operation for a water-sterilizing plant upon its system, which will be more economical of fuel and labor than the simple apparatus described. Adopting in our estimate the figures supplied by this company, the costs are as follows : - COST OF CONSTRUCTION. Filters and filter-house, $ 19,000.00 Yaryan quadruple effect sterilizer, 225,000.00 Boiler-house, 30,000.00 Pumping machinery and station, 33,000.00 Distributing mains, 1,575,000.00 Total, $1,882,000.00 FIXED ANNUAL CHARGES. Interest and sinking-fund, $113,898.64 OPERATING EXPENSES. 100 tons of coal per day, at $2, for one year, $73,000.00 15 men at $2 per day, and 4 men at $3 per day, 15,330.00 Total annual cost, $202,228.64 Annual cost of operating and fixed charges per capita, $0.50 Or $.0554 per 1,000 gallons, sterilized and delivered. This scheme for water purification involves, as shown, a sepa- rate system of small mains to convey the sterilized and filtered water from the works to the consumers, and requires a separate 126 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. service pipe from these mains to bring the water into each prem- ises, after which, as a measure of hygiene, the use of such water for drinking and cooking purposes should, if found necessary, be made compulsory. It will be noticed that no allowance has been made in the cost of operating for the cooling water to the surface condensers, because the 97-98 per cent (or as much of it as may be required) of un- sterilized water supplied to the city may be made to pass through the condensers as cooling water without extra cost. In regard to the figures heretofore given, it is not the purpose to state with precision all the details of cost of this method of water purification, but rather to lay down a principle, and let it be worked out for each particular case. Doubtless in some cities the cost of construction and operation will be less than has been shown, while in others, for local reasons, it may be greater. But it is rea- sonable to claim that sterilized and filtered water can be obtained in our larger cities within the cost given, or at about one-tenth cent per gallon ; and the purpose of the approximate figures stated on the previous page is to show that the cost per unit of volume, or per capita of population, for absolutely sterile water, is not so great as to prohibit its use if demanded by the people. Water such as this process of purification will furnish can neither be the habitat nor carrier of any kind of bacteria (nor of the toxalbumins which these may develop) ; and if any organisms came into it adventitiously, they would perish for lack of food. One great difficulty in the way of introducing a process for the sterilization of drinking-water on a large scale in the United States, lies in the well-known fact that the construction of public works of any magnitude in most cities is seized upon as a political advantage by the dominant party ; and the average tax-payer, upon whom the burden of cost falls, usually views with alarm any prop- osition to inaugurate an improvement requiring a large outlay of money, in spite of the fact, perhaps, that his health or that of his family, and possibly their lives, may depend upon the construction of such works. In cities, however, like Berlin, Vienna, and St. Petersburg, which are under imperial control, no difficulty should be experienced in establishing a process for the sterilization and STERILIZATION OF DRINKING-WATER. 127 Side Elevation. Fig. 4-. Section Showing Circulation. Fig. 5. Figs. 3, 4, and 5. Yaryan Apparatus for Sterilizing Water. Quadruple Effect 128 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. special distribution of the small percentage of water used for drinking and culinary purposes whenever the health boards are ready to recommend it. When this shall be done by these or any other cities, and the sterilized water is used by all the citizens, then such cities will be absolutely free from typhoid fever and other water-borne diseases so far as these may be chargeable to the local water supply. But no amount of care upon the part of any city to defend its water supply from pollution, or render it safe to health as a drinking-water after pollution, can prevent the im- portation of typhoid fever from some other locality, where the hygienic regulations for the drinking-water are less rigid, and where the water contains the typhoid germ. From which we reason that a system or process for the purification of drinking- water, to be wholly effective, must be universal in its application ; but no sanitary improvement, however essential it may be to health, has been, or ever will be, applied everywhere at one and the same time. It must have its origin in some city, the effica- cious results must be shown and published ; whereupon other cities, towns, and localities will speedily adopt it, and in due time the benefits of such improvement will be enjoyed by all the civil- ized people of the earth. During the World's Fair at Chicago, 1893, all the employees, numbering nearly 15,000, used sterilized drinking-water, with the result that so long as this water only was used, no diarrheal troubles were reported among the men. Upon the few occasions when for short intervals of time the sterilized drinking-water was discontinued, intestinal disorders arose ; and where typhoid fever occurred, it was traced to a disregard of the rules of the Exposi- tion with reference to drinking-water.* The sterilization of the water was effected by passing it through an ordinary feed-water heater, where it was raised to 212 Fahr., and kept at this temperature for a short time. Analysis of the water revealed no bacterial life. According to Surgeon-General Tryon of the United States Navy,f " It may be stated that the medical officers of the navy * Proceedings Fourteenth Annual Meeting A. W. W. Association, pp. 22-24. t Water Supply, Chemical and Sanitary, Wm. P. Mason, New York, 1896, p. 156. STERILIZATION OF DRINKING-WATER. 129 recognize the great value of distilled water in the improvement in health that has followed its introduction, particularly in certain foreign stations." No one will venture to deny that water properly sterilized by heat in an ordinary steam-boiler will be absolutely safe for drink- ing-purposes. All the bacteria or organic matter (in solution) originally in such water will be wholly destroyed or precipitated by evaporation under atmospheric pressure in a closed generator ; and if we accept the proof that water is the carrier or original cause of typhoid fever, then we are compelled to admit that water properly sterilized cannot foster or carry the bacillus. With such water universally used for drinking and cooking purposes, the typhoid bacillus would perish, and typhoid fever cease to -exist. With few exceptions, it is vain to look for water wholly safe for drinking-purposes at its source. Few cities enjoy such water to-day, otherwise among their inhabitants who use the water ex- clusively typhoid fever would be unknown ; and doubtless in any city where the water is of such quality that analysts have pro- nounced it safe for drinking-purposes, it is being drunk to the exclusion of any other available water. The principal objections which have been offered to a double water supply, whether the water of better quality is improved by sterilization or filtration, or is naturally of high quality, are : 1. The better water will not always be used for drinking and dietetic purposes. Some people will forget the danger of drinking the unpurified water, and resort to that which is most convenient, thereby defeating the very purpose of a double supply. 2. It is urged that many of the poorer people cannot afford to introduce two kinds of public water into their houses. 3. In many instances the better water will be used for other than dietetic purposes. The first of these objections can be overcome by proper edu- cation and example. The instinct of self-preservation must be wrought upon, and the natural tendency to take the better of two things equally attainable may be expected to encourage the use of 130 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. the better water for drinking and culinary purposes. The second objection can be overcome by gentle .compulsion, in the same manner that other sanitary improvements are carried out by mu- nicipal corporations at the cost of the property benefited. The third objection can readily be overcome by metering the purer water supply, and in cases where such water is freely used about the premises the cost thereof will be paid by the consumer. It is probable that now a system of double water supply is rather too refined for most municipal corporations, but it is possible that such may be demanded by future generations. Many physi- cians and hygienists at the present time favor the dual system, through one branch of which water of the highest quality is to be delivered for drinking and culinary purposes, while through the other, water for the coarser uses is supplied to the consumers. NOTE. Referring to the Yaryan Apparatus for the sterilization of drinking-water (p. 125), quite extensive plants on this system have been in operation for several years at Perim and Kosseir, on the Red Sea, and at Troon, Scotland ; converting from 6,000 to 12,000 gallons of sea-water into fresh water per day of 24 hours, with an expenditure of about \ pound of coal per gallon of water distilled, including the water for the boilers, and the fuel for operating the necessary pumping-machinery. FILTRATION OF WATER SUPPLIES. 131 CHAPTER X. FILTRATION OP WATER SUPPLIES. THE purpose of this chapter is the discussion of devices and plans for the purification of large volufnes of water for city use, and is not intended to touch upon the subject of domestic filters. The author believes that domestic filters, however well designed, are, in the hands of the users, a delusion and a snare ; and instead of being a safeguard against water-borne diseases, they really en- courage the growth of the water bacteria, among which at times may be pathogenic organisms. The tests noted in Chapter III., on Bacterial Contents of Various Waters, is therefore the only reference to domestic filters ; and these have been included among others of water in and about the city of Cincinnati. Continuous sand filtration as practiced in Europe has gone through an experience of nearly fifty years, and one would suppose that this length of time should be sufficient to remove the matter from the domain of experiment and establish it in the domain of fact. Still, curiously enough, there are some who discuss sand fil- tration as practiced abroad very much as they do the subject of air navigation and the mobile perpetuum, things very interesting in themselves, but quite impossible of any practical results. This indifference to the wonderful performance of sand filters in Euro- pean cities is a bar to the development of works of water purifica- tion in this country, and is the cause of a large continuous loss of valuable lives and much physical suffering, eighty to ninety per cent of which might be averted if artificial works of water purifi- cation were as largely used in this country as they are abroad. Some writers in their enthusiasm have declared that sand filters properly constructed and operated will furnish pure water. This is a mistake. No filter operated upon a practical basis has ever 132 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. furnished pure water ; but the so-called purified water is so much superior to the unfiltered water that it will meet the practical requirements of cities and communities to-day, and when the time is reached that people demand absolutely pure water, methods for furnishing it will doubtless be forthcoming. For the present, and as a practical method of water purification, filtration may be re- garded as entitled to full credit at the hands of city officials and water-works managers. Filtration, as the term is defined and generally understood, consists of an interception or straining out from a fluid such sus- pended matter as is larger in some dimension than the pores of the filtering medium. The action is supposed to be purely mechan- ical, and the efficiency of a filter will be measured by the fineness or coarseness of the filtering material. The filtration of water, however, demonstrates that the fineness of the filtering material (sand) is not exactly a measure of the efficiency, and the finest or smallest grain of sand does not always give the best results. This fact, then, would naturally suggest that the straining action is only a part of the work accomplished by the filter; and in addition to the interception of certain suspended matters at the surface of the sand-bed, some other forces are at work to reduce the suspended matter, including the bacteria, in the water. One of these forces is now known to be the action of the bacteria on the organic matter. This is called the biologic action of the filter. All the common species of bacteria found in water are sapro- phytes, and depend for subsistence on dead organic matter. In fact, the bacteria are chiefly concerned in the destruction of this organic matter, and its conversion into harmless nitrates. The action of certain well-known forms of water bacteria upon sloped agar, is seen to be the production of a film, or expansion so-called, of its products of vital activity over the surface, and, if possessed of anaerobic properties, in the body of the agar. This expansion is indicative of the effect and propagation of the bacteria on the food material. The bulk of the suspended matter, including the bacteria in water, will be intercepted at the surface of the sand. Here the FILTRATION OF WATER SUPPLIES. 133 process of splitting up the organic matter inio its nitrogenous and carbonaceous elements is continually going on ; the carbons going off as carbon dioxides and other gases, and the nitrogenous matters being converted into nitrous and nitric acids, which in turn unite with the bases in the water, forming nitrites and nitrates, in themselves harmless products of bacterial action. This biologic action of a filter is, after all, its most important function. The simple straining process of a bed of sand or of other filtering material, while competent to render turbid water clear, could have but little effect upon the bacteria, because many of these are so small in some dimension as to grow through a sand-bed of almost any practicable fineness. The action of the organisms in the water on the organic matter results in the pro- duction of a thin semi-gelatinous film over and around the grains of sand in the upper layers of a bed, which in due time becomes so dense as to clog it, and require a high head to force the desired amount of water through the sand ; whereupon such sand-bed is temporarily taken out of service, the water drawn down some dis- tance below the surface, and the upper fraction of an inch of the sand removed. With the new surface of sand exposed, the filter is ready for service again. When the water is drawn off a filter for renewal of the surface of the sand-bed, two important events occur. One consists of the paring off of a thin layer of the clogged sand mentioned above ; and the other of a complete or partial aeration of the sand-bed, by means of which the nitrifying bacteria in the bed are supplied with air (oxygen), without which, according to the authorities who have especially studied these organisms,* the nitrifying bacteria would soon perish, and their functions in the reduction of nitrogenous organic matter to nitrous and nitric acids be lost. All sand filters are therefore intermittent filters. None work continuously. Each time the water is drawn down below the sur- face of the sand-bed, there is a partial aeration of the sand; and when the water is drawn off entirely, during the operation of par- ing away the upper one-half () inch or so of dirty sand, the bed is rested, as it were, and complete aeration occurs. * Winogradsky, Warington, Percy Frankland, Dr. E. O. Jordan, and Mrs. Ellen H. Richards. 134 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. This upper dirty layer of sand, which contains inorganic mat- ter intercepted from the water, and the products of vital activity of the water bacteria, is called the " Schmutzdecke " by Mr. Piefke, who, the author believes, was the first to point out the manner in which the semi-gelatinous film was formed, and how it consisted of intercepted matter in suspension, and organic matter in process of destruction by bacterial agency. To one untutored in bacteriologic work, it may be difficult to understand the action of the bacteria on nutrient matter in water ; but to bacteriological students it is sufficient to state that in a fil- ter the action of the bacteria upon suitable food material found in the water will be like that of bacteria cultivated in sterilized arti- ficial media. The materials found in water may be more or less suitable for some of the water bacteria ; and those which find the organic matter fitted to their needs will flourish on the surface of a sand-bed, and appropriate to their support such matter as may be found in suspension or intercepted at or near the surface of the sand. It is abundantly proven that the bacteria do not penetrate the sand-bed to any great depth,* and the surface of the sand where the interception of suspended matter must occur is also the prin- cipal seat of operations of the bacteria and other organisms in the water. The bacteria are not the only forms of life in water, and some allowance must be made for the destructive action of the infusoria and other forms of aquatic life upon the organic matter of which all these forms are themselves a part. The following diagram and description showing the rate at which the bacteria grow in the sand-bed from the surface down- ward, is taken from Mr. Gill's paper on the filters at the Freder- ickshagen Station of the Berlin Water-Works. "It has been stated above that the number of bacteria colonies is greatest at the surface of the sand, and decreases very rapidly in successive layers be- neath. In Fig. G, 0, .r, z, y, represents the 2-foot deep sand-layer of a filter. If with as origin, and distances along 0, x, representing depths of sand-layer, and those along 0, j/, numbers of bacteria colonies per kilogram of sand, the * The Filtration of the Miiggel Lake Water Supply, Berlin, by Henry Gill, M.I.C.E., London, 1895, p. 12. FILTRATION OF WATER SUPPLIES. 135 60,000,000 bacteria colonies per kilogram of the ripe sarfd be plotted at each of the depths 0, 4, 8, 12, and 24 inches, the line h, w, parallel to 0, x is arrived at. The hatched strip 0, x, m, h, then represents the ripe condition of filter sand after long use, in which condition a powerful water current and attrition of the grains against each other fail to free them from the bacteria. If now, with the same abscissae, the 734, 190, 150, 92, and 60 millions be plotted as ordinates, the curve m, p, q, r, is arrived at. This curve exhibits pictorially the density of the bacteria colonies in the various layers of a sand filter at the close of a period of service when it gives the best results." Surface of Sand Bed 24" Sand Bed <5and tnin i i Gravel Fig. 6. Diagram Showing Accumulation of Bacteria in Sand-Bed. The "Schmutzdecke," or film of intercepted suspended matter and products of bacterial action, is a delicate membrane lacking in consistency, and easily broken by too rapid changes of pressure (head) on the sand-bed ; and when broken bad results are liable to follow. The author cannot do better than quote again from Mr. Gill upon this feature of sand filtration.* " Since the bacteria are liable to be washed downwards by a stream of greater force than that which prevailed when they came into contact with the sand grains, it is of the utmost importance to avoid an increase of speed, especially a sudden increase. Mechanical arrangements must be adopted to prevent this, and it must be impossible that any filter in action can in any way affect the yield of the neighboring filter. The chief cleansing action takes place in the mud deposit on the surface of the sand, and in the sand immediately at the surface. In this region the coating of deposit is soft, and with its dense population requires careful and tender treatment to avoid squeezing out the bacteria by undue pressure. It is obvious that as soon as an appreciable * The Filtration of the Miiggel Lake Water Supply, Berlin, by Henry Gill, M.I.C.E., London, 1895, p. 12. 136 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. deposit has taken place on the sand surface, any increase of ' head ' must be chiefly caused by the layer of this deposit. If the sand beneath is not abso- lutely homogeneous, as it cannot be, any increase of pressure may cause a depression and a tearing of the mud-skin on the less dense parts of the surface of the sand. Through such a rupture the bacteria are at once washed by the increased local current which ensues into the sand beneath, and may be carried through the entire layer. Yet a gradual increase of pressure must of necessity take place, when the yield is to be constant, in order to overcome the increas- ing friction of the passage of the water through the filtering medium, in pro- portion as its insterstices become gradually closed by the deposit. Nor is such increase, if gradual, injurious, provided certain limits be not exceeded. Mr. Gill states that the maximum " head " for the Miiggel Lake filter is 2 feet, but this has been increased in other instances to 5 or 6 feet without an apparent breaking of the surface film on the sand-bed. After a filter has been scraped, and refilled with filtered water from below to the surface of the sand, water should r3e drawn from the settling-basin onto the filter to the full depth of high-water mark, and allowed to stand several hours before any flow occurs from the filter. This interval of rest will be in continuation of the subsidence of the suspended matter in the water, and will assist in the formation of a coat of slime over the sand-bed before the flow is started. After the water has remained at rest for a few hours over the sand-bed, the flow should be started cautiously, at a low rate, and gradually increased until the maximum allowable rate has been attained. ACTION OF THE INTERMITTENT SAND FILTER. In the continuous sand filter substantially the whole work of purification is accomplished at or near the surface of the sand-bed. The " Schmutzdecke," or dirty cover, which is regarded by foreign engineers as an essential of proper eand filtration, is not consid- ered of special importance in the intermittent filter. In this it is assumed that the organic matter in the water is reduced by the action of the bacteria in the bed of sand to nitrous and nitric acids, which unite with the bases in the water, forming insoluble and harmless nitrites and nitrates; This work is chiefly accomplished by the nitrifying bacteria, discovered by Winogradsky in the soil FILTRATION OF WATER SUPPLIES, 137 at Zurich, and by Dr. Jordan and Mrs. Richards in the sewage at Lawrence, Mass. ; but the ordinary water bacteria are also useful in breaking up the organic matter in water before it is acted upon by the nitrifiers. The intermittent filter receives the water for a number of hours or days, and then rests for a number of hours or days, until the water held in the sand-bed has drained away, and the interstitial spaces are filled with air, when the filter is supplied with water as before. Thus, while the action is intermittent from day to day, it other- wise is continuous in operation, the scraping and cleaning of the sand being only such as ca readily be done during the short intervals of rest. In the intermittent sand filter the bed of sand for the whole depth is supposed to act in the work of water purification, while the upper one-half inch or less of sand is known in the continuous filter to be concerned in the reduction of the bacterial contents as well as of other matters held in suspension by the water. The operation of the Lawrence, Mass., filter, since it was put in regular service, suggests that there has been some departure from the original method of use, and that in the days of continual service, and the resting and scraping of the sand-bed, it conforms mose nearly than was intended to the method of operation pursued with sand filters abroad. By the thorough and frequent aeration of the sand-bed, it is held by the designer (Mr. Mills) that there will be a "burning up" of the organic matter intercepted at the surface and in the depth of the filter, and by proportioning properly the duration of ser- vice and rest, with a complete draining of the bed each time it is rested, all organic matter will be consumed. The aeration of the sand-bed is intended to maintain the vitality of the nitrifying bacteria, which are the organisms concerned in the final destruc- tion of the organic matter, and its conversion into nitrites and nitrates. It is the theory that the intermittent filter is capable of con- tinuous renewal by the forces within itself, and the large periodical expense required to restore the sand-bed of the continuous filter to 138 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. its normal condition will be materially reduced. Enough experi- ence has not been had with this system of filtration to express an opinion upon its adaptability to other waters than that of the Mer- rimac River ; but both in the bacterial results and typhoid rates of Lawrence, since it was put in service four years ago, it seems not to have attained the high standard of efficiency reached by the continuous sand filters of Europe. Any statement heretofore made upon the operation of sand filters is assumed to be the natural action without the aid of ex- traneous materials to assist in the precipitation of suspended mat- ters, or in the formation of a coagulum at the surface of the sand. Aside from the use of particles of iron in a revolving cylinder (Anderson process), it is not known that any artificial agency is relied upon to insure the successful operation of sand filters in Europe. From a knowledge of natural filtration as it occurs in the drift, it is easy to perceive that artificial sand filtration may be made to accomplish results far superior to natural filtration as it some- times occurs. Thus the size and uniformity of the sand-grains, the effective head, and rate of flow through the sand-bed, may be so proportioned that the resultant filtrate is equal in purity to spring or deep well water. And this result can be obtained, not seldom, but at all times, and without regard to the original condition of the water. Assuming that the typhoid fever death rate is a correct index of the quality of a public water supply, then it appears that filtration can produce a water which will rival the purest of natural waters. The water of Vienna and Munich is mountain spring water, not surpassed by any, and equaled by that of few cities of the world. The typhoid rates by the author's scale (Chapter V.) for these cities since 1890 have been: DEATH RATES FROM TYPHOID FEVER PER 100,000 OF POPULATION LIVING. YEARS, 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. AVERAGE. Vienna, 9 6 8 7 5 6 5 6.55 Munich, 8 7 8 15 2.5 3 3 5.94 FILTRATION OF WATER SUPPLIES. 139 Omitting the rate for 1893 for Munich, when there appears to have been an unwarranted increase in the typhoid rates, the average for the other six years becomes 4.4. The water of Rotterdam and Berlin is filtered, the first from the River Maas, and the second from the Rivers Spree and Havel, both of which have received sewage and surface drainage from urban and rural territory before the water reaches the intakes of these works. DEATH RATES FROM TYPHOID FEVER PER 100,000 OF POPULATION LIVING. YEARS, 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. AVERAGE. Rotterdam, 6 4 6 5 4.8 2 12 5.7 Berlin, 9 10 8 9 4 5 5 7.14 Note the fact that the death rate for Rotterdam is lower than for either Vienna or Munich. Note also that the comparison is not between cities of one country where the consumption of beer and other beverages is high, and of another country where from mod- esty, if for no other reason, we must claim that the consumption of beverages other than water is low. Aside from the fact of equal quality as shown by comparison of spring and filtered waters, the theory of sand filtration, properly studied, leads to the conclusion that water of more uniform quality can be had from artificial filters than from irregular and scattered sand-beds as found in the drift, in some of which the size and irregularity of sand-grain and position of the sand-bed are not cal- culated for proper filtration. Spring water and well water may be pure, but we cannot state with assurance how it has been made pure ; while with filtered water we know how purity, so-called, has been obtained, and by repeating the process of purification we can reproduce the quality of filtrate. The insufficiency of natural filtration through the drift is well recognized by those who have given the matter serious considera- tion. Dr. Drown, in the Report of the Massachusetts State Board of Health for 1891, p. 355, says: " Although water badly contaminated with sewage or the wastes of human life may be purified by thorough nitration so as to be free from organic matter 140 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. and bacteria, yet in cases of ground waters of this origin and character we sel- dom feel complete security that the conditions of perfect filtration will always exist. A long-continued rainfall, for instance, may result in more rapid filtra- tion, and consequently less perfect purification ; or the creation of new sources of contamination nearer the spring may result in its dangerous pollution. "It is for such reasons that a certain suspicion always attaches to ground waters which have at any time in their history been seriously polluted. The use of ground waters, whether springs or wells, in built-up communities, should therefore be avoided ; for we have no control over the conditions of filtration, and have no means of knowing (except by constant vigilance in the examina- tion of the water) when a water hitherto well purified may become injuriously impure. The danger from the use of ground waters in populous regions in- creases v/ith the increase of population, and with the nearness of the sources of pollution to the spring or well." The methods of water purification which have given such excellent results in cities of Europe are generally sedimentation for a few days in large reservoirs, combined with slow filtration through beds of sand ; and in some situations, like that of Berlin at Lake Miiggel, where there is usually but little turbidity to the water, it is at times pumped direct from the lake to the filters. Sedimentation is accomplished in reservoirs which will hold from a day to several days' supply. While at a state of rest in these reservoirs, much of the suspended matter which imparts color to the water will be precipitated, and form layers of mud on the bottom and sides of the basin. While a few days' subsidence of turbid polluted water may have no large influence upon its quality, it will remove much of the suspended matter which otherwise will clog a sand filter, and reduce its term and efficiency of service. Careful study of the subject of sand filtration has led to the opinion that it is possible to have the sand so fine and the rate of filtration so slow that, theoretically, all suspended matter, in- cluding the bacteria will be arrested on or in the sand-bed. But this would require enormous areas of filter surface, with limited commercial efficiency, and the cost of water so obtained would be prohibitory on a large scale. In order, however, to approach as nearly as practicable the ideal condition of filtrate at a reasonable cost, it is desirable that FILTRATION OF WATER SUPPLIES. 141 all the heavier matter should be removed by subsidence before the water is put on the filters. Hence the use, in the water-works of London, Hamburg, and other foreign cities, of subsiding reservoirs in which the water is stored for several hours or days before the process of filtration begins. It is not possible to make a sewage-polluted water fit for drinking-purposes by subsidence alone, excepting the water is permitted to remain in a wholly quiescent state in large, deep reservoirs for many months or years ; a condition altogether im- practicable for most cities ; while subsidence for a few hours or days will reduce the suspended matter and silt in most turbid waters to a state which will admit of the use of comparatively fine sand in the filters, and rates of delivery higher than the average of European practice. The Engineer Commission on the Im- provement of the Water-Works of the city of Cincinnati, proposed a rest of the Ohio-river water in subsiding reservoirs for four days before it was drawn off to the filters. The time allowed for sedimentation before the water is thrown on the filters varies in different cities, and sometimes is controlled by financial rather than hygienic considerations. The following table contains the data upon this subject, from a few of the works abroad which combine subsidence with filtration : TIME ALLOWED FOR SEDIMENTATION. LONDON, Chelsea Works, 12.0 days. West Middlesex, 5.6 Southwark, 4.1 Grand Junction, 3.3 Lambeth, 6.0 New River, 4.4 East London, 15.0 HAMBURG, 19-30 hours. ROTTERDAM, 24 BERLIN, Frederickshagen Works, 24 The views of English engineers at present distinctly favor sed- imentation of surface waters previous to filtration ; and the new works proposed by Sir A. R. Binnie for the supply of London, notwithstanding the water impounded from the Welsh sources is 142 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. naturally of very high quality, contemplates nitration of this water before it is distributed to the consumers. In his report on the new sources of supply proposed for London, Mr. Binnie says : " Although it will be seen from the chemist's analyses of the water of the Usk, the Yrfon, the Towy, the Wye, etc., that the waters in their natural state are of greater purity and contain less solid matter than the London water after nitration, and although these waters will be stored and be subjected to subsidence in the large reservoirs which I have described, and in some cases will be decanted or drawn off from one reservoir into another, yet I consider that when all precautions are taken, the water should be filtered before deliv- ering to the consumer." According to certain principles formulated by the Imperial Board of Health, Berlin (1893), the rate of nitration should not exceed 4 inches vertical .per hour, or 8 feet per day, which corre- sponds to a daily rate per acre of 2,606,630 U. S. gallons. From some experiments by the late Mr. W. Kiimmel, engineer of the Altona, Germany, Water- Works,* at rates of filtration of 4, 8, and 16 feet vertical per day, he obtained the best bacterial results from the higher rates, as indicated by the following table : 1,303,315 U. S. gallons per acre per day = 11 to 97 colonies per c. c. 2,606,630 = 5 to 79 5,213,260 " = 7 to 72 Mr. Kiimmel did not regard 8 feet per day as "beyond doubt the maximum of safe filtration;" he thought though, that "the danger of a trespassing pathogenic organism is much more unlikely at the lower than at the higher rates, and that the best velocity was not the same for all waters." He felt confident "that the difference in the mineral, vegetable, and animal admixtures is of high importance in this question," and that we should endeavor to ascertain the best rate for each separate water and water-works. From the latest published Annual Report of the Massachusetts State Board of Health (1895), the following notes from the exper- imental filters at the Lawrence station are taken : * Transactions American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. xxx., p. 333. FILTRATION OF WATER SUPPLIES. 143 INTERMITTENT SAND FILTERS. AVERAGE RATE OF FILTRATION. BACTERIA BACTERIA PERCENTAGE OF GALLONS PER ACRE PER DAY. PER C. C. IN PER C. C. IN BACTERIA RIVER WATER. FILTRATE. REMOVED. 2,000,000 11,600 29 99.75 2,500,000 to 5,000,000 16,300 137 99.16 5,000,000 to 7,000,000 11,600 72 99.38 CONTINUOUS SAND FILTERS. AVERAGE AVERAGE RATE OF FILTRATION. BACTERIA BACTERIA PERCENTAGE OF GALLONS PER ACRE PER DAY. PER C. C. IN PER C. C. IN BACTERIA RIVER WATER. FILTRATE. REMOVED. 1,000,000 to 2,500,000 13,950 72 99.49 2,500,000 to 5,000,000 18,220 273 98.56 5,000,000 to 7,000,000 11,600 73 99.37 7,000,000 to 10,000,000 16,500 130 99.22 The average results given in the table were obtained with sands varying in " effective size" from 0.14 to 0.48 mm., and "uniform- ity coefficient " from 1.6 to 3.7, while the thickness of sand-bed varied from 60 to 7 inches. Considering the efficiencies of the filters with sand-beds not less than 48 inches in thickness, the 5 intermittent filters for rates of filtration from 2,000,000 to 6,600,- 000 gallons per acre per day gave an average bacterial reduction of 99.32 per cent, while the 8 continuous filters for rates of filtra- tion from 2,000,000 gallons to 8,200,000 gallons per acre per day gave an average bacterial reduction of 99.32 per cent.* The influence of rate of filtration on the organic matter and bacterial contents of the Zurich filtered water is shown by Dr. A. Bertschinger of the Municipal Laboratory of Zurich, in the follow- ing table : CHEMICAL QUANTITIES RATE OF FILTRATION PER ACRE PER DAY IN U. S. GALLONS. FILTERED WATER. 4,356,000. 5,227,200. 8,712,000. 16,262,400. 21,489,600. Organic matter, 1.65 1.69 1.70 1.70 2.02 Free ammonia, 0.0007 0.0008 0.0004 0.0004 0.0006 Albuminoid ammonia, 0.0028 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0037 Bacteria per c. c. in filtrate, 20 31 22 15 18 * Twenty- seventh Annual Report Massachusetts State Board of Health, p. 505. 144 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. Commenting on these results, Mr. Preller * says (adapting his figures to U. S. gallons and rates per acre per day) : " These results show, therefore, that, provided the filter-beds are in efficient working order, neither the chemical nor the bacteriological purity of the filtered water is impaired by increasing the rate of percolation from 5,953,200 to 16,262,400 U. S. gallons per acre per day, a fact which is at variance with the view advanced elsewhere, that the mean rate of percolation for sand-filters should be limited to 3,194,400 U. S. gallons per acre per day." According to Mr. Schroder, the number of bacteria in the un- filtered Elbe water at Hamburg ranges from 800 to 3,000, while the filtered water seldom contains above 30 colonies per cubic centimeter, and at times is as low as 20 colonies per cubic cen- timeter, showing a reduction of 97.5 to 99.0 per cent in the bacterial contents of the raw water. The following tables from Dr. E. Frankland's f bacterial an- alysis of the water supplied by the London companies from the Rivers Thames and Lea, are very interesting when viewed from the standpoint of artificial water purification upon a large scale. COMPANIES WHICH TAKE WATER FROM THE RIVER THAMES. CHELSEA WATER COMPANY. BACTERIA PER C. C. OF WATER. MONTH. UNFILTERED WATER. AFTER 12 DAYS' STORAGE. AFTER FILTRATION. January, 11,560 1,360 20 February, 26,800 460 44 March, 18,000 240 28 April, 7,520 Lost. 4 May, 2,060 140 24 June, 6,760 1,150 178 July, 2,220 420 20 August, 1,740 200 18 September, 4,300 140 2 October, 39,760 340 8 November, 8,560 280 12 December, 160,000 854 55 Average, 24,107 508 34 Average percentage of reduction by subsidence, 97.85 Average percentage of reduction by subsidence and filtration, 99.86 * Zurich Water Works, C. P. Du R. Preller, London, 1892, p. 26. t Annual Summary of Vital Statistics, London, 1896, p. Ixxiv., et seq. FILTRATION OF WATER SUPPLIES. 145 WEST MIDDLESEX COMPANY. BACTERIA PER C. C. OF WATER. MONTH. UNFILTERED WATER. AFTER 5.6 DAYS' STORAGE. AFTER FILTRATION. January, 11,560 3,460 44 February, 26,800 1,820 16 March, 18,000 2,340 24 April, 7,520 720 20 May, 2,060 280 4 June, . 6,760 1,000 301 July, 2,220 680 8 August, 1,740 300 6 September, 4,300 120 14 October, 39,760 740 30 November, 8,560 5,520 25 December, 160,000 26,760 120 Average, 24,107 3,605 si Average percentage of reduction by subsidence, 85.05 Average. percentage of reduction by subsidence and nitration, 99.79 SOUTHWARK AND VAUXHALL COMPANY. BACTERIA PER C. C. OF WATER. MONTH. UNFILTERED WATER. AFTER 4.1 DAYS' STORAC.E. AFTER FILTRATION. January, 11,560 . . 32 February, 26,800 234 March, 18,000 . . 102 April, 7,520 . . 1,116 May, 2,060 36 June, 6,760 . . 24 July, 2,220 . . 188 August, 1,740 . . 12 September, 4,300 . . 68 October, 39,760 . . 16 November, 8,560 142 December, 160,000 920 8,020 Average, 24,107 832.5 Average percentage of reduction by filtration alone, 96.55 146 THE PURIFICAl^ION OF WATER. GRAND JUNCTION COMPANY. BACTERIA PER C. C. OF WATER. MONTH. UNFILTERED WATER. AFTER 3.3 DAYS' STORAGE. AFTER FILTRATION'. January, 11,560 290 28 February, 26,800 400 83 March, 18,000 380 97 April, 7,520 1,110 112 May, 2,060 540 56 June, 6,760 567 376 My, 2,220 410 32 August, 1,740 510 21 September, 4,300 360 63 October, 39,760 740 49 November, 8,560 1,580 110 December, 160.000 38,000 1,106 Average, 24,107 3,741 178 Average percentage of reduction by subsidence, 84.48 Average percentage of reduction by subsidence and filtration, 99.20 LAMBETH COMPANY. BACTERIA PER C. C. OF WATER. MONTH. UNFILTERED WATER. AFTER 6.0 DAYS' STORAGE. AFTER FILTRATION. January, 11,560 6,560 56 February, 26,800 13,380 56 March, 18,000 5,120 40 April, 7,520 5,340 12 May, 2,060 1,080 8 June, 6,760 1,280 130 July, 2,220 1,340 20 August, 1,740 600 60 September, 4,300 1,080 30 October, 39,760 4,660 12 November, 8,560 2,920 24 December, 160,000 56,000 116 Average, 24,107 8,280 47 Average percentage of reduction by subsidence, 65.65 Average percentage of reduction by subsidence and filtration, 99.81 FILTRATION OF WATER SUPPLIES. 147 COMPANIES WHICH TAKE WATER FROM THE fclVER LEA. NEW RIVER COMPANY. BACTERIA PER C. C. OF WATER. MONTH. UNFILTEKED WATER. AFTER 4.4 DAYS" STORAGE. AFTER FILTRATION. January, 2,510 1,040 31 February, 2,080 1,580 31 March, 4,240 1,820 11 April, 1,340 500 4 May, 1,340 300 7 June, 1,640 420 17 Jiy, 1,500 480 12 August, 840 340 67 September, 2,540 600 16 October, 4,400 820 7 November, 3,200 4,880 69 December, 14,540 7,480 266 Average, 3,347 1,693 45 Average percentage of reduction by subsidence, 49.42 Average percentage of reduction by subsidence and filtration, 98.65 EAST LONDON COMPANY. BACTERIA PER C. C. OF WATER. MONTH. UNFILTERED WATER. AFTER 15 DAYS' STORAGE. AFTER FILTRATION. January, 6,720 3,140 68 February, 7,880 1,600 69 March, 20,640 1,460 49 April, Lost. Lost. 52 May, 8,180 1,180 81 June, 11,720 2,340 208 July, 2,680 1,520 43 August, 6,020 2,140 68 September, 32,000 2,160 41 October, 12,220 1,460 53 November, 10,880 3,200 62 December, 80,000 13,420 145 Average, 18,085 3,056 78 Average percentage of reduction by subsidence, 83.10 Average percentage of reduction by subsidence and filtration, 99.56 148 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. PERCENTAGE OF BACTERIA REMOVED. WATER COMPANY. No. OF DAYS OF SUBSIDENCE. BY SUBSIDENCE. BY SUBSIDENCE AND FILTRATION. Grand Junction, 3.3 84.48 99.26 New River, 4.4 49.42 98.65 West Middlesex, 5.6 85.05 99.79 Lambeth, 6.0 65.65 99.81 Chelsea, 12,0 97.85 99.86 East London, 15.0 83.10 99.56 Southwark and Percentage of Bacteria removed by Fil- Vauxhall, . tration without Subsidence. 96.55 The preceding tables have been given in some detail in order to discuss the numbers of bacteria in the water after filtration. The first observation which one will naturally make is the extreme variation of results for different months by the same company, and for the same months by the different companies. Keeping in view the London standard of bacterial contents of potable water, i.e., 100 colonies per cubic centimeter, it appears that all of the companies complied with the standard for the month of Janu- ary. Only one of the seven companies (Southwark) failed to comply with the required standard for February ; and only one company, the Southwark again, failed to bring the bacterial con- tents of the filtrate within the prescribed limit for the month of March. The record of the Southwark Company indicates very bad work for several months, and as an average for the year, and is to be accounted for only upon the ground of insufficient filter capacity, or gross negligence in the manipulation of the filters. Once only did the Chelsea and New River Companies, and twice only during the year did the West Middlesex, Lambeth, and East London Companies pass the bacterial limit, while the work of the Southwark and Grand Junction Companies for the year was gen- erally very poor. With the exception of the Chelsea Company, the work of the filters for December was not up to the standard of London water. Referring to the Chelsea Company, and omitting the bad work of the filters for June, the average for the other eleven months was FILTRATION OF WATER SUPPLIES. 149 21.4 bacteria per cubic centimeter, of filtered water, at times fall- ing so low as 2 and never exceeding 55. Neglecting the bad work of the West Middlesex filters for the months of June and Decem- ber, the average for the other ten months was 19.1, the lowest count being 4, and the highest count 44 bacteria per cubic centi- meter. An examination of all the tables reveals the fact that four of the companies at times brought the bacterial condition of the water down to 8 or less per cubic centimeter of the filtrate, and since these very encouraging exhibits do not always occur simultane- ously by months, it must be credited to management of the filters or favorable company conditions, rather than to conditions prevail- ing in the unfiltered waters. It is apparent from the tables that the performance of the filters of the London works for the winter months is in some instances very unsatisfactory, and this must be due to a cause which is susceptible of remedy. If it is chargeable to uncovered filters, then covering should be resorted to. But the Hamburg authorities assure the author that they have been able with un- covered filters, and by an ingenious device for scraping the sand under the ice-cake (see Fig. 26) which forms in their climate, to keep the bacteria in the filtered water down to 30 per cubic cen- timeter. It is well known that the winters are more rigorous in Hamburg than in London ; and if it be possible to satisfy the hygienic requirements in Hamburg during the winter, it surely should be possible to do so in London. It will also be noticed that the low bacterial counts in the filtrate do not always follow the lower counts in the unfiltered river water ; thus, the Chelsea filters were successful in reducing the number of bacteria in the water to 4 per cubic centimeter with 7,520, and to 2 per cubic centimeter with 4,300 in the ap- plied water ; when with only 1,740 and 2,220 colonies in the river water, the bacteria in the filtrate rose to 18 and 20 per cubic cen- timeter. For the West Middlesex Company the conditions seem to change somewhat, the lower counts of bacteria in the river water being followed by lower counts in the filtrate. This is not always 150 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. true, even for this company : for with 26,800 bacteria per cubic centimeter in the river water, the bacteria in the filtrate were as low as 16 per cubic centimeter ; while with only 4,300 in the river water, the bacteria in the filtrate were 14 per cubic centimeter of the water. The cause of these variations and apparent vagaries may be found in the relative condition of the filters in service during the respective months. If the bacterial examinations hap- pened shortly after one or more filters had been cleaned, the counts in the filtrates might be relatively high ; while if the ex- amination had just preceded the cleaning of a filter, the count might be relatively low. Aside from the poor work accomplished at times by the Lon- don filters, it is manifest that filtration, properly conducted, can produce remarkable changes in the bacterial contents and quality of sewage-polluted waters. The general results as shown by the tables indicate marvelous possibilities which can be attained by filtration under a rigorous discipline upon the part of the health authorities, and a proper accountability upon the part of the water companies. Failure to attain a low bacterial condition of the filtrate, as we have seen, is not due to the weather, nor to the bacterial con- tents of the unfiltered water, but to causes which an inflexible regimen would speedily remove. A review of the seven water- works of London which take their supply from rivers would be unfair if it failed to state the fact that these companies were hard pressed at times to secure the required quantity of water ; and it is doubtless true, that if the supply of water from the Thames and River Lea was at all times ample, and not a matter of grave concern, the English engineers would undertake to sup- ply a filtrate which should never exceed the prescribed standard of bacterial contents, and usually be lower than that of average spring waters. The diagram on page 151 contains, to uniform scale, (1) the depth or thickness of finer sand-bed ; (2) the rate in imperial gallons per acre per day ; and (3) the percentage of bacteria in the applied water removed by filtration, for each of the seven Lon- don companies which filter their water supplies. The solid black FILTRATION OF WATER SUPPLIES. 151 surfaces show the thickness of sand-beds ; the finely hatched sur- faces show the rate of nitration per acre per day ; and the coarsely hatched surfaces the percentage of bacterial efficiency. The ordi- nates originate at a common zero plane. 152 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. The following very interesting table is taken from Mr. F. A. Meyer's paper* on the Hamburg Water-Works (p. 23) : NO. OF BACTERIA PER C. C. OF WATER AT VARIOUS POINTS OF THK HAMBURG WATER-WORKS. SOURCE OF SAMPLE. BACTERIA PER C. C. OF WATER. Dec. 23, 1893 Jan. 17, 1894 New intake from River Elbe, Billwarder Island, 1,665 1,953 From settling-basins, 674 1,031 From main conduit to filters, " " 909 1,053 Unfiltered water from Filter No. 1, Kalte Hofe, 818 . . " " " No. 3, " 1,094 " No. 19, 782 " No. 20, . . 1,061 Filtered water from Filter No. 1, " 18 . . " No. 2, . . 33 " " " No. 3, " . . 31 " " " No. 4, " 8 . . " " " No. 5, " 18 . . " " " No. 6, " . 21 No> 7^ 7 " " " No. 8, " . . 35 " " " No. 11, 33 28 " " " No. 12, " 45 30 " No. 15, . . . . " No. 16, 24 16 " " " No. 17, " 29 14 " No. 18, 7 4 " No. 19, 11 9 " ' " No. 20, " . . 18 " No. 21, " . . " " " No. 22, t " . . . . From the new main collecting channel, " 19 17 tt 1(J ~ D --- o -$- .._! i J Main &>//!< January 1&94. -X 2,000,000 1,000,000 Filter No. 1 6. Fig. 18. Diagram Showing Operation of Filter No. 16, Hamburg, Ger. German Imperial Institute of Hygiene (100 colonies per cubic centimeter of the filtrate), and averaging, for the whole time the filter was in service, 47 colonies per cubic centimeter of the filtered water. Filter No. 16 was operated for a period of 30 days at the rate of 1,689,096 gallons per acre per day, then for one day at the rate of 1,900,224 gallons per acre per day, then for one day at the rate of 1,951,972 gallons, and for the next two days at the standard rate of 1,689,096 gallons per acre per day ; after which, for the remainder of the period of 51 days, the rate varied from 1,329,379 gallons to 1,900,224 gallons per acre per day. For the 51 days of service of the filter, the bacteria per cubic 218 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. centimeter of filtrate varied from 55 colonies on the 2d day of service to 6 colonies on the 25th day, the average for the whole time being 21 bacteria per cubic centimeter of filtrate. The general bacterial efficiency of the Hamburg filters is shown by the following table : SOURCE OF SAMPLE. BACTERIA PER C. C. OF WATER. Unfiltered water from the Elbe, From the filters, Average bacterial reduction, per cent, 800-3000 20- 30 98.64 Whenever a filter has reached a point in its periodical " run " where it requires a head of water on the sand in excess of the maximum allowed, viz., 42-44 inches, in order to obtain the standard rate of delivery, it is taken out of service, the sand scraped, and after observing the usual precautions in refilling, is started again. At Hamburg the drainage pipes of the filters are 20 inches diameter, and controlled by an ordinary stop valve. All the drain- age pipes discharge into a common masonry conduit or sewer about 4 feet diameter, which traverses the Kalte Hofe, and connects with a pump well on the bank of the River Elbe. (Mr. Meyer is silent upon the manner of discharging the contents of this pump-well. Water drawn from the bottom of a filter after it is taken out of ' service will be filtered water, and if not changed in quality in passing through the drainage conduit, could with safety be pumped into the clear-water conduit which conveys the water from the filters to the clear-water basin at Rothenburgsort. The first run of a filter after it is started in operation is probably also discharged into this same drainage con- duit or sewer, and collected finally in the same pump-well, from which it should be pumped into the river. The double use of this drainage conduit is open to criticism. In one aspect of the case it indicates the waste of filtered water which might, with a proper arrangement of pipes or conduits, be saved and used ; and in another, the possible after pollution of water which had left the filter in condition for domestic use.) HAMBURG SETTLING-BASINS AND FILTERS. 219 To refill and start a filter, water from the clear-water conduit is allowed to flow backward through sluice gates in the effluent well to the central collecting-drain, from this to the lateral brick drains, and finally upward through the gravel and sand until it stands at a depth of eight inches above the surface of the sand. Further filling is then accomplished by opening the valve in the influent chamber, after which the automatic float and valve in this chamber, in connection with the adjustable weir in the effluent chamber, regulates the head on the sand and the discharge of the filter, within the limits fixed in practice. Each filter is connected with a clear-water conduit of brick masonry 8.5 feet diameter, 2,460 feet long, which lies parallel to the dike of the Elbe. This conduit at one point is connected with the old conduit through which the water was taken from the river for the old settling-basins prior to May, 1893. The connection was made by means of a side-shaft, and so arranged that, during the construction of the filters, each filter could be allowed to dis- charge its filtrate into the old conduit ; and after a sufficient num- ber of filters were put in service to supply the whole quantity of water consumed by the city, the connection between the old intake from the river and the new filtered-water conduit was tem- porarily closed. During September of 1893, a leak was discovered in the temporary bulkhead, and the connection between the old and new conduits was closed with a permanent bulkhead of concrete. From the clear-water conduit on the Kalte Hofe, the water is carried by an inverted siphon of welded steel pipe 6.56 feet dia- meter, across the Billwarder Bay, to a basin or clear-water reservoir on the Rothenburgsort, from which the filtered water is pumped to the city. The clear-water basin is covered with a masonry vaulting rest- ing on pillars, the arches of which are coated with a layer of asphalt, to exclude the water which may percolate through the earth and sand which is placed above the arches, and the whole covering is finally finished with a layer of sod. Drain tile is placed over the arches, to carry off the seep water which may find its way through the covering. The capacity of the clear- water basin (1897) is stated to be 220 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. 6,182,280 U. S. gallons, while the average daily consumption of water for 1896 is given as 31,524,080 gallons, indicating that this clear-water reservoir was filled and emptied about five times each day. The maximum daily consumption for 1896 was 38,407,811 gallons, at which time the clear-water basin contained less than four hours' average consumption. The author is informed that, during the summer, the temperature of the water falls about 2 Fahr., between the river and the clear-water reservoir, while in the winter the temperature rises between these two points about the same amount. The average length of " run " of a filter between scrapings, at Hamburg, is about forty days. But, as the author is informed, under favorable conditions of the water from the river, during the winter of 1896-1897, one filter successfully delivered, between scrapings of the sand, a column of water 105 m. (344.5 feet) high, which is equivalent to 112,215,438 U. S. gallons per acre, or at the standard rate of percolation for these filters (1,689,096 gal- lons per acre per day), represents an uninterrupted service for 66 days. The average daily per capita consumption of water by Ham- burg for 1896 was 50 U. S. gallons. THE SCHRODER SAND-WASHER. The sand-washers now in use at the Hamburg Water-Works are the invention of Mr. Rud Schroder, inspector of the filters ; and each set consists of seven conical boxes or hoppers of iron or steel, in the lower ends of which are fitted Korting ejectors. Filtered water under a head of thirty-six feet is supplied to the ejectors from a manifold, while the sand is fed into the first hopper by manual labor. The mixture of sand and water is carried up through a vertical pipe by the action of the ejector, and dis- charged into the next hopper of the series. The current of water through the ejector performs two offices; one, the transportation of the sand from hopper to hopper, and the other, the separation and washing of the dirty sand. The dirty wash-water overflows the upper edges of the hopper, and is carried off by suitable HAMBURG SETTLING-BASINS AND FILTERS. 221 troughs. Seven hoppers of the form shown in the drawing (Figs. 19 and 20) are found sufficient to effectually wash the sand scraped from the filters, and restore it to a condition fit to go into the filters again. From the vertical pipe in each hopper a trough conveys the mixture of sand and water to the next hopper of the series. By Fig. 22, it will be seen that these ejector washers are arranged in sets of two, each set consisting of a sand-chute, a small receiving- Sand-Washing Plant, Hamburg, Ger. Fig. 19 (Hopper No. 7). Fig. 20 (Hopper No. 2). hopper at the bottom of the sand-chute, and six larger elevated hoppers. From the last hopper the washed sand is discharged onto a platform, from which it is shoveled into the tram-cars. The surplus water from the sand is conveyed away by troughs to the rear of the platform. These hoppers are about 2 feet 6 inches square, excepting the first of the series, which is 2 feet square. The first hopper which receives the sand is about 1 foot 8 inches deep, while the remain- ing hoppers are about 2 feet 2 inches deep. The converging chute into which the " fouled " sand is dumped is 4 feet 2 inches 222 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. Fig. Z4. Transverse Section C D Sand-Washing Plant, Hamburg, Ger. HAMBURG SETTLING-BASINS AND FILTERS. 223 by 6 feet 6 inches at the top, and 4 feet deep. This is provided with a gate and screen at the bottom, through which the flow of sand to the first of the washing-hoppers is regulated. The water- pipe from the manifold to the ejector is \\ inches diameter, and the elevator pipe above the ejector is 3 inches diameter. A chilled iron throat is screwed into the lower end of the elevator pipe to resist the grinding action of the mixture of sand and water. From Mr. Schroder's description of this apparatus,* as used with the Hamburg filters, one complete set of washers and all appurtenances cost about $2,400. Four sets of washers are suffi- cient for the service of 18 filters of 1.89 acres each, or 34 acres of filtering area. The expenditure of water per cubic yard of sand washed averages 4,043 U. S. gallons, applied under a head of 36 feet. As stated before, filtered water only is used for sand-wash- ing. This style of washer is regarded at Hamburg as being more economical in labor than the drum washers employed at Berlin and in the London Water-Works, although requiring about twice the quantity of water for washing the sand and operating the ejectors. The capacity of one set of the Hamburg sand-washers is stated by Mr. Schroder to be 4 c. m., or 5.23 cubic yards, of sand cleaned per hour. The author is informed that these ejector sand- washers have been in constant service since 1894, cleaning annu- ally about 25,000 c. m. (32,675 cubic yards) of "fouled " sand from the filters, and have during this time given entire satisfaction. The following notes are from the operation of these Water- Works for 1896 : - Total consumption of water for all purposes, 11,506,300,000 U. S. gallons. Consumed in washing sand from filters, 91,800,000 U. S. gallons. Percentage of filtered water required by the Schroder sand-washers, 0.80. (In Chap. XVII. it will be noted that the English type of sand- washers, in use at Berlin, and formerly used at Hamburg, require about T 4 o of one per cent of the filtered water for washing the "fouled" sand scraped from the filters.) * Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, vol. xxxix., Hamburg, 1894. 224 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. THE MAGER SAND-SCRAPING DEVICE. The winters of Hamburg have been sufficiently rigorous since the filters were started in service to produce some inconvenience in the scraping of the sand-beds after the ice forms on the water, which has occurred as early as November, and continued until late in February. The following diagram, from the records of the Hamburg Water- Works, illustrates the time of formation, duration and thickness of the ice-cover over the niters, during the winter of 1896-1897. , 1696 ->* r 1897 Nov. ->|< December- >j<- - January >K -February > . Zl 26 11 6 II 18 21 26 311 6 II 16 7>f 26 3l'l 6 II 16 21 26 Fig. 25. Diagram Showing Ice on Filters, Winter of 1896-1897, Hamburg, Ger. From this diagram it will be seen that the ice began to form on the filters Nov. 23, 1896, and continued until Feb. 27, 1897, attaining a thickness of about 13 inches. During this time sev- eral of the filters in service were cleaned by the Mager apparatus, to be described. Before the invention of the Mager sand-scraping apparatus the filter-beds were cleaned by hand-dredging from the after end of a scow, which was slowly moved across the water from side to side of a filter, by means of a wire rope stretched from bank to bank, which engaged with a whim or capstan mounted on the scow. In order to conduct the work in this manner, it was necessary to first cut away or break and remove the ice from that portion of the water where the traverse of the scow and scrapers was to be made. The scrapers were mounted on long poles, and provided with bags or other receptacles for the sand scraped from the surface of the HAMBURG SETTLING-BASINS AND FILTERS. 225 bed. As rapidly as these receptacles were loaded, the scow was stopped, the scrapers and accumulation of "fouled" sand lifted on board and dumped. The scrapers were then put in position again, and the motion of the scow resumed across the filter. The traverse of the scow and hand-scrapers was from side to side of the filter, reversing the position of the scrapers with each traverse, and shifting the position of the wire rope a distance equal to the width of the swath or path scraped during the preceding traverse. The hand scrapers were always worked from the after end of the scow, and upon accumulating on board a load of " fouled " sand, this was wheeled to the bank, and carried to the sand- washers. Fig. 26. Device for Scraping Ice-Covered Sand-Filters, Hamburg, Ger. By successive traverses from slope to slope the whole area of the sand-bed was scraped, and the filter restored to service. The use of this apparatus required the breaking of the ice over the whole water area, and involved an expense of labor and time which brought about the invention of the apparatus shown in Fig. 26. The Mager device consists of a large float which impinges against the under side of the ice cake, and a metal scraper hung from the float by a pair of oscillating arms. Two chains, con- nected to the scraper and the float, limit the oscillation of the arms, and with reference to the float, regulate the depth of the swath cut in the surface of the sand. To the scraper is attached a bag which receives the "fouled" sand as it is cut from the sur- 226 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. face of the bed. The float and scraper is introduced at one end of the filter under the ice, and by means of two capstans, placed one upon each of the two longer embankments of the filter, and two wire ropes attached to the float, the float and scraper is dragged from side to side of the filter without removing or break- ing the ice-cover. When the scraper has made a full traverse across the filter, by pulling upon one of the two lines connected with the sand-bag, it is turned inside out like a stocking, and the contents emptied on the inner slope of the embankment. Upon traversing the filter in the opposite direction, the scraper is reversed, and upon reaching the further slope the sand is discharged by pulling upon the other line and reversing the bag. In this manner the float and scraper is drawn from side to side of the filter until the whole bed of sand is scraped, the " fouled " sand being left upon the slopes or at the edge of the sand-bed. As each traverse is made, the capstans on the embankments are moved along the filter a distance equal to the width of the swath cut in the sand by the previous traverse of the scraper. This apparatus requires only the cutting away of a narrow strip of ice at each end of the filter, and at the side slopes, for the intro- duction and removal of the float and scraper, for the operation of the wire cables which drag the float under the ice from side to side of the filter, and for handling the lines which reverse the sand-bag and discharge its contents. A comparison of the time required to scrape the sand-bed with the scow and hand scrapers, with the time required by the Mager float and scraper, indicates a reduced cost of labor for the latter ; and a comparison of the after periods which the filter will run, and the volumes of water delivered before a new scraping is required, in- dicates a gain in the efficiency of the filter ; i.e., the periods of sub- sequent operation are longer, and the quantities of water delivered by the filter are greater, than with the apparatus previously in use. From tables in a paper by Mr. E. Mager, descriptive of this apparatus,* the following data are derived : * Process of Cleaning the Open Filters of the Hamburg Water-Works During the Winter. By Ed. Mager, Engineer, Hamburg, 1897, pp. 4, 6. HAMBURG SETTLING-BASINS AND FILTERS. 227 . BY THE OLD METHOD OF SAND-SCRAPING. Average time required to clean one filter, 4.3 days. Least " " " " 3 Greatest " " " " " 7 Generally 4 days were sufficient to scrape the sand from a bed of 1.89 acres area. Average length of time the filters were in ser- vice after scraping, 15 " Least time the filters were in service after scraping, 4.0 " Greatest time the filters were in service after scraping, 29.0 " Generally the filters were in service after scrap- ing, 17.4 Average yield of (one) filter after scraping, 28,493,336 U. S. gallons. Least yield, 7,040,402 Greatest yield, 48,725,085 Generally the average yield after scraping the sand was, 33,588,010 Upon a second scraping of one filter by the former process, 6 days were required to remove the " fouled " sand, after which the filter was in service for only 5 days, and the yield was 7,645,155 gallons. With the Mager apparatus for scraping the sand-bed under the ice, the average time required for the cleaning of three filters was 2.3 days each. The average period of operation of the filters was 17 days, and the yields of filtered water were as follows : Average yield, 38,774,256 U. S. gallons. Least " 24,767,165 Greatest 57,910,790 Upon a second cleaning, one of the filters required 5 days for scraping the sand, with an after operation of 12 days, and a yield of 19,235,873 gallons. Generally, after cleaning the sand-bed with the Mager apparatus, the yield of filtered water is from one-third to one-half as much as when the same bed is laid dry and scraped with shovels in the usual way. 228 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. At present the average time required for the scraping of a sand- bed of 1.89 acres with the Mager apparatus is about 40 hours. Referring to the diagram (Fig. 25), during the interval of time when the surface of the water on the niters was frozen, niters were cleaned with the Mager apparatus as follows : NUMBER OF FILTER. DATE OF SCRAPING. DURATION OF AFTER SERVICE. DAYS. NUMBER OF FILTER. DATE OF SCRAPING. DURATION OF AFTER SERVICE. DAYS. 7 December 10, 16 January 1, 7 January 11, 31 16 January 22, 21 7 January 14, 6 January 9, 7 February 15, 32 6 February 21, 43 8 December 26, 4 January 16, 8 January 15, 20 4 February 7, 22 8 January 19, 12 January 22, 8 February 9, 21 12 February 24, 33 Another method which was resorted to during the past winter for scraping the sand-bed is described by Mr. Schroder. The ice was cut away from one-half the bed, and the water level lowered until the ice-cake rested on the sand. Workmen were then put upon the dry portion of the bed, and removed the "fouled" sand by hand-scraping. The filter was then filled with water, the ice- cake floated over to the opposite side, and the water again lowered until the remaining half of the filter was laid bare. This half was then scraped by hand in the same manner, after which the filter was filled and put in regular service. An operation like this of course requires that the temperature of the air shall be above the freezing-point during the interval of time when the water is off the filter. About the first week of November, 1897, the daily newspapers of the United States contained an account of an epidemic, or un- warranted increase, of typhoid fever in Hamburg during the fall of that year. Desirous of ascertaining if this was caused by the failure of the filters to properly purify the raw Elbe water, or if the increase in typhoid was traceable to other causes, the author requested an explanation of the Hamburg officials ; and from the letter in reply the following quotations are extracted : HAMBURG SETTLING-BASINS AND FILTERS. 229 " The investigations by the Medical Board *have shown that the increase in typhoid fever during the fall of 1897 was due either to the use of raw milk or unfiltered Elbe water, and there was no evidence to show any connection between this rise in the typhoid rates and the filtered public water supply. "The use of the raw water for drinking-purposes is partly due to the following facts : - " For a time after our epidemic of cholera in 1892 (when natu- rally the people had a dread of the unfiltered Elbe water), no cases of typhoid occurred. With the lapse of time, this fear of the raw river water has somewhat subsided ; and notwithstanding the warn- ing signs set up at frequent intervals along the harbor against using (for drinking or dietetic purposes) the unfiltered river water, some people associated with the river interests are reckless enough to use this water. " Excepting such cases as were due to raw (unsterilized) milk, it may therefore be of interest to you to know that all other cases of typhoid fever have been stated by our Medical Board as being derived from the use of raw river water in the harbor, and not from the use of our filtered water, which remains up to date of excellent quality." 230 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. CHAPTER XIV. THE FILTERS OF THE BERLIN WATER-WORKS. THE original filters of the Berlin Water- Works at the Stralau station, built in 1855-1856, were uncovered, and as described by Mr. Kirkwood,* consisted of six beds, with an area of about 4.86 acres, or 0.81 acre to each filter. The filtering materials consisted of small boulders, gravel, and sand. No lateral drains were used to convey the filtered water to the central drain, the boulders at the bottom of the bed performing this office. The arrangement of the filtering materials was as follows : Fine sand at top of bed (effective size, 0.35 mm.), 18 inches. Coarse sand, 12 " Coarser sand, 6 " Gravel under the sand, and boulders at bottom of filter, 22 " Total depth of filtering materials, 58 inches. Depth of water on filters, 54-60 " According to Mr. Kirkwood, ice from 15 to 20 inches in thick- ness had formed over the filters during " long and severe winters ; " and as a protection to the filter walls, the ice-cake was broken around the edges " by workmen appointed to that duty." This difficulty with the ice, and the impossibility at that time of properly cleaning the sand-beds in winter, led to the adoption of covered filters in the Lake Miiggel Works, to be described. As originally constructed, the filters at the Stralau station were open ; but since 1893 these filters have been covered. The new water-works of Berlin are located on the north shore of Lake Miiggel,f a branch and enlargement of the River Spree, * Filtration of River Waters, by J. P. Kirkwood, 1869, p. 112. f The Filtration of the Miiggel Lake Water Supply, Berlin, by Henry Gill, Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 1895, p. 14. THE FILTERS OF THE BERLIN WATER-WORKS. 231 about 12 miles from the center of the city. *Lake Miiggel, so- called, is 2.90 miles long and 1.43 miles wide, with a depth over the greater part of the area of 26 feet. Unaltered Water Inlet Pipe Pilfered Water Out-let Pipe Washout Pipe Fig. 27. Plan of Filters at Lake Miiggel, Berlin, Ger. The works are designed to supply 47,280,000 gallons of water per day, and contain 44 filters, each of an area of 0.576 acres,. or a total sand surface of 25.344 acres, divided into four groups of 11 232 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. filters each. It is assumed in these works that 3 filters of each group will at all times be out of service for cleaning and renewal of the sand, or be held in reserve ; hence T 8 T of the total filtering capacity only will be available. The estimated rate of filtration is 2.448 gallons per square foot of sand surface per hour, or 2,559,237 gallons per acre per day. The available filter area is assumed to be 18.432 acres, and the daily capacity as 47,171,856 gallons per day. The filtering materials are arranged as follows : Fine sand at top of bed (effective size, 0.35 mm.), 24 inches. Gravel, 12 Boulders, 12 " Total depth of filtering materials, 48 inches. Head of water on filters, maximum, 31.5 Head of water on filters, minimum, 3.6 " (Mr. Gill estimates the voids or water space in the compacted sand as J of the whole mass.) The rate of discharge from a filter is a nearly constant quan- tity ; and to effect this with an increasing head on the sand-bed, the water flows from the effluent chamber to the clear-well through a submerged orifice, the head over which is maintained at a uniform height by the adjustment of a sluice gate, placed in the division wall of the effluent chamber, between the sluice chamber and the weir chamber. The adjustment of the gate from day to day serves to maintain the difference of level between the water on the filter and the water in the sluice chamber, to obtain the desired rate of percolation through the sand, and the proper head on the sub- merged orifice in the weir chamber. (See Fig. 28.) By this device (the invention of Mr. Gill) any variation in the demand for water can neither increase nor diminish the rate of flow through the filters, and will only lower or raise the level of water in the clear-well. The Muggel filters are covered with groined arches, the sup- porting piers of which are placed 14.37 feet center to center in each direction. At the center of each arch over four piers, an opening is placed, which admits of a thorough lighting up of the bed of sand for the purpose of cleaning. THE FILTERS OF THE BERLIN WATER-WORKS. 233 According to the experience at Zurich, the cost of operating is lower for the closed filters than for the open filters,* while the re- verse seems to be true at Berlin ; for the closed filters are said to entail a cost of $10.00 f per million U. S. gallons, the highest cost for any European filtration works from which reports have been obtained by the author. Aside from the special difficulties due to the formation of ice on the open filters in climates like that of Ber- lin, the cost of scraping, removing, and renewing the sand should Filter Showing Level of Water in Sluice Chamber. Fig. 28. Plan of Regulating Chamber. (Gill on the Filtration of the Miiggel Lake Water-Supply.} be the least with open filter-beds, and why the closed filters at Zu- rich (after omitting the charge for breaking the ice) should cost less for operating than the open filters, requires some explanation. At Berlin the clear-water reservoir is also covered with a masonry vaulting; and the whole work, as described by Mr. Gill, is of the most substantial kind. * Water Supply of Ziirich, Preller, p. 37. f Said to include interest and sinking-fund charges. 234 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. The new water-works at Lake Miiggel were planned to supply a population of 1,700,000 with an allowance of 27.5 U. S. gallons per capita, which would indicate an approximate present pumpage and filtration of 46,750,000 U. S. gallons of water per diem. From an elaborate description by the late Mr. Henry Gill of the method for operation of the filters at Lake Miiggel, the following resume is taken. The filter is started in service by filling from below with filtered water. The water is allowed to percolate slowly upward through the bed of sand in order to displace the air and fill all the voids between the sand-grains. In filling a filter the influent and efflu- ent gates are closed, and the water drawn back through an inde- pendent valve and pipe from the clear-well. As soon as the water has risen 4 inches above the bed of sand, the influent gate is opened, and further filling is cautiously conducted with unfiltered water. After a head of 1.6 feet above the sand has been attained, the unfiltered water is quickly run on the filter until the full ope- rating head is reached. Mr. Gill recommends that a filter be filled at a rate of not more than 4.7 inches per hour, to avoid disturbance of the sand. After a filter has been filled, it should be rested with the water over the sand-bed for 24 hours, in order that the pores of the sand- bed may be partially closed by sedimentation ; and in cases when this length of rest is inadmissible, and the filter must be put in service earlier to maintain the supply of filtered water, it should be brought very gradually up to its normal work.* Sudden variations in head or pressure on the sand-bed should be avoided, to prevent injury to the film of silt and the products of bacterial action at the surface of the sand. After the normal rate of filtration has been attained, the deposit on the surface of the sand increases from day to day, and the effective head neces- sary to obtain the normal discharge of water from the filter will also have to be increased by adjustment of the sluice gate in the * In the Journal of the Sanitary Institute, October, 1895, p. 387, Professor Percy Frank- land says : " It is of importance to hasten the formation of the surface slime ; and to this end the water should be run onto the filter, and left there undisturbed for twelve hours before filtration is actually commenced." UNIVERSITY THE FILTERS OF THE BERLIN WATER-WORKS. 235 effluent chamber. With these filters, according to Mr. Gill's rules, when the difference of water level on the sand-bed and in the sluice chamber reaches 1.64 feet, the filter must be taken out of service. Upon taking a filter out of service the influent and effluent valves are closed, and the water level lowered to the layer of gravel, or to the floor of the filter, no water being left in the bed of sand. It is desirable, each time a filter is taken out of service, to thor- oughly aerate the sand-bed. The upper surface of the sand is pared with shovels, the cut in the surface not exceeding 0.4 inch. Care should be observed to avoid taking off a thicker layer of the "fouled" sand. The scraped sand is gathered in heaps in the center of each vault, and carried in barrows to the sand-house for washing and storage. Mr. Gill thinks that a closed filter, after cleaning, should be exposed to the atmosphere for several days (excepting in winter, when the temperatures are below the freezing-point), and thor- oughly ventilated before it is started again. " Fouled" sand from a filter is washed and stored until required to renew the thickness of bed in the filter. In all cases the origi- nal thickness is reduced to 16 inches. After the last paring has been taken from the surface, the bed is filled with washed sand until the original thickness is obtained. After sand has been scraped from a filter and taken to the washing-machine, it should be so thoroughly washed that a sample stirred in a beaker of distilled water will produce no turbidity. The sand- washers used at Berlin (Fig. 29) are of the revolv- ing-drum type,, the kind originally in use at Hamburg, and which were discarded there for the ejector washers described in Chap- ter XIII. In the operation of these washers, the rate at which the mate- rial is worked through the drum will depend upon the speed of rotation, whil'e the quantity of water supplied to the drum is regu- lated by a tap or valve. By varying the speed of rotation and the flow of water, a thorough washing of the material, no matter how foul it may be, can be accomplished by the time the sand reaches the discharge end of the drum. 236 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. A circular weir at the inlet end can be raised or lowered, and thus increase or diminish the volume of water retained at all times in the drum. It is advisable (especially in summer) to wash the scraped sand as soon as it comes from the filters, and store it ready for future use. The earliest recorded comparison (see Chapter XI.) of steril- THE FILTERS OF THE BERLIN WATER-WORKS. 237 ized sand, and sand washed but not sterilized, was made at the Stralau station of the Berlin Water-Works, with the result that the best nitrate invariably was obtained from a bed of washed, unsterilized sand.* The water from Lake Miiggel is very variable in bacterial contents, having sometimes as many as 6,000 colonies per cubic centimeter, and at other times so few as 200 colonies per cubic centimeter. In the operation of the niters it is the aim to keep the bacterial contents of the filtrate within the German standard, i.e., 100 colonies per cubic centimeter of water; and seldom do the numbers of bacteria exceed 90 per cubic centimeter in the filtered water, while counts as low as 40 per cubic centimeter are often made. Not considering the time when the bacterial contents of the lake water is very low, the general reduction of bacteria by the niters is nearly 99 per cent. * Lake Miiggel Water Supply, Gill, p. 9, 10. 238 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. CHAPTER XV. THE FISCHER FILTER AND ANDERSON PURIFIER. THE FISCHER PLAQUE FILTER. THIS is an invention of Mr. Fischer, Director of the water- works of Worms, Germany, where it has been in operation for four years past, and consists of hollow plates or bricks about one meter (40 inches) square and 20 cm. (8 inches) thick, with 5 cm. (2 inches) of space in the middle of the plate, which gives an effective thickness of filtering-plate of 3 inches. These plates, or plaques, are made of a mixture of clean sharp sand and finely pulverized glass, obtained from the waste of glass-works, broken bottles, etc. This mixture, when fused, may be given any form desired, and upon cooling forms a porous mass through which water may be filtered under pressures depending primarily upon the density of the material. The head under which this form of filter works at Worms is given in the Consular Report* as 3 to 4 feet. From a drawing which accompanies the Report, it appears that the hollow brick, or plaque as it is called, is made up of two solid plates, 40 inches square and 3 inches thick, bolted together on a frame of metal (?), with which the plates make water-tight joints, and leaving a water space or cell between the plates 2 inches in width. These hollow plates or bricks are set on edge in two tiers, as shown by the drawing, in a suitable water-tight tank or res- ervoir, with a water space of 3 or 4 inches between adjacent pairs of plates. The reservoir is then filled with water until a head is obtained sufficient to secure the desired rate of filtration through the plates. The water passes through the 3-inch thickness of plate from the tank to the cell inside, from which, by suitable pipes, it is * Advance Sheets of U. S. Consular Reports, February, 1897. THE FISCHER FILTER AND ANDERSON PURIFIER. 239 drawn off to the clear-water reser- voir. The suspend- ed matter in the water is intercept- ed at or near the outer surface of the plates ; and when the pores become so plugged as to re- duce the capacity of the filter to a rate of delivery at which it becomes unprof- itable to operate it, the water is drawn from the tank, and by reversing the current the filtered water is caused to pass from the cen- tral cells outward through the pores of the plates, and the accumulated s u s - pended matter in- tercepted at the surface is washed away, and flushed from the plates and the tank by a hand hose. The principle of filtration is the same as that employed in the Berkefeld and Pasteur type of fil- 240 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. ters, and the method of reversing the current to wash the filter the same as is employed in the mechanical filter. The original sand filter at Worms contained 13,000 square feet of filtering surface, and filtered at the rate of 792,510 U. S. gal- lons per day, equivalent to 2,655,700 gallons per acre per day ; while a battery of 500 of these Fischer plates or hollow bricks is said to have yielded the same amount of filtered water as the sand filter. Estimating the effective area of one face of a plaque at one square meter, and of both faces at two square meters, or 21.528 square feet, then 500 such plaques (of which 30 are shown in Fig. 30, each pair of plates being bolted together making a hollow brick) would contain 10,764 square feet, and the rate of percolation through the 3 inches of porous material would be 73.6 gallons per square foot per day, equivalent to a vertical rate of 9.8 feet per day. (It is stated in the Report that the estimated cost of a sand filter of 13,000 square feet of area was 130,000, which would make the cost per acre more than 1100,000. This figure seems to be in error ; for nothing approaching it in cost has heretofore, within the author's knowledge, been reported. Open filters in series, includ- ing clear-well and accessories upon an elaborate plan, can be con- structed in this country within a cost of $40,000 per acre, and estimating concrete coverings at $11,000 per acre, the cost of covered filters may be as low as $51,000 per acre, which is about one-half the cost assigned in the Report for the sand filters in use at Worms prior to the introduction of the Fischer filter.) The Fischer filter cost $9,600, or about $12,000 for 1,000,000 gallons of daily capacity. The Report states, " From a long series of analyses and careful observations made by the sanitary authorities at Worms, it appears that the efficiency of the two systems of filtration, which are there worked side by side, are practically identical, so far as regards their effect upon the chemical purity of the water ; but the percent- age of bacteria left by the Fischer process is somewhat greater than is left by the sand filter, when clean and in good working condition." THE FISCHER FILTER AND ANDERSON PURIFIER. 241 The porosity of these Fischer plaques is doubtless greater than the porcelain tubes of the Pasteur-Chamberland filter, through which bacteria are known to grow within a few days after sterili- zation ; and since sterilization of these sand and glass plaques is not practicable, only washing with a reversed current of filtered water, there is danger of the same deterioration of quality of filtrate which has often been observed by the continuous use (unsterilized) of the Pasteur tubes. THE ANDERSON REVOLVING IRON PURIFIER. The following description of this device and its mode of opera- tion is taken from a recent publication by the Anderson Purifier Company entitled Water Purification : " This process consists in passing the water while on its way to the settling- beds through a wrought-iron cylinder (Fig. 30 ), supported horizontally on hollow trunnions forming the inlet and outlet to the cylinder. This is kept in continual slow rotation, and contains a charge of metallic iron in small pieces. The iron is continually lifted and showered down through the water by means of scoops fixed within the cylinder. The speed of rotation of the machine is about 6 feet per minute at the periphery. The water is passed through at the rate of from a third to a fifth of the capacity of the cylinders per minute, thus keeping the water in contact with the iron for from three to five minutes, according to the quality of the water. The cylinders are made in various sizes; for example, a machine 18 feet long and 5 feet in diameter is capable of treating nearly a million gallons per day, and is charged with about 2 tons of any sort of scrap iron, one of the most convenient forms being punch- ings from boiler plates. " This churning with scrap iron causes the water to take up a small quantity of iron, from a tenth to a fifth of a grain per gallon, which, in precipitation, effects the purification of the water. " On leaving the cylinder these particles of iron are in the form of ferrous hydrate ; but as the water is immediately exposed to the influence of the air, this becomes quickly changed to ferric hydrate, which is precipitated in particles more or less coarse according to the nature of the water under treatment. On leaving the cylinder the water is passed into a settling-bed, or simple troughs, in which the iron is completely oxidized by exposure to the air, and in which the precipitate immediately settles. " The action of the ferric hydrate on all impurities in the water is one of coagulation, the formation of a precipitate in the water tending to throw out of solution the dissolved organic substances. This explanation of the action of the iron process upon the organic impurities of a water applies equally well 242 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. to its action upon microbes. Experience shows that the microbes become entangled in the precipitate, and either subside with it to the bottom of the settling-tank, or remain upon the surface of the filter/' After extensive experiments had been made with this process upon the sewage-polluted water of the River Seine at Boulogne- THE FISCHER FILTER AND ANDERSON PURIFIER. 243 sur-Seine, with very gratifying results according to the report of Dr. Miquel, it was adopted by the Compagnie Generale des Eaux, for the supply of the suburbs of Paris. The process has been made a part of the works at Choisy-le-Roi, Nogent-sur-Marne, and Neuilly-sur-Marne, and is proportioned for the treatment (at all the stations) of 18,500,000 U. S. gallons per diem. From Dr. Miquel's bacterial tests of the performance of this process at Boulogne-sur-Seine, the following averages for a period of six months, February to July inclusive, 1893, are taken : COLONIES PER C. C. OF WATER. Unfiltered water from River Seine, 396,000 Filtered water, 1,702 Percentage of reduction, 99.57 The water of the River Vanne, at -the same time, contained 1,110 colonies per cubic centimeter. This is a very pure water from protected mountain sources, 107 miles distant, and in Paris is regarded as the standard for dietetic water. The method pursued by Dr. Miquel and other French workers in bacteriology is calculated to show the bacteria per cubic centi- meter of a water sample about ten times as high as the method employed in Germany, England, and America ; and for comparison with our statements of the bacterial counts from various waters his figures should be divided by this number, which will give about the following results : BACTERIA PER C. C. Seine water (unfiltered), 39,600 Seine water (filtered), 170 Vanne water, 111 The special merit of the Anderson process is found in its ability to increase the rate of precipitation of the suspended mat- ter, including bacteria, without the use of chemicals as a coagulant, the same result being accomplished by the "ferrous hydrate," formed by the contact of the iron particles with the water, which upon aeration is precipitated as a " ferric hydrate." According to the circular from which the above information was drawn, the expense of operating the small plant, including the 244 THE PURIFICATION OF WAITER. filters, at Boulogne-sur-Seine, was about $1.50 per million U. S. gallons. The process is not in use in any English water-works, although tried at one time under unfavorable conditions at the water-works of Worcester.* Of this test Dr. Dupre says: "1. The revolving purifier process, judged merely from a chemical point of view, has been a considerable success as regards at least 7 out of the 11 fortnightly samples examined ; and if the process could be conducted in such a manner that all the filtered water equaled these, there would be nothing left to desire ; while from a bacteriological point of view it has been eminently suc- cessful in practically every case. " 2. From a sanitary point of view most of the samples of filtered water are open to no objection. "3. The process, as hitherto worked at Worcester, does not effect any very noticeable reduction in the color of the water whenever there is much peaty matter present. " 4. From a sanitary point of view the presence of peat is not, however, a serious evil. " 5. Similar results might no doubt have been obtained by means of sand filtration only. To obtain them in this way it would, however, be necessary to increase the present filtering area by at least 50 per cent, since the rate of fil- tration should then not exceed 4 inches per hour; whereas the present rate of supply cannot be kept up under a rate of at least 6 inches per hour, and even then no provision would be made to supply the place of filters thrown out of work for cleaning." The author's experiments with a small Anderson purifier (on the Ohio River water) have given as averages of several tests from 86.13 to 97.28 per cent reductions of the bacteria in the raw water ; but, as stated in Chapter III., this purifier, and especially the filter used in connection with it, were not calculated to favor the process, and should not be weighed against the more elabo- rate experiments of Dr. Miquel, 1893, on the process as used at Boulogne-sur-Seine. The claims by the manufacturers for the Anderson rjrocess of treatment before the water enters the subsiding reservoirs are : " 1. Filtration, after the water has been purified by means of the revolving purifier process, is carried on at about twice the customary speed, thus effect- ing a saving of about half the area of filter surface required. * Report of Dr. A. Dupre, London, November, 1892. FILTERS PROPOSED FOR CINCINNATI. 245 " 2. The saving thus effected much more than counterbalances the cost of the revolving cylinders. " 3. The purification is much more thorough and much less liable to ac- cidental disturbance, and removes a greater percentage of microbes. "4. The working cost is low, as the iron employed is very cheap, and with efficient settlement the cost of filter cleaning is very small." The cost of a revolving purifier plant, including all usual con- nections, is stated at $5,000 per million gallons of daily capacity. A series of cylinders, and the usual connections and appurtenances (not including the filters), required to treat 20,000,000 gallons of water daily, would thus cost $100,000. According to Mr. E. Devonshire of the Anderson Purifier Company, the cost of plain sand filters abroad is $15,000 to $20,000 per million gallons of daily capacity, while with the re- duced filter area required by the Anderson process, these figures are reduced to $9,000 and $12,000 per million gallons of daily capacity ; and he estimates the average cost of a combined purify- ing and filtering plant at $15,500 per million gallons of capacity per day. It is stated by the company that the cost of treatment by this process, including the care of the sand filters, "will not exceed $2.00 per million gallons." 246 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. CHAPTER XVI. FILTERS PROPOSED FOR CINCINNATI. THE water supply of Cincinnati has for years been in a deplo- rable condition, and different measures for relief have been proposed at various times during the past thirty years. As early as 1865 Mr. James P. Kirkwood proposed settling reservoirs and plain sand filters for the treatment of the Ohio River water before it was supplied to the consumers. This method of water purification, with such modifications as the intervening time has suggested, was recommended by the Commission of Engineers appointed to report plans and estimate of cost for extension and betterment of the city water-works.* The plans embrace subsidence in large reservoirs for four days previous to the delivery of the water to the filters. The premises and conclusions upon the matter of water puri- fication, as set forth in the Report of the Engineer Commission, abridged and corrected for the present purpose, were as follows : " Experiments indicate that subsidence for four days will remove from the Ohio River water a very large percentage of the suspended matter, and relieve the filters of that part of the work which is chiefly concerned in the clarification of the water. The effect of this will be to cause the filters to pass a larger quantity of water per unit of area between successive parings or cleanings of the sand." " Much of the work now required of the filters abroad will be accomplished in the subsiding reservoirs ; and by a fair division of the work between the subsiding reservoirs and the filters, relying upon the former largely for clarification and improvement of the color, and upon the latter wholly for the reduction of the bacteria * This commission reported March 20, 1896. FILTERS PROPOSED FOR CINCINNATI. 247 (and finer suspended matter), better results can be had in the quality of effluent and economy of operation than by filtration alone." " The subsiding reservoirs have been designed for ready cleans-- ing from the silt and other suspended matter in the water which will be deposited upon the bottom and slopes, and are so arranged in unit capacity that at all times at least 250,000,000 gallons, and usually 300,000,000 gallons, cf sedimentation capacity will be in service." " The filters were designed for a total capacity of 66,000,000 gallons per day, and a least effective capacity of 60,000,000 gallons per day. The net aggregate area of water and sand surface is 22 acres, allotting two acres to each of the eleven filters. The estimated rate of delivery is 3,000,000 gallons per acre per day." "To obtain the highest quality of effluent with the maximum allowable rate of filtration, regulators will be used on both the inflow and outflow pipes, limiting the head on the sand-bed and the loss of head between the water on the filter and the level of water in the effluent chambers to such measures as may be found to give the most satisfactory results in practice." The subsiding reservoirs are six in number, and each has a capacity of 50,000,000 gallons when filled to a depth of 30 feet. The bottom dimensions are 705 feet by 210 feet, with dimensions at the full water-line of 855 feet by 360 feet. The top width of embankment has been fixed at 20 feet, with inside slopes 2J hori- zontal to one vertical, and outside slopes 2 horizontal to one verti- cal. The bottom and inside slopes are to be covered with 2 feet of puddle, over which will be a pavement of concrete 6 inches thick. The top of the embankment will be paved with concrete and small broken stone rolled in place, to form a foot-walk and driveway around and between the reservoirs. The dimensions of sand-bed and water surface of each filter are 220 feet wide by 400 feet long. The depth of the filter, from the top of coping to the concrete floor, is 11 feet. The filters have been planned with masonry walls, vertical on the inside and battered by offsets on the outside. Under the bottom of the filter a layer of puddle 12 inches thick has been shown, and over this 248 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. puddle is placed a concrete floor 6 inches thick. The walls are started on a course of puddle 12 inches thick, with a broad footing, Fig.32b. Transverse Section. F/grs. 37 anrf 32. Proposed Filter Bed for the City of Cincinnati, 0., 1896. and around the walls puddle of varying widths will be packed up to the level of the ground. FILTERS PROPOSED FOR CINCINNATI. 249 Each filter has two acres of sand and water surface,* and is provided with two main drains laid to a grade of 6 inches in 200 feet, each main drain being graded from the center of the length of the filter chamber to the effluent chambers at the ends of the filter, to collect the water from one-fourth the area of the filter, and discharge this right and left to the effluent chambers." The dimensions of each section are, therefore, 110 feet by 200 feet. One filter of 2 acres sand area is divided into four parts or sections of \ acre each, from which the filtered water is collected, and delivered to the four effluent chambers ; and any variation in the quality of filtrate supplied by each \ acre of the filter can be detected by proper tests of the water at the effluent chambers. The sections, Figs. 32 a and 32 b, show the method of construction proposed. The excavation will be carried to such bottom eleva- tion as will provide for the filling between and for the embank- ments around the filters, with due allowance for shrinkage in volume of material by rolling and the action of the elements. The concrete floor and masonry side and end walls constitute the basin or reservoir for the reception of the main and lateral drains and the filtering materials. Each section of the floor is a shallow trough, with a general grade toward its respective effluent chamber. The regulator on the influent side of the filter consists of a 30-inch balanced valve, and a metal float which closes the influent valve when a head of 4 feet over the sand layer is reached. Upon the effluent side the yield of the filter is conducted to the clear-well through a 24-inch pipe, controlled by a balanced valve and float, which limits the delivery of each \ acre of the filter to 1,500,000 gallons per day. " The main drains are built of brick, with portholes in the three upper courses to receive the water from the small lateral drains, and are covered with close jointed stone slabs 3 inches thick. The walls of the main drains are 12 inches thick, and rest on a concrete foundation 6 inches thick." The main drains are 2 feet wide and 2 feet high in the clear, two of which are provided for each acre of filtering surface. " The lateral drains are of vitrified salt-glazed tile, with butt * Compare Hamburg Filters, Chap. XIII. 250 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. joint of arched section with flat bottoms, and perforated on the top and sides. The inside dimensions are 6 inches wide and 8 inches high. These are laid on the concrete floor to a grade of 3 inches in 52.5 feet. The lateral drains are spaced 11.8 feet center to center. " The filtering materials are arranged as follows : Fine graded sand (at top of filter), 30 inches. Coarse sand, 15 " Small gravel, 6 " Coarse " L5 " Total depth of filtering materials, 66 inches. Depth of water over sand, 48 " " Each filter is provided with one influent and four effluent chambers ; and each chamber is provided with an automatic regu- lating-valve to control the depth of water over the sand-bed, and regulate the rate of flow from the filters to the clear-well. Each filter is supplied through a 30-inch branch pipe, connected with a 48-inch supply main. Each branch pipe is provided with a stop- valve to shut off the flow to the filter when it is out of service and being cleaned. Provision also is made for the draining of the water to such level below the surface of -the sand-bed as may be desired, or to empty the filter of water altogether. From the influent chamber two lines of 20-inch cast-iron pipe pass right and left across the ends and down the longer sides of the filter, from which short pieces of 8-inch cast-iron pipe de- liver the unfiltered water on the filter-bed. These branch pipes are placed 40 feet center to center. The author believes that the influent pipes should enter the filter a few inches (not more than one foot) above the sand, to avoid the necessity of a complete refilling of a filter with filtered water, and the disturbance of the sand surface by the fall of water from the influent pipes while filling a filter to the standard level. " The clear-well is planned as a masonry structure, with walls vertical on the inside and battered by offsets on the outside, and is started on a layer of puddle 18 inches thick, over which is placed a layer of concrete 6 inches thick. Outside the walls pud- FILTERS PROPOSED FOR CINCINNATI. 251 die of varying widths will be rammed up to 'a level with the ground. The clear-well inside has a length of 1,180 feet and a width of 148 feet, giving a net area of 4 acres, which, with a depth of 15 feet, contains 20,000,000 gallons, or one-fourth of the daily capacity of the high-service pumping-engines. " Much thought has been bestowed upon the problem of open and closed filters for Cincinnati, and due consideration has been given to the practice of filter construction abroad. In latitudes where the winters are rigorous it is essential that the filters be covered to secure good results. " In temperate climates, like that of London, all the filters are open. In the extreme climates of St. Petersburg, Warsaw, and Koenigsberg the filters are covered to avoid the danger due to a complete freezing over of the water on the sand-bed, and more especially to prevent freezing of the sand when the filter is taken out of service. "The filters of Berlin (a city in a climate nearly like that of Cincinnati), are covered, while the latest filter works of Germany, those of Hamburg, are of the open type. " The normal temperature of the winter months should govern in this matter ; and a comparison of the temperatures of the three winter months for the past eleven years for Cincinnati, with the mean January temperatures of Berlin and Hamburg, are given in the following table : MEAN NORMAL WINTER TEMPERATURES. CITY. DECEMBER. JANUARY. FEBRUARY. Cincinnati, 36.75 30.66 34.27 Berlin, . . 31 Hamburg, . . 31 " From this it appears that the mean January temperature of Cincinnati is about the same as that of the German cities noted ; but of the eleven years embraced in the average for Cincinnati, seven had mean January temperatures below the freezing-point. " In the light of th.e long and valuable experience of the other German cities in the matter of filter construction and operation, it is difficult to conceive how Hamburg could have made a mistake 252 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. in a matter apparently so easy of solution as the covering or non- covering of its niters. Altona, adjoining Hamburg, and subject to the same winter climate, had used open filters for thirty-two years before Hamburg built its filters ; and although some com- plaint had arisen in Altona against open filters, it does not seem that this was strong enough to cause the use of covered filters in Hamburg. The commission decided to recommend filters without cover- ings, with a provision in the report for the vaulting of the filters, should experience demonstrate the necessity of these. Informa- tion from Hamburg, received since the Report was submitted, indicates that the covering of filters in climates similar to Cincin- nati is not essential to satisfactory results, either in the quality of filtrate or in the management of the filters during the winter. The project of water purification for Cincinnati contemplates eleven open filters, each of two acres of sand and water surface ; and estimating in the usual manner for engineering structures, the cost of the filters, including all necessary pipes, valves, regu- lators, etc., is $65,146.50 for one filter. The cost of clear-well of masonry construction was $162,696.90, and the total cost for the filtering-works was estimated as follows : ORIGINAL PLAN FOR CINCINNATI FILTERS. 11 filters, 2 acres of filtering area each, at $65,146.50, $716,611.50 Clear-well, 20,000,000 gallons capacity, 162,696.90 $879,308.40 Add 10 per cent for sand-washing and conveying ma- chinery, contingencies, etc., 87,930.84 45.06 acres of land, at $150.00, 6,759.00 Total for 11 filters, clear-well, and all appurtenances, $973,998.24 Cost per acre of filtering area, 44,272.65 Cost per 1,000,000 gallons of estimated capacity, 14,757.55 Subsequent to the report of the commission the author investi- gated the cost of these filters, if constructed after the Hamburg plan, with sloped walls of earth instead of masonry, the sand sur- face to remain the same as before ; viz., two acres, influent and effluent chambers of masonry, and all distributing and collecting FILTERS PROPOSED FOR CINCINNATI. 253 9 * pipes and channels of the same construction as before, from which the following resume is drawn : AMENDED PLAN FOR CINCINNATI FILTERS 11 filters, 2 acres of filtering area each, at $53,960, $593,560.00 Clear-water reservoir, 20,000,000 gallons capacity, at $3,000 per million, 60,000.00 $653,560.00 Add 10 per cent for sand-washing and conveying ma- chinery, contingencies, etc., 65,356.00 52.5 acres of land, at $150.00, 7,875.00 Total for 11 filters, clear-water reservoir, and all appur- tenances, $726,791.00 Cost per acre of filtering area, 33,036.00 Cost per 1,000,000 gallons of estimated capacity, 11,012.00 In this estimate the clear-water reservoir is also considered as a plain earthen reservoir with sloped walls, paved with concrete six inches thick, same as filter basins. The estimates of cost for a system of plain sand filtration for Cincinnati were made from plans prepared with unusual care in view of the novelty of the proposition to filter 60,000,000 gallons of river water per diem, and it is not known that any feature of successful filtration was omitted in the plans or overlooked in the estimate. The prices for materials and construction adopted in the detailed estimates are really higher than the prices prevailing at this time (1897), and the author is confident that entirely satisfactory and durable works can be constructed within the estimates given. With reference to the great cost of the filter works at Berlin, Mr. Gill's plans have been studied very carefully ; and aside from the fact that he has included in the cost of the purification works the cost of certain features of the Lake Miiggel works, which in the author's opinion are not strictly chargeable to the filters, but should be charged to the pumping-works, the whole work was conducted upon a very costly scale, scarcely justified even in permanent works of public water supply. (During a long experience with public works the author has seen much money wasted in certain details of construction which 254 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. have been due to inexperience or perverted judgment upon the part of the constructors. Thus reservoirs, thoroughly constructed, complete in every essential, and as durable as such structures may be, have been completed by some engineers at a cost of $2,500 per million gallons of available capacity, while in other situations equally as favorable for this class of works, the engineer has succeeded in using up over $4,000 per million gallons of reservoir capacity, with no material gain in the quality of the finished structure. Point lace on the legs of a pair of overalls, or the sleeves of a machinist's jacket, would add nothing to the utility of these garments, while costing many times as much as the garments themselves. In like manner the author has seen works overloaded with trimmings which attract the eye, while obviously lacking in some of the essentials for convenient service and durability. In the construc- tion of filters and appurtenances the same extravagance which is often displayed in other engineering structures may enter into these with no benefit whatever to the works themselves.) The manner in which the filters and appurtenances for the Hamburg Water- Works were forced to an early completion by working night and day, in order to avoid the possible return of cholera in 1893, manifestly increased the cost of labor, and possibly of materials, over the cost of what might have been obtained with slower and more deliberate construction ; and yet these works are very complete in every essential of modern filter construction, and cost a trifle over one-half, per acre of effective area, than that of the filters in the Berlin Water-Works. The Berlin filters are cov- ered ; but allowing $13,000 per acre for concrete vaulted covers, then the Hamburg filters would have cost but two-thirds as much as the Berlin filters. (The people are always ready to condemn the prodigality of a private spendthrift, and how much more justly may we condemn the public spendthrifts who, through ignorance and arrogance, presume to squander the contents of the public purse.) COST OF FILTERS AND FILTRATION. 255 CHAPTER XVII. COST OF FILTERS AND FILTRATION So many variable conditions enter into the cost of construct- ing a system of water filters, that any figures given in a work of this kind must be accepted rather as suggestions than estimates which can be used with safety in any locality. The topography and nature of the ground upon which filters are to be constructed, the local prices of labor and materials, the nearness and quality of available filtering materials, the character throughout the year of the water to be filtered, the necessity of previous sedimenta- tion with certain waters, the quality of filtrate to be obtained, and many other obvious conditions, must be taken into consideration in determining and designing a system of filters on a large scale for public water supply. The same ingenuity and judgment in the use of available locations and materials of construction are to be taken advantage of in the building of works of filtration, as in other engineering structures. Successful filtration seems to be more dependent upon management than on the construction of the works, and plain construction, such as we find in the purification works of Hamburg, with the skill and vigilance there displayed in the management of the filters, will meet all practical requirements. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Mr. Hazen, in a Report to the Woman's Health Protective Association,* estimates the cost of filters there (omitting value of land) as given in the first table on page 256. These prices include settling-basins, low-lift pumps, filters and clear-wells, and the pipes, valves, and regulators required to co-n- nect the filters in service. In all instances noted above, the maxi- * A Practical Plan for Sand Filtration in Philadelphia, 1896. 256 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. STATION. DAILY AVERAGE CAPACITY, GALLONS. GROSS COST. COST PER AVERAGE MILLION GALLONS. Belmont, Queen Lane, Cambria, Frankford, 14,000,000 26,000,000 60,000,000 20,000,000 $ 317,000 587,000 1,578,000 389,000 $22,643.00 22.577.00 26,300.00 19,450.00 mum capacity of the filters is 50 per cent above the average, and a statement of cost upon the total or maximum daily capacity of filters will be as follows : STATION. ' COST PER MAXIMUM MILLION GALLONS. STATION. COST PER MAXIMUM MILLION GALLONS. Belmont, Queen Lane, $15,095.30 15,051.30 Cambria, Frankford, $17,533.30 12,966.60 From Mr. Shedd's estimates on filters for Providence, R.I., the following costs are obtained : TYPE OF FILTER. DAILY CAPACITY, GALLONS. GROSS COST. COST PER MILLION GAL- LONS OF CAPACITY. Mechanical, Plain sand, Proposal on plain sand, 15,000,000 $281,000 208,000 200,000 $18,733.30 13,866.60 13,333.30 According to Mr. Hazen,* covered filters on the European model will cost $70,000 per acre, or allowing for a rate of filtra- tion of 2,500,000 gallons per acre per day, the cost per million gallons of daily capacity will be 828,000 ; but upon comparison with careful estimates by the author, on open and covered filters, for the city of Cincinnati, this price is excessive. Open filters, not including clear-well, sand-washing and con- veying machinery, and land, if built on favorable ground, should cost, in the vicinity of Cincinnati, as follows: With vertical masonry walls, per acre of filtering area, $32,573.30 With earthen embankments, and slopes paved with concrete, per acre of filtering area, $26,980.00 * Filtration of Public Water Supplies, p. 120. COST OF FILTERS AND FILTRATION. 257 Estimates furnished the author by an expe*rt in concrete con- struction indicate that concrete coverings for above filters will cost about 111,000 and 113,000 respectively per' acre of effective sand surface ; making the cost of covered filters as follows : COVERED FILTERS. With vertical masonry walls and concrete coverings, per acre of filtering area, $43,573.00 With earthen embankments, slopes paved with con- crete and coverings of concrete, per acre of filter- ing area, $39,980.00 In his Report to the city of Albany, Mr. Hazen modifies his estimate of cost somewhat.* Here he gives the cost of eight fil- ters (0.70 acre each) at $251,000, to which may be added $10,000 for piping about filters, etc., making the cost of covered filters $46,607 per acre, a price which agrees more nearly with the re- sults of the author's estimates of cost of construction. The clear-well, or reservoir, to equalize the delivery from a system of filters, should have a capacity equal to \ or \ the maxi- mum daily yield of filters ; and this, if constructed as a plain reser- voir with paved inner slopes, will cost from $2,500 to $3,500 per million gallons of capacity. Assuming 10 filters, open pattern, with earthen walls and paved inner slopes, of the dimensions given in the description of the Cincinnati filters (Chapter XVI.), the total cost of filters and clear-well, exclusive of land, should not exceed : 10 filters, 2 acres each, $539,600.00 Add 10 per cent for sand washing and conveying machinery, and contingencies, 53,960.00 Clear-water basin, of a capacity of 20,000,000 gal- lons, at $3,000 per million, 60,000.00 Total, exclusive of land, $653,560.00 Cost per million gallons of daily capacity (allowing one filter to be always out of service, and 2,500,000 gallons average daily rate of filtration per acre), $14,523.55 * Report on Filtration of Water Supply, Albany, 1897, p. 27. 258 THE PURIFICATION. OF WATER. In the estimates for plain sand filters for the proposed exten- sion and betterment of the Cincinnati Water-Works, the clear- well was designed as a masonry structure of 4 acres area and 17 feet deep, and estimated to cost $163,000, or at the rate of $7,409 per acre of filtering area. Estimating on open filters and clear-well of masonry construc- tion, which may be desirable or necessary in some locations : 10 filters, 2 acres each, $651,466.00 Add 10 per cent for sand washing and conveying machinery, and contingencies, 65,146.60 Clear-well, 148,180.00 Total, exclusive of land, $864,792.60 Cost per million gallons of daily capacity (allowing one filter always to be out of service, and 2,500,000 gallons average daily rate of filtration per acre), $19,217.60 COST OF FILTERS, INCLUDING CLEAR-WELLS AND ALL APPURTENANCES. Berlin, covered (Lake Miiggel),* $68,000 per acre. Berlin, uncovered (Stralau), 48,570 " " Hamburg, uncovered, 38,857 " " The Berlin covered filters, as will be observed upon reference to the description of these in Chapter XIV., are of a very costly construction ; and some of the appurtenances included in the cost are usually found in existing water-works to which filtration may in the future be applied. The Hamburg filters are of the most recent and modern construction, and approach more nearly the estimated cost for open filters in series in this country. From Mr. Preller's paper on the Zurich Water-Works,! the cost of covered filters was $70,857 per acre, and for the open fil- ters $46,464 per acre, prices which are higher than those of other works in Germany. These prices are stated to include only the filter basins and filtering materials, and possibly the pipes, valves, and conduits necessarily included in the construction of the filter basins and influent and effluent chambers. * Mr. Gill states the cost of the covered filters at Lake Miiggel as 15,000 per acre, equal to $72,750.00. Mr. Anklam, superintendent of these works, furnishes the prices given above, f Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 1892. COST OF FILTERS AND FILTRATION. 259 The cost of the Lawrence, Mass., filter was*$26,000 per acre ; and this price it is understood covers all the work in construction of the filter and its connection with the previously existing filter gallery, which then became the clear-well of the filter. The city of Ashland, Wis.,* recently constructed three small plain sand filters, each of \ acre area, at a gross cost of $40,178.00. It was estimated that the extra cost of these filters due to local difficulties was $5,367.00, and the net cost under ordinary condi- tions was assumed at $34,811.00 for one-half acre. These filters are covered with masonry instead of concrete vaulting, which also materially increased their cost. Two of these filters have sand of an "effective size" 0.27 mm. and "uniformity coefficient " 1.9 ; and one has sand of an "effective size" 0.40 mm. and a "uni- formity coefficient " 1.6. The sand in all beds is 4 feet thick. RATES OF FILTRATION FOR PLAIN SAND FILTERS. The rates of filtration per acre per day, as practiced in different cities, are given as follows : At the time of Mr. Kirkwood's visit to Europe the daily average rate of percolation was 3,920,400 gallons per acre, equal to 12 feet vertical per day. Mr. James Simpson, engineer of the Chelsea and Lambeth Water- Works (the pioneer in sand filtration), adopted a standard rate of 86.4 gallons per square foot (3,763,584 gallons per acre per day), corresponding to a vertical rate of percolation of 11.55 feet per day. The present average rate for the London fil- ters is about 1,800,000 gallons per acre per day, corresponding to a vertical rate of percolation of 5.52 feet. The filters of the New River Works sometimes reach a rate as high as 3,136,320 gallons per acre per day,f while the rate at which it becomes no longer profitable to operate a filter is placed by Mr. Hervey of the West Middlesex Works at 1,303,000 gallons per acre per day ; and when the rate of percolation reaches 2 inches per hour the filter is taken out of service, the sand-bed scraped, and the filter started for another period of useful work. * Engineering News, Nov. 25, 1897, p. 338. t According to Mr. E. L. Morris, engineer of these works. 260 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. The Hamburg rate is 1,700,000 gallons per acre per day, cor- responding to a vertical rate of 5.22 feet. Mr. Gill proposed for the Miiggel Lake filters for Berlin a vertical rate of 8 feet per day, equal to 2,606,630 gallons per acre per day. The rate at Zurich is 5,850,000 gallons per acre, equal to a vertical rate of 17.95 feet per day. The rate proposed for a sand filter to be used in connection with the Marston Lake Water Supply for the city of Denver, was 195,500,000 gallons per acre per day, corresponding to a vertical rate of percolation of 600 feet.* (There is a suggestion in the paper which describes these filters that they were to be operated with a coagulant, but a late report on them indicates that this was abandoned, if ever used.) A filter devised for Tacoma, Washing- ton, is said to work at rates of 22,000,000 to 44,000,000 gallons per acre per day, corresponding to vertical rates of 67.5 and 135.0 feet per day.f Plain sand filtration cannot be continuously con- ducted at such rates as these with any improvement in the quality of the water ; and they are here mentioned in order that the con- trast between these rates and the rates which long experience abroad has sanctioned may be impressed upon water-works offi- cials, with the hope that such works of water purification as may be attempted in this country, instead of showing an utter disre- gard of fundamental principles, will, if it is possible, be constructed and operated upon plans which will yield even better results than the works found in the cities of Europe. Mr. Hazen, in estimating upon the cost of filters and filtration, employs a rate of 2,500,000 gallons per acre per day, correspond- ing to a vertical rate of percolation of 7.68 feet. From the reports of the Massachusetts State Board of Health, satisfactory results, both chemically and bacterially, in the filtrate, were had with rates of filtration as high as 7,500,000 gallons per acre, corresponding to a vertical rate of 23 feet per day. The Ashland (Wis.) plain sand filters, for the year ending February 28, 1897, were worked at an average rate of 2,180,064 gallons per acre per day, equivalent to a vertical rate of 6.69 feet. * Transactions American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. xxxi., pp. 158-60. ! Transactions American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. xxxv., p. 44 et seq. COST OF FILTERS AND FILTRATION. 261 DURATION OF SERVICE OF FILTERS. The period or interval of time between cleanings or renewal of the sand surface of a filter has a direct bearing on the cost of filtration. Obviously the clearer the water and the lower the rate of percolation the longer will be the interval of service. With a given condition of the water as it comes to the filter the capacity can be stated in millions of gallons filtered between cleanings, and the capacity divided by the average rate of percolation per day will give the number of days of filter service. Thus, a filter which, between parings of the sand-bed, will deliver 60,000,000 gallons per acre, at an average rate of perco- lation of 2,000,000 gallons per acre per day, will have a period of operation of 30 days. A filter which will deliver 100,000,000 gallons per acre, between parings of the sand-bed, at an average rate of percolation through the sand of 2,500,000 gallons per acre per day, will have a period of operation of 40 days. The period of operation for the London filters ranges from 30 to 40 days, depending upon the condition of the water as it is drawn from the River Thames or River Lea, and the time allowed for subsidence in the storage reservoirs before the water is put on the filters. From the evidence taken by the Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply the period of operation was given. as short as 21 days in one instance, and as long as 70 days in another. One witness stated that some of the filters of his works had been in service over forty years, without any attention being given to them other than the scraping, washing, and replacing of the cleaned sand in the beds from time to time. The Hamburg filters, omitting the short periods which have been mentioned as occurring during the winter, have worked for periods of 47, 51, and 66 days. However, the usual period of ser- vice at Hamburg is about 40 days. At Zurich the covered filters are reported to have an average period of service of 50 days, while the open filters require cleaning every 40 days of use. In these works the sand-bed is scraped successively until the remaining thickness is reduced to 12 inches. At Berlin the filters are scraped after about every 40 days of 262 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. service ; and once in four years the whole bed of sand is taken out, washed, and replaced in the filter. During the experiments conducted by Mr. Weston, with small plain sand filters at Providence, at rates of percolation less than 30,000,000 gallons per acre per day, the periods of operation ranged from 30 to 50 days, while at the higher rates of percolation the period of operation was about 20 days. The general practice by the London water companies, in restoring a filter to service from time to time, is to scrape off about | inch of the clogged sand until a minimum thickness (varying with the different companies) of the sand-bed is reached, whereupon the whole bed of sand is readjusted in position. The sand remaining after the last scraping is then taken out of the filter, and replaced by the sand previously scraped from the bed and washed, above which the other sand in the filter is spread, scraped off, and washed in due time. By this method the whole bed of sand at long intervals is scraped off, taken to the washer, and returned to the filter. Thus during one complete cycle of "filling" and "scraping" of the sand-bed, the whole body of sand will be rotated, the lower sand coming to the top of the filter, and the previous top sand going to the bottom, thus avoiding the probability of converting the lower portion of the sand-bed into a favorable soil for the cultivation of bacteria. As stated in a previous chapter, the filters of some, if not all, the London water-works are generally scraped and the sand de- livered on the banks of the filter by contract, the price paid being, as stated by Mr. W. B. Bryan, engineer of the East London Water Company, X5, or about $25.00 per acre. The period of operation of the sand filter at Lawrence, Mass. (1895), was about 27 days, and at each scraping of the sand-bed | inch was taken off and washed. The sand is washed by ma- chinery. During 1895, 1,500 cubic yards of "fouled" sand were scraped from the filter and washed, at a cost of 68 cents per cubic yard, or 81.02 per million gallons of water filtered. About \\ cubic yards of sand were scraped per million gallons of water drawn from the filter. At Hamburg about two cubic yards of sand are scraped off the filters and washed per million gallons COST OF FILTERS AND FILTRATION. 263 of water filtered. There the cost per cubic yard of scraping and washing sand is considerably less than the cost of washing alone at Lawrence. This is partly to be accounted for by the much larger quantity of sand scraped and washed at Hamburg, and by the lower cost of common labor. In the report of the Ashland (Wis.) filters mentioned on page 259, it is stated that the cleaning of the sand of one bed ( acre) for the year ending February 28, 1897, consumed clay, and cost 18.50, making the cost of removing and cleaning the sand per acre $51.00. The total cost for cleaning and renew- ing the sand for one year was $899.37, during which time the filters delivered 397,860,000 gallons of water, with a cost of $2.26 per million gallons filtered. While the cost per acre for cleaning and renewing the "fouled" sand is very high even for small filters like these, the cost per million gallons of water filtered is correspondingly low, and suggests the probability of a poor quality of filtrate. LOSS OF WATER IN CLEANING FILTERS. The cost of washing sand at Berlin is stated at 2,020 gallons of water per cubic yard ; while at Hamburg, with the ejector washers, the consumption of water is said to be 4,040 gallons per cubic yard of sand. At Zurich the cost of washing sand by machinery is given at 17 \ cents per cubic yard, but no mention is made of the quantity of water required, while the cost of washing and placing the sand in the filters is reported as 46 cents per cubic yard. This is for the. new sand, and the price doubtless is larger than for washing and replacing the " fouled " sand scraped from the filters. In Chapter XII., the statement is made upon the authority of Mr. E. B. Weston that the filtered water required to wash the sand-bed of the Morison mechanical filter during the Providence tests, and the water run to waste after the filter was started, represented about eight per cent of the water filtered, leaving thus 92 per cent available for consumption. The data upon the proportion of filtered water from mechani- 264 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. cal filters actually available for consumption is rather meager, and some of that which we have not very exact. Quoting from Mr. Baker's paper on the use of mechanical filters by certain cities of New Jersey,* the mechanical filters at Long Branch require about 5 per cent, while the filters at Asbury Park require about 10 per cent, of the total pumpage for washing the sand-beds. At Key- port, " Filtered water is used in washing. When the filters had been in operation only some two months, it was stated that 15 per cent of the water pumped was required for washing, but that the contractor had promised to reduce this." In a circular published by one of the manufacturers of me- chanical filters, it is stated in one instance that 3.97 per cent of the total pumpage was used for washing the sand-bed. With the mechanical filters at Lorain, Ohio, it is stated that 5.22 per cent of the filtered water is used in washing the sand.f At Hamburg the water for sand-washing (1896) represented less than one per cent of the total delivery by the filters, while at Berlin less than one-half per cent of the filtered water is lost in washing the sand scraped from the sand-beds. COST OF FILTRATION. The cost of operating sand filters abroad, according to the statement of the officials, are so various and widely different as to suggest that some of these include items of expense not necessa- rily connected with filtration per se, but which are embraced in the ordinary expenses of water-works operation, while some are given so ridiculously low as to raise a suspicion of error in the opposite direction. The cost per million gallons of water treated (not including interest and sinking-fund charges, and omitting the charge for re- moval of ice) for the Lawrence, Mass., filters for 1895 was 84.10 ; and estimating interest charges on $65,000 at 5 per cent, and sink- ing-fund payments invested at 4 per cent for 40 years, the total cost per million gallons for that year was 7.69. Taking account * M. N. Baker, Proceedings New Jersey Sanitary Association, 1895, p. 84 et seq. t Ohio Sanitary Bulletin, October, 1897, p. 115. COST OF FILTERS AND FILTRATION. 265 of the cost of clearing the filter of ice, and including interest and sinking-fund charges, the total cost per million gallons of water filtered was $10.34. On page 121 of Mr. Hazen's book on The Filtration of Pub- lic Water Supplies, the cost per million gallons for treatment of 8,000,000 gallons per day, including interest and sinking-fund charges at six per cent (no time of redemption given), is esti- mated at $12.50. Omitting interest and sinking-fund charges, the cost is figured at 85.30. In his report to the Woman's Health Protective Association of Philadelphia, he puts the cost, with previous sedimentation, at $3.50 per million gallons ; while at Albany, with preliminary sedimentation, he estimates the cost at $2.50 per million gallons, and without preliminary sedimentation, at $3.50 per million gallons. (These prices do not include inte- rest and sinking-fund charges.) The cost of filtration, not including interest and sinking-fund charges, at Zurich, is stated as 61 cents for the covered filters, and 94 cents for the open filters, per 1,000,000 U. S. gallons. The average cost for both open and closed filters, including inte- rest and sinking-fund charges, is deduced from Mr. Preller's notes as $6.71 per million U. S. gallons filtered. A very careful estimate of all items of expense entering into the operation of the filters proposed for Cincinnati, with due allowance for loss of sand in handling and washing, superin- tendence, daily laboratory work, and depreciation of such portions of the apparatus as is subject to wear, based upon 60,000,000 gallons of water treated daily, gave $3.50 per million gallons, exclusive of interest and sinking-fund charges ; although $4.00 per million gallons was used in estimating the probable cost of filtra- tion in the report on these works. The cost of filtration in any instance (omitting interest and sinking-fund charges) will depend very largely upon the manage- ment of the filters. In London the cost per million U. S. gallons ranges from $1.15 to $2.00, and probably averages less than $1.50 per million U. S. gallons. In the review of the sand filters at Poughkeepsie, N.Y.,* the * Manual of American Water Works, 1889-90, p. 175. 266 THE PURIFICATION OF WATER. cost per million gallons of water filtered is given as $1.32, a price which indicates that these filters were not then worked with a view to the high quality of filtrate obtained in works abroad. Investigations during the present year (1897) of filter practice in one of the larger cities of Germany, indicates a cost there of less than $1.20 per million U. S. gallons of water filtered, for the scraping of the sand-bed, transport of the sand to the washers, washing the "fouled" sand, and finally returning the sand to the filter bed. This price would apply only to large works, in which the construction of filters and all appurtenances were modern, and when the management was the best. Allowing 100 per cent addi- tional for other labor about the filters ; renewal of the sand lost in handling and washing ; deterioration of barrows, trucks, sand- washers, etc., and for supervision ; and increasing this cost by 50 per cent for similar works in this country, the cost, not including interest and sinking-fund charges on filters and apparatus, nor re- pairs of the filters proper, should not exceed $3.00 per 1,000,000 gallons of water passed through the filters. Assuming a cost of $4.00 per million gallons of water filtered, interest charges on the cost of constructing open filters at 4 per cent, and payments to sinking-fund for 40 years invested at 3EATH BATE. POPULA- TION. DEATH BATE. POPULA- TION. DEATH BATE. | 1 POPULA- TION. = _ < 8S 1,765,645 22 1,827,396 22 1,891,306 20 1,957,452 17 1,879,195 17 1,934,077 16 1,250,000 160 1,438,010 104 1,600,000 42 1,567,727 31 1,600,000 32 1,619,226 46 1,069,264 64 1,092,168 40 1,115,562 41 1,146,000 32 1,163,864 40 1,188,793 34 880,780 20 962,530 17 990,891 17 1,045,000 15 1,090,000 16 1,140,000 15 452,000 30 460,000 37 500,000 103 540,000 31 560,000 19 570,000 19 461,093 33 474,063 29 487,397 30 501,107 28 496,920 33 508,694 32 445,853 34 458,350 42 473,193 47 455,427 49 496,315 39 507,398 37 330,000 41 330,000 34 330,000 32 330,000 35 330,000 37 330,000 31 300,000 62 305,000 40 310,000 43 336,000 50 336,000 36 341,000 48 299,475 52 309,243 54 322,932 47 325,000 27 325,000 36 330,279 43 255,664 50 285,000 34 300,000 37 315,000 36 335,709 29 350,000 20 254,000 23 254,000 21 254,000 15 275,000 28 275,000 41 275,000 33 250,000 83 260,000 70 285,000 66 270,514 71 271,000 74 278,150 51 247,000 100 255,000 100 264,000 111 272,000 56 275,000 77 280,000 61 230,000 13 230,000 51 230,000 61 250,000 26 280,000 22 279,000 20 233,333 33 245,000 31 260,000 37 267,500 26 260,000 27 257,500 18 187,108 81 192,531 45 198,115 28 203,861 15 215,725 17 230,000 21 167,237 95 171,471 53 175,000 60 179,939 76 184,173 71 187,098 61-62 161,000 81 161,000 72 161,000 84 200,000 72 205,000 77 211,100 45 132,146 47 132,146 39 148,944 34 153,000 47 145,472 32 150,000 27 120,000 36 125,000 52 125,000 106 125,000 55 125,000 97 165,000 41 80,400 98 83,200 90 87,191 61 90,613 55 84,367 39 85,700 42 45,911 115 47,204 102 48,355 93 49,900 48 52,164 31 55,000 15 80,000 56 83,000 53 85,000 24 87,000 32 87,500 47 87,754 55 60,000 32 63,000 44 75,000 64 85,000 20 80,000 47 85,000 25 40,000 45 42,500 40 45,000 27 48,000 42 48,000 27 50,000 32 120,000 85,000 53 87 27,500 125,000 95,000 58 57 66 30,000 140,000 108,000 37 35 43 30,000 145,000 100,000 73 30 70 30,000 150,000 110,000 63 61 60 75,000 119 34,900 06 40,000 55 36,000 86 35,751 48 40,000 47-48 40,000 30 40,385 45 40,385 37 40,385 67 40,385 59 ( 37,000 M 8,000 32 125 34,000 32 36,000 50 37,500 48 39,000 77 40,500 59 42,000 26 30,000 30 30,600 16 30,900 35 34,000 18 , 35,000 31 35,000 20 218,268 30 224,816 22 231,560 21 241,748 17 249,000 18 256,470 21 181,220 94 184,000 43 188,333 42 196,666 17 196,666 28 196,666 28-29 J (1) City proper; (2) Suburbs. 270 APPENDIX A. APPENDIX ^. Continued. DEATH RATE PER 1OO,OOO OF POPULATION LIVING. City. Source of Supply. 1890. POPULA- TION. DKATH BATE. London, Eng., From Kent wells and filtered water from the Rivers Thames and Lea, 4,180,654 16 Liverpool, Eng., Lake Vyrnwy (Wales), 513,493 24 Manchester, Eng., Lake Thirlmere (Cumberland), 379,437 31 Edinburgh, Scot., Impounded water, Pentland Hills, 271,135 19 Glasgow, Scot., Loch Katrine, 530,208 26 Dublin, Ire., Impounded water filtered from River Vartry, 353,082 62 Paris, Fr., Ourcq Canal, artesian wells, springs, Rivers Seine, Marne, and Vanne, 2,260,945 30 Brussels (with suburbs), Bel., 477,288 26 Amsterdam, Hoi., Haarlem dunes, 406,302 19 Rotterdam, Hoi., Filtered water from River Mass, 203,486 6 The Hague, Hoi., From sand dunes, 156,497 3 Copenhagen, Den., Driven wells, 312,387 9 Stockholm, Sweden, Lake and well water, 236,350 18 Christiania, Nor., 143,300 12 St. Petersburg, Rus., Filtered water from River Neva, 842,000 57. Moscow, Rus., Mytschia springs and ponds, Moscov and Yanza Rivers, 753,469 73 Berlin, Ger., Filtered water from Lake Tegel and River Spree, 1,548,279 9 Hamburg (State), Ger., Filtered water from River Elbe, 591,647 28 Altona, Ger., Filtered water from River Elbe, 143,249 19 Dresden, Ger., Filter gallery by River Elbe, 269,250 9 Breslau, Ger., Filtered water from River Oder, 324,400 15 Munich, Ger., Spring water from Mangfall Valley, 298,000 8 Vienna (with suburbs), Aust-Hung. Springs in the Schneeberg and driven wells, 822,176 9 Prague, Aust.-Hung., 314,425 33 Budapest, Aust.-Hung., Ground water from wells, 463,017 34 Trieste, Aust.-Hung., 160,092 12 Rome, Italy, Fontanadi Trevi, Aqua Felice, and Paoli, 417,392 35 Milan, Italy, Turin, Italy, 314,827 46 Venice, Italy, Springs in the mountains fifteen miles distant, cast-iron conduit. 156,800 44 Cairo, Egypt,* River Nile by canal, 374,838 260 Alexandria, Egypt,* River Nile by canal, 231,396 208 Sydney (with suburbs), Austr., Impounded water from Upper Nepean River, Brisbane (with suburbs), Austr., Including malarial fevers. APPENDIX A, 271 A P PE N D I X A. Continued. DEATH RATE PER 1OO.OOO OF POPULATION LIVING. 1891. 1892. 1893 1894. 1895. 1896. POPULA- TION. DEATH KATE. POPULA- TION. DEATH RATE. POPULA- TION. DEATH RATE. POPULA- TION. DEATH RATE. POPULA- TION. % POPULA- TION. IS 4,222,157 15 4,264,076 11 4,306,411 16 4,349,166 15 4,392,346 14 4,421,955 14 517,116 25 513,790 25 510,514 53 507,230 58 503,967 37 632,512 32 506,469 39 510,998 25 515,598 25 520,211 18 524,865 19 529,561 23 261,970 18 264,787 13 267,261 14 270,588 15 273,535 20 276,514 16 567,143 31 669,059 18 677,883 20 686,820 24 695,876 19 705,052 23 347,312 58 349,594 39 349,594 87 349,594 48 349,594 27 349,594 45 2,424,705 20 2,424,705 28 2,424,705 25 2,424,705 29 2,424,705 11 2,511,629 11 465,517 41 476,862 23 488,188 27 498,400 14 507,985 16 518,37 18 417,539 11 426,914 15 437,892 16 446,295 8-9 451,493 11 489,496 3 209,136 4 216,679 6 222,233 5 228,597 5 272,042 2 276,338 12 . 160,531 12 165,560 4 169,828 2 174,790 3 180,455 5 187,545 4 320,000 8 330,000 7 337,500 9 341,000 7 333,714 16 333,714 7 245,317 18 248,051 19 249,246 8 252,937 8 259,304 9 267,100 6 151,130 9 156,535 4 161,151 6 167,588 3 174,717 7 182,856 33 954,400 51 954,400 49 954,400 87 954,400 142 753,469 75 753,469 68 753,469 40 753,469 29 753,469 50 753,469 46 1,601,327 10 1,662,237 8 1,714,938 9 1,701,643 4 1,734,492 5 1,695,313 5 622,530 23 637,686 34 634,878 18 598,372 6 608,710 9 625,552 6 144,388 64 145,527 43 146,667 15 147,807 7 148,934 13 . . . 276,523 8 301,400 5 308,930 4-5 316,600 8 324,341 5 342,340 4 339,000 12 346,442 15 353,551 10 360,660 6 367,769 9 377,062 8 357,000 7 373,000 3 385,000 15 393,000 2-3 396,000 3 406,000 3 1,378,530 6 1,406,933 8 1,435,931 7 1,465,537 5 1,495,764 6 1,526,623 5 310,485 37 321,167 53 327,953 36 339,172 57 351,478 46 364,632 28 513,010 23 526,263 26 539,516 15 552,769 14 566,022 20 579,275 29 156,190 11 157,343 26 158,314 17 159,739 19 160,825 5 161,886 13 427,684 36 438,123 26 449,430 34 456,777 30 465,563 62 473,296 27 424,887 62 430,829 62 . . . 441,948 55 320,808 41 329,724 44 334,090 29 335,957 24 344,203 32 344,203 24 158,288 33 162,664 30 163,601 26 158,187 18 158,159 23 163,254 27 374,838 235 374,838 163 374,838 154 374,838 135 374,838 90 374,838 141 231,396 348 231,396 406,480 77 20 231,396 411,710 93,657 79 19 19 231,396 421,030 93,657 100 29 10 231,396 423,600 93,657 103 20 60 231,396 89 APPENDIX B.* THE BACTERIA. THE bacteria are minute vegetable organisms, devoid of chlorophyl, and consist of a cellulose envelope containing a protoplasm described as mycoprotein. According to Nencki t they have the following chemical composi- tion : Water, 84.26 per cent. Solids, 15.74 " " 100.00 per cent. Of the solids Nencki finds for the putrefactive bacteria of: Albumen, 87.46 per cent. Fat, 6.41 " " Ash, 3.04 " Undetermined substances, 3.09 " " 100.00 per cent. " The albuminous substance is not precipitated by alcohol, and differs in its chemical composition from other known substances of its class." Nencki calls this substance mycoprotein, and gives the following as its chemical composition : Carbon, 52.32 Hydrogen, 7.55 Nitrogen, 14.75 * This Appendix is written with reference solely to water purification, and is intended only as a brief discussion of the bacteria. Those who may desire to pursue the inquiry further are referred to the standard text-books on this subject, of which may be mentioned, A "Manual of Bacteriology, by Dr. George M. Sternberg, New York, 1893; The Principles of Bacteriology, by Dr. A. C. Abbott, Philadelphia, 1894 ; Micro Organisms tn Water, by P. F. & G. C. Frank- land, London, 1894 ; Bacteriological Diagnosis, by Dr. James Eisenberg, Philadelphia, 1892 ; The Pathogenic Bacteria, by Dr. Joseph McFarland, Philadelphia, 1896, etc. t A Manual of Bacteriology, by Dr. George M. Sternberg, New York, 1893, p. 117. 272 APPENDIX B. 273 % Mycoprotein contains neither phosphorus nor sulphur. The nitrogenous body appears to vary in different species, for in b. anthracis a substance has been obtained by Nencki which does not give the reactions of mycoprotein. This substance he calls anthrax- protein.* The green coloring-matter of plants is known as chlorophyl, and the absence of this substance in the bacteria compels them to obtain the materials upon which they subsist from organic matter in process of digestion or decomposition ; in fact, the destruction and splitting up of organic matter into its constituent elements, is chiefly, and in some cases wholly, due to bacterial agencies. The production of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrous and nitric acids from decomposing organic matter, is due to the action of the bacteria. The putrefactive bacteria are the first to attack organic matter, producing what is known as decay, with a liberation of carbonic acid and other gases, while the nitrifiers discovered by Winogradsky in the soil at Zurich, act upon the nitrogenous matters, and convert them into nitrous and nitric acids, which, uniting with lime, sodium, potash, or other bases, form the nitrites and nitrates for the support of plant life. SAPROPHYTES AND PARASITES. The bacteria divide into two great classes : 1. Those which live and propagate their kind only upon dead or- ganic matter, and known as the saprophytes. 2. Those which will live and develop only in the tissues or fluids of the living body, and known as the parasites. The line of division between the two classes is not well marked. Some of the saprophytes may, under certain conditions, flourish as para- sites ; while certain of the parasites, known to attain their highest state of development in the animal body, will live for a limited time as sapro- phytes. Thus the bacillus of tuberculosis (consumption) is classed as a true parasite, but it can be cultivated (on artificial media) outside the living host ; while some of the so-called saprophytes may independently, or in conjunction with certain of the pathogenic bacteria, be responsible for processes in the animal body which result in disease, and should therefore be regarded as facultative parasites. Bacteria which cannot subsist upon living matter are strict sapro- phytes, while those which cannot subsist upon dead matter are true parasites ; but the dividing line i.j not so distinct that we can readily * A Manual of Bacteriology, by E. M. Crookshank, London, 1890, p. 148. 274 APPENDIX B. determine with regard to certain bacteria whether they are the one or the other ; and a saprophyte may be &. facultative parasite, while a parasite may be a facultative saprophyte. LIQUEFIERS AND NON-LIQUEFIERS. The bacteria again divide into two other great classes : 1. Those which when cultivated in gelatin will render it fluid, and known as the liquefiers. 2. Those which will develop on or in gelatin without liquefaction, and known as the uon-liquefiers. The bacillus of typhoid fever will not liquefy gelatin, while the bacil- lus of cholera does liquefy gelatin. Most of the pathogenic or disease- producing bacteria are uon-liquefiers, while most of the putrefactive bac- teria are rapid liquefiers. Certain of the bacteria will liquefy gelatin at room temperature (70 Fahr.) within a day or two, while others require a growth of two or three weeks to render the gelatin fluid, and some reduce the solid gelatin to a fluid at a rate so slow that the water of liquefaction is evaporated through the cotton plug of the test-tube as rapidly as it is formed. The liquefaction of gelatin by bacterial agencies is not due to the production of heat in the destruction of organic matter, but to certain somewhat indistinct changes, by which the gelatin is peptonized and rendered incapable of again becoming hard at the temperature of melt- ing ice (32 Fahr.). AEROBIANS AND ANAEROBIANS. Again, the bacteria divide into two other great classes as defined by Pasteur : 1. Those which will grow only in the presence of oxygen, and termed aerobians. 2. Those which will not grow in the presence of oxygen, and termed anae'robians. Most of the bacteria, so far as we are now aware, are aerobians ; but it is probable that plate cultivation under strictly anaerobic condi- tions may demonstrate the existence of species now unsuspected which will not grow in the presence of oxygen. For example, the bacteria found upon cultivation of a sample of water in a Petri dish, or on a plate, are all aerobians, while the bacillus of tetanus (lockjaw) is a true anaerobian. Under the usual conditions of plate culture the anaerobic species, if any are in the water or other sample, will not grow, and of APPENDIX B. 275 course do not enter into the subsequent count of the colonies, nor into the differentiation of species found on the plate. The plugging of the glass test-tubes for culture media with cotton, allows the air to pass freely into the tube, while it effectually prevents the entrance of any organism in the air, however small it may be. Naturally, because of the difficulties of cultivation, few anaerobic species of the bacteria have been found in water, but with improved and more convenient methods of (anaerobic) cultivation, more may in the future be found. FORMS OF THE BACTERIA. The bacteria are seen to be of three general forms when examined under the microscope. 1. The Cocci, or spherical forms, which for convenience of identifica- tion are divided into : The Micrococci, when the spheres are single or in irregular groups. The Diplococci, consisting always or occasionally of two spheres joined, and resembling a dumb-bell with the connecting rod missing. The Tetrads, which consist of triangular groups of three of the spheres, or cocci. The Streptococci, in which the spheres are found in chains of many members. The Staphylococci, in which the spheres, or cocci, are grouped some- what like bunches of grapes. (To this class belong the yellow and white germs of septicaemia, or blood poisoning.) The Sarciiia, in which the spheres are found in cubical packets, divided in three directions, like a bale of goods tied with cords parallel to all the sides. The sarcina contain 8 or more spheres. Thus, if divided once in each direction, the packet will contain the cube of two, or 8 spheres ; if divided twice in each direction, the packet will contain the cube of three, or 27 spheres. Usually the sarcina are seen under the microscope as broken packets, the preparation and fixing of the culture on the cover glass breaking up the characteristic arrangement of the members. The cocci are regarded as non-spore-bearing bacteria. 2. The bacilli, or rods, straight or slightly bent. To this class belong the organisms b. typhosus, diphtheria, c'oli corn- munis, lactis aerogenes, the tubercle bacillus, and nearly all the putrefac- tive and pathogenic bacteria. The bacilli grow into rods, and separate into individual cells by 276 APPENDIX B. fission. Thus one rod becomes two rods by separation in the middle ; each of these separates again ; and as an evidence of the rate of growth and multiplication of some of the bacteria, it is stated that one rod or cell may, under favorable conditions, grow and divide within twenty minutes ; from which, by calculation, it will be seen that one rod may become the parent of nearly 17,000,000 within twenty-four hours.* Of the bacilli, most are straight rods with round ends. B. anthratis is a straight rod with square ends united in chains. In young cultures of the typhoid germ long crooked strings are frequently noticed ; these strings, or filaments, consist of many bacilli united together. In due time such strings, by fission, separate into the typical bacilli of varying length. The manner in which the bacilli are displayed on a cover glass preparation is an important number in the differentiation of species. Thus certain kinds, like b. anthracis, always are found in well-defined long chains, with some detached links or rods (probably broken from the chain by the manipulation of the specimen on the cover glass) ; others occur only as separate rods ; sometimes short chains, of two to six or eight rods, constitute the manner of grouping, but in all cases there is a method of grouping which is a property or characteristic of the species. 3. The spirilla, or vibrios, are rods always bent, sometimes in the form of the letter " S." To this class belongs the comma bacillus of Koch, known as the cholera germ. As a rule, the spirilla are rods which, if measured on the curve, are longer than the bacilli ; or the bacilli and spirilla may both be regarded as rod forms of the bacteria, the bacilli usually being the shorter and straight rods, while the spirilla are the longer and always bent or crooked rods. The germ of diphtheria is a comparatively long, slightly bent rod, but is classed as a bacillus. The spirilla found in water are much fewer in number of kinds than the bacilli ; in fact, the majority of the bacteria found in polluted waters are of the latter form. MOTILITY OF THE BACTERIA. A property of the bacilli and spirilla, the cause of which is still open to investigation, is motility. Certain of the bacteria of these forms when examined, stained or unstained in drop cultures, exhibit surprising activity. Thus the germ b. typhosus (in a drop of bouillon) has motions of translation and rotation, and sinuous movements like a snake. Occa- sionally some of the rods, when taken from young cultures, will be * A Manual of Bacteriology, by Dr. George M. Sternberg, p. 114. APPENDIX B. 277 observed in rotation resembling the movement of am acrobat on a hori- zontal turning-bar, while others have a sluggish or no motion at all. B. fluorescens Uquefaricns, a bacterium frequently found in water, re- sembles in motility b. typhosus ; it resembles also the smaller rods of this germ in dimensions ; but unlike b. typkosus, it rapidly liquefies the gelatin in which it is grown, and in gelatin, and especially upon agar, produces a beautiful fluorescent green which permeates the whole cul- ture material. B. coli communis has motility, but the motions of the bacillus are sluggish and unlike those of b. typhosus. B. lactis aerogenes is not pos- sessed of motility. Motility of the bacteria, when viewed in drop cultures, is not to be confounded with pedesis, which is a swaying or oscillatory motion of the organism not due to inherent powers of locomotion. The motile bacilli and spirilla are provided with delicate flagella or hair-like appendages, which, acting as whips or oars, propel the germ through the drop of fluid on the cover glass. It was at one time supposed that the motility of the bacilli bore some relation to the number of the flagella, but re- cent investigations seem to negative this belief.* In Germany the flagella have been regarded as an important ele- ment in the differentiation of the bacteria, but according to Dr. V. A. Moore, the flagella cannot be taken into serious consideration in the differentiation of closely allied species. f With reference to the form, size, and other features of the bacteria, due allowance must be made for the environment of the culture. The culture media, its reaction, temperature of incubator, and nearness of the culture to its original source, all have an important bearing on the differentiation of species. When the bacteria are grown in a Petri dish, room temperature (about 70 Fahr.) is preferable as corresponding with the conditions under which the largest and most rapid growth will be obtained; but at room temperature most of the pathogenic bacteria de- velop slowly, and even if such were in a water sample, the probability of finding them in plate cultures is rather remote. CHROMOGENIC SPECIES. Certain of the bacteria when grown upon suitable materials elab- orate beautiful colors, which rival the colors of the solar spectrum. For example, b. prodigiosus, a bacillus found in water, produces a deep blood red ; b. rothe, another water bacillus, produces a raspberry red ; * Character of the Flagella, V. A. Moore, Washington, D.C., 1893. t Ibid., P- 363. 278 APPENDIX B. b. violaceus, also a water bacillus, produces a purple merging into blue ; the staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, the organism of malignant pustule or septicaemia, found in water, produces a golden yellow ; b. proteus fluo- rescens produces a fluorescent green ; m. candicans, a water germ, pro- duces a dazzling Chinese white ; m. aurantiacus, another water germ, elaborates a beautiful orange color ; and m. carneus, a water micrococci, produces a delicate pink or flesh color when grown on agar. The color, when a characteristic, is an important element in determining species. Among the products of bacterial action on dead organic matter are the ptomains, some of which have toxic properties. The substance iso- lated by Dr. V. C. Vaughan * from ice-cream and cheese, called tyrotoxi- con, is one of the vital products of the putrefactive bacteria. Whether the putrefactive bacteria are capable of producing ptomains from the organic matter in water is not known, but some of the investigators abroad seem to suspect the possibility of it. The action of the pathogenic bacteria on organic matter is the pro- duction of toxins, which probably are absorbed into the circulation of the animal with the symptoms during life characteristic of specific dis- ease, and the pathological lesions usually found upon post-mortem ex- amination. The toxin from the growth of the bacillus of diphtheria on the mucous membrane of the fauces, when taken into the circulation, produces the symptoms and lesions characteristic of this disease. Dr. McFarland remarks upon the virulent properties of the toxin elaborated by the diphtheria bacillus,^ " No more convincing proof of the existence of a powerful poison in diphtheria could be desired than the evidences of general toxaemia, resulting from the absorption of material from a comparatively small number of bacilli situated upon a little patch of mucous membrane." DIMENSIONS OF THE BACTERIA. The dimensions of the bacteria are stated in microns, designated by the Greek letter " //,," which is T > JiT ^ o a 1 1 \ 1 -1 u, w S! * X * x 1 -5 1 E- >> tn* >, ^, >> > >* w -0 Wl IS 3 TJ XI "73 3 i Sb n H H H h H H z T p g. - H 2 S ^^ ^ . 2 . 1 " ~* - - " - " * * Q. CO pj o in , ^ ^ 2 K , * (T r .2" S & H c s s : = = s 5 5 5 0" _ T M " o S 5 3 S jj 5 5 3 is ^ 5 fe 3 p J8J? JU __ g r.F.5f ~ jf jif |j | o g Z E .a | o E o o S I la" | c B inn ii H >> >^ Q . >> >< >* >* O o g 3 > s 6 7: SJ SJ gj-J S E B *g 1> 1> ~j> H 3 .f '5 o fe o bfl U ~S 5 .tf .? 'S *o -^ ' o '^ .SP XXX x s 1 ^ S E| 4 tf CO ^ v a 10 oo t-. 1 [: t_ 's S := 1 cS ** n4 ' 3~ q 55 * c u iH (N 1C wT o " w" *" GEBM. . Typhosus, Coli communis, Aquatilis sulcatus Aquatilis sulcatus Aquatilis sulcatus Lactis aerogenes, Tholoeideum, Fluorescens tenui Fluorescens longi Viridis pallescens Fluorescens lique Termo, Rabbit septicaemi r eisser bacillus w" ! !! C 5 g" w - c CQ CQ CQ PQ ffl PQ CQ PQ CQ CQ CQ CQ CQ ^ CQ fflMfflfflPQCQpqffl 284 APPENDIX B. .S ( - JS "w S 2 M i c & !2 o M K "(3 A m a Ii -n c If ng wavy 1 aments. d in chair i pairs, orners. aments. nents in j C T3 - * -a 8 C T3 c < - S S3 o cr al c ? ^ I G ^ 1 c ,,_, c -1 w Pi O C ta fe W tt fe n oS g 1 ^ w < ? 'O ' | s o 1 1 , ii is s * z o g | s . 2 . S 1 E s cc a p VI o. . in 1 O o o fc ^ ^ , g J -.2" .2- - | 63 S .2* s c .2" c .5- c .2" - - c : cr _ ; rf * ' fc tT T T ,7 2 ll ~ c S | E ' 11 i >- o "i; E >> o X H i " - >> 1 "^ x o a c o t! c II 1 ' H 55 < > 2 < c/5 4 i ^ . . *: 4 . . 'ii 4 OT 4 H e < *3 oi> ^ sl * 4 1 =3? 4 rt ^l ^ 4 2 2 4 4 TH eo 2 X x . X X i X X X (/) X X X X S 5 4 1 ^| ! ? ^ |l !! I 4 . H 1* 4 4| 4 4 1 2 4 S r oj (U & GO icfaciens. en C - 8 y M G M V 1 o Mouse sept., Pyocyanus, Fluorescens n( Tetanus, Aquatilis fluor Saprogenes, Rubefaciens, llow bacillus, Flavocoriaceu Tremelloides, Nubilis, Cuticularis, icillus "C," Acidi lactici, Lactis cyanog Butyricus, Aquatilis grav n - CQ CQCQ CQ ffl CQ m DQ CQ m n CQ CQ PQ APPENDIX B. 285 J2 "S 1 - J9 a ti -S < T-I 2 " 11 i* 1 Sl '5 ^ | S if ^ JS - T3 . X =*- jo 1- REMARKS. as s! 1 'S ^ > S 13" 1 ?8 a" 3* j$ * S 3 g g g S ! *g g rtf ,^3 > ojrtnJ c 3 r d*-' r Oc3 bfl bJO^ S.Ssb/JbJQ'SSS^t^ hJ J W :/: M M eft P* &EI & Cfi iiift || 1 ,1! ll!!:lll 1 'ill tl|l!i|lf| 11 9 -Slllilpll - ,2^ II*IS E ll T 4 into ammonium carbc Spores are meniscus, s or club-shaped. j |4 S h ^rt S* o * *y W3 . sT J; ^ * s ^3 53 5 -,g c c ^ S " & s g 8 B C C Jg n! K g 3*3 "B^ . i? . . . p? ^ "3 M ^ ' | ' ' ' ' | = - - = = - - ~ ^ - 2 H H H H 8 >> >> >,>>>, IS fc * i S Q ||inS DiSDa)Ct^ 289 germ was transmitted to Mr. Green through the medium of the public water supply, and held the water company liable in $5,000 damages. (The legal value of a human life under the laws of Wisconsin.) Similar suits doubtless will be brought elsewhere, to settle the question of liability of municipal corporations and water com- panies for delivering to their citizens or customers a fluid which is carrying the germs of dangerous disease. AUTHORITIES QUOTED OR REFERRED TO. ABBOTT, DR. A. C., Philadelphia, " Principles of Bacteriology." ALESSI, DR. G., London, " Putrid Gases as Predisposing Causes of Typhoid Infection." ANDERSON PURIFIER Co., London, 1896, " Water Purification." ANKLAM, F., Berlin, " Filters at Lake Miiggel." Annales de L? Institute Pasteur, Paris, 1892-94. Annual Summary of Vital Sta- London, 1890-96. BAKER, M. N., New York, " Mechanical Filters," etc. BAUMEISTER, PROF. R., Carlsrahe, "CleaningandSeweragecf Cities." BERTSCHINGER, DR. A., Zurich, " Analyses of Zurich Water." BINNIE, SIR A. R., London, 1894, " Available Sources of Water Sup- ply for London." BLESSING, JAMES H., Albany, N. Y., 1897, " An Address to the Common Council." BRYAN, W. B., London, " Cleaning Filters." East London Water*Company. CARMICHAEL, PROF. H., Boston, 1896, " Reduction of Iron in Ground Waters." Centralblatt fur Bacteriologie, 1892, " Freudenrich's Tests of Pasteur Filters." Consular Reports, U.S., Washington, D.C., " Fischer Filter, Worms." 1897, CROOKSHANK, E. M., London, " Manual of Bacteriology." DE VARONA, I. M., Brooklyn, 1896, " Report on the Future Extension of the Water Supply of Brook- lyn." DEVONSHIRE, E., London, "Anderson Revolving Iron Puri- fier." DIBDIN, W. J. London, " Analytical Investigation of Lon- don Waters." DROWN, DR. T. M., Lehigh University, " Reduction of Iron in Ground South Bethlehem, Waters," etc. Pa., DUNBAR, PROFESSOR DR., Hamburg, " Reduction of Iron in Ground Waters," etc. 290 AUTHORITIES QUOTED OR REFERRED TO. 291 DUPRE, DR. A., London, ENGINEER Commission on Extension and Better- ment of Cincinnati Water Works, 1896 : Engineering News, Engineering Record, ERNST, DR. H. C., Fire and Water, FLAD, EDWARD, FRANKLAND, DR. E., FRANKLAND, PROF. PERCY and G. C., GILL, HENRY,* " Andersfcn Iron Purifier, Worces ter, England." " Report" on Filtration of Water." New York, 1896, " Removal of Iron from Ground Waters," etc. New York, 1894, " Typhoid Fever Statistics." Harvard University, " Examination of Sample of Well Boston, Wa.ter." New York, 1804-95, " Typhoid Fever Statistics." St. Louis, "Subsidence of Ohio River Water." London, " Operation of London Filters," etc. Birmingham, Eng., " Micro Organisms in Water." HAWKSLEY, THOS., HAZEN, ALLEN, HOLLIS, F. S., JORDAN, DR. EDWIN O., London, London, New York, Boston, Chicago, Karlsruhe, 1897, Journal fur Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung, Journal of the Sanitary Institiite, London, 1894-95. Journal of the N. E. W. W. As- 1896. New York, London, Altona, Ger., London, KIRKWOOD, J. P.,* KLEIN, DR. E., KUMMEL, W.,* LANDOIS-STERLING, LANDRETH, PROF. O. H., "Filtration of the Muggel Lake Water Supply." " Area of London Filters." " Filtration of Public Water Sup- plies," etc. " Bacterial Efficiency of Lorain Filters." " Identification of Typhoid Fever Bacillus." " Cleaning Sand Filters under Ice." " Filtration," etc. " Influence of Light on Micro Organisms." " Filtration of River Waters." " Quality of London Waters." " Rates of Filtration." " Human Physiology." Schenectady, N.Y., " Epidemic of Typhoid Fever at Elmira, N.Y." LANKESTER, PROF. E. RAY, Oxford University, "Origin of b. typhosus" etc. LEFFMANN, DR. HENRY, MAGER, ED., Philadelphia, 1897, Hamburg, 1897, Unfiltered Surface Waters al- ways Unsafe for Town Supply." Process of Cleaning the open Filters of the Hamburg Water Works." Deceased. 292 AUTHORITIES QUOTED OR REFERRED TO. Manual of American Water Works, New York, 1897- MASON, PROF. WILLIAM P., New York, 1896, MASS. State Board of Health, Boston, 1890-95, MCFARLAND, DR. Jos., Philadelphia, MEYER, F. ANDREAS, Hamburg, 1894, MIGULA, Dr. W M MILLS, H. F., MIQUEL, DR. PIERRE, MOORE, DR. V. A. London, 1893, Lawrence, Mass., Paris, Washington, D.C., MORISON-jEWELL FILTRATION COMPANY, MUNN, DR. WILLIAM P., NICHOLS, WM. RIPLEY, ODLING, DR. WILLIAM, Ohio Sanitary Bulletin, OSLER, DR. WILLIAM, Denver, Col., 1896, " Water Supply." Annual Reports. " The Pathogenic Bacteria." " Das Wasserwerk der Frien- und Hansestadt, Hamburg." " Practical Bacteriology." " Sterilization of Filter Sand." " Sedimentation of Waters," etc. " Character of the Flagella." " Experimental Filters for Phila- delphia," 1897, etc. " Preliminary Report of Health Commissioner." New York, 1883, " Water Supply.' London, 1893, Ohio, 1897, Baltimore, PETTENKOFER, DR. MAX VON, Munich, PIEFKE, HERR, Berlin, PRELLER, CHARLES, S. D., London, " Filtration of Surface Waters." " Lorain Filters." " Typhoid Fever in Baltimore." " Cause of Typhoid Fever." " Die Principien der Reinwasserge- winnung vermittelst Filtration." "Water Works of Zurich, Swit- zerland." "Use of Sterilized Water at World's Fair." (1893.) Proceedings American Water- Works Association, 1894, Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 1892-1895, " Filtration of Water in Europe." PRUDDEN, DR. T. M., New York, " Typhoid Bacillus in Water." RAFTER AND MALLORY, RAVENEL, DR. M. P., REINCKE, DR. J. J., ROGERS, DR. EDMUND, ROSENAU, Dr. M. J , ROYAL COMMISSION, SANARELLI, Dr. G., SCHRODER, RUD, SEDGWICK, PROF. W. T., SHEDD, J. HERBERT* Rochester, N.Y., " Report on Spring Water Epi- demic." Philadelphia, 1897, " Bacterial Tests of Chemung Water, Elmira, N.Y. Hamburg, " Epidemiology of Typhoid Fever in Hamburg and Altona." Denver, Col., " Cause of Mountain Fever. " San Francisco, " San Francisco Water Supply." London, 1893, "Metropolitan Water Supply." Montevideo, S.A., "The Typhoid Bacillus and Eti- ology of Typhoid Fever." Hamburg, " Operation of Hamburg Filters." Boston, " Bacteria in Spring and Well Waters," etc. Providence, R.I., " Sand Filtration." AUTHORITIES QUOTED OR REFERRED TO. 293 SMITH, DR. THEOBALD, Boston, Statistische Zusam menstellung der Betrtebs Ergebnisse von Wasserwerken, Munich, 1895. STERNBERG, DR. GEO. M., Washington, D.C. THOMAS, R. J., Lowell, Mass., THOMAS AND MARSHALL, DRS., Philadelphia, THORNE, DR. THORNE, London, New York, 1894, Times, Daily, Transactions American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, Tribune, Daily, New York, 1894, VAUGHAN, DR. V. C., VAUGHAN AND Now, Ann Arbor, Mich., Philadelphia, The Fermentation Tube.' " Sources of German Water Sup plies." " Manual of Bacteriology." " Water Supply of Lowell." Report on Philadelphia Water Supply. " The Caterham and Redhill Epi- demic." " Typhoid Fever." Vols. xxxi., xxxii., xxxiii., and xxxv. " Typhoid Fever and Water Sup- ply." " A Bacteriological Study of Drinking Water." " The Ptomaines and Leuco- WESTON, EDMUND B., WHIFFLE, G. C., Providence, R.I., Boston, WOODHEAD, DR. G. SIMS, Edinburgh, ZEIMSSEN, PROFESSOR VON, Munich, ' itschriftdes Vereines Deutsch- & Ingenieurie, Hamburg, 1895, <_ 'thrift fur Hygiene, 1896, " Providence Experimental Filter Tests." " Some Observations on the Re- lation of Light to the Growth of Diatoms." " Seasonal Distribution of Ty- phoid Fever," etc. " On Typhoid Fever in Munich." " Apparatus for Washing Filter Sand." " Reduction of Iron in Ground Waters." INDEX. PAGE Action of b. typhosus on animals ... 63 Action of bacteria on organic matter .... 132 Action in water of metallic iron on suspended matter 241 Advantage of sedimentation 246 Advantage of water from undefiled sources . 83 Aeration of filter-bed 7, 133, 137, 235 Aeration of polluted waters 21 Aeration of water by Pohle air lift .... 204 Aeration of water from Anderson Purifier . . 241 Aerobic bacteria 274 Air-borne diseases 37 Altona, open filters of 252 Alum and sand filtration 173 Alum consumption per gallon of water with mechanical filters 201 Alum per gallon of water, Lorain, Ohio . . . 196 Alum per gallon of water, Providence, R.I. . 189 Alum, reduction of bacteria by 115 Alum, test for, in filtrate 189 Alum, uudecompossd, in subsided water . . 115 Alum, use of, in Philadelphia water supply . 201 Alum, variable consumption of, with mechani- cal filters 201 Amsterdam, filters of 181 Anaerobic bacteria 274 Analytical investigation of London water . .117 Analysis of Reading, Mass., water . . . .207 Analysis of sands and gravels 162 Analysis of solids of putrefactive bacteria . . 272 Analysis of sulphate of alumina 189 Analysis of water at Long Branch, N.J. . . 195 Anderson Revolving Iron Purifier, 52, 156, 182, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245 Angers, France, filter gallery 179 Animal charcoal filters for reduction of iron, 205,206 Anklam and Oesten's method for reduction of iron in ground waters 205 Anthrax protein 273 Apparatus required for sterilization of water . 123 Area of filters, Amsterdam 181 Area of filters, The Hague 181 Area of filters, Hamburg 210, 223 Area of filters, Hudson, N.Y 177 Area of niters, Lawrence, Mass. . . . 166, 169 PAGE Area of filters, London 183 Area of filters, Lowell, Mass 176 Area of filters, Miiggel Lake 231 Area of filters, Paris 182 Area of filters, Poughkeepsie, N.Y 178 Area of filters, Rotterdam 180 Area of filters, Zurich 183 Area of water on sand-bed, Cincinnati filters . 249 Arrangement of filtering materials, Amsterdam, 181 Arrangement of filtering materials, Berlin . . 230 Arrangement of filtering materials, Cincinnati, 250 Arrangement of filtering materials, The Hague, 181 Arrangement of filtering materials, Hamburg, 213 Arrangement of filtering materials, Hudson, N.Y 177 Arrangement of filtering materials, Lawrence, Mass 166 Arrangement of filtering materials, Lowell, Mass 175 Arrangement of filtering materials, Miiggel Lake 232 Arrangement of filtering materials, Paris . . 182 Arrangement of filtering materials, Pough- keepsie, N.Y 178 Arrangement of filtering materials, Rotterdam, 180 Arrangement of filtering materials, Zurich . . 183 Arrangement of main and lateral drains . 249, 250 Artesian well waters 102, 113 Arthrospores 280 Asbury Park, N.J., mechanical filters, 203, 263, 264 Ashland, Wis., sand filters . . . 261,262,265 Assimilation of minerals in water by plant life, 88 Asterionella 87 Average daily consumption of water, Amster- dam 182 Average daily consumption of water, Berlin . 233 Average daily consumption of water, The Hague 181 Average daily consumption of water, Ham- burg 220 Average daily consumption of water, Law- rence, Mass 169 Average daily consumption of water, Munich, 80 Average daily consumption of water, Rotter- dam 180 Average daily consumption of water, Zurich . 183 295 296 INDEX. PAGE Average length of run of mechanical filters . 191 Average period of operation of filters, Ham- burg 220 Average rate, Amsterdam filters 182 Average rate, Berlin filters 260 Average rate, The Hague niters 181 Average rate, Hamburg filters 260 Average rate, Lawrence, Mass., filters . 165, 169 Average rate, London filters 259 Average rate, Paris suburbs filters .... 182 Average rate, Rotterdam filters 180 Average rate, Somerville and Raritan, N.J., fil- ters 194 Average rate, Zurich filters 260 Average size of sand-grains 164 Bacilli, The 275, 277 Bacteria, The 272 Bacteria found in water larger than b. typhosus, 285 Bacteria found in water resembling b. typhosits, 283 Bacteria found in water smaller than b. typhosus, 284 Bacteria and organic matter 273 Bacteria from human intestine 60 Bacteria in air and soil 279 Bacteria in air of laboratory 53 Bacteria in artificial ice 53 Bacteria in Chelsea water 144 Bacteria in cistern water 41 Bacteria in distilled water 52 Bacteria in East London water 147 Bacteria in Elbe water 144, 152 Bacteria in filtered Elbe water 152 Bacteria in Grand Junction water 146 Bacteria in Lambeth water 146 Bacteria in New River water 147 Bacteria in Ohio River water 41 Bacteria in rain-water 50, 51, 279 Bacteria in spring water 48 Bacteria in Southwark and Vauxhall water . 145 Bacteria in water from stone disk and tube filters 47 Bacteria in well waters ... 22, 26, 27, 44, 45 Bacteria in West Middlesex water .... 145 Bacteria, pathogenic ... 2, 15, 103, 278, 280 Bacteria, putrefactive 2, 278, 279 Bacteria, reduction of, by alum . . .. . 112,115 Bacteria, reduction of, by lime . . . 112, 114, 117 Bacteria, reduction of, by sterilized clay . .114 Bacteria, reduction of, by subsidence . Ill, 148 Bacteria, reduction of, by subsidence and filtra- tion 148 Bacterial action of metallic iron in water, 241, 243 Bacterial contents of Chemung River water, 100, 101, 198, 199 Bacterial contents of Vanne water 243 Bacterial Contents of Various Waters . 40 Bacterial efficiency, Anderson Purifier, Paris . 243 Bacterial efficiency of filters at high rates, 173, 175, 190, 199, 202 PAGE Bacterial efficiency of filters, Berlin .... 237 Bacterial efficiency of filters, Hamburg . 217, 218 Bacterial efficiency of filters, Lawrence, Mass., 143, 153 Bacterial efficiency of filters, Lorain, Ohio, 195, 196, 202 Bacterial efficiency of filters, Paris .... 182 Bacterial efficiency of filters, Rotterdam . . 180 Bacterial efficiency of Morison mechanical fil- ter 172, 199 Bacterial efficiency of sand filters 143 B. aiithracis 273, 276, 280, 281, 285 B. colt comntunis 275, 277, 283 B, coli comtmtnis, and b. lactis aerogenes, pro- duction of gas by 57, 58, B. coli communis and typhoid fever .... 63 B. coli communis in Chemung River water . 101 B. coli comntunis in dejecta 15 B. coli communis in impounded water . . . 103 B. coli communis, inoculation of guinea pigs with 61 B. coli communis in polluted waters .... 60 B. coli communis in water supply of San Fran- cisco 28 B. coli communis in well water .... 28, 103 B. diphtheria 275, 276, 278, 281 B. diphtheria, no proof of, in water .... 281 B. fluorescent liquefaciens 277, 283 B, lactis aerogenes . 57, 58, 60, 277, 280, 282, 283 B. mesentericus -vulgatus 279, 286 B, of mouse septiccemia 280, 284 B. prodigiosus 277, 285 B. proteus fluorescens 278, 280, 282 B. proteus vulgaris .... 28, 103, 279, 280 B. protetis vulgaris in water supply of San Francisco 28 B. pyocyanus 280, 284 B. rothe 277, 286 B. tetanus 274,280,281,284,286 B. tuberculosis 273, 275, 280, 281 B. typhosns . 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 30, 49, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, G3, 64, 65, 275, 276, 277, 278, 280, 281, 282, 283 B. typhosus, b. coli communis, and b. lactis aerogenes 57,58,59,60 B. typhosus, chemical composition of . . . 56, 57 B. typhosus, form and dimensions of . . 57, 278 B. typhosus in acid solution 58 B. typhosus in fermentation tube 57 B. typhosus, influence of, on gelatin, 56, 57, 58, 283 B. typhosus in sterilized milk . . . . 56, 58, 59 B. venenosus 99 B. violaceus 278 Beer, consumption of, in European cities, 13, 78, 79, 80, 139 Berlin and Chicago, water consumption com- pared 8 Berlin, Plain Sand Filters of 230 Berlin, sources of water supply 75 INDEX. 297 PAGE Biologic action of sand filters . 132, 133, 154, 165 Boiled water ............ 121 Brieger, reduction of toxins in bacterial cul- tures ............ 3, 62 Brooklyn, ground water supply ..... 82 Capacity of Anderson Purifiers, Paris . . 243 Capacity of clear-well, Cincinnati niters . 250, 251 Capacity of filters, Mtiggel Lake . . . 231, 234 Capacity of Fischer filter, Worms ..... 240 Capacity of Lawrence, Mass., City filter . . 168 Capacity of London filters ....... 183 Capacity of mechanical filters, Somerville and Raritan, N.J ........... 194 Capacity of proposed filters, Cincinnati . . . 247 Capacity of proposed settling-basins, Cincin- nati .............. 247 Capacity of Schroder sand washer ..... 223 . 208 . 93 . 25 2, 85 135 56 Capacity of settling-basins, Hamburg . . Caterham and Redhill, epidemic of typhoid Causes of failure in filtration of water .. Changes in the quality of a water supply . Changes 'of pressure on sand-bed Characteristics of b, typhosus Chelsea filters, London ...... 25, 144 Chemical analysis of Lake Superior water . . 99 Chemical and bacterial efficiency of Fischer filter ............. 240 Chemical and biological changes by sedimenta- tion .............. 110 Chemical composition of b. typhostts .... 56 Chemical composition of the bacteria . . . 272 Chemical constituents of rain-water .... 51 Chemically and bacterially pure water ... 3 Chemicals used in Morison experimental filter, 187, 188 Chemung River as a carrier of typhoid infec- tion .............. 100 Chicago and Berlin, water consumption com- pared ............. 82 Chlorophyl ............. 272 Cholera bacillus ........ 23,276,280 Chromogenic bacteria ......... 277 Cincinnati and Hamburg, water consumption compared ............ 82 Cincinnati as a typhoid fever center .... 42 Cincinnati, filters proposed for ...... 246 Cisterns, precautions with underground ... 86 Cistern water for dietetic purposes .... 86 Citations on Typhoid Fever Epidemics . 91 Cities of second class in United States ... 75 Clarified and purified water ....... 46 Classification of Cities by Typhoid Fever Rates .... 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 Clay sterilized, reduction of bacteria by ... 114 Cleaning the sand of mechanical filters . . . 184 Clear-water conduit and basin, Hamburg . . 219 Clear-water reservoir, Berlin ...... 233 Coagulants, use of, with mechanical filters . . 184 PAGE Cocci, The 275 Collection of water in impounding reservoirs . 14 Colne Valley water, treatment of with lime . 113 Comma Bacillus, Koch's 276, 280 Comparison of cities upon typhoid fever rates, Europe and United States ...... 75 Comparison of continuous and intermittent sand filters 143 Comparison of large and small cities for water supply 88 Comparison of natural and artificial sand fil- tration 138 Comparison of population and water consump- tion 87 Comparison of typhoid fever rates, Berlin, Chicago, Louisville, Munich, Pittsburg, Vienna 12 Comparison of water supplies, Europe and United States 77 Constituents of sewage 10 Construction of filters, Hamburg 210 Construction of mechanical filters 185 Construction of plain sand filters 160 Consumption and waste of water in American cities 82 Consumption of alum with mechanical filters . 201 Consumption of beer in American and foreign cities 13 Consumption of beer in Munich 80 Consumption of water, Amsterdam .... 182 Consumption of water, Berlin 234 Consumption of water, German cities ... 84 Consumption of water, The Hague .... 181 Consumption of water, Hamburg 220 Consumption of water, Jersey City, N.J. . . 34 Consumption of water, Lawrence, Mass. . . 169 Consumption of water, London 118 Consumption of water, Munich 80 Consumption of water, Rotterdam 180 Consumption of water, Zurich 183 Continuous sand filtration 158 Continuous use of sand filters, London . . . 261 Cost of Anderson Revolving Iron Purifier, 243, 244 Cost of Ashland, Wis., filters 259 Cost of cleaning Lowell, Mass., filter . . . 176 Cost of covered filters, Berlin 258 Cost of covered filters, Zurich 258 Cost of Filters and Filtration 255 Cost of filters, Berlin and Hamburg . . 253, 254 Cost of filters, Long Branch 195 Cost of filters, Somerville and Raritan, N.J. . 194 Cost of filtration for Albany, N.Y 196 Cost of filtration, Miiggel Lake 233 Cost of filtration, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. . . .178 Cost of Fischer filter, Worms 240 Cost of Kronke method for reduction of iron in ground waters 205 Cost of lime treatment per million U. S. gal- lons . . 119 298 INDEX. Cost of mechanical and plain sand niters, 192, 193 Cost of operating Lawrence, Mass., City filter, 168 Cost of operating mechanical filters . . 193, 197 Cost of operating open and closed filters, Zurich, 233,264 Cost of operating plain sand filters . . 197, 263 Cost of plain sand filters, 240, 245, 255, 256, 257, 258 Cost of Schroder sand washer 223 Cost of scraping sand-bed, London filters, 176, 262, 263 Cost of sterilizing large quantities of water, 121, 124, 125 Cost of treating water by Anderson process, 244,245 Cost of uncovered filters, Berlin and Ham- burg 258 Cost of uncovered filters, Lawrence, Mass. . . 258 Cost of uncovered filters, Zurich 258 Cost of washing sand 263 Cost of washing sand, Hamburg 264 Cost of washing sand, Lawrence, Mass. . . 263 Cost of water sterilizing apparatus . . 124, 125 Covered filters 158,232 Covered reservoirs forstorage of ground waters, 87 Covered reservoirs for filtered water . . 156, 157 Crenothrix 87 Dayton, Ohio, Ground Water Supply ... 82 Decline of typhoid fever in Vienna and Munich, 67 Decomposition of organic matter in water . . 7 Degree of purity of natural waters .... 81 Dejecta from typhoid patients 63, 91 Delivery of water on sand-bed 250 Denver, Col., typhoid fever rates . . . 105, 106 Deposit on sand-bed. (Berlin.) 235 Digestion, effect of astringent on 200 Dilution of sewage-polluted water 3 Dimensions of filters, Cincinnati 247 Dimensions of filters, Lawrence, Mass. . . . 166 Dimensions of typhoid bacillus 278 Diplococci, The 275 Diphtheria, no proof of infection by water . . 281 Diseases from soil and water 37 Distillation of public water supplies . . . 121 Distilled water, influence of, on health ... 85 Distilled water, organic matter in 17 Distributing reservoirs for filtered water . . 156 Distrust of natural sources of water supply . 29 Domestic filters, use of 120, 131 Domestic filters, use of, with Ohio River water, 42, 43, 47 Domestic use of polluted waters 4 Dortmund, Ground Water Supply .... 83 Double filtration of water 154 Dual system of water supply .... 83, 129 Duplicate system of street mains . 121, 124, 125 Eberth's bacillus 62, 64 PAGE Effective sedimentation of polluted waters . .110 Effective size of sand grains .... 143, 164, 172 Effect of astringent on digestion 200 Efficiency of Anderson Purifier on Ohio River water 52, 244 Efficiency of filters at high rates of percolation, 2CO Efficiency of filters, Hamburg 153 Efficiency of filters, Lawrence, Mass. . . . 153 Efficiency of filters, London 148, 151 Efficiency of filters, measurement of .... 155 Efficiency of filters, Reading, Mass 207 Efficiency of filters, Rotterdam 180 Efficiency of filters, Somerville and Raritan, NJ 194 Efficiency of Kronke method for iron reduction, 205 Effluent regulating weir 214 Elizabeth, N.J., epidemic of typhoid . . . 108 Elmira, N.Y., epidemic of typhoid .... 100 Elmira, N.Y., Filtration Works 198 English Engineers, views of, on sedimenta- tion 141 Environment, influence of, on species ... 64 Epidemic of typhoid, Caterham and Redhill . 93 Epidemic of typhoid, Elizabeth, N.J. . . .108 Epidemic of typhoid, Elmira, N.Y 100 Epidemic of typhoid, Evansville, Ind. . . . 108 Epidemic of typhoid, Lausen 91 Epidemic of typhoid, Lawrence, Mass. ... 98 Epidemic of typhoid, Lowell, Mass. ... 98 Epidemic of typhoid, Middletown, Conn. . . 106 Epidemic of typhoid, Plymouth, Pa. ... 94 Epidemic of typhoid, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 99 Epidemic of typhoid, Spring Water, N.Y. . . 96 Epidemic of typhoid, Stamford, Conn. . . . 107 Epidemic of typhoid, St. Louis, Mo. ... 99 Epidemic of typhoid, Zurich 96 Estimated cost of a system of filters .... 256 Estimated cost of covered filters 256 Estimated cost of filters, Albany, N.Y. . . . 257 Estimated cost of filters, Cincinnati . . 252, 253 Estimated cost of filters, Philadelphia, Pa. . .255 Estimated cost of filters, Providence, R.I. . .256 Estimated cost of open filters 256 Evansville, Ind., epidemic of typhoid . . . 108 Exclusion of b. typhosus from drinking-water . 65 Experimental filters, Providence, R.I. . . . 170 Experiments on b, typhosus and b. colicommunis in sterilized milk 59 Experiments with sterilized sand, Berlin, 236, 237 Evidence of b- typhosus in water supply . . 57 Evidence that typhoid fever rates can be con- trolled 75 Factors of sand filtration 8 Facultative parasites 273 Facultative saprophytes 273 Feasibility of water supply from sources nat- urally pure 90 Fermentation tube, the 57, 103 INDEX. 299 PAGE Ferrous hydrate, formation of, by Anderson process 241, 243 Filaments of bacteria 276 Filter capacity in reserve 210, 231 Filter galleries 179 Filter gallery, Angers, France 179 Filter galleries, Lyons, France 179 Filter gallery, Perth, Scotland 179 Filter galleries, rate of percolation .... 179 Filter gallery, Toulouse, France 179 Filter galleries, quality of water from . . . 179 Filters of Hamburg 77, 208 Filters of the cities of Holland 5 Filters, management of 83 Filters, management of, at Berlin 234 Filters Proposed for Cincinnati . . . .246 Filters of Zurich 183 Filters, rate of delivery 161 Filtered water, use of, for washing sand . . 214 Filtering materials 162 Filtration of surface waters 84 Filtration of lake waters .../..... 20 Filtration of the Vyrnwy water 81 Filtration of Water Supplies 131 Filtration of water from Welsh sources for London 84, 141 Filtration through the drift . . 26, 27, 28, 139, 179 Filtration with and without alum 173 Filtration Works, Elmira, N.Y 198 Filtration Works, Miiggel Lake . . . 230, 231 Fischer Filter, Worms 238 Flagella, The, 277 Food for bacteria in water 134 Form and dimensions of b. typhosus . . 57, 278 Formation of nitrates and nitrites, 133, 136, 137, 194 Free sulphuric acid in water treated with alum 200 Freudenrich's tests of Pasteur niters . . . 43, 45 Gas, production of, by b. colt communis and b. lactis aerogenes 58 Gelatinous film on sand-bed 133 General use of unpotable water 120 Germ theory of disease 10 Grada of sand in London filters ..;... 184 Grading of filtering materials 162 Grouping of species 275, 276 Ground water sources in Germany . . . 83, 84 Ground water supply, Brooklyn, N.Y. ... 82 Ground water supply, cities of Germany . . 84 Ground water supply, Dayton, Ohio .... 82 Ground water supply, Dortmund 83 Ground water supply, Jacksonville, Fla. . . 82 Ground water supply, Kent Works, London . 83 Ground water supply, Leipsic 83 Ground water supply, Lowell, Mass. ... 82 Ground water supply, Memphis, Tenn. ... 82 Ground water supply, South Bend, Ind. . . 82 Growth of bacilli by fission 275, 276 Growth of bacteria in sand-bed PAGE . 134 Habitat of b. typhosus 64 Hague, The, filters of 181 Hamburg and Cincinnati, water consumption compared . 82 Hamburg Settling-Basins and Filters . 208 Hamburg, water supply of 77, 208 Hard and soft pure water 31 Hardness of Ohio River water 28 Head of water on Berlin filters 232 Head of water on Fischer filter 238 Head of water on Hamburg filters .... 213 Head of water used on sand washers . . . 223 High rates of filtration 25, 26, 259, 260 Holland, filters of 5 Hollow porous glass plaques for filtration . . 238 Hudson, N.Y., sand filters 177 Hygienic Laboratory, Hamburg 5 Ice, formation of, on filters 158 Identification of the typhoid bacillus . . 64, 288 Imperial Board of Health (Germany) on rate of filtration 142 Impounding reservoirs at high elevations . . 15 Impounding reservoirs of New York and Liver- pool 21 Infection of milk, by typhoid tainted water, 107, 108 Infectious disease, sources of 37 Influence of alkalinity on bacteria in water . 23 Influence of b. typhosus on gelatin . . .56, 58 Influence of casing-pipe on bacteria in well waters 27 Influence of climate on filter construction . . 251 Influence of culture media on species . . . 277 Influence of days of cultivation on bacteria . 48 Influence of distilled water on bone formation, 86 Influence of distilled water on health ... 85 Influence of environment on species . . 64, 277 Influence of filtered water on bacteria in water mains 153 Influence on filtration of effective size of sand grains 173 Influence of form of filter 158 Influence of freezing weather on open filters . 149 Influence of hard water on the animal system . 30 Influence of London water on typhoid fever rates 11 Influence of management on filtration, 83, 253, 254 Influence of nitrates and nitrites on bacteria . 23 Influence of origin on culture 277 Influence of putrid gases on rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits 61 Influence of sand filtration on typhoid fever rates 131, 155 Influence of sewerage on typhoid rates ... 68 Influence of sterilized water on typhoid rates . 128 Influence of sunlight on growth of algae . . 87 300 INDEX. PAGE Influence of sunlight on growth of bacteria in water 53,54,55 Influence of sunlight on turbid waters ... 87 Influence of temperature on growth of species, 277 Influence of temperature on growth of bacteria in water 282 Influence of time on efficiency of charcoal filters 206 Influence of variable rates of filtration . . . 215 Influent and effluent regulators . . . 209, 214, 247 Inoculation of guinea pigs with b. coli com- munis 61 Intermittent sand filters 203 Iron in ground waters, reduction of .... 203 Jacksonville, Fla., ground water supply . . 82 Jersey City, N.J., consumption of water . . 34 Jersey City, N.J., reduction of typhoid fever, 35 Jersey City, N. J., typhoid fever rates, 32, 33, 34, 35 Jersey City, N.J., water supply of .... 32 Jewell mechanical filters 186, 195 Judicial decisions on quality of water supply, 109,287 Kent Works, London, ground water supply, 83 Keyport, N.J., mechanical filters 264 Koch's Comma Bacilliis 276, 280 'Kronke method of iron reduction 205 Lake Miiggel water 140 Lake water, filtration of 20 Lake Zurich as a source of water supply . . 20 Lausen, typhoid fever epidemic 91 Lawrence, Mass., city filter 166 Lawrence, Mass., epidemic of typhoid ... 98 Lawrence, Mass., reduction of typhoid fever in, 36 Lawrence, Mass , storage reservoir .... 156 Lawrence, Mass.,watersupplyandtyphoidrates, 36 Legal Liability of Cities and Water Com- panies for Damages by Sewage-Pol- luted Water 287 Leipsic, ground water supply 83, 84 Lime, reduction of albuminoid ammonia by . 118 Lime, reduction of bacteria by . . 112, 114, 117 Lime, reduction of hardness by 117 Lime, reduction of total solids by 118 Lime treatment of London water 118 Lime treatment, cost per million U. S. gallons, 119 Limiting the head on filters, Berlin . . 136, 234 Limpidity and purity of water 12 Liquefying bacteria 274 Local causes of typhoid fever 39 Location of cities, ruling factor 90 London, a city of the second class 76 London and Philadelphia, water consumption compared 82 London, treatment of water by lime . . 118, 119 Long Branch, N.J., mechanical filter . . . 195 Longevity of the typhoid bacillus in water . 17, 42 Lorain, Ohio, mechanical filters 195 PAGE Loss by typhoid fever in large cities of Europe and Australia 270, 271 Loss by typhoid fever in large cities of United States and Canada 109, 268, 269 Loss of salts and minerals in water by distilla- tion 85 Lowell, Mass., epidemic of typhoid .... 98 Lowell, Mass., filter-bed 175 Lowell, Mass., ground water supply . . .37, 82 Lowell, Mass., reduction of typhoid fever . . 36 Lowell, Mass., water supply and typhoid rates, 36 Lyons, France, filter gallery 179 Mager sand-scraping apparatus .... 224 Management of filters 83 Management of filters, Berlin .... 234, 235 Manchester, Eng., water supply of .... 5 Malvoz' experiments with b. coli communis . 64 Marston Lake as a source of water supply . . 106 Af. Aurantiacus 278 Maximum rate of filtration, London .... 259 Maximum yield of filters, Hamburg .... 2lIO M. Candicans 278 M. Carneus 278 Measurement of efficiency of filters .... 155 Measurement of the bacteria 278 Mechanical filters in American cities .... 193 Mechanical filters, Lorain, Ohio 266 Mechanical niters, Philadelphia, Pa 197 Mechanical Filters, Rate of Filtration . 184 Mechanical filters, Somerville and Raritan,N.J. 194 Mechanical sand filters 158, 184 Memphis, Tenn., ground water supply ... 82 Merrimac River as a carrier of typhoid infec- tion 98 Method of bacterial examination, Miquel . . 243 Method of operating Morison filter .... 186 Micrococci, The - . . 275 Middletown, Conn., epidemic of typhoid fever, 106 Milk as a carrier of typhoid infection . . . 107 Milk, infection of, by typhoid-tainted water . 108 Minimum rate of filtration, London .... 259 Minute amount of organic matter in distilled water 17 Morison mechanical filter 172, 184 Morison mechanical filter, bacterial efficiency of 172 Motility of the bacteria 276, 277 Motility of b. typhosus 276 Mountain sources of water supply . . 37, 81, 90 Munich, consumption of beer in 80 Munich, consumption of water in ..... 80 Munich, decline of typhoid fever in .... 67 Munich, source of water supply 16 Mycoprotein 272 Natural and alum nitration, relative effi- ciency of 173,198 Natural filtration through the drift . . 138, 139 INDEX. 301 PAGE Natural purification of water in the drift . . 22 Natural sand nitration 139, 158 Natural sources of pure water not generally available 81 Nencki on chemical composition of the bac- teria 272 Nitrates and nitrites 273 Nitrifying bacteria 273 Nitrifying bacteria in sand-beds of filters, 133, 136 Non-liquefying bacteria 274 Nostoc .87 . 10 . 210 . 31 . 87 . 112 Object of water purification . . Objections to filters of large area . Objections to sewage-polluted water . Odors and tastes in stored waters . . Ohio River water, lime treatment of . Ohio River water, sedimentation of . . . .111 Ohio River water, test of, in Parietti solution . 50 Open filters 158, 210 Open filters, Altona 252 Open or closed filters for Cincinnati .... 251 Operation of London filters, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148 Organic matter on watersheds 14 Oscillaria, 87 Oysters as a cause of typhoid infection . . . 106 Parasitic bacteria 273 Parietti solution, test of Ohio River water with, 49,50 Paring of sand-bed 133 Paris, France, Anderson Purifiers 182 Paris, France, Storage Reservoirs .... 156 Pathogenic bacteria . . . 2, 15, 103, 277, 278, 280 Pathogenic bacteria in plate cultures . . . .277 Pathogenic organisms in water 29, 280 Pedesis 277 Percentage of typhoid mortality 66 Percentage of filtered water available for con- sumption 263, 264 Percentage of filtered water required for wash- ing sand 263, 264 Period of operation of filters . . . 161, 228, 261 Period of operation of filters, Berlin . . 261, 262 Period of operation of filters, Hamburg, 216, 217, 220, 261 Period of operation of filter, Lawrence, Mass., 262 Period of operation of filters, London . . . 262 Period of operation of filters, Lowell, Mass. . 176 Period of operation of filters, Providence, R.I., 171, 172, 262 Period of operation of filters, Zurich . . . .261 Perth, Scotland, filter gallery 179 Petroleum in drinking-waters 86 Pettenkofer's theory of typhoid fever . . 66, 69 Pequannock River as a source of water supply, 33 Philadelphia and London, water consumption compared 82 Piefke method for reduction of iron in ground waters . . 205 PAGE Plymouth, Pa., epidemic of typhoid fever . . 94 Poisonous minerals in water 86 Pollution of lakes 20 Pollution of shallow wells 22 Pollution of water by fertilizers 23 Population of the large cities of Australia, Europe, and United States, 268, 269, 270, 271 Potash alum, treatment of water by . . . .112 Poughkeepsie, settling-basins and filters . . 178 Precautions with underground cisterns ... 86 Production of gas by b. coli communis and b. lac t is aerogenes 57 Products of bacterial action 273 Propagation of typhoid fever by drinking- water 65 Proportion of water for domestic uses ... 78 Proposed rate of filtration, Denver, Col. . . 260 Protection of River Thames 17 Protection of watersheds 21, 76, 81 Providence experimental filter tests .... 170 Ptomains, The 3, 4, 278 Ptomains in water 4, 278 Public improvements and politics . . . 126, 254 Pure and impure water 2 Pure and Purified Water 81 Pure water not found in nature 3 Putrefactive bacteria 2, 103 Putrid gases as predisposing causes of typhoid fever 61 Quality of water from filter galleries . . . 179 Quincy, 111., storage reservoir 157 Rainfall and Typhoid Fever 104 Rare occurrence of sources of water supply at high elevation 16, 90 Raritan and Somerville, N.J., mechanical fil- ters of 194 Rate of delivery of filters 161 Rates of filtration . . 26, 161, 165, 168, 259, 260 Rate of filtration, Amsterdam 182 Rate of filtration, Ashland, Wis 260 Rate of filtration, Berlin 232 Rate of filtration, Cincinnati, proposed for, 247, 249 Rates of filtration, Fischer filter, Worms . . 240 Rate of filtration, The Hague ...... 181 Rate of filtration, Hamburg 217 Rate of filtration, Hudson, N.Y 178 Rate of filtration, Lawrence, Mass. . . 143, 169 Rate of filtration, London 183 Rate of filtration, Lowell, Mass 176 Rate of.filtration, mechanical filters .... 184 Rate of filtration, M orison filter . . . 188, 190 Rate of filtration, Paris 182 Rate of filtration, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. . . .178 Rate of filtration, Providence, R.I 171 Rate of filtration, Rotterdam 180 Rate of filtration, Tacoma 260 Rate of filtration, Zurich 143, 183 302 INDEX. PAGE Rate of growth of bacteria 276 Rate of liquefaction of gelatin 172 Rate of percolation into filter galleries . . .179 Rate of percolation through the drift .... 26 Reading, Mass., mechanical filters .... 207 Recovery of heat from distilled water . . . 122 Reduction of albuminoid ammonia by lime treatment of water 118 Reduction of bacteria by alum treatment of water 112, 115 Reduction of bacteria by filtration .... 165 Reduction of bacteria by Lawrence filter, 153, 169 Reduction of bacteria by lime treatment of water 112, 113, 114, 117 Reduction of bacteria by sedimentation . Ill, 112 Reduction of bacteria by sterilized clay . . .113 Reduction of color by mechanical filtration . 191 Reduction of hardness by lime treatment of water 117 Reduction of iron in ground waters .... 203 Reduction of organic matter by subsidence . 117 Reduction of sand-bed by scraping . . 182, 235 Reduction of silt by subsidence . . 115, 116, 246 Reduction of suspended matter by subsidence, 246 Reduction of total solids by lime treatment of water 118 Reduction of total solids by mechanical filters, 194 Reduction of typhoid rates, Hamburg ... 77 Reduction of typhoid rates, Jersey City, N.J. . 34 Reduction of typhoid rates, Lawrence, Mass., 36,37 Reduction of typhoid rates, Lowell, Mass. . 36 Reduction of typhoid rates, Newark, N.J. .33 Refilling of filters 219, 234 Regulating valves and weirs . . . 158, 209, 215 Relative dimensions of Hamburg filters . . 210 Relative efficiency of filters with and without alum 173, 198 Renewal of sand-bed 161, 171 Reservoirs for filtered water 156 Reservoirs for ground waters 86 Restoration to service of sand filters .... 133 Rivers as carriers of sewage 17 Rivers as sources of water supply . . . . 15, 16 Rivers constitute the principal sources of water supply 16 Rotterdam, filters of 180 Royal Commission on Metropolitan water sup- Ply 4 Salts and gases in solution in natural waters, 121 Sand and charcoal filters for reduction of iron, 203,204 Sands and gravels, selection of 162 Sand scraped and washed per million gallons, Hamburg 263 Sand scraped and washed per million gallons, Lawrence, Mass 262 Sand filters of London water-works .... 6 PAGE Sand filtration in Europe 131 Sand-washing machinery 213, 235 San Francisco, typhoid fever in 102 Saprophytic bacteria 273 Sarctna, The 275 Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., epidemic of typhoid fever 99 " Schmutzdecke," The 7, 134, 184 Schroder sand-washing machine, 220, 221, 222, 223 Scraping the sand-bed .... 212, 235, 261, 262 Scraping the sand-bed under ice ... 158, 224 Seasonal distribution of typhoid fever ... 66 Seasonal rotation of large bodies of water . . 19 Sedimentation and sand filtration in Europe, 140, 141 Sedimentation of Chelsea water 112 Sedimentation of East London water . . . 112 Sedimentation of Grand Junction water . .112 Sedimentation of Hamburg water 208 Sedimentation of Lake Linthrathen water . . Ill Sedimentation of Lambeth water ...... 112 Sedimentation of Ohio River water, 111, 115, 116,246 Sedimentation of Polluted "Waters . . 110 Sedimentation of Thames water 112 Sedimentation of West Middlesex water . . 112 Sedimentation, time allowed for, in various water-works of Europe 141 Seine, The, water of 102 Selection of sands and gravels 162 Self-purification of sewage-polluted streams . 20 Separate services for sterilized water . . . 125 Settling-basins and filters, Hamburg .... 208 Sewage infection of oysters 107 Sewage in river and lake waters 15 Sewage pollution of drinking-water .... 98 Sewage pollution of navigable streams and lakes 98 Sewage-polluted water and disease .... 8 Sources of water supply in driven wells . . 82 Species of bacteria in water .... 132, 279, 280 Spirilla among the water bacteria . . 276, 279, 280 Spirilla or vibrios, The 276 Spore-bearing bacteria 279, 286 Spring Water, N.Y., epidemic of typhoid fever 96 Staining of bacteria 281 Stamford, Conn., epidemic of typhoid fever . 107 Standard of filtrate 190, 191 Standard of food quality 29 Standard of successful filtration . . . . . 24 Standard of water quality 3 Staphylococci, J^he 275 Staphylococcits pyogenes aureus 278 Starting a filter in service 136 Stas-Otto method for reduction of toxalbumens, 62 Sterilization of articles of diet 38 Sterilization of Drinking- Water ... 120 Sterilization of filter sand 165 INDEX. 303 PAGE Sterilization of water in U. S. Navy . . 85, 128 Sterilization of water at World's Fair . . . 128 Sterilized water for dietetic uses 85 Sterilized water on ocean steamships . . 85, 130 Sterilizing large quantities of water, cost of . 121 St. Louis, Mo., epidemic of typhoid .... 99 Stone disk and tube niters 47 Straining action of sand niters 132 Streptococci, The 275 Storage and distributing reservoirs for filtered water 156, 157 Storage of filtered water, Lawrence, Mass. . 156 Storage of filtered water, London 157 Storage of filtered water, Paris 156 Storage of filtered water, Quincy, 111. . . . 157 Storage of ground waters 86 Storage of surface waters 87 Storage of water after filtration . . . 156, 157 Storage of water from Anderson Purifiers . . 182 Source of water supply, Dresden . . . . 75, 88 Source of water supply, Hamburg . 77, 88, 208 Source of water supply, Lawrence, Mass. . . 88 Source of water supply, Liverpool .... 88 Source of water supply, Munich . . . . 16, 88 Sources of impurities in water 2 Sources of infectious disease 37 Sources of naturally pure water 81 Sources of water supply 14 Sources of water supply, Berlin . . . . 75, 88 Sources of water supply, cities of Holland . . 75 Sources of water supply, Copenhagen ... 88 Sources of water supply, driven wells ... 82 Sources of water supply, London 88 Sources of water supply, Paris 88 Sources of water supply, Stockholm .... 88 Sources of water supply, Vienna ... 5, 16, 88 South Bend, Ind., ground water supply ... 82 South Platte River as a source of water sup- ply 106 Submerged sand filter, Zurich 96 Subsidence of organic matter in water . 21, 140 Subsidence of polluted waters 140 Subsidence rate of, in Ohio River water . . 116 Sulphate of alumina analysis 189 Sulphate of alumina and free flow 188 Sulphuric acid in filtrate 191 Tastes and odors in stored waters .... 87 Temperature of Hamburg water . . . 210, 220 Test for alum in filtrate 190 Test of Ohio River water with Parietti solution, 50 Tests of water quality 31 Tetrads, The 275 The Hague, filters of 181 Theory of alum and sand filtration .... 188 Theory of liquefaction of gelatin 274 Theory of sand filtration ... .... 132 The Typhoid Bacillus and Typhoid Fever, 56 Time required to scrape filter-beds .... 226 Time required to wash sand-bed 191 Toxalbumens, Stas-Otto method, reduction by, 62 Toxic substances in bouillon 3 Toxin of diphtheria 278 Toulouse, France, filter gallery 179 Transmission of typhoid by Furlen Brook . . 92 Transmission of typhoid by River Limmat . . 96 Transmission of typhoid by Mississippi River, 100 Transmission of typhoid by well water ... 93 Treatment of polluted waters 24 Treatment of sewage 24 Typhoid bacillus, 9, 11, 57, 275, 276, 277, 278, 280, 281, 282, 283 Typhoid bacillus, identification of, 56, 64, 278, 288 Typhoid bacillus, longevity of 17 Typhoid bacillus, The, in water supply . . 65, 67 Typhoid death rates of cities using filtered river water 23 Typhoid death rates of cities using lake water, 22 Typhoid death rates of cities using river water, 23 Typhoid fever and rainfall 105 Typhoid fever as a measure of city sanitation, 69 Typhoid fever as a water-carried disease . . 108 Typhoid fever as an autumn disease .... 66 Typhoid fever as an index of water quality, 22, 70 Typhoid fever, Denver, Col 104 Typhoid fever in Hamburg and Altona ... 68 Typhoid fever in San Francisco 102 Typhoid fever, loss by, in large cities of United States 109 Typhoid fever rates, Berlin and Rotterdam . 139 Typhoid fever rates, Jersey City, N.J. ... 33 Typhoid fever rates, Lawrence, Mass. ... 36 Typhoid fever rates, Lowell, Mass 36 Typhoid fever rates, Newark, N.J 33 Typhoid fever rates, Vienna and Munich . 138 Typhoid fever statistics from the larger cities of Australia, Canada, Europe, and United States ....... 268,269,270,271 Typhotoxin 62 Types of mechanical filters 185 Types of Sand Filters 158 Tyrotoxicon 278 Ubiquitous nature of decomposing or- ganic matter 16 Undecomposed alum in subsided water . . . 115 Uniformity coefficient of mixed sizes of sand, 164, 165, 172 Uniformity of discharge from filters .... 232 Unpotable water, general use of 120 Use and waste of water in German cities . . 82 Use by cities of water from driven wells . 82, 84 Use by cities of water from mechanical filters . 89 Use of coagulant with mechanical filters . . 184 Use of filtered water for washing sand . . . 214 Use of water from public mains in large cities, 89 Vanne water (Paris) 83, 88, 102 304 INDEX. PAGE Vanne water, bacterial contents of .... 243 Variable consumption of alum with mechanical niters 201 Variation in counts of bacteria 40 Variation of head on filter-beds 234 Ventilation of closed niters 235 Vienna, decline oi typhoid fever in . . . G7 Vienna, sources of water supply .... 5, 16 Vital products of putrefactive bacteria . . . 278 "Warren, Ohio, judicial decision on water supply 109 Washing and storage of sand 235 Washing filter sand and gravel . . . . 161, 213 Washing filter sand, water required . . 2G3, 284 Water an essential of health 1,90 Water and food as distributers of typhoid in- fection 68 Water, distrust abroad of natural sources . . 29 Water from limestone regions 14 Water from the Danube 5 Water from the River Seine . . . 102, 242, 243 Water from the sand dunes 79 Water from the Vanne Springs .... 102, 243 Water, percentage of body weight 1 Water, percenfage of, in the circulation ... 1 Water required by Schroder sand washers . . 223 Water required for washing sand, Asbury Park, N.J 264 Water required tor washing sand, Berlin . . 263 Water required for washing sand, Hamburg, 263,264 Water required f orwashing sand, Keyport , N . J ., 264 PAGE Water required for washing sand, Long Branch, N.J 264 Water space in sand-bed 164, 232 Water storage after filtration 156 Water supply, evidence of b. typhosns i:i . 60, 288 Water supply in mountain sources .... 37 Water supply in the Mangfall Valley ... 16 Water supply in the Schneeberg 16 Water supply of Hamburg . . .... 77 Water supply of Jersey City, N.J . . . 32, 33 Water supply of Lawrence, Mass 36 Water supply of Liverpool 81 Water supply of Lowell, Mass 36, 37 Water supply of Manchester, Eng. . . . 5, 81 Water supply of Newark, N.J 32, 33 Water supply of New York and Edinburgh . 76 Water supply of San Francisco ... .28 Water supply of Vienna 5, 16, 88 Water the cause of continuous typhoid fever rates . . . . 39 Water transmission of infectious disease . . 9 Welsh sources of water supply for London, 84, 118 Winter temperatures, Cincinnati, etc. . . . 251 Worcester, Eng., purification works . . . 244 Wurtz, milk-sugar, litmus agar 103 Yaryan multiple effect sterilizer, 125, 127, 130 Yield of filters after scraping sand . . . 227, 228 Yield of wells in Germany 84 Zurich epidemic of typhoid fever ... 96 Zurich, filters of 183 Zymotic disease, prophylaxis of 8 LIST OF BOOKS ON Water Supply and Sanitary Science. ADAMS, J. W. Sewers and Drains for Populous Districts. Embracing Rules and Formulas for the dimensions and construction of works of Sanitary Engineers. 8vo, cloth. $2.50. BAKER, M. N. Sewerage and Sewage Purification. 18mo, cloth. 50 cents. BROWN, GLENN. Healthy Foundations for Houses. 18mo, boards. Illus- trated. 50 cents. CORFIELD, W. H. Water and Water Supply. 18mo, boards. 50 cents. Dwelling Houses; their Sanitary Construction and Arrangements. 18mo, boards. 50 cents. FANNING, J. T. A Practical Treatise on Hydraulic and Water-Supply Engi- neering. Relating to the Hydrology, Hydrodynamics, and Practical Con- struction of Water-works in North America. 180 illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Thirteenth Edition, revised, enlarged, and new tables and illustrations added, 650 pages. $5.00. GERHARD, W. P. Recent Practice in the Sanitary Drainage of Buildings. ISmo, boards. 50 cents. Disposal of Household Waste. 18mo, boards. 50 cents. House Drainage and Sanitary Plumbing. 18mo, boards, lllus. 50 cents. HILL, JOHN W. Water Analyses and their Interpretation. 12mo, cl. (In press .) KIRKWOOD, JAS. P. Report on the Filtration of River Waters for the Sup- ply of Cities, as Practised in Europe, made to the Board of Water Com- missioners of the City of St. Louis. Illustrated by 30 double-plate engrav- ings. 4to, cloth. $7.50. MAGUIRE, WM. R. Domestic Sanitary Drainage and Plumbing Lectures on Practical Sanitation. Second Edition. 332 illustrations. 8vo, cloth. $4.00. RAFTER, GEO. W., and BAKER, M. N. Sewage Disposal in the United States. Illustrations and folding plates. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. $6.00. RAFTER, GEO. W. The Microscopical Examination of Potable Water. With diagrams. 18mo, boards. 50 cents. SLATER, J. W. Sewage Treatment, Purification, and Utilization. A Practical Manual for the Use of Corporations, Local Boards, Medical Officers of Health, Inspectors of Nuisances, Chemists, Manufacturers, Riparian Own- ers, Engineers, and Rate-payers. 12mo, cloth. $2.25. STALEY, CADY, and PIERSON, GEO. S. The Separate System of Sewer- age : Its Theory and Construction. 8vo, cloth. With maps, plates, and illustrations. Second Edition. $3.00. TIDY, C. M. The Treatment of Sewage. 18mo, boards. 50 cents. VARONA, A. de. Sewer Gases : their Nature and Origin. 18mo, boards. 50 cents. WARING, G. E. Sewerage and Land Drainage. Third Edition. 4to, cloth. Illustrated, colored plates. $6.00. Sanitary Condition of City and Country Dwelling Houses. 18mo, bds. 50 cts. The Sanitary Drainage of Houses and Towns. 12mo, cloth. $2.00. How to Drain a House. Practical Information for Householders. 12mo, cloth. $1.25. Modern Methods of Sewage Disposal for Towns, Public Institutions, and Iso- lated Houses. $2.00. D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, 23 MURRAY and 27 WARREN STS., NEW YORK. Copies sent by mail on receipt of Price. THIRTEENTH EDITION. I Vol., octavo, 644 pp., 200 Illustrations, fine Cloth Binding, $5.00 A PRACTICAL TREATISE WATER-SUPPLY ENGINEERING RELATING TO THE HYDROLOGY, HYDRODYNAMICS, AND PRACTICAL CONSTRUCTION OF WATER-WORKS IN NORTH AMERICA, WITH NUMEROUS TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. BY J. T. FANNING, CE, Member of tlie A merican Society of Civil Engineers. Thirteenth Edition, Revised, Enlarged, and New Tables and Illustrations added. CONTENTS. SECTION I. Collection and Storage of Water, and its Impurities. CHAPTER I. Introductory. CHAP. II. Quantity of Water required. CHAP. III. Rainfall. CHAP. IV. Flow of Streams. CHAP. V. Storage and Evaporation of Water. CHAP. VI. Supplying Capacity of Watersheds. CHAP. VII. Springs and Wells. CHAP. VIII. Impurities of Water. CHAP. IX. Well, Spring, Lake, and River Supplies. SECTION II. Flow of Water through Sluices, Pipes, and Channels. CHAPTER X. Weight, Pressure, and Motion of Water. CHAP. XI. Flow of Water through Orifices. CHAP. XII. Flow of Water through Short Tubes. CHAP. XIII. Flow of Water through Pipes under Pressure. CHAP. XIV. Measures of Weirs and Weir Gauging. CHAP. XV. Flow of Water in Open Channels. SECTION III. Practical Construction of Water-Works. CHAPTER XVI. Reservoir Embankments and Chambers. CHAP. XVII. Open Ca- nals. CHAP. XVIII. Waste Weirs. CHAP. XIX. Partitions and Retaining Walls. CHAP. XX. Masonry Conduits. CHAP. XXI. Mains and Distribution Pipes. CHAP. XXII. Distribution Systems and Appendages. CHAP. XXIII. Clarification of Water. CHAP. XXIV. Pumping of Water. CHAP. XXV. Tank Stand Pipes. CHAP. XXVI. Systems of Water Supply. APPENDIX. Miscellaneous Memoranda. D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, Publishers, 23 MURRAY and 27 WARREN STS., NEW YORK. *** Copies sent postpaid on receipt of price. A STANDARD WORK. One Volume, quarto, cloth, 30 plates ...... Price, $7.50 REPORT ON THE FILTRATION OF RIVER WATERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF CITIES, AS PRACTISED IN EUROPE. MADE TO THE Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St, Louis, JAMES P. KIRKWOOD, Civil Engineer* II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. BY IPERMIISSICKN" OF 1 THE BOARD. ILL USTRA TED B Y THIRTY ENGRA VINCS. Report on Filtration. London Works, General. Chelsea Water Works and Filters. Lambeth Water Works and Filters. Southwark and Vauxhall Water Works and Filters. Grand Junction Water Works and Filters. West Middlesex Water Works and Filters. New River Water Works and Filters. East London Water Works and Fil- ters. Leicester Water Works and Filters. York Water Works and Filters. Liverpool Water Works and Filters. Edinburgh Water Works and Filters. Dublin Water Works and Filters. Perth Water Works and Filtering Gal- lery. CONTENTS. XVI. Berlin Water Works and Filters. XVII. Hamburg Water Works and Res- ervoirs. XVIII. Altona Water Works and Filters. XIX. Tours Water Works and Filtering Canal. XX. Angers Water Works and Filtering Galleries. XXI. Nantes Water Works and Filters. XXII. Lyons Water Works and Filtering Galleries. XXIII. Toulouse Water Works and Filter- ing Galleries. XXIV. Marseilles Water Works and Filters. XXV. Genoa Water Works and Filtering Galleries. XXVI. Leghorn Water Works and Cis- terns. XXVII. Wakefield Water Works and Fil- ters. APPENDIX. Instructions, Tables of Equivalents of Measures, London Pumping Engines Tabulated, Boil- ers of Pumping Engines Tabulated. D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, Publishers, 23 MURRAY and 27 WARREN STS., NEW YORK. Copies sent postpaid on receipt of price. SECOND EDITION. One Volume, 8vo, Cloth, Illustrated, 600 Pages. Price, $6.00. SEWAGE DISPOSAL IN THE UNITED STATES By Geo. W. Rafter, M. Am, Soc. C E., and M. N. Baker, Ph. B., Associate Editor, " Engineering News." CONTENTS. PART I. DISCUSSION OF PRINCIPLES. CHAPTER I. Preliminary Discussion. II. The Infectious Diseases of Animals. III. On the Pollution of Streams. IV. The Self-Purification of Running Streams and the Rational View in Relation to the Disposal of Sewage by Discharge into Tide- Water. V. The Composition of Sewage Muds. Legal Aspects of the Case. Quantity of Sewage and Variation in Rate of Flow. General Data of Sewage Disposal. Discharge into Tidal or other large Bodies of Water. On Nitrification and the Nitrifying Organ- ism. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. CHAPTER XI. Chemical Precipitation. XII. Broad Irrigation. XIII. On Silos and their Use in Sewage Farming. XIV. Intermittent Filtration. XV. Sub-surface Irrigation. XVI. The Disposal of Manufacturing Wastes. XVII. On the Temperature of the Air and of Natural Soils, and its Relation to Sewage Purification by Broad Irriga- tion and Intermittent Filtration. XVIII. On Beggiatoa Alba and its Relation to Sewage Effluents. XIX. The Effect of the Pollution of Streams by Manufacturing Wastes upon the Life of Fish. XX. Conclusions to Part I. CHAPTER XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. PART II. -DESCRIPTIONS OF WORKS. CHAPTER Pail System at Hemlock Lake, New York. The Fullerton Avenue Conduit and the Bridgeport Pumping Station, Chicago. Chemical Precipitation Plants at Coney Island, Round Lake, White Plains, and Sheepshead Bay, New York. Chemical Precipitation and Filtration at East Orange, New Jersey. Chemical Precipitation and Mechanical Separation at Long Branch, New Jersey. The Mystic Valley Chemical Precipita- tion Works. Chemical Precipitation at Worcester, Massachusetts. Discharge into Tide-Water and Pro- posed Chemical Precipitation at Providence, Rhode Island. Broad Irrigation at the State Hospital for the Insane, Worcester, Mass. Broad Irrigation and Intermittent Fil- tration at Pullman, Illinois. Broad Irrigation at the Massachusetts Reformatory, Concord. Broad Irrigation at the Rhode Island State Institutions. XXXIII. Intermittent Filtration and Broad Ir- rigation at South Framingham, Massachusetts. XXXIV. Intermittent Filtration at Medfield, Massachusetts. XXXV. Intermittent Filtration and Broad Ir- rigation at the London, Ontario, Hospital for the Insane. XXXVI. Chemical Precipitation and Intermit- tent Filtration at the Rochester, Minnesota, Hospital for the Insane. XXXVII. Intermittent Filtration at Marlbor- ough, Massachusetts. XXXVIII. Intermittent Filtration at the Massa- chusetts School for the Feeble- Minded. XXXIX. Sub-surface Irrigation at Lawrence- ville, New Jersey, School for Boys. XL. Intermittent Filtration at Gardner, Massachusetts. XLI. Intermittent Filtration at Summit, New Jersey. XLII. Land Disposal at Hastings, Nebraska. XLIII. Surface Irrigation at Wayne, Penn- sylvania. XLIV. The Use of Sewage for Irrigation in the West. XLV. Miscellaneous Plants. D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, Publishers, 23 MURRAY and 27 WARREN STS., NEW YORK. *** Copies sent by mail on receipt of price. 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