H. C. HARDING, HINGHAM, Mass. University of California Berkeley B E U L AH BY AUGUSTA J. EVANS it NEW YORK: DERBY & JACKSON, 119 NASSAU STREET, 1859. aeeordine to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, bj DERBY * JACKSON, i dork's Offlc. of the District Court of the United State* for the Sonthern District of Xew York. W. a T TO MY AUNT, S E A. B O E, 3ST JONES, OP GEORGIA, I DEDICATE THIS BOOK, AS A FKEBLK TRIBUTE OF AFFECTION AND GRATITUDE. 919115 B E UL AH CHAPTER I. A JANUARY sun had passed the zeiiith, and the slanting rays flamed over the window-panes of a large brick building, bearing on its front in golden letters the inscription, " Orphan Asylum." The structure was commodious, and surrounded by wide galleries^ while the situation offered a silent tribute to the discretion and good sense of the board of managers, who selected the suburbs instead of the more densely populated portion of the city. The whitewashed palings inclosed, as a front yard or lawn, rather more than an acre of ground, sown in grass and studded with trees, among which the shelled walks meandered gracefully. A long avenue of elms and poplars extended from the gate to the principal entrance, and imparted to the Asylum an imposing and venerable aspect. There was very little shrubbery, but here and there orange boughs bent beneath their load of golden fruitage, while the glossy foliage, stirred by the wind, trembled and glistened in the sunshine. Beyond the inclosure stretched the common, dotted with occasional clumps of pine and leafless oaks, through which glimpses of the city might be had. Building and grounds wore a quiet, peaceful, inviting look, singularly appropriate for the purpose designated by the inscription, " Orphan Asylum," a haven for the desolate and miserable. t 8 BEUL AH. Tbi Jrout d6ot ^>S;dl,o>ed, but upon the broad granite steps, where, tj# sunJight .lay watm and tempting, sat a trio of the ; JamiU,$s/ ' ; IQ-' tli& fof ejro(Mid was a slight fairy form, "a wee winsome thing," with coral lips, and large, soft blue eyes, set in a frame of short, clustering golden curls. She looked about six years old, and was clad, like her companions, in canary-colored flannel dress,. and blue check apron. Lillian was the pet of the Asylum, and now her rosy cheek rested upon her tiny white palm, as though she wearied of^ the picture-book which lay at her feet. The figure beside her, was one whose marvellous beauty riveted the gaze of all who chanced to see her. The child could have been but a few months older than Lillian, yet the brilliant black eyes, the peculiar curve of the dimpled mouth, and long, dark ringlets, gave to the oval face a maturer and more piquant loveliness. The cast of Claudia's countenance bespoke her foreign parentage, and told of the warm, fierce Italian blood that glowed in her cheeks. There was fascinating grace in every movement, even in the easy indolence of her position, as she bent on one knee to curl Lillian's locks over, her finger. On the upper step, in the rear of these two, sat a*girl whose age could not have been very accurately guessed from her countenance, and whose features contrasted strangely with those of her companions. At a first casual glance, one thought her rather homely, nay, decidedly ugly ; yet, to the curious physio- lomist, this face presented greater attractions than either of the others. Reader, I here paint you the portrait of that quiet ttle figure, whose history is contained in the following pages. A pair of large grey eyes set beneath an overhanging forehead >oldly-projecting-forehead, broad and smooth ; a rather large but finely cut mouth, an irreproachable nose, of the order fur- b removed from aquiline, and heavy black eyebrows, which tead of arching, stretched straight across and nearly met' There was not a vestige of color in her cheeks; face, neck and hands wore a sickly pallor, and a mass of rippling, jetty hair drawn smoothly over the temples, rendered this marble-like" BETJLAH. 9 whiteness more apparent. Unlike the younger children, Beulah was busily sewing upon what seemed the counterpart of their aprons ; and the sad expression of the countenance, the lips firmly compressed, as if to prevent the utterance of complaint, showed that she had become acquainted with cares and sorrows, of which they were yet happily ignorant. Her eyes were bent down on her work, and the long, black lashes nearly touched her cold cheeks. "Sister Beulah, ought Claudy to say that?" cried Lillian, turning round and laying her hand upon the piece of sewing. " Say what, Lilly ? I was not listening to you." " She said she hoped that largest robin redbreast would get drunk, and tumble down. He would be sure to bump some of his pretty bright feathers out, if he rolled over the shells two or three times," answered Lilly, pointing to a China-tree near, where a flock of robins were eagerly chirping over the feast of berries. " Why, Claudy ! how can you wish the poor little fellow such bad luck ?" The dark, thoughtful eyes, full of deep meaning, rested on Claudia's radiant face. " Oh ! you need not think I am a bear, or a hawk, ready to swallow the darling little beauty alive I I would not have him lose a feather for the world ; but I should like the fun of seeing him stagger and wheel over and over, and tumble off the limb, so that I might run and catch him in my apron. Do you think / would give him to our matron to make a pie ? No, you might take off my fingers first !" and the little elf snapped them emphatically in Beulah's face. " Make a pie of robies, indeed ! I would starve before I would eat a piece of it," chimed in Lilly, with childish horror at the thought. Claudia laughed with mingled mischief and chagrin. " You say you would not eat a bit of roby-pie to save your life? Well, you did it last week, anyhow." " Oh, Claudy, I didn't 1" 10 BEULAH. " Oh, but you did I Don't you remember Susan picked up a bird last week that fell out of this very tree, and gave it to our matron ? Well, didn't we have bird-pie for dinner ?" " Yes, but one poor little fellow would not make a pie." " They had some birds already that came from the market, and I heard Mrs. Williams tell Susan to put it in with the others. So, you see, you did eat roby-pie, and I didn't, for I knew what was in it. I saw its head wrung off !" 11 Well, I hope I did not get any of roby : I won't eat any more pie till they have all gone," was Lilly's consolatory reflec- tion. Chancing to glance toward the gate, she exclaimed : " There is a carriage." " What is to day ? let me see, Wednesday : yes, this is the even- ing for the ladies to meet here. Lil, is my face right clean ? because that red-headed Miss Dorothy always takes particular pains to look at it. She rubbed her pocket-handkerchief over it the other day. I do hate her, don't you ?" cried Claudia, spring- ing up and buttoning the band of her apron sleeve, which had become unfastened. " Why, Claudy, I am astonished to hear you talk so : Miss Dorothy helps to buy food and clothes for us, and you ought to be ashamed to speak of her as you do." As she delivered this reprimand, Beulah snatched up a small volume and hid it in her work-basket. " I don't believe she gives us much. I do hate her, and I can't help it, she is so ugly, and cross, and vinegar-faced. I should not like her to look at my mug of milk. You don't love her either, any more than I do, only you won't say anything about her. But kiss me, and I promise I will be good, and not make faces at her in my apron." Beulah stooped down and warmly kissed the suppliant, then took her little sister's hand and led her into the house, just as the carriage reached the door. The children presented a pleasant spectacle as they entered the long dining-room, and ranged themselves for inspection. Twenty-eight heirs of orphanage, varying in y-ars, from one crawling infant, to BEULAH. 11 well-nigh grown girls, all neatly clad, and with smiling, contented faces, if we except one grave countenance, which might have been remarked by the close observer. The weekly visiting com- mittee consisted of four of the lady managers, but to-day the number was swelled to six. A glance at the inspectors sufficed to iuform Beulah that something of more than ordinary interest had convened them on the present occasion, and she was passing on to her accustomed place, when her eyes fell upon a familiar face, partially concealed by a straw bonnet. It was her Sabbath- school teacher ; a sudden glad light flashed over the girl's countenance, and the pale lips disclosed a set of faultlessly beau- tiful teeth, as she smiled and hastened to her friend. 11 How do you do, Mrs. Mason ? I am so glad to see you !" " Thank you, Beulah, I have been promising myself this plea- sure a great while. I saw Eugene this morning, and told him I was coming out. He sent you a book and a message. Here is the book. You are to mark the passages you like particularly, and study them well until he comes. When did you see him last?" Mrs. Mason put the volume in her hand as she spoke. " It has been more than a week since he was here, and I was afraid he was sick. He is very kind and good to remember the book he promised me, and I thank you very much, Mrs. Mason, for bringing it." The face was radiant with new-born joy, but it all died out when Miss Dorothea White (little Claudia's par- ticular aversion) fixed her pale blue eyes upon her, and asked, in a sharp, discontented tone : " What ails that girl, Mrs. Williams ? she does not work enough, or she would have some blood in her cheeks. Has she been sick ?" " No, madam, she has not been sick exactly, but somehow she never looks strong and hearty like the others. She works well enough. There is not a better or more industrious girl in the asylum, but I rather think she studies too much. She will sit up and read of nights, when the others are all sound asleep ; and 12 BE TIL AH. very often, when Kate and I put out the hall lamp, we find her with her book alone in the cold. I can't get rny consent to forbid her reading, especially as it never interferes with her regular work, and she is so fond of it." As the kind-hearted matron uttered these words she glanced at the child and sighed involuntarily. " You are too indulgent, Mrs. Williams ; we cannot afford to feed and clothe girls of her age, to wear themselves out reading trash all night. We are very much in arrears at best, and I think some plan should be adopted to make these large girls, who have been on hand so long, more useful. What do you say, ladies ?" Miss Dorothea looked around for some encouragement and support in her move. " Well, for my part, Miss White, I think that child is not strong enough to do much hard work ; she always has looked delicate and pale," said Mrs. Taylor, an amiable looking woman, who had taken one of the youngest orphans on her knee. 11 My dear friend that is the very reason : she does not exer- cise sufficiently to make her robust. Just look at her face and hands, as bloodless as a turnip." " Beulah, do ask her to give you some of her beautiful color ; she looks exactly like a cake of tallow, with two glass beads in the middle," " Hush !" and Beulah's hand was pressed firmly over Claudia's crimson lips, lest the whisper of the indignant little brunette should reach ears for which it was not intended. As no one essayed to answer Miss White, the matron ven- tured to suggest a darling scheme of her own. " I have always hoped the managers would conclude to educate her for a teacher. She is so studious, I know she would learn very rapidly." " My dear madam, you do not in the least understand what you are talking about. It would require at least five years' careful training to fit her to teach, and our finances do not admit of any such expenditure. As the best thing for her, I should move to BEULAH. 13 bind her out to a mantua-maker or milliner, but she could not stand the confinement. She would go off with consumption in less than a year. There is the trouble with these delicate children." " How is the babe that was brought here last week ?" asked Mrs. Taylor. " Oh, he is doing beautifully. Bring him round the table, Susan," and the rosy, smiling infant was handed about for closer inspection. A few general inquiries followed, and then Beulah was not surprised to hear the order given for the child- ren to retire, as the managers had some especial business with their matron. The orphan band defiled into the hall, and dispersed to their various occupations, but Beulah approached the matron, and whispered something, to which the reply was : " No : if you have finished that other apron, you shall sew no more to-day. You can pump a fresh bucket of water, and then run out into the yard for some air." She performed the duty assigned to her, and then hastened to the dormitory, whither Lillian and Claudia had preceded her. The latter was standing on a chair, mimicking Miss Dorothea, and haranguing her sole auditor, in a nasal twang, which she contrived to force from her beautiful curling lips. At sight of Beulah, she sprang toward her, exclaiming : "You shall be a teacher if you want to, shan't you, Beulah ?" " I am afraid not, Claudy. But don't say any more about her; she is not as kind as our dear matron, or some of the managers, but she thinks she is right. Remember, she made these pretty blue curtains round your and Lilly's bed." " I don't care if she did. All the ladies were making them, and she did no more than the rest. Never mind : I shall be a young lady some of these days ; our matron says I will be beautiful enough to marry the President, and then I will see whether Miss Dorothy Red-head comes meddling and bothering you any more." The brilliant eyes dilated with pleasure, at the 14 B E U L A H . thought of the protection which the future Jady-President would afford her protegee. Beulah smiled, and asked almost gaily : " Claudy, how much will you pay me a month, to dress you, and keep your hair in order, when you get into the White House at Washington ?" " Oh, you dear darling I you shall have everything you want, and do nothing but read." The impulsive child threw her arms around Beulah's neck, and kissed her repeatedly, while the latter bent down over her basket. " Lilly, here are some chincapins for you and Claudy. I am going out into the yard, and you may both go and play hull- gull." In the debating room of the visiting committee, Miss White again had the floor. She was no less important a personage than vice-president of the board of managers, and felt author- ized to investigate closely, and redress all grievances. " Who did you say sent that book here, Mrs. Mason ?" " Eugene Rutland, who was once a member of Mrs. Williams' orphan charge in this asylum. Mr. Graham adopted him, and he is now known as Eugene Graham. He is very much attached to Beulah, though I believe they are not at all related." "He left the asylum before I entered the board. What sort of boy is he ? I have seen him several times, and do not particularly fancy him." " Oh, madame, he is a noble boy 1 It was a great trial to me to part with him three years ago. He is much older than Beulah, and loves her as well as if she were his sister," said the matron, more hastily than was her custom, when answering any of the managers. " I suppose he has put this notion of being a teacher into her head ; well, she must get it out, that is all. I know of an excellent situation, where a lady is willing to pay six dollars a month for a girl of her age to attend to an infant, and I think we must secure it for her." BETJLAH. 15 " Oh, Miss White 1 she is not able to carry a heavy child always in her arms," expostulated Mrs. Williams. " Yes she is. I will venture to say she looks all the better for it at the month's end." The last sentence, fraught with interest to herself, fell upon Beulah's ear, as she passed through the hall, and an unerring intuition told her " you are the one." She put her hands over her ears to shut out Miss Dorothea's sharp tones, and hurried away, with a dim foreboding of coming evil, which pressed heavily upon her young heart. CHAPTER II. THE following day, in obedience to the proclamation of the mayor of the city, was celebrated as a season of special thanks- giving, and the inmates of the asylum were taken to church to morning service. After an early dinner, the matron gave them permission to amuse themselves the remainder of the day as their various inclinations prompted. There was an immediate dispersion of the assemblage, and only Beulah lingered beside the matron's chair. " Mrs. Williams, may I take Lilly with me, and go out into the woods at the back of the Asylum ?" " I want you at home this evening, but I dislike very much to refuse you." " Oh! never mind, if you wish me to do anything," answered the girl cheerfully. Tears rolled over the matron's face, and hastily averting her head, she wiped them away with the corner of her apron. r ' Can I do anything to help you ? What is the matter ?" " Never mind, Beulah; do you get your bonnet and go to the 16 BEULAH. v edge of the woods not too far, remember; and if I must have you, why I will send for you." " I would rather not go if it will be any trouble." "No, dear, it's no trouble; I want you to go," answered the matron, turning hastily away. Beulah felt very strongly inclined to follow, and inquire what was in store for her; but the weight on her heart pressed more heavily, and murmur- ing to herself, "it will come time enough, time enough," she passed on. " May I come with you and Lilly ?" entreated little Claudia, running down the walk at full speed, and putting her curly head through the palings to make the request. " Yes, come on. You and Lilly can pick up some nice smooth burs to make baskets of. But where is your bonnet ?" "I forgot it;" she ran np, almost out of breath, and seized Beulah's hand. "You forgot it, indeed! You little witch, you will burn as black as a gipsy." " I don't care if I do. I hate bonnets." " Take care, Claudy; the President won't have you all freckled and tanned." " Won't he ?" queried the child, with a saucy sparkle in her black eyes. , " That he won't; here, tie on my hood, and the next time you come running after me, bareheaded, I will make you go back; do you hear ?" " Yes, I hear. I wonder why Miss Dorothy don't bleach off her freckles; she looks just like a " ' Hush about her, and run on ahead." "Do pray let me get my breath first; which way are we going r f "To the piney woods yonder," cried Lilly, clapping her hands is!, glee; "won't we have fun, rolling and sliding on the The two little ones walked on in advance e path along which their feet pattered so carelessly led to B E II L A H . 17 a hollow or ravine, and the ground on the opposite side rose into small hillocks, thickly wooded with pines. Beulah sat down upon a mound of moss and leaves; while Claudia and Lillian, throwing off their hoods, commenced the glorious game of sliding. The pine straw presented an almost glassy surface, and starting from the top of a hillock, they slid down, often stumbling and rolling together to the bottom. Many a peal of laughter rang out, and echoed far back in the forest, and two blackbirds could not have kept up a more continuous chatter. Apart from all this sat Beulah; she had remembered the matron's words, and stopped just at the verge of the woods, whence she could see the white palings of the Asylum. Above her the winter breeze moaned and roared in the pine tops; it was the sad but dearly loved forest music that she so often stole out to listen to. Every breath which sighed through the emerald boughs seemed to sweep a sympathetic chord in her soul, and she raised her arms toward the trees as though she longed to clasp the mighty musical box of nature to her heart. The far-off blue of a cloud- " less sky looked in upon her, like a watchful guardian; the sun- light fell slantingly, now mellowing the brown leaves and knotted trunks, and now seeming to shun the darker spots and recesses, where shadows lurked. For a time, the girl forgot all, but the quiet and majestic beauty of the scene. She loved na- ture as only those can whose sources of pleasure have been sadly curtailed, and her heart went out, so to speak, after birds, and trees, and flowers, sunshine, and stars, and the voices of sweep- ing winds. An open volume lay on her lap; it was Longfellow's Poems, the book Eugene had sent her, and leaves were turned down at " Excelsior," and the '* Psalm of Life." The changing countenance indexed very accurately the emotions which were excited by this communion with Nature. There was an up- lifted look, a brave, glad, hopeful light in the grey eyes, gene- rally so troubled in their expression. A sacred song rose on the evening air, a solemn but beautiful hymn. She sang the words of the great strength-giving poet, the "Psalm. of Life:" 18 BEULAH. " Tell me not in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream ; For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what they seem." It was wonderful what power and sweetness there was in her voice; burst after burst of sweet melody fell from her trembling lips. Her soul echoed the sentiments of the immortal bard, and she repeated again and again the fifth verse: " In the world's broad field of battle, In the bivouac of life ; Be not like dumb driven cattle, Be a hero in the strife." Intuitively she seemed to feel that an hour of great trial was at hand, and this was a girding for the combat. With the shield of a warm, hopeful heart, and the sword of a strong, un- faltering will, she awaited the shock; but as she concluded her song, the head bowed itself upon her arms, the shadow of the unknown, lowering future had fallen upon her face, and only the Great Shepherd knew what passed the pale lips of the young orphan. She was startled by the sharp bark of a dog, and looking up, saw a gentleman leaning against a neighboring tree, and regarding her very earnestly. He came forward as she perceived him, and said with a pleasant smile: " You need not be afraid of my dog. Like his master, he would not disturb you till you finished your song. Down, Carlo ; be quiet, sir. My little friend, tell me who taught you to sing." She had hastily risen, and a slight glow tinged her cheek at his question. Though naturally reserved and timid, there was a self-possession about her, unusual in children of her age, and she answered in a low voice, " I have never had a teacher, sir ; but I listen to the choir on Sabbath, and sing our Sunday-school hymns at church." " Do you know who wrote those words you sang just now ? I was not aware they had been set to music ?" B E TJ L A H . 19 "I found them in this book yesterday, and liked them so much that I tried to sing them by one of our hymn tunes." She held up the volume as she spoke. He glanced at the title, and then looked curiously at her. Beulah chanced just then to turn toward the Asylum, and saw one of the oldest girls running across the common. The shadow on her face deepened, and she looked around for Claudia and Lillian. They had tired of sliding, and were busily engaged picking up pine burs at some little distance in the rear. " Come, Claudy Lilly our. matron has sent for us ; come, make haste." " Do you belong to the Asylum ?" asked the gentleman, shak- ing the ashes from his cigar. " Yes, sir," answered she, and as the children came up she bowed and turned homeward. " Wait a moment ; those are not your sisters, certainly ?" His eyes rested with unfeigned admiration on their beautiful faces. " This one is, sir ; that is not." As she spoke she laid her hand on Lillian's head. Claudia looked shyly at the stranger, and then seizing Beulah's dress, exclaimed : 11 Oh, Beulah, don't let us go just yet. I left such a nice, splendid pile of burs." 11 Yes, we must go, yonder comes Katy for us. Good even- ing, sir," " Good evening, my little friend ; some of these days I shall come to the Asylum to see you all, and have you sing that song again." She made no reply, but catching her sister's hand, walked rapidly homeward. Katy delivered Mrs. Williams' message, and assured Beulah she must make haste, for Miss Dorothy was displeased that the children were absent. 11 What I is she there again, the hateful " Beulah's hand was over Claudia's mouth, and prevented the remainder of the sentence. That short walk was painful, and 20 B E U L A H . conflicting hopes and fears chased each other in the sister's heart, as she tightened her hold on Lilly's hand. "Oh, what a beautiful carriage!" cried Claudia, as they approached the door, and descried an elegant carriage, glittering with silver mountings, and drawn by a pair of spirited black horses. " Yes, that it is, and there is a lady and gentleman here who must be very rich, judging from their looks. They brought Miss White." " What do they want, Katy ?" asked Claudia. " I don't know for certain, though I have my own thoughts," answered the girl, with a knowing laugh that grated on Beulah's " Here, Beulah, bring them to the dormitory," said Mrs. Wil- liams, meeting them at the door, and hurrying them up-stairs. She hastily washed Claudia's face and recurled her hair, while the same offices were performed for Lillian by her sister. " Don't rub my hand so hard, you hurt," cried out Claudia, sharply, as in perfect silence, and with an anxious countenance, the kind matron dressed her. " I only want to get it white and clean, beauty," was the con- ciliatory reply. "Well, I tell you that won't come off, because it's turpen- tine," retorted the self-willed little elf. "Come, Beulah, bring Lilly along. Miss White is out of patience." "What does all this mean?" said Beulah, taking her sister's hand. " Don't ask me, poor child." As she spoke, the good woman ushered the trio into the reception-room. None of the other children were present ; Beulah noted this circumstance, and drawing a long breath, looked around. Miss White was eagerly talking to a richly-dressed and very pretty woman, while a gentleman stood beside thorn, impatiently twirling his seal and watch-key. B E U L A H . 21 All looked up, and Miss White exclaimed : " Here they are : now, iny dear Mrs. Grayson, I rather think you can be suited. Come here, little ones." She drew Claudia to her side, while Lilly clung closer to her sister. " Oh, what beauties ! Only look at them, Alfred I" Mrs. Grayson glanced eagerly from one to the other. " Very pretty children, indeed, my dear. Extremely pretty ; particularly the black-eyed one," answered her husband, with far less ecstasy. " I don't know ; I believe I admire the golden-haired one most. She is a perfect fairy. Come here, my love, and let me talk to you," continued she, addressing Lilly. The child clasped her sister's fingers more firmly, and did not advance an inch. " Do not hold her, Beulah. Gome to the lady, Lillian," said Miss White. As Beulah gently disengaged her hand, she felt as if the anchor of hope had been torn from her hold, but. stooping down, she whispered : " Go to the lady, Lilly darling ; I will not leave you." Thus encouraged, the little figure moved slowly forward, and paused in front of the stranger. Mrs. Grayson took her small white hands tenderly, and pressing a warm kiss on her lips, said in a kind, winning tone : " What is your name, my dear ?" 11 Lillian, ma'am, but sister calls me Lilly." " Who is ' sister > little Claudia here ?" " Oh, no ; sister Beulah." And the soft blue eyes turned lovingly toward that gentle sister. "Good heavens, Alfred, how totally unlike! This is one of the most beautiful children I have ever seen, and that girl yonder is ugly," said the lady, in an undertone to her husband, who was talking to Claudia. It was said in a low voice, but Beulah heard every syllable, and a glow of shame for an instant bathed her brow. Claudia heard it too, and springing from Mr. Grayson's knee, she exclaimed angrily : " She isn't ugly, any such thing ; she is the smartest girl 22 B E U L A H . in the Asylum, and I love her better than anybody in the world." " No, Beulah is not pretty, but she is good, and that is far better," said the matron, laying her trembling hand on Beulah's shoulder. A bitter smile curled the girl's lips, but she did not move her eyes from Lillian's face. " Fanny, if you select that plain-spoken little one, you will have some temper to curb," suggested Mr. Grayson, somewhat amused by Claudia's burst of indignation. " Oh, my dear husband, I 'must have them both : only fancy how lovely they will be, dressed exactly alike. My little Lilly, and you Claudia, will you come and be my daughters ? I shall love you very much, and that gentleman will be your papa. He is very kind. You shall have big wax dolls, as high as your heads, and doll-houses, and tea-sets, and beautiful blue and pink silk dresses, and every evening I shall take you out to ride in my carriage. Each of you shall have a white hat, with long, curling feathers. Will you come and live with me, aiid let me be your mamma ?" -' Beulah's face assumed an ashen hue, as she listened to these coaxing words. She had not thought of separation ; the evil had never presented itself in this form, and staggering forward, she clutched the matron's dress, saying hoarsely : " Oh, don't separate us ! Don't let them take Lilly from me I I will do anything on earth, I will work my hands off ; oh, do anything, but please, oh please, don't give Lilly up. My own darling Lilly." Claudia here interrupted : " I should like to go well enough, if you will take Beulah too. Lil, are you going ?" 1 No, no." Lillian broke away from the stranger's clasping arm, and rushed toward her sister ; but Miss White sat between them, and catching the child, she firmly, though very gently, held her back. Lilly was very much afraid of her, and bursting into tears, she cried imploringly : " Oh, sister 1 take me, take me I" BE-ULAH. 23 Beulah sprang to her side, and said almost fiercely : " Give her to me : she is mine, and you have no right to part us." She ex- tended her arms toward the little form, struggling to reach her. " The managers have decided that it is for the child's good, that Mrs. Grayson should adopt her. We dislike very much to separate sisters, but it cannot be avoided ; whole families can't be adopted by one person, and you must not interfere. She will soon be perfectly satisfied away from you, and instead of encou- raging her to be rebellious, you ought to coax her to behave, and go peaceably," replied Miss White, still keeping Beulah at arm's length. "You let go Lilly : you hateful, ugly, old thing you 1 She shan't go if she don't want to 1 She does belong to Beulah," cried Claudia, striding up and laying her hand on Lilly's arm. " You spoiled, insolent little wretch 1" muttered Miss White, crimsoning to the roots of her fiery hair. " I am afraid they will not consent to go. Fanny, suppose you take Claudia ; the other seems too reluctant," said Mr. Gray- son, looking at his watch. " But I do so want that little blue-eyed angel. Cannot the matron influence her ?" She turned to her as she spoke. Thus appealed to, Mrs. Williams took the child in her arms, and caressed her tenderly. " My dear little Lilly, you must not cry and struggle so. Why will you not go with this kind lady ? she will love you very much." " Oh, I don't want to I" sobbed she, pressing her wet cheeks against the matron's shoulder. " But, Lilly love, you shall have everything you want. Kiss me like a sweet girl, and say you will go to my beautiful home. I will give you a cage full of the prettiest canary birds you ever looked at. Don't you love to ride ? My carriage is waiting at the door. You and Claudia will have such a nice time." Mrs. Grayson knelt beside her, and kissed her tenderly ; still she clung closer to the matron. 24 BEULAH. Beulah bad covered her face with her hands, arid stood trembling like a weed bowed before the rushing gale. She knew that neither expostulation nor entreaty would avail now, and she resolved to bear with fortitude, what she could not avert. Lifting her head, she said slowly : " If I must give up my sister, let me do so as quietly as pos- sible. Give her to me, then perhaps she will go more willingly. Do not force her away ! Oh, do not force her 1" As she uttered these words, her lips were white and cold, and the agonized expression of her face made Mrs. Gray son shiver. " Lilly, my darling ! My own precious darling !" she bent over her sister, and the little arms clasped her neck tightly, as she lifted and bore her back to the dormitory. "You may get their clothes ready, Mrs. Williams. Rest assured, my dear Mrs. Grayson, they will go now without any further difficulty. Of course we dislike to separate sisters, but it can't be helped sometimes. If you like, I will show you over the Asylum while the children are prepared." Miss White led the way to the schoolroom. " I am very dubious about that little one ; Fanny, how will you ever manage two such dispositions, one all tears, and the other all fire and tow ?" said Mr. Grayson. " A truce to your fears, Alfred. We shall get on charmingly after the first few days. How proud I shall be with such jewels." Beulah sat down on the edge of the blue-curtained bed, and drew her idol close to her heart. She kissed the beautiful face, and smoothed the golden curls she had so long, and so lovingly arranged, and as the child returned her kisses, she felt as if rude hands were tearing her heart-strings loose. But she knew she must give her up. There was no effort within her power, whicl- could avail to keep her treasure, and that brave spirit nerved itself. Not a tear dimmed her eye, not a sob broke from her colorless lips. BEULAH. 25 " Lilly, my own little sister, you must not cry any more. Let me wash your face ; you will make your head ache if you cry so." " Oh, Beulah ! I don't want to go away from you." " My darling, I know you don't ; but you will have a great many things to make you happy, and I shall come to see you as often as I can. I can't bear to have you go, either, but I cannot help it, and I want you to go quietly, and be so good that the lady will love you." " But to-night, when I go to bed, you will not be there to hear me say my prayers. Oh, sister ! why can't you go ?" " They do not want me, my dear Lilly, but you can kneel down and say your prayers, arid God will hear you just as well as if you were here with me, and I will ask Him to love you all the more, and take care of you " Here a little arm stole sound poor Beulah's neck, and Claudia whispered with a sob : " Will you ask Him to love me too ?" " Yes, Claudy, I will." " We will try to be good. Oh, Beulah I love you so much. so very much !" The affectionate child pressed her lips repeatedly to Beulah's bloodless cheek. " Claudy, if you love me, you must be kind to my little Lilly When you see that she is sad, and crying for me, you must coax her to be as contented as possible, and always speak gently to her. Will you do this for Beulah ?" " Yes, that I will 1 I promise you I will, and what is more, I will fight for her 1 I boxed that spiteful Charley's ears the other day, for vexing her, and I will scratch anybody's eyes out that dares to scold her. This very morning I pinched Maggie black and blue, for bothering her, and I tell you I shall not let anybody impose on her." The tears dried in her brilliant eyes, and she clinched her little fist with an exalted opinion of her protective powers. " Claudy, I do not ask you to fight for her ; I want you. to 2 26 BEULAH. love her. Oh, love her ! always be kind to her," murmured Beulah. " I do love her better than anything in the world, don't I Lilly dear I" she softly kissed one of the child's hands. At this moment the matron entered, with a large bundle neatly wrapped. Her eyes were red, and there were traces of tears on her cheek ; looking tenderly down upon the trio, she said very gently : " Come, my pets, they will not wait any longer for you. I hope you will try to be good, and love each other, and Beulah shall come to see you." She took Claudia's hand and led her down the steps. Beulah lifted her sister, and carried her in her arms, as she had done from her birth, and at every step kissed her lips and brow. Mr. and Mrs. Grayson were standing at the front door ; they oth looked pleased, as Lilly had^eased crying, and the carriage loor was opened to admit them. "Ah I my dears, now for a nice ride; Claudia, jump in," <*aid Mr. Grayson, extending his hand to assist her. She paused, kissed her kind matron, and then approached Beulah. She could not bear to leave her, and as she threw her arms around her, sobbed out : " Good bye dear, good Beulah. I will take care of Lilly. Please love me, and ask God for me too." She was lifted into the carriage with tears streaming over her face. Beulah drew near to Mrs. Grayson, and said in a low, but imploring tone : " Oh, madam, love my sister, and always speak affectionately to her, then she will be good and obedient. I may come to see her often, may I not ?" " Certainly," replied the lady, in a tone which chilled poor Beulah's heart. She swallowed a groan of agony, and straining the loved one to her bosom, pressed her lips to Lilly's. " God bless my little sister, my darling, my all !" She put the child in Mr. Grayson's extended arms, and only saw that her B E U L A H . 27 sister looked back appealingly to her. Miss White came up and said something which she did not hear, and, turning hastily away, she went up to the dormitory, and seated herself on Lilly's vacant bed. The child knew not how the hours passed ; she sat with her face buried in her hands, until the light of a candle flashed into the darkened chamber, and the kind voice of the matron fell on her ear. " Beulah, will you try to eat some supper ? Do, dear." " No, thank you, I don't want anything." " Poor child, I would have saved you all this had it been in my power ; but, when once decided by the managers, you know I could not interfere. They disliked to separate you and Lilly, but thought, that under the circumstances, it was the best arrangement they could make. Beulah, I want to tell you some- thing, if you will listen to me." She seated herself on the edge of the bed, and took one of the girl's hands between both hers. " The managers think it is best that you should go out and take a situation. I am sorry I am forced to give you up, very sorry, for you have always been a good girl, and I love you dearly ; but these things cannot be avoided, and I hope all will turn out for the best. There is a place engaged for you, and Miss White wishes you to go to-morrow. I trust you will not have a hard time. You are to take care of an infant, and they will give you six dollars a month besides your board and clothes. Try to do your duty, child, and perhaps something may happen which will enable you to turn teacher." " Well, I will do the best I can. I do nob mind work, but then Lilly " Her head went down on her arms once more. 11 Yes, dear, I know it is very hard for you to part with her ; but remember, it is for her good. Mr. Grayson is very wealthy, and of course Lilly and Claudy will have " " And what is money to my " Again she paused abruptly. " Ah, child, you do not begin to know 1 Money is everything in this world to some people, and more than the next to other poor souls Well, well, I hope it will prove for the best as far 28 BETJLAH. as you are concerned. It is early yet, but maybe you had better go'to bed, as you are obliged to leave in the morning." " I could not sleep." " God will help you, dear child, if you try to do your duty. All of us have sorrows, and if yours have begun early, they may not last long. Poor little thing, I shall always remember you in my prayers." She kissed her gently, and left her, hoping that solitude would soothe her spirits. Miss White's words rang in the girl's ears like a kiiell. " She will soon be perfectly satisfied away from you." 11 Would she ? Could that idolized sister learn to do without her, and love her new friends as fondly as the untiring one who had cradled her in her arms for six long years ? A foreboding dread hissed continually, "do you suppose the wealthy and fashionable Mrs. Grayson, who lives in that elegant house on street, will suffer her adopted daughter to associate inti- mately with a hired nurse ?" Again the light streamed into the room. She buried her face deeper in her apron. " Beulah," said a troubled, anxious voice. "Oh, Eugene !" She sprang up with a dry sob, and threw herself into his arms. " I know it all, dear Beulah ; but come down to Mrs. Williams' room, there is a bright fire there, and your hands are as cold as ice. You will make yourself sick sitting here without even a shawl around you." He led her down-stairs to the room occu- pied by the matron, who kindly took her work to the dining- room, and left them to talk unrestrainedly. " Sit down in this rocking-chaj| and warm your hands." He seated himself near her, and as the firelight glowed on the faces of both, they contrasted strangely. One was classical and full of youthful beauty, the other wan, haggard, and sorrow- stained. He looked about sixteen, and promised to become a strikingly handsome man, while the proportions of his polished brow indicated more than ordinary intellectual endowments. He B E U L A II . 29 watched his companion earnestly, sadly, and, leaning forward, took one of her hands. " Beulah, I see from your face that you have not shed a single tear. I wish you would not keep your sorrow so pent up in your heart. It grieves me to see you look as you do now." " Oh I I can't help it. If it were not for you I believe I should die, I am so very miserable. Eugene, if you could have seen our Lilly cling to me, even to the last moment. It seems to me my heart will break." She sank her weary head on his shoulder. " Yes, darling, I know you are suffering very much ; but 'emember that ' all things work together for good to them that 'ove God.' Perhaps he sees it is best that you should give her np for awhile, and if so, will you not try to bear it cheerfully, instead of making yourself sick with useless grief ?" He gently smoothed the hair from her brow as he spoke. She did not reply. He did not expect that she would, and continued in the same kind tone. " I am much more troubled about your taking this situation. If I had known it earlier I would have endeavored to prevent it, but I suppose it cannot be helped now, for awhile at least. As soon as possible I am determined you shall go to school ; and remember, dear Beulah, I am just as much grieved at your sor- rows as you are. In a few years I shall have a home of my own, and you shall be the first to come to it. Never mind these dark, stormy days. Do you remember what our minister said in his sermon last Sunday ? ' the darkest hour is just before daybreak.' Already I begin to see the ' silver lining ' of clouds that a few years, or even months ago, seemed heavy and cheerless. I have heard a great deal about the ills and trials of this world, but I think a brave, hopeful spirit, will do much toward remedying the evil. For my part, I look forward to the time when you and I shall have a home of our own, and then Lilly and Claudy can be with us. I was talking to Mrs. Mason about it yesterday ; she loves you very much. I dare say all will be right, so cheer up, Beulah, and do look on the bright side." 30 BEULAH. " Eugene, you are the only bright side I have to look on. Sometimes I think you will get tired of me, and if you ever do, I shall want to die. Oh, how could I bear to know you did not love me." She raised her head and looked earnestly at his noble face. Eugene laughingly repeated her words. " Get tired of you, indeed not I, little sister." "Oh, I forgot to thank you for your book : I like it better than anything I ever read ; some parts are so beautiful so very grand. I keep it in my basket, and read every moment I can spare." " I knew you would like it, particularly ' Excelsior.' Beulah, I have written excelsior on my banner, and I intend, like that noble youth, to press forward over every obstacle, mounting at every step, until I, too, stand on the highest pinnacle, and plant my banner where its glorious motto shall float over the world. That poem stirs my very soul like martial music, and I feel as if I should like to see Mr. Longfellow, to tell him how I thank him for having written it. I want you to mark the passages you like best ; and now I think of it, here is a pencil I cut for you to-day." He drew it from his pocket and put it into her hand, while his face glowed with enthusiasm. " Thank you, thank you." Grateful tears sprang to her eyes; tears which acute suffering could not wring from her. He saw the gathering drops, and said, gaily : " If that is the way you intend to thank me, I shall bring you no more pencils. But you look very pale, and ought to be asleep, for I have no doubt to-morrow will be a trying day for you. Do exert yourself to be brave, and bear it all for a little while ; I know it will not be very long, and I shall come and see you just as often as possible." He rose as he spoke. 11 Are you obliged to go so soon ? Can't you stay with me a little longer ?" pleaded Beulah. BE TIL An. 31 The boy's eyes filled as he looked at the beseeching, haggard face, and he answered hastily : " Not to-night, Beulah ; you must go to sleep you need it sadly." "You will be cold walking home. Let me get you a shawl." " No, I left my overcoat in the hall here it is." She followed him out to the door, as he drew it on and put on his cap. The moonlight shone over the threshold, and he thought she looked ghostly as it fell upon her face. He took her hand, pressed it gently, and said " Good night, dear Beulah." " Good bye, Eugene. Do come and see me again soon." " Yes, I will. Don't get low-spirited as soon as I am out of sight, do you hear ?" "Yes, I hear, I will try not to complain. Walk fast and keep warm." She pressed his hand affectionately, watched his receding form as long as she could trace its outline, and then went slowly back to the dormitory. Falling on her knees by the side of Lilly's empty couch, she besought God, in trembling accents, to bless her " darling little sister and Claudy," and to give her strength to perform all her duties contentedly and cheerfully. CHAPTER III. BEULAH stood waiting on the steps of the large mansion, to which she had been directed by Miss Dorothea White. Her heart throbbed painfully, and her hand trembled as she rang the bell. The door was opened by a negro waiter, who merely glanced at her, and asked, carelessly 32 BETJLAH. " Well, little miss, what do you want ?" " Is Mrs. Martin at home ?" " Yes, miss ; come, walk in. There is but a poor fire in the front parlor suppose you sit down in the back room. Mrs. Martin will be down in a minute." The first object which arrested Beulalfs attention was a cen- tre table covered with books. " Perhaps," thought she, " they will permit me to read some of them." While she sat looking over the titles, the rustle of silk caused her to glance around, and she saw Mrs. Martin quite near her. " Good morning," said the lady, with a searching look, which made the little figure tremble. " Good morning, madam." " You are the girl Miss White promised to send from the Asylum, are you not ?" "Yes, madam." " Do you think you can take good care of my baby ?" " Oh, I will try." " You don't look strong and healthy have you been sick ?" " No, I am very well, thank you." " I may want you to sew some, occasionally, when the baby is asleep. Can you hem and stitch neatly ?" " I believe I sew very well, madam our matron says so." " What is your name ? Miss White told me, but I have for- gotten it." " Beulah Benton." " Well, Beulah, I think you will suit me very well, if you are only careful, and attend to my directions. I am just going out shopping, but you can come up-stairs and take charge of Johnny. Where are your clothes !" "Our matron will send them to-day." Beulah followed Mrs. Martin up the steps, somewhat reassured by her kind reception. The room was in utter confusion, the toilet-table covered with powder, hairpins, bows of different colored ribbon, and various bits of jewelry; the hearth unswept, B E U L A H . 33 the work-stand groaning beneath the superincumbent mass of sewing, finished and unfinished garments, working materials, and, to crown the whole, the lady's winter hat. A girl, appa- rently about thirteen years of age, was seated by the fire, busily embroidering a lamp-mat ; another, some six years younger, was dressing a doll ; while an infant, five or six months old, crawled about the carpet, eagerly picking up pins, needles, and every other objectionable article his little purple fingers could grasp. " Take him, Beulah," said the mother, She stooped to comply, and was surprised that the little fel- low testified no fear of her. She raised him in her arms, and kissed his rosy cheeks, as he looked wonderingly at her. " 'Ma, is that Johnny's new nurse ? What is her name ?" said the youngest girl, laying down her doll and carefully survey- ing the stranger. " Yes, Annie ; and her name is Beulah," replied the mother, adjusting her bonnet. " Beulah it's about as pretty as her face. Yes, just about," continued Annie, in an audible whisper to her sister. The latter gave Beulah a condescending sta're, curled her lips disdainfully, and with a polite " Mind your own business, Annie," returned to her embroidery. "Keep the baby by the fire ; and if he frets, you must feed him. Laura, show her where to find his cup of arrowroot, and you and Annie stay here, till I come home." " No, indeed, 'ma, I can't, for I must go down, and practice my music lesson," answered the eldest daughter, decisively. " Well, then, Annie, stay in my room." " I am going to make some sugar-candy 'ma. She" (pointing to Beulah) "can take care of Johnny. I thought that was what you hired her for." "You will make no sugar-candy till I come home, Miss Annie; do you hear that ? Now, mind what I said to you." Mrs. Martin rustled out of the room, leaving Annie to scowl 34: BEULAH ominously at the new nurse, and vent her spleen by boxing her doll, because the inanimate little lady would not keep her blue- bead eyes open. Beulah loved children, and Johnny forcibly reminded her of earlier days, when she had carried Lilly about in her arms. For some time after the departure of Mrs. Martin and Laura, the little fellow seemed perfectly satisfied, but finally grew fretful, and Beulah surmised he might be hungry. " Will you please give me the baby's arrowroot ?" " I don't know anything about it ; ask Harrison." " Who is Harrison ?" " Why, the cook." Glancing around the room, she found the arrowroot ; the boy was fed, and soon fell asleep. Beulah sat in a low rocking-chair, by the hearth, holding the infant, and watching the little figure opposite. Annie was trying to fit a new silk waist to her doll, but it was too broad one way and too narrow another. She twisted and jerked it divers ways, but all in vain ; and at last, disgusted by the experiment, she tore it off and aimed it at the fire, with an impatient cry. " The plagued, bothering, ugly thing ! My Lucia never shall wear such a fit." Beulah caught the discarded waist, and said, quietly : " You can very easily make it fit, by taking up this seam and cutting it out in the neck." " I don't believe it." " Then, hand me the doll and the scissors and I will show you." " Her name is Miss Lucia-di-Lammermoor. Mr. Green named her; don't say 'doll,' call her by her proper name," answered the spoiled child, handing over the unfortunate waxen representative of a not less unfortunate heroine. " Well, then, Miss Lucia-di-Lammermoor," said Beulah, smil- ing A few alterations reduced the dress to proper dimensions, and Annie arrayed her favorite in it, with no slight degree of satisfaction. The obliging manner of the new nurse won her BEULAH. 35 heart, and she began to chat pleasantly enough. About two o'clock Mrs. Martin returned, inquired after Johnny, and again absented herself to " see about dinner." Beulah was very weary of the close, disordered room, and as the babe amused himself with his ivory rattle, she swept the floor, dusted the furniture, and arranged the chairs. The loud ringing of a bell startled her, and she conjectured dinner was ready. Some time elapsed before any of the family returned, and then Laura entered, look- ing very sullen. She took charge of the babe, and rather ungraciously desired the nurse to get her dinner. " 1 do not wish any," answered Beulah. At this stage of the conversation the door opened, and a boy, seemingly about Eugene's age, entered the room. He looked curiously at Beulah, inclined his head slightly, and joined his sister at the fire. " How do you like her, Laura ?" he asked, in a distinct under tone. " Oh ! I suppose she will do well enough ; but she is horridly ugly," replied Laura, in a similar key. " I don't know, sis. It is what Dr. Patton, the lecturer on physiognomy, would call a ' striking ' face." " Yes, strikingly ugly, Dick. Her forehead juts over, like the eaves of the kitchen, and her eyebrows " " Hush ! she will hear you. Come down and play that new waltz for me, like a good sister." The two left the room. Beulah had heard every word; she could not avoid it, and as she recalled Mrs. Grayson's remark concerning her appearance on the previous day, her countenance reflected her intense morti- fication. She pressed her face against the window-pane and stared vacantly out. The elevated position commanded a fine view of the town, and on the eastern horizon the blue waters of the harbor glittered with " silvery sheen." At any other timc i and with different emotions, Beulah's love of the beautiful would have been particularly gratified by this extended prospect ; but ' T ead rlmii.1 to the puiow, an -I am nmmerabm! Ivan* to die, ami Go* wfl a*j that, tffl yam see whether yoafre got the If TO ftaTe, yoa are Ekeiy to be taken pretty jjjpmi hare*\ why, it* ai for the a bad plan to fly "in the Almi^t^s *ce, that way, and tel of her grief; bat she pereemd her master staffing btahw her, loved away firam the bed. he touted the paJse seTeral times. The - * "' r 5 _ " - " . "~'._" motionless jpc* "Harriet, bring me a glass of ice-water.* 1.; _ ;. 5 :::: ....:_. ;- :... L:: :':.-.: :: : :-: >-f. ;-. r r : he aid, tender^ : "My child, try not to cry any more to-night. It s TVTT bitter, I know ; bat remember, that thongh Lffly has been taken from TOO, from this day yoa hare a friend, a hom< * Harriet proffered the glass of water. He took it, raised the head, and pat the sparkling draught to Bench's parched 60 BEULAH. Without unclosing her eyes, she drank the last crystal drop, and laying the head back on the pillow, he drew an arm-chair before the window at the further end of the room, and seated himself. CHAP-TEE VII. THROUGH quiet, woody dells roamed Beulah's spirit, and, hand in hand, she and Lilly trod flowery paths and rested beside clear, laughing brooks. Life, with its grim realities, seemed but a flying mist. The orphan hovered on the confines of eternity's ocean, and its silent waves almost laved the feet of the weary child. The room was darkened, and the summer wind stole through the blinds stealthily, as if awed by the solitude of the sick-chamber. Dr. Hartwell sat by the low French bedstead, holding one emaciated hand in his, counting the pulse which bounded so fiercely in the blue veins. A fold of white linen containing crushed ice lay on her forehead, and the hollow cheeks and thin lips were flushed to vermilion hue. It was not scarlet, but brain-fever, and this was the fifth day that the sleeper had lain in a heavy stupor. Dr. Hartwell put back the hand he held, and stooping over, looked long and anxiously at the flushed face. The breathing was deep and labored, and turning away, he slowly and noiselessly walked up and down the floor. To have looked at him then, in his purple silk robe, de chambre, one would have scarcely believed that thirty years had passed over his head. He was tall and broad-chested, his head massive and well formed, his face a curious study. The brow was expansive and almost transparent in its purity, the dark, hazel eyes were singularly brilliant, while the contour of lips and chin was partially concealed by a heavy moustache and beard. The first glance at his face impressed strangers by its extreme pallor, but in a second look they were fascinated by the misty splendor BEULAH. tfl of the eyes. In truth those were strange eyes of Guy Hartwell. At times, searching and glittering like polished steel ; occasion- ally lighting up with a dazzling radiance, and then as suddenly growing gentle, hazy, yet luminous ; resembling the clouded aspect of a star seen through a thin veil of mist. His brown, curling hair was thrown back from the face, and exposed the outline of the ample forehead. Perhaps utilitarians would have carped at the feminine delicacy of the hands, and certainly the fingers were slender and marvellously white. On one hand he wore an antique ring, composed of a cameo snake-head set round with diamonds. A proud, gifted and miserable man was Guy Hart- well, and his characteristic expression of stern sadness might easily have been mistaken by casual observers for bitter misanthropy. I have said he was about thirty, and though the handsome face was repellently cold and grave, it was difficult to believe that that smooth, fair brow, had been for so many years uplifted for the handwriting of time. He looked just what he was, a baffling, fascinating mystery. You felt that his countenance was a volume of hieroglyphics, which, could you decipher, would unfold the history of a checkered and painful career. Yet the calm, frigid smile which sat on his lip, and looked out defiantly from his deep-set eyes, seemed to dare you to an investi- gation. Mere physical beauty cannot impart the indescribable chann which his countenance possessed. Regularity of features is a valuable auxiliary, but we look on sculptured marble, per- fect in its chiselled proportions, and feel that, after all, the potent spell is in the raying out of the soul, that imprisoned radiance which, in some instances, makes man indeed but "little lower than the angels." He paused in his echoless tread, and sat down once more beside his protegee. She had not changed her position, and the long lashes lay heavily on the crimson cheeks. The parched lips were parted, and, as he watched her, she murmured aloud : "It is so sweet, Lilly ; we will stay here always." A shadowy smile crossed her face, and then a great agony seemed 62 BEULAH. to possess her, for she moaned long and bitterly. He tried tc arouse her, and, for the first time since the night she entered his house, she opened her eyes and gazed vacantly at him. " Are you in pain, Beulah ? Why do you moan so ?" " Eugene, I knew it would be so, when you left me." "Don't you know me, Beulah?" He put his face close to hers. " They killed her, Eugene ! I told you they would ; they are going to bury her soon. But the grave can't hide her ; I am going down with her into the darkness she would be frightened, you know." Making a great effort, she sat upright. Dr. Hart- well put a glass containing medicine to her lips ; she shrank back and shuddered, then raised her hand for the glass, and looking fixedly at him, said : "Did Mrs. Grayson say I must take it ? Is it poison that kills quickly ? There : don't frown, Eugene, I will drink it all for you. She swallowed the draught with a shiver. He laid her back on her pillow and renewed the iced- cloth on her forehead ; she did not move her burning eyes from his face, and the refreshing coolness recalled the sad smile. " Are we on the Alps, Eugene ? I feel dizzy, don't let me fall. There is a great chasm yonder. Oh, I know now ; I am not afraid ; Lilly is down there come on." Her arms drooped to her side, and she slept again. Evening shadows crept on ; soon the room was dark. Harriet entered with a shaded lamp, but her master motioned her out, and throwing open the blinds, suffered the pure moonlight to enter freely. The window looked out on the flower-garden, and the mingled fragrance of roses, jasmins, honeysuckles and dew-laden four-o'clocks, enveloped him as in a cloud of incense. A balmy moonlight June night in our beauti- ful sunny South who shall adequately paint its witchery ? Dr. Hartwell leaned his head against the window, and glanced down at the parterre he had so fondly fostered. The golden moonlight mellowed every object, and not the gorgeous pictures of Persian poets surpassed the quiet scene that greeted the master. The shelled serpentine walks were bordered with low, closely-clipped cassina hedges ; clusters of white and rose oleander, scarlet ger B E U L A II . 03 aniums, roses of countless variety, beds of verbena of every hue, and patches of brilliant annuals, all looked up smilingly at him. Just beneath the window, the clasping tendrils of a clematis were wound about the pedestal of a marble Flora, and a cluster of the delicate purple blossoms peeped through the fingers of the god- dess. Further off, a fountain flashed in the moonlight, murmur- ing musically in and out of its reservoir, while the diamond spray bathed the sculptured limbs of a Venus. The sea breeze sang its lullaby through the boughs of a luxuriant orange-tree near, and silence seemed guardian spirit of the beautiful spot when a whippowil whirred through the air, and perching on the snowy brow of the Aphrodite, began his plaintive night-hymn. In childhood, Guy Hartwell had been taught by his nurse to regard the melancholy chant as ominous of evil ; but as years threw their shadows over his heart, darkening the hopes of his boyhood, the sad notes of the lonely bird became gradually soothing, and now in the prime of life, he loved to listen to the shy visitor,, and ceased to remember that it boded ill. With an ardent love for the beautiful, in all its Protean phases, he enjoyed communion with nature as only an imaginative, a3sthetical tem- perament can. This keen appreciation of beauty had been fostered by travel and study. . Over the vast studio of nature he had eagerly roamed ; midnight had seen him gazing enrap- tured on the loveliness of Italian scenery, and found him watch- ing the march of constellations from the lonely heights of the Hartz; while the thunder tones of awful Niagara had often hushed the tumults of his passionate heart, and bowed his proud head in humble adoration. He had searched the storehouses of art, and collected treasures that kindled divine aspirations in his soul, and wooed him for a time from the cemetery of memory. With a nature so intensely aesthetical, and taste so thoroughly culti- vated, he had, in a great measure, assimilated his home to the artistic beau ideal. Now as he stood inhaling the perfumed air, he forgot the little sufferer a few yards off forgot that Azrail stood on the threshold, beckoning her to brave tifc dark floods ; 64 BEULAH. and as his whole nature became permeated (so to speak) by the intoxicating beauty that surrounded him, he extended his arms, and exclaimed triumphantly : " Truly thou art my mother, dear old earth I I feel that I am indeed nearly allied to thy divine beauty ! Starry nights, and whispering winds, and fragrant flowers ! yea, and even the breath of the tempest ! all, all are parts of my being." " Guy, there is a messenger waiting at the door to see you. Some patient requires prompt attendance." Mrs. Chilton stood near the window, and the moonlight flashed over her handsome face. Her brother frowned and motioned her away, but, smiling quietly, she put her beautifully molded hand on his shoulder, and said : " I am sorry I disturb your meditations, but if you will practise " " Who sent for me ?" " I really don't know." " Will you be good enough to inquire ?' ; " Certainly." She glided gracefully from the room. The whippowil flew from his marble perch, and as the mourn- ful tones died away, the master sighed, and returned to the bed- side of his charge. He renewed the ice on her brow, and soon after his sister reentered. " Mr. Vincent is very sick, and you are wanted immediately." " Very well." He crossed the room and rang the bell. " Guy, are you sure that girl has not scarlet-fever ?" " May, I have answered that question at least twice a day for nearly a week." " But you should sympathize with a mother's anxiety. I dread to expose Pauline to danger." " Then let her remain where she is." " But I prefer having her come home, if I could feel assured that girl has only brain-fever." " Then, once for ali, there is no scarlet fever in the house." He took a f ial from his pocket, and poured a portion of its BEtJLAH. 65 contents into the glass, which he placed on a stand by Beulah's bed ; then turning to Harriet, who had obeyed his summons, he directed her to administer the medicine hourly. " Guy, you may give your directions to me, for I shall stay with the child to-night." As she spoke, she seated herself at the foot of the bed. " Harriet, hand me the candle in the hall." She did so ; and as her master took it from her hand, he said, abruptly : " Tell Hal to bring my buggy round, and then you may go to bed. I will ring if you are wanted." He waited until she was out of hearing, and, walking up to his sister, held the candle so that the light fell full upon her face. " May, can I trust you ?" " Brother, you are cruelly unjust." She covered her face with her lace handkerchief. " Am I, indeed ?" " Yes, you wrong me hourly, with miserable suspicions. Guy, remember that I have your blood in my veins, and it will not always tamely bear insult, even from you." She removed the handkerchief, and shook back her glossy curls, while her face grew still paler than was its wont. " Insult ! May, can the unvarnished truth be such ?" They eyed each other steadily, and it was apparent that each iron will was mated. " Guy, you shall repent this." " Perhaps so. You have made me repent many things." " Do you mean to say that " " I mean to say, that since you have at last offered to assist in nursing that unconscious child, I wish you to give the medicine hourly. The last potion was at eight o'clock." He placed the candle so as to shade the light from the sick girl, and left the room. Mrs. Chilton sat for some time as he had left her, with her head leaning on her hand, her thoughts evidently perplexed and bitter. At length she rose and stood close to Beulah, look- ing earnestly at her emaciated face. She put her fingers on the 66 BEULAH. burning temples and wrist, and counted accurately the pulsations of the lava tide, then bent her queenly head, and listened to the heavily-drawn breathing. A haughty smile lit her fine features as she said, complacently : "A mere tempest in a tea-cup. Pshaw, this girl will not mar my projects long. By noon to- morrow she will be in eternity. I thought, the first time I saw her ghostly face, she would trouble me but a short season. What paradoxes men are. What on earth possessed Guy, with his fastidious taste, to bring to his home such an ugly, wasted, sallow little wretch ? I verily believe, as a family, we are beset by evil angels." Drawing out her watch, she saw that the hand had passed nine. Raising the glass to her lips, she drank the quantity prescribed for the sufferer, and was replacing it on the stand, when Beulah's large, eloquent eyes startled her. " Well child, what do you want ?" sard she, trembling, de- spite her assumed indifference. Beulah looked at her vacantly, then threw her arms restlessly over the pillow, and slept again. Mrs. Chilton drew up a chair, seated herself, and sank into a reverie of some length. Ultimately she was aroused by perceiv- ing her brother beside her, and said hastily : " How is Mr. Vincent ? Not dangerously ill, I hope ?" " To-morrow will decide that. It is now ten minutes past ten ; how many potions have you given ?" " Two," answered she, firmly. " Thank you, May. I will relieve you now. Good night." " But you are worn out, and I am not. Let me sit up. I will wake you if any change occurs." " Thank you, I prefer watching to-night. Take that candle, and leave it on the table in the hall. I need nothing but moon- light. Leave the door open." As the flickering light vanished, he threw himself into the chair beside the bed. B E U L A H . 67 CHAPTER VIII. IT was iu the grey light of dawning day that Beulah awoke to consciousness. For some moments after unclosing her eyes, they wandered inquiringly about the room, and finally rested on the tall form of the watcher, as he stood at the open window. Gradually, memory gathered up its scattered links, and all thft incidents of that hour of anguish rushed yividly before her. The little table, with its marble sleeper ; then a dim recollection of having been carried to a friendly shelter. Was it only yesterday evening, and had she slept ? The utter prostration which pre- vented her raising her head, and the emaciated appearance of her hands, told her " no." Too feeble even to think, she moaned audibly. Dr. Hartwell turned and looked at her. The room was still in shadow, though the eastern sky was flushed, and he stepped to the bedside. The fever had died out, the cheeks vvere very pale, and the unnaturally large, sunken eyes lustreless. 3he looked at him steadily, yet with perfect indifference. He eaned over, and said, eagerly : " Beulah, do you know me ?' ; " Yes, I know you." " How do you feel this morning ?" " I am very weak, and my head seems confused. How long have I been here ?" " No matter, child, if you are better." He took out his watch, and, after counting her pulse, prepared some medicine, and gave her a potion. Her features twitched, and she asked tremblingly, as if afraid of her own question : " Have they buried her ?" " Yes, a week ago." She closed her eyes with a groan, and her face became con C8 DEULAH. vulsed ; then she lay quite still, with a wrinkled brow. Doctor Hartwell sat down by her, and, taking one of her wasted little hands in his, said gently : " Beulah, you have been very ill. I scarcely thought you would recover ; and now, though much better, you must not agitate yourself, for you are far too weak to bear it." " Why didn't you let me die ? Oh, it would have been a mercy I" She put her hand over her eyes, and a low cry wailed through the room. " Because I wanted you to get well, and live here, and be my little friend, my child. Now, Beulah, I have saved you, and you belong to me. When you are stronger, we will talk about all you want to know ; but to-day you must keep quiet, and not think of what distresses you. Will you try ?" The strong, stern man shuddered, as she looked up at him with an expression of hopeless desolation, and said slowly : " I have nothing but misery to think of." " Have you forgotten Eugene so soon ?" For an instant the eyes lighted up, then the long lashes swept her cheeks, and she murmured : "Eugene; he has left me too; something will happen to him also; I never loved anything but trouble came upon it." Dr. Hartwell smiled grimly, as though unconsciously she had turned to view some page in the history of his own life. "Beulah, you must not despond; Eugene will come back an elegant young man before you are fairly out of short dresses. There, do not talk any more, and don't cry. Try to sleop, and remember, child, you are homeless and friendless n-> longer." He pressed her hand kindly, and turned toward the d ;ur. It opened, and Mrs. Chilton entered. "Good morning, Guy; how is your patient?" said she, blandly. " Good morning, May; my little patient is much better. She has been talking to me, and I am going to send her s )rae break- fast." He-put both hands on his sister's shoulders, find looked B E U L A H . 69 down into her beautiful eyes. She did not flinch, but he saw a greyish hue settle around her lips. "Ah! I thought last night there was little hope of her reco- very. You are a wonderful doctor, Guy; almost equal to raising the dead." Her voice was even, and, like his own, marvellously sweet. "More wonderful still, May; I can read the living." His moustached lip curled, as a scornful smile passed over his face. " Read the living ? then you can understand and appreciate my pleasure at this good news. Doubly good, because it secures Pauline's return to-day. Dear child, I long to have her at home again." An expression of anxious maternal solicitude crossed her features. Her brother kept his hand on her shoulder, and as his eye fell on her glossy auburn curls, he said, half musingly: "Time touches you daintily, May; there is not one silver foot-print on your hair." " He has dealt quite as leniently with you. But how could I feel the inroads of time, shielded as I have been by your kind- ness ? Cares and sorrows bleach the locks oftener than accu- mulated years; and you, Guy, have most kindly guarded your poor widowed sister." " Have I, indeed, May ?" "Ah! what would become of my Pauline and me, but for your generosity, your" "Enough! Then, once for all, be kind to yonder sick child; if not for her sake, for your own. You and Pauline can aid me in making her happy, if you will. And if not, remember, May, you know my nature. Do not disturb Beulah now; come down and let her be quiet." He led her down the steps, and then throwing open a glass door, stepped out upon a terrace covered with Bermuda grass, and sparkling like a tiara in the early sun- light. Mrs. Chilton watched him descend the two white marble steps leading down to the flower beds, and leaning against the wall, she muttered: " It cannot be possible that that miserable beggar is to come 70 B E TJ L A H . between Pauline and his property! Is he mad to dream of making that little outcast his heiress ? Yet he meant it; I saw it in his eye; the lurking devil that has slumbered since that evening, and that I hoped would never gleam out at me again. Oli! we are a precious family. Set the will of one against another, and all Pandemonium can't crush either! Ten to one, Pauline will lose her wits too, and be as hard to manage as Guy." Moody and perplexed, she walked on to the dining-room. Beulah had fallen into a heavy slumber of exhaustion, and it was late in the day when she again unclosed her eyes. Harriet sat sewing near her, but soon perceiveo) that she was awake, and immediately put aside her work. "Aha! so you have come to your senses again, have you? How are you, child ?" " I am weak." " Which isn't strange, seeing that you haven't eat a teaspoon- ful in more than a week. Now, look here, little one; I am ordered to nurse and take charge of you, till you are strong enough to look out for yourself. So you must not object to anything I tell you to do." Without further parley, she washed and wiped Beulah's face and hands, shook up the pillows, and placed her comfortably on them. To the orphan, accustomed all her life to wait upon others, there was something singularly novel in being thus carefully handled; and nestling her head close to the pillows, she shut her eyes, lest the tears that were gathering should become visible. Harriet quitted the room for a short time, and returned with a salver containing some refreshments. "I can't eat anything. Thank you; but take it away." Beulah put her hands over her face, but Harriet resolutely seated herself on the side of the bed, lifted her up, and put a cup of tea to the quivering lips. "It is no use talking; master said you had to eat, and you might just as well do it at once. Poor thing! you are hiding your eyes to cry. Well, drink this tea and eat a little; you B E U L A H . 71 must, for folks can't live forever without eating." There was no alternative, and Beulah swallowed what was given her. Harriet praised her obedient spirit, and busied herself about the room for some time. Finally, stooping over the bed, she said abruptly: "Honey, are you crying?" There was no reply, and kneeling down, she said cautiously: " If you knew as much about this family as I do, you would cry, sure enough, for something. My master says he has adopted you, and since he has said it, everything will work for good to you. But, child, there will come times when you need a friend besides master, and be sure you come to me when you do. I won't say any more now, but remember what I tell you when you get into trouble. Miss Pauline has come, and if she hap- pens to take a fancy to you (which I think she won't), she will stand by you till the stars fall; and if she don't, she will hate you worse than Satan himself for" ' Harriet did not com- plete the sentence, for she detected her master's step in the passage, and resumed her work. " How is she ?" " She did not eat much, sir, and seems so downhearted." " That will do. I will ring when you are needed." Dr. Hartwell seated himself on the edge of the bed, and lift- ing the child's head to his bosom, 'drew away the hands that shaded her face. "Beulah, are you following my directions ?" " Oh, sir ! you are very kind, but I am too wretched, too miserable, even to thank you " " I do not wish you to thank me. All I desire is, that you will keep quiet for a few days, till you grow strong, and not lie here sobbing yourself into another fever. I know you have had a bitter lot in life so far, and memories are all painful with you, but it is better not to dwell upon the past. Ah, child ! it is well to live only in the present, looking into the future. I promise you I will guard you, and care for you as tenderly as 72 B E U L A H . a father ; and now, Beulah, I think you owe it to me, to try to be cheerful." He passed his fingers softly over her forehead, and put back the tangled masses of jetty hair, which, long neglect had piled about her face. The touch of his cool hand, the low musical tones of his voice, were very soothing to the weary sufferer, and with a great effort she looked up into the deep, dark eyes, saying brokenly : " Oh, sir, how good you are 1 I am very grateful to you indeed, I " "There, my child, do not try to talk, only trust me, and be cheerful. It is a pleasure to me to have you here, and know that you will always remain in my house." How long he sat there, she never knew, for soon she slept, aud when hours after she waked, the lamp was burning dimly, and only Harriet was in the room. A week passed, and the girl saw no one except the nurse and physician. One sunny afternoon, she looped back the white curtains, and sat down before the open window. Harriet had dressed her in a blue calico wrapper, which made the wan face still more ghastly, and the folds of black hair, which the gentle fingers of the kind nurse had disentangled, lay thick about her forehead, like an ebon wreath on the brow of a statue. Her elbows rested on the arms of the easy-chair, and the weary head leaned upon the hands. Before her lay the flower garden, brilliant and fragrant, further on, a row of Lombardy poplars bounded the yard, and beyond the street, stretched the west common. In the distance rose a venerable brick building, set, as it were, in an emerald lawn, and Beulah looked only once, and knew it was the Asylum. It was the first time she had seen it since her exodus, and the long sealed fountain could no longer be restrained. Great hot tears fell over the bent face, and the frail form trembled violently. For nearly fourteen years that brave spirit had battled, and borne, and tried to hope for better things. With more than ordinary fortitude, she had resigned B E U L A H . 73 herself to the sorrows that came thick and fast upon her, and trusting in the eternal love and goodness of God, had looked to him for relief and reward. But the reward came not in the expected way. Hope died ; faith fainted ; and bitterness and despair reigned in that once loving and gentle soul. Her father had not been spared in answer to her frantic prayers. Lilly had been taken, without even the sad comfort of a farewell, and now, with the present full of anguish, and the future shrouded in dark forebodings, she sobbed aloud. " All alone ! All alone 1 0, father 1 0, Lilly, Lilly 1" " Do pray, chile, don't take on so ; you will fret yourself sick again," said Harriet, compassionately patting the drooped head. " Don't talk to me don't speak to me I" cried Beulah, passionately. " Yes, but I was told not to let you grieve yourself to death, and you are doing your best. Why don't you put your trust in the Lord ?" " I did, and he has forgotten me." " No, chile. He forgets not even the little snow-birds. I expect you wanted to lay down the law for Him, and are not willing to wait until he sees fit to bless you. Isn't it so ?" " He never can give me back my dead." " But he can raise up other friends for you, and he has. It is a blessed thing to have my master for a friend, and a protector. Think of living always in a place like this, with plenty of money, and nothing to wish for. Chile, you don't know how lucky" She paused, startled by ringing, peals of laughter, which seemed to come from the adjoining passage. Sounds of mirth t fell torturingly upon Beulah's bleeding spirit, and she pressed her fingers tightly over her ears. Just opposite to her sat the old trunk, which, a fortnight before, she had packed for her jour- ney up the river. The leathern face seemed to sympathize with her woe, and kneeling down on the floor, she wound her arms caressingly over it. 4 74 B E U L A H . " Bless the girl I she hugs that ugly old-fashioned thing, as if it were kin to her," said Harriet, who sat sewing at one of the windows. Beulah raised the lid, and there lay her clothes, the books Eugene had given her ; two or three faded, worn-out garments of Lilly, and an old Bible. The tears froze in her eyes, as she took out the last, and opened it at the ribbon mark. These words greeted her : " Whom the Lord loveth, he, chasteneth." Again and again she read them, an4 the crushed tendrils of trust feebly twined once more about the promise. As she sat there, wondering why suffering and sorrow always fell on those whom the Bible calls " blessed," and trying to explain the para- dox, the door was thrown rudely open, and a girl about her own age sprang into the room, quickly followed by Mrs. Chilton. " Let me alone, mother. I tell you I mean to see her, and then you are welcome to me as long as you please. Ah, is that her ?" The speaker paused in the centre of the apartment, and gazed curiously at the figure seated before the old trunk. Involun- tarily, Beulah raised her eyes, and met the searching look fixed upon her. The intruder was richly dressed, and her very posture bespoke the lawless independence of a willful, petted child. The figure was fautlessly symmetrical, and her face radiantly beautiful. The features were clearly cut, and regular, the eyes of deep, dark violet hue, shaded by curling brown lashes. Her chestnut hair was thrown back with a silver comb, and fell in thick curls below the waist ; her complexion was of alabaster clearness, and cheeks and lips wore the coral bloom of health. As they confronted each other, one looked a Hebe, the other a ghostly visitant from spirit realms. Beulah shrank from the eager scrutiny, and put up her hands to shield her face. The other advanced a few steps, and stood beside her. The expression of curiosity faded, and something like compas- sion swept over the stranger's features, as she noted the thin, drooping form of the invalid. Her lips parted, and she put out BETTLAH. 75 her hand, as if to address Beulah, when Mrs. Chilton exclaimed impatiently : " Pauline, come down this instant ! Your uncle positively for- bade your entering this room until he gave you permission. There is his buggy this minute ! Come out, I say 1" She laid her hand in no gentle manner on her daughter's arm. '* Oh, sink the buggy ! What do I care if he does catch me here ? I shall stay till I make up my mind whether that little thing is a ghost or not. So, mother, let me alone." She shook off the clasping hand that sought to drag her away, and again fixed her attention on Beulah. " Willful girl 1 you will ruin everything yet. Pauline, follow me instantly, I command you 1" She was white with rage, but the daughter gave no intimation of having heard the words, and throwing her arm about the girl's waist, Mrs. Chilton dragged her to the door. There was a brief struggle at the threshold, and then both stood quiet before the master of the house. " What is all this confusion about ? I ordered this portion of the house kept silent, did I not ?" " Yes, Guy ; and I hope you will forgive Pauline's thought- lessness. She blundered in here, and I have just been scolding her for disobeying your injunctions." " Uncle Guy, it was not thoughtlessness, at all ; I came on purpose. For a week, I have been nearly dying with curiosity to see that little skeleton you have shut up here, and I ran up to get a glimpse of her. I don't see the harm of it; I haven't hurt her." Pauline looked fearlessly up in her uncle's face, and planted herself firmly in the door, as if resolved not to be ejected. "Does this house belong to you, or to me, Pauline ?" " To you, now : to me, some of these days, when you give it to me for a bridal present." His brow cleared, he looked kindly down into the frank, truth- ful countenance, and said, with a half smile : " Do not repeat your voyage of discovery, or perhaps your 76 B E U L A H . bridal anticipations may prove an egregious failure. Do you understand me ?" " I have not finished the first. Mother played pirate, and carried me off before I was half satisfied. Uncle Guy, take me under your flag, do ! I will not worry the little thing I pro- mise you I will not. Can't I stay here a while ?" He smiled, and put his hand on her head, saying " I am inclined to try you. May, you can leave her here. I will send her to you after a little." As he spoke, he drew her up to the orphan. Beulah looked at them an instant, then averted her head. " Beulah, this is my niece, Pauline Chilton ; and Pauline, this is my adopted child, Beulah Benton. You are about the same age, and can make each other happy, if you will. Beulah, shake hands with my niece." She put up her pale, slender fingers, and they were promptly clasped in Pauline's plump palm. ^ " Do stop crying, and look at me. I want to see you," said the latter. " I am not crying." " Then, what are you hiding your face for ?" " Because it is so ugly," answered the orphan, sadly. Pauline stooped down, took the head in her hands, and turned the features to view. She gave them a searching examination, and then, looking up at her uncle, said bluntly : " She is not pretty, that is a fact ; but, somehow, I rather like her. If she did not look so doleful, and had some blood in her lips, she would pass well enough, don't you think so ?" Dr. Hartwell did not reply; but raising Beulah from the floor, placed her in the chair she had vacated some time before. She did, indeed, look " doleful," as Pauline expressed it, and the beaming, lovely face of the latter rendered her wan aspect more apparent. s " What have you been doing all day ?" said the doctor, kindly. She pointed to the Asylum, and answered in a low, subdued tone : B E TJ L A H . 77 "Thinking about my past life all my misfortunes/' " You promised you would do so no more." " Ah, sir ! how can I help it ?" " Why, think of something pleasant, of course," interrupted Pauline. " You never had any sorrows ; you know nothing of suffer- ing," replied Beulah, allowing her eyes to dwell on the fine open countenance before her : a mirthful, sunny face, where waves of grief had never rippled. " How came you so wise ? I have troubles sometimes, just like everybody else." Beulah shook her head dubiously. " Paulino, will you try to cheer this sad little stranger ? will you be always kind in your manner, and remember that her life has not been as happy as yours ? Can't you love her ?" She shrugged her shoulders, and answered evasively : " I dare say we will get on well enough, if she will only quit looking so dismal and graveyardish. I don't know about loving her ; we shall see." " You can go down to your mother now," said he, gravely. " That means you are tired of me, Uncle Guy," cried she, saucily shaking her curls over her face. " Yes, heartily tired of you ; take yourself off." 11 Good bye, shadow; I shall come to see you again to-morrow." She reached the door, but looked back. " Uncle, have you seen Charon since you came home ?" 11 No." " Well, he will die if you don't do something for him. It is a shame to forget him as you do !" said she, indignantly. " Attend to your own affairs, and do not interfere with mine." "It is high time somebody interfered. Poor Charon I If Hal doesn't take better care of him, I will make his mother box his ears ; see if I don't." She bounded down the steps, leaving her uncle to smooth his brow at leisure. Turning to Beulah, he took her hand, and said very kindly : 78 BEULAH. " This large room does not suit you. Come, and I will show you your own little room one I have had arranged for you." She silently complied, and leading her through several passages, Le opened the door of the apartment assigned her. The walls were covered with blue and silver paper ; the window-curtains of white, faced with blue, matched it well, and every article of furniture bespoke lavish and tasteful expenditure. There was a small writing-desk near a handsome case of books, and a little work-table with a rocking-chair drawn up to it. He staled Beulah, and stood watching her, as her eyes wandered curiously and admiringly around the room.. They rested on a painting suspended over the desk, and rapt in contemplating the design, she forgot for a moment all her sorrows. It represented an angelic figure winging its way over a valley beclouded and dis- mal, and pointing, with a radiant countenance, to the gilded summit of a distant steep. Below, bands of pilgrims, weary and worn, toiled on ; some fainting by the wayside, some seated in sullen despair, some in the attitude of prayer, some pressing forward with strained gaze, and pale, haggard faces. " Do you like it ?" said Doctor Hartwell. Perhaps she did not hear him ; certainly she did not heed the question, and taking a seat near one of the windows, he regarded her earnestly. Her eyes were fastened on the picture, and raising her hands toward it, she said in broken, indistinct tones : " I am dying down in the dark valley ; oh, come, help me to toil on to the resting-place." Her head sank upon her bosom, and bitter waves lashed her heart once more. Gradually, evening shadows crept on, and at length a soft hand lifted her face, and a musical voice said : " Beulah, I want you to come down to my study and make my tea. Do you feel strong enough ?" " Yes, sir." She rose at once and followed him, resolved to eeem cheerful. The study was an oblong room, and on one side book-shelves BETJLAH. 79 rose almost to the ceiling. The opposite wall, between the win- dows, was covered with paintings, and several statues stood in Hie recesses near the chimney. Over the low marble mantel- piece hung a full-length portrait, shrouded with black crape, and underneath was an exquisitely chased silver case, containing a small Swiss clock. A beautiful terra-cotta vase, of antique shape, stood on the hearth, filled with choice and fragrant flowers, and near the wiudow sat an elegant rosewood melodeon. A circular table occupied the middle of the room, and here the evening meal was already arranged. Beulah glanced timidly around as her conductor seated her beside the urn, and seeing only cups for two persons, asked hesitatingly : " Shall I make your tea now ?" 1 Yes, and remember, Beulah, I shall expect you to make it every evening at this hour. Breakfast and dinner I take with my sister and Pauline in the dining-room, but my evenings are always spent here. There, make another cup for yourself." A long silence ensued. Doctor Hartwell seemed lost in reverie, for he sat with his eyes fixed on the table-cloth, and his head resting on his hand. His features resumed their habitual expression of stern rigidity, and as Beulah looked at him she could scarcely believe that he was the same kind friend who had been so gentle and fatherly in his manner. Intuitively she felfc then that she had to deal with a chaotic, passionate and moody nature, and as she marked the knitting of his brows, and the iron compression of his lips, her heart was haunted by grave forebodings. While she sat pondering his haughty, impenetrable appearance a servant entered. " Sir, there is a messenger at the door." His master started slightly, pushed away his cup and said : " Is the buggy ready ?" " Yes, sir, waiting at the door." " Very well, I am coming." The windows opened down to the floor, and led into a vine- covered piazza. He stepped up to one and stood a moment, as 80 BETJLAH. jf loth to quit his sanctum ; then turning round, addressed Beulah : " Ah, child, I had almost forgotten you. It is time you were asleep. Do you know the way back to your room ?" " I can find it," said she, rising from the table. " Good night ; let me see you at breakfast if you feel strong enough to join us." He opened the door for her, and hurrying out, Beulah found her own room without difficulty. Walking up to Harriet, whom she saw waiting for her, sh* said in a grave, determined manner : 11 You have been very kind to me since I came here, and I feel grateful to you, but I have not been accustomed to have some one always waiting on me, and in future I shall not want you. I can dress myself without any assistance, so you need not come to me night and morning." " I am obeying master's orders. He said I was to 'tend to you," answered Harriet, wondering at the independent spirit evinced by the new comer. " I do not want any tending, so you may leave me, if you please." " Haven't you been here long enough to find out that you might as well fight the waves of the sea as my master's will ? Take care, child, how you begin to countermand his orders, for I tell you now there are some in this house who will soon make it a handle to turn you out into the world again. Mind what I Bay." " Do you mean that I am not wanted here ?" " I mean, keep your eyes open." Harriet vanished in the dark passage, and Beulah locked the door, feeling that now she was indeed alone, and could freely indulge the grief that had so long sought to veil itself from curious eyes. Yet there was no dispo- sition to cry. She sat down on the bed and mused on the strange freak of fortune which had so suddenly elevated the humble nurse into the possessor of that elegantly furnished BE TIL AH. 81 > apartment. There was no elation in the quiet wonder with which she surveyed the change in her position. She did not belong there, she had no claim on the master of the house, and she felt that she was trespassing on the rights of the beautiful Pauline. Rapidly plans for the future were written in firm resolve. She would thankfully remain under the roof that had so kindly sheltered her, until she could qualify herself to teach. She would ask Doctor Hartwell to give her an education, which, once obtained, would enable her to repay its price. To her proud nature there was something galling in the thought of dependence, and throwing herself on her knees for the first time in several weeks, she earnestly besought the God of orphans to guide and assist her. CHAPTER IX. " Do you wish her to commence school at once ?" " Not until her wardrobe has been replenished. I expect her clothes to be selected and made just as Pauline's are. Will you atiend to this business, or shall I give directions to Harriet ?" " Certainly, Guy, I can easily arrange it. You intend to dress her just as I do Pauline ?" " As nearly as possible. Next week I wish her to begin school with Pauline, and Hansell will give her music lessons. Be so good as to see about her clothes immediately." Dr. Hartwell drew on his gloves and left the room. His sister followed him to the door where his buggy awaited him. " Guy, did you determine about that little affair for Pauline ? She has so set her heart on it." " Oh, do as you please, May, only I am " " Stop, Uncle Guy 1 Wait a minute : may I have a birthday party ? May I ?" Almost out of breath, Pauline ran up thu 4* 82 BETTLAH. steps ; her long hair floating over her face, which exercise had flushed to crimson. " You young tornado ! Look how you have crushed that cluster of heliotrope, rushing over the flower-beds as if there were no walks." He pointed with the end of his whip to a drooping spray of purple blossoms. " Yes ; but there are plenty more. I say, may I ? may I ?" She eagerly caught hold of his coat. " How long before your birthday ?" " Just a week from to-day. Do, please, let me have a frolic !" " Poor child ! you look as if you needed some relaxation," said he, looking down into her radiant face, with an expression of mock compassion. "Upon my word, Uncle Guy, it is awfully dull here. If it were not for Charon and Mazeppa I should be moped to death. Do, pray, don't look at me as if you were counting the hairs in my eyelashes. Come, say yes : do, Uncle Guy." "Take your hands off of my coat, and have u< m:my parties as you like, provided you keep to your own side of the house. Don't come near my study with your Babel, and don't allow your company to demolish my flowers. Mind, not a soul is to enter the greenhouse. The parlors are at your service, but I will not have a regiment of wild-cats tearing up and down my greenhouse and flower-garden ; mind that." He stepped into his buggy. " Bravo ! I have won my wager, and got the party too ! Hugh Cluis bet me a papier-mache writing-desk that you would not give me a party. When I send his invitation, I will write on the envelope ' the writing-desk is also expected.' Hey, sha dow, where did you creep from ?" She fixed her merry eyes ou Beulah, who just then appeared on the terrace. Dr. Hartwell leaned from the buggy, and looked earnestly at the quiet little figure. " Do you want anything, Beulah ?" " No, sir, I thought you had gone. May I open the gate for you ?" B E U L A II . 83 " Certainly, if you wish to do something for me." His pale features relaxed, and his whole face lighted up, like a sun-flushed cloud. Beulah walked down the avenue, lined on either side with venerable poplars and cedars, and opened the large gate leading into the city. He checked his horse, and said : "Thank you, my child ; now how are you going to spend the day ? Remember you commence with school duties next week, 80 make the best of your holiday." " I have enough to occupy me to-day. Good bye, sir." " Good bye, for an hour or so." He smiled kindly and drove on, while she walked slowly back to the house, wondering why smiles were such rare things in this world, when they cost so little, and yet are so very valuable to mourning hearts. Pauline sat on the steps with an open book in her hand. She looked up as Beulah approached, and exclaimed gaily : " Aren't you glad I am to have my birthday frolic ?" " Yes, I am glad on your account," answered Beulah, gravely. " Can you dance all the fancy dances ? I don't like any so well as the mazourka." " I do not dance at all." " Don't dance 1 Why, I have danced ever since I was big enough to crawl ! What have you been doing all your life, that you don't know how to dance ?" " My feet have had other work to do," replied her companion; and as the recollections of her early childhood flitted before her, the brow darkened. " I suppose that is one reason you look so forlorn all the time. I will ask Uncle Guy to send you to the dancing school for" " Pauline, it is school-time, and you don't know one word of that Quackenbos ; I would be ashamed to start from home as ignorant of my lessons as you are." Mrs. Chilton's head was projected from the parlor window, and the rebuke was delivered in no very gentle tone. 84 BEULAH. " Oh, I don't mind it at all : I have got used to it," answered the daughter, tossing up the book as she spoke. " Get ready for school this minute." Pauline scampered into the house for her bonnet and sachel ; and fixing her eyes upon Beulah, Mrs. Chilton asked sternly : " What are you doing out there ? What did you follow my brother to the gate for ? Answer me !" " I merely opened the gate for him," replied the girl, looking steadily up at the searching eyes. " There was a servant with him to do that. In future don't make yourself so conspicuous. You must keep away from the flower-beds too. The doctor wishes no one prowling about them ; he gave particular directions that no one should go there in his absence." They eyed each other an instant ; then drawing up her slender form fro its utmost height, Beulah replied proudly : " Be assured, madam, I shall not trespass on forbidden ground !" " Very well." The lace curtejans swept back to their place the fair face was withdrawn. " She hates me," thought Beulah, walking on to her own room, " she hates ine, and certainly I do not love her. I shall like Pauline very much, but her mother and I never will get on smoothly. What freezing eyes she has, and what a disagreeable look there is about her mouth whenever she sees me. She wishes me to remember all the time that I am poor, and that she is the mistress of this elegant house. Ah, I am not likely to forget it 1" The old smile of bitterness crossed her face. The days passed swiftly. Beulah spent most of her time in her own room, for Dr. Hartwell was sometimes absent all day, and she longed to escape his sister's icy espionage. When he was at home, and not engaged in his study, his manner was always kind and considerate ; but she fancied he was colder and graver, aiid often his stern abstraction kept her silent when they were toge- ther. Monday was the birth-day, and on Monday morning she B E U L A H . 85 expected to start to school. Madam St. Cymon's wag. the fash- ionable institution of the city, and thither, with Pauline, she was destined. Beulah rose early, dressed herself carefully, and after reading a chapter in her Bible, and asking God's special guidance through the day, descended to the breakfast-room. Dr. Hartwell sat reading a newspaper ; he did not look up, and she quietly seated herself unobserved. Presently Mrs. Chilton entered and walked up to her brother. " Good morning, Guy. Are there no tidings of that vessel yet ? I hear the Grahams are terribly anxious about it. Cornelia said her father was unable to sleep." " No news yet, but, May, be sure you do not let " " Was it the Morning Star ? Is he lost ?" Beulah stood crouching at his side, with her hands extended pleadingly, and her white face convulsed. " My child, do not look so wretched ; the vessel that Eugene sailed in was disabled in a storm, and has not yet reached the place of destination. But there are numerous ways of account- ing for the detention, and you must hope and .believe that all is well, until you know the contrary." He drew her to his side, and stroked her head compassionately. " I knew it would be so," said she, in a strangely subdued, passionless tone. 11 What do you mean, child ?" " Death and trouble come on everything I love." " Perhaps at this very moment Eugene may be writing you an account of his voyage. I believe that we shall soon hear of his safe arrival. You need not dive down into my eyes in that way. I do believe it, for the vessel was seen after the storm, and though far out of the right track, there is good reason to sup- pose she has put into some port to be repaired." Beulah clasped her hands over her eyes, as if to shut out some horrid phantom, and while her heart seemed dying on the rack, she resolved not to despair till the certainty came. " Time enough when there is no hope j I will not go out to 86 BEULAH. meet sorrow." With a sudden, inexplicable revulsion of feeling, she sank on her knees, and there beside her protector, vehe- mently prayed Almighty God to guard and guide the tempest- tossed loved one. If her eyes had rested on the face of Deity, and she had felt his presence, her petition could not have been more importunately preferred. For a few moments Dr. Hartwell regarded her curiously ; then his brow darkened, his lips curled, sneeringly, and a mocking sinile passed over his face. Mrs. Chilton smiled, too, but there was a peculiar gleam in her eyes, and an uplifting of her brows which denoted anything but pleasurable emotions. She moved away, and sat down at the head of the table. Dr. Hartwell put his hand on the shoulder of the kneeling girl, and asked, rather abruptly : " Beulah, do you believe that the God you pray to hears you ?" " I do. He has promised to answer prayer." " Then, get up and be satisfied, and eat your breakfast. You have asked him to save and protect Eugene, and, according to the Bible, He will certainly do it ; so, no more tears. If you believe in your God, what are you looking so wretched about ?" There was something in all this that startled Beulah, and she looked up at him. His chilly smile pained her, and she rose quickly, while again and again his words rang in her ear. Yet, what was there so strange about this application of faith ? True, the Bible declared that " whatsoever ye ask, believing, that ye shall receive," she had often prayed for blessings, and often been denied. Was it because she had not had the requisite faith, which should have satisfied her ? Yet God knew that she had trusted him. With innate quickness of perception, she de- tected the tissued veil of irony, which the doctor had wrapped about his attempted consolation, and she looked at him so intently, so piercingly, that he hastily turned away and seated himself at the table. Just then, Pauline bounded into the room, exclaiming : " Fourteen to-day ! Only three more years at school, and then I shall step out a brilliant young lady, the " B E U L A H . 87 "There; be quiet; sit down. I would almost as soon select a small whirlwind for a companion. Can't you learn to enter a room without blustering like a March wind, or a Texan norther ?" asked her uncle. " Have you all seen a ghost ? You look as solemn as grave- diggers. What ails you, Beulah ? Come along to breakfast. How nicely you look in your new clothes." Her eyes ran over the face and form of the orphan. " Pauline, hush ! and eat your breakfast. You annoy your uncle," said her mother, severely. " Oh, do, for gracious sake, let me talk 1 I feel sometimes as if I should suffocate. Everything about this house is so demure, and silent, and solemn, and Quakerish, and hatefully prim. If ever I have a house of my own, I mean to paste in great letters over the doors and windows, 'Laughing and talking freely allowed P This is my birthday, and I think I might stay at home. Mother, don't forget to have the ends of my sash fringed, and the tops of my gloves trimmed." Draining her small china cup, she sprang up from the table, but paused beside Beulah. " By the by, what are you going to wear to-night, Beulah ?" " I shall not go into the parlors at all," answered the latter. " Why not ?" said Dr. Hartwell, looking suddenly up. He met the sad, suffering expression of the grey eyes, and bit his lip with vexation. She saw that he understood her feelings, and made no reply. " I shall not like it, if you don't come to my party," said Pauline, slowly ; and as she spoke she took one of the orphan's hands. "You are very kind, Pauline, but I do not wish to see strangers." " But, you never will know anybody if you make such a nun of yourself. Uncle Guy, tell her she must come down into the parlors to-night." " Not unless she wishes to do so. But, Pauline, I am very 88 BEULAH. glad tha you have shown her you desire her presence." He put his hand on her curly head, and looked with more than usual affection, at the bright, honest face. " Beulah, you must get ready for school. Come down as soon as you can. Pauline will be waiting for you." Mrs. Chilton spoke in the calm, sweet tone peculiar to her and her brother, but to Beulah there was something repulsive in that even voice, and she hurried from the sound of it. Kneeling beside her bed, she again implored the Father to restore Eugene to her, and crushing her grief and apprehension down into her heart, she resolved to veil it from strangers. As she walked on by Pau- line's side, only the excessive paleness of her face, and drooping of her eyelashes betokened her suffering. Entering school is always a disagreeable ordeal, and to a sen- sitive nature, such as Beulah's, it was torturing. Madam St. Cyinon was a good-natured, kind, little body, and received her with a warmth and cordiality which made amends in some degree for the battery of eyes she was forced to encounter. " Ah, yes I the doctor called to see me about you wants you to take the Latin course. For the present, my dear, you will sit with Miss Sanders. Clara, take this young lady with you." The girl addressed looked at least sixteen years of age, and rising promptly she came forward and led Beulah to a seat at her desk, which was constructed for two persons. The touch of her fingers sent a thrill through Beulah's frame, aad she looked at her very earnestly. Clara Sanders was not a beauty in the ordinary acceptation of the term, but there was an expression of angelic sweetness and purity in her countenance which fascinated the orphan. She remarked the scrutiny of the young stranger, and smiling good-humoredly said, as she leaned over and arranged the desk : " I am glad to have you with me, and dare say we shall get on very nicely together. You look ill." BEULAH. 89 " I have been ill recently and have not yet regained my strength. Can you tell me where I can find some water ? I feel rather faint." Her companion brought her a glass of water. She drank it eagerly, and as Clara resumed her seat, said in a low voice : " Oh, thank you. You are very kind." " Not at all. If you feel worse you must let me know." She turned to her books and soon forgot the presence of the new comer. The latter watched her, and noticed now that she was dressed in deep mourning ; was she too an orphan, and had this circum- stance rendered her so kindly sympathetic ? The sweet, gentle face, with its soft, brown eyes, chained her attention, and in the shaping of the mouth there was something very like Lilly's. Soon Clara left her for recitation, and then she turned to the new books which madam had sent to her desk. Thus passed the morning, and she started when the recess bell rang its summons through the long room. Bustle, chatter, and con- fusion ensued. Pauline called to her to come into lunch- room, and touched her little basket as she spoke, but Beulah shook her head and kept her seat. Clara also remained. " Pauline is calling you," said she gently. 41 Yes, I hear ; but I do not want anything." And Beulah rested her head on her hands. 11 Don't you feel better than you did this morning ?" " Oh, I am well enough in body ; a little weak, that is all." " You look quite tired ; suppose you lean your head against me and take a short nap ?" " You are very good indeed, but I am not at all sleepy." Clara was engaged in drawing, and looking on, Beulah be- came interested in the progress of the sketch. Suddenly a hand was placed over the paper, and a tall, handsome girl, with black eyes and sallow complexion, exclaimed sharply : "For heaven's sake, Clara Sanders, do you expect to swim into the next world on a piece of drawing-paper ? Come over to 90 BETTLAH. my seat and work out that eighth problem for me. I have puz- zled over it all the morning, and can't get it right." 11 1 can show you here quite as well." Taking out her Euclid, she found and explained the obstinate problem. " Thank you. I cannot endure mathematics, but father is bent upon my being ' thorough/ as he calls it. I think it is all thorough nonsense. Now with you it is very different, you expect to be a teacher, and of course will have to acquire all these branches ; but for my part I see no use in it. I shall be rejoiced when this dull school- work is over." " Don't say that, Cornelia, I think our school-days are the happiest, and feel sad when I remember that mine are num- bered." Here the bell announced recess over, and Cornelia moved away to her seat. A trembling hand sought Clara's arm. " Is that Cornelia Graham ?" " Yes ; is she not very handsome ?" Beulah made no answer, she only remembered that this girl was Eugene's adopted sister, and looking after the tall, queenly form, she longed to follow her, and ask all the particulars of the storm. Thus ended the first dreaded day at school, and on reaching home, Beulah threw herself on her bed with a low wailing cry. The long pent sorrow must have vent, and she sobbed until weariness sank her into a heavy sleep. Far out in a billowy sea, strewed with wrecks, and hideous with the ghastly, upturned faces of floating corpses, she and Eugene were drifting now clinging to each other now tossed asunder by howling waves. Then came a glimmering sail on the wide waste of waters ; a little boat neared them, and Lilly leaned over the side and held out tiny, dimpled hands to lift them in. They were climbing out of their watery graves, and Lilly's long, fair curls already touched their cheeks, when a strong arm snatched Lilly back, and struck them down into the roaring gulf, and above the white faces of the drifting dead, stood Mrs. Gray son, sailing away with Lilly struggling in her arms. BEULAH. 91 Eugene was sinking and Beulah could not reach him ; he held up his arms imploringly toward her, and called upon her to save him, and then his head with its wealth of silken, brown locks disappeared. She ceased to struggle ; she welcomed drowning now that he had gone to rest among coral temples. She sank down down. The rigid corpses were no longer visi- ble. She was in an emerald palace, and myriads of rosy shells paved the floors. At last she found Eugene reposing on a coral bank, and playing with pearls ; she hastened to join him, and was just taking his hand when a horrible phantom, seizing him in its arms, bore him away, and looking in its face she saw that it was Mrs. Chilton. With a wild scream of terror, Beulah awoke. She was lying across the foot of the bed, and both hands were thrown up, grasping the post convulsively. The room was dark, save where the moonlight crept through the curtains and fell slantingly on the picture of Hope and the Pilgrims, and by that dim light she saw a tall form standing near her. " Were you dreaming, Beulah, that you shrieked so wildly ?" The doctor lifted her up, and leaned her head against his shoulder. i " Oh, Dr. Hartwell I I have had a horrible, horrible dream." She shuddered, and clung to him tightly, as if dreading it might still prove a reality. " Poor child. Come with me, and I will try to exorcise this evil spirit which haunts even your slumbers." Keeping her hand in his, he led her down to his study, and seated her on a couch drawn near the window. The confused sound of many voices, and the tread of dancing feet, keeping time to a band of music, came indistinctly from the parlors. Dr. Hartwell closed the door, to shut out the unwelcome sounds, and seating himself before the melodeon, poured a flood of soothing, plaintive melody upon the air. Beulah sat entranced, while he played on and on, as if unconscious of her presence. Her whole being was inexpressibly thrilled ; and, forgetting her frightful vision, her enraptured soul hovered on the very confines of fabled 92 BEULAH. elysium. Sliding from the couch, upon her knees, she remained with her clasped hands pressed over her heart, only conscious of her trembling delight. Once or twice before, she had felt thus, in watching a gorgeous sunset in the old pine grove ; and now, as the musician seemed to play upon her heart-strings, calling thence unearthly tones, the tears rolled swiftly over her face. Images of divine beauty filled her soul, and nobler aspirations than she had ever known, took possession of her. Soon the tears ceased, the face became calm, singularly calm ; then lighted with an expression which nothing earthly could have kindled. It was the look of one, whose spirit, escaping from gross bondage, soared into realms divine, and proclaimed itself God-born. Dr. Hartwell was watching her countenance, and, as the expres- sion of indescribable joy and triumph flashed over it, he involun- tarily paused. She waited till the last deep echoing tone died away, and then approaching him, as he still sat before the instrument, she laid her hand on his knee, and said slowly : " Oh I thank you, I can bear anything now." " Can you explain to me how the music strengthened you ? Try, will^you ?" She mused for some moments, and answered thoughtfully : " First, it made me forget the pain of my dream ; then it caused me to think of the wonderful power which created music ; and then, from remembering the infinite love and wisdom of the Creator, who has given man the power to call out this music, I thought how very noble man was, and what he was capable of doing ; and, at last, I was glad because God has given me some of these powers ; and, though I am ugly, and have been afflicted in losing my dear loved ones, yet I was made for God's glory in some way, and am yet to be shown the work he has laid out for me to do. Oh ! sir, I can't explain it all to you, but I do know that God will prove to me that " He doet/i all things well." She looked gravely up into the face beside her, and sought to read its baffling characters. He had leaned his elbow on the melodeon, and his wax-like fingers were thrust through his hair BET7LAH. 93 His brow was smooth, and his mouth at rest, but the dark eyes, with their melancholy splendor, looked down at her moodily. They met her gaze steadily, and then she saw into the misty depths, and a shudder crept over her, as she fell on her knees, and said, shiveringly : " " Oh, sir, can it be ?" He put his hand on her head, and asked, quietly : " Can what be, child I" " Have you no God ?" His face grew whiter than was his wont. A scowl of bitter- ness settled on it, and the eyes burned with an almost unearthly brilliance, as he rose and walked away. For some time he stood before the window, with his arms folded ; and, laying her head on the stool of the melodeon, Beulah knelt just as he left her. It has been said, " who can refute a sneer ?" Rather ask, who can compute its ruinous effects. To that kneeling figure came the thought, "if he, surrounded by wealth, and friends, and blessings, cannot believe in God, what cause have I, poor, wretched and lonely, to have faith in Him ?" The bare sugges- tion of the doubt stamped it on her memory, yet she shrank with horror from the idea, and an eager, voiceless prayer ascended from her heart, that she might be shielded from such temptations in future. Dr. Hartwell touched her, and said, in his usual low, musical tones : "It is time you were asleep. Do not indulge in any more horrible dreams, if you please. Good night, Beulah. Whenever you feel that you would like to have some music, do not hesitate to ask me for it." He held open the door for her to pass out. She longed to ask him what he lived for, if eternity had no joys for him ; but, looking in his pale face, she saw from the lips and eyes that he would not suffer any questioning, and, awed by the expression of his countenance, she said " good night," and hurried away. The merry hum of childish voices again fell on her ear, and as she ascended the steps, a bevy of white-clad girls emerged from a 94 B E T7 L A H . room near, and walked on just below her. Pauline's party was at its height. Beulah looked down on the fairy gossamer robes, and gayly tripping girls, and then hastened to her own room, while the thought presented itself : " Why are things divided so unequally in this world ? Why do some have all of joy, and some only sorrow's brimming cup to drain?" But the sweet voice of Faith answered, " What I do, thaw knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter," and, trusting the promise, she was content to wait. CHAPTER X. " CORNELIA GRAHAM, I want to know why you did not come to my party ? You might at least have honored me with an excuse." Such was Pauline's salutation, the following day, when the girls gathered in groups about the schoolroom. "Why, Pauline, I did send an excuse, but it was addressed to your mother, and probably she forgot to mention it. You must acquit me of any such rudeness." " Well, but why didn't you come ? We had a glorious time. I have half a mind not to tell you what I heard said of you, but I believe you may have it second-hand. Fred Vincent was as grum as a preacher, all the evening, and when I asked him what on earth made him so surly and owlish, he said, ' it was too provoking you would not come, for no one else could dance the Schottisch to his liking.' Now there was a sweet specimen of manners for you ! You had better teach your beau politeness." Cornelia was leaning listlessly against Clara's desk, and Beulah fancied she looked very sad, and abstracted. She colored at the jest, and answered contemptuously : " He is no beau of mine, let me tell you, and as for manners, I commend him to your merciful tuition." BEULAH. 95 " But what was your excuse ?" persisted Pauline. " I should think you might conjecture, that I felt no inclina- tion to go to parties and dance, when you know that we are all so anxious about my brother." " Oh, I did not think of that I" cried the heedless girl, and quite as heedlessly she continued : " I want to see that brother of yours. Uncle Guy says he is the handsomest boy in the city, and promises to make some- thing extraordinary. Is he so very handsome ?" " Yes," the proud lip trembled. " I heard Anne Yernon say, she liked him better than all her other beaux, and that is great praise, coming from her queen- ship," said Emily Wood, who stood near. Cornelia's eyes dilated angrily, as she answered with curling lips : 11 Eugene one of her beaux 1 It is no such thing." " You need not look so insulted. I suppose if the matter is such a delicate one with you, Anne will withdraw her claim," sneered Emily, happy in the opportunity afforded of wounding the haughty spirit, whom all feared, and few sympathized with. Cornelia was about to retort, but madam's voice prevented, as leaning from the platform opposite, she held out a note, and said, " Miss Graham, a servant has just brought this for you." The girl's face flushed and paled alternately, as she received the note, and broke the seal with trembling fingers. Glancing over the contents, her countenance became irradiated, and she exclaimed joyfully : " Good news ! the Morning Star has arrived at Amsterdam. Eugene is safe in Germany." Beulah's head went down on her desk, and just audible were the words, " My Father in Heaven, I thank thee I" Only Clara and Cornelia heard the broken accents, and they looked curiously at the bowed figure, quivering with joy. 96 BEULAH. " Ah ! I understand ; this is the Asylum, Beulah, I have often, heard him speak of. I had almost forgotten the circumstance. You knew him very well, I suppose ?" said Cornelia, addressing herself to the orphan, and crumpling the note between her fingers, while her eyes ran with haughty scrutiny over the dress and features before her. " Yes, I knew him very well." Beulah felt the blood come into her cheeks, and she ill-brooked the cold, searching look bent upon her. " You are the same girl that he asked my father to send to the public school. How came you here ?" A pair of dark grey eyes met Cornelia's gaze, and seemed to answer defiantly, " What is it to you ?" " Has Dr Hartwell adopted you ? Pauline said so, but she is so heedless, that I scarcely believed her, particularly when it seemed so very improbable." " Hush, Cornelia ! Why, you need Pauline's tuition about as much as Fred Vincent, I am disposed to think. Don't be so inquisitive, it pains her," remonstrated Clara, laying her arm around Beulah's shoulder as she spoke. " Nonsense ! She is not so fastidious, I will warrant. At least, she might answer civil questions." " I always do," said Beulah. Cornelia smiled derisively, and turned off, with the parting taunt : " It is a mystery to me what Eugene can see in such a homely, unpolished specimen. He pities her, I suppose." Clara felt a long shiver creep over the slight form, and saw the ashen hue that settled on her face, as if some painful wound had been inflicted. Stooping down, she whispered : " Don't let it trouble you. Cornelia is hasty, but she is generous, too. and will repent her rudeness. She did not intend to pain you ; it is only her abrupt way of expressing herself." Beulah raised her head, and putting back the locks of hair that had fallen over her brow, replied coldly: B E U L A H . 97 " It is nothing new ; I am accustomed to such treatment. Only professing to love Eugene, I did not expect her to insult one, whom he had commissioned her to assist, or at least sympa- thize with." " Remember, Beulah, she is an only child, and her father's idol, and perhaps " " The very blessings that surround her should teach her to feel for the unfortunate and unprotected," interrupted the orphan. "You will find that prosperity rarely has such an effect upon the heart of its favorite/ 7 answered Clara, musingly. "An unnecessary piece of information. I discovered that pleasant truth some time since," said Beulah, bitterly. " I don't know, Beulah ; you are an instance to the contrary. Do not call yourself unfortunate, so long as Doctor Hartwell is your friend. Ah I you little dream how blessed you are." Her voice took the deep tone of intense feeling, and a faint glow tinged her cheek. " Yes, he is very kind, very good," replied the other, more gently. " Kind ! good I is that all you can say of him ?" The soft brown eyes kindled with unwonted enthusiasm. " What more can I say of him, than that he is good ?" returned the orphan, eagerly, while the conversation in the study, the preceding day, rushed to her recollection. Clara looked at her earnestly for a moment, and then averting her head, answered evasively. " Pardon me ; I have no right to dictate the terms in which you should mention your benefactor." Beulah's intuitions were remarkably quick, and she asked, slowly : "Do you know him well ?" " Yes ; oh, yes I very well indeed. Why do you ask ?" " And you like him very much ?" "Very much." She saw the gentle face now, and saw that some sorrow had 5 98 BEULAH. called tears to the eyes, and sent the blood coldly back to her heart. " No one can like him as I do. You don't know how very kind he has been to me me, the miserable, lonely orphan," murmured Beulah, as his smile and tones recurred to her. "Yes, I can imagine, because I know his noble heart ; and, therefore, child, I say you cannot realize how privileged you are." The discussion was cut short by a call to recitation, and too calmly happy in the knowledge of Eugene's safety, to ponder her companion's manner, Beulah sank into a reverie, in which Eugene, and Heidelberg, and long letters, mingled pleasingly. Later in the day, as she and Pauline were descending the steps, the door of the primary department of the school opened, and a little girl, clad in deep black, started up the same flight of steps. Seeing the two above, she leaned against the wall, waiting f6r them to pass. Beulah stood still, and the sachel she carried fell unheeded from her hand, while a thrilling cry broke from the little girl's lips ; and springing up the steps, she threw herself into Beulah's arms. " Dear Beulah I I have found you at last !" She covered the thin face with passionate kisses ; then heavy sobs escaped her, and the two wept bitterly together. " Beulah, I did love her very much ; I did not forget what I promised you. She used to put her arms around my neck every night, and go to sleep close to me ; and whenever she thought about you and cried, she always put her head in my lap. Indeed I did love her." " I believe you, Claudy," poor Beulah groaned, in her anguish. " They did not tell me she was dead ; they said she was sick in another room ! Oh, Beulah ! why didn't you come to see us ? Why didn't you come ? When she was first taken sick, she called for you all the time ; and the evening they moved me into the next room, she was asking for you. ' I want my sister Beulah 1 I want my Beulah !' was the last thing I heard her BETJLAH. 99 say; and when I cried for you, too, mamma said we were both crazy with fever. Oh 1" she paused and sobbed convulsively. Beulah raised her head, and while the tears dried in her flashing eyes, said fiercely : " Claudy, I did go to see you I On my knees, at Mrs. Gray- sou's front door, I prayed her to let me see you. She refused, and ordered me to come there no more I She would not suffer my sister to know that I was waiting there on my knees to see her dear, angel face. That was long before you were taken sick. She did not even send me word that Lilly was ill ; I knew nothing of it, till my darling was cold in her little shroud I Oh, Claudy ! Claudy !" She covered her face with her hands and tried to stifle the wail that crossed her lips. Claudia endeavored to soothe her, by winding her arms about her and kissing her repeatedly. Pauline had looked wonderingly on, during this painful reunion ; and now drawing nearer, she said, with more gentleness than was her custom : " Don't grieve so, Beulah. Wipe your eyes and come home ; those girls yonder are staring at you." "What business is it of yours?" began Claudia; but Beulah's sensitive nature shrank from observation, and rising hastily, she took Claudia to her bosom, kissed her and turned away. " Oh, Beulah ! shan't I see you again ?" cried the latter, with streaming eyes. " Claudia, your mamma would not be willing." " I don't care what she thinks. Please, come to see me please, do ! Beulah, you don't love me now, because Lilly is dead ! Oh, I could not keep her God took her 1" "Yes, I do love you, Claudy more than ever ; but you must come to see me. I cannot go to that house again. I can't see your mamma Grayson. Come and see me, darling !" She drew her bonnet over her face and hurried out. " Where do you live ? I will come and see you I" cried Claudia, running after the retreating form. 100 BEULAH. " She lives at Doctor Hartwell's that large, brick house, out on the edge of town ; everybody knows the place." Pauline turned back to give this piece of information, and then hastened on to join Beulah. She longed to inquire into all the particulars of the orphan's early life ; but the pale, fixed face gave no encouragement to question, and they walked on in perfec-t silence until they reached the gate at the end of the avenue. Then Pauline asked, energetically: " Is that little one any kin to you ?" " No ; I have no kin in this world," answered Beulah, drearily. Pauline shrugged her shoulders, and made no further attempt to elicit confidence. On entering the house, they encountered the doctor, who was crossing the hall. He stopped, and said : "I have glad tidings for you, Beulah. The Morning Star arrived safely at Amsterdam, and by this time, Eugene is at Heidelberg." Beulah stood very near him, and answered tremblingly : " Yes, sir, I heard it at school." He perceived that something was amiss, and untying her bon- net, looked searchingly at the sorrow-stained face. She shut her eyes, and leaned hen head against him. " What is the matter, my child ? I thought you would be very happy in hearing of Eugene's safety." She was unable to reply just then ; and Pauline, who stood swinging her sachel to and fro, volunteered an explanation. " Uncle Guy, she is curious, that is all. As we were leaving school, she met a little girl on the steps, and they flew at each other, and cried, and kissed, and you never saw anything like it 1 I thought the child must be a very dear relation ; but she says she has no kin. I don't see the use of crying her eyes out, particularly when the little one is nothing to her." Her uncle's countenance resumed its habitual severity, and taking Beulah's hand, he led her into that quietest of all quiet BEULAIF. 101 places, his study. Seating himself, and drawing her to his side, he said: ,' * , , " Was it meeting Claudia that distressed 'you; fa Jnupli ? TFhdt' child is very warmly attached to you! 'S)\e raved, about; you constantly during her illness. So did Llfly.""' 1> dtcVimt 1 iiti6eT> stand the relationship then, or I should have interfered, and carried you to her. I called to see Mr. and Mrs. Grayson last week, to remove the difficulties in the way of your intercourse with Claudia, but they were not at home. I will arrange mat- ters so that you may be with Claudia as often as possible. You have been wronged, child, I know; but try to bury it; it is all past now." He softly smoothed back her hair as he spoke. "No, sir; it never will be past; it will always be burning here in my heart." " I thought you professed to believe in the Bible." She looked up instantly, and answered: " I do, sir. I do." " Then your belief is perfectly worthless; for the Bible charges you to ' forgive and love your enemies/ and here you are trying to fan your hate into an everlasting flame." She saw the scornful curl of his lips, and sinking down beside him, she laid her head on his knee, and said hastily: "I know it is wrong, sinful, to feel toward Mrs. Grayson as I do. Yes, sir; the Bible tells me it is ve'ry sinful; but I have been so miserable, I could not help hating her. But I will try to do so no more. I will ask God to help me forgive her." His face flushed even to his temples, and then the blood receded, leaving it like sculptured marble. Unable or unwilling to answer, he put his hands on her head, softly, reverently, as though he touched something ethereal. He little dreamed that, even then, that suffering heart was uplifted to the Throne of Grace, pray- ing the Father that she might so live and govern herself, that he, might come to believe the Bible, which her clear insight too surely told her he despised. Oh! protean temptation. Even as she knelt, with her pro- 102 BEULAH. tector's hands resting on her brow, ubiquitous evil suggested the thought: " Is he not kinder, and better, than any one you ever ' kn^w ? r *Qa$ i}6% ?Mrs. Grayson a pew in the most fashionable ' cHurch f Did not, Eugene tell you he saw her there, regularly, ',&fry' Sunday I , '.Professing Christianity, she injured you; reject- ing it, he has guarded and most generously aided you. ' By their fruits ye shall judge.' " Very dimly all this passed through her mind. She was perplexed and troubled at the confused ideas veiling her trust. " Beulah, I have an engagement, and must leave you. Stay here if you like, or do as you please with yourself. I shall not be home to tea, so good night." She looked pained, but remained silent. He smiled, and drawing out his watch, said gaily: " I verily believe you miss me when I leave you. Go, put on your other bonnet, and come down to the front door; I have nearly an hour yet, I see, and will give you a short ride. Hurry, child; I don't like to wait." She was soon seated beside him in the buggy, and Mazeppa's swift feet had borne them some distance from home ere either spoke. The road ran near the bay, and while elegant residences lined one side, the other was bounded by a wide expanse of water, rippling, sparkling, glowing in the evening sunlight. Small sail boats, with their gleaming canvas, dotted the blue bosom of the bay; and the balmy breeze, fresh from the gulf, fluttered the bright pennons that floated from their masts. Beulah was watching the snowy wall of foam, piled on either side of the prow of a schooner, and thinking how very beautiful it was, when the buggy stopped suddenly, and Dr. Hart well addressed a gentleman on horseback: " Percy, you may expect me; I am coming as I promised." " I was about to remind you of your engagement. But, Guy, whom have you there ?" " My protegee I told you of. Beulah, this is Mr. Lockhart." The rider reined his horse near her side, and leaning forward as BETTLAH. 103 he raised his hat, their eyes met. Both started visibly, and extending his hand, Mr. Lockhart said eagerly: " Ah, my little forest friend! I am truly glad to find you again." She shook hands very quietly, but an expression of pleasure stole over her face. Her guardian observed it, and asked: " Pray, Percy, what do you know of her ?" " That she sings very charmingly," answered his friend, smil- ing at Beulah. " He saw me once when I was at the Asylum," said she. " And was singing part of the regime there ?" "No, Guy; she was wandering about the piney woods, near the Asylum, with two beautiful elves, when I chanced to meet her. She was singing at the time. Beulah, I am glad to find you out again; and in future, when I pay the doctor long visits, I shall expect you to appear for my entertainment. Look to it, Guy, that she is present. But I am fatigued with my unusual exercise, and must return home. Good bye, Beulah; shake hands. I am going immediately to my room, Guy; so come as soon as you can." He rode slowly on, while Dr. Hartwell shook the reins, and Mazeppa sprang down the road again. Beulah had remarked a great alteration in Mr. Lockhart's appearance ; he was much paler, and bore traces of recent and severe illness. His genial manner and friendly words had interested her, and looking up at her guardian, she said, timidly: " Is he ill, sir ?" " He has been, and is yet quite feeble. Do you like him ?" " I know nothing of him, except that he spoke to me one evening some months ago. Does he live here, sir ?" "No; he has a plantation on the river, but is here on a visit occasionally. Much of his life has been spent in Europe, and thither he goes again very soon." The sun had set. The bay seemed a vast sheet of fire, as the crimson clouds cast their shifting shadows on its bosom; and forgetting everything else, Beulah leaned out of the buggy, and said almost unconsciously: 104 BEULAH. . "How beautiful! how very beautiful!" Her lips were parted; her eyes clear, and sparkling with delight. Dr. Hartwell sighed, and turning from the bay road, approached his home. Beulah longed to speak to him of what was pressing on her heart, but glancing at his countenance to see whether it was an auspicious time, she was deterred by the sombre sternness which over- shadowed it, and before she could summon courage to speak, they stopped at the front gate: " Jump out, and go home; I have not time to drive in." She got out of the buggy, and looking up at him as he rose to adjust some part of the harness, said bravely: " I am very much obliged to you for my ride. I have not had such a pleasure for years. I thank you very much." "All very unnecessary, child. I am glad you enjoyed it." He seated himself, and gathered up the reins, without looking at her; but she put her hand on the top of the wheel, and said in an apologetic tone: " Excuse me, sir ; but may I wait in your study till you come home ? I want to ask you something." Her face flushed, and her voice trembled with embarrassment. " It may be late before I come home to-night. Can't you tell me now what you want ? I can wait." " Thank you, sir; to-morrow will do as well, I suppose. I will not detain you." She opened the gate and entered the yard. Dr. Hartwell looked after her an instant, and called out, as he drove on : " Do as you like, Beulah, about waiting for me ; of course the study is free to you at all times." The walk, or rather carriage-road, leading up to the house was bordered by stately poplars and cedars, whose branches inter- laced overhead, and formed a perfect arch. Beulah looked up at the dark-green depths among the cedars, and walked on with a feeling of contentment, nay, almost of happiness, which was a stranger to her heart. In front of the house, and in the centre of a grassy circle, was a marble basin, from which a fountain BEULAH. 105 ascended. She sat down on the edge of the reservoir, and taking off her bonnet, gave unrestrained license to her wandering thoughts. Wherever her eyes turned, verdure, flowers, statuary met her gaze ; the air was laden with the spicy fragrance of jasmins, and the low, musical babble of the fountain had some- thing very soothing in its sound. With her keen appreciation of beauty, there was nothing needed to enhance her enjoyment ; and she ceased to remember her sorrows. Before long, however, she was startled by the sight of several elegantly dressed ladies, emerging from the house ; at the same instant a handsome car- riage, which she had not previously observed, drove from a turn in the walk and drew up to the door to receive them. Mrs. Chilton stood on the steps, exchanging smiles and polite nothings, and as one of the party requested permission to break a sprig of geranium growing near, she gracefully offered to collect a bouquet, adding, as she severed some elegant clusters of helio- trope and jasmin : " Guy takes inordinate pride in his parterre, arranges and overlooks all the flowers himself. I often tell him I am jealous of my beautiful rivals ; they monopolize his leisure so completely." " Nonsense ! we know to our cost, that you of all others need fear rivalry from no quarter. There : don't break any more. What superb taste the doctor has ! This lovely spot comes nearer my ideal of European elegance than any place I know at the South. I suppose the fascination of his home makes him such a recluse ! Why doesn't he visit more ? He neglects us shamefully 1 He is such a favorite in society too ; only I believe everybody is rather afraid of him. I shall make a most desperate effort to charm him, so soon as an opportunity offers. Don't tell him I said so, though, ' fore-warned, fore-armed/ " All this was very volubly uttered by a dashing, showy young lady, dressed in the extreme of fashion, and bearing unmistakable marks of belonging to beau monde. She extended a hand cased in white kid, for the flowers, and looked steadily at the lady of the house as she spoke. 5* 106 BETJLAH. " I shall not betray your designs, Miss Julia. Guy is a great lover of the beautiful, and I am not aware that anywhere in the book of fate is written the decree that he shall not rnarry again. Take care, you are tearing your lace point on that rose-bush ; let me disengage it." She stooped to rescue the cobweb wrap- ping, and looking about her, Miss Julia exclaimed : "Is that you, Pauline ? Come and kiss me I Why, you look as unsociable as your uncle, sitting there all alone I" She extended her hand toward Beulah, who, as may be sup- posed, made no attempt to approach her. Mrs. Chilton smiled, and clasping the bracelet on her arm, discovered to her visitor the mistake. " Pauline is not at home. That is a little beggarly orphan Guy took it into his head to feed and clothe, till some opportu- nity offered of placing her in a respectable home. I have teased him unmercifully about this display of taste ; asked him what rank he assigned her in his catalogue of beautiful treasures.' 1 She laughed as if much amused. " Oh, that reminds me that I heard some of the school-girls say that the doctor had adopted an orphan. I thought I would ask you about it. Mother here declared that she knew it could not be so, but I told her he was so very odd, there was no ac- counting for his notions. So he has not adopted her." " Pshaw 1 of course not I She was a wretched little object of charity, and Guy brought her here to keep her from starving. He picked her up at the hospital, I believe." " I knew it must be a mistake. Come, Julia, remember you are going out to-night, and it is quite late. Do come very soon, my dear Mrs. Chilton." Mrs. Vincent, Miss Julia, and their companions entered the carriage, and were soon out of sight. Beulah still sat at the fountain. She would gladly have retreated on the appearance of the strangers, but could not effect an escape without attracting the attention she so earnestly desired to be spared, and therefore kept her seat. Every word of the conver- sation, which had been carried on in anything but a subdued BEULAH. 107 tone, reached her, and though the head was unbowed as if she had heard nothing, her face was dyed with shame. Her heart throbbed violently, and as the words, " beggarly orphan," ' " wretched object of charity," fell on her ears, it seemed as if a fierce fire-bath had received her. As the carriage disappeared, Mrs. Chilton approached her, and stung to desperation by the merciless taunts, she instantly rose and confronted her. Never had she seen the widow look so beautiful, and for a moment they eyed each other. " What are you doing here, after having been told to keep out of sight ? answer me 1" She spoke with the inflexible sternness of a mistress to an offending servant. " Madam, I am not the miserable beggar you represented me a moment since ; nor will I answer questions addressed in any such tone of authority and contempt." " Indeed ! well, then, my angelic martyr, how do you propose to help yourself?" answered Mrs. Chilton, laughing, with undis- guised scorn. " Doctor Hartwell brought me to his house, of his own accord ; you know that I was scarcely conscious when I came into it. He has been very kind to me has offered to adopt me This you know perfectly well. But I am not in danger of starva- tion, away from this house. You know that instead of having been picked up at the hospital, I was earning my living, humble though it was, as a servant. He offered to adopt me, because he saw that I was very unhappy ; not because I needed food, or clothes, as you asserted just now, and as you knew was untrue. Madam, I have known, ever since my recovery, that you hated me, and I scorn to accept bounty, nay, even a shelter, where I am so unwelcome. I have never dreamed of occupying the place you covet for Pauline. I intended to accept Doctor Hartwell's kindness, so far as receiving an education, which would enable me to support myself less laboriously ; but, madam, I will relieve you of my hated presence. I can live without any assistance from your family. The despised and 108 BfiULAH. ridiculed orphan will not remain to annoy you. Oh, you might have effected your purpose with less cruelty ! You could have told me kindly that you did not want ine here, and I would not have wondered at it. But to crush me publicly, as you have done " wounded pride stifled the trembling accents. Mrs. Chilton bit her lip. She had not expected this expres- sion of proud independence ; and seeing that she had gone too far, pondered the best method of rectifying the mischief with as little compromise of personal dignity as possible. Ultimately to eject her, she had intended from the first ; but perfectly con- scious that her brother would accept no explanation or palliation of the girl's departure at this juncture, and that she and Pauline would soon follow her from the house, she felt that her own interest demanded the orphan's presence for a season. Nearly blinded by tears of indignation and mortification, Beulah turned from her, but the delicate white hand arrested her, and pressed heavily on her shoulder. She drew herself up, and tried to ohake off the hold, but firm as iron was the grasp of the snowy fingers, and calm and cold as an Arctic night was the tone which said : " Pshaw I girl, are you mad ? You have sense enough to know that you are one too many in this house, but if you only desire to be educated, as you profess, why, I am perfectly willing that you should remain here. The idea of your growing up as my brother's heiress and adopted child was too preposterous to be entertained, and you can see the absurdity yourself ; but so long as you understand matters properly, and merely desire to receive educational advantages, of course you can and will re- main. I do not wish this to go any further, and, as a sensible girl, you will not mention it. As a friend, however, I would suggest that you should avoid putting yourself in the way of observation." As she concluded, she quietly brushed off a small spider, which was creeping over Beulah's sleeve. " Don't trouble yourself, madam ; I am not at all afraid of poisonous things ; I have become accustomed to them." BEULAH. 109 Smiling bitterly, she stooped to pick up her new bonnet, which had fallen on the grass at her feet, and fixing her eyes defiantly on the handsome face before her, said, resolutely : "No ! contemptible as you think me, beggarly and wretched as you please to term me, I have too much self-respect to stay a day longer, where I have been so grossly, so needlessly insulted. You need not seek to detain me. Take your hand off my arm : I am going now ; the sooner, the better. I understand, madam, your brother will not countenance your cruelty, and you are ashamed for him to know what, in his absence, you were not ashamed to do. I scorn to retaliate 1 He shall not learn from me why I left so suddenly. Tell him what you choose." Mrs. Chilton was very pale, and her lips were compressed till they grew purple. Clinching her hand, she said under her breath : "You artful little wretch. Am I to be thwarted by such a mere child ? You shall not quit the house. Go to your room, and don't make a fool of yourself. In future I shall not concern myself about you, if you take root at the front door. Go in, and let matters stand. I promise you I will not interfere again, no matter what you do. Do you hear me ?" " No. You have neither the power to detain, nor to expel me. I shall leave here immediately, and you need not attempt to coerce me ; for, if you do, I will acquaint Doctor Hartwell with the whole affair, as soon as he comes, or when I see him. I am going for my clothes ; not those you so reluctantly had made, but the old garments I wore when I worked for my bread." She shook off the detaining hand, and went up to her room. Harriet had already lighted her lamp, and as she entered the door, the rays fell brightly on the picture she had learned to love so well. Now she looked at it through scalding tears, and, to her excited fancy, the smile seemed to have faded from the lips of Hope, and the valley looked more dreary, and the pilgrims more desolate and miserable. She turned from it, and taking off the clothes she wore, dressed herself in the humble apparel of 110 BEULAH. former days. The old trunk was scarcely worth keeping, save as a relic ; and folding up the clothes and books into as small a bundle as possible, she took it in her arms, and descended the steps. She wished very much to tell Harriet good bye, and thank her for her unvarying kindness ; and now, on the eve of her departure, she remembered the words whispered during her illness, and the offer of assistance when she " got into trouble," as Harriet phrased it ; but dreading to meet Mrs. Chilton again, she hurried down the hall, and left the house. The friendly stars looked kindly down upon the orphan, as she crossed the common, and proceeded toward the Asylum, and raising her eyes to the jewelled dome, the solemn beauty of the night hushed the wild tumult in her heart, and she seemed to hear the words pro- nounced from the skyey depths : " Lo, I am with, you always, even unto the end." Gradually, the results of the step she had taken obtruded themselves before her, and with a keen pang of pain and grief, came the thought, " what will Dr. Hartwell think of me ?" All his kindness during the time she had passed beneath his roof, his genial tones, his soft, caressing touch on her head, his rare, but gentle smile, his constant care for her comfort and happiness, all rushed like lightning over her mind, and made the hot tears gush over her face. Mrs. Chilton would, of course, offer him some plausible solution of her sudden departure. He would think her ungrateful, and grow indifferent to her welfare or fate. Yet hope whispered, " he will suspect the truth ; he must know his sister's nature ; he will not blame me." But all this was in the cloudy realm of conjecture, and the stern realities of her position weighed heavily on her heart. Through Dr Hartwell, who called to explain her sudden disappearance, Mrs. Martin had sent her the eighteen dollars due for three months service, and this little sum was all that she possessed. As she walked on, pondering the many difficulties which attended the darling project of educating herself thoroughly, the lights of the Asylum greeted her, and it was with a painful sense of desolation that she mounted the steps, and stood upon the threshold, where BEULAH. Ill she and Lilly had so often sat, in years gone by. Mrs. Williams met her at the door, wondering what unusual occurrence induced a visitor at this unseasonable hour. The hall lamp shone on her kind, but anxious face, and as Beulah looked at her, remembered care and love caused a feeling of suffocation, and with an excla- mation of joy, she threw her arms around her. Astonished at a greeting so unexpected, the matron glanced hurriedly at the face pressed against her bosom, and recognizing her quondam charge, folded her tenderly to her heart. " Beulah, dear child, I am so glad to see you !" As she kissed her white cheeks, Beulah felt the tears dropping down upon them. " Come into my room, dear, and take off your bonnet." She led her to the quiet little room, and took the bundle, and the antiquated bonnet, which Pauline declared " Mrs. Noah had worn all through the forty days' shower." " Mrs. Williams, can I stay here with you until I can get a place somewhere ? The managers will not object, will they ?" " No, dear, I suppose not. But, Beulah, I thought you had been adopted, just after Lilly died, by Doctor Hartwell ? Here I have been, ever since I heard it from some of the managers, thinking how lucky it was for you, and feeling so thankful to God, for remembering his orphans. Child, what has happened ? Tell me freely, Beulah." With her head on the matron's shoulder, she imparted enough of what had transpired to explain her leaving her adopted home. Mrs. Williams shook her head, and said, sadly : "You have been too hasty, child. It was Doctor Hartwell's house ; he had taken you to it, and without consulting, and telling him, you should not have left it. If you felt that you could not live there in peace, with his sister, it was your duty to have told him so, and then decided as to what course you would take. Don't be hurt, child, if I tell you you are too proud. Poverty and pride make a bitter lot in this world ; and take care you don't let your high spirit ruin your prospects. I don't m