z 733 C52 W5 1922 8 o o 3 — — J> 3 ■- cB 33 9 3^ 1X3 4 -< ■5 5 o -< 9 ^ LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OP CALIPORNfA SAN 'J'C.^r J IHh UN,..,..,,, , ..uivMnV UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO •-A lOLLA CALIFORNIA 1155-^ THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY WILL OF JOHN CRERAR Dated August 5, 1886 Admitted to Probate November 14, 1889 CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1922 155 -Z6 1-0 LIBRARY OF ARCHITECTURE AND ALLIED ARTS 453 South Spring Street ^ Los Angeles, Calif. W CARDS: No book will be issued or received without presentation of card. The person in whose name / the card is issued is responsible for all books and plates drawn on it, and for all fines accruing on the same. HNE: Five cents per day will be charged for books and plates kept overtime. DAMAGES: Pencil marks, torn or defaced labels, TH book plates or card pockets or mutilation of the M^ book or plate itself will be charged to the card owner. See that they are not issued to you with such defects. 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Cat No. 1137 i-^ \r ^/LXyL^^\,^ THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY WILL OF JOHN CRERAR Dated August 5, i^ Admitted to Probate November 14, 1889 CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1922 WILL OF JOHN CRERAR Hn tbe name of 0o&, Hmen ; I, JOHN CRERAR, of the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, being of sound mind and memory, do hereby make, pubUsh and declare, this my last will and testament in the words and figures following, to wit : My father, John Crerar, a native of Scotland, died in New York City when I was an infant, leaving my mother, my brother Peter, and myself, his only heirs. My mother remained a widow for a number of years and was then married to William Boyd. The issue of this second marriage was one son, my half brother, George William Boyd, who died unmarried in i860. My step father died in 1864, and my mother was again left a widow with her two sons, Peter and myself. My mother died March 28th, 1873, and my brother Peter died in 1883, a widower, leaving no children. My mother's maiden name was Agnes Smeallie. She was born in Scotland in 1795, and a line of relationship on her side is clearly defined. My first cousins are children of my late uncles, James and John Smeallie, late of Florida and West Galway, State of New York, brothers of my mother. Through them I have second cousins and third cousins. These cousins, first, second, and third can be readily traced; some I have seen, others only heard of by the hearing of the ear. With these explanations it remains with me to make a disposi- tion of my estate. I am a bachelor and was born in New York City; but have been a citizen of Chicago since 1862. first. I hereby make, constitute and appoint, my friends, Norman Williams and Huntington Wolcott Jackson, both of Chicago, Illinois, executors of this my last will and testament, and trustees 3 1 w of my estate, and the survivor of them or their appointed suc- cessors, to have and to hold the same upon the trusts and subject to the conditions and limitations hereinafter mentioned. Sccont). I hereby waive, as I have a right to do under the statutes in such case made and provided, the giving of bonds or security by my said executors and trustees. As they have been true friends in life so they will be when I am gone, and I entrust the manage- ment of my estate to their joint care. It is my wish that my executors and trustees shall only be accountable for what they receive and not be charged with any loss unless it happen by their careless neglect or faulty attention, and I will and direct that they shall be paid, for the execution of this trust, reasonable fees and compensation, together with all costs and expenses incurred. I direct that in case of the death, incapability or refusal to act of either of the foregoing executors and trustees or their appointed successor, that the survivor shall appoint such executor and trustee within thirty days after said death, incapability or refusal to act of said executor and trustee, or the appointed successor, which appointment shall be approved of in writing by one of the Judges of the United States Circuit, or United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. ifoiutb. I give, devise and bequeath unto my said executors and trustees all of my property and estate of whatever name or nature, real, personal and mixed and wherever situated, in trust, nevertheless, that is to say, upon the following trusts and conditions: to sell and dispose of all of my said property and estate, except as may be hereinafter specified, and convert the same into cash at such time or times and upon such terms and conditions as to my said executors and trustees shall seem meet, and to make, execute and deliver all deeds of conveyance and other instruments in writing as may be necessary and proper for that purpose, to exchange, invest and re-invest all or any of my property, compromise debts due my estate, and to do all things in the same manner as I might do if living, and as shall seem expedient and best to them to enable 4 them to carry out the purposes and intents of this my last will and testament Ififtb. I direct my said executors and trustees to pay all of my funeral expenses and just debts within a reasonable time after my decease, and to enable them to do so, I direct them to sell such of my property as shall to them seem lit and proper. Sixtb. I ask that I may be buried by the side of my honored mother, in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York, in the family lot and that some of my many friends see that this request is complied with. I desire a plain headstone, similar to that which marks my mother's grave, to be raised over my head. Sevcntb. * I give and bequeath to each of my cousins, on my mother's side, children of the late James and Mary Smeallie, of Florida, Montgomery County, New York, who may be living at the time of my death, the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00). lEigbtb. I give and bequeath to each of the children of my cousins, Andrew, Wilham, John, Alexander, Peter, Robert and Boyd (sons of the late James and Mary Smeallie above named), who may be living at the time of my death, the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). mintb. I give and bequeath to each of the children of my deceased cousins, Andrew and John McKee Smeallie (sons of the late John and Eliza Smeallie, of West Galway, Saratoga County, New York), who may be living at the time of my death, the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,00000). Uentb. I give and bequeath to each of the children of my second cousins, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Bunyan and Mrs. Agnes Bunyan, both of West Charlton, Saratoga County, New York, who may be living at the time of my death, the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). S lEleventb. I give and bequeath to Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Bunyan above named, for her kindness to my mother, the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), to be in addition to the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) heretofore devised and bequeathed to her as one of my said second cousins. In case I survive her, then the amount of this bequest shall be paid to all of her children surviving her, share and share alike. XTweiftb. I give and bequeath to Mrs. Elizabeth Smeallie, widow of my cousin John M. Smeallie, of West Galway, Saratoga County, New York, for her kindness to my brother Peter, the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). Ubirteentb. I give and bequeath to Mrs. Robert Marshall, of New York, a friend of my mother and my own ever since the day I was born, the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). jfourteentb. I give and bequeath to Miss Frances Cobham Paige and Miss Clara Antoinette Paige, of Schenectady, New York, to be divided equally between them (all to be given to the survivor of them if one be dead), the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00). fifteentb. I give and bequeath to my warm personal friend, T. B. Black- stone, of Chicago, the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), with the request that he purchase therewith some memento which will remind him of my appreciation of his uniform and lifelong kindness to me. Sixteentb. I give and bequeath to my partner and my friend John McGregor Adams, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). Seventeentb. I give and bequeath to my junior partner, Edward S. Shepherd, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) 6 Bigbteentb. I give and bequeath to Reverend Simon J. McPherson, D.D., now pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church of Chicago, the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00). IRineteentb* I give and bequeath to Alonzo W. Paige, of Chicago, the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00). XTwenttetb. I give and bequeath to Miss Katharine L. Peck, of Waterbury, Connecticut, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). Uwent^-flrst. As a mark of my friendship for Norman Williams and CaroHne Caton Williams, his wife, and as a slight return for their kindness to me ah the days I have known them, I give and bequeath to CaroHne Caton Wilhams the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,- 000.00); and I also give and bequeath to Caroline Caton Williams, or in case I sur\dve her, to the trustees of my estate, to have and to hold in trust, the sum of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000.00), to be invested in such manner as she, or they, shall think best, and to expend and use the income thereof for the benefit of Laura Williams, Norman Williams, Junior, and Mary Wentworth Williams, respectively, the children of my said friends, Norman and Caroline Caton Williams, and as each of said children shall attain the age of twenty-five (25) years, to pay to such child at that time one equal one- third part of said investment. Should either of said children die before attaining the age of twenty-five (25) years, then I direct that the share of the one so dying shall descend to his or her issue, and if there be no issue, to the survivor or survivors of said children. XIvvcnt^-seconD. I give and bequeath to each of my late partners, Morris K. Jesup and John S. Kennedy, of New York, the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), which sum I request shall be expended by them in procuring some appropriate testimonial of the friendship and pleasant business relations which have existed between them and me. 7 xrwentv?-tbtr&. The silverware now at Tiffany's, and the books, pictures, ware and furniture belonging to me, I direct to be distributed among my personal friends by my executors and trustees, in such manner as they shall deem best. Uwent^-tourtb. I give and bequeath the watch worn by my father to , the watch worn by my mother to Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Bunyan, and the watch and chain which I carry to John McGregor Adams. TTwent^-fiftb. I give and bequeath to the Trustees of the Second Presbyterian Church, of Chicago, for and on account of said church, so long as said church preserves and maintains the principles of the Presby- terian faith, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00). Xlwent^-siitb. I give and bequeath to the Trustees of the Second Presbyterian Church of Chicago, for and on account of the Mission Schools of said church, in Chicago, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00), and it is my desire that the income derived from said sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) shall be employed by said Trustees in such manner as shall seem to them best and prudent for the promotion and continuance of the mission schools of said church. Uwent^-seventb. I give and bequeath to the Scotch Presbyterian Church, 14th Street near Sixth Avenue, New York City, in which church I was baptized, and to which all my family belonged, the sum of twenty- five thousand dollars ($25,000.00). Uwent^-eiobtb. I give and bequeath to the Chicago Orphan Asylum, of which I am now the vice-president, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). Uwent^-nintb. I give and bequeath to the Chicago Nursery and Half Orphan Asylum the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). 8 Ubtrtietb. I give and bequeath to the Chicago Historical Society the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00). XTbtrt^-first. I give and bequeath to the Chicago Presbyterian Hospital, situated in the west division of Chicago, the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00). Ubirt^-secont). I give and bequeath to the St. Luke's Free Hospital, 1434 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00). Ubirt^ tbir^. I give and bequeath to the Chicago Bible Society the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00).. Ubirt^-tourtb. I give and bequeath to the American Sunday School Union established in the City of Philadelphia, hereby requesting that said sum be employed in promoting the cause of said Sunday School Union in the Western States and Territories, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). Ubirtp-fiftb. I give and bequeath to the Chicago Relief and Aid Society the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). Ubirt^siitb* I give and bequeath to the St. Andrew's Society of New York, the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). Ubirt^-9ev>entb. I give and bequeath to the St. Andrew's Society of Chicago, the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). I give and bequeath to the Illinois Training School for Nurses the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). 9 Ubtrtv>-nintb. I give and bequeath to Norman Williams and Huntington W. Jackson, in trust for and on account of the Chicago Literary Club, the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). fortietb. I give and bequeath to the Chicago Manual Training School of Chicago, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). jfort^ -first. I give and bequeath to the Presbyterian League of Chicago, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). Jfort^•9ecou^. I give and bequeath to the Old People's Home, corner Indiana Avenue and Thirty-ninth Street, Chicago, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). jfort\?-tbir&. I give and bequeath to the Chicago Home of the Friendless, corner of Wabash Avenue and Twentieth Street, Chicago, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). dforti^-fourtb. I give and bequeath to Norman Williams and Huntington W. Jackson, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00), to be expended by them in the erection of a colossal statue of Abraham Lincoln. Such statue to be upon or within appropriate designs of stone, iron, bronze or other metal, the treatment of the subject and the location of the statue to be determined by said Norman Williams and Huntington W. Jackson. jforty-fiftb. In regard to my business connection as senior of Crerar, Adams and Company, I desire to prevent any embarrassment or incon- venience hereafter in the partnership estate, and I hereby authorize and direct my executors and trustees — if the surviving members of the firm of Crerar, Adams and Company shall so elect by a notice served upon my said executors and trustees within sixty (60) days from the date of the probate of this, my last will and testa- 10 ment — to allow my capital account in said firm, conducted by said surviving members, to remain therein for the period of two (2) years from the date of my decease. It being my wish to allow the surviving members of said firm, if they shall so elect as afore- said to use my money as it is at present used, in conducting said business for the said period of two (2) years, when upon the expira- tion of said period the amount of my capital account in said firm shall be paid by the said surviving partners to my executors and trustees. In case said surviving members shall elect as aforesaid to continue said business, as above provided, they are to execute within said sixty (60) days to my said executors and trustees, a satisfactory agreement releasing and guaranteeing my estate harm- less from any and all losses during the time that the business is so carried on, and they shall agree to pay my said executors and trus- tees interest at the rate of six (6) per cent, per annum upon the amount of my capital account remaining in said firm during said period; it being understood, however, that my said estate is to receive no share of the profits of said business during said two years, and is not to be held Hable for any debts contracted during said two years. In case said agreement and guarantee is not executed as afore- said, then I hereby direct that this article forty-five of my will shall be null and void and in no way binding upon my executors and trustees. I propose this arrangement respecting my business in order to give my partners, in whom I have every confidence, time enough to turn around without Hquidating at once. jfovt^-sixtb. I desire that my interest in the Adams and Westlake Manu- facturing Company and in the Union Brass Manufacturing Com- pany of Chicago, shall be managed and controlled by my partner John McGregor Adams, in consultation with my executors and trustees; and that the said Adams and Edward S. Shepherd shall have a preference in purchasing my interest in said companies should my executors and trustees deem it best to sell the same, and I also desire that Norman Williams may be elected a Director in said companies in my place and stead. In the same spirit I also ask that Alexander J. Leith may be consulted in regard to my interest in the Joliet Steel Company, with a preference of purchase II in his favor in case of the sale of my stock in said Company by my executors and trustees, and I ask that Norman Wilhams may be elected as a Director in said Company in my place and stead. ifortivseventb. I give and bequeath the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) to the Greenwood Cemetery Association, requesting that the income derived therefrom shall be applied in taking care of the family lot. jforty-eiobtb. I give and bequeath to the Young Men's Christian Association of Chicago the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). Ifort^nintb. I hereby authorize and empower my executors and trustees to set apart so much of my estate, or invest such a sum of money as in their judgment may seem necessary and proper, and to pay from the income thereof — all costs, charges and expenses, including the payments mentioned in Item Second arising from or in the course of the execution and administration of this will and its trusts. Any surplus income shall yearly be paid over and devoted to the purposes set forth in Item Fiftieth, and when, in the judgment of my said executors and trustees it is proper, the principal sum herein provided for shall be paid over and devoted to the purposes set forth in Item Fiftieth. fiftietb. Recognizing the fact that I have been a resident of Chicago since 1862, and that the greater part of my fortune has been accumu- lated here, and acknowledging with hearty gratitude the kindness which has always been extended to me by my many friends and by my business and social acquaintances and associates, I give, devise and bequeath all the rest, remainder and residue of my estate, both real and personal, for the erection, creation, mainte- nance and endowment of a free pubhc library to be called "The John Crerar Library," and to be located in the City of Chicago, lUinois, a preference being given to the South Division of the city, in as much as the Newberry library will be located in the North Division. I direct that my executors and trustees cause an act of 12 incorporation under the laws of Illinois, to be procured to carry- out the purposes of this bequest, and I request that Norman Wil- liams be made the first President thereof, and that in addition to my executors and trustees the following named friends of mine will act as the first Board of Directors in such corporation and aid and assist my executors and trustees therein, namely: Marshall Field, E. W. Blatchford, T. B. Blackstone, Robert T. Lincoln, Henry W. Bishop, Edward G. Mason, Albert Keep, Edson Keith, Simon J. McPherson, John M. Clark and George A. Armour or their survivors. I desire the building to be tasteful, substantial and fireproof, and that a sufficient fund be reserved over and above the cost of its construction to provide, maintain and support a library for all time. I desire the books and periodicals selected with a view to create and sustain a healthy moral and Christian sentiment in the community, and that all nastiness and immorality be ex- cluded. I do not mean by this that there shall not be anything but hymn books and sermons, but I mean that dirty French novels and all skeptical trash and works of questionable moral tone shall never be found in this Library. I want its atmosphere that of Christian refinement and its aim and object the building up of character, and I rest content that the friends I have named will carry out my wishes in these par- ticulars. 3f if tp -first. I hereby authorize and empower my executors and trustees, in their discretion, to make use of any or all of my bonds, stock or other securities in the payment of bequests and legacies under this my will, at the market value thereof, instead of converting such securities into money. lFift^-secon^. I am conscious of the fact that I cannot discern the future, and that I must leave much to the judgment of my executors and trustees, but I wish to convey this idea; that I fancy my cousins have but little acquaintance with business matters, and I wish my -executors and trustees to give them advice in regard to the legacies and bequests. For example, if a farm is mortgaged— suggest that the mortgage be paid off. If their farm is not mort- gaged, suggest that their respective legacies and bequests should 13 be well invested when they are paid over to my cousins. J hope that all the bequests made herein will be used intelligently, for instance, if it is deemed best to apply the bequest to the payment of debts — well and good — but I suggest that the income derived therefrom be doing good continuously, as in the case of Mr. Ensign, Superintendent of the American Sunday School Union, located at Chicago, instead of paying any back debts of the Union, I should prefer that the legacies or bequests be used so that the interest would keep missionaries in the field, or would enable good to be done as opportunities present themselves. I will and desire that all my letters and correspondence may be gone over by my executors and trustees and destroyed, and that they will consult with my partners in regard to my business correspondence. My private letters may be returned to the writers if they so desire, otherwise they are to be destroyed. I hereby revoke and annul any and all wills heretofore made by me. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand to this, my last will and testament, consisting of eighteen written pages, this fifth day of August, A. D. 1886. JOHN CRERAR. Signed, published and declared by the said John Crerar as his last will and testament in the presence of us, who, at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto sub- scribed our names as witnesses this fifth day of August, A. D. 1886. George Sturges, 107 Pine Street, Chicago. Wm. F. Dummer, Evanston, 111. Arthur D. Wheeler, Kenosha, Wis. Will of John Crerar, admitted to probate November 14th, 1889, in the Probate Court of Cook. County, Illinois. 14 ^Jl Ljauiord \ PAMPHLET BINDER Syracuse, N. Y. Stockton. Calif.