UNIVERSITY LO GIFT OF t^nford. University i.i br.qry _ HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY Xeldttd Stanford 3umor '^utocrsitQ CATALOGUE OF THE HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY B7 FREDERICK J. TEGGART, B. A. ASSISTANT LIBRAWAM PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 1895 PRtNTCD BY THE COMMERCIAL PUetlSHINQ COMPANY eAN FRANCrSCO z T25o INTRODUCTION. This catalogue, prepared during the past year by Mr. F, J. Teggart, the assistant librarian having the immediate care of the Hopkins Library, numbers 9, '245 books and pamphlets. A writer in the Railroad Gazette of November 8, 1889, noticing at length the considerable collection of railway books included in the published Catalogue of the Library of the Prussian Department of Public Works, deplores the fact that he is not able to point to a similar special collection on this subject in the United States. It is hoped that the present collection and catalogue will in some degree direct atten- tion to the extensive literature relating to railways, and stimulate an interest in its collection and preservation. The American Society of Civil Engineers and the Office of Poor's Railroad Manual each has a considerable number of books upon the subject; and in Europe, the Prussian Department of Public Works, the Wiirtemburg State Kail- ways, the Austrian State Railways, and the Austrian Nordbahn, each possesses an im- portant collection. Doubtless, too, if the railway books in so vast a library as that of the British Museum were segregated, the showing would be large. The history, in brief, of the Hopkins Railway Library dates from the time, a few years since, when Mr. Timothy Hopkins, of San Francisco, while Treasurer of the Southern Pacific Company, brought together gradually the material which constituted the beginnings of the collection. In April, 1892, six months after the opening of this University, he presented to the institution his railway library, which then numbered 2,000 volumes and pamphlets, at the same time providing for its maintenance and increase. Purchases were made as opportunity offered, until the autumn of 1894, when more systematic methods were employed. Circulars were sent generally to railway officials and to dealers in second-hand books, with the result that the accessions during the past year were unusually numerous. The scope of the collection is intended to embrace all subjects touching upon railway interests, so that the books may be useful both to the practical railway officer and to the student investigating the economic problems connected with transportation. How extensive this literature is at present, and how great its bulk is likely to become, is suggested by the railway statistics of this country alone. The Report for 1893 of the Statistician of the Interstate Commerce Commission showed the number of rail- way corporations to be 1,890; the total mileage, 176,461; the number of employes, 873,602; the number of passengers carried, 593,560,612; the number of tons of freight transported, 745,119,482; and the aggregate of property classified as railway capital, $10,506,235,410. This catalogue is published at the present time in order that the collection may bo made immediately useful to those interested in the subject, and that the increase of the collection may be facilitated; while, as already stated, it is hoped that the publica- tion will not prove unavailing in heightening the interest in the literature of railways. Edwin H. Woodruff, Library of the Stanford University^ Librarian. September, 1895. 4:-)«;599 CLASSIFICATION. PAGE. Bibliography 1 Periodicals and Transactions 3 Dictionaries ...... 10 Fiction and Verse 11 General 12 History 18 Biography 19 Africa ,......- 21 America 22 I. CANADA ...... 22 a. Individual Railways 23 II. CENTRAL AMERICA .... 25 III. MEXICO 25 IV. SOUTH AMERICA .... . 26 V. UNITED STATES 27 a. Commission Reports . . , , . 30 b. Guides ...... 32 c. Individual Railways 34 1. Other than the Pacific Railroads 34 2. The Pacific Railroads 73 d. Maps ..,.,, 86 Asia . 86 I. EUPHRATES VALLEY .... 87 II. INDIA 87 Enrope 91 I. AUSTRO-HUNGARY 92 II. BELGIUM 93 . 93 CLASSfFICA TION. vu IV. GEKMANY .... V. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND a. Guides .... b. Individual Railways c. Maps .... VI. ITALY VII. NETHERLANDS . VIII. RUSSIA IX. SWITZERLAND AND THE ALPS PAGE. 98 99 104 105 129 130 132 132 133 Ooeanica . . • • I. AUSTRALASIA II. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS III. MALAY ARCHIPELAGO . 140 140 140 140 Eoonomics .... I. AGRICULTURE AND RAILWAYS II. CANALS AND RAILWAYS . III. FINANCE .... IV. MONOPOLIES . V. RAILWAYS AND THE STATE a. Austria b. Franx'e c. Germany . d. Great Britain and Ireland e. Italy f. Switzerland g. United States 1. Interstate Commerce VI. RAILWAYS IN POLITICS . VII. RATES .... a. Continental Europe b. Great Britain and Ireland c. United States VIII. TAXATION .... . 140 • • • 143 . 143 144 . 144 145 . 145 145 . 146 146 . 147 147 . 148 150 . 152 152 . 152 153 . 154 157 viii CLASSIFICATION. PAGE. f\M^ xiT ....•••••. 158 I. CONTINENTAL EUROPE .... 158 a. Austria ....*.. 159 b. France ...... 159 c. Germany ...,».. 160 d. Italy ...... 161 e. Switzerland ..,,., 162 II. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN » ... 162 Construction ........ 167 I. ROADBED ....... 169 11. TRACK ........ 170 a. Curves and Turnouts . . » , 170 b. Rails ... .... 172 c. Switches AND Crossings .... 173 d. Ties and Tie-plates ..... 173 III. STRUCTURES 174 a. Bridges ....... 174 b. Buildings ...... 175 c. Tunnels .,..«.. 176 Equipment 176 I. BRAKES 177 II. CARS 177 III. LOCOMOTIVES 178 a. Boilers, Fuel, Steam . • . . 185 IV. LUBRICATION 185 V. SHOPS 186 VI. SIGNALS 186 VII. WHEELS AND AXLES 187 VIII. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 187 Operation 187 I. ACCIDENTS 191 XL ACCOUNTS, FINANCES, SUPPLIES ... 194 classification: IX III. EMPLOYEES a. Education, Libraries b. Hospitals, Relief Associations c. Strikes ..... IV. INTERLINE RELATIONS . . . . V. MAINTENANCE OF WAY VI. MILITARY SERVICE VII. TELEGRAPH AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES VIII. TRAFFIC a. Mail and Express .... b. Tariffs ....*. c. Train Service . . . PAGE. 195 196 197 197 198 199 199 200 200 202 202 204 Local Railivays ...... I. ATMOSPHERIC AND HYDRAULIC RAILWAYS II. CABLEWAYS AND CABLE RAILWAYS . III. CITY RAILWAYS . a. Berlin b. London c. New York d. Paris . e. Vienna f. Zurich IV. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS V. SPECIAL RAILWAYS 205 209 210 211 213 213 214 214 214 214 215 215 EXPLANATORY NOTE. Although a book may treat of two or more subjects, it is entered but once in this catalogue, except that under the heading Bibliography some titles are printed that also appear elsewhere. These titles that are repeated under Bibliography are, how- ever, distinguished by the omission of the pagination. Moreover, for the reason that titles are not repeated, the " Index to Personal Names" should always be consulted when the author's name is known. ABB BE VI A TIONS. anon., anonymous. B(l., Band. bd., bound. ca., circa. cm., centimeters. cts., cuts. diagr., diagrs., diagram, diagrams. ed., ed., edition, edition. engr., engrs., engraving, engravings. f'J-if'J^-, figure, figures. fold., folded. frontisp., frontispiece. illus., illustrated, illustrations. in., inch, inches. M., in vol. lettered "Railway Memoirs." m., mile, miles. MS., manuscript. n.d., no date of publication. no., number. n.p., no place of publication. n.t.p., no litle-p.ige. r., in vol. lettered " Railway Pamphlets." p., pp., page, pages. photo., photos., ])hotograph, photographs. port., ports., jjortrait, portraits. pseud., pseudonym. pt., pts., part, parts. vol., vols., volume, volumes. TABLE OF SIZES. F« (48") used of books up to • . Tt (32") used of books from • • . T (24") " (( • • S (16») " <( • • . D (12°) " t( • . (8") " (( • . • Q (4») «' (( • . F (f) " (( . . . F4 It . • F5 (I . • . F» <( » . Prefix nar. is > used if the width is less than " sq. 1 1 44 44 is more " " obl. 44 11 44 is more " . . 10 centimeters in height . 10 to 12.5 12.5 to 15 . 15 to 17.5 17. 5 to 20 . 20 to 25 25 to 30 . 30 to 35 35 to 40 . 40 to 50 50 to 60 • three-fifths the height • • . three-fourths the height the height. CATALOGUE Hopkins OF THE Bibliography. American Society of Civil Engineers. In- dex to the library [of tlie Hociety]. Part I. Railroads. N. Y./I88I. O. pp. 189. List of duplicates, November, 1894. n.t.p. [N. Y., 1894]. O. pp. 51. P. 100. Railroads, pp. 20-o0. Anderson, A. D. The Tehuantepec inter- ocean railioad N. Y., and Chicago, 1880. O. Bibliography, pp. 8j-90. Andrew, Sir W. P. Indian railways as con- nected with British Empire in the East. 4th ed. Lond., 1884. (). BiVjliosraphy of author's writings relating to railways, pp. 2M-2y6. Annuaire des chemins de fer. 1889-93. 4"- 8-^ annee. Paris. 1889-93. O. "Jonmaux, revues et publications periodiques relatifs aux chennns de fer," pp. 17-ia; 18-23; 24-29; 31-;i6; 31-36. Archivfiir Eisenbahnwesen. 15-17 Jahrgang. Berlin, 1892-94. O. " Bucherschau " in each no. gives extensive notices, list of new works, and index of articles in current journals relating to railways. Association of Engineering Societies. ] )c- scriptive index of current engineering literature. Vol. I. 1884-1891. Chicago, 1892. O. pp. xiv + 475. " Railroads", pp. 200-3.33, and throughout. Biot, E. L'architctto dclle strade ferrate, ovvero saggio sui principi general! dell' arte di formare le strade a motaje di fcrro. Kecato in Italiano dall' ing. Luigt Tatti. Milano, 1837. sq. Q. Bibliography, pp. 230-237. Boston, vVctvs. — Puhlir Lihrarii. Moinitain railroads: li^t [of] works on niounlain i-.aiiroads ojjerating on the center ratchet rail system. Bf)ston, 1879. Q. In Jiiil/chn of the Boston I'abhc Libnirij. Ajir. 1879. Vol. 4. pp. 70-71. Brosius, J. Wortcrbnch der Eisenbahn- Materialien fiir Oberban, Werkstiltten, Betrieb nnd Telegraphic. Wiesbaden, 1887. O. Bibliogtaphy, pp. vii-viii. 52 titles. BrongMon, F. Catalogue of a collection of books on railway legislation, management, &c. London, Ont., 1883. O. pp. 18. Acquired by the Hopkins Railway I-ibrary. Cattaneo, C. Rivista di vari scritti intorno alia strada ferrata da Milano a Venezia. Milano, 1841. O. P. 73. Bibliography, p. 3. 21 titles. Carpentier, A. and Maury, G. Traite pra- tique des chemins defer. Paris, 1894. 3 vols. O. Bibliography, vol. 1, pp. 10-102. Cazeneuve, A. Les chemins de fer a 1' Expo- sition universelle [de 1878.] Paris, 1879-81. 4 vols. I). Bibliography, vol. 4. pp. 14.j-l.")0. 42 titles. Clark, A. S. [List of second-hand books and pam])lilets on railroads.] [N. Y., 189 — ]. O. pp. (2). p. 62. Extracted from his Catalogue, no.— ISame]. N. Y., 1894. (). pp. (4). p. 62. Extracted from his Catalogue, no. 39, 1894. pp. 19-22. [Collection of booksellers' catalogues and an- nouncements, mainly relating to railways.] v. p. 1891-95. 26 nos. bd. in 1 vol. O. p. 62. [Same], v.p. 1886-95. 10 nos. bd. in 1 vol. O. p. 100. Costruzione ed esercizio delle strade ferrate e deile Iramvie. Torino, 1887-94. E. In progress. Bibliography appended to most of the completed chapters. Cotterell, S. A bibliography and priced cata- logue of early railway books ; o'lfered for sale by lOdward Baker. Birininghani, 1893. S. pp. 23. A handbook to various j)ublicalions, connected witii the rise and developmcut of (he railway system, chiefly in Creat Britain and HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Ireland ; to be sold by Edward Baker. Birming- ham, lb93. S. pp. 128. Cover tille. [ ?] Siipj)lement to the railway hand- book. Birmingham, [1895.] S. pp. 92. Cover title Davis, C. H. Eeport on interoceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Washinojton, 1867. O. Bibliography, pp, 32-37. 104 titles, Demarteau, A. Gedankenlese iiber die Wiclitigkeit des Fairlie'schen Locomotiv-Svs- tems. Wien, [1872.] O. p. 28. Bibliography, p. 44. 10 titles. Dornig, A. Usi ed abusi delle ferrovie. Milano, 1883. O. Bibliography, pp. 191-197. 85 titles. Eger, G. Handbuch des preussischen Eisen- bahnrechts. Breslau, 1889. O Bibliography, pp. 6-23. Das internationale Uebereinkommen iiber den Eisenbahnfrachtverkehr. Berlin, 1894. O. Bibliography, pp. xiii-xiv. 66 titles. Endemann, W. Das Recht der Eisenbahnen. Leipzig, 1886. O. Bibliography, pp. 30-32. Galloupe, F. E. An index to engineering periodicals. 1883-92. Boston, 1888-93. 2 vols. O. pp. vi -f 294; x -f 396. Vol. 1, 1883-87 inclusive. Vol. 2, 1888-92 inelu-sive. Geerling, K, F. A. Militiiranwarter im Staats- nnd Privat-Eisenbahndienst. Berlin, 1890. O. Bibliography of author's writings, p. 112. Gerstner, T. Internationales Eisenbahn- Frachtrecht. Berlin, 1893. O. Bibliography, pp. xiv-xviii. Gillespie, W. M. A manual of the principles and practice of road making. N. Y., 1847. O. Bibliography, pp. 5-6. 59 titles. Grossmann, J. Die Schmiermittel: Methoden zu ihrer Untersuchung und Wertbestimmung. Wiesbaden, 1894. O. Bibliography, p. 184. 17 titles. Hadley, A. T. Railroad transportation: its history and its laws. N. Y., and Lond., 1893. D. Bibliography at head of each chapter. Haferkorn, H. E. Handy lists of technical literature. Part III., engineering and mechanics. Milwaukee, 1890. O. pp. (6) -f 168. Railways, pp. 78-81, and throughout. Hammond, H. B. Catalogue of [his] rail- road library, comprising the principal works on the construction and operation of railroads in the United States and Europe. N. Y., [1895.] O. pp. 28. P. 62. Railways, pp. 1-15. "About 750 vols. " Cover title. Handbuch. des Eisenbahnwesens, in okono- mischer, rechtlicher, administrativer und tecli- nischcr Beziehung. Stuttgart, [1875-81]. 5 vols in 3. O. Bibliography, vol. v. pp. 961-964. 144 titles. Heusinger von Waldegg, E., editor. Hand- buch fiirspecielle Eisenbahn Technik. 4. Aufl. Leipzig, 1874-82. 5 vols, and 5 Atlases. Q. Bibliography appended to each chapter. Hoepli, U. Catalogo nr. 29. Ingegneria. Milano, 1886. O. pp. 36. p. 100. Elettncit^, strade ferrate, tramways, ecc. pp. 1-20. Cover title. Catalogo n. 90. Ingegneria, idraulica, ecc. Milano, 1893. O. pp. 162. r. 100. Cover title. Ferrovie e tramways, i)p. 37-51. Hollander, J. H. The Cincinnati Southern railway: a study in municipal activity. Balti- more, 1894. O. pp. 96. Bibliography, pp. 94-96. 32 titles. Huber, O. Die Concessionserteilung fiir Stras- sen-Eisenbahn- und Tramway-Unternehmungen. Biilach, 1889. O. Bibliography, pp. 7-10. 67 titles. Hull, C. H. Die deutsche Reichspacketpost. Jena, 1892. O. Bibliography, pp. 156-161. "Post und Eisenbahn," 37 titles. Jaeger, J. Die Eisenbahnkunde. Miinchen, 1887. O. Bibliography, pp. 8-i0. Kafka, E. Eisenbahn-Angelegenheiten und Personalien in lexikalischer Form. Leipzig, 1885. O. Bibliography throughout. Kandt, M. Ueber die Entwickelung der aus- tralischen Eisenbahnpolitik. Berlin, 1894. O. Bibliography, pp. ix-xxxiv. Kaven, A. von. Stiitzmauern und Steinbe- kleidungen. Dresden, 1882. O. Bibliography, pp. 45-51. 68 titles. Koch, El. Meccanica delle strade ferrate: traduzione di Michele Fraehn. Torino, 1887. O. Bibliography, pp. 799-827. 938 titles. liacroix, ^., ptihllsher. Extrait du catalogue de la librairie scientifique, industrielle et agri- cole: chemins de fer, routes, pouts et viaducs. Paris, 1880. O. pp. (32). p. 28. Levy - Lambert, A. Chemins de fer a cre- maillere. Paris, 1892. O. Bibliography, p. 299. 14 titles. Chemins de fer funiculaires, transports aericns. Paris, 1894. O. Bibliography, pp. 329-330. 37 titles. Leyen, A. von der. Die Finanz-und Ver- kehrspolitik der nordamerikanischen Eisen- bahnen. Berlin, 1894. Q. Bibliography, p. (8). 11 titles. Lorenz, A. Strassenbahnen mit Dampfbe- trieb, Dampftraniwny. Brunn, 1884. nar. O. p. 34. Bibliography, p. 23. 6 titles. PERIODICALS AXD TUAXSACTIOXS. liOria, Ij. Corso di lezioni suUeslrade ferrate. Milano, 1869-70. 2 vols. bd. in 1. sq. Q., and Atlap. 251-252. 10 titles. Perdonnet, A. Notions gent'rales sur ies chemins de fer. Paris, [1859.] S. "Bibliographie raisonuee des chemins de fer," pp. 371- 445. Poor, L. E., editor. The first international railway and the colonization of New England: life and writings of John Alfred Poor. N. Y., and Lond., 1892. O. "List of published writings " of J. A. Poor on railways, pp. 136-141. 60 titles. Railroad Branch, Yovmg Men's Christian Association of New York City. Catalogue of the library. N. Y., 1892. Q. pp. 121. "Rjiilroa'ds," p. 71. 72 titles. "Railroad books," pp. lO-l-llS; a clas-sified list, with notes. Rosenthal, E. Internationales Eisenbalm- Fraclitrecht. Jena, 1894. Q. Bibliography, pp. xvii-xxii. Sauvage, E. Le sy.steme anglais des signaux de clieniins de fer. Paris, 1893. O. r. 61. Bibliography, pp. 5,8-59. 17 titles. Schweiger - Lerchenfeld, A. von. Vom rollenden Fliigclrad. Wien, 1894. O. Bibliography, pp. 760-763. 110 titles. Seller, O. Ueber die rechtliche Natur der Eisenbahn-Konzessionen nach schweizerischen Kecht. Ziirich, 1888. O. Bibliography, p. (3). 19 titles. Smiles, R. Memoir of the late Henry Booth. Lond., 1869. O. "Mr. Booth's writings," cliap. 7-9; pp. 57-95, mainly relating to railways. Szczepanski, F. von. Bibliotlioca polytecli- nica: Internationale Bibliograpliieder gesaininten neuen technisclu-n Lilteratnr. I. Jalirgang 1893. •St. Petersburg und Leipzig, 1893. O. pp. (4) -i- 261 + Ix.xxi.x. Railways, pp 9-13; 60-61; 113-116; 217-220. Ulrich, F. Das Eisenbahntarifwesen im All- g'-mcinen. Berlin und Leipzig, 1886. O. IJibliography, pj). 501-501. Traite general des tarifs de chemins do fer. Paris, 1890. (). Bibliography, pp. 545-550. United States — Department of State. Report of the International American Conference relative to an intercontinental railway line. ^Va.shillgton, 1890. O. Bibliogiaphy, pp. 196-198. List of maps, 199-200. Vose, Gr. L. Manual for railroad engineeis and enifineeriug .students. Boston, 1885. (). Bibliogiaphy, p, vii. 16 titles. Wanner, M. Geschichte der Begriindtuig des Gotthardunternelimens. Bern, 18S(J. O. Bibliography, pp. 3-8. 77 titles. Weber, M. M., FreiJwrr von. On the train- ing of railways for war, in time of peace ; trans- lated by Eobert Mallet. Lond., 1871. O. Bibliography, pp. 108-110. 53 titles. Die Praxis des Baues und Betriebes der Secundiirbahnen. Weimar, 1873. O. Bibliography, pp. 132-135. 45 titles. Winkler, E. Vortriige iiber Eisenbahnbau. Prag, 1875-78. 5 pts. O. Bibliography to each pt. Wolf's naturwissen.schaftliches Vademecum. Abth. 4. Bd. 1. Maschinenbau, Eisenbalin- wesen, etc. Die Litteratur bis 1890 entlialtend. Leipzig, [1890]. O. pp. 132. Cover title. Periodicals and Transactions. Agendas Dunod, 1895: no. 6. Cliemins de fer a lusage des ingeiiieurs, mecanic'iens, chefs de gare, et de tons les agents de la construction, de I'entretien, de la traction et de I'exploita- tion. Paris, 1895. nar. S. American iournal of railway appliances. Vol. 8. no. 3. Mar. 15, 1888. N."Y., and Chicago, 1888. F^ American mechanics' magazine: containing original matter on subjects connected witli manu- factures, the arts and sciences, as well as selec- tions from domestic and foreign journals; con- ducted by a.ssocialed meclianics. Vol. 1. N. Y., 1825. O. Contains interesting material concerning early railroads. American railroad journal and advocate of internal improvements ; publislied by D. K. i\Iinor, editor and i)roprietor [Vol. 1-4; by D. K. Minor and G. C. SchnolFer, vol. 5, 6.] Vol. 1-6. N. Y., 1832-38. 6 vols. F. Vol.1, no. 1. "Rail-road ioiininr'; No. 2-35, "Ameri- can railroad journal." Unitcil with the Mechanics' mw/a- zine (*ce infra) and conliiuied a.s: American railroad j(nirnal and meclianics' mag- azine; editors and proprietors, D. K. JMinor and (r. C. Schaeffer, [vol. 7, 8; ti. C. Schaelferand K. Hedge, vol. 9-13; ii. C. Schaeder, vol. 14, 15; lete direc- tory of the presidents, vice-presidents, etc., of railways in Nortli America, and handbook of useful information for railway men; published by the Raihvay jmrchasing agent co. [4th]-13th year + Chicago, 1885-94 + 10 vols. obi. T. Official railway manual of the railroads of North America, for 1869-70, 1870-71: showing their financial condition, mileage, cost, earnings, expenses, and organization, together with a list of the railroadsof the world; compiled by James II. Lyles. N. Y., [1869-70.] 2 vols. O. Organ fiir die Fortschritte des Eisenbahn- wesens in technischer Beziehung. Organ des Vereins deutscher Eisenbahnverwaltungen; be- griindet von E. Heusinger von Waldegg, heraus- gegeben von G. Barkhausen. Neue Folge. Bd. 31 + Wiesbaden, 1894 + sq. F. 11. Erganzungsband. Fortschritte der Technik des deutschen Eisenbahnwesens in den letzten Jahren. 6. Abtheilung. Wiesbaden, 1894. sq. F. Pocket (The) list of railroad officials: con- taining the names of officials in charge of rail- roads, private car companies, fast freight lines and transportation companies of the United States, Canada and Mexico; published by the Railway Equipment and Publication Co. Vol. 1 + N. Y., 1895 + T. Poor's directory of railway officials and rail- way directors: 1886-94, lst-9th annual nun>ber; containing lists of the officers and directors of all railways in North America and of the leading organizations auxiliary to the railway system; lists of officers of South American and British railways, etc; compiled from official information. N. Y., [1886-94 +J 7 vols. O. 4th and 5th annual nos. wore not published separately but were incorporated with " I'oor's Manual " for ISS'J and 1890 respectively. Poor's hand-book of investment securities: a su])plement to Poor's manual of raih'oads. [1st]- 3rd annual number. July 1890-92. N. Y., [1890-92]. 3 vols. O. [Poor's] Manual of the railroads of the United States for 1868/69-1878/79, 1879-94 +, showing their mileage, stocks, bonds, cost, earn- ings, expenses and organizations; with a sketch of their rise, ])rogress, inHuence, &c; together witii an appendix, containing an analysis of the debts of the United States, and of the .several States; by Henry V. Poor. [lst]-27tli annual number. N. Y.," 1868-94 + 27 vols. O. Railroad (Tiie) age: an American journal de- voted to every interest of American railroads. Vol. 1. no. 1-4, 8, 9, 11. Feb.-Dec. 1883. N.Y., I.SS3, 7 pts. F. Railroad ( riie) and engineering journal. Sec American railroad journal. 8 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Railroad (The) car journal. See Journal (The) of railroad car heating. Railroad (The) employee: devoted to the in- terests of all classes of railroad men. Vol. 4. no. 12. Mar. 1895. Newark, N. J., 1895. F. Railroad gazette: a journal of transportation, engineering and railroad news. 15th-38th year. Quarto vol. 3-26 ■\- N. Y., Chicago, 1871-81; N. Y.. 1882-94 + 23 vols. F\ 1871. A N. Kellogg, proprietor; 1873-83, conducted by S. Wrighc Dunning and M. N. Forney. Lacting, vol 4 Railroad (The) question. No. 1-18. n. })., n. d., O. Apparently published in San Francisco during 1883, in the interest of the Central and Southern Pacific railroads. Railroad record, or, journal of commerce, banking, manufactures and statistics. Vol. 1. Mar. 1853- Feb. 1854. Cincinnati, O., 1854. sq. Q. Railroad (The) telegrapher: official organ of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers of North America; J. T. R. Auston, editor and manager. Vol. 11 4- Vinton, la., 1895 + O. Railroad (The) trainmen's journal: official organ of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; [L. W. Rogers, editor, vol. 7; D. L. Cease, ed- itor, vol. 9-11. J Vol. 7, 9-11 -f Galesburg, 111., 1890-94 -f- 4 vols. O. Railroader (The): journal devoted to tlie in- terests of the railway service of the United States, the Canadas and Mexico. Vol. 10. no. 4. Apr. 1887. Washington and N. Y., 1887. F\ Railway (The) age. Vol, 1-17. Chicago, 1876-92. 15 vols. F". Vol. 7-10 Railway (The) age- a weekly journal de- voted to railway intelligence; construction, operation, management; editors, E. H. Talbott and H. R. Hobart. Continued as: Railway (The) age and Northwestern railroader. Vol. 18-19 -i- Chicago, 1893-94 -}- 2 vols. F^ Railway (The) agent. See Station (The) agent. Railway Association of America. Trans- actions at its third annual meeting, held in St. Louis, March 10th, 1875. St. Louis, 1875. O. r. 90. "The objects and purposes of this Association shall be —1st. The improvement of railroad management, by fostering a study of its principles and details. 2ud. To collect and publish statistics, reports, and papers relating to railroad economy. 3rd. To establish a library, wherein Khali be collected all published works and all accessible mformation concerning railroad management and the economic relations of railroads," etc. Railway carmen's journal: official organ of the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America. Vol. 3. no. 25-33, 35; vol. 4, no. 1-3. Apr. 1893 — June 1894. Minneapolis. Minn., 1893. Chicago. 111., 1893-94. 13 nos. bd. in 1 vol. O. I'ublication discontinued after June, 18D4. Railway (The) chronicle: journal of traffic. .shares, engineering improvements, and all mat- ters connected with railways. For 1844; Jan.- June, July-Dec. 1845; Jan.-Dec, 1846; Jan.- June, Julv-Dec, 1847; 1848. [Vol. 1-7.] Lond., 1844-48. ' 7 vols. bd. in 6. Q. Railway (The) conductor; published by the Order of Railway Conductors. Vol. 9-11 -{• Cedar Rapids, la., 1892-94 -}- 3 vols. O. Railway (The) diary and officials' directory. 1895 -}- Lond., [1894.J O. Railway (The) directory, for 1845: contain- ing the names of the directors and princip:d offi- cers of the railways in Great Britain; by H. Tuck. Lond., 1845. T. Railway (The) engineer: an illustrated monthly review of the construction, machinery, and administration of railways; edited bv S. R. Blundstone. Vol. 14-15 + Lond., 1893-94 4- 2 vols. sq. F. Railway engineering and mechanics. See Railway (The) purchasing agent. Railway intelligence. No. 9-17: 31st Dec. 1856, Jan. 1859, '61, '63, '65, '67, '69, '71, '73; compiled by M. Slaughter. Lond., 1857-73. 9 vols. O. Railway (The) magazine. May 1835 — Feb. 1836. Lond., [1836.] O. Continued as ; Railway (The) magazine, and annals of science: containing accounts of railways at home and abroad, notices of inventions, and scientific dis- coveries; by John Herapath. New series, vol. 1-6. Mar. 1836— Aug. 1836. Lond., 1836-39. 6 vols. O. Continued as ; Herapath's railway and commercial journal. Quarto series, vol. 7, 8, 25-47, 55; 1845, '46, '63- '85, '93. Lond., 1845-93. 28 vols. Q. Continued as , Herapath's railway journal. Vol. 56. Lond., 1894. Q. Railway (The) magazine: devoted to travel and transportation; editors and proprietors, George E. Allen & Co. Vol. 2. no. 1. Jan. 1886. Buffalo, N. Y., 1886. Q. Railway (The) news and joint-stock journal. Vol. 1-31, 41, 57-62 +; 1864-79, '84, '92-94. Lond., 1864-94 -\- 38 vols. F. Railway news: a national magazine of travel- ing literature, and practical information on transportation and commerce. Vol. 9. no. 6, 8; vol. 10. no. 4. Aug., Oct., 1889; June, 1890. N. Y., 1889-90. Q. Railway (The) news-reporter. 10th year -\- Omaha, Neb., 1894 -{- F«. Railway (The) official gazette. No. 263- 279 -I- Lond., 1892-94 ■{■ 3 vols. bd. in 2. F. PERIODICALS AND TRANSACTIONS. 9 Railway (The) purchasing agent: devoted to the interests of the purchasing department of railways. Vol. 3-5. Chicago, 1880-82. 3 vols. F. Coutiuued as: Railway (The) purchasing agent and suppiv trade journal. Vol. 6-8. Chicago, 1883-85. 3 vols. F. Continued as : Railway (The) master mechanic: devoted to motive power, equipment and machinery; [E. N. Lewis, manager, vol. 9-12; E. N. Lewis and W. D. Crosman, vol. 13-14; E. N. Lewis and AV. H. Marshall, vol. 15-16.] Vol. 9-16. Chicago, 1886-93. 8 vols. F. and ¥\ Continued as: Railway engineering and mechanics; E. N. Lewis and W. H. Marshall, managers. Vol. 17 -}- Chicago, 1894 + F^ Railway (The) record; edited by John Robert- son. Vol. 1-5. Loud., 1844-48. 5 vols. F. Coutiuued as: Railway (The) record, mining register and joint-stock companies' reporter. Vol. 6-15. Loud., 1849-58. 10 vols. F. Railway (The) register, see St. LiOuis railway register. Railway (The) register and record of public enterprise for railways, mines, patents, inven- tions; edited by Hvde Clarke. Vol. 1-2. Lond., 1845. 2 vols. O." Railway (The) review: a weekly newspaper for railwaymen. No. 197 -}- Lond., 1895 -{■ sq. F«. Organ of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants. Railway review, see CMcago railway review. Railway (The) shareholder's manual; or, prac- tical guide to the railways of Great Britain, [to all the railways in the world], completed, in progress and projected; by Henry Tuck. Lond., 1845-48. 7 vols. D. 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th editions of 1845. Railway (The) signal; or, lights along the line: a journal of evangelistic and temperance work on all railways; oflicial organ of the Kail- way Mission. Vol. 13 -f Lond., 1895 + Q. Railway (The) surgeon; official journal of the National Association of Railway Surgeons. Vol. 1. Jiuie 1894-May 1895 4- Chicago, 1895 -f Q. Railway (Tlie) times. Vol. 5-22. Lond., 1842-59. 18 vols. bd. in 19. Q. Continued as.- Railw^ay (The) times and joint-stock chronicle. Vol. 23-55. Lond., 1860-89. 33 vols. bd. in 35. Q. and F. Coiituuied a<;! Railway (Tiie) times and tramway chronicle. \'nl. 56-62. Lond., 1889-92. 7 vols. F. Coutiuued as ; Railway (The) times: railways, tramways, docks, canals, joint .stock companies. Vol. 63- 66 -{- Loud., 1893-94 -}- 4 vols. F. Railway (The) times; published by the American Railway Union. Vol. 1 -J- Chicago, 1894 -{- F8. Railway (The) travellers' magazine: so ar- ranged as to atiord the readiest information for the tourist, as to places worth seeing, and the way to reach them. [No. 1.] August, 1849. Lond., 1849. S. Railway (The) world illustrated: a monthly review of railway and tramway progress in steam, electric, cable & other traction. Vol. 4 ■\- Lond., 1895 -f F. Railway world: in which is incorporated the United States railroad and mining register. Quarto vol. 21 -{- Philadelphia, Pa., 1895 -f F. Rand's repertory of official reports concerning railway securities. Vol. 1. no. 1. Apr. 1885. N. Y.,'l885. O. Continued as ; Rand's monthly repertory: railroad diary of official miscellany, stocks, bonds, etc. Vol. 2. No. 3. Mar. 1886. N. Y., 1886. O. Revue generale des chemins de fer: memoires et documents concernant I'etablissement, la con- struction et I'exploitation technique et comraer- ciale des voies ferrees. Tome 1-17 -\- Paris, 1878-94 -f 17 vols. bd. in 21. F. Same. Table generale methodique des memoires et documents techniques inseres ler Jan. 1884-31 dec. 1891. Table alphabetiquc par noms d'auteurs. Paris, 1892. F. pp. (l)-{-64. Revue pratique des chemins de fer: legislation, jurisprudence; fondee et publiee j)ar H. Huet- Desaunay. Annee 1-3 -{- Paris, 1892-94 -f- 3 vols, o: Rivista generale delle ferrovie e dei lavori pub- blici: periodico settimanale; direttore (J. Pini. Anno 11-12 -j- Firenze, 1893-94 -j- 2vols. F. Roadmaster and foreman: the American rail- way track journ:il Vol. 9. no. 9. Jan. 1895 -\- Chicago, 1895 + F^ St. liOuis railway register: a weekly journil devoted to railway, mining, and kindred inter- ests. Vol. 8, no. 46; vol. 9, no. 1-9. St. Louis, 1883-84. ¥\ Continued as : Railway (The) rcgi-ster: a weekly journal. Vol. 9. no. 10-17. St. Louis, 1884, F""". Continued as : Railway ( I'hc) register: an intelligent advocate of railway interests. Vol. 11. no. 2S-47; vol 16, no. 25-.30; vol. 17. no. 30-38. St. Louis, 1886, '91 -92. F\ 10 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Santa Fe (The) trail. Vol. 1. no. 1. Oct. 1880. Topeka, Kansas, 1880. F'\ "I'ublished for free distribution by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa F6 railroad." S3ch.rist's hand-book and railway equipment and mileage guide; official guide of the Cai- Ac- countants' Association of the United States and Feb., Mar. 1886. Cleveland, 0.1886. F. Station (The) agent: a monthly magazine de- voted to the interests of ticket and freight agents and the traffic departments of the railway service; official organ of the Railway Agents' Association, the American Eailroad Clerks' Association, the New England Eailroad Agents' Association. Vol. 11. Mar.-Aug. 1894. Cleveland, O., 1894. O. Continued as ; Railway (The) agent and station agent: a month- ly magazine devoted to the interests of ticket and freight agents and the traffic departments of the railway service. Vol. 12. Sept. 1894-Feb. 1895 + Cleveland, O., 1895. + O. Street-Railway (The) Association of the State of New York. Keport of annual meet- ing Ist-llth. 1883/84-1893/94. Brooklyn, N.Y., [1884-94?] 11 vols. bd. in 1. O. Taschen-Kalender fur Eisenbahn-Stations-und -Expedilions-Beamte im deutschen Reich auf das Jahr 1888; von Carl Flister. 5 Jahrgang. Ber- lin, [1887]. nar. S. Trackmen's journal: official organ of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trackmen. Vol. 4. no. 8, 9. May, June 1894. Battle Creek, Mich., 1894. O. Train Dispatchers' Association of America. Proceedings of the 5th-7th annual convention, held at New Orleans, La., June 14-17, 1892; Salt Lake City, Utah, June 18-20, 1893; Chicago, June 12-13, 1894. Winona, Minn., 1892; Chicago, 1895. 2 vols. bd. in 1. O. and D. Travelers' official railway guide for the United States and Canada: containing railway time schedules, connections, and distances; com- piled and edited by W. F. Allen, under the aus- fices of the General Ticket Agents' Association. The American Association of General Passenger and Ticket Agents.] Jan. 1874-Dec. 1894 + N. Y., 1874-94 -f 247 nos. bd. in 89 vols. Lacking nos. June 1876 ; May 1879 ; Mar. 1884 ; Nov. 1886 ; Mar. 1889. Traveling Engineers' Association. Report of proceedings of the lst-2nd annual convention, held at Chicago, Ills., Sept. 12-14, 1893; Denver, Colo., Sept. 11-14, 1894; edited by W. O. Thomp- son, secretary. Elkhart, lud., 1893-94. 2 vols, bd. in 1. O. Union Pacific employes' magazine. Vol. 1. Feb. 1886 -Jan. 1887 — vol. 9. Feb. -Oct. 1894. [Denver, Colo., 1887-94.] 9 vols. O. Property and organ of District Assembly 82, Knights of Labor. Ceased publication, Oct. 1894. United States — Departmp.nt of State. Reports from the consuls of the United States. Vol. 1- 42. Washington, 1880-93. 42 vols. O. Continued as: Consular reports. Vol. 43-46 -J- Wash- ington, 1893-94 + 4 vols. O. Every volume contains numerous reports by consuls on foreign railways. Weekly railway traffics. Second half-vear, 1894. [Lond., 1894.] sq. Tt. Issued by John Shaw, stock and share dealer, London. White's reference book of railroad securities. Jan. 1895; compiled from official sources. N. Y., [1895.] obi. T. Zeitschrift fiir Bauwesen; herausgegeben im Ministerium der offentlichen Arbeiten. Jahr- gang 42-44 -f Berlin, 1892-94 + 3 vols. F^ and Atlas, 3 vols. F^ Zeitschrift fur Eisenbahnen und Dampfschif- fahrt der osterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie. Begriinder: Lorenz v. Stein. Redacteur: Sig. Son- nenschein. 5-7 -\- Jahrgang. Wien, Pest, Leip- zig, 1892-94 + 3 vols. Q. Zeitschrift fur Kleinbahnen; herau.sgegeben im Ministerium der offentlichen Arbeiten. Jahr- gang 1 -f Berlin, 1894 + Q. Zeitschrift flir Lokomotivfiihrer: Organ des Vereins und der Hiilfskasse deutscher Lokomoti v- fuhrer; herausgegeben von Wilhelm Maass. Bd. 10-11 -{- Hannover, 1892-93, '94 -\- O. Zeitschrift fur Transjjortwesen und Strassen- bau: Organ zur Hebung einerseits des Secundar-, Tertiiir-und Trambahnwesens, andererseits des Strassenbaues, der Strassenunterhaltung. Jahr- gang 9-11 -1- Berlin, 1892-94 + 3 vols. F. Zeitung des Vereins Deutscher Eisenbahn- Verwaltungen: Organ des Vereins. Jahrgang 1-34 -I- Berlin, 1861-94 -f 34 vols. F. Dictionaries. Costruzione ed esercizio delle strade ferrate e delle tramvie. Torino, 1887-94. F. In progress. " Indice alfabetico "—dictionary of terms used, English, French, German, Italian, appended to most of the completed chapters. Eger, G. Technological dictionary in the English and German languages: containing the terms and locutions employed in architecture; ship-building; construction of railways, roads and bridges; [&c.] Technically revised and en- larged by Otto Brandes. [G'erman title:'\ Tech- nologisches Worterbuch in englischer und deutscher Sprache: die Worter und Ausdrucks- weisen in Civil- und Militiir-Baukunst; Schifls- bau; Eisenbahnbau; [&c.] Brunswick, 1882-84. 2 vols. O. pp viii -{- 711; (3) -f 970. Conterds:—!. Eaglish-German.— !8. German-English. DICTIONARIES — FICTION AND VERSE. 11 Hirche, P. vSystematische Sammlung tier Fachausdriicke des Eisenbahnwesens. Deutscli und italienisch: 1. Der Personen- und Guter- dienst nebst alphabetisohem Waarenverzeichniss. [^Italian tiile:'\ Vocabolario ferroviario sistema- tico. Tedesco-italiano: I. II servizio dei viag- giatori e delle merci corredato da una nomencla- tura alfabetica delle merci. Wiesbaden, 1890. S. pp. xliii + 471. ' Oo^i/Trt^s ;— tiystematischer Theil. pp. 1-114.— .Mphabet- ischer Theil: Deutsch-italienisch, pp. 113-322. Italiano- tedesco, pp. 323-467. Systematische Sammlung der Fachaus- driicke des Eisenbahnwesens. Franzosisch und Deutsch: 1. Der Personen- und Giiter-dienst nebst alphabetischem Waarenverzeichniss. [^French title:] Vocabulaire systematique des termes usites au service des cliemins de fer. Frangais et allemand. 1. Le service des voyageurs et des marchandises. 2", neu bearbeitete Auflage. Berlin, 1886. S. pp. (2) + xl -}- 448. Rohrig E. Technologisches Worterbucli: Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch: Gewerbe; civil- & militar -Baukunst; Eisenbahnwesen; [Ac] [English title:] Technological dictionary: Eng- lish-German-French: of the terms employed in the arts and sciences; civil engineering including bridge-building; road and railway making; [«&c.] [^French title:] Dictionnaire technologique: Fran- ^ais-Allemand-Anglais: contenant les termes techniques employes dans les arts et metiers; I'architecture civil; les pouts et chaussees et les chemins de fer; [Ac] 4" verbesserte und bed- eutend vermehrte AuHage. Wiesbaden, 1887-91. 3 vols. O. pp. xii -1- 879 + (1); xii + 909; (9) + 783 + (1). Ccmtenis: 1. German-English- French. — 2. English-Ger- man-Freach.— 3. French-Cierman-English. Vol. 3. is "3e verbesserte imd bedeutend vermehrte Auflage," 1S87; vol.2. " herausgegebea von E. Dill, E. von lloyer uud E. Rohrig." Saccomani, G. Terminologia ferroviaria: manuale pralico delle denomiuazioni e dizioni componenti lo scibile delle strade ferrate itali- ane. 2» ed. Caserta, 1890. O. pp. v. -\- (2) + 176. Fiction and Verse. Fernon, T. S. Hints and facts for railway investors: lines suggested on supposing Mr. George W. Cass, president of the Northern Pacific railroad — Arctic line — astride the " Elephant's Back," in the National Park, at the head of the Yellowstone, (see N. 1'. K. K. map), ruminating (sotto voce) on "The Texas and Pacific railway " considered as Mr. T. A. Scott's Aztec route to a nominalinn for j)resident of the United States, n. t. p. [Philadelphia? 1874?] O. pp. 16. r. 44. Frith, H. The biography of a locomotive engine. Loud., Paris tSs Melbourne, 1891. D. pp. vi -f (1) 4- 9-254. 8 plates. Hue, F. Les voleurs de locomotives: grand roman d'aventures. Paris, 1894. Q. pp. (3) -{- 7-318. 33 c/.s>., 10 plates. " EpLsode de la guerre de secession d' Amerique," le M , 1886. Jerram, Mrs. Mamma's stories. Lond., [1845 ?] sq. T. pj). 79. 3 cts. " Railways," pp. C8-70. Newman, J. Queer scenes of railway life: being narratives of some comical and strange incidents. Lond., 1889. S. pp. (3) -\- vii-xi -4- 124. Nye, E. "W., and Riley, J. W. Nye and Riley's railway guide. Chicago, N. Y., San Francisco, 1888. O. pp. (7) + 202. 78 cts. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. The railway man and his children. Lond., N. Y., 1892. D. pp. (3) -f 398. Petibon, L. Les mariages en chemin de fer: le mariage de la Petite Providence. Paris, 1894. O. pp. 194. 16 plates. Railroad eclogues. Lond., 1845. D. pp. (2) -1- 5-36. Railway (The) meeting: a satire. Dedicated to the pillaged and plundered shareholders of Great Britain; by a Lancashire Victim. Lond., 1856. D. pp. (4) + 137. In verse. Reminiscences of railway making; rhymes, etc. Lond., 1845. O. pp. iv -f- (4) + 122 + (1). Reprints pp. 71-115: " An address to the inhabitants of the I- astern Counties of England ou the ap. (3) 4- 7-220. 23 cts., 10 plates. [Yonge, C. M.] The railroad children; by 12 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. the author of "The heir of Redclyfle." 12th ed. Lon,!., 1886. T. pp. 78. " Reprinted from The magazine for the young." Zola, ^. La bete Innnaine. 45° niille. Paris, 1890. D. pp. (2) + 415. (Les Roiigon-Mac- quart, liistoire naturelle et sociale d'une famille sous le second Empire, vol. 17.) General. Andree, R., and otfirm. Der Weltverkelir und seine Mittel: Eundschaii iiber Schiffahrt und Welthaudel. Industrie-Ausstellungen und die AViener Weltausstellung ioa Jahre 1873. 2" vollstandig umgearbeitete Auflage. Leipzig und Berlin, 1875. sq. Q. pp. vii + (1) + 732. 353 fi'j-i., IS pfaies, Ifold. map. Von Richard Audreo, Julius Engelmann, Albert Schiick und Julius Zollner. Ergiinzunsrsband zu: Das Buch der Erfindungen, Ge- werbe uud ludustrien; 6 umgearb. Auti. Leipzig, 1871-74. 7 voLs. Bade, Li. Li. La mecanique moderne: les voies ferrees. Paris, 1882. O. pp. vii + 322. 143 figs., 4 fold. 2^lates. (Bibliotheque de la nature.) Contents : — L'histoire. — La route metallique.— Lemoteur mecanique. — Les trains en marche.— Les chemins de fer daus les moutagnes.— Les voies ferries dans les viUes. Barry, J. W. Railway appliances: a descrijj- tion of details of railway construction subsequent to the completion of the earthworks and struc- tures, including a short notice of railway rolling stock. Lond., 1876. D. pp. xiii + (1) + 299. 207 figs. Contents: — Acts of Parliament affecting railways.— Permanent way. — Points and crossings.— Signals. — The block system. — Stations. — Rolling stock. Same. 6th ed. with an appendix. Lond., 1890. D. pp. xiii + 331. 218 /j/s. and Bramwell, Sir F. J. Railways and locomotives: lectures delivered at the School of Military Engineering at Chatham in 1877. Lond., 1882. O. pp. ix + (1) + 427. 228 figs. Benoit-Duportail, A. C, and others. Etude sur I'exploitation, la construction et I'entretien des chemins de fer: materiel fixe et roulant, signaux, &c. Paris, 1878. Q. pp. x -j- (2) -}- 144. 2bfgs., Infold, plates 2 fold, tables. Contents: — Benoit-Duportail, A. C, and Moran- diere, J. Voitures et wagons.— Sambuc, J. De la vole des chemins de fer a I'Exposition de 1867.— Morandiere, J. Materiel fixe des chemins de fer. — Soulie, K. Le locomoteur f uniculaire, systeme Agudio. Biot, E. L' architetto delle strade ferrate: ovvero saggio sui principi generali dell' arte di formare le strade a ruotaje di ferro; recato in Italiano con note ed aggiunte dall' ing. Luigi Tatti. Unitavi una memoria di Davide Hanse- mann relativa ai rapporti politic! ed economic! di questa specie di strade. Milano, 1837, sq. Q. pp. (2) 4- v-viii + 371 + (1). bfold. plates. (Scelta biblioteca dell' ingegnere civile, vol. 16. ) Contents .-—I. Materiali coustitucnti una strada ferrata. — Motori adoperati suite strade ferrate.— Considerazioni generali sulle stride ferrate — Appeudici, Descrizione di una macchina locomotrice.— Paragone delle rendite e delle spese delle tre strade ferrate di Liverpool, di Lione, e di Budweis.— Elenco delle principali strade ferrate costrutte, od in costruzione in Europa ed in America. — Elenco delle migloiri opere che trattano delle t-trade ferrate. 1 1. Hansetnann, D. Le strade ferrate e 1 loro imprenditori considerati nei rapporti colla pubblica ammiuistrazioue. 1. Prodotti, o vantaggi delle strade ferrate.— 2. Valore delle strade ferrate iu relazione all' economia politica dello stato.— 3. Costruzione delle strade ferrate per societa private. Blot's Manuel du constructeur de chemins de fer, of which the above is a translation, was puljlished Bruxelles, 1832 ; aud Paris, 1834. Bricka, C. Cours de chemins de fer, professe k V Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chau.ssees. Paris, 1894. 2 vols. O. pp. vii! + 634. 327 figs; pp. (3) + 709. 464 figs. Contents:— 1. Etudes prealaiiles. — Etudes definitives. — Construction. — Batiments. — Presentation des projets. — Voie proprement dite. — Appareils de voie. — Signaux et enclenchements.— Prix des principaux appareils de voie.— Entretienetsurveillance.— Annexes.— 3. Materiel roulant. — RtJsistance des trains a la traction.— Marche des trains — Freins.— Installations niJcessaires pour les services de trac- tion. — Exploitation technique: mouvemeut. — Amenage- ment des gares, stations et dependances. — Organization des gares et bifurcations an point de vue de la securite.— Accidents. — Exploitation commerciale.— Depenses de con- struction des chemins de for.— Depenses d' exploitation. — Regime des concessions. — Chemins de fer de systemes divers.— Annexes. Cantalupi, A. Le strade ferrate considerate ne! ra^jport! tecnici, amministrativ! e commer- cial!. Milano, 1857-58. 2 vols. Q. pp. 559. 125 figs., 1 -plate, "l fold . plates; pp. 651. 197 figs., 1 plate. (Nuova biblioteca dell' ingegnere-archi- tetto civile, vol. 8-9.) " Lavorodell' ing. A. Cantalupi, compilato sulle opere di Biot, Polonceau, Perdonnet, Michel Chevalier, Seguin, Jilinard, Coupray, Teisserenc, Brees, Journal des chemins de fer, ecc." Chicago — WorlcVs Columbian Exposition. 1893. Classification of Department of transportation exhibits: railways, vessels, vehicles. Chicago, [1892?]. O. pp.24. 2 fold, plans. P. 37. Official catalogue; edited by the Depart- ment of publicity and promotion. Chicago, 1S93. 19 pts. in 1 vol. O. Pt. 7. Dept. G. Transportation exhibits, pp. 63. 2 plans. Suggestions for exhibits by railway com- panies. Chicago, [1892 ? ]. O. pp. (7). P. 37. — World's Congress Auxiliary. Addresses delivered before the World's Railway Commerce Congress, held in Chicago, 111., June 19-23, 1893: official report. Chicago, 1893. O. pp. v + 265. Co;iced railroad travel.— IS. Itayinond, A.C. Pa;- lation.s between (jtiiiadiau and American railways. — 1'.). Nimmo, J. jr. Some characteristics of the American railway system.— 20. McCain, C. C Doveloimient of railway freight cla.ssiflcations.— 21. Ad.Tins, C. V. Tlio Interstate Commerce i.,aw.— 22. Knapp, I>I. A. Discrim- ination by railways.— 23. Schoonmaker, A. Uiseriiu- inations from the use of private cars of shippers. — 24. Al- exander, E. P. Long versus short haul. — 25. Adamg, B. B. Treatment of railway employees. — 26. Sawyer, N. Brotherhood of Engineers. — 27. Peabody, J. The necessity of railway compacts under governmental regula- tion. — 28. Nimmo, J. jr. Apportionment of trallic — 29. Cooley, T. 31. Pojiular and legal view of trallic pooling.— 30. Cooley, T.M. I'ooling and combinatioiLS. — 31. Huntington, C. P. A plea for railway consolida- tion.— 32. Alexander, E. P. Railroad consolidation. — 33. Acworth, W. M. Government interference in English railway management. — 31. Walker, A. F. Railway associations. Costruzione ed esercizio delle strade ferrate e delle tramvie; norme pratiche dettate da inia eletta di ingegneri specialisti. Torino, 1887- 1894. F. In progress. Bibliography and glossary of terms ap- pended to most of the completed chaiitei-s. Contents: — I. c. 4. Colombo, E., and Solerti, A. Costruzione della sede stradale. 1894. pp. (1)-136. 3 Jigs., 2 plates, 5 fold, plates. In progress.— c. 5-7. Solerti, A. Gallerie. 1889-92. pp. (l)-oS6. C43 Jigs., 9 i)late8, 20 fold, platrs.—c. 8. Pozzi, L. Ponti e viadotti in muratura. 188,'^92. pp. (l)-299. 2S2fi!is.,3ii plnte.'i, 10 fold, plates. II. c. 1. Fadda.S. Caselli, fermati.stazioni second- arie, stazione primarie. 1893-94. jip. (1) + 91. 142 lis.—c. 5. Fadda, S. Tecuologia siicciale dei "tubi boUilori, tubi in ranio. 1887. pp. (1) + CO. Ul tigs., 2 plates, 1 fold, plate.— c. 6. Biglia, F. Tecnologia ppeciale delle riparazioni deu'Il a.ssi delle mote e dei cer- cliioni. 1889-93. pp. (1)+ 180. s:)! Jigs., 2 plates, 4 fold, plates.— c. 8. Fadi>. (1) + 80. 100 Jigs.-v. "J. Pagliani, S. Tecnologia siieciale per la riiiaiazioni o prova dei mauemetri e delle fnlancio yox valvole di siciir- ezza. 1S90. i)p. (l)+27. oO /(//.f., 3 ;»/(i(tVi.— c. lo. Fadda, .S. Tecnologia sj^ecialo delle torneria. 1SS8-927 ]ip. (1)-J- 199. 'UVJ ti(ls.,V.if lid. plates.— c.l 'A. Oppizzi, P. Icc- nologia .si)ecialo del lattaio o lamplsta. 1890. pp. (1) -f 107 -1-4. 2\V7fi('r i lavori delle strade ferrate. ISS'.i. |i;i. (1) + 1.50. 150 //./s. C, plates, -n filil. plates.— <:.'£•£. Raii(lon«, G. I'\ Nofine praticlie per le jiriiiu' euro da j>reslarsi al feriti negli sconiri, nelle olllcine e nelle stazioni. 1,S90. pi>. (1) -(- 108. m Jlijs, 1 plate.— c. 38. Raiidono, G. F. Norme pratiche dl igieuc ferroviaria. 1891. pp. (1; + 'M. 10 Jigs., 1 fold. map. 14 HOPKINS RA IL WA Y LIBRA R Y. V. c. 1. Galimberti, A. Considcrazioni general! sulle tramvie, leggi amministrative che ne regolano la costruzione, norme per ottenere la concessione. 1887. pp. (1) + 23.— c. 2. Galimberti, A. Tramvie a cavalli, costruzione dell' armamento, tipi diversi, scambi fissi, scambi mobili, stazioni, rimesse, scuderie, norme per la loro costruzione e manutenzione esempi pratiei. 1888. pp. 72. 116 Jigs., 6 fold plates. In progress.— c. 3. [Veicoli per tramvie a cavalli.J 1889. 4 fold, plates. In progress.— c. 1 1. Polese, L.. Considcrazioni general! sulle ferrovie secondarie ed economiche. 1889-92. pp. (1) + 81. 20 figs. — c. 13. Polese, !■. Esempi, di tracciato di ferrovie economiche. 1892. pp. 83-232. /f^s. 21-228, 6 pZates, 11 /oW. plates. Inprogress.— c. 13. [Ferrovie secondarie ed econ- omiche: armamento, veicoli, locomotive.] 1891-94. 1 nlate, 5 fold, plates. In progress.— c. 15-18. Fadda, S. Tramvie e ferrovie special!. 1892-94. pp. (1) + 40. 98 figs.; pp. 41-147. figs. 99-322. 1 plate, li fold, plates; pp. (1) + 39. 54 Jigs., 3 plates. 8 fold, plates, Ifold. map; pp. (1) 4- 51. 112 figs., 2 plates, i fold, plates.— c. 20. Same: Cenni siii sLstenii di ferrovie special! applicati, tentati, o solo progettati. Ferrovie pel trasporto delle navi, navi pel trasporto de! tren!, ferrovie forestaU. 1891. pp. (1) + 59. 8b figs., 'ifold. plates. Couche, C. Voie, materiel roulant et ex- ploitation technique des chemins de fer; suivi d' un appendice sur les travaux d' art. Paris, 1867 -76. 3 vols. O., and 3 Atlases obi. Q. pp. (2) -1-525 -f (1), and Atlas of 35 plates; pp. (2) -[- 883 4" (1), and Atlas of 109 plates; pp. xvi -j- 966 and Atlas of 21 plates. Contents;— \'oie.—yia.t6nel de itransport. — Traction.- Production et distribution de la vapeur. — Moyens de detruire la et de la modtjrer sur les pentes.— Resist- ance des trains. — Puissance et eflet utile de la locomotive. —Supplement. Same, English. Permanent way, rolling stock and technical working of railways; trans- lated by J. N. Shoolbred [vol. 2 and 3 translated bv J. E. Wilson.] Lond., and Paris, 1877-82. 3' vols. F., and 3 Atlases obi. F. & obi. Q. pp. (2) -{- v-xiii -f 553, and Atlas of SS plates; pp. (2) -f vi -1- 812, and Atlas of 59 plates; pp. (2) -|- 839, and Atlas of 21 plates. Debauve, A. Manuel de F ingenieur des ponts et chausees: 13® fascicule: Chemins defer. Paris, 1874. O. pp. (4) -|- 225 + (2) and Atlas sq. F. pp. (3) -\- 19 plates. Contoits .•— Historique. — Dispositions gtSncJrales du ma- teriel roulant et de la voie. — De la voie.— Du moteur et du materiel roulant.— Gares et stations, eutretien, exploitation. — Considerations ^conomiques. Deniel, P. De la construction et de 1" ex- ploitation des chemins de fer en France. Paris and Troyes, 1845. O. pp. (2) -f- 271. Contents ;—B.e!^nTn6 historique.— Etat actuel de 1' Indus- trie d&s chemins de fer.— Des perf ectionnements k introduire dans la construction et dans 1' exploitation des chemin.s de fer. Dorsey, E. B. English and American rail- roads compared. N. Y., 1886. O. pp. 78. 4 fold, plates, 10 fold, tables. Extracted from American Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions, vol. xv. Jan. 1886. Same. Supplementary paper. N. Y., 1886. O. pp. (58). 1 fold, table. Extracted from same, vol. xv. Nov., 1886. Saine. N. Y., 1887. O. pp. (4) -{- 142. ifold. plates, 12 fold, tables. " With discussion by W. W. Evans, T. C. Clarke, E. P. North." Reprinted from same, vol. xv. Jan.- Nov., 1886. Sajne. 2nd ed. iN. Y., 1887. O. pp. (4) -f 142. 4 fold, plates, 12 fold, tables. Foreign railways of the world: containing the names of officers, length, capital, cost of con- struction, materials, rolling .stock, earnings, cost of operation, character of road bed, curves, grades, and other information regarding foreign railways and their operation. Vol. 1. St. Louis, Mo., 1884. O. pp. 480. No more published. Gossin, H. Les chemins de fer. Paris, [1889]. Q. pp. (2) -1- 480. 155 figs. (Collection Picard: bibliotheque scientifique et industrielle,) Great Britain — Patent Office. Patents for in- ventions: abridgements of specifications relating to railwavs: 1803-1866. 2nd ed. Lond., 1873. D. pp. xxxiii -\- (!) -f- 673 -{- (2). Saine. 1867-1876. Lond., 1884. D. pp. xix -j- 1308. Grille, — Les chemins de fer a F Exposition de Chicago. Paris, 1894-95. 2 vols. Q. and 2 Atlases sq. F*. pp. (2) -|- 148. 36 figs., 3 fold, tables, and Atlas of 95 plates; pp. (2) -{- 188. 13 plates, and Atlas ofl-ii plates. Contents:—!. Les locomotives.— 2. Voies, signaux, ma- teriel roulant et tramways. Vol. 1. "Avec la collaboration de M. Laborde." "Revue technique de V Exposition universelle de Chicago en 1893 ; par Grille et H. Falconnet. 9e partie. Orgaue des Congres intemationaux teuus k Chicago en 1893 sous la pr^sidence de O. Chanute et E. L. Corthell." Guillemin, A. Les chemins de fer. 7" ed. Paris, 1884. 2 vols. D. pp. (3) + 327. 96 figs.; PP- (2)"!" 379. 76 fgs. (Bibliotheque des mer- veilles.) Contents: — Introduction. —La voie.- Les ouvrages d'art, tunnels et viaducs. — R(§fect!on de la voie, les rails.— Les Gares. — La locomotive. — Materiel roulant, voitures et wagoas. — Systemes speciaux de chemins de fer, tramways. — L' exploitation. Hamilton, W. G., compiler. Useful infor- mation for railway men; compiled for the Ramapo Wheel and Foundry Co. 8th ed. revised and en- larged. N. Y., 1880. obi. F". pp. 577. 175 figs. Same. 9th ed., revised and enlarged. N. Y., 1885. obi. F«. PP, 577. 175 figs. Handbuch des Eisenbahnwesens in okono- mischer, rechtlicher, administrativer und tech- nischer Beziehung. Stuttgart, 1875. 5 vols. bd. in 3. O. pp. vi -{- 330; pp. xviii + 400._^ 81 fgs; pp. viii -\- 199; pp. viii -j- 373; pp. vii -{• 978. 45 figs., Ifold. table. Contents:— 1. Haushofer, M. Grundziige des Eisen- bahnwesens.— 3. Paulus, K. Bau und Ausriistung der Eisenbahnen. 2e neubearb. Auflage.— 3. Schmidt, JL. Die Verwaltung der Eisenbahnen und die Buohfiihrung ira Eisenbahnbetrieb. — 4. Haushofer, M. Eisenbahn- geographie.- 5. Bohr, W. Handbuch des praclischen Eisenbahndienstes. Wohlfeile Ausgabe. Vol.2. BerUu, [18S1.J GENERAL. 15 Haswell, C. H. Engineers' and mechanics' pocket-book. 44tli ed., revised and enlarged. N. Y., 1883. S. pp. XV + 16-674. 271 figs. " Railwaj's and Roads," pp. 519-553 and passim. Haupt, li. M. Special report on railwav plant. Washington, 1891. O. pp. (110). 78 figs., 2 fold, tables. CoHtoi^*'.— Installation.— Description of typical exhibits. — The permanent way.— Block signals. — Electric motors. — American road machines. Extracted from United States— Department of State. Report of the U. S. Commissioners to the Universal Expo- sition of 1S89 at Paris, vol. 3. pp. 433-542. Hebert, Xi. A practical treatise on railroads and locomotive engines, for the use of engineers, mechanics and others: in which the mechanical construction of edge, tram, suspension and all other railways, and the various locomotive car- riages designed for rail and common roads, are described in chronological order. Lond., 1837. O. pp. 216. 220 figs., 1 fold, plate. Heusinger vonWaldegg, E., editor. Hand- buch fur specielle Eisenbahn- Technik. Leipzig, 1874-S2. 5 vols, and 5 ^i/a.sps. Q. pp. xxiv-j- 998. 330 figs, and Atlas of pp. x -f- 63 plates; pp. xvi -j- 656. 296 figs, and Atlas of pp. viii + 55 plates; pp. xii -f- (1) -|- 1244. 565 Jigs, and Atlas of pp. (2) -f- v-xvi -|- 74 plates; pp. xx -\- 727 -}- 68. ISO fgs. and Atlas of pp. x + 55 plates; pp. xii -j- 660. 204 figs, and Atlas of pp. xiv -{- 99 plates. Oj/iohuigIeyer, G. Probiren und Untersucheu der Loco- motivkessel, Repariren der schadhaften Stelleu am Kes- sel und Feuerbuchse, Speiseu der Locomotivkessel.— 22. Meyer, G. KostenderZugkraft. Brenninaterialverbrauch, Kohleu- und Oel-Pramien.— 23. ' Frank, A. Betrieb der Eiseubahnen im Kriege. — 24. Heusiiig:er von Wal- clegs, E. Statistikder Eisenbahnuufiille, Entgleisungen, Zusammemtoss der Zuge, unrichtiges Stellen der Weicheu, etc. Sicherheitdes Eisenbahubetriebes In den verschieden Laudern. Ergauzung.sheft des 4. Bandes : X.aunliardt, W. Die Betriebskosteu der Eisenbahnen in ihrer Abhiin- gigkeit von deu cjteigungs- und Kriimmungsverhultuissen der Bahn. V. Bau und Betbieb der Secundab- und Tbrtiar- bahnen: 1. Eiuleituug.— 2. Heusingervon Waldegg, E. and Vojddek, L.. Secundare Bahueu mit norrnaler und schraaler Spur in der Ebene und bis zu Steigungen von 40 0/00 (1:25).— 3. Busing, O. Strassenbahnen (Tram- ways). — 4. Abt,R., a«d Sternberg, H. Secundarbahuen ira Gebirge.— 5. Heusinger vou Waldegg, E. Tertiar- bahnen.— 6. VojAdek, Ii. Schwebende Draht- und Seil- bahnen. — 7. Biising, <>. Betrieb der Strassenbahnen durch Dampf uud andere mechanische Motoreu.— 8. Busing, O. Erhohte Strassenbahnen.— 9. Vojdcek, Ii. Unterlrdische Stadtebahnen. Vol.1. "4. vermehrte und verbesserte AuHage." Vol. 2. "2. sehr vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage'." Vol.3, 4. " 2. vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage " Holley, A. Ii. American and European rail- way practice in the economical generation of steam, including the materials and construction of coal-burning boilers, and the adaptation of wood and coke-burning engines to coal-burning; and in permanent way, including road-bed, sleepers, rails, joint-fastenings, street railwavs, etc. N. Y., Loud., 1867. F^ pp. 14 -\- {•!) -\- 15-192. 77 2^icties. Humbert, G. Traite complet des chemins de fer: historique et organization financiere, con- struction de la plate-forme, ouvrages d'art, voie, stations, signaux, materiel roulant, traction, ex- ploitation, chemins de fer a voie etroite, tram- ways. Paris, 1891. 3 vols. Q. pp. (2) + 4U4; (2) + 399; (2) + 425. 701 fiys , 2 fold, plates. Hymans, L. Le chemin de fer. Bruxelles, [1884.] D. pp. (2) -}- 7-113. Acts. Jervis, J. B. Railway property: a treatise on the construction and management of railwa3^s: designed to afford useful knowledge in a popular style, to the holders of this class of property, as welt as to railway managers, officers and agents. Philadelphia, 1866. nar. D. pp. vii + 9-341. Same. Philadelphia, 1888. O. pp. vii + 9-341. Kafka, E. Eisenbahn-Angelegenheiten uud Personalien in lexikalischer Form. Leipzig, 1885. O. pp. X -f (1) + 318 + (1). Kennedy, W. S. Wonders and curiosities of the railway, or, stories of the locomotive in every land. 2nd. ed. Chicago, 1884. D. pp. xiv + (2) + 254. 24 cts. Contents: — Introduction. — Beginnings in Europe. — The first American railroads.— The banding of the con- tinent. — Mountain railways. — The vertical railway.— Tramways.— The functions of the railway in war.— The luxuries of travel.- &c. Kirkman, M. M. The science of railways: with illustrations of the inception, growth and evolution of primitive transportation. Chicago, 1894. 12 vols. D. pp.423. Vlb cts.; pp.548. 230 cts.; pp. 448. 131 cts.; pp. 420. 152 cts.; pp. 529. 152 cts.; pp. 406. 157 cts.; pp. 393. 141 cts.; pp. 358. 46 cts.; pp. 407. 102 cts.; pp. 421. 152 cts.; pp. 476. 158 cts.; pp. 423. 79 cts. Contents:— I. Organization and forces.-S. Financing, building and maintaining.— 3. Operation of trains. — 4. Passenger business.— 5. Freight business.— 6. Baggage, express and mail business. — 1. Economical purchase, care and use of material.— 8. Economy of rates. Private versus government control. — 9 Fiscal affairs, disburse- ments. — 10. Fiscal affairs, collection of revenue.— 11. General fiscal affairs.— 13. Fiscal duties of agents and conductors.- General index. Lardner, D. Railway economy: a treatise on the new art of transport, its management, pros- pects, and relations, commercial, financial and social; with an exposition of the practical results of the railways in operation in the United King- dom, on the Continent and in America. Lond., 1850. D. pp. xxiii -f (1) + 528. Co;ite/i^s;— Influence of improved transport on civiliza- tion.— Retrospect of theprogressof transport.— The organi- zation of a railway administration.— The way and works. —Locomotive power.— Carrying stock.— Maintenance and reproduction of the rolling stock.— Stations.— Clearing House.— Passenger traffic. -Goods traffic— The expenses. — Receipts, tarifis, profits.— Accidents on railways.— Elec- tric telegraph.— Inland transport in the United" States — Belgian; French: German: Ku.ssian, Italian and Spanish railways. — Comparison of railway transport in different countries.— Relation of railways to the State. Same. N. Y., 1850. O. pp. xxiii 4- 25-442. Lecount, Lieut. P. A practical treatise on railways, explaining their construction and man- agement. Edinburgh, 1839. D. pp. v -j- (1) + 422. Ad figs., 10 fold, plates. "Being the article 'Railways' in the 7th ed. of the Encycloijxdia Britannica, with additional details." Iiefevre, P., and Cerbelaud, G. Les chemins defer. Paris, [1889.] O. pp. 7 -f 9-320. 167 figs., 6 plates. (Bibliotheque des sciences et de I'industrie, publiee sous la direction de J. Pichot et P. Grangier.) Co7itenls : —lUfitoTiqnc.—La, voie et les garas.— La trac- tion et le materiel.— Exploitation.— Organization general des compagnies, coutrole, per.sounel.— Conclusions. Leygue, U. Chemins de fer: notions gener- ales et economiques: historique sommaire, for- malites et reglements relatifs a I'execution des OEXERAL. 17 travaux, regimes, developpemeuts, depenses, com- paraison des voies ferrees avec les routes et les voies de navigation inti'rieure, prix de revient des transports siir rails, tarifs et lour application, recettes d'exploitation, voie et traction, chemins de fer a voie etroite, considerations economiques. Paris, 1S92. Q. pp. (3) + _xii + 605. (Encv- clopedie des travaux publics, fondee par (J. Laclialas.) Loria, Ij. Corso di lezioni sulle strade fer- rate; dato nel Regie Instituto Tecnico Superiore di Milano, I'anno scolastico 1SG9-70. [Milano? 1870?] n. p., n. d., 2 vols. bd. in 1. sq. O. pp. 372. 9 fin(5fices de I'JEtatdans I'exploitation des chen:in.s de fer.— Documents statistiques. Clieniins de fer d I'clrnnqer: Considerations giinorales. — Chemins de fer de 1" Europe. —De TA-sie.- De I'Afrique.— De l'Am6rique.— De I'Australasie. Our railroads; problems for discussion: rail- road prosperity and industrial progress, feats of railroad engineering, the trolley and the steam road, postal cars on city lines, duty of tiie public in strikes, governmental regulation of the rail- roads, railroads in foreign lands. N. Y., 1895. F^ PI). 15. Con'/,n/ji.-— A«Iil«y, <>. I>. Kuilway i)rospority essential to industrial progrchs- .SulUvau, A. T. Postal cars ou city railroads.— Ingalls, M. E. The relations between managers and employes of railroads.— Prout, U. G. Electricity or steam ?— Niiumo, J. jr. The liiniiations of governmental regulation of the railroads.- Paine, C Great feats in railroad engineering.- How llie wants of railroads are supplied; by a member.— Hobbs, O. 31. Responsibility of the pubucia railroad stril;es.— Greene, T. M. TheraargiiJofproiitintransix)rtatiou.— Clemens, ■VV. 31. Railroads in Siam.— Van Etteu, E. How a railroad keeps track of its cars.— Johnson, J. W. East- bound rates on wasternfood products.- Acworth.W. 31- Contemporary English railway history.— Slack, F. T. How I became a car conductor.— Newcomb, H. T. Re- duction in railway rates.— Fisher, G. E. How I became a locomotive engineer.— I>e Kalb, C. South American railroad working in 1S94.— .Steever, E. Z. The Inter- continental Railway Commission. Extracted from Tlie Independent, vol. 47. no. 2427. June 6, lS9o. Paine, C. The elements of railroading. N. Y., 1S85. D. pp. V + 154. "A series of short essays reprinted from the Railroad gazette." Perdonnet, A. Notions generales sur les chemins defer: statistique, histoire, exploitation, accidents, organisation des compagnies, [etc.], suivies des biographies de Cugnot, Seguin et George Stephenson, et d* une bibliographie rai- sonnee. Paris, [1859.] S. pp. vii + '152. 33 figs., 2 fold, tables. Contents .-—Statistique. — Histoire.— Des accidents. — Leg- islation des chemins de fer.— Formation du capital des compagnies. — De la comptabilite. — Des tarifs. — Salaries des employes. — Description technique. — Notices biographi- ques. — Notices sur les chemins de for, par MM. Perdonnet, Lam6 et Clapeyron, 1832. — Bibliographic raisonnOe des chemins de fer. Traite elementaire des chemins de fer. Paris, 1855-56. 2 vols, O. pp. (6) + 554 -f (1). 179 figs., 4 plates, b fold, maps', pp. (5) -|" 576. ZA^l figs., Q plates. Same. 2nd ed. Paris, 1858-60. 2 vols. O. pp. (3) + viii + 739. 251 figs., 8 plates, 5 fold, maps; pp. (6) + 945 + (2). 403 figs., 7 plates, Ifold. table. Railroad problems: views of experts: govern- ment regulation, state interference, Canadian rivalry, ten years' growth, railway accidents, ownersliip of railways. N. Y., 1891. F^. pp.12. Contents: — Hoar, G. F. Canadian railroads as ser- vants of the United States.— .Schoomnaker, A Govern mental regulation of railways. — Beach, C. F.,jV. The functions and accountability of railway directors.— War- ner, A. G. The railroads and tlio farmers of Nebraska. — Prout, H. G. Do railroad ollicers use 'due diligence" to insure safety?— Greene, T. L.. Railway bonds and stocks.— Clark, F. C. State interference in tlie liniincial management of railroads.— Meany, J. P. A decade of Amarican railroads.— Lewis, G. H. National cousolida- tioii— not governmental ownership— of railroads. Extracted from Tlie Independent, vol. 43. no. 2231, Sept. 3, l.H',)l. [Railway scraps: a collection of newspaper and magazine articles relating to railways.] v. p., 1871-94. 6 vols. .sq. F. pp. 140 each. Ritchie, R. Railways: their, progress and construction; with remarks on railway acci- dents, and proposals for their jirevention. Loud., 1846. D. pp. (2) -1- v-viii -j- 444. Gl figs. 18 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Rogers, S. B. Proiio'iitions in aid of a plan to connect London with Canton, in Cliina, Lond., [1844.] O. pp. viii + 9-39. P. 57. Boney, Sir C. P. Rambles on railways; with appendices. Lond., 1868. O. pp. xii + 499 + di-dxix. 4 plates, 2 col. plates, 4 diagrs., 3 fold, maps. Schoeller, A. Les cliemins de fer et les tram- ways: construction, exploitation, traction. Paris, 1892. D. pp. 361. 91 figs. (Bibliotheque scientifi(iue contemporaine.) Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, A. von. II secolo del ferro, ossia I'era del vapore: parte prima, le ferrovie: parte seconda, la navigazione Milano, [1887-88.] 2 vols. bd. in 1. Q. pp. (3) + 375 + (1). 132 figs.; pp. (3) + 283 + (1). 84 figs. Vom rollenden Flugelrad: Darstellung der Technik des heutigen Eisenbahnwesens. Wien, Pest, Leipzig. 1894. O. pp. (4) + vii- xiv + 783. 669 figs., 25 plates. Contents : — Allgemeine Uebersicht. — Eintheilunpr der Eisenbahnen. — Der Schieneuweg.— Die Eisenbahnfahr- zeuge.— Die Stationen uud das Signalwesen. -Betrieb und BahiLschutz. — Eisenbahnen niederer Ordnung; Ausserge- wbhnliche Construction.— Entwickelung des Eisenbaiiii- w&sens.— Quellen-Literatur. Stephenson, R. M. Railways: an introduc- tory sketch, with suggestions in reference to their extension to British colonies. Lond., 1850. S. pp. vi + 7-119. 90 Jigs., 1 fold, plate, p. 79. Tredgold, T. A practical treatise on railroads and carriages, showing the principles of estimat- ing their strength, proportions, expense, and annual produce, and the conditions wliich render them efieciive, economical, and durable; with the theory, effect and expense of steam carriages, stationary engines, and gas machines. Lond., 1825. O. pp. (2) -{- v-xi -\- 184. 3 figs., 3 plates, Ifold. plate. Same. 2nd ed. Lond., 1835. O. pp. (2) + v-xi -{- 184. 3 figs., 3 plates, Ifold. plate. Verein Deutscher Eisenbahn Verwaltun- gen. Conventions techniques relatives a la con- struction et r exploitation des chemins de fer de premier ordre. Redigees par la Commission techniques de 1' Union [des chemins de fer alle- mands] d' apres les decisions de 1' assemblee des ingenieurs de F Union tenue a Constance, les 19 et 20 Juin, 1888. Traduction textuelle autorisee. Wiesbade, Paris, Milano, 1890. O. pp. (4) -f 67. 9 plates, 8 fold, plates, p. 10. Weber, M. M., Freiherr von. Schule des Eisenbahnwesens: Geschichte, Technik, Ad- ministration und Statistik der Eisenbahnen. 3'", vermehrte Auflage neu bearbeitet von Dr. E. Schmitt. Leipzig, 1873. D. pp. (2) + v-xx + 555 + (l). 136 figs. Contents .-—Geschichte der Eisenbahnen. — Characteris- tL-sche Formen des Eisenbahnwesens.- Eintheilung und Bau der Eisenbahnen in AUgemeinen.— Dnterbau.— Ober- bau.—Betriebsvorrichtungen.— Signal- und Telegraphen- wesen, Bahnbewacliung. — Stationen. — Locomotiou. — Per- sonenwagen. — Guterwagen. — Administration. — Statis- tlsche Thatsachen. Same. 4", vermehrte Auflage bearbeitet von Richard Koch. Leipzig, 1885. D. pp. xvi + 772. 170 figs. Wood, N. A practical treatise on rail-roads, and interior communication in general, with original experiments, and tables of the compara- tive value of canals and railroads. Lond., 1825. O. pp. (2) + 314. 6 fold, ptlates Same. 2nd ed., containing an account of the performances of the different locomotive engines at and subsequent to the Liverpool con- test. Lond., 1832. O. pp. (2) -|- v-xxiii -f 530. 1 fig., Updates, 8 fold, plates, Ifold. table. Same. 1st American from 2nd English ed., with corrections, notes and additions, also an appendix. Philadelphia, 1832. O. pp. xi -I- ix-xxvi + 27-598 -f- (1). Ifig., 3 plates, 9 fold, plates, Ifold. table. Same. 3rd ed., with additions. Lond., 1838. O. pp. (2) -f v-xxvii + 760 + (1). 26 figs., li fold, plates, 3 fold, tables. Same. French. Traite pratique des chemins de fer. Paris, 1834. sq. Q. pp. (2) -\- v-xii -j- 306 -j- (1), and Atlas ofli plates, sq. F. Grahame, T. a letter addressed to Nicholas Wood, on that jjortion of chap. 9. of his Treatise on railroads, entitled, "Comparative performances of motive power on canals and rail- roads." Glasgow, 1831. O. pp. (2) + 7-40. r. 35. " To Sir John Rennie from the author." Wright, J. Christianity and commerce: tlie natural results of the geographical progression of railways, or, a treatise on the advantage of the universal extension of railways, and the proba- bility of increased national intercommunication leading to the early restoration of the land of promise to the Jews. Lond., [1851.] O. jip. (2) + 162. 5 fold. maps. "George Cochrane Esq. from J. Wright." History. Aynard, T. Voyages au temps jadis; en France, en Angleterre, en Allemagne, en Suisse, en Italie, en Sicile, en po,st, en diligence, en voiturin, en traineau, en esperonade, a cheval et en patache: de 1787 a 1844. Lyon, 1888. Q. pp. (3) _|- 7_219 + (5). Appended, " Voyages au temps jadis: note complomen- taire: lettres de noblesse de Jean-Baptiste et Jacques Dugas; mars 1777. Lyon, 18S9. Q. pp. (1) -1- 4. Beil, J. Q. Stand und Ergebnisse der enrop- aischen Ei-senbahnen bis zu dem Jahre 1845. HIS TOR Y — BIOOIiAPIfY. 10 Wien, 1845. sq. F. pp. (2) + 138 -{- (4). 1 fold, table. Gumming, T. G. Illustrations of the origin and progress of rail and tram roads and steam carriages, or locomotive engines; also descriptive particulars of the formation, construction, extent, and mode of working some of the princijial rail- ways now in use within the United Kingdom. Denbigh, AVales, 1824. O. i)p. 64. 2 plates. p. 46. Dodd, G. Railways, steamers and telegraphs: a glance at their recent [)rogress and present state. Lond. & Edinburgh, 1867. D. pp. vi -{■ (1) -f 326. 2 fi(j^., S plates. Railways, pp. 1-106. Haberer, T. Geschiclite dcs Eisenbalm- wesens. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1884. O. pp. vii + 150 + (!)• (Bibliothek des Eisenbahn- wesens. Bd. I.) Pennington, M. Railways and other ways: reminiscences of canal and railway life during a period of sixty-seven years; with characteristic sketches of canal and railway men, early tram roads and railways: Canada and its railways, trade and commerce. Toronto, 1894. O. pp. (6) -j- 407. 43 photos. Koads (The) and railroads, vehicles, and modes of travelling, of ancient and modern countries: with accounts of bridges, tunnels, and canals, in various parts of the world. Loud., 1839. D. pp. viii -f 340. 103 illus. Chap. 15, 16. The steam engine.— 17. The Liverpool and Manchester railroad.— 18. The railroad system. Salt, S._ Facts and figures, principally relat- ing to railways and commerce. Lond., Man- chester, 1848. S. pp. (4) -f 152. "Further statistics, of a laterdate, to compare with what is already given " in his " .Statistics and calculations." Railway and commercial information. Lond., Manchester, Liverpool, 1850. S. pp. xi + 240. "The information is somewhat similar In character to that given in my i)revioas volumes." ["Statistics and calculations," and "Facts and ligures.''] .Statistics and calculations necessary to persons connected with railways or canals. Man- chester, 1845. O. pp.116, p. 54. Biog:rapliy. [Archer, M.] William Iledley, the inventor of railway locomotion on the present principle. Ncwcastrc-npon-Tyue, 1882. O. p{). (5) -|- 9- 66. 1 f;/., '.i jdatt's, ] fold, plate, 1 map. [ J Same. 3rd ed. with additional matter, letters, . pp. 20 -}- (8). 1 plate, I fold. map. Cover liile. Tliisnnd llio eiiclit next following, in vol. "Canadian I'acific railway. l'iiin[)tilets." Banff and tiie lakes in tlie clouds. 3d od. n.j)., n.d., dIiI. T. p|(. 20. Wets. Britisb (Jdinmbia: tlie I'acilic jirovinc e f)f the Dominion of (':inaila, ils position, resources and eliina(e. n.p., 1893. O. \>\k 31. 8 cCs., 1 foil I. map. [Another ed.] n. p., n. d., Q. pp. /( Farming and ranching in Western Can- ada: Manitoba, Assiniboia, Alberta, Saskatche- wan, n.p., n.d., O. pp. 40. 10 cts., I fold. map. Cover title. -' f Same. [Another ed.] n.p., n.d., O. pp. 48. 11 cts., 1 fold. map. Fishing and shooting along the lines of the C. P. ry. Montreal, 1895. nar. O. pp. 67 -f (5). 30 cts. The new highway to the Orient, across the mountains, prairies and rivers of Canada, n. p., n. d., Q. jjp. 48. ?,b cts. Cover title. Same. pp. 48. 37 cts. Westward to the far East: a guide to the principal cities of China and Japan; bv E. R. Scidmore. n. j)., 1891. nar. O. pp. 5l" -|- (8). 2 maps, 1 fold. viap. Same. 4th ed. n.p., 1893, O. -j- (2). 63 cts., 2 maps, Canada — Senate. Minutes of evidence taken before the select committee appointed to inquire into all matters relating to the C. P. ry. and telegraph west of Lake Superior. Ottawa, 1879. O. pp. 133. Grant, Bev. G. M. Ocean to ocean: Sanford Fleming's expedition through Canada in 1872; enlarged and revised ed. Toronto, 1S77. D. pp. vi + (l) + 17-394. 1 p)lates,l fold. map. Great Britain. Correspondence with the government of Canada in connection with the appointment of the joint High Commission and the Treaty of Wasliington; presented by command, April 1872. Loud., 1872. F. pp'. (2) + 15. Partly on the coiislnicfion of a Pacific railroad through Canadian territory and financial as-sistance for it. Tliis and the six next following are in vol, "Great Utitaiii. Canadian Pacific railway. 1872-89." — Further corresjiondence; presented by command. May, 1872. Lond., 1872. F. pj). (2). — Same; presented hv command, Mar. 1873. Loud., [1873J. F. pp". (2) + 8. — Further corresjjondence with the gov- ernments of Canada, Prince Edward Island, aiul Newfoundland, respecting (he Treaty of ^\'a^ll- ington and Canadian l*a(iiic railway; i)rescnti'erley, Secretary of Slate for the Colonies] relative to (lie C. P. ry. ; presented by command, Marcii 1871. Lond., 1874. F. pp. (2), + 266. — Corres|iondence respecting the C R. ry. Act so far as regards British Columbia; jwe- 24 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. sented bv command, April 1875. Lond., [1875.] F. pp. iv + 99. — Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 18 July, 1889, for copy "of Treasury minute, dated the 18th July 1889, and of the contract with the C. P. ry., dated the 15th July, 1889, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's mails, troops, and stores between Halifax or Que- bec and Hong Kong; ordered printed 18 July, 1889. Lond., [1889.J F. pp.23. HoRETZKY, C. Some startling facts re- lating to the C. P. ry. and the North-west lands; also a brief discussion regarding the route, the western terminus, and the lands available for settlement. Ottawa, 1880. O. pp. 76. In vol. "Canadian Pacific railway. Pamphlets." Rawlings, T. The confederation of the British North American provinces, and sugges- tions in reference to the only true and practicable route from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. Lond., 1865. O. pp. (9) + 244. 4 plates, 1 fold. map. Spofford, R. S. Cleveland's policy: his war upon American interests; the wrong to great railroad interests; illegal official interfer- ence against them; favor shown to the C. P. ry. n.p., n.d., F. pp. 3. From the Boston Evening traveller, Sept. 17, 1887. Fort Erie — Canada — Parliarnent. An act to amend the act incorporating the Fort Erie rail- way, and to change the name of the said com- pany to the Erie and Niagara railway; assented to i5th Oct., 1863. [Quebec, 1863.'] O. pp. 3+ 10. Grand Trunk — Canada — Parliament. Rail- way clauses consolidation acts and acts relating to the G. T. ry. of Canada. Quebec, 1853. nar. Q. pp. 101. M'Calmont, R. Victoria bridge: letter to the shareholders of the G. T. ry. of Canada, with a report to him by Mr. Liddell, on the best and cheapest mode of bridging the St. Lawrence at Montreal; together with counter-reports by R. Stephenson, I. K. Brunei, E. Clark, and A. M. Ross, and replies to each by Mr. Liddell. Lond., 1856. O. pp. (1) + xi -f 77. Great Western Railway of Canada. No. 15, 17-20, 32, 34, 50, 51 report of the directors, July 31, 1861; July 31, 1862-Jan. 31, 1864; Jan. 31, 1870; Jan, 31, 1871; Jan. 31, 1879; July 31, 1879; with statement of accounts. Lond., 1861- 79. 9 vols. O. Reply of the president and directors to the report of the committee of investigation. March, 1861. Lond., 1861. F. pp. (2) -\- 5-92. \fold. map. In vol. " Railway reports. Various." Report by the committee of investiga- tion to the shareholders. [Lond., 1874]. O. pp. 51. \fold. ma]}. Interleaved with ms. notes hy F. Broughton. Reply of the directors to the report of the committee of investigation appointed 30th Oct., 1873, to be submitted to a special meeting of shareholders to be held in London, 26th August, 1874. Lond., 1874. O. pp. (2) + 111. 2 fold. maps. Bound with preceding and interleaved with ms. notes by F. Broughtou. Intercolonial — Fleming, S. The Interco- lonial: a historical sketch of the inception, location, construction and completion of the line of railway uniting the inland and Atlantic ])rovinces of the Dominion. Montreal, Lond., 1876. O. pp. (2) + ix 4- 1 + 5-260. 38 figs., 2b plates, 8 fold, plates, 5 maps, Ifold. map. Great Britain. Final report of the officers employed on the survey of the line for the Quebec and Halifax railway; presented by command, Feb., 1849. Lond., 1849. F. pp. 73. Ifold. map. This and the thirteen next following are in vol. " Quebec and Halifax ry. & Intercolonial ry." — ■ Correspondence relating to the pro- jected railway from Halifax to Quebec; presented by command, April 8, 1851. Lond., [1851]. F. pp. vii -{- 127. — Further correspondence relative to tlie projected railway from Halifax to Quebec; presented by command, June 16, 1851. Lond., 1851. F. pp. 31. — Correspondence between the Colonial Department and Mr. J. Timmis as to the Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia railroad. 7tli August, 1851. [Lond., 1851.] F. pp.iv-|-29. — Further correspondence relative to the projected railway from Halifax to Quebec; presented by command, June 14, 1852. Lond., 1852. F. pp. ix + 3-167. Ifold. map. — Copies of the address from the legis- lature of Canada to Her Majesty relative to subsidies and the intercolonial railway; ordered printed, 25th July, 1859. [Lond., 1859.] F. pp. 7. — Copy of memorials addressed to the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, with reference to a proposed railway between the port of Halifax and the provinces of Canada and New Brunswick; ordered printed, 5 May 1862. [Lond., 1862.] F. pp. 11. — Copy of official communications be- tween the Secretary of State for the Colonies and the commissioners representing the provinces of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, on a proposed railway between the port of Halifax and those provinces; ordered printed, 5 May 1862. [Lond., 1862.J F. pp. iv + 23. AMEBIC A. 25 — Copy of correspondence l)L*t ween the North American provinces and the liujierial government, relating to a loan for an intercolonial railway; ordered printed, 2(j July 18G4. [Lond., 1864. ]■ F. pp. iv + 46. — Correspondence between the Colonial office and the Treasury respecting the proposed guarantee of the Intercolonial railway loan; ordered printed, 26 Mar. 1867. [Lond., 1867.] F. pp. 18. — Correspondence on Intercolonial railway loan; further papers; ordered printed, 18 June 1869. [Lond., 1869.] F. pp. 21. — Statement and account of proceed- ings under the Canada railwav loan act; ordered printed, 18 June, 1869. [Lond.", 1869.] F. pp. 17. — Copy of despatches from the Colonial office to the Governor general of Canada, contain- ing the opinions of the law officers of the Crown respecting the investment of money raised under the authority of the Canada railway loan act, 1867; ordered printed, 18 May, 1870. [Lond., 1870.] F. pp. iv + 28. — Copies of correspondence between Lord Elgin and Sir John Pakington, dated 2nd Aug., 1852; and of extracts from a report of the Executive Council of Canada, dated 31st July, 1852. [Lond., 1872.] F. pp. (2). Quebec [Province.) Report on the pro- posed trunk line of railway from an eastern port in Kova Scotia, through New Brunswick, to Quebec; by Major William Eobinson. Ottawa, 1868. O. pp. (2) + 5-68. Ifold. map. Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental — Quebec [Province) — Commissioner of Railwai/s. [Annual] report concerning the Q. M. O. & O. ry., [for] 1881. Quebec, 1881. sq. Q. Toronto, Grey and Bruce. Hand-book of useful information respecting the line and the country tributary to it. Toronto, 1872. O. pp. 49. If old. map. II. CENTRAL AMERICA. Collinson, J. Descriptive account of Captain Bedford Pirn's project for an international At- lantic and Pacific junction railway across Nicara- gua; rejxirt and estimate of cost. Lond., 1866. O. PI). 26. 2 charts, 1 fold. map. r. 52. Honduras Interoceanic Railway. I'relim- inary re])ort; by E. (r. Sipiier. N. Y., 1851. O. pj). ();{. A fold, mapft. r. 52. Company was organized and a charter obtained from the government of ilondura.s, but no operations inulor- takeii. Maury, M. F. Letter on the i)hysi(al geo- graphy of tlie Nicaragua!! railway route, to Captain Bedford Pirn. Lond., 1866. O. \^p. 14. p. 52. Nicaragua [Republic). Terms of railway concession concluded in 1865 between the gov- ernment of Nicaragua and Ca])tain Bedford Pim: the original in Spanish, [with translation.] I^)nd., 1866. O. pp. 19. r. 52. United States — A^ary Department. Report on interoceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans; by Rear-admiral Charles H. Davis. Washington, 1867. O. pp. 37. ll/o^(^. maps, 3 fold, charts. III. MEXICO. American and Mexican Railroad. Pros- pectus and a< t incoriKu-ating the A. and M. rail- road, for building a railroad and establishing telegraph lines through the States of Chihualuui and Sonora. N. Y., 1865. O. pp. ix + 5-43. Anderson, A. D. The Tehuantepec inter- ocean railroad; a commercial and statistical re- view showing its local, national, and international features and advantages. N. Y., and Chicago, 1880. O. pp. viii + 9-90. A fold. maps. Dedicated to Edward Learned of Mass.. under whom, as president, the T. Ivy. (.see lufra) was reorganized. As only .') kilom. were constructed the concession wasdeclnred forfeited. The Mexican tjoverumenl in 1882 proceeded with the con.struction of the line. Baz, G. and Gallo, E, L. History of the Mexican railwav; translated bv G. F. Henderson. Mexico, 1876. 'F-*. pp. (2) -{- 9-211. 23 plates, 1 fold. map. Corthell, E. L. Advantages of the Tehuan- tepec interoceanic route, [and the proposed Eads ship railway.] N. Y., 1894. O. i)p. (13). 2 maps. Extracted from the Engineering magazine, vol. 8, Nov. 1894, pp. 25'.)-271. The interoceanic problem, and its scien- tific solution: [the Tehuantepec interoceanic ship railway]; an address before the American Asso- ciaticm for the Advancement of Science, 34th meeting, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Aug. 26, 18S5. n.p., n.d. O. pp. (1)+ 5-40. 1 7nap, Ifold. 7)iap, 5 fold, plates, r. 52. Eads, J. B., compiler. Letters from leading engineers and naval architects as to the practica- bility of consti-ucting and operating a ship rail- wav, [ the isthmus of Tehuantepec.] Si. Louis, 1882. O. pp. 46. r. 52. Great Britain — Foreign Office. Report on the railways of Mexico; [bv Sir Francis Denvs.] L<.nd., 1889. O. j.p- (2) V 51. r. 78. Interoceanic Railway of Mexico [Acapulco to Vera Cm-.). Report and accounts to be prc- se!!ted at the 5th-7th urdinaiy general mi'i-ting 2t> HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. to be held in London. 30tli Dec, 1892; 6th Nov., 1893; 17th Dec, 1894. Lond., 1892-94. 3 folders. Issue of £800,000 preferred, cumulative, seven per cent, shares, and £1,400,000 six per cent, mortgage debenture stock. Prospectus. Lond., [1888.] folder, and 1 fold. map. A journey over the Interoceanic railway, with particulars of some of the points of interest. Lond., [1894?] illus. folder. Mexican Central Railway. 9th-l]th an- nual report of the directors to the stockliolders, for vear ending Dec. 31, 1888-90. Boston, 1889- 91. ' 3 vols. O. Completion of line and opening for busi- ness. Mexico, Jan. 30, 1884. broadside, sq. Q. (Traffic department, circular no. 16.) Mexican Railway. [Time table and descrip- tion.] [Mexico? 1893.] illus. folder. El ferrocarril mexicano: descripcion de un viaje de la capital azteca al puerto de Vera- cruz; por Adalberto de Cardona. N. Y., 1894. O. pp. 60. 37 cts., Ifohl. maj}. Monterey and Mexican Gulf Railroad. Eeport of Mr. [J.] Dougherty [upon condition and business prospects of the railway], n. t. p. [N. Y.?1890?]. O. pp.24. Dated, " New York, Feb. 26tli, 1890." Cover title. Seward, W. H. Relations with Mexico and the continental railroad: .speech [in the U. S.] Senate, Feb. 8, 1853. n. t. p. [Washington, 1853]. O. pp. 15. p. 78. Relates more particularly to tbe Garay grant and the Tehuantepec railway. Tehuantepec Railroad Co. of New Or- leans. The isthmus of Tehuantepec; being the results of a survey for a railroad to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, made under tha direction of Major J. G. Barnard, U. S. En- gineers; arranged and prepared for the T. E. b-v J. J. Williams. N. Y., 1852. O. pp. 295. 15 colored plate.9, 1 fold, diacjr., 1 fold, maj), and Atlas of 8 fold. maps. "With respects of P. A. Hargous." The franchise which in 1841 had been granted to Jos6 de Garay became the property of P. A. Hargous of New York soon after the termination of the war with the U. S.; he organized the T. R. of New Orleans, and the survey was made in IS-'iO-.M. The Mexican Government however prohibited further operations. Tehuantepec Railway. The Tehuantepec railway: its location, features, and advantages under the La Sere grant of 1869. N. Y., 1869. O. pp. (4) -f vii-xxiii + 2-73 -f 40 + 25-88. 10 plates, 2 fold. maps. Cojitei^s.— Introduction.— Grant from Mexican govern- ment to Emilio La Sere.— Stevens, H. Historical and geographical notes: 1453-18G9. N. Y., 1869. O. pp. 40.— Topography, inhabitants, climate, harbors, etc., sources of revenue. "To Edwd. W. Clark Esq. Philad. with the compli- ments of his friend .Simon Stevens. New York, July 31, 1869." The T. Ry. Co. was incorporated Nov. 1868, in Vermont: Simon Stevens, president, P. A. Hargous, secre- tary; new surveys were made but no road built. See further under Anderson, A. D., supra. lY. SOUTH AMEEICA. Bidwell, C. T. The isthmus of Panama. Lond., 1865. O. pp. vii+418. colored frontisp. Railways, chap. 6, 8, 9, 15, 17, 20, and appendi.x, pp. 389-418. Branner, J. C. The railways of Brazil; a statistical article. Chicago, 1887. O. pp. (2) + 5-26. 1 map, I fold, map, I fold, table, p. 53. " Reprinted from the Railway age, with notes and additions." Bureau of the American Republics, Rail- ways of South America. Washington, 1894. O. pp. (20). Extracted from the Monthly bulletin, Feb. , 1894. pp. 29-48. Central Argentine Railway. Report of the directors to the 29th-31st ordinary general meet- ing, to be held 6th May, 1892; 3rd May, 1893; 2nd May, 1894. Lond., 1892-94. 3 vols. O. Cisneros, F. J. Eeport on the construction of the La Dorada railroad, "U. S. of Colombia." :N. Y., 1881. O. pp. 48. Ifold. map. Hunter, G. M. The Anglo-Chilian nitrate railway, Tocopilla to Toco. Lend., 1893. O. pp. 8 1 fig., 1 fold, plate. " Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of the Inslilidion of Civil Engineers, vol. 115, session 1893-94, pt. 1." Nitrate Railways (The). [llth-12th] re- port and accounts for the year ending 31st Dec. 1892-93. Lond., 1893-94. 2 folders. Map. [Lond., n. d.] Scale, [4 m. = in.] Size, 72x50 cm. North-West Argentine Railway. [9th] report of the directors to the shareholders, and statemejit of accounts, to Dec. 31st., 1893. Lond., 1894. O. Oeste de Minas, Estrada de ferro do. Re- latorio da directoria; apresentado a assemblea geral de accionistas de 30 de Maio de 1889. Rio de Janeiro, 1889. O. p. 53. Otis, r. N. Illustrated history of the Panama railroad: together with a traveler's guide and business man's handbook for the Panama railroad and its connections. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. N. Y., 1862. O. pp. (10) -f- 15-273. 31 jJlates, 2 maps. Panama Railroad. [Prospectus.] N. Y., 1849. O. pp. 62. Ifold. map. This and the two next following in vol. "Panama rail- road. Pamphlets." Communication of the directors to the stockholders; with the report of the chief en- gineer to the directors. N. Y., 1855. O. pp. 63. Ifold. map. UNITED STATES. 27 Letter from the directors, addressed to the Senate and House of Representatives of tlie United States, in reply to the remarks of the Postmaster-CJeneral. Presented to Congress Dec. 5, 1856. N. Y., 1856. O. pp. 36. Tomes, R. Panama in 1855; an account of the Panama rail-road, of the cities of Panama and Aspinwall. N. Y., 1855. S. pp. (4) + 13-246. 6 cts., 5 plates, 1 map. Uruguay — Minhterlo de Fomcnto. Estudio sobre los ferrocarriles sud americanos y las grandes lineas internacionales [por Juan Jose Castro]; enviado a la Exposicion universal de Chicago. Montevideo, 1893. Q. pp. (1) + 5- 651 + (1). Lacks the plates. Same, Enr/Ush. Treatise on the South American railways and the great international lines [by Juan Jose Castro]; sent to World's Ex- hibition of Chicago. Montevideo, 1893. Q. pp. (1) + 5-601. 13 plates, 2 fold, plates. Contents :—Ra.i\\va.ysot Uruguay.— Ar^eutine Republic. —Brazil.— Chili— Paraguay.— Bolivia.— Peru.— The inter- continental railway. — The interoceanic fTransandine] railway.— Population of the South American states.— The ports and railways of Uruguay.— (ieneral conclusions. V. UNITED STATES. Ackerman, W. K. Early Illinois railroads; a paper read before the Chicago Historical So- ciety, Feb. 20, 1883. Ciiicago, 1^84. O. pj). 174. (FergU'^' historical scries, no. 23.) Co?itoi^' .•— Karly Illiuois railroads.- Correspondence between .-Sidney Breeseand Stephen A. Douglas wuh ref- erence to the claim of ttie former to have originated the idea of the Illinois Central railroad. — The oldest railroad in Illinois.— Origin of the names of stations on the lino of the Illinois Central. American (The) railway; its construction, de- velopment, management, and appliances. N. Y., 1889. Q. pp. (3) + vii-xxviii+456. 233 fifjs., 2S plates, 13 ntaps, 20 charts. Contents:— Cooley, T. M. lutroduction.— Clarke, T. C. The building of a railway.— Bogart, J. Feats of railway engineering.— Forney, M. N. Ajnerican loco- motives and cars. — Alexander, Ocii. K. 1*. Railway management. — Prout, H. G. Safety in railroad travel. -Porter, Oen. H. Railway passenger travel.— Voor- hees, T. The freight-car service.- Norton, it. How to feed a railway.— James, T. L,. The railway mail service.— Hadley, A. T. The radway in its business relations. — Adams, C. F. Tne prevention of railway strikes.— Adams, IJ. IJ. jr. The evcry-day life of rail- road men — Hewes. F. VV. Statistical railway studies. Reprinted contrioutions to Scrdmer's magazine, June, l.S8S-Sept, 1.H89. Bernard, F. Les valeurs des chemins de fer aux Etats-Unis. Paris, 1894. Q. pp. 103. 1 fol'l. map. [Boston, Mans, — City Council]. The railroad jiitiilee; account of the celebration conitnenior- ative of tlie opening of railroad commiMiicalii>n Itctwecn iJoslon and Canada, Sept. 17-1!>, 1X51. J{oston, 1852. (). pp. (1) -|- 288. 1 fold. map. Brosius, J. Eriuncrungen an die Ei-;chen Balnicn.— Revisionen. [Carter, T. J.] Railroad progress, transjinr- tation and management. Springiieid, 1873. O. pp. 42. p. 51. Cover title. Connecticut — General Assembly. Report on [sic] the joint standing committee on railroatls, on the resolution instructing said committee to inquire whether any railroad companies have combined to prevent the construction of any other railroads. New Haven, 1852. O. pp. 8. p. 89. Earle, T. A treatise on rail-roads and inter- nal communications; compiled from the best and latest authorities, witli original suggestions and remarks. Philadelphia. 1830. O. pp. 120. 7 figs., 2 fold, plates, 2 fold. maps. Contents:— Of tlie plan and formation of a rail-road for horse power.— Of the plan and formation of a rail-way for locomotive engines.— Of the carriages for trausporlatiou. —Of locomotive engines— Of stationary power.— Of tun- nels.— Comparative advantages of canalsaud railroads. — An account of canals in the United States.— A description of rail-roads in the United States.— Suggestions for future improvements. — Suggested improvements in Pennsyl- vania.— A brief descrii)tion of the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania. Facts and arguments in favour of adopting railways in preference to canals, in the State of Pennsylvania. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1825. O. pp. 68. P. 89. [Fernon, T. S.] Philadelphia and her west- ern railroad connections. [Philadelphia,] 1852. O. pp. 44. p. 92. Report atldressed to the president of the Pennsylvania railroad. Cover title. Flint, H. M. The railroads of the United States: their history and statistics; comprising progress and present condition of the various lines with their earnings and expenses; to wliich are added a synopsis of the railroail laws of the United States, and an article on the conijiarativo merits of iron and steel rails. Philadelphia, [1868.] D. lip. (2) + 5-452. Gerstner, F. A. Hitter von. Die innern Com- nwinicatioiu'ii (Kt Vereinigten Staaten von Nord- america; nacli (lessen 'i'ode aufgesctzt, rt'digirt und lu^rausgegeben von L. Klein. W ion, IS 12-13. 2 vols. sq. (-1. pp. viii -|- 37(). 15 fohl. plates, 1 fold, map; pp. (3) -|- 33!). V^fold. plates. Contents: —t . Diis Ciinal-Systoin iinSliiatt' New-York. — I'".isonbidiii('ii und Cim.ilc! in cicii oslllchon Staaten.— ('an- ale und Klsenbahueu in Staalo Ohio.— 3. Caiudo und 28 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. EiFenbabnen in den Staaten Indiana, Michigan nnd Illi- nois.— Jn den Staaten New-Jers-ey und Pennsylvania.— Eisenbahnen in den Staaten Delaware, Maryland, Vir- ginia. Noid- und Siid-Carolina.— Die innern Communiea- tioncn in den Staaten (ieorgia, Alabama, Florida, Louisi- ana, Mississij-pi, Tennessee und Kentucky. [Heckel, G. B.] A ramble bv rail. Chicago, 1883. O. pp (17). 2b its. p. 92. Extracted from Abbot's U. S- monthly, vol. 5. July, 1883. Kennedy, J. H. The American railroad. N. Y., 1889. 2 pts. O. pp. (14); (17). p. 64. Pt. 20. Echoes of the great crash. Railroad iron. Reaching to the Pacific— 21. The invention and advance of the electric telegraph. Extracted from Magazine of Western history, Oct. and Kov. 1SS9. King, T. S. The railroad jubilee; two dis- courses delivered in HoUis-Street meeting-house, Sunday, Sept. 21, 1851. Boston, 1851. nar. O. pp. 54". P. 92. Kupka, P. F. Die Verkehrsmittel in den Vereiuigten Staaten von Xordamerika. Leipzig, 1883. O. pp. X + 413 -}- (1). 1 fold. map. Co;i/f??/s.— Allgemeines. — Kanale. — Eisenbahnen.— Post und Telegraph. Lavoinne, E., «?zrZPontzen, E. Les chemins de fer en Amerique. Paris, 1880-82. 2 vols. O. pp. (2) + 547; (2) +659 + (l); !xnd2 Atlases obi. Q. of 39 plates; 38 plates. Contents:— 1. Construction r — Aper(;u g4ographique.— Historique.- Infrastiucture.— Superstructuie.— Gaies, sta- tions et signaux.— Prix de revient.- Annexes.- 8. Ex- I)loitation, chemins de fer a voie 4tioite et tramways — Materiel de transport —Exploitation technique.— Exploi- tation commerciale —R(?gime financier et l(?gal— Chemins de fer a voie etroite. — Chemins de fer dans les villes. — Annexes. , Martin, J. Analyse de 1' ouvrage de Lavoinne et Pontzen sur les chemins de fer en Amerique. Paris, 1887. O. pj). 39. p. 77. " Extrait des Annates des ponts et ckaussees, Septembre, 1887." Leyen, A. von der. Die Finanz- und Ver- kehrspolitik der nordamerikanischen Eisenbah- nen: ein Beitrag zur Beurtheilung der neuesten Eisenbahnkrisis. Berlin, 1894. Q. pp. (7) -f 80. Co?(toi^«:.-— Einleitung.— Die Eisenbahngrimdung.— Das Anlagekapital -Die Eisenbahnwerthpapiere.— Die ELsen- bahntarife — Die Wettbewerbtarife.— Die Durchschnitts- frachtsatze 18.52 bis 1S92.— Refaktien. Agenten, Freifahrt, Reklame.— Ergebnisse der EisenbahnstatLstik 1889-90 und 1890-91.— SchUissbetrachtung. "Sonderabdruck aus dem Archiv fiir Eisenhahnwesen. 1894. Beft 1;" Die nordamerikanischen Eisenbahnen in ihren wirtschaftlichen und politischen Bezie- hungen. Lei])zig, 1885. O. pp. (4) -{- 402. Con/enfe-- Einleitung: die Eisenbahnfrage in den Ver- einigten Staaten von Amerika.- Die Camden- Ambov- Erachtgesellschaft. — Die Nord-Pazitik-Eisenbahn. — Die staalliche Aufsicht uber die Ei.senbahnen.— Die New Yorker Hochbahnen. — Die Personenverkehr auf den Eisenbahnen der Vereiuigten Staaten.— Die Lokaltarife der Eisenbahnen das amerikanischen Nordwestens.— Eisenbahnkriege und Eisenbahnverbande. — Getreide- frachten der amerikanischen Eisenbahnen.— Die verein- igten Mouopole nordamerikanischen Privatbahuen und der Standard Oil Company. liOuisiana, Pike county, Missouri, showing its prominence and importance, jiresent and pros- pective, as a railroad center. [Louisiana, Mo.] n. d., broadside. P. 77. Neele, G. P. Atlantic and American notes; account of the recent visit of the directors of the London and Northwestern railway to Canada and the United States. Lond., 1882. pp. 70. 1 fold, map. P. 64. Observations on railroads, in the western and southern states. Cincinnati, 1850. D. pp. (2) 4- 5-28. p. 55. Reprinted from the Cincinnati Chronicle and Atlas. Parseval, J. von. Die amerikanischen Eis- enbahnen: deren Aktien oder Prioritaten an deutschen Borsen gehandelt werden, dargestellt in ihrer Entstehung, ihren Finanz- und Betriebs- verhaltnissen, nach Originalberichten, Poor's Manual nnd anderen Quellen. Berlin, 1886. D. pp. vii -f- 111. Same. 2^ giinzlich umgearbeitete Au- flage, von W. L. Hertslet. Berlin, 1892. D. pp. (2) -\- v-viii -j- 67. Pennsylvania — House of Representatives. Report relative to the use of the Pennsylvania railroads. Bead March 14, 1834. Harrisburg, 1834. nar. O. p. 89. Pennsylvania (The) Society for tthe Pro- motion of Internal Improvement. Reports on canals, railways, roads, and other subjects; by AVilliam Strickland. Philadelphia, 182G. obi. Q. pp. vi -|- 51. 1 fig., 53 plates, 5 fold, plates. Pik, J. De Amerikaansche spoorwegwaarden: bijdrage tot de kennis der te Amsterdam ver- handelde fondsen. Groningen, 1879. O. pp. (4) + 7-180 + (9). 1 fold. map. Plant, H. B. The South Atlantic railways. N._ Y., 1892. O. pp. (11)_. 10 cts. (The great railway systems of the United States.) P. 55. Extracted from the Cosmopolitan, vol. 13. Oct., 1S92. Pomeroy, C. C. A few hints to the reading public interested in railroad construction in the Mississippi valley. Cincinnati, 1855. O. pp. 8. p. 55. Hints to railroad subscribers in the Mis- sissippi valley. Cincinnati, 1855. O. pp. 12. p. 55. Hints no. 3, to railroad economists in the Mississippi valley. Cincinnati, 1855. O. pp. 16. P. 55. Poor, H. V. History of the railroads and canals of the United States of America; exhibit- ing their progress, cost, revenues, expenditures & present condition. Vol. I. N. Y., 1860. O. pp. viii + 9-612. Contents: — Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massa- chusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland. Lacks Atlas of maps. No more published, but see Poor's Manual, 1868-91. UN f TED STATES. 29 Sketch of the rise and progress of the internal improvements, and of tlie internal com- merce, of tiie United States; with a review of the charges of monopoly and oj)pression made against railroad corporations. N. Y., 1S81. O. pp. Ixxxi. p. 2. Repiinted from Poor's "Manual" forlSSl. Poussin, G. T. Chemins de fer americains; historiiiue de leur construction, prix de revient et prodiiit, mode d'administration adopte, resume de la legislation qui les regit. 2'-' ed. Bruxelles, 1836. Q. pp. (2) -i- 124. 1 fold, plates,! fold, map. Contents: — Introduction. — Ligne de I'Atlautique. — Ligue'; de I'Atlautiquo vers I'Ouest.— Adminirtration, frais d' eutretien, frais de tractiou.— Documens &ur la legislation. Present (The) situation and future prospects of American railroads. Philadelphia, 1855. O. pp. 8. P. 1. Prussia — Mlnisterium der Oeffentlichen A r- heiten. Die nordamerikanischen Eisenbahnen in technischer Beziehung; Bericht iiber eine im Friilijahre 1891 unternommene Studienreise: Verfasser, Th. Biite und A. von Borries. Wies- baden, 1892. sq. F. pp. xii 4- 282. 74 ^//s., 1 fold, map and Atlan of 33 plates, 22 fold, plates. Contents: — Hilte, T. Eiiileituiig, Organisation, allge- meine Darstelluug. — Borries, A. von. Sigualwesen. — Bauart der Lokomotiveu.— Biite, T. Bauart der Wageu. — Allgemeines uber Betrieb.— Borries, A. von. Betrieb- sdienst der Lokomoliven.— Biite, T. Betriebsdienst dtr Wagcn. — Allgemeines uber Werkstatten uiid Fabriken. — Borries, A. von. Lokomotiv-Fabriken und Werkstatten. —Biite, T. Wagen Werkstiiltcu und Fabriken.— Bor- ries, A. von. Oberbau und mechanishe Anlagen. — Be.'I. rni'/ O. II. 'Iians- jxirUilion.— :{. Typical Aiiiericari invi'iilion.s.— Prout, 11. G. Uuilioud cou.'-.t ruction and e?li minary results [of eleventh census]. Washington, 1891. sq. Q. Railways, Bulletins no. 46, 55, 115, 120, 149, 151, 155, 160, 164,171,472. — Senate. Report of the select com- mittee on transportation routes to the seaboard, with api)eiulix and evidence; ordered printed April 24, 1874. Washington, 1874. 2 .-ols. O. pp. 2(30 -\- 232. 1 viap, 4 fold, maps, 4 fold, charts; pp. (1) -f- 990. Contents:—!. Production. — Actual competition between water and rail transport. — Defects and abuses of existins: systems of transportation.— The constitutional power of Congress to regulate commerce among the several States. — Competition between railways and its promotion by the construclioa of additional lines.— Direct regulation by Congress.— Indirect regulation through the agency of one or more railway-lines to be owned or controlled by the government. — Water-ways. —Summary.— Appendix. — 3. Proceedings of the committee. — Treasury Department. Statistical aT)- stract of the United States: 1885-1894, 7th-17th [annual] number. Washington, 1886-1895. 10 vols.' O. Includes " Eailroads " and " Freight rates." Report on the internal commerce of tlie United States: commerce and navigation; for 1881-82—1891. Washington, 1884-92. 9 vols. O. Washington {City) Hailroad Convention. Proceedings of the rail-road convention held Oct., 1859. Alexandria, 1859. O. pp. (1) -{- 11. p. 92. a. Commission Reports. Alabama — Railroad Commission. lst-12th an- nual report, for the year ending June 30, 1881-92. Montgomery, 1881-92. 7 vols. O. Lacking reports 2, 4, 5, 7, 9. California — Commissioners of Transportation. Report to the legislature, Dec, 1877. Sacra- mento, 1877. O. vSupplementarv report. Jan. 14, 1878. Sacramento, [1878?] O. Biennial report for 1877 and 1878. Sac- ramento, 1879. O. Succeeded by: Board of Railroad Commissioners. 1st- 13th annual report, for 1880-92. Sacramento, 1881-92. 13 vols, in 11. O. 1st biennial report, 1893-94. Sacra- mento, 1894. O. Connecticut — Railroad Commissioners. 4th, 12th-41st annual report for 1856-57, 1865-93, together with the annual reports of the railroad corporations for 1856, 1864-75 [to which are added statistical tables compiled from the annual returns for 1875-93.] New Haven, Hartford, 1857, 1865-93. 28 vols. O. Lacking reports 14, 20, 30. Dakota — Railroad Commission. 2nd-5th an- nual re])ort, for }ear ending June 30, 1886-89. Grand Forks, Bismarck, Dak., Watertown, South Dakota, 1886-89. 4 vols. O. For later reports see infra, North and South Dakota, Georgia — Office of Public Works. Annual re- port upon tlie state aid railroads, for tlie year ending October 1st, 1871. Atlanta, 1871. O. — State Commissioners. Report of the State Commissioners representing the slock held by the State in the Atlantic and (iulf rail road. Savannah, 1872. O. — Railroad Commission. lst-15th semi- annual report [and Supplement to the 3rdj, KJth- 22nd report. Atlanta, 1880-94. 17 vols. bd. in 3. O. 4th-6th combined ; 7th-8th combined ; 12th-14th com- bined. lYlinGis^Railroad and Warehouse Commission. lst-24th [and Supplement to the 10th] annual re- port, for 1871-94. Springfield, 1872-95. 20 vols. O. Lacking reports 3, 8, 17, 20. Advance sheets of 22ud report. Indiana — Board of Internal Improvement. [5th] annual report. Indianapolis, 1840. O. State Board af Tax Com7nissioners. Pro- ceedings for 1891-94. Indianapolis, 1891-94. 4 vols. O. Board assesses railroad property, and its repoils are al- most entirely given up to railroad statistics. Iowa — Board of Railroad Commissioners. 1st- 17th annual report, for the year ending June 30, 1878-94. Des Moines, 1878-95. 17 vols. O. Index to reports 1878-94 in 17th annual report, pp. 431- 480. Kansas — Board of Railroad Commissioners. Ist-llth annual report, for 1883-93. Topeka, 1884-94. 11 vols. O. Maine — Railroad Commissioners. [18th]-36th annual report, 1876-94. Augusta, 1877-95. 17 vols. bd. in 8. O. Lacking reports 19 and 20. Massachusetts — General Court. Annual re- ports [Returns] of the railroad corporations in Massachusetts, for 1833-69. Boston, []833]-70. 20 vols. O. — Board of Railroad Commissioners. 2nd-26th annual report, Jan., 1871-95; [and railroad reports for the year ending Sept. 30, 1871-June30, 1894.J Boston, 1871-95. 24 O. A digest of the reported decisions, pre- cedents and general principles enunciated l)v tiie Board, from 1870 to 1888; by J. H. Wigmore; [with an Index to the reports of the Board, from 1870 to 1888; by G. C. Crocker.] Boston, 1888. O. pp. (2) 4 v-xx -f 136. UNITED STATES. 31 Michigan — Comnmsioner of Railroads. 1st- 22inl annual report for 1872-94. Lansing, 1874- 94. 22 vols. O. Minnesota — Railroad Commissioner. Annnal report for the year ending June 30, 1878-84. Minneapolis, St. Paul, 1879-84. 7 vols. bd. in 5. O. Succeeded by : — Railroad and Warehouse CommissioJi- ers. Annual report for the year ending June 30, 1885-8b. St. Paul, 1886. 2 vols. O. Revision of the first biennial report, as to amendments, and revision of the railroad and warehouse laws; as required by Act of March 5, 1885. St, Paul, 1880. O. pp. 50. Missouri — Board of Public Works and State Engineer. [1st] report upon the condition of the various railroad companies of the State. Jeffer- son City, 1857. O. — Railroad Commissioners. 5th-9th an- nual report, for 1879-83. St. Louis, [1881 ?J; Jefferson City, 1883-84. 3 vols. bd. in 2. O. Lackine 7th report. 5th-6th combined. — Railroad and Warehouse Commission- ers. 18th annual report, [for] 1892. Jefferson City, 1893. O. Montana — State Board of Equalization. 1st- 3rd annual report, [for] 1890-92. Helena, 1890- 92. 3 vols. bd. in 1. O. 1 he Board assesses railroad corporations. National Convention of Railroad Com- missioners. Proceedings, general conference. Mar. 5-7, 1889; [2nd-5th annual convention,] May 28-29, 1890; Mar. 3-4, 1891; Apr. 13-14, 1892; Apr. 19-20, 1893. Washington, 1889-93. 5 vols. O. Nebraska — Board of Railroad Commissioners. [2nd annual] report, for the year ending June 30, 1886. Omaha, 1887. O. Succeeded by : — Board of Transportation. lst-6th an- nual report, for the vear ending June 30, 1887-92. Lincoln, Omaha, 1888-93. 6 vols. O. New Jersey — State Directors of the Delaioare and Raritan Canal and Camden and Amhoij R. R. Report [for 1847]-69. Trenton, 1848-70. 19 vols. O. Lacking report for 18.50, '53, '54, '57. For later reports seein/ra, Comptroller of the Treasury. — Secretary of State. Annual reports of railroad anort in vol. i>. 86. North Carolina — Board of Railroad Com- missioners. lst-3d annual report, for 1891-93. Raleigh, 1892-94. 3 vols. O. North Dakota — Commissioners of Railroads. lst-3rd annual report, for 1890-92. Pismarck, 1890-93. 3 vols. O. Ohio — Commissioner of Railroads and Telc- iiraphs. 3rd-26th annual report, for 1869-92. Cohnnbus, Norwalk, 1870-93. 18 vols. O. Lucking rcjxjrts 6, 9, 13, 17, 19, and vol. II of Ith report.. VoL 1 of 'llh re|)ort, for 1870, contains: Laws of Ohio and of Congress relative to railroads and telegraphs; and charters of the varioas comimuios [in Ohio], with notes of decisii)n.s. Oregon — /'ailrnud Commissioners. [Isl 1-llh bii'iniial report, for 4 vols. bd. in 3. O. 1889-95. Salem, 1889-95. 32 HOPKINS RA IL WA Y LIBRA R Y. Pennsylvania — Auditor General. Reports of the railroad companies, [for 1862, '63J, '67, '68, '70, 72, '73. Harrisburg, 1863-74. 7 vols. (). For 1867-73, "Annual report; and of the tabulations and deductions from the reports of railroad and canal companies." Succeeded by: — Secretary of Internal Affairs, Annual report, part 4: rail road, canal, navigation and telegraph [and telephone] companies, for 1875, '77-80, '92. Harrisburg, 1876-93. 6 vols. O. Tabulated results compiled from the an- nual reports of railroad, jjassenger railway, canal and telegraph companies, for 1875. Harrisburg, 1876. O. pj). 99. Reprinted from Annual report, for 1875. Rhode Island — Railroad Commissioner, An- nual report, [for 1885J-93. Providence, 1886- 94. 9 vols. bd. in 7. O. South. Carolina — Railroad Commissioner. 2nd -4tli [and Supplement to 3rd] annual report. [Co- lumbia, 1881-83.] 3 vols. O. In vol. " South Carolina Reports and resolutions." Succeeded by: — Railroad Commissioners. 5th-9tli an- nual report. Columbia, 1883-[88.] 5 vols. bd. in 4. O. South Dakota — Railroad Commissioners. 2nd -3rd annual report, for 1891-92. Pierre, 1893. 2 vols, in 1. O. Tennessee — Railroad Commissio?i. lst-2nd annual report. Nashville, 1884. 2vols.ini. O. Texas — Railroad Commission. lst-2nd annual report, for 1892-93. Austin, 1892-93. 2 vols. O. United States — Interstate Commerce Commis- sion. lst-8th annual report, Dec. 1, 1887-94. Washington, 1887-94. 8 vols. O. lst-6th annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States, for the year end- ing June 30, 1888-93. Washington, 1889-94. 6 vols. O. The Library has also "advance copy" of 3rd and 6th reports. [lst-3rd] preliminary report on the in- come account of railways in the United States, for the year ending June 30, 1892-94. Washing- ton, 1893-94. 3 vols. bd. in 1. O. In vol. " Interstate Commerce Commission, p. 4." — Department of the Interior — Auditor of Railroad Accounts. [1st, 3rd] annual report, for year ending June 30, 1878, '80. 'Washington, [1879?]-80. 2 vols. O. • — — Commissioner of Railroads. An- nual report, for 1881-92. Washington, 1881-92. 12 vols, bd in 7. O. Vermont — Railroad Commissioner. Biennial report, for 1881-82. Rutland, 1882. O. Board of Railroad Commissioners. 2nd- 3rd biennial report, June 30, 1888-1892. Bur- lington, 1890-92. 2 vols. O. Wisconsin — Railroad Commissioners. lst-2nd annual report, for 1874-75. Madison, 1874-75. 2 vols. O. Succeeded by : — Railroad Comynission. 3rd-8ch annual report, for 1876-81. Madison, 1876-82. 6 vols. O. 2nd-3rd biennial report, [for] period ending June 30, 1886-1888. Madison, 1887-89. 2 vols. O. Wyoming — State Auditor. Annual report, for year ending Sept. 30, 1892. Cheyenne, 1892. O. Railroads in the State are required to make reports to this office, and the valuations of railroad property are contained in its reports. b. Guides. American railway guide and pocket com- panion for the United States; containing correct tables for time of starting from all stations, dis- tances, fares, etc., on all the railway lines in the United States; with a complete railway map. Charles Cobb, compiler, [June,] 1851; [edited by R. S. Fisher, Aug. 1852; Oct. 1853.] N. Y., [1851-53]. 3 pts. T. Pts. for Aug. 1852 and Oct. 1853 in vol. "American rail- way guides. 1. " Appletons' illustrated railway and steam navigation guide; contains tiie time tables, sta- tions, distances, and connections upon all the railways throughout the United States and the Canadas; collected and arranged by G. F. Thomas. [April, 1861.] N. Y., 1861. sq. S. In vol. "American railway guides. 3." Appletons' northern and eastern traveller's guide; by W. Williams. N. Y., Philadelphia, 1850. S. pp.313. 2-i. cts., 22 fold, maps. Same. New and revised ed. N. Y., 1853. S. pp.,303. 25 cts., 22 fold. maps. Appletons' railroad and steamboat comjjanion ; a travellers' guide through the United States, Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia; by W. Williams. N. Y., Philadelphia, 1848. S. pp. 313. 25 cts., 22 fold. maps. Appletons' southern and western travellers' guide; by W. Williams. N. Y., 1851. S. pp. (2) -\- 5-140. 8 cts., 9 fold. maps. Same, N. Y., 1853. S. pp. (2) + 5- 140. 8 cts., 9 fold. maps. Baldwin's Chicago railroad guide and busi- ness directory. March, 1867. Chicago, [1867]. sq. S. In vol. "American railway guides. 2." Bancroft's California guide, complete: rail- /^ ways, steamships and stage lines of California. Vol. 1. no. 2. Feb., 1891. San Francisco, 1891. O. In same, 5. Bancroft's guide for travelers by railway, Um TED S TA TES. 33 IX y Stage, and steam navigation in the Pacific States. July lS7o, no. 49. San Francisco, [1873.] sq. S. Ill same, 2. Bishop's A. B. C. guide; containing a complete " shippers' and travelers' guide; also, railroad time tables. Nov. 1894. vol. XVI, no. 119. San Francisco, 1894. O. In same, 4. Bowen, E. The pictorial sketch-book of Penn- sylvania, or its scenery, internal improvements, resources, and agriculture, popularly desciibed; [together with : Locomotive sketches with pen and pencil, from Philadelphia to Pittsburg.] Phila- delphia, 1852. O. pp. (3) + 9-268 -\- (1) + 13- 192. liiS figs., 26 plates, Ifold. map. Eambles in the path of the steam-horse; from Baltimore to Harper's Ferry, Cumberland, "Wheeling, Cincinnati, and Louisville. Philadel- phia, Baltimore, 1855. O. pp. viii + 432. col- ored half-title, 1(52 cts. Bullinger's postal and shippers' guide for the United States and Canada; containing every post- office, railroad station and United States fort, with the railroad or water route on which every place is located; compiled and published bv E. W. Bul- linger. Jan. 1881. N. Y., [1881.] Q. pp. 430. Crofutt's new overland tourist and Pacific coast guide; to tell you what is worth seeing, where to see it, where to go, how to go, and whom to stop with while passing over the Union, Kansas, Cent- ral and Southern Pacific railroads, their branches and connections, through Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Cali- fornia and Arizona; by Geo. A. Crofutt. Omaha, 1880. D. pp. 281. 71cis., 18 fold, plates, Ifold. map. Same. Omaha, and Denver, 1882. I). pp. 275. 8 cts., 17 fold, plates, 1 map. Dinsmore's railroad and steam navigation guide and route-book. [November, 1859. Vol. X, no. 3.] N. Y., [1859.] T. In vol. "American railway guides. 2." Disturnell, J. The western traveller; embrac- ing the canal and railroad routes, from Albany and Troy, to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. N. Y., 1844. S. pp. 90 + 5. 3 plates. Doggett's Ignited States railroad and ocean steam navigation guides. [September, 1847.] N. Y., [1847]. sq. S. In vol. "American railway guides. 2." Ensign, Bridgman & Fanning's travellers' guide through the Slates of Ohio, ]\Iichigan, Indiana, Illinois, ^lissonri, Iowa and Wisconsin; with railroad, canal, stage, and steamboat routes. N. Y., 1857. T. pp. 3G. Ifold map. Harper's New York and Erie railroad guide book; containing a description of the scenery, rivcr.s, towns, villages and luost important works on the road; by William Macleod. N. Y., [1S51]. D. pp. viii -f 9-173 -f (1). 13G cts. Same. 8th ed. revised, enlarged, and corrected. N. Y., 1855-6. D. i)p. viii -\- 9- 188. 130 cts., Ifold map. Holbrook's United States railroad guide, and steanjboat journal; containing official tables, with hours of departure of trains. Vol. 2, no. 16, April, 1851. N. Y., [1851]. T. lu vol. "American railway guides. 1." International (The) railway guide; giving the time-tables of the Grand Trunk railway of Canada and of all railways connecting Canada and the United States. Nov. 1868. Montreal, [1868]. O. In same, 4. International tourist guide; information re- garding the principal routes East and West, also rates of, and routes over which, excursion tickets are sold during summer months. Chicago, [1870]. T. In same, 2. Lloyd's [W. Alvin] southern steamboats rail- road guide. Vol.8, no.2. Feb.l86l. N.Y.,1861. O. In same, 5. Contains interesting preliminary notices indicative of strong Southern feeling, among others a full page (p. i.) denunciation of a firm of jewellers in New York, and an appeal to Southern buyers not to patronize "the black Republican house," because one member of the firm " voted for Abraham Lincoln," and yet " wanted the Southerns' money." Macfarlane, J. An American geological rail- way guide, giving the geological formation at every railway station, with altitudes above mean tide-water, notes on interesting places on the routes, and a description of each of the forma- tions. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. N. Y., 1890. O. pp. (2) + 426. Northern (The) traveller, and northern tour; with the routes to the Springs, Niagara, and (Quebec, and the coal mines of Pcnnsvlvania; also, the tour of New England. New [4t"h] ed. N.Y., 1831. S. pp. (6) + 444. 9 plates, 18 maps, 1 fold. map. Noyes's illustrated national guidi', and trav- ellers' com|)anion, for railways, steamboats, and general circulation. N. Y., [1857.] O. r. 64. Ohio (The) railroad guide; Cincinnati to Erie via Columbus and Cleveland. Columbus, 1854. D. pp. (5) + 135. 31 plates. Hiilf-title: Cmclnnati, Columbus, Cleveland and Erie railroad guide. Pacific coast official railway and steamsliip guide; compiled ami edited by B. N. Rowley, Mar., 1891; Fcb.-Sept. 1894. San Francisco, 1891-94. y nos. O. Railroad gazetteer: ofiitial organ of railway, stcamsblp and stage lines of the Pacific cotust. Feb., 1882; Sept.-Dcc, 1893. San Francisco, 1882-93. 5 nos. O. 34 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. ^ Railway (The) liand-bfxik; a complete index to the transportation systems of the Pacific Coast. Nov. 1, 1890; March 1, 1892. San Francisco, [1890-92]. 2pts. T. lu vol. "Americau railway guides. L" Band, McNally & Go's railway guide; the travelers' hand book to all railway and steamboat lines of Korth America; arranged by Robert A. Bower. [April, 1873.] Chicago, 1873. sq. S. In same, 3. Smalley, E. V. The great Northwest; a guide- book and itinerary for the use of tourists and travelers over the lines of the Northern Pacific railroad, the Oregon railway and navigation com- ])any and the Oregon and California railroad. St. Paul, 1888. D. pp. (3) + 7-390. 76 cts.. Ifold. map in pocket. Smith, J. C. The illustrated hand-book; a new guide for travelers through the United States of America; with the railroad, stage and steamboat routes, and the fares on the great traveling routes. N. Y., 1848. T. pp. 234. frontisp., 125 cts., 1 fold. map. Map incomplete. Travelers' and shippers' directory for the Pa- cific coast. Jan. -Dec, 1892-94; vol. 1-3. San Francisco, 1892-94. 27 pts. O. Lacks Jan., Sept., Oct., Dec, 1892; July, Sept., Nov., 1893; Oct., Dec, 1894. Travelers' ofiicial guide, see under Periodi- cals and Transactions. Travelers' ready reference guide: consolida- tion of the Knickerbocker and Appletons' national railway and steam navigation guide. 1886-89. N. Y., 1886-89. 47 pts. bd. in 12 vols. O. Lacks Nov., 1886. !' Truman, Major B. C. Tourists' illustrated guide to the celebrated summer and .winter re- sorts of California, adjacent to and upon the lines of the Central and Southern Pacific railroads. San Francisco, 1883. O. pp. (4) 4- 9-232. 74 cer to California, via Santa Fe route. St. Louis, Chicago, Topeka. 1893. nar. S. i)p. 27. 23 cts., 1 map. This and the one next following in vol. ".Vtchisou, Topeta tt Sauta Fii. Pamphlets. 1." The land of sunshine; by C. A. Higgins. Chicago, 1892. S. i)p. (3) -}- 7-48. 64 cts. Manual no. 12-21, [and Correction no. 1 to Manual no. 20.] A. T. & S. F. and auxiliary companies. Augt. 5, 1887-Jan. 7, 1895. Topeka, 1887-95. 9 vols. D. and O. Lacking no. 15. jMemorial [asking Congress to extend for four years the time for coni|)leting the road to tlie western line of Kansas; dated Feb. 5, 1S72.J [Boston? 1872.] sij. O. broadside. Plan of re-organization: circular no. 63, Oct. 15, 1889. [Boston? 1889.] sq. q. pp. 19. [Prospectus.] Boston, 1871. O. pp.28. 1 fold. map. Statement, as of Nov. 30, 1888. n.p., n.d. O. pp. (4) + 68. Statement of operations, for the year 187L n.t.p. Boston, n.d., .scj, O. pp. (2). To California and back; by C. \. Hig- gins. Chic:igo, 1893. D. pp. 151. 169 els., 1 VKtp. In vol. "Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fc. Pamplilcts. l."* Valuation of A. T. & S. F. K.H. bonds under reorganization, jtresented bv (ionid, llall «fc Co., Boston; [dated Oct. 17, 1889. J [Boston, 1889.] O. pp. 3. Atlantic and Great Weetern. 1st annual 36 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. report of the central hoard of management to the stockholders, for 1863. Buffalo, 1864. O. [Report on the A. &. G. W. presented to and adopted by the New York Stock Exchange, Oct. 30th, 1863.] n.t.p. [N. Y., 1863.] sq. O. pp. 3. Report on narrow-gauging the A. Si G. W.; by R. E. O'Brien, Apr., 1873. N. Y., 1873. O. pp. 8. Atlantic and Gulf. 18th report of the pre- sident and directors to the stockholders, Jan. 1, 1873. Savannah, 1873. O. Atlantic and Pacific. Report of the general manager to the directors, Dec. 1873. N. Y., 1874. O. Circular to the stockholders. N. Y., 1855. O. pp. 27. Laws and documents [relating to] A. & P. and leased lines. St. Louis, 1873. O. pp. (3) + 242. DoLPH, J. N. A. & P. R. R. land grant: speech in the Senate of the United States, July 3, 1884. Washington, 1884. O. pp. 32. Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio. 1st annual report of the president and directors for the year ending Sept. 30, 1871. Lynchburg, Va., 1872. O. Meeting of the consolidated bondholders, London, 19th June, 1878. Lond., 1878. O. pp. (2) + 5-30. Baltimore and Drum Point. Prospectus, and coi)y of the charter and the laws relating to the company; also traffic contract with the Balti- more and Ohio. Baltimore, 1888. O. pp 112.. Baltimore and Ohio. [Annual] report of the president and directors to the executive of the State of Maryland, Dec, 1831. n.p., n.d. O. 4, 6, 26, 27, 31-34, 40, 44, 47, 53,54, 62- 68 annual report of the president and directors to the stockholders. Baltimore, 1830-94. 20 vols. O. and sq. Q. Address of Thomas Swann, president, to the stockholders at their general meeting, May 1; in relation to the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, passed Mar. 21, 1850, providing for a settlement of the route west of Pile's Fork to the city of Wheeling. Baltimore, 1850. O. pp.70. Address of John W. Garrett to the Board of directors of the B. & O. upon his re-election as president of that company, Dec. 1865. Bal- timore, 1865. O. pp. 20. B. and O. annual; by J. G. Pangborn. 1886, 1887. [Baltimore, 1886-87.] 2 vols. sq. Q. [Circular announcing arrangements for the annual meeting of the American Medical Association, Washington, Mav, 1884.] n.p., n.d. obi. Tt. pp. (4). [Circular announcing excursion arrange- ments for the annual meeting of the American Institute of Homeopathy, at Deer Park, June 1884.] N. Y., printed, [1884]. nar. O. j.p. (2). illus. Correspondence between the Chesapeake and Ohio canal company and the B. & O. in re- lation to the disputes between those com|)anies concerning the right of way along the Potomac river. Baltimore, 1830. O. pp. iv -{-5-80. Deer Park: 3,000 feet above the sea; by J. G. Pangborn. Chicago, 1884. sq. O. pp. (16). 28 cts. Deer Park and Oakland; on the crest of the Alleganies; season of 1893. n.p., n.d. [N, Y., printed, 1893.] sq. O. pp. 23. 16 cts., 8 plates. Cover title. [Executive order, no. 1, dated Balti- more, Nov. 20, 1884.] n.t.p. Q. pp. (2) • Fishing resorts on ])icturesque B. & O. [Baltimore], 1890. O. pp. 27. 26 els. • The great railway conflict; remarks of John W. Garrett, president, at the regular monthly meeting of the Board of directors, April 14th, 1875. Baltimore, 1875. O. pp. 18. Guide to Washington, n.p., n.d., [X. Y., printed, 1889.] D. pp. 51. 16 cts., 1 map. Laws and ordinances relating to the B. &0. R.R. Baltimore, 1850. O. pp. (2) -f 9- 283. Mountain and valley resorts on pictur- esque B. & O. ; by J. G. Pangborn. Chicago, 1884. sq. O. pp. 32. 32 cts. Mountain Lake Park: summit of the Al- leghanies; by J. G. Pangborn. Chicago, 1884. sq. O. pp. (16). 9 cts. ■ Picturesque B. & O. ; by J. G. Pangborn. Chicago, [1884.] sq. O. pp.54. 25 c^s. Picturesque B. &0. ; historical and de- scriptive; bv J. G. Pangborn. Subscrij)tion ed. Chicago, 1883. sq. F. pp. (4) -{- 9-288. 94 plates. • Proceedings of railway meetings held in relation to the B. & O. and its extensions, branches and connections at Pittsburg and elsewhere, and the remarks of John W. Garrett, president. [Bal- timore,] 1870. O. pp. 31. 1/old. map. Summer excursion routes and rates, via picturesque B. & O. 1890-93. Baltimore, [1890? -93?] 3 vols. O. Reply of John W. Garrett, president of the B. & O., to Wm. H. Vanderbilt, presi- dent of the New York Central, Sept. 30, 1881. n.p., [1881?] O. pp. 20. Who they were and what they said: the 1 Staten Island banquet, to the president and exec- UNITED STATES. 37 utlves of the B. & O. [N. Y.? 1885?] sq. O. pp. 103. 3 maps. Cover title. The World's Fair via B. & O, ; the sight- seeing route to Chicago; by Henry P. Phelps. Baltimore, 1893. sq. O. pp". 92. 63 cts., 2 maps. Ghega, C. Die Baltimore-Ohio-Eisen- hahn liber das Alleghany-Gebirg, mit besonderer Benicksichtiginig der Steigungs- und Krum- iunngsverb;il(nis. W. G. Nar- rative of the proceedings of the Board of En- gineers of the fi & O R R. from its organization to its dissolution, together with an exposition of facts, illustrative of the conduct of sundry indi- viduals. Baltimore. 1830. O. pp. vi -{- (2) + 9-]S9-f(2) +3-95. ■ Varle. C. a complete view of Balti- more; to which is added a detailed statement of an excursion on the B. & O. R. R.. to the Point of Rocks, giving an interesting description of said road. Baltimore, 1833. T. pp. vi + (1) -j- 9-16(3. 4 plates, 1 fold. map. Baltimore and Philadelphia — Philadel- phia — Select and Common Councils. Report of the joint committee on railroads, on tlie bills entitled: An ordinance relative to the construc- tion of the B. & P. R. R. and Schuylkill River East Side R. R., made to Councils, June 18th, 1885. [Philadelphia, 1885?] O. pp.33. 1 map. Baltimore and Susquehanna. 3, 8, 9, 12, 13 annual report of the directors to the stock- holders. Baltimore, 1830-40. 5 vols. O. Bangor and Piscataquis. Reports of the directors and treasurer, from Dec. 1, 1876, to Jan. 1, 1878; Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1879. Bangor, 1878-80. 2 vols. O. Barre and "Worcester. Report of a com- niilteeof the directors, showing the estimated cost of the contemplated road, its sources of business, and advantages to the stockholders and public. Barre, 1847. O. pp.8. Bear Mountain. Reports, by E. F. John- son and W. R. Casey, civil engineers; and on the coal and iron ores of the Bear Valley coal basin, by J. Hall; also, an api)endix containing the charter of the company. N. Y., 1845. O. j))). viii -j- 88. 3 fold. maps. Bedford — Massachusetts — Senate. Report of spe( ial joint (oniinillee on an act to incorpor- ate the Bedford railroad company. iLt.]). [1840. J O. pp. 5. Bellaire, Zanesville and Cincinnati. Pros- ])ectus, March 1, 1882; compiled bv E. Ilulbert. Wheeling, 1882. O. pp. 23. 1 fold, table. Bellefontaine and Indiana. 1st annual re- port of the president and directors, statement of the treasurer, and report of the chief engineer, Jan. 1851. Sidney, O., 1851. O. Report on the preliminary surveys for the B. & I. R. R., by W. Milnor Roberts, Jan. 22, 1850. Pittsburgh, 1850. O. pj). 40. and Indianapolis, Pittsburgh and Cleveland. 7th joint annual rej)ort of the directors to the stockholders, for 1862. Cleve- land, 1863. O. Boston and Albany. lst-21st annual report of the directois to the stockholders, Jan. 1869- 88. Springfield, Boston. 1869-88. 19 vols. O. Lacking reports 3 and 13 Reply to the charges against the man- agers of the B. & A. in a report made to the Legislature, by one of the state directors; by the vice-president of the company, made to the stock- holders, Feb. 9, 1876. Boston, 1876. O. pp. 22. Reply to the complaints urged before the legislative committee on railroads, in rela- tion to the management of the B. & A.; by [D. W. Lincoln] the vice-president of the company, Feb. 25, 1875. Boston, 1875. O. pp. 28. Resolutions passed at a meeting of the stockholders held July 15th, 1880, suggested by the death of its late president, Daniel Waldo Lincoln, and memorial addresses. n.p., n.d., [Springfield, Mass., printed, 1880?] O. pp. 11. Statement made before the legislative committee on railroads in relation to a consolida- tion of the B. tSt A. and Boston . & A.; by [D. W. Lin- coln] the president, March 3, 1880. Boston, 1880. O. pp. 14. Jackson, W. Lecture on railroads; de- livered Jan. 12, 1829, before the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association. Boston, 1829. (). pp. 32. This and the four next foIlowJnp in vol. " Railroad from Boston to the Hudson river. I'umphlels." Massachusetts — Board of Directors of Internal Improvements. Report of Mr. Baldwin, on the rail-road surveys from Boston to the Hudson river; of Mr. llayward, on the rail-road surveys between Boston and Providence; Mr. Willard's rejiort on the cost of stone for the rail- road, n. t. p. [Boston, 1828.] O. pp.119. 6 fold, plans. Rejiort on the practicability and expedi- ency of a rail-road from Hoslon to llic Hudson river, ami from Hoslon to Providence; to which are aniiexeci, the re[>orts of the engineers, with 88 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. plans and profiles of the routes. Boston, 1829. nar. O. pp. 76. Boston and Albany R. R. route, etc. Another copy of this and one preceding, in vol. "Boston and Providence R. R. Pamphlets. 1." — Senate. Report of the Board of com- missioner.s, for the survey of one or more routes, for a railway from Boston to Albany. Boston, 1828. O. pp. 56. New York — Sinate. Eeport of the com- missioners appointed under the act of April 15, 1828, relative to the construction of a railroad from Boston to the Hudson river, n.t.p. [Al bany? 1829.] O. pp. 29 + 47-64. 2 fobl. tabhs. Boston and Chicago Railway Trust Com- pany. Bay State transportation league: a bill to incorporate the E. & C. Ey. Trust Co., to be presented to the Mass. legislature of 1875. Bos- ton, 1874. O, pp. 32. Boston and liOwell. [1st] report [to the stockholders] Nov. 30, 1837, presented at the annual meeting Jan. 3, 1838. Boston, 1838. O. 14th annual report to the legislature of Massachusetts, n.t.p., 1844. O. Argument of Charles G. Loring, on behalf of the remonstrance of the B. & L. against the petition of J. S. Cabot and others for a rail- road from Salem to Lowell, before the joint com- mittee on railroads and canals, Feb., 1848. n.p., n.d. [1848?] O. pp. 38. Cover title. Remonstrance in the matter of petitions for leave to construct rail roads between Lowell and Andover. Jan. 11, 1845. n.p., n.d. [1845.] O. pp. 6. Cover title. Boston and Maine. Annual report of the directors to the stockholders, for the year ending May 31, 1853, December 8, 1875. Boston, 1853- 75. 2 vols. O. Report of the committee of investiga- tion appointed by the stockholders at a meeting held at Exeter, N. H., May 28, 1849. Boston, 1849, O. pp. 79. Boston and Providence, Report of the di- rectors, presented at the annual meeting of the stockholders, June 6, 1849; together with a report of the examining committee of the stockholders. Boston, 1849. O, Report of the Board of directors for the year ending Sept, 30, 1875-1883, Boston. 1875 -83, 7 vols. O. Lacking 1880 and 1882. Report of the Board of directors to the stockholders, submitting the report of their en- gineer, with ])lans and ])rofiles, and estimates of the cost; to which are annexed the acts of incor- poration. Boston, 1832. O. pp. (3) + 7-87. 1 /old. map, 1 fold. plan. Report of the committee for investigat- ing the affairs of the B. & P., appointed bv the stockholders, Jan. 14, 1857. Boston, 1857". (). pp. 23. Massachusetts — Board of Commifision- ers of Internal Improvements. Report in relation to the examination of sundry routes for a rail- way from Boston to Providence; with a memoir of the survey. Boston, 1828. O. pp. 72. 1 fold. map. In vol. ' Boston & Providence R. R. Famphlels. 1." Boston and Worcester. [lst]-38th annual report of the diiectors. Boston, 1832-67. 26 vols. O. Lackmg reports, lS34-o9, M2. MS, M6-48. '62, '57 list lepoU "Report of the directors to the stockholders, together wrth the report of John M. Fessenden (chief en glueer), and a plan" and profile of the location of the load. ' 2ud: "Presented at a special meeting, Jan. 18, 1833." 13th, 14th, 17th nnnual lepcrt, to the legislature of Massachusetts. Boston, 1845-49. 3 vols. O. The act of incorporation and by-laws. Boston, 1831. S. pp. 18. This and the five nest following in vol. "Boston and Worcester. Pamphlets. 1." Communication by the directors to the stockholders in relation to the late award of com- missioners and the strictures of the president of the Western railroad thereon. Boston, 1860. O. pp. 72, Memorial and remonstrance to the Senate and Representatives of Massachusetts [against pe- tition of the Seekonk Branch railroad: Boston, Feb. 23, 1838.] n. p., n.d. O. pp. 20. Proceedings Jan. 12, 1846, with the com- munication of the president of the corporation, on the subject of the proposed union with the Western rail-road. Boston, 1846. O. pp. 26, Report of a committee of directors, on the proposition of the directors of the Western rail-road, to reduce the rates of fare and freight on the two railroads. Boston, 1840. O. pp. 32. Report of the committees of the B. & W, and Western railroad corporations on the subject of uniting the two railroads; also, the report of a committee of the stockholders of the B. & W., instructed to inquire into the pecuniary condi- tion and property of the B. & W. and Western railroads, with several statements appended thereto. Boston, 1846. O. pp. 54. Boston, Barre and Gardner. lst-16th annual report of the directors to the stockholders, Feb. 1870-74; Jan. 1875-85. Worcester, 1870- 85. 15 vols. O. Lacking 10th report. Boston, Clinton, Fitchbnrg and New Bed- ford. Detailed statement, giving its history, location and the consolidations which have re- UNITED STATES. 39 suited in the formation of the present corpora- tion; also statement showing the present financial condition of the consolidated company: June 1st, 1876. Fitch burg, 1876. O. pp. 16." 1 map. Boston, Concord and Montreal. 13th an- nual report of the directors, May, 1859. Con- cord, 1859. O. Boston, Hartford and Erie. Papers relating to tlie State loan, 1868. Boston, 1868. O. pp.53. Testimony of J. W. Brooks before the committees on railroads of the legislature of Massachusetts, March 29, 1870. Boston, 187C. O. i>p. 46 "Grades upon the B. H. p. 28. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha. 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th annual r.-port, for 1883, '85, '86, '88, '89, '92. St. Paul, 1884-93. 6 vols. O. 44 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Cincinnati, Dayton and Ironton. Lease, dated Mav 1, 1891, to Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton, li.t.p. [N. Y., printed, 1891?] O. pp. 14. Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton. 2nd, lOtii, 24tli, 2(Jtli, 28tli-30th, 32nd, 33rd, 38tli annual report of the president and directors to its stockholders. 1852, '60, '71, '73 '75-77, '79, '80, '85. Cincinnati, 1852-85. 10 vols. O. 24th-38th. "Of the directors of the C. H. & D. ; Dayton , 1 fold. map. 4R HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Minnesota, the Dakotas, Montana, Idaho, "Washington, Oregon, California, Pacific coast: facts about a great country, n.p., n.d. folder, nar. O. .9ftme; corrected to Sept. 20, 1894. n.p., n.d. nar. O. pp. 79. 15 maps, Ijfold. map. Vallev, plain and peak; scenes on the line. St. Paul, Minn., 1894. sq. S. pp. 95. 45 photo, engrs, Washington, the Evergreen state; scenes from her exhibit at the World's Columbian ex- position, 1893. n. t. p. obi. Tt. pp. (13). 26 photo, enijrs. Great Southern. Circular: Georgia and Florida, a through line from Millen, Georgia, to Turtle Harbor, Florida, under one control and management. K. Y., 1871. O. pp. 90. A trunk line between the JS'orth and the tropics, to within ninety miles of Havana, con- necting at the nearest possible point with the West Indies, Central and South America. N.Y., 1878. O. pp. (2) + v-xiii + 267. 1 fold. map. Great Western (of 1S59.) 1st annual re- port of the directors to the slock and bond holders, for the year ending March 31st, 1860. Springfield, 111., 1860. O. Great Western Railroad of Illinois. An- nual report of the directors to the stockholders, of 1st Oct. 1855. N. Y., 1855. O. Minutes of the meetings of the creditors and bondholders, held Sept. 1st, 5th, 19th, 1857, together with the report of the committee ap- pointed at the same. iSf. Y., 1857. O. pp. 12. Groton. [Circular showing the importance of connecting the Concord and Fitchburg, by constructing a link in the chain of roads, which is now wanting between Nashua and Groton, Mass.] n.t.p. [1842?] O. pp. 7. Hannibal and St. Joseph. Reports of the president, land and fiscal agents and chief engineer. St. Louis, 1855. O. Eeport to the stockholders. Nov., 1859. Boston, 1859. O. The H. & St. J. R.R. company have received by grant from Congress over 600,000 acres of the choicest farming and wood lands, the greatest portion of which is now in the market. Hannibal, Mo., 1860. O. pp. 60. 6 plates, 1 inap, 1 fold. map. Cover title has date 1859. Same. Hannibal, Mo., 1860. O. pp. 60. 6 plates, 1 map, 2 fold. maps. Hartford and New Haven, lst-26th an- nual report of the Board of directors to the stockholders. New Haven; Hartford. 1836-61. 26 vols. O. Charter, with amendments: also, chart- ers of the Hartford and Springfield R. R., from the States of Connecticut and Massachusetts. Hartford, 1842. O. pp. 34. Report of the engineer, upon the pre- liminary surveys. New Haven, 1835. O. pp. 30. Ifold. map. Hartford and Providence. [Report of the committee appointed at a meeting of the stock- holders of the _H. & P. R.R., in Hartford, Feb. 2, 1848, to consider the project for the construc- tion of Rhode-Island and Connecticut Central R.R.] n. t. p. [Hartford, Feb. 16, 1848.] O. pp. 23. Hartford and Springfield. Report of the engineer upon the several definite locations for the H. & S. R.R., with the acts of incorporation in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Hartford, 1841. O. pp. 32. 1 fold. map. Same. 2nd ed. Hartford, 1841. O. pp. 32. 1 fold. map. Hartford, Providence and Fishkill. 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 9tli-12th annual report of the Board of directors to the stockholders, 1851, June 1852, Oct. 1854, '58-61. Hartford, 1351-61. 7 vols. O. Charter of the H. P. & F. R.R., origin- ally the Manchester railroad. Hartford, 1849. O. pp. 23. Report of sundry directors to the stock- holders, Feb., 1858. Hartford, 1858. O. pp.31. Report on surveys for the extension of the H. P. & F. R.R. from Waterburv to Fish- kill. Hartford, 1853. O. pp. 62. '2 fold. maps. Hillsborough and Cincinnati. ' Charter and by-laws. Cincinnati, 1849. O. pp. 41. Ifold. map. Holly, Wayne and Monroe. Copy of trust deed, n.t.p. [Jan. 2, 1871]. O. pp. 4. Housatonic. 1st annual report of the Board of directors to the stockholders. New Haven, 1838. O. Annual abstract of the books, for the stockholders, at their annual meeting, Feb., 1867. Bridgeport, 1867. O. Houston and Texas Central. Statement by B. G. Clarke and Chas. Dillingham, receivers. New York, March 31, 1886. N. Y., 1886. O. pp. 20. Hudson River. 2nd annual report of the directors to the stockholders, Aug. 29, 1849. N. Y., 1849. O. Amended act of incorporation, by-laws, and extracts from revised statutes, &c. N. Y., 1847. O. pp. 54. Communications from James Boorman to the stockholders, in reply to A. C. Flagg, late UKI TED S T. I TES. 49 president of tliat company. N. Y., 1849. U. pp. \-l. ■'I'rom the Evaiing post." Hudson river,»and the H. R. R.E.; tlie principal objects of interest upon the line. Bos- ton, 1851. O. pp. 50. 13 cts., I fold. iiKip. New York {City) — Board of Aldermen. Report of tlie special committee on the H. R. R.R. Sept. 7, 1850. N. Y., 1850. O. pp. (4). Ifold. map. Cover title. Illinois Central. Report of the directors to the stockholders, March 16, 1853, '54, '56. N. Y., 1853-56. 3 vols. O., and sq. Q. Report and accounts for 1856-58, '69, '72-77, '79-94. n.p., n.d. [1857-94.] 26 vols. F\, and F. Documents relating to the organization of the I. C. R.R. 2nd ed. N. Y., 1852. O. \)\). 148. 1 fold, blank. In vol. "Illinois Central. Pamphlets. 1." From the lakes to the gulf. [Chicago, 1884.] sq. F. pp. 125. 125 cts. The I. C. R.R. company offer for sale over 2,400,000 acres selected prairie, farm and wood lands in tracts of any size, situated on each side of their railroad. N. Y., 1855. O. pp. 32. 1 fold. map. The I. C. R.R. company offers for sale over 2,000,000 acres selected farming and wood lands, in tracts of forty acres and upwards, situ- ated on each side of their rail-road. N. Y., 1856. O. pp. 64. 1 i7iap, 1 fold. map. The I. C. R.R. company offers for sale over 1,500,000 acres selected farming and wood lands, in tracts of forty acres and uj)wards, situ- ated on each side of their railroad. Chicago, 1857. O. pp.80. Q cts., 1 plate, 1 viap, Ifold. map. Thel. Cry. : a historical sketch of the undertaking; with statistical notes on the Stale of Illinois, the cities of Chicago, Cairo, &c. ; and a description of the railway, its route and lands. Lond., 1855. O. pp. (2) + 5-44. ThLs and the three next following, in vol. "Illinois Central. Pamphlets. 1" [ms. copy of correspondence in tlie Treas- ury and War Departments, &c., relative to pay- ment of the I. C. R.R. for services rendered (luring the war.] 1856-63. O. pp. (14.) Minutes of proceedings of a meeting of shareholders, London, Feb. 11, 1858. n. t. p. F. pp. 19. Report to the sliareholders, June, 1858. Lond., [1858.] (). pp. 68. Lacks pj). .>-G. Sectional niaj)s siiowing tlie lo<;ation of over 2,500,000 acres, selected farming and wood lands, in the State of Illinois, belonging to and offered for sale by the I. C. R.R. company. Boston, 1862. O. '6-6 plates. Cover title. [Sketch of the origin and progress of the I. C. R.R.] n. t. p. [Chicago, Nov. 14, 1S57.J 0. pp. 18. In vol. •' Illinois Central. Pamphlets. 1." The ten best states of America, for agri- culture and general industries; traversed by the 1. C. R.R. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1893. O. pp. 256. 41 cts. United States — Senate. Message of the presidentof the United States, relative to the transmission of tiie mail and nuuiitions of war over the I. C. R.R. n.t.p. [Washington, Mar. 5, 1856]. O. pp. 7. This and the two next following in vol. "Illinois Cen- tral. Pamphlets. 1." ^- — — Message of the president of the United States, relative to thetransmi.ssion of tiie mail and munitions of war over the I. C. R.R. n.t.p. [Washington, Mar. 10, 1856.] O. pp.17. ■ — Report [of] the Committee on post office and post roads, concerning tlie transmission of the mail and property of the United States over the I. C. R.R. in the State of Illinois, n.t.p. [Washington, May 6, 1856.] 0. pp. 4. Indiana and Illinois Central. The fust mortgage seven jicr cent, sinking fund gold bomls as an investment on eighty-live miles of com- pleted road; Walker, Andrews & Co., New York. N. Y., 1873. O. pp. 7. — — Organization; with the report of the engineer, A. B. Condit. Indianapolis, 1853. O. pp. 13. A statement respecting the I. Si I. C. ry. l)Uilding an east and west air line; showing the basis and securit v of its ffrst mortgage 7 per cent, sinking fund gold bonds. N. Y., 1872. O. pp. (4) -f 7-80. 1 fold. map. Indiana Central. 3rd, 6th annual rejiort of the president and directors to the stockholders. N. Y., Indianapolis, 1855-58. 2 vols. O. Indianapolis and Bellefontaine. An act to incorporate 1. it B. R.R. ; and the by-laws, or- ganization, officers, &c., of said incorporate com- pany. Muncie, 1848. O. pp. 28. Communication of the jircsident, and ref)ort of the engineer, Dec. 4, 1849. Indian- apolis, 1849. O. pp. 34. Exhibit of the affairs of the 1. A' 15. R.R. n.t.p. [N. Y., Mar. 6th, 1850.] O. p|>. 24. \fold. map. Indianapolis and Cincinnati, lu port for 1859. Cincinnati, 1S60. ( ). Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Lafayotte. 50 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Equipment bond, n.p., n.d. [22nd July, 1873.] O. pp. 19. Jeffersonville, Madison and Indianapolis. Isl annual report, exhibiting the business of the Jefiersonville railroad for 1865 and the first four months of 1866, and the business of the consoli- dated company from May 1st to Dec. 31st, 1866. Louisville, Ky., 1867. O. Kansas City, Clinton and Springfield. 1st annual report, for 1887. Boston, 1888. O. Kansas City, Fort Scott and G-ulf. [1st,] 3rd annual report. Dec. 31, 1879, 1881. Boston, 1880-82. 2 vols. O. Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis. 4th, 5th annual report for the year ending June 30, 1891, 1892. Boston, [1891-92.] 2 vols. O. Among the Ozarks: the land of " big red apples." 9th ed. Kansas City, 1894. O. pp. 53. 23 cts. [Time table and guide.] Fall, 1894. St. Louis, 1894. folder, nar. O. Kansas City, Memphis and Birmingham. 1st annual report, for the year ending June 30, 1890. Boston, 1890. O. Kansas Pacific. 2nd, 4th, 8th annual report of tlie Board of directors to the stockholders, for 1868, '70, '74. N.Y., St. Louis, 1869-75. 3 vols O. Hand book for the K. P. ry. containing a description of the country, cities, towns, &c., lying along the line of the road and its branches. St. Louis, Mo., 1870. D. pp. (26.) Ifold. map. " Extracted from Tracy's Guide to the great West." Die heutige Lage der Kansas-Pacific- Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft; Bericht des am 23 De- zember 1873 von den Bondsbesitzern erwiihlten Koniitee's. Frankfurt a. M., 1874. O. pp. 29. This and next following in vol. " Kansas Pacific. Pamphlets. 1." Kansas Pacific railway gold loan: $6,- 500,000 first mortgage seven per cent, gold bonds, thirty years to run; a railroad and land-grant sinking fund bond, registered or coupon, n. p., [1869?] O. pp.48. Kentucky and Great Eastern. An exhibit; its route, resources, cost of construction, and operation. Cincinnati, 1871. O. pp. (2) -\- 5- 20. Ifold. map. Kentucky Central. 10th, 11th annual re- port for 1884, 1885. [N. Y., 1885-86.] 2 vols. F., folded to nar. O. Keokuk and Des Moines. 1st annual re- port of the Board of directors to the stockholders, for the year ending March 31, 1875. N. Y., 1875. O. Keokuk and Kansas City. History, charter and statistics, May 1, 1873. St. Louis, 1873. O. pp. 30. Ifold. map. Knox and Lincoln. Charter and by-laws. Rockland, 1868. O. pp. 36. Lackawanna and Bloomsburg. Report of the directors to the stockholders, Feb., 1855, Dec, 1859. N. Y., Philadelphia, 1855-60. 2 vols. O. La Crosse and Milwaukee. 5th annual report of the directors to the stockholders, Jan., 1857. Milwaukee, 1857. O. 3rd annual report of the receiver, to the bondholders and other creditors, of the operations of the road, for 1862. Milwaukee, 1863. O. Agreement of creditors, for purchasing the road and organizing the Milwaukee and St. Paul railwav; New York, Oct. 3, 1861. N. Y., 1861. O. pp. 12. Cover title. Circular to the stockholders, together with the act of Congress, and of the legislature of Wisconsin, granting land to said company, and papers relating to said rail road. N. Y., 1856. O. pp. 32. Ifold. map. Exhibit, March, 1856. N. Y., 1856. O. pp. 24. Modified trust deed reducing land grant mortgage and bonds to $4,000,000, dated Jan. 28, 1858. Albany, 1858. O. pp. (2) + 5-14. Lafayette and Indianapolis. Report of the directors to the stockholders, for 1851. La- fayette, 1852. O. Lake Erie and Louisville. 1st annual re- port of the president and directors, for 1872. Cleveland, 1873. O. Lake Erie and Pacific. Report of chief engineer and general superintendent, presenting characteristics of location and construction, with statistics and estimate of probable revenue, to- gether with form of bond and mortgage. N. Y., 1863. O. pp. 52. 1 fold. ma}). Lake Shore and Michigan Southern. 1st- 23rd annual report of the president and directors to the stockholders, for 1870-1892. Cleveland, 1871-93. 23 vols. bd. in 5. O. and sq. Q. America's best railway: summer excur- sions, 1894: the Lake Shore route to the moun- tains, lakes and seashore, n.p., n.d. nar. O. pp. 48. Cover title. Lake Chautauqua: reached by America's best railway, n.p., n.d. D. pp. 36. 32 cts. Cover title. Summer homes on the line of the L. S. andM. S.ry. Chicago, 1893. O. pp.56. SO cts. When? How? Why? ["The Lake Shore route." The double-track railway to the World's Fair.] n.p., n.d. sq. Q. pp. (4). folded to nar. O. UNITED STATES. 51 Leland, C. p. History of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railway. N. Y., 1887. O. pp. (26). 2 cts. Extracted from Journal of the Association of Engineer' ing Societies, vol. 6, Sept. 1887. pp. 3-10-355. ■ Seven short chapters on Lake Shore; [and Appendix.] n.p., 1880. O. pp, 12; and sq. S. pp. 8. Lawrenceburgh. and Upper Mississippi — Indiana — General Assembly. Tlie acts incor- porating the L. & U. M. R.R. Indianapolis, 1852. O. pp. 19. liehigh. Valley. 27th, 28th, 31st, 32nd an- nual report of the Board of directors to the stockholders, Jan., 1882, '83, '86, '87. Philadel- phia, 1882-87. 4 vols. O. Lewiston Falls and Rumford Falls. Re- port of a survey and estimate for a rail road from Lewiston Falls to Rumford Falls, Maine; by W. H. Koble. Portland, 1849. O. pp. 12. Lexington and Danville. 3rd, 4th annual report of the president and directors to the stockholders. May, 1854, '55. Lexington, 1854- 55. 2 vols. O. liigett's Gap. Report on the surveys, esti- mates and revenues of the L. G. R.R., connecting the Lackawanna coal basin with the New York and Erie railroad at Great Bend; to the president and directors, by W. H. Morell. Ithaca, N. Y., 1849. O. pp. 48. 1 fold. map. Little Miami. lst-9th annual report of the directors, for 1843-1851. Cincinnati, 1849-51. 9 vols, in 4. O. For 1843-48 issued in 1 vol. Charter, by-laws, adopted Jan., 1867; contract of union with the Columbus and Xenia railroad. Cincinnati, 1867. O. pp. 30. Cover title. _ Explanatory letter to the stockholders. Cincinnati, 1854. O. pp. 16. and Columbus and Xenia. 1st, 4th, fith, 11th joint anuual report of the directors to the stockholders, for 1856, '59, '61, '66; being the 14th, 17th, 19th, 24th of the L. M. R.R. and the 7th, 10th, 12th, 17th of the C. & X. R.R. Columbus, 1857-67. 4 vols. O. Logansport and Northern Indiana. Report of tlie president and directors to the stockholders, New York, Nov. 26, 1856. N. Y., 1856. O. Report of the chief engineer, exhil)iting tlie character and prospects of the road and also statement of the secretary, showing the condi- tion; presented to the Board of directors, Logansport, May 1, 1854, 1855. N. Y., 1854-55. 2 vols. O. Long Island. Report of the J'oard of directors to the stockholders, Jan. 1, 1845. Brooklyn, 1845. O. Report of special committee; with opinions of counsel. N. Y., 1855. O. pp. 24. . — —_ Reports of the engineers upon the prac- ticabilitv; with tlie correspondence between the commissioners of that company and the president of the New-York, Providence & Boston rail-road; to which is added the act of incorporation. N. Y., [1834?] D. pp.24. Louisa. Charter, and the several other acts of the [Va.] General Assembly relating to the same; also, form of a power of attorney to vote at a meeting of the stockholders. Richmond, 1849. O. pp. 49. Report of Moncure Robinson, upon the surveys for the L. R.R. Richmond, 1836. O. pp. 30. Louisiana Western. Annual report for 1885, 1886. [N. Y., 1886-87.] 2 vols. F., folded to nar. O. Louisville and Cincinnati Branch. Report of surveys and estimates. Louisville, Ky., 1866. O. pp. 52. I fold, map, Ifold. table. Louisville and Nashville. Annual report of the president and directors, ending 30th June, 1862, '63, '64, '67, '69-72, '74,'76. Louisville, Ky., 1862-76. 10 vols. O. Louisville, Cincinnati and Charleston. 4th annual report of the president and directors to the stockholders, Sept., 1340. Charleston, [reprinted,] 1851. O. Louisville, Cincinnati and Lexington. 1st annual report; being the 19th anuual report of the Louisville & Frankfort, and Lexington & Frankfort railroad companies, for the year ending June 30, 1867. Louisville, Ky., 1867. O. Lynchburg and Tennessee. 1st annual re- jiort of the president to the stockholders, Nov. 27, 1848. Richmond, 1848. O. McGregor Western. [Prospectus, articles of incorporation, etc.] N. Y., 1864. O. pp. 31. Madison and Indianapolis. 7(h annual report of the president to the directors and the stockholders, Jan. 1850. N. Y., 1850. O. Railroad map of the State of Indiana, with a statement of the condilion of tlie roads now in process of construction; publisbed bv the M. & 1. R.R., for the stockholders. March, 1850. N. Y., 1850. O. pj.. 8. 1 fold. map. Size, 52 x 41 cm. "Railroad min> of Indiana, by Col. T. A. Morris": "The roads now in process of construction lu Indiana," by John Brouf,'li. Maine Central. 21st, 27tli annual report of the diri'ctors to the stockholders, for the \v:\v ending Sept. 30, 1882, 1888. Porthmd, Mr., 1882-88. 2 vols. O. Charter and by-laws of the M. C. R.R., 52 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. organized Oct. 28th, 1862. Bangor, 1863. O. jip. o3. Manchester. [Report on the preliminary examination and survey; by Benjamin Wright. J n.t.p. [N. Y., May 16, 1834.J O. pp. 8. CONNKCTICUT — General Assembly. [Re- sohition incorporating tlie M. R. R.] n.t.p. [1833?] O. pp. 8. Marietta and Cincinnati. 1st, 2nd annual report. Chillicothe, Cincinnati, 1851-52. 2 vols. O. 4th, 8th annual report of the M. & C. R.R., as reorganized. Dec. 31, 1864, 1868. Cin- cinnati, 1865-69. 2 vols. O. Semi-annual report of the M. & C. R.R., as reorganized. 1st Jan., 1864. N.Y., 1864. O. Special report of the M. & C. R.R., as reorganized. 1st Feb., 1863. Cincinnati, 1863. O. pp. (2) -f 5-16. Marietta, Hillsborough and Cincinnati. Correspondence between a committee of the citi- zens of Cincinnati, and the president, [on con- dition and progress of the railroad.] March 3, 1856. Cincinnati, 1856. O. pp. 8. Cover title. Massachusetts Central. A brief statement of its present condition and future prospects. Sept. 3, 1879. Boston, [1879.J O. pp. 15. 1 fold. map. Memphis and Charleston. 9th, 10th annual report of the Board of directors to the stock- holders. July 1, 1859, '60. Memphis, 1859-60. 2 vols. O. 30th annual report, for the year ending June 30, 1884. n.p., n.d. O. Michigan Central. Report of the directors to the stockholders, June, 1853-Dec., 1894. Bos- ton, Detroit, 1853-95. 29 vols. O. Lacking 1854-56; 1860-62; 1864; 1866-71. A modern pilgrimage; to Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, [&c.] via the M. C. R.R. n.p., n.d. D. pp. 80. 52 cts., 1 map. Comfort in travel. Chicago, 1894. nar. S. pp. (44.) Z2cts. The Falls of Niagara; depicted by pen and camera. Chicago, 1892. obi. T. pp. 44. 23 cts., 1 fold. 7nap. Same. Chicago, 1893. obi. T. pp. 44. 23 colored cts., 1 fold map. From city to surf. Chicago, 1888. Q. pp. 104. 100 cts., 1 map. _ [Guide:]_ To the World's Columbian exposition at Chicago; from New York, Boston and the East, via Michigan Central, n.p., n.d. folder, nar. O. Same, French, n.p., n.d. folder, nar. O. -; [Guide:] To the World's Fair city of Chicago, n.p., n.d. folder, nar. O. How to see Niagara, n.p., [189-?] obi. T. pp. (42.) 20 cts. The new Don Quixote; a continuation of Cervantes' faithful relation; by H. B. Smith. Buffalo, N. Y., [1892.] sq. O. pp. 67. 20 cts. Niagara Falls from many points of view. n.p., n.d. obi. T. pp. (26.) 9 cts., I fold. map. Niagara Falls from several ])oints of view, n.p., n.d. obi. T. pp. (16). 6 colored cts., Ifold. map. The North Shore limited, n.p., n.d. sq. S. pp. (34). 30 cts. Official list of officers and agents, no. 60. August 6, 1894. n.p., n.d. nar. O. pj). 22. Cover title. A summer note book. n.p. PP n.d. O pp. 74. 29 cts. Sa7ne. [Another ed.] n.p., n.d. O. pp. 74. 26 cts., 1 fold, map, Summer tourist rates and routes via the M. C. R.R., season of 1894. Chicago, 1894. S. pp. 55. Two great limited trains, the North Shore limited and the New York and Chicago limited, n.p., n.d. sq. S. pp. (36). 33 cts. Michigan — Legislature. M. C. R.R., approved March amendments. Boston, 1857. O Charter of the 28, 1846; with pp. 38. Circular statement of N.Y., 1849, Michigan Southern the condition and prospects, 1849 O. pp. 19. Michigan — Legislature. Acts of incor- poration of the M. S. R.R. and of the Erie & Kal- amazoo R.R., and acts relating thereto. Spring- field, 1849. O. pp. 33. Michigan Southern and Northern Indi- ana. Report of the directors, 1853, '55, '57, '59. N. Y., 1853-59. 4 vols. O. Annual report of the president and di- rectors to the stockholders. Mar. 1, 1860, '63, '66, '68, '69. N. Y.; Toledo; Chicago, 1860-69. 5 vols. O. The charter and laws of the States of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Illinois relative to the M. S. & N. I. R.R. N. Y., 1855. O. pp. vi-1-218. Letter to the stockholders, by George Bliss, president of the company, March 24, 1860. N. Y., 1860. O. pp. 13. Report; by John B. Jervis, chief en- gineer. N. Y., 1850. O. pp. 20. 2 fold. maps. Milwaukee and Beloit. 1st annual report of the directors, with the report of the secretary UNITED STATES. ^ and chief engineer, presented March 4, 1857. Milwaukee, 1857. O. Statement of the president, in relation to the affairs of the company; also a list of officers, and directors; tlie cliarter, and amendatory acts thereto. Milwaukee, 1857. O. pp. (2) -{-7-65. \fold. map. Milwaukee and Horicon. 3rd annual re- port of the directors to the stockholders, April 1, 1857. Milwaukee, 1857. O. Milwaukee and Mississippi. 8th-llth an- nual report of the directors to the stockholders; together with the reports of the treasurer, sec- retary and superintendent. 1856-1859. Milwau- kee, 1857-60. 4 vols. O. Engineer's report, for 1850. n.p. [1851.] O. pp. 15. 1/old. map. Exhibit of the present condition; to- gether with an examination of the resources of the country. Milwaukee, 1851. O. pp. 16. Plan for re-organization, n.t.p. [N.Y., 25th April, I860.] O. pp. 13. To the creditors of the late M. & M. R.R., parties to an agreement dated Julv 30, I860, modified Oct. 10, 1860. n.t.p. [1861?] O. pp. 2. Wisconsin — Legislature. Acts incor- porating the M. Si M. li.R. Milwaukee, 1850. (). pp. IS. Milwaukee and Northern. Eight per cent, first mortgage coupon or registered bonds, for sale at 90 and accrued interest; A. S. Apgar, New York, n.p., n.d. broadside. O. Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien. lst-6th annual report to the stockholders, for 1861-66. Milwaukee, 1862-67. 6 vols. O. Refwrts 5 and 6 contain the 1st and 2d report of the McGregor Western. By-laws; adopted June 10, 1863. Mil- waukee, 1863. S. pp. 9. [Circular ; announcing organization.] n.t.p. [1861?] sq.O. pp. (2). [Circular; to the stockholders; L. II. Meyer, president.] n.t.p. [N. Y., 16th Feb., 1864.] O. pp. (2). [Same.-] n.t.p. [N. Y., 26th Feb., 1865.] O. pp. 3. [Circular letter: to the stockholders; L. H. Meyer, president.] n.t.p. [N. Y., 21st April, 1864.] O. PI). 2. ISavii'.] n.t.p. [N. Y., 24th April, 1864.] O. pp. 3. [Circular letter: to the holders of all classes of stocks of the M. & P. du C. ry.; L. II. Meyer, president.] n.t.p. [N. Y., Jan., 18(i5.] O. i)p. 4. Documents relating to the organization. N. Y., 1861. O. pp. (2) -f 5-75. Letter from the " Farmer's general home league," Janesville, Wisconsin, and the answers of the M. iproved, Feb. 8,1887. n.t.p. [Washington, 1887.] O. pp.2. Newport News and Mississippi Valley Company. 1st annual report, for 1886. n.p., n.d. F., folded to nar. O. New York and Albany. Facts and sugges- tions relating to the N. Y. and A., with the acts of incorporation. N. Y., 1832. O. pp. 32. Memorial to the legislature, March 6th, 1841. N. Y., 1841. O. pp. 12. 1 fold. map. Report of E. F. Johnson, chief engineer, Jan., 1839. N. Y., 1839. O. pp. 24. 1 fold, map. Sketch of the remarks made bv the president, at a meeting of citizens held Nov. 10, 1840; with a copy of tiie resolutions passed at that meeting, and other information of interest on the subject of rail roads generally. N. Y., [1840]. O. pp. 20. 2 fold. 77iaps. New York and Boston. [Memorial of the central committee appointed at a general conven- tion of delegates assembled at Middletown, 13th Jan., 1847, to promote the interests of the N. Y. and B. R.R.] n.t.p. [Middletown, 1847.] O. pp. 6. A reply to the statement of the citizens of Hartford to the people of Connecticut, issued in Ajiril, 1848, on the subject of the N. Y. and B. R.R. Middletown, 1848. O. pp. 28. Report of Edwin F, Jolinson, to the central committee. August, 1847. Middle- town, 1847. O. pp. (4) -f ^-e-l- Statement of the N. Y. and B. R.R. in reply to the report of the general railroad com- missioners of Connecticut; for the use of the legislature and citizens of Connecticut. Portland, Me., 1857. O. pp. 27. New York and Boston Rapid Transit Co. Prospectus for a direct railway line between New York and Boston. P.oston, 1886. O. pp. 24. New York and Erie Railroad. 1st annual report of the directors, made to the stockholders, Sept. 29, 1835. N. Y., 1835. O. Copy of the report of tlie directors, filed in the ofiice of the Secretary of State, on 12th Jan., 1836. n.p., n.d. O. 2nd report of tlic directors to the stock- hol.lers, Feb. 3, 1841. N. Y., 1841. O. [Outline of contents of 2nd annual 56 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. report, made to the stockholders, 29th Sept.; distributed Oct. 4, 1836.] N. Y., 1836. sq. Q. pp. (3). " From the Neiu York American, Oct. 4, 1836." Report of the Board of directors [to the stockholders], Feb. 8, 1844; March, 1849; Feb. 15, 1851; Dec. 24, 1851; Nov., 1853. N. Y., 1844-53. 5 vols. O. Also 2ud ed. of Report for 1853. Reports of the president to the stock- holders, for the year ending Sept. 30, 1855, 1857, 1858. N. Y., 1856-58. 3 vols. O. [Address of the Board of directors to the stockholders.] n.t.p. [N.Y., 20th April, 1842.] O. pp. 8. [Same.'\ n.t.p. [N.Y., 31st Oct., 1844.] O. pp. 16. Address of the directors to the stock- holders, May 19, 1848. n.p., n.d. [N.Y., 1849.] O. pp. (1) + 10. Address of the directors to the stock- holders, Feb. 1, 1850. N. Y., 1850. O. pp. 13. Address of the N. Y. & E. R.R. conven- tion [at Eimira, Oct. 17, 1837,] to the people of of the State of New York. Auburn, 1837. O. pp. 30. Address to the people of the State of New York by the N. Y. & E. R.R. convention, held at Owego, July, 1835. N. Y., 1835. O. pp. 18. An address to the stockholders and cred- itors, [by George Bruce], n.t.p. [N. Y., May 9, 1859.] O. pp. 16. [(Same.] No. 2; by George Bruce, n.p. [Oct. 8, 1859.] O. pp. 8. Address to the stockholders and the public, in relation to the report of the commis- sioners appointed by the legislature of the State of New York, to locate certain portions of the N. Y. & E. R.R. N. Y., 1847. O. pp. 20. By-laws and regulations of the N. Y. & E. R.R., adopted by its Board of directors on the 10th Sept., 1841. N. Y., 1841. O. pp. 23. Considerations on the subject of the N. Y. & E. R.R. n.t.p. [N. Y.? 1833?] O. pp. 14. With a letter from Benjamin Wright to E. Lord, chair- man of committee of N. Y. & E. R.R. Same. [Another ed.] n.t.p. [N. Y.? 1833?] O. pp. 16. The decision of the Lieutenant-governor [Dickinson], together with the opinion of W. H. Seward, on the question whether the bill in re- lation to the N. Y. & E. R.R. is a majority bill. Albany, 1843. O. pp. 27. Estimated income of the N. Y'^. & E. R.R. n.t.p. [183-.] O. pp.6. Facts and considerations relating to the N. Y. & E. R.R. n.t.p. [N. Y., May 25, 1840.] O. pp. 16. Historical notices respecting the origin and proceedings. n.p., n.d. [N. Y., May, 1845.] O. pp. 25. Letter from James Seymour, division engineer of the N. Y. & E. R.R., in respect to the curvature and graduation on that and sundry other roads, n.t.p. [N. Y., Jan. 11, 1836.] O. pp. 8. Memorial to the legislature of the State of New York. N. Y., 1837. O. pp. 20. New Y'^ork and Erie rail road. Mr. Faulkner's bill: truths which every citizen of New York ought to read, 1842. N. Y., 1842. D. pp. 24. Opinions and decisions on the question whether the bill for conditionally releasing the N. Y. & E. R. R. from tlie state loan is a majority bill. Albany, 1845. O. pp. (2) -f- 5-19. Petition of the N. Y. & E. R.R. for the consent of the legislature to the end tliat they may connect their road with a continuatiim of the line thereof into Pennsylvania, in the counties of Susquehanna and Pike. n. t. p. N. Y.? 184-?] O. pp. 12. 2 fold. maps. [Petition to the legislature of the State of New York.] n.t.p. [Jan. 24, 1840.] F. pp. 3. [Proposed conditions of the first sub- scription to the stock of the N. Y. & E. R.R.] [N. Y., May 28, 1833.] O. pp. 2. Report of H. C. Seymour, superintend- ent of the eastern division of the N. Y. & E. R.R., to the assignees of the company. N. Y., 1842. D. pp. 10. ifold. tables. Report of the directors to the stock- holders, March 1849. N. Y., 1849. O. pp. 40. Report [to the president and directors,] of Moncure Robinson, Jonathan Knight, and Benjamin Wright, civil engineers, upon the plan of the N. Y. & E. R.R. N. Y., 1835. O. pp. 11. Sale of bonds of the N. Y. & E. R.R. n.t.p. [N. Y., Sept. 14, 1847.] O. pp. (4). Speech of Samuel P. Lyman, of Utica, at the convention of delegates, held at Ithaca, July 11th, 1839, on the subject of the N. Y. & E. R.R. N. Y., 1839. O. pp. iv -\- 5-38. [Statement of the affairs of the company, by the directors to the stockholders. New York, April 20, 1842.J [N. Y., 1842.] O. pp. 8. 1 fold, table. A statement of the operations under the receivership, from Aug. 16, 1859, to Dec. 31, 1861. N. Y., 1862. O. pp. 35. UNITED STATES. 57 Summarv statement of the situation and prospects of the N. Y. & E. K.K. N. Y., 1835. O. pp. 14. Termination at Piermont. n.t.p. [183-?] O. pp.7. [Taxable property of tlie X. Y. & E. K.R., real and personal, according to the assess- ment of 1S34; per the comptroller's report.] n.t.p. O. pp. (1). and others. Copy of mortgage to J. J. Palmer, J. Walker and N. J. Smith, trustees, to secure the payment of the bonds of the N. Y". & E. R.R., for four millions of dollars. Executed March 1, 1849. n.t.p. O. pp. 4. [Article on the N. Y. and E. R.R.; bv a taxpayer.] n.t.p. [1839?] O. pp. 10. Comparison (A) showing the advantages of railroads vs. canals & rivers, for the transpor- tation of freight and passengers; addressed to the people of the "southern tier of counties,'' State of New York. [Owego,] 1841. O. pp. 24. Signed •' C," •' Owego advertiser— extra." Inquiry (An) into the causes which have aflected the prospects and condition of the N. Y. «S: E. R.R.; by a calm observer. N. Y., 1843. O. pp. 27. Letter (A) to the public in relation to the N. Y. & E. R.R. [N. Y., 184-?] O. pp. 8. Lord, E. A historical review of the New York and Erie railroad. N.Y., 1S55. O. pp.223. New York (City) — Common Council. Proceedings in respect to the NT. Y. & E. R.R. n.t.p. [N. Y., Feb. 4, 1835.] O. pp. (7). New York {State) — Assemhly. Abstract of the report of the select committee appointed by the democratic members of the New York As- sembly of 1840, '41, to investigate the affairs of the N Y. & E. R.R. Presented in the Assembly of 1841, '42. [Albany, Dec. 31, 1841.] O. pp. 1(5. An act to provide for the construction of a rail-road from Lake Erie to the Hudson river; brought in by Mr. Scoles. n.t.p. [Feb. 21, 1839.] F. pp. 5. Annual report of the Railroad commis- sioner, appointed under the act of 18th April, 1843, entitled "An act in relation to the con- struction of the N. Y. & E. R.R.," presented to the Canal board, .Tan. 2, 1844. [Albany, Jan. 8th, 1844.] O. pp. 9 -f 19-23 -I- 33-58. 2 fold, tables. Annual report of William Baker, Rail- road commissioner, to the Canal board, in rela- tion to the N. Y. & E. R.R. Albany, Feb. 8lh, 1845. O. pp. 7. Comnninication from the Secretary of Btate, transmitting the annual report of the N.Y. A E. R.R. for 1837, 1839, 1840. [Albany,] 1838 -41. 3 vols. O. Coninuniication from the Secretary of state, transmitting the report of a survey of a route for a railroad from the city of New York to Lake Erie, n.t.p. [Albanv, 29 Jan., 1835.] O. pp. 99. Joint resolution authorizing the N. Y. & E. R.R. to change their route, n. t. p. [Albany,] Feb. 24th, 1845. O. pp. 2. Joint resolution [as altered] authorizing the N. Y. & E. R.R. to change their route, n.t.p. [Albany], March 1, 1845. O. pp. 2. Memorial remonstrating against altering the charter of the N. Y. & E. R.R., so as to allow them to run their road into Pennsvlvania. n.t.p. [Albany], March 19, 1845. O. pp. 3. Petition of the directors, praying for aid from the State in the construction of said road, n.t.p. [Albany], Jan. 12, 1843. O. pp. G. Remarks of ^[r. Judd on the bill to ex- pedite the construction of a rail-road from New York to Lake Erie, n.t.p. [Albany? 183G? ] O. pp. 8. Remarks of Mr. Marvin in relation to the N. Y. & E. R.R. n.p., n.d. [Feb. 16-18, 1836.] O. pp. 16. Remarks of Mr. Wetmore, of New York, on the bill " to expedite the construction of a rail- road from New Y'ork to Lake Erie." n.t.p. [Al- bany? 1836? ] O. T)p. 11. "Reported for the Albany argus." Report of Eleazar Lord, president of the N. Y. & E. R.R., in answer to resolutions of the Assembly of 2Dth and 27th Feb. and 10th March, 1840. n.t.p. [Albany, Mar. 20, 1840.] O. pp.31, Report of the Attorney-General in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, in rela- tion to the N. Y. & E. R.R. n.t.p. [Albanv, April 7, 1845.] O. pp. 16. Report of the Roard of commissioners appointed to determine tlie location of the N. Y. & E. R.R. n.t.p. [Albany], Jan. 16, 1847. O. pp. 84. Report of the committee appointed to investigate the affairs of the N. Y. t*i E. R.R. n.t.p. [Albany], Jan. 18, 1842. O. pi). 82 -j- (1)4-671. Report of the committee on rail-road.s on a coninuniication from the jiresident of the N. Y. «fe E. R.R., asking an investigation of the affairs of that comjianv. n.t.p. [Albany], May 8, 1841. O. pp. 92 i- 101-105 -|- 155-160 H- (1). 6 fold, tables. Report of the committee on rail-roads, on the memorial of the president, directors and company of the N. Y. tSs E. Iv.R. and the memo- rials ami jii'titions of citizens of sundry counties, n.t.p. [.Jan. 19, 1839.] (;. pp.22. \ fold. map. 68 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Report of the committee on railroads, on the petition of the N. Y. & E. R.R. [to construct a portion of the line in Pennsylvania.] n.t.p. [Albany], Mar. 16, 1846. O. pp. 6. Report of the committee on railroads, on the petition praying for a surrender of the lien of the State upon the N. Y. & E. R.R. n.t.p. [Albany], Jan. 25, 1845. O. pp. 5. Report of the committee on rail-roads, on the petitions of the president, directors and company of the N. Y. & E. R.R., and of sundry citizens, n.t.p. [Feb. 13, 1838]. O. pp. 35. Report of the committee on rail-roads, on sundry petitions of inhabitants of the southern tier of counties, relative to the N. Y. & E. R.R. n.t.p. [Albany], May 22, 1841. O. pp. 12. Report of the committee to whom was referred the concurrent resolution in regard to the N. Y. & E. R.R. n.t.p. [Albany], Feb. 6, 1845. O. pp. 2. Report of the comptroller, in relation to the issue of certificates of state stock to theN. Y. & E. R.R. n.t.p. [Albany], Feb. 6, 1841. O. pp. 18. Report of the comptroller, in relation to the issue of state stocks to the N. Y. & E. R.R. n.t.p. [Albany, Feb. 8, 1840.] O. pp. 7. Rejjort of the comptroller, relative to state stocks issued to rail-road companies, n.t.p. [Albany], Jan. 26, 1841. O. pp. 16. Report of the majority of the committee on rail-roads, in relation to the N. Y. & E. R.R. n.t.p. [Albany], Mar. 30, 1847. O. pp. 6. Report of the majority of the committee on rail-roads, on the memorial of the president and directors of the N. Y. & E. R.R., and several petitions of sundry citizens of the southern tier of counties, n.t.p. [Mar. 3, 1840.] O. pp. 27. Report of the minority of the commis- sioners to locate certain parts of the N. Y. & E. R.R. n.t.p. [Albany], Feb. 6, 1847. O. pp. 35. Report of the minority of the committee on railroads, in relation to the location of the N. Y. & E. R.R. n.t.p. [Albany], Mar. 30, 1847. O. pp. 17. Report of the N, Y. & E. R.R., in pur- suance of a resolution of the Assembly, of Jan. 27, 1842. n.t.p. [New York, Feb. 16, 1843.] O. pp. 166. 1 fold, table. A supplement to an act entitled " An act to authorize the N. Y. & E. R.R. to construct said road through a portion of Susquehanna countv, in the State of Pennsylvania," passed the 16th Feb., 1841. [Albany], April 7, 1846. O. pp. 5. A reprint of the Pennsylvania act authorizing the con- struction. — Legislature. [^Ma7iusc7-ipt:'\ An act to amend E. R.R., 11, 1836. the N. pp. (!)• the N. n.t. P- authorizing the construction of rail-roads upon Indian lands. Passed May 12, 1836. n.t.p. O. pp.2. [Manuscript:] An act further to amend the act to incorporate the N. Y. & E. R.R. n.p., n.d. O. pp. (1). An act further to amend an act to in- corporate the N. Y. & E. R.R., passed April 24, 1832. Passed May 8, 1835. n.p., n.d. O. pp. (1). [Manuscript:'] An act further an act to incorporate the N. Y. & passed April 24, 1832. Passed May n.p., n.d. O. pp. (2). An act in relation to the construction of Y. & E. R.R. [Albany, 184-?] O. An act in relation to the construction of Y. & E. R. R. Passed May 14, 1845. [Albany, 1845.] O. pp.8. An act to amend an act entitled: An act in relation to the construction of the N. Y. & E. R.R., passed May 14, 1845. [Albany, 1845.] O. pp. 2. An act to amend an act entitled: An act to amend an act entitled: An act in relation to the construction of the N. Y. & E. R.R., passed May 14, 1845, and for other purposes, passed May 11, 1846. Passed October 18, 1847. [Albany, 1847.] D. pp. 2. [3fanuscript:] An act to amend an act entitled: An act to expedite the construction of a railroad from New York to Lake Erie, passed April 23, 1836. Passed April 16, 1838. n.p., n.d O. pp. (3). [3fanuscript:] An act to amend an act entitled: An act to incorporate the N. Y. & E. R.R., passed April 24th, 1832. Passed April 19, 1833. n.p., n.d. O. pp. (2). [Ma?iuscript:] An act to amend the act entitled: An act to incorporate the N. Y. & E. R.R. Passed April 11, 1842. n.t.p. O. pp. (3). [Manuscript:] An act to amend the act entitled "An act to incorporate the N. Y. & E. R.R.; passed April 24, 1832." Passed 5th April, 1844. n.t.p. O. pp. (1). An act to amend the several acts in rela- tion to the N. Y. & E. R.R. ; passed April 29, 1840. [Albany, 1840.] O. pp. 4. [Manuscript:] An act to authorize the survey of a route for a rail-road from the city of New York to Lake Erie; passed May 6, 1834. n.p., n.d. O. pp. (2). [Manuscript:] An act to expedite the construction of a rail-road from New York to UNITED STATES. 59 Lake Erie; passed April 23 1836. n.p., n.d. (). pp. (7). [Charter; passed April 24, 1832.] n.t.p. [N. Y., printed, 1835 ?J O. pp. 16. Charter and laws relating to the Is. Y. & E. K.R. ; general railroad law, &c. N. Y., 1849. O. pp. 128. Charter; and list of officers and directors. N. Y., 1832.- O. pp. 18 + (1). Same. N. Y., 1835. O. pp. 33. Report of the commissioners appointed by the legislature of the State of Kew York, by the act of May 11, 1846, to locate certain portions of the N. Y. & E. R.R., made to the legislature, Jan. 14, 1847. N. Y.,1847. O. pp.41. 1 fold, plan, Ifold. map. — Secretary of State. Report of Ben j . Wright, relative to the survev of the N. Y. & E. R.K. n.t.p. [Jan., 1835.] O. pp. 9. — Senate. Documents accompanying the Governor's message. [Albany, Jan. 5, 1841.] O. pp. 35. Document C. [Report conceming the operations of the N. Y. & E. R.R.] Petition of the N. Y. & E. R.R., in re- lation to the different lines that have been sur- veyed in Sullivan and Broome counties, for the location of their road. [Albany], March 7, 1842. O. pp. 17. Remarks of L. Beardsley, on the bill to expedite the construction of the K.Y. & E. R.R., April 20, 1836. [Albany? 1836?] O. pp. 9. Report of the committee on railroads, in relation to the construction of the N. Y. & E. R.K. n.t.p. [Albany], April 29, 1845. O. pp. 6. Report of the committee on rail-roads, on the bill from the Assembly, entitled, "An act to expedite the construction of a rail-road from New-York to Lake Erie." n.t.p. [March 3, 1836.] O. pp. 23. Report of the committee on rail-roads, on sundry petitions for the immediate construc- tion of the N. Y. & E. R.K. by the State, n.t.p. [Feb. 14, 1839.] O. pp. 15. Report of the president and directors of the N. Y. & E. R.K., in answer to a resolution of the Senate of the 8th inst. n.t.p. [Albany], Feb. 17, 1843. O. pp. 15. Ifold. map. Speech of Mr. Mack on the bill to "ex- pedite the construction of a railroad from New York to Lake Erie," April 6, 1836. [Albany ? 1836?] O. pp.14. Nkw York and Erie railroad and its affairs: a review of Mr. Baker's report and the reply thereto, drawn up by Major Thom])son S. Brown, fliicf engineer, and comprised in tlie late annual report of the Boai-d of directors to the Secretary of state. N. Y., 1844. O. pp. 30. Opinions and decisions on the question whether the bill for conditionally releasing the N. Y. & E. R.R. from the state loan, is a majoritv bill. Albany, 1845. O. pp. 19. Penxsylvania — General Assembly. [Manuscript:'\ An act to authorize the N. Y. &. E. R.R. to construct said road through a portion of Susquehanna count v in the state of Pennsyl- vania, n.t.p. [Feb. 16, 1841.] O. pp. (19). "VVlliLlAMS, E. Brief facts in relation to the N. Y". & E. R.R. n.t.p. [N. Y., Jan. 1842.] O. pp. (1) + 5-22. New York and Harlem. Acts of incorpor- ation, with statement and proposals for preferred stock. N. Y., 1848. D. pp. 28. Proposals for a loan, witli a statement of the condition of the company, made by the Board of directors to the stockliolders and bondholders, Nov., 1857. N. Y., 1857. O. pp. 12. Report of the directors, to the stockhold- ers, May,1856, Nov. ,1856. N.Y.,1856. 2 vols. O. [Resolutions adopted by the Board of di- rectors. New York, June 19, 1840.] n.p. [1840?] O. pp. 14. New York and Hartford. Report of the executive committee upon the statistics of busi- ness, and of the engineer upon the several routes for the contemplated N. Y. & IL R.R. via Dan- bury. Hartford, 1845. O. pp.119. \ fold. map, 1 fold, plate. New York and New England. 3rd, 4th, 8th-llth, 11th annual report to the stockholders, made at annual meeting, Dec, 1878, '79, '83-86, '89. Boston, 1878-89. 7 vols. O. New York and New Haven. Report of the Board of directors, to tlie stockliolders, 1849, '51, '52, '54-59, '69, '70. N. Y., 1849-70. 11 vols. O. Report for 1855, sq. Q. Circular to the stockholders, April 21, 1859. N. Y., [1859.] O. pp. 8. Engineer's report on the survey and l)rimary location, Feb., 1845. New Haven, 1845. O. pp. 39. BALinviN, R. S. Opinion as to the lia- bility of the N. Y. iSi N. H. R.K. for the frauds of Robert Schuvler in i.ssuing false certificates of .stock. N.Y.,1856. <>. pp.21. New York and Stonington — Connecticut — General Assembly. An act to incorporate tiie N. Y. it S. R.R. Pa-ssed May, 1832. n.p., n.d. O. pp. 9. New York Central. Annual report to llio State engineer and surveyor, for Aug. and Sept., 60 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. 1853; for the year ending Sept. 30, 1854-65. Albany, [1853J-65. 13 vols. Q. Agreement between the Albany and Schenectady, the Schenectady and Troy, the Utica and Schenectady, the Mohawk Valley, the Syracnse and Utica, the Syracnse and Utica Direct, the Rochester and Syracuse, the Buffalo and Rochester, the Rochester, Lockport and Niagara Falls, and the Buffalo and Lockport; wliereby the said companies are consolidated into one corporation, under the name of " The New York Central railroad co.," in pursuance of an act of the legislature of New York, passed Apr. 2, 1853. Albany, 1859. O. pp. 34. Report of the committee appointed by the Board of directors, to examine the accounts of the treasurer. Albany, 1855. O. pp. 26. Report of the committee appointed by the stockholders, made to the stockholders, Dec. 1858-61. Albany, [1858]-61. 4 vols. Q. Report for 1858, n.t.p. Report of a committee appointed Jan. 4th, 1855, by the directors, at the request of the stockholders, authorizing certain examinations to be made of the acts and doings of the directors and treasurer, subsequent to the consolidation, Oct. 24, 1855. Boston, 1855. O. pp. 47. Report of the committee of seven stock- holders, appointed 2Stli Nov., 1857, to their associate stockholders. N. Y., 1857. O. pp. 19. Disaster to the N. Y. C. R.R: decisions of the general term of the Supreme court, in third judicial district, Sept. 1859. n.t.p. O. pp. 39. KiRKLAND, C. P. An inquiry into the merits of the suit brought by the Attorney-general of New York, against the N. Y. C. R.R. to re- cover five millions of dollars of tolls, alleged to be unpaid. N. Y., 1860. O. pp. 22. New York — Legislature. The statutes of the State of New York, si^ecially relating to this company, and also, the general laws of the said state, relative to railroads, chronologically arranged. Albany, 1859. O. pp. 523. Silas SejTnour's copy. New York Central and Hudson River, 17th-20th annual report [of the Board of direct- ors to the stockholders] for the year ending Sept. 30, 1886-1889. Albany, N. Y., 1886-89. 4 vols. O. The Adirondack mountains. [N. Y.,] 1893. nar. O. pp. 32. 23 cts., 1 fold. map. (Four track series, no. 6.) Cover title. America's great resorts. [N. Y.,] 1893. nar. O. (Four track series, no. 3.) The "Exposition fiver," limited. N.Y., [1893?] folder, nar. D. folder. Fishing among the Thousand islands of the St. Lawrence; bv James Churchward. N.Y., 1894. nar. O.^ pp. 56. 40 cts., 1 fold. inap. (Four track series, no. 15.) • 436^ miles in 425J minutes: all the fast runs of the world eclipsed. [N. Y., 1893?] nar. O. pp. 26. 8 cts. (Four track series, no. 14.) Cover title. Health and pleasure on America's great- est railroad: being a list of the summer resorts and excursion routes on the N. Y. C. & H. R. R.R., for the season of 1890. N.Y., [1890.] O. pp. (2) + 5-276. 63 cts., 5 fold. maps. Same. [N.Y.,]1894. O. pp. 423 -f-cxii. 275 cts., 1 fold. map. (Four track series, no. 5.) Illustrated catalogue of the "Four track series." [N. Y.,] 1894. nar. O. pp.32. 49 cts. (Four track series, no. 16.) In the Catskill mountains. [N. Y.,] 1893. nar. O. pp. 32. 25 cts. (Four track series, no. 12.) Cover title. The lakes of central New York. [N. Y.,] 1893. nar. O. pp. 32. 36 cts. (Four track series, no. 7.) The luxury of modern travel. [N. Y., 1893.] nar. O. pp. (30). 18 cts., 1 majJ, 1 fold. ]>late. (Four track .series, no. 1.) Cover title. An object lesson in transportation, from the World's Fair, Chicago. [N. Y., 1893?] folder, nar. O. The railroad and the dictionary, pp. 14. 21 figs. (Four [N.Y., 1893.] nar. O, track series, no. 2.) Cover title. Saratoga, Lake George, Lake dham- plain. [N.Y.,] 1893. nar. O. pp.32. 26 cts., (Four track series, no. 11.) Cover title. Suburban homes on the Harlem and tlie Hudson divisions, n.p., n.d. folder, nar. O. (Four track series, no. 4.) The Thousand islands. [N. Y.,] 1893. nar. O. pp. 32. 28 cts., 1 fold. map. (Four track series, no. 10.) Cover title. [Time table; the great four track route.] n.p., n.d. folder, nar. O. Time table directorv and guide to New York city. Feb., 1888. [N. Y., 1888.] nar. O. pp. 104. Time table of passenger trains. Mar. 4, 1872. n.p., [1872]. O. pp. (28.) Two days of Niagara Falls. [N. Y.,] 1893. nar. O. pp. 32. 22 cts., 1 fold. map. (Four track series, no. 9.) Cover title. UNITED STATES. 61 Two to fifteen days' pleasure tours, [N. Y.,]1894. nar. O. pp." 48. ^Scts., b viaps. i/olil. map. (Four track series, no. 8.) Cover title. New York, Chicago and St. liouis. [2ncl]- 4tli aunual reftort of the Uoarilof directors to the stockholders, for 1888-1890. Cleveland, 1889-91. 3 vols. O. New York, Lake Erie and Western. Ke- port of the Board of directors to the stockholders, for the four months from June 1 to Sept. 30, 1878. N. Y., 1878. O. Report of tlie Board of directors to the bond and shareholders, for the year ending Sept. 30th, 1888, 1891. :X. Y., 1888-91. 2 vols. Q. Summer homes and rambles on the pic- turesque Erie. [N. Y.,]1885. Q. pp.96. ibcU. New York, New Haven and Hartford. 4tli-9th, lltli, 14tli-20th annual report of Board of directors to the stockholders, to be submitted at their annual meeting, Jan. 1876-81, '83, Dec. 1886-Oct. 1891. jS\ Y., 1876-91. 14 vols. O. [Circular letter, signed by the president, announcing annual meeting of Jan. 1874.] n.t.p. [>s. Y., Dec. 1873.] leaflet. O. [Circular letter, signed by the treasurer, announcing a dividend pavable on or after Jan. 2, 1874.] n.t.p. [N. Y., Dec. 1873.] leallet. O. New York, Ontario and Western, 5th, 6th, Sth-lllh annual report of the president and officers to the stockholders, 1884, '85, '87-90. Cambridge; N. Y^, 1885-90. 6 vols. O. [Agreement between the N. Y. O. & W. ry.; theN. Y. C. & H. R. R.R.; West Shore R.R.; and J. P. Morgan, C. M. Depew, A. Green, Reor- ganization committee of tlieNewYork, West Shore and Buffalo ry.] n.t.p. [1st Jan. ,1886.] O.jjp. 17. Summer homes among the mountains. 1888. [N.Y., 1888.] O. pp.' 132. 36 c. R.R. Passed June, 1832. n.p., n.d. [Providence, 1832.] O. pp. 12. Norfolk and Western. [Description and prDsjiectus.] n.t.p. [ISS-?] O. pp. 15. l/olil. ma}). " Kcprint from the IwluslrUU review, Juno, 1882." Norfolk County. MA.SHACJiL'.SK'rrs — Qeneral Court. Rejiort of the joiut standing commiltei', to whom were referred the several petitions of C. C. P. Hastings and others, asking for authority to construct and operate certain railroads; rej>ort- ing also the bill to incorporate the Norfolk county R.R. n.t.p. [Boston ■/ 1847 ?J O. pp.36. — [Report of the joint standing commit- tee, to whom was referred the petition of Robert Codman and others, for leave to lay out and con- st met a rail road from the Norfolk County railroad, at South Dedliam, to a point in Boston proper.] n.t.p. [Boston? April 4, 1850.] O. pp.8. North Missouri. 5th annual report of the directors to the stockholders, togetlier with the reports of the chief engineer and treasurer, made April, 1859. St. Louis, 1859. O. Memorial of the K. M. R.R. convention, [to the General Assembly of Missouri.] Jeffer- son City, 1852. O. pp. 12. North Pacific Coast. Articles of association and by-laws: incorporated Dec. 19th, 1871. Saa Francisco, 1871. D. pi>. 24. On the North Pacific Coast R.R. n.p., n.d. [San Francisco, 189-.] obi. Tt. pp. 32. 15 c<.s-., 1 map. Northern and Southern West Virginia. Important and interesting facts relating to the geographical position, climate, [etc.] of West Virginia; and a statement, showing tlie location and advantages of the Northern and Southern West Va. R.R. N.Y., 1873. O. pp. (2) -{- 3-44. Northern Indiana. Circular statement of the condition and prospects; Sept., 1851. N. Y., 1851. O. pp. 18. Ifold. map. Northern Pacific. Report of the president and directors to the stockholders, at the annual meeting, Sept., 1876, '78-87, '89. N. Y., 1876- 89. 12 vols. O. By-laws: adopted July 21st, 1871. n.^i. [1871?] S. pp.5. Cover title. The charter and amendments; the gen- eral mortgage on railroad and land grant; and copy of first mortgage bond, n.p., n.d. [Phila- delphia? 1865?] (). pp. 29 -f (4). In vol. " Northern racific. rumphlets. 1." Charter, organization, proceedings, by- laws, and appendix. Boston, 1865. O. pp. 64. 1/old. map. Indianland and wonderland; bv Oiin D. Wheeler. St. I'aul, 1891. {.p. (3) -\- 9-lOS. 26 photo, plates, 3 maps. Map showing location, n.p., n.d. Scale, 1: 6,.366,000; size, 49 x 70.7 cm. Memorial of the Boar I of direction of the company, with communications from General (irant. General Meigs, and General Ingalls, and report of the engineer in chief. Nov., 1867. Wiushingtou, 1868. O. pii. 39. 1 fold. map. 62 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. n.p. In 1 IS^ew 7-30 gold loan of the N. P. R.K., secured by first mortgage on railroad and land grant; for sale by Jay Cook & Co., bankers, n.p., n.d. broadside. F*. In vol, " Northern Pacific. Pamphlets. 1." Die Nord- Pacific -Eisenbahn und der Staat Dakota; Mittheilungenfur Landbebauerund Alle, die ein eigenes Heim suchen. iN. Y., 1883. O. pp. 24. Ifold. map. Cover title. In vol. "Korthern Pacific. Pamphlets. 1." The Northern Pacific railroad; its route, resources, progress and business; the new North- west and its great thoroughfare; issued by Jay Cooke & Co., financial agents, n.p., n.d. [Phil- adelphia?] O. pp. 46 + (2). Imap. In same. The Northern Pacific railroad's land grant and the future business of the road; issued by Jay Cooke & Co., bankers, n.p., n.d. [Phil- adelphia? 1870?] O. pp. 28 4- (4). In same. Partial report to the Board of directors, of a portion of a reconnoissance made in the sum- mer of 1869, between Lake Superior and the Pa- cific ocean; by Thomas H. Canfield; accompanied with notes on Puget sound; by Samuel AVilkeson. May, 1870. O. pp. 96 + 44. 2 fold. maps. samel Sketches of wonderland; by Olin D. Wheeler. St, Paul, 1895. O. pp. (3) + 7-108. 29 photo, plates, 2 maps, ■ ■ Special report of a reconnoissance of the route for the N. P. R.R. between Lake Superior and Puget sound, via the Columbia river, made in 1869 by W. Milnor Roberts, under the direc- tion of Jay Cooke & Co., bankers. [Philadel- phia ? 1869 ?] O. pp. 51 + (4). • Statement of its resources and merits, as presented to the Pacific railroad committee of Congress, H. R.; by J. G. Smith, R. D. Rice, "\V. B. Ogden, — Marshall, E. F. Johnson. March, 1868. Washington, 1868. O. pp. 24. Johnson, E. F. Trans-continental rail- ways of the United States; remarks at the railway convention held at Oswego, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1870. Hartford, 1871. O. pp. 86. Land grant (The) of the N. P. R.R._, as described in debate in the Senate of the United States, and in the House of Representatives, by those who felt constrained to vote against its increase. [Cambridge, printed, 1870?] O. pp. 23. In vol. " Northern Pacific. Pamphlets. 1." United States — House of Representa- tives. Report [from] the Committee on public lands, to wliom were referred sundry bills for tlie forfeiture of the land grant to the N. P. R.R. ; ordered printed, March 22, 1886. n.t.p, [Wash- ington, 1886.] O. pp. 21. In same. — Senate. A bill to forfeit the unearned lands granted to the N. P. R.R. to aid in the construction of a railroad from Lake Superior to Puget's sound, and to restore the same to settle- ment, and for other purposes, n.t.p. [Wash- ington, 1884.] Q. pp. 3. In same. Report [from] the Committee on public lands, to whom was referred tlie bill (S. 2,036) to forfeit the unearned lands granted to the N. P. R.R. to aid in the construction of a railroad from Lake Superior to Puget's sound, and for other purposes: ordered printed, June 26, 1884. n.t.p. [Washington, 1884.] O. pp. 8. In same. Northern (/o California.) Articles of associ- ation, incorporation, amalgamation and consoli- dation of the N. ry., the Winters and Ukiah ry., the Woodland, Capay and Clear Lake R.R., the AVest Side and Mendocino R.R., the Yaca Valley and Clear Lake R.R., the San Joaquin and Sierra Nevada R.R., the Sacramento and Placerville R.R., the Shingle Si)rings and Placerville R.R., the Santa Rosa and Carquinez R.R., the Amador Branch R.R. and the Berkeley Branch R.R. n.p. 1888. F. pp. 30. Northern Railroad of New Jersey. 1st, 2nd annual report of the directors to the stock- holders. N. Y., 1858-59. 2 vols. O. Northern Railroad, New York. Repf)rt of the directors to the stocklioklers, June, 1848, '49, '52, '55. Ogdensburg, Boston, 1848-55. 4 vols. O. Report of the committee of investiga- tion, to the stockholders, Mav, 1850. Concord, [1850.] O. pp.64. I fold, table. Norwich and "Worcester. Report of di- rectors to the stockholders, July, 1850. Norwich, 1850. O. General statements by the directors to the stockholders. Norwich, 1840. O. pp. 18. In vol. " Norwich and Worcester. Pamphlets. 1." Report of a committee of the stockholders, July 8, 1842. Worcester, 1842. O. pp. (3) + 3-14. In same. Short statement of facts in regard to the N. & AV. R.R. n.t.p. O. pp. 8. In same. Statement of facts in relation to the N. & W. R.R. Dec. 1840. N. Y., 1840. O. pp. 16. Cover title. In same. Massachusetts — General Court. Act of incorporation, n.t.p. [1835.] O. pp. 37 + (3). In same. — Senate. Memorial of the N. & W. R.R. n.t.p. [Worcester, Jan. 14, 1837.] O. pp. 11. In same. UNITED STATES. 63 Report and bill to aid the construction of the N. & W. R.R. n.t.p. [Feb. 14, 1837.] O. pp. 15. lu same. Ogdensburgh. and Lake Champlain. 12th, lotii annual rei)ort of the directors. Boston, 1877-78. 2 vols. O. Report of condition, 1879. Boston, 1879. O. pp. 20. New York — Assembly. Communication from the Secretary of state, transmitting the re- port of a survey of a rail-road from Ogdensburgh to Lake Champlain. n.t.p. [Albany, Jan. 30, 1839.] O. pp. 57. Ohio. Leland, C. P. The Ohio R.R.; that famous structure built on stilts. N.Y., 1891. O. pp. (15). Extracted from the Magazine of Weitem history, vol. 13, April, 1891. Ohio and Mississippi Railroad. Annual re- ports of the president and directors to the stock- holders, for the years 1859-60; for 1867, [with] a report of the O. & M. railway, re-organized and consolidated from Nov. 1, 1867. Cincinnati, 1860 -68. 2 vols. O. The charter, granted by the General As- semblies of Indiana, Ohio and Illinois; with the by-laws and meeting of organization, for 1850. Cincinnati, 1851. O. pp. 48. In vol. " Ohio & Miss. Pamphlets. 1." The charters, granted by the legislatures of Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, with bv-laws. St. Louis, 1851. O. pp. (2) -1-5-40 + 9-20-1- 41-48. Circular letter of trustees of creditors and stockholders, to the holders of certificates. n.t.p. [N. Y., April 17, 1863.] sq.O. pp.4. E. Gest's report of the preliminary sur- veys of the Western division; chartered by Illinois. Cincinnati, 1851. O. p{). 13. I fold. plan. Cover title. lu vol. " Ohio & Miss. Pamphlets. 1." Estimate of value of stock; by E. D. Mansfield. [Cincinnati, Mar. 31, 1852.] O. PI). 10. lu same. O. M. Mitchell's report of preliminary reconnoissance of the country between Cincinnati and Ht. Louis, with the view to determine the practicability and character of a railway, con- structed over the same, agreeably to the charter granted to the O. & M. R.R. Cincinnati, 1850. (). pp. 23. Cover title. The Ohio & Mississippi R.R.: its vital imi)ortance to the prosperity of Cinciuiiati. (Cincinnati, 1855. O. i)p. 22.' la vol. " Ohio & JILss. Pamphlets. 1." Report of the present condition and prospects; by the chief consulting engineer and commissioner. Cincinnati, 1852. O. pp. 32. 1 fold. map. Cover title. In same. Report of the trustees of creditors and stockholders, presented to the holders of certifi- cates at their annual meeting, Dec, 1864, 1865. N. Y., 1864-65. 2 vols. O. Reports in relation to the closing of the trust of the O. & M. R.R., and the organization of a new corporation; presented to certificate holders at a special meeting, Sept. 10, 1867. N. Y., 1867. O. pp. 18. In vol. "Ohio & Miss. Pamphlets. 1." Indiana — General Assemhbj. An act to incorporate the O. & M. R.R. Passed Feb. 14, 1848. Cincinnati, 1848. O. pp. 16. Ohio and Mississippi Railway. Report of the president and directors, to their stockiiolders, for tlie year ending June 30, 1873, 1874. Saint Louis, 1873-74. 2 vols. O. Earnings; [from Jan. 1858-Feb. 1868]. n.t.p. [1868?] sq. O. pp. (3). Statement of the earnings and expenses of the road for the years ending Dec. 31, 1866 and 1867; also, statements of receipts and dis- bursements for the same period, n.t.p. [1868?] sq. Q. pp. 4. Ohio and Pennsylvania. 2nd annual report of the president and directors to the stockholders. Pittsburgh, 1850. O. Charter, embracing the several acts of the legislatures of Ohio and Pennsylvania relat- ing thereto. Pittsburgh, 1849. O. pp. 16. Rei^ort to the president and directors, bv Solomon W. Roberts, chief engineer. Phila- delj)hia, 1849. O. pp. 24. 1 fold. map. Old Colony Railroad Company. 9th-24th annual report of tiie directors to the stockholders, Nov. 1872-87. Boston, 1872-87. 16 vols. O. Old Colony Railroad Corporation. 6th annual report of the directors to the stockholders, Dec, 1849. Boston, 1849. O. Old Colony and Fall River. 3rd, Ith, 7th annual report of the directors to the stockiiolders, Jan. 1857, '58, '61. Boston, 1857-61. 3 vols. O. Old Colony and Newport. 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th-8th annual report of the directors to tiie stockholders, July, 1864, '06, '67, '69-71. Boston, 18(M-71. 6 vols." O. Omaha and St. Louis. [1st, 2nd,] 5(li an- nual report of the president and directors to tlie bondholders and stoi'kliolders, for the year ending May 31, 1SS8, ISSi), .June 30, 1892. N.Y., [1888- 92.J 3 vols. O. Oregon and California. Bericht des Com- itcs zum Schutze der Besitzer 7% O. & C. R.R. G4 HOPKINS RA IL WA Y LIBRA R Y. Bonds fiir das Jahr 1876-1878.- Frankfurt a. M., 1877-79. 3 vols. O. In vol. "Oregon & California. Pamphlets. 1." Bericht des Finanz-Agenten R. Koliler iiber die Nothwendigkeit des Erwerbs und des Ausbaues der Oregon Central Balin durch die Besitzer der I. IMortgage-Bonds der O. & C. Bahn; nebst einer Orientirungs-Karte. Frankfurt a. M., 1878. O. pp. 20. 1 fold. map. In same. Concerning land grants under act of July 25, 1866, as amended by acts of June 25, 1868, and April 10, 1869. Charles H. Tweed; Joseph E. McDonald, n.p., n.d. O. pp. 15. Mittheilungen iiber die gegenwartige Lage der O. & C. Eisenbahn; veroffentlicht von deni Comite znra Schutze der Besitzer 7% U. & C E.R. Bonds. Frankfurt a. M., 1876. O. pp. 32. Cover title. In vol. "Oregon & California. Pamph- lets. 1." Report of the receiver to the United States court, Feb. 8th, 1887. Lond., 1887. O. Cover title. Revidirte Vorschlilge des Comites zum Schutze der Besitzer 7% O. &C. R.R. I. Mortgage Bonds, n.t.p. [Frankfurt a. M., 16 Sept., 1875.] O. pp. 4. In same. Phelps, A. H. The wedding of the rails, commemorative of driving the last spike, upon the completion of the California and Oregon rail- road, at Ashland, Oregon, Dec. 17, 1887. [San Francisco, 1888.] O. pp. (4). In same. Oregon Railway and Navigation Com- pany. 1st, 4th, [7th] annual report of the presi- dent to the stockholders, for the year ending June 30th, 1880, '83, '86. N. Y., 1880-86. 3 vols. O. Oswego and Syracuse. Annual report made to the stockholders, for the year ending- Sept. 30, 1859. Oswego, 1859. O. Oswego and Utica. Report of Joseph D. Allen, chief engineer, to the Board of directors, Sept., 1837. N.Y., 1837. O. pp.23. 1 fold. map. Pacific and Atlantic. Report of tlie chief engineer, William J. Lewis, [on location and cost of construction of the line from San to San Francisco.] [San Jose], 1852. sq. Q. pp. (1) + 34. Type-written copy. Pacific Railroad {of Missouri.) 1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 10th, 13th, 18th, 21st annual report of the Board of directors. St. Louis, 1851-71. 8 vols. O. 1st report " and the report of the chief engineer upon the preliminary surveys." Address of the directors to the people of Missouri, Aug- 20, 1859. St. Louis, 1859. O. pp. 8. Memorial of the president and directors [to the General Assembly of Missouri.] JeSer- son City, 1852. O. pp.24. 1 fold map. The P. R.R. offers at public sale 125,- 421j'u''ff acres of selected farming, timbered and mineral lands. St. Louis, 1859. ' O. pp. 57. 1 fold. viap. The Pacific railroad controversy; an open letter to the stockholders; with a scries of articles originally published in the Daily Mis- souri democrat. St. Louis, 1869. O. pp. 58. [Statement submitted to the legislature of Missouri.] n.t.p. [1857?] O. pp. 16. Missouri — State Oeolor/ist. CJeological report of the country along the line of the Soutli- Western branch of the P. R.R., State of Missouri; by G. C. Swallow, state geologist. To which is prefixed a memoir of the Pacific railroad. St. Louis, 1859. O. pp. xvii -}-93 + (1). 2 plates, 1 fold. map. Pennsylvania. lst-31st annual report of the directors to the stockholders. Philadelphia, 1847-78. 31 vols. bd. in 5. O. Same. 32nd, 34th-38th, 40th, 42nd,43rd, [shorter form], presented, 1879, '81-85, '87, '89, '90. Philadelphia, [1879-90.] 9 vols. sq. Q. Same. 33rd, 37th, 39th, 44th, [technical form], presented, 1880, '84, '86, '91. [Phila- delphia, 1880-91]. 4 vols. sq. Q. 1st annual report of the chief engineer, June 12, 1848. Philadelphia, 1848. O. By-laws and organization for conducting the business of the P. R.R.; adopted bv the Board of directors, March 22d, 1893. [Phila- delphia, 1893.] O. pp. 69 + xxiv. In vol. " Pennsylvania R. R. Pamphlets. 1." By-laws of the Board of directors, adopted April and May, 1847, together with the charter, its supi)lements, and other laws relating to railroads projected from Cumberland to Pitts- burgh, and from Pittsburgh east. Philadelphia, 1850. O. pp. 61. In same. Catalogue of the exhibit of the P. R.R. at the World's Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893. n.])., n.d. sq. O. i^p. 158. 1 plate, 1 diagr. In same, 2. Same, n.p., n.d. sq. F. pp. (9) -\- 7- 158 -1- (23). 50 plates. Chemin de fer Pennsylvanie a I'Exposi- tion colombienne; suivi de notes descriptives des villes de New York, Washington, Philadelphie, Chicago, et d'un guide complet des emplaeenjents et des palais de I'exposition. Philadelphie, 1892. sq. D. pp. 117. 7 fold, maps, 36 cts. In vol. " Pennsylvania R.R. Pamphlets. 2." Guide for the P. R.R., with an exten- sive map; including the entire route with all its UXI TED S TA TES. 65 windings, objects of interest, and information usefnl to the traveller. Philadelphia, 1S55. O. pp. 40. 1/old. map. MS. note: " D. Appletoa tt Co. Gentlemen. You will please make use of such iiortion.s of the Guide to the Peuna. R.R. as vou may desire. H. J. Lombaert, [Gen. Supt. I Feb. 23, 1S57." Same. Philadelphia, [1866?] O. pp. 40. '2 fold. maps. List of officers, agents and stations, on lines owned, leased or operated by P. R.R. and its connections. April 1st, 189o. [Philadel- phia, 1893.] sq. Q. pp.101. I fold. map. The Pennsylvania R.R.; its origin, con- struction, condition, and connections; historical, descriptive, and statistical notices of cities, towns, villages, stations, industries and objects of inter- est on its various lines in Pennsylvania and Kew Jersev; bv "William B. Sipes. Piuladelphia,1875. Q. pp. (3) 4- 281. 109 cts., 2 maps, 2 ports. Report of the investigating committee; appointed by resolution of the stockholders at the annual meeting held ]\Iarch 10, 1874. Philadel- phia, 1874. O. pp. 240. 2/oJd viaps. In vol. " Peunsylvania R.R. Pamphlets. 1." Report on the eastern terminus of the P. R.R.; bv Strickland Kneass, civil engineer. Philadelphia, 1859. O. pp. (2) -f- 5-15. BiNNEY, H. Opinion, upon the right of the [Philadel[ihia] citv councils to subscribe for stock in the P. R.R. Julv, 1846. Philadelphia, 1846. O. pp. 32. Dredge, J. The Pennsylvania R.R.; its organization, construction and management. Lond., K. Y., 1879. F\ pp. xiv -f (1) + 274. 176 cts., 30 plates, 44 fold, plates, 1 fold. map. " Chiefly reproduced from Engineering." Fox, C. D. and F. The Pennsylvania R.R.; with remarks on American railway con- struction and management. Lond., 1874. O. pip. 66. 4 fold, plates. " Excerpt MunUes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. 39, ses-s'ion 1871-7'), pt. 1." Ty.«on, J.R., c/irt/r7?ia)i. Address [setting forth the advantages of the propo.sed P. R.R.] of the committee of seven, to the citizens of Phila- delphia and of Pennsylvania, appointed at a town meeting, held at Philadelphia, 28th April, 1846. [Philadelidiia,] 1846. O. pp. (2) + 5-38. Peoria and Oquawka. Exhibit: July, 1855. N. Y., 1855. O. pp. 35. Peru and Indianapolis. Address delivered by David Wallace, at the celebration of the P. & 1. R.R., at Koblesville, March 11, 1851; pub- lished by request of the president and directors. Incjianaijolis, 1851. O. pp. 19. Exhibit of the financial condition and business prospects; with the charter of incor- poration, amendments, and orders of the Board. Indianapolis, 1852. O. pp. (2) + 5-21. Philadelphia and Atlantic City. I'ros- pectus of the P. & A. C. rv.; organized March 24, 1876. Philadelphia, 1877. O. pp. (2) -f 5-25. 1 fold. map. Philadelphia and Erie. Perkins, J. C. Re- sources 01 the P. tS: E. R.R. region, in letters to the Erie daily dispatch. Erie, Pa., 1868. O. pp. 179. Philadelphia and Reading. Re] tort of the president and managers, to the stockholders, Jan. 1846, '48, '51-82. ' Philadelphia, 1846-82. 34 vols. O. Report of the receivers of the P. Si R. R.R. and the Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron CO., of the oj)er;iti()ns for the year ending Nov. 30th, 1881. Philadelphia, 1882. O. Report of the president and managers of the P. & R. R.R. and the Philadelphia & Read- ing Coal <& Iron co., for the vear ending Nov. 30th, 1882-87. Philadelphia, 1882-88. 6 vols. O. 18S2, '86, '87: "With the report of operations by the re- ceivers." 1885 : "Rei)Ort of the receivers." Report of the president and managers, for the year ending Nov. 30, 1888-93. Phila- delphia, 1889-r94]. 6 vr)ls. O. liS88, 1893: "With the report of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron co." An act of incorporation [and bv-laws] of the P. & R. R.R: a[.|u-oved April 4th, "1833; and the supplements thereto. Philadelphia, 1883. O. pp. 76 -j- iv. In vol. "Philadelphia and Reading. Pamphlets. 2." Address of F. B. Gowen, president, to the share and bondholders, at the Academv of Music, Philadelphia, April 23, 1881. [Phila- delphia, 1881?] O. PI). 62. Cover title. In vol. "Philadelphia and Reading. Ar- guments aud speeches of F. B. (ioweu." Same. Dec. 11th, 1885. [Philadelphia, 1885?] (). pp. 62. Cover title. In same. An address to the friends of the rail- road from Philadelphia to Re:uling, proposed to bo located on the west side of the river Schuyl- kill. Philadelphia, 1S31. (). pp. 8. In vol. " Philadelphia and Rending. Pamplilets. 1." Agreement of cri'ditors and stockhold- ers with the Board of reconstruction trustees. [Philadeli)hia, iMar. 22, 1886]. O. pp. 27. Cover title. In same, 2. Catidogue of specimens of the minerrd and agricultural products fnun the line of the P. & R. K.R. ; of rails. Sic., manufactured :it the 1*. <& K. R.R. rolling mill, and of moilels of bride's in use on the line; exhibited at the II. S. ('cn- teiniiid exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. Pliila- ,Klphi:i, 1876. O. pi>. 44. lu same, 1. 66 HOPKINS RA IL WA Y L I BRA R Y. Letter to the president of the P. & R. R.R., on the canals and railroads for transport- ing anthracite coal; by J. Dutton Steele. Phila- delphia, 1855. O. pp. 22. In same, 1. Plan of reorganization of the P. & R. R.R. and affiliated companies; as amended Dec. 14th, 1886. [Philadelphia, 1886?] O. pp.17. Cover title. In same, 2. [Report of a committee, to the bond- holders and stockholders, on a plan for the fin- ancial reorganization of the company.] n.t.p. [Philadelphia, Jan. 10th, 1885.] O. "pp. 7. In same, 2. Report of the committee to investigate the condition of the P. & R. R.R. and the Philadelphia & Reading Coal and Iron co., ap- pointed Jan. 12, 1885, by direction of the stock- holders. N. Y., 1885. O. pp. (2) 4- 63. 2 fold, tables, I/olid. map. In same, 2. Report of the engineers, with accom- panying documents; and the report of a com- mittee of the Board to whom the same were referred. Philadelphia, 1838. O. pp. 14. In same, 1. Statement of present condition of the P. & R. R.R. and the Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron CO., with plan for their financial re-or- ganization; by Franklin B. Gowen, president. Philadelphia, 1880. O. pp. 81. Cover title. In same, 2. Verbatim report of the general meeting of the share and bondholders, and of the bond- holders of the Perkiomen R.R.; held London, June 6th, 1877, Dec. 23rd, 1880, Feb. 4th, Aug. 5th, Nov. 10th, 1881, April 21st, 1882. Lond., Philadelphia, 1877-82. 6 vols. bd. in 1. O. Extracts from the newspapers of Eng- land and America on the management of the Reading co.; [compiled by "A stockholder."] n.p., n.d. [1879?] O. pp. (2) + 5-46. In vol. "Philadelphia and Reading. Pamphlets. 1." GowEN, F. B. Argument before the joint committee of the legislature of Pennsyl- vania, appointed to inquire into the affairs of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron co. and the P. & R. R.R., at Atlantic Citv, New Jer- sey, July 29th and 30th, 1875, on behalf of said company. Philadelphia, 1875. O. pp. 114. 2 fold. maps. In vol. " Philadelphia and Reading. Arguments and speeches of F. B. Gowen." Argument before the judiciary commit- tee of the Senate of Pennsylvania, on behalf of the railroad and mining interests of Pennsylvania, March 30th, 1871. Philadelphia, 1871. O. pp. 38. In same. McCalmont Bkothees and Co., editors. Mr. Go wen's defence; speeches of Franklin B, Gowen (ex-president,) and others, concerning the P. & R. R.R., delivered at a public meeting held at London, 10th Nov., 1881. Lond., 1881. O. pp. 72. In same. Pennsylvania — Legislature. Report of the joint committee, appointed to inquire into the affairs of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron co. and the P. & R. R.R. Philadelphia, 1876. O. pp. 19. In same. Sanderson, J. M. A letter on the pre- sent condition and future prospects of the Read- ing railroad in January, 1855. N. Y., 1855. O. pp. 13. In vol. "Philadelphia and Reading. Pamphlets. 1." United States — House of Representa- tives. [Report from the Committee on interstate and foreign commerce, appointed to investigate whether alleged combinations between the P. & R. R.R. and other railroads, or between any of these railroads and any other rf)ads or canals or ])roducers of coal, exist for any illegal or improper ])urposes. Ordered printed, Jan. 18, 1893.] n.t.p. [Washington, 1893.] O. pp. ix + 261. In same, 3. Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore. 11th, 12th, 14th, 26th, 35th-55th annual report, made Jan., 1849, '50, '52; year ending Oct. 31, 1863, 1872-92. Philadelphia, 1849-93. 25 vols. O. By-laws and organization for conducting business; adoiited by the Board of directors, Feb. 27, 1893. [Philadelphia, 1893.] O. pp. 73. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. lst-5th annual report of the Board of directors; with abstracts from the reports of the comptroller and the general manager, for 1890- 94. Philadelphia, 1891-95. 5 vols. O. Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago. Semi-annual report of the directors to the share- holders, June 30, 1858. Pittsburgh, 1858. O. 5tli annual report, for 1861. Pittsburgh, 1862. O. Plan and statement in regard to funding coupons, n.p., n.d. [N. Y., Mar. 1st, 1858.] O. pp. 16. Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway. 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 22nd aiuiual report of the Board of directors to the stockholders and bondholders, for 1862, '64, '66, '68, '84. Pitts- burgh, 1863-85. 6 vols. O. History, organization, and legal proceed- ings relative to the P. F. W. & C. ry. Pitts- burgh, 1863. O. pp. (1) + 10 -f (3) + 168. Organization and by-laws for conducting business. 6th ed. Pittsburgh, 1869. O. pp. 29. UNITED STATES. 07 Statement of tlie trustees relative to the reorganization, and laws and documents in con- nection therewith, and the new securities. N.Y., 18G2. O. pp. 8 + 95. Pittsburgh, Titusville and Buffalo, ord- otli annual report, for 187S-1SS0. Phihuielphia, 1S79-S1. 3 vols. O. Portland and Ogdensburg. 11th, 17th an- nual report of the jjresident and directors to tlie stockhoKlers, Jan., 1880, 1S8G. Portland, 1880- 8t). 2 vols. O. Vermont division of the P. & U. trunk railroad line; comprising the Lamoille valley, Montpelier, and St. Johnsbury and Essex county railroad companies; a statement showing the con- dition of the enterprise, progress of the work, resources of the road. N. Y., 1871. O. pp. (4) -j- 7-24. 1 fold. map. Portland and Rochester. lOth report, for the year ending Sept. 30, 1881; by Geo. P. Wes- cott, receiver. Portland, Me., 1881. O. Portland, Rutland, Oswego and Chicago. 1st annual report of tlie directors, submitted Julv 2Gth, 1871. Portland, 1871. O. Portland, Saco and Portsmouth. An act to establish the P. S. & P. K.R. ; ajiproved March 14, 1837; [with the by-laws of the company.] Boston, 1841. S. pp."l6. Providence and Springfield. Annual re- ports of the directors, for the years ending Sep- tember 30, 1873-1875. Providence, 1875. 1 vol. O. Providence and Worcester. 4th-8th, 10th- 20th, 21st-2Gth, 28th-43rd annual report of the directors to the stockholders; Mav, 1849, '50, Jan. 1851-52, Nov. 1852, '54-64, '66-70, Sept. '72-87. Providence, 1849-87. 37 vols. O. The charters, with the by-laws. Pro- vidence, 1845. D. \^\). 35. Facts and estimates relative to the busi- ness on the route of the contemjilated P. & W. K.R. Providence, 1844. O. pp. 30. 1 fold. table. Further considerations for the stock- holders. Providence, 18f)3. O. pp. 27. Racine and Mississippi. 4th annual report, Jan., 1857. N. Y., 1857. O. 3rd annual report to the trustees in pos- session; for the year ending May 10, 1862. Racine, 1862. O. The charter, together with acts author- izing city and town subscriptions, and proceed- ings under the same. Racine, 1855. D. pp.39. First mortgage bonds on second section: total issue .$700,000, convertible into stock, re- deemable in 1876. n.t.p. [N.Y., April 0, 1857.] Bq. Q. pp. (3.) 1 JiKip. Racine, Janesville and Mississippi. 1st annual report, Jan. 1854. Racine, 1854. O. XCircular of information.] n.p., n.d. [Racine, July 1st, 1853.] O. pp.17. \ fold. map. Richmond and Covington. The R. it C. R.R. bonds: to tiio bondholders of the Columbus, Pi(jua and Indiana R.R., and to others interested in oi)ening a central railroad route through Col- umbus and Indianapolis, to the Mississip})i river, n.t.j). [Aug. 3, 18()2.] O. pp. 8. Richmond and Danville. 20th, 28th annual report, embracing the reports of the officers, to- gether with the {)roceedings of stockliolders, Dec. 1867, 1875. Richmond, 1867-75. 2 vols. O. Richmond and Southwestern. Preliminary re{)ort concerning the resources of the country ad- jacent to the line of the proposed R. & S. ry.; by N. S. Shaler, state geologist of Kentuckv. Cam- bridge, 1880. Q. pp. (l)4-v-i-3-54. 2/oW. ma/>s. Rio Grande and Pecos. Prospectus. Laredo, Texas, June 1st, 1882. U. pp. (3) -}- 7-45. Rio Grande Western. At the foot of Pike's Peak, n.p., n.d. [1893?] obi. T. pj). (16). 20c]). 30. 2 fold, tables. St. liouis and Iron Mountain. Prospectus: first mortgage bonds. N. Y., 1867. O. pp. (2) + 5-12-H(l). i fold map. Same. N. Y., 1868. O. pp. (2) + 5- 19 -f (1). 1 fold. map. Missouri — General Assembly. An act to incorporate the S. L. & I. M. R.R: approved Mar. 3, 1851. St. Louis, 1852. O. pp. 14. St. liOuis and San Francisco. 1st, 3r(l-5th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 12th annual report; 1877, '79-81, '83, '84, '87, '88. N. Y., St. Louis, 1878-89. 8 vols, 0. St. liouis and Southeastern. 2nd annual report to the stockholders, for the vear ending July 31st, 1874. St. Louis, 1875. (3. St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern. 1st annual report of the president and directors to the stockholders, 1874. St. Louis, 1875. O. To the stockholders and bondholders; re- ply of Thomas Allen, president, to the statement of Messrs. S. G. and G. C. Ward, attorneys for Baring Brothers and co. n.j)., n.d. [St. Louis, Oct. 20, 1877.] O. pp. 41. Cover title. St. Paul and Chicago. Statement respecting the issue of its first mortgage land grant sinking fund bonds, amounting to four millions of dollars. St. Paul, 1867. O. pp. 15. 1 fold. 7nap. St. Paul and Northern Pacific. Prospectus of the S. P. & N. P. ry. and its forty-year six per cent, gold bonds, issued June 20, 1883, by Drexel, Morgan & co. n.p., n.d. O. pp. 12. St. Paul and Pacific. Statement, with the acts of Congress granting lands to aid the con- struction of the road, and acts of the State of Minnesota, with charter, Ac. N. Y., 1862. O. \>\). 72. 1 fold. map. St. Paul and Sioux City. Annual report, for 1876, to the stockholders, Jan. 1, 1877. St. Paul, 1876. O. Cover title. St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba. 11th annual report, year ending June 30, 1890. St. Paul, 1890. O. To Central Trust co. of New York: con- solidated mortgage, Minnesota and Dakota, |50,- 000,000, dated May 1st, 1883. St. Paul, 1883. O. pp. 43. San Francisco and Marysville. Reports of the Board of directors and chief engineer, at the annual meeting of stockholders. May 10th, I860. Marysville, 1860. O. San Francisco and North Pacific. 4th an- nual rejiort and statement of accounts for the year ending June 30, 1893. [San Francisco, 1893.] O. By-laws; adopteul June 22d, 1872. n.p,, [1872.] S. pp. 5. Cover title. San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley— Traffic Association of California. Pros- pectus of theS. F. &S. J. V. R.R.; [signed J. S. Leeds, traffic manager.] [San Francisco, June 19, 1893.] T. i^j). 16. Cover title. Walker, D. H. Pioneers of prosperity. San Francisco, 1895. D. p]). (4) + 7-191. Contents:— A. general review.— The Traffic Association of California.— First competing railroad, [S. F. & S. J. V. K.R.], r)p. S5-];{6. — The North American navigation com- pany.— The Merchants' Shipping Associatiou.— The Cali- fornia League of progress. UNI TED S TA TES. 69 San Pablo and Tulare. Bv-laws; adopted .lui.v -Jlst. 18, 1. n.p., [ISTI?] ,S. pp.5. Cover title. Seaboard and Roanoke. Statemont. Bos- ton, 1847. (). pp. 15. 1 fold. map. Norfolk {Va.) — Select and Common CotinciU. Kepoi-t of tlie committee appointed to a-scertain the present condition and pi-osi)ecls of the S. & R. R.R. Norfoll^, 1849. O. pp. 20. Seekonk Branch — ^Massachusktts — Senafr. ReporL and hill on the i)etition of tlie S. B. R.R. [for an amen(hnent of tlieir cliarter, etc.] n.p., n.d. [Boston? April 18, 1838.] O. pp. 64. Report and bill concerning the S. B. R.R. and the Boston and Providence R.R. n.p., n.d. [Boston? March 11, 1839.] O. pp.13. Selma and Giilf. I^irst mortgage eight per cent, gold bonds issued hv the 8. A (J. R.R. of Alabama; guaranteed, principal and interest, bv the State of Alabama. N. Y., 1870, O. pp.23". Somerset and Cambria. Proceedings con- nected with the formal opening of the S. & C. R.R., including the banquet at J(dinsto\vn, Pa., on Nov. 3, 1881. Printed by order of the Direct- ors of the Baltimore and Oliio R.R. Baltimore, 1882. O. pj). 32. South Carolina Canal and Railroad. Semi- annual report of the direction, to the stockhold- ers, Oct. 31, 1834; with accompanying documjents. Charleston, 1834. O. [Report of the engineer to the president and directors. Charleston, Oct. 10th, 1829. J n.t.p. O. pp. IG. Ifold. tahlc. Southern. Report of the final location of the Southern railroad, from Brandon, Mississippi, to the Alabama line, in the direction of Charleston and Savannah; hv IF. Ilaupt, chief engineer. Phihideli>hia, 1S.33. I). {)p. 21. 1 fold. map. Southern Minnesota. Prospectus, maps and statistics; ban'Kers, P. M. iMvers tt co. N. Y., 18(i9. (). jip. (2) + 5-20. 2 fold. maps. Southern Pennsylvania Iron and Rail- road Company. Report of the i)resi(lcnt and directors to the stockholders, Jan. 28, 1871. Philadelphia, [1871.] O. Staten Island. Reports of the committee and engineer, to the president and directors, embracing snrvevs and estimates. N. Y., 1852. C). pp. 28. 1 f'jld. map. Stockton and Copperopolis. Bv-laws; adopt- ed June 22d, 1872. n.p., [1872.] S. pp. 5. Co^or title. Stockton and Visalia. By-laws; adopted June 22(1, 1872. n.p., [1872.] S. j.p. 5. Cover title. Sullivan and Erie Coal and Railroad Com- pany. Statement ccjuc'erning the Sullivan and Erie Coal and Railroad co. of Pennsylvania, with a map and description of its mines, propert}^ road and coinicctions; its work, progress, and future prospects, and the security of its first mortgage bonds. Boston, 18GS. O. pp. 23. 1 fold. map. Summit Branch. Report of the directors to the stockholders, together with the reports of the treasurer, railroad HU|>erintendent and mining su- perintendent; Dec, 18GU. Boston, 1867. O. Sunbury and Erie. 1st, 2nd report of Ed- ward Miller, engineer in chief, to tlie manager.s, Jan. 12, 1830, March 1, 1840. Pliiladeli)hia, 1839-40. 2 vols. O. Susquehanna and Delaware. Report on the survey of a route for the proposed Suscpie- hanna and Delaware rail-road; from Pittston on the Suscpiehanna, to the Delaware river, at the Water Oap; with an estimate of its cost; by Ephraim Beach; with ])reliminary observations. N. Y., 1832. O. pp. 38 + 16. Ifold. map. Syracuse and Binghamton. Rejiort of the chief engineer, made to the director.s, July 9, 1852. Syracuse, 1852. S. pp. 21. Terre Haute, Alton and St. Louis. Re- port of the president and directors to the stock- holders, Jan. 1st, 1857. N. Y., 1857. O. Report of the trustees to the btrndhold- ers; from Dec. 12th, 1859, to Sept. 30th, 1860. N. Y., 1861. O. Terre Haute and Alton. Charter, witli the several amendments tiiereto, and the general rail-road law of the State of Illinois, with co[>ies of the mortgages and bonds issued by said com- pany. Feb., 1855. N. Y., 1855. O. pp. (S'.\. Terre Haute and Richmond. 10th annual report of the jiresident and directors to the stock- holders, for the vear ending Nov. 30, 1858. Terre Haute, 1858. O. Report of the president and engineer, Aug. 27, 1849. Indianapolis, 1849. O. pp. 15. Texas and New Orleans. Annual report, for 18S5, 1886. n.p., [188(;-87.] 2 vols. F., folded to nar. O. Brief prospectus of the T. & N. O. R.R., Texas division; late Sabine and (Jalveston Bay Railroad anp. (I). Explanatory statement of tiie bondhold- ers' agreement. [N. Y., Sept. 1, 1885.] O. pp. 7. Reorganization plan and agreement, Nov. 21, 1887. [N. Y., 1887.] O. pp. 15. Cover title. Washington and Georgetown. Annual rei)ort of the ])rcsident and treasurer, for 1875. Washington, 187fi. O. Watertown and Rome. Annual report, made to the State engineer and surveycn- of New York, for the year enp. 8. Cover title. Worcester and Baldwinville. I^ngineer's report. [Boston, Mar. 2, ISKJ.] O. pp. 12. Worcester and Nashua. Annual report of the directors to tiie stockholders, July, 1848, '49; Jan. 1850-83. Worcester, Boston, [1848]-83. 3G vols. bd. in 1. D. and O. Act of incorporation and by-laws. Wor- cester, 1855. T. pp. 30. In vol. " Worcester and Nashua R.R. Pamphlets. 1." [List of stockholders on the 1st of_ May, 1805, with the number of shares belonging to each.] n.t.p. [Worcester, 1SG5.] D. pp. 20. In same. Report of the committee of investiga- tion, to the stockholders, at an adjourned meet- ing, March 20, 1856. Worcester, [1856?] O. pp. 14. In same. Statement of facts concerning tlie sources of business of tiie intended rail-road from Worces- ter, Mass., to Nashua, N. H., and an estimate ot its probable cost. Worcester, [1845.] O. pp. (2) + 5-28. In same. Statement of the directors, made to the stockholders, at a special meeting, Mav 7, 1850. Worcester, [1850.] O. pp. 18. In same. Worcester and Norwich. [Acts of incor- poration; and re})ort of the committee of the citizens of Norwich, on the practicability of a rail-road from Norwich to Worcester.] [1833?] O. pj). 3-37 + (3). 2 fold. maps. Lacks title page. 2. Pacific Railroads. {Central Pacific, Southern Pacific, Union Pacific.) Bancroft, H. H. History of California. San Francisco, l«8(>-yo. 7 vols. O. Contents relntimi to railwaw :— 7. 19. Inception of rail- way routes.— 20.' Central Pacific system— 21. southern I'aciCic system. 141 pages, (pp. 495-635.) Bell, W. A. New tracks in North America; a journal of travel and adventure whilst engaged in the survey for a southern railroad to the Pacific ocean during 1867-8. Loud., 1869. 2 vols. O. l)p. l.xv + (1) -{- 236. 13 cts., 3 plates, 7 colored plates, 1 map; y)p. vii + (2) -\- 322. 9 ets., 3 charts, 13 colored plates. ftwitoi^j!;- IntrfKluction.-From the Mississippi river to the Rio Grande del Norte.— The native races of ^ew Mexico and Arizona. — From the Rio Grande del Norte to the I'acific ocean.— The Pacific raihvay.s.— .\ppendices. Blake, H. T. The Pacific railroads and the government. [Ne\y Haven], 1878. O. i)p. (28). " Reprinted from the Neie EngUvHlcr forSept.. 1H78." In vol. "l'nioueopie of the United States, showing tiiat P. P. F. De- grand's i)hin is the only one, as yet proposed, which will secure jironiptly and certainly, and by a single act of legislation, the construction of a railroad to California, in the shortest time allowed by its physical obstacles.] n.t.p. [Boston, 1849.] O. pp. 24. This and followinpr title in vol. " Pacific Railroad.^. Pamphlets. 1." Same. 2nd ed. T5o,ston, 1819. O. y\>.2U Cover title. Derby, E. H. The overland route to tiu- V:\- 74 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. cific; a report on the condition, capacity and re- sources of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railways; Oct., 1869. Boston, 1869. O. pp. 97. In same. Dwinell, Rev. I. E. The higher reaches of the great continental railway: a highway for our God; a sermon preached in the Congregational church, Sacramento, May 9, 18G9, on the com- pletion of the overland railway. Sacramento, 1869. O. pp. 20. Cover title. In vol. "Union & Central Pacific. Pam- phlets. 2." Humphreys, A. A. Letter to Wm. M. Gwin, [chairman Senate committee on Pacific railroad,] in relation to the railroad to the Pacific by the 85th and 32nd parallels, n.t.p. [Washington, April 15, 1858.] O. pp. 8. Criticism of a pamphlet by " A citizen of Arkansas." Hunter, R, M. T. Speech on the subject of a railroad to the Pacific, delivered in the Senate, Feb. 19, 1853. n.t.p. [Washington, 1853.] O. pp. 8. Hurd, F. H. Pacific railroads: speech in the House of Representatives, July 7, 1876. Wash- ington, 1876. O. pp. 11. In vol. " Union & Central Pacific. Pamphlets. 4." Jordan, I. M. The Pacific railroads; their history, their relations to the government, their rights and liabilities; the bill to increase the Thurman sinking fund and reach earnings on aided and non-aided roads; objections thereto; the Post substitute; the security of the govern- ment debt: speech, in the House of Representa- tives, June 18, 1884. Washington, 1884. O. pp. 38. In same, 5. Judah, T. D. Pacific railroad; report of T, D. Judah, accredited agent Pacific railroad con- vention, upon his operations in the Atlantic States. San Francisco, 1860. O. pp. 14. In vol. "Pacific Railroads. Pamphlets. 1." Krause, W. E. F. America; or, the hope of mankind [poems]. San Francisco, 1869. O. pp.20. Pp. 14-20. " The great Pacific railroad, and its imme- diate effect upon California as a manufacturing state, and upon San Francisco, as the western carrier of the United States commerce to Asia and to Oceanica." Cover title. In vol. " Union & Central Pacific. Pam- phlets. 2." liea, P. An outline of the central transit, in a series of six letters to John Hemphill. Gal- veston, 1859. O. pp. 32. liittler, D. T. Remarks before the U. S. Sen- ate committee on Pacific railways, May 23, 1888; [on the obligations of the Pacific railroads.] Chi- cago, 1888. O. pp. 35. Cover title. In vol. " Union & Central Pacific. Pamph- lets. 5." Mitchell, J. H. The Pacific railroad; speech in the Senate of the United States, March 20, 1878. Washington, 1878. O. pp. 35. In same. The Pacific railroad indebtedness; speech in the Senate of the United States, J'eb. 4 and 8, 1889. [Washington, 1889.] O. pp. 79. In same. Nimmo, J., jr. The Pacific railway debt; the historic equities of the case; the construction of the original roads and the competition of their rivals; benefits to the country and the Pacific slope. N. Y., 1895. H columns. F. Extracted from the Neiv York daily tribune, Feb. 18, 1895. Pacific rail-road; a review of the reports of the committees of the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the last session. New Orleans, 1850. O. pp. 16 + (1). "From De Bow' s southern review, for December." Pacific (The) railroad; congressional proceed- ^ ings in the 37th, 38th, and 41st Congresses. West Chester, Pa., 1875. O. pp. (1) -f iv-viii -f (6) + 332. In vol. "Union & Central Pacific. Pamphlets. 1." Pacific railroad legislation; 1862-1885. n.t.p. / [Boston, 1885 (?)] O. pp. 75. In same. People's Pacific. Charter, organization, ad- dress of the president, Joseph Perliam; with the by-laws of the Board of commissioners. Boston, 1860. O. pp. 24. Incorporated in Maine to build a railroad "from a point on the Missouri river, through Utah, to San Francisco." Phelps, J. S. A letter to citizens of Arkansas, in relation to a Pacific railroad [on the 35th parallel]. Cincinnati, 1858. O. pj). 21. Cover title. In vol. "Pacific Railroads. Pamphlets. 1." [, J.] Memorial against Asa Whit- ney's railroad scheme: to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States. H.t.p. [Washington? 1851?] O. pp. 48. In same. [Poor, H. v.] The Pacific railroads and the relations existing between them and the govern- ment of the United States. N. Y., 1879. O. pp. 16. Post, G. A. Pacific railroads; speech in the House of Representatives, June 18, 1884. n.t.p. [Washington, 1884.] O. pp. 15. In vol. " Union »fc Central Pacific. Pamphlets. 5." Prendergast, F. E. Transcontinental rail- ways. N. Y., 1883. O. pp. (9). 1 map. Extracted from Harper's new monthly magazine, vol. 67, Nov., 1883. Rice, W. W. Pacific Railroad Commission; speech in the House of Representatives, June 8th, 1878. Washington, 1878. O. pp. 33. Sargent, A. A. Speech on the Pacific rail- road as a military necessity; in the House of Representatives, Jan. 31, 1862. Washington, 1862. O. pp. 16. Cover title. In vol. "Union & Central Pacific. Pamph- lets. 1." Scenery of the Pacific railways and Colorado. N. Y., [1878.] O. pp. 88. 71 Jigs., 1 map. UNITED STATES. 75 Sejonour, S. Incidents of a trip through the fireat PhUte valley, to the Rocky mountains and Laramie plains, in the fall of lS6(i; with a syn- oi)tical statement of the various Pacific railroads, and an account of the great Union Pacific railroad excursion to the 100th meridian of longitude. N. Y., 18(57. D. pp. 129. Same. 2nded. N.Y.,18r)7. D. pp.130. fronthp. jwrt. Schlagintweit, R. von. Die Santa Fe-inid Siidpacificbahn in Nordamerika. Koln, 1884. O. pp. xvi + '^^^^- "9 cts., 14 plates, 2 maps, 7 fold, plates, 2 fold. maps. Smith, G. Keep government within its lim- its; speech on the Pacific railroad, in the House of Representatives, May 30, 1854. Washington, 1854. O. pp. 15. In vol. " Pacific Railroads. Pamphlets. 1." Stewart, W. M. Indebtedness of Pacific rail- roads; speech in the Senate of the United States, Feb. 9, 1889. Washington, 1889. O. pp.24. In vol. " Union & Central Pacific. Pamphlets. 5." United States — Attorney General. Letter transmitting [to the Senate] facts relative to the failure of the Central and Union Pacific railroad companies to comply with the requirements of the act of May 7, 1878. Ordered printed March 13, 1884. n.t.p. [Washington, 1884.] O. pp.33. In same. — Commissioner of Railroads. Letter relative to the indebtedness to the government of the Union and Central Pacific railroads. Ordered printed March 31, 1884. n.t.p. [Wash- ington, 1884.] O. pp. 7. In same. Proposed settlement of Pacific railroad debts; extracts from the annual report of H. A. Taylor, Commissioner of railroads, for 1892. Washington, 1892. O. pp. 23. — Congress. Pacific railroad acts [1862, '63, '64, '65, '66.] t.p.w. O. pp. 38. Pacific rail-road, 1864: an act to aid in the construction of a rail-road and telegraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, and to secure to the government the use of the same for })ostal, military, and other purposes, approved July 1, 1862; and an act amentlatory thereof, approved July 2, 1864. [N.Y., printed.] n.d. O. pp. 35. Cover title. In vol. " Union & Central Pacific. Pam- phlets. 1." Report of discussion between the House and Senate committees on Pacific railroads and C. P. Huntington, in relation to a settlement between the government and Central and Union Pacific railroad companies; .Jan. 23 and 24, 1890. n.t.p. [N. Y., printed, 1890?] O. pp.27. In same, 5. .Joint resolution authorizing an investi- gation of the books, accounts, and methods of Pacific railroads which have received aid from the United States. Read, Jan. 18, 1887; reported with an amendment, Feb. 4, 1887. [Washing- ton, 1887.] Q. pp. 14. In same, 3. — Department of the Interior. Lettei of the Secretary of the Interior, [dated Jan. 6, 1869,] communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the annual reports of the several Pacific railroad companies, n.t.p. [Washington, 1869.] O. pp. 47. In same, 4. Report of Col. James II. Simpson, on the Union Pacific railroad and branches, Central Pa- cific railroad of California, Northern Pacific rail- road, wagon roads in the territories of Idaho, Mon- tana, Dakota, and Nebraska, and the Washington aqueduct; made Nov. 23, 1865. Washington, 1865. O. pp. (2) -I- 161. 2 fold. maps. In same, 1. — Department of the Treasury. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury concerning the amount of the indebtedness of the subsidized Pacific railroad companies, to the United States, and the effect upon said indebtedness of the pas- sage of House bill no. 8318. Ordered printed, Jan. 24, 1887. n.t.p. [Washington, 1887.] O. pp 4. In same, 5. — Department of War, Letter transmit- ting [to the House of Representatives] a report on the survey of the Union and Central Pacific railwavs. Ordered printed Feb. 1, 1877. n.t.p. [Washington, 1877.] O. pp. (2) -j- 61. Report on the several Pacific railroad explorations. Washington, 1855. O. pp. 43. In vol. "Pacific Railroads. Pamphlets. 1." Reports of explorations and surveys to as- certain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean; made in 1853-4-56. AVashington, 1855-61. 12 vols, in 13. Q. pp. (800); pp. (600). 3 fiqs., 37 plates, 1 fold, profile, 1 fold, map; jip. (577). 71 fiip., 30 plates, 2 fold, profiles, 1 fold, map; pp. (513). 59 plates, 1 fold, profile; jip. (485). 99 figs., 66 plates, 3 maps, 7 fold, profiles, 1 fold, map; pp. (508). 41 figs., 50 plates; pp. (451). 51 plates, 2 fold, maps; i)p. (805). 36 figs., 43 plates; pp. (1061). 122 jdates; pp. (665). 122 plates; pj). (119). 8 plates, 4 77iaps, 5 fold, plates, dfold. profiles, 2'Afold. maps; pp. (399). (i9 plates, 1 fold, plate, 1 fold, profile, 2 fold. 7naps; pp. (484). 53 j^lates. Conlmts :-l. Report of the i=;ecretnry of War ( JcfTerson Davis] on the scvenil riiilroad explorations.— Hniuph- reys, Capt. A. A., and Warren, Lieut. G. K. An i-xam- imitioii of tlicrejiorts of exiilorations for railroad routes. — .Jesup, Oni. T.S. Reportupoii Ihi' cosi of transportiilR troops and supplies to Cnlifornin.OreKon. Now Mexico, etc. — SteveuH, . Report of exjjlorations in Cali- fornia for railroad routes to connect with the routes near the 35th and 32nd parallels:- Introduction; Instructions from the War Department.— 1. Report.— 2. Blake, "\V. P. Geolosical report.— 3. Durand, K. and Hilgard, T. C. Botanical report.— 4. Sa.lrd,S.F. and others. Zoological report. 6. Abbot, H. L,. Report upon explorations for a rail- road route from the Sacramento valley to the Columbia river, made by Lieut. R. S. Williamson, assisted by Lieut. H. L. Abbot: — Inti eduction; instructions from the War Department.- 1. General report.— 2.Newberry, J. S. and others. Geological report.— 3. Newberry, J. S. Botan- ical report.— 4. Girard, C. and Newberry, J. S. Zo- ological report. 7. Parke, J. G. and Campbell, A. H. Report of ex- plorations for railroad routes from San Francisco bay to Los Angeles, west of the Coast Range, and from the Pimas villages on the Gila to the Rio Grande near the 32d paral- lel:— Introduction ; instructions from the War Depart- ment.—!. General report. — 2. Antisell.T. Geological report.— 3. Torrey, J. Botanical report. 8. General report upon the zoology of the several Pacific railroad routes.— 1. Baird.S. F. Mammals. 9. Same;— 2. Baird, S. F. and others. Birds. 10. Same;— 3. Baird, S. F. Reptiles.— 4. Girard, C. Fishes.— Beckwith, Lieut. E. G. Report upon explora- tions for a railroad route, near the 38th and 39th parallels, by Capt. J. W. Gunnison, and near the 41st parallel, by Lieut. E. G. Beckwith:— Baird, S. F. and others. Zoolo- gical report [including mammals, birds, reptiles, fishes, and insects]. — Whipple, A. W. a?(rflves, J. C. Report of explorations for a railway route (nearthe 35th parallel) from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean:— Ken- nerly, C. B. K. and others. Zoological report [including field notes and explanations, mammals, birds, reptiles and fishes].- Parke, J. C. Report of explorations for a railroad route near the 32d parallel, lying between Dona Ana on the Rio Grande, and Pimas villages on the Gila:— Heermann, A. L. and Hallowen,E. Zoological report [birds, reptiles.]— Williamson, K. S. Report of explora- tions in California for railroad routes to connect with the routes near the 35th and 32nd parallels :—Hallowell, E. and others. Zoological report [including introductory let- ter, reptiles, birds, mammals and fishes]. — Abbot, IJad. H . L. Report upon explorations for a railroad route from the Sacramento valley to the Columbia river, made by Lieut. R. S. Williamson, assisted by Lieut. H. L.Abbot:— Girard, C. and others. Zoological report. 11. Humplireys, Lieut. A. A. Letter to the Secre- tary of War, transmitting Lieut. Warren's memoir. — AVar- reu, Lieut. O. K. Memoir to accompany map of tlie territory of the United states from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean, giving a brief account of each of the exploring expeditions since A. I). ISOO, with a detailed de- scription of the method adopted in compiling the general map. — Topographical maps, profiles, and sketches, to illustrate the various reports of surveys for railroad routes from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean. 12. Stevens, 1. 1. Narrative and final report of ex- plorations for a route for a Pacific railroad near the 47th and 49th parallels, from St. Paul to Puget Sound.— Intro- duction. — 1. General report. — 2. Cooper, J. G. and Gray, A. Botanical report. — 3. Leconte, J. L. and others. Zoological report. — House of Representatives. A bill to ^ amend an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacilic ocean, and to secnre to the government the use of the same for postal, mili- tary, and other purposes,' approved July 1, 1862," approved July 2, 1864. Ordered printed Feb. 25, 1884. [Washington, 1884.] Q. ]3p. 4. In vol. " Union & Central Pacific. Pamphlets 1." A bill to compel the payment by certain railroad and railway companies of the cost of sur- veying, selecting, and conveying lands granted to them by the United States, and requiring the Sec- retary of the Interior to issue patents conveying title to all lands granted to railroads, which have been legally earned by virtue of the completion of their roads as provided bv law. Ordered printed Jan. 21, 1884. [Washington, 1884.] Q. pp. 4. In same. Papers submitted to the House commit- tee on the Pacific railroad from the Treasury and Interior Departments, and ordered by that com- mittee to be printed, in the matter of the inves- tigation provided for in the resolution of the House relative to issue of bonds to the C. P. R.E.. [Washington,] 1869. O. pp. 104 + (2). Correspondence of the C. P. & V. P. with the Depart- ments, relative to the bonds issued to the C. P. on the road between Monument Point and Kcho Summit. In same, 2. The policy of extending government aid to additional railroads to the Pacific, by guaran- teeing interest on their bonds; report of the ma- jority of Senate committee on Pacific railroad, Feb. 19, 1869. Washington, 1869. O. pp. 31. Cover title. In same, 2. [Report of the Committee on the judici- ary on " what legislation, if any, may be neces- sary to secure indemnity to the United States for advances of interest paid and to be paid by the Treasury Department on account of subsidy-bonds issued to the several so-called Pacific railroad companies, and to secure indemnity against lia- bility to pay the princijjal of such bonds, either by requiring the creation of sinking funds or otherwise." Ordered printed March 13, 1876.] n.t.p. [Washington, 1876.] O. pp. 29. In same, 4. UNITED STATES. 77 [Same. Report of the minority of the Committee]. Ordered printed May 24, 1876. n.t.p. [Washington, 187().] O. pp. 15. Ill same. Report on the subject of a sinking fund for the several Pacific railroad companies; to- gether with the acts of Congress, decisions of courts, and documents relating to said railroad couii)anies. [Ordered printed April 25, 1870.] Washington, 1876. O. pp. (1)4-306. lu same. [Report, to accompany bill H. R. 6771, of tlie Committee on Pacific railroads, relative to a raih'oad and telegraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean. Ordered printed April 26, 1884. n.t.p. [Washington, 1884.] O. pp. U. Ill same, 5. [Report to accompany bill H. R. 6771, of the Committee on Pacific railroads: views of tlie minoritv. Ordered i)rmted May 13, 1884.] n.t.p. [Washington, 1884.] O. pp". 8. Ill same. [Same. Another ed.] n.t.p. [Wash- ington, 1884 ?] O. pp. 8. [Report to accompany bill H. R. 8318, of tlie Committee on Pacific railroads. Ordered printed April 29, 1886. n.t.p. [Washington, 18SG.] O. pp. 11. In same. — Pacific lia/lira;/ Commission. Report [with message of the President transmitting tlie same] of the Commission and of tlie minority commissioner, appointed under tlie act of Con- gress approved Mar. 3, 1887, entitled "An act authorizing an investigation of the books, ac- counts, and methods of railroads which have received aid from tlie United States, and for other purj)oses." R. E. Pattison, E. E. Anderson, 1). T " O Washington, 1887. Littler, commissioners. pp. 217. Testimony taken bv the Commission. Wasliington, 1887-88. 9 vols. O. pp.5561. 2 fold maps. Vol. r. 3, 1876; rcj)orted, with amendments, May 26, 1876. [Washington, 1876J. n- In same. pp. A bill lo ci-i'ati- a sinking fund for tlie iinuidation of the government bonds advanced to 78 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. the C. P. E.E. of California and the W. P. R.R., and to the U. P. R-K- under and in pursuance of the act of Congress entitled " An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, and to secure to the government the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes," approved July 1, 1862, and the acts amending the same or supplemental thereto, and for the settlement of the claims of the government on account of said bonds. [Washington? 1876?] nar. O. pp. 6. In same. Same. Ordered printed Jan. 12, 1877. [Washington, 1877.] Q. pp. 6 In same. Same. Reported with amendments, Jan. 18, 1877. [Washington, 1877.] Q. pp. 7. In same. [Report of the Committee on railroads, to whom was referred Senate bill no. 687; for set- tlement with the Union and Central Pacific rail- roads.] n.t.p. [Washington, 1876.] O. pp. 14. In same, 4. Whitney, A. A project for a railroad to the Pacific; with reports of committees of Congress, resolutions of State legislatures, with other facts relating thereto. N. Y., 1849. O. pp. viii -f 112. 2 fold. maps. In vol. " Pacific Railroads. Pamphlets. 1." Central Pacific. Annual reports to the Sec- retary of state [of California], from 1862 to 1868. Sacramento, 1870. O. pp. 13. Annual report of the Board of directors to the stockholders, for 1872-86. Sacramento, San Francisco, New York, 1873-87. 15 vols. O. Report of the directors to the stock- holders, for 1887. [San Francisco, 1888.] sq. Q. Answer of the Central Pacific, submitted by Leland Stanford, president, at San Francisco, July 28th and 29th, 1887, to the communication of the United States Pacific Railway Commission, dated, New York, May 12th, 1887. San Francisco, 1887. O. pp. 277. In vol. " Central Pacific. Pamphlets. 4." Argument of Wheeler H. Peckham before the House committee on Pacific railroads, Jan. 28, 1888, in behalf of certain stockholders of the C. P. R.R. [N. Y., 1888?] O. pp. 20. Cover title. In same. By-laws of the C. P. R.R. of California. n.t.p. O. pp. 4. In same, 2. By-laws; adopted Aug. 22d, 1870. n.p., [1872]. S. pp. 5. Cover title. By-laws as adopted by Board of directors, July 6, 1876; by stockholders, July 11, 1875; amended as to section 5, Oct. 3, 1877. San Fran- cisco (?) 1881 (?) F., folded to nar. O. jjp. 12. Mimeograph. In vol. "Central Pacific. Pamphlets. 2." Central Pacific R.R. in account with the United States: the Thurman Act a final settle- ment; review of the contract; by G. L. Lansing. [San Francisco, 1889 ?] O. pp. 28. In same, 4. Same, n.t.p. F. pp. 30. Type-written copy signed by Mr. Lansing. The Central Pacific R.R. in equitable account with the United States, growing out of the issue of subsidy bonds in aid of construction; a review of the testimony and exhibits presented before the Pacific Railway Commission; by Ros- coe Conkling and W^illiam D. Shipman, of coun- sel. N. Y., 1887. O. pp. 134. In vol. "Central Pacific. Pamphlets. 3." The Central Pacific R.R. ; its relations with the government; it has performed all its ob- ligations; argument of Creed Haymond, made to a Select committee of the U. S. Senate, Mar. 17 and 26 and April 7, 1888. Washington, [1886?] 0. pp. 181. Cover title. In same, 3. [Circular] to the bondholders of the C. P. R.R., Jan. 1, 1870; Fisk & Hatch. N. Y., 1870. D. pp. (1) + 15. In same, 1. The general railroad laws of California, the Pacific railroad act of Congress, and the by- laws of the C. P. R.R. of California, together with city ordinance of Sacramento and act donat- ing swamp land. Sacramento, 1862. O. pp.104. In same. In the matter of the payment for sur- veys and the taxation of granted lands; Charles H. Tweed, counsel, n.p., [1885?] O. pp. 11. Cover title. Same; letter to P. B. Plumb, chairman Committee on public lands, [from C. P. Hunting- ton.] n.t.p. [N. Y., Dec. 31st, 1885.] O. pp.7. Cover title. Lands of the C. P. R.R. of California. Sacramento, 1868. O. pp. 18. Cover title. In vol. " Central Pacific. Pamphlets. 1." The lands of the C. P. R.R., with gen- eral information on the resources of the country through which the railroad takes its way; June 1, 1880. San Francisco, 1880. O. pp. 40. In same, 2. [Letter of C. P. Huntington to Hon. Philetus Sawyer, chairman of the committee on the Pacific railroad. House of Representatives, Washington, D. C] n.t.p. [N. Y., 1874.] O. pp. 28. In same, 3. Mortgage, dated Oct. 1, 1886. 50-year UNITED STATES. 79 bonds, 6 per cent, n.t.p. [San Francisco, 1886?] O. pp. 30. In same, 2. Opinion upon the question: whether the C. P. K.R. is liable to pay the interest upon the bonds of the United States issued to it under the Pacific railroad acts of Congress of 1862, 1864, and 1865, before the maturity of said bonds, except by way of services rendered to the govern- ment and five per cent, of the net earnings of the road after it shall have been completed ? by S. W. Sanderson, counsel, Sacramento, 1S70. Sac- ramento, 1870. O. pp. 12. Cover title. In same, 3. The Pacific railroad; a defense against its enemies, with report of the supervisors of Placer county, and report of Mr. Montanya, made to the supervisors of the city and county of San Francisco, Dec, 1864. [San Francisco,] 1864. O. pp. 35. A reply to the pamphlet " The Great Dutch Flat Swindle." In same, 1. The Pacific rail road companies; their relations to the government growing out of ad- vances of bonds in aid of construction: letter of the vice-president [C. P. Huntington], C. P. R.R. to the chairman Pacific railroad committee. House of Representatives. [N. Y., 1886.] O. pp. 25. In same, 5. Pacific railroads: statement of Leland Stanford made before the Senate select committee on Pacific railroads, Mar. 17, 1888. n.p., n.d. O. pp. 28. Cover title. In same. Railroad communication with the Pacific; with an account of the C. P. R.R. of California, the character of the work, its })rogress, resources, earnings and future prospects, and the advan- tages of its first mortgage bonds; Oct., 1867. [Fisk & Hatch.] N. Y., 1867. O. pp. (2) + 32. 1 fold. map. In same, 1. Railroad lands; not aflected by discov- eries of minerals subsequent to definite location of line of road; an interesting and important decision by the United States Circuit court, n.t.p. [1890.] O. pp. 11. In same, 2. Relations between the C. P. R.R. and the United States government: summary of facts; [by (i. L. Lansing.] San Francisco, 1889. O. pp. (2) -f 5-62. Same. [Another ed.] San Francisco, 1889. O. pp. (2) + 5-70. In same, 4 ; and copy separately bound. Report of tlie chief engineer on the pre- liminary survey and cost of construction f)f llic C. 1'. R.R. of California, across the Sierra Nevada mountains from Sacramento to the eastern bound- ary of California. Sacramento, 1861. O. pp. (2) -\- 5-;^6. 2 fold. maps. In vol. "Central Pacific, 18G1-65." Report of the chief engineer on his oper- ations in the Atlantic states. Sacramento, 1862. O. pp. 30. In same. ■ Report of the chief engineer on the pre- liminary survey, cost of construction, and esti- mated revenue, across the Sierra Nevada mount- ains from Sacramento to the eastern boundary of California; Oct. 22, 1862. Sacramento, 1862. O. pp. (2) + 5-56. In same. Report of the chief engineer upon recent surveys, progress of construction, and an approx- imate estimate of cost of first division of fifty miles of the C. P. R.R. of California; July 1, 1863. Sacramento, 1863. O. pp. 26. In same. Report of the chief engineer upon recent surveys, progress of construction, and an apj)rox- imate estimate of receipts of the C. P. R.R. of California; Oct. 8, 1864. [Sacramento, 1864.] O. pp. 32. In same. Report of the chief engineer upon recent surveys, progress of construction, and estimated revenue of the C. P. R.R. of California; Dec. 1864. [Sacramento, 1864 ?] O. pp. (2) + 5^2. In same. Reports of the president and chief en- gineer upon recent surveys, progress of construc- tion, and estimated revenue of the C. P. R.R. of California; Dec. 1865. [Sacramento, 1865?] O. pp. (2) + 5-22 -{- 8. In same., &c., of the C. P. R.R., pro- viding for sinking fund for payment of govern- ment bonds and interest thereon at maturity. San Fraficisco, 1878. O. pp. 36. In vol. " Central Pacific. Pamphlets. 3." Souvenir time schedule: Knights Tem- plar conclave, San Francisco, Aug., 1883. [San Francisco, 1883.] nar. S. pp. (24). Statement made to Senate conimittoe of the Nevada legislature, Jan. 14, 1865, [relative to the location surveys over the Sierra Nevadas, etc.] n.p.. 1865. O. pp. 15. Cover title. In vol. " Central Pacific. Pamphlets. 1." Statement mside to the President of tlie United States, and Secretary of the Interior, of the i)rogress of the work, Oct. 10, 1865. Sacra- mento, 1865. O. pp. 12. In same. Supplementary statement by Leland Stanford, president, to United States Pacific Kail- way ('omniission; pri'sented at the meeting; of the Commissiciii licld in San Francisco, Aug. 2, 1887. n.t.p. [1887?] O. pp. 6. lu tiumo, 1. 80 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Will Congress preserve tlie national faitli in its dealings with the Pacific railroad companies? Extracts from the debates in Con- gress on the passage of the acts to secure the construction of a railroad to the Pacific; with some suggestions upon the question whether the United States issued their bonds to the Pacific railway companies to promote and protect the national interests, and upon an adequate consi- deration, or, as an act of bounty. Prepared by L. E. Chittenden, in behalf of the C. P. K.R., and presented to the Judiciary committee of the Senate of the United States. Washington, 1871. O. pp. 47. Cover title. lu same. Appeal to the California delegation in Congress, upon the Goat Island grant to the C. P. R.R. San Francisco, 1872. O. pp.59, \fold. map. Bassett, J. M. Dear old pard: letter to C. P. Huntington. San Francisco, 1895. 2 columns. F*. Extracted from the San Francisco daily report, Apr. 20, 1895. Bowles, S. Across the continent: a summer's journey to the Rocky mountains, the Mormons, and the Pacific States, with Sjjeaker Colfax. Springfield, Mass., N. Y., 1865. D. pp. xix -{- 438. Co/ttew^s;— Letter 24. The great theme : the Pacific rail- Avay. CoLTON letters (The); declaration of Huntington that congressmen are for sale. [San Francisco, 1894?] O. pp. 12. Cover title. [Graham, R. S.] Central Pacific R.R. CO.; facts regarding its past and present manage- ment; by a stockholder and former employee. [San Francisco, 1889.] O. pp. 40. In vol. "Central Pacific Pamphlets, 2." Great (The) Dutch Flat swindle; the city of San Francisco demands justice!! The matter in controversy, and the present state of the question; an address to the Board of super- visors, ofiicers and people of San Francisco. [San Francisco, 1864.] O. pp. 128. Cover title. lu same, 1. PIaskell, D. H. Speech on the Pacific railroad resolutions before the Nevada legisla- ture, n.t.p. Carson City? 1865? O. pp.16. In same. • Information concerning the terminus of the railroad system of the Pacific coast. Oak- land, 1871. O. pp. (2) + 46. 2 fold. maps. [Moore, J. H.] How members of con- gress are bribed; an open letter; a protest and a petition; from a citizen of California to the United States Congress. [Sau Francisco, 1894(?)] nar. O. pp. 22. Cover title. NoRDHOFF, C. California: for health, pleasure, and residence; a book for travellers and settlers. N. Y., 1872. O. pp. (3) + 11-255. 53 cts., 1 plate, 3 maps. Contents: — %. The Central Pacific railroad.— 19. The Chinese as railroad builders. Old Block, ?Mt'2/(/. The Central Pacific railroad, or, '49 and '69. San Francisco, 1868. O. pp. 23 + (1). In vol. "Central Pacific. Pamphlet,s. 1." Sumner, C. A. [Letter to William L. Wilson, M. C, on trusts, the C. P. R.R., etc.] n.t.p. [Washington, 1895.] nar. F. p. (1). — and others. A memorial [to the Sen- ate and House of Rejiresentatives of the United States] against refunding the claim of the United States upon tlie C. P. R.R. for §77,000,000. n.t.p. [San Francisco, 1894?] O. pp. 14. — Samp, [.\nother ed.] n.t.p. [San Francisco, 1894?] O. pp. 13. — Refunding is needless n.t.p. [San Francisco, 1894.] O. and useless. pp. (2). SuTRO, A. Colorado earnestly protests; a timely warning; [appeal to the citizens of Cali- fornia, Jan. 14, 1895.] n.t.p. [San Francisco, 1895.] nar. Q. p. (1). — Copy of telegram to President Cleve- land; June 29, 1894. n.t.p. [San Francisco, 1894.] O. p. 1. SuTRo's war cry; the octopus must be destroved! Cullings from Sutro's speeches, n.t.p. [San Francisco, 1895 (?)] nar. F. p. (1). $3,000,000: this amount to be spent on Congress; one hundred and fifty votes wanted at $20,000 apiece; a startling report from the national capital, n.t.p. [Boise City (?) 1894.] O. p. (1.) " From Idaho daily times, Dec. 27, 1894. United States — Drparijnent of War. Army transportation; estimate of appropriation to ))ay claims of C. P. R.R. for tlie fiscal years 1887 and 1886 and prior years. Ordered printed June 12, 1886. n.t.p. [Washington, 1886]. O. pp. 19. In vol. " Central Pacific. Pamphlets. 2." __ Senate. [Report as to the C. P. R.R. of the select committee, appointed under resolu- tion of the Senate of Jan. 24, 1888, to Avhich was referred the President's message transmitting the Report of the Pacific Railway Commission. Ordered printed Feb. 17, 1890.] n.t.p. [Wash- ington, 1890.] O. pp. (54). In same, 4. WiNTON, N. W. Pacific railroad: speech in the Nevada Senate, Feb. 27, 1865. n.t.p. [Car- son City? 1865?] O. pp. 16. In same, 1. Southern Pacific. Annual report of the Board UNITED STATES. 81 of directors of the S. P. co., to the stockholders, 1885-87. San Francisco, 1886-88. 3 vols. O. The library has also advance sheets of the 1st annual report of the "president and directors to the stockholders, dated New York, Mar 31,1SS5; Leland Stanford, president. Annual report of the S. P. co., its pro-, prietary companies and leased lines, for 1888-91. [San Francisco, New York, 1889-95.] 7 vols. sq.Q. Annual report of the Board of directors of the S. P. R.R. to the stockholders, for the year ending June 30, 1873-77; for the eighteen months ending Dec. 31, 1878; for 1879-80. N. Y., San Francisco, 1874-81. 7 vols. O. Reports for 1876 and 1877 combined. 1st annual report of the Board of direct- ors of the S. P. K.R. (of Arizona), for the year ending June 30th, 1882. N. Y., [1882.] O." Annual report of the Board of directors of the S. P. R.R. (of California), to the stock- holders, for 1881-87. San Francisco, 1882-88. 7 vols. O. 1st annual report of the Board of direct- ors of the S. P. R.R. chartered bv the State of Texas. N. Y'., 1856. O. Articles of association, incorporation, amalgamation and consolidation of the S. P. R.R., the San Jose and Almaden R.R., the Pajaro and Santa Cruz R.R., the Monterey R.R., the Mon- terey Extension R.R., the Southern Pacific Branch ry., the San Pablo and Tulare R.R., the San Pablo and Tulare Extension R.R., the San Ramon Valley R.R., the Stockton and Copper- opolis R.R., the Stockton and Tulare R.R., the San Joaquin Valley and Yosemite R.R., the Los Angeles and San Diego R.R., the Los Angeles and Independence R.R., the Long Beach, Whit- tier and Los Angeles County R.R., the Long Beach R.R., the Southern Pacific R.R. Exten- sion CO., and the Ramona and San Bernardino R.R. [San Francisco, 1888.] F. pp. 48. Bentley's hand-book of the Pacific coast; containing a complete list of the prominent sea- side and mountain resorts, mineral springs, lakes, [etc.], giving the names of railroads, location of depots, [etc.]; bv Wm. R. Bentley. Oakland, 1884. O. pp. 143. illus. Same. Oakland, 1885. O. pp. 138. illus. "Compliments of l'a.s6euger department, S. P. co." "By semi-tropic seas": Santa Barbara and surroundings; bv E. McD. Johnstone. [Buf- falo, X.Y., printed, 1888.] sq.O. pp. (48). mcts. California: all about the Golden State. Oakland, [1888]. (). pp. 39 + (1). V2 cts. With time table folder of S. P. co , Aug., 1888. California; its attractions for the invalid, tourist, capitalist, and homeseeker, with general information on the lands of the S. P. R.R. co. ; Jerome Madden, land agent. San Francisco, 1890. Q. pp. 47 -[-(I)- l'lci«- California: [the Golden Gate special, solid vestibule train.] n.p., [1889.] O. pp. (16). colored illus. [Circular announcing the appointment of A. C. Hutchinson, general manager of the Atlantic svstem, S. P. co.] n.t.p. [New Or- leans, Mar; 1st, 1885.] O. pp. (1). [Circular letter from C. P. Huntington, S. P. R.R. of Arizona, to Speyer & Co., New York.] n.t.p. [N. Y., June 1st, 1883.] O. pp. 3. [Circular notice of the president S. P. CO. giving brief statement of the organization for the administration of the general business of the companv.] n.t.p. [San Francisco, Feb. 27th, 1885.] Q. pp. (1). Description, progress and business; with references to the financial condition of the com- panv and the value of its first mortgage six per cent, gold bonds. N. Y., 1875. O. pp. 21. Cover title. In vol. " Southern Pacific. Pamphlets. 1." Excursions weekly over the Sunset route, for New Orleans and other e:istern cities. San Francisco, Oct.-Nov., 1894. folder, nar. O. From the Crescent City to the Golden Gate via the Sunset route of the S. P. co.;by Ben C.Truman. N. Y., 1886. O. pp. 99-f-(l). 69 cts. Hotel del Monte, A. B. C. primer; by Ben C. Truman. [N. Y., printed,] n.d. obi. O. pp. (32). 26 cts. The lands granted to and withdrawn for the benefit of the S. P. R.R. co. of California; Henry Beard, attorney, n.t.p. [1887?] O. pp. 88. In vol. "Southern Pacific. Pamphlets. 3." The lands of the S. P. R.R. co, of Cali- fornia; their situation, soil, climiitc, vegetation, present and prospective values, price, and the terms under which they are offered for sale; with generiil information on the resources of South- ern California; Jerome Madden, land agent. San Francisco, June 1st, 1877. O. pp. 40. In same. The lands of the S. P. R.R. co. of Cali- fornia: witii general information on (he resources of Southern California; Jerome Madden, land agent. San Francisco, April 1st, 1880. O. pp. 136. In same. Same. San Francisco, April 1st, 1882. O. pp. 151. Same. San Francisco, April 1st, 1883. O. pp. 151. Letter of Mr. Hutchinson [genenil man- ager S. P. Atlantic .system] to tlie chairman of the (reiicral grievance committee, JiOcoiiiotive KiigiiR-ers. n.t.j). [New Orleans, 1888.] F., folded lo nar. O. lip. 5. In same, 2. 82 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. A list of government and railroad lands open to pre-emption or homestead, or to purchase, along the lines of the C. P., and the California and Oregon railroads; specifically designated by section, township and range. [San Francisco,] 1886. O. pp. 96. In same, 3. Same. [San Francisco?] 1886. O. pp. 96. Cover: " With compliments of the Kew York Central Agency." List of officers, agencies and stations. San Francisco, Dec. 1st, 1888. nar. O. pp. 46. In same, 2. Official list (no. 1.) of officers, stations, agents; table of distances, etc. San Francisco, Oct. 1st, 1885. nar. D. pp. 36. In same. [Opening of the new, continuous, all-rail route between San Francisco and New Orleans: map and time schedule.] [San Francisco, Feb. 1st, 1883.] broadside, sq. Q. Organization [S. P. R.R.]; articles of association and consolidation, and acts of Con- gress and of the legislature of California relative thereto. N. Y., 1873. O. pp. 87. Cover title. In vol. "Southern Pacific. Pamphlets. 1." Same. N. Y., 1875. O. pp. 113. Cover title. In same. Santa Cruz and Monterey illustrated hand-book; compiled by Henry Meyrick. San Francisco, 1880. O. pp. 51. 20 cts. In same. Shasta; the keystone of California scen- ery; by E. McD. Johnstone. [Buffalo, N. Y., printed, 1887.] sq. O. pp. (48.) 46 colored illus. Southern Pacific co. ; combination folder, containing natural attractions and comparative climate map of California, and bird's-eye map of the "Sunset route" from the Gulf to the Colum- bia river. San Francisco, Feb., 1888. folder. nar. O. Southern Pacific railroad, via New Or- leans, San Antonio and El Paso: argument before the Committee on railroads of the U. S. Senate, Mar. 12, 1878, by Eichard S. Spofford: the Mex- ican and Pacific extension of the Galveston, Har- risburg, and San Antonio railway. Washington, 1878. O. pp. 22. 1 fold. map. Cover title. In vol. " Southern Pacific Pamphlets. 2." Souvenir guide to Monterey and vicinity. [San Francisco, 188-]. O. pp. 24 + (1). 3 cts., 1 fold, plate. [Souvenir of the Hotel del Monte, Mon- terey, Cal.] n.p., n.d. obi. O. 12 plates. Same; by W. C. Morrow. [San Fran- cisco, 188-]. sq. O. pp. 31 -}- (9). 14 illus., 1 fold, plate. " Sunset route " : Texas and California. [Chicago, printed,] Dec, 1887. folder, nar. O. Thirty-second parallel Pacific railroad: argument of James H. Storrs in behalf of the S. P. K.R., before the Committee on the Pacific railroads of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on railroads of the Senate, 45th Congress, on the pending propositions of the S. P. and Texas Pacific R.R. co's; Feb. 1878. Washington, 1878. O. pp. 56. In vol. "Southern Pacific. Pamphlets. 2." Thirty -second parallel Pacific railroad: arguments before the Committee on railroads. United States Senate, of Jere M. Wilson, and remarks of C. P. Huntington, in behalf of tlie S. P. R.R. CO. of California, in opposition to bill to extend the time for completing the Texas Pa- cific road, and acquiring the public lands in the territories west of Texas. [Washington (?) 1880.] O. pp. 29. In same. Thirty -second parallel Pacific railroad: remarks of C. P. Huntington and argument of James H. Storrs in behalf of the S. P. E.R., be- fore the Committee on the Pacific railroads, House of Representatives, 45th Congress, on the pending propositions of the S. P. and Texas Pa- cific R.R. Co's.; Jan. 31, 1878. Washington, 1878. O. pp. 62. Cover title. In same. Time table: Northern division, winter arrangement commencing Nov. 21st, 1879. [San Francisco, 1879. J nar. T. pp. (4). [Time table, etc.] No. 1, April 20th, 1885. San Francisco, 1885. folder, nar. O. Time Table, no. 7, [for the] Coast divi- sion, to take effect Sept. 14th, 1890. [San Fran- cisco? 1S90.] F. pp. (10). This and the fourteen next following: "For thegovern- ment and information of employees only." Same, no. 3, to take effect July 25, 1892. [San Francisco? 1892.] obi. O. pp. 7. Time table, no. 1, for lines in Oregon, to take eflfect July 1st, 1892. [San Francisco? 1892.] obi. O. pp. 11. Savie, no. 2, to take effect Sept. 5, 1892. [San Francisco? 1892.] obi. O. pp. 11. Time table, no, 1, for the Lodi division, to take effect July 1st, 1892. [San Francisco? 1882.] obi. O. pp. (2). Time table, no. 2, for the Los Angeles division, to take effect Aug. 7th, 1892. [San Francisco? 1892.] obi. O. pp. 9. Time table, no. 2, for the Mojave divi- sion, to take effect July 28th, 1892. [San Fran- cisco? 1892.J obi. O. pp. 5. Time table, no. 49, [for the] Northern division, to take effect Oct. 18th, 1885. [San Francisco? 1885.] F. pp. (8). UNITED STATES. 83 u Time table, no. 1, for the Sacramento division, to take effect Julv 1st, 1892. [San Francisco? 1892.] obi. O. pp. 7. Time table, no. 1, for the Salt Lake division, to take effect Julv 1st, 1892. [San Francisco? 1892.] obi. O. pp. (4). Time table, no. 2, for the San Joaquin division, to take effect Julv 25th, 1892. [San Francisco? 1892.] obi. O. 'pp. 6. Time table, no. 1, for the Santa Cruz division, to take effect July 1st, 1892. [San Francisco? 1892.] obi. O. pp.9. Time table, no. 1, for the Truckec division, to take effect July 1st, 1892. [San Francisco? 1892.] obi. O. pp. (5). Time table, no. 2, for the Yuma and Tucson divisions, to take effect July olst, 1892. [San Francisco ? 1892.] obi. O. pp. 6. Time table, no. 1, for the Western division, to take effect Julv 1st, 1892. [San Francisco ? 1892.] obi. O. pp. 17. A tour through Texas and California in 1884; bv AV. G. Kingsburv, Western European agent, S. P. ry. Lond., [1885?] O. pp.64. Cover title. Trust mortgage of the S. P. Branch ry. (of California.) San Francisco, 1887. O. pp.17. Cover title. lu vol. " Southern Pacific. Pamphlets. 2." The unique map of California; [by] E. McD. Johnstone. [San Francisco,] n.d. Size, 55.7 x 45.3 cm. West by south, half south; by E. McD. Johnstone. [Buffalo, N. Y , printed, 1890.] sq. O. pp. 98 + (1). 73 illus. In vol. "Southern Pacific. Pamphlets. 2." Barbour, F. C. W. Overland by the Southern Pacific: from the Crescent City to the Pacific ocean. Meadville, Pa., 1892. O. pp. (11). 11 cts. Extracted from Omuiauquan, vol. 15, July, 1892. California King (The); Stanford's post-prandial New Year's day soliloquy. [San Francisco, 1870.] O. pp. 15. 1 ct. In vol. "Southern Pacific. Pamphlets. 1." FK'iTionr.i) commerce: how tlie Pacific Mai! and the railroads liave bled San PVancisco. San Francisco, 1892. O. i)p. (2) + 5-46. lOcts. " A ForioR of articles rei)rinted from the San Francisco momiiKj call." Southern (A) overland glimpse. San Francisco, 1869. O. pp. (8). Extracted from the Overland monthly, vol. 2, June, 1809. In vol. "Southern Pacific. Pamphlets. 1." Unitkd Statks — Department of War. [Location of Soutliern Pacific and Texas Pacific railroads tiirougli J"\)rt Yuma reservation and across the Colorado river.] n.t.p. [Washington, 1878.] O. j)i). 34, In .same. — Hou'if of Representatives. [ Lands granted to the S. P. K.R. : report of the Com- mittee on public lands. Ordered printed Feb. 24, 1886.] n.t.p. [Washington, 1886.] O. pp. 18. In same. — Senate. Argument before the Com- mittee on railroads, as to the rights and interests of the S. P. R.R. CO. of California, as affected by the Texas &, Pacific railway bill; Jan. 20, 1875. n.t.p. [Washington, 1875.] O. pp. 10. in same. [Relief of settlers on public lands: rejiort of the Committee on public lauds in relation to the lands granted to the S. P. R.R. Ordered printed Mar. 28, 1876.] n.t.p. [Washington, 1876.] O. pp. 4. In same. Union Pacific. Report to the stockholders, for the year 1877, 79, '82, '83. N. Y., 1878^4. 4 vols. O. Report of the directors to the stockliold- ers, for 1885-88. [Boston? 1886-89.] 4 vols. sq. Q. ■ Agreement between the U. P. ry., Oregon Short Line ry., and Utah & Northern ry., and the Northern Pacific R.R. and Oregon rv. A nav- igation co.: dated Feb. 23d, 1883. n.p.,"n.d. O. pp. 13. Cover title. In vol. "Union Pacific. Pamphlets. 3." Argument before J. D. Cox, Secretary of the Interior, in sup])ort of the right of the Central branch U. P. R.R., to continue and ex- tend its road to the " Main trunk," as one of the branches thereof; by Effingham H. Nichols. Washington, 1869. O. pp. 44. Argument before J. D. Cox, Secretary of the Interior, showing that the act of 1866 has not repealed the right of the Central branch V. P. R.R. to continue and extend its road to the "Main trunk," as one of the branches thereof; by Elliug- ham H. Nichols. Washington, 1870. O. pp.19. Argument in behalf of tlie Central branch U. P. R.R., before J. I). Cox, Secretary of the Interior; by William M. Evarts. n.p., [1870?] O. pp. 38. A complete and comprehensive descrip- tion of the agricultural, stock raising and mineral resources of Utah. 4th ed., revised and enlarged. St. Louis, 1891. O. pp. 16. Correspondence between Col. J. 11. Simpson and S. Seymour, consulting engineer, U. P. R.R., in relatiim to the nimle of construc- tion. [N. Y.?1S(;6?] O. i)p. 9. lu vol. "Union Pacific. Pamphlets. 1." A description of the western resorts for health ami i)leasure, reached via the Union Pacific system. 7th ed. St. Louis, 1894. O. J.].. 166 -j- (4). 64 cts. l-'rouisunimerlaud tn the .Anu'rican .\lps. Omaha, 1894. D. pp. 47 -[-(I). 17 c/,s., 1 v//a/). d4 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. A geological & agricultural survey of 100 miles west of Omaha; by the American Bureau of Mines. N. Y., 1866. O. pp. (3) + 7-44. In vol. " Union Pacific. Pamphlets. 2." A glimpse of Great Salt Lake, Utah. [Omaha,] 1894. sq. O. pp. 36 + (2). 19 cts. The great national highway between the Missouri river and California; open from Omaha to the mountains. Chicago,1868. O. pp.13 + ("2). Cover title: "Omaha to the mountains. . . " lo vol. " Union Pacific. Pamphlets. 2." Same, [Another work.] Chicago, 1868. O. 12 + (4). Cover title: " Omaha to California." The great U. P. R.R. excursion to the hundredth meridian: from New York to Platte City; incidents of the excursion, character of the country, statistics of the road, its progress and trade; meeting at Platte City; reception at Chicago. Chicago, 1867. O. pp. 62. 1 plate. In vol. " Union Pacific. Pamphlets. 2." Guide to the U. P. R.R. lands. 5th ed. Omaha, 1872. O. pp. iv + 5-48. 2 fold. maps. In same. Guide to the U. P. R.R. lands. Omaha, 1876. O. pp. 30 + (2). \fold. map. Cover title. In same. A letter from William Whiting to Henry Wilson, of the U. S. Senate, showing that the government is bound to fulfil in good faith its contract with the Central branch, U. P. R.R. n.t.p. [Washington, March 7, 1870.] O. pp. 7. Letter of J. L. Williams on the location between Omaha city and Platte valley, n.t.p. [N. Y., Jan. 2, 1865.] O. pp. 5. Letter [to the Secretary of the Interior] of J. L. Williams [one of the government di- rectors] on location and progress of U. P. R.R. n.t.p. [Fort Wayne, Ind., Nov. 15, 1864.] O. pp. 6. [Manuscr'ipt:'\ Copy of letter to Col. J. H. Simpson, submitting data and arguments rela- tive to change of location west of Omaha, Aug. 28, 1865; S. Seymour, consulting engr. U. P. R.R. [N. Y., 1865.] sq. Q. pp. 26. Col. Seymour's autograph copy; on paper headed "Union Pacific Rail Road Company" &c. The above title is the one endorsed on the back. \_Manuscript: Engineer's location survey profiles.] n.d. 6 rolls. Namely:— Crow Creek to Laramie river. Size, 16.5 x 854.35 cm.— Line L from sta. 1706 of line D. Size, 16.5 x 226.7 cm.— Old location from Crow Creek to sta. UOO. Size, 16.5 X 697 cm.— Old location west of sta. 1100. Size, 16.5 x 378.2 cm.— Walbach and Crow Creek line, surveys of 1.S65. Size, 16.5 X 319.65 cm.— Weber Canon to mouth of Echo Canon. Size, 12 x 1070.6 cm. [Manuscript: Letter to Thomas C. Dur- ant, vice president, U. P. R.R., relative to change of location, Dec. 21, 1864; S. Seymour, consulting engr. U. P. R.R. N. Y., 1864.] sq. Q. pp. 19. In autograph of S. Seymour. [Ma7iiiscript:] Report by Thomas H. Bates, division engineer, for 1866. [Salt Lake City, 1866.] F. pp. 38. Opinion of Benj. R. Curtis, relating to the right of the Central branch U. P. R.R. to continue and extend its road to the "Main trunk," and for and in aid of the construction tliereof to receive lands and bonds from the United States. Washington, 1869. O. pp. 8. Passenger department bulletin for July, 1880. Omaha, 1880. nar. D. pp. 63. In voL "Union Pacific. Pamphlets. 3." Progress of their road west from Omaha, Neb., across the continent; making, with its con- nections, an unbroken line from the Atlantic to the Pacific: 500 miles completed Oct. 25th, 1867. N. Y., 1867. O. pp. 24. 1 ?««;?. In same, 2. Same, 540 miles completed Dec, 1867. N. Y., 1868. O. pp. 32. 1 7m/j. "Pamphlet edition, April 2, 1868." Progress of the U. P. R.R. west from Omaha, Neb., across the continent; making, with its connections, an unbroken line from tlie Athiii- tic to the Pacific ocean: 820 miles completed Sept. 20, 1868. N. Y., 1868. O. pp. 40. 1 map. "Pamphlet edition, Sept. 25th, 18G8." lu same. Progress of the U. P. R.R. west from Omaha, Neb., across the continent; making, with its connections, an unbroken line from tiie At- lantic to the Pacific ocean: 1032 miles comjileted Mar., 1869: the present and i)ros])ective value of the company's first mortgage bonds. N. Y., 1869. O. pp. 24. 1 7nap, 1 fold. map. "Pamphlet edition. Mar. 1, 1869." Cover dated 1868. In same. Report of Gen. G. M. Dodge, chief en- gineer, on lines crossing the Rocky mountains. N. Y., 1867. O. pp. 33. 3 fi(js., 4 plates, 1 fold, section. In same, 1. Report of the consulting engineer [Silas Seymour], on the location between Omaha city and the Platte valley, dated Dec. 21, 1864. N. Y., 1865. O. pp. 9 + xxxviii. 1 fold. map. Cover title. In same. Report of Thomas C. Durant, vice-presi- dent and general manager, to the Board of direc- tors, in relation to the operations of the engineer department, and the construction of the road, up to the close of the year 1865. N. Y., 1866. O. pp. (1) + 19 + 18 + 23 + 18 + 64. 14 plates, 4 fold, plates, 3 fold, plans. Report of Thomas C. Durant, vice-i)resi- dent and general manager, to the Board of direc- tors, in relation to the surveys made up to tlie close of tlie year 1864. N. Y., 1866. O. pp. (1) + 8 +24 + 11+15. 14 plates, A fold, plans. In vol. " Union Pacific. Pamphlets. 1." UNITED STATES. 85 Report [on the change of location of the line west froui Omaha], of Springer Harbaugh, government director, to the Secretary of the In- terior, n.t.p. [Pittsburgh, Jiilv 20," 1865.] O. pp. 9. In same. Romantic realities; the story of the building of the Pacific roads: a paper on the transcontinental railways; by Gen. G. M. Dodge. Omalia, 1889. O. pp! 23." In vol. " Union Pacific. Pamphlets. 3." Senate bill no. 469: will Congress pre- serve good faith with the Central branch U. P. R.R.? Statement of William Clatlin [and others], on behalf of themselves and other stockholders, n.t.p. O. pp. 6. Three studies in railroading Omaha, [1893.] obi. T. pp. 79 + (1). Contents: — Tiftdge, Gen. G. M. Building the road. —Dillon, S. Driving the last spike.— Dillon, S. The west and the railroads. " Compliments of Passenger department U. P. system." Supplemental report of the consult- ing engineer [Silas Seymour], on bridging the Missouri river, at the eastern terminus of the road: dated Mar. 24, 1868. N. Y., 1868. O. pp. 16. Cover title. In vol. " Union Pacific. Pamphlets. 1." Union Pacific guide; a descriptive and illustrated guide to the U. P. system. Omaha, 1894. nar. O. pp. 168 -}" (3). 5 2)hoiofs., 1 map, The Union Pacific R.R.: acts of Con- gress relating thereto, and amendments; by-laws of the company; and mortgages, executed for the security of the first mortgage, land grant, income, bridge, and sinking fund bonds. Boston, 1874. O. pp. 129 + (1). Cover title. In vol. " Union Pacific. Pamphlets. 3." The Union Pacific R.R. from Omaha, Neb., across the continent; making, witii its con- nections, an unbroken Hue from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean; chartered by tlie United States: its construction, resources, earnings, and pros- pects. N. Y., [1867?] O. pp. 7 -f- (1). IJold. map. lu same, 2. Same. [Another work.] N. Y., [May 15, 1867.] O. pp. 16. Cover title. In same. The Union Pacific ry.. Eastern division, or Kansas Pacific ry.; economy to tlie govern- ment, statement of J. I). Perry, president, [etc.] "Washington, 1868. O. pp. 56. Ein Wegweiser iiber die Union Pacific Bahn und ihre funf niilliouen Acker I^and fiir Farmer und IIeimst;ltten in Kansas und Color- ado. Bremen, printed, [1892 ?] O. pp. 24. 1 fold. map. Cover title. •7-;— Centeal Pacific. Review of the opinion of Attorney general Ackerman, upon the (piestion whether the U. P. R.R. co. is required to pay the interest on its U. S. Bonds before the maturity of the principal; by S. W. Sanderson, counsel. Sacramento, 1871. O. pp. 33. Cover title. In vol. " Union Pacific. Pamphlets. 3." Davis, J. P. The Union Pacific rail- way: a study in railway politics, history and economics. Chicago, 1894. O. pp. (2) -f 5- 247. 2 fold. maps. DuRANT, T. C. Statement in rci)ly to the testimony of John B. Alley, taken on the"7(h day of Jan., 1873, before the committee appointed by the House of Representatives to investigate charges of bribery against members of Congress. [Credit Mobilier investigation], u.p., [1873?] O. pp. 52. Cover title. In same, 4. Garfield, J. A. Review of the trans- actions of t; e Credit Mobilier company and an examination of that portion of the testiuiouy taken by the committee of investigation and re- ported to the House of Representatives at the last session of the 42d Congress, which relates to Mr. Garfield. Washington, 1880. O, pp. 24. Cover title. United States — Commissioner of Rail- roads. [Report on and] copies of contracts of the U. P. R.R. CO. with the Western Union telegraph conii)anv. Ordered printed April 1, 1885. n.t.p. [Washington, 1885]. O. pp. 79. Report relative to issue of stock [by the Union Pacific R.R.] or making contracts since Mar. 3, 1873. Ordered printed Feb. 28, 1884. n.t.p. [Washington, 1S84]. O. pp. 19. [Report] transmitting certain paporsgiy- ing names of corporations whose bonds and interest have at different times been guaranteed by the I'. P. ry. Ordered printed July 26, 1890. "[W:ish- ington, 1890.] O. pp. 20. — Department of the Interior. Report of Col. James 11. Simpson, on the change of route west from Omaha, proposed by the U. P. R.R. CO., made to Secretary of the Interior, Sept. IS, ]8f)5; with the President's decision tlu'i-eon. Washington, 1S65. O. pp. 70-|-(l). I fold. ])lan, 1 fold. map. In vol. "Union Pacific. ParaphleLs. 1." — Oovemment Directors of the Union Pacific. Report for the year ending June 30, 1877-92. Washington, 18^7-92. 8 vols. (>. Re])ort suggesting legislation [alTecting the U. P. R.K.I Ordered i)rinte(l Dec. 21, ISSCi. n.t.p. [Wasliint,'ton, ]SS(!.] (). p|>. 7. lu vol. " Uiiifiii l'iicill<'. I'liinphli'ts. :i," — House of lieprrnfiitrttiris. Ai\:\\v>i of tlic (inioii Pacific R.R. [Report of the| 86 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. committee no. 2 on the Credit Mobilier, ap- pointed to make inquiry in relation to the affairs of tlie U. P. R.R. CO., the Credit Mobilier of America, and other matters.] Ordered printed Feb. 20, 1873. n.t.p. [Washington, 1873.] O. pp. xxvi + 770i Credit mobilier investigation; [report of the select committee to investigate alleged Credit Mobilier bribery.] Ordered printed Feb. 18, 1873. n.t.p. [Washington, 1873.] O. pp. xix + 523. In vol. " Union Pacific. Pamphlets. 4." d. Maps. Colton's new railroad and county map of the United States, the Canadas, &c. N. Y. & Lond., 1862. Scale, [48 ni. = in.] Size, 77.5 x 92.3 cm. Contains Colton's map showing: proposed railroad routes to the Pacific ocean. Scale, [415.5 stat. m. = iu.] Size, 17.5 X 24.7 cm. General railway map of the United States and the Dominion of Canada. N. Y., [1891]. Size, 65.7 x 121.5 cm. Presented with the Travellers' official guide for 1892. Lloyd's new map of the United States, the Canadas and New Brunswick, from the latest surveys, showing every railroad and station finished to June, 1862, and the Atlantic and Gulf coasts; from the United States superintendent's official reports of the coast survey by order of Congress. N. Y., 1863. Scale, [35. m.= in.] Size, 93.5 X 124.8 cm. Mitchell's map of the United States; showing the principal roads, also the courses of the canals & rail-roads. Philadelphia, 1835. Scale, [ca. 77 A m. = in.] Size, 45.4 x 56.2 cm. Accompanied by: Compendium of the internal improve- ments of the United States; comprising general notices of all the most important canals and rail- roads throughout the states and territories. Philadelphia, 1835. S. pp. 84. Mitcliell's national map of the American re- public, or. United States of North America. Philadelphia, 1846. Scale, [53.3 m. = in.] Size, 69.4 x 83.2 cm. West to the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Oregon and Texas given separately on smaller scale. Accompanied by: A route-book, adapted to Mitchell's national map of the American i-epublic. Phila- delphia, 1846. T. pp. 52. Vanderbilt lines (The): America's great rail- way system: New York Central and Hudson river; Boston and Albany; Lake Shore and Michi- gan Southern; Michigan Central; Cleveland, Cin- cinnati, Chicago and St. Paul; Pittsburg and Lake Erie; and Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg rail- roads. N. Y., 1893. Scale, [ca. 20.7 m. =in.] Size, 87.6 x 141.7 cm. Asia. Boulangier, E. Notes de voyage en Sibcrie: le chemin de fer transsiberien et la Chine. Paris, 1891. nar. Q. pp. (3) -f vii-xii +397 + (1). 83 illus,, 1 map, 2 fold, maj^s. Voyage a Merv: les Russes dans I'Asie centrale et le chemin de fer transcaspien. Paris, 1888. D. pp. (3) + 451. 84 illus., 10 maps, 4 fold, majis. Brownislawski, V. Le chemin de fer trans- siberien; communication faite a la Societe de geo- graphic commerciale de Bordeaux, seance men- suelle du 4 decembre 1893. Bordeaux, 1894. Q. pp. 15. 1 fold, map. " Extrait dii Bulletin de la Sociiic de geographic commer- ciale de Bordeaux.' ' Cover title. Dernburg, F. Auf deutscher Bahn in Klein- asien. Berlin, 1892. D. pp. (2) + 197. Ifold. map. "Die anatolische Bahn von Haidar Pascha [bei Ismid] nach Angora. " Forchheimer, P. Die Eisenbahn von Ismid nach Angora. Berlin, [1891.] Q. pp. (2) -f- 34. 2 figs., 3 fold, plates, 1 map. "Sonderdruck ausder Zeitschrift filr Bamvesen, Jahrg. 1891." France — Ministere des Travaux Publics. Chemin de fer transcaspien; rapport de mission, par M. Boulangier. Paris, 1887. O. pp. (2) -j- 5-67. 6 figs., 1 map, Ifold. map. p. 56. "Extrait de la Revue du, genie militaire, avril-juin 1887." Gribayedoff, V. The great trans-Siberian railway. N. Y., 1893. O. pp. (7). Vlcts. p. 56. Extracted from the Cosmopolitan, vol. 14. Mar. 1893. Japanese railways: time tables. Nov., 1889. Yokohama, [1889.] D. pp. 79-100. P. 78. McBean, S. England, Palestine, Egypt & India, connected bv a railway system. Lond., 1876. D. pp. (3)" + vii-xvi + 143. 1 fold, map. " To John Haddock, with the author's compliments." Menz, B.. Deutsche Arbeit in Kleinasien: Reiseskizze und Wirthschaftsstudie. Berlin, 1893. D. pp. 117. " Die anatolische Eisenbahn." Potter, W. F. Railway work in Japan. Lond., 1879. O. pp. 25. 1 fold, plate. " Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. 56. Session 1878-79, pt. 2." Russia. The industries of Russia. Vol. 5: Siberia and the great Siberian railway. St. Petersburg, 1893. Q . pp. xii + 265. 1 fold, map. " By the Dejiartment of Trade and Manufactures, Min- istry of Finance, for the World's Columbian exposition at Chicago ; editor of the English translation, John Martin Crawford." Sprye, Capt. R. The British and China rail- way: from Rangoon, in the Bay of Bengal through Pegue and Burmah, to China: projected by Cap- ASIA. 8? tain Richard Sprye, R. H. F. Sprye, and C. H. F. Sprye; in a series of letters to the Earl of Mahues- l.iiry. Lond., 1858. sq. O. pp. (4) + 2G + (2) -{- xii + (-)• ^ fold. viap. "To Viscount Goderich, with the compts. of Captn. Richard Sprye & Sous. Loud., December lsr)S." Stephenson, Sir Mac D. Railways in China; report upon the feasibility and most effectnal means of introdncing railway communication into the empire of China. Lond., 1804. F. pp. 55. 1 fold. map. Zimpel, C. F. Railway between the Mediter- ranean, the Dead Sea, and Damascus, by way of Jerusalem. Lond., 1865. O. i)p. 31. P. 57. Map lacking. I. EUPHRATES VALLEY. Andrew, Sir W. P. The Euphrates route to India; letters addressed to the British and Turk- ish governments, etc.; with introductory remarks and appendix. Lond., 1871. O. pp. 38. In vol. " Euphrates Valley railway. Pamphlets." The Euphrates Valley railway: letters addressed to Her Majesty's Secretaries of state for foreign affairs, and for India; with introductory remarks and map. Lond., 1870. O. pp. 53. 1 fold. map. In same. The Euphrates Valley route to India; a paper read before the British Association, at Brighton, August, 1872; with map, and appendix containing a letter from Sir Henry Green, and report of the select committee of the House of Commons on the Euphrates Valley railway. Lond., 1873. O. pp. (5) -j- 11-62. Ifold. map. In same. Lecture [before the Royal United Ser- vice Institution]: the Euphrates Valley route to India in connection with the Central Asian question, n. t. p. [Lond., 1873.] O. pp. 29. Ifold. map. p:xtracted from the Journal Royal United Service Institu- timi, vol. 17, 1873. In same. Letter to Viscount Palmcrston, on the political importance of the Eui)iirates Valley and the necessity of the financial supjjort of her Majesty's government. Lond., 1857. O. pp. (2) -f 68. 1 fold. map. Memoir on the Euphrates Valley route to India; with official correspondence and maps. Lond., 1857. O. pp. (3) + vii-xvi + 267. 2 fold. mapn. "Thos. Kupel Orampton, from the author." EuPiiKATKS Valley (The) route to India: an examination of the memoir i)ub!ished by W. P. Andrew; by two travellers, j.ond., 1857. O. pp. 32. In vol. "Euphrates Valley railway. Pamphlets." Cazalet, E. The Eastern question: an address to working men; with map showing the projected line of the Euphrates Vallev railway. Lond.. 1878. O. pp. (3) 4- 3-64. 1 fold. map. Euphrates Valley Railway. Prospectus, n.p., [1856? J O. ])p. 12. 1 fold. map. VA. with "Scinde Railway. Second Rejwrt of the directors, 1856." Euphrates Valley (The) railway; by an Aus- trian officer of high rank; transhited by Captain C. W. Wilson, R. E. Authorized translation. Lond., 1872. O. pp. 20. 1 fold. map. Ou p. 20, " Written in 18.58, published in 1869." In vol, "Euphrates Valley railway. Pamphlets." Euphrates versus Suez, or, which is the short- est ? Being a reply to a Quarterly Reviewer of " The Suez and Euphrates routes to India." By a barrister. Lond., 1857. O. pp. 32. In same. European interests in the Euphrates Valley route; a compilation. Lond., 1861. O. pp. 36. In same. Great Britain — Foreign Office. Reports re- specting communication with India through Turkey, by the Euphrates Valley route. Pre- sented by command, 1872. Lond., [1872.] F. pp. 75. 4 fold. maps. — House of Commons. Report from the Select committee on the Euphrates Valley rail- way; witii the proceedings of tlie committee, minutes of evidence, appendix, and iude.x. Ordered printed, 27 July, 1871. [Lond., 1871.] F. pp. vi 4- 82. Same. Ordered printed, 22 July, 1872. [Lond., 1872.] F. pp. xxvi + 220. Parkes, W. Euphrates Valley railway; re- port on tiie ports of the Persian gulf, witli charts; addressed to \V. P. Andrew. Lond., 1872. O. pp. (2) + 5-16. 2 fold, charts. In vol. "Euphrates Valley railway. Pamphlets." Warren, Count E. de. European interests in railways in the vallev of the Eupiirates. Lond., 1857. O. up. 31. p. 57. "Translated from the Revue contcmporaine, March 15, 1857." Cover title. II. INDIA. [Andrew, Sir W. P.] The E.ast India gov- ernment guarantee on railways, with Lord C^an- ning's speech on tlie opening of the railway from Calcutta to the Ganges. 3rd ed. Lond., 1861. O. pp. 34. P. 66. [ ] Indian railways and tlieir ])roI>al)le re- sults, with ma])s and an appendix; containing sta- tistics of internal and external commerce of India, liv an old Indian i)ost master. 3d cd. Lond., 1S48. d. pp. (6) -}- Iviii + ii -f- viii -\- 150 -1- (1) -1- XXV. 2 fold, via/is, 2 Jold. /alili s. " J. Latham IJrowu, from the author." Indian railways as connected with British 88 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. empire in the East. 4th ed. Lond., 1884. O. pp. cxii 4- 296. 1 fold, map in pocket, 1 fold, table. On the completion of the railway system of the valley of the Indus; a letter to the Duke of Argyle. Lond., 1869. O. pp. (2) + 124. 2 fold, maps. In vol. "Andrews. Indian railways." On the establishment of a flotilla of steam vessels of improved construction, on the Indus, in connection with the »Scinde and Pun- jaub railways. 2nd ed. Lond., 1857. O. pp.45. Kailways in Bengal; being the substance of a report addressed to the chairman of the East India company in 1849; [with prospectus of the Upper India railway company.] Lond., 1853. O. pp. 49 + 18. '•Reprinted from; the Artizan, of June, 1851." In vol. " Andrews. Indian railways.' ' Assam Railways and Trading Co. 13th, 14th report of the directors, with the balance sheet and revenue accounts for 1893, 1894, [Lond., 1894-95.] 2 vols. F. Bell, H. Railway policy in India. Lond., 1894. O. pp. (5) + 359. 4 fold, plates, 1 fold. map, Confew^s ; — Historical sketch.— Guarantees and assist- ance.— State construction and administration.— History of the gauge on Indian railways. — Rates and fares. — Indian railway legislation. Bombay, Baroda and Central India. Re- port on line. Lond., 1854. O. pp. 72. [Report on surveys, etc.] n.t.p. [1851?] O. pp. xi -{- 77 + 88. 2 fold, majjs. Bourne, J. Railways in India; with an intro- duction, illustrative of the practicability of ren- dering available existing works in diminution of the cost of such undertakings. 2nd ed. Lond., 1848. O. pp. 24 + 127. 1 map. p. 66. "C. D. Bruce, with the author's compts." Calcutta and Diamond Harbour B,ailway and Dock Co. Remarks on the plan of a rail- way from Calcutta to Diamond Harbour; to which is added a letter to the directors of the East India company; by the chairman of the Com- mittee of management. Lond., 1845. O. pp. 16 + 10-40. Ifold. plate, 2 fold. maps. Ceylon Government Railways — Great Britain — Colonial Office. Ceylon railway: copy of Mr. Hawkshaw's report, dated 18 June, 1860, and letter of the same date, to the Secretary of state for the colonies, on the subject of the Cey- lon railwav, and of the tenders relating thereto. Ordered pVinted, 16 July, 1860. [Lond., I860.] F. pp. 10. 1 fold, diagr. — Parliament — 34 & 35 Vict. Papers re- lating to the affairs of the Ceylon railway. Pre- sented by command. Lond., 1871. F. pp.51. In vol. " Railways in India. 1." Note on the Ceylon [Madras, 5th June, Smith, Major C. J. government railway, n.t.p. 1876.] F. pp. 7. M. 15. Clarke, H. Colonization, defence, and rail- ways in our Indian empire. Lond., 1857. O. pp." (5) + 244. Ifold. map. East Indian Railway. 66th-98th report of the directors. 2 Jan., 1880-26 June, 1895. [Lond., 1880-95.] 32 vols. F. 69th report lacking. Report of the proceedings at the 30th- 32nd annual meeting of proprietors, held July, 1S77-1879. Lond., 1877-79. 3 vols. O. 32nd, "and at the sjiecial general meeting of proprietors 14th Feb. 1879." "Reprinted from Ilerapath's railway journal." Report of the proceedings at the 30th- 32nd half yearly general meeting of proprietors, held 2nd Jan.," 1878-1880. Lond., 1878-80. 3 vols. O. 31st, "at an adjourned extraordinary general meeting of proprietors held 'J'Jth Nov., 1878, and at . . ." "Re- printed from Ilerapath's railway journal." Address of the chairman at the 43rd-48th annual general meeting of the proprietors, held 3rd July, 1890-26th June, 1895. Lond., [1890-95.] 6 vols. O. Address of the chairman at the 43rd-46th half-yearly general nieeftng of proprietors, held 2nd Jan., "l891-20th Dec, 1893. Lond., [1891-94.] 4 vols. O. East Indian railway company purchase act, 1879: a short account of the preliminary negotiations. Lond., 1880. O. pp. 47. A letter to the Secretary of State for India on the constitution and management of the East India railway; by R. W. Crawford, cliair- man of the company, [Lond.,] 1867. O. pp. 54. Report of the proceedings at an extra- ordinary general meeting of proprietors, held 19th Nov. 1878. Lond., 1878. O. Result of the working of the East Indian railway during 1880-1884, 1880-1885, 1885-1888, with the average of the years 1880-4, being the five, six, nine years under the new contract between the Secretary of State for India in Coun- cil and the East Indian railway. [Lond., 1885- 89.] 3 pts. F. Crawford, R. W. East Indian railway, some observations on the development of the rail- way system of the valley of the Ganges. Lond., 188"6. O. pp. (2) -I- 5-16. Ifold. map. Speech in Committee on the East India revenue accounts. In the House of Commons, Aug. 3, 1869. Lond., 1869. O. pp. 8. " Extracted from Hansard's parliamentary debates, vol. 198." Great Britain — House of Commons. Special report from the select committee on the ASIA. 89 East Indian railway bill; with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and ap- pendix. Ordered printed 13 June, 1879. [Lond., 1879.] F. pp. XX + 100. In vol. " Railways in India. 3." — ParUament — 17 Vict. An act to amend an act intituled, " An act for incorporat- ing the East Indian railway, and for other pur- poses connected therewith." Royal assent, August 20th, 1853. [Loud., 1853.] F. pp. (l)-f7. Grant, Col. C. W. Bombay cotton and In- dian railways. Lond., 1850. O. pp. (2) + 5- 150 "l" (2). 1 p?a7. 21 maps. Scale, 1:G00,000; and 1: 200,000. Size, 25x38 em.; and 2a X 45 cm. _ . ^ , . _ , Abtheilung II. Russland, Rumiunen, Serhien, I5ul- garien (Untcre Donau-oder Balkaiislualenl, Tiirkei und (iriechentand. pp. (14) + 40. 28 maps. Saile, 1 : 2,000,000. Size, 25 X 38 cm. Ladame, J. Cheinin de ferde Calais ;\ ^Milan; ligne directe par lU'ltort, Berne, la Gemnii et le Simplon: les grands tunnels des Alpes et dil Jura. Neuchatei, Paris. O. pp. (2) -j- 5-291 + (1). 2 fold, maps, 2 fold, profiles. L.avoinne, E. Notice sur les chemins de fer de Suede et de Norvege. Paris, 1874. O. pp. (2) -{- 5-46. Ifold. map. r. 5(). "Extrait iXixAnnakii (lets ponU ft cluxii^Ccs, tome 8, 1874.'f 92 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. ILehinanii's (C.) Eisenbahn-Karte der Bahn- gebiete Mittel-Europa's; nebst einem Verzeicli- niss der Eisenbahnen iu Deutschland, Oester- reicli-Ungarn und der Schweiz. 14'^ Auilage, 1893. Bearbeitet von L. T. Schultz, durchgesehen von Dr. W. Koch. Berlin, 1893. O. pp. 21. 1 map: Scale, 1: 2,000,000. Size, 58.3 x 72.5 cm. Mennyey, F. and Squarise, G., compilers. Elementi per una statistica generale delle strade ferrate esistenti in Italia e in altri stati d'Europa. Roma, 1880. sq. Q. pp. (4) -[- 296. Nietmann, W. Atlas der Eisenbahnen Mittel- Europa's. 10® durchaus neue und verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig, 1888. F^ Scale, 1: 700,000. Size, 29 X 44 cm. 0?i juillet, 1879—20 nov., 18s;!; conventions de lS8:5(premic"re partie).— 6. 19 juillet 1879—20 nov., 1.S83; conventions de 1883 (suite et fin).- Documciit.s annexes, lois refflemenUs, conventions, tjibleaux statistiques. "Publie sous les auspices du Ministre des travaux pub- lics." Pommier, A. Le chemin de fer de Lyon, et la compaguie du chemin de fer d' Orleans; con- siderations presentees a M. le Ministre des trav- aux publics, au nom des jirincipah's cnnnnunes des cantons de Brie et de Tnurnau (Sriue-et- Marne.) Paris, 1844. O. pp. (3) +7-41. r. 12. St.-!£tienne-Lyon. [Secuin,— ] Mrmoire sur le ciiemin de fer de Sl.-Klienue a Lyon, par Saint- Chamond, Rive-de-Gier et Givor.s. Paris, 1826. sq. (J. pp. (I) +28. I fold. plan. Sleeping-car (Ia'): guide ollicicl vo Recreations, vol. iv, p. 1U8-217. " On cast iron rail-ways.' Aristides, pseud. Modern tyranny. Lond., 1835. (). pp. (l)+57. Bineau, J. M. Chemins dc fer d'Angleterrc: Ii!ur etat actuel, legislation qui Ics regit, condi- tions d'art de leur trace, [etc.]; appiii alion ;i la France des rcsultals de ro.\p<5rience dc I'Angle- terre et de la Belgiiiue. Paris, 181U. (). pp. (2) -j- 456. Ifolil. map. 100 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Chambers, W. About railways. Lond., Ed- inburgh, [1866.] S. pp. (4) + 103. 5 figs. Churton, E. The railroad book of England: historical, topographical, and picturesque; de- scriptive of the cities, towns, country seats, and other subjects of local interest; with a brief sketch of the lines in Scotland and Wales. Lond., [1851.] Q. pp. (4) + ix-xxxiv -f 590. frontisp., 54 cts., Ifold. map, Cort, R. The anti-rail-road journal; or rail- road impositions detected; contains an answer to the Edmlmrgh revieio and Mechanic's magazine, &c. Lond., 1835. O. pp. xii + 122 + (1). r. 39. Cundy, N. W. Inland transit: the practica- bility, utility, and benefit of railroads, steam en- gines, steam carriages; with an abstract of the evidence taken before Parliament on the Bir- mingham railroad bill; also, the plans, sections, and estimates of the projected Grand Southern and Northern railroads. 2nd ed. Lond., 1834. O, pp. iv 4- (1) 4- 161. 1 fold, plate, 2 fold, maps. Dodds, J. Eailway reform a public necessity, with practical suggestions. Belfast, Dublin, 1868. O. pp. 23. 1 fold. map. p. 43. [Fearnley, B. L.] Irish railways and the Irisli Board of Public Works; a review of some of the unused powers of the Loan Commissioners with suggestions for their practical employment. Dublin, 1871. O. pp. 43. r, 59. —_ — Railways, Ireland, imperial guarantee; a bill proposed, intituled, an act for authorizing a guarantee of interest on capital, to be raised towards the construction of railways in Ireland. Warrenpoint, [1871]. F. pp. 3. P. 59. Few (A) general observations on the principal railways executed, in progress & projected, in the Midland counties «& north of England, with the author's opinion upon them as investments. Lond., 1838. O. pp. xvi -j- 64. \fold. maps. France, R. S. Lord Eedesdale and the new railways: a review of his lordship as a railway legislator. Lond., 1867. O. pp. 24. p. 43. and Redesdale, Lord. Lord Eedesdale and the new railways: correspondence. Lond., 1867. O. pp. 20. p. 43. France — Minisiere des Travaux Publics. Les chemins de fer anglais en 1873; rapport de mission par M. Malezieux. 2c ed. Paris, 1874. sq. F. pp. (2) + 179. 2 fold. maps. Francis, J. A history of the English rail- way, Its social relations and revelations, 1820- 1845. Lond., 1851. 2 vols. bd. in 1. O. pp. (8) + 308; (1) + v-viii -}- 282. Franqueville, C. de. La Commission des chemins^ de fer en Angleterre; reponse ;\ un article insere dans les Annales des ponts et chaussees, aout 1880. Paris, 1881. O. pp. (2) + 5-39. [G., W.] Chorographia; or, A survey of New- castle ui)on Tine. Newcastle, 1649. D. pp. (6) +48. Reprint, [1818?] p. 82. I>. 35:— "Some south gentlemen, hath upon great hope of benefit, come into this country to hazard their monies in coale-pits. Master Beamont, a gentleman of great in- genuity, and rare parts, adventured into our mines with his thirty thousand pounds; who brought with him many rare engines, not known then in these parts; . . . rare engines to draw water out of the pits: waggons with one horse to carry down coales, from the pits, to the stathes, to the river, &c. Within few years, he consumed all his money, and rode home upon his light horse." Glasgow. Eeport and resolutions of a public meeting held March 20, [1846], in support of Sir Eobert Peel's suggestions in reference to rail- ways. Glasgow, 1846. O. pp. 14 + (1). [Gray, T.] Observations on a general iron railway; sliowing its great superiority, by the general introduction of mechanic power, over all the present methods of conveyance. 4th ed., considerably improved. Lond., 1823. O. pp. (2) + vii-xii + 131. 3 plates, 2 fold, plates. Great Britain — Board of Trade. General report on tlie railway and canal bills of session 1858-64. [Lond., 1858-64.] 7 vols. F. With " Further reports " for 1S58-60, '64. Eailway returns for England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, for 1872-77, '79-93; witli summary tables for United Kingdom for each year from 1853/72-1854/93. Lond., 1873-94. 21 vols. F. Eeport upon the railway, canal, tram- way, subway, gas, and water bills of session 1888; with statements relating to a])plications to the Board of Trade for jjrovisional orders for tram- ways. Ordered printed 9 Feb., 1888. Lond., [1888.] F. pp. 47. — House of Commons. Five reports from the select committee on railway communication; together with the minutes of evidence. Ordered printed 16th August, 1840, [Lond., 1840.] 5 vols, in 1. F. pp. (2) + 25; 10; 14; 8; iv + 529. 1 plate. ■^ Eeport from the select committee on railroad communication; together with tiie min- utes of evidence. Ordered printed 16th August, 1838. [Lond., 1838.] F. pp. viii + 164. Eeport from the select committee on railway bills, Ireland, with the minutes of evi- dence. Ordered printed 23 May, 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. vi + 48. In vol. "Railways in Ireland. Miscellaneous. 1." lst-2nd report from the select committee on railways; together with the minutes of evi- dence. Ordered printed 20th June, 1839. [Lond., 1839.] 2 vols. F. pp. iv + 121; xviii + 546 + 55. 6 fold, plans. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 101 Reports of committees on railway bills. Session 183ti; 1837; 1838 &'39; 1840 to '43"; 1844. Lend., [1836-44.] 5 vols. F. — Irish Raihcaj/ CotiunisaioJi. First re- port of the commissioners ajipointed to inquire into the manner in M-hicli railway cnmniuniea- tions can be most advantageously promoted in Ireland. Lond., 1837. F. pp. 10, and 2 Atlases obi. F\ 23 plates; 87 plates. In vol. ' ' Railways in Ireland. 1837-38. ' ' Second report of the commissioners ap- pointed to consider and recommend a general system of railways for Ireland. Dublin, 1838. F. pp. vi -f 124"+ 49 + 92 -f 119, and Atlas of 6 maps F'. In same. Sir John Kennie's copy. Sa7ne. Minor ed. Lond., 1838. O. pp. (1) -1- iv -f- 213. [1st,] 2nd report of the commissioners appointed [Oct. 15, 1867] to inspect the accounts and examine the works of railways in Ireland, made to the Lords Commissioners of Her Majes- ty's Treasury. Lond., 1868. 2 vols. F. pp. 178. 1 fold. ma2j; pp. 70. 2 fold. maps. Railways, Ireland, Commission; Sec- tions: 1. gradient sections of railways completed and carrying traffic; 2. sections of rails showing the prevailing type of the various companies; 3. sections of canals and river navigations; 4. stan- dard types of locomotive engines. Lond., 1868. F. pp. (2). 4 fold, plates. — Railway and Canal Commission. 1st- 6th annual report, 1889-94. Lond., 1890-95. 6 vols. F. — Railway Commissioners. Indexes to reports of commissioners, 1837-46. Ordered jirinted 21 July, 1847. [Lond., 1847.] F. pp. vii-{-275. Omtmts .-—Railway communication: London, Dviblin, Edinburgh and Ghvsgow.— Inspectors.— Railway depart- ment.— Amalgamation of railways.— Atmospheric rail- way.— Metropolitan railway.— Gauge.— Railways, Ireland. — Scotland. Report, 1847-50. Lond., 1848-51. 4 vols. F. Reports on certain railway bills. Or- dered printed 10 March-28 May, 1847. [Lond., 1847.] 73 reports bd. in 1 vol. F. Same. Index to reports, 1847. [Lond., 1847.] F. pp. 23. lst-8th, 10th-14th annual report, 1873- 81, '83-87. Loud., [1875J-87. 13 vols. F. — Railway Department of the Board of Trailo. Report of the ofiicers of tiie Railway department to the president of the I!oaril of trade, for 1841-1845. Lon.i., 1812-46. 5 vols. F. There are two reports in IHIl, and the ro]X)rti! for 1S44 and '■)5 are cfun'iined. Report on proposed amalgamations of railways. Ordered printed 7 May, 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. 9. Report on railways projected in the north and north-west of Ireland. Ordered jirinted 13 Mar., 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. 8. 1 fold, map. Report on railways proposed to bo made in Ireland, westward of Dublin. Ordered j)rinted 20 Mar., 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. 6. 1 fold. map. Report on schemes for extending railway communication in Lancashire and adjoining dis- tricts Ordered printed 16 Apr., 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. 14. 2 fold. maps. Report on schemes for extending railway communication in various districts. Ordered printed 17 Apr., 1845. [Lend., 1845.] F. pp.11. Report on schemes for extending railway communication in various districts. Ordered printed 8 May, 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp.3. Report on the Colchester and Harwich railways. Ordered printed 31 Mar., 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F, pp. 3. Report on the Kentish and South East- ern railway schemes. Ordered printed 13 Feb., 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp.12. 1 fold. map. Report on the London, "Worcester, and Wolverhampton, and on the Birniiugham and Shrewsbury districts. Ordered printed 28 Feb., 1845. [Lond., 1845.] pp.11. I fold. map. Report on ihe Manchester and Leeds district. Ordered printed 24 Feb., 1845. [Loud., 1845.] F. pp. 18. I fold. map. Report on the schemes for extending rail- way comnninication between London and YorU. Lond., [1845.] O. pp. 61. p. 41. Report on the schemes for extending railway communication between London and York. Ordered i)rinted 20 Mar., 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. 26. I fold. map. Report on the schemes for extending railway comnninication from Newcastle to I'er- wick. Ordered i)rinted 24 Feb., 1845. [Loud., 1845.] F. pp.7. I fold. map. Report on the schemes for extending railway communicjition in Cornwall and Devon- shire. Ordered printed 4 Mar., 1845. [I^nid., 1845.] F. pp. 5. Report on the schemes for extending railway coiniuunication in Scotland. Ordered priuteil 13 Mar., 1845. [Loud., 1845.] F. pp. 14. 1 fold. vuip. Re|)ort on tlie schemes for extiMiding railway coiniuunication inSoutli Wah'S. Ordered printell 20 Mar., 1815. [Loud., 1846.] K. i-p. 4. 1 fold. 7nap. 102 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Eeport on the schemes for extending raihvav communication in the counties of Nor- folk aiid Suffolk. Ordered printed 4 Mar., 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. 7. Ifokl. mrq). Keport on the schemes for extending railway communication in the districts of Berk- shire, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorsetshire and Somersetshire. Ordered printed 28 Feh., 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. 6. 1 fold. map. Report on the schemes for extending railway communication in the south of Ireland. Ordered printed 20 Mar., 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. 8. Ifold. map. • Report on the schemes for extending railway communication north of Leeds. Ordered printed 31 Mar., 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. 6. Ifold. mcqis. Report on the schemes for extending railway communication to Portsmouth. Ordered printed 31 Mar., 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. 5. Ifold. map. Report on the Trent Valley and Cluirnet Valley railway schemes. Ordered printed 13 Mar.,* 1845. [Lond., 1845. J F. pp.3. Ifold. mapj. Report to the Lords of the Committee of Priyy Council for Trade and Foreign Plantations, of the proceedings of the Department relating to railways, 1851-58. Lond., 1852-59. 8 vols. F. Report for 1858 "By Captain Douglas Galton." Return for copies of all reports made to the Committee of Privy Council by persons ap- pointed by them as inspectors of railways, under the provisions of the act 3 & 4 Vict., c. 97. Or- dered printed 8 March, 1841. [Lond., 1841.] F. pp. 184. C(/)Units: — Reports on accidents ; on the opening of new railways; returns relative to bye-laws; relative to aggre- gate traffic. — Treasury. lst-4th reports of the com- mittee appointed by the lords of the Treasury, in pursuance of addresses of the House of Com- mons of 12th, 14th, and 20th August, 1839, [on railway communication in Great Britain.] [Lond., 1840-41.] 4 vols. bd. in 1. F. pp. 50. 2 fold, inajis, 1 diagr.; pp. 33. 4 fold, plates, 5 fold, maps; pp. 10. 3 fold. 2)lates, 3 fold, maps; pp. 68 -f 210. 48 fold, plates, 2 fold. maps. Cmitentv—l. Report to the lords of the Treasury and Ad- miralty relative to the best means of communicating be- tween Ixindon and Dublin.— 2. Report respecting railway communication between London, DaLlin, Edinburgh, and Glasgow.— 3. Gravrig line of railway from Lancaster to Carlisle. — i. London, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Sir John Rennie's copy. — Royal Commission on Irish Public Works. Second report. Lond., 1888. F. pp. 57. 1 fold. map. — Same. Appendix. Dublin, 1888. F. pp. xxxix -}- 771. [H., G-. A.] Railway administration and im- provement. Loud., 1845. O. pp. ii + 80. 2 /igs., Ifold. plate, p. 40. Extracted from the Westminister review, vol. 42. Jackson, R., compiler. Hand book of Irisli railway reform: containing copy of memorial ad- dressed to the Lords Commissioners of Her Maj- esty's Treasury, by the people of Ireland; together with the resolutions passed at public meetings, extracts from the evidence given before the Royal Commissioners on Railways, and the plan, as sub- mitted to them by the Irish Railway Reform Committee, for improving and developing Irish railway's. Dublin, 1866. O. pp. (l)-}-63. P. 59. Langton, H. C. What must be done for rail- ways? Question considered and answered. Loud., Liverpool, Manchester, [1849?] O. pp. (3) -f 5 -26. p. 41. "To the editor of the Railway record, with the author's respects." Memoranda deduced from official and public documents, and intended to show the comparative advantages desirable to the trade and commerce of Dublin, from the project of a railway for commer- cial purposes, n.t.p. Dublin, [1833 ?] O. pp. 43. p. 59. Same. [Another ed.] A concise state- ment of the proceedings of the Ballast corpora- tion; an inquiry into the promised and probable consequences to the trade and commerce of Dub- lin, from the proposed railway between Kings- town and Dublin. Dublin, [1833 ?] O. pp. (1) + 60, 1 fold. map. p. 59. [Mence, R. M.] Remarks upon the general railway acts, printed and to be proposed in the approaching session, with suggestions for more eliicient restraint on the arbitrary powers of the railway companies; by a small land-owner. Lond.,' 1845. O. pp. 14. Mudge, R. Z. Observations on railways, with reference to utility, profit, and the obvious necessity for a national system. Lond., 1837. O. PP- (1) +'73. Ifold. table, \fold. map. p. 39. North, R. The life of Francis North, Baron of Guilford. [1637-1685.] 3d ed. Lond., 1819. 2 vols. O. Vol.1, pp. 264-265: " His lordship's entertainment at Newcastle was very agreeable . . . Some of the aldermen related strange nistories of their coal works. . . . The manner of the carriage is by laying rails of timber, from the colliery down to the river, exactly straight and parallel ; and bulky carts are made with four rowlets fitting these rails ; whereby the carriage Ls so easy that one horse will draw down four or five chaldron of coals, and is an immense benefit to the coal merchants. " On the selection of projected lines, with de- scription of the railway scale. Lond., n.d. O. pp. 23. p. 47. Map and scale lacking. Parsloe, J. Our railways; sketches historical and descriptive, with practical information as to GREAT BRITAIN AXD IRELAND. 103 fares and rates, and a chapter on railway reform. Lond.,lS78. D. pp. (9) +294. Pattinson, J. P. British railways: their pas- senger services, rolling stock, locomotives, grad- ients, and express speeds. 2d ed. Lond., 1893. O. pp. (1) + vii-xiv + (1) + 252. 36 ]:ilaics. Pendleton, J. Onr railways: their origin, development, incident and romance. Lond., 1S91. 2 vols. O. pp. (3) -j- vii-xxiv + 55G. fold, frontis]^, 123 cts.; pp. (2) + vii-xvi -f 559. /ro)i(!sp., 171 cis. Priestly, J. Historical account of the navi- gable rivers, canals and railways of ( ireat Britain, as a reference to Nichols, Priestly & Walker's new map of inland navigation. Lond., 1831. O. pp. xiv + (l) -J-702 + viii. 1 fold, map., 1 fold, plate. See also infra Maps. Railways and shareholders; with glances at railway transactions, shareholders' powers, ac- connts and audits, railway meetings, defective legislation, &c. By an Edinbro' reviewer. Lond., 1849. O. pp. 20. P. 44. Railways (The) of England; containing an ac- count of their origin, progress, and present state; a description of the several parts of a railway, and a history of their invention; [bv the author of the " Zoological gardens."] Lond., 1839. S. pp. (2) -|- 126. Ifold. tnap. Cover title : "Gilbert's railways of England and Wales; with a map. Lend., 1838." Railways (The) of Great Britain. Lond., [I860.] O. pp. (79). Extracted from Lever's illustrated year-book, 1861: The railway and the mine. Ren del, J. M. Report of a proposed line of railway from Plymouth, Devonport, and Stone- house, to Exeter, over the Forest of Dartmoor, with a branch to Tavistock. August, 1840. Ply- mouth, [1840.] O. pp. 26. 1 fold. map. Richardson, J. Observations on the pro- Sosed railway from Newcastle upon Tyne to lorth Shields. 2d ed. Lond., 1834. nar. O. pp. vi + 72. 1 map. Ruminations on railwavs. Lond., 1845. 2 pts. O. pp. (1) + 5-15; .32. Contents :—i. Railway speculation.— 2. The Railway Board of Trade. Schwabe, H. Ueber das englische Eisen- baliuwesen; Reisestudien. Berlin, 1871. Q. pp. (3) + v-x + 133 + (1 ). 1 fold. map. Ca/itot^s .—Geschichtliche Kiuluituiif,'.— Die enplischen Ei.soiiljahnen im volkswirthschafllichor Bezieliun/,'.— In tcchnischer Reziehunt,'.— IJahnhofs-Aulaffcii. — I'literinl- i-sche Rahnen. — ]!(!trieh. — Hecnuidure Kisonbalmea. — Tarife. — Railway Clearing lloase. Same, French. Etude sur les cliemins defer anglais d'apres des notes recneiilies dans UM VDvage en Angh-terre; tradnit par A. Iluberti ct A.' Ilabets. Paris, Liege, 1872. O. pp. xx + 259. 1 fold. map. Scrivener, H. The railways of the United Kingdom statistically considered in relation to their extent, capital, amalgamations, debentures, iinaucial position, acts of Parlianunit by whicli regidated, creation aiul apjiropriation of shares, calls, dividends and various otlier minor parti- cuhirs. Lond., 1849. O. pp. (1) + v-xii + 733 + (1) + 106 + (1). Ifold. table. Same. Supplemental j)art. Lond., 1851. O. pp. (4) + 159. Ifold. table. Seargeant, L. J. The English railway svs- tem. Chicago, 1SS5. O. pp. 9. P. 65. Ct)ver : " Repriutai from the Railway review." Spackman, W. F. An analysis of the rail- way interest of the United Kingdom; embracing all companies registered to the 31st Oct., 1845. Lond., 1849. O. pp. 54 + (1). A review of the railway interest of the United Kingdom; with suggestions as to the neces- sity of amending the law relating to i)ubiic com- panies, Lond., 1849. O, i)p. 52. Ifold. table. Stephenson, R. Address ["Our British rail- ways"] on his election as president of the In- stitution of Civil Engineers, sessions 1855-56. Lond., 1856. O. pp.' 34. p. 42. " Excerpt Mimites of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Enffineers, vol. 15, session 1835-56." " From the I'resi- dent." Stevenson, R. Notes on rail-ways. [Edin- burgh,] n.d. O. pp. (1) + 17. 1 fold, plate. " From the Transactions of Uie Highland Society of Scot- land." " To the Lord Provost, Glasgow, with Mr. Steven- sou's compliments." Tyrwhitt, Sir T. Substance of a statement maile to the Chamber of Commerce, Plymoutli, 3rd Nov., 1818, concerning tiie formation of a rail road from the Forest of Dartmoor to the Plymoutli lime-quarries, with a j)hm of the intended line. Plvmoutli-Dock, Lond., [1819?] O. pp. 29. 2 fold. maps. p. 39. "Vates" railway prospects for 1851 investi- gated. Lond., n.d. O. pp. 8. P. 42. Whishaw, F. Analysis of railways; a series of reports on the railways projected in ICngland and Wales, in the year 1837. 2d ed., witli addi- tions and corrections. Lond., 1838. O. pp. xv + 298. frontitip. The railways of Great Ihitain auti Ire- land practically described and illustrated. 2d ed., with additional plates. Jjond., 1S12. stj. Q. pp. (3) + v-xxvi + (1) + 500 + Ixiv. 5 plates, ]2 fold, plates, Ifold. map. I'lato 15 lacking. White, G. P. Letter to Lord John Russell on the expcdiencv of j>romotiiig r:iilwavs in Ire- land. Lond., isi9. (). i)p. 40. v. 59'. Whitehead, J. K;ii I way prostrat ion ; c;uises and remedies. Lon.l., 1819. O. pp.(2)+6-25. i-. 41. Ijicking pp. I'J-LU 104 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Williams, F, S. Oiir iron roads: their liistorv, construction, and social inliuences. Lond., 1852. O. pp. (l)-fsi + (l)+390. 6icts., 7 plates. Same. 6th ed., revised. Lend., 1885. O. pp. (2) + vii-xvi + 520. 142 cts., 2 plates. a. Guides. Bradshaw's general railway and steam navi- gation guide, for (ireat Britain and Ireland. Au- gust, 1871. Lond., [1871.] S. Bradshaw's railway companion, containing the times of departure, fares, &c. of the railways in England; with maps of the country through which the railways pass. Manchester, 1841. Tt. Same. Manchester, 1842. Tt. Same. Manchester, London, 1844. Tt. Bradshaw's railway time tables and assistant to railway travelling, with illustrative maps and plans. Lond., 1839. Tt. Reprint. Bradshaw's shilling handbook of Great Britain and Ireland. Section iv; comprising a descriptive guide and handbook to the Midland; Great Nortli- ern; Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire, [etc.] railways. Lond., Manchester, n.d. sq. S. pj). xvi -{- 145. illus. Fitzgerald, P. The story of " Brad- shaw's guide." Lond., 1890. sq. T. pp. (1) + 6-76. 2 illus. Reach, A. B. The comic Bradshaw; or, Bubbles from the boiler. Lond., [1848.] T. pp. (1) + 5-G4. 47 cts. Chapman's British railway guide. [Lond., 1851 ?] broadside. 68.5 x 42 cm. With "Chapman's British map of railways iu Great Britain " ou back. Coghlan, F. The iron road book and railway companion from London to Birmingham, Man- chester and Liverpool; containing an account of the towns on each side of the line, times of ar- rival and departure of the trains at the several stations, with tables of distances and fares from station to station. Lond., 1838. T. pp. 180. 12 maps. [Cole, Sir H.] Felix Suramerly's pleasure excursions, as guides for making day's excursions on the Eastern Counties, Soutli-P^astern, Brighton and South Coast, South-Western, and London and North-Western railways. Lond., 1847. O. pp. (74). 74 engrs. [ ] Raihvay chronicle travelling charts; or, Iron road books, for perusal on the journey; in which are noted the towns, scenery and natural history, antiquities and historical associations, passed by the line of railway. London to Ash- ford, Folkestone and Dover. Lond., [184-]. folder, nar. O. [ ] Same. London to Basingstoke, Win- cliester and Southampton, on the South-Western. Loud., [184-]. folder, nar. O. [ ] Same. London to Reading, Didcot and Oxford. Lond., [184-]. folder, nar. O, [ ] Same. London to Woking and Guild- ford. Lond., [184-]. folder, nar. O. [ ] Same. London to Wolverton. Lond., [184-]. folder, nar. O. [ ] Railway travelling charts; or. Iron road books, for perusal on the journey; in which are noted the towns, scenery, natural history, an- tiquities and historical associations, passed by the line of the railwav: London and Brighton. Lond., [184-]. folder', nar. O. Cornish, J. The Grand Junction, and the Liverpool and Manchester railway companion; containing an account of Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester, and the towns on or near the line. Birmingham, Loud., 1837. T. pp. (2) -\- 110. 1/old. maj), 1 fold, table. Same. 2nd ed. enlarged and improved. Birmingham, Lond., 1837. T. pp. (4) + 5-172. 1 fold. map. Same. 3rd ed. enlarged and consider- ably improved. Lond., 1839. S. pp. (4) + 9- 216. 2 fold. maps. Drake's railway sheet of the Grand Junction, Manchester, Bolton and Bury, and North Union railway companies; [and] of the London & Bir- mingham, Liverpool & Manchester, and Great Western railway companies. Corrected to May 1, 1839. [Birmingham, 1839.] obi. Q. pp. (2). 2 fold. ma2)s. Head, Sir G. A home tour through the man- ufacturing districts of England, in the summer of 1835. Lond., 1836. D. pp. (2) -f v-xi -f 434. Liverpool and Manchester, Leeds and Selby, Stocljton and Darlington railways, etc. A home tour through various parts of the United Kingdom; a continuation of the " Home tour through the manufacturing dis- tricts." Lond., 1837. D. pp. (10) +351. I map. Hints to railway travellers and country visitors to London; by an old stager. Lond., 1852. S. pp. (5) + 51. Home and country scenes on each side of the London and Birmingham and Grand Junction railways. Lond., n.d. O. pp. (1) -|- 104 + (1) 4-136. 20 figs., 23 lilates. Measom, G. [Official illustrated guide to the Great Northern; Manchester, Sheffield and Lin- colnshire; and Midland railways. Lond., 1861.] D. pp. (4) -|- ix-xvi -j- 544. illus. Title pa?e wanting. The official illustrated guide to the Great Western railway, including the Oxford, Worcester GREAT BRITAIN AXD IRELAND. 105 Eastern; North Britisli; Edinburgh & Glasgow; Scotlisli Central; Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee; Xorth-Eastern; and Great North of Scot- land railways. [Loud., 1861.] D. pp. (6) + 447 + (1). illiis. The official illustrated guide to the North- western railway (including the Chester and Holy- head line) and all their branches. [Loud., 1859.] D. pp. (S) -1-674 + (2). illus. Shaw, G. The official tourists' picturesque guide to the London and North-Western railway, and other railways with which it is immediately in connection; specially prepared for the use of American tourists. Lond., [1876J. S. pp. xx -}- (J56. illuti. Sidney, S. Railways and agriculture in North Lincolnshire; rough notes of a ride over the track of the Manchester, Sheffield, Lincolnshire, and other railways. Lond., 1848. nar. T. pp. (3) -\- vii-xv -{■ 103. Ij'old. map. Rides on railways leading to the lake & mountain districts of Cumberland, North Wales, and the dales of Derbyshire; with a glance at Oxford, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, and other manufacturing towns. Lond., [1851]. S. pp. (5) -\- 254. illus., 1 fold. map. Time tables of the Dundee & Arbroath, Dun- dee & Perth, and Dundee and Newtyle railways. Jan. -Dec, 1857. Dundee, 1857. 12 nos. bd. in 1 vol. S. Warden, J. The Glasgow and Ayr, and Glas- gow and (ireenock railway companion; containing a description of the railroads, (ilasgow, 1841. T. pp. (2) -j- v-xii -|- 13-1.34. fronthp. Cover title : " Morrison's guide to ttie Glasgow, Green- ock & Ayrshire railwiiy." Wyld, J., jmhlisher. The Great Western; Clieitenliiim and Great Western; and I'ristol and I'^xeter railway guides; with a preliminary de- scription of the construction of the (ireat West- .ind Wolverhampton, and Chester and Holyhead lines, and Isle of Man. Lond., [18(30.] D. i)p. (8) -|- 872. illus. The official illustrated guide to the Lan- caster and Carlisle; Edinburgh tS: Glasgow; and Caledonian railways. 2nd ed. [Lond., 18t)l.] D. pp. (6) 4- 343 -{- (1). illus. The official illustrated guide to the Lon- don and South-Western; North and South Devon; Cornwall; and West Cornwall railways. [Lond., 18G4.] D. pp. (3)-f vi-lii4-475-l-(l). illus. The official illustrated guide to the Lon- don and Soulh-Western; North and South Devon; Cornwall; and West Cornwall railways; and the Isle of Wight. [Lond., 1864.] D. pp. (3) -{- vi -Hi -t- 475 4- (7) -f- 190. illus. Author's presentation copy. The official illustratedguide to theNorth- ern and other railways. Loud., 1839. T. pp. xxxvi 4- 284. illus. ' Cover title: "Wyki's Great Western railway guide. Cheltenham, Bristol ami Exeter." b. Individual Railways. Aberdeen — Great Britain — Parliament— 16 & 17 Vict. An act to enable the A. ry. to raise further monej-s; to authorize the abandonment of the authorized road to the quays; to extend the time for the compulsory purciiase of lands, to alter, amend and extend" the acts relating to the company. Royal assent, 8th July, 1853. [Lond., 1853.] F. pp.37. Notman, R. R. Railway amalgamation: addressed to the shareholders of the Aberdeen, Scottish Midland, Dundee and Arbroath, Scot- tish Central, and Caledonian railway companies. Lond., 1852. O. pp. 30. Aberdeen and TurriflF — Great Britain — Parliament— 22 Vict. An act to grant further powers to the Banff, Macduff, and Turriff Junc- tion ry., and to change the name of the company. [Royal assent,] 19th April, 1859. [Lond., 1859.1 F. pp. 133-139. Angerstein's Branch — Great Britain — Parliament— lA & 15 Vict. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the lower turn- pike road, leading from Greenwich to Woolwicli, and the crossing of a footpath. Roval assent, 20th May, 1851. [Lond., 1851.] F. 'pp. 6. Athenry and Ennis Junction — Great Britain — House of Commons. A bill to enable the A. & E. ry. to raise additional capital. [Lond., 1865.] F. pp. 8. In vol. " Railway bills." Ayr and Dalmellington— Great Britain — Parliament — 16 I'v: 17 Viet. An act to authorize the extension of tiie railway already j)artly exo- cuted between Smitlistown and Dalmellington in Ayr, to Dalmellington, and to the (ilasgow and South ^Vestern ry. near Avr. Royal assent, Au- gust 4th, 1853. [Lond., 1853.] F. pp.16. Banbridge, Dublin, Newry and Belfast Junction — tiuKAT Ukitain — JIuuse of Commons. Report from the committee on the B. D. N. . [Lond.,] Feb. 16, 1850. sq. O. pp. 2. Great North, of Scotland — Great Britain — Parliament — 14 & 15 Vict. An act to amend the act relating to the G. N. of S. ry. Roval assent, July 3rd, 1851. Lond., [1851.] F. {.p. (1) -f 8. Great Northern. [Minutes of proceedings] at the first ordinary general meeting of the pro- prietors, held 25th Julv, 1846. n.t.p. [Lond., 1846.] O. pp. 4. [Minutes of proceedings at lst-13th half- yearly meeting, held 27th Feb., 1847-26th Feb., 1853, and report of directors.] n.t.p. [Lond., 1847-53.] 15 vols. O. 11th and 12th Proceedings and accounts issued separately. [Minutes of proceedings] extraordinary general meeting, held 7th June, 1849. n.t.p. [Lond., 1849.] O. pp. 16. Acworth, W. M. The Great Nf)rthcrn, North-Eastern, and Manchester, Shetfeld & Lin- colnshire railways. Loud., 1888. O. pp. (20). Extracted from Murray's magazine, vol. 3, April, 1888. CASiEl.L,ASD Co., publishers. The official guide to the G. N. ry., and the East Coast express route between England and Scotland. Lond., Paris, Melbourne, 1894. S. pp. (1) +448. illus., fold. maps. Great Britain — Parliament — 14 & 15 Vict. An act to enable the G. N. ry. to construct stations at Knottingley and Wakefield, to increase their capital, to enlarge their London station, and to amend their acts. Royal assent, 3rd July, 1851. Lond., [1851.] F. pp. (1) + 16. An act to enable the G. N. ry. to con- struct works in connexion with the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincoln.shire ry., and to facilitate the use of that railway bv the company. Royal assent, 24th Julv, 1851. "Lond., [1851.] F. pp. (1) + 9. — 16 & 17 Vict. An act to amend the acts relating to the G. N. ry., to authorize an in- crease of capital. Roval a.ssent, 28th June, 1853. Lond., [1853.] F. pp. ii + 12. Mackie, C. Itinerary of the Great Northern ry. from London to York, comprising historical and descriptive accounts of the jjrovin- cial antiquities, cathedrals, on the route. Loud., [1852]. D. pp. (2) + 7-96 -f 24. frontisp., 1 fold. map. Great Northern (Ireland) — Great Britain — Railway Department of the Board of Trade. Copy of the report of inquiry, and of correspond- ence relative to the condition of the line and rolling stock, the insufficiency of the accommoda- tion, and the inadequacy of the train service from Dundalk to Bundoran and Londonderry, via Enniskillen. Ordered printed, 25 Feb., 1892. [Lond., 1892.] F. pp. 9. Great Southern and "Western (Ireland) — Report of directors, and statement of accounts, to be submitted to the proprietors at the 38th, 40th, 42d half-yearly general meeting, to be held 14th Feb., 1863, 13th Feb., 1864, 11th Feb., 1865. [Dublin, 1863-65.] 3 vols. O. [Report to the directors on the Water- ford extension; bv John MacXeill.] n.t.p. [Dub- lin, Jan. 22, 1845.] O. pp. 7. 1 fold, map, 1 fold, section. Speeches of Mr. St. George Burke and Mr. Hope Scott, Junelili and 17th, 1857, [before GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 113 the House of Commoiu^ select committee on rail- way bills, group 14; on the G. S. & AV. ry. exten- sion from Tullamore to Athlone.] "Westminster, 1857. O. pp. 61. Circular letter of the directors to the stockholders, in- serted, indicating that the above pamphlet is intended as an answer to a pamphlet anonymously circulated among the stockholders. Great Britain — House of Commons. A bill for making railways from the G. S. & W. ry. at Thurles, to Clonmel, Lismore, Fermoy, Dungarvan and Youghal, with tramways at Dungarvan and Youghal, in connection with such railways. [Lond., 1865.] F. pp. ii -f l^- — House of Lords. Minutes of evidence taken before the select committee on the G. S. & W. and L. tfe C. railways bill. Ordered printed, 30th July, 1862. [Loiid., 1862.] F. pp, 86. Report from the select committee ap- pointed to consider the bill intituled " An act for making a railway from the Great Southern & Western, near Naas, in county Kildare, to the town of Galway; together with the minutes of evidence. Ordered printed, 25th Julv, 1845. [Lond., 1845]. F. pp. (1) + 75. — Parliament — 14 & 15 Vict. An act to explain, amend, and enlarge some of the pro- visions of the acts relating to the G. S. & W. ry. and to enable the company to raise further capi- tal, and to construct a dock or basin at Cork. Koyal assent, 24th Julv, 1851. [Lond., 1851.] F. pp. 17. — 15 & 16 Vict. An act for reviving and continuing the powers granted by the G. S. & W. ry., Ireland, extension act, 1847, for the com- pulsory purchase of lands and completion of works. Eovai assent, 28th May, 1852. [Lond., 1852.J F. PP.'(l)+'4. — 16 & 17 Vict. An act to enable the G. S. & W. ry. to divert the Glanmireroad lower, in the parish of St. Anne's, Sliandon, in county Cork, and to make a small portion of railway in that parish. Royal assent, 4th August, 1853. [Lond., 1853.] F. pp. (l) + 7. — 28 & 29 Vict. A bill to enable the G. S. & W. ry. to create debenture stock. [Lond., 1865.] F'. pp. 3. Mkasom, G. S. The official illustrated guide to the (J. S. & W. ry., and an account of some of the most important manufactories in the towns on the line. Lond., [1866.] D. pp. xxiv -f 410 + 88. 227 cts., 1 fold. map. The 88 pp. at end are advertisements. GreatWestern . Baylky, R. Statement and C(>iTcs|)r)n(len(i' relative tf) an agreement made by the directors [of the Cr. W. ry.] with tlie Jvnal)i)n Coal cf)nipany. Lond., 1857. O. pp. 28. .MH. letter of "the author to Lord St. Leonards, present- ing the pamphlet, dated Brighton, l-"eb. 23, 1857, inserted. Bourne, J. C. The history and descrip- tion of the G. W. ry., including its geology and the antiquities of the district through which it passes. Lond., 1846. F^. pp. (G) -f- 58 -f 57- 76. 6 cts., Z^ plates, 2 maps. Cassell ANn Co., publishers. The offi- cial guide to the G. W. ry., the express route to the west of England, Wales, Ireland and the Channel Islands. New and revised ed. Lond., Paris & Melbourne, 1893. D. pp. (1) + 496. illus.,fold. maps. — — Freeling, a. The G. W. ry. com- panion, and guide to the castle and "town of Windsor, Eton and its college; also, a guide to Reading. Lond., [1840.] pp. (1) + y-yiii -f 36 + 78-1- (2). 6 cts., 2 fold. maps. Great Britain — House of Lords. Min- utes of evidence taken before the Lords com- mittees to whom the bill intituled " An act for making a railway from Bristol to join the Lon- don and Birmingham ry. near London," was committed. Ordered printed, 18th June, 1835. [Lond., 1835.] F. pp. 1393. Bd. in 2 vols. — Parliament — 7 & 8 Vict. An act to amend the several acts relating to the Great Western, the Cheltenham and Great Western Union and the Oxford railways, to amalgamate the two last mentioned with the G. W. ry., and to authorize the formation of certain additional works at Cheltenham. Royal assent, 10 May, 1844. [Lond., 1844.] F. pp. 2 + 36. — 14 & 15 Vict. An act for enabling arrangements with reference to the purchase, lease or other use, by tlie G. W. ry., of the Wilts, Somerset and Weymouth ry., the Gloucester and Dean Forest ry., and the South Wales ry., re- spectively, to be effected. Royal asseiit, 3rd July, 1851. Lond., [1851.] F. pp. (1) -f 14. An act for enabling the G. W. ry. to construct a station and works at Aston-jfixta- Birmingham. Roval assent, 24th July, 1851. Lond., [1851. J F.' pp. (1) + 5. — 15 & 16 Vict. An act for enabling the completion of the Wilts, Somerset and Wey- mouth ry. between Fronie and Weymouth to be effected, and for authorizing and coudrniing con- tracts between the G. W. ry. and tlie Kcnnct and Avon Canal company, and other companies. Royal assent, 30th June, 1852. Lond., [1852.] F. pp. ii + 19. An act to confer on the G. \\ . ry. fur- ther powers for the purchase of lands on tlic lines of, and for the construction of the Birmiiigliam and Oxford Junction, and Jiirmingham, Wolver- hampton, and Dudley railways respectively; and for the alteration of llu- works of part of the last- mentioiicd railway, and for the formation of an 114 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. extension line of railway at Wolverhampton. Koyal assent, 30th June, 1852. [Lond., 1852.] F. pp. ii 4- 19. An act to authorize traffic arrangements between the G. W. ry., the Shrewsbury and Hereford, and the Hereford, Ross and Gloucester ry. companies. Eoval assent, 1st Julv, 1852. Lond., [1852.] F. pp. (1) + 5. — 16 &17 Vict. An act for enabling the G. W. ry. to construct additional lines and works, and for other purposes. Royal assent, Aug. 4th, 1853. [Lond., 1853.] F. pp. ii + 3-26. — 26 & 27 Vict. An act for the amalga- mation of the West Midland ry. with the G. W. rv. [Roval assent,] 13th July, 1863. n.t.p. [Lond., 1864.] F. pp. 1609-1658. Measom, G. The illustrated guide to the G. W. ry. Lond., n.d. O. pp. 64. 43 cts. p. 80. [Tyrrell, T.] To the directors of the G. W. ry. [Lond., 1850.] O. pp. 9 + (7). Great "Western and Newbury. G. W. & N. and South Western and Newbury ry. bills: tlie case of the promoters of the G. W. & N. bill. Lond., 1844. O. pp. (1) + viii + 3-61. Halesworth, Beccles and Haddiscoe — Great Britain — Parliament — 14 & 15 Vict. An act for making a railway from Halesworth to Beccles and Haddiscoe, with a branch therefrom. Royal assent, 5th June, 1851. Lond., [1851.] F. pp. 17. Hampstead Junction — Great Britain — Parliament — 16 & 17 Vict. An act for making a railway from the London and North Western ry. at Willesden, to the North London ry., with a branch to the North and South Western Junction ry. Royal assent, August 20th, 1853. [Lond., 1853.] F. pp. ii + 29. Hayling Bridge and Causeway — Great Britain — Parliament — 14 & 15 Vict. An act to enable the company of proprietors of the Hayling bridge and causeway to construct a railway from their docks and wharves at Langstone, to join the London, Brighton and South Coast ry. at Havant. Royal assent, 3rd Julv, 1851. [Lond., 1851.] F. pp. 13. Hereford, Ross and Gloucester — Great Britain — Parliament — 14 & 15 Vict. An act for making a railway from the Gloucester and Dean Forest ry. to the city of Hereford. Royal assent, 5th June, 1851. [Lond., 1851.] F. pp. 17. Highland — Great Britain — Parliament— 2,% & 29 Vict. An act to authorize the consolidation into one undertaking of the Inverness and Perth Junction and the Inverness and Aberdeen Junc- tion railways. [Royal assent,] 29th June, 1865. n.t.p. [Lond., 1865.] F. pp. 2341-2396. Hull and Holderness — Great Britain — Parliament — 16 & 17 Vict. An act to incori)orate a company for making a railway from Kingston- upon-IIull to or near to Withernsea in Holder- ness, with a branch therefrom. Royal assent, July 8th, 1853. Lond., [1853.] F. pp.ii + 25. Hull and Selby — Great Britain — House of Lords. Minutes of evidence taken before the Lords committees to whom the bill intituled "An act for making a railway from Kingston upon Hull to Selby," was committed. Ordered printed, 3d May, 1836. [Lond., 1836.] F. pp. 115. Irish Great Western — Great Britain — House of Commons. Minutes of evidence taken before the committee on the I. G. W. ry. and Mid- land Great Western ry. bills. Lond., 1846. F. pp. 197. This and the two next following, in vol. " Railway re- ports. Ireland. 2." Report from the select committee on tlie I. G. W. ry. bill. 27 June, 1845. n.t.p. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. 1085-1092. — ■ House of Lords. Report from the select committee appointed to consider of the pe- tition of James Pirn Jr. of Dublin, and one of the Grand Canal, Ireland, complaining that the standiag orders had not been complied with on the I. G. W. ry. bill; and also certain petitions in favour of said bill; with the minutes of evi- dence. Ordered j)rinted, 17th July, 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. iv + 101. Irish North Western. Report of the direc- tors and statement of accounts, for the half-yearly meeting of proprietors, to be held 27th Feb., 1863- 25th August, 1864. Dublin, 1863-64. 4 vols. O. Observations of the Board of directors on the report of the shareholders' committee, for the adjourned meeting of proprietors, to be held 4th Nov., 1863. Dublin, 1863. O. pp. 10. Report of the committee of shareholders, for the adjourned meeting of proprietors, to be held 4th Nov., 1863. Dublin, 1863. O. pp. 15. Isle of Wight — Great Britain — House of Lords. [Evidence before the select committee, on the Isle of Wight ry. bill, eastern section.] n.t.p. [Lond., I860.] O. pp. 40. Killarney and Valencia — Great Britain Parliament — 14 & 15 Vict. An act to authorize a deviation in the line of the K. & V. ry., and to continue and revive the powers granted by the Killarney and Valencia ry. Oct., 1847, for the compulsory purchase of lands, and to extend the period by such act limited for the completion of said railway. Royal assent, 3 July, 1851. Lond., [1851.] F. pp. (l) + 8. Killarney Junction — Great Britain — Par- liament — 14 «fe 15 Vict, An act to amend the K. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 115 J. ry. act., 1846. Koyal assent, 24 July, 1851. [Loiid., 1851.] F. pp. ii + 25. Lancashire and Yorkshire. Eeport of the committee of consultation, appointed by the meeting of shareholders held at the Manchester Exchange, March 6th, 1850. Manchester, [1850.] O. pp. 8. In vol. "Railway reports. Various." Gkeat Britain — Pcu-Uament — 15 & 16 Vict. An act for abandoning certain parts of the undertaking of the L. & Y. ry.; for constructing certain new works; and extending the time for completion of existing works; and for other pur- poses. Royal assent, 30th June, 1852. Lond., [1852.] F. pp. ii 4- 3-35. — 22 & 23 Vict. An act for the amal- gamation of the East Lancashire ry. with the L. & Y. ry. [Roval assent,] 13th August, 1859. n.t.p. [Lond., 1864.] F. pp. 1593-1634. and East Lancashire. Agreement [statement of joint traffic and passenger receipts] Dec. 1st, 1852. Manchester, 1852. O. pp. 30. Larne, Belfast and Ballymena — Great Britain — House of Commoiifi. Report from the select committee on the L. B. & B. ry. bill peti- tion; with the minutes of evidence. Ordered printed, 17 July, 1846. [Lond., 1846.] F. pp. 50. In vol. " Railway reports. Ireland. 2." Leeds and Hull Junction. Report to the subscribers for a survey of the part of the L. & H. J. ry., between Hull & Selby; by Messrs. Walker and Burges. 28th Julv, 1834. Hull, [1834]. O, pp. 8. 2 fold. maps. Parsons, E. The tourist's companion; or, The history of scenes and places on the route by the railroad and steam jiacket from Leeds and Selbv to Hull. Lond., Manchester, Selby, 1835. S. pp. (5) -f 243. 4 cts. Leeds and Selby. Report to the committee of the prop(«ed railway from Leeds to Selbv; by James AValker. July 18, 1829. Lond., 1829. O. pp. (2) -\- 5-24. 1 fold, ma-p, 1 fold. plan. Leeds, Bradford and Halifax Junction — Great Britain — Parliament — 15&16 Vict. An act for making a railway from the Lancashire and Yorkshire ry., near Bradford, to tbe railway be- longing to the Lancashire and Yorkshire and London and North Western ry. companies, or one of them, near Leeds, to be called the L. B. & H. J. ry. Royal assent, 30th June, 1852. [Lond., 1852.] F. pp. 23. — 16 t^ 17 Vict. An act to enable the L. B. lates, 1 fold. map. W., J. W. The L. & B. ry. guide, and Birmingham and London railway companion; containing a minute description of the railroad, and every object worthy of notice within ten miles of the railroad. Lond., 1838. S. pp. viii + xiii + (2) -f 179. 9 cts., 2 fold. maps. Cover title. "Wyld's London and Birmingham railroad guide." London and Brighton — Great Britain — House of Commons. Minutes of evidence taken before the committee on the London and Brigliton ry. bills; Stephenson's line. 3-10 March, 1837. Lond., 1837. 6 vols. bd. in 1. F. pp. 33; 23; 27; 17; 19; 11. Minutes of evidence taken before the committee on the bill for the direct L. & B. ry., a.s proposed by Sir J. Rennie and J. U. Rastrick. 13 March-7 April, 1837. Lond., 1837. F. pp.242. — House of Lords. Minutes of evidence taken before the Lords committees to whom the bill intituled "An act for making a railway to join tiie London and Southampton ry. near Lon- don, and to form a communication between Lon- don and Brighton by way of Shorehara," was committed. Ordered printed, 7th Julv, 1830. [Lond., 1836.] F. pp. 1072. London and Brighton (The) ry. guide; containing a correct description of tiie railway, historical and topographical notices of the j)laces contiguous to the various stations, and the oflicial map and section of the line. 2n(i ed. Lond., []«n?] T. pp.54. Ifold. ma]>, Ifold. section. Raii.koaus: statements and reliections thereon; particularly with reference to the pro- posed railroad without a tuiuiel, and the compe- tition for the line between London and Brighton; bv a shareholder, at the request of other share- holders. June 4, 1836. Lond., 1836. O. pp. 59. Series (A) of four letters addressed to the inhabitants of Brighton, on the subject of railway comnnmication between that town and London; by " Townsman.'" Brighton, 1837. O. pp. 36. Talbot, C. J. Speech on summing up the engineering evidence given in support of Stephenson's line, before the committee of the House of Commons, 17th Mav, 1836. "Westmin- ster, [1836J. O. pp. 41. London and Greenwich. Examination (The) examined; or. Testimony on oath proving a failure in the peers to support the L. & G. ry. Lond., 1836. O. pp. 32. Raillery on a very peculiar species of railway legislation, n.t.p. [Greenwich, 1843?] Q. pp. 7. An extravaganza on the subject of the Greenwich rail- way. Serio-comic (A), but very important book, to m-mb-rs of P-rl-m-t, and others greatly interested: important to be read, previously to the approaching meeting, by all proprietors of the L. & G. ry. unprivileged shares. [Loud., 1842.] O. pp". (2) + 5-68. Cover title. Wood, W. P. Speech in committee of the House of Commons [on the L. & G. ry. bill.] April 2, 1840. [Loud., 1840.] O. pp.62. London and North Western. Ye L. & N. W. ry. of England sends greeting to ye visitors to ye AVorld's Faireand presents fhis little booke of in- formatlone. [Lond., 1893.] obi. Tt. pp. 19. illus. Ca.ssell and Co., publishers. The offi- cial guide to the L. & N. W. ry., the royal mail west coast route. New and revised ed. Loiul., Paris & Melbourne, 1894, S. pp. (1) -f 468. illus., fold. maps. Great Britain — Parliament — 15 & 16 Vict. An act to authorize the conversion of the debenture debt of the L. & N. W. ry. into a stock not exceeding three-and-a-half ))er centum; and for enlarging the stations at Wolvertou and Kilburn. Royal assent, 17th June, 1852. Lond., [1852.] F. pp. 9. — 16 nd., I860.] F. pp. (3) + 198. Thii? and the one next followinR, in vol. "P. D. & O.; Co. Down & Bangor rys. Session 1800. Evidence." Portadown, Dungannon and Omagh Junc- tion — (iKKAT Britain — Home of Lords. {Man- usrript.] Minutes of evidence taken before the select committee on the P. I). & O. J. ry. bill. 13 March, 1860. [Lond., I860.] F. pp. 73. Portsmouth — Great Britain — Parliament — 16 & 17 Vict. An act for making a railway from Havant to Godalming, to be called " The Ports- mouth rv." Royal assent, July 8th, 1853. Lond., [1853.] "F. pp. ii +21. Redruth and Chasewater — Great Britain — Parliament — 16 Vict. An act to enable the R. & C. rv. to construct new works. Roval assent, May 9th, 1853. [Lond., 1853.] F. pp. iu+30. Roscrea and Parsonstown Junction — Great Britain — Parliament — 16&17 Vict. An act for making a railway from the Great Southern and Western ry. near Roscrea to Parsonstown. Roval assent, 4"th August, 1853. [Lond., 1853.] F. ■ pp. ii + 18. St. George's Harbour and Railway — Great Britain — House of Commons. Report and evidence before the select committees, on harbours of refuge and shipwrecks, port charges of Liverpool. Lond., 1836. O. pp. 53. 2 fold, •plates. " The railway," pp. 7-13. St. Helen's — CJreat Britain — Parliament — 16 & 17 Vict. An act to enable the St. Helen's canal and ry. company to extend their railway to Rainford, and to enlarge their stations at Sutton. Royal assent, 4th August, 1853. [Lond., 1853.] F. pp. ii + 14. St. Ives and West Cornwall Junction — Great Britain — Parliament — 16 & 17 Vict. An act for making a railway from Saint Ives to the West Cornwall ry., at or near Saint Ertli; and for making arrangements with the West Corn- wall ry. Royal assent, .Vugust 4th, 1853. [Lond., 1853.] F. pp. ii + 17. Salisbury and Yeovil. Ruegg, L. H. The history of a railwav. Sherborne, 1878. O. pp. (2) + 66. Scottish Central — Great Britain — Parlia- ment — 14 Vict. An act to enable the S. C. ry. to raise a further sum of money. Royal assent, 5th June, 1851. [I^nd., 1851.] F. pp.11. — l(j Vict. An act to enable the Scottish Central ry. to convert their mortgage and bond debt into debenture stock. Royal assent, 14th June, 1853. [Lond., l.^^SS.] F. pp. 10. Severn and Wye — Great Britain — Parlia- ment — 16 & 17 Vict. \n act to enable I he S. & W. ry. to improve their railway and liarbour, and for other jjurposes. Royal assent, 15th August, 1853. [Lmd., 1853.] F. pp. ii + 14. Severn Valley — (treat Britain — Parliament Hi Si 17 Vict. An act for making a railway from the Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton ry near Harllohnry, in Worcester, to the borough of Shrewsbury, iii Salop, with a brancth to be called "Tin" Severn Valley rv." Royal :Ls.sent, .\u- gust 20tb, 1853. [Lond., 1853.] K. pp. ii+20. 124 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Sheffield and Rotherham — Great Britain — House of Lords. Minutes of evidence taken be- fore the Lords committees to whom the bill inti- tuled "An act for making a railway from Shefheld to Rotherham " was committed. Ordered printed, 8th July, 1835. [Lond., 1835.] F. pp. 385. Sheffield, Ashton-under-Lyne and Man- chester — Great Britain — Parliament — 7 & 8 Vict. An act to enable the S. A.-under-L. & M. ry. to make a branch railway to Ashton-under- Lyne and Staly-bridge; and to alter and enlarge the powers of the said company. Koyal assent, 19th July, 1844. [Lond., 1844.]" F. pp. (1) + 56. Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley, Wake- field, Huddersfield and Goole — Great Brit- ain — Parliament — 14 & 15 Vict. An act to authorize deviations between Sheffield and Barns- ley; and to amend the acts relating to the said railway. Royal assent, 3rd July, 1851. [Lond., 1851.]' F. pp. (1) + 9. Shrewsbury and Birmingham — Great Britain — House of Conunons. Minutes of evi- dence [before the] select committee on railway bills: group 11. 26th May, 1851. Lond., [1851.] O. pp. 108. — Parliament — 15 & 16 Vict. An act to authorise the use by the S. & B. ry. of the Navi- gation street station in Birmingham. Royal assent, 1st July, 1852. [Lond., 1852.] F. pp. (1) + 8. Shrewsbury and Chester — Great Britain — Parliament — 14 & 15 Vict. An act to authorize the S. & C. ry. to abandon the Crickheath and Wem branches; to construct a station at Birken- head; to enter into arrangements with other companies. Royal assent, 7th August, 1851. [Lond., 1851.] F. pp. 24. — 15 & 16 Vict. An act to authorize the S. & C. ry. to construct additional branches, [and] to purchase or hire steamboats. Royal assent, 30th June, 1852. [Lond., 1852.] 'F. pp. 23. Parry, E. The railway companion from Chester to Shrewsbury; containing a de- scriptive and historical account of the various attractive and interestipg objects that present themselves on this line. Chester, [1849.] nar. T. pp. 138. \fold. map. Somersetshire Central — Great Britain — Parliament — 15 & 16 Vict. An act for making a railway from Highbridge to Glastonbury. Royal assent, 17th June, 1852. [Lond., 1852.] F. pp. ii 4- 25. South Devon — Great Britain — Parliament — 14 & 15 Vict. An act for facilitating the con- version by the S. D. ry. of loan into capital, and for enabling the company to effect arrangements between different classes of shareholders; for the creation of new shares. Royal assent, 3rd July, 1851. Lond., [1851.] F. pp. 15. South Eastern. General statement of the position and projects of the company. 1845-6. Lond., [1846.] nar. O. pp. 45. 1 fold. map. Cassell and Co., pnhUshers. The of- ficial guide to the S. E. ry., and the royal mail route to Paris, India, and the colonies. Lond., Paris, Melbourne, 1893. S. pp. (1) + 336. illus., fold. maps. Great Britain — Hoiise of Commons. Speech of Mr. Austin, on behalf of the S. E., North Kent lines, before the select committee. May 4th and 5th, 1846. Lond., [1846.] O. pp. 138. P. 41. — Parliament — 7 Vict. An act to enable the S.-E. ry. to make a railway from the S.-E. ry., near Ashford, to Canterbury, Ramsgate and Margate, and to join the Canterbury and Whit- stable ry. Royal assent, 23rd May, 1844. Lond., [1844.] " F. pp. 45. An act to enable the S -E. ry. to com- plete and maintain a branch'railway and approach to the harbour of Folkestone and to construct other works in connexion with the harbour; and also to effect alterations and extensions of the works of the Maidstone branch of the S.-E. ry.; and to amend the acts relating to the company. Roval assent, 4th July, 1844. Lond., [1844.] F. pp. 30. — 15 & 16 Vict. An act for merging the undertaking of the Reading, Guildford and Rei- gate ry. in the undertaking of the S.-E. ry.; and for the dissolution of the Reading, Guildford and Reigate ry. Royal assent, 17th June, 1852. Lond., [1852.] F. pp. iii -f 5-29. — 16 & 17 Vict. An act for dissolving the Canterbury and Whitstable ry. and for vest- ing in the S.-E. ry. the undertaking of the South- Eastern and Continental steam packet company. Royal assent, 4th August, 1853. Lond., [1853.] F. pp. 12. An act for reviving the powers of the S.-E. ry. for taking lands and buildings for the purpose of enlarging their London Bridge sta- tion. Roval assent, 4th August, 1853. Lond., [1853.] F. pp. 11. An act to enable the S.-E. ry. to extend the Reading, Guildford and Reigate ry. to the Great Western ry. at Reading. Royal assent, 4th August, 1853. Lond., [1853.] F. pp. 8. An act to enable the S.-E. ry. to make a railway from Strood to Maidstone. Royal assent, 4th August, 1853. Lond.,[1853.] F. pp."ii -f-3-25. Measom, G. The official illustrated guide to the S. E. ry. and all its branches. Lond., [1853 ?] D. pp. (6) -i- 104 -1- 32. 32 cts. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 125 Phippen, J. Colbran's new guide for Tunbridge Wells. 2nd ed. Tunbridge Wells, Lond., 1844. D. pp. (2) + v-x + 353 + 4. 1 plate. pp. 3:27-353 : " Descriptive particulars of the South East- ern (London and Dover) ry. ; by James Pliippen." Remarks on the proposed Bromley branch; bv a South-Eastern proprietor. Lond., 1854. O.' pp. 10. South -Eastern (The) railway manual: describing the cities, towns and villages on or near the line; with historical, topographical and biographical notes. Lond., 1850. D. pp. (3) •f vii-xvi + 243. AVestertox, C. Bradshaw's pleasure guide to the S. E. ry.; with an account of the remarkable castles, priories, and other places of interest and antiquity, near which it passes, in its way from London to Dover. Lond., 1844. T. pp. iv -\- 5-53. South-Eastern Brighton, Lewes and New- haven — Great Britain — House of Commons. Minutes of evidence on the S.-E. B. L. & N. rv. 10-17 April, 1837. Lond. ,1837. F. pp. (2) + 148. South StaflFordshire — Great Britain — Par- liament — 14 & 15 Vkt. An act for enabling the S. S. ry. to make a certain branch railway; for authorizing arrangements with the London and North Western rv. Roval assent, 24 Julv, 1851. Loud., [1851.] F. pp."(l) -f 12. South Wales — Great Britain — Parliament — 14 & 15 Vict. An act to ratify and confirm certain subscriptions and payments made by or on behalf of the S. W. ry. to other railway com- panies. Roval assent, 3rd July, 1851. [Lond., 1851.] F. 'pp. 10. An act to enable the S. W. ry. to make a new railway in the Forest of Dean; to construct new liues at Cardiff and Britton Ferry; and to make an alteration in the line and levels of the railway. Royal assent, 3rd July, 1851. [Lond., 1851.] F. pp. 19. — 15 Vict. An act to enable the S. W. ry. to construct new railways to Milford Haven and at Newport; and to abandon portions of the lines from Fishguard and at Haverfordwest. Roval a.sseut, 17th June, 1852. [Lond., 1852.] F. ■ pp. ii + 20. — 10 & 17 Vict. An act for authorising theS. W. ry. to deviate the line of their railway in the Forest of Dean. Koval a.sseut, August 20lh, 1853. [Lond., 1853.] F. pp. (1) + 10. An act for granting further powers in reference to the lea.sing and selling the undor- takiiig of theS. W. ry. to the Great Western ry., and authorizing working arrangementH betwe<'n the said companies. Roval a.ssent, August 20th, 1853. Lond., [1853.] F. pp. (1} + 5. An act to enable the S. W. ry. to extend the Pembroke line of their railway to Pennar Mouth, and to make a deviation in their Pem- broke line. Roval assent, August 20th, 1853. Lond., [1.S53.] F. i>p. 11+25. South Wales Mineral — Great Britain — Parliament — 16 & 17 Vict. An act for making a railway from the S. W. ry. at Britonferry to Glvncorrwg in Glamorganshire. Roval assent, 15th August, 1853. [Lond., 1853.] F. pp. ii + 17. South Western. [Wyld's] South W^estern, or London, Southampton and Portsmouth rv. guide. Lond., [1839?] T. iUm.,fohl. majis.' South Yorkshire — Great Britain — Parlia- ment — 15 & 16 Vict. An act to enable the S. Y. ry. and River Dun company to transfer their un- dertaking to the Great Northern ry. Royal assent, 30th June, 1852. Lond., [1853.] F. pp. (1) + 14. Southampton. Advantages (The) and profits of the Southam{)ton rv. analysed. Lond., 1834. O. pp. 58. Southampton and Bristol united by direct railway communication. Southampton, [1854.] O. pp. 16. Southampton, Manchester and Oxford Junction. [334 allotment letters from the sec- retary of the company, to the subscribers. [Lond., 1845.] bd. in 1 vol." sq. Q. [256 letters and bills of the S. M. & O. J. ry.] [Lond., 1845.] bd. in 1 vol. Q. Staines, Wokingham and Woking Junc- tion — Great Britain — Parliament — 16 «fc 17 Vict. An act for making a railway from Staines to Wokingham and Woking. Roval a-ssent, July 8th, 1853. [Lond., 1853.] F. pp. ii + 27. Stamford and Essendine — Great Britain — Parliament — 16 & 17 Vict. An act for making a rail way from Stamford Baron, in Northampton, to the (ireat Northern ry. at Essendine. Roval assent, 15 iVugiist, 1853. "[I^nd., 1853.] F. pp. ii + 18. Stirling and Dunfermline — Great Britain — Parliament — 9 I'll: 10 Viet. An act for making a railway from Stirling to Dunfermline, willi branches to Tillicoultry and to Alloa Harbour. [Royal :ussent,] 16th Jiilv, 1846. [Loud., 1846.] F. pp. 3625-3638. Stockton and Darlington — (Jreat Britain — House of Lords. Minutes of evidence taken before the Lords committees to whom was re- ferred tiic bill intituled " An act to enable the conipany of proprietors of the Stockton ■•md Dar- lington ry. to make a branch therefrom in the counties of Durham and York; and to amend aiul enlarge the powers and provisions of the several 126 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. acts relating thereto." Ordered printed, 1st May, 1828. [Lond., 1828.] F. pp. 218. — ParUament — 14 Vict. An act for em- powering the S. & D. ry., and their lessors, the Wear Valley ry., and the Middlesbrough and Redcar rv., to raise more money. Royal assent, 20 May, 1851. Lond., [1851.] F. pp. (1) + i). — 15 Vict. An act for increasing the capital of the S. & D. rv. Royal assent, 28th May, 1852. Lond., [1852.] F. pp. (1) + 11. Jeans, J. S. Jubilee memorial of the railway system: a history of the S. & D. ry. and a record of its results. Lond., 1875. O. pp. (3) + vii-xvii + (2) + 315. 6 plates. Suir and Shannon Junction. Smyth, G. L. An exposition of the expenditure, revenue, and general advantages of the proposed railroad from Limerick to Waterford, with a distinct terminus at Carrick-on-Suir. Lond., Dublin, Limerick, 1836. O. pp. 35. P. 59. Tafi" Vale — Great Britain — House of Lords. Minutes of evidence taken before the Lords com- mittees to whom the bill, intituled "An act to enable tlie T. V. ry. to alter the line of the rail- way and the act relating thereto, and to make additional branches,"' was committed. Ordered printed, 28th April, 1837. [Lond., 1837.] F. pp. 65. — Parliament — 7 & 8 Vict. An act to amend the acts relating to the T. V. ry.; to authorize the alteration of certain works thereby authorized, and the formation of additional works; and to enlarge the powers of the company. Royal assent, 19 July, 1844. [Lond., 1844.] F. pp. (1) + 22. Taw Vale — Great Britain — Parliament — 14 & 15 Vict. An act for authorizing certain deviations in the T. V. ry. Royal assent, July 24th, 1851. [Lond., 1851.'] F. pp. 28. TJlster. Report of the directors to the 55th, 5()th lialf-yearly general meeting of proprietors, 10th Feb., 12th Aug., 1864. Belfast, 1864. 2 vols. O. Conveyance of goods to Enniskillen, Cavan, Belturbet, Newtownbutler. Belfast, 19th June, 1858. broadside. O. " In consequence of the serious delay in the transit of goods by the present routes, the Ulster ry. company have made arrangements for a special service of carts, . . ." Signed by V. Broughton, general manager. Report of the directors to be submitted to the proprietors, at an extraordinary meeting of the company, to be held 17th Nov., 1858, on a proposed extension of the line to Clones. Belfast, 1858. O. pp. 8. 1 fold. map. Great Britain — House of Commons. Report from the committee on group (9) of rail- way and canal bills: 27 April, 1855. Ulster ry. (extension from Armagh to Monaghan &c.) bill, n.t.p. [Lond., 1855.] F. pp. 111-113. This and the five next following, in vol. " Railway re- ports. Ireland. 2." Report from the committee on group (13) of railway bills: 18 April, 1856. Ulster ry. bill, n.t.p. [Lond., 1856.] F. pp. (1). Report from the committee on the Ulster canal and railway union bill. 10 April, 1851. n.t.p. [Lond., 1851.] F. pp. 85-87. Report from the committee on the Ulster ry. extension bill. 23 May, 1845. n.t.p. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. 401-406. Report from the select committee on the Ulster Extension ry. (re-committed) bill, 9 June, 1845. n.t.p. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. (1.) Supplement to the votes and proceed- ings of the House of Commons: report on Ulster ry. bill. 30 March, 1836. n.t.p. [Lond., 1836.] F. pp. 515-522. Ulverstone and Lancaster — Great Britain — ParUament — 14 & 15 Vict. An act for making a railway from the Furness ry. at Ulverstone to the Lancaster and Carlisle ry. at Carnforth. Royal assent, July 24th, 1851. [Lond., 1851.] F. pp. ii + 27. Vale of Neath — Great Britain — House of Commons. A bill for authorising the V. of N. ry. to make and maintain lines of railway at Swansea, and to raise further moneys and for giving effect to agreements between them and the Aberdare Valley ry. and the London and North Western ry. "[Lond., 1865.] F. pp. (2) + 28. 2 MS. letters inserted: S. F. Noyes to F. Broughton and F. Broughton to S. F. Noyes. A bill for the amalgamation of the V. of N. ry. with the Great Western rv. [Lond., 1866.] F. pp. (3) + 34. Minutes of evidence [V. of N. ry. trans- fer bill], 12th-15th June, 1865. [Lond., 1865.] F. pp. 117. Minutes of proceedings, 12th, 15th June, 1865. [Lond., 1865.] 2 vols. F. pp. 19; 14. Petition of Mid-Wales ry. against the [V. of N. ry. transfer] bill. [Lond., 1866.] F. pp. 3. 5 MS. letters from and to S. F. Noyes. counsel, and F. Broughton, general manager, of Mid-Wales ry., inserted. [Manuscript:] Proposed clauses [in V. of N. ry. transfer bill] on behalf of Mid-Wales ry. [Loud., 1866.] F. pp. 6. MS. copy. — Parliament — 15 Vict. An act to enable the V. of N. ry. to construct certain ex- tensions of their lines of railway. Royal assent, May 28th, 1852. [Lond., 1852.] F. pp. ii + 11. — 28 & 29 Vict., An act for authorizing the V. of N. ry. to raise further moneys, and for GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 127 giving effect to agreements between them and the Aberdare Valley ry. and the London and North- western rv. [Roval assent,] 5th Julv, 1865. D.t.p. [Lond., 1865.] F. pp. 5117-5132. — 29 &30 Vict. An act for the amalga- mation of the V. of N. ry. with the Great West- ern rv. [Roval assent,] lOth August, 1866. n.t.p. [Lond., 1866.] F. pp. 5597-5644. Wakefield, Pontefract and Goole — Great Britain — House of Lords. Reply to Mr. Wil- kins, as counsel, on behalf of the promoters of the bill, July 23, 1845. York, 1845. D. pp. (l)+40. Warrington and Altrincham Junction — Great Britaix — Parliami-ut — 14 & 15 I'ict. An act for making a railway from Warrington to Altrincham, with a branch to join the Birken- head, Lancashire and Cheshire Junction ry. at Lower Walton. Royal assent, 3rd July, 1851. [Lond., 1851.] F. pp. ii + 3-35. — 16 & 17 Vict. An act to enable the W. t*i A. J. ry. to make deviations and branches at Warrington, and to use certain neighbouring railwavs. Roval assent, 20th August, 1853. [Lond.", 1853.] ' F. pp. iii + 34. Warrington and Newton — Great Britain — House of Lords. Minutes of evidence taken be- fore the Lords committees to whom was referred the bill intituled "An act to enable the W. & N. ry. to extend the railway from the termination thereof at Bank Quay, in Warrington, in the county of Lancaster, to Norton, in the county of Chester." Ordered printed, 29th August, 1831. [Lond., 1831.] F. pp. (2) + 5-39. Warrington and Stockport — Great Britain — Parliament — 16 & 17 Vict. An act to enable the Warrington and Altrincham Junction ry. to extend to Stockport. Roval assent, 4th August, 1853. [Lond., 1853.] F." pp. ii + 17. Waterford and Kilkenny — Great Britain — Parliament — 14 cV 15 Vict. An act to amend the several acts relating to the W. & K. ry. to enable the said company to sell or lease their undertaking and to purchase or lease the bridge over the river Suir, at Waterford. Roval assent, August 7th, 185L [Lond., 1851.] F. pp. ii -|- 17. Waterford and Xiimerick. 36th half-yearly report and statement of accounts to be submitted by the directors to the shareholders, 28th August, 1863. [Lond., 1863.] G. Great Britain — House of Commons. A bill to authorise the W. & L. ry. to .sell or lease their undertaking to the (Jreat Western ry.or to the Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford ry., or either or both of them. [Lond., 1865.] F. pp. ii + 13. — Parliament — 14 A 15 Kief. An act to authorize a deviation iu the line of the W. & L. rv. and to amend the acts relating thereto. Roval assent, 24th Julv, 1851. [Lond., 1851.] F.' pp. ii+32 + (l). " Waterford and Passage — Great Britain — House of Commons. A bill to enable the W. & P. ry. to make an extension of their railway near Waterford; to extend the time limited for the purchase of lands, and completion of works. Lond., [1865.] F. pp. (I) -j- 10. Waterford and Wexford Junction — Great Britain — House of Commons. A bill to incor- porate a companv for making the W. & W. J. ry. [Lond., 1865.] F. pp. ii + 16. Waterford, Lismore and Fermoy — (tIreat Britain — House of Commons. A bill to author- ize the construction of railways from Waterford to Dungarvan and Lismore, in Waterford, and Fermoy, in Cork. [Lond., 1865.] F. pp. 19. Waterford, Wexford, Wicklow and Dub- lin — Great Britain — Parliament — 14 A 15 Vict. An act to authorize the abandonment of a portion of the W. W. W. & D. ry., and the construction of a new line in lieu of a portion of the line to be abandoned, and for other purposes. Roval assent, 24th July, 1851. Lond., [1851.] F. pp. ii-f-17. Waveney Valley — Great Britain — Parlia- ment — 14 & 15 Vict. An act for constructing a railway from the Tivetshall station of the Eastern Union rv. to Bungav, in Suffolk. Royal assent, 3rd July, 1851. Lond., [1851.] F. pp.ii-f-8. — 16 & 17 Vict. An act to enable the W. V. ry. to extend their railway from Bungay to Beccles. Roval assent, 4th August, 1853. [Lond., [1853.] F. "pp. ii-l-11. Wellington and Severn Junction — CJreat Britain — /Parliament — 16 ct 17 Vict. An act fi>r making a railway from AV^ellington to Coalbrook- dale, and an extension to the river Severn, all in the countv of Salop. Royal assent, 20 August, 1853. Lond., [1853.] F. pp. ii -f 21. West Cork — Great Britain — House of Com- mons. A bill to enable the W. C. ry. to raise additional capital; to maintain certain portions of their railway constructed beyond the autho- rized limits; to extend the time limited for com- pletion of works. [I^md., 1865.] F. pp. (l)-}-]l. Thus luid tlie one next following, in vol. "Railway bills." West Cornwall — Great Britain — Parlia- ment — 16 I't 17 VicL An act to enable the W. C. ry. to make certain new railwavs. Roval assent, August 15th, 1853. [Lond., 1853"] F. pp. ii-f23. West Hartlepool. Revelations in Parlia- ment, witJi tiie true state of the W. JI. Iiarliour and railway company's capital account, and sliort- liaiid notes of the decision of the conimittei'; ad- dressed to the share and debenture holders. Loud., [1861.] O. pp. 51. 128 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. West Midland — Great Bri^'Ain — Parlia- ment — 23 Vict. An act foi* the amalgamation of the Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford and the Worcester and Hereford ry. companies with the Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton ry., under the name of " The West Midland ry. com- pany." [Royal assent,] 14th June, 1860. n.t.p. [Lond., I860.] F. i)p. 1041-1070. — 26 & 27 Vict. An act for the amalga- mation of the W. M. rv. with the Great W^estern ry. n.t.p. [Lond., 186^4.] F. pp. 1609-1658. Wexford Junction — Great Britain — House of Commo^i'i. A bill to authorize the construction of a railway from the Bagnalstown and Wexford ry., at Ballywilliam, in Wexford, to the author- ized extension of the Dublin, Wicklow and Wex- ford rv. in the parish of Ballvhoge. [Lond. ,1865.] F. pp. 19. Whishaw and Coltness — Great Britain — Parliciment — 9 & 10 Vict. An act to enable the W. & C. ry. to make a branch to Murdieston,with a branch to Goodockhill. [Roval assent,] 16th July, 1846. [Lond., 1846.] F. "pp. 8701-3706. WTiitby and Pickering. Belcher, H. Il- lustrations of the scenery on the line in the north eastern part of Yorkshire, from drawings by G. Dodgson; with a short description of the district and undertaking, by H. Belcher. Lond., 1836. Q. pp. viii -\- 115. 8 cfe., 1 x>lates. Whitehaven and Furness Junction — Great Britain — Parliament — 16&17 Vict. An act to enable the W. & F. J. ry. to make branch railways. Eoval assent, August 4th, 1853. [Lond.', 1853]. ' F. pp. ii + 14. Linton, J. A handbook of the W. t^ F. ry., being a guide to the lake district of West Cumberland and Furness. Lond., Whitehaven, 1852. S. pp. (4) + 134. 12 2?lates, If old. maj). Wimbledon and Croydon — Great Britain — Parliament — 16 & 17 Vict. An act for making a railway from Wimbledon to Croydon, in Surrey. Roval assent, July 8th, 1853. [Lond., 1853.] F. pp." ii -\- 21. Worcester and Hereford — Great Britain — ParUa?nent — 16 & 17 Vict. An act for making a railway from Worcester to Hereford, with cer- tain branches therefrom. Eoval assent, August 15th, 1853. [Lond., Is53.] F. pp. iii + 5-38. Wycombe — Great Britain — Parliament — 15 ;tratto dal Giornalc dti lavori ])ubblici c ddlc straile ferrate." Torino-Cirie-Lanzo. Asscmble:i generaK' or- 132 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. dinaria del 19 aprile 1883-31 marzo 1892. Tor- ino, 1883-92. 10 vols. O. Proposta di riforma e riordinamento deH'attuale statuto: adunanza generale straordi- naria 25 giugno 1889. Torino, 1889. O. pp. (3) + 6-29. Cover title. Torino - Novi. Rendiconto presentato dall' Azienda generale delle strade fei-rate circa I'eser- cizio fatlo sul tronco da Torino a Novi nell' anno 1850. [Torino, 1851.] Q. pp. (1) +5-82. M.7. Treviglio-Coccaglio. Bosco, B. dal. Ferro- via diretta Treviglio-Coccaglio. Milano, 1872. O. pp. 28. P. 73. Treviso-Belluno. [Tatti, L.] Progetto di una ferrovia da Treviso per Feltre e Belluno. n.t.p. [Milano, 15 agosto 1867.] O. pp. 22. 1 fold. map. M. 7. "Estrattodal Giornale deW ing. arch, ed agron., anno. 15." Tucci, P. di. Per una nuova congiunzione ferroviaria direttissima tra Roma ed il mezzo- giorno d'ltalia. Konia, 1884. O. pp. (6) + 9- 77. P. 21. Venezia-Milano. Strada ferrata da Venezia a Milano: [atti officiali della .societa]. Venezia, 1837. sq. Q. pp. (5) + 11-77 + (2). 2 fold, plates. M. 7. Cattaneo, C. Rivista di varii scritti intorno alia strada ferrata da Milano a Venezia. Milano, 1841. O. pp. 68. p. 73. " Inserito nel 4 vol. del Politecnico di Milano." MiLANi, G. Risposta all' opuscolo del Carlo Cattaneo, per la parte di quell' opuscolo che si riferisce al progetto per una strada a guide di ferro da Milano a Venezia dell' ingegnere Suddetto. Milano, 1841. Q. pp. (2) + v-xi + 132 -}- cxxxiv. 1 map. Venice. Terza relazione della commissione speciale per le ferrovie al consiglio provinciale di Venezia; E. Collotta, relatore. Venezia, 1874. O. pp. (1) + 6-81 + (3) + Ixxxvi. 1 fold, table. Zio, F. del, editor. La ferrovia dell' Aufido: documenti. Roma, 1872-74. O. pp.xliv + 269. VII. NETHERLANDS. Dutch Rhenish Railway (Nederlandsche Rhijn-Spoorweg.) Observations of the English members of the general direction of the company, upon the report made by the head direction to the general meeting of shareholders, held in Amsterdam 30th June, 1846. n.t.p. [Loud., 1846.J O. pp. iii-ix + (3). 1 Jold. table. [Prospectus.] n.t.p. [Lond., 11th July, 1845.] F\ pp. (3). Regulations or by laws, for the direction of the Dutch Rhenish railway company. Am- sterdam, 1845. O. pp. 23. Report from the head direction in Am- sterdam, addressed to the directors of the com- pany in London, for the information of the share- holders. Lond., 1846. O. pp. 26. Report of the head direction of the company, presented to the general meeting of shareholders at Amsterdam, 30tli June 1846, 30th June, 10 Aug., 1847. Lond., [1846-47.] 3 vols. O. & F». Statutes of the Dutch Rhenish railway company, established 3rd July, 1845. Amster- dam, 1845. O. pp. 33. Netherlands. Act of concession, trans- ferred from the concessionnaires, to the company. Established 3rd July 1845. Amsterdam, 1845. O. pp. 17. Flushing - Middelburgh, Venloo and Maestricht Railway. The railway connecting the mouth of the Scheldt with the Meuse and the Rhine; the concession of which has been granted to Mr. Dirk Dronkers, by the government of Netherlands. Accompanied by statistical tables; also the reports of the English and Dutch en- gineers. Lond., 1846. O. pp. (1) -j- iv + 3- 92. 1 Jold. ma}}, 1 fold. plan. HoUandsche Ijzeren Spoorweg. [Over- zicht van de Ontwikkeling] 1838-1889. [Am- sterdam, 1889.] F. pp. 119. 43 cts., 6 plates, 16 fold, plates, Ifold. map, Ifold. table. Jacqmin, A. Etude sur les cheminsde fer des Pays-Bas. 2" ed., augmentee de pieces justifica- tives. Paris, 1882. O. pp. (2) + 5-157 + (1). 1 fold. map. " Publi(}e une premiere fois dans les Annates de ponts et chaussees. ler semestre 187», tome 15." Netherlands — Departement van Waterstaat, Handel en Nijverheid. Statistiek van het ver- voer op de spoorwegen en tramwegen over het jaar 1889. n.p., n.d. Q. VIII. RUSSIA. CoUignon, E. Les chemins de fer russes de 1857 a 1862. 2" ed. Paris, 1868. F. pp. (2) + vii + 212 -|- (4); and Atlas of bl plates, obi. Q. Kreeft, C. First Russian railroad: from St. Petersburg to Zarscoe- Selo and Pawlowsk. Es- tablished by Imperial decree of 21st March, 1836, and carried into execution by a company of share- holders in Russia, England and Germany. St. Petersburg, 1837. Lond., [1837.] O. pp. 44. p. 56. Plain Truth, pseud. Observations on the ob- jects and prosjjects of the Russian railway enter- prise; and on its qualities as a pecuniary invest- , meat. Lond., 1857, 0. pp. 29. p. 56. SWITZERLAND AND THE ALPS. 133 IX. SWITZERLAND AND THE ALPS. Aargauische Siidbahn. l^'^-T^', IS^' Jahr- esbericht iind KechniiUE; des Directoriums der Schweiz. Centralbahn iiber das Unteriiehnien der Aargauischen Sudbahn fur das Jalir 1872-78, '86. Basel, [1873-87.] 8 vols. sq. Q. [Antonini, G.] Sn alcnne questioni relative al passaggio delle Alpi e ai grand! trafori. Mil- ano, 1865. O. pp. 22. p. 70. Arlbergbalin. Revaux, — Percement des Alpes: t' tilde des travaiix executes au tunnel de 1* Arlberg. Paris, 1884. O. pp. 59. 6 fold. plates. P. 69. " Extrait des Annates des mines, livraison de septembre- OCtobre, 1884." Stabilini, G. La ferrovia alpina ed il gran tunnel dell' Arlberg. Milano, 1884. O. pp. 41. 5 fold, plates, p. 70. " Estrattodel Polilecnico, vol. 32." Basel-Ziirich. Verliandlungen der dritten General-Versammlung der Aktionnars. Ziiricli, 1840. Q. u. 6. Bernische Jurabahnen. 1"- 4" rapport an- nuel de la direction sur sa gestion du 1" niai 1871 au l^"" septembre 1872; 1" septembre 1872 au31 mars 1873; 1" avril, 1873 au 31 juillet 1874; 1" aout au 31 decembre 1874. Bienne, [1872-75.] 4 vols. sq. Q. Bericht und Antrage des Verwaltungs- ratbes an den Regierungsrath zu Handen des Grossen Ratbes des Kantons Bern, gemriss den Bestimmungen des Decretes vom 2. Februar 1867. Biel, [1873?] sq. Q. pp. 63 + (46). 2 fold. maps. In vol. " Jurabahn. Pamphlets. 1." Bern (Kanion) — Eisenhahndirehtion. Bericht an den Regierungsrath zu Handen des Grossen Rathes betreflfend die Erbauung von Eisenbabnen im Jura. Bern, 1866. sq.Q. pp.53 -}- (7). 1 fold, map, 2 fold, profiles, 6 fold, tables. In same. Bericht betreflend die Vorschliige in den uber Bau und Betrieb der bernischen Jurabahnen gepflogenen Unterhandlungen. Bern, 1870. sq. Q. pj). 56. In same. Jura-Bahncn: Betrieb durch die Staats- bahn: Gegen-Benierkungen der Herren Ingenie- ure [fJ.] Granicher, [A. v.] Muralt und [G.] Bridel, zum Mitrapport der Finanz-Direktion. Bern, 1870. sq. Q. pp. 27. In same. . . -, . Ueber die Nothweudigkeit und die Mit- tel undWege zur unvorzugliciien Vollendung des jurassischenEisenbahnnetzes; P Jolissant. Bern, 1871. sq.Q. pp.28. In same. Vortrag lictrcflcnd ,\. dcii Finanzanswels der bernischen Jurabalin-Gesellschaft und B. den Einschluss der Staatsbahnlinien Biel-Neuenstadt & Biel-Bern als Staatsbetheiligung an der Vol- lendung des jurassischen Eisenbahnnetzes. Bern, 1873. sq. Q. pp. 40 + (12) + 51 -}- (3). In same. Bosco, Ij. II porto di Genova in relazione ai passaggi internazionali delle Alpi al Gottardo, al Monte Bianco, al Frejus per mezzo della siiccur- sale alia ferrovia dei Giovi da (ienova in Ales- sandria per le valli dello Stura e dell' Orba. Genova, 1880. O. pp. 24. 1 fold. map. p. 70. Botzbergbahn. l^'-?", %", 17" Geschafts- bericht und Rechnung der Direktion der Schweiz. Nordostbahn iiber die Unternehinung der Botz- bergbahn, umfassend das Jahr 1870-76, 78, '86. [Zurich, 1871-87.] 9 vols. sq. Q. Biilach. - Regensberg. 1"-14^' Geschilfts- bericht und Rechnung der Direktion der Scliweiz. Nordostbahn iiber die Unternehmung der Bulach- Regensberger-Bahn, umfassend das Jahr 1863- 76. [Zurich, 1864-77.] 14 vols. sq. Q. Chamonix-Montanvers. Tairraz, Z. A propos du cheminde fer projete de Chamonix au Montanvers: mars, 1893. Bonneville, 1893. O. pp. 7. Cover title. Chur-Thusis-Filisur. Graubiindner Central- balm Chur-Thusis-Filisur. Chur, 1886. sq. O. pp. 31. Contents: — Jlemorial des Tnitiativ-Comite's.— Ciutachten des Oberingeuieuis K. Moser iiber die Kentabilitiit. Colladon, D. Notes sur les inconvenients et ies difficultes du tunnel dtudie sous le Mont-Blanc et de ses lignes d'acces projetees: avantages incon- testables d'un chemin de fer international par ie Simplon. Geneve, 1880. O. pp. vii -{-68-1- (1). 1 fold, profile. In vol. "Simplonbahn. Pamphlets. 1." Conducteur suisse; chemins de fer suisses, postes, bateaux a vapeiir, telegraphes. Saison d'ete, 1*^' juin au 30 sept. Sommer-Fahrten[)lan. Berne, 1894. S. Conferenz Schweizerischer Eisenbahn- verwaltungen. (irapbiscli-statistisehcr Alias der sciiweizerischen Norniallialinen; erstcilt im Auftrage und unter Mitwirkung der Conferenz Schweizerischer P^isenbahnverwaltungen von der Direction der Sciiweizerischen Nordostbahn fiir die Schweizerische Landes-Ausstellung in Ziirich, 1883. Zurich, [1883]. F«. pp. (3). 40 fold. plates. Effretikon - Wetzikon - Hinweil, Rech- iiuugcn der I)irektii)n der Si'lvweiz. Nordost- l)ahn fiir die Eisenbahn-Gesellsebaft Elfretikon- Wetzikon-Hinweil, umfassend das Jahr 1874. [Zurich, 1875.] sq. Q. 1", 3" Gesch.iftsbericlit und Reclinuug der Direktion der Schweiz. Nordostbahn iiix-r den Betrieb der Eisenbahnuuternehmungeii lOlIreli- 134 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. kon-Wetzikon-Hinweil, betrefiend das Jahr 1876, '78. [Zurich, 1877-79.] 2 vols. sq. Q. Emmenthalbahn. 2^'' Geschafts-Bericht der Direction an den Verwaltungs-Rath zu Handen der General- Versammlung der Aktionare, vom 1. Januar, 1874 bis 31 Dezember, 1874. Solothurn, [1875?] Q. M. 6. Fernbahnproject (Das) und seine Bedeutung im Verliiiltnisse zum Brenner und Gotthard. Ulm, 1872. O. pp. 10. p. 11. Franco-Suisse. Assemblee generale des ac- tionnaires du 29 septembre, 1866, 25 jiiillet 1871: IP, 16"* rapport du conseil d'administration. Neuchatel, 1866-71. 2 vols. sq. Q. In vol. " Chemins de fer suisses." GiROD, E. Itineraire descriptif du Chemin de fer Franco-Suisse de Neuchatel ;\ Pontarlier. Neuchatel, 1862. D. pp. is + 11- 223. EtJELLE, — Memoire sur les depenses de construction, d'administration et d'exploita- tion du Chemin de fer Franco-Suisse. Paris, 1865. O. pp. (2) + 90. 2 fold, plates, p. 14. "Estrait des Annates des ponts et chatissies, torae 10, 1865." Frey, J. Das Projekt einer Fusion der Schwei- zerischen Central bahn und der Schweizerischen Nordostbahn: ein eisenbahnpolitische und eisen- bahnrechtliche Studie, als Beitrag zur Losung der schweizerischen Eisenbahnfrage. Aarau, 1893. O. pp. iv -f (2) + 250. 1 1 fold, plates. Fribourg-BuUe-Lausanne. Nouvelles con- siderations presentees par la comite du chemin de fer de la Gruyere, en faveur d'une voie ferree par Bulle; avec un projet de trace par Mr. Stuck- art. Fribourg, 1856. O. pp. 14 + (2). Ifold. ■map. Geiser, K. Vierzig Jahre bernischer Eisen- bahnpolitik. Bern, 1892. O. pp. 84. Genf -Versoix - Celigny — Switzerland — Staatsraih. Bericht des Staatsraths an den Gros- sen Rath betreffend die Eisenbahn. Bern, 1867. O. pp. 99 + 1. P. 11. Gotth.ardbah.n. 1«'-17«'' Geschilftsbericht der Direktion und des Verwaltungsrathes an die am 30. Juni 1873-29. Juni 1889 stattfindende General- versammlung der Aktionare. [Luzern, 1873-89.] 17 vols. bd. in 3. sq. Q. Aktenstiicke zur Frage der Gotthard- bahn. Februar 1869 bis Ende April 1870. Ber- lin, 1870. O. pp. (3) + 6-52. In vol. "St. Gothard. Pamphlets. 3." Bericht und Antrag der Revisionskom- mission an die Generalversanimlung der Ak- tionare vom 27. Juni 1887; 30. Juni 1888; 29. Juni 1889. [Luzern, 1887-89.] 3 vols. sq. Q. Same, French. [Lucerne, 1887-89.] 3 vols. sq. Q. Die Gotthardbahn in kommerzieller Be- ziehung. Zurich, 1864. O. pp. (4) + 130 + 13 + (1). 1 fold. map. Same, French. Ziirich, 1864. O. pp. (3) + 127 + 13 + (2). 1 fold. map. " La Commission instituee par la majoritedesgouverne- ments eantonaux et par les administrations du Central et du Nord-Est Suisses. afln de consacrer ses efforts a faire pruvaloir le projet d'un chemin de fer a travers les Alpes par le Gothard," G. KoUer, W. Schmidlin, G. Stoll. In vol. "St. Gothard. Pamphlets. 1." Die Gotthardbahn in technischer Bezieh- ung und Rentabilitats-Berechnung auf Grund- lage des kommerziellen und technischen Gut- achtens. Ztirich, 1865. O. pp. (8) + 102 + 133 + 68 + 9. In same. Same, French. Ziirich, 1865. O. pp. (8) + 118 + 125 + 72 + 10. Signed G. KoUer, W. Schmidlin, G. Stoll. In same. Die Gotthardbahn und der Lukmanier: Erwiederung auf die Schrift: " Die Lukmanier- bahn in technischer, commerzieller und finanziel- ler Beziehung." Zurich, 1865. O. pp. (2) + 67. In same, 3. Signed G. Koller, W. Schmidlin and G. Stoll. Projet d'un chemin de fer par le St. Gotthard; dresse, a la demande du Comite du St. Gotthard, par A. Beckh et R. Gerwig. Wiu- terthur, 1864. portfolio in F^, of h fold, plates. Projet d'un chemin de fer par le St. Gotthard; dresse a la demande du Comity du St. Gotthard, par A. Beckh et R. Gerwig; avec une annexe renfermant le projet propose par K. ■\Vetli. Winterthur, 1864. portfolio in F. of 13 maps and plates. Switzerland: [a history and description of the] St. Gothard railwav; by Geo. L. Catlin. Lucerne, 1890. Q. pp. (2) + 7-31. illus., 2 fold. maps. In vol. " St. Gothard. Pamphlets. 4." Zur Simplon-Literatur; Antwort auf die Schrift: " Kritische Beleuchtung der Gotthardts- Litteratur." Ztirich, 1865. U. pp. 16. Signed C. Koller, W. Schmidlin, G. StoU. In vol. "Simplonbahn. Pamphlets. 1." Batisse, — Notice sur les travaux de percement du Saint-Gothard. Paris, 1875. O. pp. 31. 1 fold, j^late. " Extrait des Annates despontset chaussees. 1875,lersem., tome 11." In vol. "St. Gothard. Pamphlets. 4." Chatoney, — Note sur la situation financiSre du chemin de fer du Saint-Gothard. Paris, 1877. O. pp. 14. 1 fold, plate. " Extrait des Annales des ponts et clmussies, 1877, ler, sem., tome 13." In same. CoLLADON, D. Die maschinellen Ar- beiten zur Durchborung des Gotthardtstunnels. Ziirich, 1876. O. pp. (2) + 5-33 + (1). 1 plate, 2 fold, plates. In same, 3. Memoire sur les travaux d'avancement du tunnel du Saint-Gothard et sur le raccorde- SWITZERLAND AND THE ALPS 135 ment exact des deux galeries effectue le 29 fevrier 1880. Paris, 1880. O. pp. 17. " Extrait des Memoires de laSocieti des Ing^nieursCivils." " M. le professeur C. Clericetti hommage de I'auteur." In same, 4. Hellwag, AV. Mein Gutachten iiber A. Thommen's " Gotthardbahn "; Bemerkunpfen zur Keform dieses Unternehmens. Ziirich, 1877. O. pp.36. 2 fold, plates. In same, 3. Lazzaro, F. Ferroviaetraforo del Got- tardo: lezione popolare data nell' Ateneo Veneto il 23 gennaio 1874. [Venezia, 1874.] O. pp. (2) + 5-19. In same, 4. " Estratta dagli Atti deW Ateneo Veneto, vol. II, puntata 3." LuccHiNi, P. Ferrovia attraverso le Alpi: terza memoria in appoggio del suo progetto pel S. Gottardo. Bellinzona, 1853. Q. pp. (2) + 5-19. In same. Progetto di una strada-f errata attraverso il San Gottardo, onde collegare leferrovie d'ltalia con quelle della Svizzera centrale. Bellinzona, 1853. Q. pp- 7 1 fold, table, 3 fold, profiles. In same. Milan — Collegia degli Ingegneri ed A rch- itetti. Relazione sulla scelta della linea di allac- ciamento delle ferrovie italiane col Gottardo. n. t.p. [Milano, 1877.] Q. pp- 15. Signed by F. Brioschi, L. Tatti, C. Carcano, R. Gaetano, G. Chizzolini, L. yuaranta, relatore. " Dagli Aiti del CoUrqio degli Ingegneri ed Architetti in Milano. Anno 10. Fascicolo 2, 1877." In vol. " St. Gothard. Pamphlets. 4." Po' PIU (Un) di luce sulla miglior linea ferroviaria per unire Torino ed il Piemonte al Gottardo. Torino, 1884. O. pp. 40. 1 fold, map, 1 fold, section. P. 21. Rascher, J. M. Der Gotthard als Eidgenosse; ein Beitrag zur Frage der Bundes- subvention an die Gotthardbahn. Bern, 1878. O. pp. iv + 64. In vol. "St. Gothard. Pamphlets. 3." RiJEGO, n. Die Wirkungen der Sankt Gotthardbahn. Leipzig, 1892. O. pp. iv + (2) + 120 + 1. Bibliograi)hy, 1 p. [SCHWARZ, S. a7ld RiEOFBIED, H.] Dic Gotthard-Bahn in militairi.scher Beziehung. Aarau, 1865. O. pp. (2) + 5-25. In vol. "St. Gothard. Pamphlets. 3.' Switzerland. Mi'moire du Departe- ment Federal des Cheniinsde fer, sur la construc- tion du cheniin de fer du St. Gothard. Berne, [1886-88.] F. pp. 290. 16 fold, talks. Rapport niensuel no. 6 du Conseil federal Suisse sur 1' etat des travaux de la ligne du St. Gothard au 31 mai 1873. n.t.p. [I'.erne, 1873.] nar. F*. Tatti, L. Del migllore tracciato dello ferrovie subalpine al valico del Gottardo. n.t.p. [Milano, 1872.] Q. pp. 7. " Estratto dal FoUteaiico. anno 20." La linea di congiunzione di Geneva col (lOttardo. n.p., n.d. O. pp. 16. Le linee italiane di raccordo al Gottardo. Milano, 1876. D. pp. (3) + 31. Intorno al sussidio di Milano per il valico del Gottardo. Milano, 1877. O. pj). 8. " Estratto dal giornale La Ferscveranza." Sulle ferrovie d'accesso al Gottardo nell' interesse di Milano. [Milano, 1879]. sq. O. pp. 15. Wanner, M. Geschichte der Begrlind- ung des Gottharduntornehniens. Bern, 1880. O. pp. vii + (1) -f- 458 + (1). " Literatur iiber die Alpenbahnfrage," pp. 3-8. ZscHOKKE, O. Die Anwendung des Zahnschienen -Systems auf die Gotthanlbalin. Aarau, 1877. F. pp. (3) -{■ 56. 1 fold, section. M. 5. Hunziker, F. Das schweizerische Eisenbahn- netz in seinen Anfilngen und seiner Kntwicklinig. Ziirich, 1877. Q. pp. (1) -j- 19 -|- (1). 1 fold, table. M. 6. In " Programm der Kantonsschule in Ziirich, 1877." Italy — Ministero dei Lavori Puhblici. Les projets de cheniins de fer par les Alpes helve- tiques: enquete techni(jue et conimerciaie onlnn- nee par le gouvernement italien. Traduction frauQaise, publit'e par le Comite du Saint-(ioth- ard. Zurich, 1869. Q. pp. (6) -f 34 + 250 -|- (1). 4 fold, sections, 11 fold. 7?ia;w. Jacini, S. L' Italia e la Svizzera: nella ques- tione dellaferrovia delle Alpi elvotiche. Milano, 1863. O. pp. (2) + 3-54. 1 fold, table, 1 fold, map. P. 70. Jura-Gotthard-Balin. Die Jura-Got thard- Bahn: Zweck und Charakter, Trace, Kostcn, Verkehr, Rentabilitiit. Bern, [1874.] scj. Q. pp. 16. Signed "Das Initiativ-Comit6." Cover title. In vol. " .Jurabalui. i'amphlets. 1." Koblenz-Stein, l"-3", 5" Geschilftsbericht und Kechnung der Direktion der vSchweiz. Nord- ostbahn iiber die Eisenbahu'-nternclimung Kob- lenz-Stein, umfassend das Jalir 1874-76, '78. [Ziirich, 1875-79.] 4 vols. sq. C^. liOmmel, T. G. Le comproniis dans la ques- tion des subventions aux cheniins de fer des Alpes: ses origiues et sa satisfaction au point de vue des interets vaudois et suisses. Lausanne, 1879. O. pp. (3) + 3-75. r. 11. r(rtt/r7j<,s'.- — c;en6sc du (iothard.— .liislil'ication d'uno in- tervention foderale. — Les originus du comproniis. Die Ilandels- und Verkehrsintere.s.sen der verschiedenen Sch\vi'i/.crknnlinu> luiil ilir Verhiiitniss zu den j)r()jektirlcu AlpcuI)Mlinen. St. Gallen, 1865. C^. i-p. (3) +35. m. 6. 136 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Simplon-St. Gothard-Lukmanier: etude comparative de la valeur technique et commer- ciale des voies ferrees projetees par ces passages alpins italo-suisses. Lausanne, 1865. sq. O. pp. V + 7-240. 3 fold. maps. In vol. " St. Gothard. Pamphlets. 2." liukmanierbahn. II Lucomagno paragonato al San Gottardo in ordineal passaggio t'erroviario delle Alpi elvetiche: esposizione del Comitato promotore della ferrovia del Lucomagno. Gen- ova, Firenze, 1865. sq. O. pp. xii -(- 224. Die Lnkmanierbahn in technisclier,com- merzieller und finanzieller Beziehung und Ver- gleichungen mit der Gotthardbahn; herausge- geben vom Lukmanier-Comit^. St. Gallen, 1865. sq. O. pp. (6) + 195. 2 fold. maps. Passage des Alpes; cliemin de fer Lo- carno a Coire par le Lucmanier: plan general dresse par L. Pestalozzi. n.t.p. St. Gall, 1860. F. 1 fold, diagr. M. 5. La position teclinique, commerciale et financiere du Luknianier, comparee a celle da Saint-Gothard. Lausanne, 1865. sq. O. pp. (6) _|- 3-221. 3 fold. maps. In vol. "St. Gothard. Pamphlets. 2." Tatti, L. Proposta di una rete di con- giunzione delle ferrovie Lombarde e Piemontesi colla linea del Lucomagno. Milano, 1861. O. y>p. 16. 1 fold. map. " Estratto dal Politeaiieo, vol. 10, n. 60." Memminger, A. Die Alpenbalinen und deren P>edeutung fiir Deutschland und Oesterreich, mit besonderer Beziehung auf Gotthard, Brenner, Arlberg und Fern. Zurich, 1878. O. pp. (3) + 172 + (2). 2 plates, 6 fold. maps. Milan (Provhicia). La questione del passaggio delle Alpi elvetiche con una ferrovia: rapporto della commissione nominata dal Consiglio pro- vinciale di Milano, presentato 15 dicembre 1861. [A. Vanotti, relatore.J Milano, 1862. Q. pp. (2) -f 5-94 -}- (2). 2 fold, majjs, ^fold. tables. Relazione alia deputazione provinciale di Milano sull' operato dei delegati dalla medes- ima a propugnare presso la commissione com- merciale governativa il passagio ferroviario delle Alpi. Milano, 1866. F. pp. (6) + 103 + (1). Ifold. map, \ fold, section. Milano-Saronno-Mendrisio. Grilloni, G. La diretta Milano-Saronno-Mendrisio rivendicata quale opportuna sezione di linea per una ferrovia alle Alpi elvetiche. Como, 1864. O. pp. 72. Ifold. map. M. 7. Mont Blanc. Stamm, E. and Maimer:, L. Ferrovia del Monte Bianco progetto dell' ing. Ernesto Stamm; studiato sul luogo collacollabor- azione dell' ing. Leone Maimeri. Torino, 1874. O. pp. 32 + (3). p. 69. " Kstratto dal Monilore delle strade ferrate." Mont Cenis. L' ing. Giambattista Piatti e il traforo del Cenisio: rivendicazione. Milano, 1872. D. pp. (2) + 73. Bibliography of the writings of Piatti, pp. 62-C7. In vol. " Mount Cenis. Pamphlets. 1." Cagnoni, A. Considerazlonisul deflusso dell' aria compressa per lunghi condotti e sulle relative applicazioni segnatamente al trafaro del Cenisio. n.t.p. [Milano, 1859?] O. pp. 38. 1 fold, plate. " Memoria letta nella tornata del 10 febbrajo 1S59 dell' Istit. Lombardo di Scienza, Lettore ed Arti." " Estratto dal Giornnle dell' ing. -arch, ed agron., anno, 7." In vol. "Mont Cenis. Pamphlets. 1." CoNTE, — Eapport sur le percement du grand tunnel des Alpes. Paris, 1863. O. pp. (2) -f 51. ifold. plates. P. 70. " Extrait des Annates des ponts et chaussees, ler semestre, 1863." CoNTE, — and others. Rapport sur les experiences faites sur le chemin de fer de Saint- Michel a Suze par la route imperiale; no. 6. Paris, 1866. O. pp. (2) + 31. 1 fold, plate. p. 14. " Extrait des Annates des ponts et cha7tss6es, tome 11, 1SC6." "Par MM. Conte, Bochet, Guinard, Perrin." Fettarappa, G. Relazione di una visita fatta al traforo delle Alpi Cozie come esercita- zione pratica di niacchine a vapore e ferrovie: ventilazione della galleria. Torino, 1868. O. pp. (4) + 7-43. 1 fold, plate, p. 69. " Disseitazione e tesi presentate alia Commissione esa- minatrice della R. Scuola d'applicazione per gl' iugegneri in Torino, per ottenereil diploma di IngegnereLaureato." " Al mio egregio professore di disegnodi macchine Ing. Guise Fassa." Favaro, a. Studi sul tracciamento della galleria delle Alpi Cozie tra Bardonneche e Modane pregeduti da cenni storici. Torino, 1869. O. pp. (5) -f 11-79. 3 fold, pirates. p. 69. " Dissertazione e tesi presentate alia R. Commissione esaminatrice per otteuere il diploma di Ingeguere Laureato." Italy — Direzione Generale delle Strade Ferrate. Traforo delle Alpi tra Bardonneche e Modane: relazione della Direzione tecnica. Torino, 1863. F. pp. (3) -j- 113. 9 fold, plates, Ifold. ma]]. Kossuth, F. de. Etude sur I'applica- tion de la ventilation artificielle a I'aerage du tunnel du Mont-Cenis. Paris, 1881. O. pp. (2) + 5-42. " Extrait des Annates des mines, livraison de septembre- octobre 1881." In vol. " Mont Cenis. Pamphlets. 1." Ventilazione artifiziale perfetta ed econ- omica della grande galleria del Frejus. Cesena, 1880. O. pp. 35. In same. Maus, H. and Paleocapa, P. Rapport sur les etudes du chemin de fer de Chambery a Turin et de la machine proposee pour executer le tunnel des Alpes entre Modane et Bardonneche, SWITZERLAND AND THE ALPS. 137 par Henri Maus: et Rapport redigu an nom de la commission charg^e de I'examen de ces etudes, par Pierre Paleocapa: suivi des proces-verbaux des seances de cette commission. Turin, 1850. F. pp.56. 8fold.2^fatcs, Same, Italian. Torino, 1850. F. pp. 56. 8/old. 2)lcites, If old. map. Saint-Robert, P. de. Throrie du com- presseur a colonne d'eau de MM. Sommeiller, Grattori et Grandis, et applications an compres- seur qui fonctionne an percement des Alpes cottiennes. Paris, 1863. nar. O. pp. (56). 1 plate, p. 69. Tatti, L. II Monteceneri davanti al consiglio provinciale di Milano. Milano, 1879. O. pp. 7. Cover title. Treves, M. Sulla perforazione mecca- nica delle gallerie ferroviarie ed in particolare sul gigantesco traforo delle Alpi Cozie detto del Moncenisio. Venezia, 1864. O. pp. (3) + 7- 124. 2 fold, plates. Moschell, J. Notice sur le chemin de fer de I'Utliberg (pros Zurich) :\ rampede 7 pour 100 et traction par simple adherence. [Paris, 1877.] O. pp. (13). P. 9. " Extrait des Annales dug&nie civil." Novara {Prov'nicia). tSulle ferrovie di accesso al Sempioue e al Gottardo; relazionedelladeputa- zione al consiglio provinciale di Novara con le relative deliberazioni ed allegati. Novara, 1879. O. pp. 100. In vol. "St. Gothard. Pamphlets. 4." Quest Suisse. Assemblee generale ordinaire des actionnaires le 27 mai 1869, le 19 mai 1871, a Lausanne; rapport du conseil d' administration. Lausanne, 1869-71. 2 vols. sq. Q. lu vol. " Chemins de fer suisses." Sulzberger, J. Gesuchfiir die Erbau- ung einer Eisenbaiin von Yverdon nach Morges und Ouchi. Dem hohen schweiz. Bundesrathe vorgelegt im November 1851. Frauenfeld, 1851. I), pp. 22. V. 9. Peyer im Hof, J. F. Der Kanton Tessin und die Alpenbahnfrage; ein offenes Sendschreiben an Freund und Feind. Zurich, 1866. O. ))p. 46. P. 11. Planta, P. C. Der dreissigjahrige Kampf um eine ratische Alpenbahn. Chur, 1885. O. pp. 101 + (1). P. II. " Vorgetragen in der Hist.-antiq. GeselLschaft des Kan- tons Graubiindeu." Rascher, J. M. Der Alpenbalin-Kompromiss vor der Volksabstimmung. l>ern, 1879. O. pp. 47. p. 11. Cmtmlif : — Die Alpcnbahngcschichte, 1839-C9. — Der Gotthnnl krach, 1870-78.— Der KompromLss. Revaux, — Percement des Alpes: «'tu(ic comparative des travaux executes an x (unuels (hi Mont Cenis et du Saint-Gothard. Paris, 1879. O. pp. (2) + 5-89. 4 fold, plates. " Kxtrait des Aimales des miiies, livraisons de mars-avril et mai-juin 1879." In vol. " Mont Cenis. Tamphlets. 1." Rigibahn. l^f- 13"='' Geschaftsbericht des Ver- waltungsrathes, umfassend die Zeit von der Grimdung des Unternehmcns bis Mai 1871; um- fassend das Jahr 1871-82. Luzern, 1871-r83.] 13 vols. bd. in 1. sq. Q. KiujXAi'ER, J. H. Die Rigi- Eisenbahn mit Zuhnradbetrieb. 2<=, vcrmelirte Aufhige. Winterthur, 1871. Q. pp. 4. 1 jilate, 2 fold, jilates. M. 5. Cover title. Maeder, D. Vitznan am Rigiberge und seine Alpenbahn. Aarau, 1871. O. pp. (2) + 80. p. 11. ExNER, W. F. aiid others. Die Rigi- Bahn: System Riggenbach -Niiff -Zschokke; mit Benutzung des J. H. Kronauer'schen Berichtes nach eigenen Aufnahmen in ihrem gcgenwiirtigen Zustande geschildert von W. F. Plxner und den Assistenten F. Walla und E. Hanausek. Wien, 1872. O. p)). 20. 3 fold, plates. P. 9. "Separat-Atxlruck aus dem Wiener Technikcr." [S., li.] Alcuni riiiessi ancora sui sistemi idropneumatici ed idrofunicolari da applicarsi ai l)assaggi alpini invece delia locomotiva. Milano, 1866. O. PI). 19. p. 70. " Estratto dagli Aniiali uiiiversnli di slatistica, fascicolo di dicembre ISdj, luibblicato in genua jo 1860." St. G-allen - Appenzell. Illustrirter Weg- weiser; in zehn Ansichten, gezeichnet und heraus- gegeben von J. B. Isenring, mit erliluteriulein Texte von Otto Henne. St. Gallen, 1856. O. pp. 32 -f (9). 10 plates, p. 9. St. Gallen-Rapperswil-Zug. Projet einer normalspurigen Eisenbaiin St. Gallen-Rappers- wil-Zug. [A. Brunner, ingenieur.] St. Gallen, 1890. sq. Q. pp. (2) -\- 71. a fold, maps, fold, sections, 1 fold, table. Schweizerische Centralbahn. 8" -10", 19"- 2^S 26'='', 30" Bericlitau die Cieneral-Versamm- lung; Geschilftsjahr 1860-62, '70-75, 77, '81. Basel, [1860]-82. 11 vols. sq. Q. Streit (Der) zwischen der Regierung des Kantona J'lasellandscliaft und der Direklion (Icr Zentralbahn liber den Ilomburgcr Bach. [Ziirich,] n.d. O. pp. (1) + 40. p. 9. " Abgearuckt aus der Zeilsclirij't ziir Kundc iind JA^rlbild- U7ig der zUrcherUichcn ReclUKpJkgc\on Jo.sepli Scliauberg." Schweizerische Nationalbahn. \" (ies- ciiiiftsbericlil der Direktiiin iiud des Verwaltungs- rathes an die ( Jenera! versauimlung der ,\kt ioiiare: abschliessend mil 31. Dezember 1875. Winter- thur, 1876. Q. M. 6. Schweizerische Nordbahn. Verb audi nngen der 6., 7. ( u'neral versamnduug. Zuriidi, 1851- 52. 2 vols. O. 1'. 9. 138 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Schweizerische Nordostbahn. Auszug aus dem Protokolle der ordentlichen Generalver- sammlung der Aktionilre, abgehalten in Zurich, April 1854-55. Zurich, 1854-55. 2 vols. O. 3«'-28«S 33", 34", 36" Geschiiftshericht der Direktion umfassend das Jahr 1855-80, '85, '86, '88. Ziirich, 1856-89. 29 vols. sq. Q. Bericht des Verwaltungsrathes an die Generalversammlung der Aktionilre iiber seine Geschaftsfiihrung im Jahre 1878-80. '85, '86, '88. Zurich, 1879-89. 6 vols. O. and sq. Q. Aktenmaterial betrefJend die Bauver- pflichtungen der Nordostbahn. Zurich, 1887. O. pp. 44. Contents : — Bau- Vertriige. — Verzeichniss der Subven- tionen. — Moratoriumsbeschliisse. In vol. "Schweiz. Nordostbahn. Pamphlets. 1." Beleuchtung des im Auftrage der Ee- gierungen der Kantone Zurich, Schaffhausen, Aargau nnd Thurgau von den Herren Zschokke, Kaiser und Steinmann-Bucher abgegebenen Gut- achtens iiber die Situation der Nordostbahn und die Auszahlung von Dividenden, Zurich, 1882. O. pp. 54 + (7). Bericht der Direktion an die den 30. Juni 1877 stattfindende Generalversammlung der Ak- tionilre iiber die gegenwiirtige Finanzlage der Unternehmung. [Zurich, 1877.] sq. Q. pp. 65 + (24). M. 6. Bericht der von der Generalversammlung der Aktionare am 30. Juni 1877 bestellten Com- mission iiber den Gesehaftsbericht der Direction nnd die Jahresrechnungen pro 1876, sowie iiber die Situation der Nordostbahn. Schaffhausen, [1878.] O. pp. (3) 4- 63. Bericht des Verwaltungsrathes an die Generalversammlung betreffend den Gesehafts- bericht der Direktion und die Jahresrechnungen der Nordostbahn pro 1876. n.t.p. [Ziirich, 1877.] O. Bericht des Verwaltungsrathes an die Generalversammlung der Aktionare betreffend die Situation der Nordostbahn. Zurich, 1877. O. pp. 65 -1- 24 -f 13 -t- 31 + 17 -f 4 -{- 3. Bericht und Antrag der Revisionskom- mission an die Generalversammlung der Aktion- are betrefiend Geschaftsberichte und Rechnungen fiir 1879. n.t.p. [Ziirich, 1880.] sq. Q. pp. (3). Bericht und Antrage der Kevisionskom- mission an die Generalversammlung der Aktion- are vom 30. Jimi 1881. n.t.p. [Ziirich, 1881.] sq. Q. pp. 4. Situation und Reconstruction der Nord- Ost-Bahn; Bericht der von einer Actionar-Ver- sammlunggewahlten Kommission. Ziirich, 1877. O. pp. (2) + 44. Sfold. plates. In vol, "Schweiz. Nordostbahn. Pamphlets. 1." Geiser, C. F. Die Krisis der Nordost- bahn; Riickscliau und Ausblick auf die schweizer- ische Eisenbahnpolitik. Ziirich, 1877. O. pp. (2) -|- 48. (Schweizer-Zeitfragen. Heft 5.) In same. Memminger, a. Die N.O.B. im Lichte der Ziflfern; Erlauterungen iiber Situation und Rekonstruktion der Schweizerischen Nordost- bahn. Ziirich, 1877. O. pp. 62 -f (1). - 1 Thurgau {Kanton). Betrachtungen In same. iiber die Anlegung einer Eisenbahn vom Bod- ensee nach Ziirich, und vergleichende Darstel- lung der zwei hieftir in Vorschlag gebrachten Linien: auf Veranstaltung des Regierungsrathes des Kanton Thurgau dem Drucke iibergeben. Frauenfeld, 1852. O. pp. 37. p. 9. VoGELi, A. Zur Situation der Nord- ostbahn; Denkschrift an die Actionare dieser Unternehmung. [Ziirich, 1877?] O. pp. 81 + (1). In same. Zurich, Schaffhausen, Aargau, Thurgau {Kantone). Experten-Gutachten iiber die Situation der Nordost-Bahn und die Auszahl- ung von Dividenden beginnend mit dem Jahre 1880. Abgegeben im Auftrage der Regierungen der Kantone von den Experten Olivier Zschokke, Simon Kaiser, Steinmann-Bucher. St. Gallon, 1882. sq. Q. pp. 95. M. 6. Simplonbahn. Al Ministro dei lavori pub- blici: memoriale del comitato promotore della ferrovia d' accesso al Sempione sulla linea di Gozzano, Omegna e Domodossola. Novara, 1878. O. pp. 16. In vol. "Simplonbahn. Pamphlets. 1." Ferrovia d' accesso al Sempione: linea Arona-Ornavasso chilometri 33,209; relazione presentata al comitato promotore del valico fer- roviario del iSempione dal Signor ing. Giosue Pensa. Milano, 1882. Q. pp.30. 1 fold, section. In same. Simplon et Mont-Blanc; examen de la brochure de M. le senateur Chardon, intitulee: Le percement du Mont-Blanc. Lausanne, 1879. Q. pp. 31. 1 fold. map. Signed " Le Comite de Direction du Chemin de fer du Simplon." Same, Italian. Firenze, 1879. O. pp. 15. 1 fold. map. Agudio, T. Al primo Parlamentoitali- ano: alcuni schiarimenti sui progetti di strada ferrata attraverso le Alpi elvetiche e proposta del passaggio del Septimer. Milano, 1860. F. pp. 23 + 1. 1 fold, plate. " Estratto dal giomale la Perserveranza." Flachat, E. De la traversee des Alpes par un chemin defer. (Noll.): developpements; etude du passage par le Simplon. Neuillv, 1860. O. pp. (2) + v-xv -{- 294 -f- (1). 15 figs', 1 map, 3 fold, profiles. SWITZERLAND AND THE ALPS. 139 Gentilini, R. La traversee des Alpes par le chemin de fer dii Simplou. Paris, 1887. Q. pp. 40. 1 fold. map. Bibliography, pp. 9-11. In vol. "Simplonbahn. Pam- phlets. 1." HuBER, W. and Lommel, G. T. Le chemin de fer alpin par le Simplon; conferences faites a la Societe des ingenieurs civils de Paris. Paris, 1878. O. pp. (1) + xii + 29. I fold, plate, 2 fold, maps, 1 fold, section. " Extrait des Mcmoires de la Socitte des ingtnieurs civils.'' In same. LoMMEL, G. T. Etude de la question de chal- eur souterraine et de son influence sur les projets et systemes d' execution du grand tunnel alpin du Simplon. Lausanne, 1880. Q. pp. (1) + 40 + 4. 1 fold, map, 6 fold, sections. " PriJsentee a la rtjunion de la Socii5t6 helv^tique des sciences naturelles a Brigue, le 13 Septembre, 1880." In same. Examen critique des nouveaux essais de trace entrepris sur les auspices de la compagnie Suisse Occidentale-Simplon pour la rampe d' acces meridionale du tunnel du Simplon. Lausanne, 1882. Q. pp. 73. 1 fold, map, 1 fold, profile. In same. Expose des etudes du chemin de fer alpin par le Simplon; presente a la Societe helvetique des sciences naturelles. Lausanne, 1878. O. pp. 14. Ifold. ])late. " Extrait des Actes de la COo session de la Soc. helv. des so. nat., aoiit 1877." Cover title. In same. Notes critiques auxiliaires concernant les nouvelles etudes de la rampe d' acces merid- ionale du grand tunnel alpin du Simplon. n.t.p. [Lausanne, 1883.] Q. pp. 16. I plate. In same. Vauthier, L. L. Le percement du Sim- plon; devant les Chambres et les interets de la France. Paris, 1881. Q. pp. 130. 2 fold. maps. Speiser, W. Mittheilungen iiber die Anfange des schweizerischen Eisenbahnwesens und liber die ersten Jahre der Schweizerischen Central- bahn. Basel, 1887. O. pp. (1) -f 118. " Zwei Vortrage gehalten in der Statistisch-volkwirth- schaftlichen Gesellschaft in Basel im Winter 1886." Splugebahn. Bergamo (Provincia). Sulla ferrovia per le Alpi elvetiche al Lago di Costanza: rapporto della Commissione provinciale di Ber- gamo, n.t.p. [Bergamo, il 6 maggio 1861.] sq. Q. pp. 12. Ifold. map. M. 5. EiN.STiM.MKifur den Sphigen ! Ein Wort zur Beherzigung fur die Volksabstimmung. n.p., n.d. O. pp. 23. P. 11. Milan (Provincia), and others — Comitato Interprovinciale. Nuovo progetto per la ferrovia dello Spluga jjroposto dal comitato interprovin- ciale. [Milano, ]5febbraio, 1886.] F. pp.27. Ifold. ma/), ] fold, section. M. 5. QuADRio, C. Progetto di ferrovia al- traverso le Alpi [pel passo dollo Spluga.] ililano, 1861. F. pp.49. Ifold. plate, 1 fold. map. m. 5. Cover title. Tatti, L. Osservazioni al nuovo pro- getto di ferrovia dello Spluga; presentato al con- siglio provinciale di Milano. Milano, 1870. O. pp. 20. Stussi, H. Ueber die Subvention schweizer- ischer Eisenbahnunternehmungen. Bern, 1875. Q. pp. 69. M. 6. " Separatabzug aus der Zeitschrift fur schweis. Statistik." Cover title. Suisse Occidentale, [!<=■•,] 4% 6« rapport du comite d'exploitation sur sa gestion pendant I'an- nee 1865, 1868, 1870. Lausanne, 1866-71. 3 vols, sq. Q. This and the two next following in vol. " Chemins de fer suisses." Convention pour le renouvellement de Tassociation, 24 juin 1871. Lausanne, 1871. sq. Q. pp. (1) + 14. Rapport presente par le conseil de sur- veillance aux conseils d'administration, ;\ I'appui du projet de convention pour le renouvellement del'association. Lausanne, 1871. sq. Q. pp.11. Switzerland — Bundes- Versammlunrj. Samm- lung der auf das schweizerische Eisenbahnwesen beziiglichenamtlichenAktenstitke: auf den beson- dern Wunsch des schweizerischen Nationalrathes vom 1. Feb. 1853 veranstaltet. Bern, [1853-55.] 3 pts. bd. in 1 vol. D. pp. (1) + vii -f 3-371. 1 fold map; pp. (1) + iv -{- 3-287; pp. (1) + 80. Tallichet, E. Les chemins de fer suisses et les passages des Alpes. Lausanne, 1870. O. pp. (3) + 7-208. Tatti, li. Notizie sulle condizioni tecniche ed economiche delle progettate ferrovie della Ponteba e del Predil pel valico delle Alpi Giulie. Milano, 1870. Q. pp. (l)+8. " Estratto dal PoUtecnico, anno 18." Parallelo fra i progettati valichi alpini del Sempione e del Monte Bianco. Milano, 18S0. O. pp. (2) + 5-36. 1 fold map. II Settimo od il Lucmagno? Milano, 1863. O. pp. 16. Sulla questione del passaggio delle Alpi elvetiche. Lettera all' ing. Filiiii)o Bignanii. [Ortona, 23 dicembre, 1861. J O. i)p. 12. Thouvenot, C. Un moyen de franchir les Alpes on toute autre ciiaiue de montagne par mi chemin de fer avec des rampes de 5 a 6 ])()ur cent. Paris, 1863. sq. Q. pp. (1) + vii + 36. M. 5. Toggenburgerbahn. Statuten dor Toggen- burgfrli.ihn. Wallwyl, 1868. D. i)p. 8. P. 9. Cover title. Torelli, L. Peila nocessita di congiinigere la rete delle strade ferrate italiane colle rctc el vctico- 140 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. germanica. Milano, 1863. O. pp. (1) + 5-51. P. 70. Tossthalbahn. Zurich {Kanton). Bericht iiber die Toss-Korrektion; von K. Wetli, Kantons- ingenieur. [Ziirich, 1877.] O. pp. 23. 2 fold, plates. P. 9. Tschudi: atlas du touriste sur les chemins de fer suisses. [Ger7nan title:] Tscluidi's Toiiristen- Atlas der Schweizer-Eisenbahnen. St. Gall, [1885?] pp. (7). 79 mcqjs, 1/old. map. Turin — Camera di Commercio edArti. Progetto di nuovo valico delle Alpi italo-elveticlie pel San Bernardo; relazione di speciale commissione cos- tituita dei Signori Locarni, relatore, Lanza, Tivoli, Peyrot, Sclopis. Torino, 1881. O. pp. 62. 1/old. map. P. 69. Vacani, — SuUe ferrovie d'ltalia attravers- anti Alpi e Appennini. [Milano, 1861?] F. pp. 12. Ifold. map. M. 5. " Memoria letta nella adunanza del giorno 7 giugno 18C1 all' Ateneo di IMilano." " Estratto dalla dispensa 2a, vol. 2, degli Atti dell' Ateneo." Cover title. Vanossi, G. Le ferrovie del Settimo, dello Spluga e del Maloja per Landeck. 2" ed., am- plicata. Chiavenna, 1886. O. pp. (5) + 5-141. Author's presentation copy to " ing. cav. Domenico." Vereinigte Schweizerbabnen. 1", 4"-7<=S 10^''-12'^', 14"='- 17" Rechenschaftsbericht um- fassend das Jahr 1857, '60-63, '66-68, '70-73. St. Gallen, 1858-74. 12 vols. sq. Q. Wadensweil-Einsiedeln. Bericht und An- triige der Verwaltnngsbehorden an die General- versammlung der Aktioniire, betreflend die Kat- astrophe vom 30. November 1876 und deren Folgen. Einsiedeln, 1877. O. pp. 16. p. 9. Widmer, C. Die schweizerische Alpenbahn. Zurich, 1865. D. pp. 54. P. 11. Woblen-Bremg-arten. 1" ,2^' ,4" , 12«'' Jahres- bericlit und Kechnung des Directoriums der Schweiz. Centralbahn iiber die Bahnunternehm- ung Wohlen-Bremgarten ftir das Jahr 1875, '76, '78, '86. Basel, [1876-87.] 4 vols. sq. Q. Ziirich-Zug-Iiuzern. le'-18", 25«'' Geschafts- bericht und Kechnung der Direktion der Schweiz. Nordostbahn uber die Eisenbahn-Unternehnuing Zurich-Zug-Luzern, umfassend das Jahr 1862-79, '86. Zurich, 1863-[87.] 19 vols. sq. Q. Ziirichsee-Gottbardbabn. Technischer Be- cht uber die projectirte Eisenbahn Rapperswyl- runnen; Brunnen-Rothkreuz: Zurichsee-Gott- hardbahn, I'S 2*^ Section. [Zurich, 10. Miirz, 1874.] Q. pp. 39. M. 6. Zwikel-Welti, G. Die Eisenbahnen der ver- schiedenen Staaten und ihr Einlluss in wirth- schaftlicher Beziehung mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Alpenbahnen. Lichtensteig, 1885. O. pp. 26. P. 11. Oceanica. I. AUSTRALASIA. Geelong and Melbourne Railway — Great Britain — Colonial Office. Copy of a despatch from the Governor of Victoria to Her Majesty's government, respecting the affairs of the G. & M. rv. Ordered printed, 11 Aug., 1859. [Lond., 1859.] F. pp. 41. In vol. " Great Britain. Colonial railways. 1." Kandt, M. Ueber die Entwickelung der aus- tralischen Eisenbahnpolitik; nebst einer Einleit- ung uber das Problem der Eisenbahnpolitik in Theorie und Praxis. Berlin, 1894. O. pp. xxxiv + (1) + 263. New South. Wales — Commissioner for Rail- ways. Railways: report on their construction and working, from 1872 to 1875 inclusive; during 1876 ; by John Rae, commissioner. Sydney, 1876-77. 2 vols. F. Report for the year 1877-1882. Sydney, 1878-83. 5 vols. F. South. Australia — Railway Commissioners. Annual report for the year 1890-91. Ordered printed, Nov. 19th, 1891. Adelaide, 1891. F. Victoria — Railioay Department. Report of observations on railways, made during a tour in 1874 & 1875, undertaken by direction of tlie government of Victoria; by Thomas Higinbotham, engineer-in-chief of railways. Lend., 1877. F. pp. 59. Year-Book (The) of Au.stralia for 1891-94. 10th-13th year. - Melbourne, Sydney, [1891-94.] 4 vols. O. Railways and tramways; 1891, pp. 209-244; 1892, pp. 289- 318; 1893, pp. 241-270; 1894, pp. 225-252. II. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Oahu Railway. 2nd annual report and state- ment of accounts, for 1890. [Honolulu, Dec. 31, 1890.] O. Prospectus. [Honolulu, Feb., 1889.] nar. F., folded to nar. O. pp. (3). III. MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. Post, J. W. Le reseau des chemins de fer de I'etat a Sumatra. Paris, [1891.] F. pp. 20. 1 fold, plate. " Extrait de la Revue ginirale des chemins de fer, no. de juillet 1891." £conoxnics. Adams, C. F.jr. The railroad problem; a lecture delivered at the Lowell Institute, in Boston, Feb. 26, 1875. N.Y., 1875. D. pp.19. ECONOMICS. 141 Kailroads: their origin and problems. X. Y., 1878. D. pp. ^3) + 216. Same. Revised ed., with appendix. N.Y. and Lond., 1888. D. pp. (3) + 230. Adaras, W. B. Roads and rails and their sequences, physical and moral. Lond., 1862. O. pp. (2) + v-x'ii + 372. Alexander, E. P. Railway practice; its prin- ciples and sugsjested reforms reviewed. [Railroad ed.] N. Y. and Lond., 1877. D. pp. (2) + 60. (Questions of the day, 36.) Ambrozovics, B. Dergemeinwirthschaftliche Nutzen der Eisenbahnen und dessen Berechnung. Wien, 1888. O. pp. (2) -f 55. 5 figs. p. 83. •' Auszugsweise vorgetragen imUngarischen Ingenieur- und Archltekten- Verein am 27. Miirz 1.S84. Erschienen im Decemberhef te 1885 des Organes desselben Verein^?. Nach einiger Ergiinzung aus dem Ungarischen iibersetzt vom Verfasser." Same, Italian. Vantaggio economico delle strade ferrate e calcolo del medesimo. n.t.p. [Milano, 18S8.] O. pp. 43. 5 figs. p. 72. Extracted from M Poiitccnico, 1888. Audiganne, A. Les chemins de fer aujour- d'hui et dans cent ans chez tons les peuples; economic financiere et industrielle, politique et morale des voies ferrees. Paris, 1852-62. 2 vols. O. pp. (3) + 457; vii +451. Babcock, G. Railroads and rum. San Fran- cisco, [1884.] D. pp. 24. P. 6. Cover title. Barthold, K. Wahrnehmungen bei der Ent- wickelung der Transportmittel. Berlin, 1886. O. pp. 115. Bartholony, F. Resultats economiques des chemins de fer, ou observations pratiques sur la distribution des richessescreees par ces nouvelles voies de communication. Paris, 1844. O. pp. 40. P. 16. "MoritzMohl." [Reybe, C. and others.] Du systeme de ferniage simple des chemins defer compare au systeme de fermage avec fourniture et pose de rails. Reponse aux ol)servations ])ar F. Bartliol- ony ; par une compagnie de fermage simple. Paris, 1844. O. pp. 120. P. 16. Berthault-Ducreux, — Expose des faits et des priucipcs sur k'S(iuels repose la solution des principales questions que soulevent les chemins ]>. 40. P. 43. •• .N'alioaal Association for the I'rornolion of Social Science." Choron, Li. Etude sur le regime general des chemins de fer. Paris, 1881. O. pp. (2) + 135. Co?i/f?;^s-;— Principes Economiques d'ou resulte la solu- tion de la (juestion. — Modifications imposijes par les neces- sitos do la j)ratique anx conclusions basoes rigoureusement sur les principes economiques. Cooley, C. H. The theory of transportation. [Baltimore,] 1894. O. pp. 148. (American Economic Association. Publications, vol. ix, no. 3.) Crane, E. Abstract of an address on the subject of transportaticm, at tlie State House, Feb. 13th, 14th and 18th, 1868. Boston, 1868. O. pp. (3) + 5-40. pp. 27-40. " Remarks of General Haupt." Dornig, A. Usi ed abusi delle ferrovie: studi economici e sociali. Milano, 1883. O. pp. viii + 197 + (2). Fairbairn, H. A treatise on the political economy of railroads; in which the new mode of locomotion is considered in its influence upon the affairs of nations. Lond., 1836. O. pp. xvi + 248. 3 figs. Few reasons (A) in favor of the restoration of the original policy of the general [United vStates] government, in relation to railroads, n.p., 1856. O. pp. 44. p. 1. ■' The object of the following pages is to show that it is the duty of the government, that the law passed in 18;;2, for refunding duties paid on railroad iron, should be re- vived." Gait, W. Railway reform: its importance and practicability considered as affecting the nation, the shareholders and the government. Lond., 1864. (). pp. (2) + 242. " For private circulation only." Smne. Lond., 1865. O. pp. (3) + vii- xliv + 405. Gilpin, W. The cosmopolitan railway; com- pacting and fusing together all the world's conti- nents. San Francisco, 1890. O. i)p. v + (1) + 369. 7 maps, 4 fold. maps. Godwin, G. jr. An appeal to the public on the subject of railways. Loud., 1837. O. pp. (4) + 7-45. P. 39. Gordon, A. Observations addressed to those interested in either rail-ways or turnpike-roads, showing the comparative expedition, safety, con- veniwiue and pul)lic and private economy of tlicsc two kinds of road for internal communication. Lond., 1837. O. pp. 31. P. 47. Hadley, A. T. Railroad [)roblems of the im- mediate future. Boston, 1891. (). pp. (7). p. 4. l>:xtracted from the AUantic montldy, vol. C7, March, 18'Jl. pp. 386-393. Railroad transportation: its history and its laws. N. Y. and Loud., 1885. D. i)l». iv + (l) + 269. Same, French; traduit par A. Ralfalovich 142 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBBARY:, et L. Guerin; precede d'une preface par A. Kaf- falovich. Paris, 1887. O. pp. (3) + xvii + 391. Hartwich, E. H. Bemerkungen uber Trans- portmittel uiul Wege sowie ttber Gestaltung und Verwaltung des Eisenbahnwesens nach Maass- gabe der Verhiiltnisse und Bediirfnisse. Berlin, 1875. O. pp. (3) + 42. Haushofer, M. Eisenbahngeographie; eine Darstellung des modernen Weltverkehrs mit be- sonderer Berilcksichtigung der Eisenbahnen. Stuttgart, 1875. O. pp. vii + 373. Hogg, A. The railroad as an element in education; an address before the vState Teachers' Association of Texas, June 28, 1883, Galveston, Texas. Louisville, 1884. O. pp. 22. 3 cts., 1 map. P. 6. Same; an address before the Interna- tional Congress of Educators, World's Exposition, New Orleans. Ed. of 1887, v/ith addenda. Louis- ville, 1887. sq. D. pp. 52. 6 cts., 1 map. p. 6. How, J. F. The protection of railroad inter- ests. Chicago, 1893. O. pp. 9. p. 83. Hudson, J. F. The railways and the repub- lic. N.Y., 1886. O. pp. (3) + 489. Hes, G. The railroad problem in the United States. N. Y., 1883. O. pp. (15). p. 3. E^xtracted from the Popular science monthly, vol. 23. July, 18So. Jastrow, J. Geography and the railroads. N. Y., 1884. O. pp. (5). p. 6. Translated from Das Ausland. Extracted from the Popular science monthly, vol. 25. June, 1884. pp. 230-235. Jeans, J. S. Kailway problems; an inquiry into the economic conditions of railway working in different countries. Lond., 1887. O. pp. (3) -j- vii-xxviii -f- 560. Ijarrabee, W. The railroad question; a his- torical and practical treatise on railroads, and remedies for their abuses. 3d ed. Chicago, 1893. D. pp. 488. Xiimousin, C. M. Le commerce et les chem- ins defer; rapport presente au Syndicat general de rUnion nationale du commerce et de I'indus- trie. Paris, 1883. D. pp. (9) -f 13-214. [M., C] Railways compared with canals and common roads, and their uses and advantages explained. Edinburgh, Lond., 1825. D. pp. (2) + 5-66. Signed "C. M." "The substance of a series of papers published in the Scotsman, and now republished with ad- ditions and corrections." Mason, J. M. The railway problem. (Con- densed). [Charlestown, 188-]. O. pp. (1) + 17. p. 2. Morgan, A. The people and the railways; a popular discussion of the railway problem in the United States, by way of answer to "The rail- ways and the republic," by James F. Hudson, and with an examination of the Interstate com- merce law. N. Y. and Chicago, 1888. D. pp. (5) + 9-245. Railroads and trade-centers. N.Y., 1888. O. pp. (8). p. 4. Extracted from the Popular science monthly, vol. 32. Jan., 188S. pp. 332-339. Pope, A. A., compiler. Wagon roads as feed- ers to railways. Boston, 1892. O. pp. 22. Proudhon, P. J. Des reformes ;\ operer dans I'exploitation des chemins de fer et des conse- quences qui peuvent en resulter, soit pour I'aug- mentation du revenu des compagnies, soit pour I'abaissement des prix de transport, I'organisation de I'industrie voituri^re, et la constitution econo- mique de la societe. Paris, 1855. D. pp. (2) -f 392. Railway reform: in a letter to the president of the Board of Trade: a plan for the systematic reform of the railways of the United Kingdom by legislative enactment. Lond., 1865. D. pp. (2) + 172. Railway reform; its expediency and practi- cability considered; with a copious appendix, containing a description of all the railways in Great Britain and Ireland; fluctuations in shares. Lond., 1843. O. pp. (2) + 108. p. 97. Same. 3d ed., revised and considerably enlarged. Lond., 1844. O. pp. (4) + 116. P. 40. Richter, E. Die Entwickelung der Verkehrs- Grundlagen: Eisenbahnen, Fliisse, Kanitle und Landstrassen. Leipzig, 1873. O. pp. (2) + v- xii + 200. Robinson, H. P. and Hobart, H. R., editors. The rights and wrongs of the railwav question. Chicago, 1893. O. pp. (2) + 5-57. "p. 84. Reprinted from the Railway age and Northxvestern rail- roader. Sax, E. Die Verkehrsmittel in Volks- und Staatswirthschaft. Wien, 1878-79. 2 vols. bd. in 1. O. pp. X + 372; viii + 552. Contents:—!. Land und Wasserwege.— Post und Tele- graph.— 2. Die Eisenbahnen. Schreiber, J. F. Die Eisenbahnen als offent- liche Verkehrseinrichtungen und ihre Tarifpol- itik. Wien, Pest, Leipzig. 1887. O. pp. xvi + 263. Ships and railways. Lond., 1846. O. pp.40. Slee, J. D. F. Obstacles to material progress, as illustrated in the discussion of the railroad question. [Elmira, N. Y., 1880.] O. pp. (1) + 20. p. 2. Read before " Our Club," Elmira, New York, October 14, 1880. [Spencer, H.] Railway morals and railway policy. U.J)., 1854. D. pp. (42). p. 65. Extracted from the Edinburgh review, vol. 100, October, 1854. pp. 420-161. ECONOMICS. 143 Same; with additions and a postscript bv the author. Lond., 1855. S. pp. (1) + 116. p". 65. Stickney, A. B. The railway problem. St. Paul, Minn., 1891. D. pp. vii + 249. 1 map, 9 dlagrs., 6 /old. diagrs. Thurber, F. B. The railroads and the people. N. Y., 1880. O. pp. (8.) P. 77. Extracted from Scribncr's monthly illustrated magazine, vol. 21, December, 1.S80. pp. 25.8-265. Troup, J. Railway reform and rights of shareholders and the public in the railway high- ways of the United Kingdom. Lond., 1846. O. pp." 39. Weichs-Glon, F. Freiherr zu. Das finanzi- elle und soziale Wesen der niodernen Verkehrs- mittel. Tubingen, 1894. O. pp. vii + 252. Whitney, J. A. Industrial notes of railway travel in Western Europe and of a transcontin- ental tour in the United States. N. Y., 1882. O. pp. (2) + 5-114. p. 51. I. AGEICULTURE AND RAILWAYS. ^ Atkinson, E. The railroads of the United States a potent factor in the politics of that coun- try .and of Great Britain. Boston, 1880. O. pp. ix -f 3-48 + 36. 2 fold, tables. Cover title: " The railroads of the United States: their effects on farming and production iu that country and iu Great Britain." Ai>pendix contains : Product of the prnicipal crops of the United States for 1879.— Commercial progress : how it has been advanced bytherailroads.— Account of a Calif orniau farm. In vol. " Railroad and the farmer. Pamphlets.' The railway, the farmer, aiul the public. Reprinted with revision. N. Y., 1885. S. pp. (2) + 68. 1 fold, table. (Economic tracts, 19.) Keprinted from Manufacturer'^ gazette, Aug. 9, 1884. and Others. The railroad and the farmer, nos. I and li, and The standard of adequate rail- road service; by Edward Atkinson. The relation of the railroads to agriculture, an address by Francis D. Moulton. Report of the committee of American Agricultural A.ssociation on trans- portation. Dr. J. M. r>ailev, chairman. N. Y. and Chicago, [1882?] O. pp. (138). From the Agriculturalreview and Journal oSth£ American Aoriadtural AKsfiriation. Davis, C. W. The farmer, the investor and llie railway. T.oston, 1891. D. pp. (20). Extracted from the Arena, vol. 3, Feb. 1891. pp. 291-313. /^ Jeans, J. S. American railways and Ihitish farmers. Lond. & N. Y., 1890. O. pp. (18). ICxtracted from the Nineteenth century, vol. 28, Sept. 1890. pp. ;w2-ioy. Johnson, C. W. ami G. W. The advantages of railways to agriculture, by C W. Johnson. Observations on the general importance of rail- ways, by G. W. Johnson. 2nd ed. Lend., 1837. O. pp. 16. P. 39. On railroads through farming districts, n.t.p. D. pp. 14. " Extracted from the Edinburgh quarterly review." II. CANALS AND RAILWAYS. Carro, T. Les chemins de fer et la navigation interieure: le halage acc^lere des bateaux {)ar I'clectricite et par Fair comprime; applications strategiques et agronomiqiies do la navigation. Meaux, Paris, 1893. O. pp. 121 -{- (1). 11 /fj/.s. Chevalier, M. Die Eisenbalinen imVergleich mit den Wasserstrasseu; aus dem Friinzosischcn iibersetzt von F. L. Lindner. Stuttgart und Tii- bingen, 1838. O. pp. (1) -\- 37. p. 54. Detector, pseud. Conveyance upon canals and rail-roads compared. Lond., 1831. O. j))). 17. p. 54. James, E. J. and Haupt, Li. M. The canal and the railway, with a note on the developnu'ut of railway passenger trafiic; by Edmund J. James. Ciuials and their economic relation to transporta- tion; by Lewis M. Haupt. [Baltimore,] 1890. O. pp. 85. P. 4. (American Economic Associa- tion Publications, vol. v., nos. 3 and 4.) " List of principal authorities," p. 7. Johnson, E. R. Inland waterways, their re- bition to transportation. Philadelphia, 1893. O. pp. (2) + 5-164. " Supplement to the AnnaJs of tJie Ainerican Academy of Political and Social SciC7ice. September, 1893." "Biblio- graphy of works consulted," pp. 157-lBO. Nordling, W., Hitter von. Die .Selbstkosten des Eisenbahn-Transportes und die Wasserstras- sen-Frage in Frankreich, Preussen und Oester- reich. Wien, 1885. sq. Q. pp. viii -\- 232. 2 fer tni prestito mascherato onde evilare nuove emissioni di rendita, creando: un enornie e pericoloso mon- opolio a danno del credito e delle fnianze dello stato e del libero svolgimento ecouomico del paese? Milano, [1883.] O. pp.28. P. 72. Zauoliui, C. II riscatto e 1' esercizio govern- ativo delle ferrovie in relazione agli interessi militari. Roma, 1876. O. pp.48. P. 72. f. Switzerland. Beleuchtung der Bro.sclutren des Ilerru Slaiuplli iii)er iWn Riickkauf der scliweizei'isclicM Kisenbahnen. Ziiricii, ISfi:?. S. pp. (2) ]- lOll. 1'. 7. " Auk der Neuai Xurchcr Xcituwi hesoiiders aljj,'odriickl." Berthoud, J. and Jeanhenry, A. De Ju coiMpi'li'Mce di" la coufrdcration i-clativenient a rexploilatioii di'S chciiiius de ier; rapports pro- 148 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. sentes a la Societe des Juristes Suisses, Neucliatel le 25 septembre, 1871. Neuchatel, 1871. O. pp. 74. p. 7. Stiissi, H. Ueber die Subvention schweizer- ischer Eisenbahnunternehmungen. Bern, 1875. sq. Q. pp. 69. " Separata bzug aus der Zeitsehrifljur schweiz. Statistik." Cover title. Switzerland. Der Einflnss der Eisenbahnen; mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der nicht in- du.striellen Theile der Schweiz: Bericht des eid- genossischen Post- und Bau-Departements, ver- fasst von Wilhelm Schmidlin. Basel, 1851. O. pp. 50. p. 7. Schweizerische Eisenbahnen: Bericht und Antrage der Majoritat der nationalrathlichen Kommission; vom Mai 1852. Bern, [1852.] O. pp. 206 + (2). lO/old. tables, 2 fold, profiles. " Das Eisenbahnwesen in der Schweiz soil eine nationale Schopfung sein." W., A. G. 1st der Rilckkauf unserer Eisen- bahnen zur Zeit praktikabel und wiinschens- werth? Zurich, 1887. O. pp. (2) -f 5-54 + (1). Zschokke, O. Betrieb der schweizerischen Eisenbahnen unter Leitung des Bundes. Ziirich, 1877. O. pp. 98. P. 10. g. United States. Adams, C. F., jr. An address, delivered at Oshkosh, AVis., Sept. 3, 1875: "Which will quickest solve the railroad question: force bills or public opinion ?" n.p., n.d. O. pp. 20. Cover title. The regulation of all railroads through the state-ownership of one: speech on behalf of the Mass. Board of Railroad Commissioners, made before the joint standing legislative committee on railwavs, Feb. 14, 1873. Boston, 1873. O. pp. (2) + 5-39. The state and the railroads. Boston, 1876. O. pp. (1) + 352-365. " Reprinted from the Atlantic vionthb/ for July, 1876. For distribution by the Southern Railway and Steainship Asso- ciation." Alexander, E. P. Reply to circular no. 19 of the Railroad Commission of Alabama [on railroad legislation and regulation.] Louisville, Ky., 1881. D. pp. 20. Cover title. American Economic Association. The rail- way question: the report of the committee on transportation, of the American Economic Asso- ciation; with the paper read May 21-25, 1887, on "The agitation for federal regulation of rail- ways," by Edmund J. James. [Baltimore,] 1887. O. pp. 68. p. 94. (American Economic Associa- tion Publications, vol 2, no. 3.) Association of Land Commissioners of the Land Grant Railways of the United States. Railway land grants in the United States: their liistory, economy and influence upon the develop- ment and prosperity of the country; prepared for the association by E. H. Talbott, sec'y. Chicago, 1880. O. pp. (2) + 5-60. In vol. " Railway land grants. Pamphlets." Atwater, Xi. H. The regulation of railroads. N. Y., 1880. O. pp. (23). p. 2. Extracted from the Princeton review, vol. 7. N. S., 1880. pp. 406-428. [Blackstone, T. B.] The danger and wrong of existing legislation concerning railways; are- view of its results: government ownership of railwavs advocated, instead of the present public policy." Chicago, 1890. O. pp. 39. P. 94. " Extracts from the Director's report of the Chicago & Alton railroad." Blair, C. H. Proposed national legislation for railroads in the United States. [N.Y.,] 1888. O. pp. (3) -f 3-15. P. 4. California — Assembly. Assembly bill no. 16, introduced by Mr. Murdock, March 27, 1884: An act to propose an amendment of the constitution, relative to the Board of railroad commissioners, n.t.p. [Sacramento, 1884.] sq. Q. pp. 3. Assembly resolution, introduced by Mr. Wallace, March 27, 1884. n.t.p. [Sacramento, 1884.] sq. Q. pp. 3. " Whereas, certain railways in this State, now operated by railroad corporations created by this State, were built and put in operation almost wholly by the direct or in- direct use of the moneys of the people, "Resolved, That the said railways are intheir origin and nature subject to such legislative control as in the judgment of the representa- tives of the people will best promote the pubUc use for which alone they were intended." Report of the committee on corporations. O. pp. 176 + (1). 1883. Resolved, That the com- mittee on corporations be hereby instructed to institute all due and proper inquest into the official acts of the late re- tired Railroad commissioners." Commissioners of Transportation. [Sacramento, 1883.] " In assembly, Jan. 12, Supplementary report to the legislature [submit- ting drafts of bills prepared for the purpose of carrying into effect reforms proposed.] [Sacra- mento, 1878.] sq. Q. pp. 4 + 22-f3 + 5+2. — Legislature. An act to create the office of Commissioner of transportation, and define its powers and duties; to fix the maximum charges for transporting passengers and freights on certain railroads; and to prevent extortions and unjust discriminations thereon. [Sacramento, 1878.] O. pp. 24. Cover title. Same. [Another ed.] Sacramento, 1878. O. pp. 21. Acts relating to the powers and duties of the Board of railway commissioners. Sacra- mento, 1880. O. pp." 8, ECONOMICS. 149 — Senate. Report of the testimony and proceedings taken before the Senate committee on constitutional amendments, relative to Senate constitutional amendment no. 8, abrogating pro- visions of said constitution as to Eailroad com- mission, and placing distance tariff in constitu- tion. [Sacramento, 1893.] O. pp. x -f 235. 1 fold, diagr. Testimony taken before the judiciary committee in considering Assembly bill no. 10, concerning the regulation of railroads, generally known as the Barry bill. April, 1884. Sacra- mento, 1884. O. pp. 228. Clark, F. C. State railroad commissions, and how they may be made effective. Baltimore, 1891. O' pp;_(4)-}- 7-110. 1 f old. map, b fold, tables. (American Economic Association Publi- cations, vol. 6, no. 6.) Dabney, "W. D. The public regulation of railways. X. Y. and Lond., 1889. D. pp. v + 281. (Questions of the day, 60.) Depew, C. M. Argument before [New York] Assembly committee on railroads, in opposition to the bills providing for the creation of a Board of railroad commissioners. March 16, 1881. [N. Y., 1881.] O. pp.30. Cover title. Argument before the [New York] As- sembly committee on railroads, in opposition to tlie bill "An act to regulate the transportation of freight by railroad corporations," and also the bill "An act to create a Board of railroad com- missioners and to define and regulate their powers and duties." March 17, 1880. Albany, 1880. O. pp. 30. Argument before the [New York] Assem- bly railroad committee against the Railroad com- mission bills, and the Anti-freight discrimination bills. March 9, 1882. Albany, 1882. O. pp. 35. Same. [Another ed.] Reported by James M. Ruso. Albany, 1882. O. pp. 35. The state and the railroads; argument before the special investigating coininittee of the New York Assembly, at the Chamber of Com- merce, Nov. 28 and' 29, 1879. N. Y., 1880, O. pp. 76. Fink, A. The legislative regulation of rail- roads: what should be the limit of interference? N. Y., 1895. (). pp. (12). Extracted from the Engineering magazine, July, 1895. Gage, N. L. Kansas railroads and the old Board of railroad commissioners. Toi)eka, 1884. O. pp. 86. The relations of Kansas railroads to the State of Kansas. Topeka, 1884. O. pp. 27. Industrial freedom. Boston, 1892. O. pp. 63. p. 94. (Copley Square series, vol. 1, no. 3. June, 1892.) Contents:— 2. The railroad problem; by Lionel A.Shel- don, pp. 14-23.— 1. Sliould the government own the rail- roads? by C. Wood Davis, pp. 36-63. Cover title. Kirkman, M. M. Railway rates and gov- ernment control; economic questions surroinid- ing these subjects. Chicago and N. Y., 1892. D. pp. 354. Lansing, G. L. The railway and the state. N. Y., 1884. O. pp. (15). p. 31. Extracted from the North American rcvieiv. May, 1884. Lewis, G. H. National consolidation of the railways of the United States. N. Y., 1893. D. pp. (3)"+ iii-xv + 326. Mann, E. D. Shall the government own our railways? N. Y., [1894.] D. pp.16. P. 94. Cover title. Midgley, J. W. The effect of restrictive leg- islation upon the railways of Wisconsin and the material interests of the state. Chicago, 1876. O. pp. (2) + 20. P. 1. New York, pseud. Legislative restrictions on the carrying trade of the railways of the State of New York, viewed in connection with outside competition. N. Y., 1860. O. pp. 32. p. 51. New York — Board oj Railroad Commissioners. Form for the annual reports of the railroad com- panies of New York, for the year ending Sept. 30th, 1856. n.p., n.d. sq. Q. pp. (2) -f 5-82. Niles, H. T. Railroad, transportation: its regulation by state and national authority. Ur- bana, O., 1881. O. pp. 8. P. 94. Cover title. Nimmo, J. jr. The limitations of govern- mental regulation of the railroads. Washington, 1894. O. pp. 28. "An argument before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the Iloase of Represent-atives, Marcli 9, 189-1, and before the Senate Committee on Inter- state Commerce, April 3, 1894." The railroad problem: the impractic- ability of governmental ownership and control of railroads in the United States as ])roved by facts of history. N. Y., 1891. O. pp.8. "From the New York tribune ot Aug. 18, 1891." — Commissioner of liailroads and Tele- graphs. Special report [" whether any railroad companies in the State are specially protected bv tlu'ir charters from legislative control," etc.] Columbus, 1881. O. pp. 73. [S.] Review of Matt. Carpenter's speech on the Potter law of Wisconsin: [upon the right of the peoj)le of the State to control railroads and other corporations by their legislature.] n.t.p. O. pp. 16. p. 1. Signed "S " Sanderson, S. W. An opinion as to the power of legislatures over the charters of private 150 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. corporations where the constitution of the state provides that such charters may be " altered from time to time, or repealed" and especially rail- road corporations. San Francisco, 1875. C). ])p.57. In vol. " Railway rates in California. Pamphlets." Stanford, Ij. Communication respecting cer- tain railroad companies of California, to the com- mittee on corporations of the legislature of Cali- fornia, n.p., 1876. O. pp. 16. Cover title. Communication to the committee on corporations of the Senate [of California.] n.t.p. [San Francisco, Jan. 22, 1874.] O. pp. (2). State railroad commissions: ten years' Avork- ing of the Massachusetts railroad commission. Railroad commission laws of all states that have commissions. N. Y., 1883. D. pp. 72. United States — \Qth Congress — 2d Session. An act authorizing an investigation of the books, ac- counts, and methods of railroads which have re- ceived aid from the United States, and for other purposes. [Approved March 3, 1887.] n.t.p. [AVashington, 1887.] O. pp. 5. This and the three next following titles, in vol. "Rail- way land grants. Pamphlets. 1." • ■ An act to provide for the adjustment of land grants made by Congress to aid in the con- struction of railroads and for the forfeiture of un- earned lands, and for other purposes. [Approved March 3, 1887.] n.t.p. [Washington, 1887.] O. pp. 2. — Department of the Interior. Railroad indemnity withdrawals: answers filed under the rule entered on certain railroad companies to show cause why lands formerly withdrawn for indemnity purposes should not be restored to the public domain. [Washington, 1887.] O. pp.(2) + 5-102. — House of Representatives. A bill [H. R. 5026] to provide for the adjustment of land- grants made by Congress to aid in the construc- tion of railroads, and for other purposes. [Read Feb. 18, 1884.] n.t.p. [Washington, 1884.] Q. pp. 10. University of Wisconsin Twenty -third an- nual joint debate of the literary societies of the University of Wisconsin, Jan. 19, 1894; Question: " Would the national ownership and operation of the railroads in the United States be preferable to ownership and operation by private corpora- tions ?" Madison, 1894. 2 pts. bd. in 1 vol. Q. pp.4; ii + 119-156. Bibliography pp. 152-154. The ji^is, vol. 8, nos. 8 and 10. Wells, D. A. The relation of the federal government to the railroads; or, a review of the controversy between the Post Office Department of the United States and the railways, in respect to the so-called postal car service. N. Y., 1874. O. pp. 57. P. 1. Wilson, J. F. Government regulation of rail- ways. N. Y., 1888. O. i)p. (8). p. 94. Extracted from the Forum, June 1SS8, vol 5. pp. 409-476. 1. Interstate Commerce. Adams, C. F. jr. The interstate commerce act: its operation and its results. Address at the dinner of the Commercial Club of Boston, Dec. 15, 1888. Boston, n.d. O. pp. 9. Cover title. Blancliard, G. R. Argument before the com- mittee on commerce of the House of Representa- tives in opposition to the pending bill for the regulation of inter-state commerce. March 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1882. N. Y., 1882. O. pp. (2) + 5-216. Argument before the committee on com- merce of the Senate, in opposition to the Reagan bill, for the regidation of inter-state commerce bv railwav, Feb. 11, 1879. N. Y., 1879. O. pp. 68. Congressional legislation as to inter-state raihvav traffic; a review of the bill proposed by J. H. Reagan. N. Y., 1884. O. pp. 15. ' ' Reprinted from the New York daily tribune of Feb. 23, 1884." Brown, J. E. Interstate commerce; speech in the Senate, Jan. 16 and 17, 1885; general re- marks on railroads, competition and pooling and the carrying like commodities a longer distance for less monev, discussed. Washington, 1885. O. pp. 22. p. 95. Budd, J. H. Interstate commerce; speeches in the House of Representatives, Dec. 10 and 19, 1884, and Jan. 7, 1885. Washington, 1885. O. pp. 23. In vol. " Interstate commerce act. Pamphlets. 1." Chittenden, L. E. Interstate commerce; argument before the committee on commerce, House of Representatives, Jan. 29, 1884. n.t.p. [Washington, 1884.] O. pp. 15. In same. Dos Passos, J. R. The inter-state commerce act: an analysis of its ])ro visions. N. Y. and Lond., 1887. ' D. pp. xiii -{- 125. (Questions of the day, 36.) Fink, A. Argument before the committee of commerce of the House of Representatives on the Reagan bill, for the regulation of interstate com- merce, Jan. 14, 15, 16, 1880. N. Y., 1880. O. pp. 80. Same: The railroad problem and its so- lution; argument before the committee on com- merce of the House of Representatives, in oppo- sition to the bill to regulate interstate commerce. Jan. 14, 15, 16, 1880. N. Y., 1882. O. pp. 84. Regulation of interstate commerce by Congress; testimony before the select committee ECONOMICS. 151 on interstate commerce of the Senate; New York, May 21, 1885. Wasliington, 1885. O. pp. 40. Haymond, C. Interstate commerce law: short and long-haul clause. u.p., [1889?] O. pp. 3-27. In vol. " Interstate commerce act. Pamphlets. 1." Cover title. [lieonard, F. M.] The inter-state commerce act of Feb. 4, 1887, witli a summary of its pro- visions. Philadelphia, 1887. O. pp. 15. Cover title. Same. [Another ed.] Philadelphia, 1887. O. pp. 15. Cover title. Both in vol. "Interstate commerce com- mission. Pamphlets. 4." Light on the law: a reference book on "The act to regulate commerce "; comprising the inter- state commerce law, as enacted, the original Reagan and Cullom bills, debates in Congress on railway regulation, interpretations of the law by railwav officials and associations, etc. Chicago, 1887. " D. pp. (2) -f 5-215. froniisjy. Palmer, T. W. Governmental regulation of raih-oads; speech in the Senate, April 14, 188(3. Washington, 1886. O. pp. 16. In vol, " Interstate commerce act. Pamphlets. 1." Pillsbury, E. S. a7id Blanding, G. " The in- ter-state commerce act" not applicable to express carriers; ojiinion of Pillsbury & Blanding, attor- neys for Wells, Fargo & Co., San Francisco. [San Francisco, April 12, 1887.] O. pp. 22. Cover title. Seward, C. A. Before the Senate committee on inter-state commerce: remarks on behalf of tlie Adams express company on the proposed amend- ments to the act to regulate commerce. Wash- ington, Feb. 1, 1888. O. pp. 47. Stanford, li. Interstate commerce: speech in the Senate, Jan. 10, 1887. Washington, 1887. O. pp. (l) + 8. In vol. " Inter'^tate commerce act. Pamphlets. 1." United States — Congrpss. Tlie act to regu- late commerce, as amended, together with acts supplementarv thereto. Washington, 1893. O. pp. 28. In vol. "Interstate commerce commission. Pamph- lets. 4." — iOth Congress — 2(1 Session. An act to regulate commerce: approved, Feb. 4, 1887. n.t.i). [Washington, 1887.] (). jij). 10. This and the next followiiiK title in vol. "Interstate commerce act. Pamphlets. 1." — 50ih Congress — 2d Session. An act to regulate commerce: as amended March 2, 1889. n.t.p. [Wasliington, 1889.] O. pp. 13. — House of Representatives. Arguments and statements before the committee on com- merce in relation to certain bills referred to lliat committee, proposing congressional regulation of interstate commerce: [argument of Wayne Mac- veagh and others.] n.t.p. [Washington, 1882.] O. i)p. 269. Same: [argument of Mr. Crrcen, and others.] n.t.p. [Washington, 1884.] O. pp. 176. — Interstate Commerce Commission. An- nual report of [the railroad] to the Interstate Commerce Commission of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1888. n.p., n.d. sq. Q. Blank form for annual reports to the Commission. Same: for the year ending June 30, 1890. n.p., n.d. sq. Q. Book of instructions for the guidance of carriers in making annual reports, as required by section 20 of the act to regulate commerce. Wash- ington, 1888. O. pp. 26. In vol. " Interstate commerce commission. Pamph- lets. 1." Circular [giving notice of the provisions of the act, in respect to joint tariffs.] Washing- ton, March 7, 1889. broadside, sq. O. [Circular on the subject of the publica- cation of joint tariffs.] Washington, 8th March, 1889. broadside. _Q. Classification of operating expenses as prescribed by the commission in accordance with section 20 of the act to regulate commerce. Washington, 1888. O. pp. 27. Same. Revised issue. Wasliington, 1889. O. pp. 27. Methods of carriers and requirements of the act to regulate commerce, in the matter of con- struction, publication and filing of rate schedules. Dec. 1,1891. Reissued Aug. 15, 1894. Wa.shing- ton, 1894. O. pp. 34. In vol. "Interstate commerce commission. Pamph- lets. 4." Seriate. Debate on interstate commerce [49th Congress, 1st session.] n.t.p. [Washing- ton, 1886.] O. pp. 566. Same. [49th Congress, 2nd Session.] n.t.p. [Washington, 1887.] O. pp. 608 + 10. In the Senate, Feb. 16, 1886: Mr. Cul- lom, from the select committee on transportation by railroad l)et\veen tlie several states, repnrti'd the following bill; whicli was read the first and second times by unanimous consent: a bill to regulate commerce, n.t.p. [Washington, 1886.] Q. pp.21. In the Senate, Dec. 15, 1886: Mr. Cul- lom, from the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two houses on the amend- ment of the House to the bill (S. 1532) " to regu- late commerce," submitted the following confer- ence report. Ordered printed, Dec. 15, 1886. n.t.p. [Washington, 188(;.] O. i)p. 1 0. Report of the Senate select committee on interstate commerce; with appendix. Sub- mitted, Jan. 18, 1886. Washington, 1886. O. pp. V -i- 216 + 258. 152 HOPKINS HAIL WAY LIBHARY. Report of the Senate select committee on interstate commerce: testimony. Submitted, Jan. 18, 1886. Wasliington, 1886. O. pp. (1) + 1478. Wilson, J. F. Extract from the argument of Jas. F. Wilson, on the Reagan inter-state com- merce bill, delivered before the committee on commerce of the House of Representatives, Jan. 20, 1880: a western view of the question. Wash- ington, 1880. O. pp. 10. This and the one next following In vol. "Interstate commerce act. Pamphlets. 1." Wood, H. The interstate "long and short haul." N. Y., 1888. O. pp. (5). Extracted from the Popular science monthly, vol. 22, Feb., 1888. pp. 537-541. VI. RAILWAYS IN POLITICS. Aldrich, C. and Hubbard, N. M, Bribery by railway passes. N. Y., 1884. O. pp. (11). p. 3. Extracted from the North American review, vol. 138, Jan., 1884. pp. 89-99. , Davis, A. McF. Corporations in politics. San ^ Francisco, 1881. O. i)p. (12). p. 97. Extracted from The Californian, Aug., 1881. pp. 140-151. Depew, C. M. Against railroad men: Mr. Depew talks of the public prejudice. N.Y., 1890. 2 columns. F*. Extracted from the New York daily tribune, April 2, 1894. p. 4. Railway men in politics. N.Y., 1890. O. pp. (4). Extracted from the North American review, vol. 151, July, 1890. pp. 86-89. Gilbert, H. T. The railroads and the courts. Ottawa, 111., 1885. O. pp. xxiv -\- 592. V / Julian, G. W. Railway influence in the Land ^ Office. N. Y., 1883. O. pp. (20). Extracted from the North American revierv,yol. 136, March , 1883. pp. 237-256. In vol. " Railway land grants. Pam- phlets." Vn. RATES, a. Continental, Europe. Aucoc, li. Les tarifs des chemins de fer et I'autoritedel'etat. Paris, 1880. O. pp.44. P. 29. "Extrait du Compte-rendu de I' Academic des sciences morales et politiques.' ' Austria — Handels - Ministerium. Eisenbahn- Tarif-Enquete, 1882-1883. Wien, 1882-83. 2pts. bd. in 1 vol. Q. pp. (1) -{- 55; (3) -f- 505. Contents:—!. Verfiigung der Regierung: Antriige der Enquete.— 3. Beilagen-Band. Uebersicht der Eisenbahntarife, auf welche sich die Verhandlungen der Tarif-En- quete beziehen und welche am 1. April 1882 in Kraft gewesen sind. [Wien, 1884.] sq. Q. pp. 52. Baum, C. Les tarifs des chemins de fer de I'etat en Allemagne. Paris, 1887. O. jii). (2) 4- 5-92. p. 31. " Extrait des Annales des pouts el chaussces, juillet, 1887.'' Boinvilliers, E. Des transports ;\ prix reduits sur les chemins de fer. Paris, 1859. O. pp. (4) + 167. _ Braschi, E. Le tariffe delle strade ferrate con- siderate sotto I'aspetto economico e ridotte a sis- tema. Milano, Napoli, Pisa, 1882. O. pp. vi 4-383. Briere, A. Des tarifs de chemins de fer au point de vue de la concurrence ^trangere. Paris, 1880. sq. Q. pp. (2) -f 5-56. Quelques notions sur les tarifs de chemins de fer. Paris, 1881. sq. Q. pp. 98. Brockelmann, E. Gegen den Levantetarif und die Verallgemeinerung der kombinirten Eisenbahn-Seefracht-Tarife. Hamburg, 1893. O. pp. 19. Colson, C. Transports et tarifs: precis du regime des routes et chemins, canaux et rivieres, ports de mer, chemins de fer: lois economiques de la determination des prix de transport, i)rix de revient, statistique du trafic: tarifs de chemins de fer f ran^ais, comparaisons avec les principaux pays etrangers. Paris, 1890. O. pp. (3) -|- 479. 3 charts. Einheitliche (Der) deutsche Eisenbahn-Giiter- tarif; eine Fachstudie iiber das Tarifwesen der deutschen Eisenbahnen. Berlin, 1879. O. pp. (3) 4- 71 -[-(6). p. 29. "MoritzMohl." Eisenbahnfrachten (Die) und das Sinken der Preise; ein Beitrag zursocialen Frage von einem Industriellen. Berlin, 1886. D. pp. 52. Engel, E. Eisenbahnreform. Jena, 1888. O. pp. (4) -f 218 -}- (1). Seligman, E. R. a. [Review of] Eisen- bahnreform; von Eduard Engel. N. Y., 1890. O. pp. (3). p. 4. Extracted from Political science quarterly, vol. 5, Sept., 1890. pp. 526-528. Frankenstein, K. Materialien zur Beurtlieil- ung der Eisenbahnpolitik und des Eisenbahntarif- wesens in Russland. Berlin, 1894. O. pp.63. Bibliography, p. 4. Great Britain — Board of Trade. Railway goods rates: despatch from J. A. Crowe, containing a summary of 14 days' debate in the French Cham- ber of Deputies, on railway goods rates. Loud., 1886. F. pp. (2) -1-5-16. lu vol. "Great Britain ry. rates. Misc., 18S6-93." Heinsius, — Die allgemeinen Tarifvorschrif- ten nebst Criiterklassification; Theil I Absclinitt B des deutschen Eisenbahngiitertarifs. Berlin, 1885. O. pp. 114. Hoch, F. Erster Versuch einer Losung der ECONOMICS. 153 Eisenbalin-Tariffrage in Russland. St. Peters- burg, 1885. O. pp. (10) + 167. " Xach den Verhandlungen und Beschliissen der unter dem Vorsitz des Staatsseoretkrs von Hiibbenet am 3. Juni 1883 .\llerh6chst eingesetzten Tarifcommissiou." Hungary. Le tarif par zones et ses resnltats; public par la Direction des Chemins de Fer de I'etat hongrois. Budapest, 1892. O. pp. xix + 89. P. 29. Jacob, M. Le rachat et les tarifs de chemins de fer en France et a I'etranger. Paris, 1882. O. pp. 62. p. 31. Jullien, A. Du prix des transports sur les chemins de fer de la Belgique, en 1842 et en 1843. Paris, 1844. O. pp. (2) + 68. p. 29. " Extrait des Annates dcsponts et chau^sees." Krantz, J. B. Observations au sujet des prix de transport, des tarifs et du rachat des chemins de fer. Paris, 1882. O. pp. (2) + 74. Manara, XJ. Tariffe speciale e trasporti fatti in modo speciale. Napoli,1885. O. pp.48. P.29. " Estratto dal Pilangien, 1S84-1885." Rank, E. Grundsatze fiir den Abschluss von Eisenbahn-Tarifcartellen. Leipzig, 1890. O. pp. 143 + (1). 1 chart. Reitzenstein, E. Die Giitertarife der Eisen- bahnen, insbesondere das Gewichts-und Wagen- raumtarifsystem. Berlin, 1874. O. pp. (3) -\- 96. p. 29. Schoeller, E. Ueber die Staffeltarife im AU- gemeinen und uber den erstellten Ausnahmetarif fiir landwirthschaftliche Produkte im Beson- deren. Breslau, 1894. O. pp. 28. Schxeiber, J. F. Das Tarifwesen der Eisen- bahnen, dessen betriebsokonomische Aufgaben nnd Stellung im wirthschaftlichen und socialen Staatsleben der Gegenwart. Wien, Pest, Leip- zig, 1884. O. pp. viii -\- 256. (Bibliothek des Eisenbahnwesens. Bd. ii.) Ulrich, E. Das Eisenbahntarifwesen ini All- geraeinen und nach seiner besonderen Entwickel- ung in Deutschland, Osterreich - Uugarn, der Schweiz, Italien, Frankreich, Belgien, den Nie- derlanden und England. Berlin und Leipzig, 1886. O. pp. xii + 504. Same, French. Traitt' general des tarifs de chemins de fer, contenant une etude speciale des tarifs appliques en Allemagne, Autriche- Hongrie, Suisse, Italic, France,, Belgique, Hol- lande, Angleterre et Russie. Edition fran(;aise, revue par I'auteur. Paris, 1890. O. pp. (2) -f- X -f 555. Personentarifreforni und Zonentarif. Berlin, 1892. O. pp. (2) + 157. Staffeltarife und Wasserstrassen. Ber- lin, 1894. O. pp. (3) +234. Wetherell, J. J. Railroad passenger tariffs in Austria. [Philadelphia, 1891.1 O. pp. (7). p. 95. " Reprinted from AnnaU of the American Academy of Po- litical and ISoeial Hciaicc, Jan., 18yl." Zone-tariff in Hungary; [including ab- stract of a paper by E. J. James: A new system of passenger fares.] [Philadelphia, 1890. O. pp. 29. p. 95. " Reprinted from Annals of the American Academy of Po- litical and Social Science, July, 1890." b. Great Britain and Ireland. Acworth, "W. M. Can railway-passenger fares be lowered? Lond., 1891. O. pp. (14). Extracted from the Nineteenth century, Sept., 1891. pp. 400-413. The railwavs and the traders: a sketch of the railway rates question in theory and prac- tice. Popular ed. Lond., 1891. D. " pp. (2) + 5-16 + 378. B., F. Observations and suggestions on the railways of the United Kingdom, showing how the same may be immediately rendered more serviceable and beneficial to the public generally than they now are, and much more remunerative to their proprietors, Lond., 1868. O. pp. 12, p. 43. Bolton, England — Corporation. Railway rates and charges; a general statement concerning rates and charges in operation upon British railways, and of other matters relating thereto. Bolton, 1887. O. pp. (1) 4- 88. Brandon, R. Railways and the public: how to make railways remunerative to the sharehold- ers, beneficial to the public and profitable to the state. Lond., 1869. O. pp. 22. P. 44. Same, 2ded.: Railways and the public: proving that fares for any distance of 1st class Is., 2nd class 6d., 3rd class 3d., would be remun- erative to the shareholders, beneficial to the public and profitable to the state. Lond., 1869. O. pp. 31. P. 44. Browne, J. H. B. The railway and canal traffic act, 1888: hearing of objections to revised classifications of merchandise traffic and schedules of maximum rates anil charges jiroposed by vari- ous railway companies: speech of J. 11. 15. Browne, reprinted from the official minutes for the Lancashire A Cheshire conference on railway rates and charges. Manchester, [1890 ?] O. pp. 191. Cover title. Gray, J. W. Facts and observations con- cerning railway rates, and j)raclical suggestions relating to the jiroposed revised classification of merchandise traffic bv the Board of Trade. Shipley, Yorkshire, 1889. D. pp. 42. P. 51. 154 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Great Britain — Board of Trade. The rail- way and canal traffic act, 1888; Board of Trade rules with respect to the submission of revised classifications of merchandise traffic and revised schedules of maximum rates and charges appli- cable thereto (so far as regards railwavs). Or- dered printed, 23 Nov., 1888. Lond., [1888.] F. pp. 10. This and the five next following In vol. "Great Britain. Ry. and canal traffic act, 1888. Misc., 1888-93 " The railway and canal traffic act, 1888: draft rules proposed to be made by the Board of Trade with respect to classification of merchan- dise traffic, and schedules of maximum rates and terminal charges applicable thereto. Ordered printed, 10 August, 1888. Lond., [1888.] F. pp. 10. The railway and canal traffic act, 1888: report of proceedings under section 31 of the railway and canal traffic act, 1888. Lond., 1893. F. pp. 25. Kailway and canal traffic act, 1888: re- port on the classification of merchandise traffic, and schedule of maximum rates applicable thereto, determined in respect of the Great East- ern railwav [and eight others.] Ordered printed, 18 August', 1890. Lond., [1890.] 9 pts. F. Railway and canal traffic act, 1888: re- turn giving the names of the railway companies and railways jointly owned, leased or worked, comprised in the Railway rates and charges orders, confirmation bills, nos. 1 to 26, showing in which of such bills the respective companies and railwavs are included. Presented Feb. 11, 1892. Lond., 1892. F. pp. 6. — House of Commons. 1st, 2nd report from the select committee on railway rates and charges; with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Ordered printed, 22 August, 14 December, 1893. Lond., [1893.] 2 vols. bd. in 1. F. pp. xii -f- 512; xxxii ■\- 99. Report from the select committee on railways (rates and fares); with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and ap- pendix. Ordered printed, 27 July, 1882. [Lond., 1882.] F. pp. lxxxviii-545. Report from the standing committee on trade, on the railway and canal traffic (H. L.) bill; with the proceedings of the committee. Ordered printed, 16 July, 1888. Lond., [1888.] F. pp.29. — Parliament — bb Vict. Report from the joint select committee of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, on the railway rates and charges provisional order bills; with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evi- dence, and index. Ordered printed, 1 August, 1891. Lond., [1891.] 2 vols. F. pp. Ixviii + (4) +3-1767. Paged continuously. Report from the joint select committee of the House of Lords and the House of Com- mons, on the railway rates and charges provis- ional bills; with the proceedings of the commit- tee, and minutes of evidence. Ordered printed, 16 May, 1892. Lond., [1892.] F. pp. lvi + 715. Grierson, J. Railway rates, English and foreign. 2d thousand. Lond., 1886. O. pp. (2) + v-viii -f 208 + Ixxii. Haggard, F. T. A mile of railway in the United Kingdom. Lond., 1869. O. pp. (1) + 3-40. p. 44. Railway facts and lower fares. Lond., 1869. O. pp. 16. p. 44. Pope, J. B. Railway rates and radical rule; a series of practical questions vitally affecting the interests of traders and agriculturists through- out the country, and suggested to them for con- sideration, as electors. Lond., 1884. D. pp. (4) -f 364. Waghorn, T. and Stevens, M. Railway and canal traffic act, 1888: report upon the proceed- ings at the enquirv held bv the Board of Trade, 1889-90. Manchester, 1890. 2 pts. F. pp. (3) + 158; pp. 205. 17 diagrs. Same. [Introductorv svnopsis.] n.t.p. [Manchester, 1890.] F. pp! 7." In vol. "Great Britain railway and canal traffic act. Misc., 1888-93." c. United States. Alexander, E. P. Argument on railroad bills before judiciarv committee legislature of Ala- bama, February, 1881. n.p. [1881.] D. pp.28. Reply to questions of the special com- mittee on railroad transportation of the New York Chamber of Commerce, n.t.jj. [Louis- ville, April 6, 1881.] D. pp. 36. Cover title. Same. Louisville, 1881. D. pp. 36. Cover title. Apthorp, H. Two-cent railroad fare and other railroad legislation in Ohio. Akron, O., 1892. O. pp. 42. p. 51. Brooks, J. W. The pro rata question; re- marks before the committee on railroads of the Senate and Assemblv of the State of New York, March 30, 1869. Albany, 1869. O. pp. 25. 1 fold. map. p. 1. California — Assembly. Report of the com- / mittee on corporations upon railroad freights and fares. [Sacramento, 1871.] O. pp. 78 + (1). / Same. Appendix. [Sacramento, 1871.] / O. pp. 1.30. Report and Appendix in vol. "Railway rates in Cali- fornia. Pamphlets. 2." ECONOMICS. 155 -' — Senate. Keport of the testimony and proceedings had before the Senate committee on corporations, having under consideration the subject of fares and freights. [Sacramento, 1874.] O. pp. (1) + 9-161. Chicago — Board of Trade. Report of com- mittee on railroad discriminations, submitted Feb. 7, 1876. Chicago, 1876. O. pp. 23. v. 1. Curtis, Gr. T. Letter to H. J. Jewett, on the relations of rail roads to the State and the United States in tlie matter of freiglit charges; answer to Judge Black. N.Y., 1880. O. pp. 15. p. 2. Cover title. >y iX Curtis, "W. G. The relation of railroad trans- portation to production in California. n.t.p. [San Francisco, 1894.] O. pp. 11. P. 95. A paper read before the Technical Society of the Pacific Coast, Oct. 5, 1894. Degrand, P. P. F. An address on the ad- vantages of low fares, and low rates of freight, practically illustrated by the deep researches of the British, French and Belgian governments; unanimously approved and adopted, and ordered to be published, by a meeting of gentlemen friendly to internal improvements, held in Boston, Dec. 3,"1840. Boston, 1840. O. pp. 39. P. 95. Cover title. Doyle, J. T. Railroad rates, and transporta- tion overland; in a letter to a member of Con- gress. San Francisco, 1893. O. pp. (1) -\- 17. P. 95. Fink, A. Cost of railroad transportation, rail- road accounts, and governmental regulation of railroad tariffs. Louisville, 1875. O. pp. (2) -1- 51-95 + 20-48. Tables, pp. 2fM8. " Extract from the Annual report of the LouLsville & NashviLe railroad co." Report upon the adjustment of railroad transportation rates to the seaboard. N. Y., 1882. O. pp.59. \ fold, table. Hadley, A. T, Railway passenger rates. N. Y., 1891. (). pp. (6). P.'4. Extracted from the Forum, vol. 11. April, 1891. pp. 215--J'J0. Hammond, C. G. Tlu- pro rata question; remarks before the committees on railroads of the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York, March 30, 1869. Albany, 1869. O. pp. 9. p. 1. Hepburn, B. A. Proceedings before the [New York] Assembly committee on railroads, on the bill entitled: An act to regulate the trans])orta- tion of freight by railroad corporations: remarks of B. A. Hejjburn, in support of the bill. Al- bany, 1880. (). i)p. .30. In vol. " New York railway rates. PamphleLs." Iowa — Senate. Report of committee on rail- roads as per resolution of Senate, no. 4. Des Moines, 1882. O. pp. 16. Jeffery, E. T. Remarks before the Board of railroad and warehouse commissioners of Illinois, ai Springfield, 2d Sept., 1S87. [a protest against the rate and clas.sification promulgated by the Board.] Chicago, printed, [1SS7.] O. pp. 32. Cover title. Remarks before the House committee on railroads of the Iowa legi.slature at Des Moines, Feb. 8, 1888. Chicago, printed, [1888.1 O. pp. 20. Jewett, H. J. Letter of the Raihcay age to Hugh J. .lewett, and his reply relative to rail- way management. [Chicago, 1881.] O. pp. 12. p. 2. Cover title. Kirkman, M. M. The relation of the rail- roads of the United States to the people and the commercial and financial interests of tlie countrv: the elements that determine the rates that sh.all be charged. Chicago, [1885.] O. pp. 54. Lansing, G. L. Discrimination in railway rates. N. Y., 1886. 2 pts. O. pp. (14); (10). Extracted from the Popular science monthbi, vol. 28. Feb. and March, 1886. pp. '194-.507; 586-595. Natural principles regulating railway rates. Chicago, 1887. O. pp. 44. Maryland — House of Delegates. Testimony taken before a special committee under an order passed on the 23d Jan., 1860, to inquire into the allegations of discriminations against the citizens of Maryland, by the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. Baltimore, 1863. O. pp. 32. Massachusetts — Board of Railroad Commis- sioners. Regulation of fares and freights by law. Chicago, 1873. O. pp. 28. p. 1. " Extract from 4th annual report." Micliigan — Commissioner of Railroads. Spe- cial rej)ort in regard to equal mileage rates. Lansing, 1877. sq. O. pp. 12. P. 1. Morgan, R. P. Report [to the Railroad com- missioners of California] upon what would \w just and ep. iv + 99. In vol. " Great Britain. Railway reports. Misc. 1836-38." — Parliament — 5 it 6 Vict. .Vn ai't to repeal the duties ])ayable on stage carriages and on [lassengers conveyed upon railways. [Koval assent,] 5th August 1842. n.t.p. [Loud., 1812.] F. pp. 877-895. — 46i*i47 Vict. An act to amend the law relating to railway p;i.ssengcr duly, [Royal 158 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. assent,] 20th August, 1883. n.t.p. [Lond., 1883.] Q. pp. G + (l). Liaing, S. Railway taxation. Westminster, 1849. O. pp. 23. P. 41. Lang, G. H. Reasons for the repeal of tlie railway passenger tax. Lond., 1851. O. pp. 47. p" 42. " With G. H. L.'s compts." "Mileage duties": case of the stage carriage proprietors. [Lond.,] 1864. O. pp. 32. Ifold. map. p. 43. New Jersey — Court of Errors and Appeals. The raih-oad tax law: opinions of the court; de- livered May 29, 1886. [Camden? 1886.] O. pp. 32. p. 91. ' — Legislature. Acts providing for the taxation of railroad and canal companies. Cam- den, 1884. O. pp. 22. P. 91. Report of the special joint committee on taxation of the property of railroad and other cor- porations. Camden, 1884. O. pp. 47. p. 91. Railway taxation considered in a letter to Lord Althorp, [by "a coach proprietor."] Lond., 1833. O. pp. (2) + 15. P. 39. Report of the public meeting of railway share- holders, held in Liverpool, 16th of April, 1849, to consider the propriety of petitioning Parliament to amend the law in respect to the rating of rail- ways. Liverjjool, 1849. O. pp. 21. p. 41. Ryde, E. A handy book i-n a series of letters: letter viii: rating of railways. Lond, 1868. D. pp. (2) + 5-36. p. 44. Ten Eyck, H. J. Recent experiments in state taxation. N.Y., 1886. O. pp. (6). p. 3. Extracted from the Popular science monthly, vol. 28. Feb., 1886. pp. 460-466. Wisconsin — Railroad Commission. Taxation of railroads and railroad securities; report of a committee to a convention of railrf)ad com- missioners, held at Saratoga Springs, June 10, 1879, together with a summary of laws in rela- tion to railroad taxation in force in the various states of the Union as well as foreign countries. Madison, Wis., 1880. O. pp. 62. p. 91. Liaw. I. CONTINENTAL EUROPE. Asser, C. "D.jr. Internationaal goederenver- voer langs spoorwegen : de Bernsche Conventie van 1886. Academisch proefschrift. 's-Gravenhage, 1887. Q. pp. (7) + 489. Betriebs-Reglement (Das)fiir die osterreich- ischen Eisenbahnen voni 10. December, 1892, und das Internationale Uebereinkommen liber den Eisenbahnfrachtverkehr vom 14. October, 1890. Prag, 1893. D. pp. 225. 3 fold, tables. Buschman, M. Freiherr von. Das neue Eis- enbahn-Betriebs-Reglement in Gegeniiberstellung zum Internationalen Uebereinkommen liber den Eisenbahnfrachtverkehr; von Max PVeiherrn von Buschman, unter Mitwirkung des Carl Ritter Runiler von Richenwehr. 2<' Ausgabe, mit Sup- plement. Wien, 1894. O. pp. xvi +310 + 31. 2 fold tables. Eger, G. EisenbahnrechtlicheEntscheidung- en: deutscher [und oesterreichischer] Gerichte. 1-10 Band. Berlin, 1885-94. 10 vols. bd. in 5. O. Bd. 1-4. Deutscher Gerichte.— 5-9. Deutscher und oesterreichischer Gerichte.— 10. Deutscher, oesterreich- ischer und ungfirischer Gerichte, sowie des Central-Amtes fiir den internationalen Eiseubahntransport. Das Internationale Uebereinkommen iiber den Eisenbahn-Frachtverkehr, nebst Aus- fiihrungs-Bestimmungen, Anlagen und Formular- en in Verbindungen mit dem Betriebs-Reglement des Vereins Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verwaltungen. Text-Ausgabe, mit Anmerkungen. Breslau, 1893. O. pp. xvi + 206. 1 fold, table. Das Internationale Uebereinkommen iiber den Eisenbahnfrachtverkehr vom 14. Ok- tober 1890: erlautert mit eingehender Beriick- sichtigung der Materialien, insbesondere des schweizerischen und deutschen Entwurfs nebst Motiven, sowie der Protokolle der internation- alen Konferenzen zu Bern. Berlin, 1894. O. pp. xli + 804. 1 fold, table. Geller, Li. Das Eisenbahn-Betriebsreglement vom 10. December 1892; nebst dem Internationalen Uebereinkommen iiber den Eisenbahn-Fracht- verkehr vom 10. Oktober 1890 und den darauf beziiglichen Vorschriften. Wien, 1893. D. pp. 92. " Supplement zu Geller's Justizgesetze. Band II. Han- delsrechtgesetze. 4. Auflage." Gerstner, T. Internationales Uebereinkom- men iiber den Eisenbahn-Frachtverkehr. [French title:] Convention Internationale sur le transport de marchandises par chemins de fer. Text- Ausgabe. Berlin, 1892. O. pp. viii + 126. 2 fold, tables. Internationales Eisenbahn-Fraclitrecht: das zu Bern am 14. Oktober 1890 zwischen Deutschland, Oesterreich - Ungarn, Italien, Frankreich, Russland, Belgien, den Nieder- landen, Luxemburg und der Schweiz abgeschlos- sene Internationale Uebereinkommen iiber den Eisenbahn - Frachtverkehr in systematischer Darstellung erlautert. Berlin, 1893. O. pp. xviii+618. 2 fold, tables. Internationale Uebereinkommen (Das) uber den Eisenbahn-Frachtverkehr und die Transport- versicherungs - Gesellschaften. Wien, 189.3. 9 columns. F. Extracted from Der National-Oekonom. Jahrg. 6. 20 Janner, l. Februar, 1893. LAW. 159 Internationales Uebereinkommen iiber den Eiseabaliii-Frachtverkehr, vom 14. Oktober 1890. Gullig vom 1 Januar 1893. Berlin, 1893. D. pp. v-f(l) + 126. 1 fold, table. Internationales Uebereinkommen iiber den Eisenbalinfracbtverkehr, vom 14. Oktober 1890; uebst der besonderen Vereinbarung zwischen Deutschland nnd Oesterreich-Ungarn, vom 15. November 1892. Berlin, 1893. D. pp. 100. Meili, F. Internationale Eisenbahnvertriige und speciell die Berner Convention iiber das in- ternationale Eisenbahn-Frachtrecht. Hamburg, 1887. O. pp. (2) + vii-xii + 141. 2 fold, tables. Rosenthal, E. Internationales Eisenbahn- Frachtrecht auf Grund des Internationalen Ueber- einkommens iiber den Eisenbahn-Frachtverkehr vom 14. Oktober, 1890 und der Konferenzbe- schliisse vom Juni und September, 1893. Jena, 1894. Q. pp. xxii+398. 1 fold, table. " Litteratur" pp. xvii-xxii. a. Austria. Austria. Das allgemeine HandelSgeSetzbuch; dieVorschriften iiber Erwerbs-und Wirthschafls- genossenschalten, Versicherungsanstalten, Wiig- iHid Mes.sanstalten, Lagerhiiuser und das neue Eisenbahn - Betriebs - Reglement. 1 o'-' Auflage. AVien, 1894. .S. pp. ix + 522. 3 fold, tables. (Manz'sche Taschen- Ausgabe der osterreichisch- en Gesetze.) Dienst - Reglement fiir das kaiserliche und koniglic'he Heer. 3<='^Theil: lusenbahn- und Telegraphen-Regiment. Wien, 1893. D. pp. vi + 96. Grundziige der VorscIirift(Mi fiir den Be- trieb auf Localbalmen: Secundarbahnen,Viclnal- bahnen. Wien, 1891. O. pp.49 + (1). P. 20. KaiserlicheVerordnung vom 16. Novem- ber 1851, mit welcher eine Eisenbahn-Betriebs- Ordnung fiir alle Krtmlander eriassen wird. Wien, 1890. D. pp. ^2) + iv +76. (Handaus- gabe der osterreichischen Gesetze und Verord- nungen. 54. Heft.) p. 20. Die osterreichischen Eisenbahngesetze und die sonstigen auf das pjisenbalinwesen Bezug habeuden Vorscliriften. 3«, voilstandig umgear- beitete und erganzte Auflage. Wien, 1888.^ S. pp. (9) -j- 526. (Taschenausgabe der osterreich- isclien Gesetze, 17.) Bezecny, A. Die Rechte der ausscbliesslicii privilegirtei) Kaiser Ferdinands-Nordbahn: eine eisenbahnreciitlichc Studie. Wien, 1887. O. pp. viii -\- 174. Bonnott, R. S. Edler von and Weeber, A. Die Rechtsurkunden der osterreichischen Eisen- bahnen. Bd. 1. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1892. O. pp. xii + 5-962. Buscliman, M. Freiherr von. Die Vor- sclirifU'u betrefFend den Transport explosiver nnd denselben iihnlicher Gegenstiinde auf den osterreichischen Eisenbahnen. W'ien, 1893. D. pp. xii + 99. (Handausgabe der osterreich- ischen Gesetze und Verordnungen. 104. Heft.) Epstein, M. Sammlung von eisenbahnrecht- lichen Entscheidungen des k. k. Obersten Ge- nchtshofes, vom Jahre 1844-1878; mit Anhang: Entscheidungen des Wiener Eisenbahn-Schieds- gerichtes. 2<', revidirte Auflage. Wien, 1884. O. pp. vii + 600 + (2). Same. Neue Folge; vom Jahre 1879- 1883. Wien, 1884. O. pp. viii + 232. Haberer. T. Das osterreicliische Eisenbahn- recht. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1885. O. pp. xiv -\- (1) + 344 + 246. (Bibliothek des Eisen- bahnwissens. vi.) Michel, A. T. Oesterreichs Eisenbahnrecht. Wien, 1860. O. pp. (2) + v-xii + 247. Rechtsverhaltniss (Das) zwischen Staat und Commune in der Wiener Trannvay-Frage; von eiuem Juristen. Wien, 1885. O. pp. (2) -|- 5-78. Reinitz, M. Das Rechtsverlniltniss zwischen Staat und Eisenbahnen in Oesterreich. Wien, 1884. O. pp. 103. Roll, V. Eisenbahnreclitiiche Entscheidungen der osterreichischen und ungarischen Cierichte. Jahrgang2-6; 1888-92. AVien, Pest, Leipzig,1889 -93. 5 vols. O. Oesterreichische Eisenbahngesetze; Samm- iung der auf das Eisenbahnwesen Bezug habeu- den (iesetze, Verordnungen und Jiidicate; untor Mitwirkung des J. Messerklinger herausgegeben von Victor Roll. Wien, 1885. 2 vols. O. pp. xi + (1) -f 800. 74 figs., 1 fold, table; pp. (2) + 803-1576. 2 fold, tables. Weil, J. Die Geltendmachung der Coupons der Staatsbalinprioritaten ini Auslande und das osterreicliische Curatorengesctz ; Boitrag zur Theorie des internationalen Privatrechtes. Wien, 1893. O. pp. V + (1) + 9-38. b. France. Barandiaran, A. de. Du contrat de trans- jiort: rr'sum6 de la legislation et de l:i iuris]irud- encc. Paris, 1893. O. pp. (2) + 5-99. " Kxtniil do la Fidnrc jiidiciaire." Barckhausen, H. Du rt'giiuc li'gal des tramways. Paris, 1877. O. pp. 12. r. 34. " Kxlriiit de In licvuc crilique dc ItgiskUion cl dc juris- jmideiirc, niai, 1877." Cover title. 160 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Beuf, li. Etude sur les chemins de fer d'in- teret local (loi du 11 juin 1880). Paris, 1885. O. pp. (2) + 234 + (1). Carpentier, A. and Maury, G. Traite pra- tique des chemins de fer. Paris, 1894. 3 vols. O. pp. (6) + Ixiii + 027; (4) + 543; (4) + 803. " Extrait du Repertoire general alphabetique du droit fraiK^nis." Chaix, N. Repertoire de la legislation des chemins de fer, indiquant les dispositions legis- latives et r^glementaires inserees dans le Bulletin des lois et reportant par des annotations aux lois anterieures; redige sur les documents fournis par le Bureau de statistique de la Direction generale des chemins de fer, et publie par Napoleon Chaix. Paris, 1855. D. pp. (3) + 7-238. Cotelle, A. Voyageurs et bagages: tracas et soucis des voyages en voitures, chemins de fer, omnibus, tramways et bateaux. Paris, 1891. D. pp. (4) + 7-190. Fabre, J. Manuel al'usagedes candidats aux fonctions de commissaire de police ou d'inspect- eur special de la police des chemins de fer. Paris, 1889. O. pp. (4) + vii-xx + 423 + (1). Feolde, G. Des transports par chemins de fer: vovageurs et marchandises. Paris, 1890. O. pp.'(3) + 4G3. Feraud - Giraud, L. J. D, Servitudes de voirie: etudes sur la legislation et la jurisprud- ence concernant les charges etablies dans un in- teret de voirie sur les proprietes privees bordant les rues et places, routes et chemins, voies de fer, cours d'eau navigables ou flottables. Paris, 1850- 53. 3 vols. O. pp. xiii + (1) + 552; (3) + 578; (3) -f 247. Co7itent>i :—i,2. Voies de tevre.— 3. Legislation des chemins de fer par rapport aux propriety's riveraines. France — ■MUdstere des Travuux Publics. Loi et reglements relatifs aux chemins de fer d'interet local et aux tramwavs. Paris, 1881 [-82.] O. pp. 131 + 7. Gand, N. Traite de la police et de la voirie des chemins de fer et de la legislation des loco- motives qui les desservent; avec un formulaire des actes prescrits a tons les fonctionnaires et agents charges de la construction, de I'exploita- tion, de la surveillance et de la repression des contraventions en maticre de chemins de fer. Paris, 1804. O. pp. xi + 409. Gisclard, A. Code des chemins de fer d'in- teret local. Paris, 1882. D. pp. (2) + 162. Goudin, S. La vigie des transports par chem- ins de fer. Paris, 1885. O. pp. (2) + viii -f 89 + (1). p. 23. Guillaume, A. De la legislation des railroutes ou chemins de fer en Angleterre et en France. 1« partie. Paris, 1838. 6. pp. (2) + xii -f 223 + 191 + (1). 4 fold, tables. Guillaume, E. Les tramways, legislation et jurisprudence les concernant. Paris, 1884. O. pp. 55. p. 34. Lazerges, P. Chemins de fer executes par I'etat; guide practique des expropriations des terrains, avec la maniere de dresser et de pre- senter les formules et les diverses pieces de la procedure. Paris, [1882.] O. pp. (6) + 3-443. Palaa, G. Dictionnaire legislatif et regle- mentaire des chemins de fer; resume des docu- ments officiels en vigueur et les principaux renseignements pratiques sur I'etablissements, I'entretien, la police et I'exploitation des voies ferries. 2® ed., entierement refondue et com- pletee. Paris, 1872. O. pp. (5) + 1124. Same. 3" ed., entierement remaniee. Paris, 1887. 2 vols. O. pp. vii + (1) + 823; (4) + 885. Same. Supplement general de la 3<' edi- tion. Paris, 1894. O. pp. vii + (1) + 312. Richard, A. Legislation des chemins de fer d'interet local. Paris, 1875. O. pp. iv + 5- 269. Vigouroux, E. Legislation et jurisprudence des chemins de fer et des tramwavs. Paris, 1886. O. pp. (3) + vi + 434. (Bi'bliotheque juridique contemporaine, 6.) c. Germany. Brose, G. and Isenbeck, W. llandbuch fur Staais-Eisenbahn-Beamte, enthaltend diejenigen Gesetze, Verordnungen und sonstigen Erlasse, welclie filr den administrativen Dienst bei den Staats- vnid unter Staats-Verwaltung stehenden Privat-Eisenbahnen von besonderer Wichtigkeit sind. 4<= Auflage. Hannover, 1886. O. pp. (2) -\- v-xxxii + 766. 2 fold, tables. Burchard, J. L. Das Recht der Spedition. Stuttgart, 1894. O. pp. (2) + v-viii -{- 536. Croissant, F. Eigenes Verschulden und Handlungsunfahigkeit: ein Streifzug auf das Gebiet des Haftpflichtgesetzes. Strassburg i. E., 1893. O. pp. (2) -f 5-63. Eger, G. Das deutsche Frachtrecht, mit be- sonderer Berticksichtigung des Eisenbahnfracht- rechts. 2«, vermehrte Auflage. Berlin, 1888-91. 3vols. O. pp. xiv+448; xvi+742+ (1); xiv + (1) + vi + (1) + 602. Handbuch des preussischen Eisenbahn- rechts. Breslau, 1889-94. 2 vols. O. pp. (8) + viii + 572; 576 +. Bd. 2 in progress. Die Kranken-, Unfall-, Invaliditiits- und Alters -Versicherungsgesetze in Einzelausgaben LAW. 161 erlautert. 2*^, vermehrte AuHage. Berlin, 1892- 93. 2 vols. bd. in 1. D. pp. xv + (I) +276; x + (1) + 256. Contciit.'i.—l. Krankenversicherangsgesetz in der Fas- sung vom 10. April 18;i2 und Gesetz ilber die eingeschrie- benen Hiilfska.ssen vom 1. Juni 1884.— 3. Invaliditiits- und Alters- Versiciierangsgesetz vom 22. Juni 1889,mit dem Abaudemngsgesetz vom 8. Juni 1891. Die Nothwendij^keit einer Revision des preussischen Enteicjnungsgesetzes: Abanderungs- vorschlage verbunden niit dem Entwurfe eines neuen Enteignungsgesetzes nebst Motiven. 2" Auflage. Breslau, 1893. O. pp. 60. Das Reichs- Haftpflicht- Gesetz betref- fend die Verbindlichkeit zum Schadenersatz fiir die bei dem Betriebe von Eisenbahnen, Bergwer- ken, Steinbriichen, GrJibereien und Fabriken her- beigefiibrten Todtungen und Korperverletzungen, vom 7. Juni 1871. Breslau, 1876. O. pp. xxxvi + 532. Endemann, W. Die Haftpfliclit der Eisen- bahnen, Bergwerke, u. s. \v. ftir die bei deren Betriebe herbeigeftihrten Todtungen und Korp- erverletzungen: Erlauterungen des Reich.sge- setzes vom 7. Juni 1871. 3« Auflage. Berlin, Leipzig, 1885. O. pp. ix + 225. Das Recht der Eisenbahnen, nach den Bestimmungen des Deutschen Reichs und Preus- sens. Leipzig, 1886. O. pp. xii + 825. Gerraany. Gesetz betreffend die Einsetzung von Bezirkseisenbahnrathen und eines Landes- eisenbahnrathes fiir die Staatseisenbahnverwalt- ung nebst Ausfiihrungsbestimmungen. Berlin, 1885. Q. pp. (2) + 5-29 + (1). Gleim, W. Das Gesetz iiber Kleinbahnen und Privatansclilussbahnen vom 28. Juli 1892. 2% vermehrte Auflage. Berlin, 1895. D. pp. (6) + 176. Das Recht der Eisenbahnen in Preussen. 1. Band: Das Eisenbahnbaurecht. Berlin, 1893. O. pp. xiii +484. Hahn, J. Das Krankenversicherungsgesetz vom 15. Juni 1883, 10. April 1892; mit Einleit- iing und Kommentar. Berlin, 1892. O. pp. (6) + 236. Kah, K. Das Haftpflichtgesetz betreffend die Verbindlichkeit zum Schadenersatze fiir die bei dem Betriebe von ICisenbahnen, Bergwerken, Fabriken, Steinbriichen und ancisco, [1884.] O. pp.221. Deposition of Edward W. IIoi)kins, on behalf of plaintiff. [San Francisco, 1883.] Q. pp. 29. Cover title. Dej)osition of Edwin D. Morgan. Jan. 24, 1884. San Francisco, 1884. O. pp. 22. Cover title. Deposition of S. W. Sanderson. Filed, Oct. 1883. [San Francisco,] 1883. Q. pp.35. Cover title. Deposition of Arthur Scrivener. Jan. 29, 1884. San Francisco, 1884. il- pp. 26. Cover title. Deposition of Leland Stanford, on behalf of defendants. Filed, Sept., 188:5. San FrancistM), 1883. Q. pp. 133. Cover title. Depositions of Lloyd Tevis and Ellen M. Colton. Sau Francisco, [1883.] O. pp. 46 + 24. Cover title. Findings. SanFrancisco,1886. Q. pp.123. Cover title. Opinion of the Supreme Court of Califor- nia, in the Colton case. June 4, 5, 6, 1889. San FrancLsco, 1889. O. pp. 46. [Testimony. Nov. 13, 18S3-Aug. 1, 1884, San Francisco, 1883-84.] 19 vols. O. pp. 10,245. Paged consecutively. Darlington, H. R. The railway rates and the carriage of merchandise by railway; includ- ing the provisional orders of the Board of Trade, as sanctioned by Parliament, containing the classification of traffic and schedule of maxinnim rates and charges applicable to tlie railways of Great Britain and Ireland. Lond., 1893. O. pp. xxxvi + 581. "In compiling this book the object of the author has been to set forth in a convenient and accessible form the law relating to the carriage of goods by railway." — Preface. Davis, Gr. and Browne, G. M., jr. Car trusts in the United States: a brief statement of the law of contracts of conditional sale of rolling stock to railroads. N. Y., 1894. O. pp. (3) + 49. Ferguson, J. Railway rights ami duties: a summary of the law relating to a railway in operation. Edinburgh, 1889. O. pp. (2) + v- XX + (1) + 402. Same, supplement: Five years' railway cases: 1889-93; with acts of Parliament and of Sederunt and the Railway and canal commission rules. Edinburgh, 1894. O. pp. viii + 124. Godefroi, H. and Shortt, J. The law of railway companies. Lond., 1869. O. pp-(2) + v-xli + 552 + ccclxiv. Great Britain — ffouse of Commons. Rejiort from the seli'ct committee on private bill lei^isla- tion; with the proceedings of the conunittee, minutes of evidence. Ordered printed, 24 June, 1863. [Lond., 1863.] F. pp. xl + 453. Second report from the select ciunmittee on railway acts enactments; with the niiiuitcsof evidence. Ordered printed, 25 August, 1846. [Lond., 1846.] F. pp. xxxii + 598 + 63. 2 fold, tables. First-fifth report frinn the .select com- mittee on railway and canal 1)1 lis. OnK'red j.rinted, 16 Dec. 1852-8 July, 1853. [Ixind., 1852 -53.] 5 pts. bd. in 1 vol. F. Rej)ort from the select committee on rail- way and canal legislation; with tlie iirocctdings of the coniniillei', minntcs of evidence. Ordered printed, 12tli July, 1858. [Lond., 1858.] F. pi'. viii + 152. 164 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Report from the select committtee on railway companies' powers; with the proceedings of the committee. Ordered printed, 18 March, 1864. [Lond., 1864.] F. pp. xi + xii + 133. First and second reports of the select committee (1846) on railway acts enactments; with the minutes of evidence. Ordered printed, 15th February, 1848. [Lond., 1848.] 2 pts. bd. in 1 vol. F. pp. (l) + 4; xxxii+661. I fold, plate, 2 fold, tables. Reports of select committees upon ques- tions connected M'ith general railway legislation. Lond., 1844. O. pp. iv + 188. — Parliament. A collection of the pub- lic general acts for the regulation of railways; including the companies, lands and railways clauses consolidation acts: 1838-1846. West- minster, 1846. D. pp. (3) -f 245.* A collection of the public general acts relating to railways in Scotland; including tiie companies, lands, and railways clauses consolida- tion (Scotland) acts: 1830-1861. 5th ed. West- minster, 1862. nar. D. pp. viii + 292 + 3. Supplement to the thirteenth edition of the general railway acts; containing the enact- ments affecting railways in England and Ireland; passed in sessions 1875 to 1883; edited by James Bigg. Westminster, 1883. nar. D. pp. (3) + 611-721. — Parliament — 7 & 8 Vict. An act to attach certain conditions to the construction of future railways authorized or to be authorized by any act of Parliament. [Royal assent,] 9th August, 1844. n.t.p. [Lond., 1882.] F. pp. 801-812. — 8 Vict. An act for consolidating in one act certain i)rovisions usually inserted in acts authorizing the making of railways. [Royal assent,] 8th May, 1845. n.t.p. [Lond., 187'l.] F. pp. 353-400. — 8 & 9 Vict. An act to restrict the powers of selling or leasing railways, contained in certain acts of Parliament relating to such railways. [Royal assent,] 4th August, 1845. n.t.p. ■ [Lond., 1845.] F. pp. 1185-1186. — 9 Vict. An act to amend an act of the second year of Her present Majesty for providing for the custody of certain monies paid, in pursu- ance of the standing orders of either House of Parliament, by subscribers to works or undertak- ings to be effected under the authority of Parlia- ment. [Royal assent,] 18th June, 1846. n.t.p. [Lond., 1846.] F. pp. 253-256. — 13 & 14 Vict. An act to facilitate the abandonment of railways, and the dissolution of railway companies, in certain cases. [Royal assent,] 14th August, 1850. n.t.p. [Lond., 1850.] F. pp. 961-976. — 26 & 27 Vict. An act for consolidat- ing in one act certain provisions frequently in- serted in acts relating to railways. [Royal assent,] 28th July, 1863. n.t.p. [Lond., 1873.'] F. pp. 841-858. An act for consolidating in one act cer- tain provisions frequently inserted in acts relating to the constitution and management of companies incorporatedfor carrying on undertakings of a pub- lic nature. [Royal assent,] 28 July, 1863. n.t.p. [Lond., 1863.] F. pp. 1181-1191. — 27 & 28 Vict. An act to facilitate in certain cases the obtaining of further powers by railway companies. [Royal assent,] 29th July, 1864. n.t.p. [Lond., 186'4.] F. pp. 1149-1160. "Railway companies'powers act, 1864." An act to facilitate in certain cases the obtaining of powers for the construction of rail- ways. [Royal assent,] 29th July, 1864. n.t.p-. [Lond., 1865.] F. pp. 1161-1187. " Railways construction facilities act, 1864." — 30 & 31 Vict. An act to amend the law relating to railway companies in Scotland. [Royal assent,] 20th August, 1867. n.t.p. [Lond., 1867.] F. pp. 1445-1455. An act to amend the law relating to rail- way companies. [Royal assent,] 20 August, 1867. n.t'.p. [Lond., 1867.] F. pp. 1457-1467. — 31 & 32 Vict. An act to further amend the law relating to railway companies. [Royal assent,] 31st July, 1868. n.t.p. [Lond., 1868.] F. p. (1). An act to amend the law relating to rail- ways. [Royal assent,] 31st July, 1868. n.t.p. [Lond., 1888.] F. pp. 1157-1180. — 32 Vict. An act to repeal so much of the Regulation of railways act, 1868, as relates to the approval, by meetings of incorporated rail- way companies, of bills and certificates for con- ferring further powers on those companies. [Royal assent,] 19th April, 1869. n.t.p. [Lond., 1869.] Q. p. (1.) — 32 Si 33 Vict. An act to amend the law relating to the abandonment of railways and the dissolution of railway companies. [Royal assent,] 11th August, 1869.' n.t.p. [Lond., 1869.] Q. pp.4. ■ — 33 & 34 Vict. An act to amend the Railway companies powers act, 1864, and the Railway construction facilities act, 1864. [Royal assent,] 20th June, 1870. n.t.p. [Lond., 1870.] Q- pp. 4. — 36 & 37 Vict. An act to make better provision for carrying into effect the Railway and canal traffic act, 1854. [Royal assent,] 21st July, 1873. n.t.p. [Lond., 1889.] O. pp. 14. — 51 &.b2 Vict. An act for the better regulation of railway and canal traffic. [Royal LAW. 165 assent,] 10th August, 1S88. n.t.p. [Lond., 1888.] Q. pp. iii+32 + (l)• " Railway and caual traffic act, 1888." — 54 Vict. An act to remove doubts as to the powers of public bodies in reference to provisional order bills under the Railway and canal traffic act, 1888. [Royal assent,] 11th Mav, 1891. n.t.p. [Loud., 1891.] O. pp. 2. — 55 & 5() Vict. An act to amend the Rail- wav and canal trafficact, 1888. [Roval assent,] 27th June, 1892. n.t.p. [Lond., 1892.]Q. pp. (1). G-regg, W. P. and Pond, B. The railroad laws and charters of the United States, arranged in chronological order, with a synopsis and ex- planatory remarks. Boston, 1851. 2 vols. O. pp. XX + 954; xix + 1192. Contents:—!. Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.— 2. Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. Gye, P. and Waghorn, T. The new law of rates and charges on railways and canals under the Railway and canal traffic act, 1888. Lond., 1889. O. pp. vi + 101. Hartshorne, F. C. The railroads and the commerce clause. Philadelphia, 1892. O. pp. xxiii -\- 165. Hodges, Sir W. A treatise on the law of railways, railway companies, and railway invest- ments. 4tli ed., by Charles Manlev Smith. Lond., 1865. Q. pp. xxxvi + 624 -f (1) + 346. Same. 7th ed., bv John M. Lei v. Lond., 1888-89. 2 vols. Q." pp. (2) -{- v-lx + 758; (2) -\- v-xii + 558. Contents:—!. The law of railways.— 2. Statutes, rules, forms, and standing orders of Parliament. Hunter, W. A. The Railway and canal trafficact, 1888. Parti: an exposition of section twenty-four of the act; a full account of the exist- ing law with respect to maxinuim rates and terminal charges and the new classification of goods and revised schedules of rates of twenty- four principal railways of the United Kingdom. Lond., 1889. O. pp. (3) -f vii-xv + 212. Illinois — General Assembly. General rail road laws [1849-52] n.p., n.d. O. pp. 21-45. Cover title. In vol. "State railroad laws. Pamphlets.'' Jones, L. A. A treatise on the law of cor- porate bonds and mortgages; being the second edition of Railroad securities, revi.sed. Boston and N. Y., 1891. O. pp. xv + 664. Junner, R. G. The practice before the Rail- way Commissioners under "The regulation of railways act, 1873;" with the law applicable thereto, and the general orders, forms, table of fees, statutes, &c. Lond., 1874. O. pp. xxxvi + 216. Ijacey, J. F. A digest of railway decisions; comf)rising all reprirtod American cases in which a railway company is a party, and all other cases in which railway law is determined. Chicago^ 1875-84. 2 vols. O. pp. 962; (5) -}- 5-1389. Letter (A) to W. E. Gladstone, M. P., presi- dent of the Board of Trade, on railwav legislation. Lond., 1844. O. pp. (1) ■\- 57. P.'40. McClain, E. Statutes of Iowa relating to rail- ways, and notes of decisions thereunder. Des Moines, 1891. O. pp. (3) -f 5-157. " From the Report of the Railroad Commissioners for 1890." Macdevitt, E. O. A manual of the acts for the construction of tramways and light railways in Ireland. Dublin, 1883.' O. pp. (2) -1-5-92. McMaster, R. B. The railroad laws of New York; comprising an analytical arrangement of the entire statute laws of the State; with notes of judicial decisions. N. Y., 1872. O. pp. xii -[- 9-354 -1- (2). Macpherson, P. I. The law expenditure of railway companies, considered with a view to its speedy and effectual reduction. Lond., [1850.] (). pp. 24. P. 65. Maine — Legislature. Railroad laws; compiled by E. C. Farrington, clerk of Board of Railroad Commissioners. Augusta, 1893. Q. i)p. 146. Manier, W. H. Law of eminent diunain and of railroads and warehouses; comprising the con- stitutional and statutory provisions in Illinois, together with the decisions relating thereto. Springfield, HI., 1888. O. pp. vi +"^467. Massachusetts — General Court. An act for defining the rights and duties of rail road cor- porations, n.t.p. [Boston,] 1833. O. pp. 7. V. 99. Morrison, J. The influence of English rail- way legislation of [sic'] trade and industry; with an appendix. Lond., 1848. O. pp. (2) -|- 187. Observations illustrative of the defects of the English system of railway legislation, and of its injurious operation on the public in- terests. Lond., 1846. O. pp. (1) -\- 5-44. New Jersey — Lciiishdurc. The general rail- road law. Approved April 2, 1873. Trenton, 1873. O. pp. 22. In vol. " State railroad laws. Pamphlets." New Mexico — Legislative Assembly. Railroad laws of New Mexico; compiled bv Catron Si Tiiornton, Santa Fe, >'. M. Santa F.', 1881. O. pp. (3)-t-61. In vol. "State railroad laws. Pamphlets." New York (City) — Common Council. A com- l)ilatiiin of the ferry leases and railroad grants made by the corporation of thecitv of New York, from Jiily 1, ISl!) to July 1, IStR);" with the vari- ous ordinances, resoiutinus, Sn\, passed i)v the Common Council. N. Y., 1860. O. pp. ISi;. A c(Mnpilation of the existing ferry leases and railroad grants made by the corporation of 166 HOPKINS RAILWAY LI BE Am'. the city of New York, together with the grants from the legislature of the State to use the streets of tlie city for railroad purposes; also the various ordinances, resolutions, &c., passed by the Com- mon Council; compiled by I). T. Valentine. N. Y., 1866. O. pp. (2) + 5-503. Ohio — General Assembly. Laws relating to railroads, passed at the session ending March 30, 1875. Columbus, 1875. O. pp. 14. Parsons, A. The liability of railway com- panies for negligence towards passengers. Lond., 1893. O. pp. XV + 196. Patterson, C. S. Railway accident law: the liability of railways for injuries to the person. Philadelphia, 1886. O. pp. cix -f 542. Pennsylvania — General Assembly. A compi- lation of the canal and railroad laws of Pennsyl- vania, prepared and published under authority of a resolution of the House of Representatives, 16th June, 1836. Harrisburg, 1836. O, pp.165 +34. Phillips, G. I. The Tramways act, 1870; with introduction, notes, the Board of Trade rules, and forms of bye-laws and provisional order; also a list of tramwavs. Oxford, Lond., 1890. D. pp. xvi 4- 152. Pierce, E. L. A treatise on the law of rail- roads. Boston, 1881. O. pp. Ixxxv + (1) + 575. Preston, F. M. A manual of railway law. Lend., 1892. D. pp. (6) -f- 318. QiUebec [Province.) The Quebec railway stat- utes; a compilation of all railway charters granted, with the amendments thereto, up to and including the session of 1883; by Chris. Massiah, revised by R. J. Bradley. Quebec, 1883. O. pp. 717. Railway Clearing House {London.) Rail- way clearing house: index to the law cases re- ported by the conferences of railway officers, from Sept., 1851 to Dec, 1853. Lond., 1854. O. pp. (l)-f vi + 8. In vol. "Railway clearing house. Pamphlets. 1." Redfield, I, F. The laAV of railways, em- bracing the law of corporations, eminent domain, contracts, common carriers, telegraph companies, equity jurisdiction, taxation, the constitution, railway investments, &c. 6th ed.; by J. Ken- drick Kinney. Boston, 1888. 2 vols. O. pp. cii + (1) + 727; Ixxv + 775. Leading American railway cases on many of the important questions involved in the law of railways; arranged according to subjects; with notes and opinions; being a supplement to the author's work on railways. Boston, 1872. 2 vols. O. pp. xlvi + (1) + 682; li + 721. Vol 1 is 2nd. ed. Rorer, D. A treatise on the law of railways. Chicago, 1884. 2 vols. O. pp. cxix + 739; 740-1618. Shelford, Li. The law of railways, including the consolidation and other general acts for regu- lating railways in England and Ireland, with notes of decided cases on their construction; including the rights and liabilities of shareholders, allottees of shares, and provisional committee men. 3d ed. Lond., 1853. O. pp. (2) + v-xlii + 826. Shelford's law of railways, containing the whole of the statute law for the regulation of railways in England, Scotland, and Ireland; with notes of decided cases upon the statutes, introduc- tion to the law of railways, and appendix of offi- cial documents. 4th ed., by W. Cunningham Glen. Lond., 1869. 2 vols. Q. pp. Ixxxviii + 724; xxxi + (1) + 909. Simon, H. A. Die Haftpflicht der Eisen- bahncn, oder das Recht in Bezug auf Unfalle und Unregelmiissigkeiten beim Eisenbahnbetriebe in England. Deutsch von M. M. Freih. von Weber. Weimar, 1868. O. pp. (2) + v-xiv + 120. Smith, C. and Bates, S. W. Cases relating to the law of railways, decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, and in the courts of the several states. Boston, 1854-56. 2 vols. O. Thornton, W. W. The law of railroad fences and private crossings, including injuries to animals on right of way, caused by negligence. Lidianapolis, 1892. O. pp. xlvii + 3-590. United States — Interstate Commerce Commis- sion. Reports and decisions of the Commission; April 5th, 1887-Sept. 1st, 1893. N. Y., 1888-93. 5 vols. O. Rules of practice in cases and proceed- ings before the Commission, adopted May 25, 1887. Washington, 1887. O. pp. 10. In vol. "Interstate commerce commission. Pamph- lets. 1." Vermont — General Assembly. The general laws relating to railroads. St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1887. Q. pp. 55 + (1). " Printed for Board of Railroad Commissioners." Weimer, A. B. The law of railroads in Penn- sylvania, including the law relating to street rail- ways. Philadelphia, 1893. 2 vols. O. pp. xvi + 760; (2) +761-1461. Wentworth, J. T. The Interstate commerce law; being the Act to regulate commerce, with rules and forms adopted by the Commission, together with annotations of cases construing the law. Chicago, 1891. O. pp. xxiii + 114. Wells, E. H. Railroad corporations in the State of New York: general railroad laws of New York, with decisions and forms. N. Y., Albany, 1893. O. pp. xxxiii + 666. Wood, H. G. A treatise on the law of rail- roads. Boston, 1889. 3 vols. O. pp. viii + 720; (3) + 721-1426; (3) + 1427-1953. CONSTRUCTION. 167 Construction. [Album eucvclopt'dique des chemins de fer. n.t.p. Paris, 1860-83.] 8 vols. F'*. bS plates; 56 j)lates; 39 plates; 80 plates; 35 plates; 50 plates; 101 plates; 54 plates. Contaits:—!. Ouvrages d'art. — 2. Batiments. — 3. Voie.— 4. Materiel fixe de la voie.— 5. Alimentations hydrauliques.— 6. Appareils de levage et de pesage.— 7. Locomotives.— 8. Voitures et wagons. Amsler-Iiaffon, J. Anwendung des Inte- grators (Momenteiiplaniiueters) ziir Berechniing des Aiif- und Abtrages bei Anlage von Eisen- bahnen, Strassen und Kaniilen. Zurich, 1875. O. pp. (2) + 5-32. 25 figs., I fold, plate, p. 24. Baker, T. Railway engineering ; or, field work preparatory to the construction of railways; containing the original and most approved methods of laying out railway curves, and of setting out the widths of the cuttings and em- bankments. Lond., 1848. O. pp. (7) + 64. 22 figs., 1/old. table. Bauernfeind, C. M. Vorlegebliitter zur Strassen- und Eisenbahn- Baukunde mit erliiut- erndem Texte und einer Abhandlungiiber Erdab- gleichung und Transportweiten. Miinchen, 1856. sq. F^ pp. 22. SQ/old. j>lates. Baum, C. Des longueurs virtuelles d'un trace de chemin de fer. Paris, 1880. O. pp. (2) + 124. " Extrait des Annalcs des ponts et cliaiissees, caliier de juin l&SO." " Ouvrages coasultiJs," p. 122. Bazaine, — Travaux et materiel de chemins de fer executes en majeure partie sous la direc- tion de Mr. Bazaine. [Paris,] 1868. 6 vols in 7. F». pp. (6) + 109 jjlates; pp. (6) -f 89 plates; pp. (6) -\- 142 2'lates; pp. (5) + 77 plates; pp. (6) + 118 plates; pp. (4) + 45 plates; pp. (4) -|-65 plates. Contents:—!. 1. Travaux d'art: cartes, plans et profits, traces, terrassements.souterrainsetviaducs en maronnerie. —I. 2. Travaux d'art : viaducs metallier read before the Boston Society of Civil En- gineers, Dec, ]S49." Brard, C. P. Essai sur les moyens de mnlti- ])lier Ifs cheinins de fer en France, et de diini- nuer I'entretien des grandes routes. Paris, 1830. O. pp. (2) + 5-30 -I- (1). 2 plates, v. 15. Brees, S. C. Railway practice; a collection of working plans and practical details of construc- tion in the public works of the most celebrated engineers. 2d ed., ctirrected and improved. Lond., 1838. sq. Q. pp. (5) -f vii-xxxvi -{■ 106. 81 fold, plates. Same, n.t.p. F*. 250 plates, 28 fold. j)lates. Butts, E. The civil engineer's field-book; designed for the use of the locating engineer: containing tables of actual tangents, also tables of formulae applicable to railroad curves and the location of frogs. N. Y., 1890. S. pp. (3) -{■ 269. 24 figs. Byrne, O. Pocket-book for railroad and civil engineers. Philadelphia, 18S9. >S. pp. (1) + v-viii + 9-163. 79 figs., ^plates, 1 fold, table. Cambier, A. Guide ])ratique sur les etudes, les expropriations et la construction d'un chemia de fer. Paris, 1879. O. pp. (5) -\- 158. Cantalupi, A. Trattato elementare di costru- zione delle strade ferrate. Milano, 1872. Q. pp. 848. 260 figs., 5 fold, plates. Lacking pp. 843-846. Cleemann, T. M. The railroad engineer's practice; being a short but complete description of the duties of the young engineer in preliminary and location surveys and in construction. 4tli ed., revised and enlarged. N.Y., 1892. D. i)p. ix -f 190. 75 figs., 3 jdates, I fold, plate, Ifold. table. Cross, C. S. Engineer's field book; by C. S. Cross; [with] seven chapters on railroad location and construction, bv (Jeo. H. Frost. 4th ed. N. Y., 1893. S. pp.166. 51/j/s. Day, J. A practical treatise on the construc- tion and formation of railways, showing the practical a])plication and expense of excavating, haulage, embanking, and permanent wavlaving. Lond., 1839. O. pp. xii + 210. 12 figs. Same. 2d ed. Lond., 1839. O. pp. xii + 210. 12 figs. Same. 3d ed. I^ond., 1848. O. pp. (4) -I- vii-xii -1- 216. IS figs. Deharme, E. Chemins de fer: superstruc- ture; introduction, gencralites, voie et acces- soires de la voie, gares et stations, signaux. Paris, 1890. O. pp. (7) + 695 + (1). 310 figs, and Atlas, sq. F., o/ 73 plates. (Encyclopi'die des travaux publics.) Dempsey, G. D. Papers on the mechanical :ind cuginccriMg operations anil striutiircs com- bined in the making of a railway. Lmd., 1846. sq. q. pp. (1) -H 135. 27 fold, plates. The practical railway engineer: exami)les of the mechanical and engineering operations and 168 HOPKINS RA IL WA Y LIBRA R Y. structures combined in the making of a raihvav. Lond., 1847. sq. Q. pp. (1) + 157. 50 fold, plates. Same. 4th ed., revised and greatly ex- tended. Lond., 1855. sq. Q. pp. (6) + 428 + 44. fronti>ip. port., 75 figs., 71 fold, plates. Dubuisson, J. Etudes definitives d'une voie ferree entre deux points donnes. 2"-' ed. Paris, 1888. O. pp. (2) + 327. 144 figs. Ensamples of railway making. Lond., 1843. Q. pp. (0) + xlii + 101. frontisp., 24 fold. 2^lates, 2 maps, 2 fold, tables. Contents: — Preliminary observation-s. — Utica and Syra- cuse railroad. — Railways of Belgium. Gardner, E. V. An easy introduction to railway mensuration, showing a plain and easy method of taking out quantities of every descrip- tion of railway work and estimating them, and setting out work for the making of railways gen- erally. Lond., 1847. Q. pp. xi + 63 + (1). 36 figs., 16 fold, plates. Interleaved. Gaunin, J. Tables trigonometriques pour le trace des chemins de fer. Nouvelle ed. Paris, 1889. O. pp. xxxiii + 2-181. 17 figs. Genieys, R. Recueil de tables a I'usage des ingenieurs. Paris, 1835. O. pp. (2) + v-xx + 270-f(l). Germany. Normen fur den Bau und die Aus- riistnng der Haupteisenbahnen Deutschlands, vom 5. Juli 1892. Berlin, 1892. Q. pp. 19. 4 figs. Normen fiir die Konstruktion und Aus- riistung der Eisenbahnen Deutschlands, vom 30. November 1885. Berlin, 1886. S. pp. (2) -f 5- 23. 3 figs. Gillespie, W. M. A manual of the principles and practice of road-making; comprising the location, construction, and improvement of roads and rail-roads. N. Y., 1847. O. pp. 336. 155 figs. Same. 2d ed., with additions. N. Y., 1848. O. pp. 344. 155 figs. Same. 8th ed., with additions. N.Y., 1854. O. pp.372. Ibdfigs., Ijjlaie. Same. 9th ed., with additions. N.Y., 1856. O. pp.372. 155 figs., l2)laie. Goering, A. Eisenbahnbau. 3" Auflage. Ber- lin, 1889. D. pp. 104. 96 figs. " Fiir das Taschenbuch des Vereihs " Hiitte " xiv. Auf- lage nach den neuesten amtlichen Vorschriften bear- beitet." " Sonderabdruck fiir den Verfasser." Graeff, — Construction des canaux et des chemins de fer: histoire critique des travaux ex- ecutes dans les Vosges an chemin de fer de Paris a Strasbourg et au canal de la Marne an Rhine. Paris, 1861. O. pp. (2) + v-xiv + 15-371. 1 fold, table and Atlas, sq. Q., of 6 plates. Hardaway, B. H, Pocket-book of tables and formulae for railroad engineers, embracing those for running in transition curves. N. Y., Lond., 1886. D. pp. vi + (1) + 48. 20 figs. HaskoU, W. Railway construction, from the setting out of the centre line to the completion of the works. Lond., 1857. 2 vols. Q. pp. x -f 200, 97 figs., 1 ]}late, 5 fold, plates; pp. 201- 308. 42 figs., 16 plates, 40 fold, plates. Railway construction: second series. Lond., 1864. Q. pp. (3). 21 plates,7 If old. plates. Vol. 1 lacking. Railways in the East, and generally in high thermometrical regions; a practical treatise on their establishment. Lond., 1863. Q. pp. iv +201. Henck, J. B. Field-book for railroad engin- eers; containing formulae for laying out curves, determining frog angles, levelling, calculating earthwork; with tables of radii, etc. Revised ed. N. Y., 1893. nar. S. pp. xv +(1) +273. 77 /^jys. Ijapparent, A. de. La geologic en chemin de fer: descrijition geologique du Bassin jjarisien et des regions adjacentes. Paris, 1888. D. pp, (2) + 608. 1 fold, plate., 1 fold, map, 1 fold, map in pocket. iLaunhardt, W. Theorie des Trassirens. Hannover, 1887-88. 2 pts. O. pp. iv + 112. 19 figs.; viii + (1) + 259. 23 figs. Cmitenls : —1 . Die kommerzielle Trassirung.— 2. Die technische Trassirung. liOewe, F. Der Schienenweg der Eisenbahnen. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1887. O. pp. xi + 380. 142 figs. (Bibliothek des Eisenbahnwesens. viii.) liOng, S. H. Rail road manual; or, a brief exposition of principles and deductions, aj)plic- able in tracing the route of a rail road. Balti- more, 1829-36. 2 pts. bd. in 1 vol. T. pp. (8) + 5-109. Vifigs.; pp. (44). Manega, R. Anleitung zum Tracieren von Eisenbahnlinien ftir angehende Ingenieure. 2% unveranderte Auflage. Weimar, 1889. O. pp. viii + 192. ^Jold. plates. Meissas, N. Tables pour servir aux etudes et a I'execution des chemins de fer, ainsi que dans tons les travaux ou Ton fait usage du cercle et de la mesure des angles. 2" ed. Paris, 1867. D. pp. (4) + vii-xlvii + 379. 22 figs. Orlandi, G. Manuale e tavole di celerimen- sura. Milano, 1889. S. pp. 92 + (909). 13 figs., 1 fold, table. Paulus, R. Bau und Ausriistung der Eisen- bahnen. Stuttgart, [1872.] O. pp. x + 374. 93 jigs. Quested, J. A treatise on railway surveying and levelling. Lond., 1846. O. pp. viii + 73. 13 figs., 1 fold, plate, 1 fold, plate in pocket. CONSTRUCTIOX. 169 Realis, S. Memorie siilla costruzione delle strade ferrate. Torino, 1844. O. pp. 127. 2 fold, jtlntcs. Reviczky, A. von. Sammlimg der Eisen- bahn-Bauvorsciariften fiir Ungarn. Tasolienaus- gabe. Budapest, lSSS-89. 6 pts. bd. in 2 vols. D. pp. (2) + 42; (2) + 36 + (1); viii + 260; (3) + 59 + 19; (3) + 218; (3) + 159 + 13. Salin, H. Manuel pratique des poseurs de voies de chemins de fer. 3<' ed. Paris, 1889. D. pp. xiii -f (1) + 3-198. 62 figs., 1 fold, plate. Searles, W. H. Field engineering; a hand- book of the theory and practice of railway sur- veying, location and construction. 11th revised ed". K. Y., 1889. nar. S. pp. xiv + 503. Seg^in, — aine. De 1' influence des che- mins de fer et I'art de les tracer et de les constru- ire. Paris, 1839. O. pp. (2) + xix + 501. 6 fold, plates. Same, Italian. Milano, 1840. jjp. xv + 336. 5 fold, plates. Shunk, W. F. The field engineer; a handy book of practice in the survey, location and track- work of railroads; containing a large collection of rules and tables. 10th ed., revised and en- larged. N.Y., 1892. nar.S. pp. x +339. Glfgs. Simms, F. W., editor. Public works of Great Britain; consisting of railways, rails, chairs, blocks, cuttings, embankments, tunnels, oblique arches, viaducts, bridges, .stations, locomotive en- gines, <&c. 2nd ed. Lond., 1846. F*. pp. (1) -f 72 + 32 + 24. 6 figs., 131 plates.; pp. (3) -f 70. 1 fig., 22 plates. C(ytitC7its:—l, Railway?.— 3. Canals, bridg&s, river walls, and the docks and port of Liverpool.— 3. Turnpike roads, iron, .steel, and gas works. Lacking plates, 2, 4, 11, 12, IS, 19 and 2, 3. Appended is: "A scientific, historical, and commereial survey of the harbour and port of London; by J. Elmas." Lond., 1838. Sketch of a railway judiciously constructed between desirable points. N.Y., 1841. O. pp. vii -{-9-125. 1 fig., 2 fold, charts. Soldati, V. Tavole tacheometriche in sosti- tuzione delle scale logarithniiche nei calcoli di celerimensura. 3" ed., riveduta e corretta. To- rino, Bologna, 1888. sq. Q. pp. xvi -{-413. 2 figs. Stephenson, Sir R, MacD. Elementary and practical instructions on the science of railway construction. 5th ed., revised and considerably augmented, by Edward Nugent. Lond., 1874. D. pp. viii -{- 262. 101 figs., 2 fold, plates. Stevenson, D. Sketch of the civil engineer- ing of North America; comprising remarks on the harbours, river and lake navigation, li^'bl- houses, steam-navigation, water-works, cau.-ils, roads, railways, bridges, and other worifigs. Same. 3d ed., revised and greatly ini- proved. Philadeli)hia, 1854. D. pp.48. 2d figs. 172 HOPKINS RA IL WA Y LIBRA R Y. Nell, A. M. and Kauflfmann, E. W. Lehre von den Eisenbahncurven und Ausweichgeleisen. 3= Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1882. O. pp. iv + 136 -\- (4), and Atlas, sq. O., of 17 plates. Oliver, J. S. Table for setting out curves on railways and other public works. Lond., 1860. broadside, folded to nar. O. Parsons, W. B./r. Turnouts: exact formul?e for their determination, together with practical and accurate tables for use in the field. N. Y., 1884. T. pp. (7) + 39. 8 /;>., 11 tables, 2 fold, tables. Pochet, L, Theorie du mouvement en courbe sur les chemins de fer, avec ses applications a la voie et au materiel. Paris, 1882. O. pp. (2) + 232. 86 figs. Roy, E. Experiences et etudes sur le passage en courbe du materiel roulant. Paris, 1894. O. pp. 59. 11 figs., 1 fold, plate. " Estrait des Menioires de la Societi. des Ingenieurs civUs de Prance. Bulletin de fevrier, 1894." Searles, W. H. The railroad spiral: the theory of the compound transition curve reduced to practical formulae, and rules for application in field work. 5th ed. Second thousand. N. Y., 1894. nar. S. pp. vii + 95. 12 figs. Shunk, W. F. A practical treatise on rail- way curves and location, for voung engineers. Philadelphia, 1854. nar. D. 2^ figs. Same. Philadelphia, 1890. D. pp. vi -{- 7-106. 29 figs. b. Eails. Barlow, P. Experiments on the transverse strength and other jjroperties of malleable iron, with reference to its uses for railway bars; and a report founded on the same; addressed to the di- rectors of the London and Birmingham railway. Lond., 1835. O. pp. 97. n figs. Same, French. Experiences sur la force transversale et les autres proprietes du fer mal- leable dans son application aux chemins de fer; suivies d' un rapport sur les rails du chemin de Liverpool a Manchester. Traduit par C. Quilhet. Paris, 1838. O. pp. (6) + 151. 2 fold, plates. Bernard, A. Note sur I'emploi des rails d'acier. Paris, 1876. O. pp. (2) + 5-24. p. 48. " Extrait des Annates des mines, tome 11, 1876.' ' Recherche des moyens d'ameliorer les voies ferrees et de resoudre le probleme de la voie entierement metallique. Namur, 1883. O. pp. 49. Ifold. j)lafe. p. 22. Cambria Iron and Steel Works {Johnstown, Pa.) [Catalogue of iron and steel rails.] [Phila- delphia,] n.d. obl.S. pp. (7)+71-f-(l). 72 figs. Corlett, H. li. Eails and railways. [Glas- gow, I860.] O. pp. 4. 1 fold, plate, p. 80. From the Practical mechanic's journal, April 1, 1860." Curtel, A. Memoire sur la fabrication et le prix de revient des rails. MontluQon, 1857. O. pp. (1) + 44. 1 fold, plate, p. 22. Cover has imprint Paris, 1857. Dausse, — Proposition de nouveaux rails pour les chemins de fer. Paris, 1835. O. pp. (2) + 3-20. Ifold. plate, p. 22. Donaldson, W. Tables for plate layers. Lond., 1871. D. pp. (2) + 5-23. 3 ^Wes, 2 fold, tables. Haarmann, A. Das Eisenbahn-Geleise. Leipzig, 1891. 1 vol. bd. in 2. sq. Q. pp. xl + (I) + 852. 1837 figs. liOcard, E. Recherches sur les rails et leurs supports; extrait des ouvrages anglais de P. Bar- low et N. Wood; suivi de la description des rails et des coussinets employes sur les principaux chemins de fer d' Europe et d' Amerique. Paris, 1853. O. pp. (6) + 616, and Atlas, sq. Q., of 15 fold, plates. LiOewe, F. Ueber Normal-Profile von Eisen- bahn-Schienen. Munchen,1884. F. pp. 14. 16 figs. " Separatabdruck aus der Zeitschrift fur Baukunde, Band 7." Montezemolo, L. Delle traversine di ferro neir armamento delle ferrovie. Milano, 1877. O. pp. 69. 5 fold, plates, p. 67. " Estratto dal Politecnico, vol. 25." Mussy, — Note sur les dimensions et profils (les rails et notamment de ceux adoptes sur les lignes parcourues par des trains rapides. Paris, 1890. O. pp. 117 + (1). 2 fold, plates. " Estrait des Annates desponts et chaussces, juillet, 1S90." Pollitzer, M. Die Materialien aus Eisen und Stahl fiir Eisenbahnzwecke. Wien, 1887. O. pp. (6) + 155 -f (3). 147 figs., 10 fold, j^lates. (Hohere Eisenbahnkunde, Bd. 1.) Prindle Rail Company [Litchfield, Conn.) Double, reversible, continuous rail, for railroad track. L. B. Prindle's patent. Litchfield, Conn., 1869. O. pp. 7. 3 figs. Sandberg, C. P. The manufacture and wear of rails. Lond., 1869. O. pp.91. 7 figs., 1 plate, 2 fold, plates. [Saviotti, C] Studio sulle traverse- delle strade ferrate, n.t.p. [Milano,] n.d. O. pp.11. 3 fold, plates. P. 67. " Estratto dal Politecnico, anno 24." [Serres, A. W. de.] Voie entierement metal- lique a rail compose: systeme a longrines de Ser- res & Battig. Bruxelles, 1879. F. pp. (4) + 9 -118 -f (3). Q7 figs., 30 fold, plates. Stevart, A. Rails durs on rails doux? Liege, 1891. O. pp. 24. 1 fold, plate. " Extrait de la Revue universelle des mines tome 13, 3e serie. 35e ann6e, 1891." Verein Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verwaltung- en. Statistik iiber die Dauer der Schienen in den C0NSTRUCTI017. 173 Haiiptgeleisen der Bahnen. Erliebnngs - Jalire 1879-1884. Berlin, 1887. sq. F. pp. iv + 125. 23 fold, plates. Same. Erhebungs- Jahre 1879-1890. Berlin, 1893. sq F. pp. viii + 123. 18 fold. 2^latis. Zimraermann, H. Die Bedingnngen einer dauerliaften Schienenstoss-Verbindung. Berlin, 1892. Q. pp. 20. 20 fieis. " Sonderabdruck aus dein CentralblaU dcr Bauverwal- tung." c. Switches axd Crossings. Automatic Railway Switch Company [San Francisco, Cal.) Prospectus. San Francisco, 1884. O. pp. 12. ^ficjs. p. 93. Donaldson, W. Switches and crossings; formulae for ascertaining the angles of crossings, the lengths of switches, and the distances of the points of the crossings and tlie heels of the switches from the springing of the curve. Lond., 1871. O. pp. (5) + 256. 4 plates, 2 fold, plates. Ekama, P. E. Die mathematische Berecli- nung iind geometrische Construction von Weichen und Kreuzungen in geknlmmten Eisenbahnge- leisen. Wien, Haag, 1887. O. pp. (3) + 136 + (1). 2i/old. jilates. liipthay von Kisfalud, A. Die Berechnung der Weiciien und Geleisanlagen; iibersetzt von Arthur Thiering. Budapest, 1892. sq. Q. pp. (5) + 152. 119». Lovell, D. H. Practical switch work; a hand-book for track foremen. 6tli ed. Phila- delphia, 1894. S. pp. 174. 2bfirjs. Note sur un nouvel appareil pour manoeuvre et calage dcs aiguilles de changement de voie i)ar un seul levier. (Systome Dujour.) Paris, 1883. O. pp. 7. 1 fold, plate, v. 22. " Extrait des Annales des mines, jan.-f6v. 1883." Pinzger, Li. Die geometrische Construction von Weiclicn-Anlagen fiir Eisenhaliu-C ielcise; mit zahlreichen Tabellen und llcchnungshci- spielen fiir den praktischen Uebrauch. 3^' Aus- gabe. Leipzig, 1882. O. pp. viii + 148. 14 fold, plates. Poulet, — Note sur un noveau systtSme de croisement de voies. Paris, 1870. O. pi). 8. 1 fold, plate. P. 22. " Extrait des Annates des mines, tome 27, 1870." d. TlKS ANIJ TiK-PLATES. Desbriere, — Note sur un nouveiiu systrnio d' I'clisscs essavesur la ligne icrI|)tion of certain improve- ments on railways, consisting of a newly invented lail-way chair, and of a slate block constructed by maidilnery. Lond., 1837. < ). Y\<- 16. 1 pl(de. p. 35. Zimmermann, H. Zur Berechnung dcr Schlenenlasclien. Berlin, 1887-89. 2 pis. ( ). jij). 15. H ligs.; ]t\). :\'2. f} (igs. p. 22. " Soudcra^xlruck ans lntcs. Schubert, E. Schneewehen und Schneeschutz- anlagen. Wiesbaden, 1888. D. pp. v + (1) + 98 + (8). 44 A>, 7 fold, jdcdes. Wilson Brothers & Co. {Philadelphia, Pa.) Catalogue of work executed, [including railroad bridges, stations, machine shops, car shops.] Philadelphia, [1885.] obi. O. pp. 70. 15 cts., 63 plates. a. Bridges. Baker, B. Long-span railway bridges; compris- ing investigations of the comparative, theoretical and 2>ractical advantages of the various adopted or proposed tvpe svstems of construction. Philadel- phia, 1870". D.' pp. vii + 9-101. 'l fold, plates. " Reprinted from Engineering." Barlo'W, C. The new Tay bridge; lectures delivered at the Koyal School of Military Engin- eering, at Chatham, Nov., 1888. Lond. and N. Y., 1889. F*. pp. (5) +46. 4 figs., 22 photos., 1/old. plate. Blair, — and Phillips, — An essay on an improved method of construction for viaducts, bridges and tunnels; being an application of the principle of universal gravitation, as illustrated in the solar system. Lond., 1845. O. pp. 10. 1 plate, p. 60. Bock, M. Der Ausbau der Eisenbahnbriicke iiber die Save bei Brod. 1882-1884. Wien, 1885. O. pp. 72. frontisp., 1 fold, plates. " Separat-Abdruck aus de'n Mittheilungen iiber Gegen- sldnde des Arliilerie- und Genie- Wesens." Boiler, A. P. New York, Providence and Boston railroad; report upon the construction of the Thames river bridge and approaches, at New London, Conn. [N. Y.,] 1890. obi. Q. pp. 43 + 17. 1 figs., 1 map, 2 plates, 12 fold, plcdes. Boyer, Li. Chemin de fer de Marvejols a Neussargues: viaduc de Garabit sur la Trueyre. Paris, 1888. Q. pp. (2) + xv + 398. 156>';7,s.; and Atlas, obi Q., of 76 fold, j^lates. Brunlees, J. Description of the iron viaducts erected across the tidal estuaries of the rivers Leven and Kent, in Morecambe bay, for the LTl- verstone and Lancaster railway. ' Lond., 1858. O. pp. 9. 1 fold, plate, p. 87. " Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings oj the Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. 17, session 1857-58." Cargill, T. A paper on the railway bridge at La Place de 1' Europe, Paris; read before the So- ciety of Engineers. Lond., [1866.] O. pp. (1) + 34. 3 fold, plates. [Clark, L.] General description of the Brit- annia and Conway tubular bridges on the Chester & Holyhead railway. Lond., 1849. O. pjj. 34. 4 figs. p. 60. Same. 5th ed. Lond., 1850. O. pp.40, 4. figs., Ifold. p>late. Cooper, T. American railroad bridges. N. Y.,[1889.] O. pp.60. S plates, 19, fold, plates, 2 fold, tables. ' ' From Transactions of American Society of Civil Engineers." Delannoy, F. L'appontement de Kotonou projete et construit par MM. Davde & Pille. Paris, 1892. O. pp. 18. 16 figs., 1 fold, plate. p. 37. •' Extrait du journal Le Genie civil.''' Dempsey, G. D. Kudimentary treatise: tubu- lar and other iron girder bridges, particularly describing the Britannia and Conway tubular bridges; with a sketch of iron bridges, and illus- trations of the application of malleable iron to tlie art of bridge building. Lond., 1850. D. pp. (5) + 132. 41 figs., 1 plate. Eisenbahnbriicke (Die) iiber die Weichsel bei Graudenz. Berlin, 1885. nar. F^. pp. (1) + 18. 5 figs., 13 plates. "Sonderabdruck aus der Zcilschrifl fiir Bauivcsen." Ellet, C. jr. A popular notice of suspension bridges; with a brief description of the wire bridge across the Schuvlkill, at Fairmount. Philadelphia, 1843. O. pp. (2) + 5-18. l23late. Report on a rail-way suspension bridge across the Connecticut, at Middletown, with a jiroposal for its construction, to a committee of the citizens of Hartford. Pliiladelijhia, 1848. O. pp. 62. 1 fold. j)late. Fairbairn, W. An account of the construc- tion of the Britannia and Conway tubular bridges, with a history of their progress. Lond., 1849. nar. Q. pp. (2) + v-xii + 291. 78 figs., 21 fold. plates. Lacks plate 9. Great Britain — Board of Trade. lst-28th and final report of inspection by Major-general CONSTRUCTION. 175 Hutchinson and Major Marindin, of the bridge over the river Forth. Lond., 1883-90. 26 vols. F. 2nd and 3rd, and '^Gth and 27th reports combined. Henry, R. Fonts et viadncs mobilisables, ;i elements portatifs en acier pour chemins de feret routes strategiques. Nouvelle ed. Paris, 1891. O. pp. (4) +110 + (1). 5 figs., 10/old. plafes. Hodges, J. Construction of the great Vic- toria bridge in Canada. Lond., 1860. F'. pp. (4) + 104. 25 cts., 39 plates, 2 fold, plates, 21 colored plates. Jervis, J. B. Keport in relation to the rail- road bridge over the Mississippi river, at Kock Island. N. Y., 1857. O. pp. 15. P. 60. liOe^ve, F. Ueber variable Belastung dor Eisenbahn-Briicken. Miinchen, 1874. O. pp. 32. 24 figs. p. 60. Mallet, R. T. and others. Bridges on the Punjab xsorthern State railway. Lond., 1878. O. pp. 63. 3 fold, plates. Contents:— Mallet, R. T. The Ravi bridge.— I,ain- bert, H. Tlie Alexandra bridge.— Avern, F. M. The Jhelum bridge. " Excerpt Mintdcs nf Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Enyineers, vol. 54. Session 1877-7.S, pt. 4.'' Mehrtens, — Zur Bangeschichte dcr alten Eisenbahnl)rucken bei Dirschau und Marienburg. Berlin, 1893. sq. F^ pp. 15. Q fiejs. " Souderabdruclc aus der Zeitschriftfiir Baiiwesen, jahr- gangl893." Merrill, Col. "W. E. Iron truss bridges for railroads: method of calculating strains, with a comparison of the most prominent truss bridges, and new formulas for bridge computations; also, the economical angles for struts and ties. 4th ed., revised. N. Y., 1878. sq. F. pp. 130. 20 figs., 7 plates, 2 fold, plates. Middleton, R. E. Triangulation & measure- ments at the Forth bridge. Lond. and N. Y., 1887. O. pp. (2) + 5-48. 4 figs. "Reprinted, witli additions, from Tlic Engineer." Myers, W. B. The "Schwedler" bridge: a comparison of tlie various forms of girder bridges. Lond. and N.Y., 1876. O. pp.23. \i J old. platen. P. 60. Neri, G. Dei ])on(i e viadotti per strade fer- rate: disserta/.ione. Torino, 1866. O. pp. (2) + 5-52. 2 fold, plates. V. 60. - Nordling, W. Note sur les pouts biais et les ponts courbes. Paris, 1869. nar. O. pp. (2) + 5-16. 2 fold, plates. " Extraitdes Annates desjwnts et chausaies, 1. 17, 1SC9." [Phillips, P.] The Forth railway bridge; being the expanded edition of I he giant's anatomy ; by tlie author of "Tlie I'"orth liridge in its various stages of construction." Kdinburgh, 1890. s(|. F. i)p. (4) + 7-40. 20 plates. [Pontzen, E.] The Verrugas viaduct com- pared with several other viaducts. N. Y., 1876. D. pp.25. 1 fold, plate. If old. table, p. 60. Reprinted from the Railroad gazette. " Translated from the Joiiniat of the Austrian Society of Engineers and Arclii- tects. Xo. 14, 1875." Riese, O. Die Ingenieur - Bauwerke der Schwciz aus dem Gebiete des Strassen- Eisen- bahnen- und Bruckenbaues neurer Zeit. Berlin, 1887. Q. pp. 142. 101 figs., and Atlas of 24 plates. F*. Roebling, J. A. Long and short span rail- way bridges. N. Y., 1869. F«. pp. (4) + 3- 50 + (13). frontisp. jmrt., 16 figs., 13 fold, plates. Seefehlner, J. Tabelle zur Berechnnng der Eigeugewichte eiserner Bnickenconstruktionen fiir Bahnen. Budapest, 1874. D. pp. 15. 2 fold, tables. P. 60. Sommerfeldt, — Die Grundziige der Festig- keitslehre in ihrer besonderen Anwendungauf die Berechnnng provisorischer Eisenbalin-Brucken. Berlin, 1892. O. pp. vi + (2) + 25S. VJdfigs. Verein Scli-wreiz. Ingenieure und Archi- tekten. Die Eisenbaluibriicke iibcr die A are bei Busswyl auf der Berner Staatsbahn zwisclien Bern und Biel. Zurich, [1870.] F». 11 fold. plates. ".Mbnm des Vereins. Abtheilung Ingeuieurwesen. 1. Lieforung." Cover title. Die Eisenbahnbriicke liber die Saane bei Freiburg auf der Eisenbahn von Lausanne id)er Freiburg nach Bern. Ziirich, [1867.] F^. 12 fold, pleites. Coyer title. [Westhofer, W.] The Forth bridge. Lond., [189—] F'. pp. (3) + 72. 160 figs., 4 p/a^es, 15 fold, plates. h. Buildings. Berg, W. G. Buildings and structures of American railroads. 1st thousand. N.Y., 1893. s(i. F. pp. xxxiv + 500. 691 _/(>•. Chabat, P. Butiments de chemins de fcr: embarcaderes, plans de gares, stations, abris, maisons de garde, remises de locomotives, hallcs i\ marchandises, remises de voitures, atelii'rs, reservoirs. Paris, 1862-66. 2 v(ds. F\ pp. (2) + 5-19 + (1). 100 plates; pp. (2) + 16. 100 j-lates. Durlach, — enid Seelinger, — Der Umbau des B;ihnlioffS Hannover. Hannover, 1886. F*. pp. 55. 2 ligs., 2r>fold. plates. "ijonder-AlKlnick aus dcr Zt^fehrift des ArehileLini- und Inqenieur-Vereins zu Hannover, Bd. 32, Jalng. issil, Heft 1-7." Grover, J. W. Examples of station Imildings and their cost, as executed on several r.iilways. Lond., 187L V\ J>. (I). 13;-/«^.s'. "An Hpi)endlx to Estiniales and diagrams of railway l)rilates, 10 diagrs. Colburn, Z. Locomotive engineering, and the mechanism of railways: a treatise on the prin- ciples and construction of the locomotive engine, railway carriages and railway plant. Lond., and Glasgow, 1871. F*. pp. (2) + v-xiv + 320. 240 figs , and Atlas, ¥^., o/63 fold, plates. Meulen, M de. La locomotive, le materiel roulant et I'exploitation des voies ferries. Paris, 1889. Q. pp. (8) + 259. 42 figs. 11 plates. Meyer, G. Grundziige des Eisenbahn-Ma- schinenbaues. Berlin, 1883-86. 4 vols, bd in 2. O. pp. (8) -f 354. 47Sfigs., 3 fold, plates; pp. (.S) + vii-xiii -f 326. iSSfigs., 4 fold. jAates; pj). (3) -f vii-xii 4 347. 650 figs; pp. (3) + vii-xiii + (1) + 377. 410 figs. Contents:— I. Die Lokomotiven.— 3. Die Eisenbahn- wageii.— 3. Gleiskreuzungen, Ausweichungen [etc.]— 4. Betriebsiniltel fur Nebenbahnen, Kleiubahnen undaudere neuere Transport-Einrichtungeu. Sartiaux, E. and Weissenbruch , Ii. Les applications de I'electricite aux chemins de fer. Bruxelles, 1890. sq. O. pp.176. 60 figs., I fold, plate. Contents :—Ex-pos6 de la question de I'^clairage 61ec- trique des trains et des gares.— Expos6 de la question des freins 61ectviques.— Expose de la question de la snudure (ilectrique. — Note sur les applications de I'electricite en general. " Session de Paris du Congr^s International des Chemins de fer, 14 au 24 septembre 1889." United States — Senate. [Report from the Com- mittee on Interstate Commerce on automatic coup- lers and power brakes.] Ordered printed, July 22,1892. n.t.p. [Washington, 1892. J O. pp.112. EQUIPMENT. 1 / / Weissenborn, G- American locomotive en- gineering and railway mechanism; with a prac- tical treatise on the material, draughting, con- struction and management of tlic locomotive engine and railway cars. N. Y., [1874. J sq. F^ pp. 224 + (3). and Atlas, nar. F'., of 95 plates. I. BRAKES. France — Ministere de VAfjrkulture, du Coia- merce et des Travaux Publics. Arret des trains; appareil de M. de Bergue: commission des inven- tions et reglements concernant les chemins de fer; M. Combes, president, n.t.p. [Paris,] 1866. O. pp. 301-306. 1 fold, plate, p. 61. " Extrait des Annales des mines, 6e siirie, tome 9." Rapport sur le frein automoteur Lefevre et Dorre; par una sous-commission compost'e de MM. Combes, Couche, Sauvage, Lebleu. Paris, 1870. O. pp. (2) + 27. 1 fold, plate, p. 61. " Extrait des Annales des mines, 6e s6rie, tome 17." Galton, D. The effect of brakes upon railway trains; reprinted, witli a preface, by the West- inghouse Air Brake Companv. Pittsburg, Pa., 1894. nar. O. pp. (1) + ix + (1) + 15-171. 20 plates. Great Britain — Board of Trade. Railways: continuous brakes; return in pursuance of the Railway returns, continuous brakes act, 1878, by the railway companies of the United Kingdom, for the six months ending the 30th June, 1878- 31st December, 1891. Lond., 1878-92. 28 pts. F. — Parliament — 41 Vict. An act to pro- vide for returns respecting continuous brakes in use on passenger trains on railwavs. [Roval assent,] 17th June, 1878. n.t.j). [Lond., 1878.] Q. pp. 4. [Kienesperger, — ] Die Bremsen fiir Eisen- bahn-Fahrzeuge. Wien, 1891. Q. pp. (1) + 48. 80 Jiffs., 2 plates. " SeparataMruck aus Roll's Encyklopddie des gcsamkn Eisenbnlinwenens." Bd. 2. "Litteratur,"p. 48. Phelan, J. E. Air brake practice; a descrip- tion of the construction, objects sought, and re- sults obtained by the Westinghouse automatic air brake, as well as directions for operating it under conditions in daily practice. 2d ed. N.Y., [1890.] S. pj). v -j- ( 1 ) +" 105. 2 fold, plates in 2'>ocket. Reynolds, M. Continuous railway brakes; a practical treatise on the several systems in use in the United Kingdom, their construction and i»er- formance. Lond., 1882. O. pp. (2) -\- v-x + 228. 83 fujH. , 9 fold, plates. Shinn, W. P. Power brakes for freight trains. [N. v., 1885.] O. pp. (70). ]H plates, p. 5. Kxirnoted from Amtrirnn Sririrhi of f'ii'il Euijlneers, Transaclione, vol. 11, Ool., 16aj. i>p- lUJ-171. Smith's Vacuum Brake Company. The vacuum brake, n.t.i). [Lond.,] n.d. sci. Q. pp. 12. 8 fold, plates. Synnestyedt, P. Diseases of the air brake system; their causes, svmptoms and cure. Chi- cago, 1894. O. pp. (4) 4- 7-114. 46 figs. Vicaire, E. Compte rendu des experiences entrepriscs au Cheniin de fer du Nord, pour I'essai comparatif du frein a embrayage electrique de M. Achard, et du frein pneumatique de M. Smith. Pari.s, 1880. O. pp. (2) -f 5-96. 3 fold, plates. " Extrait des Annales des mines, livr. de novembre-ddc- ombre, 1880." Westinghouse Air Brake Company. In- struction book: the quick action automatic brake. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1893. S. pp. 64 -f 14 -f 8. 5 fold, plates, 2 cards in pocket, 1 fig. IT. CARS. Adams, W. B. P^nglish pleasure carriages; with an analysis of the construction of common roads and railroads, and the public vehicles used on them, with descriptions of now inventions. Lond., 1837. O. pp. xviii-1-(l) + 315. d figs., 16 plates. Belleroche, E. Etat actuel de la question chaulfage complet des trains de voyageurs sur les chemins de fer: compte-rendu des experiences du Grand-Central-Belge. Paris, 1878. Q. pp. 52. 7 fold, plates, p. 23. Forney, M. N., Garey, L. and Smith, C, A. The car-builder's tlictionary; an illustrated vocab- ulary of terms which designate American railroad cars, their partsand attachments; compiled forthe Master Car Builders' Association. 3d thousand. N. Y., 1881. obi. T. pp. xiv + 491. Jackson & Sharp Company. Delaware car works: passenger, sleei)iug, j)arlor, {)rivate, bag- gage, mail A freight cars: sectional work for exportation ;uid electric and cable cars for street and sviburbau lines. Wilniingttm, Del., [1894.] obi. Q. pp. (6). 31 photo, plates. Kalamazoo Railroad Velocipede & Car Company. Catalogue No. 9. K:damazoo, Mich., [1S91.] obi. I), pp. 40. illus. McAlpine, J. D. Abstract of decisions of tlie arbitration committee of tlie Master Car Builders' Association: cases 1 to 186. Ni)vemi)er, 1888, to May, 1893. N. Y., 1893. T. pj). 48. The car interchange manual, 1894 edition: :i compeudium of useful inforni;!! ion for master car builders aud car inspectors; including,' an ab- stract of the decisions of llie arbitration com- milteo of the Alaster Car Builders' Association. .\. Y., 1S9I. T. |)i.. 80. 178 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. 1895 ed. N.Y., 1895. T. pp.89. M.] Car ventilation. [Boston, Same. [Palmer, J. 1893 ?J broaside. nar. Q. p. 88. [ ] A new system of ventilating cars: cir- cular no. 3. Boston, 1893. folder. T. pp. (8.) 2 figs. p. 88. [ ] Same: circular no. 4. Boston, 1893. nar. S. pp. 15 + (1). A figs. p. 88. [ ] The Palmer system of car ventilation: the best, cheapest, and only efHcient svstem. Boston, 1894. O. pp. 12. p. 88. Paper read before tne New Englaud Railroad Club, Oct. 10, 1894. Patent sectional transferable railway carriages, n.t.p. [Lond., 1846 ?] nar. O. pp.27. 12 figs. p. 28. Begray, li. Le chaufiage des voitures de toutes classes sur les chemins de fer; publie par ordre du Conseil d'administration [de la Com- pagnie des Chemins de fer de I'Est.] Paris, 1876. O. pj). (2) + xxxi + 454. 25 figs., 1/old. table and Adas, sq. F", o/31 plates. Sheffield Car Company. [Catalogue of] light cars. Three Rivers, Mich., [1894.] O. pp. 96. 87 figs. p. 88. Price list of extra parts [for] hand cars, velocipede cars, standpipes. Three Rivers, Mich., [1894.] O. pp. 15. cts. p. 88. Voss, W. Railway car construction; a work describing in detail and illustrating with scale- drawings the different varieties of American cars as now built. N. Y., 1892. Q. pp. 176 + (1). 230 figs, 1 plate, 4 fold. 2^laies. Wellington, A. M., Penniman, W. B. D. and Baker, C. W. The comparative merits of various systems of car lighting: an investigation of the comparative cost, safety, light-giving powers, and general advantages of oil lamps, gasoline carbureters, compressed gas, electric lighting. N. Y., 1892. sq. S. pp. (1) -f x + 303. 77 figs., 13 fold, plates. Ill, LOCOMOTIVES. Alderson, M. A. An essay on the nature and application of steam, with an historical no- tice of the rise and progressive improvement of the steam-engine. Lond., 1834. O. pp. xvi -|- 124. 3 figs, 14 plates, b fold, plates. Lacks plate xix. " The prize essay on this subject at the London Mechanics' Institution in 1833." Locomotive steam-carriages by Trevethic, Blenkinsop, Gurney, Ogle and Summers: Construction of the Manchester railway: Performance of Mr. Stevenson's engine, the Rocket, etc. Alexander, S. A. Broke down: what I should do:; ready reference and key for locomotive en- gineers and firemen, round house machinists, conductors, train hands and inspectors. York, Pa., 1890. 2 pts. in 1 vol. S. pp. (6) + 9-63. frontisp. port., 3 figs.; pp. (6) -f 9-34. frontisp. port., I fig. Audel, T. & Co. {Neiv York.) [Catalogue of books for engineers with an account of] Six his- torical engines: the Branca, 1629; the Newcomen, 1705; theWatt,1784; theTrevethic,1803; Stephen- son's Rocket, 1829; and the Corliss, 1876. n.t.p. obi. S. pp. (12). 1 figs. p. 35. Baker, G. H. A manual of instruction for the economical management of locomotives; for locomotive engineers and firemen. Chicago, 1889. S. pp. 122. 1 figs. Baldwin Locomotive Works. Exposici6a de Minerla y Metalurgia, Santiago de Chile, Set- iembre 1", 1894: exhibiciun de la fabrica de loco- motoras " Baldwin," Burnham, Williams & Co., Filadelfia, Pa. n.p., [1894.] nar. O. pp. 35. History of the Baldwin Locomotive Works from 1831 to 1881. Philadelphia, 1881. Q. pp. (2) -\- 5-53. IQfigs., 1 plate. Illustrated catalogue. 2d ed. Phila- delphia, 1881. Q. pp. (2) -j-5-153. frontisp., 26 figs., 18 photo, plates. Illustrated catalogue of mine locomotives and pneumaticlocomotives. Philadelphia, 1885. Q. pp.36. 4 figs., 5 photo, plates. Noiseless motors and steam street cars for city and suburban railways. 3d ed. Phila- delphia, 1890. Q. pp. 24. '7 figs. [Performance and economy of compound consolidation locomotive no. 45, in comparison with single-expansion consolidation locomotive no. 43, built for the Western Maryland railroad.] n.t.p., [1892.] Q. pp. (4). Ifig. Performance of a compound locomotive on the Long Island railroad, n.t.p. [Philadel- phia, 1894.] O. pp. 8. Record of runs of compound locomotives, nos. 680, 679, 682, 683, on the Philadelphia and Reading railroad and Atlantic City railroad. [Philadelphia, 1894.] O. pp. 14. 2 diagrs., 1 2)late. Report of tests of a compound locomotive on the Norfolk and Western railroad. Philadel- phia, [1892.] Q. pp. (1) -1-61-79. 1 plate. Report of tests of compound locomotives. Philadelphia, [1892.] Q. pp. (2) + 5-79. 1 fig., 4 plates. • The World's Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893: exhibit of locomotives by the Baldwin Locomotive Works. Philadelphia, [1893.] Q. pp. (2) -1- 7-78. 1 ct., 16 plates. Beothy, A. Machine locomotive i\ grande vitesse de 750 chevaux-vapeur. Paris, 1889. Q. pp. (2) 4- 5-30 4- (1). 3 plates, 2 fold, plates. P. 36. EQUIPMENT. 179 Boglione, C. E. Descrizione particolarizzata della macchina inventata da Carlo Emanuele Boglione, il cni uso principale e per macchina locomotiva snlle strade ferrate. Asti, 1852. O. pp. (2) + 5-16. P. 71. Bourne, J. A catechism of the steam engine in its various applications to mines, mills, steam navigation, railways and agriculture. New and revised ed. N. Y., 1872. D. pp. sii + 419. 77 fifjs. Same, supple^nent. Recent improve- ments in the steam-engine in its various appli- cations to mines, mills, steam navigation, rail- ways and agriculture. New ed. Lond., 1880. S. pp. (5) + 336. 124 figs. A treatise on the steam engine in its application to mines, mills, steam navigation and railways; by the Artizan Club, edited by John Bourne. 2d ed. Lond., 1847. sq. Q. pp. (5) -{- 258. 343 fiijs., 21 plates, 9 fold, plates. Same. 11th ed. A treatise on the steam-engine in its various applications to mines, mills, steam navigation, railways, and agricul- ture; and practical instructions for the manufac- ture and management of every species of engine in actual use; by John Bourne; being the 11th ed. of "A treatise on the steam-engine," by the "Artizan Club." Lond., 1876. sq. Q. pp. (3) -\- vii-xii -{- (2) +495. frontisp. port., 5i6 figs., 19 plates, 18 fold, plates. Brooks Locomotive Works. Catalogue of locomotives, 1894. Dunkirk, N. Y., [1894.] obi. T. pp. 237. 110 plates. World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Exhibit of locomotives. Dunkirk, N.Y., n.d. obi. S. pp. (28). 10 plates. Brosius, J. and Koch, R. Das Locomotiv- fiihrer-Examen; ein Fragebuch aus der Verfasser llandbuche: Die "Schule des Locomotivftlhrers"; mit einem Vorworte iiber die "Ausbildung des Maschinenpersonales ". 6", vermehrte Aullage. Wiesbaden, 1888. D. pp. 50. " PreL«gekr6nt von dem Vereiu deutscher Eisenbahn- verwaltungen." Die Schule des Locomotivftlhrers; Iland- buch ftir Eisenbahnbeamte und Studircnde tech- nischer Anstalten. Mit eincni Vorwort von E. Heusinger v. Waldegg. G", vermehrte und ver- besserte Auflage. Wiesbaden, 1887. 3 pts. in 1 vol. D. pi).vi-fl71. Wn figs., I fold, plate; pp. vii + 171-515. 419 y/'/.s., 1 fold, [date; pp. vii + 516-819. 142 figs. Contents :- DdT Looomolivkcssel und seine Armalur.— Die Ma-schine und der Waijcn.— Der Fahrdienst. " Preisgekriint von dem Vereiu deutscher KLseubahu- verwaltungen." Same. 7", vermehrte und verbesserle Auflage. Wiesbaden, 1885-91. 3 pts. in 1 vol. D. pp. vi -[- 185. 181 figs., ] fold, plulr; pp. (2) + 171-520. 410 figs., 1 fold, plate; pp. vii + 521-812. UOfigs. Pts. 2 and 3 "be vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage." Same. 8*^, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Wiesbaden, 1892-94. 3 pts. in 1 vol. D. pp. ix + 208. 184 figs., 1 fold, plate; pp. vii + 193-592. 441^^75., I fold, plate; pp. vi -1- 336. 224 figs. Pts. 2 and 3 "Teyermehrteund verbesserte Auflage." Same,, French: Le mecanicien de chemins de fer; par Emile With. Paris, 1885. O. pp. (2) + v-ix + 424. 0,24 figs., 13 fold, plates. Lorenz, Cataloque ginirale de la librairiefrau(;aise, vol. 9. p. 234 : Le mc'canicieu de chemins de fer, par Brosius et Koch. Edition fran^aise par Emile With. 1883. Ilexiste des exemplaires qui portent sur le titre et la couverture le nom de M. With seul comme auteur. C'etait une crreur de I'imprimerie dont I'editeur ne s'est qu'aprds avoir inis en veute un certain nombre d'exemplaires." Same, Italian: La locomotiva; sua cos- truzione ed arte di guidarla; manuale compilato sulla 5* edizione dell' opera di Brosius e Koch dagli ingegneri S. Fadda e A. Olivetti [S. Fadda e G. SilvolaJ, corredato di numerose modificazioni ed aggiunte. Toruio, Firenze, Roma, 1887-91. 4 vols. D. pp. xvi -1-215. 154 figs. ,4 fold. j)latcs; pp. viii + 308. M'^fi(is , I fold, table; pp. xi -\- 598. 211 figs., 1 fold, plate; pp. (2) + 64. Contents: — 1. Delia caldaia.— 3. Meccauismo e carro della locomotiva. — 3. Servizio della locomotiva nci trcni. — 4. Diziouario tecnologico Italiano, Fraucese, Tedesco e Inglese concernente la locomotiva e le strade ferrate: indice alfabetico dei uomi contenuti nell' ojiera " La loco- motiva." Vols. 1 and 2, "2a ed." Brown, W. H. The history of the first loco- motives in America; from original documents, and the testimony of living witnesses. N. Y., 1871.0. pp. X -f 9-242. llcts., 2 plates, Q fold, plates. Same. Popular ed. Philadelphia, [1877.] O. pp.48. Zcts., ^ plates, 4 fold, plates, p. 45. Burn, R. S. The steam engine: its history and meclianisni; being descriptions and illustrations of the stationary, locomotive and marine engine. 2d ed., corrected. Lond., 1857. O. pp. (2) -j- 7- 142. frontisp., Vii figs. Colburn, Z. The locomotive engine; indiul- ing a description of its structure, ruU-s for esti- mating its capabilities, and j)ractical observations on its construction and management. New ed. Pliiladelphia, 1853. D. pp.187. 4 figs. Same. New ed. Philadelphia, 1888. O. lip. 187. 4 figs. Cooke, C. J. B. British locnmntives: tlicir history, construction and modern (Icyciopnient. Lond.' and N. Y., 1893. D. pp. xvi -\- 381. 145 figs., 2 plates, 'if old. plates. Coste, F. Vadc-inecuni du inrcaiiicicM condiic- luiM-df niacliini'S loi'oniollvcs, ri'iilcrniaiil des in- stnictimis gi'nri'idi's sur la couiluili' ft I'culrcl icu d'unc lucumotive, soit dans Ics stations, soit pond- 180 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. ant la circulation, ou en cas d'accident. Paris, 1847. S. pp. 142 + (1). Couclie, C. Observations sur les machines Engerth moditiees. n.t.p. [Paris, I860.] nar. O. pp. 3-28. P. 36. "Extrait des Annales desminfs, tome 17, 1860." Curr, J. Railway locomotion, and steam navi- gation: their principles and practice. Lond.,1847. O. pp. (2) + 181 + (1). bfigs. Deghilage, A. L. Origine de la locomotive. 2« ed. Paris, 1890. F. pp. (6) + 13-44 + (2). 22 Jiffs., 12 fold, plates. " Ouvrages & pyriodiques a consulter," p. (5). Demoulin, M. Etude sur les locomotives anglaises. Paris, 1885. O. pp. (2) + 5-110 + (1). \ jiff., Q fold, plates. Note sur la construction des locomotives en Angleterre. Paris, 1889. Q. pp. (1) + 21. S Jiffs., 2 fold, plates, p. 36. "Extrait du Portefeuille economique des machines, juiu, 1889." Dempsey, G. D. A rudimentary treatise on the locomotive engine in all its phases, popularly described. 2d ed. Lond., 1857. D. pp. (4) -{- 150. h'i Jiffs., If old. plate. (Weale's rudimentary series, 78*.) A rudimentary treatise on the locomotive engine, comprising an historical sketch and de- scription of the locomotive engine; with lai'ge additions treating of the modern locomotive en- gine, by D. K. Clark. Lond., 1879. D. pp. (2) + v-xii -j- 240. 78 Jiffs. (Weale"s rudimentary series, 202.) Same. 2d ed., revised. Lond., 1888. D. pp. (2) + v-xii + 240. 78 Jiffs. (AVeale's rudimentary series, 202.) Edwards, E. Modern American locomotive engines; their design, construction and manage- ment; a practical work for practical men. Phila- delphia, Lond., 1890. O. pp. xxiv -f 25-383. 78 Jiffs., 1 plate, 2 fold, plates. Evers, H. Steam and the steam engine; land, marine and locomotive. Lond. and Glasgow, 1873. D. pp.373, lib Jiffs., ^ plates. (Collins' advanced science series.) Evidence showing the manner in wliich loco- motive engines are used upon rail-roads; and the danger and inexpediency of permitting rival companies using them on the same road. Boston, 1838. O. pp. 22. p. 45. Farey, J. A treatise on the steam engine, historical, practical and descriptive. Lond., 1827. sq. Q. pp. (2) + v-xii + (I) + 728. b^fiffs., 25 jilates. [Flacliat, E. and Petiet, J. Guide du me- canicien -conducteur de machines locomotives. EnffUsh:'] The student's guide to the locomotive engine; being a description of the difierent modes of constructing locomotives, details of their component parts, and the nature of their employ- ment; with observations on the management of locomotives. Lond., 1849. O. pp. (5) + 17-142 -{- (1) -j- xvi, and Atlas, O., of 12 plates. "Consists principally of a translation from the French, of E. Plachat and J. Petiet"— Advertisement. First French ed. was published in Paris, 1840. Same, German. Handbuch filr Locomo- tiven-Fiihrer, enthaltend eine theoretisch-prac- tische Anweisung tiber die Einrichtung, Behand- lung und Ftihrung der Locomotiv- Dampfma- schinen. Aus dem Franzosischen von Carl Hart- mann. Weimar, 1842. nar. D. pp. (2) -\- ix-xxiv + 288. late. Stoomwagens op gewone wegen, als al- gemeen vervoer middel, mogelijk, nuttig en voordeelig voor Nederland. 's Gravenhage, 1838. nar. O. pp. 77. 1 jilate. Gordon, Alexander. Description of the fumiflc impeller; shewing the direct application of hot products of combustion to the bodies on which they are required to act, without the in- tervention of machinerv. Lond., 1845. O. pp. (1) -f 17. 2 fold, plates, p. 46. " To Sir John Reuiiie with the writer's compts." An historical and practical treatise upon elemental locomotion by means of steam carriages on common roads. Lond., and Edinburgh, 1832. O. pp. (7) -{- 192. 11 2:)lates, 3 fold, jilates. Same. 2d ed., improved and enlarged: A treatise upon elemental locomotion and in- terior communication, wherein are explained and illustrated the history, practice and prospects of steam carriages, and the comparative value of turnpike roads, railways, and canals. Lond., 1834. O. pp. xiv -{- (2) -j- 326. 6 figs., ^plates, 8 fold, plates. Same. German. Historische und prac- tische Abhandlung uber Fortbewegung ohno Thierkrafl, mittelst Dampfwagon auf gewolin- lichen Landstrassen. Weimar, 1H33. (). pp. vi -F fl) -f 324. lifold. plates, Ifold. table. Preseniatlon copy to tho author from F. Q. Wclck, the traiiBlator. Great Britain— //' of Commons. Report from select committ-^e on Goldsworthy Gurney's case; with the minutes of evidence. Ordered printed, 17 July 1834; 10 Julv 1835. [Lond., 1834-35.] 2 vols. F. pp. 88; 34. Report from the committee on (iolds- worthy Gurney's case. Ordered printed, 10 Julv, 1835. [Loud., 1835.] O. pp. 16. p. 35. — ;— Report from select committee on steam carriages, with minutes of evidence and appendix. Ordered printed, 2d July, 1832. [Lond., 1832.1 F. pp. 118. L , J Same. Reprinted by order of the House of Representatives. Washington, 1832. O. i)n. 346 -{- 1. Grimshaw, R. The locomotive catechism; containing nearly 1300 questions and answers concerning designing and constructing, repairing and running various kinds of locomcftive engines. N. Y., and Lond., [1893.] D. pp. (5) -\- 9-362. 178 figs. , 9 fold, plates. Hann, J. and Gener, P. and J. The steam engine for practical men; containing a theoretical investigation of the various rules given in the work, and tables. Lond., 1854. O. pp. (2) -{- v-xii + 240. 29 figs., 4 fold, plates. "On railways and locomotive engines " pp. 44 ff. Henry, A. Etude experimentale de la vapor- isation tians les chaudieres de locomotives, faite dans les ateliers du Chemin de fer do Paris a Lyon et a la Mwliterranee. n.t.p. [Paris, 1894.] O. pp. 119-390. 11 fold, plates. " Kxtrait des AnncUeii desmincs, 1S94." Herapath, J, A letter to the Duke of Well- ington, on tiie utility, advantages, and national injj)ortance of Mr. (Jurnev's steam-carriage. Loud., 1829. O. pp. 48. 2figo. Hodge, P. R. Analytical principles and prac- tical applii!ati()n of the expansive steam engine, as emj)loyed in jyunqiing, manufactiu-ing sti-am navigation, raiiwav locomotion. I^ond., 1849. si]. Q- I'P. i^} + vii'i + (2) -i- 172. 16 figs., 8 fold. Jilates. Hughes, G. The construction of the modern locomotive. Lond. and N. Y., 1891. O. pp. (3) -\- vii-xiii -{■ 261. 309 figs., 3 fold, plates. Jacqmin, F. Des machines a vapeur: U\ons faites en 1869-1870 ;\ I'Ecole impi'riale des pouts et chaussees. Paris, 1870. 2 vols, M. in 1. (). pp. (2) -{- xxxix -\- 428; pp. (2) -f 521. Koch, R. Meccanica delle strade ferrate: !a- voro ilel materiah> mobile, eserci/.io tecnico o oliicine di riparazinne delle ferrovie; tradu/.ione di Micbele Kraeim. Torino, 1S87. C^. pp. ll) -!- v-xxiv + 827 -I- (1). 98 figs. Kosak, G. Katechismus der Eiurichtinig und des Pet riches der Locnuuiti ve: lOilzugs-, IVrsDueu- und (JuterzugHlocom(itivcn,I>('rgloconi()live,Str:i.s- 182 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. senlocomotive, Tramway-Locomotive; fiir _Loco- motivfuhrer,Bahnbeamte,Studirende technischer Fachschulen, sowie zur popularen Belehrung fiir Gebildete jedes Standes. G", vermehrte und ver- besserte Auflage. Wien, 1892. D. pp. v + (1) + 239. frontisp. port., S5figs., 4 fold, plates. Lardner, D. Investigation of the causes of the explosion of the locomotive engine, " Rich- mond," near Reading, Pa., on the 2d Sept., 1844; made at the request of Messrs. Norris Brothers, Philadelphia. [N. Y.,] 1844. O. pp. (2) -f 5- 25. 1 fold, plate. V. 45. The steam engine f amilarly explained and illustrated; with an historical sketch of its inven- tion and progressive improvement, its applica- tions to navigation and railways; with plain max- ims for railway speculators. 6th ed., corrected and enlarged. Lond., 1836. D. pp. (2) + iii-xii + 391. 17 figs., 11 plates, 2 fold, plates. The steam engine explained and illus- trated; with an account of its invention and pro- gressive improvement, and its application to navigation and railways; including also a memoir of Watt. 7th ed. Lond., 1840. O. pp. (3) + vii-xix + 535. frontisp., 32 cuts., 136 figs. Same. With additions and notes; by James Renwick. 3d American from 5th London ed., considerably enlarged. Philadelphia, 1838. O. pp. (3) + 7-324. 17 figs. Same. 4th American from 5th London ed., considerably enlarged. Philadelphia,1848. O. pp. (3) _j- 7-324. 17 figs., 10 p)lates, 3 fold. p)lates. Same. 6th American from 5th London ed., considerably enlarged. N. Y., 1856. O. pp. (3) + 7-324. 17 figs., 10 i)lcaes, 2. fold, plates. A rudimentary treatise on the steam engine; for the use of beginners. 9th ed. Lond., 1867. D. vi + 135. frontisp., 19 figs. Le Chatelier, Ij. Marche a contre-vapeur des machines locomotives; question de priorite. Paris, 1879. O. pp. 15. Memoire sur la marche a contre-vapeiir des machines locomotives; notice historique. Paris, 1869. O. pp. 219. 2 fold, plates. Same. Supplement. Paris, 1869. O. pp. (2) + 139 + (1). Leroy, A. Traite pratique des machines loco- motives a I'usage de mecaniciens, des chauffeurs, et autre agents speciaux des ateliers et depdts des chemins de fer. Dijon, 1879. O. pp. (2) + v- X + (1) + 11-546 + (1), and Atlas, sq. F., o/9 fold, jdates. Maceroni, F. Expositions and illustrations, interesting to those concerned in steam power, whether as applied to railroads, common roads, or to sea and inland navigation. Lond., 1835. O. pp. (4) + 126. Qfigs. p. 35. " To from his affectionate friend the author." A few facts concerning elementary loco- motion. 2d ed. Lond., 1834. O. pp. 13. 1 fold, table. Powers (The) and qualities of Maca- roni's patent steam carriage demonstrated. Lond., 1835. O. pp. 23. p. 35. " Extracted from a work called Illustrations of steam potver, recently published." Same. [Another ed.] Proofs and de- monstrations of the powers and qualities of Mace- roni's patent steam carriage, intended to be the lirst adopted by the National steam carriage asso- ciation. Lond., 1835. O. pp. 26. p. 35. Maey, H. Betrachtungen iiber die Lokomo- tiven der Jetztzeit fur Eisenbahnen niit Normal- spur. Wiesbaden, 1884. O. pp. vii + 217. Mallet, A. Les locomotives a I'Exposition universelle de 1878. Paris, 1879. O. pp. (2) -f v-viii + 99. 2 fold, plates, Ifold. table. Mann, W, A description of a new method of propelling locomotive machines, and of communi- cating power and motion to all other kinds of machinery. Lond., 1830. O. pp. iv + 5-56. fold, colored frontisp., 2 figs. [Marshall, W. P.] Description of the patent locomotive steam engine of Robert Stephenson and Co., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Lond., 1838. sq. F. pp. (2) +5-67. 42»., 4 fold, plates. "The following description was contributed to Tred- gold's work on the steam engine, by the liberality of Robert Stephenson, having been written under his direction and revision by W. P. Marshall."— p. (2.) Massieu, — M^moire sur la locomotive a adherence totale et a essieux convergents de M. Rarchaert. Paris, 1877. O. pp. (2) + 215. 4 fold. ]dates. " Ce mc^'moire a 6t6 insert dans les Ammles dfs mines et dans les Annales des po7its et chajissces sur I'avis de la Com- mission des reglements et des inventions concernant les chemins de fer." Meyer, J. G. A. Modern locomotive con- struction. N. Y., 1892. sq. F. pp. vi + 658. 1030 figs. Norris, S. Norris's hand-book for locomotive engineers and machinists; comprising the pro- portions and calculations for constructing loco- motives, manner of setting valves, tables of squares, cubes, areas, etc. Philadelphia, 1852. D. pp. 300. 65 figs., 2 plates. Same. Philadelphia, 1889. O. pp. 302. 65 figs. Outline (An) of the growth of the locomotive engine, and a few early railway carriages, n.t.p. [Lond.? 1885 ?] F«. 6 fold. pAates. Contents : —1. To the year 1840.— 2. From 1841 to 1884. —3. Types of American locomotives, from 1804 up to 1876. — 4. Types of locomotive engines on the Stockton & Dar- lington & the North Eastern railway lines, from 1825 to 1848.— 5. Types of American locomotives, 1876 to 1882.— 6. Types on the Stockton & Darlington & North Eastern rail- way lines, from 1818 to 1885. equipment: 183 Pambour, F. M. G. de. A new theory of the steam engine, and the mode of calculation by means of it, of the effective power of every kind of steam engine. Lond., 1838. O. pp. 58. p. 35. Theorie des machines a vapeur; ouvrage destine a prouver Tinexactitude des m^thodes en usage pour evaluer les eflets ou les proportions des machines a vapeur, et a y substituer une serie de formules analytiques propres ji deter- miner la vitesse d'une machine. 3*^ ed. Liege, 1847. sq. Q. pp. (2) + v-xvi + 416. Traite theorique et pratique des ma- chines locomotives; ouvrage destine a faire con- naitre le mode de construction, le jeu des ces machines et leur emploi pour le transport des fardeaux; suivi d'un appendice contenant I'expose des depenses de ces machines pour le halage des fardeaux sur les chemins de fer. Paris, 1835. nar. O. pp. xxiv + 407 + (!)• 4/oW. plates. Same, English. A practical treatise on locomotive engines upon railways; a work in- tended to show the construction, the mode of acting, and the effect of those engines in convey- ing heavy loads; to which is added an appendix, showing the expense of conveying goods, by loco- motive engines, on railroads. Lond., 1836. O. pp. (2) + v-xxxi + 365. 4 fold, plates. Same. Philadelphia, 1836. O. pp. xvi -\- 17-304. 4 fold, plates. Same. 2d ed. Lond., 1840. O. pp. (2) 4- v-xlviii + 583. 5/old. plates. Partington, C. F. An historical and descrip- tive account of the steam engine; comprising a general view of the various modes of employing elastic vapour as a prime mover in mechanics; with an appendix of patents and parliamentary papers connected with the subject. Lond., 1822. O. pp. (2) -f v-xvi + 187 + 90. 6 figs., 8 fold, plates. Same. 2d ed., corrected and enlarged. Lond., 1826. O. pp. (2) + v-xiv + (2) + 300. 25 figs., 9 fold, plates. Same. 3d ed., corrected and enlarged: A popular and descriptive account of the steam engine; comprising a general view of the various modes of employing elastic vapour as a prime mover in mechanics; and on steam-navigation; with an appendix of patents and parliamentary papers connected with that subject. Lond., 18.36. O. pp. (1) + v-xvi + .330. Sbfigs., 15 fold, plates. Lacking plates no. 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13. Petzholdt, A. Die Locomotive der (Jegen- wart null die Principien ihrer Construction, an den Objecten der Wiener Weltausstellung, 1873. Braunschweig, 1875. O. pp. xxiv -h (1) -f 399 -J- (1). 74 figs., 5 fold, plates. Pezza, C. Alcune considerazioui intorno macchine aereobatiche ed alia direzione di esse, n.p., n.d. D. pp. 13. P. 71. Piarr on de Mondesir, Gr. Note sur la theorie de la locomotive sans fover. Paris, 1875. (). pp. (2) -t- 5-19. p. 46. "Extrait des A.nnales des porUs et cliaussies, 1875, tome 10. " Piron, — De rechappement des locomotives: analyses et extraits de I'ouvrage allemand Das Locomotiven Blasrohr, de M. Zeuner. n.t.p. [Paris, 1864.] nar. O. pp. 265-318. P. 36. Poppe, J. H. M. Populiiror Unterricht iiber Dampfniaschiuen, uber die Anwondimg derselhen zum Treiben anderer Ma.schinen, insbcsondere audi iiber Danipfschiffe und Dampfwagen; nebst einer Geschichte des gesammten Dampfmaschin- enwesens. Tiibingen, 1826. nar. »S. pp. viii -[- (l)+234. 4: fold, plates. Purdue University {Lafayette, Ind.) Loco- motive testing at Purdue tJniversitv. Laiayette, Ind., 1894. 0. pp. (2) + 3-11 + (1). 4 figs., 5 plates, p. 45. Rankine, D. A popular exposition of the efiects of forces applied to draught; witli illustra- tions of the principles of action, and tables of the performances of horses and of locomotive engines on railways. Glasgow, Edinburgh and Lond., 1828. O. pp. (2) + 5-76. Ifold. plate, p. 46. Reagan, H. C. jr. Locomotive mechanism and engineering. 1st ed. 1st tiiousand. N. Y., 1894. D. pp. X -i- 296. 144 figs., 6 plates. Recent locomotives: illustrations, with descrip- tions and specifications and details, of recent American and European locomotives, reprinted from the Railroad qazette. N.Y., 1883. F-'. pp. (4) + 46 + (2). 28yr.7s., 79 plates, 5 fold, plates. Reed, W.W. Reed's head light for locomo- tive engineers and machinists; comprising such information as necessary to give a general knowl- edge of the calculation and construction of the American locomotive engine: practical instruc- tions to manage the locomotive. Paterson, N. J. 1874. D. pp.189. U figs. , 1 plate. Reid, H. Thesteam-engine; a popular descrip- tion of the construction and action of that engine: witli a sketch of its history, and of the laws of heat and pneumatics. 2d ed., revised and en- larged. E(liiil)urgh, Glasgow, 1840. IS. pp. xvi -{- 254. 43 figt. Reynolds, M. Locomotive engine driving; a practical manual for engineers In charge of locomotive engines. 8th ed. Lond., ISSS. I). (2) -|- v-xlli 4- ^58. froitlisp. port., 39 figs. The model locomotive engineer, fireman and englne-bov; coinprislng a liistoriciil notice of the pioneer locomotive engines mikI their in- ventors, with a project for tiie esUihlishMicnf of 184 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBliARY. certificates of qualiticatiou in the ruuuing service of railways. London, 1879. D. pp. (2) -|- v- xii + 256. frontisp. jjort!', 71 figs. Richard, G. La chaudiere locomotive et son outillage. Paris, 1886. F. pp. (2) + v-xxxvi + 744. 1092 figs, and Atlas, sq. F., of 38 fold, plates. and Bade, 1i. Manuel du mecanicien condncteur de locomotives. Paris, 1881. O. pp. (2) + v-xxxii + 551 + (1). 2>Qbfigs., and Atlas, sq. Q., of 10 fold, i^lates. Roper, S. Hand-book of the locomotive, in- cluding the construction, running and manage- ment of locomotive engines and boilers. 14th ed., revised. Philadelphia, 1890. T. pp. xv + (1) + 17-324. frontisp. port., 41 cts. Eoper's instructions and suggestions for engineers and firemen who wish to take charge of any class of steam engines or boilers, stationary, locomotive or marine. 2d ed., revised. Phila- delphia, 1894. T. pp. X + 11-66. 2 cts. Sauvage, E. La machine locomotive; man- uel pratique donnant la description des organes et du fonctionnement de la locomotive a I'usage des mecaniciens et des chauffeurs. 2« ed. Paris, 1894. D. pp. (3) + vii-xvi -\- 374. 2Si figs. Schlumberger, A. and Koechliu, E. De- scription de la premiere locomotive avec chaud- iere tubulaire, construite par M. Segiiin aine, pour le chemin de fer de Lyon a Saint Etienne en 1828. Extrait du rapport a la Societe industri- elle de Muihouse. Lyon, 1889. nar. Q. pp. (2) + 5-42. Bd. with the next following. Seguin, — ahic. Memoire sur un nouveau systeme de moteur, fonctionna toujours avec la nieme vapeur a laquelle on restitue a chaque coup de piston la chaleur qu' elle a perdue en produis- ant I'efiet mecanique. Lyon, 1886. nar. Q. pp. (2) + 5-25. Sfigs. Sinclair, A. Locomotive engine running and management; a treatise on locomotive engines. 2d ed. N. Y., 1885. D. pp. (2) + v-xviii + 390. 38 figs. , frontisp. plate. 'Sa7ne. 18th ed., carefuUv revised and enlarged. N. Y., 1891. D. pp. xliv + 416. 46 figs., ^plates, 2 fold, plates. Same. 20th ed., carefully revised and enlarged. N. Y., 1893. D. pp. xliv + 416. 67 figs., 2 fold, plates. Smith, F. C. The locomotive engineer's "torch." N.Y., 1880. S. pp. (4) + 59. 7 figs. Stretton, C. E. The locomotive engine and its development; a popular treatise on the gradual improvements made in railwav engines between 1803 and 1893. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. Lond.,1893. D. pp. (2) + v-x + 204. 88^grs., 7 fold, plates. Stuart, R. A descriptive history of the steam engine. 2d ed. Lond., 1824. O. pp. (9) + 228. 'iSfigs. Templeton, W. The engineer's commonplace book of practical reference, consisting of practi- cal rules and tables adapted to land, marine and locomotive steam engines. Lond., 1839. D. pp. (6) + 9-166. 5 figs., A fold, plates. Same. 2d ed. Lond., 1841. S. pp. (6) + 9-164. 5 figs., A fold, plates. The locomotive engine popularly ex- plained and illustrated by designs, to which are added rules and tables for ascertaining its amount of useful effect, resistance. Lond., 1841. D. pp. viii -J- 9-100. 2 fold, plates. Same. 2d ed., revised by an eminent civil engineer. Lond., 1848. D. pp. (7) -\- 9- 106. 3 fold, jylates. Thouvenot, C, Notice sur une machine locomotive :\ fortes rampes de grande puissance. Saint-Nicholas pres Nancv, 1865. nar. O. pp. 15. 1 fold, plate, p. 46. ' Tredgold, T. The steam engine; comprising an account of its invention and progressive im- provement, with an investigation of its principles, and the proportions of its parts for efficiency and strength. Lond., 1827. sq. Q. pp. xix + (1) + 370. 29 figs., 20 plates. The steam engine: its invention and progressive improvement; an investigation of its principles, and its application to navigation, manufactures and railways. New ed., revised and edited by W. S. B. Woolhouse. Lond., 1838. sq. F. pp. (2) + v-xix + (1) + 500 + 250. frontisp. port., 9i figs and Atlas, sq. F., of 117 plates. United States — Treasury Department. Steam- engines: letter from the Secretary of the Treas- ury, transmitting information in relation to steam engines. Dec. 13, 1838. n.t.p. [Wash- ington, 1838.] O. pp. 416. (25th Congress, 3d session. House doc. 21.) Veritas Vincit, x>seiid. Railway locomotive management; a series of letters. Lond., 1847. O. pp. iv -f 232. Villarceau, Y. Theorie de la stabilite des machines locomotives ea mouvement. Paris, 1852. O. pp. (3) + 152. A figs., I fold, table. " Extrait des Mtnoires el comptesrendus des travaux de la Society des Ingenieurs civils, Janvier a juin, 1851." Vuillemin, — Note sur le service des ma- chines Engerth modifiees, et des memes machines decouplees, sur le Chemin de fer de I'Est. n.t.p. [Paris, I860.] nar. O. pp. 2. p. 36. "Extrait des Annates des mines, tome 17, 1860." Walker, J., and others. Report to the direct- ors of the Liverpool and Manchester railway, on the comparative merits of locomotive and fixed EQUIPMENT. 185 engines, as a moving power; by Janios Walker. Observations on the comparative merits ()f loeo- motive and fixed engines as applied to railways; by Robert Stephenson and Josei)h Locke. An ac- count of the Liverpool and Manchester railwav; bv Henry Booth. Philadelphia, 183L O. pp. (i) + 206. ;> jilaics, 2 fold, plates. Woods, A. T. Compound locomotives. 2ded., revised and enlarged bv David I^eonard Barnes. Chicago, 1893. O. pp. xiv + 330. 173 figs. a. BoiLKRs, Fuel, Steam. Armstrong, R. An essay on the boilers of steam engines, their calculation, construction, and management, with a view to the saving of fuel. New ed., enlarged and improved. Lond., 1839. O. pp. (2) + v-xvi + 264. 23 figs. Borodine, A. Recherches experimentales sur I'emploi des enveloi)pes de vapeur et du fonc- tionnement compound dans les locomotives effec- tudes sur les chemins de fer Sud-Ouest russes. Paris, 1887. Q. pp. 85. 3 fold, plates, 5 fold, tables, p. 36. Cover title. Commines de Marsilly, — and Chobrz- inski, — De la substitution de la liouille an coke dans les locomotives. Paris, 1856. O. pp. 30. 1 fold, plate, p. 46. " Extrait des Annalesdes mines, tome 9." Deuxieme note sur remj>loi de la houille dans les locomotives, n.t.p. [Paris, 1856.] O. pp. 9. P. 46. " Extrait des Annales des mines, tome 10." France — MinistWe de V Agriculture, du Com- merce et des Travaux Publics. Rapport sur I'em- ploi de la houille dans les machines locomotives et sur les machines a foyer fumivore du svsteme Tenbrinck. Paris, 1862. O. pp. (2) +"75. 2 /old. plates. Franklin Institute {Philadelphia). Report of the committee on the explosions of steam-boilers. Phila., 1836. 2 pts. nar. O. pp. i v + 3-84 -f 2. 6 figs., 6 ]datcs; pp. 48. 6 figs. v. 45. Great Britain — Railway Department of the Board of Trade. Two reports of an inspecting- officer on the explosion of boilers of locomotive engines, one of which occurred at the Gloucester station of the Great Western railway, the 7th February, 1855, anil at the Greenock station of the Caledonian railway, on the 5th of Ajtril, 1855. Presented by command, June, 1855. Lond., 1856. F. pp". (1) + 61-67. -Ifig^. Jeanneney , P. Calculs sur la sortie; de vapeur dans les machines locomotives. Paris, 1841. (). pp. (1) + 197. 1 fold, table, 7 fold, plates. liOnholdt, W. Locomotiv inid Kessel-Feucr- nngen mit Sturzdamme undPendelstab-Korbrost. Berlin, 1891. O. pp. 14 + (2). I fold, plate. Marie, G. Etude compan'e des regulateurs de vitesse, de pression, de temperature et des regu- lateurs de toutes sortes. Paris, 1879. O. pp. 99. 2 fold, plates. " Extrait des Annales des viines, novembre-decembre, 1878." Cover title. Les progros futurs de la locomotive an point de vuede I'economiede combust ibk>. Paris, [1881.] Q. pp.24. M. 4. " Extrait de la lievuc gbUratc des clietnins de fcr, iuillet 18S1." Les regulateurs de vitesse. Paris, 1887. O. i)p. (2) + 5-7S. 2 fold, plates. " Extrait des Annales des mines, septembre-octobre 1SS7." Panoux, F. Notes sur I'utilisation de la vap- eur dans les machines locomotives. Paris, n.d. sq. Q. pp.8. 1 fold, plate. Cover title. Pechar, J, Die Lokomotiv-Feuerbiichse fiir Rauchverzehrung und Brennstoflf-Ersparniss mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des systems Nepilly. Wien, 1884. O. pp.95. 52 figs., 1 fold, table. p. 36. " Sonder-Abdnick aus Glasa-'s Annalen fiir Gewerhe & Bauwcse.n. Bd. 14." Ricour, — Notice sur le tube d'inversion ou la machine locomotive transformee en generateur de chaleur pour produire I'arret des trains; avec une introduction et un ap])endice en reponse au memoire de M. Le Chatelier. Paris, 1869. O. pp. (3) -{- XV + 84. 4 figs., Ifold. jdate. Rapport sur les inconvenients des f reins ordinaires et sur I'emploi regulier de la contre- vapeur pour moderer la vite.sse ou produire I'arret des trains. Paris, 1867. O. pp. 71. 3 fold, plates. " Extrait des Annales des mines, tome 10, 18C6." Tube d'inversion; critique, scientifique et historique. Paris, 1870. O. pp. (2) + 5- 44 + (1). Zeuner, G. Traite des distributions par tiroirs dans les machines a va[)eur iixes et les locomotives; traduit sur la troisienie edition allemande, par A. Debize et E. Merijot. Pari.s, 1869. O. pp. (12) + 260. 54 /7s., (ifold. plates. IV. LUBRICATION. Cory's force feed lubricator, for oiling all journals, eccentrics and links while the engine is ruiniing full speed. Troy, N. Y., [1894?] obi, S. i)p. (4). 1 fig. P. 88. Grossinann, J. Die Sclunisrmittel : Methodon zu ihrer Untersuchung und VVertbestinimung. Wiesbaden, 1K94. O. i)p. viii -|- 186. 25 figs. " hn Anschluss an das issr) erschionono Work': Dio .?chniiei'iiiillel und LaKCrmetullo fiir liolcomotlven, KIson- baluiwaKcu. " HaU, W. E. Car lubricatiou. N. Y., 1891. D. pp. (3) + 66. n figs. 186 HOPKINS BAIL WAY LIBRARY. Kiinkler, A. Die Maschinenschmierung, die Schmiermittel und ihre Untersuchung; nebst einem Anhang: "Die Lieferungsbedingungen der deutschen Eisenbahnen." Mannheim, 1893. O. pp. (1) + vi + 229 + (1) + 32 + vi + (1). 69 /firs. Runge, O. Die Prilfung und Untersuchung der Schmiermaterialien filr Locomotiven und Eisen- bahn-Wagen. Prag, 1892. Q. pp.24. 9 figs. "Sonderabdruck aus den Technischen Bldttern, Viertel- iahrschrift des Detitschen. Polytechnischen Vereines in Boh- Tnen." 24 Jalu'g., 1. & 2. Heft. V. SHOPS. Cooke, C. J. B., and others. Round the works of our great railways; bv various authors. Lond., [1893.] D. pp. (4) +232. UO iUus. Contents:— Cooke, C. J. B. London and North-West- ern works at Crewe.— Jones, C. H. Midland railway works at Derby.— Brickwell, A. J. Great Northern rail- way works at Doncaster.— Worsdell, \V. North- Eastern railway and its engines.— Parker, A. P. Great Eastern railway works atStratford.—Malan, A. H. Great Western railway works atSwindon.— Malan, A.H. The old broad guage engines and their successors. — JLiockyer, A. E. North British railway works at Cowlairs. McDonnell, R. W. Tlirough locomotive works; being advice to young mechanical en- gineers. Dublin & Lond., 1894. D. pp. (5) + 11-66. Mathias, F. Les nouveaux ateliers de la compagnie du Cheniin de fer du Nord a Hellem- mes-Lille pour la reparation des locomotives & du materiel roulant. 1« pie. Paris, [1883.] F. pp. 77. 62 figs., 1 plate, 15 fold, plates. "Extrait du Revue genercUe des cMminsde fer, Janvier, juillet et novembre, 1882." VI. SIGNALS. Alsace-Lorraine, Chemins de fer Imperi- aux d'. Keglement pour les signaux. Berlin, 1883. S. pp. 75. 42 figs. American practice in block signaling; with descriptions and drawings of the different systems in use on railroads in the United States. N. Y., 1891. sq. O. pp. (2) +72 + 6. 56 figs. Reprinted from Railroad gazette. Appy, F. Block-system automatique; solu- tion mecanique. [Nice, 1892.] F. pp. 11 + (1). 1 fold, plate. Cover title. Brame, E. and Aguillon, Ii. Note sur les mesures adoptees par les chemins de fer frangais pour la protection des trains circulant dans le meme sens sur les lignes k double voie. Paris, 1883. nar. O. pp. 73. 2 fold, plates, p. 27. " Extrait des Annates des ponts et chausstes, d6cembre, 1882." Etude sur les signaux des chemins de fer franijais. 2<= ed. Paris, 1883. O. pp. (2) + vi + 655, and Atlas, obi. Q-, of A^ fold, plates. [C, M.] Appareil de block-systeme pour voies double et simple adopte par la Compagnie Im- periale des Chemins de fer Nicolas, Russie: sys- teme Rodarv. Paris, 1889. Q. pp. 8. 1 plate. M. 12. "Extrait de la Revue gtnerale des chemins defer,A^c. 1889." Cleraiilt, F. Note sur I'emploi des electro- semaphores de MM. Lartigue, Tesse et Prud- homme pour la realisation du block-system. Paris, 1877. O. pp. 63. 2 fold, j^lates. p. 27. " Extrait des Annates des ponts et chauss^s, 1877, 2e sem., tome 14." Dumont, G. and Baigneres, G. Signaux et application de I'electricite aux chemins de fer. Paris, 1893. Q. pp. (3) +3-92 + (3). 12 figs., and Atlas, sq. F., of 3 plates, 12 fold. 2)la'tes. (Les chemins de fer a I'Exposition universelle de 1889.) " Extrait de la Revue technique de I'Exposition universelle del889." Germany. Signalordnung fur die Eisenbahnen Deutschlands, vom 30. November 1885. Berlin, 1886. S. pp. (2) +6-57. 43 ^^rs. Same. 8« Auflage. Berlin, 1886. O. pp. 57. 43 figs. f.27. Heurteau, E. Rapport sur les divers sys- temes de signaux en usage et I'application des appareils d'enclanchement pour la protection des bifurcations. Paris, 1880. nar. O. pp. 45. 2 fold, jylates. p. 27. " Extrait des Annates des mmes, juillet-aoUt, 1880." Hornbostel, M, Bitter von. Zur Einfilhr- ung des Blocksystemes auf der Wiener Stadt- bahn. Wien, 1884. O. pp. (3) + 106. 6 fold. plates. Johnson Railroad Signal Company. Cata- logue of interlocking and railroad signaling ap- pliances. Rahway, N. J., (copyrighted, 1889). sq. O. pp. 140. 54 plates. Railroad signaling in all its branches: reference book. [N.Y., 1894.] nar. D. pp. 241. 109 plates. Keeker, G. Vergleichende Studien iiber Eis- enbahn-Signalwesen unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der deutschen, englischen, franzosis- chen und belgischen Signal-Einrichtungen. Wiesbaden, 1883. O. pp. (5) + 5-84. Langdon, "W. D. The application of elec- tricitv to railway working. Lond., 1877. S. pp. XV + 315 + (1). 142 figs., 5 fold, plates. Contents: — Speaking telegraphs.— Block signalling.— Miscellaneous appliances. Lartigue, H. Note sur les electro-semaphores pour le block-system, leur application sur les lignes a double et a simple voie: syst6me Lartigue, Tesse et Prud'homme. Paris, 1877. O. pp.32. 1 fold, plate, p. 27. "Extrait des Mtmoires delaSodtlt des IngSnieurs civits." Lazarus, J. Das Eisenbahn-Signalwesen auf OPERA TION. 187 der Pariser Weltausstellung, 1890. Wien, 1890. sq. F. pp. 17. Aijiijs., 1 plate, I fold, plate. " Separatabdruck aiis der Wophrmrhr/ft des osterr. Jn- geiiieur- unci Architekten- Vercincs, Nr. 4S, 50, 1889, und Nr. 4, 7, 9, 12, 13, 25, 28, und 30, 1890." Metzger, C. Etude sur le block -system a dis- tance pour I'exploitation des chemins de fer; controleur automatique de la marche des trains, controleur des cloclies ^lectriques, controleur automatique des signaux du block-system a dis- tance. Paris, 1887. Q. pp. (2) + 5-50 -f (6). 2 jjlates, 3 fold, plates. M. 14. Rapier, B. C. On the fixed signals of rail- ways. Lond., 1874. O. pp. 110 -f (1). 11 Jigs., 6 fold. j)lates, 2 fold, tables. " Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. 38, session, 1873-74." '"' F. Ransome with the author's kind regards." Sauvage, E. Le systeme anglais des signaux de cliemins de fer. Paris, 1893. nar. O. pp. (2) -}- 5-96. bfgs., 5 fold, plates, p. 61. " Extrait des Annales des mines, naars, 1893." Schneebeli, — Die electrische Signalscheibe fiir Eisenbahnen. ZUricli, [1875.] O. pp. 6. 1 fold, plate, p. 27. " Separat-Abdruck aus der Eisenbahn, Bd. 3. no. 8." Tobler, A. Mittheilungen iiber einige von der Firma Siemens & Halske auf der Frankfurter Ausstellung 1891 ausgestellte Gegenstande aus dem Gebiete der Telegraphic, Teleplionie und des elektrischen Eisenbahnsignalwesens. Juni 1892. Berlin, [1892.] Q. pp.40. 36 f.] Liverpool, 1840. O. pp. (1) +4-8. bfg's. p. 46. Sir John Rennie's copy. New York Railroad Club. Report of pro- ceedings of the New York liailroad Club, formerly Master Car Builder's Club, Feb. 16. N, Y.,1888. O. pp. 3-29. p. 5. Subject fordiscuKsion "Car wheels and axles: fitting of wheel to axles and guarantee of wheels." Nollau, — Sur I'application des contre-poids aux roues motrices des machines locomotives. n.t.p. [Paris, I860.] nar. O. pp. 28-34. -[fold. jAate. P. 36. " Kxtrait des A7inalc8 des mines, tome 17, 1800. Previously publlstied in the Eiseiiixihn ZeittuKj, IMS." Verein Deutscher Eisenbahn -Verwalt- ungen. Freie Leukachscu fur Zug- f Jeschwin- digkeiten bis 90 km. in der Stunde und fiirWagen mit und ohne Bremsen. Berlin, 1891. F. pp. 10 -{-(1). 1 Jig., 16 plates. Die Vereins- Lenkachsen. 2" unveriin- derteAuflage. Berlin, 1891. F. pp.22. 12 fgs., 1 plate. Volkmar, W. Neuere Versuche der Reichs- Eisenbahnen in Elsass- Lothringen iiber dasVer- halten freier Lenkachsen. Wiesbaden, 1892. sq. F. pp.8. \2 plates, I fold, plate. " Beilasre znm Organ fiir die Fortschritte des Eisenbahn- ivescns, Jahrgang 1892." Worms de Romilly, — Note sur un systCme de roues employees jiour une locomotive routiere. n.t.p. [Paris, 1868.] O. pp.15. 1 plate, p. 46. " Extrait des Annales des miiies, tome 14, 18G8.' ' virr. SPECIAL equip:ment. Bucyrus Steam Shovel & Dredge Com- pany. Catalogue of steam shovels and steam dredges. Toledo, Ohio, 1892. obi. S. pp. (40). 15 plates. P. 38. Harris, R. L. The railroad ferry steamer "Solano." N. Y., 1890. O. pp. (12). 3 2>lafes, 5 fold, plates. P. 93. "Extracted from Transactions of llie Ameriean Society oj Civil Engineers, vol. 22. April, 1890. pp. 247-258. Hartwich, E. Description du bac du chemin de fer RlK'-uan sur le Rhin ;\ Rheinhausen, pres deDuisburg; traduitpar M. Miintz. Paris, 1872. O. pp. (2) -|- 5-24. 3 fold, plates. P. 76. Kochs, W. E. Improved method of trans- ferring railway trains to and from ferry boats and floating vessels. Loud., 1872. sq. Q. pp. 3. If old. plate. Leslie Brothers Manufacturing Company. " The rotary," America's famous snow plow; its improvements and leading features illustrated and described. Paterson, N. J., 1893. D. pp. 32. 12 cts. P. 37. Vulcan Iron Works Company. Catalogue, jiart 1: steam shovels. 4th etl. South Milwau- kee, Wis., [1892.] obi. Tt. pp. 46. 14 Jigs. p. 38. Operation. Ackerman, W. K. Notes on railway manage- ment. N. v., 1884. O. pp. (16). p. 5. ICxtracted from li'orlh American Review, vol. 139, Dec, 1S84. pp. 531-540. Albert, — Die Anstellnngen im Ei.senbahn- Dienst; llandbuch fUr Untcr-ofli/icre, w<'lcho sich dcm l''iscnli.ihnfach y.n widmcn heabsich- tigcu. Berlin, 1884. O. j. p. (4) -I- 7-59. 188 HOPKINS n AIL WAY LI BRA BY. Belfast and Northern Counties Railway (Ireland). [A collection of 332 pieces of station- ery in use by the company.] [Belfast, 189-] Album F*. Eules and regulations for the guidance of the officers and servants. Belfast, 1861. S. pp. 120. Biglia, F. Di alcune question! relative all' eserciziodelleferrovie. n.t.p. [1867-69.] 2 vols. bd. in 1. O. pp. 132. 4 fold, plates; pp. 119. 5 fold, plates. Contents:—!. Locomotive. Freni.— 2. Segnali. Fer- rovia sotterranea di Londia. Bousson, — Note sur les resultats pratiques des difierents modes de traction et d'exploitation successivement employes sur les anciennes lignes de Kh6ne et Loire. Paris, 1863. O. pj). 70. p. 15. ' ' Extrait des Amiales des ponis et chaussees, ler semestre, 1863." Brosius, J. and Koch, R. Die Schule ftir den ilusseren Eisenbahn-Betrieb: Handbuch ftir Eisenbahnbeamte und Studirende technischer Anstalten. In Ergiinzung ihrer "Schule des Locomotivfiihrers." 3. Theil (Schluss). Wies- baden, 1883. D. pp. (3) + vii-xvi +627-1152. 342 figs. , 2 plates. Cwi^enis:— Bahnoberbau, Signalwesen, Stationsdienst,&c. Same. 2% umgearbeitete und verbes- serte Auflage. NeueAusgabe: Der itussere Eisen- bahn-Betrieb. Wiesbaden, 1893. 4 vols. bd. in 2. D. pp. xiv + (1) + 259. 278 figs.; pp. xvi + 322. 265 figs., 5 fold, plates; pp. xviii + 309. 875 figs.; pp. xxii +411. 169 figs. Contents:—!. Vorkenntuisse fiir den iiusseren Eisen- bahn-Betrieb: Zeichnenkunde, Arithmetic, [&c.]— 2. Die Eisenbahn-Betriebsmittel : Locomotiven und ihre Leis- tungsfahigkeit.— 3. Ban und Unterhaltung der Eisen- bahnen.— 4. DerEisenbahn-Zugforderungsdienst: Signal- dienst, Stationsdienst, [&c.] Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. Kates of pay and regulations governing employes in train and yard service on the principal railroads of the United States, Canada and Mexico; col- lected by S. E. Wilkinson and W. A. Sheahan. Galesburg, 111., 1892. O. pp. 192. Same. Supplement no. 1. Galesburg, 111., 1893. O. pp. 23. Same. Supplement no. 2. Galesburg, 111., 1893. O. pp. 34. Cape of Good Hope — Railway Department. Rules and regulations to be observed by all per- sons in the service of the Cape government rail- ways. 1893. Cape Town, 1893. T. pp. (3) + vii-liii + 212. Chester and Holyhead Railway (England). Bules and regulations for the conduct of the traffic and for the guidance of the officers and men. Re- vised and corrected to Feb., 1853. Lond., 1853. S. pp. (4) + 7-90 + (1). Debauve, A. Manuel du commissaire de sur- veillance administrative des chemins de fer. Paris, 1880. Tt. pp. (2) + 422. 1 fold, table. " Extrait du Dictionnaire administratif des travaux pub- lics." Dublin and Belfast Junction Railway (Ire- land). General instructions and regulations for the executive departments. Dublin, 1859. S. 102 + (1). Dublin and Drogheda Railway (Ireland). Regulations for the observance of all the com- pany's servants employed in the executive depart- ment. Dublin, 1844. S. pp. 71. East Iiancashire Railway (England). Bye- laws, rules and regulations to be observed by the officers and men. Bui-y, Oct., 1850. Lond., 1850. S. pp. (3) + 7-90. Same. Bury, Oct., 1854. Blackburn, 1854. S. pp. (3) + 7-88 + (1)._ General regulations applicable to all serv- ants, n.t.p. [Blackburn, printed, 1854.] S. pp. (l)+7-88+(lj. Eastern Counties 'Ra.ilw&Y(Enrjland). Rules and regulations. Sept. 12, 1854. Stratford, 1857. S. pp. 187. Findlay, G. The working and management of an English railway. Lond., 1889. D. pp. (6) + 270. 2Sfigs., 5 plates, 5 fold, j^lates. Same. 3d. ed., revised and enlarged: pop- ular ed. Lond., 1890. D, pp. (5) + 300. 20 figs., 6 pdates, 5fold.2}lfttes. Same. 4th ed., revised and enlarged. Loud., 1891. D. pp. (6) +354. \^ figs., S plates, 1 fold. 2)lates. Flamache, A., and others. Traite d'exploita- tion des chemins defer. Br uxelles, 1885-89; Li^ge, 1892. 3 vols. Q. pp. (2) + xix + 5-345 + 2. 47 figs., 23 fold, plates; pp. (3) + vii-xv + 5-320. 109 figs., 39 fold, plates; pp. (2) + v-viii + 178. 18 figs., 24 fold, plates. Contents:—!. La route. La voie: constitution, <;>tablis- sement, entretien de la voie. — Les appareils de la voie: constitution, pose des appareils. — 2. Les sigiiaux, sig- nalisation, des signaux consider6s comme appareils.— Les stations.— 3. Le materiel de transport: le train, la caisse. Vol. 1. "par A. Flamache et A. Huberti." Vol. 2 & 3. "par A. Flamache, A. Huberti, et A. St6vart." Frank, E. Der Betrieb auf den englischen Bahnen. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1886. O. pp. (2) + 91 + (1). 1 plate, 5 fold, plates. Gecius, G. Bestimmungen iiber die Tage- gelder, Reise- und Umzugskosten der Beamten der preussischen Staats-Eisenbahnverwaltung und der bei Ausftlhrung von Staats-Eisenbahnbauten beschiiftigten Beamten und Hiilfsarbeiter. 2% umgearbeitete und bereicherte Auflage. Nord- hausen, 1887. O. pp. (3) + vi + 210. Germany. Bahnordung fiir deutsche Eisen- bahnen untergeordneter Bedeutung. Berlin, 1886. S. pp. (2) +5-24. Ifig. OPERA TIOX. 189 Same. 14« Auflage. Berlin, 1892. O. pp. 20. 1 fold, plate. Bahnordnung fiir die Nebeneisenbahnen Deutschlands, voni 5. Juli 1892. Berlin, 1892. S. pp. 32. iji'js. Same. 16<^ Auflage. Berlin, 1892. O. pp. (2) + 5-28 + (4). A Jigs. Balinpolizei -Keglement fiir die Eisen- bahnen Deutschlands vom 30. November 1885. Berlin, 1886. S. pp. (2) + 5-43. 2ji{/s. Bestimmungen iiber die Befahigung von Bahnpolizei-Beamten und Lokomotivfiihrern. Berlin, 1886. S. pp. (2) + 5-19. Saine. 7<= Auflage. Berlin, 1886. D. pp. 16. Bestimmungen iiber die Befiihiguug von Eisenbahnbetriebsbeamten, vom 5. Juli 1892. Berlin, 1S92. Q. pp. (2) + 5-15. Betriebsordnung fiir die Haupteisen- bahnen Deutschlands, vom 5. Juli 1892. Berlin, 1892. S. pp. 48. 2/ys. Same. 16" Auflage. Berlin, 1892. D. pp. (2) + 5-45 + (2). 2/r/s. Betriebs-Eeglementfiir die Eisenbahnen Deutschlands; in der vom 1. April 1891 ab gelt- enden Fassung. 12"-' Auflage. Berlin, 1891. D. pp. 111. Ifold. table. Dienstvorschrift fiir die Einriclitung der Betriebs-, der Oberbau- und der Baiimaterialien- verwaltung, sowie fiir das Buch-und Kechnuugs- wesen derselben nebst den dazu ergangenen Aen- derungen. 2« Auflage. Berlin, 1885. sq. Q. pp. 85." " Separat-Abdruck aus No. 22 des Eisenbahn- Verordnungs- Blatles pro 18&0 uud No. 15 pro ISfeS." Priifungsordnung fur die mittleren und unteren Beamten der Staatseisenbahnverwaltung, nebst Bestimmungen iiber die Annahme von Zivilsupernumeraren fur den Staatseisenbahn- dienst. 3« Auflage. Berlin, 1887. O. pp. 66. Same. 4« Auflage. Berlin, 1894. O. pp. 73. Sammlung von Bestimmungen fiir die Eisenbahnen Deutsclilands. Berlin, 1887. S. (3) + 7-25. 1 plate. — Sammlung von Eisenbalm-Verordnungen; herau.sgegeben von H. Lorenz. Berlin, [1894.] S. pp. (3)4-90 + (1). Samndung von gesetzlichen und regle- mentarischen Bestimmungen ftir die Eisenbahnen Deutschlands. .3" .Vuflage. Berlin, 1886. 7 vols, in 1. D. i)p. 92. 1 /o/(Z. taWe; pp. 43. Z ctn.; pp. 16; pp.57 + (1). 43 rA».; pp. 23+ (1). 3 cts.; i)n. 20. I fold, plat,-; j))). 20. ronlrnts-—!. lietriel)s-UeKlemeiit fiir die Kbonbahiicn Itoii.'^ohlands. lOo AiiHaKe.— 2. Baliiipolizc'i-Ket,'lein(Mil fin- die Kiseiibahiicn iJiMilschlaiids. 12" Anllatrc- 3. l{i->;llin- luuugeu ubcr die liefdliib'uuii vou ]ialui|)oli/.uilx;aiiilou pp und Lokomotivfiihrern. 7o Auflage. — 4. Siiinal-Ordnuug fur die Kisenliahnea Deutschlands. So Auflage.— 5. Xor- meu fiir die Konstruction und AusriLstung der Eisenbahnen Deutschlands. 3« Auflage.— 6. Bahnordnuug fur deuL^che Eisenbahnen untergeordneter Bedeutung. ye Auflage.— 7. Gesetz, betrefFiMid die Beseitigung von Austeckuugsstoflen bei Viehl)ef6rderungen auf Eisenbahnen. 2o •A.uflage. Statistik der im Betriebe befindlichen Eisenbahnen Deutschlands. Betriebsjahr 1880/81 -1890/91. Berlin, 1882-91. 11 vols. sq. F^. Uebersichtliche Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten Angaben der deutschen Ei.senbahn- Statistik. Betriebsjahr 1880/81 und 1881/82- 1891/92. Berlin, 1883-92. 11 vols. bd. in 3. F. Goschler, L.. Traite pratique de I'entretien et de I'exploitation des cliemins de fer. 2" ed., considerablement augmentee. Paris, 1870-81. 5 vols. O. and 5 Atlases in 3. O. and obi. Q. pp. xxvii + 704. 262/y.s-; pp. xvi + 746 + (1). 285 figs.; pp. (3) + 602 + (1). 58 ./J>.; pp. (2) + xlviii +496 + xii + 80. 14/f7.s.; pp. (2) + 659. Sf'js., 4 plates, 1 fold, table. Alloji to vols 1 & 2: 35 plates; to vol.3: 39 plates; to vols. 4 tt 5: 61 2)lates. Qmtents:—!, 3. Service de la voie.— 3. Service de la locomotion: materiel de transport.— 4. Service de la kieo- motion: traction.— 5. Service de la locomotion: dcixjts, ateliers et direction du service. Same. 3« ed., revue, corrigce et aug- mentee, par P. Guillemant: Traite pratique (ie I't'tablissenient, de I'entretien «& de I'exploitation des cheniins de fer. Paris, 1S94. 1 vol. bd. in 2. O. pp. (2) + iv + 351 + vi. 2Ufy-laws, rules & regulations to be observed by the officers and men. Jan., 1855. Manchester, 1855. T. pp. (3) -i- 9-108. In vol. "Railway rules. 2." liaplaiche, A. Manuel du candidat a I'emploi de commissaire de surveillance administrative des chemins de fer. 3^ ed., revue et considerable- ment augmentee. Paris, Nancv, 1887. D. pp. (2) 4- v-xxxii + 713 -\- (1). 63/i/s. Same. Solutions des questions posees dans les diflerents concours depuis 1878. Paris, Nancy, 1890. D. pp. (3) -{■ vii-xiii ■{■ 479. 68/r/s. Leitfaden fiir den Selbstunterricht und den Unterricht an Eisenbahnschulen, umfassend die Zweige des mittleren Staatseisenbahndienstes. Breslau, 1892-93. 8 vols. bd. in 2. O. pp. (7) -1- 91; (8) -h 82; V + 85; (1) -1- 4 -1- iii-xii -}- 221 ; iv + 53; (2) -f 45; (2) -J- v-x -f 162; vii -j- 118. Contents:— \ . Bobisch, K. Das Etatswe«en.— 3. Die Verwaltung der Materialien, Iiiventarien. Dnicksachen, Werkstatteu und Gasanstalten.— 3. Braschke, J. Die Zoll- und Steuer-Vorschrif ten. — 4. Bobisch, E. Das Rechnungswesen. — 5. Krobisch, >I. Die Verkehrs- Koutrolen der preussichen Staats-Eisenbahnen. — 6. Miil- ler, W. Die Wagen-Beuutzung. — 7. Bason, P. Die Or- ganization derStaatseisenbahnverwaltung.— 8. Namislo, F. DerAbfertigungsdienst. London and North Western Railway {England). Rules and regulations for the con- duct of the traffic, and for the guidance of the officers and men. Corrected to June, 1852. Lond., 1852. S. pp. (3) -j- 7-122. Same. Corrected and approved, 9th June, 1860. Lond., 1860. S. pp. (2) + 5-142. Same. Corrected and approved, 18tli May, 1867. Lond., [1867.] S. pp. (3) ■\- 137. Iiondon and South Western Railway {England.) Kules and regulations for the guid- ance of the officers and servants. Lond., 1853. S. pp. 111. Maclean, J. Ii. The British railway system; a description of the work performed in the prin- cipal departments. Lond., Edinburgh, Glasgow, 1883. O. pp. (3) 4- 7-103. Manchester and Iieeds Railway {England). Regulations for the observance of all the com- pany's servants employed in the executive de- partment. Manchester, 1844. S, pp. 60. Manchester, Sheffield and Iiincolnshire Railway {England). General instructions to tlie officers and servants. Jan., 1863. Man- chester, [1863.] S. pp. XV -1- 164. 1 fold, plate. Rules and regulations to be observed by all officers and servants. Feb. 23rd. 1855. Man- chester, 1855. S. pp. xvi 4- 9-119. Same. Manchester, 1863. S. pp. xx + 122 -f (2). Mathieu, H. Manuel du commissaire de surveillance administrative des chemins de fer. Paris, 1884. D. pp. (7) 4-348. 87 figs. Metter, H. Leitfaden zur Vorbereitung fiir das Examen zum Subalternbeamten im Staats- eisenbahndienst. 2% verbesserte Auflage. Stral- sund, 1882. D. pp. (1) 4" iv 4- (1) 4- 142. Same. Nachtrag. Stralsund, 1885. D. pp. 15. Mid Wales Railway {England). Rules and regulations to be observed by all officers & serv- ants. Llanidloes, 1st June, 1864. Lond., [1864.] S. pp. xi 4-82 4-(l). Same. Brecon, Nov. 1, 1868. Oswestry, [1868.] S. pp. (2) 4- v-xi 4- 86 4- (1). Midland Railway {England). Rules and regulations for the guidance of the officers and men. Jan., 1855. Derby, [1855.] sq. T. pp. (4) 4- 94. Same. Sept., 1876. Lond. and Derbv, [1867.] sq. T. pp. (4) 4- 274. OPERA TIOX. 191 Neath and Brecon Railway (Enr/land). General instructions for the use and guidance of station-masters, clerks, guards, police, porters, &c. June, 1874. ^Teath, 1874. S. pp. 97. North-Eastern Railway (EiKjIand). Gen- eral rules, regulations, to be observed by the oflBcers and persons employed by the company. Oct., 1854. Gateshead-on-Tyne, 1854. S. pp. (2) + 5-80. ScMllings, A. Traite pratique du service de I'exploitation des chemins de fer a I'usage des agents et employes, des personnes qui desirent entrer au service des chemins de fer. Paris, 1848. O. pp. (-2) + 172. Southern Pacific Company. [A collection of 740 pieces of stationery in use by the com- pany.] [San Francisco, 189-] Album F*. Switzerland. Schweizerische Eisenbahn- Statistik fur das Jahr 1868-1887. [French tHle:\ Statistique des chemins de fer suisses. Bern, 1874-89. 15 vols. F. Vol. 2. "fiirdie Jahre 1868-73"; vol.3, fiir 1873; vol. 4. "fiir die Jahre 1874-1876." Tesch, J. Organisation der Staats-Eisenbah u - Verwaltung. Berlin, 1886. D. pp. (2) -{- 5:5. Die Priifung zum Betriebs-Sekretar uud Eisenbahn-Sekretar der Staats-Eisenbahnen. Ber- lin, 1888. 2 vols. O. pp. X -f 396; pp. viii -f 624. Contents:—!. Katechisiiius fiir die Priifunsen zura Betriebs-Sekretiirund Eisenbahn-Sekretar derStaats-Eiseu- bahnen. "ie, umgearbeitete und vermehrte Aiiflage.— 2. Die schriftliche Priifung zuni Betriebs-Sekretiirund Eiseu- bahn-Sekretiir der Staats-Eisenbahnen. Die schriftliche Priifung zum Betriebs- Sekretjir und Eisenbahn-Sekretar der Staats- Eisenbahnen. Berlin, 1888. O. pp. (1) + v- viii + 396. Ulster Railway (Ireland). Rules and regu- lations for the guidance of the officers and serv- ants. Dublin, 1861. S. pp. (2) -f 5-77. Verein Deutscher Eisenbahn - Verwalt- ungen. Statistisclie Nachricliten von den ICis- enbahnen, fur 1850-1891. Stettin, Berlin, 1851- 93. 42 vols. bd. in 13. nar. F. and F'. 1850-77, "Deutsche ELscnbahu-Statistik." I. ACCIDENTS. Adams, C. F.jr. Notes on railroad accidents. N.Y., 1879. D. pp. vi -1-280. Braet, G. Les accidents de chemins de fer. Bruxelles, 1883. O. pp. (2) + 5-77. P. 25. " Extrait de la Revue des queslioTis sciaUifl'Au(lage. Wtirz- burg, 1886. O. pp. 16. 1 fold, plate, p. 25. France — MbuAtere de VAjiriculltire, du Coin- imrce et des Travaux Pitblicx. Accidents de chemins de fer; recapitulation annuelle. 1862. [Paris, 1863.] nar. O. pp. 375-378. P. 75. Ganzoni, A. Ueber das Bundesgesetz betref- fend die HaftplHcht der Eisenbahn- und Dampf- schifffahrt-Unternehmungen bei Tudtungen uTid Verletzungen vom 1. Juli 1875. Inaugural- Dissertation. Ztirich, 1879. O. pp. (4) -\- 7- 92 -f (1). p. 25. Great Britain — Board of Trade, Rept)rt of the committee appointed on the 9th April, 1894, for the pur))ose of considering the returns of rail- way accidents and casualties, compiled by the lioard of Trade; and reporting whether any im- provement is possible in the shape in whicli the information issuj)j)iied by tbe railway companies, and tabulated bv tlie Board of Trade. Loud., 1895. F. pp. 27. — House of Commons. Report from the select committee [apjiointeil to imjuire into the law and the administration of the law of compen- sation for accidents as applied to railway com- panies; and whether any and what precautions ougiit to be adoi)ted by railway cninpanies with a view to jjrcvent accidents] ou railway compauii's, with proteedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and api)eiulix. Ordered to be printed, 7 July, 1870. [Loud., 1870.] F. pp. xvi -}- 235. Rep(U-t friiiu tlieselect committee on rail- ways [appointed to eoMsider wlietber it is desirable to vest a discretionary power of issuing regula- tions for the prevention of accidents u|>"n rail- ways, in the Board of Trade]; togetlier witb the minutes of evidence. Ordered printed. IStli.Iune, 1841. [Loud., 1841.] F. pp. X -I- 210. — House of Lords, Re|t(H*t from the seli'ct committee on the regulation of railways (pri'vention of accidents) bill; with proceedings of the comniiltee, minutes of evidi'uce, and a|i- jx-iidix. Ordereil printed. 27tli Mai-eh, 1S73. [Loud., 1873.] F. i.[i. .\i -1- 201. 'l fold. plates. 192 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Return to an order for copy of Board of Trade circular to railway companies, dated No- vember 1873, and the correspondence which fol- lowed thereon: copy of correspondence between the Board of Trade and Lancashire and Yorkshire railway, with reference to legal proceedings in consequence of default of return of accidents; also, cop3' of correspondence between the Board of Trade and the Chamber of Commerce of Edin- burgh on the subject of certain returns relative to railwav accidents. Ordered printed, 17th April, 1874. [Loud., 1874.] F. pp. (2) -f 71. — Parliament — 9 & 10 Vict. An act for compensating the families of persons killed by accidents. [Royal assent,] 26th August, 1840. n.t.p. [Loud., 1871.] F. pp. 877-878. Lord Campbell's Act. ■ — 27 & 28 Vict. An act to amend the act 9 & 10 Vict, for compensating the families of persons killed by accident. [Roval assent,] 29tli July, 1864. n.t.p. [Lond., 1864.] F. pp. 353-354. — Railvjay Department of the Board of Trade. Copy of report by Colonel Rich, of his inquiry into the circumstances which attended the accident on 4th March, 1890, at Carlisle (Citadel) station. Lond., 1890. F. pp. 26. Copy of the report by Major Marindin, on the inquiry into the circumstances attending the collision on the 14th October, 1892, near Auchna- shellach, on the Highland railway; and of the cor- respondence between the Board of Trade and the railway thereupon. Lond., 1893. F. pp. 9. Copy of the report by Major Marindin, upon the circumstances attending the fatal acci- dent on the 16th October, 1891, at Weyhill sta- tion, on the Midland and South- Western Junction railway; and upon the hours of duty of the com- pany's servants. Lond., 1892. F. pp. 35. General report upon the accidents on the railways of the United Kingdom during 1870-93. Lond.," 1871-94. 24 vols. F. Highland railway: report by Major Mar- indin, upon the circumstances attending the accident, on the 27th April, 1894, at Dunphail station. Lond., 1894. F. pp. 7. London, Brighton and South Coast: copy of report by Major-general Hutchinson, of his inquiry into the circumstances which attended the accident on the 1st May, 1891, at Portland road bridge near Norwood junction station; with copy of relative correspondence thereon. Lond., 1891. F. pp. 10. Report of Colonel Rich, upon the acci- dent, on the 3rd June, 1884, between Downton and Breamore stations, on the London and Soutli- Western, and correspondence thereon. Lond., 1884. F. pp. (1)4-15. Ijylate, 2 fold, plates. Report of the circumstances attending the collision near Holylake station on the Sea- combe, Holylake and Deeside railway, on 7th February, 1887 ; with a communication addressed to the company by the Board of Trade, upon the subject. Lond., 1888. F. pp. 8. The repoi't of the court of inquiry, into the circumstances attending the accident on the Great Western near Shipton-on-Cherwell, on the 24th December, 1874. Lond., 1875. F. pp. 38. 3 fold, plates. The report of the court of inquiry, into the circumstances attending the accident on the London and North-Western at Wigan, on the 2nd August, 1873. Lond., 1874. F. pp.26. 2 fold, plates. The report of the court of inquiry, into the circumstances attending the collision on the Caledonian railway at McAndrew's siding near Motherwell junction, on the 30th September, 1873. Lond., 1874. F. pp. 10. The report of the court of inquiry, into the circumstances attending the collision on the Great Eastern near Norwich, on the 10th Sep- tember,1874. Lond., 1874. F. pp.22, \fold. plate. The report of the court of inquiry, into the circumstances attending the collision on the (rreat Northern, at Retford on the 23rd August, 1873. Lond., 1874. F. pp. (5). The report of the court of inquiry, into the circumst.ances attending the collision on the North British railway, at Bo'ness junction, on the 27th January, 1874. Lond., 1874. F. pp. 10. 2 fold, plates. The report of the court of inquiry into the circumstances attending the collision on the North British railway, at Maryhill, on the 4th October, 1873. Lond., 1874. F. pp.5. \ fold, plate. The report of the court of inquiry into the circumstances attending the collision on the North-Eastern, at Durham station, on the 6th November, 1873. Lond., 1874. F. pp. 10. 1 fold, plate. The report of the court of inquiry into the circumstances attending the collision on the London and North-Western, at Euxton junction, on the 20th February, 1874. Lond., 1874. F. pp. (1) -{- 12. 1 fold, plate. The report of the court of inquiry into the circumstances attending the collision on the Somerset and Dorset, near Radstock, on the 7th August, 1876. Lond., 1876. F. pp. 42. 1 plate, 2 fold, plates. The report of the court of inquiry into the circumstances attending the double collision on the Great Northern at Abbotts Ripton, on the 21st January, 1S70. Lond., 1876. F. pp.37. 2 fold, ptlates. OPERA TION. 11)3 Report upon the accidents on railways, during 1853-58. Lond., 1854-59. 6 pts. F. 1S53: "Reports upou the principal accidents which have occurred on railways during the year." Keports of the inspecting officers upon certain accidents which liave occurred on rail- ways, 1854-94. Presented by command. Lond., 1854-94. 181 pts. F. After 1877: "Returns of accidents and casualties as reported by the railway companies, with Reports of the inspecting officers." Keturn of the number and nature of the accidents and injuries to life and limb wliich have occurred on all the railways open for traffic in England and "Wales, Scotland, and Ireland respectively, from 1st Jan. to 30th July, 1856; 1st Jan. to" 30th July, 1859; 1860-1863. Lond., 1856-64. 7 pts. F. Two pts. for 1860. Tay bridge: copy of letter to railway companies. ' n.t.p. [Lond., 1880.] F. p. (1). Tay bridge: minute of the Board of Trade [in regard to the inspection of the first bridge by Major-general Hutchinson.] n.t.p. [Lond., 1880.] F. pp.3. Tay bridge disaster: report of the court of inquiry, and report of Mr. Rothery, upon the circumstances attending the fall of a portion of the Tav bridge on the 28th December, 1879. Lond., 1880. F. pp. (2) +5-49. Same. Appendix to the reports of_ the court, and evidence. Loud., 1880. F. pp. iv + 569 -1- Ixiv. 6 plates, 4 fold, plates. — Royal Commission on Raihuay Acci- dents. Analysis and abstract of the evidence. Lend., 1877. F. pp. 74. Minutes of evidence. Lond., 1877. F. pp. viii -\- 1154. Report. Lond., 1877. F. pp. 172. Grison, G. Les accidents de chemins de fer: grandes catastrophes, negligences et f antes des compagnies, causes des accidents, moyens deles eviter, ce qu'on a fait, ce qu'il faudrait faire. Paris, 1882. D. pp. (2) + 5-281. Hall, J. A. The causes of railroad accidents. N. Y., 1895. O. pp. (7). Extracted from the Engineering magazine, July 1895. pp. 720-720. Huish, M. Railway accidents: their cause and means of prevention. Lond., 1852. D. pp. 35. P.25. " Excerpt Minules of Proceedings of Ihc IngtUuiion of Civil Kngineent, vol. 11. ' Kedzie, R. C. \Va.ste of human life: a com- munication relative to the wrecking of the Pacific express near Jackson, Mich., Oct. 9, 1879. Lan- Hinp, Mich., 1880. <). pp. (6). Extracted from "Sin'fiith iiuiiiial n'i)C)rt of the Secretary of thcSliite liimrd of lleiilthof Michigan," fur the year udiug bciit. ao, 1»7'J. pp. 'J7-102. Lodge, H. C. A perilous business and the remedy. N. Y., 1892. O. pp. (7). Extracted from the Sorth American review, vol. 154. Feb. 1892. pp. 189-195. Manchester and Leeds Railway. Acci- dents on railwavs (No. 2.) Manchester, 1840. O. pp. (2) + 5-42. Manchester Statistical Society. Papers on the demoralization ami injuries occ;isioned by the want of proper regulations of labourers engaged in the construction & working of railways; by John Robertson, Robert Rawlinson, Edwin Chadwick. Manchester, [18 — ] O. pp. iv -f- 6-51. Nelson, F. G. P. Analytical view of railway accidents, n.t.p. [Lond., 185.3.] O. pp.49, r. 25. " From the Journal of the Statistical Socicly of London, Dec, 1853." New Jersey — Bureau of Statistics of Labor and l7idustri<'s. Eleventh annual report, for year ending Oct. 31st, 1888. Trenton, N. J., 1889." O. Contents:— I. Railroad casualties, Americanand foreign, pp. 1-74.— II. Employers' liability for i)ersonaI injuries to their employes, pp. 75-242. New York (Slate) — Senate. Report of the committee appointed to examine and report the causes of railroad accidents, the means of pre- venting their recurrence, n.t.p. [Albany, 1853.] O. pp. 156. P. 61. Railway accident investigation by a spec- ial committee, n.t.p. [Albany, 1882.] O. pp. 482 + (2). Ifold. chart. Page, H. "W. Railway injuries; with special reference to those of tiie back and nervous .systi'iii, in their medico-legal and clinical aspect. N.Y., 1892. nar. O. pp. (2) + 5-157. "Reprinted from Wood's medical and surgical nunuh- graplis." Parkin, T. A letter to George Glyn on rail- way accident.s, and other matters relative to railwavs, of great importance to tlie j)iiblic. Loud.," 1840. 1). pp. 16. P. 83. Prokov, F. W. Die Ursachen der mcisten Eiscnbalmungliicke und die Mittel zur Vcrliiit- ungdcrselben. Charlottenbnrg, 1S9I. O. i)p.8. Prout, H. G. Kailrt)ad accidents in the United Stales and England. N. Y., 1893. (). pp. (9). Extracted from the Nort/i American reiiai', vol. 157. Dec, 1893. pp. 707-715. A vear of railroad accidents. N. Y., 1892. O. pp- (l-^)- Extracted irom the North American remew, vol. 1.>-1. Feb., 1892. PI). 196-208. Schmidt, C. A. Kcttung dcr Eisi'nl).ihnpas- sagierebci UiighicksfaUcn. St. Petersburg, 1S86. D. pp. 30 + {l). 21 /.v- P-^S. Turnbull, L. mid McRea, W. 0. Railroad accidents, and llie means by wliicli tliey ni.iy be prevented bv the use of eiectro-mai^nutie s.ifely api.aratns. 'PbilMdelpliia, 1854. D. pp. (6) -|- 13-03. r. 25. 194 HOPKINS RA IL WA Y L I BRA R T. Verein Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verwaltung- en. Nachtrag pro 1874 und 1875-1883 zii der Statistik der Moralitats-, Invaliditats- und Mor- bilitiits-Verhiiltnisse. Im Auftrage des Vereins bearbeitet von G. Behm. Berlin, 1877-85. 9 vols. O. and Q. Ueber Dienstunfahigkeits- und Sterbens- verhaltnisse. Im Auftrage des Vereins zu der Dienstunfahigkeits- und Sterbensstatistik dessel- ben vom Jahre 1884-89 verfasst von H. Zimmer- mann. Berlin, 1886-91. 6 vols. bd. in 1. O. After vol. 1. "Beitriige zur Theorie der Dienstunfahig- keits- und Sterbens-Statistik." Vol. 5 and 6, "verfasst von August Zillmer." Vose, G. L. Safety in railway travel. N. Y., 1882. O. pp. (12). Extracted from the North American review, vol. 135. Oct., 1882. pp. 374-385. Wadensweil - Einsiedeln Eisenbalin. Be- richt und Antriige an die Generalversammlung der Aktionare betreffend die Katastrophe vom 30 November 1876, und deren Folgen. Einsiedeln, 1877. O. pp. 16. P. 9. Cover title. With, E. Eailroad accidents: their causes and the means of preventing them; by Emile With; with an introduction by Auguste Perdon- net. Translated, with an appendix, by G. For- rester Barstow. Boston, 1856. O. pp. xi -j- (1) + 152. Worsfold, W. A special danger near switches on railroad tracks. Lansing, Mich., 1878. O. pp. (6). 2 fgs. Extracted from "Fifth annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Health of Michigan," for the year end- ing Sept. 30, 1877. pp. 459-464. Wrigley, T. Kailway accidents, their cause and cure. Lond., 1871. O. pp. (2) -j- 5-56. Presentation copy from the author. II. ACCOUNTS, FINANCES, SUPPLIES. East Lancashire Railway. Audit office: in- structions to goods managers and clerks in charge of stations. Bury, 1849. O. pp. 12. Fisher, J. A. Eailway accounts and finance; an exposition of the principles and practice of railway accounting in all its branches. Lond., 1891. O. pp. xvi -f 514. Great Britain — House of Lords. First and second reports [third report] from the select com- mittee on audit of railway accounts. Ordered printed, 11 June, [25 June,] 1849. [Lond., 1849.] 3 pts. bd. in 1 vol. F. pp. (1) -1- xvi + 294; (4) + 275-439; (1) + xx -1- (2) + 441-528 + 66. Hardcastle, D. Eailway audit; a plan for the audit of accounts in railway and other joint stock companies. Lond., 1850, nar. O. pp. 32. r. 42. Harrison, J. T. On the statistics of railway income and expenditure, and their bearing on future railway policv and management. Lond., 1870. O. pp. 53. Sfold. plates, p. 65. ' ' Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. 29, session 1869-70. " Kirkman, M. M. Care of cash by agents and conductors; its collection, custody, use and trans- mission to the company's treasury. Chicago, 1889. D. pp. (7) -1- 9-183. Division of railway expenses and earn- ings, and the limitation of accounts in connection therewith. Chicago, [1886.] O. pp. (4) -{- 7-76. The freight way-bill: how it and other freight blanks may be amended, so as to surround the collections with needed safeguards. Chicago, 1882. O. pp. (4) -I- 7-28. Hand book of railway expenditures; ex- plaining in the form of specific rules, how the labor, material, fuel and other items of expendi- ture should be kept, and giving the various dis- bursement accounts of railroads and the details of each. Chicago, [1881.] D. pp. (6) -j- 111 + (61) -\- vii. The handling of railway supplies; their purchase and disposition. Chicago, 1887. D. pp. (7) -\- 17-223. Same. Supplement: Eules and regula- tions governing requisitions for railway material. Chicago, 1888. O. pp. 17 -f- (1). How to collect railway revenue without loss: the railway officer's hand book and travel- ing auditor's manual. Chicago, [1885.] D. pp. viii -1- 9-324. Eailway disbursements and the accounts into which thev are naturally divided. N. Y., 1877. D. pp. viii -\- 264. Eailway expenditures: their extent, ob- ject and economy; treating of the elements of cost of constructing and operating railroads, the rela- tion they sustain to other industries, the princi- ples that govern the organization of the forces of railway companies, the relative cost of construc- tion and operation, and an exposition of the best and most economical methods of keeping the ac- count of railway expenditures. Chicago, [1880.] 2 vols. D. pp. (4) -I- 7-370 -|- xxxiv; pp. (2) -J- 7-370 -1- (58) 4- XV. Eailway revenue; a treatise on the or- ganization of railroads and the collection of rail- wav receipts. 2d ed., enlarged and revised. N.*^Y., 1879. D. pp. (4) +vii-xv 4- 595. The track accounts of railroads and how thev should be kept. 2d ed. [Chicago, 1889.] D. ■ pp. 50 -1- (2). Treatise on the method of paying large bodies of men; how railroad employes should be OPERATION. 195 paid; a paymasters' manual. Chicago, [1886.] O. pp. 78. Kosub, H. and Kosub, G. Der Bureau-, Kassen- und Kalkulatur-Dienst bei Eisenbahn- Neubauten; Handbuch fiir Eisenbahn-Beamte. Berlin, 1884. O. pp. viii + 211. Mah.1, W. Headings of accounts and classi- fication of operating and other expenses. N. Y., 1882. O. pp. 12. Palkh, J. Kostenberechnung von Eisenbahn- Ausrlistungen mit Angabe der Bestimmungsorte, Stiickzahl, Preiseund Bezugsquellen der erf order- lichen Gegenstande. Wien, 1884. O. pp. (I^) + 96. [Pennington, W.] Suggestions as to the best mode of auditing railway accounts. [Manchester? 1850.] O. pp. (3). P. 42. Reitler, M. A. Der Einnahmen-Verrech- nungs- und Kevisionsdienst der Eisenbahnen. Wie'n, Pest, Leipzig, 1886. O. pp. (7) + 295 + (1). (Bibliothek des Eisenbahnwesens. VII.) Schmidt, Ii. Die Verwaltung der Eisen- bahnen und die Buchftihrung im Eisenbahn- betrieb. Stuttgart, [1873.] O. pp. (6) -f 199. Southern Pacific Company. Classification of disbursement accounts. Revised May 1, 1891. [San Francisco, 1891.] O. pp. 89. Rules regarding accounts, reports and remittances. San Francisco, 1888. O. pp. 96. III. EMPLOYEES. Barnard, W. T. The relations of railway managers and employes. Baltimore, 1886. O. pp. (1) + A± P. 96. Braun, F. Die Pcnsionirung der Stnatsbeam- ten und die Fiirsorge fiir die Hinterbl' . benen der- selben, unter Beriicksichtigung de" uesten ge- setzlichen Vorschriften liber die . sorgo fiir Beamte in Folge von Betriebsunfailen. 4% sehi' vermehrte Auflage. Berlin, 1889. ,0. vi + 149. Brydges, C. J. Railway superannuation; an exainiiiatidn of the schoine'of the (icneral Rail- way Association for providing superannuation allowances to worn out and disaljled railway em- ployes. Lond., 1852. O. pp. 16. P. 49. Depew, C. M. Address before the 27th an- nual convention of the Brotherhood of Locomo- tive Engineers, at Pittsburgh, October 16, 1890. n.p., n.d. O. pp. 12. Address [delivered at the 10th anni- versary of the Railroad Brancli of the Young Men's Christian Association of Xew York City^] lit tlie Grand Central dcj'ot, January 4th, 1887. [N. Y., 1887.] O. Pl>. 8. Dufour, E. and Armand, E. Les agents des chemins de fer et les employes de I'industrie privee: etude sociale comparative. Paris, 1893. D. pp. (G) + 146. Eddy, W. L'employe de chemins de fer; sa condition en France et en Anglcterre. Paris, 1883. (). pp. (2) -f iii + 56. P. 49. Eichhorn, R. Die weissen Sklaven der Wiener Tramway -Gesellschaft. 2% vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Wien, 1885. O. pp. 63. p. 49. " Separatabdruck aus Baron Vogelsang's MoncUsschrifl fiir chrislliche Hocialrcfonn." Great Britain — House of Commons. A bill to make provision with regar to the tenure of houses owned by railway coni;ianies and occupied by their servants, and to conl r on the Board of Trade certain powers of regulating the hours of labour of railway servants. Ordered printed, 23 Januarv, 1891. Loud., [18^:.] F. pp.2. In vol."" <^.reat Britain. Railway servants' hours of labor. Reports and returns, lb88-92." Report from the select committee on railway labourers; with the n inutes of evidence. Ordered printed, 28 Julv, 18 6. [Lond., 1846.] F. pp. xiv + 202 -f 54. 5 r'ales. In vol. "Great Britain. Railway pamphlets. Opera- tion. 1." Report from the select committee on railway servants (hours of labour); with the pro- ceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix. Ordered printed, 3 June, 1892. Lond., [1892.] F. pp. Ix + 267. Special i eport from the select committee on railway servants (hours of labour); with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evi- dence, and appendix. Ordered printed, 24 March, 1892. Lond., [1892.] F. pp. x + 112. — Railwa'i Department of the Board of Trade. Railway eiuployes hours of duty; return to an order oi the House of Lords, of weekly- paid servants who were, during the montlis of Julv, 1886, and January, 1S87, on duty on the railways of the United kingd(un for more than twelve hours at a time, or who, after being on duty more than twelve hours, were allowed to resume work with less than eight hours' rest. Ordered i>rinted, 5th March, 1888. [Louii., 1888.] F. pp. (l) + 43. Samr: during the months of Soptemher, 1887, and March, ISSS. Order^'d i)rinl.'.l, 2Sth March, 1889. I^)nd., [18S!).] F. ^u 4(1. Sajne: during the months of Se|)tendHM-, 1889, and March, 1S90; Dec, 1890; Dec, IS-.ll. Loml.. l,S90-92. 3 vols. F. pp. 51 ; 10:i; 99. " Kotiini ill imi-siiaiice of .Section ■! of Hio Ka'iilutloii ol nillways act, 1881)." Sa7ne: Return in pursuance of aecticm 4 of the Regulation of railways net, 1X89, of cerlaiii cla.sses of wcckly-p;iid servants who were on om- 19fi HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY, or more occasions during the month of December, 1890; December, 1891; on duty on the railways of the United Kingdom for more than ten hours at a time; or who, after being on duty more than ten hours, were allowed to resume work with less than eight hours' rest. Lond., 1891-92. 2 vols. F. pp. 99; 95. Railway servants (hours of labour): in- spectors' reports; return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 26 April, 1892, for return of all instances in which the inspectors of the Board of Trade, in their reports on railway accidents inquired into by them since and including the year 1884, have represented that the hours of any of the railway servants on duty on the occasion of such accidents have been iniduly long; stating the name, date, and nature of such accidents, and the railway or railways on which they occurred, and giving in full the passages in such reports relating to such undulv long hours. Ordered printed, 10 June, 1892. Lond., [1892.] F. pp.15. Railway servants (hours of labour): report respecting the proceedings of the Board of Trade under the Railway regulation act, 1893, during the year ended 27th Julv, 1894. Ordered printed, 22 August, 1894. Lond., [1894.] F. pp. 18. Return of the number of persons em- ployed by each of the railwav companies of the United kingdom on 31 M— '.h, 1884, classified according to the nature of the work performed by them. Ordered printed, 27 June, 1884. Lond., [1884.] F. pp. 11. In vol. " Great Britain. Railway pamphlets. Opera- tion. 1." Hadley, A. T. Remedies for railway troubles. N. Y., 1888. O. pp. (7). p. 96. Extracted from The Forum, vol. 5. June, 1888, pp. 429- 435. Advocates better conditions of employment for rail- road employes. Jacqmin, F. Railroad employes in France; an account of the organization of railroad serv ce on a French railroad; with the position, privi- leges and pay of men of different grades, and the full regulations of provident and pension funds. N.Y., 1877. O. pp. 37. p. 49. " Translated from the French." Legal (The) rights of capital, labor, and the public. Chicago. 1893. O. pp. 77. p. 96. Charges and opinions of judges on "Organized labor and the railways.' ' liindner, — Die Pensions-Institute fiir die Beamten und deren Wittwen und Waisen bei den sechs grossen Eisenbahn-Gesellschaften und bei der Staats-Eisenbahn-Verwaltung in Frankreich. Berlin, 1883. O. pp. vii -j- 122. "Litteratur." p. vii. McNeill, G. E., editor. The labor movement: the problem of to-day. Boston, N.Y., 1887. O. pp. XX + 615 + (9). 15 jilates. Chap. 12. The rise of railroad organization ; by P. M. Arthur. Mills, W. F. The railway service; its exigen- cies, provisions, and requirements. Lond., 1867. D. pp. (2) + 5-141. Mutual Guarantee Company which it is pro- posed to organize by railway men for the benefit of railway men. n.t.p. [Chicago, 1886.] D. pp. 28. P. 6. Signed by M. M. Kirkman. Cover title. Oulmont, — Note sur I'influence exercee par les chemins de fer sur la sante des employes. Paris, 1859. S. pp. (2) -f 5-25. p. 49. [Porter, H. H.] The relations of organized labor to the railroads, and the relations of the l)ublic to organized labor and the railroads. [Chicago, 1893.] O. pp. 8. p. 96. Cover title. Railroad Branch, Young Men's Christian Association of New York City. Kail road men: record of a year's work. N. Y., 1877. O. pp. 16. P. 6. pp. 15-16, "Address of Cornelius Vanderbilt." Schurz, C. Corporations, their employes, and the public. N. Y., 1884. O. pp. (19}. p. 3. Extracted from the North American review, vol. 138. Feb., 1884. pp. 101-119. Souvenir (A) of the trans-continental excur- sion of railroad agents, 1870; by one of the party. Albany, 1871. O. pp. (2) -f- 3-92. 1 plate. United States — Dejiartment of Labor. Fifth annual report. 1889: railroad labor. Washing- ton, 1890. O. pp. 888. 1 fold. map. TJnter dem gefltigelten Rad, oder, Humanitiit und Curszettel eine Lanze fiir die Angestellten der Eisenbahnen. Wien, 1885. O. pp. 28. p. 49. a. Education, Libraries. Baltimore and Ohio Employes' Free Cir- culating Library. Report on library [by W. T. Barnard.] n.t.p. [Baltimore, 1887.] O. pp. 15 4- (3). Barnard, W. T. Service report on technical education, with special reference to the Balti- more & Ohio railroad service. Oct. 1st, 1886. Baltimore, 1887. Q. pp. (3) -{- 168 -^ 70. 2 d'lagrs. Leighton, G-. B. Higher education in rail- way management. Boston, 1895. O. pp. (5). Extracted from The Harvard graduates' magazine, vol. 3. June 1895. pp. 481-485. Martin, H. N., and others. Lectures delivered to the employes of the Baltimore and Ohio rail- road. Baltimore, 1882. O. pp. 98. 54 figs. Contents .-—Martin, H. N. How skulls and backbones are built. — Sewall, H. How we move.— Sedgwick, W. T. On fermentation. — Brool£s,W. K. On some meth- ods of locomotior. in animals. " This pamphlet is printed by Mr. Garrett [president B. & O.] for free distribution among the employes of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad." OPI'JUATfON. 197 Railroad Branch, Young Men's Christian Association of New York City. Catalogue of the library. N.Y., 1892. Q. pj). 121. Russia. About the apparatus for demonstra- tion made by the [technical railway] schools them- selves, n.p., [IS9;5.] Q. pp. 5. Short account concernino; technical rail- way schools in Russia, n.p., [1893.] Q. pp. 7. Short account concerning the school for conductors of communication in the town of Vishny-Volotschok. n.p., [1893.] Q. pp.5. Southern Pacific Co's Employes' Iiibrary {Tucson, Arizona). Constitution and by-laws, 1885. Tucson, 1885. O. pp. Iv'). In vol. "Southern Pacific. Pamphlets. 2." XJlrich, F. Die Ausbildung der hoheren Ver- waltungsbeamten in Preussen und ihre Stellung in der Staatseisenbahnverwaltung. Berlin, 1893. O. pp. (2) + 62. Stellung (Die) der hoheren Techniker in der Staatseisenbahnverwaltung; von einem Fachmanne. Entgegnung auf die vSchrift des Herrn Ulrich. Leipzig, 1893. O. pp.31. b. Hospitals, Eelief Associations. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Hospital Association. First report to members; con- taining charter, by-laws, rules and regulations, financial statement as of July 1, 1891. October, 17, 1891. Topeka, 1891. O. Annual report to members for the year ended June 30, 1892. Topeka, 1892. O. Baernreither, J. M. English associations of working men. English ed. ; translated by Alice Tavlor, with a preface bv J. M. Ludlow. Lond., 1889. O. pp. XV + 473. " Railway company [friendly] societies," pp. 206-217. Baltimore and Ohio Employes' Relief As- sociation. lst-8th annual report for the year ending April 30th, 1881-Sept. 30th, 1888. Balti- more, 1881-88. 8 vols. O. Its relations to its members and to other insurance organizations; [bv S. R. Barr, secre- tary.] n.t.p. [Baltimore, "1888?] O. pp.20. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad— /?/ Jh- partment. lst-4th annual rejxirt, covering the year ending Sept. 30tli, 1889-June 30th, 1892. [Baltimore, 1889-92.] 4 vols. O. Statement of receipts and disbursements ff.r the month of February, 1H94. [naltimore, 1894.] broadside. F. Central Pacific Railroad Hospital (Sacrn- minto, (fal.). flondetiscd history and statcmentof the workings of the hospital. Sacramento, 1880. O. pp. 14 -h (7). This and three next followinB titles In vol. " ("entnil Pacific. Pamphlets. 2." Plan of hospital. 1870 and 1879. n.p., n.d. obi. O. pp. (1) -|- 4. 4 })lan3. Lithographed. Statement of the workings of the hospital for the year 1883. Sacramento, 1884. O. Central and Southern Pacific Railroad Employees' Mutual Benefit Association. Proceedings of the third annual meeting, May 7, 1883. n.p., n.d. T. Denver and Rio Grande Railroad a7id Denver and Rio Grande Western Railway. Instructions to surgeons and rules and regulations governing the collection and disbursement of the hospital funds. Denver, Col., March 31st, 1887. O. Cover title: 3rd annual report of the liospital funds. Home for Aged and Disabled Railroad Em- ployes of the United States and Canada (Chicayo, III.). Constitution and general rules; in effect on and after Jan. 1, 1895. [Chicago, 1895.] obi. T. pp. (32). P. 96. [Prospectus.] n.t.p. [Chicago, 1894.] obi. T. pp. (16). p. 96. Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway (Eiuj- land). Insurance society: book of rules and re- gulations. Manchester, 1853. S. pp. 11. c. Strikes. Carwardine, W. H. The Pullman strike. 4th ed. Chicago, 1894. D. pp. (3) -|- 7-126. J'rontis/). jiort., 2 cts. Chicago — Civic Federation. oji in- dustrial conciliation and arbitration; arranged under the auspices of the Industrial committee of the Civic Federation: held at Chicago, Nov. 13 and 14, 1804. Chicago, [1895.] O. pp. 96. " The prevention of railway strikes," by James Pea- body; &c. Fletcher, H. J. The railway war [Chicago strike, 1894.] Boston, 1894. ().' pp. (8). Extracted from the Atlantic monthli/, vol. "4. Oct., 189-1. pp. f);; 1-541. Headley, J. T. Pen and jiencil sketches of the great riots: an illu.strated history of the rail- road and other great American riots. N. Y., 1882. D. pp.560. 49 j'lati's. Jeans, J. S. Conciliation and arbitration in labour disputes; a historical sketch and brief statement of the present |)(>sitiMn of the (]uestion. Lond., 1894. D. pp. (2) + v-xiv -|- 191. Mavor, J. The Scottish railway strike, 1891; a history and criticism. Edinburgh, 1891. D. pp. (i(i. Missouri Pacific Railway. [ !u pnrt of transactions relative to the strikeof liic Kniglits of I^abor, on the Mis.souri Pacific, in 18b6.] n.t.p. [N.Y., 1886.] (). pp. (l) + 52. ]0S HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Nebraska — State. Board of Transportation. Report to the Board upon the matter of the strike of the Brotherhoods of Locomotive En- gineers and Firemen of the Burlington and Missouri River railroad in Nebraska. By O. P. Mason, secretary. Lincoln, Neb., 1888. O. pp. 19. p. 96. Pennsylvania — General Assembly. Report of the committee appointed to investigate the rail- road riots in July, 1877; read in the Senate and House of Representatives, Mav 23, 1878. Har- risburg, 1878. O. pp. (1) + 1000. Pullman Palace Car Company. The strike at Pullman: statements of Geo. M. Pullman and T. H.Wickes before the U. S. Strike Commission; also published statements of the company during the continuation of the strike, n.t.p. [1894.] O. pp. 38. p. 96. Salmons, C. H. The Burlington strike: its motives and methods, including the causes of the strike, remote and direct, and the relations to it of the organizations of Locomotive Engineers, Locomotive Firemen, Switchmen's M. A. A., and action taken by Order Brotherhood RR. Brake- men, Order Railway Conductors, and Knights of Labor. Aurora, 111., 1889. O. pp. (9) + 7- 480. 7 cts., IIq plates, 15 jiortraits. United States — Strike Commission. Report on the Chicago strike of June-July, 1894; with appendices containing testimony, proceedings, and recommendations. Washington, 1895. O. pp. (2) + v-liv + 681. Same. Washington, 1895. O. pp. (2) •\- v-liv. " The appendices rererred to within are omitted from this edition."— Ccwer. Voorhees, T. The Buffalo strike. N. Y., 1892. O. pp. (11). Extracted from the North American review, vol. 156. Oct., 1892. pp. 407-417. IV. INTERLINE RELATIONS. Beaumont, G. D. B. Railway amalgamation by a scale. Loud., 1852. O. pp.12, p. 42. "Map lacking. Benson, R. The amalgamation of railway companies; or, the alternative of their purchase by the state considered. Lond., 1872. O. pp. 30. p. 65. Colorado E.ailway Association, and others. Proceedings of the Colorado Railway Association, Western Colorado Railway Association, Utah Traffic Association, Colorado and Utah Common Points Association, and Colorado and Utah Bureau of Statistics; for the year 1887. [Denver, 1887.] O. pp. (90). P. 90. Cover title. Cooley, T. M. Popular and legal views of traffic pooling. Chicago, 1884. O. pp. 15. p. 3. " Reprinted from the Sailtvay review, April 26. 1884." Cover title. Franqueville, C. de. Eisenbahn-Konkurrenz und Eisenbahn-Fusionenin England; Auszug aus dem Werke: Du regime des travaux publics en Angleterre. Uebersetzt von Victor Wilke, und herausgegeben von Wilhelm v. Nordling. Wien, 1875. O. pp. (2) -j- v-x -f 75. Great Britain — Commissioners of Railways. Return of all exi.sting railway amalgamations and notices given this session for the amalgamations of railway companies, and a map, with colours, to distinguish the amalgamation lines. Ordered printed, 17 July, 1848. [Lond., 1848. J F. pp. 35. 2 fold. maps. — House of Commons — lst-2nd report from the select committee on railways and canals amalgamation; with the minutes of evidence. Ordered printed, 8 April, 22 June, 1846. [Lond., 1846.] 2 vols. bd. in 1. F. pp. 7; viii + 116. — Parliament — 22 & 23 Vict. An act to enable railway companies to settle their differ- ences with other companies by arbitration. [Royal assent,] 13th August, 1859. n.t.p. [Lond., 1878.] F. pp. 389-394. — 35 & 36 Vict. Report from the joint select committee of the House of Lords and the House of Commons on railway companies amal- gamation; with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Ordered printed, 2nd August, 1872. [Lond., 1872.] F. pp. Ixiv -j- 1027. 4 fold, maps, 12 fold. j^p. Huntington, C. P. A plea for railway con- solidation. N.Y., 1891. O. pp. (11). Extracted from the North American revleiv, vol. 153. Sept., 1891. pp. 272-2S2. Irish. Railway Clearing House [Dublin). Regulations. [Dublin,] 1861. O. Massach.usetts — Seriate. Report and bill re- gulating the use of rail-roads: [defining the rela- tive rights and duties of rail-road corporations, and regulating the conditions of the inter-change of their business.] [Boston, 1839.] O. pp. 20. P. 1. Railway Clearing House (Boston). The Railway clearing-house: a brief history of the institution established at Boston by the New England railroad companies; with such informa- tion in regard to the method of conducting its operations as may be of interest to railway man- agers. Boston, 1884. O. pp. 9. In vol. " Railway clearing house. Pamphlets. 1." Railway Clearing House (London). Ex- tracts from the minutes of goods managers meet- ings. Lond., 1852. O. pp. (2) + 5-26. General classification of goods by mer- chandise trains upon railways. 1st Jan., 1855, OPEUATIOIf^. 199 April, 1856, Jan., 1880. n t.p. [Lond., 1855-8U. 3 vols. O. Same. List of alterations in, and addi- tions to, the general classilication of goods, which take effect from 1st January, 1869. Lond., 1869. O. pp. 100. The origin and results of the clearing system, which is in operation on the narrow- gauge railways, with tables of the through trafiic in 1845. Lond., 1846. O. pp. 26. Regulations as approved on 13th Sept., 1854., Jan., 1861, Jan., 1869, Jan., 1880. Lond., 1854-80. 4 vols. O. 1854 in vcl. "Railway clearing house. Pamphlets. 1." " Private, and not for publication." Railway Clearing House {Ifew York). Eail- way clearing house: a system for the management of railway traffic between competing lines to and from competing points. N.Y., 1871. nar.O. pp. (2) 4- 5-16. Trans-Continental Association. Agree- ment [28th Sept., 1883.] u.t.p. [San Francisco, 1883.] O. pp. 8. P. 90. Agreement effective Jan. 1st, 1885. n.t.p. [San Francisco? 1885.] O. pp. 18. P. 90. Cover title. [Record of proceedings, 1885; Nov. 5, 1887, to Jan. 31, 1888; 1888-91. St. Louis, Mo., 1885-91.] 6 vols. bd. in 5. O. Vol. for 1885 incomplete. Trunk Line Association. Articles of asso- ciation Feb. 20, 1889. N. Y., 1889. O. pp. iv + 6-19. P. 90. Signed "Albert Fink, commissioner." Walker, A. F. Railway associations. Chi- cago, 1890. O. pp. 24. p. 90. " Reprinted from tne Railway review, of Jan. 4, 1890." V. MAINTENANCE OF WAY. Huntington, W. S. The road-master's as- sistant and section-master's guide; a manual of reference for all having to do with the permanent wav of American railroads; revised and enlarged by Charles Latimer. 6th ed. N. Y., 1881. S. I)p. XV + 286. 50 fi(js. Kindelan, J. The trackman's helper; revised and enlarged; a book of instruction for track fore- men. 3d ed. Chicago, 1894. D. pp.xi -1-314. 31 Jigs. Parsons, W. B. Track: a complete manual of maintenance of way, accordingto tlie latest and best practice on leading American railroads. N. Y., 1886. Q. pp. vii -\- 111 ■\- ii. 126 A>. Williams, R. P. On the maintenance and re- newal of permanent way. Lond. ,1866. O. pf). 78. 3 y/'/s., U) fold, platfs, 17 folfl. tahlvK. ""Excerpt MhniicK of ProMedinf/x of tlic Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. 20. Hesfiion 18C5-0C." VI. MILITARY SERVICE. Ayraonino, C. Considerations militaires et strategicjues sur les chemins de fer italiens; tra- duit de ritalien par G. Malifaud. 3"= ed. Paris, 1889. nar. D. pp. (2) -f 5-68. p. 26. (Biblio- theque d'art et d'histoire militaires. no. 2.) " Publication de la Reinie dti cerclc militairc." Becker, C. Der nachste Krieg und die deutsclien Bahn - Verwaltungen. 2. Tausend. Hannover- Linden, 1893. O. pp. 62. Bergere, C. Les chemins de fer et le service des etapos d'apres les noviveaux reglements. Paris, 1886. O. pp. 24. p. 26. " Kstrait du Journal des sciences militaires, octobre, 1886." Charie-Marsaines, — Memoire sur les chem- ins de fer consideres au point de vue mililaire. Paris, 1862. O. pp. 23. l/old. map. p. 26. " Extrait des Annates des pouts et chaiissirs, tome 4, 1S62." "A Monsieur Ludovic Vitet, souvenir d'amitiij. C. M." Emploi (De 1') des chemins de fer en temps de guerre; traduit de I'Allemand. Paris, 1869. O. pp. (2) -i- 241. 1 fold, plate, p. 26. Ferrarius, M. Die Eisenbahnen und die Kriegfiiiirung; eine politisch-milit;irische Stu- die. Hamburg, 1890. O. pp.30. P.83. (Deutsche Zeit-undStreit-Fragen. Nene Folge. 5. Jaiirg., Heft 66.) Studien iiber die heutigen Eisenbahnen im Kriegsfalle. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, [1892.] O. pp. iv -I- (2) 4- 55. " Literatur," p. (2). Geerling, K. F. A. Geerling's Militilran- wiirter im Staats- und Privat-Eisenbahiulienst. 2'-' Aullage. Berlin, W., 1890. O. pp. 114. Germany. Militiir-Transport-Ordnung fur p]isenbahnen im Kriege. Berlin, 1887. sq. Q. PI). 74. " Separatabdruck aus Nr. 6, des Eisenbahn- VerordnungS' niaftes, 1887." Grandvallet, A. Les chemins do fer fran^ais au point de vue de la guerre. Paris, 1889. O. pp. (2) -f 85. 1 fold. map. La neutralite de la Belgique et les cliemins de fer frani^ais, beiges et allemauds. Paris, 1889. O. i)p. 11. Jid. in vol. with preceding. K., H. Das russische Eisenbalm-Nctz zur dentschen Grenze in seiner Bcdentung fur eiiien Krieg Russlands mit Deutschland. Hannover, 1885. O. pp.29. \ fold. map. p. 26. Nieden, J., zur, editor. Der Eisenl)ahn- Transport vcrwundeter und erkrankter Krieger; ncl)st einem Anhaiige betrcffeud die Kinriclitung von PUcgestiittcM im Kriege. 2" Aullage. Ber- lin, 1883. O. pp. (6) -1-271. 91 //>. Tyler, Captain H. W. Railwavs slralegically convi.U'red. n.t.j). [Ijond., 1864.^ O. pp. (23). 2 fold, via/is. V. 26. Lecluroduliverwl May V.i, 18(54. 200 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Weber, M. M. Freiherr von. Our railway system viewed in reference to invasion, a trans- lation of a memoir entitled, The training of rail- ways for war, in time of peace. With an intro- duction and notes by Robert Mallet. Lond., 1871. O. pp. (3) +'110. VII. TELEGRAPH AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES. Abernethy, J. P. The modern service of commercial and railway telegraphy, in theory and practice; including the railway station and express service. 8th ed., revised and enlarged. St. Louis, Mo., 1894. O. pp. 424. 29 figs. Anderson, J. A. The train wire; a discussion on train dispatching. Chicago, 1883. D. pp. iv + (l) + 7-76. Bauer, E.., Prasch, A. and Webr, O. Die elektrischen Einrichtungen der Eisenbahnen: eine Anleitung zum Selbststudium der Tele- graphen-, Telephon- und elektrischen Signal- Einrichtungen. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1893. O. pp. (2) -\- v-xxiv + 455. 275 figs., Sfold. plates. Brossard de Corbigny, — Note sur les ap- pareils de securite Leblanc et Loiseau. Paris, 1882. O. pp. (2) +5-12. 1 fold. plate, p. 61. "Extrait des Annates des mines, septembre-octobre, 1882." Consolidated Railway Telegraph. Com- pany. Telegraphic communication between fixed stations and moving trains, under patents of Edison, Gilliland, Phelps, and Smith. N. Y., [1887.] obi. T. pp. 26. 6 figs. Hassler, A. Der Staats- und Eisenbahn- Telegraph; ein Leitfaden filr Post-, Telegraphen- uud Eisenbahnbeamte. 2* Auflage. Stuttgart, 1891. O. pp. X + 216. 19 fold, plates. Kohlfurst, Ij. Die elektrischen Einricht- ungen der Eisenbahnen und das Signalwesen. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1883. D. pp. vii + (1) + 327. 130/^^8. (Elektro-technische Bibliothek. Bd. 12.) Die elektrischen Telegraphen und Signal- mittel sowie die Sicherungs-, KontroU- und Beleuchtungs-Einrichtungen f iir Eisenbahnen auf der Frankfurter internationalen elektrotechnis- chen Aufstellung 1891. Stuttgart, 1893. O. pp. vi + 268. 226 figs. Die Fortentwicklung der elektrischen Eisenbahn-Einrichtungen. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1891. D. pp. viii + 296. 106 figs. Kr"mer, J. Repetitorium der Mathematik und Elektricitats-Lehre; fiir die Bedurfnisse der Eisenbahn-Praxis elementar behandelt. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1884. O. pp. xiv + (1) + 176. 127 figs. (Bibliothek des Eisenbahnwesens. IV.) Leto, V. Apparecchi per la sicurezza dei treni viaggianti; con un' appendice sul sillaba- tropio. Palermo, 1891. O. pp. (2) + 26 + (1). 1 plate, 2 fold, plates, p. 23. Prasch, A. Handbuch des Telegrapheudien- stes der Eisenbahnen. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1884. O. pp. xvi + 160. 117 figs., 1 fold, i^late. (Bibliothek des Eisenbahnwesens. III.) Proske, L. Ausgefiihrte Central-Sicherungs- Anlagen auf den k. k. osterreichischen Staais- bahnen. Vortrag gehalten am 13. Jiinner 1885 im Club osterreichischer Eisenbahn-Beamten. Wien, 1885. O. pp. 36. 6 fold, plates. " Separat-Abdruck aus der Oesterreichischen Eisenbahn- Zeilang, Jahrgang, 1885." Rodary, F. Applications de,relectricite aux chemins de fer; cours prof esse a I'Ecole superieure de telegraphic. Paris, 1886. O. pp. (2) + 5- 107. 58 figs. Schon, — Ueber die Sicherung des Eisen- bahnverkehrs auf Bahnhofen; Vortrag gehalten im Polytechnischen Verein zu Miinchen am 22. November, 1886. Miinchen, 1887. O. pp. (1) + 34. 60 figs. p. 23. Schubert, E. Die Sicherungswerke im Eisen- bahnbetriebe; Beschreibung und Anleitung zum Gebrauche der elektrischen Telegraphen, Laute- werke, Contact-Apparate, Block-Einriclitungen, Signal- und Weichenstellwerke. Wiesbaden, 1888. D. pp. (9) + 157. 173 figs., Ifold. plate. Securite sur les voies ferrees; communications electriques permanentes des trains en marche en- tre eux et avec les gares; sur une meme voie ou sur des voies differentes: systeme E. de Baillehache. Paris, 1878. O. pp. (1) + 17. 2fold.2)lates. p. 24. Cover title. Tesch, J. Katechismus fiir die miindliche Prtifung zum Telegraph isten der Staats-Eisen- bahnen. Berlin, 1890. D. pp. vi + 179. Same. 2« Auflage. Berlin, 1894. D. pp. vi + 179. 40 figs. 6 pp. inserted between p. 76 and 77. VIII. TRAFFIC. Braun, F. K. Der Eisenbahn-Giiter-Abferti- gungsdienst: Leitfaden und Handbuch fiir Dienst- anfiLnger der Eisenbahn -Verwaltung, Eisenbahn- Beamte, Spediteure, Geschaftsleute und sonstige Verkehrs-Interessenten. Elberfeld, [1893.] O. pp. 358. Brosius, J. and Koch, R. Der Eisenbahn- stations- und Zugforderungsdienst einschliesslich Wagen- und Betriebsmaschinendienst und Signal- wesen; insbesonderefiir Bremser, Schaffner, Pack- meister, [etc.] Wiesbaden, 1889. D. pp. xiii + 803-1152. 118 figs., 6 fables, 2 plates. " Sonderausgabe aiis deren Haudbuche: Die Schule fp.r den itusseren Eisenbahnbetrieb." OPERA TION. 201 Central Pacific Railroad. Kules and regu- lations for agents and conductors; Jan. 1, 1882. San Francisco, 1882. nar. S. pp. 28. In vol. '■ Central Pacific. Pamphlets. 2." Cover title. Eules for the government of the baggage department. Sacramento, 1872. D. pp. 14 + (6). In same. Statistics of passenger traffic, 1871-1882. [San Francisco, 1883?] O. pp. (2) + 5-41. In same. Chanute, O. The cost of railroad freight traffic. Chicago, 1885. O. pp. 16. p. 77. "Reprinted from the Railway review, May 2-9, 1885." Chapman, S. A comparative analysis of English raihvav passenger traffic, for the five years 1883-1887. Lond., 1889. O. pp. (2) + 5-31. Ifold. table. Emion, V. Manuel pratique ou traite de I'exploitation des chemins de fer; precede d'une preface par Jules Favre. 2" partie: marchan- dises. Paris, 1865. _D. pp. vii + 459. (Bib- liotheque des professions industrielles et agri- coles. Serie C, no. 21.) Fenten, W. Anleitung fiir den Stations- und Earpeditions-Dienst zur Veranschlagungder erfor- derlichen Arbeitskriifte und Materialien. Wies- baden, 1886. D. pp. viii -{- 115. 1 plate. Foerster, C. Der Expeditions-Dienst: prak- tisches Handbuch fiirdeutsche Eisenbahnbeamte und Spediteure. Nordhausen, n.d. T. pp. 168. Germany. Verkehrs-Ordnung fiir die Eisen- balinen Deutsclilands, vom 15. November 1892. 13« Auflage. Berlin, 1892. O. pp. v + 124 -}- 56. 2 fold, tables. Great Britain — Parliament — 29 & 30 Vict. An act for the amendment of the law with respect to the carriage and deposit of dangerous goods. [Koyal assent,] 6th August, 1866. n.t.p. [Lond., 1866.] F. pp. 629-631. Guttmann, F. Der Giitertransport auf den Eisenbahnen Englands. Bromberg,1876. O. pp. (3) + 116-1- (20). ZQfold. tables. Eascheike, L. Das gesammte Exaraen fiir Statinnsvorsteher der Eisenbahnen Deutsclilands. Konigsberg, 1887. O. pp. 192. Kirkman, M. M. The baggage, parcel .nnd mail traffic of railroads; explaining its practical working and the principles and philosophy that underlie its operation. Chicago, [1881.] D. pi). XX +417. Hand book of passenger traffic and ac- counts. Chicago, 1890. D. pp. 170 + (29) + vii. Knorz, A. Der Rathgeber im Eisenbahn- giiter -Verkehr; praktisches Handbuch zum (^ie- brauch fur Spediteure, Fabrikanten, Kaulleute, Eisenbahnbeamte. Leipzig, 1886. O. pp. iv + 268 + (1). \fold. map. Koch, W. Handbuch fur den Eisenbahn- C4uter- Verkehr. 22',umgearbeitete und vermehrte Autlage. Berlin, 1889-91. 2 vols. O. pp. xvi + 484 + 8; 338 + 16. Conlenis:—!. Ei.<;ei)lmhn-Stiition.';-Verzeichniss der dom Vereine Deutscher Eisenbahu- Verwaltuugeu augehorigen Eisenbahnen Europa's.— 3. Ortsverzeichuiss. Leighton, G. B. Xotes on St. Louis passenger traffic. St. Louis, 1894. O. pp. 31. 2 charts, 2 maps. '' A paper read before the St. Louis Commercial Club, Jan. l!0, 1894," Michel, J. Les gares de triage pour le classe- ment des wagons de marchandises. Paris, 1877. O. pp. (2) + 5-47. Ifold. plate, p. 24. " 'Extv&iiAGs.AnnalesdesnontsctchausgtesA'bn. lersem., t. 13." Oliver, H, and Airey, J. Hand-book and appendix of all the stations, junctions, sidings, collieries on the railways in the United Kingdom, showing their exact position and the counties in which situated. New revised and enlarged ed. Loud., 1873. O. pp. (8) + 164 + 12. Same. 7th ed. Lond., 1892. sq. O. pp. (7) + 350 + 40. Same. 7th ed. Lond., 1894. sq. O. pp. (7) + 350 + 68. Prussia — Ministerium der bffentlichen Arbelten. Statistik derCiuterbewegiuigauf deutschen Eisen- bahnen nach Verkehrsbezirken geordnet. l.-ll. Jahrgang. Berlin, 1883-94. 48 vols. bd. in 24. F". Schroeter, G. Die Schule des Eisenbahn- dienstes; ein Handbuch fiir die Pnifung zum Stations-Assistenten, Stat ions- Vorsteher, Cxuter- Expedienten, Telegraphisten, sowie fiir il:i.s Zugbegleitungs-Personal. 4", umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. Aachen, 1888. Q. vii + 333. 54 i>. Tesch, J. Katechismus fiir die Priifungen zum Bahnhofs- und Werkstiitten-Nachtwachter und Portier. Berlin, 1887. D. pp. (5) + 72. Katechismus fiir die Prutungen zum I/ulo- meister der Staats-p]isenhahni'u; nebst eiucm besonderen Theile fiir die Vorbereitung zur schriftlichen Priifung. 2"^^, vermehrte .\utlage. Berlin, 1893. O. pp. (5) + 244. Katechisnnis fur die Prufungou zum Packmeister- und Zugfuhrer-.Vuwarterdcr Staats- Eiseubahnen. 3° Aullage. Berlin, 1894. D. pp. vii + (l) + 206. Katechismua fiir die Priifungen zum Sta- tions-Assistenten, Stations- V'orsteluT uml (Juler- Ex|>edienteii der Staats-Fisenhahucu. 3", ver- meiirte Aullage. Berlin,1891. O. pi). (7) -f- 454. Same. 4'', vermehrte Aullage. Berlin, 189.?. O. pp. (8) + 518. Urban, A. Recueil oontenant les divers modes d' oxpliiitation des gnres communes en lUigiiiue. Bruxelk's, 1885. O. pp. (7) -|- 205. \ fold. map. 202 HOPKJXS BAIL WAY LIBRARY. Wetter, J. Die Prtif ung zum Stationsvorstelier und Giiterexpedienten, sowie zum Stationsassist- enten im deutschen und insbesondereiJi'eussiscben Staats-Eisenbahndienste. 2^Auflage. Elberfeld, 1889. D. pp. viii + 362. a. Mail and Express. Factage Parisien. Paris general parcels post and international carrying company, [pro- spectus.] Lond., Paris. [1862.] nar. D. pp. 18. \fold. table. Great Britain — House of Commons. Report from the select committee on conveyance of mails by railways; with the proceedings of the com- mittee, minutes of evidence and appendix. Or- dered printed, 25 July, 1854. [Lond., 1854.] F. pp. xl + 606 -f vi + 85. Keport from the select committee on railway communication, [so far as it affects the regularity and convenience of the transmission of letters and the post oflice in general] with the minutes of evidence, appendix. Ordered printed, 28 March, 1838. [Lond., 1838.] F. pp. viii -J- 164. Same. Communicated by the Commons to the Lords. Ordered printed, 16th August, 1838. [Lond., 1838.] F. pp. viii + 164. — Parliament — 1 William IV. An act for the more effectual protection of mail con- tractors, stage coach proprietors, and other com- mon carriers for hire, against the loss or injury to parcels or packages delivered to them for con- veyance or custody, the value and contents of which shall not be declared to them by the own- ers thereof. [Royal assent,] 23d July, 1830. n.t.p. [Lond., 1885.] F. pp. 645-648. — 1 & 2 Vict. An act to provide for the conveyance of the mails by railways. [Roval as- sent,] 14th August, 1838. " n.t.p. '[Lond.,'l875.] F. pp. 797-804. — 10 & 11 Vict. An act for giving further facilities for the transmission of letters by post. [Roval assent,] 22d July, 1847. n.t.p. [Lond., 1847.] F. pp. 813-818. — 45 & 46 Vict. An act to amend the Post Office acts with respect to the conveyance of parcels. [Royal assent,] 18th August, 1882. n.t.p. [Lond., 1882.] Q. pp. 1 -f 16. Hull, C. H. Die deutsche Reichspacketpost. Jena, 1892. O. pp. (5) + 161. (Sammlung national-okonomischer imd statistischer Abhand- lungen des staatswissenschaftlichen Seminars zu Halle a. d. S. ; herausgegeben von Dr. J. Conrad. VIII. 3.) Morandiere, J. Note sur I'appareil employe en Angleterre par le post-office pour I'echange des depeches sans arr^t des trains, n.t.p. O. pp. (2). 1 fold, plate. V. 80. Stimson, A. L. History of the express com- I^anies; and the origin of American railroads. 2d ed. N. Y., 1858. O. pp. viii + (2) + 5-287. 2 2wrtrs. United States — Post-Office Department. Re- port of the general superintendent of railway mail service, for the vear ending June 30, 1884-94. Washington, 1889-94. 11 vols. O. In Annual reports of the Postmaster General. h. Tariffs. Baden — Staatseisenhahnen, Tarif fur die Giiter Versendung. n.p., n.d. broadside, obi. Q. r. 19. Bechtel, A. Officieller Kilometerzeiger mit Ubersichts-Skizzen zu den Allgemeinen und Mili- lar-Tarifen der osterreichisch-ungarischen Eisen- bahnen. \_Magyar title:'\ Hivatalos kilometer- mutato es atnezeti terkepek az Osztrak-Magyar vasutakaltalanos. 6. Jahrgang. Wien,1891. sq.S. Belfast and Northern Counties Railway. Passenger fares, &c., on and after 1st Jan., 1884. Belfast, 1884. sq. O. pp. 56. Bemrose & Sons, 2'>uhlishers. Bemrose's rail- way rate book of the stations, sidings and col- lieries on the English railways, alphabetically arranged. 4th ed. [including: Railway maxi- mum rates and charges, by M. B. Cotsworth, assimilating the Railway (rates & charges) Order Confirmation acts of 1891 and 1892, for all the railway companies and traders in the United Kingdom.] Lond., [1893?] 2 vols, bd. in 1. S. pp. vi + 225; (1) + 130. Berster, A. Alphabetischer Eisenbahn- Frachten-Tarif fiir die Station Diiren. Diiren, [1893.] sq. Q. Buchal, G. Stations-Gtiter-Tarif fiir den Eil- und Frachtgut-Verkehr zwischen Magdeburg einerseits, und alien deutschen und hoUandischen Giiter-Stationen, mit Einschluss der Frachten fiir Bohmische Braunkohlen andererseits soweit directe Frachtsiitze bestehen. 5", vermehrte und bis zum 1. Juni 1891 berichtigte Ausgabe. Mag- deburg, 1891. Q. pp. (3) + 186. Same. 6«, vermehrte und bis zum 15. Juni 1893 berichtigte Ausgabe. Magdeburg, 1893. Q. pp. (4) + 247. Central Pacific Railroad. Local freight tariff, to take efiect June 22,1873. [San Francisco,1873.] F. pp. XX + 71 + (7). 2 fold, tables. Conrady, F. J. Alphabetisches Stations- Verzeichniss nebst Tarif-Tabellen fiir den Eil- und Frachtgut-Verkehr der Stadt Hannover. Hannover, 1893. O. pp. (6) + 115. and Ohse, G. Combinirter Eisenbahn- Frachtentarif fiir Nordwest- und Mitteldeutsch- land. Miinster, i. W., 1887. O. pp. xxiii + (1) + 752. pp. 735-752 contain advs. OPERA TION. 203 Deutscher Iievante-Verkehr: Tai-if fur den direkten Fracht - Gtiter -Verkelir von Btationeii der Koniglicli Preussischen, der Koniglich tSuchs- ischen and der Koniglich Bayerischen Staats- balinen nach Stationen der orientalischen Eisen- bahnen and der Fitrstlich Bulgarischen Staats- balinen uber Hamburg seewiirts; giiltig vom 1. Januar 1892. {French title:'] Service entre I'Alle- magne et le Levant: Tarif pour le transport direct des marcliandises de petite ^vitesse de cer- taines gares des chemins de fer I'Etat royaux de Prusse, de Saxe et de Baviore en destination de quelques stations des chemins de fer orientaiix et des chemins de fer de I'Etat deBulgare par Ham- bourg, voie de mer. Applicable a partir du 1 " Janvier 1892. Altona, Ottensen, [1892.] Q. pp. 132. 1 fold. majJ, 1 fold, table. Great Britain — Foreign Office. Correspond- ence respecting tariffs for goods and passengers on Belgian state railways. Lend., 1891. F. pp. (2) + 27. Correspondence respecting zone tariff rates for goods and passenger trafhc on railways in Austria and Hungarv. Lond., 1891. F. pp. (2) + 23. — Railivay Department of the Board of Trade. Kail way charges; return by the railway companies in the United Kingdom, showing the rates charged for the carriage on their railway of wheat, barley and oats, imported and of liome produce. Ordered printed, 1 February, 1887. Lond., [1887.] F. pp. 128. Eailways (maximum charges): return showing the maximum rates and charges which the railway companies of the United Kingdom are authorised to make. Ordered printed, 16 Feb., 1888. Lond, [1888.] F. pp. 207. • Return by the principal railway com- panies of the United Kingdom, showing the rates charged by them for the carriage and conveyance of fish for the year ending 31st Dec, 1887. Or- dered printed, 7 June, 1888. Lond., [1888.] F. pp. 64. Hanisch, E. E. Ilandbuch fur Kaulieute, Spediteure und Eisenbahn-Beamte; enthaltend Verhaltungs-Massregeln ftir Waaren -Versandt nach dem Auslande durch die Eisenbahncn. 3'' Aufiage. Leipzig, 1889. D. pp. (7) -f 7-80. 10 fold, tables. Hermann, W. Alpliabetisch geordneter iSui- tions-Tarif fur Leipzig in Verkehr mit deutschen iStationen. Leipzig, 1891. sq. O. pp. 161. Hildebrandt, C. Berliner Tarifhiicli ; alpiia- betische ZusaiinnciisteiUing der EiKenbalin-( liiter- Tarife zwischen Berlin einerseits und deiitscben Eisenbahnstationen, FIuss- und Seehiifen andcr- erseits. 2« Aufiage. Berlin, 1887. O. pp. viii + 127. Eisenbahn Giiter-Tarif-Buch fur Ham- burg- Altona -Ottensen, mit Angabe der kilo- metrischen Entfernungen fur die llansestailte Bremen, Harburg [sic] und Liibeck im Verkehr mit den Eisenbahn-Guterstationen des deutschen. Reichsgebietes und den oesterreich-ungarisilieii Verbandstationen. 2'", revidirte uiul vermehrte AuHage. Hamburg, 1890. O. pp. (4) + 228. Hiibers, H. Allgemeiner Frachten-Tarif fiir die Eisenartikel des Special-Tarifs ii in Ladungen von mindestens 10,000 kg. per Wagen. Verkehr in Deutschland. 4" Ausgabe. Dortmund, 1893. Q. pp. 392. Klie, H. Alphabetischer Giiter -Frachten - Tarif und Porto -Taxe fur Manniieim. 3^ um- gearbeitete und vermehrte Aullage. Mannheim, 1888. O. pp. (4) + 124 + (4) + xxxii. Koch, P. Deutscher Eisenbahntarif fiir die Beforderung von Rohzucker, sowie von Zucker aller Art zum Export. Au.sgabefiir die Campagne 1887/88; Ausgabe fiir das Betriebsjahr 1894/95. Magdeburg, n.d. 2 vols. D. Laib, — Lokal - Giitertarif fiir Stuttgart. Stuttgart, n.d. Q. pp. 43. Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. Rates, commencing March 9th, 1846. n.t.p. O. pp.10. liOesch, F. Alphabetarischo Zusammensteihnig der nach den Siitzen der Specialtarife abzuferti- genden Sendungen. Gustrow, n.d. »S. pp. 88. Mandl, J., puhliaher. ^landl's Znnen- und Gei)acks-Tarif nadi sammtlichen Stationen der k. k. osterr. Staatsbahnen; Buscht?hrader und Aussig-Teplitzcr-Eisenbahn; giltigfur die Station Komotau. Komotau, [JS90.] T. pi.. 62. pp. 09-02 are iidvs. Cover title. Mareis, E., publisher. Zonen- und Gepiicks- Tarif nach sammtlichen Stationen derk. k. osterr. Staatsbahnen; giltig fur die Station Linz a.d.D. Linz,[1890.] T. pp. (4) + 63. pp. 13-0:? arc advs. Milano - Bergamo - Cremona Tramways. Norme e taritfe i>er il trasporto t)agagli, uicrci, veicoli, e bestianie. 1" Aprile, 1886. Milano, 1886. O. pj). 107 + iii. Moser, C. A!phal)i'tisch geordneter Eisi-n- balin-Fraciil-Tarif, eiitlialteiid alK- onh'Titlirlu-u Tarifsiitze zwisciien den Stationi-n Clioiuuit/,, Dresden-Altstadt, [etc.] einerseits und alien (leuts< (lien Stationen andererseits. 3" Aullage. Dresden, [ISS!).] Q. pp. (H) + i:50. Pacific Coast tarill; giving ratis .uid mileage over tlie various transportation lines of the I'a- ciiic Slope. C. 1\. T. Lincoln, <'onipiier. vol. 1. no. 1. Oct., 1891. San Francisco, 1891. nar. O. Quartier, H. mid Steuber, C. Zusaninien- stcllimg
ctriebes. Muiuhi-n, 1890. (). pp. viii -f 164 + 93 + (1). Acworth, W. M. Light railways. Lond., 1894. (). PI). 21. " I'rom the Journal nf thr Royal Agricutlural Society of England, vol 5. 3d series, part 1." Cover title. Liglitrailwavs. Lond., 1895. O. pp. (15). Extracted from the .lournal of tlie Society of Arts, vol. 43. Feb. 15, 1895. pp. 291-306. Bianchi, G. L'impiantoe I'eserciziodei trani- wavs lu'lla proviucia di Miiano; dali tccnici e btatistici ruccoUi a cura del dcpulato proviuciale. Miiano, NapoH, Pisa, 1883. O. pp. viii -f (4) + 270. ^2 jigs., 2 plates, Vi fold, plates. Birk, A. L^eber Dampf -Tram ways in Elsass- Lothringen, Frankreich und Uber-Italien. Wien, 1882. O. nr>. 16. "Separat-Abdruck nus dem CcniraJblatt fiir Eisenbahnen und Dampf schiffahrt." Ueber Schmalspurbahnen; Vortrag ge- halten imosterreichischen Ingenieur- und Archi- tekten-Verein. Wien, 1886. O. pp. (2) -{- 5-48. ^figs. ".Separat-Abdrack ausder Zeilschrift des osterr. Ingeni- eur- und Architckten-Vereines. 1885." Boulan, A. Les chemins de fer d'inter^t local. Paris and Nancy, 1879. O. pp. (2) -f 37. p. 15. •' Extrait de la Revue gtnercde d' administration." Bourgeois, Li. Les chemins de fer t'conom- ique.s, a voie etroite et sur accotements. Paris, 1878. O. pp. (2) -f 5-46. P. 28. " Extrait de la R^orme economiquc desU-r et 15d6cem- bre 1877." Bresson, A. Les narrow-gauges; t^tude pra- tique des voies ctroites amcricaines, leur appli- cation aux " voies ferrees sur routes," aux lignes industrielles et aux tramways des villes. n.t.p. [Paris, 1879.] O. pp. (31). 2 Jigs., If old. plate. p. 28. Extracted from Annates du ginie civil, 2e s^rie, 8« ann(5e, avril, juin, 1879. Buresch, E. Die schmalspurige Eisenbalin von Ocholt nach Westerstede (Herzogthum Old- enburg). Hannover, 1877. O. pp. viii -\- 72. 10 fold, plates. Busschere, L. de, Jaer, J. de and Niels, P. De I'exploitation (5coiiomi(iue des ligucs secoiul- aires des grands reseaux de chemins de fer dans differentes pavs de I'Europe. I5ruxelles, 1887. O. pp. (2) -f "vii -t- 382 -\- (2), and Allans, sq. F^, of 24 fold, plates. [Cantalupi, A.] Progetto ])er la costruzione di una ferrovia economica o di interesse locale nella Valle Seriana da Bergamo a Clusone con diramazione per Gandino: relazione tecnica. Bergamo, 1871. O. pp. 17. P. ()S. Cazeneuve, A. Le n'seau d'int^ret h>cal et les chemins de fer sur route. Paris, 1879. D. pp. (;?)-H7-59-|-(l). p. 15. Chabrier, E. Les chemins de fer d'intt'rf't local sur routes: 1872-1878. Pari.s, 1.S7M-79. 2 Jits, in 1 vol. O. pp. (3) -f 7—14 -\- viii -]- iii- Ixxxiii. P. 16. With appendix: Chemins de for s\ir aeeoteineiit des routes: raii|«<>rls el doeumoiiLs eonconiuiit I'eliiile de eello question, do 1S72 a 1878. Les tramways dans U-s canipagnes; clic- mins de fer econoniiiiues: voies et nioycns. Paris, 1877. O. pp. 10. p. .34. Choppard, L. I 'es clu-mins de fer iudiislriels, Paris. iSSd. (). pp. 59 -\- (1). P. 16. " lixiruildc la Knue late. Paper on the gauge for ' ' The railways of the future"; read before the British Associa- tion, at Liverpool, 1870. Lond., 1871. O. pp.20. Bail ways or no railways: narrow gauge, economy with efficiency, v. broad gauge, costli- ness with extravagence. Lond., 1872. U. pp. (2) -f 3-147. 7 plates, I fold, plate, 3 fold, charts. Same, French. Chemins de fer ou ab- sence de chemins defer? voie etroite, c'est-a-dire: economie et efficacite, opposee a voie large, c'est- a-dire: exageration de prix et extravagence. Paris, 1872. O. pp. (3) -f v-xv + 149. 1 plates, Ifold. plate, 3 fold, charts. Cover title: Aurons-nous des chemins de fer ou n'en aurons-nous pas? : reponse a la " Revue " de I'Hon. Silas Seymour de New York par R. F. Fairlie de Londres. Die richtige Praxis der Schmalspur- bahnen: nach dem englischen Werke " The battle of the gauges renewed," und mit einem Anhange vermehrt ins Deutsche ubertragen von A. Brun- ner. Zurich, 1873. O. pp. (7) + iv + 5-120. 2/oW. ^>?alales. Cimlnils : — riiomiii de fer d'Krgnstirirt. -Chemin de for de Mokt:"i-el-H;i(iid.— Cliemins de fer de i^aint-I.oon (Sar- considerjitions eeoiioniii|ues ot teciiniqiies sur le clieiiiins de for a traiisliorde- lueul. 2' ed. Paris, 1873. O. pp- (3) -\- viii -I- iv -1-636. 208 noPKJyS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Lewis, W. and Green, C. F. Narrow gauge railways, Ireland; by William Lewis. Light railways, or remunerative railways for thinly- populated districts; by C. F. Green. Dublin, Lond., N. Y., 1882. O. pp.77. 4 /old. plates. p. 28. Martin, F. Monographic d'une ligne a yoie d'un metre avec rampes maxima de 40 milli- metres et rayons minima de 40 metres: ligne de Beaune ji Arnay-le-Duc. Paris, 189L O. pp. 23. 3 fold, plates, p. 28. " Extr. de la Eevue generale des chemins defer, juin 1891." Marx, — , Varroy, — aiid Jundt, — Notice sur les chemins de fer d' Alsace dits vicinaux ou departementaux, leur prix de revient, les res- sources appliqu^es a leur construction, leur mise en exploitation. Paris, 1865. O. pp. (1) + 5- 24. P. 15. " Fxtrait des Annalesdespontsetchaussies, tome 8, 1864 " Moreau, A. Les chemins de fer d'interet local; a vantages de la voie etroite. Paris, 1884. O. pp. (58). P. 28. Extracted from Memoires de la Sociitd des Ingenieurs civUs, i« st^rie, 37e annee, d^cembre, 1884. pp. 557-614. Moreno, O. Le ferrovie economiche. Torino, 1872. O. pp. (6) + 204. " Estratto dal Monitore delle strade ferrate, del 1871-72." Moschell, J. Etude comparative sur la voie etroite et la voie large. Zurich, 1874. O. pp. (2) -f 27. P. 28. " Extrait du journal Suisse Le chemin defer." Notice sur le chemin de fer a voie etroite de Lausanne a Echallens. Paris, 1880. O. pp. (2()). 1 //.'/., I fold, plate, p. 28. "Extrait des Annales da ginie civil." Cover title. Noblemaire, — Les chemins de fer departe- mentaux. Paris, 1889. O. pp. (2) +36. p. 15. " Extrait des Annates des ponts et chaussces, decembre, 1889." Noel, O. Les chemins de fer d'interet local. Paris, 1883. O. pp. 32. " Extrait de la Revue britannique, octobre, 1883." Norme pratiche per la costruzione dei tram- ways, tanto esercitati coi cavalli quanto colle locomotive. Milano, 1882. O. pp. 173. Olivieri, E. Le ferrovie economiche del Lago di Lugano. Milano, 1885. O. pp. 20. 12 fold, plates. " Estratto del Politecnico, vol. 33." OsthofF, G. Der gesamte Eisenbahnbau : unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Secundilr- und Tertiarbahnen, des Erdbaues, der Trambahnen und der Seilbahnen: mit Angaben iiber Preise und Kosten. Leipzig, 1884. O. pp. xvi+574. 474 figs. Plessner, F. Anleitung zur Ermittelung der Betriebs-P^innahmen und Ausgaben der Local- baiinen von verschiedener Liinge und Projor- tions-Verhaltnisse. Berlin, [1883.] O. pp. 08. Noch ein Wort zur Anregung des Baues der Lokalbahnen und Einrichtung eines billigen Eisenbahnbetriebes. Berlin, 1875. O. pp. (1) + 48. P. 19. Pontzen, E. Note sur I'application des che- min^ de fer economiques a I'achevement du reseau des chemins de fer fraufjais. Paris, 1883. O. pp. (2) + iii + 33. p. 16. Die Praxis des Baues und Betriebes der Secundarbahnen mit normaler und schmaler Spur, welche Personen und Guterverkehr fiihren; kritische Erorterungen auf ausgefiihrten Bahnen gesammelter Thatsachen. 2", mit einem Anhange vermehrte Auflage. Weimar, 1873. O. pp. (2) -}- v-xxii + 135. 4 fold, tables. Prete, F. del. Sopra I'armamento delle fer- rovie economiche. Koma, 1874. O. pp. 81 + (1). 1 fold, plate. M. 3. Bamsauer, P. Das Projekt einer Eisenbahn von Jever nach Carolinensiel, zugleich ein Bei- trag zur Losung der Frage der Lokalbahnen und deren Finanzirung. Jever, 1886. D. pp. 61 + (1). Ifold. map. p. 19. Rapier, R. C. Remunerative railways for new countries; with some account of the first railway in China. Lond., N. Y., 1878. Q. pp. (2) -}- 5-114. 56 figs., % p>hoto . plates, 9 fold, plates. [Rossi, F. and G.] Progetto di una ferrovia economica fra Schio-Piovene-Arsiero. Schio, 1880. O. pp. 34. 1 map. p. 68. Roy, E. Chemins de fer d'interet local; vade mecum aux trois points de vue, financier, econ- omique et technique. Paris, 1877. D. pp. (2) + v-Tiii + 151 + (1). Salwey, E. R. Light railways as a practical means of exploration. Lond. and N. Y., 1890. O. pp. (3) + 7-109. 21 plates. Sampite, A. Les chemins de fer a faible trafic en France; lignes secondaires des grands reseaux, chemins de fer d'interfet local et tram- ways a vapeur: etablissement et exploitation. Paris, 1888. O. pp. (2) + vi -f 467, and Atlas, obi. O. of 16 plates. Sartiaux, A. Note sur la question des che- mins de fer economiques et en particulier des chemins de fer ii voie etroite. Paris, 1883. Q. pp. 355-382. M. 3. "Ouvrages et etudes sur les chemins de fer a voie etroite," pp. 376-382. . . ^ . "Extrait de la Revue generale des chemins de fer, m&i 1883." Schmalspurbahn (Die) und ihre Gegner: eine Beleuchtung des Gutachtens des Hrn. Wetli. [Stafa, 1873.] D. pp.(l) + 66 + (1). P. 9. Schiibler, A. Ueber Eisenbahnen von localem Interesse, insbesondere Vizinal- und Industrie- r.almen. Stntlgart,1872. Q. pp.(4)+9-80. M.3. "Moritz Mohl." LOCAL RAILWAYS. 209 Sonnenscliein, S. Das Localbahnwesen in Oesterreich. Wieu, Pest, Leipzig, 1886. O. pp. iv + il) + 151. Spooner, C. E. Narrow gauge railways. Lond., 1871. O. pp. (5) + 128. 11 figs., 25 fold, charts. Same. 2d ed. Lond., 1879. O. pp. (5) + 128. Ufiijs., 2b fold, charts. Stern, J. Die Dampf -Tram way; Einfluss der- selben auf das oiientliche Interesse; ihr Ban und Betrieb; ein Beitrag zur Losung der Localbalin- frage. Wien, 1882. ■ O. pp. (4) + 103. 5 fold, plates. Die Oekonomik der Localbahnen; allge- meine Grundsiitze zur Ermoglichung einer ration- ellen okonomischen Durchfuhrung unserer Local- bahnen ; volkswirthschaftlich und technisch beleuchtet. Wien, 1882. O. pp. (7) + 91. Tartary, "R. ConstructioL et exploitation des chemins defer :i voie de 0.60 centimetres: voie, terrassements, ouvrages d'art, machines et mater- iel roulant, avec etude d'uu trace entre deux points donnfe. Paris, 1891. O. pp. (2) + 245. 91 figs., Ifold. plate, Ifold. map, Ifold. j)rofile. UnrvLh, C. M. von. Die Kleinbahnen: ihre Entwickelung, Aufgabe, Organisation, Financir- ung und Tarifbildung; unter besonderer Beruck- sichtigung der Verhaltnisse in den ostlichen Provinzen. Bromberg, 1893. O. pp. 141. Varroy, H. Expose de la marche administra- tive suivie pour I'organisation du premier rt'seau des chemins de fer departementaux ou d'inti'rfit local dans le departement de la Meurthe. Nancy, 1870-72. O. pp. (2) -\- v-vii -{- 142. 3 fold, tables. and Bauer, J. Compte rendu statist- ique de la construction et de I'exploitation du chemin de fer d'int^rfet local d'Avricourt a Bla- mont et a Cirev, dans le departement de Meurtho- et-Moselle. Paris, Nancy, 1874. F. pp. 69. 52 figs., 1 plate. M. 8. Viappiani, A. La costruzione e I'esercizio delle tramvie. Torino, 1893. (). pp. (2) + v- xvi + 317. 13 figs., 10 fold, plates. Verein Deutscher Eisenbahn- Verwaltung- en. Grundziigefiir den Ban (Middle BctriebseiM- richtungen der Lokaleisonbalmen. Berlin, 1890. O. pp.40. 1 plate, Ifold. plate. P. 19. Grundziige fur den Ban und die Betriebs- einrichtungen der Nebeneisenbahnen. Berlin, 1890. O. pp.40. \ fold, plate. (Jrundzuge fur die CJestaltungder secun- daren Eisenbahnen. Wiesbaden, 1873. O. i>|'- (3) -I- 3-(;r). 3 plates, r. 19. Vincentiis, G. de. Honiiuario delle condi- zione cconomiche e tecniche di uu tronco di fer- roviaeconomica a costruire traGrumo, Altamura e Barletta. n.p., n.d. O. pp. 44 -{■ (7). ifold. plates, p. 68. Weber, M. M. Freiherr von. Neue Pfade der Volkswirthschaft: die Secundiir-Eisenbahnen mit normaler Spurweite und langsamer Fahrbe- wegung. Weimar, 1874. O. pp. 34. Standard gauge and narrow gauge; a popular discussion of the relative advantages of the standard and the narrow gauge for light local railways N. Y., n.d. D. pp.36. P. 5. "Translated from the German." Zezula, F. Im Bereiche der Schmalspur: eiue Darstellung der hervorragendsten Errung- enschaften auf dcm Gebiete des schnialspurigen Eisenbahnwesens. Sarajevo, 1893. Q. p[). (7) + 5-212. 129 figs. , 4 fold, plates. Statistik der schnialspurigen Eisen- bahnen fur das Betriebsjahr 1890, 1891. 1.-2. Jahrgang. Wiesbaden, 1892-93. 2 vols. bd. in 1. Q. Ziffer, E. A. Die Localbahnen in Galizien und der Bukowina im Anschlusse an die k. k. priv. Lemberg - Czernowitz- Jassv Eisenbahn. \Vien, 1891. sq. F. pp. viii + 190. 74 plates, 8 fold. jylates, dmaps, '6 fold, maps, 6 fold, tables. Ueber die schmalspurigen steiermiirk- ischen Landesbahnen. Wien, 1893. O. pp. 25. 1 fold. ])late. " Sonder-Abdruck aus der Zdtschr{n dex Ocsteir. Iiigen- ieur- und ArchiUkten- Vercincs, Nr. 33, vom August 1S93." I. ATMOSPHERIC AND HYDRAULIC RAILWAYS. Antonini, G. Sulla locomozione a motori idraulici e ad aria compressa per le ferrovie a forti pendenze. Milano, 1861. F. pp. (3) + 100. 1 plate, 9 fold, plates. Arnollet, — Chemins de fer atmospln'Tiques; mi'moire sur des perfectionnemens d'apres k-s- quels ces chemins peuvent etre etablis et exploitOs facilenient, et iv pen de frais, dans tous les lieux accessibles aux voitures ordinaircs. n.t.p. O. pp. 15. P. 50. Daigremont, J. Etude sur les chemins de fer atm()spiu'Ti(|ues. Turin, 1865. O. pp. 89. a figs., 3 fold, plates. V. 50. Dapples, E. Etude sur rapplieation (Us forces hv(lrauli(]ues j\ Texplnitatidn des cliemins de fer de nmutagne et en parti-. Smith, J. B. A treatise upon cable or rope traction, as applied to the working of street and other railways. Lond., 1887. sq. Q. pp. (3) -t- vii-xii -\- 195. SI figs., 4 yilatcs, 3 fold. 2Jlates. " Revised and enlarged from Ewjiiuering." Sorrentino, S. and Avena, A. Di una fun- icolare aerea tra via Roma ed il corso Vittorio P^manuelc. Napoii, 1885. sq. O. pp. (5) -f 37. 3 fold, plates, p. 74. Sturb, E. Die Drahtseilbahn Territet-Mont- reux-(ilion. Aarau, 1888. D. jip. 57. 7 figs., 1 plate, 5 fold, plates. Sa7ne, French: Le chemin do fer fuui- culaire de Territet-Montreux-tilion; tradnit jiar A. Vauticr. Aarau, 1888. 1 plate, bjold. plates. D. pp. 55. / A'/'^'j in. CITY RAILWAY'S. Boccardo, G. La traversala ferroviaria dolla citta di (Jcnova. (Jen(tva, 1861. F. pp. (2) -{- 5-24. 1 fold. map. M. 8. Brooklyn {N. Y.) — Commissioners of liapid Transit. iMinntes and inoceodings of the Coni- niissioners appointed Di-c. 2.'{, 1SS9. IJrooklvn, [1890.] (). pp. V -t- 226 + (1). (ifold. plates. Cambiaggi,E. Le tramways. Dissertazione. Torino, 1876. < >. pp. (2) + 5-48. \ fold, plate. p. 74. Caprani, A. O. .V nroposito della forrovia metropnlitaDa in Napoii: scritti vari di .\. (J. Caprani, con Icltera aggiunta dclle 15. Paoni. Napoii, ISSJ. <». p|>. 57. v. 31. Chaillou, A. Tramways: priiuipcs d'organiz- ;itinii d'lMie explnitalion de tr:iinw!iys. Paris, 18H0. (). p|). (2) -1-5-212, :mil .lllu",' F., of 117 plates. 212 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Clark, D. K. [Tramways: their construction and working. French:] Tramways: construc- tion et exploitation; historique dctaille du sys- teme; analyse des divers modes de traction; description des differentes varietes de raateriel roulant et details sur lee depenses de construction et d'exploitation, specialement en ce qui touche les tramways du Royaume-Uni. Ouvrage traduit de I'Anglais par 6. Chemin. Paris, 1880. O. pp. (2) + v-xvi + 446. 152 Jigs., and Atlas, F., of 1.0 plates, lAfold. plates. Same. German: Die Strassenbalinen, deren Anlage und Betrieb; einscliliesslich einer fassliclien Geschiclite der bedeutendsten Systeme und eingehenden Untersuchung der verscliiedenen Arten von Zugkraft, sowie einer Beschreibung der verschiedenartigen Betriebsmaterialien und Aufstellung der Anlage- und Betriebskosten, mit specieller Bezugnahme auf die Strassenbalinen in Grossbritannien. Autorisirte deutsche Aus- gabe, herausgegeben von W. H. Uhland. Leip- zig, 1886. sq. Q. pp. vi + (2) + 200. 168 figs., 12 fold, plates. Tramways: their construction and work- ing; embracing a comprehensive history of the system, with an exhaustive analysis of the vari- ous methods of traction, a description of the varieties of rolling stock and details of cost and working expenses, with special reference to the tramways of the United Kingdom. Supplement- ary volume. Lond., 1882. O. pp. (1) -f v-xvi + 232. frontisp., 76 figs. Easton, A. A practical treatise on street or horse-power railways: their location, construc- tion and management; with general plans and rules for their organization and operation. Phila- delphia, 1859. O. pp. vi + 3-149. 24 pZa^es. pp. 141-149 advertisements. Ferraris, M. I tramways e le ferrovie su strade ordinaire. Torino, 1880. O. pp. 54. 2 fgs. p. 74. " Estratto dal periodico LHngegneria civile e leariiindus- triali, annl 5 e 0." Hoarder Bergwerks und Hutten-Verein. Eillenschienen-Strassenbahnen und Patent-Ach- sen. Hoerde, Westfalen, n.d. F. pp. (21). 6 fgs., 57 p>lates, 5 fold, plates. [Jacqueline, E.] Les chemins de fer dans les villcs; etude d'apres M. Brame. Paris, 1856-84. obi. F-*. ])p. (2). 3 plates. Cover title. Kaiser, — Die Stuttgarter Pfcrde-Eisenbahn ; bearbeitet im Auftrag der Bauabteilung des Gemeinderats. Stuttgart, 1885. O. pp. (2) + 107. 41 fiqs. "Litteratur" p. (2). Xiee, — and Nightingale, — reporters. Eeport of the banquet, given by George Francis Train, of Boston, U. S., to inaugurate the opening of the first street railway in Euroi)e, at Birkenhead, August 30, 1860: with opinions of the press on the subject of street railways. Liverpool, 1860. O. pp. 117 + (1). Ifold. plate. LiOrenz, A. Strassenbahnen mit Dampf betrieb, Dampftramway, im Allgemeinen und mit Ruck- siclit auf die Linien: Bntnn-Znaim. Brunn,1884. nar. O. pp. (1) + 23. p. 34. "Separat-Abdriicli aus dem Tagcsboten aus Mdhrenund Schlcsien." Miglietta, C. Sulle vetture a vapore (steam- cars). Mortara, 1882. O. pp.vii -f 49. 9 plates. p. 74. [Noble (John) and Company, publishers.} Facts respecting street railways; the substance of a series of official reports from the cities of New York, Brooklyn, Boston, Philadelphia, Bal- timore, Providence, Newark, Chicago, Quebec, Montreal and Toronto. Lond., 1866. O. pp. (56). 2 figs. p. 34. Passenger Railroad Locomotive Manu- facturing Co. B.C. Pole silent streetcar motor. Philadelphia, [188—] O. pp. 13. 1 plate, p. 74. Halliard, — Notice sur les tramways de la Belgique, suivie d'un note sur les courbes de raccordement de ces voies ferrees. Paris, 1875. O. pp. 60. 3 figs., 1 fold. pAate. p. 34. " Extrait des Annales des ponls et chau,ssees, 1875. 2e sem., tome 10." Serafon, F. Les chemins de fer metropoli- tains et les moyens de transjjort en commun a Londres, New-York, Berlin, Vienne et Paris. Paris, 1885. O. pp. (2) + v-vii -f 9-126 -\- (1). 8 figs. , Etude sur les chemins de fer, les tram- ways et les moyens de transport en commun h Paris et a Londres, suivie d'une notice sur la construction et I'exploitation des tramwaj's. Paris, 1872. O. pp. (2) + v-viii + 110 + (1). frontisp., and Atlas in poclcet of 3 fold, plates. Manuel pratique de I'exploitation des chemins de fer des rues et des chemins de fer sur routes; accompagn^ d'un supplement sur la con- struction. Paris, 1878. D. pp. (5) + 9-287. 13 fold, plates. Les tramways et les chemins de fer sur routes. Paris,1882. D. pp. (2) + 5-384. 176 figs. Tramways (Les): historique, traction ani- male, traction mecanique, dispositions des voies, materiel roulant, coiit d'etablissement, exploita- tion, renseignements financiers. Paris, [1876.] D. pp. (4) + 76 + (1). p. 34. Wright, A. W. American street railways: their construction, equipment and maintenance. Chicago and N. Y., 1888. D. pp. (6) + 11-200. 68 figs., 1 fold, pjlate. LOCAL BAIL WAYS. 213 a. Berlin. Berliner (Die) Stadtbahn: Linie, Ban, Betrieb; von eineiu Techniker. Berlin, 1883. D. pp. (1) + 5-44. Gaudin, P. and Zuber, J. Le chemin de fer metropolitain de Berlin. Paris, 1887. O. pp. (2) + vi + (2) + 136. 88 jigs., 10 2Jlaies, 1 col- ored fold, plate. " Ouvrages consulttJs," p. (2). Prussia — Ministeritim der Oeffentlichen Ar- heiten. Die Bauwerke der Berliner Stadt-Eisen- bahn. Berlin, 1886. F«. pp. viii + (2) + 93. \9>Qfigs., 35 plates, ofold. plates, 1 fold. map. "Sonderdnick der amtlichen Verofleatlichungen aus der Zeitschrij'tfur Bauivesen." Sch.wabe, H. Berliner SUdwestbahn und Centralbahn, belenchtet vom Standpunkte der Wohnungsfrage und der industriellen Gesell- schaft. Berlin,1873. O. pp.(2)+52. 3 diagrs., Ifold. map. p. 19. b. London. [Bradfleld, J. E.] Tramways or railways on metropolitan streets will be mischievous & dan- gerous obHtrnctions and nuisances. (Revised as applicable to the scheme of 1867.) Lond., 1867. O. pp. 24. P. 32. Bruce, G. B, Street railways, n.t.p. [Lond., I860.] D. pp.10, p. 34. Derome, — and Boreux, — Note sur le Metropolitain railway Ji Londres. Paris, 1867. O. pp. (2) + 16. 1 fold. j)late. P. 32. "Extrait des Annales des pouts et chaussies, tome 12, 18G6.' ' Great Britain — House of Commons. Parks railway bill: copy of correspondence between the government and the Metropolitan railway with reference to tlie proposed Parks railway bill. Ordered printed, 3 March, 1884. Lond., [1884.] F. pp. 3. Special report from the select committee on the Metropolitan railway (Park railway and Parliament street improvement) bill, with tiie proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendix. Ordered printed, 26 May, 1884. Lond. ,[1884.] F. pp. xviii + 527. 2 fold. maps. — House of Lords. Minutes of evidence taken before the Lords committees to whom the bill intituled "An act for making a railway to join the London and Birmingham railway at or near the Regent's canal, and proceed from thciue to Skinner's street in the City, to be called ' Tiie London Grand Junction railwav ' was com- mitted". Ordered printed, 10th May, l.S.Jd. [Lond., 1836.] F. pp. 290. — Metropolitan Railway Commission. Report of tlic Cf)tninissioncrs appoiiitiMl to invest- igate the various projects for cstablisliing railway termini witliin, or in tlie immediate vicinity of tlie metropolis. Loud., 1846. F. pp. 21. Minutes of evidence taken before the Commissioners [with maps, plans, and sections of metropolitan railways and termini, referred to in the minutes of evidence.] Lond., 1846. F. pp. iii + 369. 36/o/(/. maps and ]>lates. — Parliament — 45 & 46 Vict. An act for incorporating the Regent's Canal, City and Docks railway company; for authorising the construction of railways from the Great Western railway at Paddington to the City and to the Royal Albert dock of the London and Saint Katharine docks companv. Roval assent, 18th August, 1882. Lon.l., i882. F. pp. vii + 283. — 48 & 49 Vict. Select committees on Regent's Canal, City and Docks railway bill: min- utes of evidence, speeches and proceedings in the House of Commons and House of Lords. [Lond., 1885.] 4 pts. bd. in 1 vol. F. pp. (3) + 21; 18; 47; 38. — Railway Department of the Board of Trade. Report on schemes for facilitating tiie approach to the metrojiolis. Ordered printed, 13th March, 1845. [Lond., 1845.] F. pp.5. 1 1 fold. map. Haywood, W. Report to the special com- mittee upon improvements, of the Commissioners of Sewers of tlie City of London, on tiie trallic and improvements in the public wavs of the citv. Lond., 1866. D. pp. (3) + 7-112. Ifold. map. p. 32. Huet, — Etude d'un resean de chemins defer metropolitains pour la ville de Paris: mission ;\ Londres en mai 1876: les chemins de fer metro- poli tains de Londres. Paris, 1878. O. pp. (2) + 132. 1 plate, 3 fold. maps. Lane, C. B. Railway communication in London, and the Thames Embankment. 2d ed. Lond., 1861. O. pp. 24. P. 32. Liythgoe, J. P. The Metropolitan railway: its position and jirospects examined. L(md., 1868. -D. pp. 21 + (2). Mackay, C. Street tramways for T/mdon: their utility, convenience, and necessity; with remarks on the working of street railways in the United States and Canada. Lond., 1868. O. pp. 19 + (1). P. 32. Metropolitan (Tlie) railway a fifteen per cent, jiaving line. 6tli ed. Ijond., 1868. O. pj). (2) + "5-52. Metropolitan tramwavs. n. t. p. [Lond., 1867.] O. pp. 22. Ifold. map. v. 32. New metropolitan railways; a vii-w of the comparative merits of the various metro|>oIitan railwav ])rnjccls, :in(l the prolects for ollecting tlirouL'h-liiKs between the railways of the north 214 HOPKINS BAIL WAY LIBRARY. and the railways of the west of England, via London, and the railways, or ports and watering places of the south and south-east of England. Lond., 1845. O. pp. (2) + 3-37. 1 fold. map. P. 32. Parsons, P. M. Proposed London railway, to afford direct railway communication between the City and Westminster and all the western suburbs. Lond. ,[1853.] O. pp. 29. 2fold.maps. P. 82. Rea, S. The railways terminating in London, with a description of the terminal stations, and the underground railways. N. Y., 1888. O. pp. (3) -}- 56. 2 fold, maps inpockeU, 3 fold, tables. Rogers, E. D. Report on the projected rail- way schemes affecting the ward of Aldgate, of session 1864; and remarks on the unjust state of the law of compensation; prepared and published by request of the committee of the Aldgate Ward Ratepayers' Association. 3d ed. Lond., [1864.] O. pp. 14. 1 7nap. p. 32. Street tramways in London: [the passing of a private bill to lay down iron railways in the crowded streets of London will create in the already crowded streets of traffic, most mischiev- ous and dangerous obstructions and nuisances.] n.t.p. Lond., 1868. O. pp. 3-26. P. 32. Train, G. F. Observations on horse railways, addressed to Milner Gibson, M. P., president of the Board of Trade. Lond., 1860. O. pp. 56. 1 jilate. p. 32. Tramways as a means of facilitating the street traffic of the metropolis. Lond., 1865. O. pp. 16. 1 j)late. p. 32. Troske, L. Die Londoner Untergrundbahnen. Berlin, 1892. F. pp. (4) + 102. 156 figs., 2 fold, plates. " Souder-AbdruckausderZeJ/scArz/Zdes Vereinesdeutsdier Ingenieure, 1891 und 1892." c. New York. Rapid transit [underground] for New York. 2ded. [N. Y., 1891.] sq. Q. pp.15. S fold, plates. Cover title. Viele, E. L. The Arcade underground rail- way [New York.] [N. Y.,186-.] Q. pp. (3)-{- 28. frontisp., 1 fig., 1 fold. viap. Wegmann, E. jr. avd Bates, C. J. A system of rapid transit for the city of New York. N. Y., 1890. O. pp. 8. 3 fold, plates. d. Paris. Brunfaut, J. Chemin de fer metropolitain et de la banlieue de Paris. 2" pte. Paris, 1873. nar. Q. pp. 355. 7 fold. maps. Deligny, E. Le chemin de fer metropolitain de Paris. Paris, 1884. O. pp. 76. 1 fold, map. p. 33. Cover title. Etienne, L. Note sur les travaux d' exhausse- ment du chemin de fer de ceinture de Paris entre le tunnel de Charonne et la rue de Charenton pour la suppression des passages a niveau. Paris, 1890. nar. O. pp. (2) -f 5-46. 6 fold, plates, p. 33. ' ' Extrait des Annales des ponts et chauss&es, juin 1890." Gamier, J. Avant-projet d'un chemin de fer aerien a voies superpos^es, a etablir sur les grandes voies de Paris. Paris, 1884. F. pp. 43. 7 fig^., 8 fold, plates. Haag, P. Le metropolitain de Paris et I'elar- gissement de la rue Montmarte. Paris, 1883. sq. F. pp.20. 1 fold, plate, 2 fold. maps. M. 8. Note sur le chemin de fer metropolitain dans Paris. Paris, 1884. O. pp. (16). 1 fig., 1 fold, plate, p. 28. Extracted from Mcmoires de la Socicte des Ingenieurs Civils. 4e serie, S7e anuiie, d^cembre 1884. pp. 541-556. Hersant, J. Nouveau systeme pratique du metropolitain de Paris avec gare centrale. Paris, 1885. D. pp. 35. 7 plates, p. 33. Heuze, L. Chemin de fer transversal a air libre dans une rue speciale, passage convert pour pietons. Paris, 1878. sq. F. pp. (1) -{- 19 -[- (1). b plates, 1 fold, plate. [Testud de Beauregard, F.] Comparaison des deux principaux projets de chemin de fer metropolitain parisien. Lille, 1883. O. pp. 35. \ fold. map. p. 33. Cover title: " par Testud de Beauregard, Paris, 1883." e. Vienna. Bode, N. R., Wellenheim, O. v. and See- berg, F.] Wiener Stadt-Eisenbahn: Project der Wiener Bau-Gesellschaft und des Wiener Bank-Vereines, October, 1881; technischer Be- richt. Wien, 1881. sq. Q. pp. 25. 2 fold, plates, I fold. plan. ■ Cover title Feilbogen, M. Studie liber die Wiener Sladt- bahn unter Beriicksichtigung der concessionirten Wiener Giirtelbahn, des Wienfluss- Regulirungs- und Stadtbahn - Projectes des Stadtbauamtes. Wien, 1883. sq. F. pp. 13. bfold. plates. Flattich, W. Ritter von and Prangen, W. von. Studie uber die Wiener Stadtbahnen mit Beziehung auf die Entwicklung der Stadt Wien. Wien, 1883. sq. F. pp. 26. 4 plates, 7 fold, plates. f. Zurich. Biirkli-Ziegler, A. and Huber, P. E. Be- riclit tiber Strassenbahnen, Tramways und derea LOCAL RAILWAYS. 215 Einftihrung in Zurich. Zurich, 1878. O. pp. viii + 150. 2 fold, plates. (Technische Mittheil- ungen. 11. Heft.) " Verzeichniss der hauptsachlich benutzen Litteratur," p. 11. Zurich. {Kanton) — Direction der Oefentichen Arbeiten. Bericht betreflend Zurcher Strassen- bahnen; erstattet von den Experten John E. Brustlein, E. Riggenbach. Zurich, 1892. sq. Q. pp. 13. 5 plates, 3 fold. maps. In case. (Siadt) — Eisenbahnlom7nission. Bericht [von Prof. Wild] liber Benutzung der Strassen fur Pferdebahnen. n.t.p. [Ziiricli, 1862.] O. pp. 18. P. 34. — Stadtrath. Ueber Strassenbahnen und Eisenbahnen in Stadten. Bericht von A. Biirkli. Zurich, 1865. O. pp. 96. P. 34. Cover title. IV. ELECTEIC RAILWAYS. Bonneau, H. and Desroziers, E. Etude sur la traction elcctrique des trains de chemin de fer. Paris, 1892. O. pp. (1) + 7-17. 3 plates. P. 74. Brill (J. G.) Company. Electric cars and trucks. Philadelphia, 1892. obi. O. pp. 115. 63fgs. Cover title. Trucks for four-wheeled and eight- wheeledcars. Philadelphia, 1894. obi. T. pp. 14. 2 figs., VI fold . facsimile letters. Castagneris, G. Tramvie e ferrovie elet- triche. Milano, 1894. D. pp. 432. 170 fijs. (Biblioteca dell' elettricita. vol. 19 e 20.) Chretien, J. Chemin de fer electrique des boulevards ii Paris. 2« ed. Paris, 1881. sq. O. pp. 64. 21 figs., 1 plan. p. 74. Crosby, O. T. arid Bell, L. The electric railway in theorv and practice. N. Y., 1892. O. pp. 400. 179 figs. Same. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. N. Y., 189:5. O. pp. (2) + 416. 183 fig^. [Cutter Electrical and Manufacturing Company.] A problem in electric railway economv solved. [Philadelphia, Pa., 1892".'] obi. T. ' pp. 15. 10 figs. P. 74. Denizet, F. Note sur le tramway electriiiuc de Marseille et bases d'une coniparaison des dif- ft'rents svstemes de traction mecanique des tram- ways. Paris, 1893. Q. pp. (2) +5-04. 4/7.7v., 5 fold. pla/'S. Dubs, H. Ta'S tramwavs I'lectricpies de IVIar- fieille. Marseille, 1893. (). pp. (23). 4 Jigs., 1 chart. ^ , , Kxtractfifl from nnUHin de la Sorim SrUniiftq^ Indus- Iridic de Marseille. 20c ann6o. pp. 230-252. Fiske, Lieut. B. A. The electric railwav. N. v., 1884. O. pp. (10). 4 figs. p. 47. " Extracted from Popular sciaice monthly, vol. 24. April, 1884. pp. 742-751. Gadot, P. La traction electrique etla traction aniniale dos tramwavs. Paris, 1891. D. lui. (2) + 5-139 + (1). 'Gfigs. Hedges, K. American electric street railways; their construction and equipment, with notes" as to the cost of installation and of maintenance also the advantages of electric traction compared witli otlier methods. Lond., N. Y., 1894. Q. pp. ix -1- 205. 201 figs., 8 plates, Ifold. plate. Kareis, J. Ueber elektrische Eisenbahnen. Wien, 1892. D. pp. (3) + 7-;52. Ifg. (Wirt- schaftliche Streiflichter. 4. Heft.) Kramer, J. Die elektrische Eisenbahn bczug- licii ilires Baues und Betriehcs. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1883. D. pp. xiv + (1) + 272. 105 figs., 2 fold, plates. (Elektro-technische Bib- liothek. Band 17.) Krieg, M. Die elektrischcn Motoren und ihre Anwenihingeu in der Industrie und im Gewerbe sowie im Eisen- und iStrassenbahn- wesen. Leipzig, 1891. O. pp. xii + 252. 166 figs., Ifold. plate. [Prindle, H. B.] A popular treatise on the electric railwav. Boston, [1890.] D. pp. 55 -f (4). 39 figs. p. 74. Cover title: The electric railway of to-tlny; by H. B. Prindle. Safety Electric Railway and Power Com- pany (Daft System). [Electric railwavs.] N. Y., [1SS6?]. ..111. (). p]). 49 + (2). 20>;/,s. Short Electric Railway Company. [Elec- tric railways.] Cleveland, O., n.d. obi. (). pp. 42. 41 fgs. V. SPECIAL RAILWAYS. Ferretti, A. Sulle ferrovie di montagna: sludii e proposte. Mantova, 1870. (.). i>p. ('_') -f 5-114. Forster, G. R. Das forstliche Traus|iciit" we.scn; Darstclliing seiner Mittel und .\nslalti'u mit Riicksiclit auf zweckmassige Aiiswahi, Ein- riclitung und Bcniitzuiig dcrselbcn. Wien, 1SS5. (l pp. XV + (1) -1- 592, and Atlas, ,.bl. t^. jq.. (6) -f 40 jilatis. France — Mis.von Fran<;ais<' . Nicou, — Un chemin de fer a rail unique sureleve etabli en Irlande. Paris, 1888. nar. O. ])p. 24. 'ifir)K.,'l fold, -plates. P. 22. " Extrait des Annale% di^i pouts ct c/iamsees, aout, 1888. " Die Waldeisenbahnen. XV + 104. 47 figs., 17 Bunnenbaum, A. Berlin, 1886. O. pp. -plates. Verband der Rheinisch, -Westfalischen Tliiersch.utz-Vereine. Die Wald-Eisenbahn in ihrer Bedeutung beztiglich einer wirksamen Verhinderung von Thierqualereien beim Abfih- ren des Holzes aus den Forsten, bei gleichzeitig bedeutender Verminderung der Betriebskosten; Eeferat von Ferd. Jagenberg. Eemscheid, 1891. sq. Q. pp. 20. 24 /ff/.s. M. 8. Vigreux, Ii. and Lioppe, F. Les chemins de fer a cremailleres et les chemins de fer funicu- laires a cremailleres a 1' Exposition universellede 1889. Paris, 1893. Q. pp. (2) +93-192 + (2), and Atlas, sq. F''., of 10 fold, plates. " Extrait de la Eeviie technique de V Exposition universdle delSbd." INDEX OF PERSONAL NAMES. This index contains not only such personal names as are printed in the heavy faced type, but also all that appear in the titles or notes. A M. 99 b. Abbot, — 28 a. Abbot, H. L. 76 a (4). Abernethv, J. P. 200 a. Abert, J." J. 22 b. Abt, F. 205 a. Abt, E. 16 a. Achard, — 177 b. Ackerman, A. T. 85 b. Ackerman, W. K. 27 a, 187 b. Acworth, AV. M. 13 a b, 17 b, 99 b(3),112b, 153b(2),205a(2). Adam, — 173 b. Adams, — 151 a. Adams, B. B. 13 b, 27 a. Adams, C. F. 13 a, 27 a, 42 b, 140 b, 141 a (2), 148 a (3), 150 b, 157 b, 191 a. Adams, H. C. 13 a. Adams, W. B. 141 a, 177 b. Agudio, T. 138 b, 210 b (6), 211 a (2). Aguillon, L. 186 a (2). Airey, J. 201 b (3). Albert, — 187 b. Alcock, — 93 b. Alderson, M. A. 178 a. Aldrich, C. 152 a. Alexander, E. P. 13 b (2), 27 a, 141 a, 148 a, 154 b (3J. Alexander, J. H. 22 a. Alexander, S. A. 178 a. Allen, G. E. 8 b. Allen, J. D. 64 a. Allen, T. 68 b. Allen, W. F. 10 a. Alley, J. B. 85 b. Althorp, Lord. J. C. S. 158 a. Ambrozovics, B. 141 a (2). Amsler-Laffon, J. 167 a. Anderson, A. D. 1 a, 22 a, 25 b, 26 b. Anderson, E. TO. 77 a. Anderson, J. 99 b (2). Anderson, J. A. 200 a. Anderson, W. C. 162 b. Andree, E. 12 a (2). Andrew, W. P. 1 a, 87 a (7) b (4), 88 a (5), 90 b (2). Andrews, — 49 b. Angerstein, J. 105 b. Antisell, T. 76 a. Antonelli, G. 130 b. Antonini, G. 133 a, 209 b. Apgar, A. S. 53 a. Appleton, D. 32 b (6), 34 a, 65 a. Appv, F. 186 a. Apthorp, H. 154 b. Arago, D. F. 20 a. Archer, M. 19 a (2). Archer, W. W. 22 a. Aretin, T. von. 170 b. Armand, E, 195 b. Armstrong, E. 185 a. Arnollet, — 94 a, 97 a, 209 b. Arthur, P. M. 196 a. Artom, E. 131 b. Ashcroft, J. 4 b. Ashlev, O. D. 17 a. 144 a b. Ashton, C. 120 a. Asser, C. D. jr. 158 a. Atkinson, E. 29 a, 143 a (4). Atwater, L. H. 148 b. Aucoc, L. 145 a (2), 152 a. Audel, T. 178 b. Audiganne, A. 141 a. Austin, — 124 b. Auston, J. T. K. 8 a. A vena, A. 211 b. .Vvern, F. M. 175 a. Avril, — 180 b (2). Aymonino, C. 199 b. Aynard, T. 18 b. B F. 153 b. B., J. A. 94 a. Habcock, a. 141 a. Habingtoii, M. 120 h. I'.iccarini, A. 147 a. r.acktorf, —211 a. I'.arl,', L. L. 12 a, 184 a. Bacon, J. W. 45 a. Badlam, A. 54 b. Baernreither, J. M. 197 a. Baigneres, G. 186 b. Baihaut, C. 94 a. Bailev, J. M. 143 a. Baillehathe, E. de. 200 b. Baines, E. C. 122 b. Baird, S. F. 76 a (5). Baker, — 59 a. Baker, B. 174 a. Baker, C. S. 156 a. Baker, C. W. 144 b, 178 a. Baker, E. 1 b, 2 a. Baker, G. II. 7 a, 178 b. Baker, T. 167 a. Baker, W. 57 a. Baldwin, G. E. 39 a. Baldwin, G. S. 32 b. Baldwin, J. 22 b. Baldwin, J. F. 37 b. Baldwin, L. 39 a. Baldwin, M. W. 178 b (14). Baldwin, E. .S. 59 b. Bancroft, — 32 b (2). Bancroft, II. 11. 73 a. Banderali, D. 204 a. Barandiaran, A. dc. 159 b. Barbaud, E. 91 a. Barbour, F. C. W. 83 a. Barckhauscn, II. 159 b. Haring, — 68 b. Barkhausen, G. 7 b. Barlow, C. 174 a. Barlow, P. 172 a (2) b, 210 a (2). Barnard, J. G. 26 a. Barnard. W. T. 195 a, l!Hi b (2). Barnes, I). L. 185 a. Barnes, O. \V. 45 a. Barr, 8. K. 13 a, 197 ft. Barre, A. 210 a (2). Barrv, — 149 a. BarrV, J. W. 12 a (3). B.ars'tow, (i. F. 194 a. I'.Millp.l.l, K. Ill a. r.arllK.ic.nv, V. 141 a (2). Bartlett. 8. 15 a. Bason, P. 190 b. :i8 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Bassett, J. M. 80 a. Bassi, F. 130 b. Basson, W. 15 b. Bates, C. J. 214 a. Bates, S. W. 166 b. Bates, T. H. 84 b. Batisse, — 134 b. Battig, — 172 b. Bauer, J. 209 a. Bauer, R. 200 a. Bauernfeind, C. M. 167 a. Baugut, B. J. 171 a. Baum, C. 144 a, 152 b, 167 a. Baumeister, R. 15 a. Bay ley, E. 113 a. Baz, G. 25 b. Bazaine, — 167 a (2). Beach, C. F. jr. 17 b, 162 b (2). Beach, E, 69 b. Beamish, R. 19 b. Beamont, — 100 b. Beans, E. W. 171 a. Beard, H. 81 b. Beardsley, L. 59 a. Beaumont, G. D. B. 198 a. Bechtel, A. 202 b. Becker, C. 199 b. Becker, L. 15 b. Becker, W. 171 a. Beckh, A. 134 b (2). Beckwith, E. G. 76 a (4). Beelen, F. A. 22 a. Behm, G. 194 a. Beil, J. A. 18 b. Belcher, H. 128 a (2). Belden, — 35 a. Bell, H. 88 a. Bell, L. 215 a (2). Bell, W. A. 73 a. Belleroche, E. 177 b. Bemrose, — 202 b (2). Benoit-Duportail, A. C. 12 a (2). Benson, R. 198 a. Bentley, W. R. 81 b (3). Benvenuti, G. B. 161 b. Beothv, A. 178 b. Berg, W. G. 175 b. Bergere, C. 199 b. Bergin, T. F. 210 a (2). Bergue, — de. 177 a. Bernard, A. 169 b, 172 a (2). Bernard, F. 27 a. Berster, A. 202 b. Berthault-Ducreux, A. 141 a. Berthoud, J. 147 b. Betts, J. 129 a. Beuf, L. 160 a. Beyer, J. 206 a, Bezecny, A. 159 a. Biauchi, G. 205 a. Bidwell, C. T. 26 b. Bigelow, J. M. 76 a. Bigg, J, 164 a. Biglia, F. 13 b (3), 188 a, 207 b. Bignami, P. 139 b. Bineau, J. M. 99 b. Bingham, J. 107 a. Binnev, H. 65 a. Biot, E. 1 a, 12 a b (2), 167 a. Bird, F. W. 70 b. Birk, A. 205 b (2). Bishop, — 33 a. Bishop, W. H. 206 b. Black, A. & C. 129 a. Black, J. S. 155 a. Blackstone, T. B. 148 b. Blackwell, E. R. 39 a. Blair, — 174 a. Blair, C. H. 148 b. Blake, H. T. 73 b. Blake, W. P. 76 a (3). Blanchard, E. L. 118 a. Blanchard, G. R. 12 b, 13 a (2), 150 b (3), 156 a. Blanding, G. 151 a (2). Blenkinsop, J. 178 a. Blewitt, R. J. 121 a. Bliss, G. 52 b. Blois, — de. 141 a. Bluhm, J. G. 98 a. Blundstone, S. E. 8 b. Blv, M. T. 162 b. Bobisch, E. 190 a, 190 b. Boccardo, G. 211 b. Bochet, H. 136 b. Bock, M. 174 a. Bode, N. R. 214 b. Boedecker, — 171 a. Bogart, J. 4 b, 27 a. Boglione, C.,E. 179 a (2). Boinvilliers, E. 152 b. Bois, A. 21 a. Boiler, A. P. 174 a. Bollman, — 41 b. Bonenfant, — 96 b. Bonham, J. M. 144 b (2). Bonnardet, L. 94 a. Bonneau, H. 215 a. Bonner, J. 73 b. Bonnet, — 180 b. Bonney, C. C. 162 b. Bonnott, R. S. von. 159 a. Boorman, J. 48 b. Booth, Miss — 20 b. Booth, H. 3a, 20 a, 115 b, 185 a. Borden, S. 167 a. Boreux, — 213 a. Bork, W. 15 b. Borodine, A. 185 a. Borries, A. von. 15 b (2), 29 a (5). Bosco, B. dal. 132 a. Bosco, L. 133 b. Bossi, C. 1.30 b. Both am, W. R. 129 a. Boulan, A. 205 b. Boulangier, E. 86 b (3). Boulav, — 94 a. Boulton, M. 20 b. Bourgeois, L. 205 b. Bourne, J. 88 a, 179 a (6). Bourne, J. C. 113 b, 116 b (2). Bousson, — 188 a. Bowen, E. 33 a (2). Bower, R. A. 34 a. Bowes, I. 19 b (3). Bowles, S. 73 b (2), 80 a. Boyd, C. 91 a (2). Boyer, L. 174 b. Bradfield, J. E. 213 a. Bradlev, R. J. 166 a. Bradshaw, G. 4 b (2), 5 a (3), 91 a, 104 a (8), 125 a, 129 a (4) b(3j. Braet, G. 191 a. Brame, — 212 a. Brame, E. 186 a (2). Bramwell, F. J. 12 a. Branca, G. 178 b. Brandes, O. 10 b. Brandling, R. W. 107 a (2). Brandon, R. 153 b (2). Branner, J. C. 26 b. Brard, C. P. 167 a. Braschi, E. 152 b. Braschke, J. 190 a. Brassey, T. 20 a. Braun, F. 195 a. Braun, F. K. 200 b. Brees, S. C. 12 b, 167 b (2). Breese, S. 27 a. Breitenlohner, — 211 a. Bresson, A. 205 b. Bresson, L. 145 a. Brewster, P. 204 a. Brice, C. S. 19 b. Bricka, C. 12 b. Brickwell, A. J. 186 a. Bridel, G. 133 a. Bridgman, — 33 a. Briere, A. 152 b (2). Brigham, — 157 b. Bright, J. 20 b. Brill, J. G. 215 a (2). Brindley, J. 20 b. Brioschi, F. 135 a. Britton, J. C. 116 b (2). Brockelmann, E. 152 b. Brooke, H. 108 a. Brooks, — 179 a (2). Brooks, J. W. 39 a, 154 b. Brooks, W. K. 196 b. INDEX OF PERSONAL NAMES. 219 Brose, G. 160 b. Brosius, J. 1 b, 27 b, 179 a (3) b (5), 188 a (2), 200 b. Brossard de Corbigny, — 200 a. Brougb, J. 51 b. Broughton,F. lb,24b(2).121a, 126 a b (3). Brown, H. 191 a. Brown, J. C. 69 b. Brown, J. E. 150 b Brown, J. L. 87 b. Brown, T. S. 59 a. Brown, W. H. 179 b (2). Browne, G. M./r. 163 b. Browne, J. H. B. 153 b (2), 162 b. Brownislawski, V. 86 b. Bruce, C. D. 88 a. Bruce, G. 56 a (2). Bruce, G. B. 213 a. Bruchet, H. 97 a. Bruere, R. 169 b. Brunei, I. K. 19 b, 24 a. Brunei, M. I. 19 b. Brunfaut, J. 94 b, 214 a. Brunlees, J. 174 b. Brunner, A. 137 b, 206 a Brunton, W. 169 b. Bruschetti, G. 131 a. Brustlein, J. E. 215 a Brydges, C. J. 195 a. Buchal, G. 202 b (2). Buchelen, C. 92 b (2). Budd, J. H. 150 b. Buhler, G. C. W. von. 91 a. Bullinger, E. AV. 33 a (2). Bullock, R. D. 72 b. Burchard, J. L. 160 b. Biiresch, E. 15 b, 205 b. Barges, A. 115 a, 122 b. Burke, St. G. 112 b. Burkhardt, E. 174 a. Burkli, A. 215 a. Burkli-Zieglcr, A. 214 b. Burn, R. S. 179 b. Burnet — 96 b. Burnham, G. 178 b. Burr, — 35 a. Burv, W. C. K. 144 a. Busbey, T. A. 19 b. Busche, — 180 b (2). Buschnian, M. von. 158 b (2), 159 b. Busing, (). 16 a (3). Busschere, L. de. 20} a, 205 b. Bute, T. 15 b (2), 29 a (5). Butterworth, A. K. 162 b. Butts, E. 167 b. Bvrne, (X 167 b. M. 186 b. Cabot, J. S. 38 a. Cadorna, C. 130 b. Cagnoni, A. 136 b. Calonne, A. de. 145 b. Cambiaggi, E. 211 b. Cambier, A. 167 b. Cameron, — 119 a. Campbell, Lord. 191 b, 192 a. Campbell, A. H. 76 a. Campbell, W. S. 34 b. Candellero, C. 176 a (2). Canfield, T. H. 62 a. Canning, Lord. 87 b. Cantalupi, A. 12 b (2), 167 b, 205 b. Caprani, A. G. 211 b (2). Carcano, C. 135 a. Cardona, .\. de. 26 a. Cargill, T. 174 b. Carpenter, F. D. 22 a. Carpenter, M. 149 b. Carpentier, A. 1 b, 160 a. Carro, T. 143 b. Carter, T. J. 27 b. Carver, H. 73 b. Carwardine, W. H. 197 b. Gary, J. W. 13 a. Casein, R. P. 13 a. Casey, W. R. 37 a. Casimir, P. 94 b. Cass, <;. W. 11 a. Cassell, — 112 a b, 113 b, 117 b, 118 b, 120 a (2), 124 b. Cassidy, G. W. 73 b. Castagncris, G. 215 a. Castro, J. J. 27 a (2). Catlin, (J. L. 134 b. Catron, — 165 b. Cattaneo, C. 1 b, 132 a (2). Cazalet, E. 87 a. Cazeneuve, A. 1 b, 94 b, 205 b. Cease, D. L. 8 a. Cecclii, (J. 171 a. Cerbelaud, (jf. 16 b. Cl.abat, P. 175 b. Chabricr, E. 21 a, 205 b (2). Chadwiek, E. 141 a, 193 b. Chaillou, A. 211 b. Chaix, N. 160 a (2). Jhalniers, J. 91 a. ^liainbers, W. 100 a. 'liaiiipeaux, — 96 b. 'b.iiiulc, (). 1 1 1), 2(11 a. 'Iiapnian, — 101 a (2). 'Iiiipnian, S. 201 a. 'Iiappet, P. 91 b. 'Iiardon, — 138 b. Charit'-Marsaines, — 199 b (2). Chase, G. B. 68 a. Chatonev, — 134 b. Chattawav, E. D. 144 a. Cheever, *S. 35 a. ChefTm, C. F. 129 b (4). Chelli, G. E. 130 b. Chemin, O. 212 a. Cht'rot, A. 94 b. Chevalier, M. 12 b, 143 b. Chevallot, P. M. 171 a. (lul.l, J. G. T. 144 a. Chittenden, L. E. 80 a, 150 b. Chizzolini, G. 135 a. Choate, R. 46 b. Chobrzinski, — 185 a (2). Choisy, E. de. 147 b. Choppard, L. 205 b. Choron, L. 141 b. Chn'tien, J. 215 a. Churchward, J. 60 b. Churton, E. 100 a. Cisneros, F. J. 26 b. Clailin, AV. 85 a. Clap(4vr()n, — 17 b. Clark, A. 22 b. Clark, A. S. 1 b. Clark, D. K. 176 b, 180 a, 212 a (3). Clark, E. 24 a. Clark, E. W. 26 a. Clark, F. C. 17 b, 149 a. Clark, J. M. 171 a. Clark, L. 174 b (2). Clarke, B. (J. 48 b. Clarke, 11 9 a, 88 b. Clarke, R. Y. 13 a. Clarke, T. C. 14 b, 27 a. Clause, E. 191 b. Clavenad, C. 170 a. Clavenad, P. 21 a. Cleemann, T. M. I(i7 b. Clemens, "W. M. 17 b. ClerauU, F. 186 b. Clericetti, C. 135 a. Cleveland, (J. 80 b. Clews, n. 39 a (2) b, 40 a (9). Clidord, F. 103 a. Cloud, 1). C. 144 b. Coates, T. Ml a. Cobb, C. 32 I.. Cochrane, (J. IS li. Codnian, R. (il b. Cllin, L. S. 13 a. Coghlan, F. 1(1 1 a. Cogli.ih., 1'. Kll 1.(2). Cohen, .\. II. 163 ji. Ci.lin, (i. 145 a, I Iti 1.. Coibran. .1. 125 a. Ci.lburn, R. T. 73 b. 220 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Colburn, Z. 6 a, 13 a, 176 b, 179 b(2). Cole, H. 19 b, 104 a (2) b (5). Cole, W. H. 170 b. Colfax, S. 80 a. Colladon, D. 133 b, 134 b (2). Collignon, C. 94 b. Collignon, E. 132 b. Collins,— 180 a. Collinson, J. 25 a. Collotta, E. 132 a. Colombo, E. 13 b. Colonies de Jnillan, — 94 b. Colson, C. 152 b, 206 a. Colton, C. 73 b. Colton, D. D. 80 a, 163 a. Colton, E. M. 163 a (13), 163 b (6). Colton, J. H. 86 a (2). Combes, C. 177 a (2). Combier, C. 171 a. Commines de Marsilly, L. J. A. 185 a (2). Compagna, A. 147 b. Conant, J. E. 39 a. Conde, — 95 b. * Condit, A. B. 49 b. Conkling, K. 78 b. Conrad, J. 202 a. Conradv, F. J. 202 b (2). Considere, — 206 a (2). Conte, — 136 b (3). Cook, T. 5 b (5), 6 a. Cook, AV. W. 144 b. Cooke, C. J. B. 179 b, 186 a (2j. Cooke, J. 62 a (4). Cooke, L. 144 a. Coolev, C. H. 29 a, 141 b. Cooley, T. M. 13 a b (2), 27 a, 29 a, 157 a (2), 198 b. Cooper, J. G. 76 b. Cooper, T. 174 b. Corbin, C. L. 157 b. Cordier, J. 95 b. Corlett, H. L. 172 a. Corliss, G. H. 178 b. Cornish, J. 104 b (3). Cornish, S. 116 b. Cort, E. 100 a, 116 a. Corthell, E. L. 14 b, 25 b. Cory, — 185 b. Coste, F, 179 b. Cotelle, A. 160 a. Cots worth, M. B. 202 b. Cotterell, S. 1 b (2), 2 a. Cottrau, A. 206 a. Couche, C. 14 a (2), 177 a, 180 a b (2). Cowdrey, IN . A. 53 b. Cox, J. D. 83 b (3). Coyne, J. H. 4a. Crampton, T. R. 87 a. Crandall, C. L. 170 (a) 2. Crane, E. 141 b. Crane, I. W. 71 b. Crawford, J. M. 86 b. Crawford, E. W. 88 b (3). Cripps, H. W. 157 b. Crocker, G. C. 30 b. Crofutt, G. A. 33 a (3). Croissant, F. 160 b. Croly, D. G. 73 b. Crosby, O. T. 215 a (2). Crosman, W. D. 9 a. Cross, C. S. 167 b (2). Crowe, J. A. 152 b. ' Crozet, F. 95 b. Cruchley, G. F. 129 b. Crugnola, G. 206 a. Cubitt, W. 94 a. Cugnot, N. J. 17 b. Cullom, S. M. 13 a (2), 151 a b (2). Cumming, T. G. 19 a. Cundy, N. W. 100 a, 120 b. Cunningham, D. 170 a. Curr, J. 180 a. Curtel, A. 172 a. Curtis, B. E. 84 b. Curtis, G. T. 34 b, 155 a. Curtis, W. E. 13 a. Curtis, W. G. 155 a. Cushman, W. M. 34 b. Cutter, G. H. 215 a. J)ABNEY, W. D. 13 a, 149 a. Daft, L. 215 b. Daigremont, J. 209 b. Dalziel, D. 42 a. Danvers, J. 90 a b. Dapples, E. 209 b. Darbyshire, G. C. 171 a. Darlington, H. E. 163 b. Daudrix, J. G. 171 a. Dausse, — 172 a. Davis, A. McF. 152 a. Davis, C. H. 2 a, 25 b. Davis, C. W. 143 a, 149 b. Davis, G. 163 b. Davis, J. 72 a, 75 b. Davis, J. P. 85 b. Davison, C. S. 11 b. Day, J. 167 b (3). Dayde, — 174 b. Deacon, C. E. 204 a. Debains, E. 94 b. Debauve, A. 14 a, 176 a, 188 b. Debize, A. 185 b. De Bow, —29 b, 74 b. Debs, E. V. 6 b. Deekens, F. A. 22 a. Def ontaine, — 95 b. Deghilage, A. L. 180 a. Degrand, P. P. F. 73 b (3), 155 a. Deharme, E. 167 b. De Kalb, C. 17 b, 22 a. Delannoy, F. 174 b. Delavau, — 94 b. Deligny, E. 214 b. Demarteau, A. 2 a, 206 a. Demoulin, M. 180 a (2). Dempsev, G. D. 167 b, 168 a, 174'b, 180 a (2). Deniel, P. 14 a. Denizet, F. 215 a. Denvs, F. 25 b. Depew, C. M. 61 a, 149 a (5), 152 a (3), 195 a (2). Derby, E. H. 46 b, 73 b. Dernburg, F. 86 b. Derome, — 213 a. Desbriere, — 173 a b. Desroziers, E. 215 a. Devey, J. 19 b. Dickinson, D. S. 56 a. Dickson, \V. M. 44 a. Didion, C. 96 a. Dill, E. 11 a. Dillingham, C. 48 b. Dillon, J. F. 12 b. Dillon, S. 85 a (2). Dinsmore, — 33 a, Dircks, H. 187 a. Disturnell, J. 33 a. Dix, J. A. 63 b. Dodd, G. 19 a. Dodds, J. 100 a. Dodge, G. M. 84 b, 85 a (2). Dodgson, G. 128 a. Doggett, J. jr. 33 a. Dolph, J. N. 36 a. Domenico, — 140 a. Donaldson, \V. 172 a, 173 a. Donan, P. 67 b. Done, J. H. 41 b. Dornig, A. 2 a, 141 b. Dorre, — 177 a. Dorsev, E. B. 14 a (2) b (2). Dos Passos, J. E. 160 b. Dougherty, J. 26 a. Douglas, S. A. 27 a. Dowd, C. F. 204 a. Dovle, J. T. 155 a. Drake, J. 104 b, 111 b (3). Dredge, J. 6 a, 65 a. Drexel, — 68 b. Dronkers, D. 132 b. Dubern, H. A. 209 b. Dubs, H. 215 a. Dubuisson, J. 168 a. Dubus, F. 94 b. INDEX OF PERSONAL NAMES. 221 Dufferin, Earl of. 23 b. Dufour, E. 195 b. Dugas, J. 18 b. Dujoiir, — 173 a. Dumont, (r. 186 b. Dunan, S. H. 4(5 b. Duncan, W. 19 b. Duncan, W. B. 54 b. Dunning, S. W. 8 a. Dunod, — 3 b. Dunsford, — 5 b. Dnponchel, A. 21 a. Durand, F.. 7(5 a. Durant, T. C. 84 a b (2), 85 b. Durlach, — 175 b. Dutcher, A. 40 a. Duverger, V. 145 b. Dwinell, I. E. 74 a. J^ADS, J. B, 25 b (2). Earle, T. 27 b. Easterbv, A. Y. 54 b (2). Easton, A. 212 a. Eddv, W. 195 b. Edison, T. A. 200 a. Edwards, E. 180 a. Edwards, J. 4 b. Eger, G. 2 a, 10 b, 158 b (3), 160 b (3), 161 a (2). Eiclihorn, R. 195 b. Ekama, P. E. 173 a. Elgin, Lord. 25 a. Ellet, C. ?>. 71b, 174 b (2). Elliott, E. P.. 21 b. Elliott, R. S. 19 b. Ellis, C. E. 162 b. Ellis, J. 120 b. Elmes, J. 169 a. Eniion, V. 201 a. Emory, W. 11. 76 a. Endemann, W. 2a, IGl a (2). Engel, E. J52 b (2). Engelniann, J. 6a (2), 12 a. Engerth, — 180 a, 184 b. Ensign, — 33 a. Epstein, M. 159 b (2). Etienne, L. 214 b. Evans, D. M. 144 a. Evans, \V. W. 14 b. Evarts, W. M. 83 b. Everett, E. 67 b. Evers, H. 180 a. E.xner, W. F. 137 b (2). JTABRE, J. 160 a. Fabr.-, V. 144 a. Fadda,S. J3b(6), 14 a (2), 179b (2), Fairbalrn, II. 141 b. Fairbairn, \V. 174 b. Fairlie, R. F. 2 a, 206 a (10) b (2; Falconnet, II. 14 b. Falies, A. 206 b (4). Fanning, — 33 a. Farey, J. 180 a. Fargo, — 151 a. Farnani, II. 53 b. Farrer, T. C. 204 b. Farrington, E. C. 165 b. Fassa, 0. 162 a. Fassa, G. 136 b. Faulkner, — 56 b. Favaro, A. 136 b. lAivre, J. 201 a. Fearnlev, B. L. 100 a (2). Feilbogen, M. 214 b. Feldmann, A. 145 b. Fell, — 210 b. Fenten, W. 201 a. Feolde, G. 160 a. Feraud-Giraud, L. J. D. 160 a. Ferguson, J. 1«)3 b (2). Fernon, T. S. 11 a, 27 b, 41 !>. Fernow, B. E. 173 b (3). Ferraris, M. 206 b, 212 a. Ferrarius, U. 199 b (2). Ferretti, A. 215 b. Fessenden, J. M. 38 b, 46 1). Fettarappa, G. 136 b. Field, D. 1). 34 b. Fillunger, J. 92 b (2). Findlav, (r. 188 b (3). Fink, A. 149 a, 150 b (3), 155 a (2), 199 a. Firbank, J. 20 a. Firtb, F. J. 13 a. Fischel, A. 206 b. Fischel, II. 176 a. Fisber, G. E. 17 b. Fislier, J. A. 194 a. Fisher, R. S. 32 b. Fisk, — 35 a, 41 b, 42 a (5), 78 b, 79 a. Flske, B. A. 215 b. Fitzgerald, P. 104 a. Flachat, E. 94 b, 95 a, 138 b, 180 a b (2). Flagg, A. C. 43 a, 48 b. Flaniache, A. 188 b (3). Flatticii, W. von. 214 b. Klciiiing, II. 206 b. Floiuing, S. 23 a (2) b, 21 1.. Fleming, W. 204 b. Flemming, M. 92 a. Flet.licr. II. J. 197 b. Ficurv, L. 5 a. Flii.t," II. M.27 1). Flister, C. 6 a, 10 a. FoeiBtcr, C. 201 a. Forbes, J. M. 43 a. Fort-hheimer, P. 86 b. Forester, T. 91 b. Fornev, J. W. 70 a. ForneV, U. N. 4 a (2), 8 a, 27 a. 177 b, 180 b (3). Forster, G. R. 215 b. Foster, J. 22 b. Fourcv, E. de. 204 b. Fournel, II. 95 a (2). Fournier, — 207 a. Fowler, J. 90 a. Fox, C. I). 65 a. Fox, F. 65 a. Fox, W. a. 171 b. Foxwell, E. 204 b (2). Fraehn, M. 181 b. Francis B. S. 100 a (2). Francescliini, L. 130 b. Francis, — 99 b. Francis, J. 100 a. Francq, L. 180 b (3). Frank, A. 15 b, 16 a, 180 b. Frank, E. 188 b. Frankel, W. 15 a, 169 b. Frankenstein, K. 152 b. Franklin, — 185 a. Franqueville, V. de. 100 a, 198 b. Freeling, A. Ill b, 112 a, 113 b, IK) a b (2), 118 a. Fremaux, J. B. 180 b. Frewen, C. H. 112 a. P>ev, J. 134 a. FreVstadt, 10. 146 b. Fritli, II. 11 b. Frost, G. 11. 167 b Q^^\. 100 b. GalR'lli, F. 147 b. Gadot, P. 215 b. (iaetano, R. 135 a. (iage, N. L. 149 a (2). Galiinberli, A. 14 a (2). Gallo, E. L. 25 b. (ialloupe, F. E. 2 a. (Jailowav, E. 181 a (4). (Jallowav, R. L. 181 a. Gait, ^V■. 141 1.(2). Gallon, I). 102 a, 177 a. (iand, M. 160 a. Caiizoui, A. 191 b. (laiav, J. do. 2(i a (2). (Janlmr, E. V. ICM a. (larcUa, N. 22 b (3), 93 b. (Jarev, E. 177 b. GarflVld, .1. A. 85 b (2). Gaiiii.T, .1.214 b. (iarrftl. .1. W. 36 a b (3). 196 b. tiasca, C. L. 162 a. 222 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Gaudin, P. 213 a. Gaunin, J. 168 a. Gecius, G. 188 b. Geerling, K. F. A. 2a, 199 b (2). Gehrcke, — 6 b. Geiser, C. F. 138 a. Geiser, K. 134 a. Geller, L. 158 b. Gener, J. 181 b. Gener, P. 181 b. Genieys, R. 168 a. Gentilini, R. 139 b. George, C. B. 19 b. Gerstner, F. A. von. 27 b. Gerstner, T. 2a, 158 b (2). Gerwig, E. 134 b (2). Gest, E. 63 a. Ghega, C. 37 a. Ghisi, L. A. 181 a. Gibson, M. 214 a. Gilbert, — 103 a. Gilbert, H. T. 152 a. Gillespie, W. M. 2 a, 168 a (4). Gilliland, E. T. 200 a. Gilpin, W. 141 b. Girard, C. 76 a (3). Girard, L. D. 210 a (4). Giraud, — 96 b. Girod, E. 134 a. Gisclard, A. 160 a. Gitt, J. S. 47 b. Gladstone, W. E. 165 b. Gleim, W. 161 a (2). Glen, W. C. 166 b. Glyn, G. 193 b. Godefroi, H. 163 b. Goderich, Vise. 87 a. Godwin, G. jr. 141 b. Goering, A. 168 a. Gooch, D. 144 a. Gordon, A. 181 a (2). Gordon, A. 141 b, 144 b, 181 a (4). Gordon, A. C. 11 b. Goschler, L. 189 b (2). Gossin, A. 14 b. Gotteland, A. 215 b. Goudin, S. 160 a. Gould, — 35 b. Gould, J. 70 a. Gowen, F. B. 65 b (2), 66 a (3) b (2). Graeff, — 168 a. Graham, R. S. 80 a. Grahame, T. 18 b. Grainger, — 110 b. Grandis, — 137 a. Grandvallet, A. 199 b (2). Granger-Fabre, E. 189 b. Grangier, P. 16 b. Granicher, G. 133 a. Grant, C. W. 89 a. Grant, G. M. 23 b. (irant, U. S. 61 b. Grattori, — 137 a. Graux, G. 145 b. Gray, A. 76 a (2) b. Gray, A. B. 70 b (3). Gray, J. W. 153 b. Gray, T. 21 a, 100 b. Green, A. 61 a. Green, C. F. 208 a (2). Green, H. 87 a. Green, J. P. 151 b. Greene, T. L. 17 b, 144 a (2). Greene, T. M. 17 b. Gregg, W. P. 165 a. Grennell, G. 71 a. Gribayedoff, Y. 86 b. Grierson, J. 154 b. Grille, — 14 b (2). Grillo, P. 171 a. Grilloni, G. 136 a. Grimaldi, — 131 a. Grimshaw, R. 181 b. Gripper, C. F. 176 a. Grison, G. 193 a. Grivet, F. 211 a. Grosseteste, W. 95 b. Grossmann, J. 2 a, 185 b. Grove, O. 15 b (2). Grover, J. W. 174 a, 175 b. Guerin, L. 142 a. Guichannet, — 96 b. Guillaume, A. 160 a. Guillaume, E. 160 b. Guillemant, P. 189 b. Guillemin, A. 14 b. Guinard, — 136 b. Gunnison, J. W. 76 a (3). Gurney, G. 178 a, 181 b (3). Gutteridge, J. A. 46 a. Guttmann, F. 201 a. Gwin, W. M. 74 a. Gye, P. 165 a. JJ, A. 95 b. H.,'g. a. 102 b, Haag, P. 214 b (2). Haarmann, A. 172 a. Haberer, T. 19 a, 159 b. Haberle, E. 176 a. Habets, A. 103 a. Habicht, — 39 a. Hackwood, R. W. 171 b. Haddock, J. 86 b. Hadley, A. T. 2a, 27a, 141 b (3), 155 a, 196 a. Haferkorn, H. E. 2a. Hafner, H. 162 a. Hagen, E. 98 h. Haggard, F. T. 154 b (2). Halin, J. 161 a. Haines, H. S. 13 a, 189 b. Hall, — 35 b. Hall, J. 37 a. Hall, J. A. 193 a. Hall, W. E. 185 b. Hallette, A. 210 b (2). Hallidie, A. S. 211 a. Hallowell, E. 76 a (2). Halske, — 187 a. Ham, E. de. 95 b. Hamilton, W. G. 14 b (2). Hammond, C. G. 155 a. Hammond, H. B. 2a. Hanausek, E. 137 b. Hand, R. 5 b. Hanisch, E. E. 203 a. Hann, J, 181 b. Hansard, — 88 b. Hansemann, D. 12 a b. Harbaugh, S. 85 a. Hardaway, B. H. 168 b. Hardcastle, D. 194 a. Hargous, P. A. 26 a (2) b. Harper, — 33 a b. Harris, D. L. 45 a. Harris, R. L. 187 b. Harrison, J. T. 194 b. Hartmann, C. 180 b. Hartshorne,,F. C. 165 a. Hartwich, E. 187 b. Hartwich, E. H. 142 a. Haskell, D. H. 80 a. Haskoll, W. 168 b (3). Haskoll, W. D. 170 a. Hasley, J. 170 a. Hassler, A. 200 a. Hastings, C. C. P. 61 b. Haswell, C. H. 15 a. Hatch, — 41 b, 42 a (5), 78 b, 79 a. Haupt, — 141 b. Haupt, H. 69 a. Haupt, L. M. 15 a, 143 b (2). Haushofer, M. 14 b (2), 142 a. Havestadt, C. 175 b. Hawkshaw, J. 88 a. Hayes, G. R. B. 163 a. Haymond, C. 78 b, 151 a. Hayward, J. 37 b. Haywood, W. 213 b. Head, F. B. 118 a. Head, G. 104 b (2). Headley, J. T. 197 b. Heafford, G. H. 13 a. Hebert, L. 15 a, 181 a (3). Hecht, K. 171 a b. Heckel, G. B. 28 a. Hedge, E. 3 b. INDEX OF PERSONAL NAMES. 223 Hedges, K. 215 b. Hedlev, W. 19 a (2) b. Hedley, O. D. 19 b. Heermann, A. L. 76 a. Heinsius, — 152 b. Hellenbach, L. B. 92 b. Hellwag, W. 135 a. Helper, H. R. 22 a (5). Helps, A. 20 a. Hemphill, J. 74 a. Henck, J. B. 168 a. Henderson, G. F. Hendschel, U. 91 b. Henne, O. 137 b. Henry, A. 181 b. Henry, R. 175 a. Henshaw, D. 72 b. Hepbnrn, B. A. 155 a (2), 156 a. Herapath, J. 6 a, 8 b (3), 88 b (2), 181b. Hermann, W. 203 a. Hersant, J. 214 b. Hertslet, W. L. 28 b. Hesse-Wartegg, E. von. 205 a. Hestwood, J. O. 47 b. Heurteau, E. 186 b, 207 a. Heusinger von Waldegg, E. 2 b, 6 b, 7 b, 15 a (6) b (6), 16 a (3), 179 a. Heuze, L. 214 b. Hewes, F. W. 27 a. Hevne, W. 170 a. Hibbard, G. A. 11 b. Higgins, C. A. 35 b (3). Higinbotham, T. 140 b. Hildebrandt, C. 203 a b. Hilder, F. F. 22 a. Hilgard, T. C. 76 a. Hirche, P. 11 a (2). Hladik, C. 15 a. Hoar, G. F. 17 b. Hobart, H. R. 8 a, 19 b, 142 b. Hobbs, C. M. 17 b. Hoch, F. 152 b. Hochsteyn, C. L. C. 91 b. Hodge, P. R. 181 b. Hodges, J. 175 a. Hodges, W. 165 a (2). Hodgson, — 211 a. Hoepli, U. 2 b (2). Hoge, J. P. 163 a. Hogg, A. 142 a (2). Hogg, C. P. 171 b (2). Holbrook, G. R. 33 b. Hole, J. 145 a. Hollander, J. H. 2 b, 44 a. Hoi lev, A. L. 13 a, 16 a. Hoi man, W. J. 47 b. Hopkins, E. W. 163 a. Hopkins, M. 20 a. Horetzky, C. 24 a. Hornblower, J. C. 40 a. Hornbostel, M. von. 186 b. Hostmann, W. 207 a b (2). Houlahan, P. M. 189 b (2). How, J. F. 142 a. Howard, C. R. 171 b. Hover, E. von. 11 a. Hubbard, N. M. 152 a. Huber, O. 2 b. Huber, P. E. 214 b. Huber, W. 139 a. Hilbers, H. 203 b. Huberti, A. 103 a, 188 b (2). Hudson, J. F. 142 a b. Hue, F. 11 b. Huet, — 213 b. Huet-Desaunav, H. 9 b. Hughes, G. 181 b. Hughes, G. W. 22 b. Hughes, J. 170 a. Huish, M. 193 a. Hulbert, E. 37 b. Hull, C. H. 2 b, 202 a. Humbert, G. 16 a, 207 b. Humbolt, F. H. A. von. 22 b. Humphreys, A. A. 74 a, 75 b, 76 a b. Hunt, — 144 b. Hunter, G. M. 26 b. Hunter, R. M. T. 74 a. Hunter, W. A. 165 a. Huntington, C. P. 13 b, 75 a, 78 b (2), 79 a, 80 a (2), 81 b, 82 b (2), 198 b. Huntington, W. S. 199 a. Hunziker, F. 135 b. Hurd, F. H. 74 a. Hilrlimann, H. 162 a. Husted, — 156 a. Hutchinson, A. C. 81 b (2). Hutchinson, C. S. 175 a, 192 a, 193 a. Hymans, L. 16 a. ILES, G. 142 a. Ingalls, M. E. 17 b. Ingalls, R. 61 b. Isenbeck, W. 160 b. Isenring, J. B. 137 b. Ivatts, E. B. 190 a (2). Ives, J. C. 76 a (2). JACINI, S. 135 b. Jackson, — 177 b. .Jackson, J. P. 40 b. Jackson, R. 102 b. Jacksuu, W. 37 b. Jacob, M. 153 a. Jacobi, F. C. 206 b. Jacqmin, A. 132 b. Jacqmin, F. 145 b, 181 b, 190 a, 196 a. Jacqueline, E. 212 a. Jacquet, A. 171 b. Jaeger, J. 2 b, 190 a. Jaer, J. de. 205 b. Jagenberg, F. 216 b. Jav, A. 145 b. James, E. J. 143 b (2), 148 a, 153 b. James. T. L. 27 a. James, W. 20 a (2). James, W. H. 20 a. Jastrow, J. 142 a. Jean-Baptiste, — 18 b. Jeanhenry, A. 147 b. Jeannenev, P. 185 a. Jeans, J.S. 126 a, 142 a, 143 a, 197 b. Jeffery, E. T. 155 b (2). Jerram, Mrs. — 11 b. Jervis, J. B. 16 a (2), 52 b, 175 a. Jesup, T. S. 75 b. Jewett, H. J. 155 a b (2), 157 a. Jodicke, T. 190 a. John, J. 92 b. Johnson, — 170 b. Johnson, — 186 b (2). Johnson, C. W. 143 a (2). Johnson, E. F. 37 a, 55 b (2), 62 a (2). Johnson, E. R. 143 b. Johnson, G. 22 b. Johnson, G. \\. 143 a b. Johnson, J. W. 17 b. Johnstone, E. McD. 81 a, 82 a, 83 a (2). Jolissant, P. 133 a. Jones, C. H. 186 a. Jones, D. 207 b. Jones, L. A. 165 a. Jordan, I. M. 74 a. Jouhaud, P. 95 b. Jozan, — 170 a. Judah, T. D. 74 a (2). Judd,— 57 b. Julian, G. W. 152 a. Jullien, A. 153 a. Jullien, A. 91 b, 153 a. Jundt, — 208 a. Junuer, R. G. 165 a. K^H. 199 b. Kafka, K. 2 b, 16 n, 92 b. Kah, K. 161 a. Kaiser, C. 212 a. 224 HOPKINS TIA IL WA Y LIBRA R Y. Kaiser, S. 138 a b. Kaizl, J. 145 a. Kandt, M. 2 b, 140 b. Kareis, J. 215 b. Kasclieike, L. 201 a. Kauflfmann, E. W. 172 a. Kaven, A. von. 2 b.' Keeker, «. 186 b. Kedzie, R. C. 193 a. Kellogg, A. N. 8 a. Kennedy A. 171 b. Kennedy, J. H. 28 a. Kennedy, J. P. 89 a. Kennedy, W. S. 16 b. Kennerly, C. B. K. 76 a (2). Kermaingant, — de. 96 a. Kick, F. 15 b. Kidder, — 35 a (2) b (3). Kienesperger, — 177 a. Kimberlv, Earl. 23 b. Kindelan, J. 199 a. King, T. S. 28 a. Kingdom, W. 144 a. Kingsbury, W. G. 83 a. Kinney, J. K. 166 a. Kirchweger, H. 15 b. Kirkland, C. P. 60 a. Kirkman, M. M. 13 a (2), 16 b, 149 b, 155 b, 194 b (12), 196 b, 201 a (2). Kitson, A. 122 b. Klein, L. 27 b. Klie, H. 203 b. Klinge, H. 15 b. Klose, A. 15 b (2). Klovekorn, J. 15 b. Klunzinger, P. 216 a. Knapp, M. A. 13 a (2). Kneass, S. 65 a. Knight, J. 56 b. Knoll, C. 171 b. Knorz, A. 201 a, Knowles, J. 91 b. Koch, P. 203 b. Koch, R. 2 b, 15 b (2), 18 b, 179 a (3) b (5), 181 b, 188a (2), 200 b. Koch, W. 91 b, 92 a, 161 a, 201 b. Kochs, W. E. 187 b. Koechlin, — 94 b. Koechlin, E. 184 a. Kohl, E. 93 b. Kohler, R. 64 a. Kohlfiirst, L. 200 a (3). Kohn, I. 7 a (2). Koller, G. 134 b (3). Kollmann, P. 98 b. Konta, I. 7 a. Kosak, G. 181 b. Kossuth, F. de. 136 b (2). Kosub, G. 195 a. Kosub, H. 195 a. Kramer, J. 200 a, 215 b. Krantz, J. B.153 a. Krause, R. 5 b, 98 b. Krause, W. E. F. 74 a. Krauss, C. 15 b (3). Kreeft, C. 132 b. Krieg, M. 215 b. Krobisch, M. 190 b. Krohnke, H. 171 b (3). Kronauer, J. H. 137 b (2). Kronig, F. 190 a. Kiihn, E. 98 b. Kuhrt, — 207 b (2). Kiinkler, A. 186 a. Kuntze, A. 216 a. Kupka, P. F. 28 a, 93 a. LABORDE, — 14 b. Labry, — de. 145 b (2). Lacey, H. 116 a. Lacey, J. F. 165 a. Lachalas, C. 17 a. La Cornillere de Narbonne, P. de. 95 b (2). Lacroix, E. 2 b. Lacrosse, — 95 a. Ladame, J. 91 b. La Gournerie, J. de. 145 b. Laib, — 203 b. Laignel, — 171 a. Laing, S. 118 b (2), 158 a. Lallemand, V. 170 b. Lamane, H. 145 b. Lambert, H. 175 a. Lambert, M. & M. AV. 107 a. Lame, — 17 b. Lamm, — 180 b. Lampugnani, G. 13 b, 131 a. Lampugnani, L. 131 a, 147 b. Lapij'on, — 96 a (2). Lander, F. W. 76 a. Lane, C. B. 213 b. Lang, G. H. 158 a (2). Lang, W. B. 43 a. Langdon, W. D. 186 b. Langley, J. B. 122 b. Langton, H. C. 102 b. Lansing, G. L. 78 b (2), 79 a, 149 b, 155 b (2). Lanza, — 140 a. Laplaiche, A. 190 a (2). Lapparent, A. de. 168 b. Lardner, D. 16 b (2), 182 a (7). Larrabee, W. 142 a. Lartigue, H. 186 b (3). La Sere, E. 26 a (2). Lasker, E. 98 b. Latimer, C. 199 a. Latrobe, B. H. 44 a, 71 a (2). Laiidct, F. 207 b. Launliardt, W. 16 a, 168 b. Laurie, J. 71 a. Laval, T. 207 b. Lavoinne, E. 28 a (2), 91 b. Law, H. 170 a. Lawrence, F. N. 71 b. Lazarus, J. 186 b. Lazerges, P. 160 b. Lazzaro, F. 135 a. Lea, P. 74 a. Learned, E. 25 b. Leather, J. W. 122 b (2). Leblanc, — 200 a. Lebleu, — 177 a. Le Chatelier, L. 182 a (3), 185 b. Leconte, J. L. 76 b. Lecount, P. 16 b, 117 a. Le Courtois, J. 145 b. Ledoux, C. 207 b. Lee, —212 a. Leeds, J. S. 68 b. Lefebvre, G. 211 a. Lefevre, — 177 a. Lefevre, P. 16 b. Le Graverend, — 95 b. Lehmann, C. 92 a. Leighton, G. B. 196 b, 201 b. Lejeune, C. 145 b. Leland, C. P. 51 a, 63 a. Leiv, J. M. 165 a. Leonard, F. M. 151 a (2). Leonhardi, F. 15 a b. Lernet, A. 207 b. Leroy, A. 182 a. Leslie, — 187 b. Lesseps, F. de. 19 b, Lethier, — 170 a. Leto, V. 200 b. Level, E. 145 b, 207 b. Lever, — 103 a. Levy-Lambert, A. 2 b, 211 a, 216 a. Lewis, E. N. 9 a (4). Lewis, G. H. 17 b, 149 b. Lewis, L. jr. 162 b. Lewis, W. 208 a (2). Lewis, W. J. 64 a. Leyen, A. von der. 2 b, 28 a (2). Leygue, L. 16 b. Liddell, — 24 a (2). Lidgerwood, — 211 a b. Limousin, C. M. 142 a. Lincoln, A. 33 b. Lincoln, C. B. T. 208 b. Lincoln, D. W. 37 b (3). Linde, C. 15 b. Lindner, — 196 a. Lindner, F. L. 143 b. IXDEX OF PERSONAL XAMES. 225 Linton, J. 128 a. Lippincott, J. B. 204 a. Lipthav von Kisfaliul, A. 173 a. List, F. 98 b. Liszt, F. von. 161 b. Littler, D. T. 74 a, 77 a, Livingston, D. 171 b. Llovd, J. A. 22 b. LloVd, J. T. 86 a, 129 b (2). LloVd, W. A. 88 b. Locard, E. 172 a. Locarni, G. 140 a. Lochner, M. 15 b. Locke, J. 19 b, 116 a, 185 a, 205 a (2). Lockyer, A. E. 186 a. Lodge, H. C. 198 b. Lodigiani, G. B. 131 a. Loesch, F. 203 b. Loewe, F. 168 b, 172 b, 175 a. Loiseau, — 200 a. Lombaert, H. J. 65 a. Lommel, T. G. 185 b (2), 186 a, 189 a (5). Long, vS. H. 37 a, 168 b. Lonboldt, W. 185 a. Loock, W. 161 a. Loppe, F. 216 b. Lord, E. 56 a, 57 a b. Loree, L. F. 170 b. Lorenz, A. 2 b, 176 a (2), 212 b. Lorenz, H. 189 a. Loria, L. 3 a, 17 a (2), 181 a. 147 b, 171 b. Loring, C. G. 38 a, 46 b. Louvois, 7nar'juifi dc. 97 a (2). Lovell, D. H. 173 a. Low, F. 210 a. Low, J. "VV. 6 b. Luca, F. de. 13 b. Lucas, F. 96 a, 181 b. Lucchini, P. 185 a (2). Ludlow, J. M. 197 a. Lutz, K. 99 a. Lyall, C. 98 b (2). Lyles, J. H. 7 b. Lvman, S. P. 56 b. Lythgoe, J. P. 122 a, 213 b. M.,C.142a. M., G. 146 b. Maass, W. 10 b. Macaire, J. 170 a. McAllister, H. 163 a. McAlpine, J. I). 177 b (2), 178 a. Macauley, Z. 129 b (2). McBean, S. 86 1). McCain, C. C. 13 a (2), 157 a. McCaliaont, — 66 a. M'Calmont, R. 24 a. McClain, E. 165 b. McDermott, F. 20 a. Macdevitt, E. O. 165 b. McDonald, J. E. 64 a. McDonnell, K. W. 186 a. Maceroni, F. 182 a b (3). Macfarlane, J. 33 b. Mack, — 59 a. Mackav, C. 213 b. Mackie, C. 112 b. McKinnev, W. M. 162 b. McKisick, L. D. 168 a. Maclean, J. L. 190 b. Macleod, W. o3 b. McMaster, R. K. 165 b. McNallv, — 34 a. McNeill, G. E. 196 a. MacNeill, J. 112 b. McNeill, W. G. 37 a. Macplierson, P. I. 165 b. McRea, W. C. 193 b. Macveagli, "\V. 151 a. McVickar, H. W. 42 a. Madden, J. 81 a b (2). Maeder, D. 137 b. Maey, IT. 182 b. Magoun, G. C. 35 a. Mahl, W. 195 a. Mahrentreu, A. M. von. 7 a. Maimeri, L. 186 a (2). Malan, A. H. 186 a (2). Mal^zieiix, — 100 a. Malifaud, G. 199 b. Mallet, A. 182 b. Mallet, R. 3 b, 200 a. Mallet, R. T. 175 a (2). Mallott, V. T. 20 a. Manara, U. 158 a, 162 a. Mandl, J. 208 b (2). Manega, R. 168 b. Maniel, — 173 b. Manier, W. H. 165 b. Mann, E. D. 149 b. Mann, W. 182 b. Manners, E. C. 77a. Mansfield, E. D. 63 a. Manz, — 159 a. Marcbal, E. 4 b. March esi, G. 176 a (2). Marclicsini, G. I}. 162 a. Marcoii, J. 76 a. Marcus, V. 146 b. Mareis, E. 203 b. Maridet. J. 171 b. Marl.', G. 185 b (3). Marindin, F. A. 175 a, 192 a (3). Mars(lialI-T)icl)('rHtein, — 144 a. MarsiialJ, — 62 a. Marshall, W. H. 9 a (2). Marshall, W. P. 182 b (2). Marteau, A. 145 b. Martha-B.'ker, F. 96 a. Martin, F. 208 a. Martin, H. N. 196 b (2). Martin, J. 28 a. Marvin, — 57 b. Marx, —208 a. Mary, — 180 b (2). Mason, J. M, 142 a. Mason, O. P. 198 a. Massiah, C. 166 a. Massieu, — 182 b. Masternian, 3. jr. 93 b. Mateatix, C. L. 20 a. Mather, W. W. 44 a. Mathias, F. 186 a. Mathie.sons, — 6 b. Mathien, H. 190 b. Mattel, S. 180 b. Mauger, II. 17 a. Maurv, G. 1 b, 160 a. Maury, M. F. 25 a. Maury, W. F. 22 b. Mans,' H. 136 b, 137 a (2). Mavant, O. 98 b. Mavor, J. 197 b. Maw, W. II. 6 a. Mayer, A. von. 99 a. Mayer, G. 17 a. Meany, J. P. 17 b. Measom, G. 104 b (2). 105 a (5) 112 a (2), 113 a. 114 a. 1-J4 b. Meddaugh, E. W. 13 n, 22 b. Meh ringer, — 92 b. Mehrten.s, — 175 a. Meigs, M. C. 61 b. Meili, F. 159 a, 162 a. Meissa.s, N. l(S>i b. Memniinger, A. 136 a, 188 b. Mence, R. M. 102 b. Meiniyey, F. 92 a. Mentor,']. l(;i b. Menz, R. 86 b. Mt'rijot, E. 185 b. Merkel, G. 92 a. Merrill, W. E. 175 a. Messerklinger, J. 169 b. Metier, II. 190 b (2). Metzgor, C. 1M7 a. Meulen, M. de. 176 b. Meyer, A. \Y. 6 h. Mever, E. 15 a. Mever, (i. 15 a (3) b (4), 16 a (5), ■ 176 b. Mever, J. (J. .\. 182 b. Mever, L. H. 58 ji (8). MeVrick, II. 82 n. Miihaelis, J. 9i» a. .Miihaut-Delacroix, V. 96a. '226 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Michel, A. T. 159 b. Michel, J. 201 b. Middleton, R. E. 175 a Midglev, J. W. 149 b. Mifflin,^ S. W. 171 b (2) Miglietla, C. 212 b. Milani. G. 132 a. Miller, — 110 b. Miller, E. 69 b. Miller, S. 211 b. Milleret, J. 96 b. Mills, R. 22 b. Mills, W. F. 196 b. Minard, C. J. 12 b, 17 a. Minor, D. K. 3 b (4), 4 a (2). Mitchell, — 86 a (4). Mitchell, J. H. 74 a b. Mitchell, O. M. 63 a. Mogg, E. 129 b. Mohl, M. 141 a, 146 b (2), 161 b (2), 208 b. Mondetour, B. de. 96 b. Monnier, I. 96 b (2). Montanya, — 79 a. Montezemolo, L. 172 b. Montgomery, E. \V. 6 a. Montricher, — de. 96 a (2). Moore, J. H. 80 a. Morandiere, J. 12 a (2), 202 a. Moreau, A. 208 a. Moreau, P. 116 a (3). Morell, W. H. 51 a. Moreno, O, 208 a. Morgan, — 68 b. Morgan, A. 142 a b. Morgan, E. D. 163 a. Morgan, J. P. 61 a. Morgan, R. P. 155 b. Morlok, G. von. 99 a. Moro, G. 22 b. Morpeth, Lord. 210 b. Morris, E. 44 a (2). Morris, T. A. 51 b. Morrison, J. 13 a, 105 a, 165 b (2). Morrow, W. C. 82 a. Moschell, J. 137 a, 208 a (2). Moser, C. 203 b. Moser, R. 133 b. Moulton, F. D. 143 a. Mouraud, — 96 b. Mudge, R. Z. 102 b. Muirhead, J. P. 20 a. Miiller, W. 190 b. Munsell, J. 54 b. Muntz, — 187 b. Muralt, A. von. 133 a. Murdock, — 148 b. Murray, —99 b, 112 b. Mussy, — 172 b. Muzzani, I. 176 a. Myddleton, H. 20 b. Myers, P. M. 69 a. Myers, W. B. 175 a. ]^AMISLO, F. 190 b. Nansouty, M. C. de. 210 a. Nasmyth, J. 20 a. Navone, C. 131 b. Neele, G. P. 13 a, 28 b. Neison, F. G. P. 193 b. Nell, A. M. 172 a. Nelson, T. F. 43 b. Nepillv, — 185 b. Neri, G. 175 a. Nesmith, G. W. 45 a. Neumann, J. 146 b. Neumeister, A. 176 a. Newberry, J. S. 76 a (3). Newcomb, H. T. 17 b, 156 b. Newcomen, T. 178 b. Newman, J. 11 b, 170 a. Ney, N. 21 b. Neymarck, A. 145 b. Nichols, — 103 a. Nichols, E. H. 83 b. Nicolls, W. J. 17 a. Nicou, — 216 a. Nieden, J. zur. 199 b. Niels, P. 205 b. Nietmann, W. 92 a (2), 93 a. Nightingale, — 212 a. Niles, H. T. 149 b. Nimmo, A. 115 b. Nimmo, J. jr. 13 a (3) b, 17 b, 74 b, 149 b (2), 156 b (2). Noble, J. 212 b. Noble, W. H. 51 a. Noblemaire, — 208 a. Noel, O. 3 a, 17 a, 145 b, 146 a (5), 208 a. Nollau, — 187 a. Nordhoff, C. 80 b. Nordling, W. von. 143 b (2), 145 a, 174 a, 175 a, 198 b. Normand, C. 96 b. Norris, — 182 a. Norris, J. 156 b (2). Norris, S. 182 b (3). North, E. P. 14 b. North, F. 102 b. North, R. 102 b. Norton, B. 27 a. Notman, R. R. 105 b. Notre, A. 116 a (3). Noury, L. 17 a. Noyes,— 33 b. Noyes, — 156 a. Noyes, S. F. 126 b (3). Nye, E. W. 11 b (2). QBERLY, J. H. 157 b O'Brien, R. E. 36 a. Ogden, W. B. 62 a. Ogle, — 178 a. Ohse, G. 202 b. Oliphant, M. O. W. 11 b. Oliveira, B. 92 a (2). Oliver, H. 201 a (3). Oliver, J. S. 172 a. Olivetti, A. 179 b. Olivieri, E. 208 a. Oppizzi, P. 13 b (4). Optiz, C. 91 b. Orbegoso, J. 22 b. O'Rielly, H. 155 b. Orlandi, G. 168 b. Osborne, E. C. 112 a (3), 117 a (2). Osborne, R. B. 174 a. Osbourne, S. 163 a. Osnago, C. 131 b (2). Osthoff, G. 15 a (2), 208 a. Otis, F. N. 26 b. Otto, — 211 b (3). Oulmont, — 196 b. Owen, J. 210 A. P E. M. S. 20 a. Paasch, C. 91 a. Page, H. W. 193 b. Page, T. N. 11 b. Pagliani, S. 13 b. Paine, C. 17 b (2). Paixhans, J. 146 a (2). Pakington, J. 25 a. Palaa, G. 160 b (3). Paleocapa, P. 130 b, 136 b, 137 a <2). Palkh, J. 195 a. Palmer, J. J. 57 a. Palmer, J. M. 178 a (5). Palmer, T. W. 151 a. Palmerston, Lord. 87 a. Pambour, F. M. G. de. 183 a (6). Pangborn, J. G. 36 a b (5). Panoux, F. 185 b. Paoni, B. 211 b. Parandier, A. N. 97 a (2). Parke, G. 144 a. Parke, J. G. 76 a (3). Parker, A. P. 186 a. Parkes, W. 87 b. Parkin, T. 193 b. Parkinson, — 35 a. Parry, E. 108 a b, 124 a. Parseval, J. von. 28 b (2). Parsloe, J. 102 b. Parsons, A. 166 a. Parsons, E. 115 a. INDEX OF PERSOKAL NAMES. 227 Parsons, P. M. 214 a. Parsons, W. B. 172 a, 199 a. Partington, C. F. 3a, 183 a (3). Pasquier, E. 205 a. Patchin, A. D. 39 b. Patterson, C. S. 166 a. Patterson, C. W. 156 b. Pattinson, J. P. 3a, 103 a. Pattison, R. E. 77 a. Panlus, R. 14 b, 15 a, 168 b. Peabodv, — 35 a (2) b (3). Peabodv, J. 13 b, 197 b. Pecbar, J. 185 b. Peckbam, W. H. 78 a. Peel, R. 21 a, 100 b. Pember, — 107 b. Pendleton, J. 103 a. Penet, J. 161 b. Penniman, W. B. D. 178 a. Pennington, M. 19 a. Pennington, W. 195 a. Pensa, G. 138 b. Perdonnet, A. A. 3 a, 12 b, 17 b (4), 95, a, 169 b, 194 a. Pereire, E. 96 b. Pereire, I. 146 a. Perliam, J. 74 b. Perkins, J. C. 65 b. Perrin, — 136 b. Perrot, F. 146 b. Perrot, J. 144 b. Perry, J. D. 85 a. Pessina, F. 130 b. Pestalozzi, L. 136 a. Petibon, L. 11 b. Petiet, J. 95 a, 180 a b (2). Petit de Couprav, — 12 b. Petitti, C. 1. 131 b. Petzholdt, A. 183 a. Pew, A. 145 a. Peyer im Hof, J. F. 137 a. Pevrot, —140 a. Pezza, C. 183 a. Phelan, J. K. 177 a. Phelps, A. H. 64 a. Phelps, G. D. 45 b (2). Phelps, H. P. 37 a. Phelps, J. 8. 74 b. Phelps, L. J. 200 a. Phillips, —174 a. Phillips, G. I. 166 a. Phillips, P. 175 a. Phippen, J. 125 a (2). Piarron de Mondrsir, G. 183 b. Piatti, G. B. 136 b (2), 210 b. Picard, — 14 b. Picard, A. 97 b. Picardat, L. 21 b. Pichot, J. 16 b. Pierce, E. L. IGG a. Pieron, — 176 a. Pik, J. 28 b. Pille, — 174 b. Pillsbnrv, E. S. 151 a (2). Pirn, B."25 a b (2). Pirn, J. jr. 114 b, 210 b. Pini, G. 9 b. Pinna, A. de. 96 b (2). Pinzger, L. 173 a. Piper, J. J. 71 a. Piron, — 183 b. Plant, H. B. 28 b. Planta, P. C. 137 a. Plathner,.C. 15 b. Plessner, F. 208 a b. Plumb, P. B. 78 b. Plumbe, J. 74 b. Pochet, L. 172 a. Pohlig, J. 211 b (3). Pole, B. C. 212 b. Polese, L. 14 a (2). Pollitzer, M. 172 b. Polonceau, — 12 b. Pomeroy, C. C. 28 b (3). Pommier, A. 97 b. Pond, B. 165 a. Ponlzen, E. 28 a (2), 175 a, 208 b(2). Poor, H. V. 4 a, 7 b (6), 28 b (3), 29 a (2), 74 b. Poor, J. A. 3 a, 20 a. Poor, L. E. 3 a, 20 a. Pope, A. A. 142 b. Pope, J. 76 a (2). Pope, J. B. 154 b. Poppe, J. H. M. 183 b. Porter, H. 13 a, 27 a, 156 b. Porter, H. IT. 196 b. Possenti, C. 131 a. Post, G. A. 74 a b. Post, J. W. 140 b. Potter, —149 b. Potter, W. F. 86 b. Potts, J. D. 13 a. Pouillet, — 173 b. Poujard'hieu, G. 146 a. Poulet, — 173 a. Poussin, G. T. 29 a. Pozzi, L. 13 b. Prangen, W. von. 214 b. Prasch, A. 200 a b. Pratt, G. C. 156 b. Prendergast, F. E. 74 b. Preston, F. IM. 166 a. Prete, F. del. 20.S b. Priestlv, J. 103 a (2), 130 a. Prindle, II. B. 215 b (2). Prindle, L. B. 172 b (2). Prochaska, K. 93 a. Prokov, F. W. 193 b. Proske, L. 200 b. Proudhon, P. J. 142 b. Prout, H. G. 17 b (2), 27 a, 29 a, 193 b (2), 205 a. Prud'homme, — 186 b (2), 204 b. Pullman, — 197 b, 198 a ^3). Putnam, — 71 a. QUADRIO, C. 139 b. Quaranta, L. 135 a. Quartier, H. 203 b, 204 a. Quested, J. 168 b. Quilhet, C. 172 a. Quiucy, J. 71 a. I^ABBENO, A. 162 a. Eae, J. 140 b. Raffalovich, A. 141 b, 142 a. Raillard, — 212 b. Rambert, M. 162 a. Ramsauer, P. 208 b. Rand, —9b (2), 34 a. Randone, G. F. 13 b (4). Rank, E. 153 a. Rankine, D. 183 b. Ransome, F. 187 a. Rapier, R. C. 187 a, 208 b. Rarchaert, L. 180 b (4), 182 b. Rasch, J. 15 a. Rasoher, J. M. 135 a, 137 a. Rastrick, J. U. 110 b, 117 a. Rawlings, T. 24 a. Rawlinson.R. 193 b. Raymond, A. C. 13 a, 22 h. Rea, S. 214 a. Reach, A. B. 104 a. Reagan, H. C.jr. 183 b. Reagan, J. H. 150 b (2), 151 a, 152 a. Eealis, S. 169 a. Redding, B. B. 20 a. Redeii, F. AV. von. 99 b. Redesdale, Lord. 100 a (3). Redfield, I. F. 166 a (2). Reece, B. 173 b (2). Reeck, G. 204 a. Reed. W. W. 183 b (2). Kegray, L. 178 a. Reid. "H. 20 a, 183 b. Roifert, C. 15 b. Reinitz, M. 159 b. Reitlor, M. A. 195 a. Reitzenstein, E. 153 a. KiMidel, J. M. 103 a. 108 a. Hennie, C. (J. C. 20 a. Ronnie. J. IH b, 20a I.. 96 b. 101a. 102 a, 117 a. IHI a. 1S7 a. Kentc'igem, J. J. vau. 173 b. 228 HOPKINS HAILWAY LIBRARY Renwick, A. 13 :i. Kenwick, J. 182 u. Eestin, F. 204 a. Kevaux, — 133 a, 137 a. Reviczkv, A. von. 169 a. Reynolds, J. 130 a. Reynolds, M. 11 b, 177 a, 183 b (2). Reyre, C. 141 a. Rice. I. L. 156 b. Rice, R. D. 62 a. Rice, W. W. 74 b. Rich, F. H. 192 a (2). Richard, A. 160 b. Richard, G. 184 a (2). Richards, R. C. 13 a. Richardson, J. 103 a. Richter, E. 142 b. Ricour, — lS5b(3). Riegels, G. 99 b. Riese, O. 175 b. Riggenbach, E. 215 a. Riley, J. W. 11 b(2). Ringwalt, J. L. 29 a. Ripley, E. P. 12 b. Ritchie, R. 17 b. Roberts, S. W. 63 b. Roberts, W. M. 37 b, 62 a. Robertson, — 20 b. Robertson, J. 9 a, 193 b. Robinot, — 95 b. Robinson, H. P. 142 b. Robinson, M. 51 b, 56 b. Robinson, S. W. 170 b. Robinson, W. 25 a. Rocca, G. della. 176 a. Rockwell, J. A. 22 a. Roda, G. 13 b. Rodary, F. 186 b, 200 b. Roebling, J. A. 175 b. Rogers, A. J. 41 a. Rogers, E. D. 214 a. Rogers, L. W. 8 a. Rogers, S. B. 18 a. Rohr, W. 14 b. Rohrig, E. 11 a (2). Roll, V. 159 b (3), 177 a. Roney, C. P. 18 a. Roper, S. 184 a (3). Rorer, D. 166 a. Rosche, H. 176 a. Roscoe, T. 116 b, 117 a (2), 118 a. Rosenthal, E. 3 a, 159 a. Ross, A. M. 24 a. Rossendale, A. 11 b. Rossi, F. 208 b. Rossi, G. 208 b. Rotherv, — 193 a. Ronssel, J. B. 210 b. Rowley, B. N. 33 b. Roy, E. 172 a, 208 b. Rudow, \V. 91 a. Rliegg, H. 135 a. Ruegg, L. H. 123 b. Ruelle, — 134 a. Rumler von Richenwehr, C. 158 b. Rimge, O. 186 a. Runnenbaum, A. 216 b. Ruso, J. M. 149 a. Russel, C. T. 46 b. Russell, J. 103 b. Rutter, J. H. 156 b. Rvde, E. 158 a. S.149 b. S., L. 137 b, 210 b. Saccomani, G. 11 a. Safiord, A. G. 13 a. St. Leonards, Lord. 113 a. Saint-Robert, P. de. 137 a. Salin, H. 169 a. Salmons, C. H. 198 a. Salt, S. 19 a (3). Salwey, E. R. 208 b. Sambuc, J. 12 a. Sammann, A. 15 b (3). Sampite, A. 208 b. Samuda, J. d'A. 210 b. Sandberg, C. P. 172 b. Sanderson, J. M. 66 b. Sanderson, S. W. 79 a, 85 b, 149 b, 157 a, 163 a. Sansoni, F. 131 b. Sargent, A. A. 74 b. Sartiaux, A. 208 b. Sartiaux, E. 176 b. Sauvage, E. 3a, 177 a, 184 a, 187 a. Saviotti, C. 172 b. Sawyer, N. 13 b. Sawyer, P. 78 b. Sax, E. 142 b. Schaefier, G. C. 3 b (5). Schafer, G. 204 a. Schall, — 6 b. Schall, \V. 53 b. Schauberg, J. 137 b. Schillings, A. 191 a. Schindler, S. 145 a. vSchlagintweit, R. von. 22 a, 75 a. Schlumberger, A. 184 a. Schmidlin, \V. 134 b (3j, 148 a. Schmidt, C. A. 193 b. Schmidt, L. 14 b, 195 a. Schmitt, E. 15 b, 18 a, 169 b. Schneebeli, — 187 a. Schneeli, M. 162 a. Schneeman, A. 15 b. Schoeller, A. 18 a. Schoeller, E. 153 a. Schon, —200 b. Schoonmaker, A. 13 a (4), 17 b. Schreiber, — 146 b. Schreiber, J. F. 142 b, 153 a. Schroeter, G. 201 b. Schroetter, J. A. 161 b. Schubert, E. 170 b (2), 174 a, 200 b. Schiibler, A. 208 b. Schiick, A. 12 a. Schultz, J. H. 4 a. Schultz, L. T. 92 a. Schurz, C. 196 b. Schuyler, R. 59 b. Schwabe, H. 103 a (2), 213 a. Schwarz, S. 135 a. Schwedler, — 175 a. Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, A. von. 3 a, 18 a (2). Sciard, C. 147 b. Scidmore, E. R. 23 b. Sclopis, — 140 a. Scoles, — 57 a. Scott, —70 a. Scott, IT. 112 b. Scott, T. A. 11 a. Scribner, C. 21 b, 143 a, 206 b. Scrivener, A. 163 a. Scrivenor, H. 103 b (2). Seargeant, L. J. 13 a, 103 b. Searles, W. H. 169 a, 172 a. Sechrist, — 10 a. Sedgwick, W. T. 196 b. Seeberg, F. 214 b. Seefehlner, J. 175 b. Seelinger, — 175 b. Segar, — 71 b. Seguin, — 12 b, 17 b, 20 a, 97 b, 169 a (2), 184 a (2). Seiler, O. 3 a, 162 a. Seismit-Doda, A. 131 b. Seligman, E. R. A. 152 b, 157 a. Seligsohn, A. 161 b. Serafon, F. 212 b (4). Serres, A. W. de. 172 b (2). Sevene, — 176 a. Sewall, H. 196 b. Seward, C. A. 151 a. Seward, W. H. 56 a. Seymour, H. C. 66 b. Seymour, J. 56 b. Sevmonr, J. W. 71 a. Seymour, S. 23 a, 34 b (2), 60 a, 75 a (2), 83 b, 84 a (4) b, 85 a, 206 a. Shaler, N. S. 29 a, 67 b. Sharp, — 177 b. Shaw, G. 105 a. Shaw, J. 5 b, 7 a, 10 b. Sheahan, AV. A. 188 a. INDEX OF PERSONAL NAMES. 229 Shehyn, J. 143 b. Spackman, W. F. 103 b (2) . Storrow C. S. 71 a. Sheldon, L. A. 149 b. Spayenta, S. 147 b. Storrs. J H. 82 b (2). Stow, F. H. 6 a. Shelford, L. 166 b (3). Speiser, "\V. 139 a. Sherman, — 77 b. Spencer, — 43 a. Streckert, \\ . 15 a. Shinn, W. P. 177 a. Spencer, H. 142 b, 143 a. Stretton, C. E. 181 a. Shipman, W. D. 78 b. Speyer, — 81 b. Strick, C. 15 b (2). Shoolbred, J. K. 14 a. Spoifford, K. S. 24 a, 82 a. Strickland, W. 2.S b. Short, —215 b. Spooner, C. E. 206 b, 209 a l(2). Strousberg, — 20 b. Shortt, J. 163 b. Sprye, C. H. F. 87 a. Stuart, R. 184 b. Shuman, A. E. 29 b. Sprye, K. 8() b, 87 a (2). Stuckart, — 131 a. Shiink, W. F. 169 a, 172 a (2). Sprye, R. H. F. 87 a. Stuckle. H. 29 b. Sidney, S. 105 a (2). Squarise, G. 92 a. Sturb, E. 211 b (2). Siegfried, H. 135 a. Squier, E. G. 25 a. Stussi, H. 139 \\ 14S a. Siemens, — 187 a. Stabilini, G. 133 a. Suddetto, — 132 a. Silvola, G. 179 b. Stamm. E. 136 a (2). Suenhorst, A. von. 92 a. Simms, F. W. 169 a, 170 a (2) b, Stampfli, — 147 b. Sullivan, A. T. 17 a. 176 b. Stane, A. 170 b. Sulzberger, J. 137 a. Simon, H. A. 166 b. Stanford, E. 130 a. Summerly, F. 104 a. Simpson, J. H. 75 b, 83 b, 84 a, Stanford, L. 21 a, 78 a, 7 9 ab. Summers, — 17S a. 85 b. 81 a, 83 a, 150 a (2), 151 a. Summerside, T. 20 b (3). Sinclair, A. 184 a (3). 156 b, 163 a (13) b (4). Sumner, C. A. 80 b (4). Si pes, W. B. 65 a. Stanly, J. A. 163 a. Surell, — 146 a. Sitwell, I. 11 b. Stanton, F. S. 90 b. Sutro, A. 80 b (4). Slack, F. T. 17 b. Steele, J. D. m a. Swallow, i\. C. 64 b. Slaughter, M. 8 b. Steeyer, E. Z. 17 b. Swann, T. 36 a. Slee, J. D. F. 142 b. Stein, L. yon. 10 b. Swayne, W. 13 a. Smalley, E. V. 34 a. Steiner, F. 169 b. Sweet, E. jr. 156 a. Smeaton, J. 20 b. Steinmann-Biicher, — 138 ; . b. Sympher, — 143 1). Smiles, R. 3 a, 20 a. Steinwender, O. 92 b. Synnestvedt, P. 177 b. Smiles, S. 19 b, 20 a b. Stenglein, M. 161 b. Szczepanski, F. von. 3 a. Smith, — 177 b (2). Stephens, — 22 b. Smith, C. 166 b. Stephenson, A. 20 b. Smith, C. A. 177 b. Smith, C. J. 88 b. Stephenson, G. 17 b, 19 b (4), 20 a (2) b (4), 116 a, 121 b (2), TAGLIABNE, E. 131 b. Smith, C. M. 165 a. 178 b. Tairraz, Z. 133 b. Smith, F. 210 a (2). Stephenson, R. 20 a (2) b (3), 24 TalaI>ot, P. 96 a. Smith, F. C. 184 a. a, 90 b, 103 b, 117 a b. 182 b Talbot, C. J. 117 b. Smith, G. 75 a. (2), 185 a, 210 b (2). Talbott, E. ir. 8 a, 19 b, H-S b. Smith, Rev. G. 205 a. Steplienson, R. MacD. 18 a 87 a, Tallichet, E. 139 b. Smith, H. B. 52 b. 92 a, 169 a. Tanner, II. S. 29 b. Smith, J. A. Ill 1>. Stern, J. 2()!» a (2). Tarrv, II. 21 b. Smith, J. B. 211 b. Sternberg, 11. 15 a (2), 16 : I. Tart.-iry, R. 209 a. Smith, J. C. 34 a. Sterne, S. 144 b, 115 a, 157 a. Tathain, (f. N. 41 a. Smith, J. G. 62 a. Stetter, — 204 a. Tatti, L. 1 a. 12 a, Kil b, 132 a. Smith, N. J. 57 a. Steuber, C. 203 b, 201 a. 135 a (2) b (4), bid a, 137 a, Smith, K. F. 13 a. Stevart, A. 172 b, 188 b. 139 b (5). 147 1) (2). Smith, W. A. 5 a. Stevens, H. 26 a. Tavernier, K. 97 b. Smith, W. V. 29 b. Stevens, 1. I. 75 b, 76 !>. Taylor, A. 197 a. Smith, AV. P. 95 b. Stevens, M, 154 1) (2). TaVlor, H. B. 157 a. Smith, W. W. 200 a. Stevens, S. 26 b (2). Taylor, II. A. 75 a. Smyth, G. L. 126 a. Stevenson, D. 20 b (3), 29 b. 169 a. Tavlor, J. 11 b. Soldati, V. 169 a. Stevenson, R. 103 b (2), 178 a. Tedesco, F. 162 n. Solerti, A. 13 b (2). Stewart, J. 44 a. Teisseronc, — 12 b. Somnic'illcr, — 137 a. Stewart, W. IM. 75 a. Telford. T. 20 b (2). Somnierfoldt, — 175 b. Sticknev, A. H. 13 a, 143 a , Teliiir. 11. 117 b. Sonne, E. 15 a (5) b (5), 16 a (2). St il well", S. 2i>b. T.-tMidrlon, W. ISI b(l). Sonnenschein, S. 10 1), 209 a. Stimson, A. L. 202 b. Teubrinck, — IS,') a. Softer, A. W. 13 :i. Stockor, J. C. jr. 116 a. Ten Evck, H. J. 158 a. Snrrcntiiio, S. 211 li. Stockton, li. !'". 11 ;i. Tenscherz. J. S. 204 a. Soiilir, K. IL' a. Stoii, (i. 134 b (3). Terry, — 166 a. 230 HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. Tesch, J. 191 a (3), 200 b (2), 201 b (5). Tesse, — 186 b (2). Testud de Beauregaz-d, F. 214 b(2). Tevis, L. 163 b. Thayer, J. E. 67 b. Theobald, H. S. 162 b. Thielau, A. von. 144 a. Thiering, A. 173 a. Thomas, G. F. 32 b. Thome de Gamond, A. 92 a. Thommen, A. 135 a. Thompson, W. O. 10 a. Thornton, — 165 b. Thornton, W. W. 166 b. Thouvenot, C. 139 b, 184 b. Thoviste, M. 146 a. Thnrber, F. B. 143 a. Thurman, A. G. 74 a, 78 b, 157 a (2). Thurston, E. H. 205 a. Timmis, J. 24 b. Tivoli, — 140 a. Tobler, A. 187 a. Todd, M. 145 a. Tojal, — 92 a. Tomes, E. 27 a. Torelli, L. 139 b. Torrey, J. 76 a (3). Tourneux, F. 146 a. Towne, A. N. 23 a. Tracv, — 50 a. TracV, C. E. 54 b. Train, G. F. 212 a, 214 a. Tratman, E. E. E. 173 b (2). Tredgold, T. IS a (2), 182 b, 184 b (2). Treves, M. 137 a. Trevithick, F. 20 b. Trevithick, E. 20 b, 178 a b. Troske, L. 214 a. Troup, J. 143 a. Truman, B. C. 34 a, 81 b (2). Tschudi, — 140 a (2). Tucci, P. di. 132 a. Tuck, H. 8 b, 9 a, 130 a (2) Turnbull, L. 193 b. Turnbull, W. 210 b. Turner, — 45 a (2). Turner, L, 20 b. Tweed, C. H, 64 a, 78 b. Tyer, — 187 a (2). Tyler, H. W. 199 b, 204 b, 205 a, 206 b. Tyrrell, T. 114 a. Tyrwhitt, T. 103 b Tyson, J. E. 65 a. UHLAND, W. H. 212 a. Ulrich, F. 3 a, 153 a (4), 197 a (2). Unruh, C. M. von. 209 a. Urbau, A. 201 b. Y AC AN I, — 140 a. Valentine, D. T. 166 a. Vallee, Z. 169 b. Van Arsdale, E. M. 7 a. Vanderbilt, — 86 a. Vanderl)ilt, C. 196 b. Vanderbilt, AV. H. 36 b, 157 a. Van Etten, E. 17 b. Van Nostrand, D. 4 a, 170 b (2), 171 a. Van Oss, S. F. 144 b. V'anossi, G. 140 a. Vanotti, A. 136 a. Varle, C. 37 a. Varnbiihler, — von. 146 b. Varrov, — 208 a. VarroV, H. 209 a (2). Vautheleret, baron de. 98 a. Vauthier, L. L. 139 a. Vautier, A. 211 b. Veazey, W. G. 12 b. Vernon, E. 4 a. Verole, P. 13 b. Viappiaini, A. 209 a. Vicaire, E. 177 b. Viele, E. L. 214 a. Vignes, E. 206 b. Vignole, — 173 b (2). Vignoles, C. 116 a, 120 b. Vignoles, C. B. 21 a. Vignoles, O. J. 21 a. Vigouroux, E. 160 b. Vigreux, L. 216 b. Vila, —43 a. Villarceau, Y. 184 b. Vincentiis, G. de. 209 a. Vindrinet, A. 169 b. Vining, E. P. 157 a. Vitet, L. 199 b. Vogeli, A. 138 b, Vogelsang, — 195 b. Vojacek, L. 16 a (3). Volkmar, W. 187 b. Voorhees, T. 13 a, 27 a, 198 a, 205 a. Vose. G. L. 3 b, 169 b (2), 194 a Voss, W. 178 a. Vroom, P. D. 40 a. Vuillemin, — 184 b. ^^ A. G. 148 a. W., J. W. 117 a. Waddington, D. 144 a. Wade, K. H. 13 a. Wagener — 98 b. Waghorn, T. 154 b (2), 165 a. Wagner, — 146 b. Waldner, A. 5 b (2). Waldo, L. 205 a. Walker, — 49 b. Walker, A. F. 13 a (2) b, 157 a, 199 a. Walker, C. 130 a (2). Walker, D. H. 68 b. Walker, J. 57 a, 103 a, 115 a (2), 122 b. 130 a (3), 184 b, 185 a. Walker, T. A. 176 b. Walla, F. 137 b. Wallace, — 148 b. Wallace, D. 65 a. Wallace, W. T. 163 a. Walsham, J. 146 a. Wanner, M. 3 b, 135 b. Ward, G. C. 68 b. Ward, J. 91 a. Ward, S. G. 68 b. Warden, J. 105 a. Waring, C. 145 a. Warman, C. 67 b. Warner, A. G. 17 b. Warren, E. de. 87 b. Warren, G. K. 75 b, 76 b (2). Washburne. E. B. 157 a (2). Watt, J. 20 a (2) b, 21 a (3), 178 b, 182 a. Weale, — 180a (3). Weber, M. M. von. 3 b, 15 a, IS a b, 145 a (2), 166 b, 200 a, 209 b (2). Weeber, A. 159 a. Wegmann, E. jr. 214 a. Wehr, O. 200 a. Wehrmann, O. 98 a. Weichs, F. von. 93 a. Weichs-GIon, F. zu. 143 a. Weick, F. G. 181 a. Weil, J. 159 b. Weimer, A. B. 166 b. Weissenborn, G. 177 a. Weissenbruch, L. 176 b. Welford, E. 107 a. Welin, G. 13 a. Wellenheim, O. von. 214 b. Wellington, Duke of. ISl b. Wellington, A. M. 169 b (3), 170 b, 178 a. Wells, — 151 a. Wells, D. A. 150 a. AVells, E. H. 166 b. Wells, H. 90 b. Wentworth, J. T. 166 b. Wescott, G. P. 67 a. INDEX OF PERSONAL NAMES. 231 Westerton, C. 125 a. Westhofer, W. 175 b. Westinghouse, — 177 a (2) b. Wetherell, J. J. 153 a b. Wetli, K. 134 b, 1-10 a, 208 b. Wetmore, — 57 b. Wetter, J. 202 a. Wettin, — 99 b. Wharncliffe, Lord. 91 a. Wheeler, O. D. 61 b, 62 a. Whipple, A. W. 76 a (4). Whishaw, F. 103 b (2). White, — 10 b. White, G. P. 103 b. White, J. 173 b. Whitehead, J. 103 b, 144 b (2). Whiting, W. 84 a. AVhitney, A. 74 b, 78 a. Whitnev, J. A. 143 a. AVhitton, C. F. 163 a. Wickes, T. H. 198 a. Widmer, C. 140 a. Wigmore, J. H. 30 b. Wilcke, C. 15 a. W'ild, — 215 a. Wilke, V. 198 b. AVilkeson, S. 62 a. Wilkins, — 127 a. Wilkinson, vS. E. 188 a. Willard, S. 37 b. Williams, A. J. 147 a. Williams, C. W. 108 b. Williams, E. 59 b. Williams, E. H. 178 b. Williams, F. S. 104 a (2), 120 b. AVilliams, H. T. 34 a (2). W W AV W W A\' W W \V W W W W W W w W w w w w iliams, J. J. 26 a. lliams, J. L. 84 a (2). Iliams, J. 8. 29 a. lliams, K. P. 130 a, 199 a. Iliams, W. 32 b (3), 34 a. lliams, AV. B. 157 b. lliamson, B. 41 b. lliamson, K. S. 76 a (4). lliamscm, T. 91 a. llox, J. Ill a. Ison, — 20 a. Ison, — 174 a. Ison, C. W. 87 b. Ison, G. 187 a. Ison, H. 84 a. Ison, J. E. 14 a. Ison, J. F. 150 b, 152 a (2). Ison, J. ]\r. 82 b. Ison, T. 21 a. Ison, AV. L. 80 b. nkler, E. 3 b, 15 a, 16 a, 92 a. 169 b (3). Winton, N. W. 80 b. With, E. 179 b (3), 194 a (2). Wohler, A. 15 a. Wolcott, S. P. 157 b. Wolf, —3 b. Wolfe, J. M. 34 a. Wood, — 116 a. Wood, H. 152 a. Wood, H. G. 166 b. Wood, N. 18 b (6), 172 h. Wood, W^ p. 117 b. Woods, A. T. 185 a. W'oolhouse, W. S. B. 184 b. Woolley, C. W. 70 a. Worcester, E. D. 157 b. Worms de Komillv, — 187 b. Worsdell, W. 186" a. Worsfold, AV. 194 a. Wright, A. W. 212 b. Wright, B. 52 a, 5() a b, 59 a. Wright, J. 18 b (2). AVriglev, T. 144 b, 194 a. Wvld, J. 105 a b, 117 a, 125 b, 130 a (3). Wvnne, G. 205 a. yOLLAND, W. 204 b. Yonge, C. M. 11 b. ^ANNETTI, C. 147 b. Zainioni, A. 130 h (2). Zanolini, C. 147 b. Zeis, L. 143 b. Zeuner, G. 183 b, 185 b. Zoziila, F. 209 b (2). Zitler, E. A. 209 b (2). Zillmer, A. 194 a. Zimniermann, H. 173 a b, 194 a. Zinipel, C. F. 87 a. Zinn, G. A. 22 a. Zio, F. del. 132 a. Zola, E. 12 a. Zollner, J. 12 a. Ziiber, J. 213 a. Zschokke. O. 135 b, 138 a b, 148a. Zwi.'k, H. 176 b. Zwikel-Wflti, G. 140 a. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. •*^^5 L.5 ^ kifi im W S^''" 4 1973 M26I974 FormL9 — 15ot-10,'48(B1039)444 U' ■^'^.TFORNIA AA 0004c