S/0& UC-NRLF ^C 21 BEM Digitized by the Internet Archive in 20Q8 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/adamsonlawOOburerich ;Drary ilway iiomics FEB 9 19U ^p/lAA^^^" January 2' 17 List of References 'to Books and Ai-ticles on the Ad ^mso n Lav.' of S e pt er:;b e r , 19 1 6 • ^pS. President. (>ilson), ■f- ...Hours of service on railroads. Address of the President of the United States, delivered at a joint session of the t"o houses ci Congress, Au[,ust Zi ^ 1916 « . .V'ashington [Govt, print, of f. J 1915. 8 p- C°. (G<-th Cong. 1st sess. House, T'oc. 1340) Another edition, 8 p. 8° S. Conr,;ress, 'Extracts froL: the Gongressi cnal record in reference to the bill granting an eight-hour Aa-y to the railroad employees of the United Staxes. ' '"ashington, ISIS. 150 p. 4° Reprinted from th:^ 'Jongressional record. Contains the Ei ;ht hour bill as it passed Cciigress, President ■ ilscn's message, Teoates in the Senate and I'ouse, Aug. 30 to Sep'c. 2, 1916, and speeches of Senators LaFollotte and Cur.:v:ins and of Representative Bailey, S, Congress. House, Eight-hour day, Bebate in the (H.R, 17700) tc establish an s House. Sept, 1, 1^ on "he bill i g ht - h u r d a y for eiv.p 1 o 3'- e e 3 c f carriers ergaged in interstate and :.'oreign CG:v::verce, and for other purpcses, (Congressional record, v. 53 : 15C 51-13: 79 ; ^'ept.l, 1916, daily ed.) S. Congress. Senate, Proposed railroad legislati6n. Debate in Serrate, Aug, 30, 1915, (Congressional ' record , v. 53 : 15674-15701 ; Aur;,.30 ,1916 , daily ed.) -- V. 53 115830-15849; Sept. 1, 1915, daily sd. V. 53:15919-15952; Sept, 2, 3.915, daily ed. Congress. Senate. ConiLiittee on interstate .■;oi";.i;.erce. Threatened strike of railway enrployees. Hearing before the Committee. .. on proposed bills in connection "rith legislation,,, V'ashington, 1916. 1 71 p. S°, (64th Cong, 1st. sess. Senate Boc, ^ r ^ . ; 8. La'.vs, statutes, etc. An-.act to establish an eight hour day for employees of carriers engaged in interstate and foreign commerce, and for other purposes, [Septe 1916]. 1 1. Public no. 252, 6ith Cong. (H.R. 17700) The Adai.:son eig"it-hour la'.v. Text, with comment, in the Rail'.vay clerk, v, 15:314-16; Oct. 1916) Also in the I'onthly reviev/ of the Bureau of labor statistics, 1 Cm A V.3, Oct. Reprinted in "Eight-hour lav/s". ^'ashington. Govt, pri nt. c f f . , 1916. 14 p, 8° XD, p. 23-24, 10 438176 w f 0) .ependent [Editorialj The President and Gongres;-:- knuckle under, (Independent, v. 87 : 399-400 ; Sept. 1916.) Passage of the eight-hour lav/, (state topics [Houston, Tex.] v. 7, Sept. 1916, p. 2-3.) York Tiiv.es [Editorialj. A national huniliation. (Mew York Tiinss, Sept.l, 1916, p. 8, cols, 1-2.) Eight-hour bill. , (Boston news bureau, Sep". 2, 1916.) ilew York Times [Sditorialj. Y'here it leads. ' (r'ie\7 York Titles, Sept. 2, 1916, p. 6, CO 1.1 ) Conirasnt on the eight hour law. and the methods used to obtain the law. Hov; problem came to Congress to settle. Public interference sp^oiled a carefully laid plan to adjust labor's difficulties for all time, (liew York Times, Sept. 3, 1916, p. 2, cols. 3-4.) Lindbergh, Charles A. Eight-hour day. Extension of reraarka... House of representatives, Sept. 4, 1916. (Congressional record, v. 53 :16352-55 ; Sept. 6, 1916, daily ed.) --... amson, Villi am C. The eight-hour lav/, Extensi6n of rem.arks... (Congressional record, v, 53 : 16516-17 ; Sept. 7, 1916, ds^ily ed.) Evans, John I-^. The eight-hour law. Extension of reiiiarks. . . (Congressional record, v. 53 : 16509-10 Sept. 7, 1916, daily ed.) Gallinger, Jacob H. • [On the eight-hour bill, to 'avert strike of train-service employees j (Congressional record, v. 53 : 16394-99 ; Sept. 7, 1916, daily ed.) •Ilation.:.! [Editorial], Congress stampeded. (ration, v.lf3:213; Sept. 7, 1916.) Commient on Congressional action taken to avert strike of train-service employees. ~^:.-ple, Henry Y\ Ei ght-hour bill. Extension bf remarks... (Congressional record, v. 53 : 16489-92 ; Sept. 7, 1915, daily ed.) f ' JB Ada:..3on lav/ - 3 lyke, Ca.-l H, The eight-hour day, Tx-uensibn of remarks.., (Congressional reco id , 'v. 53 : 15492-94; Sept.-?, 1916, daily ed.) :i the i-ouse oi represer. Moore, J . Hanip ton. The 5ight-hour makeshift. Speech.. Sept. 8, 1916, (Ccngressicnal record, v, !::3 : 15630-3 5 ; '^e_.t^l6, 1^16, daily ed.) ves Iway age gazette [Editorial]. The triumph of mob racy • (Rail'.-ay age gazette, v.6l*394-95j Sept.P, 1915.) lipley's definance arouses Adamson* Author of the eight-hour lav/ says Santa Fe president v/ill go to jail if ne violates it« (Mev/ York Times, Sept.S , 'l916 , p. 14, cols. 1-2.) 11 street JGurnal [Editorial J V/hat did Congress do? (V'all street journal, Sept. 8, 1916, p»l, col. 2.) Berger, .Victor. Victor Berger sees government-ownership of railroads in eight-hour act, (Commercial c: financial chronicle, v. 10 3 : 900-01; Sept.9, 1916.) Speare, Charles F, I.arket goes ahead to ne"./ levels. (iMev/ York Evening mail. Sept, 9, 1916, p. 14, cols.T-C.) Result of Ad amis on lav/. Cohen, Julius Henry, The reiusa.1 to arbitrate. Dangers to society in the stand of either capital or labor against th;^. judicial settlement of industrial disputes, (hev; York Times, Sept. 9, 1915, p . 10 , ccl.T-S.) Enactment of eight-hour railroad lav/ and recalling of strike order. (Commercial cc financial chronicle, v. 103:896; Sept. 9, 1916.) hu gh e s , Ci'i a r 1 e s E , Charles E. Hughes on the railv/ay strike ^ettlemxent. Commiercial L financial chronicle, v, 103:899; Sept. 9, 1916.) ' From speeches at i^iashville and Lexington, " i 3lgon, F. E. The Railv/ay strike settlemient - coward; cfe in and out of Congress, (Commercial L financial chronicle, v. 103:895; Sept. 9, 1916.) .ilroad v/ages and eight-hcur lav/. Added v/age cost increase amiounts to from 1 to 1.7 per cent or), commion stocks, (V'all street journal, Sept, 9, 1916, p,2, col. 4.) w \damson lav; - 4-, ■ jompers, Samuel. » Samuel Gompers on compulsory arbitration: (Com.mercial 8z financial chronicle, v. 103 : CCa ; Septo9 , 1916.) Labor rl-.^r address at Lev/iston, r.e, Elliott, ilov/ard. The case for the railroadsj the significance of the surrenaer of Congress to the brotherhoods as seen by a rairoad president. [Mev/ York, 1916]. 16 p. C °. Reprinted in Econo:v.ic ■■..'orld, Sept. 16, 1915, p. 365-59. Editorial" coiTiment , p. 355. 'ee, Lr F. Contractual fiction and social justice. Ilight-hour day seen as a device to raisfe v/ages without lessenir.g the hours of v;ork. (Annalist, v,8:324; Sept, 11, 1916.) Railroad heads not' to ignore eight-hour law. Puolic led to believe big transportation men are in a towering rage.,. (rail street journal, Sept. 11 j I9l6, p,l, col. 4.) Dunn, Samuel Grace. The new tyranny... An address before the Railway signal association at ilackinac Island, Ilich,, on Sept. 13, 1916, [Chicago? J1916. 15 p. 8° . The Eight-hour law. 'A poll of the press. (Outlook, V. 114: 66-68; Sept. 13, 1916.) Cutlook [Editorial]. Congress averts 'the railv/a3A strike. (Outlook, V. 114: 48-49; Sept. 13, 1916.)-^ The Strike and after; "^ (Outlook, V. 114:56-58; Sept. 13, 1915,) Kation [Editorial]. [Ccmjiienting on President Ripley's statement that he will not obey- the Adamscn c>ight-hour la\.'.j (rlation, v. 103:249; Sept. 14, 1916.) Congress and the "eight-hour" Ikxr* (Railwa}^ age gazette, v. 61:450-51; Sept. 15, 1916.) C-uyot, Yves. La mienace de greve des ohemins de fer, (Journal des economistes, 75th :/ear: 379-80 ; f^ept,15, 1915.) .ilroad dividends. ^ (V'all street journal, Sept. 15, 1916, p.l.) Effect of Adamson la\; on dividends to stockholders. olitical effects of the labor victory. (Literary digest, v,33:651-53; Sept»16, 1915.) a aL:s on lav/ - 5, Bates, Onward, What is the si gni i i ca-/ije cf the eight-hcur 'vcrking day? (Railway revie":, v. 59 : 384-85; 350-52 ; 3S4-S 5 ; -121-22 ; Sept , 2 ,9 ,16 ,23 , 1916.) Pope, K. li. K. II, Pope 01 Farmers' Union, on Congresfe and trainmen's demands. (Commercial c: financial chronicle, v. 103:984; Sept. 16, 1916.) "'/.ayer, V'illjar:. Roscoe. "The Puolic is" the carcass". (Boston [Mass] Transcript, Sept. 15, 1915.) Sight-hour law as applied to railroads. Uncertain as to the far-reaching effects as respects classes of employes, ('all street journal, Sept. 19, 1916, p.5.) * I goe , Villi am L. The eir.ht-hour law, the prevention of the railroad strike, and. democratic legislation. Ext 'in si on of rem.arks... (Congressional record^ v. 53 : 16734-3 5 ; Sept. 20, 1916, daily ed.) " .ilv/ay age gazette [Editorial]. Some notes on the "basic eight-hour day" question. (Railv.'ay age gazette, v.61t484-c6; Sept. 22, 1916.) Lane, K, F. The "Eight-hour" law in thfe political campaign* (Railway age gazette, v. 51:492-94; Sept. 22, 1916.) Stone , V.', S. • W. S, Stone on the "basic 6ight-hour law". (Railway age gazette, v. 61: 519; Sept. 22, 1916.) Trumibull, Frank. An open letter to Henry Ford on the wage controversy. (Railway age gazette, v. 61: 509-10; Sept. 22, 1915.) Also in Commercial and financial 6hronicle, v,103:983; Sept. 16, 1916; Railway review, v. 59 : 415-16 ; Sept .23 , 1916; Tall street journal, Sept. 16, y.8, col. 6; C C. employes* magazine, v. 3, Oct. 1916, p. 22-24; Odd lot review, v. 11; Sept. 16, 1916. The Adam.son law. - (Odd lot review, v. 11; Sept. 23, 1916, p. 3-6.) Reprint from: Editorial in current issue of Collier's. Dunn, Sauiuel 0. The AdamiSon law explained. (Chiccigo Tribune, Sept .23, 1916, p. 6.) iir. Dunn's answers to a series of queries cy J.Kerr, on the Adam.son eight-hour law. ndamson law - 6. The Victors, (Ccllier's, v, 58 : Sd, t .23 , 1916, ::.14.) The victory of the crotherhc ods, ■/.Aghes, Charles E, Hughes on the Adanvson' act • (Railv^ay review, v. 59:416-18; Sept. 23, 1916.) Frc:,- his speech at 8prir_ xield. 111., Sept. 19, 1916.) V/ilson, V''oodro\v« Speech of Prerjident T'oodrov/ V-ilson accepting the nomination for President by the Democratic party. Delivered at Shadow LaY/n, tj.J., Saturday, Sept. 23, 1916. [Washington, 1916 j. 7 p. 8°. Reprinted' in Railway age gazette, v,61:534; Sept..29, 1916, under title: President I'^lson on the eight hour pay day law. Also reprinted in Railway review, v. 59: 456-57; Sept. 30, 1915» Spillane, Richard. The eight-hour railroad lav/ may be a boomerang. (Augusta [Ga. ] Chronicle, Sept. 24, 1916.) (, Hancock, John, Jr. ' The question of to-day. (T'e- York '^un, S^pt.25, 1916, p. 12, col,i-2.) I Journal of comr:.erce [Editorial]. An unfortunate defense. (Journal of commerce, Sept. 25, 1915, p,4, col.l) Com-Tient on President T/ilson's defense of his action in settling train-service employees' controversy. .ij-,ht hours as a principle. (Journal of commierce, Sep-.. 26, 1916, p.l, col. 2.) President "'ilson's defense of his course* Clements, Judson C, Address. ,., before the conventi-n of tl;e C-rain dealers national association, Baltimore, Maryland, Sept. 26, 1916. 19 type^-^ri tten 1. Abstract in Traffic world, v; 18: 733-35; Oct. 7, 1915. Also in Railway review, v. 59: 724-25; JJov.25, 1916.) ash, Benjamin F. . ■ The eight -hour law, (St. Louis railway club, Proceedings, v.21: Sept-2e , 1916, p. 93-99) Pagan, James 0. R. R. worker finds. 8-hour law reacts. Forsees demand by the em^ployees for its revision. I'^'o miore pay for tim^e not actually spent in labor. (Philadelphia, [Pq.J. Public ledger, Sept, 28, 1916, p-1.) Reprin-ced in Karri sburg 'Telegraph , S6pt-29, 1916. Reprir.T.ed in American industries, v,17:27; Oct. 1916« Ha ^da::.3on lav/ - 7. ::land E:^.-L.irer [Editorial]. Government by majority saves human rights. (Oakland [Calif]. Enquirer, oexjt.23, 1916.) ^ :ne, h. F. ' ■ The "Eight-hour " law, (Railv/ay age gazette, v, 61: 547-49; Sept. 29, 1916.) Legislation under comijulsion. (Denver iJev^'s, Sept. 21, 1916.) ^.arlcY/e, Richard. Is the Adamson eight-hour lav/ constitutional? (iMew York Sun, Sept. 29, 1916, p. 14.) The Advisory coniv.ittee and the feight-hour law. (Railv.'ay age gazette, v, 51: 551-52; Sept. 29 , 1916.) A Catechism of the Adamson pay day lav/. Questions and ansv/ers making clear v/hat it is and v/hat it isn't, i'ierely an act to increase wages. (Railv/ay age gazette, v. 61: 553-55; Sept. 29, 1916.) 'Hailv/ay age gazette [EditorialJ. Wo pussy footing on eight-hour pay da}' lav/. (Railway age gazette, v, 61: 531-Sept .29 , 1916.) Averting a strike victor" for V'ilson. Passage of 8-hour lav/ recognized as onlj- means to prevent raiii'oad tie-up. (The Ekgle [Santa Ee] Sept. 30, 1915.) Effect of S-hour day lav/ on railroads. (V^all street journal, Sept. 30, 1916, p. 2.) :.etcalf, Fred. There must be no yielding to organized coercion, '■'either ignorance nor ambition can palliate the betrayal of the executive trust. . ( M ev/ Yo rk Sun , S ep t , 3 , 19 1 6 , p . 14 . ) Roosevelt, Theodore. T'ords and deeds. Speech... at Rattle Creek, Mich. Sept. 30, 1916. Issued oy Republican national committee. Attitude of the president in regard to dem.ands of the railv/ay brotherhoods, p. 14-23. Stone, V^illiam J. Senator Stone on enactment of eight-hour ' railroad lav/. (Commercial c financial chronicle, v, 103 : 1175-76 ; Sept. 30, 1916.) I ■..mbull, Frank. Policy regarding the Adamson act. (Railv/ay review, v. 59: 448-49; ^-ept.30, 1915.) ft J! larrison lav/ - 3» sierican review of reviews [Editorial]. Doing things for "labor". (American reviev; of reviev/s, v. 54 : 361-66 ; Oct. 1915.; ongress passes an eight-hour day law to t^vert the threatei-ed railroad strike. (Current opinion, v. 61: 219-23; Oct. 1916.) unn, Samuel 0. • The threatened strike on the i'ailrcads. (Morth Anierican review, v, 204: 58 5-88 ; October, 1916.1 le Eight-hour controversy on the United States railways and the ei[^ht-hour lav/ for railway trainmen. (Labour g^azette, v. 16: 1683-86; October, 1915,) light-hour law for certain railroad employees. U.S. Bureau of labor statistics, monthly review, ^^,111, Oct,1916, p. 23-24. Text of Adamson lav/« :as the eight-hour day peril come to all industry? (Current opinion, v. 61:277-81; Oct. 1916,) lughes, Chcirles E. ' Shall the nation be ruled by reason or by force? A vital issue of the cam.paign. [Nev; York, Republican national committee, 1916 J. 24 p. 16°, Selections from his speeches. Relative to Adamison law, jauck, V/. Jett, The transportation industry and the need for a constructive program. (Journal of the American E^ankers association, v.9: 331-34; Oct. 1915.) ^ , ,. Various plans proposed for regulation. Reprinted separately- locomotive engineers* journal [Editorial]. The Eight- hour day, (Locomotive engineers* journal, v. 50:927-33; Oct. 1916.) Copy of Adamson law, p. 932. Locomotive engineers' journal [Editorial j, 7 Rail lav/ probe to be couiplete. (Locomotive engineers' journal, v. 50:934-37; Oct. 1916») The Adamison lav/, National council for Industrial defense. The eight-hour railroad statute. An examination of the Act in the passing of v/hich Congresc^ stultified itself by avoiding its duty under the pressure of strike threats, (Am.erican industries^ v. 17:9-11; Oct. 1916.) Reprint of 't;i>j.lleti n of Council, ^ / :'■ " TAiscn lav; - 9 The Railroad employes are for6ed to become partisians. (Railroad trainivian, v. 33:907-09; Oct. 1916.) Rail^vay maintenance engineer ^Editorial]. Legislation averts strike* (Railv/ay iuaintenance engineer, v. 12:293; October, 1916,) Republican national coLiniittee, President Y^ilson and the railv/ay wage controversy. Proof that T/oodrov/ V'ilson v'as solely responsible for the strike crisis and the Adamson bill- . . [l916j. 16 p. nar. 8°. Ripley, ^'illian: Z. The railroad eight-hour law, (Anierican review of reviews, v, 54: 389-393 ; Oct, 1916.) Roosevelt, Theodore. Shall the nation be ruled by reason or by force? A vital issue of the campaign, Y/hat Theodore P^oosevelt says about the miscalled eight-hour law, [Mev/ York, Republican national committee, 1916, 24 p, 12° ■ Sisson, Francis K. Investment and econouiic aspects of the "eight-hour lav/" for railroads. V'ill the spirit o: "American fair play" be vindicated, (Trust co/i.panies, v. 23 : 299-301 ; Oct- 1916.) R'3printed separately. Taft, William Hov;ard, The democratic re6ord. (Yale review, v. 6:1-25; Oct. 1916.) The dealing by the President with the threatened strike of trainmen, p. 17. Train dispatchers' bulletin [Editorial]. The Adamison lav/. ' ' (-prain dispatchers' bulletin, v. 21: Oct .1915 , p.!-.*:.) Southern Pacific com.pany, COperati::g expenses of com.pany 's lines \'ill be increased by about v2, 500,000 per annum., J In its Annual report, 1916, p. 20. Effect of the Adamson law. Roosevelt, Theodore. T. R. arraigns V'ilson and Congress as false servants '/ho have betrayed soul of nation. (■'ashington Post, Oct.l, 1916, p. 13, cc 1.1-6.) "Passage of eight-hour lav/"/ col. 3. Country coi.m.itted to policy of arbitration. President ''^'ilson at variance with lo-ng established policy of nation, says railroad executive. (T^a_l street journal, Oct. 2, 1916, p.§.) / lams on law - 10, |I ixd ep c nd e r.t [r i i t c r i a 1 j . * Mr. V'ilson justifies the «ight-hour la^v. (independent, v. S3; Oct. 2, 1916, p.5~6,) Ripley, Edward P. To the point. ' (Annalist, v,8:41^. ; Oct. 2, 1916.) In regard- to the trainmen's '''age deiv.a.ncs, 1916, in"' a stateivient to the stockholders of the A, T. u r^, F. Garretson, Austin B« Will ye serve God or h'.anuiion? Reprint of Editorial in Railv/ay i Conductor- for release Oct,3 , 1916- 1 1. Relative to Ada:.: sen eight- hour lav:. • Reco::j::endatior for suppor-c of rei/.ocrati c Part 3.^ in the election. nines, I'alker D. Ad a.':: son act does : 1 1 ]. i i:: i t v/ r k da y . (Chicago Daily Tribune, Oct. 3, 1-16,- p. 8.) Ii^dianapolis [ind.] Star. [PditoriilJ. A farmer to fanv.ers. (Indianapolis Star, Oct. 3, 1916.) Jai:.es V/ilo'..n' s staten:ent that thw f.^r...cr3 v/ill pay the cost of higher railroad v/ages. (Journal of co:::r:.Qrce [Edi to :-i-'.l] Should the "eight-hour lav/" "oe tested. (Journal of co:::i::erc3 , Oct. 3, 1915, p.o, col«3-4.) - iiies, V'alker Dov/ner. The needs and the opportunity of the railroad situation. .. D'^e''-^ York, 1916]. 14 p. 8°. Address delivered at the fifth a:'inual co:avention of the Invf 3ti:;e:'it ba:ikers association of A::ierica, at Cincinnati, '"'ednesday, October 4, 1916. •utlook [Editorial], Hr. Hughes replies to the President. (Outlookj V. 114:245-45; Oct. 4, 1916v) CoiViV.ient on hir, Hugiies stateivients regarding the Adanison lav/. Outlook [Editorial]. President T'ilsoi'i enters the campaign. (Outlook, v.ll4:245; Oct. , 1'916.) Comment on the presio. /^nt ' s address at Shadow Lav;n on Supt.23. ..^publican national committee. T'illcox confounds ^'hilson. [October 4, 1916]. 4 p. £» Idi:;-;eographed press notice. Statement of Villi am R. I'illcox, chairmian, that the president has ignored the facts in defense of the Adamscn lav/. f 1 I Adams on law - 11 l^llcox, Villi am R. . President Wilson and the sight-hour labor lav/. Statement by ,,7/illiaiu R. Willcox, Chairman of the Republican National Corjirii ttee. [.(Journal of commerce, Oct. 4, 1916, p. 4, col, 2-6, ) li^Xdamson law should be repealed. (Railway age gazette, V461:582; Oct. 6, 1916.) The Eight -hour lav/. (Railway 'age gazette, v. 61:600; Oct. 6, 1916.) Journal of commerce [Editorialj. The eight-hour day controversy. (Journal of commerce, Oct, 6, 1916, p. 8, col. 2-3.) Nagel, Charles. The railroad wage law. .. Address delivered before the Engineers' club of St. Louis, Oct. 6, 1916, [St. Louis? 1916}, 16 p, 8°. Garretson, A. B, A. B. Garretson on the eight-hour law, (Couuiiercial 2: financial chronicle, v.l03:12 65; Oct. 7, 1916.) Plughes and \"ilson on the ei^ht-hour lav/- (Literary digest, v. 53:875-76; Oct. 7, 1916.) Odell, Frank G. V/hat Wilson saved farmers by averting railroad strike. (Bridgeport [Ct.] Farmer, Oct. 7, 1916.) Also in Fort Wayne [ind.] Journal-gazette, Oct. 7, 1916. Wichita txans] Eagle, Oct.l, 1916 • ipley, Edward P, E. P. Ripley on granting of special legislation to labor. (Conuiiercial c: financial chronicle, v.l03:1265; Oct. 7, 1916.) Coulter, Charles C. Brotherhood man says wage lav/ doom.s unions. Adamson act takes away the right of contract, leaves issue of wages and hours in political hands and will make collective bargaining and strikes alJike im^possible. (Albany [K.Y,] Knickerbocker-Press, Oct ^9, 1916*) Lane, H, F. Eight-hour day coiiimission Appointed. (Railway age gazette, v. 61:649-50; Oct. 13, 1916.) Adamson eight-hour la\/, (Traffic world, v.'lS : 764-66 ; Oct. 14, 1916.) Appointment of Commissioner Clark; plans for putting the law into effect. fi V ■. an:son la\; -12. The Employes' 80 per cent i'.:cvernent« (Railway reviev;, v,59:50£-10; Oct,14, 1916.) "Instead of an investigation covering the vicc'/.ing conditions of 20 per cent of railway employes, the hours of service and v/ages of all employes should be taken into consideration." Traffic world C^iiitorial J. Sharing the lemon. (Traffic v/orld, v. 18:762-62; Oct. 14, 1916.) Plan of compelling trainmen to work eight hours each day and no more» . . ,nuf acturers record, Baltimore. Railroad labour in the United States. (Railway news, v. 106: 469-70 ; Oct, 14, -1916.) From its dail^?- bulletin, Sept .2, 1916. The Adams on law, (Railway age gazette, v. 61: 6'''2-93 ; Oct.3f, 1916.) Railv;ay age gazette [Editorial]. The railways and President 'T'ilson. (Railv/ay age ~azette, v. 61: 679-80; Oct. 21, 1916,) Preside^.t V'ilson's attitude tov/ard the railways compared with his attitude tov/ards organized labor. Repealing a surrender, (Fall street journal, Oct. 20, 1916, p.l, ccl.2.) A Brotherhood interpretation of the Adsimson act, (Railway review, v, 59:5-^3-6; Oct. 2], 1916.) ■ Eliot, Charles V\ V/hy independent voters should support V'ilson. (Nev/ York Times magazine, Oct. 22, 1916, p. 3-4.) The Adams on law, Ist columin, 'Dwyer, Edgar Ja}"- Adamson lav/ flaws found by engineer, (Chicago Tribune, Oct. 26, 1916.) Portland [lie,] Express and Adv. [Editorial]. Conflicting phases of the railroad question. (Portland Express S- Adv. Oct. 27, 1916.) Odell, Frank G, Farmer reaps gain by eight hour law. Prevented tying up of crops valued at fiS ,^00 ,000 ,000 . (Santa Fe [I'UIIex] Eagle, Oct. 23, 1916, p. 3.) Consequences of the Gurrender to the railwa*/ trainmen, (Conmiercial a financial chronicle, v ,1^3 : 15-;.-6-47 ; Oct. 28, 1915*) i^ < ;/:) Adanison law - 13 • Trumbull, Frank. [Discusses certain .phases of the railroad situation and the bearing of the so-called eight-hour lav/. J Press r.otice of address before the Economic club of Portland, Oct. 27, 1916. 2 typewritten sheets. Extracts in Railv/ay review, v. 59 : 699--70 ; imov. 18, 1916. ComiTiercial c: financial chronicle, v. 103:1554; Oct. 28, 1916. Jones, M. Ashby, Mr. Filson and the railroad controversy- His action held to be the best that could be expected in the difficult circumstances, (New York Times, Oct. -29, 1916, Sec. 3, p. 2.) Dwyer, Edgar Jay Facts from a railroad man. (Albany [l~^-Y,] Knickerbocker-press, Oct. 31, 1916.) Relative to Adamison law. Bowing to the brotherhoods. T'hy the eight-hour day is a fiction and an economiic impossibility as President T^ilson well knew. (The Observer, v. 2: 126-28; IJov. 1916.) Editorial opinion of the AdamiSon eight-hour law. Extracts from newspapers and periodicals. (The Earth, v. 13; Uov. 1916. [Separate sheet, unnumbered.] ' Eight hours for yard clerks, if - and for other railway clerks and station emiployes, but - (Railway clerk, v. 15: 343-44; l^iov. 1916.) Eight hour la\/ great error of administration, (Railway and mxarine news, v. 14; ]jOv-.1916, p. 19-20. ) ■ Hughes, Charles E. Mr. Hughes di-scusses the' eight-hour law. (Railroad trainman, v. 33:926-29; K'ov.l9i6.) V/iti? editorial conm.ent. Lau c hh e i m e r , I 'al c o Im; K . The constitutionality ofthfe eight-hour railroad law. (Columbia law review, v. 16: 554-64; Nov. 1916.) Lee, W. G. Special circular no. 48. -Brotherhood of railroad trainm^en, Grand Lodge. (Railroad trainman, v. 33: 980-83; Mcv-1916.) Relative to Adamison lav/ and a circular asking for its repeal by the Railv/ay v/orkers' n&'n-parti san association. President V^ilson defends the 6ight-hour law. (Railroad trainman, v,33: 9 21-2 5; Hov. 1916.) Part of record of the final meeting betv/een employees and mianagers in regard to we^ge demands, Aug. 8, 1916, and part of President V'ilson's speech of Sept. 23, 1916. Adams on law - 14, The Adar.:son lav/ is not a surrender of the right to contract by all or any of tho employss engaged in interstate cor;in-erce. Long, Clifford, H, Adan-ison act upsets v/a~£ basis for railroad e...j:>l&yGas« (Indianapolis' (Ind.] Star, McV. 1, 1S16.) Ripley, Edv/ard P, Address.. .before the City club, Nov. 3, 1915, 7 typewritten sheets. Relative to the Adair^son eight-hour lav;, Chicago- daily Tribune [Editorial], "The ei^ht-hour day", (Chicago daily Tribune, i-^ov«4, 1916, p*6, ccLE.) The Adar.ison lav; held unconstitutional in test case. (Railv/ay age gazette, v, 61:952-53; hov.2, 1915.) Disappointment regarding the railroad eight hOur lav;. ( Coujnercial L financial chronicle, v, 103 : 1638-39 ; -''ov,4, 1916. Among the supposed beneficiaries. 8-hour law suit begun. Atchison seeks injunction in dourt at Kansas City. (Journal of conm-ierce, I^^ov.ll, 1916, p. 7, col. 1-2.) Journal of commerce [Editorial], Testing the eight-hour law, (Journal of commerce, Mov-Ll, 1916, P«6, col. 3.) Railroad strike danger up again. Brotherhood chiefs and m.anagers fail to agree. (Journal of commverce, i^Jov.14, 1915, p.l,) Washington Star [Editorialj, The eight -hour law, (V'ashington Star, I'vov.is, 1916, p. 6,) * Will fight to end, say roads. Brotherhoods looking to I'r. ^"ilson, they declare. (Fall street journal, hov.l6, 1916, p,3, col.l,) Journal of commerce *" [Edi torial]. Test of the eight- hour lav;, (Journal of coirm'.erce, -^'ov.l7, 1915, p. 6.) Railroads ask injunction against Adamson lav;, (Railway age gazette, v. 61:887; Nov, 17, 1916.) Railv;ay age gazette [Editorial], The renev/ed threat of a st^ike• (Railway age gazette, v. 61:878; Mov. 17, 1916.). Adarusonlaw - 15- Test suit urged for B-hour lav/. U. S. Pi strict attorney'' says it will save time and r.oney. (Journal of coriirnerce , }iov.n, 1916, p.l, col. 5.) Coinmerc ial c: financial chronicle [Editorial], The case of the railroads against the railroad brotherhoods, (CGivjx-ercial :.. financial chronicle, v. 108 : 1828-29 ; Jicv.18, 1916.) Develop.i^ents regarding the' Adamson wage law, (Railway review, v. 59: 69 3; NoV* 18, 1916.) Fear no rail strike as suits pile up, (llexi York Times, Jiov. 18 , 1916 , p. 1. )- Industrial interests approve railroads stand Against eight-hour law, (Coivimercial C: f inanci al chroni cle , v ,108 : 1846-47 ; ''ov.18, 1916,) Suits coiitestin^ the eight-hour law, (Commercial C: financial chror.icle, v. 108 : 1845-45 ; •'.iov.lS, 1916,) Traffic world [Editorial] ^ The strike vote , ' (Traffic './orld, v. 18:1001; IJov, 18, 1916,) The Futility of president V'ilson's settlemient of the railroad controversy. (Economic '^orld, v. 98:657; ^lov, 18, 1916.) Annalist [Editorial], The eight-hour' lav;. (Annalist, v.8:643;- Mov, 20, 1916,) Fighting the eight-hour lav/. (Annalist v. 8:644; Mov.' 20, 1916.) Journal of commierce [Editorial]. Is not railroad peace possible? (Journal of conL..erce, Kov.22, 1916, p.&,) Academy of political science. I'^ev; York. ...Labor disputes and public servi'ce corporations. A series of addresses ^.resented at the annual meeting, liov. 22-23, 1916, I''iev/ York, 1917. 190 p. 8°. ( Its Proceedings, vol. vii, January, 1917.) IV. Recent aspects of labor disputes: p, 165-88. Arbitration' of recent labor disputes, 'c^r 0, S. Straus. - The Adamson act: T^ie Employees' vie-'point, 'oy V'. 8. Carter. The em/plovers' viev/point, by Frank 8. Trumbull. - The public vie\.'point, by Eainbridge Colby, f^ < .( .. ^aiViSon lav; - 15. Court upsets Ada:.;Son lav;. Off-hand ruling tc expedite Supreme court decision* (Journal 'of coniraeroe, ^^ov.23, 1916, p.l, ccl.5-6.) Y'ith text of Jud^.e Hook's decree. lew York Times [Editorial]. The eight-hour injunction suit. [lieu York Times, Kov.23, 19X6, p. 12.) 8-hour test to be expedited. (Journal of coiumerce, Wov.24, 1916, p.l, col.l.) Chicago Daily tribune [Edi to ri al_i. "The public be damned." (Chicago Daily tribune, i:ov.24, 1916, p. 3, col. 2.) Samuel Gompers' statement, "Lav/ or -no la":."' 'The Eight^hour lav/ controversy.' (Railv/ay age gazette, v. 61:938; I>iov.24, 1916.) The Adamson eight-hour act held unconstitutional. (Commercial c: financial chronicle,- v, 103 : 1937-38 ; r.;ov.25, 1916.) Hines, V'alker D. Pick Oklahomia suit for the 8-hour test. Statem.ent for railroads. (Mev/ York Times, Nov. 25 j 1916, p. 4, col.l.) Harsh, Arthur Richm^ond. Sov/ing the v/ind and reaping the v/hinvind in respect of our railroads. (Economic vorld, V.98L679-80; lMov.25, 1915.) Testing the Adam.son act - unseemly haste. (Cormiiercial C: financial chronicle, v. 103 1 1926-27 ; I:cv.25, 1915.) Edman, Irving. Ei^ht hours and nine judges. (Uev/ York Tribune miagazine, I!ov.26, 1916.) Test of the Adamson lav/. Strong, Sturgis o: Co., hev; York. A way out of the railway labor tangle. [Mew York], Kov.28, 1916.7 p. 8 "Adopt a nine-hour instead of an eight-hour oasis day, and ■ •pa-Y time and a quarter for overtime." Reprinted in Journal of . commerce , !'ov.29, 1916, p. 4. Eight-hour case gets to Suprem.e court. (:e.; York Times, Mo v. 29, 1916, p . It . ) Outlook [Editrrial]^ Th« railway lab6r situation. (Outlook, y. 114:696-97; Nov*29, 191#,) f ^ : auisoii law • .. / . An-.erican review of rev i ews , [Editorial J • P.ailroari;: to contest the Adanison act. '' ric:.- -.^jviev' cf rer'-iev/s, v. 44: 59 8; Dec. 1916.) Doherty, Philip J. 1:1 : ei^ht hour xav; co n3'^ j. tut ional. (Railroad trainman, v . 33 : 987-990 ; Dec. 1916.) LaFollette, Robert M. : Senat r LaFollette on the eii^ht-hour' lav/. (Railroad trainman, v .33 : 1029-30 ; D&c. 1916.) Ro b b i n s , E dv/ i n o 1 yd e • The trainmen's eight-hour day. (Political science quarterly, v. 31: 541-557 ; Dec. 1916.) 'Rene'./al of the railroad lab6r v/ar. (Literary dige'3t, v. 53 : 1447-49 ; Dec. 2, 1916.)' Adamson law declared unbonsti tut ional. (Independent, V.88:386; Dec. 4, 1916=) The Eight-hour day goes' to court. (Independent, v, 38:381; Dec. 4, 1916.) Lee, Ivy L» Railways and men urged to join hands. Ivy Lee sees confusion v/hether eight-hour law is upheld or declared void. (Mew York Tim.es, Dec. 11, 1916, p. 16.) Extracts from address before the "Sunday Evening Forumi of the Free Synagogue on Dec. 10, In Commiercial cz financial chronicle, v.l03 : 220 5;Dec.l6 , 1916.) Adamison, Villi am C. Says Congress vvill not repeal eight-hour lav/, Adamson hopes railroads and brotherhoods cm make peace without that. (iJew York Times, Dec. 18, 1916, p.l, col.l, p. 4, col. 3.) Stone, V'arren S. ' Quotes V^ilson_as firm for 8-hour day. If Adamson law is unconsti- tutional, President will get another, Stone says. (iJev; York Tiiues, Dec, 20, 1916, p. 8.) Disc^.ss hou.r lav; from three sides. Sines, for brotherhoods, says Adamson act is not arbitrable. ■ (l-'ew York Times, Dec-22, 1916, p. 6, col. 5.) The Railroad situation.' (independent, v, 88:521; Dec. 25, 1916.) Dissatisfaction of both sides with Adam.son lav;. f • < A dams on law - 18 The Railroad v/age question. (Bache review, Dec. 30, 1916, p. 1-2.) Clapp , Edv/in J. The Adaiuson lav/, ' (Yale review, v.6:258-275; Jan. 1917,) - Fagan, James 0, The railroads and 'the people. (Yale reviev;, v. 6: 244-57; Jan, 1917.) Containing criticism of the Adamson law. Lauck, F. Jett. The case oT railroad employes for an eight-hour day. (Annals of the American academy of political and social science, V.69, no, 158, Jan. 1917.) Pan'uelee, Julius H. The proboblem of railv/ay trainmen's wages, (Annals of the Am.eri can academy of political and social ■ sci ence , v.69, no. 158; Jan. 1917.) Van Kise, Charles R. The railroad ■ hours of .labor . lav/, (Annals of the Amierican academy ocf political and social science. V.S9, rJo.158]. Jan. 1917.) Railv/ay age gazette [Editorialj. The train service employee^ and the railways. (Rail'.;ay . age gazette, v, 62: 2-3; Jan. 5, 1917,)- The Library has copies of bills of complaint of the following companies that filed bills against the opera.tion of the Adam.son lav/: Atchison, Topeka cc Santa Fe Railv/ay Baltimiore & Ohio railroad company Central railroad company of ilev/ Jersey Chicago Cz Alton railroad company Chicago cc Eastern Illinois railroad company Chicago, Burlington c. Quincy railroad company Chicago Great V'estern railroad company. Bill of com/plaint and amendpient, Chicago, Rock Island u Pacific railv/ay comipany Cincinnati, Mev/ Orleans C: Texas Pacific Railv/ay Erie railroad company Great Northern railv/ay company Illinois central railroad company Kansas City southern railway company Kansas City terminal railway company . Lehigh Valley railroad com/pany Long Island railroad company Louisville c: Nashville railroad company liinneapolis cc St, Louis railroad company .'iamson law - 19. L'Ussouri, Oklahoma Sz Gulf railv/ay company Missouri Paciiic railv/ay" company Nev/ York Central railroad company I^ew York, Nev/ Haven , J: Hartford railroad coiixpaiiy V\QXi "York, Ontario c: v/estcrn r^iilway company Northern Pacific rail"va-y coir.pany Oregon short line railroad company Pennsylvania company, Northern district of Illinois; '.western district of Pennsylvania ; district c .; Indiana; northern district of Ohio; eastern district of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia oc Reading railway company • Pittsburgh, Cincinnati , Chicago 6z St. Louis railv;ay. Southern district of Ohio, eastern division; IJorthern district of Illinois, eastern division; V/estern district of Pennsylvania; District of Indiana. St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern railv/ay company Southern Pacific company Union Pacific railroad company Wabash railv/ay company The follov/ing arc other documents in the case of Francis M, T'ilson, U, S. attorney for the vestern district of i'issouri, appellant, vs. Alexander Me'..' and Henry C. Fefris, as receivers of the Missouri, OklahoLia u Gulf railv/ay company, appe.lles, before, the U. S. Supreme court, October term, 1916, no. 797: :''otion to dismiss the bill of complaint, Order, issued by the Cept. of Justice, Brief for the United States Supplemental mem.orandur:. for appellant. Sm-nmary of appellant's arguments, by Frank Hagerman, special assistant to the Attorney General, Transcript if record, up to filing of bills, '"ov, 28, 1916.. Brief, for appellees, John H, Johnson, Arthur Miller, ^'alkcr D. Hines, counsel. Appendix A tc brioi fcr appellees. Tho mcthcds cf reckoning ccmpcnsaticn of trainr-servi ce ^...plc3'-es. 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