UC-NRLF '■*rl% GIFT OF CJL cr^ *^B~\. 7^3 v^_ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/fruitsofspiritOOregnrich Fruits of the Spirit BY ELIZABETH CHASE REGNIER Copyrighted by the Author 1911 1911 GLASS BOOK BINDING CO. Los Angeles, Cal. ^ .. • t • . 307332 tstsC£sL/ FOREWORD | N presenting this daily menu of Spiritual \ food, I have used homely expressions and commonplace comparisons. I hope thereby to simplify the principles of Truth as I under- stand it, and have been able to demonstrate it in my own life for the past fourteen years, for health, happiness and prosperity. Realizing that every word contained in these pages has been a great blessing to me, I lov- ingly pass it on as a message to all the world, for Spiritual Peace, Mental Poise, Physical Perfection and Material Prosperity. E. C. R. JANUARY 1st — Begin the New Year by taking a spir- itual inventory to find out what kind of stock you have on hand, that you may start the year aright. 2nd — Mastery is never gained by idleness. 3rd — Strike the key of love, and your life will be filled with harmony. 4th — Lend your ear to the cry of the needy, and your voice to the distressed. 5th — I will keep my mind open to the inflow of Divine Power, that I may radiate it to all the world. 6th — God only (only Good) can come to you. There is no reality in error. 7th — The power of Almighty God works through you now. 7 JANUARY 8th — Give thanks and rejoice. 9th — Stop saying "I am careful," and instead say " I am thoughtful — filled with cor- rect thought." You will be harmonious. 10th — Train yourself to forget all sickness and discord. By re-membering, which is but putting together again, you will find unpleasant experiences repeated. 11th — Let the Christ in you lead you today. 12th — Do not be afraid to use your mind in creating, which means imaging. By daily practice you will strengthen these faculties. 13th — We must eat, digest and assimilate the truth as it is presented to us, if we would be nourished by it. JANUARY. 14th — "I am limitless Life. I am formless Substance. I am painless Power." 15th — "I am thankful for the good ever at hand, and I now realize abundant supply." 16th — "Infinite Wisdom guides me through this day and my affairs are now all in Divine order." 17th — If thou wouldst have peace, follow the Christ within thee. 18th — You are renewed and strengthened to meet the problems of this day. 19th — The spirit of peace is upon me, and I now breathe the breath of Life, which is God (Good). 20th— Hang out the headlight of Truth before you start on your journey today. JANUARY 21st — I am pure spirit, and am therefore per- fect in every department of my being this minute. 22nd — To the degree that we practice the truth we know, are we free. 23rd — I am conscious of Infinite Power. 24th — The Holy Fire is now kindled within you, and is consuming the chaff of sen- timent and all untrueness. 25th — God breathes upon you, and you speak the word that heals you; for "Your words are Spirit and they are Life." 26th — When the senses send in false alarms, ring them off. 27th — I am Love, and I will express and mani- fest it to everything and everybody. 10 JANUARY 28th — "We all carry the secret of prosperity within our own bosom — we have but to learn how to use it. The Spirit within and experience without are willing teachers to him who listens and ob- serves." 29th — I am like a flower — I have nothing to do but to unfold and grow. 30th — I am pure and holy, I am fearless and free. 31st — Watch your mentality for one day and you will be surprised to see how many false suggestions you have not only tol- erated but actually entertained. 11 FEBRUARY. 1st — We can not force our spiritual growth with any greater rapidity than we can our physical growth. 2nd — To continually express the thought, "I can not see," and "I can not under- stand," will act upon the organs of see- ing and hearing and cause their lack. 3rd — If you fall down mentally, do what you would if you fell down physically — get up with all possible haste. 4th — All the faults we see in others, lie hidden in ourselves, or we could not discern them. 5th — "All power under Heaven and on earth is given unto me," is as true today for you as it was for the great Master two thousand years ago. 6th — Love is the secret of healing. Cultivate more. "God is love." 12 FEBRUARY 7th — Have you a daily task to perform that seems hard? Call it easy and see the results. 8th — "By thy words shalt thou be justified, and by thy words shalt thou be con- demned." Speak true words. 9th — Tell yourself often what you really are — Pure Spirit. 10th — Do you feel weak? Think and speak strength. 11th — Spirit is immune from all disease. 12th — I am free, I am free, I am absolutely FREE, by the spoken word of God. 13th — Why should you not discard your old thought garments with the same ease that you do your worn-out material garments? 13 FEBRUARY 14th — Nothing (no thing) can come between me and my Good. 15th — Watch for the phenomenon that follows your thought. 16th — The most difficult thing we have to mas- ter is self, but it can be done. 17th — We can not afford to indulge in the weakness of self pity. 18th — Life is limitless. The consciousness of limitation is in the human mind only. 19th — I am sensitive and receptive to truth and truth alone. 20th — True happiness is not obtained in the possession of things, but rather in the possession of self. 14 FEBRUARY 21st — Intelligence is the power that moves the world, for God is Intelligence. 22nd — Have faith in God — the scientific analy- sis of which means, Have faith in Mind. 23rd — Be still and you will absorb the univer- sal Peace, wherever you are. 24th — "Demand is the proof of supply already in store, but faith is the vital element which makes it consciously ours." 25th — In the midst of great activity we draw from the universal store-house whatever we need. 26th — God is Infinite and Omni-present. Rea- lize this great truth daily. 27th — Be still and let peace steal through you until you feel the infinite strength of your own mind. 15 FEBRUARY 28th — "The mental attitude determines your destiny, as the rudder determines the course of a ship." 29th — The Spirit — the great I Am — is with you always. Its presence shall be a guid- ing star. 1« MARCH. 1st — Faith is a mental condition which acts chemically on the cells of the physical body. 2nd — Get your grade of health established; then you will be at rest on that subject. 3rd — I am vibrating with health, strength, vigor and courage. 4th — I make every cell in my body conscious of health because I am alive with Spirit. 5th — The healing streams of Divine Love are penetrating every atom of my being, be- cause I open myself to receive. 6th — I cannot be persuaded, confused, or thwarted by any mortal mind, either in the flesh or out of the flesh, for I am pure spirit. 17 MARCH 7th — A visit to your mental attic will reveal much dust and many cobwebs. 8th — Do not be afraid to let go of your old clothing, nor allow accumulations of things for which you have no use; pass them on to those who can use them, and your thoughts will change to correspond. 9th — Remove the armor of resistance and put on the breastplate of love. 10th — Until we can forgive seventy times seven do we lack the quality of love the Great Master taught. 11th — Kindle the fire of Divine Love within you and it will consume all unlike itself. 12th — Do not open the door when the devil of disappointment knocks. You will save yourself much suffering. 18 MARCH 13th — Fumigate your minds daily to destroy adverse thought germs. 14th — Hold the mental picture of what you desire until it comes into visible expres- sion. 15th — The Divine Power within us will express itself as we exercise more faith. 16th — There is nothing gained by merely lov- ing those who love us and are lovable — loving the unlovely is victory. 17th — Nothing can keep me from manifesting my good. 18th — A Mental Prescription. Bathe with the oil of Harmony, Take a hypodermic injection of the crea- tive power of Love, Inhale the narcotic of Peace, And all will be well. 19 MARCH 19th — "The perfect life is flowing through me now, carrying the pure substance for every need." 20th — "Life is circulation, not accumulation." 21st — Take a peep into your mental picture gallery (sub-conscious mind) and see how many out-of-date pictures you still have hanging there. 22nd — When we ask wisdom of the Spirit and receive the plain answer, great is the re- ward if we obey it. 23rd — I am conscious of Infinite Power within me. 24th — Better oil your mental machinery before beginning the duties of the day — it will prevent friction. 25th — Love, if persistently held to, will dis- solve all hatred and bitterness. 20 MARCH 26th — Let us train ourselves to ask advise of the Spirit about the little things of daily life as well as the great ones, instead of asking our friends. 27th — I find that weeding my mental garden daily of fear, jelousy and criticism, saves time and suffering. 28th — The power of Divine Mind is acting novo on each cell of my body, because I open myself to its influence. 29th — Meditating much upon universal Love will attract only people and things into our lives that are pleasant and har- monious. 30th — Resistance is like an attempt to row up stream against the current: we meet many obstacles and make little progress. 31st — The pathway through life is beautiful and the journey will be easy if we drop our burdens. 21 APRIL. 1st — Let the sunshine of the soul express it- self that those around us may be warmed by its genial glow. 2nd — The Eternal Peace of God is kept by continual non-resistance. 3rd — The conditions we resist so hard today, we are often glad to embrace tomorrow as opportunity. 4th — We cannot do our best work today, if we allow regret of yesterday or anxiety for tomorrow to creep in. 5th — Though I am crucified daily by persecu- tions, yet will I rise again spiritually. 6th — The human family is like a great orches- tra — each individual (instrument) must be kept in tune to produce harmony of the whole. 22 APRIL 7th — If you wish to be more prosperous, give thanks for even the air you breathe. 8th — Affirm that you now have whatever you desire and keep right on until it mani- fests. 9th — In my mental dictionary there are no such words as fear, depression, discour- agement, regret and anxiety. I blot them out as fast as they appear. 10th — I am conscious of success in Omnipotent Love. 11th — Do not allow the unprofitable moving pictures of yesterday's experience to be repeated in the mind's performance to- day. 12th — If you feel the sensation of chilliness, warm yourself by wrapping around you the blanket of love. 23 APRIL 13th — "The forces that control your life are in yourself, not in others." 14th — I am thankful for the blessings of this hour, and this attitude of mind brings greater blessings. 15th — "The flavor of life is contentment." 16th — Consciousness of peace is realized as the power of the indwelling Spirit is recog- nized. 17th — Why struggle to get away from our en- vironment? Should we not rather con- serve our energies to use them in bless- ing with love the conditions which seem hard? 18th — I am a pulsation of the Universe. 19th — "The first step in demonstrating Love is to recognize it as a principal in man. The second is to see that the channels through which it is expressed are kept open." 24 APRIL 20th — The power of Almighty God is working in me now to accomplish everything I desire. 21st — Do you feel weak or sick? Draw upon the Universal Forces — put yourself in touch with the harmonies of life. 22nd — If we are to feel life we must think life — study it in bud and blossom, in sun- shine and rain. It is everywhere, in everything. 23rd — "Daylight, starlight, moonlight or no light, let your light so shine that you can out-radiate radium." 24th — Decide you will solve every problem that comes to you, and your problems are half done at that moment. 25th — Watch and pray. 25 APRIL 26th — I can feel only power, I can think noth- ing but power, I AM POWER. 27th — "I can and I will" is my motto through life. 28th — Father, give me just the spiritual and material food I need for this day. 29th — Our experiences are our life preservers, if we learn the lessons they teach. 30th — Do not try to put new thoughts and old ones together — they will clash. Let go of your ideas of yesterday, then will you have room for the truth you may learn today. 26 MAY. 1st — If we but touch the hem of the garment of Christ (Truth) we shall be healed. 2nd — Let alone the things you do not under- stand and live the things you do under- stand. 3rd — Do I believe in surgical operations? Most emphatically I do — in mental sur- gery. There can be no permanent heal- ing until the adhesions of false ideas or beliefs are cut away. It is the mind of the patient that must be operated upon. 4th — "Never lie down at night in the clothing of the day; take off your thought gar- ments with your material garments, that they may be alike freshened for the mor- row's wearing. ,, 27 MAY 5th — Let us cremate past thoughts, so there will be no graves to visit to refresh our memories. 6th — Believe in yourself, respect yourself, and you will attract people into your life who will likewise believe in and respect you. 7th — Remember thy Creator every day in this expression of life. 8th — "Pleasure does not come from the num- ber of enjoyments coming into one's life, but the capacity of enjoyment one possesses. With plenty of the latter, the smallest thing gives pleasure." 9th — I am in the midst of Infinite Life. 10th — Truth like the multiplication table, is hard to learn, but makes the solving of life's problems easier after it is learned. 2S MAY 11th — We make greater progress by forgetting the false ideas we have been taught than by struggling to obtain what is called New Thought. 12th — Call none Teacher but one — the Spirit within thee. 13th — In order to keep the face free from wrinkles, we must erase the wrinkles from our minds. 14th — You feel good because God is Omni- present. 15th — Think of your body as a mirror which reflects what you hold before it; then watch what kind of mental pictures you are showing to this mirror. 16th — You came from an harmonious source, hence you are harmonious. 17th — I am guided this day by love. 29 MAY 18th — Be glad for the daily experiences we call trials — they lead us on to greater un- foldment. 19th — Cease to struggle and let the power within do your work for you. 20th — "Like a beautiful flower, full of color but without perfume, are the fine but fruit- less words of him who does not act ac- cordingly." 21st — Grow like the lilies of the field, nothing doubting, nothing fearing, with perfect trust in the Eternal and intelligent life within. 22nd — I absolutely refuse to acknowledge any- thing the senses register falsely. 23rd — "He in whom the love of truth predomi- nates will keep himself free from all mooring and afloat." 30 MAY 24th — Seek always the cause that makes well, rather than the cause that makes sick. 25th — Let us learn to suspend thought at least once daily, that we may vibrate with universal harmony. This is perfect re- laxation. 26th — Can you imagine Life as sick or weak or tired? You are Life. Life is harmoni- ous. Life is God. 27th — One needs to use all his faculties daily, or they will become useless. If you put your arm in a sling, it will soon become weakened. 28th — See to it that you daily clothe yourself with love. It matters little what the material garment is, if we put on the garment of love. 31 MAY 29th — "He (Divine Mind) shall give His angels (thy good thoughts) charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They (the good thoughts) shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone." 30th — "Whatever the Father hath is mine, and I will manifest it." Make this posi- tive decision this day, and every day. 31st — Do not be satisfied to let your neighbor grow your mental flowers, any more than you would your natural flowers. JUNE. 1st — This day will I cultivate the fruits of the Spirit — love, patience, joy, peace, etc., all within me. 2nd — There is no more lack of health or wealth than there is of the air we breathe. 3rd — This day is yours. Yesterday is gone — tomorrow is not yet born. Today is all you have — improve it. 4th — Live each hour as if it were your last, in the sense that you live it your best. 5th — If you are self-hypnotized, is it not time to break the spell? Right understand- ing will do it. 6th — Awaken and know that you are in tune with the infinite harmony of the uni- verse. 33 JUNE 7th — Be still and know that the same power that unfolds the lily and the rose, will unfold you also if you will let it. 8th — My trust is in the Infinite Intelligence within me. 9th — You can no more be diseased than can the sunshine. The same harmonious life is acting through all. 10th — Imagine daily what you would like to be, and you will create just what you image. 11th — Call upon the God within you to strengthen you faith in your own divin- ity. 12th — I absolutely refuse to be annoyed by anything this day. 34 JUNE 13th — I have a place to fill in this great uni- verse which no one else can fill. Other- wise I should not be here. 14th — God the unchangeable — "the same yes- terday, and today, and forever," — is all there really is. 15th — When you made mistakes upon the blackboard at school, you rubbed them out and forgot them. Do the same with mental mistakes. 16th — Each day is a new beginning in this ex- pression of life. 17th — Roll away the stone of self, by forget- ting self. 18th — There is not so much progress attained in denying appearances, as in affirming what we really are. Keep your eye sin- gle to the good. 35 JUNE 19th — The change called death comes to most people through their own mentality. An attack of the blues has the same chemical effect upon the body as a dose of poison, and repeated attacks will cause the phenomenon called death. 20th — "There is one mind common to all men." One mind, but many states of conscious- ness. 21st — "I and my Father are one." One mind in different states of expression. 22nd — In the recognition of peace we realize power. 23rd — I live in the presence of God. There is no other presence. Every person I meet is an expression of this law we call God. 24th — "Let us find God within ourselves, ana we can then discern Him in all outer life." 36 JUNE 25th — "Ask whatsoever ye will of the Father" — within yourself, and it shall be done. 26th — Let no seeming obstacle turn you from a decision you have made. Will to do, and you will obtain just what you will. 27th — "Keep yourself a clean, pure channel, through which the healing power may flow unconsciously to others." 28th — Stop trying to overcome so much in the physical — rather overcome your wrong thoughts with right onces. 29th — God is your abundant supply and God is your health. 30th — Ask with faith that you possess an in- finite intelligence, and you shall receive it. 37 JULY. 1st — Do the truth you know, and all the truth you need will be made known to you. 2nd — If you feel that you lack positiveness, go to work to cultivate it. It can be grown, but the desire (the seed) must first be planted. 3rd — The more we study mind and its action, the more we see there is but one Mind or Intelligence, and that it is every- where present. 4th — Let us emancipate ourselves this day from the slavery of fear in all its forms ; then shall we be free indeed. 5th — Hold yourselves so still that you can feel the universal vibration of harmony. 6th — Let the Spirit within you teach you all wisdom. Your spirit — mind or what we call God — is infinite. 38 JULY. 7th — It may take a mental earthquake to dis- lodge the false thoughts which have been handed down to us for generations ; but let it come. 8th — Let us talk health until it becomes con- tagious. 9th — If you wish to be consciously connected with the divine power within yourself, call up Central (the Father). 10th — Remember there is an answer for every prayer when we have learned to pray aright. 11th — When you ask your Heavenly Father for anything, imagine yourself a little child who never doubts that his desire will be granted. 39 JULY 12th — If you should fall into a mud-hole, you would not long remain there wondering how it happened, but would scramble out quickly to avoid publicity. The same holds good in a mental state. 13th — We must learn to cut away our old ideas that have served their purpose, just as we prune our plants to throw all their strength to the new growth. 14th — Entertain your tramp thoughts as you would a hobo at your back door; he is usually turned away. 15th — When we have learned our lesson, then will the book of that experience be closed and taken from us, and another form of experience will be given in its place. 16th — Learn to make your affirmations from the "I am" standpoint. / am always well, always satisfied, always peaceful. 40 JULY 17th — "I am well, I have plenty, I am at peace with all the world." This statement made faithfully daily, will absolutely heal all dis-ease. 18th — Decide what you want and then send out a thought so positive that it will attract to you just what you desire. 19th — Your own is just what you create with your own mental machinery. 20th — Have such faith in God (Universal In- telligence and yourself, which is that Intelligence individualized) that you will meet and overcome every obstacle. 21st — No error thought, word or deed, has any power over me. I am filled with the consciousness that God is All. 41 JULY 22nd — Our mental dynamos are so powerful that they are not only able to carry our own loads with ease and success, but we may also tow our neighbors safely to shore. 23rd — I love every condition and everything there is. It is all a blessing to me. 24th — You are all spirit — wholly spirit — pure unmixed spirit. Body, soul and spirit all one in different forms of expression. 25th — Do not condemn your neighbor in his expression. No two leaves unfold alike, yet all are useful and beautiful. 26th — Spirit is Infinite — hence expresses itself in an infinite number of ways. 27th — As I am created in the image and like- ness of God, I am perfect and can feel only good. 42 JULY 28th — "I leave to God tomorrow's where and how, And do concern myself but with the now. That little word, though half the future's length, Well used, holds twice its meaning and its strength. Like one blindfolded, groping out his way, I will not try to touch beyond today." 29th — Disinfect your mind daily with the anti- septic of truth, that your mental atmos- phere may be pure and clean. 30th — In replenishing your spiritual larder place a full order of "sweet charity." 31st — "God is Love — that love surrounds you, In that love you safely dwell." 43 AUGUST. 1st — There is only one Power and one Pres- ence working in and through my life — God Omnipotent. 2nd — What have I to do with yesterday, or yet with tomorrow? Today is mine. NOW is all I have. 3rd— "Whatever the Father hath is mine." The realization of this statement will make you prosperous. Impress this truth upon the subconscious mind often, and you will have plenty of silver in your purse. 4th — "Great is he that has become as a little child at the feet of the Master. Great is he that has lost himself in the heart of humanity." 44 AUGUST 5th — The source from which you came is an harmonious one, and like begets like is the law. Can the substance out of which you were created and in which you "live, move and have your being" be imperfect? 6th — Get in tune mentally with the divine orchestra, and you will have no dis- cord in your instrument — the body. 7th — It is not so important to build houses as to build character. 8th — What kind of label are you carrying around with you — sickness, weakness, disease? If so, change them to health, strength and ease. 9th — Do not let a day pass without adding something to your mental store, which will act and re-act upon yourself and others in such a way that benefit only will be realized. 45 AUGUST 10th — The definition Paul gives of faith, is the best and simplest: "The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Realize this daily, and it will cultivate more faith, which is the great- est factor in success. 11th — Beware of becoming mentally lazy! 12th — Darkness, discord and sickness may be prevented by thinking correctly all the time. 13th — Be still and know that you are good. 14th — It is not the possession of things alone that brings happiness, but what one thinks within himself. 15th — When you send out desire (prayer) for relief along any line, do not put ob- structions (doubt, fear, etc.) on the mental track; it will delay the delivery of the goods. 46 AUGUST 16th — When you find yourself in an inharmoni- ous condition, do not waste time trying to find how you got into this state, but at once set about reasoning your one- ness with your Father. 17th — "We lie in the lap of immense Intelli- gence." 18th — Do not expect some one else to do your work. By doing your own work, you unfold. 19th — Our thought vibrations will certainly carry us just where we belong. If we are not satisfied, change the thought. 20th — "God is sufficient to all mankind." 21st — What kind of seed are you planting in the garden of your mind? If choice seed has been sown, you may expect choice fruit, and vice versa. 47 AUGUST 22nd — Do not be worried if you cannot read many books, but see to it that you read daily from the book of life which is within you. 23rd— "Know the truth and the truth shall make you free." When we have learned any truth that understanding holds us, we do not have to keep on holding it. 24th — Stop resistance. You waste your force. Place yourself in line with harmony; there is nothing to resist. 25th — "God is my help in every need, God does my every hunger feed." 26th — Do not pray to have your life made easy, but rather that you may unfold the strength you have to meet every ob- stacle. 27th — In order to be blest with abundant love, we must radiate love abundantly. 48 AUGUST 28th — Bless your "temple of the living God" by speaking well of it and loving it, and it will manifest beauty and health. 29th— There is a law, "Seek and ye shall find." But I say unto you, what ye seek ye find. 30th — Learn well to control self, then will it be easy to control our environment, or to adjust ourselves to our environment. 31st — Each seeming trial is but a part of the day's experience. Resist it not. 49 SEPTEMBER. 1st — "Pray and wait, wait and pray, sure of an answer to your prayer early or late." 2nd — The fountain of all good is within ; you have but to tap it and lo, you are bathed with its purity. 3rd The place we find ourselves in today, is the very place we need to fill. 4th — In climbing the mountain of life, do not be discouraged if some one else has at- tained a greater spiritual height. Be faithful and persevering and you, too, may reach the same elevation. 5th — "Pain is because of the lack of at-one- ment with the Power which is ever at work to aid." 6th — A great Power has launched us upon the sea of life, and that self-same Power is always with us to pilot the way. 50 SEPTEMBER 7th — Would it not be well to have our mental bank account balanced occasionally, to be sure we have not over-drawn? 8th — "Every moment has its own peculiar flavor. Enjoy it as it is, while it is with you." 9th — The order of the universe is harmony. You and I are part of the universe, are we not? Well, then, how can we see ourselves as anything but harmonious? 10th — "A man that hath friends must show himself friendly." 11th — Many modern writers have said that thoughts are things. Would it not simplify the subject to say that the things expressed are thoughts? 12th — Pray believing you have received and it shall be so, is the rule that Jesus gave. 51 SEPTEMBER 13th — Nothing is ever gained by resisting. One can so train himself to see good only, that there will be no unpleasant- ness attracted to him. 14th — We are all divine radiators. What are we radiating? Let us see to it that love only will we send forth to bless the world. 15th — Be still and know that you come from a perfect source, and you are therefore perfect. 16th — Those who demonstrate best say "I can," "I will."... They have dropped from their vocabulary the word "try," for it implies doubt. 17th — To the degree that we love our neighbor as ourselves, are we ready to excuse his faults as we do our own. 52 SEPTEMBER 18th — "Courage is the conquering element of mind which annihilates discord and establishes peace." 19th — We must use our reason or lose it. 20th— "Seek ye first the kingdom of God" and all things needful will be added, is as true today as when it was uttered two thousand years ago. 21st — "Nothing succeeds like success," is an old saying. Then claim success if you would be successful. 22nd — Train yourself daily to think and speak only that which is true. 23rd — I will de-hypnotize myself at once of all false beliefs, and express a normal con- dition thereby. 24th — Rejoice with me! I've found the way to make life easy. 53 SEPTEMBER 25th — Why try to remember past successes and failures, when the glorious present you have now to improve, will need all your thought forces to work with? 26th — I refuse to feel any sensation but good. 27th — You are one with the life which creates you. You are one with all life. 28th — There is a vast difference between using will power to overcome conditions, and demonstrating through the divine mind, consciousness. 29th — The power that heals you is within you. It is Intelligence. Mind has absolute control of the body. 30th — Stop seeking happiness in things and people outside of yourself. If you find happiness within, you will find it every- where. 54 OCTOBER. 1st — Father I love thee, I praise thee, I thank thee, I k no & thee! 2nd — If we live up to our highest ideals daily, we shall radiate only good to those around us. 3rd — Be not discouraged. God reigns and all is well. 4th — "Get your thought perfectly kind and your feeling perfectly loving, and then see what life will bring you." 5th — Count no time wasted with any experi- ence if you have gained some knowledge thereby. 6th — We all have an important part to play in the great drama of life. It is perfectly legitimate to want to be a star. 55 OCTOBER 7th — Automobile speeders are arrested every day for violating law. We will get into the same trouble by violation of mental and spiritual laws, and our true progress will be arrested by our being in too great a hurry. 8th — "People often do not really know just what they want, either to have or to be." 9th — We are not expected to love the false actions of people, but we cannot love God without loving life in all His crea- tions. 10th — Let us be definite in what we want; then be persistent in attaining it. 11th — Patience is one of the divine attributes. We need to realize its great importance in all the affairs of life. 56 OCTOBER 12th — The human family may be compared to precious stones, all strikingly different, but every one having its own special charm and beauty. 13th — "Error loses its vitality in the sunlight of truth." 14th — "To be trusted is to be saved. If we try to influence or elevate others, we shall soon see that success is in proportion to their belief of our belief in them." 15th — Avoid idleness. The busy life is the happy one. Have an aim in life and do not be discouraged if you do not suc- ceed at once. Keep right on. 16th — Do not permit yourself to be held up and robbed by prejudice. 57 OCTOBER 17 th — The Infinite Intelligence that created you did not put any limitations upon your career. See that you do not. 18th — There is one Power and one Presence working in and through us all — Omni- potent Good. 19th — The realization of Omnipresent Force heals you. 20th — "Generate thoughts of truth, justice, love and good will to all, and you will throw around yourself the only safe armor of protection." 21st — You are only a throb in the universal pulse, yet the universal pulse would not be complete without you. 22nd — "It is suicidal to bathe in thought cur- rents of hate and injustice." 58 OCTOBER 23rd — Your body is a mould which is filled with Spirit or Intelligence (God). When you make this truth your own, your external manifestations will be normal. 24th — Man's power to think is infinite and eternal. 25th — "There is an infinite and eternal flow of energy, from which all things proceed." 26th — The dynamo which runs your machine — the body — is mind, your mind. 27th — "Let us not look at the fear shadows that lie behind us, but rather at the sunbeams that fall across our paths." 28th — If you seem to lack material supply, remember that you have the universal storehouse to draw upon. 29th — I refuse to see, to hear, to think or to speak anything but good this day. 59 OCTOBER 30th — Would we not make a better diagnosis if we would turn the spiritual X-rays upon the mind, and find the cause of disease in the body? 31st — "Weigh well thy words, for once spoken they are launched upon etheric waves, and after many days they will return." 60 NOVEMBER. 1st — The law is no respecter of persons. The innocent child places his hand upon the hot stove and is burned. Ignorance will not excuse any of us. If we violate law we suffer. 2nd — We do not have to learn through suffer- ing. There is a better way. Under- standing of truth prevents suffering. 3rd — To the degree that humanity under- stands telepathy will each person be- come a wireless station in himself. 4th — Love and wisdom are twins and we need their constant ministry to obtain best results. 5th — In our spiritual travels we do not gain much by rushing to catch a limited train. 61 NOVEMBER 6th — "Sometimes a thunder storm, sometimes the desert heat. Sometimes birth and again death. All are but variations of but one thing — Life." 7th — Guard well thy thoughts, for every thought impressed upon the sub-con- scious mind, is either constructive or destructive to the body. 8th — If your mental airship is guided by divine mind, you will be able to soar to great spiritual heights without danger of disaster. 9th — Even the dew-drop hidden in a rose petal can speak to us in a language all its own, if we keep ourselves in tune with the harmony of the universe. 10th — "I stay my haste, I make delay, For what avails this eager pace? I stand amid th' eternal ways, And what is mine shall know my face." 62 NOVEMBER 11th — Get into the habit of thinking letters to God, the Father, detailing your position as you would write to a dear friend. Expect the same helpful response. 12th — As you bathe your body, realize it a symbol of the cleansing of all impurity of the mind as well. "Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." 13th — Mind is God individualized in the soul. Body is that soul externalized. Three in one — all mind. 14th — "We none of us know one another, And oft into error may fall. Then let us speak well of a brother Or speak of him not at all." 15th — We find many people unable to demon- strate the principle of Truth because of too much reading. They are in a state of mental indigestion. Let the spirit within you teach you. 63 NOVEMBER 16th — "Sentimentality boiled down to its residue, leaves nothing at all in the ket- tle." 17th — Intuition is a rare flower which springs from the garden of the soul. Reason is the product of the intellect. Cultivate both and have poise. 18th — The practical life is the only sensible and satisfactory one, and the results are visible. 19th — Have you ever stopped to think, my friend, of the difference between spiritual wisdom and intellectual knowledge? 20th — As water, ice and vapor are all one sub- stance, so also are mind, soul and body, but in different forms of expression. 21st — If we are to become as a little child in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, let us study the child and ask ourselves, what would a child do— especially in the matter of forgiveness. 64 NOVEMBER 22nd — "Perseverance conquereth all things." 23rd — "Self pity is a grievous fault and weak- ness ; we cannot see straight nor clearly while we permit it to remain." 24th — The more we cultivate the thankful spirit for the blessings we now have, the more generously will blessings be mul- tiplied. 25th — "Let us be thankful for the life that now is, and trust Him for the life that is to come." 26th — We should be thankful for our present existence, and more thankful that we have the ability to enjoy the beauties of all creation. 27th — The spirit of thankfulness invites the good; then let us cultivate daily the thankful thought. 65 NOVEMBER 28th — What we are conscious of today, be- comes subconscious tomorrow. It is said that we live in 97 per cent subcon- sciousness; can we watch the 3 per cent today? 29th — "Nothing can bring you peace but your- self; nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles." 30th — Put all of yourself into the work you are engaged in today; try to love the thing or employment which heretofore you have loathed, thereby gaining free- dom. «6 DECEMBER. 1st — Are you bowed down with anguish, and does your load seem greater than you can bear? Ask the Father to give you some- thing to do for somebody, quick. 2nd — A good definition of science is sense — common sense. 3rd — Adverse suggestions and unpleasant en- vironment, can in no way deter the spir- itual growth of the individual who has determined to make attainment, here and now. 4th — "If we are not responsible for the thoughts that pass our doors, we are at least responsible for those we admit and entertain." 5th — Love is the key to the kingdom; use it, and let yourself in. DECEMBER 6th — An abiding peace is the compensation of him who is perfectly honest with him- self at all times. 7th — Of all the expression of love, there is perhaps none so much appreciated as the love of a little child; it is free from adulteration, and we feel its purity. 8th — We have but to touch the button of di- vinity, and lo! the healing current of power is turned on. 9th — Until we have gained a firm foothold consciously in truth, perhaps the greatest adversary we have to agree with, is in the sub-conscious mind. 10th — All worry is caused by fear. The anti- dote is love. 11th — Love is the power which casts out devils and heals the sick. If you desire to do these mighty works, meditate constantly on love. 68 DECEMBER 12th — "The one who understands his thoughts and guides them in the way they should go, is happy and a power for good. He keeps himself poised, happy and pros- perous." 13th — Jesus Christ understood perfectly the law of non-resistance. Resistance is but acknowledgement of the real presence of evil, and we are to keep the eye single to the good. 14th — Let us train ourselves to speak well of our health, our friends, our environment and our material affairs ; that is blessing them, and is a power in action. 15th — Whatever we realize as good for our- selves, let us know is true for all man- kind. We liberate our thought to bless the world. 16th — "If we are filled with love, there is noth- ing in us to respond to a false note." 69 DECEMBER 17th — The divine artist who has so lavishly bestowed his colors in the floral king- dom, is waiting to give to your character and mine just the right tint, when we are ready. 18th — The reward of continual loving, is per- petual happiness. 19th — The blessings of a gift will be limited to the recipient, if love is not back of it. 20th — We may all enrich the world at this time with our thought. Beautiful things are not the only gifts we may make our friends — thoughts of love often bless them more. 21st — Let us abolish the word "charity" in our giving at all times, and use in its place the word "love." 22nd — Let us not strive to see how much we can get, but rather how much we can give. "It is more blessed to give than to receive." TO DECEMBER 23rd — The greatest gift we can covet, is the gift to love. 24th — We all have something to give to some one. Speak the word that gives health; send the thought which gives mental relief, or give your time in some homely service. 25th — "Unto you is born this day, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord," if you can realize the power within yourself, that consciousness saves you. 26th — The service of love that we can give our fellow beings all through the year, is worth more than the mere exchange of trifles at this time. 27th — "A true soul asks nothing of its fellows but to be allowed to give." 28th — Things and people cease to annoy one who is living in the divine love con- sciousness. 71 DECEMBER 29th — To your nobler self be true ; reward will come at last. 30th — If the product of our mental garden has not been satisfactory the past year, let us change the seed (thought) before planting time again. 31st — Dessert for the last course : Spiritual cake recipe : One part sugar — which represents the sweetness of love. A portion of butter — which mixes easily, and stands for peace. Eggs — without which it would be a fail- ure, represent life. Milk — "the milk of human kindness." Baking powder — which lightens, is the symbol of joy. Flour — which holds all together, is har- mony. The flavor is contentment. Stir well together, and bake in a mod- erate oven — poise — neither hot nor cold. Serve with satisfaction. 72 The best tonic we can give our friends is "A Smile." THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. APR 6 1934 YA 01785