UC-NRLF $B 72 SDM Company Administration 'U< S. Infaiitr^^ Association li ii Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/companyadministrOOunitrich Company Administration Based on Special Regulations No. 57 War Department, 1919 cv®- With Samples of all blank forms filled in Washington: United States Infantry Association 1920 Copyright, 1920, by United States Infantry Association FOREWORD "Company Administration" is based on Special Regulations 57, War Department, 1919, which was published under the following authorization: WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, November 5, 1919. The following regulations governing the preparation, disposition, and filing of compan}^ records, reports, returns, etc., prepared in the office of The Adjutant General of the Army, are published for the information and guidance of all concerned. [062.12, A. G. O.] By ORDER OF THE Secretary OF War: PEYTON C. MARCH, General, Chief of Staff. Official: P. C. HARRIS, The Adjutant General. The original text of Special Regulations 57 has been preserved intact, and changes since its publication have been noted in italics. All blank forms employed in the Administration of the Company have been made out and inserted in their proper place in the book. Five appendices have been added, which makes the book absolutely com- plete in all its details. 41S328 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Section I. General instructions 1-4 11. List 'of records, reports, and returns required in company administration. 5-6 III. Daily company reports 7-34 IV. Periodical company reports and returns 35-60 V. Company property records 61-78 VI. Other company records 79-102 VII. Individual records . • 103-130 VIII. Blank forms 131-181 IX. Application and coordination 182-198 X. Company field desk 199-219 Page Appendix I. S. R. 56, Authorized abbreviations 183 II. Extracts from Table Basic Allowances 195 III. Government Insurance and Allotments 214 IV. Changes in Army Regulations regarding vSurvey of Property 226 V. Changes of paragraphs in Army Regulations and Compilation of Orders to include Dec. 31, 1919 229 Index 232 PREPARATION, DISPOSITION, AND FILING OF COMPANY RECORDS, REPORTS, AND RETURNS Section I GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Paragraph Prescribed methods only to be used 1 The term "company" defined J 2 Files 3 Abbreviations 4 1. Prescribed methods only to be used. — a. The method of keeping records in companies, instructions for use of blank forms used in company administration, and the method of using the company field desk prescribed in these regulations will be strictly adhered to. The use of books, cards or slips of paper for the purpose of keeping or recording data pertaining to company records, except as provided in these regulations, is prohibited. The records will be kept up to date at all times so far as the exigencies of the service permit. b. To insure the proper procedure, frequent and thorough inspections of the records of companies will be made under the direction of the regimental, separate battalion, or similar unit commander. Similar inspections will be made, under the direction of division, post, camp, or other station com- mander, of the records of separate and detached companies. Instructions will be given by the inspecting officer for the correction of any irregularities found. 2. The term * 'company" defined. — a. Whenever the term "company" is used in these regulations, it will be understood to apply with equal force to a troop, battery, or other unit or detachment similar to a company in organization or administration. (Par. 9.) b. A separate company is one which is not a part of a regiment, separate battalion or similar unit, e. g., division headquarters troop, engineer train, mobile ordnance repair shop, etc. c. A detached company is one which is part of a regiment, separate battalion or similar unit but is detached and serving away from the head- quarters of the regiment, separate battalion, or similar unit. A company detached from its regiment but serving with a battalion of which it is a part, or serving with a provisional battalion, is considered as a separate company when rendering i;eturns, but not separate with reference to pay rolls or reports of change. (Pars. 35, 39, and 51.) A detached company serving alone renders returns, reports of change and pay rolls as a separate company. 3. Files. — The preparation, handling, and preservation of records, reports, and papers in a company in connection with the company field 5 6 _. COMPANY, ADMINISTRATION desk involves tlbe' use of four files, referred to herein as the service record file, miscellaneous file, five-year file, and permanent file. These are accom- modated in four or more trays as described in Section X of these regulations. The use of other containers, files, or filing systems in lieu of those pre- scribed herein is prohibited. 4. Abbreviations. — Abbreviations used in the preparation of records, reports, returns, etc., will conform to those prescribed in Special Regu- lations No. 56 to the exclusion of all others except those prescribed for the duty roster. (Par. 3lc.) {See Appendix I.) Section II. LIST OF RECORDS, REPORTS, AND RETURNS REQUIRED IN COMPANY ADMINISTRATION. Paragraph. Company records, reports, and returns - 5 Individual records , and Form No. 334, A. G. O.), the column heading "Rations" on the present forms for these morning reports will be stricken out. The ration account will be kept on the printed insert inside the front cover of the morning report. (See model ration account in paragraph 16.) b. The following shows the computations by which the "daily average strength for rations" was determined in the model in paragraph 16: July 1: Strength for rations at midnight Jiine 30-July 1 is 249 and is determined from the data on the morning report for June 30. From the * When notation of entry or record is required of the personnel adjutant on other papers the company commander or other officer designated to act as personnel adjutant of a detached or separate company will make such entry. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 1 model it would have been as follows: 251 "total present," — 3 "sick in hospital, " -f- 1 "attached for rations only." The number "249" is the basis from which computation is made of the number of men for whom the company is entitled to rations for the day. The remarks are examined to determine what changes, if any, recorded therein effect a change in the number of men for whom the company is entitled to rations. Thus, on the morning report of July 1* Sgt. Capps left the company after breakfast and before dinfter, there being no notation to the contrary in the remarks (subpar. c (3)); but since he receives commutation for the entire day the company can not take credit for his breakfast if it is given to him. The changes in duty and status of Pvt. Wilcox and Corp Caswell do not effect a change in the number of men present for rations. Therefore the "daily average strength for rations" is determined as follows: For breakfast . . . 248 (Sgt. Capps dropped at midnight as on furlough.) For dinner 248 For supper 248 ,3) 744 =248=" daily average strength for rations" for July 1. July 2: Strength for rations at midnight July 1-2, 248 (250 "total present," — 3 "sick in hospital, " + 1 "attached for rations only"). For breakfast ... 248 For dinner 247 (Mec. Cromwell dropped.) For supper 245 (Corp. McAlexander and Sgt. Banks dropped.) 3)740=246%, or 247=" daily average strength for rations" for July 2. July 3: Strength for rations at midnight July 2-3, 245 (247 "total present," — 3 "sick in hospital," + 1 "attached for rations only"). For breakfast ... 245 For dinner 244 (Pvts. Jones and Connors dropped; Sgt. Manville taken up.) For supper .. 244 3)7 33 =244 yi, or 244= "daily average strength for rations" for July 3. July 4: Strength for rations at midnight July 3-4, 244 (247 "total present," — 4 "sick in hospital,"-)- 1 "attached for rations only"). For breakfast ... 244 For dinner 245 (Pvt. Macon taken up.) For supper 245 3)734=244>^, or 24S = "daily average strength for rations" for July 4. July 5: Strength for rations at midnight . July 4-5, 245 (247 "total present,"— 3 "sick in hospital,"-|-l "attached for rations only"). For breakfast ... 2451 For dinner 245 [No change. For supper 245J 3) 735 =245=" daily average strength for rations" for July 5. July 6: Strength for rations at midnight July 5-6, 245 (247 "total present," — 3 "sick in hospital,"-}-! "attached for rations only"). For breakfast . . . 245 r • r^ u i For dinner 246 (Mec. Cromwell and Pvt. Jones taken up for rations after break- For supper 246 fast and Pvt. Hall dropped.) 3(734=245%, or 246=" daily average strength for rations" for July 6. July 7: Strength for rations at midnight July 6-7, 246 (247 "total present,"— 2 "sick in hospital,"-)- 1 "attached for rations only"). For breakfast ... 246 For dinner 246 For supper 246 (Sgt. Capps taken up after supper.) 3) 738 =246= "daily average strength for rations" for July 7. 16 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 1 o A ■< X o -J 1 1^ •aiqB9a|.u9t,-un M ^ i M i i i i M •d[qB93TAJ9g 1 : i \ j s •aiqB90tAj9sua 1 i . ; : ; ; i ; ; j ^a •9iqB9otAjas 1 i i ; i j : ; : : i 1 -ajBAUCl 'sOPJOH 1 : i ::;::■ 1 2 a CO •iCjao Kuoiiw JOj[ ^j ^; ^j ^; ^j „; ^j „■ ^1 ^1 •iiinpjoj 1 i : 1 1 i j j ■ i : •1U9sqB puB auasdjd iB^ox 1 gi gi §j §i Si |i |: g; -gj ^j 1 •inasQB jBiox 1 «: "*: «; «: w; wi e^i c»; ci; c«; uonoB uf auTssm 1 i .';•;: i : •laanwuyuooJOjsejjBui ( i^i-Hi-^;^;^: •9AB9I inoioiAV 1 -• cs; ^; ^: ^; ; - ; •9AB9imtAv| -; --i -.; ^; ^; -.; 2> •j(OIg 1 -; -; -i -.; -; «; ^i ^j _i ^: 1 •90TAJ9S DaiiOTiap uo ( : : ; : ; . : : •,a,»id,«ox| §: gi S! Si s: SI §; §.: §i Mi ••• •ludtnougaoo ui | ^\ ^j. i «i --: coi ^SJU 'igiBAU J §^ |i §i §1 21 §i §: §1 §1 §i 1 1 •( 89PBJ3 i[B) sin9j}nBq3 M M M i M •S09K puB S09W JoniO n\ n; e^i w; m; cm; c*; coj eo i eo; 'ejoaoSB^ pav '8J9[pp«S 'sj90qS9SJ0H '*^ •sjlSg puB IP I 8J[3a cm; m; c«; oj; «; «; «; e*c«; e«; § •sc •S31000 •*; ^i •*;■•*: •<*;' -t>\ -v; ■<«<: eoi co ; ? Lioo 9aOTq puB sdjoo 1 g; Si Si Si Sj Sj Si Si Si Si ! CQ •8»: c*; c»; «; c*\ «; ; c*; cm.- es»: j •JJO PPW P°« sutB^dBO 1 i i i i ; i ! = M •qiuomjo ^BQ «; i c; j COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 17 o< CO i a o 18 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION MEN MESSING WITH ORGANIZATION I 0^ .<*> f^ CQ DATE Daily AveraKc Strength for Ration. Number Mpn Messing with Organization + or.- Correction for Percentage Net Number Rations Due Organization JULT 1 248 246 12 234 2 247 245 12 233 t 244 242 12 230 4 245 243 12 231 5 245 243 12 231 « 246 244 12 1 232 7 246 244 12 1 232 8 247 244 12 j 232 9 234 231 12 219 10 237 234 12 11 "■ - - 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ' 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TOTAL RATIONS DUE ORGANIZATION: 2296 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 19 Insert to Morning Report for Ration Account. To be fastened inside front cover. Value of One Ration During Month: $ MEN AUTHORIZED TO MESS SEPARATELY. NAME AND GRADE. Barker, Lee, 1st Sgt Plumber, J. C, Sup Sgt Capps, M. M., Sgt PERIOD. July> 1-10 1-10 ^10 NUMBER OF RATIONS. Number of rations commuted Value of rations at $0.43 Ten per cent addition t Total commutation due men messing separately. 23 S 9.89 10.99 I it t i s S10.88 20 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION July 8: Strength for rations at midnight July 7-8, 247 (248 "total present," — 2 "sick in hospital," + 1 "attached for rations only"). For breakfast ... 247 For dinner 247 (Pvt. Wilcox dropped and Pvt. Hall taken up after breakfast.) For supper 247 3)741 =247="daily average strength for rations" for July 8. July 9: Strength for rations at midnight July 8-9, 247 (248 "total present," — 2 "sick in hospital," + 1 "attached for rations only"). For breakfast ... 247 For dinner 228 (Pvt. Ball taken up and 20 soldiers dropped after breakfast.) For supper 228 3)703 = 234>^, or 234 = "daily average strength for rations" for July 9. July 10: Strength for rations at midnight July 9-10, 228 (229 "total present," — 2 "sick in hospital," + 1 "attached for rations only"). For breakfast ... 228 For dinner 242 (14 Rets, taken up after breakfast.) For supper 242 3)712=237J^, or 237 = "daily average strength for rations" for July 10. c. It will be observed from the foregoing computations — (1) That a fraction of one-third is disregarded, while a fraction of two-thirds is counted as a unit. (2) That a soldier sick in hospital at the station of his company is attached to the hospital for rations; whereas one sick in quarters is rationed with his. company. (3) That a change of status of a soldier with regard to rations is assumed to have occurred after breakfast and before dinner unless otherwise stated in remarks. (4) That a soldier in confinement messing with his company is so ac- counted for. d. The "daily average strength for rations" as determined above from the tabulation and remarks on the morning report will be entered day by day in the column "Daily Average Strength for Rations" of the ration account in the front of the morning report. The names of men authorized to mess separately, the period so messed, and the number of rations in- volved, will be entered separately as soon as known under the heading "Men authorized to mess separately." At the end of the ration period this latter tabulation will give the amount of commutation* to be delivered to the organization for payment to the men messing separately. The "Daily average strength for rations" diminished by the number of men authorized to mess separately will give the entry for the column headed "Number men messing with organization." This latter figure is the basis upon which the plus or minus percentage correction prescribed in para- graph 1220, Army Regulations, for messes of various strengths is made. Having made the above correction, the result is the "Net number rations due organization," which is entered daily under the column so headed. The total of these figures for the ration period will be entered on the ration return as described in paragraph 174g. '*" 18. Station or location. — The station or location of the company or detachment will be stiated on the left of the page devoted to "Station and record of events," immediately following the day of the month. If * Such amount is held to be a commuted ration as disliguished from "commutation of rations." COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 21 there is no change during a 10-day period, the name of the station will be stated only once. On the march, the camp or bivouac at the end of the day will be considered as the station or location of the company or detachment for the purpose of the report. (See model in paragraph 19.) 19. Record of events. — Under this heading will be exactly noted: a. Actions in which the organization, or any part of it, has been engaged, reconnaissances, marches, maneuvers, changes of station, with dates, places, distances' marched, etc., and anything of particular interest re- lating to the discipline, efficiency, or service of the organization. (See also paragraph 47.) b. The names and grades of officers and enlisted men killed, wounded or missing in action, or captured by the enemy, with dates and places. (Pars. 14/ and 193.) Model. Day of month . Station and record of events. J-10 11-14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21-23 24 25-27 28 29-31 Galveston, Tex. Usual camp duties. Galveston, Tex. Usual camp duties. La Marque, Tex. Left Galveston 7.05 a. m. en route to Houston on practice march; arrived at La Marque 1.30 p. m.; distance marched, 13 miles. Hulen Park, Tex. Left La Marque 8.30 a. m.; arrived at Hulen Park 10.05 a. m.; distance marched, 63^ miles. Webster, Tex. Left Hulen Park 8.24 a. m.; arrived at Webster 12.10 p. m.; distance marched, 9 miles. Dumont, Tex. Left Webster 7.17 a. m.; arrived at Dumont 12.05 p. m.; dis- tance marched, 13J^ miles. Magnolia Park, Houston, Tex. Left Dumont 8.03 a. m.; arrived at Magnolia Park, Houston, 11.40 a. m.; distance marched, 9 miles. Galveston, Tex. Left Magnolia Park 6.00 a. m.; arrived railroad station, Houston, by marching 4 miles. Entrained and left Houston at 12.05 p. m.; arrived at Galveston 2.15 p. m.; distance traveled by rail, 48 miles. Galve§ton, Tex. Usual camp duties. At sea on U. S. A. T. Kilpatrick. Embarked 11.30 a. m.; sailed for Vera Cruz, Mex., 5.30 p. m. On U. S. A. T. Kilpatrick en route to Vera Cruz, Mex. On board U. S. A. T. Kilpatrick at Vera Cruz, Mex. Arrived at Vera Cruz at 7.30 a. m. Total distance traveled by water, 628 miles. Vera Cruz, Mex. Disembarked at Vera Cruz 8.00 a. m. 29th; taking station there and performing usual camp duties, provost guard duty in city, and out- post duty south of city. 20. Additional sheets. — Additional sheets will be attached for "Re- marks" and for "Station and record of events," if the space allotted therefor proves insufficient. 21. Use of indelible pencil and red ink. — Normally the morning report will be prepared with ink, but when pen and ink are not available an indehble pencil may be used for the purpose. Red ink will not be used in preparing morning reports except as prescribed in paragraph 12, and for ruling off ration periods within the month. (Par. 174.) 22. Filing.— The current morning report will be' kept in front of the "Reminder" in the miscellaneous tray of the company field desk. At the end of the month the closed morning report with the closed duty roster will be placed in front of the month card of the month just ended, where it will be kept for one year, or until this month card reappears in front of the month cards in the "Reminder." The morning report will then be placed in the front of the guide card "Returns" in the permanent file. (Pars. 205 and 215.) ' 22 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION SICK REPORT 23. Company sick report, Form No. 339, A. G. O. — a. When an enlisted man is in need of medical attention, his name with Army serial number will be placed upon the company sick report preliminary to this attend- ance at sick call. In an emergency or when a soldier is in need of im- mediate medical attention, his name will be entered upon the company sick report which will be sent to the hospital, infirmary, dispensary, or other place of holding sick call, as soon as practicable. h. The company sick report consists of two parts: (1) The company officer's report. (2) The medical officer's report. c. (1) The company officer's report will be prepared in the company and will be signed by a commissioned officer of the company. Whenever practicable it should be completed and signed before the sick report is sent to the medical officer. (2) The first entry for each occasion will be made on the line immediately following the signatures of the company officer and medical officer to the preceding entry. (Par. 26.) (3) If the company officer cannot state definitely whether the alleged sickness or injury originated in the line of duty, he will place an interroga- tion point (?) in the column provided for such expression of opinion. (Par. 24.) (4) The sick report will be sent to the place of holding sick call by the noncommissioned officer in charge of the detachment of enlisted men desiring medical treatment and returned to the company by the same means. d. The medical officer's report will be filled in and signed at the hospital infirmary, dispensary, or other place of holding sick call. The company sick report, when signed by the medical officer, will be returned to the company without delay in order that the company commander may make disposition of the enlisted men whose names appear thereon in ac- cordance with the medical officer's report, namely, as "Sick in hospital," "Sick in quarters," or "Duty." There is no such status as "Light duty." 24. Line of duty. — -a. Every disease or injury suffered by an officer or enlisted man while in military service of the United States should be reported as originating in the line of duty unless the reporting officer knows personally or by credible information, (1) that the disease or injury existed before the man entered the service; (2) that it was incurred while the man was absent on furlough* or without permission; or, (3) that it resulted from willful neglect or immoral conduct of the man himself. (See "Line of duty," Digest of Opinions of the Judge Advocate General.) h. (1) When a soldier is unable to perform duty, sick in quarters or in hospital, for more than one day as result of his own intemperate use of drugs or alcoholic liquors or other misconduct he forfeits pay for the period he is unable to perform duty and is required to make good the time lost before he is discharged or furloughed to the reserve (A. W. 107; par. 229, C. of O.). When the company commander or the medical officer is of the opinion that the sickness of a soldier results from his own intem- * Disability resulting from or incurred while on furlough must be made the subject of rea. sonable inquiry on the part of the organization commander before being reported as in line of duty. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 23 O CO CO > I ft; I 24 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION perate use of drugs or alcoholic liquor or other misconduct and an ab- sence from duty is involved which results in penalty, the notation "No; GO 31, 1912," will be made in the columns "In line of duty," as prescribed in paragraph 229, Compilation of Orders. When the opinions of the company commander and medical officer are in accord, the finding, if approved by the commanding officer, will be final. In such case the commanding' officer will signify his approval by entering the word "Ap- proved" with his official signature in the column "Disposition" opposite the last entry of the name of the soldier on the sick report. If the com- manding officer does not concur in the finding of the company commander and medical officer he will similarly signify his disapproval by entering the word "Disapproved" with his official signature in the column "Dis- position." In case the company commander and medical officer are not in accord, or in case the company commander and medical officer are in accord but the commanding officer dissents, a board of officers will be convened and action had as prescribed in paragraph 229, Compilation of Orders. (2) When an entry of "No; GO 31, 1912" is made on a company sick report, the officer or enlisted man in whose case the notation is made will be informed of the entry by the company commander without unnecessary delay, and such officer or enlisted man so informed will thereupon be afforded an opportunity to appear before the commanding officer and present his objections to such entry and to produce and offer any evidence or facts which he desires to be considered in connection therewith. (3) Generally, the sick report will be submitted to the commanding officer for action indicated in subparagraph (1) when the soldier is returned to duty, or his name otherwise dropped from the sick report; but it may be submitted for such action at an earlier date when necessary or desirable to determine the pay status of the soldier for the current or a preceding month, or when the soldier is to be transferred to a base or general hospital or to a hospital at another post, camp, or station. (4) An enlisted man in whose case there is pending a question as to whether sickness was the result of his own intemperate use of drugs or alcoholic liquors or other misconduct will not be paid for any period during which such question is pending and during which he is not able to do duty by reason thereof. In order that the personnel adjutant may be in- formed of a possible stoppage of pay of the soldier, the sick report will be sent to the personnel adjutant as soon as practicable after an entry of "No; GO 31, 1912" has been made. The personnel adjutant, after making provisional notation on the pay rolls of the company and the pay card of the soldier, will affix his initials in the column "Date" on the company sick report opposite the name of the soldier in the first entry in which the notation "No; GO 31, 1912" appears. When the command- ing officer approves a concurring opinion of the company commander and medical officer, the sick report will be submitted to the personnel adjutant, who, after making necessary entries on the .pay rolls of the company and the pay card of the soldier, will affix his initials in the "Date" column on the company sick report opposite the name of the soldier in the last entry in which the notation "No; GO 31, 1912" occurs. Should the personnel adjutant fail or neglect to initial the company sick report as prescribed in this subparagraph his attention will be called to the matter by the company commander. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 25 (5) The report of a board of officers convened as contemplated in sub- paragraph (l), after final action thereon, will be submitted to the personnel adjutant, who, after making necessary entries on the pay rolls of the company and the pay card of the soldier, will indorse on the report the words "Entered on pay rolls and pay card" and add his initials. The report will then be transmitted to the company commander, who, after making necessary entries on the service record of the soldier, will indorse on the report the words "Entered on service record" and add his initials. The report of the board of officers will then be forwarded directly to The Adiutant General of the Army for file in his office with the individual record of the enlisted man. (6) Since no penalty attaches in case of an absence from duty for only one day as result of intemperate use of drugs or alcoholic liquors or other misconduct, the action of the commanding officer in such case is not neces- sary, and the sick report will not be submitted for action indicated in sub- paragraph (1). However, if the sick report was sent to the personnel adjutant on the day the soldier was first marked *'No; GO 31, 1912," although the duration of sickness did not exceed one day, it will again be submitted to the personnel adjutant, who, after making necessary correc- tion of his provisional entry on the pay rolls and pay card, will initial the entry on the sick report as prescribed in subparagraph (4). (7) When a soldier is on the guardhouse sick report the officer of the day will perform the same ftmctions relating thereto as required of the company commander, and will notify the soldier's company commander of the soldier's exact status. (Par. 14g.) 25. Erasures. — Erasures on the company sick report are prohibited. A line drawn across an erroneous entry will sufficiently indicate its elimina- tion. All eliminations and corrections will be authenticated by certificate of the officer making them, written on the margin of the page. 26. Authentication. — The signatures, rank, and organization or arm or staff corps or department of the company officer and medical officer will all be placed on the line immediately below the last entry for the occasion, each officer signing beneath the items of his report. 27. Filing. — The current sick report will be filed in front of the "Re- minder" in the miscellaneous tray of the company field desk. A sick- report book will be completely used before a new one is started. When cornpletely used, a sick-report book will be placed in front of the month card of the current month, where it will be kept for one year, or until this month card reappears in front of the month cards in the "Reminder." The sick report will then be removed and placed in the first year of the five-year file. (Pars. 205, 213.) DUTY ROSTER 28. The duty roster, Form No. 342, A. G. O. — a. A duty roster is a list of officers or men for duty, with a record of the duty performed by or the status of each. Generally details for duty are so made that the one longest off duty is the first for detail. Details so made are said to be made by roster. (Par. 355, A. R.) In companies the duty roster is kept on Form No. 342, A. G. O. (See model in paragraph 34.) The terms of "Duty roster" and "Roster of troops" (par. 36) are used to designate different rosters and must not be confused. 26 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION O a* si CO I i\ 2^ I .A ^ a. -* < (M i ob^ M o CJ CJ -«J 4-> ID «J •♦-» t > > > > cu a< CU CU Ol «o r>. 00 00 »o « CO CO Tt< COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 27 28 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION b. Company commanders will supervise the keeping of company duty rosters. All duties performed by roster must be duly credited. c. The duty roster consists of two parts: (1) roster for guard duty, (2) roster for other duties. 29. Roster for guard duty. — a. On the roster for guard duty each soldier will be charged with the number of days he has been present and available for guard duty since his last tour, with the exception that when not available on account of absence without leave, in arrest, in confinement or on pass, he will be charged the same as if he had been present and available, the numerals being inserted in the square just above the letter indicating his status. (See model in paragraph 34.) b. A S9ldier on furlough, detached service, extra duty, special duty, missing in action, or present or absent sick, will not be charged for days off duty while not available, and upon returning to duty will resume the status on the roster he had when he became nonavailable. c. The soldier longest off duty, as indicated by the numeral in the date column, will ordinarily be the first for detail for guard. d. If the soldier is available but not required for guard duty, the numeral showing the number of days since he performed guard duty will be placed in the proper place opposite his name. The performance of a tour of main guard duty is indicated thus: /////. Any special guard duty, such as stable guard, may be similarly indicated, with the addition of the initial letter in the open half space, thus: S///// . e. The detail for supernumerary should fall generally to the man next for detail. 30. Roster for other duties. — a. At the beginning of the month, in the proper column opposite each man's name, will be inserted the date when he last performed the duty specified, using the abbreviated name of the month and the numeral. b: The soldier longest off duty as indicated by the date when last per- formed, or absence of date, will be ordinarily the first for detail for the duty. When a detail for any one of these duties has been determined upoh, a horizontal line will be drawn through the date indicating when the duty was last performed and the numeral inserted indicating the day of the I month on which the duty is performed. If again detailed for this duty during the month, a horizontal line will be drawn through this last date and the numeral indicating the new date recorded. (See model roster.) c. The necessary entries relative to any regular duty by roster not pro- vided' fof" on the form will be shown in one of the blank columns provided for that purpose, the nature of the duty being shown in the heading of the column. (See "Detached service" in model roster.) d. Jn case of a detail for detached service hy roster, a dash will follow the numeral to indicate the date of departure. But, since detached service is a variable duty as regards length of time, it is the day of return that determines "when last performed"; upon return from such detached service, a horizontal line will be drawn through date of departure, and the date of retifrn will be inserted after the dash. This does not apply to detached ser- vice other than by roster. 31. Preparation and amendment of roster. — a. Names will be entered on the duty roster in the order in which the service records are filed. (Par. 118.) At the end of the month the dates when duties were last performed COMPANY ADMINISTRATION ' 29 will be transferred to the proper spaces on the roster for the ensuing month, the roster being newly arranged to include changes during the past month. b. All gains during the month will be taken up at the foot of the roster following the last name entered, indicating the date effective by appropri- ate entry in the date column. All losses will be recorded by entering the word "discharged," "transferred," "died," "deserted," etc., the entry beginning in the date column on which effective. c. The following abbreviations are prescribed for guard rosters and supplement Special Regulations No. 56 for this purpose only: A — Absent without leave. AC — Absent in confinement. AS — Absent sick. Ar — Arrest in quarters. C — Confinement. CSk — In confinement sick. DS — On detached service. ED — On extra duty. F — On furlough. P — On pass. Ret — Recruit. SD — On special duty. Sk— Sick. 32. Exceptions. — Departures from these instructions may be authorized by the commanding officer when a strict application would allow an im- proper advantage or work a hardship. 33. Filing. — 'The current duty roster will be filed in front of the "Re- minder" in the tray of the field desk. At the end of the month the closed roster will be filed with the month card to which it pertains until the card next appears when the duty roster may be destroyed. (Par. 205; par. 282, A. R.) 34. Model duty roster. — The following model indicates the method of keeping the duty roster. It includes extracts from the duty roster for the month of July and complements the model morning report in paragraph 16. Section IV PERIODICAL COMPANY REPORTS AND RETURNS Paragraph Report of change and memorandum of transmittal 35 Roster of troops 36 COMPANY RETURNS Company returns, Form No. 30, A. G. O.. prepared by 37 Company returns not prepared by companies serving at headquarters of the regi- ment 38 Detached companies 39 Detachments of staff corps and departments _ 40 Attached officers and enlisted men__ 41 White and colored troops 42 Special forms for use by staff corps and departments 43 Preparation of the return 44 Effective strength 45 Alterations since last monthly return 46 Record of events 47 Disposition of copies of return 48 Filing _ 49 PAY ROLLS Instructions for the preparation of pay rolls _ 50 Preparation of pay rolls by personnel adjutant 51 Pay rolls of detached companies ''52 Procedure when company is detached 53 Procedure when company rejoins regiment or station 54 Signing and extension of pay roll _ 55 Deposits 56 Company collections — _ __ 57 Procedure after payment 58 Payment by express or check 59 Part collection of stoppage 60 REPORT OF CHANGE. 35. Report of change. — ^When a separate or detached company or a de- tachment is serving alone the commander thereof will render reports of changes, Form No. 647o, A. G. O. (enlisted men), and Form No. 648a, A. G. O. (officers), as prescribed in Special Regulations No. 58, or will designate a subordinate officer for this duty. He will also render memoranda ♦ of transmittal Form 6476 {enlisted men) and 6486 {officers). It is the duty of all commanding officers to see that reports of changes are rendered as re- quired by regulations. (Cir. No. 291, W. D., 1919.) ROSTER OF TROOPS. 36. Roster of Troops. — a. The company monthly roster of troops (Form No. 703, A. G. O.) is prepared by the personnel adjutant and is retained by him for use at the headquarters of the command or station for a period of 30 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 31 No No. Personnel Adjutant. DAVIDSON HENRY L. R623742 (Surname.) (Christian name.) (Army serial number.) .OX Co. - -A.^ .65th jnf. (Grade. ) (Company and regiment or arm or corps or department. ) (Cr REPORT OF CHANGE— For the twenty-four hours ending at midnight .j^^y..^. , IS-jjj.. REPC endin Died of disoftee. HQ 65th Inf yCanp Brady, Md. John P.Stone John p. stone No 1 - ^^t-6§*h l-rf-- - Personnel Adjutant. Ponu TCo. &i7a. A. Ci. O.— June 4, lf)i9 No. J— Wi. Model Report of Change (enlisted men). The Report |of change (oflBcers), Form No. 648a (blue), does not differ materially from this blank. Personnel Adjutant REPORT OF CHANGES— OFFICERS For the twenty-four hours cniiiug at mid- night J«ly.4. .. 19 .^.. Reports of Change forwarded hereN^ith Numbers ....t to P Date covered by last report July -3-. 19 i9- HQ 65th Inf ,Camp Brady, Md. (Organization or headquarters and place from wjiioh rendorod ) John P.Stone John P».Stone Capt.65tJh.Lof Personnel Adjutant. Form No. G48l>, A. O. O.— Dec 4, 1919. Model Report of Changes (officers). Memorandum of Transmittal of reports of change. The Memorandum of Transmittal (Form No. 647b) of reports of change — enlisted men — does not differ except in color — Officers, blue; Enlisted men, white. one month, or until the roster for the succeeding month is prepared, when it is transmitted to the company for file. (S. R. No. 58.) {Edition of 1920. ) When received in the company the roster of troops will be filed with the closed morning report for the same month in front of the month card for the month to which the roster and morning report pertain, where it will be kept for one year or until this month card again appears in front of the 32 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION month cards in the "Reminder." The roster of troops will then be placed in the returns section of the permanent file. (Pars. 22 and 215.) b. When a separate or detached company or a detachment is serving alone the roster of troops of the company or detachment required by Special Regulations No. 58 {Edition of 1920) will be preparefi by the com- * Roster of Troops. * Roster of Officers. (Organization) MONTHLY ROSTER (first sheet) _ At midnight 19. (Station) The following roster consisting of sheets contains the names of all members of this organization or detachment and of those attached thereto, and the names of all officers and enlisted men who have been transferred, discharged, or otherwise separated therefrom since the date of the last monthly roster. Unless otherwise indicated opposite his name each officer and enlisted man whose name appears on this roster is present at the station indicated above. ' (Signature) (Name typewritten) Personnel Adjutant. (Rank and organization) Form No. 703, A. G. O. Feb. 10, 1920. . * Strike out words not applicable, see instructions on other side. pany or detachment commander or by the officer designated to render the reports of changes for the company or detachment. (Par. 35.)* * This roster is also used as a "Special" roster for officers in connection with troop move, ment returns (see footnote to par. 37.) COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 33 Instructions. 1. This form will be used as a first sheet for each monthly or special roster of officers, monthly roster of troops, and each copy thereof. When additional sheets are required to complete the roster they will be prepared on paper of good quality and of the same size as this form; and there will be written at the top of each additional sheet the number, count- ing the form as sheet 1, and the organization, station, and date for which rendered. 2. Rosters will be prepared in conformity with instructions contained in special regu- lations and with the following model. 3. WHEN USED AS A SPECIAL ROSTER the word "MONTHLY" in the caption will be stricken out and the word "SPECIAL" prefixed. It will be rendered as of actual date concerned and the words "At midnight" and that part of the certificate after the word " thereto " in the second line to the end of the sentence will be stricken out. There will also be written across the top of the form "Change of station from to " * Roster of Troops. MONTHLY ROSTER (first sheet) Company A, 65th Inf (Organization) Camp Brady, Md. (Station) At midnight July 31 19 19.- The following roster consisting of 1 sheet contains the names of all members of this or- ganization or* detachment and of those attached thereto, and the names of all officers and enlisted men who have been transferred, discharged, or otherwise separated therefrom, since the date of the last monthly roster. Unless otherwise indicated opposite his name each officer and enlisted man whose name appears on this roster is present at the. station indicated above. J. P. Stone J. P. Stone (Signature) (Name typewritten) Capt 65th Inf Personnel Adjutant. (Rank and organization) CAPTAIN PRIVATES 1. Jones, Marion L. 1. Arnold, William F. 9998789 DS Ft Myer Va since May 12/19. 1st lieutenants 2. Austin, Frederick A. 685432 Absent Smith, Norman A. in conf at Wash Bks DC since 8th. Johnson, Ernest 2nd lieutenants 3 Bows, Frank J. 654789. Fur Jun 27 to Lewis, Peter J. Absent Sk at Walter * * * Reed GH since Jun/ 19 Attached for Duty 1st sergeant Barker, Lee R 178954 1. PRIVATES. Vance, Morris G. 437547 Fr Co. A, 16th Inf. mess sergeant Hospital Corps Tucker, Patrick R7 14367 PRIVATES. SUPPLY SERGEANT 1 Quinton, Michael A. 876987 Plumber, John C. 4324356 Ordnance Department SERGEANTS SERGEANT Capps, Martin M. 124567 J Plumb, Laurance A. 768758 Manville, William G. R538756 Trtd fr 23rd Inf Jd 3rd. * 1. PRIVATES ICL. Young, John 65437 CORPORALS PRIVATES Ames, Chester E. 79563 1. Pratt. Franklin 54367 * 2 Scott, John L. 546732 COOKS Losses During the Month Deming, Floyd D. 576879 * SERGEANTS * 1 Banks, David 432423 Trfd to 18 MECHANICS Cav 2nd. Atwell, John 7634596 Awol since 28th. 2 Jackson. Oscar H. 474774 Trfd to 66th * * * Inf. 9th. BUGLERS ICL. CORPORALS Hendrick, Thomas 43765 1 McAlexander, Claude N. 783456 Disch 2nd. COOKS BUGLERS. Smith, Emory J. 742356. Absent in 1 Davidson, Patrick T. 151674 Died 4th. conf at Col Bks 0. since Jun 19/19 PRIVATES PRIVATES ICL. 1 Connors, James 689532 Fur Res 3rd. Abrams. Peter 888956. Jd 9th. 2 Dawson. Howard S. 911643 Dropped * as deserter 3rd. 34 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION COMPANY RETURNS 37. Company returns (Form No. 30, A. G. O.)* are prepared by — a. Detached companies and detachments (par. 2c) and separate com- panies and detachments of all arms, staff corps, and departments (par. 2b). h. Division headquarters troops, engineer trains, and mobile ord- nance repair shops. c. Corps mobile veterinary hospitals, base veterinary hospitals, veteri- nary hospitals, ambiilance service sections, mechanical repair shop units, advance animal transport depots, base animal transport depots, field re- mount depots, auxiliary remount depots, animal embarkation depots, re- mount squadrons, ship repair shops, graves registration sections, machine- shop truck units, and aero squadrons. d. All other units, establishments, and institutions similar in organization and administration to a separate company and not provided for in a, &,and c. 38. Company returns not prepared by companies serving at the head- quarters of the regiment. — A company return is not prepared by a com- pany serving at the headquarters of the regiment, separate battalion, or similar unit, to which it belongs. The data concerning such a company for a regimental return (Form No. 41, A. G. O.) is obtained from headquar- ters company and company morning reports. 39. Detached companies. — a. If the company is detached from the regimental headquarters a return will be prepared and will contain under the heading "Record of events" the information concerning company officers necessary to prepare the regimental roster of officers. (Par. 476.) This information will not be entered on the return of a separate company. h. If the detached company is serving under a field officer of the regi- ment the return will be forwarded through him. (Pars. 813 and 828, A. R.) 40. Detachments of staff corps and departments attached to regiments and similar units. — Detachments of officers and enlisted men of the Medi- cal Department, Ordnance Department, Veterinary Corps, or other staff corps or department, assigned to duty with or attached to regiments, sepa- rate battalions, or similar units in accordance with Tables of Organization, are accounted for on the regimental return, and the same instructions with regard to returns of companies of a regiment apply to these detachments, 41. Attached officers and enlisted men. — On the return of detached com- panies, attached officers and enlisted men belonging to other companies of detachments of the same regiment, separate battalion, or similar unit will be shown in red-ink figures. All other attached officers and enlisted men will be shown in black-ink figures. Enlisted men shown on the company morning report in the column "Attached for rations only" will not be ac- counted for on the company return. (Pars. 12 and 147w.) 42. White and colored troops. — For the purpose of returns troops are classed as white or colored, f On company returns the classes will be ac- counted for on separate lines as indicated on the form. * This Return and corresponding returns provided for larger units and authorized for staff corps. Departments and operating services will be used in lieu of the Field Return Form No. 26 A. G. O., to report troop movements. When used for this purpose the word "SPECIAL" will be prefixed to the heading. The words on line 3 "at midnight on the last day of" will be stricken out. No notations will be made under the headings "Effect- ive Strength" and "Alterations." Under "Record of Events" on the back of the form will be included date of departure, probable date of arrival, destination, method of travel, distance traveled, authority, parts of organization left at station. t In generalihe} term colored only included negroids. All others are classed as white. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 35 BI.AMTOW .W.VA. COMPANY RETURN. CQMP.ANT.A CondUum. of the company at midnight on iTie last day of -..mx.... f9-jai OFFICERS. ENLISTED MEJJ. ■"Sfe** "SI" MONTH. ,ML^O^ j 1 V 1 1 1 I|I 1 "the"' CLASS. 1 P OS. ^^* OUU Enim«l ...4 1 ...1.. 5 ...X... ...M5... ...5... .880..... :±: .-i ....26a_ V Cdcred . "l™ - ToUh J i 1 1 1 1 1.- 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 EFFECTIVE STRENGTH: OfficCTB_ (ESeeUye stienglli wai be nnatUA only In ctrnpaifa, and In detenniniiiK nicta nrengtta only those vho ai ited men wbo are aick or disabled, or on duty in any of the staff or supply departments, or (or any other r ALTERATIONS SINCE LAST MONTHLY RETURN. OFFICERS. GAIN. LOSS. i i a Ills JIHI 1* 1 1 1 j f 1 ll Died. CLASa. llll^ e »». 1 %..... 1 ■ ^ Ort^ . ENUIBTEO MEN. RtuivrB raoM 'Ml w ..1. ..a 14. .a. .X Form No. 30, Al G, O. RECORD OF EVENTS. (sutlott, and tirtryitiiat at Intdrsat relaclac t PnrsrsBt tclagraa ASC^July 24, ocBpany proceeded by motor oonvoy f rea C»ap Brady^Md. for strike doty at Blaoton ,W.V*. ; left at ZiOO a. ■.25th icet; arrived Bl ant on 7:30 a.m. same dmte.Distanoe 75 miles. Quartered in Bao RR station. Company is guarding property of Hemp^ •tead Collierji Outpoet at pumping plant attaoked 5:00 p.m. 29th inst by organized mob of 150 miners (esti.), variously armed. 1st Platoon, Ist lit Norman A. Smith oommdg. , engaged mob ^ charging with fixed bayonet, co firing; oivilians vlthdrea after firing about 30 shots. 1 sgt and 1 pvt 1st ol suffered minor gunshot wouxtds. Total engaged^l off ioer ;48 EM. Ill or ion L.Jones UABIOH ll. JONBS Capt^esth Inf ComiMndiny. Prssent: Cspt Marion L. Jones, Ist Lt Horman A.3mith, 1st Lt Ernest Johnson, 2d Lt D.S.Hilson.. ibMBt,sk at Camp Brady,lld.:2d Lt Peter J.IieirlB. Attached: 1st Lt Henry P. Johnson, UC INSTRUCTIONS. I. "ETaryeffloar apsny, or a nrrlson i 1 Company returns arc prepared by— a. Sntrtu and irtatXei eomf-- corpa, and departments. bednmnc of every month, 1 of Wat, an euot return of the s I'throu^lhe 3. In all cases except detached companies the oriitlnal will be sent directly lo The Adjutant Oonoral of the Army. In case otdctachod companies the original vlll be sent directly to the regimontal, separate battaJlon, or similar unit commander and will include, under the heading " Uecord of Events," the information neoassary to prepare regimental roster of olBccri In all cases a copy will be retained with the recirSoftheorganliatlon and a copy furnished to lie division, amp, post, or other station coiftminder. An addiUonal copy will be furnished to the cliief of the buiwu in case of troops pertaining to astafl corps or department. In addition to tha abo?e, in Europe a copy will also he furnished to the Commandins Genaial, Arnerican Expeditionary Forces, when required by blm. Copies may be made by cart>on process, but each c. Corps mohUe Teterlnary hospitals, ba» veterinary hoepltab, Taterl r honiilals, ambulance sert ice scctiuns, mechanics! repair shoi anoe animal transport depots, base ammal transport -■'— ' onnt 9fMs. r - •" — - "'— " --•— ' be clear and tached officers and enlisted r aquatirons, ship tl'^n and adnunlstratii 1 embarkation and aero squadrons. Institutions Fimlhtf In organlsa- separata company and not provided lor in J shoo units bel^DK to other companies or detachments of the same regiment, separate battall dwfi. field or similar unit wUlKshown in red ink figures. All other attached offlcets and atlon7ewU SitediMn wiU be shown in black ink flpirw. Enlisted men shBwn on the comp< ion aectSma, morning roport in the column for "Attached for rations only will not bo accoua ES[' troops »ro classed as » Back of Form No. 30, A. G. O. 36 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 43. Special forms for use by staff corps and departments. — Special forms for company returns, if approved by The Adjutant General of the Army, will be used in lieu of Form No. 30, A. G. O., by companies and detach- ments of staff corps and departments for returns both to The Adjutant General of the Army and to the chief of the staff corps or department con- cerned. 44. Preparation of the return. — a. The company return, prepared on the first day of the month succeeding the month for which rendered, shows the condition of the company at midnight on the last day of the month. There- fore, the figures on the line "Totals" may be taken directly from the morn- ing report for the last day of the month. The figures for the columns "Present" and "Absent" may be taken from the columns "Total present" and "Total absent," and for the columns "Total present and absent," "Attached," and "Attached for duty" from similarly named columns on the morning report. Enlisted men attached for rations only are not shown on the return. (Par. 41.) b. The figures for the column "Strength last monthly return" may be taken from the column "Total present and absent" on the last monthly return or from the column "Total present and absent" on the morning report for the last day of the preceding month. The figures for the column "Wounded in action during the month" must be compiled from "Remarks" on the morning report. (Par. 14g.) The figures for the column "Missing in action during the month" may be compiled from "Remarks" on the morning report (par. 14/), or the sum of the figures in the column "Missing in action" on the morning report may be taken, but in either event care must be exercised to prevent duplication in case the name of a soldier ap- pears on the morning report twice during the month as missing in action. 45. Effective strength. — Effective strength will be reported only in cam- paign, and in determining such strength only those who are available for service in line of battle will be included,. Officers and enlisted men who ^re sick or disabled, or on duty in any of the staff or supply departments, or for any other reason are not available in line of battle, will be excluded. 46. Alterations since last monthly return. — The data to be entered under the heading "Alterations since last monthly return" will be compiled from "Remarks" on the morning report (par. 14), extracts from Special Or- ders, service records (pars. 106 and 108), extracts from service records (pars. 114, 119, and 120), and reports of changes (par. 35). The data included under this heading furnish valuable information for the records of the War Department and at the same time afford the company commander a ready means of checking the accuracy of the return. The strength shown by the column "Total present and absent" must agree with the "Strength last monthly return," plus or minus the net gains or losses during the month. 47. Record of events. — a. The information to be reported under the heading "Record of events" is contained on the company morning report under the heading "Station and record of events." (Par. 19a.) The names -and grades of officers and enlisted men killed, wounded, or missing in action, 'Or captured by the enemy, reported under the heading "Record of events" on the morning report are not reported by name on the company return. (Par. 19&.) b. In the case of detached companies (pars. 2c and 39) the names of com- pany officers will be reported under the heading "Record of events" with COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 37 the information necessary to prepare the regimental roster of officers, (S. R. No. 58.) {Edition of 1920.) 48. Disposition of copies of return. — a. The original and copies of the company return prepared by a detached or separate company will be dis- posed of as indicated below. Copies may be made by carbon process, but each must be clear, distinct, and signed. (1) In the case of a separate company the original will be sent directly to The Adjutant General of the Army. (2) In the case of a detached company the original will be sent directly to the regimental, separate battalion, or similar unit commander. (3) A copy will be retained with the records of the organization. (4) In all cases a copy will be furnished to the headquarters rendering the consolidated return upon which the organization is carried — through the division if the organization is a part thereof and is at the same station. (5) A copy will be furnished to the chief of the staff corps or department in case of troops pertaining thereto. (6) If the organization is a part of a division and is separated therefrom a copy will be furnished the division commander for his information. b. The disposition of the original and all copies will be noted below the Record of events on the retained return; for instance, in the case of a sep- arate company of engineers (par. 26). Original mailed A. G. O. 1 Jan.-19 Copy mailed to C. of E. 1 Jan.-19 Copy to post hq. with morning report 1 Jan- 19 49. Filing. — The copy of the company return retained with the records of the organization will be placed in the "Reminder" in front of the month card of the month to which the return pertains, where it will be kept for one year, until this month card reappears, when the retained copy will be transferred to the returns section of the permanent file. (Par. 215a (2).) PAY ROLLS 50. Instructions for the preparation of pay rolls. — ^Instructions for the preparation of pay rolls are contained in Special Regulations No. 58. {Edition of 1920.) 51. Preparation of pay rolls by personnel adjutant. — Normally the com- pany pay rolls are prepared by the personnel adjutant of the regiment, separate or detached battalion, or similar unit, or by the personnel adjutant of the headquarters to which the morning report is submitted. 52. Pay rolls of detached companies. — In case of a separate or detached company or a detachment serving alone the pay rolls are prepared by the ■ company or detachment commander or by a subordinate officer desig- nated as personnel adjutant. (Par. 35.) 53. Procedure when company is detached. — When a company is to be detached the company commander or the subordinate officer designated by him as personnel officer will obtain from the personnel adjutant of the regiment, separate battalion, or similar unit, or from the personnel adju- tant of the post, camp, or station in the case of separate companies and detachments, the pay cards pertaining to the company, the pay roll of the company for the preceding month, and the pay roll for the current month completed to date. Upon arrival at the new station these records will be turned over to the personnel adjutant of the post, camp, or station ; or, if 38 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION the company is to serve alone, they will be retained with the company records, being filed in the lid section of the field desk. 54. Procedure when company rejoins regiment or station. — When the company rejoins the regiment, or in the case of a separate company or de- tachment when it returns to its proper station, the pay cards, retained pay rolls, pay rolls upon which payment has not yet been made, if any, and the pay rolls for the current month completed to date will be turned over to the personnel adjutant of the regiment or of the post, camp, or station. 55. Signing and extension of pay roll. — a. An original and two carbon copies of pay rolls will be prepared. The original, finally filed as a voucher by the disbursing officer, will be transmitted to the company commander to be signed by the enlisted men borne thereon who are to receive pay. The soldier's signature is an acknowledgment of the correctness of stoppages, as well as a receipt for amounts accruing to him, except when noted as in sub- paragraph /, and he will be so advised. b. The company commander will return the signed roll to the per- sonnel adjutant who Will transmit it with the first carbon copy to the disbursing officer for computation. c. When the first carbon copy is returned to the personnel adjutant after computation the first and second carbon copies will be transmitted to the company commander in time to enable him to extend the second carbon copy of the pay roll prior to payment. This extension includes the copying of all new items to the second carbon copy from the computed first carbon copy. d. Both carbon copies are then returned to the personnel adjutant, who retains the second carbon copy for reference pending payment, and returns the first carbon copy to the disbursing officer. e. Having been notified by the disbursing officer of the time of pay- ment, the personnel adjutant sends the second carbon copy to the company in time for the payment, following which it will be returned to the personnel adjutant for file. /. If for any reason a soldier who has signed the pay roll is not paid, a notation "Not paid" will be made opposite his signature on the original and on the first and second carbon copies. This will be done in case the soldier refuses payment contending the amount to be in error, or in a case of transfer, discharge or death subsequent to signature and prior to pay- ment. (Par. 1333 A. R.) 56. Deposits. — The company commander will cause those soldiers who desire to make deposits with the disbursing officer to give notice to that effect when signing the pay roll, so that the proper receipt in the soldier's deposit book may be prepared prior to payment, ready for the disbursing officer's receipt thereon after he has taken up the deposit. (Par. 170.) 57. Company collections. — The company collection sheet is prepared before payment so that the collections for various company activities may be made as soon as the soldiers leave the pay table. In assessing and mak- ing company collections company commanders should be guided by the precedents and rulings imposed by the Post Exchange council as to charges and percentages accruing to the company fund from company barber, tailor, cobbler, etc. (Par. 327, A. R.) Paragraphs 15 and 15^, Special Regu- lations, No. 59, prescribe the procedure relative to company collections on account of the post exchange (pars. 327 and 345 A. R.). Collections on COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 39 account of Post Exchange Laundry and Post Laundry must be differen- tiated. (Par. 192, C. of O.) Form for Deposit DEPOSITS RECEIVED OF . BarKnr,J*«JJiS?||[5 58. Procedure after payment.^a. When the disbursing officer has com- pleted the payment the officer witnessing the payment will accomplish on the original pay roll the certificate that he witnessed the payment as made by the disbursing officer, whose name he notes on the pay roll toge- ther with date of payment (par. 1318, A. R.) ; and the certificate on each car- bon copy that it is a true copy of the original, excepting signatures in receipt column and the certificate as to witnessing payment. (Par. 1332, A. R.) h. If the roll has been prepared by the personnel adjutant, he, and not the company commander, will certify to the correctness of each roll. c. As soon as the payment is completed the company commander will attest the receipts made by the disbursing officer in the several deposit books, make the required entry of deposit of the service record, and check the soldier's name and deposit on the advice of soldier's deppsit (Q. M. C. ^a), which should be prepared in advance for transmission direct to the Quartermaster General of the Army as soon as checked and signed. d. In each case of a deposit by a soldier the corresponding entries in the deposit book and service record will be compared and checked, and the en- tries on service record will be initialed. A similar procedifre is had when deposits are made at times other than at the regular monthly payment (pars. 167 and 170). 59. Payment by express or check. — In the cases where payment is not made by a quartermaster in person, the money is forwarded by express, and payment is made according to the procedure provided in paragraphs 1320- 1331, Army Regulations, Where, in similar cases, payment cannot be made by express the procedure is indicated by paragraphs 1334-1335, Army Regulations. 'Where payment is made by check the company commander, at the soldier's request, will certify to his indorsement to facilitate payment. (Par. 1331, A. R.) 40 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION SOLDIERS' DEPOSITS. (Eater lUte of deposit berii.) Tarn Qdabtbkmustek Qxnzkai. of the Abkt, Washington, D. Q. CMpBFMiy , Md ,, Sspteabar 2 , 1919. Ths followiag deposits have this da]r. b«en made with^ Qtutrtennsster, U. S. Army, per Par. 1361, A. R., 1918. Captain l.S.Cey Theee reporta of depodt are filed with the Qtiartennaster'a Abatract of Depodta to which they pertain, and each report (hoold contain onl; tlie deposits made with a single qoartei^ master on a given dat^. . This report will be forwarded hj the company commander, immediately after the deposit is made, direct to the Qnartermaster General of the Army. HJUUE. BAXK. OBOANI/.ATlnil. AMotmr Barter^ Lee 178946 1st Sgt Co A, 6Sth Ine «>• 00 PXoAer, John C 4824858 SupSgt Co A, 65tta Inf 12. 00 Boyal.BwryT. 1991876 Sit Corp Co A, 65tk Inf Co A, 65th Inf 10. 5. 00 00 Horner, teea^-d 8. 246878 Corp Co A, 65th inf 1 10. 00 Mming, ?loydD. 576879 Ck Co A, 65th Inf 8. 00 Bsll,Jaa.H. 176397 P»t Co K 65th- inf i 5. 00 Jones, Willie ■ 904582 Pvt Co A, 66th Inf 5. 00 ^"-^^i^^!;,^ — ^^^^^_^^^^^^^^ ^"^''''^ ^*"*''^ - - ■ ---^^^^^ ^^""^ --^^^ ■". " • ■ liABION L. JO^ Captain ..65*fc.laf Commanding Co. . .f'.^*''^'*'' 60. Part collection of stoppage. — In case of considerable stoppage or indebtedness against a soldier's pay, and where a special hardship would be worked upon the soldier, the collection may be limited to two-thirds of his pay. In the case of a deserter restored to duty the collection of resultant stoppage and indebtedness may be limited to one-third of his pay under like circumstances. (Par. 232, C. of O., 1916 Supl.) If pay is too small to meet Government insurance premium, etc., the procedure prescribed in para- graph 74h, Special Regulations No. 72, will be followed. Section V COMPANY PROPERTY RECORDS COMPANY EQUIPMENT RECORD Paragraph, Equipment A and B 61 The company equipment record consists of 62 Property loan record 63 Replenishment of equipment 64 Articles turned in as surplus 65 Articles retained by a soldier when transferred or detached 66 Equipment worn out or otherwise rendered unserviceable 67 Property lost, damaged, or destroyed 68 Transferring the company equipment 69 Filing . 70 Audit and disposition 71 RECORD OF CLOTHING ISSUES Clothing issues 72 Individual issues . 73 Bulk issues .• 14 Filing and disposition . 75 DESCRIPTIVE CARD OF PUBLIC ANIMALS ' Preparation : 76 Filing 77 Final disposition . 78 COMPANY EQUIPMENT RECORD 61. Equipment A and B. — a. As used in these regulations, the term "equipment" includes all articles of ordnance, engineer, signal and medi- cal property, and all articles of quartermaster property issued to troops. With reference to its issue to and use by troops, equipment is classed as A, the war set for field and garrison use; and B, the drill set and other articles^ additional to A for use at posts and camps or stations of relatively perma- nent nature. (Cir. No. 377, W. D., 1919.) (See Appendix.) b. (1) When an organization changes station from one post or camp or station of a relatively permanent nature to another of the same category, it will take normally Equipments A and B, Tables I, II, III, and IV, Tables of Basic Allowances. (Cir. No. 377, W. D., 1919.) (2) When individual enlisted men change station under similar condition, they will take with them normally the articles listed in paragraph 122a. (3) Individuals or organizations concentrating for, or going on, indefin- ite field service will take Equipment A only, all other property being turned in to the supply officer, except field desk B (pars. 199 and 201), which will be stored. Where the field service is of a definitely temporary nature, the property other than Equipment A will be stored by the organization. (4) Surplus property of individuals separated from active service will be disposed of as follows: Clothing and articles of permanent individual equip- ment (par. 122a) will be turned in to the supply officer. The articles will be listed by the company commander upon shipping ticket (par. 176), 41 42 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION arranged in a bundle, and sent to the supply officer for disposition, as pro- vided in Special Regulations No. 77. The supply officer or his represen- tative will receipt on a receiving report and return it at once to the com- pany for file with the company property record until inspected by the zone property auditor. All other items being on the company property loan record are company property and are handled as such. 62. The Company equipment record consists of — a. The property loan record, P. & S. Form No. 263B (par. 63); and, according to the circum- stances; b. Copies of requisitions, P. & S. Form No. 160, (par. 173); c. Copies of receiving reports, P. & S. Form No. 257 (par. 175); d. Copies of shipping tickets, P. & S. Form No. 260 (par. 176); e. Statements of charges, Form No. 602, A. G. O. (par. 160); /. Copies of reports of survey. Form No. 196, A. G. O. (par. 142) ; g. Copies of inventory and inspection reports, Form No. 1, I. G. D. (par. 178); h. Certificates of Audit, Finance Service, Form No. 0-1 J. (Rendered by zone property auditor.) i. Certificates and affidavits in lieu of survey as provided in W. D. Cir. No. 11, 1920. {See Appendix.) 63. Property loan record, P. & S. Form No. 263B. — a. The property loan record is a continuing record in the company and will remain with the com- pany upon change of station. The vouchers pertaining to each card will be kept with or in it until inspected by the zone property auditor. b. All articles of equipment issued to a company except clothing, certain articles of individual equipment issued to enlisted men for their current use and retention upon transfer (see paragraph 122a, and Circular No. 377, W. D., 1919, as amended, see Appendix), and expendable articles, will be listed on the property loan record. Each class of property will be listed separately under appropriate headings. In each cla-ss items will be listed in alphabetical order as they appear on the tables of basic allowances. A separate property loan record will be kept for garrison equipment, i. e., property not taken in field. c. Transactions will be recorded on the property loan record from time to time as they occur, the record being kept complete and up-to-date at all times. If, under any item, all the spaces for recording receipt or re- turn are used, when the next transaction occurs the item will be checked thus (V ) and transferred to the end of the list where the record will be con- tinued. Whenever it becomes necessary to replace a sheet of the record the balances from the old record will be transferred to the first "Balance" column of the new record. The old record will be retained until inspected by the zone property auditor. d. In posting items to the property loan record it will be borne in mind that the columns under the heading "Quantity Rec'd" are debit columns and those under "Quantity Ret'd" credit columns. 64. Replenishment of equipment. — a. Instructions concerning the issue of clothing are given in paragraphs 72-75. When items of equipment are desired either as replenishment or as an original issue, requisition will be prepared on P. & S. Form No. 160 as prescribed in paragraph 173, and sent to the supply officer. A copy of the requisition will be retained and filed with the property loan record. The issue will be made by the supply officer on shipping ticket, P. & S. Form No.' 260, a copy of which will be fur- COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 43 nished to the company commander. The company commander or his rep- resentative will receipt for the articles on the copy of the shipping ticket retained by the supply officer. Except as noted in subparagraph b, all articles of equipment except clothing and individual equipment issued to enlisted men for their permanent retention (par. 122a), and expendable arti- cles, will be entered on the property loan record, the date, shipping ticket number, and quantity being recorded in the proper columns. The shipping ticket will then be filed with the requisition as a voucher to the property loan record. (Par. 176.) b. No entry will be made on the property loan record of the receipt of expendable articles; nor of articles of clothing or equipment issued to 44 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION enlisted men for their permainent retention; nor of articles exchanged on certificate (pars. 67 and I76d), nor of articles covered by receiving report in transferring responsibility in the company, c. Articles of clothing and individual equipment will be entered on individual equipment records as prescribed in paragraph 122, the names of the enlisted men to whom the articles are issued being shown on the shipping ticket. 65. Articles turned in as surplus. — When equipment issued to a com- pany on loan is returned to a supply officer, he will furnish the company commander a receiving report listing the items returned. The arcicles will be dropped from the property loan record as returned, the date, re- ceiving report number, and quantity being shown in proper columns. The receiving report will be filed as a voucher to the property loan record. 66. Articles retained by a soldier when transferred or detached. — a. Instructions for the preparation of the individual equipment record of a soldier transferred or detached are given in paragraph 125. b. Articles of equipment other than clothing and individual equipment permanently retained by a soldier when transferred or detached, together with any articles for which he may be indebted to the United States at the time, will be entered on a shipping ticket in duplicate and the soldier's receipt obtained on both copies. The original will be forwarded with the service record and individual equipment record of the soldier; the duplicate will be retained. c. Upon arrival of the enlisted man at his destination, the new com- pany commander will take up the articles listed on shipping ticket on his property loan record as received and file the original shipping ticket as a voucher to his record. Missing articles will be charged to the soldier as prescribed in paragraph 123. d. The old company commander will drop the articles listed on shipping ticket from his property loan record and file the duplicate shipping^ticket as a voucher to his record. The date of the transaction and the quantities of the items involved will be shown on the property loan record, the entry being under "Quantity Ret'd." The notation "Shipping ticket" will bo made. 67. Equipment worn out or otherwise rendered unserviceable. — a. With reference to its disposition, property is divided into two classes- — (1) Property worn out by fair wear and tear in the service. (2) Property which has been rendered unserviceable from causes oilier than fair wear and tear in the service. * Property of the first class, not repairable at post, may be turned in to the salvage officer with the certificate of the company commander that the property has been rendered unserviceable through fair wear and tear in the service. If the articles are to be replaced, a requisition for like articles in like amounts will accompany the certificate. If the salvage officer con- curs with the company commander, he will receive the articles and stamp * This includes property lost, damaged or destroyed. Property in excess of $10 in value which has been lost or damaged in transit, or found to be missing or damaged when a transfer of accountability is made, is ordered to be abandoned, is lost through desertion, or is to be charged to an enlisted man incident to his own neglect, will be surveyed. Ex- cept in the last two cases, property not exceeding $10 in value may be disposed of and dropped in accordance with A. R. 717, by authority of the certificate and affidavits pro- vided in W. B. Cir. .No. 11, 1920. (See appendix.) The retained copy of the certificate will be used as a voucher to the property loan record or individual equipment record, or both. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 45 the requisition "Exchanged." The articles Hsted thereon may then be drawn from the supply officer. (See also subparagraph c.) When a re- placement only is involved, no entry of the property turned in or drawn will be made on company property loan record or individual equipment record. The shipping tickets will be filed, however, as in the case of other shipping tickets. If the property turned in on certificate is surplus and its replace- ment not desired, a receiving report from the salvage officer will be filed as a voucher to the company property record, and the items not replaced will be dropped from the property loan record or individual equipment records involved. (Par, 678, A. R.) If there be disagreement between the salvage officer and company commander, the property will be submitted to a surveying officer and disposed of as directed in paragraph 717, Army Regulations, or it will be submitted to an inspector without prior action by a surveying officer. Property of the second class will be submitted to a surveying officer, except as provided in paragraph 1073, Army Regulations, in case of public animals, and except when charged on statement of charges without objec- tion on the part of the person charged, and will be disposed of under the provisions of paragraph 717, Army Regulations. The inventory and inspection reports of this class of property will be accompanied by the report of survey. When the property is dropped from the property loan record the report of survey will be filed as a subvoucher to the inventory and inspection report on which the property is dropped. Instructions for the preparation of reports of survey and inventory and inspection reports are given in paragraphs 142 and 178. h. (1) If so authorized by the approved report of survey or the inventory and inspection report, the property will be dropped from the property loan record, a copy of the report of survey or the inventory and inspection re- port being filed as a voucher thereto. In the column "S. T. or R. R. No." will be noted "RS" for report of suvrey or "I. & I. R." for inventory and inspection report, according to the nature of the voucher. (2) If any of the articles listed on report of survey or inventory and in- spection report are ordered turned in for salvage they will be listed on a receiving report in duplicate and turned over to the nearest salvage officer. The salvage officer will receipt and return one copy of the receiving report, which will be used as a voucher to drop the articles from the property loan record of the company. c. China and glass ware broken in service, not the result of carelessness, or other articles dropped in accordance with a stated allowance for a given interval of time, will be dropped or exchanged on a shipping ticket pre- pared in accordance with paragraph 176^, provided the value of the articles does not exceed the allowance prescribed by regulations. (Par. 1178, A. R.) The shipping ticket will be filed as a voucher to the property loan record. 68. Property lost, damaged, or destroyed. — Instructions for the prepara- tion of statement of charges. Form No. 602, A. G. O., for property lost, damaged, or destroyed through fault or neglect of enlisted men, including deserters, are given in paragraph 160. Instructions for the preparation of reports of survey in such cases are given in paragraph 142. Such reports of survey are subvouchers to the statement of charges. Property entered on statement of charges will be dropped from the property loan record as soon as the statement of charges is received back from the personnel adju- 46 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION tant with notations showing that the charge has been made on the pay rolls of the company and the pay card of the soldier. At the end of the month the statement of charges will be filed as a voucher to the property loan record. The date of each transaction and the quantity of the item in- volved will be noted in the proper column. The notation "S. of C," (statement of charges) will be made in the column "S. T. or R. R. No." 69. Transferring the company equipment. — When the company equip- ment is to be transferred to a new company commander (pars. 661 and 662, A. R.), a certificate on receiving report in duplicate will be prepared as prescribed in paragraph 175c, covering all items of the company equip- ment actually listed on property loan record. After check and verification of the items and quantities any new balances by reason of missing articles will be filled in and dated. Missing articles, if any, will be listed on the cer- tificate and will be covered by the officer responsible therefor by payment or survey. The new company commander will continue the old property loan record. The original receiving report will be filed with the property loan record. Property transferred between organizations of the same sta- tion will be transferred as provided in paragraph 17 5d. 70. Filing. — ^The vouchers pertaining to each property loan record en- velope and the clearance covering the last audit will be kept therein and filed in the lower left compartment of the top of the field desk. (Par. 211.) 71. Audit and disposition. — ^The company equipment record will be audited from time to time by the zone property auditor of the zone in which the company is stationed. Upon completion of the audit and after any discrepancies or irregularities found during the audit have been adjusted, the zone property auditor will give to the company commander a certificate of audit covering all entries made on the property loan record since the date of the last audit. All vouchers to the current property loan record and obsolete sheets of the current record, if any, may then be destroyed. RECORD OF CLOTHING ISSUES 72. Clothing issues. — Clothing may be issued either directly to the en- listed man or in bulk to the company. Whenever practicable the former method will be used. In either case each soldier desiring to draw clothing will make a request (single copy only) to the company commander on Q. M. C. Form No. 165. For this purpose the original and duplicate slips will be detached andjiised indiscriminately. (Par. 1157, A. R.) 73. Individual issues. — a. When clothing is to be issued to individual enlisted men, individual clothing slips in duplicate (Q. M. C. Form No. 165), enumerating the articles needed are prepared in the company from the soldier's individual request. The quantities and sizes desired will be entered, except that for men not yet fitted, sizes may be filled in at the time of issue after proper size has been determined by fitting. Clothing slips will be numbered as requisitions from block of numbers assigned to the company by the supply officer, but when more than one duplicate slip is prepared and sent to the supply officer on the same date and is accounted for on the same shipping ticket all slips will be given the same requisition number, but each slip will be serially ntunbered also. Both original and duplicate will be sent to the supply officer. If a large number of men of an organization are to draw clothing the individual clothing slips will be COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 47 Q. M. c. Form No. 16S. ORIQINAL.. AuthoriMd March 0. 1915. INDIVIDUAL CLOTHING SLIP. The quartermaster is requested to issue the articled enumerated below to (Namc^Oinuikvf soldier.) >0 <•-" -JtS^ -yraa^JOaO^- .6Li&tt*fcS QuanUUea. ArtiolM. BlMa. Unit priooi. f ToUh.. Il«<|-d. iMOod. B«,'d. IM«1. Bands, cop, dross each-. — ...... 4-. Bteeches, cotton, 0. D pairs.. Breeches, woolen, O. D pairs.. Caps, dress (without bands) each.. — ...... .1... E Caievrons, cotton, 0. D ^palrs.. Cho^Toas, "dress ,.„ pairs.. Cbo\Tons, woolen, 0. D.. pairs.. Chevrons palrs^. Ijl. — p .. . L. ... f ConLs, r1r/><;!! finch i Coats, service, 0. D .each.. Coats ..4.9.t±Aa. each.. ...™. 1...... ^ — 7 1 — Cords, ^reast . each. .1... Cords, hat each.. Drawers, canton flannel ....pairs.. Dt»WBra,Je»B*A**AnL pairs.. Gauntlets, winter pairs.. Gloves pairs.. Gloves ...pairs :x ;;.";; — -"- — ^ t 1 .... 1 I Hats, denim., each 1 . 1 1 Hats, service-. . each ^% ■ 'i 1 Laces.. pairs.. i 1 1 — i ! .J... heggijH ..JiJUKji/. ...pairs.. Neckties each..' i 1 J... Ornaments, cap, bronze each.. Ornaments, cap, gilt each.. Ornaments, collar bronze each.. Ornaments, collar, br., "V. G." ...each.. .1 1 . ! 1 I 1 ..«.- — 1 j ' 1 ' ' Ornaments, collar, gilt, "IT. iS." csch ' \ \ ■' . Overshoes, arctic . . '"airs. ! 1 "" — 8hlr ev>-^-- T-'-0.>7^ «rom.-^r.di-, 19 r* . to-fty. J-1-, 19 15 (UemiMuiy'aiid raciment or cOrpa or departbent.) J>lsohar(«d ai— .,..V»..K- ; character,. (Grade.) DlMharKed ai • character (GrMle.) .. (torn. ,19 Mat or aorna or depwtmant.) Plscbarjfed as . ; character (GiMl..) * Sueceaaful or unaucoeaaful. i lnB«rt headinss beiow last discharce from the Rcsolar Army to abow Mrrioe im Tbe United States Army. Volunteer Army. Navy. Marino Corps, and National Guard or Orcanued Militia, in the order named. Page 3, Service Record (1) In case of discharge (par. 194), forwarded to The Adjutant General "of the Army by final indorsement. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 63 (2) In case of furlough to the reserve (par. 194), forwarded by indorse- ment to the officer charged with keeping the record of the soldier as a reservist. (Par. 13, R. R. A. R., 1916.) When the reservist is dis- 4 EDUCATION Al QXTAUFICATIONS. (To be copied from Form CCP-1.) Years In grammar school zt. - High school ...f^ CoUege or unlTetsity jn>dr»!*c'— " OTaAiixte -woik -..Vi*TftA-.-. IntelligencQ rating -ff-- OCCUPATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS. (To be copied from Form CCP-1.) ICaiifooc«p»tlon.— CA*?-p-<>?l!tCJf?— .-.. _ Years X *Apj>r«ntlce; "H^avna^aHVi 'N^afavt. Just what did he Ao^...SMAfLuAiMJLii^Jnit'-jifi-fXM3l: Ctl£n£M^...CJrp».frhr.y. WeeWy waees I-/5".! Next best occnpatioii -t - Years "". *AMtf»iitlce; ^JsnnuiTmaii; * Expert. Just what did he del Weekly wages %. lOLITAIlT QUALIFICAtlONS. Army specialty. Rating, t with date. Rerating.twitKdate. IfVjftofifr ^jc .fi:.J$:J8 ..£x..j-.5:l.i__ — Sapper Rifle grenadier Ammnnitioa cannoneer Pioneer Rifleman Gun cannoneer Stokesmortar Automatic rlfleihan_ Driver 1-pounder Company clark Instru. loan (artillery) Telephone Ranncc JL^eat of communication Radio _ Machine pnmer (artffle^) Visual "Wagoner. _ Borscshoer Lltbographcr _ Packer Povderman . Gunner (artillery) Bigger • Strike oat wonte not applicable. f Ex-Kxoellent; VG-Verygood; G—Good; T-Tvr. Page 4, Service Record charged or otherwise separated from the service, his service record will be forwarded to The Adjutant General of the Army by final indorsement. (3) In case of death (par. 195), forwarded to The Adjutant General of the Army by final indorsement. 64 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION (4) In case of retirement (par. 196), forwarded to The Adjutant General of the Army by final indorsement. (5) In case of desertion (par. 197), forwarded to The Adjutant General of the Army by indorsement. C6) In case of sentence to dishonorable discharge the execution of which is 5 CUSBENT ENUSTMEKT. Serying in *^^ anUstment period. Accepted for enlistment at - EnUstedd^-ly/O-, 19|8. at .^ S\fi»C»» WV -YlV... by I iitrlar.H 13 SlCnithtlyif for f years A3..nedto -Co t3»^^X;ie. ^j^ (Compauy auurcgimcnt or curpa or di^arUngnt.) at . . .C^m^ pit li^A Transferred to .C«? G-'^t H |rif , , ffutf^C,, „!& (C'UiU^anyand ruKiment or corpa or depurtmcnt.) ^ ■ — Transferred to C^yt^A^^J^f.... 4?.Cg^. ^,19 Fuiionghed to reserre: - 19 Furlonrhs: .-Jioa./.''.?^/.f/Si Foreign Service: Left TTnlted States for duty In - Jt^^- -CT^fJCC- from MjtJbA/tMJnMJT on /9ojf6., lUS Arrived at ..-/.•PJty^-ST'- - on ..ffuQVl?—., 19-/5 Left ..rJta03r.S., for the United States on^V}gC\0l9t^ Arrived at^A-bOl^en-W JT'on ..JS^.^Ol-. 19l9 Left TTnlted Stetes for duty In - from — on --, 19 Arrived at — - on , 19 Left for the TTnlted States on -.19 Acrlvedat - — oa . 19- — MIIJTAKT BECOHD. Each entrywill be initialed. Qj^dCarf^Ar BiT'.. ...CKI/ .eo... i9i8 >WC OfgrfLCH- _^lj3/_.«if Re^ Grade: J(fy)fMj^^ f^^M., lU? A^ Grade: ..i5fer,.lfL$^^ • Give 7 court-martial eoDeeted on par roll a« follow* (M« Amonnt. Month. Amount. Dols. Ctg. Dols. Cts. .fe. f6 ^6 — .,10 - 19 % ,i«..„ - , 19.... Page 6, Service Record d. If a soldier is detached from his company at the time he is separated from active service, an extract from his service record will be prepared and forwarded to his company commander. (Pars. 114 and 119.) 109. Temporary service record. — When an enlisted man is trarid-' ferred, assigned, or attached to a company or detachment, and is again' transferred or detached before the service record has been received from 66 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION his previous company or detachment commander, a temporary service record will be prepared from the available data and forwarded to the new company or detachment commander for use until the original or a new 7 RECORD OF CONVICTIONS BY COURTS-MARTIAL. Svmrndr.Y C. M.. appointed by RO.Ut^Zif./h.¥SjTtJf Sentence as approved: J^.-p1^..pS.nJyja..jL;^3..^Iyi0^.de.- ."^inejd. Approved ff<8.7^4 is/'^. I certify the above is correct. re IS coireci.. A- //4hT~ P 0^ J^yvi^a?^.,^/! comdg.CK^£ C. M., appointed by . A. W Sentence as approve^: I certify the above is correct. , Comdi;. . C. K., appointed by . Sentence as approved: - Approved-... ., Comdg:. ... 19..-. J certify the above is correct. " C. M., appointed by ... * A,W. .- Approved , Comdg. ... ... W.... I certify the above is correct. • ,\. o( W. aud syDopais of «pccificntions of which found euilty, iucludiha dato. Page 7, Service Record record (par. 110) is received, when the temporary service record will be checked with the original or. new service record and additional data on the temporary service record transcribed to the original; after which the temporary service record will be filed in the five-year file. (Pars. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 67 205e and 213.) Temporary service records will be marked "Temporary" on the cover by the officers starting them. 110. Procedure in case of lost service record. — In the event that a service record is lost, immediate effort will be made to trace it through the commanding officer of the company or detachment with which the COMPANY PUNISHMENT. (Par. 334, Manual for Courts-MarUal.) Bceord of company pnnlslimeiita will under no elrcnsuUnces be fubmltted ta erldenco before courte-martUl with record of preylons eonrtctlons. Offense, including date. Ptmlshmcnt awarded, with dale. Decision on appeal. J^spnmftxf ^nd c»nf to cdtup. "SdiyL -. ALLOTMENTS AND XNSTJBANCE. $ , per month CUnBallotmeat: de> |..y.5.jrr— ss perlttontli TXfip GavcnunenI iofiniKe: $..5QOiS- — , bm |.-.ftu& , WA fJ6( Prmmns per m., ViA. 0.^...; Wit, %Afl.; 19^ $352 - Gavtnmenl intonKe: $ , &«■ .W — Prenums per M., » — , $ ; W — , $- ; M- — , i- .» ClMS E aUotrnMiti; tnchidlBC Ubarty bond and pilrate biraranee. Amount. From- Period. , 19 JCoS. „ „, W.... , 19 Hob. , 1»- iCJa55.l! i'i/^mt^r^^ ~~ .Mas. , w„..y tpJ.- ../„/f0£> HAT tjChiiirdhf^C A Ad jSC^ i^k^ W-n. Page 9, Service Record and making appropriate entries in the body of the record. Pending receipt of the new service record the soldier's pay and duty status will be determined from the data shown on his pay card, the last pay roll COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 69 on which his name ap pears, and from other records of the company or detachment with wh'ch he last perved. 111. Changes in entries. — Erasures of entries on service records^are prohibited. All eliminations of original entries will be made by drawing lines through the entries Each change will be duly authenticated by the initials of the officer makinp: it. 112. Additional space for entries. — In case the space undej- any heading, except deposits, allotments, and insurance, in the body of the record proves insufficient, the entry will be continued under "Remarks." If this space proves insufficient, additional sheets for remarks may be pasted to the top of page 10. If the space for allotments and insurance is insufficient, opposite space under deposits will be taken. If the space for deposits is insufficient, additional sheets will be securely pasted at the top of the page, 10 Additional sbeets for •' Remarks," U required, will 1>e attached here. (See Instruction 11.) KEHARKS (See Instruction 11): x-^. Note. — Under "Remarks" should be included dates of joining company in each new assignment, etc.; until provi- sion is made under military qualifications therefor the soHier's qu-^lif cation as a horseman required for entry on Discharge Certificate will be noted under "Remarks " when pertinent; notation will also be made under "Remarks" as to completion of special courses, e. g., "Sex Morality" (G. O. 135, 1919). Page 10, Sernice Record as indicated by foot-note in service record. If the space for showing change of station or status in an indorsement is insufficient, the entry will be continued under the heading "Due United States." One indorsement may, if necessary, occupy the space allotted to two. If there be more than 12 indorsements, an additional sheet will be securely pasted at the top of page 17, as indicated by footnote thereon. Under no circum- stances will sheets or slips of paper be pasted or attached to a service record excepr as provided in these regulations. 113. Initialiflg entries. — Each entry under "Military record" on page, 5, 6, 8, and 9, will be initialed by the recruicing officer, personnels adjytant 70 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION or company or detachment commander, as the case may be. The entries underJ*^"Military record" on page 7 will not be initialed. Where there are no data of record relating to the printed heading, the space under that heading will be left blank. Negative entries, such as "None," "Noth- ing," etc., will not be made in any part of the form except as required for street and house number and indorsement. 11 BECOBD OF KNOWN DISTANCE RIFLE PEACTICS. Special Course *A *C— Record Practice. Slow fire. II Rapid Are. || Slow Are. | ' Aggro- 100 I 200 I 300 I Total. || 100 | aoO | 3U0 | Total. || fjOO | CJO | TotalT|| gaw. Target year 19 ' III li I I I II I I 11 Target year 19 III II I I I II I I 11 . Target year 19 III II I I I 11 I I II Qualification Course— Record Practice. ^SltwflTe. II Ra pid fu e. |l Aggre- 1 ol^lifl- I „ . "" 300 I SOOTSOQ I Total. Ij 200 | 300 | 500 | Total. || gate. | cation. | "^'^- Target year 19 jg ^»l .? ^l3T l i^ ^ll »^ l- y< ^ yp l /^^'i^v^ ^5 l^m -ff Target year 19 .£y ^8\ \ M^3\H^\\2(^ i ^ sfsl B R l^'^oH Q ^Target year 19 I I I II I I I II I I BZCOBD OF PISTOL FIBINa. DUmonnted Course. Record practice. Expert test. Rapid flro. | Quick Are. "~~" Rapid Are. | Quick Are, i ~ 25 yds. I 15 yds. I 2J yds. ^°*^'- 25 yds. 1 15 yds. | 25 ydsTJ ^°'-'^'- Target year 19- 1^ \ I \ ^L Target year 19 I I I \\ \ \ I Target year 19 I- I ■ I Konnted Course. "Record practice. Halt. Gallop. ToUl. Halt. I Gallop. | ^^fl°» | Total. Target year 19 1 1 II 1 1 1 Target year 19— . 1 1 II 1 1 1 Target year 19.— 1 1 II 1 1 1 Page U, Service Record 114. Extract from service record, Form No. 29a, A. G. O. — Each com- pany and detachment commander forwarding the service record will prepare an extract thereof on Form No. 29a, A. G. O., for file with che records of the company or detachment. (Pars. 104, 106, 108, and 119.) COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 71 If a soldier is detached from his company or detachment at the time of his discharge, furlough to the reserve, retirement, death, desertion, or transfer to another organization, the extract from service record will be prepared in duplicate and a copy furnished without delay to the com- 12 lEt IND. ..8€cw;Jri:]kpcnr7l^:Sljcicimtn^ -- 3a/.I.yI^.,....„...io18 TO ..CO Xaynp miAU^Un He was last paid to Inclnde - JfiC^etT-p.^Lil. .19.... By-— -— — (Rank aad oanie of quartormutor.) i)ne TTnitea States (See Isstrnction 5); if nothing, so state: /W^.HOrl an aUotment # This to\&\^T*tyd^tii^f'-i^t.dj:BojroyeKS!sas. as^.finrj.s.OM.^.j^IkfitzMojf.5^^^^ He was Uitoald to Include 3.-/— CJa?.'-)^ wiS i^A^J^.Sjtf^U^^ (K^nk Mid name of auarUrmwtar.) (lUnki Due TTnited SUtei (See Instruction S); U nothing;, so stote: M^A^. an allotment nnnlng. His character is f Xhave personally verified alljRitrieg unda "Due United j Cc^r:Jfth.c^»£:.co. mmandlng. Page 12, Service Record mander of the company or detachment to which the soldier belonged. (Par. 119c.) 115. Decorations, service medals, and citations. — The award of deco- rations, service medals, citations, and foreign decorations will be recorded on page 6. . , 72 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION a. In the ca?e of service medals the character, authority and serial num- ber will be noted. .• b. In the case of citations and decorations the character and authority will be noted. 13 -| 3d IND. ^ To.! ^..^....^._....!^/=Fvt^ A'a tS COM^IJ^ Z\ ___ He was last paid to Jnchide -'Ns3--W>MU,-.r^„| , 19 lO «jr- -S.eje. .^j?^ X^jiV. (Hanlt and name of quartermaater.) Due TTziited States (See lastroctioa 5); if aothins, so state: Arf5 ^ s^ or has not.) j^J J§^ - . ananotment runnlac. or Em not.) His character is f '. have personally Terlfledall entries under -'Dae TTnited States. e^all entyes imder "Due TTnited rHdto^-— ^■^^- Comiwading. 4th IKD. ^0.5^X«fc~ ^^^^^^^^^^ -- .^QJrf,.--,. ..,:o^ TO CD-i:a6ual2^--i^.c^-^.Hcu>^- .._ ThU«>Wler»rt>^Vli"f--^<>--(^-S--)f£«^- -5C>5A J?(i!?.. Cla5aV-CauMp)Qo.ti4?.>TUv,s,.l]ecJ-J&.. He was last paid to laclade 5-0— -^Q-Ox;*. ul8 By„...CaftrBii.-^c>tt;.H/?.. I (Rank Knd came of qmrUtmaater.) Due TT&ited StatM (See ZnstmctSon S); U Bothtaic, so state: This Boldlert --^IAA— i (IlM or hM not.)x? ^^ ^ ■- His character Is f -(2^^iXefe«fe*»!X- I hare personally verified all entries nnder "Sne ITnlted States.' ^.ig'^-^,fjfl-«X*l7f-"..Commandlng. Page 13, Service Record • U6. Allotments and insurance {see Appendix III jor blank forms' per- taining to Government Insuranc ). — In case of change or discontinuance of any allotment, notation thereof will be made following the allotment. ■See paragraphs 13d and/, and 82c, Special Regulations No. 72, with reference to recording on service record data relative to insurance; and COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 73 paragraph 16, Splecial Regulations No. 72, for notation in case of change of beneficiary. Cir, No. 498, W D., 1Q19. provides for the conversion of war risk insurance (term insurance) into Government converted insurance; 14 ^ 5th IND. > ^- - 77ec -^^ .19^^ \o.co.MtA2^t'!:bQri'<>jj(^y^. He was last paid toYnclude ....T^.O.-./y.Q.U. , J9iJS By. ".....'^Ts^.^.thZhd. (Rsok and name of quartermaster.) Due TTnited States (See Instruction 5); if nothing, so state: 75>j!'. .partial- .pAyjr^erH:. T^p.incjQfJe.. Jlta^Q, /fif,.^^^.4..7^tf^./^>t./6^^.ii£^. ./7-elJf. an allotment running. [m or baa Bof .) ^^^___ ; character is t .— <^XC^^^^*^?^- ..Commandins. 5th IND. ^ ^ -6th IND. .CoJE..U:^.'L[nt^...nc>.rf.UK^^^^^ /?^iuh..-^l. -.--. i9i^ TO X-O..^St^J:ke...C^.nipj^.rdi<^.y^/2^^^ .U^f^^m^^ym - He was last pald1?[nclude LTCrJb....^.ff. , ^al^ By. .C5C2J^--^.//-../?u«.-^e7-,./5i^.^. •^ (Rank and name o( QUBrtermaster!) Due ITnlted States rSee Instrnction S); if nothiair, so state: ...puT..^.c:^ppi:dA^K'Jl) ..- This soldier t-—r?-4-S an allotment running. (Has or bas not.) - His character is t i^rSUrU.J^£i.ad- I have personaUy verified all entries unjjer "Due United States." ^.^tiHca<.- of/diaability ; honora/Te discharga on iHfif?o«^SSdjE^fe u ^iluhnluutul um — *w, teutefr'niaiied to !Eha--&diutjaJ3*..(3j9nj9]?j».l„.Qf ..thft.... Apjny, Jnly...5 , wJA- INCLOSITRES. (5) *1 Individy^ Equipment Record. *1 Pay Card. Final Statement Inventory of e£f«otB .B_©PP?*..9f...^®^*?i REMARKS. .MC.?P?»?..No..39 mailed J^^^ Ef f e ^ s de 1 iver ed to Rob t . B • Dav i'dBon ' sJuly 5 .'J^Ji.lPl?i^.M.3J^^fj'A%o3m__ *Strike out words not applicable. detached service, or confinement, and his service record has been for- warded to his new commanding officer, the extract from his service record will be filed in the place from which his service record has been removed. When the soldier rejoins the company and his service record is returned, COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 79 the extract should be checked with the service record and may then be destroyed after additional data thereon have been recorded on the service record. SOLDIER'S AFPTOAVrr. I ban iBswuiM ud alloUinBti m foUowj: (i) V7»t Rlik laratiaei. » ' : montUy pnaUnin, t ; it» : taUl For QM is cOorting fall pay wfa«n soldier's s«n-ir« nconl, or otb«r cquir- premloiB«dMTT.8.,» ; (b) C1.A AOot.; (c)Cl. B Allot.; (d)Cl. r.lent data fixing Ills pay status, Is mlulng. When executed this aTidavit r aii-» . c.n m t t /.% .^ » . , . ..^ . . wiU be lasertad In the suppl«n«;tary service ncort, bet«re.n pa-;es « «.d 7. = ^ot- • (•) " I- I-«: (') M I- Loan; (%) «th L. Loaa(rtow an„«i ■=, dueir.S.aad< I claim nfaad for Liberty Loan allotauBti a< foUowi (show amosats. mostha for which dednetod, itatloa, and aama of qaaitaraastar t f , bolnr flrit duly twon aecordlss to law. depoae aad lay : That to the beat of my knowladso aad belief ay bona fide actnal Tbatthefollowlncetoppatef an daa th«t7.B.for(a)Awol:(b)ab*at *'*°^ ' conrt-maxtial;(d) detained pay; (e)traaipoT*itl3a;(f)nbfist«nee!(ci That my Btaiwt niatlTali cqalpmast; (h) dothlac; (1) reward paid for appr«haai:oB a* deserter: I ) ) post laoBdry ; (k) pott ezehaa«e; (1) coaTaay foal; or other ladebt- ' '"(N;j^';^'d^^;ri^Mlea^r'lf MlMw'idMiVe w'tri^fMsUt^^ edaaas (flTe aaonnt of each aad date portlMat thervto): That I have raeatrad my pay la faU to iactsda tha I aeportadfor dotyln ptnoa aad iadnctad *tX the plaoa aad oa the Lato ipaeUad. •or at , U Ud lak or aerial Ho. on BacMtatioa Card >d to additional pay for ^*'** *''* **>°** sUtemeaU eoatala allfaets of my kaowledg* relattre ^^ ^^ ^^ itetni; that I folly anderatand that I am Uabia to prota»- -■-..■-■■--„....-.-..„^. tioafoT any false orfrandolest statements made beritn, and that airein u»r^!?^«>t>(>s.oT nU^r^;wwi^t!*''o!^ttar^'u!jj£c^ °' P^7 *^^ allowances not paid oa final stetements or final pay rsll, ' **°-> based on this affldaTlt by reason of lack of Inf ormitlos, may be obti!:3}d M me the snm of l._ bel^ the amooat dne "'O" »PPU<»t*o» *« «>• D^actor of Flaaaeo. War Dapartaawit. Wask- aaa A allotmeata arbitrarily dedacted.aothaTiacdapaad- lnfton.D.0. Farther^ '-' k nader the law compalsory allotmoat shonld be aude. Sabscrlbed and sworn to before sia thU . Form No. 9»-b, A. O. O. \. ivpUcable. reb. l-U INDIVIDUAL EQUIPxMENT RECORD. 121. Class of property entered. — All property of any class issued to an enHsted man for his individual use, expendable articles excepted, will be entered on his individual equipment record, Form No. 637, A. G. O.. under proper headings. 122. Entries — a. For property issued. — (1) The following articles of equipment issued to an enHsted man will be entered on his individual equipment record only, and not on the property loan record; they will be dropped from all other property records: 80 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION *(a) Equipment A and B, expendable articles excepted. Table I, Tables of Basic Allowances. (Cir. No. 377, W. D., 1919.) {See Appendix) *(b) The following items of Equipment A and B, Table II, Tables of Basic Allowances: Meat cans, knives, forks, spoons, cups, canteens and covers, condiment cans, haversacks, pack carriers, pistol or cartridge belts. All other articles issued to an enlisted man, expendable articles excepted, will be accounted for, both on his individual equipment record and in the totals of the organization property loan records. The title to all property remains in the United States, and the soldier must produce the property charged to him when requested to do so by proper authority. (Pars. 64c, 73, 74, and 176c (3).) (2) Property issued to a soldier, expendable property excepted, will be entered in one of the columns of the individual equipment record under the heading "Issued," and the date of the issue will be indicated by figures on the date line in the proper columns thus, "7/2/18." The issue will be attested by the initials of the witnessing officer. The receipt of the property by the soldier will be acknowledged in all cases by his initials at the foot of the cojumn — for clothing on the line immediately above the line "Officer's initials," and for equipment on the line "Soldier's initials." (3) The witnessing officer will draw a line through each blank space in the column under the particular class of property which is involved. If two or more blank spaces appear together, a continuous vertical line will be used, but if only one blank space is to be canceled a horizontal line will be used instead of the vertical line. (4) It is neither necessary nor desirable to have a "balance" column after each issue. (5) When clothing is first issued to the soldier the sizes that have been determined to be the proper ones will be entered in the column headed "Sizes." (Par. 73a; par. 1158, A. R.; par. 91, C. of O.) b. For property turned in. — (1) When property is turned in or other- wise accounted for, the items will be dropped from the individual equip- ment record or property loan record, or both, the action being supported by receiving reports, shipping tickets, reports of survey, I. & I. reports, or statement of charges, as vouchers. (Pars. 175&, 176/, 142, 178, and 160.) (2) The items will be entered in a column under the heading "Turned in," the column being completed and initialed by the officer who received the articles turned in or who enters on statement of charges the articles lost, damaged or destroyed. (3) No record will be made of a transaction when an article is dropped and replaced by a like article at the same time on a requisition stamped "Exchanged" (pars. 67 aid lltd), or when the article is turned in temporarily for repair or renovation. The shipping ticket covering the transactio i w 11 be filed as in the case of other shipping tickets. (Pars. 117, 678, 685-637, 681-0, A. R.; S. R. No. 77.) 123. Lost or damaged property. — In the event of loss or damage to property for which the soldier is responsible, either it will be listed on a statement of cliarges for stoppage against his pay (par. 160), with or with- out survey, according to the circumstances and his admission or denial of responsibility for the loss or damage (par. 142), or upon approved report ♦Articles referred to throughout text as those issued to the soldier for his permanent retention, i. e., until exchanged or turned in for emergency, or upon expiration from active o*>rvir»e. service COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 81 of survey "he may be relieved from responsibility therein. In either event the articles will be dropped from his individual equipment record, and from the property loan record if they appear thereon. The statement of Form No. €37, A. O. O. Regular Army. ^ ■ TbUuihI Aiiuj . INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT RECORD CLOTHING ACCOIXT I>ATE Lnns. Bags, barrack— Bolls, valst Blankets Brassards Breeches, cotton Breeches, woolen Cups. Chevrons Coats, denim Coats, cotton Coats, woden Cords, hat- Bcawers, cotton. Cran^Brs, woolen. . J^t^MMfk I..L'_-J..A..| JJ. Hdthju..ZX. L.a.L..¥..I.^.L.6..L_ Ti».«v«f$......J L^.l..xJ-*-L4^.|-. • Stnke out ■wo»ri3 not^i? Carter. not-flpplicablo. (Christian name.) (Army serial noabcr.) (Grade.) (Company audrogimentorarmorcorpsordepartment.) t Write grade and organization with i>encil and correct &3 ciianses occur. (1) OS— «*7 charges or approved report of survey or certificate will constitute a voucher to the individual equipment record or the property loan record, or both.* * Under conditions where the soldier is clearly not to blame for loss, damage, or destruc- tion he may be relieved from responsibility therein by the procedure prescribed in W. D Cir. No. 11, 1920. {See Appendix.) 82 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 124. Transferring to new record. — When a soldier's individual lequip- ment record is filled the account will be transferred to a new Form No. 637, A. G. O. For this purpose a balance will be sti-uck between the total issued and total turned in of all articles as shown by his old record, and qrABTEBHASTEB PBOPEBTT ACCOUNT Abticuc?. ISSUSD. TnSNED Ix. Datk Lnre... {•?— k' d^: |„ Zj" 1 iD':i _J_5 i_i i r 'i ^ 1 1 1 Bar, mosquito Bedstead, Iron ...|- Bugte,withEJI.P.„ _.i.. Cases, pUlow |.. Covers, msttnss -J- Head net, mosquito T>«4*r trrnilr Uattres, OTtnc»t,V.~okfMlaed .. POto^.. .. - Pins, tent, shelter :?_ L Pete, tent, shelter KeerfTer,c»rd,bedsu>Kl L RopMySbettertent "J. Ill L X — _.5J _..JL J.._J._... i 1 "l 1 1 1 piz 1 1 1 1 1 ^1 ^1 ----- 11. z. I'l t^rtr nillov .J_ _ ILAJ- """\ "" ;ees 1 1^ "IIIJIZ '"i r,._J [ 1 r Sheets, bed 1- Sllng, bugle Te*t. shelter, ball. L. _ WTiistl«llnain !"^ 1 t-:.: z; JkerYeJliim ^-i i P „L .. 1 :■ . „_i i 1 1 I i ' 1 ! 1 1 1 > 1 ' ^- L J 1 1 1 1 f "1 !-"T J„.i _^A _....J.....J 5 ' 1 ! 1 1 if ? jp _.__ 1 ^ ^ \ 1 ' :rj:: 1 1 1 t. ;. i 5 1....J 1. 1 ! - ^ .!....! 1 1. i 1 ' i ;■ t; j< - '■ r T ! 1 : : I 1 ;ij; 1 1 J i '...... 1 1 1 1 j 111 1 " SOLMBB'S iNTttALS JJftCt C im i ::b (1 1 OmcEB's iNtnALS \txiK .1 mM ! R* S....- ! % es—i \i: the "Issued" and "Turned in" columns thus balanced will be marked "Canceled." The remaining articles will be transferred to the first "Issued" column of the new form. This column will be headed "For- ward" and will be completed and initialed by the witnessing officer as COMPANY ADMINISTRATION S3 prescribed by paragraph 122a (2). All the "Issued" columns on a new record showing account of articles brought forward from the old record wiU be initialed by the soldier — for clothing on the line immediately above the line "Officer's initials," and for equipment on the line "Soldier's ini- OBDNANCB PBOPEBTT ACCOUNT Magaiine pocket Oiler and thoii^~CDSo ' Pack carrier Tick mattock and carrier Pick, Cavalry, and cover Pistol No Pistol belt Pistol holstor. Ration bag Record case, N. C. O 1 Revolver No ' Rifle No. ajM^Sae-I-!. J RIflo cover 1-1 Rifle scabbard Rule, 2-foot, folding. ...I Saber and scabbard .. Saber Imot Saberstraps, pairs Shovel and carrier. 1 tape, 5-foot Spurs, pairs Spur straps, sets Stockoover French knife and scab- bard Wire cutter and carrier. Eorse equip! o, norsi Uorso equipment, com< plete, mulop laS:Aid.£4sAixt. JlJ 80U)IEB'3 InTTULS. OTFICER'S iNITtAlS. Stj tials." The old record thus canceled will then be filed with the new individual equipment record until the next inspection by the auditor, after which the canceled record and any vouchers pertaining to it may be destroyed. (Pars. 71 and 75.) 84 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 125. Transfer or detachment. — a. When a soldier is transferred or de- tached from his company the articles which the soldier is to carry with him (par. 122o), together with any missing articles of equipment for which he. is indebted to the United States, will be entered in the first unused ENGINEEB. SIGNAL. MEDICAL PBOPEBTT ACCOUNT Aeticlss, IS.SUM>. Turned In. Datb Lixe ...... I.„.. Compass, vatch 1 1 1 1 Field glasses, Type C... 1 Field glasses, Type K E.. Kits, flag, comb., Inf.... Kltsj flail comb-.'stand- mta, flag, Artillery ...... ..... 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 ..J L-. 1 1 1 Soldier's Inittals 1 i 1 1 1 1 L.... OrncEB's Inhtam 1 ~ 1 1 L 1 1 C... INSTRUCTIONS. 1. When articles of clothing and equipment are Issued tc en enlisted manthoy will be entered in the "issue" column, with the date of issue entered in figures (e. g., 10/30/17) on the date-line. The column •vrill bo initialed by the witnessing oHicer and, except in the case of issue of clothing, by the soldier, a lino being drawn through each blank space in the column hj the witnessing officer. When articles are first issacd to an enlisted man the sizes that have been determined to be the proper ones will be entered in column headed "size." 2. When articles are turned In, lost, damaged, or destroyed, they win be en- tered in a column under the heading "Turned in," and the column completed and initialed by an o^cer and the soldier as in the case of issues. Tho ofilcer who receives the articles turned in or enters the articles lost, damaged, or destroyed on statement of charges wiU initial the column. (117, 685-<)87, A. R.) 3. When anindividual equipment record form is filled a new one will be started and the old record retained with theindivldual clothing slips (Q. M. C. Form Na. 165) pertaining thereto/ until themext inspection by an inspector, after which all filled individual equipment records and clothing slips may be destroyed. When a new equipment record is started the number of articles transferred will be entered in first issuo column of new record, and the column inlticled as prescribed in pai a- graph 1. 4. No record will be made of a transaction where an article Is turned in and replaced by a like article at the same time. 5. When a soldier is transferred or detached from his company the word "can- celed" will be written in columns showing articles issued and turned in to date. The articles which tho soldier carries with him, or for which he is indebted to the United States, will then be entered in tho next issue column; the column being initialed by the soldier and witnessing officer, as prescribed in paragraph 1. These articles, except clothing and individual mess equipment, will be entered on Form No. 600, A. O. O., as required by paragraph 681-0, A. R. The individual equip- ment record will ba forwarded with the service record to the soldier's new com- manding officer. i2.4.C?:(^jJ.c,Ma^ t«i^] For court-martial forfeiture : - [S. For ../.O/^^CJ^^... r^4X^J£^.-jJ^£^^^'^^-- \%J-&A This soldier is rr.. entitled to travel C c-waiiccs. Soldier's signature: The Quartermaster will decline to recognize this notification \mless the writing in the body of the paper is in the handwriting of the officer who signs the paper. »-*'" regimental commander will forward the certificate of disability with his recommendations thereon to the department or division commander. (Par. 159, A. R.) (3) When the certificate of diability for discharge has been approved and discharge ordered, the post or regimental commander (a) will cause the soldier's discharge certificate to be signed (par. 157 a (1)), (6) see that 92 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION he is furnished with the proper final statement in duplicate, (c) forward the returned certificate of disability directly to The Adjutant General of the Army, and (d) furnish the surgeon of the command to which the soldier was attached at the time of discharge a letter setting forth the full name, •Regular Anny. t4Ug«li»Ai«yReeMvt. CERTIFICATE OF DISABIUTY FOR DISCHARGE OF ...CAPPS, !?Ak?.B?-?-j R327865 (SuzBUD*.) (Chriitikn nsnM.) (Army Miial niunb«r.) (Qnule.) (Compiuiy and raciment.or «na or oorpa or dcpartmwit.) Enusted -P.ob-.IO ... i9i8. .t .F.^.S^ooun^ N>. Y., by.-.-ist..Lt„A..a..S8iith,J:nf. Age at enlistment, 35. yn. and 8.. mos.; occupaUon, &Q.l.dJLetr. Prior service (toUl) .2. yrs. and .0. mos. Last discharged .F.&b-.l, 191 8 Recommended for discharge on account of Psypkas^il??.??!* (Suia Dsturs of diaabuity.) Became unfit for duty from present disease or ln]i:ry (date) v.filll.2Q^1920 Disease contracted or Injury received (date and ptace).^a1'-6..^ndet er- ??iR®?l.,?'.}?*..?)?]?-?®i33?>^®.^?'..-^.9.®?^.^jy into service Wuen disability arose soldier was (state duty and service. If absent from company, cause and date) No. ifif pr mat i^n, Cause of disease, or' circumstances under which It appeared; (Note.— In case of wounds (other than wounds received in action), or Injury, if the campany coramander has no personal knowledge as to now received certificates of officers, affidavits of enlisted men, or other parties 11 practicable, having such knowledge, special reference bemg made therein as to the sobriety of the soldier at the time of the occurrence, will be procured apd a copy appended to the certificate of disability, and the number so lea will be enumerated hereon. If no information is obtainable, so No information Dlsabinty ^J ^ffffn^ incurred in Une of duty. Zy Capt 65th Inf Camp Brady, Md., Jan 22 ^ „ 80 Co A *Strike out words not anphcable Form No. 17, A. G. O. Feb. 18-19. Army serial number, and grade of the soldier, the company and regiment, or arm, or stafiE corps, or department, to which he belonged, and the date of discharge and cause thereof as stated in the certificate.^ (Par. 160, A, R.) COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 93 c. (1) The board of medical officers will critically examine the soldier and complete the "Report of Board of Medical Officers," page 2. (Paf. 159, A. R.) (2) The board of medical officers will be careful to state in its report {a)- (2) REPORT OF BOARD OF MEDICAL. OFFICERS. From a careful consideration of all the evidence obtainal^le in the case and a critical examination of the soldier, WE FIND : That he Is unfit tor service as a soldier becaase of That the disqualifying disability ^^'^^ '^^ ^^^ ^ enlistment and That the medical officer who enUsted the soldier jg^blamable (867 A.R.). WK THEREFORE RECOMMEND That the soldier be discharged for disabiUty which ,^^^ Inconed to Dne of duty, length of time case has been under observation of one or more members of the board - In view of occupation, to wlut extent is he disabled from earning subsistence? The soldier di^not decline treatment for the reUef of disability (161 A.R.). (5fame.y """"(Rani'.)' "(Coips".")" ""(Name.')" (Rank.) (Corps.) ♦Strike out words not applicable. the degree of disability, (&) the description of the disability, wound or disease, (c) the extent to which it deprives the soldier of the use of any limb or faculty, or affects his health, strength, activity, constitution, or capacity to labor. (Par. 161, A. R.) 94 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION (3) If the disability was incurred in the line of duty and the soldier declined treatment for the relief of such disability where treatment was directed, that fact will be set forth in the report of the board of medical officers. (Par. 161, A. R.) 1st Indorsement. Officer, .ftS.t.U.lHf.antjry. -Jan.2S4.ia2Q. (Post or Regiment.) (Date.) 2d Indorsement. He«dqu«ters ..^LftftP. £?.a.4X»-M4rail.23. 1920 To tlie Commanding General.. EafiltdCn.Dspli! ?.h©..di8ph«u'ge pf.t_hiB..aold_i^^^ .r.oppminended. Beppr 465 ixJilQfl^rd^^ Indorsement. ...3d..... Indorsement. Headquarters ..E.DSBIS. EjSii.M. ,19 20 To the Commanding Officer: Camp Brady, Md (Post or Regiment.) The dtscharce of 65th Inf .Sgt.WajLter.B,.Capps,Op.^jt. is approved. is , By command o(... Ma.jqr General Brandar: JlrdrV^.^5^yyv«Cfc(/v Adjutant General . , Adiutant. (Additional sheets for indorsements, if required, to be attached here.) (3) »— 2828 d. For the purpose of completing his own records the surgeon will file the carbon copy of the letter from the soldier's commanding officer notify- ing him of the discharge, and forward the original directly to the Surgeon General of the Army. (Par. 160, A. R.) e. When a soldier is discharged on certificate of disability the ascer- COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 95 tained disability as recited in the certificate (Report of Board of Medical Officers, p. 2) will be stated on the final statement as the reason for dis- charge. (Par. 140, A. R.) /. In case of discharge on certificate of disability, the discharge certifi- er Indorsement. Indorsement. (Headquarters ^ 19 To The Adjutant General of the Army: The Midler was discharged at this Post on the ■. day of , 191 , and was furnished wltl; a dlichaige certlflcate and duplicate final statements. He desires to be addressed at.. county of — .State of Commanding . INSTRUCTIONS. t. "^firfSSa a company ondetachment commander finds a soldier tmflttcd for military service because'bf wounds or disease he will fill out the certificate on page 1 of this form (duplicate required only in case of insane soldiers, see instruction 5) and submit the case to the post or regimental commander, who will convene a board of medical oflicers to examme the soldier as pro- vided in paragraph 159, Anny Regulations, 1913. 2. If the board recommends the discharge of the soldier, the post or regi- mental commander will fons'ard the certificate of disabiUty with his recom- mendations thereon to the department or division commander. 3. The certificate, after having received the action of the department or division commander, will be returned to the post or regimental commander, who will, if the discharge i; authorized, sign the soldier's discharge certificate, see that he is furnished with final statements in duplicate, and forward this certificate of disabiUty directlv to The Adjutant General of the Army. He wil' also inform the surgeon of the discharge, as provided in paragraph 100, Army Regulations, 1913. 4. This certificate will not, under any circumstances, be given into the hands of the soldier. 5. In case of an insane soldier the certlflcate oC disability for discharge will be prepared in duplicate and will be accompanied by the reports and papers required by paragraphs -jes-JTO; Arniy Regulations, 1913. cate of the soldier will be prepared on Form No. 525, A. G. O., unless the soldier's conduct has been such as to require his discharge on Form No. 526, A. G. O. (par. 181/(1), Ops. J. A. G. 220.8, Feb., 1918, and 220.811, Dec, 1918). g. In the case of an insane soldier the certificate of disability will be 96 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION prepared in duplicate and will be accompanied by the reports and papers required by paragraphs 465^70, Army Regulations. 134. Field return, Form No. 26, A. G. O. — See Special Regulations No. 58. {See footnote to Par. 37.) {Replaced by Special Return, see par. 37.) 135. Service record, Form No. 29, A. G. O. — See paragraphs 103-118. 136. Extract from service record, Form No. 29a, A. G. O. — See para- graphs 119-120. 137. Company return. Form No. 30, A. G. O.— See paragraphs 37-49. 138. Inventory of effects, Form No. 34, A. G. O. — Upon the death of any person subject to military law as defined in the second article of war the company commander, or an officer designated by the commanding officer, will secure all his effects and deliver them to the legal representatives or widow of the deceased, or to the designated summary court, if the widow or legal representative is not present. (Par. 84, A. R.) a. (1) If the effects are delivered to the widow or legal representative at the time of death, the company commander will prepare an inventory of the effects in triplicate on the prescribed form and deliver the original and one copy to the regimental, separate battalion, or similar unit com- mander, or to the post, camp, or other station commander, as the cause may be, to be forwarded to The Adjutant General of the Army with the report of death. (Par. 154; par. 84, A. R.) In this case the articles may be described in general terms in the inventory of effects instead of being itemized. The third copy of the inventory will be filed in the records ot the company or detachment as provided in subparagraph (2) {c), and later disposed of as therein provided. The name of the widow or legal representative to whom the effects are delivered will be stated in the inventory. (2) If no legal representative or widow be present, the summary court , designated by the commanding officer to secure the effects will prepare the inventory of effects in triplicate on the form and dispose of the effects as prescribed in paragraph 84, Army Regulations. The summary court only is authorized to make collections on the deceased's account. (a) If the effects are transmitted by the summary court to the widow, legal representative, or other person designated in the 112th article of war, the original inventory and one copy will be forwarded directly to The Adjutant General of the Army with the report of the summary court (Pars. ^Z}/2d and 84, A. R.) {b) If the effects are converted into cash, the original inventory and one copy will be forwarded directly to The Adjutant General of the Army with the original receipt of the supply officer or quarter- master for the cash from the proceeds, and the papers enumerated in the 112th article of war. (Pars. 83 ^(/ and 84, A. R.) (c) The third copy of the inventory of effects and the duplicate receipt of the supply officer or quartermaster for the proceeds of the sale of the effects and any cash belonging to decedent's estate will be transmitted to the company or detachment commander for file with the extract from service record of the deceased. h. If the deceased has deposits, each deposit with amount, date, place, and name of quartermaster with whom deposited will be noted on the inventory of effects under Class II. (Par. 181^(3); par. 1367, A. R.) c. Clothing issued to an enlisted man is the property of the United States and forms no part of his effects. Articles of clothing not required COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 97 for burialj(par. 1173, A. R.), and the individual equipment of the deceased will be collected and turned in to the supply officer. (Par. 1756; par. 84. A. R.) ;2 d. {\)jlr\ preparing the form, if the space allotted under Class I i^ not INVENTORY OF THE EFFECTS OF .nAVIDSQN* JlEHRy..L*... ...B.62S742 (Sumanie) (Christian name) (Army serial numlwr) laic a .ok. CQ-JL- fiStiL-lJDf (Orad") (Company ond regimont or corps or dcpartmont) who died on the -„.4tll- day of ....July , /9/9 Class I — Saber, insignia, decorations, medals, campaign badges, watches, manuscripts, and other articles valuable chiefly as keepsakes. Enb lem» Masonio , gold Medal, Spanish War tPACKAGE NUMBER Medal, Hex loan Se r»vioo Wat ohj^old, Hamilt on .1 ... JL JL. ± W at o ^j niol© 1, wr ist \ Diary fT^evBonal |_ . Bundle,letters (21) l_ . P aoka^e , phot ogr aphs 1 7) I • ^ if * »'♦ i i 1 tTo b© filled out only in case of shipment to The Adjutant General of the Army. « Class II— Other effects NUMBER . ARTrCLES 1 Suit,oivilian olothes 1 Coat, hunting . .-1 Rain-Ooat,.QJnrilian-. - -2 H«tB,xxivAliaii. 3 Shirta^^oivilian .:.. 5 Ooilars^^oivilian - a Meaktiesroivilian 1- Suit-oas* r 1 Shot g4n,-douhla-ALarr.eXle-d " :u2:— : Pish ing rodvateet- : -: 3 — I.:: Form No. 84, A. O. O. Kd. Jupp 26-18 .("VKR) 98 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION sufficient, the heading "Class II — other effects," will be stricken out and the inventory of Class I effects continued. The heading "Class II — other effects" will be reinserted at the end of Class I effects. (2) If the space allotted under Class II is not sufficient, the inventory Clash II — Continued $100. ARTICLES box f iBhing t aoklej, 25. it ens Books, asstd * m m Ttt DeppBita Jul-l-ierPt -Thomas, Ky^^^^^ ■ Capt T .C.Adama^QMQ. -. -18,Camp Brady»J4d,:^with P. B. Coy, USA. ..$.50.. . Sep .B Capt $100.. May 5-19, Camp Brady, Md. , with Oapt T.B..Ooy,USA. « « « « Money Specie... $--i..7.5 .(.Qents) Notes ... $248^0.0 / certify that the foregoing ineeniory comprises all the effects of .the deceased whose name appears on the first page hereof, and that •the ef ecu were delivered to . R.^-'*"*' DISrOSITION. DATE AND CIRCUMSTANCES. These art ioles were ■iBsinf ..?...J...Pl:*''*!^?^°*'*:*:*"' ! ^..i?^.J ! : Lp«y«8op^Cq..A^65th inf., when 1 I Rat.seryioe i 2 JOO j i j oheoked by the Sup Sgt on Jun Orna«ent6,oollap i 07 | beoai» AlOL. He jdropped as Shirt, flannel a 50 la deserter i*olya»!l919. A Shoes, russet 4!< oaref ul search was made but 1 1 Stookitags,optton 1 lie Dndershirt.ootton j |60 the property oould not be looated. * .7 1 ' !. . i j 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ■ 1 1 ..11.....; : i : 1 ...j.......... - i :. Voucher to - -^ — of men for their use are lost en route to or from an oversea station, the pro- cedure will be as prescribed in paragraph 683, Army Regulations, a certificate furnished the responsible party being the voucher whereon the property may be dropped from his individual equipment record or property loan record, as the case may be, without further action. d. With reference to its disposition unserviceable property is divided in two classes: (1) Worn out or damfaged by fair wear and tear in the COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 107 service, and (2) rendered unserviceable from causes other than fair wear and tear in the service. Property of the first class will be exchanged on certificate (pars. 67 and 17 6d), will be disposed of by survey in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 717, Army Regulations, or by certificate (see Appendix IV), or if the visit of the inspector general is imminent it may be submitted for his action without survey. Property of the Puce *• I do solemnly swear (or afiinn) that the articles of public property named hereon were lost, d > mogc d;-«». i OM t in the manner stated, while in the public service. ..^JLxOffiiAaminX' JohnC.^'l'ffiiiber Sworn to (or aflirmed) before mc, and subscribed in my presennc^his .^.. third "_ day of Jyiy. , i9;A?-. y/zf'V/^ .— »y^ I certify tliat the loss, dc3tntetien,.-d«aukge^a£auu|ouucaaliilitj' of the articles of public property named hereon was occasioned by unavoidable causes, and without fault or neglect on my part; [a i ui Ui a t o ar l t nrl i rl i; hslrd Ti^rctTn^TrttiTT^ vi^TvorgliniinHtimi bydiuatj^ictKiii, lius o wir e xim iifaBO'Py^ttpp c f jumitly ^h nj Hcy g r n e on ■pfe^owsly-rwidcnmctt-, \rt» foceoHio unat rr iceabl e iw-thtym ann e f Btatod l i cr eJar-ftHd-isr iM my op iiWOH , worthloei *- i«*-f»M4h«»>p«*blk;-»»e<]- (Portion of paragraph in brackets to be canceled when not applicable.) IstXLt^eSJih.Lnf: (Ronkund organiftion.) Jiesjxmsible Officer. Station .: , , 19 To , who, bj- order of the Commanding Officer, is appointed surveying officer on the articles of public property named hereon. (RankUKlorguiiuUan.) Adjvianl. I have examined all available testimony in this case, and I havo personally investigated the same, and it is my belief that ^ Report of Survey, Page 2. second class must be submitted for the action of an inspector general except in the case of public animals (par. 1073, A. R.), except when dis- posed of by certificate as above and except when charged upon a statement of charges without objection on the part of the person charged, and will be disposed of as provided in paragraph 717, Army Regulations. A survey will be had in connection with property of the second class prior to action of an inspector general, except when charged as above or dis- 180 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION posed of by certificate, and a copy of the report of survey will be attached to the inventory and inspection report (Form No. 1, I. G. D.). The fol- lowing exceptions to action by a surveying officer or inspector general are made: ^ (1) Arms for which a test for un serviceability is definitely prescribed will be so tested before being submitted for action as above prescribed. RECOMMENDATIONS. f^s" ' List of WitiMMes: Surveying Officer. ApproTvd , 19 The property recommended to be dfeatroyed or (DlU.) salvagad ku been peraonallj inspected by me, And has no salable value. ConnnttTiding. fWirnJying witK the ioatroctionB of the commanding ofiScer, I have witnessed the dcstniction of t':c approved by him for destruction, or have received the articles ordered to he reclaimed. (To be used only when articles are ordered destroyed or salvaged.) ■ Report of Survey, Page 3. (2) Permission must be secured for the submission of medical property and signal property for survey or inspection as respectively prescribed in paragraphs 1488 and 1566, Army Regulations. (3) Silken colors, standards, or guidons will not be survcved. (Par. 239, A. R.) (4) Musical instruments may be surveyed, or repaired locally. (Par. 1179, A. R.) COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 109 (5) The survey of animals preliminary or subsequent to disposition will be determined by the circumstances or the emergency. (Par. 1073, A. R.) (6) When an organization is about to change station, a survey will be had on all china and glassware. The quarterly allowancfe for breakage may be dropped from the property loan record by listing on a properly certified shipping ticket (par. 176^), which will be attached as a voucher to the property loan record. Breakage or loss in excess of this allowance will be dropped upon an approved report of survey. (Par. 1023, A. R.) e. (1) Public property lost in consequence of the soldier's desertion must be surveyed before it will be charged against the deserter. (Pars. 160 and 197c; pars. 116 and 687, A. R.) (2) Articles of public property lost, embezzled, or damaged through neglect of a civilian employee may be charged against his pay, preferably by report of survey. (Par. 688, A. R.) (3) Reports of survey authorizing charges against individuals, including deserters, are subvouchers to the statement of charges which is a voucher to the property loan record or individual equipment record, as the case may be, and will be retained until inspected by the auditor, when both reports of survey and statement of charges may be destroyed. (Pars. 71 and 75.) /. (1) The property pertaining to different staff departments will not be listed on the same report of survey, separate reports being required for each class of property. (Par. 716, A. R.) (2) Articles of engineer and ordnance property will be particula;rly classified for survey. (Par. 678, A. R.) ■ (3) Action of a surveying officer or inspector for loss of or damage to public property will be requested by a responsible officer within 30 days after discovery of such condition, except in special circumstances, which will be explained by the officer in his certificate on page 2 of the report of survey. (Par. 723, A. R.) (4) Loss or damage charged against a soldier will be subject to a report of survey in every case if he so requests. (Par. 1606 (2).) {Par. 686 A. R.) g. (1) When preparing the report of survey the initiating officer will enter quantity, name of article, and money value. Column B (Disposi- tion) will be filled out by the surveying officer, using the abbreviations "D" (to be destroyed), "I" (to be held for inspection), "S" (to salvage officer), "C" (to be continued in the service). In column C will be en- tered items for which credit may be taken. In the column headed "Date and circumstances" the initiating officer will enter the date and a state- ment of the circumstances attending the loss, damage, or destruction of the articles surveyed, and, in the case of ordnance stores, the date of receipt. The statement must he sufficient to indicate the circumstances of loss or damage. The initiating officer will enter in the report of survey on the third line from the top the kind of property account upon which the property is carried, e. g., "Property Loan Record," or "Individual Equipment Record," of "Co. A, 65th Inf.;" at the bottom he will enter after the word voucher the kind of property ac : unt. (2) When a survey is made on the loss > < small arms the report must show, under "Date and circumstances," whether or not the arms were stored at the time of their loss in arm racks or lockers furnished by thfe Ordnance Department for their safe keeping or were being used at the time in the performance of military duty. In all cases the report must no COMPANY ADMINISTRATION show clearly whether or not every reasonable precaution was taken to prevent the loss. (Par. 302^, C. of O. 1916 Supl.) (3) When the property has been previously surveyed, a statement to this effect will be included under "Date and circumstances" so that the surveying officer may cohsider previous reports of survey. (Par, 711, A. R.) (4) When any property is included that has been lost, destroyed, or damaged by means other than fair wear and tear in the service, the facts will be sworn to as provided for on page 2 of the report of survey. If the oath is subscribed to by the responsible officer the certificate need not be accomplished. If the oath is subscribed to by any other individual than the responsible officer the latter will accomplish the certificate. In case only property rendered unserviceable through fair wear and tear in the service is listed on the report of survey, a certificate only will be accom- plished by the responsible officer; but the surveying officer will exercise great care in examing such property and will state in his findings whether he found its unserviceable condition to be due to fair wear and tear in the service. If he finds this not to be the case, he must fix the responsibility for such damage or loss upon the proper party. (5) It will devolve upon the responsible person to furnish original cer- tificates and affidavits to support his contention that he be relieved of the responsibility, together with such attested copies of certificates and affi- davits as must accompany the survey. Where documentary evidence is submitted it will be marked "Exhibit A," "Exhibit B," etc. It will be so noted and referred to by the surveying officer in his report. All docu- mentary evidence will be fastened between pages 2 and 3 of the report of survey. Where theft and embezzlement is involved the claim must be supported with special care. In every case all pertinent evidence must be made available so that the surveying officer will not be dependent upon the statements of interested parties; this is particularly necessary when, under paragraphs 683 and 685, Army Regulations, the officer is directly involved, whether the cause is avoidable or unavoidable. (Pars. 682, 683, and 713, A. R.) h. In connection with the survey of property, it will be noted — (1) That the survejnng officer can not condemn public property. Such condemnation will be by direction of the reviewing authority. (Par. 715, A. R.) (2) When final action has been taken on reports of survey by the ap- proving and appointing, or higher, authority in accordance with paragraph 719, Army Regtilations, distribution of the three signed copies of the report of survey w'll be made as follows: (a) One (the original) to the Director of Finance, Munitions Build- ing, Washington, D. C. (&) One to the zone property auditor, who is charged with auditing the property accoimt from which the property is to be dropped by authority of the report of survey. (c) One to the officer initiating the survey for use as a voucher to the stock record card, property loan record, or individual equipment record from which the property surveyed is to be dropped. 143. Descriptive card of public animals, Form No. 277, A. G. O. — See paragraphs 76-78. (Pars. 1069-1071, A. R.) 144. Record of known -distance rifle firing (individual), Form No. 304, COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 11 1 A. G. O. — a. (1) This form is for three years' record and will be used for individual record of known-distance rifle practice, qualification course. (2) The record will be kept in the personal possession of the company commander and not allowed in the hands of an enlisted man from the beginning of record practice until the reports required by paragraph 255, S. A. F. M., have been rendered. (Pars. 101, 102; par. 101, S. A. F. M.) (3) For methods of scoring and classification see paragraphs 101 and 254, Small Arms Firing Manual. (4) All entries on the individual record of known-distance rifle firing will be made in ink and no correction or alteration made except by the company commander, who will initial each correction or alteration. (Par. 101, S. A. F. M.) (5) If a soldier is a member actually firing on a prize-winning team, in a national team match, this fact will be noted under "Department rifle competition." (6) The scores in slow and rapid firing and final qualifications, with date, will be transcribed to the service record imder the supervision of the company commander. (Par. 101c (1).) (7) For instructions in regard to filing and disposition of the record see paragraphs 1026(6), 102c(l), and 214. b. (1) The record of an officer attached to a company for practice will be duly attested and transmitted to the officer. (Par. 102c(2).) (2) The record of an enlisted man attached to a company for practice will be similarly attested and transmitted to the officer charged with the custody of the soldier's service record. 145. Record of pistol firing (individual), Form No. 305, A. G. O. — a. (1) This form is for three years' record and will be used for individual record of pistol firing. (2) The record will be kept in the personal possession of the company commander and not allowed in the hands of an enlisted man from the beginning of record practice until the reports required by paragraph 255,. S. A. F. M., have been rendered. (Pars. 101, 102; par. 101, S. A. F. M.) (3) For methods of scoring and classification, see paragraphs 101, 243^ and 254, Small Arms Firing Manual. (4) All entries on the individual record of pistol firing will be made in ink and no correction or alteration made except by the company commander, who will initial each correction or alteration. (Par. 101, S. A. F. M.) (5) If a soldier is a member actually firing on a prize- winning team in a national team match, this fact will be noted under "Department pistol competition." (6) The scores in record practice and expert tests in both the dismounted and mounted courses, will be transcribed to the service record under the supervision of the company commander. Par. 102c (1).) (7) For instructions in regard to filing and disposition of the record see paragraphs 1026(6), 102c(l), and 214. b. (1) The record of an officer attached to a company for practice, will be duly attested and transmitted to the officer. (Par. 102c(2).) (2) The record of an enlisted man attached to a company for practice, will be Similarly attested and transmitted to the officer charged with the custody of the soldier's service record. (Par. 102c(l).) 146. Report of individual classification in rifle practice. Form Nc. 307, 112 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION A. G. O. — a. The report will be prepared by the company commander as soon as possible after the completion of the firing. (Par. 255, S. A. F. M.) h. (1) When the regiment is not separated, the report will be prepared in duplicate and one copy transmitted to the battalion commander, who, after verifying it from the individual records of known-distance rifle firing, will forward the report to the regimental commander. (Par. 255, S. A. F. M.) (2) When a battalion is serving away from regimental headquarters but in the same territorial department, the report will be prepared in dupli- cate and one copy transmitted to the battalion commander who, after verifying the correctness of the report, will forward it to the regimental commander through the post commander. (Par. 255, S. A. F, M.) (3) If the regimental headquarters is serving in a different territorial department, the report will be prepared in triplicate and two copies trans- mitted to the battalion commander who will forward one copy through the post commander to the regimental commander, and one copy through the post commander to the commander of the department in which the company is serving. (Par. 255, S.. A. F. M.) (4) When a company is serving away from other companies of the regi- ment but in the same territorial department as regimental headquarters, the report will be prepared in duplicate and one copy transmitted to the post commander, who, after verifying the correctness of the report from the individual records of known-distance rifle firing, will forward it to the commander of the battalion to which the company belongs. (Par. 255, S. A. F. M.) (5) When a company is serving away from other companies of the regi- ment and in a different department from the headquarters of the regiment the report will be prepared in triplicate and two copies transmitted' to the post commander, who will forward one copy to the commander of the battalion to which the company belongs, and one copy to the commander of the department in which the company is serving. (Par. 255, S. A. F. M.) c. Instructions for the filing and disposition of the copy of the report retained with the records of the organization are contained in paragraphs 1026(4), 102c(3), and 214. (Par. 255, S. A. F. M.) d. (1) The report will contain the names of all officers and enlisted men qualifying as expert riflemen, sharpshooters, and marksmen, in the practice season for which the report is rendered. (Par. 255, S. A. F. M.) (2) The names of officers so qualifying, including those attached, if any (subpar. (5)), will be entered first and ruled off from the remainder of the report. (Par. 255, S. A. F. M.) . (3) The names of enlisted men so qualifying will be entered in groups according to classification. (Par. 255, S. A. F. M.) (4) No entry will be made of the names of those enlisted men who did not qualify in the practice season covered by the report but who are en- titled to classification and additional pay therefor as the result of qualifi- cation attained in a prior season in the same enlistment, nor of the names of those who are below the grade of marksman. (Par. 255, S. A. F. M.) (5) Officers and enlisted men attached to a company for practice will be noted separately in red ink after the names of the officers and enlisted men of the company, respectively, and classed in the order prescribed in sub- paragraphs (2) and (3). (Par. 255, S. A. F. M.) e. In the summary will be entered the total number of officers and en- COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 113 listed men entitled to be classified as expert riflemen, sharpshooters, marks- men, first-class men, and second-class men, and the number unqualified. (Par. 255, S. A. F. M.) 147. Report of individual classification in pistol practice, Form No. 308, A. G. O. — ^The instructions for the preparation of Form No. 307, A. G. O., apply. (Par. 255, S. A. F. M.) 148. Company morning report, Form No. 332, A. G. O. — vSee paragraphs 7 to 22. (Par. 280, A. R.) 149. Headquarters company morning report. Form No. 333, A. G. O. — See paragraphs 7 to 22. (Par. 280, A. R.) 150. Daily sick report. Form No. 339; A. G. O. — See paragraphs 23-27. (Pars. 280, 1471, and 1472, A. R.) 151. Duty roster. Form No. 342, A. G. O. — See paragraphs 28-34. (Pars. 282, 355-369, A. R.) Designation of Beneficiary, Form No. 380, A. G. 0.^ under Act of Dec. 17, 1919, will he used for making all changes in beneficiary. 152. Report of individual classification of firing under special course A, Form No. 409, A. G. O. — 'The report will be prepared in duplicate by the company commander as soon as possible after the completion of the firing. (Pars. 255, S. A. F. M.) a. (1) In the Coast Artillery one copy of the report will be forwarded to the coast defense commander, who after verifying the report from the individual records of known-distance rifle firing will forward it to the department commander. (2) One copy will be retained with the records of the company, and will be filed and disposed of as prescribed in paragraphs 1026(4), 102c(3), and 214. b. (1) The report will contain the names in the order of standing, as determined by the aggregate scores, of all officers and enlisted men quali- fying as marksmen, special course A, in the target year for which the report is rendered. (2) The names of officers so qualifying, including those attached, if any (subpar. (4)), will be entered first and ruled off from the remainder of the report. (Pars. 255, S. A. F. M.) (3) No entry will be made of the names of tl;iose who did not qualify as marksmen in the practice season covered by the report, but who are en- titled to classification as result of qualification attained in a prior season in the same enlistment, nor of the names of those who are below the grade of marksman. (4) Officers and enlisted men attached to a company for practice will be noted separately in red ink after the names of the officers and enlisted men 'jf the company/, respectively, and classed in the order prescribed in sub- paragraph (1). (5) In the summary ^ill be entered the number of officers and enb'sted men entitled to be classified as marksmen, first-class men, and second-class men, special course A, and the number unqualified. 153. Record of known-distance rifle firing (individual). Special course A, Form No. 410, A. G. O. — a. The record will be kept in the personal pos- ses.sion of the company commander and not allowed in the hands of an enhsted man from the beginning of record practice until the reports re- quired by paragraph 255, Small Arms, Firing Manual, have been rendered. iPar. 102o; par. 101, S. A. F. M.) 114 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION DESIGNATION OF BENEFICIARY OP (Surname.) (Christian name.) (Army serial number.) (Grade.) (Organization and regs. or corps or dept.) (Place.) (Date.) under the provision of the act approved Dec. 17, 1919, the persons eligible to be my bene ficiary are designated below: (Full name of wife: if none, so state.) (Wife's address.) (Full name of each child; if none, so state.)* +■ * Give address of each child; If same for all, so state. In the event of my leaving no widow or child, or their decease before payment is made ' I then designate as my beneficiary under the said act the relative named below, who is my dependent : (Name in full.) (Relationship.) (Address.) In the event of the death of the last named dependent relative before payment is made, I then designate as my beneficiary under the said act the relative named below, who is my dependent: (Name in full.) (Relationship.) (Address.) ^ (Signature.) [seal.] - (Signature of witness attesting.) (Rank, or office, etc.) Form No. 380, A. G. O. Jan. 24, 1920. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 115 b. For methods of scoring and classification see paragraphs 101, 242, and 254, Small Arms Firing Manual. c. All entries on the individual record of known-distance rifle firing (individual) under special course A will be made in ink, and no correction or alteration will be made except by the company commander, who will initial each correction or alteration. (Par. 101, S. A. F. M.) d. The scores in slow and rapid firing and the qualification will be tran- scribed to the service record under the supervision of the company com- mander. (Par. 102c(l).) e. For instructions in regard to filing and disposition of the record, see paragraphs 102&(6), 102c(l), and 214. 154. Report of death, Form No. 415, A. G. O.—a. (1) Report on this form is required in addition to the telegraphic or cable report (par. 1956(2)) and report of change (par. 35). (Par. 83J^, A. R.) (2) The report is made to the commanding officer concerned by the sur- geon or by the immediate commanding officer of the deceased, if there be no medical officer with the command. (Par. 833^a, A. R.) (3) In all cases the report is prepared in triplicate and all copies sub- mitted to the regimental, separate battalion, or other similar unit com- mander, or to the post, camp, or other station commander, who, after completing the first indorsement, will forward all copies directly to The Adjutant General of the Army. (Par. 83 ^a, A. R.) b. (1) In case of death of an officer or enlisted man while absent from his organization or command, a fourth copy of the report of death will be prepared and forwarded, with the cop)'' of extract from service record, Form No. 29a, A. G. O., directly to the organization or station com- mander." (Par. 1956 (3); par. 83 ^^a, A. R.) (2) The copy of the report of death of an enlisted man furnished to the company commander in such case will be filed with the extract from service record. (Pars. 120a and 215.) c. Copies may be made by carbon process, but all copies as well as the original will be' signed by the surgeon and the commanding officer. 155. Certificate of furlough to the reserve. Form No. 437, A. G. O.— a. (1) Each enlisted man furloughed to the Regular Army Reserve (par. 194) will be furnished a certificate of furlough signed by a field officer of the regiment or other organization to which the enlisted man belongs or by the commanding officer when no such field officer is present. (2) When more than one field officer of the regiment or corps is present, the commanding officer may designate the particular officer to perform this duty, but in any case the commanding officer may require the certifi- cate of furlough to be submitted to him before delivery to the soldier. (3) The "certificate of furlough" is printed on the face of the form. The "enlistment record" on the back of the form is signed by the com- pany or detachment commander. 6. Furlough to the reserve will take effect on the date of notice to the soldier of such furlough, either actual by the delivery of the certificate of furlough or constructive where such delivery can not be made owing to his absence for his own convenience or through his own fault, in which case the receipt at the soldier's proper station of the order directing his furlough to the reserve, when the soldier is furloughed before the expiration of three or four years of active service, will be deemed sufficient notice. In the latter case, the date of the receipt of the order and the reason why actual 116 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION notice thereof was not given the soldier will be indorsed on the certificate of furlough and noted under "Remarks" on the service record. c. (1) Whenever an enlisted man is furloughed to the reserve priot to REPORT OF DEATH (Par. 83Ja, A. R., 1913.) Cftinp Brady> Md^, July 5 , i9l9 DAVIDSON _ 5ENRy L. R623.742 .'SumRmc.) (CiirLsiiaiinamc.) (Army serial number. ; - Ck Co.A,65tli-Ixif (liradc.) (Organization.) dio.l July.4L - , 1019, at . P-ost-Hosp - Xatiiro (»f injury or disea.se ._ atrAngulated-meaentBP-io-heBni* .*..*.*.* TJirect cause of death above dise^ase- - DeatI *wa8 not of tho. deceased 's o\VT» willful mipcondiict. Henry P Johnson Henry p. Johnson iKt In'!. HQ 65th. Irf,.Qai!ip..Brjady^J.ul..5. un 9 To TriK AixniTANT Genrrat, of the Army, Washington, D. C. 1 . *The report of the sur^^eon la approved. 2. The deceased wa.s^"^J^'^j^ at time of death. 3. Amount of Government insurance in effect at time of death, .S.SQPQ ( textn) 4. Name and a'klros.s of person who was to be notified in rase of emergency : .Robt».B4 pavid.Bon,...iiftpb©ir (Nr.nip nnd dcgn-c of rol.itionship; if friend, so state.) 643 15th St (No. .niid.slrccl 01 rural route; if none, sostato.) Baltimore Md*. (City, town, or post otRce.) (State or country.) o. Dite and place of burial, with number and locality of {rrave. (If not interred at post, state disposition made of remains.) Remains to be shipped to Robt. B.David8i*n,Balt imore,Md^ , Juie^ l..iii:ir.:^ f OT b-UTial. JasJi^Moss j-As^flv-Moss- 1 uclopuro;.^ : 1 Service Kocord. CQl.^.65.tb-.Inf 1 Pay Card. Communuitm. 1 Final Statement. *2 Inventories of Effect.'^. Forni.41'>, A. G. O. Kd. .TMly 10, 1918. ♦Strike out wonis not applicable. 3—6116 Note. -For soldier in Regular Army note will be added as to existence of wife or children, if any. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 117 the expiration of three or four years of active service, the actual cause of furlough and the number, date, and source of the order or description of other authority will be fully stated on the certificate or furlough — e. g., "Purchase, par. 10, S O 129, S E Dept, 1918." (2) When furlough is by reason of expiration of 3 or 4 years of active Regular Army Reserve JMs is t0 <3rjertx% * //^UA^^xAje ^ Co ^ namna com/it tACO/^u^ C cty^^v^^rv< ^ m-i W , in Me ^le c/ O'^^Ci/VV^ri^ fl/ien ^tiuUeane toaS ^ ( iiear^ o/^aae', ant/ lu ccctfAalion -c«yvt7> /qf ^ _.„ Battloe, engagements, skirmiahtx, 'Cpuditloas: Knowledge of any vocation: I^.^nr^fyV*^f^y^.. Wounds received in service: if^l^lttfS^.- Fhysical condition when furloughed to the Regular Army Reserve; ... Typhoid prophylaxis completed fc!^.ft*3P<.../-'!7yL... r.jX-i Paratyphoid prophylaxis completed CA^A^Q....J..^ — i./fY-.^. ...... Married or single: „ ..^L^^uv^A^. .^» _ Cha»cter: L......^rKCJL£^k^i^..~. ^.ajcZilf^.0!!/UriXX...IAMd^ Remarks: .../^LLa&£J^.rin^>f:^^^^ Signature of soldier: ^^^,I<4QA..vl>aS.%!VMUiU^'^ ' Commtrtding c-tf - bi^«~-J EXTRACTS FROM THE RBGUCATIONS FOR THE REGULAR ARMT RESERVE. DCrmS MID KBPORTS. 17.* * * Thenserrbt wUl be given Boopf o( these Regulatkms and instructed Uutlia tei«r«sent himself tor identUcatioo about January 1 and July 1 of ea<^ year to any of the offloen described in paragraph 10; to report annually lor 15 days' field training if so ordered: and' to report wherever ordered by a department commHider wh«« theRegular Army Reserve is mobOited for active service, by order of the President. In event of actual or threatened hostmties. • •- • CLOTHING. 82. All men furloughed to the Regular Army Reserve will be Instructed by their org an i iat i on or other iimiad i a t o commiDdcts to retain ia thek possession until their discharge the uniform clothing Itemized in paragraph SI, and any enlisted man not thus supplied will be requind to draw tte naees- aary Items, before his account is closed and Bnal statement completed, to the extent that his credits under his clothing allowance win penait. * • * RSSIDBHCB. 98. A member of the Regular Army Reserve is not permitted to leave the territorial limits of the United States, except to visit or resida 6a iUp«- sessions, without authority of the Secretary of War. Applications for such authority will be forwarded through department ocBamanden er lbs stker •officers charged with keeping reservists' records. This authority wiU be granted unless hostOities be actual or threatened. CIVIL SERVICE. M. Members ot the Regular Army Reserve may be employed in the classified and unclassified civil service, sub)ect tosuch le ptl at lMi l t , « y m tnal km t, and tests as may be prescribed by the Civil Service Commission. »— MM where otherwise directed by orders from the War Department; and the defacing of a certificate of furlough by writing thereon anything to the discredit of the soldier's character after the same has been given to him by his company or other immediate commander is prohibited. h. (1) In cases where the soldier has been retained in service to make good any time lost through desertion (par. 192c(l)), confinement under sentence or while awaiting trial and disposition of his case if the trial re- sults in conviction (par. lS9b{3)), or through inability to perform duty on account of intemperate use of drugs or alcoholic liquor or on account of COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 119 disease or injury, the result of his own misconduct (par. 246(1) and 1886(1)), the notation will read "Retained in service days after expiration of period of active service under A. W. 107." (2) In cases where the soldier has been retained in active service for the convenience of the Government the notation will read "Retained in active service days for the convenience of the Government." (3) In either case the explanatory notation will be made under "Re- marks." • ' (4) If a soldier is detached from his company at the time he is furloughed to the reserve an extract of his service record. Form No. 29a, A. G. O., will be forwarded without delay to his company commander. (Par. 119.) i. Upon the payment of the final statement (par. 181) of a soldier fur- loughed to the reserve, the quartermaster will indorse over his signature on the certificate of furlough in the space to the left of the signature of the company or detachment commander all amounts paid and will specify any item for which payment has not been made in full. This action is not necessary when the final statement has been transferred in conformity with regulations. (Par. 1376, A. R.) j. When in the opinion of the company commander the circumstances warrant it, notation will be made under "Remarks" on the back of the certificate of furlough that the soldier is fitted for a commission in the United States Volunteers, giving his special qualifications. k. The service record and individual equipment record will be forwarded with proper indorsement on the former to the ojB&ce charged with keeping the soldier's record as a reservist (p. 13, R. R. A. R., 1916.) (Par. 108a(2) and 127 d.) 156. Application for retirement, Form No. 468, A. G. O. — a. When a enlisted man of the Army shall have served for 30 years, actual or construc- tive time, either in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, or in all, he may apply to The Adutant General of the Army for retirement. (Par. 134 A. R.) b. The application will be forwarded through military channels to the post, camp, or other station commander, who will forward it directly to The Adjutant General of the Army. (Par. 196.) A statement of time lost during current enlistment to be made good under A . W. 107 will be made. 157. Discharge certificates, Forms Nos. 525, 526, 527, A. G. O. — a. (1) No enlisted man lawfully inducted into the military service of the United States shall be discharged from said service without a certificate of discharge signed by a field officer of the regiment or other organization to which the enlisted man belongs, or by the commanding officer when no such field officer is present. (Par. 194; 108th A. W.; and par. 147, A. R.) (2) When more than one field officer of the regiment or corps is present, the commanding officer may designate the particular officer to perform this duty, and in any case the commanding officer may require the discharge certificate to be submitted to him before delivery to the soldier. (Par. 147, A. R.) (3) The "certificate of discharge" to be signed by a field officer of the regiment or other organization, or by the commanding officer when no such field officer is present, is printed on the face of the form. The "en- listment record" on the back of the form will be signed by the company or detachment commander. 120 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION h. The discharge of a soldier takes effect on the date of notice to him of such discharge, either actual by the delivery of the discharge certificate, or constructive where such delivery cannot be made owing to his absence for his own convenience or through his own fault, or in the case of an insane soldier, in which cases receipt at the soldier's proper station of the order directing his discharge will be deemed sufficient notice. In the l)onoriible Discbarge front Cbe United States Jlrmy TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: i6a.I^.¥-3..., lSM,*.«ax.,...< THE UNITED STATES ARMY, a^ a Testimonial of Honest and Faithful Service. \fh\n.siXZiir^..^.^ t-tiM }Ildi9eterc«lpriorta«ipiraUi)ao(nrTlo*.flT«numlwr,^ ___ .^. _.._ tliaert Amy sertol numbw, tnA», eompMiy, and regiment, or arm or corpj or department: e. j., " 1«»30J," "Corporal, Company A, J»t InlintiTr' "Serjemt. Quartermaster Corps;" "Sergeant, First Clan, Medical Department." t SUte Jolly actual can» of dlKtaarge, glrlng nomber, date, and source vl order or full description of authority therefor. 3— .i;«i Porin VO. 836, A. O. O. Oct. 9, laiH. Note: — This discharge is printed on blue paper. Both it and the dishonorable discharge have essentially the same provision for enlistment record on the back. A. G. O), as the reason for discharge, e. g., "Dependent mother; par. 4, SO 146, E Dept, 1918." (Par. 142, A. R.) (2) When a soldier is discharged on account of misconduct or unfitness for service, physical or in character, due to his own misconduct, the state- ment to that effect set forth in the order directing his discharge will be noted on the discharge certificate as the reason for discharge, e. g., "Having COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 123 become physically unfitted for the service due to his own- misconduct; par. 13, SO 49, E Dept, 1918." (3) When a soldier is discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability, a statement to that effect will be made on the discharge certificate as the reason for discharge, but the diagnosis as given in the certificate of disa- disability will not be quoted; e. g., "SCD, 4th Ind. HQ E Dept, May 15, 1918." Dishonorable Discharge from ti)e United States J\xm. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN • m% \% t® mm% cm/iCuAAO. lodic^ The United States Army /j /^/^ Staljomirablij liarltarciph //^^ j^^^a/^^'u^C?^a44i^/t...J^.C.V]^^^^^ JJ^^J)^ ^a^^... QyAJLrsJ^cL. ll0.iAcja% 1 . m^J /C^-h /^ mmda^ mk^ m/Me/Ut/ • Insf rt tt->mo— Christian Qamo first ; e. g., " Jobn Do«." tiDMrt Army Mrlal&umb«r,grsd«, company, tndrtgiiiMOt, drum or corps , 1918. Note: — This dishonorable discharge is printed on yellow paper. (4) When discharge is by reason of expiration of term of service, that fact will be stated, written thus, "Expiration of service." e. A certificate of discharge will not be given to a retired soldier. (Par. 135, A. R.) /. (1) Blank forms for discharge will be retained in the personal custody of_company commanders. (Par. 150, A. R.) , 124 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION (2) Discharge certificates, Forms No. 525, 526, 527, A. G. O., will he used in the discharge of enlisted men only. ' g. Discharge certificates are of three classes — (1) The blank for honorable discharge (Form No. 525, A. G. O.) when the soldier's conduct has been such as to warrant his reenlistment, and his service has been honest and faithful. (2) The blank for dishonorable discharge (Form No. 527, A. G. O.) for dishonorable discharge by sentence of a court-martial or military com- mission. (3) The blank for discharge (Form No. 526, A. G. O.) when the soldier is discharged except as specified under (1) and (2). (Pars. 181/(1) and 194.) h. (1) Discharge certificates will not be made in duplicate. Upon satis- factory proof of the loss or destruction of a discharge certificate without the fault of the person entitl'ed to it, the War Department may issue to such person a certificate of service. Application will be made on Form- No. 214, A. G. O. (Par. 151, A. R.) (2) Discharge certificates must not be forwarded to the War Depart- ment in correspondence unless called for. «'. (1) The preparation of discharge certificates in manuscript is pro- hibited when the proper printed forms therefor are available. Par. 1572, A. R.) (2) Under no circumstances will data on discharge certificate be filled in on a typewriting machine, nor by rubber stamp. All entries must be neatly and legibly made in longhan^. The certificate of discharge is the official record of service furnished the discharged man and as such must be exact, not readily changed, and presentable. (Par. 194, C. of O.) J. (1) When an enlisted man is discharged from the service the "char- acter" given him on his discharge certificate will be noted on his service record. (Par. 51, C. of O.) (2) The "character" given on a discharge certificate is discrecionary with the company or other immediate commander of the soldier, except where otherwise directed by sentence of a general court-martial, or by orders from the War Department; and the defacing of a discharge certifi- cate by writing thereon anything to the discredit of the soldier's character, after the same has been given by his company or other immediate com- mander, is prohibited. (Par. 49, C. of O.) (3) The "character" given will be entered on the discharge certificate by the company commander. k. In cases where the soldier was retained in service to make good any time lost through desertion (par. 192c(l)), unauthorized absence (par. 192c(l)), confinement under sentence or while awaiting trial and disposition of his case, if the trial results in conviction (par. 1896(3)), or through in- ability to perform duty on account of intemperate use of drugs or alcoholic liquor, or on account of disease or injury the result of his own misconduct (pars. 246(1) and 1886(1)), the notations will read "Retained in service days after expiration of term of enlistment under A. W. 107." (Par. 147H, A. R.) (2) In cases where the soldier was retained in service for the convenience of the Government the notations will read: "Retained in service days after expiration of term of enlistment for the convenience of the Gov- ernment." COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 125 (3) In either case the explanatory notation will be made under "Re- marks." /. Upon payment of the final statement of a discharged soldier (par. 181) the quartermaster will indorse over his signature on the discharge certificate in the space to the left of the signature of the company or detachment commander, all amounts paid and specify any item for which payment has not been made in full. This action is not necessary when the final statement has been transferred in conformity with regulations. (Par. 1376, A. R.) m. When in the opinion of the company commander the circumstances warrant it, notation will be made under "Remarks" on the back of dis- charge certificate that the soldier is fitted for a commission in the United States Volunteers, giving his special qualifications. (Par. 149, A. R.) n. Immediately following the heading "Battles, engagements, skir- mishes, expeditions" on the discharge certificate will be interpolated the heading "Decorations, service medals, citations." Under this heading will be recorded the award to the soldier of any decoration or citation for valor or service, and the authority for the award. (Cir. No. 232, W. D., 1919.) 158. Report of furlough to the reserve, Form No. 559, A. G. O. — a. Report is made on this form. (1) In the case of each enlisted man furloughed to the Regular Army Reserve. (Par. 16, R. R. A. R.) (2) In the case of each man who is enlisted or reenlisted in the Regular Army Reserve. (Par. 21, R. R. A. R.) h. (1) The report will be forwarded directly to The Adjutant General of the Army. (Pars. 17 and 21, R. R. A. R.) (2) In case of furlough to the reserve, the fact and date of the mailing of the report will be noted under "Remarks" on the extract from service record. (Par. 119.) (3) In case of enlistment or reenlistment in the Regular Army Reserve, the report will be accompanied by the enlistment paper. (Par. 2 1 , R. R. A. R.) 159. Charge sheet, Form No. 594, A. G. O. — a. All charges for trial by courts-martial will be prepared in triplicate, using this form as a first sheet for original and copies and sheets of ordinary letter or legal cap paper as the subsequent sheets. (Par. 75, M. C. M.) b. The charges will be accompanied by — (1) Except when trial is to be had by summary court, a brief statement of the substance of all material testimony expected from each material witness, both for the prosecution and for the defense, together with all available and necessary information as to any other actual or probable testimony or evidence in the case. (Par. 75, M. C. M.) (2) In the case of an enlisted man, properly authenticated evidence of convictions,, if any, of an offense committed by him during his current enlistment and within one year next preceding the date of the alleged commission by him of the offense set forth in the charges. c. (1) The evidence of previous convictions referred to in subpara- graph b (2) consists of (par. 306, M. C. M.) — (a) Records of previous trials and convictions ; (6) Duly authenticated copies of such records; (c) Duly authenticated copies of orders promulgating such trials and convictions; 126 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION {d) Duly authenticated copy of records of previous convictions as shown by the service record of the soldier. (2) (a) Copies of such records and orders promulgating trial and con- viction are duly authenticated when impressed with the stamp of CONNORS, JAMES ,. 55564a (Sumama.) ' *ciiristian name.) Pvt Co A 65th Inf """ (iianic and' organization.) .Jun.29, 1916. Vbate of enlistment.) July 3,1919 (Date o( furloughi to Reserve.) Sxcellent (Ciiiaracter given at date of furtougii.) Jul^ 2,192:? (bate Reservist is. to be discharged from service.) .. .Spr ingf ield _Avei;u;^ ,,AO .aumb^r g.iy jsn. yiV«8orvist's address— street and house number; V noiif, sostato.) Sprin|[field 111. (i^^>wn<)^city.') ' (State.) Name and address of person to.be notified in x:ase of emergency .....Hr.^?.Mi?r.X .yP.r-.^.9]^.s.,..M.qther (Name and degree of relationship; if friend, so state.) .Sprin^,f ield AVfirii©,no Number ^iven (Address— street and house number; if none, so state.) Springfield 111 (Town or city^^ ' (State.) ./jikkmm.^^^fi^ or^gtrjr A. Swith ■■•lst-{:-fev6^<>-' •Ir!-? ..Q5?..y:A^5th. Inf Thlfl report will be made out by the proper comm.inding oflBccr .IS Indicated in Section 27, ReRulatlons iw the Rotjular Army Reserve.. IfJlC, and. will be forwurded to The Adjutant General o£ the Army. PoimHo £59. A. O. O. Report of Soldier Furloughed to Reserve. the bureau, office, or headquarters having custody of the original, or when certified as a true copy by an officer having custody of such records. (Par. 306, M. C. M.) (&) The record of previous convictions as shown by the service COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 127 record will be duly authenticated when certified as "a true copy" by the officer having custody of the service record. d. (1) The statement of the substance of the material testimony ex- pected from material witnesses will be prepared on ordinary paper of letter or legal size, with heading such as "statement of material testimony expected from the material witnesses in the case of (name, Army serial number, grade, and company and regiment or arm, corps or department)." (2) The statement will give in turn the name, grade, and company, and regiment, or arm, or corps or department (or address, in case of civilian) of each material witness followed by the substance of the statement of the witness as given to the company commander or the subordinate officer designated by the company commander to investigate the case,; for PHAroe: sheet. Mimber.... . (In sumnury oourt noM. ) Cai^..ar*d»,Md -; _AMi.J3S .,., 19.19.. (Pl«»y (Data.) DAWaOR HOWiUap S. 91164S.... _.?▼* , ..p.?. .A .65th Inf " (BarMmf.V ' (rhrtellan niiM.) (Number.) (Oi»de.) (CompMiy and regiment, or corps, or dopMtnwnt. ) Date of current enlistment, .. "^•" ^. , 19..?^?.; age at enlistment, ?? years ....8... months. Rate of pay, S..?9r99 Class \ aUotment, $.. r --r r. ~rr. per month. Class B allotment, SJ5»0Q per month. .\llotment for insurance premium, S®r.^ per 'month. Liberty lonn allotments, $.J.;.-rrr:-rT???. per month. i>- None Prior service, . -- - {Otn datM, with cbaracKr given oanc^ dlactiatfi.) Number of previous convictions, .*?'.9 Date of arrest, ..*r"""r!."~ , 10 , or confinement, A^.!??. , 19.A?.. Place where accused is now in arrest or confinement, .^f.?"?....". .?.'. Witnesses: Is* ^fi* "©• Barker, Co A, 65th iBf Sup Sfit John C.PlnBber,Co A,65th Inf Mr Donald P. P lander, 34.'5 Vine St,ppady,Md. Charok: Violation of the .^?.*.*? Article of War. Specifrnti&n: I" *^** Private FonardS. Dawson, 911643, Company A,65tb Infantry,did at Camp Brady, Maryland, on or about the twentieth day of June, 1919, desert the aervioe of the United States, and did renain absent in desertion until fae surrendered faiaself at Caap Brady, Maryland, on or about the twenty-seventh day of August, 1919 ; this in tiae of war. (Kd. JuiMIVll.) MARION L. JONB """^•^."/rii-^^-o- Officer^^p^'etlPr'rln'lWarge. example, "1st Sgt Lee Barker, Co A, 65th Inf, states that Pvt John Yoimg, Co A, 65th Inf, was absent from retreat roll call on June 10/l9 and remained absent until about 3 p. m. June 2l/l9 when he was returned to the company by a member of the military police, etc." (3) The statement will be signed by the company commander or the subordinate officer designated to investigate the case. (4) The date and place will be shown at the end of the statement. e. (1) The copy of the record of previous conviction as shown by^^the service record of the soldier wiJ be prepared on ordinary letter or legal cap paper. 128 COMPANY ADMINIvSTRATION (2) The copy will be certified as a true copy by the company commander. /. The charges (in triplicate) will be forwarded to the headquarters or office to which the morning report is submitted and will generally accom- pany the morning report. g. (1) When trial is had by summary court, the original charge sheet will b<* completed as the record of trial. This record will be delivered to the personnel adjutant, who, after noting the necessary data on the report of changes, the pay roll of the company and the pay card of the soldier, will initial the charge sheet in the place provided and transmit it to the company commander. The companj^ commander will make the necessary entry on the service record under the heading "Record of convictions by courts-martial," and, if required, under "Pay detained by court-martial." He will initial the charge sheet and return it to the officer who appointed the court. (App. Ill, Instr. 3a, M. C. M.) (2) Copies of orders promulgating trials and convictions by special and general courts-martial will be transmitted to the company commander tlirough the personnel adjutant who will note over his signature on the copy of the order furnished to the company commander the fact that proper notation has been made on the report of changes, the pay roll of the organization and the pay card of the soldier. The company com- mander will make the necessary entry on the service record of the soldier under the heading "Record of convictions by courts-martial." The copy of the order may then be destroyed. h. Forms for synopses of convictions by courts-martial and for synopses of sentences for entry in service records are shown in Appendix 4a and 9a, respectively, of the Manual for Courts-martial. 160. Statement of charges, Form No. 602, A. G. O. — a. (1) If an article of public property is lost or damaged through fault or neglect of an officer or enlisted man he will pay the value thereof or the cost of repairs at such rate as may be determined by a survey of the property (par. 685, A. R.); or, if the person to be charged waives survey, the value thereof or cost of repairs will be charged to him. (2) ^Articles of tableware and kitchen utensils damaged, broken,^ de- stroyed, or lost through carelessness of an enlisted man will be charged against his pay. (Par. 1178, A. R.) (3) When a deserter carries away public property, or when such prop- erty is lost through his desertion, its value will be determined by a survey (par. 142e(l)) charged against him on the pay roll, and noted on his -service record. (Pars. 116 and 687, A. R.) (4) Whenever a report of survey recommends a stoppage against an enlisted man and the recommendation is approved, the appointing au- thority will cause a copy of the report to be furnished to the company commander, who will cause the amount to be charged against the soldier on a statement of charges, Form No. 602, A. G. O. Such charges will be made against the soldier on his pay card and the current pay roll of the company by the personnel adjutant. (Par. 724, A. R.) b. (1) The amount charged against an enlisted man on account of loss of or damage to Government property will not exceed the value of the articles or cost of repair. (Par. 686, A. R.) (2) A charge will be made only on conclusive proof and not without a survey when the soldier concerned demands it. (3) The soldier will be informed at the time of signing the pay roll COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 129 that his signature will be regarded as an acknowledgment of the justice of the charge. c. (1) All property, including clothing and individual equipment, will be entered on this form when first charged against the pay of enlisted men, including deserters. STATEMENT OF CHARGES against enlisted men for _ QUAHIERUASIER (Q. M., Ord.. Engr , Signml.or Medical ) On final statemeats of ..5.?? P.P.l?.?^?..?/. M°All?.^?A?r/.7.?-?456t. .^^ Propert> On payroll of Co.i ..e^'.i.n?. for month a lillj , 1919 Aimciju Cb*«om>. ^ v^^ CAOSKOrCHAKOI. % 1 1 Namis. 1 1 ! t i i ! 1 1 1 / M ik M m 1^. M iM m Uo ' Maaexatder.aii. ,CtaT3,'38E«6 i — ^6 ..!■•?* jn©. Oxncra,aas,Prt, ffxi&Q. / r f ?. hi .>••* jvia. 9*k»n by de- L;«ecr,Ha.?vt, 9tlflC 1 1 2, t I z, i 1 / I — IS. '^. * * * « * n * * Mrt«r;RS j.^s. ! 1 1 • 1 1 • 1 t ■ 1 . 1 A Total charccd \.K. B Equipment "C" on due certificate .. | .. .. ? ? ;; 1 1 i? 1 1 1 1 "C" are charged, lines B and C C Balance for credit !...... ...... I certify that the sUtementa hereon are complete and correct, and that the charges have been made for the reasona sUted. -Ca^at- 6&th-t«^ /o'n°""'di°g--"~-^ * I certify that I have received from ment "C" of — __. .___ _ charged hereon, except aa noted in line B, that I have received a due certificate (Or^ulntfcni) for that in line B, and that all other articles b<)reon have been replaced or a credit i . repUcement of all the articles pertaining to the Equii^ ne B, that I hav< 1 given for them. (This certificate ia only when articles of the Equipment "C" are charged ) .. Supply Officer * Voucherto return of ._ _.. ' For period — _ • To b« stricken out by oomptny or d _., , • Voucher No. 1 fotm ti nstd (orehartint cMliInf and aitldeTol Ik* iadlTldutl meu aquipment iinwd to % soldier and Statement of Charges. (2) A single statement of charges^ will be prepared at the beginning of each month. Entries will be made thereon from time to time as the occasion arises. Each class of property — e. g., quartermaster, ordnance, engineer, signal, medical, etc. — ^being listed separately thereon under appropriate headings. (3) In the column headed "Cause of charge" will be stated whether the articles were lost, damaged, destroyed, or taken by deserter; and if the charge is authorized by a report of survey (par. 142), the abbreviation "R. S." will be added. 130 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION (4) The initials of the personnel adjutant in the columns provided for the purpose will indicate that the charge has been made against the soldier on his pay card and the pay rolls of the company. (5) When a charge is made on the pay roll against the soldier, and not collected, entry of the charge will be made only once on the statement of charges, although the charge will appear on subsequent rolls. d. The statement of charges will be opened by the company or detach- ment commander on the day that the first charge for the month is made and closed on the last day of the month. The statement of charges con- taining the entries for the day will be submitted with the morning report to the personnel adjutant, who will, after entering all data on appropriate pay cards and the pay rolls of the company, affix his initials opposite the name of each man on the statement of charges and return the statement of charges to the company commander with the morning report. This procedure will be followed for each charge during the month. e. If the articles are found missing when a soldier dies, deserts, or is discharged, retired, or furloughed to the reserve, the amount in the case of each class of property, ordnance, or clothing will be noted under "Other stoppages" on extract from service record (Form No. 29a, A. G. O.) in addition to being noted on the statement of charges. /. At the end of the month to which it pertains the statement of charges will be filed as a voucher to the property loan record ^or the information of the auditor upon his next visit, after which it may be destroyed. When dropping from the property loan record property which has been charged on a statement of charges the abbreviation "S. of C." will be placed in the column headed "Receiving report." 161. Record card of enlisted man of staff corps or department, Form No. 627, A. G. O. — a. When a man is enlisted for, reenlisted in, or trans- ferred to any staff corps or department, the commander of the company or detachment to which the soldier is assigned after enlistment, reenlist- ment, or transfer, will prepare a record card of the soldier on this form and forward it directly to the Quartermaster General, the Surgeon General, the Chief Signal Officer, the Chief of Ordnance, Chief of Air Service, Chief of Construction Division, or Chief of Motor Transport Corps, except in the case of a man stationed in the Philippine, Hawaiian, or Panama Canal Departments, when the record card will be sent through department head- quarters. (Pars. 1009 and \S\.2%, A. R.; par. 41, Manual for the Medical Department, 1916; and par. 15 (/), Signal Corps Manual No. 7, 1915.) h. The number of years for which the soldier is enlisted will be entered under the heading "Current enlistment." Pending revision of the form the entry wiU be made on the third line immediately following the entry of place of enlistment; e. g., "at Ft. Logan, Col., for 3 years." (Cir. 429, W. D., 1919.) 162. Score card known-distance rifle practice, special course C, Form No. 628. A. G. O. — a. The form will be used as a score card on the target range in firing under special course C, Appendix II, Small Arms Firing Manual. b. The scoring and entries on the record will be closely supervised by the officer conducting the practice. c. The scores in record practice will be transcribed to the soldier's service record imder the supervision of the company commander. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 131 d. For instructions regarding the filing and disposing of the score card, see paragraphs 1026(6), 102c(l). * Regular Army. ^■Jhiti ooa t A n n y . * Enlisted Reserve Corps. » strike out words not applicable. RECORD CARD OF Enlisted Men of Staff Corps and Departments. .WARREN.^ WIER.B.... ...R2314-56. [Sumaiue.) (Christian name.) (Army serial number. Sgt MTC (Grade.) (Corps or department.) Designation .......Chauffer... kl iL-rk. chauffeur, etc.) Station Ca?i>..Holabird.»Md, Deo 23 ,1919. CURRENT ENLISTMENT. S«ning in ~~ enlistment period. Enlisted or Inducted into miUtary service .0.©Q..lft , 191 9^ ^j Camp Lee,Va, _ Assignedto. 46th IXlf _. (Compaay aod recimeat or corpa or departm^at.) « at ?.8?^P...>'eMe;p.V'aj. ... ...P.ep .12 ..^ 191 9 (Station.) Transferred to MTC , ..DeO.2.1 ., ,,, 9 iCorpa or department.) Authority .or tr««.er: 8dInd,.HQE.Dejpt, 12-15^^^ Jolned,...BeO-2a. .191 9 DESCRIPTIVE LIST. Residence: ... 2341 Baolid.Ave _, (Street and house number; i{ none, so state.) CloYeland .Q.hio (Town or city.) (Sute.) Kade and address o( person to b« notified in case of emergency: W»Broiuie Warrdn, father (Name anddcgree of r^tionahip; if friend, bo atate.) 2541 Euclid Ave .(Street and bouse tumber; i( none, so stated, a Cleveland Onlo (Town or city.) (State.) ,»_.„ Nantea France (Town or city.) (State or countiy.) 25 , 3 soldier Age at enlistment yrs. and mos.; occupation, blue black Eyes, ; hair, Clear S 11 Complexion. ; beight, ., ttfX Single Married or single: . Number and ages of children, if any . Form No. 627, A. O. O. Ed. June 20-18. Note; — On the third line under "Current Enlistment" should appear the term of enlistment, e. g.i "for three years." 163. Individual equipment record, Form No. 637, A. G. O. — See para- graphs 121-130. (Par. 681-A, A. R.) 132 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 164. Pay-card Form No. 644, A. G. O. — See Special Regulations No. 58. {Edition of 1920.) PRIOR SERVICE. REGULAR ARMY:* B^rjr J|,«thffA ,„„ Deo. 11_, ,,,6 ,„ Dec .10 ^^ (Compaay aod regiment or corpa or departEnoot.) DlschMjedas ....Sgt •. character. SXP«ll«nt „ (Grade.) ' (Compftoy &nd recimont or corpe or departmo Discharted as \.- (Compnay and -.191 * Tnaert headings below Ia«t discharge from the ReKular Army to allow serripe i« Volunteer Army, Navy. Marine Corps, and National Guard or Organised Militia, la the order named. Remarks: . A^i^A9.3.9..^.^^.HP%<>II^..^P^^l^^ Deo 28« 1919. rohn &Beokler iBt &t.]ifG ..j^."....r* "*."..-_., Commanding. INSTRUCTIONS. When a man is enlisted for, reenlisted in, or transferred to' any staff corps or deimrtment, the oflBcer of such staff cor]>s or department who first receives him will prepare and forward the record card of the soldier directly to the Quartermaster . General, the Siu^eon General, the Chief Signal Officer, or the Chief of Ordnance, as the case may be, except in the case of a man stationed in the Philippine, Hawaiian, or Pananm Canal Department, when the record card will be sent through, department headquarters. (See pars. 1009 and 1512^, Army Regulations, 1913 ; par. 41, Manual for the Medical Department 19ie;.andpar. 16 (/)^ Signal Corps ^Iaynaamo.t.J915.) "^ 3—4799 Reverse of Record Card 165. War diary, Form No. 660, A. G. O. — See vSpccial Regulations No. 58. {Edition of 1920.) 166. Correspondence book. Form No. 662. A. G. O. — See paragraphs 7Q-86. (Par. 280, A. R.) COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 133 QUARTERMASTER CORPS 167. Advice of soldier's deposits, Q. M. C. Form No. 8a. — a. When deposits have been made by enlisted men, the company commander will forward directly to the Quartermaster General a list of the names of the depositors showing in each case the date, place, and amount of each deposit and the name of the quartermaster who received it. (Par. 1361, A. R.) h. Each report will be restricted to include only deposits with one quarter- master on a given date. (Par. 1361, A. R.) c. Before being forwarded to the Quartermaster General the list will be compared with the entries on the service records and deposit books (Form No. 41, Q. M. C), and the company commander or other officer ,^ R«A,«Siblllf PAT CARD ■sanLT wiitiatTa (cuam a ma u. »-.._3_.».i5L.t«...£«6.im%-.lll«-«-rfJ.Ul.i,B..13 Ch. J I. h. -. . B aiii l iiil — .»-.- . CmnM »«>: IS22Q. fc-..-.iJflJJ. -. » 13 tr^mt m m^ H.ia tZ^ia-. nia., I.3..4S.: R. S . Hill. ilXJiUJ! .BLia.. (t.r.) TAV CABD— EXTRA SHEET. ei«A.I«.PO ,,„Jul 1 „i8 Di.ooot P«K,a!>.ilK) O^ Cj 3.75, „ Nov 1 |,|8 to Jul \- BL? j^O , 3.80 ,,„ Jul 1 „| 9 tp Jul 1 ^ (,„ , pis<^aStlnuedj;^b 1 ,1920 (&,i|}|0!*,.»»i.«l» »_ - ;-' - J. ._ ::::=: 1 w :- -J ---; ..attamiw l. g «b-iaaO;»onthly pcaBlaat--.. bjr CAM* •Ilot'ox-Xo ^'r* iBBur.«no»... r«t«liG*4.t9Q00 t.er« ls»«r»iie« etfisaUad; .l.«f«.iPT>«.l.U!« ««»jr»«i>t) r :"':,T"^"'~."' ,„_J Note. — Pay Card — Extra sheet is for Sgt Capps. witnessing the payment will be careful to see that the names and Army serial numbers of the depositors are correctly given. (Pars. 56, 58c, 170a (3); par. 1361, A. R.) 168. Soldier's Allotment, Q. M. C. Form No. 38.— a. (1) An enlisted man in active service, or a retired enlisted man on active duty, wherever located, may make an allotment, for his own savings, or for any other purpose except to obtain an advance of pay, of any portion of his pay after deductions are made in accordance with the war-risk insurance act. Such an allotment is a class "E" allotment and is made under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved March 2, 1899, as amended by the Acts approved March 2, 1901, and October 6, 1917. (Par. 52, S. R. No. 72.) (2) If an enlisted man desires to make an allotment to dependents in excess of the amount necessary to sustain family allowances under the war-risk insurance act (classes "A" and "B"), such excess allotment is a class "E" allotment. (Par. 52, S. R. No. 72.) 134 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION (3) Allotments for the payment of premiums in private insurance com- panies, societies, or organizations are class "E" allotments, and are made in duplicate on Q. M. C. Form No. 38. (Pars. 13 and 52, S. R. No. 72.) (4) Class "C" allotment is an automatic allotment to pay premium on Government term insurance; it is not made on Q. M. C. Form No. 38. (5) Class "D" allotment is made in triplicate on Q. M. C. Form No. ■■■■■ 8f6t*8anr" ( j»n • "^ -I is: I s:<| ^i ( -)u»iu|i!ta» JO »»»a) ( tawtCC JO nuMt pa» »Ui«K ) ii n Sfr/i829a * JC» ' "1 XaHSH ' •••jrif 'iS9u qvsi? ' HOsaiAya ....... .g J Note. — This form is also used for Class D allotments (Govermnent Converted In- surance). \ 38 to pay premium on Government converted insurance as prescribed in Circular No. 498, W. D., 1919. b. A discontinued allotment cannot be renewed but a new allotment may be made by executing a new form. (Par. 56, S. R. No. 72.) c. An allotment may not be made to an enemy alien, whether a resident of the United States or a foreign country. (Par. 27, S. R. No. 72.) d. (1) Before the company commander signs the allotment he will COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 135 require the soldier to read the entire form and verify the name and address of the allottee. (Par. 15, S. R. No. 72.) (2) Before certifying a class "E" allotment the company commander will satisfy himself that the allotment is not made for the purpose of obtaining an advance of pay. When a bank is designated as allottee, the company commander will furnish the bank with the signature of the grantor and inform the bank of the amount and period of the allotment. The company commander will also, if possible, satisfy himself that the bank has an existence. (Par. 15, S. R. No. 72.) e. Allotments will be noted on the service record of the soldier in the space provided for the purpose. (Par. 116.) The company commander will write or stamp on the duplicate the words "Entered on service records" and add his initials. (Par. 21, S. R. No. 72; sec. V, G. O. 83, W. D., 1918.) /. Both copies of the allotment will be transmitted to the personnel adjutant, who will make the necessary entries on the pay roll of the com- pany and the pay card of the soldier, write or stamp on the duplicate the words "Entered on pay roll and pay card," and return them to the company commander. The original allotment will be sent directly by the company commander to the zone finance officer, Washington, D. C, and the dupli- cate to The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. (Par. 13, S. R. No. 72.) g. After class "D" allotments have been recorded as in paragraph /,. they 'will be transmitted as provided in Circular No. 498, W. D., 1919. 169. Discontinuance of allotment, Q. M. C. Form No. 39. — a. When an allotment is to run for the full period for which granted no request for discontinuance or notice of expiration is necessary. (Par. 1351, A. R.) h. Allotments will be discontinued prior to the expiration of the period for which granted — (1) Upon request of the soldier (par. 1351, A. R.; par.. 55, S. R. No. 72). (2) Upon request of the company commander when forfeiture of pay by sentence of court-martial is such that possibly it cannot be collected in full prior to the discharge or furlough to the reserve of the soldier if the allotment is continued (pars. 1350 and 1358, A. R.). (3) Upon request of the company commander because of reduction in rank, continued misconduct, stoppage of pay for loss of or damage to Government property, or when for any other reason the soldier's available pay will not warrant continuance of the allotment. (Pars. 1350 and 1358, A. R.) (4) (a) In the case of (1), (2), and (3) the request for discontinuance will be prepared on Q. M. C. Form No. 39, signed by the company com- mander and forwarded directly to the zone finance officer. United States Army, Washington, D. C, and to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance in case of class "D" allotment. (&) The form will be signed by the soldier when the request is made by him as contemplated in subparagraph & (1). ' c. (1) A memorandum concerning the request will be placed in the "Reminder" (par. 205) under the date that the acknowledgment from the zone finance officer may be expected. (Subpar. (2).) If the proper form for requesting discontinuance of allotment is not available the allotment may be discontinued by letter, in which case a carbon copy of the letter should be placed in the "Reminder" as in the case of the memorandum when the proper form is used. 136 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION (2) The zone finance officer, Washington, D. C, will notify the company commander of the fact of discontinuance of payment to the allottee and the last month for which the allotment was paid. The notification of discontinuance from the zone finance officer, Washington, D. C, when received by the company commander will be transmitted by him to the personnel adjutant, who, after making necessary entries on the pay roll of the company and the pay card of the soldier, will write or stamp on the notification the words "Entered on pay rolls and pay card," and return the notification to the company commander, who will file it as hereinafter indicated. (Subpar. (4); pars. 1350 and 1351, A. R. ; pars. 20 and 55 S. R. No. 72.) DISCONTINUANCE. (SOLDIERS ALLOTMENT.) i ^i S> ill Cwp Brady, Mdj^ Jul 5 , 191 9 (iuUoo.) (»•>•.) The allotment o/..iLAVXDS0H,HEHBl.iu-,ft^s89!48- — , — 2it55JS«^*hj^ (Nnue of aUottrf.) (OfiMlilftttoo.) of Jf}^°9- per month for... ^..^.. months, commencing -.Sggtn^T.-l , 191 8 fQ y iTBt N ational Banlt __^ S42 Front St, Br ady^ '"iim" oiiJiotMe.) (8tl«rt md Ko.) .'f.l- , is hereby discontinued to take effect ?9.JJH??. , 191 * J6U1«.) » •' '• (Month asd d»l«.) Reason for discontinuance P??*A*. At this date tlie records show the soldier -pjiid to include iV.P..§?. , 191^ The allotment has been deducted from his pay to include .1° , 191 , >»*- ■^MU'hei>on*imied^(p«nrike-p»y-r-oii9 untii aeHmmol edgn t en* of ikis-dMOonibmMMO^is.f>M«i»6A-- _ Zu^iAiA/:yU^J*cnAaj^ '■ ; _ Capt 65th Ipf Ndri.— The discontinuance o( an nllotinent abould be made to Uke effect the last day of a calendar month. i-um Q. ir. C. Form 33. This form is also used to discontinue Class D Allotments, in which case it will be sent to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Washington, D. C, instead of the Zone Finance Officer, Washington, D. C. (3) The request for discontinuance of the allotment will specify the month for^ which the last payment is to be made, but the stoppage of pay to meet the allotment muse be continued until the notification is received from the zone finance officer, Washington, D. C, and the soldier will then be credited on the next pay roll with any amount withheld in excess of the amount paid to the allottee. (Pars. 1350 and 1351, A. R.; pars. 20 and 55, S. R. Ng. 72.) (4) When the notification from the zone finance officer, Washington D. C, is received back from the personnel adjutant (subpar. (2)), the fact of discontinuance of the allotment will be entered on the service record of the soldier, the entry being initialed by the company commander The notification of discontinuance will then be placed in the five-year file, and the memorandum in the "Reminder" destroyed. (Subpar. (1) and pars. 205eand 213.) COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 137 d. On the death, discharge, furlough to the reserve, retirement, or desertion of an enlisted man who has an allotment running, the allotment ceases, and the company commander will report the separation from active service as follows : (1) In every such case the company commander will prepare and forward to the zone finance officer, Washington, D. C. (and to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance in case of class "D" allotment), a notification of discon- tinuance of allotment on Q. M. C. Form No. 39. (2) In cases occurring within the continental limits of the United States, including Alaska, after the 20th of the month of discharge or furlough to the reserve except under demobilization orders, retirement, or desertion, of an enlisted man having an allotment runnmg, the com- pany commander, in addition to giving notice on Q. M. C. Form No. 39, will also report by telegram to the zone finance officer, Washington, D. C, the fact of separation from active service, giving the full name. Army serial number, and company and regiment or arm or staff corps or department of the soldier. (3) (a) In cases occurring without the continental limits of the United States, including Alaska, of discharge, furlough to the resreve, desertion, or retirement of an enlisted man who has an allotment running, the com- pany commander, in addition to sending notification to the zone finance officer (subpar. (2)), will report the separation from active service to the commander of the department or expeditionary forces, to be cabled to The Adjutant General of the Army. The report of the company com- mander will include the name. Army serial number, company and regiment or arm or corps or department of the soldier, and the fact that he has an allotment running. The report will be sent by telegram in case report by mail under normal conditions of mail service would not reach the head- quarters of the department or forces on or before the 20th of the month in which the discharge, furlough to the reserve, desertion, or retirement occurs. (6) The fact and date of mailing the notification to the zone finance officer and of making the report to the commander of the department or expeditionary forces will be noted under "Remarks" on the extract from service record, Form No. 29o, A. G. O. (Par. 119; par. 1350, A. R.) e. If an erroneous payment is made to an allottee because of the failure of an officer responsible for such report to report the death of the grantor or any other fact which renders the allotment not payable, the amount of such erroneous payment will be charged to the officer who fails to make such report. (Par. 1353, A. R.) 170. Soldier's deposit book, Q. M. C. Form No. 41 {see par. 56). — a. (1) Any enlisted man in active service may deposit his savings with any quartermaster in sums of not less than $5. (Par. 1361, A. R.) (2) The deposit book will show the name and Army serial number of the depositor, the place, date, and amount of each deposit. Each deposit will be receipted by the quartermaster and attested by the company commander. (Par. 1361, A. R.) (3) Deposits will be noted on service records of the soldiers concerned immediately after payment and before the advice of soldiers' deposits is forwarded to the Quartermaster General. (Pars. 56, 58^, and 167; par. 1361, A. R.) (4) The transfer, pledge or sale of the deposit book is prohibited. 138 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Enlisted men should be informed of the importance of preserving deposit books as the only certain means of insuring prompt payment of deposits upon discharge or furlough to the reserve. (Pars, 1361 and 1364, A. R.) b. (1) Before delivering final statements upon which deposits are cred- ited the company commander will ascertain whether the soldier has his deposit book, and, if so, instruct him to present it to the quartermaster with his final statement. The quartermaster will take up the deposit book and file it with the voucher of payment. (Par. 194(^(6); pars. 1362 and 1363, A. R.) (2) Should the soldier claim to have lost his deposit book, his affidavit to that effect will be taken and attached to the final statement. The affidavit must state the circumstances attending the loss of the deposit book and show that the soldier has not sold or assigned it. (Par. 194; par. 1363, A. R.) (3) If for any reason deposits, except those forfeited by desertion, are not paid on final statement, the soldier shotdd forward his depos't book or the affidavit referred to in subparagraph (2), to the Quartermaster General and request payment. (Par. 1364, A. R.) c. (1) A soldier must draw his deposits when he is discharged or fur- loughed to the reserve. (Par. 1365, A. R.) (2) Upon the death of a soldier who has deposits, his deposit book, if found among his effects, will be forwarded to The Adjutant General of the Army with the final statement. (Pars. 138, 154, and 181; pars. 83 J^ and 1367, A. R.) 171. Individual clothing slip, Q. M. C. Form No. 165. — See paragraphs 72-75. (Pars. 1157-1159, A. R.) 172. Company council book, Q. M. C. Form No. 452. — See paragraphs 87-96. PURCHASE AND STORAGE 173. Requisition, P. & S. Form No. 160. — a. The instructions given in this paragraph relate solely to the use of the form in the company. b. When articles of equipment or allowance issues other than rations (Tables of Basic Allowances) are required by a company a requisition in duplicate on this form will be prepared by the company commander and submitted to the post, camp, or other supply officer. (For instructions regarding supply of clothing, see pars. 72-74.) Each requisition will be numbered serially from the block of numbers assigned to the company by the supply officer to whom the requisition is submitted. c. Expendable articles and articles of clothing and individual equipment (par. 122a) will be listed on separate sheets headed "Expendable," "Clothing," and "Individual equipment," as the case may be. Each class of property will be segregated on the requisition and given appro- priate heading, such as "Quartermaster," "Ordnance," etc. Articles will be listed in alphabetical order in each class. d. Both copies of the requisition will be signed by the company com- mander; the duplicate copy will be retained by him and filed as pre- scribed in paragraphs 62, 64, and 71. e. In preparing the requisition there will be noted as the "basis for requisition" some such explanatory remark as "To complete equipment of 14 recruits"; "Original issue of articles named, strength of company, 142"; "Exchanged." etc. Under the heading "Explanatory notes" will COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 139 be entered information concerning disposition of articles formerly supplied, e. g., "To replace like articles dropped on statement of charges."* Entries imder other headings and columns will be made in accordance with the requirement of the supply officer concerned and according to the conditions of the requisition. Pocgnacy A a A83 18,1919. REQUISITION \^ SERIAL. KUMBER TO SBPP&Y OPgICBB>C>mP BBADY.MD. REgUlSITIj[»rt:D BY_ SHIP TO COMPANT B, 65th IMPAMBT BASIS FOR BRq'lS r Spaoi»l BegalBiticn te Bnt>pl y ooapany •-. »»th ¥y TO gar H> 87^/ aal Si^tSlS* STREKGTK OF COMMAND 18 8 gn,- 128 rlf la*. ARTICLES And <^e8erip^•l APPLICA.TIOW Bayonets, Model 1017. Bayonet So abb ar da, Model 1917 7118 reqvlBitloi supple aents h] 65-4-466 to oonplete oonpany eqaipnent the artisles ha rln4 bean out ot stock Tiben prerionaly requisitioned. lionmjOtiMr) CLABBNCE HAHSOH, Oapt «5th Inf rm-poxkaAt : Tollo-w insVruclions on ol «>isf< 174. Ration return, P. & S. Form No. 223.— a. Definition of a ration.^ A ration is the allowance for the subsistence of one person for one day. (Par. 1202, A. R.) b. Classes of rations. — (1) Rations are classed as (a) garrison, (b) travel, (c) reserve, (d) field, (e) Filipino, (f) emergency. nator ^ hTot^s "^^*'°" °^ Requisition shown in plate does not have the space for "Expla- 140 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION (2) The garrison ration is intended for troops in garrison, and, in time of peace, for troops in meneuver camps. (See also subpar. c (2).) (3) The travel ration is intended for troops traveling otherwise than by marching and separated from cooking facilities. (For rations issued to troops on the march in time of peace see subpar. c (2).) (4) The reserve ration is carried on the persons of the men and in the field train and constitutes the reserve for field service. (5) The field ration is the ration prescribed by the commander of the field forces. Taixb op One Kation, |.a-4d?„. P. »na H. Form Ko. 1 B«iHd Oct. 1, un- Ration Retubn of CMP AM..A.*..65.TJ. iJJPAinur At .C*g»L.B«Aj»T.j|..M». .from J.«V.T..l.... (Supplroaor'tNa.) .... w.ia. , to Net nnnber of raUen* due for nen mea*Iii( wIUi oriaiUuUon, iddlUans and deducUons computed Net conunnlaUoB doe for men anthorixed to mees aeparelely (named on "back hereof), percentage compoted.. 1911. I Ctenrr that tUe Batlon Return la correct „_ M*^» .•B»M.ij*r. .. ..po,.. A, 66th..laf antrjr... AmuTEDi Br order of __ .W.<^M>lll6.Si«8I»».. _ .VM^tVfdwaw... _ .C»pt,* 44J^,.«0thX MEN AUTHORIZED TO MESS SEPARATELY C3— 7267 NAME GRADE INCLUSIVE DATES From— To- Barkep^Iiee Plumber, J»0» Oapps.M»M» IstSgt SupSgt 1 1 8 10 10 10 Back of Form 223. (6) The Filipino ration is for the use of Philippine Scouts. (7) The emergency ration is furnished, in addition to other regular ration, for troops in active campaign and in the field in time of peace for purpose of instruction. (Par. 1205, A. R.) c. Components and substitutive equivalents. — (1) The components and substitutive equivalents of the garrison, travel, reserve, and Filipino rations are prescribed in Army Regulations. (Par. 1205, A. R.) (2) The ration to be issued to troops on the march in time of peace will be prescribed by the commander. It will be issued on the same basis as COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 141 the garrison ration (see subpar. e.) and will not exceed the allowance pre- scribed for that ration. (Par. 1220, A. R.) (3) In time of war Philippine Scouts serving in the field will be fur- nished the same ration as troops of the Regular Army. (Par. 1202, A. R.) (4) When it is impracticable for Philippine Scouts to use the Filipino ration while traveling otherwise than by marching they may be issued the regular travel ration. (Par. 1202, A. R.) (5) Philippine Scout companies are required to use the entire meat com- ponent of the Fihpino ration and not more than 16 ounces of the rice com- ponent, beans being used in the place of the remainder of the rice compo- nent. The use to as large an extent as possible will also be made of native food products, such as camotes, mangos, and squash. (Par. 1205, A. R.) (6) The field ration consists of the reserve ration in whole or in part sup- plemented by articles of food corresponding generally with the components or substitutive equivalents of the garrison ration procured locally or shipped from the rear. (Par. 1205, A. R.) (7) Emergency rations will not be opened except by order of an officer or in an extremity, nor used when regular rations are available. Com- pany commanders are responsible for the proper care and use of emergency rations carried on the persons of the men of their companies, and will cause the value of any emergency rations lost or damaged to be charged against the pay of the persons responsible for the loss or damage. (Par. 1205, A. R.) d. Extra issues. — (1) Issue of the articles of regular monthly allowance, other than rations, given in Tables of Basic Allowances (Cir. No. 377, W. D., 1919) {See Appendix) will be made on regular requisition (par. 1736). The commanding officer will determine and announce what quan- tities within the limits prescribed will be issued. e. Issue of garrison, travel, and Filipino rations. — (1) All components of these rations due a company are held available by the quartermaster to be furnished companies required. (Par. 19; par. 1220a, A. R.) At the beginning of the month the supply officer will communicate to company commanders the value of the ration for the ensuing month. Companies will open an account with the quartermaster and the sub- sistence stores required for the mess will be purchased on charge sales slips in the name of the organization. If the company commander desires to secure for the company mess articles of food, refreshment, etc., on the authorized list of articles carried in stock by the quartermaster, which are not on hand at the time, he must secure written approval to purchase from outside sources. (Par. 322, A. R.) Where there is a quartermaster no purchase of articles on the authorized list of articles carried in stock by the quartermaster, required for supply of troops, will be made except through him, except as provided above. (2) Ration returns will be submitted with the morning report on the day following the end of the calendar month, or the end of such other ration period as the commanding officer may direct, for the rations used by the company during that month or period. The company commander will effect a settlement with the quartermaster at the end of the month or other ration period. Any unexpended balance due an organization, not to exceed 25 per cent of the value of the net number of rations due the organization for the ration period, will be paid in cash by the quartermaster to the organi- zation commander when the settlement is effected. Any unexpended bal- 142 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION ance in excess of the above 25 per cent will revert to the Government. (Par. 1220e, A. R.) /. Issue of field, reserve, and emergency rations. — Field, reserve, travel, or emergency rations may be issued on ration returns submitted before or at the time of issue, as provided in paragraph 1220/, A. R. g. Preparation of ration returns. — (1) When the company is subsisted on the basis of a ration credit for the value of the garrison, travel, or Filipino ration, and stores are purchased from the quartermaster on charge sales slips, as explained in subparagraph e, the money value of the ration to be credited to the company is increased by certain percentages in case of messes that average less than 75 persons and decreased by certain percentages for messes that average more than 150 persons. The method of determining the "daily average strength for rations" is explained in paragraph 17&; the subsequent correction of this figure by the deduction of the number of men authorized to mess separately and the addition or deduction of the per- centage above mentioned, resulting in the "Net number rations due organization," is described in paragraph lid. The sum of the "Net no. of rations due organization," as recorded day by day in the ration account of the morning report, for the total days of the ration period is the figure to be entered on the ration return opposite the heading "Net number of rations due for men messing with organization, additions, and deductions com- puted." At the end of the ration period the sum of the rations entered in the ration account in the morning report opposite the names of "Men authorized to mess separately," will be multiplied by the announced value of one ration, as entered on the ration account; this result, plus the percent- age addition to the actual money value of the ration (par. 1220a (5), A. R.) is the amount to be entered on the ration return opposite the heading "Net commutation due men authorized to mess separately (named on back thereof), percentage computed." This serves the purpose of the "sepa- rate ration return " required in paragraph 1220c, Army Regulations, for men authorized to mess separately.* Opposite the heading "Rations required " on the ration return will be entered the kind of rations. This has a particu- lar application under the provisions of paragraph 1220/, Army Regulations. If the ration period is less than a month a red-ink line will be drawn under the last entry for the period on both pages of the ration account in the morning report, to separate it from subsequent periods in the same month. (Par. 1220a, A. R.) (2) When troops are issued field, reserve, or emergency rations, and the ration savings privilege is suspended (par. 1220/ (1), A. R.), or when an organization is assigned to a mess in conmion with another, necessitating a consolidated ration return for the entire mess, the heading on the ration return for each organization "Net number of rations due for men messing with organization, additions and deductions computed" will be changed to read "Nimiber of men messing with organization." Opposite this heading will be entered the sum of the figures entered in the column of the ration account in the morning report headed " Number men messing with organi- zation." (3) A single ration return will be submitted for a company to include all persons actually present and rationed or to be rationed, and will include * A separate ration rettim would be had were the men receiving commutation of rations instead of commuted rations, they being entitled to the former by reason of there being no issue of rations in kind practicable, i. e., men on militia duty. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 143 persons permitted to mess separately opposite the heading "Net com- mutation due men authorized to mess separately (named on back hereof), percentage computed." The names of such men and the inclusive dates of the periods messed separately will be entered on the back of the ration return. Detachments of organizations will render separate returns as provided in paragraph 1220/(2), Army Regulations. (4) (a) Ration returns for companies will be signed by the company com- mander and approved by order of the commanding officer. (Par. 1209, A. R.) (b) Ration returns for enlisted men of the Medical Department, members of the Army Nurse Corps, and others attached to a hospital mess for rations will be signed by the medical officer in charge and. approved by order of the commanding officer. (Par. 1210, A. R.) (c) The ration return for civilian employees will be signed by the officer in charge of the employees and approved by order of the commanding officer. (Par. 1211, A. R.) (5) (a) Company commanders will verify daily the figures of the ration . account in the morning report, and should keep a daily record of the financial condition of the ration account. (6) Ration returns upon which emergency rations are drawn will bear the certificate of the company commander to the effect that such rations are required for the enlisted men of the company and that the money value of any rations previously drawn by him and improperly opened or lost have been charged against the person responsible. (Par. 1205, A. R.) (7) (a) During active operations in the field company officers, upon their request, will be included by name on the ration return of the organization to which they belong. (6) Under the same conditions, field and staff officers who do not belong to organizations having messes, upon their request, will be included by name on the ration return of such organization as may be designated by the commanding officer. (c) Army field clerks and field clerks, Quartermaster Corps, may be issued rations under the same conditions as officers. (d) Payment for rations issued to officers. Army field clerks, and. field clerks. Quartermaster Corps, will be made in the manner pre- scribed in Army Regulations. (Par. 1209, A. R.) 175. Receiving report, P. & S. Form No. 257. — a. The instructions given in this paragraph relate solely to the use of the form in the company. b. When equipment issued to a company on loan is returned to a supply officer, he will furnish to the company commander a receiving report listing the items returned. The equipment will be droppped from the property loan record, the receiving report being filed as a voucher to that record. (Par. 65.) c. When the company equipment is to be transferred to a new company commander, a certificate in duplicate on blank receiving reports will be prepared as follows: "I certify that I have this date received from , predecessor, all property enumerated on property loan record cards, except property listed below, pertaining to , including last shipping ticket No , dated , 19__, and last receiving report No. , dated , 19__." These certificates will be signed by the successor as such. The original will be filed as a voucher, the duplicate being given to the officer, relieved. 144 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION d. To transfer property from one organization to another at the same station, the officer to receive the property will list it on receiving report in triplicate, receipt the original, and send it with a copy to the trans- for transmission to the supply officer, who will return the original marked "Transfer noted" for file as a voucher, replacing the originally retained copy. 176. Shipping ticket, P. & S. Form No. 260. — a. The instructions given in this paragraph relate solely to the use of the shipping ticket in the company. h. (1) Articles of equipment issued to a company will be listed by the supply officer on a shipping ticket. (2) When the property is issued at the same station the original copy of ro™E7au.c-u- Serial No. .7.5. No.! Sheet No. Delrrwed lijr- RECEIVING REPORT C p A .asthinf Order No ir-^ Date .......Sep. .23^..1.9_... Warehotue 2 3/LNo. TaUy Sheet No. _ ARTICLES Axes ,ta»Bd Intrenchingi Model. 1910, «ith oarriera Waicht Special Notation.: ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ re^oement with new .edel after exchange with Springf ielri Areenal has hoen.aocoBpllBhod- ENTRV ON STOCK RECORD ENTRY ON ORDER TRANSFER ACCOMPUSHED Po.t«o Cb«J«l Po.tiBg. 1 ChMkad Appm»«l Voucher Bt ....... Br ..;.. _. «>~ -' Br Ns. ^^^■=r^~ r-j-^ ....... ...QjCr'atcaK ..Jfia„.Br.0Hn7Tc^ -. - DeriMd by the Committee on Standardization of Depot Accountias. the shipping ticket will be given to the officer to whom the property is issued for file as a voucher to the property loan record concerned. The officer receiving the property, or his agent, will receipt on a copy of the shipping ticket in the possession of the issuing officer. (3) When the place where the property is received is outside the limits of the post or station where the issue is made, i. e., where a carrier inter- venes, shipping tickets will be forwarded signed in dupUcate. The receiving officer will sign an acknowledgment of the receipt of property on one copy of the shipping ticket and forward it to the zone property auditor having jurisdiction over his records. The other copy will be retained in the company as a voucher to the property loan record. c. (1) All items listed on shipping tickets for property received will be entered on the property loan record, except expendable items, clothing, articles of equipment issued to enlisted men for their retention upon transfer (Cir. 377, W. D., 1919), and articles drawn on requisition marked "Exchanged" by the supply officer. In the last-mentioned case the ship- COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 145 ping ticket will be filed as in the case of other shipping tickets. (Par. 64; par. 678, A. R.) (2) Expendable items will be indicated as expendable on the margin of the shipping ticket by the issuing officer and will not be entered on property records by the receiving officer. (3) Clothing, and articles of equipment issued to enlisted men for their retention upon transfer (Cir. 377, W. D., 1919) will be entered directly on the individual equipment records of the enlisted men concerned and will not be shown on the property loan record. The names of the enlisted men to whom the articles are issued will be shown on the shipping ticket. (Pars. 64c, 73, 74.) SHIPPING TICKET Nunc of Sution Caiip B.r»di..|«d, . WiMhoOM 8 Data Aug..20«.l»l?- SmiAL No Rta No. No. or SH»«T» SHUT NO. AUTHOniTY Co A ,e5th Inf . a.UER for.. - »nd doll*™ (I -.^UO^^... and ^ doUan (X^O.r. and dollan ($.. Last pai'^to include .^..^JJi^iU/. , 101^, by Oofii (^Jk^%r^/C^^/f. -1. „ ?:•:; 1^^,/f/^./. '.. DUE SOLDIER, l-aj- o< Anny. Ul „. M ^ k «4 M.q< M.M •*<<.« M: — ""'■..' * - Ti>l.l#.y a Amy, Ul T,.».l pay 4L .._ TolalS.S .MT.,J»1 _.. .. Cpedu. l).p«ht Fimd — DUE UNITED STATKt. W 1 Total aloniigo I CEKTD-Y tliAt tho foregoing Final Statemflnt, giron in duplicate, is correct Oqx.lt irilh my n™ .cco»at. ,..._ |. ..^ ■ _._. , in , far • ^-S^ iirz^,.J?sr*>Ikt.. Comm - ' •istasxaa" Final Statement FINAL STATEMENT Q^ M/^rJS ....^.........M. ^S^^I^f For Talus noeiTsd, trimaferrcd to IN8TRUCT10N3. I N STRUCTI ON S-Co«Tli., B.W.R.I. 644 A. G. O 263B P. & S. No form. 158 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION b. Remarks on morning report. Records and forms that may be involved. No. of Form. (22) Return of deserter to military control. "Pvt Macon, desertion to conf." Report of survey Service record Shipping ticket- -_ Statement of charges Charge sheet Duty roster Extract from service record. Individual equipment record Morning report.. Notice toB.W.R. I Pay card Report of apprehension Service record 196 A. G. O. 29 A. G. O. 260 P. & S. 602 A. G. O. 594 A. G. O. 342 A. G. O. 29a A. G. O. 637 A. G, O. 332 A. G. O. 1-B. T. D., B.W.R.I. 644 A. G. O. 631, A. G. O. 29 A G. O. 184. Change of grade. — a. Change of grade is effected in the company as follows: (1) Appointment of sergeants and corporals in accordance with para- graphs 271 and 274, Army Regulations, and for detached company, para- graph 275, Army Regulations, in addition: (2) Appointment and reduction of first sergeants, mess sergeants, supply sergeants, and stable sergeants, from and to the grade of sergeant, in accordance with paragraph 273, Army Regulations; (3) Appointment and reduction of chief mechanics, cooks, mechanics, horseshoers, saddlers, wagoners, buglers, and privates, first class, in ac- cordance with paragraphs 275 and 278, Army Regulations; (4) Appointment and reduction of lance corporals,_in accordance with paragraph 272, Army Regulations; (5) Reduction of all grades in accordance with paragraph 276, Army Regulations. h. For appointment, promotion, or reduction of noncommissioned ofi&cers by regimental or separate battalion commander, recommenda- tion should be made in memorandum form, in duplicate, the original being sent to headquarters with the morning report, and the duplicate placed in the "Reminder" in the company field desk under the date when action on the recommendation may be expected. If the company commander has not been informed of the action taken on his recommendation by the date expected through receipt of the order announcing the appointment, promotion, or reduction or by the return of the memorandum disapproving the recommendation, the duplicate will be moved backward from day to day in the "Reminder." In case of unusual delay verbal inquiry should be made of the regimental personnel adjutant. In connection with appoint- ments and promotions, see paragraph 256, Army Regulations. Ordinarily formal letters should not be used for such routine transactions, but when so used should be treated as informal memoranda. If corres- pondence results in connection with the recommendation, which it is desired to place on record, the memorandum or letter would then be noted in the correspondence book and the copy placed in the document file. (Par. 80.) c. Upon receipt of the order for appointment or reduction or upon its issue in company orders: (1) The duplicate memorandum in the "Reminder" is destroyed; (2) Entry is made on the morning report (par. 14&); COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 159 (3) Entry is made on the service record of the soldier under "Military- record," page 5, and in case of reduction as a disciplinary measure entry is made imder "Record of convictions by courts-martial," page 7, or "Com- pany punishment," page 8. The company commander will initial entries on service record as required by instruction 12 thereon, at the time he initials the morning report containing the notation; (4) The proper change is made in the duty roster (par. 31); (5) Entry must also be made on pay card and pay rolls (par. -52), and the change reported on report of changes by the officer charged with these duties (par. 35), both in accordance with Special Regulations 58 {Edition of 1920). 185. Gains by transfer or assignment. — a. When a soldier is assigned to a company his service record (par. 105a) and individual equipment record (par. 125&) are forwarded without indorsement to the company by the personnel" adjutant, after making notation of the assignment in the service record under the heading "Current enlistment," and after checking the pay card with the service record. h. Ordinarily the channel of transfer is through the personnel adjutant, but should a transfer be directed from company to company the service record and individual equipment record are transmitted directly between the company commanders concerned. In this case the company com- mander checks the pay card, carried by the soldier, with the service record before transmitting it to the personnel adjutant. c. Upon receipt of the service record the company commander — (1) Checks the service record to detect any error or omission, and remedies any such defect without delay; makes notation under "Re- marks" when soldier joins (par. 105&); (2) Makes notation on the morning report under "Remarks" (pars. 14c(l), 14J(2), 14J(3)) to show change in strength and strength for rations; in the case of a recruit the personnel adjutant prepares the report of changes from the data in his possession; (3) Appends the name in the proper place on the duty roster (par. 31&); in the case of a recruit the abbreviation "Ret" entered in the date colimin furnishes a check on the date of joining ; (4) Checks clothing and equipment in the soldier's possession with his individual equipment record, charges deficiencies on Form No. 602, A. G. O., and takes up on the property loan record articles, other than clothing and individual equipment (par. 122o), listed on the shipping ticket, if one accompanies the individual equipment record. (Pars. 125& and 176/.) (5) Checks identification tag with name and Army serial number on service record; or if there be no identification tag, issues one, properly stamped, and charges same on individual equipment record (par. 491, A. R.). 186. Loss by transfer. — ^When a soldier is transferred from the com- pany the company commander — a. Firs out the extract of service record. Form No. 29a, A. G. O., for file in the company, first transmitting it to the personnel adjutant, who will make notation from it on pay rolls and pay card, and then return it with the pay card to the company commander (par. 109); h. Fills out the next blank indorsement on the service record (par. 106) and makes notation under head of "Transferred"; c. Makes proper notation on the individual equipment record (par. 125); 160 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION d. Prepares a temporary service record should a subsequent transfer occur before receipt of the original service record from the previous station (par. 109); e. Makes notation on the morning report (par. 14i (1)) ; /. Closes entry in duty roster (par. 316) by notation "transferred," beginning word in space of date of transfer; g. Transmits service record, individual equipment record, and pay card to new station (par. 106) ; h. Prepares shipping ticket, P. & S. Form No. 260, upon which is listed any articles of public property which are missing, and any articles of public property, other than clothing or individual mess equipment, which the soldier may take with him in special circumstances (par. 176/); i. Reports by letter to the Quartermaster General, if the soldier trans- ferred has deposits, the name, grade, and Army serial number of the soldier, organization from which and to which transferred, together with the fact that the soldier has deposits accruing to him (par. 170; par. 1361, A. R.) (This subparagraph is obsolete.) 187. Extra and special duty. — a. Enlisted men detailed to perform specific services which remove them temporarily from the duty roster of the company, but not from the post, camp, or station, are classed as on exra duty, if receiving increased compensation properly authorized for the specific case, and on special duty, if there be no increased compensation. (Par. 169, A. R.) b. Extraduty pay on foreign service is limited by the provisions of para- graph 170, Army Regulations. The detail of noncommissioned officers on extra duty will be made only as provided by paragraphs 171 and 173, Army Regulations. Extra duty pay is also authorized for tailors and cobblers by paragraph 279,. Army Regulations, and for extra cooks and mess attendants by paragraph 329, Army Regulations. Notations on pay rolls are made as provided in paragraph 62, Compilation of Orders. c. Absence on duty exceeding 24 hours will be reported as detached service (par. 190a), but a soldier is not considered absent from his company if performing duty other than company duty at the same post, camp, or station in which case he is carried as on special or extra duty. d. Officers and enlisted men detached from their company but remaining in the same camp, post, or station are carried on the morning report of the company from which detached as on special or extra duty, and on the morning report of the organization to which attached as "Attached" or "Attached for duty," as provided in paragraph 12. Officers and men attached to detached companies are reported on the returns of such com- panies in accordance with paragraph 41. Attached enlisted personnel are ordinarily paid with the organization which retains the service record. e. When a man is placed upon special or extra duty notation is made (1) on the morning report (par. 14/ (1)), the nature of the duty not being speci- fied, and (2) on the duty roster (par. 31c). 188. Sickness. — a. Instructions for the preparation of the company sick report are given in paragraphs 23 to 27, and for notation of "sickness" on the morning report and duty roster in paragraph 14g. b. (1) When a soldier is unable to perform duty, sick in quarters or in hospital, for more than one day as result of his own intemperate use of drugs or alcoholic liquors or other misconduct, he is required to make good the time lost before being furloughed to the reserve or discharged on COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 161 account of expiration of term of service (A. W. 107). The record of the time to be made good is kept under c of the heading "Time lost to be made good under A. W. 107," on the service record of the soldier. Since the 107th article of war does not apply unless the soldier is absent from duty for more than one day, when a soldier is reported as sick in quarters or in hospital with notation "No ; GO 31, 1912" on one day and is reported as for duty on the sick report for the following day, or the diagnosis is changed so that the notation in the columns "In line of duty" is "Yes," no record of the sickness will be made on the service record. (See paragraph 246(6),) (2) The entry on the service record can not be completed until the soldier has been returned to duty and it has been authoritatively determined, as indicated in paragraph 24& (1) that the case is within the purview of the 107th article of war, but at the time the notation "No; GO 31, 1912" is made on the sick report, either by, the company commander or the medical officer or by both, a notation should be placed in the "Reminder" in order that the case rnay be brought to the attention of the commanding officer at the proper time, and in order that the entry on the service record may not be overlooked. The note in the "Reminder" should not be destroyed until paragraph 246 and this paragraph have been fully complied with and the entry on the service record completed and initialed by the com- pany commander. (3) Inclusive dates of sickness will always be recorded on the service record. For example, if the soldier was marked "Hospital" on July 3, 1918, and "Duty" on July 20, 1918, the correct entry for the service record would be "July 3 to 19/ 18, 17 days." c. Whenever practicable a soldier should himself turn in his equipment and store surplus clothing before leaving the company temporarily. But in many cases of admission to hospital this will be impracticable and it is then the duty of the squad leader or other proper noncommissioned officer to secure the effects of the soldier and turn them over to the company supply sergeant. The supply sergeant will enter in lead pencil in an unused column under the heading "Turned in" on the Individual Equipment Record, Form No. 637. A. G. O., the date and the quantity of each item taken in. Upon return of the soldier from hospital, his property will be checked back to him by the supply sergeant, who will erase the pencil notations showing articles turned in. d. Whenever a soldier is transferred to a hospital at another post, camp, or station, or to a hospital not under the jurisdiction of the commanding officer of the station of the soldier's company and is accounted for as "Absent sick" on the company morning report, the soldier's service record will be forwarded by indorsement with his pay card and individual equip- ment record directly to the surgeon of the post, camp, or station, or to the commanding officer of the hospital. The extract from service record will be prepared and filed. (Pars. 119 and 1906(2).) 189. Arrest and confinement. — a. The arrest of a soldier is recorded in the company on the morning report (par. 14/j) and duty roster (par. 29a). No notation of arrest is made on the soldier's service record. b. (1) In the case of confinement notations are required on the morning report, duty roster, individual equipment record, and in cases of conviction on the soldier's service record. The proper notation for a morning report is shown in paragraph 14/j, and for a duty roster in paragraphs 29o and 31c. If a soldier in confinement is taken into hospital, a new entry is 162 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION required on his company morning report (pars. 14g and h), and on the duty- roster (par. 31). (2) The soldier's clothing and personal equipment, except such as he may require in confinement, will be taken in by the supply sergeant and the transaction recorded on the individual equipmeut record, as indicated to paragraph 188c. (3) A notation will be made on the service record under b of the heading "Time lost to be made good under the 107th A. W.," in the case of a soldier who is confined for more than one day under sentence, or while awaiting trial and disposition of his case, if the trial results in conviction. (4) If the soldier has been tried while in arrest (par. 14^), or tried without first being placed in arrest or confinement, and sentenced to confinement for more than one day, when the entry is made on the morning report showing the soldier in confinement, notation will be made of the date under b of the heading "Time lost to be made good under A. W. 107" on page 6 of, the service record, thus "July 10 to — ." (5) If the soldier is placed in confinement awaiting trial, notation can not be made on the service record, except in pencil, until the trial has been completed and the result announced. In such case a memorandum .should be placed in the "Reminder," in order that the notation on the service record may not be overlooked. When the result of the trial is known, notation of the date of the beginning of the confinement is then made in ink on the service record, provided the soldier is convicted. If the soldier is acquitted, no notation of the confinement is made on the service record. If convicted, the time to be made good under the 107th article of war begins to run from the date the soldier was confined with view to trial, and this date should be entered on the service record. (6) When the notation of release from confinement is made on the morning report (par. 14/j), the notation on the service record will then be completed and the entry verified and initialed by the company com- mander at the time he authenticates the morning report. (7) If the soldier's enlistment expires while he is awaiting sentence he will be discharged only in accordance wi th the provi sions of paragraph 1 5 7 c ( 1 ) . (8) Since a soldier serving sentence of confinement is released on the last day thereof, the day of his release from confinement is a day of con- finement to be made good under the provisions of the 107th article of war. Assuming, therefore, that the soldier was confined on July 10 under a sentence of five days' confinement, he would, be released on the 14th. The entry on the service record is completed by adding this date with the year, and the number of days to be made good; thus the complete notation would be "July 10 to 14/19, 5 days." But if he had been confined on the 10th, had been tried and had been given a sentence of five days, approved on the 12th, he would be released on the 16th, and this date would be entered on the service record. The complete notation would then be "July 10 to 16/19, 7 days." If the soldier is convicted but the sentence does not include cpnfinernent he is nevertheless required to make good any time in excess of one day .while in confinement awaiting disposition of his case. Assuming that the soldier was confined on the 10th to await trial, was tried and by sentence approved July 12, suffers a forfeiture of pay only, the notation would be "July 10 to 11/19, 2 days." If the case had been disposed of and the soldier released from confinement on the 11th no notation would be made on the service record, since the confinement COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 163 would not have been in excess of one day. A soldier tried by genera court-martial and given sentence not involving confinement may be re- leased by the commanding officer upon notification by the trial judge advocate to that effect. (Par. 332a, M. C. M.) In this case the day of release is a day of duty. c. (1) If the soldier is absent in confinement the instructions given in subparagraph h (3) govern with regard to noting on the service record the time to be made good under the 107th article of war. (2) The status of the soldier will be shown on the duty roster as indi- cated in paragraph 31c, and the notation will be made at the time con- finement is noted on the morning report. (3) If a soldier is sentenced to dishonorable discharge, the discharge being suspended, he will be dropped from the records of the organization (par. 54, C. of O., 1916, Supl.), the service record being forwarded to the place of confinement (par. 108o (6)), and the Form No. 29a, A. G. O., being prepared and filed (pars. 119, 120), as in any other transfer. If the soldier is confined at a station other than that of his company, the same procedure will be followed. d. Absence in the hands of civil authorities is recorded as confinement within the meaning of the 107th article of war, and if the soldier is con- victed the time lost must be made good. Notation of the absence will therefore be made as directed in subparagraph h. 190. Detached service. — a. Absence on duty exceeding 24 hours will be reported as detached service, in distinction from special duty, when the duty takes the soldier away from his post, camp, or station as well as his company. h. Upon the receipt of an order placing a soldier on detached service — (1) Extract from service record. Form No. 29a, A. G. O., will be pre- pared (par. 119) and sent to the personnel adjutant, who, after making proper notation on the pay roll and pay card, will return the extract with the pay card to the company where Form No. 29a, A. G. O., will be filed in the field desk in place of the service record; > the pay card will be checked with the service record and both will be transmitted. (Pars. 106 and 120; and S. R. No. 58, Edition of 1920.) (2) The soldier's equipment depends upon the nature of his detached service; if his service record is forwarded to his new station, his individual equipment record should be forwarded (par. 104, A. R.), but unless condi- tions warrant, no transfer on P. and S. Form No. 260 need be accom- plished, unless the soldier is detached for a considerable period, in which event transfer will be effected as directed in paragraphs 125 and 176/. (3) The soldier will be noted on the duty roster as on deCached service beginning the date he appears on the morning report in that status. (Pars. 29h and 31c.) 191. Leave of absence, furlough. — a. (1) The departure of an officer from his station on leave of absence will be noted on the morning report for the day of departure. If the leave was for ten days and the officer left his station on the first of the month, the leave would commence on the second and would expire at midnight on the 11th. His return, or such other change of status as may have occurred, woiild be noted on the morn- ing report for that day. (Pars. 58 and 826, A. R.) (2) Should an officer who is the custodian of a company fund be absent from the post or station on leave or otherwise for a period of more than 164 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION three and less than eleven days, he will leave the funds with the officer acting in his place, taking a memorandum receipt therefor; but if such an officer is to be absent for more than ten days he will regularly transfer the funds to his successor. (Par. 324, A. R.) (3) An officer transferring funds when going on leave will transfer them as provided in paragraph 93. (Par. 324, A. R.) (4) An officer responsible for Government property will not transfer his "responsibility therefor during an absence of less than one month unless ordered to do so by competent authority. (Pars, 661 and 662, A. R.) b. (1) The departure of a soldier from his company on furlough will be noted on the morning report for the day of departure. If the furlough was for seven days, and the soldier left his station on the first of the month, the furlough would commence on the day of departure and would expire at midnight on the 7th, both day of departure and day of return being included in the furlough. His return, or such other change of status as he may have acquired, would be noted on the morning report for that day; i. e. "Sgt Capps fur to duty." Upon his departure, a memorandum should be placed in the "Reminder" for the 7th to check up his return. (Par. 205.) (2) The absence of the soldier will be noted on the duty roster as di- rected in paragraphs 29& and 31c. (3) Absence on furlough is noted under the heading "Furloughs" on the service record. Notation of the departure on furlough is made- thus, "July 1 to " at the same time the morning report is prepared showing the departure of the soldier. Upon the return of the soldier from furlough or when his status changes at the expiration of his furlough (subpar. (1)) the entry will be completed by adding, for instance, "7/19." The entry will then be verified and initialed by the company commander at the time he checks and initials the morning report. (4) Before departure on furlough the soldier will turn in and store his equipment, as provided in paragraph 188c. (Subpar. c(6).) (5) If discharged before the expiration of his furlough, the soldier is entitled to commutation of rations for the day of discharge. c. When a soldier applies for furlough the company commander will prepare Form No. 66, A. G. O.* (par. 139), and forward it for approval (pars. 106, 107, A. R.), attaching thereto a memorandum, approving or disapproving (with reason in the latter case), stating briefly the soldier's service, previous furloughs of record (par. 109, A. R.), and noting how many soldiers of the company are already on furlough (par. 106, A. R,). d. Before forwarding furloughs for approval the company commander will see that they are in conformity with — (1) Paragraphs 106 and 107, Army Regulations, as to periods of fur- lough to be approved by the several authorities; (2) Paragraph 106, Army Regulations, as to the 5 per cent limit on number; (3) Paragraph 35, Compilation of Orders, as to service required in the case of candidates for commission; (4) Paragraph 36, Compilation of Orders, as to whether the soldier is under War Department orders for transfer; (5) Paragraphs 1343 and 1344, Army Regulations, as to candidates for gunner's rating. * See new form of furlough, par. 139. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 165 e. Before the soldier leaves on furlough he will be apprised by the com- pany commander — (1) Of his liability to arrest and revocation of furlough if he exceeds the limits of place noted thereon ; (2) That he must not leave the continental limits of the United States without express authority (par. 109, A. R.); (3) Of the exactions, in the case of oversea furloughs (pars. 109-112, A. R.); (4) Of the procedure in case of emergency while on furlough (pars. 110-112, A. R.); (5) That he will not be paid while on furlough, except by special War Department authority (par. 113, A. R.); (6) That he will not take his arms or accouterments with him on fur- lough (par. 113, A. R.); (7) That both date of departure and date of return are included in the period of furlough granted (par. 14;). /. In connection with commutation of rations incident to furlough, care must be exercised — • (1) That the furlough is supported by the necessary orders in cases where the period granted is not within the competency of the issuing authority (par. 139c; par. 1233, A. R.); (2) That proper stoppage has been made on the pay card and pay roll for cost of transportation, subsistence, or telegrams involved in re- turning to his station a soldier on furlough without funds (pars. 110, 1111^, and 1236, A. R.); (3) That proper adjustment of cost of transportation and subsistence has been made and charged in the case of a change of station occurring while a, soldier is on furlough (par. 112, A. R.); (4). That commutation of rations is not paid when a soldier fails to report to his proper station (or designated port, in case of oversea furlough), on or before the last day of his furlough (par. 1229, A. R.); (5) That deduction in commutation is made where subsistence has been furnished at Government expense while traveling on shipboard (par. 1234, A. R.); (6) That the required closing notations on the furlough are made upon the soldier's return from furlough. g. If a furlough is lost a copy may be furnished as provided in para- graph 1237, Army Regulations. When a disbursing officer is not present to pay commutation accruing on furlough, such commutation may be secured as provided in paragraph 1238, Army Regulations. 192. Absence without leave, of enlisted men. — a. (1) The morning report shows the condition of the company or detachment at midnight ending the day covered by the report, i. e., the morning report rendered on July 3 covers the 24 hours ending midnight July 2-3 ; hence any soldier absent without proper authority at the last formation or check of the com- pany in that 24 hours would be reported as absent without leave on the morning report unless the company commander has reliable information that the soldier returned prior to midnight. (Par. 11.) (2) The hours of departure and return will not be stated except when necessary to determine strength for rations. (Par. 14a.) (3) Any overpayment resulting from failure of an officer to make proper entry of unauthorized absence will be charged against such officer. (Par. 141, A. R.) 166 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION b. The absence will be noted on the duty roster as indicated in para- graphs 29a and 31c. c. (1) A soldier who deserts the service of the United States or without proper authority absents himself from his organization, station, or duty for more than one day is held liable to serve, after his return to full-duty status, for such period as shall, with the time he may have served prior to such desertion or unauthorized absence, amount to the full *term of that part of his enlistment period which he is required to serve with his organization before being discharged or furloughed to the Regular Army Reserve. All such absences are recorded on the service record under a of the heading "Time lost to be made good under A. W. 107." In making the entry on the service record it must be borne in mind that the day of departure is a day of absence and the day of return a day of duty; also that an absence not exceeding one day is not permanently recorded. (107th A. W.) (2) The soldier would not ordinarily have been absent more than one day at the time the morning report is prepared, but the beginning of the absence without leave should be noted on the service record in lead pencil at the time the morning report is prepared, in order that the notation will not be overlooked. If the soldier's absence does not exceed one day and the morning report for the following day shows his return to military control, the pencil notation of the absence on the service record will be erased. If the absence without leave exceeds one day, that is, if the morn- ing report for the following day does not show the soldier returned to military control, the notation on the service record will be completed in ink when the unauthorized absence ends or other change of status occurs, thus "July 1 to 4/19, 3 days." The entry will be completed at the time the remark is made on the morning report showing the soldier's return to military control, or other change of status, and the entry will be verified and initialed by the company commander at the time he authenticates the morning report. (3) If the soldier fails to return and is subsequently dropped as a de- serter (par. 197), at the time the remark is made on the morning report showing the change of status to desertion, the notation in pencil on the service record showing the beginning of the absence will be made in ink, and will be initialed by the company commander. d. Clothing and equipment of the soldier left in camp or quarters should be turned in to the supply sergeant by the squad leader or other proper noncommissioned officer and the transaction noted on the individual equipment record as indicated in paragraphs 126 and 188c. e. If the case is not amenable to company discipline, charges will be prepared under the 61st article of war. (Par. 159.) 193. Missing in action. — ^When a soldier is missing in action the nota- tion on the morning report will be, for instance, "Pvt Brown missing in action" (par. 14/). The name and rank of a soldier, or company officer, missing in action will be accurately recorded under "Record of Events" in the morning report, together with date and place (par. 19b). Dis- position of the soldier's records and effects will be in accordance with such instructions and regulations as may be prescribed from time to time. 194. Discharge and furlough to reserve. — a. There should be in the desk of each company a list of the company arranged according to dates of discharge or furlough to the reserve on account of expiration of term of COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 167 service. This list should show the date each soldier is due to be discharged or furloughed to the reserve according to the date of enlistmentj without taking into account time to be made good under the 107th article of war.* To insure the preparation of necessary papers, and in the case of a soldier to be furloughed to the reserve, the examination required by paragraph 9, R. R. A. R., the list should be placed in the "Reminder" imder the date one day in advance of the date the next soldier is due to be discharged or examined for furlough to the reserve, and thereafter moved backward in the "Reminder" to the date one day in advance of the date the next soldier is to be discharged or examined for furlough to the reserve. The list will be moved back in the "Reminder" from day to day until any current case is disposed of. b. Correct remarks for the morning report are shown in paragraph Ho. In order not to cumber the record with useless data, the instructions to use the word "discharged" abbreviated "disch" to cover all classes of dis- charges should be carefully observed in all cases. (Par. 157 g.) c. The discharge or furlough to the reserve of a soldier is noted on the duty roster on the page for guard roster by writing the abbreviation "disch" or the abbreviation "fur res," according to circumstances, the entry beginning in the date column corresponding to the date of dis- charge. (Par. 316.) d. In closing individual records and preparing discharge or furlough papers, the procedure outlined below will be followed: (1) On the date preceding the date of discharge or furlough to the re- serve the service record should be carefully checked to see that it is com- plete and up-to-date. Any omissions or inaccuracies should be supplied or corrected and initialed by the company commander. (Pars. 103-118.) (2) If the soldier has an allotment running, it will be discontinued as prescribed in paragraph 169d. (3) The soldier will be notified of details of premiums for Government insurance, dates of payments, etc., in accordance with paragraphs 74e and 74g, Special Regulations No. 72, and Cir. No. 498, W. D., 1919. (4) In case of discharge of a soldier who claims compensation on account of disability, the company commander will indorse on the claim for com- pensation, Form No. 526, f Treasury Department, Bureau of War Risk Insurance, the rate of base pay received by the soldier during the last month of service, and also the exact date of discharge. (See par. 72, S. R. No. 72.) (5) Form 333, f Treasury Department, Bureau of War Risk Insurance, will be prepared in accordance with paragraph 4, Circular No. 73, War Department, 1918, and paragraphs 7d and 7e, Special Regulations No. 72. (6) If the service record shows that the soldier has deposits, his deposit book will be obtained from him and the entries therein checked with the entries on the service record, care being taken to see that the date, amount, and name of the quartermaster correspond in case of each deposit. The book should then be returned to the soldier with instructions to present it to the quartermaster with his final statement. If the soldier claims to have lost his deposit book the company commander will cause his affidavit to that effect to be taken and attached to the final statement. The affi- * Time to be made good under A. W. 107 is now to be considered under change in par. 157. A. R. tSee Appendix III. 168 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION davit must state the circumstances attending the loss of the depcJsit book and show affirmatively that the soldier has not sold or assigned it. (Pars. 170&(2) and ISU; par. 1363, A. R.) (7) All articles of equipment in the possession of the soldier and articles of clothing in his possession except those which he is permitted to wear to his home (par. 1165. A. R., and Cir. No. 166, W. D., 1919, as amended)* will be turned in (par. 61&(4)) and the individual equipment record com- pleted as prescribed in paragraph 128, and forwarded with his service rec- ord (subpar. (10)). Missing articles will be entered on statement of charges. Form No. 602, A. G. O., which will be completed as prescribed in paragraph 160. (8) The extract from service record will be completed except the items "Last paid in full," "Transportation," "Subsistence," "Partial payments," and "Overpayments" and transmitted to the personnel adjutant. The personnel adjutant, after making the necessary entries on the pay card of the soldier and the pay roll of the company, will write or stamp the words "Noted on pay rolls and pay card" at the bottom of the first page of the extract from service record, and will return it to the company with the soldier's pay card. When the extract from service record is returned to the company, the entries will be made under the items "Last paid in full," "Transportation," "Subsistence," "Partial payments," and "Overpay- ments." Any changes appearing on the pay card under an item not otherwise provided for on the extract from service record, will be added to the entries imder "Other stoppages." (Pars. 114 and 119.) (9) When the soldier is discharged or furloughed to the reserve while absent from his company, the extract from service record will be prepared in duplicate. The copy will be furnished to his company commander and the fact noted under "Remarks" on the original extract. (Par. 119c.) (10) The service record will then be closed and the final indorsement prepared for transmission to The Adjutant General of the Army in case of discharge ; or an indorsement prepared to the officer charged with keeping the record of reservists in case of furlough to the reserve; or to the officer charged with keeping the records of general prisoners at the place the soldier is confined in case of dishonorable discharge, the execution of which is suspended. (Par. 108.) (11) The soldier's final statement (par. 181), and his discharge certificate (par. 157) in case of discharge, or certificate of furlough (par. 155), in the case of furlough to the reserve, will be prepared from the closed service record. The discharge certificate or certificate of furlough will be sent to headquarters with the morning report and after being signed will be returned to the company for delivery to the soldier. (12) In case of furlough to reserve, report of furlough to reserve. Form No. 559, A. G. O., will be prepared and disposed of according to instruc- tions given in paragraph 158. 195. Death. — a. When a soldier dies the company commander will secure all his personal effects for delivery to the widow or legal represen- tative of the deceased, if present, or to the summary court if such repre- sentative is not present. (Par. 138; par. 84, A. R.; par. 482, M. C. M.) ♦ Uniform will be furnished under this provision only to soldiers who have been dis- charged after service in the World War. In addition to the articles named, all used towels, underwear, socks and handkerchiefs issued to the soldier will be given to him upon such discharge. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 169 All issue clothing not used in burial will be turned in to the supply officer. (Par. 61&(4).) h. (1) The surgeon will ordinarily prepare the report of death, Form No. 415, A. G. O., but shoiild there be no surgeon it will devolve upon the company commander to prepare this report. (Par. 154.) If Form 415, A. G. O., is not available the report will be made by letter. (Par. 83 J^, A. R.) (2) Telegraphic or cable reports of death will be made as required by paragraph 83, Army Regulations. (3) When the soldier dies while absent from his company the company commander will be furnished a copy of the report of death. (Par. 154&) c. (1) When the company commander disposes of the deceased's effects by turning them over to the legal representative of the deceased, he will prepare an inventory of effects (par. 138a) ; but if the effects are disposed of by summary court, the latter will prepare the inventory. (Par. 1386; par. 84, A. R.; par. 482, M. C. M.) In either event one copy of the in- ventory will be filed in the records of the company with the extract of service record. (Pars. 120 and 154&.) (2) When the company commander has custody of funds belonging to the deceased he is not authorized to pay or collect indebtedness. Collec- tions may be made by the summary court. d. In conveying information upon the death of a soldier to his relatives or representatives, the company commander will be guided by the provisions of paragraph 824, Army Regulations. e. As soon as the company commander is informed of the soldier's death — (1) He will drop the soldier's name from the morning report, the entry being for instance, "Ck Davidson, hosp, died." (Par. 14^.) (2) The individual equipment record will be closed (par. 128), missing property being listed for charge on Form No. 602, A. G. O., and other property turned into the supply officer (par. 61&(4)). (3) The extract from service record will be prepared and sent to the personnel adjutant (par. 1196), who will complete the pay roll and pay card, sending the latter with the extract from service record to the company (par. 194rf(8)). (4) The service record will then be completed, a final indorsement pre- pared, and the service record, pay card, final statement (par. 181/f(3)), and the inventory of effects, when the effects have been delivered to the representative of the deceased by the company commander (par. 138a), will be assembled with the report of death and sent to the personnel ad- jutant. When not originated by the company commander a copy of the report of death will have been furnished the company commander. (5) Having completed and forwarded the record, the extract from service record and the retained inventory of effects (par. 138a (2) (c)) are filed together in rear of the last service record, whence they will be transferred to the alphabetical section of the permanent file after completion of the next monthly roster. (6) The name of the deceased will b^ dropped from the duty roster with proper notation thereon. (Par. 31&.) /. Paragraph 1173, Army Regulations, prescribes the clothing for burial; paragraph 1137, Army Regulations, provides for shipment of effects; paragraph 428, Army Regulations, describes the ftmeral escort; paragraphs 170 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 83-87, Army Regulations, prescribe in general the procedure in case of deceased officers or soldiers; paragraph 1333, Army Regulations, pre- scribes what shall be done with pay of soldier in hands of company com- mander; paragraph 1350, Army Regulations, prescribes the procedure in case there is allotment (par. I69d); paragraph 1367, Army Regulations, prescribes procedure with deposits (par. 181(f(5) ; paragraph 482, M. C. M., describes the disposition of effects of a deceased officer or soldier. (See A. W. 112.) g. In the exceptional case when no relative or next of kin is known the articles excepted from sale (articles valuable as keepsakes, etc.) will be turned over to the salvage officer by the summary court to be held subject to the claim of an executor or administrator of the deceased. (Ops. J. A. G., 220,871, Dec. 18, 1918.)* 196. Retirement. — a. When an enlisted man in the Army has served actually or constructively for 30 years in either the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, or in all, he may apply to The Adjutant General of the Army for retirement. (Par. 134, A. R.) The letter of application. Form No. 468, A. G. O. (par. 156), will be forwarded directly by the post, camp, or station commander. Upcgi the approval of the application the soldier will be transferred to the retired list and given transportation in kind and commutation of rations for the necessary travel to his home, by authority issued in War Department orders in each case. b. The nature of the service essential to retirement and the definition of double-time service is contained in paragraph 134, Army Regulations. Time served as an officer of the National Guard or Reserve Corps, in active service, having been called for service by the United States, may properly be counted toward retirement of a soldier (par. 40J^, C. of O., 1916 Supl.); also time served as an officer of the Army by an enlisted man discharged for this purpose (Bui. 22, W. D., 1918). c. Time lost by absence without authority will not be regarded as service in the computation of service requisite for retirement. (Par. 142, A. R.)t Time spent on furlough in any of the places of service counting for double-time will not be counted double in computing service requisite for retirement. d. Upon the receipt of an order for the retirement of an enlisted man, the following is the procedure, the date of receipt of the order being the date of accomplishment of the records: (1) The individual equipment record will be closed for forwarding with the service record. (Par. 127.) (2) The resiilting charges, if any, will be entered on statement of charges. (Par. 160.) (3) The extract from service record will be prepared and transmitted to the personnel adjutant who will make the necessary notations on pay rolls and pay card, will stamp or write notation on the extract from service record to that effect and return it with the pay card to the company, where it will be filed as provided in the case of discharge. (Pars. 120 and 194d(8).) (4) The service record with final indorsement will be prepared for * C. M. C. M., No. 7 provides that summary court shall retain the property until disposed of. (Bui. 41, 1919.) t Note will be made on the letter of application of time lost to be made good under A. W. 107. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 171 forwarding to The Adjutant General of the Army. (Par. 108a(4); pars. 135 and 138, A. R.) (5) The final statement will be prepared in duplicate, closing the soldier's accounts of pay, deposits, and all allowances other than for travel. (Par. 181; par. 135, A. R.) (6) Notation will be made on the morning report, e. g., "1st Sgt Moore duty to retired." (Par. Ug.) (7) A record of payment of retired enlisted man. Form No. 94, A. G. O., received from the War Department with the order for retirement, will be prepared and forwarded to The Adjutant General of the Army with the service record. (Par. 135, A. R.) (8) Notation will be made on the duty roster. (Par. 316.) e. In general, the following differences are to be noted in the usual procedure for separation from the service: (1) The final statement will state the date to which subsistence has been furnished, and whether subsistence while traveling to his home has been furnished and the dates therefor; the last rate of pay; his address for* next thirty days and the place which he elects as his home. (2) A discharge certificate will not be given, but the soldier will be fur- nished a certificate of retirement by The Adjutant General of the Army without request. (Par. 135, A. R.) (3) A retired soldier is authorized to retain one uniform of outer clothing for four months after retirement, when he will turn it in to the nearest zone supply officer. /. An enlisted man, upon retirement, will be advised, before his de- parture for his home, of the requirements of paragraphs 136, 137, and 138, Army Regulations, with reference to continuing requirements during retirement; of paragraph 1137, Army Regulations, which authorizes shipment of property; of paragraph 1241, Army Regulations, which authorizes sale privileges; of paragraphs 1442-1444, 1460, and 1474, Army Regulations, concerning hospital privileges and medical attention. He will also be advised concerning the payment of Government insurance premiums in accordance with paragraphs 74 {e) and (g), Special Regula- tions No. 72, and Cir. No. 498, W. D., 1919. 197. Desertion. — a. Ordinarily the soldier is changed from a status of absence without leave to a status of desertion, when the company com- mander, after a thorough investigation, believes that the absentee does not intend to return. (Par. 132, A. R.) b. The procedure is as follows: (1) Entry will be made on the morning report, e. g., "Pvt Dawson AWOL to desertion." (See model morning report entry of July 3; see also par. 14p.) (2) Entries will be made in the service record: (a) The date of beginning of absence without leave made in pencil on page 6 will be completed in ink. (Par. 192c (3).) {b) Under "Remarks" on page 10 will be entered the date, e. g., "Dropped as a deserter Jul 3/18" to correspond with the entry on the morning report (par. 14/>). c. The soldier's property, collected when he went absent without leave, will be inventoried, and missing articles surveyed (par. 142e'(l)) and charged on Form No. 602, A. G. O. (par, 160). His individual equipment record will be closed and charges involved therein will be noted on the 172 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION extract from service record, together with a complete statement of his accounts. (Par. 119&.) The individual equipment record will be for- warded to The Adjutant General of the Army with the service record. * Regular Army. * Nati o aal -toayi ^Maliuiuii Oiuuiir * SnUslcQ Reseive Corps. REPORT OF DESERTION. ESCAPE. SURRENDER. OR APPREHENSION DESERTION OR ESCAPE DAWSON, HOW^D S. ^911643 (Surname.) (Christian name.)" Pvt 9.?.A»...^1^.^.J.^. (Grade.) (Company and regiment or corps or department.) Jap... 15 ,191 9 ♦Deserted. « MUH) e J - sllinQ..2Q 191 9 Camp Brady, Md. /yJAS. H.M033,Gol.65th Inf p-^ Commanding .65.t.h..IrU-.-. SURRENDER OR APPREHENSION (Christian name.) (Grade.) (Company and regiment or corps or deparlmeut.) Enlisted ,191 ♦Surrendered, ♦apprehended at Returned to mllitaiy control... at Remarks: Commanding Strike out words not applicable. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. This form will be used in reporting all cnses of desertion, escape of genoral prisoners, surrender, or apprehension, under paragraphs il9 ana 126i, Army Kegulalians, 1913. 2. Ii] case of desertion, U the soldier has been transferred since last bimont hly muster, give old as well as new organization. Form No. 631, A. a. O. Ed. J The articles of war are published in the Manual for Courts-Martial, page 305. Mar. 25th. Select a noncommissioned officer of the company. to act as a member of a Jun. 25th. subcommittee of noncommissioned officers to carry out the provisions of Post Exchange Regulations. (Page 15, S. R. No. 59.) Sept. 25th. A call should come from post or regimental headquarters for the name on Dec. 25th. the last of the month. e. The "Reminder" will also be used as a live file for papers destined for the five-year file or permanent file, but whose disposition in these files is to be postponed until the papers cease to be of current import. Such papers should be filed in front of the index card of the month in which they are filed, and moved to the back of the "Reminder" with it. When the card next appears a year later the papers filed with it will be placed in the permanent file; or in the first year -section of the five-year file until the 1st of January, when they will pass' into the second year section. If COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 179 it is desirable that a paper be retained in the "Reminder" for a lesser period, it should be filed with the card for the month when its disposition in the five-year or permanent file is desired. It will be seen from the above that the live file in the "Reminder" is supplemented in the case of papers for the five-year file by the first-year section of that file, in which papers remain from the time they leave the "Reminder" until the suc- ceeding 1st of January. (Pars. 22, 27, 33, 36, 49, and 100.) 206. Memoranda. — In front of the guide card "Memoranda" will be filed memoranda, the filing of which is not directed elsewhere. 207. Clothing. — In front of the guide card "Clothing" will be filed the retained requisitions for clothing (P. & S. Form No. 160), and mdividual clothing slips (Q. M. C. Form No. 165). These will be filed until checked by the auditor, when they may be destroyed. (Par. 75.) 208. Public animals. — In front of the guide card "Horses" will be filed the descriptive cards of pubhc animals (Form No. 277, A. G. O.) pertain- ing to the organization. (Par. 77.) If no use for this file is anticipated it may be replaced by other matter. (Accountability for such animals as are furnished to organizations not mounted by the supply company (T. of O.) will remain with the supply company, which ordinarily retains the descriptive cards of the animals.) 209. Correspondence book and document file. — a. The current corre- spondence book, and such part of the document file as will be taken when the company goes into the field, will be filed behind the above items in the miscellaneous tray. The closed correspondence books and their corre- sponding document files will be filed in the "permanent file" when they have ceased to be of current interest or importance. (Pars. 82 and 86.) b. Before the yearly transfer to the permanent file all documents will be carefully examined and papers which have become obsolete or without permanent value may be destroyed. This elimination will be made by the company commander in person, who will check the correspondence book to which the documents pertain, striking out the word "Doc" in each case and inserting the date and his initial, e. g., "1/2/19, A. B, C." (Par. 85.) 210. Company council book. — a. The company council book, with cur- rent vouchers, will be filed behind the correspondence book in the mis- cellaneous tray. The closed company council books will be filed in the five-year file. (Pars. 96 and 213.) b. When the company takes the field the last closed company council book and correspondence book, with its document file, may be taken in the miscellaneous tray if desired. 211. Property records. — The property loan record, with its accompany- ing vouchers, i. e., shipping tickets, receiving reports, statements of charges, reports of survey, certificates, and inventory and inspection re- ports, will be filed in the lower left section of the top of the field desk, together with a supply of each of these blanks.- (Par. 70.) 212. Individual equipment record. — The individual equipment record (Form No. 637, A. G. O.) will be filed in the loose-leaf binder provided for the purpose. This binder with its contents will be kept in the right upper section of the top of the field desk. Blank forms for these records will be placed in the binder behind the current records. (Par. 130.) 213. Five-year file section. — a. The division cards for this file consist of the "first year," "second year," "third year," "fourth year," and "fifth 180 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION year" cards, devised to separate the papers to be retained for five years. b. All papers destined for file in the five-year file, including sick reports, company range practice records, and company council books, when with- drawn from the live file (par. 205e), will be filed in front of the guide card "first year." The "target record" card follows the fifth year section. c. On January 1 of each year the first-year card will be moved to the front of the five-year file, being replaced by the second-year card. The other year cards will be moved forward: third in place of second, fourth in place of third, fifth in place of fourth; so that on each January 1 after the fifth year of filing, the year's discard will bo found in rear of the fifth year card. The papers in rear of the fifth year card will be removed and destroyed. In this manner all dead records will be automatically worked from the file (par. 281, A. R.), and the first year card will be in place to receive the papers to be filed during the ensuing year. 214. Target record. — In front of the guide card "target record" in the five-year file tray will be filed such individual records of company target practice as are prescribed in paragraph 101. When a soldier leaves the company permanently or at the expiration of his enlistment his retained individual target records will be given to him. The compiled records and reports of the company range practice for the current year will be filed in the "Reminder" until the next practice, when they will be filed in the first year section of the five-year file. (Par. 1026.) 215. The permanent file. — a. In the permanent file will be filed — (1) The extracts from service records (Form No. 29a, A. G. O.). (2) The closed morning reports (Form No. 332, A. G. O.), monthly roster of troops (Form No. 703, A. G. O.), and, if rendered, company re- turns (Form No. 30, A. G. O.). (3) All company orders, and documents of permanent nature but not of current importance. (4) Completed correspondence books with their respective document files. b. The extracts from service records will be transferred from the indi- vidual record tray to the alphabetical section of the permanent file as directed in paragraph 120o. c. The closed morning reports and company returns will be transferred from the "Reminder" section of the live file to the permanent file one year from date on which closed. They will be filed in the permanent file in chronological order in front of the guide card "Returns" ir^ rear of the alphabetical section. (Pars. 22 and 49.) 216. Regulations, etc. — a. Army Regulations, Extracts from General Orders and Bulletines, and Special Regulations No. 40, No. 56, No. 57, No. 58, No. 72, No. 77, and Cirs. No. 377 (amended) and No. 498, W. D., 1919, will be carried in the lower right section of the top of field desk A. It is not contemplated that other books and manuals will be carried in this desk; they should be carried in field desk B as provided in paragraph 201. 217. Blank forms. — a. Companies will procure their supply of blank forms from regimental or post headquarters. b. A three months' supply will be kept in the company field desk A at all times. Company commanders will make monthly informal requests for blank forms required to replace those used from their three months' supply. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 181 c. The blank forms carried in the company field desk A will be filed in the upper section and in the two record trays as follows : (1) In the service record tray: 6 extracts from service records (Form No. 29a, A. G, O.), filed in rear of guide card "Privates." 6 service records (Form No. 29, A. G. O.), filed in rear of the blank extract from service records. (2) In the miscellaneous record tray: 4 morning reports (Form No. -332, A. G. O.). 4 sick reports (Form No. 339, A. G. O.). 4 duty rosters (Form No. 342, A. G. O.). One each of these three forms for use during the current month are filed in front of the current date card. One set is filed in front of the cards for the three months next succeeding the current month. 20 individual clothing slips (Q. M. C. Form No. 165), filed in front of and next to guide card "Clothing." (If the 43^X10% forms are used, they will be kept in the top of the field desk.) (3) In the top of the field desk: 6 property loan records (P. & S. Form No. 263B). 6 requisitions (P. & S. Form No. 160, in duplicate). 6 receiving reports (P. & S. Form No. 257, in triplicate). 6 shipping tickets (P. & S. Form No. 260, in duplicate). 6 notices of soldier's deposit (Q. M. C. Form No. 8a). 10 charge sheets (Form No. 594, A. G. O.). 6 notices of discontinuance of soldier's allotment (Q. M. C. Form No. 39). 6 inventories of effects (Form No. 34, A. G. O.). . 6 reports of survey (Form No. 196, A. G. O.). 10 soldier's allotments (Q. M. C. Form No. Z^). 6 statements of charges (Form No. 602, A. G. O.). 6 reports of change (Forms No. 647a and 648a, A. G. O.). 6 company returns (Forms No. 30, A. G. O.). 6 rosters of troops (Form No. 703, A. G. O.). These forms will be filed in the left lower section of the top of the field desk. (4) In the back of the loose-leaf binder, in addition to current individual equipment records, will be filed: 10 blank individual equipment records (Form No. 637, A. G. O.). The blank forms are filed in rear of the current records in the loose-leaf binder in the lid section of the desk. (Par. 212.) 218. Stationery. — The following supply of stationery will be carried in the field desk wherever space is afforded: 4 blocks, memo or scratch note, 1 book, duplicating, letter size, 2 quires, letter paper, typewriter, 24 envelopes, official, 1 gross bands, rubber. No. 18, 1 eraser, rubber, ink and pencil, 1 eraser, steel, 1 box fasteners, paper, 1 tin ink, black tablets, 1 tin ink, red tablets. 182 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 1 tube paste, 4 pencils, indelible, 2 pencils, lead, 1 pencil, colored (blue and red), 2 penholders, 12 pens, steel, 1 cone pins, office, 1 ruler, office, 12-inch, 6 blotters (4 by 93^ inch), 1 blotter (12 by 19 inch). (Cut 1 inch from the ends of the 4 by 93^ inch blotters and file five of them in rear of the date cards transferred from the current month to rear of the month card and in front of the month card of coming month, where they will serve as a division between the two months. File the blotter in use with the daily reports in front of the "Reminder." Fasten a 12 by 19 inch blotter to the lapboard with thumb tacks.) 219. Packing the desk. — a. To pack the records for moving, remove the loose block from the front of the tray, move the records forward against the front of the tray, loosen the thumbscrews of the compressor block at the rear of the records, move the block forward, compressing the record between the compressor block and the front of the tray (not too tightly), invert the front block and press it (wedge-like) between the compressor block and the records. The records are then snugly packed to prevent them from being dislodged and injured when the desk is handled. h. Having compressed the records in the trays, turn the trays end for end in the desk, so that the weight of the records will not rest against the compressor block. c. Having compressed the records and inverted the trays, place the lapboard, blotter side down, over the trays to protect the contents of the tray and serve as a buffer between the trays and the hinged lid of the top of the desk. When the desk is packed care will be taken to place the lapboard in position before closing the desk, because its omission may cause the hinged lid to break loose, since it is not intended to bear the weight of. the records carried in the desk. APPENDIX I. LIST OF AUTHORIZED ABBREVIATIONS. Special Regulations No. 56. A. Absent without leave AWOL Adjutant - Adj Adjutant General AG Adjutant General's Department AGD Adjutant General's Office ..AGO Adjutant General's Reserve Corps AGRC Adjutant's Office Adj O Administrative Company Adm Co Administrative Section, General Staff Adm Sec GS Advance Animal Transport Depot Ad v AnI Trans Dep Advance Guard Adv Gd Aero Construction Company Aer Co (Cons) Aero Squadron (construction) Aer Sq (Cons) Aero Squadron (repair) Aer Sq (Rep) Aero Squadron (supply) Aer Sq (Sup) Aide-de-camp ADC Air Park.. Air Pk Air Park Company : Air Pk Co Air Service AS Air Service. Aircraft Production ASP Air Service, Mechanics Regiment AS Mech Regt Air Service, Military Aeronautics ASA Air Service, Reserve Corps ASRC Allotment Almt Allotted Alot Allowances Alws Ambulance Company Amb Co Ambulance Section Amb Sec Ambulance vService Park Amb Serv Pk Ambulance Service Section Amb Serv Sec American Expeditionary Forces AEF American National Red Cross. ARC American Red Cross Convalescent Home ARC Conv Home American Red Cross Hospital ARC Hosp Ammunition Am Ammunition Supply Company.^ Am Sup Co Ammunition Train Am Tn Animal Transport Depot Anl Trans Dep Antiaircraft Artillery A-AA Antiaircraft Battery A-A Btry Antiaircraft Headquarters A-A Hq Antiaircraft Machinie Gun Battalion A-A MG Bn Antiaircraft Machine Gun Company A-A MG Co Antiaircraft Sector A-A Seer Antiaircraft Service A-AS Appointed Aptd Appointment Apmt April Apr Army i Army Army Air Service l._AAS 183 184 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Army Artillery AA Army Artillery. Brigade Headquarters AABHQ Army Artillery Headquarters AAHQ Army Artillery Park ._. -. AA Pk Army Corps Army Corps Army Headquarters 1 AHQ Army Inspection Park Army Insp Pk Army Mine Planter Service AMPS Army Nurse Corps ANC Army Observation Group _ A Obsn Gp Army Observation Wing A Obsn Wg Army Operations Division, General Staff AODGS Army Regulations , AR Army Reserve Material Unit Army Res Mat U Army Service Corps ASC Army Tank Headquarters A Tank Hq Army Transport Service _ ATS Army War College.. AWC Articles of War AW Artillery Arty Assigned ^ Asgd Assignment." Asgmt Assistant Asst Assistant Band Leader. ^ A Bnd Ldr Assistant Chauffeur , A Cfr Assistant Chief of Staff... A C of S Assistant Director of Railways A D Ry Assistant Engineer A Engr Assistant Packmaster A Pkmr Assistant Provost Marshal APM Assistant Veterinarian A Vet August . Aug Automatic Arms Repair Detachment Aut Arms Rep Det B. Bakery Company Bkry Co Balloon Company Bin Co Balloon Group Bin Gp Balloon Wing Bin Wg Band Corporal Bnd Corp Band Leader Bnd Ldr Band Sergeant . Bnd Sgt Barracks Bks Base Animal Transport Depot . Base Anl Trans Dep Base Hospital Base Hosp Base Veterinary Hospital Base Vet Hosp Battalion z Bn Battalipn Adjutant . Bn Adj Battalion Commander Bn Comdr Battalion Engineers, Camouflage Bn Engrs Cam Battalion Engineers, Mounted Bn Engrs Mtd Battalion Engineers — Service Bn Engrs (Serv) Battalion Engineers — Flash and Sound Ranging Bn Engrs (F & SR) Battalion Sergeant Major Bn Sgt Maj Battalion Supply Sergeant Bn Sup Sgt Battery Btry Battery Commander Btry Comdr Battery Orders ^ O Biplane Pursuit Group Bip Purs Gp Biplane Pursuit Squadron Bip Purs Sq Biplane Piu-suit Wing. . , Bip Purs Wg Brigade Brig Brigade Adjutant Brig Adj Brigade Commander. Brig Comdr COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 185 Brigade Headquarters BHQ Brigadier General. Brig Gen Bugler Bglr Bugler, first class Bglr Icl Bulletin Bui Bureau of War Risk Insurance BWRI Butchery Company Butch Co C. Camp Hospital Camp Hosp Camp Infirmary Camp If my Camp Quartermaster Camp QM Captain Capt Casemate Electrician Cm Elec Cavalry Cav Cavalry Brigade ' Cav Brig Cavalry Division Cav Div Cavalry Division Headquarters Cav Div Hq Cavalry Drill Regulations CDR Cavalry Reserve Corps Cav RC Central Department C Dept Central Officers' Training School COTS Changes C Changes Army Regulations CAR Chaplain Chap Character Char Chauffeur Cfr Chauflfeur, first class Cfr Icl Chief Engineer Officer . CEO Chief Loader Ch Load Chief Mechanic Ch Mec Chief Ordnance Officer COO Chief Planter . Ch Plan Chief Quartermaster CQ M Chief Signal Officer CSO Chief Surgeon C Surg Chief of Air Service C of AS Chief of Artillery i . C of A Chief of Cavalry C of Cav Chief of Coast Artillery C of CA Chief of Engineers . . CofE Chief of Infantry C of Inf Chief of Militia Bureau . _• _.C of MB Chief of Motor Transport Corps C of MTC Chief of Ordnance C of Ord Chief of Staff C of S Chief of Tank Corps C of Tank Corps Circular Cir Clerk - Clk Clothing Clo Clothing & Bath Unit Clo & Bth U Coast Artillery CA Coast Artillery Corps . CAC Coast Artillery Drill Regulations CADR Coast Defenses C Def Colonel Col Color Sergeant Col Sgt Commanding General CG Commanding General, Service of Supply CG SOS Commanding Officer CO Commutation Com Company Co Company Commander Co Comdr Company Orders O 186 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Compilation of General Orders, Circulars and Bulletins, War Department, 1881-1915 C of O 1881-1915 Compilation of Orders, 1916 Supplement. C of O 1916 Sup Confined : ._- Conf Confinement • Conf m Construction Company . Con's Co Continued Contd Contract Surgeon Cont Surg Convalescent Camp . Conv Camp Convalescent Depot Conv Dep Cook Ck Corporal Corp Corporal Bugler Corp Bglr Corps Air Service Corps AS Corps Artillery Park Corps Arty Pk Corps Mobile Veterinary Hospital Corps Mob Vet Hosp Corps of Engineers CE Corps of Intelligence Police CIP Coxswain Coxn ' D. ' Day Bombardment Group Day Bomb Gp Day Bombardment Squadron Day Bomb Sq Day Bombardment Wing Day Bomb Wg December Dec Dental Corps DC Dental Reserve Corps DRC Department Dept Department Commander Dept Comdr Department Hospital Dept Hosp Depot Battalion Dep Bn Depot Quartermaster DQM Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff DAC of S Deputy Chief of Staff DC of S Detached Officers List DOL Detached Service DS Detachment . Det Director of Finance Dof Fin Director of Military Intelligence Division, General Staff D of MID GS Director of Operations, General Staff D of O GS Director of Purchase & Stdi-age DofPS Director of Purchase, Storage & Traffic D of PST Director of Railways . D of Ry Director of War Plans Division, General Staff D of WPD GS Discharge, discharged Disch Discontinued Discontd Dishonorably Discharged- _" Dishon Disch Distinguished-service Cross DSC Distinguished-service Medal DSM District Dist Division Div Division Adjutant Div Adj Division Air Service Div AS Division Headquarters DHQ Division Judge Advocate Div JA Division Ordnance Officer Div 00 Division Quartermaster Div QM Eastern Department E Dept Electrician Sergeant, first class Elec Sgt Icl Electrician Sergeant, second class Elec Sgt 2cl Embarkation Service Emb Serv Engineer Engr COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 187 Engineer Department Engr Dept Engineer Field Manual Engr Fid M Engineer Reserve Corps Engr RC Engineer Train Engr Tn Engineers Engrs Enlisted . Enl Enlisted Man . EM Enlistment - Enlmt Enlisted Reserve Corps ERC Evacuation Ambulance Company Evac Amb Co Evacuation Hospital Evac Hosp Excellent Ex Executive Assistant, Chief of Staff Ex AC of S Executive Division, General Staff Ex Div GS Expert Rifleman . ER Expiration Term of Service ETS Extra Duty ^ ED F. February Feb Federal Service Fed Serv Field Artillery , FA Field Artillery Drill Regulations FADR Field Artillery Reserve Corps FARC Field Clerk F Clk Field Hospital F Hops . Field Laboratory F Laby Field Orders FO Field Remount Squadron F Rem Sq Field Service Regulations FSR Field Signal Battalion F Sig Bn Field Signal Battalion, Motorized F Sig Bn Mtz Field Signal Battalion, Mounted F Sig Bn Mtd Fireman Fm Fire Truck & Hose Company FT & H Co First Class Gunner Icl Gun First Lieutenant i IstLt First Sergeant 1st Sgt Forfeit Forf Fort Ft Fraudulent Fraud Friday Fri From fr Furlough _ Fur G. General Gen General Court Martial. GCM General Court Martial Order GCMO General Headquarters GHQ General Hospital Gen Hosp General Order . GO General Repair Shop . Gen Rep Sh General Staff GS General Staff Corps. GSC General Staff Officer No. 1 Gl General Staff Officer No. 2 . G2 General Staff Officer No. 3 G3 General Staff Officer No. 4 G4 General Staff Officer No. 5 G5 Good '. G Graves Registration Unit Gr Reg Unit Guard _. Gd Guard Company Gd Co 188 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Guard & Fire Company GF Co Gun Commander Gn Comdr Gun Pointer - Gn Ptr H. Hawaiian Department .._H Dept Headquarters Company Hq Co Headquarters Troop Hq Tr Heavy Artillery Hv A Heavy Artillery Mobile Repair Shop Hv A Mob Rep Sh Heavy Field Artillery -.- Hv FA Heavy Mobile Ordnance Repair Shop Hv Mob Ord Rep Sh Heavy Tank Battalion .-. Hv Tank Bn Honorably Discharged Hon Disch Horse Artillery HA Horseshoer _ Hs Hospital Sergeant Hosp Sgt Hospital Ship Hosp Ship Hospital Train Hosp Tn I. Inclosure Incl Inclusive Inc Indorsement Ind Inducted Inctd Infantry Inf ■ Infantry Brigade. . Inf Brig Infantry Division Inf Div Infantry Drill Regulations IDR Infantiy Replacement Inf Repl Infantry Reserve Corps Inf RC In Hands of Civil Authorities In Hands C Auth Inland Waterway Company Inl Wy Co Inspected and Condemned IC Inspector General IG Inspector General's Department , IGD Inspector General's Reserve Corps IGRC Instrument Repair Unit Inst Rep Unit Interpreter Intpr J. January Jan Joined _ Jd Judge Advocate JA Judge Advocate General JAG Judge Advocate, General Courts-Martial JAGCM Judge Advocate General's Department JAGD Judge Advocate General's Reserve Corps JAGRC July Jul JTo be used only when June - . Jun\ date space is limited. Junior Military Aviator Jun Mil Av K. Killed Kd L. Laboratory Unit ;. Laby Unit Laundry Company Laun Co Leave of Absence Lv Letter of Instructions Let Inst Lieutenant _ Lt Lieutenant Colonel Lt Col COMPANY ADxMINISTRATION 189 Lieutenant General Lt Gen Line of Duty LD M. Machine Gun Battalion MG Bn Machine Gun Battalion, Antiaircraft MG Bn A-A Machine Gun Battalion, Motorized MG Bn Mtz Machine Gun Company-. MG Co Machine Gun Firing Manual MGFM Machine Gun Squadron — MG Sq Machine Gun Squadron, Motorized MG Sq Mtz Machine Gun Troop MG Tr Major Maj Major General Maj Gen Manual for Army Bakers M AB Manual for Army Cooks MAC Manual for Courts- Martial MCM Manual of Interior Guard Duty MIGD Manual for the Medical Department . MMD Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates MNCOP Manual of Physical Training MPT Manual for the Quartermaster Corps MQMC Manual of Topography M Topog M arch L Mch Marksman Mm Master Electrician Mr Elec Master Engineer, Senior Grade Mr Engr sr gr Master Engineer, Junior Grade Mr Engr jr gr Master Gunner Mr Gun Master Hospital Sergeant Mr Hosp Sgt Master Signal Electrician Mr Sig Elec May May Mechanic Mec Mechanician Mecn MedalofHonor '_ MH Medical Corps MC Medical Department MD Medical Depot 1 - Med Dep Medical Laboratory Med Laby Medical Reserve Company ^ Med Res Co Medical Reserve Corps 1 MRC Medical Supply Company Med Sup Co Medical Supply Depot ..Med Sup Dep Memorandum Memo Memorandum Receipt M/R Mess Sergeant , Mess Sgt Meteorological Service Met Serv Middle Atlantic Coast Artillery District MACAD Military Aviator Mil Av Military Intelligence Division, General Staff MIDGS Military Police MP Military Police Corps MPC Miscellaneous Misc Mobile Hospital Mob Hosp Mobile Laboratory Mob Laby Mobile Laundry Unit Mob Laun Unit Mobile Operating Unit ,. ^ Mob Opr Unit Mobile Optical Unit Mob Optic Unit Mobile Ordnance Repair Shop ^__Mob Ord Rep Sh Mobile Veterinary Hospital Mob Vet Hosp Monday Mon Monoplace Pursuit Brigade Mon Purs Brig Monoplace Pursuit Group ^ Mon Purs Gp Monoplace Pursuit Squadron Mon "Purs Sq 190 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Monoplace Pursuit Wing .Mon Purs Wg Monoplane Pursuit Brigade Mnp Purs Brig Month Mo Months ---Mos Motor Car Company MC Co Motorcycle Company MtclCo Motor Dispatch Service MDS Motor Sergeant M Sgt Motor Supply Train . M Sup Tn Motor Transport Company MTCo Motor Transport Corps MTC Motor Transport Corps Park MTC Pk Motor Transport Corps Reserve Park MTC Res Pk Motor Truck Company M Trk Co Multiengine Night Bombardment Brigade.. M-eng Nt Bomb Brig Multiengine Night Bombardment Group M-eng Nt Bomb Gp Multiengine Night Bombardment Squadron M-eng Nt Bomb Sq Multiengine Night Bombardment Wing M-eng Nt Bomb Wg Musician Mus Musician, first class Mus Icl Musician, second class Mus 2cl Musician, third class Mus 3cl N. ■ National Army _ N A National Guard NG Noncommissioned Officer NCO North Atlantic Coast Artillery District NACAD Northeastern Department NE Dept North Pacific Coast Artillery District NPCAD Not in line of duty Not LD November Nov Number _. No O. Observation Group Obsn Gp Observation Squadron Obsn Sq ' Observation Wing Obsn Wg Observer, first class Obs Icl Observer, second class . " Obs 2cl October Oct Ordnance Department Ord Dept Ordnance Depot Ord Dep Ordnance Officer OO Ordnance Reserve Corps Ord RC Ordnance Sergeant '. Ord Sgt Outpost Company . Out Co P. Packmaster Pkmr Paid Pd Panama Canal Department PC Dept Panama Coast Artillery District PCAD Paragraph Par Park Pk Personnel Adjutant.. PI Adj Philippine Department P Dept Philippine Scouts PS Photographic Laboratory. Photo Laby Photo Section Photo Sec Pioneer Regiment, Infantry Pion Inf Platoon Plat Plotter : Plot COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 191 Ponton Pon Porto Rican Regiment, Infantry PRRI Postal Express Service — PES Post Exchange PE Post Hospital P Hosp Post Laundry PL • Private Pvt Private, first class Pvt Icl Provost Marshal General PMG Provost Marshal General's Department PMGD Provost Marshal General's Oflfice PMGO Purchase, Storage & Traffic. General Staff PS & T GS 0- Qualified Qual Quartermaster QM Quartermaster Corps QMC Quartermaster General QM Gen Quartermaster General's Office QMGO Quartermaster Reserve Corps QMRC Quartermaster Sergeant QM Sgt Quartermaster Sergeant, senior grade QM Sgt sr gr Quarters Qrs R. Radio Section ■... Rad Sec Radio Sergeant Rad Sgt Railhead Detachment Rhd Det Railhead Supply Detachment ^ Rhd Sup Det Railroad Transportation Officer RTO Railway Ordnance Repair Shop Ry Ord Rep Sh Railway Transport Corps RTC Reappointed _ Reaptd Received Reed Recruit Ret Reduced. Rd Reenlisted Reenl Reference Re Reference to telegram ^ Retel Refrigerating Plant Company Ref PI Co Regiment Regt Regimental i Regtl Regimental Sergeant Major Regtl Sgt Maj Regimental Special Orders RSO Regimental Supply Sergeant Regtl Sup Sgt Regiment Englneers^Construction Regt Engrs (Cons) Regiment Engineers — Electrical & Mechanical Regt Engrs (Elec & Mech) Regiment Engineers — Forestry Re jl Engrs (For) Regiment Engineers — General Construction Regt Engrs (Gen Cons) Regiment Engineers — Light Railway Operation Regt Engrs (Lt Ry Opr) Regiment Engineers — Mining Regt Engrs (Min) Regiment Engineers — Quarry J Regt Engrs (Quarry) Regiment Engineers — Road Service Regt Engrs (Rd Serv) Regiment Engineers— Sappers Regt Engrs (Sap) Regiment Engineers — Searchlight Regt Engrs (SL) Regiment Engineers — Supply & Shop Regt Engrs (Sup & Sh) Regiment Engineers — Supply Service Regt Engrs (Sup Serv) Regiment Engineers — Topographical & Survey Regt Engrs (T & S) Regiment Engineers — Water Supply Service Regt Engrs (W Sup Serv) Regular Army. RA Relieved Reld Remount Depot i Rmt Dep Remount Service ..Rmt Serv Repair Section Rep Sec 192 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Repair Unit Rep Unit Replacement & Salvage Company Repl & Salv Co Requalified _ Requal Reserve Officers' Training Corps ROTC Reserve Vehicle Depot __Res Veh Dap Road Service Rd Serv Rules of Land Warfare RLW S. Sales Commissary _ Sales Comsy Sales Commissary Unit Sales Comsy Unit Salvage Company Salv Co Same date sd Sanitary Corps Sn C Sanitary Squad '_ Sn Sqd Sanitary Train SnTn Saturday ' Sat Secretary, General Staff. SGS Secretary of War ^ Sec War Section Sec Sector Seer Sentence Sent Sentenced Sentd September Sept Sergeant Sgt Sergeant Bugler Sgt Bglr Sergeant, first class Sgt Icl Sergeant Major Sgt Maj Sergeant Major, junior grade Sgt Maj jr gr Sergeant Major, senior grade Sgt Maj sr gr Service Battalion Serv Bn Service Battalion Reserve Serv Bn Res Service Company Serv Co Service of Light Railways Serv Lt Ry Service of Supply SOS Service Park Unit Serv Pk Unit Sharpshooter Ss Ship Repair Shop Ship Rep Sh Sick Sk Signal Corps _ -Sig C Signal Corps Depot Sig C Dep Signal Corps Reserve Corps Sig RC Signal Officer • Sig O Single Engine Night Bombardment Group S-eng Nt Bomb Gp Single Engine Night Bombardment Squadron S-eng Nt Bomb Sq Single Engine Night Bombardment Wing S-eng Nt Bomb Wg Small Arms Ammunition SA Am Small Arms Firing Ma^al . SAFM Soldier Sol South Atlantic Coast Artillery District SACAD Southeastern Department-": SE Dept Southern Department S Dept South Pacific Coast Artillery District SPCA D Special Court Martial . Sp CM Special Court Martial Order Sp CMO Special Duty SD Special Orders ._ SO Special Regulations * SR Squad Sqd Squadron ' • ' Sq Squadron Sergeant Major Sq Sgt Maj Squadron Supply Sergeant Sq Sup Sgt Stable Sergeant Stab Sgt Statement of Charges S of C COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 193 Station Sta Stevedore Battalion Stev Bn Stevedore Company Stev Co , Subsistence . Sub Summary Court SC Sunday Sun Supply Company .. Sup Co Supply Depot Sup Dep Supply Officer Sup O Supply Sergeant Sup Sgt Supply Train Sup Tn Supply Troop Sup Tr Surgeon Sxirg Surgeon's Certificate of Disability SCD Surgeon General Sur Gen Surgeon General's Office SGO Surgical Assistant Surg Asst Switchboard Operator Sb O T. Tank Battalion _-.' Tank Bn Tank Brigade Tank Brig Tank Company Tank Co Tank Corps Tank C Telegraph Battalion Tel Bn The Adjutant General of the Army TAG Thursday Thurs Train Tn Train Headquarters & Military Police Tn Hq & MP Training Center _ ^- Tng Cen. Transferred Trf d Transportation T Transportation Company T Co Transportation Corps •_ TC Transportation Regiment T Regt Transportation Request T/R Trench Mortar Battalion TM Bn Trench Mortar Battery TM Btry Troop 1 Tr Troop Orders O Tuesday . . Tues U. Unassigned Unasgd United States US United States Army USA United States Marine Corps USMC United States Navy USN V. Verbal Orders .. VO Very Good VG Veterinarian Vet Veterinary Corps VC Veterinary Hospital Vet Hosp Veterinary Reserve Corps VRC Veterinary Service Vet Serv Voucher Vou W. Wagon Company Wag Co Wagoner Wag War Department WD 194 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION War Plans Division. General Staff... WPD GS Warrant Wmt Warrant Officer Wmt Off War Risk Insurance WRI Water Tank Train W Tank Tn Wednesday Wed Western Department W Dept APPENDIX II EXTRACTS FROM TABLES OF BASIC ALLOWANCES (Circular 377 as amended by -Circular 449.) [CiR. 377] Circular! WAR DEPARTMENT No. 377. / Washington, July 3i. I9i9, BASIC ALLOWANCES OF CLOTHING, EQUIPAGE AND EQUIPMENT Circulars Nos. 47, 150, 176, 253, 296, 300, and 359, War Department, 1919, are rescinded and the following substituted therefor: 1. The following tables of individual and organization equipment super- sede so much of Equipment Tables, Tables of Fundamental Allowances, Quartermaster Supplies, and the various Unit Accountability Equipment Manuals as conflict with the allowances herein prescribed. 2. These tables prescribe the basic allowances of individual equipment, and of organization equipment not usually issued to individuals, for all units serving at posts, or at camps and stations of a relatively permanent nature and on field duty. Allowances of special equipment pertaining to each organization will be pubHshed in subsequent circulars. 3. Equipment A is taken into the field in campaign on the person or in the transportation normally allowed the organization. Equipment B is addi- tional, furnished at posts, and at camps or stations of a relatively perma- nent nature. A division commander, a general officer commanding a post, camp, or station, where the supply is not under the direct control of a division commander; a Coast Artillery district commander; or a de- partment commander may authorize a variation of the allowances in equipment B, Table III. They may also approve requisitions for articles not contained in equipment A, all tables, or in quantities not authorized therein, certifying that such articles or quantities are necessary for the efficient conduct of operations in active field service. Such additional issues shall be made, if possible, and the officer authorizing this issue will make immediate report thereof to The Adjutant General of the Army, through military channels, stating the circumstances which require the issue. When an enlisted man changes station from one post, or camp or station of a relatively permanent nature, to another of the same category he will normally take with him the articles listed in Equipment {A) and (B), of Table I, and the following articles of Equipment (A) and (B), Table II: Meat can, knife, fork, spoon, cup, canteen and cover, condiment can, haversack, pack carrier, pistol belt, cartridge belt; provided that when it seems probable from the trans- fer order that any of the above articles will not be used by the soldier in his new station his immediate commander will, before the soldier's departure, cause such articles to be turned in. to the local supply officer. A recruit before joining his first station will be issued all necessary clothing, meat can, knife, fork, spoon, cup, canteen and cover, condiment can, haversack, pack carrier and either pistol or cartridge belt, according to his arm of the service. When an organization changes station from one post, or camp or station of a relatively permanent nature, to another of the same category, it will nor- mally take^ Equipment {A) and (B), Tables I, II, III, and IV, Tables of Basic Allowances. 195 196 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Individuals or organizations concentrating for, or going on indefinite field service, will take Equipment {A) only; all other property will be turned in to the supply officer , except field desk in Equipment (B), which will be stored. (Cir. 449, W. D., Oct. 3, 1919.) 4. Special allowances heretofore authorized for special purposes will continue in force, and for items not included in this circular allowances heretofore authorized will govern for the present. 5. The term company, as used in this circular, will be understood to include the lowest administrative unit in every branch or arm by whatever name it may be known; such as troop, battery, air service squadron, etc. The term battalion will be understood to include any unit composed of two or more of the lowest administrative units ; such as battalion, squadron of cavalry, air service group, motorized or horsed battalion of ammunition train, supply train, etc. The term regiment will be understood to include all units composed of two or more battalions; such as air service wing, tank brigade, ammuni- tion train, sanitary train, etc. Articles of organization equipment authorized herein are in addition to allowances of like articles prescribed in lists of individual equipment. 6. a. The first outer uniform (including shirt, O. D.; cap; hat; coat, service; breeches, service; leggins and shoes) issued to an enlisted man will be new, or as good as new,* and suitable beyond doubt for wear on pass, at ceremonies, and at inspections. Thereafter the soldier will always be provided with at least one outer uniform as above specified and which will be a part of the war set of equipment. When the soldier is issued both summer and winter clothing, he will be provided with one complete outfit of the above-mentioned articles, of both summer and winter weights, which will conform to the specifications stated. Clothing of the war set will be worn only when on pass, at ceremonies, or inspections, and when ordered into the field for war service. b. If an article of the war set of clothing be found unpresentable, and the soldier is already provided with a complete allowance of clothing suitable for wear at drill, but with no similar article suitable for the war set, a report will be made to the commanding officer of the post, camp, station, regiment, or independent battalion, who, after personal inspection, or after securing a written report from an officer of field rank, will cause such article to be turned in to the supply department and order the issue of a like article suitable for the war set. If an article issued to form part of the war set be found unpresentable, similar action will be taken. Except as above specified, reclaimed shoes and outer clothing will be issued when available; but in no cases, except to prisoners, will reclaimed outer clothing which is so worn or otherwise disfigured as to be unsightly, or which is dirty, be issued; nor will reclaimed shoes be issued which are unfit for marching on account of having worn linings, crooked heels, broken counters, etc. If a question should arise as to the suitability of a reclaimed article for issue, it will be decided by the commanding officers named and in the manner prescribed above. The decision of the commanding officer will be final in cases arising under this paragraph. c. In special cases, depending on the nature of the work performed by the soldier, and where reclaimed articles arc available, an extra uniform *It is now required that <-he first uniform issued a recruit will be new. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 197 may be issued for wear on fatigue when ordered by the commanding officer. d. Reclaimed clothing, so far as supply permits, will be issued to prisoners. e. The date when the change from summer to winter clothing, or the reverse, is to be made, will be determined by the local commanding officer, who will notify the supply department concerned sufficiently in advance to enable a proper supply of the necessary clothing to be provided. In time of peace clothing for summer or winter wear once issued to a soldier will not ordinarily be taken from him until he terminates his connection with the service, except, when due to a change of station or other condition, such clothing is no longer needed. In that event it will be turned in upon order- of the commanding officer. /. A full set of outer Alaskan clothing is authorized for issue on mem- orandum receipt to officers serving in Alaska or Siberia. 7. a. For the future the- policy will be to issue to all individual men of the permanent forces, serving at posts and camps or other military stations of a relatively permanent nature, a double set of certain equip- ment, as indicated in this circular. When two identical articles of equip- ment are issued one wiU be kept and used only for parades, ceremonies, inspections, or similar duty, and when ordered into the field for war service; the other set will be the driU set and will be used for ordinary drills and for exercises in the field other than in active campaign. The drill set will be inspected in order to insure its proper care; but the organization will not be required to make the polished appearance expected when it is inspected in its war set. No article of equipment will ,be submitted for condemnation, except when it is impossible to use it further for drill purposes. When an article of equipment is condemned the worst cor- responding article should be transferred from the war set to the drill set. The double set of equipment, Table II, will not be issued to troops in a tented camp. (Cir. 449, W. D., Oct. 3, 1919). b. Where type or model of equipment is not specified material will b5 issued according to specifications approved by the General Staff or pursuant to special instructions issued to the supply department concerned. c. Individual equipment for Coast Artillery in coast defenses shall be the same as for heavy artillery. In addition there will be issued to each coast defense, for garrison use in recruit drills and ceremonies, one rifle, one rifle cover, one bayonet, one bayonet scabbard, one gun sling, one oiler and thong with case, one sight cover for each enlisted man, except sergeants major, first sergeants, mess sergeants, supply sergeants, cooks, buglers, bandsmen, and enlisted specialists; one barrack cleaning rod for each two rifles, and one screw driver for each eight rifles. There will be issued for land defense such additional automatic rifles, machine guns, and small-caliber trench mortars and related equipment as shall be ap- proved by the Chief of Coast Artillery as necessary in each coast defense. 8. In time of war, before entering the zone of active operations, officers will be issued all of the articles of clothing that they may require. The wearing of enlisted men's cotton or woolen O. D. breeches or coats, how- ever, is prohibited except where officers are serving with troops actively engaged with the enemy. 9. Any suggestion for improvement or other change in these tables should be made through channels to The Adjutant General of the Army. The following table prescribes the basic allowances of clothing and other articles of equipage pertaining to the supply of the individual enlisted man : 198 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Table I Articles of clothing and equipage. (A) (War set) for field and garri- son service. (B) Additional, for use at posts and camps or stations of a relatively permanent nature. Remarks. Aprons, white 4 For cooks and bakers. Bag, barrack.. _ _ May be taken into the field when Baton . 1 ordered by the commanding officer. 1 2 2 mounted band. When ordered by the commanding Belts, waist _ 1 officer. *Bedsacks.. Or mattress covers in lieu. ♦Bedsteads, single, iron, with Or cot in lieu. card receiver and casters. Blankets, olive-drab. . 1 1 One extra may be issued for use in Boots, rubber, hip or half hip, pair. Boots, rubber, knee, pair posts or camps and stations of a relatively permanent nature, when necessary and ordered by commanding officer. An extra blanket may be taken into the field when necessary and ordered by commanding officer, if trans- portation is available. • wagoners. Issued when necessary by order of Brassards (all kinds) commanding officer. As specified in War Department Breeches, service, cotton Breeches, service, wool Breeches, kersey lined 1 1 3 2 orders and regulations. If transportation permits an extra pair may be carried for field ser- vice. One pair of trousers may be issued in equipment B in lieu of 1 pair of breeches until supply is ex- hausted. Trousers will not be worn in foj-mation under arms. Brush, clothes _. 1 oilskin, may be used in lieu. Brush, hair , 1 1 Brush, shaving Brush, shoe 1 Brush, tooth ' Bugle, complete with sling... Cap, service _ 1 with band issue trumpet "G" with "F" slide in lieu. When available. Cap, winter 1 When ordered by the commanding Cap, white, cook's . 4 3 officer. For cooks and bakers. ♦Cases, pillow. Chevrons and other sleeve in- Issued as authorized. One for signia. Comb... 1 each olive-drab shirt, overcoat, service coat, and blue denim jumper. Comforter. Coat, mackinaw . 1 1 1 1 1 blanket. Not to be purchased until present supply of blankets becomes exhausted. For motorcyclists, chauffeurs, and Coat, oilskin others when authorized by the commanding officer in lieu of overcoat. Coats, service, cotton Coats, service, wool 2 1 1 1 4 others when necessary and or- dered by the commanding officer. Cords, hat.. Cravat or black tie . Drawers, cotton 2 Six extra for cooks and bakers. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 199 Articles of clothing and equipage. (A) (War set) for field and garri- son service. (B) Additional, for use at posts and camps or stations of i, relatively permanent nature. Remarks. Drawers, wool. Dubbin, box.. GloVes, canton flannel, leath- er palm, unlined, or gloves, heavy leather. Gloves, jersey knit _ Gloves, woolen, olive-drab. _ Goggles, pair Handkerchiefs. Hat, oilskin — Hat, service, with tyinS cord. Hat , working, denim H eadnet , mosquito Helmet, woolen. Housewife Jerkins, leather. Jumper, working, denim Laces, leggin, extra, pair Laces, shoe, extra, pair Leggins, canvas, mounted.pair Leggins, spiral, woolen, pair... Locker, trunk. *Mattress ♦Mattress cover Mirror Mittens, canton flannel, one finger, leather palm, un- lined; or mittens, leather, one finger, unlined, pair. Muffler and toque Music stand Ornaments, collar, bronze, sets Ornaments, cap, bronze.. Overcoat Overshoes, arctic, pair ♦Pillow. Pin, tent, shelter.. Pole, tent, shelter. Pole, tent, shelter. Polish, shoe Pouches, music . Razor Raincoats, foot Raincoats, mounted, or slicker (6) Allowance of 1 ounce per month. When weather is so hot as to cause melting of dubbin the allowance will be carried in bulk in organization baggage. When necessary and ordered by commanding officer. In lieu of gloves, woolen, olive-drab, until present supply is exhausted. When necessary and ordered by commanding officer. For motorcyclists and chauffeurs, and for each soldier when neces- essary and specially ordered by commanding officer. For motorcyclists, chauffetirs, and others when necessary and or- dered by commanding officer. When ordered by commanding offi- cer. For motorcyclists and chauffeurs. Toque and muffler may be issued in lieu. Per squad. To each automobile, motorcycle, or truck-driver, teamster, or other enlisted man on similar duty, until present supply is exhausted! Two extra for cooks and bakers. When canvas leggins are worn. For mounted, men only. For dismounted men on field ser- vice at all times, and for garrison service also after present supply of canvas leggins has been ex- hausted. When not available, issue bedsack and straw in lieu. Or bedsack in lieu. When necessary and ordered by the commanding officer. In lieu of helmet, woolen, for motor cyclists and chauffeurs. To each bandsman. For motorcyclists, chauffeurs, wag- oners, and others when necessary and ordered by the commanding officer. If not available, issue pillow sack and straw. b As approved by local command- ing officer. To each bandsman. For each dismounted man. For each mounted man. 200 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Articles of clothing and equipage. (A) (War set) for field and garri- son service. (B) Additional, for use at posts and camps or stations of a relatively permanent nature. Remarks. Rations, reserve (see par. 302 F.S.R.). ♦Sheets, bed . 2 For each officer and enlisted man. 4 2 2 2 1 for field service only. Shirts, cotton, olive-drab Shirts, flannel, olive-drab Shoes, field, russet, or march- ing, pair. 1 1 1 When ordered by the commanding officer. Normally a man will have one pair of field shoes, one pair of russet shoes, and one pair of marching shoes. On extended field service, two pairs of field shoes will be provided. When any particular type of shoe is not available, due to unpreventable circumstances, another type may be issued in lieu thereof. When available. 1 Stockings, cotton, pair 8 4 1 1 Stockings, woolen, pair Suspend ers 2 Light or heavy, according to season. Sweater Tag identification 2 1 commanding officer. Tape, for identification tags, yard One to be kept in good condition Tent, shelter, half 3 2 4 2 Towels... plete (two halves) with poles and pins to be issued to each company officer. Trousers, working, denim Six extra for cooks and bakers. 2 2 1 1 Undershirts, woolen _ _ ._ Whistles: To each field officer. Company commanders' To each company commander. *Slrike out in Table I the following articles with accompanying remarks: Bedsacks; bedsteads, single, iron, with card receiver and casters; Cases, pillow; Mattress; mattress cover; pillow; sheets, bed. The allowances for these articles will continue in force, but will be listed in Table V {Garrison Equipment), now being published. (Circular 449, — W. D., Oct. 3, 1919.) COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 201 The following table prescribes the basic allowances of equipment per- taining to the supply of the individual officer and enlisted man : Table II Articles of equipment. (A) (War set) for field and garri- son service. (B) Additional for use at posts and camps or stations of a relatively permanent nature Remarks. Axes, hand, intrenching. M. 1910, with carriers, in- trenching hand ax, M.1910. Bandoleer, Cavalry Bandoleer, magazine, for Browning automatic rifle, M. 1918, right and left. Bayonet, according to rifle issued Bayonet scabbard, M. 1910 or M.1917 Belt. M. 1912, without saber ring, for pistol or revolver. Belt, cartridge, caliber .30 M. 1910, dismounted. Belt, cartridge, caliber .30 M. 1910, mounted. Belt, magazine, for Browning aitomatic rifle. M. 1918, for automatic rifleman. Belt, magazine, for Browning automatic rifle, M. 1918, for first and second assist- ants. Belts, web, medical officers, complete with contents. Bolo Bolo scabbard Books, field message Brush, thong, for United States rifle, caliber .30. Can, condiment, M. 1910 Can, meat, M. 1910 Canteen, M. 1910 Carrier, pack, M. 1910. Carrier, hand grenade Carrier, rifle grenade dis- charge Cartridges, ball, caliber .30... 100 To each two squads equipped as in- fantry; to each squad of engin- eers; and to each two enlisted men of the Medical Department. To each mounted man armed with a rifle. Carried in ammunition wag- ons and issued on separation from them or when engagement is pending. To first and second assistant auto- matic rifleman, one of each. To dismounted men armed with rifle, except wagoners, chauf- feurs and motorcyclists. To each man armed with bayonet. To each officer and enlisted man armed with pistol only, except automatic rifleman; to each chap- lain, to each field clerk, postal agent, and to each unarmed en- listed man equipped with a haver- sack. To each enlisted man armed with rifle only, except first and second assistant automatic rifleman. To each enlisted man armed with both pistol and rifle, except auto- matic riflemen. Per automatic rifleman. For each first and second assistant automatic rifleman. Per officer of medical detachment (see note 1). [To each two squads equipped as in- I fantry. j To each enlisted man in machine- I gun organizations, except wagon- [ ers. To each officer, and to noncommis- sioned officers down to and in- cluding the grade of sergeant; to eaph signal corporal. Per rifle. ♦ To each officer and enlisted man, except drivers in artillery organi- zations and mounted men. To each officer and enlisted man. To each officer and enlisted man. To each dismounted officer up to and including the rank of captain; and to each enlisted man, mount- ed or dismounted. 1 per squad organized as infantry. Per rifle grenade discharger, as soon as possible. For each man armed with rifle only; 90 for each man armed with both pistol and rifle. To be issued only when ordered by command- ing officer. 202 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Articles of equipment. (A) (War set) for field and garri- son service (B) Additional, for use at posts and camps or stations of a relatively permanent nature Remarks. Cartridges, pistol, ball, cali iber .45. Case, carrying, for Browning automatic rifle, M. 1918. Case, oiler and thong, for United States rifle, caliber .30. Case, spare part, for each au- tomatic rifle. Cover, canteen, dismounted, M. 1910. Cover, canteen, mounted, M. 1917. Cover, rifle, caliber ,30, M. 1903. Cover, front sight, for United States rifle, caliber .30, M. 1903. Cover, horse (when necessary and ordered by command- manding officer). Cup, M. 1910. Cutter, wire... Cutter, wire, carrier .... Depressor, followerer, for United States rifle, caliber .30, M. 1917. Discharger, rifle grenade Filler, magazine, for Brown- ing automatic rifle, M. 1918. Fork, M". 1910 Gun sling, M. 1907_ Haversack, M. 1910.— Helmet, steel. Holster, pistol. M. 1916. Knife, M. 1910 Knot, saber For each individual armed with pis- tol only. 2 1 for each man armed with both pistol and rifle. To be issued only when ordered by com- manding officer. Per automatic rifle. Per rifle. Containing: 1 extractor. 1 ex- tractor spring, 1 recoil spring, 2 firing pins, 1 sear spring, 1 con- nector, 1 magazine catch spring, 1 gas cylinder cleaning tool, 1 gas cylinder tube pin, 1 trigger guard lock pin, 1 combination spanner and screw driver. 1 spring cleaner, 1 oil can. 2 extractors (defective shell). 2 fabric con- tainers (1 for recoil spring and 1 for small parts). To each dismounted officer and en- listed man. To each mounted officer and en- listed man. Per rifle. Covers, breechlock mechanism for United States rifle, caliber .30. may be issued until supply is exhausted, except to motorized organizations and to drivers of vehicles carrying rifle in clips. Per rifle M. 1903. Per draft or pack animal. For rid- ing animals, see Riding Equip- ment. Blanket-lined horse cov- ers will be issued when directed by local commanding officer. Per each officer and enlisted man. To each first sergeant, stable ser- geant, bugler, agent orderly or signal man, to each member of a pioneer section, and 1 to each squad organized as infantry, or cavalry, except bandsmen. Per wire cutter. For each rifle M. 1917 issued. As shown in Tables of Organization. Per automatic rifle. To each officer and enlisted man. Per rifle, caliber .30. To each dismounted officer up to and including the rank of cap- tain; and to each enlisted man mounted or dismounted. 1 per individual. In storage in time of peace. Per automatic pistol. To each officer and enlisted man. 1 for each officer and enlisted man armed with a saber. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 203 Articles of equipment. (A) (War set) for field and garri- son service (B) Additional, for use at posts and camps or stations of a relatively permanent nature Remarks. Lanyard, pistol Magazine, extra, for auto- matic pistol calibef .45, M. 1911. Magazine, for Browning au- tomatic rifle, M. 1918. Pick mattock carrier, M. 1910 Pick mattock, intrenching, M. 1910. - Pistol, automatic, caliber .45, M. 1911. Pocket, magazine, web, double Pouch, for first-aid packet, M 1910. Pouch, for small articles Pouch, Medical Department, with sling, complete, with contents. Respirator Respirator, horse or mule. Riding equipment : Set, consisting of — Currycomb, feed bag , grain bag, bridle com plete. halter complete horse brush, horse cover when necessary and ordered by com- manding officer, cloth, saddle, with insignia for ofiicers, lariat, lar- iat strap, link, saber straps, saddle com plete, saddle bags, sur- cingle, 2 extra fitted horseshoes with nails, saddle blanket. Set, consisting of — 1 horse brush, 1 curry- comb. Rifle, United States, caliber .30, M. 1903. Rifle, Browning automatic, M. 1918. Rod, cleaning, barrack, M. 1916 (a) To each mounted individual armed with pistol. To each officer and enlisted man armed with pistol only. 2 to automatic riflemen armed with to automatic riflemen armed with pistol and to enlisted men arpied with both rifle and pistol. Per automatic rifle. Per squad equipped as infantry. Per squad equipped as infantry. To each officer and enlisted maa armed with pistol as per Tables of Organization. To each non- commissioned officer named in grades 14 to 19, both inclusive, par. 9, Army Regulations, as changed by C. A. R. No. 76, not otherwise provided for in Tables of Organization. To each officer and enlisted man armed with pistol only. 1 to each man armed with both rifle and pis- tol, and to automatic riflemen armed wito pistol. Pocket, maga- zine,double,M.1918,may be issued in lieu until supply is exhausted. To each officer, and to each en- listed man, except Medical De- partment personnel. Per squad equipped as infantry. Per enlisted man. Medical De- partment (see note 2). 1 per individual. Not issued in time of peace. 1 per horse or mule. Not issued in time of peace. For each officer and enlisted man, except mounted drivers, shown on Tables of Organization as mounted on horse or mule. Saber straps, lariats, lariat straps, not issued to Field Artil- lery or enlisted men mounted on mule. Blanket lined horse cov- ers and shoe calks are issued when specified by commanding officer. Links will not be issued in riding equipment for officers or to enlisted men, mounted on mule. For each mounted driver. Field Ar- tillery, additional riding equip- ment issued as part of artillery harness. To each mule leader, dismounted, in machine-gun units. Per enlisted man armed with rifle, as per Tables of Organization. a As per Tables of Organization, and as approved for each coast - defense project. Per squad armed with rifle. Rod, cleaning, M. 1916, with case, may be issued in lieu. 204 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Articles of equipment. (A) (War set) for field and garri- son service. (B) Additional, for use at posts and camps or stations of a relatively permanent nature. Remarks. Saber, Cavalry. M. 1913 Saber, Cavalry, scabbard Saddle {see Riding equip- ment). 1 1 a 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 As shown.in Tables of Organization. Per each officer and enlisted man armed with saber. matic rifle, M. 1918. Scabbard, rifle, M. 1904 rifleman. armed with rifle; and per wag- oner and chauffeur until vehicles equipped with rifle clips are issued. States rifle, caliber .30. Shovel, intrenching, M. 1910 Shovel, intrenching carrier, M. 1910. Spoon, M. 1910 4 4 1 1 fer squad equipped as infantry; 1 per each two enlisted men. Medical Department. Per squad equipped as infantry; 1 per each two enlisted men. Medical Department. Spurs, M. 1911, pairs. Stick, breech, for United To each mounted officer and mount- ed enlisted man, including mounted drivers. Per rifle. States rifle, caliber .30. Strapsling, for Browning auto- matic rifle, M. 1918. Straps, spur, M. 1911. sets... Suspenders, cartridge belt, M. 1907. Tape steel. 5 -foot 1 2 1 Per automatic rifle. To each mounted officer and mounted enlisted man, including mounted drivers. To each mounted enlisted man armed with rifle. To each first sergeant. Per rifle. Thong, for United States rifle, caliber .30. MEDICAL PROPERTY, Adhesive tape, spools Per squad. Per officer and enlisted man. First-aid packet - _ MISCELLANEOUS. Compasses, prismatic. In each organization of combatant Compasses, watch troops at the rate of one to each major, captain, first and second lieutenant. In each organization of combatant Flashlight, with bulb and troops at the rate of 1 to each officer, to each noncommissioned officer down to and including the grade of sergeant, and also for corporal and bugler of Engineers; except that no one who has been issued any other type of compass shall be issued a watch compass. battery, complete. Glasses, field 1 1 tions, at the rate of 1 for each officer and noncommissioned offi- cer down to and including the grade of sergeant, and in addition in machine gun organizations to include corporals, gun squad leaders. To each signal man. Glasses, field, type EE In each organization of combatant troops at the rate of 1 for each officer, sergeant major, first ser- geant, and duty sergeant. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 205 Notes pertaining to Table II. NOTE 1 INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT, MEDICAL OFFICERS. Number. Belt, web, medical officers', complete with contents 1 Case, instrument (par. 919, M.M.D.)-,. 1 Diagnosis tags, book 1 Pencils, lead 1 Thermometer, clinical, in case 1 Tourniquet, field, lever type 1 Number. Iodine swabs, 6 in box, boxes 1 Greely units, morphine sulphate, 6 in clip, clips 1 Greely units, strychnine sulphate, 6 in clip, clips • 1 Pins, safety, medium size, dozen. _ 1 NOTE 2 INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT, NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICERS, MECIDAL DEPARTMENT. Number. Number. Pouch. Medical Department, with sling, empty 1 Front line packets. No. 1 2 Front line packets. No. 2 4 Bandages, muslin, 4 inches 6 Pins, common, papers 1 Pins, safety, medium size, dozen 2 Iodine swabs, 6 in box, boxes 1 Plaster, adhesive, z. o., 2H inches by 5 yards in spool, spools 1 Tourniquet, field, lever type 1 Thermometers, clinical, in case 1 Case, instrument (par. 919, M. M. D.) 1 Greely units, morphine sulphate, 6 in clip, clips 2 Greely units, strychnine sulphate, 6 in clip, clips 1 Tags, diagnosis, books 1 Pencils, lead 1 INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT, PRIVATES AND PRIVATES, FIRST CLASS, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. •Number. Pouch, Medical Department, with sling, empty 1 Front line packets. No. 1 4 Front line packets. No. 2 4 Bandages, triangular, for slings 6 Bandages, muslin, 4 inches 6 Pins, common, papers I Pins, safety, dozen 2 Iodine swabs, 6 in box, boxes 3 Number. Plaster, adhesive, z. o., 2}/^ inches by 5 yards, spools 1 Tourniquet, field, lever type 1 Case, canvas, or linen containing,. 1 Forceps, dressing 1 Scissors, dressing 1 Pencils, lead, with metal cap 1 3, diagnosis, books 1 206 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Extracts Table III. Article. (A) (War set) for field and garrison service. (B) Additional for use at posts and at camps or stations of a relatively- permanent nature Remarks. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES. Brooms, corn Brushes, scrubbing. Candles.- Cleaning and preserving ma- terials. Forage: Bran = Grain Grain (oats, corn, or bar- ley) daily. Hay, daily. Fuel: Wood... Oil (fuel). Ice. Lime. Lye._ Mops Matches, safety. Oil, crude: For latrines For picket line. Oil, mineral b 1 per 20 men per month, 1 addi- tional per mounted company per month, and 2 additional per ani- mal drawn or motorized unit per month for barracks and stables. Other issues as directed by local commanding officer. b 1 per 30 men per month. a 1 pound per 60 men per day. b Others issued as approved by local commanding officer. (See note 32.) a 3 liounds per animal may be issued in lieu of equal weight of grain. a 2 grain rations per animal, carried in field trains, 1 per draft animal additional carried on vehicles, initial allowance. a 12 pounds per horse weighing less than 1,300 pounds, 14 pounds per horse over 1,300 pounds in weight, 9 pounds per mule. c 14 pounds per horse weighing less than 1,300 pounds, 17 pounds per horse 1,300 pounds or over in weight, 14 pounds per mule. a 1/6 cord per kitchen and incinera- tor fire pei- day. b As directed by local commanding officer. a 5 gallons per kitchen fire per day when oil burners are provided. b As directed by local commanding officer. b As directed by local commanding officer; normal allowance is 4 pounds per man per day, the maximum normal allowance to any organization or detachment of less than 100 men being 100 pounds daily and for each man in excess of 100 men, 1 pound per day. & 10 pounds per latrine per day. b 4 pounds per company per month, in barracks. Other issues as approved by local commanding officer. b 1 per 60 men per month in bar- racks. a 2 boxes per company per day. b As directed by local command- ■ manding officer. b 1 gallon per day per latrine. b 1 gallon per day per each 50 ani- mals. o 1/2 pint per day per lantern issued. b As directed by local command- ing officer. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 207 Article. (A) (War set) for field and garrison service. (B) Additional, for use at posts and at camps or stations of a relatively permanent nature. Remarks. PaT>pr toilpt a a a a 1 roll or 1,000 sheets to each 60 Powder, hypochlorite of lime, tubes. Salt rock men per day. a 1 pound per 20 animals per day. Soap: Scouring - b b b b b b b 6 cakes per company per month Issue - a in barracks. Other issues as ap- proved by local commanding officer. a 1 pound per 24 men per day. b As directed by local command- ing officer. b 30 pounds per man per month. Straw: For bed sack For latrine i- - - 6 15 pounds per day per latrine. For picket line b 30 pounds per day per 50 animals. 6 100 pounds per month per animal. Vinegar a a 1 pint per 40 animals per day. Note 10. — Allowances of tableware, kitchen utensils, china and glass- ware for use in barracks. Tableware and kitchen utensils. Article. Cleavers Cutters, meat (sau- sage machine or meat chopper) as desired. Dippers Forks, meat Forks, table--.- Graters Knives, bread Knives, butcher -_ Knives, table Ladles, soup Mills, coffee Openers, can Pans, dish Pans, frying Saws, meat Scales and weights. - Equip- ment B. Notes. Per 50 men. Per 30 men. Per 10 men. Do. Per man. Per 30 men. Per 15 men. Do. Per man. Per 10 men. Per company or detach- ment mess- ing sepa- arately. Per 30 men__ Per 15 men. Do. Per 30 men. Per company or detach- mentmess- ing sepa- rately. Article. Sets, carving Sieves, flour Skimmers Spoons, basting Spoons, mustard Tablespoons Teaspoons CHINA AND GLASSWARE Boats, gravy Bowls Bowls, sugar Boxes, pepper Cruets, vinegar Cups -. Dishes, pickle Dishes, vegetable Pitchers, sirup Pitchers, water Plates, dinner Plates, soup Platters, meat Pots, mustard Saltcellars Saucers Tumblers Equip- ment B. Notes. Per 30 men. Per 50 men. Per 30 men. Per 10 men. Per 5 men. Per man. . Do. Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per 5 men. man. 5 men. Do. 12 men. man. 8 men. 2 men. 2 men. 10 men. man. Do. 10 men. 5 men. Do. man. Do. Annual allowance, 20 per cent breakage. 208 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Note 18. — Pins, poles, stoves, etc., for tents. The following table shows the number of pins, poles, and stoves (when prescribed) for each kind of tent: Pins. Poles. Stoves Kind of tent. 1. 1 i 3 .2 4.; =^ l§ i (0 0. ^ .2. *§ 2 ^ a, 1 5 r 1 Pi 3 |3 J3 •c 2.2 CO f CO ■g-^ w > o CO • 1 Pyramidal 28 28 1 s 1 Shelter 10 2 Storage and fly. 44 ^6 1 3 8 1 1 7 7 7 6 1 1 Wall, large and fly 18 ?6 1 2 1 2 2 Wall.smallandfly 22 18 1 2 1 1 ^ Note 19. — Chest, arm repair, M. 1910, for U. S. rifle, caliber 30, M. 1903, comprises the following: TOOLS. 1 anvil. 1 awl, eyelet, for putting eyelets in belt. 8 drifts, assorted. 1 drift. No. 3. 1 drift, No. 4. 1 extractor, bullet jacket. 1 file, 6-inch, hand. 1 file, 6-inch, round. 1 file, 6 inches, 3-cornered. 1 hammer, brass. 1 hammer, steel. 3 handles, for files. 1 handle, tool, containing 10 tools. 1 oiler, with cap. 1 pliers, flat nose. 1 pliers, round nose. 1 saw, crosscut, with detachable handle. 1 screw driver. No. 1. 1 screw driver. No. 2. 1 set, eyelet. 1 set. No. 1. 1 tool, for assembling safety lock on sleeve. 1 vise, 1.25 pounds. CLEANING MATERIAL. 2 pints cosmic. 250 patches cotton flannel, cut. 250 patches, Tampa flannel, cut. 3 pints sperm oil. SPARE PARTS (RIFLE). 2 bases, movable. 2 bolts, with extractor collars, assembled. 2 catches, bayonet. 2 catches, floor plate. 10 covers, front sight (appendages to rifle). 5 ejectors. 4 extractos. SPARE PARTS (rifle) — continued. 2 leaves. 3 locks, safety, complete, each consisting of: 1 piece, safety lock thumb. 1 plunger, safety lock. 1 spindle, safety lock. 1 spring, safety lock. 2 mainsprings. 15 pieces, cocking, and firing pin rods, as- sembled. 5 pins, ejector. 2 pins, floor plate. 5 pins, front sight. 10 pins, slide cap. 5 plungers, cut-off. 2 screws, cut-off. 2 screws, lower band. 5 screws, slide binding. 5 screws, slide cap. 2 screws, stacking swivel. 2 screws, windage, assembled. 5 sights, front. 3 sleeves, assembled. 6 slides-, and slide caps, assembled. 6 slides, drift.- 2 springs, base. 2 springs, bayonet. 5 springs, cut-off. 2 springs, floor plate. 15 strikers. 1 swivel, stacking. TOOLS for REPAIRING SNAP FASTENERS. 1 anvil, for snap fastener body. 1 anvil, for snap fastener stud. 1 stud set. For shoes. 2 quarts oil, neat's-foot. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 209 For belts. 50 eyelets. 50 washers, for eyelets. SPARE PARTS (pISTOL). 2 extractors. 1 mainspring. 2 screws, stock. spare parts (pistol) — continued. 2 springs, firing pin. 2 springs, recoil. 2 springs, sear. TOOLS FOR CLEANING PISTOL. 10 brushes, thong, 10 rods, cleaning. 10 screw drivers. Chest, arm repair, M. 1917, for U, S. rifle, cal. 30, M. 1917, comprises the following: TOOLS. 1 anvil. 1 awl, eyelet, for putting eyelets in belts. 1 brace. 1 brace screw driver, flat, .25. 1 brace screw driver, flat, .312. 1 brace screw driver, flat, .406. 1 drift. No. 3. 1 drift. No. 5. 1 drift, No. 7. 1 extractor, bullet jacket. 1 extractor, ruptured cartridge. 1 file, 6 inches, hand. 1 file, 6 inches, round. 1 file, 6 inches, 3 -cornered. 1 hammer, brass. 1 hammer, steel. 1 handle, detachable, for saw. 3 handles, for files. 1 handle, tool, containing 10 tools. 1 oiler, with cap. 1 pliers, flat nose. 1 pliers, round nose. 1 saw, crosscut. 1 screw driver, hand, flat. 1 screw driver, rear sight joint bolt. 1 screw driver, straddle, hand (bayonet catch thumb piece). 1 screw driver, sjtraddle, hand (stock bolt nut). 1 screw driver, straddle, hand (R. S. J. bolt nut). 1 set, eyelet. 1 set, for expanding the ends of swivel screw, 1 tool, for adjusting front sight. 1 vise, 1.25 pounds. SPARE PARTS FOR U. S. RIFLE. 2 bolts, with extractors collars, assembled. 4 catches, floor plate. 15 ejectors. 8 extractors. 5 holders, safety lock. 5 locks, safety. SPARE PARTS FOR u. s. RIFLE — Continued. 5 mainsprings. 10 pieces, cocking. 4 pins, floor plate. 5 plungers, safety lock. 12 rests, bolt stop spring. 4 screws, bolt stop. 5 screws, safety lock holder. 20 screws, swivel. 4 sights, rear, assembled, each consisting of: 1 catch, slide. 1 pin. 1 screw, stop. 1 slide, 1 leaf. 1 spring. 5 sleeves. 4 springs, bolt stop. 4 springs, floor plate. 4 springs, rear sight, base. 5 springs, safety lock plunger. 2 stops, bolt. 30 strikers. 4 swivels, lower band. 4 swivels, stacking. SPARE PARTS FOR BAYONET. 4 catches, bayonet. 4 pieces, bayonet catch spring. 4 springs, bayonet catch. CLEANING MATERIAL. 2 pints cosmic.* 500 patches cotton flannel, cut. 6 pints oil, sperm. 500 patches Tampa flannel, cut. TOOLS FOR REPAIRING SNAP FASTENERS. 1 anvil, for snap fastener body. 1 anvil, for snap fastener stud. 1 stud set. For belts. 100 eyelets. 100 washers, for eyelets. 210 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Note 31 (Extract), Kitchen, Field, Lib ERTY Rolling (250 Men), horse drawn. Component parts and utensils. 1 ax, single bit, Kelley. 2 bake pans. 1 board, cutting, with hinges. 1 body, limber. 4 boxes, bread. 4 buckets, G. I. 4 carriers, kettle. 1 chest, cook's. 1 cleaver. 10 corers, apple and pear. 4 covers, dust. 2 dippers, 1 quart. 1 dipper, French, 2 quarts. 1 egg whip, French, hotel style. 4 fireless cookers. 1 foot rest. 2 forks, cook's. 2 forks, meat. 3 handles, ax. 2 hooks, pan. 8 kettles. 2 kettle inserts. 2 knives, boning, or skinners. 2 knives, bread. 2 knives, butcher. 1 ladle, hotel, 2j^-inch bowl. 1 ladle, hotel, 3M-iiich bowl. 1 lantern, Dietz Empire. 1 lantern, Dietz Vesta. ^ 1 meat grinder. 1 padlock, chain and hasp. 1 poker. 2 potato mashers, 3H inches diameter, 18 inches over all. 1 saucepan, hotel, 4K inches high, 5 inches diameter. 1 saucepan, hotel, SJi inches high, 5 inches diameter. 1 saw, meat. 1 seat, driver's. 1 shovel. 1 skimmer, hotel. 2 spatulas. 4 spoons, basting. n 1 steel, butcher's. 1 stove. 1 support, seat. trailer. Component parts and utensils. 1 ax, single bit, Kelley. 2 bake pans. 1 board, cutting, with hinges. 1 body, limber. 4 boxes, bread. 4 buckets, galvanized iron. trailer — continued. Component parts and utensils. 4 carriers, kettle. •I chassis, complete, with two auto-truck wheels, mud guards, springs, fenders, and axle, includes: 2 axles. 2 blocks, wood hub. 1 doubletree. 1 frame, limber chassis. 1 frame, trailer, chassis, spring, axles, spring clips, blocks, chains, draw bar, props. 1 hammer, doubletree. 1 headbar, 62>^ inches, lap link. 2 holders, cast-iron hub block. 1 pole, or tongue, less neck chains. 4 singletrees. 4 wheels, front. 1 wrench, axle. 1 chest, cook's. 1 cleaver. 10 corers, apple and pear. 4 covers, dust. 2 dippers, 1 quart. 1 dipper, French, 2 quarts. 1 egg whip, French, hotel style. 4 fireless cookers. 2 forks, cook's. 2 forks, meat. 3 handles, ax. 2 hooks, pan. 8 kettles. 2 kettle inserts. 2 knives, boning, or skinners. 2 knives, bread. 2 knives, butcher. 1 ladle, hotel, 2 1^ -inch bowl. 1 ladle, hotel, 3^-inch bowl. 1 lantern, Dietz Empire. 1 lantern, Dietz Vesta. 1 meat grinder. 1 padlock, chain, and hasp. 1 poker. 2 potato mashers, 3^ inches diameter, 18 inches over all. 1 saucepan, hotel, 4^ inches high, 5 inches diameter. 1 saucepan, hotel, 5% inches high, 5 inches diameter. 1 saw, meat. 1 shovel. 1 skimmer, hotel. 2 spatulas. 4 spoons, basting. 1 steel, butcher's. 1 stove. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 211 it •SUBldjlB \ g 1 1 •90UB|nquiB \ :^ -H^ i. -^^ ^ :^ :f::3^ :^:^ •dot[S tsrS'M 1 -^-M :?: :^ ;:^:st -::?: •■a3\p%\7i'J0\ivj%\ -^- i :^'^ ^ :^ ^:s; -:^ •03-IB0 j9iiBj:i I -^ i:^^::^ < :5^ :3^:3^ :?::^ ;^^'^'- ; ^^-^ ^ ^ :s::5^ -^^^ •Ss9I JO suoj z 'Jiorui I :^:i:'^'- i -H^^ ^ ^ :?^:3^ '^:^ UBD asSusssBd I :3^ ^^ ; ^-<^ ^ :i: :^:3^ :^:?^ -■ •apAojoioiu X ^ ^S« 1 i: s < ^ :3^:^ :^ •apAoiq I - :^ •ainui JO asaon ':^u9uidtnb9 SuipiJ sa9s 001 •juaiudmbg lBUOSJ9d puB SS911I Sa9S 001 r9iqnop •ss9UiBq s:ias OOT ^ -Moq JO sunS f - •rf ro^f*; N -H-^^ tN 1 ^ •suna j^uBi J 9 p u n o d-9 '■aim-i£ 'sunS e - f^ fO-HCN ::?:;:?::^ ^ i '^ •sun3 9uiqoBui9i • OOO ^ ^:i:^ '-' j •sun3 M - :^:^:^ -" i •S9UU -o^ne.g •* :^ *" i •sagu 001 -* g :^ 8^ i •sio^sid 001 ;2:^ '^ ! /J < c a :1 • b H b : 6 il 1^ I " c ig 1 c ^^ c '1 .H .S Jj Si -Si II SI s 1 t 1 1 1 c 1 C > 1 I C 1 c i > c 'i O c 1 c 2 1 1 C 2 J •1 w O 6 1 so c 'S o ll U 1 c il > c( c c 1 ■g i li 1 : IP- m i 1 ^ 1 il Q 212 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION •auBldiiB \ ::^ 1 •aauBinqoiB i :s; ^> 2 •doqs :^ '-i^ -^ •uaqo^i^'jaireJii ::^ ::?::!^ 1 1 •OSXBO S9l\Vll I :^ ^> ■SUO'l :^ :^:s^ •SS9I JO :s^ :^:?; 1 ■ v. ■5 •jBo jaauassBd \ :3^ :^^ ::?: •9pAoio%om I ^ ^< 2 •apADtq I i ^«0 lO up 00 fC -^ -HO •suna 31ub; J 3 p u n o d-9 '•uim-/i: *sun3 £ ts — ■^-•^-^ s^x«^;^^ :^ lO •sunaamqoBuiQi IN ««* ^•^^(N't ■* o '- •suna autqoBui -y 'V Z 1*^ C^J ^^ :^ ^ i •sayij -o^nB g 00 I c c ■| a. 1 > c I/- PC J IL "c •^ II ;«< -1 1 u- p<- J 1 ' a > 1 c ^^ a 1 a! 2 1 -S c 1 i: i •' DC c 1 c c 1 1 J 55 c o lis en o rt C E c O 1 "rt bi 1 c 1 Q O c '1 1 > T c to Q O c 2 bi 1 1 ■fc 1 c 1 2 c Q O bi _c -a 3 D "S g 2 "rt bi _E rt 0, c 1 1 ? c E 1 o g ft fin I o i "^ s o 1 c 3 s bi c o 1 E "a , c 1 B COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 213 :^'' :^ :^ :^ :?: ^:?^::?: :^ ST) Q,tO ;h2 c3Z ;U3 1 m I'd c o ;8:^ -t-i TTl .1^ rH »H ,,? „, c «. .. c c-« ft •a o 0-2 b . ^ 3 O J2 ^ ^ Q^ P Ui VI V3 APPENDIX III BLANK FORMS PERTAINING TO GOVERNMENT IN- SURANCE AND FAMILY ALLOWANCE These blank forms are prepared in accordance with S. R. No. 72 APPUCATION FOR FAMILY ALLOWANCE No. .. 1?.3.^7S65_ (MyxrUIr Form iB-R,TiK<»4-w INFORMATION FOR ALLOTMENT OF PAY For th« Army: A duplicate of this form must be retained with the service record (Aiuutr ALL ^ualtani; llot ALL InformaUan rtquultJ; if nal lyptmlUtn. uu cttar legible hanimlllnf, preferably prinl-ianj arillni ) My mm h VVditcr. .GAa.m.in Cdpp.s ^.3T}jlyif. HomcpoMcfiu R.,.i=: n, JOo. J 6i.d.ucah -, ./ly. Age .3e> ,. (No. MdstrMtorn^ route) (City, towD, or post offlcej ( (Nearest MrtM*/) BMh >Siiiae..5.,.iA&Si,..Eidu£^h,M\i^. . &«.« ..4^h....lQ^.\.%]&.. Pay. s..H.L (Drts) ' , '(Ptooe) "^ / (Dale odMlentrano Into actirewrrt,*) (Prewnt paj In U.S.) Cha^:......j[)^td...jg^t.7f.c..py.t...W^ / ^ ' (CtuuDfesin ranJcor pay, uany.smcc Not. 1, 1917) 1, imrt -NONE -InUkt •iwnprtela N. CLASS A— ALLOTMENTS COMPULSORY \d noiM iXAer. tart* ulUitn Oau A (wife, former aife ilmrceJ, at chlU. a JefintJ m the Act of Oetehr 6, 1917). If IM eWm <>elii(.la(eilKa«a Car.Tt.a.aPea OCu K r^ X Ky. Mmk |dw[ m^^i^ W^t^-Ji UNaC ElM'Na- 1 allotmnit atiouIJ bo mada on S. and A. Form No. «. ..y.jS.0.0.. Altotmrats In CIbb B but b« CLASS B-ALLOTMENTS NOT COMPULSORY mlr to Cbe following relatives: pftreot ((atber. mother, gnndla f sister, stepbroUier. stepsister, adopted brother, adopted 8ist«i for Oats B, to itgin on tht Ja^ of iOAm Suit I r '! r IMNKTAMT NOTICE.-I/ «aa4a . nis lonn •baakl b* Bad lor lb* sUolBat a( par onlj lo i«hUni ipaeiflMi aboT* ia Claa A and Claa I ror all otb« aUoUBaDls r, uQ S. Bid A. Fooa No. «1a tba NsTT. /< Oil yar first appUuUon for efftMncc } fe^ .S.- W *«• artah t. I Aeraiy evUfu iktd oil lie forefoint ' tttry monkr s/ Oou B for aUm I liolm fin i tp m tmt upon mtfor support In mMo or In port (Cotamlealoijil «• iiniit oiniiiV (SitnUre Li^OuOLM^ 1 Notes, Form \B. — When an enlisted man having a Class A or Class B allotment is dis- charged, the allotment will be closed by pro-rating it to include date of separation from active service. On the reenlistment of a man having Class A or Class B dependents a new form 1-B will be prepared tn accordance with paragraph 13, Special Regulations No. 72, War Depart- ment, 1919. The effective date of these allotments will be in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 31 and 35, Special Regulations No. 72, War Department, 1919. // the reenlistment is made the day following date of discharge the new original form \-B will be forwarded to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, attached to the Notice of Discharge {Treasury Department, B.W.R.I., Form 333). {Cir. No. 356, W. D. 1919.) 214 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 215 (BeriMd Oct., 1»18) APPUCATION FOR INSURANCE r3.g.KLiia.*»i.iJ!i Cjt^pjp?, (kuA) (UnnliiM) Mu Army nerial numbtr is ( Mj Ajmy Mriil number.) My fun name b Wjd.l.tc.y::. (FInt) . _ , HomeaJJrc»- ^J^.J^U^Yla^.i ^Aii.C^h iCV- (No, tod street or rur»l louw) (City, town, or post oflloe) fSa DaU of birth .djiM.^- jJS. /A6§- Agt .3/^ (KODth) (I).y) (Ye«) (N««« blrtlKtor) DaU of last udisbnai or airy irdo actiee sertict^ .•^.A€^^^..J.-0,._J.f7,J..Q. ^ ^OlTen»Hth,»r) / herthy apply for insurance in the sum of f _j«5...fe?jQ.O-«.— - payable, as provided in the War Risk Insurance Ad, to myself durirxg total permanent disability and from and after my death to thefollouing persons in the following amotmis: POST-OFFICE ADDKESS (•)N..u.dit,M«n..lM. momt or i TO K rAID TO UCB KHOICUIT Di x;^ the Witnessed by: . Rank S Comitumding Si'r'Sfb C<>,u^..........Co..MM'^ (IUnkar|itlai!) (Orgaoiution) F (This apace for any notationa insuiance officers may deem Note, Form lA. — Men now entering the service may, within 120 days after enlistment or entry into the active military or naval service, apply for permanent government insurance without first applying for term insurance. (Cir. 434, W. D.. 3919.) 216 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Ja*Qj»oc« premjnmi v« Dot to b* prant«& DUPLICATE ..CiWU.JBCMl7^Nded'n oentd NMno DATIPSP]! HKfliy. Mess Sgt.Co A/*fe%1?"'t'nf sreerl as .ol{[S'o'T'^5th.Inf_ ^" {GridVind orgaouaiion M ium Vipl^Hnf'lor'inJuriii")" forii uii D»te of Birtb; jI«n9..a,iS.7.4 „. Drteof Enlirtmenf: _jlJi»«_a*jaiS — (DkU.) 193»^ tfiZZUZ _ i.) (AnnySwWNo.) JLo..iiUfttjBftn*.JL.or.a _ •t Umii of (pplylnr (or aUotmut utf allonaoa.) IRSURARCE: Certificate Ko. . Dateefloctivc ^..A\>M..^9...J^?.M 643 15th St,BaXtiin6pe,Md. Addrcn Jor future rcleroncc.. AIXOTHEIfT JLSD iXLOWAITCE: •AUotnentNo.—.JiSSS- Allotteee MSSi Amcnuit cbaijed for allotment on final payment, Doe TI. S. on account of allotment* ^°!y!?Pj.'Mt^. N«-!.?nj»..5U»AtJb.. .iBt..I.t,£SU».Inf Com'd'g....Co.JL,fi5ih.Ii>C. NOTICE OF SEPARATION FROM ACTIVE SERVICE.-Treasury Demrtment.-BubEAU OFJVar Risk INSURANCE.-Form 883. i.»mm.i • 8m Eoctlos » of lutiuctloni. notes: — FORM 3i3. INSTRUCTIONS TO COMMANDING OFFICERS {On Back of Form 333) 1. This form will be submitted to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance in duplicate for every enlisted man separated from active service in the United States Army. 2. Information required which can not be obtained by reference to records will be secured from the enlisted man; information obtained from the man will be so indicated by a reference to this paragraph, "(See 2)." 3. The form will be typewritten when practicable, extreme care being taken that all information called for is given. 4. Last name, first name, and middle name must appear in full; do not abbreviate. Grade and organization, as per second hne, is the grade and organization at time of applying for insurance and allotment and allowance, not grade and organization at time of separation from service. 5. Under reason for separation from active service will be inserted cause of separation, furlough to the reserve, indefinite furlough. If demobiliza- tion, state so; if not, specific reason for discharge, especially noting if by reason of Sec. 29, War Risk Act. In cases of discharge after indefinite furlough (agricultural or industrial furlough), furnish date when furlough began, and, if man has returned to active service before being discharged, the date of his return to active service following the furlough. The. date of discharge should be supplied in all cases, as well as pay status and com- plete checkage during furlough and during the period between recall from furlough and date of discharge. 6. Under "Insurance," the names of the beneficiaries as shown on the record will be given; if such information is not of record, it will be given as stated by the soldier; the amount of the monthly premium w'll be entered and the last month for which premium was checked on pay roll inserted. Insurance premiums shall be deducted for each month, but not for the month in which the discharge is effective, unless the discharge is effective the last day of the month In case the soldier has not applied for insurance the words "No insurance carried" will be written in the space reserved for "Names of Beneficiaries." COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 217 7. The probable future address of the soldier will be ascertained and stated in the appropriate space. 8. Under "Allotment and Allowance" the names of the allottees aa shown on the record will be given; or if such information is not of records it will be given as stated by the soldier (see 2 above). The amount charged for allotment on final payment in each case will be stated. In case the soldier has made no allotment, the word "None" will be written in the space reserved for "Names of Allottees." 9. Allotments will be prorated to include date of separation from service. If the enlisted man has not sufficient pay due him to satisfy his allotment to and including the date of separation from service, the amount of the deficiency will be indicated as "Due U. S. on account of allotment." 10. The original and duplicate will be signed by the company or detach- ment commander and transmitted to the camp personnel adjutant, who will mail both directly to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Treasury Department, Washington. D. C. NOTES ON FORM 333 (fl) Upon discharge or separation from active service officers will prepare the following certi- ficate and mail it to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C: "I certify that all premiums due and payable to date for any war risk insurance granted to me have been fully paid either directly to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance or by deduction made by me on my pay-vouchers during the period of my military service." (Fvdl Name) (Rank) (Home Address) (Cir. 38, W. D., 1919.) (6) So much of Circular No. 38, War Department, 1919, as directs that the certificate of payment of insurance premiums described therein be mailed to the Bureau of War Risk Insur- ance, is amended so as to direct that the certificate be attached to the Notice of Discharge, Form 333, Treasury Department, B. W. R. I., and forwarded with it directly to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. (Cir. 137, W. D., 1919.) (c) // has been brought to the attention of the War Department that Notices of Discharge (Treasury Department, B. W. R. I., Form 333) are forwarded to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance without being completed or containing the full information required. Many thousands of these forms have been received on which the date of discharge has not been entered. Commanding officers of camps, posts and stations will require organization commanders and personnel adjutants to carefully check Notices of Discharge in order to see that they are complete before forwarding them to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance. (Cir. 57, W. D., 1919.) {d) In connection with Circular No. 57, War Department, 1919, many Notices of Discharge {Treasury Department, B. W. R. I., Form 333) have been received at the Bureau of War Risk Insurance on which the reason for discharge is not stated as required by paragraph 5 of the printed instructions on the back of the original form. It is not sufficient to state that the enlisted man was discharged in compliance with telegraphic instructions from The Adjutant General of the Army, or in accordance with the provisions of any general or special order. The reason for discharge must be stated as required by paragraph 5 of the instructions. The provisions of the second Paragraph of Circular No. 57, War Department, 1919, will be strictly complied with. (Cir. 161, W. D., 1919.) (e) Under the provisions of Circular No. 9, War Department, 1919, as amended by Cir- cular No. 28, War Department, 1919, insurance premiums will not be prorated for the month in which an enlisted man is discharged, but if a soldier has not been paid for the month prior to his discharge, premium for a full month will be deducted on his final statements and notation in accordance therewith made on the Notice of Discharge, Treasury Deparlrfient, B. W. R. I., Form 333. For example: An enlisted.man is discharged on June 15, 1919; he had not been paid for May and his monthly insurance premium is $6.50, then a deduction of $6.50 should be made on his final statements for insurance premium for May, no deduction being made for the 15 days in June. In such case the words "Pay Roll" should be lined out on lleForm 333 and the words "Final Statements" substituted therefor. (Cir. 337, W. D., 1919.) 218 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Bureau of War Risk Insurance. Form 526*— Revised April, 1919. File No. C APPLICATION OF PERSON DISABLED IN AND DIS- CHARGED FROM SERVICE READ WITH GREAT CARE All papers which you send this Bureau, with reference to this claim, should bear your full name and your rank and organization in the service, as well as the file number on the upper right-hand corner of this page. You must furnish the information called for in this application and sup- port your answers by the proof called for in the following instructions. Every question must be answered fully and clearly. Answers and affi- davits must be written in a clear, readable hand or typewritten. 'If you do not know the answer to any question, say so. 1. Forward a certified copy of your certificate of discharge from the service with this application. If you obtained a certificate from the Director of this Bureau that at the time of your discharge or resignation you were suffering from an injury likely to result in disability or death, forward original or certified copy of such certificate also. 2. You may submit the opinion of your attending or examining physi- cian on the inclosed form, or, if you are in a hospital or sanitarium, send a copy of the hospital report or record in your case, showing your physical condition, the origin, nature, extent, and probable duration of your dis- ability. 3. Marriage must be proven by a certified copy of the public or church record, or if this is not obtainable, by the affidavit of the clergyman or magistrate who officiated, or by the affidavits of two eye-witnesses to the ceremony, or of two persons who have personal knowledge of the marriage. If either party was divorced from a former wife or husband, a certified copy of the court order or decree of divorce is required. 4. Your wife and children must be shown to be living by the affidavit of two persons who shall state whether you are divorced, and whether you, your wife and children are living together or apart. 5. Ages of children for whom compensation is claimed must be shown by a certified copy of the public record of birth or the church record of baptism, if available, or by the affidavits of two persons explaining why the records are not obtainable and giving the name of the child, the date and place of birth, and the names of both parents. A stepchild for whom compensation is claimed must be shown to be a member of your house- hold by the affidavits of two perons; and if claim is made for an adopted child, certified copy of the court order or decree of adoption is necessary. 6. If additional compensation is claimed for a dependent parent, rela- tionship must be shown by a certified copy of the public record of the claimant's birth, or the church record of his baptism, or, if these are not obtainable, by the affidavits of two persons. Affidavits of two persons are also required setting forth the location and value of all property, real and personal, owned by the parent for whom compensation is claimed, his or her physical condition, employment and earnings if any, and the total monthly income of such parent as well as the disabled person's monthly contribution to his or her support. PENALTY Sec. 25. That Whoever in any claim for family allowance, compensation, or insurance or in any document required by this act, or by regulations made under this act, makes any statement of a material fact knowing it to be false, shall be g^uilty of perjury and shall be punished by a fine of not more than $5,000, or by imprisonment for not more than two years, or both. *Form 526 is a 4-page form. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 219 1. Full name (Given name.) (Middle name.) (Last name.) 2. Address (Number.) (Street.) (City or town.) (State.) 3. Under what name did you serve ? (a) Serial No 4. Color Date of birth Place of birth 5. Make a cross (X) after branches of* service you served in: General Service Limited Service Army Navy Marine Corps Coast Guard 6. Date you last entered service Place of entry 7. Rank or rating at time of discharge 3. Company and regiment or organization, vessel, or station in which or on which you last served 8a. Give fully any other service in the military or naval forces, stating rank and organization 9. Date and place of last discharge 10. Cause of discharge 11. Nature and extent of disability claimed 12. Date disability began 13. Cause of disability 14. When and where received 15. Did you receive treatment at an Army or Navy Hospital ? '_ (a) If so, state name and location of the hospital 16. Occupations and wages before entering service: (Occupation.) (Monthly wages.) (Dates.) (Occupation.) (Monthly wagds.) (Dates.) (Occupation.) (Monthly wages.) (Dates.) 17. Last two employers before entering service: (Employer's name.) (Address.) (Time employed.) (Employer's name.) (Address.) (Time employed.) 220 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 18. Occupation since discharge, dates of each, and wages received. If less than before, why ? (Occupation.) (Commencing date.) (Ending date.) (Monthly wages.) (Occupation.) (Commencing date.) (Ending date.) (Monthly wages.) (Occupation ) (Commencing date.) (Ending date.) 19. Present employer _ (Monthly wages.) (Address.) (Full name.) 20. Name and address of attending physician 21. Are you confined to bed? Do you require constant nurs- ing or attendance ? 22. Name and address of nurse or attendant 23. Are you willing to accept medical or surgical treatment if furnished ? 24. Are you single, married, widowed, or divorced ? 25. Times married 26. Date and place of last mar- riage 27. Times present wife has been married 28. Maiden name of wife 29. Do you live together? 30. Have you now living a child or children, including stepchildren and adopted children, under eighteen years of age and unmarried ?_ 31. If so, state below full. name of each child and date of birth; if a step- child or adopted child, so state, and give date stepchild became a member of your household or date adopted child was adopted by you. Name of child. Date of birth. Name and address of person Day. Month. Year. with whom child lives. (Given.) (Middle.) (T.ast.) i . 1 1 32. Have you a child of any age who is insane, idiotic, or otherwise per- manently helpless ? 33. State whether your parents are living together, separated, divorced, or dead 34. Give name and address of each parent living COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 221 35. Age of mother Age of father 36. (a) Is your mother now dependent on you for support?. (b) Is your father now dependent on you for support? (c) If so, give your average monthly contribution to your mother, $ ; your father, $ 37. (a) Value of all property owned by your mother, $ ; your father, $ (b) What is the monthly income of your mother, $ ; your father, $ 38. Did you make an allotment of your pay? _ 39. If so, to whom.? 40. Give number of any other claim filed on account of this disability and place where filed 41. Did you ever apply for War Risk Insurance? (a) When and where? (b) Insurance certificate number 42. Name of beneficiary I make the foregoing statements as a part of my claim with full knowledge of the penalty provided for making a false statement as to a material fact in a claim for compensation or insurance. (Signature of claimant.) Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ day of , 19 __ by , claimant, to whom the statements herein were fully made known and explained. Notary Public. We, the undersigned, severally solemnly swear that we have known the claimant whose name is subscribed above years, and that we have read the statements made by him, and the facts stated are true to the best of our knowledge and belief. (Signature of witness.) (Address of witness.) (Signature of witness.) (Address of witness.) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19 Notary Public. 222 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION NOTES TO FORM 526. (a) The following interpretation of the term "pay for last month of active service" as used in the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned in computing the rate of base pay received by an officer or enlisted man during his last month of service which rate under the provisions of subparagraph B, paragraph 1, Cir- cular No. 114, War Department, 1919, must be indorsed on Form 526, Treasury Department, B. W. R. I. 1. Pay in the Army and Marine Corps for the purpose of the Act of October 6, 1917, in- cluded (a) bcise pay, with the increase thereof granted by section 10 of the Act of May 18, 1917; (b) continuous-service pay; and excludes all other forms of pay such as extra-duty pay, pay for marksmanship, rated positions, certificate of merit, aviation increase, foreign-service pay. (Cir. 146. W. D., 1919.) (6) The following decision of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance as to whether or not insur- ance officers or other officers assisting in that work are authorized to administer oaths in exe- cuting Form 526, Treasury Department, B. W. R. I., is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: "It will be sufficient for the purposes of the Bureau if the compensation application. Form 526. is executed by the claimant and signed by him in the presence of an officer, who will sign as witness to the claimant's signature and the veracity of his statements. An application executed under such circumstances, although not sworn to, will be accepted by the Bureau as the basis of adjudicating the compensation application of a soldier at the time of his separation from the service." (Cir. 158, W. D., 1919.) T ; RBK ISSURAXCE CHANCE OF BENEHCIARY OF WAR RISK INSURANCE (Form lo be used wLen h»u»d Is out oj the service) My full name is Waiter! /^.M ja*K.|^-..: -CAi (OlTOi.) (WBille.) (Last Hojne address 1?..F.I1 Y%J ^J^JoC^U J.fy. _ (Number end street or rural route ) -^ (City, toirn, or post offloe-J (Jlate.) I hereby cancel all previous designations of beneficiaries and direct that my insurance under the Act of October 6, 1917, which amounts to $..-«2-Q-OO..i...., be paid'from and after my death to the following persons in the following amounts : Plafher Name of BENBnaARV (If married woman, her Christian name mu«t be given.) y^Ary jT/ZcK? ^^PF^ X XX The..^.6^dayof. "Jr^h^ Witn essed \i> service, whichever date Is the later; ttepchSk), II a member ol the Insured's household; illci Itlmite child, but, II the lusure Olid hrothpr-anil«i^i.r.thr.»:i'i.3.i..pii.i.. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 223 ^IW^AEFRT pEPARTMENT^ (B«fore fillinc Out this application be sure to read instrnctioM OB tlie back.) APPLICATION FOR CONVERSION OF GOVERNMENT WAR RISK INSURANCE Issued on the Yearly Renewable Term Plan, in accordance with the provisions of the War Risk Insuiance Act. Use ink and make separate application for each kind of insurance applied for. a. MyfnU JWY^±c.r:- (PI.— print or type.) (VM,t.) _ j (MiSdl.) 7^ (LuttaA.) 2. Home address i?.Hllu-_VlQ.^J Q^UCaJfl bfeiStL y / Xv : ._ (NWDm anJstTMt, or rural root*.) (Oty, town, or^O.) (Coontyo^ (St«l«| 3. I was bom at —^^^^uCO-K i^ o» the SZb day of O^^C . /Xe- /-ULCUZ^ ' (Iltoch number haa been asignad to yon.) 6. Present oi^ganization, ot ortpiiianlinn it Hntn nf rl i u a l i n ii i, [ ; i : Date of enlistment: ^/9**/0 Date of ditschaige: _^i Co...S:^jk£:t^.Tk£. (Buik,%kd«, or rstine.) (Org-niralioj, ic^ment, staUoo, chip, etc.) 8. Certificate No. j^sA^m. 7. Amount of War Risk Term Insurance, $.-,_5t) ^^- . . >. Last month for which Term premium was paid ..^.B-IQ^—/-(..^ ^— 10. Monthly Term premium paid, | v5r ^S 11. I apply for United States Gov^nment Life Insurance of $.*SvC?V » on the foUowing plan: _^CL Ordinary Life. 20-Payment life. : 30-Fayment Life. 20-Year Endowment 30-Year Endowment Endowment Mattaing at age C2. 12. I will pay premiums -JS. Monthly; Quarterly; Semiannually; Annually (Pnt cross ffluk |X] opposit* pbm nd method selected.) . ••reed thtt the Insurance herein spr^Ued for tbell not take effert until the tppllcatloD therefor has bete sppror ipeed that the lnsur«nco, herein epplied lot ihall take effect on the first ot the month tucooedinf the date at tht at Yearly Renewable To?m Insurance, parable on the flnt of thecnnat mantli,haa been jiald. If, hOTrr»«r,the m Insurance, payable on the first o( the current moiith,haa not been paid, than the cmvened Insurance shall tat applicaUon provided the premium on an equal ■ ^j amount of Yearly Renew- IrstotthecomntmonUi; but In take effect on the first o( the BENZnCIAKT OR BENEnCURIES OF INSURANCE HEREIN APPLIED FOR IN CASE OF MT DEATH. POST-OFFICE ADDRESS. i) Number and street. i) City, town, or P. O. and State. KK/fe (Fim.) 2. Ailen C^.pf^ (i) .J^A.cLtj:^^^J!(y. ^ 14. InaadUtoatetbc stad to Interest In an eqoal i . of the Irutirance on the Tearly Brarwable Term Flan, ed for, I hereby agree that all mv rl^ts and t of Yearly EenewaMe Term InsiiiMice heretofore nanted me under the War Risk Insutroce Act shall cease and delennine on the dny the heretofore (ranted to me, and in oooildenUim of therraotiugaf the United Et^Us Government Lite Insurance h The amoont ot Yearly Renewable Term Insonncs which continues In force shaU b* payable to the foUowin* bonoflcjariea. hereby revoked. BENEnCIART OR BENEnCIARIES OF YEARLY RDfEWABLB TERM INSURANCE HEREIN RETAINED. NAME OF BENEFICIARY. POST-OFFICE ADDRESS, (a) Number and stnat. (t) CltT, town, or P.O. and State nhe appUcanI .•ppaedfor. t must remit with this application a aim not leas than the amotmt of the first premium on the converted insurance (Draft } UcneyOrdari in the amount ol Check J WW wasinet mmaiy, quarttaa iwniwnnai, a . pcemina on tbe ctmveited insuraaca. INSTRUCTIONS. FOR EXECUTING YOUR APPLICATION (ON FORM 739) FOR THE CONVERSION OF YOUR GOVERNMENT INSURANCE. (On Back of Form 739) BEFORE you fiU out your application be sure to READ THESE IN- STRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. USE INK. Applications written in pencil cannot be accepted. WRITE PLAINLY. Failure to follow these instructions will cause delay in acting on your application. If you want to convert to more than one kind of insurance, you should fill out a separate application for each form of insurance desired. Address 224 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION all applications to the Conversion Section, Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Treasury Department, Washington, D, C. Keep a copy for yourself. 1. Name of applicant. — ^Your complete name is necessary. For ex- ample, do not state the name as "J- P- Jones," "John P. Jones," or "J. Paul Jones," but as "John Paul Jones." 2. Home address. — Your home address should be fully stated. If you live in a large city, state the complete name of the street, avenue, boulevard, or place, and give the house number. If you live in a town or village, GIVE ONLY THE NAME OF THE TOWN OR VILLAGE POST OFFICE FROM WHICH YOU RECEIVE YOUR MAIL, and rural route number, if any. 3. Date of Birth.— Give the EXACT date of your birth, and the name of the place where you were born. 4. Organization at time of applying for War Risk Insurance. — This is necessary to identify your application for Term Insurance. 5. Army serial number. — Your army serial number, marine corps service number, and date of enlistment should be stated. 6. Present organization or organization at date of discharge. — The organization and date of your discharge are important, and also your rank, grade, or rating, organization, regiment, station or ship, at the time of discharge. 7. The amount of Government Term Insurance. — The amount of your Term Insurance should be accurately stated. 8. Certificate number. — The number of the certifice issued for your Term Insurance should be stated. 9. Last month for which Term Premium was paid. — ^You should state the last month for which you paid your premium on Term Insurance. If the same has lapsed, it will be necessary for you to apply for reinstatement on Bureau Form No. 742, which may be obtained from the Conservation Section, Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Washington, D. C. Before converted insurance is issued, premium must be paid for the month of grace on the Term Insurance for the amount it is desired to reinstate, during which you were automatically protected. (See also par. 19.) 10. Monthly premium paid. — You should state the amount you have paid as monthly premium on Term Insurance. 11. The amount of insurance you desire to convert. — You should state the amount of insurance you desire to convert, and you should put an "X" before the plan selected. 12. Method of paying premiimis. — You should put an "X" in the proper space to show HOW you wish to pay premiums. 13. Beneficiaries under converted insurance. — You should write the name or names of beneficiaries in full. Do not state the name to be "Mrs. John Paul Jones," but it should be stated as "Mary Jane Jones." You should also state what relation the benficiary is to you, whether wife or husband, child, grandchild, parent, brother, or sister. 14. Term Insurance continued. — If you convert only part of your in- surance now and continue the remainder as Term Insurance, you should state the amount of Term Insurance you desire to continue. 15. Term Insurance beneficiaries. — If you continue a part of your in- surance on the term basis, the full name of the beneficiary for the Term Insurance must be stated in the space provided. 16. Signed at. — In this space should be written the name of the town and the date when application is signed. 17. Witness of signature. — Your signature must be witnessed by a dis- interested person, who should sign on the line indicated "Witnessed by." 18. Address of witness. — The address of the witness should also be stated on the Hne provided for this purpose. 19. Payment of premiimis. — Your application cannot be approved unless accompanied by a remittance to cover first premium in accordance with application. In making remittance by money order, strike out "draft' ' and "check;" if by draft, strike out "money order," and "check;" and if by check, strike out "money order" and "draft." You will then again sign your name in full- on line for that purpose, designated "Applicant sign here," at bottom of application. The Bureau can not accept stamps in payment of any premium or any part of premium. COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 225 NOTES ON FORM 739. (a) Duplicate application for conversion of Government War Risk Insurance (Treasury Department, B. W. R. /., Form 739) will not be sent to The Adjutant General of the Army for file. No duplicate is required unless the officer or enlisted man desires a copy for his per- sonal file. After notations have been made on the service record and pay card as required by Circular No. 288, War Department, 1919, the original will be forwarded to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance through the channels prescribed in paragraph 6, Special Regulations No 72 War Department, 1919. (Cir. 303, W. D., 1919.) (b) Where application for converted insurance is made without a prior application for term insurance, the date of the enlistment must be entered on the form in order that the Bureau of War Risk Insurance may be informed as to whether or not the application was executed within 120 days after enlistment. (Cir. 442, W. D., 1919.) (c) Treasury Decision No. 52 provides that the premium covered by deduction on the last day of any month shall be considered as paying for the full month following. It appears that in the preparation of Form 739 some officers are indicating this month in answer to Question 9 on the form and that others are stating the month in which the deduction was made. In order that the Bureau may be fully advised as to the period coveted by the last payment for term insurance, the words "Last month for which Term premium was paid" under Question 9, will be ruled out and the following words inserted, "Last premium for Term Insur- ance deducted on , 19 , payroll." (Cir. 563, W. D., 1919.) REENLISTMENT, Renewal of Authorization for Deduction from P*y— Yearly Renewable J'erm Insurance Premiums. This form is to be used only after reealisdnent or reentn ialo acdre serrica and onlf for the ptupoae of renewinf prerioal authorization of deduction from pay for Yearly Renewable Term buorahce. Rev iaiKuaaee and additional uutnance moat be appUe^ for on Treasury Department Form 2A. 1. Mj Army Serial No. ..^.^U-.T-ilt^— Certificate No. (if known to you) -.^. 2. My full name is.. HSiVi?!^ 1BWR£NCE. .XlflVXllSQli. (First.) • _J.\^ ^_. (Middle.) ^_ . (LMtli»a».)j 3. Home address ^/f.rS IZST.^ i^rt XOjAmTM.Or.-^t-l*^^ - - (Number and street or rural route.) (Caty, town, or poet offin.) 4. I was born on SdVy^S. 1.. J.S'?^- - Age, nearest birthday ^JUL'4A years. (Month.) (Dmy.) (yW.^ -j— ^ I Q I f* 5. Date of tliis enlistment or this entry into active service.. ..VJ.I/KlC. — 13- l.jXO- (Month.) (Day.) iy—t.) 6. Date of last discharge or laat separation .from active service ^\XV\Q^ 1. .^.^J-O-— - 7. Rank and organization at time of making original application for Yearly Renewabl e Term Insurance: ..me^.SL.;5a.t:._._ iCo.i?..^.45^HjTj3^ _ (Ran]corn4n«.) ' (OrgBnl»U<^_ 8. Amoimt of Yearly Renewable Term Insurance carried before reenlistment $ — .SlQ.O.O.m. 9. Of which I wish to continue %...5.QQQ_j>, - 10. Date of previous application or appUcations for Yearly Renewable Term Insurance .S^.V^.'.V. — LQ..,,ln}j-. 11. Last month for which premium was paid -..ll.rld-lV Lfvlxjl (Month.) f (Ye&r.) 12. This payment was made ..{Deduction. rom pay. ^ 13. Amount of premium payable each month during current fiscal year, $_..^.i.j(7-W- 14. I desire that my Yearly Renewable Term Insurance be payable to the following beneficiaries; any previous designation of beneficiaries is hereby revoked : BENEPICIARY OR BENEFICtARIES OF YEARLY RENEWABLE TERM INSURANCI HEREBY CONTINUED. UEL.tno.vsHiP TO Me. Name of Beneficiaby. I Post-Oitice Addbess. (If married woman her own Christian i must be.stated). (a) Number and street. (6) City, town, or postoffice, and State. .K?.e|?.he.yy:. (First. )^ (Middle.) (Last name.) (a) MHZ I5t''.5»: (a) - - (b) (a) (6) (t) ].5. I authorize the necessary monthly deductions from my pay, or if insufficient, from any deposit with the United States, in payment of the premiums as they become due. Signed at (on board) .^."t-.T^OLTTJ^iiy -/ll/ the ....3*-^.. day of jl7I?«.€_ , 19./. Witnessed by CU...1^i-(^:^^=^»<=^ {Sign liere) Rank Ct.*|*^.ff .fl^.-. Commanding .f?e.C..I-.w«.t'.iI]ef><>T'. (Rftnk or rating.) (Thb space for any notation* insurance officers may deem necessary.) APPENDIX IV CHANGES IN ARMY REGULATIONS REGARDING THE SURVEY OF PROPERTY 678. (Changed by C. A. R. No. 72.) Unserviceable property is, with reference to its disposition, divided into classes as follows: 1. Property worn out by fair wear and tear in the service. 2, Property which has been rendered unserviceable from causes other than fair wear and tear in the service. Property of the first class will be disposed of in one of three ways. (a) It may be turned directly over to the salvage officer, without the action of a survey, accompanied by a certificate of the responsible officer that it has been worn out by fair wear and tear in the service, and dis- posed of by him under the provisions of Special Regulations No. 77. This procedure will be followed when properly was obviously rendered unserv- iceable by fair wear and tear. (b) It may be submitted to a surveying officer and disposed of as in- dicated in paragraph 717. This procedure will be followed when it is not obvious that the property was rendered unserviceable by fair wear and tear, or where there is a difference of opinion between the salvage officer and the responsible officer on that point. , (c) It may be submitted directly to an inspector. When replacement of articles disposed of under (a) is desired, the re- sponsible officer will submit, with the articles turned in, a requisition for an equal number of like articles and the salvage officer will indorse the requisition over his signature "exchanged." If no replacement is re- quired, a receiving report signed by the salvage officer shall constitute a valid voucher on which the property listed thereon may be dropped from the Property Loan Record or from Form No. 637, A. G. O. Property of the second class will be submitted to a surveying officer, except as provided in paragraph 1073 in case of public animals, and will be disposed of under the provisions of paragraph 717. The inventory and inspection reports on this class of property will be accompanied by the report of the surveying officer. Arms for which a test for determining unserviceability is definitely pre- scribed, and which have not been subjected to the same, are excepted from the apph cation of the above. Property falling under the classifications indicated in paragraphs 1488 and 1566 will not be considered subject to the provisions of this paragraph until the necessary permission for its submission to a surveying officer or inspector has been obtained. (C. A. R. No. 96, Oct. 16, 1919.) 1073. (Changed by C. A. R. No. 58.) Add the following sentence to the first subparagraph: Public animals that have been inspected and con- demned because of total blindness will not be ordered sold, but will be destroyed, even if otherwise serviceably sound. (C. A. R. No. 96, Oct. 16, 1919.) [454, A. G. O.] 717. (Changed by C. A. R. No. 78.) On the approved recommendation 226 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 227 of a surveying officer the following property may be destroyed: (a) Cloth- ing infected with contagious disease; and (&) stores that have become so deteriorated as to endanger health or injure other stores. The surveying officer's report will show all other unserviceable property belonging to ckss 1 (par. 678) "to be salvaged," and upon approval by the commanding officer this property will be turned over to the reclamation officer of the Quartermaster Corps, who will acknowledge its receipt on the voucher which authorizes its salvage. The reclamation officer will render no return for this property. Property of class 2 (par. 678) not destroyed under (a) or (b) above will be submitted to an inspector after action by a surveying officer, except that in any case where a surveying officer recommends that the value of the property surveyed be charged against some person in the military service, or in any case where perishable stores are in a state of deteriora- tion, such property will be turned over to the reclamation officer for salvage without the action of an inspector upon the approval of the report of the surveying officer. When the disposition of unserviceable articles is covered by specific instructions of any of the supply departments they will be disposed of in accordance with such instructions in lieu of being salvaged under the pro- visions of this paragraph, but requests for specific instructions will not be submitted in individual cases instead of placing the property before a surveying officer or inspector. Before ordering the destruction or salvage of property or stores under the provisions of this paragraph the commanding officer will personally inspect the same and will be held responsible that the conditions justify the action, except at stations commanded by a general officer, who is authorized to designate a regimental or higher commander to make the inspection. In case the invoice value of the property or stores involved exceeds $500, the approval of the next higher administrative commander, except as provided in paragraph 7233^, will be obtained before destruction or salvage of the property or stores, as provided in paragraph 719, except that in case the property or stores are to be destroyed under (a) or (b) above, or in case perishable stores are in a state of deterioration, the property cr stores will be destroyed or salvaged and this action noted on the report of survey before it is forwarded for the approval of the next higher commander. (C. A. R. No. 98, Dec. 3, 1919.) [400.7, A. G. O.] (Circulai: 11.) 1. Under the provisions of paragraph 683, Army Regulations, when public property, of a value greater than $10, has been lost, damaged, or destroyed, a surveying officer will be appointed to fix the responsibility under the following circumstances: (a) When the property has been lost or damaged in transit.^ (b) When the property has been lost or damaged on transfer from one. officer to another.^ (c) When the property has been ordered abandoned. 1 After invoicing officer, shipper, and carrier have refused responsibility for such loss oi- damage as referred to them by an Over, Short and Damaged Report (P. & S. Form) ini- tiated by consignee. 2 Meaning when loss or damage is discovered when accountability for property is transferred. 228 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION (d) When the property has been lost by a deserter.^ (e) When it is desired to charge an enlisted man for the loss, damage, or destruction of property due to his own neglect and he declines to accept such charge.'* 2. When public property, of a value greater than $10, has been lost, damaged,^ or destroyed under circumstances other than those set forth in the preceding paragraph, the accountable officer may, in lieu of a report of survey, prepare and execute an affidavit, or a certificate supported by one or more affiidavits, setting forth the circumstances on which he will rely to show that the loss, damage, or destruction was unavoidable and not due to the fault or rieglect of any one concerned. This paper, or papers, will be prepared in triplicate, and the three copies, all of which must be completely executed, signed, and (in the case of affidavits) attested, will be distributed as follows: (a) Two copies, the original and duplicate, to the zone property auditor who is charged with auditing the property account from which the property is to be dropped. (6) One copy, the triplicate, retained by the accountable officer, and filed with the credH vouchers of the property record to which it pertains, as a voucher for dropping the property from the records. The zone property auditor will forward the original to the Director of Finance, Munitions Building, Washington, D. C, for the approval of the Secretary of War, and he will not accept the paper as a complete voucher for dropping this property until the action of the Secretary of War has been communicated to him. 3. When public property of the value of SIO or less has been lost, damaged, or destroyed, the accountable officer will prepare and execute an affidavit, or a certificate supported by one or more affidavits, in the manner provided in the foregoing paragraph, except that only one copy will be required, which will be filed with the credit vouchers of the property record to which it pertains, as a voucher for dropping the property from the records.^ 4. Where the provisions of this circular are in conflict with Army Regu- lations or other Regulations, this circular will govern pending revision of such regulations. (Cir. No. 11, 1920.) » This has been held to apply to property of a value of $10 or less also; this same pro- vision applies to property pertaining to an insane soldier. * This has been held to apply to property of a value of $10 or less also (see A. R. 686). ' Property damaged through fair wear and tear is excepted (see A. R. 678 as changed). • This paragraph is held not to apply to property lost or damaged and pertaining to a deserter or insane soldier, nor to property lost, damaged or destroyed through neglect of a soldier and for which he declines charge without survey. APPENDIX V CHANGES OF PARAGRAPHS OF THE ARMY REGULA- TIONS, 1913, AND COMPILATION OF ORDERS List of Numbers of Paragraphs of Army Regulations and Compilation of Orders That Have Been Changed Since the Latest Corrected Edition of the Publications, to Include December, 1917. 1. ARMY REGULATIONS, 1913 [Corrected to Apr. 15, 1917.] Paragraph. Changes No. Paragraph. Changes No. Paragraph. Changes No. 13 58 569 58 938 65 87 61 630.....-- 60 939 65 104 65 661 • 56 943 66 lis 65 58.65 678 681-A..- 56 56,65 1009 59 117 1023 65 119 58,62 681-B--. 56 1067 57 120_._.-.. 58,62 681-C— - 56 1069 57 124 58,62 681-D--- 56 1070 57 125 .-• 58.62 6S1-E--.- 56 1071 57 126J^ 58,62 681-F--.. 56 1073 58 127 58 681-G-... 56 1077 62 129 65 681-H.-.. 681-1 56 56 1086 1106 56 147i^ 57 64 64 64 61 57 60 56 159 681-J 56 1123-- - 57 160 . 681-K.... 681-L 681-M 681-N 681-0 56 56 56 - 56 65. 1146 65 161 — 1157-. _ 65 167 1158. 65 191— . 1159 - - 65 193 1160 65 193^ 58 59 681-P 693 65 .. 65 1161 - . 65 2083^ 11611^-.- 57,65 222i^.._ 58 60 62 66 66 694 707. 717- _ 56 62 56 1162 ... . 65 238 1163- 65 238H 240 1164 65 721 733 57 59.60,66 1165.. - 65 240^ 1166 . 65 246H 57 57 878 879 61 61 1167.. . 65 261 1167)^... 58 271 . . 60,66 .. 56 880 881 61 61 1168.- . . . 65 281 1168^... 65 303 J^ 58 882 61 1170 65 304 58 .__. 60 58,63 59 59 883 .884 887 888 890 61 61 61 61 61 1174.- . 58 327 1186 ... - 57 329 1212.. _ 58 66 377 . 1217 58 378 1259K--- 62 385 59 59 891 892 61 61 1296 .._ 62 448K 1344 58 449 57 892>^ 61 1345 66 464 64 898 61 1415 57 4641^ 64 900 -- 61 1421^.- 58 465 64 901 61 1489 57 466 64 902 61 1512H--- 59 467 - 64 64 903 904 61 61 1S20 .... 66 468 1535 56, 65 469 -- 64 906 61 1536 65 470 - 64 907 61 1545 63 491 58 911 65 1557 63 521 59 912 61 1562 62 561 .. 63 913 61 COMPILATION OF C )RDERS, 1881 -1915, AND 1 916 SUPPLEMENT. Paragraph. Changes No. Paragraph. Changes No. Paragraph. Changes No, 5 6 no 3 199 7 7 3 118 3 207 1 15 _..- 1 130 1,2 215 5 41 2 134}4 5, 6 227 2 44 6 136 2 247 3 61 3 152 4 252 2 84... 5 170 5 264 4 87... 2 171 3 265 4 88 6 4 4 172- 4 272 4 91 176 6 273 288M 2,4 92- 185 4 6 95 1 190 3 308 1 96 7 193 2 310 5 229 230 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION List of Numbers of Paragraphs of Army Regulations and Compilation of Orders That Have Been Changed, January 1, 1918, to December 31, 1918. 1. ARMY REGULATIONS, 1913. Ch anges Changes Changes Paragrar )h. No. Paragraph. No. Paragraph. No. 6 - -- 73 --..73.76 73 681-0 683. 693. 76 76 76 1174... 79 9 1182 74 18.... 1201 74 45.... 82 695 73 1203 70 71.... 74 698 76 1205 67,72 83 701 74 1207 76 83K , 77 717.-— .. 68,72,78 1209 76 84 733 737 78 74 1212 82 85 . 1215 -. 74.76 87-... 77,83 762 73 1220 83 114... 71 778 782 784 824.. ..... 70 67 67 70 1223 1224 1226 1228 69,70,72.75,79 118... 74 121- . 67 . 75 126}^ 67 131... 72 840K— 75 U29A—. 82 132 81 .-... 74 841 ^ 76 1236- 1239 69,75 1391^ 842 76 74 148)4 69 843 844 76 76 1240 1242 74 162 69 162 J^ 845 76 1248 69 163 77 >46...' 849.... 850.... 76 76 76 1252 . - - 74 164 1254 1269 74 165 73 166 852 76 1269^—. 73 167 69 861 906 76 68 1272 76 169... 1342M--- 73,82 177... 74 907 68 1342>^.... 73,82 182 910 68 13431 1344 82 183 937 71 184 1006 69 1344H— - 81 185 1009 72.74 1345. 82 186 80 1012 1015.... 74 74 13701^.... 1370M— - 67 187 -- 74 188 1017. 74 1373 82 189 1036 81 1384 74 189H 1042.... 74 1385 67 191- 71.73,78,82 1044 .. 73,74.81 1405 72 193M 72,83 1045 74 1407 72 197— 73 1057.... 81 1433 74 199... 73 1074 74 1441 -.- 70 208>^ 71 1075 74 1442 70 222K 68 1076 74 1443 69,74 238— 73 1087 74 1444 -- 69 240... 75 1088...- 74 1444^.... 70 256... 72 1089 74 14591^.... 70 257... 81 1090 74 1460 69 271... 72 1091^ 74 1461 70 295... 81 1097... 74 1512M— - 74 351... 76 1098—- 81 1556 73 364... 73 78 nil.... 74.79 1566 1574 68 448 J^ 1121... 78 73 449... 73 1123 74.76 1575 73 464... 74 1127 74 1576 73 470.-. 71 1128. 70.81 1577 73 491.-- 70.72.81 1128H ..... 78 1578 73 587— 74 1133 74,82 1579 73 600... 82 1136 76 1580 73 633... 71 1137 81 1581 73 634... 71 1138 72 1582 73 648... 74 68.72 1142 74,76 1583 73,78 678... 1165 81 1584 73 679-. 68 1167K 73 1585 73.83 680... 68 1169 76 681-A 76 1173 78 C OMPILATION OF ORDERS. 1881- -1915, AND 1916 SUPPLEMENT Changes Changes Changes Paragrai )h. No. Paragraph. No. Paragraph No. 174... 13 199 7 269..,.. _ 11 43..-. 9 1683^ 10 270 11 54..-. 11 210 11 288^ ... 9 62.... 14 228H 11 288M 8 67.-.. 12 23m 13 292 12 68-. 14 265M 11 310 13 78.-.. 12 8 266 267 11 11 311 . 13 95-... 314 11 96—. 7 268 11 1 320 13 1341^ 7 COM PA NY A DM I N ISTR ATION 231 List of Numbers of Paragraphs of Army Regulations and Compilation of Orders That Have Been Changed Since Jaiuary 1, 1919. 1. ARMY REGULATIONS, 1913. Changes Paragraph No. t240 '. 85 1251 88 1269 96 12801^ 91 1281 89 r301 88 1342M - 94 1344 88 1371 97 1421H 88 1439 99 1445 99 1446 99 1460 99 1470 85.94 14761^ 92 1490 85 1491 85 14923^ 85 1512M 86 1534 89 1538 89 1539 89 1547 86 1556 85 1557.... 86 157^ 86 1583 86 15841^ 96 1586 87 1588 96 1589 96 1590 9 1591 9 1592 9 1593.. 9 Changes Paragraph. No. 210 22 230.. 18 238M 17.18,20 288K 15,21 292 18 310 15.19 Changes Changes Paragraph. No. Paragraph. No. 9 ... 88.91 826 85 64 85 827 85 87 - - 86 829 93 llOH 93 829^.... 93 1.34 - 99 904 907 86 135 86,94 99 138 86 1073 1095 1098 96 152 86 87 187 85 84 191 86 1123 99 226 92 11253^... 99 227 92 97 1128 .. 93 228 92 11283^... 84 229 92 1136 86,91 230 . 92 92 1137 91 231 ... 1137M— 91 '311-^ 92 ... 90,01,96 1138- 90 235 1140 86 236 90 1174 98 237 .=-... 90 1194 98 238 90 1194>^... 98 2381^ 90 1205 95 238^ 90 1207 96 244 92 1208 89 322.... 86.95 1209 95 329 96 1212 99 348 99 1215..... 89.94 399 91 1216 98 448>^ 94 1217 92 669.... 84 1220 ...84.86.95,96 678 96 1221 86 686.... 91 1222 86.95 717 . .- 98 1223 86,94,95.96.97 7233^ 97 1226 88 726 87 12263^... 94 805 84 1229M— 86 816 93 1230 97 824 84 COMPILATION OF ORDERS. 1881-1915, AN Changes Changes Paragraph. No. Paragraph. No. 21 18 123 19.20 22 18 124 20 23... 18 125 20 24 18 126 20 25 18 127 20 63 20 127Ji.... 20 68 17.19 128 20 69 15 129 20 118 20 130 18,20 119 20 130K— - 20 120 20 131. .... 20 121 20 .174 22 122 20 210 15 311... 314M. 325 334... 3.35... 336... INDEX A. Abbreviations: Paragraph c. Use of, in preparing records, reports, returns, etc 4,1946 For duty roster 31c Absence with leave: How noted on company morning report 14 Records and forms involved in case of 1836 (13) and (14) {See also "Leave of absence" and "Furlough.") Absence without leave: Notation of — On company morning report 192a, I4k On duty roster 1926 On service record 1 92c Clothing and equipment left in camp or quarters by soldier 192d Preparation of charges in cases not amenable to company discipline 192« Notation on final statement in case of retention of soldier in service on account of 1 8 1 g Records and forms involved in case of 1836 (15) Account, company fund. (See "Company fund account.") A dditional sheets for company morning report 20 Additional space for entries: On service record 112 On inventory of effects 138(l) On service record 1976(2) Report of survey in case of property lost through 142e Forms and records involved in case of — 1836(21) Procedure in case of 1976 (See also "Deserter.") Desk, company field. (5^e "Company field desk.") Detached company, term defined 2c Detached service: What constitutes 190fl How noted on morning report „ 14/ Forms and records involved in case of.- 1836(12) .1906 Service record of soldier 106 Extract from service record . 119a Individual equipment record of soldier 125 Articles of clothing and equipment retained by soldier 66 ,122 .176/ Discharge, certificate of disability for. (See " Certificate of disability for discharge.") Discharge certificates: Form numbers 157/ To be signed by field officer of regiment or other organization or by commanding officer 157a Signature of company commander.. 157a(3) Notation on in case of constructive delivery of 1576 Of enlisted man in confinement 157c Notation on when soldier is discharged — Prior to expiration of service 157e " Decorations, foreign.") Fund, company. {See "Company fund.") Furlough : Form number 1 139 Limits prescribed to be stated on : 1396 Authority under which granted to be stated on 139c Facts shown under "memorandum" on 139d Granted to soldiers serving beyond continental limits of United States 139^ Soldier on, reporting at station other than his own 139/ Forms and records involved in case of 1836(14) Notation of, on company and individual records 1916 Action by company commander before forwarding for approval 191rf Facts concerning, of which soldier will be apprised before departure on 191« Commutation of rations incident to . ^ 191/ Loss of 191g Furlough to reserve: Certificate of. {See "Certificate of furlough to reserve.") When effective 15.S6 Forms and records involved in case of 1836(18) Report of. {See "Report of furlough to reserve.") Discontinuance of allotment of soldier in case of I69d Procedure in closing individual records and preparing furlough papers 194) ,lX4r Recommendations for appointment, promotion, and reduction of noncom- missioned officers - 1 84/> Guard duty, roster for. (See "Duty roster.") H. Headquarters company morning report: Form number , 1 4«> By whom prepared 10 Attached officers and enlisted mp n, how accounted for on 12 (See also "Company morning report.") Hospital: Clothing and equipment of soldier admitted to 1 XSc Individual equipment record of soldier admitted to 12.S^ also "Daily sick report" and "Sickness.") ^ I. Indelible pencil, use of, in preparing morning report 21 Inde.x of correspondence book. (See "Correspondence book.") Individual classification in firing under special course A, report of. (See "Report of classification in firing under special course A.") Individual classification in pistol practice, report of. (.SV*" "Report of individual classification in pistol practice.") Individual cla.ssification in rifle practice, repf)rt of. (Sec "Report of individual classi- fication in rifle practice.") Individual clothing slip: Form number 72,171 Useof...._ . 72.73,74 Filing and disposition 7.S Individual equipment record: Form number , 12^,16.? Class of property entered on '. 121 Entries on, foi property issued 646 ,64c ,122e "Inventory and inspection report.") COMPANY ADMINISTRATION 243 Paragraph Xo Instruction combat practice, record of KM. Insurance, war risk, change or discontinuance of . 1 1 6f Intoxicating liquors, purchase of, from company fund not authorized 9Xe Inventory and inspection report: Form number ''S Instructions for preparation and use of 178 As vouchers to property loan record 67 ,142 ,178/ Inventory of eflfects: Form number ^^^ Duty of company commander to secure effects 138a Preparation and disposition^ of 138a ,f38«/ Notation on, of deposits ' T38/> Public property, not to be included in - - t3Xc Issue of clothing. (See "Clothing, issue of.") K. Known distance rifle firing, individual record of. (See "Record of known-distance rifle firing (individual).") Known -distance rifle firing under special course A, record of. (See "Report of known-distance rifle firing (individual), special course A.") Known-distance rifle practice, report of classification in. (See "Report of individual classification in rifle practice.") L. Leave of absence: How noted on morning report 'V Transfer of company fund before departure of company commander on ^)-ia Records involved in case of 1836 (13) ,191a Line of duty, determination and entry of, on daily sick report . 24 Liquors, intoxicating, purchase of from company fund prohibited . _ — 91<' List of company, purpose of ^ '^■^^ Live file, use of "Reminder" as -^^'' Loan record. (.See "Property loan record.") Location or station, how noted on morning report ' ^ Loose-leaf binder, individual record filed in 212 M. Mess sergeant, extra pay to *^1/ Method of filing company records. (See "Filing of company records, method of.") Miscellaneous record tray: Contents of "_ 204 Document file and correspondence book filed 209 Company council book filed in 210 Missing in action: How noted on morning report l-*^ Forms and records involved in case of 1 836 ( 16> Disposition of individual records and effects of -^ — 193 Model duty roster -^-^ Model sections of company morning report 7 .16, 19 Money, loan of, from company fund --- ^^S Monthly return. (5ee "Company return.") Morning report day 1^ Morning report. (See "Company morning report.") N. • Name, how shown on morning report 13a Noncommissioned officer: Appointment, promotion, and reduction 1X4 (See also "Grade.") Warrant, form number 1-11 Notification of discharge, instructions for preparation of 132 244 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION O. Paragraph No. Obsolete items, elimination of, from document file 85 ,209 Officers, commissioned: Resignation, discharge, or dismissal of, how noted on morning report 14« Death, retirement, or desertion of, how noted on morning report I4p Attached to company, how accounted for — On morning report 12 On company return 41 Attached to company for target practice, record of 144& ,1456 Report of death of • 154 Leave of absence of 191 Officers, noncommissioned. (See "Noncommissioned officer.") Orders, company. (See "Company orders.") P. Pay card: Form number 164 To accompany service record of soldier upon separation of soldier from active service . 1 OSh Pay, extra duty. (See "Extra duty.") Payment of company: Company collections made on -. 57 Procedure after i 58 By express 59 (5ee a/50 "Pay rolls.") Pay rolls : Form number 1 79, 180 Instruction for preparation of, where found - 50 Preparation of, by personnel adjutant 51 Of separate and detached companies — By whom prepared 52 Procedure when company is detached 53 Procedure when company rejoins regiment or station 54 Signing and extension of 55 (See also "Payment of company.") Permanent file: Use prescribed 3. 200, 201 Consists of . 215a Transfer of records to 2156,215c Pistol firing: Record of. (See "Rt-cord of pistol firing (individual).") Report of. (See "Keoorr of individual classification in pistol practice.") Pool table, payment of aitfndai'l fsir 9ld Previous convictions, evidence of . 159 Proficiency test, record of •. 101c Promotion of noncommissioned officer 1 184 Property : Public. (See "Public property.") Purchased from company fund, record of 8 76, 95 Property loan record: Form number 62a, 177 Name and location of company, how show on 63a Property listed on . 636, 64 Transactions recorded on 63c, 63*1 Entries on — For property turned in 65 Articles retained by soldier when transferred or detached 66 Equipment worn out or otherwise rendered unserviceable 67 Property lost, damaged, or destroyed 68 Action required with regard to, upon transfer of company equipment 69 Filing of 70.211 Audit and disposition of 71 Public animals, descriptive card of. (See "Descriptive card of public animals.") COMPANY ADMINISTRATION . 245 Public property : Lost, damaged, or destroyed — Paragraph No. Notation of, on individual equipment record 123 Report of survey on 142 Through fault or neglect of an officer or enlisted man . 160 Inspection of, with view to condemnation . __ 178 Not to be included on inventory of effects of deceased soldier 138c R. Ration : Definition of 17a, 174a Components and substitutive equivalents of 174c (See also "Rations" and '"Ration returns.") Ration account on morning report 16, 17 Ration returns: Form number 174 Notation on, of net number of rations and net commutation due 17d Preparation of 174g (See also "Ration" and "Rations.") Rations: Strength for, noted on morning report ration account 17 Classes of -- 1746 Components and substitutive equivalents of 1 74c Extra issues 1 7 id Issue of garrison, travel, and Filipino . 174e Issue of field, reserve, and emergency 174/ Commutation of, incident to furlough . 191/ (.S>e a/50 "Ration" and "Ration returns.") Receiving report: Form number 175 Instructions given relate only to use of, in the company 1 75a Use of, when property is returned or turned in for salvage 65 ,1756 ,176^ Use of, when company equipment is transferred 69 ,175c Record card of enlisted men of staff corps or department 161 Record, company equipment. (See "Company equipment record.") Record, individual equipment. (See "Individual equipment record.") Record of clothing issues. {See " Clothing, issue of.") Record of company proficiency test ^ . 101c Record of events: On morning report _ 19 On company return . 47 Record of knoWn-distance rifle firing (individual) : Form number 144 Instruction for preparation of. 144a Disposition of, of officers and enlisted men attached to company 1 446 {See also "Record of small-arms firing.") Record of known-distance rifle firing (individual) , special course A 153 Record of pistol firing (individual) : Form number 145 Instruction for prepara'tion of 145ff Disposition of, of officers and enlisted men attached to company... ..^ 145b (See also "Record of small-arms firing.") Record of small-arms firing: Components of -.---. ^^^ Filing and disposition of 102,213.214 Record, property loan. (5ec "Property loan record.") Record, service. (5ec "Service record.") Records, company. (5ec "Company records.") Records, individual, list of 6 Red ink, use of 12.21 Reduction of noncommissioned officer 1846 Remarks on morning report 14 Reminder, company field desk: Contents of - 205 246 COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Reminder, company field desk — Continued. Paragraph No. Rotation of date cards in 205a Setting up the » 20Sb Blank forms filed in . 205c Slips for, preparation of 205 Form for application for 156 Preparation and disposition of application for ■_ . 196 Action to be taken upon receipt of order for 196d ,196e ,196/ Discontinuance of allotment in case of 1 69d Of officer, how noted on morning report 14/> Return, company. (5f« "Company return.") Return, ration. (5 Service medals, issue of noted on service record 115 Service record: Action to be taken by company commander upon receipt of 185<; Additional space for entries on 112 Changes in entries on j HI Disposition of, in case of — Discharge 1 08a ( 1 ) Furlough to reserve 108a (2) ,155Ar Death 108« (3) COMPANY ADMINISTRATION ' 247 Service record— Continued. Paragraph No. Retirement 1 08a (4) Desertion 1 08a (5) . IP?*- Dishonorable discharge the execution of which is suspended 1 08a (6) Extract from. {See "'Extract from service record.") Filing of 1 18a Forrr^ number 1>^5 F"or\varding to fir.st station 104 Indorsements on, data to be included in_' 107 Initiating entries on IK^ Notation on — Of allotment 168/ Of discontinuance of allotment ^ ^ 169c Of deposits . 1 70a Of soldier transferred or detached 106, 188d Old form instructions governing use of 117 Opening of 10.^ Procedure in case of lost 110 Temporary 109 Transcribing target record to 102t, l.S3rf, 162r Transmission of to company :_ 105 Shipping ticket: Form number 176 Instructions for, relate only to use of in company 1 76a Use of — In issue of equipment : 64a, 1 76^, 1 76t In dropping china and glassware , 1 76rf In case of soldier transferred or detached 1 76/ Issue of clothing 7.?, 74, 75 Sickness: Notation of, on morning report 14|; Forms and records involved in case of 1 836 (7) Notation of, on service record 1886 Clothing and equipment of soldier admitted to hospital 188r Service record of soldier absent 1 88