THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Mr WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE bis COMEDIES, HISTORIES, and TRAGEDIES, /et out by himfelf in quarto, or by the Players bis Feilonus in folio, and now faithfully repubUJb 1 d from those Editions in ten Volumes o8a &/] The Tempejt. [a &/} The Taming of the Shrew. The two Gentlemen of V era- Allis e well,tbatEnds. 2. of this Introduction, and the Table at tke end of it, Infroduflion. \ 1 any of his friends: And there can be no ftronger reason for fubfcribing to any opinion, than may be drawn in favour of this from the condition of all the other plays that were firft printed in the folio : for, in method of pub- lication, they have the greateft likenefs poffible to those which preceeded them, and carry all the fame marks of hafte and negligence; yet the genuinenefs of the latter is attefted by those who publilh'd them, and no proof brought to invalidate their teftimony. If it be ftill aflc'd, what then becomes of the accusation brought againft the quarto's by the player editors, the anfwer is not fo far off as may perhaps be expected: It may be true, that they were " ftolnf" but ftoln from the Author's copies, by tranfcribers who found means to get at them : s and " maim'd" they muft needs be, in refpedt of their ma- ny alterations after the firft performance : And who kn- ows, if the difference that is between them, in fome of the plays that are common to them both, has not been fludioufly heighten'd by the player editors, who had the means in their power, being mafters of all the alte- rations, to give at once a greater currency to their own lame edition, and fupport the charge which they bring againft the quarto's ? this, at leaft,is a probable opinion, #nd no bad way of accounting for those differences. 6 It were easy to add abundance of other arguments in NOTE. 5 But fee a note at p. 5, which feems to infer that they were fairly come by : which is, in truth, the editor's opinion, at leaft of fome of them ; though, in way of argument, and for the fake of cl- fcarnefs, he has here admitted the charge in that full extent in which they bring it. 6 Some of these alterations are in the quaito's them/elves; (ano- bl favour of these quarto's; Such as, their exaft affinity to almoft all the publications of this fort that came out about that time; of which it will hardly be aflerted by any reasoning man, that they are all clandefline copies, and publifh'd without their authors' confent: Next, the high improbability of fupposing that none of these plays were of the Poet's own fetting-out: whose cafe is rend- er'd Angular by fuch a fupposition ; it being certain, that every other author of the time, without exception, who wrote any thing largely, publifh'd fome of his plays him- ielf, and Ben JON SON all of them : Nay, the very err- ors and faults of these quarto's, fome of them at leaft, and those fuch as are brought againft them by other ar- guers, are, with the editor, proofs of their genuine- nefs; For from what hand, but that of the Author him- felf, could come those feemingly-ftrange repetitions wh- ich are fpoken of at p. 4 ? those imperfeft entries, and entries of perfons who have no concern in the play at all, neither in the fcene where they are made to enter, nor in any other part of it? yet fuch there are in feveral of these quarto's ; and fuch might well be expected in the hafty draughts of fo negligent an Author, who nei- ther faw at once all he might want, nor, in fome inftan- ces, gave himfelf fufficient time to confider the fitnefs NOTE, ther proof this, of tbeir being authentiek) as in " Richard II :* where a large fcene, that of the king's deposing, appears firft in the copy of 1608, the third quarto impreflion, being wanting in the two former: and in one copy of " 2. Henry IV," there is a fcene too that is not in the other, though of the fame year j it is the firft of icl the third. And " Hamlet" has fome fiill more confiderable ; for ;hc copy of 1605 has these \vonf j ; Newly imprinted and enlar- IntroJu&ion. l'-j of what he was then penning. These and other like ar- guments might, as is faid before, be collected, and urg'd for the plays that were firft publifh'd in the quarto's; that is, for fourteen of them, for the other fix are out of the queftion: But what has been enlarg'd upon above, of their being follow'd by the folio, and their apparent general likenefs to all the other plays that are in that colle&ion, is fo very forcible as to be fufficient of itfelf to fatiffy the unprejudiced, that the plays of both impref- iions fpring all from the fame ftock, and owe their num- erous imperfections to one common origin and cause, the too -great negligence and hafte of their over-carelefs Producer. But to return to the thing immediately treated, the ftate of the old editions. The quarto's went through ma- ny impreflions, as may be feen in the Table: and, in each play, the laft is generally taken from the impref- fion next before it, and fo onward to the firft; the few that come not within this rule, are taken notice of in the Table: And this further is to be observ'd of them : that, generally fpeaking, the more diftant they are from the original, the more they abound in faults; 'till, in the end, the corruptions of the laft copies become fo excef- five, as to make them of hardly any worth. The folio too NOTE. ged to almoft a? much 2gaine as it was, according to the true and perfeft Coppie :" New though no prior copy has yet been produc'd, it is certain there was fuch by the teftimony of this title-page: and that the play was in being at leaft nine years before, is prov'd by a book of doftor LODGE'S, printed in 15965 which play was perhaps an imperfeft one ; and not unlike that we have now of " Romeo end Juliet," printed the year after - } a fourth inftance too of what 14 Introduaion. had it's re-impreffions, the dates and notices of which are likewise in the Table, and they tread the fame round as did the quarto's : only that the third of them has fe- ven plays more, (fee their titles below ?) in which it is follow'd by the laft; and that again by the firft of the modern impreffions, which come now to be fpoken of. If the ftage be a mirror of the times, as undoubtedly it is, and we judge of the age's temper by what we fee prevailing there, what muft we think of the times that fucceeded SHAKESPEARE r JONSON, favour'd by a court that delighted only in mafques, had been gaining gro- und upon him even in his life-time; and his death put him in full posseffion of a poft he had long afpir'd to, the empire of the drama: The props of this new king's throne, were FLETCHER, SHIRLEY, MIDDLE-TO^, MASSINGER, BROOME, and others; and how unequal they all were, the monarch and his fubje&s too, to the Poet they came after, let their works teftify: yet they had the vogue on their fide, during all those blefled ti- mes that preceded the civil war,and SHAKESPEARE was held in difefteem. The war, and medley government that follow'd, fwept all these things away : but they were re- flor'd with the king; and another itage took place, in which SHAKESPEARE had little mare. DRYDEN had, NOTE. the note advances. 7 " Locrine j Tie London Prodigal; Pericles, Prince of Tyre Tie Puritan, or, the Widvw of Wa'lin^-ftreet ; Sir John Oidcaltle , Thomas Lord Cromwel; & The Yorkshire Tragedy:" And the impu.ed ones, mcnticn'd a little above, are these; ' The Arraignment of Paris ; Birth e/Merl n ; Fair Em ; Edward III j Merry Devil s/Edmonton ; Mucedorus j & The tto noble Kimmen:" but in the " Merry Dtvil Introduction. \ 5 then the lead, and maintain'd it for half a century: th- ough his government was fometimes difputed by LEE, TATE, SHADWELL, WYTCHERLEY, and others; weak- en'd much by " The Rebearfal;" and quite overthrown in the end by OTWAY, and ROWE: What the caft of their plays was, is known to every one : but that SHA- KESPEARE, the true and genuine SHAKESPEARE, was not much relim'd,is plain from the many alterations of him, that were brought upon the ftage by fome of those gentlemen, and by others within that period. But, from what has been faid, we are not to conclude that the Poet had no admirers : for the contrary is true ; and he had in all this interval no inconfiderable party amongft men of the greateft underftanding,who both faw his merit, in defpite ef the darknefs it was then wrapt up in, and fpoke loudly in his praise; but the ftream of the publick favour ran the other way. But this too com- ing about at the time we are fpeaking of, there was a demand for his works, and in a form that was more con- venient than the folio's : in confequence of which, the gentleman laft mention'd was fet to work by the book- fellers ; and, in 1709, he put out an edition in fix vol- umes, oftavo, which, unhappily, is the bafis of all the other moderns : For this editor went no further than to NOTE. e/Edmonton," ROWLEY is call'd his parrner in the title-page; and FLETCHER, in the " Tico ruble Kinsmen." What external proofs there are of their coming from SHAKESPEARE, are gather'd all to- gether, and put down in the Table; and further it not concerns us to engage : But let those who aie inclin'd to difpute it, carry this a- lorg with them; that London, in SHAKESPEARE'S time, had a multitude of play-houses j ereited fome in inn-yards, and fuch like 1 6 Introduction. the edition neareft to him in time, which was the folio of 1685, the laft and word of those impreffions : this he republifh'd with great exaftnefs; correcting here and there fome of it's grofleft miftakes,and dividing into a&s and fcenes the plays that were not divided before. But no fooner was this edition in the hands of the publick, than they faw in part its deficiences, and one of another fort began to be required of them; which ac- cordingly was fet about fome years after by two gentle- men at once, Mr. POPE, and Mr. THEOBALD. The la- bours of the firft came out in 1725, in fix volumes, qu- arto : and he has the merit of having firft improv'd his Author, by the infertion of many large paffages, fpee- ches, and fmgle lines, taken from the quarto's ; and of amending him in other places, by readings fetch'd from the fame : but his materials were few, and his collation of them not the moft careful; which, join'd to other fa- ults, and to that main one of making his predeceflbr's the copy himfelf follow'd, brought his labours in difre- pute, and has finally funk them in negleft. His publication retarded the other gentleman, and he did not appear 'till the year 1733, when his work too came out in feven volumes, oftavo. The opposition that was between them feems to have enflam'd him, which was heighten'd by other motives, and he declaims ve- hemently againft the work of his antagonift: which ye NOTE. places, and frequented by the loweft of the people ; fuch audiences as might have been feen fome years ago in Soutbwark and Bartbolo* mew, and may be feen at this day in the country ; to which it was alfo a ojltom for players to make excurfion, at wake times and fef- tivalj : and for fuch places, and fuch occasions, might these pieces Introduction. f/ ferv'd him for a model ; and his own is made only a lit- tle better, by his having a few more materials; of wh- ich he was not a better collator than the other, nor did he excel him in ufe of them; for, in this article, both their judgments may be equally call'd in queftion: in what he has done that is conjectural, he is rather more happy ; but in this he had large affiftances. But the gentleman that came next, is a critick of a- nother (lamp; and purfues a track, in which it is great- ly to be hop'd he will never be follow'd in the public- ation of any authors whatfoever: for this were, in effedT:, to annihilate them, if carry'd a little further; by deftr- oying all marks of peculiarity and notes of time, all ea- sinefs of expreffion and numbers, all juftnefs of thought, and the nobility of not a few of their conceptions: The manner in which his Author is treated, excites an in- dignation tha.t will be thought by fome to vent itfelf too ftrongly; but terms weaker would do injuftice to my feelings, and the cenfure (hall be hazarded. Mr. POPE'S edition was the ground-work of this over-bold one ; fplendidly printed at Oxford in fix quarto volumes, and publilh'd in the year 1744: The publimer difdains all collation of folio, or quarto; and fetches all from his great felf, and the moderns his predeceflbrs : wantoning in very licence of conjecture; and fweeping all before him, (without notice, or reason given) that not fuits his NOTE. fee compos'd in the Author's early time ; the wont of them fuit- ing well enough to the parties they might be made for : And this, or fomething nearly of this fort, may have been the cafe too of fome plays in his great collection, which (hall be fpoken of in their place, 1 3 Introduction. fafte, or lies level to his conceptions. But this juftice fhonld be done him: as his conjectures are numerous, they are oftentimes not unhappy; and fomeof them are of that excellence, that one is ftruck with amazement to fee a perfon of fo much judgment as he mows him- felf in them, adopt a method of publiftiing that runs counter to all the ideas that wise men have hitherto en- tertain'd of an editor's province and duty. The year 1747 produc'd a fifth edition, in eight oc- tavo volumes, publifh'd by Mr. WARBURTON ; which though it is faid in the title-page to be the joint work of himfelf and the fecond editor, the third ought rather to have been mention'd, for it is printed from his text. The merits of this performance have been fo thorough- ly difcuff'd in two very ingenious books, " The Canons of Criticism," and " Revisal cfSn AKESPEARE'J Text," that it is needlefs to fay any more of it: this only (hall be added to what may be there met with, that the e- dition is not much benefited by frefh acquisitions from the old ones, which this gentleman feems to have neg- lected. 8 Other charges there are, that might be brought aga- inft, these modern impreffions, without infringing the laws of truth or candour either: but what is faid, will be fufficient; and may fatiffy their greateft favourers, NOTE. 8 It will perhaps be thought ftrange, that nothing ffiould be faid in this place of another edition that came out about a twelvemonth ago, in eight volumes, oftavo j but the reasons for it, re these : There is no ufe made of it, nor could be j for the present was finifli'd, wi- thin a pky or two, and printed too in great part, before that ap- pear'd : the firft /hee: of this work ^beiag the fiill of volume z.) weat, Introduction. 1 9 that the fuperftrufture cannot be a found one, which is built upon fo bad a foundation as that work of Mr. ROWE'S ; which all of them, as we fee, in fucceffion, have yet made their corner-ftone : The truth is, it was impoffible that fuch a beginning mould end better than it has done: the fault was in the fetting-out; and all the diligence that could be us'd, join'd to the difcernment of a PEARCE, or a BENTLEY, could never purge their Author of all his defeats by their method of procee- ding- The editor now before you was apprized in time of this truth; favv the wretched condition his Author was reduc'd to by these late tamperings, and thought feri- oufly of a cure for it, and that fo long ago as the year 1745 ; for the attempt was firft fuggeited by that gen- tleman's performance, which came out at Oxford the year before: Which when he had perus'd with no little aftonifhment, and confider'd the fatal confequences that muft inevitably follow the imitation of fo much licence, he resolv'd hirnfelf to be the champion; and to exert to the uttermoft f'uch abilities as he was mafter of, to fave from further ruin an edifice of this dignity, which Eng- land muft for ever glory in. Hereupon he possefTd him- felf of the other modern editions, the folio's, and as ma- ny quarto's as could presently be procur'd; and, within NOTE. to the prefs in September 1760: and this volume was follow'd by vo- lumes 8, 4, 9, i, 6, and 7 ; the laft of which was printed off in Au- guft 1765: In the next place, the merits and demerits of it are un- known to the present editor even at this hour: this only he has prr- <:eiv'd in it, having look'd it but (lightly over, that the text it follow* i\ that of it's near,eft predeceffor, and from that copy it was printed 4 Introduction. a few years after, fortune and induftry help'd him to all the reft, fix only excepted; 9 adding to them withal tw- elve more, which the compilers of former tables had no knowledge of. Thus furnifh'd, he fell immediately to collation, which is the firft ftep in works of this nat- ure; and, without it, nothing is done to purpose, firft of moderns with moderns, then of moderns with anci- ents, and afterwards of ancients with others more anci- ent: 'till, at the laft, a ray of light broke forth upon him, by which he hop'd to find his way through the wildernefs of these editions into that fair country the Poet's real habitation. He had not proceeded far in his collation, before he faw cause to come to this resoluti- on ; to flick, invariably to the old editions, (that is, the beft of them) which hold now the place of manufcripts, no fcrap of the Author's writing having the luck to come down to us; and never to depart from them, but in ca- fes where reason, and the uniform praftice of men of the greateft note in this art, tell him they may be quitted ; nor yet in those, without notice. But it will be necefla- ry, that the general method of this edition mould now he lay'd open; that the publick may be put in a capa- city not only of comparing it with those they already have, but of judging whether any thing remains to be done towards the fixing this Author's text in the mann- er him felf gave it. Jt is faid a little before,~that we have nothing of hia K r E. 9 But of one of these fix, (a " i. Henry IV," edition 1604) the editor thinks he is possrff'd of a very large fragment, irnpert'eft only in the firft and Uft &eet : which has been collated, as far as it goes, IntroduBion. 4 1 in writing; that the printed copies are all that is left to guide us; and that those copies are fubjecT: to number- lefs imperfections, but not all in like degree: our firft businefs then, was to examine their merit, and fee on which fide the fcale of goodnefs preponderated; which, we have generally found, to be on that of the moft an- cient: It may be feen in the Table, what editions are judg'd to have the preference among those plays that were printed fmgly in quarto; and for those plays, the text of those editions is chiefly adher'd to: in all the reft, the firft folio is follow'd ; the text of which is by far the moft faultlefs of the editions in that form; and has alfo the advantage in three quarto plays, in '* 2. Henry IV, Othello, and Richard III." Had the editions thus foll- ow'd been printed with carefulnefs, from correcl copies, and copies not added to or otherwise alter'd after those impreffions, there had been no occasion for going any further: but this was not at all the cafe, even in the beit of them ; and it therefore became proper and neceflary to look into the other old editions, and to felecl: from thence whatever improves the Author, or contributes to his advancement in perfe&nefs, the point in view thro- ughout all this performance: that they do improve him* was with the editor an argument in their favour; and a presumption of genuinenefs for what is thus felecled, whether additions, or differences of any other nature; and the causes of their appearing in fome copies, and NOTE. along with the others : And of the twelve quarto editions, which he has had the fortune to add to those that were known before, fome of them are of great value j as may be fcen by looking into the Table, zz IntroJuflion. being wanting in others, cannot now be difcover'd, by reason of the time's diftance, and defeft of fit materials for making the difcovery. Did the limits of his Intro- duHon allow of it, the editor would gladly have dila- ted and treated more at large this article of his plan ; as that which is of greateft importance, and moft likely to be contefted of any thing in it: but this doabt, or this diflent, (if any be) muft come from those perfons only who are not yet possefPd of the idea they ought to en- tertain of these ancient impreflions; for of those who are, he fully perfuades himfelf he fhall have both the approof and the applause. But without entering further in this place into the reasonablenefs, or even neceflity, of fo doing, he does for the present acknowledge, that he has every-where made ufe of fuch materials as he me'; with in other old copies, which he thought improv'd the editions that are made the ground-work of the present text: And whether they do fo, or no, the judicious part of the world may certainly know, by turning to a Col- leftion that will be publiuYd; where all difcarded read- ings are enter'd, all additions noted, and variations of every kind; and the editions fpecify'd^ to which they fe- yerally belong. But, when these helps were adminifter'd, there was yet behind a very great number of paflages, labouring under various defefts and those of various degree, that had their cure to feek from fome other fources, that of copies affording it no more: For these he had recourfe in the firft place to the affiftance of modern copies : and, where that was incompetent, or elfe abfolutely defici- ent, which was very often the cafe, there he fought the remedy in himfelf, using judgment and conjecture; wh- lutrotludion. a 3 Jch, he is bold to fay, he will not be found to have ex- ercis'd wantonly, but to follow the eftablifli'd rules of critique with fobernefs and temperance. These emend- ations, (whether of his own, or other gentlemen 10 ) car- rying in themfelves a face of certainty, and coming in aid of places that were apparently corrupt, are admitt- ed into the text, and the rejected reading is always put below; fome others, that have neither that certainty, nor are of that neceffity; but are fpecious and plaufible, and may be thought by fome to mend the paflage they belong to, will have a place in the Collection that is fpoken of above. But where it is faid, that the rejected reading is always put below, this muft be taken with fome reftriction: for fome of the emendations, and of courfe the ancient readings upon which they are groun- ded, being of a complicated nature, the general method was there inconvenient; and, for these few, you are re- fer'd to a Note which will be found among the reft: and another fort there are, that are fimply insertions; these are effectually pointed out by being printed in the go- thick or black character. Hitherto, the defects and errors of these old editions have been of fuch a nature, that we could lay them be- fore the reader, and fubmit to his judgment the reme- dies that are apply'd to them ; which is accordingly done, either in the page itfelf where they occur, or in fome NOTE. T0 In the manufcripts from which al! these plays are printed, die emendations are given to their proper owners by initials ulgus, mihi jla-vus Aftlh Po.ula Caflalia plena mmiftret ayua ; and the whole poem, as well as his ' Lucrece" which follow'd it fooa after, together with his choice of those fubje&Sj are plain marks lntrodulion. 3 3 jeft for which it has been alledg'd, and upon whose ac- count this affair is now lay'd before the publick fome- what before it's time, *vho is fo fhort-fighted as not to perceive upon firft reflection, that, without manifelt in- juftice, the Notes upon this Author could not preceed the publication of the work we have been defcribing ; whose choiceft materials would unavoidably and cert- ainly have found a place in those notes, and fo been twice retail'd upon the wor'd ; a praftice which the e- ditor has often condemn'd in others, and could there- fore not resolve to be guilty of in himfelf? By poftpon- ing these notes a while, things will be as they ought: they will then be confin'd to that which is their proper fubjeft, explanation alone, intermix'd with fome little criticism ; and inftead of long quotations, which would otherwise have appear'd in them, the " School of SHA- KESPEARE" will be refer'd to occasionally ; and one of the many indexes with which this fame " School" will be provided, will afford an ampler and truer Gloflary thaa can be made out of any other matter. In the mean while, NOTE, of his acquaintance with fome of the Latin claflicks, at leaft at thit time : The difiipation of youth, and, when that was over, the busy fcene in which he inftantly plung'd himfelf, may very \vell be fup- pos'd to have hinder'd his making any great piogrefs in them ; but that fuch a mind as his mould quite lose the tindture of any Ifow- ledge it had once been imbu'd with, can not be imagin'd: accord- ingly we fee, that this fchool-learning (for it was no more) fluck with him to the laft; and it was the recordations, as we may call it, of that learning wh : ch produc'd the Latin that is in many of his plays, and moft plentifully in those that are moft early : every feveral piece of it is aptly introduc'd, given to a proper chara&er, and utt- 34 and 'till fuch time as the whole can be got ready, and their way clear 'd for them by publication of the book above-mention'd, the reader will please to take in good part fome few of these notes with which he will be pre- sented by and by: they were written at leaft four years ago, with intention of placing them at the head of the feveral notes that are defign'd for each play ; but are now detach'd from their fellows, and made parcel of the In- troduction, in compliance with fome friends' opinion; who having given them a perusal, will needs have it, that 'tis expedient the world (hould be made acquainted forthwith in what fort of reading the poor Poet him- felf, and his editor after him, have been unfortunately immerf'd. This difcourfe is ran out, we know not how, into gr- eater heap of leaves than was any ways thought of, and has perhaps fatigu'd the reader equally with the penner of it : yet can we not difmifs him, nor lay down our pen, 'till one article more has been enquir'd into, which feems no lefs proper for the difcuilion of this place, than one NOTE. er'd upon fome proper occasion ; and fo well cemented , as it were, and jcin'd to the p,fl",-ge it lia:,ds in, as to deal conviction to theju- a cious that the whole was wrought up together, and fetch'd trom bis own little ftore, upon the fuddea and without fludy. The other languages which he has icmetitnes made ufa of, that is the Italian and fratt, are not or fuch difficult conqueft that we fliouid think thsm beyond his reach : an acquaintance viith the firft of them was a fort of fafliion in his time ; Sumy and the fonnet- writers fet it en foot, and it was continued by SIDNEY and SPIN- CER : all our p.e'ry illV. 54, and in " Troilus and Creflida," p. 109 and 1 17 j of the feeend, in " The Comedy of Errors,'"' f. 62, and in " Richard III," f. 92, and J02 ; and " The Tanpeft" /. 69, and " King Lear," p. 53, afford in- flances of the laft ; as may be feen by looking into any modern edi- tion, where all those paflages ftand nearly as in the old ones. Origin O/^SHAKESPEARE'J Fables. AlFs well, that ends 'well. The fable of this play is taken from a novel, of wh- ich BOCCACE is the original author; in whose " Dica- meron" it may be feen at p. 97. b of the Giunti edition, reprinted at London. But it is more than probable, that SHAKESPEARE read it in a book, call'd " 'The Palace of Pleasure:" which is a collection of "novels, translated, irom other authors, made by one William PA INTER, and \>y him firft publiQi'd in the years 1565 and 67, in two $p Iirtrodu&on. tomes, quarto; the novel now fpoken of, is the thirty- eighth of tome the 'firft. This novel is a meagre tranfla- tion, not (perhaps) immediately from BOCCAC, but from a French tranflator of him : as the original is in e- very body's hands, it may there be feen that nothing as taken from it by SHAKESPEARE, but fome leading incidents of the ferious part of his play. Antony and Cleopatra. This play, together with " Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, and feme part of Timon of Athens," are form'd upon ' Plutarch's Lives," in the articles Coriolanus, Brutus, Julius Ccnt me Promos, to iorne toitf: rou in ftoap : flgll toe map to Juitice I;atoe an epe, note to ftoto, mr rule $ potoer at larUge, t>is llcttero liDattento fjeare : Pballax, reaHc out mr SotierainciJ charoce, Phal. 30 pou commaunlie, '31 terll : gite ijertjcfull care* Phallax readeib the Kinges Letters Patent*, ivbich mujl be fayre written in parchment ', tuitbjome great eounttrfeat zeale. Pro. Hoe, |jere pou fee tol;at 10 our fi-o^eraisneo torf, toe, |>eare t>is toifl), tljat riol;t, not migf)t f beare ftoare: toe, Jjeare %i$ care, to toeetie from coou tlje p!I, ^To ftoorce tl;e tois?/t0 r cooti Latoro tl>at Uifobap." And thus it proceeds; without one word in it, that SHAKESPEARE could make ufe of, or can be read with IntroditSion. i>3 patience by any man living: And yet, befides the cha- ra&ers appearing in the argument, his Bawd, Clown, Lucia, Juliet, and the Provoft, nay, and even his Barn- ara'ine, are created out of hints which this play gave him; and the lines too that are quoted, bad as they are, fuggefted to him the manner in which his own play opens. Merchant of Venice. The Jew of Venice was a ftory exceedingly well-kn- own in SHAKESPEARE'S time; celebrated in ballads; and taken (perhaps) originally from an Italian book, intitl'd " // Pecorone:" the author of which calls him- felf, Ser Giovanni Florentine; and writ his book, as he tells you in fome humorous verfes at the beginning of it, in 1 37 8, three years after the death of BOCCACE :itis divided into giornata's, and the ftory we are fpeaking of is in the firft novel of the giornata quarta; Edit. 1565* octavo, in Vinegia. This novel SHAKESPEARE certainly read; either in the original, or (which| I rather think) in fome tranflation that is not now to be met with, and form'd his play upon it. It was translated anew, and made publick ia 1755, in a fmall odlavo pamphlet, pr- inted for M. Cooper: and, at the end of it, a novel of BOCCACE; (the firft of day the tenth) which, as the tran- {lator rightly judges, might poffibly produce the fcene of the caflcets, fubltituted by the Poet in place of one IB .the other novel, that was noc proper for the ftage. Merry Wivet of Windfor. Queen Elizabeth "'fays a writer of SHAKESPEARE'S 64 Introduction. life, " was fo well pleas'd with that admirable Charac- ter of Fal/iaff~ t in the two Parts of Henry the Fourth, that fhe commanded him to continue it for one Play more, and to (hew him in Love. This is faid to be the Occa- fion of his Writing the Merry Wives o/"Windfor." As there is no proof brought for the truth of this ftory, we may conclude that it is either fome play-houfe tradi- tion, or had it's rife from fir William DAVENANT, wh- ose authority the writer quotes for another fingular an- ecdote, relating to lord Southampton. Be this as it may; SHAKESPEARE, in the conduct of Faljlaff's love-adven- tures, made ufe of fome incidents in a book that has been mention'd before, call'd " // Pecorone ;" they are in the fecond novel of that book. It is highly probable, that this novel likewise is in an old Englijb drefs fome- \vhere or other; and from thence tranfplanted into a foo- lifh book, call'd " The fortunate, the deceived, and tie unfortunate Lovers;" printed in 1685, octavo, for Will- iam Whitwood; where the reader may fee it, at/. I. Let me add too, that there is a like ftory in the " Piace- ral, printed in 1593* qu'ar- to) it is not improbable, that SHAKESPEARE took from thence the hint of his fairies : a line of that poem, "Tho- rough bufh, thorough briar," occurs alfo in his play. The reft of the play is, doubtlefs, invention : the names only of Thefeus, Hippolita, and Thefeus 1 former loves, An- tiopa and others, being hiftorical; and taken from the tranflated Plutarch, in the article Thefeus. Much Ado about Nothing. " Timbree de Cardone deviet amoureux a Mefllne de Fenicie Leonati, & dcs divers & eftrages accidens qui advindret avat qu'il 1'efpoufaft." is the title of another novel in the " Hiftoires tragiques" of BELLEFOREST ; Tom. 3. Hift. 18: it is taken from one of BANDELLO'S, which you may fee in his firft tome, at p. 150, of the London edition in quarto, a copy from that of Lucca in 1^54. This French novel comes the neareft to the fable of " Much Ado about Nothing," of any thing that has yet been difcover'd, and is (perhaps) the foundation of it. There is a ftory fomething like it in the fifth book of " Orlando fur iofo:" (v. fir John HARRINGTON'S tranfla- tion of it, Edit. 1591, folio) and another in SPENCER'S *' Fairy ^ueen." Othello. CINTHIO, the beft of t\\t Italian writers next to Boc- CAGE, has a novel thus intitl'd : " Un Capitano Moro j-iglia per mogliera una cittadina venetiana, un fuo Alfi- ieri 1'accufa di adulterio al [read, il, with a colon after 2duherio]i Marito, cerca,che 1'Aifieri uccida colui, ch'egH 66 Jntrodufiio*. credea rAdultero,iI Capitano nccide la Moglie, e accu- fato dallo Alfieri, non confefla il Moro, ma eflendovi chiari inditii, e bandito, Et lo fcelerato Alfieri, creden- do nuocere ad altri, procaccia a fe la morte miferamen- te."Hecatommithi, Dec 3, Nov. 7 ; Edit. 1 565, 2 tomes, cftavo. If there was no tranflation of this novel, French or Englijb; nor any thing built upon it, either in prose orverfe, near enough in time for SHAKESPEARE to take his " Othello" from them; we mutt, I think, conclude that he had it from the Italian; for the ftory (at lealt, in all it's main circumflances) is apparently the fame. Romeo and Juliet. This very affe&ing ftory is likewise a true one ; it made a great noise at the time it happen'd, and was foon taken up by poets and novel-writers. BANDELLO has one; it is the ninth of tome the fecond : and there is a- nother, and much better, left us by fome anonymous writer; of which I have an edition, printed in 1553 at Venice, one year before BANDELLO, which yet was not the firil. Some fmall time after, Pierre BOISTEAU, a frtnch writer, put out one upon the fame fubjeft, taken from these Italians, but much alter'd and enlarg'd: this novel, together with five others of BOISTEAU'S penn- ing, BELLEFOREST took; and they now {land at the beginning of his " Hijioires tragiques" edition before- meiition'd. But it had fome prior edition; which falling into the hands of a countryman of ours, he converted it into a poem ; altering, and adding many things to it of his own, and publifh'd it in 1562, without a name, in a foiall odiavo volume, printed by Richard Tottill', and Introduction. 67 tins poem, which is call'd " The Tragical! Hi/lorie of Romeus and Juliet," is the origin of SHAKESPEARE'S play: who not only follows it even minutely in the con- duct of his fable, and that in those places where it dif- fers from the other writers; but has alfo borrow'd from it fome few thoughts, and expreflions. At the end of a fmall poetical mifcellany, publifh'd by one GeorgeTvu- BERVILLE in i 570, there is a poem " on the death of Maifter ^r//6r BROOKE drownde in paffing to Ne'w-ba- cven'," in which it appears, that this gentleman, (who, it is likely, was a military man) was the writer of" Ro- meus and Juliet." In the fecond tome of" The Palace cf P/?jar^,"(Nov.25.)thereisaprose tranflation of Bois- TEAU'S novel; but SHAKESPEARE made no ufe of it. Taming of the Shrew. Nothing has yet been produc'd that is likely to have given the Poet occasion for writing this play, neither has it (in truth) the air of a novel, fo that we may rea- sonably fuppose it a work of invention ; that part of it, I mean, which gives it it's title. For one of it's under- walks, or plots, to wit, the (lory of Lucentio, in almo'ft all it's branches, (his love-affair, and the artificial con- duel of it; the pleasant incident of the Pedant; and the characters of Vincentio, Tranio, Gremia, and Eiondello) is form'd upon a comedy of George GASCOI ONE'S, call'd " Supposes," a translation from ARIOSTO'S " / Suppofiti: " which comedy was acted by the gentlemen of Gr^VInn in 1566; and may be feen in the tranflator's works, of which there are feveral old editions: And the odd in- du&ion of this play is taken from GOULART'S " tiijl- <5$ IntreauSion. eires admiralties de noire Temps ;'* who relates it as a real faft, pra&if'd upon a mean artisan at Ervffeh by Philip the good, duke of Burgundy. GOULART was tranflated into Englijb, by one EdW l r/; which his cunniug braia by favour of the nine-fol Peems upon the Author. fie lujkirfdmuse, the comick queen, the grand And louder tone of Clio, nimble band And nimbler foot of the melodious pair, The feivcr-'Ooictd lady, the moj} fair Calliope, ftc whose ' daunts, And Jhe whose praise the heavenly body chants. These jointly ivoo'd him, envying one anstber;^ Obey'J by all as /pome, tut lov'd as brother}"" And 1x1 'ought a curious robe, of j able grave, Frrjh green, and pleasant yellova, red mojt brave, And conftant blue, rich purple, guiltlefs iubite, The lowly rujjet, and the fcarlet bright : Branch d and embroidered like the painted fpring\ Each leaf match 1 d 'with afloiver, and each firing Qf golden e wire, each line offeik: there run Italian ivorks, vjbose thread the Jifters Jpun ; And there didjlng, cr jicm to feng, the choice Birds of a foreign note and various voice: Here bangs a mtffi rock ; there plays a fair But chiding fountain, purled : not the air, Nor clouds, nor thunder, but ivere living drawn', Kot out of common tiffany or lawn, Butjine materials, lubich the Mutes know, And only knonu the countries nicbere they grow. NOVJ, nuhen they could no longer him enjoy, In mortal garments pent, Death may dejtroy, They fay, his body, but his *vt rfe jhalt live, And more than nature takes our bands Jbail ?ivt? In a lefs volume, but more ftreng'y bound, Shakefpeare _/#// breath andjp.ah; ivith laurel crovjn a* 1' hicb never fades; fed with ambro/Jul meat; la a vjell-limd vejiure, rich, and neat: Pcems upon tie Author. So vjith this role they cloatb him, lid him wear it ', For time jhall never ft ain, nor envy tear it. The friendly Admirer of his Endowments, J. M. S. An Epitaph on the admirable dramatick Poet, W. SHAKESPEARE. What needs, my Shakefpeare,_/or his honour 1 d banet^ Vbe labour of an age in piled ftones ; Or that his hallow d reliques Jhould be hid Under a ftar-ypoit'.iing pyramid? Dear f on of memory, great heir of fame, fflhat need 1 ft thou juch weak witnefs of thy name? Thou, in our wonder and ajtonijhment, Haft built thy f elf a live-long monument: For wbilft, to the Jhame of flow -endeavouring art, Thy easy numbers flow ; and that each heart Hath, from the leaves of thy unvalu d bsok, Those Delphick lines with deep imprejjion took; fhen thou, our fancy of itfetf bereaving, Deft make us marble with too much conceiving ; Jlnd, Jo jepulcherd, in fuch pomp doft lye, ' 5 'hat kings, for juch a tomb, would wijlj to die. NOTE. Th's lad poem was writ bv the great MILTON; and fs here g'vta you as i' lies in an edition ot that au hor's poem?, printed in :673 oclavu; w >jre it is only infcrib'd, " On SHAKESPZAKR," ; nd date- 16^0- This poem, that immediately before it, and '.fa>; iir.l " Ujon his ffii:s_," are not in die fir;t loiio. Table of bis Editions. . B. IT. Henry IV, i/t. p. 1598. P. S./or Andrew Wife, (btft VII. King John. [1591. for Edit. ADD.} 2. 1599. S. S. SampfrnCiarke../.2.l6n. for D'. 3. 1604. (DES.) 4. Valentine Simmes/or John 1608. for Mathew Law. Helme.3. 1622. Aug: Math- {DES.} 5. idij. VV. W./^r ewes^rfhomasDewe.]-E;.C. Do. (ADD.) 6. 1622. T. P. o/4y Z)o 7.163 2. John Nor- VIII. A!% Lear. 1608. fcr ton.Soldly William Sheares. Nathaniel Butter.(%/ E t ;it.) (ADD.) 8. 1639. John Nor- 2. 1608. for ZK (ADD. v. ton. 5o/r/ by Hugh Perry. D.) 3. 1655. Jane Bell. III. Henry IV, 2 Wife. (*.) 2. 15-98. Tho~ &>.] 3. 1630. T. H.for R. mas Creede,/0r />. 3. 1602. Meighen. (a &/) Z>>. 4. 1612. Thomas Cr- eede.Sott ly MathewLavve. XII. Midfummer Night* sDr- 5. 1622. Thomas Purfoot. az. \6oo.for Thomas Fifh- ^/d' ^y />. 6. 1629. John er. (beftEdit.} 2. 1 600. James Norton. 5oA/ by D.j. 1634. Roberts. John Norton. XII [. Mr -^/o alaut Noth- XVII. Romeo /?W Juliet. inf. 1600. V. S. for Andrew [1597. John Danter.] 2. Wife, -3. 1626. A.M. Kirkraan,WHenryMarih. for Francis Falkner. 4.1651. .(a) T. P. for D>. 5. 1655. far III. Edvvardlll. O.C. 1596. William Gilbertfon. /orCiuhbertBurby.2 1599. VIII. Mucedorus. =f 1598. Sinron Stafford, for DO. for William Jones. (DES.) ir Em. -|- 1631. for 2. 1610. for DO. 3. 1615. John Wright. N.O.forD (DES.) 1639. V. Locrine.* 1 595. Thomas for John V\ right. 5. no cute. Creccie. (a&J ) for Francis Coles. 6. 1668. V !. London PW/jW.* 1 605. E. O.for DO. T.C./cr Nathaniel Butter. IX. Pericles.* 1609. for V'able of bis Ediiimi. 'Henry Goflbn. 2. 1619.^ XIT. Thomas lord Croiw- T. P. 3. 1630. J. N. Jor wel.* 1613. Thomas Snod- R. B. 4. 1635. Thomas ham. Cotes. Xlir. Two noble Kinsmen ** X. Puritan* 1607. G. Eld. 1634. Tho. Cotes, for John (a.) Waterfon. (a &/) XI. Sir John Oldcaftle. * XIV. Yorkfhire -Tragedy* 1600. for T. P. 1619. /arT. P. 2V r . The two plays, mark'd with double afreriiks, are faid in the title- page to have been wrhten, the firft by Shake/pearl and Riw/ey, the other by Fletcher and Sbakeffeare: and the feven, with fingle afier- ifks, are publifh'd with his other plays in a folio edition printed in 1664, and in fome ed.tions fince. 0. C. figrufies, old catalogues ; in feme of which, these two plays are afcrib'd to Sbakefftfrt : and the remaining three, difiinguifh'd by erodes, are in a volume, now in Mr. Garrick's possefii-n, that did belong to king Charles the firft, which is titl'd upon the back, "SHAKRSPEAR Vol, Is" and these likewise are given to him by old catalogues, " Fair Em" excep'.ed, which is therefore difFerenc'd by having but one crofs-bar. It may be juft observ'd too, that, to the plays mark'd 0. C, and with crof- fes, there is no name of author, either in the title-page, or other part : of the double afteriflcs, fee the account above ; and, for the fin- gle ones, in the; title-pages of " Locrine, Puritan, and Thomas lord Cromwel," are the initial letters, W. S, and, in the others, the name at length. Folio Editions. I. Mr. William Shakefpeares Comedies, Hiftories, & Tra- gedies. Publijbed according to the True Originall Copies. 1623. foi. llaac Jawgard, and Ed. Blount. If. DO, i632,/o/. Tho. Cotes, for Robert Allot. HI. DO, i664,yW./rP.C. 'Table ofbif Editions. IV. Do, i6Ss,/o/.for H. Herringman, E. Brewfler, a: I R. Bentiey. Edit lens of l>is Poems. I. Shakefpeare's Poems. 1609. quarto. (*DES.) II. D , m> rf'tftt, o8a t 1640, ofta Lords attending the King. Francifco, j Caliban, ajavage and defornid Slave. Trinculo, a Jejler. Stephano, a drunken Butler. Maflerofthe King's Ship, Boatfnuain, and Mariners. Miranda, Daughter to Profpero. Ariel, an airy Spirit. Other aerial Spirits ; pre- senting, in the Mafque, Iris, Ceres, and Juno. Attendants upon the King. Spirits attending Profpero. Scene, at Sea ; and in different Parts of an uninhabited I/land. The TEMPEST. ACT I. SCENE I. A Ship at Sea. ^ great Storm, ivitb Thunder and Lightning, Enter, upon Deck, a Ship-matter, and a Boatfwain. Maf. Boatfwain, Boa. Here, matter : What cheer ? Maf. Good : Speak to th' mariners: fall to't, yarely, or we run ourfelves aground : beftir, beftir. [Exit. Enter Mariners. Boa. Heigh, my hearts ; cheerly, cheerly, my hearts ; yare, yare : Take in the top-fail ; Tend to th' matter's whittle: Blow, 'till thou burft thy wind, if room enough. [Exeunt Mariners, aloft. Enter ALONSO, Sebaftian, Ferdinand, ANTONIO, GONZALO, and Others. ALO. Good boatfwain, have care. Where's the matter ? Play the men. Boa. I pray now, keep below. 4NT. Where is the matter, boatfwain ? ^Boa. Do you not hear him ? You mar our labour ; AS 4 7'6e Tempeft. Keep your cabins ; You do affift the ftorm. GON. Nay, good, be patient. Boa. When the fea is. Hence. What care these roarers for the name of king ? To cabin : filence : trouble us not. GON. Good ; yet remember whom thou haft aboard. Boa. None that I more love than myfelf. You are a counfellor ; If you can command these elements to filence, and work the peace of the present, we will not hand a rope more, use your authority : if you cannot, give thanks you have liv'd fo long, and make yourfelf ready in your cabin for the mifchance of the hour, if it fo hap._ Cheerly, good hearts. Out of our way, I fay. [Exit. GON. I have great comfort from this fellow: me- thinks, he hath no drowning mark upon him ; his complexion is perfect gallows. Stand faft, good fate, to his hanging ; make the rope of his deftiny our cable, for our own doth little advantage : If he be not born to be hang'd, our cafe is miserable. [Exeunt. Re-enter Boatfwain. Boa. Down with the top-mail; yare, lower, lower; bring her to try with main-courfe. [Cry within."] A plague upon this howling ! they are louder than the weather, or our office. _ Re-enter SEBASTIAN, ANTONIO, and GONZALO. Yet again ? What do you here ? Shall we give o'er, and drown r Have you a mind to fink ? SEB. A pox o' your throat ! you bawling, blafphe- mous, incharitable dog ! Boa. Work you then. * cares The Tempejl. 5 Atst. Hang, cur, hang ! you whorfon infolent noise- maker ! we are lefs afraid to be drown'd, than thou art. GON. I'll warrant him for drowning; though the ftiip were no ftronger than a nut -(hell, and as leaky as an unftanch'd wench. Boa. Lay her a-hold, a-hold; fet her two courfes off to lea again, lay her off. [C r y a gain. Enter Mariners, ivet. Mar. All loft ; to prayers, to prayers ; all loft ! [Exeunt Mariners. Boa. What, muft our mouths be cold ? [them; GON. The king and prince at prayers! let's affiit For our cafe is as theirs. SEB. I'm out of patience. [ards ANT. We are meerly cheated of our lives by drunk- This wide-chopt rafcal; 'Would, thou might'ft lye The wafhing of ten tides ! [drowning, GON. He'll be hang'd yet; Though every drop of water fwear againft it, And gape at wid'ft to glut him. Mercy on us ! [A confusd Noise n my brother : Whereon, A treacherous army levy'd, one midnight, Fated to the purpose, did dntonio open The gates of Milan; and, i' the dead of darknefs, The minifters for the purpose hurry'd thence Me, and thy crying fe!f. MIR. Alack, for pity ! I, not rcmembring how I cry'd on't then, Will cry it o'er again ; it is a hint, That wrings mine eyes to't. PRO. Hear a little further, And then I'll bring thee to the present businefs Which now's upon us ; without the which, this ftory Were moft impertinent. 16 cridc out then The Tempejl. II MIR. Wherefore did they not That hour deftroy us ? PRO. Well demanded, wench ; My tale provokes that queftion : Dear, they durft not, (So dear the love my people bore me) nor fet A mark fo bloody on the businefs ; but With colours fairer painted their foul ends. In few, they hurry'd us aboard a bark ; Bore us fome leagues to fea ; where they prepar'd A rotten carcafe of a boat, not rig'd, Nor tackle, nor fail, nor maft ; the very rats Inftin&ively had quit it : there they hoift us To cry to the fea, that roar'd to us ; to figh To the winds, whose pity, fighing back again, Did us but loving wrong. MIR. Alack ! what trouble Was I then to you ! PRO. O, a cherubin Thou waft, that did preserve me ! Thou did'ft fmile, Infused with a fortitude from heaven, When I have deck'd the fea with drops full fait, Under my burthen groan'd ; which rais'd in me An undergoing ftomach, to bear up Againft what mould enfue. MIR . How came we afhore ? PRO. By providence divine. Some food we had, and fome frelh water, that A noble Neapolitan, Gonzalo, Out of his charity, (he being then appointed Mailer of this defign) did give us ; with Rich garments, linnens, fluffs, and neceflaries, Which fince have fteeded much : fo, of his gentlenefs, 10 a Butt, " have quit *9 (who being 12 T'he Tempeft. Knowing I lov'd my books, he furnifh'd me, From mine own library, with volumes that I prize above my dukedom. MIR. 'Would I might But ever fee that man ! PRO. Now I arise: Sit ftill, and hear the laft of our fea-forrow. Here in this ifland we arriv'd ; and here Have I, thy fchool-mafter, made thee more profit Than other princes can, that have more time For vainer hours, and tutors not fo careful. [fir, MIR. Heavens thank you for't! And now, I pray you, (For flill 'tis beating in my mind) your reason For raising this fea-ltorm ? PRO. Know thus far forth; By accident molt ftrange, bountiful fortune, Now my dear lady, hath mine enemies Brought to this fhore : and by my prefcience I find, my zenith doth depend upon A moft aufpicious ftar ; whose influence If now I court not, but omit, my fortunes Will ever after droop. Here ceafe more queflions, Thou art inclin'd to fleep ; 'tis a good dulnefs, And give it way : I know, thou canft not choose. [Miranda^/;. Come away, fervant, come : I'm ready now; Approach, my Ariel, come. Enter ARIEL. ARI. All hail, great matter ! grave fir, hail ! I come To anfwer thy beft pleasure ; be't to fly, To fwim, to dive into the fire, to ride On the curl'd clouds : to thy llrong bidding talk 10 Princefie can The Temptft. 13 Ariel and all his quality. PRO. Haft thou, fpirit, Perform'd to point the tempeft that I bad thee ? ARI. To every article. I boarded the king's (hip ; now on the beak, Now in the wafte, the deck, in every cabin, I flam'd amazement : Sometimes, I'd divide, And burn in many places ; on the top-maft, The yards, and bore-fprit, would I flame diftinftly, Then meet, and join : Jove's lightnings, the precurfers O' the dreadful thunder-clap, more momentary And fight-out-running were not: The fire, and cracks Of fulphurous roaring, the moft mighty Neptune Seem to befiege ; and make his bold waves tremble, Yea, his dread trident make. PRO. My brave bratoe fpirit ! Who was fo firm, fo conftant, that this coil Would not infeft his reason ? Am. Not a foul But felt a fever of the mad, and play'd Some tricks of defperation: All, but mariners, Plung'd in the foaming brine, and quit the veflel, Then all a-fire with me : the king's fon, Ferdinand, With hair up-ftaring, (then like reeds, not hair) Was the firft man that leap'd ; cry'd, Hell it empty t , And all the devils are here. PRO. Why, that's my fpirit ! But was not this nigh more ? ARI. Clofe by, my m after. PRO. But are they, Ariel, fafe ? ARI. Not a hair perifh'd ; On their fuftaining garments not a blemilh, 10 Lightning, f| Thunder-claps 14. We Ttmpeft. But frefher than before ; and, as thou bad'ft me, In troops I have difperf'd them 'bout the ifle : The king's fon have I landed by himfelf ; Whom I left cooling of the air with fighs, In an odd angle of the ifle, and fitting, His arms in this ~\ fad knot. PRO. Of the king's (hip, The mariners, fay how thou haft difpos'd, And all the reft o' the fleet ? ARI. Safely in harbour Is the king's fhip ; in the deep nook, where once Thou call'dft me up at midnight to fetch dew From the ftill-vext Bermoothes, there (he's hid : The mariners all under hatches ftow'd ; Who, with a charm join'd to their fuffer'd labour, I have left afleep : and for the reft o' the fleet, Which I difperf'd, they all have met again ; And are upon the Mediterranean note, Bound fadly home for Naples ; Supposing that they faw the king's fhip wreck'd, And his great perfon perifh. PR o . Ariel, thy charge Exactly is perform'd ; but there's more work : What is the time o' the day ? ARI. Paft the mid feason. [now PRO. At leaft two glaffes: The time 'twixt fix and Muft by us both be fpent moft precioufly. AR i. Is there more toil ? Since thou doft give me pains, Let me remember thee what thou haft promis'd, Which is not yet perform'd me. PRO. How now? moody ? What is't thou canft demand ? The Tempejl. 15 ARI. My liberty. PRO. Before the time be out? no more. ARI. \ pray thee : Remember, I have done thee worthy fervice ; Told thee no lyes, made thee no miftakings, {erv'd Without or grudge, or grumblings : thou didft promise To bate me a full year. PRO. Doft thou forget From what a torment I did free thee ? ARI. No. [ooze PRO. Thou doft : and think'ft it much, to tread the Of the fait deep; To run upon the (harp wind of the north ; To do me businefs in the veins o'the earth, When it is bak'd with froft. ARI. I do not, fir. PRO. Thou ly'ft, malignant thing : Haft thou forgot The foul witch Sycorax, who, with age, and envy, Was grown into a hoop r haft thou forgot her? ARI. No, fir. PRO. Thou haft; Where was me born? fpeak, tell me. ARI. Sir, in Argier. PRO. O, was (he fo ? I muft, Once in a month, recount what thou haft been, Which thou forget'ft. This damn'd witch, Sycorax, For rriifchiefs manifold, and forceries terrible To enter human hearing, from Argier, Thou know'ft, was banifh'd ; for one thing (he did, They would not take her life : Is not this true ? ARI. Ay, fir. [child, PRO. This blue-ey'd hag was hither brought with And here was left by the failors : Thou, my flave, VOL. I. B 1 6 The TempsJ}. As thou report'ft thyfelf, waft then her fervant : And, for thou waft a fpirit too delicate To aft her earthy and abhor'd commands, Refusing her grand hefts, fhe did confine thee, By help of her more potent minifters, And in her moft unmitigable rage, Into a cloven pine ; within which rift Imprison'dj thou didft painfully remain A dozen years ; within which fpace (he dy'd, And left thee there ; where thou didft vent thy groans As faft as mill-wheels ftrike : Then was this ifland (Save for the fon that fhe did litter here, A freckl'd whelp, hag-born) not honour'd with A human mape. Am. Yes; Caliban her fon. PRO. Dull thing, I fay fo; he, that Caliban, Whom now I keep in fervice. Thou beft know'ft What torment I did find thee in : thy groans Did make wolves howl, and penetrate the breafts Of ever-angry bears ; it was a torment To lay upon the damn'd, which Sjcerax Could not again undo ; it was mine art, When I arriv'd, and heard thee, that made gape The pine, and let thee out. ART. I thank thee, mafter. PRO. If thou more murmur'ft, I will rend an oak, And peg thee in his knotty entrails, 'till Thou haft howl'd away twelve winters. ARI. Pardon, mafter : I will be correfpondent to command, And do my fpiriting gently. PRO. Do fo : and after two days The Tempefl. 17 I will difcharge thee. ARI. That's my noble matter! What {hall I do ? lay, what ? what fhall I do ? PRO. Go make thy felf like to a nymph o' the fea :. Be fubjefl to no fight but mine ; invisible To every eye-ball elfe : Go, take this fhape, And hither come in it: go, hence, with diligence. [Exit ARIEL. Awake, dear heart, awake! thou haft flept well^ Awake ! MIR . The ftrangenefs of your ftory put Heavinefs in me. PRO. Shake it off: Come on ; We'll visit Cali&an, my flave, who never Yields us kind anfwer. MIR. 'Tis a villain, fir, I do not love to look on. PRO. But, as 'tis, We cannot mifs him : he does make our fire, Fetch in our wood ; and ferves in offices That profit us. _ What, ho ! flave ! Caliban ! Thou earth, thou, fpeak ! CAL . \fwithin\ There's wood enough within, [thee : PRO. Come forth, I fay ; there's other businefs for Come, thou tortoise ! when ! Re-enter ARIEL, like a Water-nymph. " Fine apparition ! My quaint Ariel, " " Hark in thine ear. " ARI. " My lord, it fhall be done." [Exit ARIEL. PRO. Thou poisonous flave, got by the devil himfelf Upon thy wicked dam, come forth ! Enter CALIBAN. 5 but thine, and mine : B a IS The Tempefi. CAL . As wicked dew, as ere my mother brufh'd With raven's feather from unwholfom fen, Drop on you both ! a fouth-weft blow on ye, And blifter you all o'er ! [cramps, PRO. For this, be fure, to-night thou fhalt have Side-flitches that (hall pen thy breath up ; urchins Shall, for that vaft of night that they may work, All exercise on thee : thou fhalt be pinch d As thick as honey-comb, each pinch more flinging Than bees that made them. CAL. I mufl eat my dinner. This ifland's mine, by Sycorax my mother, Which thou tak'ft from me. When thou cam'ft firft, Thou flroak'dft me, and mad'ft much of me; would'ft Water with berries in't ; and teach me how [give me To name the bigger light, and how the lefs, That burn by day and night : and then I lov'd thee, And fhew'd thee all the qualities o' the ifle, The frefh-fp rings, brine-pits, barren place, and fertil ; Curf 'd be I, that I did fo ! All the charms Of Sycorax, toads, beetles, bats, light on you ! For I am all the fubjefts that you have, Which firft was mine own king : and here you fly me In this hard rock, whiles you do keep from me The reft o'the ifland. PRO. Thou moft lying flave, Whom ftripes may move, not kindnefs : I have us'd thee, Filth as thou art, with human care ; and lodg'd thee In mine own cell, 'till thou did'tt feek to violate The honour of my child. CAL. Oh ho, oh ho!_'would't had been done ! Thou did'ft prevent me ; I had peopl'd elfe + ftroakft me, & made much 7'be Tempsfl. 19 This ifle with Calibans. PRO. Abhorred flave ; Which any print of goodnefs wilt not take, Being capable of all ill ! I pity'd thee, Took pains to make thee fpeak, taught thee each hour One thing or other : when thou could'ft not, favage, Show thine own meaning, but would'ft gabble like A thing mod brutifh, 1 endow'd thy purposes With words that made them known : But thy vile race, Though thou didft learn, had that in't which good na- Could not abide to be with ; therefore waft thou [tures Deservedly confin'd into this rock, Who had'it deserv'd more than a prison. CAL. You taught me language; and my profit on't Is, I know how to curfe ; The red plague rid you, For learning me your language ! PRO. Hag- feed, hence ! Fetch us in fuel ; and be quick, thou'ert beft, To anfwer other businefs. Shrug'ft thou, malice ? If thou negle&'ft, or doft unwillingly What I command, I'll rack thee with old cramps ; Fill all thy bones with aches ; make thee roar, That beafts mall tremble at thy din. CAL. No, pray thee!_ " I muft obey ; his art is of fuch power," " It would controul my dam's god Setebos, " " And make a vaflal of him." PRO. So, flave; hence! [Exit CALIBAN. Mustek. Re-enter ARIEL, invisible ; FERDINAND following. ARI. Come unto these yellow j and; y SONG, and then take hands : * Mir. Abhorred 6 thou didft not 1 Know thine B 3 2O The Tempejl. curffy'd 'when you have, and kiji, (the wild waves ivhift) foot it feat ly here and there ; and,fweetfpriies, the burthen bear. Hark, hark! bur. Bowgh, wowgh. [difperfedfy. the all not myfelf, One of their kind, that relifh all as fharply, Pafiion as they, be kindlier mov'd than thou art? Though with their high wrongs I am lirook to the quick, Vet, with my nobler reason, 'gainit my fury Do I take part: the rarer ailion is In virtue, than in vengeance: they being penitent, The fole drift of my purpose, teratb doth end ; Not a frown further : Cio, releafe them, Ariel \ 1 Lin: grcrvt - c winters 3' dcth extend The Tetnpf ft. 67 ?>Ty charms I'll break, their fenfes I'll reftore, And they (hall be themfelves. ARI. 'I'll fetch them, fir. [A;>. ' Pno. Ye elves of hills, brooks, (landing lakes, and And ye, that on the fands with printlefs foot [groves; Do chafe the ebbing Neptune, and do fly him When he comes back ; you demi-puppets, that By rnov.i-fhine do the green four ringlets make, Whereof the ewe not bites ; and you, whose paitime Is to make midnight mufhrooms; that rejoice T<> ;f-ar the folemn curfeu ; by whose aid (Weak matters though ye be) I have bedim'd 'j h>: ::' >n-i.Jo fun, call'd forth the mutinous winds-,. And 'twixt the green fea and the azur'H vault Set roaring war: to the dread rattling thunder Have I given fire, and rifted Jove's (tout oak With his o\vn bolt: the (trong-baf'd promontory Have 1 made (hake ; and by the (purs pluck'd up .The pine, and cedar : graves, at my command, Have wak'd their fleepers ; op'd, and let them forth, By rr.y fo potent art : But this rough magick J here abjure : and, when I have requir'd Some heavenly musick, (which even now I do) To work mine end upon their fenfes that This airy charm is for, I'll break my ilaff, Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And deeper than did ever plummet found I'll drown my. book. [/olenn Musick. Re-enter ARIEL: after him, A I. o N s o, with afrantick Gefture, attended by Go N z A L o ; SEBASTIAN, and ANTONIO, in like Manner, attended by Adrian, ^WFrancifco : They all enter the Circle which 68 The Tempeji. Profpero had mack, and there ft and charm" d\ which Profpero observing, /peaks. A folemn air, the belt comforter To an unfettl'd fancy, cure thy brains, Now ufelefs, boil'd within thy fkull! there ftand, For you are fpell-ftopt. __ Holy Gonxalo, honourable man, Mine eyes, even fociable to the {hew of thine, Fall fellow drops The charm dissolves apace; And as the morning fteals upon the night, Melting the darknefs, fo their rising fenfes Begin to chafe the ignorant fumes that mantle Their clearer reason O good Gonzalo, My true preserver, and a loyal fir To him thou follow'ft ; I will pay thy graces Home, both in word and deed._Moft cruelly Didfl thou, Alamo, use me and my daughter : Thy brother was a furtherer in the aft ; Thou art pinch'd for't now, Sebaftian, Flefh and blood, You, brother mine; that entertain'd ambition, Expell'd remorfe, and nature ; who, with Sebaftian, (Whose inward pinches therefore are moil ftrong) Would here have kilPd your king ; I do forgive thee, Unnatural though thou art. Their underftanding Begins to fwell ; and the approaching tide Will fhortly fill the reasonable more, That now lies foul and muddy. Not one of them, That yet looks on me, or would know me: -.Ariel, Fetch me the hat and rapier in my cell ; _ [Exit ARIEL. I will difcafe me, and myfelf present As I was fometime Milan : _ quickly, fpiiit; s Ayre, and the * boik 9 fcllowly dropi *7 ly foule The Tempeji. 69 Thou (halt ere long be free. ' Re-enter ARIEL. ARS. Where the bee fucks, there fuck I', SONG, in a cowflip's bell I lye, there I couch : nvhen owls do cry-, on the bat's back 1 do fly after fummer, merrily : Merrily, merrily, Jhall I lif, Let yctir indulgence fet me free. [Exeunt. The two GENTLEMEN VERONA. Perfons represented. Duke, Vice-roy of Milan: Th urio, 1 Qentlemen of hh Courl ^ hglamour, } Antonio, Protheus' Father : Panthino, his Domeftick. Speed, Page to Valentine. Launce, Servant to Protheus. Servant, attending the Duke. Hoft, a Milanefe. three Out-laws. Silvia, Daughter to the Duke. Julia, a Lady of Verona : Lucetta, her Woman. Other Attendants, Out -laws, and Musicians. Scene, difpeffd; in Verona, Milan, and the Frontiers of Mantua. The two GENTLE ME N of VERONA. i. SCENE I. Verona. A Street. Enter VALENTINE, and PROTHEUS. VAI. Ceafe to perfuade, my loving Protheus', Home-keeping youth have ever homely wits : Wer't not, affection chains thy tender days To the fweet glances, of thy honour'd love, I rather would entreat thy company, To fee the wonders of the world abroad, Than, living dully fluggardiz'd at home, Wear out thy youth in mapelefs idlenefs. But, fince thou lov'ft, love ftill, and thrive therein ; Even as I would, when I to love begin. PRO. Wilt thou be gone ? fweet Valentine, adieu ! Think on thy Protbeus y when thou, haply, fee'ft Some rare note-worthy object in thy travel : Wifh me partaker in thy happinefs, When thou doll meet good hap ; and, in thy danger, (If ever danger do environ thee) VOL. I. F 2 4 The tiuo Gentlemen of Verona. Commend thy grievance to my holy prayers, For I will be thy beads-man, Valentine. VAL. And on a love-book pray for my fuccefs. PRO. Upon fome book I love, I'll pray for thee. VAL. That's on fome mallow ftory of deep love, How young Lcander crofTd the Helleffont. PRO. That's a deep ftory of a deeper love ; For he was more than over Ihoes in love. VAL. 'Tis true; for you are over boots in love, And yet you never fwom the Htllefpcnt. PRO. Over the boots? nay, give me not the boots. VAL. No, I will not; for it boots thee not. PRO. What? [groans; VAL. To be in love, where fcorn is bought with Coy looks, with heart-fore fighs; one fading moment's With twenty watchful, weary, tedious nights : [mirth If haply won, perhaps a haplefs gain ; If loft, why then a grievous labour won ; However, but a folly bought with wit, Or elfe a wit by folly vanqui(hed t PRO. So, by your circumftance, you call me fool. VAL. So, by your circumftance, I fear, you'll prove. P*o. 'Tis love you cavil at ; I am not love. VA L . Love is your mafter ; for he mafters you : And he that is fo yoked by a fool, Methinks, mould not be chronicl'd for wise. PRO. Yet writers fay, As in the fweeteft bud The eating canker dwells ; fo eating love Inhabits in the fineft wits of all. VAL. And writers fay, As the moft forward bud Is eaten by the canker ere it blow ; Even fo bv love the voung and tender wit The two Gentlemen of Verona. 5 Fs turn'd to folly ; blafting in the bud, Losing his verdure even in the prime, And all the fair effe&s of future hopes. But wherefore wafte I time, to counfel thee That art a votary to fond desire ? Once more, adieu : my father at the road Expedls my coming, there to fee me fhip'd. PRO. And thither will I bring thee, Valentine. VA L . Sweet Protbeus, no ; now let us take our leave : At Milan let me hear from thee by letters, Of thy fuccefs in love, and what news elfe Betideth here in abfcnce of thy friend ; And I likewise will visit thee with mine. PRO. All happinefs bechance to thee in Milan! VAI. As much to you at home ! and fo, farewel. [Exit VALENTINE. PRO. He after honour hunts, I after love : He leaves his friends, to dignify them more ; I leave myfelf, my friends, and all for love. Thou, Julia, thou haft metamorphos'd me ; Made me negledl my ftudies, lose my time, War with good counfel, fet the world at nought; Made wit with musing weak, heart fick with thought. Enter SPEED, bluntly. SPE. Sir Protheusf 'Cave you, Cr: Saw you mymafter? PRO. But now he parted hence, to embark for Milan. SPE. Twenty to one then, he is ftiip'd already; And I have play'd the flieep, in losing him, PRO. Indeed, a fheep doth very often ftray, An' if the fhepherd be a while away. SFE. You conclude, that my mafter is a fliepherd then, and I a fheep ? '9 I love my 6 The live Gentlemen of Verona. PRO. I do. SPE. Why then my horns are his horns, wheher I wake, or fleep. PRO. A filly anfvver, and fitting well a ftieep. SPE. This proves me ftill a fheep. PRO. True ; and thy mailer a fhepherd. SPE. Nay, that I can deny by a circumftance. PRO. It (hall go hard, but I'll prove it by another. SPE. The Ihepherd feeks the fheep, and not the fheep the fhepherd ; but I feek my matter, and my mafter feeks not me : therefore I am no fheep. PRO. The fheep for fodder follows the fhepherd, the fhepherd for food follows not the fheep ; thou for wages follow'ft thy mafter, thy mafter for wages follows not thee : therefore thou art a fheep. SPE. Such another proof will make me cry, ba. PRO . Butdoft thou hear? gav'ft thou my letter tojulia. ? SPE. Ay, fir : I, a loft mutton, gave your letter to her, a lac'd mutton ; and fhe, a lac'd mutton, gave me, a loft mutton, nothing for my labour. PRO. Here's too fmall a pafture for fuch ftore of muttons. SPE. If the ground be overcharg d, you were befl ftick her. PRO. Nay, in that you are a-ftray ; 'twere bell pound you. SPE. Nay, fir, lefs than a pound (hall ferve me for carrying your letter. PRO. You miftake ; I mean the pound, a pinfold. SPE. From a pound to a pin r fold it over and over, 'Tis threefold too little for carrying a letter to your lover. 11 fplldw Tbe two Gentleman of 'Verona. 7 PRO. But what faid fhe ? [Speed nods.} Dft G?C noB f SPE. I. PRO. Nod FT? why, that's noddy, SPE. You miflobk, fir; I faid, (he did nod: and you aflt me, if fhe did nod ; and I faid, I. PRO. And that, fet together, is noddy. SPE. Now you have taken the pains to fet it together, take it for your pains. PRO. No, no, you fhall have it for bearing the letter. SPE. Well, I perceive, I muft be fain to bear with you. PRO. Why, fir, how do you bear with me ? SPE. Marry, fir, the letter very orderly; having nothing but the word, noddy, for my pains. PRO. Befhrew me, bat you have a quick \vit. SPE. And yet it cannot overtake your flow pude. PRO. Come, come, open the matter in brief; What faid me ? SPE. Open your purfe ; that the money, and the matter, may be both at once deliver'd. PRO. Well, fir, here =j= is for your pains : What faid me? SPE. Truly, fir, I think you'll hardly win her. PRO. Why, could'ft thou perceive fo much from her? SPE. Sir, I could perceive nothing at all from her ; no, not fo much as a ducat for delivering your letter : And, being fo hard to me that brought your mind, I fear flie'll prove as hard to you in telling your mind. Give her no token but ftones, for fhe's as hard as fteel. PRO. What, faid fhe nothing? SPE. No, not fo much as take this for thy pains. To teitify your bounty, I thank you, you have tefler'd me ; in requital whereof, henceforth carry your letters 8 The two Gentlemen ef Verona. yourfelf : and fo, fir, I'll commend you to my mafter. [Exit. PRO. Go, go, begone, to fave your {hip from wreck ; Which cannot perifh, having thee aboard, Being deftin'd to a drier death on fhore : _ I muft go fend fome better meiTenger ; I fear, my Julia would not deign my lines, Receiving them from fuch a worthlefs port. \Exit. SCENE II. The fame. Garden o^Julia'j Heu/e. Enter JULIA, dWLucETTA. JVL. But fay, Lucefta, (now we are alone) Would'ft thou then counfel me to fall in love ? Luc. Ay, madam ; fo you ftumble not unheedfully. Jut. Of all the fair resort of gentlemen. That every day with parle encounter me, In thy opinion which is \\orthieft love ? [mind, Luc. 'Please you repeat their names, I'll (hew my According to my {hallow fimple (kill. JVL. What think'ft thou of the fair fir Eg/amour ? Luc. As of a knight well-fpoken, neat, and fine; But, were I you, he never mould be mine. JUL. What think'ft thou of the rich Mereatio? Luc. Well, of his wealth; but, of himfelf, fo, fo. JUL. What think'ft thou of the gentle Protbeus? Luc. Lord, lord ! to fee what folly reigns in us ! JUL . How now ? what means this paffion at his name? Luc. Pardon, dear madam; 'tis a paffing fliame, That I, unworthy body as I am, Should cenfure thus on lovely gentlemen. JUL. Why not on Prothetis, as of all the reft ? Luc. Then thus of many good I think him beft. T'be two Gentlemen of Verona. 9 JUL . Your reason ? Luc. I have no other but a woman's reason; I think him fo, becaufe I think him fo. JUL . And would'ft thou have me caft my love on him ? Luc. Ay, if you thought your love not caft away. JUL. Why, he of all the reft hath never mov'd me. Luc. Yet he of all the reft, I think, belt loves you. JUL. His little fpeaking mews his love but fmall. Luc. Fire, that is clofeft kept, burns moft of all. JUL. They do not love, that do not (hew their love. Luc. O, they love leaft, that let men know their love. JUL. I would, I knew his mind. Luc. Peruse this ^ paper, madam. JUL . To Ju/ia, Say, from whom ? Luc. That the contents will (hew. JUL. Say, fay ; who gave it thee? [Protheus ; Luc. Sir Valentine's page; and fent, I think, from He would have given it you, but I, being in the way, Did in your name receive it ; pardon the fault, I pray. JUL. Now, by my modefty, a goodly broker ! Dare you presume to harbour wanton lines ? To whifper and cor.fpire againft my youth ? Now, truft me, 'tis an office of great worth; And you an officer fit for the place. There, take the ^ paper, fee it be return'd ; Or elfe return no more into my fight. Luc, To plead for love deserves more fee than hate. JUL . Will you be gone ? Luc. " that you may ruminate. " [Exit. Ji'L. And yet I would I had o'er-look'd the letter. It were a mame, to call her back again, And pray her to a fault for which I chid her. 1O The two Gentlemen of Verona^ What fool is flie, that knows I am a maid, And would not force the letter to my view ? Since maids, in modefty, fay, no, to that Which they would have the profferer conftrue, ay^ Fie, fie ! how wayward is this foolifli love ; That, like a tefty babe, will fcratch the nurfe, And presently, all humbl'd, kifs the rod! How churlifhly I chid Lucetta hence, When willingly I would have had her here ! How angerly I taught my brow to frown, When inward joy enforc'd my heart to fmile ! My penance is, to call Lucetta back, And aflc remiffion for my folly paft : __ What ho ! Lucetta ! Re-enter LUCETTA. Luc. What would your ladyftiip ? JUL. Is it near dinner-time? Luc. I would, it were; That you might kill your fromach on your meat, And not upon your maid. JUL . What is't, that you Took up fo gingerly ? Luc. Nothing. ' JUL. Why didft thou ftoop then ? Luc. To take a paper up, that I let fall. JUL. And is that paper nothing? Luc. Nothing concerning me. JUL. Then let it lie for those that it concerns. Luc. Madam, it will not lie where it concerns, Unlefs it have a falfe interpreter. JUL. Some love of yours hath writ to you in rime r LUC. That I might fing it, madam, to a tune : The two Gentlemen of Verona. 1 1 Give me a note ; your ladymip can fet. JUL. As little by fuch toys as may be poffible : Belt fing it to the tune of, Light o' love. Luc. It is too heavy for fo light a tune. JUL. Heavy ? belike, it hath fome burden then. Luc. Ay ; and melodious were it, would you fing it. JUL . And why not you ? Luc. I cannot reach fo high. JUL Let's fee your ^ fong : cCiJIip, how now, minion? Luc. Keep tune there ftill, fo you will fing it out : And yet, methinks, I do not like this tune. JUL. You do not ? Luc. No, madam, it is too {harp. JUL . You, minion, are too faucy. Luc. Nay, now you are too flat, And mar the concord with too harm a defcant : There wanteth but a mean to fill your fong. JUL. The mean is drown'd with your unruly bafe. Luc . Indeed, t bid the bafe for Protbeus. JUL. This babble (hall net henceforth trouble me. . Here is a coil with protection ! _ \lookir.g over the Letter ; tears, and throws it away. Go, get you gone ; and let the papers lye : You would be fing'ring them, to anger me. [pleas'd, Luc. She makes it itrange ; but fhe would be befl To be fo anger'd with another letter. [Exit. JUL. Nay, would I were fo anger'd with the fame ! O hateful hands, to tear fuch loving words ! Injurious wafps ; to feed on fuch fweet honey, And kill the bees, that yield it, with your ftings ! I'll kifs each feveral paper for amends. [picking up the Piece t, 1 2 The two Gentlemen of Verona. Look, here is writ kind Julia, Unkind Julia ! As in revenge of thy ingratitude, I throw ~f~ thy name againft the bruising ftones, Trampling contemptuoufly on thy difdain. And here is writ ltrue- Gentlemen cf Verona. 1 3 JUL. Come, come, will't please you go ? [Exeunt. SCENE III. The fame. A Room in Antonio'j \Houfe. Enter ANTONIO, andPAKTHiKO. AXT. Tell me, Panthino, what fad talk was that, Wherewith my brother held you in the cloiiler ? PAX. 'Twas of his nephew Protheus, your fon. JKT. Why, what of him ? PAN. He wonder 'd, that your lordfiiip Would fuffer him to fpend his youth at home ; While other men, of flender reputation, Put forth their fons to feek preferment out : Some to the wars, to try. their fortune there ; Some to difcorer iflands far away ; Some to the itudious univerfities. For any, or for all these exercises, He faid, that Protbeus, your fon, was meet ; And did requefl me, to importune yotf' To let him fpend his time no more at home ; Which would be great impeachment to his age, In having known no travel in his youth. Art?. Nor need'ft thou much importune me to that Whereon this month I have been hammering. I have confider'd well his lofs of time ; And how he cannot be a perfeft man, Not being try'd and tutor'd in the world : Experience is by induftry atchiev'd, And perfected by the fvvift courfe of time : Then, tell me, whither were I beft to fend him ? PAN. I think, your lordfhip is not ignorant, How his companion, youthful Valentine, Attends the emperor in his royal court. i 4. The fwo Gent /even of Verona. JNT. I know it well. [thither : PAN. 'Tvvere good, I think, your lordfliip fent him There {hall he practise tilts and tournaments, Hear fweet difcourfe, converfe with noblemen; And be in eye of every exercise, Worthy his youth and noblenefs of blood. Atif, I like thy counfel ; well haft thou advis'd : And, that thou may'ft perceive how well I like it, The execution of it mall make known ; Even with the fpeedielt expedition I will difpatch him to the emperor's court. PAN. To-morrow, may it please you, don dlpbonso, With other gentlemen of good efteem, Are journeying to falute the emperor, And to commend their fervice to his will. AwT. Good company ; with them {hall Prctbeus go : And, in good time, now will we break with him. Enter PROTHETJS, at a Diftance, reading. PR o . Sweet love ! fweet lines ! fweet life ! flocet 31"lia ! Here is her hand, the agent of her heart ; Here is her oath for love, her honour's pawn : O, that our fathers would applaud our loves, To feal our happinefs with their confer.ts ! O heavenly Julia ! Ayr. How now ? what letter are you reading there ? PRO. May't please your lordfhip, 'tis a word or two Of commendations fent from Valentine ; Deliver'd by a friend that came from him. JJNT. Lend me the letter ; let me fee what news. PRO. There is no news, my lord ; but that he writes How happily he lives, how well bclov'd, And daily graced by the emperor ; The two Gentlemen of Verona. 1 5 Wifhing me with him, partner of his fortune. JNT. And how ftand you affefted to his wifli ? PRO. As one relying on your lordfhip's will, And not depending on his friendly wifh. Ax?. My will is fomething forted with his wifh : Muse not that I thus fuddenly proceed ; For what I will, I will, and there an end. I am resolv'd, that thou malt fpend fome time With Valentino in the emperor's court ; What maintenance he from his friends receives, Like exhibition thou malt have from me. To-morrow be in readinefs to go : Excuse it not, for I am peremptory. PRO. My lord, I cannot be fo foon provided; Please you, deliberate a day or two. AXT. Look, what thou \\ ant'ft, (hall be fent after thee: No more of ftay ; to-morrow thou muft go Come on, Panthino ; you (hall be employ'd To haften on his expedition. \Exeunt ANTONIO, /&/PANTHINO. PRO. Thus have I mun'd the fire, for fear of burning, And drench'd me in the fea, where I am drown'd : 1 fear'd to (hew my father Julia's letter, Left he mould take exceptions to my love ; And with the vantage of mine own excufe Hath he excepted moft againft my love. O, how this fpring of love resembleth The uncertain glory of an April day; Which now fhews all the beauty of the fun, And by and by a cloud takes all away ! Re -enter PANTHINO. PJX. Sir Prothius, your father calls for you ; I 6 $"# two Gentlemen of Verona. He is in hafte, therefore, I pray you, go. PRO. Why, this it is ! my heart accords thereto; And yet a thousand times it anfwers, no. [Exeunt. ii. SCNE I. Milan. A Room in the Dukis Palace. Enter VALENTINE, SPEED following. SPE. Sir, your "|" glove. VAL. Not mine; my gloves are on. SPE. Why, then this may be yours; for this is butone k VAL. Ha ! let me fee : ay, give it me, it's mine : _ Sweet ornament, that decks a thing divine ! Ah Silvia ! Silvia ! SPE. Madam Silvia! madam Silvia/ VAL. How now, firrah ? SPE. She is not within hearing, fir. VAL. Why, fir, who bad you call her ? SPE. Your worfhip, fir; or elfe I miftook. VAL. Well, you'll flill be too forward. SPE. And yet I was laft chidden for being too flow. VAL . Go to, fir : tell me, do you know madam Silvia ? SPE. She that your worfhip loves ? VAL. Why, how know you that I am in love ? SPE. Marry, by these fpecial marks ; Firft, you have learn'd, like fir Protheus, to wreath your arms like a male-content ; to relifh a love-fong, like a rc;-red-breaft ; to walk alone, like one that had the peftilence; to figh, like a fchool-boy that had loft his ABC; to weep, like a young wench that had bury'd her grandame ; to faft, like one that takes 7)5 fwo Gentlemen of Verona. i j diet ; to watch, like one that fears robbing ; to fpeak puling, like a beggar at hollowmafs : You were wont, when you laugh'd, to crow like a cock ; when you walk'd, to walk like one of the lions ; when you fafted, it was presently after dinner ; when you look'd fadly, it was for want of money : and now you are metamor- phos'd with a miftrefs ; that, when I look on you, I can hardly think you my matter. PAL. Are all these things perceiv'd in me ? SPE. They are all perceiv'd without you. VAL. Without me ? they cannot. SPE. Without you ? nay, that's certain ; for, with- out you were fo fimple, none elfe would : but you are fo without these follies, that these follies are within, you, and fhine through you like the water in an urinal; that not an eye, that fees you, but is a physician to com- ment on your malady. VAL. But, tell me, ddft thou know my lady Sifaia? SPE. She that you gaze on fo, as (he fits at fupper? VAL. Haft thou observ'd that? even me I mean. SPE. Why, fir, I know her not. VAL . Doft thou know her by my gazing on her, and yet know'ft her not ? SPE. Is me not hard-favour'd, fir? VAL. Not fo fair, boy, as well-favour'd. SPE. Sir, I know that well enough. VAL. What doft thou know? SPE. That me is not fo fair, as (of you) well favour*d. VAL. I mean, that her beauty is exquisite, but her favour infinite. SPE. That's because the one is painted, and thr other out of all count, VOL. I G j& The tnvo Gentlemen of VeronaL VAI. How painted ? and how out of count ? SPE. Marry, fir, fo painted, to make her fair, that no man counts of her beauty. VAL. Hovvefleem'ftthoume? I account of her beauty. SPE. You never faw her fince me was deform'd. VAL . How long hath me been deform'd ? S : PE. Ever fince you lov'd her. VAL I have lov'd her ever iinee I faw her ; and ftill I fee her beautiful. SPE- If you love her, you cannot fee her. VAL. Why? SPE. Because love is blind. O, that you had mine eyes ; or your own eyes had the lights they were wont to- have, when you chid at fir Protheus for going ungarter'd 1 VAL . What mould I fee then ? SPE. Your own present folly, and her paffing de- formity : for he, being in love, could not fee to garter his hose ; and you, being in love, cannot fee to put on your hose, VAL. Belike, boy, then you are in love; for laft morning you could not fee to wipe my fhoes. SPE. True, fir; I was in love with my bed: I thank you, you fwing'd me for my love ; which makes me the bolder to chide you for yours. VAL. In conclusion, I ftand affefted to her. [ceafe. SPE. I would you were fet, fo your affedion would VAL. Laft night me enjoin'd me to write fome lines to one (he loves. SPE. And have you ? VAL. I have, SPE. Are they not lamely writ? Jr*i. No, boy; but as well as I can do then* : The two Gentlemen of Verona. 19 eace, here lhe comes. Enter SILVIA. SPE. " O excellent motion ! o exceeding puppet ! " " now will he interpret to her. " VAL . Madam and miltrefs, a thousand good morrows. SPE. " O, gi' ye good even! here's a million of man- " ners. " SIL. Sir Valentine and. fervant, to you two thousand. SPE. " He mould give her intereft ; and me gives it "him." VAL . As you enjoin'd me, I have writ your letter Unto the fecret namelefs friend of yours ; Which I was much unwilling to proceed in, But for my duty to your ladyfhip. [gives the Letter. SIL. I thankyou, gentle fervant: 'tis very clerkly done. VAL. Now truft me, madam, it came hardly off; For, being ignorant to whom it goes, 1 writ at random, very doubtfully. SIL . Perchance, you think toomuch of fo much pains. VAL . No, madam ; fo it ftead you, I will write, Please you command, a thousand times as much. And yet, SIL. A pretty period ! Well, I guefs the fequel ; And yet I will not name 't : and yet I care not : And yet take this "f again : and yet I thank you ; Meaning henceforth to trouble you no more. SPE. " And yet you will ; and yet another yet. " VAL. What means your ladylhip ? do you not like it? SIL. Yes, yes ; the lines are very quaintly writ : But, fince unwillingly, take them again ; Nay, take~J~ them. PAL . Madam, they arc for you. G 2 2O The two Gentlemen of Verona. Sri. Ay, ay ; you writ them, fir, at my requeft ; But I will none of them; they are for you : I would have had them writ more movingly. VAL. Please you, I'll write your ladyfhip another. Sit. And, when it's writ, for my fake read it over : And, if it please you, fo; if not, why, fo. VAL. If it please me, madam ? what then ? SIL. Why, if it please you, take it for your labour ; And fo, good morrow, fervant. [Exit SILVIA. SPE. O jeft unfeen, infcrutable, invisible, As a nose on a man's face, or a weather-cock on a fteeple ? My mafter fues to her ; and fhe hath taught her fuitor, He being her pupil, to become her tutor. O excellent devife ! was there ever heard a better ? That my mafter, being fcribe, to himfelf mould write the letter ? [yourfelf ? VAL. How now, fir? what are you reasoning with SPE. Nay, I was riming; 'tis you that have the reason. VAL. To do what? SPE. To be a fpokesman from, madam Si/via. VAL. To whom? SPE. To yourfelf: why, {he wooes you by a figure. VAL. What figure? SPE. By a letter, I mould fay. VAL. Why, fhe hath not writ to me. SPE. What need me, when fhe hath made ypu write to yourfelf? Why, do you not perceive the jeft ? VAL. No, believe me. SPE. No believing you indeed, fir: But did you per- ceive her earneft ? VAL. She gave me none, except an angry word, SPE. Why, fhe hath given you a letter. The two Gentlemen of Verona. 21 VAL. That's the letter I writ to her friend. [end. SPE. And that letter hath me deliver'd, and there an VAL. \ would, it were no worfe. SPE. I'll warrant you, 'tis as well: For often have you writ to her ; and me, in modefty, Or elfe for want of idle time, could not again reply ; Or fearing elfe fome meflenger that might her mind difcover, Herfelf hath taught her love himfelf to write unto her lover. _ All this I fpeak in print, for in print I found it._ Why muse you, fir ? 'tis dinner-time. VAL. I have din'd. SPE. Ay, but hearken, fir; though the cameleonlove can feed on the air, I am one that am nourifh'd by my victuals, and would fain have meat : O, be not like your miftrefs ; be moved, be moved. [Exeunt. SCENE II. Verona. Room hi Julia's Houfe. Enter PROTHEUS, and [ULIA. P*o. Have patience, gentle Julia. JUL. I muft, where is no remedy. PRO. When poflibly I can, I will return. JUL. If you turn not, you will return the fooner. Keep this ={= remembrance for thy Julia's fake. [ giving a Ring. PRO. Why, then we'll make exchange; here, takeyou JUL . And feal the bargain with a holy kifs. [^ this. PRO. Here is ~|~ my hand for my true conftancy : And when that hour o'er-flips me in the day, Wherein I figh not, Ju/ia, for thy fake, ^fhe next enfuing hour fome foul mifchance 22 The two Gentlemen of Verona. Torment me for my love's forgetfulnefs ! My father ftays my coming ; anfwer not ; The tide is now : nay, not thy tide of tears ; That tide will flay me longer than I mould. Julia, fare w el. _ What, gone without a word ? [Exit JULIA. Ay, fo true love mould do : it cannot fpeak ; For truth hath better deeds than words to grace it. Enter PANTHINO. PJN. Sir Protkeus, you are ftay'd for. PRO. Go, I come : Alas, this parting flrikes poor lovers dumb. [Exeunt. SCENE III. The fame. 4 Street. Enter LAUNCE, nuith a Dog in a String. J*ji v. Nay, 'twill be this hour ere I have done weep- ing ; all the kind of the Launces have this very fault : I have receiv'd my proportion, like the prodigious fon, and am going with fir Prctheus to the imperial's court. I think, Crab my dog be the foureft-natur'd dog that lives : my mother weeping, my father wailing, my filter crying, our maid howling, our cat wringing her hands, and all our houfe in a great perplexity, yet did not this cruel-hearted cur fhed one tear : he is a ftone, a very pibble-ftone, and has no more pity in him than a dfjg ; a Je6 be tivo Gentlemen of Verona. VAL. Ay, my good lord, I know the gentleman To be of worth, and worthy eftimation, And not without desert fo well reputed. Duk. Hath he not a fen ? Vji. Ay, my good lord ; a fon, that well deserves The honour and regard of fuch a father. Duk. You know him well ? FJLL. I knew him as myfelf ; for from our infancy We have converf'd, and fpent our hours together : And though myfelf have been an idle truant, Omitting the fweet benefit of time To cloath mine age with angel-like perfection, Yet hath fir Protbeus (for that's his name) Made ufe and fair advantage of his days ; His years but young, but his experience old ; Hu head unmellow'd, but his judgment ripe ; And, in a word, (for far behind his worth Come all the praises that I now bellow) He is compleat in feature, and in mind, With all good grace to grace a gentleman. Duk. Befhrew me, fir, but, if he make this good, He is as worthy for an emprefs' love As meet to be an emperor's counfellor. Well, fir ; this gentleman is come to me, With commendation from great potentates, And here he means to fpend his time a while : J think, 'tis no unwelcome news to you. VAL. Should I have wifh'd a thing, it had been he. Duk Welcome him then according to his worth ; Silvia, I fpeak to you, _ and you, fir Thurio ; For Valentine, I need not cite him to it : I'll fend him hither to you presently. [Exit, 18 Comes 7be two Gentlemen of Verona. 27 VAL. This is the gentleman, I told your ladyfhip, Had come along with me, but that his miftrefs Did hold his eyes lock'd in her cryftal looks. SIL. Belike, that now fhe hath enfranchis'd them Upon fome other pawn for fealty. VAL . Nay, fure, I think, fhe holds them prisoners (till. SIL . Nay, then he mould be blind ; And , being blind, How could he fee his way to feek out you ? VAL. Why, lady, love hath twenty pair of eyes. THU. They fay, that love hath not an eye at all. VAL. To fee fuch lovers, Tburio^ as yourfelf ; Upon a homely object love can wink. [man. SIL . Have done, have done ; here comes the gentle- Enier PROTKEUS. [yu, VAL. Welcome, dear Protkeus /_ Miftrefs, I befeech Confirm his welcome with fome fpecial favour. SIL. His worth is warrant for his welcome hither ; If this be he you oft have wifh'd to hear from. VAL. Miftrefs, it is : fweet lady, entertain him To be my fellow-fervant to your ladyfhip. SIL . Too low a miftrefs for fo high a fervant. PRO. Not fo, fweet lady ; but too mean a fervant To have a look of fuch a worthy miftrefs. VAL . Leave off difcourfe of difability : Sweet lady, entertain him for your fervant. PRO. My duty will I boaft of, nothing elfe. SIL. And duty never yet did want his meed : Servant, you are welcome to a worthlefs miftrefs. PRO. I'll die on him that fays fo, but yourfelf. SIL. That you are welcome, fir? PRO. That you are worthlefs. Enter an Attendant. 3* v. Note. 28 The two Gentlemen of Verona. [you. Att. Madam, my lord your father would fpeak with SIL. I wait upon his pleasure. Come, fir Thurio, Go got! with me : Once more, new fervant, welcome : Til leave you to confer of home affairs ; When you have done, we look to hear from you. PRO. We'll both attend upon your lady (hip. . [Exeunt SILVIA, THURIO, SPEED, and Att. VAI . Now, tell me, how doall from whence you came? PRO. Your friends are well, and have them much VAL. And how do yours ? [commended. PRO. I left them all in health. VAL . How doesyour lady ? and how thrives your love ? PRO. My tales of love were wont to weary you ; I know, you joy not in a love-difcourfe. VAI. Ay, Protheus, but that life is alter'd now : I have done penance for contemning love ; Whose high imperious thoughts have punifli'd me With bitter fafts, with penitential groans, With nightly tears, and daily heart-fore fighs ; For, in revenge of my contempt of love, Love hath chac'd fleep from my enthralled eyes, And made them watchers of mine own heart's forrow. O gentle Protbeus, love's a mighty lord; And hath fo humbl'd me, as, I confefs, There is no woe to his correction ; Nor, to his fervice, no fuch joy on earth ! Now, no difcourfe, except it be of love ; Now can I break my fail, dine, fup, and fleep, Upon the very naked name of love. PRO. Enough ; T read your fortune in your eye : Was this the idol that you worlhip fo ? VAL. Even fhe ; And is me not a heavenly fain* ? The two Gentlemen of Verona. 29 PRO. No i but fhe is an earthly paragon. VAL. Call her divine. PRO. I will not flatter her. VAL. O, flatter me ; for love delights in praise. PRO. When I was fick, you gave me bitter pilb ; And I muft minifter the like to you. VAL . Then fpeak the truth by her ; if not divine, Yet let her be a principality, Sovereign to all the creatures on the earth. PRO. Except my miftrefs. VAL. Sweet, except not any ; Except thou wilt except againft my love. PRO. Have t not reason to prefer mine own ? VAL. And I will help thee to prefer her too : She fhall be dignify'd with this high honour, * To bear my lady's train ; left the bafe earth Should from her vefture chance to fteal a kifs, And, of fo great a favour growing proud, Difdain to root the fummer-fwelling flower, And make rough winter everlallingly. PRO. Why, Valentine, what bragadism is .this? VAL. Pardon me, Protbeus: all I can is nothing To her whose worth makes other worthies nothing ; She is alone PRO. S2aj), then let her alone. VAL . Not for the world : why, man, me is mine own ; And I as rich in having fuch a jewel, As twenty feas, if all their fand were pearl, The water nectar, and the rocks pure gold. Forgive me, that I do not dream on thee, Because thou fee'il me doat upon my love. My foolifh rival, that her father likes, JO Vhe two Gentlemen of Vet-aria, Only for his posseflions are fo huge, Is gone with her along ; and I muft after ; For love, thou know'ft, is full of jealoufy. PRO. But flie loves you ? ^>i. Ay, and we are betroth'd ; !Nay, more, mg Ii?rotl;eu0* our marriage hour, With all the cunning manner of our flight, Determin'd of: how I muft climb her window ; The ladder made of cords ; and all the means Plotted, and 'greed on, for my happinefs. Good Prctheus, go with me to my chamber, In these affairs to aid me with thy counfel. PRO. Go on before ; I mall enquire you forth : I muft unto the road, to difembarque Some neceflaries that I needs muft use, And then I'll presently attend on you. VJIL. Will you make hafte ? PRO. I will. [Exit VALENTINE, Even as one heat another heat expels, Or as one nail by ftrength drives out another, So the renembrance of my former love Is by a newer objedl quite forgotten. Is it mine oton, or Valentino's praise, Her true perfection, or my falfe tranfgreffion, That makes me, reasonlefs, to reason thus ? She's fair ; and fo is Julia that I love ; That I did love ; for now my love is thaw'd* Which, like a waxen image 'gainft a fire, Bears no impreffion of the thing it was. Methinks, my zeal to Valentine is cold, And that I love him not as I was wont : O, but I love his lady too too much ; The ivjD Gentleman o/'Veroni 31 And that's the reason I love him fo little. How mall I doat on her with more advice, That thus without advice begin to love her? 'Tis but her pidure I have yet beheld, And that hath dazzl'd my reason's light ; But when I look on her perfections, There is no reason but I fhall be blind. Jf I can check my erring love, I will ; If not, to compafs her I'll use my {kill. [Exit, SCENE V. The fame. 4 Street. Enter SPEED, ^WLAUNCE, meeting. SPE. Launce ! by mine honefty, welcome to Milan. LAU. Forfwear not thyfelf, fweet youth ; for I am not welcome. I reckon this always That a man is never un- done, 'till he be hang'd ; nor nevef welcome to a place, 'till fome certain mot be pay'd, and the hoftefs fay, welcome. SPE. Come on, you mad-cap, I'll to the ale-houfe with you presently ; where, for one mot of five pence, thou malt have five thousand welcomes. But,firrah, how did thy mafler part with madam Julia ? LAV. Marry, after they clos'd in earneft, they parted very fairly in jeft. ip. But mall me marry him ? LAU. No. SPE. How then ? mall he marry her ? LAV. No, neither. S-PK. What, are they broken ? LAU. No, they are both as whole as a fifh. SPE. Why then, how Hands the matter with them? LAU. Marry, thus ; when it (lands well with him, is ftands well with her. 2 *rbe two Gentlemen of Verona. SPE. What an afs art thou? I underftand thee not. LAU. What a block art thou, that thou can'ft not ? jny ftaffunderftands me. SPE. What thou fay 'ft ? LAU. Ay/and what I do too : look thee, I'll but lean, and my ftaff underftands me. 5p. It (lands under thee, indeed. LAV. Why, Hand-under" and under- ftand is all one. SPE. But, tell me true, will't be a match ? LAU. Aflt my dog : if he fay, ay, it will ; if he fay, no, it will ; if he (hake his tail, and fay nothing, it will. SPE. The conclusion is then, that it will. LAV. Thou (halt never get fuch a fecret from me, but by a parable. SPE. 'Tiswell,thatlgetitfo. But Launce, how fay'il thou, that my mafter is become a notable lover ? LAU. I never knew him otherwise. SPE. Than how? LAU, A notable lubber, as thou reported him to be. SPE. Why, thou whorfon afs, thou miftak'ft me. LAU. Why, fool, I meant not thee ; I meant thy mafter. SPE. I tell thee, my mafter is become a hot lover. LAU. Why, I tell thee, I care not though he burn himfelf in love. If thou wilt go with me to the ale- houfe, (b ; if not, thou art an Hebrew, a Jew, and not worth the name of a chriftian. SPE. Why? LAU. Because thou haft not fo much charity in thee as to go to the ale with a chriftian : Wilt thou go ? SPE. At thy fervice. [Exeunt. SCENE VI. The fame. A Room i* the Palace. Tkt tnuo Gentlemen of Verona. 3 3 Enter PROTHEUS. PRO. To leave my Julia, ftiall I be forfworn ; To love fair Silvia, ftiall t be forfworn ; To wrong my friend, I fhall be much forfworn ; And even that power, which gave me firft my oath, Provokes me to this threefold perjury : Love bad me fwear, and love bids me forfivear : fweet fuggefting love, if thou haft fin'd, Teach me, thy tempted fubjet, to excuse it ! At firft I did adore a twinkling ftar, But now I worfhip a celeftial fun : Unheedful vows may needfully be broken ; And he wants wit, that wants resolved will To learn his wit to exchange the bad for better : Fie, fie, unreverend tongue ! to call her bad, Whose fovereignty fo oft thou haft prefer'd With twenty thousand foul-confirming oaths. 1 cannot leave to love, and yet I do ; But there I leave to love, where I fhould love. Julia I lose, and Valentine I lose : If I keep them, I needs muft lose myfelf; If I lose them, This find I by their lofs, For Valentine, myfelf; for Julia, Silvia. I to myfelf am dearer than a friend ; For love is ftill moft precious in itfelf : And Silvia (witnefs heaven, that made her fair) Shews Julia but a fwarthy Etbiope. I will forget that Julia is alive, Remembring that my love to her is dead ; And Valentine I'll hold an enemy, Aiming at Silvia as a fweeter friend. I cannot now prove conflant to myfelf, " thus VOL, I. H 34 Vke tiuo Gentlemen ^V Without feme treachery us'd to Valentine:-' This night, he meaneth with a corded ladder To climb celeftial Silvia's chamber-window j Myfelf in counfel, his competitor : Now presently I'll give her father notice Of their difguising, and pretended flight ; Who, all enrag'd, will banifh Valentine ; For Thurio, he intends, fhall wed his daughter : But, Valentine being gone, I'll quickly crofs, By fome fly trick, blunt 'Thurid's dull procseding. Love, lend me wings to make my purpose fwift, As thou haft lent me wit to plot this drift ! [Exit,. SCENE VII. Verona. A Room in Julia'* Heuft. Enter JULIA, aWLucETTA. Jut . Counfel, Lucetta ; gentle girl, aflift me ! And, even in kind love, I do conjure thee, Who art the table wherein all my thoughts Are visibly chara&er'd and engrav'd, To leflbn me ; and tell me fome good mean, How, with my honour, I may undertake A journey to my loving Protbeus. Luc. Alas, the way is wearifome and long. JUL. A true-devoted pilgrim is not weary To measure kingdoms with his feeble Heps ; Much lefs fhall me, that hath love's wings to fly j And when the flight is made to one fo dear, Of fuch divine perfection, as fir Protbeus. Luc. Better forbear, 'till Protbeus make return. JUL . O, know'ft thounot,his looks are my feul's food? Pity the dearth that I have pined in, By longing for that food fo long a time. The t7 Only deserve my love, by loving him ; And presently go with me to my chamber, To take a note of what I {land in need of, To furnifh me upon my longing journey : All that is mine I leave at thy difpose, My goods, my lands, my reputation ; Only, in lieu thereof, difpatch me hence : Come, anfwer not, but to it presently ; I am impatient of my tarriance. [Exeunt. AC? III. SCENE I. Milan. Anti-room of the Palace. Enter Duke, PROTHEUS, and Thurio. Duk. Sir Thurio, give IB leave, I pray, a while ; We have fbme fecrets to confer about. [Exit Thurio. Now, tell me, Protbeus, what's your will with me ? PRO. My gracious lord, that which I would difcover, The law of friendfhip bids roe to conceal : But, when I call to mind your gracious favours Done to me, undeserving as I am, My duty pricks me on to utter that Which elfe no worldly good mould draw from me. Know, worthy prince, fir Valentine my friend This night intends to fteal away your daughter; Myfelf am one made privy to the plot : I know, you have determin'd to beftow her On Tburio, whom your gentle daughter hates ; And, fhould me thus be ftoln away from you, It would be much vexation to your age : 3 8 Ike two Gentlemen of Verona. Thus, for my duty's fake, I rather chose To crofs my friend in his intended drift ; Than, by concealing it, heap on your head A pack of forrows, which would prefs you down, Being unprevented, to your timelefs grave. Duk. Protbeust I thank thee for thine honeft care ; Which to requite, command me while I live. This love of theirs myfelf have often feen, Haply when they have judg'd me faft afleep ; And oftentimes have purpos'd to forbid Sir Valentine her company, and my court : But, fearing left my jealous aim might err, And fo unworthily difgrace the man, (A rafhnefs that I ever yet have fhun'd) J gave him gentle looks ; thereby to find That which thyfelf haft now difclos'd to me. And, that thou may'ft perceive my fear of this, Knowing that tender youth ils foon fuggefted, I nightly lodge her in an upper tower, The key whereof myfelf have ever kept ; And thence {he cannot he convey'd away. PRO. Know, noble lord, they have devis'd a mean How he her chamber-window will afcend, And with a corded ladder fetch her down : For which the youthful lover now is gone, And this way comes he with it presently; Where, if it please you, you may intercept him. But, good my lord, do it fo cunningly, That my difcovery be not aimed at ; For love of you, not hate unto my friend, Hath made me publifher of this pretence. Duk, Upon mine honour, he fhall never know The two Gentlemen of Verona. 39 That I had any light from thee of this. PRO. Adieu, my lord; fir Patent ine is coming. [Exit PROTHEUS, Enter VALENTINE. Duk. Sir Valentine, whither away fo faft ? VAL, Please it your grace, there is a meflenger That Hays -to bear my letters to my friends, And I am going to deliver them. Duk. Be they of much import? VJL. The tenour of them doth but fignify My health, and happy being at your court. Duk. Nay, then no matter, ftay with me a while ; I am to break with thee of fome affairs That touch me near, wherein thou muft be fecret. 'Tis not unknown to thee, that I have fought To match my friend fir Thurio to my daughter. VAL. I know it well, my lord ; and, fure, the match Were rich and honourable ; befides, the gentleman Is full of virtue, bounty, worth, and qualities Befeeming fuch a wife as your fair daughter : Cannot your grace win her to fancy him ? Duk . No, truft me ; me is peevim, fullen, froward, Proud, difobedient, ftubborn, lacking duty ; Neither regarding that fhe is my child, Nor fearing me as if I were her father : And, may i fay to thee, this pride of hers, Upon advice, hath drawn my love from her; And, where I thought the remnant of mine age Should have been cherim'd by her child-like duty, I now am full resolv'd to take a wife, And turn her out to who will take her in : Then let her beauty be her wedding-dower; a 4 4.0 The two Gentlemen of Verona. For me, and my posseffions, fhe efteems not. VAL. What would your grace have me to do in this ? Duk. There is a lady, fir, in Milan here, Whom I affeft ; but fhe is nice, and coy, And nought efteems my aged eloquence : Now, therefore, would I have thee to my tutor, (For long agone I have forgot to court ; Befides, the fafhion of the time is chang'd) How, and which way, I may beftow myfelf, To be regarded in her fun-bright eye. VAL. Win her with gifts, if fhe refpedl: not words; Dumb jewels often, in their filent kind, More than quick words do move a woman's mind. Duk. But fhe did fcorn a present that I fent her. VAL. A woman fometimes fcorns what beft contents Send her another ; never give her o'er ; [her : For fcorn at firft makes after-love the more. If fhe do frown, 'tis not in hate of you ; But, rather, to beget more love in you : If fhe do chide, 'tis not to have you gone ; For why, the fools are mad, if left alone : Take no repulfe, whatever fhe doth fay ; For, Get you gone i fhe doth not mean, away. Flatter, and praise, commend, extol their graces ; Though ne'er fo black, fay, they have angels' faces. That man that hath a tongue, I fay, is no man, If with his tongue he cannot win a woman. Duk. But fhe I mean, is promis'd by her friends Unto a youthful gentleman of worth ; And kept feverely from resort of men, That no man hath accefs by day to her. VAL. Why, then I would resort to her by night. 3 Lady in Verona here T&e two Gentlemen of Verona. 41 Duk. Ay, but the doors be lock'd, and keys kept fafe, That no man hath recourfe to her by night. VAL. What lets, but one may enter at her window? Duk. Her chamber is aloft, far from the ground; And built fo fhelving, that one cannot climb it Without apparent hazard of his life. VAL. Why, then a ladder, quaintly made of cords, To caft up, with a pair of anchoring hooks, Would ferve to fcale another Hero's tower, So bold Leander would adventure it. Duk. Now, as thou art a gentleman of blood, Advise me where I may have fuch a ladder. VAL . When would you use it ? pray, fir, tell me that. Duk. This very night ; for love is like a child, That longs for every thing that he can come by. VAL. By feven o'clock I'll get you fuch a ladder. Duk. But hark thee ; I will go to her alone, How fliall I beft convey the ladder thither? VAI . It will be light, my lord ; that you may bear it Under a cloak, that is of any length. Duk. A cloak as long as thine will ferve the turn ? VAL. Ay, my good lord. Duk. Then let me fee thy cloak ; I'll get me one of fuch another length. VAL. Why, any cloak will ferve the turn, my lord. Duk. How fnall I fafhion me to wear a cloak ?_ I pray thee, let me feel thy ~j~ cloak upon me What letter is this fame? What's here ? To Silvia? And here an engine fit for my proceeding ! fll be fo bold to break the feal for once. \reads. My thoughts do harbour iuith my Silvia nightly ; And fiaves they are tc me, that fend them fying : 4 2 The two Gentlemen of Vero n a . Q, cculd their majier ccme and go as lightly, Himje If 'would ledge where Jen.'elefi they are lying. My herald thoughts in thy pure bosom reft them ; While I, their king, that thither them importune, Do curj'e the grace that with Juch grace hath bleji them, Beraure my f elf do want my /e wants' fortune : 1 curfe my f elf, for they are fent by me, That they Jhould harbour where their lord would be- What's here ? Silvia, this night I will enfranchize thee. 'Tis fo ; and here's the ladder for the purpose. Why, Phaeton, (for thou art Merops^ fon) Wilt thou afpire to guide the heavenly car, And with thy daring folly burn the world ? Wilt thou reach ftars, because they mine on thee J Go, bafe intruder ! over-weening {lave ! Beftow thy fawning fmiles on equal mates ; And think, my patience, more than thy desert, Is priyijedge for thy departure hence : Thank me for this, more than for all the favours, Wnici, all too much, I have beftow'd on thee. But if thou linger in my territories Longer than fwifteft expedition Will give thee time to leave our royal court, By heaven, my wrath fliall far exceed the love I ever bore my daughter, or thyfelf. Be gone, I will not hear thy vain excufe; But, 35 thou lov'ft thy life, make fpeed from hence. [Exit Duke. FJI. And why not death, rather than living torment ; To die, is to be banifh'd from myfelf ; Aad Silvia is myielf : banifh'd from her. 5 T he tvjc Gtnthmtn of Verona. 43 Is felf from felf ; A deadly banifhment ! What light is light, if Silvia be not feen? What joy is joy, if Silvia be not by ? Unlefs it be, to think that Ihe is by, And feed upon the fhadow of perfedion. Except I be by Silvia in the night, There is no musick in the nightingale ; Unlefs I look on Silvia in the day, There is no day for me to look upon : She is my eflence ; and I leave to be, If I be not by her fair influence Fofter'd, illumin'd, cherim'd, kept alive. I fly not death, to fly his deadly doom : Tarry I here, I but attend on death ; But, fly I hence, I fly away from life. Entir PROTHEUS, PRO. Run, boy, run, run, and feek him out. LAV. So-ho! fo-ho! PRO. What fee'ft thou ? LAV. Him we go to find; there's not a hair on's head, but 'tis a Valentine. PRO. Valentine? VAL. No. PRO. Who then? his fpirit ? VAL. Neither. PRO. What then ? VAL. Nothing. LAV. Can nothing fpeak ? Matter, fliall I ftrike ? PRO. Whom would'lt thou ftrike ? L-AV. Nothing. PRO. Villain, forbear. LAV. Why, Hr, I'll ftrike nothing : I pray you. 44 Ibe t Gentlemen of Verona. PRO. Sirra, T fay, forbear. Friend Valentine, a word . VAL. My ears are ftopt, and cannot hear good news, So much of bad already hath posseft them. PRO. Then in dumb filence will I bury mine ; For they are harfh, untunable, and bad. VAL. Is Silvia dead? PRO. No, Valentine. VAL.. No Valentine, indeed, for iacred Silvia : Hath fhe forfworn me ? PRO. No, Valentine. VAL. No Valentine, if Silvia have forfworn me. . What is your news ? LAV. Sir,thereisaproclamation,'thatyouarevanifh'd. PRO. That thou art banifh'd, o, that is the news, From hence, from Silvia, and from me thy friend. VAL . O, I have fed upon this woe already, And now excefs of it will make me furfeit. Doth Silvia know that I am banifhed ? PRO. Ay, ay ; and fhe hath offer'd to the doom, (Which, unreverf'd, ftands in effectual force) A fea of melting pearl, which fome call tears : Those at her father's churlifh feet fhe tender'd ; With them, upon her knees, her humble felf ; Wringing her hands, whose whitenefs fo became them, As if but now they waxed pale for woe : But neither bended knees, pure hands held up, Sad fighs, deep groans, nor filver-fhedding tears, Could penetrate her uncompafiionate fire ; But Valentine, if he be ta'en, mufl die. Befides, her interceflion chaf 'd him fo, When fhe for thy repeal was fuppliant, That to clofe prison he commanded her, The t-Mo Gentlemen of Verona. 45 With many bitter threats of 'biding there. VAL . No more ; unlefs the next word that thou fpeak'ft Have fome malignant power upon my life : If fo, I pray thee, breath it in mine ear, As ending anthem of my endlefs dolour. PRO. Ceafe to lament for that thou canft not help, And ftudy help for that which thou lament'ft. Time is the nurfe and breeder of all good. Here if thou ftay, thou canft not fee thy love ; Befides, thy flaying will abridge thy life: Hope is a lover's ftaff ; walk hence with that, And manage it againft defpairing thoughts : Thy letters may be here, though thou art hence ; Which, being writ to me, (hall be deliver'd Even in the milk-white bosom of thy love. The time now ferves not to expoftulate : Come, I'll convey thee through the city-gate ; And, ere I part with thee, confer at large Of all that may concern thy love-affairs : As thou lov'fl Silvia, though not for thyfelf, Regard thy danger, and along with me. VAL. I pray thee, Launce, an if thou fee'ft my boy, Bid him make hafle and meet me at the north-gate. PRO. Go, firra, find him out : Come, Valentine. VAL . O my dear Sil-via ! haplefs Valentine ! [Exeunt VALENTINE, <:e<3 of her breath. LAU. Well, that fault may be mended with a break- faft. Read on. SPE. Item, She bath a faaeet mouth. LAU. That makes amends for her four breath. SPE. Item, She doth talk in herjltep. (talk. LAU. It's no matter for that, fo fhe fleep not in her SPE. Item, She isjlo-w in words. LAU. O villain, that fet this down among her vices! To be flow in words, is a woman's only virtue : _I pray thee, out with't ; and place it for her chief virtue. SPE. Item, She is proud. 48 he tnvo Gentlemen of Verona. LAV. Out with that too ; it was Eve's legacy, and cannot be ta'en from her. S PE. Item, She hath no teeth. LAV. I care not for that neither, because I love crafts. SPE. Item, She is curJJ. Lju. Well, the belt is, me hath no teeth to bite. S PE. Item, She will often praise her liquor. LAV. If her liquor be good, fhe lhall : if (he will not, I will ; for good things mould be prais'd. SPE. Item, She is too liberal. LAV. Of her tongue (he cannot ; for that's writ down (he is flow of: of her purfe fhe fhall not ; for that I'll keep fhut : now, of another thing fhe may ; and that cannot I help. Well, proceed. SPE. Item, She hath more hair than nult, and more faults than hairs, and more 'wealth than faults. LAV. Stop there ; I'll have her : fhe was mine, and not mine, twice or thrice in that laft article : Rehearfe that once more. SPE. Item, She hath more hair than nuit, LAV. More hair than wit, it may be; I'll prove it : The cover of the fait hides the fait, and therefore it is more than the fait : the hair, that covers the wit, is more than the wit j for the greater hides the lefs. What's next ? SPE. and more faults than hairs," LAV. That's monftrous ; O, that that were out ! SPE. and more luealth than faults. LAV. Why, that word makes the faults gracious. Well, I'll have her : And if it be a match, as nothing is impoffible, SPE. What then? wo Gentlemen of Verona. 49 LAV. Why, then will I tell thee, that thy mailer ftays for thee at the north gate. SPE. For me ? LAU. For thee ! ay ; who art thou ? he hath ftay'd for a better man than thee. S PE. And muft I go to him ? LAU. Thou muft run to him ; for thou haft ftay'd fo long, that going will fcarce ferve the turn. SPE. Why didft not tell me fooner ? 'pox of your love-letters ! [Exit. LAU. Now will he be fwing'd for reading my let- ter ; An unmannerly flave, that will thruft him- felf into fecrets ! I'll after, to rejoice in the boy's cor- reftion. {Exit. SCENE II. The fame. A Room in the fame. Enter Duke, aWTnuRio; PROTHEUS behind. Duk. Sir Thurio, fear not, but that me will love you, Now Valentine is banifli'd from her fight. THU. Since his exile fhe hath defpis'd me moft, Forfworn my company, and rail'd at me, That I am defperate of obtaining her. Duk. This weak imprefs of love is as a figure Trenched in ice ; which, with an hour's heat, Dissolves to water, and doth lose his form : A little time will melt her frozen thoughts, And worthlefs Valentine fhall be forgot How now, fir Protheus ? is your countryman, According to our proclamation, gone ? PRO. Gone, my good lord. Duk. My daughter takes his going grievoufly. PRO. A little time, my lord, will kill that grief. Vox. I. I 50 The two Gentlemen of Verona. Duk. So I believe ; but Tburio thinks not fo. Protbeus, the good conceit I hold of thee (For thou haft fhown fome fign of good desert) Makes me the better to confer with thee. PRO. Longer than I prove loyal to your grace, .Let me not live to look upon your grace. Duk. Thou know'ft, how willingly I would effect The match between fir Thurio and my daughter : PRO. I do, my lord. Duk. And alfo, I do think, thou art not ignorant How flie opposes her againft my will. PRO. She did, my lord, when Valentine was here. Duk. Ay, and perverfly me perfevers fo. What might we do to make the girl forget The love of Valentine, and love fir Thurio ? PRO. The beft way is, to flander Valentine With fal mood, cowardice, and poor defcent ; Three things that women highly hold in hate. Duk. Ay, but fhe'll think, that it is fpoke in hate. PRO. Ay, if his enemy deliver it : Therefore it muft, with circumftance, be fpoken By one, whom me efteemeth as his friend. Duk. Then you muft undertake to flander him. PRO. And that, my lord, I mall be loth to do : 'Tis an ill office for a gentleman ; Efpecially, againft his very friend. Duk. Where your good word cannot advantage him, Your flander never can endamage him ; Therefore the office is indifferent, Being intreated to it by your friend. PRO. You have prevail'd, my lord : if I can do it, By ought that I can fpeak in his difpraise, The two Gentlemen of Verona. 5 1 She fhall not long continue love to him. But fay, this weed her love from Valentine, It follows not, that me will love fir Thurio. Tau. Therefore, as you unwind her love from him, Left it mould ravel, and be good to none, You muft provide to bottom it on me : Which muft be done, by praising me as much As you in worth difpraise fir Valentine. Duk. And, Protheus, we dare truft you in this kind ; Because we know, on Valentine's report, You are already love's firm votary, And cannot foon revolt and change your mind. Upon this warrant, {hall you have accefs, Where you with Silvia may confer at large ; For me is lumpifli, heavy, melancholy, And, for your friend's fake, will be glad of you : Where you may temper her by your perfuasion, To hate young Valentine, and love my friend. PRO. As much as I can do, I will effeft : _ But you, fir Thurio, are not marp enough ; You muft lay lime, to tangle her desires, By wailful fonnets, whose composed rimes Should be full fraught with ferviceable vows. Duk. Ay, Much is the force of heaven-bred poefy. PRO. Say, that upon the altar of her beauty You facrifice your tears, your fighs, your heart : Write 'till your ink be dry, and with your tears Moift it again ; and frame fome feeling line, That may difcover fuch integrity : For Orpheus' lute was ftrung with poets' finews ; Whose golden touch could foften fteel and ftones, Make tigers tame, and huge leviathans I 2 rz ^be two Gentlemen of Verona. Forfake unfounded deeps to dance on fands. After your dire-lamenting elegies, Visit by night your lady's chamber- window With fome fweet concert: to their inftruments Tune a deploring dump ; the night's dead filence Will well become fuch fvveet-complaining grievance. This, or elfe nothing, will inherit her. Duk. This difcipline mows thou haft been in love. THV. And thy advice this night I'll put in pradlice : Therefore, fweet Protheus, my diredlion-giver, Let us into the city presently, To fort fome gentlemen well fkill'd in musick : I have a fonnet, that will ferve the turn, To give the onfet to thy good advice. Duk. About it, gentlemen. PRO. We'll wait upon your grace, 'till after fupper ; And afterward determine our proceedings. Duk. Even now about it ; I will pardon you. [Exeunt. ACT IV. SCENE I. rbe Frontiers of Mantua. A Ferejl. Enter certain Out-laws. 1. O.- Fellows, (land faft ; I fee a pafTenger. 2. O. If there be ten, fhrink not, but down with 'em. Enter VALENTINE, and SPEED. 3. O. Stand, fir, and throw us thatyou have aboutyou; If not, we'll make you fit, and riffle you. SPE. 2D, fir, we are undone ! these are the villains That all the travellers do fear fo much. VAI , My friends, The two Gentlemen of Verona. 53 1 . O. That's not fo, fir ; we are your enemies. 2. O. Peace, peace; we'll hear him. 3. O. Ay, by my beard, will we; For he's a proper man. VAL. Then know, that I have little wealth to lose j A man I am, croff'd with adverfity : My riches are these poor habiliments ; Of which if you mould here diffurnim me, You take the fum and fubftance that I have. 2. O. Whither travel you .' VAL. To Verona. i . O. anto whence came you ? VAL. From Milan. 3. O. Have you long fojourned there ? [ftay'd, VAL. Some fixteen months ; and longer might have If crooked fortune had not thwarted me. 1 . O. What, were you banim'd thence ? VAL. I was. 2. O. For what offence ? VAL. For that which now torments me to rehearfe: I kill'd a man, whose death I much repent; But yet I flew him manfully in fight, Without falfe vantage, or bafe treachery. 1 . O. Why, ne'er repent it, if it were done fo : But were you banim'd for fo fmall a fault ? VAL. I was, and held me glad of fuch a doom. 2. O. Have you the tongues ? VAL. My youthful travel therein made me happy ; Or elfe I often had been miserable. 3. O. By the bare fcalp of Robin Hood'' 's fat friar, This fellow were a king for our wild fadlion. f . O. We'll have him : Sirs, a word. [talk apart. 54 tte two Gentlemen of Verona. S PE. Mafter, be one of them ; It is an honourable kind of thievery. VAL. Peace, villain. 2. O. Tell us this, Have you any thing to take to ? VAL. Nothing, but my fortune. 3. O. Know then, that fome of us are gentlemen, Such a^ the fury of ungovern'd youth Thruft from the company of awful men : Myfelf was from Verona banimed, For praftifing to fteal away a lady, An heir, and near ally'd unto the duke. 2. 0. And I from Man/ua, for a gentleman Who, in my mood, I ftab'd unto the heart. 1. O. And I, for fuch like petty crimes as these. But to the purpose, (for we cite our faults, That they may hold excus'd our lawlefs lives) And, partly, feeing you are beautify'd With goodly fhape ; and, by your own report, A linguift ; and a man of fuch perfection, As we do in our quality much want ; 2. 0. Indeed, because you are a banifh'd man, Therefore, above the reft, we parly to you : Are you content to be t>ur general ; ' To make a virtue of neceflity, And live, as we do, in this wildernefs ? 3. O. What fay'ft thou? wilt thou be of our confort ? Say, ay, and be the captain of us all : We'll do thee homage, and be rul'd by thee, Love thee as our commander, and our king. 1. O. But, if thou fcorn our courtefy, thou dy'ft. 2. O. Thou fhalt not live to brag what we have offer'd, VAL. 1 take your offer, and will live with you ; and Ncece, allide The tvjo Gentlemen of Verona. 55 Provided, that you do no outrages On filly women, or poor paflengers. 3. 0. No, we deleft fuch vile bafe praftices. Come, go with us, we'll bring thee -to our crews, And fhow thee all the treasure we have got ; Which, with ourfelves, all reft at thy difpose. [Exeunt. SCENE II. Milan. Court of the Palace. Enter PROTHEUS. PRO. Already I've been falfe to Valentine, And now I muft be as unjuft to Thurio. Under the colour of commending him, I have accefs my own love to prefer ; But Silvia is too fair, too true, too holy, To be corrupted with my worthlefs gifts : When I proteft true loyalty to her, She twits me with my falfnood to my friend ; When to her beauty I commend my vows, She bids me think, how I have been forfworn In breaking faith with Julia whom I lov'd : And, notwithftanding all her fudden quips, (The leaft whereof would quell a lover's hope) Yet, fpaniel-like, the more (he fpurns my love, The more it grows, and fawneth on her ftill. But here comes Thurio : now muft we to her window, And give fome evening musick to her ear. Enter THURIO, and Musicians. THU. How now, fir Protheut ? areyou crept before us? PRO. Ay, gentle-77;-ar/0; for, you know, that love Will creep in fervice where it cannot go. THU. Ay, but, I hope, fir, that you love not here. PRO. Sir, but I do ; or elfe I would be hence. > have I 56 The t-iuo Gentlemen of Verona. 7'Hu. Who ? Silvia ? PRO. Ay, Sifariff for your fake. THV. I thank you, for your own. _ Now, gentlejnen, Let's tune, and to it luftily a while. Enter Hoft, at a Dijiance ; 'with JULIA, apparel' d like a Boy. Ho/}. Now, my young gueft! methinks, you're alli- vholly ; \ pray you, why is it ? , JUL. Marry, mine hoft, because I cannot be merry. Hojt. Come, we'll have you merry : I'll bring you where you mall hear musick, and fee the gentleman that you afk'd for. JUL. But (hall I hear him fpeak ? Hoft. Ay, that you (hall. JUL. That will be musick. Haft. Hark, hark! [Musick plays, JUL. Is he among these ? Hoft. Ay : but peace, let's hear 'em. SONG. Who is Silvia ? 'what is fie, that all our fw aim commend her ? holy, fair, and 'wise is jhe ; the heaven fuch grace did lend her,, that Jhe might admired 1 he. Z. Is Jhe kind, as Jhe is fair ? for beauty lives vjith kindntfs : Love doth to her eyes repair, to help him of his blindnefs ; and, being belp'd, inhabits there. 3- Then to Silvia let us /ing, T&e two Gentlemen of Verona. 57 that Silvia // excelling ; Jhe excels each mortal thing, upon the dull earth dwelling : to her let us garlands bring. Heft.* How now ? are you fadder than you were before ? How do you, man ? the musick likes you not. JUL. You miftake; the musician likes me not. Hoji. Why, my pretty youth ? "Jut . He plays falfe, father. Hoft. How ? out of tune on the firings ? JUL. Not fo ; but yet fo falfe, that he grieves my very heart-ftrings. Hoft. You have a quick ear. JUL. Ay, I would I were deaf; it makes me have a flow heart. Hoft. \ perceive, you delight not in musick. JUL. Not a whit, when it jars fo. Hoft. Hark, what fine change is in the musick ! JUL. Ay; that change is the fpight. Heft. You would have them always play butone thing. JUL. I would always have one play but one thing. But, hoft, doth this fir Protheus, that we talk on, often resort unto this gentlewoman ? Hoft. I tell you what Launce his man told me, he lov'd her out of ail nick. JUL. Where is Launce? Hoft. Gone to fcek his dog ; which, to-morrow, by his matter's command, he muft carry for a present to his lady. [Musick ccafes.. JUL. Peace ! ftand afide, the company parts. fg.0. Sir Tkurio, fear not you ; 1 will fo plead. 58 The two Gentlemen of Verona. That you fliall fay, my cunning drift excels. to Page's Do&or Caius, a French Physician, J Daughter. Rugby, Seryic. What ; John Rugby ! _ I pray thee, go to the casement ; and fee if you can fee my matter, matter doctor Caius, coming : if he do, i'faith, and find any body in the houfe, here will be an old abusing of God's patience, and the king's Englijh. RUGB. I'll go watch. [Exit RUGBY. Qyic. Go; and we'll have a poflet for't foon at night, i'faith, at the latter end of a fea-coal fire. _ An honeft, willing, kind fellow, as ever fervant (hall come in houfe withal; and, I warrant ycu, no tell-tale r nor no breed-bate : his worft fault is, that he is given to prayer ; he is fomething peevifh that way : but no body but has his fault; but let that pafs. Peter Simple, you fay, your name is ? SIMP. Ay, for fault of a better. hric. And mailer S/eader's your mailer ? SIMP. Ay, forfooth. >uic. Does he not wear a great round beard, like a glover's paring-knife? SIMP . No, forfooth : he hath but a little whey-face, with a little yellow beard ; a cane-colour'd beard. Qyic. A foftly-fp'rited man, is he not ? SIMP. Ay, forfooth : but he is as tall a man of his hands, as any is between this and his head ; he hath fought with a warrener. >yic. How fay you ? oh, I fhould remember him j wee-face 1 3 Tie merry Wives of Wind for. Does he not hold up his head, as it were, and ftrut in his gait? 6 IMP. Yes, indeed, does he. Vuic. Well, heaven fend Anne Page no worfe for- tune ! Tell mafter parfon Evans, I will do what I can for your mafter : Anne is a good girl ; and I wiih Re-enter RUGBY, haftily. RVGB. Out, alas ! here comes my mafter. Vyic. We (hall all be ment:_Run in here, good young man ; go into this closet; [Shuts him in.~\ he will not ftay long What, John Rugby ; John ! what, John I fay! Go, John, go, enquire for my mafter; I doubt ke be not well, that he comes not home : and down, Jouun, adswn-a, &c. [J* n g' n ' Enter Doftsr CAIUS. D. CAI. Vat is you fing ? I do not like dese toys : Piay 'you, go and vetch me in my closet un bottler i-era 1 ', a box, a green-a box ; Do intend vat I fpeak : a green-a box. Quic. Ay, forfooth, I'll fetch it you. " I am glad" **he went not in himfelf : if he had found the young" 'man, he would have been horn-mad." D. CAI. Fe, fe,fe, fe ! mafoi, il fait fort chaud. Je in in 7 unbo\teee The merry Wives ^"Windfor. 19 RVGB. 'Tis ready, fir, here in the porch. D. CAI. By my trot, I tarry too long : Od's me ! qu* ay je oublie ? dere is fome fimples in my doset, dat I vil not for de varld I mail leave behind. >vic. Ah me 1 he'll find the young man there, and be mad. D. CAI. O diable, diable! vat is in my closet ?_V:l- lany, larron! [pulling Simple out.] Rugij, my rapier. Quic. Good mailer, be content. D. CAI. Verefore mail I be content-a ? >yic.. The young man is an honeft man. D. CAI. Vat fhall de honeft man do in my closet ? dere is no honeft man dat fhall come in my closet. S>yic. 1 befeech you, be not fo flegmatic ; hear the truth of it. He came of an errand to me from parfon Hugh : D. CAI. Veil. SIMP. Ay, forfooth ; to desire her to 2>yic. Peace, I pray you. D. CAI. Peace-a your tongue ;_Speak-a your tale. S!MP. To desire this honeft gentlewoman, your maid, to fpeak a good word to miftrefs Anne Page for my mafter in the way of marriage. )yic. This is all, indeed-la; but I'll ne'er put my finger in the fire, and need not. D. CAI. Sir Hugh fend a you ? _ Rugby, lailleK me fome paper :_Tarry you a little-a while. [sitting a'o-ivn to ivrite. >yic. I am glad, he is fo quiet: if he had been throughly moved, you mould have heard him fo loud and fo melancholy; But notwithftanding, man, I'll do your mafter what good I can : and the very yea and the 76 ballow mte VOL. t. M jo 1'he merry Wives of Wind for. no is, the French doftor my matter, I may call him my matter, look you, for I keep his houfe ; and I wafh, wring, brew, bake, fcour, drefs meat and drink, make the beds, and do all myfelf. SIMP. 'Tis a great charge, to come under one bo- dy's hand. Quic. Are you avis'd o' that ? you (hall find it a great charge : And to be up early, and down late ; but notwithftanding, (to tell you in your ear ; I would have no words of it) my matter himfelf is in love with miftrefs Anne Page : but notwithftanding that, I know Anne's mind, that's neither here nor there. D. CAI. You, jack'nape ; give-a dis ^= letter to fir Hugh ; by gar, it is a (hallenge : I vill cut his troat in de park ; and I vill teach a fcurvy jackanape prieft to meddle or make : you may be gone ; it is not good you tarry here : by gar, 1 vill cut all his two ftones ; by gar, he (hall not have a (lone to trow at his dog. [Exit SIMPLE. >yic. Alas, he fpeaks but for his friend. D. CAI. It is no matter-a for dat : do not you tell- a me, dat I (hall have Anne Page for myfelf ? by gar, I vill kill de jack prieft ; and I have appointed mine hofc of dejartect- to measure our weapon : by gar, I vill myfelf have Anne Page. Quic. Sir, the maid loves you, and all fhall be well : we muft give folks leave to prate ; What, the good year ! D. CAI. Ruglj, come to de court vit me : _By gar, if I have not Anne Page, I (hall turn your head out of door: -Follow my heels, Rugby. [Exeunt CAZVS, and RUGBY. J S good-jer The merry Wives of Windfor. 2 1 >yic. You mall have An fool's head of your own :_ No, I know Anne"?, mind for that : never a woman in Windfor knows more of Anne's mind than I do; nor can do more than I do with her, I thank heaven. .F-Etfr. \fwitbin. ~\ Who's within there, ho ? Qyic. Who's there, I trow ? come near the houfe, I pray you. Enter FENTON. PENT. How now, good woman ; how doft thou ? Quic. The better that it pleases your good worfhip to alk. FEKT. What news r how does pretty miftrefs Anns r* Quic. In truth, fir, and me is pretty, and honeft, and gentle ; and one that is your friend, I can tell you that by the way, I praise heaven for it. PENT. Shall I do any good, think'ft thou ? mail I not lose my fuit ? >uic. 'Troth, fir, all is in his hands above : but notwithftanding, mafter Fentcn, I'll be fworn on a book, {he loves you ; Have not your worfhip a wart above your eye ? PENT. Yes, marry, have I ; What of that ? Qyic. Well, thereby hangs a tale ; good faith, it is fuch another Nan; but, I deleft, an honeft maid as ever broke bread : We had an hour's talk of that wart; I {hall never laugh but in that maid's company : but, indeed, fhe is given too much to allicholly and musing: But, for you well, go to. FEKT. Well, I {hall fee her to-day: Hold, there's f money for thee ; let me have thy voice in my behalf: if thou fee'ft her before me, commend me ^uic. Will I ? i'faith, that we will : and I will tell M 2 az The merry Wives of Windfor. your worfhip more of the wart, the next time we have confidence; and of other wooers. FENT. Well, farewel ; I am in great hade now. [Exit. >uic. Farewel to your worfhip. Truly, an honeft gentleman ; but Anne loves him not ; for I know Annis mind as well as another does : Out upon't ! what have 1 forgot? [Exit. ACT II. SCENE I. Before PageV Houfe. Enter Miftrefs PAGE, vic. Shall I vouchfafeyourwormip a word or two r FJLS. Two thousand, fair woman ; and I'll vouch- The merry Wives of Windibr. 3 1 fafe thee the hearing. ^uic. There is one miftrefs Ford, fir; I pray, come a little nearer this ways : I myfelf dwell with mafter doctor Cains. FALS. Well, on : Miflrefs Ford, you fay ; >uic. Your worfhip fays very true : I pray your wor- fhip, come a little nearer this ways. FALS. I warrant thee, no body hears; mine own people, mine own people. >uic. Are they for Heaven blefs them, and make them his fervants ! FALS. Well, miflrefs Ford; What of her ? Quic. Why, fir, fhe's a good creature ; Lord, Lord ! your worfhip's a wanton: Well, heaven forgive you, and all of us, I pray ! FALS. Miflrefs Ford^ come, miftrefs Ford; >uic. Marry, this is the fhort and the long of it; you have brought her into fuch a canaries, as 'tis won- derful : the beft courtier of them all, when the court lay at Wind/or, could never have brought her to fuch a canary : Yet there has been knights, and lords, and gentlemen, with their coaches ; I warrant you, coach after coach, letter after letter, gift after gift; fmelling fo fweetly, (all mufk) and fo rufhling, I warrant you, in filk and gold; and in fuch alligant terms; and in fuch wine and fugar of the beft and the faireft, that would have won any woman's heart ; and, I warrant you, they could never get an eye-wink of her : I had myfelf twenty angels given me this morning : but I defy all angels, (in any fuch fort, as they fay) but in the way of honefty : and, I warrant you, they could never get her fo much as lip on a cup with the proudeit 3 2 5 'be merry Wiuic. Marry, me hath receiv'd your letter ; for the which {he thanks you a thousand times : and me gives you to notify, that her hufband will be abfence from his houfe between ten and eleven. . Ten and eleven. . Ay, forfooth; and then you may come and fee the picture, fhe fays, that you wot of; mailer Ford, her husband, will be from home : Alas, the fweet woman leads an ill life with him ; he's a very jealoufy man ; fhe leads a very frampold lite with him, good heart. Fjts. Ten and eleven: Woman, commend me to her ; I will not fail her. >uic. Why, you fay well : But I have another mef- fenger to your worfhip : Miftrefs Page hath her hearty commendations to you too ; and let me tell you in your ear, flic's as fartuous a civil modeft wife, and one ([ tell you) that will not mifs you morning nor evening prayer, as any is in WindJ(,r> whoe'er be the other : ar.-d fhe bad me tell your wormip, that her husband is ftidcm from home ; but, (he hopes, there will come a time. I never knew a woman ib doat upon a man ; furely, I think you have chaims, la ; yes, in truth. AL$. Not I, I allure thee ; fetting the attra&ion of irsy ocod parts afide, 1 have no other charms. $>OIC. Blefling on your heart for't! But, 1 pray thee, tell me this ; Has Fork's The merry Wives of Windfor. 3 3 wife, and Page's wife, acquainted each other how they love me? Qyic. That were a jeft, indeed ! they have not Co little grace, 1 hope: that were a trick, indeed! But miftrefs Page would desire you to fend her your little page, of all loves ; her husband has a marvelous in- fedlion to the little page : And, truly, mailer Page is an honeft man : never a wife in Windfcr leads a better life than me does ; do what fhe will, fay what (he will, take all, pay all, go to bed when (he lift, rise when fhe lift, all is as fhe will; and, truly, fhe deserves it; for if there be a kind woman in Windfor, (he is one : You muft fend her your page ; no remedy. FALS. Why, 1 will. >yic. Nay, but do fo then : and, look you, he may come and go between you both ; and, in any cafe, have a nayword, that you may know one another's mind, and the boy never need to underftand any thing ; for 'tis not good that children fhould know any wicked- nefs : old folks, you know, have difcretion, as they fay, and know the world. FALS. Fare thee well : commend me to them both : there's my ^ purfe ; I am yet thy debtor Boy, go along with this woman. This news diftrafls me. [Exeunt Qu i c K L Y, and Ro B i jr. Pisr. This punk is one of Cupid's carriers : Clap on more fails; purfue; up with your fights; Give fire; fhe is my prize, or ocean whelm them all ! [Exit PISTOL. FALS. Say'ft thou fo, old Jack? go thy ways; I'll make more of thy old body, than 1 have done. Will they yet look after thee ? wilt thou, after the expence 34 &e merry Wi-ua of Windfor. of fo much money, be now a gainer ? good body, \ thank thee : Let them fay, 'tis grofly done ; fo it be fairly done, no matter. Enter BARDOI.PH. BJRD. Sir John, there's one mailer Brock below would fain fpeak with you, and be acquainted with you ; and hath fent your worfhip a morning's draught of fack. FALS. Brock is his name ? BARD. Ay, fir. FALS. Callhimin; [Exit BARDOLPH.] SachBrooh are welcome to me, that o'er-flow fuch liquor. Ah, ha, miitrefs Ford, and miftrefs Page, have I encompafs'd you ? go to; v:af Re-enter Bardolph, with FORD difguis^d. FORD. Blefs you, fir. FALS. And you, fir : Would you fpeak with me ? FORD. 1 make bold, to prefs with fo little prepara- tion upon you. FALS. You're welcome ; What's your will ? Give us leave, drawer. [Exit Bardolph. FORD. Sir, I am a gentleman that have fpentmuch; my name is Brook. FALS. Good mailer Brook, I desire more acquaint- ance of" you. FORD. Good (\rjobn, I fue for yours : not to charge you; for I muft let you underftand, I think myfelf in better plight for a lender than you are : the which hath iomething embolden'd me to this unfeason'd intrusion ; for they fay, if money go before, all ways do lye open. FALS. Money is a good foldier, fir, and will on. FORD. Troth, and I have a bag of money ~f~ here '* ore 'flowes The merry wives of Windfor. j $ troubles me : if you will help to bear it, fir John, take all, or half, for easing me of the carriage. FALS. Sir, I know not how I may deserve to btf your porter. FORD. I will tell you, fir, if you will give me the hearing. FALS. Speak, good matter Brook; I (hall be glad to be your fervant. FORD. Sir, I hear you are fchollar, I will be brief with you ; and you have been a man long known to me, though I had never fo good means, as desire, to make myfelf acquainted with you. I fhall difcover a thing to you, wherein I muft very much lay open mine own imperfection : but, good fir 'John, as you have one eye upon my follies, as you hear them unfolded, turn another into the regifter of your own ; that I may pafs with a reproof the easier, fith you yourfelf know, how easy it is to be fuch an offender. PALS. Very well, fir; proceed. FORD. There is a gentlewoman in this town, her husband's name is Ford. FALS. Well, fir. FORD. I have long lov'd her, and, I proteft to you, beftowed much on her ; follovv'd her with a doating observance ; engroff'd opportunities to meet her ; fee'd every flight occasion that could but niggardly give me fight of her ; not only bought many presents to give her, but have given largely to many, to know what flic would have given : briefly, I have purfu'd her, as love hath purfu'd me ; which hath been, on the wing of all occasions : But, whatfoever I have merited, either in my mind, or in my means, meed, I am fure, I have re- VOL. I. N 36 %'be merry Wives of Windfor. ceived none; unlefs experience be a jewel; that I have purchafed at an infinite rate ; and that hath taught me to fay this, Lo*ve like a Jhado-iu Jiies, nvhsn fubftance love purfues j Purfuing that that fliet, andfiying nubat purfues. FALS. Have you receiv'd no promise of fatiffaftion at her hands ? FORD. Never. FALS. Have you importun'd her to fuch a purpose ? FORD. Never. FALS. Of what quality was your love then ? FORD. Like a fair houfe, built on another man's ground ; fo that I have loft my edifice, by miftaking the place where I erected it. FALS. To what purpose have you unfolded this to me? FORD. When I have told you that, I have told you all. Some fay, that, though (he appear honeft to me, yet, in other places, (he enlargeth her mirth fo far, that there is'fhrevvd conftruction made of her. Now, fir John, here is the heart of my purpose ; You are a gentleman of excellent breeding, admirable difcourfe, of great ad- mittance, authentic in your place and perfon, generally allowed for your many warlike, courtlike, and learned preparations. FALS. O, fir! FORD. Believe it, for you know it : There ^ is money ; fpend it, fpend it ; fpend more ; fpend all I have ; only give me fo much of your time in exchange of it, as to lay an amiable fiege to the honefty of this Ford's wife : use your art of wooing, win her to con- fent to you ; if any man may, you may as foon as any. Would it apply well to the vehemency of your The merry Wives o/'Windfor. 37 affeftion, that I fhould win what you would enjoy ? methinks, youprefcribe toyourfelf very prepofteroufiy. FORD. O, underftand my drift! fhedwellsfo fecure- ly on the excellency of her honour, that the folly of my foul dares not present itfelf ; (he is too bright to be look'd againft : Now, could I come to her with any detection in my hand, my desires had inftance and argument to commend themfelves ; I could drive her then from the ward of her purity, her reputation, her marriage vow, and a thousand other her defences, which now are too- too ftrongly embattl'd againft me : What fay you to't, fir John ? FALS. Matter Brook, I will firft make bold with your money ; [pocketing it.] next, give me your hand ; and laft, as I am a gentleman, you lhall, if you will, enjoy Ford's wife. FORD. O, good fir! FJLS. I fay, you mall, FORD . Want no money, fir John, you fliall want none. FALS. Want no miftrefs Ford, mafter Brook, you (hall want none ; I fhall be with her (I may tell you) by her own appointment ; even as you came in to me, her af- fiftant, or go-between, parted from me : I fay, I mall be with her between ten and eleven ; for at that time the jealous rafcally knave, her husband, will be forth : Come you to me at night ; you mail know how I fpeed. FORD. I ambleftin your acquaintance. Do you know Ford, fir ? FJLS. Hang him, poor cuckoldly knave! I know him not : yet I wrong him, to call him poor; they fay, the jealous wittolly knave hath mafTes of money ; for the which, his wife feems to me well-favour'd : I N 3 38 fhe merry Wivet of Wind for. tvill use her as the key of the cuckoldly rogue's coffer, and there's my harveft-home. FORD. I would you knew Fcrd, fir; that you might avoid him, if you faw him. FJLS. Hang him, mechanical falt-butter rogue! I will ftare him out of his wits ; I will awe him with my cudgel ; it fhall hang like a meteor o'er the cuc- kold's horns : mailer Brook, thou (halt know, I will predominate over the peasant, and thou fhalt lye with his wife. Come to me foon at night : Fork's a knave, and I will aggravate his ftile ; thou, mailer Brook, (halt know him for knave and cuckold : come to me foon at night. I Exit. FORD. What a damn'd Epicurean rafcal is this I My heart is ready to crack with impatience. Who fays, this is improvident jealoufy ? my wife hath fent to' him, the hour is fix'd, the match is made ; Would any man have thought this ? See the hell of having a falfe woman ! my bed (hall be abus'd, my coffers ran- fack'd, my reputation gnawn at ; and J fhall not only receive this villanous wrong, but ftand under the adop- tion of abominable terms, and by him that does me this wrong. Terms ! names ! Amaimcn founds well ; Lucifer, well ; Barbafon, well ; yet they are devils' ad- ditions, the names of fiends : but, cuckold ! wittol ! cuckold! the devil himfelf hath not fuch a name. Page is an afs, a fecure afs ; he will truft his wife, he will not be jealous : I will rather truft a Fleming with my butter, parfon Hugh the Welcbman with my cheese, an Irijhman with my aqua~*vite PP in g behind it ^ M. Fo. Pray you, dofo ; fhe'sa very tatling woman. Enter Miftrefs PAGE. What's the matter f how now ? M. PA. O miftrefs Ford, what have you done ? you're lham'd, you're overthrown, you're undone for ever. M. Fo. What's the matter, good miftrefs Page? M. PA. O, wel-a-day, miftrefs Ford! having an ho- neft man to your husband, to give him fuch cause of fufpicion ! VOL. F. O 52 The merry Wives of Windfor. M. Fo. What cause of fufpicion ? Af. Pa. What cause of fufpicion? Out upon yon! how am I miftook in you ? M. Fo. Why, alas, what's the matter? M. PA. Your husband's coming hither, woman, with all the officers in Windfor t to fearch for a gentleman, that, he fays, is here now in the houfe, by your confent, to take an ill advantage of his abfence : you are undone. M. Fo. 'Tis not lo, I hope. M. PA. Pray heaven it be not fo, that you have fuch a man here ; but 'tis mofl certain, your husband's com- ing, with half Windfor at his heels, to fearch for fuch a one. I come before, to tell you : If you know yourfelf clear, why, 1 am glad of it: but if you have a friend here, convey, convey him out. Be not araaz'd ; call all your fen fes to you; defend your reputation, or bid fare- wel to your good life for ever. M. Fo. What mall I do? -There is a gentleman, my dear friend ; and I fear not mine own fhame, fo much as his peril : I had rather than a thousand pound, he were out of the houfe. M. PA. For fhame! never ftand_vca had rather, and you had rather; your husband's here at hand, bethink you of fome conveyance: in the houfe you cannot hide him :~~O, how have you deceiv'd me! Look, here is a bafket ; if he be of any reasonable flature, he may creep in here; and throw foul linnen upon him, as if it were going to bucking: Or, it is whiting time, fend him by your two men to Datchet mead. M. Fo. He's too big to go in there : What mall I do ? FALS. \Jlartingfrom his Concealment.] Let me fee't, let me fee't, o, let me fee't ! I'll in, I'll in ; follow your *Tht merry Wives of Windfor. 5 3 friend's counfel ; I'll in. M. PA. What ; fir Jab* Fa/ftaff-kre these your letters, knight ? FALS. I love thee ; help me away : Let me creep in here: I'll never [goes into the Bajket, Women cover him. M. PA. Help to cover your matter, boy :_Call your men, miftrefs Ford: You dilTembling knight! M. Fo. What, John, Robert, John! [Re-enter Ser- vants. ]Go, take up these cloaths here, quickly; Where's the cowl-ftarT? look, how you drumble: carry them to the landrefs in Datchtt mead ; quickly, come. Enter FORD, PAGE, CAIUS, and Sir Hugh EVANS. FORD. Pray you, come near: if I fufpeft without cause, why then make fport at me, then let me be your jeft, I deserve it. _ How now? whither bear you this? Servill do him a be- nefit. M. PA. Hang him, dimoneft rafcal ! I would, all of the fame ftrain were in the fame diftrefs. M. Fo. I think, my husband hath fome fpecial fuf- picion of Faljiafs being here; for I never faw him fo grofs in his jealoufy 'till now. M. PA. I will lay a plot to try that: And we wilt yet have more tricks with Falftajj~\ his diflblute disease will fcarce obey this medicine. M. Fo. Shall we fend that foolifh carrion, miilrefs Quickly, to him, and excuse his throwing into the wa- ter; and give him another hope, to betray him to a- nother punirtiment? M. PA. We will do it ; let him be fent for to-morrow eight o'clock, to have amends. Re-enter FORD, PAGE, CAIUS, and Sir Hugh. FORD. I cannot find him : maybe, the knave brag'd of that he could not compafs. M.PA. Heard >ou that?" [to M. Ford. T&e merry Wives c/Windfor. 55 M. Fo. You use me well, mafter Ford* do you? FORD. Ay, I do fo. M. Fo. Heaven make you better than your thoughts! FORD. Amen. M PA. You do yourfelf mighty wrong, matter Ford. FORD. Ay, ay ; I muft bear it. Sir H. If there be any pody in the houfe, and in the chambers, and in the coffers, and in the prefles, heaven forgive my fins at the day of judgment 1 D. CAI. By gar, nor I too ; dere is no bodies. PAGE. Fie, fie, mafter Ford! are you not afham'd ? what fpirit, what devil, fuggefts this imagination ? I would not have your diftemper in this kind, for the wealth of WMfor caftle. FORD. 'Tis my fault, matter Page ; I fuffer for it. Sir H. You fuffer for a pad confcience : your wife is as honeft a'omans as I will desires among five thousand, and five hundred too. D. CAI. By gar, I fee 'tis an honeft 'oman. FORD. Well; I promis'd you a dinner -.Come, come, walk in the park : I pray you, pardon me ; I will hereafter make known to you why I have done this Come, wife; come, miftrefs Page; I pray you, pardon me ; pray heartily, pardon me. PAGE. Let's go in, gentlemen; but, truft me, we'll mock him. I do invite you to-morrow morning to my houfe to breakfaft ; after, we'll a birding together;! have a fine hawk for the bum : Shall it be fo i FORD. Any thing. [ny. Sir H. If there is one, I mall make two in thecompa- D. CAI. If dere be one or two, I {hall make-a de turd. FORD. Pray you, go, mafter Page. 5 6 The merry Wives of Windfor. Sir H. I pray you now, remembrance to-morrow on the lousy knave mine hoft. D. Cjii. Dat is good ; by gar, vit all my heart. Sir H. A lousy knave ; to have his gibes, and hig mockeries : [Exeunt. SCENE IV. A Room in Page's Heu/t. Eater FENTON, and Mijireft Anne PAGE. PENT. I fee, I cannot get thy father's love ; Therefore no more turn me to him, fweet Nan. JNNE. Alas, how then ? PENT. Why, thou muft be thyfelf. He doth object, I am too great of birth ; And that, my 'ftate being gall'd with my expence, I feek to heal it only by his wealth : Befides these, other bars he lays before me, My riots paft, my wild focieties ; And tells me, 'tis a thing impoffible I mould love thee, but as a property. JUNE. May be, he tells you true. PENT. No, Heaven fofpeedme in the time to come! Albeit, I will confefs, thy father's wealth Was the firft motive that I woo'd thee, Anne : Yet, wooing thee, I found thee of more value Than ftamps in gold, or fums in fealed bags ; And 'tis the very riches of thyfelf That now I aim at. ANNE. Gentle mafter Fenton, Yet feek my father's love ; ftill feek it, fir: If opportunity, and humbleft fuit, Cannot attain it, why then, Hark you hither. [t/jcy ceaver/f apart. The merry Wives e/'Windfor. 57 Enter SHALLOW, SLENDER, and Miftrefs QUICKLY. SSAL. Break their talk, miftrefs Quickly ; my kins- man mall fpeak for himlelf. [venturing. SLEN. I'll make a (haft or a bolt on't : 's-lid, 'tis but SHAL. Be not difmay'd. SLEN. No, flie fliall not difmay me: I care not for that, but that I am afeard. Quic. Hark ye ; mafter Slender would fpeak a word with you. [choice:" ANNE. I come to him._" This is my father's " O, what a world of vile ill-favour'd faults" " Look handfome in three hundred pounds a year !" <%yic. And how does good mafter Fenton? Pray you, a word with you. [drawing him ajlde. SHAL. She's coming; to her, coz. O boy, thou hadft a father ! S*.eN. I had a father, miftrefs Anne; my uncle can tell you good jefts of him: Pray you, uncle, tell miftrefs Anne the jeft, how my father ftole two geefe out of a pen, good uncle. SHAL. Miftrefs Anne, my cousin loves you. SLEN. Ay, that I do; as well as I love any woman in Glocefterjbire. SHAL. He will maintain you like a gentlewoman. SLEN. Ay, that I will, come cut and long tail, un- der the degree of a 'fquire. SHAL, He will make you a hundred and fifty pounds jointure. [felf. ANNE. Good mafter Shallow, let him woo for him- SHAL, Marry, I thank you for it; I thank you for that good comfort. She calls you, coz : I'll leave you. 3 Lookes 91k merry tf'ives o/"Windfcr. Now, mafter Slender. St EN. Now, good miftrefs Annt. What is your will ? My will? 'od's heartlings, 'that's a pretty jeft, indeed ! I ne'er made my will yet, I thank heaven ; I am not fuch a fickly creature, I give heaven praise. JUNE. I mean, mailer Slender, what would you with me ? SLEX. Truly, for mine own part, T would little or nothing with you : Your father, and my uncle, hath made motions: if it be my luck, fo ; if not, happy man be his dole: They can tell you how things go, better than I can : You may afk your father ; here he comes. Eater PAGE, and Miftrefs PAGE. PAGE. Now, mailer Slender ;_Love him, daughter dnne : Why, how now ! what does mafter Fenton here ? You wrong me, fir, thus ftill to haunt my houfe : I told you, fir, my daughter is difpos'd of. PENT* Nay, mafter Page, be not impatient. M. PA. Good mafter Fenton, come not to my child. PAGE. She is no match for you. Fth-r. Sir, will you hear me ? PAGE. No, good mafter Fenton Come, mafter Shallow ; come, fon Slender ; in : Xnowing my mind, you wrong me, mafter Fenton. [ExeunfPAGE, SHALLOW, and BLENDER. >yic. Speak to' miftrefs Page. PENT. Good miftrefs Page, for that I love your daughter In fuch a righteous fafhion as I do, Perforce, againft all checks, rebukes, and manners, 97v merry Wives of Windfor. 59 I muft advance the colours of my love, And not retire : Let me have your good will. A\-NE . Good mother, do not marry me to yon' fool. M. PA. I mean it not ; I feek you a better husband. >yic. That's my matter, matter doctor. JNNE. Alas, I had rather be fet quick i'the earth, And bowl'd to death with turnips. M. PA. Come, trouble not yourfelf:_Good matter Fenton, I will not be your friend, nor enemy: My daughter will I queftion how me loves you, And as 1 find her, fo am I affected ; 3 Till then, farewel, fir: She muft needs go in; Her father will be angry. FENT. Farewel, mp gentle miftrefs; farewel, Nan. [Exeunt Miftrefi PAGE, and ANNE. Quic. This is my doing now; Nay, faid I, will you caft away your child on a fool, and a physician ? look on matter Fenton: this is my doing. PENT. I thank thee; and, I pray thee, once to-night Give my fweet Nan this ^ ring: There's =}= for thy pains. [Exit FENTON. Qvic. Now heaven fend thee good fortune! A kind heart he hath: a woman would run through fire and water for fuch a kind heart. But yet, I would my matter had miftrefs Anne ; or I would matter Blender had her ; or, in footh, I would matter Fenton had her: I will do what I can for them all three ; for fo I have promis'd, and I'll be as good as my word ; but 'fpecioufly for matter Fenton. Well, I muft of another errand to hrJohnFai- Jiaffhom my two miftrefles j What a beatt am I to flack it? [Exit. 60 The merry Wives of Windfor. 5 C E N E V . A Room in the garter Inn. Enter FALSTAFF and BARDOLPH. FALS. Bardolph, I fay, BARD. Here, fir. FALS. Go, fetch me a quart of fack ; put a toaftin't. \Exit BARD.] Have I liv'd to be carry'd in a baflcet, like a barrow of butcher's offal ; and to be thrown in the Thames* Well; if I be ferv'd fuch another trick, I'll have my brains ta'en out, and butter'd, and give them to a dog for a new-year's gift. The rogues flighted me into the river with as little remorfe as they would have drown'd a bitch's blind puppies, fifteen i'the litter :" and you may know, by my fize, that I have a kind of alacrity in finking; if the bottom were as deep as hell, 1 mould down. I had been drown'd, but that the more was fhelvy and (hallow; a death that I abhor; for the water fwells a man ; And what a thing mould I have been, when I had been fwell'd ! I mould have been a mountain of mummy. Re-enter BARDOLPH, *witb the Wine. BARD. Here's miftrefs^w/^/K, fir, to fpeak with you. FALS. Come, let me pour in feme fack to the Vbamei' water; for my belly's as cold, as if J had fwal- Jow'd fnow-balls for pills to cool the reins Call her in. BARD. Come in, woman. Enter Miftrefs Qu I C K L Y . Quic. By your leave ; I cry you mercy: Give your worihip good morrow. FALS. Take away these challices: Go, brew me a pottle of fack finely. BARD. With eggs, fir? 3 blinde bitches The merry Wives ff/"Windfor. 6 1 FAL s. Simple of itfelf ; I'll no pullet-fperm in my brewage [Exit BARD.] How now? >uic. Marry, fir, I come to your worfhip from miftrefs Ford. FAL s . Miftrefs Ford! I have had ford enough : I was thrown into the ford; I have my belly full of ford. $>yic. Alas the day! good heart, that was not her fault : {he does fo take on with her men ; they miftook their eredtion. FALS. So did I mine, to build upon a foolifh wo- man's promise. >vic. Well, fhe laments, fir, for it, that it would yearn your heart to fee it. Her husband goes this morn- ing a birding; (he desires you once more to come to her, between eight and nine : I muft carry her word quickly : (he'll make you amends, I warrant you. FALS. Well, I will visit her: Tell her fo; and bid her think what a man is : let her confider his frailty, and then judge of my merit. >uic. I will tell her. FALS. Do fo. Between nine and ten, fay'ft thou? >yic. Eight and nine, fir. FALS. Well, be gone: I will not mifs her. Quic. Peace be with you, fir! [Exit. FALS. I marvel, I hear not of matter Brook ; he fent me word, to ftay within : I like his money well. O, here he comes. Enter FORD. FORD. Blefs you, fir! FALS. Now, mailer Brook ? you come to know what hath pafl between me and Ford's wife ? FORD. That, indeed, fir John, is my businefs. 6z 'Tie merry Wives of Wind for. Matter Brook, I will not lye to you; I was at her houfe the hour fhe appointed me. FORD. And iped you, fir? . FJILS. Very ill-favour'dly, matter Brook. FORD. Howfo, fir? Did Ihe change her determina- tion ? FALS. No, matter Break: but the peaking cornuto her husband, matter Brook, dwelling in a continual 'larum of jealoufy, comes me in the inftant of our encounter, after we had embrac'd, kifT'd, protefted, and (as it were) fpoke the prologue of our comedy ; and at his heel; a rabble of his companions, thither provoked and infti- gated by his diflemper, and (forfooth) to fearch his houfe for his wife's love. FORD. What, while you were there? FJLS. While I was there. FORD. And did he fearch for you, and could not find you? FALS. You (hall hear. As good luck would have it, comes in one miftrefs Page; gives intelligence of Ford's approach; and, in her invention, and Ford's wife's diftradion, they convey'd me into a buck-bafket. FORD. A buck-bafket! FALS. Yes, a buck-bafket : ram'd me in with foul fhirts and fmocks, focks, foul (lockings, greasy napkins ; that, matter Brook, there was the rankeft compound of villanous fmell, that ever offended noftril. FORD. And how long lay you there ? FJLS. Nay, you (hall hear matter Brook, what I have fuffer'd to bring this woman to evil for your good. Being thus cram'd in the bafket, a couple of Ford's knaves, his hinds, were call'd forth by their miftrefs, The merry Wives of Windfor. 63 to carry me in the name of foul cloaths to Datcbet lane : they took me on their moulders ; met the jealous knave their matter in the door; who afked them once or twice, what they had -in their bafket : I quak'd for fear left the lunatic knave would have fearch'd it ; but fate, or- daining he mould be a cuckold, held his hand. Well ; on went he for a fearch, and away went I for foul cloaths. But mark the fequel, mafter Brook: I fuffer'd the pangs of three feveral deaths : firft, an intolerable fright, to be detected by a jealous rotten bell-weather: next, to be compaff'd, like a good bilbo, in the cir- cumference of a peck, hilt to point, heel to head: and then, to be ftop'd in, like a ftrong diiHllation, with ftinking cloaths that fretted in their own greafe ; think of that, a man of my kidney think of that ; that am as fubjec"l to heat, as butter; a man of continual diflblution and thaw ; it was a miracle, to 'fcape fuffo- cation. And in the height of this bath, when I was more than half ftew'd in greafe, like a Dutch dim, to be thrown into the Thames, and cool'd, glowing hot, in that furge, like a horfe-fhoe ; think of that, hiffing hot think of that, mafter Brook. FORD. In good fadnefs, fir, I am forry that for my fake you have fuffer'd all this. My fuit then is defpe- rate ; you'll undertake her no more? FALS. Mafter Brook, I will be thrown into Etna, as I have been into Thames, ere I will leave her thus. Her husband is this morning gone a birding: I have received from her another embafly of meeting; 'tvvixt eight and nine is the hour, mafter Brook. FORD. 'Tis paft eight already, fir. FALS. Is it? I will then addrefs me to my appoint- 10 with a 64 The merry Wives of Windfor. ment. Come to me at your convenient leisure, and you fhall know how I fpeed ; and the conclusion (hall be crowned with your enjoying her: Adieu. You (hall have her, mafter Brook; mailer Brook, you (hall cuckold Ford. [Exit FALSTAFF. FORD. Hum ! ha! is this a vision? is this a dream ? do I deep r mafter Ford, awake ; awake, mafter Ford\ there's a hole made in your beft coat, mafter Ford. This 'tis to be marry'd ! this 'tis to have linnen, and buck- baflcets! Well, I will proclaim myfelf what I am: I will now take the letcher ; he is at my houfe : he can- not 'fcape me, 'tis impoffible he mould ; he cannot creep into a half- penny purfe, nor into a pepper-box : but, left the devil that guides him mould aid him, I will fearch impofiible places : Though what I am 1 cannot avoid, yet to be what I would not (hall not make me tame : if I have horns to make one mad, let the proverb go with me, I'll be horn-mad. [Exit. ACT IV. SCENE I. 4 Street. Enter Miftrefs PAGE, Miftrefs QUICKLY, and WILLIAM. M. PA. Is he at miftrefs/W's already, thin k'ftthou? Quic. Sure, he is by this ; or will be presently : bat, truly, he is very courageous mad, about his throwing into the water. Miftrefs Ford desires you to come fud- denly. M. PA. I'll be with her by and by ; I'll but bring my young man here to fchool : Look, where his mafter The merry Wives of Windfor. 65 comes ; 'tis a playing-day, I fee : _ Enter Sir Hugh EVANS. How now, fir Hugh ? no Ichool to-day ? Sir H. No ; m after Slender is let the boys leave to play. Quic. B'.efling of his heart! M. PA, Sir Hugh, my husband fays, my fon profits nothing in the world at his book; I pray you, afk him fome queftions in his accidence. Sir H. Come hither, William ; hold up your head ; come. M. PA. Come OB, firrah; hold up your head; anfwer your mafter, be not afraid. Sir H. William, how many numbers is in nouns ? WILL. Two. S>yic. Truly, I thought there had been one num- ber more; because they fay, od's-nouns. Sir H. Peace your tattlings. _What is, fair, Wil- liam-? WILL. Pulcher. $>uic. Poulcats ! there are fairer things than poul- cats, fure. Sir H. You are a very fimplicity 'oman ; I pray you, peace What is, lapis, William? WILL. A ftone. Sir H. And what is a ftone, William? WILL. A pebble, Sir H. No, it is lapis ; I pray you, remember in your prain. WILL. Lapis. Sir H That is a good William: What is he, Wil- liam, that does lend articles ? 66 The merry Wives of Wind for. WILL. Articles are borrowed of the pronoun ; and be thus declined, Singulariter nominativo, bic, htec, hoc. Sir H. Nominative, big, bag, bog ; Pray you, mark : genitive, bujus: Well, what is your accusative cafe? WlLL. Accusative, bine. Sir H. I pray you, have your remembrance, child ; Accusative, bing, hang, bog. >uic. Hang-hog is Latin for bacon, I warrant you. Sir H. Leave your prabbles, 'oman. What is the focative cafe, William ? WILL. O vocative, o. Sir H. Remember, William: focative is, caret. >uic. And that's a good root. Sir //. 'Oman, forbear. M. PA. Peace. Sir H. What is your genitive cafe plural, William? WILL. Genitive cafe ? Sir H. Ay. WILL. Genitive horum, barum, horum. Qyic. Vengeance of^fanp's cafe ! fie on her ! never name her, child, if fhe be a whore. Sir H. For ftiame, 'oman. >vic. You do ill to teach the child fuch words : he teaches him to hie, and to hac, which they'll do fail enough of themfelves ; and to call, horum ; _ Fie upon you ! Sir H. 'Oman, art thou lunaticks? haft thou no underftandings for thy cafes, and the numbers of the genders ? thou art as foolifh chriiHan creatures, as I would desires. M. PA. Pr'ythee, hold thy peace. Sir H. Shew me now, William, fome declenfions of *7 Lunatics ? The merry Wives of Windfor. 67 your pronouns. WILL. Forfooth, I have forgot. Sir H. It is, qui, qu liati The merry Wives of Windfor. 69 M. To. There they always use to difcharge their birding pieces : Creep into the kiln-hole. FALS. Where is it? M. Fo. He will feek there, on my word: neither prefs, coffer, cheft, trunk, well, vault, but he hath an abftraft for the remembrance of fuch places, and goes to them by his note : There is no hiding you in the houfe. FAILS. I'll go out then. M. Fo. If you go out in your own femblance, you dye, fir John; unlefs you go out difguis'd, How might we difguise him ? M. PA. Alas the day, I know not : there is no wo- man's gown big enough for him ; otherwise, he might put on a hat, a muffler, and a kerchief a,nd fo efcape. FJLS. Good hearts, devise fomething : any extre- mity, rather than a mifchief. M. Fo. My maid's aunt, the fat woman of Brent- ford, has a gown above. M t PA. On my word, it will ferve him; fhe's as big as he is: and there's her thrumb hat, and her muf- fler too ; _ Run up, fir John. M. Fo. Go, go, fweet fir John : miflrefs Page, and I, will look fome linnen for your head. M. PA. Quick, quick ; we'll come drefs you ftraight : put on the gown the while. [Exit FALSTAFF. M. Fo. I would, my husband would meet him in this fhape: he cannot abide the old woman of Brentford ; he fvvears, fhe's a witch ; forbad her my houfe, and hath threaten'd to beat her. M. PA. Heaven guide him to thy husband's cudgel; and the devil guide his cudgel afterwards ! P 2 70 The Kerry Wives of Windfor. M.Fo. But is my husband coming? M. PA. Ay, in good fadnefs, is he ; and talks of the bafket too, howfoever he hath had intelligence. M. Fo. We'll try that; for I'll appoint my men to carry the bafket again, to meet him at the door with it, as they did laft time. M. PA. Nay, but he'll be here presently : let's go drefs him like the witch of Brentford. M. Fo. I'll firfl diredl my men, what they, (hall do with the bafket : Go up; I'll bring linnen for him ftraight. [Exit. M. PA. Hang him difhoneft varlet ! we cannot mif- use I;im enough. We'll leave a proof, by that which we will do, Wives may be merry, and yet honeft too : We do not aft, that often jeft and laugh ; 'Tis old, but true, Still fwine eats all the draff. [Exit. Re-enter Mjftrefs FORD, with her two Men. M. Fo. Go, firs, take the bafket again on your moul- ders ; your mailer is hard at door; if he bid you fet it down, obey him : quickly, difpatch. [Exit. I. Ser. Come, come, take it up. z. Ser. Pray heaven, it be not full of t\)t knight again ! I . Ser. I hope not ; I had as lief bear fo much lead. Enter FORD, PACE, SHALLOW, and Sir Hugh EVANS. FORD. Ay, but if it prove true, matter Page, have you any way then to unfool me again ?_Set down the bafket, villain : Somebody call my \vife:_Youth in a bafket !_O, you panderly rafcals Ithere's a knot, a gang, a pack, a conspiracy againft me : _ Now fhall the 3* girg The merry Wives c/'Windfor. 71 devil be fliam'd :_What, wife, I fay ! come, come forth ; behold what honeft cloaths you fend forth to bleaching. PAGE. Why, this pafles !_Mafter Ford, you are not to go loofe any longer; you muft be pinion'd. Sir H. Why, this is lunaticks ! this is mad as a mad dog! SHAL. Indeed, mailer Ford, this is not well; in- deed. Enter Miftrefi FORD. FORD. So fay I too, fir Come hither, miftrefsFm/; miftrefs Ford, the honeft woman, the modeft wife, the virtuous creature, that hath the jealous fool to her hus- band ! I fufpecl without cause, miftrefs ; do I ? M. Fo. Heaven be my witnefs, you do, if you fuf- pecl me in any difhonefty. FORD. Well faid, brazen-face; hold it out:_Come forth, firrah. [pulling cut the Cloalbs. PAGE. This pafles ! M. Fo. Are you not afliam'd ? let the cloaths alone. FORD. I (hall find you anon. Sir H. 'Tis unreasonable ! Will you take up your wife's cloaths ? come away. FORD. Empty the baflcet, I fay. M. Fo. Why, man, why FORD. Mafter Page, as I am a man, there was one convey'd out of my houfe yefterday in this bafket; Why may not he be there again ? In my houfe, I am fure, he is : my intelligence is true ; my jealoufy is reason- able; Pluck me out all the linnen. M. Fo. If you find a man there, he Hi all dye a flea's death. PAGE. Here's no man. P3 The merry Ifi-va o/Windfor. By my fidelity, this is not well, matter ford; this wrongs you. Sir H. Matter Ford, you mutt pray, and not follow the imaginations of your own heart : this is jealoufies. FORD. Well, he's not here I feek for. PAGE. No, nor no where elfe but in your brain. FORD. Help to fearch my houfe this one time : if I find not what I feek, (hew no colour for my extremi- ty ; let me for ever be your table-fport ; let them fay of me, As jealous as ford, that fearch'd a hollow wal- nut for his wife's leman : Satiffy me once more; once more fearch with me. M. Fo. What ho, mittrefs Page! come you, and the old woman, down; my husband will come into the chamber. FORD. Old woman ! what old woman's that ? M. Fo. Why, it is my maid's aunt of Brentford. FORD. A witch, a quean, an old cozening quean !_ Have I not forbid her my houfe? She comes of er- rands, does (he ? We are fimple men* we do not know what's brought to pafs under the profeffion of fortune- telling- She works by charms, by fpells, by the figure, and fuch dawbery as this is ; beyond our element- we know nothing-_Come down, you witch, you hag you j come down, I fay. M. Fo. Nay, good fweet husband ;_good gentler men, let him net ftrike the old woman. Enter Mijtrefs PACE ; leading in FalltafF, dijguis'd. M. PA. Come,motherFra/,come,give me your hand. FORD. I'll Prat her: Out of my doors, you witch; [to Falf.] you hag, you baggnge, you poulcat, The merry Wives of Windfor. 7 j you ronyon! out, out! I'll conjure you, I'll fortune-teH you. [beating, and driving him out. M- PA. Are you not aftiam'd I I think, you have kill'd the poor woman. . [you- M. Fo . Nay, he will do it ;-^'Tis a goodly credit for FORD. Hang her witch ! Sir H. By yea and no, 1 think the 'oman is a witch indeed: I like not when a 'omans has a great peard ; I fpy a great peard under his muffler. FORD. Will you follow, gentlemen? I befeech you, follow ; fee but the iffue of my jealoufy : if I cry out thus upon no trail, never truft me when I open again. PAGE. Let's obey his humour a little further: Come, gentlemen. [Exeunt PAG E, FOR D, SH AL . and Sir Hugh. M. PA. Truft me, he beat him moft pitifully. M. Fo. Nay, by th' mafs, that he did not; he beat him moft unpidfally, methought. M. PA. I'll have the cudgel hallow'd, and hung o'er the altar ; it hath done meritoiious fervice. M. Fo. What think your may we, with the war- rant of womanhood, and the witnefs of a good confci- ence, purfue him with any further revenge ? M. PA. The fpirit of wantonnefs is, fure, fcar'd out of him ; if the devil have him not in fee-fimple, with fine and recovery, he will never, I think, in the way of wafte, attempt us again. M. Fo. Shall we tell our husbands how we have ferv'd him ? M. PA. Yes, by all means ; if it be but to fcrapc the figures out of your husband's brains: If they can find in their hearts, the poor, unvircuous, fat knight 1 Runnion 74 Vbe merry Wives of Windfor. (hall be any further afflicted, we two will be ftill the minifters. M. Fo. I'll warrant, they'll have him publickly fham'd : and, methinks, there would be no fi't period to the jeft, fhotild he not be publickly (ham'd. M. PA. Come, to the forge with it then, fhape it; I would not have things cool. [Exeunt. SCENE III. A Room in the garter Inn. Enter BARDOLPH. BARD. Sir, the Germans desire to have three of your horfes: the duke himfelf will be to-morrow at court, and they ar? going to meet him. Hoft. What duke ihould that be, comes fo fecret- Jy ? I hear net of him in the court :_ Let me fpeak with the gentlemen ; They fpeak Englijh ? BARD. Ay, fir; I'll call them to you. Ha/?. They (hall have my horfes ; but I'll make them pay, Pil fauce them: they have had my houses a week at command ; 1 have turn'd away my other guefts : they mult not come off ; I'll fauce them :_ Come. [Exeunt. SCENE IV. A Room in Ford'j Houfe. Enter Sir HUGH, PAGE, FORD, Mifrefs PAGE, and Miftrefs FORD. Sir H. 'Tis one of the belt difcretions of a 'omans as ever 1 did look upon. PJGS And did he fend you both these "f letters at an inftant? M. PA. Within a quarter of an hour. [wilt; FORD. Pardon me, wife: Henceforth do what thou 1 German defircs ' ^ call him to The merry 'wives of Windfor. 75 J rather will fufpeft the fun with cold, Than theewith vvantonnefs : now doth thy honour ftand, In him that was of late an heretick, As firm as faith. PAGE. 'Tis well, 'tis well ; no more: Be not as extream in fubmiffion, As in offence ; But let our plot go forward : let our wives Yet once again, to make us publick fport, Appoint a meeting with this old fat fellow, Where we may take him, and difgrace him for it. [of. FORD. There is no better way than that they fpoke PAGE. How! fend him word, they'll meet him in At midnight ! fie, fie ; he will never come, [the park Sir H. You fay, he has been thrown in the rivers ; and has been grievoufly peaten, as an old 'oman : me- thinks, there mould be terrors in him, that he mould not come; methinks, his flefh is puniih'd, he mail have no desires. PAGE. So think I too. [comes, M. Fo. Devise but how you'll use him when he And let us two devise to bring him thither. [ter, M. PA. There is an old tale goes, that Herne the hun- Sometime a keeper here in Windfor foreft, Doth all the winter time, at Hill midnight, Walk round about an oak, with great jag'd horns; And there he blafts the tree, and takes the cattle, And makes milch-kine yield blood, and makes a chain In a moft hideous and dreadful manner : You have heard of fuch a fpirit; and well you know, The fuperftitious idle-headed eld Receiv'd, and did deliver to our age, 1 with gold '3 v. N'.>tt a6 rag'd 76 W>e merry Wives of Windfor. This tale of Htrne the hunter for a truth. PAGE. Why, yet there want not many, that do fear In deep of night to walk by this Herne's oak : But what of this ? M. Fo. Marry, this is our device; That Faljlajf^ that oak (hall meet with us, Difguis'd like Hcrne , with huge horns on his head. PAGE. Well, let it not be doubted but he'll come, And in this fhape; When you have brought him thither, What {hall be done with him ? what is your plot? [thus: M. PA. That likewise have we thought upon, and Nan Page my daughter, and my little fon, And three or four more of their growth, we'll drefs Like urchins, ouphes, and fairies, green and white, With rounds of waxen tapers on their heads, And rattles in their hands; upon a fudden, As Fa//!af t (he, and I, are newly met, Let them from forth a faw-pit rufh at once With fome diffused fong: upon their fight, We two in great amazednefs will fly : Then let them all encircle him about, And, fairy. like too, pinch the unclean knight; And afk him, why, that hour of fairy revel, In their fo facred paths he dares to tread In lhape prophane. FORD. And, 'till he tell the truth, Let the fupposed fairies pinch him found, And burn him with their tapers. M. PA. The truth being known, We'll all present ourfelves ; difhorn the fpirit, And mock him home to Windfor. FORD. The children muft ** like to pinch T/je merry Wives of Windfor. 77 Be praftic'd well to this, or they'll ne'er dot*. Sir H, I will teach the children their behaviours ; and I will be like a jackanapes alfo, to burn the knight with my taber. [vizards. FORD. That will be excellent. I'll go buy then* A/. PA. My Kan fhall be the queen of all the fairies, Finely attired in a robe of white. PACE. That filk will I go buy; "and, in that time," " Shall matter Slender fteal my Nan away," " And marry her at Eaten." Go, fend \.vFalftaff' Straight. FORD. Nay, I'll to him again in name of Brook : He'll tell me all his purpose : Sure, he'll come. M. PA. Fear not you that : Go, get us properties, And tricking for our fairies. Sir H. Let us about it : It is admirable pleasures,and fery honeft knaveries. [Exeunt FORD, PAGE, anJSirH. M. PA. Go, mirtrefs Ford, Send quickly to fir John, to know his mind. [Exit Miflreft FORD. I'll to the doctor ; he hath my good will, And none but he, to marry with Nan Page. That Slender, though well landed, is an ideot; And he my husband bed of all affefts : The doctor is well money'd, and his friends Potent at court ; he, none but he, {hall have her, Though twenty thousand worthier come to crave her. SCENE V. A Room in the garter Inn. Enter Hoft, and SIMPLE. Hofl. What would'ftthou have, boor? what.thick- Jkin? fpeak, breath, difcufs; brief, fcort, quick, fnap. ~3 The merry Jfives of Windfor. SIMP. Marry, fir, I come to fpcak with fir John Falji 'off horn m after Slender. Hoft. There's his chamber, his houfe, his cal- tle, his ftanding-bed and truckle-bed ; 'tis painted a- bout with the Itory of the prodigal, frefh and new: 'Go, knock and call ; he'll fpeak like an Anthropopba- ginian unto thee : Knock, 1 fay. SIMP. There's an old woman, a fat woman, gone up into his chamber ; I'll be fo bold as ftay, fir, 'till fhe come down : I come to fpeak with her, indeed. Hoft. Ha ! a fat woman ? the knight may be rob'd: I'll call. _ Bully knight! bully fir John \ fpeak from thy lungs military; Art thou there? it is thine hoft, thine Epbesian, calls. FJLS. [above] How now, mine hoft ? Hofl. Here's a Bohemian-Tartar tarries the com- ing down of thy fat woman : Let her defcend, bully, let her defcend ; my chambers are honourable : Fie ! privacy? fie! Enter FALSTAFF. FJLS. There was, mine hoft, an old fat woman even now with me ; but fhe's gone. SIMP. Pray you, fir, was't not the wise woman of Brtntferj? FJLS. Ay, marry, was it, muflel-fhell ; What would you with her ? SIMP. My mafter, fir, my m after Slender, fen t to her, feeing her go thorough the ftreets, to know, fir, whether one Nym, fir, that beguil'd him of a chain, had the chain, or no. FJLS. I fpake with the old woman about it. SIMP. And what fays (he, I pray, fir? The merry Wives of Windfor. 79 Many, me fays, thatthe very fame man, that beguil'd mailer Slender of his chain, cozen'd him of it. SIMP. I would, I could have fpoken with the wo- man herfelf ; I had other things to have fpoken with her too, from him. FALS. What are they ? let us know. Ho/?. Ay, come ; quick SIMP. I may not conceal them, fir. Haft. Conceal them, or thou dy'ft. SIMP. Why, fir, they were nothing but about mif- trefs Anne Page\ to know, if it were my mailer's for- tune to have her, or no. FALS. 'Tis, 'tis his fortune. SIMP. What, fir? FALS. To have her, or no : Go ; fay, the woman told me fo. SIMP. May I be bold to fay fo, fir ? FALS. Ay, fir; like who more bold. SIMP . I thank your worfhip : I mall make my maf- ter glad with these tidings. [Exii. Hoft. Thou art clerkly, thou art clerkly, fir John : Was there a wise woman with thee ? FALS. Ay, that there was, mine hod ; one that hath taught me more wit than ever I learn'd before in my life : and I pay'd nothing for it neither., but was pay'd for my learning. Enter BARDOLPH, haftily. BARD. Out, alas, fir ! cozenage, meer cozenage ! Hoft. Where be my horfes ? fpeak well of them, varletto. BARD. Run away with the cozeners : for fo foon as I came beyond Eaton, they threw me off, from be- * Fal. I majr 8o Tie mirry Wiuic. And have not they fuffer'd ? yes, I warrant ; 'fpecioufly one of them ; miilrefs Ford, good heart, is beaten black and blue, that you cannot fee a white fpot about her. FALS. What tell'ft thou me of black and blue? I was beaten myfelf into all the colours of the rain-bow; and I was like to be apprehended for the witch of Brentford: but that my admirable dexterity of wit, my counterfeiting the a&ion of an old woman, deliver'J iti, the knave conftable had fet me i'the ftocks, i'th' common ftocks, for a witch. >uic. Sir, let me fpeak with you in your chamber : you mall hear how things go'; and, I warrant, to your content : here is a letter ~J~ will fay fomewhat. Good hearts, what ado here is to bring you together ! fure, one of you does not ferve heaven well, that you are fo croff'd. FALS. Come up into my chamber. {Exeunt. SCENE V], Another Room, Enter Hoft, and FEN TON. 82 7ke merry Wives of Wind/or. Hr/?. Mafter Fentcn, talk not to me ; my mind Is heavy, I will give over all. FEKT. Yet hear mefpeak; Affift me in my purpose, And, as I am a gentleman, I'll jive thee A hundred pound in gold, more than your lofs. Hoft. \ will hear you, matter Fenton ; and I will, at the leaft, keep your couniel. PENT. From time to time I have acquainted you With the dear love I bear to fair Anne Page ; Who, mutually, hath anfwer'd my affeclion (So far forth as herfelf might be her chooser) Even to my wifli : I have a letter from her, Of fuch contents as you will wonder at ; The mirth whereof 'g fo larded with my matter, That neither, fmgly, can be rr.anifciled Without the mew of both : fat fir John Falftajf Hath a great fcene in it : the image of the jell I'll {how you "I" here at large. Hark, good mine hofl : To-night ziHcmis oak, juit 'tvvixt twelve and one, Muft my fweet Kan present the fairy queen ; The purpose why, is ~j~ here ; in which difguise, While other jefts are fomething rank on foot, Her father hath commanded her to flip Away with Slender, and with him at Eaton Immediately to marry : me hath confented : Now, fir, Her mother, ever ftrong againft tiiat match, And firm, for doctor Caius, hath appointed That he mail likewise fhuffle her away, While other fports are taking off their minds, And at the deanery, where a pric-ft attends, Straight marry her : to this her mother's plot She feemingly obedient likewise hath ^ (even ftrong *9 ta/kirg of The merry Wives of Windfor . 83 Made promise to the do&er : Now, thus it refts : Her father means me (hall be all in white ; And in that habit, when Slender ftes his time To take her by the hand and bid her go, She fnall go with him : her mother hath inJeaJed, The better to dencte her to the doflor, (For they mull all be mafk'd and viznrded) That quaint in green ("he fhall be loofe enrob'd, With ribbands pendant flaring 'boat her head ; And when the doftor fpies his vantage ripe, To pinch her by. the hand, anJ, on that token, The nwiid hrth given Content to go with him. [thcr ? 11 ,'}. V/hich means ihe deceive: father, or mo- FENT. Both, my good hoit, to go along with me : AnJ here it reib, that you'll procure the vicar To f;ay for me at church, 'twixt twelve and one, And, in the lawful name of marrying, To give our hearts united ceremony. Ho ft. Well, husband your device ; I'll to the vicar : Bri::;r you the maid, you ihall not lack a prieft. PENT. So (hall i evermore be -bound to thee ; Befidcs, I'll rr.ake a present recompence. [Exeunt. v. SCENE I. A Room in the garter Inn. Enter FALSTAFF, and Q_y i c K L Y . Pr'ychee, no more pratling;; go, I'll hold: This is the third time; I hope, good luck lyes in odd numbers: Away, go; they fay, there is divinity in odd nu;~je.-;, either in nativity,' chance, or death: away. &4 11* merry Wives 9/~Windfor. Quic. I'll provide you a chain ; and I'll do what I can to get you a pair of horns. FJLS. Away, I fay; time wears: hold up your head, and mince. [Exit QUICKLY. Enter FORD. How now, mailer Brook? Mailer Brook, the matter will be known to-night, or never: Be you in the park, a- bout midnight, at Hernis oak, and you fhall fee Won- ders. FORD. Went you not to her yefterday, fir, as you told me you had appointed ? FJLS. I went to her, mailer Brook, as you fee, like a poor old man ; but I came from her, matter Brook, like a poor old woman. That fame knave Ford, her husband, hath the fineft mad devil of jealoufy in him, matter Brook, that ever govern'd frenzy: I will tell you, He beat me grievoufly, in the fhape of a woman : for, in the ftiape of man, mailer Brook, I fear not Goliah \vith a weaver's beam; because 1 know alfo, life is a fhuttle. I am in hafle; go along with me; I'll tell you all, mailer Brook: Since I pluck'd geefe, play'd truant, and whip'd top, I knew not what 'twas to be beaten, 'till lately. Follow me: I'll tell you ftrange things of this knave Ford; on whom to-night I will be revenged, and I will deliver his wife into your hand. Follow : Strange things in hand, mailer Brook ! follow. [Exeunt. SCENE II. A Street. /!/ PAGE, SHALLOW, and SLENDER. PJGE. Come, come ; we'll couch i'the caille-ditch, 'till we fee the light of our fairies Remember, fon. Slender, my daughter. The mtrry Wives o/^Windfor. 85 SLEW. Ay, forfooth ; I have fpoke with her, and we have a nay-word, how to know one another : I come to her in white, and cry, mum ; ihe cries, bud- get ; and by that we know one another. SHAL. That's good too; But what needs either your mum, or her budget? the white will decipher her well enough. It hath ftrook ten o'clock. PACK. The night is dark ; light and fpirits will be- come it well. Heaven profper our fport! None means evil, But the devil; and we mall know him by his horns. Let's away; follow me. [Exeunt. S CENE III. Another Street, leading to the Pqrk. Enter Miftrtfs PAGE, CAIUS, and Miftrefs FORD. M. PA. Mafter doflor, my daughter is in green: when you fee your time, take her by the hand, away with her to the deanery, and difpatch it quickly : Go before into the park; we two muft go together. D. CAI. I know vat I have to do ; Adieu. M. PA. Fare you well, fir. [Exit CAI us.] My hus- band will not rejoice fo much at the abufe of Fal/iaf, as he will chafe at the doctor's marrying my daughter: bat 'tis no matter ; better a little chiding) than a great deal of heart break. M. Fo . Where is Nan now, and her troop of fairies ? and the Wtlcb devil, Hugh? ' M. PA. They are all couch'd in a pit hard by Hernis oak, with obfcur'd lights; which, at the very inflant of Falftajfs and our meeting, they will at once difplay to the night. M. Fo. That cannot choose but amaze him. M. Pa. If he be not amaz'd, he will be mock'd ; if 9 No mar. mcancs * 6 ILrnif z g6 ke merry Wivu e/'Windfbr. he be amaz'cl, he will every way be mcck'd. M. Fo. We'll betray him finely. M. PA. Againft fuch lewdfters, and their lechery, Those that betray them do no treachery. M. Fo . The hour draws on ; To the oak, to the oak! [Exeunt. SCENE IV. r be Park. Enter Sir HUGH, Piftol, Quickly, Anne Page, anJOtbers, tvifUtruic. Fairies, black, grey, green, and white, You moon-mine revellers, and mades of night, You orphan heirs of fixed deftiny. Attend your office, and your quality Cryer Hob-goblin, make the fairy o-yes. Pisf. Elves, lift your names ; filence, you airy toys. Cricket, to Windfor chimneys malt thou leap: Where fires thou find'il unrak'd, and hearths unfwept r 88 The merry Wivet o^Windfor. There pinch the maids as blue as bilberry; Our radiant queen hates fluts, and fluttery. [dye: FJLS. They are fairies ;he,thatfpeaks to them, mall I'll wink, and couch; No man their works muft eye. [lyes dcivn, upon bis Face. "Sir H. Where's Pede? go you, and where you rind a maid, That, ere (lie fleep, has thrice her prayers faid, Rein up the organs of her fantafy; Sleep (he as found as carelefs infancy : But those, as fleep, and think not on their fins, Pinch them arms, legs, backs, fhoulders, fides, and (bins. Qyic. About, about; Search Windfcr caftle, elves, within and 'out: Strew good luck, ouphes, on every facred room; That it may ftand 'till the perpetual doom, In ftate as wholefome, as in irate 'tis fit, Worthy the owner, and the owner it. The feveral chairs of order look you fcour With juice of balm and every precious flower: Each fair inftalment coat, and feveral creft, With loyal blazon, evermore be bleft; And nightly, meadow fairies, look you fing, Like to the garter's -compafs, in a ring : The expreflure that it bears, green let it be, More fertile-frefh than all the field to fee; And, Honi foit qui mal y penfe, write In emerald tufts, flowers purple, blue, and white j Like faphire, pearl, and rich embroidery, Euckl'd below fair knighthood's bending knee; Fairies use flowers for their charaftery. Away; difperfe : But 'till 'tis one o'clock, 5 Raife up *' Emrold tuffes The merry Wives o/WJndfor. 89 Our dance of cuftom, round about the oak Of Herne the hunter, let us not forget. Sir H. Pray you, Lock hand in hand; yourfelves in order fet: And twenty glow-worms fhall our lanthorns be, To guide our measure round about the tree But, (lay ; I fmell a man of middle earth. FALS. Heavens defend me from that Welch fairy! left he tranfform me to a piece of cheese. Pisr. Vile worm, thou waft o'er-look'd even in thy birth. )uic. With trial fire touch me his finger end: If he be chaft, the flame will back defcend, And turn him to no pain; but if he ftart, It is the flem of a corrupted heart. PIST. A trial, come. Sir H. Come, will this wood take fire ? [applying their T'apers. FALS. O, o, o ! >uic. Corrupt, corrupt, and tainted in desire '.__ About him, fairies; fing a fcornful rime; And, as you trip, ftill pinch him to your time. SONG. Fie on Jinful fantafy ! Jie on Ittft, and luxury ! luji is but a bloody fire, kindl'd nuith unchaji desire, fed in heart ; 'whose flames afpire, as thoughts do blow them, higher and higher .* . Pinch him, fairies, mutually, pinch him for his 'villany; pinch him, and burn him, and turn him about, 'till candles, andjiar -light, and moon-Jhine be out. 90 The merry U'ives of Windfor. During tlii Song, (in which the Fairies finch Falttafr", turn him with their Tapers, and dance about him) Dafior Caius comes one