SUMERIAN HYMNS ORM TEXTS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM TRANSLITERATION, TRANSLATION AND COMMENTARY FREDERICK AUGUSTUS VANDERBURGH, PH.D. Beta park THE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS 1908 All rights reserved SUMERIAN HYMNS CONTRIBUTIONS TO ORIENTAL HISTORY AND PHILOLOGY No. I SUMERIAN HYMNS FROM CUNEIFORM TEXTS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM TRANSLITERATION, TRANSLATION AND COMMENTARY BY FREDERICK AUGUSTUS VANDERBURGH, Pn.D. THE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS 1908 All rights reserved PRINTED BY G. KREYSING, LEIPZIG, GERMANY Note The so-called "Sumerian Question" as to the genuine linguistic character of the ancient Non-Semitic Babylonian texts has agitated the Assyriological world for more than twenty years. The new Sumerian matter from the monuments which is constantly coming to hand demands, in the interest of all those who can look upon this discussion with impartial eyes, a most rigid and unprejudiced examination. Dr. Vanderburgh in the following monograph has adhered to the views expounded in my "Materials for a Sumerian Lexicon" (J. C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 19051907), that the so-called Sumerian was originally a Non-Semitic agglutinative lan- guage which, in the course of many centuries of Semitic influences, became so incrusted with Semiticisms, most of them the result of a very gradual development of the earlier foreign sacred speech of the priests, that it is really not surprising to find the theory that Sumerian was merely a Semitic cryptography set forth and vigorously upheld by so eminent a scholar as Professor Halevy (MSL., pp. VIII, IX). The study of the more ancient Non-Semitic texts, more par- ticularly of the Sumerian unilingual hymns, cannot fail to shed additional light on the nature of this peculiar idiom, besides fur- nishing a valuable addition to the study of the Babylonian reli- gious system. ^ The texts of the hymns in Vol. XV. of the Brit. Mus. Gun. Texts are not always in good condition and present many diffi- culties, a solution of some of which, it is hoped, has been suggested in this work with at least approximate correctness. John Dyneley Prince Columbia University October 1st, 1907 To the Rev. Edward Judson, D. D., in recognition of his friendship to the author and of his interest in Oriental studies Preface Vol. XV. of the "Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum, printed by order of the Trustees", was pub- lished in 1902. Plates 7 30 of this valuable volume contain hymns addressed to Bel, Nergal, Adad, Sin, Tammuz, Bau and Nin- girgilu. Of these, besides the translations given in the present work, the following have been translated and commented on; viz., J. Dyneley Prince, Jour. Amer. Or. Soc., xxviii, pp. 168 182, a hymn to Nergal (PI. 14); and a hymn to Sin (also rendered and explained in this thesis) by E. Guthrie Perry, in Hymnen und Ge- bete an Sin (PL 17). In press at present are also translations by J. D. Prince, a hymn to Bau, Vol. XV. PL 22 in the Harper Me- morial Volume (Chicago) ; and , by the same author, a hymn to Ningirgilu, Vol. XV. PL 23, in the Paul Haupt Collection to appear in 1908. All these hymns in Plates 7 30 stand by themselves as distinct from anything hitherto published. They are unilingual, a fact in- dicating that they are very ancient and furthermore adding mate- rially to the difficulty of their translation. This Thesis ventures a transliteration, translation and commentary of four of the hymns which are peculiarly difficult owing to their unilingual Non-Semitic character. Of the history of the tablets in question, which are all in the Old Babylonian character, we have no information. They must tell their own story. The writer of this Thesis wishes to acknowledge with much appreciation the aid given him by Dr. John Dyneley Prince, Professor of Semitic Languages in Columbia University, in the preparation of this work. New York, Oct. 1st, 1907 F. A. Vanderburgh List of Abbreviations AL: Assyrische Lesestucke, von Friedrich Delitzsch. Vierte durch- aus neu bearbeitete Auflage. ASK: Akkadische und Sumerische Keilschrifttexte , von Paul Haupt. BN: Das Babylonische Nimrodepos, von Paul Haupt. Br: A Classified List of Cuneiform Ideograms, Compiled by Rudolph E. Briinnow. CDAL.: A Concise Dictionary of the Assyrian Language, by William Muss-Arnolt. CH: The Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon, by Robert Francis Harper. Cler: Collection de Clercq. Catalogue. Antiquit& Assyriennes. CT : Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum. De*c: De"couvertes en Chaldde, par Ernest de Sarzec. EBH: Early Babylonian History, by Hugo Radau. EBL: Explorations in Bible Lands during the 19th Century, by H. V. Hilprecht. HBA : A History of Babylonia and Assyria, by R. W. Rogers. HW: Assyrisches Handworterbuch, von Friedrich Delitzsch. IG: The Great Cylinder Inscriptions A and B of Gudea, by Ira Maurice Price. JA: Journal Asiatique. JRAS: The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. MSL: Materials for a Sumerian Lexicon, by John Dyneley Prince. N: Nippur, or Explorations and Adventures on the Euphrates, by John Punnett Peters. OBI : Old Babylonian Inscriptions, chiefly from Nippur. By H. V. Hil- precht. OBTR: Old Babylonian Temple Records, by Robert Julius Lau. R: Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, prepared by Sir Henry Rawlinson. RAAO: Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archeologie Orientale. RBA: Die Religion Babyloniens uud Assyriens, von Morris Jastrow, Jr. XIT ESA: Recueil de Signes Archaiques de 1'Ecriture Cunelforme, par V. Scheil. SSD: Lea Signes Sume"riens derives, par Paul Toscanne. SSO: A Sketch of Semitic Origins, by George Aaron Barton. SVA: Die Sumerischen Verbal- Afformative nach den altesten Keil- inschriften, von Vincent Brummer. TC: Tableau Compare" des Ecritures Babylonienne et Assyrienne Archaiques et Modernes, par A. Amiaud et L. Mechineau. TEA: Der Tontafelfund von El Amarna, herausgegeben von Hugo Winckler. TR: Travels and Researches in Chaldaea and Susiana, by Wm. K. Loftus. Table of Contents Page Introduction 1 Chapter I 21 Transliteration, Translation and Commentary, Hymn to Bel Chapter II 42 Transliteration, Translation and Commentary, Hymn to Sin Chapter III 55 Transliteration, Translation and Commentary, Hymn to Adad Chapter IV 70 Transliteration, Translation and Commentary, Hymn to Tammuz Glossary 81 Introduction The gods honored in the hymns treated in the following Thesis are Bel, Sin (Nannar), Adad (Ramman) and Tammuz, all deities of the old Babylonian pantheon, representing different phases of per- sonality and force, conceived of as incorporated in nature and as affecting the destinies of men. These gods are severally designated in the hymns as follows: in Tablet 13963, Rev. 1, "0 Bel of the mountains;" in Tablet 13930, Obv. 2, "0 father Nannar;" in Tablet 29631, Obv. 10, "0 Ramman, king of heaven"; and in Tablet 29628, Obv. 3, "The lord Tammuz" (CT. XV, 10, 15, 16, 17 and 19). The attributes and deeds belonging to these divinities are adduced from a wide range of literature, beginning with the royal inscriptions of the pre-dynastic periods and ending with the in- scriptions of the monarchs of the later Babylonian empire. In fact, the building inscriptions of the Babylonians, the war inscriptions of the Assyrians, the legendary literature, the incantations, as well as the religious collections, particularly the hymns, afford us many descriptions, of greater or less length, of all the Babylonian gods. To aid the student in understanding better the character of the four gods whose hymns have been translated in the following Thesis, I here give a brief descriptive sketch of each of the deities whose praises were sung in the documents which I have chosen to render. 1. Bel Bel was the most ancient of all Babylonian gods and was a popular deity through the historic rise and fall of several Babylonian states, when no other god received prominent recognition. When En-sag-kusanna, lord of Kengi, subdued the city of Kis in the north of Babylonia, he brought the spoil of his victory to Bel. "To Bel (En-lil), king of the lands, En-sag-kusanna, lord of Kengi, the spoil 1 of Kis, wicked of heart, he presented." l Urukagina, king of Lagas, built a temple to Ningirsu, the god of Girsu, but he, in honoring Ningirsu as the hero of Bel, was really honoring Bel. Tor Nin- girsu, the hero of Bel, Urukagina, king of Sirpurla, his house he built." 2 Eannatum, who was patesi of Lagas and made him- self king of Kis, calls himself the chosen of Bel, as follows : "Ean- natum, patesi of Sirpurla, chosen of Bel." 3 Entemena, who is called in the Vase of Silver, "son of Enanatum", 4 and who probably was the nephew of Eannatum, introduces his fine Cone Inscription with these words: "Bel, king of the lands, father of the gods." 5 He also claims in the same inscription to derive the right to reign from Bel: "Entemena, patesi of Sirpurla, to whom a sceptre is given by Bel." 6 Entemena's Cone also gives us information about Mesilim. It speaks of Mesilim as "king of Kis." 7 In describing the victory of Mesilim over the Gisbanites, a people located apparently not very far from Ki, Entemena tells us that the victory was effected by the command of Bel. "Upon the command of Bel a scourge he (Mesilim) brought over them (the Gisbanites); the dead in a field of the land he buried." 8 For map showing supposed location of Gis"ban, see SSO. p. 158. Lugalzaggisi, a usurper from the north, making himself master of the world in all directions and setting up a throne at Erech, in his inscription of 132 lines, freely recognizes the favor of Bel. "Bel, king of the lands, to Lugalzaggisi, king of Erech, the kingship of the world did give." 9 In this period preceding Sargon I., Samas seems to have a distinct place in the religious world, but he does not receive the attention that Bel receives. He is particularly mentioned in one inscription; viz., in the S&le des Vautours, where he is spoken of as "Samas, the king who dispenses splendour." 10 1 dingir En-lil lugal kur-kur-ra En-$ag-ku-an-na enKi-en-gi ga Ki-M hul-Sag a-mu-na-ub (OBI. Nos. 90 and 92). 2 dingir Nin-gir-su gud dingir En-lil-ld-ra Uru-ka-gi-na lugal Sir- la-pur-M-ge e-ni mu-na-ru (Clercq II, PL viii, Col. I). 8 E-an-na-tum pa-te-si Sir-la-M-pur-ge mu-pad-da dingir En-lil-ge (Galet A, Col. I. See Dec. XLIII). 4 En-teme-na dumu En-an-na-tum (Lines 3 and 10. See DeV. XL VII). B dingir En-lil lugal kur-kur-ra ab-ba dingir-dingir-ru-ne-ge (Cone of Entemena, Col. I, 1-3. v See Dec. XL VII). 6 En-teme-na pa-te-si Sir-la-pur-M pa sum-ma dingir En-lil-ld (Cone of Entemena, Col. V, 1923. See Dec. XLVII). 7 Me-silim lugal KiS-M-ge (Cone of Entemena, Col. I, 89. See Dec. XLVII). 8 ka dingir En-lil-ld-ta sa-u-gal ne-u md(SA'R)-dul-tak-bi edin-na ki- ba ni-uS-uS (Cone of Entemena, Col. 1, 28 31! See RAAO. Vol. IV, Plate II). dingir En-lil lugal kur-kur-ra Lugal-zag-gi-si lugal Unug-M-ga nam- lugal kalam-ma e-na-sum-ma-a (OBI. No. 87, Col. I, 14 and 3941). 10 dingir Babbar lugal zal sig-ga-ka (see De*c. XXXVIII, Fragment D 1 , middle of the Fragment). The date of these early Babylonian rulers, of course, is, as yet, not accurately determined. The relative age of each is made out chiefly from palaeographic evidences (see EBH. p. 8, for example), supplemented with the attempt at fitting into one harmonious whole the events which the inscriptions of these rulers divulge. Then the whole schedule is crowded backward or forward or internally changed from time to time as new evidence is gathered for or against the testimony of Nabonidus (555 538 B. C.) who, when he discovered the tablet of Navam-Sin, declared that he was gazing on that which no eyes had beheld for thirty-two hundred years. Nabonidus says. "I dug to a depth of eighteen cubits, and the foundation of Naram-Sin, the son of Sargon, which for thirty-two hundred years no king that had preceded me had discovered, Samas, the great Lord of E-barra, permitted me, even me, to be- hold." 1 On the supposed relation of these kings to Naram-Sin, the rulers En-sag-kusanna, a king of the south, Urukagina, of Lagas, and Mesilim, a king ruling at Kis, are placed along about the date of 4500 B. C., while Eannatum, Enannatum and Entemena, successive rulers at Lagas, are placed near the date of 4200 B. C. Lugal- zaggisi of Erech is placed at 4000 B. C. It may be stated here that the date of Sargon I. as 3800 B. C. is obtained by adding to 3200 the date of the reign of Nabonidus as 550 years B. C. and also the length of the reign of Sargon* I. as 50 years. The seat of Bel's cult was Nippur, a city lying between the Euphrates and Tigris, a little below Babylon, and located, as it were, in the midway favorable to receiving homage from kings of either the north or the south of Babylonia. We find it mentioned as early as the time of Entemena, who in one of his inscriptions, in speaking of something presented to Bel, says : "To Bel of Nippur by Entemena it was presented". 2 In the bilingual legend of the Creation, Nippur seems to be regarded as a very old city. It is placed at the head of the list of three that are mentioned as an- cient cities of Babylonia. "Nippur was not made ; E-kur was not built. Erech was not made; E-anna was not built. The abyss was not made; Eridu was not built." 3 Nippur evidently is older than the worship of Bel and the conception of Bel is older than the first king of whom we have mention; viz., En-sag-kusauna, who is placed at 4500 B. C. 1 (56 b) XVJII amat ga-ga-ri (57) u-$ap-pi-il-ma te-me-en-na Na-ram- # Bel (EN.LIL) (K. 8522. Rev. 13. CT. XIII. Plate 27). Mankind he created. Animals of the field, creatures of the field he created. The Tigris and the Euphrates he made and in place put (them) By their names joyfully he called them". 1 Now Marduk, we know, took the place of Bel and Bel handed over his prerogatives to Marduk. In transferring his rights he must have given over also his power to create. If Marduk pos- sessed the power to create in the time of his popularity, Bel must have had the same power in the days of his glory, before he was succeeded by Marduk. Therefore we are led to the belief that the early Babylonians looked upon Bel as the creator of animal and human life on earth. The following hymn may be regarded as embodying a legendary view of Bel as creator, while the idea of destruction is also in- corporated in the hymn: "Of Bel, mighty hand, Who lifts up glory and splendour, day of power. Fearfulness he establishes. Lord of DUN.PA.UD.DU.A, mighty hand. Fearfulness he establishes. Stormy one, father, mother, creator, mighty hand. The catch-net he throws over the hostile land. Lord, great warrior, mighty hand. A firm house he raises up; the enemy he overthrows. The shining one, lord of Nippur, mighty hand. The lord, the life of the land, the massu of heaven and earth." 2 2. Sin Next after Bel, the moon-god is worthy of consideration, be- cause of the age of his cult, and because of the greatness of its influence in Babylonia. The moon -god had two Sumerian names, 1 (17) . . . gi-Si-ma gi-dir i-de-na-a nam-mi-ni-in-keSda #" Marduk a-ma-am ina pa-an me-e ir-ku-w (18) sahar-ra ni-mu-a ki a-dag nam-mi- in-dub e-pi-ri ib-ni-ma it-ti a-mi iS-pu-uk (20) nam-lu-giSgal-lu ba-ru a-me-lu-ti ib-ta-ni (22) bir-anu nig-zi-gal edin-na ba-ru bu-ul eri Si- kin na-piS-ti ina fi-e-ri ib-ta-ni (23) id Idigna \d Puranunu me-dim ki gar-ra-dim Diglat u Puratta ib-ni-ma ina a$-ri iS-ku-un (24) tnu-ne-ne-a nam-duga mi-ni-in-sd-a Sum-Si-na fa-bi im-bi (Tablet 82522, 1048. CT. XIII. Plate 36). a (47) dimmer Mu-ul-lil-ld-ra id-kal (48) su-zi me-lam gur-ru ud al- tar (49) tm-frtf* ri-a-bi (52) u dimmer DUN.PA.UD.DU.A-ra id-kal (53) naro- tar gu-la im-huS ri-a-bi (56) mu-lu Til a-a damal muh-na id-kal (58) sa- Su-us-gal ki bal-a u-$u (60) u ur-sag gal-e id-kal (61) e gi gur-ru mulu er\m-ma Su-Su (62) azag gaSan En-lil-ki-a-ra id-kal (63) am Si ka-nag-gd maS-su ki-in-gi-ra (K. 4980. IV R. 27, No. 4). two Assyrian names and two great temples. The Sumerian name most often applied to the moon-god is Sis-ki, the particular meaning of which in this case does not seem to be very patent. If the two syllables Sis and ki are taken as nouns, the one is the con- struct state and the other in the genitive relation, the name means "brother of the land", that is, "protector of the land", or "helper of the land". The other Sumerian name is En-zu, lord of wisdom, the intellectual attribute of wisdom being closely v related to the physical property of giving light. While therefore Sis-ki expresses the material relation of the moon to the earth, En-zu seems to state the intellectual relation of the moon-god to the affairs of the earth. The first Assyrian name of the moon-god to be considered is Nannar. The derivation of this name is still in doubt. It generally occurs in bilingual literature as the Assyrian equivalent of the Sumerian is-ki (see IV R. 9, 318). Jastrow thinks that the word Nannar is made by the reduplication of nar, "light", and the assimilation of the first r, Nar -f- nar = Nannar (see RBA. p. 72). The other Assyrian name, connected with the moon-god more often at Harran than at Ur, is Sin, the sign being ES, used also for "thirty", and is applied to the moon-god as the deity of the month of thirty days. As the cult of the moon-god traveled from Ur to Harran, so the name of Sin traveled even into the peninsula of Arabia and probably became a local name there in the wilderness. The Assyrian kings of the second empire seemed to prefer to call the moon-god by the name Sin, but the Semitic Babylonians called him Nannar. Nannar had a temple at Ur, called E-gis'&irgal, and one at Harran, known as E-hulhul. Ur was the oldest of the two temple cities. Its history may possibly reach back to 4000 B. C. Ur held a position in southern Babylonia similar to that held by Nip- pur in northern Babylonia, but was not so old as Nippur. Ur was the religious centre in the south with Nannar as the state god, as Nippur was the religious centre in the north with Bel as the state god. When the states of the south and the north were united under Hammurabi, Babylon, becoming the religious capital of the south and the north combined, the state lustre of the god of Babylon naturally came to dim the glory of the god of Ur as well as that of Nippur. Harran, situated on the Euphrates in the northern part of Assyria, never figured in state power, and was prominent only because of the importance of the events that centered there, on the road between the east and the west. Nabonidus, the last Semitic Babylonian king (555 538 B. C.) was an enthusiastic devotee of the moon-god. He tells us what ASurbanipal did to the temple of the moon-god at Mugheir. In speaking of that temple, he calls it the house of Sin which Asur- banipal, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria had built. Nabonidus himself rebuilt both the temples of the moon- god, the temple of E-gi&sirgal at Ur and the temple of E-hulhul at Harran, and he gives us a description of the rebuilding of both. We also have two prayers of Nabonidus addressed to the moon-god, one addressed to him at E-gis^irgal , the other ad- dressed to him at E-hulhul (see I K. 68, Col. I, 6ff. and V R. 64, Col. I, 8ff.). The temple ruins of E-gisslrgal have been well uncovered. The temple is of rectangular form, the four corners turned towards the four cardinal points of the compass. The platform of the base is at the level of the roofs of the houses, made of solid masonry of bricks and reached by steps at the end. On the platform are two stagings, also of solid masonry reached by steps at one end. On the second staging is a shrine of the moon-god. In sculpture he appears as an old man with long beard and dressed in royal robes. He wears a hat and in the scene there is always a thin crescent (see Clercq, Vol. I, Plates X XV). Loftus and Taylor both give drawings of the temple of E-gissirgal (see TE. p. 127 and JRAS. XV, p. 260.) The ruins of the temple of the moon- god at Harran have not yet been uncovered to the extent that the plan of the temple can be laid before us. Theologically, Nannar stood at the head of the second triad of gods. The hierarchy of the universe consisted of the god Ami, the god Bel and the god Ea. The hierarchy of heaven consisted of the god Nannar, the god Samas and the god Istar; that is, the moon-god, the sun-god and the star-god. The reason for placing Nannar above &amas was that Nannar was the god of the ruling city, while Sanaas" was the city god of the dependent state, though the sun which Mamas' represents is stronger than the moon which Nannar represents, and we should expect ama, therefore, y to re- ceive the first place. The god of the city of Larsa was Sama. The god of the city of Ur was Nannar. When Larsa became sub- ject to Ur, the god of Larsa; viz., Samas, became the child of the god of Ur; that is, of Nannar. The relation of the night to the calendar also shows that the rank of Nannar was superior to that of Sama. The day began at evening ; not with the morning. The sun too was the son of the night; that is, it issued forth from the night , in the morning. Kings, thinking of this fact, that the sun was born of the night, often addressed Samas as the offspring of the god Sin. The rising of the moon in the night to send forth its light into the darkness also impressed the Babylonian with the power of the moon. The waxing and waning of the moon left the same impression on the Babylonian mind. The regularity of the phases of the moon and its effect upon the tides as well showed 10 the moon to be an agent in marking time. Finally, the place of the moon among the stars also gave him the appearance of having royal sway. Nannar's national influence was much like that of Bel. Geo- graphically, he represented southern Babylonia, while Bel was the chief deity of northern Babylonia. When Marduk became the patron god of Babylon, Bel and Nannar still held their positions as patron gods, but in subordination to Marduk. Besides, they did not lose their influence as supreme deities, each in his pe- culiar sphere, Bel as the god of the earth and Nannar as the god of the moon. Bel was ruler of the earth while Nannar was, by his light, a producer in the earth. Bel was the providential director of life on earth, Nannar was the originator of life on earth, as he formed the child in the womb. Both were superhuman in power and wisdom. Thus Hammurabi: "My words are mighty. If a man pay no attention to my words , may Bel , the lord who determines destinies, whose command cannot be altered, who has enlarged my dominion, drive him out from his dwelling. May Sin, the lord of heaven, my divine creator, whose scimetar shines among the gods, take away from him the crown and throne of sovereignty." 1 No god in the mind of the Babylonian had reached the posi- tion of combining in himself all the qualities of divinity. So it did not seem inconsistent to the Babylonian to worship two gods like Bel and Nannar, or more gods. There was a tolerance of all gods; each was considered as acting in his own circle, and these circles did not necessarily exclude the one the other. One god might be more important than another, according to the import- ance of the circle in which his virtue was effective, or according to the importance of the political power the circle of whose sway was under the special tutelage of some particular god. Babylonian worship cannot be said to be polytheistic in the grosser form, nor had it reached the higher ideal that lies in monotheism. It may properly be considered a henotheistic worship in which there is a pantheon of gods whose local and universal claims did not cause the gods or their devotees to war the one on the other. There is a truly great bilingual hymn addressed to Nannar. According to the colophon it was transcribed by the chief penman of Asurbanipal from an old copy. My impression is that it is an 1 (Col. XLI, 99) a-md(PI)-tu-u-a na-aS-ga (Col. XLII, 18) Sum-ma a-me(Pl)-lum (19) a-ma(PT)-ti-ia (22) la i-gul-ma (53) Bel (EN.LIL) be- lum (54) mu-Si-im i-ma-tim (55) Sd ki-be(NE)-zu (56) la ut-ta-ka-ru (57) mu- Sar-bu-ii (58) sar-ru-ti-ia (62) i-na u-ub-ti-$u (63) li-Sd-ab-bi-ha-a-um (Col. XLIII, 41) u Sin (EN.ZU) be-el Sd-me-e (42) 7t(AN) ba-ni-i (43) d &e-ri-zu (44) i-na f7YNI.NI) su-pa-a-al (45) agam knssam Sd Sar-ru- tim (46) li-te-ir-M (CH. Plates LXXVI, LXXYII and LXXIX). 11 enlargement of the hymn to Nannar of which this Thesis gives a transliteration, translation and commentary. For this reason I here- with append the following translation: "0 lord, highest of the gods, alone in heaven and earth exalted! father Nannar, lord of Ansar, highest of the gods! father Nannar, lord Anu the great, highest of the gods! father Nannar, lord Sin, highest of the gods! father Nannar, lord of Ur, highest of the gods! father Nannar, lord of E-gissirgal, highest of the gods! father Nannar, lord of the shining crown, highest of the gods! father Nannar, of most perfect royalty, highest of the gods! father Nannar, in royal robes marching, highest of the gods! strong young bullock, with great horns, of perfect physical strength, with hazel-colored pointed beard of luxurious growth and per- fect fulness! fruit, whose stalk growing of itself reacheth a tall form, beauti- ful to look upon, whose perfection never satiateth! mother, the producer of life, thou who settest up for the crea- tures of life a lofty dwelling! merciful and gracious father, thou who boldest in hand the life of all the land! lord, thy divinity, like the distant heavens and the broad sea, inspireth reverence! creator of the lands, founding the temple and giving it a name! namer of royalty, determiner of the future for distant days! mighty prince, whose distant thought no god can declare. thou whose knee bendeth not, opener of the road for the gods thy brothers! thou who goest forth from the foundation of heaven to the height of heaven, opening the door of heaven, creating light for all men! father, begetter of all, who lookest upon the creatures of life, who thinkest of them! lord, who fixest the destiny of heaven and earth, whose command no one changeth! thou who boldest the fire and the water, who turnest the life of creation, what god reacheth thy fulness! Who in heaven is high? Thou alone art high. Who on earth is high? Thou alone art high. As for thee, when thy word is spoken in heaven, the Igigi bow down the face. As for thee, when thy word is spoken on earth, the Anunaki kiss the ground. As for thee, when thy word like the wind resoundeth on high, food and drink abound. 12 As for thee, when thy word is established in the land, it causeth vegetation to grow. As for thee, thy word maketh fat the herd and flock and inceaseth the creatures of life. As for thee, thy word secureth truth and righteousness and causeth men to speak righteousness. As for thee, thy word extendeth to heaven, it covereth the earth, no one can comprehend it. As for thee, thy word, who can understand it, who can approach it! lord, in heaven supreme, on earth the leader, among the gods thy brothers without a rival. king of kings, the lofty one, whose command no one approacheth, whose divinity no god can liken. Where thy eye looketh thou showest favor, where thy hand toucheth thou securest salvation. lord, the shining one, who directeth truth and righteousness in heaven and earth and causeth them to go forth. Look graciously on thy temple, look graciously on thy city. Look graciously on Ur, look graciously on E-gi&Sirgal, Thybeloved consort, the gracious mother, calleth to thee :0 lord give rest! The hero SamaS calleth to thee: lord give rest! The Igigi call to thee: lord give rest! The Anunnaki call to thee: lord give rest! calleth to thee: lord give rest! Ningal calleth to thee: lord give rest! May the bar of Ur, the enclosure of E-giSsirgal and the building of Ezida be established! The gods of heaven and earth call to thee: lord give rest! The lifting up of the hand. 48 lines on the tablet to Nannar. Mighty one. Lord of strength. Like its original, copied and revised. Tablet of I&tar-Suma-eres, the chief scribe. Of Asurbanipal, king of legions, king of Assyria, Son of Nabu-zer-listesir, chief penman." IV R. 9. This Asurbanipal hymn may be considered as remarkable fox- its advanced ideas. In the first part of the hymn there is intro- duced the mythological idea of the bullock's head in the moon with horns and the face with flowing hazel-colored beard, so that strength and brilliancy are pointed out. But the hymn advances into literal speech by which the most varied and greatest of divine attributes are attached to the god Nannar. He is named as sovereign god, a self-created god, a merciful god, the begetter of all life, the maintainer of the life of the world, the bestower of gifts to men, the establisher of dwellings; he fixes destinies, pronounces judgment, 13 gives water to man and supplies him with vegetable food. He holds a unique and exalted position in heaven and on earth above all other beings. To him the angels of heaven and spirits of earth bow, and at his command the forces of nature perform their mar- vellous functions. 3. Adad The storm -god is known by the Sumerian ideogram 1m. The sign IMMU in the El-Amarna tablets (1500 B. C.) has the reading A dad, a name connected with the Syrian Hadad. Oppert thinks Adad is the god's oldest name. It seems evidently a foreign equi- valent for Im. The Assyrian name Ramman is a provisional name meaning "thunderer", and probably only an epithet. The sign IMMU has also the value Mer. This is, no doubt, the original and real name of the god, which appears as well in the form Immer. The primary idea in the name is that of wind, then, that of rain and finally of thunder and lightning. The god is not an object like Nannar, but a force; then the force is personified and he is spoken of as a person. Hammurabi puts him in the second triad of gods. He is the third person of that triad, Sin being the first person and Sama the second. Generally Istar has the third place in the second triad. In that case Ramman falls outside of that triad and takes position among all the gods as seventh in importance. The order is as follows: Anu, Bel, Ea, Sin, Samas, Istar, Adad (Ramman). As a Babylonian god we find Ramman's name appears in Hammurabi's time as a common name in literature. He is in- voked in Hammurabi's Code, like other gods, of course in his sphere as a storm-god. Thus: "If a man will pay no attention to my words, may Adad, the lord of abundance, the regent of heaven and earth, my helper, deprive him of the rain from heaven and the water-floods from the springs! May he bring his land to de- struction through want and hunger! May he break loose furiously over his city and turn his land into a heap left by a whirlwind!" 1 With the kings of the Cassite dynasty Ramman seems to be popular. His name appears by the side of that of Samas and he is called the divine lord of justice. In the Babylonian dynasty of kings, Nebuchadnezzar I. addresses Ramman as the great lord of heaven, the lord of the subterranean waters and rain, whose curse is in- voked against the one who sets aside the decrees of Nebuchadnezzar or defaces his monument. 1 (Col. XLII, 18 a) Sum-ma a-me(PI)-lum (19) a-md(PT)-ti~ia (22) la i-gul-ma (Col. XLIH, 64) * Adad be-el hegallim (65) gu-gal Sd-me-e (66) ft ir-$i-tim (67) ri-zu-u-a (68) zu-ni i-na Sd-me-e (69) mi-lam (70) i-na na- ak-bi-im (71) li-te-ir-u (72) ma-zu (73) i-na hu-M-ah-hi-im (74) it bu-bu- tim (75) li-fral-U-ik (76) e-li ali-$& (77) iz-zi-ii (78) li-is-si-ma (79) ma-zu a-na til a-bu-bi-im (80) li-te-ir (CH. Plates LXXVI, LXXIX and LXXX). 14 Ramman is thought to be more truly an Assyrian than a Babylonian god. He is almost as dear to the Assyrian as the god Aur. Historical data, however, do not furnish very early mention of his name in Assyria. We find that he had a seat of worship in Damascus, and his cult had vogue in the plain of Jezreel, his name appearing in Hebrew, written by mistake, after the text was Masoretically vocalized, "Riramon" which is exactly the same in form as the Hebrew word for pomegranate. In Assyria we can trace his history back to some extent by means of inscriptions in which his name appears as an element in the compound names of kings. For example, we find his name in the name of the ancient Assyrian king SamaS-Ramnian, and from an inscription of Tiglath- pileser I. we learn also that Saraas-Ramman built a temple to the god Ramman. So we have historical evidence that the cult of Ramman is older in Assyria than this king, who was reigning in 1820 B. C. How much older it may be we do not know. Jastrow thinks that the cult is indigenous to Assyrian soil. Between the time of Sama- Ramman and the time of Tiglath- pileser I. the service of Ramman must have declined somewhat, for the temple of Ramman in the v city of Assur seems not to have been repaired from the days of Samas-Ramman till Tiglath-pileser himself rebuilt it. Tiglath-pileser says that from the time of the founding it was in decay six hundred and forty years. Then king Asurdan tore it down entirely. Sixty years after the entire des- truction, Tiglath-pileser builds the temple anew. He says that in the beginning of his government the great gods Anu and Adad demanded for him the restoration of their sacred dwelling. "I made bricks and cleared its ground until I reached the artificial flat ten-ace upon which the old temple had been built. I laid its foundation upon the solid rock and the whole place incased with bricks like a fire-place, overlaid on it a layer 'of fifty bricks in depth and built upon this the foundations of the temple of Anu and Adad of large square stones. I built it up from foundation to roof, larger and grander than befoi'e, and erected also two great temple towers fitting ornaments of their great divinities." 1 From Tiglath-pileser on, temples of Ramman do not seem to be often mentioned, but the god himself is frequently spoken of in inscriptions of the kings. Sargon II. has one of the eastern gates 1 (Col. VII, 75 b) libndti al-bi-in (76) kaJi-l-ar-Su u-mi-si (77) dan- na-su ak-Sud u3-se-e-u (78) i-na eli fa-sir sadi-i dan-ni ad-di (79) a- ra Sd-a-tu a-na si-fiir-ti-Su (80) i-na libndti ki-ma ka-nu-ni aS-pu-uk (81) L ti-ip-ki a-na su-pa-li (82) u-fi-bi i-na muh-hi-fri (83) us-Se bit m A-nim it itu Ramman (84) Sd bu-u-li ad-di (85) iS-tu u-e-$u a-di tah-lu-bi-Su (86) e-bu-uS eli mah-ri-e ut-tir (87) II si-kur-ra-te rabu-te (88) Sd a-na si-mat ilu-ti-Su-nu rabi-te (89) &i-lu-ka lu-u db-ni-ma (I R. 15). 15 of his temple named "Ramman the producer of abundance". Asur- banipal enumerates thirteen gods whom he honors as the great gods, and places Ramman fifth in the list. Ramman's most esteemed service was that of bestowing bless- ing. The rains in the right proportion were a boon to the land, filling the canals and watering the soil. Hammurabi calls Ramman the lord of abundance and his helper. Tiglath-pileser I. prays for the blessings of prosperity, as he prays to Adad: "May Anu and Adad turn to me truly and accept graciously the lifting up of ray hand, hearken unto my devout prayers , grant me and my reign abun- dance of rain , years of prosperity and fruitfulness in plenty." : Asurbanipal describes the blessings he receives by the favor of this god: 'Ramman let loose his showers and Ea has opened his springs, the grain has grown to a height of five yards and the ears have been five sixths of a yard long, the produce of the land has been abundant and the fruit trees have borne fruit richly."' 2 The mention of Anu and Ea with Ramman is because of their power to produce water, Ea representing the depths of water and Anu the heaven with its clouds of rain. The most conspicuous work of Ramman was that of destruction. It is in this function of judgment that he is associated with &amas\ The connection lies in the fact that the lightning of Ramman is like the day-light of Samas; so, as the god of lightning, Ramman has the title birlcu. Lightning and flooding rain were , because of their destructive character, fearful forces, and the kings in call- ing for a curse on hostile man or land turn to Ramman in imprecation, as, for example, Raman-Nirari I. does concerning the man who may be tempted to blot out the record of Ramman- Nirari's name: "May Ramman with terrible rainstorm overwhelm, him, may flood, destruction, wind, rebellion, revolution, tempest, want and famine, drought and hunger be continually in his land. May he come down on his land like a flood. May he turn it into mounds and ruins. May Ramman strike his land with a destruc- tive bolt." 3 1 (Col. VIII, 23) a* A-nim u ttu Eammanu (24) ki-niS li-sih-ru-ni-ma (25) ni-iS ka-ti-ia li-ra-mu (26) te-me-ik ik-ri-be-ia liS-me-ii (27) zu-u-ni da-ah-du-te Sd-na-at (28) nu-uh-Se ii bar-ri-e a-na pali-ia (29) liS-ru-ku (I Rl 16). 2 (Col. I, 45) ttu Eammanu zunni-iu u-maS-Si-ra " E-a u-paf-fi-ra nakbu-Su (46) fyan&u ana ammatu Se-am i$-ku ina abseni-Su (47) e-ri-ik &ii- bul-tu parab ana ammatu (48 a) iSir eburu (50) Su-wn-mu-ba in-bu (V R. 1). 3 (38 b) Hu Eammanu i-na ri-Tii-i (39) li-mu-ti li-ir-fyi-su a-bu-bu (40) Saru limnu sa-a1.i-ma-a-tu te-Su-u (41) a-Sam-Su-tu su-un-ku bu-bu-tu (42) a-ru-ur-tu fyu-ild-hu i-na mdti-Sii lu ka-ia-an mdti-fyt a-btt-bi-iS lu-u$- ba-i (43) a-na tili u kar-mi lu-ti-ir &* Eammanu i-na be-ri-Su li-mu-ti mdti-Su li-ib-ri (IV R. 39, Rev.). 16 Some Babylonian composer has set forth the terrifying side of Eamman's character in a bilingual hymn as follows: "The lord in his anger himself makes heaven quake. Adad in his wrath lifts up the earth. The mighty mountain he himself smites down. At his anger, at his wrath, At his roaring, at his thundering, The gods of heaven ascend to heaven, The gods of earth enter earth, Sama into the foundation of heaven enters, Sin in the height of heaven is magnified." 1 4. Tammuz There is a fascination about the life of Tammuz not experienced in the contemplation of the other gods of Babylonia. He seems to be presented to us just as though he were a man. Our first paragraph may describe him as a resident of one of the ancient cities of southern Babylonia. The city of his residence was Eridu on the banks of the Euphrates. His official title is that of sun-god and his occupation is to care for the growth of plants. The name of his father was Ea, the lord of the city of Eridu, whose duties consisted in governing the waters of the river on whose shore the city rested. Tammuz had a mother, whose name was Davkina, the mistress of the vine. Tammuz also had a sister Belili whose calling was, like that of Tammuz her brother, the care of plant growth. Tammuz also had a bride, the famous and treacherous Istar, the goddess of love, represented by the evening star; she was mistress of the neighbouring city of Erech, a little to the north-west, and on the other side of the Euphrates. The life of Tammuz at Eridu was romantic and his days ended in tragedy. There is a little poem, giving a picture of his home. There was a garden, a holy place, abundantly shaded with profuse leafage of trees whose roots went down deep into the waters over which Ea presided. His couch was hung under the rich foliage of the vine which his mother tended. There Tammuz dwelt and 1 (9b) an mu-un-da-ur-ur (10) be-lum ina a-ga-gi-Su Sa-mu-u i-ta-na- ar-ra-ru-Su (11) dimmer M er Sur-ra-na Jci i-in-ga-bul-bul (12) U"Rammdnu ina e-zi-zi-$u ir-si-tum i-na-as-su (13) har-sag gal-gal-e Sa-ka-a ba-an-na- ku-eS (14) $a-du-u ra-bu-tu su-uh-hu-pu-Su (15) ib-ba-bi-ta ur-ra-bi-ta (16) a- na a-ga-gi-Su a-na e-zi-zi-Su (17) (?)-ge-bi-ta har-du-bi-ta (18) a-na Sd-gi-mi- Su a-na ra-mi-mi-Su (19) dim-me-ir an-na-ge an-na ba-an-dul-du-ne (20) Hani 8a Sa-me-e a-na am-e i-te-lu-u (21) dim-me-ir ki-ge ki-a ba-an-bul-ne-es (22) Hani Sa ir-sitim a-na ir-ft-tim i-te-ir-bu (23) dimmer Babbar an ur- ra ba-da-u-8u-ru (24) ina i-Sid ame-e i-te-ru-ub (25) dimmer Si$-M an ba-da-kabar (26) ina e-lat Same-e ir-ta-bi (IV R. 28, 2). there was his shrine. His dwelling of foliage in his youthful days was symbolic of the domain in which the virtue of his power was to be exercised. His real home was in heaven, for from heaven the virtue of plant-growth precedes with the heat of the sun. But his connection with heaven had been forgotten, except in remini- scence found in legend. In the legend of Adapa, for instance, we find a hint of it. Tammuz and his companion GiSzida are seen mounting up to heaven where they receive stations as door-keepers in the gate of Ami's house; in heaven they properly belong. The descent of Tammuz to the lower world implies that he died, but the accounts have not made a direct statement of how he died, or what was the cause of his death. Perhaps we may conceive of the event of his death as having taken place at Eridu before the service of lamentation had developed into a cult honored at the court of Sargon of Akkad, where a temple was built for Tammuz after northern Babylonia had gained the ascendency over southern Babylonia. The literal cause of his death was that he was not capable of making plant-growth a continuous process. The power of the heat of the sun as the summer advanced was superior to the virtue which Tammuz possessed over plant-life. The fierce heat of the summer caused vegetation to take a paler hue; then the germs of decay entered; slowly and surely the face of the land was assuming the same state that existed before the power of Tammuz appeared to quicken the blade of grass and the fruit-bud of the early spring. So Tammuz was banished to the lower world. Romantically his entrance to the abode of the dead was due to the hand which Istar had in the events of his life. She had many lovers, and she betrayed them all. Her betrayal in the case of Tammuz consisted in not aiding him in her sphere as great mother in the production of life on earth. Had she supplemented his effort and made the earth continue to bear and bring forth, counter- acting the effect of the deadly heat of the summer solstice and the destructive wind of the south, the gardens and the fruit orchards over whose productiveness Tammuz presided would have enjoyed perennial fruitage, and Gilgames would never have had to take up the sad accusation against Itar: "Tammuz, the spouse of thy youth, Thou compellest to weep year after year." 1 Also there had never gone up the song of lamentation: "He went down to meet the nether world, He has sated himself, Mamas' caused him to perish To the land of the dead. 1 (46) a-na Dumu-zi ha-mi-ri $u-[uh-]ri-ti-ki (47) at-ta a-na Sat-ti bi-tak-ka-a tal-ti-mi-Su (BN. Tafel VI). 18 With mourning was he filled on the day When he fell into great sorrow." 1 According to another story of the fate of Tammuz, Itar was the victim of sudden and violent passion, and in a fit of anger for disregard of her command she had smitten him down, just as she crushed the aZ/aZ/w-bird she loved: "Thou didst crush him and break his pinions. In the woods he stands and laments, '0 my pinions'." 2 Also as she cast out of her sight the lion: "Thou didst love a lion of perfect strength, Seven and seven times thou didst bury him in the corners." 3 The origin of the service of weeping for Tammuz is an in- teresting legend. When Istar had slain her lover, she hastened, like the going down of the evening star, to the lower world in search of waters to restore him to life. She searches long, passing through all the compartments of Hades. The story does not give details of her finding Tammuz , but instead, a scene of his burial is introduced: "To Tammuz, her youthful consort Pour out pure waters, costly oil." 4 A scene of the mourning for Tammuz is also introduced, which may be taken as the original lamentation, all other summer solstice weepings being anniversaries of this original one. His sister is there lamenting: "0 my only brother, let me not perish!" 5 And a great company of mourners sing dirges by the accom- panyment of the flute and follow the instruction which Tammuz, though dead, seems to be giving then and there : "On the day of Tammuz play for me, On the flute of uknu and samtu! With it play for me! With it play for me! 1 (23) il-lak i-lak ana i-rat ir-si-tim (25) uS-ta-bar-ri w SamaS ir- ta-bi-Su ana ir-?i-tim mi-tu-ti (27) ni-iz-za-tu ma-li i-na u-um im-ku-tu-ma ina i-dir-tim (IV R. 30, 2). 2 (49) tam-ha-?i-8u-ma kap-pa-Su tal-te-bir (50) iz-za-az ina ki-Sa- tim i-Sis-si kap-pi (BN. Tafel VI). 3 (51) ta-ra-mi-ma neSu ga-mi-ir e-mu-ki (52) 7 u 1 tu-ufy-tar-ri-i8-&u $u-ut-ta-a-ti (BN. Tafel VI). 4 (47) a-na # Dumu-zi ha-mir si-ih-ru-ti-Sa (48) me il-lu-ti ra-am- me-ik Samnu tabu (from Istar' s Descent into Hades. K. 162. Reverse. CT. XV, Plate 47. Also IV R. 31). 5 (55) a-fyi e-du la ta-fyab-bil-an-ni (from Tatar's Descent into Hades. K. 162. Reverse. CT. XV", Plate 47. Also IV R. 31). 19 male and female mourners! That the dead may arise and inhale incense I" 1 Of course the story is not finished and the circle of events not completed without the resurrection of Tammuz. In a Chaldaean intaglio there is a picture of Tammuz rejuvenated on the knees of Istar (see Clercq Vol. I, Plate IX, No. 83). Some forms of the story must include his return to the earth, and the complete service of lamentation must have been sometimes supplemented by a service of joy in which the idea of resurrection was significant. Though the original lamentation was an expression of grief for Tammuz dead, the fully developed ceremony was an expression of several pathetic ideas. It was accompanied with sacrifice and offerings of wine. In Babylonia the commemoration was observed every year on the second day of the fourth month, called the month of Tammuz. It was not only a weeping for dead Tammuz, but a weeping for dead vegetation. The dying leaf had a mourner. The withered stock had a sympathizing friend. For the blasted blade of grass there was shed a tear. For the barren tree bereft of golden foliage and luscious fruit there went up a cry of sym- pathy. The ceremony was an expression of sadness that came over the people as the oppression of the heat of summer bore down upon them, the water supply being reduced, vegetable life put out and human life consequently made almost unendurable by the de- privation and heat of summer. The time of weeping was one for the expression of personal sorrow that lurks in almost every heart. The wail of anguish was a relief to souls burdened with their own peculiar griefs. The soul found relief in lifting up the voice at- tuned to some form of elegy. There came a relief like the rolling of the burden of guilt from the breast. The ceremony was one that embraced in its performance the expression of confession. It was, how- ever, performed with the consciousness that the drought of summer was but for a season, and that there was to follow a period of happier existence, as the succeeding winter should merge into a new spring. Tammuz was supposed to leave the land with the season when the spring growth was completed, to come back again in the following year. He is considered as dead, but his death is not an absolute one. He tells the mourners what to do as they gather about his bier. According to some allusions he seems also to be a lord, as it were, in the bowels of the earth, preparing the inner earth for putting forth a new stock of vegetation, as spring shall come. Hence, the hymn to Tammuz in this Thesis calls him 1 (56) ina u-me * Dumu-zi el-la-an-ni malil atmu u k n i abnu it-ti-Su el-la-an-ni (57) it-ti-Su el-la-an-ni a*" ER (A.SI) pi- u zinn&u ER (A.&I) Pi- A.Sl (58) mituti li-lu-nim-ma kuf-ri-in li-i?-?i-nu (from IStar's Descent into Hades. K. 162. Reverse. CT. XV, Plate 47. Also IV R. 31). 20 "the generator of the lower world". His association with his friend GiSzida substantiates more fully the idea of his resurrection. To give vitality to his work he still maintains his old personality of sun-god, and to him again is given a seat in heaven, as the Adapa legend shows : "On mounting up to heaven, At the gate of Anu Tammuz and Gi&zida were stationed." 1 The story of Tammuz seems to have taken deep and almost universal hold of the imagination and sympathy of mankind. The weeping for Tammuz is said to have been maintained by the Babylonians till a very late period. Similar stories to that of the Tammuz legend existed in about the same period of history among the Phoenicians, the Hebrews, the Greeks and the Egyptians, the most of these accounts having a common origin; if they have more than one origin, they seem nevertheless to blend in the main into one story. It is said that in the Phoenician town of Gebal by the Mediterranian on the road leading from the people of the east to those of the west, there is a yearly lamentation over the death of their sun-god, the beloved AStoreth, who had been slain by a cruel hand, just as the spring verdure was cut down by the hot blasts of summer. The women, tearing their hair, disfiguring their faces and cutting their breasts, sent up a cry to heaven: "0 my brother!" Across the sea by the way of Cyprus, the cry is said to have been earned to Greece where it found embodiment in the story of Adonis and Aphrodite. Possibly, however, the Greek story may be indigenous. Adonis lost his life while hunting, thrust through the thigh with the tusk of a wild boar. After death he was in great favour with Persephone who finally yielded to the entreaties of the inconsolable Aphrodite, and Adonis spent one half of the year with his celestial mistress and the other half with his infernal one. How much place the annual weeping for a departed one had among the Hebrews may be inferred to some extent by the mention made in the Scriptures of the service. Zechariah speaks of the well-known mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon, and Amos refers to the custom of mourning for an only son. Ezekiel says that the Lord brought him to Jehovah's house *and behold, there sat the women weeping for Tammuz". Jeremiah goes a step further and gives us the refrain which was used in the weeping: "Ah me! Ah my brother!" The parallel story in Egypt had for its hero the god Osiris who, representing goodness, upon being slain by a foe, became judge of the dead, though his soul continued in existence among men. 1 (2) a-na Sa-me-e i-na e-li-Su a-na ba-ab ^u A-ni i-na (3) i-na ba-a-bu #" A-ni # Dumu-zi ttu Gi&-zi-da iz-za-az-zu (from the Legend of Adapa and the South Wind. TEA. Vol. Ill, 240. Rev.). Transliteration, Translation and Commentary Chapter I Tablet 13963, Plate 10, Hymn to Bel Obverse 1. ^u-mu-un na-am-zu-ka na-hm- se-ir-ma-al [te-na] lord of wisdom, supreme by thyself! 2 dimmer Mu-ul-lU u-mu-un na-hm-zu-ka .... Se-ir-ma-al nl(IM)- te-na Bel , lord of wisdom, supreme by thyself! 3. a-a dimmer Mu-ul-lil u-mu-un-e kur-kur-ra father Bel, lord of the lands ! 4. a-a dimmer Mu-ul-lil u-mu-un dug(KA.)-ga zi(d)-da father Bel, lord of righteous command! 5 a . a dimmer Mu-ul-Ul siba sag gig(MI)-ga father Bel, shepherd of the black-headed! 6. a-a dimmer Mu-ul-lil - ir En-M-ld lord Nannar, chief son of Bel! 6. sg(VIRIG)-ga-zu-ne sfg(VlRlG)-ga-zu-ne When thou art full, when thou art full, 7. z'-de(NE) a-a-zu i-de(N'E) dimmer Mu-ul-lil-ra se-ir-ma-al-la-zu-ne When before thy father, before Bel thou art sovereign, 43 8. a-a dimmer Sis-** se-tr-ma-al-la-zu-ne gaba zi(g)-ga-zu-ne father Nannar, when thou art sovereign, when thou liftest up the breast, 9. 7&-<7Mr(HAR) an-ag(LYB)-ga *^(DIRIG)-^a se-ir-ma-al-la-zu-ne ship in the midst of the heavens, when thou art full and sovereign, 10. a-a dimmer Sis- ki za-e imG)-ga-zu-ne stg(THRIG)-ga-zu-ne za-e sfg(DlElG)-ga- zu-ne When thou art full, when thou art full, thou, when thou art full, 13. sfg(DIRIG)-ga-zu-ne bi-sag-a-zu-ne za-e sg(DIRIG)-ga-zu-ne When thou art full, when thou speakest favorably, thou when thou art full, 14. bi-sag-a ru(Uli)-ti-a-zu-ne za-e sfg(DlRlG)-ga-zu-ne When thou speakest graciously and engenderest life, thou, when thou art full! 15. a-a dimmer jts- ki lid damal hd-ne-ra sal-dug(KA.)-ga-zu-ne father Nannar of extensive progeny, when thou speakest to that progeny, 16. a-a-zu ide(&l) hul-la mu-e-i-m-ma sal-zi ma-ra ni-in-gti(KA.) Thy father discerns the joyful face and speaks life to the land. 17. e i-i lugal-ra u(d) (UD)-de(NE)-e e ?ww-Mn-g(UD.DU) As an exalted royal command, daily he causes the word to go forth! 18. dimmer Mu-ul-lil-li mu-du-ru u-sud-du su-za ma-ra ni-in-ru(UL) Bel with the sceptre of distant days exalts thy hand over the land. 19. Sis-unu- ki -ma ma-gur(H.AR) azag-ga pa(d)-a-zu-ne When in Ur, shining ship, thou speakest, 20. . . <""" Nu-dim-mud-e sal-dug(KA)-ga-zu-ne When to . . Ea thou speakest, 21 ............. [pa(d)]-a-zu[-ne] When ..... thou speakest, Reverse 22. . 23 led a tm[-st] . . with water is filled. 44 24 ............. gi a im-si ............ with water is filled. 25. $d(A.TU) ....... e a im-si dimmer [Sis- The river ...... is filled with water by Nannar. 26. azag-gi kZ(A.TU) ud-ktb-nun-na-ge(KlT) aim-si\ dimmer 8is- ki -Tcam\ The bright Euphrates is filled with water by Nannar. 27. kZ(A.TU) nu e-bi ldk-e a im-si dimmer Sis- ki -kam The empty river is filled with water by Nannar. 28. sug mah sug ban(T\JR)-da a im-si dimmer Sis- ki -kam The large marsh, the little marsh is filled with water by Nannar. 29. &-(A.SI) Zzm(LIB)-7na dimmer En. zu Penitential Psalm to En-zu. This beautiful and interesting hymn begins with a picturesque and lordly epithet of the god whose full face so often shone upon the worshipper night by night. His fatherly nature and his full- orbed glory are dwelt upon in adoring and glowing terms. The name of his city and temple are mentioned. His power to lighten the world is acknowledged. His peculiar relation of "son to Bel" is announced. The phenomenon of his appearance in the heavens as the full moon is described to us from several points of view. This is the famous Nannar, dwelling in the temple of E-gisirgal at the ancient city of Ur. The sacred ship, becoming a peculiar emblem in Babylonian worship, symbolized several important ideas connected with Nannar's transit through the heavens by night or during the month. Perhaps Nannar was in the beginning a water- god. His power over the waters is graphically described. Obverse 1. mh-gur azag an-na se-ir-ma-cd nl-te-na shining ship of the heavens, majestic by thyself! mh-gur is a boat of crescent form. Sin is a man sitting in the half circle of the moon and sailing across the firmament of the heavens as in a majestic ship, mh: the sign MU was originally pictorial and represented the rudder of the ship. The sign of our tablet is New-Babylonian and can be found in the inscriptions of Nebuchadrezzar II. It is half way between the old pictorial and the usual Assyrian MU. gur: the sign HAR probably refers to the body of the ship as "an enclosure", or more particularly to "the crescent form" of the ship, since HAR means "circular enclosure". The HAR of our text is much like the linear form found in the Stile des Vautours. 45 azag equals ellu, "shining", (Br. 9890). The sign also has the value ku with the meaning ellu. azag, "shining", refers to the moon and the moon looks like a ship. an-na (see Hymn to Bel, line 18). se-ir-ma-al nl-te-na (see Hymn to Bel, line 1) The ideas of these two words find their way into the first line of the Asur- banipal Hymn to Sin, K. 2861, (IV R. 9). se-ir-ma-al appears especially as ner-gal (s-n and m-g) and nl-te-na as as-ni mah-am ; e-dis-si-u si-i-ru. 2. a-a d immer Sis- hi u-mu-un-e Sts-unu- ki -ma father Nannar, lord of Ur! a-a (see v Hymn to Bel, line 3). dimmer &.fci j s the most common Sumerian name of the god Sin, and means "brother of the land". Sin was probably looked upon as "the helper of earth". dimmer^ Hymn to Bel, line 2). Sis equals ahu, "brother", (Br. 6437). JIS sometimes has v the value uru, especially when it means nasdru, "keep". The SI& of our hymn is New-Babylonian, but is not essentially different from the SIS of Gudea. ki (see Hymn to Bel, line 9). u-mu-un-e (see Hymn to Bel, line 3). sis-unu-M-ma means "of the brother's dwelling place". Sis means "brother", unu equals subtu , "dwelling", (Br. 4792). ma, perhaps, can be taken as a sign of the genitive, being dialectic for ga, which is for ge, one of the values of KIT (see MSL. pp. XI and XVI). Perhaps we ought to read this word Uru-um- ki -ma, taking the other value of SIS and also reading um instead of unu. In texts of OBI. it would appear that UNU is closely related to UM as well as to AB. 3. a-a Dimmer $&.w u-mu-un-e father Nannar, lord of E-gisirgal! fa dimmer Sis- ki u-mu-un-e (see line 2). ner-nu-gdl is not the usual spelling. The more common form is JZ-gts-Sir-gal. Our J(BIT)-er(NER)-nM(NU)-#a'Z(lG) which also occurs in Hammurabi (for example, in CH. Col. II, line 21, Plate II) is dialectic for JZ(BlT)-gti(lZ)-str(Sin)-gal(GAL). J(BIT)- gis(lZ)-sir(^[n)-gal(GA.L) is the spelling found in the Asurbanipal Hymn. In the inscription of the Clay Cylinder of Nabonidus found at Ur (Col. I, line 30) , the spelling is J?(BIT)-#w'(IZ)-&r(SIR)-#a- (GAL), but the margin has the spelling ^(BIT)-<7iS(IZ)-mt(NU)- gdl(lG). JZ equals bitu, "house", (Br. 6238). ner evidently stands for kis. These two values, ner and ki$, were represented by the same sign in old Babylonian; namely, P1RIKKU. Prom the sign PIRIKKU, there developed in Assyrian another sign, whose chief 46 value is ki with the meaning Idssatu. The sign here then should have the value 7m, or in old Babylonian gis, which is also one of the values of GISSU, a determinative before the name of a light. nu is for Sir which equals nwrw, "light". IS.SIR is a common ideogram for "light". The interchange of NU and SIRU is not so easy to explain. The fact that NU instead of SIRU occurs in the name of the temple in the time of Hammurabi would go to show that the spelling of the word with NU is more primitive than the spelling with SIRU. Perhaps NU has a value sir. Briinnow re- cognizes the fact that NU in the name of the temple sometimes takes the place of SIRU (see Br. 2005 and 1657). There is a difference between IKU and GALLU. IKU equals ba&u, while GALLU equals rabu. The gal (ES mal) of IKU must be different from the gal of GALLU. 4. a-a d * mmer Sis- ki u-mu-un dimmer A$-suh-ud father Nannar, lord of Namrasit! a-a dimmer & s _ki u . mu . un ( see line 2). dimmer As-suh-ud: one of the citations Briinnow gives, in which the name of this god occurs, is in Incantation K. 3255 (IV R. 2 2, 21), where, in the Sumerian as well as in the marginal reading of the Assyrian, Sin is said ,to be the lord of the god Namrasit. ^ wimer En-zu-na en dimmer As-suh-ud ra-ge = * lu Sin de-el ,Nam-ra-si-it. As-suh-ud means "the only foundation of light". AS has a very common Assyrian equivalent edu, "one". suh equals i$du, "foundation", (Br. 4811). ud equals urru, "light", (see Br. 7798). 5. u-mu-un dimmer ^i s M tu-mu sag d gir En-lil-ld lord Nannar, chief son of Bel! dimmer g^.ki ( see ] me 2). tu-mu: TU.MU is a syllabic and dialectic form of DUMU (Br. 4069 and 11917). When DUMU stands for mdru, "son", it is supposed to have the value du (Br. 4081). tu-mu is no doubt for dumu and du is a shortened form of dumu. tu: the sign may be recognized as old Babylonian appearing in this form in the Code of Hammurabi (see also AL. p. 135, No. 328). sag (see Hymn to Bel, line 5). tu-mu sag must be equal to some such expression as "first born son", or "only begotten son". dinair En-lil-ld: in line 7, we shall have dimmer Mu-ul-lil-ra and in line 18, dimmer Mu-ul-lil-li. din e ir may be preferred to dimmer because the sign is a determinative to an EK form. En-lil-ld consists of the god's name, En-lil (see Mu-ul-lil in Hymn to Bel, line 2). 6. stg-ga-zu-ne sfg-ga-zu-ne When thou art full, when thou art full, 47 sig-ga-zu-ne is a $a/-clause equal to ma malika, "in thy ful- ness", slg: the sign to which this value is attached is composite. One element consists of SI whose chief meaning is "fill". The other element consists of A which means "water". SLA then means "full of water", or "fulness". The sign, called DIRIGU, has two values ending with g\ i. e., dirig related to the sign-name and stg which is quite certainly equal to malu (Br. 3722). ga is a phonetic complement (see Hymn to Bel, line 4). zu is a deter- minate suffix of the second person (see Hymn to Bel, line 21). ne is a postposition equal to ina (see Br. 4602, also de in Hymn to Bel, line 6). 7. i-de a-a-zu i-de dimmer Mu-ul-lil-ra Se-ir-ma-al-la-zu-ne When before thy father, before Bel thou art sovereign, i-de (see Hymn to Bel, line 6). i-de is a preposition used as a noun in the construct state, having the meaning of makru or pdnu and equal to ma makar or ina pdn. a-a-zu equals noun a-a, plus suffix zu. a-a (see Hymn to Bel, line 3). zu (see line 6). dimmer Mu-ul-lil-ra equals god's name dimmer Mu-ul-til, plus phonetic complement ra. dimmer Mu-ul-lil (see Hymn to Bel, line 2). ra (see Hymn to Bel, line 3). It might be better to regard lil-ra as a shortened form of lil-ld-ra. lil is quite apt to take the phonetic complement Id, a value of the sign LALLU, while ra is naturally a postposition. Se-ir-ma-al-la-zu-ne is a kal- clause equal to "in thy sovereignty". se-ir-ma-al (see Hymn to Bel, line 1). zu-ne (see line 6). 8. a-a dimmer &is- ki se-ir-ma-al-la-zu-ne gaba zi-ga-zu-ne father Nannar, when thou art sovereign, when thou liftest up thy breast, a-a dimmer ( see j me 2). se-ir-ma-al-la-zu-ne (see line 7). gaba equals irtu, "breast", (Br. 4470). We have had gaba as an adjective equal to pitu (see Hymn to Bel, line 6). zi-ga-zu-ne is a $a/-clause meaning "in thy lifting up", zi equals nasu, "lift up", (Br. 2325). We have had zi as equal to kenu, "right", and naptstu, "life", (see Hymn to Bel, lines 4 and 25). ga is a phonetic complement, zi might be zig (see Br. 2303 and Hymn to Bel , line 4). zu-ne (see line 6). In gaba zi-ga-zu-ne, perhaps we have the picture of the full moon suddenly rising in the night from the horizon. 9. ma-gur an-shg-ga stg-ga Se-ir-ma-al-la-zu-ne ship in the midst of the heavens, when thou art full and sovereign, 48 mh-gur (see line 1). an-shg-ga: SAGU is usually taken as a preposition and stands before its object. Here it seems to follow its object, awjsee Hymn to Bel, line 18). shg-ga equals LIB plus GA. shg: SAGU, equal to libbu, may have either one of three values; viz., sh when not followed by a phonetic complement, shg when followed by the phonetic complement ga and shb when followed by the phonetic complement ba (see Br. 7980 and Hymn to B61, line 22). ga (see Hymn to Bel, line 4). sig-ga (see line 6). se-ir-ma-al-la-zu-ne (see line 7). 10. a-a dimmer &is- ki za-e 6s azag-sli pa(d)-a-zu-ne father Nannar, thou, when thou speakest to the shining house, a-a Mmwr &- w (see line 2). za-e (see Hymn to Bel, line 16). <$s (see Hymn to Bel, line 16). s is admittedly a Sumerian value as is shown by its relation to the sign-name ESU. 6s is the fuller form of e(BIT). From s there has arisen a Semitic loan-word esu, "house". azag-sh means "to the shining", azag (see line 1). su (see Hymn to B61, line 15). pa(d)-a-zu-ne is a ^aZ-clause composed of a preposition with an infinitive that governs a suffix, as ina tamika, "in thy speaking", i. e., 'when thou speakest". pad is a verb equal to tamu, "speak". pad also equals zakdru, "to name", pa, the shortened form of pad, evidently intended here, is sometimes represented by the Assyrian nabu. a is the vowel of prolongation indicating the^a, rather than the ^od-value. zu-ne (see line 6). 11. a-a Dimmer gffjit mh-dim gd sfg-ga-zu-ne father Nannar, when like a ship on the tide thou art full, a-a darner jg^.ki ( see i ine 2 ). mh-dim consists of noun mh and postposition dim. ma (see on line 1). mh-gur refers to the moon, mh refers to an ordinary ship, dim is equal to kima, "like". The sign-name is DIMMU. dim is ES. The EK form of the value is gim. gd is a contraction of a, ge and a from the signs A, MI and A, and means "tide", or "high water", a means "water" and MI with the value gd means "black", and the second A is evidently phonetic only. gd, therefore, means "black water", such water as is seen in a "flood" or "high tide". stg-ga-zu-ne (see line 6). 49 12. stg-ga-zu-ne stg-ga-zu-ne za-e stg-ga-zu-ne When thou art Ml, when thou art Ml, thou, when thou art Ml, stg-ga-zu-ne (see line 6). za-e (see line 10). It may be noticed that stg-ga-zu-ne occurs three times in this line and ten times in the section, lines 6 18. This repetition no doubt serves for rhetorical effect, especially in oral delivery and, together with the marked uniformity of measure in the clauses, characterizes the passage as poetic. 13. stg-ga-zu-ne bi-sag-a-zu-ne za-e stg-ga-zu-ne When thou art full, when thou speakest favorably, thou, when thou art full, stg-ga-zu-ne (see line 6). bi-ag-a-zu-ne is a kal-clanse equal to "in thy speaking graciously". bi equals kibu, 'speak", (Br. 5124). Starting with the meaning "speak" the sign KASU comes to have a demonstrative force and is generally used as a suffix of the third person singular. We shall also see that it sometimes equals sikaru "strong drink". Sag: the sign giving this value is one not much used. It may be identified as GISIMMAR (see AL. p. 130, No. 206, also Br. 7286). sag is the chief value, equal to damdku or damku, "gracious". a: the value is generally followed by the phonetic complement ga, but here it is followed by a (see Hymn to Bel, line 9). zu-ne (see line 6). 14. bi-Sag-a ru-ti-a-zu-ne za-e stg-ga-zu-ne When thou speakest graciously and engenderest life, thou, when thou art Ml, bi-sag-a (see line 13). ru-ti-a-zu ne is a ^-clause equal to "in thy engendering life". ru: we have had UL already as a composite part of Mu-uUil (see Hymn to Bel, line 2). UL here probably with the value ru equals kaldlu, "perfect". The sign is intended to be the picture of a goring bull; then, as we get away from the primary idea, there arise the meanings of "exultation", "perfection", etc. Nannar is the perfecter of life", ti (see Hymn to Bel, line 16). a (see Hymn to Bel, line 9). zu-ne (see line 6). za-e (see line 10). stg-ga-zu-ne (see line 6). 15. a-a M mmer Sis-** lid damal lid-ne-ra sal-dug-ga-zu-ne father Nannar of extensive progeny, when thou speakest to that progeny, a-a dimmer gfoJH ( see on l me 2). lid may be of Semitic origin from the Assyrian word littu, "progeny". The two horizontal lines in the sign suggest the 4 50 idea of "pairing", from which comes the idea of "progeny" (thus, Prince, MSL., p. 223). damal (see Hymn to Bel, line 10). lid-ne-ra equals "to that progeny", ne equals annu, a demon- strative pronoun "this", ne is cognate with de which is also cognate with da and la used as postpositions (see de and da in Hymn to Bel, lines 6 and 4). ra is a postposition = "unto" (see Hymn to Bel, line 3). sal-dug -ga-zu-ne is a ^a^-clause: "in thy speaking", sal is a prefix of an abstract character. It is equivalent to the Assyrian zinntitu, "feminine". It is a counterpart to ku in the expressions Erne-sal and Eme-ku, ku being equal to belu, "lord". As a prefix, sal generalizes the root-idea of the stem to which it is attached and is consequently an abstract prefix (see Br. 10930, 10949 and 10955). dug-ga (see Hymn to Bel, line 4). zu-ne (see line 6). 16. a-a-zu ide hill-la mu-e-si-in-mas sal-zi ma-ra ni-in-gu Thy father discerns the joyful face and speaks life to the land. a-a-zu (see on line 7). ide equals pdnu, "face", (Br. 9281). The sign IGIT can be read either ide, which is ES, or ige, which is EK. hul-la equals noun hul, plus phonetic complement la. hul equals hadu, "joy" (Br. 10884). The sign giving this value is not to be confounded with another sign which also has the value hul meaning "evil", expressed by limuttu (Br. 9503). mu-e-si-in-mas is a verb consisting of verbal prefix mu, verbal infixes e and Si-in and root mas. mu (see Hymn to Bel, lines 1 and 18). e (see Hymn to Bel, line 18). si-in: an objective verbal infix naturally has its person determined by the object to which it refers. That object in this case seems to be ide hul-la, A "the joyful face" of the moon, mas: the sign has two names, BAKU and MASU, and two chief values related to these names, bar and mas. bar and mas are cognate forms, b changes to m (MSL. p. X); r changes to s (MSL. p. XII). The sign has two chief meanings, "side" and "cut". The meaning of "side" is represented by bar (see MSL. p. 234), while the meaning of "cut", from which we get the idea of "distinguish" is generally represented by the value mas (Br. 1735). sal-zi consists of abstract prefix sal and noun zi. sal (see on line 15). zi (see on line 8). ma-ra equals "unto the land", ma (see Hymn to Bel, line 8). ra (see line 15). ni-in-gu: m can be a verbal prefix and in a verbal infix, or ni-in can be a verbal infix with the verbal prefix omitted, gu 51 being the verbal root, ra* if taken as a prefix, naturally refers to a-a-zu. ni may have a demonstrative force, equal to Suatu, like ne. in as an infix refers to ma-ra. gu, a shortened form of gug, equal either kibti, "speak", or apdlu, "answer", gu and gug have dialectic forms du and dug, the g changing to d which ES prefers. The sign is apparently a modification of the sign SANGU (see AL. p. 121, No. 14, and p. 124, No. 87). The primary meaning was "opening" and the leading value is ka equal to^pu, "mouth". The values ka and gu come from the sign-name KAGU (see Hymn to Bel, lines 1 and 4). With the value I the sig means "word". 17. e i-i lugal-ra u-de-e$ e mu-un-& As an exalted royal command, daily he causes the word to go forth! e (see Hymn to Bel, line 14). **: * is the chief value of GITTU. The sign with its five parallel lines or wedges representing the five fingers of the hand is a symbol of power. From the idea of "power", we get that of "exaltation" (see Hymn to Bel, line 6). lugal-ra consists of stem lugal and postposition ra. lugal: the sign is composite, the elements being GAL and LU which mean "great" and "man", lugal equals Sarru (Br. 4266). We shall have the element LU with the ES value mulu. ra (see Hymn to Bel, lines 3 and 8). We might expect la here. u-de-eS consists of root u, phonetic complement de and ad- verbial ending es. u equals umu, "day", (Br. 7797), and is a shortened form of ud. de is phonetic here. The more usual phonetic complement of ud is da (see Br. 7774). es (see Br. 10001). es as an adverbial ending is probably derived from the Semitic adverbial ending -i$ which is supposed to have grown out of the Assyrian suffix of the third person su. Agglutinative languages do not often possess special adverbial endings. m.u-un-'e consists of verbal prefix mu-un and verbal root e. mu-un is phonetic for mun which is simply a nasalized mu (see MSL. p. XXVIII, and Hymn to Bel, line 1). On & (see Hymn to Bel, line 15). 18. dimmer Mu-ul-lil-li mu-du-ru u-sud-du u-za ma-ra ni-in-ru Bel with the sceptre of distant days exalts thy hand over the land. dimmer Mu-ul-lil-li (see Hymn to Bel, line 23). mu-du-ru: there is a sign MUDKU (Br. 10776) which may be related to PA. We may infer a relation between MUDEU and PA, because the two signs have a common value sig. We know also that MUDU.RU sometimes stands for PA (Br. 1275). Now 4* 52 - if MU.DU.RU can stand for PA it must have some meaning in common with PA. The most usual meaning of PA is kattu, 'sceptre", which gives good sense here, mu (see Hymn to Bel, line 1). du (see Hymn to Bel, line 15). u-sud-du consists of noun w, adjective sud, and phonetic com- plement du. u (see line 17). sud equals rtiku, "distant" (Br. 7603). du (see gin, line 23), phonetic complement here. su-za equals noun u and suffix za. su (see Hymn to Bel, line 25). za is a suffix of the second person singular masculine (Br. 11722). We have had za-e as being equal to "thou" (Hymn to B61, line 16). zu we have found to be the more usual suffix of the second person (see on line 6). za is dialectic for zu. ma-ra (see on line 16). ni-in-ru consists of prefix ni, infix in and verbal root ru. ni-in (see on line 16). rii (see on line 14). 19. Sis-unu- hi -ma ma-gur azag-ga pa(d)-a-zu-ne When in Ur, shining ship, thou speakest, Sis-unu- ki -ma (see on line 2). ma-gur (see on line 1). azag-ga equals adjective azag, plus phonetic complement ga. azag (see on line 1). ga (see Hymn to Bel, line 4). pa(d)-a-zu-ne (see on line 10). 20. . . aimmer Nu-dim-mud-e sal-dug-ga-zu-ne When to . . Ea thou speakest, dimmer ^u-dim-mud-e: we have here a compound ideogram as a name of the god Ea. d i mmer is the determinative before the name of a god (see Hymn to B61, line 2). Nu-dim-mud equals the Assyrian E-a (Br. 2016). The usual Sumerian ideogram is EN.KI. e in Nu-dim-mud-e a vowel of prolongation (see Hymn to Bel, line 3). sal-dug-ga-zu-ne (see line 15). 21 [pa(d)]-a-zu[-ne] When thou speakest, pa(d)-a-zu-ne (see line 10). Keverse 22 23 la a im[-si] with water is filled 53 a equals mu, "water" (Br. 11347). "Water" is a primary meaning of the sign AU, which at first consisted of two short perpendicular lines representing "falling water" (see Hymn to Bel, line 3). im-si consists of indeterminate verbal prefix im and verbal root si. im (Br. p. 545). si (Hymn to Bel, line 22). 24 gi a im-si with water is filled. a im-si (see line 23). 25. Id e a im-si dr [Sis- ki -kam\ The river .... is filled with water by Nannar. Id equals ndru, "river". Sometimes Id is shortened to i (Br. 11647). The value Id comes from the union of two signs A ,water" and TU (Br. 10217). Moreover, TtJ with the value tti equals apsu, "sea". The TtJ sign, explained more minutely, consists of HAL "run" inside of KIL "enclosure". So HAL + KIL = "run- ning, flowing within an enclosure", hence = "sea". While Id means primarily "water of the sea", it is much used also as a determinative before names of rivers. We have the name of the Euphrates in the next line. Perhaps the name of the Tigris was given in some one of the lines. The common Sumerian ideogram for the name of the Tigris is hal-hal, an intensified form of hal, which means "running" or "rushing". The Tigris is thus very appropriately called "the rushing river". The Babylonian Diglat in the hands of the Persians took the form Tigra. 26. azag-gi Id ud-kib-nun-na-ge a im-si [ dimmer Sis- ki -kam\ The bright Euphrates is filled with water by Nannar. azag-gi equals ellu, "shining" (Br. 9901). azag (see line 19). gi is a phonetic complement, chosen no doubt with a view to vowel harmony as regards the following Id (?). GI as an ideogram means "reed" (see Hymn to Bel, line 24, gtri). "* ud-kib-nun-na-ge means the river of Sippar. For Id, see on line 25. ud-kib-nun consists of ud "sun" -f- kib "flourish, generate", and nun "great". The sign KIB suggests the idea "double" and hence, of course, "generate, beget" (MSL. p. 203). Nun, of course, = rabu "great" (Br. 2628), while na must be the phonetic complement and ge the nota genitivi as used in the next Hymn. The torm ud-kib-nun then seems to mean "the great (nun) generative force (kib) of the sun" (ud); a name applied to Sippar had been from time immemorial the seat of the worship of the sun-god Samas (KBA., pp. 69, 117). Id-ud-kib-nun-na-ge then simply means "the river (Id) of (ge) Sippar", viz., the Euphrates, 54 which was usually termed in Sumerian Bura-nunu "the great stream (M8L.p.7,C). a im-si (see on line 23). 27. Id nu e-bi ldh-e a im-si ^immtr The empty river is filled with water by Nannar. Id (see on line 25). nu, regular Sumerian negative abverb, equal to the Assyrian la. e-bi equals noun e and suffix bi. e equals mu, "water" (Br. 5844). We have also had e equal to kabu, "speech" (Hymn to Bel, line 14). bi is a suffix of the third person singualar (see Br. 5135). fo'gets its demonstrative nature from the conception "speak" which seems to be the primary one in the old Babylonian linear hieroglyph. Idk-e consists of root Idh and vocalic prolongation e. Idh equals misu "wash" (Br. 6167). It is used of washing the hands and feet. It gets the idea "wash" from the idea "servant" who does the washing, but it may have meant "servant" before it meant "wash". It often has the phonetic complement ha or hi. Literally the clause read : "the river whose water washes not". a im-si (see on line 23). dimmer Sis-^-Jcam equals god-name dimmer &is- ki plus Team = KAMMU without doubt (see CT. XV, Colophon of Tablet 29623, plate 12). kam is a well recognized determinative used after ordinal numerals. It no doubt occupies this position as a genitive particle, but, as a genitive sign, it may be used after words other than numerals; and, in fact, is so used in Gudea. It is evidently a lengthened form of the postposition ka; being ka plus am (see SVA. p. 60). 28. sug mah sug ban-da a im-si dimmer Sis- ki -kam The great marsh, the little marsh is filled with water by Nannar. The sign looks like MA but perhaps the copyist made a mistake. mah (see Hymn to Bel, line 23). sug equals susu, "marsh". The sign is the enclosure-sign KIL with the "water" sign AU within the "enclosure" sign. ban-da: the signs are DUMU and DADDU. DUMU has several values, the chief of whieh are dumu, tur and ban. dumu equals md-ru, "son". We have met the value dumu or its dialectic equi- valent fumu, represented by TU and MU (see on line 5). tur equals sihru, "small", and is naturally followed by the phonetic complement ra. ban-da also equals sihru "little" (Br. 4133). a im-si (see on line 23). dimmer Sis- ki -kdm (see line 27). 55 29. & Urn-ma dimmer En-zu Penitential Psalm to Sin. &r-lim-ma (see Hymn to Bel, line 27). dimmer En. zu "lord of wisdom" is the other name by which Sin is known in Sumerian. We have had one name above; viz., dimmer $&.*'. dimmer f/ n . zu j s no doubt in genitive relation to the preceding part of the line, although the nota genitivi is lacking. In another hymn to Bel (CT. XV, Tablet 29644, plate 12), the genitive relation is signified by the postposition Team. The words are: &r-lim-ma din ff ir En-lil-ld-kam. Chapter III Tablet 29631, Plates 15 and 16, Hymn To ADAD Obverse 1. [&w-]2(UD.DU)-a mu-zu an[-zak-ku] In the lightning flash thou proclaimest thy name. 2. Dimmer Mer(IM) bi-mah #ad-g(UD.DU)-a mu-zu an[-zak-ku} Adad, in the mighty thunder and the lightning flash thou declarest thy name. 3 [dimmer] MerQM) dumu An-na bi-mah od-g(UD.DU)-a mu-zu an-za[k-ku] Adad, son of Anu, in the mighty thunder and the lightning flash thou declarest thy name. 4. u-mu-un nl(IN)-ki-ge(KIT) bi-mah od-2(UD.DU)-a mu-zu an- zak[-ku\ lord, dread of earth, in the mighty thunder and the lightning flash thou declarest thy name. 5 dimmer Mer(lW) u-mu-un #(TUM)-7?zaZ(IG)-fo bi-mah had-2- (UD.DU)-a mu-zu an[-zak-ku] Adad, lord of great wrath, in the mighty thunder and the lightning flash thou declarest thy name. 6. bar(ma?)-tab-ba u-mu-un dimmer ama-an-ki-ga bi-mah had-d (UD.DU)-a [mu-zu an-zak-ku] twin, lord, bull-god of heaven and earth, in the mighty thunder and the lightning flash thou declarest thy name. 7. a-a d* mmer Mer(LM.) u-mu-un ud-da bar-ru-a mu-zu an-zak-ku father ADAD, lord, when the light is darkened thou declarest thy name. 56 8. a-a Dimmer Mer(L^i) u(TJD)-gal-la bar-ru-a mu-zu an-zak-ku father Adad, when the great day is darkened thou declarest thy name. 9. a-a dimmer Mer(lM.) uku(UG)-gal-la bar-ru-a mu-zu an-zak-ku father Adad, when the great king is cut off thou declarest thy name. 10. dimmer Jlfer(IM) uku(UG) An-na bi-mah od-e(UD.DU)-a mu-zu an-zak-ku Adad, king of Anu, in the mighty thunder and the lightning flash thou declarest thy name. 11. mu-zu kalam((JN)-ma mM-Mn-rw(TJL)-n*(UL)-rM(UL) Thy name is mightily magnificent in the earth. 12. we-&wn(NE)-2M kalam(dS)-ma tug(KU)-gim im-mi-in-dul Thy brightness covers the land like a garment. 13. za had(PA) afca(RAM)-M-$M(KU) kur-gal a-a dimmer Mu-ul-lil sag im-da-sig(PA)-gi The lightning of thy thunder smites the head of the great mountain, father Bel. 14. wr5a(HAR.DU)-2M ftma(DAGAL) gal dimmer Win-til ba-e-di-hu- Uh-e Thy thunder terrifies the great mother Belit. 15. dingir En-Ul-U dumu-ni dimmer MerQM)-ra a(lD) mu-un-da-an- aka(RAM) Bel to his son Adad measures out power. 16. mulu dumu-mu w(UD) um-me-i-si-si w(UD) um-me-Si-ld-ld Thou who art my son, the day thou didst lift up the eye, the day thou didst look! 17. dimmer Mer(TM)-ri w(UD) um-me-Si-si-si w(UD) um-me-ti-ld-ld Adad, the day thou didst lift tip the eye, the day thou didst look! 18. u(UD) iminna-bi-mes ba-gan-tal(El)-ld u(UD) um-me-si-ld-ld During seven days thou didst blow a full blast when thou didst look. 19. tf(UD) fc(KA) di-zu-ka hhr(GUD)-ha-ra ab-ba w(UD) um-me- si-ld-ld It was the day of the word of the word of thy judgment, bull-god of the abyss, the day thou didst look. 20. nim-gir luh su-h'-su(K.\J) mu-ra-du-ud As the lightning, the messenger of terror, thou didst go. 57 21. mulu dumu-mu rw(UL) gin(DU)-na-gin(D\J)-na a-ba zi-gi-en te-ga(BA) When thou who art my son goest violently about, who can attack like thee! Keverse 22. Mbala hul gtg a-a muk-zu-su(KU) a-ba za-e-gim fe-^ra(BA) The troublesome evil hostile land, father, which is against thee; who like thee can attack! 23. wa(DAK) imi twr-tur-e sH-um-me-ti a-ba za-e-gim te-ga(BA.) The little stone of the storm do thou take ! Who can attack like thee! 24. wa(DAK) gal-gal-e su-um-me-fi a-ba za-e-gim te-ga(BA.) The large stone do thou take! Who can attack like thee! 25. na'(DAK) tur-tur-zu wa(DAK) gal-gaLzu muh-ba M-me-a?n(A.AN) Thy little stone, thy large stone, on it (the land) it lieth! 26. ki-bala-a zi-da-zu u-mu-e-gul da iwr(BU) su u-mu-e-se The hostile land thy right hand destroys. It gives powerful bodily destruction (?) 27. dimmer Mer(lW)-ri dug(KA.)-dug(KA.)-ga a-a muh-na-su(KU) geS (IZ)-m' ba-Si-m-ag Adad, when he speaks (to one), father, on him he imposes his government. 28. a-a dimmer Jfer(IM) e(BIT)-ta g(UD.DU)-a-m t2(UD) l(KA) di na-nam Father Adad, when he comes out of the house, he fixes the day of judgment. 29. e(BIT)-ta en-ta g(UD.DU)-a-m w&it(UG) ban(T\JR)-da na-nam When he comes out of the house or out of the city, he fixes the great day, 30. ert'-ta an-na-ta gar(>$A.)-ra-ni w(DD) l(KA.)-har-ra na-nam When he establishes himself out of the city out of heaven, he fixes the day of curse. 31. ... 2r(A.I) hm(LTB)-ma *mer MerQM) Hymn to Adad. This hymn we find to be full of action. The lightning flashes in the first line, and we see at least three distinct kinds of storm placed on the scene, one succeeding the other. The thunder storm first passes over our head. We see the lightning, we hear the roar of the thunder, the earth is placed in fear, the day turns 58 dark, the top of the mountain is smitten, the very gods themselves are terrified. Secondly comes the flood. The storm of the hour is lengthened into one of days. It becomes a deluge of judgment on the earth. The words say seven days, but in such poetic dis- course seven might perhaps simply mean "many". Finally, there is a decided change in the scene. The flood has passed away. The death-destroying hail-storm falls upon us, not simply the little hail-stones, but the great hail-stones. The day, of course, has come. But the effects of Adad's power so artistically set forth in this hymn are secondary, as placed beside the dignity of the god himself. The word of Adad is absolute and all-powerful. He is a god of great wrath. He is a real bull-god, of heaven and earth. He can put the heavens out of sight He can make day as black as the darkest night. He can split the earth with his lightning. He can flood the land with water. He can pelt its inhabitants with stones. Yet in all this he consults with father Bel. Obverse 1. \had\-t-a. mu-zu an-[zak-ku] In the lightning flash thou proclaimest thy name! had-2-a is a ^aZ-clause, consisting of noun had, participle e and postposition a, and means "in the going out of the sceptre", or freely, "in the lightning flash". The apodosis is mu-zu an-zak-ku. had (PA) equals hattu, "sceptre" (Br. 5573). The value had may be of Semitic origin, but note that its cognate hud is equal to namdru, "brightness" (Br. 5582), as is also kun, another value of PA "staff"; then PA = "a lighted torch". we have had as equal to asu (Hymn to Bel, line 15). 2 is also equal to supu, "flashing" (Br. 5638). a equals ina, "in" (Br. 11365). mu-zu means "thy name", mu equals sumu, "name" (Br. 1235). an-zak-ku is a verb, an is an indeterminate verbal prefix. The context shows it to be of the second person (see MSL. p. XXVI). zak-ku may mean "utter a decree" (Br. 6519). For example, zak equals tamitu, "a decree" (Br. 6493). Perhaps it could as well be a verb signifying "to decree", or "to establish", leu also equals tamu, "utter" (Br. 10555), but it would be simpler to make ku a phonetic complement to zak. It may be that we ought to read the clause: "thy name utters the decree". But "thy name" has the usual position of the object. It is also rather awkward to regard zak as an object placed between the verbal prefix and the verb. 2. dimm *r Mer bi-mah had-2-a mu-zu an-[zak-ku] Adad, in the mighty thunder and the lightning flash thou declarest thy name. 59 dimmer Jf^ this is the Sumerian name of the storm-god. Mer being one of the values of the sign IMMU. The fact that the sign in some cases in this hymn (e. g. lines 15 and 17) is followed by the phonetic complement ri or ra shows that Mer is the value intended for the name of the god. Mer is probably from imi changed to immer and then to Mer and hence, like imi, means "wind" and "storm". The name Mer offers no suggestion as to the origin of the Semitic names Rammdnu and Addu. bi-mah equals 'mighty utterance", bi (see Hymn to Sin, line 13). 'mah (see Hymn to Bel, line 23). had-d-a mu-zu an-zak-ku (see on line 1). 3 [dimmer] jj/^ aumu An-na bi-mah had--a mu-zu an-za[k-ku] Adad, son of Anu, in the mighty thunder and the light- ning flash thou declare st thy name. dumu (see Hymn to Sin, line 5, tu-mu). An-na, ideogram for the god of heaven, plus phonetic com- plement. Note that AN for the god Anu does not take the determinative god sign. Probably the omission is due to the desire to avoid the occurrence of AN twice in succession. It must have been after Adad had taken the place of IStar in the second triad of gods that Adad was called the son of Anu. The earlier arrangement was Anu , Bel , Ea, Sin, Samas and iStar. The later order was Anu, Bel and Ea, as rulers of the universe, and Sin, Samas and Adad, as rulers of heaven under the command of Anu. This new grouping was the result of a theological development. I&tar was found to be one of the planets, and, therefore, not to be classed longer along with Sin and Samas". Adad, the god of the atmosphere, was thought to be a personality of sufficient dignity to take the place formerly occupied by Itar. bi-mah had--a mu-zu an-zak-ku (see on lines 1 and 2). 4. u-mu-un nl-ki-ge bi-mah had-8-a mu-zu an-zak-[ku] lord, dread of earth, in the mighty thunder and the lightning flash thou declarest thy name. u-mu-un (see Hymn to Bel, line 1). nl-ki-ge: n\ is a value of IMMU equal to puluhtu, "fear" (see Hymn to Bel, line 18). ki equals irsitu, "earth" (see Hymn to Bel, line 9). ge is a postpositive sign of the genitive (see Br. 5935. bi-mah had--a mu-zu an-zak-ku (see lines 1 and 2). 5 dimmer Mer u-mu-un ib-mal-la bi-mah had-d-a mu-zu an- [zak-ku] Adad, lord of great wrath, in the mighty thunder and and the lightning flash thou declarest thy name. 60 ib-mal-la: ib is a value of TUM equal to agdgu, "anger" (Br. 4954). mal is a value of IKU which is dialectic for PISANNU and also for MA.AL (see Hymn to Bel, lines 1 and 18, and Hymn to Sin, 2). ib-mal = "wrathful" (Br. 2242). bi-mah had--a mu-zu an-zak-ku (see on lines 1 and 2). 6. tab-tab-ba u-mu-un dimmer ama-an-ki-ga bi-mah had-d-a [mu-zu an-zak-ku] twin, lord, bull-god of heaven and earth, in the mighty thunder and the lightning flash thou declarest thy name. bar-tab-ba equals tu'dmu, "twin" (Br. 1896). mas equals tu'dmu (Br. 1811), while the cognate bar equals lappu, "companion" (Br. 1807). mas, which represents the idea "cut", is more primitive than bar which represents the idea "side", mas is also equal to masu, "twin", a Sumerian loan-word in Assyrian, tab equals tappu (Br. 3775). tab may have been inserted, that bar "companion" should be taken rather than the narrower word "twin" (Hymn to Sin, 16). ba is a phonetic complement (Br. 102 and Hymn to Bel, line 25). Adad is called "twin" or "companion", because he possessed a composite nature, comprising in himself the elements of several gods. The manifestations of power seen in wind and rain and in lightning and thunder, would logically lead to the conclusion that his nature was divided, or that he brought to his aid several gods endowed with powers suited to different kinds of effort. The gods that aided Adad were sometimes looked upon as birds, one of whom was the god Zu, who presided over the tempest. Zu's mother mother was Siris, lady of the rain and clouds. Then there was Martu, the lord of the squall, and Barku, the genius of the light- ning. The son of Zu was a strong bull who pastured in the meadows, bringing abundance and fertility. There was also Sutu, the south wind. He, no doubt, was an agent of Adad's. There is another way in which Adad may be looked upon as twin-like in his nature. He could pass suddenly from the fiercest anger to gentlest kindness. He was represented in sculpture as carrying a battle-axe. Kings invoked his aid against their enemies. In his passionate rage he destroyed everything before him. When his wrath was appeased, however, there might come the gentle breeze and the refreshing shower. The fields which he had devastated he also caused to blossom and produce fruit and grain. dimmer (see Hymn to Bel, line 2). ama-an-ki-ga: ama equals rimu, "bull" (see Hymn to Bel, line 7 and 9). an (see Hymn to Bel, line 18). ki (see on line 4). ga seems to be a postposition (see MSL. p. XVI). ga might perhaps be equal to bau, "being" (Br. 6109). bi-mah had-e-a mu-zu an-zak-ku (see on lines 1 and 2). 61 7. a-a dimmer Mer u-mu-un ud-da bar-ru-a mu-zu an-zak-ku father Adad, lord, when the light is darkened, thou declarest thy name. a-a (see Hymn to Bel, line 3). ud-da: ud equals wrrw, "light" (Br. 7798, also Hymn to Sin, line 17). da is a phonetic complement (see Hymn to Bel, line 16). mu-zu an-zak-ku (see on line 1). 8. a-a Dimmer Mer u-gal-la bar-ru-a mu-zu an-zak-ku father Adad, when the great day is darkened, thou declarest thy name. u-gal-la: u (see Hymn to Sin, line 17). gal-la (see Hymn to Bel, line 14). bar-ru-a: bar equals pardsu, "cut off" (Br. 1785). The idea "cut", however, is more usually expressed by the value mas (see on line 6). ru, being a phonetic complement, limits us to the choice of the value bar here. 9. a-a d i mmer Mer uku-gal-la bar-ru-a mu-zu an-zak-ku father Adad, when the great king is cut off, thou declarest thy name. uku-gal-la: uku a value of UG, which is here a Babylonian sign found, for instance, in the Cyrus Cylinder, equals both umu, "day", and Sarru, "king" (Br. 3861 and 3862). gal-la (see on line 8). 10. dimmer Mer uku An-na bi-mah had--a mu-zu an-zak-ku Adad, king of Anu, in the mighty thunder and the lightning flash thou declarest thy name. dimmer j^^ ( see on fo^ 2). uku (see MSL. 344 and on line 9). 11. mu-zu kalam-ma mu-un-ru-ru-ru Thy name is mightily magnificent in the earth. mu-zu (see on line 1). kalam-ma: kalam as a value is related to the sign-name KALAMMU and equals mdtu, "land" (Br. 5914). We have already had the value un (see Hymn to Bel, line 1). ma is a phonetic complement (see Hymn to Bel, line 1). mu-un-ru-ru-ru: mu-un (see Hymn to Sin, line 17). ru-ru-ru (see Hymn to Sin, line 14). A double form like ru-ru is common, but the triple form is rare, and expresses a very unusual emphasis. 12. me-lam-zu kalam-ma tug-gim im-mi-in-dul The brightness covers the land like a garment. me-lam-zu (see Hymn to Bel, line 21). kalam-ma (see on line 11). 62 tug-gim: tug equals $ubdtu, "clothing" (Br. 10551). gim is an EK form. We have had the ES form dim (Hymn to Sin, line 11). im-mi-in-dul: im is an indeterminate verbal prefix, but commonly used for the third person (see Br. p. 545). mi-in is a verbal infix, used chiefly of the third person (MSL. pp. XXIV and XXXII). Its antecedent here is kalam-ma. dul equals katdmu, "cover", but du also equals subtu, "dwelling" (see Hymn to Bel, line 14), connoting in both instances the idea "cover, shelter". 13. za had aka-zu-su kur-yal a- a dimmer Mu-ul-lil sag im- da-sig-gi The stone of the sceptre of thy thunder strikes the head of the great mountain, father Bel. za equals abnu, "stone" (Br. 11721 and Hymn to Sin, line 18). There is another sign used more commonly than ZAU to represent "stone"; namely, DAKKU. had (see on line 1). aka-zu-&U: oka equals ramdmu, "roar" (Br. 4746). The meaning of BAM as ramdmu seems to come through mnemonic paronomasia by way of the value oka as equal to ramu, "love". It is important to distinguish ramdmu from Ramman, an Assyrian name for Mer meaning "thunderer", as well as from ramdnu, "self". ramdnu self is often a pun on Ramman. zu (see Hymn to Bel, line 21). Su (see Hymn to Bel, line 15). kur-gal: kur (see Hymn to Bel, line 3). gal (see Hymn to Bel, line 14). a-a dimmer Mu-ul-lil (see Hymn to Bel, line 3). In the Hymn to Bel (line 16), Bel seems to be called a mountain. The thought probably is suggested by E-kur of Nippur. 14. ursa-zu bma gal dimmer Nin-lil ba-e-di-hu-lah-e Thy thunder terrifies the great mother Belit. ursa equals ramdmu (Br. 8556). ur is a value of HAR which itself may mean ramdmu (Br. 8539) and sa is a value of DU which we know means aldku. ursa must mean "advancing thunder". hma equals ummu, "mother". The idea of "mother" arises out of "amplitude", which the sign is intended pictorially to represent. damal is a common value of the same sign (see Hymn to Bel, line 10). gal (Hymn to Bel, line 14). dimmer Nin-h'l. Nm-lil is the Sumerian name of Belit, the consort of Bel. Nin equals B&llu, "lady". HI has the same meaning as in En-lil or Mul-lil (see Hymn to Bel, line 2). Nin-til is exactly the reverse with respect to sex of jEn-liL B61it, like Bel, had a temple at Nippur which dates back apparently to the time 63 of the early dynasties of Ur. It was, however, simply a dim shadow of the temple of B1. The goddess of the divine family never achieved the popularity attained by the god, the father of the family. Besides being called Nin-lil, "lady of mercy" (Br. 5932), she was sometimes called Nin-har-sag, "lady of the high mountain", which would indicate that she dwelt with Bel in E-kur, "the mountain house". Under the name of Nin-har-sag, Belit had a temple also at Girsu, one of the divisions of the town of Laga. Nin-har-sag was sometimes addressed as "the mother of the gods". ba-e-di-hu-ldh-e is a verb, ba is an indeterminate verbal prefix. Here it is third person (see Hymn to Bel, line 25). e (see Hymn to Bel, line 18). di is an unusual infix; it is probably used here in the interest of vowel harmony for da (see Hymn to Bel, line 16). hu-ldh is the verb itself and is equal to galdtu, "frighten" (Br. 2076). On closer analysis, hu must be a prefix of generalization ; for example hu may equal am@lu, "man" (Br. 2050). Idh must be the real verb; it is equal to galdtu (Br. 6166). e must be a vowel of prolongation. The usual phonetic complement after Idh is ha. The fear of the lightning of Adad in this hymn is somewhat like that expressed in the Babylonian Epic of Gilgame, Eleventh Tablet. The lord of the storm caused the heavens to rain heavily. There arose from the foundation of heaven a black cloud. The thunderbearers marched over mountain and plain, and Ninib con- tinued pouring out rain and Adad's violence reached to heaven. The southern blast blew hard. Like a battle-charge upon mankind the waters rushed. One could no longer see an other. The gods were dismayed at the flood. They sought refuge by ascending the highest heaven, cowering like dogs. On the battlements of heaven thy crouched and iStar screamed like a woman in travail. 15. din a ir En-lil-li dumu-ni dimmer Mer-ra a mu-un-da-an-aka Bel to his son Mer measures out power: dingir ^Em..lil-li: Bel's name has appeared before in this hymn, but in the ES form (line 13). **w*r En-Kl (see Hymn to Sin, line 5). li (see Hymn to Bel, line 23). dumu-ni: (see on line 3). ni (see Hymn to Bel, line 13). a (see Hymn to Bel, line 14) = ID. mu-un-da-an-aka: mu-un (see Hymn to Sin, line 17). da-an is a verbal infix (MSL. pp. XX IV and XXXII). Its antecedent here is dumu-ni. oka: we have had aka equal to ramdmu (line 13), but here we have aka equal to madddu, "measure out", madddu, "measure out", is a pun on madddu, "love" (thus MSL. p. 21). 64 16. mulu dumu-mu u um-me-si-si-si u um-me-si-ld-ld Thou who art my son, the day thou didst lift up the eye, the day thou didst look! mulu: The sign is the usual ideogram for "man", but may stand for the Assyrian sa, as here. Note that the sign takes the value lu in composition (see Hymn to Bel, line 20). dumu-mu: dumu (see line 3). mu is a suffix of the first person (Br. 1241). There are three pronominal mu's. First, the determinate pronominal suffix mu of the first person, cognate with ma-e, the personal pronoun of the first person; this is the mu we have here. Secondly, there is a mu of mu~un, the indeterminate verbal prefix, mun or mu-un is simply this mu nasalized. We have had this mu quite often. Finally, there is another mu, an indeterminate suffix, which is related to mu of mu-un, rather than to mu, the cognate of ma-e. This indeterminate mu is found at the end of relative clauses. We shall meet it in the Hymn to Tammuz (see below). ft (see Hymn to Sin, line 17). um-me-si-si-si is a verb, um-me is a indeterminate verbal prefix, but is chosen here for the second person, since mu-un is so often used for the third person, umme is not a very common prefix. It stands for ume which is a shortened form of umeni. si: 1 with the value ige or ide we have seen equals inu, "eye" (see Hymn to Sin, line 16). si here, however, seems to be regarded as a part of the verbal stem and hence slips in between the prefix and the root, si-si (see Hymn to B61, line 22). The Sumerian idiom means "fill the eye". um-me-si-ld-ld: um-me-si (just explained). Id-Id: Id is a value of LALLU which occurs as a phonetic complement in the word En-lil-ld (Hymn to Sin, line 5) also equals nasu, "lift up" (Br. 10101). 17. dimmer Mer-ri u um-me-si-si-si u um-me-si-ld-ld Adad, the day thou didst lift up the eye, the day thou didst look! dimmer Mer (see on line 2). ri (see Hymn to Bel, line 19). u um-me- si- si-si u um-me-si-ld-ld (see on line 16). 18. u iminna-bi-mes ba-gan-tal-ld u um-me-si-ld-ld During those seven days thou didst blow a full blast, when thou didst look. u (see Hymn to Sin, line 17). iminna-bi-mes: iminna is the Sumerian word for "seven". The sign in our text consists of seven uprights, four above and three below. The Assyrian form consists of three above, three in the middle and one at the bottom, bi is the demonstrative pronoun 65 = "those" (Br. 5134 and Hymn to Sin, line 27). me$ is the Sumerian sign of the plural number (Br. 10470). The sign is composed of ME and E and means "many". ba-gan-tal-ld: ba (see on line 14) ; ba = prefix, gan is an infix here of adverbial and corroborative character (see Hymn to Bel, line 9). lal is a value of RI equal to zdku, "blow" (Br. 2581). We assume tal to be the correct value because of the following LALLU = Id (see on line 16). u um-me-St-ld-ld (see line 16). This interesting statement on the flood agrees entirely with the story of the flood in the Eleventh Tablet of the Babylonian Epic of Gilgames". The difference between the length of the Hebrew and that of the Babylonian deluge is significant. The narrative of Pirnapistim, the Babylonian Noah, is quite graphic. He represents the gods as seated weeping, their lips covered in fear. Six days and nights the wind blew. When the seventh day appeared, the storm subsided, the sea began to dry and the flood was ended He looked upon the sea, man- kind was turned to clay, corpses floated like reeds. He opened the window. He sent forth a dove which returned. He sent forth a raven, which saw the carrion on the water, ate, and wandered away, but did not return. He built an altar on the peak of the mountain and set forth vessels by sevens. The gods smelled the savour and gathered to the sacrifice, and the great goddess lifted up the rainbow which Anu had created. Those days he thought upon and forgot not. 19. u I di-zu-ka hhr-ha-ra ab-ba ti um-me-&i-ld-ld It was the day of the word of thy judgment, bull-god of the abyss, the day thou didst look. H (line 16). I equals amdtu, "word" (Br. 518, see also Hymn to Sin, line 16). di-zu-ka: di equals ddnu, "judgment" (Br. 9525 and Hymn to Bel, line 7). zu (Hymn to Bel, line 21). lea = nota genitivi (Hymn to B61, line 1). hhr-ha-ra is the same as hhr-har-a. hhr is a value of GUTTU, meaning kardu, "heroic one" (MSL. p. 174). We have had the sign with the value gu (Hymn to Bel, line 9). ha-ra, phonetic representation of har-a, with the same meaning as har of GUTTU, plus phonetic complement. ab-ba: ab equals tdmtu, "sea" (Br. 3822). The common word for "sea" is AB.ZU, written ZU.AB, meaning 'sea of wisdom", the abode of Ea, the god of wisdom, ab also equals aptu, "abyss" (Br. 3815). ab, "sea", or "abyss" is a shortened form of a-ab, 5 66 "water enclosure", "water space". AB with the value s we have had (Hymn to Sin, line 10). u um-me-si-ld-ld (line 16). 20. nim-gir luh su-si-su mu-ra-du-ud As the lightning, a messenger for terror, thou didst go. nim-gir equals birku, "lightning" (Br. 9020). nim-gir literally means "high lightning", nim equals elu, "high", gir alone equals birku (Br. 306). The sign GIRU in its primitive form is a picture of a "dagger". From the conception of the "dagger", there is, of course, but a short step to that of the forked lightning. luh equals sukkattu, "messenger" (Br. 6170). We have had the sign SUKKALLU with the value lah (line 14, lah, and Hymn to Sin, line 27). su-Si-Su equals noun su-Si and postposition su. su-si: SU.S"l means "increase of eye" and equals salummatu which means "splendour", or perhaps "terror". SU.SI might be read su-lim. SU.ZI, however, has the same meaning (see Br. 235 and 187, also MSL. p. 298), proving the reading SU.SI. mu-ra-du-ud: mu (see Hymn to Bel, line 18). ra is an infix of adverbial character denoting motion (MSL. p. XXIV). du-ud is no doubt for du-du, an intensified form of du (see Hymn to Bel, line 23, gin). 21. mulu dumu-mu ru gin-na-gin-na a-ba zi-gi-en te-ga When thou who art my son goest violently about, who can attack like thee! mulu dumu-mu (see on line 16). ru equals ndkdpu, "break forth violently", or "storm furiously", (Br. 9144). Here we come near to the primary idea of the sign which is that of "the goring bull" (see Hymn to Sin, line 14). gin-na-gin-na: DU = aldku may have any one of three values, gin, turn or ra (Br. 4871). gin is the correct value here, as is shown by the phonetic complement na. The value du must be closely related to turn and gin. du by change of d to t and by addition of the nasal m becomes turn, turn by change of t to g, of u to i and of m to n becomes gin. a-ba equals mannu, "who" (Br. 11370). See also below. zi-gi-en probably is a phonetic and dialectic form for za-e-gim (line 22). te-ga: te equals tehu, "attack" (Br. 7688). ga: BA is probably dialectic for ga (Br. 103) which would be the same as PISANNU, i. e., basu, "being", or Sakdnu, "establishing". 67 Keverse 22. ki-bala hul gig a-a muh-zu-su a-ba za-e-gim te-ga The troublesome evil hostile land, father, which is against thee, who like thee can attack! ki-bala: ki (see Hymn to Bel, line 9). bala equals palu, "weapon" (Br. 276). From the idea of "weapon", it is easy to pass to that of "hostility", expressed by nukurtu (Br. 272). hul equals limnu, "bad" (see Br. 9502 and Hymn to Sin, line 16, hul). gig equals marsu, "sick" (Br. 9235). The sign is composite, the principal element of which is MI meaning "black". a-a (see Hymn to Bel, line 3). muh-zu-su: muh equals eli, "upon", or "against" (Br. 8841). zu (Hymn to Bel, line 21). Sit (Hymn to Bel, line 15) governs the phrase muh-zu. a-ba (see on line 21). za-e-gim: za-e (see Hymn to Bel, line 16). gim (see line 12). te-ga (see on line 21). 23. nd imi tur-tur-e su-um-me-ti a-ba za-e-gim te-ga The little stone of the storm do thou take. Who can attack like thee! nd: DAKKU has three values for abnu, "stone", za, si and nd. We have also had the sign ZA with the value za equal to abnu (line 13). No doubt DAKKU indicates "hailstone" here. imi is the common value of the sign IMMU for Sdru, "storm" (Br. 8369). tur-tur-e: tur (see Hymn to Sin, line 28, ban-da). The sign is DUMU (lines 3, 15 and 16). e (see Hymn to Bel, line 3). Su-um-me-ti: su is a part of the verbal conjugation (see Hymn to Bel, line 25), making it causal, um-me (see on line 16). tt equals laku, "take" (Br. 1700). This is the same word as ti meaning "life" (Hymn to Bel, line 16). a-ba za-e-gim te-ga (see on line 22). 24. nd gal-gal-e su-um-me-ti a-ba za-e-gim te-ga The large stone do thou take. Who like thee can attack! nd (see on line 23). gal-gal-e: gal (see Hymn to Bel, line 14). e (see Hymn to Bel, line 3). su-um-me-ti a-ba za-e-gim te-ga (see line 23). 25. nd tur-tur-zu nd gal-gal-zu muh-ba u-me-dm Thy little stone, thy large stone, on it (the land) let it be! 5* 68 nd (see on line 23). gal-gal-zu: gal (see Hymn to B1, line 14). zu (Hymn to Bel, line 21). tur-tur-zu: tur (see on line 23). muk-ba : muh (see line 22). ba is a pronominal suffix of the third person singular (Br. 114). u-me-dm verb in the imperative mood, u-me, the same as um-me (line 16). dm (see Hymn to Bel, line 12). 26. Jci-bala-a zi-da-zu u-mu-e-gul da bur su u-mu-e-se The hostile land thy right hand destroys. It gives com- plete destruction (?) ki-bala-a (see on line 22). a (see Hymn to Bel, line 9). zi-da-zu: zi equals imnu, 'right hand" (Br. 2312). da is a phonetic complement (see Hymn to Bel, line 4). zu (see Hymn to Bel, line 21). u-mu-e-gul: u is an indeterminate verbal prefix; it is used of the third person (Br. p. 547; see also Hymn to Bel, line 1). mu-e constitutes a double verbal infix, the mu being pronominal and the e adverbial, mu (see line 16 and Hymn to Bel, line 18). e (see Hymn to Bel, line 18). gul equals abdtu, "destroy" (Br. 8954). da equals idu, "strength" (see Hymn to Bel, line 16). bur equals nasdhu, "tear away" (Br. 7528). The sign SfEU occurs only here in all of the four hymns of this Thesis, su is the common word for "body", represented by zumru (Br. 172). This translation is only provisional. u-mu-e-se: u-mu-e (just explained) se equals naddnu, "give" (Br. 4418). Brunnow gives to the sign the value si, when it stands for naddnu. 27. dimmer Mer-ri dug-dug-ga a-a muh-na-su ges-ni ba-si-in-ag Adad, when he speaks (to one), father, on him he imposes his government. dimmer Mer-ri (see on line 17). dug-dug-ga is a AaZ-clause equal to "in commanding", dug (see Hymn to Sin, line 15). a-a (see Hymn to Bel, line 3). muh-na-Su: muh (see line 22). na, pronominal suffix of the third person (see Hymn to Bel, line 1). sit (see Hymn to Bel, line 15). geS-ni: ges equals sutesuru, "government" (Br. 5706). ni Hymn to Bel, line 13). ba-si-in-ag: ba (see Hymn to Bel, line 25). Sufix si-in (see Hymn to Sin, line 16). ag (see Hymn to Bel, line 25). 69 28. a-a dimm *r Mer 2-ta e-a-ni u \ di na-nam Father Adad, when he comes out of the house he fixes the day of judgment. e-ta: 2 (see Hymn to Sin, line 3) ta (see Hymn to Bel, line 15). 3-a-ni: e (see Hymn to Bel, line 15). a is a vowel of pro- longation, which e is accustomed to take (see Hymn to Bel, line 9). ni (see (Hymn to Bel, line 13). u (see Hymn to Sin, line 17). I (see on line 19). di (see on line 19). na-nam : na is an indeterminate verbal prefix (see MSL. p. XXIV and Hymn to Bel, lines 1 and 18). nam evidently a verb here, equals Simtu, "fixing" (Br. 2103). 29. e-ta eri-ta &-a-ni uku dan-da na-nam When he comes out of the house out of the city, he fixes the mighty day. %-ta (see on line 28). eri-ta: eri (see Hymn to Bel, line 13). d-a-ni (see on line 28). uku (see on line 9). ban-da equals ekdu, 'strong" (Br. 4127). ban-da, following the idea "strength", also equals "young" (see Hymn to Sin, line 28). na-nam (see line 28). 30. eri-ta an-na-ta gar-ra-ni u I har-ra na-nam When he establishes himself out of the city, out of heaven, he fixes the day of curse. eri-ta (see line 29. an-na-ta: an-na (see Hymn to Bel, line 18). ta (see Hymn to Bel, line 15). gar-ra-ni: gar equals sakdnu, "establish" (Br. 11978). ro, phonetic complement, (Hym to Bel, line 3). ni (see line 28). u (see Hymn to Sin, line 17). ), (see on line 19). har-ra: bar equals usurtu, "curse" (Br. 8545). ra, phonetic complement. na-nam (see on line 28). 31. . . $r lim-ma dimmer Mer .... Hymn to Adad. 70 Chapter IV Tablet 29628, Plate 19, Hymn to Tammuz Obverse 1. Ses-e tu$(KU)-e-na eri 3r(A.I)-ra na-nam To the brother whose dwelling is the city of weeping, thus: 2. a-kala ses-e tab An-na The mightiness of the brother, the companion of Anu! 3. a-kala a(lD)-ba en dimmer 2)umu(^\JK)-zi The mightiness of his power, the lord Tammuz! 4. dumu(TUE) e(BIT)-gal-a-ni nu mu-un-su(SUD,S\JG)-ga-mu The son whose temple is not far away! 5. azag dimmer Ncmd-ge(KlT) e(BlT) An-na-ka im-me The shining one of ISstar, who is in the house of Anu! 6. mulu u-sun-na-ge(KIT) nu mu-un-su-ga-mu The one of plant-germination, who is not far away! 7. azag * r Nand-ge(KlT) za NANNA Unug(mU)- ki -ka im-me The shining one of Itar, who is the NANNA-stone of Erech! 8. mulu zib(KA.)-ba-ra-ge(KIT) nu mu-un-su(S\JV,SUG)-ga-mu The one of speech, who is not far away! 9. bara-ka azag dimmer Nand-ge(K.n) te ki-ka im-me In the temple, the shining one of IStar, who is the foundation of the land! 10. mulu ka-ds-ka-sa-ge(KlT) nu mu-un-su(SUV,Sl!G)-ga-mu The one of much wine, who is not far away! 11. azag dimmer Nand-ge(KlT) sa(LIB)-mu u-sun mu-un-si-mal(IG) The shining one of Istar, whose heart is full of plant-production ! 12. mulu hul-maKlGi) nu mu-un-su-ga-mu The one enduring evil, who is not far away! 13. dimmer mutin(GrE&'TIN) An-na-ge(KIT) ka$(BI)-ra-bi mu-un- The wine-god of Anu, to whom they present their offering! 14. mulu u-sun-na-ge(KlT) a-wa-om(A.AN) Su-ba ab-rii(UL) The one of plant-germination, what does his hand ordain! 15. mulu zib(KA.)-ba-ra-ge(KIT) The one of speech! 16. mulu ka-ds-ka-sa-ge(KlT) The one of much wine! 71 17. mulu hul-mal(lG) a-na-am(A.AN) su-ba ai-^w(DU) The one who endures evil, whither does his hand go! 18. dimmer mutin(GE&TI$) An-na-ge(KLT) PAIJADU sigisse-ra mu-un-sub(RU)-b The wine-god of Anu, to whom they offer the lamb of sacrifice ! 19. nim-me azag dimmer Nand-ra 2(KA) mu-un-na-ab-e-e The lofty one, the shining one of Itar, to whom they speak! 20. nim-me kt mu-lu ni ma-ra an-pad-de($E) a-na mu-un-ba-e-e The lofty one of earth who is the abundance of the land, to whom they speak! what do they say? 21. 2(BIT) kas(El)-a-ka (BIT) gurun(KlL)-na-ka dumuCNJR) mu- lu azag zu-ge(K.lT) ne-ne mu-un-til-li In the house of wine, in the house of fruit, the son, the shining one of wisdom, who indeed lives! 22. nim-me azag dimmer rawtfn(GETIN) An-na-ge(K.n) 2(KA) mu-un-na-ab-e-e The lofty one, the shining one, the wine-god of Anu, to whom they speak! 23. nim-me ki ses ma-ra an-pad-de(SE) a-na-am(A.AN) mu-un- ma-al The lofty one of earth, the brother of the land, to whom they speak! what is it (that they say)? Reverse 24. 2(BIT) kas(BI)-a-ka a(BIT) gurun(KlL)-na-ka dumu(TUE) mulu azag zu-ge(KIT) sigtsse-sag tuk-a-na In the house of wine , in the house of fruit , the son , the shining one of wisdom, who has a great sacrifice! 25. ur-sag 9& ku-a sag-mal-mal-ge(Kn) The hero of great weapons! 26. dimmer mutin (GETIN) An-na-ge(KYF) u-sun-na sag-mal- mal-ge(KLT) The wine-god of Anu, the great plant-germinator ! 27. u-sun gurun(KIL)-gurun(KIL) u-sun gurun(KIL)-gurun(KIL) ses-mu u-sun gurun(KIL)-gurun(KlL') The germinator of many fruits, the germinator of many fruits, my brother, the germinator of many fruits! 28. u-sun a-ra-li u-sun ^tmm(KIL)- . . 76 hulla 50 \urnu 46 tura 39 ka 41 kalamma 61 kaSaka 78 kaSrabi 76 kdSkasage 75 kibala 67 kika 75 ku-a 79 kurkurra 27 lahna 32 Idhe-a 54 lid 49 limma 42 lugalra 51 luh 66 ma 30 mah 54 manibsi 40 mara 50 mdmen 38 magur 44 madim 48 me-a 41 melamzu 38 Merri 64 mu-ibrard 80 mu-egin 40 mu-edamal 37 mu-emma$ 50 mubi 42 muduru 51 muzu 58 muhba 68 muhzuSu 67 muhnaSii 68 mulu 64 munibnene 39 muradud 66 mutin 76 mudna 32 Mullilli 40 Mullilra 47 mune 51 munba-e-e 78 munddnaka 63 munmdl 78 munndbc-e 77 munsimal 76 munsugamu 74 munrururu 61 munubbi 77 muntilli 78 nanam 72 Nandra 77 nd 67 na-a 31 ndmga 41 ndmzuka 24 ndni 34 83 mmgtr nimme 77 ninzu 37 Ninlil 62 nftt'a 42 nt 37 nlkige 59 mtena 25 ningd 50 ninru 52 nene 78 nesig 31 nela 41 nu 54 Nudimmude 52 nunuzdm 33 numti 36 sagezi 40 sagmalmalge ....... 79 sagmdl 32 salduggazune 50 salzi 50 siba 28 siba-e 40 sigiSSe 79 siggazune 47 siUmmani 33 su 68 sug 54 padozune 48 PAHADU 77 A-arra 31 ru 66 ruti-azu 49 Sd 37 Sdzisi 80 Sdmu 76 Sam 39 Sisunukima 45 iskima 54 &e 38 Sesmu 79 Sermal 25 Sermdttasune 47 5ii 41 $A-ummeti 67 77 42 52 80 . 41 Sugil . . titza . . tdltaltal. titit . . te . . . 75 66 tuggim 62 tukana 79 turture 67 turturzu 68 tuSena . 72 A 000020137 6