IC-NRLF B E LIST OF. BOOKS RECOMMENDED BY THE State Board of Education Softool fjbraries LEW? 9CKQU; LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. OIKT OK Received Accession No. . Class No. LIST LIBRARY BOOKS RECOMMENDED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 1892. ISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. SACRAMENTO: -STATE OFFICE, i : : : : : A. j. JOHNSTON, SUPT. STATE PRINTING. 1892. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. HON. H. H. MARKHAM__ ________ Governor, Sacramento, President of the Board. HON. J. W. ANDERSON.- _______ Superintendent Public Instruction, Sacramento, Secretary of the Board. PROF. IRA MORE ------------- ....... Principal State Normal School, Los Angeles. PROF. EDW. T. PIERCE _____ ..Principal State Normal School, Chico. PROF. C. W. CHILDS ------------------------ Principal State Normal School, San Jos. x/ 1 NOTES BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, EXTRACTS FROM THE SCHOOL LAW HAVING REFERENCE TO DISTRICT LIBRARIES. Section 1521, Subdivision 4, makes it the duty of the State Board of Education "to recommend a list of books and apparatus for district school libraries." The power of the State Board in regard to this is simply recommend atory. The fact that books or apparatus are recommended by the State Board does not authorize Trustees or Boards of Education to purchase such books or apparatus. Only such books and apparatus as have been adopted by the County or City Boards of Education can be purchased. Section 1521, Subdivision 12, provides that the Superintendent of Schools in the several counties must draw his warrant in favor of the publishers of the official journal designated by the State Board of Edu cation for a sum not exceeding $1 50 for each district for each school year. It also provides that the Clerk of every Board of Trustees, and the Secretary of every Board of Education, to which officers the official journal is to be sent, shall place the same in the library of the district on or before the end of the month in which it is published. Section 1650, Subdivision 3, provides for the same thing; and also makes it the duty of these officers to notify the publishers immediately in case of failure to receive the journal regularly. Every district should have in its library a full file of the copies of the official journal. At the expiration of each year the Clerk or Secre tary of the Boards of Trustees or Education should have the copies for the year substantially bound; the expense incident to the binding can be defrayed by drawing upon the Library Fund of the district. The attention of Superintendents, Trustees, and teachers is particu larly called to the following sections of the school laws, and the accom panying notes: 1712. The Board of Trustees and City Board of Education must expend the Library Fund, together with such moneys as may be added thereto by donation, in the purchase of school apparatus and books for a school library, including books for supplementary work, and no war rant shall be drawn by the Superintendent of Schools upon the order of any Board of Trustees against the Library Fund of any district unless such order is accompanied by an itemized bill, showing the books and apparatus, and the price of each, in payment of which the order is drawn, and unless such books and apparatus have been adopted by the County or City Board of Education. The Trustees of each district shall cause each book now in their District School Library, or that may here after be placed in said library, to be stamped on the fly leaf, on the title page, and on each one hundredth page of the book, with the words " Department of Public Instruction, State of California, County, District Library," and the County Superintendent is hereby authorized and instructed to procure such stamp for each district in his county, and to pay for the same out of the County School Fund of such district. This section specifically precludes the drawing of any order in pay ment for books or apparatus, unless such books or apparatus have been adopted by the County or City Board of Education. Superintendents should in every case require an itemized bill specifically naming the books or articles of apparatus purchased, in order that they may be able to determine whether the law has been complied with. Books for supplementary work may be purchased in sets for the use of classes. All supplementary books must be marked as library books. They should be given out to the teacher of the class, and such teacher should be held responsible for the return of the books to the library when no longer needed in the class. In making their visits to the schools, Superintendents should carefully inspect the library to see that it is properly kept, that the books and apparatus are properly listed, and that all books are marked as required by the law. I have found that in many schools there is very little atten tion given to the libraries; the books are not listed nor marked, and are often found to be in wretched condition; the apparatus in many cases is very badly cared for. Section 1712 clearly indicates what books and apparatus may be pur chased with the Library Fund. Bookcases, blackboards, pianos, organs, map-racks, everything not properly coming under the head of books or apparatus must be purchased with County Fund. Apparatus includes maps, globes, charts, and all appliances required for illustration in the processes of instruction. School supplies, such as chalk, pencils, ink, etc., cannot be purchased with the Library Fund. In very many instances Trustees injudiciously purchase books and apparatus that are not needed, or that are entirely unsuitable for the school. In making their selections from the books and apparatus adopted by the County Board of Education, the teachers and Trustees should be guided by the" character and needs of the school. In no case should they listen to the importunities of agents; before making purchases, it would be well to counsel with the Superintendent. I have found in many schools that the Library Fund has been exhausted in the purchase of books and apparatus that are of no use to the school. I have also, found that, in many cases, the Trustees in the purchase, particularly of maps and charts, have overrun the amount of the fund belonging to the dis trict for the year. In all such cases the Superintendent should decline to sign a requisition in payment of the bills in excess of the moneys accruing to the district for the school year for which the contracts are made. (See Section 1623 of the Political Code.) 1713. Except in cities not divided into school districts, the Library Fund consists of ten per cent of the State School Fund annually appor tioned to the district, unless ten per cent exceed fifty dollars, in which event it consists of fifty dollars, annually taken from the fund so appor tioned. 1714. In cities not divided into school districts, the Library Fund consists of the sum of fifty dollars for every one thousand children between the ages of five and seventeen years, annually taken from the State School Fund apportioned to the city. In cities not divided into school districts, the Library Fund should be apportioned by the Superintendent, or Board of Education, in such cities, in proportion to the number of children between the ages of five and seventeen years belonging to the respective schools. By this means every school in such cities may have the benefit of the Library Fund. 1715. Libraries are under the control of the Board of Trustees or City Board of Education, and must be kept, when practicable, in the school houses. 1716. The library is free to all pupils of a suitable age belonging to the school; and any resident of the district may become entitled to its privileges by the payment of such a sum of money for life membership, or such annual or monthly fee, as may be prescribed by the Trustees. 1717. The Trustees shall be held accountable for the proper care and preservation of the library, and shall have power to assess and collect all fines, penalties, and fees of membership, and to make all needful rules and regulations not provided for by the State Board of Education, and not inconsistent therewith; and they shall report annually to the County Superintendent all library statistics which may be required by the blanks furnished for the purpose by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Section 1521 of the Political Code makes it the duty of the State Board of Education to adopt rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of this State, for the government of school district libraries. In compliance with this provision of the law the State Board has adopted the following: RULES FOR DISTRICT LIBRARIES. 1. The Librarian appointed by the Trustees shall properly label and number each book in the district library, and keep a catalogue of the same, showing the title and number of each book. 2. The library shall be open for drawing and returning books [here insert such time as may be determined by the Trustees and Librarian.] 3. Every child attending school shall be entitled to the privileges of the library; but when the number of books is insufficient to supply all the pupils, the Librarian shall determine the manner in which books may be drawn. 4. No person shall be entitled to two books from the library at the same time, and no family shall draw more than one book while other families wishing books remain unsupplied. 5. No person shall loan a library book to any one out of his own house, under a penalty of fifty cents for each offense. 6. No person shall retain a book from the library more than two weeks, under a penalty of ten cents for each day he may so retain it; and no person may draw the same book a second time while any other person wishes to draw it. 7. Any person losing or destroying a library book shall pay the cost of such book and a fine of fifty cents; and any person injuring a book by marking, tearing, or unnecessarily soiling it, shall be liable to a fine of not less than ten cents nor more than the cost of the book, to be determined by the Librarian. 8. Any person refusing or neglecting to pay any penalty or fine shall not be allowed to draw any book from the library. 9. The Librarian shall report to the Trustees, quarterly, the amount of fines imposed and collected, and the amount received for membership dues; and all moneys accruing from these sources shall be expended for the purchase or repair of books. 10. Any person, other than pupils attending, resident in the school district, may become entitled to the privileges of the school library by the payment of an admission fee of one dollar and a monthly member ship of twenty-five cents. 11. Any person resident in the district who shall pay to the Trustees the sum of ten dollars shall be entitled to a life membership privilege of the library. 12. The Librarian shall report, annually, to the District Clerk, on or before the tenth day of July, the number and condition of books in the library, the number and titles of books received by donation, the num ber and titles of books purchased, the amount of State School Library Fund expended, and the amount derived from fines and membership fees. It is the duty of the Clerk of each Board of District Trustees and the Secretary of each Board of Education to place each number of the offi cial educational journal in the school library of his district on or before the end of the month in which such number was issued. NOTE. Each library book must be stamped with the official district stamp. (See Sec tion 1712, School Law.) Libraries are well-springs of both profit and pleasure in every com munity. It ought, therefore, to be a source of great pride on the part of Superintendents, teachers, Trustees, and people to see that their school libraries are selected and kept with the utmost care. It is not intended that these libraries shall be merely school ornaments; they should be made instruments of great good; and they may be made so, if the teachers and Trustees will give to them that attention which their importance demands. Teachers should make it a point to instruct the pupils how to use the library books, and to earnestly and persistently urge and encourage pupils to avail themselves of the profit and the pleasure afforded by the library. Regular times for giving out and returning books should be designated; and the rules adopted by the State Board of Education and by the Boards of Education and Boards of Trustees should be carefully observed. California has reason to be proud of her excellent school library system; but, excellent as it is, it may be made still more excellent and efficient as an educational means by due attention on the part of those interested, and all persons are, or ought to be, interested. The list of books previously published by the State" Board of Educa tion has been carefully revised, and many new books have been added thereto. I have endeavored to classify the books recommended, yet I feel that this classification is somewhat defective, for the simple reason that it is not possible to make proper classification without opportunity to examine the books. For the convenience of Trustees and teachers in making out their orders for books, I have specified, as far as I have been able to learn it, the publisher s retail price of the books. In this work I have had the able assistance of Prof. W. H. V. Raymond, to whom my acknowledg ment is due and is sincerely tendered. I have also provided that blank pages should be inserted after each class of books, in order that the names of any books hereafter recom mended may be inserted. By consent of the State Board of Examiners, I have also provided that a number of copies sufficient to supply the offices of the County and City Superintendents, and every school library, shall be prepared in bound form. I desire to impress upon Superintendents, Trustees, and teachers the fact that these copies are State property, and are to be placed in the offices of the Superintendents, and in the libraries, as library books. The list is not provided for general distribution, but for the school officers; it is, therefore, hoped that proper care will be taken to preserve the, copies. Superintendent of Public Instruction. LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS. AGRICULTURE. Author. Title. Price. Hyatt T. H Hand-Book of Grape Culture $2 00 Morris E Farming for Boys 1 25 Pratt, Mrs. E. F. How Two Girls Tried Farming 50 Roe, E. P. Success with Small Fruits 1 50 Spalding, Wm. The Orange; Its Culture in California Stewart H Irrigation for Farm Garden and Orchard 1 50 Strong, W. C. Fruit Culture 1 00 Waring, G. E. _. Book of the Farm 2 00 AVinslow I The Principles of Agriculture 60 Wickson, Edw. J. California Fruits 3 00 Youatt, Wm. On the Horse 2 00 Two Years Behind the Plow 1 00 ARCHITECTURE. Author. Title. Price. $2 50 Bicknell j School Architecture. _ . Dabb I Practical Designs for School Houses. . Johonnot, J School Houses 3 00 Leland, H. E Farm Homes 1 50 Palliser . . i ModernHouses (includingSchool Houses) BIOGRAPHY. Author. Title. Price. Abbott J S. C. American Pioneer Patriot Series each $1 25 Abbott J S C Columbus, Franklin, De Soto, Boone, La Salle, Washington, Standish, Paul Jones, Kidd, David Crockett, etc. Stuyvesant, Biographies each 1 00 Alger, H., Jr. SET I. SET. II. Cyrus, Richard III, Darius, Mary Queen of Scots, Xerxes, Elizabeth, Alexander, Charles I, Peter the Great, Charles II. Genghis Kahn, SET III. SET. IV. Romulus, Cleopatra, Hannibal, Marie Antoinette, Pyrrhus, Josephine, Julius Caesar, Hortense, Nero, Madame Roland. SET V. SET VI. Alfred, King Philip, William the Con- Hernando Cortez, queror, Henry IV, Richard I, Louis XIV, Richard II, Joseph Bonaparte, Margaret of Anjou, Louis Philippe. Backwoods Boy to President 1 25 Alger H Jr From Canal Boy to President 1 25 American Statesmen Series each 1 25 J. Q. Adams, James Monroe, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, J. C. Calhoun, John Adams, Andrew Jackson, James Marshall, John Randolph, Samuel Adams, etc. American Men of Letters each _ _ . 1 25 Arnold I N Washington Irving, Margaret F. Ossoli, Noah Webster, Ralph Waldo Emer- H. D. Thoreau, son, George Riplev, Edgar A. Poe, J. F. Cooper, N. P. Willis, etc. Life of Abraham Lincoln 1 50 Austin, G. L. Longfellow, his Life, Works, and Friend ships 2 00 Austin, G. L Life and Times of Wendell Phillips 1 50 Bancroft, Aaron Life of Washington _ _._- _ . . _ 75 Bartlett, D. W. Joan of Arc - - .____. 75 Besley, A. H. Sir John Franklin . Biographical Series of Houghton, Mifflin & Co each 60 Bell, N. M. Robert Burns, Joan of Arc, William Pitt, Mahomet, Frederick the Great, Oliver Cromwell, Julius Caesar, Mary Stuart, Columbus, Peter the Great (2 Martin Luther, vols.). Hannibal, Heroes of American Discovery. _. 1 25 Bolton, S K Poor Bovs W T ho Became Famous 1 50 Bolton. S. K. Girls Who Became Famous . . 1 50 Author. BIOGRAPHY Continued. Title. Price. Bolton, S. K. Brackbury, C. B. ! Brewster, D ! Brooks, E. S. I Brooks, E. S : Brown, E. E Brown, E. E. Cornell, W. L Denison, C. W. j Drake, S. A j Dyer, Oliver . ...I Edgar, A. J | Edgar, A. J Edgar, A. J. _ . J Farmer, D. H. J Hale, E. E._. Hanaford, P. A. Headley, J. T. . Headley, J. T. _ Headley, P. C Headley, P. C Headley, P. C Headley, P. C Headley, P. C Irving, Washington Irving, Washington Jenkins, I. S Johnson, Wm. Keating, J. M. Knox, T.W Knox, T. W Langhorne, J. W.. - Mann, Mrs Marenholtz, Bulow Marshall, W Famous American Authors Frederick the Great. Life of Isaac Newton Historic Boys Historic Girls Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes. . . Life of Lowell Life and Career of Horace Greeley The Tanner Boy (Grant) Our Great Benefactors Great Senators Boyhood of Great Men Footprints of Famous Men _ Sea Kings and Naval Heroes Boys Book of Famous Rulers Famous Boys, and How they became Great Men Famous Boy Series each Patriot Boy (Washington), Bobbin Boy (N. P. Banks), Border Boy (Daniel Boone), Printer Boy (Franklin). Farragut, and other Great Naval Com manders - Lights of Two Centuries Abraham Lincoln, his Life and Public Services Washington and his Generals (2 vols.) j each Napoleon and his Marshals (2 vols.) each Life and Deeds of U. S. Grant.. Life of Napoleon Life of Josephine Life of Mary Queen of Scots Life of Lafayette Columbus (condensed) Washington (condensed) Life of Andrew Jackson Wm. Lloyd Garrison and his Times With Grant in the East Boys and Girls Marco Polo Fulton and the History of Steam Navi gation Plutarch s Lives (4 vols.) each . Life of Horace Mann Reminiscences of Frocbel Men of Mark Men Who Have Risen . $1 50 1 00 2 00 2 OC 1 5C 1 25 1 5C 1 2 3 5C 1 OC 1 OC 1 OC 1 5C 1 2 1 OC 1 4( 1 2] 1 2J 1 5< 1 5< 1 51 1 5! 1 51 1 5< 1 5 2 5 1 7 1 2 2 5 1 5 1 2 1 2 Author. BIOGRAPHY Continued. Title. Morley, John Motley, J. L. Parton, Jas. Parton, Jas. Parton, Jas. . _. Parton, Jas. Parton, Jas. Parton, Jas. Roberts, J. S Roosevelt, B. Smith, H. A Sparks, Jared Strickland, Agnes Taylor & Scudder Warburton Whipple, E. P. English Men of Letters each Lamb, Burns, Bentley, Spenser, Dickens, Thackeray Gray, Burke, Swift, Milton, Sterne, Hawthorne, Fielding, Southey, Sheridan, Chaucer, Addison, Bunyan, Bacon, Cowper, Byron, Pope, etc. Sam l Johnson Locke, Gibbon, Wordsworth, Shelley, Dryden, Hurne, Landor, Goldsmith, DeQuincey, DeFoe, Peter the Great Life of Franklin (2 vols.) Life of Jefferson Life of Burr (2 vols.) each Famous Americans of Recent Times Captains of Industry Noted Princes, Authors, and Statesmen __ David Livingstone . Longfellow s Home Life One Hundred Famous Americans Life of Washington jach Queens of England (Students Series) _ Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor (2 vols.) Edward the Third Recollections of Eminent Men Wirt, Wm. Patrick Henry Wright, J.McN Twelve Noble Men . _ _ _ English Men of Action each Gordon, Monk, Clive, Henry V, Stafford, Drake, Livingston, Warren Hastings, Warwick, Lord, Peterborough, Napier, Lawrence, Captain Cook, Montrose, Wellington, Havelock, Rodney. Dampier, Price. 75 25 50 50 50 50 25 2 75 50 50 50 25 25 00 00 50 75 00 75 CIVICS. Author. Title. Price. Andrews, I. W. _ . Manual of the Constitution Dawes, Anna L Dole, Chas. F Evans, Taliesen Fiske, J How We Are Governed The American Citizen American Citizenship Civil Government of the United States __ FiskeJ J I American Political Ideas Griffin, W. A. j Civics for Young Americans Laughlin, J. L. Elements of Political Economy Macy, J. Peterman, A. L. Tourgee, A. W Woolsey, Theodore Our Government Elements of Civil Government. Letters to a King International Law $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 75 60 2 00 2 50 Author. Augsburg Baker, L Barry, C. A... Bradfield Garin, Paul A. Garin, Paul A. Prang Schoof,G Scott, W. B. _ . DRAWING. Title. Price. Drawing Simplified I $1 00 Theory of Design \ 1 25 Primer of Design 75 Drawing Outlines of Industrial Drawing, Part I. _ . 75 Outlines of Industrial Drawing, Part II __ 75 Shorter Course, and Teacher s Manual. _ . ! 50 Manual of Industrial Art (2 books) ! 1 50 History and Practice of the Fine and j Ornamental Arts | 3 00 Outlines of the History of Art EDUCATION. Author. Title. Price. Allen, Jerome Mind Studies for Young Teachers $0 50 Allen Jerome Temperament in Education 50 Bain, Alex. Education as a Science 1 75 Baldwin, J. Art of School Management- _. 1 50 Baldwin, J. Elementary Psychology and Education 1 50 Ballou, E. L. Lessons in Right Doing 42 Betz, Carl Light Gymnastics . 1 00 Blakie, John S. Self-Culture __....__. . 25 Blakiston, J. R. The Teacher 5 Hints in School Manage ment 1 00 Boone R G Education in the United States 1 50 Brackett, Anna Education of American Girls 1 50 Bradley, Milton Color in the School-Room 1 00 Brooks, E. Normal Methods of Teaching 2 25 Buckland, A. Use of Stories in the Kindergarten (paper) 30 Crafts, W. F. Plain Uses of the Blackboard and Slate 1 25 Compayre Lectures on Teaching 1 75 De Guimps, Roger Pestalozzi; His Life and Works 1 50 Froebel, F. The Education of Man .. __ 1 50 Frye, Alex. E. Geography Teaching, with Sand Modeling 1 25 Gill Systems of Education : 1 10 Greenwood, J. M. Principles of Education Applied 1 00 Gustavson, Axtel The Foundations of Death 1 50 Hale, E. E. Self-Education; How to Do It 1 00 Hailman . _ _ _ History of Pedagogy 60 Hailman Lectures on Education I 00 Hailman Primary Methods 60 Hall, Fitzedward Modern English. . _ ._ Hall G. S. Methods of Teaching History 1 30 Herbert, J. F. A Text-Book in Psychology 1 25 Hodgson, W. B. Errors in the Use of English 75 Holbrook, Alfred Normal Methods of Teaching 1 50 Hopkins, L. P. How Shall My Child be Taught 1 00 Howland, George Practical Hints for Teachers of Public Schools 1 00 Hughes, Jas. L. Securing Attention 50 Hughes, Jas. L. Mistakes in Teaching 50 James, Wm. Psychology (2 vols ) 4 00 Johonnot, J. Principles and Practice of Teaching 1 50 Kay, David Memory 1 50 Kellogg, A. M. The Ne\v Education 75 Kellogg, Amos M. School Management 65 Kingslev, C. Health and Education 1 75 Klemm L R European Schools* or \Vhat I Saw in the Schools of Germany, France, Aus tria, and Switzerland __ _ 2 00 Lanee, Helene . Higher Education of Women in Europe. 1 00 EDUCATION Continued. Author. Title. Price. Laurie S. S. The Rise and Early Constitution of Uni versities, with a Survey of Mediaeval Education . $1 50 Mansfield E D American Education 1 50 McArthur, Arthur _ . . Education in its Relation to Manual Industry 1 50 Morgan T J Educational Mosaics _ _ _ _ 1 50 Morris R Anna Physical Education Morrison _ _ _ _ The Ventilation and Warming of School Buildings 75 Mowry W A Talks with My Boys . . _ _ . 75 Northend C Teacher and Parent - - - 1 50 PqO-P D P Theory and Practice of Teaching 1 25 a. <igc, u . i. Palmer, A. B. The Temperance Teachings of Science __ 50 Painter A History of Education _ _ 1 50 Parker F W Talks on Teaching 1 00 Parker F W The Practical Teacher Parker F W How to Study Geography . _ 1 50 Pavne W H Rousseau s Emile 1 50 PiokflvH T L School Supervision 1 00 Prever ^^ The Senses and the Will 1 50 Preyer W The Development of the Intellect . 1 50 Quick, R. H. Essays on Educational Reformers 1 50 Rade^tock Habit in Education _ . _ . _ . 75 Raub A N Methods of Teaching TJrmpnkranz T K F The Philosophy of Education 1 50 SVinfifpr Virginia C How to Remember History SriPimpi* "FTpi liprij Education 1 25 Sully James Teachers Hand-book of Psychology 1 50 Swett John History of the Public School System in California 1 50 Swett John Methods of Teaching . 1 00 Watts J On the Mind -- - - . 60 White R G Words and Their Uses 1 00 Woodward Manual Training School 2 00 The Schoolmaster in Literature . 1 40 ELOCUTION. Author. Title. Price. Baker, G. M. Prize Speaker $1 00 Baker, G. M. Handy Speaker 1 00 Bell, A. M. Essays and Postscripts on Elocution ] 25 Bell, A. M. Principles of Elocution 1 50 Bronson, C. P. Vocal Philosophy - -- Cathcart, G. R. Literary Reader 1 15 Cathcart, G. R. Youth s Speaker 54 Cooke, C. A. _ Young Folks Speaker 1.00 Cummock, R. McL. School Speaker 1 00 Day, H. N Art of Discourse _ . . _ 1 00 Day, H. N. Art of Elocution . . 1 50 Fobes, W. K. Five-Minute Readings 50 Fobes, W. K. Five-Minute Recitations 50 Fobes, W. K. Five-Minute Declamations 50 Fobes, W. K. Elocution Simplified 50 Frobisher, J. E. Voice and Action 1 25 Goss, John _ Forensic Eloquence _ 1 25 Hamill, S. S. New Science of Elocution 1 75 Kidd, R. New Elocution and Vocal Culture 1 00 Murdock & Russell _ _ Vocal Culture 1 25 Murdock, J. E. _ Analytic Elocution 1 00 Potter, Mrs. J. B. My Recitations 1 00 Priest, S. M. Little Pieces for Little Speakers 75 Randall, A. T. Reading and Elocution 1 00 Raymond, G. L. Orators Manual, with Selections 1 50 Ross, W. T Voice Culture and Elocution 1 25 Speakers Garland (3 vols.) each 2 00 Swett, John School Elocution 1 25 Townsend, F Primer of Elocution and Action Warman, E. B. How to Read AVrite and Impersonate 75 Wilson, O. L.. Parlor Varieties (3 vols.) each 50 The Speaker s Complete Program 2 50 ETHICS. Author. Title. Price. Adler, Felix Gilman & Jackson Gow, A. M Gow, A. M Dewey, Julia M. Dewey, Julia M. Janet, Paul Ethical Training in Schools The Laws of Daily Conduct and Char acter Building The Primer of Politeness Good Morals and Gentle Manners Stories for Home and School How to Teach Manners Elements of Morals . $1 00 50 1 00 FICTION. Author. Blackmore, R. D Blackmore, R. D Bulwer, Sir E. Lytton. Bulwer, Sir E. Lytton. Bulwer, Sir E. Lytton . Bulwer, Sir E. Lytton, Bulwer, Sir E. Lytton _ Bulwer, Sir E. Lytton. Catherwood, M. N. _ _ _ Charles, Mrs. E. Charles, Mrs. E Clark, R. S Cooper, J. F Cooper, J. F Cooper, J. F Crawford, F. M Crawford, F. M Crawford, F. M Crawford, F. M Crawford, F. M Curtis, Geo. Wm Dickens, Chas Dickens, Chas Dickens, Chas Dickens, Chas Dickens, Chas Dickens, Chas Dickens, Chas Dickens, Chas Dickens, Chas Dickens, Chas Dickens, Chas Dickens, Chas Dickens, Chas Dickens, Chas Ebers, George Ebers, George Ebers, George Ebers, George Ebers, George Eliot, Geo Eliot, Geo. Eliot, Geo Eliot, Geo Eliot, Geo. Gaskell, E. C. Hawthorne, N Hawthorne, N Hawthorne, N Hawthorne, N Title. Maid of Sker Lorna Doone Last Days of Pompeii What Will He Do with It? The Caxtons Harold Rienzi Last of the Barons The Romance of Dollord Early Dawn Schouberg Cotta Family. Drone s Honey Leather-Stocking Tales (5vols.) each__ The Spy The Pilot Mr. Isaacs Dr. Claudius Saracinesca Tale of a Lonely Parish Roman Singer Prue and I Hard Times Tale of Two Cities Nicholas Nickleby David Copperfield Old Curiosity Shop Dombey and Son Bleak House Christmas Stories Pickwick Papers Our Mutual Friend Oliver Twist Little Dorritt Martin Chuzzlewit Barnaby Rudge Uarda (2 vols. ) Emperor (2 vols. ) The Sisters Serapis Joshua Middlemarch ( 2 vols. ) each Daniel Deronda (2 vols.) each Felix Holt Adam Bede Romola Sylvia s Lovers Twice Told Tales (2 vols.) each Mosses from an Old Manse(2vols.) each House of Seven Gables Wonder Book.. Price. $1 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 00 00 50 50 50 1 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 25 25 75 75 75 75 75 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 FICTION Continued. Author. Title. Hawthorne, N. Hawthorne, N Hawthorne, N Hawthorne, N Hawthorne, N Hawthorne, N Holland, J. G Holland, J. G. Holland, J. G Holland, J. G Holland, J. G Holland, J. G. _ Holland, J. G Holme&, O.W.. .__ __. Holmes. O. W Howard, B. W. Howard, B. W. Howard, B. W. Howe, E. W Howe, E. W. Howells, W. D. Howells, W. D Howells, W. D Howells, W. D. Howells, W. D Howells, W. D Hugo, Victor Hugo, Victor Jackson, H. H. Jackson, H. H. Jewett, Sarah O. Jewett, Sarah O. Jones, M. P Kingsley, C Kingsley, C Kingsley, C Marryat, F. McDonald, Geo McDonald, Geo McDonald, Geo McDonald, Geo McDonald, Geo McDonald, Geo Miller, Joaquin Muloch, Dinah (Craik) Muloch, Dinah (Craik) Muloch, Dinah(Craik) Muloch, Dinah (Craik) Muloch, Dinah (Craik) Murfree, M. N Blithedale Romance Our Old Home Marble Faun (2 vols.) each Tanglewood Tales Scarlet Letter . Grandfather s Chair Sevenoaks Nicholas Minturn Bay Path Arthur Bonnicastle Miss Gilbert s Career Titcomb s Letters to Young People Goldfoil _ Price. $1 00 00 00 00 1 00 Elsie Venner Guardian Angel One Summer Guenn Aulnay Tower Story of a Country Town Moonlight Boy Rise o f Silas Lapham Indian Summer Fearful Responsibility Lady of the Aroostook . Their Wedding Journey Chance Acquaintance .. Ninety-three Les Miserables Ramona_ Zeph Marsh Island Country Doctor Rebekah Hypatia Amyos Leigh Hereward Children of the New Forest Robert Falconer Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood Seaboard Parish Sir Gibbie Marquis of Lossie David Elginbrod Shadows of Shasta John Halifax, Gentleman A Christian s Mistake A Brave Lady A Noble Life My Mother and I Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains _ 00 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 00 00 25 1 50 50 50 50 1 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 50 50 50 25 25 75 00 00 1 00 25 75 25 75 25 1 25 75 00 90 90 90 90 90 25 FICTION Continued. Author. Title. Price. Murfree M N. In the Clouds $1 25 Murfree M N Where the Battle was Fought 1 25 Parker, Helene Constance Aylmer _ 60 Phelps E. S. Dr. Zay 1 25 Phelps E S. Friends _ _ . 1 25 Phelps, E. S. . -_. Beyond the Gates . 1 25 Phelps, E. S. Gates Ajar. 1 50 Poe E A. Complete Works (6 vols.), $9; (4 vols.) 5 00 Reade Chas The Cloister and the Hearth 1 50 Ruskin, J. King of the Golden River 24 Saintaine, H. B. Picciola (paper) 50 Scott Walter Ivanhoe _ Scott, Walter . _ Kenilworth Scott, Walter Rob Roy _ _ _ Scott Walter Old Mortality Scott Walter Guy Mannering Scott, Walter _ . Heart of Mid-Lothian Scott, Walter Waver ley Scott Walter Woodstock Stowe, H. B. We and Our Neighbors. _ . 1 50 Stowe, H. B. Uncle Tom s Cabin 1 00 Stowe, H. B. Pearl of Orr s Island 1 50 Stowe H B Minister s Wooing 1 50 Stowe, H. B. Dred 1 50 Stowe, H. B. My Wife and I 1 50 Stowe H B. Old Town Folks 1 50 Stowe H B Sam Lawson s Fireside Stories 1 50 Thackeray, W. M. Vanity Fair 1 25 Thackeray, W. M. Newcomes 1 25 Thackeray, W. M. Virginians 1 25 Thackeray, W. M. Henry Esmond 1 25 Thackeray, W. M. Pendennis 1 25 Tourgee A W\ A Fool s Errand 1 00 Tourgee A W^ Bricks without Straw 1 50 Tourgee, A. W. Royal Gentleman 1 50 Tourgee, A. W. Black Ice 1 25 Wallace, Lew Ben Hur 1 50 Wallace, Lew Fair God 1 50 Ware, Wm. Aurelian 85 Winthrop, Theo. Edwin Brotherloft 80 Woolson C F Anne 1 25 Woolson C F East Angels 1 25 HISTORY. Author. Title. Price. Alton Edmund Among the Lawmakers $2 50 Anderson Jno J. Historical Reader 1 56 Appleton School History of the World . 1 22 Barnes Brief History of Ancient People 1 00 Barnes General History 1 60 Barnes, Mary Sheldon Studies in American History Beesly, A. The Gracchi, Marius and Sylla 1 00 Benjamin, S. T. W..__ Troy; Its Legends, History, and Litera ture 1 00 Bishop C E Pictures from English History 1 25 Bonner, J. Child s History of Greece ( 2 vols. ) each 1 25 Bonner, J. Child s History of Rome (2 vols.) each 1 25 Bonner, J. Child s History of United States (3 vols.), each 1 25 Bradford, Wm._ History of Plymouth Plantation Bright, J. Frank English History for Schools (3 vols.) 5 00 Brooks, E. S. French History for English Children Bryant, W. C. Pictorial History of the United States (4 vols.) each 6 00 Buckle, H. T. History of Civilization in England (2 vols.) 6 00 Bulwer, Sir E. L. _ Athens; Its Rise and Fall 1 50 Burnham The Struggles of the Nations (2 vols ) Calcott, Lady__ Little Arthur s History of England Calcott, Lady Little Arthur s History of France Calcott, Lady Picture History of England for the Young Capes, W. W The Early Empire.. 1 00 Capes, W. W._. The Age of Antonines 1 00 Champlin, J D Young Folks History of the \V T ar for the Union _ ___ 2 75 Cheeny, C. E. Young Folks History of the Civil War 1 50 Church, A. J. Two Thousand Years Ago 1 50 Church, A. J. With the King at Oxford 1 50 Church, A. J. Stories of the East from Herodotus 1 50 Church, A. J Stories of the Persian War 1 50 Church, R. W. The Beginning of the Middle Ages 1 00 Collier, W. F. S Great Events of History 1 50 Cox, G. W Greeks and Persians 1 00 Cox, G. W._ _ . _ The Crusades 1 00 Cox, G. W. The Athenian Empire 1 00 Creighton, M. . The Age of Elizabeth 1 00 Curtis, A. M. The Macedonian Empire to the Death of Alexander the Great 1 00 Dickens, Charles Child s History of England 1 50 Dixon, W. H Her Majesty s Tower (2 vols.) 3 50 Gallant Deeds Library Great Men and Gallant Deeds 1 00 Sand Hills of Jutland 1 00 Schoolboy s Days 1 00 Yarns of an Old Mariner _ 1 00 HISTORY Continued. Author. Dodge, \V. S. Edgar, J. G.. Fisher, G. P. Fiske, J Fiske, J. .. Title. Stories of American History History for Boys Outlines of Universal History War of Independence The Critical Period of American History Freeman, E. A. _ . General Sketch of History Freeman, E. A ! Norman Conquest (5 vols.) each Freeman, E. A Freeman, E. A Gairdner, Gardiner, S. R. Gardiner, S. R. ___ Gilman, Arthur . Gilman, Gilman, Arthur Arthur Gilman, Arthur Gilman, Arthur Green, George _. Mrs. H. H. A. H R. . Green, J. R Guizot Hale, E. E. Hale, E. E. _ Hale, E. E. Hentz, G. A. Higginson, T. W. ... Higginson, T. W. Higginson, T. W. Ihne, W... Jackson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, R. Johonnot, J. Kingsley, C Kirkland, E. S Ladd, H. O Lodge, H. C. Longman, F. M. Lord, John Lord, John Lossing, B. J. Lossing, B. J. _ History Primer Europe Old English History !~~~!! Houses of York and Lancaster The Puritan Revolution The Thirty Years War [, Historical Readers: Disco very and Exploration of America Colonization of North America Making of the American Nation First Steps in General History Kings, Queens, and Barbarians History of the American People Magna Charta Stories Historical View of the American Revolu tion _ * . Short History of the English People History of Civilization History of the United States . The Fall of the Stuarts The Western Empire The Young Carthaginians History of the United States Young Folks History of the United States Young Folks Bookof American Explorers Early Rome, to Its Destruction by the Gauls .. 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Morris, Charles Half Hours with Am. History (2 vols.). . Morris, E. E. . . :l The A^e of Anne Morris, W. 0. French Revolution and First Empire General Historv . . Myers, P. V. N. Nevins, J. L._ _ _. China and the Chinese Parkman, F. - Pioneers of France in the New World American History Stories (4 vols.) each_ California Pratt Mara L Royce, Josiah Schouler History of the United States (2 vols.) .. _ . Tales of a Grandfather; or, History of Scotland . ! Scott, Walter Scudder,H. E Boston Town. ........ i Siebohm, F. The Era of the Protestant Revolution-.. National Re verm PS Shaw, Albert Smith, R. B. . _ . J Rome and Carthage Strickland, Agnes Youn^ Folks Queens of England Strickland, Agnes Stubbs, W . Stories from English History The Earlv Pla.ntnp-enets 1 00 1 44 1 20 1 60 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 25 1 50 9 00 1 50 1 50 50 50 50 50 00 1 50 1 25 75 1 75 1 75 Swinton, Win. Outlines of the World s History Thalheimer . _ General History Thalheimer _ Manual of Ancient Histnrv Towle, G. M. Young People s History of England Youno- Peonle s Historv of Trelanrl Towle, G. M. War burton, W. j Edward the Third ! Wheeler, L. N 1 Foreigner in China Wikoff, H. The Four Civilizations of the World Middle Kingdom China (2 vols ) Williams, S. W Wright, H. C. _ Children s Stories in American History __ Children s Stories of American Progress. Aunt Charlotte s Stories of American History Wright, H. C. Yonge, C. M. Yonge, C. M. . History of England Yonge, C. M History of Rome Yonge, C. M Young Folks History of Greece Yonge, C. M. Child s History of France Stories of Greek History Yonge, C. M. Yonge, C. M. Christians and Moors in Spain Story of the City of New York Story of the City of Boston Story of the City of Washington HISTORY Continued. Author. Title. Price. Various authors Story of the Nations Series each _ .; $1 50 Story of Greece, Story of the Jews, Story of Germany, Story of Spain, Story of Carthage, Story of the Normans, Story of Persia, Story of Alexander s Empire, Story of the Goths, Story of Media, Baby lon, and Persia, Story of Holland, Story of Phoenicia. Story of Early Britain, Story of Russia, Story of Jews under Rome, Young Folks Histories: Netherlands, Germany, Mexico, Russia, France, Rome, Story of Rome, Story of Chaldea, Story of Norway, Story of Hungary, Story of the Moors of Spain, Story of Ancient Egypt, Story of Assyria, Story of Ireland, Story of Turkey, Story of Mediaeval France, Story of Mexico, Story of the Towns, Story of the Barbary Corsairs, Story of Scotland, Story of Switzerland. America, England, Greece. Author. JUVENILE. Title. Price. Museum, Travels, Correspondence, Philosophy Water, Philosophy Air, Philosophy Fire, Philosophy Sky. Abbott, Jacob Hollo Books (14 vols.) Rollo Learning to Walk, Hollo Learning to Read, Rollo at Work, Rollo at Play, Rollo at School, Hollo s Vacation, Experiments, Abbott, Jacob Jonas Books ( 6 vols. ) . Jonas Stories, Jonas, a Judge, Jonas on a Farm Winter, Jonas on a Farm Summer, Caleb in Town, Caleb in the Country. Abbott, Jacob Lucy Books (6 vols. ) _ _ Lucy s Stories, Lucy s Conversations, Lucy s Stories, Lucv at Play, Lucy on the Sea-shore, Lucy on the Mountains. Abbott, Jacob j Little Learner Series (5 vols.) _ . Learning to Talk, Learning to Think, Learning to Read, Learning about Common Things, Learning about Right and Wrong. Abbott, Jacob Science for the Young (4 vols.) Heat, Water and Land, Light, Force. Abbott, Jacob. _ . Marco Paul Series (6 vols.) In New York, On the Erie Canal, In the Forests of Maine, In Vermont, In Boston, At the Springfield Armory. Adams, W. T. _ Young America Abroad, first and second series (12 vols.) each Outward Bound, Shamrock and Thistle, Red Cross, Dikes and Ditches, Down the Rhine, Northern Lands, Page, Squire and Knight The Land of the Incas _ _ Little Men Little Women _ $8 75 4 50 4 50 3 75 6 00 5 40 Adams Adams Alcott, L. M. Alcott, L. M. Alcott, L. M. Alcott, L. M. Alcott, L. M. Alcott, L. M. Alcott, L. M. Alcott, L. M. Alcott, L. M. Alcott, L. M. Sunny Shores, Vine and Olive, Palace and Cottage, Up the Baltic, Cross and Crescent, Isles of the Sea. 1 50 Jo s Boys Old-Fashioned Girl _ _ Eight Cousins Rose in Bloom Under the Lilacs Hospital Sketches Jack and Jill Work 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 50 50 50 JUVENILE Continued. Author. Title. Price. Alcott, L. M. Alcott, L. M. Alden, G. R. Alden, Alden, Scrap-Bag Series (6 vols.) each My Boy Dys, Sliawl Stra an My Girls, Cupid and Chow Chow, Jimmy s Cruise in the Pinafore, An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving. Spinning-wheel Stories (3 vols.) each Endless Chain Chautauqua Girls at Home Hall in the Grove Links in Rebecca s Life Mrs. Solomon Smith Pansy Esther Reid _. $1 00 1 25 G.R G. R.__ Alden, G. R.._. Alden, G.R Alden, Mrs. I. M,.. Alden, Mrs. I. M... Alden, Mrs. I. M 1 Four Girls at Chautauqua Alden, Mrs. I. M Julia Reid Story of a Bad Boy Fairy Tales _" ~ Wonder Book Ten Boys Seven Little Sisters Andrews, Jane j Each and All Andrews, Jane j Stories Mother Nature Told Arthur, T. S j Home Stories (6 vols. ) each . Hidden Wings, Sowing the Wind, Aldrich, T. B. Anderson, H. C. Anderson, H. C. Andrews, Jane_. .Andrews, Jane. . Bache, R. M Baker, S. W Bamford, May E. Bamford, May E. Bamford, May E. Beard, Daniel C Beard, Daniel C Benedict Biart, L. _. Bishop, N. H. Blaisdell Blaisdell . 25 50 50 50 50 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 00 Brackett, Anna C. Brooks, Noah Brooks, Noah Brown, Eli F Buckley, A. B._ Buckley, A. B._ Burnett, F. H. _ Burnett, F. H. . Burnett, F. H._ Butter worth, H. Sunshine at Home, The Peacemaker, After a Shadow, Not Anything for Peace. Young Wreckers of the Florida Reef True Tales for My Sons The Look-About Club My Land and Water Friends Up and Down the Brooks American Boys 7 Handy Book American Girls Handy Book My Wonder Story Adventures of a Young Naturalist A Thousand Miles Across South America Our Bodies and How We Live Child s Book of Health How to Keep Well The Silver Treasury Boy Emigrants Fairport Nine The House We Live In Health for Little Folks Through Magic Glasses Life and Her Children Editha s Burglar Little Saint Elizabeth Little Lord Fauntleroy Zig-Zag Journeys 50 50 1 50 1 50 75 2 00 Carroll _ . Alice in Wonderland 1 25 1 75 1 50 60 30 42 2 25 1 50 1 25 50 60 1 50 1 50 45 1 50 2 00 2 50 1 00 JUVENILE Continued. Author. Carryl Carev, Alice Phoebe Chadwick, H._ Clark, H. H. _. Clarke, R.S.... Clarke, R.S... Clarke, R.S... Clarke, R.S... . Clarke, R.S.... Clarke, R. S.... and Title. j Price. Davy and Goblin I *j?i 50 Clarke, R. S. Clarke, R. S. Coffin, C. C. Coffin, C. C. Coffin, C. C. Coffin, C. C. Coffin, C. C. Coffin, C. C. Coffin, C. C. Coffin, C. C. Coolidge, I._ Cooper, J. F. Cooper, J. F Cooper Cox, Palmer Cox, Palmer Cox, Palmer Craik, D. M Davidson, Ellis Deane, F. A. Ballads for Little Folks Sports and Pastimes of American Boys Boy Life in the United States Navy Our Helen Janet Quinnebasset Girls A sbury Twins . Doctor s Daughter Dotty Dimple s Stories (6 vols.) each_. Dotty Dimple at Her Grandfather s, Dotty Dimple at Home, Dotty Dimple Out West, Dotty Dimple at Play, Dotty Dimple at School, Dotty Dimple Flyaway. Little Prudy s Stories (6 vols.) each... Little Prudy, Little Prudy s Sister Susy, Little Prudy s Captain Horace, Little Prudy s Cousin Grace, Little Prudy s Story Book, Little Prudy s Dotty Dimple. Little Prudy s Flyaway Series (6 vols.), each Little Folks Astray, Prudy Keeping House, Aunt Madge s Story, Little Grandmother, Little Grandfather, Miss Thistledown. Drum-beat of the Nation Boys of 61 Old Times in the Colonies frli:<A-igy pf Liberty, , Building the Nation . Boys of 76 Following the Flag My Days and Nights on the Battlefield.. Marching to Victory A Round Dozen i Sea Tales (5 vols.) each I The Pilot, Wing and Wing, The Red Rover, The Two Admirals. The Water Witch, Leather-Stocking Tales (5 vols.) each _. Deerslayer, Pioneers, Pathfinder, Prairie. Mohicans, Animal Life on Sea and Land Queer People with Paws and Claws The Brownies, Their Book Arthur Brownie Book Little Lame Prince Boy Joiner and Model Maker Little Folks Wonders, Sea and Shore.. 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 i 1 1 1 1 00 JUVENILE Continued. Author. Title. Deane, F. A. De Foe, Daniel Diaz, Mrs. A. M. Dickens, Chas. . Dodge, Mary Mapes . . Dodge, Mary Mapes . . Douglas, A. M. Douglas, A. M. _ DuChaillu, P.. DuChaillu, P. . . Dunton, Larkin Eggleston, E. . . Eggleston, E.._ Eggleston, E._. Eggleston, E.__ Eggleston, E. Little Talks about Plants Silver Wings and Golden Scales Robinson Crusoe William Henry Letters Little Folks Series (12 vols.) ... Child Wife, Oliver Twist, Jew Fagin, Little Nell, Fairy Cricket, Smike. Florence Dombey, Little Paul, Dolly Vardeii, Boy Joe, Sam Miller, Sissy June Tiny Tim, Dot, Dame Durden. Donald and Dorothy Hans Brinker The Fortunes of the Faraday s . .". . Kathie Stories (6 vols.) each In the Ranks, Kathie s Summer at Kathie s Three Wishes, Cedarwood, Kathie s Aunt Ruth, Kathie s Harvest Days. Kathie s Soldiers, Apingi Kingdom Stories of the Gorilla Country The World and Its People Brant and Red Jacket Pocahontas Red Eagle Tecumseh . Montezuma _ Eggleston, E ! The Hoosier School Boy Eggleston, E Farrar, C. A. J Finley, Martha .__ Strange Stories from History. . Down the West Branch _._ _.. Elsie Books (17 vols.) each Finley, Martha French, H. W French, H. W Gray, G. L Greey, Edward Greey, Edward .. Greey, Edward Grimm, J. L. and W. C. Grimm, J. L. and W. C. Grimm, J. L. and W. C. Gurney, Louise I. Hadley, Caroline Elsie Dinsmore, Elsie s Girlhood, Elsie s Holidays at Roselands, Elsie s Womanhood, Elsie s Motherhood, Elsie s Children, Elsie s Widowhood, Grandmother Elsie, Elsie s New Relations Elsie at Nantucket, Mildred Books (5 vols.) each Mildred and Elsie, Mildred Keith, Mildred at Home, Mildred s Married Life. Mildred at Roselunds, Our Boys in China Our Boys in India _._ Children s Crusades . The Two Elsies, Elsie s Kith and Kin, Elsie s Friends at Wood- hurn, Christmas with Grandma Elsie, Elsie and the Raymonds, Elsie Yachting with the Raymonds, Elsie s " llsie s Vacation. Young Americans in Japan Wonderful City of Tokio Bear Worshipers of Yezo Household Stories Popular Tales Fairy Tales Brownie and Bogles Woodsie; or, Look, Listen, Learn. JUVENILE Continued. Author. Hale,E. E Hale,E. E Hale, E. E Hale, E.E Hale, E. E Hale,E. E Hale, Gertrude E. Title. Price. Stories of War Stories of Adventure Stories of Discovery Stories of Invention Stories of the Sea _ . Boy Heroes Little Flower People Happy Child s Library (18 vols.) each_ Croft-on Boys, Poplar Grove, Dangers of Dining. Out, Somerville Hall, Domestic Tales, Early Friendships, Farmer s Daughter, First Impressions, Tired of Housekeeping, Twin Sisters, Chances and Changes, Goldmaker s Village, Near Too Late, Ocean Work, Rural Tales. Looking Glass for the Mind, Minister s Family, Peasant and Prince, Harper s Young People s Series (35 vols.) each _ Into Unknown Seas, Prince Lazy Bones, Wakulla, Hawthorne, N Hawthorne, N Hawthorne, N Hawthorne, N Hawthorne, N Hughes, Thos Hughes, Thos Harris, Ingelow, Jean Ingelow, Jean Irving, F. B._ . Jackson, H. H. Jackson, W. S Jewett, Sarah Arrne . . Johonnot, James Johonnot, James The Flamingo Feather, Music and Musicians, Strange Stories from History, Two Arrows, The Red Mustang, The Colonel s Money, Derrick Sterling, Dorymates, The Household of Glen Holly, A New Robinson Cru soe, Chrystal Jack & Co., Uncle Peter s Trust, Captain Poll, Nan. Toby Tyler, Mr. Stubb s Brother, Tim and Tip, Raising the Pearl, Silent Pete, Left Behind, The Moral Pirates, The Cruise of the Ghost, The Cruise of the Canal Club, The Adventures of Jim my Brown, Mildred s Bargain, Jo s Opportunity, Ralf House, The Four Macnicols, Who Was Paul Gray- son? The Talking Leaves, The Ice Queen, The Last City, Wonder Book _ _ Tanglewood Tales Twice Told Tales (2 vols.) True Stories from History Little Daffy downdilly and Other Stories J Tom Brown s School Days Tom Brown at Oxford ! American Authors for Young Folks Mopsa, the Fairy Stories Told a Child Six Girls Cat Stories Nature Study Playday Some Curious Flyers, Creepers, Swimmers Stories of Heroic Deeds _ iach Johonnot, James Stories of Our Country Johonnot, James ! Stories of Other Lands 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 40 1 25 1 75 25 50 50 50 30 50 40 30 40 40 Author. Johonnot, James. Johonnot, James. Johonnot, James. Johonnot, James. Johonnot, James. Johonnot, James. Kellogg, E... JUVENILE Continued. Title. Price. Kellogg, E. Kingsley, Chas Kingsley, Chas Kingsley, Chas Kingsley, Rose Kirby, M. and E Kirby, M.and E Kirby, M. and E Kirkland, E. S Kirkland, E. S Knox, T. W Knox, T.W Knox, T. W Knox, T.W Knox, T.W Knox, T.W Knox, T.W Lanier, Sidney Lanier, Sidney Lanier, Sidney Lanier, Sidney. _ . Lamb, C. and M Lawrence, Uncle Lockwood, S. Lockwood, S. Mann, Mrs. Horace Marryat, Capt Marryat, Florence Miller, Olive T Miller, Olive T. Moulton, Louise C. Mulock, Dinah M. Munger, T. T Nichols, Laura D Nichols, Laura D Stories of Olden Times Grandfather s Stories Glimpses of the Animate World How Nations Grow and Decay Neighbors with Claws and Hoofs, and Their Kin Neighbors with Wings and Fins, and Some Others Pleasant Cove Series (6 vols.) each Arthur Brown, the Child of the Island Glen, Young Captain, John Goodsol s Legacy, Young Deliverers, Fisher Boys of Ple as- Cruise of the Casco, ant Cove. Whispering Pine Series (6 vols.) each. A Stout Heart, Whispering Pine, Spark of Genius, Turning of the Tide, Sophomores of Rad- Winning His Spurs. cliffe, Madam How 7 and Lady Why Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales Water Babies Children of Westminster Stories about Birds Things in the Forest Aunt Martha s Corner Cupboard Six Little Cooks Dora s Housekeeping Boy Travelers in China and Japan Boy Travelers in Siam and Java . Boy Travelers in Egypt and Holy Land_ Boy Travelers in Africa Boy Travelers in South America Boy Travelers in Ceylon and India Dog Stories , Boys Froissart Boys King Arthur Boys Percy Knightly Legends of Wales Tales from Shakespeare Young Folks Whys and Wherefores Animal Memoirs Mammals Animal Memoirs Birds The Flower People Masterman Ready Open Sesame Little People of Asia Little Folks in Feathers and Fur Twilight Stories Adventures of a Brownie . On the Threshold Underfoot Nellie Marlow in Washington Jf O 54 27 1 00 54 1 25 2 00 40 50 1 00 2 50 75 1 00 1 25 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 00 25 00 00 2 00 2 1 2 JUVENILE Continued. Author. Title. Price. Niebuhr, B. G. Greek Hero Stories $1 00 Ober, Fred. A. Camps in the Caribbees 1 50 Packard A. S. Our Common Insects 2 50 Pendleton, Louis King Tom and the Runaways Phelps, E. S. Gypsy Books (4 vols.) each 1 00 Pratt, Mara L. . _ Gypsy Breynton, Gypsy s Cousin Joy, Gypsy s Sowing and Reaping, Gypsy s Year at the Golden Crescent. Little Flower Folks . . 30 Pratt, Mara L. Fairy Land of Flowers 1 25 Reid, Mayne The Giraffe Hunter 1 50 Richardson, J. Eyes Right 1 25 Richardson, Laura E. Four Feet, Two Feet, No Feet 1 75 Richardson Stories from Old English Poems 1 00 Rideing, W. H Boys in the Mountains . 2 50 Rideing, W. H. Boys Coastwise 1 75 Ruskin Precious Thoughts 1 00 Ruskin Pearls for Young Ladies _ _ 1 00 Ruskin True and Beautiful 1 00 Schwatka, F. Children of the Cold 1 00 Scudder H E Seven Little People and Their Friends 1 25 Scudder, H. E. Dream Children 1 00 Scudder, H. E. The Bodley Books (4 vols.) each 1 50 Sewell, Anna Bodley Grandchildren and Their Journey, Bodleys Afoot, Bodleys on Wheels, Bodleys Telling Stories. Black Beauty 25 Sewell, M. E. Little Jarvis A Prize Essay 1 00 Seymour, May__ Little Arthur at the Zoo Animals 80 Seymour, May . Little Arthur at the Zoo Birds 80 Shirley, Penn Little Miss Weezy 1 00 Sidney, Margaret. _ Five Little Peppers. 1 50 Sidney, Margaret. Half Year at Bracton 1 25 Sidney, Margaret Cat Tales for the Youngest 75 Simpson, Josephine Old Mother Earth, etc. 50 Smith, Helen A. Stories of Persons and Places in America 1 50 Stevenson, Robt. L. _ _ A Child s Garden of Verses 1 00 Stockton, Frank R._ _ Tales out of School _ _ 1 50 Stoddard, Wm. O. Crowded Out of Crowfield* or The Boy Who Made His Way in the World . . .. St. Pierre, J. H. Paul and Virginia 1 00 Tenney, Mrs. S. Young Folks 7 Pictures and Stories of Animals (6 vols.) each 30 Treat, Mary Birds, Sea Shells and River Quadrupeds, Shells, Fishes and Reptiles, Sea Urchins, Star Fishes, Bees and Other Insects, and Corals. Home Studies in Nature 90 Trowbridge, J. T. Tide-Mill Stories (6 vols.) each 1 25 His One Fault, Satin-wood Box, Little Master, Tinkham Brothers Tide- Peter Budstone, Mill. Phil and His Friends, Author. Trowbridge, J. T. Trowbridge, J. T.. Tucker, Mrs. C.__ Whitney, A. D. T. Whitney, A. D. T. Whitney, A. D. T. Whitney, A. D. T. Whitney, A. D. T. Whitney, A. D. T. Whitney, A. D. T. Whitney, A. D. T. Whitney, A. D. T. Whittier, J. G Wiggin, Kate D. . Wiggin, Kate D. _ Wiggin, Kate D. _ Wilde, Oscar Willard, F. E.___ Wilson Wood, J. G. . . . Yonge, Charlotte M._. By various authors; Ginn & Co., pub lishers. JUVENILE Continued. Title. Silver Medal Stories (6 vols.) each.. His Own Master, Silver Medal, Bound in Honor, Pocket Rifle, Young Joe, Jolly Rover. Jack Hazard Stories (6 vols.) each Jack Hazard and His Fast Friends, Fortunes, The Young Surveyor, Doing His Best, Lawrence s Adventures. Chance for Himself, Fairy Frisket Faith Gartney s Girlhood Hitherto Gayworthys Lester Goldthwaite We Girls Bonnyborough Real Folks Patience Strong s Outing Sights and Insights (2 vols.) Child Life Birds Christmas Carol The Story Hour Patsy The Happy Prince . How to Win; a Book for Girls Wonderful Nests Natural History Santa Glaus on a Lark Fairy Know-a-Bit Who Were the First Weavers Who Was the First Papermaker Who Were the First Miners Who Was the First Architect A Book of Golden Deeds Classics for Children: Lay of the Last Minstrel Pilgrim s Progress Stories of the Old World Washington and His Country Lady of the Lake Scott s Tales of Grandfather Plutarch s Lives Vicar of Wakefield Two Great Retreats of History Arabian Nights Scott s Talisman Merchant of Venice Tom Brown at Rugby ._ Rosselas Tales from Shakespeare Adventures of Ulysses Robinson Crusoe . . JUVENILE Continued. Author. Title. Price. By various authors; Ginn & Co.., pub lishers. Various authors 1. Longfellow 2. Emerson .. 3. Emerson ._ 4. Whittier... 5. Lowell- . _ 6. Fields .... Dickens - Fields ... 7. Coleridge Wordsworth 8. Fouque" St. Pierre ... 9. Dr. John Brown. 10. Tennyson 11. 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