Z4 C3 - A3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES GEOLOGY OF THE TESLA QUADRANGLE CALIFORNIA SURE BULLETIN 140 1948 DIVISION OF MINES FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO LJBRAK i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS STATE OF CALIFORNIA EARL WARREN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES WARREN T. HANNUM, Director DIVISION OF MINES FERRY BUII-DING, SAN FRANCISCO OLAF P. JENKINS, Chief SAN FRANCISCO BULLETIN 140 JULY 1948 GEOLOGY OF THE TESLA QUADRANGLE CALIFORNIA By ARTHUR S. HUEY LIBRARY JJNIVERSJTY or CALIFORNIA DAVIS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To His Excellency The Honorable Earl Warren Governor of the State of California Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith Bulletin 140, * ' Geology of the Tesla Quadrangle, California", prepared under the direction of Olaf P. Jenkins, Chief, Division of Mines, Department of Natural Eesources. This report includes detailed geologic and economic mineral maps of a specific area in Alameda and San Joaquin Counties. It is one of a series of such reports on specific areas in California which the Division of Mines is publishing. Three previous reports covered the San Benito, Jamesburg, and San Juan Bautista quadrangles. The following report and geologic and economic mineral maps of the Tesla quadrangle have been prepared by Arthur S. Huey in partial fulfill- ment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of California. The report is of particular interest because it describes many typical features of the California Coast Ranges and includes a description of economic mineral resources such as coal, clay, chromite, glass and foundry sand, gravel, lime rock, magnesite, manga- nese, and tuif . The results of this investigation are basic and fundamental to the understanding of the state 's mineral deposits and related geological features. Respectively submitted, Warren T. Hannum, Director Department of Natural Resources May 4, 1948 (3) CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT 7 INTRODUCTION 7 Location and accessibility 7 Field Work 9 Acknowledgments 9 Previous work 10 GEOGRAPHY 11 Relief and topography 11 Climate and vegetation 11 Drainage and water supply 12 Hetch-Hetchy water supply 13 STRATIGRAPHY 14 General statement 14 Jurassic system 15 Franciscan formation and related igneous rocks 15 Cretaceous system 23 Horsetown formation 23 Panoche formation 24 Moreno Grande formation 31 Tertiary system 38 Eocene series 33 Tesla formation 33 Miocene series 38 Oursan? sandstone 38 Cierbo formation -- 40 Neroly formation 42 Tertiary-Quaternary system . 47 Pliocene-Pleistocene series . 47 Livermore gravels 47 Tulare formation . 48 Quaternary system 49 Terrace deposits and alluvium 49 STRUCTURE 49 Folds 49 Faults 52 Summary-analysis 56 OUTLINE OF THE GEOLOGIC HISTORY 58 MINERAL RESOURCES 59 Chromite 59 Clav 60 Coal 60 Glass and foundry sand 61 Gravel and rock 62 Lime rock . 62 Magnesite . 62 Manganese 62 Petroleum 66 Tuff 67 REGISTER OF FOSSIL LOCALITIES 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY 70 INDEX 73 (5) ILLUSTRATIONS Page Figure 1. Index map showing location of Tesla quadrangle 8 2. Generalized columnar section, Tesla quadrangle 16 3. Diagram showing regional structural trends, Tesla quadrangle 57 Plate 1. Geologic map of Tesla quadrangle In pocket 2. Economic mineral map of Tesla quadrangle In pocket 3. Geologic structure sections, Tesla quadrangle In pocket 4. Relief map of Tesla quadrangle, showing important place names 32-33 5. A, Bedded Franciscan chert in Arroyo Mocho. B, Pillow structure in Franciscan basalt along Arroyo Mocho road 32-33 6. A, Outcrop of white sand of the Tesla formation in Corral Hollow. B, Copy of old photograph showing Tesla mining camp, about 1910 32-33 7. A. Cross-bedded and pebbly white sand of Cierbo formation. B, Angular unconformity between Cierbo formation and underlying Panoche formation 32-33 8. A, Andesitic boulder conglomerate of Neroly formation. B, Basal andesitic gravels of Neroly formation resting with angular uncon- formity on sandstones and shales of Panoche formation 32-33 9. A. Slickensided fault-plane surface in GreenvUle fault zone. B, Sharp fold in Neroly blue sandstone 32-33 10. Boulders from Panoche conglomerate on Rocky Ridge 32-33 11. Andesitic boulders from Neroly conglomerate 32-33 (6 ) GEOLOGY OF THE TESLA QUADRANGLE, CALIFORNIA* By Arthur S. Huet ** ABSTRACT The Tesla quadrangle comprises an area of about 240 square miles in Alameda and San Joaquin Counties, California. The area includes part of the Diablo Range and small portions of the Livermore and San Joaquin Valleys. The stratigraphic section is typical of the California Coast Ranges ; the rocks range in age from Jurassic to Recent. The oldest rocks, the Jurassic Franciscan group, consisting chiefly of sandstone, shale, and chert, occupy most of the southern half of the quadrangle. Serpentine occurs in large irregular masses, and other rocks, such as diabase, basalt, and glaucophane schist, are restricted in their occurrence. The Creta- ceous rocks include the Horsetown, Panoche, and Moreno Grande formations. The Moreno Grande is an enlargement of the original Moreno to include equivalents of the Pachydiscus silt member, which were mapped as part of the Moreno north of Pacheco Pass. The Tesla formation of middle Eocene age includes white and buff sands, car- bonaceous shales, anauxitic clays, and a little coal. Sandstone formerly mapped as Briones in Arroyo Valle is regarded as Oursan (?) sand.stone (middle Miocene). The upper Miocene is represented by two members of the San Pablo group, the Cierbo white pebbly sands, and the Neroly formation consisting of blue sandstones, andesitic boulder conglomerates, and tuffaceous shales. Fringing the southeast margin of Liver- more Valley are the Livermore gravels (Plio-Pleistocene) . The Tulare formation (Plio-Pleistocene) is found only in the extreme northeast part of the area. Quaternary terrace deposits, landslides, and alluvium complete the stratigraphic column. The rocks are involved in a complex of folds and faults. The major faults are classified into two groups : (1) the transverse faults which trend eastward, and (2) the longitudinal faults which trend northwestward. The average trend of the regional fold- ing is intermediate between the trends of the two fault groups. The principal time of regional deformation was post-Neroly, possibly Pleistocene. Economic resources include coal, clay, chromite, glass and foundry sand, gravel, lime rock, magnesite, manganese, and tuff. Important contributions to the state's out- put of manganese have been made by the many manganese properties in the area. About 25 wells have been drilled and abandoned in an unsuccessful search for a commercial accumulation of petroleum. INTRODUCTION The geology of the Tesla quadrangle is typical of the Coast Ranges of California. Rock formations ranging in age from Jurassic to Recent are involved in a complex of folds and faults. Sedimentary rocks pre- dominate ; igneous rocks are limited in occurrence. Economic interest in the area is furnished by minor occurrences of such minerals as coal, clay, chromite, magnesite, manganese, glass and foundry sand, and petroleum. Location and Accessibility The Tesla quadrangle comprises an area of about 240 square miles covering parts of Alameda and San Joaquin Counties, California. Its location with reference to neighboring towns and gas fields of central California is shown on the accompanying index map (fig. 1). The area includes a part of the Diablo Range and small portions of the Livermore and San Joaquin Valleys. No towns are located within the area. Alta- mont, Greenville, and Midway in the northern part of the area are rail- road sidings and maintenance stations. The quadrangle takes its name from the old abandoned mining camp of Tesla, which once had a popu- lation of two thousand but today has only tailing dumps and foundation scars to indicate a former site of development. • Based upon a dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Geology, in the Graduate Division of the University of California, Berkeley, California, 1940. Manuscript submitted to the Division of Mines for publication October 1947. ** Geologist, The Hancock Oil Company, Long- Beach, California. (7) GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE Bull. 140 Figure 1. Index map, showing location of Tesla quadrangle. J -J i I I I : I' J' K' L'Im'N' O' INTRODUTION V The area is quite accessible. It is best reached from Oakland on the west or from points in the San Joaquin Valley on the east by way of U. S. Highway 50. This new four-lane highway replaces the old winding Altamont Pass road as the main carrier of east-west traffic in the north- ern part of the area. To the south, other roads which cross the range are the Patterson Pass road and the Tesla road into Corral Hollow. A sur- faced road in Arroyo Mocho crosses the area diagonally and leads from Livermore Valley southeastward beyond the limits of the quadrangle to Mt. Hamilton. The road into Arroyo Valle from Livermore is surfaced in part and ends blindly where the canyon narrows in Franciscan rocks. Other roads, generally in poor condition and private, reach to various parts of the area. The only areas of difficult accessibility are in the southern third of the quadrangle where the relief is greatest and the country has not warranted development. The Western Pacific and the Southern Pacific Railroads cross the area in the northern part through Altamont Pass.' The branch railroad shown on the original quadrangle map in Corral Hollow has long been removed since the coal and clay development ceased. Field Work About 6 months were spent in the field during the summers of 1934, 1935, and 1936. Numerous week-end trips were made into the area from 1937-40 to complete the study. Supporting the field work were laboratory and general research done principally at the University of California, Berkeley, California. Geologic observations were plotted on the U. S. Geological Survey topographic map, the Tesla 15-minute quadrangle, contour interval 50 feet, scale 1 :62,500. The townships of this quadrangle take survey reference from the Mt. Diablo baseline and meridian. In 1940 the Agricultural Adjustment Administration of the U. S. Department of Agriculture had the region photographed from the air as a part of an extensive areal survey of agricultural and grazing areas in California. Emergency measures during World War II made prints of these aerial photographs unavailable to the general public. The writer has not had an opportunity to review the geologic mapping in the field with the aid of these photographs but has examined under the stereo- scope photographs of parts of the area. The use of these photographs would facilitate any future detailed investigations in the field. Acknowledgments This investigation was done under the direction of Dr. N. L. Talia- ferro of the Department of Geological Sciences of the University of California, Berkeley. Others of the University of California faculty who gave helpful suggestions or criticism were Professors G. D. Louderback, C. D. Hulin, C. A. Anderson, and the late B. L. Clark. Assistance with the paleontology of the field collections was contributed by Dr. R. A. Bramkamp, Dr. Arthur S. Campbell, Dr. R. A. Stirton, Mrs. P. Rossello Nicholson, and the late Dr. F. M. Anderson. Paleobotanical identifica- tions were contributed by Dr. R. W. Chancy and Dr. Carlton Condit. Visitors in the field included Dr. Cordell Durrell of the University of California, Los Angeles, and Dr. P. W. Reinhart, Shell Oil Company, Incorporated. Mr. M. J. Bartell of the San Francisco Engineering Department was very cooperative concerning data on the Hetch-Hetchy •v.. S N V, MAPI SAN FRANCIS INTRODUTION 9 The area is quite accessible. It is best reached from Oakland on the west or from points in the San Joaquin Valley on the east by way of U. S. Highway 50. This new four-lane highway replaces the old winding Altamont Pass road as the main carrier of east-west traffic in the north- ern part of the area. To the south, other roads which cross the range are the Patterson Pass road and the Tesla road into Corral Hollow. A sur- faced road in Arroyo Mocho crosses the area diagonally and leads from Livermore Valley southeastward beyond the limits of the quadrangle to Mt. Hamilton. The road into Arroyo Valle from Livermore is surfaced in part and ends blindly where the canyon narrows in Franciscan rocks. Other roads, generally in poor condition and private, reach to various parts of the area. The only areas of difficult accessibility are in the southern third of the quadrangle where the relief is greatest and the country has not warranted development. The Western Pacific and the Southern Pacific Railroads cross the area in the northern part through Altamont Pass.' The branch railroad shown on the original quadrangle map in Corral Hollow has long been removed since the coal and clay development ceased. Field Work About 6 months were spent in the field during the summers of 1934, 1935, and 1936. Numerous week-end trips were made into the area from 1937-40 to complete the study. Supporting the field work were laboratory and general research done principally at the University of California, Berkeley, California. Geologic observations were plotted on the U. S. Geological Survey topographic map, the Tesla 15-minute quadrangle, contour interval 50 feet, scale 1 :62,500. The townships of this quadrangle take survey reference from the Mt. Diablo baseline and meridian. In 1940 the Agricultural Adjustment Administration of the U. S. Department of Agriculture had the region photographed from the air as a part of an extensive areal survey of agricultural and grazing areas in California. Emergency measures during "World War II made prints of these aerial photographs unavailable to the general public. The writer has not had an opportunity to review the geologic mapping in the field with the aid of these photographs but has examined under the stereo- scope photographs of parts of the area. The use of these photographs would facilitate any future detailed investigations in the field. Acknowledgments This investigation was done under the direction of Dr. N. L. Talia- ferro of the Department of Geological Sciences of the University of California, Berkeley. Others of the University of California faculty who gave helpful suggestions or criticism were Professors G. D. Louderback, C. D. Hulin, C. A. Anderson, and the late B. L. Clark. Assistance with the paleontology of the field collections was contributed by Dr. R. A. Bramkamp, Dr. Arthur S. Campbell, Dr. R. A. Stirton, Mrs. P. Rossello Nicholson, and the late Dr. F. M. Anderson. Paleobotanical identifica- tions were contributed by Dr. R. W. Chancy and Dr. Carlton Condit. Visitors in the field included Dr. Cordell Durrell of the University of California, Los Angeles, and Dr. P. W. Reinhart, Shell Oil Company, Incorporated. Mr. M, J. Bartell of the San Francisco Engineering Department was very cooperative concerning data on the Hetch-Hetchy 10 GEOLOGY OP TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 tunnel which crosses the Tesla quadrangle as a part of a development for supplying water to the city of San Francisco. Others to whom the author wishes to express appreciation are Dr. F. P. Vickery of the Sacramento Junior College, Dr. Paul P. Goudkoff, and Mr. Alfred Vitt, Seaboard Oil Corporation. The hospitality and courtesies of many of the ranchers are also acknowledged. Previous Work No comprehensive report on the geology of the Tesla quadrangle has so far been published, but many workers have made contributions toward an understanding of the geologj^ of the area. Among the earliest writings are some notes by Brewer ^ describing the occurrence of fossil leaves in Corral Hollow and predicting economic failure for the Tesla coal mines then in operation. Volume I of the Geological Survey of Cali- fornia as edited by -Whitney (1865) included two short cross-sections in Corral Hollow, an analysis of the Tesla coal, and a few notes by W. M. Gabb on some brackish-water fossils (Eocene) in Corral Hollow. The Pliocene tuffs and conglomerates containing andesite boulders whicli occur north of Corral Hollow are given early reference in the writings of Turner -. The ' ' San Pablo formation " as it occurs north of Corral Hollow was briefly described by Weaver ^. The water-supply and mar- ginal geology of Livermore Valley were discussed in separate papers by Lawson * and Branner ^. The report by Anderson and Pack ^ on the geology and oil resources of the west border of the San Joaquin Valley includes a sketch map of the geology of the northern part of the Tesla quadrangle based upon reconnaissance mapping by R. W. Pack and E. L. Ickes. This report also describes the formations present and gives a brief history of the early wells drilled for oil in the Tesla area. For a number of successive summers around the early twenties, the Stanford University Geological Survey was engaged in mapping the Tesla and several neighboring quadrangles, including the Pleasanton, San Jose, and Mt. Hamilton quadrangles. The maps and full results of this work were never published, but Vickery '^ in a doctor 's thesis analyzing the geologic structure of the Livermore region introduced a generalized map of the above named quadrangles as surveyed by the Stanford parties. The published form of this structural analysis by Vickery ^ did not include the generalized map of the four quadrangles. Clark ^ and Taif ^^, writing separately on the Mt. Diablo region, made 1 Brewer, W. H., Up and down California in 1860-64, Yale Univ. Press, 1930. 2 Turner, H. W., The geology of Mt. Diablo: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 2, pp. 383-414, 1891. . . . Rocks of the Coast Ranges of California: Jour. Geology, vol. 6, pp. 493-499, 1898. 3 Weaver, Charles E., Stratigraphy and paleontology of the San Pablo formation in middle California: Univ. California, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 5, pp. 243-269, 1909. * Lawson, Andrew C., Report on the geology and underground water supply of Livermore Valley, in The future water supply of San Francisco, a report ... by the Spring Valley Water Co., pp. 223-230, 1912. 5 Branner, J. C, Report on the geology of Livermore Valley, in The future water supply of San Francisco, a report ... by the Spring Valley Water Co., pp. 203-222, 1912. 8 Anderson, R., and Pack, R. W., Geology and oil resources of the west border of the San Joaquin Valley north of Coalinga : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 603, 1915. T Vickery, P. P., The structural dynamics of the Livermore region, Ph.D. thesis, Stanford Univ., 1925 (unpublished). 8 Vickery, F. P., The structural dynamics of the Livermore region : Jour. Geology, vol. 33, pp. 608-628, 1925. 9 Clark, Bruce L., Tectonics of the Mt. Diablo and Coalinga areas, middle Coast Ranges of California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 46, pp. 1025-1078, 1935. i»Taff, J. A., Geology of Mt. Diablo and vicinity: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 46, pp. 1079-1100, 1935. GEOGRAPHY 11 brief references to the geology in parts of the Tesla quadrangle. The stratigraphy of the Tesla quadrangle was discussed by Huey ^^. Allen ^^ described the occurrence of Eocene anauxitic clays and sands in Corral Hollow. The most recent paper is one by Campbell and Clark ^^ describ- ing the Upper Cretaceous radiolarian fauna contained in a sample of limestone concretion collected by this writer near Corral Hollow. Besides the published works mentioned above, there are several unpublished reports on the geology of parts of the area, such as the geological reports on the Hetch-Hetchy project made by Bailey Willis and G. L. Green for the San Francisco Engineering Department and various private geological investigations made by oil company geologists. GEOGRAPHY Relief and Topography The Tesla quadrangle contains portions of three topographic units : Livermore Valley, San Joaquin Valley, and the Diablo Range. Liver- more Vallej^ in the northwestern part of the area is a surface of low relief; average elevation is 550 feet above sea-level. A part of the San Joaquin Valley which cuts across tlie northeast corner of the quadrangle contains the lowest elevation in the area, approximately 95 feet above sea-level and is bounded approximately by the 250-foot contour line. The relief of the main topographic unit, the Diablo Range, increases in general toward the south. In the northern part of the area in rocks of Cretaceous and Tertiary age, the hills are smooth and rounded, and elevations range from about 500 feet to more than 2000 feet above sea- level. South of Corral Hollow in rocks principally of the Franciscan group, the topography is higher, more rugged, and characterized by deep youthful canyons and long smooth-topped ridges. Two thousand feet of relief is not uncommon from the bottoms of many of the arroyos to the tops of the ridges. The highest recorded elevation, 3820 feet above sea-level, is on Rose Flat near the southwestern corner of the quadrangle. The relief of the area is well represented in plate 4, a photograph of a portion of a plaster relief model of the San Francisco Bay region on exhibit in the geological museum in Bacon Hall, University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley. Elevations and important place names have been added to aid the reader in his orientation of the area. The physiographic state of development is late youth, and the drainage pattern of the area is well developed. The approximate accor- dant relationship of the summit levels along the ridges in the southern high country is suggestive of an old erosional surface of low relief, which in late geologic time was uplifted with a gentle northwesterly tilt and later dissected by erosion. Prominent terraces in Arroyo Mocho and Corral Hollow are indicative of recent uplift in at least three stages. Climate and Vegetation Semi-aridity characterizes the climate of the region. Summers are dry and hot, and day temperatures often reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Low morning fogs are often driven in from the west by the winds, and late summer afternoons are occasional!}' marked by winds of consid- uHuey, Arthur S., Stratigraphy of the Tesla quadrangle, California (abstract) : Geo!. Soc. America Proc. 1936, pp. 335-336, 1937. ^ Allen, V. T., Eocene anauxitic clays and sands in the Coast Range of California : Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 52, pp. 271-294, 1941. "Campbell, A. S., and Clark, B. L., Radiolaria from Upper Cretaceous of middle California: Geol. Soc. America Special Paper 57, pp. 1-61, 1944. 12 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 erable velocity. Spring and fall are quite comfortable and regionally picturesque. The mean annual temperature is approximately 58 degrees Fahrenheit, and temperatures below freezing are common in the winter. Rainfall is concentrated chiefly in the winter months, and some snow falls, principally at the higher elevations. The average seasonal rainfall ranges from about 10 inches in the low northeastern part of the area to about 26 inches in the high southwestern portion. The vegetation cover varies with elevation, distribution of rainfall, rock or soil type, directional slope, and local features, such as streams and springs. Most of the area is covered by a short grass, chiefly natu- ralized wild oat. Sage is sparsely distributed. Cottonwood, sycamore, willow, pipestem, and oak occur along stream courses and at springs. Trees are more plentiful in the southern higher portion of the region and include several varieties of oak, cypress, buckeye, and juniper. A dense cover of chaparral and manzanita is common over areas of serpen- tinized rock. The California Experiment Station at the University of California, Berkeley, has collected data on plant species occurring at different elevations in the area, and such information is available at the station. As a whole the region is open and the vegetation cover does not interfere with geological work. The best exposures are found along stream courses and in highway and railroad cuts. Exposures over much of the area are poor to absent, owing to a heavy soil mantle, and in these soil mantled areas special features such as soil color, pebble content, or vegetation contrast aid in the delineation of a formational contact. Drainage and Water Supply Although the drainage pattern of the area is well developed, the streams are all intermittent. The smaller gullies and creek bottoms are dry most of the year and contain water only during or for short periods after a rain. The larger water-courses, including Arroyo Valle, Arroyo Mocho, Corral Hollow Creek, and Mitchell Ravine are in the southern half of the quadrangle. These streams drain the areas of greatest relief and rainfall. They contain running water until the middle of summer, after which the water sinks below the surface and reappears as water- holes at intervals along the courses of the streams. The directional trend of these major drainages is in general northwesterly in conformance with the main structural trends in the southern part of the area. Arroyo Valle and Arroyo Mocho drain into Livermore Valley and contribute greatly to the subsurface water supply in the valley. For further infor- mation on the water supply of Livermore Valley, the reader is referred to the writings of Lawson,^^ Branner,^^ and M. B. Smith. ^^ Near its source, Corral Hollow Creek flows northwestward, but makes a sharp change of direction near Tesla and flows eastward toward the San Joaquin Valley. The existence of what may be a wind-gap about 1000 feet north of the southwest corner of sec. 35, T. 3 S., R. 3 E., is sug- gestive that Corral Hollow Creek once drained out through Arroyo Seco into Livermore Valley but was captured and diverted toward the San Joaquin Valley by subsequent drainage developing in Corral Hollow in late geologic time. " Op. cit. ^ Op. cit. i« Smith, M. B., Ground water in the Livermore Valley, California, Master's thesis, Stanford University, 1934 (unpublished). GEOGRAPHY 13 Springs are common throughout the area, occurring principally at stratigraphic boundaries and along fault traces. The represejitation of many of these springs on the geologic map illustrates their geologic rela- tionship. The waters of only a few of these springs are good for human consumption; the others are alkaline, sulfurous, or otherwise miner- alized. Soil erosion is active in many parts of the area, where the grass cover is thin. Hillsides and valleys are being deeply dissected, and unless some restrictive measures are taken by the ranchers or proper authorities, serious damage to grazing lands and roadways will result. Hetch-Hetchy Water Supply The city and county of San Francisco at a total cost of about $105,- 000,000 constructed the Hetch-Hetchy water system to carry water from two impounding reservoirs in the Sierra Nevada to the San Fran- cisco Bay region. The first bond issue to buy lands was authorized in 1908, and 26 years later, in October 1934, the Hetch-Hetchy water was admitted to the system. The water is carried along a system of 81.9 miles of tunnels and 72.7 miles of pipeline. The Coast Eange division of the aqueduct includes a main tunnel 25 miles in length, of which about 14 miles is routed across the Tesla quadrangle. The finished tunnel is 10.5 feet in diameter and has a concrete lining which ranges in thick- ness from 6 inches to 3 feet. The tunnel is constructed on a grade of about 3 feet per mile and has a capacity of about 250,000,000 gallons of water daily. Five shafts were sunk to the tunnel grade. In the Tesla quadrangle, shafts were located in Arroyo Valle, Arroyo Mocho, and Mitchell Ravine. Another shaft, the Thomas, was located just east of the edge of the quadrangle. From cross-cuts at the bases of the shafts, the tunnel was driven both east and west until segments of the tunnel were joined between shafts. The sinking of the shafts began in the spring of 1927, and the last section of the tunnel was bored through in January of 1934. The cross-cuts at the bases of the shafts were so constructed that a parallel tunnel can be made from these control stations sometime in the future. The route of the tunnel across the Tesla quadrangle is represented along the line of section H-H' on plate 2. During the driving of the tunnel some changes in route were made in an attempt to gain bet- ter ground, as in the vicinity of Corral Hollow Creek where enormous underground pressures were encountered in the core of a tightly over- turned anticline. Through the courtesy of Mr. M. J. Bartell of the San Francisco Engineering Department, the writer was privileged to read the geological reports on the tunnel by Bailey "Willis and G. L. Green, and in section H-H' their tunnel data have been combined with the surface geology. The writer was also allowed to examine the wall-rock samples which are kept in core-sheds in Livermore. The only unusual rock type observed was some crushed granodiorite encountered about a mile east of the Arroyo Valle shaft where it underlies the Livermore gravels. The character of the formations penetrated in the tunnel and spe- cial geological features which were encountered will be brought out in subsequent pages, but a few interesting general facts are presented in this preliminary discussion. The progress in driving the tunnel through the various geologic formations, expressed in terms of feet of tunnel per month, is given in table 1. 14 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 Talle 1. Rate of tininel progress through geologic formations * Age or formation Lithology Feet per month of tunnelling Tulare Sands and blue clay 553 Livermore Gravels and sands 325 Clays and shales 130 to 196 Neroly (San Pablo) Sandstone 475 Upper Cretaceous Shale 443 Sandstone 360 Lower Cretaceous Shale 310 Franciscan Sandstone and shale 343 Sei-pentine and schist 217 Shattered zones 130 to 236 * After B. Willis. Mr. Bartell in a discussion with the writer presented some inter- esting observations on ' ' working-ground, ' ' which hampered the driving of the tunnel at numerous places. The squeezing-in process was some- times slow, extending over 2 weeks, or even several months. Ground moved in from the top or any part of the tunnel circumference, and ground upwellings with sufficient pressure to crumple the concrete floor of the tunnel were common. According to Bartell, there was a release of static pressure as the tunnel face was extended. He estimated that 500 cubic feet of material at the surface would occupy about 499 cubic feet at a depth of 1800 feet underground, and that everj'^ cubic foot of material squeezed into the tunnel represented a release of pressure of about 2000 pounds per square inch on about 500 cubic feet of material adjacent to the tunnel. These figures were theoretical, and variations occurred owing to heterogeneity of rock, parting planes, and other causes. Zones of swelling-ground generate considerable heat by friction, and Bartell, using a friction factor of 0.3, computed that working ground should show a temperature rise of about 15 degrees Fahrenheit through the loss of 2300 feet head in friction. Accordingly, during the driving of the tunnel, temperature observations were made, and a rise of tem- perature often served as a forewarning of working-ground in time to reenforce the timbering in the tunnel. The temperature at the bottom of the shafts averaged 64 degrees Fahrenheit, the average wall-rock temperature was 70 to 76 degrees Fahrenheit, and that of working- ground about 85 degrees Fahrenheit. The tunnel ventilating system, which removed about 14,000 cubic feet of air per minute at 4 pounds pressure per square inch, provided a means of measuring the heat removed from the tunnels. About 6,000,000 B.t.u. of heat was taken from the tunnel daily, and Bartell estimated that for every cubic foot of ground squeezed into the tunnel there were generated 240,000 B.t.u. of heat. STRATIGRAPHY General Statement A variety of rock types and a stratigraphic section typical of the California Coast Ranges are present in the Tesla quadrangle. Sedimen- tary rocks predominate and include many interesting varieties, such as radiolarian cherts, manganiferous cherts, white quartz sands, coal, tuff, blue opaline-coated sands, and andesitic boulder conglomerates. Igneous and metamorphic rocks are confined to areas of Franciscan rocks in the southern part of the quadrangle. STRATIGRAPHY 15 The formations range in age from Jurassic to Recent. Some of the formations that are present in one part of the area are absent in other parts, and nowhere in the quadrangle do all of the formations occur in a complete stratigraphic sequence. The accompanying chart (fig. 2) pre- sents a composite columnar section. All of the formations, except the Tesla and Moreno Grande, have been named by previous workers and are briefly described in the Lexicon of Geologic Names of the United States by Wilmarth.^" Jurassic System Franciscan Formation and Related Igneous Rocks The oldest rocks in the Tesla quadrangle are comprised in the Fran- ciscan formation of Jurassic age. Sedimentary rocks consisting of sand- stone and some shale and chert constitute the bulk of the formation, and limited occurrences of typical Franciscan metamorphic and volcanic rocks complete the group. Associated with these rocks are intrusions of diabase, basalt, and serpentinized gabbro and peridotite. In mapping the Franciscan an attempt was made to differentiate areally the occurrences of the several rock types, to interpret the gen- eral regional structure and to zone or group the rocks stratigraphieally. Those areas which consisted of a monotonous succession of beds of sand- stone, shale, and chert were mapped in a rapid but detailed reconnais- sance manner; more detailed observations were attempted in the more interesting and critical areas, such as the borders of serpentinized intru- sions, areas of glaucophane schist, and fault zones, and along contacts with j^ounger formations. Distrilyution and Thickness. The Franciscan formation and related intrusive rocks comprise most of the southern half of the Tesla quad- rangle and extend into adjacent quadrangles. A bottom to the formation is not exposed, nor can a top be distinguished. Difficulty was experienced in attempting to interpret a stratigraphic section across the folds and faults which involve the Franciscan rocks because of the following con- ditions : absence of marker beds of distinctive lithology or fossil content ; lack of distinctive variation or grouping of the lithology vertically in the section; and general discontinuity of outcrop. Consequently, an attempt to measure a stratigraphic section in these rocks was abandoned. The thickness of the sediments, as obtained graphically from cross-sections E-E' and H-H' (pi. 3), is about 12,000 feet. Tolman^^ reported a section of 15,000 feet of Franciscan sediments in this area, and divided the sec- tion into three members. He took a dense bluish-gray arkosic sandstone in Corral Hollow Creek as the lower part of the section, the "Corral Hollow shales ' ' with folded and crumpled cherts as the middle member, and the ' ' Oak Ridge sandstone ' ' as the upper member. As Oak Ridge is a divide in the northwest corner of the Mt. Hamilton quadrangle, Tolman probably extended his section into this area adjoining on the south. In the Tesla area sandstone is the predominant rock type throughout the section of Franciscan rocks; it is not characteristic only of the upper and lower portions. Likewise, shales and cherts occur througliout the section as interbeds in the sandstones, and although more numerous in " Wilmarth, M. Grace, Lexicon of geologic names of the United States : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 896, 1938. 1** Tolman, C. F., and others, Nature and science on the Pacific Coast, San Fran- cisco, Paul Elder and Co., 1915. 16 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 GENERALIZED COLUMNAR SECTION -TESLA QUADRANGLE FORMATION TH-CKNCSS DESCOIPTION QUATERNAgy Ta.'-racg. da.posi•^s PLIO- PLEI5T0CENE Tulare. Livcrmor* Gravels UPPER. MIOCENE (5r«3l'e/5, sonds. Corrf-inenial deposits oP qravais. sands, clays. 3h3/Q,s, blue 33nds-f-onc, i'uffs. Ciorbo MIDDLE MIOCENE Oursan ? X SO'-TCC' 9 Blue sands-hone., andcsi-hfc conqlomzra-hz-fl, Granuli^ ■■.•■ Anderson, F. M., and Hanna, G. D., Cretaceous geology of Lower California: California Acad. Sci. Proc, 4th ser., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1-34, 1935. 88 Op. cit. "Anderson, F. M., Synopsis of the later Mesozoic in California: California Div. Mines Bull. 118, pp. 183-186, 1941. ssQp. cit., 1941. '» Taliaferro, N. L., Cretaceous and Paleocene of Santa Lucia Range : Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 28, p. 485, 1944. *" Kirby, James M., Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy of west side of Sacramento Valley south of Willows, Glenn County, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 27, pp. 279-306, 1943. 30 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 significant indication of the Santa Lucian orogeny there. Goudkoff,^^ describing the stratigraphic relations of the Upper Cretaceous in the Great Valley of California on the basis of the microfauna from wells and outcrop sections, shows on a correlation chart that the separation of Anderson 's Panoche and Pioneer groups would fall between his G-2 and H zones ; but he does not refer to any unconformity, disconformity, or missing foraminiferal zone at this boundary. The problem of the suggested division of the Panoche requires a proper interpretation of the conglomerates that contain the fossiliferous boulders with Turonian or older fossils. It is evident that more research is needed in both the field and laboratory for a clear understanding of these conglomerates and their stratigraphic relations to the sediments above and below. The problem is not simple, for if there were a prominent conglomerate horizon, traceable throughout most of the Diablo Range and containing fossils reworked from the underlying sediments, Ander- son and Pack would have recognized such an important feature and set up their Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy to conform with this break. Instead, they found these conglomerates at no less than three different horizons and they were impressed with the rapid lateral disappearance, in a few thousand feet, of great conglomerate lenses aggregating almost a thousand feet in thickness. Their description of these conglomerates ^- reflects how interested they were in finding a correct stratigraphic interpretation, and they concluded finally that the conglomerates were intraformational. Although numerous references have been made to the finding of Turonian fossils in boulders in the Panoche conglomerates, very few lists of the fossils have been published. Stewart-*^ recently published the faunas found in several such fossiliferous boulders from five localities in the Reef Ridge area of the southern part of the Diablo Range, where several beds of conglomerate occur in the upper 2000 feet of the Panoche formation. He reports that the Upper Cretaceous fossils found in the boulders represent a fauna that has not been recog- nized in any section in the Reef Ridge area. To this writer's knowledge, no one has yet reported finding a Turonian fauna from Panoche sedi- ments in place and clearly underlying a conglomerate horizon containing the fossiliferous boulders. Thus the possibility remains that the fossil- iferous boulders were not derived from the strata underlying the con- glomerates, but from early Upper Cretaceous rocks that became exposed on the margin of the basin of deposition. Several geologists, among them Anderson and Pack, and N. L. Taliaferro, have expressed the opinion that there is no indication of a break in deposition between the con- glomerate lenses and the underlying sediments. Finally, no one has yet reported that he has mapped a contact along the east flank of the Diablo Range that would divide what was originally defined and mapped as Panoche into two separate stratigraphic units. For these reasons this writer believes that the proposed division of the Panoche into separate formations or groups needs further supporting evidence. As the problem applies to the Tesla quadrangle, the Panoche forma- tion is left undivided, and the several conglomerates, such as the one on Rocky Ridge, are regarded as intraformational for want of evidence to the contrary. ^ Goudkoff, P. P., Stratigraphic relations of Upper Cretaceous in Great Valley, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 29, pp. 9-56-1008, 1945. «Op. cit, pp. 43-44. " Stewart, Ralph, Geology of Reef Ridge, Coalinga district, California : U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 205-C, pp. 88-89, 1946. STRATIGRAPHY 31 Belation to Adjacent Formations. The Panoclie formation shows several types of relationship to the adjacent formations. It is in fault contact with the Franciscan and Horsetown formations; it is overlain gradationally by the Moreno Grande formation ; and it is overlain uncon- f ormably by the Oursan ( ? ) , Cierbo, and Neroly formations, and the Livermore gravels. Moreno Grande Formation Along the south side of Corral Hollow, Anderson and Pack,^^ assisted by Ickes, first mapped and set apart from the Panoche formation a narrow east-trending belt of shale, which they called tlie Moreno forma- tion because of its resemblance in character and general stratigraphic position to that formation as it exists farther south in the Diablo Range. They postulated that these shales with their organic content were prob- ably the source beds for the oil which occurs in seepages and which was produced on a minor scale from a few wells on the old Hamilton ranch in sec. 15, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. The present writer in 1936^^ and again in 1940^^ followed Anderson and Pack in calling these beds Moreno. Since that time his work in other parts of the Diablo Range along the west border of the San Joaquin Valley and the contributions of other geol- ogists, indicate clearly that the Moreno as originally mapped is more inclusive than the Moreno as originally defined, and that some clarifica- tion of the stratigraphic relationships of the Upper Cretaceous in this region is needed. The term Moreno Grande, signifying greater or enlarged Moreno, was first proposed by Huey and Daly in a joint paper read before || the Pacific Section of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists meeting at Los Angeles in November 1941.^^ North of Pacheco Pass the Moreno Grande comprises what Anderson and Pack mapped as Moreno and the maximum section is developed at Garzas Creek. Southward to the Coalinga region the Moreno Grande includes the restricted Moreno,^^ the Brown Mountain sandstone, and the Pachydiscus silt^^ as members.^ The top of the underlying Joaquin Ridge sandstone member of the Panoche in this southern area correlates approximately with the top of the Panoche as mapped by Anderson and Pack in the area north of Pacheco Pass. A separate publication is planned to describe more fully the Moreno Grande and to present the basis for tlie correlations outlined above. That the mapped Moreno north of Pacheco Pass includes equiva-■^ lents of Upper Cretaceous beds down to the top of the Joaquin Ridge sandstone in the Coalinga region was shown by Goudkoff ^^ in a correki- tion chart based on microfaunal studies. Taliaferro^'' has stated that the > proposed Moreno Grande is ' ' the best approach toward the solution of the Moreno problem" that has been presented. ■' Distribution and Thickness. Only the lower part of the ]\Ioreno Grande formation is present in the Tesla quadrangle. It occurs as a narrow east-trending band for about 5 miles along the south side of Corral Hollow. The subdued topographic expression of the formation " Op. cit. *' Huey, A. S., op. cit. *"Huey, A. S., The geology of the Tesla quadrangle of middle California, Ph.D. thesis, Univ. California, Berkeley, 1940. *' Huey, Arthur S., and Daly, J. W., A discussion of part of the Upper Cretaceous along the west border of the San Joaquin Valley. (Unpublished paper read before the Pacific Section, Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Oct. Ifi, 1941.) *» Also called Ragged Valley shale. " Op. cit., fig. 2. «>Op. cit, 1944, p. 472. 32 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 and the dark red-brown soil containing platy shale fragments aid in the delineation of the upper and lower contacts which are generally not exposed. North of Corral Hollow in anticlines which bring Cretaceous rocks to the surface, the Panoche is overlain by sands of the Cierbo formation (upper Miocene) and the Moreno Grande is absent, except for one occurrence in the central western part of sec. 24, T. 3 S., K.. 3 E. The generally poor exposures of the formation were unsuited for the measurement of a section, but the thickness here is estimated to reach a maximum of about 650 feet. LitJiology. The Moreno Grande in this area consists of shale and minor amounts of sandstone. The shales are dark gray to brown, weathering in places to purplish brown and generally supporting the development of a dark brown soil cover. Much of the shale is argilla- ceous, some is sandj^, and thin partings of fine sand are common. In places the shale is carbonaceous and very dark in color. A thin platy variety containing abundant foraminifera is common as platy frag- ments in the derived soil cover, but few good outcrops are found. Buff- colored limestone concretions occur sparsely in the shales. From one of these concretions a rich radiolarian fauna and an ammonite were obtained. Although the organic content of the shales is probably low, it is judged to be distinctly greater than that of any other shales in the area, as evidenced by the presence of foraminifera, diatoms, radio- laria, fish remains, megafossils, and carbonaceous matter. These shales were probably the source beds for the small amount of oil that was found on the old Hamilton ranch in the S| sec. 15, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. At Tesla and westward for about a mile a massive and concretionary sandstone occurs at the top of the Moreno Grande. The sand is light gray weathering to buff; it is fine grained, massive to concretionary, and locally carries considerable coarse biotite. The exposures of this sand are poor and limited, but it is estimated that a thickness of about 150 feet is developed. This sand is probably older than the Garzas sand. Fauna and Correlation. The poor exposures of the Moreno Grande were unsuited for the detailed sampling of a section for microfaunal study, but foraminifera were observed in the shales in a number of places. Foraminifera from a shale sample at a locality about 100 feet east of the Tesla road near the center of sec. 27, T. 35 S., K. 3 E. were identified by Dr. A. S. Campbell as follows : Bulimina obtusa d'Orbigny Bulimina spinata n. sp. Cushman and Campbell Eponides umbonella (Reuss) Gaudryina navarroana Cushmau var. Globigerina cf. triloba Reuss Globotruncana area (Cushman) Gyroidiua depressa (Alth) Nodogenerina lepidula (Schwager) Nodosaria monile v. Hagenon Nodosaria spinifera Cushman and Campbell Nodosaria sp. (smooth) A few radiolaria were also present in the sample. The above fauna would appear to fall in Goudkoff 's D-2 zone ^^ and be correlative with the Pachydiscus silt of the Coalinga region. " Op. cit, range chart, pp. 968, 969. DIVISION OF MINKS BULLETIN 14U I'LATE 4 RELIEF MAP OF TESLA QUADRANGLE Showing iiiiijortant place names. Photograph of a plaster relief niudt-l in the Geological Museuni of the University of California, Berkeley. i>]\isit)N ()K :\nxEs Bl'LLETIX 1 ill ri.ATI-: A. BEDDED FRAXCISCAX L'HEKT IX ARROYO MOCHO JS, PILLOW STRUCTURE IN FRANCISCAN BASALT Along Arroyo Mocho road in sec. 13, T. 4 S., R. 3 E., M.D. DIVISION OF MINES BULLETIN 140 PLATE fi 41^ A. OUTCROP OF WHITE SAND OF TESLA FORMATION IN CORRAL HOLLOW Leaves are piesent in the carbonaceous shales to the left of the white sand. Note the truncation of the overturned beds l)v a terrace. Looking west, in northern part of sec. Zn, T. 3 S., R. .1 E., M.D. 7;. C(»I'V ol' < il.l > l'HOT( KlK.AI'll SUdWl.VC, TKSL.A .MLXl.XC I'.V.MI', .M^.olT DM (i. DIVISION- OF MINES BUI^LETIN 140 PLATE 1 V.^1»^' ■*• '^"^^r^ I "v A, CROSS-BEDDED AND PEBBLY WHITE SAND OF CIERBO FORMATION In a roadcut near the center of sec. 26, T. 2 S., R. 2 E., M.D. l: .\\ -<•*, .^' B. ANGULAR I'NCOxXFORxMIT V Between Cierbo formation and underlying Panoclie formation in a railroad rut in sec. ;!(i, T. 2 S., R. 3 E., M.D. DIVISION OF MIXES BULLETIN' 140 PLATE S ^^i A, ANDESITIC BOULDER CONGLOMERATE OF NEROLY FORMATION In SE^ sec. fi, T. 3 S., R. 4 E., M.D B. BASAL ANDESITIC GRAVELS OF NEROLY FORMATION" Resting with angular unconformity on sandstones and shales of I'annche forma- tion. View of north side of roadcut along U.S. Highway 50 in SEJ sec. :;4, T. i; S., U. :i E.. M.D. DIVISION OF ^rrxKs BUT.T>RT1X 140 PI.ATK :i ...-.-^4^^. A, SLICKENSIDED FAULT-PLANE SURFACE In Greenville fault zone in cut of Western Pacific Railroad near tlie soutfiwest corner of sec. 30, T. 2 S., R. 3 E., M.D. The fault plane has a dip of about 70 degrees, and striations on the surface are nearly horizontal. "jij**il . . ."•5*^'? B. SHARI' FOLD IX XEltoLV RMK SAXDSTONE Smooth surface to left is in upper Nernly shales, and Cierl)0 formation lunlerlies blue sandstone, uppei- risht. View east, in southern part of sec 4, T. 3 S.. R. 4 JO., M.D. cy- 4-J o .2 OJCO s o c 5 "' '!■ 5j ■" CJ ^ N ■^ a c- c< a 0; 0?=« a? •- o-c si M 2; ° o II a o < % ^ ~ .-^ o ^ II C 0) P "S 3 03 OB nJ £ c K :: o E-caj c -w cS ceo K -s 3 •-: ■- r'' P 2 ~ = •2=3 J*?.- ^ «s c 5 ^ o ^ ?^ cr -S 1; ^ ^ ^ - r^^f^r. O •:: c i. - 1, ^ * $. 't^^% Si ^ §• I a-c c^ "^ ■^ C Ctf ctf " f- o ^ K i; : it o s aS.S-ii'o ^ C « r O C? ■" >H ^ 0) h3 II c 1 I I M 1 4) Irf O >-: 0) o O HJ -c o C .- t^a^^ffic ^M hOS c Q _o J d D s O rt « a X O H M H hH m H 2; < ctf' .c 0) ii c ^ d o . » o ^ . >) o." p. hflOj-i-' m t. t^ >'^ CIS .^ ao) •• ^ S c Sm +J TO O .^ a, o t« .a he > ' ■" o y; 'O 3.^ = (l* ni m (u to a! (2 r .« -u O D C W) iS Si c C o c *- ■J M g J t. g .2^^£-|_§o ■a^ 2ag|a c •- r. > = _ ?i TO ^^ — r* w STRATIGRAPHY 33 At locality XIV on the east bank of Mitchell Eavine a small ammo- nite and minute specks thought to be foraminifera and radiolaria were found in a yellow-buff colored limestone concretion when it was broken open with a hammer. A thin-section of the sample was shown to Dr. Campbell who observed the outlines of foraminifera, some diatoms, and an abundance of well preserved radiolarian tests. These latter forms greatly intrigued Campbell and he asked for the remainder of the con- cretion which by then consisted of a few cubic inches of limestone, including a small ammonite. From this small limestone sample Campbell and Clark ^^ recovered after treatment of the material in acid, the most extensive Cretaceous radiolarian fauna that has been recorded from North America. The fauna includes nine families, 25 genera and approximately 100 species. According to the above authors the fauna may be referred to as a Saturnalis or Dictyomitra fauna. The associa- tion of certain of the fossil species with recent Arctic forms indicated that the fauna lived in very cold water. The ammonite found with the radiolaria was identified by the late Dr. F. M. Anderson as Lyfoceras (Tragonites) aff. epigonus (Kossmat), an Upper Cretaceous species found elsewhere in the Pacliydiscus silt. The term Corral Hollow shale mentioned from Huey in the paper by Campbell and Clark ^^ is replaced by the term Lloreno Grande used in this report. The sandstone in the upper part of the Moreno Grande from Tesla westward contained some Upper Cretaceous megafossils. A sample of sandstone float near Tesla contained Acila (trxincata) demessa Finlay and two cephalopods, an ammonite and a Nautilus sp. At locality IX, a little northwest of the center of see. 26, T. 3 S., R. 3 E., Parallelodon (Xano)iovis) brewer ianus Gabb and an ammonite were found. Structure and Relation to Adjacent Formations. The Moreno Grande along the south side of Corral Hollow dips steeply northward at angles of 60 to 80 degrees into a syncline. The formation is over- lapped by the Cierbo formation (upper Miocene) to the north. The contact with the underlying Panoche is nowhere well exposed but it appears to be conformable and gradational. The contact with overlying Tesla formation (middle Eocene) is unconformable. Angular discord- ance is slight, but there is progressive overlap to the east. The upper sand which is present west of Tesla is absent to the east at Mitchell Ravine and still farther east near Carnegie the Moreno Grande is com- pletely lapped out by the Tesla formation. This unconformity marks an interval of time in which the cold-water marine conditions under which the Moreno Grande was deposited were replaced by the warm brackish- water conditions under which the lower part of the Tesla was formed. Tertiary System Eocene Series Tesla Formation The name Tesla formation was proposed by Huey ^^ for a group of brackish-water and marine sediments of middle Eocene age that are typically and most completely exposed near the former mining camp of Tesla. The occurrence of coal, pottery clays, and quartz sand in the formation makes it one of economic interest. « Op. cit. " Op. cit. " Op. cit., 1936. 4—85413 34 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 Distrihuiion and Thickness. The Tesla can be traced as a band for about 5 miles along Corral Hollow from Carnegie westward toward Livermore Valley. To the north no Eocene rocks occur on the flanks of the anticlines, having been completely overlapped by the Cierbo formation (upper Miocene) which in turn rests directly on the Panoche. This relationship means that either an old high in the northern part of the area prevented the deposition of the Eocene sediments or that they were deposited and later stripped off prior to the transgression of the Cierbo formation. This condition may be related to the buried arch in the vicinity of Manteca over which Miocene strata rest on Upper Cretaceous beds with the lapped-out Eocene strata preserved in the Sacra- mento basin to the north and in the San Joaquin basin to the south. A maximum thickness of about 2000 feet of section is developed in the vicinity of Tesla. East of Tesla the Corral Hollow fault cuts out about 700 feet of the upper part of the formation, and west of Tesla the upper" part of the formation is progressively overlapped by the Cierbo formation. Lithology. The Tesla formation is characterized by a variety of sedimentary rocks including white quartz sand, buff sand, iron- and manganese-stained concretionary sand, dark carbonaceous shales, lignite seams, and white to light blue clays. The sediments show considerable variation both vertically and laterally. Brackish- water sediments, in gen- eral, characterize the lower part of the formation, and marine sediments predominate in the upper part. The occurrence of the white quartz sand at several horizons in the section serves to bind the variable group of sediments into a whole unit. A paced section along the Tesla road in the center of sec. 25, T. 3 S., R. 3 E., illustrates the variable lithology. The top of the section is locally in fault contact with the Cierbo formation and about a quarter of a mile to the west, 100 feet of additional section underlies a basal gravel of tlie Cierbo. From top to bottom, the section along Tesla road is as follows : 40' Fine white quartzose sand, some shale. 700' Buff sand, fine grained,, concretionary, massive. (Marine fossils including Turritella merriami Dickerson occur near the top and base of this unit.) SO' White sand and claj-s, some gray shales. 2.50' Buff sand, finely micaceous, massive, concretionary, and gypsiferous. 60' White to light gray sandy shales and clays with limonitic staining. 20' White quartz sand. 10' Dark carbonaceous shales. .50' Buff sandstone, fine grained, locally manganese-stained concretions. 160' Gray to chocolate carbonaceous shales, minor sandstone. A thin lig- nite seam occurs about 40' down in this unit. 150' Buff massive to crossbedded and concretionary sandstone, minor amount of shale. 10' Gray shales. 100' Buff sandstone. Brackish-water fossils (Anomia and Diodus) occur about 60' down in this unit. 125' Carbonaceous shales, streaks of micaceous sands. Fossil leaves occur about 10' down and brackish-water fo.ssils including Corhicula sp. occur about 85' down in this unit. 200' Light gray to buff massive sandstone, some shales. 1955' Total thickness of section. At Mitchell Ravine to the east, the zone of brackish-water fossils con- taining Corhicula sp. occurs in the basal part of the section about 30 feet above the Tesla-Moreno Grande contact so that more than 200 feet of the STRATIGRAPHY 35 lower part of the formation which is present at Tesla is missing. Also at Mitchell Ravine the upper 700 feet of the Tesla section is cut out by the Corral Hollow fault. The white sands are fine to medium grained, well sorted, massive to finely cross-bedded, friable, locally gypsiferous, and generally finely streaked with limonitic staining. Heavy mineral separations from three samples of white sand were studied. Angular quartz averages about 75 percent of the total light minerals. However in one sample taken from the upper white sand, quartz comprised 95 percent of the minerals present, Orthoclase, much of which is kalonized and occurs in clay aggregates, constitutes from 10 to 22 percent of the light minerals. Microcline and oligoclase-andesine are present, each ranging from a trace up to 3 percent of a separation. Grains of black and lavender chert generally constitute from 1 to 2 percent of the light minerals. The micas are present in less than 1 percent proportion and most of the biotite is pale. Anauxite is present up to a percent or more. The heavy minerals comprise only about one-half of one percent of a separation but include an interesting list of minerals, mostly chemically resistant. Ilmenite and magnetite are abun- dant, ilmenite being predominant. Andalusite and euhedral zircon are very common, greenish-brown tourmaline is common, some barite is present, staurolite and pink to colorless garnet are present in small quan- tities. The sparse to very rare minerals include rutile, epidote, anatase, corundum, basaltic and green hornblende, brookite, sillimanite, and titanite. Allen ^^ has made a more comprehensive study of the Tesla sands and clays, and for additional petrographic details and discussion the reader is referred to his report. Allen in examining a number of white sands found anauxite ranging as high as 24 percent of the mineral assemblage. The similarity of the mineral assemblage of the Tesla white sands with that described from the lone sands by Allen ^^ is striking. Allen sug- gested a Sierran source for the constituents of the lone sands. A Sierran source for the Tesla white sands was suggested by Huey ^"^ (1936, 1940). Andalusite which is present in these sands occurs in the schists in the Sierras but has not been reported from the older rocks of the Coast Ranges. Tourmaline, zircon, magnetite, ilmenite, epidote, garnet, stauro- lite, in fact, about all of the heavy minerals from the Tesla white sands occur in the Sierran province. The low feldspar content, the presence of anauxite, the occurrence of minerals resistant to chemical weathering, and the absence or sparsitj^ of such minerals as pyroxenes, amphiboles, and micas suggest a derivation of the minerals from an area undergoing intense chemical weathering. Allen ^^ suggested a Sierran source for the material in the white anauxitic sands and clays at Tesla but postulated a second contemporaneous source probably in the Coast Ranges, for the mineral constituents such as fresh biotite, sparse glaucophane and albite, which he found in some of the micaceous sands alternating with the white sands and clays. Petrographic examination of a sample from the upper buff sands showed 35 percent quartz, 60 percent feldspar much of which was kaolini- " Op. cit. ""Allen, V. T., The lone formation of California: Univ. California. Dent Geol Sci. Bull., vol. 18, pp. 347-448, 1929. 6- Op. cit., 1936, 1940. "Op. cit., 1941. 36 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADKANGLE [Bull. 140 zed, 4 percent altered biotite, and a heavy mineral assemblage essentially the same as that of the white sands. Allen ^^ notes the occurrence of glau- cophane, a characteristic Franciscan mineral, in a sample of the bufE sand that he examined. Associated with some of the chocolate-colored carbonaceous shales are streaks of black, very micaceous sand. This sand containing an abun- dance of what appeared to be fresh to slightly altered biotite seemed inconsistent with a source area that was undergoing intense chemical weathering. A petrographic examination of this sand showed quartz 10 percent, muscovite about 5 percent, and phlogopite with a sagenite web- structure as rare. It was surprising that 85 percent of the sample was com- posed of altered biotite and an alteration product of biotite, believed to be the mineral, jefferisite. The optical properties of this vermiculite were quite variable and the refractive indices of beta and gamma ranged from 1.455 to 1.560. The mineral was pseudouniaxial, negative in sign, and retained the basal cleavage of biotite. Among the heavy minerals zircon and hypersthene were common ; andalusite, ilmenite, and magnetite rather common; and titanite, rutile, staurolite, brown tourmaline, and anatase sparse to rare. This was the only sample of the micaceous sands that was examined, but a question arises whether some of the other mica- ceous sand streaks may also be mostly composed of altered biotite and vermiculite rather than fresh biotite. Such sands would be consistent with a source area undergoing chemical weathering. The white clays of the Tesla formation were not examined petro- graphicallj^, but Allen ^^ reports that the clays have similar chemical composition, optical properties, and X-ray patterns to the anauxitic clays near lone. Fauna and Flora. The fauna and flora found in the Tesla forma- tion afford clues to the conditions of sedimentation and help fix the age and stratigraphic position of the formation. In general the fossils from the lower part of the formation (localities I to III inclusive) indicate a brackish-water environment, whereas those from the upper part (local- ities IV to VI inclusive) suggest marine conditions. Dr. R. A. Bramkamp kindly identified the fossils listed below. 5»Op. cit, 1941. ""Op. cit., 1941. Checklist of fossils from the Tesla formation Localities Pelecypoda I II III IV Y VI Acila gabbiana (Dickerson) R Anomia inornata (Gabb) A C Brachidontes cowlitzensis (Weaver & Palmer) R Corbicula n. sp.? A Diodus tenuis (Gabb) C A Glycimeris cf. meganoseusis Clark & Woodford X Nuculana cf. gabbi (Gabb) A Pitar sp X Plagiocardium cf. brewerii (Gabb) R R Spisula sp. X Tellina cf. lajollaensis Dickerson X Gastropoda Turritella buwaldana Dickerson (mold) R Turritella merriami Dickerson C X A = abundant R = rare C ^= common X = preseni STRATIGRAPHY 37 Some of the fossil assemblages seem to constitute zones as they are found in several successive canyons in about the same stratigraphic position. The lowermost zone carries the brackish-water form, CorMcula. At Mitchell Ravine (locality III) this zone is about 80 feet above the top of the Moreno Grande and about 75 feet below the Anomia-Diodus zone. Nuculana gdhhi occurs consistently about 30 feet above the base of the upper 700-foot unit of massive buff sand; and generally at a horizon about 10 feet above the Nuculana zone a group of marine fossils including Turritella merriami occurs. No fossils were found in the white sands, and although the sands looked like clean beach sands, it was not deter- mined whether they were deposited under marine or brackish-water conditions. The white sands occur at several horizons in the formation and in association with sediments that appear to have been deposited under contrasting conditions. The late Dr. B. L. Clark informed the writer of his finding in the Eocene white sands near Mt. Diablo a gas- tropod, Spiroglyphus tejonensis (Arnold), and orbitoid foraminifera, Discocylina cf. psilla, which forms would suggest a marine environment of deposition for these sands. In a south-facing bank at the foot of the Tesla grade (U. C. locality No. P-3718) in the SE^ sec. 25, T. 3 S., R. 3 E., fossil leaves were found in chocolate-colored shales. Professor R. W. Chancy of the University of California, Berkeley, kindly supplied the following list of leaf species and suggestions as to their time range. Leaf species from University of California localiiy P-371S. Floral list Suggested time range Ciiinamomum dilleri Cordia cf. rotunda Cupania cf. oregona Glyptostrobus europeus Laurus princeps Magnolia californica Nectandra presanguinea Octotea ovoidea Persea pseudocaroliniaua Polyalthea chaneyi Rhamnus cf. cleburni Sabalites sp. (palm frond) Trochodendroides sp. Middle to upper Eocene Upper Eocene to lower Oligocene Middle Eocene to lower Oligocene Paleocene to upper Eocene ' Middle to upper Eocene Middle to upper Eocene Upper Eocene to lower Oligocene Upper Eocene to lower Oligocene Middle Eocene to lower Oligocene Upper Eocene Paleocene to lower Eocene Eocene Eocene Concerning the above leaf specimens. Dr. Chancy ^^ writes : "... the flora is probably of middle Eocene age. All of the species are typically of Eocene age, and the details of migration are not sufficiently well known to make possible a final age reference. "All of the species fall in genera whose modern distribution is in lati- tudes 15 to 20 degrees south of the Tesla region. The representation of the Lauracea and the present-day occurrence of the modern equivalent of most of the Tertiary species, suggest an environment without frost and with abundant rainfall." Age and Correlation. The occurrence of the index fossil Turritella merriami in the upper half of the formation indicates that the Tesla formation is middle Eocene in age and probably falls in what is cur- rently called the Capay stage, which was proposed by Merriam and Turner ^2. According to Dr. Chancy, the flora listed from the lower part "* Written communication dated May 8, 1947. «2 Merriam, C. W., and Turner, P. E., The Capay middle Eocene of California: Univ. California, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 24, pp. 91-141, 1937. 38 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 of the formation also indicates middle Eocene age, but the brackish-water fossils in this lower part do not lend themselves to definite age assign- ment since a few of the forms have been noted in beds purported to be Paleocene or older. The Tesla formation in this area, as herein mapped, was earlier called Tejon by Anderson and Pack ®^. They mapped "Tejon" beds for a considerable distance along the west border of the San Joaquin Valley north of Coalinga. Part of what they mapped as Tejon is now differentiated as Domengine, some of it has been referred to the Lodo and Martinez ( ?) formations, and part of it is correlative with the Tesla formation. Stewart, Popenoe, and Snavely ^^ have described a number of columnar sections and the involved faunas from the Panoche Hills northward into the Orestimba area. They described in the Orestimba area a section of 1800 feet of iron-oxide streaked white sands with fer- ruginous ledges and siltstones containing much carbonaceous material in portions. A brackish-water fauna, which occurred in the lower part of these beds, included Diodus tenuis, " Placunanomia" cf. inornata, and "Psammo})ia" cylindrica, the latter a Paleocene species. "With some uncertainty they assigned these beds to the Martinez ( ? ) formation and indicated their probable age as Paleocene. They noted both the lithologic and faunal similarity of these beds to some in Corral Hollow and postu- lated that both might belong to the same formation. This writer concurs in the suggested correlation of these two sets of beds, having previously used the formational name Tesla for the beds in the Orestimba area, where he directed some private unpublished mapping. Structure and Relation to Adjacent Formations. The Tesla for- mation in Corral Hollow dips steeply northward and locally the beds are overturned in proximity to the Corral Hollow fault. In several cross-sections (pi. 3) the Tesla is represented in the subsurface as dipping down into a syncline and being overlapped to the north by the Cierbo formation (upper Miocene) without emerging on the north limb of the syncline. The relation of the Tesla to the underlying Moreno Grande has already been described. The Tesla is overlain unconformably by the Cierbo formation. In places a gravel bed in the base of the Cierbo facil- itates the mapping of the contact between the two formations. In Corral Hollow the Tesla formation is in fault contact with the Cierbo and the upper part of the Tesla is cut out along the Corral Hollow fault. Miocene Series Oursan? Sandstone The Oursan sandstone was named by Lawson ^^ for its occurrence at Oursan Ridge in the Concord quadrangle. In Arroyo Valle near the central western margin of the Tesla quadrangle, some massive buff sandstones, locally pebbly and reef-forming with minor interbedded shale, are herein assigned with some uncertainty to the Oursan sand- stone. These beds had previously been mapped as Briones by the Stan- ford Geological Survey, but an invertebrate fauna found by the writer indicates that the beds are probably older than Briones. 83 Op. cit. 8* Stewart, R., Popenoe, W. P., and Snavely, P. D., Jr., Correlation and subdivisions of Tertiary and late Upper Cretaceous rocks in Panoche Hills, Laguna Seca area, and Orestimba area, Fresno, Merced, and Stanislaus Counties, California : U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Investigations Prelim. Chart 6, 1944. «»Op. cit., 1914. STRATIGRAPHY 39 The principal occurrence of the sandstone in the Tesla quadrangle is limited to the N^ sec. 3, T. 4 S., R. 2 E. It extends northwestward into the Pleasanton quadrang:le. To the southeast the formation is com- pletely overlapped by the Livermore gravels. Lifhology. Massive buff sandstone characterizes the bulk of the formation, which locally attains a thickness of about 700 feet. At the entrance of Arroyo Valle south of Livermore the road takes a sharp turn around a strike ridge of the sandstone which locally is pebbly and carries an abundance of shell fragments. A heaw mineral separation of a sample of light gray weathering to buff, fine-grained sandstone from locality VIII in sec. 3. T. 4 S., R. 2 E., was examined petrographically. Quartz constitutes 40 percent of the light minerals. Shards of clear and brown glass with a refractive index of 1.50± make up 25 percent of the separation. Chert grains constitute 15 percent, and kaolinized feldspars make up 20 percent of the sample. Among the hea^^^ minerals pale green hornblende is very common; magnetite, basaltic hornblende, bro^ATi biotite, and hypersthene are common ; glaucophane, titanite, epidote. and ilmenite are scarce. The presence of glaucophane suggests a probable Franciscan source for the detrital material of the sediments, and the shards of glass attest to A^olcanic activity during the middle Miocene. A few beds of light gray punky, tuffaceous and diatomaceous shale are interbedded with the buff sandstones. Fauna and Correlation. At locality VIII in sec. 3, T. 4 S., R. 2 E., abundant but poorly preserved marine fossils were found in friable buff sandstone. Fossils from this locality were identified by Mrs. P. Rossello Nicholson of the Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley. Checklist of fo.tails from the Oursau? satidstone (lor. YIIJ) Pelecypoda Cardium sp. X Chione n. sp. X Chione sp. (cf. C panzena Anderson & Martin) X Chione sp. (cf. C templorensis Anderson) X Cryptomya sp. X Dosinia merrianii Clark X Mytilus sp. (cf. M. perrini Clark) X Nitidella sp. X Ostrea n. sp. X Pecten (Equipecten) andersoni Arnold RC Schizothaerus sp X Siliqua sp. (?) RC Tagelus n. sp. X Thracia ( ?) n. sp. X Gastropoda Bullaria n. sp. (?) RC Calyptraea inornata Conrad RC Polinices (Neverita) reclnziana var. andersoni Clark X Trophon sp. Arthropoda Balanus sp. X X = present RC = rather common The above faunal assemblage was regarded by the late Professor B. L. Clark ^^ as middle Miocene (Temblor) and older than Briones. *° Oral communication. 40 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 Certainly, index fossils for the Briones, sncli as Astrodapsis trewerianus and Pecten raymondi, are conspicuous by their absence. However, the fauna bears some resemblance to one listed by Trask ^"^ from the lower sandstone member of the Briones in the San Pablo Bay region. Vanderhoof ^^ has described the fossil material from a sea cow, Desmo stylus, which was found in these beds at the mouth of Arroyo Valle. Vanderhoof referred to the beds as Briones, following general usage in the area. There is practically no chance to clarify the stratigraphic relations of this formation from the limited occurrence in the Tesla quadrangle ; however, in the adjoining Pleasanton quadrangle to the west the key to this stratigraphic problem may lie in some work done towards a Master's degree by Harding.^^ He mapped a section of about 3000 feet of Briones formation carrying Feet en raymondi and Ostrea tourgeoisii in the Maguire Peaks area east of the Sunol fault. He found underlying the Briones with slight angular unconformity a middle Miocene forma- tion comprised mostly of a tan sandstone resembling the Oursan sand- stone that he had mapped west of the Sunol fault. Fossils found in this sandstone included Pecten andersoni, Dosinia merriami, Tivela gahti, and Cancellaria daUinna? The lithologic and faunal similarity of this unit to the beds in question in Arroyo Valle is striking, and the strati- graphic position underlying definite Briones is clearly demonstrated. Although Harding noted a resemblance of these beds to the Oursan sandstone, he was not certain as to the assignment. The Tice and Clare- mont shales, which respectively overlie and underlie the Oursan sand- stone in the area west of the Sunol fault, are not recognized east of that fault so that the assignment as Oursan had to be based largely on litho- logic appearance and general stratigraphic position. Structure and Relation to Adjacent Formations. The Oursan? sandstone formation rests with an angular discordance of about 15 degrees upon the Panoche formation (Upper Cretaceous) and is overlain unconformably by the Livennore gravels (Plio-Pleistocene). The beds dip 35 degrees homoclinally to the northeast. These structural and stratigraphic relations are represented in section B-B (pi. 3). Cierbo Formation The Cierbo formation was named by Clark '^^ who classified it as the middle member of the San Pablo group of upper Miocene age. The formation, herein called Cierbo, was mapped and described as '' undif- ferentiated Miocene" by Anderson and Pack.''^^ The Cierbo is a transgressive formation of widespread occurrence over the northern part of the area. Exposures of the Cierbo formation are limited and poor; but the occurrence of rounded quartz and black chert pebbles in the soil and the widespread occurrence of the large oj^ster, Ostrea hourgeoisii, aid in the recognition of the formation. «^ Trask, Parker D., The Briones formation of middle California: Univ. California, Dept Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 13, p. 140, 1922. "« Vanderhoof, V. L., A Study of the Miocene Sirenian Desmostylus : Univ. Cali- fornia, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 24, pp. 169-262, 1937. «» Harding, John "W. Jr., The geology of the southern part of the Pleasanton quad- rangle, California, Master's thesis, University of California, 1940 (unpublished). '° Clark, B. Li., The marine Tertiary of the west coast of the United States ; its sequence, paleogeography, and problems of correlations : Jour. Geology, vol. 29, pp. 583-614, 1921. ■^ Op. cit. STRATIGRAPHY 41 Nowhere in the area is a good section of Cierbo sediments exposed, and no accurate measurement of the formation can be made. However, it is estimated that the maximum thickness is about 500 feet. Lithology. Several different types of lithology are found in the Cierbo sediments. Beds of white quartzose sands resembling those of the Tesla formation are common. The sands are poorly sorted, coarse grained, massive to cross-bedded, friable, streaked with limonite, and carry rounded pebbles of quartz and black chert. Yellow or buff sands are also common. A conglomerate carrying rounded pebbles and cobbles of quartz, vari-colored cherts, lavender quartzite, and sandstone occurs locally in the SE i sec. 24, T. 2 S., R. 2 E. Northwest of Tesla a conglom- erate carrying angular pebbles and cobbles of Franciscan chert and sand- stone characterizes the base of the Cierbo. Tuffs and carbonaceous brown shale are locally present. A bed of white tuff has been mined at the K-ola mine in sec. 27, T. 3 S., E. 3 E. The tuff is made up of 97 percent clear glass with a refractive index of 1.50, quartz (2 percent), kaolinized feld- spar (1 percent) and traces of pale biotite and magnetite. Also in the tunnel of the K-ola mine several lignite seams, locally 2 feet thick, are associated with brown carbonaceous shales. A sample of the white granuliferous sandstone was examined petro- graphically. Quartz makes up 70 percent of the sample. Kaolinized feld- spar, chiefly orthoclase and a little microcline, constitute 10 percent of , the sample. Black, gray, and green chert particles make up most of the remaining 20 percent. HeaYj minerals represent only a small fraction of a percent of the sandstone, but they comprise a large number of mineral species. Of these magnetite andilmenite are very common ; zircon is fairly common ; garnet, basaltic and green hornblende, andalusite, hypersthene, zoisite, and broAvn biotite are sparse ; and titanite, brown tourmaline, staurolite, actinolite, and glaucophane are rare. There is some similarity between the above mineral assemblage and that described for the Eocene white sands, and it would appear that the Cierbo white sands may have derived the bulk of their constituent minerals from the same hypothetical source area, the Sierra Nevada. However, the presence of grains of actinolite, glaucophane, and chert suggests that areas of Franciscan rocks in the Coast Ranges were also suppljdng some of the detritus for the sediments. Fauna and Correlation. The numerous fossil symbols indicated in the areas of Cierbo rocks on the geologic map mark the occurrence of the large oyster, Ostrea hourgcoisii, generally as fragments in the soil. A zone of this oyster characteristically occurs from 50 feet to 150 feet above the base of the formation. The parallelism of the oyster zone with the basal contact of the formation is well demonstrated on the southwestern flank of the Altamont anticline. Other marine fossils are generally limited in occurrence and poorly preserved, but at locality No. VII near the south- ern boundary of sec. 3, T. 3 S., R. 3 E., a fair collection was obtained. Mrs. P. Rossello Nicholson contributed the identifications which are listed below. The occurrence of Ostrea lourgeoisii and Pecten raymondi in the formation is indicative of upper Miocene age, and the formation is con- sidered as correlative with the Cierbo formation at Mt. Diablo. Fragments of petrified wood are frequently found in soil of the Cierbo formation, and a few leaf impressions were noted in a tuff that outcrops at the K-ola mine. 42 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 Checklist of some Cierho fossils Localities VII Kola mine Gastropoda Acteon sp. X Calyptraea sp. C Littorina n. sp. X Polynices kerkerensis Clark X Pelecypoda Cardium sp. X Cryptomya sp. X Macoma andersoni Clark X Mulinia gabbi X Ostrea bourgeoisii Remond C Panope generosa Gould — X Pecten raymondi Clark X Pecten tolmani C Solen perrini Clark X Tellinia salmonea Carpenter X X = present C = common Relation to Adjacent Formations. The Cierbo, a transgressive for- mation, is structurally involved in the regional folding and faulting. Over most of the area it rests with angular unconformity upon Panoche rocks; this relationship suggests that there were some conditions of folding and erosion prior to the transgression of the Cierbo. In the vicin- ity of Tesla the Cierbo has both faulted and unconformable relationships with the Tesla formation. Nowhere in the area is the Cierbo found in conjunction with the Oursan ? sandstone. The Cierbo is overlain conform- ably to unconformably by the Neroly formation, which is the upper mem- ber of the San Pablo group. Apparently there are slight angular dis- cordances between the attitudes of bedding in the Cierbo and Neroly formations in several places, but the vagueness of the bedding in the Cierbo makes the interpretation uncertain. Over most of the area a basal reef bed of the Neroly consisting of blue sandstone and tuffaceous shale rests sharply on the incoherent coarse white sands of the Cierbo. In the vicinity of Kock Cut in the SE i sec. 25, T. 2 S., R. 3 E., and northward, the Cierbo is lapped out by the Neroly, which there rests unconformably upon the Panoche. This unconformity between basal Neroly gravels and Panoche sandstone is well exposed in a road cut at the east end of the new U. S. Highway 50. Neroly Formation The Neroly formation was named by Clark and Woodford "^^ as the upper formation of the San Pablo group, which was defined originally to include only the Cierbo and Neroly formations. Anderson and Pack '^^ described what is herein called Neroly as the San Pablo formation. Distribution and Thickness. The Neroly was probably once a con- tinuous sheet of sediments over the northern part of the area, but much of the formation was stripped off by eroison following a post-Neroly period or periods of deformation, and today the rocks are preserved chiefly in synclinal areas. The northeastern part of the area is well blanketed by blue sandstones, conglomerates, and shales of the formation. '= Clark, B. L., and Woodford, A. O., The geology and paleontology of the type section of the Meganos formation of California: Univ. California, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 17, p. 69, 1927. "Op. cit., pp. 96-100. STRATIGRAPHY 43 To the northwest the Neroly extends into the Byron and Mt. Diablo quad- rangles, and to the southeast it continues across the Carbona quadrangle and along the west border of the San Joaquin Valley. In the Tesla area the Neroly is conveniently divided into two parts, as follows : a lower part consisting mainly of blue sandstone, some ande- sitic boulder conglomerates, and interbeds of tuffaceous clay shales ; and an upper part consisting mainly of poorly exposed clays, and minor interbeds of soft brownish sands, gravels, and some blue sandstone. The lower blue sandstone unit ranges in thickness from about 100 to 700 feet, and the maximum thickness is developed along the north side of Corral Hollow. The upper shales reach a thickness of at least 2000 feet, but a measurement of their complete thickness could nowhere be obtained as the top of the formation is masked by the alluvium of the San Joaquin Valley. This division of the Neroly is an arbitrary one ; and the contact, which is represented on the geologic map (pi. 1), does not everywhere occur at the same stratigraphic horizon. LitJiology. The most distinctive rock type in the Neroly is blue sandstone, which resembles the so-called "vivianitic" sandstones of the Etchegoin formation near Coalinga. The blue color of the sands is caused by opalescence from a dull opaline coating on the grains. This coating- can be removed by boiling a sample of the sand in a solution of potassium hydroxide. Heavy mineral separations were made of two samples of the blue sands. The light minerals constitute about 87 percent of the sample. Quartz, oligoclase, and labradorite are sparsely present. Black micro- crystalline to glassy lava particles containing microlites make up a large part of the light material, and these particles resemble the groundmass of many of the cobbles of andesite porphyry found in the Neroly con- glomerates. The bulk of the light grains are opaque, somewhat magnetic, and angular in shape. The heavy minerals literally rain down during a separation and make up about 13 percent of a sample. Among the heavy minerals, augite is abundant ; brown basaltic hornblende and hypersthene are very common ; green hornblende, magnetite, and andesitic ground- mass particles are rather common ; titanite and epidote are sparse. The mineral assemblage suggests a source area of andesitic rocks. The absence of typical Franciscan minerals and the dissimilarity of the heavy mineral assemblage with that of the Tesla formation are noteworthy. The Neroly conglomerates consist of rounded andesitic pebbles and cobbles set in a matrix of blue sandstone. The cobbles range from 2 to 5 inches in diameter. Seventeen thin-sections Avere studied of representa- tive cobbles. Of these, six are augite-plagioclase andesite porphyry, five are hornblende-plagioclase andesite porphyry, three are hypersthene- augite-plagioclase andesite porphyry, and three are hornblende-pyroxene- plagioclase andesite porphyry. All of the andesite porphyries have many features in common, and differences in classification are based upon the characterizing phenocrysts of the rocks. It is convenient, therefore, to describe the rocks as a group, noting any special features. The pheno- crysts constitute about 55 percent of a porphyry in thin-section and range in length from ^ to 3 millimeters. Labradorite and andesine- labradorite (Ab45Anr,5 to AbsoAnjo) make up from 65 to 90 percent of the phenocrysts. The feldspars show such features as albite and pericHne twinning, delicate zoning, strong dispersion, "dust-charged" cores, and partial to complete resorption of some of their outlines. Augite is very common as a phenocryst, ranging to as much as 20 percent of the total 44 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 phenocrysts. Some of the augite is present in euhedral basal sections having good cleavages. Twinning is common, and dispersion in the augite phenocrysts is strong. Hypersthene, which is present as a phenocryst in six of the thin-sections, constitutes a maximum of 30 percent of the phenocrysts in one sample. Hypersthene shows good pleochroism and well-developed pyramidal terminations of the prisms. Brown basaltic hornblende is another principal phenocryst in some of the porphyries, constituting from 1 to 10 percent of the phenocrysts. It appears in pris- matic and euhedral basal sections having good cleavages, and shows resorption rims of magnetite dust. Some of the hornblende crystals are completely resorbed, and the magnetite dust retains the distinctive out- line of the parent mineral. The hornblende is pleochroic from yellow to red-brown and frequently contains small feldspar inclusions. Pale biotite is very rare as a phenocryst. The groundmass textures of the porphyries are dominantly pilo- taxitic, some show a fluidal or trachytic tendency, and a few are hyalo- pilitic. The groundmass is dark to black in color. Under the microscope with the nicols crossed and a low power objective, the darkness of the groundmass suggests the presence of glass, but in most cases under high power the groundmass is seen to be microcrystalline to cryptocrystalline. However, three of the sections do appear to have a glassy base. In one of the sections examined, the groundmass is thoroughly oxidized and very red in color. Microlites of oligoclase-andesine are very common. Some fine augite is present, and magnetite is abundant as small specks in the groundmass. Vesicles are present in more than half of the sections. Many of the vesicles are lined with opal, which under the microscope is pale brown in color but which in hand specimen appears dull bluish. A few secondary minerals, such as epidote, sericite, calcite, and limonite are also present. A few samples of tuff were examined petrographically and found to be composed of fine andesitic detritus. Source Area for the Neroly Sediments. Turner '^* has described and illustrated from the Sierra Nevada some andesite porphyries which petrographically seem to be identical with the andesite porphyry cobbles herein described from the Neroly. In 1924 Louderback ''^^ pointed out the following: "The distribution and character of the andesitic conglomerates of the San Pablo correspond well with a derivation from the Sierra Nevada during the period of andesitic eruption." In the Tesla quadrangle the Neroly conglomerates are most promi- nent in the eastern part of the area, so that their distribution is con- sistent with a Sierra Nevada source as suggested by Louderback. The tuffs and blue sandstones also carry andesitic detritus. All evidence seems to point to the Sierra Nevada as the probable source area for the detrital material in the Neroly sediments. Fauna and Flora. No marine fossils were found in the Neroly in the Tesla quadrangle, but marine fossils are known from the Neroly in the Mt. Diablo area. The only fossils found were leaves, horse teeth, and petrified wood. '* Turner, H. W., The rocks of the Sierra Nevada : U. S. Geo!. Survey Ann. Bept. 14, pp. 487-490, 1894. '= Louderback, G. D., Period of scarp production in the Great Basin : Univ. Cali- fornia, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 15, p. 16, 1924. STRATIGRAPHY . 45 Teeth fragments and foot bones of a horse were found by Dr. P. "W. Reinhart of the Shell Oil Inc. in a 10-foot gravel bed in the middle of the lower blue sandstone unit. The locality (University of California locality V-3620) is on a small ridge near a point where a fence crosses the ridge about 500 feet due west of the southeast corner of sec. 21, T. 3 S., R. 4 E. Dr. R. A. Stirton, formerly of the University of California, examined the teeth and classified them as belonging to Nannipus sp. From four other localities in the adjoining Carbona quadrangle teeth fragments found in the Neroly by Reinhart were identified by Stirton as Nannipus cf. tehonense and Pliohippus sp. Stirton,'^^ on the basis of the teeth, regards the age of the Neroly as probably upper lower Pliocene, approximately equivalent to the Chanac beds of the lower San Joaquin Valley and older than the * ' vertebrate Jacalitos. ' ' In the Tesla quadrangle a fairly regular zone of fossil leaves occurs from 10 to 30 feet above the base of the Neroly. Condit'^'^ has published on the fossil flora of the San Pablo, and two of his localities are in the Tesla quadrangle. Leaf collections made by the writer were presented to Condit for study and inclusion with the material he collected. Partial list of the San Pablo (Neroly) flora, after Gondii University of California Localities P 361 199 (Corral Hollow) (Altamont Pass) Flora : Alnus corrallina Lesquereaux X A Betula multineruis Jennings X A Cyperacites sp. X Equisetum sp. R Juglans oregoniana A Magnolia californica Lesquereaux R Nyssa knowltoni Berry R Persea princeps Heer C R Platanus dissecta Lesquereaux R R Populus alexanderi Dorf X X Populus balsamoides Goepp C R Prunus chaneyi n. sp R C Salix sp. X C A = abundant C = common X = present B = rare Some of the conclusions reached by Condit '^^ are as follows : 1. The flora is most similar to the present swampy coastal plain forest of the southeastern United States. 2. The climatic conditions were abundant rainfall evenly distributed throughout the year and a warm average temperature. 3. The age of the leaf-bearing beds of the Neroly is probalily upper Miocene on the basis of the flora and indicated climate. However, Condit entertained the possibility that the beds were transi- tional Mio-Pliocene. Chancy, Condit, and Axelrod ''^ in a recent book on the Pliocene floras of California and Oregon now regard the age of the Neroly flora as probably transitional Mio-Pliocene and correlate the flora with those from Remington Hill and Table Mountain on the lower slopes of the Sierra Nevada. " stirton, R. A., Cenozoic mammal remains from the San Francisco bay region : Univ. California, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 24, pp. 339-410, 1939. " Condit, Carlton, The San Pablo flora of west central California : Carnegie Inst. Washington, Contr. Paleontology 476, pp. 217-268, 1938. "Op. cit, p. 250. '* Chaney, R. W., Condit, C, and Axelrod, D. I., Pliocene floras of California and Oregon: Carnegie Inst. Washington Pub. 553, 1944. 46 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 Fragments of petrified wood are common in the Neroly sediments. Mr. Dougherty, formerly of the University of California, identified one specimen as a dicot and another as larch (Larix) or Douglas fir (Pseu- dotsuga). Age of the Neroly. The problem of whether the Neroly is upper Miocene, lower Pliocene, or transitional Mio-Pliocene has long been a matter of disagreement among geologists. In 1915 Clark gave a summary of the opinions of previous workers and assigned what was later called Neroly to the upper Miocene on the basis of the percentage of recent species in the invertebrate fauna. In 1924 Louderback reviewed the published opinions concerning the age of the San Pablo and postulated the probable derivation of the andesitic material in the San Pablo sedi- ments from the Sierra Nevada during the period of andesitic eruptions. Condit in his study of the San Pablo flora originally favored an upper Miocene age, but later joined with Chancy and Axelrod in regarding the Neroly flora as probablj' transitional Mio-Pliocene. Stirton proposed a lower Pliocene age on the basis of the vertebrate remains. In this report the Neroly is conveniently left assigned to the upper Miocene. However it is recognized that the more recent trend in strati- graphic assignment is to regard the formation as Mio-Pliocene transi- tional or as lower Pliocene. It seems appropriate to merely report the organic and physical evidence found in the Tesla quadrangle that may have a bearing on the age problem and therewith leave the problem to stratigraphers to settle from evidence more widely gained. In the Tesla quadrangle no marine invertebrate fossils were found in the Neroly and the organic evidence is limited to the flora and verte- brate remains, for which respective age indications have already been mentioned. The sediments, the flora, and the vertebrate fauna all seem to indicate a broad coastal plain as a site of deposition. It is conceivable that this coastal plain may have been marginal to a marine environment of deposition in the Mt. Diablo area, from which Clark has described an invertebrate fauna. In support of this geographic setting, Axelrod ^° mentions plant species from the Neroly in the Mt. Diablo area that appear to have lived closer to a coast line than the species found in the Tesla area. Leaving aside the conflict in age assignment based upon the different types of fossil remains, geological observations in the Tesla quadrangle seem to indicate a time interval of some extent between the periods of deposition of the Cierbo and Neroly. In the northeastern part of the area the Neroly laps out the Cierbo and rests with angular unconformity on the Panoche. In most places the Neroly overlies the Cierbo with sharp disconformity and in some places a slight angular discordance between the two formations is observed. This boundary marks a change from a marine environment of deposition for the Cierbo sediments to a broad flood plain or coastal plain as a local site of deposition for the Neroly. This distinct change in character of the sediments from the white quartzose pebbly sands of the Cierbo to the tj^pically blue Neroly sedi- ments composed of andesitic detritus must indicate a time interval sufficient to allow for at least a local withdrawal of the seas, a slight uplift of the lands, and the introduction of andesitic volcanic activity in the Sierra Nevada which is believed to have served as a source area for both sets of sediments. Whether this time interval represents the bound- «•> Chaney, Condit, and Axelrod, op. cit. STRATIGRAPHY 47 ary between the Miocene and Pliocene or an interformational uncon- formity within the upper Miocene is problematical. It is significant however, to point out the physical eAddence here for a break between the Cierbo and Neroly formations, which are classified as the upper two mem- bers of the tripartite San Pablo group. Relation to Adjacent Formations. The contact between the Neroly and Cierbo formations and the unconformable relation between the Neroly and the Panoche in the northeast part of the area have already been described. On the east side of Livermore Valley the Neroly sediments are overlapped by the Livermore gravels, presently to be described. In the northeast part of the quadrangle the Neroly is overlain by the Tulare formation composed mostly of Franciscan detritus, but the contact is not exposed. Tertiary-Quaternary System Pliocene-Pleistocene Series Livermore Gravels The name, Livermore gravels, was applied in 1925 by Vickery ^^ to a group of fresh-water gravels, sands, and clays bordering on the southern part of Livermore Valley. Distrihution and Thickness. These beds occupy an area of about 14 square miles in the central western part of the Tesla quadrangle. The deposits have a nearly plane surface gently inclined toward Livermore Valley, and topographically this surface averages from 250 to 500 feet of elevation above the general level of the valley. The tableland has been considerabl}^ dissected, but exposures are poor. The total thickness of the gravels was estimated by Branner ^- to be about 4000 feet. Several odd occurrences of the gravels were found. One of these is in the lap of the syncline north of Corral Hollow. From this point the gravels can be traced westward to join the main extent of the gravels on the south side of the Livermore Valley. High on Rocky Ridge along the common boundary of sees. 23 and 24, T. 4 S., R. 2 E., a small outlier was found in which the gravels are dipping 20° NE. and resting with angular discordance on the Panoche sandstones on the north side of the Williams fault zone. Involvement of the gravels in the faulting is further evidenced by an occurrence of gravels noted by Bailey Willis ^^ in a phase of the Williams fault zone in the Hetch-Hetchy tunnel. Lithology. Massive buff gravels composed chieflj^ of Franciscan detritus are characteristic of the formation. Light gray to buff sands are common, and sandy clays make up a minor part of the formation. One ledge-forming tuff layer, which averages 10 feet in thickness, occurs prominently in the upper part of the formation in sec. 18, T. 4 S., R. 3 E. A heavy mineral separation of a sample of light gray, fine sand from the NW:^ sec. 6, T. 4 S., R. 3 E., was examined petrographically. The light minerals consist of kaolinized feldspar (55 percent), quartz (30 percent), oligoclase-andesine (10 percent), chert particles (1 to 2 per- cent), chlorite (2 to 3 percent), and pale biotite (trace). Heavy minerals comprise 1.26 percent of the whole sample. Of these, basaltic hornblende is abundant; magnetite, chromite (?), and glaucophane are very com- *" Vickery, F. P., The structural dynamics of the Livermore region, Doctor's thesis, Stanford University; 1925 (unpublished). "-Op. cit. ''Unpublished geologic report on the Hetch-Hetchy tunnel for the San Francisco Engineering Department. 48 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 mon ; zircon and green hornblende are rather common ; titanite, epidote, actinolite and garnet are sparse. The general assemblage suggests a source area of Franciscan rocks, but the presence of basaltic hornblende may indicate a derivation of some of the detritus from another source, perhaps an area of Neroly rocks. The tuff, which was mentioned above, contains the following light minerals : pale brown glass (10 percent ; refractive index = 1.460) , devit- rified glass (80 percent), kaolin minerals (3 percent), quartz (2 per- cent), sericitized and kaolinized feldspar (4 percent) , plagioclase (trace) , chlorite (trace), and muscovite (trace). Among the heavy minerals, magnetite is abundant; glaucophane, basaltic hornblende, and epidote are very common ; green hornblende and chromite ( ? ) are sparsely present. Mineralogically this tuff does not appear correlative with the Pinole tuff east of San Francisco Bay. The Livermore gravels are primarily fluviatile deposits laid down over a broad flood plain but may include lacustrine sediments under the alluvium of Livermore Valley. Correlation. No fossils were found by the writer, but Branner ^^^ reports finding fresh-water fossils within 340 feet of the base of the forma- tion at Cuesta Blanca on Arroyo del Valle. The age and correlation of this formation are uncertain. Branner referred these beds to the Orinda formation, but the Orinda is now regarded as probably older. Vickery ^^ postulated a correlation of the Livermore gravels with the Santa Clara formation (Plio-Pleistocene). Hannibal ^"^ also regarded these beds as correlative with the Santa Clara formation, from which he described some leaves. The late B. L. Clark ^'^ informed the wi'iter that the Livermore gravels are probably correlative with the Tassajero formation, which he named some beds on the north side of Livermore Valley. Relation to Adjacent Formations. Structurally the formation dips at angles of 10 to 30 degrees northward towards Livermore Valley. At different places it rests unconformably on the following formations: Neroly, Cierbo, Oursan ?, Panoche, and Franciscan. The formation extends out under the alluvium of Livermore Valley and was regarded by Branner ^^ as an important conductor of water for the valley. Tulare Formation The Tulare formation is of very limited extent in the northeastern part of the area. Anderson and Pack ^^ have described and mapped this formation as a narrow strip along the west border of the San Joaquin Valley from the Coalinga area northward to the eastern boundary of the Tesla quadrangle. The formation is poorly exposed locally, and characterized by a surface containing Franciscan detritus weathered from the gravels. This formation may be seen to better advantage in the Carbona and other quadrangles to the southeast. The deposits are fluviatile in origin and consist mainly of brown ill-sorted sands, gravels, and clays. Areas of Franciscan rocks have apparently supplied most of the detritus. No estimate of the thickness is made. s'' Op. cit, p. 216. *" Op. clt., Jour. Geology. 8« Hannibal, Harold, A Pliocene flora from the Coast Ranges of California : Torrey Botanical Club Bull., vol. 38, pp. 329-342, 1911. " Oral communication, 1937. 88 Op. cit., pp. 209-222. 8»Op. cit., pp. 101-105. STRATIGRAPHY 49 Fauna and Age of the Tulare. No fossils were found locally in tlie Tulare. However, Vanderhoof ^° reports fossil remains of a camel, Came- lops hesternus, and a ground sloth, Mylodon harlani, from the upper part of the formation in the Carbona quadrangle. The locality is near the Tesla portal of the Hetch-Hetchy tunnel in the NEi sec. 33, T. 3 S., R. 5 E. Vanderhoof regards the fauna as correlative with that of Rancho La Brea, or late Pleistocene in age. Vanderhoof also reports that some camel bones were found by P. W. Reinhart at a locality near the base of the Tulare formation in the Carbona quadrangle and that these are tentatively regarded as Pliocene in age. From the evidence of vertebrate faunas from near the top and base of the formation, it may be said that the Tulare ranges in age from Pliocene to late Pleistocene. Quaternary System Terrace Deposits and Alluvium Terraces were mapped in a few of the stream valleys. In Arroyo Mocho there are some well-defined terraces which suggest several stages of regional uplift during the Quaternar}-. Two levels and in places three levels of terraces are cut into the Livermore gravels. A veneer of gravels is discontinuous over the shelves, which are mainly erosional in origin. In Corral Hollow mapping of the terraces was done locally, except where the scale of the map and complexity of the geolog}^ interfered. On the south side of Corral Hollow between Tesla and Mitchell Ravine a terrace has been cut into the Moreno and Eocene rocks about 200 feet above the creek level. Another prominent terrace level is about 50 feet above the creek and carries a capping of about 15 feet of gravels. Alluvial deposits complete the stratigraphic column. Portions of the Livermore and San Joaquin Valleys which are included within the Tesla quadrangle are alluviated. In Corral Hollow Creek near Carnegie, alluvial gravels consisting of andesitic pebbles from the Neroly and rock particles from older formations, have been excavated and graded for use as railroad ballast and in concrete. STRUCTURE For about 75 miles along the west border of the San Joaquin Valley from Panoche Creek northward to Hospital Creek, a rather simple homoclinal section of Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks dip valleyward under the alluvium. In contrast, northwest of Hospital Creek across the Carbona, Tesla, Byron, and Mt. Diablo quadrangles, the geologic struc- ture is complex and characterized by numerous folds and faults. Many of the structural features, including those within the areas of Franciscan rocks, have already been described or mentioned in the description of the stratigraphy. The main structural lines and axes, and the attitude and succession of the strata are represented areally on the geologic map (pi. 1). The interpretation of the subsurface struc- ture is presented in the sections (pi, 3). Folds Altamont Anticline. The largest fold in the area is the broad Altamont anticline in the central northern part of the quadrangle. The limbs and axis of this fold, which was named by Anderson and Pack,^^ •"Oral communication, 1937. " Op. cit., p. 191. 5—85413 50 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 are well exposed in road cuts along the old Altamont Pass highway and along the new TJ. S. Highway 50. The axis of this fold trends about 42 degrees west of north and can be traced for 4^ miles in the Tesla quadrangle and about 3 miles to the northwest in the Byron quadrangle. The plunge of the fold is to the southeast. Section A- A' (pi. 3), which is a transverse section through the fold, illustrates the general sym- metry of the fold. Dips on the east flank average 16 degrees; those on the west flank range from 12 to 36 degrees, making the west flank slightly steeper. Down-flank on both the west and east limbs, high- angle faults parallel the axial trend of the fold. The northwest extension of the Altamont anticline in the Byron quadrangle is represented by Taff ^^ on a geologic map of the Mt. Diablo area as abruptly but simply dissolving into a northwest-dipping homo- clinal section of Cretaceous and post-Cretaceous rocks. However, a reconnaissance inspection of this area of structural change indicates a zone of faulting truncating the anticline and separating it from the homoclinal section to the northwest. This fault zone, which trends north- eastward, is marked by numerous springs. The Altamont fold involves principally rocks of the Panoche forma- tion and to a minor extent Cierbo and Neroly formations. In section A-A' a marked angular unconformity is represented between the Cierbo and Panoche formations on the west flank of the fold. This uncon- formity is interpreted as indicating that the inception of folding on this anticline was pre-Cierbo in age. It further allows for the possibility that Moreno Grande and Eocene sediments may have been deposited above the Panoche formation and then folded and eroded away prior to the transgression of the Cierbo formation. However, the absence of sedi- ments of an age between tliat of the Panoche and Cierbo formations in the Altamont area may mean that a post-Panoche folded high, locally denied their deposition. Instead of a folded high, a positive fault block, the Altamont block, as postulated by Clark ^^ would also have denied deposition of the missing sediments. However, the fault-block concept seems less applicable than either of the two preceding explanations men- tioned, since there is evidence of pre-Cierbo folding but no direct evidence of pre-Cierbo faulting. It is also significant that on the west flank of the anticline the Cierbo formation rests on the Panoche, while on the east flank the Neroly over- lies the Panoche, and the Cierbo is lapped out. It is possible that the Cierbo was not deposited locally on the east flank of the Altamont fold. It is equally (if not more) possible that its deposition there was fol- lowed first i)y an accentuation of the ancestral Altamont fold and then by a stripping off of the Cierbo sediments prior to the deposition of the Neroly sediments. The significance of the Neroty-Cierbo overlap ha^ already been discussed. The closing stages of the folding of the Alta- mont anticline were post-Neroly. Small Faulted AnticU7ie. A small faulted fold in the S^ sec. 8, T. 3 S., R. 4 E., is probably a continuation of the Altamont line of folding. The axis is not well defined in the smooth hills of Cretaceous rocks which make up the core, but it trends approximately S. 80° E. »2 Op. cit. «' Clark, Bruce L., Tectonics of the Valle Grande of California : Am. Assoc. Petro- leum Geologists Bull., vol. 13, p. 228, 1929. . . . Tectonics of the Coast Ranges of middle California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 41, p. 776, 1930. STRUCTURE 51 The Cretaceous rocks are overlain by Cierbo and Neroly beds on the flanks. The north limb of the fold towards the east is a sharp flexure which passes westward into a thrust fault that cuts out the Cierbo, bringing Cretaceous rocks in contact with overturned Neroly blue sandstone. Section E-E' (pi. 3) is drawn through this structural com- plication. Patterson Pass Anticline. The Patterson Pass anticline, which can be traced for about 7^ miles across the north-central portion of the area, is interesting because more than a dozen wells have been drilled along its flanks and axis in an attempt to find a commercial accumulation of petroleum. The fold plunges at both east and west ends. The west end of the fold is truncated diagonally by the Carnegie fault. The axial trend is about S. 80° E. in the western part, turning slightly to S. 70° E. in the east half. The central portion of the axis is cut diagonally by the Patterson Pass fault at the locality of the Seaboard Oil Company- Johnston No. 1 well (sec. 13, T. 3 S., R. 3 E.) and by a lesser fault about a third of a mile to the east. Panoche rocks are exposed in the core of the anticline which is flanked by Cierbo and Neroly beds. Locally down flank on the south side poorly exposed Moreno Grande shale occurs in the NW^ sec. 24, T. 3 S., R. 3 W. The occurrence of the Moreno Grande on the south side of the fold is significant for two reasons : first, it may be related with the showings of petroleum which were encountered principally in wells drilled on the south flank ; and second, the occurrence strengthens the concept that Moreno Grande was deposited to the north of Corral Hollow and later almost entirely stripped off following a period of pre-Cierbo folding. The age of the folding is post-Neroly and earlier than the several faults which cut the fold. Patterson Pass Syncline. North of the Patterson Pass anticline and paralleling it roughly there is a broad synclinal area, the Patterson Pass syncline. The axis, which is discontinuous and interrupted by faulting, can be traced for about 6 miles. The axial trend is S. 65° E. in the west- ern portion, turning to about S. 82° E. in the eastern portion. Rocks of the Neroly formation occur in the lap of the syncline, and rocks of the Cierbo and Panoche formations are exposed on the upturned flanks and in faulted areas. The age of the fold is post-Neroly. Midway Anticline. A small anticline, herein given the name of Mid- way anticline, extends southeastward (S. 35° E.) across sees. 10 and 14 in T. 3 S., R. 4 E. Panoche rocks are exposed in the core in two isolated patches, and Cierbo and Neroly beds occur on the flanks. The plunge at the northwest end is well exposed in the field. At the other end of the fold where the beds appear to lap around, a plunge to the southeast is implied, but the exposures are poor and the apparent closure may be a topographic rather than structural effect. The age of the fold is post-Neroly. Synclinal Area North of Corral Hollow. North of Corral Hollow the San Pablo rocks are involved in a discontinuous synclinal structure that trends eastward for about 3 i miles. The Corral Hollow fault cuts the axis diagonally in the western portion, a tear-fault offsets the axis just north of Tesla, and the Carnegie fault cuts diagonally across the syncline at the east end. 52 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 In the Si sec. 24, T. 3 S., R. 3 E., the north limb of the syncline becomes the south limb of a small anticline, which in turn is cut on its north flank by the Carnegie fault. The age of this fold is probably post-Li vermore gravels (Plio-Pleisto- cene) , as gravels which are believed to be a part of the Livermore gravels are folded and preserved in the lap of syncline. The fold is regarded as earlier than the several faults which cut it. Faults Greenville Fault. In the northwest portion of the quadrangle there is a fault which has been previously referred to as the Riggs Canyon fault by Vickery ^^ and by Clark.^° The writer prefers to give this fault a local name in the Tesla quadrangle to avoid involvement in a problem concern- ing the delineation, and even the existence, of the Riggs Canyon fault in the Mt. Diablo quadrangle. The trace of the fault, which is herein designated as the Greenville fault, trends approximately S. 40° E. The fault zone is best seen in a rail- road cut of the Southern Pacific Railway Company near Greenville, just north of the trestle across the old Altamont highway. Numerous gouged and slickensided surfaces occur defining a zone of disturbance nearly 500 feet wide. The slickensided surfaces possess characteristically a steep to vertical attitude with essentially horizontal striations. Near this locality, on the west side of the fault, beds of the Cierbo and Neroly formations dip northeastward into the fault; whereas east of the fault Panoche and Cierbo strata dip southwestward toward the fault. Northwest and south- east of Greenville the fault is traced principally with physiographic con- trol. A sag pond occurs along the apparent trace about a mile northwest of Greenville. The southeast trace of the fault is lost in the NB^- sec. 8, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. ; and no structural connection to the southeast is observed in the field between the Greenville fault and the Carnegie fault which Clark ^^ regarded as a continuation of the "Riggs Canyon" (Greenville) fault. In addition to horizontal displacement, which was indicated from examination of the striations on the fault surfaces, vertical displacement has probably also taken place, and the area east of the fault is interpreted as upthrown. An estimated order of magnitude for the vertical displace- ment is 100 to 300 feet, but the estimate is questionable, as the base of the Cierbo formation in the west side of the fault is not exposed. The age of the Greenville fault is regarded as post-Neroly. Midivay Fault. The Midway fault, which was named by Vickery ^"^ cuts across the northeastern part of the area. From the vicinity of the junction of the old and new highways, the fault is vaguely traceable for about 3 miles to the southeast, and the northwestward extension of the fault in the Byron quadrangle was not surveyed. The trend of the fault is S. 40° E. The best evidence for the fault is seen on a small hill near the southeast corner of see. 24, T. 2 S., R. 3 E. There the Cretaceous rocks appear to be upthrown approximately 100 feet on the northeast side ; how- 0* Op. cit. °'Op. cit., 1935. "^Op. cit., 1935, p. 1038. »' Op. cit, Jour. Geology, p. 614. STRUCTURE 53 ever, this apparent vertical throw may have resulted from horizontal dis- placement along the fault. Nowhere is the fault exposed, and southeast of the locality just mentioned its trace is indirectly suggested by such phy- siographic features as furrows, sag ponds, and springs. Southeastward the fault may dissolve into the Midway anticline, since its trace is lost in the vicinity of the north end of that fold. The age of the fault cannot be assigned more definitely than post- Neroly. Blach Butte Fault. The Black Butte fault is an important fault in the Carbona quadrangle, but its northwest extension onto the Tesla quad- rangle is weakly expressed in the physiography. This fault was named by Keirihart ^^ from its occurrence at the east base of Black Butte near Corral Hollow Creek in the Carbona quadrangle. Anderson and Pack^^ have mapped the trace of this fault across the Carbona quadrangle. From evidence in wells and in the Hetch-Hetchy tunnel in the Carbona quad- rangle, the fault is known to be reverse in type and to dip about 45 degrees to the southwest. In that area Upper Cretaceous strata are thrust over Neroly (San Pablo) and locally over Tulare beds. The age of the fault appears to be post-Tulare. Patterson Pass Fault. An important fault, which is herein desig- nated the Patterson Pass fault, was not recognized in previous published geological reports on the area. It cuts diagonally across the central part of the area in a cur\ang southeasterly trace. The maximum vertical dis- placement on this fault is probably in the northern part of sec. 10, T. 3 S., R. 3 E., where a remnant patch of Neroly blue sandstone occurs on the northern downthrow side of the fault. The throw at this place is estimated at 500 feet (see section C-C, pi. 3) , but a throw of 100 to 200 feet appears to be more characteristic of other parts. Where the fault crosses the Pat- terson Pass anticline, the Seaboard Oil Corporation Johnston No. 1 well encountered it at the depth of 1400 feet. Other sympathetic fault zones were encountered at greater depths in the well. In core samples from the weU, the fault plane dips about 80 degrees, and the slickensiding indicates shear displacement at an angle of 25 to 30 degrees from the horizontal. The Patterson Pass fault is classified as a diagonal oblique-slip fault. To the northwest the fault apparently joins the Greenville fault. The two have some characteristics in common, such as strong horizontal components of displacement and high angularity, but differ in having their upthrow on opposite sides. To the southeast the Patterson Pass fault is represented as joining other faults, which are believed to be north- westerly diverging branches of the Tesla fault. The fault is post-Neroly in age. It also appears to be post-folding since it cuts diagonally across the Patterson Pass anticline. Carnegie Fault. The Carnegie fault, which was named by Vickery,^°° is a high-angle reverse fault striking N. 60° to 70° W. for more than 7 miles through the central portion of the quadrangle. It is nowhere well exposed. However, its trace can be mapped over the central hill in sec. 23, T. 3 S., R. 3 E., where the fault dips to the northeast and brings Cierbo sediments over Neroly beds. The fault cuts through the old Hamilton ranch on the south flank of the Patterson Pass anticline. Northwestward it truncates diagonally the west plunge of the Patterson Pass anticline and continues out under the alluvium of Livermore Valley. »" Personal communication, 1936. "Op. cit. "»Op. cit.. Jour. Geology, p. 614, 54 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [BuU. 140 The age of the fault is post-Neroly. However, Clark ^°^ believed that the fault was existent in "pre-Briones (lower upper Miocene) time" and he represented it as a continuation of his Riggs Canyon fault. In fact he referred to the Carnegie fault as the "Riggs Canyon fault" in both text and illustration. Not only is no connection observed in the field between the Carnegie and Greenville (or Riggs Canyon) fault, but the characteristics of the faults are quite different. The Carnegie fault is a relatively high-angle reverse fault striking in general eastward; the Greenville fault is essentially a vertical fault having horizontal and some vertical components of displacement and a southeasterly strike. Clark, in assigning the inception of movement along the Carnegie fault to the pre-Briones, was impressed with the difference in stratigraphic sequence north and south of the fault. Corral Hollow Fault. Paralleling the Carnegie fault on the south but having an opposing dip and opposite relation of upthrow, is the Cor- ral Hollow fault, which was named by Vickery.^'^^ This fault branches off at its east end from the Tesla fault, trends N. 80° W. up the north side of Corral Hollow, curves or shifts northward in the vicinity of Tesla, and then continues in the direction of N. 70° W. towards Livermore Valley. It is best seen just west of where it crosses the Tesla road in the NW ^ sec. 25, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. There the dip of the fault plane is about 80° S., and the upthrow is on the south, defining a high-angle reverse fault. The throw at this place is roughly 300 to 500 feet, and the fault cuts out the upper part of the Tesla formation and more than the basal half of the Cierbo formation. East of this locality'" in Corral Hollow more of the upper part of the Tesla formation is cut out, and the throw on the fault is estimated to attain a maximum of at least 1500 feet. The change in throw along the trace of this fault from west to east is illustrated in the successive structure sections C-C, D-D', E-E', and F-F', on plate 3. Clark ^^^ apparently regarded the Corral Hollow fault as also a part of the Riggs Canyon fault zone with a "sliver block" existing between the Corral Hollow fault and the local trace of his "Riggs Canyon fault", which is herein designated as tlie Carnegie fault. No field observations which were made by the writer could be interpreted as indicating any connection between the Corral Hollow fault and Clark's Riggs Canyon fault, other than that displacements along both faults may have taken place during the same period or periods of diastrophism and that both faults may have been formed in answer to the same set of forces acting on the region. The age of the fault is believed to be post-Neroly and subsequent to the regional folding. However, Clark regarded this fault as related to his Riggs Canyon fault and as having been active in pre-Briones time. The basis for Clark's reasoning, which was briefly mentioned in the preceding discussion of the Carnegie fault, is the difference in the strati- graphic sequence north and south of a fault zone that separated a positive northern block from a sinking basin on the south that received most of the sediments. For example, south of the Corral Hollow fault Panoche beds are overlain by a sequence of beds which include Moreno Grande, "iQp. cit, 1935, pp. 1038-1039. ^"^ Op. cit., Jour. Geology. "^Op. cit, 1935, p. 1038. STRUCTURE 55 Tesla, and Cierbo formations ; whereas immediately north of the Carnegie fault, the northernmost of the two faults in Clark 's fault zone, Panoche strata are overlain by Cierbo beds and the Moreno Grande and Tesla sediments are characteristically missing. This change in sequence cannot be demonstrated as taking place abruptly, for a minimum distance of three-quarters of a mile separates the contrasting columnar sections in the outcrop. Then, too, this distance is necessarily foreshortened by fold- ing and faulting ; therefore, if the folds were unravelled and fault dis- placements allowed for, the distance separating the two sequences would comprise roughly 1^ miles or more. Such a distance is sufficiently great to allow for the wedging out of beds by overlap and thinning. It should be noted also that the present distribution of the formations with respect to the Corral Hollow fault indicates that the beds on the south side of the fault are upthrown, which is opposite to the position they are supposed to have occupied in a sinking fault-basin during their deposition, accord- ing to Clark 's concept. In summary, the MTiter favors the concept that originally the Moreno Grande and Tesla sediments extended north of the line now marked by the Carnegie fault ; that they were removed in a pre-Cierbo period of folding and erosion that was followed by the Cierbo transgres- sion upon the exposed Panoche rocks. The faulting did not take place until after the deposition of the Neroly sediments and may have been contem- poraneous with or subsequent to the last regional folding. Tesla Fault. The most prominent fault in the area is the Tesla fault, which was named by Vickery.^^^ South of Corral Hollow this fault forms the northern boundary of the area of Franciscan rocks. It can be traced for about 9 miles across the central part of the quadrangle ; to the west it disappears under the terrace and alluvial fill of Livermore Valley, and east of the limits of the quadrangle it continues southeastward across the Carbona quadrangle. Locally, its average strike is N. 80° W. The plane of the fault zone is essentially vertical where the fault crosses Corral Hollow, but at Mitchell Ravine the fault plane dips steeply northward, which with the upthrow on the south makes it appear as a normal fault. However, the fault is believed to be dominantly reverse in type. In the walls of the Hetch-Hetchy tunnel near the Thomas shaft, the fault was observed by Willis ^^"^ to be a high-angle reverse fault dipping about 65 '- SW. Exposures of the fault are rather poor, but the fault zone can be easily traced because of such features as springs, notchings of ridges, wide zones of disturbance, fault wedges of Horsetown rocks, and the lithologic distinction between Franciscan rocks on the south side and younger rocks on the north side of the fault. Assuming a minimum thickness of 10,000 feet of Cretaceous strata, the throw on this fault is at least 14,000 feet near the east boundary of the quadrangle where Franciscan rocks are faulted into contact with upper Neroly sediments, cutting out the Horsetown, Panoche, Moreno Grande, Tesla, and Cierbo formations, and parts of the Franciscan and NerolJ^ The throw of the fault diminishes to the west, but it is probably measurable in thousands of feet throughout the trace of the fault. Near Carnegie several faults appear to branch off from the Tesla fault to the northwest. "" Op. cit., Jour. Geology, p. 614. 305 Private report for the San Francisco Engineering Department on the geology of the Hetch-Hetchy tunnel. 56 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 The age of the fault is post-Neroly. Valle Fault. Another fault boundinsr the area of Franciscan rocks is the Valle fault in the vicinity of Arroyo Valle in the western part of the area. This fault, striking about N. 60° W, bounds one side of an interest- ing fault wedge of Cretaceous rocks enclosed within the general area of Franciscan rocks. Northward its trace changes in direction to about N. 20° W., separating the Franciscan on the eastern and upthrown side from the Cretaceous on the west. It finally disappears into or under the Livermore gravels; its trace could not be established across the soft, poorly exposed sediments of the Livermore gravels. However, the fault was observed under the cover of the gravels in the Hetch-Hetchy tunnel. Section H-H' (pi. 3), which combines surface data with subsurface information in the Iletch-Hetchy tunnel shows a mass of " granodiorite " on the east upthrown side and gravels overlying Cretaceous rocks on the downthrown side. The fault in the tunnel dips about 50 degrees to the west, or downthrown side, indicating a normal fault. The fault is certainly post-Cretaceous, and it may have been active within or after the period of deposition of the Livermore gravels (Plio- Pleistocene) ; but its age cannot be established very closely. Williams Fault. The Williams fault was so named by Willis ^^^ from its occurrence in the vicinity of Williams Creek. Vickery ^^"^ called it the Del Valle fault, but Willis' assignment seems preferable. This fault also bounds the Cretaceous wedge-block mentioned above. To the northwest it strikes about N. 70° W. and is a high-angle reverse fault with serpentine and Franciscan sedimentary rocks upthrown on the south side against Cretaceous rocks. It is traced with some difficulty, but physiographic features and formational contrasts aid in its delineation. It is represented in sections B-B', E-E', F-F', and H-H', plate 3. In the Hetch-Hetchy tunnel, the fault is a high-angle reverse fault, according to Willis. The fault is post-Cretaceous ; that it may be younger that the Liver- more gravels (Plio-Pleistocene) is surmised on the basis of some gravels observed in the Hetch-Hetchy tunnel in a phase of the fault. Summary -Analysis The structural dynamics of the Livermore region, which includes the Tesla area, have been discussed by Vickery.^"^ He classified the faults into two groups in accordance with their general directional trend. After plotting the fault trends and average direction of fold axes in several diagrams, he arrived at the conclusion that the region had been deformed by rotational forces, that is, a north-south force couple with the ' ' great- est force from the south. ' ' It is convenient to follow Vickery 's general method of analysis in summarizing the structure of the Tesla area. The major faults are classified into two groups: (1) the transverse faults, which trend eastward, and (2) the longitudinal^"^ faults, which 100 "wriUis, Bailey, in private report on Hetch-Hetchy tunnel for San Francisco Engineering- Department. '<" Op. cit., Jour. Geology, p. 614. "8 Op. cit.. Jour. Geology, pp. 608-628. 109 rpj^ig terminology differs from that of Vickery, who classified the first group as "branch faults" and the second group as "dominant faults." STRUCTURE 57 Longifudinal faupf trends Hypol-ha+ical force Transvarsa, fauH" trends V \ Hqpo+h«.+ical force Figure 3. Diagram showing regional structural trends, Tesla quadrangle. trend northwestward. The transverse faults, which comprise the most prominent faults, include - the Tesla, Carnegie, Corral Hollow, and Williams. They are high-angle reverse faults having an average trend of approximately N. 73° W. "With the exception of the Carnegie fault, they have the uptlirown side on the south and dip at high angles principally to the south. The longitudinal faults include the Greenville, Midway, Patterson Pass, Valle, and Black Butte. The average trend of these faults is about N. 41° W., roughly parallel with the trend of the Diablo Eange. The first three of this second group of faults are essentially vertical in attitude and exhibit strong components of shear-type dis- placement. The Valle and Black Butte faults dip at moderately high angles to the southwest and have opposite sides of upthrow. The average strike of the regional folds is approximately N. 55° W. or intermediate to the trends of the two fault groups. The direction of greatest regional shortening is interpreted as normal to the axial direction of the folding or about N. 35° E. The foregoing structural relationships are plotted in figure 3. Any analysis of the forces causing the general pattern of folds and faults is extremely hypothetical and, perhaps, should be avoided. How- ever, the presentation of a few conjectural interpretations can do no harm. The region may have been deformed by a set of rotational forces (N and S in the diagram), comprising a north-south force couple. These opposing forces were necessarily equal, although the release of stress by deformation may have been greater in certain directions because of differ- ences in the thickness distribution of the rocks and other causes. Imag- 58 GEOLOGY OP TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 inaiy minor-force-components, such as s and n, may have operated opposingly in the direction of greatest shortening to form the folds, and minor force components, such as s' and w', may have caused some shear type of displacement along the longitudinal faults. It is noteworthy that in this area no major fault broke with a northeasterly trend. However, in the B.yron quadrangle to the north, a fault zone which truncates the Alta- mont anticline, trends northeastward and is seemingly a tear fault. The principal time of regional deformation is believed to have been post-Neroly, possibly Pleistocene. Indications of earlier or pre-Cierbo folding were cited, but pre-Cierbo faulting as postulated by Clark cannot definitely be established. The folding, in general, is probably earlier than the faulting, or in part contemporaneous with some of the faulting. OUTLINE OF THE GEOLOGIC HISTORY"" I. Upper Jurassic A. Deposition of about 15,000 feet of Franciscan sandstones, shales, and cherts under marine conditions. 1. Few intraformational outpourings of basaltic lava on the sea floor. 2. Belchings of submarine silicious springs depositing colloidal silica and entrapping minute marine organisms. B. Regional deformation accompanied by intrusion of basic plutonic rocks as sills and laccoliths. 1. Extensive serpentinization in the late stage of intrusion. 2. Some metamorphism marginal to the intrusive rocks. -Diablan orogeny- II. Lower Cretaceous A. Deposition of more than 500 feet of dark shales and sands (Horsetown) under shallow, cool-water, marine conditions. Unrecorded interval (Slight regional deformation) III. Upper Cretaceous A. Deposition of 10,000 feet or more of sands and argillaceous shales in a shallow marine environment. 1. Site of deposition was slowl.v sinking in pace with a slowly rising source area. 2. Intraformational conglomerates represent times of oscillation of shoreline which may be related to the Santa Lncian orogeny. B. Close of period marked by deposition of about 650 feet of shales and sands under cool-water, marine conditions. 1. Minute marine organisms common in the shales. -T^nrecorded interval- IV. Middle Eocene A. Early deposition of dark shales, gray sands, and a few coal beds. 1. Brackish water to swampy conditions. 2. Warm temperature to sub-tropical climate. B. Later marine deposition of white and gray sands, clays, and shales. 1. Principal source area, the Sierra Nevada, was undergoing deep chemical weathering. — I'nrecorded interval no rpj^g main events in the geologic history of the area as interpreted from the rocks are outlined herein. An attempt is made to inter-relate the local history with that of a larger area now comprising central California. Many of the topical sentences in the outline constitute in themselves generalizations, the basis for which is described elsewhere In the paper. MINERAL RESOURCES 59 V. Middle and upper Miocene A. Marine deiwsition of 700 feet or more of sands, shales, and tuffaceous days in the western part of the area. 1. Evidence of Franciscan detritus in the sediments. 2. Indirect evidence of vulcanism during the middle Miocene. (Note: Before the transgression of the Cierbo seas — folding and stripping of some of the earlier sediments pos.sibly occurred in northern high areas.) B. Transgression of Cierbo seas. 1. Deposition of coarse sands, shales, tuffs, and a trace of coal. 2. General marine conditions, local swamps. 3. Sierra Nevada source area for the sediments. 4. Indirect evidence of volcanic activity in surrounding area. -Slight folding and erosion locally- C. Neroly deposition 1. Spreading of coarse andesitic gravels and sands over a broad coastal plain. a. Abundant rainfall, warm average temperature. b. Coastal swamps. c. Horses roaming over coastal plains. d. Andesitic outpourings in source area (Sierra Nevada). 2. Closing deposition of tuffs and shales. -Unrecorded interval- VI. Plio-Pleistocene A. Spreading of about 4000 feet of coarse gravels, sands, and clays over Liver- more Valley area. 1. Broad river flood plains and lakes. 2. Source area : Franciscan rocks. 3. Indirect evidence of some regional volcanic activity. B. Broad flood-plain deposits of gravels and sands along the border of the San Joaquin Valley. 1. Source area : Franciscan rocks. 2. Existence of camels and ground sloths in the area. Unrecorded interval — (Main regional deformation — folding and faulting. Stream terraces recording stages of uplift.) VII. Recent A. Erosion of hills and valleys. B. Alluviation of stream courses and major valleys. MINERAL RESOURCES The Tesla quadrangle contains a variety of mineral deposits, includ- ing some notable potential reserves. Although none of its mines would be regarded as a major development, a number of small mines and work- ings have probably operated with profit, and collectively some mines, such as the manganese properties, have made important contributions to strategic needs during time of war. The accompanying economic mineral map (pi. 2) shows the location of the mines and prospects, and also the location of the abandoned wells that have been drilled for oil or gas. Chromite Chromite has been mined at the Newman mine on Cedar Mountain near the west quarter-corner of sec. 26, T. 4 S., K. 3 E. The chromite occurs in irregular segregations and as disseminated grains in a serpen- tine gangue near the margin of a large body of serpentine. When the writer visited the mine in 1936, the workings were abandoned but some sacks of ore were still at the mine. 60 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 Clay The old Tesla coal mine was operated in its late history as a clay- mine. ^^^ The clay is of good quality and occurs above the coal seam in association with the white sands in the Tesla formation. Exposures of the white to light-colored clays are poor at the surface, but good samples may be obtained from road-cuts, or recent workings, or by digging test pits. The clay from the old Tesla mine was transported on a branch of the Western Pacific Railway a few miles down Corral Hollow to brick and pottery plants at Pottery and Carnegie. This development was in full operation in 1911 when Anderson and Pack ^^^ were working in the area. It is said that a large brick company later bought out the mines and brick works. For many years following the shutdown the clays in this area were not worked, and time has erased much of the evidence of the old brick and pottery works. During a revival of clay mining in 1928, the Livermore Clay and Sand Company operated a mine on the north side of the Tesla road in the NWi sec. 26, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. Again clay mining lapsed for a number of years until in 1939 the Tesla Clay Company operated a clay devel- opment south of the Tesla road in the northwest quarter of the same section. The clay is smooth textured, compact, white to light blue gray in color. V. T. Allen ^^^ studied petrographically samples of the white Tesla clay and found the clay to be anauxitic and possessing a refrac- tive index gamma close to 1.566. He also listed some chemical analyses made of the clay, which is reportedly suitable for the manufacture of pottery and has been used successfully by a number of companies in the Bay region, including the Technical Porcelain and Chinaware Com- pany, El Cerrito. Coal The history of the development of the mineral resources in the Tesla area really began with the Tesla coal mine in sec. 25, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. "When Brewer visited Corral Hollow in October of 1861 the coal mines were already in operation. He^^^ predicted that coal mining there would not prove profitable. In later years clay mining replaced the coal develop- ment. The coal seam occurs in the lower brackish-water portion of the Tesla formation below the lower white sand and in association with sand and chocolate-colored carbonaceous shales. The seam, which is only about 6 inches thick at the surface, is lenticular. The writer was unable to gain access to the old underground workings, but Whitney^^^ reported a maximum thickness of 66 inches for the coal seam in the mines. He reports that by October 1861 from 200 to 400 tons of low-grade coal had been mined. Whitney gives an analysis of the coal as follows : H2O 20.53 percent Bituminous substance 35.62 percent Fixed carbon 36.55 percent Ash 3.94 percent •" Dietrich, Waldemar Fenn, The clay resources and ceramic industry of Cali- fornia : California Min. Bur. Bull. 99, pp. 38, 42-45, 207-208, 263, 1928. "2 Op. cit., p. 211. 113 Op. cit., 1941, pp. 274-277. 11^ Brewer, W. H., Up and down California in 1860-64, Yale Univ. Press, 1930. "'Whitney, J. D., Geological survey of California, vol. 1, p. 498, 1865. MINERAL RESOURCES 61 Along the general strike of the Tesla coal horizon are evidences today of a number of old abandoned prospect diggings for coal. These prospects and their general location are as follows : 1. Sec. 32, T. 3 S., R. 4 E., near north quarter-corner. (Note: This prospect may also have been worked for glass sand.) 2. Sec. 30, T. 3 S., R. 4 E., near south quarter-corner in west bank of Mitchell Ravine. 3. Sec. 26, T. 3 S., R. 3 E., near the west line and in the northwest quarter of the section (Livermore Coal Mine Company) . 4. Sec. 27, T. 3 S., R. 3 E., in the northeast quarter a few hundred feet west of the coal prospect in section 26 {Livermore Coal Mine Company). Thin lenticular seams of low-grade coal occur locally in the Cierbo formation. One such occurrence is noted in the tunnel of the K-ola mine in the NW:^ sec. 27, T. 3 S., K. 3 E. Coal fragments are common in the dump at the caved entrance of a prospect adit on the south side of the Tesla road near the center of the same section 27. Glass and Foundry Sand The white sands of the Tesla formation are high in their content of quartz and low in ferromagnesian mineral content, hence they have been prospected and mined to some extent for use in the manufacture of glass. The petrography of the white sands was described earlier in the report, and for additional petrographic description of these sands, the reader is referred to V. T. Allen's paper.^^*^ Abandoned glass sand prospects are located near the north quarter-corner of sec. 32, T. 3 S., R. 4 E., in the NWi sec. 26, T. 3 S., R. 3 E., and near the center of the NWi sec. 25, T. 3 S., R, 3 E, The mining of glass sand in the Tesla area has been held back by the more ready accessibility and higher quality of the white sands near Mt. Diablo. The importation of high quality glass sand as ship ballast from Holland is also said to have competed in years past with the local development. A current demand for good quality molding or foundry sand has revived the mining of sand, called "Livermore ganister, " in the area. The Tesla Clay and Sand Company has a new development near the old Tesla coal mine in the western part of sec. 25, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. Mr. Lauren Wright, Associate Geologist with the California State Division of Mines, recently visited these workings and has kindly submitted the following information for inclusion in this report : "The current operations of the Tesla Clay and Sand Company are confined to a single stratigraphic unit, apparently the same as that described by Dr. Huey as the 'lower white sand'. Both nodular clay and the so-called 'ganister' are mined by underground methods and marketed in the San Francisco Bay area. "The term 'ganister' when strictly applied refers to a quartzite or silica rock. This rock, when crushed or mixed with fire clay, is used in foundry practice as a ladle-patching and furnace-lining material. The Liver- more 'ganister', a natural mixture of siilca sand and clay, is used similarly and is also marketed as a naturally bonded molding sand. "The physical properties and adaptability of Livermore 'ganister' have been briefly described by Donaldson^" and by Wright." "* "»Op. cit., 1941, pp. 274-277. n^ Donaldson, Harris M., and others, Foundry sands and mold materials : Am. Foundrymens Assoc, Northern California Chapt., Rept 2, p. 119, 1945. 118 "Wright, Lauren A., California foundry sands : California Jour. Mines and Geol- ogy, vol. 44, pp. 37-72, 1948. 62 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADKANGLE [Bull. 140 Gravel and Rock In Corral Hollow east of Carnegie, loose gravels of the creek bottom have been excavated, graded, and piled into large gravel piles. The gravels are constituted principally of rounded andesite pebbles and cobbles from the Neroly formation admixed with standstone pebbles from older formations. For several years the gravels were used for rail- road ballast by the Western Pacific Railway Company and in the early 1930 's the gravel was used in concrete for the Hetch-Hetchy project. A rock quarry in red Franciscan chert, located in the NW^ sec. 14. T. 4 S., R. 3 E., is known as the McLean red shale deposit. The material has been used for roofing granules. Lime Rock Old lime rock workings are located in the southwest corner of sec. 32, T. 3 S., R. 4 E., and in the southeast quarter of the adjoining section 33 {California Lime and Cement Company). The rock consists of spar and travertine which was probably deposited by hot springs along the Tesla fault zone. The rock was mined for use in the brick and pottery works at Carnegie and Pottery, which were in operation around 1911. An unimportant travertine prospect is located just north of the Patterson Pass road in the center of sec. 10, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. It is appar- ently an old hot-spring deposit along a minor fault. Another lime rock prospect is located in the southwest corner of sec. 32, T. 3 S., R. 4 E., developed in Franciscan rocks about a quarter of a mile south of the Tesla fault. Magnesite Good quality magnesite ore was mined during World War I from two surface workings of the Cedar Mountain magnesite mine in the NE^ sec. 27, T. 4 S., R. 3 E. The rock is white, porcellaneous, massive to mam- millarj^; fracture is conchoidal. It occurs in large irregular masses in the outer margin of a serpentine body on Cedar Mountain. When last visited in 1936 by the writer, the deposit still contained considerable available ore. Two other magnesite prospects occur in a serpentinized mass on the Hayes Ranch just south of the Williams fault in the southern part of sec. 24, T. 4 S., R. 2 E. Manganese For an excellent reference on the mineralogy, occurrence, genesis, history and utilization of manganese ore in California, the reader is referred to Bulletin 125 of the California Division of Mines (1943). In giving some of the highlights of the occurrence of manganese in the Tesla area, the writer has drawn freely from this bulletin. The largest manganese mine in California, the Ladd mine, is located in the SE^ sec. 2, T. 4 S., R. 4 E., just east of the boundary of the Tesla quadrangle in San Joaquin County. The mine was first operated in 1867 and in the first 7 years produced more than 5000 tons, most of which was shipped around Cape Horn to England to be used in the manufacture of chlorine. After 1875 the shipments to Eng- land were discontinued but the mine was operated until about 1902 and much of the production was used in the manufacture of batteries. MINERAL RESOURCES 63 The mine was reopened during World War I and according to Trask, Wilson and Simons ^^^ about 10,000 tons of ore containing 44 percent manganese and 12 percent silica was mined for its last operation. Trask estimates on the basis of the size of the dump and underground workings that the Ladd mine has produced a total of about 30,000 tons of ore. The following description of the mine is from Trask, Wilson, and Simons.^^" "The mine was worked on three levels about 75 feet apart, and the ore was mined mainly from one bed, which lies in the white chert. This bed is 800 feet in length and 35 feet in maximum thickness. The pai-t that was mined was from 1 foot to 16 feet thick. It consisted of high grade oxide ore which contained between 40 and 45 percent manganese and was generally richest near the base of the bed. The part that was not mined consists of stockwork oxide ore containing 15 to 20 percent manganese. It is estimated that there are 170,000 tons of such ore, averaging 18 percent manganese, the cut-off being placed at 10 percent. The maximum depth of oxidation is about 250 feet. Some 10,000 tons of carbonate and bementite ore containing about 20 percent manganese is inferred to be present below the zone of oxidation." The manganese ore in this mine is a typical Franciscan sedimentary deposit laid down contemporaneously with the cherts with which the ore is interbedded. For a discussion of the genesis of Coast Range manganese deposits, the reader is referred to a discussion by Taliaferro and Hud- son.^^^ At the Ladd mine the chert beds associated with the ore are dipping about 50° NE., and black manganiferous rocks show along the strike, N. 50° W., for about a mile. To the northwest along the strike is the Fahian mine also in section 2. The Fabian mine may have pro- duced as much as 2000 tons, but its workings are now flooded and no reliable estimate can be made. In 1917 the Fabian mine was taken over by the operators of the Ladd mine and its production combined with that of the Ladd mine. The U. S. Bureau of Mines, in cooperation with the U. S. Geological Survey, explored the Ladd mine during 1940-41 by diamond drilling, drifting, cross-cutting, and trenching. This exploration program proved ore reserves of 232,000 tons having an average grade of 17.8 percent manganese. The U. S. Bureau of Mines tested the Ladd mine ore at the pilot- plant of the government-owned Manganese Ore Company, Boulder City, Nevada. The process produced manganese metal by electrolytic deposi- tion. A flow-sheet was drawn for a commercial electrolytic manganese plant to be built at Oakland adjoining an idle power-generating plant. In 1942 American Alloys and Chemicals Corporation made application to the War Production Board for a loan of $1,400,000 to purchase the mine, mining equipment, the power plant; to finance construction of the electrolytic plant; and to provide working capital. This loan was not granted. The general area drained by Arroyo Mocho in the south-central part of the Tesla quadrangle is an important source of manganese, having yielded 4,600 tons from 16 properties. The principal mines have been the Camp 9, the Man Ridge, the Section 14, the Graves, and the Bladk Jack. "» Trask, P. D., W^ilson, I. F., and Simons, F. S., Manganese depo.sits of California a summary report: California Div. Mines Bull. 125, p. 85, 1943. '-'»Op. cit., pp. 85-86. ^ Taliaferro, N. L., and Hud.son, F. S., Genesis of the manganese deposits of the Coast Ranges: California Div. Mines Bull. 125, pp. 217-275, 1943. 64 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 a < s T3 S >, c 44: > a o 00 "-^ "W 1 a 1 O ^ ts ^ •■=1 "SS a be 3 ;3 . = P .Xr-'. ^ O a V • -^ "^ ■=> c« o to C o o >> §•§ MI'S "^•^ 05^05 >,oooco a !a ^ ^ ^ «" -H 2 a. 2 'd r d °a O o m — ~ b o o c a T3 -2 s C3 o ^^ ^c =B •an ■«ri ■H^ .s^ .22; 3 « < < 1-5 te w c4 S S Z 2 «- CO o" t^ l>^ . 1 b "O 1 6§ 1 n n '. Bailed oil and 1 1 c C9 rn •s a " d o d o CO "S >> .S 00 1 « s i 1 1^^ 13 c '3 o 8 P4 a OS s 1 1 o II 1 MS CO J 1 i s 1 3 ; 1 1 1 ' l« g 1 -fl ' £§ ag 1 _^ '•a " ^ 3 r ^ ^ a;^ D.^ £ I -*A s o c: ■2-0 §1 a 1 ..^ >> 2 ' i i 1 i "S la 3 J 8 a 3 ii II c •3 z 1 cc 1 1 i "S J3 cQ ■«"S ^ 1| 3 *i o o § 3 O o o "c -S-o ^0 J3 -a ^ .dS ^ 0. ^ ca -S f2 i S_ So u 5 cc •1® o o o OJ bo « 00 to lO o U3 ■* OCJ 0: . o eq »'-< <»S 0> OS 3> § OS 52 — Oh 1 OS I [ J3 |JC3 ' ''a = . ilton llton 1 Co. I 1 o [=4 a ii ;b5 1 ;Z d 1 z ; J H 0., "Hami 0., "Hami 2 estern Oi d I I c «' ?_^ a 1 & ! d Z d d 1 a ii \X Ra dsa ^ i a 1 a O OO o^Z T ',9 = a ; d 5 "S J3 a O O 6 1 d OO 1:3 a ill to 1 W 1 «a 1 "B. X E^ W. M Ran W. M. Ran Atlant 1 2 O d5 s ; El< 1 6 d c c c jj J 1 ; ; r o o o s g y J I [ 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ &; ^ 1 ii i i ^ m z cc OS OS z E. of E. of E. of cd 03 OQ "o led Ed ! !^ ! •S ! "0 Ed 500' 100' 500' 1 41 o z" td ^ i t 3 H N. and 1, S. and 1,1 N. and 3, •a g i z ■a g Ed i •T3 i .-a S2: g i ■2 3 1 "3 T3 g CO o § g o 1 g Z\- 0^ 00 m" t-T « IS- o 10 >e >oto 5e^ CO ci H cd m Ed cd Ed cda Ed Ed Ed Ed td m eo n CO eo CO eo coco coco coco ■* GQ CO 03 00 CQ 00 coco coco ccoj CO GO to CO CO CO CO CO coco coco CO e4 CO '« lO to t- ss h^ NCO ^ us CiCi e>»e< M ?4 6—85413 66 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [BuU. 140 The manganese mines and prospects in the Tesla quadrangle are tabulated below, arranged by counties according to location by section, township, and range. These mines are all typical Franciscan deposits. The production is classified in one column by letters following the scheme used in Bulletin 125. The letters have the following signification : A. Production 1000 tons or more B. Production 150 to 999 tons C Production 1 to 149 tons D. No production All but two of the mines named below are listed in Bulletin 125 with citations to state and other publications giving special information on individual properties. The Dragi and Foscilina mines were reported by Mr. Charles Scott. List of manganese properties in the Tesla quadrangle. Class Name of claim Owner Sec. T. R. (production) Alameda County Kelly prospect Mrs. Kelly NW 5 Camp 9 Crocker Estate NW 9 Nelson mines (2) Holm Bros. NW 10 Chaney Frank J. Rodriguez NE 12 Jumbo prospect .1. M. Beraudiere NE NE 14 Black Jack H. T. Beraudiere NE 14 Beraudiere J. M. Beraudiere NW14 Newman Mabel Newman SW 22 Dewhirst Mrs. Amanda Dewhirst 22 Gallagher Dan Gallagher NW 19 Section 14 Lee Ogier NE 14 Winegar H. V. Winegar SW 4 Phil Winegar & Man Ridge Arthur Most 7 Graves J. B. Graves 7 Foscilina SW 8 Dragi 18 San Joaauin County Ladd* Connelly Ranch SE 2 Fabian Mack C. Lake 2 Scott Charles Scott 34 * In Carbona quadrangle. Petroleum A few oil seeps, a small amount of produced medium gravity oil, and about 25 abandoned exploratory wells make a short story of the unsuccess- ful search for an economic accumulation of oil or gas in the Tesla quad- rangle. Almost half of these ventures were shallow cable-tool holes drilled prior to 1912. The largest concentration of wells is near some old seeps on the Hamilton ranch in sec. 15, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. 4S 3E D 4S 3E A 4S 3E B 4S 3E C 4S 3E D 4S 3E B 4S 3E C 4S 3E C 4S 3E C 4S 4E C 5S 3E B 5S 4E D 5S 4E B 5S 4E B 5S 4E C 5S 4E C 4S 4E A 4S 4E A 4S 4E D MINERAL RESOURCES 67 Oil Seeps. Anderson and Pack ^^- have described in detail some oil seeps located in two gulches in the southern part of sec. 15, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. The seeps occur in the coarse sands of the Cierbo formation just north of the Carnegie fault. Oil-stained sand can still be seen in the tunnel about 500 feet below the Alisal well in the southwest quarter of the section. The other tunnel mentioned by Anderson and Pack, which is located about 200 yards above the old Hamilton ranch house, is caved and the seep could not be seen. The dry oil sand reported as outcropping in the creek bottom a few yards below the tunnel was not found. In 1944 a well being drilled for water on the Heifner ranch in the SWi sec. 7, T. 3 S., R. 3 E., encountered a sand at depth 241 feet from which a heavy oil-water emulsion was bailed. The writer interprets this occurrence as seepage oil from the Carnegie fault working laterally into the shallow sands of the Livermore gravels. This oil showing led Bradford and Guardino in 1945 to drill a shallow well adjacent to the abandoned water well to a depth of about 500 feet. The well was abandoned and pre- sumably they obtained comparable showings. In the spring of 1947 a water well drilled on the ranch of the JVIingoia Bros, near the north quar- ter-corner of the same section 7 was abandoned because of oil showings. A successful water well was then drilled about 1000 feet southwest of the abandoned well. These near-surface seepage indications are about 3 miles northwest of the seeps which also occur along the Carnegie fault in section 15. Wells Drilled for Petroleum. Of the 25 wells drilled for oil or gas in the Tesla quadrangle about half have reported some minor oil or gas shows, but only one or two wells actually produced a few barrels of oil with water. The oil found on the Hamilton ranch occurs both in basal Cierbo sands and in upper Panoche sands. A reasonable speculation on the probable source of this oil would favor the shales of the Moreno Grande, which appear to have the highest organic content of any in the area. These shales crop out along the south side of Corral Hollow. The wells drilled for oil and gas are shown on the economic mineral map (pi. 2) and are tabulated (see pp. 64-65) with supporting data as to location, date drilled, depth reached, log summary, and remarks. Tuff A white tuff bed in the Cierbo formation outcrops in the NW^ sec. 27, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. The material is a compact fine white tuff. It was not mined at the surface, but from an adit several hundred feet long which was driven into the hiU. A large mill was erected, which has since been removed, and the name of the mine "K-ola" was spelled out in large white letters in the rock, so that it could be read from an automobile on the Tesla road or from an airplane overhead. A sample of the material was examined in oil under the microscope. The tuff is made up of 97 percent clear glass, refractive index 1.50 ; quartz (2 percent), kaolinized feldspar (1 percent), and traces of pale biotite and magnetite. Mr. T. T. Copeland, the owner of the property when the writer visited there in 1936, indicated that he had trouble find- ing a market for the material. There has been no activity at the site for 3'-ears, and the inner portion of the tunnel has caved. •"Op. cit., pp. 136-137. 68 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 REGISTER OF FOSSIL LOCALITIES Invertebrate localities Loc. I (U. C. loc. A-3083) In creek bottom in north central part of sec. 32, T. 3 S., R. 4 E., about 500 feet south of mouth of creek Stratigraphy : Basal part of Tesla formation Lithology: Fine-grained sandstone Fauna: Brackish-water pelecypods Collector: A. S. Huey Loc. II (U. C. loc. A-3082) In west bank of Mitchell Ravine near north quarter- corner of sec. 31, T. 3 S., R. 4 E. Stratigraphy: Same horizon as loc. I, about 100 feet above base of Tesla formation Lithology: Massive tan fine sand Fauna: Brackish-water pelecypods Collector: A. S. Huey Loc. Ill (U. C. loc. A-3080) In east bank of Mitchell Ravine near north quarter- corner of sec. 31, T. 3 S., R. 4 E. Stratigraphy: 30 feet above Tesla-Moreno Grande contact and 70 feet below horizon of loc. II Lithology: Gray bedded sandstone Fauna: Brackish -water pelecypods Collector: A. S. Huey Loc. IV (U. C. loc. A-3084) About 200 feet west of and above the Tesla road, near center of sec. 25, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. Stratigraphy: About 700 feet below the upper white sand in the Tesla for- mation Lithology: Buff fine-grained sandstone Fauna: Marine pelecypods (middle Eocene) Collector: A. S. Huey Loc. V (U. C. loc. A-3081) Near center of sec. 25, T. 3 S., R. 3 E., east of Tesla road and beside a post on east bank of creek Stratigraphy: About 690 feet below upper white sand in Tesla formation Lithology: Soft tan sand Fauna: Poorly preserved marine pelecypods and gastropods Collector: A. S. Huey Loc. VI (U. C. loc. A-3085) On side of ridge in western part of NWi sec. 25, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. Stratigraphy : As float in upper portion of Tesla formation Lithology: Hard light brown sandstone Fauna: Marine pelecypods and gastropods (middle Eocene) Collector: A. S. Huey Loc. VII North bank, near bottom of creek at south quarter-corner of sec. 3, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. Stratigraphy: About 300 feet above oyster zone which occurs near base of Cierbo formation Lithology: Tan sandstone Fauna: Marine gastropods and pelecypods (upper Miocene) Collector: A. S. Huey Loc. VIII In Arroyo Valle near center of NWi sec. 3, T. 4 S., B. 2 E. Stratigraphy: About 50 feet above base of Oursan( ?) sandstone Lithology: Tan sand Fauna: Abundant but rather poorly preserved marine gastropods and pelecypods Collector: A. S. Huey Loc. IX In south-facing bank along dirt road in central western part of sec. 26, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. Stratigraphy : Not far bdow top of Cretaceous Lithology: Massive tan sandstone Fauna: Marine cephalopods and pelecypods (Upper Cretaceous) Collector: A. S. Huey REGISTER OF FOSSIL LOCALITIES 69 Loc. X Old Jordan Ranch locality. On small flat on the east side of and above creek level of Arroyo Valle in the SE^ sec. 11, T. 4 S., R. 3 E. ; also on west side of creek Stratigraphy : About 2500 feet above conglomerate on Rocky Ridge Lithology: Tan sandstone Fauna: Marine invertebrate (Upper Cretaceous) Collectors: Lorenzo G. Yates and F. M. Anderson Loc. XI Near road in bottom of Arroyo Valle in SE^ sec. 29, T. 4 S., R. 3 E. Stratigraphy: Reworked Upper Cretaceous fossils Lithology: Fossiliferous sandstone boulders in conglomerate Fauna: Marine invertebrates (Upper Cretaceous) Collector: A. S. Huey Loc. XII Beside road near east quarter-comer of sec. 36, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. Stratigraphy : Horsetown formation (Lower Cretaceous) Lithology: Light brown sandstone Fauna: Marine cephalopoda and pelecypods Collector: A. S. Huey Loc. XIII In cut of Western Pacific Railroad, near east quarter-corner of sec. 27, T. 2 S., R. 3 E. Stratigraphy: Panoche formation (Upper Cretaceous) Lithology: Concretion in argillaceous shale Fauna: Large cephalopod ; donated to California Academy of Science Collector: A. S. Huey Loc. XIV (U. C. loc. A-2615) In east bank of Mitchell Ravine in north central part of sec. 31, T. 3 S., R. 4 E. Stratigraphy : About 250 feet below Eocene-Cretaceous contact in Moreno Grande formation Lithology: Yellow-brown limestone concretion weathering out of shale Fauna: Abundant well preserved radiolaria. Also foraminifera and an ammonite Collector: A. S. Huey Vertebrate locality TJ. C. loc. V-S620 About 500 feet due west of southeast corner of sec. 21, T. 3 S., R. 4 E., on small ridge near fence Stratigraphy: In middle of lower blue sandstone member of Neroly for- mation Lithology: Gravel bed Fauna: Teeth and foot bones of horse Collector: P. W. Reinhart Leaf localities U. C. loc. 199 In cut of Western Pacific Railway right-of-way near Greenville in west center of sec. 31, T. 2 S., R. 3 E. Stratigraphy : Neroly formation Lithology: Interbedded sand and tuffaceous clay Flora: Fossil leaves of coastal plain type Collectors: Carlton Condit and A. S. Huey U. C. loc. P-361 In NEi NWi sec. 29, T. 3 S., R. 4 E., in creek bottom about 1 mile north of Corral Hollow road Stratigraphy: At base of Neroly formation Lithology: Gray tuffaceous clay stone beneath a blue sandstone bed Collectors: Carlton Condit and A. S. Huey U. C. loc. P-371S In south-facing bank at foot of Tesla grade in the SEi aec. 25, T. 2 S., R. 3 E. Stratigraphy: Lower part of Tesla formation Lithology: Chocolate colored shales Flora: Abundant leaves (middle Eocene) Collectors: A. S. Huey and others 70 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 BIBLIOGRAPHY Allen, Victor T. The lone formation of California : Univ. California, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 18, pp. 347-448, 1929. Eocene anauxitic clays and sands in the Coast Range of California : Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 52, pp. 271-294, 1941. Anderson, Frank Marion Synopsis of the later Mesozoic in California : California Div. Mines Bull. 118, pp. 183-186, 1941. (and Hanna, G. Dallas) Cretaceous geology of Lower California: California Acad. Sci. Proc, 4th ser., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1-34, 1935. Anderson, Robert (and Pack, R. W.) Geology and oil resources of the west border of the San Joa- quin Valley north of Coalinga, California : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 603, 1915. Branner, J. C. Report on the geology of Livermore Valley, in The future water supply of San Francisco, a report ... by the Spring Valley Water Co., pp. 203-222, 1912. Brewer, W. H. Up and down California in 1860-64, Tale Univ. Press, 1930. Camp, C. L. Icthyosaur rostra from central California : Jour. Paleontology, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 362-372, 1942. Campbell, A. S. (and Clark, B. L.) Radiolaria from Upper Cretaceous of middle California: Geol. Soc. America Special Paper 57, pp. 1-61, 1944. Chaney, Ralph W. (Condit, C, and Axelrod, D. I.) Pliocene floras of California and Oregon: Car- negie Inst. Washington Pub. 553, 1944. Clark, Bruce L. Fauna of the San Pablo group of middle California : Univ. California, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 8, pp. 385-572, 1915. The marine Tertiary of the west coast of the United States ; its sequence, paleo- geography, and problems of correlation : Jour. Geology, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 583-614, 1921. Tectonics of the Valle Grande of California : Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists BuU., vol. 13, no. 3, 1929. Tectonics of the Coast Ranges of middle California : Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 41, pp. 747-828, 1930. Tectonics of the Mount Diablo and Coalinga areas, middle Coast Ranges of Cali- fornia : Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 46, pp. 1025-1078, 1935. (and Woodford, A. O.) The geology and paleontology of the type section of the Meganos formation of California : Univ. California, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 17, pp. 63-142, 1927. Condit, Carlton The San Pablo flora of west central California : Carnegie Inst. Washington, Contr. Paleontology 476, pp. 217-268, 1938. Crook, T.H. (and Kirby, J. M.) Capay formation (abstract) : Geol. Soc. America Proc. 1934, pp. 334-335, 1935. Pavis, E. F. The Franciscan sandstone : Univ. California, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 11, pp. 1-44, 1918. The radiolarian cherts of the Franciscan group : Univ. California, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 11, pp. 235-432, 1918. BIBLIOGRAPHY 71 Goudkoff, Paul P. Stratigraphic relations of Upper Cretaceous in Great Valley, California : Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 29, pp. 956-1008, 1945. Hannibal, Harold A Pliocene flora from the Coast Ranges of California : Torrey Botanical Club Bull. 38, pp. 329-342, 1911. Harding, John W., Jr. The geology of the southern part of the Pleasanton quadrangle, California, Mas- ter's thesis, unpub., Univ. California, 1940. Huey, Arthurs. Stratigraphv of the Tesla quadrangle, California (abstract) : Geol. Soc. America, Proc. 1936. pp. 335-336, 1937. The geology of the Tesla quadrangle of middle California, Doctor's thesis, unpub., Univ. California,' 1940. (and Daly, J. W.) A discussion of part of the Upper Cretaceous along the west border of the San Joaquin Valley, paper read before Pacific Section, Am. Assoc. Petro- leum Geologists at Los Angeles, Oct. 16, 1941. Kirby, James M. Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy of west side of Sacramento Valley south of Wil- lows, Glenn County, California : Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 27, pp. 279-306, 1943. Lawson, Andrew C. Report on the geology and underground water supply of Livermore Valley, in The future water supply of San Francisco, a report ... by Spring Valley Water Company, pp. 223-230, 1912. U. S. Geol. Survey Geol. Atlas, San Francisco folio (no. 193), 1914. Louderback, George D. Period of scarp production in the Great Basin : Univ. California, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 15, pp. 1-44, 1924. Merriam, C. W. (and Turner, F. E.) The Capay middle Eocene of California : Univ. California, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 24, pp. 91-141, 1937. Reed, Ralph D. The geology of California, Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, 1933. Smith, James Perrin The development and phylogeny of PlacenUceras: California Acad. Sci. Proc, 3d ser., vol. 1, pp. 181-240, 1900. Smith, M. B. Ground water in the Livermore Valley, California, Master's thesis, unpub., Stanford Univ., 1934. Stewart, Ralph Geology of Reef Ridge, Coalinga district, California : U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 205-C, pp. 81-115, 1946. (Popenoe, W. P., and Snavely, P. D., Jr.) Correlation and subdivisions of Ter- tiary and late Upper Cretaceous rocks in Panoche Hills, Laguna Seca area, and Orestimba area, Fresno, Merced, and Stanislaus Counties, California : U. S. Geol. Sur- vey, Oil and Gas Investigations, Preliminary Chart 6, 1944. Stirton, R.A. Cenozoic mammal remains from the San Francisco Bay region : Univ. Califor- nia, Dept. Geol. Sci. BuU., vol. 24, pp. 339-410, 1939. Taff, J. A. Geology of Mount Diablo and vicinity : Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 46, pp. 1079-1100, 1935. 72 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 Taliaferro, N. L. Geologic history and structure of the central Coast Ranges of California : Cali- fornia Div. Mines Bull. 118, pp. 119-162, 1941. Geologic history and correlation of the Jurassic of southwestern Oregon and California : Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 53, pp. 71-112, 1942. Franciscan-Knoxville problem : Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 27, pp. 109-219, 1943. Cretaceous and Paleocene of Santa Lucia Range : Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geolo- gists Bull., vol. 28, pp. 449-521, 1944. (and Hudson, F. S.) Genesis of the manganese deposits of the Coast Ranges: California Div. Mines Bull. 125, pp. 217-275, 1943. Tolman, C. F. (et al.) Nature and science on the Pacific Coast, San Francisco, Paul Elder & Co., 1915. Trask, Parker Davies The Briones formation of middle California : Univ. California, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 13, pp. 133-174, 1922. (Wilson, I. F., and Simons, F. S.) Manganese deposits of California, a sum- mary report : California Div. Mines Bull. 125, pp. 51-217, 1943. Turner, H. W. The geology of Mount Diablo : Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 2, pp. 383-414, 1891. The rocks of the Sierra Nevada : U. S. Geol. Survey, 14th Ann. Rept., pp. 487- 490, 1894. Rocks of the Coast Ranges of California : Jour. Geology, vol. 6, pp. 493-499, 1898. Vanderhoof, V. L. A study of the Miocene sirenian Desmostylus: Univ. California Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 24, pp. 169-262, 1937. Vickery, F. P. The structural dynamics of the Livermore region. Doctor's thesis, unpub., Stan- ford Univ., 1925. The structural dynamics of the Livermore region : Jour. Geology, vol. 33, pp. 608-628, 1925. Weaver, Charles E. Stratigraphy and paleontology of the San Pablo formation in middle California : Univ. California, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 5, pp. 243-269, 1909. Whitney, J. D. Geological survey of California, vol. 1, 1865. Wilmarth, M. Grace Lexicon of geologic names of the United States : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 896, 1938. INDEX Alameda County, index map showing location of Tesla quadrangle in, 8 Oil Co. of San Francisco, well in Tesla quadrangle, 64 Alisal OU Co. weU No. 1, 65 Alluvium, 49 Altamont anticline, 24-25, 27, 28, 41, 49-51 Arroyo Mocho, Franciscan chert from, pi. 5, 11, 20 Quaternary in, 49 VaUe, geology of, 18, 25-26, 38, 40, 48 Asuncion group, 29 Atlantic & "Western Oil Co., French No. 1 well, 65 ; well No. 2, 64 Beraudiere manganese mine, 66 Bibliography, 70-72 Black Butte fault, 53 Jack manganese mine, 63, 66 Bradford & Guardino "B&G" No. 1 weU, 64 Byron quadrangle. Cretaceous in, 25, 27, 28 ; Tertiary in, 43 California Lime and Cement Co., 62 Capay stage, 37 Carbona quadrangle. Black Butte fault in, 53 ; Neroly formation in, 43 ; Tesla fault in, 55 ; Tulare formation in, 48, 49 Carnegie fault, 51, 52, 53-54, 67 Cedar Mountain, Newton chromite mine on, 59 magnesite mine, 62 Camp 9 manganese mine, 63, 66 Cephalopoda, checklist of Upper Cretaceous, 28 Chaney manganese mine, 66 Chico group, 29 Chromite, 59 Cierbo formation, 16, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 38, 40-42, 46, 59, 61, 67 ; photo showing white sand, pi. 7A ; photo showing unconformity between Panoche and, pi. 7B Clay, 16, 60 Climate, 11-12 Coal, 60-61 Coast Exploration Co., well "T.F." No. 1, 65 Ranges, California, stratigraphy, 14, 29, 35 Conglomerates, Neroly, 43 ; Upper Cretaceous, 26, 27 Coniff, J. E., "Calhoma" No. 1 well, 64 Connelly Ranch, owner, Ladd maganese mine, 66 Copeland, T. T., owner, K-ola tuff mine, 67 Corral Hollow, svnclinal area north of, 51-52 ; white sand of Tesla formation in, 11, 32-33, 62, pi. 6 Craig, George L., well No. lA, 64 Cretaceous system, 11, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23-33, 58 fossils, checklist of, 28 Crocker Estate, owner, Camp 9 manganese mine, 66 Dewhirst manganese mine, 66 Diablo Range, 11, 30, 41, 43, 44, 46, 52 Doane ( ?) wee No. 1, 65 Dragi manganese mine, 66 Drainage, 12-13 Eocene series, 16. 33-38, 58-59 Etchegoin formation, 43 Fabian manganese mine, 63, 66 Faults, 22, 52-56. 57-58 Fifteen-Three Oil Co. "Hamilton Ranch" well No. 1, 65 ; well No. 2, 65 Folds, 49-52 FoscUina manganese mine, 66 Fossil localities, invertebrate, 68-69 ; leaf, 69 ; register of, 68-69 ; vertebrate, 69 7—85413 ( 73 ) 74 GEOLOGY OF TESLA QUADRANGLE [Bull. 140 Fossils, checklist of Cierbo, 42 ; checklist of Horsetown, 23 ; checklist of Tesla forma- tion, 36 Foster & Hammil well No. 2, 65 Franciscan group, 11, 14, 15-23, 58, 62, 63, 66 basalt, photo showing pillow structure in, pi. 5B chert, photo showing bedded, pi. 5A ; rock quarry in, 62 Gallagher manganese mine, 66 Gastropoda, checklists of, 28, 36, 42 Geography of Tesla quadrangle, 11 Geologic history, in Tesla quadrangle, 58-59 Gilstrap, A. M., well No. 1, 64 Gravel and rock deposits, 62 Graves manganese mine, 63, 66 Great Valley, Cretaceous in the, 30 Greenville fault, 52, 54 ; photo showing slickensided surface in, 32-33 Hayes Ranch magnesite prospects, 62 Hetch-Hetchy water supply, 13-14 Holm Bros., owners. Nelson manganese mines, 66 Horsetown formation, 16, 23-24 Johnston No. 1 well, 25, 27, 51, 53, 64 Jumbo manganese prospect, 66 Jurassic system, 15-23, 58 K-ola tuff mine, 41, 61, 67 Kelly manganese prospect, 66 Ladd manganese mine, 62-63, 66 Lake, Mack C., owner, Fabian manganese mine, 66 Lime rock, 62 Livermore Clay and Sand Co., clay production, 60 gravels, 14, 16, 31, 39, 40, 47-48, 49, 51, 56, 67 Oil Co. "Hamilton" No. 1 well, 65 region, structural dynamics of the, 56-58 Talley, Livermore gravels in, 47-48 ; Quaternary alluvium in, 49 ; topographic unit, 11 Magnesite, 62 Manganese, 62-63, 66 properties, table showing, 66 Man Ridge manganese mine, 63, 66 Map, index, showing location of Tesla quadrangle, 8; relief, showing important place names, Tesla quadrangle, pi. 4 ; economic mineral, pi. 2 ; geologic, pl.l McLean red shale deposit, 62 Midway anticline, 51, 53 fault, 52-53 Mineral resources, 60-67 Miocene series, 16, 38-47, 59 Mitchell Ravine, geology, 33, 34-35, 37, 49 Moreno Grande formation, 16, 31-33, 51, 54, 55 Most, Arthur, owner Man Ridge manganese mine, 66 Mt. Piablo, Cretaceous conglomerates near, 28 quadrangle, 43 Nelson manganese mines, 66 Neroly formation, 14, 16, 25, 42-47, 59, 62 ; photo showing andesitic sediments of, pis. 8, 11 ; photo showing sharp fold in, pi. 9B Newman chromite mine, 59 manganese mine, 66 Oak Ridge divide, Mt. Hamilton quadrangle, 55 Ogier, Lee, owner Section 14 manganese mine, 66 Oil and gas, table showing wells drilled in Tesla quadrange for, 64 seeps, 67 Oursan (?) sandstone, 38-40 Facheco group, 29 Panoche formation, 16, 24-31 ; photos showing sediments of, pis. 8, 10 Patterson Pass anticline, 24, 51, 53 fault, 51, 53 syncline, 51 Pelecypoda, check lists of, 28, 36, 42 INDEX 75 Petroleum, 66-67 ; wells drilled for, 67 Pioneer group, 29-30 Pliocene-Pleistocene series, 16, 47-49, 59 Quaternary system, 49 Reef Ridge area, geology, 30 Riggs Canyon fault. 52, 54 Rocky Ridge, Cretaceous conglomerate on, 22, 25-26, 28, 29, 30 ; photo showing, pi. 10 Rodriguez, Frank J., owner Chaney manganese mine, 66 Sacramento Valley, west side, Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy, 29-30 San Joaquin Valley, Moreno Grande in, 31 ; Quaternary alluvium in, 49 ; topographic unit, 7 11 Pablo group. 42, 46 ; partial list of flora from, 45 Sand, glass and foundry, 16, 61 ; white, of Cierbo formation, pi. 7 ; white, of Tesla formation, pi. 6 Sandstone, Franciscan, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28 Santa Lucian orogeny, 29, 30, 58 Scott manganese mine, 66 Seaboard Oil Co., Johnston No. 1 well, 25, 27, 51, 53, 64 Section 14 manganese mine, 63, 66 Sedimentary rocks, predominance of in Tesla quadrangle, 14, 17, 18-19 Sediments, Neroly, 44 ; Panoche, 27-28 Serpentinized intrusions, 15 Shasta County, Yates fossils from, 28 Shell Oil Co., Inc., "Nissen" No. 1 well, 25 Sierra Nevada, source of sediments in Tesla quadrangle, 28, 35, 41. 44, 46 Standard Oil Co., "Egan" No. 1 well, 64 ; "Leonardo" No. 1 well, 64 Stratigraphy, 14-19 Structure, 49-58 Structure sections, geologic, pi. 3 Structural trends, diagram showing regional, 57 Talbot Oil Co. well No. 1, 65 Technical Porcelain and Chinaware Co., clay consumers, 60 Tejon formation, 38 Terrace deposits, 49 Tertiary system, 11, 33-47 -Quaternary system, 47-49 Tesla Clay Co., description of deposit, 60 and Sand Co., sand production, 61 coal mine, clav production, 60 ; coal production and analysis, 60-61 fault, 23, 24, 53, 55-56, 62 formation, 16, 33-38, 60, 61 mining camp about 1910, photo showing, pi. 6 Thomas & Hammil well No. 1, 65 Tithonian age of Franciscan, 23 Topography of Tesla quadrangle, 11 Tracy Oil Co. well No. 1, 65 Tulare formation, 14, 16, 48-49 Tunnel, progress of Hetch-Hetchy, 14 Turonian fossils, 30 Valle fault, 56 Vegetation of Tesla quadrangle, 11-12 Volcanic rocks, 15 W. M. & S. Co. "Hamilton Ranch" No. 1 well, 65 ; No. 2 well, 65 Water supply, Tesla quadrangle, 12-13, 13-14 Williams fault, 56 Winegar manganese mine, 66 85413 1-48 2M ^( ■HUSSBm » If Vppf - |aii0ilJ0|l0i0iiQiil|iHj|Bpij0iij jMill J 1 1 j i j | ! I j 1 1 1 , , J j 1 1 h f ^ t^-?^- T^^\ ' «■ ^^ I «>'"|,«J'-^'U/' // 4 V ) Sy^ \ t ' ch G SECTIOJ ^ grilles il r \ !J OlU/CUOU ^Uti THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW BOOKS REQUESTED BY ANOTHER BORROWER ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL 1^UN8 01992 RECEIVED JN 2 6 19 PHY3 SCI U3RAR R I RECEIVED ApP 1 7 1QQ0 1»7 ii PHVS SCI LIBRARY JAN 6 1988' ^1113 2003 3 2004 RrcEnmD JAN 2 ^ -^lit)* PSL t-^MV ^ 1 y t^ LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Book Slip-Series 458 PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY C3 A3 voo. HO LIBRARY jLUUJlVl&&3iTY OF CALVORIBQI PAYU 181598