Gospel Doctrine Sermons and Writings President Joseph F. Smith 18PT 1 ^PW^IV^I^ .$.- 'y.v s-.&P*?-^- x '^.-'-. A - '-, m. \ " ; ' ar/i/^c^toMly BANCROF LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Gift of Mrs. Esther C. Thomson &3F' n Km x /*v : JfiJaSKsujK f9'f ^^^./'fm^:^^ *&.., /^0-?s yC^~. <%.* 4a P R li m w mi^iKl ^ /:j -^^ \ t ^- %!' &i^^^^' : l^r^ n ^ ^ ^^-^m^ I # ; & ELr iL 1 3 ''< ^^7 i^o-m^ GOSPEL DOCTRINE SELECTIONS FROM THE SERMONS AND WRITINGS OF JOSEPH F. SMITH Sixth President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints THE DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 1919 Copyright, 1919, by HEBER J. GRANT, Trustee-in-Trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints All Rights Reserved PREFACE President Joseph F. Smith was so long in the public service of the Church that his published sermons and writ- ings would fill many volumes. The difficult problem of the compilers of this volume has been to make a collection of extracts. that would do full justice to the man and that, at the same time, could be contained in a volume of 'moderate size. Every reader who knows Church literature will note the shortcomings of the work ; and none more than the com- pilers. However, incomplete as it may be, this collection is well worth while, for it contains a wealth of gospel wisdom, to instruct, comfort, and inspire the Saints. The literature of the Church has been carefully and systematically searched to discover all of President Smith's public writings and sermons. Those of a historical nature have not been used in this collection, as they may well be made into another volume. The compilers give their thanks to the many who, with hearts full of love for President Smith, have helped in the work. The work has reaffirmed to us that prophets, speaking for God, are with us. THE COMPILERS. I o INTRODUCTION President Joseph F. Smith incidentally stated on one occasion that when he should pass away, unlike many of his brethren, he would leave no written work, by which he might be remembered. It was his modest way of viewing his own ministry and literary labors, for President Smith would live in the hearts of the people even if he had said nothing for the printed page; but on the contrary, it was discovered that there are volumes in print, though at that time it had not been gathered and was therefore not so w r ell known. One of the compilers of this volume, Dr. John A. Widtsoe, listening to his remark, thought to himself, "cer- tainly it cannot be true that he has left no written work." He then decided to look into his published writings and ser- mons, conceived the idea of making extracts from them and arranging these extracts by subjects and in chapters, in the form of a book. The result is this splendid volume now presented to the public under the title GOSPEL DOCTRINE. Doctor John A. Widtsoe interested his brother, Prof. Osborne J. P. Widtsoe, also Albert E. Bowen, Doctor F. S. Harris, and Joseph Quinney, in the work of compiling and classifying, from the voluminous writings and sermons of President Smith, such extracts as would bear upon the sub- jects chosen for consideration subjects covering a wide range in gospel doctrine and philosophy, as taught by the Latter-day Saints. Lorenzo N. Stohl geneiously paid the expenses of the work. Without price, and as a matter of love for the work in hand, these brethren proceeded with the compilation, had four typewritten copies prepared, nicely bound and titled, and were privileged, sometime before the death of the Pres- vi INTRODUCTION ident, to offer him the first typewritten copy of the work, with their love and gratitude for his life, his example, and his inspired teachings, as well as for his gentle kindness and constant helpfulness to each of them. Needless to say, the presentation and the work were gladly accepted and gave President Smith great delight. The Committee on Study for the Priesthood Quorums, being apprised by the compilers of the work, conceived the idea, under the initiative of Elder David O. McKay of the Council of the Twelve, of making it a text book for the Priesthood. The volume is now presented to the Melchiz- edek Priesthood Quorums of the Church for their study and consideration. To accompany it is "A GUIDE" for the direc- tion of teachers and students, and adopted for convenience in reference and study. The sermons and writings of President Joseph F. Smith teach, in wisdom and moderation, practically every essential doctrine of the Latter-day Saints concerning the present life and the life hereafter. Xot only that, but they abound in helpful counsel and advice on everyday practices in right living, stated in simple and persuasive language. President Smith's sermons and writings breathe the true spirit of the Gospel, are sound as gold in tenet and precept, and express the will of the Master in every word. Gathered, classified, arranged, and printed as in this volume, they constitute a compendium of the doctrine and teachings of the Church that we believe will stand as a safe guide for its members for generations to come. In presenting this compilation to the public, we are con- fident that every reader will be fully repaid in its perusal, containing, as it does, rich and vital selections from the say- ings, teachings and sermons of one of the foremost prophets of the Lord in the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times. COMMITTEE ON COURSES OF STUDY FOR THE PRIESTHOOD. SALT LAKE CITY, MAY, 1919. CONTENTS CHAPTER I Truth, the Foundation Our Hope Founded on Truth The Gospel Founded in Truth Truth, the Foundation Man Saved by Truth Gospel Truth Cannot be Superseded Man's Greatest Achievement Truth and Righteousness Will Prevail Reality of the Faith of the Saints Meaning of Science All Truth From God The Saints May Know the Truth How Truth May be Known How Man Lays an Im- perishable Foundation of Truth Reward of All Honest People The Gospel is Simple Our Knowledge is Lim- ited Blessings for the Love of Truth 1 CHAPTER II The Eternal Nature of the Church, the Priesthood, and Man Eternal Nature of Plan of Salvation Gospel Principles are Eternal Pre-existing States Spirit Memories The Im- mortality of Man Man Eternally Responsible Our Inde- structible, Immortal Identity No New Principles in the Gospel Fountain of Truth Eternity of the Spirit of man Purposes of Almighty Unchangeable 13 CHAPTER III Revelation Value of the Spirit of Revelation The Spirit of Inspiration The Spirit of Revelation Enjoyed by All New Revela- tion When to Expect New Revelation How the Lord Reveals His Purposes Concerning the Church Modern Revelation is Necessary Theory and Divine Revelation Revelation and Legal Evidence Proper Channels for Revelation The Doctrine and Covenants How to Read the Bible Persecution Follows Revelation 42 CHAPTER IV Free Agency The Latter-day Saints a Free People The Use of Freedom and Human Judgment Latter-day Saints Should Exercise Free Agency How to Obtain Blessings of God 58 CHAPTER V God and Man God has Directed His Latter-day Work A Personal Knowl- edge of God God Speaks to the Honest in Heart God viii CONTENTS Constantly Mindful of us God's Will to Exalt Man God's Right to Rule in the World The Lesson in Natural Calamities Extent of God's Power Beware of Limiting God Misfortune and Evil Not Attributable to the Will of God God's Warfare We are in God's Image God's Rest Importance of Being Under the Influence of the Holy Spirit Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Comforter God Inspires Man to Know and to Do Trust in God I Know that My Redeemer Lives Our Personal Responsibility The Church a Democratic Institution How to Secure God's blessings Jesus is the Son Jehovah, the First- born Nothing Temporal with God -The Important Con- sideration 64 CHAPTER VI The Purpose and the Mission of the Church The Kingdom of God Denned "Mormonism" Denned The Mission of the Church The Plan of Life Restored Our Mission is to Save The Gospel Message We are as Leaven Man Insignificant Compared to Cause Where the Gospel Spirit Leads The Fruits of True Religion Lat- ter-day Saints Possess the Spirit of Salvation May Israel Flourish The Work of the Lord Will Grow The King- dom of God to Continue Zion Established to Remain The Progress of God's Work Cannot be Stopped Divin- ity of the Gospel The Gospel All Comprehensive Let Your Light Shine No Cause for Worry The Gospel a Shield from Terror The Gospel Trumpet What Church Leaders Advocate Our Message one of Love Whence? Whither? Latter-day Saints are Law- Abiding 87 CHAPTER VII The First Principles of the Gospel How the Sinner May be Cleansed Fallacy of Death-Bed Repentance The Change that Comes with Repentance and Baptism The Necessity of Baptism When to Bap- tize Children Through Atonement Sins are "Washed away Conditions for Baptism The First Principles of the Gospel 116 CHAPTER VIII The Church and the Man The Church in Advance of Its Members The Gospel the Most Important Thing Personal Advancement is Help to the Church Covenants of the Latter-day Saints A Priv- ilege to be Associated with the Church Worth of a Standing in the Church Importance of Having Names on Church Records Secret Organizations Secret Societies Gossip We Want to be Known as We are Treatment CONTENTS ix of Those Who Will Not Obey the Law of the Church Latter-day Saints Must be Thinkers and Workers The Identity of the Church Unchanged No Classes or Nation- alities in the Church No Neutrals in the Church Don't Have Religious Hobbies Wealth Does Not Bring Church Favors The Gospel Causes Disturbance "Having Done All, Stand" Not Naturally Religious Strive to be as Broad as the Gospel Search and Ye shall Find The Spirit of Religion The Meaning of Success What is to Become of Such as Me? Rest for the Peaceable Followers of Christ Harmony Character, Mettle, and Mission of the Latter-day Saints 13, CHAPTER IX Priesthood God is at the Helm Distinction Between Keys of the Priesthood and Priesthood Conferring the Priesthood An Authoritative Declaration The Church Not Man- made What is the Priesthood? The Priesthood Defini- tion, Purpose and Power Mission of the Priesthood What are the Keys of the Priesthood? Sanctity of the Ordinances of the Priesthood On Church Government A Blessing and an Explanation of the Priesthood The Privilege of the Priesthood to Bless The Priesthood Greater than Any of its Offices Necessity of Organiza- tion Acceptance of the Priesthood a Serious matter- How Authority Should be Administered Authority Gives Enduring Power Ministry Should Know its Duties and the Use of Authority How Officers in the Church are Chosen A Word to Bishops Jurisdiction of Quorums of Priesthood Jurisdiction in Stakes and Wards Duties of Those Engaged in the Ministry The Purpose and the Duty of the Church: Qualities of Leaders Leaders Must be Courageous Duties of Officers of the Church Truth Will Unite Us Words to Church Officers Officers to Set the Example Duty of the Holy Priesthood How to Vote on Church Propositions Order of Voting for Of- ficers of the Church Officers Dependent on Voice of People Nearly All Male Members Hold the Priesthood; Responsibility Many hold the Melchizedek Priesthood Priesthood Quorums' Responsibilities What is Priest- hood? Where and How Counsel Should be Sought Parents Should be Consulted Proper use of Titles of the Preisthood All Officers of the Priesthood Necessary and Should be Respected Checks Upon Church Members The Priesthood Should Know Section 107 of the Doctrine and Covenants Who is Fit to Preside? Obligations of the Priesthood How Honor for Those Who Bear the Priesthood is Begotten Priesthood Membership Rolls All Should Exercise Their Authority The Leaders in Israel A Testimony of Joseph Smith and His Successors x CONTENTS Goodness of the Leaders of the Church Divine Mis- sions of Presidents of the Church The Presidents of the Church Have Been Inspired When to Organize the First Presidency First Presidency Not Necessarily Apostles The Priesthood and Its Offices Authority of the Presi- dent of the Church Relation of Members of First Presi- dency Duties of Apostles Testimony of the Apostles The Presiding Bishopric When to Submit Questions to the General Authorities No Need to Point Out Defects of Church Leaders Help the General Authorities Tem- poral Support of General Authorities A Blessing Upon Stake Presidencies and Other Officers Counsel to Stake Presidents and Bishops Duties of Stake Presidents Duty of High Councils Duties of Patriarchs Duties of High Priests Duties of High Priests' Quorums Duty of High Priests Purpose and Duties of Seventies Duty of Seventies Duties of Seventies Seventies' Quorums to be Replenished from Elders' Quorums Elders to Proclaim Gospel Duties of Elders Authority of the Bishops and Other Presiding Officers Duties of Bishops Bishops and Lesser Priesthood Should be Active Duties of the Lesser Priesthood Lesser Priesthood The Work of the -Bish- opric Dignity of Teachers' Calling Value of Teachers' Work The Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood Tribute to Heber C. Kimball Tribute to Erastus Snow Purpose of Visits of Church Leaders 168 CHAPTER X Spiritual Gifts The Gift of Tongues The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Order of Administering to the Sick The Use of a Testimony Purpose and Practice of Testimony Bearing The Temporal and the Spiritual Not Separate Spiritual and Temporal Salvation The Gospel Designed for Tem- poral Benefits, Also The Spirit Needs Food 251 CHAPTER XI Obedience Obedience an Eternal Principle How to Rise Above the Weakness of Mortality Obedience to Church Ordinances Indispensable Obedience Brings Light and Freedom Blessings from Obedience 263 CHAPTER XII Prayer Pray Every Day Pray In Wisdom Keep the Spirit of Prayer True Prayer How to Pray An Address on Prayer Practical Prayer and Healing Pray for the Au- thorities Blessings Follow Prayers Correct Our Neg- lects . . 273 CONTEXTS xi CHAPTER XIII Tithing; the Poor; Industry Why the Law of Tithing was Instituted Essential Nature of the Law of Tithing The Law of Tithing a Test The Law of Tithing, the Law of Revenue Tithing The Widow and Her Tithing The Widow and Tithing Who Receive Church Help Should be Tithe Payers Use of Tithing Commercialism and Tithing Tithing Used Carefully and Full Accounts Kept Books Open to Tithe- Payers We Should Sympathize with the Unfortunate Charity to be Accepted Only When Necessary Cease to Waste Time; Cease to be Idle Gospel Blessings Ob- tained by Labor Idlers Have No Place in Zion A Mes- sage of the Latter-day Saints on Behalf of the Poor 282 , CHAPTER XIV Temperance; the Sabbath Man Should Be Master of His Appetites Moderation Temperance How to Teach Temperance Use of To- bacco and Strong Drinks Do Not Smoke The Saloon Defeat the Liquor Interests Vitality and Patent Med- icines Stamp Out Profanity and Vulgarity Saturday's W r ork : Purpose of the Sabbath The Meaning of Sunday What Shall \Ye Do on the Sabbath Day? Necessity of Sunday Worship Be Wise in All You Do The Nature and Purpose of Fasting Keeping the Sabbath Holy Do Not Rob the Sabbath Day Man Must Be Master of Himself 300 CHAPTER XV Many Duties of Man The Object of Man's Existence We Deal with the Lord Necessity for All to Accomplish their Missions God Honors Those Who Honor Him Qualifications of Lat- ter-day Saints Perfection in Our Sphere Let Every Man Live to Bear Closest Inspection Need of Individual Re- sponsibility Conquer Ourselves First Let Us Conquer Ourselves Charity the Greatest Principle Look for Good; Not for Evil Estimate Men by their Noble Deeds Let Us Sustain One Another Do Not Bear Malice Against One Another Honor Yourselves and Your Neighbors Avoid Courts Let Us Live Our Religion Let Us Be True to the Faith Church Duties are Para- mount We Should Study the Gospel Encourage Sing- ing Cultivate Singing Be Free From Debt What the Lord Requires of His Saints Cultivate Gratitude Back- biting Do Not Inflict Wounds, But Heal Wounds Use Good Language Do Not Destroy Life Wantonly Com- xii CONTENTS mencement Address Our Main Purpose of Life How to Love Your Neighbor Question of Church Leaders The Sin of Ingratitude 312 CHAPTER XVI Marriage, the Home and the Family Necessity of Marriage Marriage, God-Ordained and Sanc- tioned Righteousness and Necessity of Marriage Male and Female Enter Heaven Marriage to Replenish the Earth Eternal Marriage Eternity of the Family Organi- zation Importance of Marriage Within the Church No Marriage in Heaven Plural Marriage Forbidden Further Statement Marriage and Large Families Desir- able Be True to Your Wives and Children Respect the Rights of Others Mutual Treatment of Husband, Wife and Children We Should Be Examples to Our Families The Truest Greatness Parents Responsible for their Children The Father, the Presiding Authority of the Family Duties of Fathers Motherhood the Foundation of Home and Nation Husband's Success Dependent Upon Wife's Fitness Duty of Parents Watch Your Children Duty to Teach Children What to Teach Your Children What Children Should Be Taught Training of Children at Home and in Sunday School Teach Children the Gospel Teach Children the Story of Jesus' Death- Wise Giving to Children Do Not Place Children Under Pledges Children Have Equal Rights with Elders in the House of the Lord Don't Mortgage Your Houses No Substitute for the Home Worship in the Home The Basis of a True Home The Ideal Home Foundation of All Good in Home Secure Homes Own Your Homes Do Not Mortgage Your Homes Evils of Mortgaging Our First Duty to Our Household Unchastity, a Dom- inant Evil Degrees of Sexual Sin Purity Three Threat- ening Dangers The Gospel the Greatest Thing Duty of Husband to Wife Wives and Husbands in Eternity Im- portance of Filial Affection Family Government by Love The Home and the Child 341 CHAPTER XVII Amusements and Fashions Youth Should Look Forward Proper Amusements Proper Character of Amusements Social Duties The Danger of Pleasure Hunting Harmful Effects of Bad Books Proper Reading Raffling and Gambling Games of Chance The Evil of -Cards Wasting Time with Cards Card Playing Stop Card Playing Pernicious Nature of Card Playing Cards in the Home Evil Fashions Im- proper Fashions- Exclusive Clubs Among Church Mem- bers A Lesson for the Boys 400 CONTENTS xiii CHAPTER XVIII Love Your Enemies We Are Not Discouraged I Forgive All Men We Leave Our Enemies in God's Hands Leave Results in God's Hands Our Debt to Our Enemies A Prayer for Our En- emies The Golden Rule Why the World Does Not Love Us Love One Another Keep Aloof from the Wicked The Enemies to Fear 421 CHAPTER XIX Education and Industrial Pursuits We Are Ever Learning Address on Ignorance The Value of Practical Education Practical Education Advocated Boys Should Be Taught the Arts of Industry Manual Training and Agriculture Agriculture and Mechanic Arts in Church Schools We Should Study Agriculture Dig- nity of Agriculture Encourage Forestry Young Women Should Have Practical Preparation for Life Object of Church Schools Value of Church Schools Purpose of Church Schools The Church Ample for All Necessary Organizations Develop Faculties in Church Organiza- tions The Foundation of Prosperity The Object of Co- operation 427 CHAPTER XX Missionaries How Missionaries Are Called Requirements of Prospective Missionaries The Kind of Men Wanted for Missionaries Necessary Qualifications of Missionaries Further Qual- ifications of Missionaries What Missionaries Should Teach What and How to Teach Not All Men Ready to Accept the Gospel Our People Generous to Missionaries Advice to Missionaries Missionaries and the Word of Wisdom Caution to Missionaries Health of Missionaries To Be Guarded Missionaries In 111 Health Care of Re- turned Missionaries Work for Returned Missionaries Duty of a Person Called on a Mission 444 CHAPTER XXI False Teachings The Devil's Knowledge The Enemy of Truth Always Ar- rayed Against This Work Why the Truth is Hated- Only Those Who Deny the Faith Contend Beware of False Teachers Where to Expect False Doctrines Knowledge of Sin Unnecessary Retreat from Evil The Law of Recompense Sympathy with Criminals The Crime of Witchcraft and Other Superstitions Supersti- tious Practices The Messiah Craze One Mighty and Strong 464 xiv CONTENTS CHAPTER XXII Auxiliary Organizations Definition of Auxiliary Organizations Place of Auxiliary Organizations in the Church Relation Between Author- ities of Ward and Auxiliary Organizations Purpose and Duties of Relief Society Objects of the Relief Society Duties and Purpose of the Relief Society The Relief So- ciety Object of Sunday Schools and Church Schools The Teacher Essential in Sunday School Work The First Qualification of a Sunday School Teacher The Principle of Sabbath School Teaching The Stake Sunday School Board The Importance of M. I. A. Work The Field of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations Purpose of Mutual Improvement Associations The Foun- tain of Truth Purpose and Duties of Religion Classes Teachers Must Believe in Jesus Christ 479 CHAPTER XXIII Political Government The Ten Comandments The Laws of God and the Laws of the Land No Nationalities in the Church The Latter- day Saints Loyal to the United States Loyalty to the Constitution of the United States Proud of the United States Origin and Destiny of the United States: Loyalty of the Latter-day Saints Saints to Serve God Guided by God to the West True Patriotism Importance of Na- tional Patriotism The Church Not Partisan The Church Loyal Latter-day Saints Are Good Citizens Church Not Responsible for Political Parties The Church Not In Pol- itics Shun the Spirit of Mob Violence The Danger of Mobs The Basis of Labor Unions Cause of War Atti- tude Towards War We Want Peace When Peace Shall Come Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men The Key to Peace God Strives with Warring Nations Conduct of the Boys in the Army Message to the Boys in War Service 503 CHAPTER XXIV Eternal Life and Salvation Eternal Life and Salvation Close Relation of the Next Life Condition in a Future Life Spiritual Death The Un- pardonable Sin The Resurrection Nature of Ministering Angels---Redemption Beyond the Grave Nature of Death The Resurrection On the Resurrection Resurrection and Final Judgment Condition of Children in Heaven Status of Children in the Resurrection Address at Funeral Services of Mary A. Freeze The Resurrection- Work for the Dead Temple Ordinances Unchanged- Care and Need of Temples Preaching the Gospel in the CONTENTS Spirit World Vision of the Redemption of the Dead Moderation in Burial Displays Who Cannot be Reached by the Gospel Principle of Baptism for the Dead 538 CHAPTER XXV Joseph Smith, the Prophet The Reality of Joseph's Vision Joseph Smith's Name Will Never Perish The Prophet Joseph Smith Prediction of Joseph Smith Fulfilled Joseph Smith the Boy Joseph Smith a Restorer Plural Wives of Joseph Smith, the Prophet What Does the Martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Teach Us Divine Authority of Joseph Smith and His Sucessors God's Guiding Hand Seen in Church History 604 CHAPTER XXVI Personal Testimonies and Blessings A Testimony This is God's Work, a Testimony A Testi- mony The Pledge of My Life A Blessing A Testimony I Know that My Redeemer Lives Testimony 635 President T oseph F. Smith An Appreciation Reminiscences A Biographical Sketch Last of the Old School of Veteran Leaders. . . 644 GOSPEL DOCTRINE CHAPTER I Truth, the Foundation OUR HOPE FOUNDED ON TRUTH. Our hope of salva- tion must be founded upon the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, for we cannot build upon error and ascend into the courts of eternal truth and enjoy the glory and exaltation of the kingdom of our God. That cannot be done. Oct. C. R.* 1917, p. 3. THE GOSPEL FOUNDED IN TRUTH. I have no fears in my heart, or mind, that that which is called "Mormonism" which is indeed the gospel of Jesus Christ will not bear the scrutiny of science and the researches of the learned and literate into all truth. The gospel of Jesus is founded in truth. Every principle of it is susceptible of demonstra- tion beyond any just reason for contradiction. The Lord is doing his work and will do it, and no power can stay it. -Oct. C. R., 1908, p. 127. TRUTH, THE FOUNDATION. We believe in righteous- ness. We believe in all truth, no matter to what subject it may refer. No sect or religious denomination in the world possesses a single principle of truth that we do not accept or that we will reject. We are willing to receive all truth, from whatever source it may come; for truth will stand, truth will endure. No man's faith, no man's religion, no religious organization in all the world, can ever rise above the truth. The truth must be at the foundation of religion, or it is in vain and it will fail of its purpose. I say that the truth is at the foundation, at the bottom and top of, and it ^October Conference Report, 2 2 GOSPEL DOCTRINE entirely permeates this great work of the Lord that was es- tablished through the instrumentality of Joseph Smith, the prophet. God is with it; it is his work, not that of man; and it will succeed no matter what the opposition may be. We look now at the opposition arrayed against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and smile, so to speak, with feelings of confidence, doubly assured by the experi- ence of the past, in comparison to the feelings that pos- sessed the souls of our fathers and mothers in the early days of the Church, when they were but a handful, with all the world arrayed against them ; just a few poor, homeless peo- ple, driven from their possessions, cast out from the commu- nities in which they sought to establish themselves and build their homes. When I think of our people, thrust into the wilderness, wandering and seeking for a place where the soles of their feet might rest, and see, then, the world arrayed against them, and think of the little chance that appeared before them, for success and the accomplishment of their purposes, I wonder that more of them did not trem- ble and falter than did ; but some of them were true in the midst of it all, even unto death. If it had been necessary for them to have been martyred for the truth, willingly would .they have given their lives, as they gave all else that they possessed in the world, for the knowledge they had of the divinity of the work in which they were engaged. Are we as faithful today? Are we as devout as our fathers were? Oh, my God, help me to be as true as they were ! Help me to stand as they stood, upon the pedestal of eternal truth, that no power on earth, or in hell, may remove me from that foundation. This is my prayer to the Lord for my own sake, and it is my prayer to him for every Latter-day Saint throughout the length and breadth of the world. Apr. C. R.* 1909, p. 7. MAN SAVED BY TRUTH. We have no ill feelings in our *April Conference Report. TRUTH, THE FOUNDATION 3 hearts toward any living creature. We forgive those who trespass against us. Those who have spoken evil of us, and who have misrepresented us before the world, we have no malice in our hearts towards them. We say, let God judge between them and us; let him recompense them for their work. We will not raise a hand against them ; but we will extend the hand of fellowship and friendship to them, if they will repent of their sins and come unto the Lord and live. No matter how malicious they may have been, or how foolish they may have acted, if they will repent of it we will receive them with open arms and we will do all we can to help them to save themselves. I cannot save you; you cannot save me ; we cannot save each other, only so far as we can persuade each other to receive the truth, by teach- ing it. When a man receives the truth he will be saved by it. He will not be saved merely because some one talks to him, but because he received and acted upon it. The gospel is consistent, it is common sense, reason, revelation; it is almighty truth from the heavens made known to man. Apr. C. R., 1902, p. 86. GOSPEL TRUTH CAN NOT BE SUPERSEDED. There is no science, nor philosophy, that can supersede God Al- mighty's truth. The Lord 'has said, "My word is truth," and indeed it is ; and I believe that the Latter-day Saints know enough about the word of God to know it is his word when they see it and shun whatever is not; and that they will abide by the word of God, for it is truth. As the Savior said, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disci- ples indeed; ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." I believe that the Latter-day Saints, and especially the leading men in Israel, have sufficient knowl- edge and understanding of the principles of the gospel that they know the truth, and they are made free by its pos- session free from sin, free from error, free from darkness, from the traditions of men, from vain philosophy, and from 4 GOSPEL DOCTRINE the untried, unproven theories of scientists, that need dem- onstration beyond the possibility of a doubt. We have had science and philosophy through all the ages, and they have undergone change after change. Scarcely a century has passed but they have introduced new theories of science and of philosophy that supersede the old traditions and the old faith and the old doctrines entertained by philosophers and scientists. These things may undergo continuous changes, but the word of God is always true, is always right. I want to say to you that the principles of the gospel are always true the principles of faith in God, of repentance from sin, of baptism for the remission of sins by authority of God, and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost ; these principles are always true and are always absolutely necessary for the salvation of the children of men, no matter who they are or where they are. These principles are al- ways true, and you cannot get away from them. No other name, under heaven, is given, but that of Jesus Christ, by which you can be saved or exalted in the Kingdom of God. No man can enter into the kingdom of heaven except he be born again of the water and of the Spirit. These principles are indispensable, for God has declared them. Not only has Christ declared them by his own voice, and his disciples from generation to generation, in the olden time, but in these lat- ter days, they have taken up the same testimony and declared these things to the world. They are true today as they were true then, and we must obey these things. Apr. C. R., 1911, pp. 7, 8. MAN'S GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT. The greatest achieve- ment mankind can make in this world is to familiarize them- selves with divine truth, so thoroughly, so perfectly, that the example or conduct of no creature living in the world can ever turn them away from the knowledge that they have obtained. "In the footsteps of the Master," the greatest of all the teachers that this world has ever received, is the TRUTH, THE FOUNDATION 5 safest and the surest course to pursue that I know of in the world. We can absorb the precepts, the doctrines and the divine word of the Master, without any fear that the exem- plar will fail of carrying out and executing his own pre- cepts and fulfiling his own doctrines and requirements. From my boyhood I have desired to learn the princi- ples of the gospel in such a way and to such an extent that it would matter not to me who might fall from the truth, who might make a mistake, who might fail to continue to follow the example of the Master, my foundation would be sure and certain in the truths that I have learned, though all men else go astray and fail ,of obedience to them. We all have heard of people who have pinned their faith to the arm of flesh, who have felt that their belief, their confidence and their love for the principles of the the gospel of Jesus Christ would be shattered, if their ideals- those possibly who first taught them the principles of the gospel should make a mistake, falter or fall. I know of but One in all the world who can be taken as the first and only perfect standard for us to follow, and he is the Only Begotten Son of God. I would feel sorry indeed, if I had a friend or an associate in this life who would turn away from the plan of life and salvation because I might stumble or make a failure of my life. I want no man to lean upon me nor to follow me, only so far as I am a con- sistent follower in the footsteps of the Master. Juvenile Instructor, 1915, Vol. 50, pp. 738, 739. TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS WILL PREVAIL. I do not expect any victory, any triumph, anything to boast of, to come to the Latter-day Saints, except upon the principles of righteousness and of truth. Truth and righteousness will prevail and endure. If we will only continue to build upon the principles of righteousness, of truth, of justice, and of honor, I say to you there is no power beneath the celestial kingdom that can stay the progress of this work. And as 6 GOSPEL DOCTRINE this work shall progress, and shall gain power and influence among men, so the powers of the adversary and of darkness will dimmish before the advancement and growth of this kingdom, until the kingdom of God, and not of men, will triumph. Apr. C. R. t 1914, p. 4. REALITY OF THE FAITH OF THE SAINTS. There is no doubt in the minds of Latter-day Saints in relation to the existence and personage of the Lord God Almighty, who is the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There is no doubt in the minds of Latter-day Saints that Jesus is the Son of God, being begotten of the Father in the flesh. And there is no Latter-day Saint in all the world but knows as truly and as fully as God can impart that knowledge to the soul of man, that he shall live again after death, and that men and women shall be associated together as God has ordained, and they have been united by his power, to dwell together forever and forever; and they shall know as they are known, they shall see as they are seen, and they shall understand as God understands ; for they are his children. Apr. C. R., 1907, p. 39. MEANING OF SCIENCE. True science is that system of reasoning which brings to the fore the simple, plain truth. The Savior of the world was pre-eminently the Scientist of this earth, and the truths he uttered 1900 years ago have withstood the assaults of science and prejudice and hate. Logan Journal, Logan, February 6, 1912. ALL TRUTH FROM GOD. Let us sustain the cause of Zion. Let no man speak lightly of the principles of the gospel. Let no one treat lightly the ordinances of the house of God. Let no one hold in derision the Priesthood that the Lord has restored to the earth, which is the authority that he has given unto men. Let no man look contemptu- ously upon the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as it has been established in the earth through the instrumentality of the Prophet Joseph Smith, TRUTH, THE FOUNDATION 7 whom the Lord raised up when he was but a child to lay the foundation of the same. Let no man treat these things lightly or doubtingly ; but let every man seek earnestly to understand the truth and teach his children to become famil- iar with those truths of heaven that have been restored to the earth in the latter days. I believe with all my soul in God the Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I believe with all my might, mind and strength in the Savior of the world, and in the principle of redemption from death and sin. I believe in the divine mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith. I believe in all the truth that I know, and I believe that there are many principles of eternal truth that still lie hidden from me and from the understanding of men, which will yet be revealed by the power of God unto his faithful servants. I believe that the Lord has revealed to the children of men all that they know. I do not believe that any man has discovered any principle of science, or art , in mechanism, or mathematics, or anything else, that God did not know before man did. Man is indebted to the Source of all intelligence and truth, for the knowledge that he pos- sesses ; and all who \vill yield obedience to the promptings of the Spirit, which lead to virtue, to honor, to the love of God and man, and to the love of truth and that which is ennobling and enlarging to the soul, will get a cleaner, a more expansive, and a more direct and conclusive knowl- edge of God's truths than anyone else can obtain. I tell you this, because I know it is true. The Lord Almighty lives ; he made the heavens and the earth, and the fountains of water; and we are his children, his offspring, and we are not here by chance. The Lord designed our coming, and the object of our being. He designs that we shall accom- plish our mission, to become conformed to the likeness and image of Jesus Christ, that, like him, we may be without sin unto salvation, like him we may be filled with pure intelligence, and like him we may be exalted to the right 8 GOSPEL DOCTRINE hand of the Father, to sit upon thrones and have dominion and power in the sphere in which we shall be called to act. I testify to this doctrine, for the Lord has made me to know and feel the truth of it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I love good, honorable men even men who may be mistaken, as far as their judgment is concerned, but who try to do right; I love them for the reason that they are my brethren, the sons of my Father, and I would that they might all see the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, and accept it, and receive all the benefits of it, in time and throughout all eternity. If the Lord has revealed to the world the plan *of salvation and redemption from sin, by which men may be exalted again into his presence and par- take of eternal life with him, I submit, as a proposition that cannot be controverted, that no man can, be exalted in the presence of God and attain to a fulness of glory ard happiness in his kingdom and presence, save and except he will obey the plan that God has devised and revealed. Apr. C. R., 1902, pp. 85, 86. THE SAINTS MAY KNOW THE TRUTH. To the faith- ful Latter-day Saint is given the right to know the truth, as God knows it; and no power beneath the celestial king- dom can lead him astray, darken his understanding, becloud his mind, or dim his faith or his knowledge of the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It can't be done, for the light of God shines brighter than the illumination of a false- hood and error ; therefore, those who possess the light of Christ, the spirit of revelation and the knowledge of God, rise above all these vagaries in the world ; they know of this doctrine, that it is of God and not of man. Oct. C. R., 1909, p. 9. How TRUTH MAY BE KNOWN. It is a wicked and adulterous generation that seeketh after a sign. Show me Latter-day Saints who have to feed upon miracles, signs and visions in order to keep them steadfast in the Church, and TRUTH, THE FOUNDATION 9 I will show you members of the Church who are not in good standing before God, and who are walking in slippery paths. It is not by marvelous manifestations unto us that we shall be established in the truth, but it is by humility and faithful obedience to the commandments and laws of God. When I as a boy first started out in the ministry, I would frequently go out and ask the Lord to show me some marvelous thing, in order that I might receive a testimony. But the Lord withheld marvels from me, and showed me the truth, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little, until he made me to know the truth from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, and until doubt and fear had been absolutely purged from me. He did not have to send an angel from 'the heavens to do this, nor did he have to speak with the trump of an archangel. By the whisperings of the still small voice of the Spirit of the living God, he gave to me the testimony I possess. And by this principle and power he will give to all the children of men a knowledge of the truth that will stay with them, and it will make them to know the truth, as God knows it, and to do the will of the Father as Christ does it. And no amount of marvelous manifestations will ever accomplish this. It is obedience, humility, and submission to the requirements of heaven and to the order established in the kingdom of God upon the earth, that will establish men in the truth. Men may receive the visitation of angels ; they may speak in tongues ; they may heal the sick by the laying on of hands ; they may have visions and dreams ; but except they are faith- ful and pure in heart, they become an easy prey to the adver- sary of their souls, and he will lead them into darkness and unbelief more easily than others Apr. C.R., 1900, pp. 40, 41. How MAN LAYS AN IMPERISHABLE FOUNDATION OF TRUTH. But the men and the women who are honest before God, who humbly plod along, doing their duty, paying their tithing, and exercising that pure religion and undefiled before 10 GOSPEL DOCTRINE God and the Father, which is to visit the fatherless and the widows in their afflictions and to keep oneself unspotted from the world, and who help look after the poor ; and who honor the holy Priesthood, who do not run into excesses, who are prayerful in their families, and who acknowledge the Lord in their hearts, they will build up a foundation that the gates of hell cannot prevail against ; and if the floods come and the storms beat upon their house, it shall not fall, for it will be built upon the rock of eternal truth. I pray that this vast congregation will build upon this imperishable foundation, upon the principle expressed by the words of Joshua, "as for me and my house, we will serve God," and as also expressed by Job, "though he slay me, yet will I trust in him." If you have that spirit toward' God and his work in these latter days, you will build steadily and slowly, it may be, but surely, upon a foundation that will endure throughout the countless ages of eternity. And if you do not get any great manifestations, you need not worry about it. You will get the testimony of Jesus Christ in your hearts, and you will know God and Jesus whom he has sent, whom to know is life eternal, just as well as those who receive visions. For those who do receive visions, the devil will try to make them believe that they were delusions, and if they commit sin, he will be sure to make them believe it. God bless you, is my prayer. Amen. Apr. C. R. } 1900, p. 42. REWARD OF ALL HONEST PEOPLE. In some instances you will find examples of people out in the world who do not know as much as you do of the gospel of Jesus Christ, who have not the testimony of the Spirit in their hearts as you have, of the divinity of Christ and of Joseph Smith, who are just as devout, just as humble, just as contrite in spirit, and as devoted to what they know, as some of us are, and they will be rewarded according to their works, every one of them, and will receive reward far surpassing anything that they dream of. Apr. C. R. } 1912, p. 8. TRUTH, THE FOUNDATION 11 THE GOSPEL is SIMPLE. Some subjects are in them- selves, perhaps, perfectly harmless, and any amount of dis- cussion over them would not be injurious to the faith of our young people. We are told, for example, that the theory of gravitation is at best a hypothesis, and that such is the atomic theory. These theories help to explain certain things about nature. Whether they are ultimately true can not make much difference to the religious convictions of our young people. On the other hand, there are speculations which touch the origin of life and the relationship of God to his children. In a very limited degree that relationship has been defined by revelation, and until we receive more light upon the subject we deem it best to refrain from the discussion of certain philosophical theories which rather de- stroy than build up the faith of our young people. One thing about this so-called philosophy of religion that is very unde- sirable lies in the fact that as soon as we convert our re- ligion into a system of philosophy, none but philosophers can understand, appreciate, or enjoy it. God, in his revelation to man, has made his word so simple that the humblest of men, without especial training, may enjoy great faith, com- prehend the teachings of the gospel, and enjoy undis- turbed their religious convictions. For that reason we are averse to the discussion of certain philosophical theories in our religious instructions. Juvenile Instructor, Vol. 46, pp. 208, 209, April, 1911. OUR KNOWLEDGE is LIMITED. Our methods in specu- lation and reasoning about the things of God may often be harmless ; but if we depart from the simplicity of God's word into a spirit of rationalism, we become the victims of vanity which endangers the true spirit of worship in the human heart. It is not easy for men to give up their van- ities, to overcome their preconceived notions, and surrender themselves heart and soul to the will of God which is always higher than their own. The dangers of religious specula- 12 GOSPEL DOCTRINE tions are as great today as they were in the days of Christ, and if we would avoid these dangers we must adhere to the simplicity of our religious belief and practices. When men and women realize they are getting into deep water where their footing is insecure, they should retreat; for they may be sure that the course they have been taking will lead them more and more away from their bearings which are not always easy to regain. The religion of the heart, the unaf- fected and simple communion which we should hold with God, is the highest safeguard of the Latter-day Saints. It is no discredit to our intelligence or to our integrity to say frankly in the face of a hundred speculative questions, "I do not know." One thing is certain, and that is, God has revealed enough to our understanding for our exaltation and for our happiness. Let the Saints, then, utilize what they already have ; be simple and unaffected in their religion, both in thought and word, and they will not easily lose their bear- ings and be subjected to the vain philosophies of man. Juvenile Instructor, Vol 46, p. 269, May, 1911. BLESSINGS FOR THE LOVE OF TRUTH. If you love the truth, if you have received the gospel in your hearts, and love it, your intelligence will be added upon, your understand- ing of truth will be expanded,become larger than in any other way. Truth is the thing, above all other things in the world, that makes men free free from indolence and carelessness, free from the fearful consequences of neglect, for it will be a fearful consequence, if we neglect our duty before the living God. If you will learn the truth and walk in the light of truth you shall be made free from the errors of men and of crafts ; you will be above suspicion and above wrong-doing of every description. God will approve of you and bless you and your inheritances, and make you prosper and flourish like a green bay tree. Improvement Era, Vol. XXI, p. 102, December, 1917. CHAPTER II The Eternal Nature of the Church, the Priesthood, and Man ETERNAL NATURE OF PLAN OF SALVATION. I feel this morning as I have felt all my life, but I feel it stronger this morning, perhaps, than ever before, that there is nothing under the heavens of so much importance to me or to the children of men as the great plan of life and salvation, which was devised in the heavens in the beginning, and which has been handed down from period to period through the inspiration of holy men called of God until the day of the coming of the Son of Man, for this gospel and this plan of salvation was revealed to our first parents. The angel of God carried to them the plan of redemption, and of salva- tion from death and sin that has been revealed from time to time by divine authority to the children of men, and it has undergone no change. There was nothing in it, in the be- ginning, that was superfluous or unnecessary; nothing in it that could be dispensed with; it was a complete plan de- vised in the beginning by the wisdom of the Father and the holy ones for the redemption of the human race and for their salvation and exaltation in the presence of God. It was taught more fully, and exemplified more perfectly in the being, the life and mission, the instruction and doctrine, of the Son of God, than ever before, unless there may be an exception in the days of Enoch ; but through all the genera- tions of time, the same gospel, the same plan of life and sal- vation, the same ordinances, burial with Christ, remem- brance of the great sacrifice to be offered for the sins of the world and for man's redemption, have been handed down from time to time, from the time of the creation. Oct. C. R., 1913, p. 2. 14 GOSPEL DOCTRINE GOSPEL PRINCIPLES ARE ETERNAL. Faith in God is an irrevocable principle, just as much as "thou shalt not kill;" "thou shalt not steal;" "thou shalt not commit adul- tery." Repentance of a sin is an eternal principle, and is as essential in its place, and is as much an integral part of the gospel of Jesus Christ as : "Thou shalt not kill," or, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Baptism for the remission of sin, by one having author- ity, is an eternal principle, for God devised it, and com- manded it, and Christ himself was not above obeying it ; he had to obey it in order to fulfil the law of righteousness. And then the rites of the Priesthood of the Church, as the Lord has revealed them, and the principles that underlie the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ, are irrev- ocable, unchanging and unchangeable. We talk of the "ever- lasting gospel of Jesus Christ," which "is the power of God unto salvation," and these principles in and of themselves are eternal principles, and will last while life, or thought, or being lasts,' or immortality endures. Oct, C. R., 1912, P . 11. PRE-EXISTING STATES. Mrs. Martha H. Tingey, President, Y. L. M. I. A. DEAR SISTER: The First Presidency have nothing to advance 'concerning pre-existing states but that which is contained in the revelations to the Church. The written standards of scripture show that all people who come to this earth and are born in mortality had a pre-existent, spiritual personality as the sons or daughters of the Eternal Father. (See Pearl of Great Price, chap 3, verses 5-7). Jesus Christ was the Firstborn. A spirit born of God is an immortal be- ing. When the body dies the spirit does not die. In the resurrected state the body will be immortal as well as the spirit. Speculations as to the career of Adam before he CHURCH, PRIESTHOOD AND MAN 15 came to the earth are of no real value. We learn by reve- lation that he was Michael, the Archangel, and that he stands at the head of his posterity on earth (Doctrine and Covenants, sec. 107:53-56). Dogmatic assertions do not take the place of revelation, and we should be satisfied with that which is accepted as doctrine, and not discuss matters that, after all disputes, are merely matters of theory. Your brethren, JOSEPH F. SMITH, ANTHON H. LUND, CHARLES W. PENROSE, First Presidency. Young Woman's Journal, Vol. 23, pp 162, 163, 1912. SPIRIT MEMORIES. (Letter written to Elder O. F. Whitney who was a missionary in England.) I heartily endorse your sentiments respecting congeniality of spirits. Our knowledge of persons and things before we came here, combined with the divinity awakened within our souls through obedience to the gospel, powerfully affects, in my opinion, all our likes and dislikes, and guides our prefer- ences in the course of this life, provided we give careful heed to the admonitions of the Spirit. All those salient truths which come home so forcibly to the head and heart seem but the awakening of the mem- ories of the spirit. Can we know anything here that we did not know before we came ? Are not the means .of knowl- edge in the first estate equal to those of this? I think that the spirit, before and after this probation, possesses greater facilities, aye, manifold greater, for the acquisition of knowl- edge, than while manacled and shut up in the prison-house of mortality. Had we not known before we came the necessity of our coming, the importance of obtaining tabernacles, the glory to be achieved in posterity, the grand object to be at- 16 GOSPEL DOCTRINE tained by being tried and tested weighed in the balance, in the exercise of the divine attributes, god-like powers and free agency with which we are endowed; whereby, after descending below all things, Christ-like, we might ascend above all things, and become like our Father, Mother and Elder Brother, Almighty and Eternal! we never would have come ; that is, if we could have stayed away. I believe that our Savior is the ever-living example to all flesh in all these things. He no doubt possessed a fore- knowledge of all the vicissitudes through which he would have to pass in the mortal tabernacle, when the foundations of this earth were laid, "when the morning stars sang to- gether, and all the sons of God shouted for joy." When he conversed with the brother of Jared, on the Mount, in his spiritual body, he understood his mission, and knew the work he had to do, as thoroughly as when he ascended from the Mount of Olives before the wondering gaze of the Jew- ish disciples, with his resurrected, glorious and immortal body. And yet, to accomplish the ultimatum of his previous existence, and consummate the grand and glorious object of his being, and the salvation of his infinite brotherhood, he had to come and take upon him flesh. He is our example. The works he did, we are commanded to do. We are en- joined to follow him, as he followed his Head ; that where he is, we may be also; and being with him, may be like him. If Christ knew beforehand, so did we. But in coming here, we forgot all, that our agency might be free indeed, to choose good or evil, that we might merit the reward of our own choice and conduct. But by the power of the Spirit, in the redemption of Christ, through obedience, we often catch a spark from the awakened memories of the immortal soul, which lights up our whole being as with the glory of our former home. Contributor, Vol. 4, pp. 114, 115, 1883. THE IMMORTALITY OF MAN. We are called mortal be- CHURCH, PRIESTHOOD AND MAN 17 ings because in us are seeds of death, but in reality we are immortal beings because there is also within us the germ of eternal life. Man is a dual being, composed of the spirit which gives life, force, intelligence and capacity to man, and the body which is the tenement of the spirit and is suited to its form, adapted to its necessities, and acts in harmony with it, and to its utmost capacity yields obedience to the will of the spirit. The two combined constitute the soul. The body is dependent upon the spirit, and the spirit during its natural occupancy of the body is subject to the laws which apply to and govern it in the mortal state. In this natural body are the seeds of weakness and decay, which, when fully ripened or untimely plucked up, in the language of scrip- ture, is called ''the temporal death." The spirit is also sub- ject to what is termed in the scriptures and revelations from God, "spiritual death." The same as that which befell our first parents, when, through disobedience and transgression, they became subject to the will of Satan, and were thrust out from the presence of the Lord and became spir- itually dead, which the Lord says, "is the first death, even that same death which is the last death, which is spiritual, which shall be pronounced upon the wicked when I shall say, Depart, ye cursed !" And the Lord further says, "But, behold I say unto you, that I the Lord God gave unto Adam and unto his seed, that they should not die as to the temporal death, until I the Lord God should send forth angels to declare unto them repentance and re- demption (from the first death), through faith on the name of mine Only Begotten Son. And thus did I, the Lord God, appoint unto man the days of his probation; that by his natural death he might be raised in immortality unto eternal life, even as many as would believe; and they that believe not, unto eternal damnation, for they cannot be re- deemed from their spiritual fall, because they repent not." From the natural death, that is the death of the body, and 18 GOSPEL DOCTRINE also from the first death, "which is spiritual," there is re- demption through belief on the name of the Only Begotten Son, in connection with repentance and obedience to the ordinances of the gospel, declared by holy angels, for if one "believe," he must also obey; but from the "second death," even that same death which is the first death, "which is spiritual," and from which man may be redeemed through faith and obedience, and which will again be pronounced upon the wicked when God shall say, "depart, ye cursed," there is no redemption, so far as light on this matter has been revealed. It is written that "all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men" who receive me and repent ; "but the blas- phemy against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven unto men." If men will not repent and come unto Christ, through the ordinances of his gospel, they cannot be redeemed from their spiritual fall, but must remain forever subject to the will of Satan and the consequent spiritual darkness or death unto which our first parents fell, subjecting all their posterity thereto, and from which none can be redeemed but by belief or faith on the name of the Only Begotten Son and obe- dience to the laws of God. But, thanks be to the eternal Father, through the merciful provisions of the gospel, all mankind will have the opportunity of escape, or deliverance, from this spiritual death, either in time or in eternity, for not until they are freed from the first can they become sub- ject unto the second death, still if they repent not "they can- not be redeemed from their spiritual fall," and will continue subject to the will of Satan, the first spiritual death, so long as "they repent not, and thereby reject Christ and his gos- pel ;" but what of those who do believe, repent of their sins, obey the gospel, enter into its covenants, receive the keys of the priesthood and the knowledge of the truth by revela- tion and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and afterwards turn away wholly from that light and knowledge ? They "become CHURCH, PRIESTHOOD AND MAN 19 a law unto themselves," and "will to abide in sin;" of such it is written, "whoso breaketh this covenant, after he hath received it, and altogether turneth therefrom, shall not have forgiveness in this world nor in the world to come." And again, "Thus saith the Lord, concerning all those who know my power, and have been made partakers thereof, and suffered themselves, through the power of the devil, to be overcome, and to deny the truth and defy my power they are they who are the sons of perdition, of whom I say that it had been better for them never to have been born, for they are vessels of wrath, doomed to suffer the wrath of God, with the devil and his angels in eternity; concerning whom I have said there is no forgiveness in this world nor in the world to come, having denied the Holy Spirit after having received it, and having denied the Only Begotten Son of the Father having crucified him unto themselves, and put him to an open shame." Doc. and Cov. 76:31-35. Now, there is a difference between this class and those who simply repent not and reject the gospel in the flesh. Of these latter it is written, "they shall be brought forth by the resurrection of the dead, through the triumph and the glory of the Lamb," and "shall be redeemed in the due time of the Lord after the sufferings of his wrath." But of the others it is said, "they shall not be redeemed," for "they are the only ones on whom the second death shall have any power." The others, never having been redeemed from the first, cannot be doomed to the second death, or in other words, cannot be made to suffer eternally the wrath of God, without hope of redemption through repentance, but must continue to suf- fer the first death until they repent, and are redeemed there- from through the power of the atonement and the gospel of salvation, thereby being brought to the possession of all the keys and blessings to which they will be capable of at- taining or to which they may be entitled, through the mercy, justice and power of the everlasting God; or, on the other 20 GOSPEL DOCTRINE hand, forever remain bound in the chains of spiritual dark- ness, bondage and banishment from his presence, kingdom and glory. The "temporal death" is one thing, and the "spiritual death" is another thing. The body may be dis- solved and become extinct as an organism, although the ele- ments of which it is composed are indestructible or eternal, but I hold it as self-evident that the spiritual organism is an eternal, immortal being, destined to enjoy eternal happiness and a fulness of joy, or suffer the wrath of God, and misery a just condemnation, eternally. Adam became spiritually dead, yet he lived to endure it until freed therefrom by the power of the atonement, through repentance, etc. Those upon whom the second death shall fall will live to suffer and endure it, but without hope of redemption. The death of the body, or natural death, is but a temporary circumstance to which all were subjected through the fall, and from which all will be restored or resurrected by the power of God, through the atonement of Christ. Man existed before he came to this earth, and he will exist after he passes from it; and will continue to live throughout the countless ages of eternity. There are three classes of beings ; or rather, man exists in three separate conditions, before and after his probation upon this earth first, in the spirit or pre-existent state; second, in the disembodied state, the condition which exists after the dissolution of the body and spirit until the resur- rection take place; and third, in the resurrected state. For instance, some fourteen hundred years before the coming of Christ into the world to sojourn in the flesh, he showed himself to the brother of Jared and said, "Behold this body, which ye now behold, is the body of my spirit, and man have I created after the body of my spirit ; and even as I appear unto thee to be in the spirit, will I appear unto my people in the flesh." He further declared, "Behold I am he who CHURCH, PRIESTHOOD AND MAN 21 was prepared from the foundation of the world to redeem my people. Behold I am Jesus Christ." Here Jesus showed himself unto this man in the spirit, even after the manner and in the likeness of the same body, even as he showed himself unto the Nephites that is, prior to his coming in the flesh. This I consider typical of the first condition of all spirits. Again it is written, "For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison : which sometime were disobedient, when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water," etc. Thus we see that while the body of our Savior slept in the tomb, he went in the spirit, and preached his glorious gospel to "the spirits in prison," who were disobedient in the days of Noah, and were destroyed in the flesh by the flood. This was their second condition or state* in the spirit, awaiting the resurrec- tion of their bodies which were slumbering in death. "Mar- vel not at this :" saith Jesus, "for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his [the Re- deemer's] voice, and shall come forth ; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life ; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." In reference to the third condition or state, we will refer to the account given of the risen Redeemer before his ascension. John tells us that he appeared unto his disciples three times after his resurrection, on which occasions he ate bread, broiled fish and honeycomb, and opened the eyes of their under- standing, that they began to comprehend the Scriptures and the prophecies concerning Christ. But when he appeared unto them they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. And he said unto them, "Why 22 GOSPEL DOCTRINE are ye troubled ? And why do thoughts arise in your hearts ? Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself ; handle me, and see ; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have." Here is presented the true type of the resur- rected being. And after this manner are all those who have their resurrected bodies, and there are many of these, for we are told in the scriptures that "the graves were opened, and many bodies of the Saints which slept arose and came out of the graves, after his resurrection, and went into the holy city and appeared unto many." This class of beings dwell in heaven, or in the paradise of the just, having been counted worthy to come forth in the first resurrection, even with Christ, to dwell with him and to be associated with the mem- bers of the kingdom of God and his Christ. These comprise the three conditions or estates of man in heaven. Not all, however, of the disembodied spirits enjoy the same privi- leges, exaltation and glory. The spirits of the wicked, diso- bedient, and unbelieving, are denied the privileges, joy and glory of the spirits of the just arfd good. The bodies of the Saints will come forth in the first resurrection, and those of the unbelieving, etc., in the second, or last. In other words, the Saints will rise first, and those who are not Saints will not rise until afterwards, according to the wis- dom, justice and mercy of God. Christ is the great example for all mankind, and I be- lieve that mankind were as much foreordained to become like him, as that he was foreordained to be the Redeemer of man. "Whom God did foreknow" and whom did he not foreknow ? "he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren." It is very plain that mankind are very far from being like Christ, as the world is today, only in form of person. In this we are like him, or in the form of his person, as he is the express image of his Father's person. We are therefore in the form of God, physically, and may CHURCH, PRIESTHOOD AND MAN 23 become like him spiritually, and like him in the possession of knowledge, intelligence, wisdom and power. The grand object of our coming to this earth is that we may become like Christ, for if we are not like him, we cannot become the sons of God, and be joint heirs with Christ. The man who passes through this probation, and is faithful, being redeemed from sin by the blood of Christ, through the ordinances of the gospel, and attains to exalta- tiorr in the kingdom of God, is not less but greater than the angels, and if you doubt it, read your Bible, for there it is written that the Saints shall "judge angels," and also they shall "judge the world." And why? Because the resur- rected, righteous man has progressed beyond the pre-exist- ent or disembodied spirits, and has risen above them, hav- ing both spirit and body as Christ has, having gained the victory over death and the grave, and having power over sin and Satan ; in fact, having passed from the condition of the angels to that of a God. He possesses keys of power, do- minion and glory that the angel does not possess and can- not possess without gaining them in the same way that he gained them, which will be by passing through the same ordeals and proving equally faithful. It was so ordained when the morning stars sang together, before the founda- tions of this earth were laid. Man in his pre-existent con- dition is not perfect, neither is he in the disembodied estate. There is no perfect estate but that of the risen Redeemer, which is God's estate, and no man can become perfect ex- cept he become like the Gods. And what are they like? I have shown what Christ is like, and he is like his Father, but I will refer to an undoubted authority to this people, on this point: "The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's ; the Son also : but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us." (Doc. 24 GOSPEL DOCTRINE and Cov. Sec. 130.) There is not time to refer to the many scriptural passages which might be cited in proof of these important facts, enough already have been referred to, to place the matter beyond a doubt. It is believed by many in the Christian world, that our Savior finished his mission when he expired upon the cross, and his last words on the cross, as given by the Apostle John "it is finished," are frequently quoted as evidence of the fact ; but this is an error. Christ did not complete his mission upon the earth until after his body was raised from the dead. Had his mission been completed when he died, his disciples would have continued fishermen, carpenters, etc., for they returned to their several occupations soon after the crucifixion, not yet knowing the force of their holy call- ing, nor understanding the mission assigned them by their Master, whose name would soon have been buried with his body in the grave to perish and be forgotten, "for as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead." But the most glorious part of his mission had to be accomplished after the crucifixion and death of his body. When on the first day of the week some of the disciples went to the tomb with certain preparations for the body of their Lord, they were met there by two men clothed in "shining garments," who said unto them, "Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen. Re- member how he spoke unto you when he was yet in Gali- lee, saying, The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified, and the third day rise again." And not until then did the disciples remember these words of the Savior, or begin to understand their meaning. Why were they thus forgetful, and seemingly ignorant of all they had been taught by the Savior respecting the objects of his mission to the earth? Because they lacked one important qualification, they had not yet been "endowed with power from on high." They had not yet obtained the gift of the CHURCH, PRIESTHOOD AND MAN 25 Holy Ghost. And the presumption is, they never would have received this important and essential endowment had Christ's mission been completed at the time of his death. It may seem strange to some who may not have reflected on this matter fully, that the disciples of Christ were without the gift of the Holy Ghost until after his resurrection. But so it is written, notwithstanding the Savior on one occasion declared, "blessed art thou, Simon, etc., for flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven." While Jesus was with them he was their light and their inspiration. They followed him by sight, and felt the majestic power of his presence, and when these were gone they returned to their nets and to their various occupations and to their homes saying, "we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel, but the chief priests and our rulers have delivered him to be condemned to death, and have crucified him." No wonder that Jesus exclaimed unto some of them, "O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken." If the disciples had been endowed with the "gift of the Holy Ghost," or "with power from on high," at this time, their course would have been altogether different from this, as the sequel abundantly proved. If Peter, who was the chief apostle, had received the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the power and testimony thereof prior to the terrible night on which he cursed and swore and denied his Lord, the re- sult would have been very different with him, for then he would have sinned against "light and knowledge," and "against the Holy Ghost," for which there is no forgiveness. The fact, therefore, that he was forgiven, after bitter tears of repentance, is an evidence that he was without the wit- ness of the Holy Ghost, never having received it. The other disciples or apostles of Christ were precisely in the same condition, and it was not until the evening of the day on which Jesus came out of the grave that he bestowed upon 26 GOSPEL DOCTRINE them this inestimable gift. John gives a careful description of this important event which concludes as follows : "Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you ; as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost; whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them," etc. This was their glorious commission, and now were they prepared to receive the witness of the Spirit even the testimony of Jesus Christ. Yet they were told to "tarry in Jerusalem, until they were endued with power from on high," which they did. Jesus further told them that if he went not away the "Comforter" that is, the Holy Ghost would not come unto them, but if he went away he would "send him," and he it was who should testify of Christ, and of the Father, and bring to their remembrance "all things whatsoever" he had commanded or taught them, and it should "lead them into all truth." Thus we see that the resurrection from the dead, not only of Christ, but of all mankind, in the due time of the Lord, the endowment of the apostles with the Holy Ghost, and their glorious com- mission from Christ, being sent out by him as he was sent by the Father; the opening of the eyes of the disciples to understand the prophecies of the Scriptures, and many other things did Jesus after he cried out upon the cross, "it is finished." Further, the mission of Jesus will be unfinished until he redeems the whole human family, except the sons of perdition, and also this earth from the curse that is upon it, and both the earth and its inhabitants can be presented to the Father redeemed, sanctified and glorious. Things upon the earth, so far as they have not been perverted by wickedness, are typical of things in heaven. Heaven was the prototype of this beautiful creation when it came from the hand of the Creator, and was pronounced "good." Journal of Discourses, Vol. 23 (1883), pp. 169- 175, delivered June 18, 1882. CHURCH, PRIESTHOOD AND MAN 27 MAN ETERNALLY RESPONSIBLE. Man will be held re- sponsible in the life to come for the deeds that he has done in this life, and will have to answer for the stewardships entrusted to his care here, before the Judge of the quick and the dead, the Father of our spirits, and of our Lord and Master. This is in the design of God, a part of his great purpose. We are not here to live a few months or years, to eat, drink and sleep, then to die, pass away and perish. The Lord Almighty never designed man to be so ephemeral, use- less and imperfect as this. I would pity the being who had such a conception as this of the Creator of the starry heav- ens, the planets, and the world on which we dwell, poor as it is in glory in comparison to the many others created. Is it conceivable that one possessing such power, majesty, intel- ligence, light and knowledge would create a world like this and people it with beings in his own image and likeness only to live and grovel through a short, miserable existence, then die and perish ? No such thing ! There is no death here, but there is life ! God is the God of the living, and not of the dead. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and of the ancient prophets. They live ! They live not only in the words they spoke, the predictions they made, and in the promises handed down from generation to generation to the children of men ; they live not only in the record they made, in the doctrines that they taught, and in the hope that they held out for redemption, atonement and salvation, but they live in spirit, in entity, as they lived here. They are prophets, as they were prophets here, the chosen of God ; patriarchs, as they were here; possessing the same identity, the same entity; and by and by, if not already, they will possess the same bodies they possessed while journeying in mortality. Those bodies will become purified, cleansed, and made perfect ; and the spirit and the body will be reunited, never more to be separated, never again to taste of death. This is the law 28 GOSPEL DOCTRINE and the promise of God, and the words spoken to his ancient prophets, come down to us through the generations that have followed. Improvement Era, Vol. 21, p. 357, Feb., 1918. OUR INDESTRUCTIBLE, IMMORTAL IDENTITY. What a glorious thing it is to know and be true to that which has been revealed in these latter times through the instrumental- ity of the Prophet Joseph Smith. It was revealed anciently by the Savior himself, and he exemplified that glorious prin- ciple of which I wish to say a few words, and which has been renewed and emphasized more especially in these latter days through Joseph Smith I refer to our identity, our in- destructible, immortal identity. As in Christ we have the example, he was born of woman, he lived, he died, and he lived again in his own person and being, bearing even the marks of the wounds in his flesh, after his resurrection from the dead so also a testimony has been given to you, in later days, through the Prophet Joseph Smith, and others who have been blessed with knowledge, that the same individual Being still lives and will always live. Jesus is possessed of immortality, and eternal life; and in evidence of his exist- ence and his immortality, and in evidence of the great and glorious truths of the gospel which he taught, the death which he died, and the resurrection that he wrought from the dead, he has revealed himself and borne his own record and testimony to those who have lived and still live in this day and age. What a glorious thought it is, to me at least, and it must be to all who have conceived of the truth or received it in their hearts, that those from whom we have to part here, we will meet again and see as they are. We will meet the same identical being that we associated with here in the flesh not some other soul, some other being, or the same being in some other form, but the same identity and the same form and likeness, the same person we knew and were associated with in our mortal existence, even to the CHURCH, PRIESTHOOD AND MAN 29 wounds in the flesh. Not that a person will always be marred by scars, wounds, deformities, defects or infirmities, for these will be removed in their course, in their proper time, according to the merciful providence of God. De- formity will be removed ; defects will be eliminated, and men and women shall attain to the perfection of their spirits, to the perfection that God designed in the beginning. It is his purpose that men and women, his children, born to become heirs of God, and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, shall be made perfect, physically as well as spiritually, through obe- dience to the law by which he has provided the means that perfection shall come to all his-children. Therefore, I look for the time when our dear Brother William C. Staines, whom we all knew so well, and with whom we were familiar for years I was familiar with him, all my life, just as I was familiar with Aunt Rachel here all my life, and do not re- member the time when I did not know her I look for the time, I say, when Brother Staines will be restored. He will not remain the crippled and deformed William C. Staines that we knew, but he will be restored to his perfect frame every limb, every joint, every part of his physical being will be restored to its perfect frame. This is the law and the word of God to us, as it is contained in the revelations that have come to us, through the Prophet Joseph Smith. The point in my mind which I desire to speak of particu- larly is this : When we shall have the privilege to meet our mother, our aunt, our sister, this noble woman whose mor- tal remains lie here now, but whose immortal spirit has ascended to God from whence it came, when that spirit shall return to take up this tabernacle again, she will be Aunt Rachel in her perfection. She will not always remain just as she will appear when she is restored again to life, but she will go on to perfection. Under that law of restoration that God has provided, she will regain her perfection, the per- fection of her youth, the perfection of her glory and of her 30 GOSPEL DOCTRINE being, until her resurrected body shall assume, the exact stature of the spirit that possessed it here in its perfection, and thus we shall see the glorified, redeemed, exalted, per- fected Aunt Rachel, mother, sister, saint and daughter of the living God, her identity being unchanged, as a child may grow to manhood or womanhood and still be the same being. I want to say to my friends, my brethren and sisters, and to the kindred, that the Lord Almighty has revealed these truths to us in these days. We not only have it in the written word, we have it in the testimony of the Spirit of God in the heart of every soul who has drunk from the fountain of truth and light, and that witness bears record of these words to us. What else would satisfy us ? What else would satisfy the desire of the immortal soul? Would we be satisfied to be imperfect? Would we be satisfied to be decrepit ? Would we be satisfied to remain forever and ever in the form of infirmity incident to age ? No ! Would we be satisfied to see the children we bury in their infancy remain as children only, throughout the countless ages of eternity? No! Neither would the spirit that did possess the tabernacles of our children be satisfied to remain in that condition. But we know our children will not be com- pelled to remain a child in stature always, for it was re- vealed from God, the fountain of truth, through Joseph Smith the prophet, in this dispensation, that in the resur- rection of the dead the child that was buried in its infancy will come up in the form of the child that it was when it was laid down, then it will begin to develop. From the day of the resurrection, the body will develop until it reaches the full measure of the stature of its spirit, whether it be male or female. If the spirit possessed the intelligence of God and the aspirations of mortal souls, it could not be satisfied with anything less than this. You will remember we are told that the spirit of Jesus Christ visited one of the ancient CHURCH, PRIESTHOOD AND MAN 31 prophets and revealed himself to him, and he declared his identity, that he was the same Son of God that was to come in the meridian of time. He said he would appear in the flesh just as he appeared to that prophet. He was not an infant; he was a grown, developed spirit; possessing the form of man and the form of God, the same form as when he came and took upon him a tabernacle and developed it to the full stature of his spirit. These are truths that have been revealed to us. What for? To give us intelligent hope; to give us intelligent aspiration; to lead us to think, to hope, to labor and accomplish what God has aimed and does aim and design that we should accomplish, not only in this life, but in the life to come. I rejoice exceedingly that I know and have known nearly all my life such a noble woman. I do not remember the first time that I saw Aunt Rachel, I can't recall it; it seems to me I always knew her, just as I knew my mother in my childhood and all the way through life ; and I rejoice exceedingly in this testimony of the Spirit of the Lord that has come to us through revelation in the latter days. Through this testimony I am confident that I shall see Aunt Rachel, by and by ; and when I go and I expect to go, perhaps, long before she shall recover this tabernacle I expect to meet her there. I expect to meet the same individual that I knew here. I expect to be able to recognize her just as I could recognize her tomorrow, if she were living. I believe I will know just exactly who she is and what she is, and I will remember all I knew about her; and enjoy her asso- ciation in the spirit as I did in the flesh; because her iden- tity is fixed and indestructible, just as fixed and indestruc- tible as the identity of God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. They cannot be any other than themselves. They cannot be changed ; they are from everlasting to everlasting, eternally the same ; so it will be with us. We will progress and develop and grow in wisdom and understanding, but our 32 GOSPEL DOCTRINE identity can never change. We did not spring from spawn. Our spirits existed from the beginning, have existed always, and will continue forever. We did not pass through the or- deals of embodiment in the lesser animals in order to reach the perfection to which we have attained in manhood and womanhood, in the image and likeness of God. God was and is our Father, and his children were begotten in the flesh in his own image and likeness, male and female. There may have been times when they did not possess the same intelligence that they possessed at other times. There are periods in the history of the world when men have dwin- dled into ignorance and barbarism, and then there were other times when they have grown in intelligence, developed in understanding, enlarged in spirit and comprehension, ap- proaching nearer to the condition and likeness of their Father and God, and then losing faith, losing the love of God, losing the light of the Spirit and returning again to semi-barbarism. Then again, they have been restored, by the power and operation of the Spirit of the Lord upon their minds, until they again reached a degree of intelligence. We have reached a degree of intelligence, in our dispensa- tion. Will this same degree of intelligence, that now exists throughout the world, continue to exist ? Yes ; if the world continue to abide in the light that has been shed abroad in the world by the Father of light, with whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning. But let them deny God, let them deny truth, let them depart from righteousness, let them begin again to wallow in wickedness and transgression of the laws of God, and what w r ill be the result? They will degenerate ; they will again recede possibly into absolute barbarism, unless they repent, and the power of God will be again restored to them and they be again lifted up by that light which shines and is never dim, except to men who shut their hearts and eyes and ears against it and will not receive it. CHURCH, PRIESTHOOD AND MAN 33 I did not expect to enter into any lengthy discourse. I thank God for my relationship and acquaintance with this noble, good mother. I expect to be associated with her throughout all the ages to come, if I can be as faithful as she has been. I desire to be, and that isn't all with the help of God, I intend to be faithful, as she has been faithful, that in the end I may be worthy to dwell where she will dwell, with the Prophet Joseph Smith, with her husband with whom she was associated here in the flesh, with her son and her children, from generation to generation. I expect to be associated with them in the mansions that are prepared for the righteous, where God and Christ are, where those shall be who believe in his name, who receive his work and abide in his law. Oh! that I could be instrumental in the hands of the Lord in bringing every loved soul unto him, for there are souls that are still lacking, whom I love, and if it were possible, how I would love to be instrumental in the hand of the Lord in bringing those loved souls to a knowledge of this truth, that they might receive of its glory, benefits and blessings in this life and in the life to come. From my childhood, I have always tried to be a savior on Mount Zion, a savior among men. I have that desire in my heart. I may not have been very successful in my ambi- tion to accomplish this work, but I have desired it, and I still desire that I may be instrumental in helping to spread this truth to the earth's remotest bounds and the testimony of it to the children of men in every land. I know it is true. It appeals to my judgment, to my desires ; and to the aspirations of my soul. I want my family ; I want those the Lord has given to me ; I want them now ; I want them forever! I want to be associated with them forever. I do not want them to change their identity. I do not want them to be somebody else. This idea of theosophy, that is gaining ground even among so-called Christians, in these latter days, is a fallacy of the deepest kind. It is absolutely repugnant 34 GOSPEL DOCTRINE to the very soul of man to think that a civilized, intelligent being might become a dog, a cow, a cat; that he might be transformed into another shape, another kind of being. It is absolutely repulsive, and so opposed to the great truth of God, that has been revealed from the beginning, that he is from the beginning always the same, that he cannot change, and that his children cannot change. They may change from worse to better; they may change from evil to good, from unrighteousness to righteousness, from humanity to immortality, from death to life everlasting. They may progress in the manner in which God has progressed; they may grow and advance, but their identity can never be changed, worlds without end remember that, God has re- vealed these principles, and I know they are true. They assert their truth upon the intelligent mind and soul of man. They embrace or embody that which the Lord has planted in our hearts and souls to desire, and to give it unto us. They put us in the way of receiving that which we most desire and most love, that which is most necessary and es- sential to our happiness and exaltation. They take of the things of God and give them to us, and they prepare us for the future, for exaltation and for eternal happiness, a re- ward which all the souls in the world desire, if they are correct in their lives and thoughts. It is only the vicious and the truly wicked who do not desire purity; they do not love purity and truth. I do not know whether it is possible for any soul to become so debased as to lose all regard for that which is pure and chaste, good and true and godlike. I believe that there still lingers in the heart of the most vicious and wicked, at times at least, a spark of that divinity that has been planted in the souls of all the sons of God. Men may become so corrupt that they do not have more than mere glimpses of that divine inspiration that strives to lead them toward and to love good ; but I do not believe there is a soul in the w r orld that has absolutely lost all conception CHURCH, PRIESTHOOD AND MAN 35 and admiration of that which is good and pure, when he sees it. It is hard to believe that a human being may be- come so depraved that he has lost all desire that he might also be good and pure, if it were possible ; but many people have abandoned themselves to evil and have come to the conclusion that there is no chance for them. While there is life there is hope, and while there is repentance there is a chance for forgiveness ; and if there is forgiveness, there is a chance for growth and development until we acquire the full knowledge of these principles that will exalt and save us and prepare us to enter into the presence of God the Father, who is the Father of our spirits, and who is the Father, in the flesh, of his Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who joined divine immortality with the mortal, welded the link between God and man, and made it possible for mortal souls, on whom the sentence of death had been placed, to acquire eternal life, through obedience to his laws. Let us, there- fore, seek for the truth and walk in the light as Christ is in the light, that we may have fellowship with him, and with each other, that his blood may cleanse us from all sin. May the Lord comfort my brother Heber, and I know he will. Brother Heber does not feel that there is any death here. I don't think I could weep for sorrow. I could give way to tears just now, but they would not be tears of sor- row, of mourning, or of grief, for this good soul. They would only express the love I have for her ; they would only indicate my feelings toward her, for the noble and pure ex- ample she set before me and all who have known her. I could weep for joy in the knowledge that I possess that she, in her spirit life and being, is and will be associated with all those who have been endeared to her by the persecutions, the experiences and the trials through which she has had to pass in this world. With them she is rejoicing today, as one born out of death into life everlasting. She is not dead ; she lives ! What greater proof do you want of that fact 36 GOSPEL DOCTRINE than to see her lifeless form? Who is she? This is her caskd. This is her mortal tenement; this is but the clay that enveloped the immortal, living Aunt Rachel, the living spirit. The spirit has fled. Her spirit, the immortal part, has departed from this tabernacle; hence, this tabernacle lies here lifeless and ready to return to mother earth from whence it came, but to be restored again, every element to be recalled and re-formed in its perfect frame, when Aunt Rachel will come and take possession of it and inherit it for- ever, just as Christ came and took up his body that was not suffered to see corruption, and inherited it in its immortal state, never to be separated again ; so it will be with her. Improvement Era, Vol. 12, p. 591, June, 1909. Speech at the funeral services of Rachel Grant, mother of President Heber J. Grant. No NEW PRINCIPLES IN THE GOSPEL. We have no new principles to advocate ; but we have come to preach the gos- pel of life and salvation, to testify to the divinity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and of the divine mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith, through whose instrumen- tality the truth was restored in this dispensation. Improve- ment Era, Vol. 21, p. 98, December, 1917. FOUNTAIN OF TRUTH. We hear frequently of men v/ho throw discredit on the doctrine of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, because some of the principles, doc- trines, and philosophy which he taught are said to have been spoken before his day by heathen philosophers. A variety of examples are sometimes quoted to show that the ideals which have grown from the doctrines of Christ are a direct development of what is found in the teachings of the Old Testament, particularly in the Psalms and in the second part of Isaiah. But, on the other hand, it is just as certain that these ideals receive a finish and an enrichment, by the touch of the Savior, vastly beyond and above what they possessed before, and also they are placed CHURCH, PRIESTHOOD AND MAN 37 on deeper and firmer foundations. This, let it be said to begin with, is because they were his before they were ever uttered by man. Even in the five distinctive and characteristic topics gen- erally considered by commentators original in the teachings of Jesus, we find little if anything new, except the enlarge- ment. These are named as, the Fatherhood of God, the King- dom of God ; subjects or members of the Kingdom ; the Mes- siah ; the Holy Ghost ; and the Tri-unity of God. But the idea of the Fatherhood of God was not un- known either to the Pagans or to Israel. Zeus, from the time of Homer, had borne the name "father of gods and men." But, both in Jewish and Pagan literature, the idea was super- ficial and meant little more than "originator" (Gen. 1:26) ; and in the old Jewish scripture God is more particularly called the "Father of his people, Israel" (Deut. 14:1 ; Isaiah 63 :16). But in the teachings of Christ there is a fuller em- bodiment of revelation in the word Father, and the appli- cation which he makes of the Fatherhood of God invests his life with supreme tenderness and beauty. As an exam- ple: In the old scripture, we are told, "Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him" (Psalms 103 :13) ; but by the interpretation of Jesus, the love of God as Father extends beyond these limitations even to those who are unthankful and evil: "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust" (Matt. 5:45). "But love ye your en- emies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again ; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest ; for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil" (Luke 6:35). 38 GOSPEL DOCTRINE And so with other doctrines of Christ; while perhaps not new they are enriched by the addition of fuller, broader, more loving conceptions of God and his purposes ; in which compulsion was eliminated and lowly service, love, and self- sacrifice were substituted and made the true forces of an acceptable life. Even the answer to the lawyer's question, often called the eleventh commandment : "Master, which is the great commandment in the law?" had been given to the children of Israel (Lev. 19:19), over two thousand years be- fore its perfected meaning was impressed upon the learned Pharisee (Matt. 22:34,40). But what of all this ? Are we therefore to discredit the teachings of the Savior? Verily no. Let it be remembered that Christ was with the Father from the beginning, that the gospel of truth and light existed from the beginning and is from everlasing to everlasting. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost, as one God, are the fountain of truth. From this fountain all the ancient learned philosophers have received their inspiration and wisdom from it they have received all their knowledge. If we find truth in broken fragments through the ages, it may be set down as an incontrovertible fact that it originated at the fountain, and was given to philosophers, inventors, patriots, reformers, and prophets by the inspiration of God. It came from him through his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, in the first place, and from no other source. It is eternal. Christ, therefore, being the fountain of truth, is no imitator. He taught the truth first ; it was his before it was given to man. When he came to the earth he not only pro- claimed new thought, but repeated some of the everlasting principles which had been heretofore only partly understood and enunciated by the wisest of men. And in so doing he enlarged in every instance upon the wisdom which they had originally received from him, because of his superior abilities and wisdom and his association with the Father and the CHURCH, PRIESTHOOD AND MAN 39 Holy Ghost. He did not imitate men. They made known in their imperfect way what the inspiration of Jesus Christ had taught them, for they obtained their enlightenment first from him. Christ taught the gospel to Adam and made known his truths to Abraham and the prophets. He was the inspirer of the ancient philosophers, Pagan or Israelite, as well as of the great characters of modern times. Columbus, in dis- covery ; Washington, in the struggle for freedom ; Lin- coln, in emancipation and union; Bacon, in philosophy; Franklin, in statesmanship and diplomacy ; Stephenson, in steam ; Watts, in song ; Edison, in electricity, and Joseph Smith, in theology and religion, found in Christ the source of their wisdom and the marvelous truths which they advo- cated. Calvin, Luther, Malanchthon, and all the reformers, were inspired in thoughts, words, and actions, to accomplish what they did for the amelioration, liberty and advancement of the human race. They paved the way for the more perfect gos- pel of truth to come. Their inspiration, as with that of the ancients, came from the Father, his Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, the one true and living God. This may also truthfully be said concerning the Revolutionary fathers of this nation, and all who have in the ages past contributed to the progress of civil and religious freedom. There is no light nor truth which did not come to them first from him. Men are mere repeaters of what he has taught them. He has voiced no thoughts originating with man. The teach- ings of Jesus did not begin with his incarnation ; for, like truth, he is eternal. He not only inspired the ancients, from the beginning, but when he came to earth he reiterated eter- nal, original truth, and added gloriously to the revelations men had uttered. When he returned to the Father he still took and does take an interest in his children and people, by revealing to them new truths, and by inspiring their 40 GOSPEL DOCTRINE actions ; and, as men grow in the knowledge of God, they shall become more and more like him unto the perfect day, when his knowledge shall cover the earth as the waters cover the deep. It is folly, therefore, to discredit the Savior on the grounds that he has uttered nothing new ; for, with the Father and the Spirit, he is the author of that which persists the truth that which has been, that which is, and that which will continue forever. Improvement Era, Vol. 10, pp. 627-630, 1906-7. ETERNITY OF THE SPIRIT OF MAN. Again, where are we going? We come here and sojourn in the flesh a little season and then we pass away. Every soul that is born into the world will die. There is not a soul that has escaped death, except those upon whom God has passed, by the power of his Spirit, that they should live in the flesh until the second coming of the Son of Man; but they will even- tually have to pass through the ordeal called death; it may be in the twinkling of an eye, and without pain or suffering ; but they will pass through the change, because it is an irrev- ocable edict of the Almighty. "In the day that thou eatest thou shalt surely die." This was the edict of the Almighty, and it pertains to Adam that is, all the human race ; for Adam is many, and it means you and me and every soul that lives and that bears the image of the Father. We shall all die. But is that the end of our being? If we had an existence before we came here we certainly shall continue that existence when we leave here. The spirit will continue to exist as it did before, with the additional advantages de- rived from having passed through this probation. It is absolutely necessary that we should come to the earth and take upon us tabernacles ; because if we did not have taber- nacles we could not be like God, or like Jesus Christ. God has a tabernacle of flesh and bone. He is an organized be- ing just as we are who are now in the flesh. Jesus Christ CHURCH, PRIESTHOOD AND MAN 41 was born of his mother, Mary. He had a fleshly taber- nacle ; he was crucified on the cross, and his body was raised from the dead. He burst the bonds of the grave and came forth to newness of life, a living soul, a living being, a man with a body, and with parts and with spirit the spirit and the body becoming a living and immortal soul. You and I have got to do the same thing. We must go through the same ordeal in order to attain to the glory and exaltation which God designed we should enjoy with him in the eter- nal worlds. In other words, we must become like him; peradventure to sit upon thrones, to have dominion, power and eternal increase. God designed this in the beginning. We are the children of God. He is an eternal being, with- out beginning of days or end of years. He always was,, he is, he always will be. We are precisely in the same con- dition and under the same circumstances that God our heav- enly Father was when he was passing through this or a similar ordeal. We are destined to come forth out of the grave as Jesus did, and to obtain immortal bodies as he did that is, that our tabernacles are to become immortal as his became immortal, that the spirit and the body may be joined together and become one living being, indivisible, insepara- ble, eternal. Deseret Weekly News, Vol. 33, pp. 130, 131. PURPOSES OF THE ALMIGHTY UNCHANGEABLE. The pur- poses of the Almighty are unchanged and unchangeable. His laws endure, and he is the same yesterday, today and for- ever. His purposes will ripen and be consummated and his designs be completed. Therefore, if we do not conform to his will, obey his laws and yield to his requirements in this world, we will be consigned to the "prison house," where we will remain until we pay the debt to the uttermost farthing. Deseret Weekly News, Vol. 24, 1875, p. 708. CHAPTER III Revelation VALUE OF THE SPIRIT OF REVELATION. The man who possesses the spirit of revelation can realize whether he is a sinner, whether he is prone to evil, whether he is magnify- ing his standing before the Lord, or not, better than a man who has not the Spirit of the Lord in him, can he not? Apr. C. R., 1912, p. 7. THE SPIRIT OF INSPIRATION OF REVELATION BY WHOM ENJOYED. And the spirit of inspiration, the gift of revelation does riot belong to one man solely ; it is not a gift that pertains to the Presidency of the Church and the Twelve apostles alone. It is not confined to the presiding author- ities of the Church, it belongs to every individual member of the Church ; and it is the right and privilege of every man, every woman, and every child who has reached the years of accountability, to enjoy the spirit of revelation, and to be possessed of the spirit of inspiration in the discharge of their duties as members of the Church. It is the privilege of every individual member of the Church to have revela- tion for his own guidance, for the direction of his life and conduct; and therefore I aver and I believe I may do so without any reasonable chance for it being gainsaid or op- posed that there is not another church in the world, or an organization of religious people, who are so universally spir- itual in their lives, and who are so universally entitled to the gifts of the Spirit of God as are the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are all entitled to revelation. It is your privilege to have it revealed to you whether I am a servant of God or a servant of men ; whether I am in the discharge of my duty or not; whether I, as a REVELATION 43 presiding officer in the Church, am acting in the discharge of my duty acceptably to you and the Lord. It. is your priv- ilege to have revelation in regard to this, and to know the truth yourselves. And it is my privilege to have revelation from God, as an individual, for my own temporal guidance, and I repeat again that there never was a time in the earth, since the Church was organized, when the spirituality of the people of God was greater than it is today. Apr. C. R., 1912, p. 5. THE SPIRIT OF REVELATION ENJOYED BY ALL. I be- lieve that every individual in the Church has just as much right to enjoy the spirit of revelation and the understand- ing from God which that spirit of revelation gives him, for his own good, as the bishop has to enable him to preside over his ward. Every man has the privilege to exercise these gifts and these privileges in the conduct of his own affairs, in bringing up his children in the way they should go, and in the management of his farm, his flocks, his herds, and in the management of his business, if he has business of other kinds to do; it is his right to enjoy the spirit of revelation and of inspiration to do the right thing, to be wise and pru- dent, just and good in everything that he does. I know that this is a true principle, and I know that I know it, too ; and that is the thing that I would like the Latter-day Saints to know. Apr. C. R., 1912, pp. 9, 10. NEW REVELATION. So far as I know there is not an ordinance of the Church now enjoyed or practiced that was not revealed to the Church by the Prophet Joseph Smith. I know of no new doctrine that has been revealed. Prin- ciples that were revealed to the Prophet Joseph have grown and developed more fully and clearly to the understanding; but we have received nothing new that I know of. Yet if we should receive something new, through the proper chan- nels of the Church, we should be as ready and willing to receive it as we were, or would be, to receive the same at 44 GOSPEL DOCTRINE the hands of the Prophet Joseph himself. Oct. C. R., 1900, p. 47. WHEN TO EXPECT NEW REVELATION. We have nothing that is not in common with the Latter-day Saints. We know nothing, and we will preach nothing to the people except that which the Lord God has revealed, and we advise and counsel those who are in authority, and whose duty and business it is to teach and preach the principles of the gos- pel to the world and to the Latter-day Saints, to confine their teachings and their instructions to the word of God that has been revealed. There is a great deal that has been revealed that has not yet been lived up to, I assure you. There is a great deal yet remaining to be learned. There is a great deal that is yet to be taught in the spirit of instruc- tion, and there is a great deal that has been revealed through the Prophet Joseph and his associates that the people have not yet received in their hearts, and have not yet become converted to as they should. When we obey and are capa- ble of observing the precepts of the gospel and the laws of God and the requirements of heaven, which have already been revealed, we will be far better off and nearer the goal of perfection in wisdom, knowledge and power than we are today. When that time comes, then there are other things still greater yet to be revealed to the people of God. Until we do our duty, however, in that which we have received, until we are faithful over the things that are now commit- ted into our hands, until we live our religion as we have it now, as the Lord has given it to us, to add commandments, to add light and intelligence to us over that which we have already received, which we have not yet fully obeyed, would be to add condemnation upon our heads. It is enough for us to live in the light of present inspiration and present rev- etotion and for each individual member of the Church to keep the commandments of the Lord and labor in the Church as the Spirit may give him and her guidance in the REVELATION 45 performance of duty. Every soul of us is entitled to inspiration from God, to know what is our duty, and how we are to do it. We have not learned it yet, not all of us, but we are in a fair way to learn. The Lord is still patient ; he is long-suffering; he is full of love and graciousness to- wards all, and we are doing a little better all the time. I believe we are a little more faithful in the performance of our duties than we have been in the past; yet there is great room for improvement. Oct. C. R., 1917, p. 5. How THE LORD REVEALS His PURPOSES CONCERNING THE CHURCH. And I know this, that God has organized his Church in the earth, and I know that when he designs or purposes to make any change in the matter of governing or controlling or presiding over the affairs of his Church, that he will make the change, and he will make it in such a way that the whole people of the Church, who are doing right, will understand and accept it. I know that the Lord will not raise up "Tom, Dick, or Harry," here, there and every- where, claiming to be Christ, or "one mighty and strong," claiming to be inspired and called to do some wonderful thing. The Lord will not deal with men in that way; that while the organization of the Church exists, while quorums and councils of the Priesthood are intact in the Church, the Lord will reveal his purposes through them, and not through "Tom, Dick, or Harry." Put that in your little note books now, and remember it; it is true. Apr. C. R., 1912, p. 10. MODERN REVELATION is NECESSARY. We are to under- stand, then, that God does not, and will not further make known his will to men ; that what he has said suffices ? His will to Moses and Isaiah and John is abundant for modern followers of Christ? The Latter-day Saints take issue with this doctrine, and pronounce it illogical, inconsistent, and untrue, and bear testimony to all the world that God lives and that he reveals his will to men who believe in him and who obey his commandments, as much in our day as at any 46 GOSPEL DOCTRINE time in the history of nations. The canon of scripture is not full. God has never revealed at any time that he would cease to speak forever to men. If we are permitted to be- lieve that "he has spoken, we must and do believe that he continues to speak, because he is unchangeable. His will to Abraham did not suffice for Moses, neither did his will to Moses suffice for Isaiah. Why? Because their different missions required different instructions; and logically, that is also true of the prophets and people of today. A progressive world will never discover all truth until its inhabitants become familiar with all the knowledge of the Perfect One. How shall men become acquainted with the knowledge of the Father? Only as he reveals it to them. Now if we are permitted to believe that the Lord revealed himself to the ancients of whose deeds we read in the Holy Scriptures, it seems to me that there is no good reason for believing that it is not necessary that he should reveal himself in this day to others who desirre to be guided by his Spirit and inspiration. Every new truth which grows into living action in the lives of men is a revelation in itself from God, and without the revelation of additional truth, men would not progress in this world, but, left to themselves, would retrograde, being cut off from the light and life of the great fountain of all intelligence, the Father of all. What is revelation but the uncovering of new truths, by him who is the fountain of all truth ? To say that there is no need of new revelation, is equivalent to saying that we have no need of new truths a ridiculous assertion. Now, as to the usefulness of modern revelation, that has been referred to above, in the brief treatment of its need ; and it is no sign that revelation is useless because it is not proper that it should be accepted in the courts. "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." Revelation given for the personal knowledge or guidance of any person should not be given REVELATION 47 to the public, either in a civil or religious capacity; but be- cause it might be (and in such cases is) considered improper for public use, it is no sign that even such revelation is use- less to the person for whom it is intended. It might be said in passing, however, that the revelation which the ministers were so troubled about, turned out to be correct and in con- formity with the evidence, and the decision of the court and jury. Our testimony is that God lives, and that he speaks by his power to men who seek him and believe in him, thus making known his will to them in matters that pertain, not only to his true Church, but in matters that pertain to each individual who seeks him. Improvement Era, Vol. 5, p. 805, 1902. THEORY AND DIVINE REVELATION. Our young people are diligent students. They reach out after truth and knowl- edge with commendable zeal, and in so doing they must necessarily adopt for temporary use, many theories of men. As long, however, as they recognize them as scaffolding useful for research purposes, there can be no special harm in them. It is when these theories are settled upon as basic truth that trouble appears, and the searcher then stands in grave danger of being led hopelessly from the right way. There are so many demonstrated, practical, material truths, so many spiritual certainties, with which the youth of Zion should become familiar, that it appears a waste of time and means, and detrimental to faith and religion to enter too extensively into the undemonstrated theories of men on philosophies relating to the origin of life, or the methods adopted by an Allwise Creator in peopling the earth with the bodies of men, birds and beasts. Let us rather turn our abilities to the practical analysis of the soil, the study of the elements, the productions of the earth, the invention of useful machinery, the social welfare of the race, and its material amelioration; and for the rest cultivate an abiding 48 GOSPEL DOCTRINE faith in the revealed word of God and the saving principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which give joy in this world and in the world to come eternal life and salvation. Philosophic theories of life have their place and use, but it is not in the classes of the Church schools, and par- ticularly are they out of place here or anywhere else, when they seek to supplant the revelations of God. The ordinary student cannot delve into these subjects deep enough to make them of any practical use to him, and a smattering of knowledge in this line only tends to upset his simple faith in the gospel, which is of more value to him in life than all the learning of the world without it. The religion of the Latter-day Saints is not hostile to any truth, nor to scientific search for truth. "That which is demonstrated, we accept with joy," said the First Presidency in their Christmas greeting to the Saints, "but vain philos- ophy, human theory and mere speculations of men we do not accept, nor do we adopt anything contrary to divine revela- tion or to good common sense, but everything that tends to right conduct, that harmonizes with sound morality and increases faith in Deity, finds favor with us, no matter where it may be found." A good motto for young people to adopt, who are de- termined to delve into philosophic theories, is to search all things, but be careful to hold on only to that which is true. The truth persists, but the theories of philosophers change and are overthrown. What men use today as a scaffolding for scientific purposes from which to reach out into the un- known for truth, may be torn down tomorrow, having served its purpose ; but faith is an eternal principle through which the humble believer may secure everlasting solace. It is the only way to find God. Science and philosophy through all the ages have under- gone change after change. Scarcely a century has passed but they have introduced new theories of science and phil- REVELATION 49 osophy, that supersede the old traditions and the old faith and the old doctrines entertained by philosophers and sci- entists. These things may undergo continuous changes, but the word of God is always true, is always right. The prin- ciples of the gospel are always true, the principles of faith in God, repentance from sin, baptism for the remission of sins by authority of God, and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost these principles are always true, and are always absolutely necessary for the salvation of the chil- dren of men, no matter who they are and where they are. No other name under heaven is given but that of Jesus Christ, by which you can be saved or exalted in the kingdom of God. Not only has God declared them, not only has Christ declared these principles, by his voice to his disciples, from generation to generation, in the old time, but in these latter days, they have taken up the same testimony and declared these things to the world. They are true today as they were then, and we must obey these things. Improve- ment Era, Vol. 14, p. 548. REVELATION AND LEGAL EVIDENCE. Recently a man charged with the murder of another man was examined be- fore a committing magistrate in Salt Lake City. The father- in-law of the murdered man, during the examination on the part of the State, related a conversation had between him- self and the accused soon after the commission of the crime. During the conversation, according to newspaper report, the father-in-law of the murdered man laid the crime at the door of the accused. In the cross-examination the attorney for the defendant pressed the witness as to how he knew that the accused was guilty of the crime. The reply, as given in the press, was, because God had revealed it to him. It does not appear from the further proceedings in the case that the testimony was excepted to or withdrawn, or that the magistrate informed the witness that such evidence was incompetent and could not be received. The statement 50 GOSPEL DOCTRINE gave rise to comment in the press and has been the subject of discourse from the pulpit. Of course, every person must know that such evidence is not admissible in a court of law, and if it had been in a trial before a jury it would have been the duty of the judge to order the testimony stricken out, and in the charge to the jury, they would have been warned to disregard it altogether. In view of the probability that there are those who may persist in the association of such evidence with the religious body of which the witness is a member, it may be proper to say, without discrediting in the least the witness' conviction of the revelation he had re- ceived, that no member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints should, for one moment, regard such tes- timony as admissible in a court of law, and to make the case perfectly clear it may be further stated that such evidence would not be permissible even in a Church court, where rules of evidence, though not so technical, are founded largely upon the same principles that govern the rules of evidence in a court of law. Any attempt, therefore, to make it appear that such evidence is in keeping with the tenets of the "Mormon" faith is wholly unjustified. Juvenile In- structor, p. 114, Feb. 15, 1902, Vol. 37. PROPER CHANNELS FOR REVELATION. It has sometimes been sorrowful to see respected members of the Church, men who should know better, allow themselves to become the tools of seductive spirits. Such men seem, for the time at least, to lose sight of the fact that the Lord has established on earth the Priesthood in its fulness ; and that by direct revelation and commandment from heaven ; that he has insti- tuted an order or government that is beyond the capacity, and that is superior to the wisdom and learning and under- standing of man, so far, indeed, that it seems impossible for the human mind, unaided by the Spirit of God, to compre- hend the beauties, powers, and character of the Holy Priest- hood. It seems difficult for men to comprehend the work- REVELATION 51 ings of the priesthood, its legitimate authority, its scope and power; and yet by the light of the Spirit it is easily comprehended, but not understanding it, men are easily de- ceived by seductive spirits that are abroad in the world. They are led to believe that something is wrong, and the next thing that . transpires, they find themselves believing that they are chosen specially to set things right. It is very unfortunate for a man to be taken in this snare; for be it understood by the Latter-day Saints that as long as the servants of God are living pure lives, are honoring the priesthood conferred upon them, and endeavoring to the best of their knowledge to magnify their offices and callings, to which they have been duly chosen by the voice of the peo- ple and the priesthood and sanctioned by the approval of God, so long as the Lord has any communication to make to the children of men, or any instructions to impart to his Church, he will make such communication through the le- gally appointed channel of the priesthood; he will never go outside of it, as long, at least, as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints exists in its present form on the earth. It is not the business of any individual to rise up as a revelator, as a prophet, as a seer, as an inspired man, to give revelation for the guidance of the Church, or to assume to dictate to the presiding authorities of the Church in any part of the world, much less in the midst of Zion, where the organizations of the priesthood are about perfect, where everything is complete, even to the organization of a branch. It is the right of individuals to be inspired and to receive manifestations of the Holy Spirit for their personal guidance to strengthen their faith, and to encourage them in works of righteousness, in being faithful and observing and keeping the commandments which God has given unto them; it is the privilege of every man and woman to receive revelation to this end, but not further. The moment an individual rises up assuming the right to 52 GOSPEL DOCTRINE control and to dictate, or to sit in judgment on his brethren, especially upon those who preside, he should be promptly checked, or discord, division and confusion would be the result. Every man and woman in this Church should know better than to yield to such a spirit ; the moment that such a feeling presents itself to them they should rebuke it, as it is in direct antagonism to the order of the priesthood, and to the spirit and genius of this work. We can accept nothing as authoritative but that which comes directly through the appointed channel, the constituted organizations of the priesthood, which is the channel that God has appointed through which to make known his mind and will to the world. Through Joseph, then, the Lord revealed himself to the world, and through him he chose the first elders of the Church men who were honest in their hearts ; men who he knew would receive the word, and labor in connection with Joseph in this great, important undertaking ; and all that have been ordained to the priesthood, and all that have been appointed to any position whatever in this Church have received their authority and commission through this chan- nel, appointed of God, with Joseph at the head. This is the order, and it could not be otherwise. God will not raise up another prophet and another people to do the work that we have been appointed to do. He will never ignore those who have stood firm and true from the commencement, as it were, of this work, and who are still firm and faithful, inas- much as they continue faithful to their trust. There is no question in my mind of their ever proving themselves un- faithful, as a body, for if any of them were to become un- worthy in his sight, he would remove them out of their place and call others from the ranks to fill their positions. And thus his priesthood will ever be found to be composed of the right men for the place, of men whose backs will be fitted for the burden, men through whom he can work and regu- REVELATION 53 late the affairs of his Church according to the counsels of his own will. And the moment that individuals look to any other source, that moment they throw themselves open to the se- ductive influences of Satan, and render themselves liable to become servants of the devil; they lose sight of the true order through which the blessings of the priesthood are to be enjoyed; they step outside of the pale of the Kingdom of God, and are on dangerous ground. Whenever you see a man rise up claiming to have received direct revelation from the Lord to the Church, independent of the order and channel of the priesthood, you may set him down as an imposter. God has not called you to go out to the world to be taught, or to receive revelations through apostates or strangers ; but he has called and ordained you and sent you forth to teach and lead people in the paths of righteousness and salvation. Now, how should it be? I will tell you. In the first place every person should know that the gospel is true, as this is every one's privilege who is baptized and receives the Holy Ghost. A man may be grieved in his feelings be- cause of some difficulty between himself and President Tay- lor, or Cannon, or myself ; he may have feelings in his heart which lead him to think that he could not sustain us in his faith and prayers ; but if this should be the case, what is the course for him to pursue ? He should say in his heart, "God has established his kingdom, and his priesthood is upon the earth; and notwithstanding my dislike for certain men, I know that the gospel is true, and that God is with his peo- ple ; and that if I will do my duty and keep his command- ments, the clouds will roll by, and the mists will disappear, the Spirit of the Lord will come more fully to my relief, and by and by I will be able to see if I am in error, wherein I erred, and then I will repent of it, for I know that every wrong thing will yet be made right." I think all men should feel that way. Never is there but one appointed at a time to hold the 54 GOSPEL DOCTRINE keys of the Kingdom of God pertaining to the earth. While Christ remained on the earth he held them ; but when he departed, he committed them to Peter, he being the president or chief of the apostles ; and it was his right to direct and to receive revelation for the Church, and to give counsel to all the brethren. After Satan and wicked men had pre- vailed against the Church, crucified the Savior and killed the apostles, the keys of the kingdom were taken from the earth. John the Revelator describes it most clearly. And from that time until Joseph Smith was called by the voice of the Al- mighty, and ordained to hold those keys, no man held them upon the earth that we know of. It is true the Lord did appoint other twelve upon this continent, and his Church flourished and prospered in this land for many years, but the Lord declared that Peter, James and John, and the twelve that walked with him at Jerusalem, held the presi- dency over them. God may reveal himself to different na- tions, and establish among them the same gospel and ordin- ances as he did anciently, if necessity require, but if these nations should be joined together there would be one head, and all the rest would be subordinate. So that from the time that the keys of this priesthood were taken from the earth until they were received by Joseph Smith, no man ever possessed that priesthood, nor the keys thereof, with authority to build up the Zion of God, and prepare a church or people for the second coming of Christ, "as a bride is adorned for the bridegroom," unless it may have been among the lost tribes, yet of this we have no knowledge, but if so they would receive those keys necessary to administer in the ordinances of the gospel for their salvation. We know not of their existence or the condition in which they are placed. The gospel that is given to them is suited to their needs and conditions, and is for their salvation, not ours; and yet, it will be the same gospel. And God will not call one from them to give to us the priesthood, or to give to us the keys REVELATION 55 and blessings, or to point out the organizations of the King- dom of God, because he has established that priesthood here, and we have it. If he has any communication to make to us he will send his messengers to us. And in this way he will deliver his law and give his mind and will to the people. He will do it through the ordained channels of the priesthood which he acknowledges and which he has estab- lished in the earth. He will go nowhere else to do it, neither will he send us to them, unless they should be without the priesthood and it becomes necessary to take the blessings of the gospel to them, and I presume that will be the case. When Joseph received the keys of the priesthood, he alone on the earth held them; that is, he was the first, he stood at the head. It was promised that he should not lose them nor be removed out of his place, as long as he was faithful. And when he died, President Young was chosen by the voice of the people, and sanctioned by the voice of God. He held the priesthood which was after the order of the Son of God, with the keys which pertain to the presi- dency of that priesthood upon earth. He received it from the hands of Joseph, directly from him or by his authority ; and he held it until his death. When he died, that mantle fell upon John Taylor, and while he lives he will hold that authority, inasmuch as he is faithful. So it was with Pres- ident Brigham Young: he held it on condition of his faith- fulness. If any man in that position should become unfaith- ful, God would remove him out of his place. I testify in the name of Israel's God that he will not suffer the head of the Church, whom he has chosen to stand at the head, to transgress his laws and apostatize; the moment he should take a course that would in time lead to it, God would take him away. Why? Because to suffer a wicked man to oc- cupy that position would be to allow, as it were, the fountain to become corrupted, which is something he will never permit. 56 GOSPEL DOCTRINE The moment a man says he will not submit to the legally constituted authority of the Church, whether it be the teach- ers, the bishopric, the high council, his quorum, or the First Presidency, and in his heart confirms it and carries it out, tha't moment he cuts himself off from the privileges and blessings of the priesthood and Church, and severs himself from the people of God, for he ignores the authority that the Lord has instituted in his Church. These are the men that generally get crochets in their heads, that get inspiration (from beneath), and that are often so desirous to guide the Church, and to sit in judgment upon the priesthood. The only safe way for us to do, as individuals, is to live so hum- bly, so righteously and so faithfully before God that we may possess his Spirit to that extent that we shall be able to judge righteously, and discern between truth and error, be- tween right and wrong; and then we shall know when a decision is rendered against us that in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, we are in error, and that the decision is right ; and although we may, at the time, not be fully able to see and feel its justness, yet will be constrained to say that inasmuch as there are sixteen chances against one for me to be wrong, "I will gracefully and humbly submit." The pith of the matter is : the Lord has established his Church, organ- ized his priesthood, and conferred authority upon certain individuals, councils and quorums, and it is the duty of the people of God to live so that they shall know that these are acceptable unto him. If we begin to cut off this one and that one, and set their authority aside, we may just as well at once set God aside, and say he has no right to dictate. Journal of Discourses, Vol. 24, pp. 187-194, 1884, Ogden, June 21, 1883. THE DOCTRINE AND .COVENANTS. I say to my brethren that the book of Doctrine and Covenants contains some of the most glorious principles ever revealed to the world, some that have been revealed in greater fulness than they were REVELATION 57 ever revealed before to the world; and this, in fulfilment of the promises of the ancient prophets that in the latter times the Lord would reveal things to the world that had been kept hidden from the foundation thereof; and the Lord has revealed them through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Oct. C. R., 1913, p. 9. How TO READ THE BIBLE. That which characterizes above all else the inspiration and divinity of the Scriptures is the spirit in which they are written and the spiritual wealth they convey to those who faithfully and conscientiously read them. Our attitude, therefore, toward the Scriptures should be in harmony with the purposes for which they were writ- ten. They are intended to enlarge man's spiritual endow- ments and to reveal and intensify the bond of relationship between him and his God. The Bible, as all other books of Holy Writ, to be appreciated must be studied by those spir- itually inclined and who are in quest of spiritual truths. Juvenile Instructor, Vol. 47, p. 204, April, 1912. PERSECUTION FOLLOWS REVELATION. I do not believe there ever was a people who were guided by revelation, or acknowledged of the Lord as his people, that were not hated and persecuted by the wicked and the corrupt, and perhaps no people were ever more persecuted than this people would be if it were in the power of the enemy today to persecute us as it was in the power of Nero and the Romans to per- secute the Saints in their day. There never was a time when it was more fixed and determined in the heart of the wicked to fight against and destroy the kingdom from the earth than now, and their failure will be due only to the impossibility of the task they have undertaken. And this is an evidence to every one that God's priesthood is here, that many of the Saints are magnifying their callings and honor- ing the priesthood and also the Lord, both with their lives and with their substance, which are his, Deseret Weekly News, Vol. 24, p. 708, 1875. CHAPTER IV Free Agency THE LATTER-DAY SAINTS A FREE PEOPLE. We will now present before the conference the names of the general au- thorities of the Church, with the earnest desire that all the members of the Church present, who by reason of their good standing before the Lord are entitled to the privilege, will express their will according to the God-given agency that every man in the world enjoys, and which is not les- sened, but rather increased, in all those who have made cove- nant with God by sacrifice and through obedience to the principles of the gospel. The freedom of the Latter-day Saints has never been curtailed nor lessened one whit by their becoming members of the Church of Christ. Rather has it been enlarged. There are no freer people upon the face of the earth today than the Latter-day Saints. They are bound to the Church by no ties or strings, but their own conviction of the truth. And whenever a man makes up his mind that he has had enough of what is called "Mor- monism," all he has to do is to make it known, and we will sever the bond that unites him with the body and let him go his own way, only bearing toward him the feeling of sympathy and of true brotherly kindness, and wishing him still the mercies of God. We will cry, "Father, have mercy upon him," because he knows not what he is doing. For when a man denies the truth, when he departs from the right way, when he rejects the right of God to counsel in the affairs of men, he is either ignorant or wilfully wicked, and it only excites our pity for him- As the Savior cried upon the cross, so we will cry in the same spirit, Father, forgive him ; have mercy upon him ; for he knows not what he does. FREE AGENCY 59 Therefore, we expect only those to vote at this time who are members of the Church in good standing ; but all such we do expect to vote, according to their own free will, whether it be yea or nay. However, we wish it distinctly understood that no questions upon these matters will be discussed in this conference ; for this is not the place to discuss questions of difference or of feeling that we may possess one towards another. Still we .can manifest our approval or our disap- proval by the uplifted hand; and if there are any disap- provals, we will have them heard and adjusted later on, but not here. Oct. C. R., 1903, p. 84'. THE USE OF FREEDOM AND HUMAN JUDGMENT. I think that in the realms of liberty, and the exercise of hu- man judgment, all men should exercise extreme caution, that they do not change or abolish those things which God has willed and has inspired to be done. It has been in this realm of freedom, and the exercise of human judgment that most of the evils that have occurred in the world have been done the martyrdom of Saints, the crucifixion of the Son of God himself, and much of the apostasy and departure from the work of righteousness, and from the laws of God, have occurred in this realm of freedom and the exercise of human judgment. God in his boundless wisdom and gra- cious mercy has provided means, and has shown the way to the children of men whereby, even in the realms of free- dom and the exercise of their own judgment, they may in- dividually go unto God in faith and prayer, and find out what should guide and direct their human judgment and wisdom ; and I do not want the Latter-day Saints to forget that this is their privilege. I would rather that they should seek God for a counselor and guide, than to follow the wild harangues of political leaders, or leaders of any other cult. -Oct. C. R., 1912, p. 41-42. LATTER-DAY SAINTS SHOULD EXERCISE FREE AGENCY. We desire that the Latter-day Saints will exercise the liberty 60 GOSPEL DOCTRINE wherewith they have been made free by the gospel of Jesus Christ; for they are entitled to know the right from the wrong, to see the truth and draw the line between it and error; and it is their privilege to judge for themselves and to act upon their own free agency with regard to their choice as to sustaining or otherwise those who should exercise the presiding functions among them. We desire the Latter- day Saints at this conference to exercisq their prerogative, which is, to vote as the Spirit of the Lord prompts them on the measures and the men that may be presented unto themApr.. C. R., 1904, p. 73. How TO OBTAIN BLESSINGS OF GOD. There are bless- ings which pertain to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to the world to come, which cannot be secured by personal influ- ence, nor be bought with money, and which no man by his own intelligence or wisdom can obtain except through com-- pliance with certain ordinances, laws and commandments which have been given. And it is well, in my judgment, for the Latter-day Saints to continue to bear in mind that the inestimable blessings of the gospel have been bestowed upon them through their faith, that a remission of sins has been obtained by baptism and repentance, and that it is only through continuing faithful that they can retain the gifts and blessings which pertain to eternal life. There are many blessings, however, which are common to the human fam- ily, which all enjoy, without regard to their moral status or religious convictions. God has given to all men an agency,' and has granted to us the privilege to serve him or serve him not, to do that which is right or that which is wrong, and this privilege is given to all men irrespective of creed, color or condition. The wealthy have this agency, the poor have this agency, and no man is deprived by any power of God from exercising it in the fullest and in the freest man- ner. This agency has been given to all. This is a blessing that God has bestowed upon the world of mankind, upon all FREE AGENCY 61 his children alike. But he will hold us strictly to an account for the use that we make of this agency, and as it was said of Cain, so it will be said of us: "If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door-" There are, however, certain blessings which God bestows upon the children of men only upon the condi- tion of the rightful exercise of this agency. For instance, no man can obtain a remission of his sins but by repentance and baptism by one having authority. If we would be free from sin, from its effects, from its power, we must obey this law which God has revealed, or we never can obtain a remis- sion of sins. Therefore, while God has bestowed upon all men, irrespective of condition, this agency to choose good or evil, he has not and will not bestow upon the children of men a remission of sins but by their obedience to law. There- fore, the whole world lies in sin and is under condemnation, inasmuch as light has come unto the world and men will not place themselves in a proper position before the Lord. And this condemnation rests with tenfold force upon all who have yielded obedience to this law, and have once received a re- mission of their sins, but have returned unto sin, and have forgotten or disregarded the covenants they made in the waters of baptism. All men are blessed with the strength of their bodies, with the use of their minds, and with the right to exercise the faculties with which they are endowed in a way that seemeth good to their sight, without regard to re- ligion. But God has not and will not suffer the gift of the Holy Ghost to be bestowed upon any man or woman, except through compliance with the laws of God. Therefore, no man can obtain a remission of sins; no man can obtain the gift of the Holy Ghost; no man can obtain the revelations of God; no man can obtain the priesthood, and the rights, powers and privileges thereof; no man can become an heir of God and a joint heir with Jesus Christ, except through compliance with the requirements of heaven. These are uni- 62 GOSPEL DOCTRINE versal blessings, they are great and inestimable privileges which pertain to the gospel and to the plan of life and salva- tion, which are open and free to all on certain conditions, but which no persons beneath the heavens can enjoy, but through walking in the channel that God has marked out by which they can obtain them. And these privileges and blessings when obtained may be forfeited, and perhaps lost for all eternity, unless we continue steadfast in the course that is marked out for us to pursue. It is well, in my judg- ment, that the Latter-day Saints do not lose sight of the great privilege that has been bestowed upon them. No man can become a citizen of the kingdom of God but by enter- ing in at the door; there are thousands and tens of thou- sands, aye, millions of people who will never become citizens of the Kingdom of God in this world, because they fail to exercise the agency and the power that have been given to them, in the right direction. Nevertheless, they enjoy many of the blessings that are bestowed upon the world in com- mon. The sun shines upon the evil and the good; but the Holy Ghost descends only upon the righteous, and upon those who are forgiven of their sins. The rain descends upon the evil and upon the good; but the rights of the priesthood are conferred, and the doctrine of the priesthood distils as the dews of heaven upon the souls of those only who receive it in God's own appointed way. The favor of heaven, the acknowledgment of the Almighty of his children upon the earth as his sons and his daughters, can only be secured through obedience to the laws which he has revealed. Riches, or the wealth of the world, cannot purchase these things. Simon Magus desired to purchase the power to cast out devils with money, but Peter said unto him, "Thy money perish with thee." These blessings, powers and privileges are not to be purchased except by the atonement of Christ; they are not to be obtained by personal influence, wealth, position or power, or in any other way except the direct way FREE AGENCY 63 in which God has decreed that they should be obtained. Now, so long as the Latter-day Saints are content to obey the com- mandments of God, to appreciate the privileges and bless- ings which they enjoy in the Church, and will use their time, their substance, in honor to the name of God, to build up Zion, and to establish truth and righteousness in the earth, so long our heavenly Father is bound by his oath and covenant to protect them from every opposing foe, and to help them to overcome every obstacle that can possibly be arrayed against them, or thrown in their pathway; but the moment a community begins to be wrapt up in themselves, becomes selfish, becomes engrossed in the temporalities of life, and put their faith in riches, that moment the power of God begins to withdraw from them, and if they repent not the Holy Spirit will depart from them entirely, and they will be left to themselves. That which was given them will be taken away, they will lose that which they had, for they will not be worthy of it. God is just, as well as merciful, and we need not expect favors at the hand of the Almighty except as we merit them, at least in the honest desires of our hearts, and the desire and intent will not always avail unless our acts correspond. For we are engaged in a literal work, a reality ; and we must practice as well as profess. We must be what God requires us to be, or else we are not his people, nor the Zion which he designs to gather together and to build up in the latter days upon the earth. Journal of Dis- courses, Vol. 24, 1884, pp. 173-178. CHAPTER V God and Man GOD HAS DIRECTED His LATTER-DAY WORK. It has not been by the wisdom of man that this people have been directed in their course until the present ; it has been by the wisdom of him who is above man, whose knowledge is greater than that of man, and whose power is above the power of man; for it is unto God, our Father we are in- debted for the mercies we have enjoyed and for the present prosperous condition of the people of God throughout this intermountain region and throughout the world. The hand of the Lord may not be visible to all. There may be many who cannot discern the workings of God's will in the pro- gress and development of this great latter-day work, but there are those who see in every hour and in every moment of the existence of the Church, from its beginning until now, the overruling, almighty hand of Him who sent His Only Begotten Son to the world to become a sacrifice for the sin of the world, that as he was lifted up so he, by reason of his righteousness and power and the sacrifice which he has made, might lift up unto God all the children of men who would hearken to his voice, receive his message and obey his law. Apr. C. R., 1904, p. 2. A PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. We are not depend- ent for this upon the written word, nor upon the knowl- edge possessed by the ancient prophets and apostles. We depend only upon God as he reveals himself today and ad- ministers unto men by the power of his Holy Spirit. And all men in the world, not only the Latter-day Saints, but those who have never embraced the gospel, have the same privilege that we have, if they will take the course which God GOD AND MAN 6,5 has marked out. It is their privilege to come to the knowl- edge of this truth and to understand these things for them- selves. We have derived this knowledge from the Lord, not from man. Man cannot give this knowledge. I may tell you what I know, but that is not knowledge to you. If I have learned something through prayer, supplication, and perseverance in seeking to know the truth, and I tell it to you, it will not be knowledge unto you. I can tell you how you can obtain it, but I cannot give it to you. If we receive this knowledge, it must come from the Lord. He can touch your understandings and your spirits, so that you shall com- prehend perfectly and not be mistaken. But I cannot