TRUBNER'S ILLECriON OF SIMPLIFIED GRAMMARS THE SWEDISH LANGUAGE E.C.OTTE. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN TRUBNER'S COLLECTION OP SIMPLIFIED GRAMMARS OF THE PRINCIPAL ASIATIC AND EUROPEAN LANGUAGES. EDITED BY REINHOLD ROST, LL.D., PH.D. X. SWEDISH. BY E. 0. OTTfi. TRUBNER'S COLLECTION OF SIMPLIFIED GRAMMARS OF THE PRINCIPAL ASIATIC AND EUROPEAN LANGUAGES. EDITED BY REINHOLD HOST, LL.D., PH.D. - I. HINDUSTANI, PERSIAN, AND ARABIC. BY THE LATE E. H. PALMES, M.A. Price 5s. II. HUNGARIAN. BY I. SINGER. Price 4?. 6d. III. BASQUE. BY W. VAN EYS. Price 3*. 6d. IV. MALAGASY. BY G. W. PABKEB. Price 5*. V. MODERN GREEK. BY E. M. GELDABT, M.A. Price "2s. 6d. VI. ROUMANIAN. BY R. TORCEANTJ. Price 5s. VII. TIBETAN. BY H. A. JASCHKE. Price 5s. VIII. DANISH. BY E. C. OTTE. Price 2s. 6d. IX. OTTOMAN TURKISH. BY J. W. REDHOUSE. Price 10*. 6d. X. SWEDISH. BY E. C. OTTE. Price 2s. 6d. Grammars of the following are in preparation : Albanese, Anglo-Saxon, Assyrian, Bohemian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Chinese, Cymric and Gaelic, Dutch, Egyptian, Finnish, Hebrew, Kurdish, Malay, Pali, Polish, Russian, Sanskrit, Serbian, Siamese, Singhalese, &c., &c., &c. LONDON : TRUBNER & CO., LUDGATE HILL. SIMPLIFIED GRAMMAR SWEDISH LANGUAGE BY E. C. OTTE. LONDON : TRUBNEE & CO., LUDGATE HILL. 1884. [All rights reserved.} LONDON : GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, LIMITED, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, CLEBKENWELL ROAD. INTRODUCTION. - THE Swedish language belongs to a northern offshoot of the Old Germanic, which in course of time gave origin ,to vj \ two slightly differing forms of speech, known to Scandina- ^ vian grammarians as Forn-SvensJcan, the Old Swedish, and Forn-NorsJcan, the Old Norse. The former of these was spoken by the Svear and Gotar, or ancient Swedes and Goths; while the latter, as the name implies, was the language of the Norsemen, and probably identical with the Norrcena, or Donsk Tunga, of the Northmen who first made themselves known to the nations of Christian Europe. We have evidence that these two main branches of the Old Northern never deviated sufficiently from each other to interfere with their comprehension by all the Scandina- 1 vian peoples, although each possessed certain inherent and persistent characters peculiar to itself, of which traces may still be found in the modern forms of cultivated speech, which we distinguish as Swedish, and Dano-Norwegian. These distinctive survivals of the original twin forms of the b VI INTRODUCTION. Old Northern have been best preserved in the provincial dialects of the northern kingdoms, and considerable light has been thrown on the history of the development of the Swedish language by a study of the various forms of the so-called "bondesprdk" or peasant-speech, which still maintain their ground in different parts of Sweden. The Forn-Svens&an, or Old Swedish, can scarcely be said to have lost its status as the spoken tongue of the people till the beginning of the sixteenth century, when, with the emancipation of Sweden from the dominion of Denmark, and its political and social regeneration under Gustaf Vasa, a new era began in the language, as well as in the political and national life of the people. Gustaf, partly from policy perhaps as much as from conviction, early gave his support to the Reformers, whose zealous en- deavours to provide the laity with trustworthy vernacular translations of the Scriptures he warmly seconded, encou- raging the most learned of the Swedish adherents of the Lutheran doctrines to take part in this praiseworthy labour. Amongst these, the most eminent was Olaus Petri, who, although of peasant birth, was an elegant scholar, alike well versed in the literature of his native land, and in the learn- ing of the schools, which he had acquired while studying at the German universities under the immediate direction of Luther. His translation of the New Testament, which appeared in 1536, and is the earliest Swedish version of the INTRODUCTION. Vll Scriptures, may therefore be fairly accepted as a true representative of the highest literary standpoint of the lan- guage in the earlier half of the sixteenth century. Indeed it may be said that Olaus Petri's work marks the turning point between the older and more rugged form of the lan- guage, and that later development from which has resulted the spoken Swedish of our own times. The latter has naturally undergone various modifications, but it has retained far more of the characteristic vigour of the Old Northern than its sister-speech of Norway and Denmark, where even the best preserved provincial dialects betray the Germanizing influences to which both the spoken and the written language of the people have been subjected. From this vitiation of their northern mother-tongue the Swedes have been saved through their early severance from their political union with Denmark, and still more, perhaps, through their geographical position, which, while it has aided them in maintaining, almost unassailed, the indepen- dence which the first of the Vasas secured for them, has not been without powerful influence on the preservation of the genuine northern character of their language. In modern Swedish, great dialectic differences of inflec- tion and pronunciation are still to be met with even among the educated classes, although it cannot be denied that the present generation is showing a constantly increasing incli- nation to level provincialisms towards a more general Till INTRODUCTION. standard, and thus to create a fixed form of cultivated spoken speech. The more circumscribed dialects are rapidly disappearing, and the most important Swedish linguistic differences may therefore now be comprehensively included under the two heads of Upsvcensk, and Sydsvcensk, " Upper or Northern Swedish/' and " Southern Swedish." To the latter of these belongs the pronunciation of Sodermanland, which is generally considered the best, and is that of an influential section of the cultivated classes of Stockholm, on which account it may be accepted by the student of Swedish as the best standard he can follow in his attempt to master the difficulties which appertain to the correct pro- nunciation of Swedish. The Swedes rejected the use of the Gothic characters three hundred years ago, and since then they have employed the ordinary Latin letters, adding merely certain marks to indicate special vowel-sounds peculiar to the northern tongues. With the older alphabet, they did not, however, at once lay aside the cumbersome modes of spelling in use in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and it is only within recent years that any systematic and rational reform has been introduced into the spelling of Swedish words. Since the meeting at Stockholm, in 1869, of the Scandi- navian Linguistic Congress an important change has, how- ever, been in progress, and although the end is not yet attained, much has already been done in Sweden to carry out INTRODUCTION. IX the Resolutions of the Conference, whose leading aim was to purify the northern sister- tongues from foreign elements as far as existing conditions admitted of their elimination, and to revert as far as possible to the forms of the Old Northern, from which they have in common derived their descent. In conformity with this principle, the spelling of modern Swedish is being greatly simplified. The double and mute letters of older times are being discarded, and while deriva- tions and inflections are being made to agree orthographi- cally with their roots and stems, the use of the vowels is being brought into closer harmony with the sounds of which these characters are the written representatives. CONTENTS. PART I. TAGB The Alphabet (Alfabetet) 1 Articles (Artikeln) ....... 8 Nouns (Tingord) .... 11 First Declension . . . . . . . 11 Second and Third Declensions .... 12 Fourth and Fifth Declensions ..... 13 Adjectives (Egenskapsord) . . . . . . 17 Adverbs (Omstdndighetsord) ...... 20 Pronouns (Ersdttningsord) 21 Personal Pronouns 21 Possessive Pronouns ...... 22 Demonstrative Pronouns 22 Verbs (Hdndelseorcf) ....... 24 Passive Verbs (Passivtvm) . . . . 30 Prepositions (Forord) ....... 33 Conjunctions (Bindeord) ...... 33 Interjections (Utropsord) ...... 34 Ill CONTEXTS. PART II. Oir THE USE AND CHARACTER OF THE DIFFERENT PARTS OP SPEECH. PACK The Indefinite Article ....... 35 The Definite Articles . . . . . . . 36 The Noun 39 Adjectives ......... 44 The Numerals 46 Pronouns 48 Verbs 52 Adverbs ..... .... 58 Prepositions . . . . . . . . 60 Conjunctions 61 Modes of Inflection in Old Swedish . 65 SWEDISH GRAMMAR PART I. THE ALPHABET. THE Swedish alphabet consists of the following twenty- eight letters (Bokstafver) : A, called ak, pronounced like a in father. B bey as in English. C sey in genuine Swedish words like k before a, o, u; and like s in words of foreign origin and when it stands before e, i, a and y. D dey as in English. E eh like ai in laid, and like e in bit F eff generally as in English, but A like v at the end of words. It represents ph and <. ft )> y a y i> tike hard English g before I, r, t, a, o, and u ; like English y before e,j, a, o, y ; before n it may take, with that letter, the sound of en, Fr. B 2 SWEDISH GRAMMAR. H, called haw, aspirated except before j and v. I ee, pronounced like ee in tree, or like i in tb/n J yee like y in 7/ellow. K kaw like English fe before I, r, and ?, and before the bard vowels a, a, o, u, as well as at tbe end of words. Before tbe soft vowels d, e, i, y t and o, it takes wbat the Swedes designate as tbe " fj'e " sound, which is nearly equivalent to the sound of English ch. L ell generally as in English ; but not heard before j, as Ijits (pron.jnus), 'light.' M emm as in English. N enn as in English ; before k, n takes the sound of ng. O oh when short like o in dog, or like o in bore, but also like oo in boon. P pey as in English. ^ Q coo. This letter is followed in Swedish by v instead of u, and is then pronounced like English kv. R err, pronounced like a strongly enunciated r, and always audible among the more cultivated classes. THE ALPHABET. 3 S, called ess, pronounced like hard English s before /, and before k and t, where these letters are not followed byj, in which case sk and xt acquire the sound of English h. This sound is, moreover, heard at all times in sj ; and in sk, where the latter is fol- lowed by the soft vowels a, e, i, o, y. T fey as in English. U oo like oo in spoon, or when short like n in fall. In addition to these, the Swedish u has, however, a sound not precisely analogous to any to be found in more southern European tongues, but which in many instances appears to have an intermediate sound between the English u in pall and the n in shatter. V vey as in English. A ,, elcs ,, ,, Y u like French u in pure. Z seyta as hard English s. A awe like aw in saw. A ,, ty like a in sale, and when short like e in wr or 9 de ' ffoda > ood ; as, den gode (or goda) manner, the good man. den vackra blomman, ' the lovely (the) flower/ det stora huset, ' the large (the) house/ de cedle krigarne, ' the noble (the) warriors/ deflitiga qvinnorna, ' the diligent (the) women/ de ljusa bon&, 'the light (the) dwellings/ Here it will be observed that the noun has the terminal article, although the adjective qualifying it is preceded by the definite article den. The double use of the article is, as already noticed, not to be found in Dano-Norwegian, in which the terminal article is not applicable to words defined by the independent article den, det, de. This form is also used when the noun is in the genitive, or is preceded by a pronoun; as, homing ens lyckliga. regeriny, ' the king's happy reign ;' min garni? van, ' my old friend/ ADJECTIVES. 19 Adjectives ending in t, preceded by a consonant, do not take another t in the neuter, as salt, m. f ., salt, n. ' salt/ Adjectives ending- in a vowel double the t in the neuter ; as,/h',/Htt, n., ' free/ tty, nyit, n., 'new/ Adjectives ending in al, el, en, er, drop the a or e where this vowel occurs in the declension of the word, as in gammal, 'old/ which changes to gamle (a), while trogen, 'faithful/ tapper, 'brave/ etc., change to trogne (a), tappve (a), etc. Some adjectives are indeclinable ; as, bra, ' good / ode, ' waste / gdngse, ' usual/ Adjectives may be used in the sense of nouns ; as, den, tappre, ' the brave (man) / den vackra, ' the charming (woman) / det ddla, 'the noble (act, thing)/ The degrees of comparison are expressed by adding to the positive form are or re, and ast or st ; as POSITIVE. COMPARATIVE. SUPERLATIVE. stark, strong, starkare, stronger, starkast, strongest. hog, high, hogre, higher, Jtogst, highest. Mera or mer, ' more/ and mest, ' most,' may be used as in English to express comparison, and this more especially where the adjective has a participle form ; as. POSITIVE. COMPARATIVE. SUPERLATIVE. godfijertad, good-hearted, mera godTijer tad, mest godhjer tad Many adjectives are wholly irregular ; as 20 SWEDISH GRAMMAR. POSITIVE. COMPABATIVE. SITPEELATIVE. god, good, lattre, last. liten, small, mindre, minst. mycken, much, mera, meat. elak or ond, bad, varre, vdrst. gammal, old, aldre, didst. Some are defective, having either no positive, or neither positive nor comparative, especially where the word is derived from a preposition or adverb ; as, framre (comp.), ' more forward/ framst, ' most forward ' (fram, prep., 'forth, onward'); yttre (comp.), 'outer/ ytterst (super.), ' outermost ' (ut, adv., ' out '). Some adjectives from their meaning do not admit of comparison ; as, dod, ( dead ;' stum t ' mute.' The adverb desto, ' the/ ' so much the/ is often used to give additional force to the comparative, as desto battre, 'the better/ The particle-adjectives aller, allra, ' all/ give a similarly heightened form to the superlative, as allerbast, allrabast, ' the very best/ ADVERBS. (Omttandigftetsord.) Many Swedish adverbs are identical with the neuter of the corresponding adjective, as tungt, ' heavily/ from tung, m., f., tungt, n., ' heavy/ In such cases they follow the same rules of comparison as the corresponding adjective; as, ) ' more heavily / tyngst, ' most heavily/ PRONOUNS. 21 Many adverbs of irregular modes of comparison are similarly identical with the corresponding adjectives ; as val, well, comp. b&ttre, better, superl. bast, best. ilia, badly, vdrre, worse, vdrst, worst. The following are some of the more generally used adverbs of time, place, manner, mode, affirmation, negation, etc. nu, now. hiir, here. gerna, willingly. da, then. dlt, thither. visst, certainly. snart, soon. hit, hither. j&ijo, yes. strax, immediately, in, inne, in. nej, ej, no, not. redan, already. ut, ute, out. icke, no, not. Idnge, long. framdeles, in fu- ingalunda, by no ofta, often. ture. means. huru, how. Avar/or, why. mdnne, may be, der, there. sd, so. perchance. PRONOUNS. (Ersdttningsord.} The Personal Pronouns in Swedish are : Singular. Nona., jag, I ; du, thou ; han, he ; hon, she ; del, it. Gen., kans ; hennes ; dess. D., Ace., mig ; dig ; honom ; kenne ; del ; sig, self (reflect). Plural. Norn., vi, we ; i, ni, you ; de, they. Gen., deras. D., Ace., oss ; eder (er] ; SWEDISH GRAMMAR. The reflective pronoun sig is used in all genders for the third person, both singular and plural. For the special use of the personal pronouns, see Part II. The Possessive Pronouns are : Singular. Plural. MASC. AND TEM. NEUTER. ALL GENDEBS. min, mitt, my. mina, my. din, ditt, thy. dina, thy. sin, sitt, his, her. sina, their. vdr, vdrt, our. vdra, our. eder, er, edert (ert), edra, your. your. Sin, sitt, sina are used (as in Danish) in a subjective reflective sense, whilst hans, hennes, dess are only used objectively ; as, Fadern dlskar sitt barn, och soker befrdmja dess val, ' a father loves his (own) child, and strives to promote his (the child's) welfare. The Demonstrative Pronouns are : Singular. Plural. MASC. AND FEM. NEUTER. ALL GENDERS. Nona., etc., den, del, the, this, that. G., dess (dens], dess, N., de, G., deras, D., Ace., dem t the, these. PRONOUNS. 23 Singular. MASC. FEM. NEUTER. Norn., denne (a), denna, delta, this. Gen., dennes (as), dennas, deltas, Plural. MASC. FEM. NEUTEK. Nom., desse (a), dessa, dessa. Gen., desses (as), dessas, dessas. Sing., den samme (a), m., den samma, f., det samma, the same. Plur., de samme (a), de samma, de samma, The Reciprocal Pronouns hvarandra, hvarannan, 'one another,' ' each other/ take s in the genitive. The Interrogative and Relative Pronouns are ; Nona., ho, hvem, who ; hvad, what. Gen., Avars (hvems), hvars, D., Ace., Jivem, hvad, Hvadfb'r en, m., f., hvad far ett, n., hvad for, pi., are occasionally used instead of the relative hvilken, m., f., hvil- ket, n., Gen. hvilkens, hvilkets, N. A. D. pi. hmlka, for all genders, Gen. hvilkas, * which/ Som, ' whom,' ' which/ ' that/ is not declinable. The principal Indefinite Pronouns are : En, Gen. ens, pi. ena, l one/ ' some one/ generally used only in the objective case. Man, ( one/ 'they/ used only in the nominative sin- gular. 24 SWEDISH GRAMMAR. Ndgon, m., f., ndgot, n., pi. ndgra, ' some one/ ' any one;' ingen, m. f., intet, n., pi. inga, ' no one/ 'none/ bagge, Mda, ' both / mdngeri, m., f., mdnget, n., pi. manga, ' many/ ' many a one/ annan, m., f., annat, n., pi. andra, 'other/ owj*e, 'both/ 'each/ */#o;de, kopte. Plur. J Optative. Present. Imperfect. Imperative. Sing, and Plur %'e, !|1 The same as Imperf. Indie. Sing. 2 pers. boj, kop. Plur. 1 boJQTHy kopom. 2 The Third Conjugation takes dde in the imperfect indica- tive, dd in the past participle, and it in the supine. The infinitive does not take the terminal a, and the present participle takes ende. VERBS. 29 Infinitive. Example: (atf) tro,'io believe;' Part. Pres. froende ; Past Part, trodd. ; Sup. troii. Present. Sing-, tror. Plur. tro. Present. Sing. \ and \md tro, Plur. ) Indicative. Imperfect. Sing, trodde. Plur. trodde. Optative. Imperative. Sing. 2 pers. tro. Plur. 2 iron. Imperfect. The same as Imperf. Indie. The Fourth Conjugation. This conjugation includes all the so-called strong verbs, i.e. verbs whose imperfect indicative tense is formed through some internal change of the radical vowel. This conjugation is divided into two classes, viz.: 1. Verbs which undergo only one change of vowel, affecting the imperfect indicative ; as, gripa, imperfect grep, past part, gripen, supine gripit, ' to grasp.' 2. Verbs which undergo a change of vowel, both in the imperfect indicative and in the perfect participle and supine ; as, binda, imperfect band, part, past fanden, supine bandit. Examples : Infinitive. (att) gripa to grasp, Part. Pres. gripande, Part. Past, gripen^ Sup. gripit. binda,io bind, t>indande,T?a,rt.~Past,d\inden, Sup. bundit. 30 SWEDISH GRAMMAR. Indicative. Present. Imperfect. Sing, griper, binder. I Sing, grep, band. Plur. gripa, binds,. Plur. grepo, bwido. Optative. Present. Imperfect. Sing.) and >gripe, binde. Plur.J Sing. ) and \-grepe, bunde. Plur.J Imperative. Sing. 2 pers. grip, bind. Plur. ' 1 gripom, bindom. 2 gripen, binden. PASSIVE VERBS. (Passivum.} The modern Swedish form of the passive has originated from the Old Northern, in which it was a mere adaptation of the reflective pronoun sik, sig, and was conjugated with the help of the auxiliaries vera, verda (var^d), 'to be/ and the past participle of the active form of the verb. In modern Swedish the passive is formed by adding s (for sig) to the transitive active form of the verb ; as Infinitive. Present. (atf) kallas, to be called. bdjas, bent. tros, trusted. ,i bindas, bound. VERBS. 31 Past. aft hafva kall&is, to have been called. %'ts, bent. traits, trusted. bundits, bound. Supine, Past Participle. bojts. bojA. troiis. ^rodd. bundits. bundeo.. Indicative. Present. Dallas. (All persons but 2 plur.) 2 pers. plur. (y^a^ens). t>ojes. (^o>ens).. tros. (trons). bindes. (bindens). Imperfect. 2 pers. plur. boj'des. (%'dens). bands. 1 and 3 pers. plur. bundos. 2 bundens 32 SWEDISH GRAMMAR. Compound Tenses. Sing. har, hade kallats, or blifvit kallad. Plur. hafva, hade Sing 1 , har, hade bqjts ,, bojd. Plur. hafva, hade Sing, har, hade trotts trodd. Plur. hqfva, hade Sing, har, hade bund\i bunden. Plur. hafva, hade Deponents are conjugated after the passive form, while they have an active significance; as, minnas, ' to remember/ jag minnas, ' I remember.' Some deponents are merely the passive of some other reflective active verb ; as,forifras, 'to be in a passion/ from forifra sig, ' to put oneself in a passion/ Others have no relation to any corresponding active verb ; as, hoppas, ' to hope/ Most intransitive verbs are without the passive ; as, falla, 1 to fall/ hdnda, ' to happen/ etc., and such verbs may generally be used as impersonals ; as, det falter sly svdrt, ' it is difficult / det Jidnde mig, c it happened to me/ Intransitives may be used in some cases in the passive when they have an impersonal sense ; as, det dansas har i huset, ' there is dancing going on in the house/ For an explanation of the principal forms of deviations from the normal modes of conjugation, see Part II. PREPOSITIONS. CONJUNCTIONS. PREPOSITIONS. (Farord.) The chief prepositions are of, of, by. efter, after. bland, among 1 . frdn, from. fur, for, before. ut/or, down. utan, without. forbi, by, past. genom, through. hos, at the house of. i, inotn, in, within. jiimie, near by, beside. omkring, round. a, pa, on, upon. at, to, at, for. sedan, after. till, to, till, at. undan, away, from. mot, against. nara, near. ofoan, above. om, about. under, under. utom, without. ur, utur, out of. vid, by, near. CONJUNCTIONS. (Bindeord.} The chief conjunctions are : Simple. och, and. da, then. men, but. uian, unless. eller, or. nar, when. samt, with. dertiU, thereto. afeen, also. derfor, therefore. ty, for. ekuru, although. om, in case. att, that. Compound. ej heller, neither. bade och, also, as well as. sd som, as. i fall, in case. som om, as if. emedan, since. sdledes, so. 34 SWEDISH GRAMMAR. INTERJECTIONS. ( Utropsord.} ! ah ! ack ! ah ! ha ! na ! hurra ! ve ! Some are imitative sounds of noises ; as, Kling Hang ! Jclatseh ! kras ! pv/ff ! Some are merely elliptical rendering's of invocations, oaths, etc. ; as, Gunas ! (Gud ndde os, ' God have mercy on us ') ; Kors ! (' the Cross ') ; Vassera tre ! ( Far Her r as tra, ' our Lord's tree-cross ') ; bevars ! (bevare oss ! ( Preserve us !'), ' Oh dear !' THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE. 35 PART II. ON THE USE AND CHARACTER OF THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF SPEECH. THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE. The Indefinite Article en, m., f., ett, n., ' a/ ' an/ is merely the unaccented form of the indefinite pronoun en, ett, ' one/ which is the same as the numeral en, ett, ' one/ In Old Northern there is no trace of the use of a distinct indefinite article, the earliest representative of which was the indefinite pronoun einn, ' one/ einhverr, ' each one.' From these have been derived the modern Scan- dinavian en, ett. The plural ena, 'ones/ ' some/ is used to express surprise or contempt ; as, det dr ena obegripliga flicker, ' they are incomprehensible girls !' This article is in many respects governed by the same rules as in English. Thus it directly precedes the noun which it indicates; as, en gosse, 'a boy;' en blomma, 'a. flower ;' ett hus, ' a house ;' while where the noun is quali- fied by an adjective, it precedes the latter; as, en tidel fende, ' a noble foe ; ' en god bok, ' a good book / ett stort hof, ' a great sea.' It is not used, however, where a person's rank, profession, 36 SWEDISH GRAMMAR. or calling is indicated, unless the latter be qualified by an adjective; as, han dr general, 'he is a general/ min van dr EN TAPPER officer, ' my friend is a brave officer / prestens son dr lakare, ' the clergyman's son is a doctor ;' gossen shall bli smed, ' the boy is to be a smith/ THE DEFINITE ARTICLES. In the. Old Northern there was no distinct definite article till a comparatively late period,, when its place was supplied by the use of the demonstrative pronoun hinn, m., kin, L,hint (liitt], n., singular, this, that; hinir, ... hinar, ... hin, ... plural, these, those; which either followed the noun in an independent form, as Scemundr hinn frodi, 'the wise Saemund/ or was affixed to it with the h and final n dropped for euphony, as hestrm, 'the horse/ In conformity with this process of adaptation, the modern Scandinavian tongues have used the demonstrative pronoun den, det, de, ' this/ ' that/ etc., as a definite independent article, pronounced without the vowel-stress that marks the former. In the earlier forms of Swedish this unaccented pronoun generally followed the noun which it defined, and came in process of time to be incorporated with it in the form of the suffixes -en or -n, m., f. ; -et or -t, n. sing. ; -ne, -na, -en or -a, pi., which now constitute one of the most distinctive characteristics of the language. Swedish thus possesses two distinct forms of the definite article, the one independent, as den blomma, ' the flower/ THE DEFINITE ARTICLE. 37 and the other supplemental and affixed, as blomman, ' the flower.' The suffixes, which must accord in number and gender with the noun with which they are amalga- mated, thus simply but completely represent the English definite article ' the ;' as, skalden, ' the bard ;' blomman, f., ' the flower ;' namnet, u., ' the name ;' riket, ' the king- dom ;' skalderna., ' the bards ;' blommorna, ' the flowers ;' namnen, ' the names ;' rikena, ' the kingdoms ;' skald, blomma, etc., without such terminals, being indefinite, as ' bard,' ' flower,' etc. Nouns used in an abstract sense take the article in Swedish where it is omitted in English ; as, lifvet dr kort, ' (the) life is short ;' twiet pressas ur drufvor, ' (the) wine is extracted from grapes / hvad kostar smoret i dag ? 'what does (the) butter cost to-day ?' The affix is used with some names of countries and places ; as for example : It alien, ' (the) Italy ;' Alperna, 'the Alps ;' Scandinavian, ' Scandinavia ;' and with certain titles; as, Ri&srddet, '(councillor)' Lynlerg ; Presidenten Wrangcl. But it is not used with homing, ' king ;' furste, ' prince ;' grefve, ' count ;' Herr, ' Mr. j' Lojtnant, ' lieu- tenant;' nor with any feminine titles; as, drottning, 'queen;' FrM,'Mrs.;' Frozen, /wtJ^/nt/Miss;' 'Madam/etc. When Herr precedes another title, the latter takes the terminal article ; as, har Herr grefven varit i London ? ' have you been in London, count ? When a title or professional designation precedes the name of the person addressed, the former has the final article ; as, Docenten AlmqvisL 88 SWEDISH GRAMMAR. The article is omitted when the noun is preceded and governed by a genitive ; as, iqvnnaus pligt ar ait dlska sina barn, ' a woman's duty (the duty of a woman) is to love her children/ The affix-article is not used when the noun is preceded by a relative or interrogative pronoun ; as, hvillcen pojTce var det ? ' what boy was that ?' Swedish requires that the terminal article should be added to the noun, even when the latter is preceded by an adjective with the independent article, den, det, de, ' the ;' as, det behagede ej DEN lilla prinsess&n, ( this did not please the little princess.' This pleonastic method of construction is also met with when the noun is preceded by the demonstrative pronoun, den, det, de, 'that,' 'those;' as, den mann&n. skulle jag vllja lara Icanna, ' that man I should like to know.' In the older forms of the language the suffix-article was generally omitted in such modes of construction, as may be seen from certain familiar expressions still current ; as, i de dldsta tider, ' in the olden times.' The use of the definite article before a noun, where the latter is not qualified by an adjective, is regarded as a Germanism, and is of frequent occurrence in the Scriptures, which in many particulars reflect the German literary influences to which the earlier translators had been sub- jected; thus we find de Eomare, 'the Romans;' de Ko- losser, ' the Colossians,' instead of the more genuinely Northern construction ' Romarne,' ' Kolosserne' As a general rule it may be assumed that the terminal THE NOUN. 89 suffix-article should be used wherever the English ' the ' is required to define the noun ; as, Jordan tir rund, the earth is round; Sag du, herrame ? ' did you see the gentlemen ?' THE NOUN. The noun agrees in gender and number with its pre- dicate ; as, mdnen dr Mar, ' the moon is bright ;' hdstarne voro feta, men oxarne magra, ' the horses were fat, but the oxen were lean.' In simple sentences the subject noun precedes the verb ; as, jag ser flickan, ' I see the girl.' But it follows the verb : 1. In interrogatives ; as, hvarfor ligger inte barnet? ( why does not the child go to bed ?' 2. In secondary sentences ; as, ndr flickan har ndgot godt, sd delar hon alltid med sig at andra, ' when the girl has anything good, she always shares it with others/ 3. When some assertion made by, or in reference to, the subject precedes the latter ; as, del dr en ofversdtt- ning, SER JAG, ' it is a translation, I see.' 4. When the subject follows the adverbial part of the sentence; as, samma dag UPPLASTE HAN ofversdttningen, ' on the same day he read out the translation ;' forut HADE HAN Jidllit arbetet hemligt for dem, ' before that, he had kept the work a secret from them.' Elliptically the subject may be put into the accusative with an infini:ive ; as, han ANSAGS VARA en rik man, ' he was re- garded as a rich man;' jag sag henne komma, 'I saw her come.' The genitive may be expressed by the use, not merely 40 SWEDISH GRAMMAR. of the inflectional s, as qvinnans barn, ' the woman's child,' but also by numerous prepositions, as bland, till, af, efter, etc. ; as, son till qvinnan, ' the woman's son ;' hon dr enka efter en prest, 'she is a clergyman's widow;' trc af oss, ' three of us ;' den yngsta bland flickorna, ' the youngest of the girls ;' kdrleken till Gud, ' the love of God.' Where several nouns stand in apposition, the last only takes the genitive form ; as, kejsar Karl den Stores efter- kommande, ' the descendants of Charles the Great.' After words expressing quantity the genitive is not used, although implied, such words being merely put in appo- sition with the nouns which they govern ; as, en hop soldater, ' a number (of) soldiers ;' ett par handskar, ' a pair (of) gloves;' ett glas vin, 'a glass (of) wine.' The genitive is used after hos, ' at,' and in familiar parlance when a person's family or house is understood ; as, hon ar hos prestens, ' she is at the clergyman's / vi ha sett doktorns, ' we saw the doctor's (family).' In some cases the genitive is used directly before the noun by which it is governed ; as, en ARANS man, ( a man of honour ;' en sexton \w&flicka, 'a girl of sixteen.' The dative may be expressed simply by position ; as, Herren gaf BONDEN brefvet, 'the gentleman gave (to) the peasant the letter ;' arbetet dr oss nyttigt, ' work is good for us.' It may be expressed by at, ' at ;' for, ' for ; as, Sweden skrattade at sitt eget infall, ( the smith laughed at his own fancy ;' for hvem dr arbetet nyttigt ? ' for (or to) whom is THE NOUN. 41 labour good?' g if applet at honom, (or gif honom applet,) ' give him the apple.' The objective may be used with an infinitive, as in Latin, in the place of a subjective with its predicate ; as, Jag anser MIG UPPFYLLA. min skyldighet, 'I consider that I am doing my duty.' In regard to the five declensions of nouns adopted in modern Swedish, it may be well to draw attention to the following points : 1 . The First Declension includes all feminine nouns ending in a. Of these, some were masculines in the older forms of the language, and had in some of their cases the ter- mination u (o,) which is still met with ; as, ndrvaro, ' presence ;' frdnvaro, ' absence/ Some of these words may be used both with the present feminine and the older masculine termination ; as, dd ra or dder, ' vein/ 2. The Second Declension, which includes both masculines and feminines, has upwards of 600 of the former gender which are monosyllabic, and end in a consonant. Some have no plural ; as, grdt, ' weeping ;' Ml, ' cabbage/ Most words in sel are without the plural ; as, ka'nsel, ' sense,' 'perception;' trdngsel, 'crowd/ Moder and dotter, be- longing to this declension, change the radical vowel in the plural, as, modrar, 'mothers;' dottrar, 'daughters/ Here it may be remarked that many words belonging to the other declensions similarly make their plural in an Umlaut, or change of the radical vowel; as, bonde, pi. bonder, ' peasants ;' fader, pi. fader, ' fathers ;' broder, pi. broder , 'brothers/ etc. 42 SWEDISH GRAMMAR. 3. The Third Declension, which includes nouns of all genders, contains a large proportion of foreign words. The termination -er in the plural, which is its distinctive character, is unknown in genuine Swedish words of the neuter gender, and is due to German or Danish influences. 4. The Fourth Declension, to which belong only neuter nouns ending in a vowel, includes the neuter nouns of the older form of the language ending in a and other vowels, which early in the eighteenth century began to acquire the plural termination -n, which is now the characteristic distinction of this declension. 5. The Fifth Declension, which includes masculine and neuter nouns, remains unchanged in the plural, although there is a tendency among modern writers to add -er or -r to express the plural ; as, svarander instead of svarande, 1 defendants/ Many nouns vary in declension either from uncertainty of gender or from difference of meaning ; as, bolag, n. sing., bolag, m. pi., ' partnership/ Many nouns are of irregular declension ; as, sko, m., skor, pi., ' shoe ;' fot, m., f otter, pi., ' foot ;' oga, n., b'gon, pi., ' eye ;' b'ra, n., oron, pi., ' ear/ In these instances the apparent divergencies from the established rules are dependent on the declension originally followed by the word in the Old Northern. Similar traces of the ancient construction are to be found in certain words and expressions which retain the termination of the original genitive, as, among many others, in giftoman, ' guardian' (giver in marriage) ; THK NOUN. 43 Jcyrkogard, 'churchyard/ i formdgo of, 'in virtue of.' Thus, too, in the expression i lagom tid, 'in good time,' we have a survival of an old dative form. The tendency of the spoken language is to disregard the older grammatical distinction of masculine, feminine and neuter, and to comprehend the two former under one common gender. Thus in speaking of inanimate objects, and even of animals, it is usual to refer to them as den, ' this, that,' instead of han, 'he,' and hon, 'she/ Numerous divergencies between the written and the spoken language are observable in the tendency to lessen the number of declensions, by using the termination -er to mark the plural of many words for which grammatical rules demand a different ending. This is more especially the case in regard to neuters belonging to the fifth declen- sion, but a similar practice prevails in reference to the plural of feminines belonging to the first declension, in which the terminal -or is frequently changed to -er in the spoken language. Abstract nouns, or foreign words ending in an or en, do not take the affix-article ; as, bb'rjan, ' beginning/ 'the beginning/ examen, 'examination/ 'the examination/ AY hen an adjective is preceded by the independent article den, det, de, it may be used in the sense of a noun ; as, den flitige belonas, 'the diligent (man, or individual, understood) is rewarded ;' den femtonde dr snart inne, ' the fifteenth (of the month) will soon be here/ 44 SWEDISH GRAMMAR. ADJECTIVES. The masculine singular and plural termination -e is generally changed to -a for the sake of euphony in speak- ing. It should, however, be retained when the adjective is used as a noun, or when it follows the latter as a dis- tinctive cognomen, or is used as a vocative ; as, den gode, ' the good (man) / de vise, ' the wise (men) / Gusto/ Adolf den store, ' Gustavus Adolphus the Great ;' I ddle man ! f ye noble men ! ' Where the adjective is used to express a noun, it takes s in the genitive; as, de gamles son, ' the old people's son/ Some adjectives are defective or irregular in their mode of declension; as, grd, 'grey/ which may remain un- changed, or take an a in the plural ; as, grd ogon or grdsi dijon, ' grey eyes/ Smd, although the plural of liten, litet, ' little/ maybe used in the singular masculine and feminine in a collective sense ; as, smd fish, ' small fish / smdskoq, m., ' underwood/ As a noun or an adverb, smdtt is of common occurrence ; as, Jag har smdtt om tid, ' I am pinched for time ;' det regnar smdtt, ' it is (a small rain) drizzling/ Survivals of older forms are to be found in such ex- pressions as, till fullo, ' in full / pd Jjusan dag, ' in broad daylight/ Adjectives ending in a, e, se ; as, bra (abbr. of braf), ' fine / lika, ' like ;' ode, ' desert ; 'gangse, ' current/ do not admit of being declined. A similar rule applies to present participles and adverbs ADJECTIVES. 45 used in the sense of adjectives ; as, ett leende barn, ' a laughing child ;' inhyses hjon, ' a dependant/ ' a person living- free of cost in another person's house ;' inbordes krig, ' intestine war/ Certain superlatives are used only in prayer or invoca- tion, and in epistolary and official communications ; as, den aller Hogste, 'the Most High;' stormdktigst, 'most mighty;' allernddigst, ' most gracious ;' tropligtigst, 'most obedient ;' underddnigst, ' most humbly.' The comparative degree may be expressed by the help of the conjunction an, ' than ;' as, Adolf a'r dldrt an sin syster Maria, ' Adolphus is older than his sister Mary/ A comparison between two persons or things is not expressed with the comparative but the superlative; as, firilken of de tvanne qvinnarna ar yngztt 'which is the younger of the two women ? ' As in English, a certain definite preposition must follow the adjective, to give it the special meaning required ; as, ledsen vid, 'weary of;' glad ofver, *glad of;' kunnig i, 'conversant with.' The preposition may be omitted with some adjectives ; as, Albert ar mdktig det svenska sprdket, ' Albert is master (of) the Swedish language;' min Moder blef henne qvitf, ' my mother got rid (of) her.' 46 SWEDISH GRAMMAR. THE NUMERALS. (Rakneord.) The cardinal numbers (grundtal) are : 1. en, ett. 2. tvd (tu, tvdnne). 3. tre (trenne). 4. fyra. 5. fern. 6. sex. 7. sju. 8. dtta. 9. nio. 10. w. 1 1 . elfva. 12. fo[f. 14. fjorton. 15. femton. The cardinal numbers are indeclinable except , go, gick, gdtt. Ugga>> lie, lag. legat. qvada, >, sing, gvad, qvadit. se } see, sag, sett. sofva, sleep, *of* sofvit. tdlja, count, talde, talt. veta, know, visste, vetat. tit a, eat, at, atit. Compound verbs are either separable or inseparable; as, att tillhora, or att hora till, ' to belong to/ and att beklacje, ' to complain.' To the former class belong verbs composed of a preposition, adjective, or other independent part of speech; as, att genomborra, Ho bore through/ att f rigor a, 'to free/ while to the latter belong generally all verbs compounded of a particle and another verb ; as, att erkan- na, ' to acknowledge.' The first conjugation, which includes five-sixths of all the VERBS. 57 Swedish verbs, embraces nearly all weak verbs having a, o, u, or d as their radical vowel, followed by a consonant ; as, frdga, ' to ask/ To this conjugation belong also generally verbs compounded of particles, or having two or more syllables; as, afskeda, 'to dismiss/ arbeta, 'to labour/ To the second conjugation belong many verbs having a soft radical vowel, as e, i, y, d, or 6 ; as, leda, ' to lead ;' spilla, ' to spill ;' pryda, ' to adorn ;' svalla, ' to swell ;' foda, ' to give birth to/ The third conjugation, which now is without the final a in the infinitive, is of comparatively modern origin, that characteristic termination having been present in the Old Swedish; as, att 6oa, instead of &?, 'to dwell;' att troa, instead of tro, ' to believe/ The fourth, or strong mode of conjugation, which is the most ancient and most flexible of any, comprises five distinct classes of verbs; as, (1) verbs in which the imperf. indica- tive ends in short a ; (2) in long a ; (3) in o ; (4) in e ; (5) in o. As Imp. Indie. Past. Part. binda, to bind, band, bundit. gifva, to give, gaf, gifoit. tag a, to take, tog, iagit. skrifva, to write, skref, skrifvit. lilyfva, to cleave, klof, kliifvit. Some verbs may be declined according both to the first and the second form of conjugation; as, (att} dela, 'to share,' which may be written imperf. delude or delte, parti- ciple past del-dt or delt. 5H SWEDISH GRAMMAR. Other verbs vary between the other conjugations, as Imperfect. Supine. (aft) duffa, to be fit for, dugde or dog, dugat or dugf. ,, heta, to be called, hette or ket, hetat. lefva, to live, lefde or lefte, lefvat or left. There is a tendency in modern Swedish to transfer verbs of the fourth or strong form of conjugation to the first or second weak form. Similarly, modern usage tends to reject the harder radical vowels in favour of their softer derivatives, taking a for a, ci for u, etc.; while for the same considerations of euphony the j is frequently dropped, as in bod, originally bjod, imperf. indicative of bjuda, 'to bid;' song, originally sjong, imp. ind. of sjunga, f to sing.' Contractions are of frequent occurrence even among the best speakers and writers ; as, bli, ta, dra, gi, for blifva, taga, draga, gifva ; blir, tar, drar, for dlifver, tager, drager, gifver; and vi, de Hi, ta, dra, I blin, fan, dran, for vi, de blifva, taga, draga, I blifcen, tagen, dragen. The personal termination er is always dropped in gala, ' to crow ;' mala, ' to grind -' fara, befara, ( to go, travel \' skdra, ' to cut ;' stjala, ( to steal/ etc. ADVERBS. (Omstandighetsord.} The place of the adverb in Swedish is in many cases identical with that which it occupies in English ; as, den iinga flickan taler val, 'the young girl speaks well;' dagen derpd, gik han bort, ' the day after, he went away ;' gladjen drforbi, ' the pleasure is over ',' der du dr, der ml jag vara / ' where you are, there I will be ! ' ADVERBS. 59 The affirmative ja is used where no negative is involved, jo where the question is put in a negative form ; as, Far soldaten liar i gar ? ' Was the soldier here yesterday ? ' Ja, ' Yes/ Far icke soldaten der ? ' Was not the soldier there ? ' Jo, 'Yes/ The word/M gives a confirmative or more em- phatic significance to the sentence ; as, du varju der i gar ? 'you (surely) were there yesterday?' It is used in con- nection with comparative modes of expression, and may be rendered by ' the/ as, ju for ju hellere, ' the sooner the better/ The negative icke, ' not/ is a modification of the Old Northern gi which also appears in aldrig (aldrige), 'never/ This and ej, inte, 'not/ often follow the verb both in questions and affirmatives ; as, Sjunger ickefoglen ? ' Is not the bird singing?' Ldrkan sjunger icke, 'The lark is not singing/ Kdnner du inte igen doktorn har? 'Do you not know the doctor again ? ' Nej,jag kan inte erinra miff, ' No, I cannot remember (him)/ Certain adverbs, may be used in Swedish in the same attributive sense as in English ; as, endast Gvd dr alive" tande, ' only God is omniscient/ Others may be used with a preposition in the sense of a noun ; as, jag har ej sett honom P! LANGE, ' I have not seen him for a long time/ du liar fait nog of tarar, 'you have shed enough tears/ Some adverbs are used as relative or demonstrative pro- nouns; as, det tidehvarf HVARI Lnther framstod var en af de stora verldsJristoriska epoker, 'the age in which Luther appeared marked one of the great historical epochs of the 60 SWEDISH GRAMMAR. world/ HVAREST vinet gar in, der gar vettet ut, ' where wine enters in, sense goes out.' PREPOSITIONS. (Forord). A preposition in Swedish generally precedes directly the noun which it governs ; as, nu blifver det en star glddje pd garden och i hela huset, ' now there will be great joy on the estate, and in the house/ Some prepositions may follow the noun or pronoun ; as, det kan ske honom fb'rutan, ' that may happen without him ;' oss emellan sagdt, alskar jag henne icke, ' between ourselves, I do not care for her ;' ait gd om, ' to pass by ;' systeren gjorde det mig emot, ' my sister did it against my wishes ;' ni med, ' you and all.' Many prepositions govern the genitive in accordance with the Old Northern construction ; as, till lands, ' by land ' till bords, ' to (table) dinner/ This older form is also traceable in such expressions as, tillhanda, ' to hand;' i somras, Mast summer;' i sommar, 'this summer;' om sommaren, ' in the summer ;' i ho'stas, ' last autumn ;' i host, ' this autumn.' The correct use of the prepositions presents considerable difficulty in Swedish. Thus, for instance, in rendering the English ' of,' a number of different prepositions are needed in accordance with the special nature of the relations or conditions referred to ; as, herren i huset, ' the master of the house;' sldppen PA rocken, ' the train of the dress ;' ska- let TILL, ' the reason of;' enJcaman EFTER min syster, ' widower CONJUNCTIONS.' 61 of my sister / tjenaren HOS generalen, f the servant of the general / full MED, ' full of;' AF gammal familj, 'of an old family / en man AF snille, ' a man of genius/ Till still governs a genitive as in Old Swedish ; as, tillfots, ' on foot / but the Swedish prepositions generally govern the dative or the accusative. CONJUNCTIONS. (Bindeord.) The conjunction samt, ' with/ e also,' is frequently used in the place of ' and / as, Generalen Jcom med grefven samt presten,'ihe general came with the count and the clergyman. Ej heller, ( nor/ is used after a negative ; as, min fader vet det icke, ej heller min broder, f neither my father nor my brother knows it/ Ej, or icke blott, ' not only,' is used in combination with men, ' but/ or utan afven, ' but also/ ' but even / as, ej blott min fader, men min broder vet det, ( my brother knows it as well as my father / icke blott fadren, utan afven brodren trodde det, ' not only the father, but the brother even believed it/ Alt, 'that/ often requires to be preceded by an, 'than,' or for, ' for / as, barnet ar yngre AN ATT det kunna resa alle- na, ' the child is too young to be able to travel alone / lion var alt for mycket nedslagen, for ATT hon skulle gd i sall- skap, 'she was much too depressed to go into society/ Svensharne uppreste sig mot Kristian II. of DanmarJc, DERFOR ATT han var en tyrann, ' the Swedes rose against Christian II. of Denmark because he was a tyrant.' 6-J SWEDISH GRAMMAR. Sd sant som, hvar om icke, ' if not/ may be need in an elliptical sense; as, jag dr oskyldig, sd sant mi g Gnd hjelpe, ' I am innocent, so help me God.' Omjag vinner spe- let blir jag glad, HVAR OM ICKE, trostarjag mig, ' I shall be glad if I win the game, but if I do not, I shall console myself/ Sd is often used at the beginning of a secondary sentence, to connect it with the primary sentence ; as, nar min van kommer sd dr jag vdl till/reds, ' when my friend comes, I am well pleased / om vddret blir vackert, sd kommer min syster i a/ton, ' if the weather should be good, my sister will come this evening/ . Sdsow, ' as,' is often used in the sense of ' namely / as, frdn Ostindien erhdllas allahande kryddor, SASOM peppar kanel, etc., ' from the East Indies we obtain various spices, namely, pepper, cinnamon, ' etc. Ndmligen, ' namely/ is, on the other hand, used in the sense of ' for/ ' because / as, hans beteende dr oforklarligt ; han har NAMLIGEN alltid an- setts vara en hederlig man, ' his conduct is inexplicable because he has always been regarded as an honest man/ o Ty, may be similarly used ; as, Askan dr nyttig, ty hon rensar luften, ' thunder is of use because it clears the air/ Antingen eller are used in the sense of ( whether* 'or/ as, han har dnu ej bestdmt sig ANTINGEN han skall bli Id- kare ELLER jurist, 'he has not yet decided if he will be a doctor or a lawyer.' The elliptical expression vare sig, ' be it/ may be similarly employed ; as, VARE SIG rik, VARE SIG fattig, sd bor man njuta skydd aflagen, ' whether it be rich, or poor, all ought to enjoy the protection of the law.' The conversion of adverbs and prepositions into conjunc- CONJUNCTIONS. 63 tions, and the post-position of prepositions, of both of which we subjoin a few additional examples, constitute peculiar features of Swedish, specially worthy of attention owing to the light which they throw on the origin of various idiomatic expressions in English. Icke mannen, UTAN qvinnan forde ordet. It was the woman and not the man who spoke. Han sprang, ELLER snarareflog. He sprang, or rather flew. Han ar for dem hvad han fordom varit. He is the same to them as he formerly was. Han arfegare, AN ATT han skulle vaga forsolcet. He is too cowardly to make the attempt. Biist jag sprang, horde jag ett rop bakom mig. As I ran (as I best could) I heard a cry behind me. DET FORSTA han kommer hem, skall han Jcora Er pa dorren. As soon as he comes home, he will drive you out of doors. AN regnar det, AN skiner solen. It either rains, or the sun shines. Gossen tar jag vdrd OM. I will take charge of the boy. Oss EMELLAN sagdt, gjorde han mig EMOT. Between ourselves, he acted against me. Linne blef en furste i den vetenskap han egnade sig AT. Linnaeus was a prince in the science to which he devoted himself. 64 SWEDISH GRAMMAR. Han varfrislt TITOM ATT Tian haltade nagot. He was fresh and cool, although he had not stopped on the way. HURU lard Jian AN dr,forstar han icke detta. However learned he may be, he does not understand that. Luften dr icke varm, OAKTADT solen shiner. The air is not warm, although (notwithstanding that) the sun shines. Hon sag miq AN. She looked at me. HVAD AN ma intrdffa. Whatever (then) may happen. Dagen FOR AN han for. The day before (than) he started. At tage sig bra UT. To look well. Han tar rocken PA. He puts on his coat. Hvem tar ni mig FOR ? Who do you take me for ? Har tar vdgen AF. Here the road turns off. Dei dr indenting at tale O.M. It is not worth speaking of. CONJUNCTIONS. 65 BARA jag viste sanheten / It' I only knew the truth ! Man gor jramsteg DERIGENOM ATT man ar flitig. One makes progress by being- diligent. OLDER SWEDISH MODES OF INFLECTION. We give the following examples of the manner in which nouns, adjectives, pronouns and nouns were inflected in the Forn-Svenskan (Ancient Swedish), in order to show the leading characteristic differences between that earlier form of the language and Modern Swedish. As has already been noticed in the Introduction, the so- called Forn-Svenskan, which was spoken by Goths as well as Swedes, and which was almost identical with the Donsk Tunga (Danish Tongue), and Forn-Norskan (Ancient Norse) of the early Northmen, continued with slight modi- fications to be the spoken speech of the Swedish people till about the time of the Reformation. At that period, under Gustaf Vasa, the language passed to that middle stage of its development which is characterized as that of Gammal- Svenskan, or Old Swedish, in contradistinction to its latest and still existing phase Ny-Svenskan, or Modern Swedish. In Forn-Svenskan we have, therefore, the earliest intermediate link between the Swedish of our own times and the Old Northern, which was the common tongue of all the Scandinavian peoples before their separation into distinct nations as Swedes, Norwegians, and Danes. This remnant of ancient Scandinavian consequently possesses an p SWEDISH GRAMMAR. interest second only to that of its sister-form of speech the Icelandic, or Forn-Norskan of the ninth century, whose earliest literary remains are admitted to be the most per- fect representatives extant of the so-called Old Northern. And if Forn-Svenskan has comparatively little impor- tance from a merely literary point of view, a study of its grammatical structure, and of numerous survivals in the later forms of Swedish, will be found to throw considerable light on the process of development through which many English as well as Scandinavian words have passed, show- ing that notwithstanding their actual differences they have had one common origin. NOUNS. Strong mode of declension without the Article. Masculine. Sing.: N. brander, fire. G. brands D. brandi(e) A. brand Plur.: N. brandar G. branda D. brandum(om) A. branda Feminine. sak, thing. sakar saku(sak) sak sakar(ir, er) saka sakum(om) sakar With the Article. Sing.: N. brandrm(en) sakm(en) G. brandsins sa/tinnar Neuter. land, country. lands landi(e) land land landa landum(om) land. landit(et) landsins OLD SWEDISH. 67 Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. D. brandinum sakmni landirm A. brandin saJc'ma landit Plur. : N. brandamr(ni, ne) sakcma.T(na) landm(eri) G. brandanna. safcanna landaxma. D. brandumm sakumin landumin A. brandansi sakausa: landm. STRONG MODE OF DECLENSION or ADJECTIVES. Sing.: N. goiter, good. G. D. A. goftan Plur. : N. goftir G. goftra D. gooum A. gofta goftar Comparative, bcetri, bcetra ; Superlative, bcesti, bcesta. go% got goftrar go>s goftri go$u(. go^Sa got go^Sra goftra PERSONAL PRONOUNS. Sing.: N. ik(iak), I. -Sw, thou. han, he. hun (hon) ,sbe. G. min D. mer A, mik Plur.: N. vir, we. G. var D.&A. os %in Ser ir, ye. i^r hans hanum han hannar hcenni hana (hona}. 68 SWEDISH GRAMMAR. DEMONSTRATIVE PBONOCNS. Masc. Fern. Neut. Sing.N.sar (sa) 5W $at, 'that.' G. Kes "S(?*rrar Ses D. >eim Sew-ri y A. -Saw ($eir Sfl5r Saw, ' those/ G. iSeirra Seirra "SetVra D \)&%wi Seim 'Se^m A. iSa Sr -Sau Sing.N. ftem Kessi >etta, 'this/ G. >essa ftessar Sessa D. "Sesswm ^Sessi "Sesstt A. "Semia "Sessa ^ea Plur. N. ftessir Sessar iSessi, ' these.' G. "Sessa ftessa "Sessa D. "Sessztm ftessum 65SWW A. ewa ftessar 0n. The third demonstrative pronoun in Old Swedish hin, hin, hint, from which the modern definite and terminal affix-articles have been derived were declined like the posses- sive pronouns mm, ' my ;' "Sin, ' thy,^ &c. Masc. Fern. Sing. N. hin hin G. him hinnar D. hinum hinni A. hin hina Plur. N. hinir hinar G. hinna hinna D. hinum hinum A. Tuna Ainar Neut. i) /this/ 'that/ (hit) hin, ' these,' ' those/ hinna hinum hin OLD SWEDISH. 09 It will be observed that the modern Swedish demonstra- tive pronouns, den, denne, which appeared early in the language in their present form, have been directly derived from the older accusatives "Saw, %an, 'Senna. VERBS. Weak mode of Conjugation. Strong mode of Conjugation. Infinitive, Italia, 'to call/ brinna, ' to burn/ Pres. Part, kallandi brinnandi. Perf. Part, kallafter brunnin. The supine does not appear in the Old Swedish. Indicative. Present. Sing. 1, 2, 3 Pers. kallar brinder Plur. 1. kallum(om) brinnum(om) 2. kallin(en) brinnin(en) 3. kalla brinna. Imperfect. Sing. 1, 2, 3 Pers. kallafti 1, 3, Pers. bran 2 Pers. brant Plur. 1. kallaftum brunnum u. ,, 3. kallaftin kallaftu brunnin brunnu (o Imperative. Sing. 2nd Pers. Plur. 1. 2. Italia kallum kallin brin brinnum brinnin. A CATALOGUE OF IMPORTANT WORKS, PUBLISHED BY 57 AND 59 LUDGATE HILL. ABEL. LINGUISTIC ESSAYS. By Carl Abel. CONTENTS: Language as the Expres- sion of National Modes of Thought The Conception of Love in some Ancient and Modern Languages The English Verbs of Command The Discrimination of Synonyms Philological Methods The Connection between Dictionary and Gram- mar The Possibility of a Common Literary Language for the Slav Nations Coptic Intensification The Origin of Language The Order and Position of Words in the Latin Sentence. Post Svo, pp. xii. and 282, cloth. 1882. 9s. ABEL. SLAVIC AND LATIN. Ilchester Lectures on Comparative Lexicography. Delivered at the Taylor Institution, Oxford. By Carl Abel, Ph.D. Post Svo, pp. vi.-124, cloth. 1883. 5s. ABRAHAMS. A MANUAL OF SCRIPTURE HISTORY FOR USE IN JEWISH SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. By L. B. Abrahams, B.A. , Principal Assistant Master, Jews' Free School. With Map and Appendices. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 152, cloth. 1883. Is. 6d. AGASSIZ.- AN ESSAY ON CLASSIFICATION. By Louis Agassiz. 8vo, pp. vii. and 381, cloth. 1859. 12s. AHLWARDT. THE DIVANS OF THE Six ANCIENT ARABIC POETS, ENNABIGA, 'ANTAKA, THARAFA, ZUHAIR, 'ALQUAMA, and IMRUULQUAIS ; chiefly according to the MSS. of Paris, Gotha, and Leyden, and the Collection of their Fragments, with n List of the various Headings of the Text. Edited l>y W. Ahlwardt, Professor of Oriental Languages at the University of Greifswald. Demy Svo, pp. xxx. and 340, sewed. 1870. 12s. AHN. PRACTICAL GRAMMAR OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. By Dr. F. Aim. A New Edition. By Dr. Dawsou Turner, and Prof. F. L. Weiiimann. Crown Svo, pp. cxii. and 430, cloth. 1878. 3s. Gel. AHN.-^NEW, PRACTICAL, AND EASY METHOD OF LEARNING TIIE GERMAN LANQCAOB. By Dr. V. Aim. First and Second Course. Bound in 1 vol. 12mo, pp. 86 and 120, cloth. 1866. 3s. AHN. KEY to Ditto. 12mo, pp. 40, sewed. ScL AHN. MANUAL OF GERMAN AND ENGLISH CONVERSATIONS, or Vade Mecum for Eng- lish Travellers. 12mo. pp. x. and 137, cloth. 1875. Is. 6d. A 2 A Catalogue of Important Works, AHN. NEW, PRACTICAL, AND EASY METHOD OF LEARNING THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. By Dr. F. Aim. First Course and Second Course. 12mo, cloth. Each Is. 6d. The Two Courses in 1 vol. 12mo, pp. 114 and 170, cloth. 1865. 3s. AHN. NEW, PRACTICAL, AND EASY METHOD OF LEARNING THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. Third Course, containing a French Reader, with Notes and Vocabulary. By H. W. Ehrlich. 12mo, pp. viii. and 125, cloth. 1866. Is. 6d. AHN. MANUAL OF FRENCH AND ENGLISH CONVERSATIONS, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND TRAVELLERS. By Dr. F. Aim. 12mo, pp. viii. and 200, cloth. 1862. 2s. 6d. AHN. NEW, PRACTICAL, AND EASY METHOD OF LEARNING THE ITALIAN LANGUAGE, By Dr. F. Ahn. First and Second Course. 12mo, pp. 198, cloth. 1872. 3s. 6d. AHN. NEW, PRACTICAL, AND EASY METHOD OF LEARNING THE DUTCH LANGUAGE, being a complete Grammar, with Selections. By Dr. F. Ahn. 12mo, pp. viii. and 166, cloth. 1862. 3s. 6d. AHN. AHN'S COURSE. Latin Grammar for Beginners. By W. Ihue, Ph.D. 12mo, pp. vi. and 184, cloth. 1864. 3s. ALABASTER. THE WHEEL OF THE LAW: Buddhism illustrated from Siamese Sources by the Modern Buddhist, a Life of Buddha, and an Account of the Phra Bat. By Henry Alabaster, Esq., Interpreter of Her Majesty's Consulate-General in Siam. Demy 8vo. pp. Iviii. and 324, cloth. 1871. 14s. ALL THE PROPOSED POLITICAL, LKGAL, AND SOCIAL REFORMS IN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE AND OTHER MOHAMMEDAN STATES. By Moulavi Cheragh Ali, H.H. the Nizam's Civil Service. Demy 8vo, pp. liv. and 184, cloth. 1883. 8s. ALLAN-FRASER. CHRISTIANITY AND CHURCHISM. By Patrick Allan-Fraser. 21 (revised and enlarged) Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 52, cloth. 1884. Is. ALLEN. THE COLOUR SENSE. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Vol. X. ALLIBONE. A CRITICAL DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE AND BRITISH AND AMERICAN AUTHORS (LIVING AND DECEASED). From the Earliest Accounts to the latter half of the 19th century. Containing over 46,000 Articles (Authors), with 40 Indexes of subjects. By S. A. Allibone. In 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. 5, 8s. ALTHAUS. THE SPAS OF EUROPE. By Julius Althaus, M.D. Svo, pp. 516, cloth. 1862. 7s. 6d. AMATEUR MECHANIC'S WORKSHOP (Tnr.). A Treatise containing Plain and Concise Directions for the Manipulation of Wood and Metals ; including Casting, Forg- ing, Brazing, Soldering, and Carpentry. By the Author of "The Lathe and its Uses." Sixth Edition. Demy 8vo, pp. vi. and 148, with Two Full-Page Illus- trations, on toned paper and numerous Woodcuts, cloth. 1880. 6s. AMATEUR MECHANICAL SOCIETY. JOURNAL OF THE AMATEUR MECHANICAL SOCIETY. 8vo. Vol. i. pp. 344 cloth. 1871-72. 12s. Vol. ii. pp. vi. nnd 290, cloth. 1873-77. 12s. Vol. iii. pp. iv. and 240, cloth. 1878-79. 12s. 6d. AMERICAN ALMANAC AND TREASURY OF FACTS, STATISTICAL, FINANCIAL, AND POLITICAL. Edited by Ainsworth R. Spofford, Librarian of Congress. Crown Svo, cloth. Published yearly. 1878-1884. 7s. 6d. each. AMERY. NOTES ON FORESTRY. By C. F. Amery, Deputy Conservator N. W. Pro- vinces, India. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 120, cloth. 1875. 5s, AMBLRLEY. AN ANALYSIS OF RELIGIOUS BELIEF. By Viscount Amberley 2 vols. demy Svo, pp. xvi. and 496 and 512, cloth. 1876. 30s. AMDN3ST MACHINES. A Description of Various Mechanical Appliances used in the Manufacture of Wood, Metal, and other Substances. A Book for Koys, oppiovuly Illustrated. By the Author of "The Young Mechanic." Second Edition. Imperial 16mo, pp. viii. and 336, cloth. 1878. 7s. 6d. Published by Triibner & Co. 3 ANDERSON. PRACTICAL MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE. A Collection of Modern Letters of Business, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, and an Appendix, containing a Dictionary of Commercial Technicalities, pro forma Invoices, Ac- count Sales, Bills of Lading, and Bills of Exchange ; also an Explanation of the German Chain Rule. 24th Edition, revised and enlarged. By William Anderson. 12uio, pp. 288, cloth. 5s. ANDERSON and TUGMAN. MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE, containing a Collection of Commercial Letters in Portuguese and English, with their translation on opposite pages, for the use of Business Men and of Students in either of the Languages, treat- ing in modern style of the system of Business in the principal Commercial Cities of the World. Accompanied by pro forma Accounts, Sales, Invoices, Bills of Lading, Drafts, &c. With an Introduction and copious Notes. By William Anderson and James E. Tugman. 12mo, pp. xi. and 193, cloth. 1867. 6s. APEL. PROSE SPECIMENS FOR TRANSLATION INTO GERMAN, with copious Vocabularies nnd Explanations. By H. Apel. 12mo, pp. viii. and 246, cloth. 1862. 4s. 6d. APPLETON (Dr.) LIFE AND LITERARY RELICS. See English and Foreign Philoso- phical Library, Vol. XIII. ARAGO. LES AIUSTOCUATIES. A Comedy in Verse. By Etienne Arago. Edited, with English Notes and Notice on Etienne Arago, by the Rev. E. P. H. Brette, B.D., Head Master of the French School, Christ's Hospital, Examiner in the University of London. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 244, cloth. 1868. 4s. ARMITAGE. LECTURES ON PAINTING : Delivered to the Students of the Royal Academy. By Edward Armitage, R.A. Crown 8vo, pp. 256, with 29 Illustra- tions, cloth. 1883. 7s. 6d. ARNOLD. INDIAN IDYLLS. From the Sanskrit of the Maliabharata. By Edwin Arnold, C.S.I., &c. Crown 8vo, pp. xii. and 282, cloth. 1883. 7s. 6d. ARNOLD. PEARLS OF THE FAITH ; or, Islam's Rosary : being the Ninety-nine beau- tiful names of Allah. With Comments in Verse from various Oriental sources as made by an Indian Mussulman. By Edwin Arnold, M.A., C.S.I., &c. Third Edition" Crown 8vo, pp. xvi. and 320, cloth. 1884. 7s. 6d. ARNOLD. THE LIGHT OF ASIA; or, THE GREAT RENUNCIATION (Mauabhinish- kramana). Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama, Prince of India, and Founder of Buddhism (as told in verse by an Indian Buddhist). By Edwin Arnold, C.S.I., &c. Crown Svo, pp. xiii. and 238, limp parchment. 1884. 2s. 6d. Library Edition. 1883. 7s. 6d. ARNOLD. THE ILIAD AND ODYSSEY OF INDIA. By Edwin Arnold, M.A., F-.R.G.S., ic. , &c. Fcap. Svo, pp. 24, sewed. Is. ARNOLD. A SIMPLE TRAKSLITERAL GRAMMAR OP THE TURKISH LANGUAGE. Compiled from Various Sources. With Dialogues and Vocabulary. By Edwin Arnold, M.A., C.S.I., F.K.G.S. Post 8vo, pp. 80, cloth. 1877. 2s. Cd. ARNOLD. INDIAN POETRY. See Triibner's Oriental Series. ARTOM. SERMONS. By the Rev. V,. Artom, Chief Rabbi of the Spanish and Por- tuguese Congregations of England. First Series. Second Edition. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 314, cloth. 1876. 6s. ASHER ON THE STUDY OF MODERN LANGUAGES in general, and of the English Lan- guage in particular. An Essay. By David Asher, Ph.D. 12mo, pp. viii. and SCLcloth. 1859. 2a. ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. List of Publications on application. ASIATIC SOCIETY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIKTY OP GREAT BRITAIN AND I RELAKD. from the Commencement to 1863. First Series, complete in 20 Vols. Svo, with many Plates. 10, or in parts from 4s. to 6s. each. 4 A Catalogue of Important Works, ASIATIC SOCIETY. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. New Series. 8vo. Stitched in wrapper. 1864-84. Vol. I., 2 Parts, pp. iv. and 490, 16s. Vol. II., 2 Tarts, pj,. J'22. Its. Vol. III., 2 Parts, pp. 516, with Photograph, 22s. Vol. IV., 2 Parts, pp. 521, 16s. Vol. V., 2 Parts, pp. 463, with 10 full-page and folding Plates, 18s. 6d. Vol. \ I., Part 1, pp. 212. with 2 Plates and a Map, 8s. Vol. VI. Part 2, pp 272, with Plate and Hap, 8s. Vol. VII., Part 1, pp. 194, with a Pla'e, g s Vol. VII. Part ?, pp. 04 with 7 Plates and a Map, 8s. Vol. VI II., Part 1, pp. 156, with 3 Plates and a Plan, 8?. Vol. VIII., Part 2, pp. 152, bs. Vol. IX., Part 1, pp. 154, with a Plate, Ss. Vol. IX., Part 2, pp. 292, with 3 Plates, 10s. 6d. Vol. X., Part 1, pp. 1E6, with 2 Vol. XII., Part 3. pp. 10t>, 4s. Vol. XII., Part 4, j.p. x., 152., cxx , 16, 8s. Vol. XIII., Part 1, pp. 120, 5s. Vol. XIII., Part 2, pp. 170, with a J.ap, 8s. Vol. XIII., Part 3, pp. 178, with a Tal)le, 7s. 6d. Vol. XIII., Part 4, pp. 282, with a Plate and Table, 10s. 6d. Vol. XIV., Part 1, pp. 114, with a Table and 2 Plates, 5s. Vol. XIV., Part 2, pp. 164, with 1 Table, 7s. 6d. Vol. XIV., Parts, pp. 206, with 6 Plates, 8s. Vol. X!V., Part 4, pp. 492, with 1 Plate, 14s. VoL XV., Part 1, pp. 136, 6s. ; Part 2, pp. 158, with 3 Tables, 5s. : Part 3, pp. 192, Os. ; Tart 4, pp. 140, 5s. Vol. XVI., Part 1, pp. 138, with 2 Plates, 7s. Part 2, j>p. 184, with 1 Plate, 9s. Part, 3, July 1884, pp. . ASPLET. THE COMPLETE FRENCH COURSE. Part II. Containing all the Rules of French Syntax, &c., &c. By Georges C. Asplet, French Master, Frome. Fcap. 8vo, pp. xx. and 276, cloth. 1880. 2s. 6d. ASTON. A Short Grammar of the Japanese Spoken Language. By ~\Y. G Astoii, M.A. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 96, cloth. 1873. 12s. ASTON. A GRAMMAR OF THE JAPANESE WRITTEN* LANGUAGE. By W. G. Aston, M.A., Assistant Japanese Secretary H. B.M.'s Legation, Yedo, Japan. Second Edition. 8vo, pp. 306, cloth. 1877. 28s. ASTONISHED AT AMERICA. BEING CURSOKY DEDUCTIONS, , pp. xvi. and 112, parchment wrapper. 1880. BLAKEY. MEMOIRS OF DR. ROBERT BI.AKEY, Professor of Logic and Metaphysics, Queen's College, Belfast. Edited by the Rev. Henry Miller. Crown 8vo, pp. xii. and 252, cloth. 1879. 5s. BLEEK. REYNARD THE Fox IN SOUTH AFRICA; or, Hottentot Fables and Tales, chiefly Translated from Original Manuscripts in the Library of His Excellency Sir George Grey, K.C.B. By W. H. I. Bleek, Ph.D. Post 8vo, pp. xxvi. and 94, cloth. 1864. 3s. 6d. BLEEK. A BRIEF AC-COUNT OF BUSHMAN FOLK LORE, and other Texts. By W. H. I. Bleek. Ph.D. Folio, pp. 21, paper. 2s. 6d. BLUMHARDT. See CHARITABALI. BOEHMER. See VALDES, and SPANISH REFORMERS. BOJESEN. A GUIDK TO TIIK DANISH LANGUAGE. Designed for English Students. By Mrs. Maria Bojesen. 12mo, pp. 250, cloth. 1863. 5s. BOLIA, THE GERMAN C.M.IGRAPHIST : Copies for German Handwriting. By C. Bolia. Oblong 4to, sewed. Is. BOOLE. MESSAGE F PSYCHIC SriENCE TO MOTHERS AND NURSES. By Mary Boole. Crown 8vo, pp. xiv. and 266, cloth. 1883. 5s. BOY ENGINEERS. See under LUKIN. BOYD. NAC;.(NANDA ; or, the Joy of the Snake World. A Buddhist Drama in Five Acts. Translated into English Prose, with Explanatory Notes, from the Sanskrit of Sa-Harsha-Deva. By Palmer Boyd, B.A., Sanskrit Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. With an Introduction by Professor Cowell. Crown 8vo. PH xvi and 100, cloth. 1872. 4s. 6d. Published by Triibner & Co. BRADSHAW. B. BRADSHAW'S DICTIONARY OP BATHING PLACES AND CLIMATIC HKALTH RESORTS. Much Revised and Considerably Enlarged. With a Map in Eleven Colours. Second Edition. Small Crown 8vo, pp. Ixxviii. and 364, cloth. 1883. 2s. 6d. BRENTANO. Ox THE HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF GILDS, AND THE ORIGIN or TRADE-UNIONS. By Lnjo Brentano, of Aschaffenburg, Bavaria, Doctor Juris Utri usque et Philosophise. 1. The Origin of Gilds. 2. Religious (or Social) Gilds. 3. Town-Gilds or Gild-Merchants. 4. Craft-Gilds. 5. Trade-Unions. Svo, pp. xvi. and 136, cloth. 1870. 3s. 6d. BRETSCHNEIDER. EARLY EUROPEAN RESEARCHES INTO THE FLORA OF CHINA. By E. Bretschneider, M.D., Physician of the Russian Legation at Peking. Demy Svo, pp. iv. and 194, sewed. 1881. 7s. 6d. BRETSCHNEIDER. BOTAXICON SlNICUM. Notes on Chinese Botany, from Native ami Western Sources. By E. Bretschneider, M.D. Crown Svo, pp. 228, wrapper. 1882. 10s. 6d. BRETTE. FRENCH EXAMINATION PAPERS SET AT THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON FROM 1839 TO 1871. Arranged and edited by the Rev. P. H. Ernest Brette, B.D. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 278, cloth. 3s. 6d. ; interleaved, 4s. 6d. BRITISH MUSEUM. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH Mr.SEi'M, on application. BROWN. THE DERVISHES ; OR, ORIENTAL SPIRITUALISM. By John P. Brown, Secretary and Dragoman of the Legation of the United States of America at Con- stantinople. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 416, cloth, with 24 Illustrations. 1868. 14s. BROWN. SANSKRIT PROSODY AND NUMERICAL SYMBOLS EXPLAINED. By Charles Philip Brown, M.R.A.S.. Author of aTelugu Dictionary, Grammar, &c.. Professor of Telugu in the University of London. Svo, pp. viii. and 56, cloth. 1869. 3s. 6d. BROWNE. How TO USE THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE; being Elementary Instruction in Ophthalmoscopy. Arranged for the use of Students. By Edgar A. Browne, Sur- geon to the Liverpool Eye and Ear Infirmary, kc. Second Edition. Crown Svo, pp. xi. and 108, with 35 Figures, cloth. 1883. 3s. 6d. BROWNE. A BAXGALI PRIMER, in Roman Character. By J. F. Browne, B.C.S. Crown Svo, pp. 32, cloth. 1881. 2s. BROWNE. A HIXDI PRIMER IN ROMAN CHARACTER. By J. F. Browne, B.C.S. Crown Svo, pp. 36, cloth. 1882. 2s. 6d. BROWNE. Ax URIYA PRIMER IN ROMAN CHARACTER. By J. F. Browne, B.C.S. Crown Svo, pp. 32, cloth. 1882. 2s. 6d. BROWNING SOCIETY'S PAPERS. Demy Svo, wrappers. 1881-84. Part I., pp. 116. 10s. Bibliography of Robert Browning from 1833-81. Part II., pp. 142. 10s. Part III., pp. 168. 10s. Part IV., pp. 148. 10s. BROWNING'S POEMS, ILLUSTRATIONS TO. 4to, boards. Parts I. and II. 10s. each. BRUNNOW. See SCHEFFEL. BRUNTON. MAP OF JAPAN. See under JAPAN. BUDGE. HISTORY OF ESARHADDON. See Triibner's Oriental Series. BUNYAN. SCENES FROM THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. By. R. B. Rutter. 4to, pp. 142, boards, leather back. 1882. 5s. 10 A Catalogue of Important Works, BURGESS: ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF WESTERN INDIA : REPORT OF THE FIRST SEASON'S OPERATIONS IN THE. BELGAM AND KALADI DISTRICTS. January to May 1874. By James Burgess, F.R.G.S. With 56 Photographs and Lithographic Plates. Royal 4to, pp. viii. and 45 ; half bound. 1875. 2, 2s. REPORT ON THE ANTIQUITIES OF K!THIAWAD AND KACHH, being the result of the Second Season's Operations of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1874-75. By James Burgess, F.R.G.S. Royal 4to, pp. x. and 242, with 74 Plates; half bound. 1876. 3, 3s. REPORT ON THE ANTIQUITIES IN THE BIDAR AND Ar RANGABAD DISTRICTS, in the Territories of His Highness the Nizam of Haiderabad, being the result of the Third Season's Operations of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1875-76. By James Burgess, F.R.G.S., M.R.A.S., Archaeological Sur- veyor and Reporter to Government, Western India. Royal 4to, pp. viii. and 138, with 63 Photographic Plates ; half bound. 1S78. 2, 2s. REPORT ON THE BUDDHIST CAVE TEMPLES AND THEIR > INSCRIPTIONS; containing Views, Plans, Sections, and Elevation of Facades of Cave Temples ; Drawings of Architectural and Mythological Sculptures ; Facsimiles of Inscriptions, &c. ; with Descriptive and Explanatory 2Vols. 1SS3. 6. 6s. Text, and Translations of Insci-iptions, &c., &c. By James Burgess, LL.D., F.R.G.S., &c. Royal 4to, pp. x. and 140, with 86 Plates and Woodcuts : half -bound. REPORT ox ELURA CAVE TEMPLES, AND THE BRAHMAN i- CAL AND JAINA CAVES IN WESTERN INDIA. By James Burgess, LL.D., F.R.G.S., &c. Royal 4to, pp. viii. and 90, with 66 Plates and Woodcuts ; half-bound. BURMA. THE BRITISH BURMA GAZETTEER. Compiled by Major H. R. Spearman, under the direction of the Government of India. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 704 and 878, with 11 Photographs, cloth. 1880. 2, 10s. BURMA. HISTORY OF. See Triibner's Oriental Series, page 70. BURNE. SHROPSHIRE FOLK-LORE. A Sheaf of Gleanings. Edited by Charlotte S. Burne. from the Collections of Georgina F. Jackson. Part I. Demy 8vo, pp. xvi.-176, wrapper. 1883. 7s. 6d. BURNELL. ELEMENTS OF SOUTH INDIAN PALAEOGRAPHY, from the Fourth to the Seventeenth Century A.D., being an Introduction to the Study of South Indian Inscriptions and MSS. By A. C. Burnell. Second enlarged and improved Edition. 4to, pp. xiv. and 148, Map and 35 Plates, cloth. 1878. 2, 12s. 6d. BURNELL. A CLASSIFIED INDEX TO THE SANSKRIT MSS. IN THE PALACE AT TANJORE. Prepared for the Madras Government. By A. C. Burnell, Ph.D., &c., &c. 4to, stiff wrapper. Part I., pp. iv.-80, Vedic and Technical Literature. Part II., pp. iv.-80, Philosophy and Law. Part III., Drama, Epics, Puriinas, and Zantras ; Indices. 1879. 10s. each. BURNEY. THE BOYS' MANUAL OF SEAMANSHIP AND GUNNERY, compiled for the use of the Training-Ships of the Royal Navy. By Commander C. Burney, R.N., F.R.G.S., Superintendent of Greenwich Hospital School. Seventh Edition. Ap- proved by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to be used in the Training- ships of the Royal Navy. Crown 8vo, pp. xxii. and 352. with numerous Illus- trations, cloth. 1879. (is. BURNEY. THE YOUNG SEAMAN'S MANUAL AND RIGGER'S GUIDE. By Commander C. Burney, R.N., F.R.G.S. Sixth Edition. Revised and corrected. Approved by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Crown 8vo. pp. xxxviii. and 592, cloth. With 200 Illustrations and 16 Sheets of Signals. 1878. 7s. 6d. Published ly Trubner & Co. 11 BURTON. CAPTAIN RICHARD F. BURTON'S HANDBOOK FOR OVKRLAND KXPKLITIOHS ; being an English Edition of the "Prairie Traveller," a Handbook for Overland Expeditions. With Illustrations and Itineraries of the Principal Koutes between the Mississippi and the Pacific, and a Map. By Captain Randolph B. Marcy (now- General and Chief of the Staff, Army of the Potomac). Edited, with Notes, by Captain Richard F. Burton. Crown 8vo, pp. 270, numerous Woodcuts, Itinera- ries, and Map, cloth. 1863. 6s. 6d. BUTLER. EREWHON ; or, Over the Range. By Samuel Butler. Seventh Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. xii. and 244, cloth. 1884. 5s. BUTLER. THE FAIR HAVEN. A Work in Defence of the Miraculous Element in Our Lord's Ministry upon Earth, both as against Rationalistic Impugners and certain Orthodox Defenders. By the late John Pickard Owen. With a Memoir of the Author by William Bickersteth Owen. By Samuel Butler. Second Edi- tion. Demy 8vo, pp. x. and 248, cloth. 1873. 7s. 6d. BUTLER. LIFE AND HABIT. By Samuel Butler. Second Edition. Crown Svo, pp. x. and 308, cloth. 1878. 7s. 6d. BUTLER. EVOLUTION, OLD AND NEW ; or, The Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, and Lamarck, as compared witli that of Mr. Charles Darwin. By Samuel Butler. Second Edition, with an Appendix and Index. Crown 8vo, pp. xii. and 430, cloth. 1882. 10s. 6d. BUTLER. UNCONSCIOUS MEMORY : A Comparison between the Theory of Dr. Ewald Hering. Professor of Physiology at the University of Pi-ague, and the " Philosophy of the Unconscious " of Dr. Edward von Hartmann. With Translations from these Authors, and Preliminary Chapters bearing on "Life and Habit," "Evolution, New and Old," and Mr. Charles Darwin's edition of Dr. Krause's "Erasmus Darwin.'' By Samuel Butler. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 288, cloth. 1880. 7s. 6d. BUTLER. ALPS AND SANCTUARIES OF PIEDMONT AND THE CANTON TICINO. Pro- fusely Illustrated by Charles Gogin, H. F. Jones, and the Author. By Samuel Butler. Foolscap 4to, pp. viii. and 376, cloth. 1882. 21s. BUTLER. SELECTIONS FROM HIS PREVIOUS WORKS, with Remarks on Mr. G. J. Romanes' recent work, "Mental Evolution in Animals," and "A Psalm of Montreal." By Samuel Butler. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. ai.d 326, cloth. 1884. 7s. 6d. BUTLER. THE SPANISH TEACHER AND COLLOQUIAL PHRASE-BOOK. An Easy and Agreeable Method of acquiring a Speaking Knowledge of the Spanish Language. By Francis Butler. Fcap. 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Svo, pp. 4'J2, cloth. 1^79. 10s. Cd. CALDWELL. A COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR OF THE DRAVIDIAN OR SOUTH INDIAN FAMILY OF LANGUAGES. By the Rev. R. Caldwell, LL.D. A second, corrected, and enlarged Edition. Demy 8vo. pp. 804, cloth. 1875. 28s. CALENDARS OF STATE PAPERS. List on application. 12 A Catalogue of Important Works, CALL. REVERBERATIONS. Revised. "With a chapter from My Autobiography. By W. M. W. Call, M.A., Cambridge, Author of "Lyra Hellenica" and " Golden Histories." Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 200, cloth. 1875. 4s. 6d. CALLAWAY. NURSERY TALES, TRADITIONS, AND HISTORIES OF THE ZULUS. In their own \vords, with a Translation into English, and Notes. By the Rev. Canon Callaway, M.D. Vol. I., 8vo, pp. xiv. and 378, cloth. 1868. 16s. CALLAWAY. THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE AMAZULU. Part I. Unkulunkulu ; or, The Tradition of Creation as existing among the Aniazulu and other Tribes of South Africa, in their own words, with a Transla- tion into English, and Notes. By the Rev. Canon Callaway, M.D. 8vo, pp. 128, sewed. 1868. 4s. Part II. Amatongo; or, Ancestor-Worship as existing among the Amazulu, in their own words, with a Translation into English, and Notes. By the Rev. Canon Callaway. M.D. 8vo, pp. 127, sewed. 1869. 4s. Part III. Izinyanga Zokubula ; or, Divination, as existing among the Amazulu, in their own words, with a Translation into English, and Notes. By the Rev. Canon Callaway, M.D. 8vo, pp. 150, sewed. 1870. 4s. Part IV. On Medical Magic and Witchcraft. Svo, pp. 40, sewed, Is. 6d. CAMBRIDGE PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY (TRANSACTIONS). Vol. I., from 1872-1880. 8vo, pp. xvi.-420, wrapper. 1881. 15s. Vol. II., for 1881 and 1882. 8vo, pp. viii.-2S6. wrapper. 1883. 12s. CAMERINI. L'Eco ITALIANO ; a Practical Guide to Italian Conversation. By E. Camerini. With a Vocabulary. 12mo, pp. 98, cloth. 1860. 4s. 6d. CAMPBELL. THE GOSPEL OF THE WORLD'S DIVINE ORDER. By Douglas Camp- bell. New Edition. Revised. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 354, cloth. 1877. 4s. 6d. CANDID EXAMINATION OF THEISM. By Physicus. Post 8vo, pp. xviii. and 198, cloth. 1878. 7s. 6d. CANTICUM CANTICORUM, reproduced in facsimile, from the Scriverius copy in the British Museum. With an Historical and Bibliographical Introduction by I. Ph. Berjeau. Folio, pp. 36, with 16 Tables of Illustrations, vellum. 1860. 2, 2s. CAREY. THE PAST, THE PRESENT, AND THE FUTURE. By H. C. Carey. Second Edition. 8vo, pp. 474, cloth. 1856. 10s. 6d. CARLZTTI. HISTORY OF THE CONQUEST OF TUNIS. Translated by J. T. Carletti. (Jrown 8vo, pp. 40, cloth. 1883. 2s. 6d. CARNEGY. NOTES ON THE LAND TENURES AND REVENUE ASSESSMENTS OF UPPER INDIA. By P. Carnegy. Crown 8vo, pp. viii and 136, and forms, cloth. 1874. 6s. CATHERINE II., MEMOIRS OF THE EMPRESS. Written by herself. With a Preface by A. Herzen. Trans, from the French. 12mo, pp. xvi. and 352, bds. 1859. 7s. (><1. CATLIN. O-KEE-PA. A Religious Ceremony ; and other Customs of the Mandans. By George Catlin. With 13 coloured Illustrations. Small 4to, pp. vi. and 52, cloth. 1867. 14s. CATLIN. THE LIFTED AND SUBSIDED ROCKS OF AMERICA, with their InOuence on the Oceanic, Atmospheric, and Land Currents, and the Distribution of Races. By George Catlin. With 2 Maps. Cr. Svo, pp. xii. and 233, cloth 1870. 6s. 6d. CATLIN. SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND SAVE YOUR LIFE. By George Catlin, Author of " Notes of Travels amongst the North American Indians," &c. , . ^ .'!. 16 A Catalogue of Important Works, COWELL. PRAKRITA-PRAKASA; or, The Prakrit Grammar of VararucLi, with the Commentary (Manorama) of Bhamaha ; the first complete Edition of the Original Text, with various Readings from a collection of Six MSS. in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, and the Libraries of the Eoyal Asiatic Society and the East India House ; with Copious Notes, an English Translation, and Index of Prakrit Words, to which is prefixed an Easy Introduction to Prakrit Grammar. By Edward Byles Cowell, of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, Professor of Sanskrit at Cambridge. New Edition, with New Preface, Additions, and Corrections. Second Issue. 8vo, pp. xxxi. and 204, cloth. 1868. 14s. COWELL. THE SARVADARSANA SAMGRAHA. See Triibners Oriental Series. COWLEY. POEMS. By Percy Tunnicliff Cowley. Demy 8vo, pp. 104, cloth. 1881. 5s. CRAIG. THE IRISH LAND LABOUR QUESTION, Illustrated in the History of Eala- hine and Co-operative Farming. By E. T. Craig. Crown 8vo, pp. xii. and 202, cloth. 1S82. 2s. 6d. Wrappers, 2s. CRANBROOK. CREDIBILIA ; or, Discourses on Questions of Christian Faith. By the Rev. James Cranbrook, Edinburgh. Reissue. Post 8vo, pp. iv. and 190, cloth. 1868. 3s. 6d. CRANBROOK. THE FOUNDERS OF CHRISTIANITY; or, Discourses upon the Origin of the Christian Religion. By the Rev. James Cranbrook, Edinburgh. Post 8vo, pp. xii. and 324. 1868. 6s. CRAVEN. THE POPULAR DICTIONARY IN ENGLISH AND HINDUSTANI, AND HINDU- STANI AND ENGLISH. With a Number of Useful Tables. Compiled by the Rev. T. Craven, M.A. 18mo, pp. 430, cloth. 1881. 3s. 6d. CRAWFORD. RECOLLECTIONS OF TRAVEL IN NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA. By James Coutts Crawford, F.G.S., Resident Magistrate, Wellington, &c.,<\:c. With Maps and Illustrations. 8vo, pp. xvi. and 468, cloth. 1880. 18s. CROSLAND. APPARITIONS ; An Essay explanatory of Old Facts and a New Theory. To which are added Sketches and Adventures. By Newton Crosland. Crown 8vo r pp. viii. and 166, cloth. 1873. 2s. 6d. CROSLAND. PITH : ESSAYS AND SKETCHES GRAVE AND GAY, with some Verses and Illustrations. By Newton Crosland. Crown 8vo, pp. 310, cloth. 1881. 5s. CROSLAND. THE NEW PRINCIPIA ; or, The Astronomy of the Future. An Essay Explanatory of a Rational System of the Universe. By N. Crosland, Author of " Pith," &c. Foolscap 8vo, pp. 88, cloth limp elegant, gilt edges. 1884. 2s. 6d. CROSS. HESPERIDES. The Occupations, Relaxations, and Aspirations of a Life. By Launcelot Cross, Author of " Characteristics of Leigh Hunt," " Brandon Tower," " Business," &c. Demy 8vo, pp. iv.-486, cloth. 1883. 10?. 6d. CUMMINS. A GRAMMAR OF THE OLD FRIESIC LANGUAGE. By A. H. Cummins, A.M. Crown 8vo, pp. x. and 76, cloth. 1881. 3s. 6d. CUNNINGHAM. THE ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA. I. The Buddhist Period, including the Campaigns of Alexander and the Travels of Hwen-Thsang. By Alexander Cunningham, Major-General, Royal Engineers (Bengal Retired). With 13 Maps. 8vo, pp. xx. and 590, cloth. 1870. 1, 8s. CUNNINGHAM. THE STUPA OF BHARHUT : A Buddhist Monument ornamented with numerous Sculptures illustrative of Buddhist Legend and History in the Third Century B.C. By Alexander Cunningham, C.S.I., C.I.E., Maj.-Gen., R.E. (B.R.), Dir.-Gen. Archseol. Survey of India. Royal 8vo, pp. viii. and 144, with 57 Plates, cloth. 1879. 3, 3s. CUNNINGHAM. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA, Reports from 1862-80. By A. Cunningham, C.S.I., C.I.E., Major-General, R.E. (Bengal Retired), Director- General, Archzeological Survey of India. With numerous Plates, cloth, Vols. I.- XI. 10s. each. (Except Vols. VII., VIII., and IX., and also Vols. 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Third Edition, revised. Over 800 Wood- cuts and 1 Coloured Plate. 8vo, pp. viii. and 486, cloth. 1879. 18s. DANA. MANUAL OF MINERALOGY AND LITHOLOGY ; Containing the Elements of the Science of Minerals and Rocks, for the Use of the Practical Mineralogist and Geologist, and for Instruction in Schools and Colleges. By J. D. Dana. Fourth Edition, rearranged and rewritten. Illustrated by numerous Woodcuts. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 474, cloth. 1882. 7s. 6d. DATES AND DATA RELATING TO RELIGIOUS ANTHROPOLOGY AND BIBLICAL ARCHE- OLOGY. (Primaeval Period.) 8vo, pp. viii. and 106, cloth. 1876. 5s. DAUDET. LETTERS FROM MY MILL. From the French of Alphonse Daudet, by Mary Corey. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 160. 1880. Cloth, 3s.; boards, 2s. DAVIDS. BUDDHIST BIRTH STORIES. See Trubner's Oriental Series. DAVIES. HINDU PHILOSOPHY. 2 vols. See Trubner's Oriental Series. DAVIS. NARRATIVE OF THE XORTH POLAR EXPEDITION, U.S. SHIP Polaris, Cap- tain Charles Francis Hall Commanding. Edited under the direction of the Hon. G. M. Robeson, Secretary of the Navy, by Rear-Admiral C. H. Davis, U.S.N. Third Edition. With numerous Steel and Wood Engravings, Photolithographs, and Maps. 4to, pp. 696, cloth. 1881. 1, 8s. DAY. THE PREHISTORIC USE OF IRON AND STEEL ; with Observations on certain matter ancillary thereto. By St. John V. Day, C.E., F.R.S.E., &c. 8vo, pp. xxiv. and 278, cloth. 1877. 12s. DE FLANDRE. MONOGRAMS OF THREE OR MORE LETTERS, DESIGNED AND DRAWN ON STONE. By C. De Flandre, F.S.A. Scot., Edinburgh. With Indices, showing the place and "style or period of every Monogram, aud of each individual Letter. 4to, 42 Plates, cloth. 1880. Large paper, 7, 7s. ; small paper, 3, 3s. DELBRUCK. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE : A Critical Survey of the History and Methods of Comparative Philology of the Indo-European Languages. By B. Delbrikk. Authorised Translation, with a Preface by the Author. 8vo, pp. 156, cloth. 1682. 5s. Sewed, 4s. B 18 A Catalogue of Important Works, DELEPIERRE. HISTOIRE LiTTERAlRE DBS Fous. Par Octave Delepierre. Crown 8vo, pp. 184, cloth. 1860. 5s. DELEPIERRE. MACARONEANA ANDRA ; overum Nouveaux Melanges de Litterature Macaronique. Par Octave Delepierre. Small 4to, pp. 180, printed by Whitting- bam, and handsomely bound in the Roxburghe style. 1862. 10s. Gd. DELEPIERRE. ANALYSE DBS TRAVAUX DE LA SOCIETE DBS PHILOBIBLON DE LON- DKES. Par Octave Delepierre. Small 4to, pp. viii. and 134, bound in the Rox- burghe style. 1862. 10s. 6d. DELEPIERRE. REVUE ANALYTIQUE DBS OUVRAGES ECRITS EN CENTONS, depuis les Temps Anciens, jusqu'au xix 1 * 11115 Siecle. Par un Bibliophile Beige. Small 4to, pp. 508, stiff covers. 1868. 1, 10s. DELEPIERRE. TABLEAU DE LA LITTERATURE DU CENTON, CHEZ LES ANCIENS ET CHEZ LES MODERNES. Par Octave Delepierre. 2 vols, small 4to, pp. 324 and 318. Paper cover. 1875. 1, Is. DELEPIERRE. L'ENFER : Essai Philosophique et Historique sur les Legendes de la Vie Future. 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Description of Early Prints and Playing Cards, the Block-Books of the Fifteenth Century, the Legend of Lourens Janszoon Coster of Haarlem, and the Works of John Gutenberg and his Associates. Illustrated with Fac-similes of Early Types and "Woodcuts. By Theo. L. De Vinne. Second Edition. In royal 8vo, elegantly printed, and bound in cloth, with embossed portraits, and a multitude of Fac- similes and Illustrations. 1877. 1, Is. DICKSON. WHO WAS SCOTLAND'S FIRST PRINTER? Ane Compendious and breue Tractate, in Commendation of Andrew Myllar. Compylit be Robert Dickson, F.S.A. Scot. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 24, parchment wrapper. 1881. Is. DOBSON. MONOGRAPH OF THE ASIATIC CHIROPTERA, and Catalogue of the Species of Bats in the Collection of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. By G. E, Dobson, M.A., M.B., F.L.S., &c. 8vo, pp. viii. and 228, cloth. 1876. 12s. D'ORSEY. A PRACTICAL GRAMMAR OF PORTUGUESE AND ENGLISH, exhibiting in a Series of Exercises, in Double Translation, the Idiomatic Structure of both Lan- guages, as now written and spoken. Adapted to Ollendorff's System by the Rev. Alexander J. D. D'Orsey, of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and Lecturer on Public Reading and Speaking at King's College, London. Third Edition. 12mo, pp. viii. and 298, cloth. 1868. 7s. DOUGLAS. CHINESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY OF THE VERNACULAR OR SPOKEN LAN- GUAGE OF AMOY, with the principal variations of the Chang-Chew and Chin- Chew Dialects. By the Rev. Carstairs Douglas, M.A., LL.D., Glasg., Missionary of the Presbyterian Church in England. High quarto, double columns, pp. 632, cloth. 1873. 3, 3s. DOUGLAS. CHINESE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Two Lectures delivered at the lloyal Institution, by R. K. Douglas, of the British Museum, and Professor of Chinese at King's College. Crown 8vo, pp. 118, cloth. 1875. 5s. Published by Trubner & Co. 19 DOUGLAS. THE LIFE OP JENGHIZ KHAN. Translated from the Chinese. With an Introduction. By Robert K. Douglas, of the British Museum, and Professor of Chinese at King's College. Crown 8vo, pp. xxxvi. and 106, cloth. 1877. 5s. DOUSE. GRIMM'S LAW. A Study ; or, Hints towards an Explanation of the so- called " Lautverschiebung ;" to which are added some Remarks on the Primitive Indo-European K, and several Appendices. By T. Le Marchant Douse. 8vo, pp. xvi. and 232, cloth. 1876. 10s. 6d. DO WSON. DICTIONARY OF HINDU MYTHOLOGY, &c. See Trubner's Oriental Series. DO WSON. A GRAMMAR OF THE URDU OR HINDUSTAN! LANGUAGE. By John Dow- son, M. R. A. S., Professor of Hindustani, Staff College, Sandhurst. Crown 8 vo, pp. xvi. and 264, with 8 Plates, cloth. 1872. 10s. 6d. DOWSON. A HINDUSTANI EXERCISE BOOK; containing a Series of Passages and Extracts adapted for Translation into Hindustani. By John Dowson, M.R.A.S., Professor of Hindustani, Staff College, Sandhurst. Crown 8vo, pp. 100, limp cloth. 1872. 2s. 6d. DUNCAN. GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA, comprising a Descriptive Outline of all India, and a Detailed Geographical, Commercial, Social, and Political Account of each of its Provinces. With Historical Notes. By George Duncan. Tenth Edition (Revised and Corrected to date from the latest Official Information). 18mo, pp. viii. and 182, limp cloth. 1880. Is. 6d. DUSAB. A GRAMMAR OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE ; with Exercises. By P. Friedrich Dusar, First German Master in the Military Department of Cheltenham College. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 208, cloth. 1879. 4s. 6d. DUSAR. A GRAMMATICAL COURSE OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. By P. Friedrich Dusar. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. x. and 134, cloth. 1883. 3s. 6d. DYMOCK. THE VEGETABLE MATERIA MEDICA OF WESTERN INDIA. By W. Dymock, Surgeon-Major Bombay Army, &c. &c. To be completed in four parts. 8vo, Part I., pp. 160; Part II., pp. 168; wrappers, 4s. each. EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY. Subscription, one guinea per annum. Extra Series. Subscriptions Small paper, one guinea ; large paper, two guineas, per annum. List of publications on application. EASTWICK. KHIRAD AFROZ (the Illuminator of the Understanding). By Maulavi Hafizu'd-din. A New Edition of the Hindustani Text, carefully revised, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory. By Edward B. Eastwick, F.R.S., F.S.A., M.R.A.S., Professor of Hindustani at Haileybury College. Imperial 8vo, pp. xiv. and 319. cloth. Reissue, 1867. 18s. EASTWICK. THE GULISTAN. See Trubner's Oriental Series. EBERS. THE EMPEROR. ,A Romance. By Georg Ebers. Translated from the German by Clara Bell. In two volumes, 16mo, pp. iv. 319 and 322, cloth. 1881. 7s. Gd. EBERS. A QUESTION : The Idyl of a Picture by his friend, Alma Tadema. Related by Georg Ebers. From the German, by Mary J. SAFFORD. IGmo, pp. 125, with Frontispiece, cloth. 1881. 4s. ECHO (DEUTSCHES). THE GERMAN ECHO. A Faithful Mirror of German Conver- sation. By Ludwig Wolfram. With a Vocabulary. By Henry P. Skelton. Post Svo, pp. 130 and 70, cloth. 1863. 3s. ECHO FRANfAIS. A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO CONVERSATION. By Fr. de la Fruston. With a complete Vocabulary. By Anthony Maw Border. Post Svo, pp. 120 and 72, cloth. 1860. 3s. ECO ITALIANO (L'). A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ITALIAN CONVERSATION. By Eugene Cair.eiini. With a complete Vocabulary. By Henry P. Skelton. Post Svo, pp. vi., 128, and 98, cloth. 1860. 4s. 6d. 20 A Catalogue of Important Works, ECO DE MADRID. THE ECHO OF MADRID. A Practical Guide to Spanish Con- versation. By J. E. Hartzenbusch and Henry Lemming. With a complete Vocabulary, containing copious Explanatory Remarks. By Henry Lemming. Post 8vo, pp. xii., 144, and 83, cloth. 1860. 5s. ECKSTEIN. PRUSIAS : A Romance of Ancient Rome under the Republic. By Ernst Eckstein. From the German by Clara Bell. Two vols., 16mo, pp. 356 and 336, cloth. 1884. 7s. 6cl. ; paper, 5s. EDDA S/EMUNDAR HlNNS FfiODA. The Edda of Ssemund the Learned. Translated from the Old Norse, by Benjamin Thorpe. Complete in 1 vol. fcap. Svo, pp. viii. and 152, and pp. viii. and 170, cloth. 1866. 7s. 6d. EDEINS. CHINA'S PLACE IN PHILOLOGY. An attempt to show that the Languages of Europe and Asia have a common origin. By the Rev. Joseph Edkins. Crown Svo, pp. xxiii. and 403, cloth. 1871. 10s. 6d. EDEINS. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE CHINESE CHARACTERS. By J. Edkins, D.D., Peking, China. Royal Svo, pp. 340, paper boards. 1876. 18s. EDEINS. RELIGION IN CHINA. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Vol. VIII., or Trubner's Oriental Series. EDEINS. CHINESE BUDDHISM. See Triibner's Oriental Series. EDWARDS. MEMOIRS OF LIBRARIES, together with a Practical Handbook of Library Economy. By Edward Edwards. Numerous Illustrations. 2 vols. royal Svo, cloth. Vol. i. pp. xxviii. and 841 ; Vol. ii. pp. xxxvi. and 1104. 1859. 2, 8s. DITTO, large paper, imperial Svo, cloth. 4, 4s. EDWARDS. CHAPTERS OF THE BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF THE FRENCH ACADEMY. 1629-1863. With an Appendix relating to the Unpublished Chronicle " Liber de Hyda." By Edward Edwards. Svo, pp. 180, cloth. 1864. 6s. DITTO, large paper, royal Svo. 10s. 6d. EDWARDS. LIBRARIES AND FOUNDERS OF LIBRARIES. By Edward Edwards. Svo. pp. xix. and 506, cloth. 1865. 18s. DITTO, large paper, imperial Svo, cloth. 1, 10s. EDWARDS. FREE TOWN LIBRARIES, their Formation, Management, and History in Britain, France, Germany, and America. Together with Brief Notices of Book Collectors, and of the respective Places of Deposit of their Surviving Collections. By Edward Edwards. Svo, pp. xvi. and 634, cloth. 1869. 21s. EDWARDS. LIVES OF THE FOUNDERS OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM, with Notices of its Chief Augmentors and other Benefactors. 1570-1870. By Edward Edwards. With Illustrations and Plans. 2 vols. Svo, pp. xii. and 780, cloth. 1870. 30s. EDWARDES. See ENGLISH AND FOREIGN PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY, Vol. XVII. EGER AND GRIME. An Early English Romance. Edited from Bishop Percy's Folio Manuscripts, about 1650 A. D. By John W. Hales, M.A., Fellow and late Assistant Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge, and Frederick J. Furnivall, M.A., of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. 4to, large paper, half bound, Roxburghe style, pp. 64. 1867. 10s. 6d. EGERTON. SUSSEX FOLK AND SUSSEX WAYS. Stray Studies in the Wealden For- mation of Human Nature. By the Rev. J. Coker Egerton, M. A., Rector of Bur- wash. Crown Svo, pp. 140, cloth. 1884. 2s. EGGELING. See AUCTORES SANSKRITI, Vols. IV. and V. EGYPTIAN GENERAL STAFF PUBLICATIONS : PROVINCES OF THE EQUATOR: Summary of Letters and Reports of the Governor- General. Part 1. 1874. Royal 8vo, pp. viii. and 90, stitched, with Map. 1877. 5s. GENERAL REPORT ON THE PROVINCE OF KOHDOFAN. Submitted to General C. P. Stone, Chief of the General Staff Egyptian Army. By Major H. G. Prout, Corps of Engineers, Commanding Expedition of Reconnaissance. Made at El- Obeiyad (Kordofan), March 12th, 1876. Royal Svo, pp. 232, stitched, with. 6 Maps. 1877. 10s. 6d. Published by Trubner & Co. 21 EGYPTIAN GENERAL STAFF PUBLICATIONS continued, REPORT ON THE SEIZURE BY THE ABYSSINIANS of the Geological and Mineralo- gieal Reconnaissance Expedition attached to the General Staff of the Egyptian Army. By L. H. Mitchell, Chief of the Expedition. Containing an Account of the subsequent Treatment of the Prisoners and Final Release of the Com- mander. Royal 8vo, pp. xii. and 126, stitched, with a Map. 1878. 7s. 6d. EGYPTIAN CALENDAR for the year 1295 A.H. (1878 A.n.) : Corresponding with the years 1594, 1595 of the Koptic Era. 8vo, pp. 98, sewed. 1878. 2s. 6d. EHRLICH. FRENCH READER : With Notes and Vocabulary. By H. W. Ehrlich. 12mo, pp. viii. and 125, limp cloth. 1877. Is. 6d. EITEL. BUDDHISM : Its Historical, Theoretical, and Popular Aspects. In Three Lectures. By E. J. Eitel, M.A., Ph.D. Second Edition. Demy 8vo, pp. 130. 1873. 5s. EITEL. FENG-SHUI ; or, The Rudiments of Natural Science in China. By E. J. Eitel, M.A., Ph.D. Royal 8vo, pp. vi. and 84, sewed. 1873. 6s. EITEL. HANDBOOK FOR THE STUDENT OF CHINESE BUDDHISM. By the Rev. E. J. Eitel, of the London Missionary Society. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 224, cloth. 1870. 18s. ELLIOT. MEMOIRS ON THE HISTORY, FOLK-LORE, AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE RACES OP THE NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES OF INDIA. By the late Sir Henry M. Elliot, K.C.B. Edited, revised, and rearranged by John Beames, M.R.A.S., &c., &c. In 2 vols. demy 8vo, pp. xx. , 370, and 396, with 3 large coloured folding Maps, cloth. 1869. 1, 16s. ELLIOT. THE HISTORY OF INDIA, as told by its own Historians. The Muhammadan Period. Edited from the Posthumous Papers of the late Sir H. M. Elliot, K.C.B., East India Company's Bengal Civil Service. Revised and continued by Professor John Dowson, M.R.A.S., Staff College, Sandhurst. 8vo. Vol. I. Vol. II., pp. x. and 580, cloth. Vol. III., pp. xii. and 627, cloth. 24s. VoL IV., pp. xii. and 564, cloth. 1872. 21s. Vol. V., pp. x. and 576, cloth. 1873. 2ls. Vol. VI., pp. viii. 574, cloth. 21s. VoL VII., pp. viii.-574. 1877. 21s. Vol. VIII., pp. xxxii.-444. With Biographical, Geographical, and General Index. 1877. 24s. Complete sets, 8, 8s. Vols. I. and II. not sold separately. ELLIS. ETRUSCAN NUMERALS. By Robert Ellis, B.D., late Fellov of St. John's < 'ollege, Cambridge. 8vo, pp. 52, sswed. 1876. 2s. 6d. ELY. FRENCH AND GERMAN SOCIALISM IN MODERN TIMES. By R. T. Ely, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Economy in the Johns Hopkins University, Balti- more ; and Lecturer on Political Economy in Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. -274, cloth. 1884. 3s. 6d. EMERSON AT HOME AND ABROAD. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Vol. XIX. EMERSON. INDIAN MYTHS; or, Legends, Traditions, and Symbols of the Abori- gines of America, compared with those of other Countries, including Hindostan, Egypt, Persia, Assyria, nnd China. By Elleu Russell Emerson. Illustrated. Post 8vo, pp. viii.-678, cloth. 1884. 1, Is. ENGLISH DIALECT SOCIETY. Subscription, 10s. 6d. per annum. List of publica- tions on application. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY (THE). Post 8vo, cloth, uniformly bound. I. to III. A HISTORY OF MATERIALISM, and Criticism of its present Importance. By Professor F. A. Lange. Authorised Translation from the German by Ernest C. Thomas. In three volumes. Vol. I. Second Edition, pp 350 1878. 10s. 6d. Vol. IF., pp. viii. and ?9S. 1880. 10s. 6d. Vol. III., pp. viii. and 376. 1881. 10s. 6d. 22 A Catalogue of Important Works, ENGLISH AND FOREIGN PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY continued. IV. NATURAL LAW : an Essay in Ethics. By Edith Sinicox. Second Edition. Pp. 366. 1878. 10s. 6d. V. and VI. THE CREED OF CHRISTENDOM ; its Foundations contrasted with Super- structure. ByW. R. Greg. Eighth Edition, with a New Introduction. In two volumes, pp. cxiv.-154 and vi.-282 1883. 15s. VII. OUTLINES OF THE HISTORY OF RELIGION TO THE SPREAD OF THE UNIVERSAL RELIGIONS. By Prof. C. P. Tiele. Translated from the Dutch by J. Estlin Carpenter, M.A., with the author's assist- ance. Third Edition. Pp. xx. and 250. 1884. 7s. Gd. VIII. RELIGION IN CHINA; containing a brief Account of the Three Religions of the Chinese; with Observations on the Prospects of Christian, Conversion amongst that People. By Joseph Edkins, D.D. , Peking. Third Edition. Pp. xvi. and 260. 1884. 7s. 6d. IX. A CANDID EXAMINATION OF THEISM. By Physicus. Pp. 216. 1878. 7s. 6d. X. THE COLOUR-SENSE ; its Origin and Development ; an Essay in Com- parative Psychology. By Grant Allen, B.A., author of " Phy- siological Esthetics." Pp. xii. and 282. 1879. 10s. 6d XI. THE PHILOSOPHY OF Music ; being the substance of a Course of Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in February and March 1877. By William Pole, F.R.S., F.R.S.E., Mus. Doc., Oxon. Pp. 336. 1879. 10s. 6d. XII. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN RACE: Lectures and Dissertations, by Lazarus Geiger. Translated from the German by D. Asher, Ph.D. Pp. x. and 156. 1880. 6s. XIII. DR. APPLETON : his Life and Literary Relics. By J. H. Appleton, M.A., and A. H. Sayce, M.A. Pp. 350. 1881. 10s. 6d. XIV. EDGAR QUINET : His Early Life and Writings. By Richard Heath. With Portraits, Illustrations, and an Autograph Letter. Pp. xxiii. and 370. 1881. 12s. 6d. XV. THE ESSENCE OF CHRISTIANITY. By Ludwig Feuerbach. Translated from the German bv Marian Evans, translator of Strauss's " Life of Jesus." Second Edition. Pp. xx. and 340. 1881. 7s. 6d. XVI. AUGUSTE COMTE AND POSITIVISM. By the late John Stuart Mill, M.P. Third Edition. Pp. 200. 1882. 3s. 6d. XVII. ESSAYS AND DIALOGUES OF GIACOMO LEOPARDI. Translated by Charles Edwardes. With Biographical Sketch. Pp. xliv. and 216. 1882. 7s. 6d. XVIII. RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY IN GERMANY : A Fragment. By Hein- rich Heine. Translated by J. Suodgrass. Pp. xii. and 178, cloth. 1882. 6s. XIX. EMERSON AT HOME AND ABROAD. By M. D. Con way. Pp. viii. and 310. With Portrait. 1883. 10s. 6d. XX. ENIGMAS OF LIFE. By W. R. Greg. Fifteenth Edition, with a Postscript. CONTENTS : Realisable Ideals Malthus Notwithstand- ing Non-Survival of the Fittest Limits and Directions of Human Development The Significance of Life De Prof undis Elsewhere Appendix. Pp. xx. and 314, cloth. 1883. 10s. 6d. XXL ETHIC DEMONSTRATED IN GEOMETRICAL ORDER AND DIVIDED INTO FIVE PARTS, which treat (1) Of God, (2) Of the Nature and Origin of the Mind, (3) Of the Origin and Nature of the Affects, (4) Of Human Bondage, or of the Strength of the Affects, (5) Of the Power of the Intellect, or of Human Liberty. By Benedict de Spinozn. Trans- lated from the Latin by William Hale White. Pp.328. 1883. 10s. 6d. XXII. THE WORLD AS WILL AND IDEA. By Arthur Schopenhauer. Trans- lated from the German by R. B. Haldane, M.A., and John Kemp, M.A. 3vols. Vol. I., pp. xxxii.-532. 1883. 18s. Published by Triibner & Co. 23 ENGLISH AND FOREIGN PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY continued. XXV. to XXVII. THE PHILOSOPHY OP THE UNCONSCIOUS. By Eduard Von Hartmann. Speculative Results, according to the Inductive Method of Physical Science. Authorised Translation, by William C. Coup- land, M.A. 3 vols. pp. xxxii.-372; vi.-368; viii.-360. 1884. 31s. 6d. Extra Scries. I. and II. LESSING : His Life and Writings. By James Sime, M.A. Second Edition. 2 vols., pp. xxii. and 328, and xvi. and 358, with por- traits. 1879. 21s. III. and VI. AN ACCOUNT OF THE POLYNESIAN PACE: its Origin and Migrations, and the Ancient History of the Hawaiian People to the Times of Kamehameha I. By Abraham Fornander, Circuit Judge of the Island of Maui, H.I. Vol. I., pp. xvi. and 248. 1877. 7s. 6d. Vol. II., pp. viii. and 400, cloth. 1880. 10s. 6d. IV. and V. ORIENTAL RELIGIONS, and their Relation to Universal Religion- India. By Snmuel Johnson. In 2 vols., pp. viii. and 408: viii. and 402. 1879. 21s. VI. AN ACCOUNT OP THE POLYNESIAN RACE. By A. Fornander. Vol. II., pp. viii. and 400, cloth. 1880. 10s. 6d. ER SIE ES. FACSIMILE OF A MANUSCRIPT supposed to have been found in an Egyp- tian Tomb by the English soldiers last year. Royal 8vo, in ragged canvas covers-, with string binding, with dilapidated edges (? just as discovered). 1884. 6s. 6d. ETHERINGTON. THE STUDENT'S GRAMMAR OF THE HIND* LANGUAGE. By the Rev. W. Etherington, Missionary, Benares. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. xiv., 255, and xiii., cloth. 1873. 12s. EYTON. DOMESDAY STUDIES : AN ANALYSIS AND DIGEST OP THE STAFFORDSHIRE SURVEY. Treating of the Method of Domesday in its Relation to Staffordshire, &c. By the Rev. R. W. Eyton. 4to, pp. vii. and 135, cloth. 1881. 1, Is. FABER. THE MIND op MENCIUS. See Triibner 's Oriental Series. FALKE. ART IN THE HOUSE. Historical, Critical, and Jisthetical Studies on the Decoration and Furnishing of the Dwelling. By J. von Falke, Vice-Director of the Austrian Museum of Art and Industry at Vienna. Translated from the German. Edited, with Notes, by C. C. Perkins, M.A. Royal 8vo, pp. xxx. 356, cloth. With Coloured Frontispiece, 60 Plates, and over 150 Illustrations. 1878. 3. FARLEY. EGYPT, CYPRUS, AND ASIATIC TURKEY. By J. L. Farley, author of "The Resources of Turkey," &c. 8vo, pp. xvi. and 270, cloth gilt. 1878. 10s. 6d. FEATHERMAN. THE SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE RACES OF MANKIND. Vol. V. THE ARAMAEANS. By A. Featherman. Demy 8vo, pp. xvii. and 664, cloth. 1881. 1, Is. FENTON. EARLY HEBREW LIFE: a Study in Sociology. By John Fenton. 8vo, pp. xxiv. and 102, cloth. 1880. 5s. FERGUSSON. ARCHAEOLOGY IN INDIA. With especial reference to the works of Babu Rajendralala Mitra. By James Fergusson, C.I.E., F.R.S., D.C.L., LL.D., V.-P.R.A.S., &c. Demy 8vo, pp. 116, with Illustrations, sewed. 1884. 5s. FERGUSSON. THE TEMPLE OF DIANA AT EPHESUS. With Especial Reference to Mr. Wood's Discoveries of its Remains. By James Fergusson, C.I.E., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., &c. From the Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects. Demy 4to, pp. 24, with Plan, cloth. 1883. 5s. FERGUSSON AND BURGESS. THE CAVE TEMPLES OF INDIA. By James Fergusson, D.C.L., F.R.S., and James Burgess, F.R.G.S. Impl. 8vo, pp. xx. and 536, with 98 Plates, half bound. 1880. 2, 2s. FERGUSSON. CHINESE RESEARCHES. First Part. Chinese Chronology and Cycles. By Thomas Fergusson, Member of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 274, sewed. 1881. 10s. 6d. 24 A Catalogue of Important Works, FEUERBACH. THE ESSENCE OF CHRISTIANITY. See English and Foreign Philo- sophical Library, vol. XV. FICHTE. J. G. FICHTE'S POPULAR WORKS : The Nature of the Scholar The Voca- tion of Man The Doctrine of Religion. With a Memoir by William Smith, LL.D. Demy 8vo, pp. viii. and 564, cloth. 1873. 15s. FICHTE. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRESENT AGE. By J. G Fichte. Translated from the German by W. Smith. Post 8vo, pp. xi. and 271, cloth. 1847. 6s. FICHTE. MEMOIR OF JOHANN GOTTLIEB FICHTE. By William Smith. Second Edition. Post 8vo, pp. 168, cloth. 1848. 4s. FICHTE. ON THE NATURE OF THE SCHOLAR, AND ITS MANIFESTATIONS. By Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Translated from the German by William Smith. Second Edi- tion. Post 8vo, pp. vii. and 131. cloth. 1848. 3s. FICHTE. NEW EXPOSITION OK THE SCIENCE OF KNOWLEDGE. By J. G. Fichte. Translated from the German by A. E. Kroeger. 8vo, pp. vi. and 182, cloth. 1869. 6s. FIELD. OUTLINES OF AN INTERNATIONAL CODE. By David Dudley Field. Second Edition. Royal 8vo, pp. iii. and 712, sheep. 1876. 2, 2s. FIGANIERE. ELVA : A STORY OF THE DARK AGES. By Viscount de Figaniere, G.C. St. Anne, &c. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 194, cloth. 1878. 5s. FISCHEL. SPECIMENS OF MODERN GERMAN PROSE AND POETRY ; with Notes, Grammatical, Historical, and Idiomatical. To which is added a Short Sketch of the History of Gerninn Literature. By Dr. M. M. Fischel, formerly of Queen's College, Harley Street, and late German Master to the Stockwell Grammar School. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 280, cloth. 1880. 4s. FISKE. THE UNSEEN WORLD, and other Essays. By John Fiske, M.A., LL.B. Crown 8vo, pp. 350. 1876. 10s. FISEE. MYTHS AND MYTH-MAKERS; Old Tales and Superstitions, interpreted by Comparative Mythology. By John Fiske, M.A. , LL.B., Assistant Librarian, and late Lecturer on Philosophy at Harvard University. Crown Svo, pp. 260, cloth, 1873. 10s. FITZGERALD. AUSTRALIAN ORCHIDS. By R. D. Fitzgerald, F.L.S. Folio. Part I. 7 Plates. Part II. 10 Plates. Part 'ill. 10 Plates. Part IV. 10 Plates. Part V. 10 Plates. Part VI. 10 Plates. Each Part, Coloured 21s. ; Plain, 10s. 6d. FITZGERALD. AN ESSAY ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS. Com- prising an Analysis of Reason and the Rationale of Love. By P. F. Fitzgerald. Demy Svo, pp. xvi. and 196, cloth. 1882. 5s. FORJETT. EXTERNAL EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. By E. II. Forjett. Svo, pp. 114, cloth. 1874. 2s. 6d. FORNANDER. THE POLYNESIAN RACE. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Extra Series, Vols. III. and VI. FORSTER. POLITICAL PRESENTMENTS. By William Forster, Agent-General for New South Wales. Crown Svo, pp. 122, cloth. 1878. 4s. 6d. FOULKES. THE DAYA BHAGA, the Law of Inheritance of the Sarasvati Vilasa, The Original Sanskrit Text, with Translation by the Rev. Thos. Foulkes, F.L.S., M.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., Fellow of the University of Madras, &c. Demy Svo, pp. xxvi. and 194-162, cloth. 1881. 10s. 6d. FOX. MEMORIAL EDITION OF COLLECTED WORKS, by W. J. Fox. 12 vols. Svo, cloth. 3. FRANKLYN. OUTLINES OF MILITARY LAW, AND THE LAWS OF EVIDENCE. By H. B. Franklyn, LL.B. Crown 16mo, pp. viii. and 152, cloth. 1874. 3s. 6d. FREEMAN. LECTURES TO AMERICAN AUDIENCES. By E. A. Freeman, D.C.L., LL.D., Honorary Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford. I. The English People in its Three Homes. II. The Practical Bearings of General European History. Post Svo, pp. viii. -454, cloth. 1883. 8s. 6d. Published by Tiiibner & Co. 25 FRIEDRICH. PROGRESSIVE GERMAN RKADKR, with Copious Notes to the First Part. By P. Friedrich. Crown 8vo, pp. 166, cloth. 1868. 4s. 6d. FRIEDRICH. A GRAMMATICAL COURSE OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. See under DUSAR. FRIEDRICH. A GRAMMAR OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE, WITH EXERCISES. See under DUSAR. FRIEDERICI. BIBLIOTHECA ORIENTALIS, or a Complete List of Books, Papers, Serials, and Essays, published in England and the Colonies, Germany and France ; on the History, Geography, Religions, Antiquities, Literature, and Languages of the East. Compiled by Charles Friederici. Svo, boards. 1876, pp. 86, 2s. 6d. 1877, pp. 100, 3s. 1878, pp. 112, 3s. 6d. 1879, 3s. 1680, 3s. FRCEMBLING. GRADUATED GERMAN READER. Consisting of a Selection from the most Popular "Writers, arranged progressively ' with a complete Vocabulary for the first part. By Friedrich Otto Frosmbling. Eighth Edition. 12mo, pp. viii. and 306, cloth. 1883. 3s. 6d. FRCEMBLING. GRADUATED EXERCISES FOR TRANSLATION INTO GERMAN. Consist- ing of Extracts from the best English Authors, arranged progressively ; with an Appendix, containing Idiomatic Notes. By Friedrich Otto Froembling, Ph.D., Principal German Master at the City of London School. Crown 8vo, pp. xiv. and :;2'2. cloth. With Notes, pp. 66. 1867. 4s. 6d. Without Notes, 4s. FROUDE. THE BOOK OF JOB. By J. A. Froude, M.A., late Fellow of Exeter Col- lege, Oxford. Reprinted from the Westminster Review. 8vo, pp. 38, cloth. Is. FRUSTON. ECHO FRANCAIS. A Practical Guide to French Conversation. By F. de la Fruston. With a Vocabulary. 12mo, pp. vi. aud 192, cloth. 3s. FRYER. THE KHVENG PEOPLE OF THE SANDOWAY DISTRICT, ARAKAN. By G. E. Fryer, Major, M.S.C., Deputy Commissioner, Saudoway. With 2 Plates. 8vo, l>p. 44, cloth. 1875. 3s. 6d. FRYER. PALI STUDIES. No. I. Analysis, and Pali Text of the Subodhalankara, or Kasy Rhetoric, by Sangharakkhita Thera. 8vo, pp. 35, cloth. 1875. 3s. 6d. FURNIV ALL. EDUCATION IN EARLY ENGLAND. Some Notes used as forewords to a Collection of Treatises on "Manners and Meals in Olden Times," for the Early English Text Society. By Frederick J. Furnivall, M.A. Svo, pp. 4 and Ixxiv., sewed. 1867. Is. GALDOS. TRAFALGAR : A Tale. By B. Perez Galdos. From the Spanish by Clara Bell. 16mo, pp. 256, cloth. 1884. 4s. Paper, 2s. 6d. GALDOS. MARIANELA. By B. Perez Galdos. From the Spanish, by Clara Bell. 16mo, pp. 264, cloth. 1883. 4s. GALDOS. GLORIA: A Novel. By B. Perez Galdos. From the Spanish, by Clara Bell. Two volumes, 16mo, pp. vi. and 318, iv. and 362, cloth. 1883. 7s. 6d. GALLOWAY. A TREATISE ON FUEL. Scientific and Practical. By Robert Gallo- way. M.R.I. A., F.C.S., &c. With Illustrations. Post 8vo, pp. x. and 136, cloth. 1880. 6s. GALLOWAY. EDUCATION: SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL; or, How the Inductive Sciences are Taught, and How they Ought to be Taught. By Robert Galloway, M.R.I. A., F.C.S. Svo, pp. xvi. and 462, cloth. 1881. 10s. 6d. GAMBLE. A MANUAL OF INDIAN TIMBERS : An Account of the Structure, Growth, Distribution, and Qualities of Indian Woods. By J. C. Gamble, M.A., F.L.S. Svo, pp. xxx. and 522, with a Map, cloth. 1881. 10s. GARBE. See AUCTORES SANSKRIT!, Vol. III. GARFIELD. THE LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICE OF JAMES A. GARFIELD, Twentieth President of the United States. A Biographical Sketch. By Captain F. H. late of the 42d Regiment, U.S.A. With a Preface by Bret Harte. Crown 8vo, pp. vi. aud 134, cloth. With Portrait. 1881. 2s. 6d. 26 A Catalogue of Important Works, GARRETT. A CLASSICAL DICTIONARY OP INDIA : Illustrative of the Mythology, Philosophy, Literature, Antiquities, Arts, Manners,' Customs, &c., of the Hindus. By John Garrett, Director of Public Instruction in Mysore. 8vo, pp. x. and 794, cloth. With Supplement, pp. 160. 1871 and 1873. 1, 16s. GAUTAMA. THE INSTITUTES OF. See AUCTORES SANSKRITI, Vol. II. GAZETTEER OF THE CENTRAL PROVINCES OF INDIA. Edited by Charles Grant, Secretary to the Chief Commissioner of the Central Provinces. Second Edition. "With a very large folding Map of the Central Provinces of India. Demy 8vo, pp. civil, and 582, cloth. 1870. 1, 4s. GEIGER. A PEEP AT MEXICO ; Narrative of a Journey across the Republic from the Pacific to the Gulf, in December 1873 and January 1874. By J. L. Geiger, F.R.G.S. Demy 8vo, pp. 368, with Maps and 45 Original Photographs. Cloth, 24s. GEIGER. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN RACE : Lectures and Dissertations, by Lazarus Geiger. Translated from the Second German Edition, by David Asher, Ph.D. Post 8vo, pp. X.-156, cloth. 1880. 6s. GELBART. FAITH AND FREEDOM. Fourteen Sermons. By E. M. Geldart, M.A. Crown 8vo, pp. vi. and 168, cloth. 1881. 4s. 6d. GELBART. A GUIDE TO MODERN GREEK. By E. M. Geldart, M.A. Post 8vo, pp. xii. and 274, cloth. 1883. 7s. 6d. Key, pp. 28, cloth. 1883. 2s. 6d. GELBART. GREEK GRAMMAR. See Triibner's Collection. GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE (THE) : OR, MONTHLY JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY. With which is incorporated "The Geologist." Edited by Henry Woodward, LL. D., F.R.S., F.G.S., &c., of the British Museum. Assisted by Professor John Morris, M.A..F.G.S., &c., and Robert Etheridge, F.R.S., L. & E., F.G.S., &c., of the Museum of Practical Geology. 8vo, cloth. 1866 to 1883. 20s. each. GHOSE. THE MODERN HISTORY OF THE INDIAN CHIEFS, RAJAS, ZAMINDARS, &c. By Loke Nath Ghose. 2 vols. post 8vo, pp. xii. and 218, and xviii. and 612, cloth. 1883. 21s. GILES. CHINESE SKETCHES. By Herbert A. Giles, of H.B.M.'s China Consular Service. 8vo, pp. 204, cloth. 1875. 10s. 6d. GILES. A DICTIONARY OF COLLOQUIAL IDIOMS IN THE MANDARIN DIALECT. By Herbert A. Giles. 4to, pp. 65, half bound. 1873. 28s. GILES. SYNOPTICAL STUDIES IN CHINESE CHARACTER. Bv Herbert A. Giles. Svo, pp. 118, half bound. 1874. 15s. GILES. CHINESE WITHOUT A TEACHER. Being a Collection of Easy and Useful .Sentences in the Mandarin Dialect. With a Vocabulary. By Herbert A. Giles. 12mo, pp. 60, half bound. 1872. 5s. GILES. THE SAN Tzu CHING ; or, Three Character Classic ; and the Ch'Jen Tsu Wen ; or, Thousand Character Essay. Metrically Translated by Herbert A. Giles. 12mo, pp. 28, half bound. 1873. 2s. 6d. GLASS. ADVANCE THOUGHT. By Charles E. Glass. Crown Svo, pp. xxxvi. and 188, cloth. 1876. 6s. GOETHE'S FAUST. See SCOONES and WYSARD. GOETHE'S MINOR POEMS. See SELSS. GOLBSTUCKER. A DICTIONARY, SANSKRIT AND ENGLISH, extended and improved from the Second Edition of the Dictionary of Professor H. H. Wilson, with his sanction and concurrence. Together with a Supplement, Grammatical Appen- dices, and an Index, serving as a Sanskrit-English Vocabularv. By Theodore Gold- stucker. Parts I. to VI. 4to, pp. 400. 1856-63. 6s. each. Published by Trubner & Co. 27 GOLDSTUCKER. See AUCTORES SANSKRIT:, Vol. I. GOOROO SIMPLE. Strange Surprising Adventures of the Venerable G. S. and his Five Disciples, Noodle, Doodle, Wiseacre, Zany, and Foozle : adorned with Fifty Illustrations, drawn on wood, by Alfred Crowquill. A companion Volume to " Miinchhausen " and " Owlglass," based upon the famous Tamul tale of the Gooroo Paramartan, and exhibiting, in the form of a skilfully-constructed consecutive narrative, some of the finest specimens of Eastern wit and humour. Elegantly printed on tinted paper, in crown 8vo, pp. 223, richly gilt ornamental cover, irilt edges. 1861. 10s. 6d. GORKOM. HANDBOOK OF CINCHONA CULTURE. By K. "W. Van Gorkom, formerly Director of the Government Cinchona Plantations in Java. Translated by B. D. Jackson, Secretary of the Linnsean Society of London. With a Coloured Illus- tration. Imperial 8vo, pp. xii. and 292, cloth. 1882. 2. GOUGH. The SARVA-DARSANA-SAMGRAHA. See Triibner's Oriental Series. GOUGH. PHILOSOPHY OF THE UPANISHADS. See Triibner's Oriental Series. COVER. THE FOLK-SONGS OF SOUTHERN INDIA. By C. E. Cover, Madras. Con- tents : Canarese Songs ; Badaga Songs ; Coorg Songs ; Tamil Songs ; The Cural ; Malayalam Songs ; Telugu Songs. 8vo, pp. xxviiL and 300, cloth. 1872. 10s. 6d. GRAY. DARWINIANA : Essays and Reviews pertaining to Darwinism. By Asa Gray. Crown 8vo, pp. xii. and 396, cloth. 1877. 10s. GRAY. NATURAL SCIENCE AND RELIGION: Two Lectures Delivered to the Theo- logical School of Yale College. By Asa Gray. Crown 8vo, pp. 112, cloth. 1880. 5s. GREEN. SHAKESPEARE AND THE EMBLEM- WRITERS : An Exposition of their Simi- larities of Thought and Expression. Preceded by a View of the Emblem-Book Literature down to A.D. 1616. By Henry Green, M.A. In one volume, pp. xvi. 572, profusely illustrated with Woodcuts and Photolith. Plates, elegantly bound in cloth gilt. 1870. Large medium 8vo, 1, 11s. 6d. ; large imperial 8vo. 2, 12s. 6d. GREEN. ANDREA ALCIATI, and his Books of Emblems : A Biographical and Biblio- graphical Study. By Henry Green, M.A. With Ornamental Title, Portraits, and other Illustrations. Dedicated to Sir William Stirling-Maxwell, Bart., Rector of the University of Edinburgh. Only 250 copies printed. Demy 8vo, pp. 360, handsomely bound. 1872. 1, Is. GREENE. A NEW METHOD OF LEARNING TO READ, WHITE, AND SPEAK THE FRENCH LANGUAGE; or, First Lessons in French (Introductory to Ollendorffs Larger Grammar). By G. W. Greene, Instructor in Modern Languages in Brown University. Third Edition, enlarged and rewritten. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 248, cloth. 1869. 3s." 6d. GREENE. THE HEBREW MIGRATION FROM EGYPT. By J. Baker Greene, LL.B., M B Triu. Coll., Dub. Second Edition. Demy 8vo, pp. xii. and 440, cloth. 1882. 10s. 6d. GREG TRUTH VERSUS EDIFICATION. By W. R. Greg. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 32, cloth. 1869. Is. GREG WHY ARE WOMEN REDUNDANT? By W. R. Greg. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 40, cloth. 1S69. Is. GREG. -LITERARY AND SOCIAL JUDGMENTS. By W. R. Greg. Fourth Edition, considerably enlarged. 2 vols. crown 8vo, pp. 310 and 288, cloth. 1877. 15s. 28 A Catalogue of Important Works, GREG. MISTAKEN AIMS AND ATTAINABLE IDEALS OP THE ARTISAN CLASS. By "W. R. Greg. Crown 8vo, pp. vi. and 332, cloth. 1876. 10s. 6d. GREG. ENIGMAS OF LIFE. By W. R. Greg. Fifteenth Edition, with a postscript. Contents : Realisable Ideals. Malthas Notwithstanding. Non-Survival of the Fittest. Limits and Directions of Human Development. The Significance of Life. De Profuudis. Elsewhere. Appendix. Post 8vo, pp. xxii. and 314, cloth. 1883. 10s. 6d. GREG. POLITICAL PROBLEMS FOR OUR AGE AND COUNTRY. By W. R. Greg. Con- tents : I. Constitutional and Autocratic Statesmanship. II. England's Future Attitude and Mission. III. Disposal of the Criminal Classes. IV. Recent Change in the Character of English Crime. V. The Intrinsic Vice of Trade- Unions. VI. Industrial and Co-operative Partnerships. VII. The Economic Problem. VIII. Political Consistency. IX. The Parliamentary Career. X. The Price we pay for Self-government. XI. Vestryism. XII. Direct v. Indirect Taxation. XIII. The New Regime, and how to meet it. Demy 8vo, pp. 342, cloth. 1870. 10s. 6d. GREG. THE GREAT DUEL : Its True Meaning and Issues. By W. R. Greg. Crown 8vo, pp. 96, cloth. 1871. 2s. 6d. GREG. THE CREED OF CHRISTENDOM. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Vols. V. and VL GREG. ROCKS AHEAD ; or, The "Warnings of Cassandra. By W. R. Greg. Second Edition, with a Reply to Objectors. Crown 8vo, pp. xliv. and 236, cloth. 1874. 9s. GREG. MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS. By W. R. Greg. First Series. Crown 8vo, pp. iv.-268, cloth. 1881. 7s. 6d. CONTENTS : Rocks Ahead and Harbours of Refuge. Foreign Policy of Great Britain. The Echo of the Antipodes. A Grave Perplexity before us. Obli- gations of the Soil. The Right Use of a Surplus. The Great Twin Brothers : Louis Napoleon and Benjamin Disraeli. Is the Popular Judgment in Politics more Just than that of the Higher Orders? Harriet Martineau. Verify your Compass. The Prophetic Element in the Gospels. Mr. Frederick Harrison on the Future Life. Can Truths be Apprehended which could not have been Discovered ? GREG. MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS. By W. R. Greg. Second Series. Pp. 294. 1884. 7s. 6d. CONTENTS : France since 1848. France in January 1852. England as it is. Sir R. Peel's Character and Policy. Employment of our Asiatic Forces in European "Wars. GRIFFIN. THE RAJAS OF THE PUNJAB. Being the History of the Principal States in the Punjab, and their Political Relations with the British Government. By Lepel H. Griffin, Bengal Civil Service, Acting Secretary to the Government of the Punjab, Author of "The Punjab Chiefs," &c. Second Edition. Royal 8vo, pp. xvi. and 630, cloth. 1873. 1, Is. GRIFFIN. THE WORLD UNDER GLASS. By Frederick Griffin, Author of "The Destiny of Man," "The Storm King," and other Poems. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 204 cloth gilt. 1879. 3s. 6d. GRIFFIN. THE DESTINY OF MAN, THE STORM KING, and other Poems. By F. Griffin. Second Edition. Fcap. 8vo, pp. vii.-104, cloth. 1883. 2s. 6d. GRIFFIS. THE MIKADO'S EMPIRE. Book I. History of Japan, from 660 B.C. to 1872 A. D. Book II. Personal Experiences, Observations, and Studies in Japan, 1870-1874. I3y W. E. Griffis, A.M. Second Edition. 8vo, pp. C26, cloth. Illus- trated. 1883. 20s. GRIFFIS. JAPANESE FAIRY "WORLD. Stories from the Wonder-Lore of Japan. By W. E. Griffis. Square 16mo, pp. viii. and 304, with 12 Plates. 1880. 7s. 6d. Published by Triibner &. Co. 29 GRIFFITH. THE BIRTH OF THE WAR GOD. See Triibner's Oriental Series. GRIFFITH. YUSUF AND ZULAIKHA. See Trlibner's Oriental Series. GRIFFITH. SCENES FROM THE EAMAYANA, MEGHADUTA, ic. Translated by Ralph T. H. Griffith, M.A., Principal of the Benares College. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. xviii. and 244, cloth. 1870.. 6s. CONTENTS Preface Ayodhya Haran Doomed The Birth of Rama The Heir-Apparent Manthara's Guile Dasaraiha's Oath The Step-mother Mother and Son The Triumph of Love Farewell ? The Hermit's Son The Trial of Truth The Forest The Rape of Site Rama's Despair The Messenger Cloud Khumbakarna The Suppliant Dove True Glory- Feed the Poor The Wise Scholar. GRIFFITH. THE RA'MA'YAN OF VALMfkl. Translated into English Verse. By Ralph T. H. Griffith, M.A., Principal of the Benares College. Vol. L, containing Books I. and II., demy 8vo, pp. xxxii. and 440, cloth. 1870. Vol. II., containing Book II., with additional Notes and Index of Names. Demy 8vo, pp. 504, cloth. 1871. Vol. III., demy 8vo, pp. 390, cloth. 1872. Vol. IV., demy 8vo, pp. viii. and 432, cloth. 1873. Vol. V., demy 8vo, pp. viii. and 360, cloth. 1875. The complete work, 5 vols. 7, 7s. GROTE. REVIEW of the Work of Mr. John Stuart Mill entitled "Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy." By George Grote, Author of the " History of Ancient Greece," " Plato, and the other Companions of Socrates," &c. 12mo, pp. 112, cloth. 1868. 3s. 6d. GROUT. ZULU-LAND ; or, Life among the Zulu-Kafirs of Natal and Zulu-Land, South Africa. By the Rev. Lewis Grout. Crown 8vo, pp. 352, cloth. With Map and Illustrations. 7s. 6d. GROWSE. MATHURA : A District Memoir. By F. S. Growse, B.C.S., M.A., Oxou, C.I.E., Fellow of the Calcutta University. Second edition, illustrated, revised, and enlarged, 4to, pp. xxiv. and 520, boards. 1880. 42s. GUBERNATIS. ZOOLOGICAL MYTHOLOGY ; or, The Legends of Animals. By Angela de Gubernatis, Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Literature in the Institute di Studii Superorii e di Perfezionamento at Florence, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. xxvi. and 432, and vii. and 442, cloth. 1872. 1, 8s. This work is an important contribution to the study of the comparative mythology of the Indo- Germanic nations. The author introduces the denizens of the air, earth, and water in the vari- ous characters assigned to them in the myths and legends of all civilised nations, ami traces the migration of the mythological ideas from the times of the early Aryans to those of the Greeks, Romans, and Teutons. GULSHAN I. RAZ : THE MYSTIC ROSE GARDEN OF SA'D UD DIN MAHMUD SHABIS- TARI. The Persian Text, with an English Translation and Notes, chiefly from the Commentary of Muhammed Bin Yahya Lahiji. By E. H. Whinfield, M.A., Bar- rister-at-Law, lute of H.M.B.C.S. 4to, pp. xvi., 94, 60, cloth. 1880. 10s. 6d. GUMPACH. TRKATY RIGHTS OF THE FOREIGN MERCHANT, and the Transit System in China. By Johannes von Gumpach. 8vo, pp. xviii. and 421, sewed. 10s. 6d. HAAS. CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT AND PALI BOOKS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. By Dr. Ernst Haas. Printed by permission of the Trustees of vhe British Museum. 4to, pp. viii. and 188, paper boards. 1876. 21s. HAFIZ OF SHIRAZ. SELECTIONS FROM HIS POEHS. Translated from the Persian by Hermann Bicknell. With Preface by A. S. Bicknell. Demy 4to, pj>. xx. and 384, printed on fine stout plate-paper, with appropriate Oriental Bordering in gold and colour, and Illustrations by J. R. Herbert, R. A. 1875. 2, 2s. HAFIZ. See Triibner's Oriental Series. HAGEN. NORICA ; or, Tales from the Olden Time. _ Translated from the German of August Hageu. Fcap. 8vo, pp. xiv. and 374. 1850. 5s. 30 A Catalogue of Important Works, HAGGARD. GET YWATO AND HIS WHITE NEIGHBOURS ; or, Remarks on Recent Events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal. By H. R. Haggard. Crown 8vo, pp. xvi. and 294, cloth. 1882. 7s. 6d. HAGGARD. See "The Vazir of Lankuran." HAHN. TsuNi-llGoAM, the Supreme Being of the Khoi-Khoi. By Theophilus Hahn, Ph.D., Custodian of the Grey Collection, Cape Town, &c., &c. Post 8vo, pp. xiv. and 154. 1882. 7s. 6d. HALDANE. See SCHOPENHAUER, or ENGLISH AND FOREIGN PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY, voL xxii. HALDEMAN. PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH : A Dialect of South Germany with an Infusion of English. By S. S. Haldeman, A.H., Professor of Comparative Philology in the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. 8vo. pp. viii. and 70, cloth. 1872. 3s. 6d. HALL. Ox ENGLISH ADJECTIVES IN -ABLE, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO RELIABLE. By FitzEdward Hall, C.E., M.A., Hon. D.C.L. Oxon; formerly Professor of Sanskrit Language and Literature, and of Indian Jurisprudence in King's College, London. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 238, cloth. 1877. 7s. 6d. HALL. MODERN ENGLISH. By FitzEdward Hall, M. A., Hon. D.C.L. Oxon. Crown Svo, pp. xvi. and 394, cloth. 1873. 10s. 6d. HALL. SUN AND EARTH AS GREAT FORCES IN CHEMISTRY. By T. W. Hall, M.D., L.R.C.S.E. Crown Svo, pp. xii. and 220, cloth. 1874. 3s. HALL. THE PEDIGREE OF THE DEVIL. By F. T. Hall, F.R.A.S. With Seven Autotype Illustrations from Designs by the Author. Demy Svo, pp. xvi. and 256, cloth. 1883. 7s. 6d. HALL. ARCTIC EXPEDITION. See NOURSE. HALLOCK. THE SPORTSMAN'S GAZETTEER AND GENERAL GUIDE. The Game Animals, Birds, and Fishes of North America : their Habits and various methods of Capture, &c., &c. With a Directory to the principal Game Resorts of the Country. By Charles Hallock. New Edition. Crown Svo, cloth. Maps and Portrait. 1883. 15s. HAM. THE MAID OF CORINTH. A Drama in Four Acts. By J. Panton Ham. Crown Svo, pp. 65, sewed. 2s. 6d. HARDY. CHRISTIANITY AND BUDDHISM COMPARED. By the late Rev. R. Spence Hardy, Hon. Member Royal Asiatic Society. Svo, pp. 138, sewed. 1875. 7s. 6d. HARLEY. THE SIMPLIFICATION OF ENGLISH SPELLING, specially adapted to the Ris- ing Generation. An Easy Way of Saving Time in Writing, Printing, and Reading. By Dr. George Harley, F.R.S., F.C.S. Svo. pp. 128, cloth. 1877. 2s. 6d. HARRISON. WOMAN'S HANDIWORK IN MODERN HOMES. By Constance Cary Harrison. With numerous Illustrations and Five Coloured Plates, from designs by Samuel Colman, Rosina Emmet, George Gibson, and others. Svo, pp. xii. and 242, cloth. 1881. 10s. HARTMANN. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, vol. XXV/ HARTZENBUSCH and LEMMING. Eco DE MADRID. A Practical Guide to Spanish Conversation. By J. E. Hartzenbusch and H. Lemming. Second Edition. Post Svo, pp. 250, cloth. 1870. 5s. HASE. MIRACLE PLAYS AND SACRED DRAMAS : An Historical Survey. By Dr. Karl Hase. Translated from the German by A. W. Jackson, and Edited by the Rev. W. W. Jackson, Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. Crown Svo, pp. 288. 1880. 9s. Published by Triibner & Co. 31 HAUG. GLOSSARY AND INDEX of the Pahlavi Texts of the Book of Arda Viraf, the Tale of Gosht J. Fryano, the Hadokht Nask, and to some extracts from the Dinkard and Nirangistan ; prepared from Destur Hoshangji Jamaspji Asa's Glossary to the Arda Viraf Namak, and from the Original Texts, with Notes on Pahlavi Grammar by E. W. West, Ph.D. Revised by M. Haug, Ph.D., &c. Published by order of the Bombay Government. 8vo, pp. viii. and 352, sewed. 1874. 25s. HAUG.- THE SACRED LANGUAGE, &c. , OF THE PARSIS. See Triibner's Oriental Series. HAUPT. THE LONDON ARBITRAGEUR; or, The English Money Market, in con- nection with Foreign Bourses. A Collection of Notes and Formulas for the Arbi- tration of Bills, Stocks, Shares, Bullion, and Coins, with all the Important Foreign Countries. By Ottomar Haupt. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 196, cloth. 1870. 7s. 6d. HAWKEN. UPA-SASTRA : Comments, Linguistic, Doctrinal, on Sacred and Mythic Literature. By J. D. Hawken. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 288, cloth. 1877. 7s. 6d. HAZEN. THE SCHOOL AND THE ARMY IN GERMANY AND FRANCE, with a Diary of Siege Life at Versailles. By Brevet Major-General W. B. Hazen, U.S.A., CoL 6th In- fantry. 8vo, pp. 408, cloth. 1872. 10s. 6d. HEATH. EDGAR QOINET. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Vol. XIV. HEATON AUSTRALIAN DICTIONARY OF DATES AND MEN OF THE TIME. Containing the History of Australasia from 1542 to May 1879. By I. H. Heaton. Eoyal 8vo. pp. iv. and 554, cloth. 15s. HEBREW LITERATURE SOCIETY. Subscription, one guinea per annum. List of publications on application. HECHLER. THE JERUSALEM BISHOPRIC DOCUMENTS. With Translations, chiefly derived from "Das Evangelische Bisthum in Jerusalem," Geschichtliche Dar- legung mit Urtuuden. Berlin, 1842. Published by Command of His Majesty Frederick William IV., King of Prussia. Arranged and Supplemented by the Rev. Prof. William H. Hechler, British Chaplain at Stockholm. 8vo, pp. 212, with Maps, Portrait, and Illustrations, cloth. 18S3. 10s. 6d. HECKER. THE EPIDEMICS OF THE MIDDLE AGES. Translated by G. B. Babington, M.D., F.R.S. Third Edition, completed by the Author's Treatise on Child-Pil- grimages. By J. F. C. Hecker. 8vo, pp. 384, cloth. 1859. 9s. 6d. CONTENTS. The Black Death The Dancing Mania The Sweating Sickness Child Pil- grimages. HEDLEY. MASTERPIECES OF GERMAN POETRY. Translated in the Measure of the Originals, by F. H. Hedley. With Illustrations by Louis Wanke. Crown 8vo, pp. Tin. and 120, cloth. 1876. 6s. HEINE. RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY IN GERMANY. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, VoL XVIII. HEINE. WIT, WISDOM, AND PATHOS from the Prose of Heinrich Heine. With a few pieces from the " Book of Songs." Selected and Translated by J. Snodgrass. With Portrait. Crown 8vo, pp. xx. and 340, cloth. 1879. 7s. 6d. HEINE. PICTURES OF TRAVEL. Translated from the German of Henry Heine, by Charles G. Leland. 7th Revised Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 472, with Portrait, cloth. 1873. 7s. -6d. HEINE. HEINE'S BOOK OF SONGS. Translated by Charles G. Leland. Fcap. 8vo, pp. xiv. and 240, cloth, gilt edges. 1874. 7s. 6d. HEITZMANN. MICROSCOPICAL MORPHOLOGY OF THE ANIMAL BODY IN HEALTH AND DISEASE. By C. HEITZMANN, M.D. Royal 8vo, pp. xx.-850, cloth. 1884. 31s. 6d. HENDRIK. MEMOIRS OF HANS HENDRIK, THE ARCTIC TRAVELLER ; serving under K-.iue Hayes Hall, and Nares, 1853-76. Written by Himself. Translated from the Eskimo Language, by Dr. Henry Rink. Edited by Prof. Dr. G. Stephens, F.S.A. Crown 8vo, pp. 100, Map, cloth. 1878. 3s. 6d. 32 A Catalogue of Important Works, HNNELL. PRESKNT RELIGION : As a Faith owning Fellowship with Thought. Vol. I. Part I. By Sara S. Hennell. Crown 8vo, pp. 570, cloth. 1865. 7s. 6d. HENNELL. COMPARATIVE ETHICS I. Sections II. and III. Moral Principle in Regard to Sexhood. Present Religion, Vol. III. By S. Hennell. Crown 8vo, pp. 92, wrapper. 1884. 2s. HENNELL. PRESENT RELIGION : As a Faith owning Fellowship with Thought. Part II. First Division. Intellectual Effect : shown as a Principle of Metaphy- sical Comparativism. By Sara S. Hennell. Crown Svo, pp. G18, cloth. 1873. 7s. 6d. HENNELL. PRESENT RELIGION, Vol. III. Part II. Second Division. The Effect of Present Religion on its Practical Side. By S. S. Hennell. Crown 8vo, pp. 68, paper covers. 1882. 2s. HENNELL. COMPARATIVISM shown as Furnishing a Religious Basis to Morality. (Present Religion. Vol. III. Part II. Second Division : Practical Effect. ) By Sara S. Hennell. Crown Svo, pp. 220, stitched in wrapper. 1878. 3s. 6d. HENNELL. THOUGHTS IN AID OP FAITH. Gathered chiefly from recent "Works in Theology and Philosophy. By Sara S. Hennell. Post Svo, pp. 428, cloth. 1860. 6s. HENWOOD. THE METALLIFEROUS DEPOSITS OF CORNWALL AND DEVON ; with Ap- pendices on Subterranean Temperature ; the Electricity of Rocks and Veins : the Quantities of Water in the Cornish Mines ; and Mining Statistics. (Vol. V. of the Transactions of the Royal Geographical Society of Cornwall. ) By William Jory Kenwood, F.R.S., F.G.S. Svo, pp. x. and 515; with 113 Tables, and 12 Plates, half bound. 2, 2s. HEN WOOD. OBSERVATIONS ON METALLIFEROUS DEPOSITS, AND ON SUBTERRANEAN TEMPERATURE. (Vol. VIII. of the Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall.) By William Jory Henwood, F.R.S., F.G.S., President of the Royal Institution of Cornwall. In 2 Parts. Svo, pp. xxx., vii. and 916 ; with 38 Tables, 31 Engravings on Wood, and 6 Plates. 1, 16s. HEPBURN. A JAPANESE AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. With an English and Japanese Index. By J. C. Hepburn, M.D., LL.D. Second Edition. Imperial Svo, pp. xxxii., 632, and 201, cloth. 8, 8s. HEPBURN. JAPANESE-ENGLISH AND ENGLISH-JAPANESE DICTIONARY. By J. C. Hepburn, M.D., LL.D. Abridged by the Author. Square fcap., pp. vi. and 536, cloth. 1873. 18s. HERNISZ. A GUIDE TO CONVERSATION IN THE ENGLISH AND CHINESE LANGUAGES, for the Use of Americans and Chinese in California and elsewhere. By Stanislas Hernisz. Square Svo, pp. 274, sewed. 1855. 10s. 6d. HERSHON. TALMUDIC MISCELLANY. See Triibner's Oriental Series. HERZEN. Du DEVELOPPEMENT DES IDEES REVOLUTIONNAIRES EN RUSSIE. Par Alexander Herzen. 12mo, pp. xxiii. and 144, sewed. 1853. 2s. 6d. HERZEN. A separate list of A. Herzen's works in Russian may be had on application. HILL. THE HISTORY OF THE REFORM MOVEMENT in the Dental Profession in Great Britain during the last twenty years. By Alfred Hill, Licentiate in Dental Sur- gery, &c. Crown Svo, pp. xvi. and 400, cloth. 1877. 10s. 6d. HILLEBRAND. FRANCE AND THE FRENCH IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE NINE- TEENTH CENTURY. By Karl Hillebrand. Translated from the Third German, Edition. Post Svo, pp. xx. and 262, cloth. 1881. 10s. 6d. HINDOO MYTHOLOGY POPULARLY TREATED. Being an Epitomised Description of the various Heathen Deities illustrated on the Silver Swami Tea Service pre- sented, as a memento of his visit to India, to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., G.C.S I., by His Highness the Gaekwar of Baroda. Small 4to, pp. 42, limp cloth. 1875. 3s. 6d. Published by Trubner A Co. 33 H1TTELL. THE COMMERCE AND INDUSTRIES OF THE PACIFIC COAST OF NORTH AMERICA. By J. S. Hittell, Author of "The Resources of California." 4to, pp. 820. 1882. 1, 10s. HODGSON. Ac ADEMY LECTURES. By J. E. Hodgson, R. A., Librarian and Professor of Painting to the Royal Academy. Cr. 8vo, pp. viiii. and 312, cloth. 1884. Is. 6d. HODGSON. ESSAYS ON THE LANGUAGES, LITERATURE, AND RELIGION OF NEPAL AND TIBET. Together with further Papers on the Geography, Ethnology, and Commerce of those Countries. By B. H. Hodgson, late British Minister at the Court of Nepal. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. xii. and 276. 1874. 14s. HODGSON. ESSAYS ON INDIAN SUBJECTS. See Trubner's Oriental Series. HODGSON, THE EDUCATION OF GIRLS; AND THE EMPLOYMENT OF WOMEN OF THE UPPER CLASSES EDUCATIONALLY CONSIDERED. Two Lectures. By W. B. Hodgson, LL.D. Second Edition. Cr. 8vo, pp. xvi. and 114, cloth. 1869. 3s. 6d. HODGSON. TURGOT: His Life, Times, and Opinions. Two Lectures. By W. B, Hodgson, LL.D. Crown 8vo, pp. vi. and 83, sewed. 1870. 2s. HOERNLE. A COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR OF THE GAUDIAN LANGUAGES, with Special Reference to the Eastern Hindi. Accompanied by a Language Map, and a Table of Alphabets. By A. F. Rudolf Hoernle. Demy 8vo, pp. 474, cloth. 1880. 18s. HOLBEIN SOCIETY. Subscription, one guinea per annum. List of publications on application. HOLMES-FORBES. THE SCIENCE OF BEAUTY. An Analytical Inquiry into the Laws of Esthetics. By Avary W. Holmes-Forbes, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at- Law. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. vi. and 200. 1881. 6s. HOLST. THE CONSTITUTIONAL AND POLITICAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. By Dr. H. von Hoist. Translated by J. J. Lalor and A. B. Mason. Royal 8vo. Vol. I. 1750-1833. State Sovereignty and Slavery. Pp. xvi. and 506. 1876. 18s. Vol. II. 1828-1846. Jackson's Administration Annexation of Texas. Pp. 720. 1879. 1, 2s. Vol. III. 1846-1850. Annexation of Texas Compromise of 1850. Pp. x. and 598. 1881. 18s. HOLYOAKE. TRAVELS IN SEARCH OF A SETTLER'S GUIDE-BOOK OF AMERICA AND CANADA. By George Jacob Holyoake, Author of "The History of Co-operation in England." Post 8vo, pp. 148, wrapper. 1884. 2s. 6d. HOLYOAKE. THE ROCHDALE PIONEERS. Thirty-three Years of Co-operation in Rochdale. In two parts. Part I. 1844-1857; Part II. 1857-1877. By G. J. Holyoake. Crown 8vo, pp. 174, cloth. 1882. 2s. 6d. HOLYOAKE. THK HISTORY OF CO-OPERATION IN ENGLAND: its Literature and its Advocates. By G. J. Holyoake. Vol. I. The Pioneer Period, 1812-44. Crown 8 vo, pp. xii. and 420, cloth. 1875. 4s. Vol. II. The Constructive Period, 1845- 78. Crown 8vo, pp. x. and 504, cloth. 1878. 8s. HOLYOAKE. THE TRIAL OF THEISM ACCUSED OF OBSTRUCTING SECULAR LIFE. By G. J. Holyoake. Crown 8vo, pp. xvi. and 256, cloth. 1877. 4s. HOLYOAKE. REASONING FROM FACTS : A Method of Everyday Logic. By G. J. Holyoake. Fcap. , pp. xii. and 94, wrapper. 1877. Is. 6d. HOLYOAKE. SELF-HELP BY THE PEOPLE. Thirty-three Years of Co-operation in Rochdale. In Two Parts. Part I., 1844-1857; Part II., 1857-1877. By G. J. Holyoake. Ninth Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 174, cloth. 1883. 2s. 6d. HOPKINS. ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR OF THE TURKISH LANGUAGE. With a few Easy Exercises. By F. L. Hopkins. M.A.. Fellow and Tutor of Trinity Hall, Cam- bridge. Crown 8vo, pp. 48, cloth. 1877. o.s. (!d. BORDER. A SELECTION FROM " THE BOOK OF PRAISE FOR CHILDREN," as Edited by W. Garrett Horder. For the Use of Jewish Children. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 80, cloth. 1883. Is. 6d. HOSMER. THE PEOPLE AND POLITICS ; or, The Structure of States ami the Significance and Relation of Political Forms. By G. W. Hosiner, M.D. Demy 8vo, pp. viii. and 340. cloth. 1883. 15s. C 34 A Catalogue of Important Works, HOWELLS. A LITTLE GIRT, AMONG THE OLD MASTERS. With Introduction and Comment.. By W. D. Howells. Oblong crown 8vo, cloth, pp. 66, with 54 plates. 1884. 10s. HOWELLS. DR. BREEN'S PRACTICE : A Novel. By W. D. Howells. English Copyright Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 272, cloth. 1882. 6s. HOWSE A GRAMMAR OK THE CREE LANGUAGE. With which is combined an Analysis of the Chippeway Dialect. By Joseph Howse, F.R.G.S. 8vo, pp. xx. and 324, cloth. 1865. 7s. 6d. HULME. MATHEMATICAL DRAWING INSTRUMENTS, AND How TO USE THEM. Bv F. Edward Hnlme, F.L.S., F.S.A., Art-Master of Marlborough College, Authoi c'f "Principles of Ornamental Art," &c. With Illustrations. Second Edition. Imperial 16mo, pp. xvi. and 152, cloth. 1881. 3s. 6d. HUMBERT. ON "TENANT EIGHT." By C. F. Humbert. Svo, pp. 20, sewed. 1875. Is. HUMBOLDT. THE SPHERE AND DUTIES OF GOVERNMENT. Translated from the German of Baron "Wilhelm Von Humboldt by Joseph Coulthard, jun. Post Svo, pp. xv. and 203, cloth. 1854. 5s. HUMBOLDT. LETTERS OF WILLIAM VON HUMBOLDT TO A FEMALE FRIEND. A com- plete Edition. Translated from the Second German Edition by Catherine M. A. Couper, with a Biographical Notice of the Writer. 2 vols. crown Svo, pp. xxviii. and 592, cloth. 1867. 10s. HUNT. THE RELIGION OF THE HEART. A Manual of Faith and Duty. By Leigh Hunt. Fcap. Svo, pp. xxiv. and 259, cloth. 2s. 6d. HUNT. CHEMICAL AND GEOLOGICAL ESSAYS. By Professor T. Sterry Hunt. Second Edition. 8vo, pp. xxii. and 448, cloth. 1879. 12s. HUNTER. A COMPARATIVE DICTIONARY OF THE NON-ARYAN LANGUAGES OF INDIA AND HIGH ASIA. With a Dissertation, Political and Linguistic, on the Aboriginal Races. By W. W. Hunter, B.A., M.R.A.S., Hon. Fel. Ethnol. Soc., Author of the "Annals of Rural Bengal," of H.M.'s Civil Service. Being a Lexicon of 144 Languages, illustrating Turanian Speech. Compiled from the Hodgson Lists. Government Archives, and Original MSS., arranged with Prefaces and Indices in English, French, German, Russian, and Latin. Large 4to, toned paper, pp. 230, cloth. 1869. 42s. HUNTER. THE INDIAN MUSALMANS. By W. W. Hunter, B.A., LL.D., Director- General of Statistics to the Government of India, &c., Author of the " Annals of Rural Bengal," &c. Third Edition. Svo, pp. 219, cloth. 1876. 10s. 6d. HUNTER. FAMINE ASPECTS OF BENGAL DISTRICTS. A System of Famine Warnings. By W. W. Hunter, B.A., LL.D. Crown Svo, pp. 216, cloth. 1874. 7s. 6d. HUNTER. A STATISTICAL ACCOUNT OF BENGAL. By W. W. Hunter, B.A., LL.D., Director-General of Statistics to the Government of India, &c. In 20 vols. Svo, half morocco. 1877. 5. HUNTER. CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS (BUDDHIST). Collected in Nepal by B. H. Hodgson, late Resident at the Court of Nepal. Compiled from Lists in Calcutta, France, and England, by W. W. Hunter, C.I.E., LL.D. Svo, pp. 28, paper. 1880. 2s. HUNTER. THE IMPERIAL GAZETTEER OF INDIA. By W. W. Hunter, C.I.E., LL.D., Director-General of Statistics to the Government of India. In Nine Volumes. Svo, pp. xxxiii. and 544, 539, 567, xix. and 716, 509, 513, 555, 537, and xii. and 478, half morocco. With Maps. 1881. HUNTER. THE INDIAN EMPIRE: Its History, People, and Products. By W. W. Hunter, C.I.E., LL.D. Post Svo, pp. 568, with Map, cloth. 1S82. 16s. HUNTER. AN ACCOUNT OF THE BRITISH SETTLEMENT OF ADEN, IN ARABIA. Com. piled by Capt. F. M. Hunter, Assistant Political Resident. Aden. Svo, pp. xii. and 232, half bound. 1877. 7s. 6d. Published by Trubner & Co. 35 HUNTER. A STATISTICAL ACCOUNT OF ASSAM. By W. W. Hunter, B.A., LL.D., C.I.E., Director-General of Statistics to the Government of India, 4c. 2 vols. 8vo, p]>. 420 and 490, with 2 Maps, half morocco. 1879. 10s. HUNTER. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE INDIAN PEOPLE. By W. W. Hunter, C.I.E., LL.D. Fourth Edition. Crown Svo, pp. 222, cl( th. With Map. 1884. 3s. 6d. HURST. HISTORY OF RATIONALISM : embracing a Survey of the Present State of Protestant Theology. By the Rev. John F. Hurst, A.M. "With Appendix of Literature. Revised and enlarged from the Third American Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. xvii. and 525, cloth. 1867. 10s. 6d. HYETT. PROMPT REMEDIES FOR ACCIDENTS AND POISONS : Adapted to the use of the Inexperienced till Medical aid arrives. By W. H. Hyett, F.R.S. A Broad- sheet, to hang up in Country Schools or Vestries, "Workshops, Offices of Factories, Mines and Docks, on board Yachts, in Railway Stations, remote Shooting Quarters, Highland Manses, and Private Houses, wherever the Doctor lives at a distance. Sold for the benefit of the Gloucester Eye Institution. In sheets, 21$ by l"i inches, 2s. 6d. ; mounted, 3s. 6d. HYMANS. PUPIL Versus TEACHER. Letters from a Teacher to a Teacher. Fcap. Svo, pp. 92, cloth. 1875. I'.s. IHNE. A LATIN GRAMMAR FOR BEGINNERS. By W. H. Ihne, late Principal of Carlton Terrace School, Liverpool. Crown Svo, pp. vi. and 184, cloth. 1864. 3s. IKHWANU-S SAFA" ; or, Brothers of Purity. Translated from the Hindustani by Professor John Dowson, M.R.A.S., Staff College, Sandhurst. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 156, cloth. 1869. 7s. INDIA. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF WESTERN INDIA. See Burgess. INDIA. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. A separate list on application. INDIA. PUBLICATIONS OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL DEPARTMENT OK THE INDIA OFFICE, LONDON. A separate list, also list of all the Government Maps, on application. INDIA PUBLICATIONS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. A separate list on application. INDIA OFFICE PUBLICATIONS : Aden, Statistical Account of. 5s. Assam, do. do. Vols. I. and II. 5s. each. Baden Powell, Land Revenues, &c., in India. 12s. Do. Jurisprudence for Forest Officers. 12s. Beal's Buddhist Tripitaka. 4s. Bengal, Statistical Account of. Vols. I. to XX. 100s. per set. Do. do. do. Vols. VI. to XX. 5s. each. Bombay Code. 21s. Bombay Gazetteer. Vol. II. 14s. Vol. XIII. (2 parts), 16s. Do. do. Vols. III. to VII., and X., XL, XH., XIV., XVI. 8s. each. Burgess' Archreological Survey of Western India. Vols. I. and III. 42s. each. Do. do. do. Vol. II. 63s. Do. do. do. Vols. IV. and V. 120s. Burma (British) Gazetteer. 2 vols. 50s. Catalogue of Manuscripts and Maps of Surveys. 12s. Chambers' Meteorology (Bombay) and Atlas. 30s. Cole's Agra and Muttra. 70s. Cook's Gums and Resins. 5s. Corpus Inscriptionem Indicarum. Vol. I. 32s. Cunningham's Archaeological Survey. Vols. I. to XV. 10s. and 12*. each. Do. Stupa of Bharut. 63s. Egerton's Catalogue of Indian Arms. 2s. 6d. Ferguson arid Burgess, Cave Temples of India. 42s. Do. Tree and Serpent Worship. 103s. Finance and Revenue Accounts of the Government of India for 1882-3. 2a. M. 36 A Catalogue of Important Works, INDIA OFFICE PUBLICATIONS continued. Gamble, Manual of Indian Timbers. 10s. Hunter's Imperial Gazetteer. 9 rols-. Jaschke's Tibetan -English Dictionary. 30s. King. Chinchona-Planting. Is. Kurz. Forest Flora of British Burma. Vols. I. and II. 15s. each. Liotard's Materials for Paper. 2s. 6d. Liotard's Silk in India. Tart I. 2s. Markham's Tibet. 21s. Do. Memoir of Indian Surveys. 10s. 6d. Do. Abstract of Reports of Surveys. Is. 6d. Mitra (Rajendralala), Buddha Gaya. 60s. Moir, Torrent Regions of the Alps. Is. Mueller. Select Plants for Extra-Tropical Countries. 8s. Mysore and Coorg Gazetteer. Vols. I. and II. 10s. each. Do. do. Vol. III. 5s. N. W. P. Gazetteer. Vols. I. and II. 10s. each. Do. do. Vols. III. to VI. and IX., X. and XIII. 12s. each. Do. do. Vol. VII. 8s. Oudh do. Vols. I. to III. 10. each. Pharmacopoeia of India, The. 6s. People of India, The. Vols. I. to VIII. 45s. each. Raverty's Notes on Afghanistan and Baluchistan. Sections I. and II. 2s. Sec- tion III. 5s. Section IV. 3s. Rajputana Gazetteer. 3 vols. 15s. Saunders' Mountains and River Basins of India. 3s. Sewell's Amaravati Tope. 3s. Smith's (Brough) Gold Mining in "Wynaad. Is. Taylor. Indian Marine Surveys. 2s. 6d. Trigonometrical Survey, Synopsis of Great. Vols. I. to VI. 10s. 6d. each. Trumpp's Adi Granth. 52s. 6d. Watson's Cotton for Trials. Boards, 10s. 6d. Paper, 10s. 1 Do. Rhea Fibre. 2s. 6d. Do. Tobacco. 5s. Wilson. Madras Army. Vols. I. and II. INDIAN GAZETTEERS. See GAZETTEER, and INDIA OFFICE PUBLICATIONS. INGLEBY. See SHAKESPEARE. INMAN. NAUTICAL TABLES. Designed for the use of British Seamen. By the Rev. James Inman, D.D., late Professor at the Royal Naval College, Portsmouth. Demy 8vo, pp. xvi. and 410, cloth. 1877. 15s. INMAN. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH ALPHABET : A Paper read before the Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society. By T. Inmau, M.D. 8vo, pp. 36, sewed. 1872. Is. IN SEARCH OF TRUTH. Conversations on the Bible and Popular Theology, for Young People. By A. M. Y. Crown 8vo, pp. x. and 138, cloth. 1875. 2s. 6d. INTERNATIONAL NUMISMATA ORIENTALIA (THE). Royal 4to, in paper wrapper. Part I. Ancient Indian Weights. By E. Thomas, F.R.S. Pp. 84, with a Plate and Map of the India of Manu. 9s. 6d. Part II. Coins of the Urtuki Turkumans. By Stanley Lane Poole, Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Pp. 44, with 6 Plates. 9s. Part III. The Coinage of Lydia and Persia, from the Earliest Times to the Fall of the Dynasty of the Achsemenidse. By Barclay V. Head, Assistant-Keeper of Coins, British Museum. Pp. viii.-56, with 3 Autotype Plates. 10s. 6d. Part IV. The Coins of the Tuluni Dynasty. By Edward Thomas Rogers. Pp. iv.-22, and 1 Plate. 5s. Part V. The Parthian Coinage. By Percy Gardner, M.A. Pp. iv.-66, and 8 Autotype Plates. 18s. Part VI. The Ancient Coins and Measures of Ceylon. By T. W. Rhys Davids. Pp. iv. and 60, and ] Plate. 10s. Vol. I., containing the first six parts, as specified above. Royal 4to, half bound. 3, 13s. 6d. Published by Triibner & Co. 37 INTERNATIONAL NuMiSMATA-cotoiue/.. Vol. II. COIN'S OF THE JEWS. Being a History of the Jewish Coinage and Money in the Old and New Testaments. By Frederick W. Madden, M.R.A.S., Memler of the Numismatic Society of London, Secretary of the Brighton College, ic., kc. With 279 woodcuts and a plate of alphabets. Royal 4to, pp. xii. and 330. sewed. 1881. 2. THE COINS OF ARAKAN, OF PEGU, AND OF BURMA. By Lieut. -General Sir Arthur Phayre, C.B., K. C.S.I., G.C.M G., late Commissioner of British Burma. Royal 4to, pp. viii. and. 48, with Five Autotype Illustrations, wrapper. 1882. 8s. 6d. JACKSON. ETHNOLOGY AND PHRENOLOGY AS AN AID TO THE HISTORIAN. By the late J. W. Jackson. Second Edition. With a Memoir of the Author, by his Wife. Crown Svo, pp. xx. and 324, cloth. 1875. 4s. 6d. JACKSON. THE SHROPSHIRE WORD-BOOK. A Glossary of Archaic ami Provincial Words, &c., used in the County. By Georgina F. Jackson, Crown Svo, pp. civ. and 524, cloth. 1881. 31s. 6d. JACOB. HINDU PANTHEISM. See Trubner's Oriental Series. JAGIELSEX ON MARIENBAD SPA, and the Diseases Curable by its Waters and Baths. By A. V. Jagielski, M.D., Berlin. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 186. With Map. Cloth. 1874. 5s. JAMISON. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF BERTRAND Du GUESCLIN. A History of the Fourteenth Century. By D. F. Jamison, of South Carolina. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. xvi., 287, and viii., 314, cloth. 1864. L, Is. JAPAN. MAP OF NIPPON (Japan): Compiled from Native Maps, and the Notes of most recent Travellers. By R. Henry Brunton, M.I.C.E.. F.R.G.S., 1880. Size, 5 feet by 4 feet. 20 miles to the inch. In 4 Sheets, 1, Is.; Roller, varnished, 1, 11s. 6d.; Folded, in Cnse, 1, 5s. 6d. JASCHKE. A TIBETAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. With special reference to the Pre- vailing Dialects. To which is added an English -Tibetan Vocabulary. By H. A. Jiischke, lata Moravian Missionary at Kyelang, British Lahoul. Imperial Svo, pp. xxiv.-672, cloth. 1881. 1, 10s. JASCHKE. TIBETAN GRAMMAR. Bv H. A. Jiischke. Crown Svo, pp. viii. -104, cloth. 1883. 5s. JATAKA (THE), together with its COMMENTARY : being tales of the Anterior Births of Gotama Buddha. Now first published in Pali, by V. Fausboll. Text. Svo. Vol. I., pp. viii. and 512, cloth. 1877. 28s. Vol. II., pp. 452, cloth. 1879. 28s. Vol. III., pp. viii. and 544, cloth. 1883. 2Rs. (For Translation see Trubner's Oriental Series, "Buddhist Birth Stories.") JENKINS. A PALADIN OF FINANCE: Contemporary Manners. By E. Jenkins, Author of "Ginx's Baby." Crown Svo, pp. iv. and 392, cloth. 1882. 7s. 6d. JENKINS. VEST-POCKET LEXICON. An English Dictionary of all except familiar Words, including the principal Scientific and Technical Terms, and Foreign Moneys, Weights and Measures; omitting what everybody knows, and contain- in^ what evervbody wants to know and cannot readily find. By Jabez Jenkins. 64mo, pp. 564", cloth. 1879. Is. 6d. JOHNSON. ORIENTAL RELIGIONS. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Extra Series, Vols. IV. and V. JOLLY. See NARADIYA. JOMINI. THE ART OF WAR. By B:>ron de Jomini, General and Aide-de-Camp to the Emperor of Russia. A New Edition, with Appendices and Maps. Translated from the French. By Captain G. H. Mendell, and Captain W. O. CraighilL Crown Svo, pp. 410, cloth. 1879. 9s. 38 A Catalogue of Important Works, JOSEPH. RELIGION, NATURAL AND REVEALED. A Series of Progressive Lessons for Jewish Youth. By N. S. Joseph. Crown Svo, pp. xii.-296, cloth. 1879. 3s. JUVENALIS SATIRE. "With a Literal English Prose Translation and Notes. By J. D. Lewis, M.A., Trin. Coll. Camb. Second Edition. Two vols. Svo, pp. xii. and 230 and 400, cloth. 1882. 12s. KARCHER. QUESTIONNAIRE FRANCAIS. Questions on French Grammar, Idiomatic Difficulties, and Military Expressions. By Theodore Karcher, LL.B. Fourth Edition, greatly enlarged. Crown Svo, pp. 224, cloth. 1879. 4s. 6d. Interleaved with writing paper, 5s. 6d. KARDEC. THE SPIRIT'S BOOK. Containing the Principles of Spiritist Doctrine on the Immortality of the Sonl, &c., &c., according to the Teachings of Spirits of High Degree, transmitted through various mediums, collected and set in order by Allen Kardec. Translated from the 120th thousand by Anna Blackwell. Crown Svo, pp. 512, cloth. 1875. 7s. 6d. KARDEC. THE MEDIUM'S BOOK ; or, Guide for Mediums and for Evocations. Containing the Theoretic Teachings of Spirits concerning all kinds of Manifesta- tions, the Means of Communication with the Invisible World, the Development of Medianimity, &c., &c. By Allen Kardec. Translated by Anna Blackwell. Crown Svo, pp. 456, cloth. 1876. 7s. 6d. KARDEC. HEAVEN AND HELL ; or, the Divine Justice Vindicated in the Plurality of Existences. By Allen Kardec. Translated by Anna Blackwell. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 448, cloth. 1878. 7s. 6d. KEMP. See SCHOPENHAUER. KENDRICK. GREEK OLLENDORFF. A Progressive Exhibition of the Principles of the Greek Grammar. By Asahel C. Kendrick. Svo, pp. 371, cloth. 1870. 9s. KERMODE. NATAL : Its Early History, Rise, Progress, and Future Prospects as a Field for Emigration. By W. Kermode, of Natal. Crown Svo, pp. xii. and 228, with Map, cloth. 1883. 3s. 6d. KEYS OF THE CREEDS (THE). Third Revised Edition. Crown Svo, pp. 210, cloth. 1876. 5s. KINAHAN. VALLEYS AND THEIR RELATION TO FISSURES, FRACTURES, AND FAULTS. By G. H. Kinahan, M.R.I. A., F.R.G.S.I., &c. Dedicated by permission to his Grace the Dnke of Argyll. Crown Svo, pp. 258, cloth, illustrated. 7s. 6d. KING'S STRATAGEM (The) ; OR, THE PEARL or POLAND ; A Tragedy in Five Acts. By Stella. Second Edition. Crown Svo, pp. 94, cloth. 1874. 2s. 6d. KINGSTON. THE UNITY OF CREATION-. A Contribution to the Solution of the Religious Question. By F. H. Kingston. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 152, cloth. 1874. os. KISTNER. BUDDHA AND HIS DOCTRINES. A Bibliographical Essay. By Otto Kistner. 4to, pp. iv. and 32, sewed. 1869. 2s. 6d. KNOX. Ox A MEXICAN MUSTANG. See under SWEET. KLEMM. MUSCLE BEATING; or, Active and Passive Home Gymnastics, for Healthy and Unhealthy People. By C. Klemm. With Illustrations. Svo, pp. 60, wrapper. 1878. Is. KOHL. TRAVELS IN CANADA AND THROUGH THE STATES OF NEW YORK AND PENNSYLVANIA. By J. G. Kohl. Translated by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. Revised by the Author. Two vols. post Svo, pp. xiv. and 794, cloth. 1861. 1, Is. KRAPF. DICTIONARY OF THE SUAHILI LANGUAGE. Compiled by the Rev. Dr. L. Krapf, missionary of the Church Missionary Society in East Africa. With an Appendix, containing an outline of a Suahili Grammar. Medium Svo, pp. xl. and 434, cloth. 1882. 30s. Published by Trubner & Co. S9 KRAUS. CARLSBAD AND ITS NATURAL HEALING AGENTS, from the Phvsiologicul and Therapeutical Point of View. By J. Kraus, M.D. With Notes Introductory by the Rev. J. T. Walters, M.A. Second Edition. Revised and enlarged. Crown Svo, pp. 104, cloth. 1880. 5a. KROEQER. THE MINNESINGER OF GERMANY. By A. E. Kroeger. Fcan. 8vo. pp. 290, cloth. 1873. 7s. KURZ. FOREST FLORA OP BRITISH BURMA. By S. Kurz. Curator of the Her- barium, Royal Botanical Gardens, Calcutta, 2 vols. crown 8vo, pp. xxx., 550. and GH, cloth. 1877. 30s. LACERDA'S JOCRNEY TO CAZEMBE in 1798. Translated and Annotated by Captain R. F. Burton, F. R.G.S. Also Journey of the Pombeiros, &c. Demy Svo. pp. viii. and 272. With Map, cloth. 1873. 7s. 6d, L \NARI. COLLECTION OF ITALIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. By A. Lanari. Fcap. Svo, pp. viii. and 200, cloth. 1874. 3s. 6d. LAND. THE PRINCIPLES OF HEBREW GRAMMAR. By J. P. N. Land, Professor of Logic and Metaphysics in the University of Leyden. Translated from the Dutch, by Reginald Lane Poole, Balliol College, Oxford. Part I. Sounds. Part II. Words. With Large Additions by the Author, and a new Preface. Crown Svo, pp. xx. and 220, cloth. 1876. 7s. 6d. LANE. THE KORAN, See Trubuer's Oriental Series. LANGE. A HISTORV OF MATERIALISM. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Vols. I. to III. LANGE. GERMANIA. A German Reading*book Arranged Progressively. By F. K. W. Lange, Ph.D. Part I. Anthology of German Prose and Poetry, with Vocabulary and Biographical Notes. Svo, pp. xvi. and 216, cloth, 1881, 3s. 6d. Part II. Essays on German History and Institutions, with Notes. Svo, pp. 124, cloth. Parts I. and II. together, os. 6d. LANGE. GERMAN PROSE WRITING. Comprising English Passages for Translation into German. Selected from Examination Papers of the University of London, the College of Preceptors, London, and the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, airranged progressively, with Notes and Theoretical as well as Practical Treatises on themes for the writing of Essays. By F. K. W. Lange, Ph.D., Assistant ; i- nian Master, Royal Academy, Woolwich ; Examiner, Royal College of Preceptors London. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 176, cloth. 1881. 4s. LANGE. GERMAN GRAMMAR PRACTICE. By F. K. W. Lange, Ph.D. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 64, cloth. 1882. Is, 6d. LANGE. COLLOQUIAL GERMAN GRAMMAR. With Special Reference to the An-lo- Saxon Element in the English Language. By F. K. W. Lauge, 1'h.D., \c. Crown Svo, pp. xxxii. and 380, cloth. 1882. 4.s. 6d. LANMAN. A SANSKRIT READER. With Vocabulary and Notes. By Charles Rockwell Lanman, Professor of Sanskrit in Harvard College. Imperial Svo, pp. xx. and 21)4, cloth. 1884. 10s. 6d. LARSEN DANISH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. By A. Larsen. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 646, cloth. 1884. 7s. 6d. L A.SCARIDES. A COMPREHENSIVE PHRASEOLOGICAL ENGLISH- ANCIENT AND MODERN GREEK LEXICON. Founded upon a manuscript of G. P. Lascii rides, and Compiled by L. Myriantheus, Ph.D. 2 vols. ISmo, pp. xi. and 1338, cloth. 1882. 1, 10s. 40 A Catalogue of Important Works, LATHE (THE) AND ITS USES ; or, Instruction in the Art of Turning Wood and Metal, including a description of the most modern appliances for the Ornamentation erf Plain and Curved Surfaces, &c. Sixth Edition. With additional Chapters and Index. Illustrated. 8vo, pp. iv. and 316, cloth. 1883. 10s. 6d. LE-BRUN. MATERIALS FOR TRANSLATING FROM ENGLISH INTO FRENCH ; being :\ short Essay on Translation, followed by a Graduated Selection in Prose and Verse. By L. Le-Brun. Seventh Edition. Revised and corrected by Henri Van Laun. Post 8vo, pp. xii. and 204, cloth. 1882. 4s. 6d. LEE. ILLUSTRATIONS OP THE PHYSIOLOGY OF RELIGION. In Sections adapted for the use of Schools. Part I. By Henry Lee, F.R.C.S., formerly Professor cf Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons, &c. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 108, cloth. 1880. 3s. 6d. LEES. A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO HEALTH, AND TO THE HOME TREATMENT OF THE COMMON AILMENTS OF LIFE : With a Section on Cases of Emergency, and Hints to Mothers on Nursing, &e. By F. Arnold Lees, F.L.S. Crown 8vo, ] p. 334, stiff covers. 1874. 3s. LEGGE. THE CHINESE CLASSICS. With a Translation, Critical and Exegetical, Notes, Prolegomena, and copious Indexes. By James Legge, D.D., of the Lon- don Missionary Society. In 7 vols. Royal 8vo. Vols. I.-V. in Eight Parts, published, cloth. 2, 2s. each Part. LEGGE. THE CHINESE CLASSICS, translated into English. With Preliminary Essays and Explanatory Notes. Popular Edition. Reproduced for General Readers from the Author's work, containing the Original Text. By James Legge, D.D. Crown Svo. Vol. I. Tbe Life and Teachings of Confucius. Third Edition. Pp. vi. and 338, cloth. 1872. 10s. 6d. Vol. II. The Works of Mencius. Pp. x. nnd 402, cloth, 12s. Vol. III. The She-King ; or, The Book of Poetry. Pp. vi. and 432, cloth. 1876. 12s. LEGGE. CONFUCIANISM IN RELATION TO CHRISTIANITY. A Paper read before the Missionary Conference in Shanghai, on May llth, 1877. By Rev. Jan:es Legge, D.D., LL.D., &c. Svo, pp. 12, sewed. 1877. Is. Gd. LEGGE. A LETTER TO PROFESSOR MAX MULLER, chiefly on the Translat on into English of the Chinese Terms Ti and Shany Tl. By James Legge, Professor of the Chinese Language and Literature iu the University of Oxford. Crown 8vi>, pp. 30, sewed. 1880. Is. LEIGH. THE RELIGION OF THE WORLD. By H. Stone Leigh. ]2mo, pp. xii. ard 66, cloth. 1869. 2s. 6d. LEIGH. THE STORY OF PHILOSOPHY. By Aston Leigh. Post Svo, pp. xii. and 210, cloth. 1881. 6s. LEILA-HANOUM. A TRAGEDY IN THE IMPERIAL HAREM AT CONSTANTINOPLE. By Lei'la-Hanoum. Translated from the French, with Notes by General R. E. Colston. 16nio, pp. viii. and 300, cloth. 1883. 4s. Paper, 2s. fid. LELAND. THEBREITMANN BALLADS. The only authorised Edition. Complete in 1 vol., including Nineteen Ballads, illustrating his Travels in Europe (never before printed), with Comments by Fritz Scliwackenhammer. By Charles G. Leland. Crown Svo, pp. xxviii. and 292, cloth. 1872. 6s. LELAND. THE Music LESSON OF CONFUCIUS, and other Poems. By Charles G. Leland. Fcap. Svo, pp. viii. and 168, cloth. 1871. 3s. 6d. LELAND. GAUDEAMUS. Humorous Poems translated from the German of Joseph Victor Scheffel and others. By Charles G. Leland. 16mo, pp. 176, cloth 1872. 3s. !>d. LELAND. THE EGYPTIAN SKETCH-BOOK. By C. G. Leland. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 316, cloth. 1873. 7s. 6d. Published by Trubner & Co. 41 LELAND. THE ENGLISH GIPSIES AND THEIR LANGUAGE. By Charles G. Leland. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. xvi. and 260, cloth. 1874. 7a. 6d. LELAND. FU-SANG ; OR, THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA by Chinese Buddhist Priests in the Fifth Century. By Charles G. Leland. Crown 8vo, pp. 232, cloth. 1875. 7s. 6d. LELAND. PIDGIN-ENGLISH SiKG-SoKO ; or, Songs and Stories in the China-English Dialect. With a Vocabulary. By Charles G. Leland. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. anil 140, cloth. 1876. 5s. LELAND. -THE GYPSIES. By C. G. Leland. Crown 8vo, pp. 372, cloth. 1882. 10s. 6d. LEOPARDI. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Vol. XVII. LEO. FOUR CHAPTERS OF NORTH'S PLUTARCH, Containing the Lives of Cains Mar- cius, Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, Marcus Autonius, and Marcus Brutus, as Sources to Shakespeare's Tragedies ; Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, and Antony and Cleo- patra ; and partly to Hamlet and Timon of Athens. Photolithographed in the size of the Edition of 1595. With Preface, Notes comparing the Text of the Editions of 1579, 1595, 1603, and 1612 ; and Reference Notes to the Text of the Tragedies of Shakespeare. Edited by Professor F. A. Leo, Ph.D., Vice-Presi- dent of the New Shakespeare Society ; Member of the Directory of the German Shakespeare Society ; and Lecturer at the Academy of Modern Philology at Berlin. Folio, pp. 22, 130 of facsimiles, half-morocco. Library Edition (limited to 250 copies), 1, lls. 6d. ; Amateur Edition (50 copies on a superior large hand-made paper), 3, 3s. LERMONTOFF. THE DEMON. By Michael Lennontoff. Translated from the Pwussian by A. Condie Stephen. Crown 8vo, pp. 88, cloth. 1881. 2s. 6d. LESLEY. MAN'S ORIGIN AND DESTINY. Sketched from the Platform of the Physical Sciences. By. J. P. Lesley, Member of the National Academy of the United States, Professor of Geology, University of Pennsylvania. Second (Revised and considerably Enlarged) Edition, crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 142, cloth. 1881. 7s. 6d. LESSING. LETTERS ON BIBLIOLATRY. By Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Translated from the German by the late H. H. Bernard, Ph.D. 8vo, pp. 184, cloth. 18C.L'. 5*. LESSING. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Extra Series, Vols. I. and II. LETTERS ON THE WAR BETWEEN GERMANY AND FRANCE. By Mommsen, Strauss, Max Miiller, and Carlyle. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 120, cloth. 1871. 2s. 6d. LEWES. PROBLEMS OF LIFE AND MIND. By George Henry Lewes. First Series : The Foundations of a Creed. Vol. I., demy 8vo. Fourth edition, pp. 488, cloth. 1884. 12s. Vol. II., demy 8vo, pp. 552, cloth. 1875. 16s. LEWES. PROBLEMS <>F LIFE AND MIND. By George Henry Lewes. Second Series. THE PHYSICAL BASIS OF MIND. 8vo, with Illustrations, pp. 508, cloth. 1*77. 16s. Contents. The Nature of Life; The Nervous Mechanism; Animal Auto- matism ; The Reflex Theory. LEWES. PROBLEMS OF LIKE AND MIND. By George Henry Lewes. Third Series. Problem the First The Study of Psychology : Its Object, Scope, and Method. Demy 8vo, pp. 200, cloth. 1879. 7s. &L LEWES. PROBLEMS OF LIFE AND MIND. By George Henry Lewes. Third Series. Problem the Second Mind as a Function of the Organism. Problem the Third The Sphere of Sense and Logic of Feeling. Problem the Fourth The Sphere of Intellect and Logic of Signs. Demy 8vo, pp. x. and 500, cloth. 1879. 15s. 42 A Catalogue of Important Works, LEWIS. See JUVENAL and PLINY. LIBRARIANS, TRANSACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE OF, held in London, October 1877. Edited by Edward B. Nicholson and Henry R. Tedder. Imperial Svo, pp. 276, cloth. 1878. 1, 8s. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, Transactions and Proceed- ings of the Annual Meetings of the. Imperial Svo, cloth. FIRST, held at Oxford, October 1, 2, 3, 1878. Edited by the Secretaries, Henry Pv. Tedder, Librarian of the Athenaeum Club, and Ernest C. Thomas, late Librarian of the Oxford Union Society. Pp. viii. and 192. 1879. 1, 8s. SECOND, held at Man- chester, September 23, 24, and 25, 1879. Edited by H. R. Tedder and E. C. Thomas. Pp. x. and 184. 1880. 1, Is. THIRD, held at Edinburgh, October 5, 6, and 7, 1880. Edited by E. C. Thomas and C. Welsh. Pp. x. and 202. 1881. 1, Is. LIBBER. THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF FRANCIS LIEBER. Edited by T. S. Perry. 8vo, pp. iv. and 440, cloth, with Portrait. 1882. 14s. LITTLE FRENCH READER (THE). Extracted from " The Modern French Reader." Third Edition. Crown Svo, pp. 112, cloth. 1884. 2s. LLOYD AND NEWTON. PRUSSIA'S REPRESENTATIVE MAN. By F. Lloyd of the Universities of Halle and Athens, and "W. Newton, F.R.G.S. Crown Svo, pp. 648, cloth. 1875. 10s. 6d. LOBSCHEID. CHINESE AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY, arranged according to the Radi- cals. By "W. Lobscheid. 1 vol. imperial Svo, pp. 600, cloth. 2, 8s. LOBSCHEID. ENGLISH AND CHINESE DICTIONARY, with the Punti and Mandarin Pronunciation. By "W. Lobscheid. Four Parts. Folio, pp. viii. and 2016, boards. 8, 8s. LONG. EASTERN PROVERBS. See Triibners Oriental Series. LOVETT. THE LIFE AND STRUGGLES OF WILLIAM LOVETT in his pursuit of Bread, Knowledge, and Freedom ; with some short account of the different Associations he belonged to, and of the Opinions he entertained. Svo, pp. vi. and 474, cloth. 1876. 5s. LOVELY. WHERE TO GO FOR HELP: Being a Companion for Quick and Easy Reference of Police Stations, Fire-Engine Stations, Fire-Escape Stations, &c., fee., of London and the Suburbs. Compiled by W. Lovely, R.N. Third Edi- tion. 18mo, pp. 16, sewed. 1882. 3d. LOWELL. THE BIGLOW PAPERS. By James Russell Lowell. Edited by Thomas Hughes, Q.C. A Reprint of the Authorised Edition of 1859, together with the Second Series of 1862. First and Second Series in 1 vol. Fcap. , pp. lxviii.-140 and lxiv.-190, cloth. 1880. 2s. 6d. LUCAS. THE CHILDREN'S PENTATEUCH : With the Haphtarahs or Portions from the Prophets. Arranged for Jewish Children. By Mrs. Henry Lucas. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 570, cloth. 1878. 5s. LUDEWIG. THE LITERATURE OF AMERICAN ABORIGINAL LANGUAGES. By Hermann E. Ludewig. With Additions and Corrections by Professor Wm. W. Turner. Edited by Nicolas Trubner. Svo, pp. xxiv. and 258, cloth. 1858. 10s. 6d. LUKIN. THE BOY ENGINEERS : What they did, and how they did it. By the Rev. L. J. Lukin, Author of " The Young Mechanic," &c. A Book for Boys ; 30 En- gravings. Imperial 16mo, pp. viii. and 344, cloth. 1877. 7s. 6d. Published by Trubner & Co. 43 LUX E TENEBRIS ; OR, THE TESTIMONY OF CONSCIOUSNESS. A Theoretic Essay. Crown 8vo, pp. 376, with Diagram, cloth. 1874. 10s. Gil. MACCORMAC. THE CONVERSATION OF A SOUL WITH GOD : A Theodicy. By Henry MacCormac, M.D. 16mo, pp. xvi. and 144, cloth. 1877. 3s. 6d. MACHIAVELLI. THE HISTORICAL, POLITICAL, AND DIPLOMATIC WRITINGS OF NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI. Translated from the Italian by C. E. Detmold. With Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, pp. xii., 420, 464, 488, and 472. 1882. 3, 3s. MADDEN. COINS OF THE JEWS. Being a History of the Jewish Coinage and Money in the Old and New Testaments. By Frederick W. Madden, M.R. A.S. Member of the Numismatic Society of London, Secretary of the Brighton College, &c., &c. With 279 Woodcuts and a Plate of Alphabets. Royal 4to. pp. xil and 330, cloth. 1881. Jt'2, 2s. MA.DELUNG. THE CAUSES ANP OPERATIVE TREATMENT OF DUPUYTREN'S FINGER CONTRACTION. By Dr. Otto W. Madelung, Lecturer of Surgery at the Univer- sity, and Assistant Surgeon at the University Hospital, Bonn. Svo, pp. 24, sewed. 1876. Is. MAHAPARINIBBANASUTTA. See CHILDERS. MAHA-VTRA-CHARITA ; or, The Adventures of the Great Hero Kama. An Indian Drama in Seven Acts. Translated into English Prose from the Sanskrit of Bhavabhiiti. By John Pickford, M.A. Crown Svo, cloth. 5s. MALLESON. ESSAYS AND LECTURES ON INDIAN HISTORICAL SUBJECTS. By Colonel G. B. Malleson, C.S.I. Second Issue. Crown Svo, pp. 348, cloth. 1876. us. MANDLEY. WOMAN OUTSIDE CHRISTENDOM. An Exposition of the Influence exerted by Christianity on tiie Social Position and Happiness of Women. By J. G. Mandley. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 160, cloth. 1880. 5s. MANIPTJLUS VOCABULORUM. A Rhyming Dictionary of the English Language. By Peter Levins (1570). Edited, with an Alphabetical Index, by Henry B. Wheatley. 8vo, pp. xvi. and 370, cloth. 1867. 14s. MANOEUVRES. A RETROSPECT OF THE AUTUMN MANOEUVRES, 1871. With 5 Plans. By a Recluse. Svo, pp. xii. and 133, cloth. 1872. 5s. MARIETTE-BEY. THE MONUMENTS OF UPPER EGYPT: a translation of the " Itineraire de la Haute Eijypte " of Auguste Mariette-Bey. Translated by Alphonse Mariette. Crown Svo, pj>. xvi. and -62, cloth. 1877. 7s. 6d. MARKHAM. QUICHUA GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Contributions towards a Grammar and Dictionary of Quichua, the Language of the Yncas of Peru. Col- lected by Clements R. Markham, F.S.A. Crown Svo, pp. 223, cloth. 1, 11s. 6d. MARKHAM. OLLANTA : A Drama in the Quichua Language. Text, Translation, and Introduction. By Clements R. Markham, C.B. Crown Svo, pp. 128, cloth. 1871. 7s. 6d. MARKHAM. A MEMOIR OF THE LADY ANA DE OSORIO, Countess of Chincon, and Vice-Queen of Peru, A.D. 1629-39. With a Plea for the correct spelling of the Chinchona Genus. By Clements R. Markham, C.B., Member of the Imperial Aca- demy Nature Curiosorum, with the Cognomen of Chinchon. Small 4to, pp. xii. and 100. With 2 Coloured Plates, Map, and Illustrations. Handsomely bound. 1874. 28s. 44 A Catalogue of Important Works, MARKHAM. A MEMOIR ox THE INDIAN- SURVEYS. By Clements R. Markham, C.B., F.R.S., &c., , pp. CO, cloth. 1883. Is. NEW SOUTH WALES, PUBLICATIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF. List on application. NEW SOUTH WALES. JOURNAL AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF. Published annually. Price 10s. 6d. List of Contents on application. NEWTON. PATENT LAW AND PRACTICE: showing the mode of obtaining and opposing Grants, Disclaimers, Confirmations, and Extensions of Patents. "With a Chapter on Patent Agents. By A. V. Newton. Enlarged Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. xii. and 104, cloth. 1879. 2s. 6d. NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE PUBLICATIONS:- I. TRANSACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS of the New Zealand Institute. Demy 8vo, stitched. Vols. I. to XVI., 1868 to 1883. 1, Is. each. II. AN INDEX TO THE TRANSACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS of the New Zealand In- stitute. Vols. I. to VIII. Edited and Published under the Authority of the Board of Governors of the Institute. By James Hector, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.S. Demy, 8vo, 44 pp., stitched. 1877. 2s. 6d. NEW ZEALAND. GfidLOGlCAL SURVEY. List of Publications on application. NOIRIT. -A FRENCH COURSE IN TEN LESSONS. By Jules Noirit, B. A. Lessons I.- IV. Crown 8vo, pp. xiv. and 80, sewed. 1870. Is. Cd. NOIRIT. FRENCH GRAMMATICAL QUESTIONS for the use of Gentlemen preparing for the Army, Civil Service, Oxford Examinations, &c. , &c. By Jules Noirit. Crown 8vo, pp. 62, cloth. 1870. Is. Interleaved, Is. Cd. NOURSE. NARRATIVE OF THE SECOND ARCTIC EXPEDITION MADE BY CHARLES F. HALL. His Voyage to Repulse Bay; Sledge Journeys to the Straits of Fury and Hecla, and to King William's Land, and Residence among the Eskimos during the years 1864-69. Edited under the orders of the Hon. Secretary of the Navy, by Prof. J. E. Nourse, U.S.N. 4to, pp. 1. and 644, cloth. With maps, heliotypes, steel and wood engravings. 1880. 1, 8s. NUGENT'S IMPROVED FRENCH AND ENGLISH AND ENGLISH AND FRENCH POCKET DICTIONARY. Par Smith. 24mo, pp. 489 and 320, cloth. 1873. 3s. NUTT. Two TREATISES ON VERBS CONTAINING FEEBLE AND DOUBLE LETTERS. By R. Jehuda Hayug of Fez. Translated into Hebrew from the original Arabic by R. Moses Gikatilia of Cordova, with the Treatise on Punctuation by the same author, translated by Aben Ezra. Edited from Bodleian MSS., with an English translation, by J. W. Nutt, M.A. Demy 8vo, pp. 312, sewed. 1870. 5s. NUMISMATA ORIENTALIA ILLUSTRATA. See MARSDEN. NUTT. A SKETCH OF SAMARITAN HISTORY, DOGMA, AND LITERATURE. An Intro- troduction to "Fragments of a Samaritan Targum." By J. W. Nutt, M.A., &c., &c. Demy 8vo, pp. 180, cloth. 1874. 5s. OEHLENSCHLAGER. AXEL AND VALBORG : a Tragedy, in Five Acts, and other Poems. Translated from the Danish of Adam Oehlenschlager by Pierce Butler, M.A., late Rector of Ulcombe, Kent. Edited by Professor Palmer, M.A., of St. John's Coll., Camb. With a Memoir of the Translator. Fcap. 8vo, pp. xii. and 164, cloth. 1874. 5s. OSRA LINDA BOOK (THE). From a Manuscript of the 13th Century, with the per- mission of the proprietor, C. Over de Linden of the Helder. The Original Frisian Text as verified by Dr. J. O. Ottema, accompanied by an English Version of Dr. Ottema's Dutch Translation. By W. R. Sandbach. 8vo, pp. xxv. and 254, cloth. 1876. 5s. Published by Triibner & Co. 51 OGAREFF. ESSAI SUR LA SITUATION RUSSE. Lettres a uu Anglais. ParN. Ogareff. 12mo, pp. 150, sewed. 1862. 3s. OLCOTT. A BUDDHIST CATECHISM, according to the Canon of the Southern Church. By Colonel H. S. Olcott, President of the Theosophical Society. 24mo, pp. 32. Is. OLCOTT. THE YOGA PHILOSOPHY: Being the Text of Patanjali, with Bhojarajah's Commentary. A Reprint of the English Translation of the above, hy the late Dr. Ballautyne and Govind Shastri Deva ; to which are added Extracts from Various Authors. With an Introduction by Colonel H. S. Olcott, President of the Theo- sophical Society. The whole Edited by Tukarara Tatia, F.T.S. Crown 8vo, pp. xvi.-294, wrapper. 1882. 7s. 6d. OLLENDORFF. METODO PARA APRENDER A LEER, escribir y hablar el Ingles segun el sistema de Ollendorff. Por Ramon Palenzuela y Juan de la Carre no. 8vo, pp. xlvi. and 460, cloth. 1873. 7s. 6d. KEY to Ditto. Crown 8vo, pp. 112, cloth. 1873. 4s. OLLENDORFF. METODO PARA APRENDER A LEER, escribir y hablar el Frances, segun el verdadero sistema de Ollendorff ; ordenado en lecciones progresivas, con- sistiendo de ejercicios orales y escritos ; enriquecido de la pronunciacion figurada como se estila en la conversacion ; y de un Apendice abrazando las reglas de la sintaxis, la formacion de los verbos regulares, y la conjugacioii de los irregulai-es. Por Teodoro Simonue', Professor de Leuguas. Crown 8vo, pp. 342, cloth. 1873. 6s. KEY to Ditto. Crown 8vo, pp. 80, cloth. 1873. 3s. 6d. OPPERT. Ox THE CLASSIFICATION OF LANGUAGES : A Contribution to Comparative Philology. By Dr. Gustav Oppert, Ph.D., Professor of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Madras. 8vo, paper, pp. viii. and 146. 1883. 7s. 6d. OPPERT. LISTS OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS in Private Libraries of Southern India, Compiled, Arranged, and Indexed by Gustav Oppert, Ph.D., Professor of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Madras. Vol. I. 8vo, pp. vii. and 620, cloth. 1883. 1, Is. OPPERT. ON THE WEAPONS, ARMY ORGANISATION, AND POLITICAL MAXIMS or THE ANCIENT HINDUS ; with special reference to Gunpowder and Firearms. By Dr. Gustav Oppert, Ph.D., Professor of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Madras. 8vo, paper, pp. vi. and 162. 1883. 7s. 6d. ORIENTAL SERIES. See TRUBNER'S ORIENTAL SERIES. ORIENTAL TEXT SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS. A list may be had on application. ORIENTAL CONGRESS. -REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND INTERNA- TIONAL CONGRESS OF ORIENTALISTS HELD IN LONDON, 1874. Royal 8vo, pp. viii. and 68, sewed. 1874. 5s. ORIENTALISTS. TRANSACTIONS OF THE SECOND SESSION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ORIENTALISTS. Held in London in September 1874. Edited by Robert K. Douglas, Hon. Sec. 8vo, pp. viii. and 456, cloth. 1876. 21s. OTTE. How TO LEARN DANISH (Dano-Norwegian) : a Manual for Students of Danish based on the Ollendorffian system of teaching languages, and adapted for self -instruction. By E. C. Otte. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. xx. and 333, cloth. 1884. 7s. 6d. Key to above. Crown 8vo, pp. 84, cloth. 3s. OTTE. SIMPLIFIED DANISH AND SWEDISH GRAMMARS. See TRUBNER'S COLLECTION. OVERBECK. CATHOLIC ORTHODOXY AND ANGLO-CATHOLICISM. A Word about the Intercommunion between the English and Orthodox Churches. By J. J. Overbeck, D.D. 8vo, pp. viii. and 200, cloth. 1866. 5s. OVERBECK. BONN CONFERENCE. By J. J. Overbeck, D.D. Cown 8vo, pp. 48, sewed. 1876. Is. OVERBECK. A PLAIN VIEW OF THE CLAIMS OF THE ORTHODOX CATHOLIC CHURCH AS OPPOSED TO ALL OTHER CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS. By J. J. Overbeck, D.D. Crown Svo, pp. iv. and 133, wrapper. 1881. 2s. 6d. 52 A Catalogue of Important Works, OWEN. FOOTFALLS ON THE BOUNDARY OF ANOTHER WORLD. With Narrative Illustrations. By R. D. Owen. An enlarged English Copyright Edition. Post STO, pp. xx. and 392, cloth. 1875. 7s. 6d. OWEN. THE DEBATABLE LAND BETWEEN THIS WORLD AND THE NEXT. With Illustrative Narrations. By Robert Dale Owen. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 456, cloth. 1874. 7s. 6d. OWEN. THREADING MY WAY : Twenty-Seven Years of Autobiography. By R. D. Owen. Crown 8vo, pp. 344, cloth. 1874. 7s. 6d. OYSTER (THE) : WHERE, How, AND WHEN TO FIND, BREED, COOK, AND EAT IT. Second Edition, with . New Chapter, "The Oyster-Seeker in London." 12mo, pp. viii. and 106, boards. 1863. Is. PALESTINE. MEMOIRS OF THE SURVEY OF WESTERN PALESTINE. Edited by W. Besant, M.A., and E. H. Palmer, M.A., under the Direction of the Committee of the Palestine Exploitation Fund. Complete in seven volumes. Demy 4to, cloth, with a Portfolio of Plans, and large scale Map. Second Issue. Price Twenty Guineas. PALMER. A CONCISE ENGLISH-PERSIAN DICTIONARY ; together with a simplified Grammar of the Persian Language. By the late E. H. Palmer, M.A., Lord Almoner's Reader, and Professor of Arabic, Cambridge, &c. Completed and Edited, from the MS. left imperfect at his death, by G. Le Strange. Royal 16mo, pp. 606, cloth. 1883. 10s. 6d. PALMER. A CONCISE PERSIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. By E. H. Palmer, M.A., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law, Lord Almoner's Reader, and Professor of Arabic, and Fellow of St. John's College in the University of Cambridge. Royal 16mo, pp. 726, cloth. 1884. 10s. 6d. PALMER. THE SONG OF THE REED, AND OTHER PIECES. By E. H. Palmer, M.A., Cambridge. Crown 8vo, pp. 203, cloth. 1876. 5s. PALMER. HINDUSTANI, ARABIC, AND PERSIAN GRAMMAR. See Triibner's Col- lection. PALMER. THE PATRIARCH AND THE TSAR. Translated from the Russ by William Palmer, M.A. Demy 8vo, cloth. Vol. I. THE REPLIES OF THE HUMBLE NICON. Pp. xl. and 674. 1871. 12s. Vol. II. TESTIMONIES CONCERNING THE PATRIARCH NICON, THE TSAR, AND THE BOYARS. Pp. Ixxviii. and 554. 1873. 12s. Vol. III. HISTORY OF THE CONDEMNATION OF THE PATRIARCH NICON. Pp. Ixvi. and 558. 1873. 12s. Vols. IV., V., and VI. SERVICES OF THE PATRIARCH NICON TO THE CHURCH AND STATE OF HIS COUNTRY, &c. Pp. Ixxviii. and 1 to 660 ; xiv. -661- 102S and 1 to 254 ; xxvi.-1029-1656, and 1-72. 1876. 36s. PARKER. THEODORE PARKER'S CELEBRATED DISCOURSE ON MATTERS PERTAINING TO RELIGION. People's Edition. Cr. 8vo, pp. 351. 1872. Stitched, Is. 6d. ; cl., 2s. PARKER. THEODORE PARKER. A Biography. By O. B. Frothingham. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 588, cloth, with Portrait. 1876. 12s. PARKER. THE COLLECTED WORKS OF THEODORE PARKER, Minister of the Twenty- eighth Congregational Society at Boston, U.S. Containing his Theological, Polemical, and Critical Writings ; Sermons, Speeches, and Addresses ; and Literary Miscellanies. In 14 vols. 8vo, cloth. 6s. each. Vol. I. Discourse on Matters Pertaining to Religion. Preface by the Editor, and Portrait of Parker from a medallion by Saulini. Pp. 380. Vol. II. Ten Sermons and Prayers. Pp. 360. Vol. III. Discourses of Theology. Pp. 318. Vol. IV. Discourses on Politics. Pp. 312. Vol. V. Discourses of Slavery. I. Pp. 336. Vol. VI. Discourses of Slavery. II. Pp. 323. Vol. VII. Discourses of Social Science. Pp. 296. Vol. VIII. Miscellaneous Discourses. Pp. 230. Vol. IX. Critical Writings. I. Pp. 292. Vol. X. Critical Writings. II. Pp. o08. Published by Triibiier & Co. 53 PARKER. COLLECTED WORKS continued. Vol. XI. Sermons of Theism, Atheism, and Popular Theology. Pp. 257. VoL XII. Autobiographical and Miscellaneous Pieces. Pp. 356. Vol. XIII. Historic Americans. Pp. 236. Vol. XIV. Lessons from the World of Matter and the World of Man. Pp. 352. PARKER. MALAGASY GRAMMAR. See Triibner's Collection. PATERSON. NOTES ON MILITARY SURVEYING A.NJ> RECONNAISSANCE. By Lieut- Colonel William Paterson. Sixth Edition. With 16 Plates. Demy 8vo, pp. xii. and 146, cloth. 1882. 7s. 6d. PATERSON. TOPOGRAPHICAL EXAMINATION PAPERS. By Lieut.-Col. W. Paterson. 8vo, pp. 32, with 4 Plates. Boards. 1882. 2s. PATERSON. TREATISE ON MILITARY DRAWING. With a Course of Progressive Plates. By Captain W. Paterson, Professor of Military Drawing at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Oblong 4to, pp. xii. and 31, cloth. 1862. 1, Is. PATERSON. THE OROMETER FOR HILL MEASURING, combining Scales of Distances, Protractor, Clinometer, Scale of Horizontal Equivalents, Scale of Shade, and Table of Gradients. By Captain William Paterson. On cardboard. Is. PATERSON. CENTRAL AMERICA. By W. Paterson, the Merchant Statesman. From a MS. in the British Museum, 1701. With a Map. Edited by S. Bannis- ter, M.A. 8vo, pp. 70, sewed. 1857. 2s. 6d. PATON. A HISTORY OF THE EGYPTIAN REVOLUTION, from the Period of the Mame- lukes to the Death of Mohammed All ; from Arab and European Memoirs, Oral Tradition, and Local Research. By A. A. Paton. Second Edition. 2 vols. demy 8vo, pp. xii. and 395, viii. and 446, cloth. 1870. 7s. 6d. PATON. -HENRY BEYLE (otherwise DE STENDAHL). A Critical and Biographical Study, aided by Original Documents and Unpublished Letters from the Private Papers of the Family of Beyle. By A. A. Paton. Crown 8vo, pp. 340, cloth. 1874. 7s. 6d. PATTON. THE DEATH OF DEATH; or, A Study of God's Holiness in Connection with the Existence of Evil, in so far as Intelligent and Responsible Beings are Concerned. By an Orthodox Layman (John M. Patton). Revised Edition, crown 8vo, pp. xvi. and 252, cloth. 1881. 6s. PAULI. SIMON DE MONTFORT, EARL OF LEICESTER, the Creator of the House of Commons. By Reinhold Pauli. Translated by Una M. Goodwin. With Intro- duction by Harriet Martineau. Crowu 8vo, pp. xvi. and 340, cloth. 1876. 6s. PETTENKOFER. THE RELATION OF THE AIR TO THE CLOTHES WE WEAR, THE HOUSB WE LIVE IN. AND THE SOIL WE DWELL ON. Three Popular Lectures delivered before the Albert Society at Dresden. By Dr. Max Von Pettenkofer, Professor of Hygiene at the University of Munich, &c. Abridged and Translated by Augustus Hess, M.D., M.R.C.P., London, &c. Cr. 8vo, pp. viii. and 96, limp cl. 1873. 2s. 6d. PETRUCCELLI. PRELIMINAIRES DE LA QUESTION ROMAINE DE M. ED. ABOUT. Par F. Petruccelli de la Gattina. 8vo, pp. xv. and 3t>4, cloth. 1860. 7s. 6d. PEZZI. ARYAN PHILOLOGY, according to the most recent researches (Glottologia Aria Itocentissima). Remarks Historical and Critical. By Domenico Pezzi. Translated by E. S. Roberts, M.A. Crown 8vo, pp. xvL and 200, cloth. 1879. 6s. PHAYRE. A HISTORY OF BURMA. See Triibner's Oriental Series. PHAYRE. THE COINS OF ARAKAN. OF PEGU, AND OF BURMA. By Sir Arthur Phayre, C.B., K. C.S.I., G.C.M.G., late Commissioner of British Burma. Royal 4to, pp. viii. -48, with Autotype Illustrative Plates. Wrapper. 1882. 8s. 6d. PHILLIPS. THE DOCTRINE OF ADDAI, THE APOSTLE, now first edited in a com- plete form in the Original Syriac, with English Translation and Notes. By George Phillips. D.D., President of Queen's College, Cambridge. 8vo, pp. XY. and 52 and 53, cloth. 1876. 7s. M. 54 A Catalogue of Important Works, PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY, TRANSACTIONS OF, published irregularly. List of publi- cations on application. PHILOSOPHY (THE) OF INSPIRATION AND REVELATION. By a Layman. With a preliminary notice of an Essay by the present Lord Bishop of Winchester, con- tained in a volume entitled "Aids to Faith." 8vo, pp. 20, sewed. 1875. Cd. PICCIOTTO. SKETCHES OF ANGLO-JEWISH HISTORY. By James Picciotto. Demy 8vo, pp. xi. and 420, cloth. 1875. 12s. PIESSE. CHEMISTRY IN THE BREWING-ROOM: being the substance of a Course of Lessons to Practical Brewers. With Tables of Alcohol, Extract, and Original Gravity. By Charles H. Piesse, F.C.S., Public Analyst. Fcap., pp. viii. and 62, cloth. 1877. 5s. PIRY. LE SAINT EDIT, ETUDE DE LITTERATURE CHINOISE. Preparee par A. The'ophile Piry, du Service des Douanes Maritimes de Chine. 4to, pp. xx. and 320, cloth. 1879. 21s. PLAYFAIR. THE CITIES AND TOWNS OF CHINA. A Geographical Dictionary. By G. M. H. Playfair, of Her Majesty's Consular Service in China. 8vo, pp. 506, cloth. 1879. 1, 5s. PLINY. THE LETTERS OF PLINY THE YOUNGER. Translated by J. D. Lewis, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. Post 8vo, pp. vii. and 390, cloth. 1879. 5s. PLUMPTRE. KING'S COLLEGE LECTURES ON ELOCUTION ; on the Physiology and Culture of Voice and Speech and the Expression of the Emotions by Language, Countenance, and Gesture. To which is added a Special Lecture on the Causes and Cure of the Impediments of Speech. Being the substance of the Introduc- tory Course of Lectures annually delivered by Charles Johu Plumptre, Lecturer on Public Reading ami Speaking at King's College, London, in the Evening Classes Department. Dedicated by permission to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. Fourth, greatly Enlarged Illustrated, Edition. Post Svo, pp. xviii. and 494, cloth. 1883. 15s. PLUMFTRE. GENERAL SKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF PANTHEISM. By C. E. Plumptre. Vol. I., from the Earliest Times to the Age of Spinoza ; Vol. II., from the Age of Spinoza to the Commencement of the 19th Century. 2 vols. demy Svo, pp. viii. and 395; iv. and 348, cloth. 1881. 18s. POLE. THE PHILOSOPHY OF Music. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library. Vol. XI. PONSARD. CHARLOTTE CORDAY. A Tragedy. By F. Ponsard. Edited, with Eng- lish Notes and Notice on Ponsard, by Professor C. Cassal, LL.D. 12mo, pp. xL and 133, cloth. 1867. 2s. 6d. PONSARD. L'HONNEUR ET L'ARGENT. A Comedy. By Francois Ponsard. Edited, with English Notes and Memoir of Ponsard, by Professor C. Cassal, LL.D. Fcap. 8vo, pp. xvi. and 172, cloth. 1869. 3s. 6d. POOLE. AN INDEX TO PERIODICAL LITERATURE. By W. F. Poole, LL.D., Librarian, of the Chicago Public Library. Third Edition, brought down to January 1882. 1 vol. royal Svo, pp. xxviii. and 1442, cloth. 1883. 3, 13s. Gd. Wrapper!, 3, 10s. PRACTICAL GUIDES : FRANCE, BELGIUM, HOLLAND, AND THE RHINE. Is. ITALIAN LAKES. Is. WIN- TERING PLACES OF THE SOUTH. 2s. SWITZERLAND, SAVOY, AND NORTH ITALY. 2s. 6d. GENERAL CONTINENTAL GUIDE. 5s. GENEVA. Is. PARIS. Is. KER- NESE OBERLAND. Is. ITALY. 4s. PRATT. A GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY OF THE SAMOAN LANGUAGE. By Rev. George Pratt, Forty Years a Missionary of the London Missionary Society in Samoa. Second Edition. Edited by Rev. S. J. Whitmee, F.R.G.S. Crown. Svo, pp. viii. and 380, cloth. 1878. 18s. Published ~b>j Trubner & Co. 55 PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, SOCIETY FOR, PROCEEDINGS. Published irregularly. Vol. I. Post Svo, pp. 338, cloth. 1884. 10s. QUINET. EDGAR QUINET. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Vol. XIV. RAM RAZ. ESSAY ON THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE HINDUS. By Ram Raz, Native Judge and Magistrate of Bangalore, Corr. Mem. R.A.S. With 48 Plates. 4to, pp. xiv. and 64, sewed. 1834. 2, 2s. RAMSAY. TABULAR LIST OF ALL THE AUSTRALIAN BIRDS AT PRESENT KNOWN TO THE AUTHOR, showing the distribution of the species. By E. P. Ramsay, F.L.S., &c., Curator of the Australian Museum, Sydney. Svo, pp. 36, and Map ; boards. 1878. 5s. R ASK. GRAMMAR OF THE ANGLO-SAXON TONGUE, from the Danish of Erasmus Rask. By Benjamin Thorpe. Third Edition, corrected and improved, with Plate. Post Svo, pp. vi. and 192, cloth. 1879. 5s. 6d. RASK. A SHORT TRACTATE on the Longevity ascribed to the Patriarchs in the Book of Genesis, and its relation to the Hebrew Chronology ; the Flood, the Exodus of the Israelites, the Site of Eden, &c. From the Danish of the late Professor Rask, with his manuscript corrections, and large additions from his autograph, now for the first time printed. With a Map of Paradise and the circumjacent Lauds. Crown Svo, pp. 134, cloth. 1863. 2s. 6d. RATTON. A HANDBOOK OF COMMON SALT. By J. J. L. Ratton, M.D., M.C., Surgeon, Madras Army. Svo, pp. xviii. and 282. cloth. 1879. 7s. 6d. RAVENSTEIN. THE RUSSIANS ON THE AMUR ; its Discovery, Conquest, and Colo- nization, with a Description of the Country, its Inhabitants, Productions, and Commercial Capabilities, and Personal Accounts of Russian Travellers. By E. G. Ravenstein, F.R.G.S. With 4 tinted Lithographs and 3 Maps. Svo, pp. 500, cloth. 1861. 15s. RAVENSTEIN AND HDT.LEY. THE GYMNASIUM AND rrs FITTINGS. By E. G. Ravenstein and John Hulley. With 14 Plates of Illustrations. Svo, pp. 32, sewed. 1867. 2s. 6d. RAVERTY. NOTES ON AFGHANISTAN AND PART OF BALUCHISTAX, Geographical, Ethnographical, and Historical, extracted from the Writings of little known Afghan, and Tajyik Historians, &c., &c., and from Personal Observation. By Major H. G. llaverty, Bombay Native Infantry (Retired). Foolscap folio. Sec- tions I. and II., pp. 98, wrapper. 1830. 2s. Section III., pp. vi. and 218. 1881. 5s. Section IV. 1884. 3s. READE. THE MARTYRDOM OF MAN. By Winwood Reade. Eighth Edition. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 544, cloth. 1884. 7s. 6d. RECORD OFFICE. A SEPARATE CATALOGUE OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS o* THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, on sale by Trubner & Co., may be had on application. RECORDS OF THE HEART. By Stella, Author of "Sappho," "The King's Stratagem," &c. Second English Edition. Crown Svo, pp. xvi. and 188, with six steel-plate engravings, cloth. 1881. 3s. 6d. REDHOUSE. THE TURKISH VADE-MECUM OP OTTOMAN COLLOQUIAL LANGUAGE: Containing a Concise Ottoman Grammar ; a Carefully Selected Vocabulary Alphabetically Arranged, in two Parts, English and Turkish, and Turkish and English ; Also a few Familiar Dialogues and Naval and Military Terms. The whole in English Characters, the Pronunciation being fully indicated. By J. W. Redhouse, M. R.A.S. Third Edition. 32mo, pp. viii. and 372, cloth. ls,x2. Gs. 56 A Catalogue of Important Works, REDHOUSE. ON THE HISTORY, SYSTEM, AND VARIETIES OF TURKISH POETRY. Illustrated by Selections in the Original and in English Paraphrase, with a Notice of the Islamic Doctrine of the Immortality of Woman's Soul in the Future State. By J. W. Eedhouse, Esq., M.R.A.S. 8vo, pp. 62, cloth, 2s. 6d.; wrapper, Is. 6d. 1879. REDHOUSE. THE MESNEVI. See Triibner's Oriental Series. REDHOUSE. SIMPLIFIED OTTOMAN-TURKISH GRAMMAR. See Triibner's Collection. REEMELIN. A CRITICAL REVIEW OF AMERICAN POLITICS. By C. Reemelin, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Demy 8vo, pp. xxiv. and 630, cloth. 1881. 14s. RELIGION IN EUROPE HISTORICALLY CONSIDERED: An Essay in Verse. By the Author of "The Thames." Fcap. 8vo, pp. iv. and 152, cloth. 1883. 2s. RENAN. PHILOSOPHICAL DIALOGUES AND FRAGMENTS. From the French of Ernest Renan. Translated, with the sanction of the Author, by Ras Bihari Mukharji. Post 8vo, pp. xxxii. and 182, cloth. 1883. 7s. 6d. RENAN. AN ESSAY ON THE AGE AND ANTIQUITY OF THE BOOK OF NABATH^AK AGRICULTURE. To which is added an Inaugural Lecture on the Position of the Shemitic Nations in the History of Civilisation. By Ernest Reuan. Crown 8vo, pp. xvi. and 148, cloth. 1862. 3s. 6d. RENAN. THE LIFE OF JESUS. By Ernest Renan. Authorised English Translation. Crown 8vo, pp. xii. and 312, cloth. 2s. 6d. ; sewed, Is. 6d. RENAN. THE APOSTLES. By Ernest Renan. Translated from the original French. 8vo, pp. viii. and 288, cloth. 1869. 7s. 6d. REPORT OF A GENERAL CONFERENCE OF LIBERAL THINKERS, for the discussion of matters pertaiuing to the religious needs of our time, and the methods of meeting them. Held June 13ch and 14th, 1878, at South Place Chapel, Finsbury, London. 8vo, pp. 77, sewed. 1878. Is. RHODES. UNIVERSAL CURVE TABLES FOR FACILITATING THE LAYING OUT OF CIRCULAR ARCS ON THE GROUND FOR RAILWAYS, CANALS, &c. Together with Table of Tangential Angles and Multiples. By Alexander Rhodes, C.E. Oblong 18mo, band. pp. ix. and 104, roan. 1881. 5s. RHYS. LECTURES ON WELSH PHILOLOGY. By John Rhys, M.A., Professor of Celtic at Oxfoi'd, Honorary Fellow of Jesus College, Jkc., &c. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Crown 8vo, pp. xiv. and 467, cloth. 1879. 15s. RICE. MYSORE AND COORG. A Gazetteer compiled for the Government of India. By Lewis Rice, Director of Public Instruction, Mysore and Coorg. Vol. I. Mysore in General. With 2 Coloured Maps. Vol. II. Mysore, by Districts. With 10 Coloured Maps. Vol. III. Coorg. With a Map. 3 vols. royal 8vo, pp. xii. 670 and xvi. ; 544 and xxii. ; and 427 and xxvii., cloth. 1878. 25s. RICE. MYSORE INSCRIPTIONS. Translated for the Government by Lewis Rice. 8vo, pp. xcii. and 336-xxx., with a Frontispiece and Map, boards. 1879. 30s. RIDLEY. KXMILAROI, AND OTHKR AUSTRALIAN LANGUAGES. By the Rev. William Ridley, B. A. Second Edition, revised and enlarged by the author; with com- parative Tables of Words from twenty Australian Languages, and Songs, Tradi- tions, Laws, and Customs of the Australian Race. Small 4to. pp. vi. and 172, cloth. 1877. 10s. 6d. RIG-VEDA-SANHITA. A Collection of Ancient Hindu Hymns. Constituting the 1st to the 8th Ashtakas, or Books of the Rig- Veda ; the oldest authority for the Reli- gious and Social Institutions of the Hindus. Translated from the Original San- skrit. By the late H. H. Wilson, M.A., F.R.S.. &c., &c. Vol. I. 8vo, pp. Hi. and 348, cloth. 21s. Vol. II. 8vo, pp. xxx. and 346, cloth. 1&54. 21s. Vol. III. 8vo, pp. xxiv. and 525, cloth. 1857. 21s. Vol. IV. Edited by E. B. Cowell, M.A. 8vo, pp. 214, cloth. 1866. 14a. Vols. V. and VI. in the Press. Published by Triibner & Co. 57 RLLEY. MKDI.KVAL CHRONICLE* OK THE CITY OF LONDON. Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London, and the Events which happened in their Days, from the Year A. I). 1188 to A. D. 1274. Translated from the original Latin of the "Liber de Antiquis Legibus " (published by the Camden Society), in the possession of the Corporation of the City of London ; attributed to Arnold Fitz-Thedmar, Alder- man of London in the Reign of Henry III. Chronicles of London, and of the Marvels therein, between the Years 44 Henry III., A.D. 1260, and 17 Edward III., A.D. 1343. Translated from the original Anglo-Norman of the " Croniques de London," preserved in the Cottouian Collection (Cleopatra A. iv.) in the British Museum. Translated, with copious Notes and Appendices, by Henry Thomas Riley, M. 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Select Pieces from the best English Authors, for Reading, Composition, and Translation. By A. Roche. Second Edition. Fcap. 8vo, pp. viii. and 226, cloth. 1872. 2s. 6d. ROCKHILL. UDANAVARGA. See Triibner's Oriental Series. RODD. THE BIRDS OF CORNWALL AND THE SCILLT ISLANDS. By the late Edward Hearle Rodd. Edited, with an Introduction, Appendix, and Memoir, by J. E. llarting. Svo, pp. Ivi. and 320, with Portrait and Map, cloth. 1880. 14s. ROGERS. THE WAYEKI.EY DICTIONARY : An Alphabetical Arrangement of all the Characters in Sir Walter Scott's "\Vaverley Novels, with a Descriptive Analysis of each Character, and Illustrative Selections from the Text. By May Rogers. 12mo, pp. 358, cloth. 1879. 10s. ROSING. ENGLISH-DANISH DICTIONARY. By S. Rosing. Crown 8vo, pp. x. and 7-2-2, cloth. 8s. 6d. ROSS. ALPHABETICAL MANUAL OF BLOWPIPE ANALYSIS; showing .-ill known Methods, Old and New. By Lieut. -Colonel W. A. Ross, late R.A., Member of the German Chemical Society (Author of " Pyrology, or Fire Chemistry"). Crown 8vo, pp. xii. and 148, cloth. 1880. 5s. ROSS. PYROLOGY, OK FIRE CHEMISTRY ; a Science interesting to the General Philo- sopher, and an Art of infinite importance to the Chemist, Metallurgist, Engineer, fee., &c. By W. A. Ross. Litely a Major in the Royal Artillery. Small 4to, pp. xxviii. and 346, cloth. 1875. 36s. ROSS. CELEBRITIES OFTHE YORKSHIRE WOLDS. By Frederick Ross, Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. 12uio, pp. 202, cloth. 1878. 4s. ROSS. THE EARLY HISTORY OF LAND HOLDING AMONG THE GERMANS. By Denman W. Ross, Ph.D. Svo, pp. viii. and 274, cloth. 1883. 12s. ROSS. COREAN PRIMER : being Lessons in Corean on all Ordinary Subjects. Trans- literated on the principles of the " Mandarin Primer," by the same author. By Rev. John Ross, Newchwang. Svo, pp. 90, wrapper. 1877. 10s. ^8 A Catalogue of Important Works, ROSS. HONOUR OR SHAME? By K. S. Boss. 8vo, pp. 183. 1878. Cloth. 3s. Cd. ; paper, 2s. 6d. ROSS. --REMOVAL OF THE INDIAN TROOPS TO MALTA. By R. S. Ross. Svo, pp. 77, paper. 1878. Is. 6d. ROSS. THE MONK OF ST. GALL. A Dramatic Adaptation of Scheffel's " Ekke- hard." By R. S. Ross. Crown Svo, pp. xii. and 218. 1879. 5s. ROSS. ARIADNE IN NAXOS. ByR. S.Ross. Square 16mo, pp. 200, cloth. 1882.5s. ROTH. NOTES ON CONTINENTAL IRRIGATION. By H. L. Roth. Demy 8vo, pp. 40, with 8 Plates, cloth. 1882. 5s. ROUGH NOTES OF JOURNEYS made in the years 1868-1873 in Syria, down the Tigris, India, Kashmir, Ceylon, Japan, Mongolia, Siberia, the United States, the Sand- wich Islands, and Australasia. Demy Svo, pp. 624, cloth. 1875. 14s. ROUSTAING. THE FOUR GOSPELS EXPLAINED BY THEIR WRITERS. With an Appendix on the Ten Commandments. Edited by J. B. Roustaing. Translated by \V. E. Kirby. 3 vols. crown Svo, pp. 440-456-304, cloth. 1881. 15s. ROUTLEDGE. ENGLISH RULE AND NATIVE OPINION IN INDIA. From Notes taken in 1870-74. By James Routledge. Svo, pp. x. and 338, cloth. 1878. 10s. 6d. ROWE. AN ENGLISHMAN'S VIEWS ON QUESTIONS OF THE DAY IN VICTORIA. By C. J. Rowe, M.A. Crown Svo, pp. 122, cloth. 1882. 4s. ROWLEY. ORNITHOLOGICAL MISCELLANY. By George Dawson Rowley, M.A., F.Z.S. Vol. I. Part 1, 15s. Part 2, 20s. Part 3, 15s. Part 4, 20s. Vol. II. Part 5, 20s. Part 6, 20s. Part 7, 10s. 6d. Part 8, 10s. 6d. Part 9, 10s. 6d. -Part 10, 10s. 6d. Vol. III. Part 11, 10s. 6d. Part 12, 10s. 6d. Part 13, 10s. 6d.-Part 14, 20s. ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON (THE). CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS (1800- 1863), Compiled and Published bv the Royal Society of London. Demy 4to, cloth, per vol. 1 ; in half-morocco, 1, 8s. Vol. I. (1867), A to Cluzel. pp. Ixxix. and 960 ; Vol. II. (186S), Coaklay Graydon. pp. iv. and 1012 ; Vol. III. (1869), Greatheed Leze. pp. v. and 1002 ; Vol. IV. (1870), L'Heritier de Brutille Pozzetti. pp. iv. and 1006 ; Vol. V. (1871), Praag Tizzani. pp. iv. and 1000; Vol. VI. (1872), Tkalec Zyliiis, Anonymous and Additions, pp. xS. and 763. Continuation of above (1864-1873) ; Vol. VII. (1877), A to Hyrtl. pp. xxxi. and 1047 ; Vol. VIII. (1879), Ibafiez Zwicky. pp. 1310. A List of the Publications of the Royal Society (Separate Papers from the Philosophical Transactions), on application. RUNDALL. A SHORT AND EASY WAY TO WRITE ENGLISH AS SPOKEN. Methode Rapide et Facile d'Ecrire le Francais comme on le Parle. Kurze und Leichte "Weise Deutsch zu Schreiben wie man es Spricht. By J. B. Rundall, Certificated Member of the London Shorthand Writers Association. 6d. each. RUTHERFORD. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MARK RUTHERFORD, Dissenting Minister. Edited by his friend, Reuben Shapcott. Crown Svo, pp. xii. and 180, board*. 1881. 5s. RUTTER. See BUNYAN. SAMAVTDHANABRiHMANA (THE) (being the Third Brahmana) of the Sama Veda. Edited, together with the Commentary of Sayana, an English Translation, Intro- duction, and Index of Words, by A. C. Burnell. Vol. I. Text and Commentary, with Introduction. Demy Svo, pp. xxxviii. and 104, cloth. 1873. 12s. 6d. SAMUELSON. HISTORY OF DRINK. A Review, Social, Scientific, and Political. By James Samuelson, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Second Edition. Svo, pp. xxviii. and 288, cloth. 1880. 6s. SAND. MOI.IERE. A Drama in Prose. By George Sand. Edited, with Notes, by Th. Karcher, LL.B. 12mo, pp. xx. and 170, cloth. 1868. 3s. 6d. SARTORIUS. MEXICO. Landscapes and Popular Sketches. By C. Sartorius. Edited by Dr. Gaspey. With Engravings, from Sketches by M. Rugendas. 4to, pp. vi. and 202, cloth gilt. 1859. 18s. Published by Tiiibner tfc Co. 59 SATOW. AN ENGLISH JAPANESE DICTIONARY OF THE SPOKEN LANGUAGE. By Eraest Mason Satow, Japanese Secretai-y to H.M. Legation at Yedo, and Ishibashi Masakata of the Imperial Japanese Foreign Office. Second Edition. Imperial 32mo, pp. xv. and 416, cloth. 1879. 12s. 6d. SAVAGE. THE MORALS OF EVOLUTION. By M. J. Savage, Author of " The Reli- gion of Evolution," &c. Crown 8vo, pp. 192, cloth. 1880. 5s. SAVAGE. BELIEF IN GOD; an Examination of some Fundamental Theistic Pro- blems. By M. J. Savage. To which is added an Address on the Intellectual Basis of Faith. By W. H. Savage. 8vo, pp. 176, cloth. 1881. 5s. SAVAGE. BELIEFS ABOUT MAN. By M. J. Savage. Crown 8vo, pp. 130, cloth. 1882. 5s. SAYCE. AN ASSYRIAN GRAMMAR for Comparative Purposes. By A. H. Sayce, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Queen's College, Oxford. Crown 8vo, pp. xvi. and 188, cloth. 1872. 7s. 6d. SAYCE. THE PRINCIPLES OF COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY. By A. H. Sayce, M.A. Crown 8vo, pp. 384, cloth. 1874. 10s. 6d. SCHAIBLE. AN ESSAY ON THE SYSTEMATIC TRAINING OF THE BODY. By C. H. Schaible, M.D., &c., &c. A Memorial Essay, Published on the occasion of the first Centenary Festival of Frederick L. Jalm, with an Etching by H. Herkomer. Crown Svo, pp. xviii. and 124, cloth. 1878. 5s. SCHEFFEL. MOUNTAIN PSALM*. By J. V. von Scheffel. Translated by Mrs. F. Brunnow. Fcap., pp. 62, with 6 Plates after designs by A. Von Werner. Parch- ment. 1882. 3s. 6d. SCHILLER. THE BRIDE OF MESSINA. Translated from the German of Schiller in English Verse. By Emily Allfrey. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 110, cloth. 1876. 2s. SCHLAGINTWEIT. BUDDHISM IN TIBET : Illustrated by Literary Documents and Objects of Religious "Worship. By Emil Schlagintweit, LL.D. "With a folio Atlas of 20 Plates, and 20 Tables of Native Print in the Text. Roy. Svo, pp. xxiv. and 404. 1863. 2, 2s. SCHHU, SCHLAUER, AM SCHLAUESTE^. Facsimile of a Manuscript supposed to have been found in an Egyptian Tomb by the English Soldiers. Royal Svo, iu ragged canvas covers, with string binding, and dilapidated edges (? just as dis- covered). 1884. 6s. SCHLEICHER. A COMPENDIUM OF THE COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR OF THE INDO- EUROPEAN, SANSKRIT, GREEK, AND LATIN LANGUAGES. By August Schleicher. Translated from the Third German Edition, by Herbert Bendall, B.A., Chr. Coll., Camb. Svo. Part I., Phonology. Pp. 184, cloth. 1874. 7s. 6d. Part II., Morphology. Pp. viii. and 104, cloth. 1877. (>s. SCHOPENHAUER. THE WORLD AS WILL AND IDEA. By Arthur Schopenhauer. Translated from the German by R. B. HALDANE, M.A., and J. KEMP, M.A. Vol. I., containing Four Books. Post Svo, pp. xxxii.-532, cloth. 1S83. 18s. SCHULTZ. -UNIVERSAL DOLLAR TABLES (Complete United States). Covering all Exchanges between the United States and Great Britain, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, and Germany. By C. W. H. Schultz. Svo, cloth. 1874. 15s. SCHULTZ. UNIVERSAL INTEREST AND GENERAL PERCENTAGE TABLES: On the Decimal System. With a Treatise on the Currency of the World, and numerous examples for Self-Instruction. By C. W. H. Schultz. Svo, cloth. 1874. 10s. 6d. SCHULTZ. ENGLISH GERMAN EXCHANGE TABLES. By C. W. H._ Schultz. With a Treatise on the Currency of the World. Svo. boards. 1874. 5s. SCHWENDLER. INSTRUCTIONS FOR TESTING TELEGRAPH LINES, and the Technical Arrangements in Offices. Written on behalf of the Government of India, under the Orders of the Director-General of Telegraphs in Iinliu. By Louis Schwen- dler. Vol. L, demy Svo, pp. 248, cloth. 1878. 12s. VoL II., demy 8vo, pp. xi. and 268, cloth. 1880. 9s. 60 A Catalogue of Important Works, SCOONES. FAUST. A Tragedy. By Goethe. Translated into English Verse, by William Dalton Scoones. Fcap., pp. vi. and 230, cloth. 1879. 5s. SCOTT. THE ENGLISH LIFE OF JESUS. By Thomas Scott. Crown 8vo, pp. xxviii. and 350, cloth. 1879. 2s. 6d. SCOTUS. A NOTE ON MB. GLADSTONE'S "The Peace to Come." By Scotus. 8vo, pp. 106. 1878. Cloth, 2s. 6d. ; paper wrapper, Is. 6d. SELL. THE FAITH OF ISLAM. By the Rev. E. Sell, Fellow of the University of Madras. Demy 8vo, pp. xiv. and 270, cloth. 1881. 6s. 6d. SELL. IHN-I-TAJWID ; OR, ART OF READING THE QDRAK. By the Rev. E. Sell, B.D. 8vo, pp. 48, wrappers. 1882. 2s. 6d. SELSS. GOETHE'S MINOR POEMS. Selected, Annotated, and Rearranged. By Albert M. Selss, Ph.D. Crown 8vo, pp. xxxi. and 152, cloth. 1875. 3s. 6d. SERMONS NEVER PREACHED. By Philip Phosphor. Crown 8vo, pp. vi. and 124, cloth. 1878. 2s. 6d. SEWELL. REPORT ON THE AMARAVATI TOPE, and Excavations on its Site in 1877. By Robert Sewell, of the Madras C.S., &c. With four plates. Royal 4to, pp. 70, boards. 1880. . 3s. SHADWELL. POLITICAL ECONOMY FOR THE PEOPLE. By J. L. Shadwell, Authorof "A System of Political Economy." Fcap., pp. vi. and 154, limp cloth. 1880. Is. 6d. SHAKESPEARE. A NEW STUDY OF SHAKESPEARE : An Inquiry into the connection of the Plays and Poems, with the origins of the Classical Drama, and with the Platonic Philosophy, through the Mysteries. Demy 8vo, pp. xii. and 372, with Photograph of the Stratford Bust, cloth. 1884. 10s. 6d. SHAKESPEARE'S CENTURIE OF PRAYSE ; being Materials for a History of Opinion on Shakespeare and his Works, culled from Writers of the First Century after liis Rise. By C. M. Ingleby. Medium 8vo, pp. xx. and 384. Stiff cover. 1874. Jt'l, Is. Large paper, fcap. 4to, boards. 2, 2s. SHAKESPEARE. HERMENEUTICS ; OR, THE STILL LION. Being an Essay towards the Restoration of Shakespeare's Text. By C. M. Ingleby, M.A., LL.D., of Trinity College, Cambridge. Small 4to, pp. 168, boards. 1875. 6s. SHAKESPEARE. -THE MAN AND THE BOOK. By C. M. Ingleby, M.A., LL.D. .Small 4to. Part I., pp. 172, boards. 1877. 6s. SHAKESPEARE. OCCASIONAL PAPERS ON SHAKESPEARE ; being the Second Part <>f "Shakespeare: the Man and the Book." By C. M. Ingleby, M.A., LL.D., V.P.R.S.L. Small 4to, pp. x. and 194, paper boards. 1881. 6s. SHAKESPEARE'S BONES. The Proposal to Disinter them, considered in relation to their possible bearing on his Portraiture : Illustrated by instances of Visits of the Living to the Dead. By C. M. Ingleby, LL.D., V.P.R.S.L. Fcap. 4to, pp. viii. and 48, boards. 1883. Is. 6d. SHAKESPEARE.^ A NEW VARIORUM EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE. Edited by Horace Howard Furness. Royal 8vo. Vol. I. Romeo and Juliet. Pp. xxiii. and 480, cloth. 1871. 18s. Vol. II. Macbeth. Pp. xix. and 492. 1873. 18s. Vols. III. and IV. Hamlet. 2 vols. pp. xx. and 474 and 430. 1877. 36s. Vol. V. King Lear. Pp. vi. and 504. 1880. 18s. SHAKESPEARE. CONCORDANCE TO SHAKESPEARE'S POEMS. By Mrs. H. H. Fur- ness. Royal 8vo, cloth. 18s. SHAKSPERE SOCIETY (THE NEW). Subscription, One Guinea per annum. List of Publications on application. SHERRING. THE SACRED CITY OF THE HINDUS. An Account of Benares in Ancient and Modern Times. By the Rev. M. A. Sherring, M.A., LL.D. ; and Prefaced with an Introduction by FitzEdward Hall, D.C.L. Witli Illustrations. 8vo, pp. xxxvi. and 388, cloth. 21s. Published by Trubner & Co. 01 SHEERING. HINDU TRIBES AND CASTES; together with an Account of the Mohamedan Tribes of the North- West Frontier arid of the Aboriginal Tribes of the Central Provinces. By the Rev. M. A. Sherring, M.A., LL.B., Lond., &c. 4to. Vol.11. Pp. Ixviii. and 376, cloth. 1879. 2, 8s. Vol. III., with Index of 3 vols. Pp. xii. and 336, cloth. 1881. 32s. SHERRING. THE HINDOO PILGRIMS. By Rev. M. A. Sherring, M.A., LL.D. Crown 8vo, pp. 126, cloth. 1878. 5s. SHIELDS. THE FINAL PHILOSOPHY ; or, System of Perfectible Knowledge issuing from the Harmony of Science and Religion. By Charles W. Shields. D.D., Pro- fessor in Princeton College. Royal 8vo, pp. viii. and 610, cloth. 1878. 18s. SIBREE. THE GREAT AFRICAN ISLAND. Chapters on Madagascar. A Popular Account of Recent Researches in the Physical Geography, Geology, and Explora- tion of the Country, and its Natural History and Botany ; and in the Origin and Divisions, Customs and Language, Superstitions, Folk-lore, and Religious Beliefs and Practices of the Different Tribes. Together with Illustrations of Scripture and Early Church History from Native Habits and Missionary Experience. By the Rev. James Sibree, jun., F.R.G.S., Author of "Madagascar and its People," &c. 8vo, pp. xii. and 272, with Physical and Ethnological Maps and Four Illus- trations, cloth. 1879. 12s. SIBREE. POEMS: including "Fancy," "A Resting Place," &c. By John Sibree, M.A., London. Crown Svo, pp. iv. and 134, cloth. 1884. 4s. SIMCOX. EPISODES IN THE LIVES OF MEN, WOMEN, AND LOVERS. By Edith Sim- cox. Crown Svo, pp. 312, cloth. 1882. 7s. 6d. SIMCOX. NATURAL LAW. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Vol. IV. SIME. LE.SSING. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Extra Series, Vols. I. and II. SIMPSON-BAIKIE. THE DRAMATIC UNITIES IN THE PRESENT DAY. By E. Simpson- Baikie. Third Edition. Fcap. Svo, pp. iv. and 108, cloth. 1878. 2s. Od. SIMPSON-BAIKIE. THE INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY for Naturalists and Sportsmen in English, French, and German. By Edwin Simpson-Baikie. Svo, pp. iv. and 284, cloth. 1880. 15s. SINCLAIR. THE MESSENGER : A Poem. By Thomas Sinclair, M.A. Foolscap Svo, pp. 174, cloth. 1875. 5s. SINCLAIR. LOVES'* TRILOGY : A Poem. By Thomas Sinclair, M.A. Crown Svo, pp. 150, cloth. 1876. 5s. SINCLAIR. THE MOUNT : Speech from its English Heights. By Thomas Sinclair, M.A. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 302, cloth. 1877. 10s. SINCLAIR. GODDESS FORTUNE : A Novel. By Thomas Sinclair, Author of " The Mosenger," &c. Three vols., post Svo, pp. viii. -302, 302, 274, cloth. 1884. 31s. 6d. SINGER. HUNGARIAN GRAMMAR. See Triibner's Collection. SINNETT. THE OCCULT WORLD. By A. P. Sinnett. Fourth Edition. Svo, pp. xx. and 206, cloth. 1884. 3s. 6d. SINNETT. ESOTERIC BUDDHISM. By A. P. Sinnett, Author of "The Occult World," President of the Simla Eclectic Philosophical Society. Third Edition. Crown Svo, pp. xx.-216, cloth. 1884. 7s. 6d. SMITH. THE DIVINE GOVERNMENT. By S. Smith, M.D. Fifth Edition. Crown Svo, pp. xii. and 276, cloth. 1866. 6s. SMITH. THE RECENT DEPRESSION OF TRADE. Its Nature, its Causes, and the Remedies which have been suggested for it. By Walter E. Smith, B.A., New College. Being the Oxford Cobden Prize Essay for 1879. Crown Svo, pp. vi. and 108, cloth. 1880. 3s. SMYTH. THE ABORIGINES OF VICTORIA. With Notes relating to the Habits of the Natives of other Parts of Australia and Tasmania. Compiled from various sources for the Government of Victoria. By R. Brough Smyth, F.L.S., F.G.S., &c., &c. 2 vols. royal Svo, pp. lxxii.-484 and vi.-456, Maps, Plates, and Wood- cuts, cloth. 1878. 3, 3s. 62 A Catalogue of Important Works, SNOW A THEOLOGICO-POLITICAL TREATISE. By G. D. Snow. Crown 8vo, pp. 180, cloth. 1874. 4s. 6d. SOLLIN6. DICTISKA : An Historical and Critical Survey of the Literature of Ger- many, from the Earliest Period to the Death of Goethe. By Gustav Soiling. Svo, pp. xviii. and 368. 1863. 10s. 6d. SOLLING. SELECT PASSAGES FROM THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. Translated and Collected. German and English. By G. Soiling. 12mo, pp. 155, cloth. 1866. 3s. 6d. SOLLING. MACBETH. Rendered into Metrical German (with English Text ad- joined). By Gustav Soiling. Crown Svo, pp. 160, wrapper. 1878. 3s. 6d. SONGS OF THE SEMITIC IN ENGLISH VERSE. By G. E. "W. Crown Svo, pp. iv. and 134, cloth. 1877. 5s. SOUTHALL. THE EPOCH OF THE MAMMOTH AND THE APPARITION OF MAN UPON EARTH. By James C. Southall, A.M., LL.D. Crown Svo, pp. xii. and 430, cloth. Illustrated. 1878. 10s. 6d. SPANISH REFORMERS OF Two CENTURIES FROM 1520; Their Lives and Writing, according to the late Benjamin B. Wiffen's Plan, and with the Use of His Mate- rials. Described by E. Boehmer, D.D., Ph.D. Vol. I. With B. B. Wiffen's Narrative of the Incidents attendant upon the Bepublication of Reformistas Antiguos Espanoles, and with a Memoir of B. B. Wiffen. By Isaline Wiffen. Royal Svo, pp. xvi. and 216, cloth. 1874. 12s. 6d. Roxburghe, 15s. Vol. II. Royal Svo, pp. xiL-374, cloth. 1883. 18s. SPEDDING. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF FRANCIS BACON. Extracted from the Edition of his Occasional Writings, by James Spedding. 2 vols. post Svo, pp. xx.-710 and xiv.-708, cloth. 1878. 21s. SPIERS. THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF THE TALMUD. By the Rev. B. Spiers. Svo, pp. 48, cloth. 1882. 2s. 6d. SPINOZA. BENEDICT DE SPINOZA: his Life, Correspondence, and Ethics. By R. Willis, M.D. Svo, pp. xliv. and 648, cloth. 1870. 21s. SPINOZA. ETHIC DEMONSTRATED IN GEOMETRICAL ORDER AND DIVIDED INTO FIVK PARTS, which treat I. Of God ; II. Of the Nature and Origin of the Mind ; III. Of the Origin and Nature of the Affects ; IV. Of Human Bondage, or of the Strength of the Affects ; V. Of the Power of the Intellect, or of Human Liberty. By Benedict de Spinoza. Translated from the Latin by W. Hale White. Post Svo, pp. 328, cloth. 1883. 10s. Gd. SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION, AN ESSAY ON, considered in its bearing upon Modern .Spiritualism, Science, and Religion. By J. P. B. Crown Svo, pp. 156, cloth. 1879. 3s. SPRUNER. DR. KARL VON SPRUNER'S HISTORICO-GEOGRAPHICAL HAND-ATLAS, containing 26 Coloured Maps. Obi. cloth. 1861. 15s. SQUIER. HONDURAS; Descriptive, Historical, and Statistical By E. G. Squier, M.A., F.S.A. Cr. Svo, pp. viii. and 278, cloth. 1870. 3s. 6d. ' STATIONERY OFFICE. PUBLICATIONS OF HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. List on application. STEDMAN. -OXFORD : Its Social and Intellectual Life. With Remarks and Hints on Expenses, the Examinations, &c. By Algernon M. M. Stedman, B.A., Wad- ham College, Oxford. Crown Svo, pp. xvi, and 309, cloth. 1878. 7s. 6d. STEELE. AN EASTERN LOVE STORY. Kusa Jatakaya : A Buddhistic Legendary Poem, with other Stories. By Th. Steele. Cr. Svo, pp. xii. and 260, cl. 1871. 6s. Published by Tiiibner & Co. 63 STENT. THE JADE CHAPLET. In Twenty -four Beads. A Collection of Songs, Ballads, n.c. (from the Chinese). By G. C. Stent, M.N.C.B.RA.S. Post 8vo up. viii. and 168, cloth. 1874. 5s. STENZLER. See AvcioRES SANSKRIT!, Vol. II. STOCK ATTEMPTS AT TRUTH. By St. George Stock. Crown Svo, pp. vi. and 248, cloth. 1882. 5s. STOKES. GOIDELICA Old and Early-Middle Irish Glosses: Prose and Verse. Edited by Whitley Stokes. 2d Edition. Med. Svo, pp. 192, cloth. 1872. 18s. STOKES. BEUNANS MERIASEK. The Life of Saint Meriasek, Bishop and Confessor. A Cornish Drama. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, by Whitley Stokes. Med. Svo, pp. xvi. and 280, and Facsimile, cloth. 1872. 15s. STOKES. TOG AIL TROY, THE DESTRUCTION OF TROY. Transcribed from the Fac- simile of the Book of Leinster, and Translated, with a Glossarial Index of the Rarer Words, by "SVhitley Stokes. Crown Svo, pp. xri. and 188, paper boards. 1882. 18s. STOKES. THREE MIDDLE-IRISH HOMILIES ON THE LIVES OF SAINTS PATRICK. BRIGIT, AND COLUMBA. Edited by Whitley Stokes. Crown 8vo, pp. xii, and 140, paper boards. 1882. 10s. 6d. STRANGE. THE BIBLE ; is it "The Word of God " ? By Thomas Lumisden Strange. Demy Svo, pp. xii. and 384, cloth. 1871. 7s. STRANGE. THE SPEAKER'S COMMENTARY. Reviewed by T. L. Strange. Cr. 8vo, pp. viii. and 159, cloth. 1871. 2s. 6d. STRANGE. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CREATION ON THE. EARTH. By T. L. Strange. Demy Svo, pp. xii. and 110, cloth. 1874. 2s. 6d. STRANGE. THE LEGENDS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. By T. L. Strange. Demy Svo, pp. xii. and 244, cloth. 1874. 5s. STRANGE. THE SOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT OF CHRISTIANITY. By Thomas Lumisden Strange. Demy Svo, pp. xx. and 256, cloth. 1875. 5s. STRANGE. WHAT is CHRISTIANITY? An Historical Sketch. Illustrated with a Chart. By T. L. Strange. Foolscap Svo, pp. 72, cloth. 1880. 2s. 6d. STRANGE. CONTRIBUTIONS TO A SERIES OF CONTROVERSIAL WRITINGS, issued by the late Mr. Thomas Scott, of Upper Norwood. By Thomas Lumisdeu Strange. Fcap. Svo, pp. viii. and 312, cloth. 1881. 2s. 6d. STRANGFORD. ORIGINAL LETTERS ANDPAPERS OF THE LATE VISCOUNT STRANGFORD UPON PHILOLOGICAL AND KINDRED SUBJECTS. Edited by Viscountess Strangford. Post Svo, pp. xxii. and 284, cloth. 1878. 12s. 6d. STRATMANN. THE TIIAGICALL HISTORIE OF HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARKE. By William Shakespeare. Edited according to the first printed Copies, with the various Headings and Critical Notes. By F. H. Stratmann. Svo, pp. vi. and 120, sewed. 3s. 6d. STRATMANN. A DiCTiONABY OF THE OLD ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Compiled from Writings of the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Centuries. By F. H. Stratmaun. Third Edition. 4to, pp. x. and 662, sewed. 1878. 30s. STUDIES OF MAN. By a Japanese. Crown Svo, pp. 124, cloth. 1874. 2s. 6d. SUMNER. WHAT SOCIAL CLASSES OWE TO EACH OTHER. By W. G. Sumner, Pro- fessor of Political and Social Science in Yale College. 18mo, pp. 170, cloth. 1884. 3s. 6d. SUYEMATZ. GENJI MONOG ATARI. The Most Celebrated of the Classical Japanese Romances. Translated by K. Suyeinatz. Crown Svo, pp. xvi. and 254, cloth. 1 )>!'. 7s- Cd. 64 A Catalogue of Important Works, SWEET. SPELLING REFORM AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. By Henry Sweet, M.A. 8vo, pp. 8, wrapper. 1884. 2d. SWEET. HISTORY OF ENGLISH SOUNDS, from the Earliest Period, including an In- vestigation of the General Laws of Sound Change, and full Word Lists. By Henry Sweet. Demy 8vo, pp. iv.-164, cloth. 1874. 4s. 6d. SWEET. ON* A MEXICAN MUSTANG THKOUGH TEXAS FROM THE GULF TO THE Rio GRANDE. By Alex. E. Sweet and J. Armoy Knox, Editors of " Texas Siftings." English Copyright Edition. Demy 8vo, pp. 672. Illustrated, cloth. 1883. 10s. SYED AHMAD. A SERIES OF ESSAYS ON THE LIFE OF MOHAMMED, and Subjects subsidiary thereto. By Syed Ahmad Khan Bahadur, C.S.I. 8vo, pp. 532. with 4 Tables, 2 Maps, and Plate, cloth. i870. 30s. TALBOT. ANALYSIS OF THE ORGANISATION OF THE PRUSSIAN ARMY. By Lieuten- ant Gerald F. Talbot, 2d Prussian Dragoon Guards. Royal 8vo, pp. 78, cloth. 1871. 3s. TAYLER. A RETROSPECT OF THE RELIGIOUS LIFE OF ENGLAND ; or, Church, Puritanism, and Free Inquiry. By J. J. Tayler, B.A. Second Edition. He- issued, with an Introductory Chapter on Recent Development, by James Martineuu, LL.D., D.D. 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A Selection of Modern French Plays. Edited by the Rev. P. H. E. Brette, B.D., C. Cassal, LL.D., and Th. Karcher, LL.B. First Series, in 1 vol. crown 8vo, cloth, 6s., containing CHARLOTTE CORD AY. A Tragedy. By F. Ponsard. Edited, with English Notes and Notice on Ponsard, by Professor C. Cassal, LL.D. Pp. xii. and 134. Sepa- rately, 2s. 6d. DIANE. A Drama in Verse. By Emile Augier. Edited, with English Notes and Notice on Augier, by Th. Karcher, LL.B. Pp. xiv. and 145. Separately, 2s. 6d. LE VOYAGE A DIEPPE, A Comedy in Prose. By Wafflard and Fulgence. Edited, with English Notes, by the Rev. P. H. E. Brette, B.D. Pp. 104. Separately, 2s. 6d. Second Series, crown 8vo, cloth, 6s., containing MOLIERE. A Drama in Prose. By George Sand. Edited, with English Notes and Notice of George Sand, by Th. Karcher, LL.B. Fcap. 8vo, pp. xx. and 170, cloth. Separately, 3s. 6d. LES ARISTOCRATIES. A Comedy in Verse. By Etienne Arago. Edited, with Eng- lish Notes and Notice of Etienne Arago, by the Rev. 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MAPOTECA COLOMBIANA : Catalogo de Todos los Mapas, Pianos, Vistas, &c., relatives a la Ame'rica-Espaiiola, Brasil, e Islas adyacentes. Arre- glada cronologicamente i precedida de una introduccion sobre la historia cartogra- nca de America. Por el Doctor Ezequiel Uricoechea, de Bogota, Nueva Granada. 8vo, pp. 232, cloth. 1860. 6s. URQUHART. ELECTRO-MOTORS. A Treatise on the Means and Apparatus em- ployed in the Transmission of Electrical Energy and its Conversion into Motive- power. For the Use of Engineers and Others. Bv J. W. Urquhart, Electrician. ' Crown 8vo, cloth, pp. xii, and 178, illustrated. 1882. 7s. 6d. VAITANA SUTRA. See AUCTORES SANSKRITI, Vol. III. VALDES. LIVES OF THE TWIN BROTHERS, JuXN AND ALFONSO DE VALDES. By E. Boehmer, D.D. Translated by J. T. Betts, Crown 8vo, pp. 32, wrappers. 1882. Is. VALDES. SEVENTEEN OPUSCULES. By Juan de Valdes. Translated from the Spanish and Italian, and edited by John T. Betts. Crown 8vo, pp. xii. and 188, cloth. 1882. 6s. VALDES. JUAN DE VALDES' COMMENTARY UPON THE GOSPEL OF ST. MATTHEW. With Professor Boehmer's "Lives of Juan and Alfonso de Valdes." Now for the first time translated from the Spanish, and never before published in English. By John T. Betts. Post 8vo, pp. xii. and 512-30, cloth. 1882. 7s. 6d. VALDES. SPIRITUAL MILK; or, Christian Instruction for Children. By Juan de Valdes. Translated from the Italian, edited and published by John T. Betts. With Lives of the twin brothers, Juan and Alfonso de VakUs. By E. Boehmer, D.D. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 60, wrappers. 1882. 2s. VALDES. SPIRITUAL MILK. Octaglot. The Italian original, with translations into Spanish, Latin, Polish, German, English, French, and Engadin. With a Critical and Historical Introduction by Edward Boehmer, the Editor of "Spanish Reformers." 4to, pp. 88, wrappers. 1884. 6s. VALDES. THREE OPUSCULES : an Extract from ValdeY Seventeen Opuscules. By Ju4n de Valdes. Translated, edited, and published by John T. Betts. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 58, wrappers. 1881. Is. 6d. VALDES. JuiN DE VALDES' COMMENTARY UPON OUR LORD'S SERMON ON THE MOUNT. Translated and edited by J. T. Betts. With Lives of Juan and Alfonso de Valdes. By E. Boehmer, D.D. Crown 8vo, pp. 112, boards. 1882. 2s. 6d. VALDES. JUAN DE VALDKS' COMMENTARY UPON THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. Edited by J. T. Betts. Crown 8vo, pp. xxxii. and 296, cloth. 1883. 6s. VALDES. JU^N DE VALDES' COMMENTARY UPON ST. PAUL'S FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CHURCH AT CORINTH. Translated and edited by J. T. Betts. With Lives of Juan and Alphouso de Valdes. By E. Boehmer. Crown 8vo, pp. 390, cloth. 1883. 6s. VAN DAMPEN. THE DUTCH IN THE ARCTIC SEAS. By Samuel Richard Van Campen, author of "Holland's Silver Feast." 8vo. Vol. I. A Dutch Arctic Expedition and Route. Third Edition. Pp. xxxvii. and 2ti3, cloth. 1877. 10s. 6d. Vol. II. in preparation. 7'J A Catalogue of Important Works, VAN DE WEYER. CHOIX D'OPCSCULES PHILOSOPHIQUES, HISTOEIQUES. POI.ITIQUES ET LITTERAIRES de Sylvain Van de "Weyer, Precedes d'Avant propos de 1'Editeur. Roxburghe style. Crown 8vo. PREMIERE SERIE. Pp. 374. 1863. 10s. 6.1. DEUXIEME SERIE, Pp. 502. 1869. 12s. TROISIEME SERIE. Pp. 391. 1875. 10s. 6d. QOATBIESIE Sf RIE. Pp. 366. 1876. 10s. 6d. VAN EYS. BASQUE GRAMMAB. See Trubner's Collection. VAN LAUN. GRAMMAR OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. By H. Van Latin. Parts I. and II. Accidence and Syntax. 13th Edition. Cr. 8vo, pp. 151 and 120, cloth. 1874. 4s. Part III. Exercises, llth Edition. Cr. 8vo, pp. xiL and 285, cloth. 1873. 3s. 6d. VAN LAUN. LEyoNS GRADCEES DE TRADUCTION ET DE LECTURE; or, Graduated Lessons in Translation and Reading, with Biographical Sketches, Annotations on History, Geography, Synonyms and Style, and a Dictionary of Words and Idioms. By Henri Van Laun. 4th Edition. 12mo, pp. viii. and 400, cloth. 1868. 5s. VAN PRAAGH. LESSOXS FOR THE INSTRUCTION OF DEAF AND DUMB CHILDREN, in Speaking. Lip-reading, Reading, and AVriting. By "W. Van Praagh, Director of the School and Training College for Teachers of the Association for the Oral Instruction of the Deaf and DumV>, Officier d' Academic, France. Fcap. Svo, Part I., pp. 52, cloth. 1884. 2s. 6d. Part II, pp. 62, cloth. Is. 6d. VARDHAMANA'S GANARATNAMAHODADHI. See ACCTORES SANSKRITI, Vol. IV. VAZIR OF LANKURAN : A Persian Play. A Text-Book of Modern Colloquial Persian. Edited, with Grammatical Introduction, Translation, Notes, and Voca- bulary, by W. H. Haggard, late of H.M. Legation In Teheran, and G. le Strange. Crown Svo, pp. 230, cloth. 1882. 10s. 6d. VELASQUEZ AND SIMOXHE'S NEW METHOD TO EEAD, "WRITE, AND SPEAK THE SPANISH LANGUAGE. Adapted to Ollendorff's System. Post 8vo, pp. 558, cloth. 1882. 6s. KEY. Post Svo, pp. 174, cloth. 4s. VELASQUEZ. A DICTIONARY OF THE SPANISH AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES. For the Use of Young Learners and Travellers. By M. Velasquez de la Cadena. In Two Parts. I. Spanish-English. II. English-Spanish. Crown Svo, pp. tiii. and 846, cloth. 1883. 7s. 6d. VELASQUEZ. A PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF THE SPANISH AND ENGLISH LAN- GUAGES. Composed from the Dictionaries of the Spanish Academy, Terreos, and Salva, and "Webster, "Worcester, and "Walker. Two Parts in one thick volume. By M. Velasquez de la Cadena. Roy. Svo, pp. 1280, cloth. 1873. 1, 4s. VELASQUEZ. NEW SPANISH READER : Passages from the most approved authors, in Prose and Verse. Arranged in progressive order. "With Vocabulary. Bv M. Velasquez de la Cadena. Post Svo, pp. 352, cloth. 1866. 6s. VELASQUEZ. AN EAST INTRODUCTION TO SPANISH CONVERSATION, containing all that is necessary to make a rapid progress in it. Particularly designed for persons who have little time to study, or are their own instructors. By M. Velasquez de la Cadena. 12mo, pp. 150, cloth. 1863. 2s. 6d. VERSES AND VERSELETS. By a Lover of Nature. Foolscap Svo, pp. viii. and 88, cloth. 1876. 2s. 6d. VICTORIA GOVERNMENT. PUBLICATIONS OP THE GOVERNMENT oy VICTORIA. List in preparation, VOGEL.-O.x BEER. A Statistical Sketch. By M. Vogel. Fcap. Svo, pp. xii. and 76, cloth limp. 1874. 2s. WAFFLARDandFULGENCE. LE VOYAGE A DIEPPE. A Comedy in Prose. By "Wafflard and Fulgence. Edited, with Notes, by the Rev. P. H. "E. Brette, B D Cr. 8vo, pp. 104, cloth. 1867. 2s. 6d. WAKE. THE EVOLUTION OF MORALITY. Being a History of the Development of Moral Culture. By C. Staniland "Wake. 2 vols. crown 8vo. pp. xvi.-506 and xii.-474, cloth. 1878. 21s. Published l>y Triibner & Co. 73 WALLACE. Ox MIRACLES AND MODERN SPIRITUALISM ; Three Essays. By Alfred Russel Wallace, Author of "The Malay Archipelago," "The Geographical Dis- tribution of Animals," &c., &c. Second Edition, crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 236, cloth. 1881. 5s WANKLYN and CHAPMAN. WATER ANALYSIS. A Practical Treatise on the Examination of Potable "Water. By J. A- Wanklyn, and E. T. Chapman. Sixth Edition. Entirely rewritten. By J. A. Wanklyn, M.R.C.S. Crown 8vo, pp. 192, cloth. 1884. 5s. WANKLYN. MILK ANALYSIS ; a Practical Treatise on the Examination of Milk and its Derivatives, Cream, Butter, and Cheese. By J. A. Wanklyn, M.R.C.S., &c. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 72, cloth. 1874. 5s. WANKLYN. TEA, COFFEE, AND COCOA. A Practical Treatise on the Analysis of Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Chocolate, Mate (Paraguay Tea), &c. By J. A. Wanklyn, M.R.C.S., &c. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 60, cloth. 1874. SB. WAR OFFICE. A LIST OF THE VARIOUS MILITARY MANUALS AND OTHER WORKS PUBLISHED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF THE WAR OFFICE may be had on application. WARD. ICE : A Lecture delivered before the Keswick Literary Society, and pub- lished by request. To which is appended a Geological Dream on Skiddaw. By J. Clifton Ward, F.G.S. Svo, pp. 28, sewed. 1870. Is. WARD. ELEMENTARY NATURAL PHILOSOPHY ; being a Course of Nine Lectures, speci- ally adapted for the use of Schools and Junior Students. By J. Clifton Ward, F.G.S. Fcap. Svo, pp. viii. and 216, with 154 Illustrations, cloth. 1871. 3s. 6d. WARD. 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Wedgweod, M.A. 1 2m o, pp. 48, cloth. 1844. 2s. WEDGWOOD. ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE UNDERSTANDING. By H. Wedgwood, A.M. 12mo, pp. 133, cloth. 1848. 3s. WEDGWOOD. THE GEOMETRY OF THE THREE FIRST BOOKS OF EUCLID. By Direct Proof from Definitions Alone. By H. Wedgwood, M.A. 12mo, pp. 104, cloth. 1856. 3s. WEDGWOOD. ON THE ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE. By H. Wedgwood, M.A. 12mo, pp. 165, cloth. 186C. 3s. 6d. WEDGWOOD. A DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH ETYMOLOGY. By H. Wedgwood. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. With Introduction on the Origin of Language. Svo, pp. Ixxii. and 746, cloth. 1878. 1, Is. WEDGWOOD. -CONTESTED ETYMOLOGIES IN THE DICTIONARY OF THE RKV. W. W. SKKAT. By H. Wedgwood. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 194, cloth. 1882. 5s. 74 A Catalogue of Important Works, WEI SBACH. THEORETICAL MECHANICS : A Manual of the Mechanics of Engineer- ing and of the Construction of Machines ; with an Introduction to the Calculus. 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ANGLING RESORTS NEAR LONDON : The Thames and the Lea. By J. P. Wheeldon, Piscatorial Correspondent to "Bell's Life." Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 218. 1878. Paper, Is. 6d. WHEELER. THE HISTORY OF INDIA FROM THE EARLIEST AGES. By J. Talboys Wheeler. Demy 8vo, cloth. Vol. I. containing the Vedic Period and the Mah Bharata. With Map. Pp. Ixxv. and 576, cl. 1867, o. p. VoL II. The Ramayana. and the Brahmanic Period. Pp. Ixxxviii. and 680, with 2 Maps, cl. 21s. Vol. III. Hindu, Buddhist, Brahmanical Revival. Pp. xxiv.-500. With 2 Maps, 8vo, cl. 1874. 18s. This volume may be had as a complete work with the fol- lowing title, "History of India; Hindu, Buddhist, and Brahmanical." Vol. IV. Part I. Mussulman Rule. Pp. xxxii.-320. 1876. 14s. Vol. IV. Part II. completing the History of India down to the time of the Moghul Empire. Pp. xxviii. and 280. 1881. 12s. WHEELER. EARLY RECORDS OF BRITISH INDIA : A History of the English Settle- ments in India, as told in the Government Records, the works of old Travellers, and other Contemporary Documents, from the earliest period down to the rise of British Power in India. By J. Talboys Wheeler, late Assistant Secretary to the Government of India in the Foreign Department. Royal 8vo, pp. xxxii. and 392, cloth. 1878. 15s. WHEELER. THE FOREIGNER IN CHINA. By L. N. Wheeler, D.D. With Intro- duction by Professor W. C. Sawyer, Ph.D. 8vo, pp. 268, cloth-. 1881. 6s. 6d. WHERRY. A COMPREHENSIVE COMMENTARY TO THE QURAN. To which is prefixed Sale's Preliminary Discourse, with additional Notes and Emendations. Together with a complete Index to the Text, Preliminary Discourse, and Notes. By Rev. E. M. Wherry M.A., Lodiana. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Vol. I. Pp. xii. and 392. 1882. 12s. 6d. Vol. II. Pp. vi. and 408. 1884. 12s. 6d. WHINFIELD. QUATRAINS OF OMAR KHAYYAM. See Trubner's Oriental Series. WHINFIELD. See GULSHAN I. RAZ. WHIST. SHORT RULES FOR MODERN WHIST, Extracted from the "Quarterly Review " of January 1871. Printed on a Card, folded to fit the Pocket. 1878. 6d. WHITNEY. LANGUAGE AND THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE : Twelve Lectures on the Principles of Linguistic Science. By W. D. Whitney. Fourth Edition, aug- mented by an Analysis. Crown 8vo, pp. xii. and 504, cloth. 1884. 10s. 6d. WHITNEY. LANGUAGE AND ITS STUDY, with especial reference to the Indo- European Family of Languages. Seven Lectures by W. D. Whitney, Instructor in Modern Languages in Yale College. Edited with Introduction, Notes, Tables, &c., and an Index, by the Rev. R. Morris, M.A., LL.D. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. xxii. aud 318, cloth. 1880. 5s. Published by Triibner & Co. 75 WHITNEY. Oriental and Linguistic Studies. By "W. D. Whitney. First Series. Crown 8vo, pp. x. and 420, cloth. 1874. 12s. Second Series. Crown 8vo, pp. xii. and 434. With chart, cloth. 1874. 12s. WHITNEY. 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Wells Williams, LL.D. 4to, pp. 1336. 1874. 5, 5s. WILLIAMS. MODERN INDIA AND THE INDIANS. See Trubner's Oriental Series. WILSON. WORKS OF THE LATE HORACE HAYMAN WILSON, M.A., F.R.S., &c. Vols. I. and II. Essays and Lectures chiefly on the Religion of the Hindus, by the late H. H. Wilson, M.A., F.R.S., &c.' Collected and Edited by Dr. Rein- hold Rost. 2 vols. demy 8vo, pp. xiii. and 399, vi. and 416, cloth. 21s. Vols. III., IV., and V. Essays Analytical, Critical, and Philological, on Subjects connected with Sanskrit Literature. Collected and Edited by Dr. Reinhold Rost. 3 vols. demy 8vo, pp. 408, 406, and 390, cloth. 36s. Vols. VI., VII., VIII., IX., and X. (2 parts). Vishnu Purana, a System of Hindu Mythology and Tradition. Translated from the original Sanskrit, and Illus- trated by Notes derived chiefly from other Puranas. By the late H. H. Wilson. Edited by FitzEtlward Hall, M.A., D.C.L., Oxon. Vols. I. to V. (2 parts). 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Gd. 76 A Catalogue of Important Works. WRIGHT. FEUDAL MANUALS OF ENGLISH HISTORY, a series of Popular Sketches of our National History compiled at different periods, from the Thirteenth Century to the Fifteenth, for the use of the Feudal Gentry and Nobility. Now first edited from the Original Manuscripts. By Thomas Wright, M.A., F.S.A., &c. Small 4to, pp. xxix. and 184, cloth. 1872. 15s. WRIGHT. THE HOMES OF OTHER DATS. A History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments during the Middle Ages. By Thomas "Wright, M. A., F.S.A. With Illustrations from the Illuminations in Contemporary Manuscripts and other Sources. Drawn and Engraved by F. W. Fairholt, F.S.A. Medium 8vo, 350 Woodcuts, pp. xv. and 512, cloth. 1871. 21s. WRIGHT. ANGLO-SAXON AND OLD ENGLISH VOCABULARIES. By Thomas Wright, M.A., F.S.A., Hon. M.R.S.L. Second Edition, Edited and Collated by Richard Paul Wulcker. 2 vols. demy 8vo, pp. xx.-408, and iv.-486, cloth. 1884. 28s. 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