S F 967 B17 A7 1898 BIOS History, Cause & Treatmen Archibald -NRLF . in CO o TEXAS FEVER. [Its History, Cause and Treatment. A Paper Kead Before a Meeting of -the California Veterinary Medical Association, Dec. 13th, 1898, by I>r. -i^.'A.. Archibald, Oakland, Cal., Veterinarian to the State Board of lip'* Health; Member and Secretary of the State Veterinary Medical *^ Board; Member and President of the California State Veterinary Medical Association; Member of the American Veterinary nCAjliAAl Health, Association; Etc. Bacterologist to the Oakland Board of A great variety of names have been given to this disease, such as Southern [cattle fever, splenetic fever, Spanish cat- tie fever, Texas cattle fever, Carolina cattle distemper, bloody murrain, Mexi- TJI ~*.ii., ,]! A . . j:~i.~ _ and have continued to die in numbers proportional to the movement and num- ber of cattle involved. This occurred about the beginning of the eighteenth century. Carolina cat- tle were infected from Florida or Cuban cattle, Virginia cattle were infected by Carolina cattle and by cattle introduced by coastwise traders who traded be- tween Cuba and other West Indian Islands and the Main. As the Spanish cattle spread over Texas, and when the great markets of the north began to require meat, the Texas cattle were driven over trails northward and spread the disease along their route. The disease from these cen- ters gradually spread unhindered by law or man, until it was checked by the laws of nature, which restricted the distribution of the disease. The Spanish invader on the continent lico and California, and the North Euro- l was responsible for many things, but can or Indian cattle disease, distemper, |red water, haematuria, splenic fever, haemaglobinura, tick fever, acclimatiza- tion fever, etc. I am, however, present- ping this disease under the name of Texas fever, not because Texas has anything more to do witn the malady than some of the other Southern States, but be- cause it is tiie name the disease is pop- [ulany Known by. HISTORY. In the 16th, 17th and 18th [century this country was colonized by two classes of people who brought their cattle with them. Those of you who are familiar with history will remember [that the Spanish colonized the West In- lies, Florida, Mexico, Texas, New Mex- pean nations the thirteen colonies. The Spanish endeavored to push north- ward along the Atlantic Coist, or at least to hold the southern advance of the northern pioneers. Until the cattle of the Spanish began to mingle with those of the English, those of the latter prospered and multiplied, but after that [northern cattle died from Texas feyer could he have planned, as diligently as lie did inquisition methods, to have left behind him a cattle plague, which would harass his foemen, he could scarcely have found a better means than by dis- tributing this disease which time has proved to have been the greatest known curse to the stock industry of our south- era. States. 2 TEXAS NATURE OF THE DISEASE. Texas fever is directly due to the presence of a plas- modium, or more correctly speaking a haematozoa, an organism that lives within the red blood corpuscles and ;:br*eaks tltejA :uj> &d destroys them. It *wa*s discovered By Dr.. Theobald Smith FEVER somewhat eccentrically placed. Careful focusing under the microscope leaves no doubt as to their being bodies within the corpuscles. They may occur singly or in pairs or very rarely three or four in the same corpuscle. When cover- glass preparations are dried, fixed and / j& lg v. r ho ^ i.t the "Pyrosoma j stained with the ordinary analine dyes, Bigemium" on account of its pyroform the intra-globular bodies stain as readily outline and the fact that it often occurs as nuclei and bacteria, and hold the in pairs within the corpuscle. i stain with similar tenacity. The small- It maybe well to state at this time est forms then appear like deeply stained that the germ of Texas fever is very dis- cocci about % to 1 micron (1-50,000 to tinct in its origin, mode of development 25,000 inch) in diameter, situated and attack from the anthrax germ and j within the circle of the corpuscle. Oc- has absolutely no connection with it, in spite of the misnomer of "splenic fever" occasionally given to Texas fever by those ignorant of its cause and dissemi- nation. The germ of Texas fever is pecu- liar to the Southern States and cannot live outside of an animal iu the Northern States, whereas the anthrax germ can casionally the bodies are nearly two microns (1-12,000) inch in diameter and in these the staining may be less intense. Besides the spheri- cal forms ovide forms are frequent- ly observed. These usually occur in pairs \uthin the red blood cor- puscle. Still another, the pear shaped be transplanted any where and can thrive | form, is encountered in stained prepara- on mountain peaks and marahy bottoms, tions of the blood. These are rounded The germ of Texas fever does not belong at one pole and pointed at the other to the class of bacteria, but to the "pro- | and are described by some as being tozoa." It is not a microscopic plant, drawn out as a short filament. These as is the germ of anthrax, but belongs forms invariably occur in pairs, a cor- to the lowest forms of the animal king- puscle being occupied by a single pair. dom. It kills by the direct destruction Some investigators claim that .he pair is of the red blood corpuscles and not by | the result of a division of the single the secretion of a poison. A correct ap- j body within the corpuscle. One other preciation of the difference between the ' abnormal form has been described as two diseases is very important in ( being found in the blood and may w-.-ll regulating measures necessary for ; be mentioned. When dried cover-glass their prevention, especially as it has is stained with the usual analine dyes a been claimed in the past by those ignor- ; few red blood corpuscles appear as if ant of its true nature, that Texas fever their surface had been dusted over with was "anthracoid" The pyrosoma in character, bigemium in Texas minute specks of coloring matter. Whe- ther they are due to anaemia, improper fever is represented by peculiar bodies j staining, or whether they are connect- in the red corpusles. i ed with the life history of the parasite, In fresh blood they are visible as round or oval bodies, nearly colorless from Yz to 2 microms (1-50,000 to 1-12,- 000 inch) in diameter on the disk of the red blood corpuscles, and are usually remains to bd determined experimently. As to the relative number of parasites in the different parts of the body of the same animal, it may be stated that about 20 per cent of the red blood cor- TEXAS FEVER puacles in the blood of the superficial circulation containing the parasite in acute cases, while about 80 per cent of the corpuscles in the kidneys, spleen, we can realize what a task is imposed on the excretory organs in disposing of the waste products due to the wholesale des- truction ot red blood corpuscles, the re- iiver and heart (right Ventricle) con- j mains, as it were of the destroyed cor- tains the intra-globular bodies. This organism does not belong to the puscles and their coloring matter must either be converted into bile or execre- class of diseases producing organism ted unchanged. The natural result of known as bacteria but to the class known | the effort to excrete this material by as micro-parasites or protozoa. So many I the liver is extensive disease of that people have got into the habit of class- j organ. ing this disease in the same category The bile secreted by the liver contains with anthrax, when the fact is that if 8O much 8olid debris that U occlude8 we omit the note mortem symptoms of the bile capillaries, this in time inter- the affected animal, no similaritv what- fere8 with the trition f the liver and ever exists. This is a point that ! ^tty degeneration is the result, conse- should receive careful notice as it is of ^ aentl - v ' the PM'-'logical functions of the greatest importance when we come to the consideration of methods toward the eradication and control of these two diseases. This organism multiplies with great rapidity in the blood causing an enor- mous destrnction of red blood corpuscles in a few days. For instance, during health, there are about 5,500,000 red blood corpuscles in a cubic millimeter of blood, but in Texas fever actual count shows that the ravages of this organism reduces the number as low as 1,500,000 at which point the animal usually dies. Or to put it in another form, according to experimental determination by the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry which consists in counting the number of cor- puscles in a given quantity of blood from day to day in an animal affected with this disease in the acute form, shows the liver are suspended. The kidneys are the organs where the greatest num- ber of corpuscles contain the parasite; as a consequence ereat destruction of corpuscles take place in these organs, hence the reason of the blood colored urine in these cases due to the hemo- globin of the destroyed blood corpuscles, this condition is so constant in cases of Texas fever that it may almost be con- sidered as pathognomonic. That the cause of Texas fever is the above mentioned red blood corpuscle estroying micro-organism, there jan be no possible doubt as its presence in the Llood ot affected animals can be always demonstrated. The evidence in support of this statement may be briefly sum- marized as follows: 1st. That microscopicol examinations show the constant presence of the micro- parasite in the red blood corpuscles of that the corpuscles contained in from i infectuous southern cattle. five to ten pounds of blood may be des- troyed within 24 hours. The importance 2nd. That microscopical examina- nations show the constant presence of of this is apparent when we realize that the same micro parasite, but in greatly in a steer weighing 1,000 pounds the blood in his body will probably amount to about 50 pounds. Reasoning from the above facts it is easy to understand the manner in which the symptoms and post-mortem lesions are produced and increased numbers in the blood corpus- cles of northern cattle suffering from Texas fever. 3rd. That microscopical examinations show the absence of the micro-parasite in the blood of healthy northern cattle. 4 TEXAS 4t u That microscopical examination shows the absence notwithstanding the result of BilHngs investigations, in the blood of an animal affected with Texas fever, of other organisms when the ex- aminations was made previous to death or very soon after. 5th. It has been demonstrated that the intravenous injection of blood from infectious southern cattle into northern cattle resulted in the contraction of Tex- as fever by the latter. In these cases the presence of the micro-parasite was demonstrated by microscopic examina- tion. MANEER OF TRANSMISSION. In the year 1889-90 Dr. F. L. Kil borne dem- onstrated that the transmission of the pyrosoma bigemium from southern cat- tle to native northern cattle in natural outbreaks is effected by the Texas fever cattle tick (Boophilus Bovis) "Ox Idv- ing") and by this means only, and this claim is substantiated by the following experiments : 1st. Northern cattle were exposed for .several weeks to southern cattle, the lat- ter being infested with ticks. Results : The native northern cattle contracts! Texas fever. Young ticks were found upon them. The pyrosoma, bittemium, upon microscopical examination was? found in their blood. 2nd. Northern cattle were exposed to southern cattle from which ticks had been removed, the ticks having been picked off by hand. Result: Northern cattle showed no signs of fever. 3 r( j t A pasture was infested with ticks taken from southern cattle, no southern cattle were admitted to the pastures Northern cattle were turned into the pasture. Result: Texas fever and death. 4th, Young ticks hatched artificially from eggs laid by adult ticks picked from southern cattle were placed upon northern cattle. Result : Texas fever and death. Pyrosoma bigemium dem- onstrated in the blood by microscopical examination. FEVER 5th. Experiments were made showing the disease is not transmissible by means of the excretions of southern cattle. The above experiments have on nu- merous occasions, been repeated and corroborated, by the Bureau of Animal Industry, Experimental stations of Tex- as, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas and other southern states situated on and below the Federal quarantine line, sep- erating the infected from the non-infec- ted district. Consequently, notwith- standing the skepticism of stockmen throughout the south we are absolutely bound to acknowledge the fact that the tick is the sole transmitter of the pyro- soma bigemium in natural outbreaks of Texas fever. THE TICK. There are some people who still believe that the tick in itself is the cause of all the trouble and that the death of affected animals is due to the abstraction of blood by them. The fal- facy of this idea appears when we rea- lize that the ticks ordinarily found upon cattle dead or dying are still quite small and have scarcely begun to draw blood on a large scale. Moreover if such an idea had any foundation how can the fact be explained that there is such an extensive destruction of red blood cor- pubdes within the animal bod}', which is demonstrated by the presence of color- ing matter in ^the urine, the thick bile ami the presence of pigment in the kid- neys and liver? The cattle tick, Ixodes Bovis (Riley)or Boophilus Bovis aa its name indicates is a parasite peculiar to cattle in the southern part of the United States, Mex- ico and the West Indian Islands. It belongs to the group of Artnropode and to the genus Ixodes (Boophilus) which is included in the order of Acanna. Its life history is quite simple and easily traced from one generation to another. It is essentially a parasite, attaching it- self to the skin and drawing the blood TEXAS FEVER of its host. It is unable to come to maturity and reproduce its kind unless it becomes attached to the skin of cattle or horses whence it may obtain nour- ishment. The eggs laid on the giound after the female has dropped from the host begin to develop at once. When the embryo is fully formed within the shell it rup- tures this and gains its freedom. The time required from the laying of the egg to the hatcning varies considerably according to the temperature. In my laboratory where the eggs were placed with some moist earth and grass in a fruit jar on the top and outside of the incubator, at a tern perature ranging from 70 to 80 degrees Fah., this was accom- plished in 22 days. This was in the summer lime. In the late fall under the same conditions it would undoubtedly take a much longer period. The larva after emerging from the egg is very min- ute, is six legged, and just visible to the naked eye. If the larvae be kept on mois* earth in a covered jar they may remain alive for months, but there is no appreciable increase in size. As soon, however, as they are placed on cattle growth begins. On pasiures the parasite soon finds its way upon bovine animals. They attach themselves by preference to the tender skin of the escutcheon, the inside of the thighs and the base of the udder. Yet they may be found on different parts of the body, such as the neck, chest, ears, etc. In about a week after the tick in its larval stage becomes attached to the skin of cattle, it goes through the pro- cess known as molting, and the second or nymphal stage of the parasite life commences. After this stage you will notice it has four pair of legs. In about another week molting takes place again, when the tick passes from the nymphal stage to the sexual or adult stage. Im- pregnation now takes place, and with the development of the ova in the body the parasite takes in an increased quan- tity of blood, so that it becomes very much larger in a tew days, this applies more especially to the female tick. The rapid growth of the tick at this time is mainly due to the large quantity of blood it takes into its body. When the female has reached a certain stage of maturity it drops to the ground and de- posits her eggs which in due time are hatched out and the above life history is repeated, provided conditions, climate, etc., are favorable. iSouthern cattle sent North during the spring and early summer carry on their bodies large numbers of ticks. These, when matured drop off and lay eggs on northern pastures. These hatch and the young ticks soon get upon northern cattle which happen to be in the pas- ture, and attach themselves to the skin when they inoculate the cattle with the pyrosoma bigemium and fever breaks out in fron? one to three weeks there- after. W'hen the weather is cool as in the autumn this period may be a little longer. When northern cattle graze upon pas- tures over which southern cattle have passed, tne time when the disease ap- pears depends upon circumstances. When northern cattle are put upon pas- tures immediately after southern cattle have infected them with ticks, it may be from thirty to sixty days or even longer, before the disease appears. This will be readily understood when we recall the life history of the tick. The southern cattle leave onlv matured ticks which have dropped irom them. These must lay their eggs and the latter be hatched out before any ticks can get upon the northern cattle. If on the other hand northern cattle are placed upon pastures which have been infected some time before with ticks, the disease will appear much 6 TEXAS sooner, for the reason that young ticks may be already hatched and attack the cattle at once, in such an event the dis- ease may appear in 10 or 12 days. It will be easily seen theretore that the length of time elapsing between the exposure of northern cattle on infected fields and the appearance of the disease will de- pend entirely upon the date of original infection and on climatic conditions. The fever always appears before the ticks have matured. In fact they are still small enough to be overlooked bv a casual observer. After the acute stage of the disease has passed the ticks begin to swell up and show very plainly. SYMPTOMS, ANTE-MORTEM AND POST- MORTEM. The ears of the animal droop, its movements become sluggish, and se- cretions retarded, especially in milch cows, appetite at first continues as well as rumination, disposition to lie down soon makes itself apparent, and wher- ever pools exist the sick animal seeks them out to lie in. A slight cough is sometimes noticed, depression of the head, drooping ears, arched back hollow flanks, with a ten- dency to draw the hind leg under the body, and knuckling over in the hind fetlocks, are early and very marked Phenomena. The skin seems dry and attached, the foeces are not materially affected but in some cases clots of blood are attached to them. The urine is at first clear but later becomes deeply stained with the cololring matter of the blood. The visible mucous membranes are semewhat anaemic, but a hyperae- mic condition may sometimes be ob- served, accompanied by a viscid dis- charge. The mucous membrane of the | rectum is frequently iniected. The j pulse is frequent, in the early stages j hard and thin, it gradually becomes ' more feeble, and in the later stages, as death approaches, it is impossible to feel it. It varies from sixty to one hundred FEVER and twenty beats in frequency. The thermometer is a valuable aid in the diagnosis. The temperature is the highest at the commencement, but be- comes reduced with the approach of death. The temperature of the external parts varies, frequently the poll, ears and extremities are very hot in the ac- tive stage of the disease at other time, j i they are cold, particularly the posterior extremities. The respirations frequently rise as high as 100 per minute, but in thecoma- tosed condition they are slow, deep and labored. The nervous phenomena are very mark- ed, tiembling of the muscles of the pos- terior parts is very frequent, as well as j ot the neck. Weakness of the limbs, particularly the posterior is very com- mon, so that many animals are unable to rise, or if they get up, walk with a feeble and tottering gait. Listlessness indicates the approach of the end. The state of the secretions is usually indicative ot the course of the diseases perspiration is much restricted, oedema of the cutis is quite frequently met with- The urine conta ; ns albumen in large quantities when haematuria is present. In the case of milch cows the milk se- cretion is almost if not entirely suspen- ded. In mo&t cases the depression increases, the pulse becomes more leeble and ac- celerated, respiration is labored and the temperature falls to 100 or 98 Fah., and the patient becomes outstretched upon the ground and dies without a struggle. The course of the disease is very var- iably in duration. Death may ensue in from three days to several weeks after the beginning of the fever. Those that recover ultimately, do so very slowly, owing to the great poverty of the blood in red blood corpuscles, The flesh is regained very gradually, and the animal may be subjected to a second, though TEXAS light attack later on in the autumn, which pushes the full recovery onward to the beginning of winter. In the mild type of the disease which occurs in October and November, symp- toms of the disease are well nigh absent. There is little if any fever, and if itnvere not for the loss of flesh and more or less dullness, the disease might pass un- noticed, as it undoubtedly does in the majority of cases. If, however, the blood corpuscles are counted from time to tin e a gradual diminishing number will be found and after several weeks only about one-fifth or one-sixth of the normal number are present. POST-MORTEM LESIONS. The first thing noticed when the skin is cut through, is the absence of blood in the superficial blood vessels. When the abdominal cavity is laid open, the first thing to attract attention is the uniform- ly enlarged spleen which weighs from 2 o 10 pounds, its pulp is soft and degen- j crated, when it is incised its contents are found to be pulpy and blackish, and may even ooze out as a disintegrated mass. The markings of the healthy spleen are all effaced by an enormous number of blood corpusclas which have i collected in that oryan and to which the enlargement is due. The liver IH larger than in the healthy state, and has on its surface a pale yel- lowish hue, when it is incised the yel- lowish tinge is still more prominent. This is due to the large amount of bile in the bile ducts, which produces in most cases degeneration of the liver cells, which makes the organ lighter in color. The gall bladder is usually found dis- { tended and filled with a viscid fluid. The urinary bladder, invariably, in acute cases contains urine which varies in colors from a deep port wine to a light claret. The kidneys are always found congested in the acute attack. FEVER ; 7 The lung, stomach and intestines are as a rule not diseased. The heart us- usally shows patches of blood extravasa- tion on the inside, usually in the left ventricle, and sometimes, but less mark- ed on the outside suface. TREATMENT. With regard to the cur- ative treatment of Texas fever very little need be said, as so far no successful remedies has been discovered, but should any one desire to apply treat- ment I should recommend large doaesof qunine and stimulants. Preventitive treatment, however, is of the utmost importance and is easily considered. When we recall what has been said with regard to the cause of the disease, viz.: That the boophilus bovi or cattle tick is the only medium through which the pyrosoma bigemium can be transmitted, the methods towards the prevention of this disease are easily determined. Kill the tick and no further trouble will be experienced. In the first place cattle infested with ticks should be dipped in an oily solu- tion, as the oil is much more effective than chemicals, and in the second place disinfect the pastures. This is much more difficult than destroying the ticks on cattle. The following suggestions, however, may be tried with a reasonable hope of success, but of course only ap- plies to localities that are permanently affected with the tick. That is to say localities in which it does not get cold enough in the wint.er time to destroy the tick. Place no cattle on infested pastures. Let the grass grow until of sufficient length, when it may be mowed and when dead and drv enough may be burned. Let the burning take place when the ground is thoroughly dry, so that everything, including the old man- ure and decayed vegetable matter may be consumed. This, if properly done 8. TEXAS should destroy all the ticks, but if not, the ground being rendered bare and every portion exposed, the freeze during the succeeding winter should complete the work. Hawever, as an additional precaution against future loss we would suggest the cultivation of the land for a year or two. It might be sowed to oats or in some small grain that would leav- a stubble that could be burned in the fall, thus leaving the ground bare each winter after cultivation. When the pasture is an enclosure of woodland, or ground unsuitable for cul- tivation, or cannot be clipped with the mower, all that can be done is to en- courage a vigorous growth and burn the first opportunity after it is killed by frosts. The leaves from the timber and the grass that will grow on the spots where the timber is thin will generally be sufficient to give the desired heat if a suitable time is selected for the work. On spots so bare they will not af- ford rubbish sufficient for burning, the hard freeze that may be expected through the winter will in all probab- ility accomplish the desire end. Lots and corrals that do not produce sufficient growth for burning may be sprayed with a mixture of kerosene ami five per cent naphtha, or ten per cent of gasoline. The spraying should be sufficient to moisten all rubbish and care should be taken to get it well distributed over all the ground. Imme- diately after spraying apply the match, taking care to be so situated that you can readily step out of the way of the flames, as this solution will burn very rapidly. Buildings and fences should be looked after and such action taken before ap- plying the solution as will protect them from the conflagration, as you will have by FEVER but little opportunity to make sue arrangements atter the fire is started. Opened or enclosed grazing lands ma be disinfected by the free use of fire. the farmers and stockmen in an infect vicinity would unite in the work an prepare for the protection of thei buildings and fences, large areas coul be burned over with a fair prospect o success by the heat occasioned by th burning, or by the action of the frost o the exposed surface. The importance of disinfecting th areas cannot be estimated. If no Btop are taken to eradicate these parasi when they are found, some of our terri tory not already infected will become so carrying with it not only severe loss death of animals, but a material reduc tion in prices when placed on tne mar- ket. In conclusion, permit me to say tha citizens should, in the interests of the cattle industry in the State of Calitoi- nia, promptly report all cases of sus- pected Texas fever and then unite with the State Board of Health in prompt and energetic measures for its control and eradication. As mentioned elsewhere in this paper a host is necessary for the propagation of the tick, and as ticks do not trave far, the quarantining of infested grounds would probably disinfect the ground after a winter, but the burning measure recommended should not be neglected when it is practicable. If horses and cattle are kept off the infested pastures the tick will finally die, as one of these hosts is necessary to thpi propagation of these parasites. The mating of the male and female must take place on the host. Compliments of F. J. SINCLAIR, "EDITOR BUTCHERS' AND STOCKGROWERS 1 JOURNAL" 628 MONTGOMERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO (; aylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y* W. JHH. 21 jgog YC 14854 U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES 1460 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY