'THEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON. CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY OF U00ks 0it Angling W. ANFOED PROUD, ESQ. (of IFarringtori). Sag of SATURDAY, the 27th of FEBRUARY. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Hunks on OF * W. ANFORD PROUD, ESQ. (Of Warrington), COMPRISING EAELY AND OTHER EDITIONS OF WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLEAT ANGLER, FIRST AND OTHER EDITIONS OF BARKER'S ART OF ANGLING, BEST'S CONCISE TREATISE, SLACKER'S ART OF ANGLING AND FLY-MAKING, BOWLKER'S ART OF ANGLING, BROOKES' ART OF ANGLING, CHETHAM'S ANGLER'S VADE MECDM, FRANCIS' BOOK ON ANGLING, HOFLAND'S BRITISH ANGLER'S MANUAL, NOBBES' COMPLEAT TROLLER, KONALDS' FLY-FISHER'S ENTOMOLOGY, BAINBRIDGE'S FLY-FISHER'S GUIDE, BLOME'S THE GENTLEMAN'S RECREATIONS. TREATISES ON THE BRITISH, SCOTCH & IRISH FISHERIES, WORKS BY GERVASE MARKHAM, FLETCHER'S PURPLE ISLAND, First Edition, 3Vttrtt0n an& otfar Catalogues of Jingling libraries, WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS OF CHINESE FISHES, JARDINE'S BRITISH SALMONID^E, EXTRA ILLUSTRATED WORKS, AND NUMEROUS MODERN WORKS RELATING TO ANGLING AND SPORTING IN GENERAL, ETC. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, Auctioneers of luterary ^ropertp $c isaorfcs tllustrattbe of tfje JPinc 'Slrts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On SATURDAY, the 27th day of FEBRUARY, 1904, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. May be Viewed Two Days prior. Catalogues may be bad. DRYDEN PRESS : J. DAVY & SONS, 137, LONG ACRE, LONDON. 20G7G06 CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the Auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2s. 6d. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 10s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase- money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. V. The lots to be taken away at the buyer's expense immediately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of ONE WEEK after the conclusion of the sale, the books or other property are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expenses (the same as if re-sold) will be added to the amount at which the books were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. VI. All the books are presumed to be perfect unless otherwise expressed ; but if. upon collating, any should prove defective, the purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them, provided they are returned within ONE WEEK after the conclusion of the sale, when the purchase-money will be returned. VII. The sale of any book or books is not to be set aside on account of any worm-holes, stained or short leaves of text or plates, want of list of plates, or blank leaves, or on account of the publication of any subsequent volume, supplement, appendix or plates. All the manuscripts, auto- graphs, all magazines and reviews, all books in lots, and all tracts in lots or volumes, will be sold with all faults, imperfections, and errors of description. The sale of any illustrated book, lot of prints or drawings, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration ot the numbers stated or error of description. VIII. No IMPERFECT BOOK will be taken back, unless a note accompanies each book, stating its imperfections, with the number of lot and date of the sale at which the same was purchased. IX. To prevent inaccuracy in the delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of the purchases, no lot can on ar/y account be removed during the time of sale. X. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE 13, Wellington Street, Strand, London. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAKY OF fBmrks mt Angling OF W. ANFOED PEOUD, ESQ. (of Warrington). OCTAVO ET INFKA. LOT 1 Accomplish'd Ladies' Delight in Preserving, Physick, Beautifying and Cookery, third edition, portrait and frontispiece, original sheep, 1683 Sixth edition, portrait / _ and frontispiece, old calf , 1686 Tenth edition, portrait * *- * and frontispiece, original sheep (some of the head-lines cut into), 1719 (3) 2 Adam (A. L.) Field and Forest Rambles, maps and en- gravings, 1873 Paeza (R.) Wild Scenes in South America, illustrations, 1863 Townsend (F. T.) Wild Life in Florida, frontispiece, 1875; and others (7) 3 Addisou. Cupid's Bee-Hive : or the Sting of Love, trans- lated frona Bonefonius (contains the Anglers, a Ballad), / ft calf, scarce E. Curll, 1721 4 Advantages and Utility of a proposed new Treatise on the Art of Angling (no title), half morocco, t. e. g. The , British Jewel, &c. frontispiece, uncut, n. d. Curious Water-colour Drawings, by a Chinese Artist, on rice paper, 12 plates ; and others, two in MS. (7) 5 Alexander (Col.) Salmon-Fishing in Canada, illustrations, 1860 Tour through the Highlands of Perthshire, by M. Ferguson, portrait, 1870 Moffat (A. S.) Secrets of Angling, woodcuts, 1865 Street (A. B.) Woods and Waters, map and illustrations, 1860 ; and others (16) 6 Amateur (An) Angler's Days in Dove Dale, 1884 Fresh Woods and Pastures New, 1887 Days in Clover, LARGE PAPER, plates, 1892 By Meadow and Stream, plates, 1896" On a Sunshine Holyday," 1897 ; and others, by " The Amateur Angler," printed on hand-made paper, limited issue, uncut, t. e. g. (7) 6 OCTAVO 26 Best (Thomas) Concise Treatise on the Art of Angling .... to which is added the Compleat Fly-fisher, FIRST EDI- / 7 i^i_ TION, frontispiece, 1787 Second edition of the same, frontispiece, n. d. ; other editions (12) 27 Bibliotheca Curiosa. Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle, privately printed, 1885 The Secrets of Angling. ... by J. D. 2 vol. ib. 1885 Holberton (W.) The Art of //' Angling, one of 50 copies, n. d. Lowth (W. S.) Ang- / ling, Angling Dodges, and Match Fishing, n. d. Colquhoun (J.) Sport and Natural History of the Scot- tish Highlands, 1876 Foster (W. A.) Songs on Ang- ling, &c. 1886 ; and others, unbound (13) 28 Billingsley (J.) Epitome of the whole Art of Husbandry, with new additions, two engraved titles, 1675 The Gen- tleman Farmer, calf, E. Curll, 1726 Lemery (Sieur) Modern Curiosities of Art and Nature, old calf, 1685 Natura Exenterata, old calf \ 1655; and others (9) 29 Blacker (W.) Art of Angling, and Complete System of Fly Making, FIRST EDITION, engraved title and plates, interleaved, with numerous specimens of artificial flies neatly inserted, calf gilt, g. e. very scarce, in leather case published by the author, 1842 30 Blacker (W.) Art of Fly Making re-written and re- vised by the author, Blacker himself, coloured plates of '*/ flies and other illustrations, morocco 1855 31 Blacker (W.) Art of Angling, and Complete System of Fly Making, FIRST EDITION, frontispiece, engraved title, and _ . a plate, original binding, 1842 Another edition, plates, ' J " (uncoloured), original binding, 1843 (2) 32 Blaine (D. P.) Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports ; Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, numerous beautiful engrav- ings, morocco, m. e. 1840 Pierce Egan's Book of Sports, woodcuts, half bound, 1832 Maxwell (W. H.) Wild Sports of the West, 2 vol. plates and vignettes, uncut, 1832 ; and others (7) 33 [Blakey (R.)] Hints on Angling, with suggestions for Angling Excursions in France and Belgium, by Palmer Hackle, 1846 The Sporting Sketch Book, with 11 beautiful engravings, 1842 Lubbock (R.) Observa- tions on the Fauna of Norfolk, map, numerous pencil notes in the margins, 1845; original cloth (3) 34 Boccius (G.) Treatise on Fresh- Water Fish, Van Voorst, 1841 Fish in Rivers and Streams, ib. 1848 Wall- work (James) The Modern Angler, frontispiece and coloured plates of 'flies ,1847 ; original cloth (3) 7 / OCTAVO 7 35 Bowlker (Charles) The Art of Angling : or Complete Fly and Bottom- Fisher, frontispiece, interleaved with parch- ment, on which are inserted numerous specimens of artificial /i~/^ flies, calf, in a cloth case, Ludlow, 1814 The same edition, frontispiece, original boards, uncut, ib. 1814 (2) 36 Bowlker (C.) Art of Angling, 1826 Three other editions : 1829, 1833, and 1839, woodcuts and coloured plates of ^ / " flies, all in the original boards (4) 37 Bowlker (C.) Art of Angling, and Compleat Fly-Fishing, second edition, calf (1774) Another edition, frontis- . piece, old calf , 1788 Other editions, coloured plates oj J^ flies and woodcuts (5) 38 Bowlker (R.) The Art of Angling improved, in all its parts, especially Fly- Fishing, FIRST EDITION, original sheep /3 / ^ binding, rare Worcester, n. d. (circa 1758) 59 Brookes (R.) The Art of Angling, Rock and Sea-Fishing, FIRST EDITION, 133 woodcuts, 1740 Another edition, enlarged, frontispiece and cuts, 1766 Another, frontis- ff/~- piece and cuts, 1799 Browne (Moses) Angling Sports, frontispiece, 1773; calf and half calf (7) 40 Brown (Sir Thomas) Certain Miscellany Tracts, FIRST EDI- TION, portrait, old red morocco, g. e. 1683 The Com- plete Grazier, calf, 1767 Lupton (T.) A Thousand 2. //' Notable Things, old calf, 1675 Lovell (R.) Compleat History of Animals and Minerals, original calf, 1661 New Curiosities in Art and Nature, plates, 1711 Billingsley (J.) Epitome of the Art of Husbandry, frontispiece, calf, 1685 ; and others (8) 41 Brown (J. M.) Stray Sport, 2 vol. plates, 1893 Jefferies (R.) The Gamekeeper at Home, illustrated by Whymper, / 5~ I 1880 Crawford (J. H.) Wild Life of Scotland, illus- ' trations, 1896 ; and others (7) 42 Buckland (Frank) Notes and Jottings from Animal Life, with illustrations, 1882 Log-Book of a Fisherman and / / Zoologist, illustrated, 1875 Curiosities of Natural His- ^ / ^~ tory, 4 vol. illustrations, 1857-68 (6) 43 Buckland (Frank) Life, portrait, 1885 Kingsley (C.) Prose Idylls, 1873 Lowell (J. R.) Latest Literary Essays and Addresses, portrait, 189 1 Maxwell (Sir H.) 5 / Rainy Days in a Library, uncut, 1896 ; and others (7) 44 [Campbell ( J. F.)] Life in Normandy, 2 vol. tinted illustra- tions, half calf gilt, m. e. 1863 Bennet (J. H.) Winter
Town and Country Gentleman's Recreation, frontispiece, '/*''
fine copy in calf extra, g. e. n. d.
A 4
y //'
f // /
' ' /
174 Morris (T.) The American Angler's Book, the Natural
History of Sporting Fish, with numerous illustrations,
1864 Watson (B. A.) The Sportsman's Paradise, the
Lake Lands of Canada, illustrations, 1889 ; &c. (3)
175 Neil's Complete Angler, frontispiece, 1804 Other editions
of the same The Angler's Assistant, coloured frontis-
pieces, two editions Lee's Expert English Angler,
coloured frontispiece, n.d. Concise Treatise on the Art
of Angling, frontispiece, n. d. Complete Art of Angling,
coloured frontispiece, n. d.: and others, original wrappers
in two boxes
176 Newland (Henry) The Erne, its Legends and its Fly-
Fishing, maps and illustrations, including coloured flies,
original cloth, uncut, fine copy 1851
177 Nobbes (R.) The Compleat Troller, or the Art of Trolling,
by a Lover of the Sport, FIRST EDITION, with the leaf of
Contents, original calf, symbolically tooled, g. e. very
scarce, 1682 Reprint of the same, calf, with arms on
sides, 1682 (circa 1790) (2)
178 Norris (T.) American Angler's Book, the Natural History
of Sporting Fish, with illustrations, 1864 Ward (R.)
The English Angler in Florida, numerous illustrations,
1898 ; and others (4)
179 North (Roger) Discourse of Fish and Fish-Ponds, FIRST
EDITION, scarce, E. Cur II, 1713 The same, second
edition, ib. 1715, calf (2)
180 North-Country Angler, FIRST EDITION, frontispiece, 1786
Second edition of the same, frontispiece, half morocco,
t.e.g. 1789 Third edition, frontispiece, Leeds, 1800
Another edition, morocco, 1817 (4)
181 O'Connor (R.) Field Sports of France, numerous engrav-
ings, uncut [St. Omer~\, 1846 Angling Excursions of
Gregory Greendrake, frontispiece, fyc. 1832 Carpenter
(W.) The Angler's Assistant, woodcuts and coloured
plate of flies, 1852 ; and others (20)
182 O'Gorman. The Practice of Angling, particularly as
regards Ireland, 2 vol. portrait, 1845 [Belton] Two
Summers in Norway, 2 vol. 1840 Ross (W. A.) Yacht
Voyage to Norway, &c. 2 vol. frontispiece, 1848 ; and
others, chiefly uncut (18)
183 O'Gorman. The Practice of Angling in Ireland, frontis-
piece, 1855 Simeon (C.) Stray Notes on Fishing and
Natural History, engravings, 1860 Dewar (G.) South
Country Trout Streams, plates, 1899 Wade (H.)
Halcyon, with coloured plates, 1861 Cliffe (J. H.)
Notes and Recollections of an Angler, 1860 ; and
others (19)
184 Oliver (Stephen, i.e. W. A. Chatto) Scenes and Recollec-
tions of Fly-Fishing in Northumberland, &c. engravings,
uncut, 1834 Rambles in Northumberland, &c. 1835
Anderdon (J. L.) The River Dove, a short autograph letter Z-J~/ -
inserted, uncut, 1847 Hansard (G. A.) Trout and Salmon
Fishing in Wales, uncut, 1834 Wheatley (H.) Rod and
Line, coloured plates ofjlies, uncut, 1849 ; &c. (9)
185 On Surrey Marshes, by a " Son of the Marshes," 1892
Annals of a Fishing Village, plates, 1891 A Spring ..*
and Summer in Lapland, 1864 King ( J. L.) Treating '/ "
on the Brule River, 1879 Watson (J.) Poachers and
Poaching, frontispiece, 1891 ; and others (8)
186 Page (J. L. W.) The Rivers of Devon, illustrated, LARGE
PAPER, one of 250 copies, 1893 Bickerdyke (J.) The .
Book of the All- Round Angler, engravings, LARGE ''/ "
PAPER, one o/2()l copies, 1888 The Year's Sport, for
1885, half bound, t.e.g. (3)
187 Penn (R.) Maxims and Hints for an Angler, and Miseries
of Fishing, &C. FIRST EDITION, LARGE PAPER, etchings f V I _
by Seymour on india paper, FINE COPY, in the original
cloth 1833
188 Penn (R.) Maxims and Hints for an Angler, FIRST
EDITION, etchings by Seymour, on india paper, 1833 ; ^ / "
New Edition of the same, enlarged, 1839 ; Another,
1842, original cloth (3)
189 Perley (M. H.) Reports on the Fisheries of New Bruns-
wick, 1852 Ogilby (J. D.) Edible Fishes and Crus-
taceans of New South Wales, with illustrations, 1893 / "
Meehan (W. E.) Fisheries of Pennsylvania, plates,
1893 Pamphlets and Blue Books on the Salmon
Fisheries, &c. unbound a parcel
190 Phillips (Henry) The True Enjoyment of Fishing, portrait
and music, subscriber's copy, only 100 printed, 1843 / ?/_
Walton (Izaak) Complete Angler, each page embellished
with a beautiful border, uncut, t. e. g. 1893 ; &c. (7)
191 Phipson (E.) The Animal-Lore of Shakspeare's Time,
frontispiece, 1883 McLellan (I.) Poems of the Rod ///-
and Gun, frontispiece, 1886 The Coquet-Dale Fishing
Songs, 1852 Way th (C.) Trout Fishing: a Rural
Poem, 1845 ; and others (9)
192 Piscatorial Society's Papers, read before the Society
[ 1 889-97], 2 vol. portraits, half calf, g. e. 1 890 Records ^ o /^
of the Glendale Anglers' Club, 1838-80, half calf,
privately printed (3)
193 Poitevin (B.) L'Ami dn Pecheur, numerous illustrations,
1873 Cherville. Contes de Chasse et de PSehe, 1878 &/
Lefevre (J.) La Vieille ou les dernieres Amours
d'Ovide, 1861; and others, unbound (12)
194 Pollock (Lieut.-Col.) Sport in British Burmah, Assam,
&c. 2 vol. with illustrations, 1879 Beavan (Capt. R.)
Handbook of the Freshwater Fishes of India, plates, 1877
Percival (W. S.) The Land of the Dragon, map, 1889 ;
and others (8)
195 Pope (Alex.) Windsor- Forest, illustrated with 5 scarce
engravings, including swimming ladies, by Gribelin, half
bound 1720
196 Pulman (G. P. R.) The Book of the Axe : a Piscatorial
Description of the Stream, and Historical Sketches,
fourth edition, map (mounted), and numerous plates and
woodcuts, uncut, t. e.g. 1875
197 Pulman (G. P. R.) The 3ook of the Axe, map and illus-
trations, 1854 White (Walter) All Round the Wrekin,
,(. / 1860 Manley ( J. J.) Notes on Fish and Fishing, 1881
' * On Surrey Hills, by a " Son of the Marshes," 1892 ;
and others (9)
198 Pulman (G. P. R.) Vade Mecnin of Fly-Fishing for
Trout, FIRST EDITION, an autograph note inserted, 1841
The same, second edition, 1846 The Angler's Hand-
(2- 1 ^ Book, coloured plates of flies, 1838 Dougall (J. D.)
Salmon and Trout Angling, 1841 ; and other small
treatises (30)
199 Radford (George) Rambles by Yorkshire Rivers, one of
*"*/,_ 25 copies, with the etchings printed on satin, parchment,
g. e. Leeds, n. d.
200 Rambles and Recollections of a Fly-Fisher,. ..by Clericus,
plates, 1854 Dick, Flies and Fly Fishing, woodcuts,
f2_i 1873 Fishing with the Fly, 1883 Stevens (C. W.)
/*" Fly- Fishing in Maine Lakes, illustrated, 1884 ; and
others (9)
201 Robertson (W.) Forest Sketches, plates, 1865 Dyer
(T. F. T.) Great Men at Play, 2 vol. 1889 Bulger
~ / (G. E.) Leaves from the Records of St. Hubert's Club,
/ /"" 1864 Sargent (H. R.) Thoughts upon Sport, 1895;
and others (8)
202 Ronalds (Alfred) The Fly-Fisher's Entomology. ..with
Observations relative to Trout and Grayling Fishing,
FIRST EDITION, 1836 The same, second to eighth
editions, numerous beautifully coloured plates of flies,
original cloth, uncut (1836-77) (8)
203 Roosevelt (R. B.) The Game Fish of the Northern
States and British Provinces, portrait and illustrations,
New York, 1884 Superior Fishing, illustrated ib.
1884; half calf gilt, t. e. g. uniform Angling Days on
Scotch Lochs, by " Yellow Body," presentation copy,
morocco gilt, g. e. 1884 Random Casts, half morocco,
t. e. g. 1878 ; and others (7)
204 Russell (Alex.) The Salmon, 1864 Conway (J.) Forays
among Salmon and Deer, frontispiece, n. d. Wells
( H. P.) The American Salmon Fisherman, illustrated,
1886; and others (5)
205 Salter (T. F.) The Angler's Guide, second, fifth, and sixth
to ninth editions, numerous illustrations, haff bound and /2- /_
cloth (6)
206 Salter (R.) The Modern Angler, frontispiece, uncut, 1811
Another copy, with specimens of artificial flies inserted,
uncut, 1811 Salter (T. F.) The Troller's Guide, wood- /0 / -
cuts, 1820 Other Editions of the Troller's and Angler's
Guide (10)
207 Sambnci(Joan.) Emblemata, numerous beautiful woodcuts,
half calf Lugd. Bat. 1584 */ / ^
208 Sannazarius (J.) Opera omuia Latine scripta, fine copy in
morocco extra, g. e. with anchor in gold on the sides 2.* ' J ' "
Venet. Aldus, 1535
209 Saunders (J.) The Compleat Fisherman, folding frontis-
piece, 1724 The Universal Angler (especially Fly- / /
Fishing), frontispiece and plates, calf gilt, 1766 Com- / *"
plete Fisherman, or Universal Angler, frontispiece, half
calf, n. d. ; and a volume containing curious extracts,
epigrams, &c. (4)
210 School of Recreation (Hunting, Hawking, Cock-Fighting,
&c. ) frontispiece, original sheep, 1696 Another edition,
frontispiece, calf, 1720 Another edition, some headlines > ^ f ^
shaved, frontispiece, original sheep, 1736 White (J.)
A Rich Cabinet, with Variety of Inventions, curious
woodcuts, half calf, 1684 (4)
211 Scotcher (George) The Fly Fisher's Legacy, coloured plate
of flies, original wrapper, uncut, with the paper label on Jf
side Chepstow (circa 1800) ^~ ty . T .
* # * A rare local work which preceded Bainbridge (1816),
Carroll (1818) and Ronalds (1836).
212 Scott (G. C.) Fishing in American Waters, illustrations,
1869 Lees and Clutterbuck. A Ramble in British.
Columbia, map and illustrations, 1888 Metcalfe (F.) s^s /
The Oxonian in Iceland, map, 1861 Autobiography of
John Younger, portrait, 1881 ; and others (15)
213 Scott (W. H.) British Field Sports : Shooting, Hunting,
Racing, Cocking, Fishing, &c numerous beautiful plates, /, ^/
chiefly engraved by J. Scott, and woodcuts, original cloth,
uncut 1818
214 Scrope (William) Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in
the River Tweed, illustrated by Sir D. Wilkie, Sir E.
and C. Landseer, fyc. half morocco, t. e.g. 1885
215 Scrope (William) Days and, Nights of Salmon Fishing in
~ , * the Tweed, second edition, with coloured and other illus-
" J ' trations, calf extra, g. e. by Tout 1854
216 Senior (W.) Travel and Trout in the Antipodes, 1880
Webster (D.) The Angler and the Loop-Rod, portrait,
1885 Three in Norway, illustrated, 1882 Rowan
/7/- (J- JO The Emigrant and Sportsman in Canada, map,
1876 Gilmore (Parker) Leaves from a Sportsman's
Diary, 1893 ; and others ? 01 ^ ' (17)
217 Seymour (R.) Humorous Sketches, comprising 92 carica-
2* / ture etchings, coloured by hand, illustrated in prose by
R. B. Peake, original cloth, t.e.g. 1846
218 Seymour (R.) Sketches : Angling and Shooting, &c.
engraved title and 21 humorous etchings, half red morocco,
the back symbolically tooled, g. e. Thos. Fry, n. d*
219 Shetland. Description of the Island of Shetland. ..the
Great White Herring Fishery, &c. 1753 Letters con-
cerning the Free British Fisheries, with draughts of a
Herring-Buss and Nets, and Harbour of Peterhead,
1750 Girvin (J.) The Herring Fishery in the Firth of
Forth, 1800 ; and others, unbound (15)
220 Shipley and Fitzgibbon. True Treatise on the Art of
Fly- Fishing, Trolling, &c. LARGE PAPER, one of a few
/ copies, with the engravings on india paper, original cloth,
uncut 1838
221 Shirley (T.) The Angler's Museum, second edition, portrait
of John Kirby, calf gilt, n. d. Third edition of the
same, with portrait, calf, symbolically tooled, g. e. n. d.
2.2,/^ Another edition, half calf, n. d. Salter (R.) The
Modern Angler, FIRST EDITION, frontispiece, original
calf, Oswestry, n. d. (4)
222 Shooting and Fishing Trips in England, France, &c. by
" Wildfowler " and " Snapshot," 2 vol. 1876 Shooting,
j / Yachting, and Sea-Fishing Trips, 2 vol. 1877 Shooting
Adventures, Canine Lore, &c. 2 vol. 1879 (6)
223 Slack (J. H.) Practical Trout Culture, illustrated, 1872
Capel (C. C. ) Trout Culture, engravings, 1885 Summer
in Broadland, illustrated, 1889 Shrubsole (E. S.) Long
^ C) / Casts and Sure Rises, 1893; and others (21)
224 Smith (Wm.) Natural History of Nevis, and the rest of
the English Leeward Charibee Islands in America, old
calf, 1745 Moorson (Capt. W.) Letters from Nova
2 2/ ^ Scotia, 1830 Smith (Dr.) Natural History of the
Fishes of Massachusetts, woodcuts, half morocco, m. e.
1843 ; and others, some scarce (10)
225 Songs of the Edinburgh Angling Club, with illustrations
drawn and engraved by members of the club, a Supple-
mentary Sheet loosely inserted at end, Edinb. privately
printed, 1858 A new edition, with Additions, and some
extra leaves at end, ib. 1879 ; original cloth (2)
226 Speedy (T.) Sport in the Highlands and Lowlands of
Scotland, with illustrations, 1886 Fisher (A. T.) Out-
door Life in England, 1896 Mills (John) The Sports-
man's Library, portrait and engravings, n. d. &c. (1)
227 Speedy (T.) Sport in the Highlands and Lowlands of
Scotland, with illustrations, 1884 Abbott (S.) Arden- ^ ,
mohr among the Hills, illustrated, 1876 Pollok (Col.)
Incidents of Foreign Sport and Travel, illustrated, 1894 ;
and others (6)
228 Sporting Almanack, and New Sporting Almanack, XI vol.
(various), plates, 1839-45 The Angler's Diary, 1871,
1872, 1874 to 1876, 1878 and 1880 The Rail and the
Rod, by Greville F. (Barnes), no. 1 to 6, 1867-71 :
Guides and Handbooks of Angling, &c. 2 parcels
229 Sporting Anecdotes. ..by an Amateur Sportsman, /ronfr's-
piece, caZ/(1807) Fairfax (J.) The Complete Sports-
man, frontispiece, calf, 1795 Jacob (G.) The Compleat / 7/W / '
Sportsman, original sheep, 1718 Mayer (J.) The '
Sportsman's Directory, plates, 1817 ; and others (7)
230 Sportsman's (The) Dictionary : Instructions for Hawking,
Hunting, Fishing, Cocking, &c. 2 vol. plates, old calf, fQj ~
1735 The Universal Sportsman's Dictionary, calf,
Dublin, 1780 (3)
231 Stewart (W. C.) The Practical Angler : or Art of Trout-
Fishing, first to seventh editions, woodcuts, uncut / -
232 Stewart (C.) The Law of Scotland relating to Rights of
Fishing, edited by J. C. Shairp, 1892 Simmonds (P.L.)
The Commercial Products of the Sea, illustrations, 1879
Bickerdyke(J.) Practical Letters to young Sea Fishers,
numerous illustrations, 1898 Mitchell (J. M.) The
Herring, iu\th illustrations, 1864; and others (10)
233 St. John (Charles) Natural History and Sport in Moray,
with numerous beautiful etchings, and engravings in the
text, original cloth, uncut, t. e. g. Edinb. 1 882
234 St. John ( C. ) A Tour in Sutherlandshire, 2 vol. illustrations,
uncut, 1884 Wild Sports and Natural History of the / / _
Scottish Highlands, half morocco, t. e. g. 1888 (3)
235 St. John (C.) Wild Sports and Natural History of the
Highlands, illustrated, 1878 Natural History and Sport
in Moray, engravings, 1863 Notes and Sketches from 4 /
the Wild Coasts of Nipon. by Capt. H. C. St. John,
illustrations, 1880 ; and others (5)
q /
U36 St. John (C.) A Tour in Sutherlandshire, 2 vol. FIRST
EDITION, woodcuts, half morocco gilt, m. e. 1849 Dob-
son (W.) Rambles by the Kibble, the three series, in 1
vol. half morocco, t. e. g. 1864 Shepard (J. S.) Over
the Dovrefjelds, illustrations, half morocco, t. e. g. 1873 ;
arid others (8)
237 Stoddart (T. T.) Songs and Poems, 1839 Angling Songs,
portrait, 1839 Songs of the Seasons, &c. portraits,
///- *$~f l^S 1 Art of Angling as practised in Scotland, woodcuts,
1835 ; and others (6)
238 Stoddart (T. T.) The Angler's Companion to the Eivers
and Lochs of Scot! and, frontispiece, 1847 An Angler's
Rambles, and Angling Songs, 1866 Angling Remi-
niscences, 1887 ; and others by the same author (6)
239 Stretton (C.) Sport and Sportsmen, frontispiece, 1866
Hardy (Capt. C.) Forest Life in Acadie, illustrated,
1869 Dykes (T.) All Round Sport with Fish, Fur and
Feather, illustrations, 1887 Patterson (R. L.) The
Birds, Fishes, and Cetacea of Belfast Lough, 1880 (4)
240 Thomas (H. S.) The Rod in India, illustrations, 1881
Chapman and Buck, Wild Spain, with 174 illustrations,
1893 Reid (G. H.) Essay on N. S. Wales, 1876 (3)
241 Tolfrey (F.) The Sportsman in Canada, 2 vol. plates, 1845
The Sportsman in France, 2 vol. illustrations, 1841
The Sportsman in Ireland, 2 vol. engravings, 1840;
uncut (6)
242 Traherne (J. P.) The Habits of the Salmon, 1889 Con-
tributions to Natural History, 1865 Davies (G. C.)
/ / Norfolk Broads and Rivers, with illustrations, 1883
Howitt (W.) Year Book of the Country, illustrated,
1850 ; and others (19)
243 Travel, Adventure and Sport, from " Blackwood's Maga-
zine," 6 vol. n. d. Hunting, Shooting and Fishing,
with numerous illustrations, 1877 ; and others a parcel
244 True Art of Angling, in the original sheep binding, very
scarce A. Ustonson, 1770
245 Venables (R.) The Experienc'd Angler, or Angling
Tmprov'd, third edition, much enlarged, frontispiece and
engravings of fish, original sheep binding 1668
246 Venables (R.) The Experienc'd Angler, or Angling Im-
prov'd, the fourth edition, much enlarged, frontispiece
and engravings of fish, half parchment 1676
247 Venables (R.) The Experienced Angler, or Angling
Improved, reprint of the first edition of 1662, vignette
engravings on india paper, calf, 1825 Another edition,
vignettes on india paper, half morocco, t. e. g. 1827 (2)
248 Waller (Sir William) Divine Meditations upon several
occasions, with a Dayly Directory, fine portrait by N.
Yeates, calf gilt, g. e. 1680
249 Wells (H. P.) Fly-Rods, and Fly-Tackle, illustrated, n. d.
Fishing with the Fly, with illustrations of standard
flies, numerous beautifully coloured plates, 1885 (2)
250 Walton (Izaak) The Corapleat Angler, or The Contem-
plative Man's Recreation to which is added the Laws ,-j ~/^
of Angling, &c. the fourth edition, much corrected and
enlarged, scroll on title, engravings of fish, and musical
notation, a few headlines slightly shaved, calf 1668
251 Walton (Izaak) The Compleat Angler, the fifth edition,
rnnch corrected and enlarged, R. Marriott, 1676
Cotton (Charles) The Compleat Angler, being Instruc-
tions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a clear /? ~~r & <*>
Stream, FIRST EDITION, R. Marriott and H. Brome, ' / ' G
1676 Venables (Col. R.) The Experienc'd Angler, the
fourth edition, much enlarged, R. Marriott, 1676 ; engra-
vings of fish, fyc. green morocco extra, g. e. fine copies
in 1 vol.
%* With general title : " The Universal Angler, made so,
by Three Books of Fishing."
252 Walton and Cotton. Compleat Angler, Moses Browne's ?
with numerous beautiful illustrations 1889 / ~
384 Robertson (H. R.) Life on the Upper Thames, with nu-
merous beautiful illustrations, crimson morocco, g. e. 1875
385 Rolfe (H. L.) Portfolio of Ten Fish Pictures, from
paintings, n. d. Twelve mounted photographs of Rolfe's
Fish Pictures Fish Portraits, 59 plates, in a small
portfolio a parcel
386 Royal River (The) Thames from Source to Sea, with nu-
merous beautiful illustrations, 1885 Senior (Wm.) The
Thames from Oxford to the Tower, with 30 etchings by / / "
F. G. Walker, 1891 (2)
387 Sandeman (Fraser) Angling Travels in Norway, illustra-
tions and coloured plates of salmon flies by the author, fyc. J""X_
half parchment, uncut 1895
388 Sandeman (Fraser) By Hook and by Crook, coloured plates
of flies, and other illustrations, one of 100 numbered and
signed copies, buckram, uncut, t. e. g. 1892
389 Sannazarius. The Osiers : a Pastoral, translated, pre-
sentation copy, a few only printed for the use of the /"<"/
author's friends, half bound, 1724 Macquin (Abbe)
Tabella Cibaria, translated, half bound, 1820 The
Country Club; a Poem, 1679 ; and others (6)
390 Schwathka (F.) Nimrod in the North, numerous illustra-
tions, 1885 Eyre-Todd (G.) Sketch-Book of the North,
illustrated, 1896 Meredith (L. A.) Tasmanian Friends
and Foes, with coloured plates, fyc. 1881 ; and others (5)
391 Sidney (Sir Philip) Certain Sonnets from the Countess of
Pembroke's Arcadia, illustrated by G. W. Edwards,
1890 Pulman (G. P. R.) Rustic Sketches : Rhymes on
Angling, LARGE PAPER, one of 20 copies, 1853
Coridon's Song and other Verses, illustrations by Hugh
Thomson, LARGE PAPER, uncut, 1894 ; and another (4)
2 ,
^ /
~ /
392 Smith (John) England's Improvement Reviv'd : a Treatise
f of Husbandry and Trade by Land and Sea, original calf,
/ " 1673 ; and another (imperfect) (2)
393 Somervile (W.) Hobbinol, Field Sports and the Bowling
, Green, woodcuts, several of which are on india paper,
"o /O- uncut, 1813 Newtown (G. W.) Rural Sports, and how
to enjoy Them, plates, half bound, 1867 (2)
394 Stevens (C.) and J. Liebault. Maison Rustique, or the
Countrie Farme, translated into English by Richard
Surflet, woodcuts, last leaf slightly defective, original calf
395 Strutt (J.) Sports and Pastimes of the People of England,
edited by Wm. Hone, LARGE PAPER, ivith the engravings
/_ coloured, half morocco gilt, uncut imp. Svo. 1831
396 Swan (John) Speculum Mundi : a Glasse representing the
/_ Face of the World, calf antique, r. e. 1643
397 Thornton (Col.) A Sporting Tour through various parts of
France in 1802, 2 vol. numerous beautiful aquatinta
plates and vignettes, half russia, m. e. 1806
398 Tempesta (Ant.) Venationes, Ferarum, Avium, Piscium,
Pugnas Bestiariorum, et mutuae Bestiarum delineate, en-
graved title and 67 beautifully executed engravings, an
etched portrait of Tempesta inserted, calf, g. e.
oblong, Romo3, 1605
399 Treatise of Fishing with an Angle, blacfe Utter, reprint of
the rare original, extracts from the Introduction to the
modern edition of the Book of St. Albans, an Account of
draught fishing, from the " Jewell for Gentry," 1614,
&c. ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 8 scarce engravings,
Mr. Haslewood's copy, with MS. memoranda by him, and
his bookplate, calf in 1 vol.
400 Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle, an older form,
printed from a MS. 1883 The Secrets of Angling, by
John Dennys, 1613, reprint, edited by T. Westwood,
1883 Chronicle of the " Compleat Angler," edited by
Westwood and Satchell, 1883 ; limited issue, half bound,
t. e. g. uniform (3)
401 Vanieron Fishing, translated by J. Duncombe, uncut, 1809
Smith (Capt. John) England's Improvement Reviv'd,
half calf gilt, 1670; and another (3)
402 Walton (Izaak) Lives of Dr. J. Donne, Sir H. Wotton,
R. Hooker, G. Herbert and Dr. Sanderson, with Notes,
&c. by T. Zouch, fine portraits, original boards, uncut
York, 1796
- ,
403 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, with Lives of the
Authors and Notes, by Sir John Hawkins (seventh
edition), LARGEST PAPER, fine impressions of the por-
traits, plates and vignettes by Wale, Audinet, Sfc. inter-
leaved and EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 97
portraits, views, sporting prints, engravings of fish, &c.
half bound Bagster, 1808
404 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler, edited, with
Lives of the Authors and Notes, by Sir John Hawkins //'/
(seventh edition), LARGEST PAPER, fine impressions of
the portraits, plates and vignettes by Wale, Audinet, fyc.
uncut ib. 1808
405 Walton. Life of Isaac Walton, including Notices of his
Contemporaries, by Thos. Zouch, LARGE PAPER, one of
8 copies only, proof portraits and plates, on india paper,
uncut S. Prowett, 1824
406 Walton. The Life of Izaak Walton, LARGE PAPER,
printed for private circulation, half calf, symbolically / *"
tooled back, m. e. 1830
407 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, with Original
Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas, complete in v'
the original XII parts, with proofs of the plates by Thos. 4" . /V.
Stothard and Jas. Inskipp, on india paper, wrappers,
uncut imp. Svo. Pickering, 1836
408 Walton and Cotton. Memoirs, edited, with Notes, by Sir
Harris Nicolas, portrait, ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of ,
nearly 100 scarce portraits, views, antiquities, engravings
of fiies and fish, proof illustrations, vignettes and other
engravings, morocco gilt, g. e. ib. 1836
409 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler, in 2 parts
(edited by Geo. W. Bethune), portraits, plates and
ivoodcuts (the latter in 2 states), half russia, t. e.g. an ^f-^f f -
autograph letter (4fo) of John Major, referring to this
edition, is inserted super imp. Svo. New York, 1847
410 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, with Original
Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas, second
edition, 2 vol. portraits and numerous beautiful illustra-
tions on india paper, original cloth, uncut 1860
411 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler .... with co-
pious Notes, a Preface, and a Notice of Cotton and his /
Writings, by the editor, Geo. W. Bethune, 2 vol. in 1,
one o/lOO copies, illustrations, in sheets .(folded), inserted
in a half parchment cover imp. Svo. New York, 1880
412 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by John
Major, with 50 steel engravings, 74 woodcuts, 6 original
etchings and 2 portraits, one of 120 numbered copies, in
sheets (folded) imp. Svo. 1885
413 Walton and Cotton. The Compleat Angler, " Lea and
Dove Edition," edited and arranged by R. B. Marston,
2 vol. with 54 photogravures and about 100 woodcuts, all
on india paper, and containing a reprint of the Chronicle
of the Compleat Angler, one of 250 numbered and signed
copies, morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g. 1888
414 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited, with
Notes, by J. E. Harting, 2 vol. portraits, etchings and
2,{ (*~ other illustrations, " Tercentenary Edition," half parch-
ment, uncut, t.e.g. one of '350 numbered copies Bagster, 1893
415 Walton. Rules and Regulations of the Walton and Cotton
Club, instituted 19th March, 1817, frontispiece, half
bound, g. e. privately printed, 1821 Rules and Regula-
tions of the Edinburgh Angling Club, Edinb. 1856 (2)
416 Walton. Index to the original and inserted illustrations
(1,026) contained in "The Complete Angler," " Pick-
/ > r / ering, Publisher," 5 vol. New York, privately printed,
(- /"" 1866 Bewick Memento, illustrated, 1884 Catalogue of
Books on Angling, Cambridge, 1882 ; and another (4)
417 WESTWOOD (THOMAS) Chronicle of the "Compleat Angler"
of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton, a Bibliographical
/ ^ Record of its various phases and mutations, ILLUS-
(T * ^" TRATED by the insertion of several fine india proof por-
traits, views, engravings of fish, fyc. a drawing and other
illustrations, several of which are scarce, with a MS.
index at end, crimson morocco super extra, watered silk
linings, joints, g. e. the author's copy, with his bookplate
418 Westwood (T.) The Chronicle of the " Compleat Angler "
of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton, LARGE PAPER,
one of 25 copies, half bound, 1864 The Sword of
**$ I Kingship, privately printed, 1866 Gathered in the
Gloaming, privately printed, presentation copy, 1881 ;
and others by Westwood (5)
419 Westwood and Satchell. Bibliotheca Piscatoria : a Cata-
logue of Books on Angling, the Fisheries and Fish Cul-
ture, &c. LARGE PAPER, autograph letter of Mr. West-
wood inserted, half bound, t. e. g. 1883
420 Whitehead (C. E.) The Camp-Fires of the Everglades :
or Wild Sports in the South, numerous illustrations,
original cloth, uncut, t. e. g. Edinb. 1891
421 Absolon's Illustrations to Walton and Cotton, india proofs
before the letters (mounted)
422 Absolon. Illustrations, another set of 9 plates, india proofs
before the letters
423 Angling Illustrations (various) Views of Dovedale, ten
Illustrations of Young Anglers, Coloured Plates of Fish,
Wood's Illustrations of British Fresh-Water Fishes,
Set of Cards by Ernest Griset (Angling), Humorous
Illustrations, Eight Large Coloured Angling Sketches,
and numerous other items a parcel
424 Bentley (H. C.) The Legend of the Black Loch, illustrated
by W. Taylor, original boards, Fores, n. d. Salmon
Fishing, drawn and lithographed by R. O. C. original
wrapper, Ackermann, n. d. Yarrell ( W.) Growth of the
Salmon in Fresh Water, with 6 coloured illustrations,
1839 Gay's Rural Sports, soiled, 1713 ; &c. (6)
425 Berners (Juliana) Book containing the Treatises of Hawk-
ing, Hunting, Coat-Armour, Fishing, and Biasing of / * 3
Arms, as printed at Westminster, by Wynkyn de Worde, ^
1496, edited by J. Haslewood, who has prefixed an
interesting Introduction, one, of 150 copies, morocco gilt,
g. e. sm. folio. 1810
426 Berners (Juliana) Book containing the Treatises of Hawk-
ing, &c. another copy: Mr. Brockett's, with decorated fy f /
title-page, and coloured initial letters by Harding, dark /
brown morocco super extra, broad inside borders, joints,
g. e. the sides symbolically tooled, by Zaehnsdorf
sm. folio. 1810
427 Berners (Juliana) Bibliographical Introduction to the Book
of Hawking, &c. entitled : " Literary Researches into
the History of the Book of St. Albans, by J. Haslewood,"
only a few copies published separately, half russia, m. e.
sm. folio. 1810
428 Berners (Juliana) Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle,
a facsimile reproduction of the edition printed by Wynkyn
de Worde, in 1496, with an Introduction by M. G. Wat-
kins, stamped parchment, uncut 1880
429 Bewick. Eight India Proof and other Portraits of Thos.
Bewick, two of which are printed upon vellum (tvith
vignettes), the Elephant, Lion and Zebra, printed upon
vellum, Facsimile Letter of Thos. Bewick, printed upon
satin, and the same on paper (13)
430 BLOME (RICHARD) The Gentleman's Recreations, the
second edition, in three parts [Horsemanship, Hawking,
Hunting, Fowling, Fishing, Agriculture, &c. j, numerous
beautiful plates, including several coats-of-arms (two cut
round and mounted) and woodcuts, fine copy in the original
calf 1710
431 By the Loch and River Side, 39 humorous illustrations,
half bound, oblong, Edinb. 1866 Kennard (E.) Norwe-
gian Sketches : Fishing in Strange Waters, 29 plates,
oblong, 1888 Rau (C.) Prehistoric Fishing in Europe
and North America, numerous illustrations, 1884 (3)
# *
*/ '
<3 /
'((- I
/ a /
v J
432 Catalogue of a Collection of Angling Books, consisting of
788 vols. on the Sport, manuscript in the autograph of
Thos. Westwood, the Angler Poet, half morocco
Brussels, 1869
%* From the library of the late Mr. F. Francis, with auto-
graph letters from the compiler. The catalogue includes
a Waltonian library, a set of the Works of Charles
Cotton, and an Ichthyological library, forming the most
exhaustive list ever compiled.
433 CHINESE FISHES. A series of 246 highly finished water-
colour Drawings, many of which are heightened with
silver, the whole accurately delineated from Nature, half
russia gilt in 2 vol.
A quarto autograph letter of S. Wells Williams (author
of the Chinese Vocabulary,